HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-02-12 - Newport Balboa News Timesreak-In High ·Cost €)f_ ood May Be At Hand GR. ISSUE ON BALLOT TRY TO PUT CITY N a~ ow~~·c~ Tel. Harbor 12 LARGEST C IR C ULAT I ON > OR AN Q I c 0 A 5 T • 5 (_ A R G E 5 T c I T y I IN TWICE·A -WE E K ~ALBOA h\ES ~ c: ......... '.!' Tuday'• 11 A.M.. I'.S.T. Uow .,,.....,.. An~'"' ,,_ ·-...... . ~~~-L 4.-.. . 1'111' '''" \ "''-"''"'" \t•r · lu•t ""' 4''""''" '"''•\ f••r I Jn- ''"'" ""\ "·" """ itt.-t .. A. '•I·" h I \o tullllt•' ""'' .,ch .. r ' ,I'll •fllla fiuiUII'IlW ht•f'ltu Uun-.~ IMay Push I week-end I Petition ~RACING BALBOA PENINSULA, WEST NEWPORT, SEASHORE COLONY, LIDO ISLE. NEWPQRT HEIGHTS, BALBOA ISLAND, CORONA DEL "~AR. COSTA "~Es .... 11"111"" """r'w>· 11""'Y A""' ... -• lVI lVI ~ ,, .. Ilk In~ '"' h4'""" ul ..... u-.. VOLUME XL f1Ye e-ta 1""1' Oot»J -SF.\\ I'OKT n t: \('H, c \1.11'0 1 S l \, T tfi:R 140Al'. F'l:ftllf'""' 1'!, Hllll Jlt..-•h"r l'•lh-.1 t•r-.. ·~~· 1 "'''~llt:ll l 't .,,.,., '''"""" ,.f llnrht~r-wlck' bul'- THE 13 _Local lh " 111111 1111111•1\'\'lllt'lll IIHIIolf'llltioM_ ..... , ''"''" '""' ,. ~·"""" ,,,,urc lotr ~""''"'' .. r n <'lty m•mn..:••r tva- "' J.:ll\ I II If II• I If ll\11)' IN• tit 1'\11111«'11 SAND GroCiries I CRAB See Cuts 1 B)· I ~iti~=====i~---n: :m...r...-c. .... -, ~ ... Uci1 .. IIIIIIIRJ.:t'r l(otVt rnllll'lll lllltnt ... 'II• '"' I Ito II 1\ !•>hit lll10tft>rt11,. 11 ttl • ttol• ''"' '" '''"'" th. rl~ 1 i u•ll'•' 1, ..... '-•auutt·l' lwr ..... lhe pmct:s. ~tr. 1. (J. Pul•lh', \\ ho has II> II lot nw:-.l ot thC' hJII ... j.., tiddt•rl pink to Sl~· Jll'll't'-. :-hpplllt.; a lit til.• and hOJII'I ltlly JI'·'Y' 1 II 1.' ~ \\Ill coni illlll' ''' :-lid•· rh"' n "11 h111 l'l.'a~nn. Its onl\ ,,,.<•n t 111' 1\\o lll't'l' and ther~· "htd t is no- \\ h l't\' \\ ithin r"t~adt nf pr\'· war. hut :-.igns point to a hall in inflatir•n. \\'hnt btiiTIS on<' up, h tJ\\t'H'r. 1.; -.tall•nwuts madt' II\ sonw d1ain storl' hemb; tha t they \\ullld fi r·st havt' to unload th<'ir hi~h­ prit'{'(! cummodit il·~ lx•forc they could t·ut. yt;>t I'll lx'l a plu~~cd nick<'l that none of 'em waited w h<'n ratCS"climb- ed, until their merchandil'C. bought at a lower fi~I't'. had been sold. That. of course. was different. Huh! A I so can't understand why one , r--chain offers oranges in L. A. county at three cents t h e pound, but charge six cents in Orange county, yet the dlsta.nce f rom Rivendde or Redlands to either point is about the same. Why? + + + Wa~r and Sehoolll. Note thc Grammar school needs a half million for more room. while the H . S. is also ex- panding and the harbor area is pushing ahead by lt>aps and bounds. Yet m~t of us sit on our Fannics doing nothing about the water su~ ply and our chan('(>S for get- ting MWD a r c b<'romjng more remotc daily. S:m Di<'go county was tumcd dO\\TI on Colorado Riv<'r aqua ann th<' head guys who ront rol it. aJ't' not verv hot over Newpor1 Harbor's cont inuC'd rY'fu.o;.1l. Some of our for'('m~t busi- ness lead<'rs should take a COUrs<' in rlomcstk w at<' r supply nnd find oul what \\ill happc:'n to us in the not dis- l.ant futul'('. if we k('('p on be- ing nit ·Wits anrl l('t oud per- sonal prcjudi<-cs influ<'nN' our dvit' common Sl'llSl'. • + + lSt'w C. of C. Jlf'ad41. R..1lph Mask<'V ham11C'd his firs! di- rc-ator-S mreting \\'('dncsdny and did a smooth ann ahl<' job. A mi~hty good mnn for th(' post. Up on th<' M<'sa Fl"('(! Dudlev hal' l>l'Cn S<'- IE.'<'ted to pilot thnt ('ommer- ciaJ ooov for thl' rurrcnt year. Boih Mask€'y nnct Dud- lev arc busv men. which is OJ1<. rca son ·why 1 hose two groups ,,·iJ) g<'t somc-suf)('r work-outs in 194R Rnlph is on th(' state board of rcal- tors. a J')()St that k('('fl!' him humping. whil<' rl'('('l, who cam<' here from O:lllas tore- tire St'V<'r:ll Y<'<li'S a ~ o. is working ham<'r !han he c\·e1· diet befor<'. Goorl lur k to th<' pair of you. + + • Tho Ill :'11· 'I I ;1 .~ .. "''"'""' llo .wlt "'"' c·.,,, 1··~1 lt:t•l • 1 , ' ~ '' \ t·.tl• , rl , , rtl • tli 111 11 tllll \lo• '1 , 11 I•• )\I t 1 ,.,1 1\1 \ Jfl flu H t 11 ·U • I ,h, '""" I ' r I•, tl ~ ,.,,...,,n,·r.. 111av •'1 .I IJ11 tL Ill fJ11• hll'lt ''0 .. 1 t [ ~· Ill\' Ill 11 .. Ito \I I• \\ d '"· :t• l'lltdlll • 1.-: aft\\ 1\ 'Hit , JtH \f l\lo 1d \1,,1.•1 ,·,. 1 1 :0.1. • t .• nil \\•··• ( ... ., t I 'I· II t ~~~. ( ""'' I ~1."" I Sal• \\II\ !'t1111 "·lilt'. 1•11• "' •h· \\. ,, ' ,,, •:• ~· ''~"' t•lt.tlll• ·•" n""'"'' ol t lh' lullo~\\ '"I! "IJ,.j, ,,,I. Jllllo· t'lll~ •lfo•C'II\•• toola~ .• o11d ~:1111 th•·) l""hah!~ wnultl '"' ·lf•- plto·l1 to tho l't'lall llt•fth 111 '"'' da)!' flour 11""" :10 o ·nt.. ltN J r••unrt• Sll~lr tlll\\11 Tl ''"'~ '"' Ill( I IIOUOd.'C, n rf'tatl C'Ut of :! I'< 111" fnr lfl fi(JIIntl"; lard d uwn :; t'C'I1tS, l~o~rnn 1 ,., nts, rtnd ~n(lkt•d h11111 2 CC'OI!I __. l.otrJ.:t' l:r:td!' AA t J.:I:S \\'hh·h sotlt1 '" San Fr~tnC'iSC'o 111!'1 Srptrmh•·r for !H C'rnts a doZ<'n wc•r<• do \\, to &I C'<'nts toda y. ~•.vtl,.ld s...-.. Brf'ak M ayfil'ld's markl'l said todu' tlwy hll\t' aln•ady CUI lhC' priC\' o f flour \nd other Items even though they llrP temporarily taking a loss o n it. West Coast Meat mark~t h ruo a lready low~rt'ii pri<X'tt on the m<'lll front. The Harbor IU'('a holll<'wtfe's "food bask<'l" today coeta over twice as much as It did In 1941. a yrar whton th!' go vernment was worri('d about inflalinn. and about half a~tam as mul'h a s It did In 1944. a Nt•ws-T im<'s s tudy hns ri'\'f'llll'd The "rood haskl'l' r!'prPsents 1 purrha~•'S wtth whtl'h an n\l'rn~;t• ltnus<'" Iff' mu~>l l'on~lantly rl"r lrn- • •~h hr r lnrr1•·r \'iral rnmm(tdlfll'' •any famtl) m;o) IX' f'X(li'C'tf'd tu hu) IJ\'I'r stnd u\'o'r arr listed ahO\'C'. On lit'<' l, 19-11, I hrN• da) S Ill'· fun · P .-;.r) H arbor. thr :"!•ws. T 1mr« t'a r r 11•d an r d ttnrial cAp lwn- • t1 Hu n11way 1'rtc<'S" It sa1t1 tn f''lrt · 'Thf' l l•m!>r of ftt'pn·s••nln· 1 II\ I'S is nnw t ngagf'd In hi!'< tnt'. I 11111ktn..: dd•alr nn wny~ Ant1 mf·ll~~ of l'hl•f'k 1ng m ila 1 ion ·n,,• l •rut••~ 1 "11 wo•:r rx•n ,., f'll'll'<' coni 1 nl" ·nv• "(noel ha'\krt" tn that \'t·nr lrnst n Inia l n f M 02. ' I11 1~1·1 th•• l'nit••d Stat•·~ wa!l np prn"Cttlllllr ly mi!l·\\A~' thrnu;:;h llh•• ~·· .. ;,t,.st war in h1stnr~ """''. \\ '' ··~ lt(lu~ht 1-:l'flt'!'rir~ wh•rh "•·r•• f•lr th,. mo<t p:1rl ralllllh'rl 111 ll•mmtnt un!l conlrnll•·d 111 prll'o T h o' "furw1 b:tSkf't 111 lliill )•'.II '" < rat.;NI ~~. :!7 IUIIII.IC1 c. \I(U~t:l! f, """"" "ntt)ln~: 11 ltn·,,t" frnm llr"'"'''' 1 ''"'I' '!II 111 h••l1• llo•u•t ''"""''""' rnr llw llt'\0 t.lrl Kc·out ''''""'' t•r• luttl hr•·aktn~ ••••rt•luunh"-. "Ill l:t.k•• l•ln•'•"' 1tt i I•· eu . t 'rt· ol:&~. l '••hr tthl'\ l!t In '''"I"''' lk'tl4 h nl l~th 11nll c o•ttlm l ''''"· Thf' lttlhllt· 1 .. o·ur~ll:tll) In\ 114.,1. """'" h' H11t11 l.trh What Ne wport Harbor Housewives Are Pay ing for Food ""'OOU lt.\IJKt:T" \\ t:K .\folf: I'RI('t:~ " c IT \ Thn¥ l"•und• round ~••·tl.k ~ n JMillnd• btw•on o n,. t>nund •hnrt.-nln.: U I'M" pound bultf'r Unr dozrn l'klrl't ~loaf b~ad Tr n pounth pota~ Three pounds r.a.bbatfe n ve pound• o,..._ . 0.. caa eena ....... -... -.... One ea. ......... n ve pounds aapr Oi'M' poufld colfM S'!.~~ 1.50 .u .911 .M .I ll .!19 .II . .. .II .n ... .M ne-t . 11 S'!.!.'\ 1.7" .34 Jill .M .IS .29-.S% .l. .%1 .n ... ... ... ltHI 11.~0 .~ .! .. .6.'\ .5% .12 .ss .16 ... ·" .II .n .23 19H S0.99 .116 .%1 .u M ... .JI ••• .. ••• ••• .%8 .%1 . Tlu•l lhl• nfttlnn, unolrr c,,,.,, •hall hftlt' ......... hlrtb "' rr .... -dnllt, •nd thai ''"' fCII\r rnmf'n l or tilt-l"'"t''"· h) t ty' ,,...,,...,., and rnr thf' J>Nll,." ""all nut t•rt"" rrom thf' ... ,, h " ame Engineer to ~~~-.,.._~r ~y \ 11l• 1 ~ HU th•• tu,llnt ft• ht· \u f .. ~ '' • I I I t • h1111 th 11 Ill•' wiD ~- "'"' h loonol, \\Ill hr <'Ui r rrtl In "'· '.J .............. . .......... ...._ "h'l" "" r l AI "''\ ••rh IIIII• lll11t I hi• \\••••t.••nol, tSto~1 \ I' 'It ·do Hu t •I \ 1 ••tllh tl f•• fit II a I"' tl I 1 •• 1)11" \\Hitltt :ttt .... ' 1 II \t 1t t~ \ "''' ... til 'lllllf~tltllt ..... "'"' .. •I ., ' II II II· I" II I.''''""" ttnt \\ ttl! otlt ' tnfHI d 11•1 till\\ c·t~ ol Ill oil II Ill llf• tho I• tlll11ft lol lk• •ll•lll.tlo•ol llllttlt••••tt l 11 .. • It I '''' """"'' ••I t~r•·•'"'''''"'• \,.,.,, "•II h•• u~kc·•l. ut~"P.-te 1tnm l' l" m r 0 It I II Tlooltt ol uf f",,,,.._ fl,.l•l• I• 'II••• 1••111 •1 \\Ill hu\t• ,..,. \o Ill Ill 1\ltuh Cn I • tlllt~· II)•• riCJ' dtlll t. I 111111 In "l'illh •• lt•t'tlllfl c~ H 'tf \ tft111t11~1 I 1 '" "''' "'''""'""''· tltt• llu•tn•~ II o>llth II t• 'Pltlltlllllll: It" t•(bta Itt ''"'"''"" lhrt'f• l'unolltlnlt·~ te r11t• fur llw thr~· 1111\l'\'11 on the II dl\ l'uUIU.'IJ ~hl..tt ... ,II .... t'flftl .. ,· •-<I At..-tl 1:1 .. '1lln11 Ofll'nll t• I I""' rtt~ '""' ~Ill •·h .. • 111 nno11 ,----------------, Mur <1 II• \o·l, llu• lhfltln<•M (\lua- 8 SAY 'NO' 54 SAY 'YES'; WHAT TO DO? 1'11 hn-nut ctiVItlcNt 11ny n~ niiiKXttth two of thl' '""''"' f'll,._ •lutt•• ""' hdlt•vl'd lo I•· wr•.,._. lljl < 'unJt·•'"" ••. It miKhl tit' pnlnW t•lll, l•11• It tlutl much drprndll • thco ftn111 .,,,,...,,on of the th!Pt ~.tl(ht ~""' nu" ""'' :'I<C •nh1 t'llndldall' Alt~llllh nc:Mhlna _. .. )'•~•.. Du1 •he• ()r•ntl~ C.ounty "~'"' r"n tw lr•rnNI. tt • ~ Plannlf\1 eomnu..k)n cHcln't MY ..t poulbko, In 110me qwll'tan, u.re •nyth lna d4•11nlll', th•t Ia. the two ~-..,...., ._... ~ t'-n.h, Mt ... n W . 1. Clun. Who ttwly ..,... an 111111 .,........., • h11t1 AAk•••l fur 11 Jlf.•rmll to1 ftJW•rllll' ft I IMna third t'UiftOt t.. ICIUni!L TOTAL PRIC'F. San Clemente City Judge Quits; Successor Named ..... N .tt ""'·n t4.M PUBLIC OFFICES, SCHOOLS CLOSED FOR LINCOLN DAY ('onaultln~t t'Oitinf'l•r R I. Prll·l llmlnury "'"'· hnrhur rwnmh•~lurt " llrtK't•rv, ,.,.,,., h"rdwnn• •lor•• ~ .-...,. .. ._ to·•son. fornwr l'II Y c•n..:lnf'f'r of •'hltlru""' 1( .. , 1-.cl""rt'f-,.11111 It nn•l rllllnll "'"''"" "'' M•'"" llrlvf' Thill Ia tciVI'n eonw eyf'dt-• :'\•·Wport B<'AI'h, t'tm trnc'lf'll TuM-'' tl.·~•.:•u••l to l••tttl Ill•· wuy f111 'no•u r !'(""'" llr111 "''' will huvr In tlu•nnnollln'"'ltlf'nl ol Rot•rl lllt1b) tl •• y with l ht' ''''"'1-:'' c·nunty Bclllrd "'""""''' fttlllfl• "' '''''•llfll•'lll "' ""' \\foil II wlltlo• .... ,,. ......... ,v 1111~ Allt•n. Jtalhrlft Vllrll'l)l "''""" own.r .. r Sul)('rvi~Onl tn und• rt uk•• A ~,,_ \'1.-t uno l ~""""" 11111,.r huv 11,." " '""''' f'llrk••l "" tlu· •II•· Anti tn•••••nl '"lllnrllman, lhal .. lllllnlhJI IIUdy nl til•• tl• "'"I""' nl \11 llttd h •11rr~>1111tl• •I h} ln ·ln•• ( ·11 'l1t•· IIIII I,,., 11f ht-"i'ftllo·ntlnu \\Ill "tlt•rtnltd y (Ill' to Ill~ ' ,.( thr u pr,w•r "·•) I lo "Ill lw· h•1hltn~;~ ·n.,,t tt11, "·" "111 ,,.111, ""' II•· I• I "I' "lu" •·•t.:ht 1-·• '""• hhnJtrU " Allt·n. whn a11ld I~ S l:th I 1 I f J•lld $4AO() f(lr •• rull rq••rl of ,,,,, 1 .. 1111 n··tl I IIIII 1111 "''JIHWI "' 111••1 .. 1•1•• "'"" "''""''' ., ... ,.,.,.u ho• "wodltl IIIII .... ""' rf't'tlf'()," .. r d ""11 1"1 ). "h"' 1nlllnl4'lflll " f'l11n1, l'ttltmnlt'tl ''"'"· """"'''"· tit•• p l•.t'tll•· lu11 111.r 11t ,,, "'""'" • '''"" 1 ""' ''''"'''''''' "llh ~.t •·•r•••'l•·•l lu th uw al rl•ntt "'"·kine. ~A:-; CJ.E:O.H::"TE T h•• r.rfu•o• ICI'"<~n JIUitr~·· •w••w r r.•rlns•••l '"''<' OJ)<'r llltnn '' n•' '' th' ",. '"' lh • •~ttl r1 '"I """'' '''"'""''"'hut Sin•••• th• lltt~lll•"'ll ~erollp rnnnot of ,.,. \ Jllrt~;o·, 'ar.•nt "'"''" t hr• tnda\ '" I'll l/4'11" JOIII• II In 'ht• ol• I . f II ' • • ,·• ;· "I • I ' • ; " ' ' ',. ,.. " 'I h• '''"''"' '' olul 1:'"" I I' I; • "1"'1'1 '" ,,,.,,.,., Allrn unl.-~~ ii.tJdd••n fl\~•s.:n:.futn or \\"1lhnnl 11 t.• r\ ;,n, .. , t l h f 1' •n~t"' 0 lf> '111 111_.,,,., '•·\•· .,,.,. .. ,. ''''"' '"n·· '1''''" J 1 I •• 4' .tnrttV••rc;;nry (' •~•n1 II ha' t. •• ,. IJ!t•Uif•tl ,_111 fh d '' '"'" , ... ,,. .. ,,, .. ,, '" '"""'freu·• n•uutnul•• _.,.,u·unr tUu•ly to 1,... Stut•• 1,,.,, \\'t•!ln•'~f'l.t}. \\:IS r.td.l,\ ll .lr nham l.mt·.,Jn " htrlh!la~ ~ ., .... ,. lvlltr•l nt II• '•Ill• t lltl • •• ,· "'"' '"'"' """ • "'"I "" N•·w lu•~o\ilu Itt lt~ollwwf l•l•ul(f, ttwu ,.,. r n " • tfu Ul'l'" 1 lq\ h t• t I' t••t• ultnlh .-,. , ftlll'!l h) ='-••tl \'nn!ll'rZ!'rl, ttJI<•ralnr ho· \AI 1'111" 1:"'''' ntn••ntuf tl• 1 I'd 1 1 1 1•11 t llhtl 11, "' """''' l•nl• 1 Avo·. lllklnt.t ,.,.,,. t11 (1,.11'1 " tfl&lft tJwt flf tho• ll•·arh C'luh ht•rf' No rntrrt p:~rthwnts; "'" r•·"mw ri'"Uiur "'"'r 11111 ''"' 11 '" "1 1 ' 1"" '1"1'1 11"'' 11'' "/• "1 "''"1"''' 11 1 11 It r 1" 111 .. ,Ill til 1 1 1 ttl "' ·l•tltltl'!! of It 'II oil 1 ... ,1 t oll•.,l ll ••l•"t llll'lll"t• 111,, ,,,1111,1tt~l ''" "'"· 11111 II" ' t· Ill: ~ •I"'Y "I' Vn"ll'' lilt tnll·-t•ltrk ha~ )t"f t,.. •• ,n appnintf\d to ht l~ln• .. , hour-.; tnrnor ro\4' But flu tU thf' J)an:t P ttlflf ~ ... t 'I•IU•I1'• tlt;tt ,, ... •lt \ll•!lll11•ttl \\ttltld IHtt •• .. ~,. ''•wu , ...... , \o:'fo n tl Alllt ,nt··tlarrt, It I• ........ v .... t ""'''''" F lt/.Jitf'th Tl!'l''i \\hn at"" ll:orltnr roro·" sdl••nl~ \\ttl liCit Ollt fl ''''It ''"' "'""·••I •''""' '"' ·lf•t••"" '' • """ '·•"··•• s ... l "'"''"t"Y 'l'hrt•C' phoN .. lit the council table f•"lt.:nNI 1111 111 :'11nnol.o~ l'uttrr~1111·, st wh "Ill t .. , 1,11 111,,,, I\ I ll ~• I••·••~ 1\ '""'' S l '"'" 1.111'1111.• ""' 11r,. nl •lttk•· 'lllftl lo 11 rnrtjurtty Stitt•·" r•·"~:nnr1ron '"'" dl'll\'l'n ·!l I . ht•t'HII••· Ill ill h•·r.l th. II \\ ·~ "·"" All d t s t 0 1'-It D . d Nn r• ...... ,., '"'" :HI\IIno•t~l fnr :'\lt~·r owe 0 e wn ~a y odar . H··· ,· fi'SII:nrttion . St et N h ,.. It• I I . t II z ~'''"tr•n• \ ,,, ('ornrn ... I re urn ers .nu lp e .~IS :'\tar. "h" t~ t'JI\' rtlll•rn•·~ nf S tut l \\'1th !'ul•·n ·t"ll' lt'\'111 c;, . .,,.l:'' J)J•V Con n • Clo ·m··nt •. f'lllllflll'll"''cl .I uri~:" !':till•· r; .... l .... :>-•'"'"''' ll··••dt, ltnd (' .. ,,,, ., Vf es r .. ,. 111, ~.·n 1•·•· 1111 Ill•· m unll •qonl :'\1•·•:. ''"~'"' ,~111, n 1 · \\' T••Winklt-l t N•·wpnrt I lllrl•"' H• 11 11 n. "ol ""'' 1 I ·Ifill I rl(.,, ''""' '"'"1 1"'1111111: tltJY. n 111 lfl 11 hr•·t•kfll'-1 "" """' !I 1 tho• l lf,•f1J.:•' l'noull,\ llnnrtl nf Su 111.,rmn~: 111 :--;.,11,11 , 1 d • 1 .. , • FIRE SQUAD FAILS TO RALLY l. A. HEART VICTIM I"'" '""1" Tu··"l.'~ •l••f'lfl••tl '" I'X l lt~;hwrl)•. l··"'' l!h .. d•" • • • • '' . r•lttdt• t ··~l :t 'l·· .. it '''lfll Jhp f'f)ll n l \ .nnnunr·t~ l'l••,ltfllt \\. \\ il!l \\ ftf•· '\"'-1t•rr• ;,t n IJ rlt t. ,. r 1 n. L; hnll~•·• 'anforrl. Jlulh·••• 1 11,,.1 1, ,••, 'J111.., """" 1•"1'11111 th•· lllfi ·IIIJI 111 wly-t'lt ('It'll 1'11 'Ill• Ill Mr~. Tlh'"'' 11 I• '' .JI. •I " .t Ftr,.ll•·p~tlllllt nt 1n ll'll:d nr ~'1"·•11 •·•·mmunll.' tn .,.,,,~,.,,, n wn num. p rn p ro !lt•rl ,.,.,,,,.111,11 ,,. 11 , frnm r·nn n·· r· .. :--.; .. ·1. "''"Jiflrt lll•tlng .. ~ .. trm , ll fliJ;Irr·ntl) "'llfi unc;uc't't ·~,ful rn r,., .• , '"K It ----t.un_rd'a h y·lrt v." '' 11111ol 1' 'I'"'· Chamh{'r llt•lps Ur. Uit·hh•r 1 Ct.•lehratt• W t•d. I Pt•nt,lt• Whu Want t.o Huy Water I Uisf illt•rs Tnlo They e an (;et 'Jt;m \\.d. 1 •h I ftl, f""' \\ • t •· IN'III~ ud Vl,t•tf "'11•hl lu• uhl•• tu ttf.._,,, h fht• tr·u,... I 1'"1•1• "I'""''"''" 11111 ""1'1"~1"'''1' ltnl•l••l'' wlllt tlu•lr tii~K·•-ult f ,, , ,,,0 '" f<J'''•", , , 1,, 1 11.1, ''' \\ u .\ , t t\dtnuu-t • • .t '"u t .. I',.,., tn•·ttlitl r, • tL:ttt t·hurw•..,_ uf ~~ "'" ,1111 '''"' '" """'' 1111 .. ,., if" ''"' " "'" •I•J•'' .. 1 th· 1•·• 1111 11 S 111'1• t•tH'I'"'""'"' n~ it .,,, •''" J,1 ~ilh hufl ~tl • 111 ''l••f "'" t • ''''' lu ••n fiHtd•·l .,., "'''"''dluh •ly, htrwf•V•·r ,tr; f• ftl \•l tl \ t•ft \\•dtt,,fi,l\ •I ''II• t t\ d .J,j, t,tltli""h t h••tt pt lt•t tf) ,,..,,,.T fhe 1 t 1 11 1 1 ,1 l•r 1 1 I !111• 1 ""'' .. r tlu ttl·•• t11n•·l') luw I ·'' f 11 fjl Il l II In• 1 IIT1 ., • ''I 11 I I 1 ,.1 1 'll l"lt11 •k•· It •"""' "'' '""" ••·•:.11 ll"flll'lll~>ll ""''" ttf tho• IIII'MHO· ' •' ,., ,, ,.,, l tff!,.' ,, , ... ,,,,,,.1j , 11 ""· , ... 1, .. ,, If ,r~ ... , ""''' " • ,.,.._, 11f ''''''' \', '''"' 11, '''''"~'''''--\'"'' ,,.,,. whl• t1 h"v•• • y ,1 ht 11111, 11 ,1 ,Jt,h v f ,11 t •• hul "I.''• f"'' '"'''' trtd l'otll•·n htt\'• •lt phttl\ •• r 1.•~, ..:••lion .. ul (N"ti&h ·~· .... f ''· ltii/• '". ,, "• , ... , ,., ~ trt FtUitf'l''"" ",, •• , , •• , ltfllll ,.,,. ""~·· f'fU*h I ,., .. 1,, 11 t '1 "IJtJ• ••f l•r ftt• h •• 1 ftt •"' I • • 1 ofq d• •I IH I"C~/ On ( )1'1 !). a ~"r'•'Y tnr!Jr:tt• II t hat t h!' 11\'l'riiiW "f•w><l ha~kl'l' c;n n!' In ~ ~'fl <;m·•·rnm,.nt-•pon- snn •d "!\l••atlf'ss Tt~t·~dn), .. an d ·P oult rylt•ss-ancl ·I'~!!: Irs;~ Thur!<· !lny<>" fflllowl'fl . as cit i7!'n" du~: d•·•·jl(•r to rnmhat I h,. rosins: rn<l n( li\'1111: flut wonr .. r t1rout a n!l un:throtc•d I infla1111n cunl111u!'d to hnl!l tho· Sh t T "J" h ltrnk~r!' to ha\•• ttrl , ,, Itt \11'11111 .. r llf'nrt lllllll'k AI T h"•· or W1 I" t !lt•r,. Shtl11:1• loon f.li "' 1 .. ,~ An . p ,.., l•llll nr t•xr lttRI\,. "r•ll• " I" , " " • 'I S t f rrom 8 pru p t11\ ft\tUt f ~~t I 1:' I• • rogram e Or • r~'clln~t 11 T r,·r S:ol• '~~''' Shttld• '"" "'tllf1L' hi< "'~ll·r Sc t H F t Thl' M ultlplo· l.l~l llli' I ••• 1 1· ., • t ft • H1 f!tJ h I ft• .. ,l Hf ,\f, •h1 I fit I 'I •• ''"" If 11 It• 1 1•1 ,, Itt Iff\' '"' f1 urt\ ''"''' ,, .. ,,. "'' '''h.'•ttt,•·tl 'fl t•·v ,.,,. ,k,,l ,.,,_.,,ft·•l, Wlltt un uU f,,, • th •I lud •It ·,t ttlt· ... ,,.\' fu• t1 tw,t l•, ttrttl lt lhn .. • h••""'illflf'Wflll' '\'••)k t•·•·•••u1tl ufra• • '),,.,,.,. d t4 ~-H,._,,Itru• •·n~·~rtt . Jtt•• h••nt••r, 'l•re t• ''' 'l'tt ,tft• lllu•t '"' :\1nruluy,l p ut~ hud u"•"'~'''h""'ftteu y•••tr'e ...... , "·" \ 'l'' .. ,,.lit h tffl "-1•11 I \1 I 1ft ' Ill J f tU• l f tt It If \\ fttlt tr rtll("ltl Ottl )tf f1H•f tf1tftf,. prtcr!' nf snm" fi)O(j sluffs nnt1 ••um- l·mrw1111<'S nt a htl(h ,,.,.,.1. ns today'!' I A\ f'f fiS:t' of ~ -lf>.shnws 'fh,. hr,.:ok mav 1)1' JUSt 11\'f'r lh!' hurt70n. lw w - ,.,.,r llou~•·"'""' ;,If ml'r thr 1111· on!l hrolhor ·lll l,1\\ :'11 r an1l :'\!r~ OU ouse e e •h•• hoflrd ml'l lin• fl\ f,.ft,,\\H, It J 1 '""1'' '11 lh• ="• "1"" 1 P ump 'Tlw L1nn~-~r••n•un"l f;trl s,.,.,,, lh•• hrPakfn~t '" 111"'1' 1•1•11' ' 1nt.: pl.ont :--;., :l, n••\"<•r rq:mn• il .. 1•11 1 1,. 11,.,,,,. .,..,11 1,., •lfftf'tttll\ 1 h11ld lll'lll!inn~ fr"m """ "" ·n .. ron!'lt'lllll<n•·,~ nr " (j llut.;ll"~ !lrliirlllo rt Fr u1ny n tt.tht Ill It '"'' •ltVIIIInn II<)W '"''''''''' •• • ... •• II ~:•HI h• lito tl o f ftO<;"t.lr •·nron.q ~ t 1 l•..:ht l:r>•lrnr1.ht •·akt n~.; <'o•r••m••n\ u•r11 f'OIJnltns: "'''''" n•" J• , '"' ltr•ll an• hnptnJ: ~n t hr11ml••~•· ho h 1 1 \I l'11tl•·r II ltt~ll t•f"\' ltf fft•lfiiJ~o:ht' 1\ IIVI' rt•<"t•lll }' )"Ill•' I ' M J • Fi lh•· prn~o:r:m1 \4 ·,II .,1 •. 11 tu lh• f!Jlrwil'n siAIMf Awards ade to. 208 untor remen <l l'llln• nr "Am••rlf';o", rnllowMt h\ Thr honrt1. ~h·· """ '"" 1'·11 1' H 10\'(K•:ot I lin 11••11\'1'1 ··!I "" n •. ,. P llull' tpal(l In tlo•• 'ullnt ·• ~ "'' 1!11. I Who Named Total of 1100 azards !\fn<WI' Wh<'••l•·r. \11'/lr;,f St. J:tmt•• ~~IC . .,., fnr ~:1·11 ~ .... '"' \1,.,,, ... . . ~-P'""''I~tl ••hurd 1 l!'m r1IP In Snnt11 111111, ,,, \\)or' I , Gold: .~tl\'l'r and plas11c hndl(c~.1 ln~prl't lon .hlttn.k~ "'.".r" turnr~ }'nlluwint.: thsll. ""'' nf th• l •lall' prPllltll'nl Fr•" H .\1••• It• II mdiC'nll\1' of thr lhrcr ranks or rlur m t:: thr '""' "'' k tn~prt 11 1·nut ~ will ,1111: n· _,,1,. 1 , 11 ho n( S11n IJI••..:r1 will I•" th•· f• 1tw• •I nrfi~rrs in th,. Klw:tni~·!<flOn~ur,.rt lll'rtllcl In 11th• I w .. rrt' 1 1111'1 h 1/ r•· t• lh;hl.••rl Tlw S•~ut s .,...:;1 'llt'Akl'r ' .Juntor rln •mfln prngrnm In '"" ILrdl< '""' 11111.;111 ,,,,., •. s tnrtf'li tlw •on,:: ... rnunrl <1)111( 111111 lhr fll"'l Nt•wport Rf'Rrh grnmm:tr ~f'h•w1l~. ~nm•• nrn•tunt ,,f flrt•l' ' I •rwHI,.ful of flirt wil l h,. t umo·l'l II\ BOAT LOOTED wr rr prl'~rntrd yl'!ll.r•r!lny nft•·r I Fnltu\\ Ill~ lit I• prl'!ol•nllll Inn~. :O.Inyur n. n n. ... d ( """,.., In kin . nnon Rl 3:3/J in n hrl,.f prnJ,:'r nm mncwi11 n ('ly•l•• rto~·l:tnd of Snntn part in lh•• r•·n •m nn, w ill 1..-M~ lru~th ('Airnlt, 1:1~ , . .,, V\ "" ,. F1rr C'htf'f Fra nk <Tockr r matlt• lln11 • ntl•rtnlnu1 l h•• ~:roun 1\tth l.1•nm" \'1n1·••nt 1t,.f,111, r nmmi• Lido 1111~>, rr1•1r t•·f'l '"' '"'"' ,.,.,.,,, '''·' It • • "'I ""'' ''' 1 .. .,,,.,, l••t ,h .. ltl ftt.-ttutrl ',',"',',',,',' ,',','',','' ',',•, BUSINESS COUNCIL ' .. I •'· •I \' ••• ,,,, J. f ,,,, \t ••I ''· , .. , •• ,.I , .,,, \ •• til I , •• ' ' ,, I l"1'"' ,,, "" 1tlf' f :. I f '• t t ,.,, .. ,.,.,, •• ,., ,,, ENDORSES SCHOOL • '' 1 nt 1 ) ' 1-" • f t ftu •t • •I •I off ( · I I 1 I I I I I I .. ' II I ••IIIII I ,, , •••• , •• , ••• 'II "' BQ ND PASSAGE. ,, .• ,I •' ,,, I ,,,, I I \. ... I p 1'•1• I I tl··· •.. , t .,... ft, • ... \"I" I t f '• u ft J'J'I lfl t tfflfl f11 rn·t I fl,, 1llf II• II/I I Jfl•l• fftlf I" ·• f ,. 11 1, f·'. In 1 ''"'"" ,.,,, ,,, ' • ; ,,,... ' I' •'" ''' Jn l'•.':t h•· \'11 ''"'"'''' ''"''" ..... ,,,\.,, l ttf I h'' t ,I If 1111 "''' fttl;t If" II I~,,, I,, ,.,., j ,II ,.,,, f i •I ~f··"' l•·t I I I ~ t ,,,1 y I' ,,,,.,,,., ,,.,,,,,,I fl ''" tbl J ,,, ,.,, ttl• pi f ""'"' ,.,, tJ" ! IHII' II ,,,,j 1 1'1 ''' f ••lfnt•• fu, \•H I ~ lti ~'"'Pt-rt t:, •.• t• \\11 •• 111 1•"" "''" fh•· I '• I '·~·t ff•• \1 t;rottt tl \'"''h• REGISTRATION 'PICKING UP' 1(,,.,,,, '"'1'1 ,, \•tf ll~ '"' .,,l,k U tll 11ft Jtlt II" I I fht• l'lf\ u \\-"ttff••r I t ;, I h Htft I" llllll lri l tr fht f.,,,, 1111 tl• I ~~ '' dli' •· •ul!l ,,.,1,.,. \\' "''" ,,, • I .lift .,,., .. •I Ill t ·,.,fllll d'l ~\1rtt ' h;· "illdl t Atul \.\I Itt I fill\ Itt'' 'litJ:t•-. Jttflflf•·fl "\\ tftr•ft "'ill It• f•llll' d llfl lht• (1ft• 'o.f tfi'UIK t• llu tJ* f'"~"' ndt~' q,•-)' ''nit t•·~~~ I• I '11•1• 1\t lollY 111111 , I •h oil 1~ ''flttf fH ""' ttif tt!Jf II ,, J'l-.f l 'I' tf .. ,., .. ,,, \A Ill • IIIJ ,. .. ,., ·''t.' \V 'll11• ltll\lflt '-I 't•ttnltl "' ..... ,. Itt'"' utltl HIIJir••\• ftlt*111 "'""',..la .. ft•trt~ lfwlu \ w•ttt f1h rf•f"t utl ,.. ,,,, ... IIIV, '""'"'"' .. , ••••• $·,1-I,IJI'JI) ""'1''"1 '"'"'' ~~~~~·· w htdl wiD 1•111 '" ,,., \lilt• ,,, "'' "'"''' ... Mr•r('h 11; Tl ... ltidl 1111lll••11 tf'kt•ll will br "" tl ftll N>~l•·lv lll'l•ffo·tl I'XfNtlt~lon o( lit•• N••wr~111 ~otrnrnnutr Mf'lt<_. 