HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-02-24 - Newport Balboa News TimesHonor StUdent Takes Life In Cru·de Gas Cell Now~~ HARBOR -WIDE AND COSTA MESA ~HONC HA ... O .. 1aa a• 18 " S ARER WILD CHASE. ~----~~~--------------~------------------------~----~----------~------,~~--------~----------------~ I LA R G E s T H 0 M E 0 E L I v E R E 0 c I R c u L A T I 0 N I N OR A N G E c 0 A s T • s L A R G E s T c I T y f BALBOA IMESc~ ~., Tocta~··a II A.M., r.s. T. Uuw Jonf'llt An~ ,, __ ........ t'e.. .,. __ l ......... . '"'""' ''·"' l!.ali• 1 I al IIi••• ltii lt. oln ~·I '" :•x "" tlti 'I I ;a I olll t~'\ \tdtiiH• 1\0UMl "h,ut ' ~ ....... l .hl "" "•••k ''•lit' .. I Nabbed lln.Mesaat 'Gun Point EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA, WEST NEWPORT, SEASHORE COLONY, LIDO ISLE, NEWPORT HEIGHTS, BALBOA ISLAND, CORONA DEL MAR, COST A MES_. 1\ "till ,,,,., •·••tt<'h ln.: 111.....cla ol •t:o ,alto( lUI lltllo • JW'I' htHif niJ[Iit~ 111 lito '" "'"' ,,f 11 ~""'" Ann )'IIUlh, """"!Ia\ u f It llhttUt SAM NO DATA? Sundry and various n(.>wly Cl'\'att'd civic savioJ'S have bc<>n try- ing to "sav(' fucc" during the pi"('S(.'nl city ei<X'tion cam- paign to thl' cffc<·t that the public. or thcrtlS('Ivcs. hart no information on local watt•r conditions, henre the two~ cent clc<'tions wert• dcf('at<.'d. J ust to keep th(' re co ret straight ye Ct·ahbcr dug into those camp;ti~ns ;md came up with sonw amat.ing find- ings. Not only did th<' Cham- ber of Commcr'('(' print full anrl complctc p;1id reports in both newspaJX'I"S, but somf' of t hc folk s "ho a r'<' nr>w \'ellim: t lw lnuclt•..;t '' houl inl'k of info .. '"""'' on lht• cornmiltN~ to llrint.: llw rna tt t•r It) t lw :1 t tt•nt ion of the ,·ott'l"'! Thci r pt'''"''n t <'ontf'nt i~on '" 1 hat llw cl(•- fca t n f tlw ·,\';llr•r Jtl'ttpo .... itin n ... was rhtl' '" "l;t('k flf lltfn ntiH· lion". • + • Somf' Fa.t't~. JtL~ to k(.'('p the political pot boiling let's nnnw · mm1('s and plaet's. 111<' chairman of t lw ('. of C. wa- tt•r cornmiltt't' in IIH' la~t elcd ion was 1\:ebon !::-\ta ffnn l. a I'<'[X>rt<'<l <"andidatc for councilman. Om' of the C!p- poncnts against t ht' fi1~t election last year to ,·ote M\\'D watt•r wa..; John All('n, who last wt>ek stated "lack of infor-mation" killed that water oollot. The complete repot-t on local water condi- tiono; was printed in full in one local paper , wh()S(' pub- lisher. Ben Reddick. r('('(.'ntly insisted at a mreting that "lack of infonnation" defeat- • ed the propo6111s. And on the water committees were others who aJ'(' now claiming "lack of infonnation" was re- sponsible. All of which is an attempt to throw the blame on groups oth('r than their own. • • • The 84-aa:er IWport. Aboot l!l40 th(' ·late Dr. Howard Seager. as ch01irmnn of a city-wide committ('(', brou~ht in an ~xhatto;tivc J"E'P(>rt urg- ing the c-ommunity to go into th<' Metropolit<tn, \\'ater Distri<"l. The report was pn'- st'ntcci to the city rouncil. whic-h. aftf'r some disrussion. tahl<.'d it. l)('('HU!'I' nrlhf'l'('nts of th~ in fa,·ot· of nur pres- ent ~~·stf'm of W<'lls. pcr.:;uad- ed the c·ounC'ilm<'n that th<' supply from our wa ter· bcaring lands was arlcquntf' for m;mv VNtrs to rome. We now knm\· how fnllad ous tfta t policy is smd how d<'!'- perat<' is our n~ for w a- ter. It is ttSI"IC"S.o; to s.1y ''I told you ~o"; it i~ N'fttall:v. childish to harp on the lnC'k - of-infonnn t ion t hl'mf'. TI1c main thinj:! is t o fof'RCI all that halrl<'r'liash nlonl:! with thf' C'rc1hher's l'ffnr1s to rlig up olrl sotx-s. n nrl work t n- get her for t h<' ~,·:-~ ~ f'l'. this citv mu~t hil\f' rf 11 Is to grOW nnci Slll'\'i\'1'. • • • ('anclicluh.... \\'allf't' \\'in- chl"ll io; trying tn t.:rl n ~tmpl<' bnllot nn '' h.• I th•· puhlk likf"' in I hi' \\ :t~· oo( :1 1•11 "'1· dcntial •·:mrlicl:th'. d :nmtnc th:-~t "' pr'i"'-~"'nl onl~ on•· pc·t. of t ht' J1N1Jll~" J'lf'k I hrN' '' ho will ,,m fn r offitY' llf' c:t\'f' his first l'f'pot1 !"unrln~· nir:ht anrl l"<'\'<':111'0 that fjl'ot r hoif'<' was fo r r .. 'nf'r":ll F.iSI"nhowC'r ~o·mhrr I 'nlto ... l l'rru l 0 1Balboa _Group To Ask lor Foot Ferry :--;,\\I"'' I llhtlllll'} o-lt• ulfll't'f J** \\ 1 ·, "''1:"·"' 'I"''''"' t ho• ...... ctatw oh l\•11 lo\ llo~ll.alol .I l<rl'ltllll(t~, I ,• "' "'otll 1 \1111 \\II hull I Jlrt,.._. pi••· "" ''· \a 111•11 l"•lllo'''"rd '•,,_.,, It tit lttt Httl tUtl nttt~Utl•tt"CC h• ""'''I' th• •h''' 1 t•H •tll••ttt hnth•l '''' f Itt& • I 'l\\ lftt• l"'llt"f'UlJUt nncl • I• t •· d t. ''"' 1 u •• huu ·n u· t•h1\81Ct It -t t \\IHtltttt l•olflt IU lllttl utlt ttf '•'\\ u ttt•l tttln ( ··~tn ~,, .,.,.. \\jilt II , iffh•l ••• "'h h lit , .... ,t.! .... , ••• ,aa :O.t:tlo·nlm llat'\ o•v Brnwn :! I nl :.~17 !' l luJh~tun /o~'••nut•. Pa-.;arl••na. 11 hrtlliant hut "o·rra tia·" ftHTilt'l hnnm· 'itiCio•nt, tnok hi~ fl\l ll Itt•· S .o1unl:11 tn a bit.aT'I't' makP>'IIIfl lo•l hill t•hamlw r a t \hi' honw o r ht~ fathc·r. II A Rr'ooll'n , 5-IR ~ 1\it\ \fl I f'p f ft1 Ill t•lt t •• I\\• I It 111• I ' .ll>~•t I•U""IIII ""' ·II""' I I ,, d "·~ t: tlh.-t I ~ tti•I IIU<rol II• ...... d ""'" H' ", ... '"I It I tllll• h• d II\ I 1• tH Ill '" I lllt\111111• I \\ "••"-• I'' •• , ... ,. d ~~i~.IIIUflllt\ I"'. IHit' •• It• \\ ,, .. ,, f·~l\ '•1\11'• ,,, th. "~ ttl ,, t llfh '" l'ltl"" "·~ fl l.tdt k tlt•\\ li '·~·" "' I.,\ all• '' lt,lh I• 1 \\ h11 ,,, .. ,,~ ~\ Hh "· tl :"oift•t• \ I I ttl' '""lltl •ll '''" 1(,..,, \oitt l.\ h i' l1ttll JtlllhtiH' SPORTLAND ALLEYS, LONG TIME BALBOA LANDMARK, TO GO """"''' t1 t h. "" ut~· .~u r I'" I""'"' tl\' 111111 '" t ., .. ,,. ,.t ...... 1\1 I I 11111;1 I IIIIo IIIJIIo•oJ II 11·1\lnt 111ol '' nllo ol t ·, ""~:lou11 ~llol In thll I lo• I I til"' t I' ol tl1o•11 " ''""'1.: 1;1 111, I lott o! "', tllll tto~l .ltiiiiJllflC '1"' ~·t ''' ''1''•' l llfl• l.uultu.u k' ''' hi,. f••••t h•• tu•t ••luna.:J'h1f• ttw '-1 ''''"''"' """lith' n il• '' ufto•r l'oo'lllllt.:• t , • .,, 111111 llrttt•n-.1 tht lfttll • th,lll 1 d· 1 +t•l• "' ••I• '"''''"· \ttllfh Itt ''H t••tu l••t ut KUrt ,.,,nl. ''Ill r •• ~·•It .. r • ""'' '"''' f\tHt..t'•n I'"''-' n..:.•·• ,_ ht 1 It •· tu••c1lat ..... I·""'"'' 1 "" "' t ·'"'"""" "" '" t 'lhrt·O•'•· llutt \ t•ur.:•·u , 11H Wll-Jo'n•nt. Ralh0<1 blond. ·1 I 'nhC•' '' ,.,.,, ~umrnur11•cl to 1 h•' Brnwn rt.,.iclr nt:'" by th•' f;~l hf'l' 111 7 :50 p.m, Tht'y roun'l thl' yout h', bool~ 111 it •mall riO"t't 'l'atl'd tn "I 1 til,• fl•' d f111 • ''''n•llfh' JII''"•'Uf "'' , ..... , ••• ~~~~~~··: ., ,., .. lllh ""I """~~······ c ·.~,,. "'·"'·,. ... ". '""' d~ 1 "•'' I .,.,,,t 1\t•''""H•'r, :':W• IA'Aln.:ton ht•;u·h rhu tl' l in I h!' tiCIOr or I ho• rlo<:N was a crurl<' ~k('\C'h of a I l'f\fftn. t'OinJIIi'tl' o.nth tho• ,..kull a nd I'Ml'"·bonf";. Tho· rlowor pnth. I hrt"<ltnld. and k••' h oll' h nrl ll('('n madl' oi•··t•J:hl I)~· a cnvl'nn~ tl f S c·otc·h tapo' In t h" o·l'""' JtOh<'•' f•luntl a holt I·· ul o•lo•:tt' liiJIIIfl, II •ho•f'l or nrdtn:OI ~ 11tl•'(l Jlill~·r with tho• numi,.'J"lo ftom ~,(1 In 75 w rlltt•n on II anrl thl' fo•l- lct" m.: fooiTilttl:t ''"''"' 1,..,,11 .. t lw ftl't fo•ur n umlot'r-. · :./.:\ J.:lll ('arth· • fl\\ a n• IU~ :!.1 \\:ett'r 11 ,:I 1 nn•· II-'SI II I 1 :":wn 11u·ro · 11 :o• a ."lmn~: odor of cy- nnulo• 1n t ho• c•lo,o•t :a not .o It"""" · I'Oolllt :to'l'llllttn~ It• polit•o• rt•po•t I• ·n, .. t•lolo•t llrnwn ':11ol Itt' •• '' 11.111 loo•t•tt llto ttl,o)h o•ar:at II' .oil h•• hf·· !ltd hitd 1 ,., • •I\ • 1l a clt-..·h;a 11:• fn•tl1 lh,• \l.tl'ln•• Cof'l'' ( .. t· .t ~~~ l'lln f1t'lll•t11P tll' .. otdt t• If•• \\;t ... .1 J,:r:uh1111•• ,.r l 'ni''"'"lt, .. r C\olt fornt:t al Bt•t k,•lt·Y :mel an hon .. t· ~• ud<'nt. • I Pollr•• ":till tht• fnnnttht h•tt-cl h~ 1 tho• nntth ""' '''"'' .Ymdar to the• f11Ml i11111 for tlo•:oth 'c·h:lmho•r )!:o•n I 1\altt m ntlllill'\' Wtll <h rf't'l tho· prll:\11' rum''~ ,;lni'Y/11 '" Ul' h••ltl \\'o'(ln•''" o.\ .ot II " m In tit. l~o·;wo• c•lt:tt)f•( 111 ltu;lo •\1 ()(VI r•·m•· II'!') $1575.98 FINAL TOTAL OF MARCH OF DIMES DRIVE \\'tth fl r unt rihullon to! al :w- ••ragm~: ~hJ.:htlr I<"'~ than 10 r•'nt• Jlf'r ("fl[ltta. till' local :'>tarl'h col Dim"" C'Rmflll•~n ('(oo;f'd ,.,.~•··r~l;" :O.frs. Domthy Suthl'ria nc1 n~- nouncMI M rs. Suthrrland. hr:ut n r tho· Ru~!nN~.~ lind Pror,.ssit,n al \\'•1· m r n'< r lub. ~pon~orin~ Of1:11•17.it· lion. !<llld ('XIH'IIy Sl5i5 9A was co l· li'C't<'d during the> drivt'. THIRD DAY Today mark" u,,. Utlrd day nf Sew...TI~ rarrl,.r dfolh•- f!ry wn1~ ln Srwpnrt Bra.rh and ('.,..ta ~ ....... And, Wf' a,... haPI'Y to nof.4o, thfo num~r nt mmpi&Jnt. 1-llkf' th,. Udfoo- bf'c1nnlnc to lurn. Sf'verU...INA. we ILN' &«-'n rem.lndlq au~rlbf'n to f'a.ll Harbor 1St or 12 to ln,fonn thl!l nf'w-.p&pf'r of IU'IY !lbort- r·omln«" In tltf' nf'wly-lnau- ftllr&Uod IW'ni,__lhf' nnot of "" kln.t ,.,.,.r lnt rodnf'f'd .,,...,. b)· a II'M'a.l papo>r. • ~ay "'" ac&Jn .... mind yntt that "" .,... nnt ... tt .. n rd with ""'"''~· df'lh·r rtnl{ U... Sf'W!l· Tl~ to ;\'OU the d&;\' o f pub- ltraUo n. \\'1' .,... df'mandlnl{ nf nur rarrtr,... that ropt,.. nf U... t-P"r bf' rolll'd .,...tly and thrown In clf'ar , .... w nn ~dl'w&Jk• nr pore..,._, l'ou may hl'lp "" attahi thl~t wn·- lrf' tty lnformlnl{ ua promJit- ly M lUI;\' df'\iatlon. Board Approves Water for Irvine /\ppllf'allr~n fclr !\tP\ropnlitrtn \\'atc•r llt<ltt••t 1111!• r fur RUtla nrr• ~ n( t '" lr\ tnf• r unf\h rPpr•·· c:, "''""' ;q•pru,tm·''' l~ l H mtl•·~ .. r l ('(~'l-tnt rnmt.o~:•· 111< h•on llj• I""''' 11 t.v thr :O.t• tr••l••l tlnn \\ Ill••!' ll•••rw t Th·· \\ al• r "'" '" n arl• '' "' ,tltl•• '" th• tr 11 1 tt'ltnth.:h 1h4 .,, ,• ,,. 1 .. .-.. I _. - 'r • • I ,. .......... ~; .. '_..,__ IL.-4.111.-•yo--fi:? "' ~ ,,.., -.,, ....... ,.. ,..,. ...... -,_. . ' . """"• -... .... .... 1 ... ·-., ' . .._ . -~; -:· .......... rr .... J,..' r I ,.I .... , //': ~~- ... ,. ................ ~....,(..._ft ~_.........tt• --~ ..... --· ~· ·--' ,··r r .. ,._, .. l' -~•7 ~·"'t-t"r-,-... , Ir -A .I ............ --''--4 ,. 1 . ' .7 . . , .... , I .~. ,....,, ' ,-.~--.. , -- u -·--'~ .. ·-'...J ... r .-. .... , ' .... _}iy ,_ ~· I' I I .,__,-,,, I ' I ' . , . 'I . r -• ... ' r ' L '·•--~ . -') 1" • -.... ,1 • r· • · -, ·~·L .... ;---roAJ.r,; f" -..J....._. --.. • •L i ...... , .j *..AL :\.~ ~ •& ~-tJ 4 -, .. . ~·--:---, ..,. _., 't-,~~--' -I r · ., / ·~ --· r·· ~ ......... • t - L ,.. .1 '-./.lf .. -~1..,_,.7,_, .. - • .. -,· ~-• I • Ia. •.. ·"-"' ,, -*' ....., i.At~ ...... IM -- ,, .... .., •• , # ... ,. I' ~-·-1..-1~~-~r--'· ··""~-• , .. f ..... , __ ...._ c. •• , •• .,..., 1 ~.-..1-.--Jit.J ... ,,.J.,..... -· .. ,..,, , , ,,-£,~ ....... ..,. • ,.......,.....,_ -r'w ,J~ 14 ........ ·-·• .._ .... ' , ..... ""' I -., , ........ ,.,., I ' I _,. ·-'~y- _J &o1!6 ...... ..,.....,,7 ..,_ ~· .\J"TIIIT, ~S.vln(lir '~ iCJI 1 >~'t•M.JtJ,., I,.~ .,; .. ;,.tfil/1.1/.·itk...; •l'uti.;rt" I oolloo"ln~e I• lh•• lt•\1 oof th,. Rill oof Kl~thh "hlt·fl &Vf'"'"" aht""· Tho• llr'l '"" t.rtlt-1,... .. rrt• .... ,.....tl'd, but arllr l,... lhr•..-to t .. ,.h,. lf>C'IUtiJvr _.,."' r•llfll'd. It '" th....,. ""' that ha•·f' C"C)rDf' down to wo .,. II» Btll of IUI(tlta. Ttlf') ._ .• ,.,.. 1 .. rt oof our C'on,.lltullon In 17111. CONG RESS OF THE UN ITED STAT~~ hrJ.:Wl .mJ l,cfd at tl~e C tt \ ••f "\tw Yo .~. on \\ 'r,1ttn oi,JI. rltr J••tartll o~J ,\f,,r, /1, •••tr rl"'""""l \ro r•• ''"" lrr c1 11nol r •1•l11 "'"' T ilE ('!IOI't'nllllll• ur II nurnl•·t qf the• Slat··~ hll\'llll;, Ill lhl' llmr .. r thr•tr ndtopiiiiJ.: th·· ('••II''''"""" ''"llf't'l>.<t•!l 11 d•••tro•, tn ot~l•••· lo pr· .. vo•lll m•~ron-tnH I ton ••r ahu~,. nf ''' jJOW(•n;, thnt fua tl ... r d-.·lllltolool") and n••lrl('ltv•• ('I.IU"'' •twulo1 tw ;u ltiPd' Anct "" "'t••noltriJ.: th•• J.:l~lllltol of r1uhlw o·otnl ot l••ro• • 111 tit" c •''" \'1'1\mt•nt. Wtll h ..... , ""uro• ttw lll'ni"ltr o·nt r nds or IIJ; lll<l tlllllltll: IH:S<rl.\'~:1} lo~ ''"' So•ntolo• and llooii!-A' nf n •. , ••.. ,.·ntloll\o•• "' ..... l'ntlt-ci Still•·· "' """ '"'" Ill '"'' 1!1'£'~~ :t"'"'llllolo•d tWfl·lllll'l• Of ltq th llc>{l)ot'' ('OnC'\Irr lll" ·111ut tho' full"l\101: i\f'lll'lo•' fl, i''"l"'"'" l11 Ill· J .. ·gt!.llltill''' •II Ill•• "''''l ltl Sial•''• a• ~tmo•ntlrrwnl !. II• th•• ( 'o•n•ltttllt11n .. 1 tl11• tlntl••l St.tl• .til "' "'" ,.f """'h :ll'ttt•l•" o.•lwn '"''"'~'II) thl'''"·fnurlh~ ur th(' ":11d I.J'J.:t,l:ottlll" r .. lo(• VHIIII tn :oil '""'"'' "''' I'"' II<"'"'· a~ putt col th1• •:outt'un~lll\ltlun. "'-· r\HTil'I.ES •n add llt11n tu, llntl rtmo'nllmo'fll o f tho· ('un-tol otiHon 111 1!11• t 'ntt;·t1' Stloto·• "' ,\111•·11• ,, "''' pt•,l••d h~ C tm..:t"•''"' ;tnd rtt1tt11·~l ll\ 11lP l .rht""'III1Ur•·' ut tlu· ''''f'l •tl St.,•• ... ptH'Urt nt I•• tft• l •l•h \II If I· ''' tho• Hlll;tnlll ('•111-llllltlon t\rlll'll' tilt' flr,t ... Afl"t th• r""' ••numo•t;tllton r• 'l'llt•'d I" th th .. ro· •lliall ,,.. ''"'' H•'l"'""""''"" r .. r ,.,,.r> tlurry th(lll'l•n•l, unltl th• dn-<1, .olt••t "ltto·)l th• pro•l••t'llotll 'ha ll l.to· '" l'l'f.,'lJiall'ol "' t '"'H.' I''''· ro hunrtr ... l Jt.~ru•""'''"'·'''\''"', 11 .. 1 J,., ... lhrtn unt· ll..t·pr•·...,•·nl:t11v•~ '"' ''"''~ nuttth••t ••I H•·pro~o·nt oil\•'' '""" lom••unt lfl '"" h11nrlr•·d .,,,,., "hll'l h~ c·,,,.~···'' t l~oll th•·t•· ... h,eU ""' lu• J,., .... thun '"'" h untlt•"'l It• pi•''''' tall\" l••t • \••t) lilt~ th"ll'·""' I• ''""' ,\rtlt•ll' thf• "'"'""'t ... -..;., h11o. 1 .11}10~ th,. 1'""'1"'11··•''"" I••• tit• ""l'n l.l11\l'' ,h,afl t,tkt t llt"'' f UOttl .10 Plt..,lfltfn uf Ht•JW''"'·• rtLtll\1'"' 'hall * ,\rtlfolo• tho• thlnl ... i 'onj!t'o''' •h:oll m :ok.-noo l:oo.\ I• •1•·• I til.; ton Hl~ th•· l r ~··, '''''I'• tiH t•••f ••r .rhttflctnJ.: th~· ,,..,...,hun ••I ..,,,. • .,.h 11r • I•··•C"1·:•t·l~ tn ,,,,,.rnt•l• 4tnd ,., J• 1Jttt4n ttt• c ;",,.f nnJ••ut l••t ,, ,.,J,.., ... ,\rlll'll" lht• loourlh ... 1\ "'II I• J.:lll.ot o d ;\ltlttl:o, lo• IIIC II• • • • II'\ IIL;Itl ool !Ito• IW'!•tolo• I•• k• •'JI llrtd lw•:n 111~111,, 'hlllt no\ i)o• tllft'Htl:•~l rar-..t IU''1ff It· ,,, H t• t ·,,,. taltiii••U ntUT\th_•r 'h:tlt lll1l1Hifd '" '•II• t111ft " ttu•n· ,h.dl h· '"'' I• th ,,. .,,,. •,.rty """'':.uti,_..,,,,, .,,.,' n. ttu• JUHI;tfltt•HI •I tllltt ,, t• • ••• •'• I '"f''. rH)t Ul••l• t I '" ,,, .. H • 1 t• • • 1"\lf"t•\. of th• s. ,,,1,,, •V•• tnt•·• \t·n• .. l "'"I.'· I·•· el•l~~ttohn••·nt ,,, t• '••"'"'' • 1 I'' .1.1t '' lu· .. ,.,.,,, , •1 1 "' , ,, 1.1 • ,, '1 , r .. 4 ·I ,1, , ~,,., ltrl(Y' t ,, •• .. ,., ,\rlll'lt• thr ruth ... ·'" Sctlo1o· I ,f1:111 'm 111110' "' r• ·"' '" 'I'"" .. '" 1111,1 h···· ~nt uf th•• n\\n•·l , not an t11l,,. ut \\at . t.ut tn 11 m~eruu • 1•• Ill ,.,..,,.HI··tS by In~' ,. ,,, ,. " Artlo·lf' tlw ...J\th ... '11to· rtj!ltl .. r Ill•· r····t·l·· Ill,,.." o·OII I' Ill lli•·o ,. t•ron ... "'"'" 1·'1 ·. ,!ltd I.,. j t :tl.:111n..:1 UHI••;p.n rl ddP .... ;,tclli•\ itnd ""1/Uf• .... 'h;dJ fltJt lw \ "''''' d ,, "'' \-...ur·t:•nl It Ill 1 ptl•lt.thl•· (·tiU""f "'''l'l"'"''fl It\ ••·"h ••I :dln1tt:tt11•n. :11td , .. ,J H•IIf,lth Jtlttn...: tt'u1 ,,r..,j 1 • lt1 ,. '"•' ,,,,.,,, f "' "' d aud ttl•• p·•'r..on ... '" thtn,.:~ '" h•• ,, ''"d ,\rtll'lr lht• "''\l'tllh ... '''I"''"'" '"·oil lw lt••ld to""'"' o lnt ttnl''"""" "" '' fH~P"'•'n trn••nJ ,., lfHih '""''" "' '' 1.:r-unfl Jilt ~ ,.,~., pt Itt t'u or Ul th•' :'\1dt1 a.t \\ht 11 1n .H·ttr.d .... t \IC•· 1n tlmf·ttf \\',n ,., p•dtlrf tl" li•r Ill•• •:tll11' oll•'f'l"' t•o lw 1\ll•'o• /•Ill Ill Ji'"l'llrcly (of ltl•· "' lttnlt "" f':t~· 111 It•• a \\t i n•·~ .. .'1\.'HHl'' lit lfl ... ••H. ""' h•· tl .. prl\•"t ,,f ltf• ltlu t l l:t" nnt •hull 111 11 II• l•l ••t•l l\ f,,, l:oko•ft f••l l•llhlt• If •• 1\llft .. qt fll 1 ArUI'Ir lht• ;·lrhth •.. In -•II •·t m lln:ol 1>'''""""11 1"11 ' tit•· ·•' • , ··•I potlolto• tttul 1.1~ illl lllll•tt lt.ol 11101 11l '"'' Stat• :md d!'l ll•h "'" r• 111 ' \\h• h ftt ... tllt f ,h,t11 h .l\''' lw·~fl fHt \I••U.,I) ;t,f"f~f1:tiJ1••d .,, 1.1'\ "''"' ol tit• ·•' '''l"·•lllllf' In h• • '•rtfl ••tt1•·•1 Y. 11h 1ht• '-'*1 "''""'' ·~··• t I httt l,tlflHU.: ,,,,,, '"'1ft h l"" f t\ •t 11Hd ''' h,,,,. lh• ,, ... ,.,t,t••· ••I ' 11• \rtlt•lr th1• "'nth ... lt1 1 ,.., ~ ,,,n1n1'tn I •\' \\1,1 ,, 'h•· l:tt~ 1ht ••.:Lt ,,, trt tl "' I,, , •• II'" .. , .... , ,, .... 1 itUd . It I lfi• el IU 111' ( '•1411 f ... Itt• 1•r 1h -f ~t .t lt•"' th;en :tt•f•t,rcl H •, II • \rtlo·h· th•· t••nth ",. •I I ·I· ,, . p lfJt), IJt t;tl11 ~~~I' tfd tf tltfi ••l lffl~ •r"I"J.: tn ''" j.,nd 111 ' ''"" nor 'h;dt "" I" 1 11 I·· ••f•l• •' •dll .... I'OJI I,~ Ill f fl .,~ j I'""''"' ptttp••t1'~ \\;l )tt,q "I',,,,.,, ttl 'lf'!Pfl,hfllttl ••rtjo~ tit• '• I I t 1,. • 1h 11ul , IJIH' ,,. df h 1 • In • II f llf!tllill It •I tn l•,•n•·•l ,,, 't. , , ., .• , 1 • •'• • htt\ •• f'ftJI ' I ,: I• ,, ''" '"" ft;•ft " I 11 t I ft\ ,., I 1 ... '' ,, ' ft tf \ """ t I I • I• t \ " •h,. •·•·rnr"'''' f ,\, I j• tt d 1',.·.-• ol \lomt• 1 ol \\ t'• r llt''"''' ,, I ',I I•, , ... , , \ r tlrlf' I he• 1~ r •. ·, •I II 1 , ,. l.v • .,.,, t.a tl •h:oll n••t l.ot• , .. , • '"! rt 'I • '• tl ·n1• m o1n " ,,, r h n•• u l t hl' ''· •r••S••h' •fl \\ •'• r 1 ,....,,r., .. t r•u'""' • • 1 hno•l.'h II • If\'"' r:1111 I '" ( ';. '• .1 < ... tapph r• '' r u r n•·ar ( ·,,. ,,, '., ~· !I I \1 ,, ft \\ 11 •• 1 '\ ... t •t I ........ •' \ t I lr h• tlu• I •• t• II ft•r 11h r rn• h • , .. t•''''' , • 1n • \tt• , ... ,., ...... . I 'I I" •·I ft h 11t• • ratartt• r u ll••rl It\ lit• t 1 • ' 11 •I I 1\ t Ja• I" ••1 •It , , ' I' '•n .. • I'•· 1 .. t\\' I t It tl ,,, I• I ••• tl . I · • •I f f f I '~ •I '4• tl1• St •" •• ' •• ... l ,, ., I \ '· I t \1 ,, I 't.f f.· 'I~ •. I •• 't I 1 ·'" \•1 fl \",.I ,.,. td · '" tol tl. I tj•'•" l··k ,,f II II•···· ,, rt•pto"'"''~'""' I f•, •t• r lln r c II".., thf' m,m fliP" .f, 1 1, I\.,~ I• \ IIH• to f•hf11M ''·•1•r '•' \ ,,.1" .....,, • 1• t •r· .. ,f •t •• !"• n••••· I till 111.1 t lo\ tho I lift , .. ,'1.1' I I I,, , ~~ '11 t '''' :tnd l 'r• .. ) I• fltl • , •' I ,, ,,, .. t t. I I I f f .. ,,. ,t .... ~. t ••• ,,.,, \ ,, I\,_. "I "'' .t1t•d h\ .I ;\ 1\.odo, ~-ltl• Ill• I '.tltf tilt \'IPHJ' Ill• f \\ tt" I I• 1•1 ..... Itt tit\ I "' I ht I' tl '"" ltttl•t .. \•flhnt ., .... ,.,.,_.,"" ,, .. I• I •t." ttld 1·1 •II' ... •l•f'J ..... " It •• k Ill l ht fill Itt .. , • I ..... 1t t ,, • \\ •''"" I h• ••lth , ... tiltH til 111 tu'tLtllut ""' "• tutt . ''"k••t 'It•• Itt. '"''-'tt• ,, ttw ''"''' th• "''' I' '"II"" ol""" l11oll.1 lutttlo '"1•1 I"''"''' tt ... y luut ,.,. • 1 ..... ,, '""''' 1'1:11, ""' ~··" ro· ''''"I'''''' '" ~ ..... ''"' "'"''1111 ttriVf't' r~tt •rut.. ', .t "' 1 .... •I "''Ill• ut.• '"'I hut tlt,et 11·· tt•~••tt·•t lu· •~Hal•t .. ,,_.,.. th. rn.u tfh,,u, ll•hl tlh l• llu th•• ••llhtl 'I"'''''"'' All·'' \\Ill t .. • "''" •'•I • •t• t '''"' , '""' euu· tn1u\t· uut to 1111111 1 "''II' rltlc II H otiiiHt •·un J.,• ••'-I \•UIItL. '''' llltta'•'r I.,.U\'t'd tn t. t ''"' tl l.d .. th• d atul '''' '4•'•f 'f'h•• lh.._,.,_ 'f1• tit .11 I Uftllt n .. \ \\ tll ,, , .... ,, tlh ·•""h ltut~ '" HJM I t1• I f•wtf h I I\ Ill ttltfttlllll h t ,,,, ,., I" til ..... I\ t• I ...... hi· 1111 I lfl tit• •"• d ~~~ tl .... h••ttltt f(, • '< 1 ••IU!l•'. ttl h tl tt1ltl •''··l ptttfl•' \\ttilht , ... "'··· fttl ""' ' ••• ., .. k \ "' \\ pt "'"''''''' urI a,:u\ I Ill~ •• , I ,,, '"' ,., .. , h•• h .. q ,, H ,,. .. ,, I''' tlll•h • ttUitl ..:I\ • uu ''t'llttl lu... "'"' luot 'a al.cn,.tUN, tl•l•nrt• ''"'"'' t.• •t•t•tl•' t••n l •~o~nl , .. ,,,,, ttu tu~t tlu· huy uv,., '''"u tit. '"'' .,,,t d;.lttt•U .... 1," J''''""' .. uthuttU•·• Itt N~tnt.a llh "PI"• t II"''' "' lh• lu11hhuc '"'' Till~ \II\ \'Ct. Uf(,\\\ 1'1• oof thfo '!1\(l·toMtfll nl&l• hoolo•l oorr•, IM· tl••lf•lool""' h~ h•·nnr tlo 1'. ~·htttlolt oot " ,.,,.., oof .. 1,11111,1lfMI, ... ~ I"'"Joan..t ltv \"'lritN"t ft11rte. A. ~·hull. ol•·"lltn•·r nf tho• 114·\ \lr hooh•l In 1'-•\rrh lUll" T'hfo t'OOIIIJtlrlf'fl l•roojr.·t-hoolf'l, r ... u1 ..... ~ Jolnac •·•·ntrr-,.111 Ito·''"'"""' IW"h",.." IU1h"•> till "'"' ''""I'"'' ll•r'"'' oon oo loluff '"'''''"' .. '"• lhoo .. _ llfltl ....... , '""''"" ..... "•""'• ·-l•n•l. \ ''"'" oof t '!.'\11 h ... ,_ .. , .......... , fur " .. , ........ , ... ,, "' ,.,_ ... ,, ,,.,.aJ ,...,.""'· ,.,., '''"" ''"'.) I. A II,.Filltl·t-!x'Jif"t __ I Highway Post Office, Routed Here, Ready .Soo• I'•"'"''""''· \1t•h.tf t I I .. ltllflUH" \\Ill ····--·t \t ''" ,,, I ..... I'"··· It' .tflfhtlll11 . ,, ,, .. ,I.,,,." "''' k tla.1t '""'''\if.;.,, I Itt• •· ••f llu I B••ll'• !\•• l 1..-... t\ntr:•ltiiC ,,; l .n ft~th J h ,•lt\\ 1\ I''"' c •Itt• , ..... 1•1 lllftt'~· l"I IIHI Ht HI It .. ,.,, ••.• , .. ,. s ........ ,., 1•·4 tt,, 1.~'' ;\n~·· I•' ttl•·u hit\t• l\tu\\\'"'"'1. U•·ll, l tn\A.Iu·~. Nnrwnlk. ''"'' h••tl '•uf ,.qt l ot"rftltfl•'" I•U Att•·tdit, ""''",. t·urk, ... ull•·ttun. th, ~~ro.t••l •' \\tll•h \\tlllu• 11\Htl• htt' Atr•ft•ttn C,;u•l•tt (;,,.,, .• S1uttu '''"' )u ~" r; ,., I\ H I ""'" \\,,"i}Uftl" Anh, f "'fit M• ~" N•''''Jilll ll t J~·u,·h, toJt .'t rltl '''f \ll t' 1'1 .,, ... tt tl ,., ltu llutjt 1-.llttHI c· .. ,,.nH fl•·l Mur ... t 11 I ... 1,111! tltttt lfj ;\fa t•ll II tiff I.H.'IIIIIt ''''ltt'h I ttlttiiiJ" • 111 1 1111 111.111 ",,, tt• lltt,'l lut,._,, ~. • 'I~ t'lltlly ~l···•~n•·•l lt'twd 11, "'I" • d II! HI 1•1• k ttJ; tttd ntul •·•pnpp.-·•1 u H tttulur t/t'tl ru.tll •I· It•. 1' ,,,,d • J~t '• tn•~d· I· •I "'''" ... " • ., .. \\til ,, ... , •I •••·li' ,., y '"'' w•·•·u Elderly Lido Couple Die Under Truck (;ateH to 8e Honored hy Jjions l ,;•u t;,'""" v.tll lw Jil*'"'''ftlf•d 11 .... ,, ff fJift ,,, I '''"' ,,.,,I IUt1t•HUtl 1111 to.u-lo\\ n• nn t hn~· tttfff',_. rotul•·-. o•ut I 1111: mnll cll'llw•ry lime In •nm•· ,.,...,.. fly """rly • d11y Mull loot '""' n~ 1111 tlw ,,.,.. routr "'" Iff' ••1rt,.d brt_... l•liuh nrtol •llr•·•·t drllv,.ry ""'* '"""''"' ur ll"l"ll vln 1 ..... AnJC,., .. JUt u f lll''"t'ttl '1111' oc•r VII o• Will •IIJI(llflnl aD lllf• J•ll'kllll '""' tlt•llvo•ry ntiW l4lt "" •~•111 1111 I to ltllltlll' l'ltn' ....... Tr •wk~ wtll 1,.. pr.,vltlt•t1 In llddl- t ,,,,. ''' lit•' lut~•'"" loo t'llrry s--A'I I""'' l'•lf'klll;•' 1111111 Progressive Party Here Signs Up 1100 \It •ntl ,,,, i "l u•tr•• )• l.q•·l '"'0''11"" ru••ttl Itt 11 '''''"''"' ••• l t•t•tthtttl.tttv•._uf thtt lnt:lrp~•nd-- •' tfld """lfllt lt\•l\ '-'''II lu fl•l•l tll Htt fUqt fl•wtftl Htlf •••l I I' 1 f(' Ill J I • tt 1 •...:• ••• ,,\, l"•r y u ,. •-rn • ., "1'" ,.,,,,,'"'''I ,, •tt•l '":" r tu ·'''~''" '•'I'"' II" h ltlfHi otltlt I'''"' v.lth ttu ... Mtrtt y ··lt•rk, lhtaU t ,,, • 1 •I\ 111, H1 'tflh •' Itt VI ,,.tl l••flt" "'' "''" r ,~.,,, 111 lh• .,.,,, '\m1th ;1 1 pt•falautt'-t .. •lu lr••: rt_. ...... ""''·' J .. fl •• ,., .,,,. • • ··I '1•• t '-•" ,,,,,,. • ,,, "''''' thuu 1 Inn,.,,,.,. of 1 I It toll I d t .\q•"'l HJ tl II• ·If ''* .. ,.~ (~·t M • I· 1 "" • •• ·II ·~·,. 1., ,t ,. ,J y anager I ;• •l•l•••• oo't\ I ul•d '" ot1ooko " l)••t"ltJ"• n IJ•..a t• , ...... ,., •·•I• "'"'' ···•·11111"1 '-~· .-."\ . ' • .... \ ,, ,,,. '"' I· I• ,., "'"' IIJI 400 N ameu llt• tt tt iiiH 'Hh f t tl l ltt 111ft f ~ • I f! I ' \\ ,, t Jl;f I ,,, I I I,,, k •tl • I I t., I: .. I, ,,,,,Il l ,,, l •lt\A. ltll'trtlw t ltl th• j Htt\!tllf ~' , 0 ft1Htf tl " I''"'""'" f "' ••• ' f ,,,, I I,. 'If II til ,,,, ,.,, \ ft tJitl ,.. 'lloo I• 1 10l 1• ""I"" I lloo "' lloo Ill' II I'"',.,.,.,, rol hllld '••I ,, q1,1t 111tfll' ttft1fl tftt l fl''ftltfll \\h t ff 10 If 1t tll :•l t Ht ' 11f f l~"ftflll \'fd I f.• t \1 t I t f ilii 'f I I oflfl I I 'il\ftt d 1 f t p f fu t fl ~IU,IU'fl I .. ''" t I ,,. k t• d '"" J•i f • , 111 ,,, u •.. I'' 4 \(''fll \1• I q... '··~If• 1n Jnd1h ltli, h •" 1 "'' '' f~jt • .. r. ft-.t 1" r~·•pH~t·d '• •I ''' '• tl1f••l 11t ' f,,, ~~~ V• 11" 'II• I"' l t l f1 Ht' Wt If ftltttf ''" tw-. h dl <ol "" lro"• 1• tulo·ut l'rool(rt•M • •.., 1• '' t , "" t ;, ''' \V Wu~t..:•rt.,..r. .''oil I lei• II f '""'' M•·•u A o·oorn· lull ttt ttf ''"'•l••lt'n l•ntl•·•• fu~ "'' 11 '1' ....... I"' ''''I"'"''' Ill lh~ ftlnw ooo•lrul• ol '• I( II•JtA.·II 111\d ''"' 1 1.4• ''"' t 1 ,., I' c • 1\ J und l 'ft ttlt .. "'' l .lllft "' '"· 'If•• •' '" ,,lfl.,. ••I tfu• ltu.,.. , .. ''"' ''' ,., .... , 1 ,. '' ,. I Hit 1 y will r ... J'·'"' 1111 ,tft•l fll~'" lfw tuful flit~ t .. • n l •11:11 ''"'' • ltl• 11 willa t"""' ly •·l.,l'f llt•~ttlj'l\;,otl 1111' Ml ltlf'. ~\·.,·. ~:::: .. ".;;: '·,·.::·.·: ... ,.,., M••,Builds and Erects Own llom~madfl ······ 1 1 1 ~ •I .:. ·:; ,· ':' ••• '"' Telt•S('UJK• in eusta M'esa R;u·kyard \ t II '' u 'l 1 ,., ........ f I I It I'• . . . , \d• ' 'I I • I ~ I' I" ,,.. ,,, I f oll!ltth t~t~.'• I ,,, , . ,:,.,' ,., •I I \t , I IJ' •1 ,. •.1 II • ,,,, tr ,,, ar,~l I I , • • · ''• I' II·· ',, ,, t I I I J \ •• ,, • •I' .... ' t I t~l Itt f ..... ' '·· ' I , I" , ,,,,1 ,,, /1 tM: f ., '"'. "\I ' I II· I ' •• •• f· •.••• 11 ,. ,., I· I I .. ' .. . ,,,.,,, ·' o•l \'.I' J . ,, I f t I fl I I ft tf ... 'I• " ... I • I •I• " IF' t t tlt 1 ,, •tl ,, .... f lu t f""' r iH• I .,. '" t .... •I ... ft , •• I fl ,. 1"1 I I I '• f . . . '' J .. t, J, u, t .A ••I •I I • ,fl • ,,,, ,_ • tt II "" ~ . ' 1•1 •• ''1•1' .. ' ..... I ' ,, lit ····· \\'1"'' •.,. • • $. • ·•• 1• .,,, .• t*t•••n1•t •·I , f •" ,,,,.,.,, 1 ''' • ,,, •• ,n t"• t .~ '""'' .ttl •t .. tn• \\•·•-cl I· •II•' '"lilt I"' ,, ,. I "I" 'ntll·o·l)' t.v lu1 ''"',. ,,, ttu.,l~ 'J1u ,,.,.,, .. ~ I I Jtl• I I \\I fl , '''·f'•Pit tl ttl flit f'V1J , I,.,''" lt tt•f p i t ••• lt•ltl Ill II fYII .... I• '"'' *"" ·r· ,, .,, ., t.v uu ,,,r •t ,., v.loo• t. o lollool Wolh 11 luptld It 1 f ' I 'ft• ~~~ f f jl ~II , ... Jlfl t f t "·· ,,, ..... ,,,. d ttrl ( 11111 '",till ""''1 ... 1111! Ul htl I rrurt "' *"f ,~,,,.. n,,,..-, • .,, MJr'rtt'' ff'W'11'"fll "' '"' ll•"''"''"'"' "l11•·h hn• al- Priceless American Documents Aboard .freedom Train In L.A. ----p 2 s t;,\·a·on:r BALBoA NEw s-TrMEs Le · A ·1· 3 Day Exhibit --~!._ -TC •:~u \\' :O.t•\\ ll<trl n ..... h ( ~t.llf.:_ l'rh. ~I. IIHM gton UXI aary - Truman Urges From Here to Go To Draw Tllrong L:ris~~~S \'as t Housing T~' ... ~~~~~.d .~d?,,~~S.~ From Wide Area __ .. "ad Program 1 • • 1·· t~ .. ·um•·n•~ •"\ t"qtt,,n H'n \\ I,* •PI '' tl• '' t 'I ,,f lth•·r •} :u· '''' ' 1 I ""' \\ ' \l '1 •, ''' •I• 11 .. ~ • ,, • • .. '' ·•hc).Urd 1t 1 ,, ..... tl,t UNITED PR ESS 1• ..... , t.,. '''I '"Iff,, .r '"'''' .ru~o.r 1, ·d 1 "l\(•d In L· r I ftt,•t •II tttt! t\ '"k' tl ( ttll I ' 'tll••ll tl \oo.t t 1 tl , i I I'• Singing Cowboy Joins Wallace as 3rd Party Mate I \o •-.••'· do\ 'l'l11•y Will I -, , • 1 , ' • \ '"" 1 4 • 1 r 1 ~· 1 H • • 1 1 1 , , 1 , , 1 ,1 \, 1 , 1 1, 1r1 1 11 • \\ •I s• ,,.,,,, .uHI lon,ur--rt• n dlfl I•'•' till II'''"'' l.tt ',,,,. J I '"'' ,,,,,j, ,, .. It f,t Jd ••0 tltd ·r' '!I d t t•\\ tltl11 .., """ ••f t •I••• Itt IIHt:,u ft htil ll \ -'h rl til' \1 l•fl•• \.dlt\ ,,,, I • I\ ,\fill II• HI l .11111h If ' 11111 t, .. 1 ~·' I dt ... ,,. '" ft ttl'"''' \\t11tU,·I h tllfl• \Jil;tf ,\iil tH tllitl lt•.:tl 1 11, I 11 ... tilL. I 1111 I 1 I fJI \ i H I, \\ ,, \ ,t' 1 I 1 1 1t r•, • '•• , 1 I , t 11 •II ;\lr 'J 1 tlttt.tr• I , t•1l1 til\ .... ,,. I "''' •·II I ·• 1,. • I I 'l""'ttnn Rlvd , \', fi,,, l~t·t·n rt>p· 1 '""' d •t.tln llriCI , • " 'I ,,1 \\ t, ~~~~ ,,, til ltul ,.,, r·. ,.,, I ,,, ,.,\. \\'1\~flf:""l,'f'll:-, II f'l !'-ool t t'll \ '" I'• Ill t:• 'l 1 1 • t f o 1+1 1 •IIIH td tlld 1 ttlr fl I 1,' I ~ , , , r • '' L-' 1 1 I • ,, '" 111 1• rn. dltt '-'''" c; ·r,\h•r .. , J•l .t, .. hoiiHI 'I "'"'' 1:,,,, ,I \I II I ''" I' 111 '• ,, li~,-~---\~ol •I "" Thurs!l;, tJ,,, dtfl\IW ffl"l' p ,dl \ ftt4lt\ Il l hi • lh f iiJtl hfl +of ltlltl l lltotn Itt Ill• to ~'••Ill! \111 f '\t •II 1 I J f 1 • " 1 hrou~h 11 rurn• tit• 'n P·J•' • , .. ,. ,,,, I •· ""'' \t-1 ,,,, \ , 1 \\ I I ·~ I• \\ d\\111111\''-t tltlllfl ... lh· I 'It daft• "" lltrtr\ \ ollltt o ' I Hll ,,,,. 'f ,, ' I Juhullft~ .. ,.,(.liM,, 1•1•• I ,,,, ,,, •' \rltl:tllll (~&rt~ llt ko l "1 , '''' I·•!' I, l 'tlh t lr "'~' loo\\ to rtl fol!lolto hoolo'lfl•' IIIII I' lo i I • I I 11 I ·rlu· on'"''"\'· ,.uhnnu t'4•"t ... , h '"" 1 , • , • , 1 .. , , . • ''J'~ .. , t ···'' ,, • I,,, ,,, ll~tttll lll ) I ,, II 11 I he;, n "-UfiJWtlltM\.: \\ .. r: .... ' ,, tfld 1 t I Ill , ' .. ... \j•ttl ,, .... '· ' on n~'~"''''"'''Jtt"1ttt "'''"''''It'' 1 1 ' '''' "' '' ''' J,.'' ;:,. • ,.,, I , ll .t.r, I• d· 1 .1' HHI '" • tall H I\.." t.utl•hfl._• to J-t l'llll A''"'"' rtf ul It••~" • ·~ au•t ·u 1 1 lp Ctlu, r• luultt I' ••• ,,.,, ', --.t, \:. uad ~ltd ., '' I 1 I \of ' I • "''" • I'"'' und em 111 • .... 1 '' d haJus. \\ '• ••· ""I ht• f•tr rn· •• I, •1, ol1 o ''"" uf polt!'f', 11 1 ''• 1 \1 • 1•, , thr .. u l(h t I \0 'I I II flolt 'Ill! ul dr•lay, I II •• I"'' .. I. I tbttlh.tfUtS lllk) If I ol111 d 'J ftlll '-!tttUL: f tl 1 •1'-f II'\ lui \\tilt tf,, f '-I Ill .. tltd 1 Ul flt1\\fl 111 t •. 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PHONE HARBOR l 300 I'ICK l 'P & llt:LI \'EH Y All \\' oril nuar.u. t Hid •I If. d·t•tlltt •Ut PI tnl•fl~tt , .. p .. ,..,., \ .. ttl• ltutll tht•ar ht 1'111-J' 'o oljl I o 1\ ! .. ulto '' lloj•fl\ l.oqo \o ol 111~· ~·It ll ltoll\ ._!•t \tiU ""''" I"' lht• Ulh•l ll<t d •IIIIIIH' dolo 1111 lllbloolld , t i 11U11111, f(, I(''' '''" \• niUrt• 1 ~•1 th, h~· ''"' In •• .d 1111 1 rth·rt.urtuh.: , .. ,,,. uuJ .. •t tou . lh•·•r \Hhu· , t II"""' lw \fii UI Jllll t r~ul • tit 'luh a1Prt1' liS J •l f,,, ... ,. .. n ll.,.llitl tltert (\r ,,,, I•• • ,, ••~~~n ••I lrul•l'"'nrl••nc.~·. tf "" 11111 ool I ho• I ;,.11 ~ shur~o: At I t!r• ... ~ 1n l .ru1 ttlu , h .• nd \\'rtttnc ,., Ollll;llf,tf lll tllll•o"l ljlf of lh· I "lllltltqo ool lo ljt \ o .tr lotro• tn Tho 1\tll•'ll• 111 \\11 ld\, tlt.tl l:ll.tl rlllll:· ,..:,, .. ;-:l'·"'i.:lo d ll.ollnt•r ," W &81t ·'""'' tll,lttltllloti \\lilt ''' '' Sun· "'~'""'' """ "~'I" ••I lh•• C'(lns t• tl.1\, ''" An~·· It, 1 \lllllln•·r 11tllt11n, !111 ••lll!tll.d ••I 1111· Bill 111 ' !C il:lll• tlto• loo;.:·l•oo•k nr lhf' Con I Clnstufled ada do nt-. f~•· \\'lst• 00 &et the j(tb <ttlltll••n. l li•· '" 'i.:""" o rdf'r , nAn11n..: C';4'0('rlll I ''''"'"'"' r tu r·nntnl.uul t h• "'' .t .... tt•rt nr J·:urnPr. 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Th•• all·tlll\ lo•,lhlllf' .. lnC'Itlm'tl :& l"•l ·hiC'k lunt·h .... r \t'tl lu I IIi IIIIOillllt••l rltJo•,.., ludmliut: I ri·C il\ \\ rntt~;lt·r .. , ..,,.,Chill t(ldt·r'. and toUwr llrtllll:o' • "'"'" ..,uldh· &:r""l""· I'"'''" It~ 11·~·1-no•t Petition s an Fa\'or of St ate l~eapportionment Janu ary 'Good' ~1 onth in Fight Aga inst (ommunicahle Di seases ·n.. 1111'1· ,,, II oho 1"•'11 1'-lh.t! loot ')jtllllh "'' Th•· • .... 4., trt Caltfttfr11:t \\ot ... lu\\1'1 llu' ,J !flii'U~ IJidll lh•• ,t\• f,H'I' 1d '"' '''-"'' d ,_.. .l.tfllt II \ fl~lll• ...... ,•••tu lc' llldw.lft th II 1 ~11"" dt"'•'•''~' 1"'-\It\ llh \\,1~ dot\\ II It '•Ill II..._ \\ .tl ·11111• h•·ht,ht lll t • illtol'nt.t II"" I rl 'III'J 11f I "' olll lrtll l:t II\ t outb Centers May Utilize Surplu s Buildin gs It \\ ,,~ fh·•·n 11·<1 pr-nbublt.• today •11"' )t•ulh C'N ttc•rs, in t'Xistc ncc .11111 pt·copo.•t·d. ma) acquirf' u parcel "' t ilt• 15 <tdtlllto nul surplus build- Ill~~ marl<' IIHtilahlt· rt'<'vnlly n t the ~;.nl;t Anll Army i\tr bnsr I Supt•rvi~or l r\'ln C NJrgt• Gordon or ~"•'WIXlrl H!'aCh rr porlt'dly d is - 1 t'lll.'l'd "'''It .~ut._•rvlsnr \\'it lis Wnr· "''' tlw n t't·d for youth ccntf'r '" \I('IUrt'S Ill C'o~lll ~lf'Sil, \\'('St· 1111n~1•·r ami :\11dwny Cit y . 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I '"'" I IJ ,~···'' tid rtu\ "''' tth ,., ..... IJUoulh" ,1, t.tt• h··.dtlt "·I ·"' I • f,, ltl. d I hi ... \1 I lt•l • II\ 111111.,-lf1••nl ftl~'f I Htt ltlu'• ''I tlfft .. 1 '"tiJIII•ol) l dtt t'' Ill tliphfht ,J I JllftltltiJ\\t f'l, lflo,1,111 , II "'"I''' I II\ tho ltlt• th•lllllllh fo \11, "'""1~•\ •I \\tttfld •'l•t••lll••ft th•• '•fl.tl•• ... \J•IHII"' ,end •.th••t \tiHI• tl tit """'· '" p• j•lil.tllt•H thll"' ·I I •• ,., I II· ;~tlh oorlto·· ,, 1111J• th• '''"'''·I fl\• \ Lf\tll~ntl\ttolof th, I• •- , 1ft lu fiH ff•,l •llll.ttl IH ,,., I Ito• I' o Ill o I IJI tft\ ld t·• l•f• I h• ,,.,. tit t 111tltrtl: Itt I h•• I .I \•lt fU ttfl t·HL!IIIthH,tl tho• I, tf. "' fth t.. '•• t't•tlrll\ It\.,, .. ,,,.~ l.a\\ It t\ tf t\ t tllttlt lh lfl ftflt ... , Jf t ltl1 I h·· 1• "'"·" ... "" tth • ,, , , 1·•~7 'rt.IIIUt • f't I fill• d It\ t' H till 1 ~ 'l•·1 k_, ltu k, '' tof th• l''''l""'tl ,, •• t•• t:•·l _•otr~7_. "''C'"''' bl J·l-t·et fht• 91 I I .. IUt ttfJ fit 'il\t ffi.- 1'1 I L*l ,,, •;,I I ll·f fldll l•:ttlttl tlr. u 11 t. d II• 't. tv • ot 1"'1'''' '' hll• 111•'111• 11111 I'll)( \\Ill l o ·' )• ,,. \\lfh .. u t '" • put••rtut .. r ttu .. 11 ... , ,... In tlu· fi·'"'' I\\ .. \• ,, ..... 1 ht;:h ruu• t-. ,. ••I , , ... , ... 111 "lrt'• t tth•nth .. t1' ,,, ... • d··d .. utt.,.•.tk ffl iif1\f' lfo '"' It tlh ,f,tlt Anttth• ... u.:ntlu •ut lu''• t tflL' "' ....... , ... , 1111 I I• "''' .,. ... ,, .. , .. .,. fl. ""' ''"'I I I·~·· Do you \\1tnl If> ro•nl~ li•<' in the'~<' rol11mn~ I,, I Harbor 581-R ---=--- 701 31st St . · We Present--~ ~ ••• to our READERS and ADVER'riSERs~-·- (. ; ' .I the · Young Man on Your Left He and his bosses (who are experienced newspaper dis tributors in the Harbor area) are now distributing the NEWS-TIME S to homes throughout Newport Beach and Costa Mesa. He is helpi ng fo fu rther the only ca rrier, home-del iv.ered se rvice now off ered in the Harbor area ... EXC LUS IVEL Y A NEW S-TIMES SERVICE NOW, you can have the TUESDAY and THURSDAY Editions of the Harbor· Area's On1y Twice - a -Week NEWSPAPER Delivered to Your Door the Evening Publication. remind of you that news, features of May we again MOR E ~ pages 1n and w-eek out MOR E total the NEWS -TIMES an d advertising, inches of display carr~es week advertising -and MOR E total inches of classified t han any news paper now serving the Harbor area. ads DD H8ME DELIVERY TH E DAY OF PUBLICATIO N TO TH AT AN D YOU GET TOP PULL IN READERf.INTEREST- TOP PULL FOR YOUR MERfH AN DISING. If We Can Serve You in Any Way Call HArbor 12, 13 or 208 .NEWPc:_:!, BALBOA --.NE-W~DMES-- EMBRAC ING BALBOA PEN INSULA, WEST NEWPORT, SEASHORE COLONY, LIDO ISLE, NEWPORT HEIGHTS, BALBOA ISLAND. CORONA DEL MAR , COST A MESA ccn lt•r WC'Sl· flt'l'd· uvc:>nilc it was SANTA ANA COLLEGE TO ASK VOTERS FOR FIELD ! I N t: \\' I' 0 IC T U :\ I. lS U ,\ N t; n· ~ . 1'1 ~~ Jl: ~ II t 'I'\\ '''" !'"'' 1\··~ I_!!! I I o·h '!I, I!H II Page 3 l!t'o't>l!lllllfll-: lh71 t ,, llf'alth)' bod} ,\ci•ln ~>tnt.: th•· ~111111 r•t,. uf tho· dttt\~ .111 ttfh• I lll••l~'''~' Ul II ' h t lo, ul.t.J '" lho ~IJ}.ill.J._ I • • a s \\'o'll a~ a ~ •• uno mm<1 r,;l'S"rnn:rl·•..-ll··~·· 111 tho· I•·"'" "' Ito. :'IIIII• 111 In fl "dl·r•utnol•<l l llll<'atwn und l'111 .. r1 l •lt .. ·t·•l II I) H u-.-oll ••"' tht• d'-''' tupnh nt (•f ~,,.\lt1 t'lltlt·n~. 1tu Uh•!'o t UHI'••t '·"'' t.u &tal~ n• • d• .t ~nnlil An:1 o-nltrJ:r, lhn•u~h rl:>• ,, thr ttl-oi-l""~ , .. .< "'-'' '-~Ill Offlf't,tl!<, fMI'Ull~. 11111! -.tlttlo rlt-., IUII.J ,n,,.llllll \\l~lt .1 >1 .tlllt.: l tll.lo'lt~ fltl' ~ant,t t\Jl,l "'lll•tl htl:ll rl IS t'll· Ill IIIII "''' th ttl .'"o!~l 1'111-. 1.~ Ill ~u).:• d an a \'11!"'"11" r;tmJrolt).:fl 1n "'"ll"' \\11llltl 1th11 ,., no· ,,, "" l r• .p\.hltt•n I-' tft, hntldut~ ,,1 , '11 ",,n.nl. l(u ...... • tl .Hhl'\tih••l !1.1. o '-1"-liLu•ll t•l lh• l'h''" II ooht I llHI'I I HI'"' .... •·I tht '• th ··I .... th~,._t, , J ll•th·• l • ._.tt.atl l ~t1t\ , t~ ''"'I 1. ,u '''·*~""'"' .uhl :o-l •• nd!"t r.u •. 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YAR\VOOD u. c . r•hc A :'\="'0l •;-.;n·:S 0 1'1·:;-\l :'\C. OF OFFIC.. E 18r.G Nt:WI"OilT IU.\·o . COSTA M&~A CHlROPRA<'TOR ASD DRU GI.F.8S TUt:RAP\' T~l.: Bt:acon 6561-R Casino . Cafe and Cocktail Lounge * Serving Complete LUNCHES and DINNERS * 202 Main St. Balboa, Calif. Fresh Daily !0-tUd• ll, .. ,,1 Hh t•oll• \.'' '"''\\•·,t th . .t t~f '" t , ,•nt 1•1 lht• ... ,u,t• nt, t.a\n l ,.,t lh,• c:un,tnu..'"lhtn ut it ,•.uut•lth •t lllt'fl .t rt rt \\ til1h.•n'~ h~ 11ltlo1'1UI1\ Jo11111111: ------- \\ 11 h Rub (lrlrr T tw \\l lotho 1 m.tn 1> lr~ut).: luu'll, hul ho• jll~l ('olll I IJUIII' rnako• 11 r ,olll 1 1.-'~ J,:l\1110: U' 11 h1 11o-ft•;:. 11u1111:h. Ill 111.111•' up ioor ol 1-:rm·~t \\, II' l'""'l'h-1•·•1 Ins 11r~1 Harbor Events sulu l ll;:h l. w h 1 I, F r •• d I 1,1\ I•'"· I )Hfl,lill R:omploJil. !II"' l'tl Ankh, i\11 J'l;tfl S I,.\\ t\ I "'"' \\ I I I I II Ill );j..l:j..l:j.. Tars Come Out Of It to Throw Vikings, 50-:19 · :\I HI\ t: IS S till\\:\ IJ<UI of thfo thro11c "hlr·h a ll ••n ol1••l lhr• llllllllal Jtool lu<'l• ""l't"'' "'' \ 1"1 '''" I•"' 1\o·•.,.h C ub 1,., ... I Ill ta .. t t'rlcla}' at ll~o• t ll\1 t.:""'""'" .,·huool t 'ultlluo•lf'r I" Ro•IM·t l t oolll• Ml tol "'''""' c·-uturulltt"C•ttuut a-. tcuhf'rt t:a•hll&ft '~'"" ... huk.llna.: Nt '•" ""'' t~thlt•l pf.-•tt• t•, II••"•'' l 'h••t .. I •'- ~to or t l'o "" r •. I • 1\ t~l I ho II 1'11 \ •• t ~ ht't'f''•·' ~1111• II l'om o•ll \tllllPI·.. •• hI' fub Park 105 to Recllh·t' Frl'tl 1{4•11er Skating Party; Awards lland(ld Out tr,,uun~ for ., 'PtUil\\'rt'l·•l lu·.·u ... ~ ·r, ••ltrtL! h. I Itt th.•t' "'u t ...... u. t ~ut. '•'Hu 1 ..... "' 1':14 ~ It(, "a11 h•· 1 '"'" 1 • , \I", h , .t tit• ...,, tw ... •l Tars' Dun \Vard :~rd 111 Sunst•t Lt•agut~ S(·uring .uu1 rs n••\\ t,akln~ U1 llt,ltt&nt•nl .tf tlh h,tlf :tt.:·•'"'' )l,l ·pl.tt'1'1"'u"· '''·"''' ,,, • I••• t ,•1ltl 'katlrt..: \\HI"•' lh•'' lttt t ttlh'' "''' r.tlu'&.: C'\"lUr''' "'' "h""'' \.tkrnL!' h.t\•• h··•·u .ul\ p.111\ :'ttt11 tll\ •lhtfh...,,fl t•T Pitl ···''l••t t lt ~t f•~• I "'"" f u~·l•'"l pl;~~~~:'';.,','l~lfJI~ :.~,~~~~· \~ ::~.;~ ~~~,·::~~ :~.:~~ tlll.:lllt' ,,:::·,·~~:":'.';;, \ ~~~,. ~::~~;;1, :::" ;•: ,:;',1~• ·::.:·,1,~ I ~~~' ::,:;,~ ~~;··~·;~: ~.· .. ,;• 'I\ •II• o o .-.till \\''"I :.~·~~,~~.:'."1,'',:·.,.''"~ :~llfllol 1• ;',, 11::::~ '"'"''' 'll:ltlll._1 tho•Wtnll .. 11 '""'"'1 1111 :-.;1\\(lo•llll.oti~H ,l'rll•lfiJ•·•··k l'~o• I•• olll" ot• '''111111 1 110 1.,.o1 111, 1 1 .. 1.ot .. 1 II' 1.,1111• .-lanllt .,:u·tl~ th•· 'iimt• nurnt,.,r u f lll).!h M'hutll s.,lf~••' I'Hotr-·d ha-.:k ut \\''"'' trUHitlflf'•'tl th• putt~ u~ '''hI ,,, '" l''"'l.,.l ·'''"" '""' d~tt llh 1h· ,,.,_.,dtt "'·' •·II ,,, tt.ul 11.,.1 I• r nlllllllo• "lh ltw1 fltonc tho·(,,,, h.olf to l'ltflo'tt a ~>111'1 rio ·'" "''·"" '"' tlw 1'1111• 1'•11 1 111 lloo I '0 I'• ""''"'' ,1"'" l.o1 11•11 ...; oro l.o ,\oo, .t1111 '111 ,, . .,.,11, \\Hh lhtt \\'lnd ur aJ,::un~\ II, or t'l'-'!lttrt 'rht• \\111 p11llt'11 th•· )IN'.!) lht• ••••• n t ~t~~ut ~\It tltlH u,.ht.y \\IIUh \\II '""''"'' .• t t I· 11\ltl\. 1h• ), ,d. I "' t; PI''"' I t•ro~s Wtntl for lh:JI ntallo•r llu\\ h:u·d"'"~l 1'10'·'"·1 h.o.-rto•r,. lip'" A ll•·ll loo•llltl lho·Jol l/•'l"l "'llhtl: ~"'11lll•tll l•o o•h•• ••I •lo•htl' 1.,.1101,,, ... 11,1 ...:.,11 "'·"''' '"·' l'\'r· tht-:tnj.!lt •• r r-lln'\h 1:-o t,.!l t•hh·l' .... "')(' ~ttlllh n-.!:ttr1 j 1 th~ t1 h l .. t lhhtt• ht th·· s.·,ull ··on· l'hl "+il tl J,llt 11\11\\' ,,,, "•'' , •• , 4\otJih ... l)llntuu•t tlll ,,,.,_" wlw n fl~1111: :Oj!lltrt<1 tlw \lolnfl ThiS I lull no·~' 111111111'1 "'"' hud hd d "'"''' """'"'"' looo ~I ''"'' ·.•1 ,ooul I""'' l.'l \\,uol "''"I"'" 1J,11 t .... ttl' is duo• In'"'' f.o('1 1hH1 11H· t.:ruun<1 111•· Till~'" II nu~··r.oltlo• I I pntnls l lf.ondto't:ol1 '""' ,ol lo•rotl/1111'1' lllo loo 1 .. '"·""''' loo llio l'll'"l l110•111oo• ''''I"~·· 11 7 1 '0\•1 1••\\ !opo·•·rt "' sltll\o•r thi!S l.lktn;:" !'hlp lip '" llll lfllnto·. f·ll nff tho• Jllll'l'l,ll\llrol~ \\0 I• II III~···' lo\ Ill \\' T 1\ilh 1ho ........ llol\ol '"'·"Ill 1..11·· ,,., 1~>1 \\o '" !\•"'I""' llrol lu•l lungo•r Ill <'fl\'l•r It 1:1\tll dosloll'll'o' Ill 11,.. g o•no•r:tl o'-\'IIP111•'tlf (If lr)'· :ll••ono .\ .•rool lluloo•ll lto•otl Milo t'oof1>1111•1oooll Tho• llll·o·111h' "''I'"' .lull ,..;1 1111111 / \n,!lu·orll Il l.' cl\'l'r tho•~:n•untl :ond ltto•ro·lo~ ('lmlh· •n,.: In ''"I' 11wlr ro•\llilloll•rl f•N'" .la<•k lt.oulo -.;,.,111 ••••f'llilllllt•r (llr I lo ,..ol l.ollool\1111' 111•· •looo\11111' ,.f ((,..,,.. I••'""'' ~'~• \' ol I """ Ill).:"' a III L;IIt'r lll1111tllo· '" 1111' .wolr.od<lll llpnnl) lti (NIInl.;nloorl ,tho• '""""'""!-: t··r ,\. tu<h:•'<l lloo• oooloot .,,,, ool th• l(oo-. lloO\\I ........... K' '~"''' lloollliiiL;Ioon lon~r•r t a n iP Hut at '4 r a t .. o f , hrnh In put "'' h t lu lr anh't ""~Shln·ttmt· L:Uofl t'••rulu• t "" .u *'' t\•·hu•' •'11H'Ill p '' .d, I h• ·, ''"' ", t 1• , nt hu"'"' •''" f\•··•• h -;.. l1t.ttth•, t l dl··• 1 "" ·,·•• 1"-~tl11th••"Hnlt•a,thuth!h ll\\trf'''''11'1'f ... ':l.l'h··pr••l"-lrth•n~of th••l,,\\ttd"' \\t rt l"1 '''nlt•tl h) 1\l••'•ttl, .ltt•~lth~'·"l••••ttu 4''"""'"''' llunlil•r t•n• Jl,·u·h ..:u•n..: c"lo\\rl \\lnrt ,,1 "UHh'h L,:rt•:tt tl• h .u1•· \\••r• u .. ctHult1 tMll "' Ill (;.tltt t•larn 1.,, , ... \ . ""' 11,-.1, "'h''" 11 Itt tull ,,, .... ,,.,,, ttll 1 \u.t h 'l 1 r ~:ruunrt ,114., d 111(••11 lh•· \'tkllll:' ""' n fiiHrl .. -.1": ,\nulht•l l.o!h•·• '"'" 1: o1IIO't1110: ~~ 1 "'"' Hoot 11 "' ,101 , 1., Fur urtllllol ~lh~ht <hw•<.or\.oll ll•l lo-. ofl"'""d th.ol lito l.1r$ pl.tno ,., '11111'1 I rotoldo , .• So••• "'" I''" "'fl o" ,, "'"'" t••rrtl' '" ,,,..