HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-02-17 - Newport Balboa News Times---------------_..._ ---=----------------- Backyard Oil Well S .uit To ·B·egin Tomorrow e~ ~.JM .. tl! Now Tel. Harbor 12 THE SAND CRAB By SAM N EW UFE. JtL't a few years ago Gus Grupe de· cided to quit selling insw·- ance. move to Corona l del Mar and build himself a little abode. Gus was a hard work- er, minded his own business and did not emerge from his qwe t life until the com· munity decided it needed a church. It was th€'0 that Gus ascended to his new job. at once took charge of the building. stayed at h is post day and night. went to man- ual labor to hurry it along, became chairma n of its building committee. chair- man of the first board of trustees and witnessed the completed task. Few of us knew how difficult it was for him to carry on, but there were no complaints, no shirking. no intimation of his illness, only a merry twinkle in his eyes that indicated all was right with the world .. E a r 1 y Sunday morning Gus was called by a Highe r Authority to occupy one of the rooms in His Mansion. to give up earthly effort.c; for spiritual affairs and render an accountin~ to His Master. Services Tucsdoy morning in the Chapel by the &'a. brought hLc; s o r row i n g friends and church worke~ who believe he has gone to a greatet· and more a b';l"dant kin~dom-to a <X'lestml re. ward so richly earned. To perpetuate his memory u new fund has bc<'n created- the Grupe Memorial Fund to be tLc;ed for the start of a parish house adja<X'nt to t~c edifice into which he put hts heart and soul and hands to help erect. • • + The Public'" Ferry. A smaJI item in the last issue of News-Times was h ead<' d "Fortune in Ferry F ares." an alliteration that s hould have said Fortunate Fares Favor Ferrv. J OC' Beck's Ferry is as much of a la nd- mat·k as the Ball;x)a Pa vilion anct fo1· ye<lrS operated at a loss. Even nuw m the win- ter months it fails to pay itc; way. yet it ha..-never m Lscd its prires. n<.'\'Cr has stopJX'rl S('t'Ving t h c pc'Oplc who swear by insl<'aci of a t it. With a payroll or S40.(1()(J an- nuaJI\·. t h<' ft'JTY bel ween Ba lb0.1. and Ba lboa l"lnnd. has kept it.s f~u't:.'S rlown in the fal'c of n stng taxN'. wages. t't'(H'lin-. etc. + + • Oldsters Partlripa.te. All the old time workc~ part iri- patc in the F<'rry's profit s and the cout1COW crew who have handled t h <' boat." through UH' Y<'<H'S at'<' ,~·(')1 known in the rommumty. r with such fonn<•r employe'S as J ack Nicklas. Ed Fink <l nd Fred White. Today Evan Jones is lh<' manag<'r with his crew of Ray Kennell and Floyd Ga~-:c. the latter a sea rarer for 40 yean-in th(.'S(' wa let-s. Prople com•• for miles just to ta ke a ri(JC' on the Ferry and if you wnnt a pleasant pnstime of an hour. trav<'l bnck and for1.h for an hour. :-.nd if n ktrl (und<'r fin'. frt'('}. ano you'll get on<' of the-fin<:'!'t ,·i• '"'" of a hu:-y hoa ting ;u'l"'a you've nc\'<'r .;.('('0 befo1:. Pa.-~lf> This t'1)--0 n a htgh- w a v hillboan-1 : ''HoncstJ:.· NO\\;, what's your hurry: Drive Safely!" WILD -NEW YEA .R RIDE .DRAWS JAIL I N OftANGE CO AST 'S L AR G EST Cll'Y I Tnday'a II A.M., P .8. T. &-Count 1 Sentence Doled Out Dow JuaN A v.-rac'N -·-..... . .. _ ........ -.. . BALBOA MES lttdll .. lt ,,.J, lllltl .. l'tlltlh'' lt\1o~lt"; "" •~• '.:.~' up 'It !\tl II fl \ ·''""" , .. , ...... """"'''"" l7 II .m tUt'ttl' OIL WELL--TH? [· -.. ~· Sport fishers Whip Bait Jinx ll.·ttolfl'' Ill 1'>'1ol•'lf tMI •I" ( .. 'llnla lift, • out "''''" .ttl•"' wtlh u Uolboa I'" 1""1: l••t h\ll•lultutl No•w Vo•ru•a I'\,. ollltl tll: \\ hlt'lt lu• ott l•'fllJih-d '" b,h1k ,.,, ,.,. ... w.~r UH• liMA. \\ t • ltt<tUtd L:,tUif\ ''" (IVt' t'h iH"Jitt'"tl, 8ult aca.ln11t the city of Nf'wport ~h wtll bf>c'ln l.omorro~· a" "'r. JU1d \fro.. who o~n a ._,·kyard (IOllown abo\'1') ~hlrh I• lnundal#'d by ,.., .... ,.. oil from •n uld aband-d w4'11, IW'f'k to forr4' the-fit) to l4"t ttw-m JM.Imp thf-I'Utc-otlal ~ .... tth. If Tallman .. "'"· ... 111 '""l1urt ano!Wr oU dty! I Over $400,000 in Build ing Perm its I ''"'"'I""~ Itt ··ludo· hi~ ll\ll'llo'" '"II"" lilt' ""' lt~ht llo•111llo"' w• ''"1'1••1 ""''' 1111 ••l~;hty miii-...Ait- h,•••• ... , ....... tluttu.:h the• hu,hw• .,,.,,,,,, .. , ~·"J••tl 111111 1\1111 ..... • .w"""" •·>· ,. :-:'"''" l\n11 ufft,.., tu1 '"' ., •• ,., •• ,, th•• fl,.,•ln.: t1111n'a ..... . ltul.:•• lint 1\ lllo•la.to•ll "'1\fl'f~ ... lt. lltiJo.., t .. (I\•' fTIIIftlh• Ufl II ...... •··• \ • ftttt r.:•· ftJ ... t h) Mr n-..ltth J\or- 1:''" ''·"''"1111, \ h•lltll •tl ''"' ... llw k Atu•t h·•r fiVe' lll(ontt.a w.a •k>lo'll '"'' 111 llo•tllll•'l' olfl 11 n..-ka.. •It tYIIIII 1'011111 Nhlf't) i't.)'ll ·- ,. ..... ,, • ..,. d rlvtn.: WA" llntx.rd ... I ho• 1-. •at I n.alo'(l 1111• """"'f"l"' .,..... ''' run f'unM't'lltlvr ly TWn _...,._ ,.,,~ Ill flw• lt.y• «''IC'h wc-rr aua- l•'f~<l<'(l llo th wrrr on 1 rattle' wt. lataoona Alhlf"'lt'Y fur thf' drtf'ndult IIIIUtf' II tn•llkll\ th•ll lhfo -t~ ,,.. Wlthho•hl '"' «rrru.O ol ,..,._ JWtnAhll' pn•tl •If lhfo man'a .._ .. nlty Jutl&t• IU."1vl' ~lf'd U. mntlnn 1\lrw\i(,.tl alw• ~lf"d a !Jf'W'Vkt~, .. motlnn for pnlbtltlon City J,ollows 'Wat(h, Wait' Poli(y on Water Tall mans Test Oil Well Ban Boosts '48 Total to $1,181,450 1.1\'t: ftAIT ~AT ~ H. ...... _ ..... _,. IM& Jl&at•rcla)t M (IPft I• "~tat) IMdl Pit..._,, 'rtlt• d ty t•f Nrwport "-ct. • ....,.,: "'""' fHttMar, lloft Oeftakltoull, bull4for; M"-lr.1n1na II .............. .....,._, ................... follnwtn1 M "WMirh and WMII" .... _,_ lo<~k on. 'lhol" hy lwluuwr It'} '"' w"'''' •l<•vl'kJtlfiW'nt. ~ llutlt1tnl! tw•rnut" •~,.11•·11 111 1 h• • • tly '" <tat•· th•' >• .• r h•t\•· '"l'f"''li lh•• Sl .l~l .4~>(l m ;ork. tl \\rtS un· I nounet'd l.cl8y by A M. t Pt>to•l ="•·I"""· l•utldtng Jl1bJit'('IIJr ('.,nttnw ns.: 1h1· rt't•m·rf I•"<''' nf ---1 l•lrMIIvf' O ftlt'l'r Jutu• Ration ~ "' K-'N ~)-Tit• htl\tly, u rt .. ldc>nta •II •round U. Wtwn NC'Wpfwt ll11r'll0f •port· harbor IM-a•n to II<'An the ny ._. flahc-rnwn fofflt:lally heMet ant'hor for I1CM n( ~t'flftll, ,..,._.,. ..... .I "" .................. Mwrtt ·t. ,..,. -..... "Ill "'" •• lltt· flu•·•• '"''' ludl f11· lnt.-rn>lll,.nl 11•••• •tl rain t• •tltlh ~ 1111 lit• I''"''" '"11•1. lhf' F'o h <I ""'I ~ lu ltronk 11.,. bnr k fill ''"' '"'"' 1•lllu·•l •••Ill) th•• ""1•t •lrnulh In '111 >'''""·but hllt:dtn~ "'' m 1!117, ;--.;, l•un h•.- Ht•c·au<t• the· t•lly nf ="•'"'l•url ~:1 .1nll fl I• r ""'' f•u hutldtn.; tutal Ho•:t~-lt ,., r ........ t .. l><'fnllt ;\lr ,Ifill IIIIL! "J';"t, 1..11 , ... , tllll!tlh p, rnttl' M r~ \\'tlltam T.tllrnan of ::1~ t:lr.l ,,, '""'" , I' ·.t•··• "''to• ,..,11, tl ,,, <lr•••·l. ="''"I'""' Bt':ldt, In I•Ump ('>~rl ;\I .hltlit '" htulol ,, ••n• t'll from 11n ulmndon•·d \\t·ll Ill ''"', '" ''"'"' tl\\•·llltt~· \\lilt,,"''' tltr•tr h.tt k~.,,·t1, th•·y "'" '" pn c;1r I!•" •I!• ,111 c-•11, I•· 11! ,,,. ~ ... tt """'' :u.:.un ... · th•· t•rt~ '" """Pf 1111r ttttf•tt ..... , 11 MMI o·nurl lt~flltottn" a t 10 .;\lt a m h• '''' .1 !'l:onl• '· I" rtlltl "' tnultl ll•·partm••nl thr<'<'. a (11ur roum II"• lim.: ·•I ~*'.! h ttl 11w Tallm.tn' "'"d tho• w ,.jJ IH•· J, :.r lt\o•nth• t-:~l lln:tl•-.1 , . .,,, r.; •• n ~··•·('lilt.: od la~t Jul) nn1l 111111 S~t.t MMI IIH'Y a~kr>r1 lh(' !'lt'wport Jl,.at·h ltnlu t l .1 lll'ffno•r. IWrnut '" I'll)' ('liU III'tl f11r a J'lt'rtlllf CJt•lt>h<'r luult1 It o no• ~l ut ~, ~IX rt•t111 lh\1•11 :.!7 ''' pump .. tl lltlO<Iinr.: th,.tr har k-'"I! al ~~:l:i ""'"' d r t\• .. ,lun:.r••rl yard , . .,,, SI:.!.(WM I Rrr au"'' uf .t I!N:l nrlltnanr • H• rl Ho nt 1. J•·r mll lu h Ut Ill ,, hannmr.: rlrtlltnt.: tn~tdr lh•· l'tly ""'' "'"ry. two t'ltr l!<tnol:•· n1 :tl•, tht" muntt•tpal I'IIUnnl n •lusc·d to l.;,.:un" ""'""' t-:~1 11nato·rt ,.,._. lll'rmll t hPm '" ,., .... ,.,..,, lht• ,, ... 11 Sl .11011 U•·ny l'umpln.: nan t('.,ntonu•·rl o n l'ac• T hrr···• T h•• T allnl'lnl' wtll a~k 1 h•• Su- prru>r Ct>Urt "' l11•clar·· ""'If rtt:hto: News-Tim es :•ncl to I-" rmtt thr m Ju pump th•• ott frnm Jill• \\'(•11 rontf'nt1tnC that Begins Home thr I'll\'• :tniH irilltnt: r.rtltnnnr·· outl:m s. unly dr tltin..: ann not lhr· De li ve ry Today 1111mpmc of "'' from A "''" al -~ . rt•acly dnllt"d , 1 ), '"'' 1 ~ •·f tit•• :'\·,." .. T•m•, h) I 'llto• "'II tn tilt' r..tlm.•n' h ,,rk-, ,111 1, ,, tiH••Ilt.:h"'" ,,,.. llatlooo ynrd \\'a s tlntlt•d by tht" South •r•·a '" 1•1n, ''"'·" ,1, th• 1·uhn•· nnsm Cltl rompa ny to n dr plh "' 11,.,1.,11 .,1 ,.,, ... ruth l•utl 1,,..n .. '" 11:.!1·1 f••••l In Hll:l. I.; I" r• ·otl•·r" mtl · ·"'"'' tt"·r< of I It was l'••alt•ll 111 1!13.! t.y utt ·.on~ ''"" 11, '"l"'l•'t 1t11 ftr'' ,.,,1111 ,,, 1, I of n c•f'nw nl plu~ t"Xh•ru'hnl! ~() ~''r' ,,., ••I "" ,,111tt ,.,, 1 ·'"' mpt• •t I f••r t t1own\\ nrll frnm l h" •url:.r• 11, r•· .ont1 ""~ hh:tnrlnm·rl In 1!1~:.! IM·· F 111111 1111, d :tl•• fur\'Aill lit• I C8U.'C' lht' prtl'•' o f o•rut1P rlrt•l'l" d :-.;, ", Tom•, pi• •It:•, 11,, 11 •ro of• _ tn :.!_.-, ,., "'"' ;, harrf'l rtntl \\:t' nn II\• 1 t he "''\\"' 1,. """'', nf 11 .., lon~": pn•ftl.a h~o· ::•• l rum '"'"!"''"'''''''' .. n tit• ol:11,. ,.f puh n lo\\ prn<l•u 1111: \\t II lw:tlti\!1 T lu• M 'f'' 11.,.. tnt:• 1 ,,., Thr· , . .,~ onl••t·Pd . lho• T~ttlrn:•ns f "''" 11 ,1,1nrltn!: •·rlitnt t.tl l••l1<·~ 1., fq m;okt ''""'''flrll\l~ton tn kt•oplh,. 1 ,1•111 lh• n•\\' '"'' "'" ~""' uti ft urn t unntnl! on t•1 the• ~,,,.,I ••·:u l•·r, 111 all uf :-.;,." 1 •• ,1 Jl.·a• It IH•!'irlo• Ill< u hom•·. hul nftt I' '"" ltnrl ( ·,.,,,, :\:• ~it 11 , h.11w• In q .,, I mont f~~-1111' l't•lll•l•· 5::_""' u p It) tnt: II (I '"' h r:tpttll~ -m n\lnl! •I", ,,.1, tn lmtlt1 rltk•·' :tnrl h ll 111'11111" 111111 1 m•·nt~ "' ''"' \\'t•J-.1 ' f: .. l• ,, L:l "" I•, tht• "II r l•~"~~•d +ItT(, .. -.;. th•· ~'r••• 1 Hh' t'olnn,un1ty Tilt',.,,~ lh• n harnn td•·rl lh•• "" <'1'1 •n,.. Ill'\\ .,..,.~ 1,., wtll Ill· 1,11 :uld• .t '" ~'"I' lt.tffw Ill thut hltw k l1111m Ju ;tth• rl"•·r~. l<l<'• ll•·ll\·• •' COPS REFEREE "" tla \ uf pul•lw:tltnn v.tll m• ·'" an '''~''• tilt~-~ (IIIII fnr lhr•m tn m• rrh:tntlt'-lnt: l'al•'t ' "til '"' tn CAFE BRAWL hnm ro' :on tl ''" rt •·•·rnpl• I•• l'll o·tu t nf nr\\,t:,nd~ un th,· • '''llHlJ.: ,,f l'nlii'P Wl't'" t'rtll•'i'l tn m iN '!'•'flt•l l''''''"'"''''n. llwr..tl~ ln,UriiiC a r•· ln nn :u s;:lltn•'lll h) th•·•·• ... •"l1•l 'l ''"'"~'' '" :~rtw•rtt'tlll! 11 lull rl;,~ of I hi' Spnrt ~mn n', ('af•· 1>:1:.! Co .:t•t <~K"m• r lhnn \\It< t h•· ···"'' ""' u l Air " ·:\la lt'• It•• :~nd Jt~lm K;otUlil• Hf".r d• 1' :.r• ''"k' t1 t .. I• .• r "tilt t\110\ t:. 1"0-'t t: Ol T ilt: )4KII'I't.KI'4 Ill Kln1 ·., I .Jttulut~ "It" •·nr~ln•••·r•"t '""' tutlll 1111' hull" h~tll rt" • h•·r (_h.,,_..., lrt\o•rtf'dl r ... ·ltrw b~ thr tlrol......, prudtll 1 t''''" '" '""'" 1111111 t '" ''"' 1 ·r It•• ,,.,,.,..,, ''"' " 1 "I"' I'll,\ In ''"'' ... ' uf ""'' :!flU ""'uol.-. ••f b&lt. I ,,.. .11 ll.u t t. tilt. r" u t • ~~~opnt 6uw uu n•• ftfut full• u Jllnr.• "" • \I• 11~' ttt • ""' t• 1" "htl• ""' llut f•11 ''"' lltw• IN·Irtl(, S•rlhn "' ''" ''"" ·•f J.,,,,. fuu t 'ul•' '"''' •n•tl. IHI•-.tltltl•· "'' r~ tutv•• It •• •• • h t 1 q • •d II\, 1• ''' .. ., tu• h pl •• .:.u• tl tuk• rt l u p•Htll • ~tt t••r frntu l••·al ltu "I••• tft ~ lltl' ~rul•'''' \ Ju,l \• 11 "'•II-. .. ,.,..,~It f l uu"rni~Ahtll 11,_. l h~ 1•'"'1••'' t f •• )-'l uu• ut• t ltlu t ''"ft••l lft r•·niMt hy tM l• .. u Itt• ft II rl' 1\\" '"''''"' f ~ttll • II\ ht 'II HI Itt h uUII t• ,_ rull, If t•••H •t l••htl •·•ft•ttff \ 11tMI l•ftiJI(Irett ), ~11p1tf\ t u lcJ~t'nl rt..a.. "'''"''I'" tlt•ttflli l ltll '••I•' I'''' '"'~~~'"· t\\•t ,, ·n,,. ""I"'' It nrul """"'' J••h,·y, he ''''''"" '''' •I •••t•tt lf\ ,..,., ~4 ttUI• •·"plutru~tl,ltua t .. .,.,. utiHttte"f'llty tM I•""" 'I "" '•"''"· '"" tr11n•f•·r l'lfv n• 11 r• wult "' tho• tlt·f••"l a1 , t ''u' ••·· 1 .. ,,,, to iHI • 111•. ,_., twu IUt•\tuu-t·lr·t•Ut.,,tl w·hlrh nf · "'"'I" f••to'11 ""'' ra I HI " t'hiOn.'<' In joU l!tt•l "'••''""' I"" '""''"· ""'' M"'rt•l•tlllan \\lnlo·t 1ll•trk l, l it) e ''""""'' t ,., ..,.,.,,,.,.,, '""11d , ltWtO •·tutn'"' to tf• \t•l••t• ntuf••· ln('ltl Wf•lll '' •••I'• nr11l l rrtrl•tui'IKifltl llru·• ""'" ol t •' '''" l•.tul 1'"111 1 -.,,""I"" •• r luett th• .._.. Jlft•·ru1tll\t•• w•·t ,. ,,, • ., •• ,~ 11111 ,, t••t• ttl t .t ••I 1 h •• tw ppy ut Utt• llf tll• I• '" '"" t1 dull~ l u lh•• "" nullm• tho> I'll)' h11a e ........ II ........ h·~l " ...... , J ....... ''" l 'llfUitlll Wttt" '"•It l (h}t•lf •h lulltt•h•tl tu' IU''A llttr.l t it l ttt.ktlt•: tur It fW't .. U\f't '--'P' ""' I•••·'' I 11111" II J,,.t "•'•tt•lll\ t•••''""'\ '" lttill 'l'ltl~ n •11.1t•t .11 f ., f .. 1'1•· I "'""' I t ,, 1M f,, t "'"' "'"''" ,,, pr• "''''''''' ''' tt••• .._ f•IH \\lfh tl lw otltt Iff J"t , ... , llftll ,f t•f lu t 'l ftf ~1\V J t • " 1 tt ,..,,, '" ·~ .,,, h •lr ~ttU'ftl i\JIItUt·u n .. ,, ,,, '''' lr vtnt• c •,, ff• ft• t • • '""' -.''""'J' h lttf •Ill• '' ·••trt• \.ufl••u t• '" 1\• •I fnvnr ul•l•• ac- tl \ I"' I """I II Wttl '" •• ,.. tl ,., .... ,, ..... "''""'' ,.,-.... , ........ JulJ •• • '' "'"'' 1 I••·" v.hu h "" nn• urut hu\ f,. •,. ·'"'''''"''' fit•· ltlf'9tro-t~· ,, tfl '" ..... ., '" ''·'""''P' tutll 1••llt '"' .:•••UP " •IJ •t•••,\'nl ttt HM" I• • ''' •J•I h.nt •• "" t S lttn tq ft.•• '"'''rhtt ', 1 • ,, , 1 ,,. .... , 1 •J "''''til• tfuo l''' I y l't•lt •tol I •· "''l•to•l ''"" lo.q t ffl\'41' UI~TIUfT II """'"II d "'' I, .. , k 1'"11''' IIIKtA T IIIC"4 Tit ftl 'N Water-Logged Body Fished From Estuary f tt-.t ,.,,,,,, 11 w,., t•V•u lt•l tha.a. •lu t t '"'' I ftn ••t f 't it'.'f••ttl '''Jtr .. "'' ttluw tfl• Suufh C ·,,,,,.t ( · .. ,"'tJ " ''' r .,, .. ,, I•' "'"'"'"' Suvtlflnl tJf I .•q ••tnu I t• ,; Jt unrl f t ,,, 1 V W . \\'t it"ftf ;,f f '""'" M•"' t wtt'""" t•·rn-11 .,f """ • • \1•11• Will It~ • tll'll•llth .. '"' r• • t• • ''"'' th t\pr tl !'tt}•fn ta .. \o\ ltlt I hh.tk_t tf I'H'I lrtt .'ft ''' ••fft•rrll. t h nttllllltt 11f lh.-f)ll.rtrd "''" It"' II• d '' ttt• ft It I''' '"' htd··~ I rttll "t \ ttt t•te, '''•Ill ,,,, f ,.,,,.,,,J, "'' ifll * .. , "',I ,, f ··~"· ,.,,, .. I !IIIII ~~'"'"' /\\Ifill, fA· ljol ·•' J L•t J,,,, '''' ru,·ht I•Y f'A~t ,.,,,., J:, ., h I· rfhn1'' f,,, ··~utdu \Jtt""' t••• II It tu t "" r• 'I h• fw,tv ""'~t"' • ''''' l\1 '" t. '•'1 ·•l td , 111 (tu ,,,.,.. l•11tnd n• '' •h• '''' y t,, '' If, , .. •• ~ ''' \•·••••• "'' '''' 1•• fr""' ,,,. J• ,,, '''" ,.,,.,, ... 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I''"" l 'l'r:•tt•••l••~l•·• l~t•l lt Mt'llll "'" II• "' \' '111\t'• ,,., l'.':t 1.1t•l \! ll t•f ~••\1\•p;,rf lf;,ffll liOI Jllfll••tf Hut• f••r tlo• jt~I YII'I' ••f i\•l11~ "'. ''"'" "'" lt•11 fllvd ,,, lf•rnt · lilt' I•·" ll••u• II lllvol , 11 l"''l'"'t •If-· "H'tl' tl '" ,.,,,.,,.,. tflf•W t'f\.P'f W4 .. t lh••t•ottvftfno• ltrtk iiW till' •vtt~ta.l •r•·ll wtllo I''"''" M• ~r• rontl S"ntA i\n11, will IH• L•k••n M •rl'h In hy lh• '"•fln l ut •tt J•·r vl"••r'l I hf' III':I:T•'""r.' arrm~ltn~ 10 ,,.. •• I ~~~ I''' IIIII t Int: n ll"' • '" r••JII•·q ~ S '" "H ,\ \11 ''I• ' 1 I I' 1 Tl · ••I F•·h I " , •I , • ,, • • 11 hcY' ; fur n•" .;uiJc;.C"'npftt•n'-t r1 •·ettu·r ,Stat• l it\1,.,,,, "' \\ '" r I~·"'''" >•·tuK Knunll• cl;um•'fl 1h,,, ;\lntr•·ll< j llnrl~t•r t:: 11r llarh"r 13:! 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"' "''' th· '" 1 ttltfr,r "'·' j rtl 11n t·l••"'' 1,,., .,f ''""'' 1, -~ •1 f•., li til a n•"•·r lh•· rharge I p••rt l>'olll•·\nrll I"''"' l-oll lht•IIH'h" •I th• •I AI• lo• tn th,. north• rn '-lt••rrll ,.,,, 7 '-•• I ,,,., •••I II· •t• •• t ,,, I lfll .... ,,,,,,,;,,., ,,, .. ,..,..,.,,,,.., .,, f' ttl " ... , ......•• , .. ,,, ,, .. ,, f• It ,,, I ft "t I I h ' tltftJtf 11t11 ffttttl "' t' I ,,,,, • .,,, "'II i tl·, I•·•H•-f fl l .. • II I I I \' ,, II • lt•,th ,,,., '' •I utttl ht ""l'ttl 1t I tt •h· t ·,, '"'' t ;u .• rtl lhtHfu•u nt N •• , If t Sewage Plant l(••uol St11• t ltol••t~•l• nt lln ruld ~,.r, ••1•••r •·~llrt~lll•·•l ''"' jhh wnuld , ...... s HWJ,IW ~I I U H.\ YS FOH Til EFT Ta nks Repaired Sf~·•·lfwall"t 'I 1'1111 fut II 2il·lnf'h t ..... 1 \lltfn•• ,,( ltlnnl·m•• IUltfttrolde \\ •'•' •••1• t ,,,, r~•l• ,., .J,,f ut \!• 'h·••Ji•t '"'· pit•, 1tn • H~ht ruu t n lltod \• •I I.,,,. I• .c, t I itlt 1 •• , \1• • \\ , , ,.,, 11,, ,1 111 \1tll 111 " '' t•"l·•\ tt\• t h.tuhn~· ltu ....... ,,,,,.r utt • .u tt 'llflf• t)f ttu• IM!W .,,, d I' tft q ,, • 'IUrlf \ jIll \o\ ttJt •,t, lt11ft1tlr 't till" ,,f lft• ;-;, V.j~•ll (IIIVhtl( II• ••It '' v.•' "''"" ftrtlv ,,.,,.,.,, ... ''"' rvtwtly "l"'"l'd '1 I• ,,,,, •I . ,,. tl ,,. •1•1 • .. r" 'I "' I "'"'· "" •I , ••• ,, ''''''~' ~··"' ""·""~ S l '"ill I:•· tl\'l'r S nntll Ane ,, th• • ... ,"'1"''' "'"''''tn p '"''rt U'• V.h•t•'· ,.,. '"''In ''""' ''hOt! r tv••r, flfl lrnr.ruv''tn~·nt which~ ",, I • •of • •• lt•q ot " Itt' •nltJ. ~7~•.1th I .... f Hous1ng eve opment at Cliff aven --c-1ven reen Light Page 2 S t:W P O R T B ALBOA N t;WS-T I M t:s "'.:1 t..!'D \\ Xt·Utltdl 11!'-ll.l b. Calif. I ·, b. 11. I' liS LATE NEWS FLASHES 1 Northrop llocket Sleds Broaden Sonic Knowl edge \ isiting ~ urse Assn. ( ,on,·enes PLANNNING COMMISSION Friday Frolics 1 :Jth Bridal As Radio t ouple Station Guests f• rn til( UNITED PRESS ,, \\ II \t 't I IJ\\\TJJ••I''I ·--------------------------------f Hfl'"'-f IH i fl~tll' Mr~. ~I an sf eldt Win s l'arole 'rl IIAC'II \1'1 I 1'• AJ "" I I' l 'Ia"''' ,,,, "'" •t1 ,,,, ''"'' '' h• lu ·''"•t "' ·•uu• I d 11• I fl ,, ••• ,l !-.lfH '"' ... , II ,, •• ... ·' It 'Iii I ,., tl \I ,, ,,,,. I ,,, ,, '.,,.,.,,,.of· ''"' t . .fr ~ l.rlll"l ttl• \11'" I, Ill• t IHh ~ 1ttiiJ1 •d 1 l ttt k• I pt u f• j• II • d 'I• tl I I o II lillll' I II 1 I I d p:tHdlll fr, Ill ,. ''""' P~'"''" ,.. '1\ tl 'I"' d .. f.lf ,,. j' I... ,,, do~\ .dllt '•l\111•' '''" \t 'lf' ,tflfl '+t "'t nf '-'IIHHI un1 lll"'''t l•tl J '"'"'' tu r hu ... 1 J~' tJ .. trtl' , )dttt MI f,.,,, 1 ""'·'' lllllltl' 1:11 1 II ••11•1 :01 1 \I If• lo hJI 11 rd, •' I '' loo • II d• ''II till" I II o \ l\ol' II f ,, .. ,, ,,.,,, I IIP,fl ,H.,. I I ......... f•l d 1111f ,,, 11•• 0. K.'S PETITION 1 'r- '·' '1 I.• , •·, t• ''I \\ S tanlt'y toda) 1'1 •' 1 .. 1 , , ,, " ltl'l11 from th1 , 1ut·, I ' ' I f tf \ I ' I , II 'I • • lo~ nhl~ d '• I' \lr• I •II ,, It I IIII t• I"' ·•'l• • '' ll •••~·r ·''', df~nd~•l ~··!,, •I•''., '"' \\iH ~~~-~.