HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-03-08 - Newport Balboa News Times~8, --------------~-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 r-4) \~) BALBOA MES T=~~:.~:~T. !Lost Base ~:~::~·~::. ·· ~~;~·7.·~.·, ·:,~ Radio I IIlii 11·• II •I~ '~:~.~· ~~~~~·.::,·.::·~· ~ ..... , Contact -"'---=== EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA, WEST NEWPORT, SEASHORE COLONY, LIDO ISLE, NEWPORT HEIGHTS. BALBO A ISLAND, CORONA DEL MAR, COST A MES~ IIIINitl ,lll.\1, Ma r It (\11'1 - All I:J II -"' ~"l"•rf••rtr••u hornb- ,.,.. '"''' 1 · ~--1 111111~1••rt• landtlt--' aafrl) "' 1\ftrh.-t-• '"'"11 Arnl)' 'AliT VOLt:!'tt XL t ltltt•ol t'n._, \t•tt ... Trlf'tlhntu• ...... l I 11·hl I•• I:! :.;, 1''" , I'S't', nn a 111111• l 'notlto' llla,thl Ct.tnl S&~t_>Aanf', \\ n•h . I ho I I S /\If ~·,.rcr an- 1 """"'"''' ,,..,_In)· ·rtu· '"''""'"'''''"''"' '\'u~ aft "'"'"' '""' ~··••n•h whldl .,..._ In Snn Fo '"",.,.,, t•nrl)• t., "h•·n ""' "' ""' ~"l"'rhM"II< k•t I1Hiho o\oltllll I olllll WAM \11\n'llllf"t .. fur tn1•n• I hun HI hutlt'a Atwthft' T--~~~~---------~:-~-:--:~-~~-~-~-:;:;;;~~~;~;;;;;~~~~i~~~~~~~~:~~~~;;~~~~~~=;;~;;~~;·M K II A k Ult• t ~ ~~~•tnrt~l loo111NI~~ tot~ II ftt ( e ar s s 1ma um matnltHul mhlwro , ... ,....,. etw <1.· __ .'\•1 ttlll•• •lll'lo'h "' WAt.•r, hill t~ l'llt•l , 111111~·-rl hiJ mlnol and ,.,.,. S t S ds R d E b "" '" 11 '"''' lrllllllnK twor.- SA No W hd ' en a e pee e m argo l'loo 111 IU} ollr fHf'f't'l laid llnP •t raws .. 1 ,,,. , .. ,. '"'" r na,tllll' lllott\lll•n I :: :::· ".~~~~~~. · ~·:~~:; .. ··:·,·::~~~::w~' , ~~: CRAB \\ \l"tll 't•l'CI', \h,•h M-t l 'l'l-..,.._ -.t .... ,don tmanlmuu•l) I I I I I II I 1 .... l't"' """''""11,.111, '1"'""''""1 It• IC<·n \\ IIIIIWII J'. Knu .. lluttl, IC., c aJ., "'"I Ioiii '"''' \\ ~~~ Ill "" trullhlt• IF R "l't'r""~l • \l,.l"hall VI"" "''"''"'"'""' "'"""' al t•ulilnc ull ahltNIIMtl•l ''111 11 111''111 11111 · 1"" } 1"h' 'r rom ace "' .... ,., . .,. I " lnolu .. trlal '""''" lu Mu-tll . lllo I• •I ""''""'' pltlllt' In I ,. •r By " ............ ,., ... 1 .. , Srn~th• ,.,.."'''""' \rthur tl \ ""'INlhrriC ...... "'"""'"'' I ..... '"'"'I"' Ill<' nlr ........ ,..., • dlf'r: lou Ito •I loooo I. lol I ho• Jllitllll..nd SAM ITht' eolumn wtll appo•nr Mt•n· da~ ~ anrt F'rtdU) '" ATOMIC. Acros..:; the yean; you see the J~ch town o!Ni'wpor1 .&>a('h "'ith iLo;; handful of proplc. its fi~h­ ing, its summer1ime. i1s braw job of inrorporat ing. iLo;; struggling 4-column. 4· page WN'kly. Anrl flashing ov('r the int<'r\'al to the pr-es· ent l'Omes p1~1'CSS in the fotm of the grown-up dty's fir~t ciaily n<'wspaper-the News-Tim<•s. \\ hk h m ac!<' it s initi<ll bow to a surp,;s(-d- yet plmS<'<i -puhli<·. The young fellows who ~\ntng 1 he pcnrlulum with startling pf. feet . PuhlishPr-s Sam Porl<'r and Ludus ~mith. st>izerl 1hc spotlight with th,. d<'lightful t:>ffronten· of \'Ollth a nd arter ('Ombing ·out · the kinks and mittl<'d wrh of flf't11i1s r ndro th<' firs1 WN'k with a si~h of r'('liPf -:mrl founrl it ~nod. • • • Sf'arl\' Ill \' t•ar-. Tlw ol<i N 1'\\ por1 ="• '\\ s \\'<IS t•s l :l h· lishNI ahout l !K~ in Or'fl<'r to gi\'l' the n<>w inc·orpomtion a )<-gal papc'r in whir h to print ils or<iin:lnl'l'S nnd noti('('S. A l :!xl R joh~r ami a few en~ of· t:vpc did th<' tri<"k. ThP rommunlty. alv.:ays a hotl)('(l of poli tit-s, ,-.·itn~"<'fl the star1 of n &1lhoa pa(ler in 1!'12:\. in the ho(X' of oust · ing what its roitors ix'li<'\'ed was th<' "city hall machin<'." and electing a ticket of iLc; own. It didn't. A vear later th<' paper was m<'rxerl with the N<'wport NPws and callro the Newport &1lboa News~ Tim~. A couple of Y<'ars later the paper lx>gan pub- lishing S('fl1i-wrekly. continu- ing in that fif'ld until today's daily. • • • Man~· Papt'rs. Th<'N' h;l\'<' ~n many allpmpl:o; to launch newsp:tpcrs in this harbor rlomain. In th.-. olci d:.v~ the for111f"r NPw~-Tirnf"S puhlish<'r 11~ro to huy 'em and hun· '<'m. hut latt•r lx-· r:trnC' w~:tr\' of thf" f"ffort anrl Jpt thf"m fli<' without lh<' aiel of ;1 fri<'nrll\' hanci. ThO!'<' who h ilV(' nf'\'('1' han 'hat hli~ ful urge nf 111nnint! :1 nr>\\'SJlrlfll"l' to sat i~fy ;m nm· bit ion to \\'l'i It' :mrl t <'II tIt<' <'\ist inc puhlicnt inn ho\\' In OJI<'r:lll", will nf'\'f'l' know 1hr ('\ rx-nsc a nrl h n rd \\'OI'k l'f'· quin'd to kN'p a small·town nP\\'SP'tf)('r going. Tht' all 11J· istir y<'n to I.!O d;1il~· \\ ll!' :r~ difficult ns thf" rarlil'r rlPSin-> to go twiN'·a-wN'*k-to kN'p ahi"C'a~t and rx-rha~ a s t<'p ahNtcl of th<' gro\,;ng rl<'· mands of Nl'wport Harbor- an nmhition th:~t while mon· ev-losing in th<' beginning, is to ~\'(' its rommunit~· a Jl('\\'spapt"r to answPr ~he the nE'('(]s of nn <'XJN1ncitng population. • • • Morf' and Mort'. S~mbolic o( the ad\'anccment of <'\'<'ry section of t hC' district was the opening SattlrdJl~· of thr 1\JJTI('r Drug stoN' on thr> Coast highwa~· a<"ross from the All AmC'rican Food Mar- ket. Mr. Tumer has pi"('S('nt· ed the rommunity ";th an airy, commodious ~mporium on a par ''ith similAr sto~ tCont lnlW'c:1 on P&,::~< ,, 1 Louis L Gfttt•" satd t<>du) lw \\;t~ Wtlhlii"H\\'Inl.: hiS 111\llll' II~ H rand•o:la t•• lnr ('llllllo'tlmnn ln lho' Apr il 13 nflllliC'ip:ol I'I('CIII.>n U. S. SOLDIER SHOT IN BACK BY RED GUARD I I !"ttl l\ollll•llo :\Jol,,fl .• o, ''· ''""" """"'" ,,..,,,_. lht• un•• I\ 1111 •'lllool till lit• l 'llll••ol S tl11••• "" l ho .',.'1"1 1111lo '"'''"''lllt•r flll(ht lit '-otf\t fhd l11 ttlt ltH--.'-111 ltut t ttlh " tU4l \\n" o tt U ~r~~ \\UV ...... c•k Itt ltw '''"' • ~ .. , 11 t '"'', ,, ... ,, '" t, u• ''I ~'~ f Mirfh•ht Slii•Uu 1\;euy A•r t.-II•· h.ul "" nl h··•· l'lllllnh'nt I• n .• okr• 111 th1~ ltm!'. tth ~"" "ill fh'~H :-:nu .. ~,,.,, •• ''"'' I II~ surldt n tl•·•·•-~u•n <'llmt• Jll.~l II\•' tl.o~~ Aflo •r ht' o•ot('rtod 111~ .' ~ ........ , nl '''" t: ... ,~. ,. ~-•. , .. '"'"''"'''" nnd thr , .. \I ,, •loooll 111,11 j, 1111 lllllt•n11t 1,..1 I '"'"I""'' hHIIIo'OI a11Co•ly Ill Uar- \ II ''\ :\1 " 1'1 ol I•• " '""·" ••PI•·" I 1, 11,111~·· ~'-l"'"k•·• '"'" I'""'' ''' II :IU n m ll'li'r) no~nw '"'" lho• ett )' c ll'rk prts t• mm ,. just prior ••1111• ''"'''11 ·"1 '"'''"' ''u"' ·'''''Ph \\ ~lttllu, .1t hu ""it•'t'1h nrut Ill• r•r~u•nhttr;! fl v,• t•etnt.w•re • ,,, .. h • tl 4IU\\ II It\ I H ta,,l,lf\ ~·uu1 4t t 'uru•t 1 ''t•tH HI n•'l httl ,,,, t h 1, nf t' 1 'f"•t I fit lu Inn\) WUh•n .. dc·:orthno• la~l Thursda)·. t l.alc·s htool "''""ll•·d runntn~ as :w tnd• t~·ncl• n t :tl!all\.-t Rnht·rl 1 ,\Ito n. H I. ,\llo·n. Oalla~ K llhlt', !)ot·k llrak•· :oncl Hoss Gn•d<') t d 1\ I till ....... , Ut '"' " .. k \\hilt • tit "I"' ... t t '"' •• , \ "' .. ,.,,.,.. ht•llt I ,,, .. !AAF ... act '• lo\ 1'1"•'1 '' lh• I' :-. l't•l 1\1 1.' ·"' 11111 ti'STI. Itt<• air ' \1 ,, I• '" '''""""". •I ,I ... II I \\ 1111 '"' I·""'' •~;hi ,, . ''" ·~ "hi•" """"""'"~I '""' ·~· r\tk \\llhth1\\ h t' '"'•lulttttttf '-' llis !luddo•n rlrot~<trlun· fro m tho• r .. ·lrl lo•uq •s lht• Busmo·ss ('IIUIIC'tl wnh tlw 11111~ sohd , 3 ·mun s ial<' t'IR~T Ot' Tilt: ~Y.,\SOS. Thf' ~tr1 Kin~~: o.ho\'"" ull from Kina:·,. L&Bdlaa •·:.rh ~•111,111\ otournln~ot '" ln•uJIUI'-a lf' th .. ll14K "lltlrtrl .. hlnc v-.n In 'l:f'wporl Uarhnr. l\t\\tfltl '''' 'Uitt til ,\u-...•q.aH rill II I "'"I''"' '"C ttlf ,.l ..... ww- ftllu•\•tt '"'''''" fn•nt utt IHh l ".,, .. ,.,,j I' tt11•l h\ ·111 h~t\t~lll t \\•ltllft\• f<llllo.ftt.lqflloo. \\h" luuk h1f 1111, 1 1 "'" •I :--t111,, ,,1 \\',.,1, 111 h.ttl I IIIII• •I I• 11 t. lotWiortl llw• n\111,.. 1 Ill ,.1• l;ooool •.olll I II•• pll10l hila c'tla~ hilt•\\ lotlltl ~ '""' ll!llllo Ill "IIIII• I Ill~ "'""' '"'""' 111111 I hill tlw ..,.. ml•lltl'" "" l ' ' ''I"''''"' ltu• ''"" ,.1 ... "'"'''' llltlll al Uarbere ''•' nn1t 1!1 • 'Ht••lltl•' -.f t.:,t .. ttl~~t &•uut Ill lilt' fUilllllll.: Warren Balk IF inns capitulate * BULLETIN * 1'1·· ,,,,., .. lf1 \\ .... ldl rtttftlll .. , """'' "II'J•h " 1111111, 'I"'''' 1,, I h• 1•1 Ill•, It It S t••lu11w, Wlltlb.. I til '"' 11,, tl• ,.f ''" 1 Ill ' 1,11.," /\11 ""'' "'"•Ill ttohllllllhl CI'H'n ,\ tul10l "' nlrlf' hundf1'ol llllll On Tax Cut ll.tlart\-"'1' ""'IIC•n•tur•" tu th•• "....,,. •. .,.... ' .... ,., u~ ........ ._..,,,\., , ... '., t. I ,, ~ ( tiiUHit ,, '" .. , , •• ,, 1 fttl I ft I II Ltt It• tl I• It•. loot II"""" Ill I '"' ..... ,.,, ""' ,,, 111d '"'I ttl II III ''' • uu ht ~· \ \ It flfl I I II ftl "" '"'\ '"•' \\ t'• I ' J,u ul t 1•hl t, l••t ft 1' Ill"-1111 ·'"'", \\;IIUitt • II•' 1 Itt Ul\ "'"'~hh ,, U U\4' "''"l'ltt tl ,,. I("'''' tlfltl \\hh h . IH tt•t u1t I·• otc u-.~ t1 t .. l•tHitt up lh• ~''' 1• t lttlltt ~u \ "'•••·h•h• un .. r. .... ,,u .... ••II u th1fl ''1111 hult tu lh•• ll,.waH .. l~l11nol•. • 11 ltoll lo• lu Ynkttlll, J• l•1111 h•t 'I" lilt.: IUhht•UVt•n l'ht• ltt•IIIIW I Wh!t'h lt .. l r...,. ''""'"' 1 "' ,., 1 ~thro..--nltt t•ttrly .. olu) t'ltlll'•·tl "" ulnrm whk'h .... Ch~llen~ed i To Red Pressure S.\;'1; 1-llA:"( IS('(), Mun·h X ' 'I' I ·n11• (.':ollfum m Manulac.l II EI-'1:'\h.i :\!.11 ~ t i'J'o l.oko" '"'" ''"'''t(l} tUI''r' /\''" today nN"U!'('(i GQ,· Th•· 1.:"'' 'nm•·tll .. r Ftnl11nol tlo·· 'I fo, ''"''no • lln•l 111 llw ··rusl• tltJnn fur t•U~' tutu••.:•·r t.t"' •·ru flM•nt. Itt tw• ••ntlt t•-.1 t1\ u ho~rd uf. I·._ f n "f•h uldf"r..... \\ ""' tiiN! .. 11 h ( lh C lt'rk I nut. "'""luut a: I ;:Jil I•· m. Coda). ''" ,,.,., ... ,. tmll" MC•l rnll•• out..., 1'1•"•"1 "'''"·•II l 'ot "'" ''\''1•111111 11"''"1'" lllttl ,.,. ltl ........ Ilk 'flw plal\tt, ~ , .. o 11.1rtl II• II I• '" '·•••I 1111 lllo oolt•ut1 1"'''" "' a<'ltft't' l(fllltda t'uuld bt• :.0 per~. WM 111111 ••• - "' "' '•l•·lll .. ·r.ltrly ttr"'"""''(1 hy lh•· m1111l· ltuultt ttn4tor aul'-'l••tlor\ fftiW'f' thlln 10 hnul"ll unUI It fta11. Earl Warren o r suhmlrtmg inac-c ldt•d today Ill tu•c•·vt a protJOs~&l (1\<'r ""' Rus,.,t8n ru<'l. hn•k•• o ut ('(lrlt!o' n~urt•< In h fs ~tnl(' httd~t·l Ito) p ., lilt• I' J .. , •• ( ~lltl111 1•11 lit' ""' 11 ,;,,,.,..,, llo-11111111 ''· lo· ... J••t ,,, ;tnrl told htm tl 'h•1111<1 ho' l"l"lhl•• I I!"''''''""' ••II ;o 1-'111111•1! :-,,,, I• 1 oil tho• ,rn,dl 1 oflll'lol Jl.tl I\ '"'" "'"'"' to l't'(hH·•· (\tllfi'I'Tl iH ~ nl.q••r , .. ,, .... lt.uu·•· :' IMMt rn• Ulh1 '' tn1·d , .. "'"l"''ak tt• T1M1 po•UUua I' I"~Vf'C'~ 1M - ,tr-nt4'd '" th,. I'll\• "''"""11 "' t h•~tr rt t h •rtt•hltl ..... , ... lou f••·-.;h• ulnr: ttl I I'·"'· "'"'"I'" ool lh• ••·1'1•11111 "' "'llllllf'rl'l In I> t'ltllt.dtf 1111 "lifo tHMJfhcr ... •r •. 11 .t .. lll•l Ht• U rt,.,l ,,.~1 ·•t•ftl ''' .. ltfuiH '11''h ••otnlfl~ttltt lf' Hi tfu· lt~~t1'' f•uttutllun and lt8 It). JO Jlf'r·r••nl l 't•""•-l•r~' .hat.~l' f•,, .. ,.,..l,, ,,u.t , ,,.,,,,, ••I ,, ... , , ... ~plr· Ju tl,, I • '' '' t f Ptl1 111 II ""' ''"""'' tnd "' ,,. ,,,. ' It• • "' d ,,,..,. 1 talup 1 u•h·•·•t 1\ntt .. .,.,. t•uanl IIIII' • tul fu 1 • Th·· •It \ t'Uflrull tut" nlrt•uth hHII•'&ft· 1 thrlr •1•·•1,...· '" ''"'" I ( 111P J.:tuup .... -..t;tntt "~'' 11.._\tt,lh•ti th• • thiiHt I• Hh•tl th•· (lt ''"""u' ll•l ... uh• t •• l1tt.n ... , .. _., I tt. "' .t l••llt·t 1o 1111-J,:U\t•rnnr "'''.1,,, "'~'''''' ''ttll lt•t''''' ,, ,, ''"""''"·'' f'"' ...... tJ.:t, l, • \I r"ltflft•Ut II\ llf tflnau•·.. It ., 1'\fln l•••l , ... , utll 1 f It, •• , fo I ,,., If • lf11 I l i t h tf•l• 1111tltlft1Hit h I''" It~ (")1 ,\ l'l•"lllo •nl I, i\ ,John· "''' IIIII! I h.-,oflo·J 11•••11 ·I lll•lll llrlttll' I,IIIIChtr·r d o ..,, "' a u ra.rl.' .. ,., ... rtuulf' T~ t•nntlll-i'"te '' ... t.•tth u,.,., • . ,,...,_,~,t ,,. 1 IM'h ''I""''' fir ll•l•'r IH •·•tUn•·il e·ha.•ulw•r' \t 1 \ ''" 1 'I", '' 11 , ,, ,, 1 ,,.,., • I • '" ,,,.., 1\Uot\\ luud j • fl 1, 11ft h• •I t t\• .f fl~tfU fh1 tltil 11drtt• ret 11 1 • •flltt• tltHf rtf ~"II o~nd ,., f,.,.,,.d ,.,,. llllhlot·:oltlln J' 1 111 lho o'•l\• 111111• 111 I'• t•lll'l• .I If• 1111111,.11 loll " koo l 1111' Jt11~,0:III 1 ~•''-lt'l'd:ty. .t f1l llh t~lttl!ltltiUU"'. '''"-ltH"' fil ttJ~•..,tl hiiiU'tO\,• l tttl'hftt ltttt1l "\\'c• rill\\ I'O''I" o'llllll)' llr~o lhnf ll11 Int o 11.:11 .olf,lll' o'ofllllllllft o tho • lloo\\lf \\lifo fll' jNII01t1 ol r• 1,., ,,,t., ICII"'··I t~t•f• I •lid I•HI Ud Iff I •• ,,, •• , I ' I• ""'I \ ,.,., ••• " I of! '"t~r~ ""'' ''""''''"'·I 11t1 Ht• , ... , nt I ,.,,,, ... un•t~ • I I<'' Itt 'I"' ,, .,.,, '"" •~ t1 '" A til• ', .,, '''~"" '" n •. ~nil t·h.•n~·· ~utu \II'"' nn t.1\ r•·~ of llu· , .rbln• 1 h,,,t n u t ... Jhu th rlt:trk'-·rh•· J111, ht• 1 ,1 .. _.1.,. tl ,1111 llhlt'lllln rut lho ho•no•flf tl( lllf• fl''<l-\H lutt' no•lll oil tho• l 01t'~ll)otol t.ol do llh hoo\\o \or \\ho•O II filii• n ph· nr (':oltrnllll.o." .Jnhn•t.n \\IIIIo• l'·tloot'o .,,,,. IIIII ···''""'' !llo'O IIIII! 0'''"""''"''1' 0 tl•" '" lho· pill "In lht• OpiniOn.,( tht~ :t~"'C'I:Oiton. "·'' o•:tllo ll 111 ho.ol !Ito· ollllllllll · 1,,1111 :onol :0'''lltl!o~l llt•ntunl'lo tho• m:oinr J.:••nf't:ol fllnol l.l\•'' ,,,.,. ''''"'"""nd:ol wn~ llo·nlllno•n ,.,,..,l l11r ho•lp antl t•• ~houlrl II(' rNlurt'<l hy :..'0 1•·r ''""' l·,t kkt Jl•o•'l'lllll", cl• pill} 1111111~-Ito··· .:u;on lttll' th• plttlf,1rm !'lo·l•i• o1 an d can bo• "' r"olut·•~l 111 ko·•·ptn~.: l•·o· ul .t ran~<r••rl ;u 1d puhl~t· 'Anrk~ k 1 1 I Ill •• d• I II '' til ''''''' '·"' 1 u I \\'/\!'oil I'\.(: Itt'\. \l,or "' d I' o """ lo.o•l I•, n "••11<1111' '"'II • ,, 0111 P t••,td ut l tlltt·tn t t t1•1!•l1 d,,. .HHI ''''" rl•tl \\h•u ft, "'•'' f lttJ11tK '·"'' 'u~tn:•l t h .ullll •" '""' f ',tllt• h.tt•k, tn II II ''" lllft•t J lfu\\ td \1dtt dlt .tflfti !IIH •tf lld1HHtd Jl.lff lll flfii •O..•rth tf It\ todtt)' lloool l11 "til ol• I tt lo I\ l~o 11o cl1o,.,' 1•1lw• 111 otll In• II '" o "I'' • t•unft1•! '" l••• t • • I··• fl•••1 lttr I"''"''"' ht,w lh• flu,,.,.,, with <ountl mana'""m ••nl lud~-·''"'I :oil•' ,,,,. rull l'Hbtnl'l nwo•l · tn 'I'll··~ \\hi' "'II , ntu m·n lt••nt t h•· C\( •·n,. an H pu u··p rnr Th• ,., mPnl." In!.: thai 1110' do•o·I,HHI h.otl l~o•o II It••• c•ht• f ''"'k tlw rmrrnphono· ond • d Ill' ('fiiH'III'<i lhl' 1(1\\'l'm ur·, 11'1' m:odo· '" llt'l'l "' ilw SO•Il't pro-nrd••r•d lhl' O'f tt'At1 '"'''II\ I' 'llllt'l Tidelan s kn, .. k• d tlu"tt f:nuul• u ""'lfh tu' ooll• lutll .. nrl ll••·n """' loun lt"•·ll "'"' ing of n ~·Jll'r !'1'111 pmpo•sffi in -1 ( t 1 ( I l)liStl ur no'lt11 1a '""' 1111 II 11''"1 -I\' In 1;, mi mll•·~ 1111' "'IU:tr~· ",,, J Se \\ lu lt· •h•· WIIA tdlln1' h••r ~•"n ('l'l':lS(' '" lho• J!+I7 .. IH ··;~pllill nul· shlp ltnrl nHIIIAr) put'l rlr·~· rlf'd ssue en •Ill H··~~IIIII!C ttl nwtl wlllt htoVfotto•l,.. lay fund a nd uid lhl' sl at!' hud t 'tr .. t \'lol•·n•·" I .. 1 ll••nttHwn w11s unh11rl l'tolll'• Th t t Be h t l>'loi•tl '" Ill•• ~rr·tt•• '""I ""r""""' ~~~ unab I' 10 Spl'nn Ill mnnl',\' Ill· Till' ltr~l \'h•lo'nt't' of thr H us-rea ~, ac el.l d · d r h ~nid tlwy h•'ho'\'f'rl tlw nllrwl< '" 'I n , ol 1111• ~trl 111111 ll~t· pulrnl lt•••·•l rroa )' appnrttono• or 'llf' 1'1Ur· ~•an lro·al} t'rtsts uccurro·d )'('slo·r · llt" llpt'.nlan•"Ou' r11th•·r lh:on a phn ~ultl l11• '''"' .,.,,.rul7.tlwr A11wtt ~· tla} "lll'n ('!lllllnllnt'>l" llruk!' up nN1 tmrty H<"l trm S ANTA Mt•~I I'A Thrrnl 111 ,1111, 1,,,,1 In ,1,1, 111, Ill""'"' Tht> ll't l!'r "'11~ ha.'<l'd nn n PT'<"'-~ " m~•r tn•· a t whtrh ~.rn•'!Ot ll('n tu-,. I r 1 I rl I t f ( h •t h " •. ... Oll!\t'r\'o'r~ rltd not '"''"''' th• ·• ' .,, "'• • ~ '" ' • '" "JIIno II "''' tloo·' w• r• "'Ill •I• ol nil ''' ron l'rl'll('f' I) I I' j:;O\'f'mtlr " nrr nr n . lt•lldl•r or lho• fimnll rndio'<'ll r t I I r ., h ' h h .... I" llll'tcfr•nt wn~ '"" '''rinu5 II• nlll progrnm ''"'Ill~ '""' ,., o•rtt '' It:,,"""' l•nrrvln.: ~at w tr r ~ill•• lax•·~ rnu" n ot t•art) "tlh :\,11(1() nwmho·r~. Slw•kr r I I II I II ' I II!' c•u t nnw 1\llhnut t>ndnm;Pnn~.: :o..:am~.t lho• lr••al~' no•n hll!l Iiiii•• l ~•htwnl ~l:ol ttr• ~ott~ '" ~th 1 I o• " .,. ~"' ' \\',. lout1 '" "'""'' "' ollltl "'''"'o lhl' s tatc•'s pr·onomy 'l'lw rnllllllUIII~I ~ ;olMo lr~t•d '" 1tnd '" till' p:o~l hn~ IN•t•n f rt·qu• ''' ~ulonv;•,':•,·•l '"'' l.~rorl~ ",I Ill :" Ill•"' look•· '"'' ""'"'· ll•···tl •rolrl Jo\hn">n ';lid that umona,t l h•· kwk .ond IJi•al H c·niUIIo•n SIX "'r· I\ ••mhrtltl•·d \\llh tttl!huntt•·• loot I :r'IUI( o 1"111', '''I 1'' 1•'"1' ,. 'Y I"' flotrl• ••, ,·,.nflrmllll( lh• ttl• I ~;ovrmor·, h~INI WHY!' lfl C'lll fil\(1'' •o~n!l "' r o• :orr•·~l"d tlurtn•· tho• ';j,~ tnCinmmalnry ~Jlt•oo•hoo~. l'hll'h h• Shorrlll~t• Jl.onmm• '"''"'"'''"" ol• "' '•"'' '" ''" "' h• k u•" I '"I' hi' f;ull'd '" m o·ntino "l'ullm,; nul •• ~.t··r .. l'••l••·· ···' rtr•l tal" tl•···· ~"''' nn nn} prl'l• 'CI •tnrll'r llw I• ""''''"I' .. , "' .... ,.!'''"' r 1 ..... ~1111 "'.. Ill ..... ,,,I 1·C'\ ' .~ u ... Lt't1ctrns,: p;ert \ m•·mtur~ ,,,, l•rt·~ldt u1 •~•••Iff•\ t \1 "'''''" 1 unnN"'• ,...,;u~ "l•prnllrl:l a "' ur '-tl\ ... err•·,t• tl \\t·r•• ··••nnnunl't' ltn•l•"l tu roorlf•' .oil tl'l\ ~.··,,,,,1,, Thl' ,,.,, ·"""'""'Ill '' ,.,. ••lu\ I ,, .... mt:: "'"""~ 1 hr-ou~.:h ~n'll lt·r ,•,·rr,. ' -~ I C"lf'no·~· an(! -tnn~.:o'nl r'('nnnm~ • l.loll'r :0 ).111111'1' !ojW ik··-m.ln toor on'"' Hu~ ... :on lro>lol\ r•n•l•":ol lOIII looliO"Irll' .• 111•. IIW "' "''' ,,, 1'11111 ',, .... fllltl ,. !'ooo flq , .... ,.,._ .... ,\ -lllut.lt lu f11111f t h• • tll'tt ill II II "" I jlfltt ' ,\, ll11n .. q t fa• h rUt\\ l.otd ltltll nrl 1111 ,,,, t •lith ,.,,,I ~1· 1,. II ,, Uti ''"''"' • •I fu) fHtd 1uh ''' •I tn-. "littt '"" '"' llu !11 oo,.lttoll pl1111 lll)ol ' ·11•-tl flU lht '., .... •I Sl.tlf' .... I nit• llu It tool Ill ti..Ct 11111111' I llrttl" MU flu1•~•n-.: ''•II uut,ult flu• "''" o 11r1111n f'lt•· '/!1·)'1'111' •ol•l '"' 1111'1 _,.,,,.,,. Jlf •••ltfrnf, .ltllf lh•• I '*"llfltUII~I ('llltJ) tU (•/ut•ht•ltt\llkllt lltH1 ~0 \ •• t JW1'11~UI o· "" 1-tnlnn•l luov•· 1'"''"1'"'11 hlno '" 'o "'r~·· hi• •·•u l It•• o:r•l~t~~ltlou lo J>.f(J • II•· "llllk•• uotl ~hurl 1\ ''"''' S•••· p •ltuy uf !-\IJel•• t :ttnr..:•' f. Mur '""" lon•1 Ill• '"" '"'' , ••• ,.. , •• , '"'"'"Y ••1'1"'""'" '" llooiJJI•· s ,,..,,k • r .l•~··plt \\' Mu rfin It lm "'l•'••h t•••UW:I •\o'H•ttul uppru\ tl nf '"' llt l' A"k" ft.,ouh Artot\ Mo 1\• If,,, 111 It' ol I lo.ol 1\111• tt• 1111 rt'l'lt•d '"'~ II•• ~rtool I hos•· hrro•<t . " filii o'Jil•lllo ., m•·l'l Ill I; .... I~ I·'"' d t :olum'• ··~····ul 1\" 1'1 •111111111• 1' '" Approve 2!) -Motfl * Weather&Tides '* tod "'''1'1' lf··n l •ln<'n·~ hn<1~~Uhrtl~ rur llll•loltorn•~·n lto r-··"""'' l·tu \\hH'h ~''"'"" '"" •1··•·11 ..... , I'''"''''"'""' .. , .. \Oo lllo ..... Th·~ "''' :'""'"""·m ... l:•k•· h• lt•11rl·., :on"''•·r ,., t ·r··mll·r .r .... , tlo•nr '""''""'tt''""" '' '"'" J)roject, 2 ()fhfr '"I'', .... , ..... '" \1•" "''"''' ,.,, .. , ''' I'"' '" ftvhllfl.-•I•• s;Hcl. :uu1 nn r"mnluna'''-,,. •· r •· Sts.ltn , '· prunu n1 "' I ''"• I\• t• h ' "I "· • I I •' tr "" ',1, , 1, -----lll:ll1 ''"<~ 1"' "" • ,, ··"· • "1 .. '" I Rus1nesses in Mesa ....... , .. · "'''"0' • • ....... ,.. '" ''" NAB 'PEEPER' 7-Yr.-Oid L~scapll.lo.! .. m,., ··~··"''Ill .. , I"' •···•" ..... , .. , ..... '"I '·'· ,,,, '····I ... ' , , 'I•J•' .... d ., , ,,. ltiH ' ,,,, 'I Hu 111ft•, f'" '"h''''' .,r WATERFRONT PAYROLLS UP tl 11't \\.,, • •t n•l WtO!••rlrunt ''""''"" '"'••11·•1 nv.-r V17,tUI,UOD Ill f'lol/ I (IIIOijt "' .. 1/,IJ.J,I •• I f'IYI"' I....... II f ''"'"I:" '''"'''"> ""'"' ct.- 1 '"" •I Ill 1•·• '"'Ill I woo <'fllllht)'flll ~tuut •~ -.:u 1tl ,,,..,,., 'llot• onfurt1tttllu11 w1o" t'tontalnrd 111 " "'I"'' t l1y llu• l'artfk' An~ t'1111 ~IIII••WIIt·t· tt_alftW"IIItlott aa4 flu· Wnlt•t '""" Fmt.tnyt·,.· 8-... lltllttn l'otyr,.llw 111 Su11 t-'ro'"''""'" totd- 1'11 $4'1,:\~.ti,Om. In ,..,,. An& .. l-. ~d :l,fl:l:l,IIIWI ho l'nrt l•nd, J'l.!l\2, !•tt. •n•l In S.•~tttl,., 17,1W4.01.0. ''" 11 ...... ,fannc ltdtr, e"'ff ... II lOIII hly • mplti)'IJM"nt fat the Ato,..rlt'Hn 1111•·• fin ttwo n-t WM 114,1:/>H r... lit•· ljllltrll•r f'ndJnt( ~~ •···•nl~t·r l'~n IIIJ(to ,,,. rt~t· Y" .. "'"~ :•11 ll't "' tlw t·nd uf Mtt~ 'I ho o llljlluvNa •111r1 11 .. 1 f'f'due. ,.,1 A nwrlt'"" "''lllltrln~ .. "'',.OJI- "" nt 111 tlu• '"'"' nt llt<Tr_.. •••u•l '"'V'•" ;,o JV•r f"t•ut •• I"' "'~II II ,., .. ,,., 0°(1(11 ""'"' .... o '' "''"" llwoo l"'''l•·lpntlfin In lhe '""''"'~' "' """ '""'' llllptiC'b .. , .. I 'P'" .,. \\'o •I • '""' ''"1'111111' hlld "lt'el tttllt t tlltf,,, .. ,,r "''''._,,.In I•H"Ic., 11 '•••U\f t•f IHIHtt fh "lurh lln•._'1ii ·r"he 1'•1·/ , .. ,~,,,,,,~ ,,,,._,. :.ft•1t•h•tl ~;nly ;t (. \\ lilt• ifl ( '11 f1 ft If fUll ... 