HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-03-09 - Newport Balboa News Times> 'Model' .Ordinance ·f,Jr City Manager Studiedr Thl' Cll} counc1l yo.''''l,luy ap-C'lly IIIRnagl'r ot thl' Cil~ or :-.;, ..... -SEl·ru 1:-., :1 Htlllll Ttw en~ :-:~:.-n,•:-.. ~~ l\•mt•'""'t "'" Ttw ' ,. p ruv('d lor a ~•'<'Ond rt•lldlnl: the port Rt•.ll-h is hl'l"\"by creat<'d ru1d ~tan:.~··•· ~ohall lum ... h It NWJiortttt· 1 ''" !ll.on:•.:•·• ,h;•tl "''''''"' 1"" .. 1 mod1•l ordtnan<'l' Jor city managc•r establishe-d. The City ManH~-t•'l ''"'''~ lHmc1 ''' lk• UJ'fll't" .~t hy 1111• '''"''1"'1\,,lol h'" :o, t '"' t "lt} t'ooncll ,, .. ,.,,""I ,u .. ,,,.,l tl""'' ... ,,, .. ,,.tn'''' ••llh'•'''" ''"'' ''"''''' t 'l••" ,.,,, ''···'""'''' ttthl •h·· c•n, \\•tllhtl ,.,,•,·pt "'' t-.•pue t , " I'·'"',, ·JI"! p 11 l ··uopl··~····' ,,, tho· t '"' ,.,.,I'' '"''I ,.,, '"''"'''' ,,, •11'1"'''"'''1 '"'' t"lly ""''"".:••• go vt•rnmo•nt druwn up hy M€'nlo shall bt" appomtl"d by tht' C'lty t'll\ c.nnw•l 111 '""'' ;um us mu) ,h.oll 1'"'" 111111' "' 11nw tkh'munl' .,. Park. Ttl(' ordmanct•, "hlch lol-Council ..oiPI~ on·tht' bas1s qf ht>' lk· '.t••to•nnuu'Ci hy tho• t'll~ Cuun 111111 II\ h1 ,,.,,,Jutum. Rod Ulr1 ' 11 , low~. ll-•')I.()O.'Ct t'Ci to b.· adopt<:d by,I'XI'<'Utll'<' qunhftcauons a nct atul-nl ~"hall t~<' t·oni111 Wn<-d "" th•· '"''1111~ "'"":'" -h.oll l~o• n vmP•'r .,, ,1 t' I\ "·'"' ,.1 ,hull l"t' \'11\ \'l,d\ t 'lt\ l"b ,..,, .. ,., .tud I•'' l'•• :llt·ud dtl 11h't'lltta,t"' uf Jl 'I'H ttl.tkt• ""''''*•:ut h ~\' tn •u 1 11 ,,,,,, h~ ttl .. 1 th•· ''tt~ \llnl th \ """ h• tt.Ht't••t • ttl tht• t ''·' '"\llt•'-1 unl.• ... , t'\t'U'• d th,• tfloilt' "' llh· '"'> Htul Ut) 1t1.,. flt ttf tltHio•t IJh thl t"' pltt\t~., llPIH t•llt' dt•fHI1Hh't11 ht th .. tt•l h •tl\ I•\ tfh \'••tllltll t'\t"'l'l ('l\llt1lt'Uf ttl dl\1'dttf\ fhe•ft'n(, iH\d thl.' counctll. lty, and shall hold offiCI.' at 111UI faithful p.•rfurnwm··· of th•· thllli'~ l'tuor.:•• tt~lllll't -ud1 fund~ of tho• , , , OKDL'"ASC't: S O Junng th€' plt-asure of tht• Cit) llnpoM-d on th•' ("\t~ ~lilnH~o·l a' t '111 th.ot tlli' l "\t~ t\>ttm•tl shnll 1 1 •1 ,,t lh• ,.,, \\•un ''''""h··• .lrhl ''' ,.,,.,,,,ll~tttt•· '" 1,,,,.." ht"' ''""'' '' '' und.t •'•'"'ht ,.,., ,,,.,ltihl, ,., tht• l'""'l "r •••r .. , ,11, l \\l'• l •l••\hlt"\l IU ,.,,ltliiUI• otfh"''' l't'''"'"' d• I"'"' ,··t . .thHt h) tflt• ,., ... ,._ 1l UHt '"••tat•:'fq•~• \U\1 t4' .t,tUUUUUJ Cvunctl h1•rt•tn pr.·~cnl1<-rl d, .• :,~:n:ll•' Ord.laa-uf the C'll)' uf :Se~-port I SECTION 2: Eltg1btllt) Rl',l· SEITit II'\ I AlJ~t'IH't' In t'fl'•' S.oul l'tl \ :-.lana~··· Bftw:b C reaUac IUid tAt.abUabiac dt•nl't' tn thl' Cty ol N t'"1l0rl of thl' 11h,,•nc•, . .w .tt,alultl\ ,,f t ho•l ""''"'"'•~• fttt ull '""'' n •"''''"-"'1111) a Clly ~an...-r t 'Urm of Go\··l fk>ach. a t the t f pol tml' t . h I I .,_..., <"t ........ 11 1 tm~ 0 a p n n 'I C'lll' lll:,mu..:••r tht· 1'11, Council lll<'IIIIT•'<i or 1~11d h~ hun In t <' Hfti'IW'n or .,...... • )' • .....-alae ~hall nut bP r('('JUJred Ill\ II 1'Und1-· · Ia.. Authority, .. owt-no and Ou-t um of appointment I ma) ct,·~•..:nnto· '""''' dul~ •tll•tllf~t•cl Jlo'l lollllllln•·,.. ••11, II I ., \ ,, Ill 1 'ol , , , II~ "'h.dl '"'' IV ''" ut ... ''' utut .. ttn.t. 1 lu ... tiUP• lh•u t it ·r,, 1, ,,,111n 11·H•I 1,, '"'' t ·11 , uln..: f•• th•• t --~~ •t1• ··l lltl~'llt ,uiMilllt"-!•H•\td,·,l h ••\\t•\t'l thd' tl~tttuu~ \\Hith 'lllt•l ut •• pth•n qa-h """' tk• ~'•' 111\'t''"t.:uh• ''II c•••n· J lht til,., ... ,,, th.· h·····•u tfii1LIIf\o·d ... h.dl h·· •'"''''"''" "''"' .uHt ••tdlttllh, ·'' lh ,,, ... .," ,.,,.,,.,, ltl t•l.tiiUU It\ ntufl•'t' ,,.., .. 1, u f1 t h .. •••HIIt•l I•• .. tll'l'•'ttt th,• tUihttlll\ ''' th• llt\t'''•ll) tU ''l .. dh•ttt l't'l lliUJ: tht• Hlft1Uftt"f11Uiurt ,,f the .,, ht--l•ll• 1 11 1"'\\t~t .. l\·,,ll ~•'I'\ II• J\,t,Ud ''1 tl\•• \"\I\ lll r tl'l I'H l-t.,.-, f' Ill• '"''' \\'""''11 '"'~ ~'-'\•'11\lth'tlf tttul tn tt'~4hf tO dt\• l~t ut til\ tu•\ ·'' tlh ltt.tllt'l . •l•'''lltt•ufluu t~l t'tt\ ,.,· .tll1111h ... tulh hhl'•'•l ••' to lht• th,• "'-•'1\ht lltTt lltlllltH'CI h) J.Mih1~ tae. uf lillie ('tty ~anacer, aod P'''"''m \t) r-.•rJtllm lht• dull•'• ,,f th•'l ''"'''"l 11h••n 1111\l'ltnJ: nn bu5tn1'8!< llfla-Mac All OnUn~ In No JX'I'SOn €'IN'Ied ~m••mh•·r-~ City l\11t11ago•r. dunn.: lh<' Jlt'I'JtXI vo·•t;;"""l! 1\1' '""' CJIY un<il'r dt· ('cmllk't Thel"f'~1tb. !>hlp on the City Counl'll ,.hull, of uiJ~<<'III'•' •lr t1J•ublhl) ,,r ;.:111t ,.,.,.,11m nf tho· ('It~ t'uunctl, rPtnl· 1 , ,11 Th. · lSUbS<'Quenl to such l'll'<:tllln. l.k· Cll) :\limn~:••r. ,.uhJ<••'t . hc'"'''•·r lulf-..,•nwnt 'h1tll tlfll) h•· mad•· "'''"'" t "'hdlh. "'' ''"'~·-1 '''1 '1111'11'''--.... '"'''"''''' •••uhh t h •tt"' .end"''"''"" ,,,,utttlth'"'-lttltu·,"-H),ntttt ltt ,.."f•ttuet ·l•dl "·"' "'' lh'"'' l ••1 1\••ot'l"''"' :ttHI Il-111"'''•"" l oh,•l"'tv ull ''""'l"''" ,,..,,,lib r•n•l privl- th·•• til J 1,\, .uul ,,flh•'t ' u nd •\J111•1"'''''' nl lth' t'lt\ 1 h~ I•• .,,,1 .. u, Uhl "'""''"' '" 1•·..:•'' t:I'HIIt•l h~ lht' .("-Uy uru •I lit, t ' 1\ ,,,, dull ,.,,•,•pt tlh· I '111 I 'l,•o t. 1'111 l't• 1 lh• t 'II~ ( '•1\11\o ll tho ,1111111111 lllllhfllll\ I" 1 lotllth•l 1111'1 •>IIS.'IVI'<i. . '• I' Ill I I. I' l ' •111 .,.,, .111 I t,,..,,~~,. tH••·• H IHI (·.-~ J\thHill'' ,uht-','1 ''' b11d~··t tl 1 ·r .. ,.,,.1•·l~•· .:•·•u·r'"' !iU&.JI•r .. ''' I Jll '' 11. ,., ~ .._, UH t•d ln t h, ( 't\ tJ S.•t' ... ,, '' .. ,,•nt 111 1 ht"' 1,\ '1\• l'Uit h'"' ,til "-UI•Ph•·' h•t \ "'"'" "' •'f ull tHahlh' huUdl~""' l ("\ty Counrtl of tht' C'lty of I ellgiblt> for appoinlmt-nt a s Cit) I til saul J>o'r.<ttn furn&>hln" ,, l'IWJI•ll'· """ ,., •'1. "ht•n 11 v••rlfit'!i th•mlzt'l'l N(•Wport llt'ach doo.•s unJum a.. lol· Manag<•r nf th1• City of NPwport ut,. surl'l)' ht111cl <'l•ndiiiMh'<l "" rll11111 "·11111,.: ftlrth the sull\ll l'X· luws : [)('al'h Until OCII' year ha.c; d~tpo.t'fl faithful Jll'rftll'lllant:t' n( tho• tl\1111•' pt•lltlt•ol foil' Whh'h ro•tm hul"l't'OI<'nl SECIJ0:-.1 I . O!Ctc:t• of C'uy l atter hi' has ('('ast"d to bt" a m€'m· ro'I'Jtyrt'l'l to lx• p•·rf,,nTI,.fl, a~ ,,., ,, , .. 1tu• It'll, "·'' h•'l'l1 111 t'!i('nh..t .'0 Manugt•r Crt"at.•d nw olfJC'l' or tx·r of lhl.' City Council. I forth in S ECriON 3 h······tn lh·· t'll~ CuUIII'Il uno! by ~~alct CIIY c: ' • " ! tlllt!ttlll • ,,.,,,,,, 1 ,.,,, .. r '''"I"''' lt.•.t\'11 oil ,.1 fh,• ot.p.olllllt'lll• "' ''"""'"' I"'"'" I'·"" 1111•1 ntlu•r puhhc• ()~ n•1• t •t ;, tnd ~:"• t•l• 1\, , '''"'''4 ' t•onl•"t "''''l•ll th•• '"''' '·• ''\IM'tlilttUt•'' .. lu•ltl l"''11' """h '"'' unf1t•r f~c .. trnt 11 r • •II h• .. 1 ... •·I •f• p,111 ,11 .t, J~rttllllh'ut ... •'I th·· t '"' ,.,, •t•t , ... ~""""''•·d .. , ''" ·••Hn•• ~ttl4·tl "' tt'.•utuhut-tl un 1•"._,... 4l .. .... __ ¥ ... ·-.. -... \ ABC ONLY DAILY NEWSPAPER IN ORAN GE CO AST 'S LARGEST C lTV f Today'" II A.M., r .8.T. Ask Probe Tidelands Lobbyists BALBOA-~IME-Sc~ Uow Joat'A "''""'«" , .. _ ............. . ·--.. ~-.. .. I lh H"-11 t.tl"" H "'' '.' '""' ., \ ••IIUih l"o·lr4'1 11 .. 1 .,., lh'"• •In II 1\. • ol u ...... I \\'\S i ll '\;1: ''IN Mnrd• !I llull<>ll K I ' 'f' F ut Jfh I EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA, WEST NEWPORT, SEASHORE COLONY LIDO ISLE, NEWPORT HEIGHTS, BALBOA ISLAND CORONA DEL MAR COSTA Mf )I """"' 1' '''"" ·~·l'•·a1'"1 "'· t ' ' I dH\ h• l in ''''""""U'IUit.._( It , .. ., :a\t·tt F1\'e Ct-a ta ):M'r Copy :St:Wl'ORT RF.A('lt, (',U,lt'OK~'"I'\· TIIY.MOAY, \1,\tU II II. 111111 I nllt'<l l'n·,.~. ,\1•111,. Tf'lt•t•hu tu .. •"'1:~· 1 ,1 \tl\t:tt '!! Jo:ll'''l"ll.d llll •••ll~tlllluu ot lht· 1ft· ;...--------"===========-======='===='=='=================,;,,;;:;;;;::;;~~~;;;;;;,;;;;~~;;;;;;;,;;;;;:==-=~======""'=-=---=~ t •• , • .,., " '"PI•'• t tnt.: '' ht ,. ••lnu''' to \'OLVME XL Probe Internal Revenue "'' 1 h h t tdt•lutul' 8 ll• '•'''' II •IHIItlol lot tlt•lt'lllllll..,l Urea U I ::.~·''.·: .. ~ ,.,;1·::;··" ,,::~~~~.:··~-~: .• :::::~: n l ISittlt. 1\lltUih\' t,••tu·e .. l. t \4 hu·h h,,, '"'''" '"PI•It t I Itt:, thr 'I il l•' "'" \\ '"'"'''' "'"'I .... "'*" .:••"'tt~tt I ttt"..:"'''ltol~tUftl lH\t•,..l tt,:•· 'Politics, Loafing' Charged \\ ..\:0:111:-.:C:T< ):-.;, ;\l!to 'I t ''I' l 'rJh• I {ull'l• .. \pJt1"HIJI I lfh'n' t'Uitl· IIIII It. !t•cll~ lil·tl'!:• d lito• IIIII I n.ll H• ,, 1111• 11111 • ''" With ~!l.ttllll: Ill· Marshall Rebuffed \\'AS Ill :'\C:TII;>:, :vtnrcll tl 1 l 'I'' II• •11•1· ltt-puldtcan lo•tul,•r' lutl.t~ •• 1• ~ lt'1l ,,, t.•;e't tt·n tpur ,If 1J~ :-\1'\ 1 • 1.11 ~ ttf !'\t,t1t t ;, ,,_.~, (' ;\l,tl'h,oll'• plo•u lhlll lito• hull"' k·•·p ullo.' IC•Iolf.!ll '"" ""' c.r lht I lllf'l"" oil\ 14 ••• ,~ 1\ IIIPJ.,!t.ln1 . \1 •"hl•·••·rw•· \\flh St\fHtll' 1'1• •HI• nt A11h11r II \'.ontlt·nlwl.: '!Ill" 111'11 '.. ''" ~ ····l I'·'' "" ltlo'll "''"' lo Ill 11 tlol11·lllll••cl 1111 • 1111 I" lh• (~I· t'lltoh• lht• I·.HI' Ill H .. ,tn~lo• f"" k I "'" tl ·'l'l"'"'l'"''"h .. r Into • n:ol 1t.;•·" \uth tlw ;,dmjnistration's re· Ht•\. 1111•' • ullt I''"' :nul II II'''"'· 'Jill'"' fur 'Yin.•~·'·'· ~· '" ''hi· I'll "hat 11 call• II "luah11~ un tho· 11•'>• II ttl ,111tl '"' ,.,tra $:.!7:->.()('t(l,t)Otl jolt." d uphcatwn of t'l tori and US•'· for Grel•k-Turkt;.h ai•1. lo''' llurk ~1.11 hall haol Hl'll<'lll•'<"l l"'l'tUI· IBoy Thrown from Bicycle, Left With Broken Ankle • tl 1 dtll· ,,,,,. I. I I 'I' ol "o •' f, .. , I\ t \ t tl• II 1 ld 'loitll II 1\ I ht t•l• ,, t. .. .. t l'•l tit .. ''I I• 11 fl• I '"' . ..... , .. ,, ... I ··~· fll I h• I I ..... tit "\ I· I ~ Hltf If Itt •• ,,,,,. k• •I I• ,, '"' l't II t \. ,,, , ·I I. ' I 1111 lttt1 lht tlll "-t . ~ .... , •' ' .... ,,, ... , I !lltt I• d I \\ tf ttl I t1·ht tthl I'" •l111 It• ul ,,..,, '", 1•11··• "''ttt•u ul""'~' • ""'"'h • ._" '" -..;," \\'llhutu Lun,... j.:• 1 II :'\ I ' 1 II• 1•1 ''"'' d '" pt• .... ~nt tlu· 1•·1· lt•t It• I" It ,1 ''II tft' htMIIoott Jthfl• • t.u' '''" nn11t1tl t•·•· "It I• t. '' ltt•kt 11\J..: IH II Ill .... ,, .. htll \\lll't'h."f' l tpJ• II 1 ... fttH lht• ..:lt•tllt &Ia Hi t- ,.,, .... , htH I ll lht ""' 1tft'' t'lllhll \\ lu . I· I ' I• I 1• I I ~II· •I II "hll(h l h • trutl u utt ttutl tltu tu•v-. t ;.•n , '•I ''''''' "''·'"'' '"''"" hn\•' tw~·n 1• "'' It• "' tdHIIHI lt llflttB hill ... ,,, \\IMIId •tllllt lttftt tltlnntl 'Uh 11\1'1'•-' 1~•·1"''1t' ,\\l1tl•· th., huv•• ", ull\t •II\ 11d \ .. , ,t, d H ,.tn h •tf II I\ \ . ' ,lt ... \ l til·.,,, .... "t l 1'l" II, I'• ••I IIIII .I ,,, .. holt 11 •• loll•, "''""I.,, .... o , I'W1 J 1' I\\ 11 '1' 1" ~llpt • lltt , utlt I d' t I hlft \\ hh h ~·it \f .. ll •It I IIII I 141 lid· .... .. IUjHit\ \\lth I. " t ,,... ..j. n, '''" ., • ., rhlt Itt '"\It I• .. II tit• I I 1 "'' h 1" 111.,.1 '''" II II t I t t I 9 lt. lldtll lit• U ''I I I I t \\ ... It I • ,, I .1. '" , ...... ' ... "' ,, I I llfttlt t "'' I· '• I d I •• ,' I ill Itt"' I 'UO\ ftlttlttd '"""I 1 II\ I f (' tlfftttftiU fU\.t lund tt•~tt ttttt\, llt4 Htl .t1d t,tll \\ lu • I• t "''•'· II .,,,. dtlHII ..... ,, I ••• q .. I IIHik "lif \\ In 11l•ltt ltl d ''uHld tutl ltltt~llfl I Itt tht• ht~CtPCil • 11 '"'' l•tll 1 I ''·•'-1 \\htt h lutul• •l '' , '" \1•1• fl .'. •·•• I \It'll I lu.:hl I·· Htl $2 ~Jillion Y ;u·ht ( 'luh Lt•ets(' Is It I Hilt t '... t h• ···~ ........ ,,, .. ,._ ... ,_ . "'hUt' /It~<• .,,,,..,. hill "~~~;vultl 1•1•)1 cllN'('tl)l ,,.,., IJ~t " tt~utt·h '' H ''"'' t h. • • f .. t ttl•'t htlt•r Tlw churt.:•'" 1\t'l'l' t't111l>un,•c1 1n all) to S(l(•:tk••l J•~t• ~lart tl1, Jr . a rt•pnrt 1U llH' huiiSt' ,IC't'tlnlJIIIII)'· )'''II'ICIII,I (II l'llll'ldo•l' 1111' f-:f(l' flllo· IOJ.: tho• c·nnHIIIII•·•· !' lli•Jll'll\lol uf s:ram "'l~trall'l~ on th1• intt•l't''l' 1111 "l'l'r"JIII·IIonn hill 1';111)111~ Sl.· 111 'Jll"<"'l1 !;IHI ,7:.!:.!,:l~>4 1 to 1'1111 lh•• l rt'IIHII'~ ·n~o• "'nult• " t'l'11'1fll'l'tnl: th~ anti J.lt>l-1 utfu·•· clo•p.ul ml'lll!l m Ell I' l""t.;ram •••J>:orat••ly fr•un 1 ho• fl'·r•tl 1!1 I'• Tl"' '""'l was SX•.· l111n•·"· and I :ro•l'k ·'l'll k1~h Jll'u· \\1\'t:~ HI-' t•\1.00,\ U,\\ I.IH'~ ( l.l 'll \lt;\IUt:tt~ flrH\hlo·" """" lltt'jal for l.lou" a11ot! tlll•'r• ut c.lrl Sc•uul• u hu 1\tlr kt'tl ~lllld8~ Jlt <llri)ii::lh•• ''''""'Ill"""' fur lhr c.trl Sc'ttlll 1.11111• llutl"' "" "•"•I C o•fll rKI 1 Approved: ('J)M fity Pcark Pl;~n ' "'' '''''' ,. "'""' 'JUt1 thr .,,.,..,.lt .. u "' t tf•"' 11~111-. "'"' ttut 111\ttl\t•d 1'1 tfh I ...... ''St•lfh h .... ntl• tt ''' f11 lttltl '71 f'ilfll ,_.., .. ,...-.. 11\t•tuu· tll l l th .. trHI. ·----,.,--1 •• ,, '" t.\~··~~-'"' t ,,, \ • "''• I d 1\ tt• ttl .I ~I \ • t l flu 'l otio I fl\ I t••fl • •I I:, •II l11 ttt.f l'•th' \• l•ltl;l\ ••Hulud•tl \n \ • " 1. t 1 \\tit. f h• 1 t1 \ • •I '\ • \\ • II dt fttdh Ill\ "llftf'Uttttt11tft"'t' llfr 1 .... ••klrtt' , .. ~·· t 1 •••hi tu tlu• uti fi9:\,H~,o or n•·itrly two p••r t't•nl t.;'farn~ lrl's 1 han rt'ftii•'Slt•c1 hy t h•· d €'p11rt · ll11u~•· (;nt• '''''""~'' 111 ,, tn'''""~ m€'nts thai C"hma nJo.,. II•• t,;l\o•n nlllll.ll') ·n11• lim'~" prohnnl) wall rom· aid. Til!' ndmtn.,.tr:•t•nn r•"lll"'' s1d.•r tht• mt•asun• Thursday ""~ 1111 €'COnomic aid only. Tht• lull t•a r ru d nu monl'y for ~!at ,h.oll had .orgu••d that th€' tho• customs hurt•au .. !"'' I'() II s 'I 1-:RI' 111'11~1-:om wnuld h·· o••l;oyl'rl II ~uarcl. (Ill' lh€' (1('\JUI!'IIIOII llf St ril· thr hnuo.,• lnSil•lt•ll 0 11 the• 'tnl;lt• (('l(tC and o.:n tocnl mat••nals <1r Jl:ICk a..:C'" lor tax r..rund.~-Thos1• nN!ds Wtll lloll'•' '"'"'''nC'r on '""' lip· lw tnkl'n can · of in anotlwr l11ll prnach ltno•d th,. hou'• t:OI' lo•od- A ppro\'MI Monl,.,. ,., 'h•r> "IU·•n•l) twhmtl lit•n I >ou.:· ThC' commiiiPI' alsn ;~ppru• .. r1 Ia' ;\l,wAr•hur on tho· ~~~w· M:w- IK'rrnanPnt approprmt Bin~ tnt nl-t\ro hur c•:ohlo•ol 1tw hem"' f11r•••..:n ltn~; $!l.l9l.·l~:!.~l3 0\l'r \\hoch rt ..rr.ur' rmnmlllt"' l11'1 wc•,.k thai ll<'lltallv has lttiiC' ~ay. Th€'s•· Ill· ho· fiii'Oit'll lll'llnl: on tho• ~:lnhal dudl'd · ~!1.:.!!)(\.f~•l.fiO() for inll·rPsl ft>rl'tJ;n 111rl PIOI-:I'am "1n "' ••n- un th€' puhlic dt•hl :md S3.311i,· llr<•l~" :\1'1!\.~311 for old "~" nnd unc•mpi•IY· "\\'1• •hmk th.ot th•· m"" '''l"'oll nl•·nt pa~mrnts lt"ll' "''" "' h:u11lltn..: 1111, lu1'"''''' Thl' l'Ommllt•·••'c; rnt '"'~"' l'f " 111 a -in~: It· lttll." ~!:tt l m '""' th•· lnt••rnal Ro•••·nll•· hllr••<lU wns A•kt•tl If II 1\1" "rlo•ll!111•· thitl nn•• nf 1111' mn~t S<'HIIIon~: al!:wks lh•· llttll'" f••r.·J~-tn ,ortl•ll' t'tlllllllll · on 11 ftdl'ral "~''IW~' It) 11 c•um:r•''· ,,., \\tollltl I'""'''' o1 Wtlh lh.ol lo·t.:· ~•nn;•l r. ... t~ tn r• •···nl ~· a r!> '''"''\'' t•ln•·t t :\l;oMIII '·••d J\ fl't'lll11111o 1111• 0 fh,rl I hi' I Hill• ':'\11 11 1' 11n1 rJ,•flnllo•. ho• 'olllf mt"''"n 1111 nn::tlll/llfl•lll n.l llll'lhut ht• Ioiii'• oll11rtlh·r ..J~tlwii ,I,HIII t•)(t'I'Uit\•• hr:-tn•·h ur lh· t.:U\•rn-Hut,,,,."'''"·'''' •• ''" lltlf1Uf• .. rn,~n• lit :tfl• fl h.\ ltt1111• f l't 1•"-i· l:tlt I' lu·..:,,tr1 il dtt\t• (111 ... 1•• t•du I dPnl If.,,.,,.,., 1:11•• lop prt<•lll~ 1'1 "Hnn 1111 ~:HI' nn,;ul:oh''' uf '"' holl• '" .. ol 1h• Ito 1,111tlw.1n ""'" "'''"'' th S o·:o• It• "' IW"''"'' mnm• n1 \\ It•·•• 1 :-.,,h . mf,.!'lll• tl lh• ,, 11 'l'lti t•nrnrrutt•·• · ..... dl.u1'1'"" "' I•' 11•• ht•.tnt~·nd••tl '" kP•·p It tu ....... I"'" tl "" 1 '''I"''' "h11 It ,.,., .. htn• t1 ''"" 11lttl'tla~ and Fnrla~ n1t.;ht tho 11"111· nl HI 11\•JIIIf\ '" lh•• on•lt•.tll ,IJI 111111,11.ol ~1\lllrclay 11•~· c'uiiHtUtJ4••' O\\tl lll\•'"-''~'''0'' "~ "'"" tn :tn 1 fl11f f to c·onl ph•f• "'' 11 "' ''"<1" .. "' o•l• "' lh•· htll-.,, 11.,11 ,.11 ~HI' ' Hall ll~t·lf I 'I II' AI! h11r. \\ hn lllln•Htllt't•rl 10 I'"'"' IIIII ll•·•·····~ Tt•k\11 \l'•lt•l'f!ll\ lhlll ht \\flllltl iH'• "'111•' mo<.t "'rtt•ll'• tl·•fo ·t' In ,,, pt ;; pr,.,,,j,.nllal n••mtna llnn (hf' llr!:hlll/011111!1 :ontl "Jl"' 11111n'-r;lnl-(o•tl hlfllJ'Pif llf.:!llll'l J-'r(',lfio•nt nl tlu• hur. :t\1, .. tlw I'"!TIIlllll••• 's TI1JIIlan un ci 1\·t:ll,h:tll 1n h1~ \'I•'"' ro•rtnrl '"lei, "1~ th•· f.ot·t lh:tl tilt' "" (IIIY'tt.:n rud. ~''j')f'('illlly milltar)' nwn \\lu• :rn· l'hnq:• rl w ith lh•· ,,,,, '"('}una Anti h•· lwf'am<• a n RC'I\tul , . .,ll,•ctlt•11 .. r tho· 1,,,., 11\lf' .tlh , nn t+u' i!o!-ltt' Ill lt·11~t. of ~urh thl' collt•Ptnr~. 11ro· t~•ht1r:o l ap-1••;,.1,rful RC'puhlican!' All M11rtin '('onltntwc1 "" Pat.:" ·I I anc1 SC"n Rut)C'rt II.. Taft. nf Ohto. Long Session by City Fathers Deals With Varied Civic Bill -· J\ IPI11: ,,.~""1' nl Ill• ('II) t'Olln· h~h101: :o pr•t't-rlo nt 111 tiHtl ''" , nl ~··~l••rrl;" 111 '''' 11 an11 turn,•d1 111 ( "' ""·' do I :O.l .. o llrfllllt.;h ~·"· lrtllt!~ O( It \'llflt•d l J-:xto•ndo·rl (ott :01111tl11•1 11\lt'• lull trh11Udtn~ '''''11 ill at''' •n 1 ~···•r-... ""~ ttu· f'ontr.u I lh•· Cit ' \\hll'h 'Jio•('l:llllr,. \lt•l \\lift I'll) hit> 111111 (';t,.t') llh11• f11r tht llfl lrrlh•·r~ lor no.oluroe:ol hrmnro,, ;onrl 1111-: uf !:1:1 ;,,.,,., "' r·tty h•url 1111rtf lllllm:Oit•l) cultrlllt't1 ;o lw;l\) dow•kt'\ nl prt'"'"' 11110\IJIIII: plnnt ,,r I•UC\HH'""~ \\ htrh un'"' ,,r ''' H'•' thrNll•·rH•<I to 1-:"1 nut of l111nt1 MaJ4tr rfpf·t~lt•n" r.r•· rt•':tlt "tth • I~•'"'"'"' tn tntlay's :--;, w~·Ttm••, fl11111 on•· hll!<tll<''-' lrll'lllflt•(t 1111• fnl· I"" 1111: r• ,•,.mnw nr1a ''""" h, J\ct. mtnJ,Ir.lll\1' I Hf1rt•r .f••hn Saol"'' 1 1 1 t\ h11tltl1111' l't1111111111•••' '" """ ·rh•• •·nllnt•tl ;q.pro\ , •• t a r.,..,,., 1111•ntl:o ll••n I h:o I C'UJilt·~ .,( I ht· rit \ orl1on:onl't'" IH• JII'Jnl• fl nutl h<tttnd t ·pon tfh· rt•f·nntrn• nd:tl l'•f1 ''' :-.lll~tlr () n lt•••tl :\11, bh: H Jill!• "a' olflf"IICI!o-fl '" lit• I "f"n '"""''' Anrl If\ Ill•· 111:o!l• fl h1d1.,. C::f+\ I n \\'t•rt• r• r'l t\ ttl r ""''' rl u• hulltltrh! lf1"-l"' ,., .. r n1•·• 1-uu.: unt·• ~• "'' k ;uul tll('ltSt1anc f Pn,tt thlt••rt ,,( ~·••d•' ·•fttl ••till• I 1f "'''\ 1 It\ h:dl ,.,, .. uut ·• ,.,. • s.'"'"r ... 11"''"",.. ln't"''''"' "·\I .. f 1111 ,,,. 11111, '"'' ,,.,.,11 ,,1 1.( -,;,.,,, n. ('or~ l iWIII•·• o .I II ""'" 11,, ,111,1,111111, .. r .,tf1,.,. f•uno• ,., uu l •If • t .. •uu ahn·,n '-'1 ,\lil••tlllllh Ill l•f I 1\tllltlllll' Zon•· 1\ppn r 1tttttfll• nt HI I w• t "tHt ~-~~~C\t ftU\\fl' 1:i• " r •. e~r •• :-... ,,. t' ... ,,11nn Ito 1'"1111<1 1'-1111.' ( 'Ill• I H H llud,· l,u .... ,. "-t t 1 •' t "'•1 .. tUlt• rut.' t \\'tllt .• ·u r .. ,. I' \\I hh trHI Itt '"' fiolltll d rllll ~~~~ t ttl f Hll• "' ' I'""' 11~<11 fl. K .'tl ,\ n tppl" ·,q .. , .,, t ;,., ""'' 1 • H· \ dl· '" HJII I"'' Jt Jl'"'' P·tl lll! :tt 1~+.: 1 n .. \ ,,. "·'~ ··PP'*'\•" ., ,, t t "''' f tit"'''""'''" ' ... , .trtt~ ''* •t lllltl If did llHI 1'011lflll'l \\lilt I lo• f'l f .\ "' Hnl I L"' t n )t fll' rltt'\ ht•t·., q .... lh· r. \\t•ttltl ttt nu h.t\\ k• ,., ll '"·· .... 1···\:olk . .. I ;\n ttppl,.,,,, .. n ""' :tl"t• :q •- pru' r•d for If \\' :tnrl ~1 f; .1• t ''''"'''" ••• ,.,t•·r:•t• .. rHt. r1nR: ,.,., !tthll~lml•'nl :ot llJ Al:nl•• "'' nall)<o)t 1-l:wd ,\nrl ""' I'• 'fill··-; for a lllt•mt·'<~ ···rnut lur n .. h q 'ttnt IJlll•·d ••f1 I' tt"• t 1 CAT SHOOTING INCIDENT PROVES 'EMBARRASSING' l'uhllt-"''lllhll••lll •·•uha.rra-...,•u•·ut uu ,,." ltt•rt '"'""f' 1 .... , ",.,... '"""" '"" lht• ._,ht~tflnW, h f .... '\t•rn l htHtU' ,,.,, Mtttl lnulunH•"-It•·Mit"fl • uf , nt ..... na~ .... hu,... f ..... , •• c ........ hl~;h" "·'. "' lh•• "'I "'"" , .. , .... """ h ) .....,.,,.,,._, , .. , •• , •. "" "' th•· ''"-"'II lw•,.,.,..,.. II"'' K'-tlta4·rt•"'Ct, "If lt•ft nn unfn\ ur a l>lo• lm1•r•· .. ~1rm un '"" r hllol ,,..n,'" 11rd ~ ;\l ;,rk•·l "''~ 11"~~·'1'1 1 Schools Superintendent Notes Time ~htrk .. <l ,,r rurllwr rJ ... r., ... l ..... "II• llw JII'IIJ•":ol nf ;\~1\'1-:'T'S I""' I lr\111 ~Joraau••. II11UIMI(t'r 111 tlw ''""'I' f'\'l•l8lnrd ,..,. o,hnot ln~t nf t..,. f'ah "" " no .. ..--11~ Thr t·at-. ~·lthnut "'""'',."· .,,.._. and m u tUr,., unUI th"' ,.....,..,. a ..,.aJth hu.ard and D . N for Bond ElectJ•on 1!1 If• plllrt• II JlhHJUf' hrtn(lrllllo' nul ... ll<'f', .... _... today. I'll· rawJng ear \\nrhl \Yar II rl••11t1 111 l h!• t111~1, ••I 11 .. alt,.mpl to h&lt ,..,_ •·at~ Th€' ttmr •~ drawm~: nl'ar f11r lhr rlrf'tnrat€' nf lhl' NI"Wporl Bc11rh School d1~1 riel to ctr•r111€' the lmportllnl 011111rr ur \\hl'tht'r school facthtti'S llrt' to k<'C'P p;tt'C' "1th thl' rapid ~trnwth or tht• I'Om· munitv nr "h•·th•·r hllll·dll)' 1\1'11· sion !< ~rl' 111 ''""''""" mrlo•ltntiC'I}' !'rhnnl~ II 0 f:n~ogn. w ho fiOIOI· II IIRI:JII'tlt 111 lw l'l't'f'!l'd un lho• for r aplul"f' and '"""'" l..,.m """' ,.,,.., h11ll ~''" "' 1 for di•J•...., but In '"'"'' ~·---1" .. out , _ _.a.., thnt thl' ~rhool dut-·' · ''111"" "'' 11 an~ II 1111 J h <1 I .. f fl , .... half-wttd anlmaJto mu .. t .... lrirt "ts In Vl'ry ~~:nod ~ha)X' fro m 11 K·l·n "'1""' or 11 lllt11"1' huntl'd and tohol. n ltl)nnc•RI stnndpoint .. A fa•·or· tho•hJlrttJ.I(>ot:ol "It< I!IW·n In Sntlnr<l ~pracur-aho t flld nf a IIIII,. blr \'nt r for a ~!'iOO.()O(I ho nd I~SUI' "11 1 ht· ri'C'Omm•·nri:ll•nn 111111 • t will C'I>Sl l!l r••nl~ n.•r hunrlr!'d wn~ '.!!:111~1 "'Orthy " ctrt lh1ac at ,..,. r amp that •-... t .. __ haoo 1-.1 un~ t11 I ll In ctnllnr ~~~~"~crd vnlunlton whirh nUl" "-''P wtll r•·ciUN' to 9 r••nt~ tow~trrl '"" Tlw r•IJtH'~' marl• to~ Hllllf'rl I'' : .. ~~ :::.:.a,::'"" .... ~ ,~·;;: I f ··-\. r ""'ric'" ht• •n•r1 11'" k• 1'' ,.,,,,,., ... ~ " rnrnn rtll Th 16th ol M>~rrh hrin~t!t t hl' rnl 0 11 ~.