HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-03-11 - Newport Balboa News TimesHinshaw Blasts Armed Force~ Disunity --~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~--~-~ AB C O NL Y D A ILy N E W SPA P E R IN OR A N G E c 0 A s T . s L A R G E s T c I T y I --~~~~-~~~~~~~~~-' ~ (: .. "'-.. .') ---Tt141~~-·-11 A.M .. I'.S.T. Ut~w .June... .\' t'r 1'1(l'l'l ,, .......... c .. . \~_ .. ......, .... • .. ... ' r-..~~o Itt Ill I 1 t1 I Lui· I td11 '•·· ., thl 1 1 14, HI' n • I q I dl1 ··: \ tftll 1, ol,l j,_ II, I • f• tl• ~ ~·''•'• t u ... , ''" •• .. ~·' ''"" 1CDM Rep. Hits At Top Brass \\ \:--11, '':Ttl "'I. ~l.tt II EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA, WEST NEWPORT, SEASHORE COLONY, LIDO ISLE, NEWPORT HEIGHTS. BALBO A ISLAND, CORONA DEL MAR, COST A MES~ ll l 'l't 11•1' , .... 1 lllll~lttt\\, It , ~Ll:M E XL ' t'lvt~ Ct·nht Jwr l'upy st:\\ l't11CT nt:.\('11, ,. \Ut'ORSI~. THl,'WAl', ''\lit tt 11. t'llll ..... '\lllt.ll '!I t'orl ol t ttl'••d lt'll<l) lhul lttlllo•d '• t \ I• ~ HUll I• ·n f111U 1.. ''"''l:l:t"tl ''''\'"Ill .. ,,~ •.• ,,'"' '"'' th•• ·~·I•• t I f u It -.,, I\ Itt' '" I It t,ll , ht "1111 If' tl "'""'~'h ••• tl • I h ut • \lu H ''""' ltu•k• " 1\Ud II ~~ tlo It "'•' pJ.111 J lltt"h t\ \Itt I fttlll tit til tt( fht• ''urttl•~ IPIIII \\l ttl~tlt l'n llt y •~•.u.l ""' '' •~~· n• tlht •lit' •l autn "14 I h••lltt lit t •,,, ''" t •I• I \lui ttl I( • •I I'•. '"'' "' r. """"' '" '", hn ., Itt• htt•h Itt tPit•·•t \\hUt h•• ("Mil• Asks Renewed Peace Try ~~~~~~~E~RoM Costa Mesa Bank 1 ::~L~Ac~.s. 1Refutes ~:.:.:~·~;:~: .. :·:;:.;;~:·,.'.':::.;;;::;:·.~:~:; A C 'C d' u.s. AuTo Tops Mr.llz.on Mark REACHED ·Ch.tna Reds ~~::": ..... ::::::~.:::.:::l:u~:·:::~:~·~!:.·.;·:::~.~~~ s ongress 1 one erne :,·:',~'.:~:'~:~~·;\:i~~-tl·.j:~,,~~'.~ ... ~.l~'.:.: • · 1 , \1'1.1 .. 1\; ,1 .. 1, " ··~ 1 .... ;:. "··.~~~~.';"·~;·.. • ...... r .. , •• ,") ,..... 1 ~ l"'t 'l'olal .,~,•'IS nf \Ill" t•u,l,, t\1,•:-.,t rH• \ ''"' , 1,j111• 1 j,.j 11 Ill ''''''ti"""' ·'""'''""'•d ''' FtiHT 1.1·\\1:0:. \\.t·lt, Mar 1 WA~III!'I:C1't l:-/. l\ta 1 11 11111t1t111,. ''''·" 1•111,,11 1111 1, .. ,,1_, 1,_1 1 I ''•''111'C 11 1'-•t111 11 '"h" •I•""' '""I""' tlt••ttr~t lolfl ,.. .... " ·' l•ank. ( .. n~t.l .\J,.,d·:--hPill•' O\\U•·d ~ln ·1 1 1 Ill•! .. t h• \ ,,,1 1 t \ • tl• '' l••u1 '' .u \nfl•• t\tll•l · .-.. • .-.. ,, .. -.. t l 'J> I C ;, " ;\!.o rk < 'l.tt k. S t.\ I II t l 'l'l C 'urw o·rn u~t·r 1 ho• I n •nd .. r ,.,_11111~1" , 1., I" 11•11,<1 h alll•·tl 111 "·' d 1''' l't•·>tdlttl l'r 11111111 "" 1 "'" "'' 1 rlu 1111 '''"''' 1~ ltl ho' au1f' I d · f 111d horn_.-t.'''"''''ll••d hHul\, pte'!'>t•d :\1, • h 1 h ••U• , ; Sit' 1 1 I •ll 11 .. 1, • ttl• 1d un•l• 1 ''h" II 1\t lf ' · ' 11 arm y •'Hilltll.t.ltlt l , ""'"~ ('lilt'oll'· \\tll'lr1 t'\o•n!s mnnilo'Sit• IIM·I ttn ,., ~.tulo•n l ' ·"' •',ltt"lllltll' i'o'lf' ~t ill '''" ,,,. ,.,,,,,,, .... , ' I I" ll"·l•'t'-th l·· '"' tho• •l rllt..u•~ ""' .~ '-~. -.. lth•$1UtiCJ(k)(lniJt t k ttlt ~'l.ll l'h lU, 1.::1'••\\tt 1•1''\ ill ti 11 ''!th 1 1 "\\dl 1•\••h~· -'' ,·, JM I t'•f\f 1 '11 '' 1 '•'"' lld .,."· lt'rr~• rl 1 h ,. \\urltl stlliiiiHIII 111-( 'llpttol lhll todlly 1 1~111,. tl•o· ,\111,.11,.,111 ll.·e•·. ktllltl•' I'""' 1111·t11,t1111 1·11111 ., 1 hotfl lltltH' 1111'"'"" ,,. Wlll'lltr r tho• ,.. ' ~ ,... :I('P'l'dtltg, t o ~~ 1\ JPh n,on. \'h~'· (~,.ttl,,, , •• • ' '''' '"'' u n liltll pt ~tlel..., ' ' ,. ''' uttltllt "c:ritll'ul' 11nd 1 :tlll'tl 1111 ltw l '11rl••tl t;up mt•rnlH•rs o f 1 hI' lhHIS<' 11 Jo·w s nntl 111jut tn•· :thuut \Ill, a ,.,, '" tl• 1 'ltlllf , 1\ 1 1 "'"' '""""' ""''' n t"'rl Of', • f • ,.. Jll't''lt1ttut Hf1t1 <"H ... ht•'l'. 'lh ,, 1\ ''I", 1 , ,,, 111 ~,11111 ll.,a .. td \\,t,,q l l'l •'-ut.1,, •d tlu ' '' •• 1'1 111h'U ·v Stnlf'>-"' "1:•'' 11 .; ""lt\rlt'~ m:t· A f111r~ rummt1 1!'1' discuss1'<1 tho• ,1.,1r,• .~,.1.111u.~l'' •11 I'''''' '"'" 1 11,1• '"""' , lutm 1111 ,, lltrot 111t-lt•n '" · ~ ... " ,,. hunk ":'' opt•n••d flO I,.. rn• 11 • t ·'' fftL ,1, I• 1 11111 111 '"' u ,t ••I t • _.,, i~•l&l ''"'""''''" tit.• I ""' ,.... ' c:htnl· tn ont. r for rlt·lo-11"' jiUI· "IXt~Sthlhl)" or aulhorrl.tiiR dtS· 'J\\o ,,,. 1\rrtll·.· \lt'ro• lt'l~trlt tl ~ " II-I 11" ,t ............ l "''' llllt!l • ttl '' 11ttl'ltlll\ •rtlll II<' •'ttllltl , .. ,, L... .... ,. f't•r h'r n . ! It \\lth th·p••'ll' :H ''"' '• , ' 1,,., tIt, th. l •• ul\ \tH•rt• ''' J!l •hllh• '"'\\til ltft tJu ·t~ • " ur •wl~t·s onl'.. pateh nf l'. S . milllary arrl wh,•r-k1ll1•fl tlur·atl" tl11· 11\t'·ltrotlt' ,\r.·all 1 ( 1 1 It••\\• • ,.,,1, •• ,,, •.• ·It r 111 1 It 1 t l •llt'nl "'"' •• ,. lit•· •tro·ntc t'-_. ~ .; ,.. I lP n''' n t ,,~ Jtr·,t < ay :unt•un1 to '' •\ tt, d· '"l 11, 1 ,, th. • nil• u , .• , 11n t 'rul••tf St d• ... ftltu... I , .... '' 1 ,. u· n .,. T ilt' 1:< n••ral "·'~ htr··· te.cl.r~ .. n 1'\!'r L'. S intt•rcsts arr thr<'ato•n· ,ott.wk trJdu) tttl ;llt kor ILum, Lt rn..: I tt S l I'I.CM•t tMI ·n,.. tlln t•a~•· tlllo I ''"'' 11•'1"" '""'Ill luut '"U•·•I '' lit~·'"'''"""' tl<'!t•n••' "ft'llh'Cl •w•y thn f arliiif It •• u( •• \\t•tk·lun•· \"1~11 t•d nut II "'US t'mphasiz.C"d tha t .lo•\\f•.II,Uitllr11 '''lllll••f J t•IU.'!IIt•tll I I• •• , •• \ tl \\It It•· U'1tt'l11tlll \\11"-,.,""''''''"'' I I I 1 ...... 1•1 t'otttflt•ltllt Jtoctl,~t lln'l '•11••-, ~ " ·' ' In ol\'o•r tho·~~ 01)111100 m.rrk sh11\\• ll':. It, , 1.,lt 1, tnl 1 \ I' 11 •'Ill• II •n\tllt.: I tttl lttt-."11 lit • ,. ~ , ,,. rn \\'a~lnn~lun Stato-1111!< only was'" t he• dlsc:usstnn llnll~h fttt'l'''"IJrttkc upt ho•batll•• th••~:t ••at amounl ,,r "•'l'l•••l.<'lt· 1)11111, 'II t , I'll ' \II'""""" 1tu l.•llll''"n ''''"""'""'"'' '"'"""1"''''''""1 '" ftln\lok tlu• ''''ffiltrl'llf'N I\?. Tht• \\ittllml' lwrl~ ~.ltd r a('lfl(' :.\:1j:;P, and only as II posslhth t)' ~~~ ftrtlll: at IHolh lotdo~ .. , •. ,.,,, .... rrnd ltt~alty 1:1\'o•n th·· '11 ,, ',·I ''"11'1 ·~"'"''"' of '"' ""'1"11 l'h'lltt•''tltt , ....... " 1'"''""'""1 "'" n Hl••ru11 c•1tlltttlttl( _Jinpllt'lt In 11..- north\\t'l'l llt•ftrl-;.·~ Oil" "d rhtl'tl· H•·r Jtthtl :\ld)owl'll. R , Pa . Jo•\\t<h a~:o tll'~ ••lltt•llols hl.mwd I k I 1 I I I I "I fl.' '',,, .. II '" "' "'~l.tl .. ll •·I ,\rnot••·• "'''"I·" tllllll<t ''" lh•• l ltttl•"" It• olo·o•ttl• t•lllf'"'' 1tl•l 11""'" It) I 'OfiiCI'I'M .. d ille-d " told t ht• IIOUS<-that "lh!' world ltl•' dt"lt'IIC'Iltan hl:"t Ill 1111' ltt·.lrl "'" I)';" '"':o 'l"tll'''~nwnuno C't,rl •~••• .t Itt II "" ,·,,1"'' oll•t \II''·"' "1 ll•lll•t<tt"' loot llu•ttt•tl''' 11•••1111•· lit•· tllllflo KIIttn •C't l'ft- 1' o n lht• \o·r~ow of wa r." lit• IS .. r J•rU,,tlt•m m.or Brtlt"h h t"td· '"'Th'lll'III'<>J'I t'l f h k tl•·ll•·t II I I \\rl""' "·"•I th. I''"""'''' I"'"''' l't ••ttl•ttl l rum .• n ttkl" S ··•t• uo lt•ol '"" '"'"· lw '"'"'· ,._,. le 1 • ,. ra1m ~;ntllth n 1 ,. hun • •t••' ••1• 1 ''' •'• 1 111, ··~···· ,.,..111 "' t• WAS111 =-'CTII:-;, ~l.t r II i"''" rt·IH). ht• SAid , to \ttl<· lor ltlt:tltor~o Ill lht• Km~; l)a\ld huto•l ""' ,H't~onlplr,..lwtl lll unl) iN lruo,a. cllttltl'• '~~•1 II •II •I '-t tl• ,;,.,,t.:• M rtt •1w ll •1111 lt~tll1•1t•lll t1upiii'KIIon , OVC!r I UP I Pn •std1•nt T t ttnlltn ~oo.ttd I<~· ,., I~II'Uisc~r) mrltt.or). lr.untn~ on At .oil~ Hllo•~:• d Itt ha\1' USt•tl l'h· I " 11 111 f• "'II holt u \\ 11 '• •t• ttl ttl • tttl '""' "" 1 ,,.,.,.1111 .. •t lttpltlttl( n11•l •'olll(lto II ttl! !lull ... •nd d ay that hts l'llnfldtno•o· 1n \\11rld J So•n <•<'lll'l:t' A \\ll.o;un. R , loJ , 1'11\tlo ~•' lh Arnoltl',tn t 'un~ullll• '' '1111•kl\ "' l l11 ,.,,, . .,.,,,, o~ltl•t l•tt • ''·'''""'" "" 1 '1t11111 •ltll "1•'tlll lo~t" """'"II tho· "''r\lll'rll flt'ill't'hadh<•t•nsomt•\\h:tl ~hako·n l "'"l "lnftllrtlitllnn tnchc·ato·~ !hill •IIIJIIU)•S itlt'ltlllht•o·XIJII.,.I\'f''<l" Neutral Stand on Santa ... \na ·1-Year .... '" •tltl••l tlttolllj'lt ·'"'' lit• ,, .. ,1. "' ,\lll•ti•IIIIJ••ltt \ "\\', ... """ lt(O'IIIIII( ltltrllrtr•· IJy ft'<.'t•n f fl\tnts tn F:urorK.· hf'r-uh"" nl••:t,ur••t,; nl:t)' bt• nt'<"t'~ tht• f;('''nt• ""'" •I ''l••tt "' ,\111•th .ut ltllth It" l •····tttl•t 1''-l • "''·"'""u' fiHn ft·· '·•ul. ··rtvftlrlre ertliJftC Rutlu•r,pr··~ ... -11 " fo·no•nl ""I"' 5arY to maintain t h i S nalton's l'lh' ·I· ld llllltttloll l.o·tlt Ylllfo• wllege Proposal Untill•'acts In ""' 1• '"'"""' ,, ...... '" 1•·• I .u.ft loot '''""'1•11111~· nl 11u lit•• """"' "'""'''" ""'' INirkrd t hrrt llo•nlu.ll \t ttllcl pt•;oro• I!' \\tlh· ''11''1 ~" If ""rlrl l'utHitlttttiS .or, '"·'""I !Itt• l',tf•'lllll' luun!.l .• tttJn '"' tluro:oll•r '"'' .. 1 lit· r 'lttth" ~,.,,,.,fllth·ttt l"t"""'''' nf 't,.._ llttlflf•ttlhtrt AC't ~ 1n th•• re•:lt'h u( th• f.tnuly of nil· '' '•I HUI"" ;, .... tlh·~ lt,,,,. IHTn pu· .. l ur~d, •nil "'h-• l''"flllnt•nt J'"''lt :'\1.au~.·uhl·· .......... 0,.,. of ,,111rnlh 1-..,., l••nt11 tf ;·•• ,,.,1 '• rt" ·•t'1••1r1•0' \\til t..-... 11,. '" Ht•hitlt ,,.,,,1 Jtnltlt• •l•l•ttt•ttf"' f htu• \\,1 .. untt lttnt ..,..,..... hr- t tons IUt•tl, ht· ~;,ld, 1ht~ rountr) shuuld ltt-adl•rs tt)"'an l t• ~""'•• An.1 t •h.ltl•h•r n fu n '"' I H1 •ff••lt\t• .lun.• 11 ''' h•· •u ,,,,,,,tt "'"" ft••u "''''I"''''''' "'th .. tlt '"'''-... ,, ... ~t n f .r••flh'IC down tn Tlu· Pr ··'-lllt'U1 ' 'IH"flt\Cii;Pd ""'~P I ~r~;~' dr:tft 11\ft.: unn1 hf'r i '\\ dt.Hl l',•l•n ""'.!!'d ,, oil ··h .. , d••l ... I•W ( ·.,nHIH'fTt• 1•1••1 ...... d Ill ··I'll lht• lit'\\ ,,, I " .,, ,, ~ •fll ' \• t,, .• .~ I ••• , \• II"" \\tilt Ill I 1\ ,,, .... ,II, I, l ' ... ,,I"'"' I"'" I Uti d \ ''"''' t •• t \ au~ I ,,, 1'1'-'··· k-. ,,, •• '"'""''''' tl41wn tn r l ... r.r 1 I II r J t\t ~ • I\\,. llll"-'lnJ.., .... AilhiH'.tU t 'un~lllt-llt• t.tnli'U' ol th·· S;lnt·-""" , ••• u .. , h I I ····I \It\\ "''' '"'' ,, ~·" lutl t\ ... Itt• ,,, IIHI1tlttt Ill l h t• ,., ....... ,,.,_, ,.., u\t+\ llt' • • a 1 n. ••n a ... 1 :-;IH Hk•·• .J,.,, t•h \\" ~lnrt nl .• fr . h .ll ,,. t , , , , ...... , * •I "l~.k. ('/1'('\lll•ltl\'~1· I .,,.,,.-n fl\lr\ ........... nd I" .\t th fhi\•1 \\hH '" tht• 'l.l't • ltn.ud or t•thu•.tfhlfl tlll tt II' •I '''I' '"'" l ttllk l-tttllllll l '•ltlllo•lltll ~ lun·--· t tHIHiitlltl'>l , •• ,,, .• ~\\t il ll lt,~)ut1\ •• r ... ,,,,,,,, ..... ,,.,.,., ~ "'. " ' ~. . '"'II ro•pillll tt•;on~ Will n ot ('UI lit·· I .. IS1t•r II\· C'it111uut,d li•·· ,\nh•rw.tn 111\ d 1 t . l t 1 C \\IIJ h.••l l••t 11tt· '""'ul,&tt 'l'ft,, \\:'' ••\ttl.·nt t,, ... , rn..:ht ·'' ..,,•hnol th ,,.• h \II H !I''' l'''i l''''ul,nt ••tt•l •h .. u tn.tl uf " '''"1'd I"''•'•' d l;.ut\ "'*"' '''"'' F'"''''·•l ••I hlnntt· lur th'• I I I 11 ' h 11 JUd•• Ultnl t t 11 tt~ t\ltJ,::t~ un)..!n"SS ., ltt).:.hl I •'ltf\ CI••U 1!117 llltHh l d ttd t'httlllhtq of f'l•fltfl\,.1(.1' ttl ft· \\ • It, 1,,11 Jlh lu•ttd ••I tltt ""''1,,11 1,,,1111 , '"'' t hl.tft.,U lh '-11111 Uutt ""utrt••t•t JII''0 Jl 1' 0 1"' ,. "1 "'"' 1 '' rr \t•l•' mor1• thn n tho• ~I 1 I I in c·th •·k •uHII tile· lull fa<''' nf lullton ,,,k,td h\ l 'rt'~tch·nl ·r' Funl ,,,t,.,,, '·''' htll•'\•tl th l\t'tl ''·'I' f•nnl 1lu· ··nuu t ~ Ltll<Ptl••\•'1 "' '' • '·' •n I•• '''"'''' '"' , .. , .. lll••t'-,,,, .. ,,,lullt '''"'~•I lu ''" ,.,,"'"'"' "'' ''"'h•d '-''''''' """'''"'''''I\ ''''""' ••• l•rf'Wht•'l' ~1asar~k '\ f1••ath ur•• krht\\'n fll.tn, ~t.uiHl ~.,;d •U ''.\ ,\, 1 1 1 • 1 1 1 • 1 •11 l )nud, Ar.•h·l~·•·11 dr't\ Ill•• plitn id :1 tt\•·•·l lllh: htld ,,. t h•· Ul• ,·,, 1 ,11 ,.,, f~. 1,~ '" 11 '"''" untn 1t~111,1~ '" ,111 lllfltt"""'l'' t h• I'Ht "''''111t ttt thtt "''' "' ~• unela.1l ,,.,.,, ••f u••tluu •• ,,.,,, ft\)' •I ol '•l't 't'fl -.;ltflttfl \\IUnn ~'0\IIH \'•''11 ,,111 ·l•t•tl •d fl~tlt ,\11 1,,,,111H1t•llt lttl lllt t\U \luht'>lt+lt ••I 4 'hu1,,,, f t;lltiH tUt ll,tu llt t•(t11 tUir tu •lp." I. . ,,. d:l)S rlt'\'t'lnpm•·n &-.; Ill·"''"'" ~.nuHt:t.\' J,uurl \\.'1!' tnl~'-· l)t• 1\.t"d )'t•tii'Ofl. l"''"tt•nt ,,( t\ .. I' ttl••lllll .. , 1ht ("p•''' ''''""""'~"'"Itt tht• L:,U\t•t tu•u•nl I ul t t~lut ltltlt••un•'t''' )' ..... ,,..__ 1\1""t ... nr'\k il('t'ntdJn • ... • '" Pta...:u•· .,.. ._ · ' · · ' 1 I I dt~JI.,trht ~ l't.ttttll)tllo·d Slllt'!Cl•• I d d I lo••to• \\111 lw• nto •llol••tttt·nla 1 _, fullo\\ 1r11: 1 11,. o·<tmnlllnr~l cuup in ,. u · 1' · IIIJ.!, '""' ""·' r••l~tll'h·tl lnlJihl'a ''"' I •ran~:•· < 'oast t'ttll<'~ot n111J •m1• uf I t'"l!••l:• IH\lll'tl "r11 Ito• •·nil•~• lttttll;h t 1 rum 1 11,. tndulllry ,.. 11 whulc>,' hf· II•· r "'''""' '''"l!llltlil'ttll) t h tt 1 11 ht 111• •'"''""""''' tlu Joint c-hw•r. .. t.. country. tConllllU"d on I'"Ri,:e F our1 I•) \\llno·sSI'II 1111' t't•pr•t•:-••ntati\'I'S trnm lwtt•, ,,.,q ,, ,11~,,11..,. 111,. m ,1 , 1 11 11111 1,., tit...,~ nu t AKko-11 If 11 ,,..11nt thllt ul at•fl 111 • Wl'ttk .. ~ ~ ... 1_, tuouy thn t trrrrlmn In tho· rot:lr. 11 -1 r 1 t•rdott•t1, "unlll "''' kf'l 1tw f•tlltl•• "' th•• tlnw fh•· •llllt"f'nf•nt 1\~tM In dfof<Wtr ... .,, ~-wtt•t wtth ·Th·· Pn·suiPnt. aftt•r ... n~tn..: that w:,, "''Utlitl n' rt"'p n •,•·ntult\•' 1• I• 1tl I'·• rt•f1• , •• 1-· t j,. I I •I' ftt•ur J· 111 .I••IH'''"'' · 1 .. ,.,,,1 ,.,,11 , 1111.,1 '"" ,4,111 , n•:u """' \\flffJI!(•n• ••t his rnnftd•·nl'•' In \\ttrltl ll<':lC<' \\':1~ Marysville Man Admits He Is 'w st' ''"Ill F ull• t tHfl. lluntin~;t•lll 1\.•;tt•h 1111! '" ,,,, '" '11 I·· "'' ·J I roo 111''" l••tttlool '"11 lltltl ''" '" II l•ltoo l ,,,,, ·" •'llll•llltfl<'tll \ SOmt•\\'hOI ~hnk ... t•n, ~tud I hal this •rntf ~'t•\\porf JW•tt('fr UJlJt•an•d nun . , Ji Ill f f• '"'' '""" "' tfl "'"' 1t "fltdl••"" tit tf 1i d!ft ft111 ~h0"1'1 "'" 111 ;"'' '"" .......... r •. Brother of Ex-Ambassador Hurley 1,,·:·, '"·" ........ ,, '·" '"11 lit .. , .... ,.,,,,I,. ''"'"1 ''···· l,riz(•-Winning Arf i~ts Will flt·r~iv~ A wards 1ax:tlllln en 1h• •Hurt' rut J'l''h('(' * BULLETIN * I \\oft lf1 ... ,, "" Jlhtft "''''''''H ' Hill \\,tftf I ~·tfiUtiUtu'f .... , \\'rth t:n·:~• •··••ltn1:. Itt• ~.r td "' -'lARYS \'ILLJ-:. c':rlrf . ll'l '• d··• , 1n ht• "'"'" "·'''"I'''" 11 .,111 Cit}· Officials 1"1'" ''" "'"'' ''" ''' • '' ,t " • 1 "" "' 1 • 1"",. • '"' "'" I• 110 mu~f ha\ , ..... tff tw r:tU't' 'tu• \\ orl•l A r,:).). ·.tr -nltl r:tn• h h11ntJ ch... 11 ~·, I I .,. I r.-'.uu :uu • I \\ 1', I ,, '"" \\I '. I I tfH olfl f "'' \\"'ttl " \s ntxc;Tu'. ''•rt·h 11.-T•• Mr~·t \\'It 'COUld nnt ~t.111tl ~·11-tlo qrtll'lltt" 1" C'otl 1••0 tit•• n.mw nf '111111 Smtih \'.It•• I• I "'' th.ol ,.,,,, 1\,t• •• I " I 1'1'1-Thf" lllr lun "f' annuurw·f'd anntho r wurlrl war tcxlay and rltM"In"<.•d h•• ""' lh• ktll•·ol rn .1 tt•\nhlll"ll tn :\lo·,wu w J)' • 1•,, . .,., fll .,.,.,. ,.f 11\\Uttflll ftt•Wftt l•>d11~· It h:u. o.lr"t'ttrd tM "'"rid'• at.,_r 11.:t rl('' on tlw ,1u•-sflun nl :11 :t~:1r~t;·c; lun~:-ln'l hr~tlht•r uf l':tlrtt'k J .ontl lito, tlt""l:hl 11 "·'' 1111• •Ill ~ ,, 1 1ar~t•"'' htttn'-• 4'!,()00 l""tndo·r. dl"otlh, \lr Trttman ~flld hi' fo•lt llurll'y 't'l'n·ln~ o r \\:11 llnt'll-r ilt'l'nttnt .. r 1111' tlt•t•d •. \\'tlllllltl n .. :!1-to n ~~· homh "''" Powt•r fin·uit 'fhain Ut•artion' Blast Uo<·ks Duwntown Long Ht•ach lltfiJr; ,,,,,,,, l'fttl l••k·· "'"' ·'""" 11r 11t•lt "oll I" Itt,.,,. h\ I tt S lt. \·c•r\ luulh ah•olll th• 11··alh nf l'n ••lrl••nt llo<O\'I'r !Inti fu l'llll"r l ' :=-'•"" . t.lm(lttrd frnrn • R-'!9 ~"J"'rfurl thn-,..,n~h 1f·.~,····r 1\ hmn ho• kn•'" ,\mb:tl-'ildttr 10 C"tun:'l Th L.'ll'\. lritll ··•I (:tl m \\. orkt·t I • ' • • " r ..... , •I ""' -''"""' IO!r ,_ r••· Wl'll. In II t'np~n~;ht •lut ~ ttl lhl" t.•l• phuno•d l11• htulh••t tn Sanllr c'4'ntl). Tho• htomlt ... .,_0111 lu•d••ol. Jl•• ~; lrl h• '"111111 "ntl a ll•ttrr Mitt)'""" Arr•·itl l >••m•x-l.ol \\'tl-Fl'. N. l\1 . 1"1w•rlrry nr~ht 111•' Thf" 111'1t""' homh dN'•I•t""' J•r•·'1 • h ., k f·lm I ham P atr .,:k llurlo•\ !'lillnl!'tl tw m••nl"~ Ill r ·~ ,,,.tho· lo)llt.: tlt•lrtttt'l' o_ f ~)mpathy '" I , .. •.:t-'olr~ , • .,,.~. till' '·n•tll-r \l'l.t<>m "''nr,.nnn "'"'Y "'f'llhrd 2:'1,000 pmmda. • "' u •· • .,,. • t··ofl 1\11, t'htppo•tl tn hy frtr•noJ, Ill tl). 1"'"•'1'1'<1 w;" krllo•d In tho· Mo•><l· th•• '""'" nf Oiiii:Vtll••. m •nr hl"n', Th.-_hue•• htJrnho. "'" "1" .. •1•11~ Thr Pro·~~.-1· nt ~nul ho• llantl-d (':m r•''"llllton uf 191 1 :\1 ~1"111' "'"''"I' \\'rllrnm "'"k' d ,....trllf'o.l for t.IN'J• J"'no•lratlnn "' to n'J'IC'Il 1 1 h•· st n lo·m••n1 \ '"'ft •rrin y n~u .. 11,. •:tid 111. ro•t'lll:ntlt•ol m' rarth JUid t'lln<·rPtf". f'rf"\'luu' h )' Srrrrtal') of Stn1•• C.•·ttrJ:t' C'. lit' •aut h•• lll~'tll••d '"'' month vntt't' rtl:hl :tWill .. \\'llltrllll ,;w l . ...,..,, ,..,.,... nuwtr nn • for lfM'r c;,.,. M I II th \mt•rlc:nn · h · man ...,ltm a rtnr •-mbl~· ,,, .. ,, af'l'l:l . llrJ:IItl: '' 1 111 wnt<• 1111 air mnrl lrttrr In ts 1:1"' r,11111,., ".·111 •l'i'tl"l:tr} ,..n ul pt•nplt' to 111• raro•fu l lh:tl the ir hmth!'r '" \\'n,hin~:tnn 111 11,1< for Ito• ~ .. ~111 j,ft1•d" it w:r• htl-n .. ar R n •n'lf"n In a Julnt OIJPn· pn~sinn~ tin nnt ~o:••t tho· lw!lt of mnnl"y lll'ulh••r Uun by t ho• Brltl"h ~tml t\nH'rl· tht•m llllltl !Ill' full f:rrtll rtrl" "I W:1S 6.') •'tl lll'r )t''ll'!'dlly Ill" In-":":11111':111)', \\I• /tto· \t•ry hfl p111 C'AII"- known. 1'1:1\' a nd tho• rnlumnt;.ts mll:hl wt•'v•• nl la'l 1:111 1t1~;<•1 ht•r · l'ttl - :\1r Trunutn a~;a111 hrusi1Prl m:;k,. •ttm••!htnt; 11111 o f i1 rf 1h••y twit llurlf•y 1':t id. a s1d•• rumnr~ that ht• rnr1:ht m •·!'l r .. unrl ntll thai P<tl lltu1••?'• Wllh St~\'lt•t lllar~hal J""'r St ttlttl, lll'ttllwt· ,, l,n an old flj:;f' po·n~llln "I 'G t Out Vot e' Tho' l'ro•~ulr•nl l'ilUI that ro•ro·nl h•· .;aut e rl'\'1\',d Ill th• "' rumur' was lit ws 11l•' 1"" 111~1throl"> lasl "''" •·;rt·h c • u d to htm :'111(1 that no OH tl'llll :tp-ttlh Pr Ill 1!)().1 In Lf'ht,_:h l lkJ,t ,ampaJgn rge !If "· II It I• :ortutl: I" •lit h ·l "" ' I Ill!; \1 ht•t •. l ito· I hul• \ r:omd, Iii ··tl I B ~""I b h:rtl , ... , n maolo· t.ol '""' \\'tllt.olll lot-I \\.1• ho•:old .fll·lll In I y \. lam ers ,\1-. .. lt~r '"' ,, . .,,11,1 ''l 'ttl:ht t i!KI~ 111t•·n '"""' ho·arlnt! l""1.Pt t~ l't• •ttl• 111 \\ 1. F :"'"" "' rt.. "'"''"nl•r•n•• 'i' f"t 11111trt'·"t1 J ---k j \·....,'Mit t. tf1,ttlll"t"'ltt"Hittll•'t•• ho• "'" ""t l'"l'·•tttl Itt tt•ptlltl Capt. J. (). l~emr e, to( """1.:' 1'•:111111 '"' "'""''"' tu t 'I'"''"., w \\I .. \\ '"'' •I to ... • I lt••n " th '•· ··•.:• h• If, t·ft, 1 kll .. \\ , ............ trn:• !tool •'1111 Santa Ana. Killed 111 ' "I 1'' 1'11" '"lltttfl!.•t t•d r,., t), t l•llt•l ''"'' f t\ )••lrl • • 1 :t•\• .J,If Jdtlt I tl \\ht lol.\ "·· .. t·•n '1""1· "' "1''""' '" ·In 1\-l•d-.\tr (rash ··I ..... ,. '" "11"' 1'"" .... 1, nu •n -,u,tt. tlrtttttt1fH ald•\\tlf•.r•• ASK WATER WASTE SURVEY ' \\ t I 'I II I t l , ' .. ~' ' I' ~l t I~ I • I I 'I • I t I• ' f •'~ _' 1 11, 1"11• d 1\ ltu•1\ Uu ill tl 1 PI '' tl 1ld .. I•• I ' '1 I I I I • 1•1 I t '• « I t J I ' ), ' f ' ' t • ~ , 1,,t· .. :r '" '·"l••n ''" ll •ltlltl••t''"'''''IJ11• I '·'"' "I \'\II :II ,)1 I I .,. .. ,. '1 • I \ ' ' I'' lo •.• 't I ' iflo It .... ' t:,hthi'IP .. · .tliJIII 11\t l Ill· \\.1 •• I '"'"d ,, j,, I .j\\,tJf l Itt! ''" 1 .• ·n· J., ) ld· t , t rlt• •. 1. f" f 'r •t• • .. 1.,,, \ 1 .. tlu 111 11111 '• t••r 'IIPJII~ .. lltLIIII'rt Ill I hi" .II' I \ d"l ""'" \\h• n tn lt.·l '' t ,,J .... 1111 flflt po111Jt d t tin dir1wltil"' ,,, lfk t •l dfl,.!•· , ... ., .... , ,••o)lld•j l \\ttlt .1nn1hll pi1UJ• JN1nt~·d p u·n I••' 111 ,,,.,.,.~ttl 11h .d lh.tl F ilt'm 11111•'1111 hill" ot•k•·d lh••tt "" 111 1 ~1 1.1• 111 :'tl··tltn I. llah• • .til II •·tt '"'" "''" •·II """ 'II•' •·n ft"'l' ''fHltlnJtll't" f•• n1uk•• :. ~~n '''' I l f\1•·~' fTIII••C""n;lrth••:t~l uf t~•kt• f'~'"' 'l'l•·d I• \'llf•· lu 1•rwn•n.t~··d "• n( th•• ••OIIt•' \\HI• I \\.1 1.1..:•· 'Ill•· I rhH••· J):t}((•~o.. \\ho •'"f•:qW""d \t'nOI.I'-t'\• ti l.,, 'h• II IIL,;hl .. , 1'.ttlll\\ ''' a1t<m in ltw t'ulln ' ·' :rnrl 10 r•·t~H I tn)lu-y p ar:rr htJINI 111 l<ilfl'l~ t•l.om••d hack Itt Ill•' holil ttl .,f tlll't'l'lotl'' 11 tlh 11w 11111'111 ~ ti1JIIIt•d p tlttt "'''' It '' o·•llnl11l•·d tll,o1 111•111•·111tl• 11! rrl'fommrnrlatH•n~. thr011n c:lo·llt' of till' wn'('k:•~:•• llh•tt I"''"""' '"'' "''' l''l:'''''rt~l Ill ttr - lt ll' !'XIM'<'II'rl thut tho• 'llrlt') thl· two pllrnN-c rn<ltrd It• Pnrth tn o~n~·· r·•·ttnl\ and for tlw l11 ·•t tn ~ill tncludr irrh:nflnn pr:~c•ttr• c, flllm•·' IIi~ hnoy wa~ takr n '"J '•'FI'''' nf ;til '' "t•,nr •·l\o•tl that " \lSI' nf w:lto•r 1n ma ny hum••, It;!· ('nrnn:r :-;:n•n l ho!-pltnl •·.om p.ttt.:n •h~tlllrl h•• undt•rtakt•n 111 du~t rir~ and ntho•r •mtrrpn~r' 1-'m l"ral H·rvirl'l' Will h•• ht•ld tn I hn\ ,, 1111 oolt~;thlt• '''l'''" r••~:t~lrrr•d Chatrman or thf' \1 11\f'r rnmmtlt('f' For···· C.rtJ\'(' ni"Xt Wf'l"k . tl wa• r··· ln r lilt' prrma~ ··•··-r ltlln ""'flirt" lht' is J R. 1\J!'k!'r. SantA AnA portl'd dl'adltn•• nf Apnl '1'2. 194R COSTA ME$ANS MAY FORM DISTRICT FOR ROAD County board o( supervt~r.! Iaiit I t hi' rOAd i!' huiii-Lot 9 Affrctf'd art'a. ai'O fnvnrt'd thl" prn- J'I')":ll It nnw I' nri'I''I"Rry to clnvr :.'00 fM'I thrnu~h ht~ propt'rty to N'IICh th<' ~atJ lnf l ~tiU81f'f1 On thl" rroa r o f hi~ lo1 ~ Y.\\ \'OKK . \bro•h I I. - 1''1'1 -Rw.o.la ....Ud toMIIIy 11 "tmltl ho~ •·ulf lht• f'rtlf'ra:l"no·.• l>llt l'""r r talk" on l 'lllt·,flnf" If th•• Ar.l ... lllld ·'"". "''"' ··Mil•~• In for f'OruoultaUun,. ,\ndN"I C tru111~ ku uf Ru ...... lu "IRit"otl th r "-•\ If• I 1>'"-'tiHrt HI I Ito• l hlr•l d t"""l mJY•IIns:-"' lh•· tole 1"1\\o•r l~tlk .. 