1t t., ~nullktTI C:dofo mla 1t1rr,.a<.in~.: h•~.:h d nu«hno••<. t•t<ln~ and Tl.lt>'-dA~ \\'tlh:) f··" '"""''''' .,,.,., nntlhPtn n1ttiiOI:tln" b' T'l•'"d:t\ .dt• rn•""n ~1(!111 ''"" .. ;.11111111! Ill~\" ··1111111111•''" "''"' t••ll'"" 1 .... ,....1,,,,..: .,~, •. _.1.1~ I a(lo•rnnltn n•·at f'"a•l ShJ,'hl I• I o•o••lo•r l ot<l:t~ ;onof ro>tolo•t TIJ•·,ol.o\ I hill WA nn•·o· lttnt~;ht Lt~r:'lll~ "tnrl~ nl .. \ln t:ttn t1n•t ,,,,•rinr , ...... ,., '"" ON BALBOA ISLE llnJ.ury Aftr.e.r Das"·h., ~,',o,.·.r.",','.'.r,•, ",:,·,· •• •••• olo 111 ,, ..... I'll• I" ... , .. I,,". ,., '""'' 0 ""' '" "' I• """'• "· 11 I ,o, .• , '""' oil .\l••rt \\urk uf St'\\llHrt 1"\••ath ~tnn•trl tlt~···l .tl f'dlf,,rHI.Ht"'' • '"••Hu t lt •·tt l 111 f •1"' \1•·• f tn i·J- I"IIIo·•· ufllo·•·" llllll. Ralltua (,1. Int s·d f c ... ~ .... , .. ,o ..... n .•· '··· t·o~ ... ''''"I"'" I 0 l\\•1 ..... , ,,o,,"'' 0 ,,, "'' ,., .,, •hoolll•l '" f'lll 2 BIG NIGHTS ..,.,, •. ..,,,,.nt r~ullt'tltnttu•t"fll ..... r 0 I eo ar \\UUir1 q • ••lufnt •• ,, ,,,,~. 'l'f ,. ,,., , •• , ,,,, fl 1''''' """''' llh .... "'•'•·· tt " '' •• : •.......... kl"' \\ttfl ll ,,,,,,,;~,, lh.tl .... Uf*' ,. •• tur•· uf an a llt-·ttHI •pr.,.plnc·tun,· 1 '•llr· ''• ff ft•l•c,..•'" ''''"'I t1 ''~"'"II\\\ If,,.,,"'\'''" ''' "1 t tl<• "''' ~"'' ,,.,,. I '1'1 'f"'~"' thu ·,,."''"'''' fflu hnt Autt tt•un !'1'\'t II \• :or.nlrl III;IIW \'t• ~·o. f prn\\lf•r '""' nlcht. I . thf'l fl·d lr ,, s•ft t Jllftltfll ljlt q ,. q dt •J••I•If•ftf ,,,, t lu \\'"' '1•1· •111 1111 ~. ~· Jt fl d l#u '1.1 1\llt' fit '~'''"" ftt l .lllt·tl ,, lflf\of'""'· '"' nll'-~lnn a ppru'f•ll ll<.o t•·r mtl· r .•• .Juhn 1.. 1\ruufr:hf•·n~ l~.t t\~Ah• h 1~11\ r;f .t 1 \• 1t '•I'''''' •~•u t "' ··•\\f Jo~Hf f ~l·d ll••d \\•''flttn•, I''""' ''·""'''" ttld \\dl Jlt'lf• tht•ua \\t ftru ~<tlh'-' '"''IJt h H u'c•Jtw•k Jury Stmt1:1y ;tfl•·rn•••n "I •, .,.. ' "tr•·•·t. ll•ltloolt blanl1 nutlth'OI d•',.illtun ''I A\• 1',. l.o Mo ""· hnol "·•'1 111 lllllttii<OIII "" ,f 111111 tolttllltly 1111ol 11 .,.111 '"' fNt'l ._011 11111,.,,1,.,.,. ] l,rl<. A nt.:l"l•"' ot nd \'11"11111,\ In t'l'o'''''"l: lu.;h o·looudin•--~ lndHy nnd 'l'l•'"dll\' \\II h ron<tdo•r:thlo• lnw l'lolllfhno•" lun ll!hl anti Tllt••tl.o~ I'•Vllt•r too<l,ly anrl n~:am Tltl'<rl11~ 1 h111 w:onn"r l llnt~;hl I cl:o<,ho·ll rr••m 'hi' ""''" rolk In rr· "' ' I " I I .. pnll••r nf • prU\\'Irr \\hn had ,., hr r tuanft' n t J"',t;t •:: ,, .. Itt .. ..,, rr.nL:r• ..... httlJld t .,. ,., I• ..... .,,, ,,, ' ,, ,, ,, tllrllf)f ,., "'II :,\ ,, " ,,., I I"''"',,, I .u,~llt . IH'I'f,ttiUt·· fu U11fh•Utll'f•tttl l1\. p••••k••41 tntn hi• \\Ur'" ht•drtNNft J)rt\'f\ '"10 thfl ~Uf•· t•( n t•.•r ,1, 'h~~ hill,,,, tf ,,,, l't•• tJ•tiJ """'* ., 1 t1 · h'•ll"'lh'' '""'" Ju tfurtre~· th,tf l•1 \o\Jtt~t 11 t•·••~ ltft•l .,,,.,, l•rt/l'" will ••· ~IV•·u •\lntl••\\. '''t(1 it, nrl ,,. ,,, , \\hufl. " '''""' '' 1 t•rfiH'' fl'""'"''"" lnl 11111 l•l<•ll tl •utul h1 ,,. ~1nT"•te .•1 h•" 1,.,.,. ,1,""l11,,_1,,~ "" h) .ltthn F I I I • .. nnnr '' CHUf•ftr-. u. R . Rurtl .. all anti lS..tU'h .r,.. Ust••l ,,. ,,,.,,I ll ..... l,.,h,l .. , I'(,(''"'"'"'' '''''''"'UH h•\•tl '"'"'Itt \\t ~ f11tpnt H1~ tu ro~~•..:•'lh Hutfuhl\ '''"" ... ' III~M \\'arr•·n C'tl-.r l t'RIIIurNt lh,. al· lot Arh•·• \\o'lltl 1 .. ''"I ''""'""!""'" .orotl l'rtoo•n '·'"1••11 lll\ol 1ttt.,ko ""' "" lit• l 'lollool :--,,,.,, . ., 111 1111 11 1~ 1111' lolllholto\ lnom llo •I h•c.-.1 \\l8dti\\-I...,.Jll'r In 1111" tll'l T :ok•·ro '" I •r. S :\tr,n:oNI lur • \ • .ud. Tlw ""'" '"''"" " II l•ollll' lo tl• ot .'I'' S l II "lllttoooo·<l 1111 I'll!(•· •t t •lu· IIOI(IIIIIIIoll••u uf ,,. ... rlnrr: throufl(h a w lndn'A at, nnunnllltn lh•• l'htl<l "'11" r .. unrl 1" " 1111('1• ,, nun•jll\11!'.111 ~11111•\\tll• MARC'II, 19411 1 T lf1f"8 .,. .. H"' ,.,, h1 l•rf1,.r "r 1+1 r ur,.n• f>, ' C · 1 1 hr ~uffrrinl! only t rom ~hnrk "''" ~~;ho;~,K•:;,.I•~=~~;~~·~d ·~~~ hrul!lt'f' und Wit~ ro!Nt~•·•l '" II• 1 ;~~~:1:,::,u.'~:.~~~~~·.;"o,•,,• 1 11~:.::• ;,·,' CALIFORNIA TO GO ON DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME ,,,,. •a«Tanr y """ \\'a)'nr Ar· par('nlll .. rmounrNl I Ll~hl llfo!llr••. A m tlark 1111'\lt~-p m., :\t ~ 7 :lli 1·47 II :•A '!:S6 !'i :\ I 7 4 I -'l ~ thur Tann,.r, 2~. 11f Lt"' An· At tho _,1m ,. 11111, 11 " ,, 11 :-·'' '1:/\MEN'IY I M :ol''lo H rr•J.... Captor Th IIIIUON'fl ''"'' ~ ,. t11!11'k "'''''''I " 1'1 Ill'· '"''0' ''"'"'' , ... ,1,, e ree I ""~ lll'•·n n:o ntoool '''0 1'111(\1' ,, , "''''''""''"~1~ ftfl loW"I It 1"11 ,,, 1"11 Crary Brothers Sponsor Course Juvenl•) F • r h !';h 1 1 ''-'ltf11''"" ••n tltoyllv.ht "'\"IJo: ,.,.,,. es rl. '""'Y ll ' ~. •oro till' ,..~ .... 11111111 . ····••lllolv " (II''' S•tntflt\ 1o MU("f'l' .... f1 (,1\rtfl!l' J' l.:tJ\of n All' II y In Americanism at Stanford u. Thrl'f' MIC'Afl"M frnm lhr S nnl I ''" Wll~ frormr·r l\ """'"'''' tltrtt• ,,,. '"" w n •.... ,., ,,, ""' loH /\nil juvt>mlr hom•· """"' t':tpiur••l tnr of th,. ).1" Ani'• "'' ' '"'"'''I ''"'"" ''" lot•l olln H I"'" '"t lh<·tl' !-:durAtiOn tn Aml'rt<"llnism i~ rhatr at S11nrord for ll'&<.'htn!l thr nftrr tWf'nty hn11r3 ,,( frr.f!um ''hamltr'r .,r l 'oomm•·rf• ''""''" 1"1"1' th• '011 0'1 th•· '"""k '1 Will h • ,, .. v .. '-··n m ,,,, ... rrtom ll•• .. nt•··· ro , ••• If)! to •• rr,., I SundHy ,, ...... ,Itt I hi' lotOAI or thl' Amrrtrlln ldt>AI~ !'11llrS!' hf'l'fltl!<f' t hry 811)' t Ill, ~ rtrlRy lftf'Tnoon ,,., " " Projrrl. pton<"'rl'd and finanrt>d "htl•• :JII ph a~'"' or h1111ory 11rr Nf'wport 8f'11rh motorrycl•· n( 1',. Anli(rlr' I•• 'rltl; S ;ontu .\l•onl•" '"" •to•· 1 •m•• 'hllnv,r "'n .lion lr.. lllvd , S11nt11 M••nlr:o l'•l't oor ''"' '" 1 tf lh•· C'•V•·rn••r hy Crllrd nn nnd ,\HAn f'r11ry liS lh!' taus.thl tn /\~an srhOQis. thry rtN'r, J11c k \roul!hnn t•.10k th1 1.,,.1,. ""'' 11,. w"'' 1 1111,1 1.,w,., T 9 8 :117 2 ·15 t :oe %:51 5.3 1.4 4.2 -() 4 111trl If,. ,, .. ,. tt \41" ,,...,, ... kUIJ( ,,, r•·hiiJ'•' that "'" '4 ft•d• t't'Utl''"'V '" !lllt•lll••llo~l hy II 'Ill 1111)' olttotl~hl , ll' :o •··~ult 11r ~"""'"'l••n o.vror wl1n ,. Ill 111•11 thtlfl• jtUWI'I 00 S.•ll lrtll(h l.lo olllll''" fo '"" ltl( k , n plu•tl lhttf rl w • f"'"'·••r ,,.,n ptont•·" lu11l lnlol,t• •I hi'""' I 1"'''"' 1••'-'''·r tf•·V•·f,,prnr-nt ,· '*" ttu· I*''"' ~of I Y'''" ~ If•• '""l It \\IliA I IIIII' Ill "fttt'r• tllt• (ltf4t flf. ,,., ,.,,, ''" ,,, frllt~fl ,.,;,j,. (11undat1nn ••I 11 """ t'our~l' srllln f•nm•l 11•1 rour-.' tn llw \nlur~ o f youth~ Into ruAindy nfl••r nvrrtttk ,,0 1111, ,, •·nil•"' to IX' lntmdur,.(J AI StAnford l'nt· lh•• Am ••n can w ay rof hr•· nnw til'· ln11: ttwom In Santa An8 r:tn)"•ll C'ITF.U f'OIC I'II'P:'-\rr~ilv Ill'! ~:•ntorAII) l:olll!hl 'ft•;o.thtlok' Th,. fllfl:ttiVNI wrr c In lhr· llu rrl Rrurr Jl,.nr} ~.ll•·rlu•••k ,.,.... lo'llfl flolmt• ·•~'' 1(1''' ''" ''"' llll•tttk•·• ,,r fot.hy l•lllolw :on•l 1'1'" Th, ,,.nht•· ""' .,,,. ''" th"" Fnf•t•" Th,.' C'rM")'•. "hn hnth ha\'1' "" th•• '""Jf'"l arr l>'·lnl! "ATtllr-n, C'&r thf')' h8d atoll'n Jlin rl' t h•~ l'11rk rH'••n••• fl•olh•••• l•lunrl ""' 1•'1\:t'•· ,,,...,,., f"•lto ., .• 1•••••-1•·•1 humi'S hrn. "''' rartnt•N '" t: F lo llf' II(( lhr Pfl"~8 ntoXt fnll It IS ('11('8pl'd Thunday nlaht. I 0'11~ l>y fJ(III,..,. S AI Ilrtl,.)' foor ""' l •ht• .,.,.,., .. r~'l' ,,,.,. ,, '"" IIIII ~Ill Hutton llnrl ro '" Lrt8 An~~:rl('!l hnprod I hilt thP prl'lf!:rllm IWIII R.-tum('d to S anta Antt pnhrr llf1: lllrJtlll murrl••r PIIINI "" '"'I 'll""''''''' s c 'nll•·ntlt·ll ll ,.,~I< Thl'lr Am,..ro romt$m ldl"!ll r n· !<pr,.llfl to othrr srhonl~ ""rl rol· ruslody wt>rr, R ichard Vc&•. Pt•ttr r.v~ Ellerbrook f.& to lllll.ot:lor ,, '"" o·hurv•orl ltwl "JIIollttr••ol" "'ofl· \'TSIOIU thl' f'S111blis'hmt'llt of T (•8, Lrllrdon \nry Uld 1Mf'ndo7A lind John Eaptnon r lty ('()Ur i M~~rt·h 17. fll•lllfl lotul oh•lll)'t'<l fJI •W••r l•l't,rlu• ' '"' ltv :t 't l l•l It ""'''· hruk•• It 'A1••1•k l•tlll{ 'lfllt"llUIII• l~t ll'rcl~fll ''''" 111 th•• prt..,•nt t,ucll(t'l """'•Inn .. .,.,. llftfll'r hfllt•r h)' f"'~ II prn , ..... ~, ·.,,T,'f'nlnl(" <'1111111111 ,,,,, In / ,,,,. ., ... ll~!ol'lltloly 1111\llo· ''"'P'''""' .. 11, l11kt> II"' IIIII "I' lnl••r In tht• tiiQ' :tlttl It Al'fll'ftl<'d II Wt~lltf hnv.-• fiMt lt•~:•~lniJvc• "l•t•r••Votl by nl.chtf•ll .,,,,. luw••• h•rti'l' ttl•o "IIP""'"od llw ptrOI•*"I ....,,..."'"fr t'nmmlll,.. r•lton rtf ltl'tltlf1 un lf'l{l"lalk:Jn, ~ VOI''IIIt'l.l hy lt'ftllt•r'!l tA both tw .... "' " rrn•ttrlll ,,, kN>Jllnr. non~f'­ IC''"''Y hllh nut uf rtw-l~lal~. Apptllnl•'fltt• rtwo n~ty mrmo llf•r< of lh•· r•oow .. rful c:B'rlmlt~ Wltldo Wtfl Ill I ton all hill11 ... ,... ~:rnr~t c;.•oltl•"', R., PtJmona; ~ vin S ho·rwln. n . f~lrnmr : RAfr:6 Dill~. I 1 . ( 'r~mpt•m , J111lan Bfoct1. )) ~111'1 ,.·,·mttntlo, nn•l M Phlll • Olovl•. It . n •.• ~·r {.-t -· Bill . Will ·Ask State College In Orange County ~--............,.___...--~-<;To Try to Get Day light Savin~s N D Throu~h Le~islature This \\'e(•k 2 Page 2 ~ Jl; '~Po K T •'-' a. u u r\ !'/ t: '' !'i . -r Du: ~I Biggest Littl e City in World ''""n ' '('''~""" r:. ·•··•· ( '"... "·'"'" K. 11"~: Becomes Dimmest as Drouth Hits Earl Stanley Will Petition I J•'Jl ONT ' "\1'1:\\li'YI'O , :ll.mh >-I'"'"'"' l'oo I 111••· ll ot '.t 1'1 !t .. ttl• •• "-(ttlhl \\ I \1 lit Ill I •'• .: I, J\ c. E .. .jl\ '"~··I II• 1•1•···· ill' l"'' \\'I ""' I I,,. ,. II 1 1 .. ·t t , 11, d .• 111 ,,, th,t1 1.11 r I 1• I • '"'·•·I• I ndt•t tl ', '• E A R L • y I••' 1 !d l•'f1 .. 1 oil tl1t\lt~·hl t\tl . f '''' I'l l• • 11 ~' \ h tll \ II I·• -• • Vf llllll'!dd iH~I\,fl fUHdljlft~\1\.f t ltUitlt 't N E W • I!-• I•\ th•· ,.1111 1,1 th•• '" ••h I' ' 11•l I "' , r lo,!l .t • "' I• - -~ I I, di ... hl ,1\lflt.: tllf'tiiJit \\•I • ~· •t '" til I "'I'Ht ... ' \\ I It 1•1• 11111 '"•' tho~ 11 •I " '"' lit,,, I II I' I, ,,. f, • lti1Jt •·' l •uff~·' ''' • l•t• I' •' ' .. , " \\) jlt1 tilt I t\\Jfl,lk t '' ft o tf It • I \ It\ II 1• 'I\ ta••' t II I I· \\tit,,,, .. CHIU~ ,,, 1\ ,,, " If It,, tl I I t •• I "' ,, t I II I I ull•l lu· c· .. n,HJ~·· I tl l't Il l ~ I i \ 11h .• r..1t. ••J•I•H•\t•d ,, , 1 •••' • lt••'fl ,, hdl ,,.q, .. l •• I \ l••'fl Recruiter Not es Army ,fnduc ement ~ Pulling Ex-\' ets l•••IIIIBdl•• '' JU •''•·n tu•..; ht•\ h ttui Ill,,,,,, '•• • I IJ t~h 1 •1 h•HJ '' hut 1tu· J, .. ,,mhl\ I,,,IJ • .t 1 '• 1, ..... , .. ••' 'I •· ,~,. 1\n uulwttiJ• n ul ttu trtt•rf'lasanh ,al th•· pJ,1u Jt \lo U' tu • ''''"' 111• • h~ .. , 1• • 1•• I " I I l)t• "' OUIUIM I nul \I" ··•""' nf .... Ann}. a~;un iii It ....... hOlJ, •• C.'Ufl\1 ........ '"'It n \ ,, \\I~,,, I It ••*tlt•l Ntt\). ~t.u Uh ' ..... l, •• un c· •• :.,, ....... I I "" .,,, '1\ ., Ill ., 'II Gu:trd.' \\hu •••• t.ektn~ Hth••nl;ts.;• 1 11u• ••·•.>h..:hl ~;'''"J.: lulJ, '''It ~··· •I tt ,. 'H\, II•• 1 • I•'' I"' .1 ol lh,~ ~~···•·•' uultu•ttl•n'' hi(•• ,.t\••n '"I' pnoril.) b.) c;ov t·.ul ,,,,_, ,,,n,, ·~ •. 111 t .. th J•··•• c'it fnr , nh,tmrn t 111 lh•• S \\ ,,, n n ,,nrl hf.' crlttclz•~l tho· !.·~•'· ""'" ol '"I "• II • "' 'r ' ''•I'• Army Hnd I' s fur Ftlfl'l', lirf.' '"' '·''"'' ''"' \\'t'l'k rc.r lhl 11\111\ II•· ••••••• ,'"'"I',, I\ I• I . '11 "'"'I stall"'" ''''""" ··~'·" II\ Sl:l ,.ltld "'"''•n..:. tlw duc·k , ··"···" ,,,,, '"' <1111 "' tj. \\ook '··'"·I J ohn\\ Shl•th, :0.(Wf""' llo·ttrh, \\oultl ,,,,,. a n,.mtl "'rftln 1 kot .. •t.• ,, •ll•lol' "' •·" ' " in char.:•' c•l l t('fUif tU.C lfl thl~ ";t1f, "' t ll"f'ti'"U'JI~. t l111ll~h Jpl t HIHfUiql••' tol tfu •lllh lift ru a rl'a !'IX rnurl1h' ltW,UU only 3:-.t , •• r t ht f'JI\ ur Sun .. ~ntn( .. I,('U HI '"' ft ~UU1111 1• I tt I ,. ' 11 '"'' .,,, lll.l U'nl of Kll ··nh~lt't"" \\t•lt forfl\\•r nua11t ·,1Hlt• ~·uh•f' nnd ,,,.,,,,I .... I ••.• nl't " 111 lh· 1~1+\t l l of .. II ' at-rYIC(' mrn 'J'rodh) I hi' I" rt'••nllllh' ,11111 1111:1· ""'' hu J(ro wn to <\H l"'r ,·c•nl 11nd (11 lin•• l•l.on " to m nk•· 1111· 111111 II"' ,\Ill'''''' • 11ll\ I· ., l""" still cllmhtnl( ··han~·· t•rr.'<'ti\'o' n!'ld Suntta~ II ,, "'" ,,,,., \\li lt"''"'"' (lloll\ lu•Ul• "V\'I'r thr· 1•1,,., il'\l'rul moonth&" ha' h•·•·n 1111"•'11 hnd ~11:1wtl I•~ th•· '" ... "'"' to , ..... r. r "" '' ft, th• 1 1111 S · t ·-' t • nd '"l\••rrlur h'-' thal tinu• I,.,,.,,,,,,. a•'''"" hP•ild I•" '"''.:hi gt. Shm • •t;u,.,, "I tl' ,,rmy a ~· ' A ir ... OI"Co'• hll \'1' tulk•'fi 10 mun)' ·nw J<llnl "n't·nln~: C!olllllllff.,• "" ·I '·'I '"' 11;•11·11 :oulhoollll lnl I ltll•n wa' ,.ni'II>S«I II" "ofl11° : .... I I .... I'Hillll \,. thou,.~tnd' oof \'o•lt•ron ... h iJV<' cat-• ,. ' I a lougtod th<' th•n~:~ thl')' ... ant, llnlt -.·mhl~nlt·n Oil ~nJUnd~ ""'' oiloln I t\ pl•n trt•·lnol•nL' '"''" llrf,,,.,, I hav·· tak-.·n ("t r liUO nlO\'c•s to orr~r "·'"' ,,". ,. n :t1f' t l•lllu~! 1111' .i.... ·uul """' "'IUilfld ltrl•"" t. I "· t n lh(l'm the uppurtu ntth·K rN.IUl .. tN'l " ... •rnhh \o\h.tl il ••uu1d eh• \ 'uti• r \\ot ~<• d ••••• fhd1 'P"'Il''''' '·'' ,, .• lh•· ,.inn, llftpl0 \'111 or '"''" "''1"''' ""'"'' , ... nr '" ''''" \\ ''" '"' '. ,, •. llntl h~ ..... ·ruhl> IT\l'f1tl .. •1" ul ..... ( tllll I ttn ·~al otlnlnL.; ·'' "'" •·I \\ t \ ( ·••V Growers Urge Orange E~port Marshall Plan . 1n LOS ANGELES. Mnn:-h R I UP.t Ntrt•mta rtt n.t' .:•o"'''' today Ul"gf'd that I'Xl••rt or I he•ll products llf' r nrournt;f.'d und•·• tl,.. M arshall plan. f' R. Wtlrnx. IIHot~lnnt l:l'nt't al ma.nagt>r ol t ht• C'~tllromlo 1-'rull Growf'D f'..llChllnl:f' ond ~poko'llman few ttw-~~:roup. rl\phiiOI'(I th•· I•P•· po8lll ~ not ~U!.:I:f"-1 ftny mmw) to makf.' I h<' plan work "It mt'n>ly fl"'JlCN'" thnt " J••r· tlon ol lhf' M~hnll rlun lun1I!C Mall I)(' UM'(j for I h•• pUrptlllt• or J'4!Ckoc>mln& ror,•tt;n <'u r nmcy" hi' -.ld. "It l'll('Kns s.:•·tt ln~: snml'lhing few our producl', t'lllht•r thun ma k -tnc an outriaht gHt of lt." rnt tr.~~ \\nultl t .. • rH'(•'''ut\ t ... h-t•1 •'rT"•r \\.:trr• n h.~ .. I'''''' • td ,, 1!1'• , lulle'tHihll"· ron~ulo•t•d ••'''''"' ,.,,n,ltll•l,ollooll '" •·.oll ofl): 'I llo\.ttt'\t•f' tht• Join t pluu "·'' 'I•'( •·•I lt•L:t'-1 tf l\t* '' ~u•u 1f ·•..:••·•·· 'II PII H!ft•d by lwol h .t•otnlol~ nwnl '"' lo ,tc•ft,d 1111 tho• l•lo~n (I "'•••ak t•r Sam L. Collins nntl ~~rn-•·•~llol n101 ,,.. ·~•ll•UI• I • <I ---- Perfect Secret Soluiton Which Will Keep Flowers Fresh Forev er l'AT I-H • ..;n:-;, N J . l\lor ~ II 1111\ unelotnfl .llo• rf.,ll•l •nol l tl'P o T \\11 oltl('lur hrnll1• ''· """" .111 1r1•'t.tl ""''" tou•m"' \\ork•od t11r ~'II )C'I<rl< \\lilt 1'111 Ill· '1\\o f.olt n t' h o\< lu t fl f,tk< n "'"'" u~<•·.t It}' tht• nnno nl l:.:)pl· ""' 11n tho· """" I''"' • """ pr"·' tiln~ 1n lhotr mun uny r•n .. ·•·~•. ·'"'!""" """ •• t h11ol "1"'"""1: "" 111''1 noun<·• d ttwtu) dasru,•·r~ ul a ._ •. , .. l•r•''' 1' d11'" ,,f tuun•u ,.,,,h. "'' "'I"''"" llu•l w ill k•·•p IIO\\· II lh• ftr<H''"" I• ''"~'~"' •'' ••~ ln·,ft f,.rt·\,·r . I"'""''" <I "l••n loun1,,11 II• '" , 11d Expr•r lmt•nl!l 11rc now hd ns.: ron · l tr .l.,.•oolo l'l1tll): It• ,u l o l t11o• •1• · rtuo'll'rl \\trh thr lii'<K't'IIS 111)(111 hu· fNII'Inwnl "' l•hlltooi••L.'\ .11 1\arnl'l mnn n nd nn1mnl tlll!iUC'II J\urjwr· !\l,·n tulllll ll•••PII'II. 11 \\Ill !11• 1111 lilt'S sulci 11 11111)' llf' "nn tnlalwololr ITI\',IIUithl<• l•••n. t.1 1111 tlinn•· houn" lu mt'filcinf.'. Jort,• ~11 id th•• f>r•l('•·~~ sh1111ld Prl! Ph till' 11nd S1dnry JoH•·. n •volut 1110111' 1 ho fl"'' ,.r hu"n''"'"' who workf.'d out the pnx'{'s!> rron1 1\ > "un~: m"n •·nn hu> ono· 11r · cxiJ('rlm•·nts tx-cun In 1928 by nn rhtd "''r"•~t•·. ,,.,.,,, '' "· J.:ll•· 11 uncll', s11ld thr met h od ftxf.'11 tht• to hla girl ond nt'\'f'r hav<' to huy ~II structure ol a Oow<'r. JJ"P· 11not hr r. IIC('fl4"1hnl( In the dcx·tnr ll'-:"•1. !\:,' ,, ,, ~ ·t·,., (:t ... ll •.: ... "'" ""'""' ,I,.. 1otnlcl-L I I ture l'hl' I ll·~·-·'"''' Ill\ 111 tho· 111 '' \\till""'''"' tllhlfl~ C t;ll)f eg sa 1 \\OI Itl l11 1'(1111• • ,, d t!l llh ,, h ill·· , •n• , •••1··<1 alool• ••lhtl' luuld-S,'.\!';,"l'/1. ~/I. J\·tar R A~- 1'''' 111 flu• \\l•l'd lt•doi\ 11 '-'· hi\t' 1111\!•' Jl'l •ll\~ f~>tllllll~ • i\. • f:,•tw':; t.1111, of "'"'' ,1 ,, oh ·n~~ ,ol111111,1,,1.t 111 tloo • ,.,, .. t1 1.,11 <•I (111 ~··mlolnn:on l·:.u l )':fnnll'Y Will pn•· ···'''''''"~ "''I "·'' "'" l!lt.:~···t ,,111,,, '''"' ~ lo1ll to lhl' l'olnlt' lo•gtsla· I ' r I 1 t I I I II t ur•· uut '""""tn~ t·~t ttiJii~hnwnt uf ' \II 1111 (O f I I \\oof'q \\fflfo•j lith• t' U 1, \\o0j I •ll'nll\\'no•t ,ol'• -'' 'W ill "' ~.'.d .. ' ~ ,,lru' Til•' 'ld ~. , '' tt tu.,,.-hr 1\\u \\d r !-oUr· t ftHlr·~··.u· statt• t•ulh•\!t' In llr-:ow••,.••• I lo' 'I•• ll {,.,, t•tl ·• '''''" lll•lll 111"Jfl !'Ill~ \!• Jwr:tlun• ·""' ,, hurr.,~~· ·•"~!'' 1'111111 1~' ~I n·\~'o•Jolt•d Stolur- I Acme 1 '''plt04o} nuo k tJII\Cr 0 . W Kn.tal~)'. Thrtoe Hlvel'1. Tt·)I:L~. leapo llv m 11 ... ll~!l«VJ \I'll•< ol' >l••ll IJIIU\UI ll.lo ll "riJIGa t.u 1411 CUlCIO.CIIl Y •l'-IIJ li<'C.UlldS l&lltr a "'' '"'')'" 1111\11 v•u nacn al.fuck h U. n~lll Jcttucr ..s lie Ulllde • ten l ullo "'" o1 McUoiJIU~. l ciUl., ll.r~t.. AIWo.IUII¥ !UtiOWIOU•C, Cll..ll.ella sl.IUld '" •l"''""'l)' U)' ull~ u l Ute VICWDI, J~A: 1U.tu.rO~lt, 11~. Memplll&, WOO y,,.0 ,1 Tlt.ll'l Vfl UlC UlVwlC)'CJ.. ol..uV.Cf pllvWI. M aD Ill ceUt..u WIUl Mo: .. UI\1 J-.I.I.CL ~ A-11~~)'. 1... A. t'llUIIpo, ~U, ~pUla, U:WioUrqcle W'IVU, WM UU11CU ~ leet.. ,,.,, ""'"n 1•·"' '"tho ,,,,,. '"·'"'"'" .ontl put .. n It fll~hl tlo,-,da~ h) :O.to•l 1-ut.:o•l , rl'~ldl'nl II( '1'1 I r 1,t 11 tl. ,1 ,,,111111 ,ft,ontt· 1,1,11111 ,.. •• th•· :-;,,nt.t ,\n,, ('h,olllhl• o r C um- ,., t,\ tl"o I"")" I I It\ lrl.i tJ • 1 flh'rf't' I''""•''" .\II• \, • I· ''" '"''' ln:ht· '"·''' lltoll~"'"ld I ··d 1 t11,1, ,,1~hr.11 ,. llftk tn.: 1 ho 1\l , I 111ft 1 ho• lt1 "" 111111t h,.s a o't'•ITII· Tho· a~nuUnt'e•ntl'flf rniiO\\'f•d a 111 11n ""'' "' _ ,11 t.lin .. "'''" t•lt l11•l """r lh•• ,,.,., nt 1\:11 <oillld lllf' h~ Ltl!l'l 11ntl Stnnl• }:-'fla tt•s, Ill''' ,, l'r"h 1f,h 111,,1, 11.,,11 tuft-""' It tunt••tl 11111 tlh· tl.ollhnt..: ,.,.,, '"r~ · l!l,lll:t\;1 I', 111 ~.tcr;,. tL...: 111·r .... 111 11 , 1111 11 .ol .. n~ 1 h'' I" t "'' '' ••} ·"""I! ~.tmloltnK row • mrn to to ll'nrn thf.' (IO~Sihlllty or I til• \ th,111 ;on\ fll 1,, 111 th. \\ttrltl fur th•· fu-,t, 111111' 111 ht~tnry. 1 tho• e"l•llo'l!'' lw n• .11 . 11 ,1 I :-; .. nw nf tho ~ 1mhltn.: • hth "" n-Th•• <;;-1nu Ana C hamho•r is cull-,. '-.lt'n' 1 .lilt Uflttfl In _ .. • , , !(~ •' .. I ' 1 1 I • •-\\t•r•·n t t•au~ht n.•fll'"'~ ar-tn•· 11 nw••ttnt.: or tlw 1-ulh•rtnn , •II' "'I IIIII: "" tltt· l••nu !:, rnu • 11 f .. t ~ ' I •·ltl' •~ dnlhn~ a "• ur "a ''r \rn ht•tm ll unlln~:t on B~>:tl'h and ol io ltclfll It 1•1111\ I "'filii Uft\\otrl, d ·' 1 • •,' ' ' ( k II k '" 11 k tn lht• m1 ulo• ul 1 h' 111~ s :"\•'"'JKll't flt·neh t.'llllln~•t' nf Cunl· fi.IJI J.::•rt•,, ·••·• I~• ••·. Jter. I II ·r ·1 , • - k II I lm ,Jur t l11ruu~: 1 ·'" t'{ lfllll•tns nu rC't' IOI:<'Illl'r "tlh urftctals nf l· w a 1111 '"" \\ • \' 1" t.:• 1 1 u· 1 1 1 . 11 k 0 1 i k ·"' htts l 1 ) comr• • 11n1: tn~ta a· s·mt:• AM coli~€'. FuliHion Jun• "".':· 1' ~~~ ll•lll•· ,, ".,. ~ ll'~ u( " dtt ,.., I fi'J"'<"I' Kt'I'M!I"AI ~e:r (;;iTlt·~·· Tt nil i'Ti·ntii::·· l OI;;.t Jun:- lht· ''~n., "'·~·· n•tl•·n ·tl clun. 1 , .. pro\tcl<· t•l.t·trinty lo t urn tlw 111r •·ulhs.:•• 11u,. \\'o·dno'sclny n•~:ht ntt d hy ::>lt \.t1l,,, ftlllolw "'r\1\'1' "'""' 11ntl lht· "£arl'hht.;hts lt:tck tn 1111' L1ttlo• TlwAI<'r or ~r.nta 'oonlflii~Stun '" ,;,,,. '"'".''f Tl'l<'y loll I llh··· d uh ..... -•. "l'IIUI'III~ \\O<r Ana lll.,;h .. dlOiol I ll dr:;c-u~s plans • '' n t ut n•·lt ."If H•·nu' f.un••<l '"' pJu,. supplu•, fur ~t·no·ratnrs un l or th•• l'fJIIf·s.:1• ltwalwn tn oranl(f' ·"' ""'"Y ~IL:n \II'S.: Ill lit ~tr•·•·t whto•h 1 1 ho•1r uwn •·ounty '·"' '"'1t'"llh' tu 'lh•· htt.:S.:t·SI Itt -~ 'I' h ,. g,1m lil1ns.: e lul/s '"'"''"' 8111 II•· •·ity '" lh1• \l orlcl " \\lifT'' ts t;tlk nf a nudm~'hl nr a 0 l'l.,""'" Anoth,.r ' "" A ~tmtlar btll ;drrad y is b<'lor £> Tt ... ''"'"""~~'"" ~•n~:IPtl ou t lht• .: a "'. \'Urfl''' 111 t'\••nl llw fllt\\t·r the• II' .,,falun· 111 loc111, I hi' st~th• ...... n tlt!~pllo)~ .. r ~:amhllfll: ruw "''""''"" cpn llftUl'.S tiJ dt·h ·t·,,rat,. 11 s.: o'u •·t.:•' 111 t'umpt11n, F LI$:1'1 a nd l 'ul\o•r C'Oillf tlln~ """'1:ol' ~lto(l tho• Tlw~·ro· \\l!l'rll•d lw•t'UUS•· Wllhl llnii'S said lotllllltnl lts.:htlllt.; lf<t•d o•nuu~:h lt'n~ o r thuusand..; of dollnr.. tn · • fWI\\ ••r in o tw ntl!hl ulo n•• '" "'I" Itt~ '"''''' dollars st.ockt·d ;,II o\'l'r \\'ht•lh1'1' 'h•· lf•gislatur<' con· pi~ th•• n·~t or lh•· !'liY w ith ,.,,., •• tho• plan· most uf t hl· dubs dun'l ~ukrs lht• htlls thts yPar wtll df'- '' "'''Y fur :..!I h••llr~ I htl\'<' a sin~:,.. lock u n thl' doo.