~Lawn·. Bowlers Line Up Full Program F 0 r \\t'~'k ' ,,,,,,.1, fn t .tn ''l'ltu.tttuu lo~'' h.ttr ·•' I~'*"'"' ..:,.un•l••t1 ,d t 1948 II(III F \1•1'-.; .\11111'1' FI.YI:'\C olollom JONES CO. 196~ Harbor Bh·d. n ... t. !'1,.... Ptt. nr: 11'!80 I ~1 .. 1 tttu pu t 111, " • •I .. P"'' tt ,,t11n ..: El T Sh froont 11\0' 1-tl'," St••• hrn.on·, I lotio oro oot t"''''''""""'"'"' ll.otlwor lt•h•t T P . . m•·n earn ractJCJng s . .~ •. "' twk•·•, r •. , tto·· '"'"" ,, • • • . 1 C:tlru11;1 "'''' ht L..,,n :u ul pl:u" { .. 1 1-.1 I llf<l ' '"''"' Rnd ro•\ "" o•r , •• I htrd Ill\ ,,loon .... ,.,... lllf'lll llllfnt. ol 1:•11111 •~ o•urr:·ntl) flr~·flrtnl: lrl tlw rn tlu!' )••:rr, •••trtt•·•l Tho•lll\1'11111• s .. ntn An11 :"11\,ol /\lr <1attnn r:m~.;o• too I"' o·,-.~lrt "d arr• ll••a" :ond 111• In pro·JIIorilllloll f••r tho• f•>rlht~>mm~-;1 '"""' marlin. 1-t rll\t•tooro. lt~:lot nro•l lll•l.ol'llflonro• Ill ,,,.. (l••<l•rl (':o\al· ~-fl rn:orhn :!nrl lll\'l'loon :01111 loor tho· r·ad• lnt••rn:oltoolln l,, \lohorh '"" l11• ~r'~' ,.~,',~ ~·~~,, ""'n c·;"''. :.tarr h i Port Orange • 'IW<'Io·ll 111 I'IHII(id1• fifo• :\fto•l•·r oa . 0 sume :.to•ntloo r• oof I ho• m nrtnf' tt•ltm I B ts t Re S•tl:•·lll1 ((o,loorl I. ('ark~. \\'1!-R I Sch d I It :om I' llo~ I I 'h,ll·l•·' .1 \\'do~·. egu ar e U e I 'hm l•·' A \\'hi!•· and 1~1 1.1 Fr••ci (' ll••ll"l l'ror t IIPIIII'' F t'lltnL: llool•. I lo Th· :'>111'111•' '"'' '"' o·oornr• 11111: (',,,,_, '"' \ :-.;"'1"" I II"""''· ·•11 h~otl'1'' top rH ttktn~ ,,.,, .. , ,., .. ,,. nr,unc••' 1hu1 1tu \1'''·'"'' ., '' 'I •I till"' d t H ttl f••l t I"' tftd fU tft'\ ~~ t\ t , .. I U , .. l,q,,...., 'I tl • I t, Ill'• It h 1IH"1 !'1\l 'f!;\ \II YJ'IO I h , l'tl; 'kunk tllltr k• t tu ld .,, .. " u .,, • · •II frorntu "I ol• til• '"'' 1•·111 I• II ''''' uf tl•·utl h n tl'• t ••' J•t I• •' n tl tl~"tnlttttl \\,.,,.,.,, ,,,, 'tfld 'l'lu" I' 1• ,, 1 .-t t '" ttnll''' tl 1n f•H nlftllnn • ''"' ttn• d tn th1 .1""" .1 ''mur k•·t r• I"'''' ••I th• '\\t al• 'fHr t)t•ltr lnJ,! llltHUl4f, l'tthlt""h•tllt\ tfu rlt\'1~1<111 ul I o•lo .1rool 1'"""' II• o ..:•uf'tft fur tr •1•1" r"' ,uul •li\ ''"',.. tt• plnyt~f\~ /\\• 1 ,,,,. '"' tt•rll' I''", ...• ,( I~ f11rr> lll•ollll!l ol-ol o 11•1•·•1 lo\ 11111• 1'011111\ 111 \\Ill• I! lh• \ lt o\o• loo, 11 1 r rq op1 •1l ftf•lf pr ,,.," t••~tl h\ '''"'',., •• ~, "hhl•·~:.l•• f•u d·tl••" '"'''"I''" fartun·r ... ,,,, I'',,. r ,,,, t. ,, r 'I ,, th•'Y \\'t•ft tl lll lll .. tj,, , ... ,., • I "Orl t:oltl• fl fu t • r '' l 11 h u • t;• trupa~·d lrt 1111 ,, ,,,,,, I•• '• n·~non \.\.lth ,, •• ,. J•l• ,,,, 1 lu t •• tl 1 lith I t' I' 11 t I' IJ• tfl •I \\ " It• I '-•'•tttl '' I • h 1 I ••tt th• "·•·'· \til , ••• , •'"" ll ttl .... I ••• I• HI ..... .. tl ... • .... t ,., 1\' ' ·,.''I",, II ..... I ~~ 1'11 II t It tt •I ... u. \\tl ,,, I H I I • \ ~ It ~ I I I ""'. ,.,,, I Phi li t \'l.t 11 I I I I \\ '"" II \1 I , , , 1 .\utu ( 'luh Su ~~t·sts Plan fur l{t.•dudn~ Car License Taxt•s 'lftl lttl\ '"'''" ,, hlllt I··· i I I• • f .. , tt 1 I ( 'dlfn,lllt 11 1 t 11 I I• !11 t f•l •t••, d I , tl•• \ i ''llt•t t qf, A .,.,,I ,, '"''"'' I .. I . It I I, I I I n 1 It •• lltltt•f ltl ,,,,, •••• , ft·oot,flllltltol•tf lfl t .... \I ,.,. I·· II· t ,, I I fttd•• tt •1 ht dttlt .• I I 1• I t \ " •I•• , f,,., 1 ,, ..... 'ut1o tuffl • I I • I , •••• ,, fit ttl t "' •l•t•f•• ,,,,.,, • •I tt111l"t \' 1111 l1 " • '" hu1 t., \., I I ,, fHII I• t • ··f •• "• "'' ,,, ~1111 f I.,,., If' l , ..• ' , ...... II ' Itt\ 1• lu • 11 t '"'1'111 •·•I ,,. 1~•\ tlu .,.,, ........ ,.. '""''·"" '"' \I '"''' """ ·~, .... •··L·.u•tl··-..~ .. r '""'' '''''"" Ill ... ,,.,,,,,.,.,, \'\tift .ttl '"'' 11•h•1• ttl (tt '"' \ • tu1 It lu • ft\ • f, • ,,, t ot•1•1•,••d .tt th '' lllrh · \\ h tt h ftl,lf I ~~ Jllttft,. f 1\ I 't tllfl'' ttU ...... ,, , '"" ... ..r ""' .... , .. t ul· , 1'fttl• f Ill• I hfft Jtfltf"t'Hf \A ltJ1 It \\.Ill tu t thfllfl1•·•1 I tt tfh ~"I I• I' I J •'•11 •1 d iU "H' "" I ••fftlfll' , ..... ,,,,. , ... \1 , ••• ""'''" '""I''",,, ,.,.,,.,,," tUd d '-1 llo•d fllt 11f dt•ftt I I l/11111fl td t '" ,ifH I ,,, •• i'"' dtHt•,. \\ "" "'' II'• "' I til " ,, h it I• \\l'llf111 '"I .. ,,., • If • t ~\• 'l111 ,, lu •llfl;t 'A ~,qld 11 • ••t HI/" Ht• I ' tltf••ffUtt ~,,, .... pt 111 • lh· I.H 'Ift~· It t'• lfp It\ r ~t!•· j., il11 , •oil ft1ol • •f ••f• th• ftfl ~tllflt j ,,. J ,, t ,., 'I ~·. , .. I ",, •• I I ' • ., 1 \I jl Jltd ""''''' '""''"' lht I• I fq \If.' I l)t 11f \I tf l\ 1ft fttt t f I '• tli Del~ lea Peoda Or, eomplet.e eq.,,.._, .,._ roa wu& t.e eatda JOV ..._ nf 111• :\1• '"'.Ill Arrn~ :onll \arocol" . •1 B . \Io iii ''"" "I" 1•''""' "" ~·1• IH\\ •ufotP nHnt ;n~··n•t•c;,. tt " ... ,, :!>< \o\lth lt\t h lltl Ft·hru:,, \ ."• t-., k r1'l"'l '' d t.\ tho 1-:1 Toort• puhl11• r r·-It l•••k• '" If tit• I• \Ioiii l~t l tf1Hn 4\ nrr.~. I ••• .," f ''" "' r .... t. II I,,, "'''•' fo I '" I ,, , 'r11p 1n ',,. ,, I •"'' .,., ,, '" ' ;·.· ,,,. I ,• , .. ,1, ,, .. ,.f ,, I , .. ,., HORMEN FISH MARKET ON CEST1LAL AVENUE ' ~"EWPORT Br.ACR I ( h drH~• '-l••k• ,,.,, r1 t tr11 ••I t • R 0 E t·h~q I• r h ... ,t ... \\ tth ln•H f t'-h' 1 E UIR BAND llloto:orolhr•••ll'lol 111 :.; lo•lo ''"' o LEADERS TO PAY '"l '"""'l' "'"' "'l t•rrl '"", E 0 TAX :tl•\\h:ur ••'''''• ''"•"-f•ttt r ''I ~,.., ... ""'I'll,,,.,,"'" fl pl •• an \\11,•• f'l ,, n.' I I htiU,t• t ·:tf J I ,., I ... •'''' II•• I I tl< ffiiJOU•.,.. I !ttl , .. , I I " \\flol 'I',,,., I '• '' •I ,. .. II ('ftfJ) :r , t 1 I I ,, tf•fot •t .. , 'lo I •' ,.,. .. , "' '" l•t .,, ,, ,,, '" ,,, .. , ·•I '" I' I , .. 1•1 "' ... !UN MPL YMENT 'J'ho '-·'"'' <'fo \\ \tol!o '.1•1111 I .................................................................. _.~........,._... l••l tltf t, •• ,,., ''•II t ,k, tit' !\t !-',\1'1( \\II '\"fl 0 I I I' I Tho 111 oolot ot 7 ,, 111 t!tll f 'oil ;oloo II •·r•) '''''"' """ '''"'''" Mo,..r .. •1· •• 0 ,, I• I • tl I I' ., • tl ... 1\ 1• 1·1 GORDON B. FINDLAY OONTalt.OTOR AND BUILDER Of'lkle: .. 10 ()oeet 81 .... CABINET SHOP SERVICE OABINET8 MILLWORK T. C JOHNSON. Supt r• ollloot 111 o •1111•1• ""'ttl ~1.olo"lll 1 }o, oon tlo• .I 11 \\l u i lo 1,, lt .. fl 4·••11 H111io."-11tfl h;a~o. udufJit tl :1 •• •t 1 ,1 1,. ft l•qJ li••ft It tplll lll.,: lflt"l ttft tH ~ l~t'l \t I' t r ;' t• ,,,, '' 1r1 ( ·.lld~tnu • u whullrtt' ht f11 •• I to. Itt f \ I tlld I• to.t f 11 1'111"' "' t f ,, ftll , '" 11 •f11t harut... IH fl.t\ Un• tnpln~ 111• n1 ttt""'tl.etlt • l '''' on 11••· !ooal Il l• <ro1 I' 11f1 th• tl ltlll'H Ioiii' I.,. ft 1 \ I ,f ,,, f ,, • I ,, ""'''" 1' q ,, lrtd r1 Ju ~ ,,,,., \\h• 1• tl, lll lhlf'l tfl"' HHt'1 tofl ll I.,, "tift trJ.J,Io• l'··~t• r~rf • flttf I lltf•lt 1\ f ~~ I •I •utd.-r •• t• .. ndl· ··d· r llll'h1 1 IIIIo, 1!1'1''1111/:.111111 ftttCk 11'1 lito ),.,lo I r1r tt1''''" llllfl ltH\ItH-' l h 1 fftll""ll' \\t~l&(d t,, I' "'J"'•fi\,Jt.it (111 ttu l h \t ' Th• r• t•••'·'''''" "'' '''', , 1••ns· SELECTED FOR AIR , TACTICAL SCHOOL :\l.o I''' ff.ot' o 'I \I \fl II II •olol \1 I I o' o I I ool I I~ I '·----------------------------------.: .... 1..11 1 1 1 1 r: I t..ndu1.: "'"'I'"'' II I"' t• 1t•· 11 It\• f•·;•l 1\ • r •• ! ·.,I, r 1 II•, \1 •' ~~-~~~~~~~~~~ ---~ I .lr! YI•U w unt In llf'll It? Arlvf"r .,...,. In lh""l' column•. LUMBER BUILDING MATERIALS Bay District Yard Phooe ae.ooa 5111 P'OI'l fS8f'llASCI; &r:r: lloward W. Gerrish 111011 s ""1'"" Boelfi9U'CI ('O._T \ \fF.!'A Mtn iW! n.. .... m 6141 Automohile • Fire Accident • Life I..Jc't'nS(' and Contract 13onlb Written f·,• • n • ~· ., 11 •I ' .. ,, r t. fi' , f ,.r •. r • ,.. i\11 'I ., , • T \lo•l oil \11 I • r o ko '" \'lo. I r .. ~' a ... , . ' ••I, ( 'arr'H Fe(•d Ston Hav and Cra 111 Quallty Ff'('(l~ -~- Ua.lly o.IIY~-,._..,n lit~ 1ttn s .. ..., ... rt ""-'· .('OIIJT/t. MF.lU • .... lwtu t r 1 ,, • .,, • ., f tl t I ... , • I • l I' 11 ntK•IJI C.., I · ",, ., l '" '' •• d " I "•• ttrlt• I' ••• , I '" 0 I 0 0 \\ ,,, v II t I It I' ' $)<"''I If t I '1 (" I ''•OIJ•~•t• •I '• ' j. ,. It. ••f ~II l• I I '" Ill \o ftl\ I It t , ... Tho• \) •• 0 lui''''' 1 hr trtP1J1 .... 'I , •J I•'• ,. •I I "'"'' \' .. j I' 1,1 COMM.ERCIAL Low Co-.f-Sfrong PN moncnf M ORT ARLESS INTERLOCK ING BLOCK CO. 2 •t;) ,,.,, .... llh<1 f"fl'T \ "f':l'lt\ l•twnf' 1\foal'flO ;, um-~ 779 VIOLATIONS ,. \1 I '\II .• I• I •1 ,., ",,, ';.'• I I. '"' .. .,. t , ... ,,,lilt' rt •I II·• I•'' \•I• I••• I• ,,, •l1.r "''• I Hill t1 \ •h• o I' ' ., ' • t ! ( ~ I • I ' ! I f • I , ' I I t 'I ,,, 0 . \\ ••• t I' ' .. , •• I y I , I ,.,,, •n l11 1 ,,, 1 .,, , ,,,. ,,, , 01 ,.,,.1,,,.1 It II 11 •I• I• tllf "' .. ''J \\I,. \'I I t ... ,.,., J ''•' t 1 II 'ttl I tdo lit f 'l ,., I •J• tf .. , .. ,, ..,. •I Insurance p. G . palmer IN C O IP O IATIO JJJJ V I \J lrd\), llt'WP0 t l b011Ch, C Oirf t r lt'f'"•'111' "''WI''''' hooch. ho rhor 1500 * * Enjor Year-Round OUTDOOR Uwlac --~~ ''_)},.£t ,,.,nan" CUUOM MAOI BarHcHII PIIIM \\ t ... tloc•r )oollo ullh•lll• A,_ 18 L11 o!•' ••r •"'"11. ) "" may Mill ,.nj''' thr uuu n ••tv"utai(M o f t I lh h•UIIIt '''lt•l•"''' II\ IUjt WUh aft t\•"•'tiU"U lliHl\ot'tUfl. J•,.Uo 01 t ••Utt•\nttfl••U u f \ht• IYt.tt W• ..... I•·"•• u nll•t , "'"''" ttultd t"-f•·n • Ul•'' Itt '\Ut )"~tUt .. wn pl"r• "''''"' ,,,,."""'•·•. ,., ttt .. •me '""'' u<olillllit 1111 aval .. ba. ... " ...... ,., ... ···"•"''"" ... Phone today, our repreten lotrve w oll <oil o f your home ond g ove you o f R~ l f STIMA TL o n ony o f th••• feotu,.. de•ired or yo u oce onvotoe d 10 VIlli our dot p loy 01 2330- 42 S. Moon St . ACKERMAN FENCE CO. 2110..2 South Main Sonte Ano ,...... 1741 Sport Tops • • • Seat Coven TAYLOR'S TRIM SHOP Au tomoh1 lc l J pholsterl ng Boat and T ruck Cushions 1505 W ~st Central Newport Beach IIAMRUR 1-.0 Enjoy Dt~lirious Mexirun ... ood at .fa Poda <:omplete Meals from $1.00 2.'lAA Nf'wpor1 Boulfova.rd (JOHTA MiliA ., ...... ...., Us•• 4 ~~ t I Nil)' ftF.AC 'UN 114M I S -T -A-G -E OUTWARD BOUND o ploy by SUTTON VANE rllf'l~'lt~l lty WESS DENSMORE FEBRUARY 25 -29 ( 'urt&ln ll:liO ""-"' ... ~ ... t l IMJ .tl tl.l\0 I t..-. t.n I Phone 191 1.,\fif'NA nt:Af'll f 'OMMI 'NIT\ I'I.AVI':W4 Chrysler Marine Engines I Hrcrt Factory I HHtrihufur SEE TilE New 20th ( '.t•nf ury Models • Ace • (:rown • ltoyal M :!6 -II'! lo 11. \t '!7 '''•Ill• ·/t ·/ (·.' S . ~ t•rvJ('t.' and Parts at A II Timt•H A \'ailahlt• ·, 1411 ... p. Kenneth E. Wilson Co. ( 'hri!-4~( 'raft 9-25 ( 'naRt lijway I )ea lt•r Bearon 521i Sc·ll It Through ('lap,q jfied Advertising NEWPORT BALBOA NEWS-TIMES ! T f b 1.!:..--------ll~---,:...•~r..>~n<\Y ~'"'"fM'Irl " .... ·h. c..... • ...... U , ·~ -~ ar or Or. Irwin Bronner , County Specialist on TB J. . Feminine Aet'• • t • \Recipes Needed UNRA Worler fo Speal lvl les for...New.£.ooLBooL On-UI~in Greece . Th1• _Am: ru.:11n 1-','JZ•un Auxthary At Capi/la Circle Meet ·1 Addresses_Presidenf's Co_nlerence ol CCP-T _j___Phtnlt"' ll:utM n I '{ .mrf-'_"ffi+----.... ---Rl"S'Ek.-Aee Phene-: Htt -bo 1f'37-R lml :-.;,, ~1 uf ="•'"TNJrl B<>a_c~ Finttmnd ,. .. _,.., of life in 1 · 1 r '· C 'ahf '' ·•'lo n)! that all m<>m&·r' Grt'<''''' "til ho• wlcl mc·m lx·rs or l':stn~; t ho· tlwmr Jo.•undalton for Good llt•ul th ,'' llw l'"'lll••nl' ('Onh•rt'IH'I' o/ r n UII h oh• I r 11'1, CsllfornUJ C'""K'" "' "' 1'.11 • uta and To•,u ho 11' \\ ·" ho lfl Ill t h1 U I:\.IOoJ llo·111'11 111.:11 "IH~'I 111 !I '\II " m , F l'll 1\1 ;\lr' i\ I '•J•I•• '' ol of 1 lr11n.:•• pn•••thru.: Snld llr n rnmll '· .. ,, .... I I"'~"' I lh~ "'' t..lu·f•l pr .. r ........... n t .. t \11Uf o l11hl · ,f' ~"" olro llllllk lllc l•f I' nfll\ 1"-,l \\ t J\ uf 1 •II fllfl.,," •I 16\ UH.: l•r Hr,•nn•r I"•Ullt«l••ut lh• '••n '"•rn fi, 111o~rut~ ru.us~ •ll••n 1 tlu• ''" IHI ..-rtu• pf•'tl.·• ~tf ttk t.:luru v •• ,~ l•••t 1 11L' ''' 4 '' '' J••••~MJ dl• d ttl tut.• t by rno•tn l•r' uf 1;11 1 '-nolll l oo11op Ill"''' 1'••1•• "' h;llo •'Ill lh,. No 1~'· ult1 ,,._ un.-.;;tu n '' t:o-l t •" to .,., tr4.n .. r ,,,.,, l~tCJ fM Mt R"''n ''' lli•\'t·ro•n•lll o\ l'h•tUI •''''I'"' ,;·, '''"',,,.,,,I"'"'''' kll•" 111 tho· Lull I• 11111 1 htu o·h I' Ito• '"""' r,l ll11• •l"''••k•• ~;, • 11 111 Thrtlt1 f1 HIHJ1f• ''I"'''', .•.• ,.,,. tt,.r n l.tfl\ l""*''''j ,1111 flunk that Noted Authors Greet "1 llit• t•ummunlty \\hO WISh ... ('nptlln <'IT<'Il', whtr h rtl('f'IS at 2 1\,,,,. r •. ,.,,,..s put in rhe auxiliary p. m \\'t•dnt·sday in Ptlgnm hall. Guests at Book R,.,iew l'fluk hook , 1:1'1 lh('m in by !\larch .. ,. !\Irs ('n,i Rtt•d . \\'lft• tlf Dr. Held at Ebe/1 Club I ... lh.ol IS \lht•n lhf' 4look I:OI'S R·····d t.orm.·r fJI"l'~ICknl tlf thf' In- 111, pro•ss . tt•rnaiH•nal t'(lllt•,.:•• of Smyrna. "F~o~· :100 , .. a,-.. n" ''"''~"'" llan·d 'ta l t for C.tltlurnt,, wul "" "•·•k· lin,. o•\'t'l );Ill t ho·t'o•' ,;olll ,..,.,. ShiJI· fl11• llilllh' llf l'lll'h JWrSuO Will ht• \\'ht•n l ']I;Jlo\ \\'fl!l fnrmrd. Or. lt't•·ll umh•r ttw rt•t'lpt•s rlwy han•l R.-·d ''"' ,.,·nt '" C.rt·f't'•• •n charl:l' 1-:11 ··n o\ I so t ht• IIU'CII !OJry WtSht'S tof t ht• 01~1 nhUIIIIn nf runds Cor '" th1wk tht• husont·~s ~no.:n """ that d1strll'l ami l\trs R•·•·d was tuo\'o· ho ·lt••r1 "" man ••l~tusly h y gh·· in l'hat·,.;1• of nuspla1·,.ri pl'rsons. tn..: lhoolr a d\o·rto·;ong for !Ill' hooks Dur111,:: 1111' war Dt·. R•'l'fl l'llme to II ttwro• ts any o nl' who has nnt tN tl'h in P nmt>11it n•llt·~P. lk'Y. ""'"' l'tolllntfll•l , "l"'•tktn~; tto 01 l'llplol·ll~ auillo·1w•• al tht• ""'und uf th1· lk•ok>o and Authtol"> t•·H~. h..ttl l·'•ul:11 111 Eho·ll C'luhhllllM' Ull· lit-I' I ho• Juint "llllll'ot'lllp of 1-:h..tl duh Hook So'l'l lotr1 """ '11w l"lund· o•t ~ Botrk !:)hoop , ll.olll11n "lund. .. •nlo·cl ltv h•·11l ·'"'"'"'''"II 1~,.,,. 11 ·1• lllho l'lt•·rl ' -. d;•n h noll ffo·iocllolll'' f, I nlo o II>;' I If ·1111'• '"'1111 \ I• I h•• I lr't Ill HUO>oiPI' Crt't•lt•y , mllnlll;l'l" Of till' our r•'l••ll' lllill 1111 111111! '" I"''' """'"'I" I ',oltl"• "''' I•• h;o\• II mo • ht.o~,k ~h"fl· Jlro'"'n l••d tho· IIUihnr~. '"'''n askt•d foor an allv<·r tis•·mPnt 'fhi~ prumlst•s ro1 ,,.. th(' out- " ho wislll's mu· lo ht• ~r~l'ludt•cl. slllmltnl( m •••·tmg of 11w yrnr fur plt·ll~t· <'!ill Mrs John Sailors or Catlllln l'ir(•l•• unci ull mo·mhl'rll !\lrll II. A' 1 Alma l Thompson on and frit•mli; nn• ur,::l'd to utro•nd. 111' hdur;· Fl'b. :lR llcll}' t~-.11· "''1' m:o•l· fill., l·rlo 111111 f<•l X·l ol) Ill tho• '"'"~ l•f :'o1t·. Shtppoi•) llnll l\tur.::ort'l Lt•t• hun•h ··•I """·"·~ "•" ''"'" '" "' "''"'"'ul""' lw11ng """''" ··•I 11 Rumlt•ek. authm· u f "llulll' of New Daughter Long Way from Home, But Yankee KIJows Yank W nl ltw ('ul l l.u\1\ :"ooiiiHol !•II Ill l~'i l 1.11•1 \O'oll 10\ll I!IU! l iltrl~ 1-:~l'lh" C;llo''f' \\t'fl' Wo•l('flml•fl by H kn!lh '"'~ .. Cllllflll·ll In ~1111111 \\j ,,. I ok• 11 :'olr-llt·u···· ~~~·IIndo•. Elll'll lll'l'•i· In Nickerfz family An11 I•• ""''' 1n 111111 "''''".: no •·tl•·•t 1 n ""' r·h··•·ktn~; 1 ho· •k11o ,, ,, 1to•nt and :\!,..;. Hub<•rt Ktllt·f~t·. PIC' llt•nry N C.n ff, 4;,7 Santa ~UIIIntt•nl 1" lo\l" n l•r'l 1.:••' ~···or :\-,.., 'k"' \'to····pl't''""'"' ,1nrt JH't~tam dlutr· \\'11h nt'" Stud,•bakt•rs l'omin~ """ a•·,•nu(', has rl'·c•nlt~ll'cl in the Tho• tho,.,,. ,,r rtw <lu• '"" •'Ill I• ''' "' ••· 1:1"'" 1n lh• 1'1111111) ,,,_ m;1n thruu~:h a;: !<lo\\1)' as lhl')' art.•, J<X' nrmy nnd is :ocuin in hi10 UMlform phll~ll• rt 111 " t .• tk 1:'"'" h) I'' ''',, ( •nl) .!~• 1w•• ''''"' ,,f ·,11, . ..,. (;" tng ,." 111 ''"n''' ,., old (';tit· :":ll'kl·rt7 nf Lido I~lt· d<X's n't "ith thP hlul' "Y()" c111 lh•• should er lnnn P llronrll l ''' lito• C.1r11nt;o •h""' d '''"' tho•\' tu•t1 ,,.,,.n , , fownia "">'· :'olt· Shtpt••> eh.tmled rr11ll~ nr•o•d a n .. w S11ksm a n S(l hl''s Privnll• C.nff. hn,·in~: S('l•n much count} hf'nllh fl•·lll•llmo·nt "''"'' 1.,,.,,,, All ,11,. ,.,,1m1111 ot lout .,, "" aulho•n•·•· hut 11 111 n,·il ilt.::otn't pla nmn,:: un mHkin):! a St•t•n •tary o f l hC' wnrld, kno•w whnl hl' was aprctlll tlt'ld Ill lht• s tud} ••I lllho•l · 1w 1 ''"''' •hull !hal ""') 1111 roll ,,.011111,. 111• Juook ... ,,,, 11111 (',•tit· t•ul ,r the> lklf'SI addition to his doing wh;•n hr rhn~c· N('lll)()l'l aalo811 l.t:t: ~>ollll'l't:\. nulrd o·uiUIIIIII•t and II'IIN "' ( all lurnla ..... aad \lilrl(&rl't kuntl~k or ,Boaton and ... -• n r I I I I 5 .. -1 r~;hr 1t •• '" II to knu". ... 'I' ol llulh \\ ...... \\ .... I hr ..... hur-. •• ,. .............. , lal~l BoHok ""'' AuU.Or "''It'll ., ... , .... , .... ,lulnUy by t:tw-11 l'lub II Will II ~"tllm" Ill rn .. ntl• •n I hi' anu y , II ( a OJ,.; lll'r lOrn ar : .) Tk:orh 11~ 'hi' h. ~t pill('(' in which FOR BIRTHDAY & WEDDING CAKES HAMOR IIOt Imported \\'IDH antJ Bef-r Dellcate.ea We •Pfldalbe ta WecWtac aad BlrtWay Calla GENE'S BAKERY 11r IIICinrto•r . th11t rvc>ry nd ult anol 'lhr a,lruulo•r, """""""I'· 1 ,.1111 11'11 tu rtl(hl a ro· 11. t:. C..'lllrt•tlfor. ""'"'r u f ThO' l'l•nder'; \1,.... llo· ,.;"1 ht"''lll''' """''')!Ill 1,~11 t,11 ru•rl S;,turr1a}. Fo•h :!I in Sr J OSI.'()h In l'SI!ll1hsh u loumo• for h imsl'lf ··un II<• n 1'!11 ru•r To •·nly l''l(hlflll1•' '"''' k lll··•··r. \ ,, ,. , .................... 1''"1:""" t•luolrllo:lll "' t:a ... u club; ~,,, llruo·r \lo·Hrtdl', t:ho-11 a•r....Jdrnl; "'·'"~ (N""''' ho•n• all'f'nrl\ .. '""Jiil.tl I and hiS \\ tfo· \'11'1:101:1 nlll C'alifor- d ollfh ' n ,. ""' l'f111UJ.:h. I ro• ""''''"'' \1 "'11"'''' llunolo't·k IOflol u,.,,,, •. , (',. ... h. rH:tnact!r of I .... ''""" '""I'· I \1 H I k Till' t.:ohy ha~ l~t•t•n OIIITlC'cl Sally I nta ·~ II IOnl: way frn m nn~ro>n nnd 'f'lw j,.,•r llo.ol I ll'>lll • r'oooofl t\ • Jih"t" lo\ \'lolno·~· 1111\ Jl' . 1" uno,.,. I:LI\•' WI '111111'lnJ,: ,lu, t~nd !<ho• \\;•t,.;lwd SIX nnd n 110 u n1• knr w wha l that "YD" · • ' :w•·ount of ho·t' 111-,1 ''"') .ond k••t•l I ""'I'll a I '' "' •·r·o·r•"' tll'll " "'' 'Royal Fam l'ly ' Is Ll'ons and Ladl'es En,·oy Holly A..Janegold Oz L. A. ''"'''n•·•' duu·kltn~: ,., .. ,. h•·r lrtul• half JMtunds Stw joon~ " hro llwr.l mc•:wt unlll f<lrnwr C'llfl(' C'oddC'r '" .oko-..1 hnk Ill I ho· "r, .. t. "• "" T I I'• 11 r. 1 .. ond ,, sl;;lo•r. !>:ant·.r. ;, AI Jn~·c·o• ~~~1111•11 11 nnrl ~hnurrd · ,,, a "'"''"n ""'""''' '"'"'' 11 \111.: ,,,, .. II 1'··~ 0"1 '~··n '111" ... II Senior Class Play , Turkey Dinne r, Program To Become Bride Ill "·~•d· \\tll'lh•·•· ...... --•ltto··d·h··l =-'••II) and ...... rnntho•J' "''' o•Xt>t'l'll'li t "Y'lnkt•o• l)h·i<i(ln'" -'" '' ·"' \Ltny • htloh• n .... 1old '" 1 1 .. 1 r , . houto· Tltu''""'' or Friday. I ""a 1111 miJ••r ,,( tht< :!~>lit divis· S f l M L 5 01 Jo Ln Haddon .. , ...... urn IIIli II ,,,.,. \lll':t\llln ' •II\ "' or "'' , ,. \\' I,. ,. Ml "'"'' I" "' e r or oren j '' I '" -I "· \\ ,. ,, I ll~orl• n I I I I Inn, forn11'rh· I h•· :0.::11 !II IIIII Guftrd 111 ""''' 1 "' :11•·•1 ""'" ·nu• · t•nHhhu~·c .• ,.,,..tH•t,t•l ll•d l ,, ·• .ttHI I •·t ... tlt,l•··b ... •t ·d l .• tdu•sr\l~h · t'•fldt '"'" \h ""' 4" \\' \l:tn•· c:r.·ut ~\r,,,, .. ,· :••·ull,\·taun,,ftttu' 'l \\tiS tht· \e~u'.~(,f 'II~ Prt•ss _·,.r ;\1:t~~iu•lttJ,••tl' \\hlc·h '''ll" a t ,,., ltl:•'n•'\ """'.'"' "'"ltol•ll• I ''"' t'•••;:·.:•'' "'""' '' lo f• I"'''"''"'" L••,.wn hJo : 1•1 "' il ll .\ti•PII' '"'"· ""' ''''"''' llll lho·~larllo·rlo·a•·hn•akin~; ('Jomp 1-:o\norol' C',q••C'ml lll•for·r .. r lh•· 1"'"1•1·· nullo''""" oillltfllll "IIIII I Ill I I ,.,,,, t .. ,,., •I '-1 .too.ol'ltllll's,::utl· ''"'' ,,,, ollllllllllhllll', ,,,. 1'11·1 '.'' _,,,..,.,,rh'lll•ll•ll ulll.lo•tfli'•'IIIIJ.; '" IOt:lltl·lo .. l'll lli'IIWI·~s lik(' Pal·l l!llll1~·1\'o'l'~l'll;.,(~ .. lf ,;o\\':!l)munlh1 ''"· ...... tin 1\tHIIIIO'I lllll loo , ..... llo\ , .. "'"'"'' '1 "11 ,,,,.!hoI oint \ oltllnt•r tu t:;o "' Chllli l't ll \1 ( I I to<pfplcl · . Sl'r\11'1' llo· "·'"'"tho· llrollll' of 't h •• 1'11!1!11\ ho ·dtlt """' .... ,. "'' I "1 '1 "',,'I I •I•· '"' ....... '111'111 "1 •h•ll "•W hlol', ""11'1 II' II L:l~ ·; ,''',,·I' ~:··· ·' ,.... . . '"" nuh··· Ill \\hll'h tltl' di\'ISion ... ,.,.,,tlo•ll~ l!'onl llltlll illot ol• ····I I .. I I ..... , l it,,.. I I ' <' I h ll t::OI'Il . '" ·'""" <:•nlcl~l.orldi•ll. ,,. ,. ,., ' " ,,, ,,,, , ...... \\ '" ''1'1111'< lho• rta<h ,,f lnr..thL:<·ne .. ln~t 111'(1 ('111111'''''•' l'l"'iiiW11lS. a nd 705 (loutHW)'.C.,roaa._.l ,..., ' ~ 1: ... ,.,, '' 1'""11'"1 1:''1'"" .-,mt pro "••I \lr' It"""'"" ll••ll:krn'"" "'1''1.!t';q,h··d ,.,.,,,,., "1 111'11 1"••k •.l ~'"'"11~1.' "HI<III" · •· .. Af- 1 t:tnlll" ,\ '"'' tu tho ho ••t•' d ,, 11 1 •• 11'"1 ot \1 '• 1 l.1"n < ko·~ 1 p11111111.; :ot tho• III':Oifllltlll\ ·IJ•· "' \\l'~o r~ tlw 1\llrP(W'llll llu•:rln•, '::============:---..: '" lo ••llto·ol II ll••lllrl t .. II• ol I '"" I· 111 1 'h '•11• 11 '"" 1 '~ 1 ' 11 1 :,,, t:. 111! t •I lq 111.:11114 111 1\lt•fl 1 "1" 1'1"· 1 • .,111,., 1,.11 l;dolo "''"' \1r' '''"•'· .