11fil11 f WIJidl II' II•IW rutv·tlunlflll wlllt " ''"" lut••· ••f "fln<'" ltlltf ,.lttlp. ,,,..,., '" '"' ""l"'''''~t••nl•·d lnfltm ''' '"'"''"'"'" •w• II~ lnl•• lh•• t'llltlll· hi t•• •·n Ct>ntral A v .. nut>. Sc<-ms ac; though !'Qmeth!n~ m i !!' h t happen to Q>ntrnl Avc-nu<' soon. ns th<' dty f'nginl'<'r hac; pf'('<;('ntC'd n quit<' h<'nlthy ~timat<' of th<' rosl of trans- ferrin~ th<' !'ll't'f'l bctw<'<'n NPwpot1 anrl fl:tllloa into A wid<>r ;md mur'<' c;ir:ht ly high- wav. Boh ~tuqlhy at on<' ti~(' nff<'l"('(! to IX':l\lltfy a (('\\' hl()('kS nt \'('1~' littlf' f'X· pc:'n!'C to th<' munidp::~lity. but the flO\\'('I'S t hn t bf• dt'- cided to w<~it until th<' "hoi<' an.'a rould he improvC'd at tllc samt> time. MAybe thil' ls it. th1• pn·~Pnt nlton of tht• t.;olr1 tn· n hnl( hnllr m:tl.:ll' ~hnw T lu• '''"nt l •urn :0.11"' \\'tiiJ:,m T 1;1.,, , • .,, , nl,.rf'11 11t "''' l l•\\tno~ll 1,.,,. • .,., 1 •'I •' o1 1• • 1•1 ''' I ~IRrHII ,,, rt•·n<li·ll P.•·)ton , rhll'f l wnunll "" \\llh ft ~·r,•n~:.uf l{'<•p••r'"'•·nl IJ'ttll~ (;,,,,.,, [lr•·•~rlrn• ,·,":',,.n"yl:.·~r,','"'r·l',','.''"ll'··,· •• ·,·~·,' ••• ,~·.~,, •• Red Cross Sete $12,223 Goal for Harbor Area ~11ry Lorkrr. nss1stnnt chid; r1• .om , tlo n:.t•·t1 lty th1• ''"''""'~! ••f J.t,.n« duh nn•l ro•r•r•''"'"''''''' .. , • , ~ rnmnl\ ll:ttd•. lt:tlll1hllf1 rlllf r fnr rluh I 11( RrrlWnto•. lnt•·nn··•lll•• ""'' ~ •. ,, '\Jill ni~H r• '"''''" II ''" II ..... •' ="•\\[lnr l ~:"n•mmar srhno l and 1 ll'h-t uno l'&ef' 10 1 1or (:uiS•·uut~"h''"'IJ I"·df'<·t .. l mr1 I.IO'I~IItlv oiiJ•r "l'"f'""'"' II· 1''•" '"' ''" ·"'"''" H••l,ltt •d '" l l•litl••·"" f,,, '""''''"I'"''' "'"I tit•\ 111 •••rn w111 nruJW ])A\Ic'f ~''· h.111nltun ('h~t•( ror hv Jot (':HrnA ~:ufl ltu tn'''l'•l tof II•• 1 tt'l••6 ' II ,~,. "•'\'1"•11 r\•l\ •. ,, • .,._,,,, 'tlrll•tH'n t t ttf "''''"'"'&' ft'lllfl~ l u t'U \'t r t :trtt tha ... ("nrnnn (i,J :\f;tr ~nmmar !llrhnnl S A WOMAN OUT •nt•in "'"" "'' til·~•" '''"''' ''•' If' •• • ·•• t. ''•!I lu "'" \qlt I'•' ''''\ r·q d·n• "' th• '"'' flq•""'"""'" r~,, th•• r•-.S .. I ('olllfl<llm;;n Cl z Holvrl'"" c 'oL'D O N SIDE. w LK TAX ADVISOR •h·· Wtlrk , .•• ,,., ..... II •• I ,, .• I •I • ••• I ·~." ,. I II •11•11 ..... 1111 •• ,.,~··· ......... •I• """ Itt• II• '"" ""' y•·t '"""' l••nn••ft un '\ll\• r h,th~,.c: n\\ '' cj1 rl A DUE HERE FEB tntthtr 1,, '•""'' ,, ''" , ,1, , "' 1 ,. 't ~ '"'' •, t •l.r ,. 1•• ·r '*"' ,l ,, , " tf, , .,,. ,, jt '"·· tr.•tf 1 ,t • ,,,,.1,,, I• d In rnpt.unc: 11111 S!'o 1~·. R•rlnrd BOO KED BY POLICE ' • 27 ltoiUI II• • •I> 1 '11 1•1' I l••w•• •I. 1 • .. 1 ,,, \',,). • 1 llo• , . o1 lot,, t.l , "'''"I' 11 t '"" 1,,111111111~ ,,.,..., ()'tlf;h). :":.tn•' ~,,. nr-t r fl1:1n• 11 11· I An '•Hirl'll of ttu c;tr,tt• lnrt•m' 1· ·• I ft• •·'•' 1 ut•tu • uut''''d•••rt 1n " ,,,. rn1-. tlnJ' W•·r•· .Jurru.,. K,.,.. lh<rt. Pat'~ Cirant. 11toh :'-111tttn ll·lo·tt \1 ,, .... ,.. l{<tlh, 1<1. of ,,,"'"''''"~·" ...... N""J'I':•r l SPEEDER ,, .... ,, ...... ,,,'I""""'"' ''" \•II ""' •• .,,. ''"''""'''1'1""'· ''"'""' ,,, ""' 1'1'1H f'flllt- •• nd .\rth••r Srl•~llt7•·r IIi'-\\ :lr•l •'r"t '-1nt1 ,,n, 1!1rto~,,. ''" F'rlfln\, 'f•hr 11,1ry :r; ,, ,1 ,,111,_,,,, 1 1 1•11 ,111 10 1'1• ••' '"''' f••• ,,,.,,., . .,, "" 1••11'" f.,, ·"'"''l••·rtl (ITitnl-:4' •'f>tJa. ,\ ,,,,,., nf , ••• flllo~llr "'"h:'" " •• I><M•I-•ol ,,,,.,11.1\ '" l••<"rtl ,,,_ ••• '''"' l n•1J\'tlf•ml~ 111 m.lkll11: ,,,JI ,..,,r ""''£"'11} ., ....... "' ,, 111•1 • •• .,_,.,,. flolluo t 'l'h• ·~. tllll II···-·· S mlllt Itt·•• ('r •• '"r•· it\\trti rd ~~~ Ftrl' l n5f)l't'''r '''''' f~tr IJ'""''"' J.lul,lrr tntn.o~tl'll· lll''"ntu ·~'I f""'ill~ Th,. 11fftr111 ~ :ronr, Wrn !:. I IT'i•r\-., 1:.1 '1' "1 1''1 .}t:ll ~ •Ill '• \\,t\ \ltr"•' \1rl" 1:111•11 1 l•ln nrt ·1 nt! hrnn~'h !'Mrrfll\ti lnr Alllh Aitt•nl11nc P htl IIR~III'n ,,, lh•· ""'1'11 ct •• ,. .. ~'"'" !'Itt •lt•L'•tl\ "" '"""" •• n ,.J II Hll'l'l', \\Jil l"·"' lhl' urfll'l '\horto ('limp ....... ,.,,,, ••• "i'i' .. '"''"' ·•' ,, "·"111111 •·f '"' It"'., ...... , .. •I> I !\1 ·• ""'"'r""" ..... 1 ~ ... ;\t ....... s .t .... llr l'hllip BM- IIlrlllli •ri tn ttw r•n•.:r.tm .lndtlln S: lltl' ~·111'\\Qik In fm nl f)( lht' lnnl'flf th•· :'\•Wp<lrl llnrlll•r ('hamllf·r r('l) J71nntyr..flll I I•··~·"···· ,,, ... l und 1'1•11111111' ··••IIIIJIIII••t •l'l•••ll1••1 ' ........... , r·····lt•h•r •·f ··" Mt~ l th•ur IIIII. Mnt. Mt~r- ~0. hto sairl I An :n!l•. lbiiM'Il. unrtm~•c·••••t~ ••f Cumm••trf' fr••m (j 30 to 4 t"d wlt.h I'XN'Hitnr· tlu• ~P"' •I flrn••• ,,, t11•· ;-.;. ~r••r t llt~J il'•r Y~t•·ltt tlo• •,, "' 'l •m• • 'tnd II• n l<•·d•lw k r•rtr•·l Sl·f'l)'. MrJ ('nrl 7.nm1~ "0VC'r 11011 l'umplr tr ly fill I'd out Poii<'C book~ her ''' lr>rk In the a!trrnoon. 11n JOt hlrhw11y 8r Summit ~• r<, t , l•1l1 l'rdtrmntu \ 1•1·'"" w••t •• '"'' " jn1111 • 1t1111 '"' 11 f•,r t "'"''' •ltJ l tt••lun<l Wrt~ltt untl C. K Prlc."'t. f • Southland Farms ~nd Gartens Not Vi-aUy Hurt By Drouth P 2 Nt;WPORT BALBOA NEWS-TIMF.SI(' d"t · J) J·('e -ag~--THt 'tt~UA\' . Nrwport fto·ar h , ('allf. t 'rh. l 'e, I!HII .,ommo I ~ . r Parched Fields Still Make j :.ltlo(hl (rust los!>, Sran Dll'I;O County , han oolll r mtmuwl T PI Crash ~laY Rush LATE NEWS 1 urk anes EJJrope Aid Plan FLASHES Shot Down, Foto -Views Some Good News PEAS Hurt hy fro;;t in !'an IJu·~.:o and J OlJI<•I'Iitl <'••unltl·•. hy hark nf mnll"tllrt• an Los An~;t•lt•s and Santa nnrhar cmmli1•s , .from the UNITED PRESS HUGHES PLANE IN CRASH LANDING NEW YllRK 1111'1 A IWII• erlRIIH'd lio<•m~.: 11-:tJ owm·d IJy Howard lluKhfos Aorrrart Co of Callf{•rmn m1tdt• li (T~h landm~>: today fo w• m11c'11 southt•ast uf Ron8<'vo·lt Fh•ld un I .<.ng Is lund Tho· ,...,.o m••n nboard w~·r<' Joo.• Petrilli, din:-ctur or ~~e•rvace and fllahl roc llugh•'li Aln.Titfl, and John Fo~t<to•r, 8 llught~ pilot N<'ith· ft' wa.~ mjurrd Bulgars Say ol I'• ·nw I• ''"" ol '' " •I .' I " .. ,,, d I '• Itt ,, l:rllll hat Ill• :.gaanst r rop-ac:rf'll£<' up, fat'ld~ an ~;ciOO sh:qw• \\ \~I fl'\c. I • ,·; By utht .• nd r •• rnw rs on tht' whole S PINACH Los An~··ll's rount) I '"'" ,,,,, t•··•••• '"' ,,,w.. W,.A LLY ••'•l!lln~ch nu)t htdurini(January, POTATOES -Kt•rn r .. tanl)' SIIF IA 11 -1'1 Tho• lloiii(•Ht:tn l.,.l, .. , '" II • I ·••:•· "'I""'''' \ !•tt •• 11 the· momth's a~:racultural ~.:row~·rs plantl•d 5U,t)()().j;(l,jW)I) ·r· 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 G E R H A R 0 T I acrC's: first har\'t•sts du•• uhmtt • q ·a.q•l ;1~•111) t •J•II Io•t ••• ·•>'I I'''' l••l t\ '"' '-•t '' ''"'"" ••\\" "''' 1101 om tht• ~:loomy sidt', Apral 1. th.tl 1\\o Tur_k a~h plan• ~ \\o•rt· sh111 1 \1'1•1• II \ "'"' r •• 1 1: \1 " t _ ,,.,. u ,J111~ I•• ttw Los Angell'S cln\\n "''r SotiJ•I'••l t,y Bul~:ota l.orl ''I''' •ol , •'"'', "•' II• 1'1 ""'"'r of ('umnwrc:P fanrlsur-LE.~CE-Yac-lds and quuht~ fro•nll• r ~:u;ord~ "'' 1\ln aul;a) '''""I'\\ 1,1 11 ,, 11, ,, • 1 o •' • .,,, 'I h•· a:rar11nu•r ...-huol IHMard 1'111 , S:ocld an UTt,;:al•·d ur1•as Tlu• ;1~;o•nc}' ~alol lh.ol llor• I•'""''~ 111 '"' '"'' 1 ., "" , • .,.,., "" , ... 11 :w •·I· • tlun ~tart·h II. •~ a '' I SUGAR BEI-~TS lmpt•riaf Val· '"''' "\\Mno~l" l\.\11•· """' ,.,t>.,~· ,\ ltta•t. '"" 1 ., .. ,. " "''"'' ,·,uo,uttu """II l .. ,u,. to hfo IIIWtd fur .\lrhntlgh January dryni·Slf d<'· lt>y plantings 1n good rondition· 1 11~ 1r11o llulg:traun I• rtl11•r~ untl ,1,11t o 11• 111 ,, 1 , • Itt , .h I'' .,lo.,hh .. """I •·')l:tll'i•tn. \\'ha l 1e • )'nur 1''' '1 \'l'$:l'hahlt•s and ~ram-pas-COM lUI intention~ 10 plant indefi: t•ll• plan11n~;., and c:aus,.d Jrrlga-nil<'. tlwn lt~utlt.:ltl do\\IIIJ) gl'l•llnll fir. !"Ill ~1 ... , ,11 •1,. ""'L ,f \ ""' 11 ,.,,tnlooll ' '· 1 • n anrolHL'l un "81<'_r suppllt·ll, tht! FLAX _ Plantm<~s "l'n~rall•·l llnl' pllool ''"' oloo o\\llt d 'J't .. · t ..... "'''"'' ,,,,,,.,. I(,J.,"•"'t -.ct)tt"\Jt rSTIIt,Yuc:htbrok•r 1 t 11 ... " "" ' 'I . Olll:•'r w;.s ma ('riB y I'!ISl'v i.n good: SOml' later fll'lds rei ard-·' uth•r. '11!.:1111} or1JIII oi l, w as t·ap C'""'""l'" '' •I • '"'lo '"' Ito.,,,.,,,·.,,,, llo.!fl\\it), Ncwpo at 1 b 1 F b ~ <-u IUr• 11. tl "liS lf•J.o•rl •1l 1 '"' 11 tho tlt .olt 111 •I•• I HI' 1:• "It "'"' an•as y <'Br Y c ruary IJy cold· arrt'ag<' t'XJ)C'c:ll'd to till ' tllll.ltll. rhamh(•r offirlals pointed 125.000 'acr<'S. ~1udo•rn mo·111l 11llo•)~ llrt' not """' Tlw first kno..., n all"> W,ts l>roon11 ro l'Oil1hln 1111n ur l'"l•lll'r ronl1 ton "lllfh \\II' ust-d IJO llfl'· IIISturw lim1·s. I· \'1 '1 "IHil I 'l'hl'-o.tulf•, t•r• dP t . 't tl, '' •h•· looll. ''"' h '' "' •I 1 1 • 1 ·•'" • I •II• I r .. \\, I• lfl I tH••I• l••r 1• tn••nltt' t;. , • .,,h HI • '''' , I '' •It • ~ ffh up fur :--:;, "·-'• d• "·•'• "' F• b ~:\ .1nd t•·''' 111 '"""' .1 1\ ····k 111 rmac•h I llo· '-~df1l• 1•·1 u ,, ftt• t t~ltUiltll•'t' -:,·nfl-, 1 I In I It• lltot tl 719t.TON SHIP RUNS AGROUND ~ :tJ 11 d L Ut I• I ltMf 1\ '-It tfll• tl l•• I ht ··•d .. t I It •. i l'•l -1110 .••• llll•h•l• 'l'ltttllll" 1-tl/•lfllo•ll' It 1111 •"'ltlllllil "" «'••flllt ): .. •k on II •• o'.,httttllt t ,,,,., "''" '"" 1••••1 t>( \\;ah·r an tho• lnl\\ lltl hnlol I tlnn ' I ltln~ }Uli'IJ find a aln~lo-IIIII . COTTON -l>rvughl ('( r (' .. t d lloSo•ntlng Vlllo ~ II · ( h ~ " "".lrll' ts 11 summary 0 t e heavy, c:aslin~: d ouht on prl'\'inusl on lhC' propt,.,o· I• " 1 nht·r s f~ndan,;:s : <'Siimal l'S o r 25·JIC'rc:rnt acr<'a~l' in- taon of expand· c' tA~(;t-;,, Tutal January shiJ}-c:n •asl'. an~-: our ..... u, a· 11 ol" 1'·'1 l 1 ( "' o • ·' n . uw t'''<' I I) past two LIMA BEANS-Prices high, de-~~~~~:~ ~~-::~.,} )I arN : prtces n'lurnt'd to 1947 rat<' mand stron~. supJ)IiC's tv h(' n <'arly 111ol hung ~I IX'low 1946 tlgur('S: rxhausted by Marc:h. ~~:~~~~~ ~jz, n5 'l""llty ~tnd StU'S generally good LIVESTOCK Pric:<'s rl'maan furmt'd tn· '"'''Jtt for som(' drought-affected high, with lac:k of pasturage forc- u 11' • •' lo.~rrts. ang gTOW<'rs to m arket s tU{'k nr lllc. usc .oo..,..,. • l.hMfi~S Shlpmt'nls nl'arly n •sorl to dry fr t'd·. c:attlr and "alf S U 1 I S of I hi• 1 I 1 11 • J 1 n•7 ~ mOl'li'Y vo!t'd fur ,. ~ me• us rn anuary, :r• • or slaughter I ow<' r : quality pnd '''"I''" I"'"' I l"'rlmnally am hi a.: I _.., Jt~·r· ,.,,hnt ahov<' five-yeor aver-w .. aghl I below pn•vious m onthlY I '"'' or t r month: praC('s higher; suandards : ho~> and shel'p slaughtrr )\ 1.1o •1 .. t1 "at h lilt' c•xcell<'nl m .on ,cJ 1 d dJ · " j ''"''"' I dwol S"-! It• Ut'ton ('XIX'CII' to p tx•low "l'onsid<'rauly b<'low" pr e vious •• "Ill " 1• <'m. l1.7tnc:tr I'Siimat<' rrc:ord Yl'ar. • • • '\ \ · UC A [)()S ~ar I y rna t ur It y =;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,j \IH~ CI 'I IHr.l~ WEISS, Ji 3o1ol\llll>: to drym•ss; d'rli\'('rit•s ah<'ad l'i 1••, "' lltut ll:tlhoa. nl '""mal and, NC(X'Cto·d to rise In I h '' ,. .o ) .. ungstrr ln kind• r· :··· hrwory ,, ••u ../~"If I'Al'LIFLHWER Sh1pmc:nts to PORTER HOUSE STEAK ON A PLANK Boys' Club (;ets New Projector \\, "''''' Jofi"· h·· ho~o:lwr an Fi•brunry and lut full 1,,,11 1111 ,.1 ,.,,11~ \olllmt• in M~trf•h ~,1,.,11,J,fl •·tltt-<'ARROTS Qualaty gl'MXI, shi~ ,,,.,,,11 no•,•!l' l!lo•nl~ W<'tl Slllrl('d. One-Third Rrou('llon for Ollhtrm Roan 4 &o 1% p. m. CATERING TO P ARTIJI'..8 AND BANQUETS Oodda& Available Ph. Harbor '784 a06ed Tuesday Delicious -FRESH FISH DAILY ... II they catch them ... We hove fhem . Ttn· orn t"tct:s u c·cH,Kt:u ('HABS & LOBSTEHS BAYSIDE FISH MARKET -WIIOU;.\0\AI.t: .\NU ltt:TJ\11. St:\\ I'OitT HF: \C II tAU. RT . ASil 1 .. \1-'J\\ t:'M"t. l'lo•a"·ct woth th•• pro~r,.!<s ~hown 1 1,. 1111111, . .,f CELERY S ax hundred acres h~•h••JI.,\••hth\\ l'.orl!"l•''~~''' '""I"''' ll.tr· p1;~nl<'d in \'t•nac:e-Sawt<'ll~ nrra: pr~tintn••nl ;\I• '•' phol.lllllatuJII"I ""' 1, In lh<• hta'< pllll'hll'•'d ;onll ~1\'o•n to lho S R d ,, "'"' .. , ··~I \I· ays eape o'lllh :o 0 1'\\' lfimm mol l !loll J•ll'llllt' 1 11 r ,. ,.1111,.11~ '"11nl1 prftJt•o·t•tr otlll o 11•'\\ X II\ $200 000 f 11• 1•••1 srro o•n IIIII IIH'\ o,ltuuld ' ' or Ht•~;ulnr 1\f•o kl) "'"' I•' \\Ill n11\\ 1" I'"' 11 ''' ry 'Sh t' S I '"' stumn ~lllrltnt.: '"" S:alllrtl.o\ I I II lit!) ... prt'IJilrt' for a W!l'l ul l or a es Fo•hruar · 11 111 7 '"' ,111 ~o;1 .,, 1 ltl• '1'1 ... ,,·Jo•••l ·t·hill'l of toda) " plo•Juro·•~ 1.1,11wdto·~ ''·"1,.1 Jlll'l'"'''l tho • Ill,'• II''' lnmorrow. 1 f'IIJIAr.O l l'Pt F.. T . May- ''"'' ,.q,..,. 1\flt'' 11 1tl l••· ropn••lll· • • • nurol ''It' n:o!lt•'il hy St•rrl'lnry of ,.d rr falm' h,,,,. t1•1• t• 111a~l. II•• 1, \II ~!' ;\I \HIE IIF.FFI-:RN. Prtn· \a•rorulturo· ,\nll••rson today as thl' \\lil t .. · a ltonun.tl .. tma.-tiiO, lt.ora.:• • tt•ol ;:-.., "I••• I fio•ach Cramm.or lraclo•r "hll ~rvrcd a k1111n~ ira ''' ,,.,,,•r tit•· "nt.ol It Ill·•• lllni!IJ "'"""I '''' "'""k's plumrnt•ltnl: t·nmnhlllity ltrl' proH'IItloltl•·. lit• l'o "111 t.,. "" I ~hmk I has improv('ment as lliRrkl'ls. anti h•' lllhtllllr•d tha t l10• h:ol1 m:trfp ~:!IWI,I)(I(I daun:t• ~ •. ,., !"atouol.l\ • ''""' 1\ ttl , dl's p <'rate 1, , • .,~, ,.1,.11 llh'lllh• r '" ,., 111, ~: odl n••••dt'<i. At pro ~-1\ndc-rst>n •'Siama l~'lf l\tavnllrd's Ant w "'"'" :'II ".'\«MHo1 111 ~IIMiil!.ro mo onlw r m .o\ hran~ ,Jrlllllu r l><lY nc , • e a r r • · "'' ,, ~;tr• "' ll•r •• n 11lohlootn ol ftl r,•,•n hull1ing douhle :\lit~ n.trl1 '""' ht• profatrd hy Ct'nls. ~··s~aons m ktn-l p:ayan,;: ~tlf<'nl tun t u tlw plll•hslll'll Twn mon• "'"'"''"' ·""' '"" nu•r•· dl'r~artrn fir,.l ,floll•o~t•nt• ,.f tlw So•l'r!'lnry of futiWr!< "·"''' '"I""'' ,.,..tl lo hl'lp ;:a n rt s r ~ o n.<l A~:rlrul l Ill,. rua!l tlwn ~~·Ilana.: shorl lhl' ,.,,., a.:rto\\1111: J• t•lll.olo"n nl tltc-~fld<'S. An an. 1 111 .. 1h•• fnllm~: ~;r:oln mark .. a hoys· rluh Mr• ;\IJtor .. d llr01.•ks .. vitablr enroll-11 "'"' nnthan~: unusual." he will look rofl,.r 1111 ••IIIIJinll'nt do•sk m •' n t lnerea~l' '·"11 "I h:o\'1' 111 111'' nno:l ltt'>l no•arly nn S11111rdnys. l hu~ roll.,wtns:. thl' Wtll neccuita.to• that mtll'h ~duro' in 30 yrnrs in r •·afl llhnp to lw ttlk n !'aturday • doul•fr &~ns th{• mnrk<'l. toftPrn()(lll~ l\1r~ .l:11n••• W Tallt'y lhrtlth:h :ot lc·a~l thard anct Jaa· lfnw Prnfltll "'"r" Madr "'Ill.,.,_.,,"" R ~uh.•tll lll•• \\hen the •uhly fourth a.:mdt• next H'ar. W e Anl11'r«~n •ua!l th:at M:l\llllt'd IW'· I r••~:utnr mutlu r~ "'' ""' :1\:lllllhlo' hit\ I' h.11t " 1:!:> po.•rrrno inerraS(' e:tn rnaktns:. 111" proftl!' nn thc M1 '< 1.<•111"' ;\f••l'r,,.ko·n 111111 J\tr, Ill n\'o•rnt.:•• tta tly Mlrrul .nrl' sin('e ol" tho• ''''111,01'"""' markt'1' IH·c::.n • l•tnlt1111l' l••·h 1 On lhol rhv l I C' \' Tua no•r ~o al~<totulo'ol f11r 1\lr~ 1!t.l1 .rho· 1•·r•·••1tl:t~;l' ,.t lorr('IISl' f ' '· I \\. 1 1 1 ,. lh h 1 ,.,,, 11 1'11 tt(f a11ol \\ll••:ol ;and ulht•r loll\ I••' .tlltl ;\It~ .\ \\' F o.t•tk· IJI ''"" " '1"'111 lilt: ,. ~t: uo ,.,,, IHndo lto' f••ll••\\• tl •llo•l "''"-l •o 1. \ 11\\•w•l :11111 plmt , fhll on ~ tha'< 1 "''''~1 h,t.; only \ n l \l l I '~',,,' ·"1'1;.' :.,~',. •:·,•1 •.,'; ::: ~· .'t .::: .. t .. • n :~· '' 1~ ll'•·nt l' .;~" :~',";~, ,,·.::,, , :~." 1.'.; 1~:~,·: ''''"" • '""', 1 .. , H .. '"'' IIIII• E"en'lng Commerce OIHIIt•h··l-·• ,,1f, '' "''"'"' ''"· ..-Ill t•• 1lttf1, d lld lfu r• '-I Ill olh• r tit•· '' t) I lu I' \\ itl """ lw tt(• '' C I B • l'llnltt tt ltl i• ~ oil I' 0 11 •II l>~f o11 t \•tltl • aSS~S tO egtn al ' "· , ' • • 1 ·' •' • "'"" 1' , New Se mest er's Work \\ h~ " II I t lllh .... f f I d l .. t ol , ••• to., ••.• , .. ,'"' .loolo .. n ... :'\o \\Jitlll llitt ltllf lli~;h flil\\ 'l}t. \' 1'h II,, 11ldil1 n d t ll • llool \tl•tll I.\• 11111..: d1\ ''1111\, an· 1111 onlto I' 11 '' 1111 "'''I; .I 1111• • ""lilllt'" 1111• l'tlllllhll.tt l"" '" hook· \\ ""'1 n .. II ,, I' I I tllol I'll· ' 1,.' l·tn~ """ 1)11111. 'l.o-,., fttr lh!' \\ lf,l •fl •It ht \\ hilt It I 1l I tttl h I Itt \\ '' fth'•lt t 'f1h ilo.t ( 1.1 ... I' Q r(! ttll·• 11uo \\ 111•11 ll 11 d l',.ol I lot , . .,It l~h·•ol,t\ .lflol '11HII'sday I'• "'' •••• I t ·I •• I I' I' I ,,,,,, •• llollll-; I' Ill ... 'I Jl. m .. t • II •I• I"" III'•IIIH o1 tf• Ill• t. "olh \lo t·: .J. lllitt 1, 111 ~-1111 1 Ana ""'~ l!o•h (,, 11111 •llol lt"l ttul '1 1\ llt..,h ,, lto••l an•ll •t• llnl! .\d\.tn('('d I· l It. ,,, \\ I fl I II\• ltlh• I" ·''. 1 I Il l fld tit• I l ut ,, I' \\It ~ \\ I .. ( '. \ .... ,... • ,, 1\ * • • ~o.tud• I •, .1' \\t il , .... lu atilt• -irt tttlth 1 ulq.•c 1 •t• Ill\ 1 , d tu ,, ,. I•••• '" th•· • ''""'11·fq trH 111 on l"lh· ... tl.4\ f•'••hlliiiJ \ 17 :tlld 1'•111 lh• ~11li1Jt llt>\1 t'ltloollt•ol '!11• It I• 1111 l'h,u ~·· t \t't pt (t•l l•t•hh ~u'd fit, I· h•t tdt ... ''""II \Uti tlt\Uit , •• ,,. nuunt. th.tt • t ~ th.tll IU 1,,,,,, •d 'ho••k l.lfiiiiiC olllo ltl toon.ll tttlooi iH.o I tion ('OIU't IJl iiH~ •h •''t' t'Oill •t .. \\jll tw• J.:l\'l·n \\lh 11 .'"" t•'S!'''''' 1 * e BOWLJ_so 18 A SPORT \'OU'LL ENJOY: A 8J•ORT THAT HELPR KEEP YOU I S GOOD PHYSICAL CON · DITlOS. Mesa Recreation 1818 ~ewport Rh•d. COSTA MESA ~'M"F.SD!il IIARVARD ~III!:F.T-Sant& Ana'!i City oludl(e Ronald M. ( rouk,hank, lf'fl. and Au•Un Scot t. deGI of proff'MOn of the law ••hoot at Harvard t:nlvPn.lty, plc:tu~ at the annual nlH'tln~t of the IJan ard l ... w &-boo I ~UoD \It· the BUtmo~ botel lD Loa Aa· Jtf'l,... T bP Santa Ana JudltP and pnll'tlclnr; attoml'y WIUI the Oranr;e t'Ounly reprfllt!nt&Uve al a n-Ung and I• a member of the ~ tton'• council. FUN ZONE I J, ) In BALBOA Now Open SATURDAY and SUNDAY TRAVEL BY ·coACH Yardage Shoppe • nsurance . . . , ' p. a . palmer INCO .,O RATfO w o. bucl . onivronce couns;lor SAVE Time&Money 197-199 N. Coast Blvd. Laguncs Becscn Lovely COHAMA FABRICS WOOLENS SILKS light and Smooth and light as Cream Beautiful, Fascinating JERSEYS I Dramatic, Flattering These are the fabrics that lend such smartness, such richness, such long life to clothes you'll enjoy we aring Moderat ely Pr ice d Sewing Instruction Yarns 3 .:!3 .) v 1o ltd ·:>. newpo rt beach, cold ,,.,,..1-il-.1c n•'wrort beach, harbor 1500 * * }VILLIA~1S & WILLIA1\1S ACCOUNT ANTS ond AUDITORS INCOME TAX CONSULT ANTS J•rt•pnr<' \',mr Tax Returns t:&rly Offi<•P-('OST.\ MESA B~~ Building (lfflre l'hone: BMcoD ~.., Rnldf'nrp Ph-Beacon 6010-~t BAYVIEW LUMBER CO. Rntful, reclining coach seats, all reserved In advance except for the Pony Express. Streamliner "CITY OF LOS ANGELES" Only 39 ', hou rs to Chicago. ($5 extra fare) Lounge Car for co:~ch pn ;-;sengers Los Angeles Limited To S3lt L;~kc City. Omah.t. Chicago. Only two nights to Chicago Utahn-Streamliner "CITY OF ST. LOUIS" To Denver. 1\an~as City, St. Louis Pony Express To Las Ve~as. Salt Lakl' City. Ocnver. Kansas City, Omaha, Chicago, and intermediate stations. DINING CAR SERVICE UNION PACIFIC TICKn OFFICE -SANTA ANA 305 North Moin StTeet Telephone : 18n 2?e S~-449 UNION PACIFIC CQsta Mesa Man Claims His Nam~ As Dead Man, Used to Bilk Him j Long--L18t-o 1 Committees Set Am .. , &ldnr•n. ~.'\0 t:. t ilth .. t,.....t, <"• ... t• ~,,_, -l'" tt.. ~1n , .. Y. Up By Chamber t.el&l uf ... 004) In rt·~ ard IIIUIW')" to an~ unt" ~ hu f'an Jtrov.-HlAt ho-• Amrl Boldma.n-h d•'Ad. • -l'l11• r, I! IlLII moo111hh 111•'•'11111' ool ! \'o•lo'r.lrl 01! \\ olll<l \\',or I ,Ifill Jllll All•·~:•n~: th.&t II•• •~ utt.ompllnl: p..ll't..:d ~,11 ,,f Wrlham 1tnd l'l.>t'tt ''"' '"'llr.t o•l '"''"'"'" "f tho• ='~"" to prm·r :1 rl:'lrm '" n h•nJ:: tl tspuro-d TouJ••• Hulolul.tll f,trnh 11, 111 11 ,, fltarr l lurl~•r ('II •ml .. ·r ut ( '••m t'Sinh• da11nl! httk 111 l'~t :l fklld· l\tll, \\,, hittl!l"n Hnd \\':IIIII \Vall.n, nh ,,.,. ·~·'' ho•ld \\o'tlnt'~•la.r ":''" m an t·l,wns hr> ttl. 11111~ • h<'<'IIU~I' \\'nsh at thr N r wport llnrbotr \·"Itt duh hr wa~ hl'lio'\ •••I tio•llr ll hus IH•'n ,,1,., 1 I ='IF' TI IOl'SA:->[) I I(ILLA I1S flllljth I ' :\I ''let••. II•'" I~ ·1'1•'4'1• ol usro h~ hunf1r, fi, ,,, of• upl•• f1>r RF\\',\Iln J"''''d' nt pro·,•d• d \'ariOUS ri':&Stln' I 1111' :&JII'I:••tl C'l:nm for thl' ~'ht'rE'IIhOUIS lllld f'r<><>f nl ~ .1\1.1111 ttU~IIIt•,... ,,.,·kl.-.4 \\ ll't ltt'lrr• NF.WPOll,-BAl .• ft-A -N-t:Wt'-TIMES Pa s ''" '"'' U•·•rh c '•Uf. ····b. l.t ..... \\'nrn Short Tinu~ IA'ff for 'l't'rtninal Pay • ''"" lll..)l>. '"''"''"''"'" 11111~ !o'••l 1111'1 1 llfr,lt .. l ttll'tt lin' I'll( 111<-d ,,, j\1) "' ,,.,. ~:rn•lt' lwld u t llnl(' .t( th .. ·h .. l ll•' r • ., .. u '""'""ch tlmr \\ 1111'11 Ill,•\ tlrat ltttl n""o'IVt• ¥1 hlw l11o • IIIII to \ 1,1,,1.,111, \\ hH hll\ 1, Ill I ht• " 1'\ h •' 111•' •lltl'lrl'lrnl IIU\)' 11••1. "'' a)•Jtllt"l f,., h'I'TIIIIIIII lo•:l\o' """'1~•· ,,.;. 1~1> ••llho•r lt•. ''~Jih tW' l't\ l••l •'UI .... t.-.1 "•"I \ h '•' \hU Itt~ a,:''"''1 tltU••u l t .. ""•'" \\ool lol \\II II 0\o'l o' 1\.llllo~(f,lolll.,) Strl'\'1\t•l-,. ttl Vl'lt'IIHU. ~till hll\'t' '" lt. n I '"''''''" 11111 '"', "''"' ,,, '"'"' ~•~~·~· '""''""'\:'' """' "''"Ire \ l'lo•t ""' ;\ll.olt' lit ol .. nl\ 11 "httl 1 111ul h.1al lhtl ,,., flit" I (ttr tllt'lr t•~r. ~ik-thllt lhr lnf:unnn~ '"Outr h' iln) \\'ll>tt\\'S llf smft Aml'l Bolt!· "''" uf •:ornmlll•···~ 111 h.uull•• tho· Schult z ~~ tho• pmhrh11111n t'ril us.-d mnn. or Jlroof tha t un~ Ia\•~· 1 (1Himht·r ~work fur tlw (,•rthrnm. Boldman s hr•ll'lf)' for 11 r!'rord in \\';alln \\"alia. \\'n~h , or an~ ••n•·/'"~· ~ ••ur on lx-half of hrs wrft• Shl' was •·lst' m a r ril'fl said w idc•ws. !l:umt•d \\ , ..... IUpposcd H• I'<' ,t.hl' ''•dow of 0 11" ulso O:"F: TIIONSA!"n {)j I!.I.Ail~ Ad\'rrt i~lni -Sum n r urlt'r, Hllto• lo 11111111 .. '"' ,,.,. 111111)., ··I "I' 111111 tl ''''"'' ltllol .:uu"llnn .. ut In· )'If' olf 11•11• I'HIIIIII'Io•nl \o•h•rnn~ alliO Rl'f' I'll• I 1\110.:11•1 .II I'IJI' I• till' olo•,ttlllth' r.;lhlt' lot ll(tjtl} '"' '"'"I! ,,, ,,.,.,, . .-1 ...... ~ nhol 1111 ·n,,. ltl'l•ll•'lrtlnn lo1nn~ llllll tuU \ • I,., .tt,. "jl" luH ,. 111•! \ 1'1 olttlll' lnfu\ IIIII l<•tfl n-.:nnJII1J( ""''IIUI&· "' Ill •· 111 1:•~1 lu ltlo• ll~t•u· ltflf'lll'n th•fl •14 IIIIUM"I furlttUI(h limo• ll""Y '""'" lllllllt'•lrr•t••h ,.,., •• , ...... 11( lh•• ht• ttfJtnino~l "' th•• 01"1U\MI' C'tlunlr l"'"lllllrt\ 1lw1 ti~o• ''" k ttl ·~·r·lnrn Vo•l•••••"·" S.•rvlr.