-: fJt•rtt.l u n ''" nm~ull'ratiun o f the Used Car Prices May Ask Federal 10 Per Ce nt Lower Aid on Artificial Than in November Rainfall Study btiJ~ a:. "•·nlt'r~··nry lrs:i~lation," thr•) '<II III 1\t'I'Urrlmg tO a \'Uri· '''"""mal artwndm<•nt to ~l.tt<' l!t\1 , \oH•·d '"'' ~··ar. only bult~o:N mut 11·1 s a nd C'llWrl!l'nC)' lf.'gbla· 1 u.n jo, w IH• runs•d•·rt'd dUt ms.: ,., , n nutnl.ll. r •·d } •·nr,., t hc·y l'X· "'""''od CIIIC/I.(il•. M.tr ~ ll 'P I .\ m;on "hn kt • ,,... rl't'Hnl~ o n thl' nH.Iann's U'-••tl t·ar hu .... tnt''" ...... ud 1-.L Y. ="•'' :'>tar R -l l 'P• -~ ----- :"r·\llda'" CoY \'all P illman dtS· Army u nits Will I twill~ I h:~ I p rtC'I'" nm' Hrt· I 0 1• r •'• nl lu\\1 r th.tn tn :-\o\t•m- C'IOSt'd 100;1\ 1 hat 1 he• 1;11\'f.'rnnr< s d 'C • • I' .,r St•\'••ral ,;, • ._,, rn Stttfl•<; a n • t•un·l tu y rJtJca 1 h•·r lout that n""' muclrl, <;fill 1umm:onlt ·~:tM\d · pru•t·~ \\h,olt·H·r • h PU t~onfllllun 'lt.ll'nn~ <~!<kin~ P r<·sido·n t Truin.m IF • T (Itt' rt•dt•ral hilt '" l···•rnms.: whl'lht r oreJgn ongue (~ .\ l .•·ukh.ort ~:•·rlf'r.t l man· o..:•·r :'1-'.tlloorml I '-t il ('ar :O.Iar kl'l pn d tlf'l ••m nf ram loy dry IC'I' "0\\'· •n..: .. r l'lnud~ ts ftoa"lllft• on a far~:•· ~!'all· ft,., .. ,,.,, uw •IIIII 1h.11 rn:ttt~ 1!~6-(;.,, l'lltman ~n1d hi' had lwt•n 1'7 •1~•·d I'll'' •ttll ~··t tu..:h•·r pr1re·~ :l'kt·ll by G n\' E<~rl \\'arn'n o f th.on n• I\ t':~r~ II•• d ul not qllnt<' t"ahrorma \\ho·lht·r h•· \\uUIIt jOin 'l"'l'irw li~llll ~ \\t''fl'fn ~(J\•'ITII•I'S ITI IJSkllll: lhl• l'rl"~•rf• nt In I mil nut lr 11 q u:oh· lwd 1:•" f'rnna•rtl as.:t•m·y could l'On· 0111 1 l ull·~··;dp rt'~(·arch on llw so- c•aiii'CI I'I11U(I llHfktnR PX fll'rlltii'TIIS 1 '~•·•1 r·ar ':ol•·~m"n h/1\'(• ~~··nt , fun• I~· \\llllt•r \\llh fo•\\ hu\•·r~ onrl t'hnos~ o,hnpr•·• ~. l.t·llkhltrf ,,ud, hu1 m u ... t t.u-..lf\t'''fllt""n e•XJM'Ct ,, sh.1rp spurt 111 <;oJ,., til" ~pnn~ "A" ~non ~~~ 1 h i" wr·nthr r L0S A:"\C'iELF:S . M;~r R -IUPI Tho• l1r" 11f "''\'t'rnl \\'t'SI coast arm\ tnh·llr~:••nr" · umt<~ wtll I'H! !'r••at••d ho•ro• Ill study 11n un~IJI·rl· ft• d "c•rtfll'lll'' F tll'l'tJ.:n LanCU!IJ.:C', 1\tHJ (' J Htl('Sl' a nno uncc·d to day Tlw lltncuns.:r. who .. c• iltl'nllty w111 h<' k•·pt ~··c·n·t from 1 h•· pub- he, Wtll h•· .. r trt•mC'ndous value m I'LIM' or nn rmt·r~«'nl'y, h«' sntd. American acricultural products would br IIOkt In f'..urop~• with flOY· IDiftt ln forelrn cui"N'n~. Wilcox eqUined. ~ fort"lrn cu~ncy WIIWd btt ~for U.S . cur- ...ey ~ undrr tht> Mar- lilllaU plan 110 the ~r would .. pUd ln dollan. lf(TV!ng Its color, form nnd II'X· DC 6' t B • Se • A • lure. Whftt " It ~:none tn tnk r 10 ro~-! • S 0 egJn fVJCe gaJn hn•ak~... LN tkharl ~atcl. "lll'<lpl•• -hq.:m I hinkin~o: altnut rl•J\\ l'rs nnd lurtl~ 11n AUiom.,ftll•·s to rid<' nut l'lllmun s,otd ho• ha d ph•d~o:t•d IHS ~upport to t lw proposal a:< a f.II>S· •tltlt• ;ud tn rnt•l'tmg a cnllcal olrnu~ht whtrh thn•a tl'n' n.:n cul- turnl, tndustrtal and dom estic wa- tl'r u st•rs m California. Nl:'vad n Ill ~l't' thrm" ,md IIO!oSihl) Olht'r WI'S(('rfl SIRif.'S. S1xth 1\rmy IH"IHiqunrt••rs In San F'ranc1~c:o ordt•rNl ac tt\'alion of thl' n.'M'rv£' umt. thr :\O'.!ncl ln· !l•lhgt•ncl' d(•tachmt·nt . which will prr·par£> \'etcrnns tn fntr llig!'nCI' work . "'n elfec:t," Wllrox Aid, "thr ....,.a! would llf' 11 l'tt<p towanl ~ ol lntf'mattonal trade." 15 ~e ,~:~r:~~~ thl' flowrr 1~cs ~~~~ .~h·~n:;"~::,~ ~~~~ua~. ~~;~ In Week With Fire Haza rds Gone Whrn thl' solution 11(•1(tnJ ~ .. n. ln~o: '" deputl'l\4'nt stort'l' In nht~ut " month, Dr. Sidney J (lff<' t!Atd. mnn• nt 1111~\\t•r Itt tho• nwtru[lo•l•· tnn l non~purtallton prul•lo•m •uh-\\'ASII I:"<:TI 1:'1: Mnn•h X rt•,:ht• \l tl< h .'I .ond , . .,;,.• ·to-- tl 'P• 11tt• ;,,: l'.t"-"'"S.:• r, IIC-6 <"'''' ••11 ,\1•111 I Be WIN -Advft'tiM OPEN MARCH .. I --- Your 8mall fry will b.· ~ aJ BtillffM k . AwtarSMa ~ p 11-o,_. for lprlf'll with a py coUectio• tl ........ -ety'--io colo.-..., ap~in11 to tbe J•»ol a. l:athaatluj~ ... tb. t!Mijole ro• ~rlo- 8Miy ... t.be eh-for boy.. Aud n~• Aerol...ta are ~ 1-.t. • ...U M ND&rt out:lide. lu Iota' to .............. , ' \ \ lOTH I ' __./ I r1 '40. / WILEY AND MARY ADDISON COCilll.A:'II 409 COAST HIGHWAY CORONA DEL MAR lu"tr~ ltn• '' \\JHI'It "'''' ~'"'llldl'fl '•·•fll•n.tl ,\nhn•·' p l.on-'" pl.wr '" ~"'''"'"'' r ·•ft. r '"" fu• "\ sn ''' r•l.uh· ... ••• .... \H'•• '""'"•·• n ~." fl•~.;ltt \\oll l~·,:oot r••tllmtnt.: '" •o·IV· Yo1k .ond \(t.tllll "" \l.u!'h :!:-, ,, ' In •• \Ito I. rtnlll ''"'··~ 1\ llh Brnntlr ,.,,.,.,, '" '"'\;Ill "'m.: th•• 1:<•\t•lfllllt'lll • ..,,,10'1\ "''·' I' tllt'm he•l\\ot•ll lltlll:<lull :tnol ('hi· \ ·,, tl '''''""·'"' ,. .. 1\•hntn''''·''"r l';tt.:" •'•" h m ''""' r ,. \\'•1 "' '·''" Ill•' ,H\t'l flfll• nt 1'1•'•1111•111 Tnllll;m ' , •. , .... n;d ' I h.111 .lppl u\••tl tht• lltololll it o'lun• IX'-Ii th•• lntl••p<•ntl••n• • '"II a1~tt 1111,1111• 111 th1• "'~ '""' , n ):tn•· 1,1 10,., lw t•'ill l~ '"' "l"''•'""n ,,.,,.,,, ,\pn l 1 '" ••lllmn.ll•' Ill•' fllll·ll<l• 1 If ''undo lt'••lll): a 1•1.!111.11 :->(.0. '11"'1"'''' ltw iK'·Ii lndll~ !tum hnur d 1•••·kup 111 :ulol.tlooll t.• lh•• ,:\(i'l \ rnnda:u•:•leon ,,u , ttt!IU••••tlfl~ \il'"l"'lnl, t• pr-,.... ,-1,~. ltl•' 1 ,~,,,.., ,,,.,,. , .•. ,,ttnclt·d ... pnt .... ''"'' ••I th~· .. :tl•·'t fin•" I .. nd ,... ~ 111•''' .uh .lll•'••d ''" 1111• 11••11 l••rh "'0\' I:! ll ft•·l' '"'' ul tlt•'lll l':tllt.:hl ,I\ .Ill thli' lui' puhh~· , 1, I'\ 1 t' f',.. f lrt tn ltH' il If' n ,i• "'"tll'f't• 4 tt I ht• \\'tl'-!ht ""•ll•l fan•, ''·"" ,,,,•dln\\HI~ ).;., .... nltn•• "hwh ",, ... ''14'k•••l lr\I P I h•• c•nlun ='-tn•'l) .,, \t'l\ t•f lfw l•lllfll'' ,,,.,,, ht•,llln..: ftl•'t h .IUl .. lll \\hilt• h t•Ul )r.; llh•ltlll•d 11 •1 1''"1 ••I 11' at 1\ "I.· t r.tn'I·'IT• II It• 111 .dt••ll1.ot•· 111 lllollll ('\U II•W't ''""' 11f tl ! .. ,In•• lol till' lllnk- houldo 1 l •o •II ..:f. I' ,\oil I tl I 1 ·,. I )n. ~n~·· rll~l r .... lnok p1.u t' tt\t'l lit-..•·•· c··""'"' l'r •I• • ,,, • 1 "'" •1'1,11 .o l 'nt'•·d \1 l111" fl(' I ofoo\\ II 1 f1h"""IU' U •' ••I lh1• lt)ll\1 olft l t\llt ,lfl \''I, d 'lflt~ft tl Ill ,,,,,, .otllll1• ' • \, 111 ut \,JI.,,, '' l1 pl.• I t•l, " \( I h o," I • I IP I , I I \\ II • \m- •11 11 I t l ' ) '· tl It · thl 1n tl un• .. "1th .1 t .... ''' -, •. • h '• ... l in ''" II I II olltlll • '" • Ill Ill \11l11tt ' I 'C • f. • ul I' l • 1 rlt \ !11.! 11' '' f, oil .f• ' \1 \1 ·to• ol ... .. t ... >II I ' From Plat~ .... rm to Pool St(lnnv Lllurl'rr r. Nr w {)rfrnns nll!ht rhtb dllnl'rr r •'f'S l hr. nrh hrr ~>frtr-:• n<e l'f'llt•nr 1\n lh" I !"U ('1\flliiiL•, n~tnn Rn1urr . Ln II\ •llll- PIIrl h rr rnmtlrl •t<', Pnt Me· lntnr. n m ntnc lt1r studt nt l>t•dJ prr•tilrnt.. Jtn nrl enl1f'd In a r t11t ~n alln thls ph 'l(l u.u t.n lv·n ,..h,.n lttuctrnt.a r&tdtd the 1 It r n ..-hlt·h •he W'L' nr •1-,sr, drm••h loo d mt~tC'nl tn• II :ltfllf'1 14 a nn tl r•w Stvrmy lni.O a ('1\:lli'UI pool. Thr Pnrtrtr 1'1)<~~1 tins ~uUrrl'd I ho• ~hnriJI"<I <llllllfl tn ll'f'd I'Hr Scotch Ia~. Va.r10UI IUft. OD 'tl••' IA'Dkhart •:•HI Th•' hiS.: t''<· ul~ a t the Nf'WS--na- r••n•tll' r~•r' ar••n t ~l'llm1: \r ry ""II :tnp,ho rt• nnw 1.< ukhar• ~au1 th.11 .. , \'<'r) l •• r~:•· Jl<'l"('t•nt:u:•·. or flll'·\\;11 e'11' •r•• nn t m ~nnd 1'onlt11 '"" ,,, a r··--ult nr pnur rnntnlt nano'l' anrl h.trlt usagl" clu nns.: 1 h•• \\.or VAN FLEET'S "111ft lhrr.<o· rnr~ :tro· •ttll h n ns:· 1n~ gn(od prlre•<," II!' ~.11d 1• ••1•1•· "hn "Rnl tran•f'"•rta lil'n nr" '"II huytnl: Hll} th111~ '' ilh "h• •·I~ to J:t't it .'' FRESH FISH TI"' hh::tw<tl u•••lt r:~r fltU'•'~ 1 \\ ••r•· r rrtrh<'d :\ ) rr1r 111-:n 1 hi~ <prins.:, l .. ·ukhnrt ~nid, hut tw \\'o'lllfl nnt fo:l\'1' n C'tlnlfllll'l<lln or artu:tl ~nil·~ hs.:un·~ Newport's Most Modern Sea Food Market IJ,. ~;ud ttw m.trk••t lwlcl ftrm unlil last Thnnksl:l\ 101: 11nd ttw n "•nflt"llffl " O.ok-e !¥a t~ood at Rea8onable Prtcee Ot'"' llaJiy ... f4 L m. to 6 p. m. .. .... 111 ~~rt·,, oor:s PLJ\('F. COMMERCIAL PRINTING • • • 2~ P Rl CE SERVICE LET US HELP YOU wifh • • PER~ONAL PRI NTING 1 ,.~ YOUR PRINTING NEEDS A Representative Will • • • Call 1J Newport Harbor Publishing Co. l'Hl :'\TEH$ Pl 13LISHEHS OFI-lct-: SL'Pl'J.H:S 30 II W . C e ntral Ave. Newport Beach \ First Official Studies Asked For Artificial· Rain-Making SA CHA:'IIl;!'\TU .• \h.1'Ch S -•·u&u·..,._,-1 :'\.tlt&Ot•" liP ~ktd lw "_., !t:l'l 'fl&,· lli't•ll.:ht Slr&l'k<'ll Slat<' 1. I llllt'H ''' ol Ill lho• I) 1"-' nl of l';.hfornu& !-:'•It' 11~ ltr·:;t ull&· ... qu.alolola-J;, lll•·•·n l 't,lll :ami ;-_, .. !'1111 rPt'll~llll&nn:<-to tht• tl<~:<-<111&11· • \··m h n\'l'l 0 11 11•'1'>-hlp "f I ho• l'lo>nd• ty ur makmg r11in hy m&lkmg h, <"all>~·, lo~ttd• ''"' '"u'l.• "' n I'''''· d ouds '"111 dry ict•. 111· Pll'l~·rt~ ~ Th1• Stith• H(>Hrd nf \\';,t,•r fl••·J "llo"• 1 1•1." lh saul. "llw k l11111 suurl't·s dlJ'l'l'tl•d 1\S lt•t;al staff tu 1\ hn :•s~.t&dls • luUtls and prol(lill'~>> study, u nci ro·port u~ ,•uri) a~ po~-h,otl, S tli•\1 ua· 1.11n •~ l'•'•l••n~&l!lt­ sible on WIWtht•l' tllo' Sill to · t'lln ,.,. lt.llo' l't·~Ul\;." erc&so· its pulH'•· Jkl\\'t·rs 111 r.·~u-'rh .. tlu ng Ius ~;·•' to h1• l't'):•t· late, C'Onll'<&l ;mel pmt••t·t l.ll'ttfH'II&I l.ot.·tl C'tlntn•ll••d and I'''''' •·ta·d " rain-ma klll$: proj••ets. M . E Sal~hury. a~.ast:ant l'111t•f Tht> llt\\·yprs Wl'l'{' ask"d 11• d1•· ··nJ;liW• r of t lw Lt>S An.:l'l,.'s ('olin· i termin1• wh•·t hl'r landowm·rs .. n ty Flt•'ld Coni r~tl I last rwt, ltlh1 1 lh' whose la nd th<· artificial nain horard tlw cuunty SIIJl<'r\'l~•li'S had m iRht dam:tl:l' CXISt&nR nops mu~t iiSk ect lht• CHI T•·1•h <i••JIItrllll•'llt u( 1 1><-CQm(X'nS}Ill'd undt•r "emtnt•nt mt•leorology 1<1 rnak1• a Sl'l·nltlnt hs I domain" elaust•s of llll' stat•· c:un· study or thl' feasihil&ly 11f r:un· slit ution. m akmg in Los An.:••I<•S t•uunty. I :'.l:~n~· pf Ala~&ralla's o•)(to·n!>l\'<'' t\. 1~"-~l ... \•I 'UI l.u\\' !'Hit Ul'\' l"\'· ~h \\, '' \\ lu It '"' t•rtn ~1•1'11~ 1~ til l• ,t ,,, lh• '"r '''""" •nt.&na! Phil Swin~:. board tn<'mber from "This thing is beyond th<· nmlls·j San Di£'go, d l'clnrcd expertmcnts inR stagr," Salsbury said. "Rain is J ack Shaw. Aaaoclated Sportc .. ter, b y Gcmernl Elec tric in Schent>cta· !wing m adC', snml'ltmt•s with hal~ J w ill broadt ut the opening ga"le of dy, N. Y. .. had proved SU(X'('SSfiiL hllliU'd n:·rnlts.'' He told ttu:•·board the Pacl"c Con t Conference eaaket· In California, he said. Los Angl'lcs sonll' program to r<•t:ulatl' prott'('\S ball ChamplonGh ipl , Berkel•v, Caii- CQUnty has launch('(! a study or should b(• I'Stablished undC'r <'&lhC'r fornlo~, Mo~•ch 12. Tide Water Ano- thc subjl'ct and th<>re h a\'l' been local or statP cont rol. elated will bo.adcaat t he entire eerlea. scatterrd att('mpts at mak ing rain by bombarding cloud s with dry let' W h C K k d D in the San Dil'gO and Bnkers held Woman it one noc e own areas. thc•re urC' grave ll'gal probi.C'ms in· \'OIV<'d in "lam!X'ring w&th the ASKS 'ORANGE ROLL' AT WHITE HOUSE EASTER DAY ORANGE, Calif., M arch 8. - I l 'Pl :\I r,. I larry Truman w us uskNI wday tn pion nn "uranr::•· roll" ansh•ud nf the traditional egg roll on thl' \\'lute Hou~e lawn. Mrs A. II. II ll£'rn(•m ann. rC'Si· rlc•nt of this cit~<•ntt·r. said sht• ha1l n~·omrnC'ndM th<• "onm;:w roll'' in a lf'llt•r to t hl' fir.:;t lady. 0~ I A. II. TO I J>.....lL • IIIZZLDIG ~ e Delhll• a· 'oaen . .._. ........ SHEP'S . ltll OOAft BIOBWAY NEWI'O&T ...... ·-ol Goof ...... VL0U:D ON IIONDAY WORTHINGTON ·•· _,:- Refrigeration rMON AJOIOIQA ...... 1 ..... Air Conditioniq ........... ( Arme Tr/,.pltoto) Seventy-year-old Mrs. Blanche Edwarrls wn.~ struck 1md InJured by a car ••htle crossing a San Francisco strct•t .,·&th h!'r hu.~band I upper right!, who tried to pull her from harm's w11y. 111e <'•JUpte bOth watlt w1U1 aid ot can"~ The drlv('r. Nick Rulli tknrrllngl WM ell«! tor \ t4olallull or pcdt'olnan raghl·ul·" .&y. Internal Revenue Collector Asks Public to Watch · ~check Writing Colh•ctor of Intt•rnal n,•vo·m"' H arry C. \\'p).l()l"••r· ~~~Ut•d i&ll liP· pcoal I(J(Iny &o Suut ht•rn Callfm n 1:1 taxpay!'r5; to t'X<'rci'l' nron• t':ll•' in lhC' prr•p;u·n ltnn of llwta· lo•do •ral tnf'nm•• t;tx t'••tur11' \\.hlf'h nt •· tltlt' na•l l<llt'l' I h:.n "'''' :'llnnrTa~. :-ta&l'll 15. dw•·k' 111 ho• "'Jl:tlillo•d ftolfll Ill• '"' hl.ank• 111•'\ 'huuld w nto• ltH'tr l'h••t'k' Wilh th&~ f;ort in 111111fl .. ADMIT CHEATING AT EXAMINATIONS Parents W.otch Son Die Earl Lanl(oLI Crlgh~) and hla wife '•llttn&• "" l'••i. • 'll'hllf? t&rl'mt'll 'II'Orkrd unsucce!ISIUll~· h•r '"'' h•·llf.• 111 " •", • I·• • • vhe U1e1r 13-)'e&r-old aOn. Jack. whnhutlo'll d " li•·:&tl &&tlu,k ""''"'e t.o a &!attlr. w.o~ll. N h '"' 1~-1 ' ... , I It~~'' L1nd \itrl,·t.\ ... , .... ••ll' t IPI . hit~ 11n· l•llt• 1111 ••"" uttlt1\ St • ,. go W t h N I'; W I" 0 K T B A I. B 0 A N It W S -1'1 M F. 8 )l• , ea s . ~e or I "II"'\\ 1\o•\lliO'r t l \4-·h. ........ M•N·h II, ltUII age 3 Of (';u1dy to Stud)',Jnten.•sting \'arn Ahout. llnsightly Ps)·t·holngy l (~ap That Nt•rds flosinK In D. f . :0. \ '\ I'\ \1• 1'\ l•. \ \I ,, , I :- &1 I '1 I "'' • "' I I ., • .I ' '• " ,,t t ''''"' il I \• tOj l "''II"· Ill I '.II \\ '" tt tit t'Hhh JU .. f ltl ,tt'''''' l'"'~h,, ,, •• ,, tl I I ,, ''''"' "' '"'·'"' h •d 1\ II\ II \ll " \' \\. ,, II I II ll.l'i .,.-,,, l'r,, .. ,. ~•••'' • ••r r•''l•"thl•·n• \J •• &I I', ~ 1t • .... ,,,, IU I tt\o ~ 111 I ~ k' ttl 1111 •II • I'·''"' J•\" t 'II" I tH I, •IIH• ,, .. 1 IIIII ,. lilt "' ,, I >~II HUt' 11 l•h• d ••II "' • 1111h • ,,.,. •• ( llh' 11'• ,.,., ... ) ll( .... tiHttUfh tl)o \'ttl~ I Ill 111•1 .I IIIIo I I Ito• I 0111\ • t '' \ lt'l lllt ... l 111 d IIHIIH '\ I til t,!t t illhi l'h 11, ' •• ,\ 'u'" h n." ~'~••'"'·" ,, ''" ,,1 '"'''" ,.,,ul•t ,,,,11y I\ ••1 \'tl lt••l lllt tt ,,,, \lh'•l••• \ ,l,f\,,1 1\«~ ,,f ''htd ,,.,•j\\'11' If \\111 1\ttUIUth l h tl •lt.\nt '''''" t tlll••t' l ... ntd· nt ••·td th• • "'" 1 ~,.,,, t•'-•' , ,,-.1 1,, , t'"'' '"' 11"~' ,1,, ..... hlh •' til' It t il''" '""'•'•' •'' I tt~.H '•T"' '" t ht• ,·,q•ll••l 11,· It t' IIIHI' u,,, ·'•"I•"'' td••u "''" '" lp flU ,.lt"'''l.•t.· tl1tptot CltHU .1 Ul.tt \,_1 dlht d I lnlJ lt•d••ll rho ~·II' I" tht• .:u t• \\llh U 1"-'ttrthu.,_: tuHtlltttt.:, "'"'''"1 1''\'n• II•· ,.nhl h• h•'t 1 't• 1 .... , qnptlnl,,,, P·"'" Ill th•·•"" \\th'ht lhtttlhl ' \tt \tll•· utu f \\11111 II .II IV )1· ... fpl' ~Ul. \,,,, th \\~ (111'"'"' • .1 It tf'h Ill tl "'""' tlh' ,,, I \\ lllt'fl ,, \\tHdtl ''"'' '$ .. .'\11.9\) l''i'' tlo·..,.tll•llh: lho tru,ttuln"l '"""'''llho·lllnt.l&aw 11••1\ tll:••l ~""" lli&llh tho• Who1lt• thin.: ,q \llh It• •ll ,,.,.~1 '""' h.·t-. ·11": Hh·t• '' '" tu1•'1t ''''"' ''"' \ Htlfhl ,,, tw "''"'' '''''" H•l' Hh' ~ak4' ,,,\,htt\' o~lid "·" tlHtu~~ tutti·•• • \n ,,,,,. l l'tltuh ,.,,,,, hhtthd l't ld l •lf''" ·""'' \'t'll'l otllliiiP 1\;illtt•.\1 l!.td '\"' fll ,,'l lpf ltl.tt ~·hHh' pHtlt>f'tU,. \111 \\,HI 11. '"''"''' H u.:l,.l•'l"t'tt lt•1t•t 1,,,11, d lt.tnn~ "'~1111 '"'' t 'al"''''· '''''·;lit,,. tHtllhnt, tunyh~· t ',•UI .tltltlq: 'II ''t'lll~ \\IHt'h lh' ftihl !d•'IIIV ltl.tll\ ttl lftt• pt h• ),.,, tttllt \ttd tltu 1 \\t~Uhl tu n·• oltt 1\rUtni · td.tllll•·•ll•• ll&.t&l llh' tllllr\-1•'1 11 lito· .tl~ &ha t &t'l"""' lh•·•·· ••~l.a~ Att l ,h II·· •llll "" pu(.1t 1n~ lur lc•• 'h• It "' t•· "'Ut~''"<:ooful 1··1 ttwtll tht•U~h. "' ,,. \\Hitll\11•' IH thun ~~ u ""'' ••"'' .~,.1.,. I ~l llllt.tp+'tl .lud~·· lin"} .J 1\t d,· 111 ... ~~'''•''''""' ''"''''1"'" t•• '''"-. I ''~'IN'"'' d l"'"'''''''"'k" u utl pltu ·•·d nt• t h• t••luntlu h11" "" '1' ntt•nth,.· ptt•hnt hilt REU RUSES •·.t'tll'l Itt ~1\f Ul th,tli ltl Ult:Ut' \\lth tlu"' "'""\\'flu "''hltl tl lu•. \\tH l. I lllllllltll, \I :0. I '111/o'li " 1'11o· "' H'lnnl ltl •tt\ fHttl lu·••U f,q ""''UIJ• IIIIo , hill it&lllllhll , holl)l' II 1•&\l•h ''"'' \''"'..:" '"' "'' t•utnt l'lh t'•' "' t~· I~"• p.pu 1, flirt• I•~ t .ttt.l lollulllft•~ :\Pn It • t 111 ( u t Ulllh li'ltl ' '1'1•·· lit,, ''·'"'I \\ ·" ''' 'h"'' lh If lutulltl•~ ••I ''••luutbU.J~~ l'lt• 't""f \\ "' tn tl••ph' Ill•• l•h k •• nd '"''''' ,.,.,", \\111111 '""'''''''I , II l ••ld tt1 4 '~tl!l•llllln n ,, "'"''' "'·""'" l t.at'"" ,,.. •. , d tip \ .tf d-. HIHl \.11 d-. tlf I "l .. ''\ tttd 'ilt ·l~ll ,,.,, llll 111 \\tlh ptltlt'\' 'f'h• II llo• IIIIo! 111111~• II t&&l\o ol IIJ • tho• '"' I• I I , •• th·· '""'' ,,~,tUIIII).; Itt·· tnltlltd.t 11 11d \\• fP h• \\ttl l\ ~til till••' '•'Itt ~ lu· """" ~~ l <~nllhttl ft~ Ut ,. IP lt•llll,lh H' Itt !'\\ qt.•41 ft\\ H) Hill 11111111111 \\ ·" llj'IIIO: \\ "''" lh .IIlii\ ''" J .... Ill' \\ll' ... liiHI hi-t htll•il IIIII HI \\II~ •Jiicl\\ til' It Mil lltttroo.I•Utf\ ~\' ht• \\11' \\tH k111~ nh I ht M'\ ,,.,, h pl lfl••l •I •, '"' utukut..: II 1&•'111\ \\llh lh•• lrltllull•l lw lo•ll ''""I ''"' ~ .... rr .. tohnr.: l it• &ujua~t•• ,, .. , .•. '-~"'''Il l fht• "''"' ... "··,,.~hi , llltf h•\ tt•·\ •·• ''' "' 'II' llu•t ,, u~rutt 1\ lllllllill un.·r "" full ,.,. ol&o•ol t 1t!lll:1• , ... I•Mtkttl H I fill' Ht1fllt l\h1•d '~tltpiHtfl) Ill I ttltU Ut111 put tho• 11111:1'1 1111 lht• 11111\ 1111111 &I k&H'\\ \\hoi rnt~:ltl llnl•h tho • jnh T luct """ ""'' J.'&ltl•• I \1~1 nr.:t.:lll••. IIIII lllllh ', IIIH)t•&•IIHI Tho&•' \\liM u •••nlh111111. lhttt Names Governor rltiiJOt'• ct tht ~f't~nd 1tp' llffllr! pf h l!'\ '' lltt IUd•·d ('tuHpl• 1• 1.' t. '"' d,·1· d o~nd '''JHtnft .. l J •··"'n '"' d til til• .,, .. .t. t n '""tl'·· i ct H•ttl•";' l"-1 111•l \',•n • '' ~turt·. I th ''" • I• '''tit'•'.._, ill' ;,,, 1t•'"' ON&-DKNIKR apun rayon feb· nca arc ••~dally cl~ctivc tn -tarll bacll&round pnnta. P>etur~ above •• a ama rt altrm oon dru a whach luturu a •plaehy rou pnnr nn a black bacll1tound. N oller lhr twcomanc llryholr nrcllhn< and 1hr unprnard pinta. T he rayon labnc waahn and wear• well. If you art int•rntrd in rcmod•lhnl your old ~ to llup atep with thil IU · -·• atyka, acnd • aclf-•ddr~. atamptd enve\ope to tbe -men • 4epertment of thla pa~r for your frrt copJ of the lcaftrt, .. Mallc-Ovtr T ioe For Your ~yon Wardrnbc c··~•u..:..;u\i t W hut .... \tiU 'IIPlNtKI ht• tlul' l rl't•\utl uf ~t tlltl: nlwrut Utllfltlltt.: lht• tll'f ltf HUt• ht• utttl•·•t u I•·'·' 'tit h , . .,, ... "' hi"-''"''t ~ 'nt. t, .. '*'''' '•·I \'• t \ It Ill• • •I t11" 'ltlff nutt•·h•"'t th;d •• r u,, '"'"'I'' In N~wport Harbor llt~adquarterR A ll· 11 h:p.. hudt on tu' pr••tH·rt ~ I 1\'t 'H!ft ''" It 11• \\ •• u .... 1'·1 ldptp ·'""I \JI.IIHit·d tht• .. 11111' lloul' SJUtr P JIIh 11• h n·l, ,, ... '"' oiiHI ••tlit t' .. nPuth thr•··· t1 n''" II' nra~•nat J111tt) 11, n ~··h:ttllh,uH· , .. ''""' ).ill·, Ill& I" I •lat I ,,, ·'"" Ill 1&1···1 \\ ''" ='•\\ uOd tUOit tOI1lpll t•~ 111H'S O( ltlttl• 1h tu H tlo/tlt 1tip lt 1llh• \.'t1111 \ c.wul..: ;uul ,urultlt'" ha\'t' flw•n ·M't'ttl l l\1\ll•'' \\,th • \P•Il t11•o II lfii'OIIHd:&!od !'\o•:trl~ ,t juur\IJ ~Il l' Stl()\\ WlfliiiiW ' Ill f&'\0111 , lito &•I th o ''"" "' ••i•l••rl&unt·al I n llllll'l' 11111 '""' •111(11• 111'111 '"" ltou:-.rhhlfl ufe·n'tl"" untl :-.upplat•,.. rat lt .'H'tt\•· :11rtllf'Jfh•t• f111t IH Ill•' nttfl):tt'"~ u ( 1~1 H ln•tt •kt~l "It' f In• I• •••·tu l ~~ thut • 'q)J.f ,q •\'lfUI tfH tl J\Ut•"ll'l '"' I hut h •• V11f 11w httt'k . \\hH'h I"-IUt•tt• t&k•·l} 1\1 nny rut•·. lu• lo•ft th" :11\ lnnl I: lip. \\hid & I~ •liii''IT~o·&o· " ,,,,,, II HI Jo\tl f'llltlr:l t '''toil -.1111 l fiH\ t ' MHl J'l "'h fl ~~~tlllt' '\Hiflt tttlff*' uiHtUI Jl ''''' \\ .. ,1•1 \\',u I -·~,.,.~,,.",,."'' filA~ Sales and Servic1 Seaboard Equipment Corporation PreuurePumPI Centrifugal Pumpe rw AU ..,_,_ _. ''\\'t' hit\'t\ Uti ll;~nd .11 lht• llit1 m••nt ;&lmo•t .r:1 nuliL .. n d11ll:11'• 111 l'lt1•·k~ :&ud 111"11''' '" "'''' "hu·h \\P :tn• nut Hhl•• t •~• id•·n t th Puhlie Hou sinu "";;:~·::;~ ';':;,~:::,·.·:~·~. :, .. :::; '';;: .. ·,·~·~· Tl'I':O:<I!'\ :\1:11' X t 'ht ;oltn&' . .a 8"11 w ~ ")) H r.·nr h·•" '"" ''"'I'·'··, I !owl, t)t.,IJ1\~ H~ ('tlnlnl•lll :tlftt1f1h t 'nt\il• I I amper "'nid "l n. ttl ,,., dlltllf!lll'' l lll ,'f AIMS AT STRAY CAT; SH.OOTS NEIGHBOR DEAD • d •II ,\til' f tf'.llt ••rt• t 'lwr I•·' ,\ I \\ htftf•f• '" •• , .. ,,. liP ..... lth IMI1It· I ... , "' ... f f, t ur.t .. ·tl '"' :.