·u \1 !I • ool II I '" • II I ' •• " :-.:I I I t d I i ll d \\ ,, I" I I • ,, 'I 11 '11 l!.n l uilt\ t.l \\,~1 1 +11'"'' \Jf \\I l fl .'llt td 1•"1 ft' f II l''~o'', Hnl \Jt I • .'I !ttl• \ f 'J1 q•tl lfl 1 I 1·1111• ''"ll ,,, • \!" I• It I 'til o l \ ,, If '•·I ,., ., \ •• d "• tl '' II ttt " t'l •'l'• •• ,,., l 'l.ennang Com. n •· • I'• t Jd "" lor his C liff 11• ' ' l,l•d "d•dl I o1 tfl ll tl 'I " I• I llll"'"'" t o er('f•t o1 1 , 111 · ,, ' 11ncl 40 four- '"'' "· "" tlo• tract. 'rtw I· ''" ,, • o· '""'"'"'""' tw tlon thu' ,.,,,,,,., ;" •tt·d ~··•1111')' of tho '""'' 0 lo too I. • I I '"' IlliCit cit• \t hl(tf' 1 HI II Ill d '"'dt'' Un "'hl(.lh , •\• '·· •,. • ,,, 11 .. ••·cord rat. oil• 1 ''" • I ''"I at Oalbo11 1.1 I •II \\I •I IJ•IO< cJ lip Within nu\\ 1>-"·•""' "'lilt"' I d It• I '" to )t•.tl ' IU 111 h 1 \\ il• U 'h1 \\ I"' f•,ltnd J'tllll~ '" 'Ill I I ,,1 .,,.,, HI 'I ·~ lfh' 1\ur--\ .,,r., :'>l.u '"'· :w;. "'"''" ·h· FtL.'-1'" • '' d ••t ''' tlut • Jh· I•~'' t1l l lr loolu \I '' ,,, felt , hi·,. 'q.'h •. , .. I tl I ••• h· I ,,I,, .. I til t'l l)fl \lfhlllll' t\1 tdi H )H,! It I .. .,, I tllf ,, ,, t' .,I ... , .. I I t J ,.j .... I" 'I ,f It I' , Jo" 1 "'' I" 1 '" 111~ dumpo•fl ''" t I I 'I ~ ,,, ' I I ,,nt•, •I , ... "'· I It I tt ''''' 1~~ ,I II I'·' Th eir Third St't of Twins i"' • d .. I •I .. qflt•H til tt "'' d u• lot II cl \ t Htt•lt tf.•' I II d l)tfl tu I tit• ;I t~ lot• t• ,, f '''• 1)' 1 tul ;,1 q I ,, •• .., .,. ,,,.,,, L. \\I I t t1n• f ltiPtl• I.., 'J I t•t•t U d 1 11 It d '" f ... ,, tl I '" 11• • I-I It •I t. f t1 "" tit t II• I . • I ''•J·• I • tl \ t J I lf I' t"tf tltllt f I It I I lf'l lilt r ·l:-.1''"''' rr ",.,·''""'I ,,, ~., .• Cll 1\'111' .,. 1\ ',,, ,, •• , .. ,,rl lit rr f l\\ •lf'l•' .... '" t h t•l ~~~ .uul \11 " I· t •II• '' t ) .~ .... t tl ·• ' I •I"' t '"'It I l "" '' t• I • ' C"'lnc·anh '" ""'I''' •I ''~''' 'J'It• I' I trtJ• I • • l'llo •• '• dHI '' "'' "•"~ ( h•"-"' h .t\1 Hu t I '''h· I t hlld l t ,. I r ..... ~ ... "' 1t t t ' \II t ttl I• lh d 11, '''' ~~ H•f• , d tt t \• lhn · 11t1 1 .•·.tu I•"'•' ff If~ l11d It 11fh tl \\', \\1 1• "~lftf•ll"'•rt "')"" lh• l"'•tf.,. , .. 1,1 h ·'' l l 'l 111111 ... 1,.r ftt'tUiltl "I ftl 1\\tft'-Ull\t fl t ft1" ltt•iJt ftrut ~+fh h,,tf ', 11, ,,~... , , d, ... '·'"' ·~nw Ill'\\'"'"'' f11 1!1'111'1tlh lo11\\lo tl j ('UII' IU.Vf \1~.., ('O I,J.t .('T I,II lL'-' U\ t'f • Poles Na b Fil'e U.S. Airm en I l'~u·k h•tltlllll:' ttl IJ1t I II\ td '>o•lo I"" I II. .11 lo /IIIII to·lll d t•l II•• I ilolll••l lon•OI Ill ~ll tillo'll•ld ll'lltfi•J I ilfHI' L;IO''''" ~t 'ti~ ; ..... lfl .J.itiiJ f HI~, HI'C'tWtiiUL.: Itt H "\ t•tp l.,. I Ul fll'll \\'AitSA\\' 1\'f'o Th•· t 'ntldl IJ\ ··~· (';ttlllon s .. J-1···· l'll•l••lr.lll Ill .SIIllr·• ~ "''""') 'tid lo11lr.:hl l l\t·l '"" r;,mp 1:111111111• l 'tlllt11 Slltlo'" r\ 11111 Rlltnt·n \\ hoo "''"'' Amlo""' "'"' S t,rntnn (;nrr1,1 T o T'hr \\o..-\\1111 \\urk • It , ..... ••• t • h ,, ,. ttl t \ i IJ'I" r' •t Ill '"•• I • II "q f•' I oldtr f I Ito •• 0 I •tU' I• tl\ I,. I' ' f '-.:. ... I \I tl •' f ,, : dil f .... Ill t •I , f \ ··l \ ....... .Jan. \\eat her Failed to Hurt Citru s fru11 ):rt' 111 •I "I' •• ttl r:to;f, W . 1 t •,illl •; I •"' I \1 .. * \\itS hurlt•tl II•' 'o • . •I It • ""' '' fW'Iilion \I o ' I ~ f'" .... \ . ._., .. ' , I. I torn II prt·Viuu' I 1 • ''"' ri~thl '" a t.:rO('<•r) and ftlhn • ' J "I •. nr·ar San t. h' , .• 0 .. ,h hlld ,,,," • ........ *'•• liflflltt."Hnt I lltu I J I el •: , t ('t 'l\"IOJ.: <'I 1 tl • : •I ·"' uti• rl: •; I! I " • 111 tlltt(II!'IUrl• 111 ,,,.,.,. ''" '"'.nPRr l611l ~ \1 'I'\ '1 I '\ J'l 1 1 t f•• Tlw .,, II 11 • l \ t ""'""r.:ham , hu.~i •It\ '"" \\duh \'• •''•• \\lJitlrlu•t''''-"" l 1 uld1t •·I lhrc•(' rrtnal t d•h •t'H• d•t~qt ,.,,,.,, , ,,.. 1 .••• 11 ''\'fn,t 1,1\d nPar t.tn.nlo "''"'' .f ·• rl11• '' ''" ""' ''" • ,. \ ''', ... , \I \1 "" lit• II. Pin1•. n ... ,,, •1•11 • '" f ddul ltlt 1 t•u--~ '"''· uut t ''" "'''' toUrt. {"'1)S1 !t j ,,,,, ....... , ttHIIJI•' ,,, fh• ... , t i l ''"I' \). t "' H• il ~ ,, '" ·~ A\'t•, ""I "'' ''" h '' t•·• ''" · "1 '" • \\ 11,, ''" r I • 1 'lllll•lon, buil and f ill• IIIIJHoffllll j \l tfllit"l lh••'1 HI·.h \o.lf!1 1, \••••~I Jh\'Y· n('nl ""'" ""'"' "" ""''' l.rll•l'~·••th :-:r 'I•· ,. l .:•rland . fnut •'·'!•'""'· \1hwlt '""'''" "'·•·l·•l'·''''"'"' ht~~ldtrtL'. ~.-li lt S t . nnrl UtJiu ' lf1111t ,,, 1 111 1~ ,.,,n,flt lt•rt' ~ Pu 11f•• ,,,, \rJo\\' Ft'n(•(• C'n ''''' "'"'""·" '' ''''"''"•ll H. ~ I pl.mr "' I ·~I, ttl S l a nd Pacif11 ltl,u '''''' 11 ''·" ,.,.., ••.trh "' ,.,11• ('u.l'' II\\\ ru.,to· rlu• 1 llo-• r "' F. t1111.;,) ·s t ... n. l!uh) lltr!ltrto~n. 1 ,.,, home. La' • lll'lotl l.tln' 1 ''·111\1~ St Ill ·•I 1'11•'1110 St. , .. w .• r'''."' lunr.:hl rrorn \\ il'hlnr.:· \\'Ill ~uur pn· ... ·nt~ IIII'Pilll' I'HII•r lleveal Median Salary of School ton, U l . h,.,,. '""'" :u·r· ,,, c1 f10r ttnll•· :til \uur fif,. A•k ·""""I '" 11111, "ll t:tdto ~I HI11111 KEl'A's l .t "'• lltd I,, "on1" fll'flt.;r:.m, Jr·:m I "" 11 " t\111 • l1 111n I h1 hu\\ ~~~11'1 I • I H "''"" d I ~rrrtrl o l '-"" An· ,, ' ",. I t\1nt; " cifliiOU~ h•tn•'Y· '""~"' ,,, • J... nn f •rtlfl!.:• ''o tUl f ) cuast .ttl r .. ,. ,, ',. ··~ t.;tlo•sl~ ol '"" jln.- r uu 'f'lll ,,,, J.,,,, !'un!l.r) I ht•} \\ •'r•· ~•ll''~tS thlllll It l•r l' .. ul \';on l>o-;:a ifr's 11 "" J•,, till r: .. ·mt.; );tl'hl "To•ton" ~\"htdt ll'llll•l•flt lod lhtlll ftll 11 -<ail· in~ I rip 1 hr .. u~h ~"' l~•tl ll.tt h11r lllttf trll lht l'"•"' r.l l..tCIIIIII 11.-:tl'h. •'l'l'lllllllolll~lll'.; ''" p:t'l) '""' \\ llh 11111!'11 'hllllo '''"·lf'!'tnc 1\o'l'l' thp 1111 11rm:dl) i-n11\1 n pho,tocraphrt· I• 11111 1•1 !\l:tt ~ trnrl Hn~ 1!11~1 111'. "Ito :r l'l' 11 o r l..1n1: up " nt.t~alllll' .. ,..,.,,.;,d" ••n til•· illh r·11111r•·~ of " tntrplf' "Ito w r•rr m;~rrlf'rl on 1-'rt· rlol~ fifo• lflll ll•o lllh 1fllf 11\r'r lht• rudto Lo lJool. '~""·Tint<'' phntu h) ll•·!'kn•·rl l ntlrnt.: lo ,.., ..... .,., thr· prop. r \'1~ •• ~ \11'11\'flt)fll;lll'• lnr nmr• l'lan .uHf T6ach6rs Up 19 Per Cent in year ~.mhlhl>} o ffwrnf,. 1utirl tlw )' 111,. ma k•· yow· lulun• ,aft• ~ ~ e llt•mtHIRI: lo r.:o I I h•ltr •• nr'loo; ( .. r 1IIAaar.!'l I . ·u~r.• th•· t rt"' Ill fl) lhi'Jr tran~tw1rt 111 :wT ~,.:,.:':;;.,~"~• -:!;;.!:!;. \-~ 1 ••: :12,448 Drive rs Lost Licenses in !-',\('J!A\11 :'\Ttl 1\'1'1 Thr·'l111p1 a nt• ''"" u l S.!,:l:!R to 53,097 ,,,, ... II• f'>~rlnwur u ( • rhJI':t lrun ro·· O.·rl"' tomorrtm Chrysler · Marine Engines Direct Factory Distributor *** SEE THE New 20th Century Models • Ace • Crown • Royal ................. 11-11-ttak.p. 11·11-lt&k.p. *** Service and Parts Available at All Times *** Kenneth E. Wilson Co. Chris-Craft Dealer 925 Coast Hiway Beacon 5271 1 I I '';,I, tll tl tlu· ""''"·'" ,,,far) (nr I '.tlr(t•rttrir "'""'I ••·:wh1•,-,; ha~ rr~· • n 1!1 flt r r•·nt tn th•• p:1~1 )l'ar. lt11111 ':.> 7•(1 lo $.1 :\:!1 Tlt1• l lt.;ur·,.,. ··:mw nut or a Sl<llt•· '"tit• •u r' o•y mac!•· hy 1 h•· d1•part- nwnl 's hun•au ,,r t'filltfllinn rt·· ~~·;,r<'h. fti'I'Hrthn~ot IO Sllllt• SUfJ<'rin· r.·ncl••nt uf vuhlu· tnst rui'ltnn R.ny ~: SmlpS•N'I. Stmr.sun ~nid ,.l,.nwntury INlCh· l'r5 f•n jrJyr·d t h<' lliggl'tlt rise in 1181· a ry shown by a comparison of 1\~7-4R rtgur t'll with the 1941)..47 1rhool )'Pilr Th<'lr PIIY W<'nt up 11 ~·~·::;~ .. n I 'fll.llnt•rl lhe median '4 7; Revoke 747 in Orange County sa fill~ 1' tht· IIJW rtt m idpoint tx>- 1\\t'<'n tlw lut.;lws l ~ond lo wcst paid I Si\CJ't,\:OII:~T< I tl'Pt -ThP Thr· tt\o•rar.:o· ,..,.rar~ prohably would Star.• P• parlnw nt 11f :\lntor \'1'· '"' lrmt•r th.tn llw nwdian flgur<'.j htl'll'~ f'o r••rt~ th11 t :\:;,.I IR nt.- lw ~aid. tl'.tlurs a nrl r h:1111fr•ur,. lll'l•nsr·!' lltt.:h "f'flt 'l(.i tc•llr h l'rs went up '' ••rt• r••' ok• rl <lr MISilf•nd•·d c!Ur111~ (rom S3,1:i\l ''' $3,731. nnd junior 1'il7 t•oll••t.:•· in~lrUI'IIIr~ I ro m $3,469 ttl C If lht tot;tl. :!1.-I?R r o•\'lll';tlirm s ~I.CI59. hnfl ~ll~fM•nstons >tltuut 7;) f)('f cen t Stmpson smd mll<'h nf the riAl' \Wrl.' for drunk drivtn~;. ror t•lt·ml'fllary lt•<~ctwrs resulted l.os An~:l'f('s lf'd all o thl'r coun- Ill'S Ill 111o• 'l:tlt• \\llh l:!,li71 diS· r·i1•linary :wl to n' Th•· ~~~~~ t h~'rn c':tl1 fornt1 t·ottlltl)', ""'"''r. al~•l ha~ tttt• ~ro•:•l• '' numl" , ... r l't•l.t•~­ '''1·•·<1 11111loor \'dllrl•' ~p.tr~..ry l••pul:rtr·tl Alpttlt' ;nttl ;\I('"" l'otlln- til·• hart tho• '" '' n•r•wlf,, Wtlh ont• ~ll'fM·n~tun "I"'''''' 111 ·lllt.;t• t'Pllnly \\loS ~IXIh ft'tltl1 llu• loop With 717 lir('nso·s rl'\ nkr·d . rro m " new law cffi'Ctlve last Jllly C t•f V ----p----$4- which set a S240ll mlnlmu'-tw Say a I • e rans ay 00 all tt'aChl.'ra in th<· stat('. More for Homes Than Rest of u. s. Complain Highways Now Cost from S ACRAMENTO ll'P i Calif or-~;,!"ll,l!l:l.(tOO durin~ 1!•-17. lh<' rr- flllrt ''"'''' ~ .. ,,.,, tho• fllttt.:rnm hP· 1:1111 l:!:!.lfi~' \O'Io•r.'n' 11:1'" qu:olt- IH•d f11r loan' 111 th• ''alo• on llrl>- 1" rl) \hlllo·cl at ~!ll .! . .'lf>,lttMI. $70,000 to $900,000 per Mile SACRAr.H:NTO ll'l'l -Jnfla- llon hall hll lhr· !>l:tlt' dl\'i~ion o r hr~;h\\lt)'l alnn~; With ''"''ryhody t•l!<t'. ltut ~trtlo• rn~lnt~·rs art' COI'Tl• platntnJ.: tha i ,,., a ctnuhll" d os,. \\II It I Itt Ill. lli'(',\US•' hiJ.:hWa)'S rus t tttflrt• tu hu1ld nnw than ,.,.,.r l'W'- fort' ll.wk 111 thr· l\\o nth·'<," .1. \\' ('on 1n H'~'t4;tnnt trhffir f•nJ;:inc"\4'-r nult• . ' ruad 'l tn < 'nltfnrntn Wt'r" clr•tcno'(l '" hnntllr• It·•~ th;rn :o 1111111on r·ur~ "' I hi' F onl :'-1od• 1 T •rill t •tw' rol< t 1!111 ''"'"I:'' ln llw~r 1111~" lncll\\11}" t't'!'l alw•11l <i:Jit II(MI II\ ~lii.I M~I :t m ifr • Ill f111tltf whrn l,ortland rl'mf'nt 11 used. <'oo;ts o l s pr't·iflr rr.-rw rt}"S hullt rt'cx·nt ly ha•··· run a~ h11:h .~ ~!)Oil,· 0011 a mtlt• l\ln t•·nal~ an· up fwm 1!}.11 ,,.,,., .. h) "'"'"' ~,o P<'r t'l'nl •ln the '" • ra~t'. "tIll 'nm 1• r t"t'S 1•f a lmost lt~t r~<·r c•,.nl Till' liltllld ;t,~phalrs, l11r tns tanc•o•, ""I'd 10 m~t ~~~ a ron rn l!tH• no\\ tlwy So II ror ~I I 1'3 As far n• th,,,,. rnxpayo•r cl•1llars "htl'h I'··~ r •• r rllart m atnto llill1l'e tro• !'t•llt'• rill rl. l lt•nmo; t lr.:llrt'~ I he l'l'lns nn • \\nrlh ahottl 1',<1 1••r l't•n t ,,( 1!).11 n tha· niR V<'tf'r:rn~ pny an :t\'t•r aJ::P t1f $400 m or•' lor· thl'ir hom•"' t ha n do thosl" thrm1~hout tht• nalinn. the Vl"tt'rans :~rlmm1st rat 111n an- nounec<i today The \'A cllsc·loo;l'd in it ~ .mnual rrpor l. I hal \:rhrornt., '""'~'·'"~ pay an 11\'('r:t~r· of ~7.10 1 rnr h"m··· finRnl.'ro undr r th•· Gl Ball nf It \\:1~ al'" r•tlf'l it-11 that lh•' ,,,,ran'-\\hi'll lllollto'otilho•IJ' homo ~ u nclr·r tlu (;( htll lt.l\t' .111 ''"'"'· I• nl r• ••n1d ft~r t• p:t~nl••UIIii: Resid ence Must Ri~hl!l, Wl111l' in t hP na trnn a• ;, }"holt", thl.' :t\'l.'rnt:c prirt' as S7.l 1MI A 1ot11l of 76.5!'15 C';tltfornla ,,.,. l'nrns r<'<'<'l\ r·rl loans :trtrlin~ up lo Be Established SMART AND FINAL I'" School District TO WHOLESALE FROM S.\('R ,\~11· ~TI 1 t l'l't In •H'<il•r NEW LOCALE HERE II• llllt•nr! II flllhill' 'l'fl<••l In fl dt~­ IIIC'I Col Ill I I h11 11 Ill \\ h rr h h1o; par· ~mart nnd F inal. wholl•s:tlf'r~. • 111, tor t;ll.otd'""' I'I'~HI•·, 11 t•hdrl IJIII'I' 11111Ullllll"t'cl plolnS IO lllll'n II 11111'1 '"'l lilrll~fl II I'O''IC)o 11('1' f111' ltrand1 of tlwtr hu~inr•ss in C'osl:a "'"' r rlt:tn •·lilll';tll"ll'tl PIII'Jitl"''· Mo·-<a alto111 ~IHr<'h 1, 11 wa~ lt•arn· ,\IIIII II•) r: .. n, 1.d 1-'11 d :'\ ll11l\''o·r rei hf'rf'. j ntlr " lt•d·•~ Tht• \\hrl1t'SIIIt' housr "ill t:tk• ""'"''~' I"'IIH•·tl to ll I. """'''''"· 11 o ,·,.r till' hltdrltn$.! form•rl~ •w-'"""''' '" •rtl ttl•d '" '''•ntl ''"'" Cllpll'tl It~· thr• Sill' !'hnp on ~··\\-1 , '1'11""1 1l l11' ''''"'"'' 111 l h• oft,. port 111\'rl "' a h11~• t•f PI• r ·'''""' 1 l rt•'l 111 'I'" "1"11 hoi• 1 .. , n "''""· for Ill•• "'11th c·oa'l llfo':t l11 1\\o·r·n lt•h•·tl f111 .on\ "'it• 1 filii I••"' Plumbing Contractor FIXTURES AT RETAIL SINKS, Vitreous China, Dou~le WATER HEATERS, Standard Brand $25.00 $52.50 Toilets, Lavatories and La undry Trays FLOOR FURNACES INSTALLED AMON WEST PLUMBING _co. -Phone llarbor 1185-J - 2607 Central A\·e. ~"£\\'PORT BE:\CII _!HE SALVATION -ARMY~ Has Just Received an Urgent Call from Phi lippine Storm Su ff erers. I.Ha JT & .\Jt:n u ·" \\t:HoltT \\OU I. ( 'LUTIIJ~c ; llt:s t•t:JC \Tt:J.\ .'\ t:t:Ht:H NOW! :\11 Sultahlf' ('luthlnt: \\Ill ,,.. l1114'kl'<l 111ttl ~<hiJIIM'CJ hy Tilt: S.\1.\'.\TIO~ ,\lt.\1\' ABSOLUTELY FREE TF.I.t:I'IIU~ t: Tllf: I·'OJ,J.U\\'"(i Ot 't 'IC'F:!-1: l"E\\'I'ORT R t:.\('11 J.F.\\' II. \\',\1,1 •. \('t:, Hf'altor anti R.\LBU.\ H~trhor S BALBO.\ 18l.J\~D 1.1:\ \\'UUU \'IC'K, H4-altor llllrbclr ;.!414'! .1011~ E. I'O~Uu:ut. ftc'altor l ltuhor H I Ml(l". W. R. «l t:~ITJF. Hu bctr fi7U·R .• and lhP RED Slllt:I.O TR1'('K Will ('all at \'U t 'H U OOH j!_ ·-"/ '/ // / and so are Greyhound fares For convenien t, economical service Querywhere. it's always "good form" to go Greyhound. You get more for your money-more comfort, more frequent achedules, more travel pleuure. There Are !!!!l. lower faresl I'IIOt:~IX S,\~ lllt:«iO 8 .. \Kt:R. ... t-'U:I.U S6.H.i 1.'!.'\ '!.:if TtTSO~ S,\:'\ FR \~('IS('O S ,\C'R,\.\U ::'IITO 18.75 5.65 1\:.&0 ,.._, ,..~IT.,. ADDtf tONAL IAVINOI ON IOUND Tltr ,A .. C. C. SWA F'F'ORD. 6CIX Coa,f llw)·., H4•1u·on ."i-.22 lltlntrn~•·•n ~~~tc1l anti L .• ~ttn.•j r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ f\!'lll'h IN TIME FOR SPRING We'll Send Your Last Year's Coat Rack SPOTLESSLY CLE:\:\ A N D IM MACU LATELY PHESSED LIDO CLEANERS 456 Newport Blvd. . P HONE BEACO ~ 5i9~-J WE USE THE ZORIC DH\' cu:A:-:1"7\"l. !'Y~1'DI BI GGEST WIN E LOA D SHIPP ED 1'"="1 \II II ol I'• 1 '"' , • •t "' I•• tt" In \\1 ,, ' I t I ' .. II t I ~\ It I • I • Jt • I .. II I I t I' I• f '-t tlht• 1d I I 1'\ '\ I ' I t I I,,,, t. •' I· I II • It I I '-I \\ \ t ' ., l" I I II I ~.' ,, I I I·' II\ 1 'l'h. "-1 "' • d tt tin , nu,, .. 1 P. •·I fl I l·ld ,. •· '*'' I' 1 1'• , I I t ~ HI " I rt't ' I ,,.. '" ·~· II \ 1 ,1. f f tl1 t; !i)t n I'! I II "· •• II If. ,. " " I I t " t I I ., '(' • "' ••• J ' " I '' u •• "'" 1 • • rn I ' I \1 ,, '""'· ... ~ ~ ' f tl \ I I & • • •• I • \ I I ., " • '" II 0 I \\ f. I .. t ,, I.,. \ I II 't ~ .. t .. I .. I I ,, ' I • \\ I"' I" I I • II. I •1 n pt I •'•llttt .. •t1'\lf ti'I'''',U LL I, \'•111i 1'1Uf\ •"11 .. .. .. .. I til ,,,. I I \\ ""... \\ I.._ l'o' .. ll• \\' ' ,, I ,,. h• I ' 1{. It I • d '" 1:,,,, ',,., I t t • t 'I r, nt '' H t'••tl , tll11 " 1 1 ·,. '''"'" \\ lltt' , ··n•p.o n .. r ,, " • ......... 1~~~ 1. '" "" 1 , '"' I· .. , .. r \ttlh "''1+hltLUf!1Mt\ ... 1\\1'1•1\ t! I lift\, l••d 'h ~11 h••\\ ,, t..:O \\ t1•1h•td t ",d «'1'11JHI1\ ttlu,ld •·H••U•HH •lttlil .. •d lti\H •1•,r ''tul fl , td• ••I tt;, ,J,q•n•lll "'' 11 ·n t nu'''''"''''' 1'11 ,,,.,, IH '" I' t1 ,_,., n ttntt ,,, t111 I tl t I l l d I,, ;\tU•! h II) \\i I kh 'h t ' ~·,, If '""'''' h~ ... d•\•lt•p•tl ''' \\111+ H.u::tltn• dt .. ttd·•n•·•t "•1 111 \t lltdll'''' • qtl tl 1P •11~' ut fl~t• \'•''111 "...:•ultl ·~ · ... 1 ,•" \• 1 f, .... 1 ,,.1nu\•l WHEN EARL LEFT, Gl MOVED IN LCr'>lHl~ 11 '1'1 ·n,, ~'-·'""" nlrl F a r I of l ·.ottJ.::tll. Ito II of I II• \\'l':tflh\ :\l:lrtflll' oo( ,\tlo 'lotlt I \\I' ~rante ;I :1 dl\ ''' c·· II• ...... ,. n•'• t•• !1:11 aftr•r f,jJo' r· .. urr ltottntl .<1111olo ,.,i.r,•nr'•• th:tl lu•.ttll tl111 1 .. 111.\ <'•t·j dtc.m . :.'!1, rlu l11 1 ah\.t.\' It\ • Ill' to> 1 tw r 1 it I•• Tht• 1-.otrl ':ltrl Ill' \\ ··~ ··~-I CI1• "· 10 mo•t·~o·:t~ tllll) ~h••rtl) .t(t••r ht" wcorfdlllt.: an• I. "lwn ho' 1111" 1•tl o111l . thP i\nwnran ~·•lrltt•r lilt"''" 111111 his sumpiiH111S l't>lll11ry , <l.tlt• a t S/1\'I'I'IIHkl' l.Hkt;, Wtlt~htrt• Scotch tape, various al:tcs. on aall' 11t th<' NI'W11·T imes c \Ill ' .: r~ '•Hrr.ss For Your Convenience ' ' l ~· We Now Have Two Telephone Numbers HArbor 513 and HArbor 1884 CULBERTSON CHEVROLET CO., L. 1 .. HAG.'\ .. 'i, N>n iN> )fanaJ:f'r • O ld s m o bil e Inc. C h e ,. r o I e· t 3001 West Central Newport Beach TARS SAINTS BARRE'IT'~ PINKS' VIE HERE To A liOLD BIGEDGE D y IN MESA BOWLING Today at 4 o'rlol<'l< B.orro•tt's R••>~ll~ Hnd Ponk'"' No t tht' IIIIC' nf a mm·i<• J"ust by Wa} oC rl'mtndonJ.: )llU 1h.1t l lru..:s NlfltJnut•tl today It• hollcl ,, ht~ ••II..:•· tn Jlwir rt'SI•'<'ll' ,. It·.•~'"'' thr Tars w ill ua lllt• thr S.mta An.t 'IS '"""in~.: l'\lm~·uu.un co111111u.,.. Srtinls thut !'\l'mn~ n r llloll hnur ,.1 Hnwo· C<Jrnahan·~ :'llo•o;a H t•t'rt•· in II IUSSIP tha i \\OUid m ••an II ,otoun llnll. good dra l m 1114' WR)' nf 11 m or 1tl In llw ToO '•'••t-:U•·. llw stundm.: .. virlorr tl th•• S:ulors t'Uuld hand-art': cuff tlw c'OUnl~ '1'111 lad<: 1tus (In•· tlm~. H,,, n•tt .., lt•·ult ~ N l"wport's CJUints hll\'<'n't ..:ul a ~(.:~!·•·;;:~. n.'~~;.'.',~.,.,. who lt· lot :11 stuk.•. whar w1th n """" & ''">' 4-4 S<'<I$Oil slnndon~o: Out 11 wm In tlw Xllll h·a r.;ur O\'c•r Snnla Ana is al"ays ~:•xKi j m1·tli<"in C' and rtr.;ht nnw, "11 h 1)11• ~:::~: ~~:~ Saints rid1nr.; lur.;h. \\ld!' and hand-!')"'''""""' ''"'""'I• som<• a t thr top nr thr s'rins.: v.'ith ~·n·-·r .. r.t• Pru.,:~ w 31 :!"' :.!I l b ninr wins 1111d o nly ono· l1•ss, n Wtn Wc1Uid IHC\'1' thnl I'XIrn ~(1\or. ·n l<' first s.:o-·rountl ltc•t"'''''" thr two I<'UIIIS t•;trlit•r in th•· Sl':tsnn CASPAR HEADS QUALIFIERS L 17 -" L 16 :!7 29 36 found N rwpor l t•uminr.; out t•n th•· L<'o Caspnr's 7:.! gavt• htn1 1ht• short r ntl o f n lhnllo•o· "l11d1 t·nd••cl l••nd )t'Sic:orday 11s qualifH·r~ for 4:!--10 Th11t. hy tht· way, wus ""'' 1111" ( trnnr::•· C'<>unty Amato•ur l.nlf of lhos•· thr•••• C'lm;o· urws tlw T a rs rnurrnom.·nt •·ontonu;•cl ~Wtnj.;lllJ.: a t lost hy rh•· marr::u1 of only o nt• \\'tlhowtC'k Coun1ry ('luh. baskc•l Ifact tl l~t•c•n 1111' o tlwr Wll)' Clnw o n tht• h•••·ls of Gasp11r -\\ith lhol P!dra jllllll'h th,• T ill'S 11n111n~ thf" coarl~ ql!:dlfi,·r~ \\a!-1ht• m11:ht h:l\'1' '"'"n ~Ilion~ "'' lnp Santa Ana <'c•untf') ('lull ~""'"I of I ht• IIIIo· 1nsro·ad Ill llltdl\ II) d'"''n onakt·r . l••m lo:o•nr~o•dv Tho• t 'S( • t hl" ItS I l.m "'lltlt•nt pn"'' t1 a 7 1 1n pru\ uf, Sky-Robbing \\ t I 11. """ tlt•trr ·rt-.· ,, ""' ,t.. "'''''... ..... " " ,,, .II\ ,tf1tt '''Ulttlt t1\\ ,fh· hit\\\' It oll ll.h 1.. .t~.llll f'lt.