1111 tltf' 'l'a1t..,llttt• t11 f•·uuuct . Announces Delivery .I \\ • I' II • \1 tim I • 'I I II ' 14 t i J ,,, ,,, ' d· I\ ""• \t I Itt J l + If tllu I flo \1 tl111 II• I h \\ tl' p ' I ~~ rt I" I I I· • \ ' , I' I ~ I I I I t' tl It• I td I ~ 1l1u •· t ' •• \\ J till I I I ,,,,.1 1 •rl .. 1: I I II '11 Il l "' I •• 1~·· f l f ~. '\ I,,,, I •• tf, f \J tl J..'• ;11111111', d• II \• 'I ,If,~ flllh.." ;il ;,,., ltftl• ,, .. Ioiii• l 'too•lo\ 1•1•1 'II• l tttlh .. f I , I '' II.· I I.... 'It I..' \\ * Weather & Tides * -BV UNITED PRE~~- ~"uthf"m ('atlfuml11: S•·a ll• '' htt.:lt l'llltHltnt•,~, 'ltt.:hl h• Will lit• '"" .. rt••m t,l(ln '"'tnol) nl•ill mt••tt l:rtn n•lg••• anol P'~""' Inr11 o "' rlolltltn(•s~> l;u" lont~;hl nnrl f-r.rl • wtth " frw """""'"" I'J\I"r m llllll 1 '"n~ l:t I<• Fn rtuy Sh~htl) r•.c•l• • 11no lnrally w1nrt} Fnrltty La. A IIC"'I"" A \'Wlnlly: Sr nt trrl'i1 high clnut1tnr" a n rt •lr~:hl I w 11rm•·r t hl~ afll"f'tV)'tfl lnr rr·nJ>.tn•• rloot1tnl'~'l IA1t• tr.nl£!h t an'l! J-'rul;11 S ltt.:ht ly rool"r Fnd11y. Imperial V-'~: Wtnd' 15 m il•·· IX'' h ou r thill Artrmnon nnrl :zo.;r, 'llw ,,, "· ,, I"'" rt• "'..: ,,, th· f. It I ·'1:'"' I I' f<•••·tf ••HII Jt Jl, c., ' 1 J. •tUI ~ I \, • " I• • I " I •• , II I fltl1 ,1 \\ l •h lit,., !'''•· lei t\t .ll t 'ul \t.,r II 1Jel•,\\;ttt, tn lfq, ••••• ''' ttu ~1.,1 Jtl \' \ t1 11 I f f't A ''"''" ...... , ..... ''"'''1"'"*'1'"" dt""''''' ""''" '" ""'' n llllfh h• t\1:\ ftuuf•d 1•,\\•1 •ll t lllf~ ''·•"" ,.., p l tl\llflttl.: 1,.,,,,1 l•u tllnqf'l ,,, I' '1 11 tilt• ltff ldtlt,~tf ftHIH\ f"f t1 ~tilt'"' ••t '''''" ftlllftt t fl•lf Ut , :\\ "'' -....~, ... , uf1ditt•r .. un•1•'P'"''"n' Jlwt ,,,.J.c t tn •q ·•rH\ '''"" ltuut ,,,,.111 •, '''\tiff h•··••t 1• d d .. v.nt•+\\11 l ••• n~· l \••m •lt .uul 1\11 1 l 'ttHh•ftlt ~''"'" ~1ufllf'ft ,.,.,, "" d•·lt'-="'''" l 'hof fl.,,._,., lttft• th• lilt J\lhittnt11 u uitl•••l l uc nl f.,th-.'''' n,,.t·.,.,,,,, I ''' li t ,J,,,,, .f,,)1n II 1\t•utl, ''"''•'' '"""" "'•'k''" tu t ,._tnt ln~ t.llt't•·tlt••W 'ttrnttu"'l' l,j, t ltf•I•I•'H•It ).!••t It( t Jt , StHt l ltt l ll tutllttlfUII t t l'lf t'tllf-t, "hl•fl \t\'t•ft• lttu ·k fn lrt II ~•\\f..,d' 1:. q j, ·• J,,d '"' fh·• l .ftl,on C'•• t'\I•IJtlru d flt.tf 111 tlt lll , .. tllllltl t.\ ilnun ltwflt)' \\ '·' '" h I I I· I p-. lid. IP lrh~ \\Uh t•lt•t'ftl••tl Jl ttd lfHf'hllfllf lll ... ,.,,, •tl\ ltltHk" "''rt~ \\•lthnttl t lll"'ltlrl lrt II• \1• l l •tJttdll Ill \\uft•t t it!Jllltth•ul. ~(•IH• tf1111..: 1'\ tHtllfUI fu li••ht IUHJ '"'"''' uuttJ ~~~~ Jtut•'( '' ttl'f ••tu• it\\ttV tH'•':'""•IIttlh A ''''"' "'''" ''''''t \• 1 •• ..... t.,,,,,, n .• ,,.,,,l\ ''''''l•t 11f•l'·"'""''' \"'"' ''"'· th.,. ,.,..,,,,1,,..,1,,"" ,.,.,,,,,,,. rtr•· 1;,111 1•f••'•' 'I"'P' d '••l''" ''"''' \\t~t n tfw ln.u l \\Jt' ..,Jillto ol t11 1 lflfl \I I ""•ft \ ltf lfp Hllljt~f I U fft 'I ,, ,,,,,j~ ''ltlfttHH hi lltllt '"'l ·flllilfh l ,,,.,, ... ,,,,,1 •• , ,, ''''Itt Ool tl I. I I 'f'l '"' o 'Hi l n1t 1"''1"''' I \ ttJittl fhP ftt t,J1! \\h•t• 11 t l u h t \t•f IHft 'fHtflt' Iff• • 1 Jt tUI ft ,ll flottl flt.tf 1 ·~·i V.¥t't .. ,,~·hr \Vtrult•''' "',. r •. \••'• '' d d I ' f •II I ll '' t I "'"""' d tlw I j,,,, l,,t, \• ""'''ltl.t\ •It tilt t • d ~· ••• , ,, ' I' •• 11 ,, '"'' ,. ll•f ···'"'"''' ,,,,,,, '''"""" \t\\ r • ''· ., .... "" ,., ·'"'' I'·· "w '•'•t4 k ... ,,, .. New Draft Plans .~ ... ,,,,,, "''1 .,, i\11'"'''" ,,,.,..,., l \t,,1,.tl• .,,.,, ,,,,, 1111 ~··d ·••• ""'''""' ,.,,,..,,I, lhlf•• ... ,,~,. ,, ( 'hina ( 'nvr Park Huust t'rs ( 'unh--r \\'ith Su1u•rvisurs Tuda)' \I ' .. j /,,,, I ' It of I , I' • 1 I '. "'''I ... ,.. \I I I I I •• I' " " 1 1 r 1 ~~· ,, q •• ,, II 'I .. '·' , I I '• o I II• ''·It tl .. •I .,.,., .. ,,1 1, d '1JJ tltijlf l ,, I '""" I I I • II til I \ I t't •• ,,, If lit I• I.. ,\ I•; I,,,,. .. j If 11 111'1" fl! I '" o,Jd ,flfl' d Ill til I tHI!••IHI filii, hill;' Ow Hppt.tl•• d \ d I"'''" ,,, Htt , 'h"'" , 0'1\t' II ' I h• ,,,.I If II 11•1t I I I I II I tl '1 f I ''t'# *·'I I "· t il\ ,f • I ' f., II, Ill ' ~ d f I tf ... 'ltlt I ,, " t I ,, I I ltl fl 1 It I' I • ' t ttl ,,, I·: II I·· I' .. fl ,,, I ''"If t ,, IHI .... " I I < I '·I I I ff I.'" ,, tl·•••* to! , ...... , f II\\ ,. ' i ,, , ....... , ''"'" ''" t l i t ft II h f•f If I li11t .. .,,,, It 'r 11 I .,, ... 1"-lt} ..... ,, I•HI 'I ,, f••r , ... ,., \f.,ml•" 1 t • '"'' Ill "' I ltu lwtr All Iooft -\a'" • 1• 11 H '-u r I n w t)ft,tnn ltntlun \\ ft•·u I ft, ,,, I• ltd ttpt1fliUI( uf t h,: ,ffltlttttl u• I "'h""' '"' lu•ltf thh •·vr· IIIII).! 111 1\,.wrw•r I llllrJ,.,r llnlun llt),/h .. "···I fo'tt '' (It lit' 11f ,~11 I(IVt'll try AI lt••d A•t• "'Ill t.:" '" l llkt• fllt hi• "'' "WI1111• 111-ut•h " .Iowen llrrultfC "''" r ,.,.,.,"1' $1'ill fut ,.,., w•t••r ''"I•·•. "tt,.,·, c ·,.~•h•" 1\ •·•otttttttll•·•· uf Alllt••l /\t'llll tlwml~·"· M1 • (' M l ll"nkln•. I 'nrllt ''""''"" ttrlll Mr• IUt'hiiNt (ltlun•·t ttt•· tltt, ttll_,•rncwon joull(lrll( llw• ~lttrl<·nh' r·.ttlhlll11n whll'h In t'lt lllt•• ''ll lllt•• ,.f ft tl(h •dtrM)J •Ill 11•·ttr' "'"' '''''"'" 11wl , tl(ltlh J(rllt11• l11ll•tl• I'""' N••" 1••11 tuul ( ·,.,.,,. "'.,,.,h .. , fu,.,,l, l lo•tf• 1•'ttt n l• nl • •hthlllttll •l11of ''"'' '""I ttl• '"'" • "' /\IJ1t••t 1\rt .. ,.,., II "'' .. " ,., •••• 'llf .... , I Vt• """ ,,, \ f• \\ .... ', ...... , ' "hit'h \\ II 1 .. • 1 • tt l1 flu I'''' It• t·•t u luy t h I •• h. llf •It OPPOSE 'FIG HTING DOUG' BOOM I \\IJitl tllc,t. \f.,.,.,, W14r Ill ,,,., ,,,.,~., ... ""''."'' "'"'''"'" "" , ... , ...... "' \\',,,,,., If "'''' t1 lu lit• l 'tt.• Itt•· \\ "t ffu uf• f lllltlt•t f tt'll U uuw:l;ta ''~" \tth•''· t• .. l n\ furttt•·•l n. •lult t •• ··p· .. ·~· 'h• w I .... , ..... U•lftthtll """ ... , .,,, .. ,,,, ,., 'I Itt l(r~tlll' Jutltll~ttftt•l) Mit tu f \ • 't ~" ,,. ,. t ht t hr f 'r lht"\n, IIU11•·t 1rr: r ntluaf,. ''' \\ '-ltatw•r , whl• h au ... lft lrun l It'... ffftfl \lf lf f>F fth', \ ftlf• ,,., 'lll(ltllrtl( """IC' '""' i\rfh11r ," 1'1t•• •l~t~'"''"'''" 11f fhr 1\7 •Ill •l•·rrl I PI<·r•n• .. ,.,,. •llf"·n•l• .. l ,,. I ht· ••h •·r 11...-rnrttl. $500,000 SCHOOL BOND ELECTION DUE TUESDAY It ,,.n •n tt }t·nt th •• 1, ,,,,. • ..,.," h" It '"" r• ""'' lfl \.•·\••rnl 'I• t '"'n' '''' ,,, .tl ·•1111 fi;elt••nul .,,,,,' I''""' •• (I J 0't ~•n \'t,fll llnl•rtd+n f ,,, '' "'"'''' ''"'·•> f• • t•·'-'• fl l)u ··~ '-' n••·•l l•·:.tr.rt•'-_,, u.,. l•r'''"'"''ft ~·.~ ... lilt ·~.,,. , .. ,.,. .., ,,.,. \••••·tl , " rt•·~• Tu• ~droy 1 It•· ""•II• ' rl Will lw 1'"~'"1'• ,,f ''" "'II•~·• l1 '' rr rt 'fllloltl•• •I ""'' •~ In ""' N•-wJ••r t '"•ttltl m• ""· In •·ff•••' Ill' ttl h S • '''"'I tlrolt ,,., within lh1• I Th• • llrnlnltlt•ul •rl lttrlf tltty ""'' f•1rly cllt)• 1 M ._"lltft" •tOll 111Ut f' t lftlf• Itt \1\ htt•h •r (, lt< lt•ltllt Ito• fttJICJitltH rtfltl' I I <tltt)', '"'"' Wlfl '"' lfl"'lt '"lfll J A ,,,,,,. 1 7 " m '" 7 t• "' lrr tw•• ltr•..-1n•·t•. llf 'tVttttu f,,, ''' '''f'lltl•· •·rtlwllltttJllol l '•llltnl" piiii"<''O Wlll lw• ltlf'AINI •t l:ll•t1"• lit•· 1'111 "/tit 1"111 ,., .. ''"' fttllllwlnl( All•• :I l'o•"t•lt 11\ml( 11, •Itt• ('Jltf JIJif-.11NI "f N ( 1 •:ntr~en~ w~ h rArd thf' prop<l"'ll of ..a Count) ~UJII"~"'I~r.! inrnrmf'd thl" CJ'OUP of C"m.tll MrAA pmp••r1) 1 £TOUP of "" Wllhn~rrwsl' •t_o l'!'tab- ownt'r.! f or 11 NltJnty I"'O''d to bf' I hsh a ni'W 3.'<-~'<-•m!'nl diJtrll'l 1f built parallel and !KotwC('n liar-thry provtd!' a pPitllnn N'prt'<w>nt • bor boul~>vard and An11hrim R\1'· eng a ma}On1y favonng thr pm- n~ wh1rh wnuld )Oin Rtomard and .)('CI. 1-'f\'(' or ~'" hnu~r· o\\'nN'" h avl" n" RI'N"'1' tol :rn) m ad t•xet>pl thmugh ~oml'onro •·l~ro·, prnJ'IC'r1)' Ill thf' prr~nt tlmr milr~ per hour P'rrooy llflrmOF>n (~ ,....,...., Tid• &"' pi~ Ill order flf Ot'rU,."'" I :.. c:"' ~ -:':U::: ~,~_,., n~,... u11 . dartt n~'" 11 "' .,.... .....,.... el u. IIIIIUft ..,.. ''"' tf f,,r ,.,,,.,,,,,,.,u,n ,,( ren ,.,,. 1111 "'Jt' \ ~, . .,,,,, ''• ,,. ltftf'"itl ••tt "' 111• Hll•·•~"t'"fl'•' f1tff l lrtv•· trnr1 '"""' ''"" lfl ~~ "'l"'r' ll••ll(hl~ 'f1l• fll"to)f't"t w n••lrt lnrltlr1f' 1111 loll· 1 Ito\• n ""1' ''" "'''" ~Ill h nv• th•• '" No-wrwort ••·h.,o1, 1411r A-Cf'"t ret, ''l•l••rl•""'\ •·f t•iltrt• IJ•Io llnJ~ tn ""' l'r<'rln•·1• ••• In f'lty ~'lf"Miona : •·I•·" 1'''' wll h lh•· pttvll•·l(o• 11t ••·nt1 ~"'1'• I , 'J., :l, 4, :\, R. lind II Hamilton stree ts. A_ J . (llarlr. onP of thl" land- Approximately !)5 p roprrty own-lord" involvrd, rxprt>~'t'd h i!' Aland en will be afft"<'tl'd by thr pro· on the m ovr and ~tated that tht>T't' poled roertwny. it wa~ satd lndAY 1 would ~ o nly nne prott'!lt to h1" Only one ot the la nd holdel"l" will k now lt'dtt<' ~ force<! to m ov<' 11ny bulldln~ If , l"red Lort'nz. sailmaker in th!' OJ;rrll" M td 1nd ny thnt lh•• ~.:roup hoped to havr 1 hr J>('t Jti(tn rc>ad) I<> J'lrt'"l"nt tn "fftr county hnnrd at n t'XI w~k·~ rnN"flnjt. Th 11 9·10 3:15 t ;ta 1:441 ~:..-=.:::.::.~ 50 0 9 4 5 11 11 .... u. .. a..... ......, .. •· F 12 9·4S S:49 t t :M 4:te .._ e1 a. om. e1 ........ 4.6 0,7 46 0 ~ ....... rtttntAtrll!l"n u nit, 1'\ •lu.ur•ot>m•, '' lot.rnr )'. "" nlldrtnr 111m, 11 tcYrn· '""'"m. 11 n fr t,.Till, 1hnp41 1nd • ltUI l(llfiiiCf' lnl( lit• rr r ttllt1r. n 111 tlw Nt•WJlM I PRI-:C INC ·r NO 'J ' 1-~nlrltnC'f"-'" ll•·1o• h ~· lttt~>l~ I \'•ll••ro In I 11H In rtlrl'lfl~t 11••1 M11r _,..1, C"V na· fin• •·n will ""'" In th,. <'ornnlt d••l tlt1n S t . (·I> M . !\ltt1' ~· "'"'' If tl11•y h.,,.,. hN·n l'ro•dnt·t• "" In Mt y elf"f'tiOIW: "' N"""Jl'lr1 llt ,.,.It f'iti7rn• f'l'lfl· No'e 11, 7, 9, 10, I'J, and tl, at.A. lt'ITifiiiiiNI lh•·lr ,,., ·~··I I'II'C'· nttr IIIIVf'" lllll).diV'-Ion. .. • sk State ro Ba~k Plea for SAAAB C~unty Fair Site 2 ND P 2 NI':WPOK T B A I.U UA S I':\\M -T ili Y.~"I age _ T lll 'lllo>U A\' 't-"tourl l~·,wll, ( .. ur ,\b roil I I. 111111 .~RUN'!' PA(;E Stewardess Dies in Va;n Attempt To Save Child As PI~ nc ('rashes E-A N .. -Y -R-L E!W-S 1'111<' \1;11 \!.u II tl 'l'• ltn lph 1• •'' 111 .1 111 ' 1•11·1• I , 11H, ..... , • t ,. •, tt •• t .. ·''~'' ·n-. J ;(' ,,,,,, .,, ,,, tt. I hl1n !• '''" 11 1!• ~ tlu·d \hUll~ l••t 1 t IJ t••, '' \ •+f :1 '"'"'tt1 t •'Ill,' f • '1 lh• lift 111 ,t otf1d f'·U I It '1 4 I. ul thtt •r•t h• ' J 11 11 t I H · 1 ''H-( lt't 1' .. ,.,1 t 111 I"' IIH Ill llho II lho· 1111: pl.ono I~~ I •'' 1 I • tl •no! h1lt•·d I .' of ''' I I ll.:ht " "11. ,. lift, . ' II' lJ r~es County~ Veterans to Jc.,il e ..... , ,,, . .,,;, (''''" ""'"t .. ,~ 'rh•· rLu .. '·~·• ., , ,, ,, ,,, f! '' 111 \~or"',' \\ h•• pull• d lt11 tf ''f'" '"-lit • dd d•o ,..,, II "'' II • t .. •ttt'-' uf t h•· ra~r~ll \u·1un' IH•rtt tiiJI\\:t\ l h t• tHII f)Ulh \\lt"f•kft~(t f••IJIHI ..... 'I h Jt ''·•' t.,,, ,, ,q hI ' ... tt • • 11hl 1\111 ~-,t ~Jr~o. Jr ··111'1'" tt Wlftu "''' ,,,.,t '"' f 1 •1 •' --.~ • ,,. ··t t For Tax Exemption F\o•n 1.1!-b••m HHln rltr•·• 1,r ,1 '" It•• .lfrn• "' St .. \\m cl c••, ~Ill' fldt•' th•" /o •. ,. , o1 ,1 , tirl .0 1 \ .. un~: :.'It o( F a)'t'll••vlllt·. ~ (' I•~ I ~lui """"'''.,,.,,, "" ''"' vctrr11n~ l'lfrntr" ' io\ un·• '' •lfftrtab "' It• ,.,od ll'llll !It I«• rrn•h• t1 111 , It• lol 111 1 " • •h f'f"an Jli"O'"'"'> uwn•·r• tn f1lo• 1111~ • ~~ ..,.... \ntlfU.: r iH11'J,...._t th•• \OU!\a.,:,lt•r IU ,\.\lh te.llr,•t .tnCJ \\• .._, ••I t ·,, t• few their JI,(K)O prorx•rt,· 1"" ,.,. I II•, ann& \\ht•n th• ttltmt• fah,·r· aw·n\JJ' emr>tlon tn 3\'0td lin) f~''""'"llll\ • It 1 1 , 1_.. , hr !ItA 31 rtt·nrl-.. ct 111 lnk ln~t-ufl lrum llw ( hi!'lti:" ~""' 'rl\o ,,,.,,. •n•l·''" , 1, ot O\N' .,. ... 1n1: 1 . Y , ~lunh IJ.nl Alqx•rt fhtmt'll I Jlne for thlJ lffijNiriRn\ \'('ll'rlln-, 'Nw (liRnC' !lffiiUIIWd In In R ftl'lrl .. lro• II lh k•, lll)lltllf.HII' IIIII ~~t. 11 1 , ltlltnllt •• nd ''"lll•.clt'<l JU•I nurth 11f th•• ''"'"" '"""''" n .... t1 '''" ,,,. th• • ,..., t'"MTIP ~'~'} llllP II' II .llrpor L "'' '"'· "It• I • htt" ••f ~"'' ,~;, lol.u k the-valUiillon of ,,..opc:•rl)' of an)' I . 1 1 fttrran "'hoM> to~~~ p!"Opl'rly or Alfr<-d" mn!IH'l<, ~lr" Trtt••hnll 'Ill' "" "' " '' ·•r• "n "''' ''" tha t or his wHI' is nnt valth-d "' ~!too, ~n~ ,1111' ..olo· ~urvl\ur of hr4'il ur ~~~~ '''''' I I lht· 1 r•·~h ~hr Wll-In rrllll'ftl l'<on· c lfl11111l' 11f II,. I 1 ,1 II I IIII•, 15.000 or 1~· n, mAn)~ ~~lk'li, ~ r-1ltt ton 111 lloly ( •·ros_( hr111pll 1ol l.111n• h• rl 1n 1111 ~·~1•1:·" '"" 1" do peoncll~upon ~~ton ° "~~ •!l-llo•·t11 .. ~111d sh•• """ 1<1111 IIIH'IJII ,, 'I""''' Ill• c·ro'"'' 11r th• '''·"" ~ l'aC~Ju;~r o~o ~~('n\l•ll'rlln '''II"" hul •"il'rt'!l~r'fl hnJ•• I hill ""' I·.,,., .. ,,. i\ I III•Kiu "I ''" Ill throuah rt'duct lon of hi~ 11\X IIIII \\ullhl rr•mlt'f' '11" '1 '"' F1 11h1) If lh•• V(•trran cj()('ll not own Th1· '''1: "'""'' sma~1 ... 11 "''" ·'" \\ '"" '"'' •·•"' II ·•1•1• 11 • •I ''' 11 property In hiM OWn nMnll' \MIUto<l 1'11'1'1}' ft•lct )IU•I Oforth uf Ill" IIIII· tho Jll·tllo • 1'1tiiiHII' 1\,,ol lt11 ko·d at 11.000. •uffkwnt Jort•f'••rty 11f Mot'tpal 1111 I"" t ro I••\\' so•o'llllol~ 111 ,,., b1a 11\'ifv to makl" up tht• !lutluub,•d ' tl was lltrl.worn•· 110 ,, llh:llt I•• SA YS HORDE OF BUG$ total m11y !)(' I'M'mf!t •:x.·mpll•m~l :0.1111011 ''Ill t'1rwo11na1• rwd ,l ,ck beln~t claimed now w11l r•t>tll)• "n\111•·. 1-'IIJ MEANS RAIN HERE I qainat l948-49 tax b)lhr. Arnon~: 1 '"' f1r•r IMifll••" pull••!l Application for ttw ''"''"'"'""' from th•· pl11n•· "''''' ''""'' 11f ''"' 1.41~ '''·t.l.t ,l", 'la rtla II-~ ehould bt• mack• to both thl' "'"In· f'lll•t. ('IIJ•I t;rcl\'o•r 1~ • IIPIIroii"L I t'l'l-llurdo"• uf lin' ro•d h ut.:• ly and cl\y .....-.. aon If prCipCrl 36. of Colle•~:•· l':trk, I;, 1111tl I h•· "llh a tMrmolf'to·r·., ''"llur·t ,.,.,.. 11 locattd •1thln IU\ lnrorJlvrntl'd "'"''""'· John S 1>1~'""'" :· •• iff lo•ad!nc ..,.,,,..., htda) 1,. nntkl- Hospital Veteran at 20 Months ( ..fe-f'elepllote) Little I~ P'unk taboYe), eon of Mt. and Mrt. Hane7 1"unlc or Cleve- lAnd. 1.0 only ~ montba old, but h~·· hlld a llftUme of hard luclt. ·SI••n afl.f'r hiJ blrtb, doct.on cltlcpvt•red a blood clot on Lee'a IUDfa. Al. t.lu ee munthl X -raya abowed a dlbloe&llon of the blpa and hiJ 1t•11s v.ere placed In eaAa. Then llt &AIItd lhrouch a hernia operation and "" nppcndect.omJ t.Dd wu 14•nt home where, In qU1clt aueceuton. he cnmt down wtt.b wbool>lDI couch. mu.alea and Clucken polL Lee. plcturo'<l with h.la lilt.u, C&rollne. 0, ~tuma 10 the hoaplt.al aoon tor r.nuther cbanc• ot &be plu&er cut. and lt endurance meaD~ a.DJ'• \hlat. be1l ... wallt1nl IOIDe daJ 10011. cU'y; otMN'lJI', only to lh4' C"'Unly Atllllllll 111111 llnll>~••"l 1 1,. aMeUOr. 'IliC' ftllnJ( pl'rtnd \'~-Thf'lr rnrttu IWIItt..•·" '''" \1 ,.,. I-Departnwn t of Pu !tli c Health I*""" ur raho. tamdJI from the rant Mundlt) In , J,1mpt'<l tr. tht'or h1•ncitl llart'h to 5 P m. o n the> lloal Mon-Th<• H~t of dt•:-.d tnl'ltlll•~l "' 1 day In ~~~~ !Ma1Ch I 1ft MA)' :\1 • , ...... 1 Th ct dl f I •·•·nt I" unnn• nr I hl('\o"'lltl~ ..... )'«'&r e 1•a lm· ornwr > wu the I&Jt Monday In J urK• but Am .. nt.: lh•·m "' n • llutuhJ L Ur \\, U " ltclll a•a..,.,.., • "1111• I) rnl<unt~lul(f,l. w d l''""'r mlh" In '""' huu-oa-t&all) mo·an ...Un "llhtn • ~ .... k . Asks Sul un:o\ for I n"Teased Aid I ._,\1 '1!\\11 '~'" \lot II '"' I''""'"· "· ""' ........... h<•ll ... ·tk·ldt-" '" ,..... 't I'• II. I... ,j, I• ol lllll'nl ,,, I I I'"""" pttllu·l •'"•• •I ,, •\IJ.:tnd It"• •l••n '·••rt 11\l' nt•\\ Delay Law Requirin g Motorists To Show They Ca n Pay Damages :-',\\ 'H.\:IIl·::""TII, :O.Iur II -tnll·tnu·nt. whic·h want<•rl 10 add 11 11'1'' Tlw "'"·'I • t 111 ,,,.,. ''"Ill-n1·w d••I.Jll rl ""'" t 1<1 •·nfort'l' tht· I,,'''"' •·•Ill\ ·ll!lt·o·d Ill (Ida} lnr l,,\1 !'o•ll c;,.,.ll!l ,,,,,,,,.,ct. n . I ,, ,, I' llhlllil l ,,.;,r t•ll(tll('l'l)ll'll' ,, \1011111 olllllllllllt'l ol Ill' \\oluld In- ,,, ·• II•" lull "It 1' h r•·qtu•·•·, In~··· n hill 111 oJ, I;" , ltt•cll\o' 'J.tdilll I~ U i\ul\t tl l fl •II t Hh Ill ' t o d ,f,, ••t 'JI• La\\ l(\,n1h;.,. \t 'HI~. ho\\ lt~t ~ • 1h p.,.. Jut tt,u n.H',• Th•• t'•JI1Htd ,, 1 ~•PP•·,l\·'-·d ex .. ··., 1 .u,,, •II f,,, fl 11 ••J -•'•''''' ''rulit ll,, of •T1,·10U for nt•\\' ,., " ' '"""'"''" ,,, I II ' ,.1.11• ~ '''" I!J;)II o\' ll11 '''lit• •I • I '•'II It dplt J I 1tl' trill• d l,o _;t,l.ll 1\f Audtl<>l' ~'""· It , :-:,.,,J;•II ''""''• lito• l:ul'•lltl \,ullillt;llll, \\h11 rn•t•m-•~n ,, ''•'• t'ht "'' •'' t •• ft••rre tllf' ll•r-HI·d It'•' ••I \\tnd .... hieh..l ~tack· tuHI • ol tlu rr~~~·· • \I hit It· .t~· .. , ..... ,,, .t ... ''1ft~ •lf S7f~.~IOO. Pa risian Women Jo in Communist Rally wu dlan ltf'd by t.M 1947 it•~tla-/IA'\), ""'' "' lh• f'll}'s lo·n•hn~o: lature. cnmm •• l '"">• r~. hncl h•~ lorutlwr. HEY KIDS! r .. al "''•'" ''""''"llfllf'nt' , • .,,.,. I •I JUH I I I •• tIt I ·:tll(ut 11 I ,. tit\ rt I••· '~ nt' W) 10-1 tolalnNI that l ho• hUI{' "l'ft' 111111, 1, 11 11 f•\:l~lloiUI• ,., '•l'\IUI In lh" dtJiilrl- (A CMe T eleplo01oJ W ith Pll ul ,.-f'~ll"rn E\lroflt' taltln& aldea betWHn ~ht and ld t, theae Parlaian womm &Del their chUd.rm pvada 1n a OOmmunllt ataged dCWUU.O\.fii.UOU ll '"' tile ltue dr RIVOll. The CommWl.la\ parade ended at the ata~ue of Joua ot Are. t•ra"'llnc ht i4J th4ah huu...,..,._ h.) t hr '*• •1'1•1••' " •t ·, huth.t• ~ ''' "• 1 , .... ur.••t 1 ..... 1 >• :•r l hou-.nol.. .,,. ,.,1,1al.....a that '"' '" ,, . , " 11•l 1 h• h tlu fi'Uin"' ••am· ~~ hue .. lh r tn rlu,••r f k-ld,. •tl\l I'' \\ 1h• u II 1 "' 1 '''•1•· ch • tl• I"'"'"' • ., t I'' olllf'"'' tl "'\Ut- •••'1•·• •·I I,Uf•lt~ I • • lit '•IUS lh• "' ' I ,,, tt•• P• 1 nut uf all don't 1{11 lntJIHI" llnfo•" l hf'' f•ll'l'l llll 11,. Jolol• I'Hntf'll tt'l~ 1 I ''"llllol!l• Ill ftrlll thM·.t~l * • Unanimous Vote -~ Cast as AG Dist. Backs Proposal It till' 'llllt' vr Cah!ol'nm Ufl- prov··-tho · l'l'<'<lnlll1••nd:•r l<m uf lh•• :t!ncJ A~ric·ultuntl di,.ll il't uf tlw t'UUIII)' II pm'l illll of I h!• fonn('t S:~nta Anll ,Ill' hU'l' Will ht•f'tlfn<' • h•' I 111 111 • · humo• uf I ht• Uran~c ('"11111_1 , • "I' '1'111' ........ ,!\. ,., "'''Ill \\ hl'll ·"· "'' 1111' "' th•· d"'''"'' \nll•d unan· 11111•u•l_1 111 ••PI'' "' ,. a. qw"t'tnn ul tit•• !--If• .. ·nw al\·a '"'·••~ 29H an ~·.;. un .. lllt'h thl' r.•ch·rul s:m·.·rnm.•nt -h;:u ~•·I 11 \':tlut• ,,( ~09.1:./5 Cha u mnn I I Cia) K••llo~t; ol G.lrtl••n Groll· Ill!~ IW•'n m•tru<·Jl•d tO llt'lo:OIJUh• Wtlh lhl' ,l,llt' 0.•- J'li.llllH'nl 11f fo~tnOIIll'l' 10 :olllrl the wlwl<ls m mut ion fo r I'II'I)UI~it1on of tht• r rofl<.•rty from th<' rl'derul !;11\'o'l 011){'01 \\'h,•t ht·r tlw .. wtc wtll 1;0 alon~: '" 1 h tfw /i'iri'1ru I flm7"'"t!Tt:ll'Tl'r-r••ur---l~---'wol l.•r~:<'l_l with A F. Smdc•r dut'r or '"'',.,all' dt'IJIII'illll'lll II( rto~,..,, Sni- d.·r. IH'comp;tntl'd by S W J lamp. ll•n. 'lak' ardllll'('l, Will C'OillC 10 S:onta Ana durm~-: tht• la~t w~·k 11f :\lurch 111 dt>tt·rmml' 1hr suit - 1 alultty c•l thl' h:l•t' 11,. n fair site. A fnrtnr· 111 (;Wolf' j, till' fncl that a ll Ulllllh'' a n · tn un th<' trur t )( it ~n fll·l'ldo·• thf' ~lllll' cun H!'quirP llw A11· h,, ... ,. t rut' I suh- :<tunl in lly unriPr 1 h•· npprai>o~tl przN• Fn11~ h:l\t~ ho•l'n nJit•d <'dU· c·ntio11n l an•l thus t'llllllf'd to u 40 J••t' t·,.nt rlr~•·nunl und·•r O'lpprnisnl. J ilmt•• Annnnr1 uf lh•· '"•••· Ul'Jlllt I· mPnl of llnrtn•'•', \\ ho \1 til ronduct un_1 m•~:ntJ.Ittun~ fur purc·ha~(· a n- nultrto•,.IJ thal it mt~hl hr JllK~II<It• 111 1ak,. O\'t•r tho• ha:o•• """a J>il)· nwnl of 11~ ht t I<' "' I 1\'1' tlt'r Ct'nl ol <ttlflrtll'<t-d '«lu<oiiOII. fto•rl ( 'r"~' t'hiiJfl••r IIUirllinn \\fllkll'' ht,l _l•otr IS'olll 'd 37,7!H ll'l llf~t';tlt'S lo I/I'I'S1H1!: ('Ompl(•ting nut rll•un f'ln.;,,~. ;tfld ,·~·achrd 7'1..',1 ~111 "'"' l"l< * Cirtus ls Comin~ to Town Ove r At Santa Ana All Day Monday "ant tn .. c•·t """> ''"'" -...., .. ,.... "' \~~rr df ,,, tu "' ,,,,, , thtt eund1 •• u '"' Tonctay, Mart"h 15. will bt> an t'rit' ancl lllkl' ln 8 ft·~ "de •lwwa, thin&." '1.,11 , 1 dultlt, 11• 1o, '"· "'"rt' ltl•lt• 11 '""" '" 1. 1" "' ··"''· 1 II· One Ri verside Minister Sues Another-Slander Insurance awfa l twadaeh«' fM dad f al\d too ''" , "'''""' , , t.." '" q,., 111.-"-., "'"''' , • .,,,, '" '"' ~~..,,. rr.n awtht>r, tool. Junior. That'l In-Wh11l klnll c•f t~llr.•<'llllnA do llo• \\'1~,. Aclvo•r tirc l"' 11 "'!"""''" ,..,l,uln~t•nt 111 '• '"' ''""' ~'-''"~"~" 111 Sl:l,- CIIInW tax day, you know l hr)' havr~ \\'o•ll, thrrl''A th<• uulu~'''·" t1 ,, ,, , 'I", 111 1 \\urk "" ••·'"~' , '' •r ''' :-;;1 ~~~I,I~H•. wllh But It'll ~ a hrhtht rC'd ltottt'l' llocb:inl F11mily of llllrt-l'lnr k rid-On you w11nt to wll ItT Actv~r· 1•'''""1"''' ""11 "1"1 '"f1tnl d111r '''" ... "''""'''"'\ · rolmost ..,. on your ca~ndar, bub r n : C'ttpl. Jlu.ch R<•nrwtt, f~onu•d u. 1rt tht'lle oolumn.~ , lwu. 1111.t .111 ·''' ,, 1, "" tUb<·rculu "'"'"'' •I." -n.at•a UK-day the-d rcua la wild ttntmal lralnr r ; lhl' Stnnh•y 1 ---------- -;: :_.:;n9rotMrl drCUI i• ~~u~or ~~~;·tr~, w~~~~~r~!~:. FIRE SWEEPS MENTAL HOSPITAL, K.l L L S NINE ..... to be a t lhl lllla&D SL lhow· rww E~n Import ation: lht . , • • • ._. Ill luta Ana all ~ farnll\a R11 ilcy Broa. high I!C'hool ASIIt.\ II.Lt •. ~" C • M~tr 11 -Tuwn~IM'"I''' of lh uuu101itA ,.,. Mr• llruc·•· l<l'l'ln•o.d)·. ulxlut 'Jff. fil\'1-:llSIIl l·:. l'al. \lat II ''""'"' 1 lol(lif\ lo11 cq-;-;, IXMI ,..l,uul••r rlnma~:••!l Tlw ""' \\Ill> I !It'd h1 I II•• Ito•\' \\'illl&m I> S\\.m<;nn of lht• F1nt Bapt1st Churrh uf n .-aumont 1111d hi~ "1ft• ill.:lltnst I h•· llN' II M * p. a . palmer w. o. buc~. Insurance counselor 3333' vto ltdo, new po rt telephone newport beach , b each, c old harbor 1500 * _..,, n,. att.ernoon 8how wtU honw'l and trallll'd Pll'phanta, In-t\'PI t'lrf' rlll.!