• •' H •-"'• ~ t .... 1 1 j ria.!• ff'&r ~ ha10 rtn&-""'"" ,.. '111•· ~rho-.ol p lant ~·hlch thl' '" l 'tl n• ''' nd ol Orrhul of • \'arlf't)' llum._ ma.) citi7C'n!t ,;( :-;,."'Jltl~t ll•·IICh fnrr~~,{l()oo()" 11 t oll w ill mf'An mur h ''"' "II~ hl'ltl ,,,, r fr>r ~ludy I f'Atf'h fmm rata. That and to face w11h annthr r of thr IS!tU€'1< townrr1 r·nttull~l;l!lnl.: th•• ~;rowth ; 1"11 k•· •n••·ntl• 1" ""11rl 1:11ri•C•·~ ,..,. dan&"r of altat'lc on'"""'" whiC'h wtll d ('tr rmiTlC' lhC' futurr ,f lhr· ell\ It "'11 lll~o •'Ontrthlltl' 11: 11" lo~~·· "1 tho l•lulf Itt "'n•• r h.lld,...a ,_..,. It __ ,.,. of thr rtl}' and m "r" tmpnrtlnit tn th,. ll"iu-nmll; Jlr()('('S•I'l' for l hr 1 lr,. I<''' "" "'ro ' 1 ,,.,,., Cml~ fu r J111114'oP til d...,._ of ,a1., 11tlll th r future or thl' lloyi< nnd rhtldrl'n hy off,..nn~t crcatcr o~ JI~IH'Iw>tlolo· .,,.,.,.~, 1" thr· 1'"~'' o f at nurnlftrous ,a-In u... lirl~ who wtll h.o\C an IOIJ••rtllnt I"'I'IUntty lhrnu"h Jnf'T"II'•-d fa-l " clJil. ""111oi 1" "' •:wh 11 rllmp fluilor a'"" .,....rdln& tn pi'IT't to plAy '" ltv· Wl'lfarr or l"lltttrs,". EnM~tn !II. rrs,cd . '" Uri(· Jlurkl' ll1otlnfllln<·d ;o.; •• , ··rlll"lr·,.~ I I'W-,...,.t (', K. P...,..t of t ... th com munitY Ul& auzcns to RO to the thC' COIJncll mdtca!Ald " dE>!'orr· lo x .. wpori poll«"' .,_nn-1. e S . -A-t of and VOIC' probl." thP SltUIIItOn hrforr "('SI&h· ---------------So note-d U)X'rmte ....... n * BULLETIN * HP:I.SI :O. t\1. \lotr•·h II -tl 1'1 -~d .. nl .tuh" 1\ l',.....tlth I \OIII lnfttr lll l'rt'tlllt·r ·'""''' :O.tnllu II)' lf'lfrr 111111 !111• 111a,loorl ll "' llwo t'1nrrt~h l"''"'"'"'"t f, "I' IIOW'd tu 1111\ 111llllron KIIIIOIIt ,. ............... 1 1111~1111 Hllll ~ .. , It• I ., .. , ...... • ...... " t · t ........ l'rD-nt '""' lunl~thl tu ftw WH\ ""'"'' II - ll 'l ')-4'h81rrll"n lluu.,.r l t·r t.:IIW>n anuu11111"od lud ll) thRI thf' ..,.n,.lf' ln vt ... IIJC8I lute t'llllllltlt .,.., \4Jil f'IUtdUt'l 811 ln<111lr)' lllltt thf' fl<lllt·l.-. 101111 JorrfuNU.Ilf'l' tol lhf' J"""'.... .. •. , .. .,, ""'"' ""'' \1 '"' "'') ,,. ... ,.,,., Tmu ( . ( l10rk In lhf' IIHII 1\Rn~K~ I II\ ,,.,,. fr"oul. II \ItT'S 1.01 \T IO '. ' II , \IMr• h II I I 1'1-\ ltrt•lo•r 'n• ,. r .. , ''"'. T huuue.' t. •••·'-' t',\ ttf 't'\\ \ ••rk ,., I h•· f tC tl' l•r,....hl•·nt l•l nut•thu..,. ""' ""hu\o\ u h~ \'••t• r-. tu•ht\-..... lttl' hltlttlt•t t .. ~ .... ,. ... th•· ,.,,, f'ttftttttlltlll \ ~ .. t h•• fiM~ tttll f•• ltttltut Itt u l't 1M ASK EXPLANATION \II '. ,\ ,, " .. I I• llo• I' 'I til • • t I t t I '' I I''"'' 'I th• t " • ";'11Ufl t It '• .... II ' II It' 11#1 ,,,,, .. .._,, ,,,, ............ . ........ ,,,,, .. ,, ... t ...... llh'lt\\,1\ .t "''''"d."" h• I• II lt.•.ttlt '" •• , .. I ,,,,., ....... ,.,,.,, •• , 1 ''lld l••tl• \\hfl \\Ill i'nll\oa llll•'' "' tit• ('"''"''' d, I ~1~H h••1u f• ll•tlll l••k··' '·"" thtt l u rut.•r tftt• f1l ll I · 1 t 1 Ill• ,,. """1•1 '" "" l•·•l•·l nl t'll(h l Itt ' , I ,, .. tl i I "'' "" Uttlllllll' .uul n •. '" •.• ,., .• '"' "' lftt ltul·' ,,. .. ._,, I I I ' " t.r "'~· • lult t.,,.tl I"" •·· f "' ,. ••h d• ··d· d .,, ' \ "' '•''"'' I",., hu''"' "r hul t t urna , I'''' "''• '''"" ;u ul r•-.w••r I Itt• ''·"'' "fll•h h:" I•••O '" ''' Ill•• 'fait• h\ lh•• til\ Hltll ttout h 'It "~u•l•l It•• lh•· ht•ttvtt•t~tt ttlttW tf,, I •fltl" nf l,t"\•'f "-'"' '"'•ntJ,, ~tldlltutt,tl p l••l.,. tft•"" II' Utll\ IH• tit d • tutld 1 .. fill• k Itt ttu ' ""''•f.- \\ ill, • .,,,"''''' fft•· ,.,,, fM\''"'"1 ! '''1""'" ••• 'ltld t•• p tt'-'· #Ill\ l•·.ct-..tuthtn lllf (.,'tiiOti II \t.'/11 fllt1 1t1..: fl11• fll'-.1 J111• f•'·'"'' flttt ' lhtf ••ftiiJ,!Idt' th1• tft,tf f tl'"'' Ill\ qtat ,fltttt ''' fu ltW It\• \1 ,,, $~\OUtltl I• )' tt th• u• \f I''''· I •• """' 11 tk • ''"' lfttfHtt\t f•••l.·r.tl ttt,!ht I•• l•tJIItl "•'h dtuu .. ,.. '"' ·•IHI ~:r •. , .... , a ''f" "•• '' ttttttt '"'' '' ~'~••' ''"'''' tit•· ••ut It hll'" ~t l~tiH' lilt ~''"'""'ul f '••lum ' Jnllllllf1l• 111 \t'llf't. ,,, fht• t ttftfiHf'l lt••l 1•1 Jtllttilllt "'"'lttfl' dlltf lftt• ''tll ft)lt #tltll •tfltt•t IIV•'r"•• 11 ,.,,,, .,, .. ,, ••• , fnt u I'"'"" ul I•·• tiltu' qf •··nl' uutl , .. 1• ""'rt..:• '"'''l'l"'''' '"' ,,, th• ltlll lwv•• •If'. ••f .. , I"' I t '• nt ••I •tt•· •!''""" 1•'\t'Uta• ·'''''""'''u••ut-.: '') tlu• ,.,,, •u•••l •••• It I'""""' ltut lhlay S..·n ll•'lllllotl to\' .oil "'''"''"'~ It! 1111 t\11 "l'l""l"'' fo.,lllol ''"111111"1"1; l l•wlr ltu•J,, 11 'lt•lt 111 1 r~ttf11r .. ..t • ltth 1 \t•••pt "'"""' th•· '''"''" tl rtt t\ lt..tlplt P "1''""k' \ I•" ul I• ""''' 111 ""'' """'' 14 t tu tit•• tltlt•luntl" bUI , •• t ru ._. ...... r.l pt" .... 't.Ofllt """ f r .... , 1\t.,,.," I~; ..... J,"' '''" "lu• h , .... ,·ht ,,, .,. .... "'"''' ,,f "'"'" "'''" '"''"'''" ,,,,,. •. "". I ttllt•llllll '""" !""'""''."" '11w oiiU• tuhn••UI "'"lltl I• "'" ltultl th•· •II \ ntul ""''" ull t"'lf•>tto+•, ftt'•l•• •tll••i lu ttft J•ttl 1..:••\•'f tttU•UI "'tttld "''' "ill'-'• •Hn • I Th• lult••''''' "-• t St'ttlll ltttd pl•t~·d p~t•luniH•II \ 'l'l•l •tl,ttl"' u ( "'·'"' tl •l•llf thtl tht• f, .. ,l.t•tf'l ''Jtf ftt"" ,, \t "" fft IUrt "11••1 tUIII ltlf•• I•JI'fll ftti\1 fol t tl •tl j f111f 11\•1 t+l\q•tftlt \.\.tl•'l"' l ldf•''''' .,, •fl• tl•ul l''' Jh• -..t:tlt t~fftt • I ,,., thttl•i '"'."""''"' "·••" tlutl Ill• pl.tfl '"' ttu (,• ttn tllf•tt •I• ,,,,. , tl\ It, ,,,, ••1\ •I•, .,, d *· 1 .,tftu1 11, u 1, I til ,,11uftl IIHtll thft '' '"''n1• "' "',, '"' ..... "'I •I "' I •••n • 1 ,, • ,,. -.'"''''' ,,,vl~ ''" ~t;tlt• 11 ~ •\\f1•1 ~ft1,, •tl I '" •Ii iii .. '"'' '' ''1' \\ II• rtd• t "" ftl' '!dl HI qf ,,, ' "'· \~ tfl I I··· 'llff ... , .... tlf UU\/1• It ,,,"'' lu\• ''''~·"' ,., ... ,1 •• ,., ~.r •'·, '1 ,,. "tt ,,,.,,, ·~· n .• ',. ...,, .• 11, .. .,, •• ,,.,, •• 1 ,,.,1 ,,,, ,., .. · .. ''I" It I\• ,,, '"'''" ,,, \Ill II "·" ,,,. .., ,,, •• "' ''"' ., II II I ., •I I• I t fl'h•ll .,, I,, I" ft 1 l','tf• , t I''""''''' 11, ftq ltll ,1111 " '""'' Ill l •lif• h 1 ttl' tf,, •t,,.j ill•' of '. ,,,, .... fi llrtl• "·· 't••••l• .,. ,, I.· t•d .11 r • '• r .. J "'"''''" '" t 11 d J;,, "" t ~~1., ' tt••t uf I lu I t 1!4\ , ' I• I, • t f. ,,. l•·h 1.• Ill' I I ,,, I • I 'tool If I lf.,flu' ttl ••I f 1d•• I I• Jl• o!dd I llo• lt•tll11111 I •• , ,,, ' I ,, \\ 'It . I I J I .. lj ,,,. P"'l"""' ,, ,,, It jtH\ ,t, ,,.,,,,I ~WOM E N 'S SKIRTS 10 GO ABOVE tV. Itt I FIRE O N M ISSION ' II II .. ,, ,, ,. , 1 KNEES AGAIN I ttUittlt '' ..... '\ •• f .I I I ,, ,, ., " 1'1 ..... ~I " t J I I I • t I ltul I "'' u•••ltl .• HI t I 1 ~ •' \l '" •I 1' •I 1 ttl \\.1 ltt•d \\11tll'l' ~~~~ \1ft fH fiJ• dttt\t• ·~· "I .. , I• ., \lit''" lfl "'''' ',II II I Ill t ·~ ltll II' 1'•'•: I • 0"' f( toll• , '"II f •• Ill • J\lh· tl • 'i!ll •• lUI t}tt I IUUI• ' nu t u·.,,, ,.,, ···•l ,, , .... II f ;JIUitt. fl \\I II f!u "'I Ill ' I 'I I l • f'· , ... t ., j ,, d I • I f fl 1 f <C" I t If t.•,ddiJq I tfllf I* I 11 '' I • r., , 1 • • • '' f ' 11 I II Itt h , ~ 1111\T "'111l.t ,, '····" . ' .. 'I• q ,. ,, ·' irlj I If• I \l.tl f I 1"'11 I, •I ,,, IH ... I ! 'ktlr ,,, •h· \If, I! 1 t ~· J• qw I f•d 1• •f Itt ffttfll 1 'f" I I 1ft) lo,•J 1 • " • ... "'1'' , ••II• I .... ~ II• • ,.., \ II I ••Itt• ,,,..,; n l 11t• lr nPJ \\u .. ,t•t~tlt ,..~tH t\J~+• ,,,,,,, Ott II " ,, I 1,11 I llf It• I I '••'· ,,, ... ,I \ht~, .... ~ ,,, f • ... I llllt I" •• , ...... I hi'., 'I .,, ,, .•• 114 •I. I .. I II.. ..... ,, t "·It It ' ,,, , . ·'·'' I,,, I ··' I ,,. ;\t I• ~ 111 •1 !II l,j f '"' tl I f l1ft• I Hilt Jf 'CUift l ftt fU '\ ''*''}\ It 1d tllf~ ', '""'""'"• t1 1,, ''"•I i •• "-.h• fl , f,,,ll )•ut" '" tun * Weatht•r & Tidt·~ * :; . ...... ., •. , •:1''" ''"'''''''' ,, .,, ,,., " " ,, ,,,,,, ,, '••I fll ft \1 •"" fl t \f t "fttt\'f Yt fttiiU f Jh lfttl ltlttl I II f.,,fl , \\tff tl··• ''''' ',.,qtflt•' •I ft•fltf l tw• wt '''''•' I•1••J" •k.trt"'. •lw ·~ul•l !'Wtulhrrn •llturniM '-• ,,,,''I •Huh nurth J-'tll tt•fl l•tf~ \ • l4•••L lUih JHtlllllfl \\tfft .t f," t,l,\\•1 , .... ,~-. fl\l'f th•· Jllqflll' till ,,,., ., ··nrant.: ''•rttct•• ""' "'' '' • t IHHIIrl•"'' l.tl I \\ I tf fl I t,. '' ,j \ lll(hll) ,_,_,Jt•l ltt1lll\ I •••l• I It 'thr c.., • ;, .... ,,n;tl c.u t·. ,,, t "• tnlt.. •-Anrt-I. \ l•·lnll• · '• ,. ·~ rlr.ud' ,,,.,~;,, 'I• 'tr .,,,. t , tlo;!ht httt •n( '"" .. '"'' , Jqqtlttl4 ' ,,, .. W••dn•·'-JI:t\ SIIL:h' '' ''"•'•, • .rtny. ,.,,,l••r tl•n•~:hl • "• ., •••to tl ''"'Y 'Urfllt'l' Wll\lb !WAIWfl. ltUI q. •·· ,,, ,, t",,,,,,,.,,, .n ttl It" t\nH J&'·•li f'''''''t'"' '-"•1• '" tht "'11'''' fit• lt•tu••tt•ld• lftttt$' "'" lc• r I t.. f 41 \4. t lf " I Ill "-f11 If f 'NEW' VERSION OF $100 LUNCHEON HELD HERE ,\ ... , "''''' ,r $1'Jf• J""' ''' ''" "'"'' ''"" , ,_,.,. t'llfl •. ,.,.t~· ,,, Huen~' T i t• , 1 •• n tt" 1 ,,, 1 "'IHIIt'r'l''• ,. ... ",: • ' v.. ,~ h• Jtl "1f•n,l.t\o ~fl· 11 \• '"' ,., •.• n ,., I f:ultl Hant· f,,, Iii' """' •I f1· • ,,,,1•• /\1 f••Y•~,. w htJ •t. ,,,, t ··.uurutt" •• r tlu ·:, u h•ll• ,,. ,,.,,.,.,,~ .. t1 1""""'"'.-• t "I''' •• ,,,, I \1· • •u y Jrtt••tttattun , .. ,, f r.tt .. ,r (t,u nl,, "' , ""' tJ1• '"""' t1~d""' •·f '"' '"'''' :.1, '"' "'''' ptt•d•w·d t h•· ''""· ft * fl'f I It 1 lq fl llfl'!itU/t (1 f tfl I t , \\ lf f11 f ,,,,~ "' it fj •tJP ••t fttlif or fttf tf lt ,f frlt' 10f1 ,,,_, 10ft 4 'fof • tl \Attt ... tJ tlllo "-1f1 f "'tllfftt tft.l••tt ft( H 11 ttJtltrhfl lf111 If , ""..,,\' VtJrk 1\"- lh• ••·•'UH' "'' •'l•t••l•d t.\ 1•t1IU1• \-Vtlf lw tt'"''''t.''''''"'•~•tl ,,,.,,,,,," •·I '''""'''' hud tn tl •• j l i'•tt "h•· t.l"'"~'''fd tlw ,,lf 1 ;utrl 'I" •IIPII•rt'• v.h••h "''I'"'''' n •t•• tJitl '''\'t•rul ftftA"·r f1 , f ·• t(;,ft \\ ,., nl f.tf•· t .. ,.. th• \Vurt1' r Ht••ltu 1' f'f•l"l•l'' fHtl• '' \41 n "'' '''' v.uv tr•• ttlcc.n ,.~., _, "", '"""' r•tt•l"""'" f ,,, ,,,,,. 1 ''f"''•~l ••· I• t•h ••IJ•hf\ tlttOfit•tutl Itt• •""'' fihn fl.,. •l'f flli Jfll•fl'-••r ... fpt,.l t'lttlf t 11tq ft l l l n •tflft~rt Jrf •tftlt 't ltYf!l ''' th; ~ tiWttirtb '' ftW" ,.,,, ,., (u,.,, .. l•tttlt•'""' I•• ''''''' '''"'"' '"'" "''"'''''..,'"' ""'"'tv'"'" •rrfi,·r•·d II ,,, I Hid .... ,,,,. \A:t' ..... ,1. ''4•' s ,.-.n .... , •:~••IIJ• ll!ill;•l·'l ................ ,.,1 ••• lu••r•· f'"l''' ... hud , •f1•• .,. r•ll., .. tt tn ,,,11,., ,,, ..•• IHr>n•# il 4, 't1•, ttrert ,_..,,~. '' rt , h·' ..,, ft ''' ': •lh u,,,, l~•dtttut \'.dt.·h •n.,. K'''''P iuttfrll'''''fl ( 'h:tlrrnun. 'tlht ft.u,.. "'" I'"'"' flrtr"'• l•nl ,,,, ~~~-, r''""'t .,,, ,,,,. ,,,,l:lfitll H I. ,.,, ••• ,,.,Jil l.tl~ ... , It llttl Air··,. .. ,,..,,,,, , .. ,., ..... lhl It nt•Wf'"t'""" • :l I A ~~ ''' ,,., '"'''''"''' .,, $.'*'' .... tt lr .. , .. u.,,.,,, ,, ,,,.,J,tn '~ '''' ·•· ., ttH frt f•• 111t'furlt ""• tuor • thrtO 9 14117 1.1~> t :OI %:lUl l T l11 1:'''"1' 1•·•'"11 " ,.,,,,. •tf ''''''" "'"'" <.;lf•t l' A l'.tltJ1 I l l t ·,•: 11) R :lJI '7 '14 1:!41 l :t O tfo;tnh '" til Ill'"'' "''"' h.lll '' ;,,,, '"'"' "·'•'• n I ludt l<•oll '"'" ''' • utrv "" I" "'" "'''" '' ~ 'J 1 1 4 4 -tl 'J lol'lpo-d In mnktniC thf" plrtUr<' ptlll•l lnA lttl' tllm ... lf't. • ~. .. -. 'Y • GOP ~ Regulars, Dixie to · Chill . Mac Arthur, Truman ------ " .-." •·o uT BAa. no ,, ~ t:\\ ~ 11 '' 1 :o-ll{·tet· tn Enatt Tlt:~U\\ '""l"'r111•••ulo,l lllll \l.orolo:o t :ot~l l. .--------.....--~--~0 ,.-d 1 \tar ,Suluns .\rg:Ut' Page 2 Daylight Sa,·ing As Druuth I~('SJumsibility 'Flying Tiger' and Bride Arrive in U. S. j2 N D 1\ornna t• . , .,, 1:, .. 1 •• 10 , , (l'o Be .Site of • " · · ,·, ·;: "":· FRONT{ I ~:aster .\cti\'ih· '1 PAGE .. • ,,'I -------~ 1 o ,,.,, t j 1 " E A R L Y o, o II, ' .,f • I 1 .. - -'t .,, I Itt h• •I I'' I•• N-E-W-S Watrr lte\'en ues 1'0il l{l'Cl'ipts .. o I I ~f -. ,, • .. td It ... •I" I I o ,, I I I I \\ ' . ~ "11 1 ", . '" I ' . , ''. 'I• •·' I• "' \l ,, t ., ,' l '" ''· 'I I •• 'II . . Ol I I J' t •' ;ft In Fehruar)' '' .. ••• tl ,, I• ,, I ·I·. I .. \\ • .1 t I I \ I U 1, 1·1• I H1, 0 'tl)1:. fUi flt d .. ,, t uro•r J " (; 111 1 '" Itt I jt\ J'11 I ft t.1 tt II \ \\I ') $:!'.!.16) M#) ~·uult' Ill' • tf • 1 11\ '"' s J nhn I I !llo ;\l o.l oto 11111 ol IJ f~~ hu "''' f ,,.,., 'I• 11 f'tlllti'f l"h'" tfi.t \ ,. '.. If 'I I ' ' .. tuuhlarH' •H I" • '"• '11L • ,, •l '---' fiOk 711 lt•l ol loll 11, \ """'' mit~ .... ,, .. d , .. ,., ,,, ulflt! II .. I· I til • ltw ..,,, 1 J• ...... ' I • I ,, tl ' II t'• ··I , .. '· tl ., I I h Rose Tnurnamt•nt Head tu Prt•st•nt Truphy tn (·.of ( ·. I I I o 'I ,,, ,,,., ,,,, I ,,,, ,,,,, I'-II I, '• q If It\ ,, .. •r II·J I,'' H U ,, lo I• ,, • t ''"I i,! olio ,I o I ''" ,, . • t '• I lt1f I J I o\\' I 'i" ••I I d f.., 'ftt \\ •If f It I ot "' tl I Ito ol n .. ,,, .... ftt ~ ~•ol t h• ' Anrul.d • ''' • I ' ' ~<i ! • \ ;I • r ~ l 1 " ad• 1 1 ' I • d ltl ( • Sc:.uth··· n c IIIII\' ,, ' I •·" I l tfJil dt I I l'f ~: f .... ., ... , •• ti~ ul Htt I f• I • ' 11 ' Aat ~ r•·r ''"' un.,ant.tl ,., ' 11\\ tl•••l \\thflr• • ·~· I '· ,\ I '·I I 1 t I ' I 6fl:J Hfj fHI l~tfi uut '111Ui t1 I• t ilt :\t\\J,HII l f t l11 •1 C'hotPiwl ld' tur ns l ruru ~.uttu" c'.,l,lt•ltu.t t'ttft,IH•t•• J,rtl•lto\\ 1''•1 ••• I•'• }:di~'«>U t unlt-.ut\ lh 11t•ft ~7 1 "; 71 • I 111.-\t•ll , .. lu ,,,,,,,.,_, 1 • rh. hilt! Cultfhi Uht ~·' l u,, ur \.\hu t. fht l h.tll.b•l td ('ttfltltUI It th· t\\tll dty rr•CV'I\"t ' '• , ... nl~ I•Uf ,fflf)th•·r l''·tt" t \ Ill· "' "1••11 J f,ldtitl 'It , ..... +f $1 :\,141 I :I In 1111' lrl'll~Ur) '" '" .... l'oooiiOO.ollll Ill "' ~~...... I, Total n•rr•1pt~o 1\lrru\ft rn lur Jo'• h-,.,,, 4 ,ul•· It"'~ .I'" 1 In ruury encludi"Lt ,.unh· .lanultf\ hal· !"•·tl•''·''' lit•.tHl•Hd ••' 'h• l'.,t '"'' I• I I I I l l I • I .. ,,, 'I' • i ,, I ltt ''''1ft '• t 'It ,t i ,. ' "' I I I,,. \\I I" HH I l:it rl itlll tl tj '"'' rf \\Ill h "' '·· I"'• ' I q,, &nC""r* and J947 r•tUt r)' Hr1l•;,,,.1,tJ tltn.& (1ltttal;.•t \\l'l ltt•••liiJ ... •It~ '' \\• •I t \• I I 11 fl I 11 t"'"'' ,fl, tl n.'t to $.'16,67~ 4:1 Mnklll•' It lotl lol Jll•r lllo'o·ll I 1111• '' "'' '' U'o·l.-" '' "" 'I I f Jt 1\ I h it t1• tt\t f \\I·· \' ,, 111 l•l.lltl• •. r:-• I\ I o ., ''" t ,, • 1lo ' 0 I I I It ' I I I· lo oting Whf'l •• I ••(•ning COl oil IJills eto 11" ... Af1(•r 1 11111 S("rt~n• '-lwAkPr, s. '1 ,, ltu"' Sf"n~ I • h IJII!I~Pd aftrr h lit•' lli'Wiy· • llllnt\1('(' I 0 I''" ·'· OGit p jl lolor Of I d • 11 t1 stnl"t- •· ol lolnckPd I I f1 ult•r atton • • oto· in thl' '. ,, t .Pool \\lit ,, ' ho· hnd • llo 1'0-RUih• '' t •"' Y••' ,,, I . ,,, 1•1••· • I II I. l•lld .• I • on t .. , I II , . ' .,, .. '"'"'' h'(' St'l I\ Ill h ll¢'l' '' • ", 1 ,., \ nalurt..• • ,,,,,,fl•l••d t'XCt'pt t '"" o ,, 1, l w!on• II t • f ld• I o tl ""Uill(' de\, ~ '' ~ '·' • h • •' '~itry su '"'I.\ I ··,_uf \)(' ("t '~ fl1 i ~ 1 '-... ,1 lj I \11• "''' d rot tlo• I••Wrr!ul cto• (...tc.. 1, , 'o,. ". ', '""'lllhlyml'n \1 I r • r I• "o• H • Hoi Air. Em .. • • ,. old • It I '••111111111. ,Julion S.•o h OftMral ct&1re L. Chennault. warUme bead of the "Plylnc Tte~ra" In China, 1.1 abown on hl.l arrtval at Na- Uonal Alrport, Washlnaton. D. c .. with hla Chin~ bride or a fe w m ontllll. Chennault wiJJ ttsury before a conere&Siona l committee In be hall of m tllt.&ry &ld foe lhe Ctuntse Govnrunenc.. I • 11 ~ • 1111nclu . Marvtn Sh• ------ 1""' 1:. l 'o.rlmc>nt. und R.lolj•l s t A v II ••'' I • t'wnptun. und St•nal"'' an a nans to ote On I II I '• lap. ll .. Rtehmond Ncl~· '"I $2 Sch Bo "'"'"""· R . ll••m f't, and Rllll'll 359 000 001 nds :-." ,... H . Snn Oc·rMrdino . I ' ' • HONEYMOONERS 'HAD GREAT TIME' I WHILE ADRIFT General, President Toss Hats in Ring \\',\~I IJ:-:c:·n o:o;. :'ol11r !l •I 1 , Ht puhlocan 1• ..:uhu' .one! I• I, . latlll'\ \t•Utlh 'I'H tit U1Ut'r ,\f!{ II'HUI• II\• o•ol lotd .l\ In Jllll tho il'll/o 1 lloo• l•lo•,•td• Ill! tl I :ororlt<l.ot·ll ·~ , 1 t:,n ll.,oo t.:las '\!.w,\rthur '"" l'o. '"I' tot Tttlln 111 \1.,,. \rt lot II mtl 1\to• T t ot•o ,11 oroooo!IIIH'o <I th• ~ \\o•ro• ~~ 1111111: o 1 .y o I• \\ ltoouo:. up.11 1 ~,.,,, 11l \L1rl,\ t·t~rt,.;l ~ '-'lun,d ~h fOIWI dS 1 1'11 1 .oil ll lll fl•~tt.olt• o·hill VII :'>lr l'ollllo.oll \\II h l'•':tl'llllllS tnoo't 1 , .• lllt.OI'h.ololo• loll' l!l'llfl ""''llt'o' 111 Jll •·- olwl '"II' Ill of lot• \\oUid I"• It,"' tl I"' :\0111 mlto•r ,\ lo 11 tl• llltvo.otS Utt•·r~d h.olr. 11111~·~ tha i :\lror,\rtlolll' '"'llld tm n 1 11lll In lw 11 dt•mocrat Rnd m ol) I~· I 11111 (o •r 1111'111 tf tho•y c·uuld hl111 k \lr 'J rum.on But tlw ~;c•nt•l ,ol ,. ·• rt Jollhla·.on 1 c< )J • p •• rt ~ Jooall•·rs slu .. d ·'" •} loo•nt d1:JII•·nl!lll~ J\l:ocAr thotr lltol 111u~ t "' tlt•·m a r.· con \'lnt'<·tl nul' 1 h o ~ h;o\ ,. I h•· ="o\l'll1b.•r 1·h·tlo• •Jl 111 1 ho· h a.: 1\lany arc· no I as 1'111!• r " '"Ill'' m n nths a~:o Itt l l>IJ tho tr I''' •ltl• nto.ol tot·kc·l 11 it lo u lut ul ltlllot.ol ) ~;lam(ll' Tht•ro• IS sumo• rt.onk 11nd flit• :\lill:i\J llwL.SU~aAd-.!~ lloollun.oi lolloo\\'tn)! !IS II nllltlary man Ioiii I he· g rt•!III'St pollltCal ,,..,..,,., lw a nd Gt•nt•ral lkl' ro~· ''"'s' cl IS C.o~t thsappc:ann..: T hat "·'~ the frat· amon~: mnny rl'puO. loca ns thnl tho•y could haw a h.trd lim(' flf'fo·atm~ :\1r. Truman thrs )'rEtr Rut MacArthur has suuw PI•" ··r!ul nt•\\ ~papc:r support. on-dty CIC'rk nf ~1.;\l~.:l!l oHrnlurh n .. tr-··' ,,1. ,.,,,.,,. ,,,, I I'!"'' f Til tf ('I ..... '''"',.,, •• ···I '" I•· Ill '"' I •ol I 11 "11 II'• ·' lllol.)<>rity nl tlw mo•mlK>rs !totlll S,\:-:T A i\:\,\ Tlor· Sun Ia Ana r;, .. ,. .:·· \\'."h lllJ.:Icon Sd ll•ul, r··· Jrr••m ''lll~'ll"' lund •"'" 1'10 1 .. :,, I""" I''"'"" l·ol. "••"••t llo•tr '"''" hooUS•·s "''" '"' rwc..·ssary lot l~uord nl ~.chH'to toun ha!' rlt•('td<'d plal'o• l lo•llll Sd11 ~1l \lith anoth•r ( :t ·,, Y:\1;\S. s011111,, .\to·xwo. dudtn~ Col. HolK•rt R. r.kCur· :\t,11,•1o 'l o\'l't Fl\• .\on, 11• m k k nf tht• Choca~:o Tribunt• and "'1)' runt! , ... ,,. m :,'."r ,•lt•hur••· I • ·n oo• ="''"""'' ll.oo lwot ""''' '''I' '''"·•.:• Ill'"''" lu·•·"' ol tho lo·t:·l lf•ltfot\'1' II holl D :l\·is. t-lerlo" to a~k \(llt•r:o~ In ;oppro\'1' thret! bUtldon.: on a "''" lu('.otoon. adtl tnrnts Ill Fo·hruar) otfll ,,,1\ttUI~ I I II ~1to.:lot "' tlo•· S IIH\\ ,,, ...... I' I .. ( s· 359 I &mount •t1 1 't'"l<ll-ot • 1, . '• I'll " '' I . • 1111 m 11n of thr rummolll'i.', s.ottl bo nu '~""'" fotr 11 tntnl u 2. ,·1 rooms to f11·,. uth••r ~~·hools und wit $' I ,;o ' 0 '·":no.: .... .,1, olnll "~''"·~I II o.:•····· olo•,ol Ill '"' "11111 ( ""' :-.; ·1"1"1 tloo· (Irs ' hl'urtnl; \\'<'flnesd.ol (t()l) Ill :o 'IM'('IIol 1:>411\ol ··h•f'tio n !ICt buy IWU Ill'\\' ~l'lmnl Sill'S. h I:V !l. 111 "111'111nolow "nr-j.,ll.l\o.,.ohlo· notllo·o• It "'.,,, l•wll l" "11 I! '' o•o ool•o" lo ot l!ool lhtol "'"rrum: wo ulc! l~o• o n o'h &ld cur•• lor AJtrtl :!7 I J\l o)nt·) :o\kl'rl lor tht• hh:h j rants. tutfOI lun•t• t••r ,,,.,,,uro·r 1 St 1 1 h 1 11 , o, 1 11 '''' II'"' .at 1 .,f "''"I' •• lrt•\ "'u 1"'" •• ,n '' 1 • ' .,,,, •• '11 ' ( ,.,,.,,,hills t>n·• htuuJ •"'"•• \\Otald be for St"1ohl~olrll,lnrt ''·uuht tw•furadtlt· w~'l ~1' 16 ,,,.,n,tlolo ,,., ... ,,., .. 1 ""'''I•'•"· \olltlll; '"' lllotl•'l••\\ll '11"''''"' S1 .43~.1MM I Cut lht• l'lo•ml'n lary ltons lo 1\\u jUnto r ho~h M'honbl """"'' Ill lho• rutllllllll•'fl1 "'i"' '"'"'' 1•1·"'1' ol• 11" ••Ill• , .... DOES WHAT HE ~ ...... ,, rlt .. trol'l tho• ·~·('urld wo uld ,und l!ho• tllf' ~··nttll'~hoo.:lt ~c·h•••l na~o•olt<'d alt.' 00 it'l ~ .lf*j H""' l~ll ilol• • oloo11111: thr• I"'' I•'" l•lo· """ l~ttot•h t ·••'1111'1 101011 pro·· l1<· In .omuunt 111 S.'i!Y.\.0011 fo r t hl' Tlw muno•y ;,~k•d • fur tlo, J••}~''''l r.on-. \\ hu 'I"'"' 1\\ ot d.t)' :ulnft 1111 th•· (;ulf n( <".olollloiii:O 111 ,, •1111111 plt•;o,UII' lt•h1111; hu.tl \\o·t•• 1 o•t urnt·d lwr•· .. a r •• iudn) Th··~ \\ •·r •' t '''t'U•"(I ) •''h•rt.ht~ ~~~ Tu~;hoo.ll C:opt Ltll• S••nan .. , \d oot hootoot.;hl lloo 111 111'11' .oltor ,, l..om~.o 1\11ltno· l'ol"l •l.;lllo•ol oho•tr 1.,,., .olln ll :n IIII I•" •toUih ttf \\'ollonm H.nndolph Jlt·arst. dorw ~· ·'" 1 '' "1"1 "'""' "''' 1 1 ol'l•l•·l" 11 I WANTED TO DO lu~o;l• "hronl tlo~tnct a nd the third 1 I~ for <'un•lrtl<'ltun ''' 11 I:Ym· ---------'"'11' l•ll '"'"' jll.olll• IIIII 1••\\o•r ror S.1.!"•'••• fur tlw juntor col-,nasiUm Iorio~ '"' tht· I""' .!II '' "' I usc· Bt'A('H ~ h • I d . • <:u:o)n111' I I • · • · . ·••"' 9 -14·~-:o·. I• '' "h11 1o "•n !I "'cr l' 'otl'd Don d ~ vn•Jt<lso·ol "ould IH• ·;u. t•IRI'IT C'l--\~1'1 ~ '"' I· I I• "11'1:' '· I• t '"•nu, ( l 'l't-K. D . ~lrlnt.oooh, 1G, clld ll'!ls '"·'" t\\u )"ars 111:0 tn am ount , . • · , -,\on.,,.. '11 """'I I <1";,111 .\la cArthur's big political tcsl 11111 come Appl 6 on tht-\>\'tstun· ''" Pn•sldo•ntllll pr·omnr)' II•• 11 OJ•P<llll'd 1 hrrc hy Go,·. Thomas E. I >I'W<'Y of :'\t•w York and rorm1·r Gn\· Jl<trold 1-: StllSsl'n or J\lm. no·sula If h<' blt17f'S Wtsf'u n-.tn ht• mt~;ht nlso hllt7 thf' R l'puhlo· ran NationAl Convf'nt;on . O tht•r. "tst· lw wtll be nmon~: th e I'""· 'lhl•• o·ompronHSt• (';ondorlal<'s II n .... ,.~ :ond en Roh••rt A Ta tt oo( I lh111 110• th1• COn\!'nllun In SIRI<'· m ttll' :\l:wAr thur :ol•11 h:t" :o • h:onn too 'how ho:. s turr a..:mns t tlw o•nttrp ftt·ltl uf r• p u hlocuns in :\• hr .... k.,, Apnl IJ Chrome, Nickle & Copper Platl•ng '""~··rl rlo.ot .JIImo·' lll.u k. prcsl-"1\at two'd oll"n "'anW4 to d" nr S!l!tl.tMKI I )I'Rr tssut'll l h··~·· w ill to,· -1 pn•·l \\o•l,..lo•r t.tll·•·ol 1,, '''"'"I" 1111' olo11l .. 