•Ua..lol \\1 uu.hl \I t '~''"'' I ''" ''"' PI II I•UI "'' ""'''" "· "'"''" ''···II""'" t ••• , h I ··1·1·" '" ,u, f ' ••• \\ \\ 1 I I t utul I I I'"' M.o ,,., ,.... •••• lh'\\ ltro.tllt' 111\ Hh' I \,,, •• h'"' \ '· ',.till\\ uq: t he·u J(th' ~ • '"ltd fn '' '"''' !ht;lll• I ' hI I I I' I IIII ho' lolf'llll 1•••111111111 I Loll •ll I 0 It I I I ' I'' '""' .l:ttht'' l h'• ,, "'''I' ''""' fh'\\ I., t 1 ,.,,. l'tlnl 11•'1..• '' "Ill I•• ltu,·h I! 1111"'' II ,., IIi· I "" ·'" 1.111•'" II! 'I ''"It ''~'"'''k 'I,, "'" t ,, ... ,, t lllh "' lo~ttttt• 11tld ,, .~ .. hi'\\ t\ b ,tlk ••• I 1!1' htll'h' ffh I I' ·rt..· , "." • ""'' ''"'' .. , '"'' "that1t' ,,,,1 , ''IUHh••n ,uht th. '"'"'''' •lp•l ttft•t ....... , ... t d hlll \\ ..... f11 ld '" S tltl.t \tt t ,f,thll \\ ltlt I In nth••r 1-:•llth·~ :tt·ouncl lh•· t'lt'-lh•· '"'""'~ \\tth an t•a rl) "cl.otk 1'1111 lof4.l.o~. I )oll\llo•) nw•·t~ F ull,•r-1 or"'" 1 ton, Hnll Anah•·•m l.tnr::h•,. \\oth l ,\n .• ll.·•nt'~ l(.o~ Yuun.;. ""'' l•cl II • " "'· Ill•'' ( ',\ \ I , .. ,,. , .. , I '" "' ttll l h 1\\ ttdo' Ultt lth 1fh•d ••I t• ,,d,nt llt\t"'ltl'tl t••U' \\tltl• \1t VEST-POCKET PLANE-This vrst-pocket ~dltlon of an airplane lt'tunlly tllrs. Eclwnrct 0 . 11,,. "· 1 ,.1 111,. 11, 1.,,1 1,, ,1,." "' EtTcn helm. right. built the aeronauttcaLm1le.1nll1s .spare Um.e at a tu~t or $a110. lliJbllrl E. uu••1t !.!1 •I""!J O r:mro· 111 lit•· ca~·~ 4u..Jifh•r,. '"~' .J'~'ill:' SUr-jS.£.T L£ACU! (T~6NC~ ,\•till, 'rtl!Tl"~r;.,,.f17.1.-, fulln\\•'ljf' Huggins, le.Lt. 'WA£ a-" tl:te-eontrols"trrtts Mml11'0 nr~nt nenr'"MlT.,Ilu\tc, \\'1.-; The tiny i)lane, -+_..,-,,"',"' .. ~"....:,""","'to .... -, , .... ,"--1 ' ,, 1 1 '" "' •·•'" "' made ot plywood, weighs 500 pounds and ha, a wlngspan ot 15 f<'cl. "'"' "' '"' •· • "'"' "'"'' "' tl • fO .~.' ... \... •• t , .. '. t;•~ .~~. h' H tlr•h p, .u ".," ;tnt I far, tuarl t 1 Jh u jllf ... l U li•' l1 7 ~· ... "-'' 77, UUI F1a'l• '' h l .. t • -1 1 •'•• # t; ;t, ... \\ ho ht1th 'h•'l 7t; ~·n hurnt t'"tlt '' Three El Turn ~larines Win Mat ( 'hampion~hips at Pari fit· ( 'oast ~lt't't N•""IIO• 1 11 "lltu ~ 2t.l 2bl !>00 I I I ' ' (It 1th·• ", :'7 11 I I f All·h· ,, 1 ····~ c,-: i'··"l• ' ,. ,,, Ill r: .. "'"' Ad\'o •rtiM' H b <.. -But"ldt"n~r O_v_e_r------.-,-,-.-.-1 t ""' •h•tl~.-;-;-:,,, ar or '·'"lit\',, I'•" """'"'a.:t tlllooo .. l "· 'I I 11 ftr r ... 11.1 1U t•1tltl tiUndu r ttl l "11 ' I• ,,. '" , .. , ......... '"'' ._,.... "'''·'· $1,181,4f>0 Ma~ rk " ' '"""''' 1""'''' ,,, "'"'" ·• ..... '"'' '""1'' ,,, .... , .... "'",,,,,,. -'•l tl\o•lill'o•lottoldiiiO.:\\IIIl-'111111 :\11 ol d1•lllll 11111•\tol lilt All il lltl This Month '" · , ... ,-,,-,-,,,,1 1\a~:"''"'" ,,,,, ... ,,,,,,,,1,""''''""r.: ltl\\tl t Ill\ '''"" It I ' • '· ' I ,, ' h ,q ' ~\ l11 ' • t!HI " ·I,,, 1\ I It ,t I• ''"'' f I I ~\ '"' I '11011 I ''" \ td "" j ,.llll .tl•d 1'11•1 ~lti,l ~~~ I'' 11'1'1"1 I If II jolt\ l!t l• Jo',Jo l('""'""'··cll•"m ,.,,~, 1, H ~o''" • ""~~ .. ,.,1111• '" '""'" L~\'fints .. '"'I,,, .. ,,,,"''" . .,,., .. , ... ('h,u·l,, T Amo•1tcl. P•'lllltt Ill 1 ,; 1"''111 "'"IIIIH' ''1 1:!1.: \\,,,, C. ~ "'' I I nol '\ 1 1.,. rtlt II 'I I I !I .. • t•' \\ liUh I t I I -, II It '"'1"·''''""''"•1:\lu r: ............ ot I n"''"'" "'"'1"''"1 "'""' 'HIIf a' l ouin. -111\1 4\\•· IUJ.! ·'' , ..... , '-IO.htH .H .t1 11. thl "" '''''I I'"''' \l ttlll'"'-· \\IH•'"'• .!:! I 'Ill\' .t\' IIIII ll.dlotlol '''·'"" "Y" "Y" "v . J:•llllloo(•d I'll"! :0:1.!,1""' I If I· :O..oot d•ltooi!I,JH'IItlll l••l•uild l'ollllt l '.tJtf l !o•ho tl It .\,\It" Jl \\ 1!1 J'to I• \HI!""''' I \\ •I t t I. ' ,, .• I I I ·~'""' I "•I I f l h " t I llf)4' II\ 1 lilt '"' \\lu ft " ' \ •• \ I '\ ol' I I\ hlj•lt ;o.r, .. ,I ;\I,IIIIIHI! I• rlllll '" IHIIItl. ;•. 1. ','•:•~· I "",'~',,(!"' lilt~ 'l'' 1.'1 WRITERS TO ERECT G£0 RGE -, ·I,.).,. lt\rllU(.1. ... •• ~.,. ...-r,'l"( 1 .... , WOOLF 1 Sllll). oJ tuo.m du.ollll~ ttl~ 1 I ~--w \*Ia I!• rnu 1-'llf1l11h d t'o:...-1 S it-.· un ••• f '''"1 · ''t 1 MEMORIAL IKM I I ,I II :'llulf'ltll 1'. l.k llllll '" lt111ltl p I ·• '".!. ... , .. ,~ ... t UOIIl ,h,•lllltt.! ··' ...... 1 ;\lo ~ :'11." ''''"!''1• '1~'11 '11'' 1·: ·~·.Ill front r: ... tllll'llolf .... ,, I"'' nut '" loUt I<! ., '' ~··•111 cl"• lhnr:: ,1.! .. '""' l'llll"l f,l lht lltl 'ltHtllf t 1Jhl11 1111 d "' hHfh'f II I I tl• ,.,, 11 .ht4k+\ ···••ta.'t \\,.lJ "l"'""•'lltl 1., tutl \\ttftt, "' ~""'''''" 4'.elt \\ tth-' t'.fl 1;.11 .ot,:•' ,,t ollto I 'IIIII'• I 11.1, 1 \',·•n 1• · 1 . f ••11Jl1 ~ ·--''''· 1,.rnu1 I•• f.,IIU.I ''''' llllhHtnn•l t.•l t\ I• I ' til' ''" tfllt I ~ .... ,,..Itt \ tltf••t til t t •••U \of ''- ,, \\I' II ~ 1111 I 1\llllot I hill h i" Coast Cullt'J!t' Colors flutscn r. '"'"' •I ,,,, •• , IIH' ,.Itt I lllu I 1\\ .. " I \\ '"' It t I oltl I I d I I I tl J '"' •I •, 1,,,' 1l ... lui•"'" 11. ''""' tthl t •··\•l \111,,,, t ~ II ' Utt If fl "lit Itt I I• """ ttl '''' t, I ,,, IH .... I I lh lit '1t• lllltltlll I I ll I I If of I ""'••qlfu I tt i ... I !tit It -.f 0 t ,, . ',,, I' I t. too 11 II lfH 1 tl •I t I \<"I"' \1:1 •I I t I \I'', \I II 1111 I t \I I • 11 11 I II 1" tl•· 'It I 1\ d 1•1 II !l•fl ,if •' I lit . ,,,, \\ ,, fff•nft II \\I Ill \\ • q td \\ II .. t ,, .... ,, ' I •'\ 1 1 I •I tl I d J, I dt "'f t tl\ I ''"" I jll'tdt ! It t 111 Ill\ IHII ~"" ",,' tlfl •••t·llll • \ I\ .. 1\ ,,., I\ I I d .t j\ .. '" I til tl Hu ,ttlfltttt II••"' ••I I lit lot\\ II lau •• ll\ "' ut 1 ttlt" 1 1 1'1, I I 1'1' ltotfllfttf'l' \\I t. f\ I "'"'\ h ftp \ ••II \\'ins P(•nn't ual lthodes Truphy rtmO.llr BALBOA. NEW-8-'HIIU 1'1 •::-.11 \\ S•·••l1"rt n .-af'lt, C'aUI. ,..,.._ 11, 1-.11 Page ( 'yrnhidium Ort·hids in Bloom l..arlt"' Ho-1.-.•th>n 111 ("hoM-'"'"'· l 'lflnl• I'KI IT T Kt .• :)'ol e KHst:M e MIUU'ftftY.K\ e .. ·t :KTII.I7.1P:k Tht' Bamboo (:Orner Nursery '::!11,, llarhur Uhtl. GORDON B.· FINDLAY (l()NTIUOI'Oa AND BUILOD .............. CABINET RHOP SERVICE IIIIJ.WOU T C JOHNSON, 8upt .., .... "'"'" ,.._, ...... _.., Sport Toa,s • • • ~<'at ('ovt'n TAYLOR'S TRIM SHOP ll plwl ~t rri n )..! utnnwhilc Boat and Truck Cush inn~ 1 50a \\' t'Mt ( 't•ntral Nt•wport lleiK'h It \IUUIK I IIIII STUDEBAKER SALES • SERVICE • New Studebaker Commander Motors New Studebaker Champion Motora III'KK'' "UIU: Tlftr.l' I .ANT Joe Nlckertz PARTS $225.00 $178.75 3415 W. Central ly LicJo Tlteatre Harbor 510 ( '11"n,, chI ;\I.H I "11111''1' 1 l't"'l l ltutlol ·• I ,fur} I ;,~1111 ch1d llno.: Til•• "ttllu., h . II• looflt.: I• It th.ot Sl:l,t~~~ • 14• 1 R:olph :'lit•! /, jlt.'ltllct '" lflloltl ol ., ;ol _t I .\nh•l I~ ... ""'nUl l·:,um •• t-\\'unlf m .. t I th.on "" ,,, "'I I,.. -t tl ,....... S6411JU. I'"' C'OIIIII•IItll '"''' l lff'IIIC "' '"' slur}. I """Ill th\l'llono.: ''1 7!11 J,mus I( ll~tr(lt'r, po·nnlt ''' S1111thl.uul •h••llhl 1,. 1• 1 1• 111.11• •I \\"U lht ttl'l ltUUUit-.. "' lht lt•t. .~~~:•t ''"' t \rut I I """' ,.., et ... ,,, ct ,, /Ill 'I "I "' ·' \\\ 0 • •I I 0 ,,, I(. "" hrnll 'hi Ill I II• \\II lilt I' 1tf 1111• ....... lflft I Jtft '• flf t fiUI\' ttf fht f tlth tl t :il]tf 4 'tip t'-11 ul• ~~ .ttll' ''"' 1," oh II 11111 I 'II ,11. tln11 Aoul ·•' f l, I :'II " h• h •• •I• •I lo ooltl,. St·.o- 1 I • '''" 11\ It .• n• ''•••ttt• t 111 tut , ..... ' ,.,,, ,, •t "'""'"I '""'' \\tl tt tu"' l tt·t '''''' ,,, th•• f''HI ..... ,,.,, ...... IIUI ,.,,, ttttl llltli\ "'"" h• , .... , ....... , "''" BAYVIEW LUMBER co~ F••r11l,·11f. t 'clrona cit I :\1:or Esll-1•111lrl 11 I 'I'"~· I ''""" oh\o•llm.· 111 ,, 1111<111' ln.ortn• r m .tit•oJ 1'01"1 ~t u• I"'"' n II d 1-I \\tit t•u J•\ lite It tUif ttl f'H tit"" t.1 .... 1,.,. ''' '\A, Ill Itt -.1 Jilt• 1 lfi fht ;,. ··ur•h•• '" "" ,. '"I'" •• r • 1~t~t , ••. 1,.1111 ,. ,, 1.,,1 11 u , ... , "' t .. " llarhor Mti -R nf "''"'' ... ,. .. ,, ""' tl IIHnltfiL:Ittft \ui, t." 11 ,1 t-. 11 1 .. , ,, fu ,, 111 1, lk .tf"'o •1"1 \,,"I"''' II"''"' 1 "'""' 1 111 1 I' 11 ,, 1 11 II t • I 1\ I I ,, It"' I ' ' • 'I fl .II •"' no•( :011 ~ :~tlnlfii <'O 1'10..1 I \Jiffllf" nf 'llh I• 1 111.111 \\ ltu \\':clto•r B ,\!.li lt• ""· 111 rnttt tu ${:111~1 •II• cl ,, t h• ••·•ult ••I ,, r" uu: 1 oil '''"''Ill '" ,, "'"'' d·, 1,11111 ,.,,.r IJuolrt (I .! o,h•r). 3 r(l(lfll cfw,•llmr.: llltrry \\" (;r:l\lr. ···rmtl '" '" S :tnl.t ''""' Ill ,l.oll'loll~ l'tlti l .tl' """Ill"'" ool •h· ton i' IIIII ... a t ;,tt f ,\\fH'adu 'tll•t•l Jo:~(llllolll'd ftUoffl :1 ~' Slolr~. fl r()(lnl f!\\o•lf111t.: h .l\o Jtfo\o fl :0 lll'ltlr 11111111' !<Ill• 11'1 cost &;ll(.llt :ct fi·l J .tstmn1· IH<'Illlt' E sllm.tl<•tl l fh•• :uh.tiii'I'IIH'tlt "' th•• lurf 'l~trt \\', S llrt!>lul. 1•·rrno1 to hwld cnst S!~WMI rhtrtn~ th•• p;,,t l1•·c•ado•, 111 the• an :tdchtlllll 111 Sl'r\1\'<' stltlltlfl al Etl\\ttrrl \\-'t•dl ktntl, prrmtt '" ••JII noon 11( tlw \\rll••t < 3413 \\'. t\·ntrnl E s nrnnlt·d cus l -hutld a 1 ~tory c·nmm .. r rlal bullet-\\'n<tlf \\a~oo ""',."'''rt~l orw n r thr SJ<XI. inr:: at ~10 W \c•nlra l 8\'f'nuC' Es-natton's uuls tunrl•nr:: l'takPs r id•'rs Mr ~:end Mrs. 1-'orrc•st T hrcgc, llmAif'd rost Sl5.01.10. durin~: hts Nolnrful c•nrt't'r . A n A- pcrmit to convf"rt porch a nd Jam!'s S. Barrr ll. pt>rmit 10 11V{' uf C11nudn, h r hlalf'fl 11 l m tl garu~r 10 drn 81 :.!31 oru Nice. hutlrl a fr:tmr• stnragr sht•rl a 1 1 111 o f turf u chh•\'<'mPnts frtom hunlc•r Lido. Esllm»ll•d rn~t s;>()()O. ~t ntr hi~:hway. Esrimat{'d <'0!>1 lo honl<·r nnd roast 1<1 t•oas t SflOO. "'J'hp lr1•mnn" lw~;nn hi~ rtcltng Mrs . C T Sm ith, JX'rmil to build Mr and l\lr~ Jnhn PI"\'Am\'tt'h. cnr,.•·r 111 tlw nlc1 Tljuann tl\lll l!ut ttlt'ttltlt :tltl• ru.alt h t "•' .I 11 .. 1 "h.ol 1 11111 1 '"' IIWillllrHol \\Ill l:ok••. :on•l \\lh·o•· 11 \\Ill llf• pl.u ••fl, h,,, n••t 111 ··n •f•·••·ntun•-.t 'J'h•· 111r1 MT""'"• kn"" 1n~ t h ,. ~:r<'itl pnp11l11nt~ \\'uo lf •'nJnyt•d "1lh ra('ln~ fans. •trr sollclltnl( su.:- f.:t'~IIOns from 1 ht• pulllk T hf")' l!t'- 111'\'t• \\'n•M ht•lnngf"fl In ull rlll"o'- ~<>t•rs Rntl "" f11111l clP<'I~i<ln on lltl" m•·monRI Will hi• mild{' 11nrt1 rll'- pro'SS!t>nS from I ht' JIUhltl" llr•· n • ,., 1\ f•(J a :l l'tury. H rOiom clwdhn~: 111 117 fll•rnut tn huilrl " I s tory rlwf"llinc hc rnntrohutr•d ln lttf" elm' In~; lu~­Amath)~oot ;1\c•nu•· Es t~rnntl'd cosl nt l :!:l 4~nt1 s trf"c•f E~rm1ntNI ru:•t =::-:---:--------:--~----------------------~~~1 Chi cnmpnny. fl<•rmit '" ~~:.;~;:no \\' \\'tnc•·r. l"'r mtl to Rhodes :l:J Newport -L. A. Harbor ndd IO prl'~··nt ~··n l('t' Sliiii(Jil Ill huoltl II I ~tnry C'tonc·r•'f•· huolclon.r.: Race Set for Next Saturday 500 E C"r•ntral 11\o•nu.•. E~llmnlf-d al 11fi \'on T n ••!'t•• J-:sttmnl•·d ,.,..,, <'051 S I :.!,(KMI ~·~IIM.IO ,_ • • . 1 ~1:1111111: 1:1111 fur lh•• :-o;,."I""'"I L"ok' hk•·,.ur t.ol•rlt l"ln••n ;,..lnr.: John J Gllhr•rt, JN'rllltl It) huild R ~ 1-na:•·•·. prnmt l•l louoltl ,, 1. 1\ ll.ot t~,, 1 1,..,. (111 lthro(fo•, :\,'\,. .1,,,·1., lltllon.,11 '" II 1,,,.. ,1 ,._ n I ~tor},~) rot•m d'"'ll•n~ al 531 ~ar:ocl' a t flXII s .. n~l11n•· llrl\'t' 1· .. ·1 It 1 1 1 ,1 I • 1 1 Modo n.l :t\tllltl' ~ ... 1t1Clah•d ('IISl tono.ttl'd .... ~. ti;JO(I(I ';' ·: ,~··~,."'I f"' I "', :-; .. t,ur-,~~nlft ,,, ''"' ,,,, ,, '" otllllflll , •• ,. SX(JCMJ \ "' I·. s,~. . ''"· c uro • lll.onn '·'" too(··~ 1• 111:11 tr .. ph~ ''" '"' !', y ,\ \lui 1 • Rn•) · •m•r,J"Tmlltul"fl l-lfllfi\\111L' '"'''" IUI\o• trtd t• olo•fl \\mt•r ch'otllJHur,...hlp., I• \\Ill I• C laud•· j\;fOWiciii,Jilrtllll '" hutld •• ,, ~tur.o.:••rt'l(lllllO I .. tlr()(lfll \\1111 lh<ll lfllo•nlltoll '''''''ill I. A h .• r '-IHI•·•I r .. r '"' ru .. t '""''Ill '"' a:! ~t"r}. ;, rf"llll <hH•II1111: :JI GHI h:olh :or Htl;, ('n:t~l llot:h\\11)' t-:~-'l••r 1,.1 tlo• \lu l"llll•r.. 1.11111111.: "L''"'' Tlo.•nk" l,,.k Ar:woa. {'u aona tl• I :'ll .or J-:,t,m:ll••d ttrnat•·tl c:ul>l mwt :-.;., 1 I•• 1. (" 1.""''• "·"'' d "' ...,,,, $7~110 Hufl••lplt F lb rf,. Jh r11111 '" hutltl l"••ttltll~ l"h11C11 ..... tlo•l•·nclont.: ;\lui-M J 0 • rtuho•rt H Th .. rn.J•·rnut '" huolcl :t 1 "'''1 ~-:! l.m11l~ ""•·lltnt a t 1.:1 ay ponJn 117' \\lnto r th,ollll""" "" fi I ' \\' C 0' a I ~llfr\, 1 n •ttn cl\\'t•lhn r.; at :\l.lf'lt.:l •ld :1\•·nlh', ("11rnn.t tl•·l :lt .• r 1.;1rf'll• r tl• fo nl11111: rh,lftlltl"" r.w• I F T C'~ ,.... Ft·rnlo•:tl~ (",lrfln:o fit I :\l.or t-:~llnl.tl -l:~lomat.~l r·n-t ~I..',IMWI '"I. ,, h "'~·· "'" ''· \\ l'ho•lp .. l or rout ~a~on t•tl I'""' S!l;">l)(l A A lo:l• ln. po•rn111 In h111111 a I \lo·olt'ko 1 ''' 11 ,1,,. k lltllln.on 1 c·:,l :\1"""· po·rnul tn 111111<1 a I ~t .. n , :1 '"""' d"' lltn~.; at ::1 fl.,, :'\u '-' ''''·•n 11 llllt:L:" "" 11;, u •S i\'\;c ;~:u ::.: " .,,,1, -1\ul• ~tul'~-I I'IKIIll ch\1'111111: :II fil l !\!all-~hlll'o' l lrl\o. ~.<ltnliolo·<l ('"" 'I' ~· I"""" "" 17 (" \' \\til II• ,,.,, I "I" nom· ''" '"' lloolll ... :0 ~:old :l\1·nu·· •-:~11111:1 1 •·" ,."~' -r --·ij~~~ 1"·''"1 ~ .. ,,.. "(; '""·"'' -··"·""'·"'·"'·, ... , ... , .. ,.,,., .... .. $71HHI l lotn.olo! ll:q \\lw>d, Jll•rnllt 111 h11dll "'' :.!.! \\'tto 1:1 Ill '" ~·;, Hotloo rt ,, 11 c•n ttl ,. k '"'" ''' l'lllllllll' !\1:1\ HOI:I'I' ll.llr0\1 lh 111\11 Ill ;,cJfl '" " I "'""· ;, r•••lll tl\\o•IIIIIL; "' ;qs l 'ool\o I II "'" ."1:'1 1;, ooft,:t• f"lt• u I 1\o I• "I '" II ' l ',doloolfll l ,.·,.i, IHIIItlllll: at ll•:l ('l:o,\' .. , .... ,., 1-:s-J :II III'II'Cdd il\tlllll', ('nrrm:l rlo•l :11:u ... ,,,,d "' ~: .. ,,.,, ·' \\'1111•· .. r S ut olltd l,,,,,,.('t ot!!llll"'l"ll ,, ,, .. Cl\••••1 l int:llt•cl f'ol-t $11~1 I •llltt:ll•·d I"'' 0::'~""' Fo.trtl'l'<' "'" :II; I l· ('ttloo I h In , lu Ill ,lottlll.ol' :leo oll!tl :II Ill '"'' (' II ,\lld••t '""· lto't Cl\11 Ill lto utd ,\l.olllh I l·tl:llt ruin, JW•rnllt 111 11 ;1111t ;--., :11 \ lo, l(oq .. 1 1 """' I• .. 11 ll:u•k 11•1111 arul ~ ho•tlt•'""'' In lolllld :o ""'"' lutlniiHIInn :11 .!1~,-, I t1 l~ ' S 1\ \\" · 1 :It t I ""' '" Ill••" tho I"" t to( t it• IH~•''-i'rtt th\1 1n~ .tt ,o~ • •• :t} I ( • urr.t l 5 rtnl;•f•'fl t·n'-L S 1••i · u .-., t+tll• ,11 ,,f '''" t'""'' 1, ,, 11 , 1 h:,,~·d F rllltl 1·:~1 1111·"'" 1'11~1 ~··IKHI \lr-:\t.dm . ll<l'nllt '" hwltl .• I c;,.lfll:• Flo •tu ...... "·'" '"' ,,,..k ,,, .... n '""'"''" ,, ..... ,,, " '" d l\'1<1• '''''"'H' II II• I•" '"· 1"111111 '" q"" I ..... ,., d\\o·lllnl.; :ol 7cll) II··-IIIli "' ,,, :n r ... " II• \\ \o!IClo•h tho· '1:0 11 1111•• '"" hwlol :1 I ''"'Ill. I "'"'\ '""'lion.: at t.:~<fll • ('"'"n" <f, I :\1 ,,. ~ ... tlln:•l• ,J ''''' A ''"111•1• ••I ~""''I• 1 '"'I! "' '" "''" I ' :!lt•t !'•••tilt• I 'llflt.tllll l't"l l'li"l "-~•~• Hlllltfo" "·•11<•1" ,IJo• If JW•IIHI l•t """"''Ill l'tfllllll,.. '1•111111' tho ll•,qt '' •"'''l ~1 t\ I. ·•Htl ltu· rt ~·>no I .l.•n••., H lll.wk 1•·nnoo '" l1111ld h:,,, rh "1'1" <1 "' c ; •. ,., ,., ._ ll •fll'' .I " ''""d·•'· r•·rmot '" ""''" a II I ...... ,.~ :I ro ~orn 0\\1 111111: :II ·1.'.: llitrl··· '·"""" .... I, .. , Sllrul:o\' .... rt m:ttlltl• r "' th•· .. , ,,,. ',. IIIII>! "'' ::! f":or ~;:tr:oo.:•· ut l lti-11 .! :'\.orl'l.,~ll~ Tu-.ton ;,,,•nu•· J-... lllll:ll• cl ...,,., ..,uftl•lll) fo,untl t h• "'" "''" "II II :::::•,'.," ""11 ,\I'' :It• "' t•· rl• E~tllll·''' ol ''"'' ~IIMWI ~·1:..~~) "r.'l"''" In l~.~ntl \\url..ont· Ilk• 1\lr :111<1 :'Itt -~:\o'ro•tl R•·h·rt~on Franl..lln \\':un•r prrnllt '" 1w "'''" ~ .. m.· .... r. .. m.n-tltjl l 'l:o•llt.oll,\ '''1\ "'"'' •••rn II IN'rtnor '" luulol :1 I !'llory, :; ronm hwlrl a I "'"r~ fi r•••m ""' 11111., \\',. urul•·l"'·"'" 11 .. 1. \\'hoi• 1 ~ .• n i loo '""''•Ill ••I I'"" • ""'' 1 •:tlooort rlwo•lltnl.; ·" lllk lh·lotriiJ)( r:~ttrn:tl -, :tt 11~1 \'m P alo rn•l l:sonlllo l• t1 1-"o :mf""l'fl "', ,.., h .• ~ r. .. n \\nrk-JWIII.!T:t!'!1 "''"' :"'"''''''' 11.)' til• t•ct eu~t SiohO ,.,.,, ~q:-,,._., tnt: :'\*u :-\ .. , t•\• r :entl pttth,,,,J, h.,, fotlu1"'"'''" ('h:-trf•' A l l:on••y , Jw-rnul 10 l 1r II ,\ 1,. \':•nllnt·, t•·rmt1 111 la:ocllo•r "·OfhiiL' It~ 1111\1 \\r llntk r-'f'h,.., •n•lu<l•d huottl :c 1 ~111r~. 4 rc~ntt ""' lllnr.: at lloutld ,, rfwf'llonc ""''' prt·~• nl on• "':•n<l tloo r• '" •Jill'• ·• !111 "'I 1 'f'loo , ""'•nt• lt:n• 1111111 1,,1 itt:'\ 11ro;ul ~lrll'l l :~tun.llf•fl ''""' ·•1 I~! r tp.ol :o\o nu•. ll.oll•u• I .. I.Ht•l 111l••r•"' IIJI th:ot "·" \I ·~h· "'' o,trq• •I "·"' w:o• 111,.,lllt• 11 "'"' 11 -$.RIIC)(l J: ... run.tf~'fl (~, ... , ~u4 .-t t':trl ''ot k up "'rl1•' ••·.u n ,,,,., ... .,, pr11htt,11, q 1,. 1.,,, ... ,.,,1,," ul l\\••f'H, ·~ t "'' hl~~;tl' phy !"'tntul" It\ flu• I\\ it "' htttlf'-\\ hH rttfl\ftl\ IJ'tUII11h" lfl "\tt f ltwtk \\tlf f~ttfll 1 lttt)tHII \ til fl\t• fll ,l '•Htrut plut•t 111\t\ ,J tt" f ltllttl.tll lit .)•'1\t\ ''udt "'' ,,, th• '"" JtUtt•tt !\.,.1 11 \'·'" ""'1t It "·'' .• 11,1wk rt•lltl:•· "' ,,. ltr'' ••~k••<l too "lh 1111, "1111 lt~:ht """'' "' '"'' ''"' 1 m tl "In··"''""' lw ,_ ... Millo· , ... , .. , ··h.lll!;tll~ ,,, '''""I' \\lilt "I..:" N•mh111,ot1un~ un•l n!l'knnm•·~ Frnm '""'''· 111 lh•• llnl~h l htt~• 'lli(I(I'I IIOM , lllto•r COICira nf 'f'h •• lthul1••• ,..,..lf'·lullun w11• um• o t1lr1 colleaet~ In lh<" f'flfllrrn Non-nf lh<' ~'~"""''11 w hod1 r fiN•d rrr•n 1~ h Rd ,.,...,., ••lllnlnltlr'CI, rnm ltltuollnn• unrl nu•knt~~n•"' "'""' Ito· •1•••·nlly nw nt wrwtl \\o•r<• lt•t.~l "" ' 11111101 1 Art ltlld 11111'1'' "•hlo•n l ~ /tro• ll~k· 0 ol lol '"'I: In •on fl•·"or"' r .. r lh• ·•hlt•ltr '""~"'" or '"'' <llldl'nt l•nd), Anrl un ''JCI'•'''''tl "'"'~~' un•t h rit·~ f(tr M trtl'' l 1r II•' .,f ''''' ,,.,,r •IUrl••nt '""" , '"" '"" 1 .. "' r. rt•t1 f•tr ltu• ,J, 'h'"' hlttf '"'"'" r·hO!Icn Relieves Pop. Of Pleasure Horses (;rnwing ' 'f• \I P:un•· t1f f ··~""'"·' \\Itt• '' ~'""'', '·.•lllttt hta It• 1 • 11 "' •Htl 1 Hn' 111r"t•·r t.. 14• , , ... ''" .. , fdt'll\llfl• h ltf I • j <lo 1 Ito· •I IIII' Sp••:dthw tr. 1 , t 1 ''I' qt 1 "' "•, tt•litrli'' fr nr11 Jt\• '', ... t. "' t ,h dHI (~-'ttllttlrt ·'"' tPfllt ,.,, .1""1 ''' 111 11tl f. til'" lol f II t f 1 HIH Hd ' '"''''-' pi··: ..... , I ,,.,, I I I t .. ! "" 'I'Hh· HU ''"'''"'t. ·'·I 11. I' I lftl• ,., IJt 't ,,, , ,., I I 'I .. , I I· I 'I' I ... '1 rn ,. '" ""'"' ,, ,, 1, 111 11" htu·k 1 tdtl I I f-H IOt• I"" •ltr• h • •, d • fr,rnu, '':tf•· ' , , " 0 .... I I !'· llotrmo n·~ ( •II ,, ' , I t", • '••I d Httlf : ... .,, ,r, ,, 1•1 I d ltv .,.,. \\, ,, , ,, ' ,,, \• I I,. ~, • I f ,,,, "TRAVEL ... hy aJI ,.,.,...,... .. ~ ... ., ...... ,,,~ ..... • AIR SEA RAIL • • ho·r·· tn I .Jill Ant:..r••• I fur'"'~' t" 1/oko· p11rt 1 111~ ••untlnt! "'''''" '''"' In thf' hl~t ,.,,.,, 111 ''"' "'"""" '"' 1\lul\\ult•·• ~c 'YA l•t.:""" "' '•"' Alli'•·l•·" Yuo lit o•lulo AI tlw "I'""" tit• \ "tiJ I !tl't• l~tl II l)t \\ ltlt•Hit "- f'o II• I IIIII II ooJoll\ \l hh It It 0' lwo•fl 1" •"' u t••tl lov ,lilt k I loll1111111 11l IIIII ltu.t WHO, and WHERE IS '701 ----------~t·IJ It Through r.JaAAifi<'rl Advrrtislng AMEL BOLDMAN ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS REWARD For a Death Certificate of Amel Boldman su~tt:'I'Utt:s Sl't:l.l.t :U: t :mll Uuldmnn, Anwl IS.'""'""