• Ct't'tf'r. "Em!' I Boldman REWARD Ro•x Rru1ult, P rtu1••n F'rno•h Roldrnnn Sll}'S ht• will I'll)': for prnof tn whom t hl' F:STATF:S 1\t>Ho'lu•~<. f>ttrks & Gnnlo•ns 11t•x "ONE TIIOI'S A='I P J)()LI.ARS nf saift AM F:L BOI.DMAII:. Army llra nrtr. A Snnol) Sto•rrwr. II fo; REWARD No. R30519. belon~s. Said !'Slat<• Kt•rulllll, Dr G N l't'IIMI', Vaux For lh<' Dl:'uth C'rrtifrratl' of Amc•l rompollt'd of ~1n award of $:l:l0 fll'r Whit!', llnht'rt A, Murph) Boldman. sonwt iml'~ srN'•IIrd Emil mo nth, owardl"d by Congrl'S~. 11r1d Bonts t: l'olfcr•n••n K;·nnrlh F: ---------------------- Boldman , Amr l fkawman, Arnt'l ~lh<'r moni<'li. amounts unknown. \\'il~on. Snnrly 1\tc-Kur. Crl'gnr)' Boldma,n. Andy Roldman, A .• C ammounling to $500,000 00, MOR F: Gorhy, T w.-~t.ln Jtty, non C'hnrlt•. (Andy\ Carl~on, Jl;•nry Kirby, or LF:SS. now heing held hy R4-v Llt•ntz, f,~rwrsnn C"hnrlt's, Francis Roldman, Chrstl'r Bold· CEORGF: W . T HOMPSON. AT· Rud~N & F'rnnnl't• f' A Pnhn· man. Samur l Boldman, Ed Lin· TORNEY·AT·LAW, Walla Walla. rr Rnlph P Mnskr} dE>Il. Frank R itchey, 0 s. (Luckyl Wash., as ~:uardian for said l'stat•· Ct•nsull ISprnnll \'olnl'y 1111)'. • Baldwin. W ilham B o I d m a n , also ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS Jr . Lrnw~lOd \'srk. l\lr~ G L An· I NEW & SPARKLING 2 Bedroom & den house close to private beech on Lido Isle, liv- in9 room 22x24 with Arizona fla9atone fireplace -2 baths. Den opens-on-tpeeioua--w•Ued patio--forced air unit heefo...- lar9e ~itchen & service porch, coprer water pipes, shingle tile roo . Price below reproduction cosh -Only $23 ,300-$5~00 cash. Stevens. C('(·rl Col!'man, Andy REWARD drt•" >~ Schim<'ll. Allw>rt Sprars Dalph f(tr proof that sard AMEL ROLD· r., IC' AH111rs And F'trl' P roto'('- Baldwin. F'n •d l\1 Cahrll, 'W illiam MAN hurl! a NAZA RE N E I ton 1'orn111n C !"ours(', J \\' Hunter, In·y Roldman. Clrtford A CH URCH '" PrinN'Ion. Idahn. nnd <"'11mmack. Boldman. Rufus J Kralman, Roy E'Xrl'ut.rd a will ma~rn~; th". NAZ·I Cnn~trurllnn 8.· In~lu•tr, Jnhn Carter, Iri Roldmnn, J O<' Tooj)('r, AI1 F:!'I;F: ffiL LF:GF. at ll:~tmpa, 11 Danlo·ll. Gonion 1-rndlny. lrqn BlanrhRrd B o 1 !I m 8 n , lll'rll<'rt Idaho. lx-n<·(krar) Gr't't Gt~rdon Shaw, :'.lajnr Frc•d !\I Wrt'l. OlrvC'r <"'o"lnrrlrnllllc\n II L Boldman. lx•nunk 110", Crcil Ro M Cl 11nlpl• P Mu~kl'\ llo·tn7 Kn r~l'r Vl'atrh. \\'•lm·tr Boldman. Dutch SS C ore Or·ft •n"• !' T Punlnp. Jut1c•· Sehult/, AI rn1>c•nr, A Cr1,0 k, To M N Hl'l~t l.~tnlno·r Anwt llnldmlln\·. llr>~ttll·r, Unun,: an age eW J. dur•n r 11111 :'.l.t~ron ( • l 'll(ltl J Dependability Th111 man I• your ~ .... &ered tlhannacoh•L Wtt..n you brtnlt your p~rtp­ pend on him to KIIROL'411 uoa ...... ,.. you C'&n df'pt'nd OD him to till lhHn ~1th Ute nn"t ln~nta, • ~N BAABoa oauo ~'PORT PIIAJUIAOY IIAUO.& PII.&&IIAOT 8pedAJWDC 111- B L be Y d ,\ fl, 1 k If I ( 'lin•th•r arr urn r 3f 1 E••·nt.• ,lohn c· Altt•ll. l :d" \l .. n,fr•·lrl llolw rt A !\1urpl1\ Annrot mo:•·nlrtll th:•l. tlr•• II " r .r 1 "''''""'' \\' !\I J.,.n~:111,~,,. .. I H l.runlu•r ( '~P"f'l'HIY '"" ••1•:n 11 '1 !\lcN.al h Nr11 "'"" ll.a~:o·n. K.•rn• no" "'rd for lou'"'"'~ "lll1111 tho• Ht111:t llul!h \lo•!\l•llnn, .I S nar. no•x 1 I o•\\' da~ ~ l"oonw~ I rttnt J 11<·~~ rl"tt J\tl'('fllr••. nlllllllt:t•o· uf I ho· 11t'\\ ~ani J llarhor llul•h11rtl 1 • lito\\,. \\' 1\ ''''''"'" 11( ·lfi \l'ilr~ rn 111•· " ~pio·•·r !\11(,,1·rt l r\tn, ' l uml~o·r IHr.tno·•~ :\l('('llu·,• whn r• lf1·11trh ,~:. "'"''"''" ~~ N p,.11,;,•, ~no" 11 .. '".In;; man~ rrr••nd~ ''" M n . T p 11N•dl'r, J\1 n , s H l\lur·k. wrll hf' on hnll(l tl111ly '" \fnn:wro. :'.1 I •. nr (' l!wht.•r otfo •r ht• o'.'Cfll•rl ad \'H"<' l"llnc<•ntllll: llll:h\\ ">'' 11ltlflh p !llnskt•\', 11 ·•nv anrl 1rll hu•l•lrn~: prCJhlt•rnc; F "''""·'· M11111 11 ~t .•nlo'} · :'tfc·('luro• <'llnlo' to Santa An11 rn L"I!I'I~I•Pn l 'rl · 11 11'11 ·r l l)"'o• ( ,~ I h J(J h ' \!otr I <ltll ' ,>n rum ,;r r ur~··· ' " a•n • \\' II• nllo·r~•m '"' '~"' ~'<l·•"'lll'r uf lhl' Sim(l>oun· :\1• mh•·r·~l"l' !1.· l\1, rc·hnnr<: llu- :'.1•'( .lurr l.uml~ r C'o A I prr~··nl ro·.ou An Han ll••r'<lll'\. !'11m Col\'<'r :'.ld lun • n·~•fl•·• wrth hi~ (:rmrl) I( I. 1••1111.. • • ;II :!17ll lll\l'r!>tll•· 111 S;ont:r An 1, ltut lw plan~ lfl mm·,. in !It 1 hi' \•>Sill M<'sa ar ••n as .c;oun ''' huu~· rrn: 1'1 ;1\ nol:ohll' Th•• no·\\ ~ ard "h1C'h marko; t ht• t'll:hth or t ho• Rarr Lumh••r Cn , IS nl llll' IIIII'S! dr~r1:n Stora~o·, wan·hnu~rn~: anft m<'rrhnnd.sin~: hn,; ho••·n adaplt'ft to <mall rl"••w o(l(·ratrnn. w rtlt a ll phastos h<'inl:! ('tmlrullo'li uncl1•r ono' roof Scot<'h ta~. vanOUI 11za. a. 111le at ~ N-.,.._ . r'II1\J."t•lllnrl' ,fi.. lla•t•ra•urr,,n S !\I•·• rr. M r• .l('rrulft Srmnclo·r , \lro; F<lc11r 11 I IIII. Mr<: G I. An· tin •" • :llr' l rmro l\l.1rpl1•<. ll:ornld \\'nlclt•nl .. ·rt::. :li r e; S 11 t• llnrmt h <"'npl .I II 11n~nn 111'' r :1 11 I \\ ho·• l<'r l1•·1'1'f>l rnn :"nrmnn A r .1h•t S 11 !\lon;tro !\I ll Srvn<: \·nlnl'\ 11.1), .lr. Lnurc; F Clltl''l, I. I. .lo nn< \\'Htl"r No·l~lm S rt•ffnrd. lluh· bard C lin"'''· Rl"n ll('(ld•l'k. \'of· nl'y 1!11)', Jr . \V W S11n forft, A lluh r owt'rll. 4-COLOR MrnMEOGRAPHING DffiECT MAIL ADVERTISING Ynr htrng S11ndy Mar K ny, (' F Landl'rw, Roht. L. Royd, Ev Mor· ris. Waller K I.A.>wlt, Richard F en· to n. 8ptot'laJ Commtttf·- Avis llon-F:rwtn Splct>r , T. Wet· tl)n Jay. Santa Ana Letter Shop David Broolul 8. A. 1810 tot W. Srd 8t., 8aata Aaa Alter 5 p.m. U.,.UN-W Sport Tops • • • Seat Covers TAYLOR'S TRIM SHOP Automobile Upholstering Boat and Truck Cushions Ruildinll \ of C-P . A. PRlmt'r. Rolph P MoskC'}'. W M Long. moor llntf'l F:nr l W Stnnll'y, A R Rotrs~l"llr, Ralph P M11~kt'y Sr·otllm~ T \\'i"stnn J11y, Roh- !'rt A F.utman Film IFmonrrl-Snm n Portl'r, Tom W lll'nt11'r1on, l111dd 111n~: See Increase In Red Cross Need Here LOOJU:NO AIIUD-Luet Vldt. eeltbrated Partslan who Jean &10 lntrodueect her "Ink aL&Jna" meaN of dJYina~ pNP&hll to make a prediction for 1~48. She lntforpret. the de&lpa on a aheet of ~per tha& waa folded a fter bt-lng splashed with 13 Ink apot.&. Amonr otber Ul1Dp, abe forecast the Holy Land atrlfe of 1~47. 'o.~ .. -1!.~.,~~~::-~.~~~ ... ~~~~~~~, ~.~~! ~~!~~~a~!s IS) I l'tt ·•' To~·n l'nnr.-.·n "·'' lw···n f•'· nntl hull. "" '· \h l'tttu. ''" I ON DISPLAY IN namo•tl 111 llh• .. ,l.oll l!lloll:•' 0111 ''' nl'h"l '"' ,,,., •l.ot II•" ·,',",'.' LAGUNA OPENING I tu,.:h 'thnul '"'''*""' tn\J•I•fiJ"'" ''•lh lh• ,,,, ••I L·•· tl ... .,H·~u·tllt"" .uul ll.te l,•,nwn ~ll Ptt olottt.tl••l tlwu """'''' 1.1•! S ulljr· 11 .. I l11u• 1,,,, "'' ,, fli t 1 I \1,1 '\ 1:1 \t 'll ''" l't!" dt\ "' 1h··•r11U · t'tfHtUI Llt,.lf''t·'' ... ,'t"\111 I '''-t il• ,, ,, \It II· I ••ld lli•lttlt \\tlt•ttflth "'" \t lolt'J. th, .. •fdtrw I•• 'l"••lt (',ent•.,.•n hrue k '''""I r ,, , , "'''' 1 ,.'4t '''"'' •' tit• ~··•n•f••tutttttr ••I lit, oolltt ·ral' lltt\\• I 111 ltlq, \11 •lt• 11 • .,; ol I• 1 \I " \lo '"I • '"I' •' 'J, "'" "' ~1··nlu•n••tl l•H' tlu 11 ,.,,."lthu \t tt\ trh•t• ttH I ,,,,,,, ... u .... J, \, ., 11 ''·•~ •tii••Hu"•'l ''"''' ''' IU•fl~ \\•·t•· t lt.uf•, t • ~I I'P" 4'•'· ''Atfhl'u~.h '''' It tlt tl!•lt ttut ''•Ill•·\ t ' \tf•tl \n tll tlt\ t•,l, n1tnl f'ttntl ,ult•l ct•Ht.tiPtllht• ~-.·n•· t'c~OI IIH'IIII ... •nd l••1 tl, ''''" h,,,.,tq,,lt••tt \\tlh I"'• lit tl l1 ulh•n"' tl'il"'-of t\\'1) lll•'f\ 11 141 + tUit(dt t,• t'l' IIW'htiP l~t '" \ 1\ 1 o h,q 111d ._., 11 1111' ""'' Hlh l ltll 11\111 h"'l ttu ,,, .. fl nh•rlf ffll\111~ 1 tjUIJHih'IH \o\lltlt• }U:r-, i'N lll th, It I \oi1JI 11111t h \\!H~ I•• lhl' ••t J,.ll'tlltd "" fh'\\1''"1 HtlltUHtll•d•• •Ujl<'l lt11o'tltlo•tll 111:11 I• \\',1na·11 lw• tf.,n,· otul """ h ll ltol•· ho IJ• I• ••• 111 \ olllol I tld•llltol•tlt• olo otlo·o'hiJI f'fll\ttti1U1t•d hi' "'•'1"\li't•.,. f••l' llh' 11t~"'Cft'tl,' l't•••n C~.lti1t•t•u .. lltt't.tl' I t' ht•tP "'"· \t.11,·u· ,1,,....:•• (' 1. K111 h• mlnolt•jl l .\1t1t ... ,,, •II•· '"'"'" "'""""'" 111111 l.ltt\'d 111>1'1'\ I'HII\IIIolllt•tl It Tlt 111tt~ ,,, I"''"'"L: ... ""' ,, ""' ·"''" ., ...... , Vtlltltlltllh ....... , lin)·..,.,.:, ... , "" •lrd (11•'"1o•l' Snt•o•ll mt•nr 111•1 -..on ud,o\ Ill• I'll I• ol rho •I q ,,. t tlol'"'"''"'' ll11• \'Ill nool J,, l...;ttt) l .t~t.:ht •···ntt•JH t'HUtr:trl••r, ha.ch "'hnul h t••ua.;hl hn\ '"'" h•·' t •• l "'' '''""'''~" Itt thr-,,, .. , n•·\ '"' tl fuml\lr•'(l IHII'tlh•·l Ill""' 'IIIII do,. lht• lu~h •tlh••l looo\' 111tl """ ,-lo•.t•l .t "', k J\lf,·o ""'' Ill t! rho n.1t.tl h•,•l:t\', ...... ,, .... P,., 1ltcl \V~s-\A:nrknl•·n \1t" 11\tn t: ... "••· 4rl•• l '''uuttu ,,,,, ... "••uftl t.. ,,,,, It·~ n a'IJ..: ,; V c .. ,,J, "' .,, ~=··rte·t :tl rton ct."'" •"' 1 .,,, ut "'n ,,., "'' "•n1t·tl .. ,, th•• fl•••r llh ft ttutt '''\ f'('tfllrarlttr '"Jiflh••l lit•• "'I'\ ll't'' t"lf kmd ol! I to( ltllfll .. h1111: t'lll' <'Ilk•" ,., 1l o>lho·r I'll~ rtu•l•l• ""tlld I" ""'' ot( h•· 111••11 !'hulo I I: 11111!1:' lur 'ho• 'nt ll o• l'IO '"I' ,, ... , ''"" • '""" n .-1•'<~1r ~r-.•1 ,._,nn .ti t .. t ftu nt,tu~ mal•·• 1 II Tiu· T••\\'mkl·· 11.11 ch' aro• FURNITURE CO. TO OPEN NEW STORE IN COM n"n•·r• uf tha· "' "lltJrt Furnltun• Co "rll npo·n " no·w <lnr•' In ('.,. rona ftl'l Mur. 1n lthout 90 t111y8 Thl"ir huiltlmc. now und~>r ron· stru<"tinn at C'o:ts t lllwhway nod Jumine. will hllvl' a ~foot front· age, and will lw of ultra·modt'm glus and n agstone Arl'hltt'<'IUrE' E . M. S m ith Is I hE' nwn<'r of 't hl" r r oj)('rty and Hul(h ('Rlrna Is the builder. The two youn~ ml'n, both or whom live on B11ll101l hlnnd, havo· l'onfturtrd n 5UI"r<'•~ful huslnN~• '" lhl' l"o )'I'Or~ M th••rr O(lrrlltlon of I hi" !'I;""'P<Jrl Furnitun· C"o. and thl'y fl'l'l thnt llw r11prd ~rowth nf I he-harlttlr Ar<'A "til just lty thl'ir ··~pano;inn SY.\\' R.~Bl'! &ttool aM.d. \ta,'bo-I"OI~ n..."' t. an ..... ,. way to .,..,...,.,. rflr both \\'A.RJU:S I . WF.I8F.Il . c 51-fr w"y IJTound Mrf , For ,ood ullnrt III'TV I. '"" "'"Y ll'";d (<H'Iil• it'• perfe<t rnry ttlnl' h 'rnnd lm•ct• 1,1;.,. ol M,.d,. 4- went it and rAt• '~" w .. y d d f""' 1.~.1 111 Vt•lunl( ..c(..- from .;\ectl'.\ l~cr. aroun an 1 11 autHnrtl~,.,l ,..., ~ d prrvtotnn, I ld ~ c.aeina und,.r llil' ou """'"'"~"d In hu ••• _._ · '<y drltt '''"" ~ d tn <o<n tc"'""''· JUt · lo 11 11uarnutrr 4s volume dur•n~ con 111 y l,.rlo Sen,. . I u <>• monr ~ pktely lAIII y ) ;; b..,.f tnrutthl ,. "'' '"· ~feway IIOUn 11,.., ,.. ta.olr .. t.of) IIIII d"'a hoc ment Ill"'' f I """'"~ it'"""'' lu.lf •• j\YIH u 0 I , f meat · I Lr 1,,1 m 11, .. unu ,. beef Be ""'" n h• I I w p11<C l SArtWAY ~t"""'" o ...• ,op ~ -'m .11111 I I I- I I I I + p. a. palmer INCORPORA T!O realtors 3333 vlo lido, newport beach, coltf. Telephone .. wpott beoch, harbor 1100 h lure ••• •hop 8AFEWA 1' ,.ICU liUfD Atf fffiCJIYf INROVGII •n MOINf, HIIUAIJ f6, tt•a • AU tOUt WfWAJ stem. -- VALUES IN Dri .. Fnaill ~rmi!MII c..-.. c-... s.t. c-.1a • ~S.....MitW.._S.. n.., m.,a., • .., S,.ejel 1505 West Central Newport Beach lnr rt·: .. •n~ t11'mnnti UJ'IOn thl' kw·:ll 11• tl <'n·~~ ltrnnrh fnr srr· '''""· partrrularl~· for \'o'tl'rnns Who •·no'OIIIIIf ro•1l rt')t:•ltrlltnrlnn anrl rl"· ~ttljtiSim••nt proltl•·m~ h;1~ l<rpl lht' lno•:.l t~(frrr• h11~y 11nd lhr <!Utlnok for I !H~ '" for fl (llrtho·r lntT!'Mt' '" r•lmnurnal \' ~··n·w••, 11 11··<1 ('r'l~S 'l~·k··~mun •turt IO(IIly Wt -· .... ,. • .._. ....... "'· ...... ., •-..-,_ ut. •--r .. CORNED BEEF SOLE fiLLD w-=:r-RAISINS Q•••trtr '''-• .. s.t ••• ,. Orange Jva ·~-•:;:-.. T OfiiOto Julc. t::z ~ .. HARBOR 1940 Jack's Equipment Rental Contracton' Equipment e PLASTER KJXI:IUI e OONCIU:'I'E IOXE&8 e SIULL A.& Wll e 1'ILUI.EU Phone Beacon 5508-W 17th and Santa Ana Ave. Ca.ta Mesa SEE and DRIVE The 1948 &B._,I#Fc-T 0 DAY! . ·~-~-.-1'"':'''-0: J -----....: ~ r \ '·. . .. ,· ,. Amftrlra'A MOAt Economi<'&l Lo"·-Prtced Car SHOWROOM NOW OPEN EVERY DAY WEEK DAYS - 8 A . M. TO 8:30 P. M. SUNDAYS-10 A.M. TO 4 P.M. Orange County Willys Co. 3 I 0· East Fifth St. Santa Ana Phone 0753 T h" !';t~rronal R•·ft <'ro~' \\hll'h ,, r nloltl• 11 hurl~···! '""" •lf !f.'.!.torO.-'"~' f11r rlt<ao.t • r tap••r trtlnnq Ins! ~··~tr follnclth;tt ~ll ,ftlfrfl() w aR ro•· 'flltro•d 111 tlw wnr~r 111"'111'<' 1 tmr rli~"''''f ~fo:tr 111 tho• fll'l,ry ••f thr fiJ'I!fiO I/:JlrOn Thr lorttl hr11nrh w;~c; rt'prrs,.nl. I'll Tua•,ftay "1 I h•• r<·f:lnnn I fund <'On f•'r• nro• 111 thr flrllmor<' l1•rtl'l 111 1 ... ,~ Ans:rlr·c; h\ M rs Mnr~;art•l S•'•'i} :tnrl :Ill~, Grn. l ltrlrn J11mr~ T :'llwhol~nn, ""~''''" "''' \'lf'l'·pr•·~r· ftr•n I of t hr :-> o111r1n:t I Rrd ( "ro~s. •t,.•nkrn~; on lh•• rnl•· n ( lhr Rl'd ('rno. In (lf·arp, (l(tmtrd ••Il l lhnt full "''' 1~ lw•tn~ rnndt" nf snl\'ill(l'd \\Hr llllll' ~llpJihf'S I Ina· ·•nit nn<• h11lf mlll1on umts nr hlotfl(l tJI:t~m:o . snm1· ht<'r:tllv ""'· Vll~•·tl frl'm fiW hotlnm Of the ()('t•an o rr thr f>hlhpprnr~. hll~ hrl"n turnrrt ""'r In •ta l••. f'l•llnly 11nd l'rty puhllr h~'nlrh l)ffir'l'!l fnr civil· lltn II'•·. h•• s1o111 All prrsonl"r of war prrrka~:•'s hnvr h"'•n t urnrd cl\r•r for u~,. rn mr·o'ttnf: lhr n<'rds .. r dr~t•'"•'•·d fiN~''"'· murh of the H.rd ( 'rlaS'I mnl('ll'l/••rl I'IJIII (Irn,.n! hM l"•r n nllntNI In lho• lltiO ISh 11rft f'rn•' fur r••hnhrltlnt1on trnd Wt'l· flora· '"1rk 111<'\'1'11'~ h:t\'t' ~rn l:"•·n ltl 1111' 1-'~rma~h R t•d ('r•;~~ fflr th•·•r puhlrr ho·t~llh n11r~r~ 11ntl mn· ll·ri:rl~ ltoft frttm lhr work t•l thr (lrttollll'l ,,,.. rflr(1'1 hnvr llf'<'n Ill · ~rl:n•·ft tn lh•· A11•rrrnn JV rl ('rhll5 "hrro• 11 lar~r· ftltrl has lw, n 1 ••rn· .. d rnru ,.f .. rhrn..: f••r Au~tr""' r"· Itt f hi' Jli•IOI••fl ttlll In '''"'1111' '" lt .. l, .. n '""' 111111 lhr• 1• trltrol! ,r '"h ttl th• Ht tl c ·r·•~• '' loa rnokr 'It• l'llllttl StAir'! " cleansing creams! for a ltm::ed timt only 1 , I Comt tn, teftphone or wrtlt today! "lrnnt n ''"'" "'run\! :t, n r• '••I t ., . . oo( h· lh ... ,. 11.'11 ..... ,""'''"'""I For a LlmJt('(i Tinlf' Only I 1'1·· \\l'lht• , I •h• (ll •• , ••• I •• ,, ,., '' 11 ' 1 m flll• 11'' '11 "''' 1''" t1 '' •Ill· IIAMI'TOS II ARBOR DRUG <ll'r'l\ Ill '11 "ll' ,q,. I (•.-1••1".' hrl C't otfl!1a tl1•l :\Ia~ '·"" '""' I I • 1(, (f C'r"~' h '' I h•' · .,,,,,.,,'"'"I) 1., l•"•mntr nn•t prv· SE\\1"0RT PJIARMACV \ rdt· "'"I lll•ltrr ruhllf' Wt•lhrr.. Nt'WJ)Ort Beach SlLMOII fiLLD :. T OfftOto Jvlc. I::% I '!: .. Tomotoet ~= ':: IJit Nolley'• a.ef Stew ••--.. Nolley'• a.ef Stew ..... -.. lunch Meot •::::~ ... t.:.."t""" '!: tr- l ibby'a Pk.~l•• :..-=. "ll. • 1 .. Sugar a.lle Pea' •• •• ·-1 .. Corn w-~~-:·;·~~"":,.. •:: 1 .. Groted Juno ; .;::-=:. ~ .. ,.,,,,, N!NIU (~ 5tlop at Sofewcry for L•"''" food• · · · Wld• vorl•t)', low prlctl ••"Y doy. ~· · ." 1 cuu nut :-~...:::"._,~!',;"' ""' 0 • '"' IACMO!I tt1t4 S'AGHml T enderoni "• '-. • •• ,.. .. "-~he"i ...... n· ... ~., ...... . fvg NoodJes '::.. "';""'.:.;: :..~ 33• "'At" fvg Noodln •-... 1 .. A ..... ...._,.......,.......,.,..._ .,At" SIW-hetfi ,_ ... 11~ '-.... -,.,~-..., Gtobe "Al"~la ••-... 20- "At" Coiled Fideo .,_ ... 21• "At" Mocoronl ••-... 20-o... .. ,.......,.. ...... ""' ... ..., .. _ 01Al" Long Mocoronl ·~ 11• Qtm! Dutch Mill ChMM ~o~• ... 32• '-.. ___ ,_ Kroft Cheete ~..= .. ~ 32• VefYMta a!;:!',-':..: 33• Kroft Che.te J:~ ... ·... ~: 31• Pobaf._.. """:'.!..:-·~-27• c....c.. .. ~-~_.... CIAQCIIS Teo Tim.r •.;: 1.. '.! 21'" Jr C""zits .,,,._.. •" ... 11• IMfWAY SAYINGS lcwd.n't Mil~ , .. -lao Cherub Milk :".. :: 12- lreokfoat Gem Egg• ... 13• ......_. ...__,..._ "*"'• .. ,._.. ,_, _ __, ~MMil~:::..31•.:;: 171/J' 0 .................. , ... . .. n-.. sse .. 4.,. St,,. ... ~. Urlj!~ .,, 1·· .... 1 .. ~33· FIGS •. 45· I Of 13• \ fb 23• ,.., ... II ,.,, ,,,,,,, ,.Hf, f ''l''Y 1111· I.,-"' Ut ,.,l ... ltlt , '"'' .,, n.\' •. ,,,, fuu h •• , ..... la •l) t'ra•r.•d•l• • •I•••J• •t )ttUI n,.atl17 ~.f,.•ey. CABBAGE ~Ll AVOCADOS ::"" 0111, ... ... "" -·-CELERY ANJOU PEARS .. 3· .. 35• .. a· .. a· CNECN THESE ADD/TIINAI. IAI.IEI I H•ntst lltssom Sllortellnl FLOUR •··"~··" ..... ';! 11.23 ~'""lv ~,,. ~.,, ~..~ •• , Poet & a..J .14e """-::----·:.~· A7· ~.7~h 'I "(~·~~... -~ .. ~.·· .,,... ,,,., ,.. '7"w ~se •· 57c " I) ,,,.,. ,., .. , . .., 'f I t •u •IHI •tet,~4 1\ itdU'n C'raft Flour ~··• f~~! •:.;· 4D-. ... 2.,. ·. '" r.o· •• ., tt.e• , F1 .,., •) J ;'71} -• "'~ • 1'\ ..... . ,.,.·,:· ; .. , .. :u ...... '. , .. "ur ........ 29• ·.::;• '2~·-e..,. 'I - Peo<het • ... · • · ,. --.. ··-· ......... , ....• Halved Peart ··--· ........... ,......,.. •• .,....J ,.._ •• Rivltfo Tamolea ·--·· ,._ .......... -......... , .. Yololldo Spogha"l ••-.. II'" .,, ............... -·-.......... ._ SpogheHt ~:.. .,~ ...... Meof loll• ·='..t::: .. ,. __ • Meat Iaiit .:t.t= 1._ .. leans '.:::-:::;; I ·~-1 .. I & M hant ••.,:: D-':: .. ............. ,._.... .. , .. , .............. , ...... Onlpe ''""Ye' .... • ....... Kern fruit Joma • • .., » ,.,., ..... ,._ ...... Ill ,., _......,.._. tl •• • , .. I. • ..... , Acme a..r 0:: !:.~"::..... ·~· It• Shet"ry Wine ,,..,,. ,. •.:::.,-... ...,".~-..,...,._ ... w _..v ...... ...-.. ........ ,.h .......... . Goinet DOg Meal ,, ......... ...... II• co1o 0og food .... _-n• White Mogle--..:::-21• tQu.f ...................... ..,, Woodbwy'a Soap I '1:::-11- Co ... merelovquet I 'm="' .. ,...........,.... ...... _ Vel.._,._ ·--· . -AFE~:Ay III(,Hf Hlll'.'tt ~· >ik ~~~· NO \All'.. Ill r • . •'f . · , ll!Allll\ 110 &. O.tnl, ....... P 4 NEWPO RT BALBOA NEW S -TIM ES I H b age Tlll'll"'llAl ' N""IK)f'l 1\f'u h. t 'allf. ..,.h. I!, INa ar or Urs. Jerrold Spangler Again Heads HS P-TA ; Students Give Courl De'monslrotion Program l't 11 1 1., 1 '")'"' ~tones . Ill' .oot• .• anr "'' •' Feminine -Activities • • Residence Phone: Harbor 16:n-R Junior Advisors 01 Teen Canteen Aiel W or~ Program P.-T. A. Executive Boote/ Aic/s lTentol Clinic Assuranre of srcuring n chil- dn•n's dental chalr tor the ~>chciOI 1\lc•f•tln~o: at tht• hornf' of Mrs. Don 1\I<'C'allum , Nc" port I!Ptl(hts.1 de nt al d inic was gi\'t•n whr n tho· J::k'Cllllll uf olfiC1·fS uf l'\t•\\1tOrl l • Ill!> all! I Tt ,,du rt. fur h• I tll.Ail) 1 llarhor l lnu>n Jlll!h ~··hoot Parent · ~~ ap. nl "'"I''" tv tht• 'l'IH>OI rand 1 T r•ut'lll'r ro;,<(IC'liiiHcn llllc1 II jllllt'll· I' 'J' ,, :'lit• (I z l:ttln '''''" 1•1• '''I c:a1 dcmonsLrallun or the \lQflsllu;.tltnt !rum 1~38 lu l~ltJ. ru.u.l• tlu: o1 thl' l<lllll<'nt !'(lllrt nC tho• h ti;h Ill• I'> nlllllun In ('unllc•• Sluw ok . on sehoul h~IILUTt'<i tlw annuul 1-\'U~Id I>< IH•II ttl h• 1 "'""' h• • "hu "•'' sll , f'N ' llay m •'<'l tntt h• ld Tu~dn). uml unnill•· '" a•l•·n•l thc· rnt•• 11n1: I Harbor Hi Honor Roll Students Listed hut!dtn~ cummith•l' dlutrmun _of l l'X('CUII\'e bQard or th(' Newport T•'1'n Caotc~. Lhc Jumor Athas. 8('8-ch· Crnmlnar !;Chbol Parcnt- <Jt'Y hoard of Harbor T cl•n Cunttocn T l'acht•r association. mel' I i n 1: 1111 the honor roll (or thr src'imd thl>t'u~srd furthl'r plans for the 1 WednC'sday with Mrs. Wiley Coch· quurtcr a t !'\l'\\ tJOrt I hu·l.o1 t:n10n :~utldm.: wtlh nud Gordon. volun·l ran, :.101 A ha lon!' a,·rnul', \'011'1.1 tu l11,.;h sdu>e~l an • lhl' follvwing stu· ,.,.r Cclrt tructor . add $1!1() to iln 1~1ual amoun t j:;s\'t•n F C'I• 10 10 lht• ~c·h1K•I l'llft•l••rln 1 llh• 1 )''"' l•r•·•td• nt< lnlrui111•'• t1 dc•nts It "as 'utc·d teo ha\'C a l:l'l't'n by llw Assistance i.,.('!II.:Ut•. Tht• I S E!'\lllfl..<; c·c•m,•nl fiNn' ltnd ltl set up a schrd-1 tCita l w ill he 1·nough to purchasr \l rq (;.m.:t• \':•r•ll•). d s;urm.sn ,.,,,. \It< ,\!lull Sl•·llk• •. :\l r~ of ,,·,, nom1111111111:' mmm rtTI'<' nn 11 ;111u1111~ Hull• r nnd ~1r• \\ ,.,,,.) l \\') \ IIIII II' llt•rry, l>t>ris Btllmgs. lllo• of \ nlunlf•c•r Wclrk of SIUdt'nls t ht' duur, UCC<Wfhng IO Ur. \'tt•rl· II" rn) lln .wn. s11,, 1 lllnw. (.;laclys lor rach day a ftt•1· scbool a nd on ing. nuun~·d lhl' lftlltl\\1111: otfltc:>••r· '''"''' ~ .. aulh 111'1"'' ""'"~" I I (I In I 1111 n•k!vl tlltl t h.strm• II )II t '' nl "'"' I ••• I"' tl ''"'''"'· llttnnh· l"'u·k•'I'MIIl, l't•lo r ",., k f•ndJ< i\nyom· iniC'rcsted in Mrs Pc•rry R:u nes gn,·c a rl'pon :-;c,urso·, l>tc·k P.-t c•r<un, \'tq;il lwlptrll: IS 1" r•mtact uny mt•mbC'r on thl' "radiu" skit. "rorwanl Ptrtklo•y, flltlph .Rorw k, I \cnsl.cncc• "1 tht• J u niur Advtsory board and Mnrch nf the P-T.A" whic·h slw Shttok, Janll'li ~ .. rr, ll~o·n, IIden 1''11 lhr m "11·'' ktnd or work he \\;II pri'S!'nt at th<' nrxt ri'J.:UI,tr ~··•n• tU t4' \ U I t t I o~ ' '1 t .. r rurlhN' nc•nunn•••'ll" Cr•lf'll lh•• I ""'''11 "'r'··~··' "' "'"'"'' t! "' 1' \\'tnlt•rs c·lln rln and on wha t drty. nwetin~: of th!' nssnc-in tion, to 1.,. .l l., ... 10 1,S 1\t.-mltt•rs of thC' junior board 1 1 1\l d 1:" b l "' , 30 n ..... r Th··-·· c•l• rt• II lllltllllmO\tt;l} I(" ,,, '"II ,,,, .... 111 111·11 ••c•r•· 1\f rt; .Jr rrulr1 Spun11l•·r. I"'" ,\ 11 clotll•· 111 tlw l .. nntl• '' "'' II II r ·""''' "'I •' Ill 1\11 ;,, \' tltfl \II' ck•nt.•M•-l '•h'" • . "~' \II'••· t 1't "'" Alt1M f '''" 11· tJ '' \\ ol't. t I 1cl p-c•o;ul• nt . ""' Hto~ lucll• I "' !' "' ~1t I :111111 \\'lctll•·• ~ I "'"'" ·' , ( 1r d . on ny . .-('. n ll t :t: pm :\lanl) n i\!'nutol. 1\••tn;srd Bar· pri'S!'n Wt•rc n ud Gordon, Don In thr C'oronll dt•l 1\lar school <t\ldt· ond l'll't· pn'1illl!'nl :'-1n Byron I , of ••.• , l"h fttl fJ)UU cl, 11, .lt•:H1 Batl(l••t''· ( IITc•n Jlrouks, :'-lr'C'nllum Jr .. Mary llunzal. Ar-tot'ium. \\'•'II". rt•c'Ordtnt.: s• rrt 1111')" l\1 r' R ls\ :O.:h '"'"· niiTI"Iv•tulsnl' ~<'(T< · t a t·\, ~!1 ' F1 ·'"''I' l l!•r' ••h. 1' • ·'" un r \l1• 11·•11', 1\ouolwk. I'·'"' rn• r•l••l, "' \11 Ja111•' :'-ttllc·• .. slttl· ltnr .. ,;ul \1t" 1'11111111 r J..llc·rlu '" k r lo II n• • ""'' "·" l• ·"I '''I I• ... '"""' I ' I I ''" II .... , I ul I • '"'' l '1: ll ttl" tl .. ,, t.1111 uln 1 'lark, \\'at I •·n ('r;uw. ,\nn mandn :\lunaco, LA' Hoy Brown. Jnck Shar .. r . ClifC T rtpJl, Jim Ror· Jntrnducc·d as m-w nrt chairman I Flc•l >. Shu I"> \...Jtrh;. John 11:111-l\1 ~ w (' Me"' rty t k 1rk. R1ll '''U~l'nHHl, 1>1ck J ctm•s. was r~. · '-1t • li m,.; ''~·" '~'"''~·••' 1<1t•' 4; t\11••1 •ntt j II \KIU)I( \I.J.tt:u \111 ~ lllt'tiiiH·r• httltl lllllllllll •llnm·r at New t"''' llt.rbor Vach t club "1"' Burr I' olll.l. Clll'lc•tllll !\lc·at•s. l)prolhy :\It mhc·rs unnlth• IU lw pri'St'nl l ht' fJII\Ce or !\11'<;. J am· Urnny, \\htl .Sis~rrr, ,, .. ,, ... '"'''"""'''· '" ~t•"'•'-•·r. ,, . ._ l•r•....tth"tl of the club I• Or. !i. R. ~onaco. l'aul-<t·n. \\':•lt••r R.