1 rloo l'.wtl oo ,;,. ,\: l .loo'·l t"cl&). Tho•prnpoou·diHollrl•fnrlhl'CII'· Cl~t·ts, l'l>n~olHI:oh-!1 frultl tlw II\•' Allto 'oto·.,n 1111ht!lrn~; tht<'o' jil l<' ''"1111••''"· ""' '"'"' \\'ro'l no \\hf'·D t"'o '"""''"In a bripl, m • nt.or~ "d otl(ol \\uuld ht· to paT· <'11)·, 7 1 pro•l'tnl'l' llt•rno.d l) II" rl \.w .otuontn,.: .:Ill• loum Till''""· Expert Metal Poli shing of All Kinds Marine Plating a Specialty 1"'"'1"1''' "1 ' '""' 1 '"""•~:•· 111 no•\0 -'•n ~h•I'Pf'd toqu&rel) ''"II) i1n.,.,..,. l h•· proplt:!Cd new on n•~:ulror ,.l,·c·ttrm• At II un d ·' 1"'11''1111'""1111~; ""11 t•PI"'•'I"~ pt,hftt I",.,,,, I l""li•'' ••·I pi•· laun1 ("ltrtfTlHnt , (".tl . ilnct 1, nil)' .,.,.,.... a JN'd...,.lrla.n zone Wher•• ------,,.,,..,.,,.11 lh•lll otfl o1ooh.o1111,.1 """''''I ~." l!o oolt!llll s ( 'rll ·l ,.. "'""' c•n:HO'Oin" a cSownLo"'" I Survey of Proposed San Cleme t '\\'o• h;ul .o O:lo'.ll loll1•'' :\lr ,tnrl :O.Io·, -'""" \lull··• .lr Clar~'· ntunt told Sooro;onn t• oool• n H St "'""" '"' ,,, ol that "1 ~1' he fwt,lfod hJ" raae antl n e hal tfort'd a bllt d"nt In tM eu·, 1 .!:':~::·,:·: .. ,·.::··•:·::::~, ;··.·,,r .~~~7).1~' hond. Area Harbor Held Up Until July NEWPORT PLATING CO. lAIII \'lila \\'a)', s .. wpon BNw-h S o·n J n m t•s 0. Eas llnnd. D . PHONE HARBOR 1300 I 'IC'K 1'1' & 111-:UVI-:HY All Work Ouarut.wtd ·r .. I lnl[. SAN t1,-EM~:!';TF: :'\n actoon liOn o n lhl.' '111"'\'o'\' • .n .• lrtn"f'l lhrtn House Com t , .. n,tt u' '"•tl ,,, ""\\'' "'''''-'"~ 1"'he "ntnf"ft "fW"d off, .c,_,.,.l I lit' ,., 1111lo• f'l""'" ol'< Ill<) o~;hl .. I 0 "I ·-t -~· --','' .·l~ln•.......... "'" "•' lnkt•n It~ lh•· Board .. r Sup-ll<'l'<'""" lout that lht· IP''III 1~1nl • .\It~!' . "ho ro•pudw tl'd 7>1 r. 'l'ru. m ;m '" t·umhola~·y. hllolt•d .\l rtcAr· thur as .. ,, ~;ro•at Amt"rt<'llll a ho ve p.orly and purt.-nn pohtks." ~ll\llll:~ lttll Ill"'· \\loolo llh' IJS· --·~ .• ' -J .. IV ...Ud. 1'1"'\1"'" In roiiUC"al•· rund~ fflr :1 nl tlw m ono•) noll l.to•tn..: illt••Licl) Make No Changes S l'n. A rthur II. \'nndl'nhl'rg, R . :\l och , whn w ns tlw m o"t prom- lno•nt liUJlportr r ool M ai'Arthur (nr I '11 .,ult·n 1 on 1 ~11 1. h:trl n o c•om· 111• n1t "" 111, 1°\IR f•a noho1at·y \':on· oloJ1f>CJ I: 1$ l'lljllllo·d tho• lokdl!'>l MOST POWERFUL FORD UCKS DEB BUILT I Wt .... te ,...., YM .. •• hnls ••• lteltt te edltHI fds IMt-Uft .................. , .. ····" We've watched Mw raoclt·l' co me!\\" t''•·t "''Mchtd •em ~to! 8ur thuc't nrn~r ~t'n a n~thong like cht onrl'ord /~'!Jt,r lf•ilt Truw fnr 'IK. How new an thcy? Fn~t•IM'I an cb .. top-olf! """"cot~'""' are a rare event. So'• • new cah ••. nt w LIIG JOB~ .•• 0.,.,. 1 ~9 new modeb. Thi• ncwni!U mer ):In w icb dM know-how of tM world's hiJt):tt'll hutldC'f o f tnadu co crult l!mrhs ll•ilt co n &truction . Thi1 -n• t'J[tr:l ttrcn~ in nuy ,·itl\l pan . Fo rd TNC:kt are htoo h nora 51rooa 10 la•c lo n!(Ct •.. to uteod an flll;hl·) tar lat1 long< r lud 9f up to 19.6~. .10 ... ,..,_....-......... ......,;, .,..~., .............. _ ........ . ,., ..... _,_ ... llllo lolf&,_ s ... SooUo 1-tf'-101(-0 ..._ ..... ,._ ,.,.,.,.,.., .. -•ee-L ...... _ .. .__, .... 3 NEW TRUCk ENGINES IOUGI226 IOUG I2Jt 10UGill7 hUCK I Ill fiUCII V . I fiUCil V. I air if U H.'· tOO H.'· 141 H.'· Here'' the 1"-k o'nd .. ,,...,· fl I • ""' v . ' I n C<'"'· plett'ly new t'ngine lone in "'ony o ye o r • .. the moot "~Odem eng'"• lone in 1+1e lrvck f.eldl Hog" turbulence combustion! New Loodomoloc ig n.toonl 4 ·long p is· ton,t '"'Prove d moint!'no"<e OCCI'Sll· b ilotyl Mart' ec,,nomyt Be"e' peoform- onct'' G realt'r ,,.liob,lotyl ~DROP 1111 ·~· AIIYTIMII THEODORE ROBINS t!nd a c~ntral l'hon.-llarhnr ~ St'"'J"•rt UPftrh I I ----_ •Ill'"''' ur tlw 1'1"1••·•·<1 h.otl••• lou "'' up In tho· hwlJ~o•t "':'" thf' 11nl) I Do '"·"' ('lt'111•'1llo• I )1110:0 ,.,,,, unto! I•'·''"" '.otl tho·, ...... ,,""'··~ In Rent Control you want to rt-nl? Advtr· ,lf,·r .lull 1 li!K' in lhf'se colotmns ·'1'1" .ollnt.: h.'''" th·· lon.qd "·'' l'!11• \,,,, lo·:orrwcl "h•·n S .on 1'1•· Hoo~ 1111•l oh.oottllooo otf rho l 'l.on ,-_.:==============:• tn••nJ t~ Clltl• n' t' tllnt ·• IH• • 11n..: I•• run~ 4 '••f11rtll"'"''''1 h uh••l , ••If fl •t1 d•·ft'f111U1•' \\h\ tht' t ollnt\ h,PI ru .l 1 ,,., I•"" "'\ttlllh 1 11Hr11h1 r ,,, Carr's Feed Store Hav and Grain QuaDty Feeds -I- o.a1, Deli9W7-"--at.e ID1 Newport fth"CC. C08T A 11108., I~ I I " l ~Ill. I • .JONES ('O. l l•fl:, llouhoor 111111. t tkt 11 ltt'll••n HU •• .~f'C"ttlllf1h n t... t •• t Ill• I I "' ......... nt '<1 1\ ut 1 .. I ' ''"" oof lilt' ll:orloor C'nnlltll..-.oo•ll 111 :-.11111h \\ t ' l'o. \\Ill H:olf>h ·1••nol ~\:.t•l f••l ,I 'Ill'\•·\ uf tho ()ll'oo l..ollloot•h uf loon.o 1'"1111 ,lfld l''"l~''''tl h.11l•oo .oro·.o ·n,. r·o•o:nl~ \lo tloon ll.,.•l..o·ll hold ••. ,~, J\ f d 1 ,. .. r I ('IIOUIU'Ild tltufl •o \ o•l ol \\f I k' :oo.:<> lt11t ho lot lJf' oil I •H f1 tint II I ht' n•'Xt r , .. t·~d 't•:tr ~ •• arlt•'n \\ .t< '.1ke•n o..uu··· I ht• l·~·ill l'l'fl l•'l'l \\OIIrld ho• i1 no•\\ IIIl o' •lUI lunol-<"<1\tld n11t ho• •J• nt un til ~• t liP Ill ol1o• httdt.:o•l '1111.; t'llllld ""' ho• dono• lllolol tho• fit''' ro .. l•al \o•ilf \\hu·h ,~,,rt.., .luly 1. 11 \\;t< •l;o lo•d 1,1•' '"I"'" ,,n r-.. """n~l t ho• o·n rn- n att•1• t h '' lh,, t•·t'nmn1•·nd,,laun ••I lh• 1 fat 1 .. ,, c ·onlnH, ... It•n h• otlltt· •· tf 11 ~:~~"-•• fur llh' ...,, .. ,,., ''+'Uid h• ('lttl,hll I• d \\th U th• Ht'\\ h11fl L:t' l'df 'l\o\0 l lf' ;\.11thtflL.! \\HU)d'fu tf, 'l•' uuttl1h •' t lrti• 11 ",, J•Hnt.•d ,,,,, "ttl• '' , ..... , I I\ u c: ... ,,t.:, t ;,.,d"n 1 ••f thr .. dl'-1 r u·' d'-"''''''•d th•· lt t4'<~1 t't1f1\n\lllt't' I tJ tl ht \\,I.. h II k of I flo• lo~ .ol h.o rl•o•l l'l on .orool •I tl•·ol rh··· ( lt lfl .,. •••t:nt\ llfltl•·uhl· dl\ 1 ". •t· d ,l tlt••h· t h.u h11r c t1ttt·r 'UJl t'1 \l~"'' l tll)tllfltd tlfl th• ... f11 llftf t tid I It I d 11 I I \\ t '-flt ~ fl,p 1 n · West Coast \\'ould Feel Depress ion Least Is l'laim I.CIS i\:\1 :~.l.~:s. \I, ott h 'l ·n, •. \\, ,, c · .. ,, ... , \\ .. ultl I I 'I" fo•o•l I 11lloo·t d• 1,r,., ... ,nn 1. '' 1 h.att ''"' :•r•·:t tn lh•' t 'ttl I• d '' ,,, .. .' lll't •Jd tna,: lo 11 St •• nf••t•t -41\1\•·t'-lt~ 111•• f, .. ..,, •r Ill' 11:1\ to I I ' l'.o\ltl• ool I ho• (;r·.tdlldh' ~~ h·~·l 111 Hu•ll1t '" lnld IJ1t• lhll ;11\tl'l .J f"llflft H fh o t•f :"lttllrnlfl • .ltU111H '' l• ttl 1\ th• I• 1 .. H l.tr L."•t Hht' .,.I1•~J tftllllltd h~ I• hq h• In•.. ll'tl '"'' lilt!• 1 H o)IJ ... fh.lrt I I \\ h• 1 J'},, \\ •I h I' 1 ht I 1\ h1 ~. I I"' I I tit l ,t '" I \\' t f I i I ,., t\ Jtt I tJ t l t I "'tid ,, fl t 'lh ,,:. 0 '" \l;uo to I) •I l't 111• lo••oo-•· lo.onkon~: t oomnut! , . .,,11111 ,1111,,. n<~ttotn•·• of lk\\;•\ and tt. ,,,,., \11\\urknn rt nl t'unttol ·r~tft nli~~ I· 'I I·'""'' ro .. l,l\ \\llh ond w :olloon' I n Alh arn :'1: •to ol II \\ttlllol m .oko• nn ,,.Jt,tantuol l (ow I •• \\• \ ·~·.,,:1 I ~•. n !-pttkt"'m a n , h,u,..:_,, 1n lh• ..,1•11,,,, •• ,q1p~tt\t-tl . Cn\('rnur h;td fool I "" •·•lflllno n r "" :\1.w,\rt hur I nolo I lh·· .. llltl•• hill r. "·'·"I ~. n .lnhn I :'>If'( 'lpll.tn, n . l•tol o'ooflllotl "'''llol h•• o•oonllfllto tl ,\ok · """ !ot~k :o dun \II'\\' u( l\lr '""' ·'1'111 'Ill 1'11'1 ·n •• • pto•-.nl rr~m·n -:tnnllllll1••111o nt ~ ....... . oo 111 t'lollloll) l.o\1 o••q11ro·~ :\ln trh :11. 1 ol o~. '001l h•· harl It ~::n·al :~rJ. (1o.111m.ort .I•·"'' I' \\'oll'ftll R nur:oott~n 7or :\1 or,\rthur lou t 11 n11t. \Ill h ot( tho• to .. 11.,. lo.onklnt.: ,.1,111 1 rl to k not\\ 11111r o· lli!.,u t whoot h•• uutt•··· , ,1.,., ''"'' ,,.,4•1,1) c·h••nL:•, "'li;ntl"> (,,r '" lw• rn:ulo• tn tlw h tll looot m 11•ll) ~. ns .fohn II 0~; rt11n, n , l.n . "' II """"r d i'OI'tll'll r ,.. .. ,. ""' ;onll \\'·olto•r F ""''''!:•'. I). r. I llun~ ho• -.old th" h••ll"' noo~ Ill· h;,tlt•ll ;ll.lf',\t tholf' "" :1 !.:'""' 1:•'11· ''"' ••n •' tf;rJtnll•· .tii'WiU l11f1 HI p• j\\. 1 f ~~~ .1 nrt HIIIHOI'-11 11 lor '1' 1" I•• .ol 1'111 'oonotool 1••.olll• I flo• h Its "hn\\n ro•on.1rk1ololo' .thtlll\ Ill lonth foolrl<" (h rtlo•n ( H'UI '('T IIR Til \\t:n '""I \\,• t•ooulcl l'ot (.1r :tnli !loo ll•tl.l.r\\cHJII :'<t.11t'11 'I t l 'l'l l ""~'"' If,.,.,.,,, I fi,.,., knm• "''" ,·,·r dq,,,., t'·rtwt ~·"' \l,r•tiUh rh•• '•n•l d .... t.uuf, ''" ,,,m. '''' \\oil '" I• .11ol I•H I:" II·· \\til l~t · tii !JIIll lont '''''' ~ 1•1 lh• '"lllh .flool •· ,. • I ...: t1 11 °" •., H.tlon o ~.o-1 oot •h• n:olh•n · ''' 1 1.ult" • '"'.'·','• ... ,n~· 1 I f t,, f tnn .uul (lth• r ... h:t\•1 1n Jl \\Ill ht• tl '' ",.,.., tul tH.UIItlt..'' I' rnd lh1 f'l\1) IIChl" pt•t\.•t on tttl "I II '''''I''"'' lt•fl,ofll \\looh lll.lll\ otl th•m hro•ko· \\lilt •tlo:loi ~··111-.. .1)!C• \lo Tot1111 111 f \" \Oil \\;trl "' c;:••ll 1t "! Ar!vtr ti• in t.hPY columns. I ll•·p ,\ I :0.11111 1 HI I lll ~ \1 11 \• 'f U t1 til \., f, ,. !'11 1 '\:, h , tho• l•·rl1fttrl uf fh• l llo,1fd 111 dt l.t~ oh ~--------------------~ ( ....... ,,,.,,. l 'h ttl Didn't Watch His Own Step II' d ... tl'rlt IIIH'I rt'• '" 11 1 I wt, ,,, " • I \\I f ... f·•l pt• ,.,t, ul t•f) •h·· 1 111 lo '' 1 '"' 11 Ill• lit '*' I'H t• GORDON B. FINDLAY nm,.,.. S4IO CO&al nr...t CABI~ET SHOP SERVICE C.UU~Yno; &ND MILLWOIUI T 1 · Jl)f{NSON. Supt ~ SOU. I'U,...,.t ...._, lla.rbor UN~ BAYVIEW LUMBER co~ ll.trbor 581-R f••ll' /,/ " ' ...... -- \1 ,,.,.,. •11 ' ,, ., ~~~ \\ I ' It ,. ft "f \ I t +'lt ll o I I ,,, r , ....... , d Ht• l't• ,, ~ If I 1 I I. ' \\111J1d \~~~~ If '''I"' I fl f II I II \ f I I 11 I I ~ltiTl• d t tU I· t I d· It\ ,, "'' ·••:11• 1:11' t• 1 .. 1 .... 'I I d '" I h· '" '''II t;n;, f"'• ut ·~ tn .1 •! •I' Ill II • I "• 1'1 • o • Ill• 111 oof .. •Ttl• IH I q ,. I" ,f, H'lttrl • .,... \\'H~ t f' f \\) I I ... } ;ol f ' , J If 1•1 ,..,llf" I ..; '11\1 '''"'I\' I ' llotoll.-111 "" ••c: '• :, ,, • "" 11 ' '' ,, t I , r• .... pnn ... • r~l "'' P ~ t ~~~~ '"'I' .uu1 pH t;j rll 1r •• ,..... I•· 1· . .-~ d•·· 1 .• •tl· • ~ ,,, 1: t\t•l.11l ,., T· ':l~ Ill fhl' Ill ,,., 'h 'ol \It l'tllmon', • tnoiHh r • hnol .... n '"'' '"'. ol tl tiro \\'holo II· 11" !'l tl\ l•11rn rt·pltNI \:,, ''••P'tO''h f11 • ~·•m•· I• Jllololw Ill< t'ho o•rf'ol 1111' l't 11111 on nno • '"' • n . nt Othf'r<> ·lo·oro cl I h· I'• olf'IHoll n( r.c IP =--=··· ''""·" Ch oo tlll'on I' trr<'l R ••r C't' ....... ,,h,, n . d•nli"·r;Hu· rt'· ,. ''"" •n ('oJ ····llltol r• flo•t"lo•rlthl' ''"'"'""'"''''hu1..: n••'' "11h tn th~' Jl~•rf \', l ,t•\\111!.• II • ""••lulo•l fnr .,,,, · • ·I• ·" d ,,rd ·~ '' h· n 1 h· South· 1' c' '• '"' t ,· 1 ,.,(, 1' nr~" Ct"n· '' n• ... h• ) • •.' 1, , ., • \. fr nm H c: I''''•"' t•nn P,, Ul ••·rt,,lnt c.( 11 ' t) 1• ·11 '•• \lr't ,, ••lo l11r >:lo rolo'r ' • r • 't " I 'I • ' I' h 1 n p, r I y 1,1 I • ~I o I o1 1' h I • It llo cj I h C ····tntntltrr ''''"" ••n 1tll tuUnl~ Sl'il tlo101-'ln\\'llntf'd artJcJe thnou~o:h :"o'r w5· :'.:no'S 11dl I P 4 NEWPORT BALBOA NP:WS·TUU:S :._,B:It!!!.e"---''--CT!!.I''""""'"'''''C" _cs,_.,_,_, .. ..,r1 a.-:~!_'al.ll. Maf'f'tl II, l tl-111 *.~~-~~=~~-.·~ Gl·~:~.* ·MacArthur l'fiJIII.rltan l'rt•'lllo· \fl ~::::.:, ,, .• u., ·::: W1'll Accept i ';< ...,.,~ t •Ill' I'J 1, ..,;,..,,,.,,,1 1 H" :-;d ,,... ,\\\, 1 T(ll\'''• ,\lro r ~· '1!1'' 1,. II ~· l'ul t:•h~ .. n St:truli<JVI I to I •. s ~, ... , t 't"" ,, \'1 ' -~ . •1•· " '"''·· "' ~-" .. 'l-:,!-: ..... ' 111 'I'"''' '' "'"'1: 1\11 .... 11:--i ,, '' 11.,+11 1·•11•1 :... C""•lllMio'll'• dool lo>l It nl• ('!'ltll····k·l•ll •' -"11.\'1· H '''" '"''·~· ''" :-.;," \'••rk " 71"•, " Ill+• "'·'" • 0 \\'IH".\T '111111•"• • !"'' d "II -''·· \u Ill' 1'' I ' •it...-.. .. t: :11 ., I•• 111 1' .... li,\1"' "'' ·-·· , .. "I' 1 I \-.u~·),,, ;\lru ,,, !IHII Ill'"'' r1 t .. o\ .;1 '" ll<'o'o•p! H\o• 1'1$).1 tl t•ul•h• •II t,,,.,., ill• "' o:.l '" '""""' '"" ,( 'I " I • ,ff, t"d l \omt '"'' ,,,.,, 1'1 • I' I" '·''" "' """'" l'l+lllj•Ftli'll '" ,,tilff"l" ,,, ........ ,, .. ,, "''''"!I"' I•P tl,.' ltu--1 •tt • 'l''•n•l"'' ~1: .. ,\JIInor 1< '""'"n '" t~ll•l• " ' ' dito ·o ' "•II '" owon "'1'-'·, I"'"' t .. I " • • " 11, I 'o ,,_,rJ,•nl o •I o I ' t '"''" -.:,,,,, •till ...... ,,, .J .. ,.j .. ,,,,, '""',, IM• "''' .,,,,,.,, In clr• ••t•ll+l••" "' '"''" 111"' I, o I •II•• •I ''''" hun M ,..,\1 tfl+ll '' • "'''' 11 "' ,..,,,,,l.·ol In• "' I' I"' 1n.· SO\ IH:A:'\~ •. rt "' ,,,,, t .. \HI' h, 111, ·'"'', I• ,, .1111, ,.,.,f!l"""' \'~<•. IU.Z •'" lll•:! t .. ;t.lt J••IHI • i ll •::" • ~.,.,,,, •• , ........ )11.111• •ltTtlt ~;l~ot ... !l tr n guli>t, t',\"!"1'1 .1. <1.! :->1!1·.1.1' 1 hu•t~ 1 · ~lt·MI) tro '""' !' "', ------------.,------~ \i ,.•Ar·tl"lr• 'II•'"' "" l••,,.)otl ~~~ ........ ',,,,.-~ ... ···! ,., ""'"' ..... ~ Harry Bridges Says He Has Right To Politics Stand '''""I • Ill ,.,.,, •"J ,,,1 111n~ on "lrn hI !Ill' ''"I I '''1• •I Ill• Ill 1 ~11 I U'oj o.olo•ol "I·· u• '' .n.,,. .. I T ho ~ro ''' '' '"'l:!t• ,,,,.),j, trl ""·•·w ,,, .. ,,.,,.r .. M• , .... 1·'· ·~~ lh"t ,,f 1·•J;,t"'"' "''" Hro~ ... ~ '.! 'rl\1~ J>toll•l• "' !<hlilllrl f\111 '" +'+tl'llf<•t"o•oJ III•,)Uiolo• h)' \MIll< lui --------.. Irish Leader Welcomed in New York f'urtnN Jliilllt\t' Study Model Manager Law • California Dominates 1948 U. P. All-Pacific Coast Conference ICon!inuf"d from P~l(t' II S1\N t~HA~CISf'(J, Mar. 9.-nNTt>d 161'1 llo>~nU In 12 l(loml'~ '" :Htr1 Jmis.IWII"" v f tho· f'il ) Cnun-o\"1'> (';<lifurma clf•llltnh!Pd Hw m!<kf' a runuw11y uf llw lndivldunl t'll :onli nut ~~~'f'ti ~<·:1!J_1 <I•·I•'CI•l!•<l 'l:~llol l'not.·d ,...Pr1·~s AII-Padfw f lll'l', und "'II~ tht• ~l'«lnd plnr••r tu u l'>~ortu•utar t..-.urd ur ufr n·t•r. ,-,,,.~, t 'nnl··rr·m•o• n allko•thllll lo'um 111 tho · flNors' lust(lr)' to rack up +rn • To 11••\tok hi~ o•nt ln • ltnt•· lo..:l;u ·, lantlonl! its shaq!!lhOOIInl! m oro• thnn 1,0(111 points tn !lrro'•• tl) th<· +lulu•" of tn~ otfl<'•' ;ond llw 1tun ·,~f ~tul'k lilllll:l'l' and Andy ~l'llr!i . tn t o·r•·~t~ .,,. ttw Cit~ .,f :-.,:,."P"1·t \\".,If•• nn ·tho· fin< 11\+' !It~ runmn+.: mnh· at J.:lllln l, f\<•;U"h ..._ The IW!l (:.oldt•n Ht •;ot llt"<'S IOj)-\\"l)lft'. """ t!tt' first \\'nlr<• ""~ In+ Tu J+f<+t'itl•· lt·arh·t...,lll p It•!' t••l nn ;,11 -~t :u· ~•tllll<l 111.+1 ind wl-taiJI++·II I+) ('oltl'll ~ibs f'n(•o• "·' +'II«'" n i!Wt•nio •r+t,. tt~~IJ.:IIo..-l "t •• ho•nt•· o·•l "'""'' nf thi• l:r+'ltlt•st pln~t·rs in tlw "t-:t't•a lt•st playt•r" ho· h;,d f+t tht• ,.,.,lllo·n+• ,, th•· t'll.> "lwn +••:tst ('IIJ.:t' htsturr , o·ua•·lwd m a qWtl'lt•r r t•nturr "' "' a u+hnrll.+·<l hy 11w Cit~· ('uun· {'o•nto·r J 11ril :O..:wlu•ls nl \\'lo•l+· <":thf,.rnm A SilUi hflllW Wtlh 1111 L'l l tn+.:II;Jn , n<>r tho·rn d+''IS+"'' q•,oruH.: or+I!SI:tnd<n~.; a hii'ity II• c,·,,,, '"' 'f., t••+fnrm Mll'll .,1tu·r IIU· l'h11mp111n lttul t·,..~ord hultl••r. m;.,li• lhruu.:h 111 \II<' pino'hl•S, \\'ul[,. \\a~ II+'J< 111;<t ··~··n·+"' ~u,·h ••tll>'r I"'"'" IllS f 1fth stn on.:lll npj•'>+r'."U~t'+' un ttu· flr..-or kad+'r for tho• SQu th•·l n ,.,.~ a• m;,~· 1~· rl•·lt·~o:·"o~l 1., hun lilt• •IUinll•t , totlisl~ ;mol r;\ff•ly trovk ~hnt~ (1'11111 llnH· '" tun•• l•l +inlllh!llt'+' l >rq.:on Stll l f'·~ {'lilf l'r:uui:+U. hut flni>ho•ll thirrl in loop st· .. r . ,,,. o·~ulu!ll)l1 ••f tho• (:,,. {"uunnl. ""'' uf tlw Ht •tl\t•r 's ftno'SI l1••ld 111+..: Willi 13:! T-••ints. s 'E t·n r o,..,. 7 : IJ!d•·+•.:ond l hto 'l.'· >:••n•·t'lt ls. anrt orw ti11w loll -.-\rn••n · :-o:ldll•ls, a lacal>r1nrl whl) p\11~ tuon' 'llt•' C1t 1 Co11 mdl u ml H~ n on +.,:uard Dllt".-Mint•r ul I'CLA •+I two )'l'lltS at Suuth(•tn f';,J(. •11o •mt~o•r• •h:.o\1 ~l••lll wJt\o tho• ;od-t ollo~l tho· nth••r spot ~ All Ill'<' so·n-l•wma 11nd two ~··1u·s at \\'a~l11tt+..:· 1!11!\I~I Holi\'o· "'t'\'u·o ·~ t•f 1)\t' ritl IIU'~ f'"C'"fll M1n11r ton ho'fon• this St·H•un, WitS ntl rlll ••11ly th•·nu+.,:h th•· Cit) ;<.l ;uul.:<·,:.l E1'•·•·r roll•·~:•• cltrnp&•t lo.: in th•· ··rn s;-orin g t~h;omp. lit· racked lip ··~··••Jll 1~>1' tho· purp<IJ<o· uf iii'IIII I"Y. i 'M:ifu,; ('ooast Clol\ft •t('n('+' !•lat'o•d ."1 tli'W CIJOfl'l'('nC:<' ri'('Ot d or J•l .1111 1 nt•+tht•r t lw ('Itt ('tl ll tH'!I '"'r l"' 1<'11:<1 011<' play,•r 011 lh+.' \ht•'•' 1>01nTs frw unf' +..:lim••. llnd ~lu·­ '11." mf'mh<·r~ tho·ro•oi •hit II +.,:II+' or· '''11111-so•lr-l'to•d h)' SI•Jrts "'rtl•'l'li P!ISSt'li 1/nnson's 194:> north{."'" lh· •l••r.• to ;1111 ~ul•u •hnlllo'• .,r tlw <+llll Ntiton fur the Umtrli Pri'~S l!~+un -"hnrp!<htJ(otinl-( Olllrk IJ~· ('oil ;<.T11 na~•-'l' lout 11011+' plnc•·ll mon· I han tWO ~ink111~ :.!fi.-, Jl>t)ints In 16 f-:l'lln>'S SEc ·no:-.: Jil.: Ho•mot•;tl 1lw ,.,...I m•·n, fur n nt•w ~··:lsOn rrrord. tliO\'Id or th•· Cit\ M:uw~o:<·r ~hall r(>lllflt'lltfon "'iiS !II) stiff ftor ('randull lt.'/OS the onl)' Vf'll't~n SAN F'JtAN('JSCO, M ilt ~) (Uf'l lbrry !lr+rlc••!l. tlt·!•,o;•-11 northt'rn ("~l•fornut r tn r1it·c'<'T"'. tmistl'r1 todn}' thut wdltid•llll"rln unklnJ: "h11\'t' th•• in,lu-n~hlt' 1•~ l iii('Ai rl~hl 11) l't>r11•f!l-l' nn•l work fiM' 1'rum11n. \\',IT<'n, ll>t•w••y or rvl'n T11ft If lltac L~ th•• \\tl~' lht·~· "'"""$ I ,.::, :::~~;:,:·:·;:: •;:;:':7;",;·,~;·•;,:. ,Ammunition Dump <:ause <:elebre Over Laundry Permit '"""'''' """'' .. ,,, ''"''" ''"""" Blow s Up Near Winds Up Right Where it Began '"' 1ml~ 011 " nm~tl l)' l'<•t•· til th~· !It<' '''I' ho•rt hs that p111)'('r5 l1ko' ''" (!ri•Con Stlll t•'~ l!Ophnmnr•• """k C'mml·cl. 1S1chj+'<'l , huWI'I"••r, l>it'k \\"•l kins ,of OrrJ.:m•. <•nr otf dumtnrot·~l StiU:td, and wros crc·du- '" tho• !lf0\11.~1<>11~ nf 1111' llo'.\1 .~Ul'· 111+• aiJ -Ihllt' II<.:OTIII+'I'Il dit'i.~ll'll o•oJ Wil l+ Til+' J'k:tl'<'n' SUf\>r!~ln.: ,.,.,.,t m~: ••'<'t i<+nt In .-.:cs.· of hi• "'"rm.: h-adt•rs. an<l \\'ashin~.:tun c\rll't' to" nurth1·rn co-ch~mr>lon­ •nt••nil•~1 l'••mm•(l l hy th,.. Council. ~tut••'s fornwt· aJI.,\m••rknn. \'inC(' ~lup with \\'Jos hi11gton. ll•· Wsts tlw CH)' ManltJ..:•·r .<hall l>t.• ftlm· !!anson. W•·n · S<tU+·f'ted olf lh(' fourth in srorin~; with 159 J)!lint.~: r~twtl wuh a WI'Jtt••n 110ti1~· ~Httln~.: f1 r~t ,,..o l o'hnL~. 'Otr only junior on thr IJtlinLI't, lho• C'oounc11'~ mto•1111un !U l'o•ffi(ll +• f!IIOJ.:t'T, l."a !i i\JTII iH'~ SIX [<M>I , ;\\JII"I', lliUdl' hiS StX:Ond Slraf+..:lll l~tm-and th<· r•';o,<ons tlwtd or. ut f+''<' inth jum pinlol-jack rurwllrd, app;·aral1fi'. A Slll'<::lacular d.-.f,•n- h•a"t thin y dny" tx-ron• tho• ,rrr('-1\lo~ su+llho•rn dil'+sion sl·oring s+n· .:unrd 1tml lmll-handlt'r, he '"''·" 8Md~;f'!l. ,. .• _, nrfi,·o~tll)' ln(c..-nwd btl' }'MII'rd11y thllt '"' had I'M't'll flff'd from hiS dtro't'IOnhito for rr· fWllru: to turn thurnl+li ditv.•n on thr prnidrnti11\ t'llndidllry nf llo·n· I")' Wt!lllln' 11nrf t'l'lll"'illun Ill lilt' Mtu·sh•ll Pl11n. l.lt1l yr11r'1 (10 ("'IIl\'o•nltOI1 t'll• dor'M<d 1M M11nhall j!l~tn hut IIIII not spl'Cirlr&lty hind m•·mhf'r union. to fo llow I hf-ir lo•nd. Rrfrrrinlt: tu UntOf\8' "ri.:ht•" In l•klnt: •ny politi<'~<l stnnd. m l'lud- ln,:. lrnt.r.r~·m••nt uf S<•n H"h•·rl A. Taft. R.. 0 . llrld~c'!l N~mmt•nt · ..,, I ~· "' """'"' ·1.1 I I '\'t .. · ,.;\,,,.,, Stith'" ., ..... t.l Navy 7 . .cunr in China ,\n 1>'11• '''"'" ll lilll_\ oh51'1'1't•t • uuoko· +I unnustuh:otoly rh·hr lh:.l · !'"*''''' t1,, ,,,1111,.~1 th(' propor - \\'udHill(lfon ·~ I •~'•'P"rt~l tn "'''I 1~1:'\t:t'A••. t 't11n,1 ,\\,,1 ~~ ''''"~ ••I ''"·'' ''"""' l't•lf·hn•-th• "hltl+l't•r nll't hori< ""')'I ~·.,,.,.,.,. tl 't•• ,\ ).111-, 1'/om•--·'"""Ill" .., H \1 • .,· ,\1~·\.1 '"\~ 11 a laundr.• •Ill')' '" il•l•·w ltho· Am••nl'"" "'•')I''"" ot1,111, r,,u ,, nul•·, "' lo\ ,, , 1 1~ 11 ""'I< l:n lnth·y" po•!itlon ••I lth• t ' ,..; :-.,:_,,, 1•1••' ·""h••t·•·:· lol•" "'"' +tu .. tn.:ll "'"'tlwr round of :; 'f'lo•·•·•• ,,. ~"""' t-:t'llllllt_h f,r 1,,, :H II:~, ·•Ill r.~t." don«•lt•ll·''''lo"l '"''""'k' lo~-:am y•·•t<'rdst~ t~·tu•t th11 t Mu"'''" wuul<l r• · mt.: •HI, "'"' , 1,, toh,.·k ,,11,] ,_,11,. '" llio· <'II)' ludl. l tc•i<l I f ~~~·· l 'ni!.'~l S<Mo·• <1•1 1.11•+1 on~:~-., o'lo•lluloo•~ ]•.,~•11 •1) I•~• o<l ,\nol '" lit~• ~lii'JITISl' !by nov.• tf lluo t "'''.'" ~IJo lo·~ tlo'l"lloro·fl ''' Th'""' ,.,.1, '" J, ''" '" "·"' '"'"I''' 110 ,,11,, •+•wtolltt+l UJ+ n..:ht wht't'• drll'rnltnlol non to It~+' I l+o· ~I I • •lit'+•• I ~ ktllt••l I•) 1 I++ lt'l 1 1(1• ''·'I olo "'''I I 11 lo.+" "t<+ltld +<p •'I <'f)' t lfllC lirn•o· nw tlwc1s "' 1•1'"''<·111 hJtllw! ...;.,, Tit• '''"' 111 '"' ;--.;+') ,,.,,.,1111,.,,11 1 ~ ,. 111 ·""'·" k h,ot·k un tht• f'OUII l<'l A~rt'S~Intl. !IIII I 11,,1,. ,,f II• 1.,.,,111,..1 "''~II+· t ol !.tlolo• lo•l IIU'Iho•r Stud y." i'"''d w "" t.l.o.•l i ~un·nll), Ill<' nl)' l11th~·n lU'• Coast Colle~e Drops 'Jumor' Tho ,.,1,,,,.1,,11 '''"' ~111,.,,,1,1,,111 '" ol toll>; ., 1•·1••11 fn •m " !iiiN."iat ttt··· ''"'"'' ,.,,,.,1~"'' <l.otn.tt..:• 111 1''""'"'1: o ·o •ttlllll•~•"ll t·ommitto•• j.,11:•• ,,., . ., ~urt•"llltllll>; Tho 'J111S ft'IM•fl h.1~ no•l )<'t IICl•n of , ."II' II ,,.1.,1." ~""' 1 •. '-' '"'l:tlll t•,. "' ol al+Jo.,IIJ.:h Cil )' At ..,,,, ,.,111,1,11, Ill ,,.,1• ,1 '''' n··~ H<ol •nol 'l'l++•tnt•s on said II• "hw lo "•'~ 1111,,1 ""''++..:h i II• kno•\1 \\'hat lhl'lr '"'' '"""' 1 """"' J.,. Ito· was Jlr<' I• "'''" l +••tu otr~.-1••~•••1! a ny lnf!l1 · "'"''"" .. u til•· ~,;r .. mtd~ it """' "'" '"' Suicide '" .... ~.