· An .. ·l Uulclnuan, Anch llulthllllll, ,\. C ·. ( 1\lltl,\ 1 C 'nrl•mn, llr•nr~· Klrh,\. lo"rautd " IS.tlthunn, C '111'~1.-r l~llcllltllll, S11rttlll'l 1\Atlclnmn, fo:CI l.hulc·ll. l"nlll~ IUtdtr,\. U. IS. 11:,,..~' 1 H11lch\lrr. \\ lllh1111 1\A•I•bmw. Slt•\c·n ... C 'c·dl C '•.tc·m~tn, Ancl,\ Sdtim;·ll. 1\llw•rt SJ"'""'· UuiJth llalcl"'ln, fo'r•.,l M. C 'tthlll, Wllllaem llttllf••r, In,\ Uulcltut&n, C 'II Huret A. IS.•Ichmut, ltufu11 .J. KrJtJmun, ltn,\ C 'urft•r, lri l'-1lrhn1111, ,,,,.. TrMtfN'r, lllluwlmrcl IS.tlclmam, ll••rl~t•rt Slutw, Mujur Frt'fl \I. \\ ic•l, "heN • ~ uml~t•r 1 .. lili4i, Ulh t•r 1 •. 114tldmnll: lhtnl- inlr 1c. .... c ·,,..11 \ t•~tkh, \\'llm~tr 114•klnuw. lhtfr'h ~·hulb., AI C ., .. ,.. ... A. C ruuk, 1\nwl IS.•Iclmattl\. 11""1 ... '• \\ llllum S.·hulb, '"''"'" F. hthl, Undn, \'t·C4·rnn uf \\~>rltl \\ ttr I, ~tncl "'" uf William 1111cl lhtrlt TcMIJ~~'' IS.IIchlllllt, rurnH·rl,\ "' Uti~''"'· WHAh .• lttlll "'""" \\'aJla. "'"""· -Ill ... _ ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS REWARD \\',tfl•rSpll'<r.l"'rmot lnafl lu'<'l-~l••·:on '' "''l<h.orl. 1~111111 '" lh ••n•lll full!r•• \\',.lu ·ar tll.ot fl\•• 1w111111J, .,( '''""" 1,,,..., lttrl rOt•ffl :mel loath Ill prl"l'f'nt dwdlin~ IHIIhl " I ClotfJ, -, ro •lftt ""' 111111' lono· or th·· \' rnlllll••n, ( llllto IHoill• ··n·· ft,lo Ill 'Ill) nn• "" -TO AJ.J. I'(IJ,TJOol at :\.1 ll.1riHor l~l:ontl E~t un:•f•·•l at ;">!:! Tu!'l111 ~:,tlm,fl l rl C'ttst h/1 .. h••r•tt "lllpjw·o l ''' Flullfl.o I t·~·~ .: H;n: r.n111, tn 111, • .,1.1,r•·t•:o•• 1"11one IAifUIIa 131111 • BUS t'UIC Tilt: \\II t:ttt:,\ IW U Til auul 11,, .. ,, uf 1&11\' WIIM)\\'~ uf ~It I AMt:l , IWU .H'IA~. "' 1"'.,'' tlutf lUI,\ IIIW)t•r In \\all11 W~tlla, W~Uoh., ••r lln)- unc• •·N· nuarrtc-. ""lei "lclu""'· _ .. ,..,_ rost ~16~)() ,."RRW"' :or.'~"n·· kll'l\\ lh•· '""'"'" n? I ,,, thr•··· ,,, ••111"/111 untl "·"""'fl "' Lam bourne H:ty nnrl LltC'oll•· GN•t. jN'rmil to II 11 1t~tlotsnn, Jlf•rmot tn hull•l \\•·lt•nuw ln Alo•'C 11111•'11 , 7 111 \\':u -""ro ho 111 ••oa•l:ol ,1r, ""''· ,, llol hudrt a:!"'"~'-'· I n'lllm tlwf"lllnt:: nt a~ "'"r).:! l:unlly d"··llont.: "'''" 1 "1'1 lol •·n•l ... l.w; An~o:c•lc·~. tn the lu111 t., ttl'"" .,,,,.,1,.,,,1 ,.11,1 ... .r111,," Travel Service 413 l li!hhll, ~·llrflllil clo I l\l:tr ~:~-,Coli ill'•·-"' lill:\-111 l'lu·k :1\tflllo', "'''I "'' '""" '" :17 '"" ,,., n ''" In"""'"' Ill f'ott ... llll ""' 11111,. !It o.c... A\"f'. I.A«'tfta Rf'arh tlm:o t1•rf c·ot~•· ~~~ l~lllll(o:t b l11 nf'l E~lllllll l•·d f'n<t lit•: lo:o~, l111' l~tt• jllo<t '"''' \\1•Pk~j . :l A ro·thio•t11 oif tn tho p ,...11101 ·-;;;~~~~~=======:;;;;:;:~ '"''" 1\1 11Pifn\M1, j)(•f'nllt In lo11dd ~16.1~1() '"' •1klllt.: Ill n•" "''''~ on 1/rl'j>llrrt-J c l;•m lo:11: 111ntt frt•lll 1"1 '" 1 I :'1 :! ,,111·~. 1 '"''In .:. l'llr ~;z_•r:c.:•·~ \\' II Thumnwl. 1"'1'11111 '" luultl lt•>n lor till" M~tlwtn to•r r•·v:.tt11 4 ;\ -'IX ftsl1 '"''' lllllll ,,11 m u l rl\\••lllllf.: ut .!Il l :-.=o Oily 1-ronl. :t I <I• II\. I f:m11l~ tlw••llllll! AI ln:'l Alt·x " II f11rn11•r 1'1 (' ~:ul••r h•t tl•k•·n 111 t h•· ~ . .r1,,11 ~~ 11 11:ol ltolll J,J,,nlf l.•llfllOI!I'd ('CI"I l f'lltll<oo!l,o 11\o•nlto• ~-"IITH!If•<l l"tt~l .. ----- $1 tl,tKKI ~!l6fK1 \\dl1,11n ll•nd•ll.lfl fllltl ltll"uld \I:II .'H•ttl•r l"'~""''''n l••ulof ~o L u M 8 E R :t ''"''' lolltitlllll' ;,1 .''\l•tt'n;t"l ''"I' ·, f'ooo•nl rl\\•llortl' "' ,.!lt:\1 llnlllo•\:ltd F<llttl II• d I'•'"' ~1..',1KIII :llr h "'I'' PI I <tllll:ttl'rl rnq \\till ttll I: ( 'ol\ I" I Ill! I lot lffttltl l>o -,·,,., Tl1o "'""''" 1 , . .,.,, t "• r... 'JM nrl lht•U ti t\ .. tn rl1 t 1 \ tf1l' II• • 1 11 ,11 th:tt lh• ~ f'.oll • rnploo\ If llri•II•J• I 1- •'1'1 tn 11 11m• "' • lilt'• d nl'f•t1 J.,, rtc•d t• f,,,r.,ulrl Fr •11k I '"h' 11~ I. A rl\ tt I• :otl • r I r• • tl;,n• ,,t .,.,.,. .. •·h •·f th• 1•1• ....... ,,, •I ••f r• hl.:U•n n • tra ru.tt, I lnL· uul• "'"' P• ft11h h t\4' ·• tr .. 0 ' oollotlt II "'. I WILL CALL FOR ANI> I>ELI\'EI{ · 11 An.-\\"nrtc A" f:\Ctra or f~II-T1nw- -Y.mptnrn..-nt Ia PAYROLL ACCOUNTING W . .J. GARD~ER • 2402 On-an Front BUILDING MATERIAL'S & HARRINGTON LUMBER ~ 9 I 4: .. Bay Dltrtrfct Yard 518 eo..t lflchway Phone 8eaooa 51 II At the A.JochM Casino Cafe and Cockta il Lounge I • Serving Complete LUNCHES and DINNERS -'· I 202 Main St. Balboa, Calif. ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS REWARD Jo'UIC l'ltC)(Ifo' lu """"' tlu· t:."4TATt: 11f wei A.'lt:l . IWU ,UMAN, Ar111~ N11. x:\AI."d!l, IN•Iun~... Sllltl t'"lfatlc· I'IIRIJICN'II "' lUI ""'., .. of '2."141.1NI .... , munllr, ""'"rclc•cl It,\ C ·,,IKJ't''lflf, Jttul uf h••r munlt'"l, anmtml,.. 1111"nuwn, IUII<•unfln~ '" l'i."IINI,UfNUNI, ~UUI': ur l .t~lo\S, """ hf1lnK lwlcl h,\ fitJHIUit. \\. 'I'IIO~II'SO~. AT'I'HU~t:\·-,\T -I.A W , \\'lf.lla Wa.lla, \\ "·""·· ll..'l C il t\ltl ll1\ ~ fur K~tlcl ,..,taff'. -··"'-ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS REWARD nm I'ICfHW fltnl "a itl \\tt:l. BUI.U~A~ lmllt n ~AZAHt:~t: C'JII IU 'II llf l'rlnn..,f•m. ltlnlm, unci ,.,,., . .,, ... , 11 \\ill ttlll~ln~ flu• S 1\ Z.\11 t:~ t; C Hl.l.t :t.t. at ~111111, ltl:alm, ht•nf'fii'Utr_\. All Information Will Be Welcome ,\ rth\ s II, x:~u.-, IH f"um·, ... ""~'liun Su. ,\ nw IS.tlclnuan 1'. U. Ru~ Su. !I'!'!. '·,,..,a )( ....... c · .. ur. • L---1------!~~:~s;~M~o~~=...:n!.!-,.!~~~e~s~t~s ~M......Je~et~, ~!lL/l..~e.!!'!:!1~e!!:,::!:os:!!r h!!!:~=p=~:...!:;!:;!!:r::!:s ~T::!:e~a!!-'-~.,!~~E~~! _ ___...F __ ._e_n...::::B=~:::l:::w=L=n~~t~-~-· e ___ ._l_A __ t_Rc_~-'~--~-cc_I_:_hy_n_e l_~-~-l'bo_!_,e_l;:_n_-R_ Methodist Church And Margaret Runded -Message to fathers Ida Naylor Heads "'''" "' ,,,., 1""''1''1 '111 ,,,,., •Judy Emers?n II Ebell Club Cooclucles P·arent Forum New Eastern Star Club St. James Auxiliary Hears Diocesan Sseahr,.- ay trst Post-Lenten fyent :\liS!: ~IIII'J!'flTC'I llro,\rt, USSISIUrtl '" t lw H,.,. Paul :'11\IUI"l' Wlwcll•r an tht• IJt•parttnt'nl uf Educ;:~tlon, ,..,,. Angl'll'S dl()(.'l'liSl'. spoke to mPmlx·rs or the• W oman's uuxrliury uf St. Jam•'S Episcop;ol churc h ut '· nwt•tlnt: hl'ld Thur-sd ay a T th<' homo· ur Mrs R oix'r t PPnrsol. A<"n· • 111 IIVt•nth·. Corona rlf'l Mar Mrs !':tchols Mnounood tha t St. Annt''s guild wo~J hold a rum- ma~;t• sale nt lluntin ton Jk>ach on Saturday, Fc·b. 2 d usk<'d for donutlons. She iflso brol.l&ht ~ ~ran•lling basket" which has brought in m oney for t he guild a.nd whldt will now go amo ng auxiliary m embers. \ f , •' A d ··lll"toHI" hh111 11111111'1 ""' obk.'r\'c.d 0 11 Muntl,o \ o•\• "'Ill!, Fo lo· ruRry 'J at l 'hrr~l ( 1111r1 h ''~ tho SC'n, lr)' l\1'"1•11 1 ll<'IO.hl.> t'arclo-ol W nm_.n·!< Sowu t \' uf l~lll o-11110 So·r · VIC'!' undc·r tho 'to •lll•·r~ht(l 111 :'llt' •'rf'i'1 \\',.•t\\urth. tu ;, ~-rolflll nl Y'~o l\1,•n .oml Jl,.,r ~·•• "'' 1-'ollnwtn t.: !1111111 1 ,, rw·t·lrng \Ill-' bo.olrt dlltlflt.; "hwh t rm•· • •·t•r• '' n tbll\••s ,,f Ill• \ ' \lo 11 1 l\jol:urwll tho• \1 ••I k o.f Ill• "' ,:.11111111 '"" Ill furnun~: ""' 'l"''""''"i: l lr-Y :oml Cra-Y 'luh• ""' tho• \\Ill k 11f tho cJUits ,oft• I l11o )' lr,l\o· loo,•n f11t1th~l 11tt ·' hoo1• loo 1 l\lo'IHI llto•ll 101'1 1\tt ~·. w hu 11 "·" t,,, ,,, Mto, ,..,~rut 111 Uh' < ·,, .. ,,, '1·' • tt~" '"''' th•· ~· '' por!·tl,olt•• 1 olo•ll 11 I (;\H'"'I~ ••J lht' • \t'OlU'-' \\tit' 1h• Rl•\ I ""·'"I ll (;,.IC'Io II. :\!o·,,r, llarooltt II .. 111k. I·"" urd ( · ~ 1 "' h nn 1•··1.""" ~·,,,,,fl .. \\'1lltu111 ~foo ()on ,olcl \ Il l' II I ·.,II,. !(,,.,~ 11\\ • 11 ~"' I I ~ ,., ~~u. .. o. \\'tiii.HII :'ll.t\\ liOn. l.o~.•IHIIol W tlo·ox. t·:d" :~rd II Burn~ 11111! 1-'rHI \\'ouclwt •rl h WHAT DO SO MANY NEW METUS MEAN TO YOUI FAMILY IUDGET? O..tflt.t,......wlty .. CNtlyte .... ...., ..... 1tJt ... If you will compare your s--t co-t.~ ollivinl with wb.tyou pe.id ill 1939,you'U flad that everythinl h.aa aoae up about two-thirda. • AiMolt ~,tAal U, U• orpt 141! Happily, the price ol pa hu stayed d own ..• ewa lowt'r than i.n 1939. One reaaon ia that we've added eo many new CUitom- en. Tbeae new cuatomera b.ft lwl.p.d when tbty bap- peud to live when they couJd be ...vad by .mtiq facilitiM. Additional revenue from the .ala o( pa to more and mon ~mere baa contrib- uted itt part to olf•t atead· ily riail\lupe.-. But k•p- illc on the riaht aide of the &edpr hu been no ea.sy ac- compliahment. • • • A.. 0011ta have aone up and ~n.~.jor projcrlll were needed, even new C'Uillomel"'! haven't alwaya made it e.uier Many thousands of new home owner~~, for example, have located when• gl\l4·main e11leD1iona wert' n'quin!d lo eerve them. Takina CAre of t.hem baa actually t~ddt"d to our operating CXpt'IU'CII. (Eit· t.enaiona today COI!!t u~ 2V. to 3 times more thAn in 1939.) A1ain , in order to provide an additional 11upply of au for thill enonno~ly growinc area, we pllrticipated in one of the lar1esl natural Jatl project. on record. The mammoth $70,000.000 Tell· u -CaliCornia pipeline was conalruct.ed from the nearest practical 80urce. 1<0me 1200 milea away, and is now in operation. MAterial!! and labc¥, too, are at an all time lqb ... and t.allea, payrolla aDd nen the co.\ ol cu in th• lield-bave climbed ate.dil;(. • • • Dependable, low -co.\ ~­ b ill ju.t ODI o( the reMODI why virtually neryoae lD Sout.Mnl Calilomia w. pa. you &oo Call dord &o &-. aablnl ,.. for aD tow w. Ia J'OGI' boml-lor coolrinr. wawblatinl.~ blatinl ............ •Qirlff ... ~ ...... ll .. "'*" .......... _,, ... ... •011 ntAM IYII YOUI HOUIIHOLD IAIOAIN II GAS ' tolmlft?tl COUifTtfl OAI COMPAJ(f --1..-ltHIIII! •• , .... ~. '"'"''Tl""'"" nrr Has Volenttne I H h s L I h••ktuc r ....... ,,rl '" llw "ruml Birthday Party Af Loco ig CnOO Urdt-r or thf' t-:aJIIo•rn S tar nwm- B,...,I.,, 11 1111 ,\ullll•l ....... lu ,,.. ho h1 l NOTES t •u,_ m C'ftt 'nro c n'l' I t th '-•)rn· NEWS r Th•· \'llal H OI <' o Mod!'rn ·~··'• '• .... rc• 1' • J u l' "' •• t·rod.1), ... lo .:cr .ol .: :ur I• Ill .ol rh.·1 .luoh I •• ,11, 1 111, '"'' •I oou•tt• r 1 f:S. II I , 1 1 1 ----~ • 1 ,.1 , 1, '"'' till' IO(ot<' t•lloscn of ~Irs ld11 !\'It) lor, Balboa lsl.md, .. .~.. I "" hotll" IIIII '' I I• l••tll ,,, .\11 ""' ,,,, ~~ "''' I " I' I --I I I I I l I I \I 'I' 1 t t ltormt•d ,, S t lor d ut, for tlw lla rhur ·t••ll"•l•lqo •I I ,. M I Ill '''" I "I I ' "''''' 'ool :.. \ulh .. r "'"'''"''· '" lor ''"' olll•r \\ h'll S le 1111 '"l.tnd•l' Ht~ttk ~h"l' 1-' .. 'rlt ''1 I "-".•' I d I r ",111 1,11 ,1"'' ,1 ., 1,11 , ~ """'" 1 '"' ,,.,.,.s of flve l·l•, 1111 tlw l•flh un ast o 'J \\u .ti;fh"'' \\ t'l ht• lfllrtMIIU 1 1l I ,,Jll ht• held r' 1 h ,,.,11, ,,,, l ,,.,,. 1 1,, • , , , , 1 ,., "' •' 'I 1'' • •' • on 't, J• 11, "'' n1 urn Sl'ri\"S \\' ltC '" tit• 11 1, '"'"'t.: (•111•111' I,,.. !'-IIIJr 1 1,1 hIll , '" .!'• nt 2:00 p.m 1 1 11 at ltw hr~;h I"\ ,,.,,, d t ·diUIUH"-1 ''~'' d\lfhHt' tHHI1 ltu '" •·nil 'u!· 1t• J• fl f' ... '. t I Jt, H'h F:lK'll club t ..... If' II ,, .. , •• , tl .,1111 \t,11 1 ,1, 1 1.01 H•111.t., k. \\hn~•· 11,, 11111 •1 11! ''·' tlw l 'aro•nt·TI'ftCh <'r , h.~"' I '" , •1•'111• II 11 "" ·"''"' , 1 1 1 ,, 1 rl, 1-:lwll c lub, \ ,., '·''"''" "' (''"''" M••'a \.r<tm· .luurt \ I t11 1 • 1 111 ,.. • •· '"" ••· I r 1 •• "~ a r c pre-, ,, . :-.. """' t ll•·uf•h f;r11mmar. I '1 ,., !h•• lslnnderl' ,1,1 -..;,"I"" 1 lluthor sdh~tlls tln I • lr I hf• COUrtf'S) •, • ' ,\PI"-'arlnJ;: on "·'' '•' rnnL! I' r .. '"'"'"'Y, author I., .1.1111•. T luot'lll1111, ',,., -chult·· Itt• :->hq•J•\-. '"'''I"'"" ·'" llltt ""l•lool 1\J'J• tl t ( 0 i I tit •• Ill I t h , ttlt " II \\ ) 1\ l d " ' l. ~\ • ' I II I I ,,,,.111111• I''""''''' .•• I .. , .. ,,,,,, , .... lol I,"',, ••' ,,., '' '' "''' •t" ''' t .. ,·,,n._, I lfh \ II• • t '' .,, • I t l .t t I art·a und t·l~·l'll·d oll lf'•'rs. ChOSNI Wl'rt' ~Irs :'\a) Jur. Jll't'St· rlo•n l . Syl\'ita Phw••, \ II'•'·JII O'Sid••llt; LUUISl' Jlambh•t, S<'t:J"I•Ia ry ; l::\ii Muort', tn•asurn . AtJ(XJtnto·d lo} tIll' pn•,.irl•·nt w('ro· t:,ttwr JuhnsoJn, puhlot'tly: J••un C u ttll', "·•Y!! a nrl 111P;an' l'ha1rrn:an and a t'tltlltl'Hl H·•• un hy ·III\\S, !\lautlo• S1hh•y, t•lta ir - m>~n, ~:tta Collm.llt 110d Cmt'o' \"lllll~t·unu lfu \ ;If I lul,ll\\lf )I dil l'-. 1lf tltt I IIJJt d I h' It 1 t r.u .,, .. r"' .,,.1 ··"' •~·· utltJtll,, HI I I ~ .. ,, I 1 I old I l1loo' IIIII C'\Jstom," , 1 I • • Htinlf(.'Ck . SC'a-•t ,, oo! I It .oll;'o (""·I' I Junrnr ('ol· :\lo•t•ttn}.:l> 1\ ttl l>t• llt"ld Uri 111<' Hurt._. ••Hl'tf.lth-' .th•~t Ill• 1t It ut \1 fltl I "t flilt"'l•h• It II+ t1 ~·,fill t1t '' t 1'1 t tlfl ffl Iff~ ' ' \ 'ft• t• I (••II•~'H\t uuft\tdn.tlrt\ i f •'•P ht J,,, .... 11 • '14 I I ol !l ''"" t·' I I ,., t•l I I • I "' 1\ STill bl' oh - l I , 1 lo "I• • ltulwrt Klllr- ' ' r I• admtss1on I. I I 'lll'f'd a t tho 1 I oo ol of o f th(' f:~ll • ' \lt~nrlay, Jo~f'l• 1 h·· hom•• of \l , 1\rucc M e '""'"'"" ol tit• "l"'llk••r , and ''"' 'l'u•·~d:o) .,f o•111 h month. tlw t •" II\ 1 • \lo'\\l•ol tltt• l'rt'\'1011~ I'll XI tn ht• l\l .orl'l1 ~ 111 1111' h111111' . , ''"', ,\tt• r11111u·o· h~t'~ pnssl'Cl , r \lt ~t :O::.nr J.;m,la ttwr, Jlitj Ea~t 11 I •m•lr .. t rn.11k !lurrnt: -'"'" ''" r·t~ (''"'" :'>1. ,,, All l-:;1SI· '"'"" n ... tUtlto·on· \\',tS Ill• 'rn S rur 1111 m ho·rs 111 tIll" lll"t'/1 a ro ' • ol ''' ltll 11111 •·urrt~ lt,trn,.; tltdr 111\lt•·<l :orul ,,,. . .,,.k••d fol 11'11•. r,,,, •I "lotr·c"s fur rurlhf'r 1•llomo· .\lr' 1\:tn,fothor, Bt·,u •un , ''"'' mul lollll't inform.1t 111n ·.:iii.!-\\' .. ,. .\I" :"o~lor. ll:uhul li ••' I•·•IJol'""· lugh S('IHH>l pnn-1"\1 11110 w ,oko• ''"""t"\flllu ns . I t •\ I' '' .. , ''d I' ''' lu~t,l.. 1-. \n..,\\•1 \\tllt•u h\ -1 lutt·l~ \\h~t h J'h• ',,, " \l.olt' ol• I 'fM '"I· \\ T fu ""' f .w• "' Ud iH.... ttld 1 • ,,, lh' • ''' ·• II• lt••n1• r, toil h• t l~t· I ,It, r I L' f 111ft ft f IU tl f., I• ftll-. I tit""' "t t•\•U''-\\hlllt h .r(•I"'IIHI ,ttUUH' f th• \\.'U 111d Ill \\t •h Jtl .t\tr \\ '"" d, fu n lf h "'~'--'' 1•t.l Dinner Honors Birthday Anniversary llH ( 'f• I I ,, (1,. I. , , I"'"" 111d I I '·''' 1 J1 )lttt '• f Ill I 11H P·T A An nouncement 01 Coming Mee tings 'Itt ••'I••· I fl I I \ I I ,, ' \I I ,, ' '•' " ' ~ \' lt'H !lui ,. '' I 1··1 l'•w' I ... ,... Important , .1 ttw hoa rll 1 • I d ........ ,, r ~1.onsorf'd IJ~ " , ·I rlw ('tun on ot -' cfelot:k in Ill• fl lnt ••I '' \'j•• , I t t, It ' I • l II I II III•" lit h ,. I •I I• 'ovtn Ana b 1, 11 ,, n d 1lJCI11 ,, •ll,plnyln~: tilt' " tl t1 t!•ry . ('om. :-o-lin "'I I' I • It" l• t t•fl 1• H •f• H Joo oil). I h.ll( II ·<II Jln~\tlh •'td It• ,1, •••• ,tl :"f ' •• I I \. ' • t ,\ ,, I ~ ' f 1 :'\It I· I Ill " f'l' 'td• II' \l1' o I I I ,,, ... I ·' • r ltonn<'t. tt • ..,, ""' mny I"~< "'' I (' M nrtin \I• 1' :'ol Drnkans jl tl II I• O'IHIIII'I"'II•d With lht' , ' , o1 .. '''"" d t.llnnr·n .. r 1 ht• , •• ,.,, "'"" . ,., pl onnlnc tht• • 'It' :\• I ,Hillti'"''JIJf1 t'hl lf ,,,, \V~\"i , d t "'Inn· ll11 t:nur,•· t"nn1t•S do I tl o 'l.tlo• .Hiult C lfUI'aiHJil t ldiU 'Outwore/ BouncJ'l' Next Week's Ploy At Laguna Beach t>lt <; Jlo•rl ;\l oll' • Ill• 1 I 111111 1 1, 1111 \\ "'''' ·d" l'o I·• •I 11 • I" 1 I II praC't-j,, nto "ltiJi' 1\.o< 'o1l1rt~ 1111<1 I ho• I oohlllll\11 1\llh I \l"r\' udd ITt•\\' 1 I 111 1 • 11 olh ''' til.;•· t•umplo tn••nl ' '' ., .. ,.. 11 , '" In 'httrl • ( 111"' :.rd •111111 . '" ,, r 1\llrllo• r.r lira mn ~, •• , ... • '' 1 \\\h• rt•, I" '-PitlnL! ClUl 1'1'1111) \\1111 11 d11111• 1. hoolllll 111.: tlto•, loooll ••I tlo• l ttl II II \1 \ \lo ttlo 11·11 ll•••ol. ~,.,!loon I I " •n 11.: Ult•f*'IU'C \o)•t~t• f•~ ftlf\ luo tlulrt~ 1111"\' "·'" "1 111 1 ~""'"t 1' 1 11 1"11' •tt· 11 ''"1' ''" 11, 1 •I , , I , '' ,,. h o mf' ol , ,, alii" to1111 ·'' r)w J'l.l)huU$o', ti.,Ja.:ht•r ~11'' 1 "' n .o '1111' '·'111'1 \nt "' 1 1" 1' "1' t'"'" \1• 1\ \' l•tlt' 11 ." the I!C'I'Ill 1 t'llllll II• Hh ll-'lo\\111111: II<,,. h ttl"'"""' lllld 1,111 1• .111 ''' II " 111 ll11• II• 1'" tuwnl I I ,J1 .. ,, 1 "'' h• •·II lor mrmhf'r.., 1 · 1 11 k till•!-' t'l'llfot\tl tho• to1hlo• 1111of 11 tlt•(" I' ol jo.oll 111 lfo 1111011 \11111 'llfl•ol 1 I• •I 1")1 1"111!1" Ill \loll' IJ!l :\ 1 \1 ·I I '• '" ~ .. ''"" I "" TtaundR) pt " "1111 h su lio·ft I) t·omh rn<'ll otr;ot•CI toulllllo) ••k•·l""'"l•d llw '' t:lo•,. I ,,r ""' '"'II " ' ,., I',., '''''IIIII;' Mrs. Dilts •lo ''''·'' •·••lll•tl\', r.n!l r"nl.l"~·." s~arl I I I • "' 1,. \ ,. o 1 ,. ltoolJ1·rtson nml \\ 1 1 ( tl tlo''l'l'tl I Olll't' I jill II' l llltllo \, 1•1 Ill lfo,tl, \\1 1 \ J '' " ' " P rt'"''nl \1 ,., ,, J\lr• Jlta.:lt ~1•·· pi,.,. !II• ""' .. 11 ,. • "'" "''' f • -~ '' "'"wro·, c lrt•t'!(tr Cl w Mollun, M1,s t-1"'' ;-.:, "lantl. !\l r.; .,11, "'''""I' 11 ·""I"'' 1 '""" m t) 1 \lr• Arm •• 1.• It r I tl-'1111 • c 'unununrt) Plro\t•r s "In It I. (;ra, .. -., ,\11'' l 'harlo'l' l'llrlt'r I'''"'" '111141 "'' !loll\ tilt •·r :'I t• • ' oll lttlln 1\o• 1;\\o' ol \"1'1\1 1111' l"lll'. '"' j 1 I ""''"'' "' "' '' :\Irs Olx'd 11 1 ·r 1 jr , M tl'~ 1\ttll~ ttnc1 tlw hoslc•,.~. :-;l'·llld•·t I .,, .. ,, 'It ""11"1~· I''' '""1<'d Bun-, II', lt:nt•"""'" tn nam~ "'"s rnnd- ·1• r • ·, • • I•' •·f I h•· l'l:rndt'r~ Book 1111: rolo·• m t it,. vrudurlion for all ''"'" "hu ~ ,1 • .1 ltll•'f rc·vrew of •h•• ;~rtor, Hll' cor .. ,ual am- Alpert's ""'' ",, ''"' r•·cl '" lh<' rC'ndln g j1.,,111111•1 .... l'ltlolw 1 ,,, lw•·k• 111 lito• pas t year ·('"'"a rei !W.und " is lw rng prt-- School Nurse to Speak To B&P Women Thurs. S ·,tlo• F"'· ntll''l' In tho· hw:ol ""h<Kll.;, \\til ~~~~·.ok 1111 0'0111111111111',1· ltlt• dl"'•'""• "h· n 111o·nal" r.; .. r n"""' '" :rncl Pro f,., .. ,on:rl \\'of· nwn' duh mo • t Thill ~d·". Fo h l 'r ''' \\'tllt .. ·s 1'11rk II\•'""" •·al••. 1-.1111111' \\'(•l'l'i, dlolll m .• n r 0 r !\"'" ... r-:r~;hl , I• ·•'klllt.: lllo mho r- \\ h•• '''" ~tnl', •t.uu·•·. :u 1 ,,r 1•-11 'll!l"lf ~ f'fl11t lll't hl'l ollltl \llllffllo•r I ,,.., 1~ 1 form• rs Ito l•trlo •I ttl d '''' f111 !ho• ollllt 1U'~' !,~, rn• ,,.,, t '· II""' n:unt '" t(ltt•·tl nr·•ntly h•·•111-: lhn~oo .. r l·ll o ''' :'ol.u k, Fto• •l.t B:oto '· :-,,II 'I .t) lor. Thtlnta Strh o•l .. r , 1.1'11' ( · ."tc•n•-. 