\ cl111\ ""tho l'lt•·• k nf tho• nuhlo· rll'an·!ll idtllo• ~:'"'''rll rihhnn~ anti II 'II • 1 1 '"'"'"'''"' '''" ,, \I '' n .. '"'"' '1·' 1 to •· "'·'"·' ln··nt.l• 1 • 1 1 11 .-. 1 ,. 1 1 1 • •·•lftf1• n lllh tlt• it \1~11 Hrt•l ... . I .,, ""' '" \\ ltl• lltlu I h ·r· .• nd ;\h'. ,\l llun.~tl h dill .... f tlf'H("t• \,,.,.,. (_•y. h'fUI'~ nH'I ,, • tlf'llllf"'L! fll l••r'!" t•lll•••l htll'k 110 lho I' 'I' \ 1 lol\ • ol '-Jill! I I " \l o 1 1 11 ,. 111 o •lo.n·~t· pf llo• II ILo· llloli••• .II• 1 hor 1•111111' ..... 11.:-lnl-W lw .., t'llAC!l. ._ p11RhWe wa&e h ,., .. , ~­ .... .,_ IUOHT llere. ,. E D \M ~tO\VN ,.,.. , I'M-Ju!"V:-J PILEID IUTDI A Tl: AD Work nuanu~tf'ed • I-DAY 8J:a\'IC'I': o ...,.. ""'-•bit' I•··•"· ,,f lH'II\•' t llh•t•tal•• .. ,, '''''"" lh· I"· t.jt, •I · ~tt•,,,,ld•'" l •lltL'I lfll ''h••h I efur•·tl ~1 udt•nt 't\tn~ ·• .. u n tttltt h••nu· ••ll H .• thu• I tlu· t'UiflU1UfUt~ \,JfH III•H tful tt•• P •I ••I ftu t ''' nd ''"' l~t•l!l II ''""''' .l.ene· Uuk··• •HI .\I 1'''' .. • ''' .. II•· ~~ ·'"' tHhn~ p1,,.,d•uL· 111 l<t••h f\•r .ul 1 •tit1h t dlf1 11 1h' ,,, th• tl~ '•I 11 hl•r ,,f 1,, nnl ~lt~ Jlu\\:tt d ''• t 'nt''''''' ••I ~ •• uth•ln (~,,li· lllo•" 111111 "''', t ho• "'"'""· luo ,,,~,I '" ""' .h I ·"""' ll.ou.:tllt r t ,, 'I ,· '" .. ,, I" Suuth So ·.. "' \It If ooldn n ""'" thlo'(' 11," 111 llw d ~~ f,.,11 llllllllu 1 11111 lho fo llollull• I• o I \lllllu Jol • 1, I ol ,11.,. I,, I I.HI~Io· (ll.i}lll \ II~ Ill llh 11:1\\ I~ Joh11 llll:l •il'h· 1 \\ir·· '-Uih,' t.v th,-. 1 .• 1l"1U\t It· H ll •1 "'I .... ="1' 1'11 ,,, I i ••• tIll.,,,,'"" raltun J.!tVt 11 '11 "'•t'4HHI c•l: ..... , .tnrl l51: nc~\V ll•ch .. ,·hu .. l IUI).t'11 t hottl' tilt• • 11 •l 4 ;,,," lit• d 111 •hte l "1 111' 1 '1 1 '"·•·• &• ''""l't• "•I• danl't\ Jm ·'"" 111 '1 !" '" .lu ~~ '" 'ol· ,,, .r .. t.n r. J I r:u .... n.,.Tih t h•ttll tl\ ........... ;IIIOt "··lit",, \\tH'• ... ,,.,,, .• , f.,. I I \I .lnl~un \llil(.'f• ,_.,,n.: I '""'' ,, l'or:odo ''"' '·HI I • ••I .,. "II 1"'11'" 11''1 ''" t·~ ~l .rll~ll ''"''ld. 1'\l•nr• l .rllh l••t\Ut l'lt\ '" 1,. '" i '""'' tu.tllur .aut! '1 fur· \ '"n· , te l• I'" c·unl,·s t '' \\',1 ,,. cl tit h , .. h• • H '' f ful Jt\p , '''"" • ""' 11 "111 loo• "nm•• Tim·· 11 \I 1\ I h·· ~ """1.! •·nupl•· '"" '' .,,, th• tr h••nl• trl S.tn ,Jn-..••. ('Htl· 'Your If ,q,·· .uul .. ~f;en It• \1 '" · ' 1' 1 h ... d ' 1"' '" '' '"' ' t. tttt-I• ,, ,11 , -1. ,.1111l • '1 u t'' hc·1n~ .. hut ·nu• t,,,.:un, llo·;wh lf1..:h 'lh•••l ~~~~ ""''"' fr , I "1 "1 llotl .. n~ t;,J1.,,, '''"'""'' 11.t (;,•rn~h. \\Ill p T ,, •·nlo•rtiiiiiO'(f "'"'·I 1'•11111 "''' htlh "' ",,," """ d lt.lrt I I .... ''"'' '"'" ·'' lho (llllnO • 11111111: ""I' ' ...... "'"" '"' r• llo•N ' p,,,. 'kll llurll' Ill '"~111111• '"'' tH ol• "'"' 1'" 11111"1 111 th• 11 11·1ohdll ool th•• , n•ning \\11' Allo•nchnt.: llw ('Cloro•ro·no··· fl"ln 1"'1 1''"' ""'1' '"1''"')Shlllo} th•· l.olk .• \dlolllllfo<; 10 Con· rh,. :'\o'\\l••rl lli'IH'h Elo•rr1o 111.u \ ;-., 11'•"1" '• lit•l"ll t'l\•11 to\ thai mas ll•r ul McKeehan-Rea Troth Told of Luncheon l'hfltll l•an ·ni-T••IIdll'r ""'"'l.ollll;l Cllh••n c· .... , t.:•••llll<'" Bo~h Hut,.;••r t•f lloll}'· \\l'fl• Mrs Rn~mnnd " llal\o'), "••II••. th• I'·"'"' tllo• mlinlljto•r '·"""' Ml"' II r Ynrrwll 111111 1\l r~ Ed.:,,· .,f lho• '·" "''" 1w1u1.: l 'a\••nlh:.ho·~ H IIIII 11 til lw• """'' lo) .1.1111•·' S!o•tro•ns.·n New Home Inspires Friends ol Newporlers To Host Housewarming Mr lind Mr~ (; N . Wo•lls. who han• nto\'t•ll lOIII 1111'11' 111'\\' hOnl~. I :.!:.!11 I 'lolf llrl"'· :-\o•\1 fk>l'l llt·•Rhls, wo ,.,. lton11ro•d Frtda~ t'\'t'IIIOJ.: w llf•n :\tr!l. "''"'"" Y 11 lu ooul.!lt ancl :'olr!l. Jl, ••·laroun uf 1tw o•nt.:••..:•·nwnt 't \lo" ~ \o·t\n lt..:o. <l:ou~o:tll••r nf ;\1: oncf :\lr• l.l •·r..tl Ito··• pf t'l•sla :'-1··~:.. """ m.ul•• ro•t't•nl I) whr n 11'1• ntis ,,( lht• hndt•·l'lf'l"l Wt•r<• o'n· •··rt:.irw ll .ot :o lunrhronn al thro FU•a lr<Hlll' Slw "ttl murry a furm<'r 1\nlhonn, lor·orl(f' llt•l'cl M<·K I'I'h;:n jr n( ~ho•rt)Htn I Inks. PrNwnl fr''"' :"'t·Wpurl ll:or111;r l't•rry Sit•\\ uri, n111lo• llll:l'ntH', lh llt,.;h Sl'11•<tJI Purc>nl·To•lll'lwr lllo· tit•• part W(on lo) 11111'11 llo·r•n ('nil· .!l(l('illn nn W••rc> l\lr~ Huho:r·l lo(ill i· ""' Sllo••k \\tit ,.,., tho• pnrt ul ll'r, Mr~. Wr!!lt•y Fn11 lo•r, :\It':. ~:rt. I 11·11.. Ill•• 11111111 ••I ltw l'a•·•·nrl•sh ~tar IIIII, Mn J•••·r ulr:l S pan,.;lo·r hu\l!lo·h•llrl ,Jnhn C'urr~ woll play J>r~nl from C'flllll• l\to·~rt Ell•· (';tllH•r l Mnr~hall, •• mtlllonnlrl' rrwntary I'·TA Wt•rf' l\1r~ 1-:rno•<tt tiii~IOI'S~mnn rnom ~.ntth Anwrlca. 1\f('('l..tlrtn, !\In< 1\tarto• o..;lrt blour~ Th1• pnrl 1•1 llw cln~hlll,.; Tnn~ Mr1 A 1 .. 1111.)'\\/Hd. ;\lr:o HuQln ('llltllllt'h \\lo$ fm:olly ;·:oplurl'cl h) f'ln l••y, "nrl l\lr~ R \.0.' Mo·( 'll'll;un IIIII \laf'llm•·••lt I 11111 1\l:u>t 'ullum \\Ill pl.l\ \1•·1h•tnl••tl. H trainC'r: lto\\:-.ntt;•n• ... h '''r' hu!oolt•,s••,,tt .uul f lttlll'• t h\•,. 1, 1 •• 1,, ·*' ~1 "' il htlU:o-••\\ollll\1 11~ rt•"'lll tn hr ar lh<' tnlo•ro•SIIOI: nf'w, '"'r" :'olro; \'ir~:mia M•'Gnwlln i\lrs f', ~:.:~ I 1,.;1<·, !\Irs. Jo·annil' \•111'111 111 \1"'' J ;wk11• T:o~ lur, l\11ss l.orrn•n• ~1\o·r..; .. r-(''"'" :'olo•s.t MtKS ~l.ot t.:l;. :o;h•·Ptt:tnl <•I St•al O.•udt lilt• I \II" \!.11 ~ ~null ,,f AI· homhra Tho lu ul• ·• l• ,., I!' a )IIO· 1 MEl WOMEN Prostate • • -Pelvi~ .. r_.,. .. ...,...._. ... , ....... . _____ _,_ ..... r--· -....... , . ....-.... ..-,, o .............. ,_ ,_ .. _, ....... ...., ................. , • IT'S YO UR GLANnS Dr. E. F . Bell, D.C., Ph.C. '" ....... ,.__. -· ...,_--.... ,_ .,...,._&. -y_.. ............ Ia 0...._ ._.., O:M a. ..... aoM p. -. w.-re.., n....-r. 1 '•··•'-•· 11 11111 ..,. l!uoh (·aM II i" 1, For lh•• hulllo•, t;tll·~ts lornlll!h t .t .!.l l•t•·•'• ,_, ttf t '~"'IHI ,\t th(\ • I"''' n ( t )u~ •1nJ• •} ,,hie· (.•\"••tun..: rl'· ltu ttfll , llu'' rt lu t•l •~ .1u. th•· t,ut- lt r fh •u ... tthUt ttltd , '• 1' rtun~r: ,.1..-. 10 lloo· I·.,, • 111lt'h hoou" huhl Mesa Upholstery Harry McKee 2350 Nt>wport Btvd. Costa MflM Phone &.won 5004-W fr·~hnh.rtl..; ''' ,,. ""'''''d Th"'" pn·-..·nl 11 •'to' :0.1 r ond \Its. (;lo n llo·lm,, llilll~\\uotrl Ft ollk l lo n~muro , :\1r<. ,\ft,, \\ '''"" .ond :0.11 and ;\h' ·'·" I lo•lnl,, I J•ll.: Bl'al'h; !\lr omcl :'olr~ !loll" rt \\',1l· '''''· Full• r11111 , !\lr anll :\II ' E . ll.ornlcl 1:1 .11111•~. I tran~;o•. ~lr nn d :'>Irs J.;, •th (;,.rr•~h 111111 \It .111d \Irs II"'""''' C!o•rn,h. ="• 11 I••• I ll••.u·h . :\1r :111ol :\1rl< \\'•l~t•ll Y.ol • lor '"'~h Fl T11rtl ior nr l '('l.,\ ·"'" '" 1 r.:ml''' '' at· t<•ndtnL! S .t\\ '• 1 1 !u ... ,n. ~~ c·ull•·~ ... l..t" .\nt.:• I<' Th• ~ ••Hn.: • oiiJolr 11 •·n· homnn-d rrl',•nr h at ,, limn• 1 1:11 • n 111 I I"IIY· wnocl h~ !\I r and ~~~ s C o or,.;o• :'oil"· K1 o•n;tn ~r :-\•1 d:ol• "·•" ~·I '"'''n Sf' I for I h1• II o ddllll! Senator lrom Hawaii Guest at Harbor Island F'f'ont t"o~lll ;\Jo•,rt '"'' •' tl11• Sr•nlliCir 11wlllla ,\k,onil of thl' \lo•ssr" :011!1 :\lo·~ol.onlo'• \1 II II I•' IIOWIIItlln blan1ls anrl (;,'ill'!:'' Sill\'· t'r1111 lo·~. I,, lt11~ ,\tlllo·r•oHl, ;\I n 111 to· II .,( llartx•r· Jo;l:orlll fnrntt•t·l~ of c;,,,~""· t • II filth•, < ;,1\ loorol \\ fiiiWIIII, "'''''' drnno•t 1-,'llo•st~ !\l11n· l!lrto .1... :'olrl\••••. ~~~·~~~I'• "'''· 1lny at tho> h11mo• nf !\11"' anrl :'>It'S llo lint• lloot.:l11111l. A J 1\tll't"n I '.oi!l Mark Pirrt'l'. :.!•I l larh•w t ~land . '\or111 111 ''"I , loololro•n, l toohh\ ""' !'io•n. /\kana i..; \'•·r~ "'''"'"in tlw .\!.11 r1t.1 ;\lr' !\lioho ·l 1'1,, :\lo, R I'JIIIhltcan port)' olf lht• j..,Janrls l lo plo.o i'l11o• .111d :'oil .onol ,\to ' ,t. h n 1nncl wns nn 11llrn1:tlo• lo tho• Ia~ I :\luklo•r Ht•llllhlif'an convention . WE'LL FLOOR YOU \\'ith Our Fine Selection of BROADFELT At Prices YOl' CAN AFf .. ORD! BROADFEL T IS- • D U RABL~~ USC Student Speaks fo Pi Beta Phi Group 11: 1\o•l,j l'hl h..ttl II• f-',1•11 II\ lllo'o•ltrlt; oil tho • hPillo' ul \It'' 1-:tn• '' ( ··IIIII. on. l~•l:llllol II• '' h \lo•ntlll'l' ",.,·r· o•nt hll,l.hl ,,. ''' o•r flutal dt'C:'ttt•;el l••n.. \\IH•·h \\•'It' II(•IIL:Ih 11l o·:onwl1:1' :\lr-.. S tilltl••\' ( 'h;llnh••t' 111 l.trlo hi·· Ill '''"'··cl ':-;IN 'ilkPI' ,, •• I ho• af • t .. rnuun \\"\.t!\ ~t"a .. h' J •·•' d.•u..=ll· "''' or :'>Irs. I l••lt•n P.11 .. nd uo m·· lt\1' mr mllf'r tel ,,,.: 1'1 1'111 ,, ... •·only hnus•• :ol tho· t'n"''""~ 11( SolltthPrn C'altfntTIIII :\II•' l):o\ 111111 nf "r11,h1111.:" lift I ht• t'oiiTIJIII·,. :md l"ll'llllh Ill' II\ II II'• !\II·~. t'n•lltn Cnr111 h .. r L ulo 1,,,, "':a!'<-\\••k•Hll•'d :t!'-a "''''' n1t·nlht·r App•llnt.-1 :.;. a nol!llllllltnl: !'om· m tllt•t• \l't•n· 1\1....,, Th11rnn~ Fro)('t. C'h;11rmnn. 1\h' l:.nwt'on Milno r a nd Mi~s h ·:o \\'••l,.h. A~<tlllll: ""''''"'''' til lttnf'hNon \\'o •l'o' !\lr' It ,\ ll••h ro•ndl and !\1 n• :'oiiii'I'U" O:t~ • Atrt·rafr l.!llt•l••d rnt''''''' no·o·rl ;, na\'y, 10 fl u "l'"""fl 111 Ho•.tr Arl· mtr·;ol I •:ono• I \' I :.Tt(/1 '· ''''ISI.tnl ('hl .. f uf n:e\.d 1Jf" t tl 1ttrt.., i•tl J.:IIUI· l'd m•~~tt.·-.. lit~,,,,, ln,lrum••nt.•l an arr.IOJ,!.IIII: llh' ''"'''~'"''"' I• ~•· l'lun•·hinc nr' thr· \'.:: r•'<"k•·• ·'' w:o from tho• (Jo·•·k .. r tho• :0.11 ()\\'.\Y, 1•• "' lfhnt.: that '"'' """''''• h.l\ tnJ.! :1 ran,::t• of unl) .o fo•\\ hunllrc•11 nul• s. l':tn tk· :o 1 r .• n .. ·•w• :unt· \\o•apon \\llh tho ho·lp ol tho• n .l\')' Tho• 11 H'k• d at'•• "IC'I.•·•f, no douhl ·•rtol lito \ t.:oo .t•lla}' lontl tho·~ fall . ""' llu•1 1'1111\1' hv lh•·ll' tlo·~··rls: hut 11hn •·an 1••11 lho• lllllidlll'f \\lllo h tho• \o l~ \11'1111111~ dn7"-- f'h " 1..• r:o~ ="''"I'"'' llo•1wh ('lrl'lo• !>:t "t••rr n .. wh l'1rdr ,.r Cllnst ( "hllro·h It~ I It•• So ., "til mt•t•t \\'o"ln•·MI.•Y 111 1111' \\'t•o•k .11 :! p Ill \\llh :\to~ 1; I> (;,.HJo•ll. 31)()() ( lt•r•.on Fru nl. ~~~~~~~~~· ~~!~! 1'1~\ l ll'r E ntoua-age • Wedding Gowns 1 \ . .:,. • \\'cdding Vl'ils • Bridesmaids' Gowns • il;.f", ~ 'L:>t Our Wedding Consultant J \· ; lJ I lt•lp You Plnn Your Wedding o Phone 08'..!1 ~ ~ r MALCOM'S BRIDAL SHOP ·Santa ADa -....- Tiff (fiiSJIAJ S(lfl(£ MOIIROI. You "''" ''"" yourwll -or the be\f a•r'lfOtmt'd ~'son' '" )"'ur comm~m•fV on •O'td o ffO"' •"'-" ~ou rf'Od ,,,, WOtlO·wtdc do.ry new\()()~t ff'QU.OtiY You .... oo•n frr\h, ntow ~·.....,oo.nh o fulltr, nch~r u~r\tCMII''O of tOdOy'a ¥•tot nco--PLUS t't('lp ft~m •h t'lCiu.t•\f lt'Ofu tt-\ on ~-~tng, educ:O• fton, bw\4N'U, tncotf'r, mU\1(, tOd•O, '()Oth . • . kctiM ttew .. ......... ca. ....... . ect~~tNI• .... ' eHft' _, ........... 'I •v s ,..,..,., --·-··. ""·---·---··---- Slt<<t_. __ _ '""'-.. -··----· .. ·-=-"•--· Slole ____ _ C/11:k ... .J11 U bat u 1J(U' o./11/0nJJIU gJJ U'ultr btJ/tr JoJI (J )Oil! Momy JJI'td tlx day you buy il ... and momMy from 1hm m .' HOT WATER? Yts, Slrl Be sure tho atorogo tonk with tuw, •xtl•uil'e Two-cot~trol Jelll"'e .. • INEXPE\SIVE • ITS BE.\UTIFUL fits your fomlly'a needs nouH TA• CAPACm IUIDI HOT WATU is a luxury you can alford to we libtrlli/1. An automatic 'Ill water beata costs so much leu to buy t.lld to operate. Spetdier, tool Pinll1 of b<X W'ltet J.a yout A•tem&Uc 8~"« ('omfor fnr clot•hh• bfd &l<'C'p('r:ll who Ilk<' dHrel't'n t ~~ ot Nlut~yl' warmth' 'ftle famou!> G-1:: Auromattc Blanket '" now avallabl<' with "'"'o c-trot-.. Hus· t:.nd 11('1~> lilA roorml fnr !"IM'ptng warmth he wanu. Wit.-llt'ts ...,.. I.Jctl t M!lght. but w11rm as 3 blankt'bt. 72x8" Inches Dhw. I'OS('. gl"'t'('t'l. croar. (Al.~ Qn('-('ontrol mock-1 at JP.M ) I..I.IUndertl bNIUitfUII.)'. ~tully madt to riKld ~I Elrt"lnr safl't)' stand· a.rdl. Approvl'd by Undi'I"'Tit('l"'!!' La· bonltoriel. Inc. ~ 8u1,., n.ctrk o.r.. Y' .. fh fwo.C..trel AutolltOflc ala..lcet , LIDO ELECTRI~ CO. 518o...t mway (Next to The A rch<'S) ALSO- W E MA~l'FAC'Tl Ht: \'Ot"R 0 Lll SII:\Ht:."\ NEW SllAilES Or MADE UKE ~EW Venetian Blinds that GiYe Your Windows Tha t News Lool ASPII:\I.T TII.t~fM \ Ot 'R KITCtn:~ Or RATII In \1~tn~ Color-8 Come 1n or Call Us H~nson Shade & Unoleum Shop Cor. N~"-port Rl\·d. & 23rd St. Costa MfM Ph. BfoaooD 50().1-.J --------------....... Nw_... ...... ~ ....... c., . ...... _ h41·-o.n- 1 ler2 ~ 1 ~-· 40 2 2er~ 40 2 40f'S so 3 3 so 30f'4 4erS 75 SPEEDY ••• ECONOMICAL magic kty to onr, modem li•in&-a '·aWlllll KaiJu Di.abwubu, a work-.. Yina '-. a~tornatic laundry, nub-hour badu fOr nerybodyt But you J# om! a srorase tank big rnough for ill these jobs -so ~t~r a« your d~ to bt surr you havr t~ siu your family ~ .._-----------------------SOUTHUN COUNTI U OAI COM,ANY rist \'('1 p l OF 3 SCHOOL CHILD DEATHS AN ACCIDENT Or t1\t·l ~· thft'l' <'1\fl<!r!'n WhO d lt'. 1\ffil'S llh•liliTiOnffii' Whrnlng fhul dunn.: M'h""' ·•.:•·. ont• nr tht•m Is ] un·tdo•nts aro• tlw d··.adlh'SI killt•r an IIC'Ctdo•nr \ lt'ttm t•l H'h<x>l l'luldrt'll, \\IIIli<' t'\o•n Ami ono• ''"' nr thr'"' uf Hws1• than nrnrrrommnn chlldhot\d <Srs-~<·hnol·•·htld ... ·o·lc1 .. nr , ll'llm., 1s I r,,M' t'Prnbmed. klllt'll b) un oJUiullhlhtl•·· l'...-k to ."-ruu,... Adul• Thrst• ~rrm fm·rs fmrn llw ="a· :n,.' :'\l:tn·h pro~:ralll' IS atmltd at t10n11l S.tf••t) C'tlltnl'll urut.•rlrrw rho• I ... lull' lworll Jl<ln'nh• :u1d nnn-pnr · "\\'alt'h I 1111 f11r '"••b" slt•.:an t•f •·Ill' 111 ;,n llll•·ntpl lu nwako•n a 8 nllltoll,ol l'ltlltl ,.,.olo·l~ l',lllll'·"l:" 't<.oll·r ~·~~~··of ,,.,,r·lo•Und rt'· dunn~: l'htrl·h. "'l"'""'tlotlor~ low tho•. ,..llfl'ly olf chi I· \\'It h I ht• \'aC'Iol ho!l so·a~lln l'loM' tit, n at h.uul 11\:011) l:l'lJUj>~ llflll .11:1'11· . lr'~ UJI lol jlll!'t•nts. tt•achl'rs and t'i•·~ lilt' JtliiiiiiJ: fun·•·ll tu 1',11'1')' ~"urh lo·acl.-rs to so••• rtwt ~oun~:· Thrilt Shop Report Wins Acclaim ol Assistance League Bd. First Services In New Church Edilice S unrlay murnllt)!. Fo·h :!\I, S•·r· \ H'•·S nf worship will !11• t'<oncliJl't•·d sto•rs kn,ow nnd 11lwy tnr ruli'S snfo'l)', hut 111111 ~ noll o•nou.:h.'' snrd ~o'<l II f't·.ot'hurn, (Jrt•tnd,•nt or tt'" ~'11111\n:lt ~nrN) t"ounm "Jo'our tlwu~ •• nd t" ,, hundn'<l cl11hJ trufftt' d •• oth,.. on ••II•' )t•ar pru\1' rh.ot 11 tMt'r o•rt o•udt Jt·s up '" .oil ol 11' to ".Jit'lt uut fur ktds · " 1 '11w ( ·,,IIIWII ·""'''' drt\'o•rs ro lo'llh'nll11·r tho•s, thllll:~ I . llrt\'o• Wllh o•xtt'll cauthm "h••n••\'o•r ) ••II ~''" l'htlclr,•n \ t rRfftc• M'C'Idt•nt,. 1r1 ''"'' ) ••nr l'llll~•·d -l .:..'fiO tlo•nl h~ ;ond ~011 I !till lltjurtt•s 1(\ d11 ldr•·n ••ncl.·r· J;ol '!. Orov•· "' " ~ .. r,. ~~~~·<'d I muri' thlln hulf of tht• do·nr h~ und in- JIIrtl'll \\ t'l't' I ho• I ··~ult ttf o•hlhlrt•n ho•ins: ~l rtl!'k dol\\'n Who•n tho•)' w o•ro• jM'01'Stri.m~ I K•,.'ll C'lo•ar uf Hh•)'l'lo.,. S. ''''''I' c·lo·:or nf hu·~ t'lo •!< ri~:h 1 oW \\ r11n1:. tIll·}' nro• • (lo•f•·n•I'!I'SS nt.:ilinsr 11 nlollur' \o·htl'l•· oalkoU I uno· uUI of 111 of .Jh•' ck:orhs ,tnrt In· • II' •: \\' I' 0 R T 8 A 1. 8 0 A N E W 8 -T I M E 8 Page 5 '!!_ t\4-ac•h, t 'aJif. Fnb. U, INa at oanfntertains Kamaaina Klub At Chop Suey Dinner \\ "'""'>' 'I"" I h lito• l""l "lilt I·~ ol l'llllttlllltr••l'\ 114 t hl'll • !:1•"11' ••I I lm ,, t ' ''''"" ft , •• '""' tl "" "''~ 1 .... tllp "' t h••\r t•luh tlLII 11-.' "·"' .,,,, u 1t t h,• n.utu· ,UH1 \\ •II t•lttt'l Pre-Nuptial Shower Honors Bal. Isle Bride Ap(lrt•pt Ia to• Ill tht• t'l'£'11•11•11 u llll !lw ••·•<lltttl0 \'ul.•nllllt' ll.'<'•nolltlfl!l JU • \ 11lk•l who•n Mt 10 li•"'M J,•hiiS\Jfl ••I ,.,,, hl't l .hHIII l'lllo•rlnlnloci r••• o•o•ntb with II prt• mtptiKI Jh11wo•r lt••n•trlnl( M I•.J ll••n trl.-• "~"''''"· tl 1111:htl'r 11f 1\tr ""'' Mo 11 s·rul :'-1 F\ ,., o·rr "' llnlll<iA btnm1, wh11 1-'" 11111rr\' llo>lwrt \\'••t.:no•t •••ll ,,, l\1r 1t11ll Mra ltnht•rt W nt.:lh'r lll~hl Hflu•••'-n l Itt•' "''' lth't1tt\h .. 1 ,_~,, •.. ~·f ttu, ··•t' tttr• (1•,•r.:•' :-th'"''"~'" •• r .. 'ullo•tlolll wn~ Al\.11111111..: "'"''''""· 1,, .• th , "'''' t tllh .t Uu· ~'''"~' r.t I\'~'"' ''h••l' St1t'\ I f,,u ... • 1n ~nnla .\n11 tn , •. ,.lf'•\1• ut tt•n ,,, t h• r u '' nn hl'•·l.,.jtl \ nf tit,• ··luh II \\" tlttt• •lu•l•"'tuk'''' tlt•tt1\ ''''" '"" "'""'" It• 11u hltl\" rt·,uu ""''''"' • 1111'hl lh•l 11•1111: tho 111 In tilt' 1'1"1' , • 111 tiHh' ""'' ''' th•• l tllh •hntu•t t '\' I\'''"' (t•lt •Pill•• •''1"'1'1 \\till ,.,. 1ttl"k\ 111t1t\hll' 1\~~h lin~: nt tho• r••fro·>~lullo>nt 1111111 ",., ,. 1 It•· Mill••·• Jtuth fo:\'o·r· o•ll .l.11ou A••ko·r, Arlf•tlt· .luhnantl ntlil M1 ~ M111U'H"· F11rrl jr 1 •rlwr 1111•'111-lnl'ludt'tl Mr11 1-:"•'r• • II Mra II. ll. (;rl(fo•n of 1'1111'1'11· Lot.·11l A~o~ist nnn• Lt•a(,'\J•' llll'nl· on t ho• rww l'fllftt•• of ( 'hrlsr Churc-h tx•rs "''1'\' o·nrhu,..t:t~tll' ''"''r lht• hy tlw ~1,11 r('ommuniry 1\ll'lh· report ~twn hy !\l l'loo. ~~ E 13uudt· oodi~t 1 l•l<'lltl'cl at 14:.!11 W. <"'••ntrltl nor. lll'ad or 'ht• '11u·i(t Shop COm· "'I' . ="•'"lX•rt n.•ndt t 'htm··~ from mitt••••. wht•ll illl'l't'lor"' vf lht• Or-rtw ll<'W nrJ:an may lw h{'Rrd rln~­an~;t• rounty lo·a.:Uo· Ill('! 1-"rtdny ut Ill~ !rum tho· o'hlln'h '""''r al 111 l:l thl' hom<' of till' t'h!urrnnn, M rs. am fullo\\t•d II) 11 l'i 1111nur.· llr~;an J ames Irvint', Corona dl.'l Mar. In prl'lud,• Tho· Ro•\' Ellwnrrl D. (~uol<l· llltt•·~ h:q•t•rto'il I•• hll'\l'ltstsl K.\~1 ,\.\IS ,\ Kl.l1R nwmiM-" ... .,.. lu llt•ulpnholo• o•hnt"'"''"' \\hfon .. , .. ,.,, .... t\N·-""'"''"'"" """ 4. Jr's Ill' rn ~~~~~ "' •'""" )nunt.:· ""''I' "tM') dlnnf'r on t'lult'• nm anl'lv .. roan. l'k·luro .. t ""' ..,,., ... ••f th•-•ttf'ntllna t'nun lrlf '" nrcht • >lot•·• I PI 1111 •llllt 1~ tho· l•••nll1111 "'" '"'"h' ttl ltt·~··h flltt,llh·._ flll(t ''"· Ill•·" ll11r• 1~"" At'trr. Yull•n l .ltu1n i\lt• ltt~lw·r'l Stf'Vo'n&Of\, ,·.,ntpr.•u M111 .1 II KmtJ, Mlu Fll111111•tlt ( lllw r, Mrw W II. J.:\'rr- ••11, lltn hunk Mr• l.ol\.tt'tlll John· ,.,·,n. Mr• T M T\mnl'll, Mrw Ruh· thl.' ab~l'll<'l' of :<lr'l> l rvrrw !\ln. . L 1, (1 1 h 1 '<l · I'll "til c·tmdtwt 1 hi' rC'II~hlll~ :<•·r· 1 • wnO\\'l' P""'11 ' • \ w··~ :mel wtll SIX''Ik olll tlw suh- Mr-s. Bnwltnot told nwmlX'r'l>. of 1 Jt'o'l "Thl' \\'nrlh uf 1 lr·1·ams" Tlw lhl' work of thl' nmft Shop. whtl'h n •. , !larry \\'hth• ,pRSttlr or tlw IS nuw <'IPnf'('Otlf <lo•bt <lnd nf nrhrr l~lllnd Ch.t)ll•l, \\til 11lsu rakt• ll.trl work of thl' lo1enl branch whtch b 111 lh•· ,·,•r• mnnio·s nidtng a h.hnll hoy anti "htC'h hn.s l (l~>•lr numh•''"" wtll 111C'hHI•· "l'n· tncn•nscd It~ :<c~nlnl"'hip funds. . fultl \'o• Portal.;" hy Cnmlt>d 11nol !\1 rs Anton ~:kg•'"'1 rom chrur-1 ho• "llalh•lujah l'lwru~" from linn· mun or thl' (':tlll't'l' l'ltnw pro~'\'l 1 "' 1, :'\1•·-~lah" Th•• Jun1Pr d11•tr r~r.tl'lrto'<l on c.t•••;. lllh•mlt•cl h)' lht' 11 ttl mak<· 11s firo;r ·•I'Jl"ar:lll<'• "n Yl:-111111: OUI'l>o• \l huw ,.,ol:tt')' I' (laid I IIII• il!ly ~h. A .I HUll•••· "Ill hy I hi' l··~~:uc. • 1 ~•n~o: "lll•·~s Thlo; 1 !nus••" '" :\1." !\lr·,.., \\ 1llard h.illwn. l'11111rman l 11 1\rah•• .tnd ~:II\\ :or•ol IIIII 11, \\oil nr tlw hx'al 1:10\lfl, "·'' "'"l'l11 lour !'!.·~ ',\\o' \ ··nnn" ,,. ;\llt/.111 .. n ''''rS "" ''"''"'''· rnll••r ~okato•• IU"f': 0 '1>-nna Mlka. ·-.lnhn-. ltiUrl lll·hnt•· 'IAnl•tlt' l'I<HIIh .. urth, ............. K ......... ''I• '""""''· "'tovlo·t~. ,lt-d; .uul ''"·"'' r '"'I!""" \t ar~ Slt'fN~n and IIUA'I Mr-uldl~. t•hu111 '" 11111oul. 1 ~ltllllfnoo't'~>llr\ IOIIW·fullrlhurntt j Tlh' 11th.ot.:•l :'\lutur <'lull ~!'•'" III IU '''!,,t \Kt.ICt.Ctll'1 'I IIIIT' ""''"' 1\\MT t .,Ht:M ·' h • 11lll'ilo•sr n .on' "•r•· htt Whrt.-,,,r, .llll"m••htlo• drl\•'r truultn~~\111 I\\ 11\\t. I JCt.t •To ""' OOTt:K t'\1'Mtl' phi\ Ill!: In ',,. ... u .... , t ' • I I IIIII. r.'. n •. '"' th.• l·•okt•ur foil dill· l'lli!'M'' Ill .'~'·' ~rhnllh Ill rlw ( .... , I .,,·1 ' ",., \ ,., ........ "'' ' .. ,' '"" :0.: I' I I 1'1 dn•n t1nrtuH.: frHil\ '""'•••n p:trk,"(i ••ttL:u •'1'·1 llh•tl."1''"'"1 '''"'~1tn•-d "' ~~ 1" ~~~ 1 •IIIUth'• •• '' "''' l•JI ''·"h-.l h.ul•u•l•• •lutnt tnuul tl ••.or'l, r• •lUI'" 'IN , •I :111•! IIWrt :oso• In '• ... ·It I• L'lllllt r• IIH· lund nnwrtl· tit• 10 ' 1•1 • I o l•tol,·· • ok• '"'' \\ nrr•hlulno·:o., Ill ,..., .... 1 /11111'' IIIli I ;ol IIIIo,. "' ,.,,[o Oil\ Ill•: 'l'h· ,,·howols hml ''" ol "" I'"' .. I Ill I '111.1111111 \ ···~:~·, ''"1'1• •I Ill •••• " ' 1 1 h· • 1 h ltl It• tbtl ••lq• • 1 \\ lu 11 ,,.,lfi(•Jltl:tl lite·~·~ tlt:ell uf :.115 1t• , ... rtu•tp:tltn\: 111 th•• l'!\1.,..111n1·nr h •1 •1 \\lu• hui••Hh'•MI•d ''" 11 J)l ·d\' ... trt:tn' ''''r.-:-.uu,,k \\ht·rt ,.,,. IP•'4t11tl ~" llhrun"l ;u l nt'ru.,, t'hl• .,, f,,, llu l•t•q .. "''h • '•ll""' '"''""'"'t ~~tt """•'tit\! '"" 41t''''"~ h1''"'t" tnht· ... ,·rflnn nr •h··~f•t••lln.