HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-03-12 - Newport Balboa News Times_/ Ne . ort's Water Bid Before t Await ·-"=':.~.:.: .... II 1Act1·on l n•lll•ll lll l' 11\4; !til '"' tt.ul• I• I I I •In 1': ~::.:::::::~ .itl llll\1".:::~~:.~.~ Ill< 1 Today ~1.-J<t II•• nn 1'-«" t 'uur 1 ,\ ,,,.,.,""" •Ill Nt•WJMWI lto•A('h'a _...,..__ _____ _ LARGEST CITY Today'• II A.M., PAT. Dow,.,.,. Av~ A ac NEWSPAPER IN ORANGE ONLY 0 A I L Y ~------' BALBOA. 11\\ES !!Ill~ EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA, WEST N~WPORT. SEASHORE COLONY, LIDO ISLE, NEWPORT HEIGHTS, BALBOA ISL~NO, CORONA DEL MAR, COSTA MES~ :·,1:"1::,··::::;~.~.:~~~.:::~~·::'~ •• ,~~ .:ciLv,n; XL ""• Ceata pe-r Copy SF."'I'ORT IIF.AC-('ALIFORNIA, ~PAY, IIAMt II t~. lll.tll l'nllrd ,.,...._, At~ttW' Tf>'-'phol-,....,.,_,., N l tM"P'.K th ""11'1 '11'111''1 "llnOt•l' I'Urulidfor a· THE I SAND CRAB By S AM SC1 100LS. Lislen. men und wom(•n \'OIC'J'S. nC'x t Thl'S· day, Mard1 u;. yuu ha\'C' an t'lcl'lion 10 mark o ff on \'ttllr C'lllt>ndar ! \\'(' come lu· the point whl"l'\' ''<' h:t\'C' to star1 p<tying for ou1· mpid g·ro w t h. whit'h mt•ans tha t thl• kids :u'<' :s vita I a ppt'nda~\" I o Olll' Amt•ric·:t n \\'a\'. Tht• Gram· m:s r S<'hool is 'nul on I\' u\ 1'1'· fl nwing Inti pushin~ nian~ of its .;tucft'nls ou1 into flwir h;wk vanls-nu mom for a ll nf .,;m .. 111-il a lit111" \\hi I<' ago \\'P \'lltl'd 10 huild st•hool a 1 ( 'nnma tfo•l ~t;tr a nd it \\'a:-h:trdl~ IK't'llpic•d 111'- l tn·f• tht• s pan· \\as all I JM~t. I l:11·d In an1kipa l\ ~J't)\\ 1h. I lad i 1 I K ~·n nnn n; tl. nnt .;n lmd. hut \\'lwn if "·;whc-s IIH• ;tltnorma I st agt•. 11 hn <·:til fi).!- I ll't • i I t)l 11 ? • • • ~t>:\1 Tut>!o(hl\. l tn !ha t d<lll' polls ll'ill I~· IJfll'll <11 tlw < '.0 .:'\t. a nd lxo:ll'h sl·hools to \'Otf• a ha lf million fo r 1 ~1 IW\\ d a.-s I'OOITlS on 1 ;{ ;lt'I'\'S (Ill N('wport J ll'ig hts nNt r t h<> High &·hool and R:tciio tow- t>r. This is a basic site, which. acrordin~ to Tn.tst('('s Ma rion Dodd a nd J lub How('. can IX' acidro 10 :~s dC'mand ari~. Th<' gain in attC'nrlanc'' has inc'n'aS(:'<I 100 I)(' I' c 1'n1 in t hi" las t f<'\\' yl':u-s and jurtgim: fl'l'>m thC' ""Y \\I' a n.