1 ht:d t••f It I I•·'~ :ond I.) dt.a :0:1111 • man WEEKEND GUESTS \.Iotta .md O.on P hwt• of ( 'tortmn rll'l 1\l(lf' I flh•f'follnt•d ~~~ l'('("t•l)t \\'O'I'k • nil ~111'!11!' :\Irs. Roy S Grund)' 11f Sal\ II r.ortu. ntfiiiH·r o r I h•• h• "''""~. lsahc·ll Gaanntnl nnd Rnss I hl'ks or LO!I Ang_.I('S. ;\1 rs P l.'lr_.·s SISll•r nnd IJrot hrr- rn-l:aw, ~lr nnd ;\lr'l Pnul \V Smith, t'l·h •hrat<'d t h••rr :!~t lr \W d · d ing anntw·rsary at l.as \'o•gns on :'lhss Br u\\ n . "ho "as tntroducx>d I·~ the· l•rnh'Tam dt:urman, Mrs. l<t•h1•rt \'lll!t~rarr:o . told nl m od - ' r n ttl!' I hods (of t••ad11ng u nd <'S· I" ,.,,til~· nh·ntottn• d tlw \\Urk done 111 nutlytn,.; tla,.lt'II'IS IJy th,• two '"''" chu flo•l I rntlt·rs ntJW in us<• At 1 he bustno•,.,. nwc•llnt.:. (JI <'· 'Hio·d O\ l'r lly ~Irs. II. P l.k ndt•t". l•lu ns w,.,.,.. startt•d fur tltl' annunl ;\l;o) !\lark• t '" ht• ht'ld F rrday, .\l.oy j al tlw dHIITh l\lrs R Dun· :dd ll.d l ;,ooJ l\1rs \\"ultl'l' llotc~ 1111111, "t•).; anti nwans t•h,lilrtlun. ''' 111 dt .. rt.:o· .oml ar•• u-;king nil 1111 IIllo< rs lind ft II ntis roll' tlun.d lo111S ul bll/11111' lot'lll'lo·~ 1111tl t•oul(l•ll fo•lfts 'l'h•• d1111Th '' hnol "rll IIJ.:odo 1111\o• o·lonn:l' 1tf lito· o·•wJky honth, I•' .,,.,.,.tJ, tu L:•• '" tl,.. au,ihar y :-;, Ann• ~ t.;UIId \\Ill h.o\1 J hoJ<oth l"r •If'""'~· to ,, '""' '' :mrl pot lwlclo•r!-, \\lilt :'olr!'. :'\l('llul~ tn •·h;•r~··· TIH n• "ttl ;ahn ht· :1 "" htl•• • I• ph'•llt' talllo• :rnd olllo· lur h•••k~ \lr • \'olllll!rana tH111 :'111 ' Barltn• \\ tlo' IIJ•I•Hnkl! tu lako• dlill'lo:•' rof Jtllhlwrl~ Mrs. Ann1• Luck<'Y told of boxes 11f food and rlothlng which Mrs . \\"n ldro n is send ing to Holl11nd. a.nd anyunc mll•n•sll'rl In aiding may gl'l na mt•s from hC'r. .Mr. Wlwl'l<'r u nnouncrd the Ll'ntf'n progrnm. thf' rurmtng or a :'llt•n 's t'luh, pla ns f1•r n class- room umt which will bt' start<'<! n nnrt•rlia ll•ly. J\lrs. l\1. L Ki'l'll'r w as nssist- illt.: hosto ~s and :\Irs. Frank C'un- ninrham JX•u rc-d nl n tniJic· df•C· nr:tlid w1tlt n•tl nnd whit<' flow<'rs ;md •·amlh•s Thimble Club Wed. Th1mhlc C'hrh of C'11ndtltn Pa r - J,or, :'\PG\\' will m•·•·t \\'•·lln•·sday, r\ lo 1~ at W II Ill. w ith Alma Thl'mt,;;nn. :i..!ll TtC'rlhmd.~ 11\'l'llUl', :"••" port I ki,.;hts .l,ohn \\'t•lcl Spulho•rn C:rltf nuto- m .. tl\o•, :\l'<'llll\1" "\\"o-sfl•rn ln!lus- 11'\' ll:rs a n inft•rwnty I'IJI11(1ll•x. ht;t rt's h•nrnint: rt C'an i'Om pcte \\11 h t lw ~: •• ,, n nd mako' mnrtl')'.'' ----__;===::... ____ ...::;;;::._....: MATEI'tNITY STYLES Washable Rayon & Cotton l S IJ.i'oo! 9 tn 1'7 a p c ! Only Complete Maternity Shop Let It Come As a Surprise tn Orange Co. ~ ~ l fhonna cM.a'l.i£ ~f'wj2 !il !\ :-;QKTH ~t,\IS, t\KC'.-\OF. RI.OO., SA:-.TA ASA Tt:u ::I'IIOSt: 3608 Wedding Gowns -~·· I,\\ • Exf'Juisit€' New Gowns for the Bride nnd /[.. ~· '\ ll!:'r Entournge • Wedding Gowns \~.~ .. 1 • \\'edcling Veils • Brid('Sillaids' Gowns 1 ' ')'111-:·. r ~} ~ ut Our Wo-ddlng Consultant -r\l IIC'Ip Yrou Pl11n Your We<Jdjng e Ph(>nC 08'21 BRIDAL SHOP MALCOM'S 808 N. Ma1JI SPRING COTTONS 11•· clo r ..... ll a c•w~ ~k 1: on<' Fo ltru:or) .!:i lhrotu~;h ~uncia\ 1-o·t-. ""' '"' • Jll• ·"11r•· "" now ge--rtt:•r) :!'t F n r r .. s ,·n atanns tr l<'· •• nrl • .olio •I '" 11111111 1-:ood books t•llonf' nr ruml' to the hox office puhlo,t ... cl '" tho• paq a nd alt'Tla.t ,,f llw 1'1:1) tum-;<·, Lfr~:unra B•·nrh I nr}.:o >I I o ·n -.:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;j i\ltc r ,, h t o.-1 antl'rnussion, Dor-,· Ft•b 14. are busting out all over! The newest cotton blossoms -hand picked from PIQUES 100 1%5 tu yard Rultt flnrr'l'· """" ""''~ •n•l lnlloro..,llnl: l!'•r•l••r •l...,lto;lh. SEERSUCKER \'arll 1 19 lilt rlt,.,...., f'ht~l"· t•lllld" .l rlnral• BROADCLOTH 98(' 1'11 to )'ard Wldf', vh1d •trl~ and (' lf'lt.r ('hfo(o au. FINE GINGHAM 59° to 1 ~~.ard n.e rtqhara claf'tok• of eon coombM C'OU.on 114 East 4th St. these famous fabric designers: FLUEGELMAN ~ MARVLO AMERITEX PRECISION BATES PACIFIC DAN RIVER These ore the lobrics you will love, launder, and live in this spring one/ summer. 1'111 y ( ., •I I •I: I \:'T ,\· ..... Ill \\ Jl •t·: CHAMBRAY 79,. 1'!1 t•• ~""' .\ltr:u·tho• 'trltll·~ 11nol 11\JIIo hlnlt t•lulll' Fine Percale Prints 49" \"11 t1nnt.l", "lrltW'', nn\I•IIIM Ancl a•l•huo SHEER COTTONS 119 \"ard 1 Da.laty prlnbl and nnra.t' on blwok~rrounds of f'l)rlnc rolona NOTION DEPT. A Complf'~ AaoaortllN"ftt for \'our Sewlnc SHda Santa Ana 8TORE8 ''T LO~to Rt:.U'H, I'ASAOt:'\A, ( Kt:S!iltl \W llll'n Wtl~nn S ho• .. ly. o'IIY libra r ian, "as prrst•nll'il 111111 "l•~kc to thf' ~rf)Ull on "\\'omf'n 11nd 'nltlr t:mnn ('lplllion" n~ shnwn thrOUih vnn ou11 1)(1(1\t!l M en ttont-rl on htr list wf'r<': ··r.todf'm W o mr n. Thc (..(15t Sex," "F our Whit_. llnrs•·~ nnd o nrus Hnnrl.'' "\\ horl\' md an P o•ll iMnts," and · Pc•tiH'fl,tl Sun:•-on ·· Annuuo•·· mc nt "·~~ m111lo• nf t~ 1\Tnrl'h lll"•'ltn.:. !11 lw lwl<1 In lhe < ·,1ruo:o II• I \l 1r humr "f 3-lr!l. G. \\' R•tl'lt" 1 '""'"'' ""' c; "'rll be :'>11'!1. S11ln• ,. 1\lwkht nrll ;onol ;\t rs John l\lo•,.,lnl :'olr~ l lnrn \\"o·lsh 1nrl ~l r' I I' H· lllhtohl \\Ill pre· ~'""' r•·' i.-•\\, ""''" "'"'""" 11 1 h· II < "Juh I:." •I. S o •·t it~n 11 tllt't on tho t')ulo lt••ll'• loll '' 1.: :\11 IUIH'h· o 1111 on \\, oltll •ot,l\ ,Fd• I I wc th ;(", 111"11Jioo I' lll't" Ill A """'' tut•lltt '' ""'' tom: r••lluw- ' rt tho lt111•l, • n It "·"' tlonrl•·rl Jh.tl .1 tlttf\ l1ltlll td '..!tl U(l lip 1~1\t'n r, t·n I ·.oil I• • n tnd (;Il l !-of'o •ut ll111ltllnr: !uno! ·nut t' nt \\ 11'• f1lht f"", ,11"' lh I''" \\', 11-. :'lit' l.llo'lllt• ""'"· and \1r~ ;\1H ... , "' r• pt• "'' nt• d '•• thr C'lub. 'J\, .1 l•l'lt•· hP41li'" "• ,., · th ''' n - "Th· (.tHtk \\ ,, Ill Ill! , •• ,I, liy \1 II 'lh ttlo \lo I II It\ l ' Ill ""' I d t'h 'I,,,," r '" 1 1 .,,l .. ·r uul t "~""' 'h • ;t , •' · 'I••H\ \It' 1:111oo ~~ l'ltllo f1 I I() \h" \,p '-ltd I'""' 1 ' ' • I l II \ h ".. j ' II·~ t ,, ' ltf i l ' If" .. ,, .... ltl 1lh dlt llt•Pf1 \11... I , '"'" I' 'I\\ ,. ! I • t 1\ • I• \lo It I • '' 1 \It • llo ol \\t ool \1 J: I, 'tl• I "'. l I 1111 I' ''"' ,,,. \\' ,,,, I I 1111\1 II . ' I \ I • . ', .. ttl :1 I I ,,, ,, ,, .. !• ~ ',. ·' ,,,. •' •r' • •''~t I ,,,,,-n· Ult f,. t111t1'• ll'n r 11 r .,11 •l .,., ,.... -.-,, • •'' ..-''"•1 tnr It"' '"" httn "' hon,,. • , , •I ,~.,,.u.,. · 1., I h '1'1H• t n.J 1•tf• ... ' II • I I'• • t ".·•ht ..... , ~ p. a . palmer real ton \\ ·~ I f*L! II. n r•f ·. r .j '1 We Present --- • • • to our READERS and ADVERTISERS the Young Man on Your Left He and his bosses {who are experienced newspaper distributors in the Harbor area) are now distributing the NEWS-TIMES to homes throughout Newport Beach and Costa Mesa. He is helping to further the only carrier, home-delive red service now offered in the Harbor area . EXCLUSIVELY A NEWS-TIMES SERVICE NOW, you can have the TUESDAY and THURSDAY Editions of the Harbor Area's Only Twice-a -Week NEWSPAPER Delivered to Your Door the Evening of Publication. remind you that the NEWS -TIMES of news , features and advertising, week in and week out · MORE total inches of display advertising-·-and MORE total inches of classified ads.-- than any newspaper now serving the Harbor area. May we carries MORE agatn pages ADD HOME DELIVERY THE DAY OF PUBLICATION TO THAT AND YOU GET TOP PULL IN READER INTEREST- TOP PULL FOR YOUR MERCHANDISING. If We Can Serve You in Any Way Call HArbor 12, 13 or 208 tf2WPORT _l.,!.ALBOA. NE-Ws '4?']MES-- EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA, WEST NEWPORT, SEASHORE COLONY, LIDO ISLE, NEWPORT HEIGHTS, BALBOA ., CORONA DEL MAR, COST A MESA ISLAND. • • MEN WOMEN Prostate ---Pelvis Do 1•• a..~~-.. .. barlla,.h•! raht In lrt:a. rreln or ,,.,.. ef h_..4f -''• 7M .,., • .,,, ... JumvJ. lr,ltahlfo •N rra nkJ f Otn'l41fta: •14 Mfor.-'utH t lmr't J'llp~ ttl•f Hat • te cf"l •P ola-.,tat IT'S YOUR GLANOS o ........... __.,,. ......... ., _, ... ,.__ IP .. I•MHlaa. ,..ulta. Se pe.Ja--So ,._s. •••~WJ-S• I•JHtl- Dr. E. F. Bell. D.C .• Ph.C. te'J """ l'f.. l'l~•aoort -h. Pt. ... llarbur 11~4 tor ap,._.n,_.,.t., .. ,. .... "-•...t••••• •• m ..... a-,..t t:~ ....... •• ~~ •·-. __ ,, ... Tllv.M,. ·~~ ... ~eME is the finest beer I ever d , taste ... T EX BENEt:E, leader af the Glenn Miller orche\tra and RCA-VICTOR recording 1tar. ·"::""'··-...... ~ ........... - "· R. Brinkerhoff •·211 Ea .. t Srd RtrHt Ranta Ana.. ('allfnrnla • Before You Build or Remodel Our LUDLUM Sample Dlspla~· Color guicif'S, plnn ning alrts. mmprchen:<· and linol«>um. lve S1ock of ~"n rtoct~ Ca,rpet Works 1ft! 8oatll Mala St. I!IANTA AN A Fresh Daily DeiWa• a-.._.. Or, eompl ............... , .... ,.. ... , .. .,...,_._ HORMEN FISH MARKET ON~ AVENUZ WALTER l. ISREAL, D.D.S. Announces the Reopening Of His Offi ('('S at 106 SOUTH BIRCH STREET SANTA ANA. CALJFOR~IA Practice Limited to Denfisry lor Children By Appointment Phones S. A. :12R5 or if. Refrigeration F'R.I:ON AMMONIA I toe t.o I 00 toll .1 Air Conditioning I toe t.o 10 toa Pressure Pump& Centrifugal Pumps ,._All p,_,_ ... AU Uqaldll bt 8toell Call ... , Mesa Upholstery llarry McK<'C 2S.50 Newport Blvd. CMta M..- JT"TF ,,,.,.,, t l 'ilf'' I' I f'flf>'-1'\" j" I d •A. I I f IH lh•• ,._, I I ' I,, 1, t,,r,. "1" l 'tlt 91, 1n "' 'I ''' 1"''.,. ' I , .. . • •, I t l'•t• .... , . I' II I ·~ I • .: fo'"' •• " '' I. II I I I I ••. ... • I • • •• ' "" It!" 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F'r h 1n. 17. 1').1R Rid OJ'lf'nlnl! :-,.1:,rf'h I'< l'l<\R RAS II. II N :'l;r:H.SfJ:--1, Srr-r.-1 11ry 11•ollf•J.. •of .. I,, lfll'l \ I I I ,,,. I ''· •I, I • I " I "fil I \I~~ '" ,, ' ,qtft••lfl f• 1• ,, ., H "'''. ,tJ f ••tt f• ,,,\ h\ tl•"l ''"'1•l•·t ''"" I" 1'•'1 , ,, f',,ll l p .. .; .d I·• '• /It ,,f t •fl tl ,., I td HI "" ,,,,, •• ,,, ,, ' ( .,u, f ,,, till f If 1n 1·1 f IIIIHI \ \ I I I I ,, ., I 'I I ;>;I : '"''"' I·· ol 1 j I '" • • d t,' 11.. ~' .... • f t ' tl1f•tlllll t•\ d • t t)ft l'lll'lftl :'-I o\ I I 't'l. • Ill I \""H I 1'1 Ill l ''ll'•• .'f\.1 "' (Jtflttld f :''""'~· t'ill I•\ dt , tl t • ,.,., d' d ~1 1\ :•,,, I '·~.' 111 1 ~ .. , ,), II :\'1. 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'l'lt• ""' ~~~•\•· ftllll'll••n •of lhr· ih•·nl''' n•.rtlt•·rly 11lnnu thr .-.•nl•·r lt111,.1l nnd ••Krll'd thl1 16th day , ,, \ "' ''"' ••I v. ,, '' ,,, t11rry l111• r,f \f:,tn S tr• •·t "' th•• b•tlkh••ntl ••f Fo•l.r u nry, l!MR q , .t .,..,., ,,, q ,, .. ,, ... ,y "' '"''' II low. th••rw•• w•·•••·rly rol•tniC tit,. Jo'lli\NI< L. fllN J·:IIi\flT, City ~rt) '"' •·ll•·h •·r ••f , (,,r lh• i''" )''•""• ,,, f••\IOV t,t,ll • .. TD!It~ IA~ .. N ° n.-........ 1 Newport n.-IW'h v, I ""' I•• f,.•Whl ,,n I 'nit• tl :<tnt •'' lottlkht 11rl lin•• Ill 11!1' r~•lnt tJf lw· ('lo•rk ,,,rl ~rt11t1ng l'ttlo • F• IJ 17, 1M8. WA.J'TE£>-Brnuly upo·r;o lur-nuon·l r'lllt SA I.I ' li•··•Uflltll h,,t,, lou,.; HAHHOH THANSFER PuBLIC NoTICE ~r.MI'LovMr:sT n •·•·r.Rr:o u sALE MJMCELLA.N~Mvs • 1 Kf'Y.('IAL "~ scmsc i!:II&N'ft • A __ l_'T_O_M-::-0-:-T-:-1:-VE--:-::-~-::-T~I&~ES---~~ REAL 1:8TATil a U.U.1:8TATI: 1-t tit SALE 1 !l~:l Ctwvrol(•t 2 Nice BulldlnJ Lot In l'if!llo'PQI:1. bo'"*-~ lola~~:.:~~~~...... !'_~Ts-:-ft350. Call B e aeon a a&AL &STATE • "!~"~. OF e~s ,. · •r JlLJluJ..) UJUAu.t_l tll '!'m,tm I ~~J..bi.ILQ1li.)'.JL~'~~(.Jf.CiUL.__ tttiH'f'-HA\il:.:lN&--l=::-----::=:-----na;~,..:~ \. ~ .• ~. ..... ..... :-.;,.""'"I Ro•:lf'h, Ph .. n·· n.·.oi'C'on :IN! r .. m~l'll l•l ( ......... "'' '1 '' • PI Jl • • 5538-J 1 Code ol c~•••o•n••l 6()54-W . ll-ltJ,J Jl·ltpl 1011e J(.',\(:011 T1Te USI'IF.RAI~ SE!'I I h NlbY I . ' -11 ltMI:! ll.o r iH ,. Rlvd. l'ufll')'. Cornna del Mar 13-:?tr 5713-R. Evenlnil Harbor l068.J. ~ • •It SA l.F: '29 mud(• I A pickup, 11-ttc ~Mify tto•i l h~l' ar.:·,nnttu.'ri:,fl .~.:~n SAJ.r:-; .\1A:'\Aia ·:H \\'ASTI:U TO IU'\' t'loST,\ ~1 E~A ~:..:n~~~:~~~~~~ ';','!!"C.~, ",',c ~~hw;!~~ 1-~(.'('JII IIIn/11 UfliiCirflflll l~ rnr l'l\l•'t \\liS n Jo 'f't 1 Ill \' ~ktll '•'"', • BMI-h C'uunt v •·t • tnonoc~ ~fol• t l('llr•'<i l>ool.-.mun 1-ully fllfl't· 1111 lo lol.ool• " ttlf'h IJo llu Ill Ifni: C'allfttmla unMr '"' llo llfluu• finn maliC ":llt'r •vlt•'lllrll: UJ•t•h· ;,, l•ol 'ol\ ... .,,,,~, lo.o ntl ''" f'OR RF.ST .. D&nlto ul TA\'I,l'•R·lii'T f"IIISS '""'thai ~. .,. , kl , (' ----:---::--:---:-:----:--:----= .td t1nn 10 rnml"'•"ll ••I rh• r.,lfoowiiiKI nne-·~ f b •d 1•1.:,:\IX,w••• ~ "111 ,f.,t·l 1111.,,. '"'' \\'"''' .oJt .;\l.tl. ~~~H ttl-';..!' llnlhna l!!larrd, TWo .....,..n~r Yhnllf' n~~om•~ tn run ~"'' mi'ISionPtl F:-cclu~h·· ~'•'"I"" t ~~.-.;,"I"' 1 II• ul'il, .,1 1·;111 .ti l• r ,111.o11 ,.1..,1 ,,11, "'"' un L lltlt> 11_ P!._~.•1•1 , "' "•lo.l•ou ~ .,.... "• loolluwo l f14•al'h t••rrll•""-' II• nr••uns.fo• If ' '·• .... , I'' .!t•• t.... -.-,.. ,. ., _ ,.. """' \IH) '"' r•·ntt'<l until J urw Rle HAftf> P' TAYIAR 21611 ~ W you QUohf} S;.lf'"' lwl11!1; I• .ul• ,.,,, .. r h} til• \nor Linwood VI k s,~". Jlarb<or. Nf•J)<•M fllo.Aoh. r.ut rumlstwd \\'nlf• 11uX . R-R" ('"I Wl'll Pa C<>uh e . _,11 y ...,. ll• olt••r 'II -' '.lo11ono· Avt'., Bai- ALRF:RT II llt''l'f'lff"!> ~~~41 !> :OO:••W<·Tirno·'< II "''' c• rurnllure tit whsl have I tJ1,11 1-1 trod J lol'l•or :.!042 or ""'•3. w. flnUI IIBrl•oor. ="''"'l•·rl "''''" I r or your "" .. C&llrumta you Phone Bearon 5656 1 ~2tc wrrNt;sll "'" '••nflft thl• ~1" ''"> "' ·P..el iable Woman C 1 Furniture Co Fehn>ar~.~:'t!Rr• f' TAYti)R I rawey . . Hti!HI.'-1' \lllh<'IIH'room,pri- ALBERT t< Ill 1'\'IIISR For lh!U'I'\\llfk ;md l'an· 11112 Nt',.'J)Orl Blvd. Lotta Mt<at ''"'' onlt .onoo, L:t•Jij Vit'W, near STAn n y C'Al.J.t'I!R:>:IA, 1 ,.r c'hshh··n j 9'.l·tl< 1 1liJ 1 lo~o:h1'·" · '"'Rtrtl'Ss dlatrlct COtlNTY ()JI' OltA:»•:t: 1 •• 1nll toll~··' 1~1.'\ La rkspur Av~ .• ON Til IS tth ''" • •I ~..,.f,noarv A ? 1.:" A co ( 't t n tJ I \1 r 13-2 D . 1941 bt'loor~ "'~ ···~ und•noltr-' 51 .... -,anta na ....... t. CASH for USED I I 11 ,, I • II tp • NotAry Put>lor In ..... t• r """' C'o•lllll\ So•WIICirl Ho•,IC'h t:! !tr F . & A 1' ces n •II R E:'\T 1 ht•drm. a noo .. •--nt and fllale ...... Hllnc ch~retn du:y r<o111• urnJture • ~p Jan I .,... ... ..., ml•lnnf'd a nd ••<•m J ... roo•nony "I' ----furns~h· d :00:11w llll June 15. Bal. peal'f'd Rlrhar<l ~, TaYh•r •ncl A lh<'rl "Wf' Btl\' A ln<l!OI II 35 R. llutrhln• knoo..n '"S: '"I"' th~ STEt\{)(ji{A fJH ER Anyihlllg ' J)loll lslnn<l llrbflr 1 1-J . f:~~"·.,~h':~"'l'n.~~~~:,, -nr!t.::.'::' GRANT'S 12·ltc ~ F•.r (;o•rto•ral I HltC'I' \\'•ork ~ to me that 111-y ,..~UI"(I cha . Phone Bes ~707-M Yl-AIILY HFSTA£.,-1--um lahecl 2 TN Wl'r.llf'R~ WIII':HF:OF' I hA¥• 71 1 Cua:-:t H iwa.v 1&1~ Nl'"'"''rt Llh'd 0 C'utlll MC'sa J IN'tlrwm house• o•l(•ctric equlppecJ. ber-eunt" ..,t my ""'"' •'"' """"'' "" ·1:.!-trc. Ill 11m. In fl p m. dally, Sun-offlr t•t .,.., lh" i1h ) ~tntl ',.,.,. •n 'hi~ C.Mftlnotft ttr,t aloo••• wrtllen :'1:1•\\ t••t t lk .oo'h I ::.tfe n du} ;cfro rnt,nn 605 l.arkapur, 13-ltc tll-r-11; mud ~np tln•s. n .. ocondi- huu. tJ •·n.,;an•·. n••"'' r(llar end '''"'' larJ.!" ll't:Jismnle pick up I• •I l'honf· llurhur 11.169-J . 13-:.!sp .J7 BUICK , blul.', 4-door k'dan, l•·rfN.'t condition, not a scratch. ,:;, rvi('o.od n'b'Uiarly. Has seat cov- ,., '· f O(; ll(;hts, back-up light. ;·ll't'IMI' curb signals. Private l><•rty. Harbor HY7-M. ll-4tc Jlfll I>••Sf>to S•·d an, radio, hl'att'r, rturd drt•" & 0\ c·r drtve $995 00 So,. :\1r llluk•oslc•y, Nrwport Fur- '''' ttrt' ('o . ~<:!2 C'r111st Highway, 'l;•·wporl B•·u~·h. Phnne Baal.'On fl/1:1-l 13-2tc tl l lltlsm.llollo· 'J duor, f'XIra low nuh 111,;<', vrl~inal owner. $:!500 "' rtl•1kt• urf••r Phonl' Laguna llt•:wlt 1:::>--11 day& only. 13-l tp ~ c •I! SALt: -1!)..16 J t'l.·p. complete l'llnvas tup Q slclcs. Xlnt. tlrea, p;tlnt & nlf'chonlcally. Ph. Har- ht~r 111<-J 97-ttc (8P!ALI:"nRA !' MAIIf:WAilTll t't 'KSIT1'RI': P'C)R MAL..E C'uronu (lo•l MM 12-2tc ~t.u..: MfMC 'ELLANEOU8 • II 1 1'1'1'• 1'111.\'\' :! dt•or $350. O ne No•IArY l'ulolh IIi alit! tnr ""''' (;J 'l.lt \1 r 1 I,-' 1 I• lo ., 1 ~ 1 tit 1(1·::'>/T 1-room oft kitchen-! Cnuntr and Rial~ 1 1 1 1 1 \ 1 L! 11111 111,1 .: 1 11 , 'I\ I.' 111, st. I"' "1 ""·no•r l 'lwny I larhor :!540-M. .. , rouromt·~···n •• 1,,,.... Jon ~n f!lton loll) 0 ,, .... • • lllfh'l' If Ill I .. t ••• ;oil t.wdslti'S, ~Ill. 8 Week. :l:tl lloPI•V, Cnrcona do·l Mur. J'uh l'•h I ll 17 1 , lllur 2. ~~~~ flo''"·"" loot ~.'• 11;:! ~1111 111•1 .' I•·•~ 'I"'"'' '"~ ''' '' 1'11 11:1 l~1f h St , !'t\\(I<Jrt Ik>ach, 1 !\•"II"'' 1J11,t.r, l\o, fi:ll-llt 1 ,1,.11 ,ot.t\lu llul• .. r llo •\\ 12-4tc. _ _ ______ J:..J_._I_tc Ttle N~·TimM ~ill not til' re· 1'1 -1 It IH 1 • •It s \1.1·. 1!131> \.:\tc' "'• Ton .....,nalbl• for morr th!Ln nne lnccr--------~· •It HI.Xf C'toruna del Mar • .,.... t 1 ~·t 'l ''l l l 1•1 1'1 1·1"-1"'111 It J•t•·klll• ... :1·111()(1 t•aolt. 10113 "'fliiSI 1 • 1 1 1 \• \•oil I 1" II 1 1 • i I llodil\,1\,l\o·Wiiilfl lh'Hch. l:.t-:!111 MEW OPEN HOUSE :.!137 ()c(>an, llalhoa Pl'nntnsula Point. Bl.'st buy, :.! bedroom, haP.. bt'flllt', JNltlo, nrt'l.in and Oay view from sun d<·ck. Small down pay- merit.. Owner, H arbor 149-R. 13-4tc LAGUN.A BEACH SPECIAL 2 HOUSES ON BLVD. CORNER C-1 ZONE CJIO ICE LOCATION-OCEAN SIDE BLVD. NEAR Jo'JNE BEACH. 40 FT. LEVEL LCYr TO ALLE Y. GARAGE, LCYf ALONE WOR'Iii $10,000. TO- DAY'S MARKET . - Escrow Possrsslon Both Units Sl'RELY ANYO!':~ KNO WS THIS JS A W()l'o:OF;RFL'L RUY. r m cUMSTIINCI::S Jo'URCE SALE AT $17,500 Fo r Furlho•r lu runnttllnn SN• ~the rl&ht to correcU, ,,.,..,, '' "1 "' ''1' "" ''"' '"'' 'II> & 111'1'111! \'l'W. Phon<' claully any and all ada ttnd to l>ti'i'• 111' 1 "'' • rt • 11' ""'' hi" I,J(I'··'1111 ·'"lo, •:r•·•fl••lludHor :.1:>74-W. T";\ILI:K~ 11 LLOYD REAL EST ATE l?ct lnJCrtlon of ftn advertlsrmrnt.t 'rtllt.• ·r-.. ':\IIJ•o •111' "I'·'. ''' ' · · · · ·IJ"" '"'""' '''•"' 'n•und or win•er ' ' OQD. \lh!l• \ol•'l•u~\ ... Mm-1\•,..-• :'1"\IT 1htol '' Co•'• \lo I 6-tf(' l==---==---~~~~n~&~t~o~~:Wa~n~d~r~eg;,u~l~all.ona ll11ll••·• 1•1 "" I I" I• •r .'. 1•· \\ I h• II 1 '' I " '' 68-tfr _n • I '" I '"' "'' HI::\T \1. t.~c ·II,\.'.C.t: I •I< :-.\1 .1 h, l{to,ll•• l'n"'"' 'I"'' I , Ji; If . 