·ullnchunu tulll .. • ". II·• ,,,,,,.1 :lth,,. •. ,t ,,.,, ........ ,,, Ul\\tthln••• t'PflllflJ,; r. "'" lh lund IMrk··d l":tt•!'o h· lq ' \ I lit "' ... '' ,, tit I• w I t.•ltl ( •• h. , .. t •'\' ht'lo WELCOME HOME'. ....,,, ti d ""' "''' \\111111111 ··'•I IIIII , ... Ill· IIIHIHI '1'111 i .. j ,, ' I '"' I I I IJ .. ~ I I I f " "!til ""t t '"' I"' t \\It '"' II HARBORITES Newport llarbor Po.C ttl lth IHI• 1"' Itt '"'''' u •t ''" h u•t nt·· '''' II• "''" ••••t I lt!lll ''·" ... , ... ,, 111 ,., .:unl '" ~.111tltl\ltrth. •·• I \\ "!:"'''. Mh•• l.llulao• \\'nl(tlt'r, lilt• h o''''"'· 1\11" ;\ .1""1"''" nntJ Mra J II I •,' ... ul 11 'h•· tltttnt·t ",., t• t ht• \I, "I tilt•' o 1 llo·tu lll.o t.l okn, Mtor I• II• '"'''''"""" llo11d llt•hotp, II"' I 'l•·•lllo ltn• I ,olro Yrot•' l\to1r "" 11, natr', l l.u•to h• n lllllnd••l, I th htt , lte• )..., tt' '''" \". "'''"' l t,.t t e. 1 '' u,,. 1~"'1 ~·· 1-\:•·•·•~t· ruut l ht ,., ... ,.' ~· et' :-.. ....... ~-" lflltl ••••• '''''"""''" "" tl tl h "It .. ~ t ... ~, • t ' t \\ • ' \\ -t k. •hit u•~ th• '' lnt• 1 uut ""''' 11 Frt\\ nnb llnlhotK lalanct J4'ine Watth Repairing a Work < ;uarnntced 111<'11\IJI'I'< ul l••ndon~: \\'t'lt' !\It•, lot< lwaultful 1'••1111 r:,•owgl' Vnntll')' and :'\lr.o.. Ruucli- nnt. fho '"' :11'1 ,, ... "' '"'"llltlll ",,,.., .. 11 hio•lt ;u••· lo•nt;olt\•l)' ~··h••dult•d (,.t ,JIIIIt• h, hill Ill ll]l'll\111 I'' llllll '''''"~~' .. r 1 'lin ... , t ·~ h111..to '" 111. \lr ·""' :\lr' F'.1rl :'tl 1·',,.,,.11 ""'' fa11uh "' 1\.ollll>ll 1-l:t~~cl 'I"'"' tho• ,.,.,.k • nrt ·'' I' d111 ~I""''-'' AMF.RICAN LF~ION l n•u .. all 11-.l>b otwloara4 ._. rraM te \'lall aa4 ~ •. IAU• ..._ ... ' flt 1 IIJI ••I hill It f , I\\ e) 1HI 1• "i•u It • I l•.1k"11' IMI\\di 1 l\\tt ttl \,,,, lhH• ,,,, ""' lltHI ,, ... I· dl I'·~·.. PI 'lli " I tl u I \1 u hit I lltld 111\•lh • ht ~~~~•••tt•d l lt •llllt Ill fht "Uit\11h t loit -'~"" t If ""I•• !1 .1\1 tlt11 1 ttt11'' l'ttt'll l h •1' \\Ill l1t t•l,·~ lt·•t HI llw II+ 'f 1 ''"'It "' 1 111 11111 l11 '"11•l un•l 1111 • ''"t' tn , ... ltt'ht ~'"" h I ill Roberts JewelerR PRINTING STAN OARDIZEJl to ~\'1' you hoth time and money. ' B EACON I) 5 2 5 A. C. Spencer 113.5 co ... t m.,b\\•ay "TRAVEL ... by aJs muna" ~•lin•• _.. TI~C..u • AIR SEA RAIL BUS • • • -TO ALL POINTS Pflollle Lacuna J 100 Lambourne Travel Service %11 Oceaa Ave. a...-~~eae• All CGiilornia Higbw1ys Le1tl to BANK of AM~RICA Across California ••• from the Mojave to the Pacific U. S. Highwoy 466 unfolds on evt'r-cho nging ponoromo os it crossf's the store from eost to west. Towns ore few oiGng this rood, but 1n most of them you'll find o fomilior bronch of Bo nk of A me rico ..• o reminder that this bonk Is slole·wide, olwoys neorby to serve you wherever you go. Make Bonk of America your bonk. Open your occounl today. Sec ealiforHill 7:/tis Vcar • Cerrr I•~• ef AIMrke Jre .. let'l Ch •q••• o•dprolort ro••l••do .. ~.,. ,.. .. ·····' •• , .~ ...... •~.i' ......... '· .. ,,,., "·'' i' .• lulfolhll• ;,, "' ••• Lt•l\ lrw t-'1 111.1\ r .. r Hu•lld· I dt• ,1n ... "' n\an\' ,, . .,1 ~ l ('lt\', :'\t•\atL• •'"'' tullliiH" ••·1:111\'t•-.. ,\tl'iliiL'• 1111'111~ illl\o• ..... n m.otS.· r ... ,m Ht\1 , .. lrl. "" urul ;\lr~ \\'••11 1,1111,,, tho· f,t,~ 11 ,,111 11,,11.,,. ""· rt.11 11,,,., ,., ,.,,,. .. llttthl :'ll.tr ~tll"'l h 11d .,, 111 :lll a 111 "' rh.ot 111,.111• lh•• h••lrflily "'' • kt•tltl wtth "tlwr 1 .. 1, hom th•t<'lll.t} ltl•·n•t th•••' ••ltlll\o~. r•hlllllll~ :\l••nd.l\' 1\'•'· ,, '\ "'"" Th· t•· "til l~o• IIIJ llh'• t. IIIII I! • • • 1-\olh"' """ ·• ~:.n F• an· ,., .• 111 q,. J,l.tnd l'h.opd ,.11 t ill' ,.,..., . ., h11ll• ~111•1('10 :'tlr anol :\fr, ..;11111t,1:,. llult• rt .lo-nl'•llt'" l.u\\oll \\'oil l1o• ul ~t.nd.1\ ,,11uu..:: ,,,,,. .• , ,,111 ,,1. hnuu 1-11 :l:!t'~.epphu• ,e\e•nu•·. B .el· ,., t~ h• 1!1 111 ,,,. """' tuultflm: At lw•·• Till' l•ntlo• ~~ 1111· r .. tmo·r l'.ot•y 7 l\ 1,-,.,,.,.k th•:-•• \\Ill llo , ~~~ .l•.tn C"111\\•ll tltlll'llt•l ,,f \lr~ fiiiUUt,• ltl ~··" rt'\"'11 • .1, tull(f\\4·(! h~ Vr· .t (~'rn\\t•ll ur ~.uu·. An:e ••• 11, lrvur .. ( 1111rl>htp n .. , c;,11,.t..tll :llr~ .J •m•"• II\ til•' I"''' h··r r;ttlf'h "til :1cam 1w·o·up) I hi' pllllllt llntl h<>nw 111 :'-lnras.:a. ! 'otn trn C"tt.."t:o l '"" '<llhJ• ,., "111 l>t• 'l.ts.:hr fur T••· ''"IIIli). an old .trlt~lw• "hlrh ~h· d n'.. ha<~ 1ur11t•d inrn :m nttrao·tl\'1' r.·s•· 't 'hnl'l Chu1 o·h t1~ r ho• St ,1 Ill tit nl'•· PrtfiC'Iptol Stdnr~ 1 '"''"' 1r~ n,111~ frH'n<1'> 1., urrrno.J II Da\trl<11n uf tho• hl~:h ~rhnnl j, on•• ur lkoth uf n1,.,., . .,1 •• 11111.: r•·• 11\t•rlnl: from n pnlnful oral op- p,,euc NoTtcEs ••rnnon • • • \'an C"hnmiK'r!' ••f l.1dn Ish•. stud~ 1 ns.: mt'<iicml' ar llnrlmnuth. Rnd !«athlrt'n Mar· .. hall nf P n!'ad!'nn. Stl'\'rns 1"1111••.:1' NOTICE OF INTENTION TO SELL ~tudrnt whn W{'lll t n IJanOVI'r fnr :>fiTlrf; I• lo~r~hy ICI"n I•• 1 h~ pr~t\t!'llln "' ~,.. ''"" 31140 uf thf' f"hll c· ... , •. ~~r lh• .. ~,,,,,.. "' ('3ltrornla th~tt 1()11:0: r l't'Rl.Y,H':ll "nd MATII1ARET ~: lll'HL~;JI':II hu•hantl and wlr~. a• Jnln1 fl"f11\"Ui Vl"ntft\~ H( f AJII V.-au ;\:11\t.tl.t tutt~nt1 1H *"II tn J O IIS A.. IIA!\"'\;A.""'ORfl u rrutrrfto(f trUUI otll thKt ••lfh•ln JWO r'-••111'11 J'r'f'\JM-rf\'" t•qn•tlllt tn~.; "''' ••r•tfl) .. r ttl1 ,.t~ .. k ru tr:••''' ,.,, .. r,.,. tho• T hursdny ni..:h t ll. C.-Dnrt- mouth huskl•thnll s:amr, hati di. vi!INI loynlt l•·~ 11 was tht:' first tlmt• 11 C"nlifornilt t ram h~d romt• tu narrnwurlt ~tnd flO'NI a pruh· ll'm H~ tu Whtrh slclo• 111 l'ho•l'r fnr ~''.',111:,:'~'~'·' ~;;~:~ nc"·,·:• ~ ,•:!,1;~~. '',,; ''f~:~~· Thf' r"f'\\'!1· Timra will not be rf'· :·/·~:,',.,. .~( n',:' ,._!~ .. n'1)1'' .. u~··"~11 ..:,~'.'.:.~' •r'f'n111hfe f1•r m()rf' thAn Ont' tnM r I! til t t',tltf• rn11 ttnd tt1,r ft,. tt•tr r••r t lnt~;rrr lnn u( An advrrtlt~;t'mf'nt ~~:~·' 1 '~'~"·,n·~,,..,. 'n ~~'.~ •.:·: .. !:.;•·11 ,.'~' ~rvN th• right to corr~lh t "., 1t ''""' •• ~ •. urh t·,.,,., u •• tn l.lt~;"'lU\ nn~ :.nd All Ads anti t• u•t '' ~ ~ • lo' ~1 •~'• ,..,,.., •' "' '''' ""~'1•·rt An\' nd\'(•r1lsrmrnl not run : ::~. ~: r ~~~~~ •::r• c ~7,·:::,,,, • ·. '"' " 1 l '•,rnun~ to rul~~ nnci rrstulR IIC'\n~ l•\"l't:~; '~~;~~~~·~~~ ~~~ ut?,'t~.~~u;u 6R~tfr \•flnrl•·t .ltttt:>; r lll'llt.~:lt.ll \"Pntloor lflll'\; A 11.\'\;'\;A ~"'tllll' \·~rHI,.,. 1'111 ........ .:• ..... ~ H. M.LANE REAL F.STATF. c~il~~+~~;j~ ~tru:u~~~~'iS 200G C'ourt A\'1' 1 Punu"'" to S~C\oono 2466, 24M, :H69 Nl'llr Nl•wpnrt P irr C•vol Cod• of Col.forrH,, I F.stnhlishl'd Sine(' 1920 11 Til~: l''I;J>~:rtf•Jr.;'>F'I• ,J., h•r•l•> 8-tfc ,,.r1ttv thnl fh"Y 1\rf"' • "n•lurOn6! A trf'n •ml • · "tm• ton" t .... .,,.,. "' ""' 11n I FOR.Mf:l> Wlnd.thlelda & Hstl'l ;r,:::~~ s:~~,:!,~y'" "~h"n~::~~ ... "r ~~:~~P"~~ rov•·ra mAck-tn order Alao Ph--" ~·~o11,~~·~,';'TA)~·;:~~r ,;1~~-r(\'11~1~"1','~.1 ::~ l~lan ol LuMtt> Sh('('tl far IAI• • •••I """ , .... ,..,.., ....... r ""' '""''" 1, ,. Nu-V.'orld T"roc1u rts Compan~ ··~r•I•IJ' """"" """'"" ill full ""''I '\03 Third St .. Hun1ln~lon nl'rll"h ~:!~~~~~ •·f r~eMh~n,.,. hrf' •-~~ f••11""''.,. Phnnc llunttnr-tnn RPAr h 17"- 1'11'11 'n 11 F' T" Y r.nn 2~r.11 !' w M rr. ~~~~.1 lhrll .. r, :'\t•wp"rt R~tnrh ('·,!t --------------- AI.I'F'HT II III'TI'III':" z1r.11 ~ \V ~~oflll\r J lt\rtu·r ~•'Y. p 11r1 U• u fl CF.~S POOl .f' and • •l tt rnt:t \\'11'' .. ·~~ n•tr llan'tJl ltH04; !lth •IX\' •t SEPTIC TANKS II ,.,1 ''"''' '"'" Hft'll \1\11 ~· TA\'I.ttl( AJ.m.l:T II ll l'Tt'lll'~:" ·: \'rF IH••t•\tlf•~, l' .. t \ ' lftf'1 'td"Hft\'t:l I•• '''• I II t '''~t •II\ f F• ' • '" \ I~ ''d • I • f . n 1 • I I r ,,, lo '"'• f•l>~l t ' t ot\ J ·~~-+t ~••·I ( t I f 0 • ! f I tl• ft •1 l!t l• fl' to lit tl!lh f lfl t I tt " lt 1• r • 1 , \ 'I' I ,, I ., I t I , .. I I ' l ':,rt,t l"•,·.~rtt~•"·~ ,',,' t '~4 .'!, II,....-•I ,, t• ,,.,, •• I • ' w •• • " ,, .... I ,. , •• I "'"' f' \\"J-r•·t . ..: • \\.flf 1 t , .J 1 J \• ~ ' "I ttl I I •• \ • If .. 't t '' t I \ f l ,., tl ''' •l·t" 'I '' t *'' •~· II It f ... , ,t. ~~ -.rt'ltfl ,., \1.' '\toll\ f. \1 \ 1'1, 1\ \ Hn I ""'\ t , .. \ f"t•• lu HI tit ttl r ·r "'I ' t'~",'n'' ••n•l ~'~''' !\t \ • .n r•.l •I ·n ""l•t r• • '''" .,, ... 1'•',•• I''' F"• t lu 17 :<t Mf\r .' 1!~14,j F'ICTI TIOU'> TRADE NAME CERTIF ICATE ln~tAil•·t1 An ,·where In ( >r11n~<' ( 'nunly 11 l'nntrAI'I Orllllnll ~''"'fir (. "••nnt~rltnn o All \\'nrk (;u&rAnr"'<'d 1 F•t'l ln<~llrllnl'" I'!VT'I•'<l .l. R Mcf'O R~1~ •• ~',~.".·1 •• , I 1 I'< \'to lnl J 1 ~I ' ., • 1\• """ -~-.··· J HARBOR Plumbing Service 1~-tfo ' 17f.R J'l:pwporl nl\'d , Tlo•nron 6117 1 I I'F.PAIRJN\. OUR SPF:f,ALTY C'nntr1.1ctln~ 11nd Supplh.'ll 9-tfr l tf,, tltt•I,., .. I~W 'I K"' n,.th J~ 'A'\1 I ..... n ,.. ... dina.: "' 1'•1•; \\'•••t lith ~to~.-, ~ tn~ .. 1\nn t·-.t•f· '' 1 t t!••r•'hv r11r'1h thaf l '"' 'rnn•'l 'h•a: I ·I~'"'"•" tn th,. •"'"'•'"' ' ,.,dlf .. n ·h un I• r ft1,. (H tJII .. u~ 'r,,,, •... ( K"nn' I It t< ".ll.lh ,. r.... .,, h COOPERATIVE ROOFING CO. tfl,-. rriUo 'l'lil Plit' •1 ,f hHIIlfl" U11 "' tl:'~t f'~>A• H I..: 1'-"A)" '\:',. •• f',·r1 ..... ,. h 4"t~llh t' ••f f •n• nw•• :--r,,, .. ,,, • ""l1f• •• "'" ·t-•1 '"R In H ~~~''"'"' h '"' ftnrt •nH1 .. r t•\1•1 ""'"~ •n~ hltltnll .,.,,.,. rt•'""'b , .. ,u,lr .. ~~: t,.l~n~ u'~".~, ~~~,~~~;.',.!".~110.:_1A• ~~,_~ n,.•~~~: \\•ltnf'UI m) fHHtf't ,.,.~ni1H')1 1rf1h J'otR Kl:::>;-.:r.T II F: WIU~I)S !'TAT!': r>F rAt.lf'<oU'I;IA 1 1'1 ti''I;TT flf' ORA -.r,£ 1 Nt ,,.:·~·-!~·:.r v;;.~ ~r".r;'"'!~ ... t·n;~ ~n nnt•:<::: II :0:• \~rr Puhllr In on•t fnr •·, •I f"• Uf,l\ Mntf :"'IAtf' r-N nn"llv Afl 1•• •r"' 1 J<,.nn,.th r. \\"II•· n ~n,-... n ,,. f1 , 1 ',. th• r'f'rltof•h ,. hulll,. narn.. t• .. ,,t "' rH ,.,, 1 l th• ••lhJn tn•1 n~m,.nt th•l • \i J t •IMit!'"d t•r "'"' that h,.. ,. ... "'fi''"'' 'h"~ \\ '" • .... rtl) h•n't """ "rrtrlal ,.., ~t~.\1.) F'R F'r> W R R lr.(;!\ ~· f If")' J'lli·Jtt' tn ""'' fffr .... , r· u1 ')' 11n<1 1'it111~ J' ,I, F~l. I, 2~ Mar 2. 9 1~, New and Repair Phon!' Jknron 6217 ~73 Elden Ave. Colla Meea »tte 12 TEARS SERVlCP; IN 'n IE HARBOR AREA HARRY HAIL PAINTIN\. C'ONTRACTOR 274 E.ut 19th Street Ph ~. ~13 Colta Meea. <"'Alii 30-tt· MliSJrAL JNSmt'CTION -WIII ~tl\·r fltllno IICt''lrd111n lruons In my homr ,.,.,.nln~es frnm Monda) to F'rtday 11ft1'r 11lx or _.rkrnd~ anytiml' P hnnr Ha rbor )7(V).R 12-41{- More Class Ads on Next Page ... , ............................... . ~I n ' lnt It f 'ht~, ''' 111 I•• rtu •'' '·••••"' '"" ''•• ,.-·.••\•·• ,,,,. l11'''1t' ,,f ~,,, ~btatlll' lltnl • ". I I j 1 , 1' ., "' •·n th '11!31, Marl.,., n.-bfta Waftd 1'11. llartM•r Uti I . '" REPORT TO THE MILK CONSUMERS OF ORANGE COUNTY f • prt(•(•s have milk Why To ln"u"" ~·nur famll~· an RAit·~1uutr '"1'1''~ uf milk. 1111' 1'411111 uf l"'"hll'lfiK milk b. urtclfor ron- "tant !dud~· ~~~ tht• Uurt·uu uf )I ilk ( 'unt rul uf tlu· ( '~allfurnl• l)f>IMUf n'lf'nl 11f AttrirultuN'. \\'hr n til.-f'MfA rt_.w t11 a Jlf•lnt "h1•n • ~ '"" ''''''''·' uf milk h thr•·Mh•nt-.1, thr S tat•• b. rNaulrf'41 h~· Ia"' to make n....--.. lar~· uclju .. tm•··ntl'. Tht"W' r.ulju,tm••ntro; .,.. •'"•~" 1...,....1 on ac-tual f'flllt. u f f~l. la.hor, ~rtah. tran'l"tr1atlnn Rnrl uthrr ua•·rKtlntot r\IM·n~. • How are milk praces determined? At a publlr tu-a.rln~ot lwld In Nulla A na nn ful'i M prtw'nf•-d h~· clajry farnw,.... """ milk to un pN'Cedf'ntf'll clrnu.:h t ('tlfldit '"""· lrwrf'~Uif'CI atln.: ('()(II~ wt-rr liulnnlttc-.1. "" a r•"t~ult, It """ prif·c· of milk WM nr~·~r). .Janu&rl' ~lo thfo lluN'.au of Milk (:tlntrol "tudiNI 1ll111t rllmtun.. lll~~;h ptlrH for hay and l{r&Jn, dUll wag•• and mat.-rtal Nlflt. and othrr hltthrr tt(Wir· cl..trrmlnrd tha t an lnc·rf'AM of thfl minimum An• ( 'uun1 y milk 11rices hi"'h ·! ( umparrd \\ilh prr•\\:ar pri•·•""· 111ilh h t&." lnl'rt'luorcl unl,\' unt•-hulf 1~ m tll'h 1~ th1• ll\1'1111.:1' u f a ll ullwr food~o~. Clrana.:•· ( 'u rtrtf.\ lit ill. prin•' 11r•· ,fill llfltttlla,: tltt• '""1"1 uf all lila jur •·lllr-.. In i\nll'rlt'&. Anti, tH pru\itl•· tlw n•tlrlli\1' l'llllhlll•·nt uf M rsrutr1 u f mill( thruua.:h tl11• o,c•nln.c u f """I" ofhf'r thnn mill• "~~trill • ""' uppru\imntt·l~ '" II·•· tlu· 11rk•• ctf 11 tpmrt u f milk I•Nitt). Thi-. fl~r;urf' 111 l!l.L'>4'ol ''" r•·..,·ar• h "' 11 m t•IIIIN·r uf tlw Anll'rl1·an Ult•tltlr· i\'o!'Uwlatlt~n, a111l, "'.,.' n n t•l4lay'" Orans,:1· ('n ulrt.\ pri•·•·' uf .... s ... ntutc· '"'"'" In rf'fall mo~ulu·t~. Whrn will . prace the of milk he The State• l'ltrrif'"l un " ronthiUntl'l "tudy ''' t'JJIIIt far.t.o,.,. and hM lowrroo thr mlnlmum priN> of milk nn m an)· IK't-:a..,irlfii'--IU' rN'••ntl~· &II M•rr h 11, W-17. Whf'n prudurUnn an1l dl11trl· hutlun cn.t.. (lf'rmlt, p111 ('an r f'l.v nn ~·our Uurr.au ••f Milk (.X.ntrol of tlt11 s .tatf' lk·partm•·nt nf Agrkulhare to rNitU'4" thf' prl1•f'l to thr !uwf'fllt lf'vrl at whdh an adequalfl milk ""l'l•l.r •·an l~t~ maJntalued. ORAN(iE <:Ot iNTV f l ,, T £ D MII.K I'JUU.I'('Y.M AN() OISTIURI'T()H,R Fo•l•ntM'Y 16, 191H • Page 6 NEW 1'0 RT BAJ.BOA NEWS-Tl M ES ~•n;u .u . • tt.uuo 111 ,w,t:\' To a.u ,\.S aa aML aT ATE a ILI!lAL UTATE a a&AL MTAT'E Tl t.:-.11 \\ ~''"l•url llt-al'l1, C ~tllf. r-r·h. '!4, I !lUI 1 1\,\J:\ '1'1' 1 1 II•, ) fl., .. "',, 1 -------:-;--~::-.,-V-----=--===-.=:.:.::.:.:=------~~ e IlEAL E8TATJC • ,.,,,.. ~·" ·.,,, ''" ,::. IIO~lfo:I.OANS COSTAMESA 1 •.\~ll \ll l •l' 1'1\''' ,.,, }1-_. ,, • 1)1_., t1>70 -ttPJ,;>.; IIOUS E --Want Aas - \\!II I I I ll \II I H ,• •k• •til• ,_ ... 'I• r 11 '\n ,1, 1 , .., ,,11 1 \• , n Y 0 \\'N ER -5 room modt'rn I I r.\ I: y ( . . \.AuG HN _1:\i ()(I olll. li.IIIIUil P('nntnsu1a honlt', rhuU.'I.', CIOSC·tn location. lh t )' ~.. j ,, I ~. I t t •• ,.,. I. I 'nr ·r•r1• .,,.. lbrh<,-1.,1'1 .I l~·!tl" 1 '1 .\~1 • '' tf1l••t \\tl 1 ,, Itt 111 II• '' '"'~ • .!. ll<•d rcii!Jll, 'illllds._ 51J or IOIJ foot frontll.i('. fW'· l !"I ;\ 1·\\ pt tit Blvd r tM''"· • h • 111 and flay \'trw m~~~~ d or unfurntshC'd Prlcx-d Continued From Preceding Page SEflVEL t .tl.h 1•1 U t l ut \• 411 t1t.• ti ("" IIHI \\ t U• t tt 1 lu f• I I ••Ill I fl' tJ, P•'''"' ut 1' u1 ..... , r '' ·dl I' ,, 1.1 '' •.'. ·,1 ~1i·J 111 "'Ill fl• d.. So IIIII down P,'l}'· rl~;ht Ca:;h dl·al. Phonl.' &aeon Tilt· I; AS l ~"frigcrator J:, 1 1 1, 1 lfi7()..J n t ( "''"' r. lllrrhor 149-R 13--ltr ~J . 9-tfc P&RSONAL Public St c•rwgrapht•r :!-~• ~~~ .. tn•· .\\, ~ •. , ... ,, .. h .... 1\\.tll-lft!t ;\1 1\\" lt"l 'LoiN ~I , H oll••t f'ft,.n•· II It rh .. r I 1·. ,._. •..''• ~u :\) Ull ....., tf11 \111 I I •t I .... ltl,t I \I 1,\ It • ' 111 \ i 'I ' .t. .. " "h ... ,, I·• •••. I I I ''"· .!.'11:'1 t·,,,,, Hlu l , :'\t'"l~"' 111 .11 tl 1 •\'•/ '' 11\lll d' 1'1 1'111•111' lloth<tt l lfi ,\:\0 I 'll ,,:o ·" '·l 1111 ..;,.,,, 1 !Lot l~ol Ill\ I ".o I nioltk •• l "'"''' ll url~rr J;\:1 1 llo •ur~ 10:1~1 . 4 :fill I 14·1lo I Ann 1:1 lit ~ttll .s:\u:-:-\ .. rl(•· 1:1•·1·tr1t' rP·I GHA'I•I'L\:>.•• I''"·',!;;"''' 111 frt.:•·r;ot11r A-1 l'nnllltt .. n 10(; )-, I ,toUt' X\' II• 1 I' IIIII r ,., . •' ,14·1 fr I L08T Al\U I'Ol1NU U I.O~T HI• ntl• ~'"•·k••r "'"'"" 1. fo ·· I m111t• t :r.t) ano11nct 1'\''' p,.,., l'o•rf'nll tl• I MHr cit~ I rit't ll.t \\ 11r1l ll11riJ<•r l.:'tl·.l l~l-2tp ICIO"LO~T W ANTI:U II Skip(l('r 11\'atlnhll', <'11)\(IIJil' 11 n d hnnes\. Y11('ht ('lr ('harH·r flshtnl: Phone ~ng BI'O('h 6AA4fl9 1'-4tp ---WORK W ANTEU-Ironlna In m) llonw Plaln or fancy ~ Su lkrnan11no Av~. N t w porI Helltl,. 26-tfc lRth S t . ( 'to<olu :\1, ,,, lJ .. IIJ• '1'"~11• turtt l'-. •I luot I'·'" I l11 • 111ltl lt11111 11 , " I • ,\ •; I. !'('II :\111 rr, . " :-.. :\I ,.,1, ~"" I' I P E ·r,,,,, '"'· ltarlt ·rut., 1.,.\qt,lt Jf, • • •"1 lr .. n :--:uek;; • .!h .. 4\:! ,tnuhl• ~ • .'h.:l.: I• flgo· I }I•', t•lt• 11'"'''lo· n un., smk~. ~IIi·~, "I' S t•·• I Stn k" S~• 'l!", llfl ( 'hr•11111· Pl:tl•·•l S " rn~ 1-' '"', t• $~, ••'l L.on:• •t I 'l11mtnn~: 111 e tnm~:•• e '' P httno· T\l•rH'ttn r,o II 1 l 'i l i t tlt Anu J:{ Ill' S l'l;\1 I l•t;ttl" '"' ,, "' "'"""II" 11'11 1 tllto\\1 ol \\Ito It ~·•tt 1111) I oA :\Z ~t 'l l:\11 1 t'f : • .!to ·,., :\1 "" s,,, 1.1 ,\ llol I :1 II• :-.1'1:\1 '1 H•l••'"''d l'•ttl .111•0 Ill.· "' \\ \\Ill ,, II '"' ,-;:;, 1111 ' I o,\ 'I -..e 11 \Ill II' ·,:, :\1• \l.otrt :--:ttftl l .\r\d ,\IJ111t'-l )1•1 f•l IIPi'-It I fl'-'"' ftttftl J.' 'It ----WA.NT'ED TO BUY II 1'1 \''I I 1•11·•1•1 · t , I) 111 .; .. r,, ool,, -------------~ JLIUJ 1Ll 11t''"l ,. d !'•II 11••\\ I••• WILL PAY ~; S3()00 ••Ill\ •• , • I' I Ill• I"'' I• I I• '"" 1•.\ 'I.·~' II \Ill t1 1'1 A:\ll 1 'o ···" ;-.,. C\1 "" ~ .• nt.• 1:-..t t \I 'lo:\lltTI\ t . .t. TIKI':.8 1 1 •I~ "'\I I I •Ito Jt q.l, compl~:t •, '"' , ••·I• tJ ,,tl, s Xlnt. tln·• . I•, 1 I {'., !II• •'I> oflll'llll)', Ph. Hilt t " II ' 97·11!' ( 'OAST :\IOTOR CO. II< 11t ~ RI''IJ::SCIII..E II IV" t •.,,1,.1 I lt.:hway II• ,.,•,n !">\J3:l·J 17 i o.uh • 1 J or So·ol,ul II 1',\ ( otfl\ I ', 1111•· II • ·,,' • li t ~~ tl.tll II I ,~, k :-•It ·~ I "'" I • .. "I"' 11 I 'i' t • .. ''I" I I ,,, " I 'IIIIJ• 1 • I 'I• • : I •r ,t I • \ \t I It I I )1tottlo II ..... ,,f I" 6.:11 13!tl 1{1,1'1 141t. 7r;; 11 '• 9'.11 w:. 21 ,, 3'•.' I 'OAST ~IOTOR CO. It""' 4 ·,.,,,, I IJI4hw4y 114' ....... :,.tt!-J l:r.-t·· CIO'LOYJIENT "'ANTED J\rt.l t:l-111' t'K;\II.P:Wol Ill Sklppc.or :lfl )'Carl I'X)'If'rtl'or<', knows f'ntirt' Par tftc Coas t I.I>C'Al n •l · t'f'C."nN'S D<-ac:on 603 I • M I •I :.!I p WANT N\IRS ING. C'luldr ••n t>r ad· ulla. lloUJt'WOI"It err t'tM)klnl: Have !neal r..to·r••nf'f•ll. :J'.l1 1-: 15th, COlli II MC'I tt. 1111\1' 1 rnnll· portallon. 15-ltp ai'LOJ"'II&NT OI'T&IUtD n . WANTJ-:D-Middlt• a~e•'<l rn~tn for dbhwuht•r tsnd mntnll'nanct•. Stt'lldy o•mplo)'ml'nt Apply al DnC(' liiUTt.on'll Olnnf•r HoW!r, 17th and Orangl', Cosln Mt•sn 15·1fc WANTI:O 1'wo ll>'lltlro-.114'1. stc•~tdy t'fl'lploynwnt, short hourt1 Apply now , lllrrlll(tn'• r•mn•'r llllllSt', 17th tond Or anjll'. n .. , .. M NIII 1!\-t rr GIRL ror ~~>'nrk tn m~<lt ahop F:x- pc:Til'nC't-d p«•(i'rrNt, po•rmnn,..nt Apply b(o(MI' 11 1\ M nr nfl••r 2:J(I I' l'lf :.01 I :\lrtnn•• i\l • ~lllM bland 1:',..:!11' WANTEJl lio10k k•~·tM.'I Itt I oleo· compll'll' c·h.tq:• "r lwwok• ll•·u- rnn fil)-41 I'• .!tr WiJI Pay Cash f'or )'OW' tumttu~ or wtlal 1\avt you. f"hooM &aeon ~ Crawley Furniture Co. 181.2 Newpor-1 Blvd., C.ntla MNt t••i:.! ll:ttl'lf'lr 1\l\'d ('I IS 'I' A !\1 J.:.-;,\ I~~ I II 92-tlc rmc Rr:NT t1 ---------------------- CASH for USED Furniture & Appliances "Wp Buy Al!'no.t Anythtnr" GRANT'S ~ Rc-a. 5707·M t ><'I 1\:\ ~ Hr ,-,:'1' t••1""· r • """ 1lol· 1645 NPWJ)OI'I Blvd . Coal a MNIII t.:n•lll' 1 t1•' lo ot I ·"'' 1 ' "' tlllfll 42·11;: I '' \\ 1•11 I l l1 ·" h llo ll'l II tl 11<•1 nrJUI---.ITtlllE----ro-a_s_A_U: ___ n-= 1,.._. 1-. 1" • • 1-t ol( ltl-.:'\'1' l 'r l\.tl• ,,,.,m, h.11h ~IIR S Al.!-. lll't~~nn ohlt·. ' I"''" & l;flr iiJ:t· C.:!1 l't•J•fo\, l'ur""'' d.t t11rWfli' co•l nlltJ>l• tlll\•nJ••f'l \1 (' f 111 . 11 ''1 llnrholr 1~~ I"• II• · llr ""1' r " _1 __ ·-r H •H S,\1 I It nil:'" ·•~ r .. ttt.m· 1• tl I I •IC Ill ' I I n ••Ill ,\t kttr ht n· '"'' oil r .... tltlo•-~Ill •• \\lt k \\tth.! ltlltlll•'""'' ~1/(r"' T oo\\ II I I 'I l'•th .'I :-;, \\fo lff Ito'" h '' ntl .1.111 'I H I IIW I I I oil I J\riJoi,O ''llllltl .! :\fr • '"' Jl m 1:1 ltp -------~.!-Itt' FI 'H:'\I'J'I'IU·. HFH:o\1~11111 H ill HI Y l' ("'"'" tlol Clt u l I Ul' tt IIIII fll \~ 411 j tiiiUd t•l" h tfl 't I \< Yn11 l .ok•· II 1 ,,,.-,: (;f1J :'\!''J'hfl n lll\ f 'o\ ~· lfo o 111 \lo\\ l'll!lllo l'tl , I \ '• I .\ \1 I I 11lo I , Sl£•el IJOd1 r, ,, 1111 .. 'I'"'' :!:t J!.J N~wpurt 11\l , . .,,t,\)t ,,l 15-l qo 8% New View Home 1 o\'1-:IU .(!( 11<1 :-.1 ; 1-:nttrc Harbor un ·.o :1 ltr hd" tltw1rs, rlreplac~ o·un•IIW'Itun .• nd tnsadc hnb h o•M 'I'J1111111 ,, Tlrt• fancs t we·,, t'\• I uti"' tl HA LPII P. )J ASKEY 3 111 \\ l'•ull I'll l lnr 40~ COI~O~A D~L MAR ~·•1 '1'11 1 •1· Jlllii i\\'AY ~lu:"t Sell at Once SALES MAZ' At; ER I ~tlona1 Of>I.Or1untty f11r ,.,.,,.., lenl't'd Mlr..,mnn F'lrll y 1111t11· malic Wlllt•r ~nrt\'lllnl: nppll· U\C('!l, 1150 to $.100 Wl'o•k ly. ('um- mlulont'd. F.xclu,tvr, N•'"''IJOt l Be4lch terntory 111 Ml:""'.t"' Jr you quniUy. Sales 1\(•lfl!l, lo•rub fWn1ahed,. Writct Box "R·B" c/n New•-n~. 11 -6tc .L11 k 1:1 " no· llo~t l>"t :·•.1 \\ .!13 11 \lr11•1 "' c .,.,,. \11 "'' 1 •.\ 1\1 .\l'l ll l l. :\1 \\:.! ltt•droom l'h11111 llll il~<•f )II ill \\ li 11' It IIH I 11• 1'1 '' •, ;t tf••l-:•', polho h or I 'ltnllll•< 1\\1\NTt.ll TUilt.'I;T 42 ltl 1 1.1~"11 to• \\ollt oPIIt lt tc h•nl'•. 1 111 1;11o11 lfl lt"·ll \\Ill k -_.....