•} "·'" ·''''"' "''''r"'~· -•:.:·•111 '''"''' \\1<!11(' to tllo· 1 • "'111•'<1 1 to.,t h· ""~ not im I'''""'' "'til , "'U><'S f o r dt-- 1'·'~ 'I• ,._,,.., tlh· t •hmnln~r: t'Qin· """"'" llu~ "''"'lu+>·ly 1\1) juns · i\11'11"11 Ill tho• tlll<lll'T ! 'Tht~ " !"'''ulllllll: a JIOihlcal lo-•''•·•11. h•· o•ru rl I (".,11111 '1111 11<11 ~. ....... ,. 1 ~1 ~·11 lhl'te-- IILJVIl tur n•tl '''til+' nt} i•llt•m ty Htl<l """' ""\\h) '"'' W• co <'()llf( "'lilt it, Mr 'OIOII'IIIl-<"11 ~" I tH !jri!d ,,, h:t•m..: till!< +tuh..: "n our hrw ks." 1 •1~·11 .ulol·••l ttl"! h•• th .. u~h t It " ~.:•. ~r 011 , til• l ~•·llo '~ o<t't lott.Uit '>' l'l'"lnh (t• Ill~ .111~ lu111tdo n •l t•·~ • M'< 1•1 Ill ~\-\ IIIII>'~ 1J11Tii lilt• no >.I Ill• o·l+n[o:. Probe Internal Re ve nue 1 ('.,ntmtto·d trv m Pllll:f' ~)Of' Tl~o• ''••tm•••~'"'n' • ..-no <I+•· • ntot +' h++r•·a u, n• •I t,,,, ,. • r I,.,.,"" , ""tn•l , o•r tit•· ,.,.11, ,.,,,,.. 11\""lt.:lh•tll +h(' I,,,,,.,.,.. \\ I•• tho ·r ''""' •"'"'" ,.r ,. :wt II • I~ :o! It'!!< I to II++· :otf'"'' .. r tl++•'f' ''"''''' nr lll•'t••· It !•.l'k 111 1!1• or t••IT" .. no~o:•·"•l'l" ;ot'!l Ill>:• II :1 f11,ol !o•r ••I lllo'IT ··n .. · •"••11111u tl,, 'I h• ,.,,~ .,p,,.11,.> rqol.,•d , ··w.•ll !i•·•· dnt•• r.f his r.··moval. "'"'miHOll and rnnk.-d ItS UTI<' uf sank 11 0 fJUin!S for ~ixth placx- ''" h •• ~. 11,1 ,.,,-n ''"<'II) 1,1~,,1, \\'h~in St'•l'(•n duy~ nf!o•r lhf' de· l ht• o·w•sl '$ major ttla)o'r.S. llo' 111 the southt•rn di\•ision. ~o.,11 rd " li vo·r;.· '" lh" City Mu na~i'r of such r ... , n :u··· ~u!ll and s uhst;u u·1-.,f '"'lie<', h.-. rna~: h~ wMt,.n notifi<::ll· til•· "'I!UIIl+ 111 ~•·•'"'~ t11 h•n..:•· ""•·r l ''"l1 to lhf•. City C"lt·rk. f('(lUI'SI a tt,. ,. 1 1 ) "''"1 11,} ·~ IIIII••< 1s11m I pllhl!<" htat'IOJ.: t..:fort' tho· Cnu~cll "li•·tho•r f•f fl+>l 1\\,w A'i.A'I \ s \ItO· 1l u•rl'll flt•r tht' (ounC+I ~hall f1 x a 1••"<1 tou•+uo·ss ,.,,11~tl t ,1 ·~ ·:t I Jun 1tmr lor l ht• 1111hlw hl':tr+ng-which •II ~ .. r not. 1 ' ' ' · ~hall llO' ho•ld .11 i1~ usual m o-.•t ii1T; SANTA ANITA HARNESS YEAR TO BE GRANDEST 'Discovers' Huge Sum Hidden in Federal Bureau ,., pluc.-·. hut hl'loro• th•• l·.~ri r:lt lon nl tho· tlu n y da)' l""nod, nnd nt wh•~h +1'1'1 op-ttw L +IY Manug•·r ~hi\ II ilflfl<';tr nnd o I li lt' loll "11·111+'·\JI'+'Il\IS+' S<'I I·!WT· ·~· hl'ard. ,,., l:oun<h-•·•·11•· :ol 1\7 J\sc S t ;\l:+t' 1\ 'l...o·t') oS 11wnll•·ol lou~+n•·~-~ ANGF:l.F:S. MHr Rarin~; St't't<'t:IT)' ro·q li••SI+n~ lh·o·nso· t" Pro'.~ Jo•nwnl' o f t he \\.o•St('rl1 llfirni'~S R11ei11~ A~~l1 S11ld tndH}' 90(1 hors- \\'ASIII:O..:G'T'ON. 9. • t'PI S•'n. K('nn('\h \\'h('rry, H , :--.-.·v. has di~l'lll'+'r~'(l $1.965,800 "in +he ...-.·k " n t t (\1' l"f'('famalion llU· l'ln lt~·.ollw+ os HI " t ·.:_o 1"'"' ;md ., luumW) JS 'trw!l) lu l'l!loh\1-n 111 ·•1• 11 !<.•Ill• 11••"••\'i·r , Thunlps+m ,dnHI• IH• '' IIIII t•••f llllfl Wlio•lhl'l' \Ia(' ,\'1.•')·~ o•n h•rpll~t· t'IUI t+t• ), I:•>JI) h• ld Ill IH • ."1 )I++U>dl') ;\l.or,.l to old II,.. ''"UIH'Il t hat h1s ', .. "' '"'" ti"l •'t' .. ~t.:o·ll r .. ,. 10 l.nm•h·~ 1• 11111! .utd t1111t tho· '"'1111'+1 1111!•1 l:l'olm :\tal' ,\'l.o ·\)'~ ·,, qu•·•t ! .. • """ ''" 1 • '' '"' ••Xost - .,.:. t >I + !m. 11ft'+ ·•1:·11 11..,1 1 I f Ar:-T•l•rJ.M•J lrfr.. P'lol'ft'IOt Hubbud.. 1511-year- old. Chtcaro widow. lllllrl "JI'Cit lknny," an(l won a:uJ.OO tn prlu-t, •hen ahe corrl'CtlY kkntlfll.'d the IDrat.trlo\111 "Walk>niJ Man" tn • ra dIo oont~st. Rl!(ardml' llt.r priRII ahe u td "I'm .-o happJ' 1 doD'\ know' what loO do." Altt•r furni~h•n~: tho• ("'ty Man- "l:"t Wll h wrin r n nnllct' ... r in- lt'nrl<'(l rl'fliOval th•' C'il)' Cound l m11y ~u~p:·n1l hm1 lrHtl1 <1111)', hut Ju~ l'tlmpom~ntion sh:11t t't>ntiiiUI' 1111111 hi~ n ·m nvnl tw ro·sniU+11>n of Tht• f'nun~tl \llt~Si"<i . ~uh~"IUi·n t to lhl' llfl)l'f•SIIId \Jtihlil' lll.'llrtll~ In r•·mul'inJ.: lh•· ('it) :\l:ona~.:rr ill>' C"l +y Council ~hnll U"' Its un- "''"tnlllt·•l tll~t·n•t1un und ''" <lt"IJon •hnll ,,. fmul ;mil .•hnll not 11•·1~·nd ,,,..-.n ~nr t~<+rlwul:or· ... h<l"tn;: t>r d··+..:l'"'' I){ proof HI thr h••nnn~.:. th•· piU'jl<l~t· ,f wh11'11 r~ lu 1111»1< 1111' ('<1)' Mann~o:••r 111 puhh<'ly pro·~•·nt t" tlw t f'nurl"+l h+• .:n•und.< n r t\,1fll't' !"1'11111\111 f>rlflt "' 11.'< l1•·m,,·:ol lif+t·r 11111. ;-.;.,,,.,,h•t:Onll· thi~ Onl+· tlw C it)" :\ln n(ll.;l't ~hall nnt ll<· rt'· m••l"•••l frnm ol/fi,.., 1i11rm+.,: <or WIT h· ,,,. would makt· S11 n1 11 · Aniw's llarni'S.S R:1t-e ml'i'tm.: staruno: r··:ou AtJt+l :.! tho• hli:I:C'~I m llistory. \\'h•·rr;. c hawman of nw M•n:tte ·rtt,• horst•!l, :.'flO ntni'•• t han la~t l•+t)f•rnpnnl>ons !n\t•rior ~ubcnmmH­ Y+'II r , tnr lud•• n i n o• of II 19-17 I ll~· nl~l fli~("to\"N'f'd yes tf•nl:tr that <'ltllfllplllns, Jf'nutn<' .~:tid. Ill• ~1111! H~t •rl' \\'Iolli<! !11• ;, 11,,w nnl} a fo •W tolhf'l' jlt'llp11' a t the!"<'· jl<~fllnlt-gat<' ~<n<l that fnr tht• d :om.•1•••n hur~·;ou hail kno'lwr l<t~t tm\1' llril"<•rs a nd ~t rorl•'rs :olwolll th<' 1111111+'~ Tho• bun•nu's '""'' "'"'k•·il ••111 a s r:ondarrl 1•1'· lmiHtt'o· off ll'<'l' sacd It(' didn't know prOafh. -:-::---:-::--1" ""·' tho•n • !'Jiho·r Un!il tht'('(' II'+' Urdinnn>:•• of ttl(' City of :---;, ..... .,.,.,..k, "1:" l "''~'' f{o•:ll"h. AI +h-•1 limt·. A. U . 1\.'lbh said St:C rttlN II : ('t;ttJ<IIIUitlln,'lltt~ ho• ""' tr;ut+.,: I•> ~rra 1~· Up some If ."+11~ ~l't'I IV!l, Sult~t'I'IOPT\, St'fl· IIH>IW\ fnr ,•tllllt' n•'lllll'-hrul;.r M IS· t•·n,.,•. dnu~·· or phra~·· nt \hrs or· '"llfl ·T+I'<•I' ha~i n iu·nJ<:.,,,~ A s•·n· lilllllll+'f' ~~ lo•· <Ill}' n··nstm hl'!ol tn 1<1+' ho';lnn+.,: ;+h<ll tl JlrOilO.,~I 1 ran<· Ito• Ul\f"\)IL~IllliiiOn<tl, sufh tl<·o·t~lon f1•1· nf $100.00() frnm !II•• 1\t-.-twil'k ''"'" not nffo~·t llw l'<•lnl•ty nf ""' proj<-ct. In \\'h,.rry·~ hHIIl+' •ta+t' nl n·mnonm~; jJOI"Iion~ uf thl.• < h'IIUI· ;--.•,.!Jm~kn, hruu~;ht tilt' "tn llw :+11('<' ·n,. City C'OUIICJI of tlw soo:k" fut>ds to ll~;ht. "Jiow did )Oil find ROO~" a~kMI \\'hpn·y. this ~ J .965. Ct1)' of Nt<wpor1 Bl'actt hN'l.'b)' t.lt'· o'hon'!" thAI It would huvr p.1sscd tht~ fkolinl+lll'" anrl •·arh ~('('linn.' ! Ill" l•'flo>ll .,f ~)(I <loy~ lwXI Slll'<'o'd· •uh··•·•·t loon, s+:·ntr n('(• c\11\ISI' 11nd 1111.; JHI) ..:••no ·ral 11Hinll'lf+:JI ••lo•t•l ++:n phnl"' lfl!'n'flf, ifTo'~J~i'l l\'1' <lf th(• I h•·l<l '" ''"d ("•1} :tl "'""'' ".11'd!f;o1;t that a ny unl' {)t' nwn· "...:1if>n.'. I•I•<TI<•n .1 llll'll ll~·r N thr t•tYI..,11t1 . ..,..;-t+•tnS. ~,,111,.11,,,,,, ,;1;111_,.,. nr '•,.,,, tl « +'1••1"1+•11, Ill•' P11f'l"'~1' of phra .. ·s t,. ''"''ian ·<! +lll<'ollhti!U· "I ,.·:~.~ ltx~km~o: fur ..... nw mnn•'' r,.,. tlli' f!to~·'•'n 1lnm.'' !i;ohh t't'JIIio-d "\\·h,•rP dul ~ "\1 f1nd 11 ~· tlu• l•n•••~•··n '' ''' ull••"' 11ny lu>nlll lh "l> ··1•1'1•••1 nwmt"·r ''' !h,· Cit}' ~E\·n 11:-,: 11 l lnlin,,,,.,, !l;n. th1• ('II) pf ;o-.-,'"!•>ft twrt·h) .-r~-elfJt"ldl)• ,.,,_ t""'mr+l ''' :o r.-,,..::otlll•'d f'+l)' nf C't~IIIIO'I! I" .,(o<o r\1' t ho' h<'l i+JO~ "loohl ~ •·f t ho• ('+!;> ,\\unlti!•'T 1n t••tl··•+monn • ••I til•• '"'"'•rs ""'"' "' h1s """'" ,\!t.·r th,• "n ,.r s.w t nllld) cia}' pr- :,t•••·· m•·nt++•n•••l. tlw Jlt l)l'i· ul lh•• Jllo "<'+'tllltJ.: S<•Cito •n liS · r•'lll"\'1ol 11f s:uil :\I;HIIll:l't "";;·;.,:;~::;,:,:onol llt' ••fff•f'l+''+' 10. C'lltl SPI'I'il'o• lltf' IIW p<>Wt'!'!< and oiUII!'J< ,,, tilt' r11~ ~lun;~...:,•r ,,.,.,.m, ami ,,,.. pnll'l-'l••n• ,,1 th>s Onl•na nl'(', •h:o\1 br ,!<IJhjt'CI tO lh<• C"il'l\ !'St'l'l'· l{o•lol'll '' r>t'>+.it•d, ::;~:cnu;-.; \:..!. ·n,.. "'""''' and f.,,.,.l:'"inc Ortlon1tnef' :-.:". ~h1dl '"' I•Ubli~hcd ""l't• In tlw :"-i~;\\'t 'ORT 11.\LII<IA !\:t:w s . '1'1.\H:S, II ,,,,..~\llit ••+' of 1.:1'1\1">"111 t'lf<'Uiitllon flrlntc'<l, published aoc\ l'•rculnt>!d in lh•• Cily vf ;'\t•Wport l~·-1Ch, and .~hall lllk(' ,.ffo -c t "nd t"· lu fnrr<· thlrfl• d:t\li Mtt•r ~~~ mJOfl1 ion. • · Who·tT)' pu+..:uo·d. "In \\'a •h+ni:l<•n Olfh'+• 1m alln· f'!l lt'ti fund.~." U<~hb t'<'tllu:-rl \\'1u•tTy turnrd tO Vo•c·non :-.:or111· rot•. th•· +111••t·ror lit•tJOH'Iml'nt '~ bll'l+..:<•t <lil't'I'!Ot• "IJi<l ~··u know nhnut Ut •~ ~um~" Ill' a~k,.ll "I JU~t tnund 1!11! ahuuT '' hrn• thi• lll'~l'lllll\!" 1\'urthr"p :tn~Wf'n'<l .\t "'"' 1•111 nT hml ~··vf'rnl umr-~ lnto·r dunn~.; !ht• hrannJ.:, \\'h••rry'~ hand~ '"'nl \ll' •wt·r hi~ twad in <1 T;N<hlrt· ol ,,,~~p.;tir. "It ]'"' -~''""1" a.~ Thnu~h 1'1'1'1') t tmr wo• h;OI'o• a h,..Hrin~: M>ml' """' 0:1HT}'m'<•r m""'')' 1:'"111'"" up, \VhC'rry t•:oocla imcd. 1 A.--T .. t.pi.Bf•' R.o.a Locltndct . .1r,, 33. a t.otnur uf Lhe bftot •Uer, "Ralnt.rt<e Covnty.M •aa round dead or carbon mo''"•- lde polatlnlnr tn hll IOt:'hd ~'"""' lD Bklomtncton. Ind. A nrdkt or II\Lidd.l •aa reLw-ned. t It , • " 11'1111• nl ,.f lo •t:l•l,ot '"" "''' f+ t., II+• ·•PI••t!tli>lo 111 ,f , . .,,. lo•o·f,l• I 1 11\lo t'!l.ol I'+'" ll\.10' ""iild t~ r'"'"'''' tn•nt <lw l'·'''"""t::e ·~t.·m ""'l t•1,,•·ol '""'' r <'11 11 '•'t· ,,,.,, h ll' .lft•l I • l·+tl.ol lo •l\~ rltl~ Votes Hearings On 'Mandatory' '"""'' tw .• ,,.,1 .. , ,., .. .:,·~-~" .:.·v Military Training lfl !j" ••1•'1.<1 1••11• olf Tho lol·f > IIU I Adwrti~ Be \\'ill-l' -.\dl'l'rtlsc Cluaifled •dJ DO cet Ul,. lione. II<> was t+>ld thlll it wa~ 11 "mi~· tllko•" that thl' mOn('y was not r·c- porTt•+.l \o con.(;rrs~ •' "••nlllt+J••rl th• no II o·ol\ rr""' p,.~·· 1 • llllll ,\11 1•1·1· h•l • 1 f t 1 1 f \\'.\~\\1 :-,:(iTO:-.:, :\lllt.-11 ~ j ''' f' I 1"111 'I 1' ""'""" lol'h·l• '' i{'.j>j 111<' ~•'lllllo• ."ITflll'd ~··l'l'if•o•S '"'' ,.,. II ",.,,,., '''1' 111 '~ 1 o•lly l'nn11111t t•·•• )+'•l••l·tla~ ,,,,.,, un:+nt- m ll•"'t "' "'''' ''"' "' ""'"'''''' lll<tll.•l.l 1!1 •IIII I it•;OI'I!II:" Ulllll•"·\ It\• 11 '~ t .. ~·n 1•·1·1 "''' I•••· t iii <IH'r -turh 1\,\,'1111"•;\'•1" \lo '1 r\11111'1~ "" ll lll\'t''"-11 nu ht .ll'~ 1r:un-1 , , l'l 111<:" l+l t••f I••J' nuli!.ll'~ 'l••k•'"lfl•'ll ~at< I •111'11 11 .HOIII J.: \\ It• ·Uti! ion I~· ''1 11•'o"o ·•~"'"' !•111 m.on•ll•+••tl" '\lit' \'1 1111\o+l, "II .Hhll o ul •+I' l 't•lll +•-•"'"11 111 ••'< •'· ("h.lll lli:O II t11.m t:unw; 1\ ~ COMMERCIAL PRINTING • • • • • WJJJ RIVE? ,,,,,,.,,,._, l<••l.mol 111 .. ,,1 ..... ,.,, ,, I 'h•· I ..:: r,, ""'' ., .• , lou·o.mt l~ '"111••1 •1••"11 o t.lo,l l r•<ll ·• oll l ,.,,,., ''" tl•i>•+'•"'"' To•t'll ('!t!lt.••t• f,,, :o od 11nol ••I "'l•r\l'"r.... +n 11•11 "•'1" l•uolohm:.t~'lll ll l I••' !t "·'"d••IO I•·•' 'II''' +~!11 1 '.'1·•'•0+•11 • tt! oll••c·ol I I·+• II• '''"'' "I •I•· "1'1"''''"' "'. ,;,.,, ... ,,.,,. . ,. t'••ll····••>r. ''''It 1"1"'' I'"''''· ",. • '·'11''"' · "ol • t! .. n no•l•· '""! II <T'•ll•l '"un,: "·'""""I""'' "1 1' ""II l•'ll t,.Jtll t h••i•"''"I'TIItltlc \l ot•!• ''" \n ·• "1 •''"t' 1 I IJI•••I ,,,,, ,, ,. ll"t" 1.1 11 \I 1 , f, \"!! 1 , , lr, • '• ·" ,, ... ,,ol '"''''' '" 'T• H.nl"" '"'11•'" "''"1"''1"'' > 1 ". ,, ,, \). •l<l•lth" ''"tllllll'l••' '''''" ,,,,.,. 1'••<"+'1\ Ill~ •"'""'·'''" '""" 1 ~ !••ll"' ~ ..... ,.,.,,, .Lml•" ~-.. ,,,.,t.,l 1ho~t til•' ,,,,,,, ,.,,., ,,f 1'\IT •'••lipl••+l· 1\llh I•'"''''' l'l"+.,:l .m l• 1\o>Uitl I<~.•) :!-1,<~"'·'"""'1 u llo fl I+• 1•1•>· 1:1''<111 I• Ill l +til • •!•'I ,olt"!l ' (;q,pw,t •111<1 ho·.u.v•.::• ..,.,.,.],1 1~·- o\ t..:lll a• "''11 "' l""tltl.• t'"rt'o·•l ol 1\.o• 1h •''"'l'•lllll'tl I·~ tlw .,.,.,.,.,_,,,, .• ·""' •'Ill•''' ,,f ~t ;+lf "' tho• 11rm.• n.H} .m•t ''" ,,,,.,, t h• t•ol<l t tw l'••nmHII•'•' ;II• ,,,.,,. 2ua/J4 PRICE SERVICE S:, 6RfYNOUND ~llti ·TAKE IT EAS1 ..... Ll& 0JWJbound do your drivina: for you. eo.1:JrtaWe llifo.ooaditioned roaches, Dependable drl..., ~t. ..-vice ever) -where. ..... "' ... H!:!r ,_.., ... ,. .... f"'lnr11h !ilan tNrco --~ .......................... C. C. SWAFFORD. 608 Coalf Hiway. Beacon 5422 .,.. ••"''''' 1'"'1:1".+111 ,.,,,,,,, ·····T .. , ~~t t .. 11o•p! +!n l lltoh;ot oll ; t "o I,;\\ I '""' 11''\•'•l•!h )MI\1.,,\ j1 "' ,\ I'!'"' ,,,,.1 H,t!oo rt 1 ,-1,., . ., ••l'olln •'• •I ''I •·· II o• :tll on t l"''l t•~l +l•p o r'nt•·n l +lur ol "' m "'"''' ''•'• Ill I '!o.~·n ,~ l·'••t' ,,,,, 1 ""' ~" '"'" •11'"""'"11 '"'"''' '+' (ltltl,l'(\n f,, l ilt' 1:1 1'1 lo•c.ol t";!',olll••tl !P !h• 'II 'I ol• I"·" 1 ,.r,, r ••1d 11 • '"'''"I ' •' , r l'<'-11' 111111 !ll:t!l'•' Ill• lii+lo•ol 111"11''-' 111<'111 "·'~ ~1'1•1'"'·•1 "' +l.,or I•'· l•lu·h h . .-lllll''"'d lho •tlr· nT fnr h"th ll!lll"•'l.,_,,, n11lllnt> trltlt1· 'IIJI'SI lo> l''ll"o 'l+ll;o• a I onoi•·Til l"olllo I I•Hwl l•'lllll>:; "' II>• •lot +~I• I• \ 1111: :Hui 1111 1•\p.Hiolo•o\ 1"'"'1'+' l'f"· I t''' '!+•·•·t l'••'•hll\t: l'h·· t!t'h holl•· ~-•I ••• I• I''' •l•<••lt! ,f t+,, •, lo!TIIm. 1 "'11 +''"' ;tl't'r"'l."'l/11•11 $:'~'!'• '""' T;r'""'•',t '•• ,.,,,,,,.•, •t,: Th•• 1"'"1"'·'"1 ,·all~ fur si\' ,\I~,., t:r~nt•'ll ;,,_,~ 1''''"""""11 f,t IT . t• ,,., .. •I'+"•'<. "·" ",.,I''' o! ,. mnnth•' <'nnlJIIJI.•n'> t r:umnt.: .. r 1111 IT'" •""' ,,, ·~L'"'' '"'·'''" ~.1 ••1 •1, ''""'''"' "~'''''"' ,,,.,,,, 11 J>hy~i,•:oll.•·quahf+<~l ·'''"'''' hr-1t·•• tho 'lo'•"llo'll ••f ·' lo II•' ·"''''IIIII r ;-;on ~·1 ,,, ,.,.,, I 111 ]'I, 1 , < 1\\'f'o'n llw itC<'" ,,f 1~ ilntl :.'I tO ht• lht• Mllntt·oplll TfHli+·r )'.,rk I••· ohll"' T l~o l l"oltt."•' 111 •l•lrti; •lw ft•llnwo•~l \lt t•nh•IIIWIII t•itlwr in •·•••·1! ''" (',•utr:•l ,\vo• 1 •f•l•rt.t ol 1•ot•.: ,.,,~111.:: "'""s l h<' n ·cul11i-11 m ii'\l """''"'' nr 111 ;--.,.,. t~•rt ll11rll<•r Ynrht • lith w~· ""<1 11 ,,,, ••a· :• ,,, 11 t11 , •..• 1 ~,.,,,. p:11'1 of llw n·~··+'l"+'. ,,.J.\ lit•'~ m 111 n•lo><·Hl•· IIH'tt fl,.;,,_, 1 •·•·,~1< t~ , .m\11'1'• 11 ; : •. 1 1\lll \\."ot rl frolln thr1 r JW•'1'•'ll1 1 ••~•·! •l•~n•l .. nl!wnt ,,, o•lt•Jll'~ l!lrt • ,. R('d ('ro~~ ch:lt•t.·r tnlunr.-,-r, ll••n h ut "'ithin !hr plo·rh('nd '''"' +11>\'lll l l•l ,11,-,,111 IO.:•'''"' ,.: J.:lll'l' ""'~''' Th"n ::••••'1 '~' ll•'ltrs ph••··• '" , .. ,r ••·•" ·t,, 1., ~· , 1 'of ~t'f~"h"<" '" +lw 1r ''""'"""l''"'~ 0\uwrklln 11••11 C'tO!<~ llo~pt llll (,,,_ ,.,..,],J ',-,1., "'"'·"' f,• j.,.l \11~1 )+'ltr !111') ~~~i<l o~1 o•llwr l -"•'tl ''\ 1111~ nppr'.'"mntt•\y 1,1•10 lt.:r•·.otl 1 111 1,1 ,1, ,, l,l 1,.,_,,1 1,1 1 .• 1 ''""'"'""''~ .!t:+'nl'h'~ produl'l'li ""rkrr~ ""duty rn m•hlllfY Aod • •II ·~·llo o•!,••• j d othint.: nn<l l •~·t(,., lo•l +h• hit\ ill ltt1Sf lll!ll~ to• lwlp 1•n t u•nt~ --\"''Ni~·. "••rk••l m ho"l"' o l~ :m<1 11lth t•·tli<>nnl nnd J ·o nul ~ pr~h-1 ,111 '''1; "'"'· l"T \UT t \KI,\" ('\Inn.,. ;o~•r~t••d 11 ,.. 1.1n"l"' ,,(I l··m~. p1nn and l'tli'I<IIWI n 'f'Trtltton I \ 1 ,1 1 wh'rnn• .~11<1 «'t\ H'f'tn• n. t<n<l J'<'f • • 1 f .. ,. 11•11nlno..-!'~"&:'""' "Ill t>r•'l:l'lln1S """ JltO\ I• +' a IP<i('h •' ,.., . ' (f\rmo-..1 111.onY •tl ll+'r t n •k~ \'t>ur 1 "" I' ''"' "II "'"I ""'· \\,. ,.,., . . • "" '''" t!"' " • ar . · PERSONAL PRINTING LET US HELP YOU wifh YOUR PR IN TING Tole phone -- 1141?13()1?1~ A Representative • •• Will Call NEEDS 1J Newport Harbor Publishing Co. PRINTERS PUBLISHERS OFF1CE SUPPUES 3011 W. Central Ave. Newport Beoch hMllt' :owa• ft t•m h"lll+' •·"··· It• h · h ·, , ,· J ront rllnHtmc "' th-o-i"l.>l tt,·fl Uw l~ ll•"'fi t 'r"~~ t11nd anll l ('rno;;~ Fund "'11 h•''l' kf'•l' th··~•'l hnn • It !~It! ln lhl~·llt'l'''"lllll'l \'I'll· \\'\Rltf: .... I . Wl:I ~J;K I"Qj~~lCCr& I./US) S..~\11\!j -w~or- • ~•1 :~,,,,. !'t 'f"-"-....., ""~"'" ,,... · . · 1 !!.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~-~~~~~~~a.!~ l>.!_Rm v.-.. ,;.:r; .... 1..11• ,.,.., • ..,... roo. · • <'Ommurut ~ Gt,c' ~. .-• Scientists Hail Artificial Production of l\1esons Nuclear Aid I Sill II' Hi~hw11y to~ ptalnt of tnlf.'r-,IIVlLDI'NO MATI!IUAL8 S<'('tlon wtalt ttw ~nutllf'a:sta'rly A~I')HAI T TILE l'l\1\lndary hnt• u( t hi' l 'tl y l)f Nt•W· ~ _. \ '"' '""'c·r.u .. \!lt'rotls • Mt'fiiiC '"'·. llAIHn .. 1 Nt:wa•HHT nAa.noA NEWM-TIMEA Paae 5 1111! '\1 ~ \J:1·ol \1,,11, 1111 ,1 ~1'1 NI "I'Illt 1,111 \1J t;11,, 1,r111 T~t'~U\\ ,.,,..,.,rtt._..•h.t'allt \lllro'llll,l._tH_II ___ I"t n port Hf'!l('h Satd I"""' ht'lnR ui!IO Lino. & Pla~tic 1:••• ""I ""''" 1:•~><1 7'\ l'h t rt•ttt ootl•••\ld tl '"" 1111\ ltto•t \Ill,,.\ Til tu\N IWl KF.Al. P'-"TA,.. h. I ••• ~-· ,, 11..' \\,•,tnun)rrttt'r II"' IU .. I ""' t "'1\\tti "" oh 't ••Unt • m :RKEI.EY, C'al .. M nr 9. -, no•w tunl" Iii stuct) tlw for!'o·s hand· tlw southt•rl) Nrno•r o( LM "/\" 1)rainbuards S , 'J"nwt !11~l, thl'r\t'o' rwr·tho•uslt•rl•· • ,. um •r -::: It H• ttl I ''I'"'' I ... •\\ IIIII \\'"" .. I i IA:"':S "I fl\ 'II ll htl\. lntltrO\'f\ C"OHClNA OEL MAR ll'Pt l'h'lltists tuday haal,•d th1· 1111-; tho· l•artat'11·:-uf tlt1• a111111 11u. ' luntiHI'hlr 1<1 ~•"" I •rltftt'll<l IJf'll(!uctlvn t>f mt•sunb tn t'lo•ll< tn~:,1·tho·r 11141111! tht• sutd suutlio•as to•t ly II\IUU· l'<>rm•r lt'th ~~ and PnmOr\lt I • I 1. St . 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J'llllo ;>I tilt I-!-I Hilt• \\II lt ('ollh'l t'll' ft'lll't', \',•t\0'111111 l>lltltl~. 1111:~ :\J.o,.nn,. ur•· JIC!Io ·nt lout flt·t•llnj; lllal t"l1 1•1 tho ltrt-lo'tll '"""Y '""' lldll "' \\11\ ltrt·· oil 17th Stn~··· Public Stenographer ,,, I• I' '"''"', '"''' '~•,ff•·•• 11h•Htt '' t ,,,.,,"' llu, '"' a nuch•ar p;u tiel•·~ lh'Jtlllllllt' 111111111 ltl.l')o "'"' l'lh ··=· oll't' I'IJUI\,d,•nt I th.·nc··· .... u tiwrly Hntl ~llll th\\'o•~•· .. nl~ "' <'O~nllt' riO\" Tho·~ .on• horn l..o\\1'1 .... ,. "'"I tht• IIIM'II\t•f\ 'I" altont.: '"' \\t·~···rl\ hoolll11lllr) 11111 .. r notltt'l~,.lllll' • 'l•l••stulls Ill o·t•llo·d r.or t'••rhttll<'t "'" ul m•\\1;r Jut;• ''' 17th :O:ta • ,., h ; tlh· I'"'"' • 1 1 hut ttt•t 'h'l ''I\'' ,., It I l l ,,, "·I Ptuit t 'I Ill .. ~ • .. :!~~) 1\f~rlnc Ave I II 1 , ,, n '"" t , ,,, Ht \ltH .. t t I• , .. '"'"' I H , "'"'''' t llnrhor 1n,· Co) H11lbou bland 1hlrl.ll.lf 1331 \ ' •t Ill t 1ut t. '"' ... •1 • :lt It 1 It ' \1 '111 'tltl t \1t t tltt• ''"rt'' uf 11111111" .mtl 11w '"••· ,.11u 111111,. '""', tlul at,1111.~m .. sh·l ool J;o·~:tnntn~; tlltllt01111hs t>f II ~o't'otrttl l.tl• I' Ill o'f> !'t.ol \\Ill j:o r\t'lillt• 111<111' th,lll l '11ft• flt"l ptthlit• hl'll!lllj: UflOIII .lllolfhl•r •·xplo~ton. ;\.~I I """~"' d o•rtrutt \tolls Tilt· till' nppllr;ottllr\'"11114· ho•lrt "11utt'· lloun. ttl lkl • ., 110 I ' I \II I"" I,, \t l,,. 1' I •·I ' I .t \'\"'' I ooJ, t J t. T lwy may ho• tho• luntltn~o: (<)11'1' """'h oi )< • "'"'''""• Ito• l!tU!I tl.o~t.:\1,utVI>' 111 j :IIIJt nt tn tho· hut hnhl" an II tutti h•..:• t h•·• An· J'll~hu ,., Jlbl • noou.;h tlll'ft.:) tot ( ·.,u~antho•r I '11\ ll.tll !'l:o•\\. 14·lfl' I I ,, "t\\ \til tit. ,,.., 111unrt·nwnt of tlll'tr mantrr.,, .. "'~·k·· ttlt·!.on,. J~•t't l~·adt, l'.tltlo>rnt.a t:Ma•l.C)\'1\IE ST \\'ANTED t1 .,,, • , ,, ,11,,1 1 ,..,111, ,, IIIFI•" m the• 4ti'J(I·Io\lt nl'lutroott n, llt'!lo•ruf tho l'h;att1tulll ooltho• YUl 'NG MAN ~t•t'<ls o.>mpiO)'· II' I .. ''"'.,,,.,.,,,,,, 11 "''"mndt•yo·sr .. ~oa) t.) l )r.Ern •. ,, P UBLIC NoTICES '\,.,\,~.,., l lo·ruoh ('aty 1'11\nllttl.: nwllt, 16 mArTtt-11 snlt'll rf.'fcor· ,,.,, '•'•·• ·' ''''""""" "'' a Lill•T<·n <·•·. tn\t•nH•r .. r th•• hilL:<' Conuw.,.,ttln. l'n<'<'~' or wtll run your hf!ln~ ""' • ''' ..,, '•I ., '" ~>.' t : .. " m.whuw. and llr J,,uw~ B. Flbk, SOTU 't: ot· l'l'Bl.U ' IIEAKI.St.. \\'1\LTI-:It .:\1 1.1 \:o..;I.!\H >Oit. 1w, thas 111,11~1n. Wrtlt• oox "K " "1•'•• I h1 '""''' 11"11" '-••1'"'~ ;!Jro •t·tnr or l'l'!ll'llrdt (w· lhl· altlmit• 'l'tt•• No•Wfilll'l R..•al'h C'tl\ Plan· 1'1111.~11-:ll .I 1-:1 t.~:nnnoEK (' ,, r-.:.·ws-'l'inws. :ll-4tp ,,,, '"'' ••• I llorl•·r I ;·ol; \\ '""''"I·'·'"' 'I I 'It t • I t t, 1• I It '" '-oo, I"',._ roo.,. ~· 1111 II,,. h 1111 ,·1·11•"''"'" '"·' ·, .,. 1 'I II, 'll 'f,l 'l \1 \':'IIIII 'e r:'IIU'.N1'!C U ltAI\HOH '1'1~:\N ~FI·~H I.J I:II'I' llo\\11.1 t,; Phmw Ht"ll'Otl r.r;:l~-.1 ''\ •H 1'1 'I ld, tl I 111 tlt•tll "'·"'' I. t ,, Pt1 t 1•'1 t I .. , til ,., l'lal I I • PP ' 1 I ' .. lit l • I .... t 1\ I h \\ t\ '·,,I 'I ' lt. ~ I II ••• ' ., ,,,, " •n nt" t'l\ t " 1'ttl t "' .. ('0 .\:o-:T \lc >TPI: <'P . I t •II 1 I :o 'I '' Ill l ''"1'-• \1 I I t l11 ),\.\ tH II I'"'' .... I 1 I ... "Ill n. "•'' 1 """, .... .. . ..,.. .... ...... 1 L. 11t'41,, I •t ...:, ,, ._, lt.uh•• 11t ,'"' ''htld 1••"•1 N1\\ ,,.,_, t:lll\ ~q t••. ' t:• "" :.-~ 1: 1 1\\'N I·:H l l,olol111 •ld -tte I l~l I I \ '• IJ 'I i I 'lwtl• \\'riQht T t '"'' o "h·•"•'l ,.,,,,. •·••frll{, (It•. l•tttttll I ''"' llo·r r.tro~.;o• ,.,lth '"' n , .. , •• , .. ''" h1•l ''"'•·•. r~ttllt'\ • t.· I ,., • lo·.<l l•l111rhn,; •Ill•, ur 4h1\\ II f'rt\ H\t•fll lilt h Htt\t• IH~ '41\ • lti • '' "' "til •• II f111 ~'111•1 l'lllll\, t • .. ,. I•• '""""''''' 1 'ull tw11ron t•n•·n:> t'tlmntts,.,lon. ntn~o: ('omml' ... ,ton w 11l hnio! twu So'<'rt•tnf"\ .'1 .•t I"' I l'llh :\ltrl'h !I-I:!. ;~II' 'liRT I"'· • A d ...o d -Tlwy cN'dit1od nr \ !\1. Gtulto •t liH· ll•·:.nn.:~ UJ.ll>n th<' appllt·H· r -----l A nS a-nun''"'" a n l\llil\!1•'1·11 ,1:ti -u .,1 ., --~H·.W- I'll;: IJ,orl~t>l' Hl\11 __J Ji.• l l[i.h, I~\ I '•"I w --.l.,~~ mt:!'l'A. M~ -~:.!·I ll 1 t'0 .'\~'1' 1\J()T()H t'O. lillll \\ !\J,uul..t\ II::,H.:,II~C.:.:::!;".J-l:~'------1-: -n-T\l'(o ·r~, I'"' .Hill·~. 1. •)'l'llr·O >rfl/1 tan l'llfll IIIII ll t' I'Vtnt• <11'111>1111)' IIi FICTITIOUS TRAOI!: NA "t ClCllt.U ...&.At.U or t \ol , , 1 ,1 llll!•lllo ttl lllllth Will 1 "3 ld I' I r I f Th I (' I .,T __ . .. ' ·--c.o llrwna--la"' . S P I I f) L' c .... 11~' 11 f 11 1 "-d G-~•,.