•o.d thrt1u1:h Ont' of .urt at J p.m. (now don't play rludin~t an C'flllrt' hrnf nf P)'l:nl)' th1• mAin hUih11ncs ur lhr lli~th­lltoakey~ thl' prlndpal wUJ t'l•phants· 11 Mm(lll'll' Wild WHt lAnd hn..pllal fnr n•·n •ou.s diii('UC \IH'nlio)n pl.<.ll:•••lull l ,~.um•.S 101 •lltl Mr:< All• n T lltfl~. ••ldrrly 1111' St'o'nt' nntl 11111l!l h ,. ,, r the \\ldow 11f II l:ott• prnmlflt•nl i\<;h~·­ ~M'•·nnl~ u f t II• ""'""' " II dn<·tn• lit I' H T••11-', Hun- (;rnml'r 11( I hr Ftr~t nupll~l ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Churl'll nf llann•n~: ·'"" ''" l'tlllro'h· 'r --.. -· out •••ly ' • ......__ n il .ht ..-. ( · .. "' 1 S 11 h)(IA) un•l Dr II T B••nn<>ll, mt'd-_. ,_ ~ ' •""" .-· contln~~:cnl hl'luu-.. I\ m '') tannano. IO('I Ofl at 8 o'd.ock ' 1 11 "' llll l'l'tnr, ""'' "'"" ~umt•n pa· ·n ,,.1. IWif•~l 11,111111 "" , num-C'"'"'"' ''"II"'> , ... ,,..r, ~.•ul thl') ~I'W'rs I l~o·r ,,, th•· nlt·nt oil\ 111 ""'"' n \\hO du •I of '"''"'""1'11" 'l'h··' Wl'r•· Tho• S"nnson~ rhrut.:• ol thr ll:~n­ •tn •)•••l ,,If t ho "'''ll"·'' l('lt•Undll "'"' \\hi n 11'1111'''" ll'•nl tlw hla.t-rune' houo•h ~'""II "'"~JIIr•'<l II) In· ...., with doof"t opt'n a t 7 10 •Ftotll Bum••ttf' ... ,.,,,.r11 "'""~' ru·nt~ .. ,.,.. k•IJoocl 'n lr<•f' oth('M ,.,u can lUI' plmty of tl~ to m nm•, 11 hMI or rlnwn~ nnd s('ur1•11 "o·lo· tnjuro·rl 1"" t'rllu•nlly nnd '"'""' t••l '"'" no•ml•l \tood!l 1111: -trurtllr•· 1•111 lltt~l \IIIII•• Hrll-jurt' th••tr r ••tnlt.lllf•ll h.\ t..a,, I MODERN MARINE SERVICE walk around aftd Vi.Jt thl' rnl'nlltt· f othrr ctnrtnf,! fo•nturrs ' fl<•n""'' "·"'I _l!t wnm,.n JOD iio•nls fo tr•'ln• n \\1 f• It 1mp f•<l HI fl"'· fll"lll l rr·~ptr.ll to~n nt• "11'1'<; \\o•rt• •l.1lo Ill• Ill• •>lltl •II C'll•oothln Of ln1•1 l'llt' 01• r:olt~tll• f,. o·.na•• lht h•··l')' IWtnt: o!Jlplh"fl mor:tl I'IIOdtH't " SHELL DOCK iiiiiiii:eeei:i:i:i~~=~~=~t:aiC:t~c:-.-=if~ii-=•=~i:!i=seitii:iO)~ "" ""'n"'' •. ,, ,.,. .... r.· '" 'h,. Who Js Haw·bhaw~ thrN'·•Inr) hllllrl•n~: whrn forr hruk•· ""' tn th•· ct~t•r kitchen \\I !Ifill\\~ • nf tho hO'~J'II II \\f'f'(" Till' l'holft.:••S 1\1 1 t m:.fl1o ~~~ ~lr< ae. HARBOR COMMUNITY P LAYERS '" Hhout rmclna~:ht F l''"'"' rapidly NJ:I.I& THE FARMER'S DAI'OIITER , nwll'tlf'll thl' hullrltn.:. trapt>ln~; sh:u kii'CI "''" <lro•nl: '"·""" 10 1 Rrd C'rtll<~ \ntunt••••r "nrkr rs Jt·<;<to• Bllr tt·r. nno· of tho • d••ft•nd- k••• I' lh•·m l rom lw rn~: "I" 11•••l too dro\o morr th:•n I(I~UIIWMt nul<>s l""'s. 111 a mo 1'11111: of •'hurt•h dr.1• f.1r II "·'• a pro •·n11111111 '" pn·-on llurnAn•lllrHtn "'"siuns l:1<11 1·,.n,;, tho• "lilt ~11111 I t quur.•d :\lr w-..,.,0 IIOTHJ:a TO GUm£ tu:a .. 'I'~ nf tho!.~' killl'd nn thr top \o·nt Jlfl lwnl< lrum •·srr'l""l: Ftrl'· )'f"ll r, I'QUI\~Io'nt ,,, 35:! ~nps nnrtrr ·" ,, 11111~: th•·. wan~nn<; Balboa Island Aa ....... •• nh •ra-.. I eeta -pi• I We Olio w h niDAW a Uft711DAY-IIardl lt a II O u taln 1:30 P. M. ,. ..... ....,. o,_, 8dteol o.tnl A-. nr n .. RULBC"TIONS llHOWLEDOE IIUBTA~l'J8 More Faa n.. THE D&UNAIID 'ftne ,..__........_....,_.....,who ,_apa Moat taanl- -. _.. ....... _ _. .._, a ~ ciauv~r 1"-w. ,_.,, ......... -of wtnM a. ~ ... ..W, "lt k liard for _.,..._ .......... ....-." .. 'h ,..,.... .....UU.. e. tlnlak of '""*" .. Y• or nn our mhMt .,.. .....,.. ....,.._, .. ..., ...UU.. .,. ...,., oar r y.a to bNu-...................... -~y _., WI...,._ ......,_, pei'IIBaiiUee ...._ -M ve ~li"IK'· ........................ of ..W..Ual ........... ,.. tG bt'l- --... 1M _. • tot of.., trnow-.....,.-haYti ....._ ...... -t' ............... ..,..... HAROLD K. GRAUEL CHAPEL ... .,__, "'-' -IWII8 ,__ .,_ --~ .. ---=·---f~-~~DRWMu l ~~---.;;:;: -;:-::. -. -. Delicious FRESH FISH BAILY ••• II 1/tey cofclt #Item .,-.. w. ltfJY• fktrt. TRY OUR FRESH COOKED CRAB~ &. LOBSTERS BAYSIDE FISH MARKET M&WrvaT BEACH =:....._-a-----· ... ~iUAI'III'IS-PIIONE RAIUIOa Ill fh•11r I lnl)' tw(> hudw• had ~n f'l'l{hll·r<~ h11cl 111 , hup tlw '''~·I nru111111 thr "orlct Your t•rmtnhu-1 ··Til<' H• \ :\l r \~rtmwr r.tmt' hnk" h••fur.· tho') 1'1111111 ~:•·1 •omt' tum ''' ttw 1948 fil'd C'russ Funrl1 O\'t•r last nt~:ht 11nd n~k!'d nw to "' thf' nntt•·nts IIIII \\Ill ho In kf"'Jl till'""'"''~ of mo•rc) ,, II )'OU that If )UIJ f)I'Ofll l' Arl' I f'<'(IV('rfd. Fln•mt•n •md t•n•· unldr n tlflrd Wl)mnn tn nn up(ll'r 51 ory window <tood ~rnppt•d '" 11 rnwd w1th hl'r hnlr nhiR7f' 11nd )t'll•>ti 111 n 'll· Thr hutlrl111~ " •• ~ "'" 111 f••llr rt>lhn~ \1 Ill\' yuu wtll rc•st~n lmml.'dlatt'ly, umts of th•• m•·nt.•l h•"l"' II "fllo'h ur ••1st• )IIUr t·hurr h Will br· f•ll rcl 1S Of)l'rrtlt•rl 111< Jl.~}l'lll:lll t• 111111 M fll' \V1~•· -i\dv1•rtasr "tlh mud frnm the• mucJ pur1dlt•" I'Uf'n lo kf'f'Jl "'"'' Anoth<'r pt'r -tht• f)uk" 1'n"' r~11_1 !H"I'''·" ,,t ---- "nn II'RJIC-d frnm 11 thlnl-\tory win-1 •urhRm, N C C1u "ifll'd 11ds 00 IH'I the ;..t STOCK MARKET REVIEW tlow Two nf 111·· d•••ul '"''' • .t. llltft•od rlnn~ Garvin'S HOLLYWOOD R) T . W. KIESI,ES l'otrrd l'ro·" •'lnan••lal \\ rll"r Real Estate Producer Puts Barbara Stanwyck Instruction Starts In Nt.ghtt• os But ()ne Man's Unh app" :--:r.w \'OnK. ~ ..... ,h 11 •t· .. , 1 .:.-' •" Stow•k Jlllt't' lnlJII'II\ ·~I 1 t•.-to•Jtl.ll tn 1 Sat., Mar 13 II \\'•m••nktllll," h•· ~111d l'h•• "Ilk•• t!f 1' 'll1"1"~111'11 n,;. '" • I lltl.l Y\\'111 IJ' \I ll t 1'1 h· •" I nf \\\'''I''' n I n111n "hu•h , '''llllflclo•tl l'nNIIIt'o'r 11 .• 1 \\ •II•• II ,,, " h·· "II '" lll~o lflll\'•·r~ ''" 'm1 .. r~··d '" oll1111111n• •'111•'111 nf '"" '"'' '""-I I 'nr '"''" n n<l Wl>tno·n ~ hn lit•~•~· '-\ 1 h f h 1 t I • I • t '' u'-nHl"'"\; ··\~ 1' "'* 1 h .n rH , t• "y t•' •nn r~J"'r ' p ,~,u~.t • u.-•li'ru l "'In• ,. 1~'-1~ Ill ••·tlln lho• n •nl 1"1'1311' pnl('"'"'" "·•PI'\ \\ho n h· '"" llothll' ~I Ill• tllr•· ''"'""'''''' •• nr1 nlo•flu· •• l "'1-\\all ~"''''' :ttlrlhultod till' mod. I ··llho•r It' 'l"""r-' , .. ,. tho• ''lilt• ,.,. \\ ~l'k IIlii• •h··· I 1111'"'''. , II' h· r 1'111 ,. ,, I'Rn "' U• lllllfllll:l~ f,.m-····:•I•• ·'"'tnt~· '" rho· (,,,., I hilt ""I .tman •• tk "fl f u1 1t hruk•·r·, Hf 'lilt'' 1 1 11 1 1 It tt•~t ••• , I ,.,, ••• 11\ \\ ·~ n lnt ,\Sa n~ nt..::~ S,:il\\0 t'\f"t• tn· thP tf·•·hn• n( tth· r)n't l\\tt ,,,,. tnfln'<ltro•n .. •• nrfurlho•u """"1"'1 · \'''-''""" ,,,,1,1 \11,11 1~ 11.,1-\l'nt.•ct 1nrl "' ~ Q I' unquf'l'-,11,11, 1\hll'h "'l"'d nut •• r .. und '"nnl kno" lt'il~o:•· hi h h " Inn '}.'111 ' II: cor 1 s-;;,o (~IO 000 m mnrkl'! vnhant tons ('In,., "ill bt' ho•hl nn Satlllll.l\ :'lit"' Mr H·lltt '' 1 '\to ""' t '""· · S Q ' h• '''pl;lfnt•d nl\0111~ lh• ,,, "•'' ll" '''!~'"""" Ill \'Ill· "''f'ntn .. ~ nt 7 :10 1' m In lh~ d 1 " I ( .. '"""' ·Ill "''' ••• ,, '.. 110 ,, • '"It "~I•• II 'I""''''"' ''"'' II ('ollfltl ,., ' n IIIli•' .:wk ,, "' C'"'""'' nn lht• J.nhn~tnn llll~lll•' .. ln•llt<lt<'.·ll~l:'\ 1:-.1'"" St."""'" 111 11•·•1 t•HI.. 11 f. :ot:~nd f••r "' """''''"' · ,\ l:ul~ oln\\n•hl•· ""' mll'tl•ro•lf'd ns ~uud S}<'llrnnr• "' S lnl1 ,\n'l :~nd "'ll l l''" llo• t.k" that ,, 1111,,1, "l lu' ,10. ~:1_1 11 J'tll<l"r·• pnj.mlil, Jl:olt••n II•'"' ,1nfl lh<' IIQI' in \\'t•~t•'l n I•· c.•n•luo·tqf f·•r ~" "''' ks 11," m.111 in'<l'<l"· ,~ "'"''' a~ •·nlti'IOI! rt.,<; l'n•nn quH'kly nllt:'lt'tl'fl htl\tn~; ln<II'\IC'III>n \\tlll>t• '"~'' t'l'-•'tl h) Thl' ln1ulol·· "" Ill ,, • ' , ... r on·· Ill n llll!llllt' !lull '""'"' prn\· '"'" olh·r .... ,.,,,,", oiiHI llltll\id- '1r ~:111:1'"'' (; \;,11'\'ln 11 lt~•rn•NI ln.: 11 h_1 1.,11110~; ~t"s St:ln\\~o·k unl l~l'lh'' "'Ill •••1:111' hnok•·r. 1\IH> h:o :o had 11"11 "~!~,'1~~11 ,, 1 !'·II III, II\IIHI-ill PllJIIIl1:1~ fo •r ""'' 1..,,.11,.• \\',,,,,,,, l 'n11111 '''·•<'h••l ~·(I j II "'''r ;lj) -'''"'' ••f '''!"''"'"'''' 11.< nn ;\II "I' I ;.s anrl 'I""" 1!\1~ h•t.;h \llh· o"fllfl'l•ll"n"l rltl'f'l'l••r llnrl ,,.,·,rll~r lal'tllr••r \\'nih:< '"~•··cl rlw "flllllhhl•• mtn ' ( ,., ''"II•'• II II h l::tllh u( Hruund :1 11,. wtll l/wrnu~;hl~ ,•,plnm m."'' Anrl "'''· II··,,,,. 1111111111oll11l , ( thr ••lunnilhlo • lnp t•f l·:d.th 11•·•1!1. 1.,1111 ,.,.. '""''' znclllciNI Altlrtl hunclro'ol~ .. r ll"'"'''fl"' -untlnr '" tho· "•'Y tlw h llll' "·•I< '" II"' hi~"'" d•·~WIII'r !\It"" ll·•nl rl trln't 111• m••·,d C'••':t-('••l:t. F.ll't'lrtc• lit" 11·1,. 1,11,., 11,,.,, 111 1,,_,,.1,,11, .~1111 ,. "" •tunc n "'"'"'''"''''II "'':or~''" 1'\'f'n ~qllll'lll ~h·• ~mel nn 1, • 1 • , • nwl'r "' ·lt.:h t. P ru•iflc \\'t•<ti•tn '''llmirliiiH•n• nntl h•• ftnnl ,•'(nmt· '"'' St'r'l'l'n. II,• '1' 11 ' \\ .•II•· ''" · "I r••t•l ~nrr) f·•r •h•• I! ttl•• n111n " Oilnnd Plymnulh o1f. nnl "'" '"II 1,,. 1•.·•"'' 1 ,.,1, • l't•l 1 , ,,. 1 '· """rl'"lt nlltnt., ' '' • I' 11'1 '"'' 'h<' ndrlr d "J r1nn ·I wnn 1 t n hurt 1 1 • 1 , , n I It' ~•··~ hl'tHtp j.;;llns 1\('r£' mnn.v Sl\lllJ•11' '''11tllln.tll•lr1s ·1~1t1. ·''"~•·k on lhl' ""'''"''' IIH111•tn hi~ hll~lll<'~!" llut •·rown·UJ1 "''llh'n 1 h .. . ,. n11M """''' "11 i\rnt•t rran noll in~ li,la'il by thr .~lnl•• dl\t~u•n uf n•ol \\'hy, hr .::osp,. lh• "'"'"'' ~II~<• look f11nny 111 pnjnm:1« I ltd )I'll \1•11 R··J•IIhlw ~to•o•l, l' ~ ~1,.,,1 ,.,,ntt•. ~tnn\\'}C'k fl ~'I 1 < lhf'••U.;II 1111' 1'\'rr 1:•'' 11 1:•'<•1 n •••r-'" w lcM•k nntl Youn~;•t~>wn (tmwr C'nn·•l••r Thl' trrunln~: w1p <'t•n~lst l'f flrlll'-rwi~;hhorhf•>rl th•'"1' r<. "' thnsr AI nnf'7" ''"" (;,.n•'ril l ~1<lll1r• w1•n-frnc- tll'al in,lllu·t~o>n o n til•' n'nl ••:--film~· nt~thli:""n~ '''"'~a h•·d -rlrl-p j \I II I I I II I I 1 I d tlo•n in\'nlirl In tho Slt>r\ I Ill< j,•A,II A nmn~. • I<~ l'il I''IJ" 11111<;,, u•na y 111-: 11'1' Ill lll'lr l:ltollp St~ll-lal!' ""'· ·f'NI,, mortJ(UJ(I!II, f<M't--. " look ftnt• t>n Wl'ml'fl 1111r11'r (1\'Q 1hf'11l n.111\\ "· t'n•nn l''lC'Ifll' (111- closUN\C l11nd contrnr.,, lirn!l. lrM· ltngl'ril' l'mpo•num• "•II ~:rt a And thl' tml~· (1•mnlc'!' "ho likt' ·,.m c11,::o. MilwntikN', S t. Paul & Pa- •'"· print'tJlnl nnfl n,;:,·nt. <'Srm••s. ~hlCk-rll"arinl: rtL~h nn nt~o:httrs Ari' thl' unmnrrtl'd nnr•s ,.,,,,. fll • f, tl •'tl lind Klln'n' C'll) ll'nd ft-~~1~ 1~111 ·t 1 And "hat that \\111 •I·• ''' 111A ~ t 1 '' '"'''" '.-. ' "" " r prnc-•· "Thl' mmllll' a ,::irl ,::rt~ mnr-"'1111 "m n I "'~'''' up n f)l1int or tll'l·~. nnt1 mnth1•mnltN1 rrltHI\'1' t(l !>111<'1 charts of ht~ p.1ndnra ltn-rll.'d ,ht' h:t~ 11 d uty 10 Jc)(>k ilS \\'I'll m"l"' '" th•• RAil~ l'l't'pnn nj.l •tatrnw nt• on ;:TOSS nnd t.::•·ric Mtahlt~hnto•nt ~~ !'•>mt•thlnlol In hNt ~~~.slit' <1(\('~ at thr l hl'nlrr .. There still was 11n llllitudt' of n\·1 ln~n~~ nrorntln" tnv-,. :\l r. n nllon ,. lr)lnn ""' lA thtnk I I I "' ft" • ,. ,.. ""· n· nhout too oftrn " •. sht' llmrl "Th••r,.·ll nollulll; mt>rrl l'llll l•'n pn••t•n• pn rth'll ill -' ••n• I' •urnnc.-. nnrl tnlt'l'f'<t: fiKU n ng ft'monlnl' thnn 11 lmrh· nt~:htt•' thr lludd!'n d Nllh o r F orc>II:Jl Mtn· •• ,, .... ,"" stntrm.-nts for "''"('!'~ nnd Ill' 5<'nl his R(lf'l nl I•' \\ .1111< hy A-... I rl ., k . . ·h , .. ,,.r :\ln•.lf\ k 11( C/l'l'hn-hl\ .o kt.l ASSOCIATED ne Original Marine Dock !8Un • Bay Frcmt Gasoline --Diesel Fuel --Oil Fishing Supplies The All in One Stop Way Cn!dlt Carib R oaored BATES & SON Harbor 481 • Befere You Build or Remodel VWt Our ud l*play 8ooiD'I Color i\11des. plan~ nine aJda, oomp~ and llnoleum. lve ltock of carpets LUDLUM C•rpet Works ~ ........... t. ......... .--... 1)11\ ,..-'--···~r·-"".. I • •t-lal m-·~n"t'r l in\~ II h , I '"' nn n'"' onr mnn " o tod h h t I h '""' . • •. ''""'' " " ~ l'l'mnn s "''" ~~ ,. • 'Rr .,llkf'" tmJnm 1~ ''" w l'lrr.••n I '" ay IL~ v'f: l 1(: ''" ngam fill~· c·r•mml•~inn•. Nc-mM , ht' tx-~r~t•-..1 n,., S<>m• th•n~:· k~ 11 • 11 11 'h , 11 •i • • .t('tl\'1'"" •n \\o·•lrtn F.ulotll· -tf SelJ It ThrouJ!h Classified Advertising "(:( M ~ ~untn ~ill nl~ nd~~ thl' ''Thl' ~~~~t~n ••" •11~1,. "'' ~d 1 11 ,, armln n n 1 I) ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~; l'llring li~t tnC:t: tinct mAkfnJ; sal~. l;ll'k (ln A l;rt :II \m, 111 Ill I>, It aal n lt. r _ coln~t thm~agh t'f't:'I'OW, etC'. tullon nllmrl}. p:~j.0111,1• lttr \\o- 1 Ml'<'< llrnrl nlivl•l'rl :ltr Ralrnn ----~ - Thl'rc> will bt-A n>Monnblc tul-"" n." hr pr,ll<'!:h'<l . \\ h,, mny to put n rufflr nn hi~ I'~IJ.lOl.J '"II!' lO> ""Gun L E s T E R & c D • ltl'n fN> whiC'h c-An bt-Pftld 1rt In· I 11~k. H11s unfAir c1t~ronnnntt"n ' • a nd srll '••nt for n•~<ht,~:hu t< llo ooou•wooo INVISTMINT <tnllmt'nts. \lr IIAIII>n llt>lllt<'d IIIli hr h•'d 1 could f'\ t'll <'hop 1111' It 1:~ o•ff I h• IOftG l U ClO UCUIITtfS P~l'l'<'th·r ~111(1rnt~ tmm New . ''•lllliliC'I••d c•xhnu""' r•·•··ar\'11 ,11 bottom.<~ nnd m:trkC'I th1•l'<' r.>r plfl\ '::,:_~~".4 ,\f,,.h~ ta~' A"'''" (itot• F.. .. th_g, TO Min THI tlC>t"'l. BAIIIM. anct vk,nlty arr ln\-11· tho> !lUhJt'CI nncl l'<>ulli ~, ... ,k :~• aborts. she saul. llvtts•Dt 1515 Eut Centnal A\'f•., Balboa tNVUTOIS' I'd hy Mr GAn•tn tn llltrnd thr -nmrthlnJl (If n11 ,.,p,•rt 1111 "hAl U NIA AN& NIIOS "OJ)('ninc Session" wttbout c:Mrg4' \\umrn. prd<•r tt• wr.Ar In ho•cl, Scotch tape, \'IIMOI15 aln•f.. ·~n U NH MONICA Harbor. 2061 or obll~;ution.-ADV. 'Thr JVIJIIIIl:l 1~ cl1•nr '" llw ~ at Ul«-NPWI·'nnwf' ·-----1 ARMY O.K.'s SANTA ANA RIVER FLOOD CONTROL! Huge, New Richard's Ma~ket T~.~:!.~·:!"~ .. !~,.·!!!.~,.:.,~~!',;.~·:.~.!:Page Dt•triC'I lind dtVISton t'O).:lrW•·N>I HII n•tlltn-d kllo'lllllon~. ('Vn .. trlll'•l nl('nl .. 111111 .... ~t nhul·· S,:.'Otl.liCXl or ,' To lluld Grand 01\Pnintr Thursda\' " ..... 11h'<'llh'I I.HIIIllo'lllllh'llllt.·~· IU;!\!\116 ll.\\ \\lNNU or th(' L'mt.'<l Stah'S Rrm\ h.l\o'l '""'· ·•r n •hW!IIh'll .. r llfllllh'<. tlu· tdld Itt •! ,.,,,., Ill thr lnl· I"'" "" • tho t••t•llhlt llhllto•ll t•h'ltiH' I tl ,,,, I I• Itt \'\\Pilll l\1,,"'" II ,,, ... n •ronmwnd1•d uduplhln .. r ·~~ pru-ht.;h" , 1 • •••HI hu.;l\11 ,,~ l•r hiJ:•'• l tu ,,, , 1111 ~~~~ "" 1 '• 'tl. t:a .. t '1"-"'· 1 11 • •' '' ul '" " lt h'h."''' """ h '"''II' t h,on 1•1 n 11 o•tt II• "' 1 ._ "'" 111 I ho ''"' til• "'" • ''' '"' 1 11,., 11,. 1•,, 1 ,,.,k t•·Nult ~ l~o·ll..- HI're \\(' ll~ acntn on that ~-J•'<'t fc>r lhf' ('olntrol or fiOtO<I• ·•"-llllh lull 1••1'<•11:-thtltl~ r •• r th •. ltltl \\utili ('t .. k•. "' ·"""''''" '" •h• "''"' 1\tll h · """"'II} """"" """"'"t ' .. t 1.-•11• ...... It .••• ~. .... ·IIIII ..... l'\o l\1111.: , •. , kth0\\11 .... '"'1:''' '"'IIIII• IItty - cent \'O.}il$:1' 10 l\t('XI("II \\tlh 0111' flllln).: Santll ,\nil Ril'l'r Till' pn•-"''""'•111111'• ''"" ••t•r tltolflll( tho t h.• ollhot ···~11111 •1111'111~ of .... ·nl ., •.. I II II •I I ""'" 1:-11h "'" '"t'""''" ............ ,,,,,,tit •••ltll.llhl' \\ttl lo•.ot lolo' tho• "'""" "'""''' 1111\0hl ····~" ... ''"' , • ., .... .. crew o( {t\'\' on a Jlt).{o.>c\1 dro'"<'l jo•ct 11111 C'\lnstst ,,r works tl\.tr ''''"'"'''''' ""'k ·'"'"II•' ''"l"'n'· ,., •• ,.,,, .... , ' ''' ,,1 lt. ''''''·''"'""'II \t lfl•'' .ot '"'"" lh · ""' '''"'"'" ol ~"'"I' ,,, 1111"''"""" lit-h ,.,•t••o·tt ••Ad po'A't•rNi t.•X·)I.Ubchns.l'r. Rt\t_•~adt•, nlttnt.: ~htl ( "t"c-,•k. uhlllt.: I •IHIU\ r... I"'' I llllrta,: ~·II h lui tit t ' Th. Ill Uh tp!tl t I ''''" r •• r ,, •• , ' ·'(' • .... It t II. ''I'·'"' .11\d .... hit .. I •• 1 th t. l•ut •I ··I I I I' • lllu Ill I" I ~·"' t,:·· ... '" •h·· t 1\ t tld tu U\\ Itt d So•ltlnmdt"'!-lllbllllrt:ok<'llOt'X· l>t'\11, Eu~l '1''11111, .utd \\'urn• lllotnmnoh· olh't oo.~thtllo•nt' ool tho '''''"''"''"'"'' tl tht• lttllo' o•tho•r '1 1 ' '''"'""' 111ol 1 <•11•·•~ 11 tll ltolo'" 1. "' ''''l""t Ho•.o.h .utol1 1•· t('ndf'd vn~ll$:<' wlthuut ).:('lltlll{ ,, c•n-.•ks. and :tltlnt:: !:'a n .l.wtool .. jl'll.lllllol• ,,, ..... I"•'J····· .... 1\oolllol 'utot ·•·· '"'"'' oh•ll'oll h) ""'Ill , t'o ,,,.,t.,,ll.,;•tiH ............. '•' IIIII I ""'"'·' ''"'' olll~o· t"'•lilll\ IIIII lllfl·lf.t tho• ooltt ,.,,.,,,.,, ~1.tUI• "" 'l ~ulhvu n huwt lrssun Ill naturnl lli,Wt~ {rom a lltll•r llntl H:ntlt<la {'ro•o•k . :ot mll l•dth'• thott """ ,.,, .. ,..,,., "" '1111<10 "'' tlllt t h• ,.,.,,, lllllllll d ,., ... ,._.,,, IIIII '''I ol••oo• """' ol •t•••••• '''"""'""' lll'llllh batch or black \\halo•,., II frtt•ntll~ o·~tllll:tft•ol lool,ol (or<t <'l'>'l uf ~li.· Jll~t .ttl \\lo t lll!hl~ t'llltn\'o r.-ult·j ~·~~ till ,,,,,,J tho• l••flt•lll-<," fill 11llto t llolotfl,·• \II 1111 ,,,,, 11 1111 \l t lll• ·'"'""""''" l.otoo ~ •';tl .. \\ tUIU'I . \\ ... , ......... .,, I~ ll llfl II •tlltlll'llo• ul ~t l'lllt to•k lAC llu· lllllo•t c: ~I l'.ttt wk', ol.,, •·••It porpcoi,.,• "t·ul~. '''0 "'''T"-'nt"' or ,-,;7,1M ~~ 1 haM·tl om curn·n t n t't, oil I! I o oo11t "1"'1'''' "'" ool tlw tmpro" ,.. 1•tt11·t ol 1 • "' r• t••rt nohkll to~ola~ ' what~\~1' lw ub~·~~~ dunn~ has ,J . runcttllol o••n .• ~~liJW~ttll! ,, -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-Ions: watch<'' A~ il ntl•• tlw Ill('\·· ftn.t ,.,,,, ,,,. ~l l ,li t l.!~~~ II• tho itubl<' ~l'.t;,:ttll• Wit h tlll•tr r11111.'olU• t'n rto•tl S till• ~ a nd 11 '""' ,.,,,t nf hkkt·nnl.'' ;tl'o• li)O t'lllllO\IIn t .. hnhl l <::,!,!1:\~\ IM~I '" loll';, I l!llo'l't•,ts. 1ntlt tho• ht·lrthm;art'.., at tl'llt l<lrl, hut ''' 1'\ t11tal l''t11n:1t,·tl :on111t.tl m,,111• \\'t' \\<'II' hllll11'\\ (1111 llollllld l\1' qlo· t l"flfiMI'O' ('II~ I oof $:ifl.:l4H I ~t.'t"\t•d " P·"l. 11f 1lu' 1o\\ I\ ,,.,.,.H' ~, . ;hot h:tol ,, ,,._.1111 11, oot to•r Ill llt.t l'l · I ht• n·t"nnllllt't~ol.llhtll b SIIIIJ•'o'l 1 1 to tlw t'otndttltlns lltnt t.w.ol Ill· I !I l't• llt ll'll~ to•ro•~lo< prtl\ 11l1• w ith•Hit <"lt~t IV MAT t:S 1111' l'n•l••d Stat•·~ all l>lltri'. , 1<~• ml'nls, nnfl n~:ht~·nf-11 11)' f,t tlh• I'OnSII'III'ttoon IIIlO ruainto•nant'i' 11l 1111' tmprm·•·mo·nt~ h11lrl nnoi '·''' lito• l'nilld Strtlo·~ frc<' ft om nil l'laims !tor dallt.IJ:t• at IS !Ill: froml <'On~ 1 rucllnn Rnd Opt'rR t ion 1.1f t h t• tmflrO\'I'nwnts. a<;SUmo• tlw t'()';t o f Tht'll' t'll\1111 h•• 1111 tloollllt nhttlll it. 1 ho· ,;ulb wt•ro• malo'" Fur OIW Inn~ stoorm~ day tho·~ ''•')'-d 1\llh our \t'"'"''' a~ ,h,• ph•ttt.:ho•tl ,lhmto'· ward at r·rduc'f'cl ~(lf'o·d. \\'•• n•uld n ot tell whh•h "'"' mama uno whlrh was rmpa hut onr h'ud and onr followl"d as th•y M)RI<'d 11nd SWOOpl'd all arnuncl II~ ()ccn.-!On· Liquor Stock aJir we no tiCt'd thnl another bird • would try Ill (Jy 1>4-l\\'('(•n thl'm. Rtfled at CDM break up th•••r mntct\ hut they 1Jigluq ~ -w.ould...tlln' om· of it. If ~ land-v_.nn-...-::::=-f I'd o n t hr jacks! a rr or n re~l.llli' .,-I other woul~ hnvrr snlicitiousl) p,,ftro• rt't'•·ll o•d :1 '"'11:1<11) n·i~<ltt rounrl. llf'altnJ;: orr nil thf'. rol.'sl rrlltn till' Jlurlr y J)(>ll inn at 1:15 Thi:'n they would swap posttton~ Cou'l l'lh::h"a~ yt•stt•rday mnmlnt.: and rf'pt'llt lh l.' ~'rlormnnt·c•. . 111 11 o'l'lock . Lil]uor storr room o·n- ln the darkentnl: of th£' mght It')' had IK'f•n ~:atnc'<'l 111 pry in.: tlw when thr running lh:hts W<•r(' put 'f'r""'" loo,..t• frnm tht• iOC'k, atconl· on and th(' moon cnm l' up ovrr thr in,.; to pnlk o• and a larg£' qunntll.l h orizon. thr two S('at.:ulls vunishC'd. of hnnrlPd bouri)Om:. scotch and II· Maytx> thl'y W<"re two happy Mt:'x-quprs w as stolPn. lean 1-:~Jlls. W £' wc~t' strf~~~~ h~!~ Vnlut• of th(' lc"'' takr n hnl> n.r. proachtnl: thr mnr !.'r P f 'ri~ hN•n o'stnblis hf.'d. J>t'ncling uuditor'4. <,>n tho· ht!ls sout.h lly rust 0 : lm·f.'ntory, nccording to MaTgut•rito• 3uana wluch denotr.s thr hnund1111 l\lo'Cull ·h . nf tho' Un it('d St:lll'!l and l\lo>XI<:'tl 0111.: • 0"nr r. and the~ no doubt prPfi'ITt•d thr l nvPslrgatmtt nrri<'~rs discovo•r<'d I w arm .M1·xicnn watf'rs for (P,.dtnl: nne• !it'l or ftnJ:f:'rpnnts ancl ar<' gmunrls In lhl' cnlclt>r WRII"rS of frlfi"ieg fhl'm , California. f>rlhN' l'tnlr that thf' IOOt<'r< • ..,howr'l1 a _ .farnili.ar·JJ.l::.._l..:Un-...uiC-f MAS 0' WAR (Bird) Qrh<'dulo·~ nf f'mployf'!' a nd palroi-Thi~ rapidly tumln~ Into a fowl mo•n fllo-~hnnt r>atrnl offit'('l'< column! mN·Itrd ami tnumf nll !;('('UN' 111 Thf.> man o' wa r htrd wu~ nnml'd hy th!' Briti•h for hill st~ngth, t>nduranC!' and marvrlnus C'Qlllfl· m rnt to facr thr rll'ml"nt~. Tht•) ar<' found In mnny partll or thl' world,'s wn tr ry wn..~I<'S but s(')dom In the tropics. Thl'~ ~•r~' ~n n ;I M a m Gani~'nl'l':< w1·r!' l ht• ftl"l tn ~rot lhf' ol""n Pnl r•anc·f.> at 7:;10 :t m hut ""-"limNS ;mnthl'r f.'nl· pin~·· wa,. 10 thr huilrling Sill until Frnnklvn rt•JKII 11,.1 w a!' tht• th1•ft A~('rtRinf.>d. thnu~nnd mt1C'~ nff-~h''"' Thl"y nrf' I~ f''timat<'rl thl'ir <n:trint-: 'l"'''cl ahll' to snnr 111 nil alttturlP ... f'\'o•n :ot 70 m tll•" fY'r hl'ltlr nne! lh,. mol'' a t ono• tnf'h nhiWt• lhl' 111rhult>nl rf•mnrkahl·· thtnt.: ahout tlwtr ~urraf'l" of th•• II('• an \\'o· h.t\1' 'o'f'n "f~···tl t' th~ll it '" rlfll"'ro•ntl~ \\lth thl"m man" tim•·" tn th•• I'IC'tnlty n11t ro(fnrt of C"f'r!r,.. i<lnnrl. nnrl ••If thr cvaJot ·n ,r1 d o• nnt "'l'lt·•·•·h ,,, o•n tak • of Chill' '''·lt:llil• hut m:11nt: 1n ;1 ol·_;",r'' rl TitC' man n' 11 ur lltrd l ra\'t•l~ in .. ;t.