__. --\ • li' It Ill folltttl~. I ''·' ~jl\.lfo 1.1 11 ',\1 , 1:1 :--1:\1 -.;;-: "'"" oo11l 1 II'. -------------'" '""''' ,.,,,,,,, 111 l\\\1 "'"'()\, A GOOD BUY-"'"'''.! '" •lr•••m '"""' W tll n • •' JS A WISE BUY t.:•••' '1' ·" "" "'""1'"">' ·""''" ., ~l·;J·: ( '"'" 1·:n • to· I 'lt••r"' 1:, ·" •1ll 1~•1 1 I ' :I'• l),rhltol A\' . r • .. rona del tfc WANTED-Woman 2!'>-40, niN' appraran('(', plruln11 fJo·r~nrtllly, aall'l upnlt•nt'\'. 11ood knowll'ds;c• al colur A dt1111ln. rKpr·r ll'nri'd ltflamJtn'U f.X('('IIC'nl oppor· tunlly In ,TuwlntZ huJtlnt'tlJ with ruturt' Wrltt• Rox "S" ~ N«"' .. • nn-. &h'ln& full (lllrllculars of becklotl'OUnd "' l'Xpc'rlf'n<'(' H <lt p l.rl I ll< I lr·lp Y11u IIi' \\'1w ;\ ,\111 '1.'1''-'. l·•ltt•llll. 1\\ltl "''"' WA.NTE Se-cretary & """~ HARBOR FURN ITURE 19fl:l lin rhor n lvtl BOAT!'. 8VPPLID t 'n,llt :\1•·'·' 1~1-llo II 1:1'111'r llfllr r .. r '""'' nr lnlllf'r l'<'rfcoct rond1t1011 On•• 611 Ill rnldtnlt andtor n .. t h f'l'tC't'd rr·a- !IOnnhli' 1 :'>,')6 M•'-"" llr . C'fl!<lto :\11'1<11 1 !l-11 Jl ,raphft', IIcht bookkeeping. 5H Mr. Vln«nt al Dalt)C)II Pher· macy. 14-2tc Boats Priced To Sell •;:•=:·~·~~IIJIK!WI~~~~::•~Jifa)~~o~a~--:~• 30-fl Com ~~~hrT. 11942 ) FOR SALE-Knapp ah~. For ..,.,otntnwat call "Art" Adair. 30-fl C'Ti•-C'nfl SroRn C'rullt'T Harbor 1437 -R.. lJ...t tp 11942 l $.'l600 27' Cahln Cr\JI~~t>r 1 llunl<'r 19;\/(1 14().00 G. E . Automatic el«triC IJ.Y\0 ,_wool b1anktt: $25.00. Audl· G. E . MINNEY phont' Marine ald. 135 00 oo.t n 1 C'o111t H lwny, Nrwpnrl $180. SO'.l--31at St.. Nt'WJ)Ort 14-t rc- ~ach. l3-4tp FOR SALE-NPw Modt'l P<' No Silver Platinst 37 1946 Olnmplon. co:"'P'~''" rnr . COPPER. BRASS, GOLD ln~t & cnll!tlng t'fl\ltpmc nl; In· Polt.htne 6 R.t-tlnt.hlna rludlng outbollrd. $4.5.''10 1 hr>m• • AX.miMtcr 23371, lAI!! AnJ;I'Ic~. Bayside Plating Co. or w~kmd.' Lllrry \Vhl'f'll'r, Bn1- 1914 Harbor Blvd. boa YRrht C1uh 11-tfr O:llta Mna. Calif . Beacon 5113 F OR S ALE ~&ilholll, 11 '" ft ____________ 6-_tt_c "Sw!rt" with t rnllrr. Colvtn Watchft • Ooclur -J~ CHRONOMETERS ~"' -Prompt ~ ~nalb1~ Pr1Cft VAN DRIMLEN JEWELRY R.ohr.<. 1207 E . 17th S t .. SAntn AnA. 11-4tp ATTENTION 1'7118 N~t Blvd niARTEn n o AT OT'EHA1'on." I An) \lwrtrr II< >At O\\ nc'r~ lnh•r· Cc.Ut Meaa r lll•'li an nf)('rRitng lh,..lr 111"111 from I 3-tfc: S11n Pt'<lru plrASt• cont ncl J ro(• Mnr-~ -------------tm. llar l10r lfi:i1-.J. 13-4tt' Bendix & Mayt.ags JUII WRiting lo rw \-~I'd at BILL'S W ASH-A-TERIA C?S N_.-port Blvd., C<.tata MtU fl'h<>M ~aeon sn'l 2(l' x R' CRUISER 1!13:• ~'•'" Mtltor . \'t•r y n1!·1• '"""'l=lltlltl ''"""' ~;\~>(1() (\(1, \\'ttl It ,1n•• t••t 1o'('(tl pro1J• rt~ (~c\'t' 11r !Hk• rttffo·rt"nc-t• llnr hor 121'·1·\\' 1;\·4ttt 10-trc H IH !";\I.E ·1:.'-ft 1""''" S(Tt'\\ -------------t 'nll~l'l'. r 11 ~ ., . ~···r·ps fi . \"l'r\' <11tt11tl tliK'II 111 tk:.kr~ "" nl''r l l •rl~t•r 1!'•~•-\\' 11-2tr FIREWOOD CHARCO A I. & nJUQUETS PROMI"'T D F.U\"lmY F'l.t r,\T Fo lll ~Al.F: \,lf'IIIJ. rt>m· Wright Lumber Yard plt'h' \\11 11 ronCTt'lt' "'"' hnn~tf'rl ,,.,.. 11 "' :t:.!l nur nn \'15111. 1\.,1 1 is-1 Ncwl"'r t Bl\'d 1o o~o l'h olll ,.....,lll'ht II. l'h llnrt .. ,r f'OSTA ~H:SA :•11• \\' ~~tfr Dt'11con 5f>6S ____________ RJ.._t_fc jtll 'I(\~ R \IIIII _ _ 14 Plenty of Good Tirea 1:-'1'1 r ,-..... ''"''' '1 "" • '1 lf\ '-'1 IJitlh 1\1 '\1 \\ 'P\1 -tU .,.,,\-All Sizes I'll ·1 ''" ,.,, , '1' "'' ,, 1• Compound Motor OU Gall on. 7Uc Western Auto Supply Authorlz.cd DcaleT 1D8 N.wpof't Bl'd . Cc.ta Meaa 11·U• I' tit I l•;.th,t lt"t ll h~l ttltl\ '''• J IA'I ~I ·I !Cil ll •T 1'1,\''' l'•' I'l-l (• ~TFI,\\ \Y tilt '" I '• r It • I •'>•11· •1•1•"'' t~•'tr• ''''" !'.t\• al 1· , ... , $1tU.J U\1'1' ·~ \\ .IIIU.. I I \:'\L,.I SC II\11DT P I,\'" I 'll , ~•-'10 :-\,. 11\lnt: 1•••111 l•tl •:r .. un1t flo•11 · .fuh . Au..:'"'. ~.I'' l!t , ......... t•l• l'fl•f•·r 1\.tll••·• "·'~ rt~onr Jt,• ~l•on"lolo• Ho f, :'\., [lo•f• "" hacl h.tlllll' .lttth'lll••\o r 11;;1.! '1'.111111 •••k. l'alm !'J•flll~' l:>.l(lt J'\\ 11 .. r 1 hro~· I>• tl fiWifll I tit n1'111'tl tu ut-.· "' upurtnw 111 Jt,•,poon"hh ltw :tl hu:-ttll''-" m.on llo ur"n ~.:W.7 l:i·'11 P $:!f> HI-:"WA HD F11r '"'""n.111"n rt'l-1111 1111: 111 our l•'ll'tn~: llall••a J,lnml ll•>nh' :\1mi- lf\lllll :1 1..-olroot•lll,, 1111furnrshrd ll~trht•r 1:.1!'1-.l ,)r I' t 1 lk•x 37:' 1\uiiNIJO lo;lanct 1~·tfc U CIIANOE \\'ll.L ~;XI'IIANc ~~; c:rr1s' hrand nt'''' .. 'fi .. htr~ c-~,· r,Jr :!4 nr ~., .. ~:lrl~ hlt'yrlr \7 17 Pomonn t't151R Mru ELY · t! MON"EV TO LOAN LOANS 1'0 UUILD. buy, lmprovt'. modt•rnlz:f' or rrrlnanC('. We pur· rhur trwrl d('t"'<h. Nt:WPU HT BALBOA FED ERAL S AVINGS It LO AN ASSN 3333 VIR Llclo Ph Har 1500 36-Uc. NEED MONEY? SC't' Ua for Q utck. ltt'lpruJ Sfor l'IC't' on ''our Fln11nclal Nr.•d! -LNint on Furniture -Salary Car or Other Security l hmrs: lfl In I and 3 to 5 fC1oard SAturdays I ·""' .. _ fi lftl4~ N('wpnrt nf\'ct , t"O!IIII l\tl'$8 llt'lll"olll ~1:.':.!11 I A CT0 8S rrnrn Alphll 1\·•111 :\tarkl't I 1;>·111 I.PT ~ 1111 ~ i\1 ,1-: :"1-:\\'l't o)(T 1~1 .\:o-.1 t (lloliCC l~'1'11l'l' It .! lo t Stdo•W;IIIt~ nnd P·l' 1111: hot It '"I''"· nil 1111h11CJ. 1'.1111 l.1111tl , ,;;,..; I,.., on ~ n •nl r-;,'"l"'r' llt-:wlt ('nltl tf Three acrt!~ on Victoria 1\letropolit.an Watc·r. Light soil. See this. Pric.erl like old times. $3500. -$1500 clown. On" e1f tlw sulo~tanlinl h1'm•·!O In to " 11 Ill\!' ""'rythinl:. tnrludlnl an·hrt ••t·turr. hw n t1o11, ~111h1hty. 'f\, 11 ~drooms _ D. C. MacKENZIF: 180R Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa 1·1-'.!tc II\' ( 1\\":\ I :n For 1n1mr•tl '''' <o,llt'. ;\ rnulcrplo' llntl t~~t• With ] lwrtrnom h••\1<1' dt'~l' 111 1111 :-"llh ~td•· \V l'••ntr.ol 11n I'· lhf1<111a . ::OIIILihlo• f11r ntnt• 111111 t'•>ll rt Or ApArt nw11t "II h t:M .•..:• ' 'l11t. stt•' hilrd 1,1 d upltr ,c. <)7 ·,.I(), :\1 Ak t• (>lf<'r <"nurl• "' 1 • Ho a l· '"~'" \1\\ ru , ll:tt l•"r 1 I'• I rt REAL VALUE ~ $l.tlllll now;-,; I l H 'l'lll 11 f't, .~, ... ,,., t '''-'* ~ .... t t' '" ,, I • 'I ·,; ' _,,I \ ' '" ' IIlLo: \11& ... 1 t.i ' tl •'IH• I I ~I I. l'IUt '1 '''I y '-,\••••·, 1-'1!.\''' I t\ 0\\ , ... ·"'I 1•lj~\ '\t \\l'•'T f );\\d 1 \•, ... 1'1 II 0:\ I 1;1 \I 'o I~ 1-l·:.!lp I ' \n· 1\'· \lo' I KF-AI . F.I4TATF. llt .1nnP CORONA DEL l\\AR <11ni<'t" hu~ttll''' lnl. frn~t lr'l·a li•'ll pri1'(' "1". ~·\·o •r:tl t''''•lh'l\1 ,·,tlw•-. tn \\ ··H , ""'' n~o·to•ol ._, ,, l11•tlr·oom lll'llll'" fr••m ~ll.~''lc ' .. \-.1;: lo• ._.,,, lh''' BALROA I SLA~() ;\:,•w ·1-lto'<lr1ll . :..• h,tl h.-. !'.• H.t\ Frttnl h•m"' l'tt I ( ll' qltw k .... "''. :-.. ;tl II(" 1 n r .lll.d Ill'\\ • :.t .. •.t f'IIIIIH h.tth-... ::'\t~r1 h I tt~ 1-'r'"'' <;•"•I \,tlth'. :-o:..'t; ,-,,~1 \X 'I\\. \\'. SANFORD. Rcalwr \\ tlh <~Nt nltl,• 1\ \\ .dtlt•nn :10~ ~t:ct•ln•• A \t'llllt' 1'\;tl h.\1 Isla nd I 'hnn(':-o ~·~ 1 •: .'It I At Corona del Mar 60 Foot Corner Lot With View of both Oc't'an and Bay. Priced for immediate sale $3000 2·Bednn. home, very neat. This is furnished, $7950. -1'wo bedroom modem, very classy, $9250. l'wo bedroom modem, a beauty, $9700. 1\vo tx>droom, modem. -Ask to see this. $11 ,500. 2-Bedroom. new and modem. South of Highway SI0.300 1 &>rlroom Home. Neat. 86.500. 2 lk'<t room Home. Cozy. $7.400. SOME CHEAP LOTS U you must have level ones, these won't do. ~ LOTS at $2000 for All 3 2 LOTS at $2000 for Bpth Some Fine Level Lots -$1500 each w. j. HOLCOMB 1517 Coost Highway Corona del Mar "Where The F1ags F1y'' 15-ltc VISIT US IN OUR NEW LOCATION Blanche A. Gates---Realtors-Ginny Gates 212 Marine Ave., Balboa Isla nd Phont>s: Harbor 1671-J -Evenings, Harbor 746-M Harbor 1034-J We Need Summ er Rentals on Balboa Island If you \\ant to r<'nt your homP for all or p;u1 of the :-ollttltlll't". lr't 11:-. fi ncl ~1111 a 1Pnanl. \\'p han' :1 long li)-.1 ~tf \t'l y rh-.ir:t hll• Jlt'(lpl<' \\ ho would likP to t'Ome do\\ 11 tf 11 11'~-r·an find ;, pl:tr ·r·. Cnll us :rhou1 yours. Balboa Island NOW WE IIAVE IT A T" 11 I '11il pt;w1• "" BallltJ.t bl;tnd. t•omplt•tel~· hll'tt"ht~l lur· !'l ti.:-1tHI. :"\•> ttlnt·r· :'\o lr'ss. That's it. a nd \oil ha d l~t•l lt-r ltutT\' if "'" \\:t nt litis .. lll)-.1 a fr '\\' tl••or-; fm m :'-:orth B:t.\'. It ·i:< t't•nlt>tl fcrr .Julv nnd A\t~. fur ~111 111. \\'hat tt !'!u:.·! · Penn in sula ·~ B. H. e·umpl•·t••ly fumishc'fl lwo pa t io~. A hnrwy. l.!t':tnd llt'\\' l~t'attt iful :.! B. R hllllll'. Fircplan'. n oM flll1liH'(', d ining room. p:tlio. t'.\ Ira ).!all -;h tl\\ l"r. ~lin tlo .. ·k A huy al S11.:)1,.J. Corona del Mar i':<'aring t~>nlplc•tion. Semi mortt>m ~t. ll~. :\ B. R. hont•'. \'cry lat-g<• living room, firt~pla("(', parl<'l m y heat. lots of e'ltpllnarcl anfi d O.-.;('l Spa('(', l)('aUtifuJ bath, Stall Shmwt·. clouulc gar<tge. lnt<"rior finish is €'xtrn SpC'('tal. Kit<"ht-n and la~c fiincttc arc CXL'<'~ tionally W<'ll plannt'<l. TIllS liAS EVERYTI liNG. anct only S I :>.OOil. Many othC'r <'.Xt't'llt'nt buys. Newport Hei ghts We have-two \'('ry Jowly 3 bedroom homes. one is furnished. AJm~t new 2 B. R. home. with \'Cry lnrgc living room. VcnC'tian hlincts thn>Ughout. Comer windows in lx>drooms. Doubt!" garage. This is on<' of our best buys. Tol<ll pri(.'(' $\)()00. Costa Mesa G. I. says S4"1l hi~ :.? B. R. ho mr•. nlmost nl"w, very lovely. $21 00 dnwn. $47 pC'r month. inducling int., ins., anct tax<'S. IJal. 4 per <'t.'nl. We ha\'(' ma n y pla t'f'S to s hnw you. Gi\'<' us a call. BLANCHE A. GA ~Realtors-CINNY GATES 15-ltc BEV ERLEY REALTY CO. 211 Glad~-. B<'\'l'l'h'Y. Hl.':t I I nr East Central. Balboa l'honc II a rllor 1 j'~~ Balhoa Pennin sula Nt~\\' :.! ht'flr'Pollll hnnh' "tlh fin· p l:it'l'. pa lir), 2 car • ga mgc:•. l.o l..; o f fill' rn hath a mi ki ld ll'll. Cnrp<'IS. J)rapt•rir·~ a nd \'••n1•l ian Blind.' ind udro. Lnnd· ~ar)('(i. • $JOOO Down Nt'\\ '1 IN•drnom h1ill11' 1.:11'1.';1' li\·ing r oom. Fit'C- plae'l". P:tl iP :...' ,·;l r g;\l'ill.!t'. 1.11tn1'1~· room . S:ttn dN'k O\'C't' gat-:1 ~1>. $6000 Dnwn 5 Bc:'tlr'11CIIH h1t1lll' l llftol'lttl' J•(n,l!'l' 11110 Knoll~· Pine'. ll:lf,h\o•lll flc ~w-... fii''Jll.tl'•'. '..' JIIII'I'IH...( l·'llrni:.lto'<i. t~·:rd,\' I P I' h• 'U"''"'"'I •nh.:. ir:d11rli n~ IIIH·n~. 'II\ t'l' .111d di)o.h•·'· l'rtn'll n dll ~ Ht'llrnom ''"~'~" "''"''' ll t.,•l~ 1ttmi-..IH'II. l it\'pl.t•''· h ,ll'(l\\11111 1 rlo•ot·-.. • I ••Ill )111lll,h1'11 :tp.tl'l llh'llf 11\o'l' :.! 1'.11' 1:.11'<1:..•• I· \• dlo'lll Ill• "11 •' ~~~.7SO Balboa c 1;\; Cl·.:'\~m,\ I ;\:t:AR <~RA \I \L\ I ~ :'.<"1 I POl. 3 1{\JOil\ :tp.ll tm t'll1 1'1\'('f" 2 (':lT ~rt:.:f• nn Itt!~· IP h "h~'" .~ 111•!1\' "'"'" c-:m llf' hu rl! I:.:: /Pill'. $10.:-oo -$4 000 Down DOAK REALTY & DEVELOPMENT CO. --- Phone l ~arbo1· 5U3-\\' 318 Coast Hwy. at Orchid. Cororul del Mar. "By the Sea" • I I I 60 Foot Frontage, Coast Highway Corona del Mar 100 ft. deep. Le\'el. Zoned for C-:!. A stcat at Sl 0,500. Exclusive Home Open House -For Inspection 1\vo bedroom, com er home. frame & stucco, 1 year old. Fh't'plac:e, plenty of closets & built -ins. Breeze- way to utility room and <'lll' port. Lovely fenced, landscaped yard. Sprinkling system, patio, 2 blocks from shops. Very pretty Corona dt'l Mnr corner. Price $12.900, term<;, or Long Be-ach trade. tFum- lshed if desired . Or la te mod<'l c:rr. Furnished 2-Story-$8500 Upper story has c ute li\'in::: room with snal'k bar, sun porch, kitchen with nook. bath has stall s hower: nice bedroom with cross \'ent il at ion. Lower s tory has bedroom with twin beds. laundry room . dbl. gar. Home is all electd c. Vacant. W<> have kl'y. Terms or G. I. Joan. Stores For Rent in Corona del Mar New building, comer, modern. I.nve rtro windows. Beauty Shop. Bath, your own equip .. SRO m onth. Nice Store, 18x40, on Coast Hiway -l:l5 month. House and Garage Apt.-$3000 Down South of Highway, 40-ft. lot, near beach. New 2-bed· room home, fireplace, etc. Guest or rumpus apt. over double garage and extra rooms. Vacant, money in escrow aJlows occupancy. Full price only $16,000. We have key. Ocean View -3 B.R. -1 1,~ Baths South of Hiway. Comfortable knotty pine living room. fireplace. dining room, scrvke porch, Rarage. Built in 1941. Sewer in. Price Sll.750, tt'rms to suit. South of Highway New. 2 B.R. Home. h artlw<><Xl floors. furnlt<'t', snaC'k b.'l r to dinette from ki1C'h<'n. l..a~t.· li\'ing r{l(tm. Sta ll shower. Obi. ga rn:.:<'. ' :.: blo('k to shops & hu)o.. I ' :.: hlod;s to ()('(';In & be:rch. J>ril'('(l s 1 o .:\()(), Lih<'ra l IL•rnls. \\'ill l:tkl" G.l. lon n with ~mall clown p:tyml•nt DOAK REALTY & DEVELOPMENT CO. Phone llarlror :)0;).\V 318 Coast Hwy. at Orchid, Corona del Mar "By the Sea" 15·1tC Costa Mesa Nt•w :.! h('<ll'l.!()m homl'. f\1111i<:hN1 with New 1-~urnj­ tutv. ind uding Ell'<'trie Rl'ftig<'l'atoJ'. Douhlt:' Ga- ragt>. Work shop. Com er Lot on Eas1 sicl('. Ta ke On•r· G. L Loan. ~:!51)(1 \\'ill lla nciiC'. :l J~lruom homf' a nd ~a t<u~e. Spanish s tyle. Tile roof. llan:lwood floors. Flo<JJ' fUJTl3l't'. &autifully landsl'np<.'Cl com er lot. In I11'Sl part o f town. A g()()(i buy. TI1is <:an LX' pureha~ with a low down pay· nwnt and seller will carry the b.'llancc. Branct New 2 lx.'Clroom home and garage. Hardwood fl oors. Dual floor fumetl't'. Lots of tile. Really a nice pia(.'('. S8U50. G. I. Special. NC'w 2 bedroom h om<' and garagt>. $750 Down. I .• Acres. E:-~st sicie on Sandy Loam. Choi(.'(' I~ <'<ttion. $1750. Good lew I B.uild.jng LoLc;. 60x 1 2~. Utilitit>S in $750. Newport Heights RPal nice 1 Bedroom home with extra sleeping quarters. ()c('an view. Doubt£> ga rnge. 60x'J27 cor· ner lot. beautift.:lly landscaped. $8500. Good ,;cw lot overlooking the Harbor. $~250, Good building lots from $1500 up. C. GALEN DENISON Realtor Henry C . Vaughn. Brok<'r Phon<• l~mc·on 5197 G«>. T. Cas to r. Broke r Ews. llarhor 1070-J 1\tari on Gregg. SniC'Sm~rn 1!lX ~E\\'I'ORT BLVD. COSTA l\1 1-S A 15-ltc NEWPORT HEI GHT S 2·1N'tlrm. home · a nd Sl.!l. prag<'. Shnulrl go (;.I. at ahout $1tl<IO down. !Ia~ hrtwd. flom':' nnrl 1tlt•\\'Ork. S~IOOO. :1-ht'!ll111. home in htosl 11f'it.:hhorhrKtd . ;\:l'\\ and wcll- huilt. lias dhl. g:-.r:rg,•, fm•pln11'. :tiHI "all· In-wall 1';111'11'1 ill I.!. Til<' prkt• now n•cht('('(! to S I ::!.7!1U. S('(> this COSTA MESA SPECIAL :\ l:tNi ruom~ a ncl 2 1>;11 hs--.'~\.',(l()(l full pric'C'. This l'X· c-.•pthlll:tl \':t htl' h::ts a_ n it'f' :.!-llf'flm1. hnnw pitts C''.ll'il \l('(lJ (l(lnl and hath\\ tth 1.!·"''~"-( lnl~ .!I _ .w ars 11lcl. l.a t"t:l' ltt1 in c:o(ll'l )cx';ltion 'l~t-:.• '" :-.llnpplll~ l'f'l11cr. T hi.-"Ill ._.,II quid' E ll nn fl n a m t•11 · Per"ff•'l ('; ~fl m 13anwy Fr.m.:qut~ Bl'Okl'l~ EVA F. RHODEN Rea ltor l'hnnt• e t•:l('llll ;)j'J ~.n. 1\111 ;\:c" pot t BI\CI. Sdl that un••antro IJttrou&h Newa· :"..rns ada AIUclt :o.ltun. :-;"n'·' ,,111 ·'I'" ·•n '"I 11111' S to'\11\\ il) 0111'1 Ill' 1\'1~' ~IIIII• I l :\ tlo' 11·:..'11' 15-11l' I 1·.\ •1ntn~.:,, ll.trl)(lr I 1:!~-.J 15-1 tc • 5197 070-J 15-1 t.c r. N 15-1 t.c NEWPORT BALBOA NEWS-TIMES D:I,EPHOSJ:8; IIABBOBJJ..ll..&"iD !Ql -- ~ F.nry TuMclay tutd nuuwday AIUJmoou.. VoliUJM' XL ~ pcr_m.onth anywhere llJ :-.: ·w~m twa<'h nnd C06tn Mt>83 : $1 00 ror 3 month;.; $:l 00 for 6 months, S:,\ 75 lll't' year~ - Mali-Sub:.crlptton pa)able tn advanct': S.'l :.!5 JX'r Y•·Hr tn Orang<' county; $3.50 per year to 4th Zone: S3.i5 per y.•ar to 8th Zone. Entered as S<'<:<~nd·Class mau,,r nt thl' Posto!ftc,• in ='•'"l)t)rt !Ji'ne·h. Cuhfomln. under th<· Al'l. of March :1. ,,..~11 SAM D. POHTER l'uhlbht'r LUCiltS S S~1111l Ill !\lantt~,;tn~< Ellll<)f' W .. F: DIXON . . Ac'lvo·rtll<tn~: !\l.tn"i:''r Printmg Plant, 3011 W. C!'ntrul Awnue. N<'WJIOrl Bruch. C'ahfnmia Official Paper of the City of Newport Beach A Dependable Loc-al ln_,tlt.utlon for 0\'f'r -10 \ ..,.,.. NATIONAL EDITORIAL 1948~0~ Active~.., Member ,_ .. of /'- tty SAMI't:t. "· t•t:nasca:u . 1 .• ,. ~.,,..,.,, nll•l rnnn11o11. n1tM"IC'I~-~ 1"'1: h-·.-~•~··-r.·xt iOf .1 ltr ... ult ·•'I 1-N-IIIho I \ o>UI tlo>ll,ll' II\ 1\\'ll lnste'll(l t>f oro I• r '• 1\ I' :.':l, !~':' t elo-11\o It ol lt'oom S.>ll ,\n 111\"11'-• 'llh: ••r<•llntl With prh'\' 11nrl I '''I 1 ot lnh'lll ••I tho 1. ,1, t .I t.u)lu •• ,. •• , •• 1'!!1. 1t\ ~ .• 11Hh 1 n r. t t. n \\ ih·· •"•'"" ,.,,. 1f ~ ("'tlt-.... ),)_, tr 1 • I ...... h.l~ l.k-&\u. -tuU ~.:•11 :.1r 1\·tt; IIJ.:tll l••no~o o t'un "'' 111 'I• otolott~ ~,,;, Will t'ho•l'lc Ill· 1111 111 otu '""''' l'loo I '"'' o1 ~re'4;!iitnnn trnnl Indl ana. null·d -·ri·l f lnt .. ,., ...... I tf th•• ~0\'f'mmcnt St •. ·... 1 .. I"'"' , ......... ,, •••tlh •• lhoir, tl<•W< ('t>lotmnhol, a ncl '·""'' l.ol..e·' ~··Ill' tllolllo'~ nml Stlt•ntls II. tho I' I n .•. 111 1~ lh •• •'•IIIII t•Pil\lthntutnl\ \nin·s h\~ ''''" iu· .-1 \\,u.t•'' tt an(l.\th't\ rnar,•th"S on 11\i•l• h·u. ''''''"'"'" d·l''''ll ti•'I .. 'IHhnt \H'\\!'> ,,IHf n,,, th,tM' ut Hl:o-1 ,, ... ltt"'l 1 ;p~ •t ~''U ~l"'nt it .. ,, "'1•• 1 ltlld "' \\h 11l1 l•._t bt•ll .ul~ (lr~Hf111H0till II\'It t 1n f.'t'l ht•t·nu"'' l,!tl\'l\f'f111H~nt Ufl \!I " 't I •t ht h, It !Il l' 1,• llh Ill l'r•·,Hh·nt ·r, •un.en t:oo t·:unp .. u t.:turu: '' ·""''"" n tPIH'.' t., .. ,,•r thnn ~ nu d tl ~11" 1 '' llt ttt•· ••I 1 t.. t:. I'll'• '" ltrttn: ""''"tho pt to'o• 11f 1•~"1 Tho·~ lll'lr•~ Thotmpolo•ffo•r,..,. Ito• lh· 11111111, "''"""' ·''" ,1•' lit• "·'~' nt~thll11! ttlklll l Itt ttH;tt1t; \\"h t1 tfll, 1"•untr~ "'"-.1~ is n ul 1 ' I''" ol .. 1••··" " ft , '" n t ht· l•l'h ,. \II ..:•'' • 1 "''"'" 1 Y • t I n• \\ u ntt. rto.l .uu1tn.,; ,,f 1 h•• proft"\Und st.. "'' • • '1 1 ' \1\u t 11' '" 1 ,, , ''"' .. '' l'i;ll). 1h•• C'•*'' ,,( food h.l .. t1 u th"' •Hh '• "'l~•"•·n b~ tiH' ~o:•·••ntf•st ''11 •' ·J '· fit .. th d ''\" tu '' L!('"" up 1110 P•'fl't'UI, "halt· 'lh , •• ) .. , poh tu •.d phlln ... uplh·r fn.··· 0\t'll hit\'\' h·~ '· • .•• ' I I ,, I 111• "· .... I It•. of to:U\ ,•rnrn t•fl t hj•' ,:tltlt' _.,, :rt7 t ,., ,.,. h.ul ·rhttln;.~ .T.-cr.~rson. It I " .~. I •d It , ... d ht . ,,, ..... JH'rO'O'I11 (;,.,,•l'flf th 111 "''" 1''"'"' I illll .:0'1 11111< r.-1 ttp \l ith polt· 111 ,,, •. I .. lllltrc' litton f•••cl 1'"''"11' 1:o•tr1t; tt> .l..tft•rllolll'll hnnw Til. 111~1:''''1 '·"'''' lornh F't•\\ ~t ,. t htt t a c r• .th'l' d.tn"-!•'r at ~h•t\IH'• lin :1\,,1 htu·ntn~ S\\'.-'''' 1'1"" \\ '"' '''' t.u ' • ... , l '"'' hl u,. u~ '"'"· ttu·ir '·'' tn...:" .tntl lf1('''"''' :.t tu ... "'1\t'tnl~ unci tht•n ~~ 11 • I 1' 111 ·'•"• ''' 11t hi, Iii•, 1111111: .,, :ooool.trtl-< l'lllllo ' It ''"' "·•'h ltot'l lout; lono•k ,,, \\'ashln~:l•ln to It ol to. . I ' I I ,, ol • • II 'I • I ""'" •n..:.t••n I' t' r1tflh t th tu fr{lltl lt•lt.t\ ''"'' h t .. h•pruu•tplt•ltt•••\t•r "' t" ••• ''"'' tl\\111\,.1 t,, .. '" tilt' e·o•tl1t t ~r•oo'o•r) \\II\ 1« tho:." '""~ll o•l \ht ;oh;om Lono•nltt snld · 111' '' o '• flo •I •'' tlu '·"I '• lt ~'b''·'"'''Ct1\•tllll)•rtl t ... t' llath:. t'ttt• pt•r•~·tp1•·~ ttf ,J,·fl··r~nn luJ•t···· \ ... tlh ''''''"'' ,;.n ... ,., f.1r ••"·'' ft (•tn \llo. th.tl "' ''"" 1 HI• th• •l•l•u•l•un .... tnrl H'<:l••rn"4 11f ,., • 1 I • t••tltl t ""t1d tt "'\••I\•, S I . f D f .• 1-. I ntH1f'r· ... t:uHI If ,, ••• 1'.111 Utlllt ''LIJHI n f l l't "'I'IIP1\ itll\1 ,,,, th•·v nr.~ u.l ,,, ""' ... IHI1 -" 1·•·!, .. I " upp les 1'()~1 r.a:4t-rn adoi'IE'~ a.n· tl()\\' reac 1\11)! II JW•\IIltl .. r 111111••1 \10• .... ollll l "' ,;' ... " ·""' ,., ;,.,,.cl ,;,,h 110 !1011111 I It 1.1.'' ·I l••hl ol, """'' '" It Pill the W e:'t r oa:-:t m I!I'CatPr \'olumr than fornwrl\'. hut lltltlo·t ~l:lll!t :l l'l'\ollllll•lll '''"'''" •ltoo\\ "' '"''o'•'"" th• ,,,, 1 .. "" ..... 1" 1•1\•111 Getting the Go-By? 'II · 1 ('I' ·. 1' • Tlw •itt\-rnttr 11f T•''"~ Ji lh' I1 J'Uhl1•··u 1 pall\ 1t1d1t\ 1111 I' •I .t "'"' .,,, ,,,\,11 1,l,11 ,. they al'(' Stl Well h e OW What <\ lfllrtll:t :' IHIJlU :1tl(lll, 1\ It·\\ \o ·otl' 1\:o•, 1 t'oo\o t lh'l' ,.( hoot•' lot 11 111 .111or1lwr n.olll•~:ol e•lt..:. Itt "'II t '•·I 1 and especiall\' it~ n •l::iti\'f'l\' hi)!h hudn$! pnwer. ju ::;t-To•\ ,, '·"" '" tl \\o' "' .. """'"'' ''"" I \\o llllcl '"~.:o·st lhotl thr~ ro·· Tho '.II \\ I•·· """' .. 1 c . . • • • ' tho• l'tottltl\ t~nor t """" ,lflol ..,,, tno lttloo 1 oncl pttl IIlio> t•nH'It('e• 11hnl h.t I l•tt•l ttl d• t 1 ol•" 1f• t lftes. ha ll '" \\',oo,htttt''"" Th II ,, ""' 1.1111 o•ltt 'ttol ·""'"' .I ,.flo r~un 1\nd fll .. l •. '' 1 " •. ,,.,, \\ oil I I ..... I This \\'Cl~ p oint {•cl out I'C'Ct·ntl\' h\' Fr;\lll\ Jt\lll\':111,11'"' 1\to•o-.dh ""' 11 1' ltllo• 111111 lho ol•lll·~tll,diiiiiii'S:tl111', the• 111 ,. '"'"'"'" "'''''·''' •••. . • •. . · 1 •11·1 ~ '-•'tl"' th.ol 11•11111• \\, lllll•l t't11111 trl \\olltlol \\111, \\'hll'ho•\'t'r I•• 1 ' .: I • dl J•lto lo 11111 til pre~ulent of the ¥.1e:-:t ern ~h·t·chani\J:'C' :\1art Ill San hoona.: ~,: .. , •. ,nnlrnt lt.u·k """''I''"'·' 1,,,, n••oott '"' ... 