•c-A--n:-dr rt-d l'all Sant a Ann 56712 Rll lilt(\, artC r·, r.tll;l'lll' lll'w n\1' ,,. (\ 11\\'lnR I t'St·n .... -jli'OJ)-. • "' I ',.,. """'''" lilt I .ultlm.; --------------It••~ l '••n•t lllr lm .l\· I t lit .., \I I I ·"' N ,. w J1 o r t llo t~lot' '"'!.'";-. JI~:Vl l'nl t or I • I ll!• ..;,.,, ltolhltt,otll fl!l\\ft ~-n•·r , 3~. with thl' disru\1:1')' Ft·b ••rty ""-nrd by lht> lrvtnl' ComptHt~ t '"~ '""'~'"'Kn••t 1\runrth ~: W ll afto•r 3 P m 2C).~tc "'·" 1 ., $.'w11 •• ,I ,1 olmt.:h\ IU'S ISJ';-"I'l UI'PCIIlT1'~1TIP'_,. 411 Ill At'< 1'\: 1\:'KH 21, thAt thr rh.tst\f• partai'IC's \\'l'r•· nnd rt••·•·ntl~· .1nm•x•od Ill th .. rttY a "!>'· r~,;t.luol! M t!Jtl; ,,.,., 17th :<tr""' \~ rlln plow )"ur ~:nrdrn or 1•11• ~1., 1 .. 11,,.,11 • •. h 11 .,,11 lx•rn.: prodttl'l'd loy mnn 1•f NI'WI••rt Bt'IH'It. rl'lono·d '" ~~~'11•1 ~;::• 1,~:,~·:;::1';,•; ,.::;~~~%. ·~r\'f.~ l'anl lot or dtt any ktnd ot yard 11.," t1 '":• 1 Kl, 1 "" ""·'' $..'\d Mt•Sons, som(•t inws t'llllt.'d ln,l'SO· < '·1 ~11no~ "' c .. l!lurul~ unrt-r '"" lkttttooua "' , , •1\ "" ''""" ..;1 "1 l'httrto ~~~~n;~~"'P~o;t~c":ar::i.'n ~~~:.~ llf .. I~ ~~:~~~~~ut1~1~,~:~~~ 7~r '~;::;~h;:: i~=~·i,;H·,·~~:~::~~~:~r::;:;I~=~ -~=f~~. _:_~_,·_;_:_~_:_:~-~-~_:_._;_c_;_ln_,..._~_:!SJ._E_R_E_w_D_· _ 1 _6-_t_: f: ~: 1 , ~,1;"--'--... ,~.~ ~::~~~~: wllh ~.000.000 •'lc.>ctron·\'Oi t nl-San Junqutn and Lom8~ dP S11n· :~~ .. :~~0~"~~;: • .;:\"\: .. ,i' ,:;,:\'';;;~~:~r ~~::· ph11 ptirticlt's. llago 1111d Fltnt 1111d Ahchv's Hllvr-~~~•• "" '"'"".: .,.,,.. "''"'"'"· ,....paiN. ltl" """ \\till ,,p,h IIA :\1111'1(1 :1'1( ~TI\' fl .... , I ""I·· ',,.,.ll.·ttt I I.!\ I I''"' ''"II ttnn ''"''U '''"" 1\•tlh"'' l'lh'•• IUI'III•t• d ... tth' II hhh· ,.,,,, '., ... ,. llh ,,, :--..I lh •l\lfl""''" h'lll •:\ ~-u I ~)hu t• I tt I\ 1 . ~.\\put I 1\t·,,,·h :.'1\ :Ito· II ; l'·'"'"i'tt~··r I,,., 'I· nt n •rulllh•n :: ,,, ''""'"'",.. ll••uut tfnl llt No•\\ 1•11"1 llo•11t'11. 20-3tc \lnluno IIJ•Iu•l•lt•t' Mtrllrtllllll VI l it ~A I I "'" loo'(IIOitllll I~ 111•'-•·• I' \\til .,.,.,,,"''' .. r '''"''' I: I "l'l'~'"' ··•I IKrJ.:t' l11t ltnublf' '"' plo ·q "I' tt '"'" 1:\ I 1 '11t 1:'""11' f• ult "'"' lto·rrll'll. Caah ffltlh•tt • • .. , .. ,,,. ft••l ~1nr .'1 ~q, ,.,. f• ""' :!1 l'\l tltMn~-t•• Av• .• Thf' unil'l'rsity sctt•ntrsts I'm · nwnt of Rancho Sanrls~oto ~I•· Snnta ;,~~,,Jn~ 111:~~. ~·~~~:~'![,./",~.':.11t• b'",?.~: pha'~tZt'li that no tmmtodaatr prac· Ana &" .:hown on map n •toord"d 111 ,...,.. WANTED-Job and cylinder pr~sman. Steady altuaUon in union shop. Ideal work· ing conditions. See roreman at News-Times. Newport Beach, Calif. \\ t~oof IU)1 \\ t'"'l I ,• '" I\' t I ,, IIIli t '4 ... ,, '\\ II I ' • •I I 1\ 'I 1• '" 'TI ,ot fl(o l •,,.., 11 M"'" 1\.•tlt'ttr\ ~ 111·R :.•n-4tp " 1-t tit N\1.1 l't;\1 1 '''"" l 'ltr) tiral lli)JihCRtton Inward p rodul'tnlt B•••k I 1'111:<' 8R of Masccllant'Ous 19~11" ... m)• 11"11<1 F•bnoary lOth. '(It I • :· 1 :tt' ,-,-,1-l_l_ti'N'-l'--l .,~llhl·--,-,-.. -,,-11-,-"-.-ln ,,,., $11Ml t'ull lia r 1:.17 Aftt•r atr.mto: l'nt'r~t)l could hi' f'ltfll'<"IPd. :\ta ps. r·••t•ot ds ()( Or an.:<> \ou11 ty, KI':NNF.Tll E. WI .RON F• •It ... 'I ~ I "" \\ "'""'! IIIII • tun• <_ ... ,,,., 7 1' • .J ''nun. ,·,u,, lt~·1h Sl': I"'' ,.,., k ''"" :-,·,\2 .._I I ',oJI llo'll ~' 11 Ill '.!.'.!. 1111 L4•V(•l BMy View Lot .-~, 1111 T11 A.llt'y lluW('\'l'l', lht'y bt•li(•\'l'd thPy C~altfnrnaa. l)tnl( ltOtlh••rly uf lht• !'TATP: n•·C'Al.H'ORNIA ) :.'l ·•lh· TRAII.F.Ill' e1 •., llltl('k fr11m l\11y /\•'111'114 S t , l'11run11 11<'1 MilT had an "rnromparably pnw.,rful Stall' lla..:hwuy V ll IJR/\·1'.11-R dt•· t'''ll'~TY OP' ORA Nt:E 1 .. On lhle lOth doy of F"~hnoary In Li<'t'ns" hont sRIP,msn fo r Frt'd· Cout 22-trc: n • •I· I \l,tr l'hmlo' II "r I •" loti( 111·'\:T Allrrto'ft\,. .' r<Motll llj<lll fllh'tlf II lid lt1111t 1'1'1\ loft• I'll It ollll'•' ~lit II••• 1111111 ;\thtltll :\II Howard W. Gerrish .,._ .......... Automobile • Fir~ Accident • Lif~ Ucenw and Contract Bonds Wr1 tten PRINTING STANDARDIZED to save vou both time and money. BEA CON 5 5 2 5 A. C. Spencer II S5 CoNt JDchway •l'nht'fl as follows: thr )'f'&r nr tt48 ,,..,..,,... m~ F"RED w Rr~.;tnntn~: Ill tho• fi\Jinl (If •ntPr· nruc<.s •• NotarA Puhllr In and fur 'l'l'llllrl uf lh•· norlht•rly rtlo(h l or ;':.~"';c~~ .. ::;." p; '".Wtt~;'~n""".:':!~n ·r~ way hnt• o f llw SUtlt' HiJ:hWa) ~':;'h,.!.'~t!:'d ~~ ~: .. :.!'uh':~or.,.,n=.,.t1• \'II llHA-611-H and th•• \\Nilt'r l) "nd oo·knoooo•lf'<tl(rl\ ''' m• that "" ••· ~~('7,~,: •f ~-:~~:~.r:~~~~ ~~~~1711~1' ~~~·~: :~~I~~~!~" ... ~:nd and ot '''"' Ileal 1·rl) rt..:ltt or "''> lin<' llf srud P'RI':fl w RRJGGS Nr•tary Puhltr In and filr aald TAX RETURNS All lllnda • Re-.we ACCOHSTL"\0 Glen E. Fuller 807 Cout H~'Y· (lly tile P.O.) Corona del Mar. Har 2422 ~aucis J. Horvath INOOME TAX SERVICE Federal aad State Office: 32R 28th St. Phone Jlarbor 1805-R IWsldence: 116 !5th St. Phone Harbor 1922-R - ""'' ... ~i:uw ;r .. ~~:'"2 9 ,.., CERTIFICATI!: OF IIUSI NESS f'tulttoue F'lrm N•me Thr P nttf'r•tkll,.rt du hfl~h) ',.r1t~ 1 h•: "'")' ""' '""''"' ttn~e " rnoo t>rs-·rnlRt'TtNr. huolnr•8 "' 911 t'OAAT ttti~IIWAY !1/P:WP()RT REAI"lf C'AJ. I NIRNIA undf'r thr fit tttt .. uo ltnn ntun" ul t'OASTLANI> OISTRIBU· ·rotH·\ nntt th"t ,..._ld nrm •• rnmp.N~tef't hf •h• fqflwtt'II\K perauru• •'hv-t" na.tnM a.nd r~ddr•~• ._,.. u '''lltlYt11 lu wU r ttARI.f'.'! R f'P:Y'IYI" 216 O,.,.hld ~~ r .. rnna d"t-Mu-r alttum ta . R I'Rlr F: I'F.Y'T'ON fllR Bluml'nt St lA• l(luoa !War h. C'allfM·nta . J(}P: R PLOS· '!P.fi 314 lll&.m•.nd An , Raltl;\10 laland r·._llfnn l•a WrTNF:I'~ .. ur hand• thl• lot day lit ~tarrh 11148 I t'IIARI.F.R R PF.TTON R PRIC'I'; f'F.YTON JOE ll. Pl.ftSSF.R "TAT!" Of' CAI.li"'R"IA t r'<II'NTY OF' IIRA~f:F. 1 •• I'~ Til I!' l•t """ n ( Mar• h A I> t'U' ..,..fflr,.. fH" lh,. uo•l~rtt,cn,..t e '"la.rv Pu i•H• tn ""'' rur a.111 t•uunty t~n•l t-:tHtfll rf",.hJfn.c lht>Ntln •luly , .. m . tllJJUthin~'' IU"ht '" .. r-n , .... ~.v"!!!!_ly •P· rrkk Yacht \o .• 1215 J·llt:hWR)'. N 1\f Young Lady Tri wnrk In ( 1rnntn.: 11nd Prl'ulng S hop 113 Pnlm SRI nnlhou ,.-;-. 'l _., !•I• 'J'.' I ' 01 I (II I to't r lthKio I I tt,_;o I lU ll ro '"" • r 1\111~' ""''' ~ I '''·lim '"'"''''"" .!.'~t:\1 ~ """'"" J\\t• <'"'"' :\l•·~a uH l·.a~t 171 h Sl .!I .!tp hl.olltl i\\o•, llult••·• .!I Jll: 1•1'1'1 .1· X ""'" 11111 "' f"'''"""'l ,,;Jtttr ... """ ~~.:, IWI 11\lllllh l'ut n••r "' ~ -•"• r """ \\'•·•tttoll"'' '. ''"''" M•·"' :'I :IIJ• 'l'l·2tr "'A.Nn.O TO BUY I-t tl( HI :"I:T Alllltt'tl\•' ., r•Mlm lurru~ltr•tl loJ•••• lnlt·lll $1~11•1 )o•Jtt r••untl mdu•llt~o• 111 tlot "'" 4 111 lll'ltllltuJ••. ,.,,, .. n,. olo·l Mr1r a.u.E 1118CELI.AJQX)U8 • WI t:okr~ W,llrd5. Tlt' Luxr wnsh- ('r I..<Jw•ll wnng,•r P orl'f'lain Phon•· Dana l'ntnt 731 :..".!-~tp F:l.F:C"TIUC' RANGE -With dN'p Wl'll cookrr, rxro'lll·nt llkt• ni!W condttlon S15CI llarhor 2537 18-Jtc Plumbing Supplies P I P E fGal" nnd Blar k ) 'roll<'l!l, Bn t h 'ruhlll L.nvatorlt'l Out 1rn n Sinks «20-32 double.-.) 2l x32 hodgt• I )'fW'. t'll.' Doublf' <'1tinr~ Stnk.ol, $16.50 up S ll'f"l SinkA $~.95 up. Cl mJm<' Plntrod S wlnr Fau.cet.. S595 In WILL PAY \ ... 1'1'} ..... , Y u t)ltt t•r••l' ll~••t T,..ettl• ft.,,, 1 ""':·.-:·· c~~,:~,~~!~"''u "' .... ~ING ~:R ~':~~:~~~~~: "·"·'-11/\llll< •n l<l9ft.J 14-lltp CASH for USED Furniture & Appliances "Wr Ouy Almt•l Anythlnl"' GRANT'S Phon~ I~• ~707-M 11>45 N"~"1X>rl Rlvd • C<•ta MI'AA 42 111'. Will Pay CaRh F'or yuur tumlturt IV what have you Phnn<• 0<>11n1n ~!'of\ Crawley Furnitur~ ("(I ll.ot I"'" I(: I It :I :•t o· Fttft ltF'\:T I""''" ''"''" fnf "''J ~ 111..: ~~~I I ft llllf' Pf t\ ll•••t.::•·' 1\.,,1111 11 d•"'llt ol 'lot•l Wo o•k I Itt II• lto tlt'•tl•· I'"'""" '"'' ;\1111 lltll ••• , )<•t It .'1 ~··· ~~ l'lllt 11 n· ''" na•lt• ,, ta'""' ~;,. 1, an..: tuut11 fur n n .. nt l\\t• l 'huU•' l lotr•h•t I I'll 111 l 'hll h i 1 ~':1 :11 i111 l-1 '" tu ~ r ··~1· rt"'fllt ltunc1''"''· tth&.:••t lttur 11nol ~''""!:" \\'llllt•r r•·nt11l '" ·''"'' l'•tlt """ ll ttl•ot 1117•1-ll .'1 Jto· I t •H It t·.N'J' A"'" t '"' nt fuo ""It· ... , '"" ruutu"' ~nn , .. r ~··~·k. nil ullltlto•' 1111 hulo·tl '•II; \\' tlfl2 N~t Rlvd . C'~Mta MN• ( ·, rtlt 111 l lltlhtllt :,.'1) :\It• PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY ,.,.J\,...tl f"lfARf.f;~ R f'r~ n•~ R t•HICE I'Y.YTfJ~ au•l J ll Pt.O!'l'll:lt l~otu•wn I•• t tl" th~ ll#rfh•U" Wh•JtiWI" O&.m_.ll n~ ,.uhA4 rtt,..t t•• _.,,. "''thin tutru· U~"l1t "'"' tu•knt • ._.1,.f11C,.(S l•l ftl" t hat h"\ ,.~,., utr•l th,.. "'mf' I I Lnrl(•""' P lumhtnl! S tock OrunJit•• County ---__ 9'J.tfr I· I Ill J>L'N 'I' /1 I ------>r J•Jtrlnwnl or ''"'"' FONTANA PLUMBING P'URNITl'Rr: I"OR I'ALr: It )•" lt•lltlll .1.'1( :•Milt St , Nrw Dt:STI~TS ~- Dr. Obed Lucas DENTIST !!021't W. Central. ltarbor 14841 NEWPORT BEAC H GORDON E. RAPP, D.D.S. ws w.-.t central Phone lfarbor t 21..J Newport ~h C HIROPRACTOR Dr. Tom E. Barton CHIROPRACTOR 1211 CO&At Hlrflway C..orona df'l Mar u n K•nt1~1 • P~Utu Phone Harbor 1 M8 DR. L. YARWOOI> D .\., PhC. 1M6 Sl'wpnrt Bh·d. C01<ta l\lf'<Ul • C IIIROJ>RACTIC • PH\'!iUOTifl:R i\PV • ('n1nnl"' OPTOM f:TRIST E. T. But1('M\'Or1h, 0 . D. 0Jltnmf't n•t r.\'t:!il r.x,,~nsr.n a.r:ss r:s m ·r•r.ac "nu t.t,...,.. ••Ct•IN"ff att•t A.tJthtH 31 14 W. l'•~lral An. l'h, ltorh .. 2.'11 I ~tr.1'1'1'1HIT nt:AI'II .\CTOI ~T.\ST~ R ookkN"J>Intc T rlll !YniN' ~rn'IN' Orrin W. \\·right l'hnnl': llarbor ':!/\!\ :!01 A(ale ,\\'t•., Ralboa bland ·- lni'OIIU~ Tal c·on~UIIAnt .. r\f"~nutlnc • \udlttnr ''"''"""'''''"' \\li.I.IAMS &: \\lLU . .\..'IS Ru.W,_ Manacf'mt>nt ('un!OultaniA ()ffll'f'! ('mota ~.-Bank Rldtt. Rfo&. 114\.'I!I..J ('n"ta MI'<IA. ('alii. DAY I!'ICROOL Mortimer 'Srhool lot Coral A no. Bal._ tal. DAY SCHOOL NOW OPr.N o . .. •naTIMtr.a. •· A .. .. ,"" , .. ,.,...,,.,., IIAa~tna 11M SCOTCH TAPE SOW OS RASU -·-,. NEWS -TIMES !'upply Urnl\M PK\'81CIA~8 • 8 U&OEON8, M .U. t r..-\\'IT"F:~~ WIIF:Rf:OF' I ha'" ,,...,. .. n, .. ..,.., 1n y hAnft "n•t a(fu.N1 u•y •'f~t \I ""'"I lh"" dl\\ KOtl "'""r-In tht• •,,,tlrH ''"' t•r•l tt h .. ,.,. •rltt•'n J••l t 11 •. oo h I'll llur 1'1.'.' II "r 23011 S \\' Nt>'<4pnrt Avco A GOO D Jl{I Y -,..,,., f( 17 tlo· r n!'ta l\tl'~:l f'hn nl' IWACOnl~~l IS ,, WISE BUY A. V. Andre'!s, M.D. PIO'~IC"lA.."'' I and !U'RCit:ON til \9Ut Hl.-hway. Harbor M6 Corona del ~far H. R. Hall, l\'1. D. Ph)'111l'lan and ~arl{ffin Hou rs: 2·5. hy ,\ppointmt·nl T elephone Beacon 6848 131 Broadway \.o~~ta M~ MOton M. Maxwell, M. ll. 1801 Cout Hlway {'orona dr1 Mu Off11'e llnttl"ll : 10-12 : 2-5 no-Jlarbor Ita S. R. Monaco, M.D. 814 Bay Avr .. BaJboa Harbor 1124 Ofrit'f' I lou!'!i : 2 tn ~p.m. Monday throucfl P'riUJ T. P. Re eder, M.D. H. E. Stickler, M. D. Phyr~ll'lan• and !ilurpflftll s.-os \\'. Centr111 OfO~: Harhur 611'! I' SIKht-l•hun r llarltur i7'!·&1 I Conrad Ric hter, M. D. r .. , .... ,.n, Hour• !) :II) •• m . • 1:' 1\f . :• ~o r. m • <t ::lO fl m . 200!\..(' \\'. C4'ntral I s ""'I"' r1 Rf'IW' h l'hnnP llartlnr :! lOS VETT.RISi\RlAS Nf:WPORT lfARROR VT.TF.RINARV HOSPITAl. H once Parker, 0 .\".M. Paul 0 . Butl'lwr, D.t'.M. .... • • & f\•11• tn~l f'\lft ' ton ,..E . M,... Drt .. I f'OI'TA .... Roap. Be&. 1107t; Bee. Bar. tel l.lt'T. IS~I'KAS<'t: J.Jn; IJ'IoiSl'RA.~CE Henry C. Vaughn till NEWPORT 81.\'D. Bf:ACOS 51t7 R.H. tlart..r l070..J MORTI'.\K\' BAI.TZ MORTI 'i\R\' 1.\U\' ATTt~'J)\:\T •1n (~I Jllway ('llrona dfot !\far I f'h-Harbor t '! ( Oay and Slcbt I - ' ~t:Ar., 1'1 \'I•F: ~· ~II F:RW(IIIfl. ~"'"rv t"HhH, tn and fur MJ•·t f " •. unt\ ""\Ut\ ~l&t,. •.. ~:.' ~~,~~~··;~~·~· ... IJ''U ~~~ II Jq~1 Want Ads -----------.----....:· l.l't 11>< II• lp \ott II·· W tw Silver Platmg roPrFn nnAss GOLD I HA RBOJ: Fl'HNITt' HE n II h.l . ..._ R .f.l .I hi 1!'162 Jllrrhm· fill ol t •oo,t.o \J, '"l ··o s n~: "' " n s ng :: t ,,. Bay::<idc Platinir Co. ..-,,n~rTno u1, 1""1=-''" '' 1914 J111rhor Rlvd ,,. ,.,,, r tk•· 11 rO!Itll Mf.'S8, Cllllf . Bl'lll'On 5113 I K~o·:o..; t:HI :o..;S TI'Il ______________ 6-_t.._fr :.!1311 Mrru r o.. • f ·,,, :o \1 "·' Walrht'tl • Onc:ka • J~lry C'JffiONOMETERS Repelrlnc -Prompt St'rvt<» SeNIIblt' PriOft ! Ptwn•· I I ,, 1. •r I '~" \\ .. llf ' ,, 1111 ',,., f)n c ;u.tr:tnt• • d \\'n r k 1'1 ,\!'I" II I ,, loti"'"" ""'"Ill ,.,, ••• •'1'--'' fttl• ttl tun I"" ••• ft•t•ftl 'hll•t fllt~Nitt tHI f. tf f-•11 f,l nul \\ 11t. f • • • 1\11'\ 1, .' II ollu .. o I I 1101 1 .'II I to· \\ \STt.lt T o KP:NT \\'A NT T<, RENT 1:,,, .. , t •• • '" I ,.,,, l ttJ'' ltu u • ..... •I 'l·••lhl I· I '"' ,,.,, ,, •• t s ..• '•" 1•1( If \11\~i ···~ II. '• t I• \ IIIII' !fl '•t• Thr )'l:rws-'rim<'B wm not bt' ,... .pon11lblf.' for more than 011r lnror · fPC! lntwrtiOn Of lin advertlsPment. .,,,.,•rv('8 I h e rhthl to rorT'f'Ctl1 ·l11sstry 11ny 11nd all 11ds 11nd to VAN DRIMLEN J EWE LRY ROAT~i', "t 'J'I'I.ID a I ,\l tl 'I.I S lwllr•••llt, l*ltt lu•l- 111 In~ ''"''" l~o ol I;, tot !till fft~or .luh AtU"'I't '• pt It• "'''nulil•• ..... ,. r llntl .. wt lort~ rr .. nt Itt• • ., wct "">' ad\'Prtlsemcnt nnt con· 1ormlnJ: to rulr11 and rC'torllllltlona. F:O W 1\L'l'F:RS TII.F: C"ONTR,\tiOR 68-tfC' .. 1786 Newport Blvd Coeta MM• 3-tft Bendix & Maytags Just Wall in~: to 8t' l'Sf"d et -----I rlfl ~A I.I· rr; I• , ol '"'"' '"'"' "'Hinl• ....... ,., • I , ,., . .,... • ,,.,I lf•tal t t:thtll'lt n < ·~-, .. ., ... , l'lth ~~Ill S Al I ''.' It •·tt tt~··r •l•·•·t~ ..!, \' H t tlllft•f uttl n f -\\ ut• t <J.U.t!l l'o•t rtl' l'ltun• llotll"'' tt'o'l:l I.,... ''<4•• n >-.'Ill lot ·, :'II • Jlfll /\ft• r ''"'""'''' f(··f, '" , ••• "" lt~tol l1111t11 • .lotnr"'' 1 ,., , ,,,.,:! T ltnm rl~k l'nlr•t ._pa lm•• I r, Mt o $~:; HEW A Hll t• ·~r udut f11.tfu,n r • "tlltlu...: lrt ••llr llath Rnoms, Drnin Bn11rds. f.'tc J:;rh & ~rwporl A\'1". rto~lll M('SB Phnn•• 1'\t•nt•tm lnOII-W -3 BILL'S WASH-A-TERlA 47"5 Newport Rlvd., C:O.ta MH• ~ Re11con 5T70 •; r• "' "'"'"'' ·.~·1M 1~ >tr 1. to'llll' ll.tll•"" '''"fill ll•tlll•' Mini· 11111m 'I l•••lt '"'"" ttnlurnblwll 14 J1 or t .. ,, J ,.·,t ,.fl'lt l l~ol!:\1:1 18-tfl' Fxprrt Watch & Jewelry rtF:f' Am t :-.:r. Finr• tltnntonrl~ 11111! \\'ntrhr•s :o..;F\\'t"IIHT .IF:\\'FU;Il.~ f l'nt1o r "''" :\1;1n.lt:~"m•·nt I 10 tfl FIREWOOD C'J IARC'OAL t\o nruQUETS PROMPT DF:LJVERY ------hi \11~A I. t;l( \'II• Aulhtttllr l.out~ X\' r• '"'" '" ,, (· .... I lu tnld fro'"'"'' II olf 1•11• • "' ''' tilt\ 'It r.-,,f flu' ,, tl \\Uf\t\1 rfu l t han•·•-'h''"" .. r•.•l fo~,•u~o. \:\' *'l h ft f;lt~l lf lll'-1•u•• Sttt\pl\' lu d utaful. "' .,,, l t.\"':1 "-ol 'll\111 •'1' I'JA:o..;ft I'll ,\1" 11• till•••·· t•~t putn••' frn t fl \\f11• ft ''' • h•" • ""'·' llroll···· 1•1 '"'' 1 ~1 Iff' \\'\ ''1'1 I I f\1 t '.,t""'' olo•l \1ttr fltrtu,.,h• tl •I• ,, '"" 111 ,,, "·'"til I ,.,.,, It·, \t If I .. I • "' ""'II I J\\tf ,,,,,.,,, l"fl(tlt '''''""'" rtlit,, A fit' ·~d I v ..•• ltfll•lful I:. "''' If "' •h' I '". l 'l 'I , .. ,, ...... llfi ::~'ntl ~~ . ~. wport 17-tfl' Wright Lumber Yard 17R4 N~>wport nlvd ro~T A Mf:SA RPncon 561\5 ~ .. "vlrtlfl , ~·t il l I '"I l'llft' \\,\·.II I' I'll I' I V I' 'I h•·tl "" H. M.LANE RE.\1. F:ST/\TI: I o#lll lo I '' ,,, I Hit :\ftU't\tlll I til to n 11 '111 I ~~ \ ,, . I , . .".'.!1ft :.'(~ C'nurt ''"" l 111r1 I \H lit tlf \1 d "• lft~ I I I t:x• ·tt '..-or: •• :"rrtr :-.:••wpnrt f'tPr Plenty of Good Tires All Sizee .th-tuiiP• 1\ I'', .. ,.,,, ,, ,. nnd 1 • " •I ,.. ., '' 11 , ...... I \\ II I I 'I II\ ',t •• ' ... I I,PltJ Ut IJ IJ luarttl 1-:•t .ohltslwd !'inc!' 1 9~0 R.t(c Compound Motor Oil Gllllon, 70c nu nl tu f·;J I t ••• ,. • I -1HI ... \\ •• • ... \ ,, I'" • I Iff •• ,. t'tt h.. Itt• \ • I• I r I I I '• .tlli•ll 1 f ·,,,, 11 ~-f}RMF:J 1 Wlnd11hlrldlt t\ Hat.ct t ··"'''1"11 mlldt• to ord<>r Alan Pil'll· I~;IUII & Lucile Shet-ta far lal4! 1\'u-World PT•tdurt1 C.ompany, ~ t3 Third St .. Hununaton Be.ch Phnne Jhantlncton ~ach 178. WeRtern Auto Supply Authnrl7.1'f1 ()p11II'T llt'J6 N""J>>rt Alv4., eo.ta lleM 17 "' ·r. rnlc,; ,. ' , I J-1 1' 0 I t••\\• t I PA:-.:Z St 'll\lfi'T J·J\',:t '''• :;~o ,., J ,, '-.,, \r , ·'" ,,thl'r ;·• "d (I". l't If• .\1 • , ' I I ' II \\A •• I' I ··~•·I I ,t \\ I \ t I l .. f lflt·l·l· \\ ,,,,. J• t, H,,, \1 ,, '"'•'h .,, '··~·h , .. "' ''" . "'" :11 o I <•I ,._, tlol IX 41• S).ttf ~ERVEL The G A S Refrigerator '"'f-ll f'L\ •,., t""i \\ ,,,-lt. fl lo r ttiU n n1 rl• J•' 'I ' ·•d· \•.tJI •• td I".,.., I un :, !'--run• 1 ll ~t·h• ·I ;al q \\ tt1' • Ctt \\tlll·•ll f•r .,,.,, r·,~t, l o,\'.:1 SC 1 1:\1 111T I'll\'•' • Ill 'a.!l :;., I Mosr:f TH ~M_N __ _ MAin, !-;11nl a ,\n" , •• II• I NEED MONEY? I HARBOR Plumbinp; Service 768 ;-,;l.'wport nlvd . 0Pilf'On 6117 REPAtlUNG OUR SPECIALTY Co ntrtK'tlne and Suppllre 9-tfc Som" l\lrxlPIA /\wulnhlr NO W Balboa F urniture Storr 11111 !-lnin ~~. RnlllnR f'htonr llnrhor 1>1'\ 22f'l!'l r,n~t Rl"d . J"rwpnrt flh<lr\1' llnrhor llfi t )I"At"hf•ft t I tk t '•trt•t It Phunto )r, ''''''' ,\\1 I \1 "'1t \'(• t.·,ntl"-~.t / :l-,q, ~· prort II• '" It I' o•l ) ,,,, • o I \\ f·::-.:·r ,, fll tnn (."', J-'" I 111• fl' t rf )o'' hu' 1.11• r ,,. ,,u.,y f, "•'• I 14-tlr rfln! lli\:\'Z St1 1~111 •T I'!1\'tt COOPERA TTVE -------------r·( I , r,:•ro ~: .. \Ill Ill, ~ till I ·'"' ROOFING co. FO R !'AI.F: C'hrl)m<' h rl'llkfa•' You ··.on ,.urrlo:"' It r ···'' '"' •I '"''· htrvriP, r hlrkrn Jl"n, yottt l J,linn•• (t1r ~~~ ltttlo ill $•,·, T· "'" New and Repair h<>tf, mt~ .. 1112 F 2:!ntl Sl 1•1 ,1, 2 rO!'tll Ml·~n Bt'tll'for\ r>'IIR-R ---I Phon<' HPIICOn fi 17 ,., 1'1:"1:1-:T ftttonll llr:trtd II•" I '" ..:.J :t• I .:::.'"':' f:tdt-n 1\vr , r oaua Mea.\ dhm"l'' •I '" ''"""'' "' \\ '" "''' 1 20-ttt fo l •R S At.J-: '2'2 f'11l l"olt~ \V01wl '•• lroltl f r••m r• t l•·•·t "''" S "'' ---1-2-TE--~--S-S-ER--Vl--C!:---1\lltn lltrtt"' ftl•t"l fi" h;,rrol S1~olt T••t m~ IIASZ SI'lf~llltT TirE HARBOR AREA r·ttmJIIt·t•• with ltnl•l•·r .. x,.,.JI, ,, PI ANI 1 t '(t ~,'2(1 :-;11 \1 111, :-.11n !-',..-. l 'a f11r Qttlck, ll•·lpful S•·rvwo· nn YlnJr Fln11nMal ~··•·11!1 IA111na nn Furniture-Salary Car or Other Security ll•tura ICJ ,,, I 11nd 3 to ~ I r 'luoll'tl S>~t.urtla.YII I -'f~ rnndlllnn $04.1 ltft 1-:n~::lt\h 1\11\· ta Ann 1'1 tfr 1 HARRY HALL ""''' Sf;fJ() fiiR1~ Al'lti'IH "'' . -. IMI1 '' ('IJrona dcl M"r 8.rt.-.r 1\..Vt 1 -1'11'~.1 mlrr•,tiYI•'fttll ntl l.nv<•l} N• WIJI>rl lllv11, n ,.tll Hrtlmn ~'r .. lfJ M•'lla PAINTING CONTRACTOR 274 Eut 19th Strftt Ph. ~a 5413 Coeta MtM, CaUt JO.tfe ~-m I tont• l-In•• "'''l'rn y, 11 Jtt•l J•I•Y -7"--------.:..· ____ 2_1,. r.ul lmlrtn• o ,,f ~1'1'• T• r m• Othel'l wUI rHd )'OU. r c1&Mlfll>d I I IAN?,...<;rJIMHYT'. ;,:..oft "'" .:\l llln, ada u vou ~ rwdlnl tbeM. S~tJ:III Anil 1'Hrr fl I An-r,ao fr<trn /ll&tiHt I \Iota M•r kf'l t :t'l·llr J ~t>WI!t" t 't a·rr ''';I. Til A II .1-:R fo\tll>• fUr· llhh1•1l II~ utfto'f', llttltAitlt• rt'llltt)f, ••nr tlo•nlo•t ,.,,. $•IIICI ·~u~ f'~'tll I 't~n~t lllr.:lowll)'. Nt'"'l"'fl llr•llo'lt llr >ll'un !\:'1!1:\ HI 4t p lltli '~F 'lltAII.F it 'J.'J ft alro·1111 -1 I Il l\ ttl•· p11rl \ 1 ;,,..,1 htt\ Nn tlt•ltlt•r~ \'•·n o•lo•ottt 71MI f' lilt)' 1\\'o·, llnlh~tn :!1-~IJI l t\1! :-;,\I I' t•o.,f/ llolttlnm '!'noll· •'I ~to~·l l111tl\ N••w tlrt·~ llc••t ,ff,·t Ink••• :!1>1!1 Nr•"l••rt 111\'tl , t .,.,,,, M•·•11 11 .. ,. •, 1711 \\' 'J'J I 'I' llF.AL ~TAft • HAJ.ROA THJJ'l .EX A II rno'll\ ,. "' \ • II \ o ttr olio I 'loll'l'ft (;""'"'~ I I• 111\llo•r I II' A rf\11'11 \\'t•ll lonn l'l••••ttlo• r drl~to•r~tllun, lnno·o •1uln~:'. • I• lhr<• """"' 111 $171WMt BALBOA OC'F:A N FHONT llo•fll'lt I ·.,11n1'• :.! l~<lrm l;~tlh, klo•tlt• n • ""'" llvln~t 11n•f lllrt lnt• 1111 (Ito pin. •• ronol ~.:111~11 t•l!· ··1,..,,.,1 1••t•'h. !"'"'' ttttol .:ru /\II • n• '"''"I ~1 :1 ••tr• T••nll• COAST l'HOPEHTIE~ C:O. •o~ tl F l 't ttl I"' llnll"'" "" ,.., II' (/1 Ji ..,, ~:I I I' I ,,. lit n t '"' ifl \• \\I"''' f If, H'h f' It I \ I 1 i j\ttt••Ht Itt\\ tn •llWioo ~ 1'1 • I ''"""' II· , .. •II oil ;t f( I I •· ''""' llottl•··• I 1.''1 .1 :. ~·,, I ,,, • II , o It ' I 'I •, II B~tilrl i rw J."t I I 11 '\. ", .. ., r J 1. tpftf "" I ,. ... , lfttt• t h t'!o. lit •I\ til thl• '·"·' oU l 'ltllflo 1(, ..... ,. "I ' II I \' Ulft~·"' ',,., '"'' 11.''1 I Newport $:lnnn -cnMh ~-~ ........ \.fltl4~ 1.crr F'nn ~Au: NT.Wf'('IR'J' l~t.AND t ~ t'Urnrr ll 2 lnt ~ltk-walkl and INWIIllt ltoollt ali1fo11, ell utiiiU ... f'~tul l.ttnd. fllliWl C1t'<'an r ront Nr"''flltTI fWoltt'h. C'allf tt F'liR SAt.F: OY OWNEll 'J atury 1 ll'l'llll ~'ront hnnw. 4 IH'drottn"W, ~ hn tha, l~t~till, •·:~~tr11 wl'll ltullt, lnaltl•' 1111d 11\tlllldo• alelrw.,Y. lt••t~tw•nnhly aorlt-.od ll a r b or lli7~ n :II ·Mc Nf'w View Home 11\'":ttt.ClOK JN(f F.ntlf'f.' llar'bor 11rcoa :\ tar . lu1w floon, flrl'plet'tf, r'<malnwtlnn amt ln•llte tlnleh 1 A<'<"l'tlnnal 'l'hl' tlnl'et we'w rvrr urt••n-11 RALPH P. MARKEY MtlST ~ELL '"'"' 1\ :1 Ju.,lrm ''"'"" In No·W\IIIf't l lo•it~ltt• I ,'Mil "'I rt Jthtll ltnuh1e l:ttttol(r• Fr•no·••tl. lllnlnl(rnom Tlw lw••t l•tty In tho• llrhchta 'I.' /4j •t l'•·tlll.o I 'hotllt· fl••fiNIII '•111 11 l •o,;ttlto,; II Nrhnr I 1.1 •• 1 :•'J I tc· ( ·"'"Pl•·l•·l.\· l·'urn i:dtttcl l l .. ·d '"' •••• ''''pot I fllvrl 1 'lt~iAt• '" ·~I It II""' ,,.,. """'' II l•tt•l IIi '4111o liltd f •••h n t flttflh• r.·t ttJI't ,, II "' ''"" •111 "ollfl H. A. NEHI':SON, Uruk<•r FllA'\1\ 111 1\\'N:-; ~,.,, •• ,,lilfl l'lo':' No'\4 )1111 I I IIlii . I '11oln Mrtll l'llt t'IJJ Ill /\I'IIN °1:/:l"< :..':!