•rw" qUilt• in k•••tuna:: 111t h tlo··•• p~~ir~. ,,,. anrl hi< ('tln'lll'l tlflr n fnl· 1111•''-t it• ntcht Th•·ro• ~~ not j!l<'l'fh low thr ""'I'll 11f :1 "''"P rlt .. rr~:n nl· ·•·r;tmhllnc and ftchl in~ fnt fon ' in1: thr al"O f:or-mn~int.: hut lowly 11 ith thi• rn~·•d pltir Tit•'Y lf'lll •· SC'III:'JII« who hiiVf' In flrtll thrlr thnf tu tho· ,ft N•t un•htn•, tlw ~···· win~:S to heal up into tho wind. s:ull« and "'~''••nd clrop fHr ns11•m Maj!'"tlr nlly. thry ~<woop l)nck nno >o('I\Of1 up :o mM~I'I of '"'"' :•t :'ill rorlh. ~omrt imc" from n milf' mil•'' un h0111r :1ncl th,..n t·rotiHTI in nway t hry 11ill o,woop nlons:sld,.. ir anntlw•· "'"'"'P ''' imJ111'':< ynu II'"" thnn n m inutl'. ,1!'"" with th•'tr· majo•<oty 11nd ()np nf our o•ro•\\m .. n unofficial· tiOII'f'r --------------------------Lands in Jail Because She Likes Knockout Drops, Strangers NEW YORK. March 11-tUPl Pt>i:in Lowr, a California danrr r landed in jail again today bt't'au~ of her fasd na t•on for knockout drops a nd strange men. Allll \'GI'IIIIIUI • hal )"U • '"' OH1 Ill Ill•• , h•~ k "'' and ~ If lif,. 1• fl\ •nr T"U •h"' HtU tl•'•lr•• \'pU •Ill flnc1 • lnflt tH \hl"' b~">ATt. nf ,. •• ~rynur '' lhP ton,tnc for A umn: ''" !n :•·t:KI· TV fHr A IJri¥&1,. K1~c...JI(tM tn lhlfl o•; P't nnt.1:11. 1' o f' ~ Y TI'K\'I:V hoot tn:I.OI'f.ll \\'ORI~U \'(t\J nl~AJ' 1•t h ,,.~ aONO~~_lm~tt• 1h1• -~:o•t'RITY Al'lll (.~l!ol TF:;\T\H:;o.T h 1 oh• "'"" • r~oltlt' u f • t•t.-f'.:" ff( l.ti•J 1'-ILI: •tur ~·~o-tt I h,,., ... •• 11••\llio fur ,.aJr ~It"~ Lowr :~ha.<: Saluol" ,\h~·· nhas Sallv flo • Gut7man. :l5. •~ 11 ronm•r chorin!' at th•· China Onll S h!' r f'<'l'l\'l'd a ~u•po·nclo'CI l'('ntrno'•· la!'t Friday hy Jud~.:•• J a<"oh Gould Schurman whrn ~hr piC"adr r1 s:uilty IO po~~<'~"IOn O( knockout llt"f!Jl'< nnd promi!'l'd to turn tWf'r " nf'W leal. Mi~~ I.IIWI" appP>trNl .. arty tf)(lil} at tlw Wa1dorf-Ast onn hntl'l a rhnngrd Jl('~nnality. Shf' had dyl'd hf.'r bmwn hair Tl'rl f)f'tl'l'til'l'!' krpl nn ('yr on hrr am! cau~.:ht hf'r lc•nvmg lh<' rc111m of u mnn who 1-:IIVI" his namf• 11~ Morrif' r.o•lll•'· mr n. a Miami. F1a .. Currii'r. \.cttlf'mt'n !'<11(1 hi' Wl'nl Ill :<lrrp nftrr Inking nnl' drmk or ~cotch I On thl' floor pnlir•• fnund n $1,()()') rrns:. Gr lllt•mrn'• wallc•t rnntaln· in~ $175 "n..c: ~I ill in h is flO('k<•t. On Mi<l< LllWf•'s f)l'r!\On rw olll'l" fnunrl :t \'lal th•• cnlltf'n'" 11f \\hlo It will h1• annlyzf'ri I II • I •' , •• ' ,,,, II '"" h• f ( t. trf!• 111• •n I •• t 11t'1• , .... lfhtlf (II •I !•I• II I ''' I ..... • ' . ' '· • r .... t I It •l~t • '' \It #· t ' I• I tf l 1tll.. #•1•11. ~h,. 11.,., ,trraiCTti'O on a rh:tr~" nf j!r:tnr1 l:tN'I'n) ~11,. h~'lll an "lol oono• po•ndan.: :•~.:~"""'' h• 1 .itlol lt.oll I .. t· _.., ... ~10.000 II "TRAVEL ... tov "" nwllM" ..... , •• ' •• 1 t f • P"rt h tit fl I I I •I' ,., f• 1 ........ ,,.r ,,,..,, \ '"ru1u llt•t ... .... Iff I ·I •\I + p. a . palmer ·~.r u·: I realtors ' "e'A'iR .-· Tl·k .... • SEA I • RAIL • BUS -TO .o\J,J, POJ"ST~ Phoi'Ml l.a~rUna UIIO lambourne Travel Service l I I ............. 219 OceaD Ave. 1...actma ~ BAYVIEW LUMBER CO. Harbor 581-R . savings resulting from Safeway'e efficient way of doing business are passed on to you in the form of. low prices on all items. And Safeway goes eYen.lurther.lf lowe.r.P.riEe.areellered ebewhro:..ana.few~lt'msM-'.".ka'~-,.......:.,~T~-­ it is Safeway policy to me~t those prices item by ;t._m, d.1y by day, town by town. This means that you can ~lways be sure th e lowest j'rices in tow n are at your neighborhood Safeway. Along with the lowest prices ~oes a guar- antee on every item ... assuring you of complefe satisfaction . Be sure shop Sft.FEW A Y. TOMATO JUICE = 3 ':;::· 20-es. ce11 GOLD Ell SLICED CRACKERS BREAD ..S. WII5NT'S Wlnt 01 WNUT Lert• 180 S -~-.. Stell4er4 .. ~,. 13• Loef OYDI &lO •• WTIDSOO&S 1-lat. .... PINK BEAlS !!· 4Jc ~-: age LARGE PRUNES~~=: Now, I"'OP ~~~ MoiHI•ys! ThridenldAy . l,.ll,.ltn lfll ... full •toclu .. Wl"l"k ·t'nci priC'n . CHERUB MILK4~i7· 3 ::!'. PRICES EFFECTIVE· THROUGH MONDAY, MARCH 1 5 IN LOCAL SAFEW A Y STOlES CATSUP Heinz Ket(;hup 14 .... k"te 25• Del Monte Catsup 14-... k" .. 20- Tomato Catsup ~~ ·~·· 17• OLEOMARGARINE Sunnybank v egetable •·•· ....... 3 .. All sweet Mode by s-tu '·•· , ...... 40- Biue Bonnet ,~ac...._..,., ~ 3 .. Parkay A K,.,, ,ood , ·•· ....... » Durkee's •.•. , ...... 31- SAFEWAY SAYINGS N B Small avy eons White Pinto Beans Cane & Maple Syrup Sleepy Hollow brand. ) ........ a• s ........ ,.. 24 .... 3 .. kt. Shredded Wheat~~~~':i' 1!k:~· 11• Arrowroot s~~~ 1v, .... k• 18• Buttermilk luwne lieN,., .. " %'1- tOuo•l bollle, 1•c I n .... Puss'n Boots Cat Food ce11 lAKING AIDS Family Flour ~.:~ IIOO·Ib , 7.)0. 25·1b , I 911 ,o .... 3 71 .... . Pancake Ffour2:.~·· II• ~~· 28- s..ronno Lotond 'o• ..-ni"' holcoht. wonl1 "ICifcltert Crol~' from Imitation Vanilla .............. w .. toe llnlnd, ''""quality ''-•no. . IHJ• or reel,. fold•. Get detolla crt display In store Shortenina _oyo, Sot.., •.-:· 1.17 'Ot boiLinfer Try~no. 11-lb -. 41 cl maa wn ROll Pet Milk 2 '= 13• ~ 13- 0ccident Cake Bake a:;:--33-t:· 49c '::·4.25 Cinch Cake Mix ~Ice., White. tOevtl ,oed, U5-or . J7cl ... Safeway purchaeea top U.S. Cov't gradea of meata, a1e1 them to pl':ak of perfection in Ravor and tendern~n. trim• away eare11 fat and bone before wei1hiq, to 1ive you more meat for your mon~y. LAMB ROAST= ~ TOP U. S. GlADIS ••• fULlY AGIO ••• TRIMMID WASTI fill BEEF ROAST uvoe 1011 CHUCl M TOP U. 5. GlADIS •.• FULLY AGED ..• TRIMMID WASTE fill SALT PORK DRY SAlT SIOU (001( WIH IWS COD FILLET fASTfllt PAll IUDY fOI lBITI• MiliUS Vanilla ..a.-Choc.._ ...... ..... <>e ... .,..... .. ~.!!:!~ ·::· 47- ~.!:~.rb ~-... 34• ~.I!.~ ·::· 75• Duz Soap r.ranulatrd. Calla lily '-••1'· Fur launolt y. ·-·· .... 7 Minit PIE MIX Cru1t & Filling Lemon or 1-aa. 290 Chocolate plcg. ~ of full v11lue in p'oduce bec11use. . . . Haddock Fillet lb. 47c Ea•tr·flt. l'ar. r•atly. f ror f r Y"'ll· All THIS FOI Smoked Plmla IICIT*I fiCTION ltt.49c IITIIISIM fOOl UTICW Sugar r urrcl r.-rel~nt b•k~d. IWIY MOll hAliiU Piece IIcon •. sso Sapr cwrtd. Whole or htlf •lab. lllnb BriiSI .._23c . .. S.feway pricea fruita and veaetablea .~?.~nd. No need lo •••• buy in ••d•• lo come oul In even J. unc ~·• '"dozen•.'" GUPEFRUIT : .. sa CARROTS CABBAGE -OUIIES au . .-. JIPSIIMMI .... .. ,. ... AIIIII&WIJ .... .. .. .. 0 ,.. Page 4 NEWPORT BALBOA NEW8-TIIIE8 TtflJJU40A\' N!JWpOri ~C'.W. Man-11 ll, IN& Lions See Movie, Push Plans for Scout Project Sweetheart Congress Ponders Global Crisis I P ueuc NoTICES NoT•cE o,. '':"~TtoN To II.LL I :\OTII'~; IS IIJ'.HY.RY l:I\'ES I'Ur· NOTICE ~"""' tu Ito<' t'"'' '"'""• uf x ... ·u un 3440 S AC'HA:\11 ::'\TI I, :\l11r II *Markets at Glance* Open Hearing Am 1\'l a ,.,.1 ~<~~·.. On Conflicting Canodlon P rwtfl<' 101, Stat T B"IJ nuf'O'\t lf .. "i ·~ e ax 1 s Gc.-m•ntl l\luto~ ·~1 ' J: tltHOI I lot\ 1,11111' tlloo 11111! ho'l I nt)'hl "' '"' lll•u Ito~< Ill on Jlllltolo'1 Cootl)l'lll' :1'1". ···p, 'l"ht• •• \t lltlt ·'"" IH!\uUnn "' lll.ulu ''"" u~ •• h ''''" ,fut\\•d ISTI':NTIOS TO WI':O 1\ 'h••m RU$SPII \Vurdnt:>r J r ., :_! I'• tr·r .ln nqutl R4•r ry, 21, hoth • ~ul uUil th I ~1nr <•f I"" 1'1\ ol I •...tP oof lhr fllal• of t"ILII· j f• I"'" float I' ~: M II.LJI!H Vrndor I \ont tnUI'd from Put.;l' I t 'lo:f tTl\~. C IF F ILJ:-o;G ASSESS· ''·' 111 1'·""'1 "'"") :\•·•·t~·n """'h. .. "' \ Mhf•·n llM •n•rndp t•• H ll tu H p l'ossahlllt) ' R•'llllhlu·an' un I :\tt-;:-o;T FO R TllE \0 :-o;STRlT· I \' AH:\~:1.1. :-~.. \'t'nde.. th 11 L· I "' 1~3 Utool l-1 C"a l• ,. UU!>t' r ur<'•Kn AHtllr-'l ronl· TJ< 1~ OF A SAI':IT ARY Sf:\\'. or.,rnoa "" "'"' '""""' mtiii'C' 1111krd 0\l'r four fOri'U::n I · ert)J <ootu oallll>! 0:<'1"'-r.ll) uf RORN ~nrl a Itt l'nlol_l\o'' (I no· ul 1 ho-sC•II F:R SYSTEM IN S J-:AS IIORl-Ill "'"'" fl\tlltr• equtt•tll~lll \1•l'i\lt1'l.A:'\P Tn M r and IV)SSththlti'S tlh'tr 'Jiok•·~m.on llRI\'1-. A:'\0 OTliEH STREF.TS "'', 1 \,.,l.l't :<t:R'VII't: Kl•nn<~"'' 1:\'., &81" 't1 1, tlu '''*''1J ~• t•d t l11 •lhr lfl"''' ,,. .. I (·c,mmut.·c· uf th• "' ,,,. •"'' ,.,hi\ l ":ll' tu ''1"0 h(otftll~'' 1 '1'" lttd•" tflltd L tt•PI lf t t \•"'1 1 lt uut..-t ntt f'ftf1 fiH llllL' \ot'tft l.1' hilt~ h ttl J "~ :\tt·P,.rlland. 1900 """· \\OUitl lu· I< tn••:o,llt•· 111 11\tol· ,\;-.:P ,\I,I.F:YS AS ('():-.ITF::\1-r.·~~~~;. * Tl H~.S UA II Fr~. :"o·Wpnr( Bc·a('h, Ill!.; '"' '\\urlth 'tdo• mrlttltry ,,.,. l'l.t\TFn BY n ESOJ.l'Tl(l:-o; n F ···I I '''"" "' H\'h'F :'1'A ···h 7 ~~~~~ In Santlt Ana (~nm-'tSI;HHt' "'''''' r nut ltlll fo -t-· f'l;'fL''Io:TIO'\;.' :'1:. (I .... 01 A".'"" ()L' ·~-· ~ ...... , •••• MII.I.I:H>~ "' t , qtnl ,. It " r-oHn 1' r TIC •' 1, • '"' .t tl 71 t t'u•••t •t11 1\lll"l'''·•lfl l'ltn,f!lh~l111.., J I p '"''•••oil• l '•'"l••tiiJ~Mo h lll,·u , ( ·11111 11 .., \\' llul~tt.ut .,1 ' II · T l :\II·: ,\:-.; J) \ LACE O F t ,,,. ., .,,..t , to,, "" ,.,,. 11 '"" pru r l ttlt fl ,,~.,.. .• t1tt\tf0 trti ,, "' 1111 .,,, .... It • , .. , ... \\''' ('(I l'al IAII•••n :•ri 1• St11nt1111d flol .'IIi'· U S Stl'..t I>K'. o( Ill•' 1'1"'1 r I lk I I 111'\I'J''f:/\"'1'11<::\Jil \\'l)ltl' lhHt,"" 1 1' .,. •• , ,, llf ••tiHo4 kHn II TI It!'l t;-.: Tn Mr ami :\Irs • ~·1'11 '' 1111 "''·'"""I 1 ' ''" .. '••too•l l•l " l•\11111 r:•t'•••711l'•·• .. l I'• to·r~nn. :\fl;) SPI'fo nd 5 1 ,1 1 u q.;••d tho· llc•tho' ,\r:r w•tlttHt· '""\I ,\'lo:ll ,\~~r!"~:\n::-o;T. ""'" 1 "' "'' l'ol) "' :-,.,.,, .. rt It . Ill .. h ' I\ ... 'If ,....... !-I tilt' ,,, I• laftf ,. huu,. ,.,, It 1• t lit qtu ~o.r u,u Jh \'Uifttl l 'tt''' lttful UCtl.tUif\ 11U I U II\tlilllt'' ~o.h·rt l a••n tlllfllful• Ht'rtttl It• S1'()('1<~ fll1't;lll.lll\ l11\' o'l lr\ 1 """ 11 lltll f,,,, ko 1l h) (;II\ I •ot l ~Uh't lttH'llntr: \\':tl l'f'U to h•dtl ''''"Itt' I'Jtftuc at"'''" U'lltl ~hi '''"' '"" ''" Ht•H BONJ).' lfl •'~l ti:Ot I~ loOI\•111· tlu1rp1o'''ll llo \•l,,olltl ollll/1\llt• t llll•'l~ll'"'"l l.o l '""' I oiii• ' •II I fl, fl('h, J\J;or('l\ f\, J!).\f!, ill till o'l' Ill to•f,lll1 I 1''' I on llld•• 0 ,,1 I •IIII I '''''P 1 tnSJHttt . u 'ifln, • 1 ~s .. • 1 •1 l'ur ... uant ,,, ~t :,tutt· "l nlJH'i•\'th ,. 1 ,111 l.) 1: 1 1 1 1 g I ou.or~.:;ortroo I!•J• d "\\oottl•l h • l 1•111 1• ~l.uo h I 1~1~ nl.~nts ,.:. \ •,uprM •tft(f II\ l tu· t•ullfiiiiiiH !\1:u .ll Jf,,,.,, i .. \A. •• h •lid ,,. .... ,.,,.,, C'\IR B ,i o~h•lll•ll•·t l t u lllll'l' ~~~''"'''""n '" '"' tltl'ttl olllllt••r ot 1•11 l.t,.1 '""''" , I '.•Ito\\. tu hool tl 1.11'111•" :ttlll 1'1•11 Ill• nl ,\1'1 oof 1!111" lto •ln~ Jlt\1<1'111 \•11•1"1 l•l o\\'"1 '1'1, :\IT· u nci Mrs CIIC-•llnl< 1' 1"' "''" '11111 """1" l•'lll i ••I tlw Strt"''" and lltd1"•"' ,j"."· ''(\tt,~;l,l. l:nll\n, !Ft17 \.V ('1•ntral Ave, 1" "ln;utl ton d tll'f'I'JIIIIIn .. 1,.,.,11• n f tlw Stilt" ,;1 1'1thf·•rn11 I ,,.,,,,.,. •• I"'''' rll'lol'h . In Santa Ana .H1 ~•;n '~" . 'I'll•· ~··n,ol•·, •IP-I n.,l ll'• •~ h• rl'lo~ t:i\'l•n tll'o l lih' 1 {~ \~., C:,~:, ~~"':~;-"', tR S IL\:t-:n ottol'll'"•>:•·d tt l 7 1'\.1' 11 .d.ntrl '.!l1 111·r l'"nt 1•1,11,11 11, 110111 nn~ <JUnC'" A~~··rnl•l) '"''" JmHolhllll l looltr ('(I'I"•N lltl')llllht '""~·to. n . ltilllfltlt:lo•ll l '.ork. ~ .. , .. ,, IN o:ot d Ill.~ ........ ,.'""''" Wl lf-:i\1' IUIIIf''" dlhl'tl ••fl l'" 111111' \\l o!> 11 l•"•"lollot lw1tlo "'''"' lo·" "''" t.tllo ol I I l 11ol, 111,11' '11111111\ hu<,fitllol, :1-larrh R. filii"' 11 11tl ~"111 1" th•· \\ 1111•· !'ttl•·r·ont• ntknl o•f ._,,.,. .. rs uf tho l..o• '"'""' ... c,,,,, I' I Vltl, K lit'. fit ~ liZ 111111"• .1 looll Ill Jl:&> arm> 111\tl llll',('oi•. oof :'\,.WJllll'l l1••ao•h . hii\IIH: 1'\llo ~Joor II 1!111'1 to :.!1"ioof' . . \Iff('~ w .. lllfl , •. "lr liM ol It\ ,,,. Ill ,,.,. lu•llh ... I . " I, olo .. 1: HOGS. unt1 t 'A·r~n~E muil•·roh•l\ H•nlmllh·r •• 1 1 1 1 ,. j r • I I ll I '\ lflf I I I 'I I I ' I'" I !lit a ct lvr, SIIP.I.I "lrtlt1} .Jarnt·s S l 1o .on •I lot•· l trto1t1•, 1 flor•ortor ha~ IIS~ .. ,iul thu l tiro ~., 1 ""' 1'1 '"' 1 ol 1 ' • ' 11 .. r tl ASK ADIII.TY.Il\' Dlr.f,SJ:U l•'t l'1'nl Ill.\ I'll! holt, u f \\llll'h •'PIIk l'h lllooUIIo tt.o I.U •t" 111• 1'1\ ' 'll l\\'l'l I lu ll'•• n •!-o'l'\1"1' for II 11111 11" t 'ttll ' I •. . • T n M r n nd Mrs • ' .. 1 l m.lll•• un ""~"~<m••nl to emo•r lhl' I t II ., \\ 1111•• un rrtllt'll\t' (Ill IV 11 111 "'' ,,:!~• /\pnlt•n a Avl'. p 1 . · , . ., .. , .. ,oud o xp••ns•·< of tlw ct>n~Jrol('· 1 ''"' • 1-.l:oncl. tn St J!ISr'Jlh h os-11 1'''""' ~ '"1)'"1'' c·,mgt·t•<· 11•111 of n .. :~notary s .. w.·r s~<lt•m an I :\l :ordr R. J9-1R, ;, tlttll~htt:>r, ''or~l tlo·m'?''t'lols ·•'kl'll So•l'f'l'lary So n~'lur.· Pr·l\•• Hnd u thr r stro ,.,._ "'' :1 111 nf · 1"1''. t~··nt ~·· ( · :'ll.ll·,hall '" :or111 nllo·)~ 1n <aiel ('tty. a~ ('unto·rn- I,JI'H:-o;/1.:-.; To M r. 11nd Mrs ll,u·of) I S JIPIII') 111"''111 P a ll·!-· f'lnt•·r1 lw Ro"l!>ltlltnn of l nt••nt lon W S ANCELt-:S M lll'l'h II llullllwu~h I$ 11 l'>·,olll !our. ~ foulll 1n1. """) ''' 1 "" 1111 t h••t I lind• I' '" rt Kll'rnlln, 1\12 Mart~old St .. lin t• :-.;., :ll~l adolJIIrd hy tlw \oty ('nun · (lJP l Uoctvl". ln"'YI'I" 11nd ..,,. <loll~l' a $7!J,tlii(),0UI, ~l.•tt· rl•·fttlt l'"r t Jo, l.tt tlo• II"""' ~~~~~~ l uc\11)' IIIJo:OOII 11 ••lltont.:o• In llu llthaus:h. nn tho• ullw r hund, :"o·\1 '", ~ ~ 11,., tm,• """ 1o 1 '"' laws whlr h thf') ,.nltl mokl' 1\rll· '111d 1 h111 "rn:m y lurJo:t' m~<nulttt·· . , • ndal inllrmlnnllnn th1• ninw uf lur••n tlu nl< till' l:u. cut f'rl1~ra111 1 '"' ~1 1 '11 " k' 11·" 1 ' 111 1" "'"'' 1 Multl'ry 1s ~>olltnil 1 ,111,.,.n ly lo..tkvt• 11 th•• 1'11 oil rn.on•llll• ••I t\1 Jt•)TI' • •oona flo·l :\la r , in St. J rn;rph lknl.tl 'l'lw lol'lll) tlt'flll'(l R c•tl of !'alii City Hn till' :?fllh d a> ••"'!'''"'· M..-rf•h !), 19.18. a.....daw:h· •I ••r.:•· h) ll"'• t\lh••• 1 J En~:l'l. ~of ;\I". 1917. Col•·d lhf' sam<' In ' 'i lh~, 12 oz . M11'"tr;'-ttt1t -¥>--..tr~tll m.}Jl1lin:....vn tho> 4th day of A pMW"I uf 'l"•nkl'n. l<'ltrt•M•nt-r•un IH· rJC<'UfiiJIII"h••fl " I JI')''' "Ill, II• '·•111. lt•ll"" lito inc lhfo lh rN' pmll'"-~lnn~ l<old tho• !\To•ron\\htlo·, ,, J1rll 11utlohrtllnl: 11" 1111 ••I ''"' ·• 11' •11 ""' ltor ~W)'er'!! cluh Y''"lo•r-rtuy lhl\t !'X· lht• l'l•nttnUIII11 't• uf •htld , ,,,. C'•ll 11"' 1'"11 ,''"'1 1 1'''·'1 "'~'111 1"' latina l,aW)o r ua,,. 'IUI'>ollon" nllout t•·n lhrnu~:h lht' )t oor o•n11tnl( Jull•' 111' l.liot" "'1''\AF To Mr and M rs. c. lllllkl' foro·r~:n 1.n1rr~ '"'I•·Hd or l!l1fl I A rmr J~l~p#IOfeJ -.:r:11of. 17:lll M1ramar Ori\·o, nHn•l} l'llrr)ttl>; 11 11111 1:r1a.:•·l oth· I II• ro•hy fix Monday. thf' :l:.!nd -rllt G irl Of My UrUm! • I oltNofl. on Jlnllywond hos pital, jo•o•to'{! Ill t''ll'< ncllluro• h) tho• army dny u f :\1nrC'h 19-lfl n 1 lhl' hour of 8fC'IIrdtnll 1.0 lhl' n OStaiiiiC fHW• \1 ollh K, 11 tl!lUt.;hll'r, Wl•ight . 7 II( $$\:"..t,IMMI Ull II 1'1\'tlllln SUr\I'Y fotUr n'rltK'k pm and thf' \oundl bl••nc:lr Put Shrhon 18 named 1:\ n7 I' I rl'l'nmrn• ll Ill ahandnnm··nl ('hnmlw r o r lh•· \irv Coun<'tl in nit) !o(>fllt IS OIUt·I'Yl'Cl bO!Wf 1\ hi I d (M it'jptlmhl') Of 8 Chtld hor:n by :\0, ~~~~~. WU!I ro•:oil) f11r 0\A'!I'ntt'>l.)' art I r I(' I u I tn•l'lllllllll ""' llwy ;wllun fnllu\\ lilt: l'lof'ld "-'"' m lol) Mental Ill ~sllo«thf'B rt of Stgma Chi' at !:be nf pro'!'I'OI Allwd Japll llf''ol' ro•JI· tlw ,,,,. I)( :>o:r\\'fKI~t Rl'al'h. n.S nesses annuol St~mA Chi sw~tbean 011':0 :mo ttons Jl<lllf'\ 'J1u• arm~ ~.otd l llu· Jllfu'o', 1\ llf'n nnd \\1h<'r<' all Jlt'r· Can Respond to b&ll, San!& .t.toruc:a, cal. ..... ndon. n nhf'rl II , !'>5, nf 901 tlw flrtllt'l'l "''" ('lll'rto•ll nut \\'tilt '""" intt•rt•:<tl'd In lh•· Wllrk dllnf' ..,-eed the 1811.1< AAOUid hf• Aml'nll· 11, llun ed to p m t('('l thl' motht•r, ht•r hu )· 'J'ht• f•<illf'llllun < umrntltt••· rtlll() ___ _ "' ~~. S;1n iR An,1, 11n l\1nnc1ny S l.tt•• Pqtnrttllo'l11 apprll\'al .. r tn tht• <;aod a<~•·!:~m•·nl will ht•l buld and lhr doc-tor. upprm·f'd n s.:;:>~~I,I~IIJ upvro prtR· Dental Thara~y I Proh~s.t. State 'IIIII'! "' ~1111 111 Ana t'ommunltv J)rnfl ~"" lit-.111:1'" "'"'"n· lwartl hy lhl' said City \oum·ll. ~ 1 "'l"t:ol aftt•r· :<ufft•rtnt.: a hl'a~l H . Ia. l-·••d th1ot 1f "l•l'lfl rnndt· l'n•t••·ty 0\\n .. r:<. Ow r•nnlr;H'Ior or I ............. ,. .......... ,,_.,.,, .............. yewhefpfull ........................... o(s' ••• ,... OwtltiM sa.-.._, ................ ftloweht~ ...................... ..,.,., .....,ofN.... '1 ..... -..... ~ ... 9 f I tJ tgd -..... , .,.--c•--1) a. ~:e;::•'*•......, A=: "'=' ~..·~t..:"t .-.r ;:::::;;;:: ---.... ---------------------~ ~----------~------~ ~~--------~------­.. ) t tnn Ioiii to ftnrtm't' tht• c·t•nlt·r~ hut tho• m ••tu•uro• ul~n n-qulr••s HI',.' ,.rnvul of 1 hr "'""·•·'" "t•> ~ u nd f11('tl n& o·nmmltl•·•· JIJ•.\'1.10.\' IIJI.I-" ('Ill , :\lllr J)routh l'ower 'roront Il l h oll'rluh ll•lnS an• n ·all) :t" <.t•t tfiU~ a• tl11'y ho~ .1'~11!1\l<, and all Ollll'r p.·r~nn~ 111 , 1 l't l'h'''' ,, 1 ''"" "'' nl.ol l:ooon 1n \\'lnnl'l•a~:n. l\tinn., h<' 11r1• llll'llttl'tl llw "'''"'" 1ou.:ht to tnl•·r··~•··r1 in •)lllill wnrk (ll' <alii '"'"'~"' ~ 1111 "''"' '""'' llo• rur··ol (:urtailment Ill•· tn Santa A nil :.!0 )l'ars IIJ,::(). sl nrl draftln~ .onullll'r nviltan .. ~~l·'l~nlo'tll , (I'PIIn~ rcggnf'\'1'11 h~ I It) "''"''" 11 , "'"'''"'· . 1 oJ, 1111, 1 r I:! Yl':trq lw l<l'r \'f•d as nn :orrny In thai •·a~o·. lot• ,11111. 11111• ;ony 111'1 nr dl'l•·rmniatio1n (If tho• ,.. 11 11 1 rutin) S \'lo: l·lt\'lo:l'hf'll /lht 11 ""'~tit.:ntnr fnr th o· d!Siri<'l at· I'I'I'Sal 1111 litarv l t'lolntn.: :ol1111,. '"" .S~tp.•rinl•·ndr·nt n ( Str•·•'IS or tlw I '•111•'1·., offot·•• h!'o•ntntnj.! undr•r· nul llu tlw joh <'il\ t·:n~:uv·l·r in ro·lullnn llwrt•tn I •r lt.·n l.mu· ''"" '""'" ol '"' '1 1 '' 1 'I "1' '1 • '1 11'' I'"~ ,. 1 ., , n l C u 11 ol 1, r Sho·rtff .II'SSt> L u r "llu l'i~tim tha i llw wprk h:-t~ ~·.~.-'1':,'~:~\:·:,~~··~~""11 .,:;:1::.·~,1',',,';,: ,' :. ::.,::1 '",',·.·::: •• ·,,. "': .:~~:~:: •.• :·,:· 1 '~;;,'.'~ r:.~~~~~ r•~~-,~;·"~· ~;~~··· ht: ;~: AWAIT WATERFRONT :\'.'.'. :::;~~r::;.;rr;·~·~~··'~C:,~'··~~~~~~~~~::~ ''"" 1111 111111 11111 f.ololo till' ,., I . I I I ,. AGRr:r:to. ~ENT IN l A I ''"''" 111 11 , 111 ,... 11 , ·• '' '' " '"' (. oloo .. ,, • '•I'• ,,. llltlt•· I"'' tn llw rt·.ol t•.srntt• husinrss l:'l:IVI • , ''""''" rnnnrr. nr wh n !'lalm l hnt LOS Al':f:F:Lf:S, 1\!lor ll 1.,.1., 11,11 1, .J 11 oul pt I\ ill• on\o·~lot::•l tnn I ll• Wit.~ oil) INII llfln of lh1• \\llrk W :l'l (tor l l'PI 'Jlw torm> o·n~:ano'l'l l'urar. llo· lulrl th•· !,,,,.,1\ lltll' '" tol H .I :-,1111,1,,,,,,1, ,,01m1,~11111 • m •m l ... r ••f S t Ju.Sl'Jih ('nth C'hc l.l)$ !1.:'\r.r:J.~:s \!.11 II all\ '''·"'''" omiltr d or 1111'~1\lly Harbor Sites, Including Upper B~y, Under Study hn~ rl·romnwnrl•~l lurlltt•r trllf'1!tl· Ill\\ ul 11•1111•11\ .lo•t turlo l '" I 111'11 fl1111 nf lh•' Saa ta A n:t t l 'l•t ~···llo•rlfl """'tl uo•••t' IH•I•d ttulll<l•ll '" lhl' Nontr:tc t Cur tho t.:nllon ,,, I~ ~lllllh•rn (':tltlllrnt:o h.ulloollflll•lll h '·"''" '"'"l'l.otlll' 1'1''"""' ,,,,tho "1'''"'1: \\'I• \rr •rrn on l .o.;ton pns r and tht• r .. r :r "'''·lllllllllo oiL'II'o'tllltll 1 .. '''"' "' hrt\lnL: nr m:okln~ :til\ I'CIIL~I ''''~ prtiJ.105l'<l f()r ~ma ll ,,,'''''"·'''' ''""lol• ,,,oJ "'''"'' ! '" "' •I • '' ""' \1111)•·•"' "'"'" 1\n:t Vlk~ lodJ;:t• IWt'l'fl lht· w :olo·t ft .,nt '"II'"'~'' ''"''''"n lllllh' t•nrt•'l'fnrs<nf th• t'rl\fl hllt'h<ll'', lho "t.llo• (•fo,lflllo.t 111oJ 1••1111111 1•11111• 111'1•111•1• ol1 1,. \\!I tl1 oJ '''" -~'Jo•l (t•nl l lo t'o '111\l\ttJ h) hiS \lifo•, :'\1rs. '"'"''III IIIOII otl1ol 1111 ~·111 \lltl(lo I" •tll•nl Ill tit:tl!r:trn, oor 11lhor II( 1"111111111'1 <llllllllllll'l't1 lod ol\ "l'l"······ ullol ''''" "''' l o\oll 1••1\•t ..... ''"'' I ,,''" h··.:·n ....... s .• nolooll, ·' snn. \\'tlliam R ('Jo•rk .. "'"'l('t;oltlln Ill'"''' .•• ~ ... ~· •• ololllf1111111 1111n or Jlrf)(o•..rhnc ~llff\1' "'tho·"''' lnf'hH1·· ""'' l'.olfllltl "' ""'"'·"'"'' ''''"!""'' "'tho ,. ,.,, flloollolwd ~·lllloln "' l .. oko• F<•n•sl, Ill , a nd l-llolo· 'hltlrlomn ,,,tf,o\ I'' 1.(.-,,, "'th o :--lll••tnlondonl II( ~lro·l'f$ I"" n••flit•, :llultllll ,,, ··k. .SIIntll "oil I Ill Ill\ I" I"'" '"''' 1111 "' ol • • I • ti.Hit:hl•·r.. l'ln lh'l Sandt•n nf t.:•·h· ... hat""' "' ,.,, \ I 11(!101 ··r. <hall prtllr lo! Mon lf'll h.othur, l'l.o\ol l lt'l II•>· Ul"'•'' h• ••Ill I '''11 1•'""' 111 '"""" • 11 •111 '''" i\no .onrl \J,or):.nn .!':~ l'nl"ll ·•n•l •111 1•1•111~ 111J 11 1 , •I·• "'' ''' l••r tho• hrartn~ nn Lt••tlotndo• II• ;wh, Al.ontrto~ hrt\ und 1•1.,._11, ,111 , 1 , , ... ' '' • '"" 1 ' •·I I"'" r lot•·l'~·ht " I ll•lnfllllhl and a o·niL~tn, :\lr' "' '' 11 11!. ''' t• 11 " II• ,,, '"""' ''' "" •m• nt. lll'l••al Ill th•• ~:11rl UJ•I• r l':"'IIOrl h:l\. · " I) 11 '1 11 111 '" • ·" "I t1 "'""''"''" strol<o I Sl •· ( 1 · \ ' '' I'""'" t' "·' hr1• fl, s1.11on•· on u p ,_.., ,.,, 1 ,, 1 , ,,, ,,,,, u , 4 ,tt 111 '*n 1t U •• • • ~ P''r ;"'\a nt .• Aun J\n4 •n .trt 1UUt' rtt•IH'• \ h-11 1 ~, 11 r ... 'nu•;tt m) t urno·tl llll'llll~nllwr 1,. llllnt.rl ollt"" "' ,,,,11 \\h) · "" '''"'''' t 'lt o l nlt•rroa~u'n • ,.,,,.,,111•11 ' ••I lwto·r ,ol 11rrant:P· o•olr.ot oulltllt••t 111,·orul•ol 1,,,,,.,,1 "' '" tl , ~:oruntl~uf :lJII""' ~~ .. r ~U)!C•·~Io ol hat lour !'Ill'"· Ioiii trd· '"'' "'""'It\ " l.unt.;'"'"' "" "... :Otto! . \\ .. r. 'Ill~ \\til "' tn:Orl(' l.olo 'r frum th(' 1.:10\1 rnllto Ill 'lh k· ~ .... II '·''" I I.. I " ., ''I''""' I r "'"I \\trrk r..r .... nullo•ollltat 1111111' ,..,nullo'tllft h ltr· ... ,,,,,."' l'lltooll l •wal 1• n irh ,II It Htol\\fl ('qlfono;tl tnO•fiU<ory \\•·r·· hlltlf llll I I'I•IIIJIIIIIIII'• nllltl .... I "'''"' Ol:Oflo• 111 1111' a hcl\'o' hun Jart• n•·•·•l•"'l J SUI ltlt•tlt• .tl ' • .. t. • h· ';ut1. '' • 1 t• ..till I.\ 11<1• n. "' ' t. ' .