~t·kr-r, G••vr~c · d -"" ' 1 \\ o•rc Rurk Ro·an a nd Rill K line. r·c~t!;IW . photv by Aclmtrul It••• ', s \'tn:cnw !ttl) c•s• Thuh1trn ' "'""I llol,. •I '" .... ,. 'I FA c-b ---H --I l'hctllii>Sflll, "''"' Toulouw, Joan 1\'hilf' llarolrl H tt) \'('y, dlilll'nlflll of I Fuurl('l'rl !lwmlw rs w:r!' prest•nl •1\otl l•\"""""''''' ""'' ,.\lr• Corfoonis fBurrShaler lsSpeaker Mem ers to ear Zuhc• lht• incorpornlr•d ho<tnl. \\:IS ~b-,at llwnwl'ttn~andas"sl tnJ.:husl· T sl.ull' 1•11rt tn 'I"'" 101: t ilt \I .t 1 ,,1, 1 \Is• 1, 1 .. ,, or t b All d A U S / f If' Oil' I St 11,111 t\\( Hn:s ~•·nl lit ~·;su~,. cor his t'l'Ct•n l knN' c·s~t·s \\'l'rC' 1\lr~. 1\lcCilrl hy and I I I"'" c. \It' I ".II 11111 I'""' W'l:11 l.111 "' ,,,..,.wcl.nt•uurt"•'l• "•· ,1,, ...... •1,,1 •1,, 1• ''·""" Af Annual Meefing of Har or ie rts .. n e 1gence 1cer l.uamta ·'"""· .ltuh•h ('Mel·"· tnJ•u·y 1:\tr" Hnhat Allrn. M nt , 11.1111·•1 1\nllt til· .!'hll It·\', 11 ,1 \! II J ,., \ \1 \\ A -·-------1 \I 1 ltnl-.hed skc·•• I 111l\\ tl I I Cc·rh1 r. lr•ctun•r. I'"·";," ( ·,.,, ,., .Itt 111 111111111\lttncl. "::!~r:::1t"iMHHt=!Mt=S~t::!.nt:!'="M!'=1P::1'::::n:::n:::ft:Se!t::l"' v Ot•n ~ld · tlltmt Arm snc •• . c>tHsc·o 'I ''""' \It 1 • 1, ''• ,,, \lt~ \\til 1 1 k J I I I I \\' I ~ 111'111 !.oHu~ lltHI\11 ""'''"'"I: tlu ... I'IICII•tltl \It '"I I',,., lon oiH,' ttl,,' I J ,, I I I tllo•r II('I'I'PI111• \1\ol ,,., •• ,. iil1cl \\udrl lllt\tlt•t , olll'\ 1111 ....... , ·''"· :me .. , K t F h. ~J I I t I ,.,, 1'111\\ll ., I I •• ltom 5:'>0 to Sl ......... lit<' C'u.~l:t .~, .... , 1-'r•· llt:tll. l'onlll.t ""'"· :lhtl·n· I ey 0 as lOB uo• r•rl " I"' ''""~'• ' '' ' sl \Is T t: \\ I " ,. " " • • .. ft\1 It lrtl.f r•'"'IITI< .. r 1'1\ll ro>lll ' ' ""' I ' ' I .. lht• price paid '" I ' ·"'" """" duh 10 l.t 'ICtll h.tll .J.u "I"' n. I ... n.tlcl ,,, lo •h:llll. l'h~ I· .. 1 , • ,,.,, '· l'c•l"r A rno. .., ,,,1 ,11, .1,111·, 1.1. ···r11,. 11-1 .,~;,. 1.• ""''''"' .\1··"'"'.'· ,., ltna (;lu 11 111 ' ( :u~P Pr .. r JlrOf'f'citll' II•· ,,t~' C'ttllll ·""I f'l\1 C A . /1 . f '• •• I ' " ' -l trt.th 11111 111,1h,,.l, 11-. • .t 1" .ol ounfy grtCU UfiS ,,, ~ 1, 1 ,1 h••" the <:• "'" .. 11·,.111111,1111,"' \loolnlt r l't lllhlln.. (.'J,or/t.:• T lrJt t\c,·/JtfJt't<'lll t or m 1 .. ,~.~ ... ~"... -Ad<:hes-s~s Gorden Sr c-. ~'""""'"""'"'" -• ... , ...--...-~---...-~;:..;..:.--~:.;_.;.__-:,-=-:-,..:.,..:. .. -,....!:'.,~,.~sus ~~sq11 • " 1•·11 l''''''~'t, .. lt "'t.al ,,,, 1111'1' rnF~I I\Il·.:'\ l'hun<' .t.;u ;)'!~ !inuth <'owot llhd ~ t I I I' I 'I •1 • 1111 "nlilrl lll\1 •I ol \tlt'lllll''' '""" ••I ln!t•l· t·,,,.J ,\ncl•t•" \l.lll••t• ,\sul.t· 1 •. \('11'.'"'·\ llt.'.\('H c )t h''r nv tut .. ' .... '•I I ,. I'·'"' • '' ~ ' I l , . ·' ~ N "'•·tl tl, II '''1••11\1 ''""' ., ' I'\\ '" sl 'I' I II ,, •':tnllnr·r~t ju'· ., .. •I tit I ' s t;'""·" :--• .tr ... "· :"''" 1: ... ,,1tttrtl. !"P)nt•1ut ...... r l,lll•'"l' ... l!l(l.tc'l ltlll 1•1 IIIIo·• 11' •• ' lll\ • •Il l ' to I •. I .,,, lttll rrnm Olio ,,,., '" th··sllt' •ltllllll! lilt• \\'II' J: .• k. l tll:·11• l:t>J••. 1:'11'' ('t"llll, b-y '"'•l•ttl•. klullll•\\ 111'1 Ill• to! ~ ,,, till II' I I .tl •lt d llt:<J.::IItnl'S, Wh c; 11"1 I \\ttl 'lll•tltltt tl II! \111 \'lltl l llthl l.tt )•'tlc·lt.(;\llnlh' f, nol t•t " \\ till• ,, ''"'" I "" Ill I t t I • ,, •I t II lu ' I I Ill" l ... tl •·llt•c,lul'". lie P·•· I ',.,. t ill• ''"'' t'l (;It,. L'l'. l'·sll'lllol lllll lllt:Cil. Joohtl •· r 1 '-r , 1 • J.;,,.~:. "' ,, 111. '' 1111 1111 St·hnudt. 1'1lkt'd It) '' " ' "''''' I'UIIIIlt• h '' ,•• ' ' r •• • ,, "'" ' ··' ~~~ t ' t I 'lth·S and set 1' 1 ft •t ··• 'llfl \\tU h• " \ '' ~·1•U11pl (I n Ill• 1,,,,,,,, 1,, '''", 1111,. 111,1 ,., 1 ·, , ,11 tlto 1 l••l• 1 I ••• l"i1ln• :--=~tlhn,.: .... .. .. "' '•"" carh•• • " 1_' ·~It I' rn H• .. , "' tf ton~ ar• fin hl1• tlt •l•n:lt!l'''l•l , ''''" , .. • ., )It h 111'••·d" ,,, Itt ll•'•fiU'n tly ins••' ''' ,.,.,,, n··· ,,,,,.th an Tu •. ,. sh:tiC'cl rnr '"" ,, • ''"" ·•flo ,,, ,,, •• '. ,. I I• I '"I II ,, 'I· 11 ". d.: I ' I I 1• I" .tiH•lll ht>; m \\ ,,,. 'I ' \ltt't l'lummo r. thf" •. ,,#" ,1r 1 tbtttl '"11 f1l• n~ •• • 1 •'' I I '''" tl 1 • I ~, t. rt , ,f t• d " 1 • n 1 fr I• • I f t \.S off,'' ht• ~ I , u·un ·-.n":l .tnd OHJ~f lu pnltt Job's Daughters Reveal Fa shion Sh ow & Bridge whul•nt ,, .._,,, ,,~ tlu I• H'"• I 1 'ttJ ,,, .. ,,' 1 '1 \t'••t ,, '''"' Jh• toJ ,, 1 '' ·d ''" tf,. •••111fthrCJa ls. • ·• \\l•tfur· ., ... ,d '"" n••l unl•·"'~ f\1111,. r ""''''''~:"''"" • "''''"' "' 11•· ""11" 1 ''"' 1 \I n\ 1 • tl•l~ ,, ''", 1 , ,,,., • 1. ,, ' I l11r a p1cturc:> • 1 "', II• c1 '" \\',·lin• •1lnv !\It 111t .. •r·· For Sof., March 6 11 l..)ftft 11uctu·'· ''" 1 d ,nut". ·I ,,~ 1' '1"'" "'' •1 1 '1 1 ' r••ut .. u"' ""o•tl ""' "I h 1 f•, If' 1 • ••· 1 ,,1 fHIH""'t·ll fo USC"" •j ' ,td·· ''' e1tt nd tlh1 lunl'h•·on art'i dl'f''"'""''' lts·,crl "'''" ,,, lllt~l "' '"'"'' \\,,.Ill 1'' 'I I .,, ''''Ill Ill'""''' tit .... ' , ... 1 .... I , •• l r lht• mC'l'l ll '··cllot .tlltncllht•j•l .. t;l'ulll\\h ll'h S·slllttl.sy \larC'hliall p.m h<t.o; ft'ltl•of' \\ It II'"' ' tl• "'"I """I' "I ' I I ' I''' 'I' I t I ,.j dnllt ,, d he· d ult, 'I '"I •lotrl ''' :! p m. . . I ft, ••n ,,.1 ;,,. I h•• dato• and I IOh' ful' 1\ '"'''" ..... In t';t\'ttfln' \\,,. "'""'" ,.,.,.,~ .. ,, ,., ,. •·•tip •• t Ill Ill\ ,,.,.,,,,.,,.,., •• , ••• 11 ... •llll I ,, t'lt l't lPrt• fh(' Nt•\\.. ,,,, ..... ,,., r .. ,. tht a fh•rnOftn \Vi11 •"·' ··ani r.tt1~ and r.a~hHnl , .. 0\\" Pill\',, Jl) 1'1>ttt hllll1 rtu•llll""" ''""'""' lur lh· "" I '"''"' 1•••1 \1 II I t •••• , ... 1•111 1• In Jlri'S•I' I \I I "II t.• T' l •••lh·h•ll:tl .\nWrll·an iA.•,::tnnh.tll. I • ' ''" •• n, .... 'tl )i•f"l r. lrU\\'n., (' :\1 ' I • t ~ j e n•l 'lrumpo•t r1tll'l. "EI• "" l't•lk ' • '"'''"I"'' •I If, t•' It ''' ' I'"' .. \rl '' tltt ''I''' "n ttl "" lilt• "•th lin•· llunl' on "" I' II c. I I' \ ('I I li d '""I . '''·'· llnt s•t 111' ·1"'11""' l • I I '"'···I I·• '"' '''"I'.,, ... \II ' .... I .. I I I It I I I\ \I Itt,,. A rt·~ 01Cm'·-r I',, .II I "1'. • . 11101 )l'l' n a n ·hill nr ....... , I ),llll.:hl••l.... C'll'olol P''" ,11,.,1 hv 1\!lt'lt.tc' ~1111 1 1 ;ult l 'JI"'II .ont \IC cllll' ol • " IIIHt • 1• ' " · "" 1 I I Hull• \'. :\I , . It 1 1 1--~rry P ur kN" P l'tll' :'\'mlth nr •••nn ~ 111"' sntl "" r; \\ I ... ,., 1 It'''"'', 1f Ill•· ol· '''"" .. ,,f "" I ··•'' • lu • '"' ~1r S haft-r '' ---· -_ ' ''·' I'll!' ,.,, rnm pnnto d .. n thl' putn.J j ''"'"' "' ,,. 111 lito· hnnd' or art •~•~ ''' 11 ol tl 1111• llthntciUC'. we n·· '"' r 1r1·1t'1'r' r and rl lrt·••lnrs, Mr.' lt .. rr•'-hm•·nt' '"" lw srn .•cl 'IIHI t::xtcnchn$: a cordwl 1m su.uon Presbyterian Service tn~l f":ul .. 1 I" I"'''"'" , i"""' t '" 11.-1 '"'" '" "' d omt.: onl' on , c ;, """'' .snd :'-1rs Hnh•'rt \'ilia· guests may .1'111Y ""Y r nrd ~::uno• t o J>llrl•nll<. A " r •• w .. ll. mc•trt1 tl•ooltol lit .... k .. lltol I'""''"''' ... "" r I \\lilt a w ax mark tn~ 'llllol .\Ia· ... \\'tnt :\!arlin is 1'!'·1111''' "'''11'' n ll'lt' \\)II ltlso IW a ..... , lll~lrllt'lnr. 111\lltllllll't'<l tit•• "'tti•J····· "I Ill•· "1111"11 Ito .,,. 1)111\ nr ll1tHit•c 11 Ill' ;uHI III•J•" th" l"llt'll't t.tiiH'd as !<t•o•rc·lnry for ;t SC'cond I ""'1111 Ill I hi' lohhy r •• ,. tltt• ''"'' "' 9,w n h•H•~•· '" I><· ht'ltl :cl •h•• "'" "'""''' " '"' ="'• ''I"''' 1 I ... rlu• "'"'"'' .. r 11111 "'" ""•'"' 1~ "rm candy. 8C'ttc1ol on Frtdny, M11rrh 1:.!. lrum 1 ... , ,.,, '1"1' "'lfl "'"" h "''"''' ''·•rlttl. l••h•IJ" h1 .sn •nd .. \\m•·nl. l:ll••sl ~ tnlroriiiCCd ~~'1'1'1' Dran l 1;"'1' rcf thr hcl lwl Will 11" ttw "BELLES BLOUSES" A \'ol•'ntlnt~ That \\Ill t :,,,,...,,. l'nuutn••""' lo thl' t ·a ... thJiulL~ We Have · · · Her Valentine 1{ , 'I 'I .. modeling and !'torC's n·prl'"•'nt•'l.l 2 to 1 11 m Jlr nl!<o ''''" r•l lh•· \\til lw "') t•· ,, ct lllr•• I 111•11.111 1\ hilt• I" c ,, 111 , Hutts '"·'' \1'••11 t.:•l l' If " 1.. t ( th J r ·tr oru. pri'< ul'n, 0 I' Ul\·1 "'Ill Jn('luflc• J'OIJ'' ,\1>)''11 ••I, ln~l.'l t onlli 11nd work hr1n•· dc•n•• It~ hr llu· I•·•''"' llu• It•' l'h"n"'' :'11 tnwnrrl nn art ,., nt• r · • '' n tl onh ,, 1 r ( d ' ~ ,. . "r am,..,. o nmm<'rcc, an :'ll•••n. Jrln's S ttorl,. '''"II untl ,ISIS Coast lllway Corona del Mar ., .. A~ntl' tn all ~hnn &•t•ur tnll'llll< t ;"""" Th• "'r\ tc•t· •~ h• ld ·•' I I 11 hat n wltwh "'' rnn lf•·•·nr·:tl•• anc1 \t r~ n • ·tr ·tl· 'lr• ~"'nr..,..ntrr ...... .. I -nr.u Ill ·' ' " .... • (;a~ ta·~ rn ...... ,. "hfl)l. Curon:t rh·l M nl. Nr llle Shc~tk WIUI fl\\ 11frlt'l.l tl dtl('k In t hs• mnrnlng Ill Chap«'! lu~·· r .. r t \1111111'<.. I ( h r ( l II ftR ro I • '' · ;urm;~n ·~r r. n,.., 'uun ) :\tar; l'o:tn:l'" Spnrt" ~hojjl ~cntl thc• Phone Harbor 590 ., hflll(trllry Llfl' Mr-mhN'llhlp '" t·~ lh• St•ll, 110 l'hill>l l ltl:h\\,1). n urr Shafo·r. \\h<)5l' I'Hrtc•HI~ llrf ~t clc•ralttln nf \\pnw n s (')nbs: M r Vn.:abonrl l lclll~('. Balhclil 1-tnnll. t h<' C'iillrorAtll Cnn~:noss or l'ut · f'nt 11ntc d••l M11r rum ilinr tn n ·11tl•·r!' ur lh•• Snt· ·uul !\1 r~ llumphrry and 1\lr. and 1 at..o Surf a n d Sand llnlbo.'l -"-Sell It Throurrh Classified Advertisinu -"- urd.ty ~v!'ntn~ ~~~1. SP\\' York~r )lr~. Rrnclt·n F tnch. ~~~~~~~~~~~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~h~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~h~~~~~~ { XIT_£Bl:~ _T~ICX ) -.·.···, 6 \.....4-. 1( -~.· .. • SDAWIIIIIIS IN PEIIUARY-glvo JMFMN • """·Mollo thin poncokot, a torvo thom In throe 't with loyors of cn11hod, ff.1on ttrowborriot and • tprln lc llng of pow• dONd tugor. Vory lm· ptoatlvo-very 1ood. ~t1!_E_!l0L_!) _!liNT) ....... ..-~ ·~ ·.·.·.· NIXT TIMI you fry bacon, put o Attlo wotor In tho bot- tom of tho pan. The water cook• out, tho bacon atoy1 flat , thrlfllll lou. ~~.Eo:-) PIOZIN VALENTINE SALAD J I•• ..__.. V, c. woll\vl -•" I ,.,, .• ,. • .., t1••••• 1 c. ,..,,, ..... cr•- '11 c. ,..., .. thine <h•"'•• • T~ .......... ,i,...,,1• I ''' tell Ml• choose thoroughly w ith all Ingredients ou opt bonanos. Cut bononot I" cubes, fold Into cheuo ml•turo and potk In refrigerator troy to frooao. Unmold, slice ond garnh h wtttl red t•latin hoorts. l JE O~R VA~~TINE) -=1::' r ~ "~·.·.·'::- WI II AU Y pvt our hoort• Into pro· dudftl thot fOod Wobor't broad ••. olweyt ff.ah, flovorsomo, welcome et o V ... MIM. Pretty •• ono, too, In thet ear bfuo and whlto gingham wn~ppor. Volontlno't Day ond every ...,, rev11 IIIIo ... d Wober't b,.od, nnd ntlw r mngn11n1 s. lo)ld of 1)1'· Floral arrt.n,.;t·mrnt!l hy Mrs. == In!: 111SJ1trr•d hy T t·d Couk, no tr e! l••·nkm~ nnd plar•• l'llrds nf d nnc· = cariO(IntSI Kncl <"Oiumnl"l whn WIIS In~: rsJ;:Urt'S hy Mrs. Sftn~on and c 0 s t a M e s a 's c I t F d c t 111 thnt llmr 11\·int.: Rt E nwmld Hny h£'r d lluJthlt•r, Mrs. J ackie W ard 0 m p e e 0 0 e n e r "Tl'd," said Shofl'r, 'Ut;f"d to hvl' ~. ...,.rA mu~h adrntrftd. •••• M '!It ~'.J. ·• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~:o:n ·~~il~o:;u~~~~~ ~.~~()~ ,1;~lnK I ~·.~rOIJI:~h lhr k;ndnt-liS of Nor····· Q ~~· ~,.l·r;rr .. i.rcra·yrn,a.nd, .. :.: \t•ry handy for mixtnJ:: dr~nks mnn Pah:o~t, m anaJ;:I'r of the ynchl " nnd hi' Ji VC'd an rdy lht• I'XiStl'nt'(• I i'lttl), part Of lhl' prOCCl'dS Of tht' s a t u r d a y ~~ IIC' ~;ot upnt nonn. llJWrwd his m;,tl, •lmnl'r will he turnC'd 0\'t•r to --~ J)llsh'Ci up l hin~:<~ JK'(IJI)s· hatl ~c·nt ,\lhc•d Ar ts ns part nf lhr pur· I S p E C I A L S ~ for hi~ rolun1n a nti tht;n \\'4•n t hack ~·t ''''1 pru~· Q1f 1"1'tnn,•ng pi1t'l,ur1"~~'0 •• ·.·.·.•.•.•.•.·.·.·.·.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.:.~ I to l•·d For lht .. ht• tlr• w slrtwn 111 :'11,..,.,,.,, tlllftllltu •·ti I he out-'11 "' r·l'tt•" ll II' ' nnua ' r ,.,,. S~~'·'~"l a )s .sr \\'1!.11 a lind> ltf••'" J.:l•lr1~ ull tt'•l' Hoh• 11 {;rit·~~t'r sr .• hit• 1 10 1"' lwld 111 :llart•h :tl lho I ...... MARKET I I "·'~ ,, ...... IIH'tl\ll\t• II Till ""''"''"' Hlt'hard 111ho1tr, trC/1$-hi~t •rhnol Member ol :O:h,tl• r '1.111• cl "' I• trntn..; lh" "'' r an d ~"' Tht """ ~lln,nn. dl· :II ' ll•·akrn~ 1~ dt:llll\11111 ttl '"' 11 CERTIFIED GROCERS '"I"'' I Itt h.a ttl \\ "• II\ tn.tl :sncl , .,.,,.,. ;\It, F ~ Hl'lnluthl. dl· nrl • 'l111t1t l'ttllHlllllot• and 1\lll '" •11••1 u utl ''\ \\llf.Jil: lt t t•l~ 1••t••frW,\\hUH1Ju ... •nt tnc·h ·~·•t•f ., ... •l•· ... uf t'tlnk•r\ltu"l' QFAMER/CA 11111111 '. ~tho "''' k11ttl '"""•'II I n '"' 1oJt1.,,_ jll •••nlo tl lc\· Dr. itnrl llltlo• tl•ph.111h ' ''' t.,• htld "' httll "" 1111 1111•\\• ,, IJ, lulal \ltiet.IC'II "',,.;\It' c· :11 llo•a klns. Sal lilt." n{ 11 •1' "' ,.k·al lit• ll•o ll ntlt a' \11 • 1'1 • •t•l• nl. \11 • Jtu·h.tl cl Oth• clult I '"'' --- ACROBAT SHOES Keep Hlun!J feet Comfarlo!Jie, Sole ontl SMART • lYlr• art" rn-.rlv nrw, cnlfH+II ,:rn nrHI n1 •. tt .. h 'uur " uu( I• n err •' ll·h• .. ,.,J (Hr all •~t • ,.,..,1••11.., ,. "'*' 't. ,,,. "'''11'1 Hv n•n•lfttt t,..l .. hrm ~~l .,, },, llf"111,1• ,,1 f.ulc an•l l' ..... turf' ehi 1/c"'S:tv.rC OUTS I OE. .. \ I 111 I" c urh 1•rnn1tion (on~ I,. turrunc) . \\•1 h ... t.,, .. ,, nAturalh .and ,uu ~,.,w , .. 11, , .. uu .. ,, r'are C"-omfnr1~•'~1··•n ,~1 K•t· II' t• t:u ·• .t lratheu. et/•r• rh ma•fe ~. '• thai \'I IUt ! 1n hiiC''r •cor. t bu .,. -. ..... uur wtde 111e rau,.:e. SHOES FOR BOYS AND G IRlS ~~~~ -OPENING so o~ ,. \\'11.1:\' ·'"' \\ \HY ,\J •I '"' 1:"; COCHRAN 409 COAST HIGHW AY CORONA DEL MAR I ••• II •••• . . . Ph. BF..amn f,(I.J9 WE BUY RIGHT WE SELL RIGHT COFFEE .... ;~.~~nr 1 lh 51,. llruntl" 2 lh-1. gg•· J'luffo • C.'udah~ ·,. • loinu·('Rt• SHORTENING MARGERINE ·"::~ ~~:~::~' 39'' SCOTCH CLEANER 10(' FLOUR l'rlt•••" H•"""'"d I'Ctjllllar ltrnntl' ii II"". ;.·!•· Ill lh ... lr; •. CHLOROX '~"· '15(! CORN 'lhll'tt .. \\hull' t\o·rnr•l 1'!·117.171' e·a n RAINDROPS ;.~-~~z. lic:>nulnl' BEAN SPROUTS ~·:;,~ 14·· SOAP ~"'''''· hs•art ICI',.;. Ra th •ltf' Ilk PICKLES . l.l hh~·~ l l 'rn7~ 21(' "''""'' '"' -In r PEANUT ~~;~-l '!·ot. 33r ·"' r \H . 1' \ITt. \ 0 1' 'f O C 0 \lt; 1' .\ ") ('(1'11'.\Kt; O t'lt I'ICin·:~ \'\11 T \t\t. \11\ \'T.\c.t: OJ' :\1,\~\· \IOICt: ~~·.t:c 1.\I.S GRADE 'A' and 'AA' MEATS at PRICES YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO MISS A Post-War 1\larket \Vith a Pre-War Service TORTILLAS DMA·n 25c ENCHILADAS .,umbn ~·7.1' Eac-h 20c BOLOGNA Old Fa~hloiW'd Rln~r Pound 49C \'m 'R F.\ \'O~ITt: c·ut:F.!'F. t :-; '!" Dlf'l-"ERF.ST Tl'Pt:S I.Jtr~tr \ arlf't,· nf t1~h for \'ou r l.rntl'n TabiH GRAPEFRUIT ~wl'f't c·oac-h""• APPLES Fanr , l~lll'lo~ POTATOES \\hJtl" ~ APPLES rl''"'" 5 rnr 25C 3 ''"" 2Sc 10 ,.,.. 59c 6 ''"·25c ~ LEMON MERINGUE PIE ~~~ COFFEE CAKE l.arcl" Fr uit ~ln~t ~~ UN ICED ANGEL FOOD CAKE HOT CROSS BUNS J:1:tn Orlll'l~u" F~h49c EN-h 29c .-...-h49c J)(l~. 40c ALL U NDER ONE ROOF FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. .. PT A "~ 1 v ~.J-=:..~ 1 rPit ...._t': 1 N£W~OKT B-At-BOA NEW8-TIME8 "' ,.,otnen t~ ,._ifi# P; B8o P1rl fo Mief-Firsf Service;;, New County-rnervrtotf Eb 1 b I ' ueuc t"'IOTIC £S "'" u ... n" No·"''"'' "r ••·h , • "'"· ..... h. I\!, ~~" Carl Harris School At Laguna Beach Christ Church Board Meeting fridtr/ 1 I ell c u I' "'Tilt ...... IU.IC ' ut:\IUSII u NoTIC .. b At Anaheim Church rue u c ~ All '"'''l'l"lo'tl lllollho•t, ,,, tho• s .. uth Coa-t Alu mna ur Pi Bo:•ta lo Be Held Fe • 29 I l'ho ,, \11••11 t : ••• to \ ·,,, 1'1.111 ..:.......::..::::.::.:..::.......:..:..;=...:....:..=.=. ___ _ Harbor lol):h 'dlltni i'-T A :tfi' In l'hl \\Ill"'""' \\\·un ... thl), Ft•b Ul , Tho· nrtt~·o:ll louarc1 •• r l'Urt>l n ....... "''"'""~ .. r the Oranlt' NEWS & NOTES IIIII '"'""'""'"\\Ill '"''"·' l'lllo NOTICE Of INTENTION vil<'d 10 \'l~tt llw 4 ':ttl l l,&rt 1 ' ' 1 L! 11'""' '' tth :Ill..,. 1\1~ r.•ll:l ( 'hurdt 11) th!' St•:l lo!'ld tts month· t \ou nt ' ~·, olo·ra llolll ul \\'ouwn'll -'" I • 11. •" "'" "'"'" II • '" •II• 1 ,.f '1 1"0 ENGAGE IN THE school r.w h.rn olh· .• ,. .... ". dttllh o•n ,,, 111UI1\ao, II.! :\I~ rtl.• "'"'"''· l.ai(Uil/111) 014"-Wlll on 'I'U..to:da)' .:.\'<!nUl~, .>!ut ... · .. til .... h··'" Ft•hlll,y o( tbll, ,. '111o11l • I I'' •• ,~ II\ ol\\ II• I< Ill ALCOHOL SAnt.a l uw un \\'<JJn ...... t .. ~. Jo;-1;-lt> Hr:1rl1 iUI t'1 P ill>: In th<' nrt•n 1-',•lo ~ 111 tlw t'hll A'I un llnlll<lll ""'" ,,, ='"'•'Ill F\lul.:o•tr;·ul <'h urch t h~" '''I"''' p , •··h II~ II .-IIIIo 1, "' 1, IIJ •• .r. 1 •'•" ,1 ,,\\ SALE Of · at 930 u Ill Ill .. lo•o•l'\t• \\lllk of '"'''""'''" Ill lltt.-nd lll'l<o'r\'a· I I I p 1 II Sll or th • '''''"·I ami t\•nl>•t lill'1'4.'11. Ana · '• ''''"''" llhl '''lt111ht , •• ,, n ... to ····"''''"'·'"'',,.,,, IC BEVERAGES. thl' l'hlllh·o•n ·'"~""'' 1\,llflllh. trun~ :-h .. ul•l '"' maolo• h1 :\lo11dU\ '11111 r tnt'IJI •' 'UStn<' ' Frfod "'' o ,, 1 .. ''"'' • I ' u" ,J 111 tntn,.,pott t.l\11111 tn-•~ 1\111 tht• "'' ~t-"t1h '"' Til"""'' 1-'"';1, l larbc;r ,•·•' ""'" nm~tSh-d ''' dr~ruslium nntl h•'tnl ~1"-'ltkt't'" ''til ht• Ml"'. Red '' '" ' ''" '""nih''' ,., '" "·"' '" ••I I ,,,, I ,,, ,,; '"' '"""' ,,f I II II HI'' H' II 1••~ m '"'"" •• r lllnns hor ,,,.. ftnll !lt•r (' llt•\\1111111. l'hlllriiHII1 of \I .... l!l,ool, .I llo•ll\ II 1 lo• II I ,,. II llo•ll II \1\\ • "''It:' d{'nl, !llr-. SI.OIIj.;l•·• oil I'·" IIIII Il l!> :\1 '. ... • ) un • ' • " I I"'" I • to l•lh Ill ' • • .. I• I' • "'' "' ,, l•ll~roo lJ6g ... n · \h''• tu ~k' ht~ld '" th,_. "<'"'church t"'r•""" .uut tlluth"c )I 1 t..:,.:,s. ro · ,h1 I ,1 l , .. , ,11, '"•""u ;-.:,,thHt n'-It''' l'uhltt lit u tut.: "'"''" ,,, .,1,, 11 , ,,1,. ,. ,,,, ,,., .. 1"t••• e•chllt.'•'. \\hh·h \\til ht~ un 1-\·h· t\ )'l.ttutln..; dtl•''"''· huth UV(A*Af· 1,,,,,1 ,1,. 1 '''''''' ,,,,1,,.,,11 1t11"' -•1•Jtlh ll1t•1t \\\II th ".''''I •It '" • 1 t ... , •·" •'· 1'·"· , ... , •• N th G t • ~ I ' 1 t ..... , -• tiro j lt ul••-• .lt .. ,lttu•tl ... h D." CCPTA or ern ues s 1tuary:..'9. ~~~~ 111 tlw n11•1111111= s··-~ton ,1\..... 1 ~, ,1 '" ''""' ,., '"' '""'''I , "·"""~' 1 , •••• 4t /ST . to Meet At Newport Home I Tlrr~ ~~not tu lw "'nfus.'fl wrtll Hq•·••·••llho•Siuto·ll<mrdmtot•l· \1 ·:•.::~.·~·.~,'.'.'",',:·:.,;",nd ~;,~~ I• '" ltoll :--... ,,.,, ll .... ·h 1\olt ,.,.; ,•·,,·~:·,.~' ~\~',.':~~~~~" , .. \\ F ourth I l1•t nl't 1mo·o·ton~; Call. fo r-nia C'llllj.;l•"' ••I l':01 o "'' .ond Tl'nch C't', II oil loo• h·•ld 111 I ho· l.:o· cuna Ho•adt 111).!11 S1·h• ••I ;oudtt~>l ium 'T11Ut'd 1~ l·'o•t. l'l "' (i ~u, 111, At Laguna Beach flnlrt·ut••"' •wn11·1·. "lrrl'lr '"11 "'' 1111-: ,.,q J,, ,,,.«,t-:111 h) !\tnt F.. 11· t: • ., ... , · ,, 1•11 11 1 1 '" 1' """ 1 , , • • ,, , '""" "''' "'' :\lr tnol :llh F.,\ Alll tl oof S I .. r · lto·ld :1 1 11 lato•r. dah• '1'111' ho•o•t-Js 1111ttt :\1" (;,,.,,~,, \\'h1'8 l wlll l "'""1 "'"'"::• .,"~1'" 1,; I\• •·l ol•l ••I rho t 'l"'"""' ••I 1. • '",',',,,.'".~;·:·,: •.::·:,.:;1"';; 11w ~po•Hkl•t' \\'til ho• :lit-. nu,:;;•ll Scot t ho·t •lllo jo•o·t "l·ootm!latt"n r,,,. Good llo•alth · ,\n~"ll•' no·o•ol1111; trnn~porlot ttnn tll.o\ o·.o ll tht• 111 •'•1· d<'nl at l larhtw :.''\lill It 1111).; t'r1) :--o•l'lh••r ll C altf•lllllol l lflt.: appllt'{IIIIS~I1 111 b.• lllStnllo·tJ 1:1\•• till' to~uuto• ,,r ,.;t>Uthc·rn Dlt · 1,,.11, I• 1 . 1 ' ''" :--... , •. ,, Jl, l•ll l 'tl\ l'l.llolllllt' 1 , .,,, ,11 ''"" 1 ,10 "''""''" ....... r .... "''''"·"""~'Ill th·· "''""' IIUII tlh' lt~;ht ln rol\IUn·,; und .... ,11'11'1 ho•lllll llll~'llllt: a nd 1\tMI. Ar-, \rl :-; ... u.... I '"'11"1""'" 1··1' .... • '" , .......... .. 111 :\lr-. ,\b oll' 11.m·nh, !ltr, anol ca n \\Ill ho• <'111111'\'lo'd . P lnns lll'o' tlntr J'rplto•n l \\til lo•ll olf Ill<' Youth '1'1' 1 ''' 1, "'"'" •t; 1, 11,. ~;11\'t.~:.':t ~I 1 1 1 \'~:~:~1111~,:~~, " 11 1 1 !.~.:' 1 1 •·,~ ,' ~, • 1 11 ,.. :Il l' Ed \\':olko•r ::Oit h Sllo•o•l lo1•ont.: C'•'II1PI••IPII 1\t hnn~-; 1111' lllo'lll-~ \\ • 11>11'•' 1'111f•·r·o·m't· 1l11• 1 "' 11 I·• Ill• \11 ,,.,'"'"I • 1,'',, 1 ., 1 ,.,, " .. '"" 11. " I I I I Loa !'1 t t I 1 ill \ !In :-;unll.r~ r.-l:t1 1\<'~ gat h'lo't ho·rs c•f llw ll:r 111!11 lsl.uul t• Hll~ At rr .... l!lo'l'llol(lll >~•·~slon loll ", '""'' III III'IJ '•'"'" ll.o1 hot• 1-o 1, 1,, 1 . I'll!" , ; : ;,,',,!,• !' 1 \"' ~··;·.,.,.'.'\' ''; ::;' root dlllfh'l' ln.-IUC!tllg :\II' lllld :\Irs 11\o•r 111 11111111' 11d lty lo•!'l'~, 1111d ,\ffll.'ll~ ~11111\ C'hlh WIIJ present .Sho•\\ Jo 1 11111 ilo ,, ""' ("II"\\ 1 00 , ,I 01 0 11 1 ,1, 1,. 1 '"'"' ,,, n .. , .. ,, Elhoorn and"'" ~·n·d, ""'"' t ho· Ho·\ llnrt'~' \\'hill' will nssrst lho· .. no•,oo'l pl.o\ "l'n~S·'I·c1Firtll ... '"~ 1), '"'~' '''""'' "--io·lllll•ol llllllt'''C I ,, • .\l'! I'' ..... I ,,.,.I ''"'' .... I I J-,•ll•t \\ru'<iom 1;\lr ..... Alull' lito• Ht•\' 1-: fl 1;•••l~·ll 111 tloh ,.1.111,.11 to\ 1 11:1 ll h ••rson .M uslc,,., 1•1 111,1 •1~1 1,.,, ,\olllt•·'"'" "1 '" '' '·' 11" •. ,r '"" ""' .I h ' I' I H' "I :111• ,\1111/ .tn l 1ho ho•h I''"''"' lo~ 1111• du11r -.oltto,•l ,1,,. h.uJ 1 , 111, """ \1 "''"· 111 1 1 ,,,.,,.,, \l 'T it11J;I,'I''· \"1: \\II 101 11 11,,111 ,,1 : !l,&u~;l11t'l' o111ol ~0011 ~"1}''1', :\lr lUlu fll''l ~t'l'\l!'o' 'l'ho•r~· \\Ill ho• ~P•'I'IItl l '''tll fo,• lo~ tho• Anrrlu•ru l HI& I'"" , 'I '" ''"' lo.l .. t' ""~ lo. '' oll:l •l ' ''1·r 11 1 1111 1 1'\' I'''" ·~,,:•• "·-~II ---------------------------------Tho•lklilrcl \Ole'fllcll'fll:llgt•l\lrs """"""" 11 11 t •. , .'<1'1 "' ,ool\ oo11o· \\11 'JI\11 ''~'Til 1111 , ... , 1111 l .t I '"'' .r;oo:;;oo:;;;;;:;;;;=or-.-.-..-..-..-.,-;;r;;p;;;r ........ ....-;p .... ~,..,..,..,..,.,.,.,.,...,..,~~ F htr.·n···· ,,,,.,,.,-~"" '" ,,.,., ,.~,~,.~ Costa Mesa Bethel I"' ct.. .. '' "" , h .• ""'' n I I: '' ., I'll• '' '''''I, ' ' "' t i ll "' "'~ f.:MI'I ut•aur. ~ .. ~~·:·~:·~~.~,. :~ I· •• :·:.·~~ ·.::· ·:::: ••• ::I lth 111 ••• 1111 t ''"''. 'pt.t\ttltth· h •t I I ,, \\ o l l ho• now 1'11111'1'11 Pllnn.: l ht' '''""'" t t.•ll 1'\lll'll 'll '\l'lo •' oil 1'111 1dn••· "'n"~·· '"""""n.ol """'' loor Initiates Candidates I ~ .. , 1 , ~·''"''" 1·• "'"''''" , r" "' 'I \\l'•'l:r 1\1 '' 11 )lltlll'lllllj; ... \\llllio ,, '" ho• •'••II -' h ·""""' II·· I\\ II"' I lho l<oo\ ol '' 1111 1'\1 11 I •11'1 \"'\II duo'llol '" l ito• Ho•\ ll:tr\t') II ~·~~-· """·"'""(I( Jnbs Dltug . <'I·-· ,, I I ••' 1\ '" ..... , 0 '"' I \11 '1 I I\ II .. HI 111'1 \I I ' r l lltk')Co'r ;,, 1'.1'·"''"·' rollol lh'lll '"' ,., .. ,, "''" llo·thl'l 157 to be.' 1,,,,, I II"' 1··1 "I,, •1 .. :.,,,I \.