-I tt• llc i ~hts HA'III nl•"' I 1\e'llnlltnl home• \vi lli e•x1t·11 "IN'plnJC lfllltr11'rN I )t"f'rtn vlt'W. J)l"thl<-~-:arn~1· (i()ll I 'n t'Or· nl'r lot , I••Jtt llifully lnntl'14·ni•'(I ~~ll){l c;,)flCf vlt•w lot lf\lf't'ltlllkln~-: !Itt• ""rbm· <~nl IJ~tlldlnl{ lui~ from $1 ;.no up. COST/\ MESA Jo'tt mlslu-.1 :l.tttNir·nom lt•lllll'. hdwtl niWif~. ''""' noor f'unutt'~"'. ~hi J~ltl'ltJ:r•. 1••1 f,.rtn•tl. ht•Httllrullv lnntf· llf'ltJll'lf Tukt• ovt•r (~I l11tan ~lli!'lO rlown $5!i r_.r month, Nt•w :.! lw-.lr"''"' ltonw . fttmiNht>tl with Ne-w f'uml- ltm•. lndt1dlr w I·:J~.,·I rlo• lv•fril{l'r'a lor. J),lllhlt• f:n- nw~" \.V111 k '"""· f '•wrwt• l.ol n n t·:mrt 11hlf'. Tn kf' (1\'••r (; I t .. •art ~:!;.oo \\'Ill lla rtdla• s r-·l'i:d '""'" C <~ALEN l>E N ISON R ealto r f'A "'J T ('llo,lttt', lln ok1•1' ~;t rilllt ( ;1'1·~~. I 'ht»H • I k•tlf'l)n ~I !Y7 I<VI'~. llttt'ltur Jtn<J.J S ;, lr ''ollt:t 11 11!1H 1\:J·;\VI 'f >HT IH .VJ >, f 'C tST J\ M I· :c..; A DOAK REALTY & DEVELOPMENT CO J>hon,. ll•trl.w•r !10~-W 318 Cout Hwy. nl Or('h kl O mlfHt tft•l M.Ar "By ~ Sea" CORONA ()Ef. MAR B u,inc<..' F ro11ta{4c HO l·not Corner ftll C('""' lli way ( 101 ). Zoned for C-2 any com mercial 111·1 FEJ·:J' lJLI•:t • at $15,000 Tf'ml" I f I >J...,i rv"l 22-ltc '\ ~ •• -1 '¥ Harbor Feminine Activities Pa~re 6 NEWI'OHT BAI.UU ,\ St:W S·TIMES ,,,,., h ~·. I IIIII • ' "'Business b Prolenional Women Ho nor Pre sident With Surprise Birthday Party and Showe r \\'tlh ~IS "<•111 t'll l.tN"IO,: NlonUI II lo rw>ntll Ill ;1(1\,0111 • •1111 }'<'I lt••t'l>i m: ot ~ud1 a ~··(Trl thlll tho·ir pr>'O'tt!o-r.T lo:ul no• onk tin~; t'lf plan~. nl•·mb<'n: ,.f litho· llf_.,~ an<! Pr .. fi·~'I"IH•I \\'om • 11 • duh hvnon·d l ~·rn!h) Sull,.·r- lan!l 1111/o " l•onllrt.,y ~u q.ros-•• " hUH I f,., • Ill' II' 1• ,, h t ol !I" I •t, 'II''' o• 1<•11• ,oJ,d Tl•· • lu!o ' .. t•·<L 1 $.•:, '" lin• 1 II •'"" •.• h ,., .. on.· ""' nl<· ••I '''' o!. '" ,,., I''"'"'" ""''""''"' '''"' 1·.1· , " , I r .. 01 1• 1 • lol • " " •II \ r .. • I'' • "' H.,>\ HI lth" ''""''''"W part)' anr\ "(In ''' i-•orl \\,.nh '''""'"'''' II' I' • I 10 11 "1 ,),. \ 1· < • I : " • n" ·•'"' ,,,,I ''""'''r 111 flo• lltnn•·r rno ... •l inc •'h"'' 11,;111 held 'rlJun!lay on \\'rHI•' l'11rk ,\lo!.o ,;,,,,,.,. ,;,., '"·' 'l'ul•l .. ".~ .A<"('I'lu•· rl(h•. ,,1,1 ~,.,,..,, ·,1 """ '" .. , "''' '' ' P lnnn<'•l IJ)' l';oSI•f'l"<''"'''lll-li ,.f •·•·nm.oor,. "''' 1r \loll~''''-"'"'' tho• or~:uurnto1111 1\'olh llro• rw l o1r,y •1 Ito•' \lh•·ol ,,,,, ''""'"' of N;ol h.tltr Mo..touuo..l. lit't'·IJI•·~•-ln.:h "·j,..,,J ·•II ••-\lnl"t 1ond del'!! nnd pttll;tlt!ll t•h.nttO!o<ll , l·111lyn l!od•o "·''" II IHll•<l 1'•1•1• t•ach foruwr ,.,.,.,.uH\'o• u ff >e<'r ••nihil\<' ,.J ''" •lui. '" 't" Obstetrician Scores Medic al Doctors Over Materndy Care I •I " I 1: •.t \I II ''" ,,, ·•' '!"'' ., .. , ;,1'•1 , .. '., 1'. IM I,,, ! ' .. \• 'I '' ' I IL" I I ., I I 'I • II I ' ~··· ,,, ..•.. ,, ' " ., ,. '" ,. '· ... .,,,,, '. '". '· ,,, "' tlLo· '" • t I• • I , loll , 1 to 1 • '"I :• ' ' '' I '" I''" ..... .... ' " ,, .. ,. " '' ' " 'I ,. \I,'' ! ,, .~ '•·•! I] ,. ' .. ,, ,. " ' •I ' ·I f' 1"'~====--------~"'~··~·~"';:.·;.;;~f~n"~~,c~~~··o·CJ"--''"~~:~~~~~~:~~~,,.:":': ,,~ •' \"' tih •\•rum 'loop, •••• Ill'""''' "tlh '''"""'' llo\• .. 11' III"OIUJ.:hl 1>\ l\olo \1 1\ro.o··•• \\," '· I•• i···· .. . ... ·" " '"''" ' ', .,j, ' "'' '·• ' I .. I I Mane llamdlo;>ll !trlol ll o• I 1 ~· Hal'ld)', .:-hairnwn fo,r the ~'\'t"­ nlnJ,:, opl'ned lh<' ~•1rptiM' ,..-u·t ol tht' proanm1 II) brin.:m~o: 1n thl' bir!t'lda)' t'ilkl' ad rorno'fl. with thrft• candlh, ~-~mhnllf' nf 1"-.,, wls.hMI fDf" "!o!ood Luck. ~;ood hnllh and .:roOd frio•nrill." Thi!l wu pt('lf'nh-d with ltii original toa~t hr Mrs. H11ndy. ,.hr£ucrltf' \\'a)', lh•• club'• fl.nt pN"'ld<'Tll, ii:II\'C 11 minlalurc hat bo.1x 1n ""ht rh .,..,·ro• '"'" pre II)' 1111'•' und f) u r " 1 11 t' 11 Sl'w•clf')' .:•uo• n~·l<>n lm.:erk Crrtha Tu~ V~d A~~:m·• Jli(1Tn. qul•t JKL'IIt'nl<'d " m11tchlnto ~~ of r()b(> and JWl}flmu , 11.l!10 "lips for l.hr trip." Of the l¥1'0 iUi;iCII.KI' UK'S, l.h l' !ort.n.ighl>!r ""''~ l(lllt-n hy l n •n•· MorrU and Vtr~o:mw Shtrl••y, the l•ller •ctinK for Mildred S tan- ky, who WJts out ol town. whllo• thfo ovi!T ni~o:ht I:U<' WIU from Grrtrud<" Coll\'t.'r 11nd h,..r crot'l' of mernbPrt. For the IJC'ncr~tm. \'(•ln••r "") Jr. ShO\Oo'o-d lhr l!llriM•r h im, '"The C•llfornlll \\'11y uf Lifo·" and prt'M'nt ~~~ ~l'll'l'llll cu··~t~ to t·njoy this wondrrful IUI'Ilmll· llon 1)1 hlrhor nt'!l''lli••• wrrl' Inti (i(.JTIII of t'ullrrton. ~th· ern distrirt pt(':!lldl'nt : ttl I Y e 1...1¥ Shot'•makrr of An111u-1m. County Ct'lond l Jll"l'lidf•nl : 11nd E . F'rrn Sli"''IITI or F'Ulll'rlon, oounty "On '" F or t Wo r th" cha i r man . Gt•rtrudt· Cullvo•r, fofTI'l('r pt"f'Sident of the club, ...., ... lfl('dll\ i,'\1('111. At the busin('U IT'If'f'llng Ml'ta Bachmlln, C'hliU'111Nn nf tho• Mlu- ee.Uon committf', J:ll\'r 11 rl'pof't on • pc'ojrct d<'!lllgn._>d to rniJ.e Casino Cafe ontl Cocktail Lounge * S.rYing Comp/elo LUNCHES ontl DINNERS * 202 Main St. Balboa, Calif. I C,Ne watch rapalr -"- n"• .._ aJOBT - -IEII"I'D<ATI: All -~o-r-.... • 1-DAl' fl&ll'""lCW: • ~· ...... w••n h)l \'or.;un:o )1:,. illll.ollll llavtn.: 11111o·n 11 o'•'"''" "I ""'"' I'ILihs !lr l unl "" ~I· oko·t '"I' .t 111•!~1 .,,.,.,...,.,1110:. 11 ""~ tlr< •('••l"••to•tl .luolt.:<' ll••l" 1 I (O,<o t\roo 1 p\>t('o•ol \trsl 111 :•II <'liM '' ,IIH\ IH "''" ,,., •J••/ol;. t ltl lh•· '"'"'. ""~·ttnt.:. ~l:otTI < ],.; Vq_ried Activities Of, Program For Lu01eran Church :-;, III~S III·l .l!nrl"' " lt••ll podun · ~"""" Fn•l:or ,.,,,_ nln~ h}' !IH' ,\!,~~'""•"") ~,.,..,.,~· ••I So·\"t•nlh 1•11} ,\11 \'l•nll~t dturd\ ""< ••II<' l•f lho • tnt «;l In· trn ~t •n.: ,,f "''' k ··n•l 110'1 1\'IIJ<·~ ~~ llw dmrdo wlurh f•·l'llllr•·<l 1•rn;:non1.~ old '""' ~·,.,. s,. .. ,,.,l:t,l', d1ut'"'' ~•·rl'"'''" nt II "m "··n · in rhnrt.:•· ,,f lion~· ,1n1t11;: l•t•'·llll'""'"' ~,,,_ rtr•nts fr"m l ~•rmo Lm!lit fl('ho •"•l of H11•oiWIIII' 1111" us•·•! ns llto·tr th••m<'ll ·~n,.. t :n •nr nnd \\'.,n· drrful 11••111•·•· ;,nil "Aidm~; I llhrr~" tIn Snlurri:t)' ~·\'<·nin~ •·hur'do .mrmlol•rs nnol fro .. r1rl.~ W••nl '" S11nl11 An11 l'"rl< wlwr•· llwy j>lny<•il h:ts<'f\a\1 nml nllwr ..:anwll A hrnllii'!J.: tr1p '"'·' .-.n th•· aJ,:<'nilu f,r Suno·Juy Ill< Will til: wt!lo 30 o•:•a:llt'<l )'11 u 11 J{ t~·••J•Io-nnol rlwir 1<•/lolt •!'~ "H f.,,. " t'l"lll<•• nn 11\IJ l•)ttls nwno~l hi' l'llllrt'll mo •ml•·rs. l'aul ;\!:wk.•) 11n<l t:dwnnt l'ultun s ,,,., Jt,.(•k "'"·' tl10• dt ·~tinn l u •n ••I 111.-. l'llrt)', nn<l )'I!Unt.:••r mo·ml~'r.'l l'll.l<•Y•·d lht· rta.on.\ ..... nt~. th•• l~<·u11nful frsh lint! plitnl" '""' 11w ~twty or n"'"""' hf·· Loco/ Poets Aliena N .l.A.P.W. Luncheon It<~.-. K:qt,.rh••nn· "' llllll1011 , f()f'ftu•rly l••·t -l,out;•lllt· ••I ln- rilllllll nnd 11 lll••ml•·r "' lnduon- 111"'''1~ N LA I'\\' 1\ oil '"' Jo:ll•'~l of Cnwo• S hhl llll'k 1\:rtl 111 Nt1- linnnl l,t•t•).(llf' ••f Arno•rt('~ll l'i•n. 1\'unwn. ltlltrh•-nll. Arnloussado•r /ln ll'l, Tuo•s-dll)', ;\l!,.rh !'I ('o'f'olt• \Wlnhrun. t•~·t , "h" h11~ \l('o•n \"l~llllll! Ill :".;r•Wt•""! l!o•rwh for thri•o• 1\'t•('k~. Will hlll't• fltllrJ.:o' uf lho• ""~'11111!. T 11 ,, I!U•'II l'jlf'llko•r~ "r<' )lr ;\l!lrl:llf('! C"arhztrt 11nd Pt ~twldon Shr1~ p~~rd. Poo-m.« nf m•·mt,..r~ wtll Ill' n•ttd. sinN' thi.~ ~~ I'O<'t~· ilh}' Young People Visit Knotls Berry Farm Mr rmd l\lr« n·,-.,-j (' (',•lo·m11n nf ~l'.l :\1 ~1 ~IN'f't , No·wton,, 1\<'.wh wrr<,• 1lrnnt•r 1;111"'1s of It•"' nmt ~~~ ~nrl<'~ ,\l11rtm, u;: • .'O 1 -~· Arn.-i11 sr n~·t. ('.,N•nll 1lo•1 M11r .. 11 S11rHin~· 1\l r• M:wton •~ pa~l·or .,, tlw s,.,.,,ntto ''") "'"•'Ill "' l 1"11Jn"h nl N r•wpo·•l"l ]I.•Jt••h Tho• four ,I "11 11).( 1•'"!'1·· ,.,.,..t>l '' d('lli:hlful ,.f,, '"'"'" ;ot t111.,11 , O.·t-r~ F am1 .,,,, .• \"Tqf.-.i 'I"• l.o mrou.~ I:Ji'"'' To•Wn .on I 111-., W:Oi t'h,,J tho• I!O.ol.ol!t:; o•l l."ll l!o<l\1 th<· .... ..,., .... ll"<~tl th•' '·""' ,,,. ••lh<•r lnro •f•''''"O: ~~~Ill "·''" tlh m.okm~o: "' '"'·llll tlul ••l•1••"h ft""' hlo\\ II CliO'~ (".-...kf'<l l••l>l!llo• 1•1"··~··nt-: "'' J•rn hl••rn 11 h<'n 11 r·,·oel•·· 1" fin"h - •nl-!' tho• l'o'lll:OIIIti••I"S !'lao·,. ~lt;•,., ,r lh•· '''"J."'.H' '"''"''"" 1''•~···~ "' lon•ad olop m :o nnlk, 1!1: 11\1\1111'•' Hnol pllll·fry ltt;ltt!~ .~~ fnr F'ro•no•h 11>11•1 s,,,,.,, 11 olh nlrr:mt j.-tl.• • or J'l,.,.,.. ,Ji,~--"' lit.• m•"" "" "''""'"" "' •pli! h"' ,.,, 11·1>1"· a• I "'"' top WITI1 "."""''''""'<! !11LI~hl o •,rn ~OIIJI ~ft:.\ Tl' S ,\1 '( ·t: ";\1('1111(~ ' (':lllll••fl ~<'liP~ Qlllf'k- ]~· lnr 11 fol!tng ••Ho~'l I•\' uo !dtn~ diN"ol h•fl.-.\o'r rn";lt ,,..,.,( ham or har••n Mesa Upholstery HRrry l''<kK('(' %350 Nf'IWPOrt Bid. Ooata Mma 1'11.:-IIOM-W "' '·•· ..... " II• (I Ill 1'1· r ., "", "' '' ·• I I ,I,Lo" I ... ..... ,.J " ,,, ,j, .... ,, 1•1:1 \\! II• ., . .j i'"''''f'l ' lh "' ',, """" • ol• oo:no ]" 'll•·rl•n '""' ~LJtl ' "' ',. """ ·•rt '"'' d II• , .. , ... ,. ol II•• d·· •,,,~ ,,r 1• .. 1•1!11.: ln!>III IL' ""''I" I' !lid •old llo· ... , t• ~ "''' ,.,,, ••. Ill.;"" lll•'n l ho·<l l•f••" """ ''""''' ... """' '" ''" ,.,,,,,LI>••" .. , t ;,··t th•• '"'\\ -rn.,d.• '""''"'' '"II "' 1 .. ·1! l••t " "tlk, l1r 1'1."' urco<l II•• ••1 •·11 h.od ,, luno·tlllol• foOl" l "•~l·i•Jrl h "''lkllll-!' . WJII <Ifl tt f,.,. h'>lltS II IIo ' •l••ll\< t) \\Ito n Atwater-Kent Auditions Draw Representatives From All Wo/As of Life Yuur ''''' ltl•l•"t••nll)' hii~ "'' rl"ll<!u•n '" .)"llr \"t•'lll •·h,rols it WI!< jll"•>l••d t r~l;o_l' 11110•11 o•\' Jl<'rls '"'1:/UI 1 lt••l'kont.: II J•t•lu','""" l ol :tnk~ f,,,, Ill" I'IIS ,\1\\,t!o•t· Kr•nl Auollll"<i< 111 11hk h ~1-o,I ••J will '"' : • ..-:., •Io-ri ''' rtom-'prnf, •· ~inn/11 ~in~;••r~t. t:ntrunl ~ "hn w;~rl•lo' t .. r llw In• •' o ,f 1 1 :onol \\ I L• o <':t rn lit•' 1 1' Ill hh•••l.< t•l.,•\\ht•n · t:IIIJ,;t' :oil cllf' wny fro··m m itiLS!o 't• 111•1 lo·ul'lhr< ••I r;,,.,.k '" lr!lo'k dt'llo ,., tucto.,,,, ''''1''·"'1~. :.n•l lf\1'()111"111'•· ftr•·nwn l·:m•tl:olm.; th·· p•····"l""'~'" ... ,. • r••o•t• ,f Fm•t•'" ('·opi<•o " tlt.ol nl All•·r·t .! (':orlo I' ,.f S.tn J-'r11n· 1'1~<"11 \\hoo 1111/SOO'tll\ •tll•'t•I,Oill' tlw !1111 ('II\"'.• IOit~ill•"'~lll<'ll Wh!l,.. lu• , . .,,,. tln·tr hair lrt I.nnt: ll<•;wh ·"''""~ II \\' .. 1\'hrot t:il'•'" ''"' Witlo 1!\ll•w:ol /'tonlO't\\ tun•·~ "hll•• 1 ... p;ork• ,.,,,.,. '" ;, """'"'"'l'n Jot Fr"m llu• coioJ,.~·n ,.,.,,,,~ 1·~,,,. "'""'[ .'>1 ll:omnwrr "' l'.oJ,, '"'"· wltu ;~ .~ f,;ntloull , • .,,,.h, IH\11 \\'11rn•n F f\n' 1.• '''""'''nlrltl<·« on " l~<nl't·rl n ·r•·r tnit•· whil,.. lw pil,~l• !tn :omhul/111,..,. 11lnn~: t!w ~lrl'<·l~ nr n........... J i•unn•· l lo-r- nndon. 1111 Wh \lo• ~h<' Frn nri~l'f1 tlw o!lh'r hand. hum• p;wk• ,.,.,kll'!f in San Alh•·rt \\' 1~tnd.« I~ A 1uru)sr11 1,... ~:nrrlo•nrr. llrttN" W SlrnllNI of ''"" G11!m; I.« n lurk!')' rnn('hf'r. 11nd ),NI- narrt 1;: C'lflull o{ 'orw~1k i~ 11 hnll~··-mnvrr II•· !fi n~:~ t,..~l. t:or •-onf··~~l'~. whll~ h~'.• 'hunt- tnc n ri>'u'-1'0\'t•r•"fl rn!IRI:<" '-lnrk A Tit ~<~mh of I .n~ An- 1:<'11·~ <'hnuff<'ur~ 11 trrwk. whilr .loosrph St:tl'lrk t•nmmnnh' ,. .. hr ll r"''' hi• nf"'talk n rin~ und~r !'nr•r~ l\l<lfli<·a ~ink• nnrl in rh•• •howo·r n~ 11 pl11mhr·r·~ ll••lf"'l" . 1 W ;\II'Nult}· 1~ a l ..n!< An~;,..l.-·• n11nt~lrr H ruu rlll<nl'!' lo• hrnr ;, rr· f r:oin lrnm t":~rmo •n o•mnn!llmt: ftnm ,-,.llr f111 urtll' l•n<"k \;t~•tl It•·••. it nt:l\' '""'' fr"tn tlu· 1''1 "'" f'>f 1111111 !',\I, !I, u If<'<' <'"'t"'tl In :O:m1•~ '1•1111•··• y,.ur 'lnt.:tnt:: "·''' •lnl• o m.01 I•• :\lolt•~ :<!a~­ \l""''''' "' I '" ·n ...... 1 .. , ,. \rot;o•lo·• ,. op;<ltl " "" ,., ,,, ,.,. ,, .... ... , tort"' r:.h ··' \ ... , ... \1 ,, ',,j ,.f ,\ l·•m• ., 1·, ~~ J ,,.II!~ :,n.j •I ,;,,,I, T, ,.·Ito t I· ,.,,, .,.,.,. ~I, •I no·!·" ••I .;: on \1 "' I o I' ... t:" 4 'tl\ " IL~'"" '" \ILl'"" ,I I 'nn .,. '!·~ I lim,·· fll'''•'· '"''"'' , .. ,,, 1111•'11 • I " "· .. . ' ' ,., " o;,, ,•! ' •1' <1 • "" ,! '''!\1 o•f llh'lo ll'•t,ol ,. ". "''h l ,, <11 · h ,.,,, .. ... F :orl •, n.t~ l··or, ,1 • 1\11111~ ,,, nnol 111<' '•'1111-' "' ....... ,,, i 1 ., ""'1: m :whit>•' .• ~ . ' II l ,o\~ \ ,, •• ', • • " '"I" ~ ,. ',., ll•o•ll• mo l 111\.i i••nr ~illl:• r< \\1101 "!11 """'····~ ,,,,. lh1• ."i l~•f•O I I•I OT•' IT1t<IW~ i\ltrmt:; lh·· 111•'"''' ,.f ~1.-trdt Finalo~r· will "''flll• If' 111 11 hr,•n!\o•;o~! ,--,,·,•r 11 nllll•lii :OI """"'rk. ""d tl>t• \\Ill· n•'t.'l will '"' :tnno•ttn<'•'<1 ~~ lh:J t lim~ K,\1 ... 1'\' S :\I'('F. l"'t.l"!'i : If r:11qt1 ,~~~~~· I• ~·o•llr oll•h "llh f:tl'•'tllt' httm. l'o11T 11 "'"f"fl~h•l1 ·111• f,.r ;o •!tff, r••n! '"'" T" t~o• !ldo!t'fl :tll<•l' rh.~ ro•l~l•l n n·h h.~• lhi<;-k · o•n•'fi. ;uul lh'lll••d jn~• •ht:hl l~ 1'1('('0 '" •'Ill fro•m ,•,.nno•tl )•mo•:tpph• nn~:s. 1\hnl•• ;·undt('(l o•tto•rror~ :t da~h of cin~:rr. ('RI~I"' THI'I'I~4 ; For II rn,;11 nt••At Ill~ l'"'f'I'IIIC rrumhh• ,h,....-\d(~! "lw.rt h•~•·tm< ~'~"<'.! ih.C .meat _\illtnJ,:. a.n.J l~kf' until t::oldr n brt"''TI • 11 1 1.11 \ t 1'1' ••rt 'n·r: ~h•4th-*t~tot ""'II'"" ...... ,, It " ..,., . .,.,! ·''"mho·r-. ur nu~J"..,...., ouod , •• .,,, ..... , ... .,., \1 .,,,,,.11 ·· • luh. ~"""" dlnln& at "In I•· ~ I'M rk \It''""' •·.ofo•, ltJul !.,.,,, fur nla.-molnth,. ttw ...,..,..1 that 11 '"" H '"""'""' hlrllul14)' t.arty hol"'""l: llu•ulh.l !'iu!ho•rhuul, ll.tl'\\ l•• ..... d•·nt. r•ho•lu h.1 H•·d<~H'!' [ERElL CLUB NEWS! AND NO.~ES t "''' i•·~ 1.. IIIMI •J.:•'I' ool ,\11•1111 ~I IIIII"•· S .m1 :1 Ana .tllll<•llrtt·o•d ''"'"Y '·.t •'•'I Ill 111° ll l•o\U '~ ""'oooo•'-'.'-> Tho· o'••III•·•T \\llld t .o ii i'JU'Io•d "'''"·' •11·"";11111• ,,, ..rli iL•·~ '''"'' lito· l '.ol oi "II!J.L ,olo•ol, "•'' ho•ld Ill '"'' oiJ\t•!••O· ("Ia~' '",\ lur lo;o- IU•'• i111uu;.:to tlouo• .1• '"" o•l ·•<::••. .mol (1:"~ "If' dlllolr•·ll lnu11 \1\'<• ~··.o r~ lhl'<•ll;.:h loll •••a t" I ;rail• I I"''' "11111•'1, ,,r o•,ol'l• ,,( tho · lw" 1'1:""'' "•'I"•' JW ij.!t'f! hy "'.\]t,·,,,,.,~···,,r !L11hu I oJI\o • l(,•v ~·r z .,pal•'l" ''"' 111 .. n.l ~]·, J ll lllo'' \\I1LI •w 11lo 1\t'••lll.;.h••l", St•, 1\h" 111"1' "••II kn"\\11 1111'"011:1i••UI 1 .. IL" I'' 1••1 1,\ 11 }ttrth;llck , ·''. 1 ,, ·til· '""n .,f ROO<'I '' '· 'd "'' ,.. """ tll'lk•:.('~ •t ' .. •, ,,,,. ~• ""t .• n t "' movr• , , " .. , ,. '"'"""·' '" J "h n A \ ,~. 11•\ 1 ... .t •I tol• n•l~·r of tho ,, '""'' olh I '"'''"" J.,Jon<to n offi<X' ;\11 \'t-~~··rl ~JI<·k ... 11.1 lh· , , ,.. ' ol "" • ''"· "' Fht'll clu\o ·TI T'''""' '' ·""' ""' prel'len!('tl ''' \\o • J I '' .. t•l \\ ••ltl•·n l.k•rg, loC('· ""'' ,,.., t•l• '"'' 111 '""' nH·mho·• •·! •I" ,.,,._., ,,.., • "''Utll!t<•<•. Mr~ 1:·•1 .. ~1 1\otllft•t 1''''"'•·11 OV('t tho ol•· ''""'" "'"'"" """'" followMI o 1.'1'' l'ltl l!lttdwon II •~ .. rrw•• os ,.fro•n rr•ff'tTI'd w " •. ,,,, '""" .. lh·· l<"rm in r. r-rul\' "'·'' tho·~ o·lot• ~I'Ci ion~ ol lolm f, .. ,, • !'1•'1111'<', while H'-' t•l.oll.' q ,,. ''''"'"fin>; is dOn(• 011 th•· "'' tpt I hn··~ l,.lf\1:: lolut• ,,..n , oi•·•I J '" (.,,,. " J•lt'llll'•' t·l'!'r J{N · t•t th·· ,,,.,.1111'1"•11 ~l ilt.:•·. !\lr. Vi~· ~"ro l ~'"'' ol Tlw !ll•'ture bt rf'· turr>•·tl '" ""'"' f•>r r•r<'Vit•w ~;~ftf't rl,.. fr hn 1~ rn,ulo• ltllrl If it Pflli!W'~ IlL•' )'o o"lol<'fl,>!l t "o~lt' fl"lllh'f'• '"' "'' " •~'U•·d " •·•·r tifkate of '' ,, ,,,. l'ro..-low•·•'• '"''''ll'""'""lly rl'I<'!:IS• ,,,,.,,,..,, "''I""" ''"" N·rtiflrnlo .• ~in''" • '" ,,f llooward lhlt:hr• t•oo'llm '!"Ito '01011 11\" Wlll't(' lh•• o • I' loll• oto• II t• ~O oot11o•tl lllld tllo•n I ol• o• •• lfjl' '• of t .. ·,•lou~,. (J( lh• t•r• .. l'l• 1 r·~· ! "'"' • ''' nWN !'ndo •••l'llt'•" • II'• !J< th o~ f ;os.• lh• ! 'o • "'''''' "'" • ·, "' i\dm in i.~t rnl!or• '' 1~ '"'' "'' •I '''' ,., ~tnrtil'.-. trad. I'',..,,.,., !11<· ~t · ·•k•·t ~:oid Gt~n~­ ~t• r p!o'llln ~ ,,.,. "" lr>!ll:('r h.-.ln>; '""'' .\11• lol •11"11• nl thr ('nfio ,\dlltol1o'lr •'•••II '''""""' '" .'>l r \'iss~r•l 111••1 '' • ·" • I'' lllll!l'll\' :tn 11d11l! r,,n., ••I '"''''""II" u t and !i:'> po_•t· ,., Ill •of II<! I'"'''"'~ m H\o-!II'(' ft)r ulnJt, t •,o·•tll• r at!", '''"" mm·J,. ,.,.,~ .. ··~. 1\0 , .. "'''" 11•·•1 ,,,,. dtlld· ,., n r. ,, . " .. ~ "'' •no: 1'1' ''" • ~-'"'1"1>1·· •m!y .:r·••l\11 11p~ Tl"' <lo<l t loutor "'"' lol.•ll•• o\ To llo.,~,· ill· 1• t ,.q, •I "' '1111<11'•" "' llo•· dtol.lr· 11 !t1o S! -..;," \''"·ltd 'II\' '''"' ltl<!'ll_l . Y .. r~< c·ol,l .. ,,,,, ... \\". Tit•• ""'''oil<:\\,!' lh•ll llot•I>I'T\ •' 1• ,. !1 ,.,,. do"'''~''"" ''"' m.on~· int··•••ttn•: 'l"''''"n~ "'"'' .. sl< "'1" "11>\1 ' ,., d ,\ •hr•rt l•u~;n•''' .~•·•si"'' In\. '"" ··d 11•·· I'~'"'='""' ""'' :.I this limo• .'>lr< T I turd ..,;,.,.,, 1 w11~ ••l .. r·l ~<l lo • ~··rn• "" lh•· i~t !.'l ""llli· n~t!tnl! ('IOillrnill<·o· ~,.., • • ,\1, I '"mtoiK·Il lln<l .'>lr.« J_,.,. •• ll:r111 h;!\'111)! .p r<'l"i.,u•b· '""'" n:un•·•l hy lh!' o•Jo:•'rtt!in· •~•;orr\ NPW nwml~<·r~ wriN>n" <I on to lh<' r-luh w••r f'· ~lr.• ,\l··~:onrkr ll :tmilt.~n. :\11"!1 ('hri~tm<' :'\'•~•nan, Mr~ C'luorlr~ llutl nnd ~I t< Fr~n k Mns~ " ri,inc vot~ nf lh;mks "·1ll CI\'Nt In th.-. important ""''" nnd '"'"""" t•ommit t•'!' f•rr rlwtr. ~Jll>-n­ doo1 work <lurinl! lh•• t·nl tr" .w.1r. l\l r~ ~-A Y out•t.:-ho•itol< thi~ romrnollt'<' und t hn.<o• o.o·rnn~:: "''" ''"' i11<'1ud,.. ;\lr• Alhrrt ~<·•l•l··n . Mr~ 11Ptn1 l<.:;oi<o •r \lr< \' lf.,r. l"lllh. ~l r~ ,I A (;111t~ ,,110t \!t<. Jf,·nr~· E.:~··rt I• 1\.'t• th~< cr""l' whwh w :o.• r. ~1··n~ol•l• lo•r Ill<' ll••llt'IOIIS lqrko·l IIJiodtol•ll • ·r•••d 1" tt•r 7~• tn•·ml"'' """ t;-tt•···~ Mr~ ~;l!t.:•·rt ""on .t,.,1 •• '•r.,. t.ol •i<'s, /IIII':H'I Ll" "!I I! :o>t I',,. '"•'llh' 1'1 ... ,., ... , "'"'!. :0.•'• t\ .. , ll•••k s .. ,,,,.,n 1 f ,, , 1 1\'o •dno·~ol ol \!,,.,It I • 111 •I, I" '"" • 1 .,,. I • '1 t lit. '·, 1 ,, n ....... ... •. , l inn I.,.,,,.,,"' • Ill" ~ t .. ,, ·I ,\!, •<1•'1 \ ld I• \\< ol I\ ,. '" '·' " " ;I. 't IJ, 'II '. '1.•n '''' \\ ''' " " I ., I'· ll11, ,, :O:ur o:•'"" lltRmA s,.r11"n F r 1 <] , \ \! ,, !o I' ''' ,j Ul flo, Jo "I L '" "" ,,, ... ., "" ... ,, 0•\\' .,_ "· •I .. ~~ , ... ~::·A I H I~:\.\ .IU\'(·t: tll"l''· 1'1,1" ,\ · "'"'"'r "' :1"· s .. ~,:., An .• •• I •o·l mal• '"' 1 •lltlo•·\\Hl•• Ill· I 1 11• oll td 1"11111 • II ]•h"' • '"'"'"' ·t ••ll~•·t•·•1 lo_, .\tt•lllo Stot<hno. ""' ''" ,,. \\"inn•'!' ;,,. f"l.l>• ',\" l<.:;oth- lt •o•IO I '10 ft ul [.,., ,\m.:•·•··'· a nd t"l:,,.~ "II ' . .'>~:ot·rl}rt ,\1111 l'iliii<'Y u f \".on :\'11.1 ~, •~·th "' 11hl•lll r('- <'•'1\<' olw ~;r·allolt"""'' ••I ·':!':~~!IX! '"' 1111-!• IKlnd. \\'truH"t~ .... n .,un•···•l lo} till' S:on111 Ana ~111d"' ,,..,. ('l:t~s "A", 111"1 joiu". U.•mtJt J,,,.,. Cuinn nf t:t\:1 :O:twltoou. S,""" .An:o, ,,,, . .,nd t•tll•, tlt.-t)\ :5mllh 1\f ,\:.'1 lh· .111.~•·. S.•n!lo ''"·' t,;l"~' "II". fll"l>l 111"11<', 11~o •!')'l llo•" uf 1..'1' l'urk- "") {;:""''" {;,-,,,,., .,.,.,,mt t•ril~' 1-:nt•'l ,,.n llt ,,..,. 11f llunlmgt .. n 11.· . ..-h Futtr' \\lhiH o• In lho• S ;n01 .\IJ 111 •1 j<l"ll.•' WllliH'!~ Will fl'· ,\lllt L ~'"'li"l ''"''"'" ,,, ,, ,,,,,,_ ,.,."''· :o ~:..>a.to """" :•n•l ·•·mnol "''''' 'hoh! o•n', I'"""' o~!lll t •st t"u•· "'IIHWI' h••n••l·••:• •'111-!I"IIV· lL "' "', ., ··1•· ..... , s.' '' w c .. u'".c"c· __ ·_·•_l_•_• ·_·,••_"_'_··--------- GIRL SCOUTS UNITED BY IDEALS TH.E l.iiiU. S('UI'T \\'UHI.U 1-'I.J\j; 1\'llh lh !rt•f<•ll ~pnlwllll_, ... tiM' unit,· •mnn::: t;trl So·uut~ 11nol t:trl t;rrld•.., thh urr.:ll""' tlu• ""rltl .. \lu1'1' than lwu •nd • 1\11.11 m.llllnn .~"""" ~o:lrt~ 10nd atlutt .. t.rl<onrc 111 thl• ~~ lntrm•llnnnl "'"'""""""' 1\hlrh hll.~ ...., um• nl lh ma.ln tJh,.....· Un• promotion ol , • ....,.. 04ntl frll'nd~hlp anlOt'l& thr P"'ff1>l~ ot U... •·orld • Mt:AT IAIAF S l .. ll\\11'11 ~l rru ,,.,.,r •tr~t.-tw~ :dm"'' I• yO!HI lllli<Cinlll !l•ll tf I! I!,!' :0 •.o\ • nry -tufi•IIJ.: In ol• •'•Ill•• •<nd Wlt'h·•l~l••' t tl! lh• t .. o! 1 '" "''" h.lll ,,,. 1111 "' I ... LI Ill"'"'' 111<'n 'J'I•'III\Ih• •IIIIIL I\1:; oo\o 1 flo, )l1o•,1 ! :Ott•! lo•p \\oll t ll!o• lo "lt\•>111<1• I o•f tho • 111• :ol TttL"IU• \\1111 o <••:OI ltwof. 11 •tlllluo ~ ~•·11• t•·•,•h ~.-....... 1\l!lt lh ,t .. \\oil"'" 1<1 ••' l_,:olllh \\ <<lllo\ I <~• '• • I !I'll I I I tll'<~l ~111f i LI\I! "'"'' • , • .,:.., lo<n eo•tlll\ln,o' '"" "• lolol "• I• •'II'• rro11 ~t tUionc U .\'1 'V 4' \1111 \o .t: II ll• "' 111o I 11 I• ,, .. '" ,, ••al• n ,, HI·"' ,,, ,,,,·I l.o•! I• 1 11111:0 '"' \l o'l " ,,, ' i'JII•lo.,,;. <"'Ill .... I, •I ' ,., " •I I" 11 ,J ·• ' '.ohJ, '~' II'<' qu.otlo, :tnol •'•••I. ~1"" I• • '' ,J,., · ,. f:otl ••I~'' 1 Tl , II ,,f,! !loo I•<' '"""dill Lll.: th, I''' I•" "'" "f ;~-..ol.tllt:: Tl1•· 11111•·•· ,, t l•'h ·1nrl dl'lt.-iol\1• "ltlll.l.-t "l'" Sl't:t ·l ,\1. • '•l•h.tc•· r••ll ·t~t •~ d•-1 ~···· ,,f ;~n­ , .OI\o•r l""''l•·n: ''" .o l !o-tt . .,,.,.,. t '••·k ""h r•l•• ··:o i•I•.OJ:•· l•·.11·,.,., f,--.r .... ,,, '" •• 111111101•·~ '" ''"111111; ·:o lt•·o l "dt• J· 1110 ·11 ,.,.11 .ol•~lltd .••• "' .. , ... f .. ,,.t "'' ,, ''"' 1'1:.···· Ill I I I'-• .,). I•<Jt \\olh loun.ol" I •\ o 0\ j , •I .'<1 IIIII II II• • FOR BIRTHDAY & WEDDING CAKES 11.\UI!f!U I t n·~ lnlJHttlf'cl \\'int"• An41 Jk-.