• r' c:.te•d 1 l.t· · bt· 1, ,11 f11 tt • tt•l• "' (t f(,•,Hhll inn •if J nt,·nt 1n n IIIIo Int.: tJoo..,o I IIII'' llllof••t I lot• 111\lutl \\1111hl tlloo 1 ••1111!~1 Ill lith (,olumh•"a '"River I 1 • 1ool I lot• )lh tJ,o\' n f :\l,lf'C'lt I ll' \\ tr.•· -· i\dv,•rlls<' 1 , hlo• · ·"-<"W<')' '"'' ,.._ 1'.' I'' I q,... I PI ' WI on ur ·H'f :or f1.t•l)-.I• ht lltlttUn , ...... (HI _, ·" \".•ur I'•'"'"' If,,, •I tt~ht tu '·•"'' I"""' """ loullt:llt d·· w t p d ql"''"' .olf 111' '"tt l\ w ~c·11t "' 1·1\\'>1.; I. TU:-.:1 II1\RT. lttln\\ tlt111 lrl' lltoo\ IIC•nhlo• to ho•lp '''""111•111<; a er ropose t'olll 1''"1"''' ''''"'''too lllo 1\oo\\ I'll~ <'l•·rk ho~ tlo 'lit"''""' Itt~ lt."l tlmlt," J.,·on•• r 1 'I l'•l '1 r I 11 1'11" ,, ,. l I\\ I "' ••• ,, ·1' ,t,IIMI 111'101"'" ,,,, ,, 01 ·'I Ill • • " Do yoo want to n.-nt ! II~ In these rolumru Advrr - I n oil the world there Is a elef purer \Vgor, no sw~ , t No sugor runs more r ~e- d none is wh•ter ly -o n .. n . in roin -tnO or i ooer g . nboll the tugor you• t~e•~ .. d ot..e rognt tn gr~w on ~hot's t-~Oll'l' th•s oceo. 111 Sugot -jnsl\t on ~uod ''II llto•r o• os 11 chnnr!' 111 11 ''' ,,r '"''" "''"'~ " \\'A~III ~f:Tt lN, Mnr 11 II "'"'lot ''''in )! l•tll "It rl1 \\<JIIhJ ri11J.lltun '" :0\luol :111\ l"l"tlotlt1\ fir \\'iso• All\'l•rlt~,. hund rt•d lhbl WI' l'rtn lwnl P<'HPil' ,,h '"' , . .,,If,,,"''' rl.wk'< 'l II I' •liP I A~~~"''"'' ~('l'rl'tflry nr ln ·l .. r ,,,· .. rlllllklllt,; I'"' ;\l:o\ :II ...... 1 --- frunt tlw dl)('l (lr lind I"'' US"('h la· I II r I I ~ l110llf '"'" ~1/llll:'\\ tnllllo'l\~ ill 2 lo'r nr \\'lllinm t-; \\lllrn(' Sllld to-n··. ott' '"' 11111"'' lotlll "'lo·run,· C1assirt!"d ads DO gt'l '"" ~·~~ 1.,1, \\h)' ko•o Jl It ft'olll\ thuS•' \\hu b<' (I I' PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY AVCOUNTANTM Onin W. Wright ,._:HartlortM Ml Apte Aft., Balbna lai&Dd ._ Ta• (:...Uitaala ........... ~ .. --.. ... WILLLUI8 a WILUAMS . .,. ·----· c--ttaata Oftltle: o-&a Mf'OII Baftk tudtr. .... ......, e-ta ~~~-('allf. DAY 8CROOL Mortitner School -Oenl A-....,_ DAY 8CHOOL NO\\' OP'EN bl. G. A. •011nMD. M.A.. ewr- .... ~1 ...... - Dr. Obed Lucas DENTIST a.Y, W. O.tnl JIArtMw IW Nt:WPOaT BEACH GORDON E. RAPP, D.D.S. t3U Wat ""'lnl .,.._ Ranor t~l-.J N--...rt lleKII CHDIOP&ACTOR Dr. Tom E. Barton CIDROPRACTOR nn o.ut IUPW&J o. ........ Ill ... lla tr.rldllll'o Polloi ................ DR. .L YARWOOD D. C.. ftO. 11M J'lf...,..rt Bh11. o-ea .... • CBDIOI'ILACI'IC • PIIYUO'I'IIEaAPY • c I I L1P'E IJ'If8UilANCE LIFE INSURANCE Henry C. Vaughn -!tt:Wf'OIIT BLVD. a&AOOJif "" ............ ,.,...., MI.TJ IIOaDlABY LADY ATI'KN'DA.NT • ,. CeMt .. ..,. ~ ..... ., .......... ,u CO., ... J'lfllllt) OFI'Oan:TIUST :o m I I·· ,;•ul ol1" lot"ht .,,, Ill·' 'will tl •Y a ,\•'llr-ulcl '"''"''~~~~ to hrtn" n< 1 done. 11111) h1• IH'lJJ<•ct • II \\'f• ;oro• 1 ro'ad. ,.. "I E. T. Butt4!Ml'Or1h, 0 . D. Opto mf'trhl 1:\'1:8 t:XAMISP:D~ _ UN81:8 ot'rLI('AlT.D o.._...,__ ... AIIJ_..,. 1114 W, !'oolll•al ""' n . M11r-81\1 I ~ll:wt•o•T ar'.An• COAST OPTICIANS Ill~ "" 1111' In•" of lh•• l:••n•·rul <:a\• a "'' u l powo•r .. {'o•lllmhl•l lll\o•t 1\ulo-r It> :->IJIIIhl'rn prul'loltoott•t tho•u I "" ~nrn••lhtnJ;: ., 1·1 ,.,, '1"' '' q , 11:''1 11101'~' ('ultfornl1• ""' "lok>ktnt: 1!<'11•'1' ancl 1 1 1 1 k thau 'o'O 1.1 "'"~'' anti t•o·f•o•tro:ol· 1 M I llnt.:t'lllll~ \ oil' 1111: Ill lhl' 1,1, <o•l<· ,f q ,, IUthltl' lll'llflo • I'IO'll• hi'lto•r" 1n llt.:hl II( l lt1• l'llfl'!'llf •llllttllto· .. r ntl• P'"""'nnal \I I tolllo· .. ," """"'"'' ... I •••I .• II r '"' I . a~o .\l'r n I •11 0 1/1 ""''I '"•lf flll:o' I'IT i\lt."' ('f :U :UK.\Tt: lith IIOI.LY\\ t ll ll 1 II t 1'1'1 1(111 .. ·11 11\.111 .!lui '"' \\ ,,, lnd a) 1 •·l<•hrollo••l t h •·lr llltllh Wo•ol- tlm.: ann I\, 1 ""' hunt ont.: "''"'''' Cnr tlwtr <~'('Onol t'lolh l a ~<'''<'n· 1Nl0nl1 o•rt:ht """' ,. IH•~ lw •l n "'~ tr r'rln) :Uit1 :OIJ :"''1'1111111 fl<IWf•r I or IJrOJ')-"('oJtfornt l 1111"1 <t;rrt thrnk101: • • d,,,, •'iuf nn of h• r \\'aft t ~uppl\ un a Inn~ \' hll.lll ' r I I' I ofrc run~· I oil..... \\'arn· ,,,d r.u~ ,. • I l t • '• •t 't~llll•, ,, , d Ali \\'arn•· t•unHHt•nt .. cl .. n (":lh· ''"''"' • • • ,., •h• ~ft ,,,t ''·· ',,~ ((•rn• •'«; \\nt•·r lr••uhl•· ... rh urm:tn J',oJ•.. '•'" ' 1 • •I '"' "''' 10 R tl'h.on1 \\'!'lr h ul tlw IHIUS•• ptth-u~· ·'"' 1~ "'' •·~l•y. lie l~tndll r nmmoltl'i' saul lw v.ao; ,I '''• t·•l·" rllohto l'•>llllllt•· Cll!lltnt: arnunfl C11t m""'or•·~ ltl<•·· ...,.,1' "''* na . 1 :omort••' ~. 111 tht' I~ tu ... •f•·~uan1 :uu1 nl:txunl'-•' ~l :tt•· f't :.\ t .11ul ··• tlur,•:-ltt "' •~ 1 unn· \A'Hh•r l'f'~t•un •·..; R) nn '' an t\('ndt•m> 1\\\'11rd C":tn· PHYSICIANS. 8 UKOF.OSS, M.D. tlltlttll' Cut h1' part ·" 1 h·· kollo•t on . rr .. _.,,,. .. ftun 1tt "''''• .... ' tfl,trihu • ~ •I ,, ------ olollo•tl.tl I""' t <ol()n I• 1,. , n· S<'OI('h Ill!•', vnrh\US 111<!'1. on ,,,,.,ol .o l -1 ·"'' tlunt '""'I'll tht' l\'•·"'!'o·'l1m•·5 A. V. Andrews, M.D. PHYSICIAN _. 8UROI:ON 411 Coaat Hltrhway. Rartlor 5541 Oorona dfol Mar H. R. Hall, l\1. n. ~<ian and 8Ur'11f'Cm Hoors: 2-5, by Appnln tmrn t Tel._t-84-IK'On ~~ lSI 8 Madway ('ooota M,..... MUton M. Maxwf'll, M. D. 1801 COPt IOway c "'""" d••l ;\lar OffiN" Jlrnarc;: 10 1 ~. :!-:> Phont-llarhnr 106'! S. R. Monaco. 1\1. D. 814 Bay Al'f'., Balboa llarbor 1 '7'!t 0Ui<'l' Hours: 2 to 5 p m . M_cJa, throai1' Ff1d&J T. P. Reeder, M. D. H. E. Stickler, M. D. Plt.J'IIkllan• aad sarwr- uoe w. c..ttral , Offtot": Rubor tot Nltrllt~Phnnr llarbor nt-M Conrad Richter, M. D. ,.._ftt Bou" 9::l0 a. m. · 12 M .. 2:~ p. m. -4:30 p m. tMI-C w. ('-tnl Newport a.-11 Pllo.e Harbor UOS \'ETEaiN All lAS ?1>"1!\\?0ilT HARBOR vzon;arNAilY 1108PIT AL a-rarar, D.\'.M . PaaJ 0. ... trlwlr, D.\'.M. llro e ·a 0.1\F lad l'ua tt'ft s.l'!. 111 ... ort .... 1'08T4 .... ... a-.. a-.IOTt: a.. au. •• TRAVEL ECONOMY UNION PACIFIC COACHES _, ........ cooa. ...., o1 reM~VM .. """-c• excepl#w lite PMy &preu. • ..._,....._"CITY Of LOI A ... RII" Only 39U hours to ~hicago ($5 utra fare). Lounge car tor (Aach passengers. LOS AIIOIUI LIMITID To Las Veps. Salt Lake Lity, Omah:~ onlr two nilbta to Chicago. Uta•• • ..._,...._"CITY Of ST. LOUIS" To Lu Veaas. Salt Lake City. Oenvcr. Kansas Uty, St. Louis. PONY IXP.III 'tbLM .... SaltLabCity, Denver. Kan!'.'l!:City. Om:~ha, Ch.icaaOand intermediate points. 'DI N /l\G CA R S I:.R~ J <.,E UNION 'ACtFIC fiCKn OFFICI -SANtA ANA 305 N onh Moin StT"' Tel..,hone IBn ~ Sf~«'~« -._. UN I 0 N PAC I F ·l C Ivery ford Trudr fof-'4111 8Dnul Built IUILY ltaONGII YO LAST LONOD TheM new ford TrvdcJ are~ lui/t for eJttra strength Itt every vital port, That eJttra atrengttl provldM work ,_.erves ftlat let ford Trucks do IM!r lob• ea-'er with 1 .. strain and lea wear. ford ~ luiH Trucln last longer becaUM ttley woril eatler. let 111 lhow yON aU tt1e ~ Ji!!!t featvr• of tt1e new ford Trvcb for '48. ..CMM.-s ... ~~ ................. .,......,., .... _.....,.., We're mighry proud to show you the b lggu t. best line of Ford True"• we've ever featured! T~y're brand spanking new ... new aU the way through, aod they're 1W!!J 11.ri.JJ for longer life oo the job! We w&Dr you ro come io aooo and aee the oew ford l&HI IJM.iJJ TruckJ. See tht bis, handsome, oew ford IH1IIl1 11.ri.lJ pickup for '48 wirb the kind ol features you've been look· iog lor, and let &aJ give you the detail• oo all the rear of the brand new Ford Truclu lor '48-more than 139 models iocludiog:.Z oew t•s horsepower BIG JOBS. Yo~a'U 6.od the right ford truck for y01ar job wbar .. u tht job. * * * ,. , ... .,... -,.. ......... .,. ... -. _, l....,.._IIIC-. U.. .... ,.,. .,_, _, ---IIIC ........_ ... ,__,__ ... ~ THEODORE ROBINS Newport BMc-h 1111 ·-AIICI IXNDI NOYI • • • MilD ftiUC1II Uft W TO 19.6~ LO.ual - NoTICE Pueuc C'Uy of N~•port &Nw-ll 8 taw of C'altf onaia • NP!Wt•OKT BAI.BOA NEW8·TIMIC8 I T tlnt/0411\\' ~,.~~~~·~~· ~-~a. II, INA kP'.AI. F.MTATlt a ll&AL r.IIIT4ft I c •It :-;\I F J\Y 1 l\\':'1/~:Jt ~ all•r> • • ~U'~u· \t. a RAuto ~1'1' . -B_U_I_IN_ru_=S::-::O~t11D:-:-::-::·==-=----tt EMPLOl'JIENT OI"TEJl.ED ._ 1 tAI.E \tll'<'J:I.I. \~r.cu~"' II ED WALTERS W,<\l';'f'F.I> F.xJ)C'rtrnc-.'<1 wtulrt'U· F'OR !':\U·: A·H·<'·<'-Mallc wrJ TILF. C'ONTRACTOR •-i' 307 Mllrtnt• Aw . Ralboa hl·,lt•>~od 1'\•nd . lt~<•k~ ~'">(! m Ptl. unci llarbor :l-Ilt.' :.?3·41~ Ut•ft 6~'[>\1-M 41:? Wt~tmrntttr. Aath Rooms. Drain Boards, t'tc. -22-tc: It K F. \1. r.~T ,\ 1T. nmoNA DEL MAH :-••t Ill •'I 1111.11\\ \\' Page 5 • sonct: TOl CONTRACTORS SEAI.EO PfhlPOSALS Will tx> 1'\.'Cl't\l-d 111 lh•• l•Uat·•· o( tht' Cll\ Clo'rk. C'll~ llrtll C'll~ t•f !l:o'"f"''-1 Bem·h ('·lllfnmtll un11l 4 n'rlock P ;\I em \!:11 1'11 :!.'. 1!"11(, 111 \\ htr h llnw I ht•\ ''Ill lw• ,puhlu.:l~ •'lll'n<'fl 15th & ~.,wport Avc., Costa Mcu ltF.LP \\' A!'Tt:n C',ll)k, f1rst - Phonc Bt'acon 8700-W-3. l'lnss. r .. r holll t'hllrh•r St'f\'l('i' IF\ ll'H :_~1 f'llhh' ..... , frN"7t' bo~·· 18-trc "lu't hft\o' '''P!'rh'nN' on f1nt I · :t: t•ul•w f•'l·t Ro•r•rh tn: 1· 1 ~····"" ..-, .... , "'''"''· 11~<-rln~"""· N£'\\' Vtew Home 1.1 '"" Ho ,..,1 "'" 1.'"'' .' Iouth• I'"'"'·''""' "•'II hutiL (1\'l'Jtl.tllll<tNr. t :nttr.-H•rbor ot • • 1 '" ''"lu"'"l "'" 11,,1 j ~lu:-;t ~1·11 at lllh'l' I "'•"1•· "'"' ''"''"''' "'"'r"'" "'"~~~hr . 1c11w ft.'101"11, n ff'rlace, • :"'I f' """"' "t•· I""'"' l.a\o•l\ l .. n. I 111• '"'"•'" \'ot\1 Jll•t II~\' '''" I,,,,,., • , I 1'1;\ 1\·tcn• 1,,,,,. ~. 11\11111' ,,_.,, :--; •• "'·'"' ~Ol,l I .\111 \:1 If.' :0.1'"' rln~s ynrht l'hnnt• Jlltr· tl\lTI ('lr 1'• h,,i':,.,, mv tur ,'It lVIIIJirl'~r. t·all ~'XO:." t '1•a•t llc~h" ~~~. \'to•\\. l'rh'o~l tv wll c'all llurbor ... ,. I II. ·II ,. t 1 .. I ... '" :'-II\,. H. 14'•'11llhl) "' ..... , I I " • '"" ,, .... , Clh'lllln And ""'d" nntllh 'I I '''. 1• \'\;' ...,1·tl\llt•l' .\ Ill \! I 11 I • I \\ t. ''J•••II1 1'" 'H ~·t :lh 1 '"'''lollo<n•l '1111' fln,•Jt we've fi.M. LANE REAL ESTATE II\, • I' ' '" ~I'"' ...., Ill lo • ' I''"'' 1 ttl( ..; \1 I ''"'" olt••n-rl '·• ' I•• tl• ,,f t • "•, .. '• I• ''" ~ '''''"·' th \ \tur "1 I'Urt :.';l ;,1,, H li·lt :..'1~5tl' lk'tlut nunh \\nrk "' ~'l JOG \nurl A''" !'o•nr !'o•wa~<Jrt Ptt'r Estnllhsht>d Sin('(' 1920 8-tf{' ,~,,, nr "''"I""' l~·ad• At 1\l unl;.,p.ol 'I''·""'' <'1111111 n••a t 17ch Stt•·•·l .111ol t '•·ot ttul ,,,,. fOilMt:tJ Wlndahlt>ldl & Uaid ncH•, 11t'""' II:."~.J•·•·t oil rh:un ('o \'t'Ni m.\dt> to order. Also ~·· ltnk fo'I1C'IIIL! In llo• llll'fl iSho•cl I 1 &: nrHI ln•t.ollo•ol ~ass Lu5Ye She(>IS Cor salt "Jo Ioiii \\ill lit• t o·i o·l\o•il cullo•,, II Nu-\\'orld fl>'r.odu~tl ('nmJllln} '' macl;o "" :a l '"l"'''" ,,,1111 lurn. :VrJ Third St., Huntlneton Bl'ach l•h"d lo~ lh• l 'rt' I 111:1111'1'1 Phnm• Hunlln&ton JkaL'h 17b. l<al'll h1tf 11111•1 l•o• .II'C'IIIClllllllll cl 1!10-tCf •Y I c·n~h. C'l'l t tfll'cf clr r :hhlt·l '• 1 --------------- ('ht•<·k 111' lot old• ,., hnmJI nandl' P·•~ HARBOR able '" til•· f'tt~ nl !'o•wi•Ht ll••:u•h Plumbin" Se-~ce fur an :lnlotlllit "llllll '" at lc'lllol "' 1 " 1 tc·n l~<•r•·••nt I 10'. I col lh•• nmount 17~ Nt'wport 131\·d . 13NI<'<ln 6117 l•td. ~ueh ..:uur:u)l~ 111 l~o• ft•t ft•tto·tl Rt:PAfRJJ'I\G OUR SPECIALTY tohoul•l llll' lotololo•t I " \\ h11m t ho• Contra ctln& and SuppiJee rontrn~t t• 11\,,tttlo·cl f.otl '" o·nttl 9-trc anto th1• l'lllll till'l ------------- I\\' A:">TI<Il St·t•rl'llln 111 ~~~~limo• nlftn.oJ:IIllt'nl Ct IWrlol Jn~tll'lllh'\' o•lfll'o' • "'"l•'l•·nt l'<.,•kko•o•p••r, 1-:'"~i I~ tot~ I . hll\ •' plo'll'llll: l~<'r· "on allt' S:cl.u .• plus lxonu• lin' ~~·~'. ', :\t•\\,·'f'ttllf'S l:\ ~~t\• tll 'l'loi!'J'I':'\I'n~ :">t·t11 ndchll""' Ill 1111111 r.w htl'lll hll"nc·~,. ,,, ·' 11Ur O\\ n . r :u n~ ,·~ ''''"·' (f,lt~J Jll'llfll, \\ lifo• 111 \lfll'o' f•tl' llllt• lh ul.ot' ll.t\\lotl:h'~o llo•pl l '1\l'· •.'~-~'111~· ll,tl.lanal 7, 1'11111 .'I lqo \\'A:">T \\'11111 en fur lh•ll~•·"••rk p.oo I I"'''' 1'111l ll:orh•~t 1:711 M -'' :.'11' otAI.P: MI~('I';LI.ANF.CII 'M • F I.J ·c·rnll· lt;\:"\c~F l.1ke.• nt•"'· 'o•r.' ro·n~(onuhlt• ll.lllh•r :::.:n ..!1-~1·· }o'l tH ~ ,\J.E l.m ~·· !lo•.,; htn!M'. ~om.lll l•tt'\ l'lo• ll'l" \\ ht'<•ls, .:o..d C'oiiHitl 11•11 ti II\ l .llltl Noortf Lid•• hit• :..'1·4t(' II C A~II for U~EO furniture & Appliam·e~ \\ •' llu~ ,\IIIlo,. I ""'thin.: (;HANT'S l'h•m•• Bt•ll '<70i M ,·,,~'" M, .. ., 4:/•tf.• W ill Pav ('n:-;h \ b, dt ''' IU thfllh t •'IIIJf)t lt•l\ hu It 1 tl '" '' • I il• 1• u, I • "•., In 'lit •t I lot( Ill '1' 'I I I l I I 1-••1 '\I t•,•oil •lo ''"'"' l\\111 :'(tl._;,p ,,,.,f I'''"" 1111 Ill \1 ltlloo HAT.PII P. M ASKF.Y :1111 \\' l'c•lttrnl I'll lln r 4~ !Htc ,,, . """' .'.l'l!t l ltt • \' t -I. ' • •II I ~. I lo ,.,,,. 'tilt ' 11 . II I 'f II '\I ''It It ,,, I .: I' hill\ 11d I• HI l't ,, , •• t" "', • l ... t • " \~tli1 ~'" :n t I t ,, I I '• 1 .. I , .. I• "o I' 1 n.,, ., ,,, ,,., "'"' t " Hh I ln~t nt ~Hdt~l \t ~· I 11, 1 II till o II• • t i ltlf\.1 olol \l ·n I .•1• I \ 'I IT':' '\I .\ I ;'I' 'I'( l ,,,, "' t I\\ ;\ H \ '\ F I: c I ;\'I' ' \'\'11/\T IS A Hl:i\l.TOR? ,\ 1\1·',\1 '1'1 11( '' :a llh'ttcl~·r ttl I lit• lo~<'ll l . S lntc' mul N .tl llill.tl 1:,•.11 1·~"-t.tl•• 11 ... 1rol.., .111d t>-t:r luth'<l tht'tl4' llh'lltl•·•''"l" ctllh .;t'lt't o'd l''lltl 111\l'o,llh ;tt lln n nr hi,. ,.,,·"·" ,,.,. ,e11cl n htltty 1\ tn:,\1 .,., If! "'Lalit' "'" tlll'"'"'''"h lp only hy t<Crlt't .11 1111 '11'11"' let the• rh;lo l <'kl•• til !'IItle's ltnpot<t'lllly tiK• " ...... ,. 'l,tf ,. '" .... r \ttHf h unHUtt •'r "rt-tat "•'* ~~I \l \It l t;lfll'-lh d t.• t, 1,,1 p A l<l·:t\1,'1'1 11t I!Ooi \'IIIII' ~;llll l'.tllh~· n r hntu•,l , t•Hkl(...,l ~·r\ "'' \IIU f 'htlfh 1\, 1\\~\111 "'"*' ~ (,I tIll t•l I\\ 1 l'h Ill' Crawley' ~'urniturt' Co. 11 ''' '1 " .. ' ,• ,, 1 1 1"'" ,, ... , ' I • II I •I• 1812 N~'JlOrt Ahd. c-... t• M••• :tJ "' Tl \o'lll t• o >o I 1 11,. , "' 111111 "'1; I tllll t ltl •• I II "' 1 ~11 II "'''''d "'"' I'" 'I ttttl I lot d ,C I• llt •~o~tlt\' .:ut ''I , ... uu tttd '" 1HI ' ''"'''1t Fu• \\'lwn hu~ 1111.: "" )al•ll111~ "'"' l"l llh ' ··nnln<·t "A lh·:tlltll'" In lll'l'W'ofanr•o• \\llh t ho• flrll\'1•· t()n!. uC C1'·'1"''' :l!l7. Statctt<'' nr 1---·-'l~._t ll_!' C'tiY c· .. un.·ll ef rh.-Glv COOPERATIVE ROOFING CO. mw 'li'nlt'"Rep1lir Phonr &-aeon 6217 ~"' I Ilk!'!' \\'ards, l·lt• LUX<' WIISh· tTRNITt'KE t'OR ~ALF. U I ~ H 'I till ftl• "'' ,.,., ,,, .-u I '' !' ,., tt t ltHI ,,,,, '" til Itt •• l't h t •• , ........ , ,, t ...... :'1110:\\'I'OH'I' IIAHHOH 1\0AHP OF Ht-:AL1'0HS 2"·ltc of l'o•\\ II"' I llt•adt ha' a'n'tl•u'""n:..:.t,.:,d+--- lhl' J.!t•no•t.ol lll't'\ athni: rail' or Wl1f:!'' nppfll'.lhl•· lu lh•• 11c11k to I'M• ......, 1-t,....H ...,.,"!:' 1 Pm < tlnm~ 1 r: 1 l'h 1 11 p ""'7:1 · S PI:I 'IAI. \\'hclo II ro~t!! n 1..,. ~ .... .,. \\ nt.-I ' ,. l'tl'l'l( .. I 1 lot ' l 'l uul ~w ~~~ '""1 '1 :.0:.'-!'llp •tll·"'"'~ '''"' h'< "' ht\ "~·II ._'I ,,.. tJnn•· "'folio"~· ""''' ............ .. .::'173 Eld~n Ave .. C'.a.ta M~" lO-tte "••r ~t. Asphnlt 11r Ct u'htnt.: Plant F.:nt.:IIW•·r Allphult t•l;alll dr~t·t · man c.r f 11 • u1tu1 Asphnlt t.tlco•t :ond INIOI'I A~phnlt 'P''••mll nt.: I !Ill I 77:> I 55 " ... 15:!0 1:.!40 12 YEARS SERVICE IN TilE HARBOR . AREA HARRY HALL PA I'NTING CON'TRACI'OR 774 Eaat l!lth Stffl>t l'h Bee. 5413 Coat• Mna. C'aW 30-tfc mach in•• "I"'' :If or I !lO 15 :.'0 Carpo~nto·r t !'<l 15 :til Bl'ILDINO MATEBIALS 11 Co'1111'nl 11111'111'1 l !}?f; -}~ 1'1() ASPHALT TILE Fl'lt.:lllan 1onlf ''lclt'h· ole II' man L."'hCIIt'l' Cltfo•r . I""" 1 ('rnn~> I I '~~~~~ I • '"'"'I"' UJ'IC'I Ill to! ·'" f)n '''OI (Jfl'•l ,1tor. C'•,n•·r ••h • ntll•r:ator lnlllllr I"'' I rtJI t.:r1tclo•r l'n" ,., .... c1 1-.•lllt l•llt••nt OIN'I;t lflt l•hm·C'J clr;tf,!ltn•• tt .. n 11 k, clr·a. r tt'k h .11 "' c liom•lll'll t ,,, lUI() Lino. & Pla~tic 1 5~'<1 Dt·ainboards 10 1<0 1 ('nntrnrtnr to C'onsumcr ('nrno•r !Rth St nnd Pnm onn St 1:.' ~ 1 C'osla MPSa 22-5tp II :.•0 PEKSONAL U ....... , Public Stenographer lh _'() m Mann~> Avr tiTarhnr Im ('o I 1\alhoa Islnml llariJM J:\31 lluolo ~ tor •·a :or~<·• .: 111 I1>X!t IO 1~1 • 4 00 Plumhin~ Supplies P I P E I Cnl\• lind ntnrk l Toill'ls, nnth Tuh~ l.nvn1tlrt<'S C'n~t Iron Stnks t:.!0-32 doublo·sl 21\3:.' IC'dt.:r• I)'I M', t'll' l>nuloll' t 'luna S trtks, $16 50 up. Stt•t'l Sanks $.'•.9:1 up C'hrom•· P lllh·d S\\ In~ F11UC'Pts S5 9j, . Lstr~:··~t l'lumh1n1: St01.•k tn Or;utt.:c• County FONTANA PLUMBING :.!3/lll S \\' l't'"'l~<•rl An• ~osl n l\lo'!lft Phnnl' Rt•:J<·on 6().1 t 'l:.!·H~ Silver Platinj:t ("'PPER . BRASS, GOLD Pnltshlng & Rdinishtng Bay!'ide Platin~ Co. l!l14 llnrhor nl\d C'osta M••sa. C'ah f , TWaron 5113 . 6-tfc Watchra • <lockt . J.-welry n IRONOM liTERS fk'Pftlrtng -Prompt Servtc. Scnalblt' Pr1et1 Ol•'t;oloor ,p ooocp It>;, l:t:.'O ()lll'l.tlllr ltollot I"-"~ It N l l4-tft· VAN DRfMLEN ()rK•r'OIIur tr.H tnr I.O~T A:SD t'OPNO U J F. W F. L R Y hullolnt••t . IHIIIJwor;-----------------1-mti NPV.']XIrt Blvd C~ta ,.,... srr;ol"'''· ololl~;t'l"' $1!)0 REWARD 3-tfc ~h••v••l "* bt._;rn h i· I~Fl ,R:\1A'nfl~ Lt~hdlnt.: h• t hr t;whm••nt, 1 !1(1 15~ 1'1'1'0\l'r~ .. ( aoowl'r t!'ndr r nut •• <)Jw•ntl or. t ,.,.,.,.., nca-l~t•r :.0711.!3:.' or ynrht La S<'rnnn r htn•• I !l7r. 15~ lA'~' ll('tWt·r n Catalina Island Tn1ck olnwrs of dump trut'kll ol lc•~ and Los An~o~cl<'ll harbor, Fcb. :!2. HH~ f'ommuntcall' Mr. than 4 )d!oo wa tr r 1' .,.,.1 llurll. \'Andtk•• 3121. Los An· I 4:!!'1 11 40 1 An' r·l:~"''' 1rnt 1011 ~I' r•s. 23-7tp ••milt• d h•·r••1n t:MJ'I.~O\'MEST \\'AS"T-ED !1 nu! I•·',' lt h;tn 1.1"1 IOt«t Y(lt';o,;('; !\1,\'\J :">•••'<I~< •·mph)\,. ,,lo w "all l11• ;wr·t•ptc'l.l h11m a l'unlt.o('loll "h" It o'""' 111 ,,11 1, m•lll . :.'6 m.or ru•d s"lo·s rl'f1·r · I o rw• s tor "til 1 un ~nur huJI\tnf"o~ rt•n -..·r 111 .wc·<ooolllnoo \\lilt tho· I""' ll•ll•n" .,f ("h,t lll•·t 7'11 Stilllllo·' (ll Ill': tlus "'"~"n \\'\'ill' hox "K 'I 1!•:."!1 •'' am .. nllo·cl I'" :'\o•\\<;·'flm•~ :.01-\tp l 'l.n" liM) ho• 't'••n ·'"'' tnnlh \\'A:">TEil \\all mak~> •·un aan,, Bendix & Maytags .IWlt Wnltlng tn IJC' Uat'd at Bll..L'S W ASH·A-TERIA 415 NC""•por1 Blvd., O.ta IbM Phonco Beacon 5'TTO 10-trc FIREWOOD C'J IARCOI\L .t ARIQl E"TS PROMPT DELIVERY Wright Lumber Yard 17fL1 Nc>WpOrl 131vd COST A M ESA Beacon 5665 ~of 11• 1~• :ol """"' ''""'ra1·1 <~not rll'll\t·r ptllo""· utlw r pI a 1 n l ~flt'I'IIH·.ofllln~ m:l\ hf' Oh tntnNI 111 ~~ \\ 1n1: t<•lt•piHIIII' J\<•a :l71R.!'.I till' ,.tf .. .,. oof th•· Ctl\ t:n.:an• •·•· aft••• t:l 311 .!3·!'ltr 83-trc t'tty llall :"'''"1'"'' lv·.a•·b C'd•· --------------- fnnul'l ·nu• 'I"'' \.tl .tllo•fi!CIIII nl l•lf•• pt't't 1\ ,. lnrllfr•r-,~ raiiNI to the• "Propn,;af r'tNtlllll'rrH'nt~<" a nnt•x••rl tu th•• IJI:tnk fnrm nf prnl•"'ral. for full o1orr('t tnn~ '" '" lwllf1n~: I'll' t'l'RT/\1:--IS L.,undf'rf·d ... ,r .. trhr-d. fancy linl'ns llr·rcd (.':oil Sa n! a Ana Toftl'r 3 r m and laun· :>67 1:1 :/O.r.t<· Plenty of Good Tires All Sizee Compound Motor Oil Gallon. TOe Th~> C'11 ~ ror :"> ''" IJI'II't 11c•nch rr·· 'c.'l'\'1'' I h r 1'11:111 Ill n 'l''<'l un1 <lr all lml< · W r cnn 11low your gard1•n or va- rnnt lot or do nny ktnd or yard w urk. C'all a.-neon 5:.!83-W. 16-tfc F'XPERIE:'>If'~:n -w .. man wnn~ Western Auto Supply Author1ud DcolllPr f'ITY Itt' !'l·:\\'I'CiflT IIEA<ll Fr·nnk I. Htn~>hnrt C'1ty Clr tk tN'J~o tton as hous~>k•·Pp<>r, r hihi tR36 Nrwpor1 Alvd., C'oeta MeN nur:<r, nr cook, rr ft•rrnc'l's Coli 17-tft l'uh. !v1nr· II & Ill I!WI ~,1 :!!l·:ltr Thr N<'ws '1"\m,.., will not be rt- tpon~ahlt• rnr mnro• thnn one lncor· rcl't ln~~>rtt"n !)( an ad,·crtlscmrnt, l"t'lll'f\'<'1' I II I' rlt,:hl 10 corrC'Ctly classify len~ 11nr1 rall ad~ and to rt'jecl an• ud• ~>rll~rm~>nt nol con· Tormln1: teo rul••' nnd rr~rulat lon~ ELEfTHICIANS • :::tm·r 1 !'1~.'111 ('on <.I rcu·1 H•n ;\lnrtn• ~nl<'=' and . '<'rvicc :">n .ltoh Ttot o l.an:•• :'\n .loh 'f(•u ~mall 100 C'o11~tt Jlt\\':IV Phnnr Rl'nron 5407 · E;prrl AA-Ifr 24·trC Watch & Jewelry REPAIRING ll :~rhnr :.!•194-W 2'1·511' F.M 1'1,()\")f F.~T Ot'FF.Rt:n 29 WANTED-Job and cylinder pressman. St('arlv !Oitu:ltion in union shop Ideal \\Ork · ing conditions. Scoc-forrm:m :lt News-Times. Nt'wp ort Beach. Calif. HOVSE PA INTER WA NTED Call Harbor 1 4:~2. W 14-ollo• l.it••·n•o• hmri <;:t)o <:mlln fo r FrNI· • 1 wk Yarht C'n 12 1;) Coa~t llttlt"r"·· :"';\I 2:!-tk Ill 1.1' WA:'\TEI> llou<:r•kc•••J)C'r. ~· ll<·t;tl SIIMI mo Molho•r and hoy 3 EXpt''rtl'nCf'd, rrft>rcnrl's l.t• .. tn ('all Bcarcon 5:!!,):'i·R lx·· fort• 9:30 11m :.!3·411' WA~TED Lady to car•' roc. hnb)' an my hom<' for working Fine> Ol,.mnnds 11nd Wstchct mothrr C'all Rf'acon ~965 hf'. NEWPORT JEWl:LERS fo rt' II R m Ask for Mrs. Tra!'y t Undrr nt'w Mansgcmcnt I :t3-5t Jl 116 22nd St. Nrwport 17-tfc ------------..:... Dr~• m nklng and lllterallo n- Womrn's 9nd childre n's cloth· lng. sport shirts 1971 Magnolia at tn1n<', Costa Mct~a. Bea: 6008-W 23-5tc WANTED Fir!'\ I Class rngtnccr for yacht charter st>rvlce Must have CXJX'rif'n('(' ''ariou.J type dl•fst'l l'nglnC's Stale rt'fPrl'ncra Box Y-2. r; News-nmee 23-511' -INSURANCE- • FIRE • Atri'OMOBILK • 1'.Aan' "STU" DUNLAP D ll&rtnt 4 ... .SERVE L The G A S Refrigerator l"nn1~> J\l()(lol, A•nifnhlr NOW Balboa Furniture Store lfYI l\lntn !'t . Hnii)OII I'IHm~> llnrhnr 11!'i ~:IO:i \r"''' 111\ II . :">t·wpnrt Phnn~> llnrloM 11fi J<f.ffr I'l .l' ~1 Bl:-\1 ; ~t 'l'I'LJ ES Opc·n~ ~at. & . 'un. •• • nt t• •• 1' rn CLO~ED Tt 'E~D A Y Toulo I~ ~:\11 N llfl "'oil!.! 'Jlfl!ll", '"'""''· ~:•!l.'1-t qo ktltl\•11 !ttnk~. ~-, 7.'