\ I·•• 1%01\ n,.,.c llhn y . ....._...,n U4 I N-pnrt n-r.11. Clallf. AD Uq.W. a. Moe* ""~ .,r Ari/llllil studo•nt' •• l.u ul-I I 1 ,.11 1,1, I II rl rl tihl Tlw T of I I II• IHI•·• \\'Hr.;ow r I'll'" " 1' "11' I""·'' 1111 I II II" "'' \\ " >I II• • tllo ·ol I I" "'"' II 'l 'ns&grwd clw<·k,. 1 un ;'"" th·· t hmrsand<. Add&tlon:al t hou,.;•r&<l< nf du•rk s ''"1111' 111 \\II h n" &ndll':t· IJUO o f \\hHl litX lht·~ ;lt~t ' 'II!JJM~t'tl If) c\ovf'r In n1o:-.t t·;,..," ... 1 lwl•· 1:- nt' adtln• .... l.. gl\(·11 l..O \\t' ;,,.,. Ut1 - a hll' Itt rnmmunwatl' \\Ill& tlw Ill'\ pa~•·r. !\l11n~ r h r·•·k , ;I t<· \\llll•·n ;.., hodly l ha l tlwy an· &ndo·<'tPh•·l'· nhll•. ) t'nnHnl t•,• r•'l"• ,. • '~ nutt h•·l nt 1 t 1n .. ", •• "''''' 111 1 Till· r·l·"''' "··~ llol"'" on "1'&11>11• ""'''"'~ 11•1 \l .. lilol 1•'1•11'· '''"·"'Ill 1111 . '""'"I"' 111 1•11"1.1•" 111 1\1 '11 t" ""I ., ..... ~~ •• ~~,.~~-· ··ll~~~··r··d Ia~ l .:..''ll ~~~~·· , ........ ,~.~~ ....... , ..... ··fl ... I ... till( ·~~~"·"''"' ... ,. , ........ , •••• ·,' •• '·.·, .' •• ~."·.··.,.~~.····":···-~ .... ·.·, ""··~· .... ·,···~ Weddt.ng Gowns ... 11J~hnt~.(H :thout ~~l ()t'l'('(•nt ol .,f lt~utd•·l "' t.; pr~I\Ht~· p11\".t1~·1~~ \\'uul•l '"''"'"~ tt11 ,.,,.,1..,,111,111 ,f! .... ................. ••• •rtn "T'he~<· mi:-tnk!•,. mu~t l11• n ·t·••· rit>d bdort' la.~r"•~··~ rnn h• 1:11o·n 1 ht•ir pr~•P<"I' crl'dil ~ " \\'o••tm ••r s:Hd. "( urg(• IJ<'Oplt• tn rr.tl•t•• that 111 hanctlrn~ m or(' tha n two an!l a hall million fnrm~ it is JIO~•tl>lt• fqr th•' OUmht•r t•nrt)llt'd (.l( ff1•' tH1ttl• ot\\fll1(1 h11"1''"' f,H ft1•' Jat'~(' Jllllp\1 t11r tl,, '-' 1 ,.,, lh n" ~nt• ~·11\1 rn to,.J •ttfhlt•t lutiH\ fut '-ht~t ,flfH' Itt f \\hn fdll'fl nut thf' qut•!O;Itnn lal u •n ..... ~"" nt th.t l fH'P(I hnll ... lf1 .. ' fllt•nl ttnl•l'-\\ntlltt "' IIH'• lh• \ .I "''" ttl '""' kdiUI .. ' II It• u•hlt~tl :t~r•·. I ll_')( .... :.tel th·.·~ tHid tH'I'Oandh.t\••lh• .t ..... ,.. '''"""'"•'II \\'f'ltJht \'il :u.tlhl•t••tltll•1 1llf ihltl nu \ftlllll l\1, ... "-·•rifll• l\fnn t'ht ;dtnh . ~0;\ that lh•·Y had nnl "" rl htJnl•. 11 \\'''" ""'''' lttd J ..... , ,, ~TUft'•· ..... ,,.,,,\ I'll' ,,. l•utfd, ,, I... ·~·\I ,,, old tttutht f "' 0111• Ill lh"~·· \\hn s:ilt1 tho·~· h:lll oh-\\'10•k ll~ \'• tn Jlill'h, p1·•·~1d•nl n l 1\oould hi•'• 111.,1, ollll t l!ll \ llt·ll• "•"' J,1t oily "'"lllll•tl to\ ,, 'I"" ~··n·t·tl nnt dw<~t•nr.:. 1:!:! Wl'r" 1:&11 lh•· l httllf1n~ ('nnln wlnrs ,\~""' •'ll'r 111 r •iiii&L: lll1tl•lllrll', ,111.j "''''I& I "''' :ttlnull••tl 111'1111' ul ~t&Hio•nts T h ,. llunn r sy~Jt•m ·~ 11&11111\ .. r ('tolifornia liP cj,,..., ... d flllltlll' lrn•l'llll: I'I'"J'''''' "'"llol I• .. ''" ''" "" lo:wk r ..... ,. Ul'-••d Ht fht· l:t\\ SC'hool lth:tl th•• (WtliM•!-lt•d nu·.t~ur•· '''tiiJ•t l •1rt•(•ft d :•' flu , 'P'""• .. t IU 1\'tt At~.uruttuut \\u' ,. •. ,fur ~1 tt•h # o•nl<tn&.:J•• lllttltftn~ IH'II\'ilu·« Ill 1 h•llllo, 'I llll' 111,1,,1fl u( hi'IJ'III I' .:.t .ill• 1 ,, 111••tltr111111ry lwlllllll' 111 Do you want to Rll It! Adver· mut•· .,f 1-:11" 1 nnw nt:al ro·tl 1111•· · I"'"',. ''""'' h•·r•· llt'~t('foln\ U."4' In thew oolumna. m&>·•hro·o·t• o1 dlort•, :on<l 1.,~111, .t to m•·• I II • •'1111 • nl hu&J'•III: '"'" 1 n.-\\'ise -Adw rilse --- hun~l&nl! \\lolo-1&. •mdr·r 11 "''" "~"· II&•· I' I \\ l•rll "•••11<1 ,,, '"·" r>o ynu want 10 ~I! tiM' In tht•l<e rnllrmn,. lf1lllll l'ftll'll 'lll'~ IIIN'I';oll<!ll \\Hi&ld I,\' t•fo•fiiiH' II ' lltll\ Jlrll\'&l!o· IHIII"III: f••l' I ' 1• 1 l'••nl ••( II&• 1"'1'111:11&1111 111 '" • ~ rw ·n••ot• to Itt•• nllflon·, 1:0.(1 1\t 1"' ttl I f11•H• th.tn .... ,, t .. lltllfl d••ll ". ,,. ·' i l,,_._,.,,, .. d ~·t 1-· ·''·"' I Vet eran s Affairs In Lon~ Beach ,., ,, I .II "''"" ill f WILLIAMS & WILLIAMR ACCOUNT ANTS and AUDITORS INCOME TAX CONSULTANTS LET A FISHERMAN HELP YOU • •t \ ,., ' ' t r1 ... • ,f \\ '+1 1 I \\ , ' II ,. 1\,1\ •• dfl "PfWIJ I llq t. t., f· I ht rll ht tltlf I+• fu 1 o' Ill J•rrparf• \'nur T all ICRtur n" Y..arl)' ()ffi~·-('()STt\ ~lt:St\ Hi\~K RulldlnJ( fifth •" l'hmu•: 1\••a•·un Ml:.fl .1 IC••,Id..,tt•t• l'ltmw fl••n••~tra f>II ICI \t Solve , ... '"• Ill h\ t J!' ! ,. 't • It I I,, .. , ., tl • ' ,, 1., '1 f :I tl f I •. ' "' II • I I . t ; ,f I 11f!lt d 1 I I 1 ,. l j l ' ,., ' tl .j I I \I II • J·::ocquisltf' Nc•w Cowns for th<' Rrlclt• unrl llf'r J·:nluun&~c· • Wc:'fldlnK Gowns l .l't I liar V.'•·•hllnl( ( 'nn~ult.JUat llo•lp Ytt~r l'lltn Yn11r Wo'(lcht&l( e f'lwlflc• CIR:Jl MALCOM'S tol N. Mala ..... "- STUDEBAKER SALES • SERVICE • New Studebaker Commander Motors New Studebaker Champion Moton Ill Ill~\ \HIII.t: Tttr:\' l .r\14'r Joe Nickertz PARTS $225.00 $178.75 34J 5 W . Central By ·Lido Theatre Harbor 510 Your Printing and .. ,_ Advertising Problems! ~· .. ' ,,, ( ·, ,, .. , ,. 1\ ',,,,,, ,,, ''•'' ,, \\I I II IJ , •• ' ,,,, II ' 1 1 I ' I I f I ' 1 I ., I ~~ I··~~ II t ., f' . I ' .. L , II I t1 , I I h l I 'fIll I• fl t I ·I \ ' '' t :HI '"'" r :'IJ ' I r. 1 ·•. tnc_ '" }If l'uw .tutu· h• Honor Roll · · Prosperity Pluggers CALL. SAM PORTER at ••• - ~I:WVUVT t14V13()V VU13LIJt11~t7 f:(). MKM.KIIa g,-T HE ... a .. T,-IaHINII A•aOCIATION A ND •• L.DA ANIILINII C LU . P U a LIIIHrtRa 0,. THI[ DAILY ••• NEWPORT BALBOA NEW8·T fMEII 3011 W. CENTRAL AVE. NEWPORT BEACH, CALIP:. I" t Ill 1, Ill <•n 1-ood.l\ ,,,,,.I I. 111 I•• lw• ·'11 • Jt,' ('~+I til''"" ( ~11 • ' ' • ft•OIII ., 1111·• I..' 1., ·'"" .&1 II· I;' ,•1 IW>:wh So•r.·••·•· (l•lll•·& :•11 \\ "I Hro;~th\;t~ fr·orn 1 ~o 1,, l ... p ·tt fo n \l••nfltl\ \l:ta•h t•t•l& l.r tho•r' \\&II lor;,, 1111 \'•"• 1 ,,. ""'' c "••nH•r :r.!;, :":o Rt" ••f'.• ' Snnt;o An:1 ft••rn !1 r~l ''' 1 ••1 rlrl"''k '" ~rff.,rd •·lw•l•l" ,,j I,, ""..!'' (··~•lnt"~ tht• ... :un• ... ,.,, ,, '11''' l 'tVI~Inn nf J-',,, n• .ortd 1f1,n t· I'Hr·•·hu"'"" ,,( th•· J ~·p111 tnt• pt ,,f ,.,.,,.,:.n, Aff:ttr~ :tdtnull...t, t 't"' Vr\tr•rJtn' F :., m :tnd J J''"l'' I ~ 11 •·h"'" 1\<•t <•f f·;.t ,r .. nu, 1-'1111 .r, formHflfln "' fn ho\.\ II (•tth fi 'Hil t Vt•t••rHn m:t\' 'Jhfltln /t h••rlt• ••r f:onn n::•> ,..;. lwd lo\ o·;d l&r-.· .11 q,. off10• nf tho• .dl\l•t••n :.>•r.' ll•••tl· w•·ll hattlrlan~. I .I'm I( ll••n• It • I •),, •II•' 7-f~1't:lo ••r loy ralhnl: 111 II• \ •' •'rJtrl'-St•r'\.lr" r .-.nl•·r 1n ',,,., \• .. • rm Fradll, mnm&nS.:' lvoh•" n '' 1)1') nnd l:t 1_., .,·rt,,.·k M'll'" :and "'"''' hom,.~ 11rr· I'>P<'IJmins.: !lln11nhl• ~or ('MJI C)lll'-.t ' h~ Vf•t.•rHnlol" T. \\'J·:.~iTON .JAY Anrhora~e nf Suuthern Calif . 1:\.-o ('n alw n . ,_,.. a M arU11 Ou~ (~mplf'WI l'.,.ht F un tlr*lna a o -r. l'acllt ftrnlcl'r~ a ln•uranOf! ) R.arhu r ~~440 VIa Oport.a DlUS W . C AM MII!I.I, Lester & C... M~~mtwr l.ne Ance'M MVN'Ir 1!11dlaa .. Oe"'(l'l.-nt. Maldelpal and CerpM'&Ufla IJiooc'nrtU.. IIU E. O.ntraJ A•e.. ftaJbo&. Mt. Harbor 14111 Padraic B. "Pat'' Evans IJfe-Health -Accident AU Type~~ Personal Insurance ~r lAM • tii!O tr:.. 8urt n f. • Balboa Haum~art.ner .Jewelt•rH ln~t~urf'd Ulamon'"' Ralhoa VOI.NF.Y HAY, .JR. Hay's Camera Exchange .,,_ . ' . (,_.. .............. • o..dld (~amt>ra ,..rtral .. • 60'7 1!. UMtral "" .,, -....... Oeo. R.ltt~.M, sw--: 0 . A . ......,_ VIne...._ .., V. Manllall, T- Seaport Boat & Yacht (A)rp. '711 OeMt RWJ. ,.._ Rar .... r IIU. lf.wpoft ._.. n.u,__, < ....-..r A .,.,..._ ~-T-.Il8all.._.. • Page4 NEWPORT aALBOA NEWS -TIMES M ONDA'' .Sewport a--Jl. ('allf. Marrlll I , IU~ll Collie, Master Reunited After Year Wandering SA:'~: I 1IF~O. J\1,,1 H 1t 'P 1 High Court Rules Gypsum Co. Monopoly I \\.\:O:III="I:Tt l-..: ''·"" M Rick, 11 lh••·•·v•·•,··Piil SP••I..tl ~'"'I •t'l't ·r"' "'i"lf"' ··•·•ul 1111t .t" hf', was 1•'·111111••<1 \\ltlo h1• nw• ln lll••lo\ th o I ..., 1: t•·•&n•l' t•·r~ tn {_.,, 1\n..:• lo' ••-.Ill) Rflt•r und '" <•l h•t t•• r '"·"'""' '' ' a ) ···•r .,( w :ornll'l 101: a nd ~··urt•h hltt·d llu '"'' t I r u t t,f\\' 1.\ I ' ·n .. Hflll, .t \\ ·'' ,, 1•·11 .... d fr .. ,..., n•..: P I It •• , Ill I I ~·111 , t h tl . tit 'I I l'l r nnrt Ml' 1.• '''' ,I 1(,, ' 11011 1 '"" 111 llo. • t• 1111 r.ohr '1 ftUnll)' •• , .. ~•r tCtt ''thn th•· Ru"· ~,,,,.11 ,,,,,, •h ,,,. ·rt hi q, .. "S flh•\ , .. f If Pffl 4-. '" I H ~;tt IH ho 11 1 ul l ' t ,,.,.,,,.., uttl l.,e~ An~··l· ... fit· t ,,, ro '"" d ttu , If,, •·•I •·f tlu ulh• a t tup;u • • hJIIA ,n uth 4lf tt11 t'JI\ , '''t ,.,,,., t1 .. ''' tt d. I• r~•l.u11"' IU lfw , ,., ,. Ctndtrll.; Jll•l I'IIOUI:h r .... , to kh ·p • 'llll •'Ill . "' a h'(' urut '"·"fl' utUno... ,, •·,.n ... t tn• Jr. ' I•• i •••H '''"'' n "' ''·' Vt)r.:tl ,,,, '"' '"·''tf'r'\ :...:. lltl• \ r H··· d lth' I,., .• ' ,,, Hwk 1~ " ·~Ill!'"' ul t.a~•u•. !hi ''I" d I 1!:1fi llliltll' "' I •I•'' 1•1 aeon"' n ~thr 111n ••• \\f .. ·k~ u}!n h• fhH•.-Jltfil..'•· di fru·t f'nttt1 h• I• •II "'''' luund half·,.tl\nood And "ICk 1111 1111: 1'" "1111 .1u•tt• •• ll• 1•••1 tn thl' :-i:trt llh•J.:u htu•k •'l•lln try I" .I,,. k•uto '' (nllll•l' 11 11urrwl I'''" t•J ,d , hl(,k n•' p.ul IB th• ••• ,,,. 'ntr \\'urlt.l l.l•AJ.:Ilt' fu r lk>\: \\'1'1 · l1h ,1111 "·•• l tl•~t 7•., )•'•"' ,1,.,1 Wedemeyer Says Relief Not Enough * Markets at Glance* Am TeJ &: Tel . -· .. ·-.150'- 1 ""'"''", i'lll'lftc 10 &,i, I•·•J•III t 165•-. I •• h I .d ,\lu!Of'!> 5:! ,, ··h ••Jtl 40~ h 1111• ('l ilt 451 ... ... • :J..& •v ;-(. tl l.d''"l\ -' II tld e111 "' ..... 1, •I I \) l 'tuto·O l'n ·;..;.. :tt••. 57~. '•tl l "•' l l'~ (\t\\t•l iU '"'"'' t.ttt 1\ I .a~. • '.1 )~ Ill l',,llllt!l) lll~iH'1, -.. 1 .. 1 t ' tlul nut t 1 ud.-. 1.1 '"•'" lltq;ul:tr. :I \I. It 1111· lt.,ng.-1 111 ='-••w •· t' '7 1 "' ,., ,.,, il fHu• uuru • • Ill \T l•ll lllt' ('I" I II .. 11 '" !•'••. CORN uff 6 to llc; 1 1 1..; ;oil :..'•,. tu <l',l'; S(JY I ' \ '\:--: ulf l'k . L.ARL> futur •• ,. ...... , I" [f7 JIOinl:>. MILLION· AND· HALF ~~ DOLLAR SCHOOL PLANT OPEN HOUSE FEATURES FINE, NEW SHOP PLANT ~ I ~·" elll\\ II I 50 t 'AT'l LE - ::.liU·.I1 :..1••ttlly 7:~-Year-Old '"~''· lnl', muntdtlthly tt·~·n~nllt'fl It ·""' IIH• ~ .. \f•rnnt~•nt'' tluld hlli \IIIUI' 11nd turmod h tm tiVt•r I ,.r,~N~tttnn ul t • ~ <;H"''II11 ·n 11 tD It k~nrwl for tr·t·alm••nl 11nt1 othl'r '"" •·mto~l UII\III'C"t· .. ,full) 11, ~2!!~~ ... c:&rl' wtull" lhf')' alll'mptf'd to 1o-1!l11 11nct J!il:! l , cat«' his o~n. I Tlw ~:ovo·r nm••nt t'hlll ..:•·11 "" •ll•· I Lady Unattended 1 ~ Days After Stroke A atory In the S11n Dlc.:o Union gal rnonop"l> u ( lht• rntonul>tt·hu•·' ..,_. ~Hn by the ~'li. 11nd thC'y nf ~) I"'UOI lwutnl. plq~l('r lint! <•tho·r 1 Rnt thfoir I!Onl. Leon11rd ond HuKh. I:Yl~'<llm pn•tluct~ l'lll>t u! lit•• llrf'to r rJday to lnVt•lfil;ate Rocky m ountains. Mr and Mrs Ross and lht-lr Thl' l:OV•'ITiml'nl -.aid · t h,. "'' ••n 4auaht~. Barbara, who Is RJdl'l flrm11 1Wh1(•vl'd N'$:i mt•nt attnn 11( otftdal ownt"r drove hf'rl' )'t"et~· thr lnrlu~lry nne! rt~:id rrlvatl• cun· day. BarWa caJif'd "Rk k." and trol c•\'f'r AAirs th ntUs;h n~:r•~·m••nt • the doc m11!k a wild plun~ec In to t>_a~ upon pa1t•n111 own!'d h)• ll S her arms. (o)'f"'um. 'IbP family movtod to Loll An· Jt'lrt March 5, 1947 and lt ft Rk k temporarily with trlt'nda In San l>k'CO until t h•y cot IH" tied But Rick didn't know that. 10 Gn his fine opportunity he f'l· c:aprd throu&h an opt'n ~eat• and atarttd hla yur-long ward\. Rou had mack thrl't' trip. to San ~o durin& the ~ar 1n -.rdl of the> coUI• but each time fal~ en find him. Buc evc-ryUtln,r wu alright to- 6a)o-R.Idt wu back with hi• "fa.m· Qy" In Loll Anr;t'les. 3000 HELP NEW DRUG STORE STAGE GRAND OPENING An f'ltlmattd thl'ff thow.and patrons and \rUiton took p11r tn thfo formal ltT•nd opt'n in(C of 1\lr-,_. Druc aton-, Cout hlchWIIy, Thl.lnlday, •-rlday and Saturday. Vt'n'l 'I'umn. !!9n> os--ator. aaJd today that ttw rt'Ct'ptio n his ,_ stOf't' n•c:~eh•td !rom thc pu!). lie wu far u catcr than hc and his atalf had anticlpatt'd. SMiws filled for thC' opt'niJla tDda)> had to bf: restocked al~r the IJUI'ChMinl ol lht-lhronp ~ ....._ More than ftlht.een hun-... ..a. wwe ~ded on the ......_ counter cash "'fiat4'r .a... 1'urner .....-ted Uw foun-a.an. ,......,. CIOUnl"'l, c1ruc I«· tlall Md lift ~tffiC'nt• did a Gplldt.y volum. f« thfo ~ day fllriod. Sand Crab (Cantin~ frGm Pap 11 In much largeor dtk>s and m.arb a m.i.Je..stone in the clewiopmmt ol that 8ectlon ---en ~t that deals with u.e rapid growth or n tborought~ that Is still too much ol a race course to IJ\aJae for the comfort or pe- drstrlana. Just why the state highway department does not &lOON down ~ tratnc 18 a JllliiZ)er, but, Jl8'haJI8. the Installation ot signal Ugh ts 8 t strab!gic portions ot tht-I"''ftd wtllleaen the riAk olllfe and 11mb. Ask War If Russians Move I C'onllnlU'd !rum Pill: I' 1) and lllkl' ovrr oth•·r ~:urnpt·Nn S1t lt•11 to otic! Ill ht•r stro•n~:th "I lhtnk v.o• nrtr.;ht 111 lnuk llu flii'IS 8IJUAn •ly In !hi' (two•" h• said Mr K(·Jinr ~uH1 ~'II' I llr<'~s•tr•· in OC'('Upll'(f r .... rman)'. c: .... "' fUlly, C7rf'hos lm llkta and F1n1.1no1 m11dP It ''npr)tlrt•nt that Ru~,, .. ·~ rfr!mllf' Jllnn nne! puqln~•· ts '" lllkl' nw·r thf' rl'mlttnlnl( nn111111< hf Europl' .. M a r • h II I l. l 'ndf·NOo'l'l'l'l:tn 11f S tar.· Rnlw•rr M Lm l'll llltd r ... ·wt~> \\' llnuf!lll•. ''"'"" snctor to Hrtt· atn urr.:l'd '<(.IC'f'<l)' conl(rt"<Siunnl lll'll11n rn " ><UqJrl~r· ,.,,,, 111 1\lur- tin nnd C'hturmnn f"hnrl•'ll A 1-:n ton. R . N J , nf tlw llouso· Forl'tl:n A(falr~~ l'Ommltlt'f' f-:alnn's C~lrnmittf'f' still he hold· In~: hr11rfn11~ nn forc-l~en 111d. Mc-11nwhllf' th•• "Wallare Plan" for 1-:uroJ)f'nn rt'<'O\'l'ry wu pre · ~·ntf'd to I hi' Sl'nlltl' by Sf'n ( ;tt•n II T 11ylor, D'. kill., llenry A. Wol· laN''I third pllrly runnm~: rnntr·. T aylor, In a 11tatrmt:'n l, t<'nncd E RP "viciOUII and doomf'd to fall· UN.'." Hla auhlttltutt' mcaau rc call11 for a ~.000.000.000 initial 11ppr~ llf'latlon to wt up a UnttC'd N a- Uont rt'<'Onslrul'tlon and C'COnomic dcv~>lopmf'nt admlnilltr1111on !nr n11tlont~ on both s tdt'l of the Iron curtain. T11ylor llllld hi' will 11ddrM1s tlw llf'nalf' "a t ll(mli'Jiong th tomorrow" on the' plan for an <'Vrr -normal world l:famtry within UN, a ban on !unda for mllltary t'XJl('nditurl'll and 11n t'f!«t to promote unlvrf'lnl military dl¥rmamC'nt. Martin said hr hopes rongrNI8· tonal action on ERP can bC' rom- plctf'd April 10 MN•nwhllt', Srn JOSC'ph H n~tll. R., Minn . ~11irl th1• world flll'f~ " RWIJ!Ia n thr('ltt or l~lni'JU<'III 1'11lll\l to th11t of Nn1i GC'rmany. He sotd the' Marshnll r'l11n 11lonc-can't halt 11 nail told II rt'JIOf tf'r ht' \\ dl pu.~h Cor ll<'natf' approval of nn Rmt•ndm('nt tt) t hl' n'<'O\'l'T')' p1nn l'allln~: (or " WI'Stl'rn mtlltar)' Ill· hnnro• n~:nlnst world commun1~m. At' W1se -AdnrUa. WE'LL FLOOR YOU With Our Fine Selection of BROADFELT At Prices YOU CAN AFFORD! BROADFEL T 15- • DURABLE • INEXPENSIVE • IT'S BEAUTIFl L ALSO- wt; MAN11FAfTt'RE Nt-:W ~IIADF.S Or YOUR 0 LD SHADES MADE IJ'KE NEW ... Y enetion llinds tltot Give Your Winclows Tltat New Loo• ASPIIAJ.T m.&--for YOtTR KITCHEN Or BATH Ia Maay Colors Come in or Col/ Us o.. """port llh'd. a %3I'CI sa. ec.ta .._ PIL lleeeoll 5IOf-J I'• IHitANC'E. Cal., Mar. 8. - I· I • • A .:73 ·Y•·o r-old Long Ek-ach r Ac"'• Te"'p4••J Lt ~n. Albert c Wr<ll'mt)•tr elf'ftl, rormer •artune 0. 8. Chu\& uu•atcr commander whu lut year made a a«rtt rrport on the altua• Llrm 1.n China tor Pre.tdt nt Truman. t.Oid the Howe Foreign Atlalra commtlt.H. WaahiDI WD, 0 c .. Lhat Amtrlcao f'COnomlc ~taoce &o Chtna mun be prot~~ with mtht.a ry ald agalnal the vut move- mcUL" of eommWU&m. Wtth htm al the hcartna Ia Cb&U'man Cbarl• &alOA lB.. N. J.J. '' '" 111 "'hu loy una ttE-nded for I •'U , ".. con ht•r klte'ht:'n fluor I ()l•t:N u unu: •• Harbor hJ~eb *'hOOI thl~ I'OIUin~e •. rldlh \\Ill ··ru.blt• \ t .. ltur .. Ill ""''"'''' l'•·t .... jl, rm~ a paralyt1e strokt· m .. ·hJnr ..ftoa.t \4'hkh bot-., tooqulpllW'flt ,·•luf'd .. , u• ·r StOO.OOO. t ht• llf'"' $19,000 ICKES CALLED ON TIDELANDS WASIII ~C;Tfll'\ \hr ~ •1'1'1 Funn• r l n11 rrur :-;.," 1111\ 1!11 .. ltl ff·k·" " ., .. u uUI\••tll tl '" f ' •t•i 1111 IIIII t•~l111 1 .. t.tlk rt iHIIII '"I• .. r hr• '"' 11nt. ••ti•J<'I " I• tl• r to I !'orl11 111 , 1f 1 ul• t •• n•l~ ·nw "'"·~t yl•>d .... 111 o·tt111111 1.'1 till \\ ,,, 'l'h• <lui• d Ill t• •II() h<·· fur " r' !'-\• nutt• .. Jiuu''' .luch• 1.11 ' 'UIH'UftHHI I 1{'t• llt:a tn'' !1•~1~1,1 t 1()11 thlll \1\tHIId l'u nfutu 'h•l•• O\\fl•·t htp nf 11"' ~uht1wrt.:1>d ,.,,, .. t,tl '" ,, 1-'!lrrtwr !'••n llttrlull 1\ \\'h• • I 'r I• ~t~tnl ".,, .• 1 ... -. ,l,lf• tl tu nJtpn~ .. 'fttf(• ••unll ul ·'" lht· h \•• \\'l't•lc-llld "' llrtl)l.;b Ill"'' tl 1111 • '"' Jc-kc:t ~11111 Itt· 1\ ,..n'l plotnrtlll '" •II'! II 1•r " fnrnt•tl '' •'• '"' nl 11111 tllnl h1• woultl h·· 1:111(1 '" :trl'"'·r 110\' t~UI''IIun' (rttft\ tUIIHUP f•t mt•nltH•n< 'l'ltt·•··· pnonu-..·tl '" ,,.. pi• nl > S••n Fm r. '' I'"""' II R . \I., t h • 1••"4; t"ltntnu 1 t 1 •• ' ,.-.. ,.._. • 'nla .,,, , h its tndii':O II'<~ Itt ol lw "·'"" Jf'l,,, Ill •k••ld t flu• • III II •' II.H'\It.:tHIIrul of tit•· f•~l· r;tf , l.um '" t It•· uti rtt•h l'uftSIIII t11•l I Costa Mesa VFW Dance Caps Safety Week Campaign Costa Mcsa·s V FW poo.t 3536, tn coordmntton w11h thf' Nl11 1onal VJ-W, ~>t}()(l~ol'('(j o Suft•ty \\'l,•k la~t Wl'C'k in Uu• Cc,..t a Mt•!<a nr.·n Sn!t•t) but tons, bann<•rs and pub- lic c:nm patgning Wt•f't' used tn nn t'f(ort IO ~!'I thr• J)llblll' saft•l) • ron .. c•ou~ J \\' \"anl)o'<'ftr v.n~ ch11tnnan for tht' sa fety «'Ommlttre IIS!<ol~lf'cl hy (11'm l\lnit «'rl:h'n l'lunntn.: 1\ danf'C (or satunlll) n11:ht nt thr Am!'dcnn U,-J:IOn hnll lhl' Vt'lf'l'llnM hupt' tn rDbt• Wltlt t1nnnl funds ft'r t ho•ir huilchng p n 1· Jt't'l Pu .. t :\536 t<> <'ndNtV<>nn.: to hullrl A t'llmhinnttnrr' m!'l·tln~: t111ll It• d 1 't 1 "' 1 h.q •ll·r vuluntcc1 ""' k1·r~ 1•1 I•' 1 ol c•••d 111 t~hors las1 , . ,, I·~ I.: I'm~ !'lt•n caJ auiatanoe '" "'·'") lollt· I «•111111111liiY OTK&nt· 1.o1 11111~ ft•·rtwrnl" 1 1111~ when you t11 1h•· )•"" 1•11~ • "ntr1hution! " " tr••ot<·d by doctors a t Harbor ,. "' r ,d husp1tal oday. I IIM·Imr p:.r .. nls lind thl• 1-:l'nl'ral« I •••e:tors sntd !\Irs. Fn•d Slau~;ht· puhlt•· art• l~o·mg l'ncauragcd to • 1 "·•S m •·xtr<'mcly critical con-att~>nd th!' llarllor l'nwn t h gh d111om. 1 school OJlt'n huus(• Fndu)·, March ' l&liiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ :\1 tdthors luund ht•r In her I:!, from '.! p m to 4 p. m. - uJiart mcnt, conscious but unahlt· ltt·pn-st'nl '"1: an lodu<'a llun..tl ----..L..--~··!.. ~- 1'10 yOU \\ IIIli lu sf'il 1t ! taw In tht><it' columns '" trdk nr mu\'t• !t•lant u ( nt•ltrl~ 11 m1llton And o Ac'Jver.' h11lf dnllurs, tlw lati'SI oddtt1on as ., Bt• Wise -Adver tl!t' lht• $7!1.(1(JU shup butldlng. Your S S S Go Farther with a TIERNAN REBOIL T TYPEWRITER We hove your Favorite T~wrlter ot a moderate pricel RA1 Y GUARA TEED, CONVENIENT TERMSI St rt•SStnli: snr .. ty us W!'ll as \'O· t'IJIIOntol II'IJtntn;:, tlu• -~hllfl hoUSI'S ern•· 11f two or thro·l' ht>al huild1n1: d!ts,.,, !> tn tht• coountr). Thr• class ufr••rs ~t ud••n t~ a plltc•• and in- strul'ion In huilct '011111 ~nllin~; an ft. pnddll•h<•..trds and ru\\ b<)ats I tnly 11 111nnth :.ru1 11 h11lf ulcl, tllt'rt• url'. m till' shut• Sl'' f'rnl bouts un- «1•·• r~·t•·"' nnd pr1cldlt·hoards arc 111'1111: t'UrtS!rtH'1t•t.l hy numt•roHIS lllr~·s :-;,.\,,.,, :ultl1tt"n t•• rlw "'hnnl '""'.;.; 1' till' nwt:tl et~·partml•nt Whl<'h has h··· n hl•tlt "XJir•·s«l> lur «aft I\ :•ntl utthl\ l.t1!hl1n..:. 1 1""1: ltn .. h,lal•l•• Ill tn:ll'htn•• shnJ'l!' lt tUI f'l!'l1•rt•·'· hac h•••·n ••nhillll'l'(l h\ ~"" · l•>ctlh n ••l tn<l <'(1111JIII'I•• '"·•II~ n( \\lllflll\\" "" lhr•••• stl'!f's \'••nlll.ttrnn "'"~ ~~ .. , n ••ti lty lh•• IHt£1 ' l111< th.or •·.,rrv uul thl' I fume"< frnm tlw fu;nflt'f'S ant1 \II 1111111: h1 .. 1fh .. e 'nlllt·h .• rmun) h ,.. lw•• n ''"'li•·ct I 11111 tnl'nrt•~r.tt• tl "·' thr "'hcx1l ulfl('lltl~ II" furtlwr ~~~r1•ty "'"llr- .tflt't" ,\ n r•\\ "-1'11'0 \11 at htAS IH.•t n th•t'H\t•rt d !ha t 1'111111 und ltli c(.l 1•·•·1 •>n ma('hllw utt<·ratnr~< ha~ I ton~: ht:'C'n a "'''''> h111ard C'olor I>ON lliC'Kt:\·, hJ~eb *·hool 10lucit'nt, QtWralh on,.. of ltw. mUIInK ma.- t•btnt .... In lht• modrrn nwtal" "hut'· Thr .. boP" will IN' trJII'Il fronl 2 to 4 p. "'· "" t-'rldlly lor ln,.,,....-·tlun .tt lhr .,...hnol',. OtM'II lluu-.f', • 'llf'rls Wt'rl' t'nn~ull• d nnd rhr ",,II~ "' t lh' ~he>p< a!