·r I )f' li• -:rot t's . ..-,-. n \\"r •!IN'ialllf' In \\"r<l<llnt:: anol Ulr1hda)' (:ak"" GENE'S BAKERY !1 is inlo ·n ·st illt.: '" k"'"' 11tn 1 \111' wurd on~lw~tr.t, whh hh nuw m•·,,ns a lmnd .. t jlin)•·rs upon mu~to:·a l onslrlllllt nl ~. has tlw ~n nw '"'!>:'" .~~ th• \\o•rd <:ono..l f\t•as. T it/• G t'<'••k " ' ortl ft(olll '"It k it ••I'· dw~tra IS tk· 1"1\'o•d 11\o'IIIIS d:oll!'lll):, SO it "'II~ II I•J•Iuot\ 10 I h t' t:nm t.l of h t• 11 ,. h flo·as \\' h I<' h d;IIICI' and h"P nhou! tho• i trf'l>r·~li­ drti· jtrdtt-slrR ]tktllll}' llH'illlS It "ll ;on l' 1 11 ).: t•l:•~•·: ll ""~ ;, pllllfurnl ••rl't'h•il "' !"rnnt ,.f th~ ~tat:•• in r.n.._·k tra.:•·d y lor .. rO!l!oS nf dRnr•·r~ J.:oh•r llllt~I<'I"Tl~ USt•d f!l<' ("IT!'UI.1f ol:ono•tng !Jitu·o•, 111111 tho• ol:tllf.'~J'S h(_'t'II!H<'d llw s t:tp• vrnp.-.r -'fh<' ;t~ Wt' ktlnw Jl is 10 lll•od•·r11 olo •l'•·lotmtt•nt. ;d..-!ut lhrl't• hontlr, .. t yo·:trs ohl. Tho· !"OIHh li'lor (hd ll(oj Slllnil ftlltl wan· u halon; lw ~at tt l llw htorp- srt hnrri l jtl/lnt·ol , 11111yinf,! alonf,! wlrh tlw or!'lw~tra. noddin..: his hl·/1(1 :onri oW<;'tt~lt<nully 1\'11\'on~; ht~ IHOnd Thf' h~tton only !":1m~· into US{· rlu rlnt.: th1• tim(' of Ik rlinl and Mt•ruklsstJhn. T ht• eono..luetor did nol stand wirh h is hr.(·k In tht' awllt•nc" It~ is now dunt>: lw rni:'O'd llw tmdi.-·neo•, W.11'inl: the halon H• ttw 'admir111inn of suscr•pttblr:• r~mulo·~. In !h<' rn.wi~ pn:xlu<•tion ,.f th(· Grt•at \\"ul!~. Johann Strrttl!i~. Jr .. is ~hn"n dartinc his ,.~,,. frr•m lin<' lisll'n<'r to nnotht'r, 1111/l ('II Jlli\"allnf,! thr IIUr\>ent:X' With hill f'<etal o;':O.:tl l('ml•nt -:'\'owHrili)'S II IS ttw in.~trurru:·ntaltll.s who St•o• lho • Inn• ul th(' conduetor: th(' ;oodil'lt('(' mu" '"' ~;tlt~fi<"d with his hn('k. •SITiljJ honk item I • Home Economics Oilers Various Careers Says University IJEitKE\.1-:Y. MARL1-I 9-Al- mnst unlornit!'d oppor runltit'~ ror tnh·n•<tiut: Joh~ nrl' oJ"'n to hunw o•ronl.lllli<'S t:rndUIIh '5, S/1)'11 II OO'W IH••klt•! josl ~~~Ut•d h} lhf' Vnt1·r rsll.l' ,.f ('altfnr·ma, ;\!" n ~ ololl• I"• nl Cllf•'<'!'S in ••·.odnm:. lou""''" ~··t"l"tt"<', man· i!lo:• Ill• Ill ,.{ I !I~II IUII011S. ltlld r('• ~··•tt dt ,,,, , ~pl:un• ,t ln "11om(' E'''""'"'"'~ ·'' rho • l 'tlll'(•rsity of C;olof.,rnt,o, 1111•·110• tl f,.r high srh, .. l t..1l'i" •·vn~•tl·•nn.: hom~· ,., ... """'""" ro• a t'Otl<•f,!(• stud y. c·,.,u·~··~ JW•I•:tf<l>t:: for r ht'Sf' •·t~·n11o.;~ ,, rf:. nft,•ro•!\ on th<" 11<'1 1;, lo•\ [ '•" 1~. I.HS Ant::f'IM<, 11nd :-::uot:o 1\ari•:Jr:o t"llmpus<•s. Go•n••t :ol .trHI ~~~·(·t~lil'<·<l t rain- Ill)! is '"'"'"l!l•· in t hild ""''<•lop- m••nt , fnnuly rc,.nnmics. homo" fltrm>h m t:. f•M•d~ an!\ nutritio n, l<'il.l ol•·s :tnt\ rlhlhmt::, f oo d o·h··n11~1ry, ho~•t•itl1 1 ollt•lt'lics. and nll,..r g••~l J•o:<ilron~ "ll••t .. r ;oil." th!' hvuklt't 11ddll. "h•Hn•• ''l'<•n•ortm·~ lt·.1inint:-un- ltk·· th;ol f,,. m.inr t;ruf<'ssionlll f'lll'o'•'t " •·:•n 1.. u~• tl to l'nrkh )'<0111' 1<\\rl jO•tSo>!O:IJ lil'illg Wh('ll }"U ~ .. nH · do~)" h:t''" your own !""'"'·" Tho· l•vklo I t:l\o'S !h<' mAjor ftl'ltls of """'" (·ronomiC'll study nff<'n·d on :oll--fnur t•:tmpust'5, und •·spl11!n• full)' aho ut campus lift•, r•st.>o•ns.·~. •·ntranc.•• f<'ttVire- nwnl~. ;uut "'h••t tlt•tails. F:rec.o N•pit•s .;•an t~· nlotain1•.-l from any linn\(' l)t"•monsrratonn Agent, fmmd in m11~1 F:onn Advisor's offiCf'~. n r fr .. m !h(' dtatrm11n of th<' llomt· ,.,·wtnnii('S drl)llttment on any of th<" fnur rampus('5. Picture Framing l'rotnP' SrniM R. E. A.SDt'.ltSON' 407 Coast Hiway Corona del Mu l"hon.e BoM:oa M!l E,·eftl:np • Insurance p . a. palmer IN CO I,OI"TID 333 3 v ia l rdo, newpo n beach, col t! te lepho!le newport beach, harbor 1500 ~~~~e:s.'?.?~'!3~t""f ............... J.11 \\"ho Is llawkNha w';' iJ "''' IIAHBOit ('I •.'>l~ll':'\'IT\' i'LA\'t:lt."> 111 fl St;I.Ut:. Tnt~ t"AIUU~n·s UAI:GiiTt.:R ~~ ur -"SO ~IUTIIt:K Tfl 1:1'111t: Ut:K" l.l ''" uld tlrUI· flu•lolt.lr~uow In :t af'!~-jJIII' 8 NK Hllt1 art. ~ 1-'RIII,\\" 1.: S.\TI "ItU:\~·-,\hrrh 1:! AI 1~ l'w r •• ln l'i :.'H 1' . .'>1. ~'""' l·"m • Than \ -'Srwt!O)rl lir""h '-itllllutiiU Sl'ho10l THt: il l"t•ntru.l ,h r . UKI".'\'1\HU II H..t,.....,hnwnl• :ldr11. M."><· ~~~~~~~~~~~QQCQ~Q~CQQW~ • Before You Build or Remodel VWI Our IDto-uq 8omplo ODd Dloplay - Color guides. plan. nlng aids. """'"'""""""" and linoleum. I~ lllOdt ot c::ar'pe'b LUDLUM Carpet Works VAN FLEET'S FRESH FISH Newport's Mnst ~lodern S1•a Fnnd \lark<•! ("h oi!'<' S..a ,.-... ,cl Dl ft<>alollttRhlr l'rl....,. UjM'II 111411.' • M a. 111. In li I'· m, II f \f<•l' \IIIU:'\' l'l •. \4"t: on llo•· r• 1 " "~ '""' .,.,,,, ,,, ~ t;. , .. " )' ... : ,, II r •' ' ' ' " ''" F um.•o! 11 11, r,. ·,.:ln-rt'" , , II "•I ' I• ')' p "" " I I T' ,, ~·•I ... •!- "'~ tm • -. I I•• I' I'' ortol ,, <I· .... 1 "'" I••• ., n. ol ~-----s AM~~e:,~~~~~~fooie~~ I Mile East of Seal Beat·h. at Surfside ~ llri·l~·· :-..~ !1"11 ,T un .. •r 1 "' ... , " • .. ,, , ".,. It . ..: •I n! !lt ·d · ~Tat!'!o I~'< :ol •: I· "' I "' '1111• ,, .• ,, .. r;. ·' " ", .. , ~ . ma,t.· 1•1 , o o• \ '• 1 r" IIIII ... ,, -i 1.' ,, I.)_.., 11 II l•o \ "r.·· ' ' 0· ... 1)', 'II' . .. '· •• To•n.:•~o• !••' • •k·' "'' or \\ho•n II lln< I 11,·•>1< f'o <IIJ•; :t· nlt]o• n .. , ,., ' ,plol. II ~ .. , '' llt.;•l<·. n ·ll.:h'l~ '·'" , h. n·• ,., .... ,n ,.,.,,,.....~.;; 1\r-h:-r.-.;r-.,,. :1 \'<'1:< · o!tll' ~f.1\'_l lllld lt I•• '-t'l"o't•d "llh II .!. .£. .:. u Open Daily II a. m. to II :30 p. m. ' COCKTAILS, L SEA and FOODS STEAK DINNERS "' J. -1'1umf'l{: Lona: ~arh ll-10-7!1, !W'!-00 and RU-05 Mexican Food at .fa.P~ Complete Meals from $1.00 25M Nrwport BouJfounl MESA O~a 5 to I Dally BP:ACO!'I 5841 MoiMiay IT'S REALLY 801 LIN' N t: WI'() R T 8 A L 8 0 A N ~ \\' 8 . TIM f: ~ T l t ,.., \\ ,.,,.,,..,1 1"-·h. t 'allf "''""'" 11. I tall I'AOF. 1 ~. 0 • • • • • • • 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 4 • • • 0 0 Tt:U!PHONE8: HAJlBOR lt, II AND ~08 ~~--~-------------------------------------· ;;Pu:::-:b;::;U:-sh--1':-<1-:-t~_,_,.;_;'Y:-.:;I~)a:.:~~·...:M~on::d::•:.:):.._' _:T..::h::r::nu:::..:~·h::....:t...:'r..::l•:::'•::>~· -----='~'•::.•l:::umr XI. By C'arrwr "" Mntl · ~· ~~ l~<'r month nn) \\IWro• In ::'l:o•\1 111•rt lklll'h and C~ta l\1,·~; ~~.-10 fur 3 month~. Sl.tl<l llw 0 munth~. ,9 ~~·r )''"I 1 B) :'lla&l 111 (llltllJ.:t•l'ounl ). ;:.!•J~< r '' ·''· ''' llh 11'111' ~~·::;., 111 "Ill '""''• ~~~ ;,n · News· Times Comic Section · Five Top Spot Family Features Daily Entert'd us SN:ond·L'Iru.~ ma111·•· ;11 tht• l'u-~-:,,-n7ft--lt-.,-. -,n--::\-:-"t-.,-q-)(•rt----1::-!,-;-lc7h Cnltlouuu. unu,·r·'tlh• A,·t. nf :O.tar<'h J, IS\17. ............ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... ,.............. SA:'!! D l'OHTEit l'ulllt,l\•·• L t1Cll'S S. S:'IIJTII. 111 Mnna~:m,.; t~lltllt w. r . Dl:Xlll'\ • --Ath-o•t'll~lll,.; M.IIHI~I'I Printing Plaut, :SOli \\' L\•nt r.tl ,'\1'\'ttuo ·. Jl\,•wport llt•Hch. Cahfunwt Official Paper of the City of Newport Ueacl1 A ()epN~dabll' 1.-.•Jll l ndltutJun fur o,..,, 10 \Nno · NATIONAL EDITORIAL 1948~JLO~ Active ~ Member __ of --~ A Look at Robert Taft Some voter~ think that St•nator Holwrt A. T;.lft is the stnlllJ!C:'t tandidatl· thl' Hepuulican=-ran nomi- nate. Few would di:--putc hi~ furthriJrhtnc:-;.,, hi:' coura~e and hi~ ability. Bob Taft ha~ drawn firlt' rept'atedly from the radical:-: and the N<!\\' D<•al t row<l for· 1be :-imple , reason th;U ht• i~ the 11ne man they fear. He has been UIZ bitterly attacked anti viciously slandered by hi:' HERE'S YOUR INCOME TAX Q enemies. •1-.ohllll ... '"''" 1111• " '"'' o·t~:htll ' ""'''"'· ull otlll'l' }"" '''l~·n~·-not Much t riticism has bcl'n t·e ntered on hi:--sur-111 .. ,,.,.,,.~ .. r , h lr "'''" ""..r <I'll .... ll··rn,IHr• "'" . h~ , h•· ,."'"'") ,., In· cessful spon:.;orship of the Taft-Hartley law, which tttur •• n•l un'"'·1· .il tu•t .. , '''~'''","'~ 1'\ullm~: wu .. n t~, ... , '·alit.••·nta un· l b l (• h p • """ 1011 111 11111 ~••lll lo-do·nol lll('nllll• "nlltl"~tl!l'lll lll•lll'lllh'''· Ill•• 1"051 was passer y an arouse< tiiiJ:,rres~ over t e r es1-11,_, ,.,.1ul'rt• .. 1 ... mnll 1,.,1~. ,.,,. 11111,1 , •. •h-tlur·t· dent's veto. Yet, as !'0 many other issues, the record •'if on l'lil:l' .I unil··r Ill·· hl'lldlrt~ troves Senator Ta ft was right on his labor law. c.J l'h·u .•.. nplt.tn lh•· 11··11u•·Hun "nu•('"ll""'")\1,,. f b · ' 1 1 b "b'll h' t f,r .. ,.,"rr11t~ h•,-.-s" Q \\'h;ol •~ llll'linl h) th•• twod- 2"-._XIJ & ... "'.L) \\114T 6Lt~ .... E.::..; / \\>i-\T \ ::t.\L CLIN .... ~.::~! ~..) \ I?IT "'"' ~E -\\..\" A'\O co~~~r THOs-E \\'t '~'E~::-.1 nstead o . e1ng a 'save a or I , as IS opponen s A 1"""'' n· ... ult•n •· '"'"' '"''':-.. '"'' "mr-.···"""'"'"' .. "" Ill'"'' :• of l . h t d . ) b 1 t' , , .. ''1'111·~ ''()( !"'(,' •• , .. ~.·\" screa~e< , It as promo e peace m a or re a 1ons. ''o' m•. ··n•'"••u:•k•·"· '"""-" unc1 Frwm Jl}.lo· • l" _ Reportin~ on the first six months operation of utlt··r naturul ph.·numo•JlH uro· ..... , A s .... lht• '"'''~11111>: 'lll··~tu•n H I F I ,1 1 p k' t S • rhwlthl·• tn lht• t'XIt•nl that lhr·y lith•·• flr •olurl•nn fnr llhntl ttt•n<on,, the Taft-art ey aw, rc< •y . er InS, astu e cn pps lll'l' I)UI f'i't'tl\i 'rt'<l (rum ...alvl\~1' ····rtnln 10\o•,l rnt•nl '''l"'n"''· llnd Howard Washmgton correspondent, found: "r lll'IJrllnr•· (lvlrrw... • ... ,.,,ocJac ahnu>n) 1111~ Oll'flb 1. Strikes at the lowest peace time point in a dozen I Q Jlow and wht•r!' do I lllko• lh•· Q \\'hut I< nh'·'"' h) "dt•prt'<'IU-,.,, •. n~ .... "' huldlns.; m~ )<Jh" ''""" .. yean-. A You mu'1 uw !-'om1 11>10 1n A An .tllowl•nrr• rnllt-rl "rl~>pre-2. No labor union ha~ been "busted." ""'''' I n drum I hi~ rlNIIJC'IIOn ,,,.~ t'Htllnn" •• mlltlt• fnr lh!' normal 3. Wildcats strikes. secondary boycotts, strikes ;,r •• ""' ll<'rtnll h'tl wtwn )1)11 US<' \Ooo•ur lind li'/lr ,ufft·~ .. , hy Ct•r1aln Vl'olation of t'nntraCt have declined. )llUr \Oollhhnlrltns.; 'lttlt•ntl'l11 B' 8 l~"<,.r>f rnromt• protlut·tln~ prnpl'r· In ~ ta' r!'tum Joh '''I"'""'' urt· da-1~ II l"'rnu~<o lh<' •Mn!'r '" 1'\'<'0VI"r 4. AFL buitid ing unions and contractors are \'ll'lt'(l Ifill) two C'lll~'«'~ fir,l trnvl'l lh" ;,nnuRI Nll'l durrn~t lh~ nor- working to eliminate jurisdictional strikes, bane of '''111'0 "'" ll\\'ll)' frvm ht>rnr and nth-m/11 hfe nr ""' prnj)('rl)' d •'r rr·tmhur,1•1'1 ••>.po•n."''' \0. htrh mu) the hOUSing in US try· t,.• •l•·clurl•'(l tn llt'm '.! on (>11~•· I . 1 Tomorrow Plt)'lnl: Ynur ·rax I 5. Communist...; in unions are being i~olated and picked of_f by t~c loyal majority. . Every Russian Act of Intrigue 6. Nmety-frv e per cent of electwn_s callerl to • authorize ~argaininJ.; for .a union shop have been I Rolls World Toward Next Conflict won by un1 on.~. despite. umon charge~ that the Taft·r Ut1"nnl". MAIH'If ff n'"' tion. ('hun•hlll '""' 1111rm thr" H artley elect ton marl~ mery wa::; deliberately marle I \\~~~~·~~~· < 'hun·t1111 )o,,,ct ""':.} , hut tus , H't<wy 111 1111· t••ll• ~·,ruJd tOO CUmbt>rSOn for the 11· USe. ll11• ";\I• u.ol'•• n f II tlunl Wolrlcl \\'ar s••nt• lu ~huw 1-:urt•l•' 111111 AmM'· A recent poll shows that les.." than 40 per cent roll< 1"""rl1 U> "1111 ··wry ··~· of II'II "ltrl~\r ••I '"'""'!: Onllth 1 1 Hu~MIIII lm1Wr1111t111 ll~tl:r('!<Mon lolrt•rtt:lh and m .. rul ('IIIJ•"""" of the voters want tu chano-e the Taft-Hart ey aw anrt ,..,,"'"""1 \ t•\11 fll'\' .lnd In-• I k "' ' "niiY I un tn~ mlln or W\lfnan in any way. In September, 1947, the vote for change trtl(u•· .. or repeal was 45 per cent and in August it wa:-53 Thl' '"~··r11"'1 "'1'• made '" a f h lt•tl••r Ill 1-'ro•d ll11rrl,., <'ort'l<•rvaltVI' per cent. One point not made clear in any o t e!'<' ,-,nd•rtal•· '" ,, ('r••>llnn '•>·• t•·t·-poll!', however . is that soml' Clf the people who ~ay thev want the Taft-Hartlc~· law chanJ.!t'U want it HERMAN W . NICHOLS !'fin '>'I' lhllf 14'1' oHI' 1111 nN>Vf"'f rntn n li·rrll•h• ~II IH<IIfln stl "'""'" a n rt ahrnn•l.' C 'h11rdull v. rtltt· stren)..rthened rather than weakerwd. Neverthcles~.1 the resuiL" do show that as the ,-ott•rg ha,·e a chance Gum Is Horrihle Word, But It's to e,·alute thr <'ffC'ct..-. uf the law, they are r('a)izing W th E d f y N that the Taft-HartleY law is a notable piece of for-orse on e n 0 our ose w.arcl-looldnJ.! leJ,!i. lation and that it was inspirt·d \\'ASIII"\c;·n,:-:. \IAH<1J 9 _ ~ ;-.:,. "''r""'~: ,, 1.,,.,,,.. '( L -----------------------------------------------to protrct th<' rank and file <tf labor. ' 1 1 t l'• r;,m ,, , ,.,,1,,,. """!.•"•··•·" '"'"'I''""'"" ,1 A::. in manv other political rontrnversies, his 1'11' "' '1"r" "'' '11' ''"1 "1 '""rl 1 ''''''"" lak.-·• '"~~'" u1• ·n,1'111''" "' • ·•• '" '1• 1 "I'""' 1"" ''' ''''""' •·I • "'"" . •. . . I Jh n••lri.• J'-llfttlluh hl,l•t.h Ctlnt.kul f\,,,,,,,.,, \••'II l,u····end '•trur,~\\llll"'"''''tl •ur,,1, ,ll\\•thl'''t •••H t••\\ltdll'-'\\lth and hi~ Ull\\';t\'PrinJ! a dh(•r('nce to ~ound principal:'! s .. "'' '"'"" "' 1;,.,,,., "·""''" ·, 11,1, "''"' nu•k·· 11,,> )II'-· ";-.;,, ••l•h '"1"""1'''' ·"'"I'" .• , ·•• '"" •I''' .,.,.,.,,,,,,,1 u .. 1 • .. c ;. .,.tPtl"s- ''""': ........ ,· .. ~·; .. ·,.,.., •• rO/a.-.JtC•" ::>: .-vc~-r ,,· -.. , 1,,-... ·.J.'-' r11v ,.,.,.,,.,···1'·~.,\ ............. ,, ,., .. £:;- • \.:~ .,.• .. •\ ... '"" ''\.. \.:I . . -, -,t.. ... ,.... •• _-.. ........ , .. --..' .... ~· .. .-.-J I TcP TER BR' r~·~ I MO. .TOHN ~~~. ' SALEM,N.V, HAS COLLECTED M(MZE THAIIJ 6. (}()() OI~~IONT ~R 61/G r!I(J6-F~ RU. 0~£ ll T'H£ ~L~/ SHE 1-4EAOS 1Hl TIA SAO TAG6US- \\IT~ M£MSU$ NIQ~AM'-RJCA •• CROSSWORD PUZZLE ............... ' ...... ,,,~ ........ T'e • .-,, ... (llu•ll .. t.br"-" "'•r• ... , .. 'lrtntpU ''"'· ~"' ...... ....... tfi ..... •m•tt •h ln• "'''~ ,,, ....... ..... "'." h ltttu•lt\1 t hht"\a l "''"'"•••"'~•• eotta th1• 'lllhu •h•••• ''"'""' IL.Ntt ... ,otu• I 4 .I " " .. •• .. •• t1 .. •• ., •• tT .. •• "" .. -...... a ttt&l • dtary ... .,,, ... ,_, .. ~·· .. ,, .... ... lertr •r•p ... 1u••••ne IIIPUtU"h h .. HaAtlloe ~ 9tU•fn•flt """'·" ,,,.., I l t.•th tlMI .. t• •m•hl• J ~~~r.~:~. '1 ' re tti.M'tt ...... 1 •• ,), .... ""''' 1 u•t tO II ...... I """' ' .,, ....... ... ,~ . . . ,. ..... • lldt • """ ef ,,., , .,,... '"'"" ... -. ·~··~ ef MI .. I hi .... t -T1t llnat .. ...... II H r•a t lA•• tl ,.,.uu~t"' ltf t'lltlel't#IIUtle •• Warwtff• )0 ,.,,., ... II " u .. ,. , ,. •• , .. ,. II ,.,., .~ .. ,.. ... Hilt,,.,, ('w•l•ttfte ......... Wft ........ ., , .... ,.._,,~ ,... ..... f h';'Htf>•tll'ttfl"d 4'1ttlel l•t• ruth&~ f ,, ltuf n •HahUr f'ftllfftnl ................. .... a;hlbhtl II f'u•urh JUl ... I I ifl•9• tfll•l I fll t • Join ft• "''' .. "'"'".' ,,, .. U Alou .. ~, ... frl('nclsarJ!Ul'thatSenatorTaft s mtelectua one!'t.v ""''""""1" '''""''"J,11,1•11.,. !"·"'"" ''"'"'I",.,., ,, ''"'"' •I•" ,., .1 ,.,. ,,, ,,,1 .. ,,11,., uf ,·usticc and libertv !"JlC'II:' out the kind of leader:-hip 1 ;'11" """'"''''· ltw c"' '" ttunk-1'"" • '"""" •h·· huhl•l·· '·'""" ''1'1''""' '' ·" '''' , .. · •·· "'" 1"1''•'1•· ' ' · W h' I t~ •'••til 11 .rnd 1l~11mrd up a . ..~~~---------------------------------~----~---~-----~~~~-•, '• I ' cl • ·p"'r·atcl\' 1n a" 111rr+on '' :-. .. 1~~" """I'~ l'h•·ll•·lt "I \\€ nt t:l ~u c:::-" . . ""'" · "'" k111r1 111 "'"'"•n.: "''" "nun . ('ORJ)() 1~ 'fh .. 1 1~ (' d' "KII:tl l)t'' "'" '"''I' iltl'\\•••1·11'. I ,.... ('Y ill uut .. tfH) ''" k ,,,,, '"'''( of ""'''•I·· cum i.ttlold·· Clllll" • I '.Y. n ' • II "I'll I """' 111 1111' h,tll . "''''· 'nr ..... , ........• ,,. thrll:df And '''htl•• 7 T'""' "'if ·rh, ,.. ..,.,~ :4•·~+ h•• Ill!< ill tl Th11111." 1; \\'lido 1 "'"' till• ~·· •11 II 111' '' ·•I 11"' ' What Are We Going to Do? It ~<'t~ms lil<e only ye:--ten lay that we were n·-""' ~-'"" '1•·· ,.,, .... ,,. "' 1""".-1'1 ''"" ~"'11 h· ·'" •• 1r "' ""'' "'" ' t. 1' th } I .. "l ''tc l'ltle too late.. '"' e were in I Jt .• ,,., "' ,.,,,., ,,,, I IIi\\! Ill: I 11··,1 .... Sl 11"1'1" oro 1'1•11''' In ,, ,, ' pea Ill~ t: J.lll <l._c HI t • • • q 1111 11,.1 ,.,111111 l'tll ,1,.1,1•1.., "" ,. the m1cbt o f a llfl•-and-dC'ath stntglo{le for !'UrVIYal T .. m \\'.ttl• 1 col '"'''" ~nr1• · """'"'" ''·•n t ,,. '"'' ,, ,,,.,, ancl had lwt·n :-hOl'ked into the realization that !·•""''' .. n •h· ....... 1, '''"' ·, .... 1ot. , .. ,, ' w e W<'l'(l tragicallv unprepared for the war thrust "''' ''''"'· ·'1"'11 111' "'""'~~'' '• '""'I ~·•un••P 11" ""'f·.,.. . , . ,,,,,.,t .. ,,1, \''"'*' ·• ···•u.· ,,f.nut \1t \\tlfl,, ,, '-ll1tn,· u,1, suddc·nly upon u::.. What we wouldn t ha\·e J!IVI?n I 1111 ''"I• I • 1 Ht"'""'' r1"""''' 11,,1,,1, .,,. 1 ,. 1 ,, "11., th{'ll f11r ~nnH' of th<' m onth~ and ~·cars ~we had '·'"' '~'"·'' ",. '"'' n ... ,, , 1 ""'"' "'" ,, '"" 11, """'' wa:-ted in :ti'J ... "tling in~tE'ad of in huild inJ!~ "" "''''" ,f "'"''''' '· "' ''" "'""' '" •' • t• • .. 1 "'' "•·f.l B rr 1 t ·r· r J. ,,.tt ·'· It'"'' III•L ~~ '"'' ''· lllfl ·'····· • -· .... ,. • • \' J!rral e ort. )_\-t 11• ~arr1 rce 1• many n·r~. . .. ,..,n, "'·" .,, •. ,h ,, •• , "''" ,,,11 1",11 1"·'' ,,,, ,.1 ,. ,,,,_,. and h\-th(• J..'l':tt'<' of (;od \\'E' canw thrnuJ!h to ,·ictnr~-. ""'''·'· • ,,,.,, 1 .. ,, k " ''I , ,, 1 , .,,,," 1• I,, . . , , . On{' \~·uuld think that aftt·r that t·:>.fH'ri<·nc·f' wr \\'c tuld · 1 " • '"'' ·' "''"'' • • ·• "<1 '"'''' "' ... 1•• ''· t' .. ,, ·• . II I l I 1 ,,,. "" ... ,,, t• ,,. ",, I "'""" nC'\'('1' :IJ!:t 111 :1 ow ours<' \'C':' to 1<' c::tll,l! 1t unn·ac ~-, .,,, o1 , , , ,, ,. ,,, ,,, •11." 1. .1.,. 1• ''" ,, ,1, ·"""' ,, " 1, for hattlf'. Yt •l. thl' fad i~ that toda.\·, le::=-than thrrc• n,. ,, ''"'''" 1 ,, , 11'""' "'' ", 1 •• 1 "' 1 , .,. ,,, \'flar:-. aftt-r \'idol'\' \\'1' ha\'t' dr·nt•tw d had.; intn :t ·"' · " I • '' • • 1 ·" ·-" ·" •• ,. •, .. ~talt' 11f llnJ•I'l'f''"'t•~ln<''' nn d indiffrn•nt <'. ThP hitt1·r " '' 11 "'' 1 '11'" '"" 1 •" "' '" ·t ., ' '•i · ·• t ··· ·t .. o II 'I• '•11 1t '·~ •\1 •t,d \ft'l l '"" ,1 •' I 1 ,jl1 ,.1 Je:-::-t •l1' 11r' \'t•,tr•rd;n· :tn· fon!'•ttt •n :tl rr:td~·. "'" "'"'' ,, " ,,.,, .. "'''"' • " 1 • •• 1 ' ,,, '1"1 'l :\•a \\' ~talin ha~ :-t•izPd Ct:l'('hr•:'lt•\·al\ia. Finland ' 1 ' ... • 1" '"' • I J,.,, '0''' • • , 11 1 '" . I I tl (' . t' • . tl ~~ I I .' ,, •II\ ,t, ,, It· II •• ,,,,,,, I •I ,,.j ''.l t \1, ,J I I:' lllll ·l'l' flt'!'':-111'1'. illll )l• lti1Hll \lllt .-:-: :11'1' \\llll1111!.! ,, ,.1 1,11 ,. IIIIo•. \'II ,,q .,, l"'l• ••I '•• ,,,. in C'hin:l. T\'1':111 11\' h1tldl\' mardw:' I lilt<' nw n•. \\,',. 1 ,,.,,,, , t ," ••rr1 "' ,.,lllrt'h arP had\ \\'h1·n• \n• \\ ,.,:,, .iu·..:t 111 .r••:tr:-: :tl!t•. Tlw l 1 ' ' " 1 • 1•· • ·" ·", \\. . I I II• I' I' \\':lnlill." ~i·rn :-: :ll'l' llf l. · hat :ll't• \\ ,. ,l'llllll! Ill 1 n 1• '->-I' d l•od ol \\lt•ll \loll warm 11\11' l'll<lil':' and \\'HC' l•lll' l"•nt!llt':O:'! Or :II'<' \\'t' , , ,., " 1,,,,. al r .. ynursc.olr •ttil1l! tu ht•t•d tJH• \\':l l'llill l':' ;tnd ltuilcJ IIlli' dPff'l1~(•:-'! ·The "futili:-t:'" poin t nut that tlwn· i:-: rrall.\· nothinl! Wl' <·:tn d11 t" hrlp th1 · C 't:1·rh:-: and thr Fi nns. Ma\'hP :-:<1. But \\'t> \':m f'Xh•nd rf'a:-onahl(' help to thr' nation:-nf "'(•!'t('nl F.nroJ I<' and W f' c~m do ::orn•·- LETTEHS TO TilE ~E\\'S-TI:\IES l.dt'u "'''' I If 1 thin I! :-uh:--tant ialh· tn I'(•Si~t tlw adnmce of com. 1, ,1 Frr•·nol .. r tho , 111,111111, murii~m in Chin:1. ·\\'hat'::; mr•n'. w1· can huil d up nur 1. ,..: '~'~"!! y,1., to." , air fnn:r and ('. tahli:'h l'niYPr:':ll :\lilitar\'. Traininl! •h·' .:" , .... ,,",1 "'" 1••11 ,, and wr can Jl n more Inward ~tndq1il in~ strates:ri<· '· '" '"" "'' , ... , ... l.•·' 1f r .... "'' ,, ., f \1 n .... f' •• mat<'rial:--. pr. .. ,, , •·I 1 1 '"" "'"' 1 ",.,. If \\'(' continue to cln lll tlhin~ tmn\nl t'N\) prr-"' 1,, .r•. r "···" ,,, •··•·•··, ,,,, t • hi•· J .. ,,., ...... • I ,, .• , lttPt It tf It I ' •• tlh par<'dnt·""· if wp rontinw• tt• il"JHtn• tlw rPaliti1•-: 11f 1'' thi:-d::t~·. thr CJIIl''tion rna~· tht·n bt-a~krd : .lu:'t h1r\\' • I d fl • no ho• I' o'l ""'" Q•urkly 1 hr f'l•mfor t 1111; h.tnol ~tupi1l cnn wr gt'l '? nr-o f'r tl~' t'h '"" r \Ollln•·· r I I' I \l'lf' tt .. l ('o ·~~ 1'111 I \\'nrk,.rc:: J1flt\l rt ~'t"li)(' n••t:l hotC: II• tl111 PHI' .. O't~dt• .~tu._,;,., ,, .. ,~ IA!>:1 '''ar I"· r'' '"'-= ,.,. r H .• 1 ,~ ... ,c t ''' J• p.,.,,~ n•' d •t ' '' i 1:-h' '1~ :.~nrf' tn n':tr1\ ttth• r t'hrrln~un ,,. u. d t't• ...... IH~"'·' '"r~ ' • • 1 t otrr;tnll o """• . \\' It I' n 1 "" t ~o~n-""'''' 1 1r•1nC' '" II" :\·I" 1~ r• '"' frlhllll• I" fill' lt1Jf! no•fl r I ;I<., y ,.o,J ft IH ITI•• P.• ,J rr"" I\ 1" Fund. you nrc> ad\'nncln~ your lh1•lp ko•r•p .\m•·rlcn ~ hl'll~h stnnol rommumt,·. TITrt<: lrrJ::"IT or thr• St~t"'' ,,.,.,.1 hrn. '" th•• m , \' •Ht r I flt\ '"'I • U• • • I I I I n ., d ,,,d , ' 1 I • '''' I IOl' I• ')( thr· 'I' .... , •. ,,, hi I'll' II· •h• , '" hdl· '" ,J" 11 l• \\ 'I I h• II · n1 o l1 l•lt' II 1\ • ' li" IHI .,a I'\ I I 'l1o1111 I 'ltlldlf "' • ll•lt'l'lf ,.,.., .. "'~'~" hnunrt '"' h" m:-rrT) •• \ 'If • ' II I ( I • \io .,. I I I I " ., P I !1, \\t ttllll' ,, \It' 11 fill 'rt ' rt t lf•t t1 ,\nd tt•nt''' ' I 1 ,. , \11'1 '• t •'I"' \ . •' ·11•1 '''·' . 