'lo·o•po; 4, ""I ~WI l'OAST HL\'P So l 'h l.tiJ,:tlna JI,., ... Jt H:!II:J, t\t)!l:l • I J 'tq t:. q tlf11' ,, \\•·th. ----------......................................................................... -H•ll !'\II 'I '"'"'' ot.t 110: "" ,,.,11, ..,,,1 I'll 1',\!-',\1•1 'I;J\ Modrm 3 Ml __ e_r_Ha __ s_o_urn __ E ______ u 1 Itt 11 , 1, ltod "' J, , '' . , r rl h•rlr·•••fll :• lo ""' m;rlds room r1•tnlllllll't lltcl lilllil\\oiiJII fon"lt ------------- ,. ~tl• IH,ttfh ~··'· n,v.· >t'JJ H. M. LANE REt\ L J-:ST An; 2006 ( 'uur I II vo·. N rar Nc•wi•Jrl l"~t•r Esta hllshl'li Ssnl"' l!l-'0 8·1ft' 1"0RMED Wl.ndlhtelell & llatcl Olwrl made to or&•r. Also Plex ..... It Ludte Sht't'l.l fOf' ule !'f\1-World Producu Company .. 'lbJrd St., Huntln.ton Beach ~ Hunttnrton ~ach 178 80-tlt C&«JS POOL8 and SEPTIC TANKS t.tAllld Anyw~ lD ()roup Oount7 CaatrK't Dr1lllnt ..... eonn.cdon (.U Wartr Guaranteed) .._. laMnDet CwrW J . R. MeCORMICX a. Vk:torta SL O.ta Meu Beacon 5069-J "',,'"'"I • "'"'''""I • 1 .. • :\ (;(l()j) I:I'Y ,\ lootlo, '"''"""'h•d, spacious; '\\ ~lilt " llo l!1 II Hfl I I t• '" \\ loo • ""' St• . "" h ~·.otMI l 'hon•• C. GALEN DE NISON Rt'altor , ... " ·.:1••.1 1.11•, 1~ :\ \\'1 ~1-: lli 'Y '"I 1:'""'' t-t.'"" ,j ur '\f b(od. !-0\1.\1 I ,, ''' "' '' "" '"" 'loo•• ll,·'r•' '' I' \\" '"""' """'""'''' tl II n 'r llor ';, 1 :1-..!!L' r•fll '-1 11\ "''!'"' t•olll ' 1'11 t;,;,.,l 9-t(c l •ll"n tll•l•lo •tolllol'-l.o .ol Jl .\l~lii iJ ~ FI 'J::\JTl'J(E Ht:\l.t:sT,\'rY.t:~C'IIANOE f,8 CO.'T A ~lESA Ill \I. t:~T,\TE lo•ll IJ \ ,, ol !Ill \\' , J .. dl•o I I• l:uul ll:orltoll' :.I•· \\ ;;:\j\\,'0t II 1'11'1 -til '''' :tl"' ltloU'I. 1"1". L ol\,olllloll J•I J• lltto111:' :11 ·, :ll.u V" ''' • II ell•" h l.ond 11.11 hur -·~•Jr. \\' 1:1 -'" 1-t 11( ;-;,\ 1.1 1\n.•J•t• '"'"" ~· .. , IIJit••mlrno•rot ' 111 Art · i\tl 111 llurhool 1137 1! 1:1 111' I It IT \\Nil I< III•.J\'I'I·:It..'-'. Ill'\\. $-!'1:! :ill, ~~~ t!ltllolfl :!II ~itll"i1 I ••· l ito: It I looJ ~~1\of I 'I I t ~ J:E:\L !·:STATE TRADE I I I I 'I l:t I I' It .I 1!.\ 1'1 If{ ,, •• 1 \\oil " II Ill tr '"'' my small ''''""'""' •tl•l t .. tl , .. ,, ... ,., •• u .... , .._.,., l'h lful~lf 1-'11•·1< l l.:lt \\o~ll11l Ill !'oft l ollloolldll \'&III'Y llUA~. l'l'I'I'LII!:I'I Boals Priced To Sell II ,l,do Jc;~, \;\IMI, \\llh hPOUlifuJ 3 ft, •It""'" .' lt.ollt tr•ullo' :.! ~urst or 1 • 111 II """ ,, ' ·\\ "' 1111111: IIQOI, ten- ;\•\\:! 1'•;1''"'~"' .• od t:u •L:• HEAL VA LUES I G. 1.'~ Only $750 Down I: H loooll• ,\ :1 ""'111 apt lr~ tho• '' u ol I"' .-·h~''' lo Xt·\\JMJrt I:J\tl • t•l ,,oJ,. I.!IHHI Jfs,f Ho•ffo 1 'I IIH'\ HIU h'41.,), )'tiPt•tl to "II r'qr"''"'''' lor• only S7.'liMI I I ' 111 ... T .. k. "" r C I l..tmn on nt·arh ~''" ! IM·Ih ""Ill ll11n1o· nuol r.arat.:!' I 'umplt-1•·1\ Ftor•ru~lu-d tnl•lunrnJ.: :-ir •w l·.l•••'lt'to· ltl'llll.!''' attn Yard fo•nt'PII $:l500 Down :l41·ft I '"'" Spt 1-'I'IJI·r 1 )'fl.! 1 "" , 11111 1 :t 1•·•11,1,, .: Jll~t's. snter-I 1: \ '.1' :'\I \\ -' H H homo• l'~tm· SJtl(to,t 1ot, '"'·' 1111 tll>h•·•l "11 11 111,~, fur-S o•fit•ly Nrw 'l lt•·clr•••m honw In ;'l!t.fl l'sa.-1 ·r.rlt ~•·tl11n l'rll•~··r ''""1' 1' 1' 1·'11''"' • 1 •··. MHI 1 wan I ttl'llr•• ""'htdln~ Jt .. r run~·· & ~·lutl ltH'III tun Tukt• "' •·r G. I huslts :II (eli St.tll ''"'"''" ''"'" I rrll•lt• ,·,:~-,o :11ft :\l.utllo' "''· :11\.ft !lui bolt l~lolflll I lhrloor !!It>·\\' 11!14:!1 ~14i1Mo '' c•••tl '"''11" 1 '11 ·• hnnw or both "'"'"IlL' m.wtuno· :"wr•ly lnnd· lrtan . ~111 Fl!'h 1 :'11rldwll 4H I I'· It t•h""'' "" "' r' 'J', t1 \\'trr, Stall· " IJ• ol ~ t'.tr 1-:·•L•I'•· IJoud d1'1 I $~000 W 11.1 Handle $6(.()() ·, r,;~,_. 13-ltp t'lu,..•· HI ,111'1 lh111k only$~(~;~~, , (;. E. MJ S:OO:t·:Y __ t\t•\\ 'l t ... rtr('l(un ltunw llurd-13-:!lt· FC tH Si\LI•. Ft~ur r11duont io:rt~ h••ltll'r S ll"rhnr lll:lfo IJ.I h' FOR S.\LV lllllt' .:um "'"""· II\ lnrh lt'r1J:Ih ~:.!1 t~l JM'r 1'11r1t. olo•· livt·rl'd l 'h•>nt• lluntm~:tun lk•llio'h ~119:.!. 13-:.!fl! 1 N 1-'0H ~.,u ; \\ lll.'laf w-r.A cor-"-011(1 floors. I"Xttllllf> ~IU'·I~·· !-\hould 7 1 I ( 'nnst I tway, ''"'Pfll'l I •ouu Jl A "' r. }"l }'~ON f> k llt•ll('llll ~10:\:!-\\' 1.!-tk flo I olllll ·"''""""!.: trr~· ('QV~rt'fl ), • , ... r. \ · .• ;, • .>rO er c I --,--::--::-"":"":::-------lo•l ultllllt"' "' llr~;h J:1'8r high-I 1<.\.'-" I 111\\ .'-S S.olo•sm.rrl I t 'OR SALE Nt·w Mudd PC :o-o 1 "·I' \\1111• r •1111 ,unmwr sport~ t•r7~ ;-.;,"I"" 1 1\htl l'osta 1\h·~n I , 37 1946 C1tnmp111n, c·umplo•to• rm•-\\til 1•1111~111••• 1 1•111f,. for car In I I' lit )'I; I Ill :AI •1 IN !'>.l!l;l '.l ll••d romn hnm•• In~; .t <'nussnto: Nllllflml'nl. in-~ t.:nod t'unrll l '''" l llrt hor ~I~J 13-l lf• ~:nsr 'cd•· ( 11~~<1' '" eluding outboon1. $4.~50 Phnn•· 13-2tc ------------Onl.v $7950.00 A.~ln~!for 2:1.171. Loc An~I'IP<o ------------- Only $7500.00 F urn1slw<l. 12-tlc lllRBOB Plwabhls.nt. ~{10 G. 1-: AUICimlll ll' I'IN'Irtr r011e w oul lllankl't ; SJ~l Oil Alldt· JMnl' hear ing atd, S35.UU rn<~l $180. 5U:.! 3151 St , Nrwporl Deach. 13-4tp ltr WN'k('llds Larry \\'h!'t•h•r, f\nl· boo Yot·ht Cluh. t 1-trc FOR S ALE -Sntlhnat. 11 1, ft "Swift" with troller. Calvm !Uihn, 1207 E. 11th St .. Santa An&. 11-4tp E.XCIIASOE .. \\'ILl. ~:XCII A:OO:t iF: l.rriK' brand rww 'l6' ltll')t'l•· for :!4 or 2(1' gtrlll htc)t'll' 1717 Pomonn Coata M<'IO F.L Y • If LOT FO R SAL E :'o:F:\\'PO RT ISLAND -Choice corner R-:.! lot. Stdr waJiu; and P,1\'lng both srdt'"• 1111 uUIItll'tl. Paul Lund, 3300 Marcw Ave., Newpor t Beach, Calif. tJ \.nod Lt•\'d Lois tn ('ll!llll Mt"so 60-ci:.!~J All Util llrl's in Rrstrlct«< arl'lt $750 Each 1-M.......,n Bh-4., a-con llli _.AIIUIIO Ot1Jl G'SCLU.T'f O.INctllc ud .. pr. i-tl~ OOOnbTIVB ROOrote 00. N..,&Ddi .... Phone &aeon 6217 .., .._ Aw., aa.ta .._. ... 12 1'&AU IDVlfZ Df 'nDr IIAABOa AREA RARJIT BAll. PADn'DIO CX)IN'!"RACTOR :n• Eut Uhb Street ftL ..._ M1J c.ta M--. Ca11f. »ttc MUSICAL INSTRUCI"ION-WIII ctve plano accordJan lt>aaona In Ill)' home ~eonlng11 from Monday to Friday after IIX OT Wf'Ckend." anytlttk'. Phon<' Harbor 1706-R. 12-4sr n FOUND -Gold Wf•ddrnJ.: hnnd Owner call N lnn Brunus. Full"r· ton 1008. 13-ltc ......O't'XDT W A.NTED II EXPERIENCE!> Jk<"t•ptlonl~s. or- CIN' nunc•, dt>~lrrs work In IO<'al ckontal or phycishm's nffll'o' 511·361h St., Nl'wporl f\o•IIC'h 13-ltp GOOL Laun<k•n 11\'Ailltltlo•, Cnnry lronlna, your homt>, or w ill l'all for and dt•li\'l'f', prtlm~ll '"'rvirl' Harbor 1973-M 13-:.'tp "ORIC W AN'I'ED-Irontn1 1D mJ ~-PlaiD or fancy. 530 Su ~ Aw .• Newpor l JWPta. a.th • SALES LADIES FOR VARIETY ST0R~ Balboa Island Variety Store 213 MARINE A \'E 13-:ltc HOUSEWTFE-Tnkc ordo•rs Cor Jlngcrle, d.rs<o114'!1, l"l(' About $2 JX"' hour. Full or part t im•• Wr1tc R£'111 Silk lloslrry 1\till~. Occ-ttn C<'ntt•r Bld~t .. Lon.: llc·AC'h 13-::ltc WANTED-Woms n to lftk(' care of chlldrl'n during day ror work- Inc mCIIhl'r \\Till' Mrs Mont"llm· 1/'ry, Cr nf'rnl l)cli\'£"ry, B11lhoa. 12-2tp A REAL OPPORTUNITY. &>II Doubt~ bed A lnn<'f'IP"Ing mat- lTHI , all for $25. 4fit S mt>llu•r, Ncwport lll'lihla. BeL 6248-K. 12·2tc F OR SALE-Full lrngth mirror. davenport, conwolr table, bur- ret. dcosk, hoepltal tx-d. Harbor 1046. 1().4tr FOR SALF-WN~tlnghouse t'lee- trlc roester , brollr r sttachmcnt and t able. Call Harbor 1852-R $50.00, 1().4tc TOILETS & Lllvatoril's $21.50 up; kltchl.'n 11lnks $6.75 up: 111111'1 aeau, ~ll'mnlng whit I', $6 95 up 315 Mnrlnl.' Ave .. &lhoo lsiMd llsrbor 2216-W. J 1-:tp Silver Platin_g C'OPPF;R, nRASS, COLD Polll!hln~; & Rl'flnlshinJ: Bayside P lating Co. 1914 HAriiCir Rl\'11. C'oets M!•BA, Calif , '11r•ncnn ~11 3 f>-tfr SER VEL FLOAT FOR SALE-Oleap, com- plete with concr~t• pUe han(t>n. ~ It at 324 BIH'na Vista, Bal boe. Clad Twltchf'll, Ph. Harbor' 2141-W. 98-tfc ATTENTION CIIA11Tl:ll noAT c ,N:RAT<IRS An\' C"luorlf'r Hont owrwr" snt,.r· 1'!'1 1-d-on uPf·rntln,:: th••lr IHml fr<1m ~nn f'l'dro pl!•:.so• t"'onf11('l Joli' :\tllr· ttn, ll:triHlr Jh.'ll -.1 1:1-ltc 26' x H' CRU ISER 1'1:\~l N• w Mttlnr \'•·ry nrt"' l hrnt~~;h<llll \ altfl• ~;\;-J(~liMI \\'till tr.odt• fnr l111'11l ptoiJio•lfY 1:1\o• "' Lol<•• cltHo r••n1••• llutiHor 1-"11 \\' 1:1-ltp ------------ Mn~H 'AI. II R AHIO 11.\IIY :O.I'l:"I'T 1 1··1~\ l<oK-' :-1\o.•l 1oono· ''" ''"' Pill\ ~I Ii I• \.'-/ ~1 '11\11111' I' I.\ "\I I ('I o :,;:n '" ''·""· :-: 1111 •1 An.o I Othen wUt ,..ad your clautftlld ada u vou are reedinc t.hfte. COSTA MESA C. GALEN DENISON Realtor IIONJ:Y TO LOAN II BY OWNER -5 room modr rn HENRY C. VAUGH N. Broker CEO T . CASTOR , B rokl'r MARION CREGG. Sol1'5f'T\An LOANS TO BUILD, buy, Improve, hnmf'. choicl', elot('·fn location. modernjze or refinance. Wf pwo-50 or 100 foot fruntagl'. Fur- chue tnllt deed~. nr11hl'd or unfurnished . Prtt'rd ~ N l'wport lllnl., Cn<IA Mesa Ph: llo·u~m 5197 NEWPORT BALBOA FEDERAL ri£ht Cash deal Phone lkaron S AVINGS .l LOAN ASSN. 5AA8-J. 9-trc 13-ltc 3333 Via Udo Ph. Har. 1500 38-tlc . NEED MONEY? See Ua for Quick, flrlpful &!rvice on Your Flnandal Net'ds -Loana on Furniture -Salary Car or Other Security flour11: 10 to 1 and 3 to 5 tCI011cd Saturdayal VISIT US IN OUR NEW LOCATION Blanche A. Gates-Realtors-Ginny Gates 212 Marine Ave., Balboa Island P hones: Harbor 1671-J -Evenin gs, Harbor 746-M Harbor 1034-J Balboa Island AJmost n<'w Two unit proJ)('rt ~·. plus 1''<1 m t)('(f. room and bnth. Cl~ to l\;t~'· Thi-. is h.-.autifttl with lots of chann. 1-'in•pla('(', pan<'l my hl':ll. and priced a t $2:1,000.00 fnt· qtti1·k s;tl<'. Good tPrm s. Penn ins ul a To'llrl' 1;\ It• The GAS Refrigerator l t'IASt•~ """'''' "'"1'1) ~~~ ..... ;1R14'-' ~;~rtRh·d .-Costll M~~~ &-c this a t one('. Bt•:sutihtl nl"w 2 R 11. hnmt'. (il"('p)A('('. noor fum;H'f', fl:llin. sun dt't'k. Doulok garng<:>. This h<1s )}1"\•n l't'rhu·r"<l ~ 1.000 few qtti('k s:tlro. Ext'<'llent 1('rms. Mo,·e rif!ht in. Comph'II'IY fttrnistw~l thn'<' B. 11. hom <:>. two fl<11io.'. 0\'luhh' C:sr:IJ.~t', t'xlra shm\'('r for bather-s. This is out:-;tunding . Soml' Modi')~ A\'nllnhlc !';OW • ·''" pr ,..,. r.n '""' 11-. •I Jll.ottoo Beacon 5220 --\\ ,. llo 0 ,, I h• 111 l••r 1'111 I 0 Ill " ( Acrnu rrnrn Alpha lkta Mark PI I Balboa Furniture Store I tt~·P·"_'1."''11 ~ 1'·"" "''11.m1'11 ,., ... ,,. 1:1-1•·· 100 Mnln St., llnlhon \o (" ·'·" ;-.; .. 'l.un :-:'111111 .\tt.o AVTOMUTfVI!: & TIRI!:.~ Phonr llsrhor 1ol5 5-tre _ __ -~~-~~ ---11- Watc.hn • Clockl • Jewelry CIIR()NOJ\tETERS JWpalrtna -Prompt ~mee Sf'nalble Pr1CH VAN DRIMLEN JEWEL RY 1785 Newport Blvd. Qleta Meu 3-tlc Bendix & Maytags JUJt Wallin~~: tCI fl(' Usl'd at Bll...L'S WASH-A-TERIA 475 Neowport Blvd .. Coata M .. P'howw ~aeon 57"10 10-tfr FIREWOOD CHARCOAL .t BRJQtreTS PRO MPT DELJ\'ERY Wright Lumber Yard 1784 Newport Blvd. COSTA MES1\ 8(-11 con !'1665 83-t re Plenty of Good Tires All Si.zee Compound Motot-oft Gal Jon, 10e -.;J>J"\1 I' I '·"' ''h'hll\ rl.cnloll!otl ·'II £1 '" '-l111Hl)t•f11 ""' \\ Y llll 4 II\ ... t\t nn th1' ,\n .. th•r "JIIIl•l 1\l•• IIIII J'•lr pi'I!IP II~· ol (oil ••Ill\ '-l'•i lit\ 'i' '-'' 'lt:\11 PT 1'1.\:-.•' < 'll , :\~1 "\oo \!.1111 ~.1111 I t\11.1 S'J'I·I"\\\ \Y CHA-.;t• l'llf••l'l n•ll thtu'n ~~~~'''''tt' !-=,,-, .,t I• ,,, r ·n'QC.i u•l.!ll"11 ,\tr,mi!1!J I I>'U\o..) lll•lt '03 ~10.LOW .L~VOJ L9L$ tk\t(~ ,!Lfl )\l 1n•1 1~nr "lfl':;l ,'lfnn.) '""·" b'\. (;6frlt ~~~-·II "'I r flo 1\ ""'''' "·''I SC'II\lll l'f 1'1.\:\111'1 I , :•.'11 ..;., ! Mnrn, S.onl.o \n 1 \lo..n 'tn.dll Joll llolll ~1/4~ ...;.h'tn\\ t\ UHI Ittt" ~~ ... '-l'lfl•'l ol)llJII.li!UIHIJ 'l>ol.IJI ~ ,\\ 'otp111J IP•1S >1 '111\1 l t. 660U I,'\ I fo I ~1 '1 "-1 T J!ll\1\ol (o>r lo Ill ,; fll••ll'l•• "nt ullu\\, cl \\ h• n \ ''" "''' I• ''" St 11.\lli •T • •• ~, -'" ',1om S Ill I I \ tl 1 J., 1,\ 11 o ~1'1'1 I' H•·l~"'"" ol To·t'n.-lqo..t hl<o flo\\ \\ill '-• II f<•l' I of otto·o ll\;o-:1 "''11\111'1' :·~'" ....... \1.0111 ~:u,t.1 ,\n,, .. \1·''""' }l'ln J'LII\•'' ''' ( ht. l~t I I'P'l\ I ;l It I (.6(:(.~ .~·'u .~>111 '"r r pUll ~'1'\('J S..J,>,\•\) lll••S \\\1\; ',\ ,UIU -t\lfi.\'J I '!:-lo11f~·tt,\\ Pl•''4'1'':t \\ •·• ·11!·111 '<•lf\1/ll lii'I'•'S C'.l .•l'lfiPitv II. I 9!)9$ llliP.'$ ·'l l'l• •',1"'1.1 - ttitS 'flO<\o'~ 10unu J,l<IQI\.1 1•••~1 lUll~! J•••!) ,l(!nv.' p.m.-1 ~· Corona del Mar NC'aring compli.'t ion. l~autiful :\ B, R. h nmr-. 1-::--t t':l lal""gl' Living t"flOm. firt•plm'l". floor ftw.nnl_,'. dining room. lot. of till'. d ouhh• g;s rng<'. Thts 1s :1 g('m and you'll h:l\'t' to hurry. Thl'N' B. R. ho nw. nt•\\, So111 h o f high\\ a~·. Lll'l..:t' living room. fi n:-plnc't'. floor fltt11:1<'f". o:tk flno1-:o:. patio. l'Ompleh'ly ft'nl'l'(l wi th 1"11"·()()(1 ft"'ncing. \'t'l)' s pncious :~.nd h~tilt fm· F~~dous livin~. Douhlt• Garage. Pm'('(l n~ht ;~t Sl.~.t.)O. 2 B. 11. Sou th of hi!-ih\\'il~'· Almost nt'W. FirC'pln('(', patio. Lots of chann. Garai!P. P1ic"f'd right nt $10. 750. T <.'I111S. Lot 1:: block f1'0m Oct•nn. Bt~t. HN'. St N't"1 $·1:100. Newport Heigh ts Almoot new 2 B. 11. lumw on t·ornPr lot. cihl. ga r;tgC'. lots or \\i nciows. l)('iltltiful IOI·ntiml. TiliS pi<H'\' is pri<'Cd at $~.000 fo1· qukk :o:a lt"' nnd won't l:sst long. Will G. I. Costa Mesa 13<'snrtlful ~ B. 11. hom<'. I·:,lra illl'gf' Ji\·inL:: r·tlOm, ciining room . til<' kitdll'n <111d ha th. !(Its of l'lnS4•1 "fl:H'<' Y:wrl ff•nN'rl :tnrl r-rn:;;.oo: feno't'<l. DIJI 1-!:ll';l~t·. X Int.· neighhcwhood. Our ht"'t hu~· at ~HI :lno.oo. \\'ill G. 1. or g(l(l(i tf'l·m~. Take' ''"'" 1hi~ G. I I11Hn. T ·tkl' OV('I' thi:;: \.. I. 1('1:111. S:!J(Itl.llll ('"'"· s l:-'.111) Jll'l' n;11. J\ltn,~t nt'\\':.? H. H holllt'. 't'l'~ ht•:\111 ifttl. Tnl:d prit~ $.~21)0. Ownc'r s.1\'s SJo:J.L. \\'til 1;~~,, 1!11 1-1!1·1:-< l'ill' a,.; 1'1:11'1 fXl\'Ol<'nt. · ;\1nnl hi~· pa~·mC'nt... :-;:;1) J'~~'" monl h. n.:a11tiful ::! n. 11. hnml". F irt'I•I.H'I'. '"•:tnu~d cv11111~"· dnttlslt' gAI"'lgC'. A ht,llt'~·. T"t.1l prtt'\' S!ll.llt New View Home CORON/\IJE[; MXR-soun I OF HIGHWAY Must Sell at Once A BEAUTIFUL NEW 2 bedroom home. F lr eplaC\", aara&:t>, patio or naa:atonl.' with concrete renC\", Venrtian blind!, rt~£1. OVERLOOKING Entire Harbor art•a. l hr., hdw. rtoors, flrl'place, construcuon and lnsldl' tlnlm rxN'pttonal. The finest we've ewr orrered. $10,850 SEE OWNER RALPH p_ .MASKEY 432 Dahlia Ave., Corona Mar. deJ 3111 W. C£"ntral Ph. H ar. 402 tie 9-tfc DOAK REALTY & DEVELOPMENT CO. P~one H arbor ,505-W 318 Coast Hwy. at Orchid. Corona del Mar "By the Sea" Exclusive Home Open House -For Inspection Two bedroom, comer home, frame & stucco, 1 year old. Fireplace, plenty of closets & built-ins. Breeze- way to utility room a nd car pot"t. Lovely fe nced, landscaped yard. Sprinkling system. patio, 2 blocks from shops. Very pretty Corona ctel Mar comer. Price $12,900. te rms, or Long lk'ach lr".lrtC'. (Furn- ished if desired. Or late model ('Ill' . Stores For Rent in Corona del Mar New building. c·o•·n<'r, nwck•111. Inwt·tcrl windows. Beauty S hop. Bnth. your own f•quip .. ~() month. Ni<'<' Stor'<'. I X~ 10. on C'oa . ..;t lli\\:sy -1:!:> month. Ocean Vi ew -3 B.R. -11:: Baths South of l li\\'ay. C'c •mfOJ1abiC' knott~· pin1• living 1·oom. Cin•p!a1'\', rl inint: mom. ~'1"\ ll'l' pordl, garagC'. Built in 1!1·11 . ~\\l't' in. J>l'lt'' ::;11 .1.1(1. florms lo .suil. South of Highway NL•w. :l B . H. l lunw. hard" o<)(t II<H""'· furn;H'<'. sml('k h:t r to din('\(e from kitdwn. l.:tt'\.;1' ll\·ing ruom. S tall s ho" L'r. Db!. g;11·agt'. 1.: hl<wk to ~hors & IJtts. 1':.: hlc)(•k..; tu tlt,•an 1<: h•·adl. l'rtcwt . 'lo.::oo. J.il'tl ·t·ul tt-nn-.;. \\'iii1Hkl' G.l. loan with small down p11ym1•nt. 60 Foot Frontal5e, Coa t Hi ~hway Corona del Mar 100ft. ck"~'fl. l.t'\'('1. Zon,•d fo1· C'-:.!. A sh'al at S\0.500. Furnished 2-Story-$8500 UpJX'r story has eutC' living n)()m with snack bar, sun porch, kil<'h('n with nook. IJa th has stall shower . n ice bedroom with cross Yentilntion. Lower story has bedroom with twin beds, laundry room, dbl. gar . Home is all cil'('tric. Vncant. We have key. Tcnns or G. I. loan. House and. Garage Apt.-$3000 Down South or Highway, 40~ft. lot , near beach . New 2-bed- room home, fireplace, etc . Guest o r rumpus apt. over d ouble garage and extra rooms. Vacant, money in escrow allows occupancy. FUJI price only $16,000. We have key. DOAK REALTY & DEVELOPMENT CO. . Phone Ha rbor 505-W ' 318 Coast Hwy. at Orchid. Corona del Mar ''By the Sea" n -ltc Newport Heig hts NC'w 2 bedroom s tucco . near l lig h School. Plas ter interio r with tilf'wnrk and I<H~t' wa rd1•oiX'S. Pri<.'<:'d at o nly SR750. this can bl" ha ncilro on <'asy t<'rms. Newport Beach TI'IHie in a hnat or hou~ 1rrsilf'r on this ni('(' two apa rtmC'nt rlw<'lling. OnC' unit ':w;ml. CIOSL' to town. E.'.:t't'll('nt summ«'r n.'ntak EVA F. RHODEN Realtor ELTON D. BARNEM' 470 Newport Blvd. Phone Beacon 5713-R. PERNEL G. BAR.N!.Tr Brokers Costa Mea Evenln&"S, Beacon 5779-R 1:1-ltc At Corona del Mar 2-Bcd.rm. homC'. ,·cry n<'at. This is furnished. S7950. Two bedroom modC'm. ,·cry rla.,c;y, $9250. 1\\'0 bcciroom modem, a h<.'::~uty, $9700. 'J'.,·o bcciroom. moocrn.-Ask to ~ this. Sll ,500. 2-Bedroom. nrw anti mocirm. Sou th of Highway s1o.:mo Beautiful ()('('an front lot south of Laguna and has grand vi~w. $2000. Otl'ler lots south of Laguna. Th<'se are large to~ and ha,·e n \'irw of O<'<'a.n. Sfi75. 1 &>dtoom llonw. !'\pa t. ~t;,.100. 2 Ik'droom llonw. C'nzy. S7.100. SOME CHEAP LOTS If you mu~t h nvf' lf'vr-1 onr~. thP~ won't do. :' l...OTS a t s~onn for J\ II :1 2 LOTS a t S:?OOO for Both Som<> Finl" LA'vr l Lots -~ 1500 ~nch ' w. j. HOLCOMB GermlncldaJ F'lxlun.'ll t o hom!'~. otrlon, fa.rms. & storl"q, Good oornrn1aiool!. SmaiJ lnvl't;lmf'nt. Full or part t lml.'. FCir tnfonna- tlon, write Box "G·E" c/o 1\'rws- T\rnes. l l-4tp OUitmed ada DO ~ tJwo Job Western Auto Supply Authortud 0MJer 1831 N.wport Blvd., C.O.ta 111M 1?-th 1'1\:'>;tl lphool •lotool Ill 1.:•11!•••11• hhu f!, '"''''' , .... il ~. 1 n •• ,, 1••1 """ ":•I'; To I'"" rt\1~ •• .II ~~IIIII) )1\'/'t 'JI~JIIll' 1'1 ,\''I C 'II ''-'tl '" ;\J,IIIl, :" 1111 .1 r·i \'to; Ui"I'·'H ..<tt,\\1!:1!1 1 l',"'.) )," ,; 3'111.)~.1t IH..t \It )fl '03 llO~Ol~ .L~VO~ ~ Hoom llott!;f'. To1:tll'ri('(' ~:..'trtkl Sl\lO dm' 11. I BLANCHE A. GATES-Rcaltors-GIN1\"Y C.AIT.S l!Jl7 Coa.c:;t H ighway Corona del Mar "Where Th<' F1Ags F1y" .... 1:\ tf, I l~-lt ,. t:l-2tc I NEWPORT BALBOA NEWS-TIMES lT.U:I'HONES: 11.\JlBOR l2, IS .-\SD :OS SAM D. I'ORTI:R l'uhll-lh•l' LUClUS S. S:\ll'nl. 111 :\l.tu,11.;111..: 1-..hlttl W. F . UL\:0:'1: - -.