•II " \1 ""''· ""' I \1 :-.'.l'l.ll\ 0.1 . ._,,,11t1,111 c·.111r1,,111, hdol 11 •J., loolllo•l,l.lunolf't'(I Q UI'(>fl \ . I ( 11 o I'"'' 1 I • ot. I II 1 •\ It..; \II \lltii(S Ill '-\I ll .otiC I ,\rt/111111 ('unto I oru·o :'Il l'''""' ('·o ',..,. 1111 d tol, \\il' thot 0 "'"'"'' ..,,.., tlo•n '\'-II \I II\ :lllol ('hill,,, l \1• "''"" ''" 11'1~ l'h " ... \ I o•lo ;, \\ 110'11 foour con· I., ,, " "oil "".I ''" Olltl \\lllo h '' '" l.olo.o• pl.l\·o ''''"' olr.!;o!o• \\o'll' rtlll&.oll'lf 111«')' ""n' \\,.,,,.,,,, I do •' l In 1•111 I ' ""•·" \ I 0 till ''" ·tr :11.11 ''" ~ II· II' .t. 1!1 SHill h Juno• ·~ckl•r, II " • "' I II"''" :\It• '""''""' \\til l• "" c1ut\ rn,H""'''' '"'"rC. .. n '""'Murcia 1 .. ~ '"·· ""'" .. t '"· """''" '" :"""' r ... , .. , G '"' 1'·1•1111 .ollol '" .. ,.,.,.,. ···'"'I ,, ,. ,,.,•ul.lt lll••·llno: (tf lhl' h<'-regory Gorby , Jr., 14, flu• "t\ic·. \l tll l'lo ,.""""u•·•l :lll•' th··l "'II 1 ... "" 1-·1• 1'1 On th<' To Fence W es t Pot'nters ,-., h ~~~ ft If lit 1ll.t1 t• fl 111 '•If\ flo oltl\• '' l'o•IIIJ•Io lo·ll l roolloo\\111'' '111111'''"· Fo•lo :.u. I (' r ' I. I\. II h I" llu ,, •I· l tn p ltt\ Tl tlf••'''' 1t~.1n~ooo ltJr lh1' tutut, \,!t.uut ).!t&.ttdl.tn \\til nlnki~ ht'r 0 • t•u lt lhl''-' 1• llll ••t 1:,,,, ,, .. 1(.1, 1 ,11,,111 \ 1, 11 1 1 , lhll ••I II•• •hUlt'h"••• tf,, •. ,, .. ,,d,alhl lll lal ''"''' ''' l luntln..:,ton ~ach d.t~~ •"~··I '''' '' •~ t•tt, , ... '\ '"'I"''''"''''"~~-. 11t1· • ''' \\1111'11 ''" llloollllj; IIIIJtlllllhtl ll••lloo l 1.'11 llo-111•'1 ,;, of llwS1111C .... "" .... II•\ II II \o" l•lol "" l'o ollllll .. r I '" .. ,,, .. , ... , llo oo h I ,.r ('.ololoonu.o llo·tlwl l!i7 oor Cc.,.tn l"l 1; ,. '" ;,,.,,,1 l~o·11l "'1 I I ' I I • Jl t til II•• uq t l 11l \t II IIIII It tl lt•U D I B L p 0 ,,,.,,1 I' "" ludo·d '"'" \\1 011'1' '''"'"''' I '"'"' I \\ "" ,. r••ll '"'' . . I I ,. oug as oo~~:s on r g 1 h 7.30 l' ''""' "', ..... "' ,.,,. "'. ·' ,. • \\'t lh lluntln.,:h'll ''':tt· nt · ltt\t t '• r. 1111 t• 1••· , .. .,," 1•• • 1 I At CDM Church I' r•1 "' llo.• ;\l:o•ono•· ha ll. lo·u , , ''" 1 ",.,, r•,,"'' ,,, ·"'' '"~ '1'' "'' '" :>-• '1' 111 ·' ,.,.,,, " "'" " II . M. LAN E HI \I I ·" I .\ 1'1 I Ill"' l tHI1 f ,\\ t '· It :'\.\\I"'' I ,.,1 I I ,, oloh,loo ,, :'-Ill•. 1'1.~1 • •HMI I• \\ '' ,J,hl• hi.JI ~ ll"l4'1 '\•\• '" tn.u t. I• ,.r.-t•'r 1\hk't l ''h'' ••·I .. ·~" X. t th If•• .Sht't•ta fur ••1. :->11 \\ oool1l 1'1 ••h11 Ia l 'olllllll\11) 111.1 l'lllt<l ~~ llunttn.:l•lll 114-R• I• J'looOIIO' lluufiOJC(OII 1\•• .. ·h 17)\ "" ,,, ( 'ESS POOl .. ~ and St-:1"11C TANKS ln~t"llo-d Au) wto .. ,.,. ln llr,.ntto• I 'ulllll)' Complete line of Valentine selections 1 Toni~;ht ~11nrr~d11) I :lit...,, Edgar 1R lltll II III 1'1'\'t\'\\' L.lnyd IKoU!;· Ia•' ... f11o' llotho'' nt tlw u 'n t••rt I noui-\\'Pt•k ~··rvtrl· u t < "nrnnro •if-I tllt lllh • J11 .-i•• t pttl l11 t1 11l U'IJ l lll+lt)'h fu t• In ltro.t I •Hit IU 1\IIJ (1n !\l ·u-.·h I ('".,..,t:l ~tPsa fl.t··tht-1 f'l•·l~.o .. ''tiP .nth lld flh HI '"'*'t' ,dt •n l utl h·•·l·•. "' "1 .• d I \lorl•ll o\ '''"' lol '"''" '"II 1:••1 II< (11''1 tniiJIII'ity dt•J:N'<' :ot 7 :1ft P "' "' """'~'~~"~111 Lt!~;ion P ueu c N o TICES h.dl. ('oi~lll :llo••n 1 '''I'!" r Jlrlllllll: ~•'w••r c "'otttU'f:'"Uon I All \\ "' k c ~IIIII Hllh'MI' 1-'•lll lnaltro"''"' <'a.rTi~ In SANTA ANA: ('ur. ""'"wl"'a' a l t'tfth Phonn G.lOO In LAGUNA BEACH : a t -'l..,·r••',. l'aUo l'hone IISO O~n 8:00 .\. :\1. to 11 :00 1'. :\1. Dall.\'-UtK"n !'iwrday .. &; Holiday .. I :1101· ('o)mmunrl) dnrr·t•h a nd no'" Tl1111"'dny 1\lr.. \\'tll111rn A. Mt·- lln tlo• 11 til ro'\'11'11' "\\'hill' 1\nn· ,,.,..... Jln~t<·S~<'' tontj:;hl 11 ill h..- nwmtll'rs n r C'opdln Crrclt• nnd n••\t Wl'o•k wrll IH' do•,u'nnt•'·'-''S Clf tho• dlltrch ~~~!::!!!::!!~~:::!!~:::!!:::!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\\'hl'n fnrth ,.,lost."'"'" honordirs Se ll It Through Classified Advertising '* Thl' mnn Is d!'ad ' Whilli<·r. Larry Browns Move To New Home :11r a11c1 Mr< l.:rrry nmwn 11nd famtl\' h :o\ ,. ,-,'!'~·nth mnvl'd lnlo tlto•tr. no·w tvoml' 1••,-niNI nn Cliff lln\'1' Ill C'ltff Jl:o\ •·n I hi' O('W £8rl S tnnlo'\' I r:w•• u nll llfl<' of I hi' mOCit al l!'lll'i tw· lno•:otl""" rn thl' al"t'll. cr11 •1 r tr "'" or nuc;oN r o;o; :--1 1"1'111' .' 'J'Jo, M 1\011' "' tho• ,.,,,,, ·u~ r ,.m N uu. , ... , ... !\:.\\, .... , I t· ···h ,, h•rt•lt\ Tttt 1 "·I ) 1 lr:'\..-1• ...... '"''"'''I tltthnt llttl tii1JtP\\tfttf .ttUI ;ttt •·~·t • '' •~ q •• •• • \ tt t4" 1, n.t ... ttnf( U''"' , d t11 ,.,, • til•· ,.., .. ts 1utu tu ltt h ''' fur ~.:~"~7 ~ .~~~ /.' :•'_,~'.~~: ''\~,~ ,;~~.t.:~! ·••1t\ "" t .. t1 tlf ,,r 'tttl Ar • "''' ""' ''"'' ·• ' t ,. •I hfl•t ., ,(Iff .... lht.,tl• ~· ( ••• ,. •'-: =· Thl... I lttltr1HIU't1 ~"~.(·~ ','1, .. "'~'.,:,~:~ .. ~··•·,• .. ,.~'.~;:~•·~;h,:~ ~h ti lt •h· 'II•·• t ="' ''""' .tf t. t tlu· Plan ..... "')I ••l•lr• ... ..,~ "'' •• t •• u .. w• ,, .. .. n tl to \\ Hlll•:•a\ 'II \\'ul c·~n 1,.1 \\~h•u H.-.111 .... r'""''rnta TRYt::Y.\ ~ HlcJt!f!q ,.11 \\'.,.•t l ',.uttal .J . H. McCOHMICK .tl't \'wtno 111 S l HARBOR PlumbinJt Service I:J lk H•·li:l lrlt· Woman l 'ill lJuw..L \\ .. u lo. .uul < '1~r•• ..... "' l'hlloloo'll f1 1:.! ~:till a A na ::5t. No•\\ 1~11'( l\o'flo'h 12 211· ST EN< H; HAI'll EH Fnr o..;o'tk•fnl • lffto••• \\'oor k i11 C'oa:-:t tliw:\_v 1\o•\1 )~'' I "'-'l.r. 1\tiMt'F.I.I.ANitCll'" • A~-.; I'll) l 'l· .-M ~ 11:,~,111} ('h-,.·-, .-!if-.-~-111-1-'1 olo•~t., I\ 11111111 rh o•p ll•nf ll•hh•, lnl l!•' ''"1'1~'1 kl'lllo•; nl-•• ju-t I• •'• 1\ • ol .. tiiJ•IIIo•nl oil l lololo•\\ 111'1' Ill •II uf• • ol( loltto• 1111!1 \ I'IJq\\' I Ill,,\\ I 1.1 :-; 1\11-.1' S IIP I' II.'' "" l'••rt~l Ill' ol I:: I II' \Ill :1 .,., II llo .,, " 1 1 1.1 r '"' ,. , , 1.111!111111 1.! 111' I-t lll s \1 ""·I·· "··~ t \ "' '"" 11· _,.., It• ''"" ·•~•··. hnhy "" 11 lllol oolloo I llllltll'• '1'\1 II "' -..:. "t•"rl 1.' ltp I 'tlulll. Itt d ~~ ''"" t '1HIItt.: tun t - It , "" ,,u 'p' < •'""t ''" s,.,. If , •. r. :-.;, \\ 1"'' I I lo II' h. llt•oo li~'IH 1~. 1:.' :!tf" IHI'I:-\\ A 1'1-:11 1 11-:A'I't-:H~. nrw , ,_.,:l ~~~~ ~·11 ~-'·'""" ·.~1 t.:nlloon 1'1•· 1>11111~ ~·1 1 till ~I roll ol1""''l • o-.un- fllo•l•· ,.,.1'\(1 'II~ 1\ltlltrH• AY•', llto lt•oll hluno l I lu t loo•r ~·~·ttl \V 11 :!lp c:At.VAN IZ I<ll I'll'": ull "'"'"· 11l•oo hluo k Jill•' to:II IVIIIIIIN1 t•IIW' fiii iiiJ.;~ :'11:\ M111tr1t· Avo•, 1111111011 l•l111111 """"'~' :n 1n \\' 1 1-211• "'I Ill SAI.t-: 'T,ou~lu ,,,. :vi, Y1•ty lllllf• "'..,'· lrw l o.hlr1 I; roll"'· P t lo't' $.111 C '"II IINriW'I' :l:li'W\.J . 11-211' 1-'IIH ~AI.t-' f-'1111 lr nrrth ntlrr«, IIH\f'lll••rl. ''""""'" '"hh•. hut· fl'l. t1t·al<. loo"pl1111l ho..., lf11rhor 11141\ 10-4tct • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 • • • • • • 0 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ; ; 0 $ 0 "'""'"'',. n"u ... ,.. c ,.tltur-flla \\Itt ,_""' •• \ hatH1 tt\1.-~,,.,., •lillY to( Janu•rv IM~ tt tit "' t t' •tlh •pltttU llthl Jll 1111 ht lltt • 'lut .tlhlft .. ( •\ 1l1"~ f tulll tht· I• "'·II'• lho I• oil ~ll;oll h.-l•tilolhho•i1 ,, 1• "' ""', '" ttu• N•'"l"'' I Unl '"'' ~~"' l'tr1••'· .• '"''•l•·•l •r ,,, ,., n• •~•I t Itt ulutauu. pulth-.h• tl nn•l o II I lll o1o of Ill 1)11' I 'of\ Ill 'I/, "t•WI ll• .u·h '"•fl tl 1lt•·tu~ f,trtlt u rul lh• f f' 17r.H No\\Jwor t 111\d . B <'IU'Ofl 0117 F Cilt S ALt-: Kl'nn1flf'l' w"alwor, Rt:I'AIIU N<; OUR SPEClALTY $'\."r '}() 1'"1 l lNy .. Nltthl "'"'"" We Are Now Ready to Give You Pronlpt Repair Service t 0 \VE SPECIALIZE IN Body and Fender Work Grinding of Valves Motor Overhauling New Brakes Factory Trained Mechanics for All Cars If it's worth driving at all, your rar de- serves the kind of checkup and repair are equipped and staffed to servace we gh'e you. Come in Now for Free Brake Inspection Motor Tune-Up Introductory Special FOR 10 0.\n~ Only $150 Complete Motor Overhaul Au. srx c·n.r~nt:n <'Am·>~ Install :"'P\1 fiings, f;l'ind \';d\'0-..;, J\cf. just Hnd 13i'adnJ,:s wh<'n pos . ..;ihll", ){, ... m11n.., Cylind£>r Hidg<'~. a d.ittsl mains. S4•1 lgni· lion, ll"an Carhon & S«-t OJrhun.'IIJr, 7\:r•w (;as- k('!.<; 11nd Oil ;m d <'Verything nl'f'CSI'III'Y· AJ.l. WORK Qt:ARANT.'.:ED We have a Major Car Franchise for the Harbor Area but due · to the scarcity of New Cars we will not announce the agency for a short time. AI Joyce, Motors 901 Coast Highway Newport Beach On the Miracle Mile Beacon 5431 -5432 Opposile All American Market 0 ••••••••••••• , •••••• t ••••• 0 ••••••••••••••• 0 • 0 •• 0 •• ~ •• ·~ , ... , 0 a no t• w IHlll:r.-. Tll~'-l<olo M 11Jtlo!o!'4 < 'nn t ra rllna and S~ hl'nll'r, J..:\ 00 1 11 C'k"ntl C'11nal, 9·1fr 1lnlhnn hl"nol 11·2tp II'TATI ttr r olotiP'n H"'IA I mt"'T\' IW tift A "'f~ I': l oo nn , .... :2n•t .,.,. •. , flllnUAr'\ A h 1"4~ t~. ... r ~ .. rn..-A ~nf1v tct,.ln"'r • N'•IAn 1•uhllr tn anrl fnr th,. ""' ""'llnt " Anft •tat,.. ,...l•t~n• th"""'" f1ol1 rnmn•••~~•l• n,. .. , aru1 "wnm l"f',..•n•11v :r''rt,~;·!-t'~~~l-~ •• ~~: ... ~1 ~~~ ,J;:.:: •. ..,,..,. '"'""'~' a r,. •Ht••l"r1t~t1 tn th,. e lthlh tn•trum,.nt etlif fil l lu lnwlflt11(•4t lo m.-th"t h,. .. ,,.,~ut,.tt th,. N mf' t"' WIT'>~t:f'fl WltP:nf'.OP' t he .. ,.., .. untn IIW't mv h•n~t afttt atft••d m1 •lltrllll .... et lh~ tilly end yHtr In lhlt r•rtltlrele ,.,... ah<ln wrtll••· •BitAI.,) A fiAl'll"'" f'T?:fl'fl'!R N"'""v f'uhllf In fHH1 (,,, •alft C'ttHflt v """ At AI#~ "'v Cnm,nl,..l.,n P<cpiN'II Jun .. ?4 Jt M f'uh -Jftn '17 F~l· , 1~ 17 I~•~ o(lo r lho• 'IIIIo' ~""" '"' Ill '"" ,,.,.., nn•l r ffl'<'l. ''""1''•'11 an•l ••l•l'rn\o•(l '"" 'lth ol.l\ n l 1•", ht u:or v, 1!1114 11 II H F I II /\l"ri<ST 1-'1 unk I. lltn• ltnrt ('tf'rl< l'ult F..to l .l. I!HH ORD1NANt'F. NU. tnt Till' ( 'lty nf No·WJ••r l ~"''h. hy 111111 lhluiiL!h IU l'lly ('ullno•ll, '''"'" Olf ol:Oin IIC (01JI11\\' ..._,I Til I'll I ,'111111 11 l'l•rllolll Cr:ATif'lr AT f Or' OOINt'l BU<;IN['\'1 oloot iiiOIOIII "'"l'lllllod l 'nll•l l Ill U NOEFI n r TITIOUS NAM[ l 'ou lduo • 1 'o •f• I•>Jo, l •frllooH llll• ,, ,.,,. "' I• , ..... ,. •• ,, I,.,,.,,. f ~fit. I ••Jill •·f \\hit It lit llfl 'd• '" fh·· rh,., ' nty1 ; , '" ,.,,, .• , .. ' • n· , r •·1ft" • r •h· t .,., t I• t1 "' th1 1~"'""'"'1 .,.f • ._.f, •·I f,l, "' t I\ f ""._•1\IW•tl f ~, 11!1 lutflt' ,,,._..._.,"~ rtn •t 1 , '• .,, r··~ '' , 1 1 1 1\l•t ..... ,,,,.. • I , t I t \I • I Jt tl I I t) IIIII " II II f It I Ill ,.,,,,,"', ~\If •• u " I 11 ... , ... l!•ttlttHI I ,,.,,, I,, .. I '"''"" '" rf lh 'I f1 f I I , ,.l't •• , .. ,,... I t ••• t ·I tl I If It h HI ,,,, ''1' h ·•t I \ "'' '' ,_ '' • ' , 11 If l"q11,t t ,.,f, •I rl1• •I " 1.,. t r r I • I \I ...... ,,, ••• "" •. , • , I ••• 'tl\ f • •• \1 1' tl H· ,,~. t ., fi lii lltA 'Jlr f'tl. t\ I 'I o~ ltllf f lo t f'i' t II f1 t 1h It t11111 ---------------------------- I I COOPF.RATIVE HOOJo'IN6 CO. Now anrl Repair l'hun1· llf-nl'ootr 6:117 ZI'T) D•n Avt•. C4et a ..... 30-th 12 'BAM a.:ltVlCE IN nn: IIARROR AREA HARRY HAJ.t. P AlNTINC: ('Y)N'J'ltArJ'OR 174 J:ul 191h 8 tr-Ht n.-a ~1:. ('oela MNA, lAlli ~ttc W ill ••n • p 1 "'" H "'' tll.tU It "''u"" Itt 1 t ' I ''" ' • • 111111 I I fflll ~1' uul.e \ I ll I t .. , 1\ l ilt I .... ,, ttl "'It."""' I \ '"'. I .,. ,,, J I tdWtf II••: It ,_.Itt I • I'I'.IC"CI' \1. .. .,.,,. flY., f f #ttl• I I f • ' f """· "' I ,,,, , t I • I ... I II II It t f I ,, .. ,.. r u .. ._. ,. ,. H· ... I I •' I• ft , '., I I '11 tlh f:•tt I "'\ '"'I I ''1•111 I\\ I I ool "I .. •~ It w lol• 111111: """" t I 1 tit t I \\tift 11111 •• \ lltl ft l 1••• , • • • • I tt 11f• J '' u•dt t\\ n t \1 1 I 0f I '' " . • I I '""''" \\'IT'~ ' • J,.r•uAn 1"'" \ f I u It t I. IJI' till \ f ljiiiJIII •I ttf II f I 1 t • tt• 1 ' I 1 I' 1 n t • ·I \ ,, I I I\... .. * J 1 \V I •• ,. •• •• \0 I• I I '·' I, I.' I,. SMAI.I. I!AW hi'"'"''-· f11r1nry 1'1,_ nu l 1-4 M : nutalrtt' flllln l S.1.!10 ~o:nll11n ln-lllr """m"l 1-4 25 ral· '"" ::11:\ M11tlnr Avr . 1\Aibne h · ln!\11 Jfn 1-hnr 211R· W 11-2tp Fnn RAU : WMrtlnt~ fllfle. Irk rn~~•t,.r, hrollrr 111tarhmemt antt '"hll' C'all Harbor lflftl·R. S!'ln no. 10-4to ron.I':'I"R • tJ'v•tnriH t2UO \IPI kltrhl't1 •lnk11 II~ Uf': tanet aNti~. Ql .. nmln~o~ whit I', II fl(J up. ,'11:\ M11tln,. Av11., U11lbo. hl•nd. ""''"''' ~?111 w ...... ~ilvf'r Plntina r'fli'I'I'R nrtA~~. r.nt.O l'oofl•lllllt' ~ lt•·rll11•hln~t H:t\· ... j,j,. l'l:tt itw C'n. 1111 t llood ~•r llhol ,.,,.,, \1• ·~ ('ullr II• '" "" '\1 1~ fi ,,,. ~EH V E J. T h1• H,.frkrrntor ,. ,.,,, ... , t ,.,,. ·''' ttul • t It '' t ttll 11 I •I· ,.,,,., , ... ,.,, I'• "" ,... H:d hna Ft~rnit11rr~toro I o, ,,., o• 1 '' • ool I" o•o •' "'"l f.II"'T -''11 l'lll :\II ~~ 1 1~1 l•oln "', f1101lo1o11 I I • QTAT~t,,~r·Ar t rf .,., . .,." • ~•· 111 " ''" ltll • .,,,, ,, I I I " 'I •·•'••'itH •f It • ,,,,,,," I ''" 1•• I \\Ill Itt "'' ""41 t •tl ktd up 1'ttr•f1•• flqh.1r 11•, !\ .. ffc •I ll 1"'"''' I ., "'''''"" .. 11 ,, '"'"· I • • ·,,.,1."' 11 11 ~--t "''"'' ,. 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''' I t~f 11\• f .,,ffilf1UH:tl ft.t\\lt f''h 1'•'11• tlth \ttJIII I \ J \lt-fltrtft n••' '• quar• •t I ,, • 11• ''' ,,,,, ... r ,.,,,,,, ~~ • 1~· ,, .,,, r•1•·. •, .-, N 'I tJ• fttt f '' tfH*•, tl o ru • t•u Ira f,,,, ,,,,,,. •:• lif' Will ,..,.,,. )'nllr rumllltr .. rrr wtrat "-""' you P hofl•• fii•11Nlfl !!li.'\f\ Crawl ey Furniture Co, 1R12 N~'"'l""' fllvlt., r.net• M-. 9'2--tfa More Class Ads on Next Page .. NEWPORT BALBOA NEWS-TUIER AUTOMOTI\'r: a TillES Nr" rt ftf'a.c•h, ·n~llf. &a AtJTO~OTf\'E A Tma • aEAL ESTATE ---..;.: II REAL ESTATE II IlEAL EIITATJ: a IlEAL 1!8TA11!! -~--~~~~----·------- Want Ads 'o.&.&I:.KT ~I If ( !:>A 1.1 I 'llfi ./1 • 1• l'llnlfllt !1• -----------Ntnvru. "'I' "J ~~~~~ Xw HFt'S, JIUIIII Ill II·• o l .. onoo oll\ I 'h II ol· I~" Ill'> I •.;.q .. ,.,,, .all lllooht o .. 'I o .1 ""k --------- 11 1 'Iff \'Y < lllh t•oupo•, radio, k•'lll .. r 1•_., ltlo!hts, nt"W tlr.e, tt• I'• If, Ill lll••llll & JIIUnt $1196. I '•til ll111l"'l I'Jot!hl llfltr 6 p.m . 12-ltc CORONA DEL MAR SOL'TII m· IUGHWAY ~lc•e Building Lot 10 .!'\cwport Hf'i&:hts. $1350. Cull n c a con 5713-n , Evt•nlll~;~ Jlarllor 1<J&oJ .• J ll·tk ------------------- Continued From Preceding Page 111 l"oth ~~ :'\•"1"''' llo .oo h ~~~~:r, 1 111.\' _ UtA•I ~l,. 1 '"' - 1..' ''' ""II• I 1'1 '"' H od• or "'' \1 H H ... \1 I t•t:\li GM(' " Ton ,\ nt ,\{'TIFL"L :\'EW 'J l:xodroom -~--~----:---------'I •J t • I 111 I I \I · t•t~l<•.l• ~.l lllo~otu~la 1003Coaat I I ·-111•1•1 ' '' ·• '' ·•· h '" h vllh 1-'lrt-Jjlrw.:, 1(1\rag.,, paUo :: HI-.Urt()O).I 11 1:1' ''."" 111ou11 1.! 11 111 1 \\ ·~ :\<" 1••• I IlE-ac . .,.-2tp (lr O;ogsltJn•· with ~oncrnt·' feon-. , 1Iust Sell at Once HAHGAl:\' Lot 1n io.:m<c'Htld Huy, $3,750. 110 ft fnmtu~;1• Phunt• owner, Harbor 1797-J . I 1-4tc Ull.'fiL S.'C ni\IWI !:) .. LUI li..} "-" ~ "' , '-" S u nol,,, at 51•• ~o'llllo.ol l 'ool '''"' ttt:'ALE~T\Tt' 11: Kt .. \I.EST.o\Tr: • \onollan hlands, rugs WILL TAKE IN DOAT On Tht News-nnw~ will nol 1>1' rfl. 1ponalblr for more ttllln ont> lnC'C.•r• rt<'t II)Jt!rllon or an adverlls•·ml!nt. l"lrSfrvce t h t r1~ht to OOITI'Cll) claulf)' any and aU lids and 10 ~jecl any adw·rtiiPmt'nt not con- Jormln& to rulra and rt·(Uiallona. 68-Lfc llo·l ~t:ar, ll·..'lt: Real 1:"\l 'J'(J lti.:'\T In 11 (rr • II h1111u \\olh k lll'lll'n Joi iVIIo•~o;o•• Ill ('o, folllol 1lo 1 ~1111 Hco\ 1111 II ollou:1 h t .. nt1 II lfo· ~ctlt IH-,:'\:'1' T''" l~t•Ur•~,,; ""'"'' J I '111 cm.a do·l lll..r I' ur na~oh• cl !II I llnfllrnt¥1wd llurlk•r 15 1-1 M 1:.!-1 ,,. W .&.NT&D TO BUY II FUit rt 1-: l'\T ~~~-----------( 'urtlllll dt•l Msu CASH for USED Furniture & Appliances "Wt Buy Almoet AnythlftC'' GRANT'S PtwJM a... 510'7-M 1M5 Newport Blvd., C41t.a Meu U -Uc:. " FURNITURE EFINISIIF.D \ As You L1ko• It -KEN GR STED 2131 I Miner St . '011la Mesa Phone II arbor 1070-W For E3tlmah•a On Guarant('('d Work D 99·111' .OAft. IUPPUQ II lif)llrtnwnt y .. ar 'ruunll 11r \\ '"'''' nnJy. flO)' & I ICI HI) \'II•\\ !Jiilllll' J~tck Gn•t·m· llarhnr :l~H-\\'. 6-trc RE~TAL t:Xc 'IIA~(lr; SOU'n'l PASADENA -Mc.clo·rn 3 bt'druom :.1 1,. hnlhs, rn•ud• rtJoll\ & bnth, ur,(urm~hl·tJ. SfliiCHJWI, (or O~alboa l~lund 3 or 4 l,.•d room unfurmsho>U 1575-J. WANTED TO &ENT I I ,, 1 II •J r 9-tlc: HUL:SE or oJJlllrtmo nl h)' C't"ll•l• unl) ,\\.ill ltih <' foor ""'' ) • ,,, l'llho•r fUmL~hl"(! or unlw "'''"II l 'tJ IIJ $~11} .... fllurtlh ltolo r ....... , c•ull Slll\\o II , 11.11 I ~tot _''1411 1'1 I • ntn1·~ ll,otl••r .:7'..'\1 II ..'IJt EX<.'If,\~Gt; U FOR SAI.f: 1W1•nty-alx fool hy \\ll.l. 1 \lll\:\•;1. \,11 1, he ,11d el<>ht fool thro¥ rnlls••r hull • tl•'\\ :h h~t ·'• It 1111 .I ••1 .:•; frsmt' work, n ·11rt)' fur ply"'w"l , , I kl I• . ~'~'1CHIII \\ 1 , ~·ublll•)•''' 1·17 1t i111Hiol o•''·' 'XI ART~ EN 1\1. L3 UCHA NAN 1 ~:-:l 'IL\~( ·1·. I~('IJ~1E TAX COS TA MESA Build a ~lulo·ltll t.'t"''·' ~"""" '•IISII11'"'" dtsln l't. I:.: acre Ill (1/1\1 111!>1111 Cu-1;1 -'h"'· ( ;I..:ICI ;; B.l( lt~J11e on JWO(II'l'ty. I Ill lot 'l', 1\IIISI sdl. S.'l.' I hh !IICJo~y. T;1k1· IJ\ot'r .~1utr.v in furnJ,ht'illtt,,,. :!-1~-<lruom & den' sltw1·o """"' Thi~.; hoo~· ha' l'H'rythtng. One block fmm ,-.;,.1, Jlfll'l Bh d. A nH~' ht~IIH' f,.:-... m.dJ f:trnily -:!-IJt.'('lt·oom fram~. la1'~1·lol 11t1h rtu . .;,f.!oul a•hi<•ken yard. $5000, tenns. Thl~'l' fr~'ifi'Otllll, '<IUI'I 'II. 'I bl'gl' Jots. flO\\'C'l'S & trc:.>es go \l'tth llu~. J,,,~atn 1'1•1111;. if dt--sired. (1lroi•~· l1uildu:~ lot-. in Ct,.,ta ~k)',it , Newpot1 Harbor all(J B;tlhoa Jltmin~'\tla . NEW PORT HEI GIITS Mo\'(' nght 111 J\(•:11111fnl :{-IHinlum, ~ haths. tur- nishNI 11 tlh tho• rinc .... t 1·:, ... ,,.111 11111111111'1'. Wall to w:dl t·:II'JII'h fm•pl:t•'' and fuman· :1 l.t.l).:C' hny win- rltJ\h 1111h 11,,,.1,~ dt\IJII~. ml'rlc .. akmg :'\1•wport Har- l~t·•· J';at 111 '' ith IJ.ri iii ~JIIt• "'·"'' , •unplt·tt'l~· fPnL'ed. l.:tnd""·;q,..,l 1 .. r•·•·f····•a•Jll. ~ •. ,, l.!·""l"n l'wniture. (ho·t''l/t'(f duulafl' :.:.ol'al'l' \\'1· \\til I•• pli'IIS('II to show \'llll I hi' h ooJIII' rl.r\' •II' t'l •'lllll~' i·:h.:ht ' .. ,.,._, '''d .. l'tontpla•tl'l,l' fllt'llb.lu'f l :\.l.){'(h'OOm, '<tll<'l'" ·ht'I•Jof;"''· h:ll'd"'"'d II•••'" l'·illo, on e;:{x150 lnt 1\ lot\o•l\ c'lfllllort:ahlo· ""''It' In lot• .... t nl'ighbor- htl{)(l \'<tJ'd ft'IW1'<f 'J'c•t'l)" $10,850 Sf:F: OWNER ~.c:· l laltlia Avf!, Corona df!l Mar ttc LOT FOR SALE :'\:17\\ PllrtT ISI.AND -Choice cwn£•r H-:.! lot. Sidewalks and Jo"' lnt: I ~rl h sid~s. all utilitl1.'8. P '''' !.unci, 3300 Marcus Ave. N1•wport Beach, Calif. ti New View Home o n .HL()()KING Enlire Harbor ,,ro·;l 3 hr , hdw. floors, fireplace, ('ton~ I rurt ron and inside finish ··~~·; l•l runal. The finest we've r1 1 r offf!rcd. 1\ALPH P. MASKEY 3411 W Cl'ntrul Ph. JIIJr. 402 9-tfc C'\llsattled ad.s DO cet 1.1w> JOla done JIOlJSJ:: TRAILER on nice '2 apt. dv.\'llmg. One apt. vacunt now: othl'r apt. vacan1 in J un!'. Clu~ in Ncwfl()rl llcach. 100 yt.lo;; I rum oc:l.'on. Cull llcucon 5713-R J::v~·mnu~ Harbor 1086-J . ll-2tc COSTA MESA BY OWNEn -5 room modern homl•, choice·, cloac-m location, 50 or 100 foot frontag('. 1-"ur· nislwd or unfurnished. Pri«'d rlghl. Cash dl.'al. Phone Beacon 5888-J. 9-Uc OPEN FOR INSPECTION ULTRA MODERN 2-BEDROOM 110M!::, AUILT AROUND 1WO PATIOS. l\1 0 0 F: RAT F. L Y PRICED S E E IT SUNDAY FROM 11 TO 5 PM AT 511 IRVINE AVE , NEWPORT HEIGIITS I BLK. SO OF NEWPORT II A rt D 0 n HICH SCHOOL 12-ttc BAY FRONT -BALBOA :!·hN.II'Oom home with spad0t1s sun porch . 2-car l.!:ll':l~C' with 2 ample sleeping room<t on 2nd floor tndluling 1 1:: hath-<·ould Pas ily J.x> eonv<'rtro to an np:u1mC'nt. R-~ zone location. Prit't'--S2:'>,000. NEW LO C ATI ON BEVERLY REALTY CO. Gladys Be\'cl'ly. HNtltor 21 I East Central. Balboa Phone Harl.1m' 1 i~ BALBOA ISLAND 2-bedroom home. Lot 30x85. FPnl'l"<.l. Carage. $14,000 -Terms 5 bedrooms, 3 baths, with 2-bedroom apart· ment over garage. Both fumishro. Good in- come .. Comer lot. -$24 ,500 -Terms BALBOA 3 Rental Units, on Central. very fine income. $15,750 Commercial Building. 2 business rentals and 4 apartments. $7,000 annuaJ in('ome. $15,000 Will Handle Ex(."('Uent wnns on balance ' 2-bedroom home, apartmen t in rear, furnished. Patio. $14 0500 Ocean Front J-t.x>droom home, with :3-room cot- tage in rear. Both nit.'t'ly fumishro. Ptttio. $18,750 -Terms ~ • pan n.: rll'• "'";'. no ,,1,,.,1 I ,I ,Y 1r 1)(--C'I• l'rodut·t, t:tti l-•. AlarJ1•·•1, _ Durbank. C'ohf 1:.1-1 1<: I Vlllell Will n:aat your c lltl-l>llto.J SOUTH COAST REALTY & INVESTMENT COMPANY 12·1 t.c B P . d-T S J 1-11d& u vou art• n·t~t.llnJ: tht·,..· oats ra ce o e '----------------30·1• l't•m !'t•l l-'"111'1' I WI:! I ~~0~1!:\' TO LUi\~ 31).(1 $3000 C'r·r~·l'nol l !'o tun ('rul41'r I 11).1:! I $iol\4)(1 ~pt t-·l~h I Mltrhdl 4H1 $i~l c . £ !'.11...-:--;f·y 711 Cout lltwlly, No'\\ l•nrt Ekaron !'IO!l:l· \\' I :1 tr c PUMPS WORTIIINGTON PRESSURE · crro.-nuruCAL F 01' all Pn-ss u re Soden Rrrrlat•ratlon G3 So l..CM AnltiH St • Anahtlm PhoM 4652 12·111' Lu ANS 'I"tJ lll'JLIJ, louy, unprow n .. ...t,·rruLc ur r..tanilnet.• Wt• I'W' t'hll~t· trust a .... c.ta NJ>.\\ l'liHT llo\LIIUJ\ F EDI::RAL S A \'lNGS & LUAN A!:iSN. l33J VIa Udo Ph liar. 15oliO ~lie. Al.TO)IOTIU: A TIRL't 68 '17 lli'ICK !Jiut·, 4-d••'r ~·d.1n, JlO.•rfo'<"l rnntlltum. not 11 "'I utdl &•rvu.•"l rq;ulurl) llu.' ~Nil Cll\ ··~. f~.~~: IIJ:hl•. IJ,II'k UJl lrblol . el£-cl n r curb ~11:114". l'rtH III• pori}. Jlarli<Jr IIJ7-M 11-411 We Have Sold Over 1900 Used Cars FOR SAL.£...-N""' Model PC No. 37 19f6 0\a.mpion. rompleto• ntc·· m. A cn.tiAlnc t'Qufpmeont, ln· dudina outboard. $4,5:;0, Phonl' l.n nu, Area a.nd Hnw U<-t•n lJotng AXmlnatt r 23371, Los Anatl~. Bua1nt-ss ConUnuaJJy for '27 'il'lm. or wwkendi!Arry WMeJer, BaJ. boa YKht cub. u -uc CARS PRICED TO SELL FOR SALE -S.llboat, 11 ~ fL '40 0\ev. Spec. 01x. "Bwtl't" with tnller. Calvin 2-Door Seod&n ..• ·--· ..... $1125 Rabn, U07 E. 17th St., Santa 'U Bulck Spec:. SecSan. .. -... 147~ AM. 11-4tp '17 Ford Dlx. Tudor .. .. ~ WiLL '~'~lADE eo-roar 0\arur '38 ~ Pickup. Motor Sdtoaner f« Income property. , ~. New paint.... 