• up m•'flll 111•· r·nhtn•·t' S,J IIIt l.o\,olllrto·, l'"tnpl• It•, ~.!1 ~~~~ up, l11tl••l " • .ts l!lo•llnlllll: whtl••. ~.-. 7;, <m il II l'lo< h~>al• t!oo, ~3 95 Pilot' r;tlnanl/••11 11 ncl hlnrk. 1111 ~Ill'' ""II ftltHH!< :,1 <t.-l'ntlnl :11:1 !\lann•• /\vr•. lllllltna !~lund nppn~tll• ('nthnlir rhllrt'h II/\ :.!:.'1().\.\' 24·:!11' S P< 1HT Tfii'S SEAT ('fiVEHS Taylor':-; Trim Shop A \JIOmobtlr l'phol,to•rin~: Jlo11t nnd Tr•1ck r 'usht<•nll 1 ~5 Wr~l C'<'nlrnl :-:!'wport 1\rh llnrh()r 1940 :.H·Ifc f)(Jl'RI.E nF.o flt•IIUI)' R~>-1 mal· lr~!l JlAri>Qr 1'l;\9·M 6ll9 Wr!Ct Rn5• II•<•. Llnlltnll :.!4·3tr I.F.T M F: SHO W vm; th~> nrw Jpring & aumm~>r FASIIION f"R()('l(S lstl•tll ffof(lr~ st}ll'tl an n rh (nllrtl'!l ~ rt·al mttno·y , .. , • 1n1: pnl'l'~ S171'd 9 111 5:.1 r.urtr· antN-d hy (l<'lod ll(>ll.v ·kN·pansc ;\I~ SwNtlll·r llnrl~<tr li·>li-\\' 21 -'l•r F'f 1R SII!.F: F.ll'Y wiJchtnfo' mil· ( htn" ~:.!51 1fo i l j:l .Jr,,mtn". ('orn n,o 11•·1 Mor l'hr.nr II 11 r b or fi72-M 21·5 tr ~urluoo'(l ~h• • lt11.: .ol onl~ $6.') "\STt:lt TO Kt:ST I"'' ~\ ,\ up 1 • 'u~ •''-It• .tl uny '""' '''' 1-atn ch""' ,•nd"''111 '1''''"'"'''•1H.tllollr 1 01111t'ht tt ftotrtJ\\, .. ttt fiiM,rln),; t\\, 'I \ lu d twt.PJI\ h•111h 'IIIPf\ l ~~~~A· lip t ' .. mh pl~l\,.od, pi)·· tf•l \Ill ll olt•ot.o '''"'''"I I ol" \\tKrrl, lll.tho•L!•'") tv ..:una pi)'· ,\o l•~ol• 1 ''' II• Ill '' I• 1•111'•' 11111 "'"ld tor lt:•r' ttf1cl 101•·1 tL\r fin· ~·uo~t 1 "' l'll••th 111t 7'lil' 1t ''h ~Lt••u•flll••. t't•ttu•nl, hmt•. __ ~1 "\t• ''""r". """'"'" '""'.:to·~. rtr \\'A ~T T<) JTi::!'il' -"'""'"c II")"'"'' tr•a•. J)\tro· 11 putnt~. t•hh~ tu,,t,•ttal~ ._,r nll '" ''' '''• ''' ... , .. ,,. lu .. 1 Hun ktncl~ nil .t\'llllllhlt• 1111 ••ltoolloh' l>loo ol lo to·• lo•l llu '-111111111 I So ' "' "l.(lfl ('llll'lfllt'll\oll 1111 Pill' I'll"} flit)'• nut11 "''"' "''" ncttlclcc.: lluwn 1'"1"''""" l.lor Yet l~t l \o\' :lth S t . ~'"''" 1\oc,o • :.O I·ftr· FI'H:'\1'1'\'HJ.o: lli:FI ~ISIIEO As "''" l.tk•· It Kl::"' r';IU ;-.;S TEP ~'1311 r.·trnoor ~I . t't1SIR Mr-11a l'h~tno• ll:orl•u llr70-\\' Fur 1-~ttmlll• s (II\ ( :amnoral•·•·tl \\ nrk tol; J( \1\llt'l':-: <'17:-lll \\tl '"' 111•11 lto \ll lt \ lltll• ~on ·····I $::;, H r·:w Alt D .... ,, llil •ll .... ,,.itlt li ~H''"h.' '"Hill I lo•(l'IICI' J' ofl•o 1 l •l.tlltl IJ,.IIlt ~\tnl nuun :\ ft,.d, ~ .. ''""" ,.,,r•u 111aJ1• •t IIIII , •• , 1',, •. I .. 1 I' I I I\<., :17:\ tlnllt ... o f,l '"" l'o tfo •• ------------='.!·tfl· \\'II I I \I'll\ ,1,1 '·Ill• Ito '"'' I'( t!\!PI.~~f'F 1.1\ IllS: room I.OV(' II•" ·" 1•11 "lo• '"' .'I •·I .'ot _,.."'~ ltl•rr,~l 'h.-HI' :~ • .,T,.,Iorutl .:u., l•t• '' I• 1ft i 1'••11•"""' 1 ··~1 .; lalolt ~ l~<••k ,.,..,.., fnr $11Wt Al'llt I'll•' • I 1 Y tf pl:t'<l 11 1"1' 1 alol• ll<olt' "'" "' 1 "~1 MHSF.V TO I,C)A N "t.ll'k "·" I"·'"' ,·,,. I "'t·l· • M ''"' """'''"m 71fi', p11111" 1111. LOA~S Til lti'IUt llu\ 1mpr"""' C ''"'"'·' cl• I :II '' .'I It ' mndo•rnoll• .,,. rl'flnnnN' \\'!' pur C'hllJI' I ret_ I d <¥11• BOAT!', MI 'PI'I.IP:?. .. ="l-'\\'1'1 til T IIA1.110 i\ Jo'l'nFRAI. p u M p s St\\'1'\:1:~ & LOA!' 1\SSN II\ I '""""I,,. .... .. ....... lit Ill t ho f'• \\ \1dlhltt 1•••11111 1\• ,u•h t 'lul• !"-tit 'tit' hP It"'' ltt1hl U't' ot. pll• I 111 ""'' t.~o I••• 1 '"1:'111\r I "'' I'' HI .... , ...... t·.t I IIC• 11 o\1 II olftt~lt l•llltlll l 'tu •d lot 1110\t IIIIU Hl,.lft •I ~~ 1 I WII .I I +~t -~·· llH ,,, I .,. t'U•fl• t • til 'f,,, , .. ,, " . \\ II t I , I •o t\\ I tc:o-.c ·\ Ht·:l·:t\ ( IFFH ·r-: I • t I\ I ,, .. , .. ,, I .'to llt~tli• A , tt It'' HI ( '""'' 1 \\, ., I tu"' • 11• t'' tlw"' t \, h • t ''""''"'' ''''"' 1 lot'lt linn"" ,1.\t l tlt•\\ft lult pt t1 • '-.'.' \UII I 1'\ I 1\ flit Ill"" 1 U\ lw ;U W O rtTIIINr.TilN :\.'\.13 \'til J.tdo Ph liar 1~MI PRF:SSURE • n ::->THIF'UGAL ~,,,. 1 For all Pro'ss urc \l'TO IITI\'1'. It TIKP'.I'I 6A • .• ,..,, tt ''" h .1 ''"' l t •••tn ttu~t I I,. ,, •• ,... I ,,. th '"''""' II\ uw I ••Oil\ ktlo It• II lo. lo ollt t\l~11 Sodt•n Rt•fiiJtf'rntlon FOR S /\l,t; l(l-lft lkJdJ.!'' C'ouJX', 623 So. Los An~tt•lo•s St . Anllhl'lm I lad I... ho·ltlt·r, t ut;t lll(ht~. ~tntlrl Phnno· l'~·nllh lf'i~•:! :14-ltc o~ondiiiCin 1:\1\ 17lth ~~ t~tlo Fl IR SA I.E '1'~ rr o•rulso•r, Rlf¥~1!1 lllitl & l vol~n. I • .. ~Ill J\1,.,., :..>, \'.R ""''"r nctt nf "nt••r SROO. :!:l·~t• 'l't·rrn• l'ho•Oh llt~rhnr lt,):\.1 IX'-H 1H S Al I 111 loon ll1ot hH t "'"'"H ;~,,~:,;,:lll p m 1\(tl'r ('ho•<r<JI•• llct•'k tco 1•h oloool li tom l lut l;.u ·,~, \1 tl<.;>IC llrNo, t'lllllt•l• I•• , ,, , II• "' ''''"'" \\,~~ lnh•·•tlt 'l ... •tl tt~tul & lio n Pr ~t•d ,,,. 'f'"'k ""•I• 'If,\ ''"'"loot o\l'<'•llonl lut :'1/orth· Tu~ltrt '''' ''"'' \l••o t 'oll I \<•rw"" 'tl I 1 • I • !'·"' 1'."·••1· no l'lo :O.)c'rotn .. rl' --otp I 'lc'o;,~, :!:l-41 1" 'I 1.1. ('III'AI ' 1'•'11, It 11 tJtl ttc• Ot 'TBOAHJ) MOTORS AND BOAT~ 'F\\' •'-t ·s~ I 1 All C:nrN"t tt ... ,.,,, •' ·•• , ,, fl•l lour 17 .':I .I • 1 •, T RAri.ERIII .. l lfllSt' 'ntAII.IH ''It .. l~•l" t-h••n•• "'''HII• •t I'""'' ....... pi• to I> l uon"lu•cl ll•·111111ful '""'" '"'' 1'111111. "''"''' llhll<,r· and (till Utlt ttlnl 'ft•-•t( llltH ttltiH'r)' f lfl1 ttH'hfltHI t'\ IIWP flf!JIIf'tlt111t 1 "Ill ~ nuttdlltl:' ,uut ftltll'~~qltJI\ u t ft 11 I \o I HI\ fHI \'.'~fit ft11 IU""-fU tf "t hi d tt\\ II '\fttt"'rl 1 \'f!ul,n d 1\ '''''' ""' '1.' • • ..... , • ,, .... I c."""' Itt . ff ,,,.,., f • ...... I ,,, I """ t ll't .. ' t I Itt. I ,,_,,, I t 'h~tH• f'f tt '''' •I. f f l 'ntl1•d !-'ann A J.,!c'lll'\' ""' I '" •'" ttl t 't ttlt t tti.J,• f I tfd tttd 1.' t '' '' ,,., ;,net f<, p,.u, , '" ~t:·k·" t•l l\1•·'"' .... 1 Jlri\Jtlt• fi ll '' o .... ol '"" ,, tt••~tlt·r• \'t f\ ,, ••• ,1 7ttt1 t· u,,, ••nl\ t·.,, rt fr ••tll "•" "'' Aw•, llnllwo.o :•1 •1q1 I ' II 1: Ill' It \I ~ • loolll' ftr•• ))ave• If. Spic·:-; 1'ltl ( "on't J It\\ .t\ 1\.t lll"ota KIMBAL r; rt i\ ~D. Auf/w ntfr Lout~ X\' ll"rinrl stylo• C11n't IH tnlrl frnm """' ll:atr prit-.· of '" ol:o~ l' r•1~1 Tht!l Is 11 wunrlr·rful o'hnnl'l' to''"" to to·:~l l.<olll~ X\' st• 1•• Clnrtou~ tqn•• Simply Ill''• ull(ul. "'' ~ny 11r\~Z-SI1J~TIIl'f l 1'1/\:'\() ('(I /1)\\:0)< nlmo<t )IMI J••nnh-: from \o\hH'h tu r tu•n'-• .... -.It".! :'lin l\l;on S11nl:. 1\n .c J'l t(• n/\1.1 1\\'l:"' r:H,\"\11 H•·'"'~~""''" M•wntf t~>• nc 110n:ol qll ri ot\ Ar· t i"n • '(<'• ll•·nt ~l:ah"i'hn\ ""~' :ol .. ol•••·" I!• n•llllt• y .. ,, "''''' "'' :onrt t.••:rr '"" ~:r1onrl ln<~tct "'' 111 lu fur• '"'·' tnl: ,, l'fllhll 'T•·nn, :u, •·:e~'. ru ,,., I" lt1\''' ,., 1111 "1:/' S('JI:'ol lt tT 1'11\'\li I'll ;.;!to :--.;, \!roon S:onl.o 1\n;o /Ill ttlltr 1 a•t ;entl ~\Joel 1'• tl • l..mdy 7'• II :\ 1~'7~ rt- J11Jj~Jjn)! Lot !11 N•·" I"''' Ito trlct~ '·'"' ""~" 1)11.~ !1111' II\ 11 tl ohio· ~:!:I;Yt Phfint• lltorct•c•n :111:1 H I· 1 •·nln~::• lin thor 11.':1-J 'L'.' :Ill' 1 11n :-;111.1 'l'woo l~t• .. rt"'"' """~" 1; I "l'l""''"cl. l111 I<'' IIJI rlnultl~> I'"' roco•. fruit nn!l l~t•rn•"' C'n.•h tor lo·rmR :117·,:,. ( lrtoll~:o• 1\v•• ('loS! II Mo·~fl llo•11roon ;o4 1 R 11 ~~~· '"' lA'v t•l H:tv Vi ew Lut t!'"•\ I n.c' T<o i\ ll,.v ''» In'" k frnm Rtov 1\•·•u I:C Sl ( 'oolfon;o •I• I :IIIII $:1!",1111 -C':tl"h """'r llnolu·r 1'"~' Jl• , r. 1.1 IT 1-t )It SA 1.1-. p lu • I •••·• I•H'h• :, ill ••1,1 •••• $:.! 1.1100 J\ ,..,,, ()t'l'illl f.'l'lllll Jf nmt·~ :,;!17 !"rH 11(1 w. H rocrn: n ·alt rot• 'I I 7 1 ..... I Ill \II "' I \\ I •r of c f' I ll II• 'I I II II It• ,, • I HA LHOt\ 'I I tl I •It \1 I Ill II I Hollo• A. • '''"' ''"''' ... , ,.,,,.. , ••• ,. \j•h. It( II lilt I•.Ktl!1 f ii•Jtf'H~•. ht ' I ~ I , ... , fll• I l..t ~' ,,, I I .... I ' " ,. ,,,,."A I ''" ,,, II \Itt II ,, ftnV '" l1 ·r111" 1'1·:;\ I '\~ I 'I.;\ I 'OJ N'l' ·.1 \Vf'OJtT lS I 1\, 'lr l11ut<'t '<ornrr It ~ lol Sl•l• ",,fk• nn•l \I'l l' '''I 1\ 1 puvlna.,: hoth ~.,,,, ttll 'IIIItH'" ''of•" "''"'' I·· """••II, lnr••l \S ·•I•, r. : tu t1 l'n11l l.un 1 r,o,r, "" "" 1-, ""' ' "" ' 1 "\t>wpr)rt lluwh. '·,.ltf tt .'I :.!,:-11111 I f·rm-.: f '.l lll-1 ,\:'\1 ~-~\itn lotl tr.r "'" I• r•l •I• pt T rr11l• ~1111r oltl I"'" fi ll :c Span• I lltt.:ll• •I alloo\\ '"'', t 0t "dl lul\ lnr 'J~ol t'CC'Il 11 \:"'/ S!1 1~\ll•T I' I"'\;( I ('(I -, '" .... M:om , S:onl:r i\1111 .l 'ltlo I\' (IW"\ .. 1(---1 ,,, ""'"' "''" to',l 1•\ I ' l11; 1•111 I' tl• '. l'JIIIilf BIN ol'ht·d n~k roll~nlo• ltaolo•• Phnnn 1fi 1u1 ... ~ 1\M-rM. ~~~ .. , • "'"''I' hnnrt~ co l:! :l~>th St :"'•" JN'Jrl B•·a,.h · :.12 41 p H~::->T o ptrt nol, $!l 1..-•r m ront h II }'1)11 huy lltlt•r "'" nll•1w f\ moo• rrnt D AN7.-SrJIMIIYf PI ANI 1 en . ~12(1 No MAin. Snntn 1\nu Yn~1 run p urrhRSr 1a ~o.-.!1 ~~~··•! pillnn for M tlttlr• 111 $95 T••rm~ I!} tlo STEINW i\ Y r.RANI>. "Th~> l<inr ,r f"UJnm." pt'rlf'rl rondltann ~tor~I"()UI ton•· Sll\'o· nvrr ~1'~1• l>lln7-SI'hmidt, S11nlll Ann po:tl :">n Ma in 1'1 trrl SPI~F.T Cor rrnt 1\11 fi mrr l~>rm rl'nl Allnwt'<l tf >'"'' huy. l11t• r It's )1.111 Ilk~> n '"' rn~J arn111nt Rl>nt a Spln,.t nnw h•1y ""' n rrr~tl)' I J_!\n7·Sr hmlt11 l"tann ('•• 'i:.!f.l !'o !>h~n. ~~~n111 Ann l'l·H• H1\I.IIWJ:">, hr-nutcfullv !util i ltlllt hcrn~11ln" r•tanoo R•'ft'''~'"''' •I f':~IAnl"ll rnn lw· pntt1 o n •11•\· m•mthlv pnymf'nl' Tht, t• lo r:rra l 1nn7-SC'hmltlt Plono r ·,. Almncr l(l(t '"''""• ,,1 r·hf)f"'' I from 5:1() NCJ M~ttn, S11n111 t\n10 19 If• 1 Joll'lo 1\ fill 1 ••Ito ol lt•·ot•• olio! ~ tl C<>A~T 'IJ'f• l"n It• '"'"'''"" \•·t \ tl• '-lrltl•l•· n• q•lil•••rhn•l'fl rt•·hr H .• ~ f.tltrron :ontl •t~>l•, ~•or l•tt•·· 1'1!( >I'I·:J:TJES ( '( >. -,.nil ln~to<·c ltoon 1•11•·11• ll•11looor I ",Ill I l 'o·tt ll lll, J:•oll"'" IIIII <'fl'\H .!11 2 :.01 ·.!p :.!•1 tr• FRANK P. JOI IN SO N. Hc(l lt cll' Jo~rxtr l'fiOm h()lt~·. "tur·•·•· ~a ra~c·, 2 tX"'fJ room h nmr. nr" 41 IJNfl"fiOrTl hornr. dcl"'· 111 nu1rkH t nans. New :\ bedroom hnm(•, lot 1 ~:>x:nO rt CtHTIPr ~;!"!()() $7'1!",(1. Fil'lC'St of cv-mst,wt tnn $1~.fi(,I(J :\ ht'droorn hom" N1•wr~trrt I l•·l~hl "-. dhl ~11r. ~I :l.fU) Nrwport Jl<>orh honw rllmt~hNI. I.! lrlk on•un $7!1!"l'0 C 2 llfVI r'fYtm" I Trailf'r po rk. blrtork frhm tlrywn I< own C'tt'4ttr Mf'CIIt. Sp:ux• f or 22 trnilr..,. ~l !"l.!")l tO Nut"'Soery. r in<'!\1 f'Om rr on (·,..,,a Mr~ll ~22.!">(,1() ITrnno.,f F . P . johnc;nn & J\~~nctatc" 16(...1 Nr·wpor1 Blvd .. (''"'a MNJ l'hont• .1 ~'1won f.l ,t{',>i BEVERLEY REALTY CO. 21 I < :tntly!'l IW\'t~l·lry. Ht•nllvr East Central, Ralhoa l 'hnw• lln rl1ot· 1 7!<.~ nnd l ~>N RAI.BOA PJ:NINSlJL.A c lttl' of I hi' fl'\\ I'P111Hinin~ lots at$27~0 RAI .RO/t '.! he-.l!'cltlll\ hollll'. (llll'lin ll~· rut·nhd\4'11, with :\ mum lltml"lw•l tt)'Hrtnwlll nve•t· '1. l'llt' ~111'111-:'' Nic,.. In- ,~~~~~~· ( 'I•N' lt1. 1111 C 't•ttft•nl. $12.~()() ... half cash I k~'dtl 1-'t ctttl I lt~'l ft'tlctlll h tollll', flfi'O(slli~f. 2 hulhK, lln•plat'l' ~· o'rll' 1!111'111''' 'I 6.~00 '.! '""'"••til hnllll', ftn'ltlll"' nllll Oonr ftH1Ull,'. l .otM "' • ttpl•o:tnt, attll "I"'~~~·· "Ill'''' Vt'tll'tlnn hllnch. 11 hn tl"' ( .,,..,.. 111 1 \:t~· -$14 .~1)(!. $J .~OO cash NE\'<'POHT HFACII :: l•;fl'c"'"' h n111C' ( .,,...,.. lot ne•w d t y hnll. t•:xN>llmt o1 1111Ji111111 ~.ooo 24-\te . RAI.BOA ISLANO SI'I.I·:N I lJII 111 11 '1.10:~. l lppe•t' walt mmpl.•tc•ly tur- ni,ft•~l '1\ua lw'llrrwllth. flt''l'ht<'l'. JNtlln wllh hnrht.'- ,, ... , l'fa· 1.;,,,.1f1•nl •·octtdtllun tht,Ht~luHtt . 'l'r1dy n n •.tl loti\' :tl ~~~t.7;,o l1t•11'1 tlr•luy. mil Mr. Pr•nuty. 11.11 1••1' 1771; 8 F• ti 'H IIIO:I•Ht w 1M 111 1!\11·:-;;-" • '"'' ,,r till' r ... tunrl'll rth'· .... 1 ,11, ... , ... S ro lo•llfhrlly IHtllt J""'' r .. ·rw,. tlw w11r. l 0l.cr~· itt ,.,,.,.JI,•III t•amtltlilltt ntttl \\ ltlu.ul rlnuht 1>0(' .. r ,,.,. 1 • ...,, ""."" w 1• ha\'1• 1'\'l't l111cl lrttrncocllull· , .... '"'"'I"" < 'ull Mr· 1\rlklrt...,>tl. I lu rtw w !Tift BEACON BAY I( ICIIT I IN Till·: HI':M 'II '(\''" lll'llllltrul wnt('rfmnt """"'" '11ll'l'1' ni•,. Wlltt·rf t'~lll l lniK All IIIC"'flf('(J In thl• lll·:tullrlll """"~··lu-.ivl· tml'l s. .... th•'*' hy nil m<-uns lw·rort• ycHt IHIY ('all ll11r·f,.,,. 1771i mul 1111k fnr Mr Adkht~lll ot· Mr· l'routy BALBOA BJ\ YSIIORES ('/\1'10: Plf) IIOMI·:. l.iVI III-: l'fl()flt with wall tu wnll ~'"ll••f ltit.:. 1\'" h('ilt•rw•tt '"· pl1111 cll'll with fhv-pluc'(> dutilll-: itl•'IIV•· flnl..,h•-.1 l11 , . .,,,, .. ,., plywood, hrt•nkftuct l•nr In ktfl'lt~•fl. a llnwli\'l'ly rlt••·of'ltlf.,.l . WnliNI pntlo 111111 llltl'l11••·r14• lor I'IIIO(III'Io• o uldnor llvl rt~ S.1lltl'lltO llltlhlllt.: ""''"'''' In cltlltltlo· !'Ill' ~111'111(1' llc•lltltlrlllly htrtd...,·:tfll'cl \ltt•d F rrr furlht•r df'l:tll" a nd 11(II'Olnt· f1lo•nl Ill ..., ... • left !\1r· Tlttoll lil~, 1\l•lll'tlll 'o7t1X <:O HON/\ I>EL MJ\H '1'1 <11 '1 .1':~ '•:-.J ,'\11\l!f;I 'IO:I<ITI< Wolld••rflll lo('ll liort l ':1d tall\ ''" '"""'"' In• 11111•· ., ::Ill mortlhly Phonf' 11:111•!1 lf,)l , !\t t' ~1.tl'l lltll ('tIll ~I I! I ,r ~I' f ~~ \1A ({< ;I 'I•:H 1'1'1·. Z""'"' ror mill· .flt•l" 1111tl " Hr·111,ol.., ;a r•· 111 ol1 •tu:t11ol 1\t .... 'lf'f' "" ror "''""''"'" ll••nlill''' l 'ltottc• 11.11 l••r lto~11i, Mr l l:avlr"<, NEWP()Hl Bl:t\<:11 <I( 'I·.A ~ VI U 1:'\:T '.!. IH'ilt '"'"' lttotlll' tn tlr..,lntltl•• flf •h•ltlllotftto<lfl H-:1 /1/llt' ~lt1 ,;,tl() rllnti-.ltr'll l 'lt(IOI' ll:11 llor· 1111:: A"k r,,,. Mr :\'ft I<"'"''' LIOO ISLE :1 HI•:I.II{()()M JI()MJ·:. l 'htllll!'tl rrw f•rrldf'nl hntJR· kfoc•pln~. C'omph•t,•ly runtl -.lt~-.l u t :til !t fl()() <'all Mnry I lli'k «rm a t llurllfll' 101:\, NEWPORT ISLAND (~ANA I. t-'nONT N t-w :l lll.,.h'~Jftnt ltnnu·. phlH J.CIIf'· "W' '\()' 1111. Vr.11u' own prtv11tr lrrtlhiiiK lw•nd1 $1!). 110() with tf'nnR ('all M:rry I lir'k smt. llarlw •r 101:\. ' , EARL W. STANLEY IlEAL TOR COV F:RINQ GR.ATICR NEWPORT HARBOR :n t:t W CT.N'1"R.AA; 15th ANY> IRVINE 81'S. Nrwpnrt llf'ad\ N...-port a-da 11th llM m A*r Hwy. zm MARJNY; AVE. a15 COAST JIW1'. Newport Beedl Balboe Ia1and ean.. 611 11ar 24-lte j • . - Harbor Feminine Activities Campaign Dinner ol Community Concert Assn. Set lor Tuesday, W oriers Ready lor Dri'~e T h t i'W'wpor t I! arbo r Com- muni!~ t'unl't•rt A,;soctal ion "'" hnld at<; lhtrd annual t•amll&>gn cllnnr·r a t th(' Ln~:una H o t l' I 'l'uPsd ll) ,.,,nan~:. Mart'll 16 at t:·l(• p m ~~ ... C.•urgL' H . Yard· It·~ Jr . IIS~Ut'lltiiO(I pn•Sidf•OI, \\all Jill ~tdf' a I I hi• m f'N mg WI I h \It·~ Juhn F•·•·l~ an char$:1' ul ol11111• r . .rr:an~··m••nts Seuon mrm~rshap11 cos t $6 00 for a dults, $3.00 for stu· d t•nts, lneludang ta x. Ar ll!us arl' s••h-t'lt•d a t the end o f C'llrn· p.U).!n \\'r•c•k by IISSOCIUIIOn Offl· cr•rs .. nd board or dtrL'ctors from th,. ru;o.tt·r of world famnus Columlun ur ii!IIS Phones: Harbor 13 and 208 By \\'inifrt'd Ba rbre Pare 6 NEWPORT BALBOA '\N EWS-TIMES T ilt K.-.D,\\ ~ .. "port Bnw-h, l'aJif. \lart•h II, 19-111 Sunrise Service, Community Holy Week Rites Outlined by C?uncil ol Ch f rches F:sstl'r Sun t 1.;;, 41:"r' •··~""" tn tw• ('lllrt lclpntNI In h~ ro·~td• nt~o .. f th!' llnrtltir nro·.a wt rt' lln110IInr·••tl tod}IY uml1•r SJ'•ln""l •hap nf tlw ni'Wi)' nrs:nnt7•1l ''wpm 1 liar· hor \ounl'll of da•u r·h•·' Ttwy will l~t• tu·ld "' 111:.'7 C liff l lri''" at the l'nct o f t:l Moo• n•• 'ir••f·t Nt•Wtltlf'l ll~'tJ.;h 15. nn 11 JY>Inl ovcrtookln~ thl' hnrhor lht• .lttotll .. ll ... ····11·11• '""' ldltl "'" 1•1"•·111 " '"''"'·" 11 ntlll 11 •II ol "'I h• ~" • 11 I." I '"'" "' All1·n•llrw lh• "" • lor11' •·I 1111 ( 'UIIIH'II ool I 'hill t ho • \1 t I • Jt, \ k U ( ;, .. .ct..JI, 1(,.,. ll•·rh••t t l<oth . flt•\' J•.,ul ).1••11 • \\'to•·• lr•r . lv•' ll:on) v. \\'J111• ''"" 11•' Tlu111111~ :\1 t:'l>"'" Tlo• '" "' m•·• 11111; "' til• ''"'"1'''1 "·" IH •·n ~··• l11r April :.m "' ~ htl'l1 tim !' O'ltl'h 11111\l<lo-r Ill<' J., t II IUk• tl Ill Ill\ Itt• II ilo) lllolll ltl it Ill llri w n h h1m County Symphony To Presen t Con cert Sun day of High School A 'I,. • ~ • t • *'' .. c l J I ~ ! \ l u I tl til It I • I II t '\1 ll ·•' '• • ~-lit • I .. ( '· I 'I fill"" '"I II• ""'' h• f,l tft t •flP I 1 1 , .. •tfHIU d til 1 'lui I ~ tlrl•l' d It '"'"" •II ••t 'I I 1 r \ • I '• 1 t • •• ,j 1 ~ ' It !I ~ •••U \\Itt h• t I, II tl I •u•' I• d h\ r t. u s:.,<·ut •h· •d'lu ''. ''~' I" • \\11 I J., • ... .... 1•1 II\ I' lht Ill lit' 'I• I ,,,. \ 1!1 I 'I I !I lfl J tl'• I 'II ft• '\.fl I "' I I I lflt \o II( ho"lf tl11 I I I tlld \\• Hul\t'rl ~lfllfurd, a i':OOIJiolll!l1 nmn:•a:•·t f,r Culumhllt ( 'mtt'• r ts lno· uf ="•·" Ytwk. wall !!prak toJ tho• \tlllllllt'l'l' l'(l(llllltiOII~ I •, '"''' rt "urkr rs attending the ci a n n t• r ·•1111 "111 ro•muan lwn· lhiOIIt:hlllll 111'\1 1\I•Pk \II :<.~SI>I th••m 111 tl11• nwml,.r,;hap cll'l'•' 1111' tlH' l!l-1~ 19-1!-1 ~··rto·s :llo•ntlu·r~hlpS \otll lot· t1h l:unt•d ;\ltl nrl:o ,. I hr utiJ:h Sa I Ill di>Y I 1'\>m tu•:odqai~trl,.r~ loc'atdl a t till• n•al t·~lll lt• 11ffil't' f>l .J It Ot• k ill t h•· Ft·rn l..lllcllllL: "" l.laltll'>~t l"l:tnd, ,;hon•· tl:.'·W. M frnm anymw ol tht• \\tlrkPrs llst<-d l~t·· low :'>I•·~ S ta nh''' C 'hamlx·rs, Tlu' )''"r·, ~roup uf workr rs andufl• ~~ c·" d .J m <' s Ralph l it .,, .. , .. lltkn P urkl't', \\'m. t-;r•ath, lk..:tm Smtih. J A. Of•.-k, J lu" .tnl LOII:t'I'\IUII'I. E II. Gr~ ••n•·nd\ kt· \\'ah•y l 'ochn an, No•lllt' :-;IJ,H•k·. ll.dl ~t•t•ly, G•~lq.;l• P \'nny, J L•·Sih· ~tdh·n~t>n, S ad n e y 1\lrtekl ... :anl. J llll)bard Clwstr r """'' ~~.,.~ .Muq:urd Srhnrll', :'lla .... Arthur ll•·s•. l\lass Murw l lt•·l"11t. ,\!l~o; ,\lur).!tat ,., lll'tdt•n· rt·h·h : According t o plnn• (tllllinl'd at thr mN•tln.:. thl' ~rrmr•n 111 th<' IW"rVICf' will hr drll\'r rf'll b y t he JVv llt•rhrrt Roth, IIIL~Iflr ot thf' Luthr rnn l'hurr h An II· CAJ)l'lla l'holr wall prt·~··nt lhl' followlmt m u s 1 r 11 J n1unho·rs· '1iall Thnu Onn' Dl't!pa~rf! Jf•sull" by John T\akrw.-11 11nct "AIIr lulin Chritlt-k ~.. h~ Blshn p W orikwor th. YMCA YWCA 8 d "''I"' I'• r JooiJI Ill"•" I'"'" II \•I: te l\'''· \\ IT II I' \IU 't:l.8 f,.r lho• \...J-tan~ lA'~·,. BUAdlto TN ht-ld TUf'OO.da, at LIM' Udo lut' -oar " ll" •11 Ill '· \\ , ••• I II· ... It ,II' I ... , •• ,, ,, ''"' ,,.,,., .... )I"'· \\Ill hun \\'hltr , wh o ,,,_. .. theqt to ~· ..... II. t :. ~lablo•r. ~.,.. R.od- t'llnlJ!lll$:n rha>rm~n. will ll<' ltSSaStl'd a t Jwndqunrlt·r!' hy Mrs C ltnlnn Sn" m. 'assowt:tllnn secrr- tar) ~'"" ( ;,.,11 1.:•' lluls H•an III, l\lrll. 11. t.; ll•u·"·~. Mrs .\. L. Ptnk· 1,.,.. :\l r~ Hnho·rt A. Cruwrord , 1\'tr~ (~11nn1~ 0 11tlrr, Mrs Thro- doro• 11utun.;, ~a{lm•y Oandson, E"•r"" RNI, L<'S Maller , Mr. and :\l r<: Hol.w ll WriJ.lht, Mrs. Go or~:" I. 1 n d . M n Evt'rr tt Gardanrr , Mrs Plor(•nrc He (#•tz. l\lr!l PhalhJl S math. Mrs. ..Vir · ~:mia Cnst It•. ;\Irs W H. Halr h· m:tn. .\fts <\1:11Tn Spicer-; 1\tr. and Mrs Chn1on Sawin, Mrs. Kennt•th Boellcht'r, Mrs. S paJd- T 0 Hold 1 sf Ann. Meet I rl 1!1 I II· .. It I •I I t ..... I. ..,,I. ,:arroh I I ,, ....... lura.:•· hundlr '"IN· adtSNI lu th~ llllder lnapect1oa by )11"8. \\'alt#r !'!piC'rr, whllr 11 lit h 11 11 11,, II• I II ,,11 ,, 11 tl 1 \I ., ,;,. I• >• 1:11'"'11 IUUI '\1D , .JIIA io. IIIIJman C'bat 0 \"f'r INW·~ tlhOIO h~ I;,., hanh At Christ Cltu.~r~c.Jlb'-----.L<""'"u11.u..".:..· 'L>'...ula ..... ...u".:.'.J.I..!.'--'tci•IL!"-''!.!:-'..!-''I~u-:-=-· -,&.o... S ~ t. _ ~ ''" 111,. 1,,,.,.1 ,, 1 .. 1 ...-,""1 A ssi stance Leogueus#oinin g ~emoert :~ponsor M cKomey-G rouel Engagement Told, festivities Follow A hnlnnrc•d a nd outstandin~: 'O('nf'lt" f>f fnur t•nnet r t s h•t~ l:wo R prr!lrnto•d ('IICh y<'ar for thr past two y.-ar s at the loca l high ~choCII n udituraum lht• seriC'l' mcludmJ: \'orah~t!l. in~trumrn­ tahs ls. chorus and hal11•t AddJtlonaJ m usac v.111 1.,. furn- ilhtod by m<'m lx-rs or lhl' Nf'W• port H ar bor Umnn H tilh ll'hool butcl. A local Roy Scout Troor wtll act u rolor tM-a.rt>t'l. A pub- lic addn-u l)'llll'm w ill tw-f'm· ployt'd to ampllty the m wlle 11nd wrmon. lt wru announe'Cd that Ernest S<-hultz or N r w p o r t Beat'h Yt•ould tx-ch alrm11n nf t ht• Eutn Sun riiiC' ~ervlt'P rom· mlttft-. ~ Counr ll of Chur'ChNI Alao annowiC<'tl that It Ia ~poniiOI'In~t Good 'Friday IC.'r'VIN'tl In four areu and four C'hurch('!l ThC'tM' Wft't' list~ al (OJlOWI: .... ,_ l:p_,.. Sft"vv(ft wtll 1t11rt At noon and lu t until t hrf't' p.m Putl- dpetlnl mlniJIC'r~ will hf' tht> R.rv. Paul Moon-~IC'r, r~tor ol t he church and tht• RC'\' 'lllomu M. G lbeon. putor o r Nrwport Harbor Prf'Sb)'tt>rllln chul'dl. Mn. F..A K. Jhckt>tl. orr anJat. Ia anno\lnC't'd "" nnt' of the pertldpetln~t mullil'lans Thf' tMrnfo for thfo IN'''lN'~ v.i iJ hr the "St'vt'n Lui Wont' nr Olriat." H-..rt Harbor Lctth...-aa C'IIUN'II St'n1crt will ~tart nt noon nnrt lut until 3 I'm Pnrltrlplllln~: mJnlstt't'll Aff thl' Rrv 1. Wt•lh.·l of Sa nta An11; Rr'' G flu~: dit'C'kr r . ~anlll It not . n,.,. J J ung, An~thdm, R.-v. G Mu<'dr k· ln1 . F'ullt'rlon nnd Rl'\' I l1•rlwrt Rot h of Nrwport ' lln rlk•r Thr theme for lhC' JW"rVIt'<'~ will bco "'"J'he Seven l..llat Words of O.Ut." :1 m u.le procr am Ia planrwd and Yt•lll tw-announ<'Pd. Clvtet CIIIIN'II by lhr 14,.. ~1ct'tl will Ill art 111 1 J'l rn and lut u ntil 3 p m. 'Mw Jl-,rll· d pattne mlnl~tera 11n• thr Rl'v Jowph H. ThomJ)!I()n. C n 1 t a Mf'Sa; ~'II. lb rr)· W \Vhitl', Balboa Island: Rr v Thomn' M G lbaon and ~v. E. D. Goodf'll. 1lW' prorTIIm 11 to tx-announN'd C ... _, <'llvcia, <'oela llfta ServioN wtll bto hC'Id Bl 7:3CI o'dodl on 'Good f'rlday .