1111 I' U!' lr r • II l·••n• 'I II ,1q1 ' I),, Itt \\1 ltftlf 1 l• 1 \tttlt ltr.lf ll' 11, t• rt ~" " tt ,, "'' ,.. •• I I,.,,, I .. :. I"'' lh I \\ P!lhlil I' "" \\ttllf•l lu J 1 .... I ,,.,,1\ lh ,,, '''" , •• ,,,,,,I t,' \\'t)fJ f \ ltlf I lid •I trt ••fl• I •l, •' \.\• • •n '~onttnu•· tq 'lt,olh,.. thr I I I f, I •• f t I • I . ~ \lu ), •· I :-.. '' ''*rt• •tfl'l II\ 11 J• 1 ", .. ..,. "'"II • • r • t 1• \ \\ 1ll 1,. 1• Jt 1• l I IIIII ~" •··1•1 '\ II . .. ••••• I i' • f ' tJi• 1 t I •t • 1 It l 'I to.; I lt•j' It• 1 1 ~ :0.. t ( 1 • • 1 ' \\ 111 I,, t t 11(11• I ,, • ~ • q I t I uq h f\ I o(;,,,, I .'1 ttl I lfl; dt • ,f I ' '••·•••·• ,f ,,, t l' 1 n ...., " 11 \J 1 '••-'I h • ', ,, ,.,,d Jr t 11, roo ... ,, •I tO\ I I H!. ''"" I ' .. I I \ ••IIJ .. ,. '' .. I· • •hr rlh '''"'' tn n•Jt IArrl ~ ·•' h• I II•· •• ,. "' ~"I tho• i'llti<JH•n 111 St t'lerud ~ lfjt1t.ll1 111•!1 .. <'111U .Y 1\.\YOE TAHZ:\~ Fair \\' arninJC MfA'oWH .E Qt. T~E 1/EPt.'()A UrTL£ liES • o().,S£ ,., 80'<oA. (IIIQAM t."j '):OCH AWAlT Tl1E ~"., • __ _,,_ ... I I I' 1',.;1 J (' I~ 1 • '· ~ ·' C...S 5£C:If T ... a.-I I G•;fSS 'f/4 t.t .c,~· ,t.~ W[.l "'•ON-- By Ed.car Hif•to Burruu~hs ff«j,'P(P.J!:J "11AI'o'! T••f I>AO •'> '>A.O 10 CQhTA,. T"( ry: (,tv '•J\TIU. IT PlACES I ..C.St h•I(J Sl ( t I IN A MJJ-Y• ~E ~TAT( 01' ~Pf:·,uEO IV• MA1· 'AAO 'I')J ...,,..,.. TO PO'~!SS TM" [Ill Gt.Ml'f tfi Ao"'(O ~'IC!If' 'etoN~l. I'M'IHP ' [ vn. Will vs .u. MCAI:J'SE 01 nus DEVI< -· I ,. I ' .. l ' f ' PageS NEWPORT BALBOA NEW8·TUIE81 Tt't:I40A \' S towport BN.rll, C'a.llf. ~an-h V, I~K SANTA ANITA FINALE REVEALS BElliNG DROP Costa Me~a Boys' Club Win Rhodes 33 Association Reelects AI_! Officers at Annual Meeting Harbor \HI " \I ll.\ I ".\1.. March 9-II • nh·r··d the Santa Amta into the lead, only to be run down 0 Lo O • p d •I ,. ,_,II till ilunn~ lhf' 1947-4£. ""'"Ill; It mald<·n. but stamped by Salmagundi. jU&t 5hort of tM> ne, se ne In asa ena ,-;,,Ill I ,\1111 t llll'lrtl,( S\'lil!OO took 8 I oil•• ol :. ~uhd <'QIItt'ndt-r for thl' Wit!'. I t I ...... , ftl••l•. dt"llplle thre< •I• 'I I•) Wtnnin~ four o r h is first ,1• ••1 1 1 hi h S almugundl covt•r <'d th e mil~ •• 1'" • , un·~ w c dreow '" ' .. ,., • ~ I and one-eighth ln 1.51 lt5 a nd All nrtlccr-s. u f tho• Hhntl•'' .1•'• I \\·nntlh .. u I .,,., '"' u•l-· '• h •• •>•II $ '' "'' ' 1 1 " '' ""111 ~ hnl'at thor -·' 1111) u.ngd,•n rated SaJma-Ltmgdl•n exprl'SS(•d confld1·ncc the elation WCI'\.' r«>le.·ll'\1 ·•' lh" lin· '"''·tnf••m'·tll••n In,,., 1-•'J '"-u.• "' ''"' 'I••• .t •• '' "·•· rl'l•·~tvtod today. Cll"'" r•·rfo·rtly Saturdlly, keeping I I ' •· ' ' I • t S.l ..... 7'J7 7'"' d co 1 eou d perform W<'ll O\ler the nu.rtl dinnl'r Saturrlny e\'t·nm~: nt H.ltodo•• ;-.,.,., .,,,,. \\illt'rlrurtl ,-.on• "1 ·· '"' ~' """ urin~r th• hll' '1'1 1'(( the pat'f' and the n mill' ami one-quarter route. Ne...,rport Ha rbor Yacht club. They 1.1 ,1 •. , . .,,,. l.oll•·•l 11, "Ito 11 11 \ltlol "'·'"'11 "111''" 'rulo••t Sal urday Witt. '' '"'"'' tum hurne the winner In a.re Jlarltm IIJook ) B(•ardslec,l thut nn<• ,1£ th" ho~ol• tutti l>t•·n EventS I "'"1'''" t I·'" S:dmo~tundl Win-, '"'~ ~trl'trh drive by over -t-lclis announced afh·r thl· rut'i.' comm()(iQr.·, J ,ttk l ltllrll•lll , ... , •• 'sttlp(l('d to l-1ontln. l'e uh:•hly till' 111"'' lh• '1111'1"'11 <1r•rhy t,.,, • c';;ll &•II tn thl' fannl few t h1t1 ·Salma~tundi would be shep- COIT\Illt'<l<•rt• .lnc1 <"•"·''''' \\wei• ~lw ulll llloornl"' "' c';onoiiWI••· 11•''"'1: lulftllt•r1 $123 46385'' '" "'' ped Eaat Wllh an eyl' on the Kl'n--nft I I I n H H rllll llll, 1/11 I!JIIi 17 §1'1\SOn A. tt~nd-·,'I Ill t"ut. ~ lenhtly d .... lucky Oerhy should he tvorforr·n Ut.ft.lln. r.•ur~<,•O II)OI I tll' \\)tl ·~ ,,,ltt tu.,: H it I•I •Jfkl~'"''·' a&.:tUn I v v ". " n ,., r~gar ("u t-·--'"'' ''"' l•••k ,, ilfllfl In the r .. _ W\'11 In his C'arlwr rll("'a •. M ay n -. a.,.., JM'Crt't lll")·tf'l'li'UI:\"f \1 1n\ ''""'k' tro1 •llloll:ltl• run~; u• ~~~-'"'' • • .onw up ast to • ...-at out ·~ '"" 1 \1 1 I '"" J'hl ''"'""''''''" "'~.641.80~ \I lto-\\:.rd for third, ward, hoWt•Vcr. will r emam on a;~:E.::~t;;x:~~<·;\~ 1 :;::':;·~:;::::~\~:·::. .. :·;~::· ~:: .. :; :.;·~; .. ::.: ~ ~ 1: ~ E~.E~--i~ :~ ~· .. -~\:~:::::::::::~:·:~:~~:: ~~: :·. -:. ·::::~;;~~~::,:.:~:~~~~~~:: :f.~':,~~~·.:. ~·~, .!::':~: fleo·t :.nd hnlllll'" ""'''' ,.,,. s,,, l lt . .,,,,t,ult ·'' '" th• ,.,,.,,to-:' •••1\ Ill ''"' d•·lhy Saturday wu " '"'' lurn••d into the str <'lch board. Call~ Bell returnl'<i $3.10 urdn~. Juno· 1'1 IH1d Stotunluy o r lllll•· Sit'"' T'"''''' H,.,., 1or••ulid \\'lth """ (io·h·r '1'111'',' 1" '11' thrl'l'·old-aon or ·'·'''''' \\';·~troJl(' IN Call Bell ao a nd $:.!90 whil~ show betto rs col- Sunrl.l). S q 11 1~ ,., l'' C",,,,,l,na 1•1 .• "'1 'l"~t•u.:h tlu• tnt• 1 "' "' ,11 ,.1 ,, , , It, nool ~~~~~ '111111•11 holt to fa me. l •n•t ''"' Y"':'n~o:ster quickly flew lectl'd $8.~0 on Drumbeat. Ne"· rr~<•tnl: rull'~ lh ~~ 1nt<o ,.f " '-'ttlo•l IIOiot 1111 "''·'' "11h n• "'"'' , 1 , "'" ,11 t ,, oo11h . lotP ' ---------------;----=-.:..:...:..:.....:.._:.:_.:_::_:::_:::_:::.:, __ f('Ct ut tlll" 1~"1'"' ,., ....... "'"'" h.uotlti.IJI I .... , •• , '""' I ••••• nl 11'''1 .... :,., "": '" .,. I''" Writer Reports Plenty 'Of Good dll"ru•~'<i nlro -..ul rnO'/I~Utl'mo•lll ' 1\lllt•l Itt I lo~ Ill! lloo· Ill Ito •I 114t.tl ll:lll ~'•'"' ~ch,-rlult"(l rat't•• "''II 1 ~· 111 lh•• ,, .. .,. fuu ho ol • .:••rt ''"'' 1 ''' Cll¥ei'EalteratBalbcMIYachtC'Iub. '~"'""~ "'''111•""''"'11• ., lt .. ,· _,,,1:,,'.1~ 11',,r",,),,,,.l1,'•·l·ll '·'''"") Hunting and Fisht·ng inState Tha,eriet"1ill l.,.·~ud-.odunf1er t h•' ··r40,d~' \'.u' th•'r.~, \U\\1 ''(;., .• , · .. Jh,ttln·· l·t~1111 new ft'"'l!Wd !'''" .. nl N A. y It I th• j I 1'11111' I. "'"'' ho loud "" ""' I I. .• 11 ol •.•• , .... ,. ,, •I I h• II llto ,.,.·, plo•nty ttf .:ood hunt in . t : .... luiili•cl from thl' Unive~ltv II II '1-I ., II t I 1"'1 '"'"11 '11"''11 "''11111' "11'11 fIt • h Gol '"I ·~.-NotH '.uu I" lf>l.rl'l" .,., w ... tn;o "" ,,, "' ,.,. ..,,, .ooot 1~ 11n~ 1n I ,. ctPn Stato-.. t ~l111rlc~n1a in 193:l, hi.' contin- Willie Hoppe Wins CHICAGO. March 9 -(UP) - Willi!' lluppe, 60, Who hal! held a billiard chumpionsrup or oni.' kind or another since ht' was 18. still ruled the gamt> with a steady chw A_.~.a.e 1..,enent'l' WIIS hlld by thl' twenty·fl\'•• nwml~<·rs ,,( tlh" 1 hr~l' haskl'lhall t••arns who JOUr· neyiiod. to P11s11d••na ta~t ~lltllrllllY IO par tJCIINllf> In I h I' Southl'rn C alifornia Bnys' 1'\aske t hall tour- name nt Th•• lt'bm or l:l and 13 Yl'ar nlrl mt•mbcrs wun its f1 rst gunw fr_(lm lloiJywUtXI no}~· dub h~ a 41} to 7 scor.·, bt•for<' drup- IIIIIR lll\'lf rtf•Xt !;!llrll' 10 lh\' P as- adena cluh McQJbcrs ot thrt~ h·am \\<'fl' P aul ~ehuttt, John Lun•·· G•oor~:•• Shegakl, Cor no•leus Pt•rrz, Lewes Ahhutt, Jim Asht•n , l\lpitnn Car- te r, Jttck F1•lkf'r1 (,UI'k Artc1Ri"S, R aymond T11ylor. Frank llli!UI'ro, Teddy and Junior l\larllnt·z T !'am Numl'M'r I of tht• 14 a ncl 15 Yt?ar old m r m lwrs l'Om f.llll<f•d ,,f Armand Nl'!tle&, J ot>l 11111-(ht•,.., Ph.ll Shafer. Larry Sulievan, J os- eph Arctlul•ta 11nd nir har d F··r· guson lost its ot.oenm~o: ~:ami' to '"" PI!Mdt·n• ctun by ft 38 to HI sro~. L>trl'cfor . C'h~trll's TcWinkl(• and Joel llugh,os. :--;,.,, Fttdu) tllP Modl'l Airplanto t'luh "•II OWl' I at lhr club at R·OO p 111 11 "•II ho ld il gltdc·r contl'sl an lh•· ltH.'ttl p~trk un S unday at 1 :3(1 p"' !\t•W nwmho•rs durin~: th1• pa!>l we1•k Wt're Fr;onk DcPontl'l', Don Mo•Hord. J)a\ lrl ~tobt•r nnd J11mcs Pascot>, intermrd iatrs Nt>w jun· 1ur ml'tnll(•rs art• Hussel Ikach, Rtl"httrd H artman , Rob1•rt Shafl'r. R11J :\lal\Wo•IJ, ~Jnrtm Frost and John R11rkt'r This makes a total mt•rnlwr,;hlll ctf 382 boys A\'l'rRgr att .. lldanrf' last Wl•c•k was 117 llO}s Pal"h tiny ~lurt' fa thrrs are nN!d· t•fl f11r 11111' fir \WO hOUI"ll in tht• ,.,.,•n•n~s to lll'lp ul the <'<1uiprnC'nt dt•sk "" that tho• ,argc: numbrrs of l10ys ma) l.oe adt•Quately SUJX'r-' ,~,.fl I J,.lp is n1'('dt>d C'SJX'("Ially nn Saturday movt(' nights. · Wrl~ tl) (lr Anlhr>n) .1 ,·,111 lw-nt th•• <16' l'!'t · '''"''"' 1 .... ,. I'" unll ''''''"' "' wtllf•·m l'!'li elbo" ,, I 1lw fn•,•lancmg b} which he 144 Gold<'n Jhll H•w•d. He uk•'l"''' r"r l•llll, Anti "" k (roe 1 '' k 1" 11 • '1• 11 '1' I.~< 1•·.:• 1•''1' '' 1 II '11" 1 iMim In which t••'d ht' way through school. At C..onnf'<'tirut,whon'i"'<·llll) tJurehu•· "'"' •1111 "' <':ll.d"'" Ill .I .'1111111• l ;ool~o•t• .;llloi ll ''' '·•l <i•·n ''"''' "t•n.)Oy it. ac-,.., llllll' S tlrungman W8!-wrlltng eel John Could'" "Diana", :o-;11 ~4 "1nd 1\lll,.n · finr.ll) • u;.l J'"' 1•1• 1,,,.,, I• I '1111 ~~~~~~·rt tordmg to Ormol Ill•' lltlfl•rrnt t"fllumn~ undt•r rl\c Sorry to lOll(' Jllhn ''""' IIIII '"'"l l liilolltllh" •tiiOI\11 •• 11111·· I,., ... ,.,,,., .. " , .. ,.,,,,,,.11 lht ll rtl\!lll• S pr·ungmart oltt l·····nl jJI•nnamr--for fiV(•diffo•r- ciallon. but ...,.,. unrl••r,tunoJ Or. ('uwltna llurl"" "" tit. " '" 11 1 I lo 1 ' 1· '1' '""I 1' "' .• run: ''"' ••II known out-• ·' puhlwltllton~. Vita Is an t'llthu•t~llc Slllltor and ''"' "lui.·,.,.,., 1'1111! "''' "'1"' 11 ''I '1 P11" h'>ur writer and lro 11w .. ;,rly '40s he·. :>IM'I11 thr·•·c today. t Hl' r~illnl'd h1~ worlq·,. eham- fllon~h•tv.~ t hrt'l'·rushlon hilliards lust m.:ht by cl{'(ratmg Ezequ1el Na\·arra, Ar.:f'nlln•· l"hamplon. 450 I !Clan t s to :l76. Thr SI'C'cmd lrl<'al lt'lllll of 1-1 anrt j l!'i }t·ar old m .. mh.·r-1'. nlthOIIJ:h 11 hnrl won f rom 1..cu1 ;.: flr•~tc-h Ott) s' I club a month ago. lost lo !hat duh lty a 44 to :n seor.. M<·rrh lw•rs t•f I ht~ tl'llnl art• Jo.• ArC'C'I ~ --~t•·h·•n Smal~y, B~•h r\or·rn z·n· Rita Hayworth LarrL Parh W(' an• h•rt•l" '" "·'' ,, 111m II""" tl ,,,,11_,. nn~r~l lro·l ooul '" ·' h• ·"' ' ""' " \ill\•' I"" I• '' ''' d "" hroto~rapher onnlr·l" en th•· CiinadJan durk .AL.;o wt>lnlfl'i•·W Arthur J Colby,,1~~'•·•kln~ ltrtl•h "h'll '' 11"1111'1 \l••llo I•• "'" I'•""· onol ~''''''nr' 'fl~~ttls the lluh-•··u-llo• ... ,htl<lllll~mn\lu~nnd ~lllls M1dni~ht, a lont•ly road und R~tlot•rl Sandl'rs, ....t..m1os 1\lo-~lll: 11 rar l-rash : Rl'd Cross tra enro l.cn and Robt'r t Eh•t•l).l.:l"_ _ 1101 &• t:J Mtolmo Pn .. :u'•·n.t, rr ''1111"' "" ••Ill •Ill 11 '1"·11 1' 1 "1 ' 11 ' 1.;·111. , , ,. ,, • o1 t ,. 1 • •' 1 111" "1 1 ,, 1 l:tn•··· o f his ,.. I• '" t.1nrl. wa t l'l" unci a1r (()r Durk~ forml'rl,l f\1'3tl"r "'hl•Ju•IIIN!Uir· ''"'" 11"' 11"1'h ""'' "1"1 "' ''1' I 1111: .... --c-ut~ th nllc.llm..m.tl \"ulunlt•.-rs n.uw apo.:.l"atc 1,~71; --hfl:'hv,-ny-~ nlcr Strilfons and -N;i( Saturday lwo ;m,,.,. IJ,,s- N o. ~. ll.• ) ,., llnnamo<l I luw "l litllhhlllo '"'1 '11'''11 I 1'' '"' I I ,, I I., .. "" "I I '·I I '• '"'')I 1.1 which as.-I•-"II••. daut:;hl•·r t)f B. \V. Curt- abo411 Jolnln~ lh•• riiC'tnl( <"1"V"'tl.l"''111 h• r lll\l~~··.t lll• 11111'11 lilt• , ,, , 1 "'"" 1, t l•h k 111• ,, o·.1r' m the c u1 " •~ht rhu•f nuturnh~l for l>U. In ICI,I:lX mobtlt• fen•t tud un11s And ki•lhall ~roups \!o tll JUUirtl'} In 1 h··~·· '1•lunt•·r·r~ ht&\"" ht•lt~<·d !'liVe Pasadena to m (•('l I ht• s.-neor <ontl till' ltf•• of many 11n acddi"nt \"It'· \'ursity gruu~ of utllt'r "•Jutlwrn Mr. Colby! Yott"ll ~-:•·I A kir-k out ,, . .., ) ..,.,,, "'"'" " ' 1'' ' "' ,, I "•" ""' ,, ,, , , 11 tu 1111 ··Ill 1 N s ue or 1 111; h·· f"IWt•rt•d Ala,k a nnd 1h1• ol il .. , o•l)(ltl~h Ill "lfl<f\\o~td II> 111> tho 1001 1 '"" "J••oi" ""''" "J111o, ~UI"Vi"y ft•' \ >hllll With movie nnd ~till Cnln· Cidifornla d uhs. • "'f' offrr tour npol~tt·• Ill nur Jill<' Ill tnko· 1111' '"'''.'".I'!' I Jl. I n . I •hit• \1 II'"' ,.,, .. 1, '"'' 'I"''' I .. , lllt ltHI•" •t'\l'rltl Pfll:• I,. ,,.,. I,,, \lit '"'" I' f I I•J••I ''''I I I•· lof • 1 ' '''' "' '"' l'""'''''~'"t'h' , d ••m. (;"'' Ill tht• I~H Rt•d eros~ Ft111d 11nd hl<\'t• a part in sa\110!; The IPums lift' ll;tdo•r till' rlt· n ·etion .. r K tm Uy•·•u~:•. C'•larh, frlr .' ~~·· H ar bor Aro•n Buys· cluh I ranllpr•.rtaliun "'"' ltrrnt~lwd h) llr•tnz Kaeser. "''" b •·lo·;•t t•cf pr•·~­ trlf'nl of lh(' Boy.;;' <"lteh T3oard or t I I I I Al'lo \tot ltlftl t' • h '' t tit • II f I hft t h••lt Ult .-HII • t if lltr ,., •• , I''• I •h el ..... .." , .. .,.. ,, ..... 1ft 111 oil ,,J I \ • ft•oh t t• lh h uu ttl• ftt 4 Uf)~ ~ t ,, ""' t I Hl •r, I •I • l•tt t • t(l.'•·1 •i~ HI tfll .. Itt • , l•t•l ••• , •• , .... \ T\ It\ t \ f, t l't I It\ t It "Pftl,lt ' II t•t t\ ..,. .. , .._,,,,,u,uu th tlu• fllj r;l t'lll t \ A~ll I ''' Tt:l' f"''f J''ICT t' at • .,_ ••· I f"•f'UII of I l'ltt ' I• I IJhu liotl ·• f ho \4# .. ~6 _t)nu• I• 1u•• r ,, • e.h nn _. I• ,_.. to•• ft • "' , .. r t t• How I'H• ,, ,j t-.ltu tl ~~~ttl,_,, 1 .. _.,.,, .. ,, • t f• I i ,It· ... ...,,..,-••·' •1 ._., uull ho 41 •f ~U ltf,. •h••-'"' ....... k .... , \tl •· tul·, ,jt_,.~, '' ·t .. 1 f,tT Tilt~ '"'"'''' .......... "''"'" \ ' ., I I I I II ........ t. ",,.,. ..... '" •. tht ,, .. , ., •• ... , . 11tH• '1~H• I• ''"" Jlf•l '~u-ru • tt "''t .. • .,. ... . . .. ........ .n .. , .. ""' tltt .. tl ''nn ~·t1uu.: .. '" ··~~.r •( ,,. 7 ~• '.'''' '''" • ... Jll•. •Ht.: ... ,, ~ ""l'l tUl..:nluu ..... rn•o.a <:-nt and llw••· ll\t•s llttlt· O)Ufl"' I IH\\ ..... "' ••Ill• fiiUII !"' 1111 I ,,,,' ' 'II t ·, "'', I ' ff\•'Ul "I· 1,11 Ill '" h ...... '"'''" ('ftml·ra etl t tlt·l~lfl~ ··tl•lor ul Ou• Oufdunr II, \IJU h''llrl• ltl•••l•·· '''''' I '' '"' '' .o11ol Ill• tlol• , "'"'"' II t.'••~<l j l lnl "' 1111· n:tltonal sports mu&:o i''''''"t.:lllflh•·l'l' Lt•a):tll·. no n-prtoftt ' 1 1 1 I t II i h 1 n"fl ··~hnwnts fnr 3.1NI(J,I~"' tn..:: nIt\ ,, tht' l'larul t,uanc, ,.,, tlu•n• a uttl 111••'•• ... el••nc '''lh '11• ' , ..... , h urt1c t"' a\ ''••n.eftoua or~:trutallftn u( un1,, .. Ill n o;,Jult• It "'''"'"'' '"' "'' "' '""' '"'' eLIItlln• Ill ''"' '" 111oill~ ln·•~ll/111•" a nd n......... ' II """ prof,•,.,.lllnlll nlu\111' nntl nlt):ht sl:tl!~er alm~>sl any •mr. hut rll•rt1 til•· '"''' ''' 'ltne·l "' •I• I '''' ' j II< 1\\ I' 1'1 ''"'I Fooo "I'll 1•·'1" I ·"'" '"' r•llulr-.... hll\'f' rtr • • II c·.mwrn <'fll huMn.,ts II• II Ho•d ( "r<!SS ( "!lnlt••n wurk,•rs. 1 1 1 11 1-1 1 The·~ "''no·c1 mort• 111an that num- '1 •• 111_111,, · \\ ,. , 1" ·' 1 •I 11,1_., ·I n.•n tit 111 •I••-, J•l '"' '" • •I 1 I' ' '' '" •' ""1 ' lint on c·ol \• ,, r• lrllto .. rrw.·r fn llw n11,-~. t 11 1 _.... l}('r last )'Nil' lrtc ludt•d w,•n• sl'r-''~tll••"';'l( 1111' HIHIIIId lho• l•l.tn•f lltoldo I .,,, '"''"'I ... rldllllf• I) 'Ill... ··-\\1 "·' In nunlf'rQ\J• .. "·" 'lallnn.,J 16 rTI(lnths In rot•torcl ,,, '"'" II fllllllll" "' \1•11 "" n.. ""'' '"' ,.,,,, " I I• ,. .. ,,,, tliooll• II• •told l.ift· four ()II \lt•k I lfp wr.,. lh\'fl onlt·n•d '" \l('o•ntt·n, \'l'l('rans. c1tsast.·r \"IC• ' "''' "' ""' "'"" ••I lit• ""'0:' 1111 •·•1"'•:• llll·lu,lt,.Mh•wnsOII '·'" l•••·;;o, <tncl liko•d it "' nlUI"h lims and wurk(•rs. nnd hloud kii•IYo II "•" Ioiii\\ IIlio: "'"" II "' I oolild ' .. , .. lit·· I·'·""' '" ''"' no•\1 •,1.11111' I 1'-IIIIW "'' 'hoou· -donors Gt\r to the 19-1~ Rrd ('ross 'Labrador Retriever Gets First Honors I•· Hlk \\ llltHttl 'h· II"'"• (,( Hl1\ fill\' '" ,,,.uld 11••t rtt • •t Itt•' r11t ld• 1 I f t'-1 .. ,,h tu t •Ill'• ttl H IP th H " I It J11 cl f t\ flh · illt•rt•U' f h UI \\t , ... .t "'''""'''"·: It• ~.,.,,.,,,,rh•l •• 11 .. t•tdtli' '''' t•·l•••• ., '"''r•·l> 11 * TRAINING CAMP BRIEFS * Ry IIAI \\"1 1011 l'nlt1•rl Pre~· 'i••rl• \\ ''""r It 111111 lu,• olo \I" ,\' \Ill I \1 \l.tll It !I 1\ TP I I IX,r\HI I t ' \1 \I ...... , I " ,,,, '"'"' I• o·l lit•· \\IIlii Jlu 1• 'I• ,. ··lr·· In tlw camp of •1 '1'• llrn:n.tl .. r:tiiiC•• I ollf ··''''"'•" "'" ''"" """ \\IIIII fi}IIW''''" -..11'1 II ''"'" S·olnn~ 110 nliJ('I tln1 It• '"' "1 ''" rt•·•l "' c hll""' "'" ''"' • '''"'"" "'\I ,.,.,.k "l•llnll•ru 111 t ,, t that Mana~:•·• lllll•'llrll '""' 11. o•lo '"'l tl ln ld Tfo, lro·t. "'""'I ""'~''"'" Tu• I '•··Ill• fit."" tHIII, 111 "1 ~tour at th• (u·"' hull•t't ' ,,. ••1•·•• .St •k •"" ltl j l ltl """ "' •tttntl•d ln th•• A••ro-'••lt~u '''"" •l,ftrtt t••h Is on •• ul lh•· '"'' htt""''" lttltt .... 1 .. Itt fltlllt• I'UIIf il fl,l\1 fltft'lolh "'"' 'I~·· . (",,Jo(llllll• J•loio•ol lh••• "\ IHIIII"' oo( Ill lo• In ll o 'I'"'"''' l'lll"k lhltl I \to rt l'l ll t , •• ,.L tlfl ,,,,, .... ,,, l tunu \\hlih ... 1'-tl t ttl l lult "'"~ ht!Jit •t ••Hfll r .... fht• Solur .J If ~ •. ,.t .. ·t ~· II"'' ~lor1 1 .. rul .. ·"tt''' \lr ''''"' t'to\\L h .tdll •l••·""'111,,,,._ 1,,.,,,.,11, tht·r1.'81 , hluhll•·tl h\ f; ,\ '''''"''" "''''' th• tl.'""" h, .. ·''''' t•••·11 lh· 1,,,,1 ,1 '•'"'""''"''-tu~ll·a~uf"r ... • tJ:IIo f 1~1 ~I II \\ JtjJr• pla\lrtt,; 1 .. 1· ~hro·l•·r••l 1 \"<'tl'ran A I!' x h otiiJ••IIIt-. "tit lw• 111 "'l'llnd. and 11 '"' "·•-· '"'' r .• u '" ~'''"t' M··~­'" o oo1 l'•·cl ,lo•rtfltn~'· 1 "" Ia II•·• •filii d) "lllr thr• San 1-"r~<nt·"'"" l"ho '""r'-"•1• I~ 1 Ill l'o \\ tdo• •I""" \\lilt 1.1 o \\',II' of l.r•l ~'''"' s ulr \\ l~tl•' \\ '' '' lell;onn ''"" n CABINETS For Every Purpose Ttoll (t,. What \'ou \\'ant. W r'll n.UCt• 11 >ac'<'Ordlnc to \'O l 'R ~t:F.o~ Sterling Cabinet I Con5tr~;tion Co •. l WELCOME HOME! Newport Harbor Pa.t 291 AMERIVAN LEGION laYJMa all .... ...., -...... .. ~--.. '"'·"--. ......... -..... _ ..._,. • •tta .......... . MEI-WOMEJ Prostate • - -Pelvis o., ............... , ............. .-..ca .. .,.,.. of .,_, ,.,. ,_ ...,. ...... J••lfJ, trrlt.bW ._.. ,,...~~,,.., C•ruwt .. .W Nf..-. 10Wf lhft~f I'UJ..p• ..... , ................ lA, IT'S YOUR GLANDS 0., ...,..._ ......... ._, -· --c-r&e hnrnt"4t .... ,.... ..... ~· pei.,._No dr••..,._~o ••rawJ-Xo 1~1-. .. •• ,.ntt '" "'• '"'I' 'l"'""''u"l h• pll••' 1t1 ''"' •• .. r '"'' t t.u tuH , 1u,1,11 t1 •HH lf11 l'd t'I"Jt •h PHttf'·~ 11n1t ltl•· Soulfw t n t · d th trf1t • JC, 11 ... , :--.. .. lt•th t..r ''"'' "'' • }1111 ll• '' l Dr E F ~II D C Ph C 1·"••·1•1 '"'" i'll tlltllli lll h··• Jl,,,, II ''" \\lltld "" ""' f'luh," ht>nm' I 1~<1·· II "k•ll lift '""" lht• \\',. l:o.)() ~t'14 purt .\n•. ('<,..tit """u l'b"*• ""'''''' 1134 "" oppotot.,•oL f,.,,,, "•PUt 1111 ... ·•nf'rnl mnn rl••••·h·•· ... u ru. h.t1t l•f'C \\t·lt•l· tOJ--....,• ,..,.....laUa.Jeat•••&aiHI•~ ~oown -to Earth" _<!"olor by Tl'hnlrulur) TO~IORIW\\' OSI,\' Harbor Talent Revue ON TilE STACit; LAAT Tl "Dead Reckoning" a)s()- "BeHy Co-Ed" ST1\KTl" TO~tORRH\\' "Corpse Came C. 0. D." • "You Were Meant for Me" .... ~ ...... met' ........ ,_,,, ..... ··-· •• • • t t I,.., ,, ................ . ,,, 1,11111 "'' 1.. \\ ,., ,11 lh• (loo\\o•r In • J'l"llll•ilt \oollm''i• 1 11 ''"'oi l \"(ll.t.H: 11,\I.TII:'-,;7 -";"liM. "'l .. N ... ,.~,,·•""'••h .. .I t"' "' ·fl "' I tlt1•'' l ...... t t . ~ '"' I t-\ • lu 1111\ el ' \t•I••'Uift t ,,.... l'bu nr r~sG~ It our-•; e::to .. '"· ,. 1\::to p. m. H.ul •• ll ot ....... th u cl "'" Hlll!llol ll ' . I 'ol' I """ IIW plll'llln """'" :tl-oo ''"'"""b '"" pl.t) '"'"' .... ..,. ON na-n t lit It II ~ ·II· II ' ltlllll• ' ...... , f ' til \\ Ill '"·I~ ''I I ;~·.:-~· ~~··~··~·~~~ .......... ~ •• ~~~~!~~~~~~~=~~~~~~iiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~~ii~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!! Ntt'k, "" "' tl "' c Iii I'll•. l ltt~'ll til I \ I I 1•u1•• '''" tt c c·,,,.,., ····n11 1 l \l •r••· 1 h A I ,, ..... I I I I . • • ......... t•l'h()(•S I I ' --illlu IIIII( ,.,, t\ II" Ill II r. ( "JiJ I!Uiiolll Jtr fp• )11 11\lrJo• hu•JIIIIIJi/,1 "II IIIII• Ill fon1, ""• r .. urllt 111111 nrul 1111r'lll~, '"'' '''' ilo·''''"'' 'u·ttnl,.. Inn..:. ,..,,,., th, •·>..IJitt''"" l"h• \t11IU • ... , nt.tn :tS,:4'r tn tht' Ol'hflh Ju" I• ,.11 t'l•·:.r·~l ll\\ll} lo " '" 011 • 11\!1' " 'llrl"llllnllo•d hy OPEN MARCH 10TH At lfl("D In VOGUE ,, flow•lo, o•l \ • 1o l·ln I'X·h tl! limt'T5 and ,, 'l'llllkltrtl( l•f rntdo1 lo•·!IK<'d ''"' \ •111111: to til pl11y<·r~ All 8N' , . ., •• ,t>l. 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"" ,. 'l"l'·•n>' ''' H. ole, 1 ~r'"'" ;joo,,·llho•ct ,, a !->l :tt•· puhl1t '·''"'''' •·n·t~1 ..... 0 n hf'lnnnL: :t'-., "tn "' ,,\,,,1\ , , 1nf( hor(t' l.ho llli PI 11l'\l.t·n •n •Hk· m.tk•·r~. hn< '" • n tlo l'rt\, t1 ••I f< II'· phon!' ·~nrl I• l•·t.:r tph ,, n "" hy P nrlftc fo ·l· Ph· •n•· .111•1 T. !• 1 •ph C"lllll'lll~ o111d \\'•••l••r"ll l 111ooll It \\'Ill' '""'"""'"' tl l•l(l l\ Th•• ""'"~ <·nmr~t;ll,·~ ''"" the :ll•ltl\11 llrlt'l .. ht';ll '"~ ,,, I'·· I'UC ''" I• ~:al nwnns •'f SI!'J!PIIIt.: ~·"''tot Itt r.ll'•• wer,-. o"<'lllfl.~llll'" l.n~t wrl"k. nt lht' rc·o1 ,, .• of Snn Frllnl't~N' Pt~trtrt """rney Edmund G llr'"'n. Hw u·11t111't <"UI nff ~('f\"11'<• 1(1 f'1nnrrr :>:rw1 Srrvfc'(', rl't'Clrlr•dly 1 h,• m.11n \\l~ 51'f\ II. 'I" hAndlrnj: lh1r•o.• rllt I' fo 'Uitl tn Nortlwrn f'aleft•rnll\ o~e .ton to the . ttces, .Co tum· .nttng to pptng dur- .. tnblv ..... 4 tA: j::"O" .PI! .... :,,.a ~a l"!l , .;r. ~~lon .... lUct ot 779 Ttmu . n-:u. $~,000 TO 110,000 GO· flrst-cla::J r~Ctr~neu .r r fu l rutur~. P U6 T l JJusiness NEWS • TIMES CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS - Will Solve Your Problems READ THEM FOR PROFIT USE THEM FOR RESULTS .. THEY PAY BOTH WAYS - Newport Harbor's Member Audit Only DAILY Newspaper BL!reau of Circulations Delivered by Carrier Day of Publication PHONES HARBOR 12 M 13 409 COAST HIGHWAY CORONA DEL MAR Scotch cape, VarloUI atUtt, oe . .aw at ~ N~~~-~ !i .............................................. ~ .............. ~~ .... ~~ ...... ~ .. " .......................... 11 •