150 ,. : u..rt.ar loee.J. U-4tp .e Ford Oonv. <¥-. Radlo lftoe~r '"-··--··-··--....... ~ ft.OAT roR ~ OlllftO '41 Font Oonv. ~. R.adlo, ..... wtu-a.ent. llile ....,.._ Huttr ... -... -··-· _ ···-· . a. lt at 1M 8ulaa V"ta. 8aJ '30 Ford Stodan. New p&lnt be& a.d 'IWitdM.D. Ph. Harbor '30 Owv. Sedan ... Is. -" 210-W. •ue 'M Olda 6 Stodan _ .... I'OA &ALE lA-.an pump and '34 Chev ~. .... t-at CC~n~~~Nw. f'7S.OO Uu Today'a Prief' .... ..,. Dlltr1ct Hardware Co. Pr1et-Red u c r d $1 ~ 8aL 1a1u4 JD.Uc Every Day Until So I d. 1495 295 175 39CS 316 IIWIC.U. • IIADIO .. THEODORE ROBINS IOLO VOX-~ CJrlan you can Your Ford Dcoca.ler Sine. 19'..!1 attadl to 81\1 ~Xano. Come and l»ar IL D&lu-Sdunldt Plano Co. !DO No. Main. Santa Ana. 1-tlc 1845 Newport Ave. Next to West Coa..~t Mrat COSTA MESA -BE'acon 6207 BABY SPINET -S.tay Rc.. S"'"t lOOP. Ntw, Now only --------------------an. Danz&:tun.ldt Plano Co. Jlt·l:I JJ.Jt c !DO No. Main, Santa Ana. Ttnn~. 3-Lfc 1PINET plano for rtnt, 6 montha rent allowed whrn You buy, O..nr·Schmldt, Santa Ana. 3-tfc r·~ uootwg .<'11M4li!Jf IWO:J 9001 ·o::> UO.LOW .LSVO::> L9LS 'dol{$ illll 10 100 llinr 'O!P"li '.xlnoJ JUU~ II(. 66Ht WAHR EN M. HUC HANAN ·.· I ~Sl 'R/\ l"CE SiL;I'Id ~I Kill)!. :-:.tlo"' 1701' ~ 1\:•·" 11(11'1 A~e•JHit' t 'osta Mesa Phone• Bc•;worlli:t7:!-l<u · f~·;to 'Oil :i ll!)-H liARBOR INVE STMENT CO REALTORS Lido I le $17,300 Ocean Front $1 ,000 down Balboa lsltand Newport Heights $9,500 Central Ave. R-2 Lot :~·lx.,fnns .. :..? hntiLc;; home dhl. gar.. t''\1 '('ll<'nt loca- liun. l'at1ly fum. Tenns. V:w:uH IPI, Nl:'\vport Bch. Full pri~~~ ll<'t'f' is a brand new. beautifully d('signed 3- bednn. homt> in best olea- lion. Shown by appolnt- mt>nt only. Fum. in best la'>te-to suit most dis- criminating buyer 2-bednn. home, 2 yrs. old. Can be handled for as lit- tle as $1500 down G.I. loan oC $6500 now on property. 31x1 0~ exet-llent bldg. site for duplex. Bet. 12 & 13. $3250. SPECIAL! BALBOA ISLAND Duplex ncar South Bay. Very attractive 1· bedroom apt. u~mp. fum.-lJT'lJTlCdiat.- O<."t'Upnnc'y, Priced for qukk saJ~ $19,750 -terms OFTJCE RENTAL-Suit<" of ~ Pffire<;.-MJRACLE MJLE I<X'ation. Long-tem1 l('aS(' at $1:-\5 JX>r month. 1'/\X S/\LE -City nnw S('lling list o r T:1x Lots. Many C'X('('II<'nt \'a ltt<'S. Sex> us for list I' . ,. I '• ·, ·\ ~ Harbor Investment Co. Rea ltors BTEINW A Y GRANO -Pl.'rft"<:l condition. Coraroua. Sal'r at J,rut $1000 over ntW priC\'. Danz. Sdunidt Plano Co .. ~20 No. Main Santa Ana. Alao •mall alu Sklnway mirror t)'pl' ap\ntt. 'OJIIIin.HrwwJ ~~~ S"A\ :mth at \\'. <. 't~ntml /\\'4' J;\IUdJI 'OJPUl:f IPJS )fJinU I t , Jlnrhor Jli()(l :!::!!1 l\fa.-inf'. B<tll)f)., Is lnnrl IJarhor 1 ~~ 1 S.trc 6601$ -- 8PINET ~ mirror plano Reo- IIC*fiNd.. Pay balanet-Ttnns Another for S195. Danz-Schmtdt Plano Co., ~ No Main, Santa Ana. 3-tfc 11! Ufl!::!..IVQ (Vo.l..l V J~1UOJIJ 'O!plrl:J llllp.lS JUI.Ip·(: I~JO.J.Aol'O It>, . l6!;1S J.lq BALDWIN made aplnt>t I>"Pf mlr-·qru ~ 'JdUI.IJl 'OJPI?l:J 'IUJud ror pWto. Dlln,ton model Onl) I'WN ~OOJ 'J\UUJ 4100\JL([d n . ~. This Ia a lovely lnatrument - 0..U-.5ehm.ldt Plano Co .. 'fNo 66(;(;$ HC111W of the Wu.rlltur, !120 No. -141.>u il)jl( suru p1111 Main. Santa Ana. 3-tfc ln!OC7'J .SJOJ.,o.) lB.lS M.lN '->!IVW BALDWIN GRAND-Fine condl· ~.<}t 'i.Jili{~'VM Pl.lfi{~PUIA\ 'JJ t.lon. A I • o HM\IIton ~11nd ·1UH 'O!Pil(J ·uup.ls £9 .>VI(JPIO 1 t , Anoth« UNCI ~rand only $.585. -- 1Wml. Danr.SChmldt Plano 0>. Santa Ana, 520 No. Main. 3-Uc FOR RF:NT-1 bedrm. apartment turnls~. Now 1111 Jun,. 1~. Bal· boa bland. Harbor 13.'>1-J. 12-ttc • YEARLY R£NTAL-Fu.rnishl'd 2 bedroom ~ tlectrlc ('Quipped, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m . dally, Sun- day afternoon. 605 Larkspur, Corona ~I Mar. 1:.!·2tc 999S uv~ J<l·t ,o:Jpoa Lt. t6t$ ·pool! sunu 'J.lQQ 1\J JlOO!) I u !00 ~ oildnoo PJO..:f ~. r·l:t"'«,; UO;ltl,)fJ .<u,"4~11 1 1.-uo.) 8001 3"1H::>S3UU.i ROO '0::> HO.LOW .LSVOJ -INSURANCE- • ruu: • AtrroMOBII.Z • YACln' • COKPENSA'nON .. STU" DUNLAP Enjoy the Benefits of Two Fine Beach Lots A moot a ttr<l<'ttve n~ick•nttal l01·ation a t Balll\'1.1, nt."'Or hoth thC' Uay and n,,~an. f;1l'ing on :t hroocl p.wt'd st ('('('t. Each lot 35 fN.'t wide, tOO fl"l't dN'P. pt'O\;ding :-tdf'. quatC' room lo build. and ~ ... t>.l'd by a 20-foot aile,~·. The two lots may be pun•h aS<'CI ~pat·att'ly or t~ getht'r at no mcn:-asc O\'t'r th~ mark<'t prit't'. South expot:;urt'. For the right locations, see ffi1B POWERS, Agent Harbor 62-W j. A. BEEK'S OFFICE Balboa Ferry Landing ----------- BRIGGS •• BEST •• BUYS 12-ttc LfDO IS LP.'$ BEST BUY -2-story shtl~'Cl, :!-;·n1• gor .. lot l~x~1~1. patio. ll<'ar pit>r. MultipiP l .tstm~ Nn. 1llK Bt SLJ~ESS OI'PORTUN1TIES--sm.1ll Boat Rt1iltl ing.-C'o.1.t lli\\a_\' H('Stnurant.-fkmtly ~hop 1.»-Nut Con~<tion. Fred BRIGGS Tressa 6.14 Co.'\..;t llighwa~· Ph. &a. ~TiR He'S. liar. 2·171) 1{1-ltc 12-ltc • • Ro~ GtWIPy. HealtM -· Busincs.c; Oppor·tun iti<'s Monte R. Grimes. Insurance -Rt'al Esutte Bmkcr .Jc")S{>phine \\'l'bh. Rt"altor 302 Main St. BALBOA Ph. I larbor 2034 12-ltc BAY FRONT HOME In good lr•·aJion on comer lot. &'t' u.c; for full p;t rt kula 1-s. 2-BEDROOM HOME C'omplt"tl'ly furnis hed. l -ear garage, la rge t"ndoscd p;1tio. 100 hll.)(•k. $13,750 We Have A Few Rentals Left Inclu d ing 2-Bedroom House Ln ~e y<~rd at SilO rl('r month and garage apart- ment at $50.00 per month. lnduding utilities. AvaiJ. nble until Jtme 15th. ISLAND REALTY COMPANY 201 Agate, Balboa Island Ph. Harbor 377-W 12-2tc VISIT US IN OUR NEW LOCATION Blanche A. Gates-Realtors-Ginny Gates 212 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Phooes: Harbor 1671-J -Evenings, Harbor 746-M Harbor 1034-J BALBOA ISLAND: Duplex. R yrs. old. Xlnt rondition. Good income . $21,500. Xlnt tenns . \\'eo have> a few building lots lt>ft. Better hurry .lf you want one. Call and let us tt>ll Y<XI about some or the listings "'<' have on tht> Island in both one unit and res. inrome proJX>rties. PENINSULA : ~ RR .. 2 patios. compl<'tt>ly a nd tx-autlfully rur- nishl'd. Xlnt location. Immediate possession givt'n. CORONA DEL MAR : W<' hnvf' a IJ<"mtfiful ~ IJ.R. hom<'. S<>mi-moot>m arf·hit('("tlln', south sifll' nf hi~hway, that mny be ju~t what you aN' looking for: It has a fireplace, fl oor fuma('(', bath and !;howcr. lot~ of comtx-d plywood intC'rior. til<' in bnth & kitchen. Brick trim. F<'n("('rl-in brif'k pntio. Pri('(' $1~.750. Almost new 2 B .R. hom<', large living room , fi re- pia('(', patio. Prirro to Sf'IJ at $10,750. SomC' gnod building lots available. $(.>(> us for other good propc>rtiC'S. A ~od huy on the Hig hway. New building. Xlnt incomC'. NEWPORT HEIGHTS: ~ B .R. homl'. ~<'\\'. L.1~<' lil'ing mom. fin'pla(."('. dinin~ room. p.1tio. ~ this for Sl:l,500. AJm~t n('w 2 B.R. hom(' on com('r. L.1~c living room, rlhl. gnr. anrl y;u'Cf. A huy for ~9500. Takt' OV4'r (!.I. loan. Attrnctiw 2 B.R. homt.-. single garage. yard lnndseaJX'(t. Small down payment. ~2.00 Jlf'r month. Mnny othl'r homes to ch()()l;e from. COSTA MESA : Half n<'l''l' \\;th ~ B.R. home. Lots of fruit treocs. ch kkeon ('(JIIipmC'nt. V{'T)' hP;nttifuJ. 1 act'(' in citrus. 8\'(X'arlo a nrt dC<'idious fruit tl't't'S, 2 B.R. how;c anrt guPSt houS£". 2 B.R. hom('. Take m·<'r G.I. lo.m. This Is nlmost new nnrl a beauty. ~200. totnl pri(."('. ~21 00 down. BLANCHE A . GA TES-Realtors-GINNY GATES 12-ltc 1\t Corona ciC'I Mar 'SOME CHEAP LOTS If ~·ou must h:w<' IC'\'<'1 ones, th('S(' won't do. :1 LOTS at S2000 for All 3 :1· LOTS a t S2900 for All ~ .,.., 2 LOTS at $2000 for &th Somf' F'inr l.<'\·d Lots -SlSOO eo:kh W. j . HOLCOMB At Corona del Mar 2-Bednn. home, very neat. This is furnished, $7950. Two bedroom modem, very classy, $9250. Two bedroom mode-m, a beauty, $9700. Two bedroom. modem. -Ask to see this. $11,500. 2-Bedroom, new and modem, South of llighway S10.300 One lot looking down bay, $2200. BeautltuJ ocean front Jot south of Laguna and has grand view. $2000. Other Jots south of Laguna. These an.> large lots and have a view of ocean. $675. W. j . HOLCOMB 1517 Coast Highway Corona del Mar "Where the Flags F1y" 12-1tc HARBOR ISLAND 6-bedroom home. A dream pia(."(' in an extra exclusive setting. BALBOA BAYSHORES CAPE COD HOME. 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, wall to wall carpeting, wardrobe closets, unit heat, barbe- que. 3-car garage. Priced for immediatp salt>. Phone Mr. Thomas at Beacon 5748 for appointment. CORONA DEL MAR Open for inspection--beautiful Cape Cod 3-bedroom home. Large living room, 1 :1~ baths. Open February 14th and 15th. Remember the dates. 50-ft. ·business comer. Be sure to see this om~ about this. Excelle nt R-3 lots. RiJX> for immediate dt>velopme nt. We need Easter rentals. AJmost any accommoda· tions with bathroom facilities can lx> rcntl'd. . NEWPORT BEACH Home a nd income. 10 rooms, 5 bedromo;, :~ baths. 2-story stucco and apartment ovC'r garage, aJJ in A-1 condition. Located near Civic Center between Cana ls and Ocean . A good possibility at $16,900. A desirable com ('r lot 50'x50' in good lo<:ation for onJy $2,000. ExC'C'ptionally well built 2-story home nC'ar the OC('an. Beautiful view of Catalina l"lnnd. :3-bcdroom. dining room. 2 baths. Knotty pine and c:.'t'da.r panelled rooms. Price $15.000. Tra.iiC'r camp with 555' ft·ontage on 101 Highway, one block from Ocean. Ca.fl"·. service st.1tion and owners living quarters. Excellent income possibilities for right party. 5.17,500 with tcnn.s. BALBOA PENINSULA CAPE COD. Truly elegant in every detail. built to exacting standards or quality. 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, dining nook and de-n. 2 showers, 2-car garage, fire- place. floor fumaet-, hardwood floors, l>a r & glas.<;ed. in patio. Located Jn thC' m06t attrnctive n<'ighbor- hood or this t>xclu.c;i\•(' l'C'Sid('ntlal SC'Ction. -Prl~ $26.500. Well located building lots · -· $3,000 up LIDO ISLE HOME An <'Spedally good buy in a ~-bedtootn home. Plan- nC'd for efficient hou-;ckeeping. PC'rfN't for the small family. ?riC(' only $19,000 furnished. 12-1tc ~' ~~ ........ EARL W. STAN LEY REALTOR COVER I NG C REATI:R N EWP OR T HARB O R 31 13 W. COfTR.AL 1.50\ AND IR\ '1NE STS ~--pon Renrh l"t•wpon £k-ach Tt>l. Harbor 1013 Ttl.. J.k>acon ~~ rf01 and CXJAST Hwy 225 MARDlE AVE. 615 COAST HWY. Nt'"'C' ~ach • BAlboa bland Corona del Mar 1S17 Coast Hl~hway O 'lrona 'de! Mar "Where Th~ F1ags F1y'' Tel.:.. con 5748 Tel. . Harbor 1776 Tel. ; lkrtlor 1841 lO..ltt 4-H CLUBS TO ENTERTAIN AT 9ATINTINE PARTY The 4-H clubs of Oraf\ie county will hold a Valen tine part)'. Fri- day evening, February 13, at ~ Memorial llall In Huntl~ton Beach 'fh1s countY·\•1de get-to- cether is for the thr<'t' hundred mt>mbers, the1r parents, leaders and euests. The proeram for the <'arly eve- ning wlll l>l' devote d to eame1, m ovies and conC'<'ssions. At mne o'clock there wall be.> square dane- inc. • The Senior 4-H club and In- dividual 4-H clubs, with the U · 1iatance ot the local leaders, have arrang{'<f the p.rogrum. The com- mittee In charge ot arrangements 11 Mr. and Mra. L. E . Horal, Mid· way City, Frank Rayburn. Buena Park, Mrs. Ivan Elliott, Welt Or· ance. and H. W . Lon&f!'llow and Mrs. Marian Prentiss of the Ag- r icultural Extension Service. The sun is 93.000,000 miles away The next nearest star Ia 30,0UU times farthq away. Say Calif. Tuberculosis Control 2 Years--Ahead of Rest of Nat ion u<'allfonla tubrrruiO!Oia C'ODirul Ia hlu ~ ••• ,, ahf'ad • "' mu!Ot "'I tbt oUau atatu Ia the -u-aQd ho ...-u lnc th.-awocram for wbat lht~ National Tubrrru iUotl• aMOC"Iatlun llupo-\1111. durlnr t hr .,.,, '"" )'l'&n bHom,. n at1onwW.," aald llr. llu\\art.l R<••l\nrth, JorN idNI uf Ua4l Aaauk .. T rud.-au IIOC'if'ty, at th.-muntbl) "''"'""" uf th .. (.'owa\) Tubfornaloala .._.latl1111 Ia Saatal Thl' too-~nmll nudt~•nct> th.tt ' Ana, Moaday n~ht. hN•rd tlu, '''-llt'rtl•na'1'fi .sprak.•r·. As to str£>ptomycin. he said that canw away With thl' fN-hnR that I n •search has IK'<'n SJX'C'ded up, du<' thr dtSt'IIS•· 1\ hll'h furnwrly stond to the drop In price of thl' nt'w fin ltn dt•aths uf tlw nnllr.>n and drug. and it hu be<>n found 1,5• was no-.. ~t·wnrh. w 11s c•n tlw Wll) pc'cially !'Ch-ell\'(' m Th mcnmgttis. out .,.; Dr. E dward l..v<' Russell, county ht•alth officer, {()ld the association that the county had no t lost a single ca.S(' or Th mt'nin~:itis. which was formerly fatal. sine:'<' slrep- tomycen had bt'en used her!'. . T he hu d or the Barlow San- atorium said that £>ven 1( we don't find a ~peciril.' cure for tubt?rculos· Is, in tim<', w ith th<' tools we haw bt?cn usrng o r educatmg th(' pub· Iii', 11nd o ur modt•rn tr eatm ents, 1 hi' form!'rly dread<'d discast' will lJI' ftnally wiped out. As ked about BCG, the n<'w Th vaccinl', Dr nosworth said tha t tl was bem.: round valuable only in ar <'as uf high incid ence. ILLINOISANS SPONSOR l. B. LINCOLN. DAY Tht' 42nd 11nnu111 Illinois l.inl'1tln· Day pic'nk wtll he ht'ld nil day Saturday. F't•h. 1<1, In lllxhy P11rk. Lon~; llo·nt h. whr r.• I hou~nnds nn· f'XJX'Ch 'd. 1 Sufl('rlor Court Judi:•' F rank C C'olltl'r . or t'asudNIR will h•• gurst IJ)l'&ker : Ifill 10p1r "AhrAham L tn· coin " Prngrnm hil:hllghrs ml'ludr Edward C'am plwll. n n . lotlllll'rly Of \hiC'IIf;:ll. II hilflk'r Shop niRir• rhnrus t tthour 30 \ uiC<'S I " n d tiiHlriPth· Chrysler Marine Engines EXPECT I 00,000 AT IOWA . WINTER CONCLAVE Direct ·Factory Distributor ~ SEE THE New 20th Century MOOers • Ace. • Crown • Royal M·%6--92 b.p. M-2'7-11~ b.p. M-28-t•~ h.p. *** Service and Parts Available at All Times "''"' than lt Wtt~NI lu\\.•ns jl.'a•l ,11111 Ill•" 111 II•' o'\IM 'I'It'<l h H C tth• I ,,1 1 .... ,, ,.,\rt~.•• I• ,· ..::J.!at'u•~--~ 1_.11·•·ln t':Trl\ au v. h11111~ ~ irr1 Jlh .\111111 .J \\ 1111• I o·olll\1 Ill loll\ fh111 J "til ·i'''' lh ,, rut till I ~·h~t'l'\ .. fH'\' ••f Jt.\\ Of' .... , t'llJHt II fiiUI \ Ctf Strtlt•-j ti<~I(J ' I 'ooiHIIIt "''' lo\ th•• lul\.a i\~~nna- llh•ll ut =-'oolllh••t ll l'llhfoll'rua. th ''"II" 1111"11 '"" Ito• lllto·nrl•·•l I•) 1hu~a~:Hhl~ ,,t \t ... r .. ,, lrorn lt1\\'il a~ II • II II' Ia~ n1.tll) u( tIll' :l~>O,(W"' Soutlu•rn C '1Jhlurtlllll1~ "ho chum l ui\ a "" t l11•1r ha\llh' Stu I(• *** t "O KT I ':\it: 1:\i t 'F.KM\' F,\RES K th E W•l c ('ros~tnl: th•• hurhor :tt Rnlhua PAGIANT DANCIIs-tMie s...t.. ... Je,ce 1...,., .. _ ...... • ,.._ enne I Son 0 111 thf' ISittnll l't>l'l n •s•dconls nnll .., ef • tlre...tic ,.._ .. 1e .._ ••• ... ,. whiclo wilt M-ef • • tnurr~r• ol\l'r $7:!.tM)(l tn fc•rry fttrt'!' •• .....,,.. ...,_ct'-• .. tt.e ~ HA,...,. Hi1htt" ,. ..... w .. ln l!l-17 :tc•rnrdan~ tu J A Gunr, ,._...-, ,_ ef dt•,..,,. .&elten .. 1tte .-1"1 II•~ ~ ,..._ Chris-Craft Dealer I rtty tr•·a~urrr's repllll J . A ON-k I •-.4 ....._. 0.. ,.....,.... ....... , ... 11-U. ,., ........ n. ......... 925 Coa•t u1·way Beacon 5211 •urn!'d •. " $144(1.84 ror ·~·o per CM!t . wtrldl .. 011 .... ~ewe4 ~, .,., ..... ._ .... c:.r.-.·. co. ........ ~ D ·· or fhl' ttnnunl l:rOSS u( thl' f<'rr) S ~ ...... htty ._ .... eallfM ....... Mt4Mf ...... ---~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~~~~~:~~~m::I'~--------------------~~-N_~ ____ .. __ '-~-----·----------------------------------------- Remember-february 14th- Valentine'• Day. Dri1lk a toaSt co her bappitlca fa cool, •par· kliog Euuide. Good Cood, good fdlcnnbip aod aood beer just aatunlly 10 qccbcr. !amide .• aoocl beer, dlerc'l DOGe beta. ~~r ·-· a..uam·-ot-c:D Iliff.~·-·• KFWB 10 to 12 P.M.-KMPC 4:30 tD 5 ..... KECA 9 te 9:30 SUNDAY,, •• :\0 l'I~ISB •••• I H o-1-1 y w o o d Film Shop ft) 1'\TRU'I \ C'I.\M\' l'mtr.l l't'•·•c ~In(( I '••rl•'•l"ltttlt'llt ll,•ll\\\,.,,.j t\'1'1 If~''" l'ftn he' l'tl<lln•·Ht-11•·•1 n ,.,,, " ", II urlwl 't••lt'\1 '-'ftt. \l•l• \\HU I he• H\ 't\h• Ill 1:1 1~ T h•• n•'" ·· '"'" hM•k :a• II 1rhnr11 1\.,ltllhif~,.,c \l.h f ..t 'HU Utlt IJUt 1-. II ,, llh' ·····1 •11111•··1 I'·""''''' IIIHI •pul t·~l l·~•k .tu~t A•• tlwrl''ll he- '"' m~<t.al,.• ·""'"' It •h••'• 11111'1)' II• t.ad, a ,,,(,a o·u•lllo'll o•ll Ill!' 14'111 :'llrh M:II'L••IIn 1• H hll(hl)' ~lh'· ~~·•~ful lnto·r111r '"''"""''or ""'' Inn I• w Ill•'"''" tans h t•t'CIIIII' "l•o " t ile:'· l't'~>lul l''<t•·rl•lr '''"'''r"t"' Slw •t.ll'l••ol In thr ih'r'«Ullllkln.: hual. n··~~ hy whlppln.: 1111 n "to•n o~\/) •· skirt u( 111101t•tl lll>lh•l~ll•r) IIIII l4'rlll\ fo>r II rrh•ml ' '11te• le'H .~_.,,. t'k trt h.~.~"""' 'h•• lhlfll: 11( lhl' 111\Hllh Ill 11111\la•tu\\11 ltu~t•·ll~•'' htul In .·ut th••tr· •'••·kt111l f'\nrty c·rnwtl~ In hnl( I•• llllli<o· ''"'" fur nil thr hlp 1111lltln..: l'rln•""" Clf'l-fino• i\l11111; \\ llh l\ln 1\ltod ,o•IIII'N l.at• I 4'1•'Hfhtlh llu• t e•n '""''' '''""'' lt ... \\'U) uttn th•· nnth•n'' h,.,., ~l.u •"" l'hhann \\'111!111 . !'r, lr J.:\11·•1 111 tho ru\ul \\t•tlehu,! ..:u'•' Pfl• I•• l't lh \'4 ~ .. I'IIIIIIH'Ih It'• 111•1 tho• l hlllt' lui th .tll\ L4"'-lh ' \hoe \I u I.• tit "'h''"''' .1 '"''' f tt•n f•• the· JW• "' th tt 1111 ltukd , '' "llun~: l t••m u 1'111 .. •Ilk """' f \\lila ,, Jll.\~1 ,..,........,-rtJ('\JI lit. .ot.~l .:-~;:.. t,rrnTta.· ''"' tt th• h• tu t p • II 1"1,11 hdlttiUl t \tl\lfh0: dt•'" t ftJ'h d It ttJtl :1 '••I t Itt I hi' \\fill\ I f .. u,. t :r·· • n u . ._.,n \1:Ul\ pf ,,., tll•"tlt 1' \\t U t ' "'I'·' t tl• '111111• t! ,,,Itt-.. \\tift llo.HHplt I•'''' ltl,ut-.ttC h .tJI \\lth tlh'St'ttttp • .t ~ ·u• ••· . 1~ "'" 1 "' ,,, "' , h.llr IIIII I•· II' • h Til, o,.l111l~ \lo to · 111.111•· •II I •lilt I • ol '•t • ·t ""' •. pilau I .11111 11111111 1'11111•·•1 f.tlllt• '''""" ···1'1111 \1 till l•l11,1( •·di'IIW , S o•11to·la • """" t•llllol l'laoo ·l,•d l.illo-111 uphool•l•l~ 111'111• ·'"" l .. ·.utlltul 1'1111111•' '"·'' Mr• ~~~ .. 1 •. ,.,, prtnl•••l h) hnnlt i\ ~Ill . 01( 'fllllto•d \ ••1\ t•l lrt I""~) \\Ill"\\ f l ,t\, \\llh hll•'lll" l~to•kf'l urul lull ~kh't . 1:111 ~t~<•c·tnl npplnll~f' ·rth• rn•wt.l \\1•n· l'ta\ , •• ,, ••• ,&:I'''''"' \\rtla It 11. s,nnk ,...,.rf nnt1 11 hnt ool rtlnk \l•rltn~; nntl fl••"•·r• Sumrl hill If "MaauaJ" Fur r•a•unl wr•ut 1\lni Mood .. •t~n ~~~''"' 11 hnnd·l•••lll•'<l fl•l•rlr'!l •lu•t "''' h ..: .. lrl ur ~ll"•r l.lk•• """'' u ( '"'r l'luth•·•. tho·y h"d plnln lnJlll and rtnr••t1 'k1rta "ath Jmttll flo'lllllo •awh to' Klllll•·n ltuwn thr out11lltt· of t ho• ...... .,,. nr rt.Lr..tul ht1~ ...,.,. I Nlr• loullc•n n11 t•\'o•ntn~: drt•IIJI "'"" n( •tlk •lllin. till' l••fl plltln w ith •n ort·llhouhlf•r, llrftJif•d n•'<"kllnr, th•• skirt tJir•ll"d. Mra 1-:dl"' l~rc•n m•Kit•lt•fl llf\1' In pink IIIW h111l hOIII!hl ("r ht•r own Anlllht·r o•vrnlna dro'tlll Wl\11 or tuay n nd yrlluw cottun. llahl In the aklr t and ~eathc-r•·•t In back for a bustlt'. What to Wl'ar ovn thr It•• «::Z)' Casino Cafe anc/ Codteil lounge * Serving Complete LUNCHES anc/ DINNERS t r 202 Main St. Balboa, Calif. 'kut " 1 l'l••hlo•m I•• \\ hll'h Mt• Mau I , .... , hno l t.• ~111'(11)' th•• a.lllt· th•fl ~h.· ,j, '''""' l1 11 thr•'o.'-llutton 1'~•111 ''' l•lH,·k Lull·· "tth n 'kll t full •'"''"•'" too '" ''"""'lnh • "''' ••nly lhf' u phol ... trn· 1>111 nl:m thr c-hlllr ,./ ~o- ' I \ WA1T.R TCII'1'4 C'IT '' ll.E\'t:NUU \\'nh•r t•·' o•nuo• fl..:ur.•d tUI t ho hli:IH'~t C'\>ntrahuta•r to• th•• c•lt v <'olf· (,.,.. f•lr J tHIIItlr)'. Jtthll 1\lo•:\tiJIRII, w11trr ~llllt'rmtrudr•tH lllrtlo•tl In 1:/1,391 tl'\, 111'\W'I'IIIItot 141 l' I I Y Tt o·n~lll o'l, .1 i\ (:ami Rcmc·mber-the way to really aet the moet fun out of.-ki~ tlying-U to fty tbem the •of• way I Just obeerve the four aimple rule.: 1 2 3 lf PLUMBING Fly your k.lt. iD an open field. a-., troa. pole liiMI and overbNd obetnacdou. JIJOV Jdt.e c:atebte lD a potfW liDe, let 10 lm..,..tlat.eb. DoD't pull I PboM dae eompu7 OWDlq the 1lDe, aDI • U.....a wl11 001M aM pt JOUI' ldt. b JCN. 8 0 UTHIRN CALIFORNIA &DIION COMPANY J. H. ESTUS BARDWAU FRIGIDAIRJt~ REFRIGERATORS F.ll'ctrlc lllln~~ • Wfttt-r ll~ntrn. • Wu hf"f"'l • C'INO<'nt HJtdi<M l:lectrlc C1olht'tl DrycrM lronrnt O'K(.'('ft>-Mt>rrl tt Gu RanK" • 1-\JIIL'r Paint<~ f'h~ llnrbor J 16 NL'wport Deem 7J05 ec..t Blvd. REFINANCING / ,· ...... _ Handling re al-estate mortgages and refina ncing current mortgages requires specialited knowledge. We've been serving home owne rs and prospective home owne rs for many years. We'd like to serve you . Our institution of- fers low ban~-interest rates. ... .. Pa e8 N8WP081' aALBOA MKWB·1'1.t:M Ttfl'R~OA\' N,.,, 1rt n .. af'll, ('alii t ' .. tl. I !, 1~8 l'EWPORT-BXL~OJ; NEWS-TIMES WHY AND HOW YOU ARE GIVING Here I(' What uas Been Happen·mg to Fe~er~l 1 MONTHS OF WORK I!ER YEAR -~-· -U _ _ ~:t~~~:r~e TO THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT ·nw fo1k r.d ~owmm(•nt this }••ar l 'llipt'<'b , .. r.Jiend more than 3i If Yours Is a • YOV81l ~HAllE OF t'I!DEILAL SP£ND~O '789• IJdltun rlull.u~ Family of TLree, THI lEA& 18 .. ·-...... _ .. _ ... ··• • I .!1, Th.11 " :•1 1,.r rl'nt 11f tho• r~·r..Hnul lnt'tonto· ur lhe IJ('Ople ol th• '\ e VUt!R SHARI: OF t'l!:DI:IlAL SPESDlSO 286 ,...,. ......... ·~\"ery ~aM Ttuu.-..,. Alt .. m uoo... 'oluuw ~I. t 'nlll., Sill It'' with an Average L ... IMt WAS -)I :.::::=.::...:.:.:.::::.::._:..:::.=;::_=:.....:--:-.......:;--:~.-1 ( • 1 · d 11 will t.ak., ! I 1 moaUtttl of UW. )...-.r for you B.> earner $035 per month nny"ho•n-6 m ;o.;,.~'l"~~.2_l•·roo·h ,''.~'r '' '1 --::: l'arfl ~· IJ"r ""''or ynur t-~·z _,... Family Personal • l'OVll 8HAAI: Ot' t'l!:DI:IlAL 8PESDINO '199·51 ~ttf'a.~100fo)r:\monlh~.~~r •• r 11)".\'' ... :·· .. ,.1, I'• 11!'1111'' "' "'nrklnc. not fnr )'Ourwlr. but fur u... .... Income now IN 19SI WAS .... • M llil Sub,rnp11un (lll)nl•ll' m 11.' vanc,•. • -· 1",' ); ,' >-11 y,.,,~. ' ,.,..1 lou,,.mnlf"tlt. ('loonty, $.1 !lO prr \••nr t .. 4th z,.,.,,., $:17~ 1• 1 1 r 1 ,,1 llr:dl\' 11 "1,11·1 '" 1.,.1,·tl) ::•. mnnth' lor •·ach nnd <'Very penor f $3 707 9.o1 • VOL'Jl 8HAJU: Of' tT.DJ;R.AL 8PENDISO I 81!'7 I~ f ' 1-n II• ••h I k 11 1 \ r·, .. ~ 0 • • ~ 1 .... J"'!'t ,...AS • · llo. Ehtei"<'J IUo St:'ConJ.ctru.s milt lo-r Ul lhl· 'O..Io lll't• Ill "" • • . lull I hit I •• h•·W ..... "' • ""' un ,,. I •• • ..... ... .... " -'r' Cnhtnm u:t. untlo-r 1111· Ar·1 nl \l:.1d1 ., 1~•7 i\lu•UI h ,.