> 11 ••II a~ t lw III'IC'hlnt•< Wo•r•• patnl! d liS I hi')' ·•'" tso'(l 1\l~o ;.ut-rantlrn~: tc thl' Th••f1 • \\Ill lh ntmH nms tltcplot)' \\Ill 1:1\t' elt-num~ratHH1S through· ,\J.:I'I('IIhUrl' lnulcltnJ,: of lhl' Future .tnd •·~111111111111' hy I hI' ~o111r1l•l1tS nUl !IH' .1rto•rnuun "'arm•·rs M o\nwriC'u Ow·r 75 hoys dunn.· th1· "ll('ll tw uw /\II mfo rmul dr:~m:o \\Ill he prt'· t:lkf' lhh" ••our~•' and Will put !ln Th· (;11 l ~ l .o·.o.:uo• 11 111 51'1\'f' r•· SL niPd on th1 pru~.:to~m at :!.30 in .tn 1'' lhll1on flunn~o: tht• OpC'n rrt•shnwnt• tn thl' lthrary nnd IIH• I11111S1' l ~:trls m Jlnnh• •·••on•11rue·-; cla"w~ thr st•hool's llttlf' tlwRtn• nnd rt'Cn'Rtton buildmg 1 \\'ttll} V1•lt•au, Jx>"l mi'Oiht•t'. Brush Like Mad ... This Famed hal> orJ:nnt~rtl n .tnnr o· mancl nuttf•• up or 11 mnl•ll'tt} ()( vr to•nms of thtt l:rf'IIJl \'"'''"u· .. hnnel v. til pnwul1· 1 h·• nn..,h· ror S•ll unll" ·~ tl.•n•·~· Thf' clone!' will bo•J:tn n t 'x :\0 p 111 Hnfl n<lnu-.,lun '' 601.· llt'r l"'"''n 902 N. MAIN COMMERCIAL PRINTINl • 2~ PRICE SANTA ANA • • SERVICE LET US HELP YOU with • PHONE 743 • • PERSONAL PRINTING YOUR PRINTING NEEDS Telephone -• - A Representative Will Call • • • Newport Harbor Publishing Co. PRII\TTERS -PCBI.ISilERS OFFICI:: SUPPUES 30 II W. Central Ave. Newport Beach I ' I 'I Brush Curl Cut thrives on it Our very own method of shaping that makes your hair fall in tapered layers ... doesn 't change the length. Just whisk a brush through it ... the curls spring bad into a head-hugg ing cap. HAIR RE-STYLING $2.50 For extra life in your curls ... the Brush Curl Ranier Wave permanent is for you. Shampoo, permanent and styled setting. All thi s for --· from $1 ooo Ran ier ~ .... _1 ~~0 PEPSONAL WAVE Rt"" l, J:.al.' from-$15.00 of Chicago P~ 'klwue C«.pe!d Suite 212 207 N. BROADWAY Phone 2726-2727 SANTA ANA • Free Parking with Your Permanent Wave or Hair Tint l O\ .,,..otu' MOlli'WOOO IO'fO lfi\CM r •S•OfNA I'OMONA IIVfUIDl S&NU ANA SAN!& ""ONICA ,\!I\ <'rt1Sl' Sell. It Through Cla~ified Advertising LESTER & Co. ,\f,....bn-Los .111,,1,. \'tol• C~tlh-gr 615 Eut Central Ave., B&lboa Harbor !061 INV£51 loll NT SfCUi tTilS TO,MfEI IHf INYISTOH' NllO~ .-.. -Syrian, Arab Troops Train for Mass Movement ~ T4t..-Jr:.\ ~ • f Ac•• T.-l,ploOfo) 87r1aD and IJ'aq Arnba make up this flrlnc Une on combat t:ralrun. tn northern Palt:otlllt . Addllluna.l PuBuc NoTICD SUTICt: en-Pt'l\LU' IU!AaiNO PERAONAL t• -;:::-:-:--:-------:::.I Ht.r. Ml)li~F.U.\,F.ot'l' II N 1: W t•o R T B A I, BOA NEW g. TUI ES Public Steno~ra phc r H lit ~AI.I .'.' 1' .. 1 l',olh w.~ .. l ~W'IH\ ~'-1·"' ....... "'-c·.m. M ....... "· .... Page 5 T lw ::-o;,•wpolrl l1<'11ch Cit)' Pl&n· 11111;' l 't~nlnH<~"'" \\'Ill ht•ld tWO ' l'ul•lu llo·,trtll~' Ill•'" tho' &ppll· , ,,,," •• n.t 1~·''"''" •• r l)f'(ll'<'rt)' "" "'''' ,,( 1,,,.., I.! 1<1 \!l. inl'h.ll'h'l', It w l I ll l:o• "''' '"' l)ld t'uunt)' II• '" I• I ' --~ :0.1111 111 .. "''' •II 111, •I Ill\ 1 ·,. I )','b,q l,ltu,t II •I I .• I 1.1.11 I I I f·· 1: ... ,,1 ::-.;,"'I"'' 1 ll···~<·h, t'allf•trnla, ,,,, ,, '""'".: 1'''"' H 1 11• n-:l. E~ll'l "' '",I' ,, ,,, rt.ll l'lw t 11 ,, pulolh' ho 11'111~ 111"111 \'I ,1 ,, 'ht• •'I'JIIh lllo otl \\Ill ht• I wid '(1oUI'S· •I •, :1!.·• l'lo IS ,11 'i ;\tl p 111 In thl' I 'o •lllll 1° l'lt lllllu 1'. I'll~ llall. r-;,•W• , • •II 1\o odt. \ ':a\1f1H'IIIII ll I I I• I o '\1 I d '" I' I• hI II\ \ ., .. I'll I • 'I \1 I I lo \ 1\ 1:, "~'~'' , ... r 11 ... 1 'h"'~'~"'"' ,,t ""' ~·"I"" I 1:, .loll { 'tt~ I'IHIIIIhll:l n l. II" t 'IIIIIU,:--Iutl .., I ''''I '"" I •lilt \\.\1.1'111 \I Ll '::-.;1 ::\1111 111. t'llll.:O.li'H ,I l 'l.l.l 'lti\HilEI,, • l'ulo :\111 s,.,,,, t.try t R 1~1..11\ 'Ol 'lt t: Ot' 1'1'"1.1(' llt:ARJNO Tho• !"o'\\IMH'I II••IICh {'tl)' PIAn· ""II' ( ·,.nunr,.:uun \\til hold a l'\1\>· Ill' II••AIIIIi: lllllll\ tho• llppiiCiltiOO .. 1 \\'tllt.tlll II \\'lckt·tl, l\1 n for ol f~l' • S..tb;wk \Hrifti\C'f' 01\ lh<' oil I • l ',\I \I I 1 I'' ' I tl I I \\t\1 \' II\• f1 \It I .. , 1 I 1ft \\ lltf 'I II •' t ~~ • J• t lit 1' •' tl t ••}\ lt ltlith•' )l.tl l• 1 I'L,\ \t I~ :lq• I \\ \' II I• ll.oh1 ~~~~ tna.t h) r•• lo ti •·•--·11 s ~~ 1•1 """~' t'nl\1 1 \t H~I ... I'•' ·,~;.t ., I.,,, Ill "' I II 1!•'1 1'1'1••1 ,; I• "I• I n u \ r:o-. :o-1 'I'I'I.IF.!ol U Rt:.U . F.~TATE \\'ANTED ''''"l'l•h """ "·''""''' ,,,,ll.lll -.uht•lh•l\ , .,,, 1 lll.h'h lt." '1"1'1 1' 1-·• '' ut \II ,; rn•• ''"nl1 •'"'' ~ ••• ,. ,,.,~, ,, h t t ''' ''''' •"·'""' 11 , .. u "''' l.•h•r '".•"'"' .1, I \1u ,tt.' t i ~.,., I''" 1 t ' "'"'' """' ·• '" ,,,,.,. ,,.,·,•unt H. nl ·' "VUlt t H ot\\ I•H\ \\ h··n --• • '' n :,, ,•,htt ... , ,, ••• '".''' I t. I ,. •• '. '!· h h Itt h, '""' "u•l••• .\ 1 •••nt•• • '""'"' l 'ttl I d ' 'I I I ,,,.,., I I I • I ' I. ' 1 .\ ... ,• I I It,, n ''I '"''"'"' I tl llt \\ !\ 1 tl t I \l '1"1 • I \1 I I 'I I I• I .\1 ' ... .\ '" ',. ... ,·,,,I I I • Itt ,,, I ''" Ill I , .... I •1 I''' ... d ,.,,' ,, ''" ,, ... ,, ,,Ill d1 It ,t \\t t '• ' '"' I lhl 11 "''"' ".,,,,,,.d 11'"'""r ,, tth t ' tfl '· 1111hlt t···'"'' '\, ''p ,,, '' 1111 '-I fit I \u I l•l ff, 1.\1 1•\\ 1'-lo, olilllllill l•lloll Ioiii·· ,,, q ·, \I "' "Jtti ti t I ' \II \ t I II· Ill'\\\\ •. I'\' I I I"'' ''" "·"'' I>IH ., •• ~.I IIJI•tl '·· ,, till ,\•t'1ttHrd ',, '' ,, ' .... , I I'" Ill 'I ' t '' 411'1'ti1C It 'll'lt.lol VI \\' 1\ :'11'1' I ;,~.,1 t.•l •~tlllh l)f hl.:h· '' "'. •···'~''""ht.• I''"\'' r. ,r ,•n•h \\ I ,,,. I' I • lt •• , ;\I '· I 't•I'•'IIA 111'1 ~lur Ill <ltc: ~ .\I'TCIMHTI\'1!: It T IHP'.M II ('OA:-:T 1\tOTOH CO. Itt til lltt11 So'll1 t: . ,,,,, It, n,ltrut "''' '''"'' ••tnv. \1 I \ftl' ~ 1 '1~1:\ 1:'\0 < ·o.\~T 1\1 nTnH co . I ~ .... I '' "I II II Ill\ 1\ Ill ,\( ., •'II ti'.'K." :!1 ltr I I tl{ HI 'I lol• tl ••llhl•••r -1111'11 ''nl ,\ tq• 1 •t.!.• l 'l\\\t"'4l t•l\ \\ '"' ,f II dt• ttt\ ,\ t>r:tiiU ''I) II \'" I Itt .I II '1',\ ·..,1 • I>''' 1 loot 'I ••• It "111 lo••l all ••r pnrt " "'d 1 ' I 1 ttt•t , .. ,,,"I' hn • tl. , '" llo 111 II." 1'1,.111 IP•'II .'U 1 II tl I~MI < 'nA•I llll:hwlly, l!'th \I ''••lUll I t'tlh .,, ltiU• '"'" ''''''" ''1''" l!)u ... " I'H•~·· r\•·"1•·•• t••H"''" r'"'""' JM4tp d·~l"" hultltt\\'-' 'IUII)..It-. Ill tl........ ··~''''">. ''"' pttl• tth ut ~· ,. l(,llttHc••n •··• '·' !"• •• Syrl&D forces were report.ed 111U61nc aeros.s Lbe border ready to move IJJI.O Palesune. _ ::-.;1•rth s1dl' uf Lui 31 , T'rat·t 742, w.:-:-t~'"'" '••lit ~ '' ot. 11 ••r \'A·I t llll t •• , •II ''''Hit\ kuul ••I \1Utl l'·•fltl' ltleh• tlhlt•·••·''' ,,f ull '"' """ '1 ''"' ... """' ''"1 "1~"1' I TH \ll.r.R,. II •I"'''' ""'' !"•'"I~''' ll .... ·h o'tl'l"l \l;t Tlti\l l.~:u t-'ully fur · HOLLYWOOD Says Weatherman Lucky He's Not Drouth-F-orecaster in South Africa IIOLLY\\'OOD. Mnr. 8. IUP I , l'rnt'ks 11! lh1• "t'ulh<•m Hm California'!' "·,·atht•rman. who I h•'s lut·ky uc<'ordin;: to Mar:11~ kN'I) ..J.'hantrn~. "no ruin ~·h•nr -1 "0""" in i\nt.:~tmland in Smllh nu n11n." whit•• tlw ~1:'1({ panls 111 Afrit•u," h(' said. "lht· raln-muko·r lhe wo rst drou~:hl tn history, cun 1 would h<' res J.>onsihll' fur n drollt.:lll It(' lul."k) '"'') ·,... noll roro~11sling likl' th1s. liP would havo' IK't•n pu1 In South Afrtea, a nattVi.' suid 1(1-\.fl dt•ath tim•<• w1•t·ks a;:o." day I l'nll'ss, that rs. th•• drtt•d l'rahs Down tht•r•· thr tnh1·s would :ond rvttf'd loRS dtd tht• lnt·k. IHHI' ktlll'd thrnt off by thl~ t im{'., So•••ms lh<' na lf\t•s of An~:uni· Jos••f l\lotrurs. who hatls from land all ptto·h in anll tlrny to nr.. lh<' ~:n·al Karroo phtlt>au, lnhd-~ :.ac·n •d ram ''"" ;oflt·r ;t dr)' ~pl'll .. d in l lvll>wood smack m 1h•' mtd· If 1hat rlow·sn'l \\nrk th••Y IJUI lh• ::11!' Of 6:'1 oJays Of hlr~tl'rin~ ~II II· flllllmflk< I olll I ho • joh. "'""'' Tht' cr11115 arl' dryln~ up, I "lit• ~"''" do" n tu t h<' fl\'t•r • ho• ri'SI'f\'mr' an· nlmost t•mpty, 111 d," :\l.11·:u~ ":ud. "and t~olh'l'l" und tht• po•o piC' on· takrn.: nusty 1 sonw drlt'tl n-ab~ and rollt'<i lo;:~ FOREST LUMBER CO. Tht 't' h·· ;:nntl .. tnlu 11 ftn<' rlust Thrn hr pul~ 11 In 11 hntko•n l'ln} J14•t !l,t-. l11 th It,,,\.(, 11 ur thC raon ''"" t-:• '' '"' lo• .. hno:,.. hurl :onoJ lt.,:hl' ., I 11 • lllltlo•r II • T lk """'I" htll,•"' up tntn n .·tnurl •• nrl "Ill rill~ Ill' II' r nward. Th.tt s suppo .... \1 1t1 ;:t•l t lh' r11111 '"'" u S)lllll:tiiH'Itt' rm11x1 Thr n tht> ratnmak•·r wrnps homst•H rn 11 ltlnnko•l und Itt'' l111\\ n by lh•• flrt', \\'ht•n II<' 'tnr·ts '" 111·r~ptr'<' 11'!1 -uppo~··cl to start to rain. It ht•l lt•r Utlwrwts••, it's cur· tams. Tlw " I td1 dvrl t'l-« hn'" 1 t ht'l· lt·r tn Zululand Th<'rt' th{'y all l;lllho•r vn 11 muunlrun·ll•l' and ~;uull• ho•o r 1\y lht" ltmr 1'\'l.'r y- hully's I:IXI(I .ond tlrunk thr rain 1'10\\ ·~ ~UPJIH~t'<l hl (;I\'(' \\ llh the ~~~nnkl••s ~larru~ qualtfll•S ~~~ nn 1''\l~t'rl o n lhuso· lrUt··tn-hfl' !{Ilk tAll'S H<• anti hr~ pro·lly wrfo·. Mor.ondn. arf' '""''"1: tho· t'OUnlr~ \\llh a ~;ullar rom1 lhr1r h n ull,..., 'tO<'k o r Afrl· ,•,an suns:s And lu r "''"r) I" cultnr JUIII:I{' nl,lnm. lht'} o•:tn rovlldl rt \\flh 1111 J\mo•rrran ''"" 1 ha ~·, Ju•l a' ;:unf)· l':tko• Slril) 1111: \\1\t '· (t~r rn~I.I IIC'I'' FULL LINE BUILDERS ' HARDWARE * HEADQUARTERS FOR HOMES * ~In llnll)\\olotd lho·y makr hf'ad-B lint•!< Hnd dtl'\ll l'o•<:," 1\larn IS s :I\'S U 'In llarut•d;tml. If 11 \\tCo• l•lf;)'S 1 .ornunrl "hoi•• lwr hu~hnntl s uff un II a h11n11n;: '''l'· thai lllt'llllS Stlmo•· S.•hl~t.~:l', Kwlrk,..·t l,c.c-k,., llall'nlAI'k Rathroon11 "~""""· o,orlf•,, Klto-hl'n·llllndl-('ahlnf'l thlu""', · .Jnhn..cm !;aff'ly \'aultot. l'udr)' "'u"h'" Ciardf'n Tool~ and Equlpnw nt. Wt:n :Rti.\I'S t:K Kll.S URit:u Ll'~UF.R DO UG LAS FIR PONDEROSA • REDWOOD MOULDINGS DOORS ancl WINDOWS Insulation I hill I; ;,w(ul's 1:11111~ lo• h,tPI•'n It I him "If lw cnmt's """"' '' llh a hntk · •·n I•·~: l~r· kl1""'' h1~o \I'll,. hns ht•••n unrruo•. If lw 1:1'1" ktiii'!J, lht· "hnl£• 'Ill ttl;<' t'lhho·,. llt'r lu a wllclt oi•H'· lnr f•ll' punt~lmwnl " 'Olls ·~ how lho·y h andh• W!•nlh· Prnwn a11d Wl\'t'S 1n 1 h•· prOtl•ctor· ah•s In tlh· ('I Ill'S, ~larfttS rxplalncd, lh••y l'ltt'k 111 1 ht• s.:ood. nld i\ml'rl· can o·u~rum of 1111 or ,.,.tJ "1\'t•s nnd I''"' lor.•o'nslt•rs u P u BLic NoTICE \'t•nt•t ian l'hu••• o•llh'rWUil' known :L~ 309 1-: Bn) ·F'ro nt . Balboa lsi· ,, nrl, t 'nhforma. Puhlw I lo•arrn.: lll"'" th is ap- phrutmn \\ill lw• hl'ld Thursday. :\lart•h IR. til 7 ~~ PM In the ( 'uuncll Ch11mlwr, l'll)' II all, N<>W· I•lrl llt•m·h, ( "ahf orma. By C'lrdl'r ot thl' Olalrman or 1111' Nt•wport 11<-&ch City Plan· nong Commission. W,.ALTF:fi M. LONCMOOR, P IIJLMF:R J . 1-:1.1.1-:RBROEK. Sccrt>tary. Pub -Mard1 R, 1!148. SCtTU'E OF Pt'BLU' IIFA JUNO '1111' N o'WJlOrt J"koach C'ity Plan· nln~ Cmnm1ssHm w1ll hu lrl a Pub- Ire IINttllll: UJX>n tho• npphl'lltion ,.f l\trs 1\ L Mt•l)(two•ll a n d Thomas F R.tx·hf' Cor a fill'; va.r· 1:.nc•· aloll11( lh(' North boundary ,,{ Lo is I l 1tnd \1. Dlock 137, Rl\o rlrlh'l. !"t·~purt Ikarh . C'all· fornril l'uhlu· llr unn.: upon 1111~ npph· t'al '"" "rll 1>4• hl'lrl Thursday, :llarrh 1~. :•l 7 31.1 p m In thc Counrol l 'hamiJt·r. ('rty 111111, Ncw· purt ll;•;ll'h. <:alrfornra. 0) olllkr "' tlw ('harrman o l tlw ="•'"l••rl ll•·:ll'h ~ 'll)' Plan· 1110~ { 'umm issinn. \\'AI.'n.H M I.O NC:l\100R. f'llllDIER .J ELLEHI!HC ti-:K. St•t·n•tarv. l'trll !\larch 8, i948. ·want Ads Thl' Nr"",·Times will not ~ re- tporaibll' tor mo re than orw lnc:or- r~t lnat'rtlon of an adYertiM-nwftl. rl'ilervN t h l' richt to ClOrTeCtJ:JI rlaulfy any and all ada and to rt>jecl any ad"eriiiC'~nt not COf)o lormlnR to rult'11 nnd regula tion&. 68-tfc ""'" ···Il l!· t••'" ·, ..... ;1 \\' li: . .,,.l k II hi• all ,1\ :11\.tlolo• ''" t lo,;dolo• -~,'II, ru•h• •I "' ••Hh~·. ••1lt11hh• rt•ftltor, ,.~11'1.11\ \tt:'T U t'l't .tU.U ~8 WA~n·:J) -.Joh 11nd ,., lindt•r ""'"'"an. ~h·ad\' ~tiua11nn in union shop. l;h•:d "urk· ing conclilinll:-.. ~"' fnt'I'II!OIII :11 l"\('w.;.l'j nit'S. Nt•wpt w1 l~rll'h, C'nllr. ', ........ lh I ••• ,. 1111 •• ,.. I·''' .. ,., "''Ill pl,o\ \Ill 1u oll11110: ,1,.1111 I"UK k.F.NT ,."1"1''"' t lor 'tl 11"<11 \\ :"llh I • •II 111':'\T II ,.,.. '"'"'' t ,.,,. f-11•1 l'llm lllf'tf'. 1~111 l'o w"l lllt.:lf\\lt)', Nt•W1'('ft llo•11\'11 llt·111~HI :'1~1'\.'\ IM-4tp ftWtlll IWIII I 'all llo•" "' . !'ant.• ''"'' 1~·•1• I" ~I •H ~.,I ~ I ,....... •I·•.: holll"~'· :!1-4t.• 11111 '0.:1' 'l'lti\11.1 '11 'l'J " IIM·s- """" lth'\o'lo I!C \\'h•'o·l~. 1:•~>41 I I tl( Il l \:T i\l11111'll\o• :.l ~'~"'"' • "'"I"'"" t.t~ I t•l·• N·••·ol. l.lt1•• "I'"'''"''"' 111111 lu•tlt l'1 "'"''' <'11 bit· .'I It•· 11 IIIII'<' Nrltlt.·• t~<tltl A1l111t' :\II 1.1 "1' MV !"lh l\\' Yll\1 1111' nrw l•lt~rh1 "''', llulh••n .'I ·,,,. W i\:'\'1'~ P ~lullllo• lll(t•t1 1111111 lor tlt~l·." n>h••r 11nt1 malnlt'n.ono·;• St.·:ool\' •'nll11t•)'nll'nl Al•l'l)' ttl uno'•· l l ttrn•ctn'~ l'lnn•·r llullllt'. 17111 111111 I It Iiiii;•' (~,..I ll Mo''" 'l'rlltl: ,._ ''lllllllt'r 1-'A=-'1111 IN I ll '1'1 Y l< 1tl~~trlnll'rtl fur~tt•ho'l1 ~-nnt 'K::o; 1111•·~1 ''"I"'' '''I•·~ 111 ~o•ltth• ••rtl) $(.;11•1 mnnth t'ur 1 •dt (:tlot ., .• ,It r••tol IIIPIW\ """ 111'1 ttf 1-:•llw t 1111\1 \Vo•-tnolnal••r, '"~ I" I•'••• :-;-t,q1 'I tn ~~ ftlml' l't,...~ W•~ 1!'\ lfo• illlft·t~l h ) ' •• -. .. , 1 ·~"l"•'k••t'f''"~ :\1•• ~w•·•·l" '· llurhor 17'\j\.\\' W /1':-l'l'l • ·a-.. .. "·"'''t•.-•••. •••·1ul) tmplo•\ln•rll. ~l1t•rt tt .. ur~ 1\pph '11~11·\'II:HAI'tl Mut'loll~o· ~:IoOft """ 1 l'trn">n , lltnrwr l llltL~•· 1\ln~·,l,' •I •11111111.: mno hllw wllh 17th ,,nil ( tran.:<', t ·.,,.10 !\1•·811 • ''' •• !>I'• • ""'"hto uhol ~t~hhn.: l~~·lf•' IUUt'hlnt • ~"I «I I .Jh\ \IU•.:I\\', ::-:-:-:--------------~·.: .. , ... "''''"' ...... , h ,. .. ... •AUt MIIIICELI.ANTA,Vll • h"m tl !o\t.•l•t. '"" lw>11l $~1(1 , 'wl l'nllut• onl •hlltll ~1 '111 l'hlltW ~1t 'ST , ELL l lnrhut l !ti:.O .'I ..!111 C'J r l.t\ I' I'•. •I n•llllllllltl hu \C It• ... ' I It '•" $.1·, Oh•h •lr ,l,t\•IJik•rl. t•·\•r "'t,f• t'U,htu O"> \U l.tl ~··· t Itt'' •t1u•r Hll1ttttlllltt• lllolt'h lfl•• \\ "lo olhh 11111 ! II" •I I" II ,. I '11ll 1-1 •It It FNT A II rnr tlvr 'J room 111r111•ht'fl lllll•rlmt•nt $1\llrlll )''"r 1"111111 hwlwlln..: til 1111 h•li 440 lla rlw•r N'l It :.'I :ll•· Ft Ill HFNT I ,,, .-ly ruo1111 lttf \1 "' k Itt II lot II I llullll' JVI\'IIt•cl.:•·" llt0111 rt If olt"'"' (I $10 1111 ""'"'k 410 11··11••11 ••t•• ( llr••nn olt•l M"r l lotlhll ~I II :.11 -Jio• S l I' AliA 1'1• lttrn"htod hnu,.t•kr•·p lnl: 1-<NIIII lnr """ '"' t"u !'hun•• I IIII '"" I I'll ur l 'nll "' 1~3 :\lith St N•·Y.1•n11 :!1 -~tt• .. r •h ''"", ~~ '"n"'.: ,,, ~~.. $:• • ••I <1 lin. or I IIII I• $:: t•ntl Initio !ol 1.,, ' ,.,. ol '"' Ill 1~' "·'''"".: tIt t \\It f\ 14.:11 .I IWN'I' l-111 nlohNI 1 ,It :l I' Ill II •II" II I 1 tit .'I 'It• t•MIIII tnrn;:.o '"", rf'frll:t'rlllut" nrul lrt"' ''it:'' \\'tnt•'r l•·ntAI tu ·1 I"'"'"' I"'~''' 1~··~1 huy Nil. olo·nl•·• • \'o·1 y ··It•"" 71111 F. !lay 1\\'t• """"'" :.!1 !'lip • HENTA L UNIT SITF.S 37'• X 1 0~· Ft Sult11hl•• t1•r 4 unlu, :\7•.,-x liY.!R with c .. u • ..,, $l't.!l7~ no RALBOA THIPLF.X A II rou·ll1,. "''' ••n \'t'ltr tlld atu<'CO. C:ruu•·~ 11•~ uru1o•r I lf'A ratH. Wt•ll furro J.;lt<t·lrh' ,.,.frltt:f'ratk>n, lnno·r •lulu~e•. t•h· tt"r" va 1llf' at Sl7,t10U RALROA .0\EAN FHONT 1\t'no·h ('.,!1"11'' 'J helm', beth, kh'lhN•. ,., • .,,It llvln1 "nd din· ln.: m 1. rlro•plno;• 1nt1 wl•• t'n • •·1 .. ••"' l••r••h l"'tlo 11nd 1ar All • ndt'lllo'il Sl:\ I IIIII Tf'rnur ~I :.-.. ~ \w lllrf,l, c•,.,,,, !\1••n 1 1111 ~.\1 1 ~"·"' "·"""'~ 11111 C'tihan f; 11 .u :-.• ltr •hllh· ( ... •"':.-u ;1"' -'·"""'" t•nt•• 111no l ~•llt """ llnrlw•r 111'74 It "ttll 'l,l J l(• COAST PHOPERTIES CO. t-: t ···nlrrol. 1\niJtttll • ll11 r 21\M IM I(C F.l.f:4 ·ntto' H,\Nc :t-' \\'rill tl•'• 1• ""II •~•·II• t t·:t.o•t•tl• nl Ilk•• '"'" C'Ontltlhoro 51:-111 ll:ulw•r :!:"L17 1~ :\It' Si lver Platin~ C'Of'N:R. 1'RA~S. (".01.0 Poll~hlng & Jtl'flnl!<htn~: HayRide Platinl.! Co. 1914 11arhor n h;d O.ta Mrsn, Call(, lkncon 5113 6-tfc: wum('tl . O<M'Q • J,.,.lry C'JffiONOMETERS R..p.Jrlna -Prompt 54-rvt~ Smalbl~ Pr1C'ft ft •l II• I :\I'" . .... ,, II " I""' .'I .,,,. .'.'I ~ 11,'1 I tilt•'• I llho<lol IIII I'' I 11111! •• '""''t l\1111-:• '~.:Ill~ I ,,,IJ,·rol •••tHhttou ._+,."t;ll l·ull••rtt•f\ /\Vf- 1'"''" :\1t·~:o ,., 1·11•1 17111 :--.• W A..NTEO T O ltJTY WILL PAY t'l' TO :! I ~·II' II $!'\()00 t"M y,.ur •1111 llntl> 11-..1 Tr-ttl• 1t,.lunl1 D•"''(!}:" ('~~~~~~~--or ••• SING f:R ~~~m~K ('AJ I. 111\RllOfl 149R J 14·II11J I c •II llf>.:'fl' At.lllrtm,.nt furni.ah· t11 (\\'(1 rowtl\111 S/4 1•1 l•·r "''"'"· nil ullhtl••• moltrtlt•tl ~1 lti W 1"•11l1 11 l llnlh·~• :..~13to· 1-'~ lit HI NT .) t'IU f nUtu! 1• •I I I \o Ill II IAf(, It i\p•11 1nwn1 tor h"ll"" .'I'.'M ~lh :-;1, NI'W l 'h "'" l!r.l'.!ll nr 17-tll' TI·,J\t11~'1t 111 hu•lnt'tll wum1111 alor11 •· "I"'' t 1111'111 , nit'!' privati' room $40 Oil monl h nn luu lx•11 l•lnnd W rit•· I' 0 """ TT.!. ltnll•m lolnnfl :.IO·"Ic "'ANTF.U TU Rt:HT u WA NT TO HENT N<'w View Home OVJo~ltl .OOKINO Y.nllr• llal'bal' nr11 :\ lor . hdw fhonnr. flrf'placw, l'fllllll rlll'llnn """ In• Ilk nnltfl • .ct"rJitiOnlll 'Thr fln,..t -·ve r vf'r urft'rtod RALPH P. MASKEY 3411 W C'f'fttral CORONA DEL MAR Rotml m·-JIJOICWAY Mul't R<'ll at Once EI-Rey_ Roofing • Plasterboard Wood Shingles a '0TH't : 01' l 't'IU.U' IIE ,\RfSU I'IUPUNFAS GUIDI! ~ '11w ::-.;, "Jllorl ll••:td1 ('tt )' P lan-F.[)\\' ALTERS VAN DRTMLEN .. JF.WELRY 17'88 N.wport RIYd \oeta MNe :\-tfr CASH for USF.D Furniture & Appliances "Wr Ruy Almoat Anythlntr'' 1111)' "r '"''"" "''""' lnq••• '"''' 1-.,tH ft hut It• ftll l ftt' :-;tUIIIUPr :-.tt•" ...... I II( I( M i\ HI 'liS A f\ F:A I m ..-tJI. NP:W ~ btodroom hutnf' J.'lrrplll!'f', l&r~a&•. p.Lio or rt•••'nn" w ith COfW'Tf'le fenot Vt•nf't lttn I• lind•. rutt:t ' .EXTERIOR PLYWOOD All sizes from 'I• to l~ in . OVERHEAD GARAGE FIREPLACES HARDWARE OLD COLONY PAINTS I-XL KITCHEN CABINETS HOME APPLIANCES GAS and ELECTRIC HEATERS \'IS IT O IK \.\KU ~TOR F. I'U :ST\' tit' I'AHKISC: 1-!PtU'Y. 1 non;: f'ttmmr~~'"" "til lwld 1\\o) TILE rO:-.'TnAITOR 1'1111111' Jlo•:trllll:' llllotll :lppiiCII(Io)O P. .nrt pt'l '''"" .,r pr11111.1-1) o"·n••rs Bur h Rnnll'lll. Or 11m f\Qards, etr .. 1 lm~ 'I '" 1:\, rn•·lu"'' lllock \, 1:"1th & !"•·wpnrt Avf'. (•osta Mr~a ~ l· •• tl'l ::-.;,\\I Mil ' Tilt!' I Nt•wport Phon!' Ot•.tron fn(IO.W-3 !J II• .,1'),, < ',tl•f• rnoct. {otr rt''""'"J.: 1A-tfc It lrNll n .! It• • 'l'h(· lor< I I'"' 11 till: llptlll till' npplw:tllnn ", II• ld Thur!l· rl.o) ~lardr I~ 111 7 .~l p 111 In lh<• l '•lllllo'tl ('h:unfu•r, C'ily llnlf. Nt•W· U fWirl llt· .... h. 4 '11lrlnrn11t 11 t lly nrdo·t· nf lh•• C"ha irm:on nf (J ''"" !"t'Witi'lrl llt·:wh ('tty l'lnnn ln;t \\',\I.T I-:rt l\f J.()NC.MflOR I Pllll.~ll.lt J I·!I.I.I :HIIItflFK. f-:'C (IC'rl Watch & .Jewelry Rf:I'AIRING F lu,. ninmnnd~ nnd Wntchl'~ NEWPc mT .IF.WF:LETL<; r l 'n•1t•r nf'w Mnnn~l'ml'lll l I Hi :!<'nd Sl , Nl•wpnrl 17 tfl• H. M. LANE RF.i\L F-<:;TATF. I ( 't1111 rlli"IC'II j S o•('r r tlll y 2544 South Main St. ''"'' ~ ... r 1 ~-1'11R 200f> rourt Avr NPnr Nrwpnrt P l<'r F:Mahl ishf'd Slnr!' 1921'1 ~-"T, '",-•·Ho~•: 14. "· o l!\1 q Fine ~-=--==s:::..u'='UAUQqpg,;;no:u:n::u;:;u:as:;....am .... .-~As::aWQj I watch Repairing ... \1~1'1~11'"1~·~ './ .... :· ... YARDSTICK .· . ·. '\ i.· \ // , "', S T 0 R E 114 W. 4th St. PASADENA U ::-.;.Euclid SANTA ANA Ph. 6688 LONG BEA CH MA PtiNl A'l'fl. LB. 1%4~1 I Work ~ Guaranteed liil Roberts .Jewelers \!'!~ 11 l\tarlnf'. llalhoa hla nol l'h. llnrl,.tr '!:I~ t ./ : ( Qunlil!f PRINTING • ·"' ,,, ....... r •' ·' ''""~'11. nn· n•lllnlo<fl\t•nl~. dr· I•• 1 lno~tl rrrru- l;tf' l•rtnl•11 ho•r!'. lft\\1'""' (tf*lf~ ... f 'all tlouhur 1:! or Newport Harbor Publishing Co. S rwpt rt Bc.H h. C:.old Pr•hluhcrs of rhc Newport Balboa News -Times R-tfr ~ ORMF:t• Wlndahlelda & Hatcio C"ov«>MI modP to nrdf'r Alan PlPll lglue & Ludte Sh•'t't• trw ~a.lt l'u-World Produru CompAny, 3(13 Third St., HunUnrt•m Reach Phnnl' Hunt1nl{1on flt>acll 17K CESR POOLS and SEPTIC TANKS Jnslnllt-d Anywh!'re In (.IrA lilt" ('nunty f 'Qntnrl Oritllng Sl'wf'r Cnnm•ctlnn I All Work C uftrantN'd • Full In-"11ranN' f'ArrtM! .J. R. McCORMICK ~H Vlt·t~trill ~~ ("r1~111 Mo·~n n. ·:oC"r'ln :">I .r.:-t.J HARBOR Plumbing Service 12 tfr 176.1! N('wport nlvd , \'l(•nron fi117 RF.PATRING OUR S P'F:C1ALTY \ontr~tetlne and SuppiiN 9-trc COOPERATIVE ROOF1NG CO. New and Repair Phon" R<onmn n 217 ~73 P:ldl'n Avr. <"'.oet11 MNa 20-tft 12 Yl':ARS SF:RVlC'l: TN 11fF: HARBOf\ AREA HARRY HALL PAINTTNr. \ONTRACI'QR 274 F.ut 19th Street Ph &a. :'>413 Coeta Mesa, Calif. »tfe -Advcrtiae Bend ix & Ma.vta~s J ust WftlllniZ In n.. l1Jtod at Rll..L'S WASH-A-TERIA 475 N_.