-vt'nlna . A choU-ol fifty YcM('('I unckr &.UUf t l • A IIONnt .... ,.....,......,__ ....... Ltt me llhow you ttwo riM _plan Pft'IIU"'d by the M t't ropouta n WAaa&M .1. WEIAD ae? ....... ,...... ............. . ........ ...._0.. Blu nATt"R~ Corpse Came C. 0. D. GeorCJe Brent Joon Blondell T lw f>NII unnunl tltnm·r vf tho Y M ('A .y W .C'It lwvorf! w alt 1 .. hr ld on Mar(:h 1:'. Ill ti 31) I• m In C'lm st ('llurrh h)' lht• S••11 1424 Y.' \o·ntra l A"·, N••wpur l HNtl'h. l>r Y.'tllu;m .luno-,., l>t•·~ld•·rot nf Whllllrr l'follt•l(o' Will ht• 1111• "IJC'8k1•r Ai> t haa as !111• ftr•t )•·lor or tlw a.sl;ocintion l•f tlu· Y's 1n 1 hi' J i~trhor nro·a. r"JIUrl ~ 11( Jll'l).- grMUI In ltw tlrl!lln 17nl il>n !I~ lhr•y llrl' nnw funrliumn~ v. Ill ht• or lnll'rr AI. Fur llinm•r l'l'llo·n 11 !tuns. t •'lr• ph•1nr 1-'r:~nk l'tiWo•rs, t'hlltrnlftn of u ranl(f'ml'nU, Jlnrhur 1911:! !\1 Mrs. OPin\·a n Fro·ll Bit. IWI'"IIl· 1111nlr•f! hy MN Flur••ner 1\n•l••r wn. will prnvid r mu~ll'ul , 11 lrr talnm('nf Orange Coast Mineral And Lapidary Society Slates Monday Meeting Tho• m nnthly mr~•llnJ: uf th,. OrnnC•' C'n11•t Mmo'rnt ~ l.npt· dnry ~"'" 1 y "ill 1.,. h•·ld ~l•m· dny, Mtorrh 1!\ 111 7 ~~ p 01 m thl' 11\lllttorlum nf Ill•• 1-:l .llltrtl.tl ~rhn,.J In t 'on tnll tl•·l ;\I 111 r.uN<t ~~-ilk••r 11f I ht• 1'\ o IIIII!: will '"' I lt•rh••rt l\lnnlla~ .. r 1 h•• Loll An~:•• I••« l.;<phtur) ~'"'"''' who will lt•('t uro• nn t11(• 1or t "' 1h111llns: nnd orioot an~: rpl" oC'huo atone., for sr•llinS:!I In rlnl:!l nnfl bra~ leta. n w Cl C M I. S nllw hn.~ m •• ,.,. thnn 1:.00 m"mht·r~ nnd nil po>r· J«lns lnlt•rt'~lr•l'l an mint•rnl !IIUI1v and l11pldary Wtlf'k nn• ln\'lr,.;, to nltr nd lh•• mt'"'rn~: Tlll•l•·' will '"' pro' irlt•fl fur ~tudy nnrl di~CUJISIII(I llf a ll 11ll(lf'rld SJ••t'l• m ens bruu~:ht tn lhl' mrttm1: II) thO!If' Alt<'ndin$:. Local Teacher One ol Judges for Student Art lA-na Ma}• W ills<'y of ="'""'· port Bt'ach Elemenlnr y schnnl wu one or thr('(' Jud~tC'I w h(l lt'l~tf'd 200 t'Otrlf"S, (lrodUC'I!I of Orang<' county stu<k'nlll from klnder~;artt'n to JUnior roiiC'ar Age'. whk h Wt'r!' on display )'t~· leoTdA)' llftl'rnoon and rvenlnc;: n 1 Santa Ana C'onununity Cl'ntrr clubhOUil'. Thr rlttlihit . ~ponsorrl1 h y ttw A r t Tracht•r s' AMtl<'llll tun uf Oran~e County, lnl'ludl'd l'•·r· llrnh'!l, NlJ'lpl'r And WIK'<i\'llr\ Int.; crafts AI! Wl'll AS art t•ntrl•·• Srrvln~t Wath lhP hwnl t••n••lw r wrrt" Vo•rna F oulat•r o f F ull.·r tun lli.:h S<'honl nnd K utht•rtn•· l\h •lka. nr1 sup,•rant•·nrt<•flt nr Suntn Ann schnnl~ King of Wild Horses Senator ·was Indiscreet SAM'S SEA FOOD "st&n ot the SWordtbh" 1 1 MUe Eut of Seal Beach, at Surfside .t £ .t ()pell Daily 11 L m. to 11 :30 p. m. . .t £ .t COCKTAILS, SEA FOODS .. S1EAK DINNERS ,.A, r.._ ........ ,., .......... oi l• 111""11 '1' '·11'11~ 11 -' I Burdh T co for Thrilt Shop Benelit ltn•'h"t "''' ' 1 ,,,. 1 • ruu u ' I f'll•t th"\• fl ' '•'· •• I I I , ••• f "' .ifll I'"···,, •' '·' t '"I I t I•IIU 4,H ... 'fl f ltJt '' lfl q 'f•f e·lh I 1ttHI H • '' • • till ttl• I lutH 1f "'"'*''"'.'"'' ·r.._,,,. nl'tt''"~', ''" ~) IIIJtllllfl)' ThP .erl ''h''''' ''Ill h "It' " tHI F rul.l\ r. Uft1 .! lo .. , p '" and llt•lll ; '" 'I 1•111 llno1•·r tho •II re·C't'*'t\ pf f{tfttl "'~lt~•\11 l•llfll 1111' ollrl 111 ••ltloll"ll loo lht •tilllll t•l!JIIhll llt••t • II ill lot "' \\ill k II\ \ oollli I •J\11\\ 1111.: 'I IIIIo !II' llj fJjt• .. ttl ,t fill~ lit ,I fl• ,tf It\ ftHIJI S JII'I'Iill lt•hllll • '"' l•lid ll \ I' '"'' ''J••n l lt•ll • , .. 1 ... '" ltl It\ tho• -1'111••1 \\llh 'ltll\'lllo" 111 olll II•Jt·lllnlolll' .orul \\lilt 111•'11\lhl • of lh·· tu..:h "''••••1 1'·•1•11' Tt Ht'lh. ''''"I I t I II II 'It IH•~•· ,, •. , J -.hallil ll\0111' ,.,,. lh•· tJ;o \\ 1St• I hal '"" "'""'" unw .. nt•t1 ;•.•fit"' Ill\ 'Ufh "' ,,, ,, In t h• '"' • 1\ l.otlu lsi I' hom•• .etul 1• ,t,., ut ~'lt"' 1\rtn Ll•t1t•r t'n I '' • 1 • \1 "'It '' ,.ustaananl: n , 11 '· o I '' \1 1~<11 1 llnrbur , ... ...,, '·'"' 1 I , ~·u· • nlt'rtoine d 1, ,, " f uul .. 'I\·· m mht·r~ w11 h J'•uuJJ, 1. ,, ' ": 'd I• IJ.,u~h. Mt • 11•111\ ;-.,.,.,.,.r .oru l .\Irs.(" ~1 I•• tkm' 1·•··,,;1:ot .11 •h·· ••·a tahl• d11 Hil' til• .Ill• rtu•un \1 pru,,n,.t•l.\ 1;-,q ~U~!'I '- \\ \u.·h-~~fl!'''t h•·t\\'1•-.·n th• t"'"'' "' .: .• aul ~. I• m , und Ill·· II IIIII t.:•tl dtll \\I' Jtllt•d htl(h Wil li ooll• lim-'"' Ill• 1.• ·11.:11\' Thrall 'h"P I•IIIHII•.. 1 tt.tf am:lud.·tl "''"'"""''""I nu n J; buslnr '• •1111' ·tllol 't~tl•lro n .. "''orang 111~ p or• I loo \.:·'' ~I" on~ lH)(I(It'll! fur l·.)"''·r ,\, at • Ill Ill\ ·Ill tl't <>Utfth nool• d "·" I h ,, ... :llrll Frank \\1-lhll \lhn "'"'II filii!' hh11• "Ill I \\II h II 1\ \ ot'11 <;~Orii'S Anol n(l .... r. .... lt.•l \\lilt hhlt• p lnul '' .\l o, ·t "d 11,: fo.u,.tman 111~ !'!TUI'! \t)f' ~II \1.1. :'\HT IJ,\R\1 OIN' h!Ur "' ho·r hr•ad: "'~' llo•ro ,,,.,It U•llun t.luhn \loMtn') lu Rk h•rd \lur~eatru~rt C ll.trnhl ·n,.,. num I. \1llaln ouul .-It~ .. llr lto•r, '"' 'rlllo· tlw l 'nru.,.,· .. UrttiL:htr•r t-l•·an IJn ... •nh•rd I ''"1"''..,'" hi., "d \ an.·•"'· \\ h•t h"PIJC""" altr .-.. "nl "Ill llf' ..,...n un lhl" .. tal(!' of Sr"tMl rt Rt•IW'h t :to•na.•ni•Q "C'hnul t 'ritlay and ~atlanta) r\·r nlnr "hrn tlarbnr Pia~''" tef\r thrlr ''"'"I! pr••- .-ntatlnn, rom ptrtr "llh olin a.rb, IOC'al advl"rtltoln« '-'kdrnp and a no..ta.lp• atmo..pt.r rr of nlctUnvo DR.A~Utt:R. photo h~ ( ;, 1 hotrdt Bunster Creely Mixes Humor and Arf lor Allied Arts Program Si• tkolll: "llh .a mnsl d•'lll:hl· ru1 ,, II"(' t•f hum.lr, H u (I :< ' r I' l'n.,·1~ c•f th•• I•lantl•·r ~ B<~tlk '1"'1' ·••hlrt•"••cl 1111 mh··r~ of th f' ~"•'"I""' 11.111••1 \llt•d \rt• ,ol lht II I •'1'111111 OOH'I 11111; 1\11''•1.1~ 1'\ 1 Ill II)' tl q,.. I ho II 1 l'lloh, •II••' ;\It t'JI•t•l\ II 111d Ill• Il l 11l pr1111"''' ''""' •h· II" "I 1111 r,,,., '"til h• pr ,.,, ,., ',,,, .... ~hi"\ lfh' ,. ht1 \ l.tl \ 11f It 1 '"'"'h ~tfi'UJ\ llld J'l I ,, I'" l'h lltlll h ' tl 111•·., I :d.t, II( lho I il l" fllh II Ill 'II\ IJ, hr IIIII' I • f, lit pt '' "1 •·1 t1 , , lllrtpl•' uJ Jt,,, t :t\tq 1tf I ''" • lt111 p• , I • \\ ~ 1 f I I t ,, t\ • ·.I I "TI-lE YOt' :\(; lUI·:.\ .. I hi') nrhil'\ t•d :1 romr h !luno·n · slnnal do>pt h unri\'RI• •I rn •II hrr pn nl~ T ht• Slll':tlll'l J;l:1t• ,J lh.ll In hi' IIJ'II110(1 fhr• \\'t'~l I' t)\o' f1't C'- mO.~I (lln('t• in t h<' l 'ntl•d ~t ;a tct of fin•· prin linc. ""' 111~ 1~1rt i· r u l:orl} lhn l th•· Gr111th .. rn pr,•ss 11nrl tlw l lni\'t'r!lll) ul t '·thf••rnla 1•r••<>s ttro· Jll'lnlam: to. 11111ful ho'IUkS. nr ~ R l'olo•IIIH'(\ 1'1 ··-HI··nt ,.( lht II'~'K'IIIIIOII olllflo •tllli'•'ll lh(• \\ IIIII• I' ,,( I Itt• 1\1 I o ,JIIhtl , I\ I lit• hn;h 'dll\(11. Phd l ltk• \1 hn~t· ,,If p.trn•••n:. ''"" th, '~·~' ,,\,,,rd tltoll.tl• d II\ th•• ,\1111 tl ,\r'• Inti ·'" "' l~r .• ltdl ''h" \'''" th. ,,:,tt~r ,,,J.n l"'" .. r .. 1 -~n ,·1 ..... , ... d .. , 1 fu1 fh, • I tlf! \\ d I tt .tttfU•Hfl~·· ~ 1:. \\ ,,, I , ·' llo \I 111'1)- J ,,., ----------::-------..... .:."~": 'l ::.·t:·~ !;:".:::;!;'; ro 1 r 1• ,,, r (I on a hot t l<' gn oen dress '11 h pmk 1 ulll' ha t. w h ill' M rs. 1 u~o:o rlt' Grnssclli chose a bt'ig<' ""'''nhh• w ith •·hocolale brown ••ul:o11 twr••l nod malching ac- ' '~"rt''' :"c•xt to hc·r was !i('('n \!1 ' lttd1a rd O thmer In a ga y ·;~tan~: I" ml, a nd Mrs. Doyle• liltll'l1, ~lam a nd a ttrnet ivr in n ollllmti10US q ulltr d s kir t or CO· l•:oll hluc with p.·rt m a tchinc tll<'kl'l nnd dr<•J'l pink bloUS('. ~l r' llnrry S Uck.l<'r chose a \l arna ht•aJ:c tallort'd dress with nny tlnr k hrown ha l. alligator Jollm JIS und m a tch ing bae;:. Mrs. '"l~tm :'llt••n· was s tunning in a '""'rf' black l'ns.-mhlc r clie\'l'd .. raly hy f'X'JIII!Iitt' antique J)l'arl , 1rrin~:s nnd lan w matching t.rooeh. \lr<o rtnl>••rl Allf'n wort' a navy I ,,,'f. ~Uit Wl lh l'lll wor k or paJr .... ·had :l(lri matchin~ hlousc. I IIIMt•tl pumps nn d a lar~r orr- • h· • rm·· fil l\ y "'raw ('(>m(llt•l 1'11 ltu• oullat Mr~ \\'l'nlio·ll ( 'alktn~ •<t•r,. a rh·;~po·d "1111 ot nnvy w ith , '""'''~'' t1 '"'1•·1 h:ll, w hilr Mrs \\ llll:om ~pua t.:ron Ill w ort• m id · o ••'hi Ioiii•· "11 h a l:on:t• so(l yrl- lolw mal11 n, tramm••c1 in n:l\) l\ln !l:tl\t'~ S•mll'rs wor" :o 1,, II~ t.:1••••n 1<n11 walh m<otl'hina.: lo.11. anti :\lrll F:rn,.<;t S :tfti,::, n•·r ,\I) rna I Atll lluhharrl w ns lovr•ly In n I>•·•~·· tatll(lur wath 11n u p- liWt·pl Jlll'l llrt' hal Of powdPr hlur· :lt r. and l\trs. llar<>1d K G• .w••l nf C<>sla M1•sa hll'''' annuUnC't·d 1 ht• c•nga~:••m,.nl nf 1 twir rlnlll:li· lt•r , Ln Nom n, 10 J ohn 1\1 Me· Kam •·), snn nf !\Ir and Mrs. !\ltlllonl :llt:Kaml') o f L o n i! Bt•ut:h Tht• annnum:t•nwnt ~'ItS mttd•• Satur d ny 111 n H•n in th(· Grnurl homr a nd u fr-~t 1\'1' M'l'<'kl'nd follow<'d for thr younc rouplr. F:wnls inl'ludt•d a dinrwr hostt•d by thP hridc~:roorn's purt•nts : a supp('r t.:i"t'n by Mr nnd Mr!l. Elml'r Mt'rr r r. brol hl'r-in -law and sis lrr of thr futur•· hracl1·· Rroom ; a breakfast In th•· Hell· flnwc•r home nl Mr ami Mrs. F:ugt·nr S ack£•tt a nd on Sunday. a S pnn t!'h flann••r 1:"'"11 hy Mr and Mrs J am••s T .tllman and daughtl'r ll•·Sit•r. 3 17 En.,, IHt h stn•('l t\ftt·r a ttr·nfltnl: ~11 Sl :\l,ary·~ Sl'huu t \\lrst\\tHtcl th•· lotlt•ntl'fl hrttlc•·IO·Il<• \\Ill' a.:r,I(JtHIII'rl Ia~ I )t .,r fnma l 'lll\l'r'tt~ t>f S uulh· rrn lahfo rnaa • h• •~ nuw m · !'lnu'tor of an~trum••ntnl musar '" 1tw B;•k• a-.t~t•tol ,.rlouolo; ;\lt•K:unt•) ,..,.,.1\,·11 t11' •·1111 ca tion in l mhorl1•n, Ark. It l11l'llll'r '1• C'hnu•ul "'11:o•ant, lw ".a .. an ;,nnnr•·r t.:tllllh'l' \\II h t lw l~th A1r fnrt·•·. ~··•·an~ :wt1•1n m lhl' F:uropN tn thNtl••r llnt o• for llw Wf'dclons:: htL~ h• • n " t !tor J ul~ Church School Guild, Plans Dance Club Tiw C'hurch S!'hool G uald of Cnrona dt'l l\ta r mt•t Cln MC1nday ••vf•nint.:. Mnrr h H. "' tlw homr •>f l\trs P•·,::zyl~ll<'hll'. 141!'\ Firsl ,\\'••. wilh l\lrs. R itd th· nnd Mrs . Cf'lPst lnt• Jlnrdy as rn-hos t•·sst·s Prc•!wnt wt•rp Mesrlamt•s l\lnt y Plt•$:1'r . llrl<'n Buttt'rworth. Fay Bt'llt'dlct, ;\l ad~:e Gamblr. F e rn Fr ahm . Dor is Dot'hl. Jt'rry Mnth<'r LiiCill•' S ha nnon. Nancy lnldl'rhPnd. Dorothy C a II i s. Marti' t 1••nw nct•, Els i1• Kopp nod t hr hostt'SS<'S. Plans Wt•rt' dascUS!'Pd rt•$:a rd · mg tht' forma11un of a monthly llllllltr,. dnnrr rluh. to tJr hPid 111 t h •· Cnromn d•·l l\tar f:"ramm:t.r ~rh•~<•l Tht-rr I!' an instructor William I. Cammack PaJntJa&' Contractor P AL"TISG -Dt:CORATISO Ali<D P AJ'ERIIA.._OL"'iG Ptl .. llar. 876-J. 802 Orchtd Avr. .. ... inf.l F:nst man and Mayor 0 . R RN"d II' aalahlt• Ttw na,::ht w ill l11· an· nouncrd n~ J<t1on as arrangl'· mc•nts htl\'t' h<·•·n mnd<' with tht> st•hool honrrl und o ther pnrtles concerne-d. An~ horly antt•n •stl•d project is nskl'd to mt·mlwr ur I ht• ~t·hool furth.-r particulurs. in this ca ll a ny ~:ulld ror It was ulso plnnnf'd to ha\'c tht' annunl dinn,.r mr(•ltnc on April 12 nt Crown or th(' Sea ca fe F or r ('St.·r\'tl llons t'llll Porls Oit'h!.:_ 5R9-W. Casino Cafe ana Cocktail lounge * Serving Complete LUNCHES and DINNERS * 202 Ma in St. Balboa, Calif. NEWPORT HARBOR Community Concerts Association 1948-49 SERIES Memberships in These Highly Successful Concerts May Be Obtained Only MARCH 15th TO 20th MEMBERSHIP WEEK Thf'rt• \\'ill Bf' :\o Othf'r Salf's Da tes This \"car Do Not F a il to Secure Your ~tcmbersh ip Headqua rt C'rs: F erry Landing Offirt• of .J. A. Rt•t•k, Halhoa Island, Ph. lla rho r HZ-\\' R01\RO o•· UIRH'TOR."\ Mr·s. J. A. Beck Mrs. Arthur Best Mrs. Sall y Peyton Sidney Davidson 0 . B. Rero IMayor ) Lea Miller Mrs. Victor Grace Mrs. Virginia CuUe P. A Palmer Mrs. Howard D. Lagerquist Jamea S. BarTett Mrs. Florence Heif~tz Everett Rea Horace EDaign Kra. Evelyn Rider Robert Gardner (JudpJ Louia F . Gatea Jack Raub . . M N~. Ccorge Ya rdley Mrs. Leslie Steffens on Mrs. Clin ton Sawin Roland Wright Mrs. Stanley Chambers Mrs.' John Feeley Mrs. Dixon Smith Clinton Sawin Mrs. Walter Spicer Mrs. Walter Hitchman U..8011 I >4 I <4 ..... Malta. M.OO, lid. tu ~ ss.oo. l8d. tu TELEPHONES: IIAJUWK U, IS A..''D !01 By Carrt<'r or lltutl : ro~) fl\'r month any,\h{'t'o' In t\o'\\ll(lrl lk3\'h and Costa M<'AA ; $2 40 for 3 months, $4.80 tor 6 month!<; $~1 J)l•r ~··at R) Ma ll In Uron~;l' C"olUnt)., 'I I" r >••ttr, ttl llh l'om•, $~1 :.!.5 , -~----------'-o_looth ton•· ~1\-~-"-' ---------Ent~r'l'd u~ St'('Ond-Cia .. " m nltt•r ut ttw l'l'"'llllt<'<' In :"'•'''1'"'1 llo•IH'h. Cuhfumall. und,•r· th•· Act of !\larch :l IS~•i l'uh!f,lll 1 SAM n. 1'1 )I{ TEll LUCll'.S S S :\11'1'11. Ill \\', F. I HX< I:" :\1 lllol.:lllt,; Edtltll All\ o'l t •-rn.: !\l.ulll~o·l \\' Co•n111tl AVt'llllt', !'t'Wikll l r., .,rh. I ·.oltlllllllll Pnntln;: l'lant. :1(111 dfficial Paper of the City of Newa,ort Bf'ac·h 1\ Ur iM'ndllhiC'I Lot·al ln•UiutJon for O••er ~~~ \'esr" .-JAT10Ni\L EDITORIAL 1948 ~.l~s.~OCIATIQ~ _ _ .. ·li.itt ./Ht ~ This \'Veek in History Active Memb<'r · of . .. , Th ir ty .n·ar~ aJ,ro in mi<l-!\1ar th. l!ll~ the United State!; wa;-; pn•tJ:tring for it:-: Third L ihrrty L o a n . TIH' GONE!! r-~~WUl:ULl:.Jt:.C.._ll!~@r i Ug: :t .. p C' a(.'(' II f f (' n :0: i Yf',. il J!a i ll :O:t the W(•4l'l'll alhl':o:. i\tHl tlw IH'\\' B obhe,·i l\ "t'onL'l'l'~:::·· in Ru~:--ia wa:-: preparing tn apprn,.,. tht' agTPt·nwnt with G<•rmany that hatl hrnught tlw fi).!'htint! nn the Ea:.-:tf'rn front t o an e ntl .. INCOME T~ QUIZ * f'nn!!~'~''=' had a huu::inl!" probl1·m. Onr uill harl * aln ·ath' h r t•n appn•\'t•d and another wa:-: undrr e on- :;iciPr:ttion ainwcl <It :-:olvin)! th(' f'h o rta).!t' o f li\'ill)! s p ace in t iH• :--hip~·anl arpa:-; whC'rt• thC' populatiou:- had :-;hot si\.\'\\'Hrd m·t•r niJ!ht. ( l:thlnr', nnlo•, n u .. 1 .. '"'' '"'" "' AII~U<\, ill> -uch L'IIII•':O.I"'I)("'nl'•' ,, "'''"'' f"'f 1:1 h1 1>•f ""'''''"" olui i,IP"" up !Ill' 1..tund nllll'hllwry. ;llh \\1 '1' 1\l't ld••' •''lllll llllnl! htol\ '''I-Q SUJll""''' I llnl So•nt il l'l'flind fall ••ul ~~"'" ll'oll'llll lnt' .. lll•· 1:1' '" \\lu.·h 1 an1 not t•n\illc•l \\'hut Tlw t·otm try h;ld ;moil :::uppl~· pn1hlem. An :u-- tit'lt• appt·:triPt~ in a pllJ)Uia r m al!azine h ,n·r thf" \\'t•rrii•d t it It·: "What is ln h rt·ttmr of nur r es t•n·otr n•1111'11l I" all hapfl'•n? t\ All I'<' I urn" un' nu.ht.•d l'lnll o f oil ?" A noth!'l' :utit.:lt• in thC' :-am<' rna)!a'l.tn<' \\':I' t·n- titlt'd : "Wh:1t has h C'tllm<· of P.u:::::i a '?" Part 11f it rE>a<l ; ··r:us:-;ia n n lonl:!~r t·-.:i:-:t:-: Tlw ni1w million s(luarc• milf's of territory--thn·1· timt·=' lar~er than t ht· t'nitecl ~tall'='-which i;-; t·;tHPtl in l!t'lll!r :tph,\' r n~·ia i~. till intact. The 1 ~11 rnillilln:o:. 11f pt>ouiP whom \\'(' h av1~ h c Pn in thr hahit flf lnns1·h · t·:tllinc: r:us,ian~ s t'iiJ Ji\'(> in this \'<J ~t ;\J'(•a: P,·rt ;"I n.-.,njt•(' o r 11'ltion is m ade. not hv it!' tf?tTitfll'\ nor h U~C' ::i7 < o f it!' population. hut' b~· its unit~· ,.f n·t' i<'l !•I ft't'l in•' anci action . I n thi!' !'('nse o f the \\'l•l'fl ~!L I'C' i ; l:f' !1on ... er any Ru~c;i an n a tion .. " St. Patrick's Day Tht> cnminJ.! etf ~t. P·ttri tk '~ Oa.\· turn:-the \\'etrld :-.potlight on thnt rugg ('d an1l n iC'ture:-;q\ll' littiC' i~IE> who!'<' charms ha\'tl b t>C'n J!lorified and immortalize d in song~ and !'torif?~. It ha.~ b een jokingly !'aid that Ireland'~ c hie f l) lin" dt> I "''''" ,. ,, 1 ··I 1111d ·'''''""'d. It It d<'vrlop:o; thnt your olll•' 011 nl~ n•to1111 ? !'Pfund Y.ll~ 1•rr.uwou~. )Oll Y.lll !11• A H yn11 ftl•· \PUr lltthht~ltlitll: i lt'IJIIII'o••l I• I l'•'lllo) tht• 0111n1·)' "tlh ''·''''llh'l\1 "' II I • Hllll. "'' IIIII lllfl 'l'i'"'-I '''IHI ~1)11 a "fu11ll """""' 1111 th 1 I Q lhl\1 do I e•urTe'('f 11 n•tum o)ll I 111'11"11 nn )"Ill' p:tr1. 11 )IIU lilt• 1\hldt I plllrl "" If l ,nnw lmd I • Feollll 11~10 ~1111 111U'I I'll• t•k lht• ;1111 • "'''''~' lit II rr fuml I •··funrl h"~ und,•r· II•'"' 1{1. I''"'' I .\ Ynu may fil•· a n nnwn•l••d ,, .. I ''"" "'" ''"'" \\llloln flu·•"' )''lit!' \l I ftl.;llll' I 11m o•ntltlo•fl 1•1 a lhl\lt l ••r. af 11 ts tho• krnel 111 '"''' •.twill llo•\\ lo•n.: •h.,ultl 11 1.ok1• l h.al ,.,.,, I•· rtol>COI• ,.,., 111 thll< ••I· '"' tho·t·h,-.k IOI• wh uw• Ill •'. "wh ~~~ 11 m alh•lllalll'lol nu ... ,\ \\·,, hopo• lo~ lho• fuuMh uf t.tko•, till' l'hulh'l ' uro• un otlllulllllll• ,lltl.• ltl'funfl~ to I•· '"''' o•\tll•dlto'il .uiJU~trn•·nt "all l~o• mrtrlo· ~~~ lllooklnl.; o'o•M,IIfl tho• ro•IUITIJ.• ul tl 1-. the• C':lhflll rttlt 1:11...-ohrh• Ia ' l'llf",lf•'· ('llllllll••to•. 111 IIIH'II) l'ol!.'111'fi olo'(hlf'llhlo• • I . mrt lt•,:ahlo• PI• :'"' du 11111 Y. lif o• to 1\ r-; .. I ht~ t)ffll'e· l'um•o·rnm~ 1 m il II'· I funrl 11nttl :11 l•':t'l tlw ,·,,ttlrll·· uf Tumut t'll" 1.'1,1 :0.1inuto• l'ulflll'l , I Rise t 0 Remark H ON .. JO HN PIDLLIPS ;\,_ Ill,\ ft'll'll"' klltl\1 II\• Ill\' I• l ~l'OifiiH•r, IH l'l).ll i11g II "Cfi~ ... nf IIIIIOlll< I lll'O't'lllo-d With llll' t.;n >JI · pll'llll·•·• fur "I\ l>:l) In lho• l.1fo• nl <'"' plr•n-.uro•, ovo•r 1111' )<'at·s. Y.l'l,. lh•· St'<'rt'trll")'" or somt'lhinr: Ilk•· thll''' In "'"''' \\llh cln,.SN< 10 J:IW-thnl . Y{l(IJI OIAI to t u "" h'ft-·· .,. ot .. .. , ' . ,.. . . ~.~. ' ...... ht\o\tt .... '. "•' . , .•. . . "" ... ,, ... .. . 11 • ""'"' . ,,. '. ,,. tt l ...... . . I " " . I • Ill I ' .. .... . ,. ~I h I I I l(hJ I .. ..,, ,. • A -I , .. .... .. . ,. .. •• ,.r • " ~ •• ,.... • .,., W t•l Ha lt K \If' kt'\\ II '••• ., r • 11 •u._ •• "'. ' ...... .... .,-.; I \ ... """ .. .,.,~ ..... ,, ... ••• .... !'(' ~· ~~-... \ .., ... &IU l~·ol ,,.,. ........ " ,. , .... •• -.--..- ..... , 1 •• ... (' '· ..... ...... •tt k UJ h i -4 ... .... ....... .. ... . &J \It ............... . IICMS .. ~oM• .. AI'--•• ~ .... I It .,., .-........ _ KMt"i, l'l•t 1 H .. ... , .... J ...... ...... ,._....,, , .. __.. ... .,, .. _ .......... l"'U-l ,_ ., ... ,,., .. I.MI"l" ..... ,,~ ...... ....... ... ~ IU&J ,... •• L¥"'.. "..,..,.... .._, a;. s u ........... . I 4 .•. .., A\. "-MI .. I II# ..... ~··· .,_,.., "•''• ...... \..A lt~(•t '-.IWI \ .. ..... ._ I • ...... Jr...'~ J ..... , •.• .Mtlf , ., li(t .-f• U t •"•H••• . ,. &J A\ lht Mtill"' w. K hJ ,, w atJ;'._ I ... " ..... ..... I,. N .. • ...... '" ... U • .1••• • • ·" kMt-c" • •~•• Ww .. lrt..UJ ·I I ' KY'AI~"-'"' •• Jl,III)L W. 1 I ... • ...., ...... • , ...... t<lle .... "'U--........ &...oM• .HJ t-.e•• a~w .......... _. &Jix--• ..,. ....... -.. . ... . ..... 0 ...... MM ... IU"I--.... ~ Pw IUIPO-.-· b \ 1 I_. 11. aaiMI•e 'I r" • 'I .. I II II t f\ ,,,,, 1 h a ' I ~\ I ',, , 1 t \,." .,_. I """\ ,• o ~~' 1'' •·~ I I \1 I •' . \ I ,,, .. • ,. ... ~ ' I '' ' .. '• .. ' \ ..... .. ,.., . " , t .t. •. , ....... .. ' " ....... ' t• I tuU ,. " ' .. t '"'' ' I .... . .,t. '.~ ., ........ , ... I I " ...... ht ··~· tr\111 ' ···~ ....... I I \I '••• ..... ....... , ... t(~ -... "''0 ...... -. ,, ~ I( I' ,,, ....... ..... W\H••· """'•-• fl• ,.._ &t I"' A M • "'"""''' ""' a f"'W'" "••• . .,~ ,. " ' ... I(Wt .. • Wu•l,. l(ltt n .. uh h ..,. .P"W'f\ , .... ~.-.4 ....... ... ... ., ....... .-.... t. •u ' ~o~. ..... ,... •• ~ 1<1.1 A ~•• ,,.,, I •• ..... ... \.\1. M llAf\ ... ~, ··~ ., ..... &•A W~~t•·o ..... .. ... "'"-' \•til ... , •.M• • 11111 •·•r"*•• ~"''-" '-' M •i•m• &IU H•H •••• \I..-. .... ' .., ..... , ..... .... ... I N••• ........ , ., .... -.. ~fiJ "'• , ..... " ' ·-w .... ........ ""•" -.., ;._,,.. ........... ~..-..a. •• , ... ,,.... , ...... -~·'" ' ~ . u .... al 4 0 -AI Je t • .. •• • '\"•• • , .. ....,. .. lOIII'• ., ..... of ..... .... , \ ... , c ~--~.t I • ·1 • ftl!lt\•o I t \1\ U N It••' . ' ~~ I • \•I • • ••• • t •• I ---h \4 It h ~' ..... ,. ...... '"'~ ...... .. f H h~ •' .. t t \\ H • ..... , . -· • I ' ........ , .. r " I'\ ~ • 'f••• .. II II . ' fit I '• h t I \\If ' l • •u .... ,. .,.,. >I '\ . 'I .. I I .. . ' h I o " ,, • lit 1\ J' '" I I! 1411 .. -· ~ 'lui• It t' \4 k t I t '\ '••• t. '-'1 1 I 1111.-• T l .... I• K I t \ ' • ... t ~._.,.... 1\1 I I flf t••tl' "t \\""h,. '''I .... 1111 11.\rllt'"\ ~··' •• , .. •• , ........ 11., ..... kUI t1-., 6 •1h...- W""'~ tit•'• ""•• ... .,., ........ ~ . ....,. '"·'' "·· .,.., ....... ._..., ... K IIJ ~••• .... , " ... ..... .,..,, , ..... ,. ..'""-,.... .. ,., ..... ._ •'J ...... ~ li.MI \. V ••.!ft . ...., "·-· ·~ • •• ..... ~, l,.,o.,w......., J..-- ll ... ,A \4<W~.._, ~·~j ....... 1. , . ._ ............. \ ... IM ........... ·~ ......,.. ...... ,. ~ I .... a...t....40 :'\••• .1 .. ~ "-1"1 Whl .. a.ft i•• ......, ........... . &•1. "'···. l.Jt t .. .... lltU H•at\ 1 ~~ .. ~rw .. IIIII ..._ . .............. .. . ... ----. .. ...., ..... -a..... ... _.- lrtUJ -Mattt• ........ ....... ......._._ . ...,., ... "''' r,--,, .... .,..._ h fU .__. ,.....,.. II .... N P:\\'PORT 8 A I. BOA NEWS-TIM 1!11 p 1 Tin ~e~•··" ,_, .. ,. !'"-'"~ c'a.lu. Man·" "• aeu BJ[e ••• • • • • • u ••••• 0 •••• 0 • ..--. 0 • 0 41 0 .-~ , News-Times- -Comics, Radio -. . ................. _ .... ' ..... . II 17LI I'IJ..,"WI CCMPIIW C.."'t ,--.:· t :5 THS 1\<'1('1.0$ J..Jll::tJEST Fd ff ~ T61.1Cid/ (.IU cu.>> .U U- 'f: 1./tXXPH SOiriSEN_. OtSCOVE~O A ~ PLANT. sur r•tL!O 'TO P~O"''£CT 1-41S FINO UNO£~ U.S. PA TE.rr LAW~ •• THOUGH HE ln.AliZEO NO PIUl1' P\.Aifl' 8EA~ HIS NAM!t Tlf1 8otJS£N8E~I ., CROSSWOIU> PUZZLE .. . ...... P' •• tletl o ••• I • •t1 '•t-•t• .. ,., ... ,. ... t ••• I I • • ..... • •·•i• • ,, .. ,, .. , ... tt. ,, I I .. .. .., It ........ . tl I • , ..,.,. t t 4H • I I .... "'It , . .._. .. "' .. '" -..... t\ It •• •' &.. I • .