~ mn\'ing. it will jump :m o lh<'r 100 f)('r ('('nt insicll' of a not hN d(•,·. ;crlc•. Cal'S \\'ill lx• JWO\'id('(l tn aid in ·cl"ttin~ out the vn1<' in an f'ffm1 to ha\'<' a 1 lf':lsl :10 fl<'l' c·t•nt indi•·att• tlw ir l'hnit 1' ra llwr I han I he• u -.;ual nwrr hanciful. l 'h':tSI:' votr: + + • {'o·O&wratlon. F1'Ni Duel· lt•v C'<~ nw do"·n 1 o 1 ht• rti· m ·tors· mC'<'t ing of 1 hi' Nrw- port H arbor C. of C'. \\'NI- nN'clav and told lHm h is C~· t a l\1~1 C'h;cmhrr i>' ~kin~ to co-operall' wilh o urs and S;mtn Ana. 1-1£' wants a joint mt'i'l in~ of I h<' 1 h I'N' I )I)(\ it•~ to disruss sanitation and \\a· h'r. two snd anrl d ral'ti•· nf'<'<ls of I hl' C'nas l lint•. lit' t OS."4'(1 in fl('St cnnlrol as a n· ol hl'r nN-c•,c:it\': ... airl lllitl tno lmu.: 1111' I hi>t•t• I" rmmc·r•n• gr~tup!-. hav(• ,..,,..n bl~tll'lnt.: too I om:. luo inh:ll"lllflllllll I'IY :-~nd that hl' wa:-lik•• ll~t• In· rlia n -<':mw clown for· a pow- w o w In .;m okr 1ht• piJII" of JM'Cl('{'. + + + Unh'' \'arit>h ·. 'T 11 I h P r da\' !IH' :'\tis..;us ·;,nrl ,,. < ·nlb- ht•i· mr•an i!PI'('(\ pa ... t 'c nurwil- m;m Boh i\llc'n·~ Balhoa t .... lan(l \'a ril'ly sllll't" "hid1 !'f)l'la lnokc'fl rliffrt'('nt tha n it us<'O tn. lnsid<' \\'<' '''<'nl ;mrl Boh. gln\\'ing with prirlr anrl sm<'lling of paint. tmH'NI us on~r an t'nlargcd ;rnd mo~t E>xpansiw stn1'P full of mnre ~adg<-ts than frorr<ll rm- ploy{'('S in \o\"a shing ton- which is sayin~ plenty. In· cidentally Boh is lh<' only one of th(' thl"('(' r't'tiring City Dttds S('('king T"('o-(')ection nnci hi=-fri<'nrls pn..'<fict he will top tht' Jist of thrN' to be rh0$en In April. + + • IH-<'f'nfralhatlon. Spcakin~ of th<' m:~mmoth Richards Lido MRrk<-t. l'Xpc<1M to open next wt>ek. read an. a~· tide by one of lh(' stattsll· cal n:-s(.archt>rs. w hk h W('flf s()t'l'lCthing like this : + + • WITH THE dE."Vt>lopnl('flt of fa.<~t. ronv~nk>nt travel· ing facilities. a trend of rfe. rt'ntrnliv\tion of urban pop- ulation was ~n. C'ity tConllnu~ on P-.~ 4) Verdict on Three Counts \\,\:'Ill :St :'1'11;>;. ~1ar 1:! 1'1'1'1 .\l.oJ (;,.n Jll'llnl'll ~: :\1··~· t'l"' tud.l,l \\,1, I0\111(1 I!UIIi) ~~~ 11 I I• II•·'" I I'''"'' Jllr) "" 1111'1'•' t'PIItll., nl JlldthrrtL! .a \\;11ttnh· ,,,,,.,,;,tt , .. ,,, I ll~ t.u • .... ,, rn .t\ltnttn\ :-.t•nt,•ru·,. '" In~· ,, .... ullpt·'"'"''""h nl un t·.u·h •·•·l111l i 1••1 tt u t '\4t ·'' ,,, ..... ill J ul Tho I• •lonto .ol .h.llt.:•• ••t.:•"""' . \f,.,, t' ",.., ..... ,t. .. t·tlu,ul,on •• r l"'r · l t,\\"J'II' II :\!.11 1:.! ol 'l11 \r;q t ,, n l:t ltrlt f ~It \t '"'· """ """''' 11 ,,,1 luo •ul ~>nltll '""" PI I'' I Ill! I Ill \\ ol•hiii-'IHII lo•l 1\ 1" ,, n .tlfh •! 111 1f1 Uh ouu ;uut , ' ,, ....... pr-•lth. '"' ,,, ''"'n •·utnpla•nt (1•1· d 111 l•·ol•' ol •'""' 1 lt••rr I_ 11111 lh.•t ho· uuhtl'oll Hl••rtlll II l .Htt\llft'l' I•• Itt · ,, .... St'IH\It "'''''" Itt: tltllt.: I Plllllllffl'l' loi~HII ft11 J,:l'fl• t t II' \\ tt lltlh· • t•tll\• t 1ton-.. "ttl• ,\,t.ollllll ll•1'll h <'••IP \'.orHI.tll t (!Ioiii PRIZE • WINNING ARTISTS · RECEIVE AWARDS ~..,...... -111•11 '" ~~ ... 