-por1 Rlvd . \n.ta M .. PhoM Jkoaron :rnn 10-t((' FIREWOOD GRANTS Phon•· llr11 !'\707-M lf>'i:l NrWJlCtrl lllv11 , \oe111 M• .. ·~ I fc. Will PRv Cuh t'•)r ~·our tllmllu~ .. or w .. al h .. ve vou Ph""" H•··ai"'ff YM Crawley Furniture Co. A1 2 Nr"'ll""l Rlvd . \n.ta MM• lrJ-tlt '•i'llt \\ol•htto llh•l It• ,,., ... , lltll• ;!C) '11•· '\ /\111'1.'1':' '"'"''""'· tw;;;-1 .. ~11 It\ IIIIo: l•••ltt I• ol f:Ottlllltl tlotftr .luh A lfi'IIWI, S"ftl ll••tt•nn~thl•· l 't.-ft·t lt•tll•otM ''"'' rrurtl H•· ., •• """1• ll•·C· Not I"''"· lUI ,.,,, htohll• .lton~o:rro• ''''r IIi~•:! To;m• rl•k. l'uhtt S po 111~• 1:'1 Hit· ·------$:.!!", HEWAHI ~ , ... , t11fnrr11nllntt '''"'1'''"1( In our l•·h•llltC llrolhnn l•lnno l II•"'"' Mini $ JO,At;O ~FY. I IWNJ-:11 P"hll" Avr , l 'nrona ct. I tic I (.Jt 'I'I'Y '17 rt ·n c 'urll• Wrlaht "1"1 llllt•f ~httWt•l', t•lt'(' rr frl1 , nr. '"' f\llt't•, 4 hurll•'r rrtnlfr with •ol't•n. '"''""'''''''hot Wllh·r. r11dlo, .-It' Foo r t'lt•ltr l•ulhlln~,t tltf', ur O f A R f'() A I. A> ntUQlii':J'S PR0 MJ•T l)f:LfVt:RY ft()~"· f'IIPI•I .""' • 11111111 :l llf•tlt tH •rn•, llttfoll'lllalwtl ---------11:111••1 "·'~··.! ,,, 1'1) 1\111( :l'T:l. •l .. wn I*Y''"'"' "" homr, ur '41 • '·Ill t'llf nr will •I'll l•.r $:W()II r111h, r '1111 I"• flttllttt't•(l 1 'all llf'ttrflrl filtH W M•ontlnv lloo u Frhll\y, It II ttl In I :\11 I• Ill 17-lfr. Wri~h t Lumhf'r tard 'flit ~J\1.1 11; I I ""I lwuol "''"'' 1\cdht•ll l•lllrnl I"• lk 17M NrwJwtrl Blvrl l'O~'i\ Mf:S~ IIN IC'olll ~.(,5 't:ttnlt '' ,, •. ,I I ••'~!111·· ,.,,., t I• ut ' .. n•htl'''l t_,..,., ;d'"• l'tlh "' ......... l\1••11 ~'11 :.!1p K-1 Ill! 11 >1! '-"I 1 •' 11 ··r•ll'-•·r alo••·1,. l'lenty of C;nud Tif'e8 All Sizes ) \'joe ,,, ..... , .... , ,,, ,,,,,., ~·) I 'I'• "'" l'h""' ""''~·r 11"•3.1 tw-o '"''" h "'Ill '•'~~• ''" i\ll••r I ~_·· I• "' II "I"" "J<•t \I IM •11,. ( 'qm pour.rl \toto1· Oil •tt ..... ~• • "\111ft 14 r;,.ll,..., 7r~r I( I \tr \1 , • 1• , •• 1, A7t11,, ""' \\'A \: r J I t ,\I I 'ott""'' tl•·l M rw nl•lto •I 111.,11 '"" 111 .,1 .,.,,•,:;j I• l•ll ~A 1.1 I "' N,.. w I'" r t ~~·""·II\' 1\f,,,,, I'• .. , J\ptlt I ll•ll•ld• ·~·•1''7'. $1~···1 l'll•l ,, 'l'w.. , ''''"'"1 1• ••l•l••. fllt~ln•·'-I• r Ill• ..,,.,. ll~ololtlltt>ll tl''lli3 St·n· JtHUt Ill rru.th•t y,.,., ,., .. ,.,1,1 """'' l•1 :-••• ..,.,., .. , lt.ut·t• II• llll• II Suttl•o <\till l't.'l 1 211 :\rr I, If! "·" I ''"" IM l'lr•••lll "'•tl"f' •• ': 1 HJtl•' ••\• -r '"' ,.,. ,,., ,,,, •• ,.,,. \\II I I \1'111\ •,t ,I·-, .11 1 ,., ""I tl• \\ ·''• .... \I.. ,,,, I Ul .:_,, I tl "• (t Ut i ,.,.,, I" I II•-... C "1\~~t.h .,, t• "" 'I r.; t ;p1tu··· "''' WPstRrn Aut<1 Rupply f•••u-. '• f•fllttJ d\f• I ttt t tu ~Uf,f•t•\•f, f,"f i f "tlltttfl •f•f611 I ..... .,, ,,. .. ' ,,, "' •• ,, ""·1 IN u . .'II IIJt l•l·llo•ttt••" lt ol l l•l•""ll•• f,!,., t tr ,1 Aurlutrltt~t I 11•1\lrr tj, • ~t fl tllf I t "'•ft1J•Irtt1 -•I t ...... , I I•" ,,.,, \\' \tll"it.\ Tfl fA IA:"' All I ,r•vr·l H:t\' Vi ••w Lot I ,, ll't '1., All•) 36 Nf•Y.1•·r· 1\h ,. . r,.. t I M•"U 17 th I I •• , II •j 1• ... Ut ph It· I I, •A '-;t... f I' ~tl •t t t. h•J\' '"'lf'tltVt•. t.l •• k ''"'"Ill\ ( lthrnr w111 rf'nrl y•Hir rii'I MI0t'<1 ath All VI)U Art' rt'111llnl! ti1P'll' ,,.,,., .,. I t \'./ ... t 11\111•1 ""~l .. nll• "' tdirlniW•· ..... ,.)Hit \• ,, • "' '.,, I fl• I ~, II f 'f \".t l fl l \~1\' tlrll~>t 11111 ;fiiUCI•trt,,frJ,f!• I• ''' II "" •I .,,.·,,,,,,,,., • ~~.· ·.1 \\'1•••1''1' 11,\1111 1\ lll•f·.lli\1, I I\\ ftt'' I' "t .. ' I'MA I Plurn ltinl! SllppUt·s I' J p E •' \I oil Olo 1 • \11 I 1'1 l{o• SJ\\'I';o , ~ I lti\N 1\~SN 1(, .!•, llod J\1 II VI Tnllt•t•. I ~,,, 'l'11lo r,.,, ""''''' -·,l"f ''''" :-...,!k~ I ''I ·,:, dHIJt ,l;·~l . 1";t• l f·dr, ,, , .. ',. lll,ultl• r ''"", "'" 1. •q ,, ·,., "I• <.:lt•r l ~1111 ' "''• t(", .. ,. I'~" I ',\1' l,f'.\'.J ' I(• I•·• ... 1 \1 I ,. tltt f , I ••• ,1 t I 'I I j I \ "' '•· ,,, •,.' •I• nt \l tf,,,, "'' 1 , • th·~d•ll• 1\ l'' ''Pit' 't••'t lttlt I I I !ltd t I II, fl .... ~q otlld lft .. f f !j ,, • 11t It• f'•l • lilt\ 111,' t t'l Itt HI I 1 lift lat, 1 t\. pr ''' , .. l••\'\.'1 r 1•\~./''-;l 'fl\lii •T 1'11\'•11 ('It 1 11fllml• f 'btl I'll !-'\1 111~; ' ~~:--. l'lllnlhnw "''" k 1·.11w• '"·I Ill fit 1 1 "1 •t• ••• \t 1111 "" • An , "'' fothr-r t'l trtd ~lka., l't fl, ... , lo 1'1 \ .,, t~ "'otlll•·•l '"' ""' '. "' "' P' I,:,,.,. \IJIU .,,,. pthiUi •111 ;t SJ•Ut~Lq_:.h• 't ulln\\ uu• • tllL:'t" , '''"'' \ FONTA ~A I'J.l J MHJ~(; I :.!:l/111 s \\' :-,''"I"''' s\\•• t •t 1111l l/" ,,,, •1\•1 • '"" I •A~/' l'h•.rw r:,, .. .n ,/>41 1 ·'''""II/I 1'1"''1 I 'll ···''' -.: •• II( lit :\1 ''" "•ro 1.t i\11.1 l't If• -:f"1ual;::--7n=-""-=--"-~U=---o-o-~-,.-t--Ul-,. ....... -,.-... ,,: 1 • :1 , I" "'" • -. 1 ~ , "'' ., "" 11 1nnfl> ''' '''" I tf•, ..,_,, ulft,\4. t, Hll" rtnl• l •A"-/'·"''11\111•'1' I'IJ\-.:11 SEHVF:l , I Th<' r. A'S P.Pfrigprntor "Qfn" M'otl• I~ J\1 :uh lolo• !"( IW Balhoa F11 rniturl" Str1r<' 1(1(1 M:orn ~~ l lnllvoA l'hnn•• n~rr~.r 11"• 2205 ( 'nlt~l J!ll'fl , !"t•WI"•rl l'llmu• ll~trll'or 1111 ... ( ,, •'' \J t1U tr1L 1 Art·• ". ... , ;,,. J fl·• f • • lor l•'lf' fr t••· II I''.,..,, tlllt' tf '' I1HI1• nt t •,•, 'f•fft" I to II• f'".ti ~~ .,~ l~t tHd ,,,.; f 'h \ijt d :ert ·•L"' d lfl ''I( rtf • (If \\Ill nr1t ,. ,,,, ,, , '"'' ~I It 'I• I,. J•l t\ ',< I I I I 'u \r 1 I"' f•, t ,.,,w '"-,,, I•A"•I" ,qf\lllrT ···''' •,,, \1 '"' Shn I'' If• ."'7'~~---------11 "" l·'rTl SJ\1.~· f 'hr~om•• hr•·~kj;.,'~•l '.l'l '""''''''I" ~"'· tlir \I If•, f'hl• k••n 1 ~ n, \'lollth I '"'" 1 It" ,,, ''''" '''""'' l.h \'1 ly v .... 111•1 loo•Y ltrd, ml~• 11 7'.! ~: :.Orv l S l , .,.,, l·•tl'"'', •,( ( J't', 'I• fIll~. <.:01ta M!'ll" ~11rnn ~IR-rt • llt\":i':"''ll'flf•T ~=''' ·: .. ''''"' ~rnfJt A u.t l'llfr '1:\:l:\ \'II• 1,111·· I'll ""' 1 '~-, :lk ", , Ill 1\H. I.II A~S ·11 ;, I ., , ; If I·:N I! Y (' VA I lf ; II N ·1!1>-~r·\\ p11rt Blvd I \I \1, •.• '.1 11/ I IIIII•··· 111711 .J 1 r, If•' -----llr:.At. F.14To\TF. n I t ol' I • of( S\1 ,1 :.1 \\1 '• d lf I' 1/\',l o 111oolc-l' • •Jt , .. ' I' ' '''' '-'td,·w,.lk~~t 11nd '"' IIW f'.,olf,~ "'''' •t, 1tll t~llllllt•a I . t'il I '"'" •• -J if, t I, I 1,1 ,. , ''"' : •• V.I.,., I I:; ,., I I t j" ,, lf I I Ill \ "' ' IIV I 1\\ :JI .I' : -,tot V I'' t '" I l '•til f • Ill• l lu dttlllfJIM. ' h dt. 1' "''' • "''·' \.\1 II tuult Hlllttl•• tltrl '•'lf '-'ld• fhll \\ ,y· I!•'""''"'"''" I•• ., , tl f 1,., h ,, r I r.7 .' t• ~·1 "•It• Blallclt c J\.~atcs Hcalt(Jr" < ;11111 y (;ate 212 Ma ri11 c Ave. Balboa J...,l aml l'hutlf '>'<: llnrllnr )1;7 1-.J l·:w11i11~!'. llarl,r,r 7·1fi-M Jrarln r 111:!'1·.1 RJ\t.BOJ\ ISI.J\NI> 2 · '1!'i (I lui'< \'t'l')' (t'\\ to( tho""'' l••fl '-ICJ7·.rl lllld $11.~·111'11.111 . ;,2 ft \t.rlf•rft•lllll ltol ( 'htli"• l•t~ .dttofl .. 17 ~IIIII llrt r ln•·-lr;olf ltl()f'k ('"'"' loi1\' I ,.,t•l\· ~ I! H htm 11• tlln- lru: 1'1111111, 111 11!•' rll~·,.l;wo·. h ill'd\\'ttllll n .... , ..... 1111' kll - l'ht·n :rnd lo;rllt I lflltltlt· t';lr:os••·. ~~·m••nlt -.1 pn l in Jlulft -'""1 llf'ft,,4. lift• \\il l'. IIIII 111"11< ... likt· 111'\\'. (;111":11'1' l'l.rl· s tnwll'll fw• 2nd -;lorv. $17.:-tfJ()()II c,r n111k1• 11ff1•r. T w•o :l H t( llnll!oo. ttlll'll n rodr•n1 ;u ·r·hift'('ttll"ft, flug- lll ttrll' fln•Jthl,'f"i, toftmpll'lf'IV f ttml!<hr'fl with romh4t(t pi)'\\'1/Clll inl1·ri1or. Vl'ry urt i·llt'1ivfl for $2f..!"o()(),t)() BLANr.HJ-: A (;ATI;:~n••alttlN--f:TNNY CATES 21-llc ----~ Harbor Feminine Activities Orange County lnslifute ol W .C.T.U. Held Here With Newport & Costa Meso Unions os Hosls ~~ "Jlut 1 H• ,,.., and ( ·.,.,Ia ~1• '" \\ ""'' ll·, 1 'lu''''·'" T• m· 1,. I ~lltl'•• UMI•tf\'"-Julnt t1 d"'-ht,,lt ~., ,\na, '•·t·l• 1m~ of Youth T••nlp- l.oluofl' 1'\llllll'll ~~~~~ Sao.oiJ•('ol(l· .ani .,f C'to:;l.t :O.I•·<;a, lnlt·rnattun· Ill Ht•IHIIIIII' ..... r.·t·ll) )II'S .\I ann•·· ;-.,., •II·· .. r t ,,.,,Ill:•'. I'HIIn· I) Sut'l,ol :\!111 :dot~ d1r• ('tor. )Irs. l·'lt~rra lit-til 1~ 11l Uitlhua. LTL M't'H'I,,ry. ;\II'~ :\Ill f) Lt.'ltlke t•f Sa111.1 Ana, l'htld \\'••lfnn• S•'l'· rl'lllr): M r~ 1\1 a> l' · H ,. n. !'1oltlu•r~ /lllfl S,IIIIJI'S M'l'rt'fitf)' 11!111•1• d 1n ordt•r for lllllllnS "ll1d1 P••> 1 ht·tr mt•miX'rshlp 1n full ="'•'" purl Rt•lll'h, hn1 mg l~o•• n ftr,l Ill 1111 II In II p;IIII ·UIJ "" u:h• r>-hl p, "•II hll\t' ttw h.mor .. r 1 ... 111..: 11w • t·n~:m•· .. Phon('S: Harbor 1:\ ancl 208 Paste 6 NEWPORT BALBOA NE\\'R-TIMES \ll)' llA \ ;\f'I4J)Ofl Ko·a••h, ( a lii. ~lurda II, 1'!114 .1/ue Birds Achieve Comp Fire Standing . Comp Fire Girls Become Horizons Jl(l\ In~( til hH "'rl 1111' 111:1' 10( 10, .ntut• 111rds I!) 1 lw St•ll, youn~• s1 branch of ·t '•uupllr•· l~trll'. hro~ Jl<.1W IJN'l•n1• u lullfl•·ll~tt•d t'ump· fir.-;tii•UI• nnd wdl now ll1kl' \h•· numr nt 'l'nh Ilk•· ( •h , In· d lan nam1• ll•r "\\'ul••r Mlllllt•r•'" Thrtr old unoftlrms hav•• lw••ll latd a~tdt' and un Sunda)'. :\l urch 14 14h••n lh•'> 1:0 Ill a l(rull&,> ••• ser"'l<"-'"' "' t'hrasl (,urch by lhl' &!-11. lh•· ~:trl' 14'111 wear lhNr ne-w <. amp t'tN' uniform~ ur which a SKmJili' II uo diSJ)IIly al Fh Z]mlnck's 5ION' tn Ralboa This day also woh1•rs tn N1111onal C.mp Fire w~k. The girls, undl'r d1r('('l inn or their lnd<-r, M rs. t;ul Stonr- back, havt' had a busy yrar w1t}1 cookm£, lk"Win&. nature s tudy, par11l'l and t ripe Tht>y 1ut• entenng on an 1'\'f•n hw;ier Y••ar wlh more-vartt'd actl\•lliefi which will lnclu~ aummrr camp, coun- cil (lr~. e a.rnlnlt hnnors and lak- In& rank. Th€'Y will also pre- pare boxrs In 11end to lh1•lr pen p~~l In Mlln~h(•lt('r, E naland. 1e.JdCTLO! ~ l::t:=~:=...---,._:~~~;;;,;;;;a;~~ ror then > arc• m any girls who arc not 11hle tn join thl• or~:anization bt'<'IIUSC of lack or leadl.'rllhlp "'rht• kodcr aeta morl.' out of It than till' &Iris thf>mJI('IVI'I do. whrn shr looks bac k on whlll thry haw a«''mpllshf'd durin~r the yl'ar" aays Mrs. Stoneback. A1ml of C.mp Flrr Girls ar,. outllnt'd In th€'1r law: ''Tile L.Rw ot ~ Camp Firt' is: Wonhlp God. Setok Bnuty: Give Snvi~: Punlut' Knowlf'dae. II old On to H ealth : Glorify Work and tw Happy." 'l'hc'lr watchword Ia "Wahelo," ma~ up of rirst ayl- labll"S of WOf"k, hralth and IOV('. 'l'hc'lr alocan Ia "Givl' Sef\•let>," thint point of the Jaw. L it! ... "' ht• t~ot\1 II·•"''' tl t l ~t 111-'• "' IIi 11nd ,.,,. 1110\l 111 11111 d •II \ ,,,,,,, T il··\ Ill'!' I ·•II•" ,,,, ...... l.1r1d1o. \\'hol'lt ~1 111111' 1••1 Ill!' 11111 , •• ~ .... r t • ... n1• ~ 11, 'llw\ lwld 11 1'0•11<.• d f•••tl ol• 1··1"1'' l 'hn~lna;•" '"'" '11!1111 1ht•.) t ilflll d i11HIU\.:fl 1-'ttf\t ) 1tt tlokl' th• 111 111 J'u'll' , ... ,, 1 .. 1 lo•ur tltt)b Till'~ '''-1"'' I !11 1 otl II '" ltn• uun..: tu •nt1t, thlllfl~ I ·''', • 'u ''"'"'" 111111 mrok•• '''" !.•'"" lur <}/mmullll} "'"I"'"' Tt ... ) lor•· &Is•• pl;aruun~: a 1:1 ""I' I• •rl) 111111 S1•msur s' ,,.,. Prt>~ICklll ul Ktlul;ontl,, '" I It•· lurllS A nk•·n> ond ullwr uiiH'· e·r~ ure· B;,ntln r;,,,. ul• • .t. M., .. n·lor~ ·lr•·•~~u" r . lturl• ... ·' •~•nl: M'rtllf' tilllll d11111 of I II•· j,!rloiiJI IS ~Irs ~Ill) 1 ... ,. 1\,wkmun ~1••1nlw•rs tn•'llllh-;\l.,n~kll.w •I. ~13tlrt'•·n ( ·un"t•·t oh. ~1 ·• ' 1 u" ll!.rlman, .1 n ,, 11 I JtlllllfiiiiJUI, Lura Mlal' I.~tntllloltl 111111 Jt.,,,. m rtry llarlrn(l n I Moth ers' Circle Plans Easter Week Cooked Food Sole I hI ,,,,,, I J 11-tltl I t ,,,,k. d f••~l ''"' 1•11 llollu~o1 I· I lfi•l d II If\~ I ,,,,, t \\If l\ \\ , .. ,,, .. ,.. II\ "'' ...... I ' "' ;\11,111• I ,· ( • ., ' I• Ill ,J,,t.' 11 1111 ill• I I 'u'l I \lo '" 1\o ·till'l, \\ho II 1111 I:HIII JI 1111 I ,, ''" l 'II•· I ·""'"'"n, 1.1•1 ·"'Ill f 11 1\Ud ;1\t UlU , ;\'t \\)jill''' ll•1,:l•'"" 141 1h I ,,,,..1 l'lldh'llll ,, I II lit"''''' 'l'IITI•' 111111 1•1111 • 11! I hf• ~llll' Will !11• IIIIIIIIUill'l'(f l.1l1 I was lll~•· ""'' rl 1 tin I • "h rn• 111 lu•r •'Ill II 5; lu Ill' 1111 II• rf Ill hi th•· ltr'' "' ;\!Ia)', •" 11 1•·11•1•1 lr1r 1 ht• hl'l he I. J••··,•·nl ·•' th•o m••• ttnl-: \\·.-•rc" 1 h•· ~lt·,.lhltn••.!> II :\I llulkl'r, lllorr~ llurtlwk. Thoun.l' llnn' ltr•~:an. J11h n I'•Hllwm. W••sh•y "'"" h•t·. Huh) ( 'h •ll•'\ 1;, or.;l' c:.t). ll;,utl•·r<, 1.• ,, Fr>• r. 1 :~­ llu•r .luhn:.un, \',,n ltnlun'<un nnl1 J.unlll· ~···rll.IIIO• • ;-.,.,I 1111 1 IIIII: \\til l11• Aprtl 1 wllh ;\l" Hutun~ull, H:!l \\'''' l~th ~tr•'"' '"'II ~l1s ~· rr~.o•l•'' u~ , ...... 1u-.tt·'~ ull! tnt/.lll\llh fur (Jr.ul..:•• I'IIUIII) III»IIIIJit• uf \\ ('T I ', lu l•l 111 ( 'tu "' ( 'h11r •·h II\ 1 h•· :-;," lur .tn fill clot) "' ''II Ill l>o·h·..:ull·~ 11111111:111 ~.wk lund~t·~ untl ~.·w· fMII"t lllli11n M"l'\o•.J lt•,t. I'Ufl"l lllld salad Mrs . t·:l'IPllt• 11111'1•'1' ,,f Gar- o..lf·n Crnl•'. t'Olllll)' pn•lo.ul••nt. Jll'l'!oldo ·tl und dt•ll•t;:tlt•s Wo·ro• W••l· •·umt•d II~ Mn< • ~lay l "flrn, pr•·~ul•·nt ul "'''"IXII'I B1•nrh uoiun dlld ~lrll "'"''"' 1\kAIIam~. P"'"'tl•·nl uf ( '•lSI II !\l•·~o umon. :\Irs. llnllaArt of Anohr rn1 lr d in dt•\'0 1 111118. h••r I<IJIIC h\'1111: "I (;u Fishlnc." Each l'UUnt)' offll't'r pr•·Sr·llh•d IJl'r vrogrom, with ~oal~ for the year 011d ei'ICh lt•d In round 1 uhlt> discussion Taking part wt•rt> the JX't'Sidt•nt, Mrs llaq :wr: Mrs. Ada Tete-r ur SRnta ,\na. ~r­ rcspondtnl: s ,. c r (' t 9 r y : Mrs Edith Vos .. uf Sant.1 Anli, 1 n ·os- Urt·r: Mrs. P.-arl K ll•·ss of Urangr, s tate lind rounty t1trC<'· tor of 1'\·mpcrancc• I""' ruction ; Mrs . Rost• Saundt·r!l of Santa T exons ond Horses Visit ot Newport Heighls Home __ ..llo:Lt:.--ctrltl -Mr~ p;-tJSiiillll Of . Ne'f!pJltt. Beach "¥ Convenes Wednesdoy At Methodist Church Nt•WJIOrl llt•n•·h \\':rm;·.n·~ s ... l'to·ly ;,f ('lu•"""' Si'f\11"•' "'II '· rw ·••t \V•••In•·"l"' . .:\l nrd1 ltr ''' C:hrrsl C1ltlrf•h toy I h•• So•.o 'l'h• · Sillily ~:rnup \\til ''""' ,.,,.. 111 A:-,;IT\ c U.\:-,;t: uf Ralboa blantl.•·hannlniC ntMUlM'r n f ('Otlla ~~ .... ~tlv·l. Ortl .. r uf .Juh '" Oaupte"• tll•1;1ay11 11trtklnc two-Ji4f't'C' ,,.uo 1t,..-.... '"''"' 1tl10 '"> tur'" at fallhluu ,huw and ~rt brtd~ee 5ptln-.,.,rf'd h1 th•• ho·t h•·l un Maturday altt'nlllon In Alncortcan Lrjlion ball, ( .,.,.,. ~''"''· phvtu h:r Ut•<'knt•r lH :111 n m "'"' Mt·" .I ll H•·d · slnn;· ,,.:,tim~; on ''uill or lh•· l 'm!Pd :'o/rtlu•rt~ pro..:r.un rl11lht"' C'11 ··•·· wtll ~··r\1• tht• 1;! 311 lunrh•·oll 11nd 111 lllf' llft- t•rn•••n husam·'~ mM't1m: and prn~:rnm, I:"''" •p••rtk••r "oil I•· :\lass Al:n•·~ A It hull \\ lw "'II 1:11'1' a h~'t'imd tnlk on hl'r ,.,. lll'fll'nt'l'• dunn~ ·hi ) •·11r:. on In- du• MJSS Ahi.OUU. now -ln-fml· J')ua, li nn "J''' uf ··"···n·· .. rrum h('r work Adventist Women Collect Clothing. Pion BreaHasl AI tho ~. '' 1111t llro) Ad\'t•nti~l .t:hurctl-on 1\lll~W• M .. rn..-. ill~· t••rt fl, tt.:hl•, I ,.j,,., nl I ht• ~"­ "'~ , 11 ,.., "" 1 t • ', 1 y Thursda). "II'" th•'\ 11• ",,,.,.,~ t•n~;aJ.trtl 111 \\ ••rk :,, '''I' unn.:, di•anlm: Women in Forces To Receive Full Time Commissions \\ ASIIIM~T(tN, ~lARCH 8.- 1'1•• ;\ II"U"" At nwd Sf'f\'IC('S Sulwnmm11 h'" tori~<) appro\'<'d a hdl to nltlkP \\';jrs, Wai'<'S and \\'um•·n Mnnno·s a pt·rmanrnl pnrl "' lh•• armrd ~<•·rl'iC't'S \\'dlin~:tun, T.•xns and 1wo uf lttt•ll' hurSt'!' un• \'lSI I 1111: II I lilt' home of 1\·lr 1111d Mrs A. S. Th•Jilll$t>n, Nt•\1 IHH'I I l•·t..:hts. Mr Sm11h, whn 1s Mrs TI1vmpson's hrf>l twr, IS a cnlf hrok•·r· nntl troalllf·r ur hor~l'~ nntl his u\\ n flllllllllb ill't' 14 ••II ·•l·u~­ fmrwct '" tounn~ 1 h•· l'nllntry in tlw•r own lfrll'i<l•' l ra.t1•r Alon~; un lhos lrtp nrf' a white on•• and a hAnd~t•mt• pnlnmmo. ~TJirrh-d. pin~ ful and )t'l ltl'ntlt•. 'rht• yuun~:t·r m •·ml"'r' nf thl' Thompson, Lnonry and l-1•\'allt•y famtlt('s a rr t•njoyanc r1drs o n th€'m. Tl11· ruunly Ofi:lllll111111111 i~ rnaktn~:; 11 nlorllarun· str Ntnthnrcf tra1n "ltu•h 11'111 '"' pn s••nlt•d at th•• ~I all· t'iUW<'ntwn in t ktoht.•r. En~-tlrw und l'llactws will IJ•• d t•s- T ilt· ~1.111• tn~t•tUI•• \\u' lin· no11n•••·ol fur !\l.orl'h !1 111 San lA An •• l 'nll• d l'r•·Sh~ h·riun church und llarhor nn•a nrfiC<'rs nn• pf,lllllllll: 10 j:;O Town send Club ='t'wport flNtrh T owns<'nd l'lulo wdl ltl('t'l 111 7:3(t p. ~· '!' 1 '~"' hmlll' of 1\lr and Mrs. ~ Thump~un . 31:! Santa Ann a\lt'· llll<', "'~'"'J)url l lr•1ghts on 'rlH'S· duy Ready -for -the -Wearing That's how every dJ'ell8 ln your wardrobe sbocllif bE>! WP c-lean your ffOC'Iol to ~ve them fl'ftibDl"8S"and lonJ.tf'~ lilt'. Brtn..: thf'm Ia today. OrrtC'f'n of Pah HI('(' Oh 11rc Taja Tohlll, prt'llde nt; Sh€'lby 1\&nnt'll, viC('-prCsldtont ; EuiE' l..l"StE'r . IK'CI'Nary; Jo Ann HnJtl'n. tn-uurl'r. Mefntwrs a rl' Kathr)'Tl Bound•. PE-nny Ellcobar. Carol Blowtor , Conny ~lry. Harrl.-tt Kina and Ethe l S tont'back. ll Landscaping Art ~ Hy Gl•·nn L. Blu<'k, C A LA IH iwllllc ond p "'"'"1: 1'11llhtn~t Th•• dut lun-: '' IISI'd In thrt•• "·')''. '"""' !:••lite 111 th<' Nnv~tj" luth:tll'. \\llll•· ul h•·r~ urc giVI'rl In til• n• ··d ) II•·H· al homr. Lsu!l 11111 11111 It asl •~ thnt which '" '''"' '" th•· F.or!lllll' Rl'lil'f com- ""'''''' \\ 1111'11 Ill!~ l'lldt'AI'Ored lu pl;ll'•· Ill•· •llllfiiHIIh 1n lh<• hnnds Appr"' 111 h) a 6 In :l v(ll(• came· 1l t•·r "i•l~•n•·nl s II'Si ofll'd lhllt rx- l•·n<;H•n .. r llw \\artonw au1hnn1y '" 11111 \\nlllo·n Ill untfurm would ''l" n lho • '"") fur drartang ''"m''" While M n! Smath h:.s II\ I'd lien•, 11 1 h1•r hu...,balld'll ftrst ,·isll nllhi)U~:h ht• hall ,,.,•n much of th(• rc·s• I)( 1 h•• world Ill• wns onr or 111 Trx:Jh~ t·ho•u•n tu 1:11 Wtlh 1011 prufl·s"unul ndt·r~ to En~land Jl,. 1dsn 1 r111n~ nil tlw hors•·s fCir S)tllll'}' Yokll•y, Tl'X· as r;•nt'h "" n• r and C'<tWf.:lrl. who stn••s •·hrh ~ ··ar to 1 h•• :O.:I'w Yurk roclc•c• LIDO CLEANERS Mr1. Earl Sl~bllek Is ~runrd­ lan and lponaQI"t Are Mrs. G. E. Tohill. Mrs, Norman HaJt€'n and 0\arles Owm. Hwt ... Oroup ln Newport Harbor U nion Hiat1 IIChool Is the H«lmn croup. made up or Camp Ftrt' P.-T. A. Fathers' Hight Slat.O For March f 5, Hewporl leoclt Schoo/ On Monday covl'nlna at A p. m .• March 15, anoth€'r Fathl'rs' nl~tht mf('tlnlt of the Nl'wport Btoach Elmwntary P .·T. A. will take pia~ In the audltortum of the Newport Buch Elmwntary Khool. H tch Ugh t of the pr~am will a,. the Malinda Kay act. ''1llc lAdy With the Hau". Malinda KAI)' hu appt"ared profl'ulon- ally for' a lone tlmt', ~rtvlnlt hf>r atorin of lhf> hata ahe owns. made and worn by peoplf' of notoriety u far back aa the )'Mr 1875. Mualc by the echool orcht'ltra and IC'hool band, dlrcctrd by ~ Clin ton Sawin. v.•lll be hurd. Ptfoctodlng the mC't'tin~:. lx'· tween 7 p. m. and A p. m., lh<' admlnllltratlnn lind rarulty of the Newport schnol will hold op.n howle to rnalM par€'nls and friE'ndll to II('(' lhr nl'w Bddi- Uonl to tht-bulldm~:s A$ wrll ~~~ thf> t'StablilhNi plant All rO(lm!' will bc open 11nd nil trar he rs will bc In lht•ir "" n moms It Is hoped thnl many wall '"'llol th~l\··~ nf tht~ "Jif'ilrtunity to at'ftunmt 1 hrm~t'l' ··~ wtll• t hi' N t>141Xlrl ~rhCJool Durin~: thl' P -T ,\ ml'1tlnc st ~nup uf ,.,.,.,nl h ,., :ulo• I ;11 1 SC:llllll' "Ill IW' 11\'illlllhl·· '" •"If• fnr rhtlrln·n. Fifth cr11d;o n•'m ninth• r' will h1• hnt'll'l'SC'S. Rev. John Saville To Arldress Members St. Jomes Auxiliary Tiw Rt>l'. J ohn Sn\'lllc. rector ol St. Michnrl'11 churrh Ana- ht'lm. will 11ddrt'S1 ml'mhl'nt of lht" Women's Auxiliary of St. J ames Epiacopal churrh "' a met>tJna to IX' h€'ld "' 2 p m Thuncby, MIU'('h 11 at thE' home of M rs. Gror11r Y11rdlry, 2140 ~an F ront. Balbo8 Mnt Paul Moore Wh('('lrr 14111 tW' as- alstlng hosiC"U. Mr. Ssvlllto Ia lt'Crt'tary ot City Miasloru for thf' di()("('St' or Loa Anct"les And will SfM'IIk on d ty m lulon w ork. With ~ M ay Mark€'t slAted for May 2, thia Ia an Important rnft.lm& In rt'Card to organlzina work f« the t'\'t'nt. Alao on the agenda will be detailt'd ~porta of convtontlont hy Ute presi~nt, Mn. H. P. Bender , and other deteratl"S. olo A-~JacM! (left), In C'AinJ• ""' Olrta' uaUorm, and r.t~l 8~ ( rtl[hll In unlfonn of Blue Birch. St. Potrid's Theme For Club Luncheon Mr~. Thumn.s F'r~l WR~ hUll· ti'U IO mrmht•IS nf tii'I·T OI:<'Ih· ('r eluh on '01uf'dll}' a l h•·r hom1• on Snwlt t•·r :1\ •·nw·. l"•·w· r~Jrl lf••is,:hl!<, )fr, ....... nurll Zuht• or llalhu.