\II\ ,.,.,,In~ ~t.111,t..:<'l Prtnttng Plnn1, 301 1 \\' C'Pnll<il "' <'1111<'. :--;,."1""1 ll.•,u'h l " . .t1r.,1111,1 Official Paper of the City of Newport Beach A lwpc'fldabll' IA<•al ln~ututlun for Ch'f'r 40 , . ..,.,.,. I 1'1-\C 't: t~c·oso~n arnm•K th•· nrst und "'"'I lml"''t'"'' ,,,_ '"""· •nd Jlllhllt· tt.>hl "" tht• ~:n>ah ... t uf do.n~;••r.. lu '"' ft'art•d, Tu jtrt• ... •r\1' tlllr lndrllf'rtdt•nc ... "'" '"'"'' nut lr l ""' rulf'r.. lu11d "" "lth jWflll'hml drh l. \\'r """' mRkt' our t•huh,.. 11('1\H .. •n t'<'u n-nm~· 11ml lll~t•rt y. nr Jorofu,lon 11nd ... ·nltudt>. If .... run lnlu .. twh dt•ht ... \\t' '"""' llf' lln •od In 1111r mo•u t ami drink. In '"" "',.l-"'"ltlr" 11nd 111 11t1r '''""'"''"· In tHtr l1tl>otr.. toocl In "'" """'-.·m•·nl ... II '"' t•an jtM•\t•nl tlw JCII\t'rtllllt'rtl frnu1 '"'"tin.: th•· luh"r.. "' tho• 1,.,..•1•1;-untlt•r tho• l•n•lt•n"'' "' t'tlrllll: fnr tlu•m. Uu·~ "Ill '"' hut•!•~. Tht• ..UIIM' prnt1t·n•·•· \Ohlt-h In '""""' li fo• \\ullltl fnrhld uur '""'"" uur lllullf'\ fnr llllt'\lllnln•••l l'rujo'<·t .. , fotrhl;t, It in tho· tll"l"""'"" h f puhllr u tunt•\. \\ •• ttr·•· t•tuh•rt\ urlna: 1u ,. ... teu·t• 1 he• a,:u\ ••n tlnt•ut In thf' ltrllt'lll'l' nl rl&:1d , .. ~"'""" tu u\ulil llltrth•nln~; tho• 1"'"1'''' 1111tl llrtnl111: lht' \ln~l,lr~olr \\lilt tt Jlltlr .. nftl:t' ul nu•n··~ \\hh-h llti~;ht t>o• ""'""' In t'tlrrul'l tlw l'rl nl'll'lt"' ttl tour l:"'''"'""'nl. -TIIO,I.\~ ,Jt:t F t ,l(...;o '\. The Burden of Government Waste I - • ·-~ \ ' ,.;t:w AIK ltt:StTt: MI:.TIIUU-Two pamau~:. wave a rescue plane ana plumnw ltuwnra tho r:trth A siNl nnct par.l l'l''~'twr wtll "lilt 11\r stlk" r ight after them. assemble on thr ttrouna. 111111 brat a trail t.o the dow rw d t1yt'rs T hl.s Is pnrl of the n ew air-rescue 01l'lllods bl'tnl{ aeveloped by Allanllc u.,.,,,on ut Ill•· Air Transport COmmand tor use In h ravlly wooded 1>t•riJIIIIS whl're hcllcoplt'riS are ot no vnlue v== The Editorial Circuit Rider I ,. •, t ", u ... ••r•"l\of'•' II• I f' "4.,1 \1 fl"l I~ l 1\h""f ,.,..,.. Jtl•'' e .-. ... , ... -utf'"l '~· ••• I •• I I'-• I lilt \\t' h ...... ·•'-""I• ,, I tlhll t 'I"' I III pi u, 111 ••-hh 1 ·•I \ \\ t1 I ,,, ""' , •• f\ I"' .~. ,,,,,,I\ ,,, I ltUIU ,, I•.'' II I I f'l t ._. .. ,. ,,. ' tl ,. tH•ttd ,,, Ill II t t t•lltt " ··I II Ill\ 'I j ti t I •• lll I I I"''''"' 1'1·• ,, '" 1 d •t \\ .~ t~·•nt •• 1 ''"' • J, tl h dt 1111• 1~1 d tttt lh lu l ttut "' •I \tttt I I Ill p t 1n 1 qtlt t ,, If I 1\ lh I ll I l h ,, ' ,, '" t th • Pt. I I"· th . • ''' ,, .. ""''' II\ Ill I' h ,, tilt I•'''' h II 1'1' j,' IIH'U I 'I' t t' \\ II •I IHI Itt'-f•t li lt ttl I \\II "''''II.· tt11 111" ltl ' I• '' 11 1 1tl• " fl11llf, 1 J~o~Htl IHI1 f }II.Ht tllu•ll I I h ••t• \11 i I ll ttl ''''' !lltt• ttl "' " ' lht"••' "'''"' 'l'• 1h lei flt•ln··h " 11., ' , .. , •t ht t I• • ''"'"~' nt uul "" "I t td lllt•U \11 ! Itt.\ J t\t tl IU \ •• h• I .t I ........ \\I I '" t\\ ,. I '" .. 1 I I I ''""' till• Ill ll I .... h t, t I t '"" ...... t , ........... "' ''"' tl t "'' "' 1\ lh•t I\\,, d tH d t \ ttl~ttl Ill I 1 " ... , It ' • ~ " l d Htl •I It •• fltll ftt\ t•• tin ••' I n ,, , ''. I ~· ,, ••• t ' d •l•t tthtt l u •' •l••••n•t u\ t I,,,, If •• I Ill I·· t i ll I"' I ·I II• '·I It d \\ I'. I I ·I ;~, '' 'I • It \ \\ I' It I \ ,, I I I "' ''" t II\ II I It ,,, .. h\\ tlhl "' 111\t • .\ 1 •I • 11l 11t ulttttt • I I,. "• •' \\ 1tt ··"··· I I 11 .. ,. ••••• Ac<·ording-to ~tali:-:ti t":-: <:mnpilc·d It~· tlw t nit<' <1 Nt;W~·TIM&S ,,, I' 'II \ I:. t I •• I \I ' \\I tl "''' ( ;, "' I ,, II ' \\ Hlflil ,, "I '"I II ,,,, ,, '"'''" tlld \\dtdd ,,,,,, Statt•:-: Bm·<•au of tilL' C€'n:-:u:-:. in thf' fi :-:c·al \'Par 1 ~qli. Fed<'J'a l. ~t atr ancl lm·a l J.!ll\'<'l'llmt·nt l'O:'t tiw cit izt•tl:-: 1 ~5fi.Xn .OOII .OOO. ()f t hi~ :tllltlllllt. ~f,2.!,.lf).000,0011, nr more thnn !12 '; cam rfrom ta-.;r:-:. Tht> rl'maind (•r wn:' rlcrin'cl from dl:ti'J!t;':' for }!0\'l'rnmC'nt al :-:ervit'P~ ancl ~o forth. On t he ha::i~ o f :1pprfl~imatcly :~!t.OOO.OOO FORUM 11 ,,,, t • ... 1 1 t, ut• ''' tttll ,,,,uld "''' h .• ~u .-J,ol 1 •• ''d' f,,, h t11 1 II• 'h••\\;tl thltttt1 ''" •••IHn,ttlll tll 1•111 tl 1111•' 111 I 111 •'1" tit 1f lu• I"'~'" .... ,,. "''' q •t HI , ...... lll llhH· .. '•••""' th•f tlt•l" llt•ttt \,,,,~ 11 . \\f., •hpl .. ttttft• httl l llttt \\ I•• u tl OF J»UBUC OPINION fami l ic~ in the UnitNl Statf':-:. the tax hurdcn i~ a rouncl c·•n lhtrhm •r•·• ''""1 1"1~rr .. ,., .. ,s.d 1'''"1~ .. 1 11"111 ,, • ..: .. ,, .. ,., ,.,,.,.,., '""''r '""'''" thl" ~ltrlns:·.' ''""W ""L:·" :11ul 1111lk llh ll'f"r". $1 .~40 for the avcragr family. Of the $!lfl.R7:l,OOO,OOO. "I'm .. rruui "'"·" 'ilifl Pat F lail· pth·o· ...-.ltwlllln• ,,,, .. , '"' l.!!llllUIII" F edN'HI I'<'C<'ipt::: :lC'COllllh•d for ~·14.223,000.000, 0 1' ac:.•n. \\'t~l <'tt:•Qf M,•uf c,, man· 77 R' whil e ~(; <1>~0 000 000 or 11.4 ' wrnt tn the!·w•·r "AI "'"'1 1 don't "~'~1"''' thul · ' • • • • • ' . our jlrll'o'" \1 til a.:u d11wn mul·h Stat('~. Th<' n •mancl er accrued to the van om: Inca)' 'fltttl,. '" mo•fll "' ''IIIII'SI' Tht• .:<·n· J:!OY<'rnmcnt ~. e•rul tn•nd '' fttr p nr-.·11 Itt go duwn · • G hul m!'nl 15 ai\\R)S hll(ht'r tn tht• T h<' annual p<'r caprta F ederal t.1x m en r g e "l'rtnJ: t'r ttw ~··ar nnd w11h •h•· Wal"hin~on':: da~· \\'a ::~1.02. {Tmlt>r Andrcw .l ack:'on nrolllrttl rl'l' c>ff~r·t1tn~ lhl' down- it ran up to $2.42':' Under Lincoln to $6.0!). t nder "'1rd lro·ntl I r.11 th:•t ml'lll "'" W l . -W'J · ~?o 5o l l .J • H h rt H .. '"' Jll"l ahttUI tit,. snnll' p r 1r 1· OCJf f 0 \\ I :-on to ·1'-~"·· 1"\, nuet er e 00\'<'1 thruu~:h fh•' ~pr1n.: .. it wa!' $2~.2<, and undrr F. D. RoO!'{'\"(')t ~1 0 1 .4-t . ThP per capita tax in th<' fi!'cal year ending in 1 fl4 4 wa!' $33!>.73. T here ar <'5~1 member:: nf ('ongr eRs. Pre~suring them to cxpand government act ivitie!', increa~e ap- propr iatioM and mak emore job!', there a re. on the average. for each SE>nator a nd C'ongres . .c~man, 3,766 f ed er a l jobholders a nd 14,064 relatives and friends of jobholder-g. "l)t•ftnllt•ly" l'ltum~ lloh !\ta)'- ftt•ld. ~ta) f••·ld lllllrk;-t "'lnls lilsl "•·•·k ltttiiPtms from t hf' lar)o!f''ll WhOII'!>Itlt'r!l nn fttf' l'lli!SI indiC1tl1-d 0\1'1' lhlrty-fl\1' prl l''' chnn~··s. 'ln1rty Wl'rt• low••r nnd only fiV<' wr·n • mt•rt>nscs All tlw !1alcsm1•n I hal cull ht>rt• f<'<'l thn f pric(•s will ronlinuc to ~to down for " whll<'. Rnby food and c11nnt'd milk hav<' gonl' up M 11 fl'w otht•r il<'ms havf' hut ~:;t•nt•rnlly f'VI'rylhln~t Is chf'np- f'r nnd sltll ~111111: down Frl'sh milk wt•nt lip n r-o•nl und n hnlf today !\lakm~o: tho· rf'lnil prtC'(' 19 <'f'nts." You, a verage citizen. a lread y work 14 weeks a year-~ay from .J::muary 1 to A pril 7-to ~uppnrt gov- ernment. F.xce!'!'iV<' taxation, mainlv FPclera l incom£> tax. i!' drainin~ off f'n e capital e!'.."-ent ia) for financing • J h J h • h · • "Thr• d!•f'hnl' .. 1 t•ommodl 1 y prl ro•l> neW E'ntPrprt::C'::-,.3f1( Pltf'l' too !'-()n \\" IC a l'l~lnJ:! ~~ lw11u.: rdl••flo·d h~ """'r sdllnl: ~ca l<' of living for all mu~t flcpenrl . pno•o·-. .. r "'",.. ltako rl i!1M w1s." Tht'll- H istory r ecordl' d<'~tntclinn n f weat nationl'. not rl·~r·· ,I \':tn d,. t>;;,mp. ··~··r-ull\t' . . , . . . . I' \II'•'·J•ro ,,.J,•nl nl Ill•· \an •l•• ''lt ''n t h ttU••,Iuiu ,,, '' ht•th••• Uu \ f',tU • 'IM't'l n or nul :· SU\" llwk Hll'h.ttd, I""Jtlit'l"r uf lj.,. nt'\1 PSI •up• 1 m11rk• I 1n Sutllht·rn (';oltfurnt:t Ill \\JII "I"'" 111 XI munth m•:.r Lirlu lh• atreol "\\'f''Vf' 1:01 to hR\ ,. lfl\\ • r prw• !-> I 1111nk ",. 1•nn .. :tf.-1} ~ol~ lh,tl Jl.tllo(tf' htlll'l'\\ 1\ I 'll "'" '"' 1:;1\• n ""' "l'l•lr lunll)' of 1111) tn&: lrlf.t1 hM'RII) al p rtC'I"' U't lttW If rtrtl lo\\ t•r "' I htt.St• Ill ltnY l'~tmmuni t) m !'.HIIIlt'rn t 'ul1lnrnut "Fiuur nnd -.u~ar Jtrlt't"lo "111 ~u clo1Wn, 11 ",. ,. m' ~oar.. '" l':ty Nitlurall~. that Will ltrinl: down flllx:IStllfS USH1).! lhi•St• IWH Slapl;>l! 11s m111n ln~:n'<l,..nt~ lHIIPr 51nplr'!l may lw forN·d up, hoWI'VI·r If wagt~ l(tl up Jti(Oin ns II S<•t•ms thl•y will, that will lw rf'fh•ct<:d In htl(h· "' food prl<'<'~'~ alon~: mnn y llne"'l!. "1 think W(' <"lin lfrt'diCI IOW(•r Jll'tUitry pnc••s 11111 n )o!(l(td t'Xttmplo ur ril'in~o: l'm•l!t 1:1 In ••nnn1•el nlf'a ls Th••) hlo\t• lako•n It tro•JTll'ndPIJS up ""'' lrt)..! .. .,,,. 1n•h1'1 1 If', nnd trtl••ro•q , "' th,. ~,,,,.or Mt< tu~an ""' ""'''"'I· f11 tl .1ntl lrnpttrl :onl II lt•llcl._ tn ""I" hu1lllin~:. ol hi' I nttlnllliH'IIJr· •nJ.! '"''''''''' itt•· nunu ,,.u, Tht· •!,11,. r;tnk -. h11o:h tn ~~~,_,,.IJii ul~·. and II"-t'unJnt,.rr•• rnf·lu·l• .... t l:tl):•l lak•• It :tfllf' from w tthout. hut by the lll!"Hlrou:: en('my w1thm-'"""I" ""k''"''~. '")" "Th•· ~'~'""' OV<'r-taxatinn. J:!O\'('rnment ('Xtr(l\'af!ance, tl('(.'d)('~~ pru~·-. rof h:1ko II I''""'" n• ,,.,. full~ wa!'te-a~ in \\':l!'hingtnn today. l•·fl• ''1'11 1" lltt· ''"11'11111• r lilt' 111------------------------------------- ll.,uld t:. ~,._......,., furm•~ I "'. "'a'" "' ~llnn.-•la •nd •·andl· tlalr fur I ho• '''IHihllrlll'l ,.,...,,_ tl .. ttal nownlnatlton, \\Ill AAitlro•,.. a fr,.... I"'""'' rail~ at lh,. 14hr lnr •udlturhlln In 1 .. 1\, 141 M:30 p.m . ,,. TurowJay, t·'rttruary !ol, II "" aAIIttttnt·rd lttda,)' hy Ua\''d 0. Maund•"•· 8'-voluat-.• •"-',_· ( lith I ll hi., .. ,," ... ' I Ifill •• It "''"" , fH• I ttUfd I lltt•pt tt011'" 1\flt l tldll\ .1 I" I , .. It \\ ltu lth•" ••ltd ttllnll•' t :. lit t tl I I'-• ul+u\\, 1 tt ,q,t fl 11 \ t fu•fl l•ltt\t d \\IHU h• lltttl• II I It·" '" ,, ht \\••illtl "''' ••• I' ••• lit· , ......... 1. fl• \ lu \\ ttlu lt t\\ Uh' d• flllt1• h t··,nd tdtt\ ""•ul lh• \1••Uit l•\ 1'111 t lit I tltt fttt l't fit I ul J', II \\Ill lt.t\t H l t t ,tft I fiiHI,tl JttUI• ft ''" .1 '''''"'''I ...... tl •····· '"'" 'till• tt •It ......... r I h• lh 'lltU• " of Ulh ... nUt flfU ~~ lf1"f41Uih•t\'rt t•l It HI Ulh~· tl >I'l l II pi.JII .. IIIt 11 .. 111 "'"'" ... 11\lt\ '••llrul h•"' 't•·\\"" "" p ut•h• "llojo•t'l• \\'o• 1•'1!1 ... lllltl Itt,. tit• ,.,,,.," "'I'"' not fn:e•l·· "' hn •·n•lh 1 111111'. ltttl II lh•t•Jo '""II '''fill hilllo! Ill jllrt'" "" 111110 ll u\ In~ "'"'"•' 1•·• m lllt·d ltl~ r ....... , .. m tu '"' jt•j~>rth/· •'<I hy JIOIItlt'!l, El~•·l!hi!Wt·r muy nnw rrjolf'1• In ""' r•·•t"rllfl"" With 11 So'llM· tol r••ltd " Tho•ro·'.• lttt tloolllot f1111f Itt• lu.- tl~t1 ~thllttlt·" to t" u ~••Nt I"'"'' •••·nt. '"'"'''' ""' l t"k'''''" ltl t ·,.,, fnrttt:to ··t11tt tu "·'"' tf••· l.,.,.-1 $1,000,000 Average Per Day In U. S. Bonds '-'t'f)"• Itt ._,,., t h ,tl .t Jh tllltt tf t ufH h \\f)1iitnwnl '" 1' ~ !'•t\llt .. !' PniJ'rt \\til d•lr,u I u l'ttud •t• tl l'r4tntl~ h~ ~•na th•tn c'tl•"•rnhut' ""'" flu ""'"''""'lt•tl ,.,.,,,,,., \\ht•lt lfi••J"-hthl ttn\\ lt ttfft flu 111M 1111•111 h It\ • 1 ·II:• d 1111•11 f h1111 ''"" "' u• ,,. .,,.,1 If· •• ,, n •••. '""* ~J .II(tfJ.fW.WI rut t .ul \\odotl1i' 4lo~\ "' "'' I•• ,, , th 11 t1, • ut 1)1 1 t11, '"nl.~ Jttnu.u' ""·'''' ,,. .... , ,,., ,.,,, ''ltllnl Y "" r•· ,~ 1••11""-. I • ~Ill t uu,. f f " " • I I "t t 'I t \ I• • I" "Ham and Eggs"-Again PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY ! .. ~~7~. F's ""'' t," '::i: :••• ••r ·'" '" f•ru..:•• t)f ~·· t 1 1 J'• f • JH t\otft • •Jt·H tl\ I L,tlf l1• \\1,11ftl J,, ,.,,, '" ·•·~ ~., ••• r. •· .• '· •I ,., .... , .r., ,, ·• , .,. ..... ,,. \\'"' tt t1 .,, •• 1, In \\oulfl 1ft\ •1k• tf II• 111ft t, •I l)t• ,,..,Itt" ·'' ·•r• " • Califor nia Ynt<·rl" may j!('t another !'ervinj!-mayh<' twn-of "Ham~ and Eg-g:-:" nf'~t NoYemher prf'pnrrd h\· lh<' ~a mr enol.;:-: who produced similar di!=:hC':-in year:-: pa:-:t-d i:-:he:' which the' citizens found high!~· un- palatable. Thil" tim(' just about £'\'Crything in lh<' politiral l<itchen-includ ing-thf' :-:i nl.; -\\·ill 1)(' to:-::'ecl lll1tn thr plate• in tlw hnJW nf mnldnl! it appPtizinl! <'nnul!h for thC' \'f•terl" tn :-:w:tllnw. Hut sincf' mo:4 Yntc•r :-: arrn't h i(':-::-:Pd with c:tsti rnn stnm:tch:-: thr J'l'll:'pl"rts .of :'UC'h s wallowinl! ar<' dim. Tlw h:t-:ic-idt·a. a :-: u:-:ual. lw hind thr:-:P h ill :-: i:-: to m:lk<' ('alifnmia :1 p•·n:-innrr':-: hr:l\'t'n wlwrf' t•\·•·r~·­ hod\· cniiC'ct:-: fnm1 tlw .:t:ttr :1' a rrw:u·cl fnr ha,·iiH! li\'r;l ttt lw flO \'t•fll'' l•f :\I!P. 1'1'll'ion-.: fnr wido\\':-' \\'ith rhildn·n and for mini4H:-: :11'1' :tl'll to:-: .... t•d in fnr l!OIId m ra:-:urr. Onr hill wendel r;,j,f• tlw nrc·p:-::-:;tn· mmw,· throul!h a g-rn:-::--incomr ta'\ :tnd In· IPI!:tlizir)l! :-:lot ·m:H·hin1·:-: an d J)nnl.;it' .in int:-:. Thi.; h ill intlud•·..; '111'11 otht·r prll- \'isillll!' :1:-: thr :lppl'tl\';ll nf thr :-;th• o f rulnn·d tt!l 'll- marg-~rirH': l icPn:-:in~ of n;~l\rropat hic· Jll'!l <'titionc•r:-:: rf'appointnwnt of thr :'latr :-:l'n:tt1•: nutlawin~ thr <To~:-: f ilinl! ~~·~trim: and n·plarrmf'nt of ~nil h~· J!nld d rf'dg-P~. All that '-'houlcl mal«· fl HitP a cli ~h! ThP l'f';l~nn whv th<'r(' m:w he t wo "H am ancl ... " mca:-:\ll'!'s. i:-; that t'h rrr are t,\·o rinll g-nHrp:-: with thP ~arne ultimat<' ~oal in mind hut with d ifferrnt viPw:- o n wh:~t !'uch a hill !'hould include. If hnt h flUalif.\' ft,r thC' hrtllnt thcy w ill unclnuht<'dly prm·c E'fl uall y nau~­ eou:o:: to the av<'ra~e voter. A!' in thc past. howL•\'C'r. it can't h(' assumecl that th<'~·'JJ he h eat('n. T hcir :-up- port('rs will work hard to put th(•m ewer ancl it will r efluire a Jot of vot<'~ to put thrm clow n. Jack's Equipment Rental Contractors' Equipment e PIA8TEil IIIIXEM • OONCili:TIII IOXEII8 e 81ULL liA Wll • T'ILAJLEIUJ . Phone Beacon 5508-W 17th and Santa Ana Ave. Costa Mesa A('('Ot'S T AST Bookkeeping S ervice ('O I.IS F. UKO\\'S ( llarhftr I flU ) 11,\l,fii)A l ',\I'IIT I 1.1'11 a., ...... ..,,, '""Pfttl ........ h Dr. Ohed Lucas nt:~TIST '!'!fl'! 11 \\. f t•lllrnl ll11rllor I IRO '\ t:\\ I'CIIIT llt: \( II A•h• r ••~·· ... n~•cus~-,_,.Rllr.oss. M.u. Things Are Retter All Over A. V. Andrews, M.D. I r. • ..-; ... "1" ,, .. , Ill •I" "" Jl .. Stat" ( ~hamL ·•r J'•Jt\rMI(.IAS Jlrtf1f' tn'nd It • 1 • '• , ... tl ,.... "-I~ ~,,,_, f \J" It~ lu Itt \ 1 lflt H H ~~ t (:It " ... ~~::o" 1 '""~ llrt· ,,,., , .. .,, •••• , ,,, •• ··""' ,~ ams cl ,, aft• tiiC'oJUotllltrhway. Har.,..r :\Ml 1"'" 11 ht•lllfl t\ ''11' J> t• t c·uruna d•·' ,,., , c;,,.li~, '"' """"'' ,., .. 1, ,, • " \Cappur lonmcn '----------------l ihlttll~h lh• l•ll•lllt• """'II Ifill II. It llall, ~1. D. llnqr• '.'-:i It\ i\[t[••lfllll\o•nt T<•h·jthunl' lkotu""' :ill Ill 13 I "'""'""" C "''" \lr•lfl t If f llr'••r fo t i tit lilt!• I \\ t • t• I II I tirnJ•· '"' l•·"k"' 1""' ud ~~~ 11' , .. ,,, d , "" t • I • 'PI"'' I• tdto ''' !If ,, t'tfntJt' I \\ ftt t 1 t I t tjt tl I I tj,, ir1oft tfl 1 I .1 1 l ilt f 1 •I t\ \1 t \ttlt \\JU In A" I '"' .. d "' ,,,, ""~~ . •t II ,,,' \ \t''' I' II '•'· ''' ''" 1Ua,: tip .ttu l " Ill' tlll'lt •II I lllf I'' I,• I I I• ,.,, ,,, ,,, ,,,,, ,,,, (II,, I "t I h• ''" I ' , I 1 I , " t I 'I ,, • •· , 1 l•ul••, , ' r .. Jl '"I 1 1 ''' • t U II I ,, ' ~==================~,----------------------1 •It rnunrt" ~·•• '' untl '·•'I', 1 • f •tHU'ft '' t ... Ul I tf I I •I ,, ,,,, I • II , .... , ,.., 't I II I ' .. I I 1\ I I' I 1• I ' Itt fiOIWO~ •:. IC.\1•1•. H.H.S. '!K~~ \\ ,..,, ( ••nt ral l'httnl' lltt rl>ttr I'! I -.J 'o·\\ l'"rt ll<'tu•h C lllltOI'II \( T OK I>r. Tom E. Barton Ci IJJ!(lJ 'HM IY)H I'! I~ C ""'' llls:hWft)' C'nrnnft cl••l :\lar 41H K' ,.,., ....... ,.I l'httn;-111\rtwtr I fl411 CII'TO\It:TRIST E. T. UuUf'rworth, 0 . D. Optmnf't ""' t:lt:"' r:x,uusr.n l.t:S Rt:!'l IH'I'f.l(' t\ 1T.U fa.-• .,. ..,.p•lrf"fl eM A.tJn•....., 31U W.I'HIIrol "'" f'lt.Har-1/UI :'\Itt! I'll a T IIP:AI'II COAST OPTICIANS ••u o-oe .1.._, c--... -,_ ....._ .,~. ~pUon• t1lll'd A~ra&ely 01..-Promptly fWoa.lrt!d Ofr ... "",. • .. I E. H. n n EL£. OpUd11n o \ ,. ~·uooa. :\lortim~r Srhool SO% Q u -aJ An. 1\a.lttA& lal. D1\ \' S( 'IIOOL ""' Ol't:' O. A MOIIl I'IP'It. OC A , Oolufl ,,,,~ .. , .. , IIAIIflllll ll.,t I !\liltcm M. :\l:u.m •ll, ~1. U. lflltl , ........ 111\0ft~ • ur••na •lt·l '1nr ltfl t•o•ll oottl If• I.' :! !'> '"'""" .... , ..... lllfl'! I rH. n. ;\lonaco. ~·· 1>. >414 Jla~· A,., •. , Unlt10a llnrlwn 1'7'!ol flfft•··· lloolll :1 '" !) ,. lll Monda)' thrltltlth l'rld•y T. P. Reeder, M. D. H. E. Stickler, M. D. Phyl'lrlan• and l-lur~r.,.,_ Sol09 \\'. f'M1lral ()fflr <': Jlarhltr ~ Sl~~:ht-l'h•tnr ""'""' n t -:\1 I Conrad Richter, M. D. I'• ,., I II I ••# !l111" m . I.! M . 2 .11• 11 m . 4lY1 p m. 200~..( • \\' n ·nt ral '"" pnrt lli'arh l'ltun,. ... , .... , 210~ \'t :Tt:n " \RI \'\ "t:Wl'O((T If \RROR \'t:Tt:RIS ,\Rl IIHIWITAI. rr",..,... r "'"'"'· "-"·"· ..... , o. flnlt· .... r, n \'. "· H·· n t. ''· , I• • •··n 1117:! R.lr.. \1-• Urlvfl I {lot'f A _,II' JU "'"ll· ..,.._ Ml'lfl; tt-. liar. fNI •tu J•l :tt It• , II r It' I lf i , ' ,, I I t i t lolt1• tf I I n ,,,.,.,.,,, ··f • .., I! ,. • I I'' j •I \ •. " 'I .. ,, •• I' I ' 'J',f kf U f II • )I t II ' I I f •I t \ t Ill '•ltf t tl • tftt ,. I ., I '·. I ft.. ., 'I I I I •• , fl. ;r,," ''''Ill,, I II· I I ' •I "''.I ., . I I '1 ,, I,,, .t ' II ' ,,, '• ,, t:tft ''"'' ,, ,.t ••• • .• f l.,, .,,, \1 ••• I. II ~''''"''' '"' ,,. I 'd•·•· I I •·" I ••t.l ... ,. ••• , .... d '''"' ltnt.c kr t1 fl,. I" ,. , ,, ,,, .. • • • ••1•• t •• \1 t. ••• I 1 tit 1UHt•·t """'' ,, •l•lf fftl • I 1\ ,' ''"''''' •h•l I .,, 1;,. ., "''·(I tur 1 •'•• .,,tt 1, , , ''\ • I • '' f .,,, t'•, f 11 I "' 1 •'• "rtl f'. I ' '· "'II t . •'•'" ,.I •• I I I ft -s "'Ill 1,., 1 ., 1, 1,, f• 1,, , t •·f 11 • t• t "' ""' ",,.,,-. th'1H at. I) 1),, I,,. ftl •I ,, t I ll• If I fl f '" H .... ,,, ,. I I I,,, •·ttl t rt·ru I. I• ,, , t rt t 1 ,, 1 ',f f 1 t1 1 t ~ 1 1 ' • '1 , t 1 ·• \\ ... If• 1 1 , 1111, 1 1 ,,, l~}f'h''''•ll•" I H •• , ···•dd l t ~~ '"'' '. d ltl ,,,., h.dl , .. I I I,,, ••lt•r 1ht• Jttfftn• 1.111 H,t r•tt ~t 11f Ht• •r••" '"" \\•II ,, t\1 \ ,,,., ''' 1tu"' ulfiH I I•~•• ,. • , rtll•' 1 ,,h 1• 1 , • "' qf rt,. "''·"' ,.,,, '"'" '''t'\t•r R;.••rt • j ,, hi ~r 1,,,,~,,, ''''''"' '••tft ••f llu \'h•tlt "'''' ·rh(• r•rH·• '"' ''"' ,,, 11 ,. '.1' ,,,,, H,,,, t' ,-,, "'\ "''', I "''' , • .,,,._ ,,, \.\'rlfifll.:, '" :, h iJ•I•H t ,,,, "''"tid Itt~'''' ti l t '"' lt~trttfl ~t l\ ql! rf'"JNtf'f fo "''"* IIIU •., d tlttt d .IIH) •J• H d tll J'ft Ill t1l Jtft.\ l'·lt•"" ltf ftllr iOdh•t,hlld I"'" I• ,t,.,.,,~ ,, "' I ;,,l ... 