( ol th•• hill 1"11 \1 fl I"' 111 htddo n lllttt"-Wllhout knowin~: o ~l _'\;1 98 [l('r pt>rson) -----~~~~~~~~_:.:...:_~_:~:.:.:.-~_..:..--,i:.,~.li:i,,l.,l:h;::-;,.1. II n .. tollh ' h.llf 10'1 l••ll l~l\ rhr·~·ll). m .• lfll) lhrouetJ laxt . IJt:sJ~ITF. \•OtlR IDGHER 't:ARNlNGS NOW M oomna--' to fo-r ·~.·ean.-fedf'ra.l SAM h . PVRT~:H \!.ott , .. ,11~ J-~f1 1 ,,1 j ". hill )of lr<•n1 \IIUr J);l) d 1• • k• , 1-vu ... .,. ·' LUCll'S S. ~~11111 Ill . • A•h•llo 011 •• ,1 11,,_.. ,1 ,., .. ,, •111 .,,11 •• h th• r .. d. ,.d ,.:u,•;rnnwnl )1>11 ft,u~ht a Wlll'-anol ~:on•mmf'nt 8pt'Ddin~ DOW reqlllr'N the &\'f'raKf' ~rfrao to \\'Ork nearly s.ll(.thne8 u IODK W . F . l>lXIJ:" · • " 1 1 1 1 f• , •·• n r•t 1 .. , '"" 11 '11 , ... 11"'' '"' C••V•·mmrnl •~ dwng many thins.-fo• th .. support of the government M he cUd In 1929. The tabulaUoo bf'low sho\\"K how thf' Prlntrng l'lanl. :l(ll 1 \\' c·r·nltrll A \I I1U•· •• '~I··· ~-.__ (or\ ... 1.11"" I I I d 1b f fedf'ra.l dl I tl.-I 20 f u k tbook Off .• I p per of the Ca'ty of Newport Beadl , Ill T ·~ IT UO"(· Tti.\T ,,~·~·u t 'OR \'OUT \\ ler" 0 gi'O\\ 0 spen DJt n nc Mt rean ""af ec ng your poe e : 1c1a a -• ,, , u•· "a...-ww To u"' r. IT oo THAT d 1 E d 1 A lh-.,.-nd&blf" ........ al lnallluUnn fur (h•·r ••• '"''" \tl'('lt t'OR \'()I'Y Fe era xpen itures I Persona Income r Federal Debt s::! \l ,,,1 (•'"1'1•• 11 hro lllt\'1' ·llldJ••ol f, •lt·t;tl ~p•·ndUIJ: lwllt•Vf' II can be CUI \'~>ar Total• Per Penon y_,. , Tut&la Per Pe1'110n \'M r Tot&lli Pt~r Pei'!IOn • 1• • 1 t,t 1 lwl \\tlhottt tlootttl' ,1n1 holl111 1'1.;~1 S 3,:l98,859,000 $2709 1929 $ R5,ll7,000,000 _$ fl99.0R 1929 . $ Hl,931,()()0,000. $ 1:l9(H Activ~ 1; ·' ,, , .• "h" '"" th•· 'l•·n•hn ·I' 1111 Ill"~'"· ~"'"""''than IC5ll. 'J'h,., 1••1~1 R,707.092,000 66.53 1939 7:.!,607000.000 ~.76 1939 40 440,000,000 . :~99 M L-11 ,1,1tt h.t\',..-~tttl \\oolkiiL! till•• nr rn111 m"nlhs to Support tho· 1'•11 12.710630,000. 95 4:.! l!i41 95.30R.000,000 715.51 1941 4R.961.000,000 :\67.57 emuc:'r ~:··•. "'""'"' . . . . _ , ,I,., :11.12S.ooo.ooo 263.13 t9-16 1n.zn .ooo.ooo 1.235 98 , ts.~7 ~58.286.ooo.ooo t,ROL38 t IT 1!'4 1'1' TO \ot· Til ~.\\ flU\\ ~ll c.H f•OV- O t:tt,\lt:'T \Ill 1 '' ,\tT ORU . ..\!'liU l'OV Ahov~ y_,.. are naca.~ ye•,. tlelec't.ed bec.~&u~~e ttM-y are u...Uncaol JM*'eUme periocb. \tl ~T 1'1.\V IT I' \\ \\'!'4 TIIAT \\11.1, I..F.AVE AJI data fNHn ofncot.a reporta. ---------------------------, .. \IIST\Kt:!'l \tW11 \\tL\T l o t · MI'!AN. t:xpMCUtwe. f ur 1943 •• -uma&ed by Buda-.t Bure•u. Deht ncura u of June so Cures and Causes It is high tim<' that we paid more atlt-!Hin~1 to f~lct:­ and lt>s.~ to fan('y, in all the talk tut\.<:f'r.llllllo! 1nfl~~t1un. the high rMt of Jiving, and thl' deprrtla.ted d t•ll.tr. The tht.•ory that manufa~in~ .. J~tu!t~ .ar~.aLll~ _root ~-it ttll \\tm~r~. nd up. Pf:oflti', f11r .tht• .m.'-':. 1 art havf' het>n morlt'rate. ancl 1n many IIH I u:-tl H =" fhe high co:-;t of plantrbuild in)! ha:-; m(!l't' th an r:~~··n up t'a~n ing~ and has madt· ht•avy eap1tal h1J~f0\\ lllJ! I neceR--arv. ., r· Ch . The ':.-;arne thing i~ trtlt' of rt-t a1 pro Its. :11n ~====================================~========~----~Ne~~--------~1;--~~h----~·c~;h------;h----------r-~~~~~I~C~\~'I~O~L~~~T:O~R~S~P~A~\';- Do,ots ofCulh""e :~,~~ ws 0 e urc es City Jur:l~f' Harry Blndj:l'\liiXIk N lUI' I tn rnr thf• lrt'asury or Ntwpnrt F£6Rl/ARY-THE AMETHYST c:::::::.._;,c;-• WrTHOVT T£ir(SCOPI"r. ANCII'NT . EGYPTIANS MAPPED 71*STAJtS \·~··~ . ACCURATElY. DEOIICIN(; Htr Q .~\ MAN DESTINY FROM TNE zo- • DIACAL SICNS. SYA1/XU.JUD LATER 8 YJEW£LS-0Uit Bt•arh. S3.44R !ill in J anuary for . f'IR.qT FOU&&QUA&& CBU&OBI OUR LADY OP' MT. CAIUIEL 1r:1frJt· ,.,olaltons, J A. Coni's OF 008T£ IIK8A lUI WMt C'eetlaJ AY-Dt! J unu .. ry rt'port show« anoth('r Orange and Cabrlllo Sunday Mau('s; ~:.!UI 50 llllnf'd in by Blod~;<'tl for Ho·v. aad lin. 0 . WWard 8._,... tl n ro. and 10 A m p...,._. C'onft'Uiona: Saturday• fr o m Pttw.P a,.,.oa SlrA ~undtly School 9 :30 a. m. Mornln~: worship service 10:6 1•ru~od!'r ll'rvlf'f' 6:30 p.m. Ho•rf'an S<'rvicP 7 p.m 1·00 to ~:30 •nd from 7 :30 to 8:30pm ST. JOAC'IIIM ('JfURCll Orana ... A,·,·nu" no·t"""'" 19th IUid !Oth Co.ta MMa mtM'PIInnf'OUs fint'-'· TA.'lC RF.\T.SlJES U STEIJ R R llodgk1nson, ctty lax coJ. r .. rlr.r llnl1 chi('r or poiiCt> tumf'd 111 ~:l.:liF1 44 taxi'S and re\·cnur•-.. col- 1•'1·1,11 rn Januar-y. I. OOft'Ov-KAJJ& Moderat•lY Picture fr::e Studio 'fM ... OoM& IUYd. MITAL WC:ATHIR ., ..... Save fuell C:•c rh• rnl lhlnt-llfD• Um• '""'at 4Mt&a•d an4 &n•ta~llt-d •• on!r: c:h.mbftlla ::;,~.'ul .. :~n0~~ ;:~, d.':l ciiH. ~·• lue!. Tb•.r PAl I• Ch•AIMhN. factary-Trained Mechanics l'o"EW A.DDili:SS: 521 East 1st St. Santa Ana ~0'7U-W storE's, inclepf'n(IC'nt stun·s. and all l<~nd:-; uf ~tM~'!'o have mac.IE' Jmh.l ic f actual reporb wh1t h 1-'h tn\ th.1t rofil" per clollnr :-;a ir an· g-enrrally l1~\\'t.or ~.h;;·') bt·- fore t he wHI" o1· undt'r OI'A . and ~m· ~t1ll d~·.cr.l~lll~. The influt>ncf' of wa J[t'l'l on prtt{·~ 1=" nh.\ lttll:-.. But the work er ha:-; b('t'JI caught in t)w i!lflat H•ll :-:p1r:d., and wasr<' acl ju:'tmt~nt ~ h:l\'<' lwl'n JTwvltaldt·. FUJ~UARYS B IRTHSTONE. THE /II! IV08Ll AM£TifYS7; OF Ml£5 1 .. . VIOLET TO DEEPEST PuRPLE. RE· /I PRE 5£NTS CHRISTS SACRIFICE. ,~ ADORNS BISHOPS 'RINGS AND ./ 1 C£R£M0tv1AL GOBLETS: f I t-:v{'nJng cvangt>tlstlc aervtce at ; :10 o'ciO<'k. \\'l'drw1<dny. 7.30 Jl.m . prayer ...-rviN' j F rh1nv 7·30 p m. Y11uth Nl&ht nnd Blbl(' Sludy I Muli<'S 7 a m. 11oily. Sunday I! am nnd 10 ronf('Sl!luns Salurdny, end 7-8 p.m. ll lll 4·5 p m. lighting fixtures One of the hiJ!~C'~l pric(' hoo:-:k t':' r:t r!:l." ).!••l:-: tlw attention it d ('~crvt'. the g"l t\'t.>l'nnwnt. ~ lrtu:dl.\· un- bridled :-;pt•n tling. couplt·d wi lh a :-t.a)!)!C'r.lll l! dc·bt: :~r~c.l implcmt'nlt•cl Lr :1 lnnf:! li~t uf tluhlnll:' f1seal pnltt·lt·:-. ~an't h<'lp hut ·:'<'nd prin·~ up and up. A lar)!l'r part of your cl1•ll ar. bd ien• it nr not. l!fll':-i t.o t lw J.!' "'irn- ment thnn for ~tn\' otlwr it t•n) of t·\111'1HIIllll'l' .. In l .. l..tfi. for inl'tant·c. )!0\:l'rnmt)nt took :{ 1. I rt'l~t..; nf_~t . ~nod : by <'Om pari!'m1, took 1. .:~ ('t•nt ..;, hnii~1 11J! l .tH t•rnb and dothin)! n.:: rrnl..;, <:on•mm('nt ('l.'t .\'11\11' doll:~r to 69 CC'lll...._ancl th:1t indu<ll'd. P!1Jy cl lrN·t C'~lll'~dl ­ture~. Gon •rnmPnt':-; t11tal t;lkt•, lf 1t cuuld h t• fiJ.!llll'c l.j would he much hig-h r t . . . l lll'<'!' <'<In onl~r 1Jt' ncromplt~ht•d hy a ttad\ln l! ('8\l.~('!'l, llC)t prolJJem:<. f'h.<•apt•; g'(l\'(•f'l:l))l'll.l m\l~l lit' the fir~t ~tt'p in an cff<>d1\'(' f wht :tl!<lln~t 1nfl:at ton. PROFESSIO.NAL DIRECTORY A(XX)tJNT ANT t•U\'Htl'L\!'IiH .. ~l 'ROI:ONfi&, M.D. A. V. Andrews, 1\f.J>. FEBRUARY P£0PL E IIVCl UD£ MANY FAMOUS ORCAN- /Sl'RS. WRITERS. SCIENCE-RESEARCHERS. POLITCIANS. TH£ AMETHYST. A TRt./L Y ROY;t4L GCM.I7ATUREDIN ENGLAND's CORONATION SERVICE, WAS FAVORED BY CATHERINE THE QCilJt CHARLOTTE. ,,, ~~~ ACCORDIIVC TO ANCIENT TRA-·~ DI TION, THE AMETHYST CON- T£RS UPON ITS WEARER ~INCERITYAtvD PEACE OFMINO. ' ~u '9"'.ru __ ·--~~=~~::~~~~~:: ______ .;;..•...~ I Rise to Remark JIOS. JOJI!'Ii l'tnLLU'l'l Tlti• r"'' ·IJIJIIIIIUI.olt1111 "'"Ill 1111• t(lltlll, """" "'" pruhably Bookkeeping Service COLIN F. BROW~ (Hartlor 18U I a41.11U4 \ AfMT I I rB ...,_ ..... !'o••-1 _ .. I'II\'SICI1\S and Mt'RCit:OS Ill c•n.,.t llh:th" ay. tlarh<or ~ c: .. rnn• 111'1 ;\lnr , """ '" Ill• fl••11 "I lh• I'""" 1tu-; t .. 111 \I" Th .. \'• l •' ,, .. i\olmln· I • 11 \\I' 1111' Ultl' f111 t ho lnof,•· o~l!.dhlll \IIIIo h lt!l• lht J"I!I!('Sl I• ""' "' I ., ... , •• ,,.,. h.o\o• .... n lnlll,, I,., oll1\ 1!11\1'1!11 olll li•Jiart- \\r 1 k111' fH\ l)ta' Ill ,ttlt•'HIIHIUll& t, flh flt •H t t lh'\, hu"" I fl• \\ ulmin .. DI:STISTS H. R. Hall. :\1. B. tU't 't ttl\ Ill )t,••ttt\lttt lfhlt .l(t• l'll.tiHt .11111 [ur l 1' "I},, .utton '.t u:•rhh' """"' luuh.••t tttfll'''' ••n ht' htul~··• "·'' 1 ''l•lfl•fl until ''''"'' I•• ,, .... '" th1' "'" lull h•· hun ... • It knt;\\:t; '"''' ti)4Hit Jt. CO RON A DEL ltlAil <JO IWMUNITl' ClfUR('JI, (lONORI:OATIONAL Prrry Frt'dcrick Schrock, Minister 6 11 llrllotrop .. J\vo•nuP Cornna de l M11r !'un11u). Fo ltrllllr) ,-•• l filfl !l·4!l 11m C'hur C'h School. It 110 o m MHrnm~ w .. r-.h•IJ SPr- mun lo\ ~lr ~. hnH·k . ( ;r .. a I ( 'llrt.,ll~n ,\lfllllt:IIUoll~ :0.:11 2. "I 111'111'\1' ·''''"' ftAI.ROi\ IS I.ANO CJIAPEL !18 Acaw AYr nu•"J Rn. tlarry W. Whltt~o A ..... .-~,.,,. Putor rhurrh ~.!tool. 9 .311 a m. l\lnmlnf,l W nrshlo. 11 a.m ST . .tOll" \'I AS!'Iif:\' l'trURCR ftalhoa hland ~11nl1ny MA~~· 'I R a m nml l O n m ( yo•ar round} C'unr•'lllltm~: SahJ.rdays fro m ; ,31) to 8 .31' p.m . TJTI!: l'oT.WPORT RARBO& LtmfERAN CI1URCl1 1027 Cllfr Drive Newport Helghu 'A C'hangelt'Ss Christ for a Chnn~tlng World!" 9 .30 a m , churrh s cnool; 10:30 a. m , dh·ln<' w o rshin Rl·v tr.-rlJI'rl r Roth, putor 1162 F. Wilson St .. Cos ta Mesa "Come Onc('-Ynu'll Come A~:aln1" Dr. Obed Lucas DENTIST l'tl)"'lf'lan and !o4urcrcm llnur<: :!-5. t>~ ''l'l"llntm••nt Te1f1tllon1" 1\fo!W'On ~~~ 'l Ill ,ul•o ""'" tllo o oil•• t•l• •I 1<1 I' lo ,. ~I ,, 11111\<' l'.•tllllll'•"•" lo 11. !\. M r MIUIUI, Pa~te>r ftttl) \\'. C.tT&I. llarbo~ ·~ NEWPORT ll'lt:Anl lSI Dnut.d"a" ('oo.t.a :\1,._ l•t " on If., '1'1""1'"·''"'" "' "'" 'I" "' J...t1tdh. •~ 111 1 '' ,,, "I ron-Antf"rtl' .. JAocioa tlaJJ, 15UI 1'"'' 'l11• lu~l 11111. 1"''''1 ,.,. luoo>n,.ollll oltlllo t<l•htlnntlll!nC .. d CI"DtrlliAVfl. "·'' '~'''r' .'i ,., lh·· ,.,.,,,..,,, .11ool m .11 h•IJI llwt•· Tl·• 1\lllnlll' En-Sundny srhool. 9 45 a.m to•l 11, ~·"•i "•:-1.1 ~~~·I 'l11t11 '' , ~.11-, II'\ t'""'"'''''""· ,11 PI •" n1 do-Morning Sl•rviC't', 11 a.m. "''', If I lno•hulo• Ill•· o'lll .ond "~" ""'-I,.. " n ol "••I d '""•ltli•1nll, ' Evening ('vaneellatlc aervtce I COSTA MI:~A ('OMMUNITV ctnracn l ot•rr•h II. ThomJI"un, Mlnl~trr 1!4 1:. !Oth lilt. l 'h. n.-a. 681&-M rhurch srhool, 9:45 11m. M~trmn~: \\'prship. 10 .:iO R m Youth groups. ll •~;h school. In- tern wd111t l', Adult. 6·30 p m . Evl'nlns: Sl'n 'tC(', 7 30 o'clock Fn..l. o o!'Pr.t. cn~cn 2!ntl IUid F.ldl'ft, ('nata MN& Suntlav !l<'h<>lll, ~ 4:1 . m om lng o\nrship. I I F.'an~: .. lr~tlc so•rv1ce. 1 31) ll m ; Mad-"•'•'k prnyo•r mcet- n~: un W••dn!'lll11ly. 7 45 p m.; mun[! JX'(lplr s I'VAnl:f'llstk urvlce )n Frld11y, 7 ·4:; p m. nwnctt np ('IIRI!'T ('hur..tl ..,.d \\'a itlul !\trM•t• L. Ouan•· f'IUiby, l"lntato·r 5rr,·lrt·~: S undAy, 1(1 11m, Othle Slud~·; I 1 am M11rnlnr.t w nnh111. Chriatian Science FIRST C UU R('tl OF CttRIST AC:IENTif!IT Udo Tbralrr, f'ratraJ A••ae IUHI Vta Udo A brl\nch of ThP Motht'r Olurch. The F irst Church of Chrilt, Sci· l'ntlat, In Roston, MIISSI\Chuaetta. Sund11y School at 9 30 a. m. Sun· dAy Srrvkr• 111 II " m Wt'dnesday T('Stimonlal Mrrltntt at 12 o'clnck. R<'al11nst h <'lnm lOCI\ \{-d at 11 1 Polm stn'f'l , 1\nlb<\o. Is o~n daily from 1 p m to 5 p m. rxcl'pt Sun· da~11 and holidn)'ll nutton111ly ob- aervrd. 11>e public Is rr•rdll\lly Invited to attf'nd thr chur,.h S('n IC'\'S Rnd uae lh(' R('ading Room GORDON E. RAPP, D.D.S. !Ill l\'Nl ('ftltral P"-Harbor 4:!1·~ N...,ort ll'lflMlll MUton M. ~a:~w.-11, M. n. th• r ••• ~'l"n' .. r ~;.•1.:\11!-111 1 nr •h .. ulol "'''' lho· """' '""' J108· 7 :30 p.m. .. 1 ... 111 :!I r•·ro·• nl .. r lh•· "'''"' .,,,.r "thl" r .. r ,,, t•lun .. ""'I ,1, hud-MJd-wf'l.'k aen1ce, Thursday 11 111111 lht• I \•nCio '~ h,l, nt:lhO!rtl} t;• I 'l11o· \\'.or "'" h \dntont<t ra-7:30 p.m. at Tlu·nw 4( ::1ri~t .f,..,.u~~ ('HJJlOPRACTOR Dr. Tom E. Barton CHIROPRACI'OR nn c-.t mct~way c.naa dfll lC ar liD ILrod&ll • P•llo • n.-llartlo~ l N3 UICH ( 'ntuot Ill way ('orl't'lll c1r l Mu Office II<ION ' lf\·1:!. :!-::0 l"ttotwo llarbur 1082 S. R. Monaco. l\1. D. IU4 Bay A\'f'., Balboa Harbor 11'!4 ()fr,ce I fours ~ In 5 p m . 11 ,, $1'~; ~"Ci,!ll I m .. r. 1 hnn """ 1' rum•" o·ll In lu· 111 r '' oil' of tho ,m lo'llllt 1'1'•'11 tho• •.uno• <t.:o·n· lt .ln<f,•r , )ll'oolt,,lol~ ho lit• l •rll'ral ,.,. < rnr l ho• l'llrl o·nl 11-.·,1) \ o·.lr \\"II(' /\l'•·rto'}' I I I'll Ill lhh 'I mi.' ""' 11111'111: lito· tlo Ill~ 1\ltll'lt lito I !ldl;t•l' otiHI lh•l• '""' .,, I •l, the 1'11111;t1"'< 1'.1!\lh•l t•on lrPI, fm I''( 1 \ll ;t IIIII• II• flllfl tllll 1\li.tl I~ 10 ·'"'1'1··. '"" \'"' l·•r ~.·n t ~·ii 1~:~~ l ttl h, ,.,,tn•· ,,1 11 m :tto llln~: IIIIHI• 111 th• l'uhhr 11 11 ,, lo1 ,.11 01 1,,, t•lol • 1.1 \\Ork Jl,, .. t, i\thmnt''' tl 11•n. I•• 1:;11 • fort. 111111 11 1, ,11,., • .,11 '""" •nd th(' •l•tl .oi(l Itt hwlolu•..: I•"'"•"' lot1 h · 11 .. 11,, ,, , "'' I• llll•· • ·•lll'lo•nC'(' "·~'" .,, 11 '·'""' '' •r ''• ,. .... ~ rnore ~--Y ttlroarfl Friday I I l .o\ .. "" lhollll'hl l h,tl thr t ' .. n I !lo.ort 1 11/1 1 It 1'\ "'' l11• •II the L:f•"-'· •'U:o-f•utlu ah r••11 l tntnrt•d ·•PI'I~'P•••rhn ... t .. r ,,, .... , 1.:•nt•ies. I """lrl lt.tl•· "·•1••··•1 t•l '"' 1111• ·"'" "". """" '"•••I 1 ,,. '"' the --------------1 1•11 lwt!l.lr tl• m , Ioii i I "" ,.,ll n· r,,_,r mol til• 1 t it. , ,.,,, 11 nC\'. OPTOMnJU8T T. P. Reeder, M.D. ""'' llrm ,,Inn.• "''r "111•h "''"'""'"I,""' o''' ,,,.1 the --------------,I'' n1H•n I" lho' llli'l lh tl ho r• 111 1 T itt• •'' or "' h1••11;1 • , tt' tho bill H E S . LJ M 0 hrul It~, '''"'rt'l '' ~~ n , H' rn. hi' ll··•l .. , .. '"' .. ,.p,••J't~l '.. l•nost & T. Butterworth. 0 . D. . . trcr; er, · · l'h·'" 11" , '""' '"' I• , .. on ·11 .. 1111 1111.,, •• 1, 1, 11 11 , , ., und ~trht ~ ..,.d ~urc-l•lloh.'• 1 "''' 11 .. 1 \• rr In IIW '1m• ,. ,11,,1,,, 1 ,, •,. 1 11 1 f • 1 write E\'1!:8 £l(A:MI,~D '~ \\. f'f'fltral \\ o\ lh:ll hill· ( ,,. 11•1 .. ,,. ·" .• ,. ,,,, ,,, ,. ,, • I• 1\ .. 1 • It• no" LIENSU Dt"PUC \TED orne.: Harbor e«r.! "111 h 1 ••II " 1tl 1'1 11 •• 1"'1" ', 1 "" ._. ~-....,_ '~"-Pbne" llarhnr 17'!-M l 11 t111 h 11. p1 , ~1,J, nt 1, mnk1r>.: ,,, •u• •· ~ -'-"' .,_ ••• j -------------1"&.-roaT aUOi t pill 1 l••r• h ••n th• \\ 1111•· Jl, It'•'. • 1flt 1 thi Fan•, \rt ... \"'••mm, ...... ,n, COAST OPTICIANS ............. ~ ... -~~·,~· ... _ ..... _ nDed A_.....7 ._ ProalpdJ a-an. Ofn. -· .... E. H. THIELE. Optician DAY 8CHOOL Conrad Richter;"M. D. ·~"1'1""""' ,,,,,.rl wtlh .• ulhHrrt' 1 11•r '''"' '"'""··} "'' •-~• l!ouro n\ f'r \\' ·••ltrn1· 1 ''" phn<> hnl1 '''"· ~, .... ''I l••r .f ""' tl 1 I •· • 9~a m.·l2 M.. ll JII•rm•·ll llu "'''' .m•lm~ !'ttl•· .... ,. l101t •n •u1u 2 3(1 P m. . 4 30 p m . 1'•'111111111•••• h ot l 111•1•111 • tl rt ~.11tl11•1: lllt<':t•d I •1 I• II ' t" ,, I 1 s~ ... ,.," ~b r , •• , by I \\'li- n lhat 1 • rol· ~,.(" W . <'ntral lito· mo•!lf'\' II<• d "·'" dl~r<•lo'H·ol 1.1 , f,, I• 11 lo1 ''" ltl•l trl no--llartlor ~tOll , . .,,,,,. r .. m lllt•n• > I"'',,,,,.,. ·•I'· 111 ""''~"''" fo•r n l':ur~. '" •·t wh ~o•h 1 I' \HKI '•· 1 oa.u·1 Till!\~ lito• t ''""' ,.,, h.ul 1,><1 ··•ml roll \T.TF.Rr\ \RlAS \\11h••lll quo•1 11111tn,·lh"• llo'm~.l : l '.11h•n1: ltH'''' tho"• .. •nl~ Sch 1 St:WPORT HARROR Mortimer 00 n :TF.RL" AR\' H OSPIT ·"- ll.lltl.. II ,, 1""'1 """''''"'.: r •• r '"'I \I '''·'1 Ill•' t. ''"' l'it•h I 'INiolra, I" "1•1••. :II ·•II~ llrt • '•' f,.,,. t't•ntro>l "' 11 •·•1 llw o tl ~ -,·,;, '' .11\nU,I\f)', "' th.·,r 111•'"',' t1 •. 1!"llt'•·r: \ c~ ,.,. '"n1Pf1 t•tlv re-• -()orlll A-. Balboa 1111. lfo,_.., Pllrtler. D.\'.M. DAY SCHOOL Paal 0 . Ruklwr. n .\',M. NOW OPI:N n ... P ,_. '""'" lrw-l """ e. ._ •oan• ... •· "'· 0.,.,.. 10n f\.r.. M,... Drh-e 1 Mowl... f'ti!ITA MPA IIAaaoa eaa H~ "'--1141711; Ros. Bar. 4811 11 ~~~~~~~· MODERN MARINE SERVICE SHELL DOCK Balboa Island F.n:r IIC• 111·"' tn lo fl fc1r f11-tlt •rl •ho•\\•·ol • :\RR \H \~1 1.1,('01 ... -In ,., llll~tl 1.:, !II 'I• k\ "no• I 11 lrt'-1 lt11rt\ ·IIIII•· )• ·•'" ·•1:•' F<'lll'll.o!\ 1..:·11 1"•1 ,, h.1lo1 11 1• hn, J~ • ._ ll<l•~ f'ftl•l\t"\l n•'rl• n f fh~ lHh tllt,t~t'"' 1h.\l \\t •, th, I' fttl' •'•' '11 0 1•'0 J(,n,,.,, 1 •'\••n 1t"" a ~·'4-llh hr• 1f,fc·ll4~1. u l.......,.n.-..1 'l•l lt•"rn•-.1 (, .. h·, l;l't \\ ltl nl,\Ohde""N1 h·· "-11JilP.,I ,,. ~~ , ... ," ....... ,,, •• ,, tt I•· 1\ Hll n .... t ht· h .. n/o•n h~ "'-'" llllnn. l \ ll·lo·nln&:. "'nl''"'""""" 1111 I 1.-.mlna. \\1111(' lw 1A 11-l 't'''hlo nt o•( .. ul I 111'•"1 ~· •'• • \ ' 1h.11• l 11· N'ln u,tfl"ftf'I'Ct :-.ttrntl\"t·l~ tn 1"•'1"-'"" •1 .. h h ...... ",,I" I\ ,,,, 'hi' h nr1 lf'Arno-d h) otoo.o-n •Unn .mol .: t\ •' ht' I·,.,. • 11· 11 • h " k · nl•l>o'fl hrmnr~. I '•"'Ill•• <'I'N') '~' ho'N' rt'l.'o'rt' h1'< m<'mN;. lie..__, TWa P1Ult~llt.T n ~J'IUI 1111llltc-,..1111J .. .._.-M11e CIIIUST CRUliCIJ Bl' TIU 8&A ~aa!ty MeUiodlat tue "'st c-"aJ AYM11ft &co•. lt. D. QMCI...U, Pu&or Church School. 9 3() a m. Morntn~ \\'nrshin. II o m. S!'rmon by R.-v II:Jr\'1'Y II llnckoor. Youth F!'llnwship, (i 3() p m . Ev•nlntr Worship 7:30 p.m Mid-week pray('r aervlce. Wed· needay; co\·~rcd dish dlnner, 6:30 p.m. PREMII'l\TF.RtAS C'm-RCR NEWPORT HARBOR Clla fl('l hr 1 hf' s.-a 41 0 Conllt l h~:hway C'nrnna 11<'1 M :tr Mornin,:: W•lr<~hip. 11 n m S!'rmon !'uhjrl'l Th!' ~1nlllrl' C'hrilll ian ·· R<'v Thomn~ Gibson, pastor 3331., Granl1 Canal Balboa Island llnrhor 2340-W ~T. lAM£!' CIJT"RC'ff PllOTFh~TA~T f:PI~t'OPAL I'Zot \'Ia Udo Phont"'l H l\rhc'r 1230 nnd Har. 4.26 R..v. Paul Moore Wh('t')('r, VIcar 8:30 a.m . H oly Communion. 9 :30 a .m. Church School. 11 :00 a.m . Mornlna Prayer and Sformon. (Fint Sundays: Holy Communion.) 10:00 a.m . Thursd11yw: ,Holy Com- munion artd pray•n fo'l the alck. avENTR DAY ADVENTI8T8 Comer Bolaa and Old Country Rd. eo.ta MtU Sabbeth echool. Saturday IDOI'n- lq, 9 :30 o'clock. PrMeNnc aervt(llt, u a.m. "1''U ... n:.SDL V" C'l!:NTBAL BIBLE ClfnKR .... .,......, &huDaa. putor Mf'lttlnc trmpnrarily In the ~· enth DA)' Ad\'enU.t church. ror· rwt' of Old ('(lunty road and I Bot .. A\•e . CoetA MI'S&. SundA)' •rh('(ll. 9 .45 11 m Wonhlp J<'ni<.'f'-11 ffl a. m. Youn« propiP'I lf'rvi~ p.m. Evt nlne •v11neelistlc aM"-ice--- 7 o'cloclt.. Wf'dneeday. 2008 Anahetm Ave ., 111 •I f, ',· "'" "" 11w Sun· •' 1. • ' '"" ''•hJH'l tn all .. , .tl1 l .... t r ,, 1\ "·••h·~r ··hurt·b. ., •. ,. I rr 1 1 lt•tt• h "' o'ltrl'l Sdt·n · I I 1•1 It '"'' Th•• 1:111•11 II T I'St II 1:·•• 1 rltt• 1· .h 'I h•~tt nrt fnlrf'r 11 '' "''' • 11'1•1• • '' M "" 11 1:r1u·" I• ; " . ·I ,. · • lh• Ill" lh"ro fnrt> Ootl lt.•l h lol• •I 'II•·•· f•tr <'ll'r .. A ~ • • .•! 1• t••·un• frum IJnlnh r••11•l• · lit·· ~t·ll·lr "' '"" Ln111 •:oil t1 tq•utt IH• , h;•, •• 1 •\ tl~t• Lnrt' hn! b :OIIIItlllo•JI lilt' II) fll••:l• h 1:0011 1111111:1 ltl\10 lh•• Ill• o•k h•• halb RPIII 1111' CO ltlnrl 110 lhl' bt•ll.••flhi'OriPof. II) J1ro- l'i~lnt llth•rl)' l<o tho• • npiiV••• and lh•• np• lllttlr of the rrl•on 10 I h••m lhl\t B:<' boctn•l. Tu "1'1'" •11 unto lhl'm rhnl mo•rrn In Ztun. In t l•'" 111\10 lhf'm bl'l\1111' ror A•h• ~ lhl' oil nr Jny rnr mnnrnlr L' th<' Jnrm··nt or prnl•l' rnr lhl' ~rtrll nr "'''"''""'ft : I hill llt~>y mlchl hP r:~IIPII lro • • n( lh!hi"O'I•nru, lhl' l'iAnllnc nr lhP Lur•l I hat hi' mlltht ~ Rlo~rlfl• •I ·· On. I hi• •uhJ"' t ~IAry n~l· r l'ol•ly eny• tn "~rl.-n• ,. An•l ll•••l•h -.lib K~>y In the ~l'rlltlnr··• .. " ('hrllll Ia lh" truoo llt"ll ',.,, •nc c:•••"1 the l!h·ln" Ill"'"'~·: rrnm t;n•l lo m• n IIJ'":Iklnl In '"" hum:~n • """' lnu•· n.... Th¥ l'hrl•l I• I n o n1pr rl'al. ~rlrlllll\1, yrn, •h~' !Ill ln ... lml\11~ llrtof tlk••f1•••• ol •p<·JIIIII: 1hP 11JU• F:nfl" Of th•• "'"':~•• • l lh• \\·ar . tbe 1'n,lh nn.t 1 h·· I .I'•'. hi'Aifn~t I hi' ~•· k nn•l • ••lint "'" "'II,. tlf'Atroy· 11111 ~111. •II•• n~•· a·1·l •l••nlh .. Many ~»t'<'lo·~ or wnt«'r nll::l('. " piAI)I. rnnt.:r in sltl' from thOIIt vbthll' only und<'r n mlcro-.rnpc to ,.Cim r ov"r :!00 (f'l't lf\ng. WOMEN l)e ,_ ..... _.,_, ....... •• ......._ 1""1• • ._.,_. eA tt ... ,. Ar-• ,..... .....-..... ,."'''· '"'lA"•~ .... ,....,_It,. '" .. ,.. ··--.,..,.,. ,,., .. ... , ....... , .............. , -.~ ..... , It's Your Glands o., ~...__. .... " ••••• , ,..., ,. • ...,_ .... t..-......n... ,...... ,,. ...,.,....,__ ~· ••..-N• ,.,,..,.,_,. '",_.. .. ,.. ... Or. r.. F . RF.U~ n C' .. MI.C". re7 """ "'-'••.-1 floh . Mot IIlii " y..,. .._ .. , .. ,,. .• •• m..- R• ..... • • "' ,., ' " "'· ...... , .... Ttln,...••• at - La Pierre Home Appliance 228 •1ol'e'lt A, . .,. Laguna Bea.>h KELVIN A TOR RadiM Phone 668-1 Reasonable Construction Costs . .,.. ..... -~· ~ ~ ,. "-· / t-1 :' . ' .. v :, AI . , . . ~· . . ··r:·, . "'""' -."=-• ' -~.,. •• (;., ... --~ ... -..... '·'A.~ -.. --I. ' .. ~.. ... f .. , -~ • l ;. . \. -·~ ~-~~·-:-;...!-.-, ~ • .. .... ...._ -• -.,., f r . ·-' 'i l.• • ---• T r , •. . ( . #$>. . . .I J ~·. ·'-· .~:rr .h :..·~ • _ ~~~--.:· •• _. -·-· .... - T aA:e Advantage ol Our FREE PLAN AND ESTIMATE SERVICE W m. P. Mealey General Building Contractor -Complete Building Service- 2265 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa SEE THE~ TODAY! The New "Smith-Corona" PORTABlE STANDARD U CHARACTU KIYBO.UD .•. Ju.t like bit atnee typewriters. e SILENT e STDUNO e CUPPII New •aemlnt+on Rancr' NEW L C. SMITH Jee tht tht ~~-L. C. Smith om~ ,~,.·dttn In actloo tQdu. Come In or rhont 7t..1 tor a ~UOb lD J'Wr om.. PORT AIL! T h e n e w w orld famous Remington ltond Portable with tlondord ~·row k~ board Ia now ovailoble • two modele. Come b1 for • derr.onatratlon . DllUXJ MODR NO. I NOIIILISS MOQa NO. 1 nERNAN REIUfl Tl Look like nt w, rua W.e ...,. and ~t • lot I~ than n.._ C.t tile mak t you Ukt at a pr1oe 1ou can pa,. ,ernu R.bullta are Ct:~ 902 N. MAIN SANTA ANA PHONE 70 Balboa Island's Joan Dodd to Be Entry in A.A.U. Weekend Swim Meet --. I Fullerton Slugs Tars, 1'111 !C.., II\\ N t: \\'I" 0 II T n A I . n 0 A N F.