1 .. , ""'•I• '"· Franci!'CO. "East£'1'11 ~ourcr~:· ~aiel hP. "ha\'e not \'t't llho•fo'\IO'!tlll<••o•ti.Htlolt•l•tllr••ltl \\lrrl .lol lo'l"'"'·"•l .olh•ttlko•t•Jl· 1111 1''''1· \,I I• Ito "'""'''' . · J.,-.oh ut til•· d trk • t'lt P''' '"•'ilp· ,.,,. ~.,.,, 1 tlllll td 'I•'"~''' h t ltntn••. nrhl H i t 11 ' '• d .+\ 11 '" , I 111 ... St'l't:tCSOSit' l"f't't:USTt:H Tht' 1.1r.:to.'l rnm Jr•t t'l11{htt' e'Yt'r flown 13 ~llnwn I n Ita launch· Itt!: t•tt·k lwltttt• nlllllllllll{ n :o.po•o•el 111 r lnl1• Utl' i'lll)1'1 ~<111111' rUIII{t' In Ill! nr:~l test n11ht a\ lho• N.ll:tl O!llll:ttll'c· fo •,f StHtltlll 111)111-t l'tt. ('llltf l'ttpulntiY known lU thft "nytn!r atoft• 1''111', tltl~ :>lltlJ ilo• 1'111:1111' th'\l 'h1pt•et JIIIWt't <'•111-'leh'flll)ly Ill o·~t't'M of tl11• l'UIIII>Iflt'd horN• awal<C'n<•ll t11 thr trC'mrnnnu:-: ponul ~llun )!f'UWth 0\lt tnc "'' r 1\m•·r ..... tro 1'•:'1. tlw o'o"' l..o • 1•111>: tt "'It··""' ,, ft olm "tak· ""'''"I l"'tlo ,, , " ""' .1 ... ,,, lllj\1 o·1 Ill 1111• hll~to•:..( flout ·>'llll~llt' phllll'l' h 61'e an<l Jlf'rhan:-: ('\'('ll mme imJ)flft:tllt. tlH'\' ;1 J)· ,,( '"'' (oolor:ol l'OI\Ottl tlh ttl \\ ,, lfll:.lrCitn tltro "'"'''" c•r ".''"'r. tlu• \\I ,, •• j• tl '"" ., ,, I I'"" \..-• . ~ J,,, lhtn tl~t· u tntH\• ,,,.,,,,tf It\ ht t•.u l tho~t '' h:t ..... urh tl "'II bt• 1,,., par<>nth· a r£' nnt awar~ of th<' inrrra~r in hu~·ing '"'I"'"'' .. r l 'tltlo•toH• In l't't.'< • '·••th !'-t ot,,.,. ~; .. , •. rnnh llt "' 1r t: •" \I I"""''""'··"O '"'' .------------------~ I..El'TEUS TO TilE r\ E\\'S-TI" ES :. n . I J> I f A. • • I",,,,.. \\t \\t'f t In th·· \\ .u· II 11'''. ;, ... lht " an· fr···· II • I • • '· •• "· •' I .. f t • 1·,1 •It p 0 \\'€'1'. :\lr. \Un~·an ('ll<'( a "l:lll \(I ..... nl('I'IC':I ~lll'\ I'Y •'f llnllo c1 ''"' , .. , "ino· .. m· ,. ,., ,,, •I ... IIIII\\ In~: lll!lo·r T•e·tt.... olo '" •II " • lo •I Ill '" which ~h ows that ralife))'!1in'..: hu~·in ~ plt\\'1'1' i:-: ~I) prr lol :11 1•1'"':"" Ill tho• "'·:11'11 ''·'''"I llotlo!O ""' lt•L•'"'''' ),Of').!o•l~ lk'· "'''1 ' 1 ... •II '"'"' olo l 1 .... , • J ••t < tllfPrtlllt ( ly 1 ":o n , \\ .t,lttn1·t•H• ''·"'" h1 t ' d u,·.·d 11h· t ;~·nn.u1 ,.,, H'CC 11' · I• ,., • .. , 1 \t "" 1, '"''"'' ., , ('(:tilt ilhl\\'t' the J13tl(lJl;1 :J\'(•J'agt'. Jd:d111 :-;, l:lol.t, t 'l tl1, /\t tlool\,1: .tllrl •1,11•' !10 1\,oftJ.; :ontl pt't•o'tt1i'l~ llhl•' '1 1 I o11ol 11lo~11 1•,1\ I o\• F ;\ i 1 Ul'('. hnWE'\'('1'. n f f'a~t Pl'll ma 11 nf art \1 l't•r:-to j!h'P "· \\ M· "''" (' .. I.",..... \\'' ootlll lll'l ' •f I h• ' 111 ,, II I\ ·""' , .... ho·t. 11 11 ' I ; """ "" "' ... ' I . I d tt .. t ,, ''I •II • ~' ,. I·· I ' '" t IIIII' • • I· ff \ 1 • .onot \lur11.ttt t lltloo Itt • lt.tttd', lo\ 1.1\o' lito• o•arn• "I ' I• • '11'1 "'' I 'I t ol• '"'I th<· \~1 t•:-:t It' fa II' ~harr of th<' nut put 1:\' :l un 1'1 pie t· IIII I "' lh•· '"" Ill I•Of'" ottcl ,, 11•• IIIL' '•I " \.ttl\ """'"" I •••tllo• I•·• d I loll . Ill' thiC£'1'~ in thi~ an•a :1 fint' oppnrlunit~· tn fill the J.!ilp. l'lll•ttmto tll "''· ehe l·n·th•llttll'l Ill doollll: tlu• .1nol llle·n ''l'hnn-'""' \\'a• """' Hoo lolool Itt I ""-t• 4111 tt, l t•l •• I • I ,f I I" •• •q l t ... t It t *U ti "''" • • ... h ·tfit•\\ nf f•rl•r tl ''''''""'""' tU ' '111111 u l llu tl\tlf\1\ h ;1t·k h\ 1-• • tit, ·Hftl•lt• • •111 1 If th<'~' mal\l' thl' m n:'l ttf thl· oppnrtun lt~· h~· o fft•I'IIH! 11\01\" ··it<l In l'llo; u•lol """ lt1otro I'"""'''" ''"' 11111 .:r .ml-. .. ;.n.;l "··I· "' . ,, " .. II"' lo \\. !'0\111(1 \'i\hH':' thf'\' ;o:httUid \)(• ahh• til hold thl'il' l!ain::: 't.ol.''-,='"lilt Jl.ol.,.l.t ~nttl.l~ Jl·o· 111 \;t i ll ott Clloltl,fl\ .orlll .ol'ttt'tll II 'I •' I 1 tlto tll rll•t o'to .O 1,1 •t•d t il u ltlt t 111t l tqUtU \th • I t ,., II ·• t\1 til \I t Pfllt .11111 '\• \\ I ,. I "' t h It ........ ". tt H'I • '''''·L Nr-hr·-"k:t, ( Jk l.dtt llttfl. I I·'·'"'· IUJ• lu ~•Itt Ulh d .1 UHH I L:Jt~•· n1 ~t 1t ' ~H' t •lid' I•• '''' • ,, '·• 111 \\'hen ;l h\1~'('1'':' m fiJ'kt>t f'l •lll1'11 !". \lttltto '"'"· lnWII ,1not 11\<•r hrolf ttl rHll,l oo tl ,oi l J~tl'k• IIHHok, 111111 jo•h•. '1 ' 1'' '•I '"'1 1ol f,. ' lo ) • t I, 1, o) I ~ I I .... Jl I'' ·I \I II till \ .,.,. I ,,, " Ill I I "' t1 Ill I I I'd Ill t It, t ... ,, ,, a••tt tl IC••••It l ,,., 1••••111 Wc>:-:tl'r n n1nnufacturf'r:' ha\'e a natural :ld \'ant:H!I'. '1'"1"1n :-.: .. " '' t:oko·~ '"'"''' 1"11 "'"'"'"' '''' "'u""' "'" '"'"· "' 1 ' 1 11 ' ' 1 ' 1 '' I<· I'"' "" ,,, q _4f, .. tn ~"JlJttlrf 1h• lt•tl•l·tl l.n,·· pl•• nnttl 1h1' "''I hPII•'-''" P"""' lq·P l' • j d "''' t · ld~· 11 l·dlt•llt o f COUI':'l', in h e inl! (')n..:t•r to Pac·ifi<· coa4 0\ltll't'. Thi:-: 'I llllh ne til ,, llo ' "' ,, .. r ll w 111 Ill' ,.,.,, "'·" '""'' ,, th tl lt.q•· Ill ... I ....... II ""' ,,, ,, Ill . "'"'"'I' I olr~· of It'''"' "' j,, I ·,""' ,,,, · · t t f ;\lt-~l'"ll•flt • "'' pt Ark·'"'·" , 1 1• '""' 111 At ll•" 1 1 , nl\ II ·· ·• ,. ,.,, •. o011l II•• " 0111•l•• '•I• 1' .t .. ,,,,, '"'", '·''"""''· mean:' 111\\'e r tr:ll1:-:J'Ctl't:\t tnn ('()~t-=-a11 1mp111' (\11 ;'l('· l ~llll~t:ll\.t .o 11 II >• 1111,~ ' 1 •• •I . tl • to I• \• o ptoof• t 11 t llitl• \lo to \• " IIIII• 0 1,.,1, 1,. Ill ol.o tor. Th(•\' no\\' ha\'1' ;"1\':tilahlr to th<'m a ~IIpPI~· nf \\hill It('""' In 11110 Tit• I••" 1 '" ''' ,.. ''"' "''"'''r "" '' 1' • • '" "ttl." ''" ",, " ,,, "'''"" , ,,. .. , ..... ·I"'" ,, I 'II I . 1 . k'll II I tl' t f I th t f r, .... h url .r I \I I \ t1ttl l··· ll'l 't'l\•·•1 to th ,fr··~ tlt•l tlftt) h U,I I11 ''' IHif 'I I If I 1 .... lui" I tl••l \\rll, til ,, I ,, .... tl\\lt "' '"' ltu '''"t•\\lltlo( ~\I ('( anc :-:rrnt-~ .• ('( a )(II' la ar 1':\tf'l'l ~ a 0 ''" l'ltt; '" o•\orl 111111\tflttd .\tllol t lt ·odootn ""II Tl wro· ,, 1111 ('IOrt· ..... ,I,,, ...... ,'"'"''_ .... llllh• "' ... , ... I 111011 loo .OI•II '"" .... the pr£'-\\':11' {'1':1. Th <'~' al~n h avt• thP :H\\':tnl:H!'(' nf tlw I"" I'll II• It Ill till • lol'l Ill I had '"''''l••tt:tl """' ""·'''''' r nn tho• v=== 1 • . , .1 I I h•·•n I tkt·tt "' t)h flt•f.-JIII' ••n flu· Jl'•"•r· of 111•• •~·ll1t nl ,.,,,111unt•n t \'::\!'t c redit f'(l~lltlr('E';o.: nf (';1 lf(ll'l11:1 !" :'t:lt('\\'le p Jl':ln<' 1 !'"''''"" I• 11 1111' tfol hlltL' .. t h~olttl•·· In 1.1\ ""·'' tlw •·Ill lliiH'' 'of tlw hanldm! !'y:-:tt•m to tlraw npnn fnr tlt•n·lc•pm('nl :lnd lv noothttH r .. , 1lt• •• thor11 ·l11•· ,\nt• • oo•!ot• 1• "I'''' N Y.\\'S-Tl M t>; nullaon t•nplo• '" l11o out ot ll otulc1 Fottlltot c;,,,,tncot l,o hnt.tn of exp a n:-;ion o f tht·ir plant~ antl ma rkt>t~. I h·o\o J"'' )',llli tho• ',,. ""' oof lh· "' 1\ \'uti, h ,, 'ltcl llo.ot tlu· I /IX· Th<' cnmbinatinn (ff thl':'(' ach·nnta~rs anti tlw :1J)·I1''1''·•1l'OI\o•rnmo nl Ill\: I••\\• I ... tho (oc'lo·r·nl ~11\'f•rn· \\'• .... ), ,k,· uut lt~fli; it I h•t.tht.11 ntt nt .. 1 ,, .. ,,,h t lt.d1t·n..:•·" · lht., parent ind ifference (If F.a:-;tern prnchtCC'I':' lo\\'anl the 1.on c~o\• ttllll•tt '" l'llr"t"' ""I' 11 ··~ • "''' ...... "' ,~,,,,. 11nrl ltl('al W estrrn 01Cll'l<et ha~ alrP~HI~· <lnne much let hoo~t out-A•l:o Y··t 1"'·"1:"' tnnwnt ""'''I" l'"'''""""'' llo· 1\0IS, nf rnursr. lr""' th• I',H'tlt• t• tit•· ~~~~~,'~"1'1 "· n.:ht put in thi~ m·P~I. But it'~ up to the W e:o;t now t o m a in-L";tl lto I 1111' "" Ill· inf'tollH·S .. r tho• Til•' fo•fll'l'lll f.:ll\'o•rnme•nt now tain a n<l incre·l~e the'<' IT'li nc:: I'" .. ,... ,, Oil Ill\ rdltlc .ol'tll\ "' ··~ "" "" 11" ttl\ ·I• f('o Ill "' "" thC' < < '• • ,_., " "" t' "''"'" • lllnfl Ill Ill• I 'ntl• ol St.olo'' t ono··hllll y,, \\• ,. •f thnu1 ,, .. Jtlll f .r nt tht til l ltt •lt\t fl\\l "'tftn;.t;tlt"' ft If It \\ • 1lft1 11U tftu tU f ft• I' It fl, I .elh 11\\ IU tl 't •• r '''"' 1 t1111t: 111•· h• ••• ~·uq _ Jt,--., .. .,,.r rr''"' Ta\ """' •I th• ;\I ttU 1'\ •ft\t hll" \,ff •f•dt 'ff\t lllftH U !ltl Billion for Budget . . \\ •II f ttt .t 1•'1 ltt•IJ• I ,,h.. d •t•tll I t ,, 11 lht ... I t iHt ,.,.,.' 1 'I t l 'I ' I ""' ,,, I Ill. I :Iii I hJttt\\ , .... t 1\ '' I I I ''" ... , ... ... • Ill UP •• \\.Ill ,,. dt• 'lotit111 1huu· ·•I•Hil1 dtl I ll\\ I I'd old I ,., ''" l•tll dfl FORUM OF t•t iiU.JC UI'INION tlu"' may onf' ''""'I'" lA' old a.-.. IN'fll'flho unok·r ,..""'"1 ,...,..urll, 7 "11M-,.,.._,,..tlo·&l , . ..,.;. ul a ""rkl'r """ rArnrd S'!eMt " moonth l,..,,·,n· r..clrtac .. lllu•tratrd tw.low," a ftodrral -·•tr11y ••••nl ul l.tv• ,...,.., .. ,.._._ •·•rity Admlnl•t r•tloon, l..tinlt 1\f, .. ·h, ,..~ "· "'"llfiO'M' .)'toUr oo\rrn.~to• ttooott!hh """" fotr Ill ,,.,.,.... I• 1 .. """~·,.take· lw•:, "' th•· "'"' J"otl ""'' h ,.,1 .. ,.1 .. h. \1"•~" lAiit• ICI" .. otl tloo• ro·mKhoolo·r eltt 1111'' ""''lll."olll "lofooto l .. o', \dd • nne! lo tu ~:•·t ""'"' llo·oot•lll Itt tlti' o ,..,.. tl. TUr I'' .,f Utt~l• l'•·n••fl1 fn r ,., .. h \ t•n r \\ urkt"tf u r I H • f1•1 ... 10 '''it.r •u lhl .... •·a .... · tu··~ ul ,!'C.1 •··•PUtt"' • •·. \dtt d ntul •• tuul \u lfr 'luuthh 1\t•tlt•IU '"' f . If yuur \\If•· 1._ H:, ur u\••r lie•r t••n••fU I' uu•• ltu ff , .. ,.,~ ··!eMI,CHI \\'h<•JI it t n mP:' to ~JH'Ptl inl! moll\',\' the·r<• (':til IH' no dnuht that \:llifornin i~ dt>finitr·h· iti tlw h il! l1·:'ll!IH'~ ,,·lwtlwr it w:\111 !' \It he• <•I' 1111t. T\11· "~tim:1l1·d billietn d nH:11· ~t:\te hn,ll!rt m:tl\1'~ that rl<':tr. t ~•' ' hit' J '''"'" \till \\.tU1 1 ·t 1• • tl t 'I' •'·• It I' It tk • •' IC· Tu~:rlltt'r \tttl a.:•·1 ,. \l1tUtlth U··n•·flf ••f ·'·I .... , 1 Ill .... t II• t•tr\• .aht~Uf \•HII It'"' d ill • u11 I••• l it• P1 l11 t .ttl \ l 'ur ~llr\h ur-..... uf \\urk•·" \\l1t• Ul1 l!t·:l:-on' fttr th<' hull!i nl! lntdl!"l :trt' prdt\· 1oln·in11< h i)!l!t'l' popul:ll ion. P\Jl:t ll'ion ttf !!n\'l'l'll1'1 t· 1t ..:,.n·ic:e·- an<l hil!lwr prin•:-: \\'lwtlw r tlw n't lllf'~l!·d app rttpn :•- tinn:-: ran l11• c'l':lntrd :111d -:till ltr 1\l•pt w ithin ..:t atf' 1'1'\'C'Illti'~ i:-. not t'l'l'tni n . It i"',('\·idc·nt . howt•\'1'1'. th:1t \alif(lrnia'..: :tnmwl 11\1\ l:n · i~ t·limllint; m nc·h f:1-=t "r thnn il:' anhn:tl i n<:(lmr. That m (•an:-: ~pc·ndi nl! will ha\'1' to :-lr•\\' do\\'11. \\'hatt•\'(•1' i:-: pro p tt ... <'tl in tlw w:•~· ttf ilwn ··t ... •·d :'t f\tl' :'1'1'\'ie·o ... ttl' hie lwr "'"''""''.: 1l111't ... t ;lnd tlw t•·..:t of tht· q\lt"'t inn : Can \\I' aff nrtl it '.' If \\I' l':tn"t ''' :-hfluld ,.;, lw t• f tlf'('L:'I t it e •r m :tl\1' {·r·etncnn ic· ... in • '~lllf'­ thint• c•l...:r• t h:tf will p:l\· for it. l"nl'''" thi~ i ... rl11t~" \\'f''ll h :l\·1· to d ip hr•'t\·ih · in l c• ttlll' \\'ar inw ,11·c·um11 l:ttc-cl 1'1 '.., n ·t'" :tnd f'\1'''1';,,, t·•· "'''"\\-: tha t -tll'h n·- :-.t•t'\'1'' c··1n \':tni ... h \\'itl1 :tm:t t iP:.: '1"'1'd Thi ... e·ttnr ... •· n ·pnir •-t ilt' 11·t'i-l.lt lfl"•' t•• ''itlt ... t:t nd tlw Ill'(•, 111'1 ' fr••P1 Ill!' \ ··r ie•ll" ltlr.,·-t il.•' , •. II 1 m ••J't' and m .. n · mrllll '\. f1•r t'ti ... p·n "" I' 1•1· th:11 It·.. 11 1 :1 ·:. hut \\'it h t h1· tl :1\·,. td' f :11 '""'"''''" :1 1 hi1 " 'f t l.•· p ·•~t. iltl\1 1'\ l'i \h·l' It; dtt01(' )H I\\.\\ h ilt• J)\1' •\ 111,'' f jq;pq•i:tl !'etllcl ititon i 1,'110d . etl' l:t'1 •1' lo ll\\ 111'11 it i-\\ :tl lct\\ il•t' in the rC'cl . Sha\'e and a Hain·ut -$2.2:>! :\1 ill inn:-t•f n·<1-hlnoclt·d :\ nwl lt':tll hn~·, h a\' 1' $!Ttt\\'ll int11 m anhood in n·r t·nt ~·t· tr" ,,·itlwtll l\llfl\\'- ing that itiH.'f' upnn a tin w tlw ... ].,~:til :1t t he· ('l trtwr harbt·r ~h op ''a~ :1 litH· from :t JHtpu l:sr ~1111).!: "~haYt · and hail'l'llt -~i\ hit:-~" (ln ~lan·h 14 . in man.\· ('ali- forniil t•ttJnmunitie:--. tlw )!oin)! r at<· \\'ill lu· p!·)!l!<'d at on e dollar and a quart1·r for hairl'ut~ and nnr d ollar f or ~h:tH:'. A Ia:--. the o l(\ !'nil).! i~ a~ tlat1·d a :-: •ISwc•t'l Genc•vi1•H•" or "Ta-Ha-Ha -HoomdP-A~·." I ljfll', : t •ti•J .I Itt• I' I • '" t\ "" ,, I I til t ..... "·' ... '" )..!•• f • PP.OFESSIONAL DIRECTORY ACTOl'ST \ '\T Bookkec'ping S t' r ,. i t' r C 01.1 '\' I . 1\ltO\\ ' tfl11 rl"" lllll l ft\lftOO\ '\<'tiT 111ft II a 1 'lolo· llr. '''"purl 1\o·:oo h Dr. Ohrd l.u,·as llE:'\TI!'OT ! 'II!', \\ f o•nl ral lbrh<~r I IHI 'I \\I'C IIIT 111.\C II (;OIWO~ t:. H \1'1'. JUt.~. '!1':1:1 \\ , . .,, 1 o·ul r:ol .. h .. n•' II a rfu•r I 'I··• 't'\\ lHtrt J~•KI h ( IIIHOI'It \( 1 O H I )r. Tnm E. Barton ('(Ill ~( lf 'I :M ·I'< lit l'llo C 'll"t lllt~h"R)' f'urfllll\ tlo•l \l>tr " .. ,., .. l'hune• lln rto"r ICHM , 1'11\'SH 1\ 's. !>lt·n•;t:O'>M. M.ll. 1111 A. V. Andrrws, M.l). I'll\ SIC'I \S l\f1(1 !--1 ltr.t.o" Ill ( "'"'' lll~th"~t~·. lJitutwor ;,M) f oornnrt ff•·l "'tr If. It lla11, :\1. D. l•t"'''''"" '"''' ""-ttr~o:~··•n II ,. . .. t \ ,,, .. \1 ''I ttt 1 t•l••l•hfttu• Ut·.u ftU :.M lM 1 ~0 Ur ••atl\\u\ f ~• .... 1n \14•'• ~lillun ~1. -'la\\H·II, -''· IJ. I l)ttl ( ""'' IIIII 111 f HfiiU~I ,,, t '"'r I '" • II .• '"; I S. It :\lona{·o. :\1. I ).l I X I I 1\a~ i\ n ., UniiHIIl 1 ! llitrhor 17'!1 I ( ttl to•o• I l•••tr ' II .! ''I:--, f' ru "uoula \ I h rntt~h l "r1tlfty r-------'-"-~ __ ,,_,_,_~_T_R_,_~_T ______ ~I K T. lluttnwor1h, 0 . U. T. P. Reeder, M. D. H. E. Stickler, M. D. C)l'tomf'trbt I rh\'flllt•IM" and 1'\Uri(Niftto r:n;~ t :X,\MISt:U 1 ~tOO \\'. ('Mitr~tl I.Y.SRF:S IH'I'I.IC'ATF.Il ()fnrr: tl"'hm flft:! ,,......,_ ll•polr,..,. •M -''fu•e...t ~ l~thl-l'hoonf' llarl11or 11'l \t 3114 W f"'Pnt,.al A'" l'h U•thef II\ II 'P:"I'HIIT ftt'.AI II l\1 ill ion!' o f A mt•rican bo~·=-han nl~c t grown into manhnocl rC"ccntl~· wilhC1Ul any red hlood. a pp:tr<·ntl~·. if t h e rf'~ul t~ o f a n t-w :-:un·r~· arc· trul': . f'\'Cn CHit c1f uA ,. ~·uoot. C d R' ht ~ ~ D everv t"n m•'n \l~e hand rr<'nm~ a n1l lotiCtn:'. hair eire:-::-:-onra tc er, M. • \ ' I l'r•oo nl """" ing~: cl t•(J<\tiJ'ant::;, anti-prr:-.pira11L'-' and lip prepare\-Mortimer School I !'l :Ill n m . 1:! M t . I :0 'VI " tT1 • -1 : ... p "' 1011!'. lien ("nraJ "''"· Ralhoa bl. The o ld .:a!t\":-: whe n a Wi tman Jo,·<'cl a man h£'cau~r DA\' SCIIOOL 1 2110~-f· w. ('""1'" 1 II. S "" l"'rt n..--111 he . m rllrd of :1 pipe. dol! hair :-; ancl t w rrcl:-: ha\'f' di:-:-sow orr:' I rhnnr tlarh"' uo!t o "· .. naTI .. r:a. "' A. o,,,.,, appeared. ~nw the mal•· m u:'l :'nwll n f heaut~· 1111-""~~;;~P-'41.,2 genL~ p :t<.'K:l}:!L'cl under ~flm(' J)I'IJ\'IICati\'(' titlr :-\tCh I,===========:: ,·r;-n:RIS \RIA~ as H e athcliff<•. T a nnery Zl'ph~·r. 11r E:-.~enn· of W hal-, ing Shltion. Perhap:' harher~ can't hr hlam1·d for uppin)! th<'ir SCOTCH TAPE !'\ow on II and II -·- Sf:Wl'ORT IJ,\RROR \T.TF.RI'\';\R\' tln!WITAI. tin,_ t•ark,.r. U.\',\f. r•aul 0 . nut••ht'r. u . \'. ". U•t lf l1 ft•ll\ ln•1 ••1n .... "" \\ •••••\4 "' ••·· c•·•, ~:~' ... r 'l .. utt•h "• twill '.:· t .. , ~·uc ·,u , ·:M "" \\l~t"" nlth thlhtr••u UHtl••r IJC L:tl-. ~·•' ul ,,M .,tl ur !M.M .. \ "\ .. rtu•h I hlltl lltttl•·r I )C ttf tit t •• n ..... •41 \\ urkl•f ~···~ ........ Iff "'" ..... "' 11• • •• cut •• ,., .... ntlt•flf ltnr•·ut~ II, t1•o.t l':t.....,•tl ""'"' r a.:• t ·~u·f "' ~;u4 -, .... , ... ! .... Say Old AJ!e Benefit ('I aims Lost h)· Errurs IIUJ!t' (;as Tax Tctkt• As ( 'unsumJJt inn (euntinU{'S l 1JJWard Jn I l lfl It ' .. ,, \"' j'""''' q ,t til 1 f '"" •rl I ·• 111 It I • I " 1 .. It' •I \\I f I I '"I' I ~~ \\ ••• J • ·I . ... , d' It b•••· It rdl11'1 111 ·-1 I Ill 'I' 'I I ' "" ~ f I I Ill • ,,,, , .... II '" I ••• ,H ' f I , ' ,, ·····I " I · lt."rlol• 1•, tt11 \ I t tf!l 1 .. •I I I till• •• d '· 'I •I t) r• •. "' '' . ., I ' ' 1 I •I I ,. I o .. I• I 1•11r ''I ,,,, I• • It I,,, '· I •• I I I I I 01 ',, I' .. , ... \ttl II 1'1 \' I UH I \\Ill \ ~\I t 'I\ ,,,. t• 111 n 11 1 • llfl't •'IO I ~f f t' ,,,, ,. "•n tttt•l• •I I ••• I ' ' I ·' I I . ,,, \1, I ,,. ,I •rf\lo-i ..• It ,;·:.t••fl , , l ·n~· H•t I I I •I • ,., :r • t a ~I I tl It tf :'4, 'f I 1 ,,, ., \\ \JCJ(t ' •• \\ ... "'r:" ' ..... lft1 '"~ ..... ,~ ......... , .... h . l'h "4 t"\ft1 "'""''"I'""'•" Itt.-,, ... , .. ..,.. I • SAM'S SEA FO 'OD ":o-.u.:n ,,f thr· !-\1\••rolft•-h" !. £ !. 1 Mil(• East nf Seal B(•a<·h. at SurfHidc Open Daily 11 a. m. t.u J I ::m p. m. :!. I. .t. COCKTAILS, SEA FOODS ancl STEAK DINNERS .L 4 !. • I II .,,,,,,,,, -Ill If I I ,, ·~· ., I I I II ,,, t I, •.. ,. ,., • I• uh \t th l h 'U I \\PI t•lt lt11\\ h•'\"' •tul t i l -. tlt •IPk Ut fll th11t• '·• dttlll l tt\d• tlu l '-'' 11tll • llu lll 1 t "' • t.· tllu l •l'lttu l h1 \\"'II thr t.. ,,., .. I ,,, ... ,,..... 1 ...... ,, "'''' .1, I''"'''"' 11,1._ 1..,.,. l1 11tt '""' t•ut.Jt.tt\ '". '"' !1• 1 "''' P ll tit• \tu 111 '" p•nplt·. ''' t \• tnd d•'•'"'' ''" , .. ,,,,,, lt.. ,,,.,,, ,. 11tt"'t ..... .~,, .. ,., .. thu• , I I I•• \•illltt t • lh t.tl h •H 111'1.,.''' d \ 1111"' ht ut"*'' \\if It t'\'l~ry \1 ,1. \••lll h III JU•u ~··n~• , .. -., l t ·~lt .... , •H•t·•l id dtllll'''" \\111t\••n lutl t il tiiU I Itt d1 111t \\tiP"' lftd •h tiii~•H thdtii i H Hfitl fiHt•ttt• '"" ". tttth ,,, , ..... \ .......... I It ''" • " ,, IH t ,,, It\• fthN1t•qt, I I I'd·•• "'' ... U tlllll f lll f·· ,,, .. ,,,, ,,,., I \ ,,tltH•U nlll<ltl. t t\•IH ' " I •\•Ill \\ l tfl \\ lllfil u tf t h. ~ .... I t I 1\ I t tllk lttt llo.ltt .. en • Before You Build or Remodel VWt Uur lot.rNUa.: "-"'''"' ..... ( 'ulc11 lotlli~. piM 111111( 1\IU.... <,lfnpnohc-nll A ntl llnnlr" tm lvr lltuc'k ut l"ftJ111Ph LUDLUM Carpet Works I..S ..... IIIaaa•L ........... "-... WILLIA~1S & WILLIAMS ACCOUNT ANTS and AUDITORS INCOME TAX CONSULTANTS l'l'f'Jtltrt• \'r111r Tal~ It•• I urn.. t:t.rly UUit'f'-f'Wfi'A ~IY .. "\A flANK llullclln.: Clffkr l'ttotltl'! n ....... n Mlltl·.f lt,...lol,.,..... l'hom• u,.,..,.,,. MIIO·M Sure, A Fresh, Clean Suit for Easter · ... l11 ju .. t "hut ~ •m'IJ ..:•·f If ·' oott ..,., .. It tu "'· ~~ 1\\ fur 111• teo 1111' 1111r1111•• thuruuJ:h cit,\ dc·nnlnt.:-\\ 1•'rr• .,,, ••.• htllfi!Jc In ro•ju\ 1'1111 filii( nwn'., o•lttl ht,.., LIDO CLEANERS , 456 Newport Blvd. ('OSTA MESA "TI II' c tF Till< Ill 1.1." PIIONE BEA('O~ !)7HR-.J prier~. Plucl\C'O <'Yt-hr n\\'-: and (;ernnimo haircut..-take time. And if the cu~tom rr~ ca!1't aff c•rd the n<'W rate. they can alway~ do th<·ir h a ir at home. NEWS-TIMES I Supply Umltfod. tnn M.Y.. M"'" Urlvf' ffl'tTA •U'II.\ liMp. ftf'.a. Ml7fl; """· liar. ~ ·---- l~hunl'fl: l .. onK U..ad1 Mfl· ~!1. M412-fK) anel X~I..CI;; 5. "'OQU~'l,..;l\...o-...n...~' ·--==~~~~--~~~~~==~ • • .I- --~-· ... N E\\'8-TUI t>• l ~ =::.;~~~;..,-n -.-.. r.. ·n. ·~-.;~ ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;~~~~;;;~~]~l~===~~~-=~-_:_:_:~~---; 1 :'1:1:\\ 1'1 •HT HJ ,,H'II \\olio lho 1\o•lh •·•I :.ml \Ltlo·r COlor Wilt 110• I A~J!~IIy_"'ll_tdl/1~"1 , _ _. I_ Stn.~~tk Market , .... ,rr.u•·· d•tilfluw M·• 111 Mnn·h Juc ll!·•l '""'''> . .tto·r the Mar'Ch ~ ~_\) ~A9 Per t-:l~RIF:----+:':;'L~<t.l l rorn 19-tti t.lnuribuuuns, ac-, l.l1Str1butaons of d.tstiii{'Cj JDinLI C'Or fii,:fn rll:\1~ rdl'asi'd IIY ln~m >t'f' N'~ thl"''t'&r· '"'"'" t~ .'"'' ,.,·hvol have ~n ~eo-Drop in Liquor b> \\'ollo •• m c lklnl'lli, rhairman long pattrrn. and for ttw rar•t 1, o I• ol llu \ Ml' Laguna Bo'ach Ol tht• S ltJh' Hoard of l-.o1U1tlolool · t iml.' ex('('('ded tht-total OC tht NIIC#IDIJ -llf/Q4CM, "" rlat•· "'''" tlw • ~hlllit to bfo ,...., ~ l..!.!lli! 111 ~·rno•ntli nro' nt'llrlflb. j, 1lf1htt......--M1t~ ~~~ At a Glance l'tollltoi..Oitoll l•·r lh .. third annunt l ;~, .. ·,;; 11 cn ,j,, ~l'hOOI'I 118111'·" \rt t: tllt·r~ Tf'd Gohson'l Shop, I Excise Tax for '47 11011 Till• do'l'hnt' ro·sultNI fmm II corrt:'spond ing month of ttl(' pre· J:rtr .1\n~·l...,~ Hwf"nn~ Ht~;h school• d""''r~ .... uf ~.70 po•r c.tnl In d}l>. vlous )'caT, &ho.wing a gam of a.18 ort , ''"'"' :h :'\••Wt•lrl llnrlxor l'loo· \\111111111' ood 1 •11\fl~ will dro~' M 1 <I• I•••• lin• 111 and Nt•wport liar-SACRAMENTO _ State r ev-lill,·rl ~p1r11s ''"'isr lnx rl'<'o'opl~. p<'r Ct'nt. Rc\'l'nurs trom this '"" ll•.:lt ~d1t••l. t'nues from cxcls<' tnxrs on at-<•l)b IJiorti!lliy olllso•l hy 11 5 \l:l IK'r soure«' amounted to $1.488,908, 'l"Mf'f'-~ w bf!...QOM(w;IQI LA _Am_]J.:J &-. Tcl _ 1-1!1'1. Ulc-m lndll of Ct'rlaln ctti%1'M rl'-C'un11tllun Pnrlflr 1(1', 1 ti~h ....-tmont~1~ pl1tnnmr; Itt' It ~~~#' -w1~lo S..tr-..• ·roif,~ -tn ,.,,,.,. '"''lolllllill•tl tlt10t llwy m11y Ill•· \\tlllllltl.: t•~tiiiOI~I l-rtr11."f-r<\"hn hn''" h<'cn named to <'Ohol~ ~g('tl 1n 19-fl amounr. c"nl Kaln ut u..,.,,. -ant.! ~Unc .uu. and ttlc beer Ulld wine cxc.ille taxes ,J,,··· ""lwk \\ tno l\lllrtln ond Bur-t-n tn $16,947,671, a total of 21.49 n •\o•nllt'S addo'd __ s_:._'94_._us_9. ·---------r,:.rdiJ~~a~t .. ~~-~~t~: ~~'~:r~~::: g~~~?n\ \1alors -\~~ 1 "'ltmtl 1\\lo J!iolttltnt.:~ In tilt' $:i~.tl Mr~ '"'"I"""' ~•r~11f'd that n n I""' 11\\oolol , ....... ,, \\lllt•ll lhl!l )'t•llri I 1101'1\nt••• (tollll " nl'(•df'd. Aa Ill j, f!tr o•t I• d lo) tl\1' ,\llh·<l Art~ C'luh, lht• J>tu.l ) ""' '• JIICk·up ~nh • -• flM" ct'Tlt below "'~ .,,, ~ "·" ,, SUtill'l . IJoolh of I he harbor r.