'tlllllftlt '"'''' ., '""'"'"' llurlns:'t'•l • II• ·rrnn~ptJrt , ... ,~,, ,,, ... ,. ~~:\~175 ''""'''' If ,,,I ~Jhl(ll' ftlffllll) ,,, ,, d tl tll Udt \. Itt ltfll .,,.,_,, lfi . : t tl Atr '"''" ••I 1111• t "' ·.1 •It• II'' 1'. hull "' 1J• \\ 1'ti, 1ft• "tft1 I Jtt•ll''' Ut f tt\llf t,f lttt t f')l ' tf.t" I ~t tl ft.tlt J'fh t ••f fl ffl .,. •• ,,,, u n1;r•1JJif r • ,.,.,,,:.,·hrn• nt WILLIA~1S & WILLIAMS ACCOUNTANTS and AUDITORS INCOME TAX CONSULTANTS Prr p&Tfl \'uur Tax Jt.-tuml' ... ..,..y Otrlt..--H)ST.\ Mt:lo\A UASK UulldlnJC UffiN< I 'h .. ~: ,.._.,,n f,4Jlllt..., """"(kofK'fl l"hon11 ~IW'(Ift 6010·:\1 N •:w rnttT BAa. BOA N KW!_:T. nn:s Paae 7 Tl ... ,." ,,.wrnrt tt ........ c•attt. .-.-.. n . liMII "" I I I 'I I I I I L r NEW & SPARKLING 2 Bedroom & den house close to private beach on lido Isle, liv- ing room 22x2• with Arizona flagstone fireplace -2 baths. Den opens on spacious walled patio--forced air unit heat- large kitchen & service porch1 copper water pipes, shingle tile• roof. Price below reproduction costs -Only $23 ,300--$5800 cash. + p. a~ palmer INCORPOIAT!D realtors S333 vlo lido, newp'ort beoctl, collf. Tel ephone 11ewporr beach, harbor tJQO SIGN PAINTING ;-AND-. All Typee of Commercjal Art l.oc-aW at WRIGHT'S LUMBER YARD L. W. Pi e r c e l1M NE"'POaT BI.VU. Enjoy Delicious Mexican Food at ..fa Poda Complete Meals from $1.00 2!\AA N,.wport Rou ... ,•anl Ojtrn 1\ t.n I UaJI1 ftY.AC 'UN Moll CX'H4T A IIP'.HA , ....... "' .... , COMMERCIAL Low Cost-Strong Permanent MORTARLESS INTERLOCKING BLOCK CO. n.., u.,,..,, ltlvd. C 'UMT t\ ~I Y.Mt\ l'hont~ Jlf•at'frn 6 um-M BUILDINGS • NEW SIIAI>f~~ • Or Your Old Ones Made Like New • • Broadfelt Venetian Blinds • • Come in or Call Us Asphalt Tile linoleum Hanson Shade & Linoleum Shop (A.r. NfMP'ri IUvd. a 2-Srtl Kl o.ta ..... l'h. 8flaMn tW)M~ , , Stock Market I [ OBITtiARIES J Senior Explorer out Post 306 ( ~~~ 'ltftdc}, ~~ :~y ~n ~~~a:~~d~~ n.~, At a Glanre I fit'S T·"·r: E. GRuPII: Completes 3-Day--Camp Outing --~ t1l>SCrihN1 as 1'1 1:: l't'lrc'h 'nw 1.,.. 1 ;w.taH E Gru"", 59, -u-..o ln-Oranoc Em1Jir(l'a new Senior £v. It j k I .r\m T.-1 &Trl • .-.... J-ro A JX' Wit ta en from a rra11. Th(' BJ 8UE RJTCUMAS :l:~~hl"r IOtd•• wa ... t 1'<1, },'<' I"" t~ I ('an tit. HI I' I I'. ... , ,,,.,. m rn-rc• r dlrd S unday In l'l"r' r Pu~t J{.lfl. of COI!ta Mesa. rt'-beast had 75 turkrya and two ~ -lllrl•"'' 171' '"' lv•n,.. a t 71tl \l al'lgold St., ~I '"' n•·tl ltu .. t l'ium1ay from :t lhr. ('(' )Oung ca lvt-s char grd to his record. Thla ltory ol tht" 'd(.'fldly pot5.0fl, EnmutP Mrs II<HlJo'r t·om-1 c;..,. •. , rl '\I ;:._ ~ ''I ' tld ~tar. tl.o <.·amp. ll~e flr:tol nullng of their As most of Post 306 members art' eutKin rnonoxld~. w as told to us r>hllnt'd n( n hl':ut:trhr ru,.l l!tlt1 (;.-.. (\. • I. \It <:lui• a native ot Britton. r .• mp agt•nda, Wllh l'nlhusiaJIIic re-Nartonal run(' assocaatlon rtOcmcn, by Wayne B. H~r. n -sidenl of dnwn nn A hunk '·" tlw fur""urtl Kuuw'~"'': 1.1 ~ -" I' ···•IIJt' ''' t',llr!ornla 20 ~ I''''~ Utul I he n-nture-wu a com-thcycnjoyt'd eXtt'nsive target prac- 1he Uttleo Island. rxpcri('n('('(l e~h.in~ ~f ~fi'YP'l11~ "1~ 7'; ,s,.,.,. :\.1 ~~'" 11nd h1ol Ill • rt in Corona ~I 1 pll•ll" su7s. u~. _ )'Khtsrnan and 0\l'lwr of rhr fl ~ln o ~ n..: I 11n "·' "( !'" 1.,1 ~ ··~· _.~ :-.1 ,, lur rh•·l"'' 10 yean. He wu I'(ISI A VISOr, "llal" Hall and •p li 1 1 , power c:rulsfor A. A:'IION" \\nyne to rcllrvr him Rl lh•· 14hr·o·l Sr.rr.J.rn! 1'•1 5>!•, ,,.. "' iho• frntntl•·rll of the Corona It n t'JCtlll•d post mem!>f'rs left ar c pat ng '" lht• campint.t trip -'-' lh•' CnJLI;('r 11pproachl'<l lh•' f'IISI tl• I :\lnr l'lln~r· J.:hlrnnal chu....a.. ,.,,,,,. l\fl's/1 last Friday at noon wert' Pa.t Gutde Elwood DcpontN' Lut NOYt'mllt'1' Waynl" lay aix'd rnd or lh(' island \\'t1}'Ttl' l1kr•s l ' ~ ,.,. 711'• ... ""-r .. Assistant Post Gu1dl' Oavtd Cham: recovm~ from whnt hr' hl'llr'\lf'd I to rruls,. In lhr· lr•r or lh£' l'land Stu''' tn~: ;,, I' hu; Wife, LuUr ur a rovmg camptng lJ1t>" with bers. Secretary J <'re Meek , and to ~ an ttack f food 1 · '"" ·• hn•th• r C''!wrle1 W . ~ Jl"<'k-ln" «'(IUtpm.rnl and rations m be fUll h a · 0 po son me to t hr islh1J1US Mrt1. I lallll'r ellml" BaJ't for .. c J.,,, ,\nl(••f,.~ fur unknown r<'gions, With the l.'m rs P RNt. L<'onard Hall, ~ m hll boet. M he ur1. I'Ukt'd for watrr 11n1l ('''""I~~>NI h ld ~w fa ous ~ 1 M Jt'rry Ltngo, Raymond Louvier thumbe-d throu&h a ~hen cur-jon thr drck A mrnut,• lntr r Jl<,h Sr•f\!<''"' ,,.,,. '' 111 11 a.m "'t h 1m ·ct ~ \ ~ truck Bert Gridley. Roger Gordon and l'fftt luue Q( YAC1mNG lin Hr-OOJIUJl!'l'd. W aym· S14 Unl( lht• IJOIII Fishermen '11r.·"t."-1!1 lhll, f'hapel by th<'l" \1('. nl'l cntn y, as f'n S('en Rober t McClellan. . Uc:Jto written by an east COHII pow-flround and with ~erl'ftl d ilrk ully "''"• ('""'"'' rl••l M;cr, With Rev ~~~~~ ~·v<•r}14lwrc lhiA side of San Pa.t Advisor Jlal Ha ll reports « boat owner Cllur,tf'lt hi~ nttrn-twcoww h<' rouldn't ,. .. ,.. thr dH•i IC'onllnul"d I rum Paef' llnf') I.,., t~ F Sdtruck. putor ot tht" h.,·~~~~s[.o • . t i I d that I hi' unit Is now closl'd to all tJon To rid the lranNom of fumi'S r•••'l'11 ,.1, 111 ,1 ,11 1, 111 "" rrt .. nr~>d •. < ··•rh'l • l'"''"n;d r•hurch, officiating. . 1 ' l"!l)'S rovmg rou e. nc u ed and . II • , I'd b h. r•lcnrly, sri t hl• ltutmnnll•· plllrt fvr r I· th • J't' . L ' r tl r ' .. ,,'I 1-rrt,.mhnt• "' ''Ill he In Melroae :-i:ln Julin lT•·•'k. rwar San Juan outside membership, due to man-.....,._~t'ltthng•~JS(!I~ <'lll~slh y I I' 1'\c·wpnrt A mtlt• off Nt>"1)()rt pier '111 su 1 ' ' 1 r.>t ''' I' I 1 J1 1 S · Lak £ datory limitation>!. However, adult ~....... . e -~• c r s11 " c own••r 11 1 11 c ,\1 •1"'' rn;,.,~.,l··um. 11p s rnno o prmgs; e J. 1 • had run hll f'XhllWil i ~e.•• u he rl"m,.mlwrr·d rarlloinl: " Moy-"'' 111\C II <'IIIJ•"' \' tn '''t'hS " ''""rl•, V.'nrnl•r Hot Springs d counst• orshlp is !IIIII need«! Cl· throuih outri~:gen. NCie~llmg :\.~ day sl~nal Thr· l''lost ~llrtl IOWt'd :.000 ~N'•Illl Thr· ,.,.t'f'lll'r' :'' ,. '" \\ \J, Tt:R JOliN LADWIG I 'Ilk Grow•, rtellr Lnkt• llensha~ peciully in the flcldll or radio' and f~t 1n t~ aJr Md wn.•• (>lnn•·1 t th••m rn. h" thr• ~:lntt• ""'' nnd "''''"" -~~ Thr· vuting wos adventure co~-mechanics. ' ~ Thr rntmoxirll" indicator d••rtrl" Uw onr· rh.,l ll:ts hrum·h• rl liil•·.last r.ntl• ~trf•· ~··r,•w•·s will be held Jtl•·lt•, with r<•mntc cam"!' in m • ;=============:. with the rt'!lult. WaynP ~lnrtl'd '" ~ ~"ll~on h1 th•· ~klflJ~ r• ••f Kin,.;< in \\',.~lmlfl~lr•r l\lt•morlal park , , . ,,.. . oun thJnk _ flllnf'S. carbon monoxide lndlr:ttr'(l what hnppl'nM lhrtr •illy 1 .,ndtn.: \\ •·tln••,tl:l\ 111 ltr :lll 11 m for Wal-r.un ~~ lro :tr" and p1one\·nng cook- ••. T A" 1'V1•ry hoar man knnw s I hi' t11-• •nh 1 •r•· lrllllt .. r It• ·", ltmh•·r tr·r .J,.hn l.arl" tl:. 'lnP·month-old "'" I~~~: lnrlud•'! wtld plants for A ff!W ~sister whrn hi' rnll•'d l"f'('fiOn of ntrnow on u boat lin· ,,, "''h't rntl 1111\ '" ,,,iu·r th:rrl ""' ••f :\lr .tnt! .\lr'. Char les 0 '; ~:•'1 ;, '••sf ,,,,.,~s, ns ... ~~. bhoyst. on hlt doctor for n f'hl"C.·k up, h•• dNwny I~ strm to 1..-.w Since lht> nu~hr t~· 'rtt nut,·,, r otl Th• ' ar• I. Hhl • Hr I Hux 3.'>2, Co.ta r wl mflnn• ttk\<\rl•' "<'IClWuvy rt•ad. wu told hf' WM c:k-flril'nl In rNI 14 r·nthr•r sid(' W3!> cln,.NJ, th•• "I"'" I ' I ., t1 I" I I tl \I<. ' "1,.. rtu tl Sunday In th "" apJ;u· ~o .<~~c'a "am\·wardens .......... S<'I<'It. If(' askt'f! for lftlt>l· htltt·h•·» fill lhl' lr"'' ~hiP .!'Ut'k<..-lllp .-.. "'"''' olh ' ,., •'I'P ; t I rt . . I 230e ''""'"''rl lhr· IHWS 1\llh II coyr,tr• ~.-lho' monuxldo• lhtl•·n 111r c•rf lhr I'll•· lhrlltolfl I• ' 1• ,. \\tilt 11 '11' '1'1111 " t to• 1''11 11 r S SIS er, • . matlon on monu~rd,. llOt~untnt; trun,um and 11,,.,,.,.,,~1 11 1, 111,,1 """"·" 11 1,11 It tl• 1,1 lr ,11 i< 11 ,.,,, 1 .'r•d ='I llur~trn~·tun Ocach. A was glvl"n a voluml' ol Mnlf'rin IWI~'-I'OJ.:I'r<; Jlmltho• "'tntl llr th•rr , 11 ''" 111 1111 ,.,,111.r II•HI'rfll'trrn lu ult murtuar y 1:. Mtd!Cll and C()mpon'\J th•• ~> mp-'''Ill~"~' tM· .. n 1111 ,,.,.,1. th•· IHrflu\\ 11 ,,., , 1 '"". , , 1.,1 1, •It ,1 """' '". ~ I•" ·• ••I ", tnl'' men_cs. lOftll Ustf'f1 thf'N' with his ""'fl 1\l>tlltl h:t\'t• hN•n tlr•ll•·•·l,.tl ttntl I hi-. l .. rrulul,: '"II '""' '"' I• ''"''. 1111. dultl "-'• ''""'"": rtt Sant n 'IlK')' WI'!'(' ld<'nlil'lll l)l>ln,_; n <'flO· <tory w .. ultl n~ot ha\f•h•••nllrlll•·n th•\ lttllloh·d lr•· ).,,,"''"""'I '"' '"'"""' ,,. .ulrlttron to lhr Salvation Army In Aid Drive- For Philippines ~ntJous boormnn. hr• rlwn nr-1 1 1 1 1 r J d lth d Sinr,. ~n\'l·ml .. ,r \\•tt.rnt• htt,; nthtl•· ,lnt•1ur nn• 41 I u Ill • .. ,, •• an '.''''• .. ,., "'''"" ''~·. U an ri\'H lit a decillion: t'ithrrh4'wuultl :tn rxh:IU•tll"•• !ollll'h nr nawrl c-;,.r tl• ,11.1, 111,.,1,tt 1111r.111, tl .. 1, '" ,, 1 1 ''" .. ,, '"'''"' r. f h:trles, th•• quit boetln~ or rl"mOI'C •ovrry Jll~'-hc•n m .. n,."ul•• nnrl . hitS n·•l•·..,~:n••l t It•· uJ• '""1: ••f til• ' I .. , 1'1 . , ''' ,,, r" •I ; : ""l"'"'"•'r . .Mra. Nl'l· 11bLIIty ot a N'('W'IIttnn of ht!' II'· lh•·•·,httll't '''l''lllof rhr· .r\ Anun ''''"'''""I to. '''"'" 1•1 1:11 I, \),,\.a .,,,, .ontl tlw patrrnal Of'nt CXJl('rl<•nct' 1wcorYitn,.;ly ·\\',•'11 l"r•l.t)' "'lfll•• f•f <ttl1t \\1111 "'' ""' I"''' :-•tntt . 1 1 tll•lrn"'h•r \11, l'aulint Lad- tc-.rdt ( '''' 1 1, ,1,1, I'""'"" '"'" '''" '" ., I 1' ":. 1 ... , h , 1 < ·,.,, • lll•·sa. r 'nniiOIII'fl rr•pnrt!' rorwc•rntnJ:: foll tful <'t•llrlrttnns Ill tlw Philipp•nP 1-t.•nd~ '" ,.,,,. r•'l't•ntl.v rl•·,·astnt••d ill I.) r•lt• "Ill< hr11 c tnll~•·d I bl' So- ' lid s, r''"''' rl••rnrt rn••nr of 1 n.• When he "'ll." wrll. \\' h" ftndin~;~ 111 our of'ICI .. ayn(· 11 '"i'l••r 11 .. " '" fl:t•ll "·"' '''"' aought th«-advlrr of lh•' <'OUnt) tltr· !'ttntty ''' ,,,.. ,., ,., "' r<> Tho toxoloct~t who l'('ft·!Tf'(1 h im ,., 11,. Veteran Arta·st M1nft Safl"'y Equipml"nl Co. R,..,,. n•n·ll•·r~ ""11 '' l'hp . ..-!ly ol "" • T Co H ·fiN I "'tHIJI" plus lflt' l.lllkA oil! tho· reeentatJveos of lhl' eompony rnmr 0 mn. ere at»o.nt and 115 th<' A. AnQn wax c Sunn~ \\til ~1\t•lh" hm11~ !If",.,,,"~' IIWWIC on every point o1 tht-'rom-fr11m Kin~:' l.lt rttl1n1; .rmpl• h.ut pau. tests Wert' madt-with 11 mon-Rolwrt t n.-,lthyl nurn~. vt•lf'rAn ju•t fiUI~ttlt• thr jt'fly cal~ Indicator. RM!ults ""~'~'-.: a r tist aldl"d tn ti'NWt>ry and dl~-J,.,. I lt>.rln hll~ litk•·n ""''r thr• lbodd.ncly conclua.lvl' that on cPr· chargl' from lltni"S Vl'!(•rnns' hrno-C'rr·sr•'nt nnd '" ~'"fll'r•rr 1n~: rl 111 taJn ClOW'M'S and \IJid('r <X'r1aln con-pit at. Chk ago. hy llaJ and l::lhyl It lrlll l holll 111,. Mauri 11 11nd diUona o1 wind and ~~~. mou&h Homrig on th,.ir rr<'f'nt nationnl Llllll' Maud will hr u~rd a.s Sl"inr c:.rbon monold~ t'ICa~ into the n'habllltation tour. haa arrlvl'd In IJOAI R Th,.lr hnul~ w111 Ill" tran_~­~1 to put an.y and all ~n Ilalboa. fl"rr<'<l to lh<' lnnks on rhr C'rMCt'nl pn out o1 their troubles fon!Wr. Burns, 11 p~~ychialric patlt-nl hf'. Whrt·h wtll mn1•' hnck to thr jetty WaJDe rnif!Wfd the cou~ o( torr duchargr from the VCII'rana' Itt llll't't lhl" sportrtshc·rs. .....,ta wtUch led to 1M nt'&r Irs-ha.pltal. hu IN"en aclftim<'d a• a Dixon hll~ a "'orkm;: agrr-.•mf'nl a-cb' a few ~ ~fore. AI 9 In promising ronvncrd al artist by with two hnir hoats up thr roasr. U.. manUn, he had wt out for the Otlcago artists' lf'ague. JJII whlrh wrll SIIJlJ•Iy h1m wath hail OU.aUna with h18 wtfe and friends, work hu bf'<on c-xhlbltt'd through-1f II Is ncl"dl'd Bab and Wllma ~-Their out th# Eut and Hom.rlg ahowrd Thl' ('tt'IIN'nt W1ll ha\'1' lank~ CIIUI'W ... m ~ and the IIC'Vf'raJ or hit piCIUJ"l!! In hla locllt Wlfh II rapnrlt) (I( llp(lroxlmatrly wtad biowtnc l'rom lli5 ~ hit exhi~itl. 400 ICOOJlll. Oud Jacklrn's 119-fool lwrl Jima Will furntAh stx h1u1 lnnk~ rach llxl:!x6 ff'l"l Thl' bont wrll h(' op- r rort'ft :.04 hours 11 ctny hy Jnrkltn nnd his Pllrtnrr J im Rnllf'rts They plan to 111•rvtN' any fiSIHnJ.: ~;roup working out uf thl" hnrbor, und not j1L" S('lf'<'ial irtl••n·~r~. Jac-kltn ssld. Be Wlac -Adverlill«' Carr's Feed Store Hav and Grain Quail ty Feeds -1-o.o, o.,a~_.._ aua 111'7 Newpon Bt"- COSTA IIQA Francis J. Horvath INOOME TAX SERVICE F.,.. uad State OffiCf': 328 28th St. II \('llt:J. 1.0 1'\'IER I S:tll'rlllttn Army 10 swins;: into l!.tdlt I 1\l.rriiH• l~•lll'il'r, 66, dJcd ll'llr~n ln II \vidl•llprt•ffd cfforl to ''' ltt•r h••nh• 111 Co~trr Mesa Sat-prond•• d!•Stiturc and suff,•rin~-: 11r•th _1 ''''''r ., lrn..C tllness. A natlv<• Ftliplno~ in lhns•• st•c-lir)ns with 111 lll1n111s slw had lll'l'd in Co.to dot htnJ.: and !>ho..•s. l\l•·!i.• fur a ,.,.ar :•nd was a mem-"Tiw nl"l'd 1s ~:rl'~t and immrd- l>•·r ul rhr• liaptr~l chur ch . '·''"·" act•ordin,.; to I.e. Colonel Slir· 1s !lllf'\'lwd hy a son, Henry Sydnc•y L. Cooke, Social Service nl Ccosra Mr·lm: three dau&hters rt .. partm<'nt secr<'tary for lhe cn- 1\lrs. t;lildys Pftpffrr of Mlteourl, t1rr Wcstrrn Tr rrilory, who came .\lr~ Tkonnie Guymund of Dllnob to Long B<'ach this week from his nnd !\lr« lll"l<'n Guthrit-of Cole>-hl"lldf"juar tl'rs in San Francisco for r11dn . rt sister, Anna amtno of a conf,..rrncr with thc district man- llhnrus, and Ill ~andchildren. Fun-11gcr of lhr d ('pllrlment herc, Major <'ral Sl"r\iC'I'l\ Will be hrld wec~nes. Orlo Ellison . rlay at :! 11m tn l.r11UI"I mor-tuary. Major Ellison statcrl that Salva- C'nsta l\lt'S11 lion Army trucks will be sen t as rnpldly as JIO!'Sibl(' to all homes or ploC'I's of businrss to collect such t•ontrlbutions. in rrsponS<' to tcle- phone calls. Thr tel('phone num- l)('r for Newport Beach is llarhor 3, Ralhoa Isl11nd-call Linwood l'rck. r<':tltor, 312 Marine Ave .. llarhor :!01:.! Thr ll"lephonr num- hrr for C'r~rona rll"l Mar is. John ~: Sarlll"ir rr:tltor . Ha rbor 741, 1505 C"onst lftway. IIESR\' C'RF.\'E.~TON S.•r virM wrrr hrld at 2 p.m. Monday tn llarold Grauel chapel, Cost:1 Mr'SII, fnr I lt•nry Creveston, fii, n( Rrl":t, 11 hn dtl"d Frld,ay In an < lranJ:I' ht~(tilnl aftrr 8 brief 111- no·~;s IJr was II native O( Kanias nnrl hml 111·rd in California 3!; yrar!<. l>t•tn~; !I formt•r rrsldent or Costa Mcsn. Sun rvors tnrlurl<' I w o aona. Lronnrd of Rrr·r• a n d Glenn of Rl\'l'rsidl': fl\'t' tl:ru~thh·r~. Mrs. Gh1dy~ ('hrt,ll!lnson or Wilmq- lon. Mr!l. (']('() Arnh11r1 of Nr•wport n.·at'lt. J\ll'll. CIOrta Gray M New· port B<'llch nnrl Mr~. ll!:rry Martin of Fn•snn. 11nct 10 crotn!l•·hlldrrn. Tlw Rrv. l.. \\'. \\'tllartl St,..arN offll'l:ll••ti anti tnl• 1111•'111 \\itS In \\'o•slmonstr•r l\l•·m urt:tl (l'trk JCIIIS R. (iftt:F:S FOR INSULUIOE liD Howard W. Gerrish tiOINewpon.........,.. COSTA HUA .._ ._,. 6161 Automobile • Fire Accident • Life u~ and Contract Bonds Written F unr r;tl S•·rl fl'''' fnr J ohn B. t:r•·•·n .. r Palm S11nnc~. frlrm<'r l'o'>SI:l \It·~ t rr•srdr•nt nntl •mnr·r of :.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ •'\lrnsl\1' rr:tl ••sl:ttr hol!llngs, 1 "'''rl" h<'lrl Sttturd:ty nt 'l p m. in Graul'! rhttlk"l with lhl" Rrv Pnul ;\1nnrr \\'hN•Irr offirinlln~t Mr r.rrt'n, Wt,Q wa~ i I. dtrd Thurscl:ty tn a Lnmn 1.1nda hos- pilnl I If' is sun ivrd h) hi~ lli fe E1•f'!yn. six dnldren .• hlnl", Dt11na: Carolyn, Str71lnnr•. John jr and !\lnry 1\nn: also a sistr•r. Mrs K. II Ynunc nf Lm Ant;!'lt·s. OPEN I A. K. TO I P. K. • • • SHEP'S Phone Harbor IHO.S.R ReflldenOP: 116 3.'\th St. Phone Harbor 1922-R l nlt•rnwnt Wli~ in flose Ifill Mt•monol park. 1111 ()()Aft BJGRWAY N&WPO&T -.... Bo-of Good kta" CLOSED ON MONDAY IWJIF.RT Rf'loiREt.L PICTURE FRAMING CUSTOM MADE FRAMEs Modt>ratcly prlC'f'd. fAc'waa Picture Frame Studio '788 So. Cout Blvd. PRINTING STANDARDIZED t o sav~ you both time U!lct money. BEA CON 5 s 2 5 A. C. Spencer II M Coaat. Jllcbway 1m Newpon .,..._ OOfJTA MESA no-Bt'Aeotl 5I! 1-W . ' ,. ' nu~y don't co""' too "mall, lkll· ,. • or ~tly IM our ~t, • peodahle watch r e p a I r eemoe. lt'a doDe RIOHT lllere. FREE ESTIMATE All Work Guaranteed I -DA I' Sf:RVICE Prlal!ll ~nable • See Gene * * . • FOR BIRTHDAY & WEDDING CAKES Pr" rttt• furwral !'r·n •irt•!< fnr ll•lh- r rr Hu~~··ll. 7.2. of 1 • .. ~'" MI'M, who rl1t"tl Tur<tl11~· tn ( )rttn~:•· C'nunty h"•l•''-'' II•·•·· 111 hi' lwltl \\'rodn•'<r· d.1.1 111 :.' p m 111 .1 ~unr :, An.t rnt~r· ltJotry lnt .. rnwnt 1\ '" 111 \\·,·~trmn­ '-h•r ''•'nt,~tt r~ t\ r•'~''' 1 ''l•·r~etor. :O.tr. flu_., II hnrf Ill r•tl 111 C't:Kta 1 nsurance .lofyft Juniors call upon color cor,trast ro focus hrlght eyes on a ~quare collar, ruffled cuffs, the luscious length of the circling skirt. Peasant lwald matches Everfast's woven border dKJmbray In grey wi~ red, wine with blue, lwown w;th gtHn. S4zes 9 to 1.5. $1295 5M It In ~ ...... •·ear and at "Center lor CoHons" -Jlala 8t. .I.- Balboa V• KAJlBOR II en Imported wu.e. aad Beer DeHcate.ea \\'e llp8tdaHse lJI \\'ecWlJic aad BlnWaJ cu. GENE'S BAKERY 101 Cout 0..-y. Oe,_ del liar 1'!1·~11 ~''''• n )"·•r< ;rnd t' ~llr\'"•'<1 hy Ius 11 rfr•. l:ll'nnnr IN NEW LOCATION C ;1uct~" IW>\ ••rlv. I"'Jlfll.rr ll.rlhtili rr•.11lr>r :Jnn•>llnl'•'rl tell! I\ th.11 •hi' I\\ til OPI\ ho• I• of .11•'<1 Ill :!II E C'o•n. I I .tl ill o•nuo•. fl,lll\4~'1 Boorey & Poirier 110 PF.& C'F.ST FlSASCEO o F.ll.A. 'fr:RM~ o Add &noma A Rath• • Oar&cf'tl mnvl!~ to ll~n« l)llart"" • Free eetJmatM fl llketd-• AMI.at ln plannlar lmpro\'M~mt. REMODEL: Increase Income 101 Clout mata-r OORONA DEL MAR BUILDERS Harbor lUI or Utl-.1 S'•t"t'. Spu~n ftldr. 8 :\STA A'IA Ptw-u '76.'\S \ .p. a. palmer INCOII'O IATfD w o bud, Insurance counselor 3333 v io l rd o, newpor t bea ch. cold telephone newport beach, harbor I 500 * * Re-Opening SAT., FEB. 21ST 17th & Orange, Costa Mesa "Home o f F iner Food ~" Popular Prices • Only Graded Meats Sold Closed Tuesdays CAll FORNIA CONCHO lAO Hl~!.~~ CONCHO ff~~!.!~ Conch~ Symbolic silver from the heat·t of th<.> Indian country shines on polished leather. In Copperhead Sandal Lcath~r. $11 .95 All JoyC<'S say Joyc<.> SQUARE DANCE ANKLE1 fl~~!.~~ Square Dance Anklet- Saturday nig-ht Sf)('('ial fot· tlw grand rig ht and lt>ft in btight culot'\'<1 kttl with caliro print lining. $9.9;; All Joy~ say Joy('(' SUtr • •.,J llANO ffl.~!.~~ Suiting Band- Titat =-m•)()ft('aJJ-on'r lnok ... a "trio• rontrn1r h:111rl i'll't.,,_, ~·nnr in"t•·p tn Suit inc fahric or l't)ol mtton Duckskin. ~.95 Corona del Mar