\\' M ·TIM F. 8 l't•h, It , II._" ' •• ,, , ... ,, tt•·•Ph, c ·,.u, Page9 J oan Outld. dnu~-:hto r of :O.Ir and S.1111rrl.1~. a ~l>t'<'IHI W•>nwn \!' nwn M rs. Mar10n Uodll1•f BalllOn Island 1 d i\'IIIJ.: ,.,hlbtli~•n is rurd~od. And and last ~ rnr·s Uluc !look awru d on Sunday a SprWJ:bu:ird cLvtm: winne r of Lus Ana.:t•lc•s i\lhll't•c conto'!'t l~t•tW•'•m 1hl• champions 11 club, w11l rcpr('l'(•nt th(' club m scht'duhod. the nnnual Sout hl'rn C'ahfornla ;\l('n'< chnn~: romJll'lll•nn. wtuch A.A.U. sw1mmin1: H n d dl\'lnl: ff'aturcs Dr Sarnrn> L•••'. l11rmc•r chamruonslu p 1:'\t'nt~ tu two ho'ldl na'''""'l 111\J~t . "'" '"' ~aturday Friday. Saturday nnd Sunday a t a nd Sunday. Bt>vrrly llills lll~:h srh iM)J M\lm· gym Miss Dodd w11l comf)('tio 1n fi,.,. f'V('nts includmg thr 100 Yllrcl , :r.'fl yard and 440 yard frrr ~~ yll'. •100 yard fre<> S1YI•• rt•lny and 30\l yurd medlry n•lay Br<>nda llrM:·r. nntion nllv ra nk- ed swim stnr or 1hr I.AAC'. will b<> chi<'f COmJM'IHor IIJ.:ains t Ann CUrtis of S nn Frnnc tsco, holdt•r o r S<'V<'ra l world r N'ords In the A.A U. r lassit All of lh<• 14 Unitl'd S tiii<'S champions who w111 two on ha nd for thl' Snulhr rn C'al1rnrnia swim- m ing and dh·•ng rhnmp•on~hirl!i a t th<> Bt>vcrly IIIIIs llll:h s wim·I:)'Tll will I><' 10 uction C\'t•ry night of the mt'N . I n addition. A A l . S wirn Chair· man Fred Britt rl'flOrts tha t wo- ml'n's d i\'mj:. prob abl)' lho' m ost populur l'\'('nt un thc c:trd. w111 be.> h<'ld each I' I <'niOI! \\'oml'n Uh·f'r" CHmJM'I" Zo<> Ann Ulsrn. \'~t•k• Or:wt•s and Pa tsy Elscnr r . thl' thrrr ~~ wom r n cti\·t•rs in thr cuuntry, an• slatro to com(X'tr for thl• lrc nf' _Dunn<> T rophy _Qh t he· first m~ht Reliable Sportsman's Calehdar J ACKRABniTS All Y"Ur npo·n sca~••n. t'XI'•'fll San llr r - nardlnn. Los Ana.:••h's, Orang••. R iH•nudr. stnd San Diego l'nllnth'S 1'\n h11g llm1t PRF:OATORY ANIMALS !'\o riOSI'fl S<'IISOn o n thl' h1km~o: of Wildcats. moiN!, shrrws. oppclSsums. gophl'rs. mnuntu.n I i o n s , rnyotrs. C'O.Ins, Wl'RSCIS :1 n d sk unks No halt limil No h('('nsr rc - quir('(l FIS H -Tal<in~: of ha.'!ll, salnvm, strdht•arl. cat f•sh, sun! 1sh. ••ds, cock lt·s . crabs. rh.n1•. and lohstl'rs 1S now lo·l!al m snnl<' arras Consult fhhlnl: Ia" ahstract for d r· tallrd informa tion. 194R flsh- •na.: hc·rn~ n oqulr<"Ci. ~TRI PEO D 1\ S S -No d~>~c·d !W:I~ln. Onily And pos- ~··,.shon bag limit ; five per rtay !':11 sa le allnwPd . 194R f1sh1na.: lil'cnSl' r£'f1Uirl'd. STF.ELJIEAO T R n ll T 1-:nds Fc·h :t9 Fl"' f1sh l1m 1t •n l llstnrts 1 and 1 R. 1 and '•· ~ •. anrt K lamath Rl\'t'r. PX· rrpt tribut Rru'S and Trinity ( "<~unty a nd Hh'l'r ThrN' fish l1m it in D istr icts 1 and "11. Ill:!, J:l, 16, 1:.!A. Russ1an and r-.:11Pa R1\'l'rs. a nd Eel. San111 Yno•t . a nd \'o•nlura Rl\'(•rs w 1 1 h rxc••p1 ion~. Ttdcwll tl'r D•stru•ts :1. 3. •4. Two fish limit In paris o f Scott ('r('('k, ( ":u m..t HJ\'r r, OJ~t Sur R1vcr, ,, 11 cl S:on Loro•n£o. Comm it l1'<h1n~ litw abstract. 194R IH'o·n~r fLY I ~c .-A . .. , ASSOCIATED The Original Marine Dock tlth A Bay Front OLVMPI.\S-Dr. Strve ;jey- mour. 26-venr-old In tern at M a~ no II a Hospllul, Long Beur h, C altr. \\'cJrks out In preparation for the Olympic games to be held In London this summer. llolacr or the AAU championship with a Javelin throw of 248 feet, 10 lncht's, Dr. Seymour hopes t.o become the t1rst Ameri- can t.o take the Olympic crown In his apeclalty, Saints, Oilers Listed at Tail End of CIF W••Pd•·ll ( t•kk) l'h·k.-na, N!!W· purl IIIU'hor llltrh IW'hool foot- hall 14nd h»t•hall t·•-·ll, w• nanwd '··-t••rda\ In lhf' ftf'lll'ly· c•rt•alt•ol . II n ~ I 'uf Ulr ... ·tor uf .\thi..C io-~ fur Hrantre· c·c-1 ~--· lor ''"ll••~o:•·. Ra) It•--•· foulball nwntnr al l 'h aflt•) Junior C'OI· It'll•' tho· 11auol '"" )ran, wUl ht•..t ( .,...__,._ fuuthall •l&ff. Harbor Events Laguna Nails Orange League Crown, 28-26 l.:•t.:u na n.•:kh rnl'•••rNI tht' Or- ·•np· h-a~o:•u• r rul\ n Tuo·~dny nl~;ht \\ lk n I ho·~ SIIJIJM'tl hy G ll r d C n r.ro\t• :..'1'1.:..'6 T ho· Arllsts w ound Tlw nrrlrc• uf ltw ('IF stntr d IIJI thr M'a~nn W1th a rr('Ord of leld ll) thnt ItO)' ll':li:Ut' tha t WIStli'S ma) •tnn hlf.>lhn ll l•rt•l't •r•· on Srpt fi 1111 .. t'llllliOJ.: f111J fl Win~ 11~/IIOlol 1101' lotM 'r!l. rmlll a.:amo•s for thr two lt•J• runrwr~ 111 1111' I trnn~:l' clullc ":.,; a I u " 'lt'orma.: d tll'l with llunt •n1:111n lk .wh r )tl<·rs "•·rr n•·•• hrr ••·am .. 1"'" •n..: IIIIU"h of· drnpJM•d lu '"'' pl.lt'l' tn thr· <"·I F ·~ Soulh••rn So•f"llun \\'o • kl~ r-.:"w!l r.·- r. o""' ,., n ·uc 1 h t ·:.Jit II") d Tny- J .. r . ~-:,ll;orol, a m i J•·• r) So·lutltl. r ••n- lt r 11•-cl fur hu.:h "'Oron~; Wllh IIIC )1'.1'(' afto•r lho•1r thnrnu~h Jln~ltng diL!II" o·:wh a 1 1ht• hnncis ,.r the• Santn 1\n:J O R~NGE LEAGUE STANDING t F •nal) W L P it Opp Pet. 1.uttuua ec~ ... h ,. 1 :h.l• ~"fl t uO '· ,.,., ~., .. ,. ,.. :t"•· _.,., Nun ( "ur11pl••u . I< I\ t f'-lfS•· ~~ln1 :t ~ton-ftr• , • t1u1•t , •· ·t.'l :1 t7 f";UO u•i• and \",~nhu ·• • untwtil•·n 1n ~ :~~.'.~" ~: ~ ~~~; ~f~. ~~ l••!o)!llo· )'lu~ I , \\'llltth·r, Alharnl••·•· ' '1' _,, 11"' ~ :'711 ut 100 lhll•l• r (;, Jlurlmnk. l.AI)nla, Suulh F n•1u,.ntl)' "'' •lu c••ocl 8(1 tha t P :t,.ulo·nll, Pa""h·rtu. (' h u If,. ).,l:olo•r \\I' may clu o·\tl \.\llh m t)Kln· S:onla Ann, a nct lluniiOJ.:Ion 11r•nch. it y l.a full'hl'fout'llllld In 39-21 Rout I n.. 1111 I "'' I II' "I ~. \\ l••rl f l ll.oii~•J l 'lllt•ll lll..ll ,,J,..,),,J,ol'•"••l •.:·lltt :\l,•ud '' '-' '''"''' t t• t 1 tth' ,,, .'I , ....... .,,. l tt•ll\ I tdl· I 1••1\ ... Itt tltllll• o111l Ill lilt l•.llt' 1111 It llldo ol l•"•·r thuol "'"' 111 l lu· ~"""''' I• ··~~-h Itt lh• ""'tl!h' ~· 11\J' I 'p II fl Jl tlJih J(, • ol • Jl,.f o\ohJ IIIIo! htlot II 11111 \.11-.11\ lllltf lllo>I I'IJ II)' 1111" l hl' •l~o•ll '1••1 lho• hlll'l1 \.\11\' ' dtt. tlt ttppllt•: .I , •• , ,.,, ,\, ,.,,,,., ~'"''~ '''" llt•t tu 1 h,, ~· ·'"''" Tlh1 \ 111111 r··l ~•llllolo•tl 1111 o'lltiiiJ'h It• ra o·t. !•• ha rhl lllllllllh'l••ll ll··nl'l•'~ IIIlo·" lh ••lt fn "'' t'ttJII•'t t11\• ~· J,,..,~ ''' ttu· '"'t'J-'''''' '" n t '"" '' h•'" 1h•· llll ('II\' ltul• '" •• 111 l1111-! ulo•tt,.; 1111'11 \\h it Hl\tl lttlfH J,, Ultt ll11t l\lt•lloln l ol II '" ,, ,:o.J ''''' 1 L!rlt\' "" c ···n•• t 'I"''""'' l•·•l u,,. lJIIII"f' II llh l••n 1"'1111' hl,.;ll f111 ,..,,, .... hit , r .. ,. '"•· ,, ,1\ l ••'f\ \\ ut tl IPtl \\ llul "''''Ill' t h•• I'''' •I HI oh11111,.; I h•· l'l'lllo·~l II• f,ol tit. ol ··l.;ht J••llll• .loon \\",IJ, c•nultl ul.t ''"" ''' • ttt\11 et•tUH•tt' .~ ........ ,, ...... 11111"····1< .~~ .. ~ '"··I '''' n f tlu• lt·.uu tt ,u l••l In "''"' IIH"If' '1"111· ''"""' • ,., ....... . I ht• !i-ltU t'h"' fq "HIU ,,,,,.,,.,,,, ... ,,,,rulut~· \\I 'I t' Utfl' \\I tit\• "'fltt \ • ••ttq-.•ltltu tt • • -.utt1• •I "\:, "I ~-. t ,,, 1\ II h 11 I I Tho· "" s, .. , ...... H ..... Tllr•·••-: It', F.tl lladtlad, tTntll. tllll:hl,\ lllhl~to•t rae•t· "\II• lain" 111111 hltrHI•ulflo• •J uhnn> M•·· """''"· l\\1• '"I' l••urlt. ... In lh•• 2410-lat• \ llle·nttnf• "'"'f'Jl"I&So••~ •PN'df•·•t ••·h•••lulo•tl fur tilt' ( ul· IIM'1om 1'-111111•> aftt•rnuun, t 't•h. 1~. Th,. t•\o•nt 11111 uftkl•ll) "l"'n ttwo ml&hl) mhlc..C thrulll,. •lornt tllnl "''"""n fur IIIIK. I u ltP•tun •'•I ''' 1 ~tt\lltllf\rt H"•hnt II ,. It• .,,, ... '"I \\'HI•t 11t tt!IIU'IIt I tHI to' ttii \\'••II• lhi!tWf till) C' d l , ... , ...... 1\1 lith I H 1; f'l1 kfiiV llh\\ 1~1 0 I I l'tllkltt\ :.;,, IIIII-' ••d •' ,, "tn•tl \\',.,·t• •I I t •u11• I I I l'"'l1hlt 1 11 )tt, , .. ,, .. ,,,,(! I'. 'UI'I'E I I I AC.U f '1 ANOI NO" W l, Ph .. hlllf4 ",,I ~ I •• .~ U q tttflrl ·•lt lt•·•••h It t l'l .. ••II• t t 11 t 1·•7 ,, ..,_I'"" fl .,,""' 4 ~·"' lflltl._. r, ,'l'f '" h• "" •• ~ •• ""' ...... .,,,11 ,,,., , ... , 11\ ""' t .,~. , ....... ,, •• , 1 .'••:! TIDE TABLES T td"' IH "fl' r-l u flil•l h• ••rth r ••f ,.,. • •tt• u ,. I l«tH rt,Hr•. " "' ·••• k fl ttt•r•·• 1• "' Say Nf.lw (:Oa~t r .. ,a(·hes to Split $9250 In Salaries Th 1? ... 13 s 11 M If. T Ji f'f:RRt't\R\', IIUM lll~:h Lt"' lllch 'l -,·, I nl II :IH .,,, 1 7 I I 1 11~1 1<1:\ ll:lUI 1 fi 1 f. I I 11tt7 '>~I II:M 111 1 1; •I :\ 11 '.,! .; ,!!( '1 '1 ,,, I! :111 7 1'1 I I 1 ~' 1 1!1 "~ !I :\~> 11 1 :Ot '..!1 ·=~ I I I tt '' 1\f+~"••t •IIIH.• lo p11 •II' lt"i 1 • 1•u '" ll:l'! \\olld•IJ •l'ltk l l'loko•fl' fl••\\1\ o·, "·'""'' •ltt•rhtl ,,, nthl•lh • •• ltl '"''' (',,,,,, f•uu .. , C '••11•·)'' \\HI ll::oll\ ,, .. "' ~I :~· \\h• II h·· I Il k•' Hill 0 '1 It• ,, !"•pi l'lt.d '" -c.,· ... '""'' ll::'l1 lllolll Ju 10 1 •1\•' lh\\\ " lh ,ul J J I• • olio oil .ooul f,,,,, lt.oll \tH 111 "' J "' 8:2~ 1 ,. ;'\.•11 1••11 ll.oll••• l '111"11 llwli 'l:ntt 2.'J. I Gasoline --Diesel Fuel --OiJ Fishing Supplies The All in One Stop Way 'BIG 'CAP' ON SATURDAYPREVIEW OF $100,000 • I t •• ;1, il''" '" I " I' I• ff 'I •I 'lt .• ' H uv 1(,,, ... ., 11 ""' •t 1 .. "'Jhl• 1ht t,,.,, '"~~""' .. r tht lh" '""' ~·· ~ rr.ut 111111 ••lo•l •·n \\Ill ''"'" t.t'\Oil 11•• ""~ )'II III ~:\loWI 111 (111ollt•y .II ' \\'lu·r·• hP tttt:tt h• 'I If I, t• '"' l w u \t ~tl"" f(,,.._,, II \\.1' ~uHI1 \\it'\ f; ld I•• \\I II; l.t ,.,,,, fl• h_, t Cnodlt Card• R ono!T'd BATES & SON Harbor 481 rtunntng or lhr ~!'>11.(10(} San An-, To·>.a~ f1:1sh. Fln~hcu, lw r11 u r T ho· hll\'1' n Jlrnooun•·nt lnl••rflallllllltl II'< lmun ll:onclh'/1)1 Il l 11• mlll•ll Ill l\l;o lllnl~. 1\ll h lin rru~t . l>tllll•lo ····('! "1111 r ........ ll • "·llll)'l1111' 111111 ~ ....... 1\ntl.o ""' 1'11111101' ~-lllll"•j .J.o~ a n(! llrllhanc·•·n tho· twu-lh•·. -tnrs £'111111111' ••••• r ... lh· II Ill''' Pia~.~~~~ Willowick Public Course On \\:Mt '6th Rl '~ Milt! Eut of Harbor Boule\'al"d ................. ,. . ..., Standard IS-Hole Course -b I 00 Yards -.Par 71 Thanks To You .. We Reopened Our LarJ('er and Mor~ Complete MEN'S SHOP Thursday, Jc~ehruary 12th DICI MciNTYRI eM .. Hawm'•Mmlc -cJOo- NAPI HART l11 llif .. Tahiti• O.acM D~n Old II P.lll. ~ ....... ~ ...... ,. .. • Before You Build or Remodel VIsit Our IDlel't'llltin,: ~mple · IUad Oil. play Room .. •t:t\ \\Ill t.. •I•J•\t•\\ "' lh• ••tlt1fl· ltttll ~·Hr"\~olrt' th,tt \.\t•t•· fl•lurnl IIIRJtlr ""'k'' •nrnp• ftlt••f\ I n olo11l •o.n1ol ' H11• ('IJ• 11 111 n '' " tum •l•·h\'ur II ''"'" \11'• 111111o1 .mrl _,I ··d 1111 I . It ,:)(, 'IIJHI\1'1 r)', I h' 1111111 • lito I ol ' '>hitnJIOOII II ''""' '"''' oloo II oil l 't ltfH tlh II· , thl, ,,,.J ,,,, ,,, I tdl• lfl lhtl ,,.,, ... , \\t1h ,,., ""''" •h it\\ Jt.tltHiilll .di•Ui tpfl tl11 ''' lllft~••lu.r''' ""''" Ht 1t ,,n• I'••••Utl \\Ill It\ tfld t•l'tllt 1 Jfuntlll •I• J,u • •·f tt•1•••ntl .... \\I I 1 Ill liP J I ,,,, I ... fit tl ,, •• J .. ,, ttl fttt r.,.,, ~~. H h I r .. l:eruhn. ~~~. I ' ttl tl I •• \\t I r ''''" (I, .... t\\ , ... tl-lff1 I lhtttl•t 1nll \ u• ltl htnd u •P ,,,,,, .. , tl It\ I l rlpltt tit \1, .... ,. I I•• ..... , NOW! BIGGEST fORD Color guldtoc;, pb.n tf n g alrt/l. rompn>hm .. :mc1 llnol£>um. lve stock ot carpet$ LUQLUM Carpet Works liZ% 8oatll Mala 8L 1\,tt \\tlt' 11 '••fllll't•ft•t I .a rh• 11, s.,tt f .ttl••' uru l .lt;tf•''IJ ,flut' '''' 1• •· tl 11'' t •tt• Uuf 1 li tl'tl • It· .. ,.j ftf •ht\ttt\ \'tlf tt, If\ I It lrtl' uf II \t' lu 1 . ,f, ·n , ( · thlor t•t:• , h .tll• tt..;•,' '" ' I lfw ""'~' ""' ·' '' •·f 1 h. ·I , ' ... c •u I , .. ,, •n t ht ' a ttl • t • 1 • '"'''H''" n~ d "' I ,. I, t , ~ • 1 t1 •I tl• ttrt • th J•t'l '' t I ,,,,,, ''"' tlu· !"--'" Attlt•t .,, \\t I I ... •·I ,,, I 'II \\ If •P I ,,, I'J'" •· ''''"' It \\Ill I· f•l.·''"' llf ,.,,.,, ,,, .. •pltltl,,., •l l•lftUttl\ (ttl Ctt\t l 1., .. J , ... .,, ·'' .. ,,•,r•J• t4. r .. , '"' ,, rid , ,,, .t•h .. t• hurt~· .. •·tr I fl f I ,)f U0 ·'II lt11 \\I 'I• f• I I I I I ,ol \o Itt h• ..,., t H • I th I• \\111 lu llt• fh•· :o'.u1 \n,HI'Itt lllt•lttl • '' •t.:n••tl I•• I" 1 t II +th t ••• I I ~ROG.I HOTRODS ROAR AGAIN IN VALENTINE'S It•• II ,.J tfh 1111 foil lloll l '1, II di Hq •II I II' ,\fh. f ... I·~,,, .. llftl f'lll\\ d\,; II II II ;-.,I 11ol I I I·. I 1 ·, II I .. II I: ill \\ )ult '' t •,"" tit• .... q• \ 111 nlult I •II< 11\IJ.:h I I IIIIth'• I ,, ·""II •\•ttl ''"11' "' \\Juff,rrtil 1 1 '''It'' 1\ ''"'"I I•" ,.. , I •' ! tJ,. 'IJntlu ' .at 11 1 "'jj , 1 " J I ' •I IIII I \'tllo·nl "'' I t,. I ,, • '" • · 1 '11\/tl a-.h. II :d ' I • 11 •' .. II TRUCK liNE IN HISTORY! S..oot f I '--I,_..,., O...t Voloi<l• w...., ,.._ 4,100 .. '\\1 t 1''1 ''''' l •1 I I I Ill oJ, I \\\ .. ''' ltntl ~~;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;::::::::::::;!:::::;:~~=~.~ ,J, t f )I I tl I of !I t ,'f I II• '' I rh Itt q 1 1\' .,f \\ dl f IIU\• II• rt 11 • l '••l• • •1• t" '' t II• f, ' f tu· rr ra u1, \t1nf '' •II l1t 1 •1 ' II IIIIo• 1110' ''!Ill 11\ollll \1 Ill 1•- J.q" l.it'l "'I k \\ '"" '"''"''Il l •I f f '" ... I ' II j ' II ; " I If " 'Ill' t I ~ • I ,, .. tftl It "k It t I'CI'-' .,, ,,, II I :,,, 'I ! I ,, , till II I md , ·, , , od 1 o 1 1 NEW LOW PRICES nt'TIIS ,Johnnlf' Walkf'r BIIW'k l..a~M\1 .Johnnlr Walkf'r R4'd l..abf'l R Pd I. Extra !o!pN'Ial Tf'IW'h""' lll«hland C'I"NUn RIIM'k and \\ltltr Pl'lf'r Da•'<W>ft Old S murclfor R.-110111" Club Spi'C'IaJ - on S C 0 J C H In Keeping with our policy of reducing prices as they become effective --· we quote you the NEW LOW PRICES on all Scotch Whiskies: nFTIIS '6 110 Cilllw)·'~ s1 ... ~ • Rn~·a.J 'S:\9 o ....... r \\'hlt.f'' .......... •ss.'\ ·s·· •sM '56() •s·" ·s~ RallanUn"' lfudOW>n Ray f\f-11'~ !'i!JIIN'Ial Rr-n· .. \\hlllo lfn,..... ••• "fl!l" c.rant'-. M-\ Mlr-Oid 'SMI '563 '5" '569 •see •s;w ·s~ '5711 SPORTSMAN'S LIQUOR STORE 2823 \V. ({'ntral O(W'n G a. m. It) II p. m. 1\ CWJ)Ort B{'arh l'hunf' lit\ rbor 17fMI , \\ ht't • \\ t\ I .. " I Ill' \\II h t ,. h t till I 1' 1 It Ill f I• -. . .I\\ t'• t tltJ. f·l c I •II'' I tlf If• h~ •1 f11t1 11) "' I I If &.It ft f tj!llh1 II I " "" "'" IIIII 1 .. 1•·11 •' \\I I tu t 1 ul\ hu 4 • ol • •,'1 Tl• 1 ,,, \\tfl •l l11 dt\ 'I"'' lh• t \ nad ·''"''rrl•r- El Toro fagl' Squad Schedules Three (;ames in Washington State I 'f'h•• I' r• 11 t• ~ .. , 1 h\\ • '' , ,,~, r u.n .. • I• ) l •tttl S .u1tl p,..,,, ,,,. .. \•til ,, It l•,. \Itt"'' •n l•lt I~ Th• 1:1111, "' tStu t• ,, ''q" ru ,, "' • t \\h• u tl l :t r~ .,,, n t• .. n•• F • h 1'\ Ill '" \\ ''"'"l''"" I"' I hI. • Till 1.11· 11'1•1111; I' till• ,,, I BOYS' CLUBS IN PRELIMINA RY "'"" J:, '•·rutt dr:tt. , 1 lh· 1 .. , ..... 1., " 1, fltt p ru tu It•" II • I • . lt.lll 1.:11111•' ~1•·ruh• '' 1•· •• , ', ··hJtt . ,,, It I I tl I •• I IIII r"• .ft.. \I I I I \\ follf'\ a rul I .. 1 ·• ,, ),to I •t I • •t 'II 'ttt·•,autl . }\•l."l••ft .. ltl• ftqtfl••ottUfil'" f,.r Ht l \l11• 1 .. r .. ••f '''' I,,,,, 1 1, , , ,, 1 1, ·'' It• tlul• t1 ''" tfl, I· 11 t1 "'' rrurH' •• nd l•.,n S''·'"l't•·l. lu•lf• •·I \'I •t 1"111 ol o I llo !11"111.' All :-.r '"' ~ • 1, 11'1 o\ • d l111:h "I,,,,J lo.oJI 111 1' •' I•• \\ htoJI,. \ I I ll ol '1\" \II ~·I ... , , .. , ..... ,,.~ ... .,11' ..;ltrtl!o·r. ,,, I " , • I'' I "' f . l'r-r., •r•d ~'''' tt·d <"ll JIIIIIn • .. , 'If. . ~~ .. !lJ,... ----~··" ~ .. ./,.. j ~ I •rt•lll1'111nrJ l'"•t• /#ell than • .., t)tht'T W AV l.o trrnt I hut wt\1'• you morl' 1n cornf,,rt ~ ''"\.'',.... "Jt(t• trbvrl 1• •·"ture. S tnr ov.., •nywl,, r• k'' r,n•• WilY ,. turD enothrr SC'f! """'' fii.I'Vtt m••r•·. ,.n,.-,\ n,.,,. •o #Ael bJ (,,,.\,,,,,,nd' 25 OaiiJ Trips £AIT fro• LOS ANGELES , ........ ~~·-·· NfW •o•• • ~1.11 .ANIAt ClfY . Ut 10 MINNIA,otll J4,n WAt.UNOfON , 01 10 (Ht<AOO Jt.IS NIW o•llllNt H •o ... C. C. SWAFFORD fU I C '•••I ffltr11t•ay lit.... .... -, tfl:t . Bonvs 6vi/r too I " t -I I; , , ' ' , ;w ,., """"'J.J \I v.J.J hi •• glwt ye• tile fecta e• lort•a* lui It ••• tile llfe-ntirttler ------hcttr tweiltllleiR fertl Tr•clca Hlyl '\X'r'rt! t"" IIIII( 1h~ wl111l~ lruo l.oool( "'·•••·•· ''"''' "'olio d .. · '•1"""'"'1 lln~ ••I '""' I'"'' /I''''"' IlNdt I ''" 1.• f••r '411 ' ll~ul 1111( ln.11h/ \)_ r 'v<' I(HI l\0111 llt'W 1111, jill", loll~,) Ufl IU 2 1. ~on II·• ( r \' W ., 1c. tlll.•· tl11 "' ""' I laul lo l(hl tho fll \X'r 'vt• 1(111 1 •pao IIIU t11,,. n 111 loalf- t •on' (11m~ 1n .,.,l ,'t.,..,,e fr11m t/v(r I ~·J n~w f,,,., ''"""' ''"''' ttuc k n,.,,J,•J•. Nt-w l'lll(tnt't, UJIIU 11' t. r ! N t•w Mlllolln J),,lf., u h' Nrw fuiUrrt: 1\C'w d riH tlllllul(lo, •ntl ""'"" ""''.!. •.. huth rctr• \It IIIII( Itt I A 'I C'VfO I'"'K"'· llnly f t,r•l 'I ruo l.t h•v~ Jl,~ lofr n<rnrloo>IC /lfJ"!!I Jltult fao111r ' ,..., ,_. O••• '""' , .. ,.,. ,." ... , ,., .. ,,.., ...._.. ...-., ~ ... I ~--..· I' .. _, -t••lt • • Ult.,. It fhol ,.,. ,..__,.., '" ..... ' Alhu.,-... , ~ .. -.A \44 ,.. ... ....., •• ·-......... .... • IONUI• ·~ ..,.._'" .,.._ •• ~ .. ......J ...... ~ ._. .. _w...,.. COMI IMI THEODORE ROBINS Your Ford Dealer Sin ce 1921 ! !1111 tl I •·ul r~tl l'hnt"' ll•rlwor :!II '''" JW•rl l\f-10< h ' FIRE ('HII'.:Y •'l&ASK t 'RCJC Kt:R pin• nnr of"'" .:uhl 11M'd•l" "" llnhhh• ~lllultt '" ""'""'' l'ro·-hlt·lll IIW'k Raub Cln rrunt or r luh'., """' lm•ljtnf"l luuk~ ""· Uu llu' lo•lt "''' ltll'lu•rd c ''"''' '""' '""' • 'I"''' .-.r. On thr rl~tbl an" ,\rthur S<-Jn•rlh••r, Uhuu• llllloo·rl uml l'al" lotiUII Tho .,., '"""!:'''''' '"'''' ~~-~~ !!unlur .,,....,,..n t'lllllaJn... • t•l I• I . '• R1 Tt: lilT( 11\1\'1 T' \\ t ht ,,,, It "'' '"t I" I • whotlor Ill ""' '"' ''''"' t .otrh Mrt ''' JH It 1! ''' 1 t '''' t 1' I•• l:ff1\t"" II",, II h '''" t ·II dl t ·I J"'''llf•n" '' t1 •' •• trw 1 •• • I h 1111! ft I' '\ rl• Pl• It•" I ' •I I • t tl '' '"'' ••• ) ' ' I 'I I MAN For (;('nt.•ral \\'urk :-;1·.1: 11,\C.\ '\ CULBERTSDN Chevro :et Co. :wth A c <•ttlrnl '''"1""1 I\• h. ----, William I. C ammack 1'\1 \fl\o. 1o11 11t \11 \t, \'II I' \1 '1 Hll\\•.1\o .. t·h U•r t:;·, 1 tit.4• ,fu,J \t.•·· c 111 ••ll • •l••l \l,,r m ill to ·" :\j•t I" I I I Ill ofolt IIU' I oil II\ ,,., II tl• I 1:. II ,,,, t I I I t J, .. Jol.lsl••r,. ~U>.J '·"'' .,.,,.,, 1111-h '======:::=---- "·•••• t'HI \\tun th• •~•"'' ''''h du\\n l h• t11n' !• thlu lh• •·•.-..: 1111ol , '• '"~, "to• I• •h••llfo~h ..t.n~:. tho•.\ folll'k Ill' ,If ill 1110\t' l111lho1 OUI !11 ~· .t anti ohli);ll11:1\ t'l t\\ I lnlt• )OUr trap!< Tht f<'mnlt' M th4• '"'"'''' d otn mutl tnt•,. n Cll N'fN'r llmr h•• rnu~o' no on<' c·nn tl'll n loh,tr•r 'il 111:1' nnd no ont• know' hll\1 l11n~ tht·y h r<' w,. nnly knm\ \\ hc•n tht')' llN' gTOWn llj) ('OOUI:h IO 1'111. Cymbidiun1 On·hids in Bluum J.Jaract• S.•lt'4'tl'•n tu C h uu-w• fruu•. l'lllllt .. I'IU 'IT Ttn.t,, a JCOI't::-. a :o-11111 IUit,IC\ a I t .ltl'll.llt-.IC The . Bamboo Corner Nursery ('"til ,,, .... l.Aih~trr1 hll\'t' ho •·n r~trturo II nnd jjiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiii•••••l thtlr habit~ obsrr\o'd In salt "1llrr tanka but whrn thry dit' who cnn B E T T E R B u y s tell whf.'fhcr thrir dl'mlse wna due to naturlll cau.y•s or th<' artificial envlronm<'nt • One thin~: eo·rtOUl t~e 1J no boUi ng water In lobetn ht-aven. OOAIITA.L TaADI: Tile Idea of acquiring aome kind ol carao boet and ftlltllltlng In tnde with Meldco hu locally pus. eel far beyond the vlaionary con· wnaUonal at.are . Many arr actual· 11 dotn• It and the number It powtnc. Enaadnc In any foreign trade .. alwa.ya hazardous for the be- &innel' but bona fide contract• and ruarantees from wholesale hou.n are now forthcomlnll which take ICirM of the rlJk out of the calT)'· Inc bualneu. Ir t~ ~tovrrnmrnt ron ~h with the plan to 11<-- Uv.r machinery and tqulpmrnt to South A.rm-rlca whlll' that country 1Uppllt'1 food for the real of the world, It .. poulbll' that mort' and mon huJIJ wtll be In dem11nd for oou t.a I t raiSe. 11\l' LAS VEGAS 11 t'(ln•·<'rtl'd --A PC ~ H&-foot f'flr~ca r~:n hoi1t l hu ~n t>xrxorlmt·ntlnlt "'1th coa~t track for almost A )l'ar S hl' mndt• lt'\'l'rnl bnn11n11 run• rh•tn&:N1 own- con. J im Newlin ol llnlh(la IY•I'Rmc lnttrrllt<'d in ht'r and "'o•nl nlon~; u rn~tmf'('r. Jl,. did ~omr stuch ·1 lna on th£' sldt• nnd rl'<'<·ntly t01;k oot h1" C'apt11in'' Jlllp.•rs nnd "111 1 be skiJ)('IC'r nn h;•r n .. :..l 1 tl} Ill:" Alon~t w11h twr fll'\' ~klpJIC'r, tlw I LAS \'EGAS no1w hnl'~ n o~1nt1 .ol'l with th,. C"nrnllll('ln Milk ('.,mpllll\ to hnul C'Qntt'nt<'d tins to A••nplllt"to , and LcP11z. Thl' (Trw h•)t•·~ t•1 1 bnn~t bArk b&nnnu Mesa Tomator! JW"((m to h" " Jll•mr carao lt<'m 111 thf' prl·lront tlrn<· lmJlll'rial \'nllt'y, 11Pfl1lr•'ntly. rt'· C\'lv<'d 1111 thl' ralnf111l wo• d1dn't r et durln~t Janunry And II ~I)Otlrd I their lomatu hon·,.st Th,. "1'"1··-~ aale proplt' ns n n 'Mrlt nrf' lt•nk- lng for tom1tt01·~ In '"" .. r C'o.h- fornla 11nd fur Cllrl:o ll<lnh to ahl~4 ...... "''" II I Upholstety Harry McKee !SaO Newport Blvd. ~ ..... 1115 llart»or Bl.._ Ollila 11-Pit. BE eel!-.1 We ALWAYS have the LOW- EST PRICES in the Harbor Area:- NOW due to market condi- tions throughout the Country we are pleased to announce a general reduction in prices, EVEN BELOW OUR FORMER LEVEL Here Are Just a Few of Our !\I any 1\ EW Prices: ~l.lt ·t;u BACON CIROt'S U I amwr ,f,lhn .. , ~" tft •., Or1ol,. SHOULDER tiuar .. nh..-.1 ....... h '""t UtK~ AMERU'AS CHEESE ~ .. 1ft '~ Hnookfll'ld '!-lh. Loaf .~ .. ·h Tnr Rot'~O STEAK tUone.IN~a) For ('hkkl'fl t•ry or ('uhoo Ut. $109 69c STEAK ::.s th. 64c PURE PORK SAUSAGE "1thout a "'nct4-l"'lt('('ptlon Lb. 59c (il' \R.\STt:F.O In boo •tht' Rt:~T \·uu r.'"'' Ate • I West Coast Meat Co • C. 0. ''PAT' FLANAGAN Wholesale Meats and Provisions I K47 Sf:WPORT 81.\·o . Ph. Bearon 569.~ CMta MrM e 1.1 I •r 111 ftlc.IIT, .,.,_ ...... uluor. preo.klrnt of the Hunllnct- l~·uo " u .. toon t'luh; Dr ....... Pt•lo•ro,on and nr ... ..._ Thornton. .. TRAVEL: -... byall,_ .. ......... ~,... • AIR • SEA • RAIL • BUS -TO ALL POI NTS Pllolae ~ 1100 Lam bourne Travel Service t it o-a ""'" Ucwaa ISelldi Boorey & Poirier 100 PEa Ct:ST YISANCED e 1".11 .. \. lt:K~I:-. • Add Roums a Bat ha • Oara(l!S ron\'e rlf'd tu th·tu~: •t'""'I'F~ • Free eo.Um.aiM a aket.clles. a Aa•bl In pla.unln&: llfll'rtl"'"lt'llt. REMODEL: Increase Income 410'7 Coallt HJcllway BUILDERS COR OS A DI'.:L !\tAR Harbor !Ut or 22tii.J ~ ---- Spnrl:«"~tn Olth:. s _\\T \ .\~ \ 1-'he•'lr ':'H:i:i lOIANOtlh NOllfWOOO lOHOHAOI LESTER & Co. INV[~ MWI SlCUIIT!fS TO MfO THE INVfSTOIS PAlAotNA P04IoiOMA IIYIIIIot SANJA ANA SANtA-ICA !lhMb" LoJ A"l"'" Sloe It F.:o:ch_g, 515 Eut Ceatral Ave., Balboa Harbor %061 NlfOS pr• '"'•·Ill und •It•., a•reooldent. ,_.,..,.u,.,ly, crt ttw. OranK.., (:otuot Jun- ior •·••ll•·t:••. ""d Judp Robert Oantowr, IOC'al R.oWy head, ttmJII'! for lh•· ''""'"ll'"l'h"r durinc a '"-1 lnkrlm In u.r Joint mft'Ual' of tbe t"''"'"~~~~~-~~t. ~oto~ A~~i~~~~=====~~~~~~~~~=~====~~~~~~~~~~====~ , Grand Opening .of the \ Allen Motor Co~·· -Oldsmobile Agency 217 BROADWAY Laguna Beach Phone Laguna Beach 1434 SEE NEw: 1948 OLDSMOBILE$ EVERYONE COMPLETELY BRAND NEW, MLCOME ' FULLY EQUIPPED Stanley C. Allen ' SERVICE DEPT.