-.,.n Tl'Srl'a· <'ne«' to r('('t'nt statemo'nl~ pub· r;oM)<'Rr -4:.! ll&hf>d In tht' Nt-Wli-Timl'~ mo•t•· ''•·nm'COII 43'"~ by the BalboA J mprovf'ml'nt A~-Sl'u,... 3:3''11 eoclatlon and to an enonymnus ~o raJ Edtson -1'i 1 Y I" 11 h ~11 ' r· \1 1 ,,.,,t-In~ as d•u•r·1 "llr·ro· Arll•l~ tn.o) ltave th"" 1111111 "orks rur coli• ,., '"n ond transpor ... '· ··•:d llulh Pt'llbody, Laguna State-Control! d p. .... r\\oo n t!wr!i art' to IX' 1('-1 e ·· ··" '"" "''•·k Banks Show Big I b1'·h-' .... 1 Sloonl1ran1 C lol ~7 '• D d ~Iter unpu .. '"' '""'aUM' t W/15 fi!lt~ I eman anonymoua It Is a ~:rtoal Amr ro-t ' Fo • 'It'(' I ~ can custom to rlsl' up and lpt'llk !....---------------' R "d your plt'Ci' and wrote-r•·sound•nr.: A t Auctt"on econst er ll.'tfl'l'll 10 )'OUT n t'WJpBpt'r but Wf• r Re t.Boo t wondl'r, on thi~ ('/1$1', If tht' l'riiH'• B ··n s 'to Sue n s o f t he> lata·nd Fc-rr~ fully 11ndo•r· US e S ft,.,.,,,.,..,1, ... ,11.,, .. 1 11.,. 1 ,.,., 110 at and the ~'nnnnit ) of '"" Jooh nr Santa Ana £'1~uncil cl••ntlll u j II I ll'•llllltllllllto llltn (llr running a public C'On\f')'Bn<~ ""''I ~ ;1 ~I; , .. n \•·nt ttl',, •• ,. 1u l't •nlr,~lh,<l thf' hnws and whys of grantlnr.: a . . f hi I I •11 \1HIIn•·r ~ 11rn11 uro· to net Art 1, ntal" on ! lram·· •·tollnt 1 " '' •I•·· ran<' ll'. • 1 11 \'lSION l, oil• "'''• 1.!1 1 ~ M111n Sl , Santo no.ond•·ol on 11 •11••111.:1\ "''" • • • 11• I I h f of pro to.,\ .otlolr• '"'il '" l o,.:lt• I. About 38 )'1.'81'8 llj!(o A )ullnl: ,\nu loll( ,,..,.""'" I ,. \'ll'h(lll(l nn \\'ttt.tCb '"'''""~ '' • tlol•' \\ '''' man CBm{' down hl'ro· from P Rill\· IIIII o'l•llnl) "''·'' urcllnanN· .... hlch . ' I ,. I ,, 1, ,, II I I 'o)llll· lOI.:IUU • 1\ •• I dt'n11 nnd m11n·rlll"d 111 thl' tnJ'l')-" .~ r ••<>• nl I) lonoul:ht on twht Tho· 1 > rt• 111 ,\ol\ ""', '"'·•t ol ,, 1• ,, ,, 1st Filing Day for Superior Court \Increase in Assets Fails to Turn Up Gardner Opposition 1 sACRAMEmn -<UP>--Cali- 1 fomla Mall' conlrollt'd banks had .... ~111) \1 ,, olu· '""' day r ••• I· IIIII, II• 1\ o'XIJe<'t In the June 1 tolaJ assets o f $3674 564 111ona: o•l rl·••·•lllloo•n o f lnttnt1111.l"''"u"~ ··l•·••lion I ' · · · ·000 IBJ l•o oun l,v ,. •nrlollatr•s for judlciu c ;111 ""' 1 \\,oN IIJIJ>ointc•d JUdg" or at I he f'nd ol IS-17, an incr~ase of tolfu·•'s 1l11t h~· noon., none hiHI ,1., ,, ,1 1,,.111 •1 In~ I fall loy Cov I $28,797,~ OV('r a Yl'lll' earllf'r, tht• ~l•·l·~~~·c1 I olin <tHin I}: ( lcrk B. ,I I i 1 1 \\ ,.1 ro•n and rt'ports have , s tole d1vos1on nl banking re-porte1:1 Sl mllh s ulfl('l' In Sanln Ana '"I'" I II h···ord I hut he. will have OJ)' I tooay. LEGION PLANS HOP I II llf) \I j Tl .11 I•"'""" . t•<ol 11rom nently mt•n· 11M' tlovoslfon po1ntt'd 001 tht• tus, ~~~ u moot Question • ,,, II• ol ''' ,, prohablt' rnnd•dal(' is b(' f tit• ••tol•"otonn Sut~·roor Cour• ,,111 1 \ t 1 J t.l R M num r o drpos110,... in 114 slah· .l u•l.:• ltuiN·rt C:arrlno•r. of Balbo, 1 , k 1 1 11,1 •1.1' y C' 1u ~".., · banks With IRJ branch<'S IIL<:t )'t'Or 11,., ' I'" tt• I ) JUu$.:•• "it~ , •·I ",, 1 ,11 nwn \•hose names totaled 1,765.914 cmnpart'<'l \\1th , • II•· "' "'"' il II ,.,~,~, nt I) I.H·furo• 1,761.R'->'7 t.lrllfNIOI' on 115 "lUI!' JtTIIphy or ohu~. mud 11·,··•s hll•lr~r) I ltlllllho iH''' ..... luhoiS n urllion •Ill··~. I lllllllll'o'tl ''"' ,, ,,, \\ '" ( .• 1. , .. , ... Hunt m~:ton Au yt'l In :n '" a· ,.,.,, ·""' tfiJ••""''tl CRrdnt•r. lmnk,., Wllh 177 brun••h,.., on 1946 lr• tl 111011 tloo•11•h) hllnJ:S II !<UI( I h.ooo 11111n , C' tC Electrir l.an{'s 11n l111lhual . · Tl1o ..... ,1 ol .,.1,11 , .,, ,1 , .. "" 1 II" I•• ,,J ·'"'' ''' "' l.q.:wn pv-• "'AS nhnot n~ unrou1h 1\.S fltttur• I HI ~t •• uru'r' It' :, paul a~h• , .. lltP''" t "'' '' nd,,,, .. ,. l••l It JIJ \•ill hHl•t tlu II '' ·ul u rne•e~lin '.q,,' ,I ....... t• rrn' rtf uffu·•· t•X· I .ll•m:tntl rlq;o..,it ~. ho;\1 P\'o•r, do•· c'tNoM•ot dunn~ 1!J.I7 fn•m ~1.5:!:!,· 4:!1,()0() 110 In $1.51 I :.!!Jl ,()()(l (Ill lht• dovo ,lon ro •pw·orotl S:avon~,; und t IOlt• c1c'P'""" >ohfll\'l"tl ;on 1nt'l'o'll't' rY•nm $t,r.tli.:l7!),()('1() 1 fll tn S1 .fiCo6 . .' ~1c~.ooo. can ltf'l hut hr thflllt.:ht Solmo• 1111) I"" m··~·· c·hu•o.::·•l 11uol th. s ........... lot ., "'I I "" • " II I,, ..... """" lllol t ol )\ I"" Ill "" t ,, II or• l) s So·nutur v.-hl'n thl' wc•stward torll' n( mr•n 1\1110 o·o ty l'l••rk .. ullu·o· nroa.;tmolfl l l 1 L• _.1 .. 11 llut ,.,.,111t111,. 1(1 1111 1,,, I lit I'"" lit)'. Ct,n~r··~~m"n I '1 0 1lu 1 1 1 llu I• I lltHI• II• t l tl+ft "' 1 and wuml'n fmrtlly lnkl' IJ\o•r thl~ """rmf'il ''"' lullll•·"'~ lloat I 1•'1• . 1 1, '"'', 111, til I•,, 1\• d tt1dny. II '' '""" S l:olt• So•nal"r <'I} do· Plfi. ~ thArr ··"II .. ·_ 11 drf'd "••<l hill · '" ,., ,. n .. no· col un' karul "II• 11 "·" of,"'' d .I"'''") .1-o "" 1 '' " '' 11 I 1 11 II" I' \s · t I' n .... , , "'' U<' "' ' ~ft. l ' H.._. ...\!~ .. ,.~.,,.,...,1 ''" q,... l A"J:'ITln ,.--;--" " -·• A , ' • "'111 , .-man bor and a thrlvln 11~ 4 .W.<-•rnm~ ,.,,...I""C'T'rtl-n,.,....: ... .u<'< • .......,..__ ••-.. ' , o1 111 , ,, 1 1111 ,, 1,111 F ·I ., I ,, :o-t oool•' ol :'\t'"l"ll'l tl•·arh, -'nrt" 'th I I ur nnlllllWII•JI11f11! '·'"' Snno• , ....... " "'1"'""1"1"1 \\ "'"1 '}, _ ... 1 I ' I I s ('II t Jng man wo ,. s nn wo~ •I ''' d ''' ,, II,,, I ul ""' '" •II " II•• J.,, . .," ""' \olntlll!llun "'' ' . '"'If' ·"" . "'" u IllS •> JOC' RN-k, twl('(' 11 c.-1mm(.tC1nro·, n "!'< k" llllc•r . lhr• uol 111.oo111.oou•. '"' , 1 , , 1, d• "'' ,111,111111, d 11,11 1., ,1 11,1 ,, II\• 1,1, ,.,. hllnd .,..11 I • • '• I' ;-,Ill •ll•tfl<'l, and don•c· captain In the> U. S . Army Trans· ohl ordoru11w•• \\ ·•~ hc ou~ht '" lot.:l.t I 11 1' 1 11 1 1,, ,., ,,1, 11,, 1,,11,,, " t '" 1 ·,. '''·'' .\hln1n 1.ml \\'a· I I th• ••I• 1 ,,._, 1 'l ''''" 11t I tlldl •• rt .. por1. a commodore In th:tt "<'"''"'' \\ '"'" prullllott' ~o~u•h "'''n' ,., t1 " t """'"~'' I. 3 11nd -1-:--. I ,,. f llh ~. ... , • ,, I htl til •• "'"t I and for lhr past~· )'I'll~ 'NTt'· Till' I'll)' rnunrllll~o·r•·Ul"'n ~·''' I'll:. 11,.1 hut ,1,1, 1,.,11 ,\ut111 .. tary of lht atatt "'nat~. Uu M1oun••r's ~~ ''·•>' 111 ..,, II ""' IILEAIL BF..OINNINO tho' ~lor•· n Fotnt:nn'. 11dllot11: · "' A quartt'r of a ('('ntury n~:n 11 woll d•1 "" in 5 do)S rtnol th•·n • ut"l duly lf'lt&l r!'Q~t was mnll1· tn !Ill it lor dfUTltll:•·~ nlo(uln~• 1 h o• <'lltlll· the California Stat<' R.aJII"OIId rom-I'll .. m.llalon to OJli"'AH• A ff'IT)' hi'IW('t'lt Balboa bland and tht' pl'niOSUIA, By that tiiTM' RHk cool !I 11111 l11fy t.M numerous and romplil'atl'd t•f I l"• Itt l.tl I '' IU• I~ 1'-t' Ill• hu.utl "'l•l .. t.'t t•\lt '\\••l lh• , , •••· rh , -.ut.thti t• '' ut ,., .,, 1).'11tll •• 'ut1111t••ntl,,t 'II" trul pnUH• d 11t1t th,tt lht•Jt• ho~d t•ll'l II t'tteu·ht,l\• tf tl t I til \\ •tl tit d 'flO\\ Ill)( •I ~1 f1t I ·" • .rut ''"'' p "'' lth't•··'''' 111 ltu 0 1111110) 'l'ho jll 1101''0 flit tit•'!' I .ollo-tl oil I• nton ro 111 tl11• 111•'1 111111 \\'o•~l' ( 'ol\ ollllro• ol1111 11 ol"' rtii'CI lhl'll :.• I\;., lo um tho 11 rt't: ul.,rly·sChl'tl oil• 11 ll1•"'1111<' \ • •I• rct.oy Ill tho , Joolll• d u th• o • o\ n• Plrll'i!ll!l, ha nk• !•"' o•fl oo· .. , ,,not ••·huol~ on the olo •• 1 '.on•·• 11( \\'a•hollt.:ton'!l birth · d,l\ louhrlroy Tho\ \\Ill '"ll'•n•• ludny Ill (alifornia Taxpayers (~et 'Platform' Tho• l't'IJ<II't r.ntnlo'fl out lhf' fiJ::· uro·" tiJol nu t ondutlt• umounts dut• 1 to hank'. ..:u' •·• ru1u•nt ur ..:uut', ,•.,unl) ;ond munorop•.t rlo•llfhlll' ATTENTION Charter Boat Operators Any Charter Boat owners interested in operating their boat from San Pedro please contact Joe Martin, Harbor 1651-J-' rWN l('t down fOf' the OWO<'I"'t 11nd opt>raton of public utilltlt'll 1111 J)ftltlon wu JtTantl'd And lhf' frr- Realtors in County-Wide Conclave Tonight tnHI ..:1 :tlllt•d 104 rt•t't Ul Ut tH I iH t'ot< p Ill ,., .,, ul• ·ru••· ul t ,, \ ut• r• ·''' .d• 1lh ( "'opu"' ,,1 th• , .... ,. '' ,, •. ,. ~· nt '" ll•l•t•'" nJ,,U\• .luluo l'lollllfl'o h tttl S··n;attJJ' ... ,,, n•' ttl\tl t'tl"" funlf oil o'UI ohm: tu J• I 01mo• Winds Here Cause Sailors, Housewives Trouble-Chase Rain l'l.tlfu1111 ' f11r I •I~IHI)•·r~ adopt· • d ,,, t It• :t!nd annwol nwo•lln~: of ' .illlt~rru.t T .t\p:t}t.'l"!'\. u~Suf•aatltnl 11 1,,. .. ,\oo~f'l, .. llttluy 111 Ill!' Dolt· u~ou, lt11tf'l 1111 lihll'd ro·cumnwnda-Here's one place where ry'a first yur wu flllrd with enouch l\1f'f to disM-artt'n Anyonl' wtth a I~ fa.lth In this com· munlt.y. J~ ~k wu cal It'd a root few ~ta)unc at.K'h an rnt.t-rprlw but tht law stood calmly OOhlnd him u It hu dont' In thousands el oth~ cuee. 1llf' law, Whllt edmlttlne 11ny dtlren'• right to bring ch11r1w• ot lncomJ)f'tt'nc:t', will uphold tht' frandllae until It Ia proved in t.M eouru that It Is to thf' f>Ohllc lnt~f'tt to susprnd that frnnr hlll<' Any duplication of public IK'rVil'«' would b. ~ardro by ft"der..t Jaw u wut~. 008T Day In, day out, raon or llhlnl', on 1 buly August n l.:ht or whrn not a eoul w u In so~;ht, thr fl'r· rirlt have-npt'ratrd on scltr•t.lull' and at A nlckte a JX'f'l(>n. 11 quutcr a car. No rlse In priC'l'll In kc'<'t>- &ft& wtUl thls day or pntlto· lnrlo· Uon-tn fac'l. the far~ have ~n ~ throuch the yeus. Vlslton IMn oltm voice aurprlse at ttl(> JCII'W COlt of thla transport11tlnn. Lat t )"f'U' J CX! lkot-k took In .wniy-two-thousand dolll1T11 from t.hr fnrif't. On the dt'blt aid<' wu aJmo.t llllt.y-fivt'-t.housand dollan; tbat went fCK payroiJ, lnsuranet', malntt n&riCC' and Op!!'T'atlon. I nw the n.ww. BOT YET Twmty-flvt years aao JOC' 8«-k lwei an lNrpU'atlon and •••eattd few lt. Twt-nty-flv~ )"tan tatt'r he baa a creat raponalblllty. And 10'.1 may drprnd on It tht Ml'mlwrs uf tho• :'1/c•Wpnrt llou hor Rt-nl Elitatl' honrcl will Jlllrlll'l plllf' With lhl' Anllhl'lm, rllll•·rl .. n L8gun11 Jknc:b und Snnt" An.o ll•··•l Esllllt' honrd.~ nncl colht•r n•'ll:hl••r· In~: nr.:nnlmlo!ln~ lnnl.:ht "' ,, ml'l'llnll to 1>4' hdtl In t h•• M11~"""' t••mJlll' In Snnt11 Ann. Ofllr'o'" rol the' C'nllfomla ltf•lll E~>llolo· ~~~~~~ dnllon w ill tw WI'INlmN'I lu lloh 11rr•11 111 lhnl tim!', ncN>rcllna.: '" W. W Sanford. tJr,.JOid••nt nf llw loK'11I lioltrd- \'l5ollng 1hl8 lto~lrll'l rnr lho• (or•l limo' will lw-F rNt ll l\l olo'h• II ,.( Snn no,•J:O, pn'sllfl'nl oof tho• ,, Ill ll~"'W'o:olonn II•• wtll ~· lll'l'ollllfllnl o•(i hy S1111•• S.'(T••Inry Lillo:• 111 I' c· .. n.r•r .. r ....... AIIJ.:•·I·' --....- Motorcycle Piles Into Back of Car lloo.:h '• l••·ot' '"no!' hrrr Sun d,o\ llll'hl ·""' \lunotcy rnornin1: lOll• do ol I rull to t ••ll~o·tJ m inor olo tno;'• 111 th• lf,lllH<r, pri'!Htgc•rl .... ,.,,.,.nth!.· llt*tl'• ''h·anang, t.tntt 1'11.'" ol "'"n ''"~ l'ltl!lflN't of rain llu1• r t .\1 II• ntll l<'k". 1.!~ ""'' o·,,oj, 1\\• , l '~tofln•• dol 1\l.to . \\ol'• llllhllrl \\htn hi• 1'111' \\II~ ~trllt'k 1'.1\llollll clod" hrt•kl• IOOS(', rl'· '" ,. ,,.,,,, .. , >• t, til"' ro lo) (;, •it ..:•· '"'"on~ >l11•·• • I tt.,. ho'tnl~ ti~d up \\ '"""n ••I llt• t'""'' (;ll.ot111 11lu t• lotnro" I Ito~• T o•OJIX'II sur. ,\u ,, tllllfl, S.tf\ , ... ··u, ..... ('til I• ,. d rill' Ptlh tl ""·''-!(' whe-n n 1'"""" :-, tl•ll tla} til• """'" ;o...,n,ou f,,.l, "·'' l11•lt• ol tluuu.:h lls por~ \\ ,, '.~. ,. "' tlh II &\,II htt'l"'·•l ill 1~.\\ I ,,, ... t lttlhf ... ,. nu rsh mntt l ·•n..: H· otf h \\tlh I"'" .• tul thl·l' .. , lltt •ltfH 1\.~1 h•ll' • .~ ..... , tlu 1 11 1 ,\ I•'''''"'• I .,, .. r•.o, .... ~ ''"'"" h} \\"nl1er ,\ ·, ,, 1'1 ""' '"'" hnnu llll'U••s 1~<.• turn· ,.,, d"" n unl,. .. ~> n•·•'tl IS om· Jl< Ioiii\ ,. I,, lll•lntl~ l11t furlh••r 1ntlutcon I I l••lhlot' IM) t l)lb IX' dt'llll't.l. l ol" t .oll/.otoun ttl puhlil' l'loar- tl\ .11111 n ltd ht• hnltt·d 1 ·,. .. ,,lltl.tlllll1 nl ~mall. un· 1 t·•ttlo i11H',d C:tJ\ ··rnnu·ntnl unt1S IH '"'' 1'11•<1 ~ 111 lh•·•' Jo .... tualls lromt :-;,.,._ ''""' "'" olllcl \\ ll~llln~lun ,,., ''"l•ltt" :--.o•\\ L'ot\ • 1 11111•'111 ol IIIli I!' lk , •t 1loh•h• •I ""'~ .t~ 11 I a-t r. · ,,,,' t 't•t\. .. ta t, ,,,." nt .dl hut th•• "'"'' n1, • ,,,., ~ puhlu• I'' UJI '''"' 1u Jt"'-'ltttrU el Ho•~tflrc11•·"~ ul llw olo•\ '''"''"'' nt of n•·W Wl'll fl'•ns, tlol' Oil\~ " '''II lho• f11~1 lint' lh•· o·n••m } '"""' 11111 d\1' f'illw1 tn lh,. aor ur ••n tt11• t!NI \11 llllllrtJU<'hlnlt uur I'HII"t' 1\M'·OII• nny 1)('1'1\T\ Thl' l'llrllo•.,t "Dmln~t of !'nc•m) nlr lltlth'k lli!Bin•t our ''"''' !'f'nll'r wo,ulrl t~· 1:'' "" hy nu\ 111 111r. ~urf11•·r .onol "" th• "''''"'' "I• I'"" I 1<~1h'll' "' l.o ol. 1:.,11 .... , o1nol tlw \\'11ll'r· l1111 ' I:• ul \\,o uttlttttl \\ltolt 1\ttt 1: .. 1•111'''"' tlol}·hont.1 " l'ft•' ,11 1 1dtl\l lllttilfl d oil 1ht \\ift I l'-1 ,Hif t fJ ):Hth J h~• driffln),!l 'l11 t•h• l•Uit~H • tuplu)• ··"' 1'·'' I" 111,,1 1\ I• olo t II l11· 1'1 I til Ill II I II tot 1\ ,, ' Ill ' "''" '' o tto•tt • I IIH'h" '' Ill\ ~""' • 111 '' 11 • t • "• "'' ol II\ I l.orloor dl'· ll··..:•u, ... ,\\• ''''' rL u••n u1lUH." tu p;~l t "'' "' ''"'._ '' \\lllu•lat damagt" l h n(h uk, \h, tH••t~u •·)•:l•· '"\r,.l ''1 •tlli• r tw •• .t ... rn,•~t,•d '" t)u• artn. • cl h :lt'lt tntu th• tl .cltll' l11n•• 1111 ,\ t•nt 1111: otHI '"" 11111: lolt•w fr~ •l\nt•t an tuu~ .. ttHrH' ,·,u Htttl ('ol runt c.r th. PI• r ,ltt·ll• r .at the ltfl•d \\oth 1110' lo.lt'k ul llo·n•h wk• 1-un z .. ,,. ~oo.:n•. •lo•llll·rll ,111d • 11 \\ 111tln\\, \\, 1, 11 oltl , , ol h\ 1 lo(' suhmflrmc• rndar 1•io·ko•l ~ •I• tole" •••I 1 l'ho· 1111111 ,. ,., 1 h• 11,1, > •I• """" 11~1111' 1\ IIIII• 111>'11\\ o\ l l 1\ '' •loollf•tl 1\ot h •I I'• "I' 11' on1l1 "' pllltlll' St• nd· IIl Lo: ~·tlllll'' 't•' \lf.t~1UU'\) t'oiU\1t'l.~ .. ,,llt'c'k••c-l 10 'I ,,,,., .on• I 'I" IHitnt.: II\ ,., ,., 1 1 • • 1 ••lot• 111 umt '"' h··lcl lol a I " rnuuaru .lfHt '' h· 1 • ''" r P"" ~1. t•dtw1tt. ht lcH\f" IU•H1 lflutu\ ut If" l"'"k,•l' o f tlh In t hi' ':ut tlN'nn ~P••<'•... "hwh 1 c1 I d I• IIi ... t It• ". I• t ... } "' I II·· fl.l\ \ ~urruun lhr ronl nl'nt Flc·l't A • hu<o ~ ,111 "" ·' n.ollwl.ol llllll• ;. m1rnl l'\1mltz. •lnnrlin~: ,,f ,, ""'"' r, ·""' th• 11t111. rrlllrond rommuu•lnn will proti'Ct tl) ••f olllr n,o\} tu '"'"'''' lht so•Jo n fnr·!l('('lnlt. hord-wurkma.: lnw "'")'~. ncl·~ltllllo• lrrolt'h cl I of r~u111wl romplylna.: man unttl hl' 1!< pru''!'rl t'Ptnf"'"'nt ''' Jll•rf•1rm th<' to•o·tmlrnl lnrompN,.nt in hiR orrr~tllon ~~~«J;IIIll''"'l-""''"~$111')' 11~1ny. s1t1p whkh hy the way, mntl'l>. ':\lnl 111111 tnn-r11l t om1u<l riO'~ rupahll' of Just yrt. lncldrntBlly, thl~ 111 my r11111tl "~flltnsonn 11n1l lh•lr<•llt.:h rr- own stuff 11nd prlnll'd without ~t·nrrh 11 n d dc•vc•h'llml'nl prn- I•' 1·1· ...,. J \ •111/," ,,, IJ Up ...... t.., '''"'"''" ........ n. '' r• ,.,,,, t ·• n rt \Ute• «> '·""' "'"' h '"" 1, ol m t.:ll' I". tm-11. 1• •htoa; to ollu 11··1• • th.11 till' \\Utd "u11lol loc ont.: 1 till \\' 1 ,. ,Jo.otlrn'tl ;\lund,,~ 111••1 11111~ \\111 n 1111 •un hruko· t hruua:h t h• , nrly onurnong •·luudono·~' "Onl) th• moo•t onfnrnwcl, n~;­ j!rC'SSt\o• .. o111l p:1t1 1i1lll' .tt•toon hy Amrntans I'IHI ~~~''' 111 .. Um to·d S tnii'S rrum ~uclnltttollwo lo) l axa- tion," drclnrl.'d L~<n•· I ' Wd>~·r. of Los Anl!l'll'~. \'ll'<··pr••sotlt•nt of thl.' Soulh.-rn C'rolofnrnw Ed1sun company, Sp!'akon~: '" h1~ suhjt'CI . "Socialization by Taxotlnn." ht'nrflt ol JOf' 'RN>k'11 :1d\ IC~' a.:r11m~ !\larrlac" U f «'D.,.. l\1( IHC;i\:'1/·Ril't' Miltnn John, TEXTRON·ll .... ,.,, .. ,. • 4~. I<• Mnna llu.:h<'s, 3H ll.•lh of lh1lhof< Jat'Oh'i-llunlop Robf'rl !" !;\, Nl'wport flt'och to J\lar11 Evl'l) n. :.'0. (;ltrdl"n CrO\'o' "H ther«' shnll lx• t·onhosed OC· ('('ptanet' or suc.-h patNnahstic n~· trurns u that go\ l'rnm<'nt shoulrl IUppor t thf' JX'OPII.' not thc•y ~. that privat~ _.ntcrpri~t' hn~d and is wrong, lh/11 lhl.' proplt:' ar l' iOC'apehlr of ~l'lf·J:OV!'mmrnJ and only IOmt' form o( 'IW'ni'\'OII'nt pn. temal1sm ' can corl't'CI rnm·1t'd oil~. lhl'n individuAl srll·r<'linnn• "til disappt'nr ond with il mdivtdu:~l liberty," W rber warnrd. .......... ,.,.u., ., .. ,,, ... Born \\'AC!'\r:H To M r tilltl \1r' Frank .I \\'nl'n"r. 1-1 l I So :1 \'l••w , Aw ('oronn d t'l M1u, on f"ullrroun I Grnrral htlSpllal. Fo•h ~~~. i·-t~. 11 •!•n l'tl\\' 1-Ll. T<l 111 r rami .\Irs Holtt'rt "'"'<'II, !I !l; \\' ~urf St :'1:1•" J><lrl llnwh. tn !'I .J,.,, ph ,;, ~ · pilnl, F l'h :.!1. 1!14~. n S•ln -; n., "Jf publu· ~rrndln~ot q>nt 1n11o•s and ~row!', so Al~n must lnxM uon, until tl!l sour ('(' ~hnll 1>4' dn11n••tl and thl.'rr be nn m nrl' 111x h:~~•· c•r SOUr('(', Ftli iTI. Tu 1\lr .onci ~I ' \\ ol luom E Fo•lt,., :"•'"l"'l, llhtl "Go\l'rnml'nl lhl'n Ink•·' n,·rr 1 '"'-"·1 ;\J, '·'· In SnniA An 1 lom· thl' own('rship of prnpl'rl~ Frf't' munit~ "'"l'ilnl. Fo·h :1. l'lh JtOVI'rnmrnt. prhnll' ro~:ht~. and in COMFORT SETS THE STYLE 2. This cheat-style nto~el came aJooJ oftft many modifioriou of tht' ott! timu. Tt'lt'phoa~ ea11•nHn W.«d ia •oie« "pick·up." O puaro n l1k«< iu li1Jhtonl end tbe fret'dom of monmt'nl it ~tan. At rransmitun bKomt' bt'nu.c~otnl olliCfl becomt quieter and more plu.ant placa. 4. Here'a why telephone labs are gaod jabs: Pay it 1100<! -<'mploy~"' paid wftilt' 1ra1non11 • Rt'11ular rai.a. over· llmt' a .. J rrtmoum PI )'. Study wurl. tel<'pho nt' f>t'Oplt' can plan aht'od • Btntfit pun reid for t'ntorrl> hy company -cov· tn sicknt-u, olurh bt'nt'6U and pt'fttiont • Advancrmrnt with in 1 o mpany • Peod .-acatooru end holidays. 1 This gadget • u tht' lut'H 1hin)t on I"·"''~" -. h,•n ,.;r•nJmutlh. t "'., ~ ~rt•rl ~t.eth:r .-a l.u '· u "J' tho h~t h<'<~Jwt on ..:•·u•·u l ""' h~tlo. on I M"l Ia V\t.IJ.:htl.J OhUt. lh~n ,., f'HUntl\ fl'\ J fl\U l UUl pu.u . Of•"· ut t.t•ur~•· llt.ul'l'( '''"'' ,h.-••Jl•"' I h'-' ~''-"' 1a;.thh.·r. nh,rt.. ,.unu,rt,.hl..-. nuue "th .. u.nt 3. TCHiay'~·newest streamllnecl Mt is to JK for comfon, tay opt'rators who'vt' uKd ic. h w~illht undt'r si.-ounct~. It's an t'lramplt of how ... .,.,t' mak· inlJ r-quipmt'nt more comforubl~ ... to makt' tht' company th~ son of pi art' thai oct rat'' thr l .. nd of peoplt' wbo m•kt' sood tt'n<O<t' pus>Oblt'. The Pacific Telephone ~ Q!) and Telegraph Company More th1n 70,000 peopltwor1dnt tocether to lur- nlsh tvtf ·belief telephone serric:e to the West snn. :t lh~. ~' "' I inrlh·tr!ual libl'rl ~· rlt•:tPIII'IIr rr· 1'1 IT~I '' Tn :O.lr .ond \fr• ~p~~1a~C«'~d~h~y~ll~o~m~l.'~'~l~~n~l~.'~' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ H••h•·rl llnt'""· ~,j'!) l'lllt•h 1 S1 <'o'-111 1\lo'"' 111 '-:;orttlt .\n, , · .. 1 munlt.\ ""~flll.ll. F r h 1; ••~ 1\ -.:"n )o( lhl\ 9 1, nl I Oalnty organdy daisi~ bloom between rows and rowa of pretty pin tucks. Meticulously made from Textron's f&mOUJ gossamer sh~r lOtion that's certa.inly no laundry problem • •• it's Sanforized ••• takes to water ~autifull)·· In White, Mauve, Piok, Gr~ Yellow, Grc\', or Rluc. Sizes 2 to 38. $4.95 ''Center lor Cottons" SOS Mahi1J . ~kmr--------------------- -\u·,\:-..1" To• ~lr :tnrl ;\lo .' .. 1 ••n ~~. ~.n ... ·,-,, \ tt '•'t IH !--I • 1 .,.! 1 ;\lo <:,t, Ill :-.1 ·'"'' 1•h looo•J•tl ~ 1 1'\. 1!'1"' ' .... ,n t "" ·, ... nJ;>.t•l Hl\'1:1 nrr T·• o1111 litre; H ;1 ~ Hcnol•lht1.oo I· 1 o1 P····!ln ll"tl n .• ll .. l,) Ill~· • ' I· I ""~1111 ''· F··lo "' .... ~ .I "' •• I ' >' lh$ ' :. "' Hi\\' To• ;\lr ond ;\It •'I •. l111~ :ll\4; l't~r.ol,\,, . J\,11 1~• t 1,1 o'' • tn 51 Jo~l'ph hn•poln l. I 1 .' t 1 !\l~. 1 "•ln. ~ II•~ ;1 "' Newport Harhnr Headquarter!' ~IAY!fM/Kt Sales attd Ser11ice Seaboard Equillnlt·nt Corporation t'!ftfl t 'hlht Htwlty. H<-at'1'1n 'olCII '''"I""' Rc•ac-h. ('alit. Honor Roll • • Prosperity Pluggers T. ~NJAY Anchorage of Southern Calif. Eloo CrulNtrs • Lau110n a Martin Outboarcl8 ('ompltote l'~bt Fumt•lllnll' a Gear. l 'ac-ht Brokerap a lnaunu~ce Harbor 3s---M40 \1a Oportll DEA.~ W. CA!\IPBELL Lester & Co. Mrmllf'r ~ Anltf'll'!t S tork r:uh,anp (}o'll'ennnrnt., Munlrlr&l and CortK~ratlon 8foo<o u rt UN SUS E. C~ntrat A"f'., Rlllho&. rh. llarbor Zllel Padraic B. "Pat'' Evans Life • Health -Accident /All Types Personal Insurance lluboT IA9:t e 1:\!0 E . 8arl Or. e llalbo& Baumgartner Jewelers Dlamon<ls VOLNEY HAY, JR. Hay's Camera Exchange F11me ... Came.ru ... nnaaa.aa. e ('aDdld Camera Portrait. e 501 F.. ('~ntral BA tlH -Balboa OM. D. Strf<'kt!'r, prN.: ('. A. Rl'rberta. \'lee ~"Yea. Ray \'. Manllall, TM"aourer Seaport Boat & Yacht Corp. 111 ('out R..-y. I 'b. It art••• M&t. Nr"'l''rt ae.c. llollywnnd t rut..-r a li'pnrt.&er OlneM TNk 8&11 Boat.