1\ttl(t'''"' today. Newport Board of Realtors In Arms Over Tax Rate Hike J uolt,w (' I' t'TIIVIIIh of lA«un• l l••tll'h "I" 1111lhnrlll'\l lhiA ~ 111.: '" "'''" 111 '"'" t•ity'a appl~ '"'"· lill:•'lho·t "llh 1\n unanl~ lt't'lllllllll'llollll toll) f11r Ita AJJtlrOYaJ ("~'~ ''"' .... ,~t nt """'r ctl11tric't I•• lh•· •hll't'llll nt lho' Mo•t"'IJI.,I· ''"' \\'n t•·• •h •llh'l "' thf'lr ~·t · IIIII I lol~ Rflo'II\IMIII A ,,,.,.,., .. " "''"' IN· '••rthn~nttnc """"'"""' 1111~ ""''.,''"" llnw~ •'I ,., , 1111 I''''"' •>f 1\1\VP ntft) l'l'l(ltMIC ''' ••'"'' tlu• "l'l•lll'nfl••n In C'tlfno lllttl•••· ltor flltllu·~ ~ltllh MIII\<1\IP ol " to•ll t lutl lh•• ht~·nl •llulllltlft ,. 11 1 lr k""" n '" ''"'"' t 'ua~l l)lalrlt-t A••l• At '"' ""~·lin..: .. r ""' '""'"'•' ""''I lh'''" I Ill I 111(111111 llt•Ach ''"I"'' l lloo l•<~t llt•ollol "' lknl '''"""''I 11 ""'' 1 ... h••hl '" Ill 1"1 lltlllol , 11 l•ll11 l rotlll M,..,._ 'f,,, .. , .. ttt• ,, ,.,,,,, I\ I I c ,, ' I . I ,~ ••ut ' 1111 ''" ''" I• .... , hu 1\-. t I H ltt•t tl, uutlutt •1• fl h )' tlw- • .,,, \l "''"'' 'n~t. t l• ' '1 11• \ ,.,, ""'' JHifJI• '" 1'""' "~h'{l • •1\ ~ n ttth'U ""._ ••''"' nnd rf'f"utft• ht t•t '' '' t ttut1ht tftn"''' htl ... '·•"••'t••H" l ht •u..:tl••"t 1t ... ~ulfH\I ''"'"'•'fl ,_,.., ,.,~ttuu It) ~1\\'J) ln t ,,.....,,., \ tlll t l u•U"-\\ttl ";:,,. I ut ''t•\lnh'h ltttt\ I•Uhll•llttl h"' H•ttltl '''"' l'ltt• ltllt•r v.n• pr~ 11 1 1• """"' '" '11 1ll• 1 '111111 ' I Itt• 1 lll ••h~thillll lol Frul• I I• i\lfl~oolt.;lt •• 111 •••1 lt1 I 'll) 1\olollhll•tllollll• c II~ ~·til l lu "'"' \II IIIII IIIII .. \\lottl•l ol..ttnoto· Ito,., .lnloro S lltl•or• nfllt ......... .. 1. olj•l• \1 o k•' •I" "'"" '"' Ill•• I\ 1.;11 IIJI. "" rl••111.-1 Ill•'" 11Hol t it•·) """ '~''"I" ,.;:;T .,, t 'II)' 1-:ulthl('ft" 1• •••I 'otol ""I") ""'tid ·''' 1 "'' "' '""' h '" 1"1 I• I II \\ ol•lo "'"' •·It '' \Y11Io•r Sup-1 ruh 1 f, , ... 1•t '"'"" .. t.• tit• t •. , ... _. ,~, nt -..,.; 4,1 '"'''"'''ttl Juhn ~uifUiun '"""'~''''''' ,,,lu,tlt~•U'-h\ htl ,.,.., l ,.t..,l ,,.,.,, l1t1HI \tilth'""''' th• In th•' ,,,,,.,, t\tn)ur lt•lf'tl•lr.-. ... ltUI ttlt dJ IUtH' ""'JI f''lt~f lo • IIIII\ \\t'lt IUitli"d UtUitl""l h~t\\l' '-ttl llu tit \~ pt r\'nr'IUtUI "'''trr IHI\ "'"'l it.~ .... ,, ... tlh \t·it ..... ~ ••.