~ " \• • I , .... • ' • I I f I ••• I 0 II ,. •' K••t·••V ., I' •' , .. •· t6il••· ···~I ., '11' '" ••r11t t ft•II'P Pii•I•H••• tottcf "'t." ' .. owe , ....... , ••J ._ J·•• •• n h ,..\ , •• , ......... II .. \,.1 f U olh k~ll. "., A.oh ····" ll·loo· .......... . "'"'' ··JI .....• , • • ... . hHJ ~....,, I t 4 1 .... .. ,. t-.•1 ....... w ......... , I ,. I.... .. •• _ I t I I t ft. •'... t• IIJ I • "-,,.._ • ' •• I I ,, ' • .-.. ,. ho ' W•• ..... , • '·~ ..., ....... • •• "... .. .. , ... ,, "Ml i. H•l .. • ... ~~~ .. •;:,.·:,.. .. =' t('" .,,t\,u ......, .. .......... . ...... (\ ...... lr.t...A\1--AI Ju•• , .. t. f t A 't .... t 4 e .... ,. tt.f'~ lttv-4 I, ,,.....,_ llP'l-... • K~tUI!t ... .,., P"t•tt• La. .... --··o-•--·tl -~ ~:::~ ~~::... .... .::-·~ ••u -~"'"'·•· ••u At~• ....,. ... llt'r'We-M "*"' lt. ~A '' "'., .. ,.. ~· •• ICI'l&--..,.-e p,._ &•A--1 IIlLA•' 111111' ..... t • ..... • I f •1·14 ,., , ......... . ... ' •d f ••• I e • I. ~ ,. •I .. ~ ,, t ... .. :::~:· .. ~:~~~· .J •tet•t ~f'•HI I M lo P"'' tM' ..... ~ ........ ._ .. I Ill ,, ... •1 I 0, "' 9 10 1/ ,., --I o.u~'"' t lA h• '"••wtt I ll~l .. • ,. ... 11 •• - • 'ttrK ··-1 Tt~t •ft••n•• : ~-::r" • t lu llt Mt,. ,. t ..... lnf ... . t>xport!' are notatoel'. politician:;; and police m e n. W e ll. Pven if that is more facetiou s than factual it can at lea!'t he p o intC'd ont that all thre<' have made a name for thC'm:o:PI\'e ::: whPre \'('t' th£'y han ' gnne. Along with the ~on " of Old F:rin who h a\'e mig1·at e rl to foreign lancll' ha~ j!One anothe r exp01t -the ,.,;t and humor . the cnrrl ialit~· :md the Clmragt' that chararteriz£' thr p <'opiP o f t he EmPralrl 1:-le. t•rnmt•nc hr ('11'1<'~. or Y.hale•vl'r lh•• 111r·y Y.lll t.dk '" Mr .lu,.tl•'•· nnnw m;o) It,,...,. '"'''"· 111 tlw hl.:h nurton. :-. '"''"'IIIII lrwrul (m :u1 •dlf>"'' unrl,·nll••..:•·' ,.r tlu• clil<trwt. ~···"' 1 :'11" lltll'lt•n 111111 l\1•, l'lrtl (;u\'t'lllmt•fll ''II llloll'hlrtl' II "I' II(" \\o'lo• 1•1 '"llllllo•~o In o•nlll'~.;o·l •·t:ole'' tn ll\o•tl "·')' \\'"mil) not and 11th••r nwml .. •t' nl Ill>• Sutll •'lll• thllt't.lh••,.•• 111•· 11w rnt,...l ··lllt'l•·nt r ourt Ttwy ,.111 t~tlk '" '"'"'' ,,.,,., " '·'' I nit ",. ':onnnt ('hlln"o' th••m --··--..,_ .... ---... . .,., .. ,,.. .. -.. ..,,_.. .._.... k •u ,.,.,..,. •• ,...,... 1e &AM._&.& ........ ........... k .... , , ......... ;; ... /•( It Clff• ,,.,., .. . 1' t uttt•h Hc:t .. ,. l •• .... . The Iri~h h a\'e wnn th<' fa,·m· and friend!>~hi p o f p eople all m·pr tht> globe. It i:-for thi~ rea~on that p<'r!'ons n f m a n y natic1n:tlitie~ join wit h thC'm in celehratinj! ~t. Patrick '~ D ay. ., ,.,, In ~1 1 l.llh•ttth,ll iiiHolll lfi Onl• '""Ph l1~ thtnktn~ till') nt••Y.rnn.,;, II' 1'1\t'llo!\ th••) \\Ill \lloll till' ('IIIII ""' rn .. p th.ut '''' t·.•n t'h.•nc•· tlH' ttttfl•t•• ••n \·, ,, r-:en .... Aff:tlr"o, :Hul t ' 1" uf tt01•'1 ~ .. nt0 \ hi ak• -'" ' "11J tu·~u 1 ht• ~~·nAt•· til"''"'''~ fut o·.or lo~ I huokll)~ \\ ~. ltk•-.1 ·'11"1 h• 1 •·1~11 nul Tho•) \\all 0•111 hmo h 't) I•· h>'l t••t I • nuhl l.ak• tlu• 1·.11 1 1 ... Wit 1 I 1•'11' :>ennt or' nno• d:t) nn•l Ill tho• .,;.n a~o;•• .anrl. Y.llh "'mo· 11tll1-\\tilt tho 11 """ C'<m.:r •..,,m1•n 1111 .. --.. ... -__ ...,_ ., ....... ,. --..o--....... &JU-Ytt ~t\t ..,.._,,.., .. -.. ._ __ )-... • , .• o-...... .._. •• ~-~-... -~ .. ., ........... , .... ·-----·-___ .,.._ -.....,.._ -----~~~­.a .... -, • ....__ •••• .¥ .. • • ••• ILLAC'-AI J a1 ~ .... -~;--=~:.:· :..= =-= ---,_ .... ••·u-"••• •1...411 "'lu .., ...._.._. ...... --....... ~ ._, IU U ...... &Al-t.-... ....... ..,.,,.6f .• -· ........ llN~ ..... , '-Ia..... ···A -Ah .. _..._ .... .,.,, ................. . ... _ ...... , .. _....... .,.,., ..... ·----... ···~ ..... .... - •• J ·--~-~---..._... __ &lfll-...... ··-· 0-~ KIA--ttl••• Kr• _..._ ............ I .. • =~.;u ..=·p:;:,,.-~~~ .... ~:.: .. -= ... ---· ... ,.., ,.... ........ .. ... o -:..· :.:-: ..• =.. ·;-~ Uti --•r•• •·-.. •• ~·, !:' :-= I M IC'I -•• -..... .. , 1-- 4tt ... .. ~ --"· ..... 1- ' ';'" ~--I , ~ .~. • r -..J •• N ... ~, -I ~ . ' .. , " ..... ., _, ' I' ... --7; •! _, -.. •N -~ .. .., ~ •II -·-.. .... « f-.... ..... ................ ....._ .... "' ., • .. , f.-- .--i- -.,. .. , -- ,. . ..... ... )J tltrl • ,,.,,. J . • ..... f .. fllttt .... , ... • ........ h.ltt ... M 1 "'• •hn '""._. ,,,.,, ······· •• )t'~ h ...... , ..... '' I o•_.,. • -· • • .. ••t•tl " .. ,, •• ' .......... , ,... ..... . .... . I I •If ... ,._.,,• . ... , ... , ..... 4 I t ' t ., "··· t4 • I• ••••t f " ' tM tt I ''"'•t• •• l v ._.,.. Thi!' ~·r:1r the prr ... ence n f Eamon d e Vale r a at the ~an Francisco ~t. Patrick':-: Dav c£'n•m onieg will give addPd impetu~ to the celebration~ ::l ll O\'er the countrv. What could hr finer on :-uch a n occasion than havitil! with w: nne o f F:rin's m o:-t famous ~ons fr<'sh from the "auld ~orl ." Cft-Oo--- rull ) :or1el • 'I",,, h·11 ,. 11t1• hrak<' 11th•·• cl:o~ Tho·) will hnv .. t11nn••r •·han~:•·d In tile· -nmo• ""> I l':tn. ,1, .:11,.,,, .. r tho• nlumna . 11 J;MO.Inn nnd mlwr m•·rnh••r-. can. Ill'• r tho• """ "'"10 m~ rofrit••• IHitlth•·r ,.1, ) •'Ill" r·hnn~·· the• tll'lllll'> uf ~:ov-non~; ~:.wit <lay 1, rallrd full. Th• ••nm1rnt ma<'hmo•r) 11111 until thl'n 1111111 ""'n1n~;. arr,.r ~unr..-·r w 11 h tho• ~'~'l•'lll'nl'o·tl IPt.:l'lillur :tdnpl ~o tl11· o•nmmitt,.,. thf•y wlll rfn,, '"""''" th lh•• •·tonrli lion~o rt' lh••> h:tl'k lro rnllr~,. o'\1'1. tf IH' '" In adlll'l'o• Slll'l'f'SS ('QR u...r.c--,_ --..,.. ~~~~~=-------------------------­A tta Uoy, Pepitot T J rt!<l' to rc•mark thai 11 lnk••' ,, 1 J)() 0 U<t• lh• ... :ollll' Slmll•·. ffi) l'llr IIIII•· limo•, IIIli or fl llf•· nlr..rHh . tnll \ 11\lract lltll'otlnn. If ,,., dt'('· !()(o run. hut II mny jliV.· tho·m I "' at•'fl for 11 !lll>tl'ant. hut lht• t':t"· nt·w amprt•<<lon nt ~:nvrmmrnt 11, ual nh~I'I'Vt'l' •••lllom rr•:tlizr• lh:o t rP:rllt)' 1'\u r•ftort Is rnnrk· I•• Hair Apparent I drivt• 11 two thnuo..;anrl mllo·~o 11 ",l:onl" tho• anfluf'nN·~. till' ,111 mnnth (tlr tho> l'tlllltn•• l111~olno'" tof d•·nh 11,.,\~.;nnt,. whnt lh••) wnnt 1, W'th th . f I . t . Q'l l)r. 't rn~· j"'' or Ill l•·tt>l I 111'1\'<• at th.ll "" llntl whom thl"y wnnt tf"' ,,., I e Jll'lt'C (I lalr C\1 :' ZOI/111111)! to •ll ·-·l I mth h who•n I'm hnm•• t;""'I'Tim••nl · ) h h J f h 1 · · · 111,1 jl'h '' le• prrwlu1·r lhf' P'"lPI" 11 ,._ I"''' I I' I 1111 fltt~Jto;h, tho• 1111 1::: r e p o rt('( t at t e sa e o omt• wtr t uttlll•' t'<lUIJ)-1, lh•· -~•m•· ""~. ''""' ••m•· '" 111 1 1 k m e nt is zooming along \\ ith it. !\tan~· familit•:o:, e :--'1"11' "1'"'"1"' l'l:•n'. "" tax ,, •. m 11.1 .. rr"·t .... ., .... r ,,,.. lmpr···"''"" .. JJ h h . I I l ""''111111 Ioiii' "" tho· IIIL'o•nl n•·•·d lht• f>llllll•' "'"'' no•Ot'"ltl'lll .·•' pec1a ~-t n~(' :t\'ln,l.! :<:C'\'t'l'a rna I' m e m H~rs. an• .. , " ~:n:a• ····n'll' 1n "'''"' ,,.,.,., r l 1. J • · J 1 p h r""' •·olumna-r .. , I'Omme•ntnt••t• now C l'pPnl 1111! on m11l 11'1' :-: tons ona ta l'llt:::. r n -"'''"e·t m:ak•• tit•• lu•:ulltn•'' and ffi,ot::l/1111' :11'1 l<'lo•<, 1111<1 ( h•• f11•wl 1 I ablv h <.•r r esult:-. \\'11\lld notratf' an ··A" in the harhttr l ""' 1''1!''1"1"'' """ 11·'"111'' th•·m m:"'"·" "h"h ''"""' ""' "'""", Jj b t 't ,. . ~I •'l:-• ·h t' ·h • I . . . ~··• l•tlhlll'rll 11nrt "''' ph .. llol.:llll•lr .. ,_,,1,.rnmo·nt' Y.hh'h 1 ,,,..,.11111, CO t>ge. ll I . cl\C ·• ·-·) ('(lt 1me ~ t' SU l~lltUte:-; .. 1 .and 11\lt•rVI""'~I Purina• ~ rtllllk t''(l'i" nnly In tho• tnlllll-.,1 for th£' regular hair h~\\'l'r. I•:"'''I'IIITJI'n' 1:111111-l•lnn..: l,olon~; ''"' "'"1"1:/llldllol .. r .. ,\.•mnwnl A:--a J'('S\1)1 ltf tht:o: d (•\'t•lrqllllt>nt tht• ''bnwl "('-( '" "1 '"' lnnum··· "'" "''1•"1 f '"''~"\II\ lffi(•llrtnnl ra nd rill I Slj!n C\lrCUt nta~· ('OrnC' antCI \\'1( l' JIUJ)\1 ant.\' -hr filii•· hr 11.,11un•• ·n 1,.1 "'' 111,, 1,·,· .. ~·111 ""' 11 " 1 11 '" 11111 " 1"n I ''rut ' . .. h . . . I · I . I' I \'"''It 1~'"1 •1·· I!• II• l.oll\ kllll\\ .I · · f J h 0 f ... ;atwun ""n mur h uf ttu· tlnu nt>te:-.~at\' 1 not 1v l' (Ji('<'. cour:'t' m<'ll enuld lt't • mw·h ., ,..,, t •·I .:•"· 1111111 11 1 '"'I, tht•ir h:\ir J-'1'' w. Rut h :l!l!int! a \'iulin. ;tro u n d all tlw 111 •h•· '""I! 111n lll•t •• ""'"'' r---------------. · · • · 1 t •nl •"" rtu ,,,..,.,,,,tal 1r 1 ... 11,"" time a~n t YE>r .'· Jlr:tcttca . \\"'II I ,. '"''' , .. \\ "'""'''"" I LETTERS TO THE NE\VS-TIMES First '48 Ballot Box Test Begins •I • ''\,I 'd I h:tl t)t. "'' HUor ,ftttf• n• -;;;-, 11 • It• r·l 1 • 111 ,., '•·1 nuwn1 ••I II , • · r ... d , .. u •. ,t, "h~c h 1 ... " ... ,n til • nil• I'' II• ,If l'hrl.acl•·lt•lllo~ ••I 'Jifllk • 1 •••ut!n h:ttl I •~·•, t·nrrun..:. .... ,,. I• u h \•:If ~•"' fHtl o f tltt• ,,.,,r ... •· l·n.. ', •• , .. ,,,, ... ,~." .. , .• .,.,. \!1 ~11m l'totl••r. l'uhlr<.lll'l' ;\.o•\\'(•11 I 111111"'' f'tlloh•lll Ill; "lOll t ·,nlr;ol Al•·llllo· ,, \\ l"'•t , ll• !It It ( ':ollft.llllli l•·•r S:om 1',. "" ""''" r II•· m .. ro Ill 1• or t ant liwld ln. • 1nd •1 f••" "''"" Ln ""' a·.d I···, .. , ,., t'fllltUtll fft''"" t d·\~·ttl··rt n,,o ;tnn••IHit 1'/llt•nt uf'yn ltr ,.. ,. d11il~ td :\ •. ,, 1~•1 t 1\.t•ru"h t'hlfh• 11 It ,r •f tho II 'I• \\o I • I•• Ill' \\111 111 "' fH1•· If ,h,Htld tlt•f1\nn~t r :tllo t h•• • t 'fln1pt••1t .. '-IH'J'lrl'-.. th mr• dtft•'l"nl'l'' (t,.(\\1 ' II o'll\l'lflllll'rl t Ill ll••l!ri:V I'IIOJ:;Tn !UIIIfiOJh~ lind Ito,. I "l"'h''' f,,,. t•urnpl•·ff• '-I If'''""'' ,,, th•· t·l;t '-rf•4'•rn 1n l cov•~t nm•·nt h' ) '' "'~''' tn Itt,,,.,,,,. J .. i"' '~ . ., I t:tppln''"" In ~,nu~ "''"'' \""' ,,. . I \\'I I h ~ '""'''' "' rl\(lfl I I '"•'llnll· prt•<ld• nt ••I tho· IIIII'•·• (t~rtl 1 ,,rn ' • 11 ro•l;lllf '•w'll'll' In \\':t,hlllt:'••n :on•l 1111' 1 ·onnwol •r11 • ,, ''"" " · l"'•l•, r" 1,f l 'lo;TJ-~I!TYI'E ('f)Rf'(IHA'nc t•, •f!, loll('l••l~. t-. II lf,,..,,,ll,..r ·n .. f111do•nt' n r•· ll•·rt' n''" ·n I• '"" '"' tho• ''"'•ntl l•··lf 11nd•·1 •ll• ll•"\ l'f 1n 111•'1 .Oil I\'• l:tll• '•II •t(l I r·m""ll h:tVI' clonn•·• Ill thl' :"'nl rnn-1 •I "" •• (111h .1ntl ,.._,m '"m••t htnl! nf l h•• r••1.tttun" ~t( rh7· ~'•tk•ni.' jl•l•·•" •n•l (';tl'ltnl lltll :onol "''" , ·\\ ... ••f iL•tn :tt•·" •ntl ' h . .,,,,J,\.fl I Tilt' no \I tnllmlltl: •h• 1 lot 1.:111 ,, te~<tn•l nf Nommlltr•'~ rnmmiiiN' I •'h!llrmlln nc•·nrtr .. rrn•l •I• p:an rn•·nl• n< •rlf'{"t r·fl hv 1 h•·m nnll l th,.lr m•tn annr TI11~ yo•ou . II•··~·~ Y.'ilnlr'<l It) mN>t th,. Sl'l"r rtllry of l\~;nn111un-n.nt1 h) n r mnr atl••n('(' • h, \ ,r, .,, "' • h1rn 'h•· th\ h• 1 , .. 1111: f""""'"' ilrlllln l h~ " l•h ... "f.mn~.;••r l'ro•Ji hwr..,lr-m I il-t Mesa ~pholstery Harry McKee %!!',0 Newport Blvd. Co.ta MM& Ph.: IIMeoa 5004-W Tkflli S.., T A ' "'E .., ANY CF TH SE Pl'P£~~ A!OUT 'ft.,. &£ "«i r.:{q ' Kloi'G~T S T"' "1, .-.. PI>y .' ; C.~(~~ l "t /,A~;)(~ •,~o .<£~ '< ( o ' O'JT Of -£ U""G T T:) T~f ~P~~-f"S~ liEf 1/fl, lllf!· llf Ol~t't lAlNO ~ Mj.\lt"lQ A. aUM f.OIZ A &mTIIEIZ/ P 8 NEWPORT BALBOA NEW8 -TIMf!8 age !HUMp&! llit~Wpor1 .......... Calif. Man-h ll, liMA . Boston Braves Have Cornered Market on 20-Game Winners -a,. a-H. ....,_ son rrcord thf' ~<1:1-:l•·~!tlt: numl" 1 BRAOEN't'ON, Fla ., March 11 Ill vkt nrtt'~ "hl!'h lh•·; "'" • -CUP )-The Bolton BrOVI'S hovr turn~>d 111 llot:ol!> tti f /\nt1 tl o 1 •• eornt'l't'd the m ark<'t on m ajor IJn I 11 m:1nrr~o r ''""'> Yo"" '"' I 1 J~ut' l)lfC"ht'ra who ha\'t' wvn "tllms: tt) 11wurt1 1 hi' 1"'"''·•111 20 CK more-cames In a s.•ason, and """' now ru th(' l'lulo Yo IHr h ""'' I If tht' ftve hurlt>rs lhr•; "'''''' Yo ho th:ol muny 1:11m•·' 1111' '''"'""~' W\'&r that atripe romt• through in sr'l1~on • 1948 I I'll •oodbyt• f11r 1 hi' othr•r '11t•• '"''' rtr•· 11roh1111~ S :ol n \\ '' r ' ~eve~ cluhs"tn th!' NRIIonul lcn~;ut• 1 I'''' StrUIHI, l 'hnol•·~ tlto-d 1 II." I n •t I II til Vr)osrll•· 11ntl 1•1111111\ ~T;;;i;a;ik;ln;;;g;;;;th;f';;;l;r;;;;IW';;;;'I;;;;;~I;;;n;R;h;• ;;;;Sl:';fJ;;· !It o~lo•) All hul( tIll' IIIII• I It ~till • ll' 111 l~o· '>lurllnl( I•''' h••t' f,, \l.oll e BOWU:NO 18 A SPORT I'OU'LL ENIOY: A APORT '!'BAT IIELP8 IUtEP YOU D1 OOOD PHYSICAL VON· DI'I'ION. "~' r IIIII) Smll loYo "r' II I llt~ .. • I '"~·"" anr1 S l•lolllt ,.,, ... ''"" .:1 c;uth•lii 'i''"' , ... ~. r . 1\.trr~ It ";'' t .!:l·t'"'"' "''"'"'' l nr Ill•· llo .ll • anrl t '1orrlrnttl' on I 'I I"•. \'""' II• won :!1 for lilt' c:uonl• 111 1'•1 1 .... ( ... ,. lu· 1'111 Ill ~~.I ' Ill ' tit•. hllll)t', ltlltl ll••tlll•). ·•' tt II • '11111.111 I'<II'IM'tl :!I In l!/1'..! l11 l11r•· lh· "' 111 ull '" wur 1\o•lll•·lr•\· l111' "' \.-1 1,. • II tl.• .. 1''"'' II•; hur r ht• '" "' "' l'll.l lit fur•• IH """"">: 11 1,. .,,,.0.1111 111 '~ll JUf C'UI r~ nr-ut tu• It•'\ r·r I HI' I •• ,._., • t ,.,, (nun tl I"' c•t• ,,.. • ' Hf t e·..:utfllltl.: tu~ (ut fU tilt' rt'ltHIIt lour n•·tlh• r .l .. lllllo\ ""' S""'" «orrh loaJi t:o\'o•y up 1otl hl'f"' A' lur lho• •oth• 1 111111 . h••l•' 111 o lu~h \'ull'••llt• ~hu« o•tl '10.:11' ul Itt. f!H4 r ff•••''"''"''" "h•" h•' Yo••nl II• tlw llr•l\•'' 111 lllltl *** Harbor Events I Exonerate All Concerned in · 1 De Catur Death 1 ''" ,\',I ,I 1.1 S :llttrl h 11- ot I'• ,\'"'''''''Jilt) tullroy rto· '"" ol '" hl.ollll' unyono' for tht' " l;roxtnr:·m•~ rio·ltth nf U>roy De I' o'lU , ,:11 \\1111 d10 of ltl I! dtronk t,. t , ", "' dlltlru• t.,, first !Former Newport High School Star Coming Back as Pickens' Replacement < • '''""~ lotock to his h ome town ,.,,, .. ·tuwol •~ •\lh.•rt l r wrn, pre,;. • '" , "'" h "' \'ulo·nera llh.:h tWhnol, I' , · 111 '''• who hrt<• I""'" sl'll'Cit•d l•l t.oko· rhr JIIIU"I' nf Wo•ndt>ll Pick· , "' nt•'IIHir uf T1or fuulhall a nd I , 1 oil llt'l'llf(lJn t; tO lln &n• lk-al·h ll!t•guardJ, hi' t'nterl'd lht• nllvy us swimmsn~: lmtntC'tor, and afll'rwarf:h svrvl'd aboard HI•' cur· rlt>r U. S. S. Uxtngton H<• ts tht• son or Mrs. Sadit• Irwin. Nt•\\. JJOr l pruJX'r ly ownr r , Is marroo~d ltnd has two chih.ln•n. I'"''''"'"" ol frl'ltl hi• '..!7 "t Hot. ' t\\\l .... t ""'' .. ~, •fl ,.,, • ""rot m~<•J•• lllli11y h}' Prtn· , I :'ufii•'Y II I ><t 1 tdsl)n BEG PARDON Jf,, l,.t Jtlt•' t d unl\ Dog-of-the·\Veek \\ t l1111f 1111 loJ til II' "" I hi' part of ''""'"'' 1111 "" • d. lout rl i1 our "l•thlull tlohl '"I" •huiiiiJ 1'10' takt•n I I·•· 1"1"11ton \\ ,,, h !1 'IWIInl \1 I II f'Wkl nM 1-\ liS C'ht\St•n Ill§ t'IIIH'h • " •111:o' C'Clast roll•·~:•• : •" 111. "lw l'Ollt'IH'!l last v ... ar l'ot •,liurdt ll11<h •('lh,.tl , ·,s n It "u o-rriHINIU,.h' ro·port.-d Ia ttl .. M a r " h '! l."dltlun of tho- Nt•Wa·TI.m,.. that thr· "P'Irtrt,.h- l nl( t•ha rt .. r hnat ~ay wta.. 14'ould lltJC'ratr frnno Kin~:'" l...ahd· Inc tht .. "''&Mtn. ', 1". ttl• "' tl11 lttlwr• lnr moro· H •• tt,. h • \ t1 ,Jn tfl,•fl n l IUarlit•t I ' II I \f 1 10f ;rlhfl'fll • f i,( • '. '-• 1\ l••llo·r· .on•l "'" ~rariu· • ll11h~" llo oil 1!1.'\li as lo o,l h I It I Ill on flo· \\I'll I lo• Ilk ,,, . ' "' 1 • ''' " 1111' 'I" nt m or•· 1 1• C• ur th•• l'.oo•of ll·. pl;t; 1n~ ' .: ,, "''' 11101-: Ill t('SII· tl •f " .... ,,d. Alllhl<l SIIII-:1(1S jllj \ I ,}, ., Jllltl! 'I I ,., '' '''"''""-''' nuu~tly tc• ~,1,•11••1 Ill• ft~ht•·r·· .. ,, ., , , ... " H t" lure· t .. Short~st Bill Ret for L. A. lre-fapades lrq rtt If\ 1 •• , • ·11•·•'1•·"' wo-. • ••t •-.•I•" ,,,, tlu r~tn·Pa· v 1;1 • • •IJd• ft·nc·~ tx·- 1 '•• -.. I h ll .. ••n ft n d • ••••I ' ''' l':tn hn•t ·uf , • • 1 , ' ,. • d H , rr\ uc· II • \\ II IIIM'II Ill tho • ·' I• ·n. l.o•. r I•IIIYih~ 111\C"k· . I Explorer Bill Man, 0\IDIIr ''' thr Say \\ ht·n. ..tatffi ltHiay that hi" lwat "uultl run '""" thr 22nll · St. Laaulfnrc In San 1'.-dno llll year, Man blamo-tl lbo· hor·al lh•o· ltlllt 'llur&tlun fur ht.. d i'C"il•lon In uewrat .. frum Saa P rdro. Open House at High School Set Tomorrow at ~ p m t he liar- IN or nJun hll:h SC'hnol 'wall opt•n 11~ doors to thr pllhht' m an tn· \'III.IIIOn I ll t•nJO.)' OIJ"Il•hOU!il'. mt>tal shop, With equipment and factllttes valul?d a t $79,000. Rl'fn•shrrwnl~ ~Ill be Sl•rvcd. by the Girls' Le~tguc in the library . An tn!urmal drama is also plun- nl'tl m thl' Lt.!.Jil' Theatre C'ITRtl8 SESSION LOS ANGELES. !\tar c:h 11 1 UP I Public h('Urtngs \\ill b~: locld nt•xt month on prup.lSI'ri anwnd· • nwnb to ltw C'alifurnra-AI'Izona manbl' m&rkt•lrnt; ortl•·•. lht· dt·· r~;u lmt•nl u( a~nrorllur·t• nnnuunl't•d today. Plans ar!' r·ompk•tC'd for ndults' r·ntcrl'nlnmc·nl w rth dtSpl.uys and IWI 1\ 11 ws t'ru"'dt·d 1 hruughoul tilt' IYou h~tur J.ll'ftO<I Ff•itl\lt t·d "'" b!' llh· l:olt'SI at.ldlloon lu tho• mtllioltl tond half t•thtl'll loonttl pl.tnl. the _____ ....:.._ _________ - VAN FLEET'S FRESH FISH Newport's 1\lost Modern Sea Food Mark{'t ('holc>4' Sf-a. !<''''"' at R4'a .. on .. hle l'riN·~ Utwn Uufly ... M a. m. to 6 f'· m. I ll \lo·F.\Unt:~ I'I.,U 'F: N O TICE Mesa hl'll!>lirt 111~1 )•·ur •• nrt t h• r·:~. ~·~~'.r:il;=:::::fr.;;=f;r.:~"'tr-­ cr)' '~'!...-ttm .=:s:un: - Sfl•iltn ''''" mrot rh 1 h•·11· lilllt j It . •.II rl I .... I fl '· till Newpert ..... C08'I' A IIIUA ft...._,_ IMI·W arhw\l•mo•nt~ \'ul~o·lll' wc>n nrn•• ho~l llllrr•'ll II Th•• Bnrr"'' 3.1 S11111 St•pr.·mtM'r, Sfoahn 0. w.-.... ~ .. EMt of ll&rbor Boulevard n.-..... £.a ,....., Standard 18-Hole Couraa -6100 Yards • Par 71 ....OJifLI' 'nnUf'l7 MlltUIU DIIIW 1"11011 BALBOA-• u• Sllolllder Roasts 6ov't 6raded 'A'-Shank Off lb. 3F La .. Sllolllder Chops 49c 6ov't Graded 'A' lb. L I F esh I:"•• Med. Size Doz. 53c GCa r ~Slge. Size Doz. 57c Sldllless Wieners 3ac For tftat Beach Party or Barbecue. lb. 7 EXTRA SPECIAL! S:Ok:;dsaacon Squares 29c SLICED BACON S3c One lb. layers-Full Slices lb. ~- IIJTRitTL\' NO. 1-Ground Chuck of Beef Guaranteed FRESH & GOOD PORK ROASTS ':!:~::~ Boneless, Rolled & Tied ·PORK ROASTS 4 to 5 lb. average =: :=T SAUSAGE ~ uq::,., sse NEW Low Price lb. • ~~ Co.st Meat Co. I c. 0 . HPA.'r' n.ANA.GAN Whoa...le Meats and Provisions 1Ift MKWIO&T aVD. • ...... --o.ea .... .. ll l 'arl C 'ofliA•. I•Y""''"It1 rual•· pup f,.l'lurrd lOIN",., r ,,,., 11"1. • I flu• \\ N'k ftiiU·Ina: I hi• \\ l'f•l, l'tollllll "'"''''" ""' ,. '"""''""'"'" ,,,.. totlfl a..:aln•l r11hh·' a 1uf ~;h ,.,. It •II l h,. nro.···~"'-Ur) ltrt'\• hlh,.. llh tlt... ThJ, , ..... ,, II "''·' lolo It I• t'al, lr\l'o•jtl f,.r .,., I Ill t. ... t "'"'"'" I~ nr ttw \\ ,.,.~.. \out ...... "'"' \\t .. ·l<'• ''"'" '"' ,, hun•t•lt·"'-~ lt•td tlt~t·41" tht• t •HUlin II '"""hit• uf ,..,.,,, .• l'ltil•l I rlo·lltlh •nil tw ntlr "'" f"'f' ,. ""''' IN· u Mf•lt•utnf" nthiUiuu lu .a t\ f ttt • h11ftl \\lltt n ' l•u•. lit" lltol .or I llllhlrr f<if •llt'h 11 11111, , I" I I t ~ ( •• I ,, I \\l•ol• I••\ "''"'~"'II not OpPn ''''' \I ''' I 1·• n ool ""l•·n ar• 1 .. 1 •• • f''• d Ou\\ ,,I tht• Pnn I•,,, II-· rh· It ,, "' t I a ....... '" Jtrh't•,. ,,., .,,,, ... .t. ,., '-'·\ 17!;,1011 :1'"' 11111 tt:l •o• l<rtt\;otllnl( for th• ''''"'"· '"""' "\\o ·ll liS llo.., Sun dd\ llllflth••, t•n·. oiO: 1111 ''" h 1-:1'1'111 ~katlnt.: ''·"' '' l "•nn 1 Al~<nod, Robl•\ "I•, "' n. t1 ,,...,,rthy. Erlr \\ '''''· '·•" nul ~··I~ 1 h \Vallr; \I :-111• llo \, '1'11>.1•. 1<1\l'tlf' LaR uo· 1'1 ol 'I ,,, lo~l .I H'l.kooll trnd Lynam. I •• "'II ,,fl !-'to·\\ 111 A lun Ko11 d 11•11 hi• !'lo 111 .onr1 lhr 01•1 '•JUuu!lll• ~ If•• 'ITII'r•'fl Ill lhl' all I ' \\ I· ' I •1··••1· .. ,,( I (j.jfl :lfl 'I \111 '1·' Til ('O~tl'r:Tt: \ "I''"' • ·'1•1•1'11\lnllolt•ly :lt '"II,, ... \\Ill ,, , •.. ,' , .... s. llltl II II ' ' , -~ ... ,, u,_ ... II\•' c·,~11 ... A 1 '' t11•·1l J.t r••H• ...... tiUff11\\ mUih ., · '''" h .to ' l.,,,.rn,;,,.nl 1111 '' t• r 'h· •' .. :,. "'' ,., ..... h.*dur. ,, " -.;; .,. ~· I ~ ll lt,q I ~,,.,,. ,., .. ,.,.~ _ •· · :,., I< .r I .o 1'1••> a 'I nt11•1111 .,~ BREAD-TIME STORIES ....... PLAN TO docerate ,_.,, latter call• with tnlfe4 cecenvt nuh fllletl with a fow bri .... ~ IMant • · C BOVSI_!OLE_ liNT) -. -.-.-.; ,~, ~-:~·-- ~-:.-~·-:.? IHUIA .. Pll ... ~ . .,."' ,. ''"" I n... _.leu '-'''"' "" c. ,,...., .... ~ .......... ......... ~::::::=: .i Ml• rhubarb, rolaln1, bread crumb• ~ and sugar. fill plo shell, aprin .. lo with aolt and nulmog, dot with b""•'· Cover with lo"ico topping. loko 15 mln11t .. ...... k..,,..,.,,.,.u In hot ovon 1450°1. Roduco to moderato hoot 1350°1 and bake about 30 min. lUGS, wallpaper, allvor,glou-lots of qukk, easy cloonlnt hlnta in Wober'• "G"d ldoos" booklet. 60 lllu1trotod pagoa, FlU. Send • l"•tcard to Wobor laklnt Co., I•• 1730, Dejtt. 501, Wllattlre·L• 1,.. Sta., Let Afttelea 36. f Ac•• fele,AtlfoJ Wilbur nrnyt<•n Jr.. u. younaeat mt•mbl'r ol African e.-pedltton. arTI\'~A at Nt w YoriJ b7 plane rr,•m the Br!Gtan Conco en route ~J nt.s nume at Burttncame. CaL Tht youmat~r who aecomp&nlfd h~ t•th~>r on the tlfl)fdiUon. 1a r I fll\i n ume 1.0 ret uru 1.0 ICboo1. WE WILL OPF.~ A'l' 10 00 A. ~I ,\.~1> CLOSE AT <I.IXJ I' ~I DAILY, I="CLt'III ~G SI'NJ ,,\\'~ Lt>gul llolluluu Ex.e{'lc,l 333.1 Vl A LUX) ,,._ r-.~.J n wu "Penu-Day" 1n CJ1mlnaJ eourt, Chlcqo, rec:et~UJ. Wt\.b proeecuUon ~toe that be betiC bll .Ue. P'lorenc:e, before her deat.b on New Year'a momtnc, Raymond Pl!ntz-Cabcntel, 22, went on trlal tor manalaucht.er. ID another courtroom, b1l bi"'UUu, LoweU. 18, faced ehargea of murder In conn~­ Uon wlt.h P~~~land-atyle llaylnc PIIONE JIARII{)RI500 l"t::WI'CIRT BEAf11 t 'ALIFOHNIA ot three mm l.ut Dec. 12. l D 0 M A R K E T \VATCH THIS NEWSPAPEH FOR BIG ANNOUNCh":\IE!';T . .\ND SPECIAL EDITIO~ Via t.ido at Central, Newport Beach -~·