• J,.lanrl ~ohnrm..: hOIIt'S$ dulil"< Lunt•ht'C.lll lahl• s \\ •·n· l'llnrm· an..: in 1 hi' spnn..:t•m•· ~:n•t·n nnd whitr or 111<-S1_ Pntnck's Day theme. R('("('ivin~; hlr!hd!t)' stirt~ Wf'fl' Ninll Wol!rrs and Mary Mr - Oonald, whtll' !IJII'<'IItl prlll'll w€'nt to Mildn•cl Mernll 11nd IWIIl'mRry Smit h tlf t-:1 C'rnlro. formrr l larhor nrl"'t n•std<'nt who I" viKIIinR h€'r mothrr. Mr11. ~Wile S annott or Balhoa. Othr rs pri'S<'nl W('rr Ehzn- bcth Belmont. Doris€' J•·~ko. Alma Thomp80n, and Lrla Mc- Milla n. N€'xl mt>t•tin~t w ill tll' hrld al thr hom t• of ~trs '11lomp8on Slatffi for April I , rlC(JI'rlallons for fun art' high. 'The Royol Family' Senior Closs Play , Voted Smosh Hit R)' Rt'S ii\TY.R CRP:Y.L\ l..rsl Friday m~hl I Ill' <t'llll or da'" ••f ;-.,." t~t•rl ll.ort.vr I h.:h ~··ho••l had•• raro \\,.II I H II< rillS!'· "''''''~ .ond ••• 1111 puhlw In fl nl.HH1t'r In "-~" u tnlt•e· lhn t H \\llllltl '" luno• 11 mo•mh• •··•I Ill •LWIIIS: llw dollullll Ito~ .d ~ .1111 ~~~ "oth .1 I• .1u111 .ol 'I" II .11111 1111 IH,1'\tttt tlt.IIH tlu' liHt t\,lf~, tth~ ~l tidt•f\1' I ,tiiH tf fltt 1t ltHih• 1'1 tho• 'l"•lll ,oll• toll~ iJtl•l.lll" th.ol ht••llj,;hl "''' 1.11 1 llll.olll l'ooll• II '"' t•• ,, , , nd 'I h• ~~'"'' ~ 1.•·•· l\lll~ht ottlll ''"'' \1111 ~1111th ,.,,, "'"'""II' ·lfH'•'' thil1 \\•1 •' ltllto,ht'd J•lt t't' "I (!t .'llll!ll ll' 111'1 Ill lht'll' thllh'lllt t'ollloa~ ,d!l nl ••lllo•t "•lllH'II, I h••1r ~II<'•'•'~~~ ~ l'rtiTit'd lht• pl11y lrt•lll .,,.,.,. ;,.;•· p.oa:•'ltlr~ mh• t lw n •nlm or tn11• llwatrl' Bill r>leOu\1, II rtii11J~'•I t hr••U~;h tht• JIRI'I Of .\nlhllll\' I '11\ o•nd1Sh and han .. ~tl·d "''~' nf l hl' lau~:hs 111 1 ho· ~rr1p1 , nnd mnn) that '"''" lll'l•·r in lh•· ""~-t•nnl prtnlin~:. Thr suptXIrtm~: rnll•s W•'rl' tld· mlf&l•l> pl;~>•'<l ~htrl··~ ~hln!!­ l~rl: :'lnd Std On' ul-nn '' ••rr o'X· l"f'llr nt and,;:~,·t• 1h•'tr rh:~rnt"II'MI " nn~: of rt>llhsm Th•• rnttr•• l!<Upporl tnjt I'R,_ t C'Of11(Jo wffi nr ('l.rtntl' Shrok. Rud~ Castlll\5, St 11n Rc-11. n .. t,. !';tunrd. llt'lt•n Wini('Ts Buck R€'an. James Stt'ff('nsen. Jnhn Curr). ,\rman· do Monaro. ElfiUi!lt' l )wrn 11nd Dick Balch. mn1ntalnrd thr dr· JtT't'e of rxCt'll('ntX' <'Stabliahed b y thr principals. --------- To dean w alls. mix ont> <"liP of When a huge trwteor fell in vinegar . Ont' cup <>f hou~l'hnld Siberia In 1908, the n<Ue waa ammonia to two gallon• of aoft hH.rd In lrkutak. 600 miles a••ay. water. LANDSC'Ari NC; ST IIEP NuN~rrtl's 111'111 111: t lw IJillllts WI' ll~f' lt) hl'llllllfy IIlii' htlllli'S, to ;:r"w uur frutl' nnd h··rr~~·~. und '" ~ou~:nwnt lht• tmrHiy's "''l:<'lllhl•· ltonl•·rs lw\" lit.•t'olllt' quilt· 11n ,.s,;,·nlortl purl uf •)Ur dnlly IIVI'S. llu\\ ami wh•·n t1111 thry on~:mnl(' ht•r<' 111 Anwr· lea7 Flr"t ht MaJrm '1111' r"'' ""~~··sll1111 "' an Anh'rll'an IHII"IY IIJII~·.,rs m I hi' r.·o tlrfi, "' .1 .. 1111 ~.nfll•~•ll .. r S11h•m In hall h•· 1111t1o·d ~~~~ llJIIIh• II•"'" f111 '"'"'' ~~~~ at'll'!o ul land It \\llS not until !Itt• 18th { 't•ntury. "''"'''"''"· tllfll tlw l'•;•d 1111d nUrl<••ry hU~IOt"SS r<'olli) ~ol undt•r way. On Frbrunry :.!N. 1'71!1, "h.at was pr11hnhly t hr f1rsl ~rl'd od- \'l'rll!wm•·lll on Anll'rll'a HJIJ')I'ar· rt1 in ltu• J\11slon GaLNII'. vru- elalmmg for sAil' "fr•·sh ~artl•·n ~'C.'Ii of all lhlrls importl'd from l .. t'lndon-nlsn t:n~:llsh Sparrow Grltlll root!', Carnnt1nn layt•r, Dutdt Gllt~SI'·hcrry 11nd Currtml bush('S." Whilr· Danlrl En~tll'mnn, fiM · isl nntl Sl't•dmnn, st ltrl••d 11 nur- llcry 111 Phihtd1•lph1n 11hr t•ul- turnl rt'ntt•r or thosr timl·~l durin.: tht• yt•nr 17i•!l. lh•• first t'81ahl"hnu'nl f11r 1 h1• ..:• '"'Ill~ !lf ~~·•'<i l'(>nllllt'rr tnlly llf!Jw•ar•'{! m r "" spnn~: .. r l7H-t Jl,l\ u1 Lanclrel h Ptll'n•·ti h•~ slnrt• I hill yt·nr on l'ho1rad•·lphu•. Ill"' 1111: Ia· h'r '" llfiSit>l, l'•·nn") II"'"·'· \\ht'r•· 11 ha.: "'" •· IH·,·n ltH',t1•·•1 l.11111lr• lh 111111h-ll11• f1r~1 ••nll••t· 111111 "' 1'llllh 1111" uml rh.~l.-1· oul runs 1n i\nh'rll'.l • .trr) 1111: 111,,. .\n •'''''"''' t• 'tlttoe•k ut tH'lh t\:l· ''''' .11111 tl••m• '"' ,,,.,, pltnl 111.1· ft'nHI"" f·•·n••r~tl t "IIIIIIHIItn :'\111 ~· '"' .u11l f.,,, ""' tl '''"' \\tl • t f1fttlh d 11•'111 th· '' r~ hq.:111111111' \\lilt ""''"I'' .1 pi'"' 111 •1• 1 t d~ '', utunl tl• d h~ ploll11 ''l''"'''' lltol 11 \\I· II It Uti •'h•\\ llh' tlllllfll• h • \\hu h h••ht JU't~lll'H' llt' It•' •Itt! II t'flt '" ""' "'"""'( 11HI 'IOI' tiH Ill Hll .. ••>~lntr~. 11 1!•11 \lololl· "' '"'''' .tpp1· ... r lrth '"'•• .._ t. " d· Ill tnd Ill l.l•llllt•ll """""' lh· I '"' I I'·" I nr tlw lTih t '••nllll ,\ In t 'nlliPI IIr:o. nl 1'11111 '' 11 '' ll'lltld~ "''II lil.tl lh•• >illt•o•~ IJtH'II I "'''I 1·•1'111• Ill '•f '"' ~.···I :tlltl 11111'1'1~ 1111111,1 1~ h·l~ lh•'ll j.!rt':o II~ onllu .. no•• ol ~~~ IIi•• I.. II Ill nnd i\~111111' 1'011111 r11·~ ~ .. , ,., 1 h··· l•·s.•, I h1• 1111111~ I I~ lll'l • h'l> ht'<'n, f11r I h1• lli1ISI l)llrl, flll.llltl· t•d IIJitln I ht' !101111' h.l~l~ RS lh1)!;r' ~tf•n rn..: 11~ f11n•rnnn•·rs ncro.;s 1 hi' n.llton Olio Acts in Rehearsal For Costo Meso Play PTar tiN' for f"lh• .1rt• nr thr Gny :-.lmrlll'"' ro •1 "'' 111 1\t' £1\- l'n In ronjttnl.'l "'n "11 h 1 hi' play whlch Is 1t1 hco !ll.tt.:NI '" April hy ttw J'orrnl Tf',H'hl'r assiX'III· tlon of < 1~111 M•••l\ ~:1t•mrnt11ry l!l'hOOilt. Will lit' II t T 3(1 p m. cnC'h Tlwltdny ''"''nlnJ:: tn thr audlwr•unl or thr MRm ~ch()()J. It I~ nnnount't'<l Th<' N1•w York City poll<'t' fore<' htu aoou1 lT.(l(J;l m cmtx-rs. .. t , '''l~'ll"lltl•• I"'IIJ•h· in every n•·•·tl~ t'llllnlr) 'Ill" 1110·11~tor•· llfl\\ a:o;os In thr lull ''"1111111111•1' SuhenmmiiiN'' •·h:11rna:u1 l'11ul \v. Stwfl rr, R . :\lu•h . IH'••dtl'lt~l II will Win f':IS)' appro\ hi T lw .,,,,.) ·'"'"""' that ho.' \,.·t'n ~'""''''""''II 111 1h1• p11st few '""'k" •~ ,.r.,llncl :itKI ~arrnrnllf ,!ftfl lf~l Jlolll' t•l ~Ill• S. In tho· "' .tr 1111111•' the lltdtr5 " l •• ~~~Ill~ ·Ill •. lily murllln g lu• ,1,1 ,,, .tlttl lh• fun•f, 1:11 to Cnllforllo:o '" first among the "tat••• 111 lrtt~rtll'rl ar··~~~ '"'h :14 IN'f ,., nt ,.f t h•• ltHf I• nid l ut.1l ·"" ''"' •. "'' "11rk tt ... y nrr t til\ If\~ Ufl Tilt< 11ttl11~1 """' ~:rnlop •·nJilYS ·••'I"''", "' t ilt' rlu) m rluthng lh•· 1••1-lll•'k l11nrh tmtit•r lh€' I• '"' r~hlp •·I ;\lr~ l 'ulum wath """ Fr•·•l 1 · .. t.·man :o~ n•'" ~!'C· ll·l.•r> Holiday Sloge Oilers Young Actors Stod Com pony Training lloliday Sl:l.:••. th•• prnft·~•itln· al ~ltll'k c·ompnny wtm·h wall br- 1!111 1tN ~··eorad ~umnwr 1•f len pl:•y• Jlllll' ~~~ "' '1'11~1 111, !hill \\'(•l'k 1'1pll'd 1\1.1\ n...... llt'rum to wnrk with llw .;n•\lp 111:11in "~ pnKitlt'll"n '"~•••oalo· \\'lth ~ .. , n1ttn :\t•·nrit'' ''4; art rt1rr•c· 111r unrt 1\un·y :\kt:., "' IIThn l· l'itl rllfo't'lllr, "''" llurllm , .. , m~ tlw lhonl nu·111h•t ••f tho• trio \\'h•• ''' ''h't •. , ... 1 ltiV n lttUtH• t1 tht• IUnt ltll\' ,·,f J,,, "'if11f1H'r , .unt•ns:. th••m 'T'• tilt'•• '' F.'' r:· f1tr ,. \I• II •'II I lio~l" tllfl IIlli h· .Sp1n1 ,,.,,." lilt• '\ •• \\ t •t 1 t ,... \\• t•k. \J,..._.,. 1l••I'U11 .. ltu\\t d t \t•ry ~!l••th• ( .. 1111 I•• II n••l ur ~IH1tllh I "''"'" II 11 p •• I ht" \\, "' 4 ·,. , .. t ~~~~ ... , ,., d '·u••• II• l "' "''''" 11 Ill lit~lt tl .... • I , •. n•. t t ' t hf" I'' 1t11• 11" t 1 \ h Hl '" t ... ,~,, 1 ,, .net u . ,, •• ,. II ., I I I I I II ' '. , ...... ' •h ,, I I. j ft ,,, .. '0 Ill '\.1 ot 'I 1 I I • I ,, 1 j ' I I' fl••t il•l dill•·'''l''" f till \ "· H .. I. 'l it I 1\ .UH••III\1 ~·· '' 11hh •'• I • I • PI' "iol I \. 1\fho r ... "'' I \\ Jll••· •If, llilllllh! ,, ... .,. Ill I •II lilt.! "' \I t t'· ~(l '1111: •Ill · I I,, •• · I ', 1\' ', :11 c•n• • " 1 .. 1 ,,r th•· ~ ..... , .... ~ ol "'''n ' u r 1 un llrllad" ··~ ,·,;. 1)1 11. II 11 ""' 11 ho i!~o n. •I luo; f,r ... r ppt~r It ' I, nn tht• lt•ClJ ~Olill r ""-' hI 111 I 'am• mf•r 4t1t~"k •"'•lnlf'.trl\ ;r1 t to 1 ''' \\"h~ ~lwuld ""r · o1• "" d 1 ••tlnR p~~nplr of thr \\ • '' l1.11, ,,, fi:O In I hi' 1-:,lt:l I'll o•l I•• I• ,., i\'e tht'ir lrnuun.: 111 ,limn•· r ,,,,..k ,,.. t r<lHIInl! cr. •1111•1 ~h••ll I hi' rich! .11 Ill• h• '' 1 "' lh• prv- clucl inn f orlrl .,e .ton ~tum· .nttng to ppt n~ dur- Jf tnbly F:x rH•ndll ur··~ fur h OU!>Irll: av- o·n .. ~·· ahoul ww -f'1f1h .. r lulnl t1 S l'iiJIII :d I'XJII'IIftllllrt'lC. 456 Newport Blvd. COSTA MESA TAX RETlJRNS All Kind~ • R.f-...onahh• ;\('('O l 'STIS tl Glen E. Fu Her "TOP OF TI IE HILL" PHONE BEACON 5798-J 807 ('n.,.t llwy. (By Uw I'.U.) ('orona df'l ~br. ll•r . 24'!:! WE USE THE ZORIC DRY CLEANING SYSTEM 4 .. ,~ Jrro· .~1( .erica .. ales , .... ... ~lon .Al UCt Of 779 Tlmu . Tt:o. ~8,000 TO 110,000 GO- ; tlrst-cl~tsJ references .errul future. P 416 Ttmu JJusiness A!ll Atll rent, M llnrl Broa hill!. &c. lons:-terr R ead.-. 4 ·~SGO. BF.AF .lhl~ t f'!'ltat NEWS -TIMES CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS ' Will Solve Your Problems READ THEM FOR PROFIT USE THEM FOR RESULTS THEY PAY BOTH WAYS • I Mi~~ n.•rllm f, , I• th " ,. "ill n<'l hi' l;ma: 1 .. f·or• lll•l•t•, 1 1,'<'~. ~·in~: I: I\ • n t'•• or 111 '' •'1'1 "' • u n· ''> 111 l''"r' •-u•n.•l dt.Htn hy llnh<l:t~ S ! ta:• 11 111 h,. '"'••ng the llrt'''''"·" :ar"l IIPIII\\ood ~111r• \\h•• 11 111 r••t11n '''pill.)' lh•' ll'11•l•11~ p.u '' In '"''''' o·th nl: ~umm('n!, Newport Harbor's Member Audit Only DAILY Newspaper Bureau of Circulations lk \\'11r -Ad\'rrt~ Sf-11 Ulst unwwtt'd arllclf lhroueh Nr"' ... ~ •ds Delivered by Carrier Day of Publication PHONES HARBOR 12 M.13 Nt:Wt'OHT U .o\I.IHlA NF.W"'·TIMt~~ f'AOE 1 NEW~RT BALBOA NEWS-TIMES NO FOOLIN'. Bl I>DY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ TELEPHONES: HARBOR "· IS ASD !08 PubllabO'CI F.\'l'•r)' U•y. Mond•Y Thruu~eh t rhla~ \'ulum" XI. ' :-By Carril'r or Mt11l: ~180 fllr m unlh nn~\\h•·••· 111 :-."•'"1"''' J\('n,•h and " Costa !\h·~: !:.!.40 for 3 mnn1hs. $-! 110 f,•r 6 month•. ~J po·r )\'UI Oy Matl tn Urange c .. unl) ~·~~~I ,, •• r . IO till '''"''• S!•-'~>. lu ~~~~ HIOI', ~lj :>11 =-~~~~~~~~~~~~-----------! Enten.od as Stocond-<;lru.s mlll h·r nt th•· l'n~lofr•<"•' 1n "'''" po•rt B· ;lt'h I ·. CHhfornm. undl'r 11w A<·t 11! Man·h 3, U\!ri s=~A~!\~,~,~>-.~,~~)~,~tTF.==.~R~--~~~--~~~~~~.~~.~~_--~,~~,~.~~.~-"~"--,., I: .. • I If 'T'OU EA~NE..D $500 ~ MORE'~ 194-7 'YOU MU~T MAK£ AN INCOME TA"' RETURN OH 0~ BEFORE MARCH 15' · News· Times Comic Section · Five Top Spot Family Features Daily . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • • • • • • + • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • LUCll'S S. ~:'-11'111. Ill . -1\tan.lgl n..; Ed•••" · '. W. F. DIXO:\ . ,\th, rti,lu,.: :ll.•n·•~··• Prinl m;: l'lunl. :~111 \\'. C<•n117tl Avl•lljH'. l'-:1!'\\ JH.IJ 1 lll•lll'h. t'nhronlla I Official Paper of the City of Nt>wport Beach \ A ~e Lc:N-~&1 lru.lltullnn fur (h't•r 4U ,.,,.,. NATlONAL EDITORIAL 1948~~~ They've Built Another Budget The Bur~uu of Lahol'-SI-Hii slil'S has built ;mothe r hudt.:l'l. ~~~~~i~~~ This tim<' it is t·allt><l tht• "Cit:.· \\'nl'kN's Famil~· Ruc!gPt ." , The n.•ason fnr building this htldgt•t is nut quit<' plain. Ttw I Bw~au says cleflnitl'ly it is not a "suh~istam't•" hutl~t·t. ll(H' yt>t a "luxu ry" bud~<>t. Thl'y hasll'n to point out that it clot~ not apply to anyone in partit'lllnr. In fill't , it st'I.'II1S to bt• met~ly somt'OnC''s notion as to hnw mul'h mom•y a myt hit'al family of fow· might nt.-'t'd to li\'l• unrlt•r t•t•t1 ain nmciitinn.;. Thc amounts var)' ft•om l'ity to dty. The my thical family eons ists tlf a hu-.band. ag<' :\~: a wife. age 36: a son. age 13 in high st·hool and a rlau~hh'r. ;~gC' 8 in grade school. This family has only onr wagt• ('arrwr, liv<-:; in a p~:u1 ieular kind of house. nnd buys SJil'<.'ifit· qtt\lntitit•:-a nd qualitics of goods a ncl setvitX"S. IWith mort• than :t! milliun familit>S in th<> <"'llntl)' .. tht'l'l? might b .• ont• or two "hit·h actually m('('t these spcdficntions. ·n1C•y, of cotn~·. "mald not bc my1 h iml. l Thc qu<-Stion is what is thi:-. hudgt•l s tuc1y to lX' u:;.'fl fur" Ev<'n as a basis for cump;11isons it t·ould bt• ~fuJ only to the' handfuJ of families \\hit·h nw\.'l thL• qualifkations outli rwd. Unfor·tunately both AFL a nd CIO puulications a r't' Ut-g-in~-: that it he U<;('(l in dt~mnnc!ing \\'UJ.:<' imTt•ascs. '111ey point out t hat the "avt'r.•g<>" C'mployt'(' d()('s nut makt• as muc h as thi-. FORUM o•· PUBUC OPINION A <•'111111 ~ lq.:" 11 mit) h.l\•' l .thl~ 11111'hl l• ·""' lucl,l) h ud WI' ltt••n l"''l>ll•l•• l<1r lhh ll.tllllll '" a. ... -<1 '"' ""'·Itt 111 I Jgh l•~•ll' '•'•' r•·tnut.· l t tnl1 th•· t• ... t ol 1h• ,,., nL:th lft,t.·.ul .. t 4 '"'-''.'' \ttt·atk lh , ... l;, lh'l,tl :I loll 'h.tlt TPIPphorw ('all Frum lluustun (;in•s Pt•t\k l' nrlt•t· lhtss I run ('u rt a in "' Ill ' ,, \1'1 '' •I' I ! ,, ~·· .. lll ,,,. "' ,, 'I • I I I tlid II I d I ftj f\ ' . " . .. I ~ 1 I filii • n P ,, ! II It •1 • l II+\ I tt ... ) I' I LETTEHS TO TilE ~E\\'S-TI~IE~ \1 I '•Ill II· " •• 'I" I IIIII I tiUitlh II "'' fth Jll+ 1;. I I -. •I\ 1 '"f f I' 1 •I H t fl t .. ,lll lit. u •. 111 "'1"1 ,~,,," '"' tlh tlt.tlh• t'ttiUII\ • 1 •· t It ~,. If\ k• • t•ll u' \\tilt th• 'tt•tdl " \t "''"' ll "'"'' HII I till , .. I,,,,,,, d ,,, tip ltdlt ,, ,,,,.1. ·I I I • ,. I II It I"'''" ' .... , \ tl l'' f\tlo. 'I \1 I \l!t,•l It \I! \. " ...... ,,,, ttll II "l••t ·r ll\\1 t .. tthJtt I \t I\ lit tl ltut ll••t tl· ~~ ... 11·\ h· lj t ,,, ,,, •I.- "'lilt II " \ttl& I .fill to f•, I• I 'lift II ,, ' \ ; I , tl I, \\ lin • I II \ tt ''' • '· , •• h .h It\ lqh •II I. t I \ "·· , ..... t \ lo I tl l \ •• ,. ll!llt I' •• I \\I ttlll '"., ' rl II • ' I. ' '" Ill I t tt•l· t ,, • t ,Itt ll t \\• I"'''"' t llt t ~~~· pit I '• lit• '"' '"'''I\ II \\ th. ''""''I l!t t ,,,..,!d ltft !tid l 111\t I tl' t ·f ' ' ...... ttl 'thl I ~ ., "' IH If\' d~;l h•tl ff\ I •• '"" '! \ ·I~' I t\t I fut t l•" "·'' "'11•\•t• .. ,~d \ \\ \ , , d t 11 , t t •""' ...., '' • 1 •I I lu 1 ,,._,, 1••• •h,uu• '"'' •••h"ttltllt 1 I u I ot ,, I. I,,, ,,, till , .. ·•pl• IU t • •lu• 'tlo~t h ••••• •••tutttllltt""'l '''uti tthl lu' \\ti t II'" '-• •" t, t ftUlt I ,.,.h .. h t1 Ut• t(,,.,,, 'I tt • ,,,,,, I .• I" t\ ,, ..... ""''' l'h\ \I "' Iff '" ,, ·''I ,,,, ~ ,, '" \ ·'· ~\\,,I .• tl.tnd ttl d utqt t "' • k "'' th• II I " '\ " " ,, ... H h ' I" t4 II '' 'I' ,. I I ll• '"uth' I• ,,, '" • tt ''' l 't tu 'th IHt t '''''II ft, I I'l l i lh• 111Ut!J\ ,.., t••tHJtlt tth IU\ ,,, ' lth , l•"'"'' .. r It•• , "''"""'u''J ' ., ....... ,~. ... ,,,, .... ,, •• ,, ...... , I·· ..... "''' ,,, ,,, \I I I tit f11 'fHil~ \ P I \ 1/t I"" f 1q11 I\' I I lttiiHUH ... III lu1J lit ftttHh ftf tf•oll' It ,., I I I" I 11 n• 1 t\l•t•tl tlu fh \\ I t i IHlt I h• lttt tf \ dll• ul I• .d • "'' tt• ,,, '' \\ 'til"' f "tf\ I~ I flftt tlt•1 tf '-lt. 'I( lilt l lf llltiPU !ITRAN6E.4S IT jlW ~.t ·~:" ------ AA.-.. ~r '5. \ '-' K.\'. ,,_,. "1-i' \ .:••£ ~'""i s·:;..-.~ liT.~~ ·~• _.:;. I ('~:' ..... _ .......... ''*£, 00'lXIt (11\.·•'· ,--.• ~,,.,.,\'-') Sr PHILIPS .. . ,.. . C'I-IURCJ.f -I I - h 'lA.¥ ·"' ~ CrlM.ESr::.w S ~.· •• I 1( ~I -HAS M~O lilO JIU.& IN 1rs 8£LJ:IIlY StNCI TH! CIVI~ \\~~/ .IN· .. £ .~S fH(Y HEI:lCHST I\T.',~H\\ttV ,I'.£1£4:l'C~.R·f."' ... Till CA$H IE~t$17~ 1\ ~$ \1!'\-:'.1 ::• P~EllN'T CISMNITY l!o. At ·:! S T..Xlo/ 3 1 budgt't shows could be spent. Tht' trouble is t•onfLL.;inl-! a 1\tati.;tit· with a person. If tlw a\'L'mgc W('('kly wage of nil manufacturing <'mploy€'t-s in tht• Los Angl'h'S a r't'a is S5R05. t hnt is ~~ statistiC'. Applit"'<"l to fiL'UJllt•. it means ha lf of thoe~c l'mploytocs makt• mm'l'. and half less than tht' "a\'<'f'ilgl'". Crmt'\.•ivably. not one smgk• in- \\Ill Itt. hill lh• fcln·~h••rlt'nllll.: "' I ttl\t .trul 'P·H.:•· t h.tt lht\ •• rM ·t·tu • ,..,j ,,,.., .. 1 ht• t1o•\ o•tupiiH nt 11! It·· lhlll IH'III~•II~ t"HIIttl,lt• uf '1"111111111.: \,t>l tft~I IIIH'I S. I JW 111\'ll'oiM'tJ '1~·.-lt nt ''•Utununu·;..ttlJn~ all Olttk•• 1t •l•·••r '" :trt) IIHnktnl! t••r~>ull lhiJI , ,, .. thl' S•·•-rl'lar~ ur S till•· r•·····ntl)' ",...,,,,.,, d l 'nh''' ''' n ·fthl•' that I• ;w•• '' tnt11\"1Sihlc . '"' 'hltll l11• folll'•••l 111 lak• \!.tl t tn ,, \\otr lh,tl "'l'lw :'~:.tV) d••' nul ''"'~' onl) Ill l lghl l·1 .... h l 111~ "an llllp\PII!IIHII lnt,lflt'~' ,,ud \\ h•'ll \\ .u• thM'' t'UI1H', 11 "th•· :--111) llta t ..:•·1• lturt f1r~>l •••="',•. th~~ !",,,, ~~ , ... ,int•ull~ cJ,-IIu•,,r, cl I• • p1 • '' I'\ I Ill' I ht• I )t I j I c ~-- "THE YOl !\(; IDEA" B~· MnKslt•r 1 CROSSWORD PUZZLE .,. ... ,. ro •• , .... ,.,, ..,_... dividu<il might make tha t sprd fic amount. L<'t 's makt? it dear't'r. If you weigh :lOO pound-; a nd I Wt'igh lotO. our ·•avcragt•" "eight is 170 poumt'\. Stat istit-ally. that's a good figu re. BUT . if,,.,. \wnt to a tailor a.nd had t\\n suib made to fit 170 pounckrs. nl'ith('l' o f uo.; coulci we<tl' tht~m. You just can't makr scnS4.:' applying "aver<~g<'S" to people. This BLS budgt•t is for a S(X'<:ifi c family of four. But lherc are only 17 per cent of all the families in this country with four persons. The budget provide'S only on<> ''';lg"t' <'am <>r. But a yt.•n r ago thcr,. wl're .tH.~ million J.K'Oplr working in non-agricultural jobs. a nd th('rc wer~ only :t.!.'l million familil'S in the U. S .. nt·· cording to thc Bur~au of O·nsu:-.. You may not like rutting JI('OplC' in half. tlw ''ay ltl(' :-.la- tistidans do: thPy say th<'l't' al'\' om· and a half wage t•nm ers in thc "average" family. '111<"1'-~·s thnt "aver·ag£'" again. At·· tuaJiy. l'Ome families han· onl' wag-t• t•am t>r. som£' Jwu. sonw thre<'. Most ha,·e mor't' tha n just unr•. Even if you go for averag~. the "a\'£'rage" four I"''"S(m familv in Los Angeles <>ar·ns mon• than $150 0\er the m)1ht· crtl IJ~dget which unions lH't' ur~1ng their locals to USt' fc1r w age demands. '' "11rhl 1\ltl•·' ' ~··•·r. l"ry t-nrn·~l,tl ,Ill lit' IIi. I !1 1ti. \\ llllllrn,.lu" n. :II.•~' 1-'1• • I ,\tlllltl .tl :'I.Hilll/ 1\p1 tl ~~. 1!•11;. ~l an•n. 1:., 'I t• •I ""'' lh< lrt'IIWIIll"u' ••rl- '·•nl.q•, "'' huiJ 111 '"'I"''''"' nwn t'11nnu1 Jll'll)' ho• nullrfu-<1 ·t 'nl\.-r,al l\hhlar) Tramm..: '"'""'"''" l"·lrl)llll-! lhn"· ""'" ,. mttll ;ll~ prn~.:ntnl I t~ prim11ry tough! 11 n1t r·•'• lit• 1r h\t"< p11r1~'"' I!' '" ltudd up 1 I'<'M'r\lllr i\nii'IIC'a nllt.;hr l11• >Iron~; or llllltlo'\1 rn~<npo\\c•r lor n n\1l t-Slot)' "'"''"'' 'l'h1• 1,, ~1111 u trou· 111r) l'r11' 11-:••nc•~ I I~ h)·l'l'tl(ltlc'l' nr hlo·tl \\oollcl \\',, mt.-1 t'hii1111Ut• tO ~.:n·nt mnrnl nnd ll<>t't:cl h•·•wltts lw nhh• ''' 'l"'ltk wllh llll lhunty, ;trt• \ t'l') IOIJIOrt ani ror It d1•m0<'• Ill full kntll\ lt•fl gt• Itt) I It ol IIW jUI · rar) ~Udl '-"' our". 11111 llll pnncl-lu··· .. r uur f"'"llcm .ond of our pal pn.dut·t . tr:.um"<l mltll~···r. ;_tlulo l) '" llphuld lhrtl -•nnd w~ must ho• lh<' r •. tl rrn~on for 1l8 ho,•· I hat ahlt• stro•nglh now, In M lahllshmr nt." ~ups, hn~t·~ and m••n l"•t's kt'f'l' S•'<' uf \\'ar Pat ,,.rsvn 11 !" May '27, 1~17, :>1 Y 1'1m~ ' I I I\. ror I h.• I hopo • I hal 1111' Hdllrn or lh•· ('olnr ' h.,ltJ., I'·" ltl'll lar ~•gn1t lt'hnr•· Fnr wlll'n ) "" n ·r•''''' '"'" st/tnrl:~rt1~ '' \1111 ttt•'Jtf\ tha t ~nu ur•1 r•'t urn1•d 1ff r•·- " n •· ''"'11' Yn11 "r' llw n a ll~lll· '"'I "' lh•· ll'atl) "'ro·n~lh ,,r Am- • rlt'(l (II r.;uard lwr I• ,.,., ... nd rro·<·· rl~>wn \\'r• hnJw' •• "Ill h•· surh a -.tr••nJ.:Ih thai I"''' nllal ••J.!~r< "Ill< "111 l11• ".trn•·d In k•·• 1• lh•·•r '"· 1"'1< 'h•·a lhr•d nnrl ma)ht· In d•~· 1·ard lh• m all~t•tlwr L1 I :•·n .I l.IIWhln ('nlltn~ :"ul II, 1917. N Y I'll) 1-'1•" I 1\flnHrn I llltht•) I lt'IIIIH'r '.!7, 1!1-1'1, Jndlllnilpoll'o lnrl Th•· l•'''"n~ of 1 h·· la•l qunrlc•r t•l 11 l'•ll'llr) tJ,J\•' lau~o:hl u~ l hal If flllllrt \\'II('!< llfl' In l11• IIVtllllt-d, tlt-•t m• "'" .. r "'"!.:'"!.: "H'r•·l'~ful "'" 11111'' h· m ttw '"""''of til"'" "ho hut•• \\:1r ·· S•·c·rc·lar~ Furr!'!llltl, ( lt:l .:!., J!).lf;, \Vu,hlnl(lun "II I~ h.orflo·r In COlA \ ulll nl l!o :tl lh:tn Ill WIO unl' v;,. knoW lho1l lhl' l'ntft>tl ~'"'''' IS nol J.!uln~· In 1 """~'k "nt natu.n \\',, kn•'" '"~' n11 nhlt .. n I'Hn ~uf,.Jy 11l11u k 1 h· ~~----~--------~ .. ....,.,,.. h~ t h·· •lull•"" I t .. ,.,a.: I ', •· •. , ,., r•·.u:l '" lhr r"'llu"' J I · ...... , ... , fu r ll~ttlt•utua: ., ..... .ht\WI M 1,.\e lift ""•••4 ...... I We • lhHt 11 A~•• tt•• etH u ···~~·· h U11h noW u 1'\W'lit lv )1 t•J .. n ut ltv U•t ,. "···-•»tt 11 tr1en to l•an('• et•p IJ fhtlf ., •••• , .• ......... 1a Art1'"'''t\U doctor "-l,tt hl t h()e ao Muh._d l • ~ •l •s ... ,, w l • 1l ~ J ~ 16. llo '1 ·~ I~ IC)q ~ '11 ~~ o/7 018 ~ S• '' Tru .. •"tt ..... n .. • J J \\hr l•u •nh ut.a ( .. '"''"" ... , t u tttf,.ell ttl~ ........ ftt hl•t ,, " . .,.,,._, .8,.. ,. '"''' ..... ,. .0 A •)h t•mM •Ill t 1 I'Wt wlrd 4) Wn•lu• •t•lr•ar t 1 tu ._,U'4'f tl f IIWI'fUtu •a t'f N••t an t 60 thl .. d ...... ,. •• M.11nt~ ••at I u "HvalM far •owft • 1 • ., ~ ,q Jol 111 ~ ~@-;& r ~· &l, ~~f"l ,..,. ~ lfCI '41 II I~ sz And th£'rc's another hole in the "hudgl't". No two s imi· Jar families. with identica l incom~. won't ca t the ~arne things. huy the !'amt' clothes. liw in the ~anw sort of hour"'('. or ~o to "Ill I'IIC'h or till' pa~l '"" \\'urld l 'ntlt•cl StHII·~ II W(.' /lrt' ~lrun~· 1111" \\':•r' 1111r ~'0<'0111'~ f:t~h'd 10 •'on-r••lld}'" Gonuo lntrodm·i ng tht' Htury and ('harad.t·rH the s.1ml' vacation plare. 'Tll<> point is, they hn\·e a rhnkt"', and th<>y exL'rdst• il. They ;u~ people. not !'lalistic·s. Where Else Would You Want to Live? lrlol 1111' ~t·il~ Th••Y \\o•r(' tlo•rt•ttlrll I' S M IOI'Irll' C'ut'l" lltlltlJ • In 1tv • rt~lu:·••. as tn lh•· I>~"'· tilt· k• y to l ho SI'I'Urtl\" /Inti fn·oC!ul1l l '''J'Nf:ty \\(' \\IIOt ti''IWt', ,IJ!!I \\o ..r '"" "m:trtltn1•' """""·' \\111 1 ..... ""'""!.! In "'''"'" t•l" lit' tn th•• rn.•''''' ut lltP ... ,.,,, ltuou~h f•olltf'ft\t' :,t'llllf1 ;truf ut tltttiufl U'-;tnd fh• 'kl~' ,,,._,,,, fttrt:tt tun.,l .tL'Tt t fl\lf\1 lhH .,, ttu "' U1t\ • '-tltll lu\\ n t.t k1n1· It•"'-• !'"\••l •lnr~ r .,rr,,t,al 1n1l ottt lut•rn.ttuHI•I ''"I" ) J 1 . \ '''' .. '7 Jf'1h "\IU ~ .II ,,.,. unktn..:: Jlfnl."'-~ II..• Should a n v nne fN· a:--hamE'c at lO:t:411l).! a >out 1:r .. k~ "'"'' "1.1, '" r .. , ,, , • this ('Olllltn·'? \\'illiam Jlr nn· ('hamlwrl in. II III:' o f our l"h• '"''"' n ,,, 1"" lot 'l tlk• "'''' ...... '"" "''II ... I• mn~t di~ti l1•!'ui;-;hrd hi;-;tw·ia n·=--and forei)!n tOITt·;-;potul-'' '·"1·' '' t·-:1 '' "·•· "'"'" '"' ''"' "' ""' "' '"'"""' " • ,_. f • .t'-nn ... t•lll h fl• d Jlt 1· S lt11t II ,,; IH•rt ,rJ \fiUr '-lttt •' t•nt~. d tw:-:n't think :--o. . .. ,.,, 7''" I'~ """"'"""I' llol •:•·n l 'lllton 1< 1 , .• 1 •. : In a r rcrnt new~papt'r column. ~lr. Chamht'rlin 11 ' '. ,, •• ·" '" u~·· ,."'"'"'""'•· -'"' '" I'""\\,.,, .. ,, .•• , -I I ' . Ill ( lud "" ,\11~11,1 _·: 1'(11< '""' \\TOlt•: "It 1~ l':l:'\' to :'tH·c•r :at t H· =--OJ!:rll :l)!:tlll:--t <•Vt·ry "·" • .,,.,,,,. '"' ''"'' k '" I'"''"''', It ,, , , \•·• 11 , 1 11 . ·. . . I . . 1 1 I • I 't I',, I' I 1'111 (•'\<:t'pt Amt•l'l(':llll:--111 ;)' 111 1:--IIJl l ll'tll':llt•(, UIH'o\lt 1. l· .. m,ll••rl 11 •' '''' "''""'' ""'J wul•1 '·'"'' .,,, ",. """ ,. larkitH! in prnp€'1' t•n:-:m"JH•Iit:rn ::pirit :and \\ha tnot.j"''' ''''11 "•nr 1"" ''' 1• '' "' '"' ,,,, "· .. ,.,,, 11111 , ,. 0 • II I 1 1 f . •ld•tl ,,, •• , ... ,.k "'' t fl ••J•tl I•IIJ ,,.,,, .• ftf If\. I n ut \\'ht•n dtH· '\ n w ·u H·r· 1:\:-H•t·n m:11 (• o r \\'1:'<'· . . . ' •· • 11 ' • • • • • • • • 1·111l ttf.,,!.f•''''''" tilt! \\if ,,., \\ttllht lit CT<l C'I\:' •.. th(' fcl<'l l'f•llla lll' that .\ 111l'l'lt':lll1:--nl I' \\, It •'·' ""II""•' c., I'"' "' ,,, ""' , '"" 11,, 1., . ., ;-;onH•thing pn•tt\· cl i:-;tind i,·<·. :and i:--a Jll"t•tt\· 1!"'"1 · "' "''1' ,.., .. •• • ~• • 11•11•'" '"'' .. ,, """'"·: 11 :\11 . . I' \ .. • llt•tl \\If; ·••• lh ftt\\ .t\•I·•L'•·•••I (;,,. lt"ntu'\"'' t:-;m lo 1\'t" ~~-. • . . I"" ,. """·"~••·, "" '"'11 .. 1 ,,. ""' " ''"'·I,,' I'' '.; "Pt>rhap:' tiH1 m o:'l tlt•t•i:-i'·" prn11f that ;\ nH·rican· I "I•" 1 ''" • 11• ""'-.. , ,, Itt~ .. s im. with a ll it;-; fault;-;. is a pn•tty ~~~tlfl i:-m. liP:' in ,. "";\·,·,;.',1 '1· •. ','.-~.1 111' '" '" "'"111'11 1 1 "u '"''"'"" '" o1. ,. • h . \VI 1 I I f ·1 · 't l '''~ 1"''1'·"·1\ "''' "1 "'" " t p quC':'t ton : H'rt' t• .'<' \\'P\1 c all~'IIIH' Cll111 lUI' WI 1 ''''""'"''· 11.,1 111 1111, ,. '" ,. ,, 1 Ame r iC';Hl and \\'lll'ld ('111H l iti111l!'-\\'i:'h to lin•. fir S(1{1 \\, ,,. Ill)\\ I 'lit•· trwk lllol -"'''"~ l:ut II •· 11111 I I .' I hi:-c hildr<•n lin··: Thi tt~·-fi\'t1 ~-f'ar:-; :I)!". PY•·n fiftl'l'll '•n '1 1'111'1 ·11 ~ P•·t•·11 •ctn.~>4 ""''' t;u ~ t••l") r •• , "'' t •"II• ,, E t • • \ { J f ' •111011 d1 1111 l tlllltol 11111111111 t'l•ll'-1"' 111 \\Jilt .,111 1.,_11,.,11 111 'I• Year:-:1,1!0 111;11)\' ·.url)pt•clll ('01111 J'l('" Illig' 1 1!.1\'(' II • '"" '" ••llltl' II"' ulll\ ••llr • ,,,,-\\ ·•1•1 \\ I I . ~ . . . T . . 1 ; .... t • lUll... ,,, I I I f t'r e d :1ttrar tn·<' altf'rn41tl\'(•.:. hat th1..: 1:' nnt t w c·a:-t'l' 1'''' '"" .,1, • •tt· 1• "" "' '"' l••r" ,,.,, .• "'"·'""d 1, t o d a Y i~ in ron:-id<'r :lhle p a rt t lw r r:'tllt n f tht• new "'''"1 ·'' •;._ .. r,·· \\,.,hm..:•~~~~~ 1.1 £:tn H-•>"'''"'1 " \t • • · • · I'J E 1 1 1 """"' llo·trlll•ti SI,•"'"""' I'S A 1!...-·JIJ I'rl .\ l!'m :-to w _li t' 1 .urop~·.:tlb 1:1\'l' :--urn~tH <•I'('C p:111.. o r "'·II"'"'" .• •··~1 ~ ~''·•hi·· nultlor) 1 · ' all. of th<'tr fri'Niom. II""'"'' '" l ht• r• <I .,r lh•· 1\Corld ur 'f'h· Ill .. I""'" I '"' ... , II The n e w i:-m s o f w hirh ~l r. ( 'hamh€'rlin :'JII'f\1\!" "' 10"1' :u:~r. '~'"" our ·rmlll:•n ''' '"·'' '' ,, I•·"' ''" '" 1, • • . . I h f I . J T h f~""IIH• ., r:-.pullv tlt't'ttlnttn' I• '' f• ''' '"'' \\,,,..., "''·•••,ld ) • , are not mtlr"tnn<>:-111 t w. mar ('. o m :\n <I JH. <~~-'""", •. ,,., .. ,lit··· .. 1 ,,, ,11, "'''t" 11,,,1 '" ,,. , , TAHZ.\:\ mark a ciP:-p e r a t t• ancl tr:IJ,!tr tllt'llllll! hat· I.; 11f tlw t l ork. 1' 1 ···" ·' 1."" '''" !'••II"'' '''""' ""'"·•', '""', "· , 1 ,, ancl the h a nd;-; arr m l)\'ill)! ~tl'arlil~· h•\\':ard ano th(·r 1• :-,,,, 1''. 1'·"''· l •.,.,tanrt "" 1• •·•• 1'• '" d•l• "'"' ,,.,, ,. .1 n k r th 1 1 f 1 f II ""' 11 ...... ," ·•····""'''' "· "·· ., ar H,l!t'. o r two 011:':-lnr ~·('ar~. pcop c~ o il)! 1t i ll' ,,..,1,,,, ... l·•.li. "' mwt, ... ,, .. ,",,.,. 111, (;,.1111.,1" , ,,, '" ... freNlom. an rl m i 11 io n =-of I in~=--\\'('t't• :-:arri f irE-d t11 tlw '"' "'' · " • h• ,, " , .• m., ,, , • ,, '"' • · '" •• ''·", ,, , , • " , 11. idf'al. ~n"· frC'rd om i:-: lwillt! t h ro\\·n awa\· a..: if it • ' '' J•l•t·· '"'' ''·' .. r """ 1••· p ,.,,_,, ••·t" '•1" , ...• ' '" , , \\'E'l'C' :1 ch r :tfl :-~n d u ;-;•·lr-=:: thinl!. · .,, •· 1'' 1 ·• ,,. '"' · ''" ,.,. ' "' ,,. "• • • '' 111 • ..... ,. '" • •· • • ' t• loU lt •fttr,. tllf '!• ~l t 1tt ll t+fl ..,,,,,,1 I '"''f~fl• H f 'tl \\'hrr<' c·l;-;r h u t hc·n· \\'(1\rl rl .\'llll want ln Ji,-, .. or • "l. "· •· "' 1 .... ,,, • " • •• · ., .. , · .... ,,, • • , . w:tnt \'filii' rhilrlr r n t .. lint'.' T hat (1\JP:-tirq) IH·ar .; J'(l. , .. , • 'I" 11'1•"11' ~ 1•11 '''" n . • .. '''"" tl ,, ". '"'' 1·····1•. •I • ·' lo.ft•\U 11 \ I .. , •• ,,\ '"It• I \\. Itt I .• ~· \\1 tl pP~tting-. an d £'\'t"r y A rnc•riC':tn '-h1111ld a n_,\\('1' it. 1 ,,, , .. 1 .... " .. , • ,,, , . 11 ,, .,.,, ;·,:., ',·,:•,. " I•H•Ito , ·'"' , ..... ,, 11!1 '''" I j If I ,,,, ,, • "' f I •'"rpr''"'' In Th•· H•~ ll1111'· • \"''"""'" ttn'•·'tt' H· 11f 11 .... "'' ,,, ·, · \\ 'l rt ,.,,, t.n, ..... n.,t '' "' ,," \'' ,, \H • , i , • F t·nr ~~ tlk··t1 lh•· tiilrk rorn•1•••~ tn11.· ''"' tar•· ,,.,,, ln u,~ \rH• '' ''' ''··' ''I ''''n"' •' n • n .,,,1 '' 1 'tf•fn:..· ,,,, ,,..tt ,,, \ ••1•~r .,...., , t ,r till'''~'~''' r~·nt11'01Htrl 1111111 I 1'·111 "•·kh q,., ,'1• ,t n '· 1/Hl• • ''·I •• ,. '' ... ,,.,, ... lltol "'" '"'··~ 1•1 Ill\ t~''""t• ,,,,,, \1 'I 1'11l1 r• 1•1rl•·• 'tnl'l a rr11<.1rlln~:l•ll~tnlt11•"rt \\"lfh "''"' :-;11nrl~\ ... 1 .~ ,,. """ 1~n·h•-tl tn '''"'' t.r • .. ., .r t,,,\,,.,,. t ""''•- nrw.,pnp• ,. I''I:JW1~NI tht• hrutnl '"' A rtt••·l·~ ~'!1111111• r • t '• •It ' I , •I oil ,J ·II •11<1 lol tl ·'"''' 1'• I'll . ,, ""'' •••• .. .. ' f'l( rtNON ll T'IIA Al ~ Ml" (HIRAM! TASllAN Ql RA'(9 'y£T ~E NAP" 'J liS Wl1'1' I ""'·' DO '101.1 hW.-PAUL ?• I 10 ,., •1 1J 1"1 "" ,.,.. ,, ,.., '~*' IMI-,_ .... , . .., I A-1 t Or-._._ ..... ._..,,, &~'a ... ._ ...... .. ,_...... .. ...... t-0 ...... 1-Te -· .._ ..... __ " ...... II .o. ......... """" ... If HoaU ... -,, .. 11 e1w fll ... al .. ...., .. , II W•a•r IJ ••...urtnto It LJ•• nature t• Me n·• n• .. ..... , ...... ............ .. ""-.. ""' .. N IP••-•n.,... ..... .. _., ......... .. -'•" " .,. .__., -.......... =-="'::.. By (;uH Arriola By Sam I ,..ff PageS MBWPOBT BALBOA NEWS-TIIlES MONDA\' Newport ~ CaUf. Mart"b 8, INS *** 7 NATIONS TO SEND CHAMPIONS Anl:R ·cROWN Newport Harbor Yacht Club Makes Plans to Put Over Governor's Race Newport Harbor Yacht club. hollt to tM fint annual Nev.-port to En~nada "Govemor'11 Cup R.acle", b making plans that v.111 tnau~ a wcceu ol thb new an· nually IICht'duiC'd ln11:•mot ton Ill und frnm lht• to•n or mor,• bc,at .. o•nto•rl'd frnm Sun f>ao'lto AI lhll' c•rly dati' there havo• ho'f'n lhlrl}· flvo• t•ntriNI turnt'd In r lu rly d••m· onstratln..: he tn•m• ndotL~ lntl"r HI llf'in~o: shown 111 ha~ r ot·o· ,yacht raoe from tht• Nt'wport Jlor-In makin~: 11 "''torlhwlulc-rtu••· uf bor art'&. th111 kmd R\'alltthlt· to uur m:.n\ \ Harbor Events 1:).~1:). Flying Bulls Schedule Three Months of Baseball Th~ ~ nf thiJt race lhr rrul~ln~ I}'JI(' )'lll'hls. llw Nc•wpurl Newport ()c(>an Sailing nsMJCiatloln: Occ 11n Salling AssO<'In lton hu~ have choolen Olc time w~ll lo In-tlfii'IIC'd up t!w possthlln ws "' t•rr • auaurAte this nrw r at'4'. \adc allng ni'W lntrt~•'>l In ral'ang tur 14.•aders and yachtllml'n altkr havco rlwcw hoall! Jn tho• p11111 llu ,, l111' endorlt'd the .. \o<Jvt•rnor~o' Cup t)('(·n nil too fl·"'' rut'l'$ ror 1 h•• Race". C'ultc•m Mfirlltls nrt• C'0-01}-(>('C'IIn ••rul~tng yurht Tht• En"'· eratln~t to Uw lWluil e&tcnl. Wll· n11dn ,.,,•nt Is n OAIU rnl for tho• llarn Jf'nnlngl Bryan. Jr., COIIt'l'· ()(-.. an Tlnl'in~ Rull' gnng. 1 lwy nr•· Tho• 1-.1 Tw u ~l o1r&lll I 'orj9'o ,\or tor of C'UIIIOITUi, Will have 3 ICJlCCilll oul In fuO forrt• (or 1111 1'\'I'IIIS :on<! Slllltllll AthiHH'. lllflo'•• •'"""''"' ••d detail at Newport to l'lt'ar all ron-w11h thl' lnternnllonkl ll~>ot••ct 11f 1 f I f tf'Stant• from hc-rl'. The Mt•lucan ''"'"Y '"·'' u '"""' •lu ,. ••r 1 1' lr"1 tlw ··r.o\f•rnors· C'u p Rnl'l·.'' llll'rr 1 f ofhMals nr.· worklnlt on a plan to Will '"' a<ldt'd lnl't•nll\'t• Thill 1~ ll~r•·•· muntl1~ "' I " .. rtlt• •onun~: mlnlm!zr rl'd lA""" on ••nt€'rtn" hns• h;tll ~'''""" It" '" ''" •·••lllPI••t· .-• lhr rir111 lJml' IX>Ih or t•tlhl•r rim • ., h Enacnada, and to kl'\.'P port di!N1t· Nl. Wtlh th•· fuJot •I ~~~~I"""'" I ,. es low. has had tlw llllttoortunity In • nlf·r Hulls u~:r~tnsl 1 •111 l'•d~ 111 1-1 Tllr" an annually schrdUII'd l nt,.rnk· .. d •t h I·' 1 ~ ArC' tWO nn.-.wotUlll tro-On .,un II)' nltl'rnllltn ·' Iori" .,1 I ,...,.. Ilona! raCt' lo South.-rn t 'nhl11r ptllrt, 1M ''C'..ov!'rnor of \aliror-nla S omultnn• .,u,h ·• "1111111 of .Co nla" and the "C'.o,·rrnor of Baja nwn tonk It• th•· IIIHn&t>nd ''' t-:1 C.Wornla," lh€' formt'r goett to Apnl 23 was sdf'•·t•-d w•rt•fully Tom, W1lh Hu· Jliii•J•~·I , •of n•'llll tM Winner of thE' Ocran RAcing liS lhf• atartlnS.: tim••. lhf·rl' wail that n11111) lll•tr•· l•f••l IIIII' 1111110 Rule clua whilt the lattrr will be IJr a full moon lind 8 w•'<'k·o•nll 111 tlw n •lltrn "' .\l.m11•· ''"'·r~oft awiU"ded the ovtrllll wtniH'r In the which 10 arrtv(' nt 1 hf' fanl~h 11"' r.rullp 3.1 frum "'""'''" 1 • ~ • at two divt.alona of ttM-Arbitrary ThOll(' prt>llia'<l fur lim•• can n •t urn l'nmp l'o•ndl• Inn H andl.oen ,....____ ,..._.,__ .,. __ 1 from f:nSI'nnda h) null)mohil~ ,,.,. .... ... n 1 -----....._ uu•~--( -1 -Tf mO~I '" I (' t'.,lllf• llllon I' ',lf-w•-n '---aald hA -"II •~ on t ng th€' r rrew 1111 I thl' l'toat hnl'k .. '"' ,,.. ,. ""' """ 1 .-J lll:•lifl'l I ulio Co• IIIII", "lfh !.11) • .. _ _. to I I art ....... ra-If hla Th•· Nc•wtMIT"I llttrhnr Y11cht l 1u 1 1, 1 ,_._ uua H oht lll\o·1•11y, :-'ottl.l l.,th.ofll acbedule will allow him to tM' In hill Ita unnunl l~·cnrutlun llny Sllllo·. und 1 '('L 1\ F1 '"" a.:t ·wans.: Sou•'--"-Urorn.la at he "--ru<·•· Mn) 31 , tho· "C~'"''rnnl 's I 'up I ff I' Utc'Tn '--& u u "; lilt• lSI :(.~ \\"o•ll 11• ( "f uo I'), liS I· Every ~Hort w111 1M-mad.-t o fine"·· "ill not <'unflwt With llu~ dcnn, Snntn An.o :and Ho tll.ond' make thla lblt 81 hco 11 In full t1nd ltw linw Ill ~o:ood for futurr• J<..1 :'\FW YOR K, March 8--(UPI- l.• .orlt lll: pi")'''~ lrvm wvcn coW,. 11 to .. \\Ill ~tllwr.pt to ealn th•• ''11•"11~ , .. ltnqUISht•d by Jack Kru· uwr unll Paulin<• Hctz in the an· 1111 • .1 Hltit•tr 1 h.ttllj~t•JnahiJ», the u. :-: '·""" To·llnl~ association an- nuiiiH • ol lo>d'l) Th• u11•11 ' dwmpionshipe betrin M1anh lllh ·lllol llll' wonwn·a on YES , HE WILL NOT PLAY CHESS, 1.1 1:-; ·'='-' :1 t.~;s, Ma rch 8 - • 1 1 • 1 1-"~tl'tn;·r clwss charn- t•lun It• ul .. " l·"nt,. todoy aald 1 h• ~''''' "" r .oll1n was "Juat a ltlt l•· """··•I lifo ' 111 ill re port ~·-•·til l~ '"'' Ius JOb fOf'Ct'd 111111 '" "' dtn•· Jtn •nvilallon to '''' '''"'" da·~~ H•Urnnment at 1 fto floi~'IJI' Th't· Hu.-~•·•11 rt'flOrt said hi' had to dt•l'lino• tlf'l"UUSC he COUJ1 nlll all•1rrl 111 (Jil)' a subitUtu tl' ltJr hL'< I• ·•••htn~: .)l.lb at UM! Un- 1\ t'rsll} of Culifornia. lt•<ro··~ "hal F tn•· had to aay: .. Farsi !'ty at 1 hi' Univeralty "' J.-,ulh•·lu (\tllfornia -not ( 'ultlornm S•·•·••tttl. I 111 not 11 teacher I tn '' U•l> 1111: lo 1r my doctoratf' '"Thu rt. I wasn't forced to dc- •·ln••• I rltd It voluntarily. "lo'nutl>lo, 11 Wll$n't tlnan,.. ITllol k· t•l "'" <•UI It was be- ,., ... ,, I •l•m't "''"'' ro intt'rrupt ~ttmo· t•h~<·holo~ll'al rt'Search f•u Ill\ ''"' l••rrtl diSS(•r tatlon." 'flw rq••ll 1\ "·' ra~;ht on one IJOIIII ~·""' plaans ru stay out of accord With lh!' I u I at ma {' ~IUu a-U )AIIIo.Lw;,tl& ll:lut===== ~u::,crot~~~·:~ u~ t~ ~~Of; !:;,~.~h·;~·n" .;::::~~~~-"'~;·r .• ~, .. ~~::~;; Tars Wind Up 5th in Brea Relays a ~nlatlon DlniH'r at Enae-In fulur•· yrnrs. wall ..,.. 1(1Vf•t1 mlll'll In 1st Test WI.th Largre Schools IMida and Govt'rnor AlfonJo Gar-j 11111~ II) c•ost .. rn IJIIhllrt~llon ... da .. el~Q)t'Ctf'd 10 ~ J:IN'I('nt 10 1 v.h•·r·· htr11l ,>M"hiSIIIf'n w111 ,.n,·v makt' the pi'C'ICntation or tr~ Snullll'rn ( ltflrornl~ ) llt'h lli'mo·n phks. thdr c·hnn•·•· tn sail 111 R dt~·Jl wu- ThUI'IIdlly evenln~~r. April 22, ra ll'r l'll("f' 111 th1s lamo• nf th•• yo·ur. .,....ta otnrwr Will bt' held at the thd r l~1111a hrlnst still untl••r wlu- Newport Harbor Yacht Clull. Thia 11 r "'"'''" "nd In stnrer;:4'. altair will be undrr th<o ahll' dl· "'''"''Jlllll llurhtlrill"ll m») wc•ll ftCtion or Dr s. Monaco and bt-proud o r thla O('lpllr tuntly ""' 11 ~ld prov~ 10 be an €'Vl'nt of th~m to llhuw thr .)'lu'htln~t wurld DOte. Many vlaltln& yachtlm<'n thPI w1· of S.IUiht•rn C"nlafurnta an- will attt'nd dUt' to 0\C' many en-tl'nd In urrcr yuchtsmo'n the fln· tnee from U. .Anet'ln ltubor H I racing poulbl<' LUMBER BUILDING MATERIALS ~:~;;...~~ Nationally Advertised Red Line Mattresses By Englander Continental .......... . Body Form Fortune ........ ··········-····· -·- 79.75 69.75 59.75 Bodyguard ................... 49.75 Fetherest ........................ 39.75 Durabtlt .......................... 29.75 Eqlander Box Spring to Match Santa Ana furniture Co. 426 We.t 4th St. Santa Ana N•·"'l••rt IIIII r. .... hiJ.;h ' I'll II\ II) Ill(' Jl'lh 11111\lloll 1\11'11 1•1•1.\' •\\of' hll o'l< htll11o' ltMlll) \\llh lh•• knm•l 1'\l;:o· thut tho•) nul(ht huvt' rlono• "'.01""" <'tiO!>Ido•riiiJ.: I ht' ~ :" lhl'lr fll"'-1 yo•nr 111 <'1•111VO'I rt11m 111 tho• ml•tliurn "' huul dl\'1•11•11 Th•• T11r• fl nl,ho•d tarth 111 tho• rnm 1V11I v.tth n rurnl c•f !P. IKIInl ' Till')' traiiNI 1-'ullrrton 23. South f'ltl>lHII'IIII, ~f . C'11l11111. 1!'1' ~ 1111ol Pt.tmonn. I~ Rut Ill••) 1•111('•'<1 nhl'lld of sur·h 'l'hoo.,J• II" An:ahl'llll. Ct•\ Ina. lluniiiiO:Ittl) lt.•ul'h. ~tonto·· bc·llo and Jwll Gnrdf'ru-. Suntu A1111 l<•"k ""' honr•N in tho• lnrto· "''h'"'' oll\'l•ll•ll urul Co• m nn totll< hnm<• Ill•• trophy for smnll schoob lh•· J<f'('l(>r Wht'rt' tho• T lll"l> hltll hllht•rtn IH'\'n MJio•f"l> Sumrn111 ~ (or ="•'"' 111111 ·, d,,,, ~Nilum Mc'bool .. llnroor, <'••linn. ~'ullrrtnn, i\na- hf·tM Tttm'.•~.!b Mtl•• IX 111o•n I l'om .. n:l 1-'ullo•r ton, Covlnn. M11nmvi11 T'inw. 3m 11 7 .. 1'\\'1) milo• '4 lllo'n' ~'ullo·rl/111, Annh,.tm c·,lrnn. ~''"t••n 11.11 !tor. Tim,., !'hn 4.:ls. 440 ) Rrd.s I 4 mf'n I l \tlll'rlt\fl, ANGLERS South l'a.•ullo•nu. Covina. Colton T11tW, 4H :I,. ~lo'{lf,•) I 110 :!:!0. 440, 880)-I Pomona, ~uth Pnl'ladrna.MonU>- 1>••11.,, C'nltnn Tlrnt•, 3m. 43.6&. AAII ~a1ol• 4fi mo·n South Pua- llo•nu. Fulli·n on. lluntmglon Bdl.; nllll 'l"' •ll);(luallfil.'tl. n~. tm. 317s. AAO )ards t4 mt'ni-Fullt'rton, S.outh I' "lldt·na. Pomona. tie bl>- '"'"'n ="•·Wp(lrl llorbor lind Col· ton Tin11• lm J:l.'h .\lo-<11••) l:!:.!(l 440, 880, mile)- S.ttll h l'n~rtrnn. C""nlton. Rcll Ga.r- tlo•n•. llunlln~lnn ll••ach . T'i~. 8 m :!~. MtiP 11 mo •n l <'ollon , Nt'Wp()C't l l:arhor South J',,,.;ulrna . .Anaheim. Tim£•. ~m 7s I ""'"'' 1-''ttll•·rt un 2:1; South I' "llol••n11 :!I . ('nll un 15~; Po-l '''""•I I-' :'\t·\\t••rl llnrhor 9'~: i\n;ah•·IITI .ont! ("o\lnll 4, Hunting-I '''" I~<·;H'h anll M•mtt'~no 3: S.U c: .• nh·n~. :!. LAGUNA BEACH FLIER KILLED IN CROP DUSTER ~i\:'I:TA ANA. CnL. Ma.r 8.- al "l' 1 A formt•r 11111rinc N>rps I fJt,•r '"'' kallo•li Saturd11y Wh<'n hill rrc•tt-rlll,llnJ.: plane• cra$h••cl n n d httllll'li "' .1n nrlln~tr grO\'t• sooth- ''""' of ht•r<'. Ill' Wl\ll J nmc'!: W . t:llw ll, 30. I :M(o To mpf,. T o•r r&C«'l Laguna l'lrrod t llo• hntl Jw.t takr•n off tro1m a ~nn .J unn ( 'np1!'trnnn airport wt ... n h1• tTnsho•d c "hr mlrnla an his pluru· o•'(plnl'lo•d lind flamrs qukk- 1)' t-on~umt-d lh!' !!hlp fW. WtS<'-Advertla~ Oasalrled ada DO &ct the jnb done. N-O·W 8-H·O·W·I ·S -0 Box 0~ Os-1 :11\ 8ho-Toa~cttt 1:45 a 1 :00 'R.iiA ""~ HAYWORTH PARKS' ~..-Q«'· -"-"" -·;;. .. , -.s .,_ I -"'·"-........ ·----_ _,.. ........ ._ .. ·----- Boatmen Yachtsmen Capt C. F. Stancliff Will Soon Resume The Ma nufacture O f high g rade a ngling and boating equipment, f~a tu ring t he fin est fishin~ cha irs built on t he \X 'est Coast . ! A new shop a nd store room will be built at 53 1 Freese Ave .. Wil- mington. Calif .. to be open for business on or before June 1, 1948. A few pre-war teak chairs and other items in stock now. W rite for particulars. Capt. C. F. Stancliff 1128 Broad Ave. Wilmington, Calif. ~Jar('h 13 at the SC'venth Rect· tndour tournament w~JI t)e held on rn1·n1 armor)' ~~>11th Billy Ta,lbc.>rt ' March It • I \\'tlnungton, Del., favored to I M1sll If art's tou~:h•·SI L~)mJA'I 1011 1.1k" Krnnwr·~ titlf· and IJoris l wn:~ t'"PC('Ied to corn•· from umona Jlo~.ll uf ~llamt, F la .. llt'lcctt'd I Palrtcta <.:annin~t Ttiodd of La 0 Jnlla. Ca l.; Ma&da Rurac of ~ ""' •~···d Mass H..tl.. Kr~tmt•r and mania: Elamt' F tldt•s uf Canada; ~, .. ,., B••t.t both turned protCSJlon-Gertrude lloran ot Santa Monica, ul ( 'al.. and Mrs. He l.-n Pedt'rs<>n Tlw ofhctsl draw ror the 1948 Rthbany or Bolton. f'L.A t' BALlr-Today at 4 p. m., Tar \'anllty playa t:~~:«'f'l..aor hlP at thfo hiJrh !K'hool diamond whll~ the junior ''a r..aty play" t:xrelrolor JaY· , . ._ a t ('o.ta M- SU ITS "ntAT KNOW NU SEASON ~IASTERFULLY Ti\IW RED O F 100'1{ BOTONY GADARDI:'IIF: EVERY ONE A ... ASIIlON IIEi\DW NF:R IN TirE LATEST SPRlNG CXlLORS SIZES 10 TO 18 DRE SSES A('("ENTED \\1111 1111-; S~tART'EST Sli'U: ;>.;OTF:S NARROW SJIOULDEH .. c; AND I'E'MI:'\J"NE: ORAPf:..<; OR \\"(1:'\UER .. TI~ .. 1.ARES ,\!'110 FLA"I~Jr:TU!':G \l'RVF~c; ll" TilE !\:E\\ EST MATEIALS Al'\0 LATI~T ('OI.AlR.c; 01':~:-AND TWO-PIECE STY U.~ SIZES !l I<• 1!'\ 10 T O :til IIi·~ TU :.' 11 ~ crhe Fi-ances Norton Shop I!M !'1'4•und and Urua.h \ a~· UldJt.-'• .. ·untl tl<>Or~"'ant a .\n:1 ATTENTION OWNERS of Chrysler · Plymouth DeSoto · Dodge Cars We Are Equipped to Give You Prompt Service Genuine FACTORY PARTS • New Motors • Motor Overhauls • Brake Work • Motor Tune-Ups olte your CHRYSLER -BUILT CAR to Chrysler FACTORY-TRAINED Mechanic s R MOTORS VOUB AUTHORIZED HARBOR AREA Chrysler -Plymouth Dealer 2616 West Central Harbor 636 --------------~------Th• Cht••t•on Sc•enct" Publ•t.h•no Soc·e·ry .C., 0.... N-ov S1tnt llool<>n I 5. Mon . U S A. [t'(IO>ed ,, Sl. ,.,. W ... IC ... ,, ..... Mnd .... The OvlllicM S<lef'(e MOl\ tOt" for on. monrh. N~--------------------·--------~- ZOJ>e __ Stott ___ _ Sell It Through Classifi ed Advertising Announcing • • • • Our Re-Opening Tuesday, 1\farch 9th Featuring • • • a Complete New Stock -·- B~J~V~S~ Bob Allen MOST COMPLETE AND MODERN VARIETY IN THE HARBOR AREA 213 Marine Ave .. STORE Balboa fgJand • f .. 111111 thr of