• I' I I ' t ,, .. ' '"''' t•tult ''''''t'l•ooth hi I I I l ''''' .. "",ltl '','',',' ,,·,',,,1'·1',''~ " 'itUultu n httef ,.,,,,,.,.,.,-.1 ttu• ,,_.,. ' 1 111 • •I• • ""'' 11 lh 1 111111 """lh••t 1'11·1•Unn orf llrt- ,, 111 ,,, ",,, d ,,,,f.,,, lilt"' -.L ilt ltdttd 1•f tqlllt/.dPI!l dt•IU.arul lh \1tllt1lt In ~1\\'l l "''uUht t\ftUHn"nd 1 ,..,. I til •' .,,, ...... ,,,, ur-. t,, , qtt1tlt1• d ~~on 1 '"'"'h 1 runtuttt)' \Ph' 1 A llirt'• '1•, ll•llllt!llt.. ••I tlh t u • Htt 1 ''' \\ tflt , II ti l'• • tu•'' , '"'~"' ,1 .. t'ltt) r•lt~•·•tt•u un flu• ••uc• •ff••f tl I It~•\\ llhH UI t .. U t•fl"f l•\t•tl .t. litl'l l•tthltt Ult\lfttllio1 Uti \\U"'-1\tHtt\,1\" tft•re•ft ft tt 1\uf 6f ,. '' tu" tiJtttlh 11"111 1111 1 1•t lu~t "' 1 llhllth "'' """'" ''' "11'"' ''' lltiU~' '"''\ I• It lh ttl flu· ••utthhtn't ttruuth lq I Hi ttl•" t ''"'I,, "" pI •. , .•• ""I ll ,,,,,_I d \ tlttt' ,,,. ,.. '" ..,., •• ' I' I I I , \\ ~ '' '"''" u•• •••fl\t·tft'f rntUl) w ,., u ,.,,, '11 '11' ""''""'"" 1'1''1 ··n• ••I ,,,, .. ,,, '·'1'1' , .... ,,ttL'"'"' th•· ""''t•un•t •I 11 • 1 'I • '' u•l """u•t llu' ,.,,, 1 I \1~ uttttl• ~~o-tu•h uf ''-"' '' ,,,1,. ..... .-. t'1ret 11'" It !til 111' IIHt1 I t\ 1 h '1 •• , " tit I 11 1P H'• • '" f\:tt\ f:t tht• t',tn•l~tl WafPr \1 111•11 ''f lll.al '"'' ltll ~ •••tlttl \ '''' lh• ''"''11 '''''''"'\'' tlud•t•t \ttlttl t o JiltA...-" •lmU~tr \\•tin• tit\ fl• HUll rfi, '* tlhu ... lft tl t ''""''''''''' Il l\ I• ,. • • 11' " • '' •"l11t1"" 111 l~t•half .. r N,·wtotorl l ... ·lt t •• rl1!ht: lh ~ U. '1•n'l•·•·1'''"'1llt•nt "' lln rhu r \llir 't \rt'; l'ht& Ul"•'. ·'"'" ''''"'-1 UruutU.' II ttt 11 w•t '• '11*1 IH""'' h • •l •••ltl.,t tth1 •lltl)"'" hi•'' .,,,,,,. rc,,_.f, II••Y.•\••r. At •hut tltt...-ll J):""''""· rtn·f&•el ut ... ,. , .. ,~, lfnrh ur l ulutt ll t·~h -.·heutl. t 1 f't Jlfitt•ul '!fHt, ~ht•u '" \lllt,l •"'"'· I Htl•t l• 1tul ~lltlt\Pi t tl '~"llth•t 'l '"''' •t .. uh1••1 '"'"'In llu "'''"'' 1 \1•'111 '•• lld<t• •••r lol. nil,"\\ loltt• H•·n•·h." .Jnn!l 1\r:·uolt r.·o·t·l\f•ol $1.'\11 rt t hf•t ""'''' , . .,l.,r, "f!•·\', 1 1o·ll••" "Ill 1 .. ' '" f "'". 1o , , , 1, 1 , 1 l•ll 1 1 1 1• "" 1' l''" '1".;llt'lil 1 " prr-~l·ttl lt. t •r, .... ttl:lllttrt """" •·vult• It'"'' ulch1 .,, urn .. ,,. ........ Ina. Jthllltl ,,, ,\th I tl I II 'I t I Ill I ~ •• • .... "I"' II iiHftf\ ,, ._ .. htfln u '" ~,,, .... IM•t "'' .... ul thr 1''"1 1" ,,,,,,"'itt '" •llut t , .. \qtltlut I Jl l •k•f "'''""" ,1tuntu.n ,,.,,..-1 I•Y '""' l..tnt.lll• "-·•ttl }H "•"" ., ctiJn "' ,, ... ''""' .. 11.. t•••tt• •-.11 '''·''''' '''""'' ,,. , •• ,,""' "''' 1,,.,,., , ... HIJtJI U ftltuu ·· n11 pn '"I'"' ool tit•• not IJorallt•fl u .,. d A • p t• T lk 0 ,.,,•111• '' , • •• d ' "''''""I ,,, , " , .. I 1 1111, .. 1 '\llo~H>i'· s w 1., '""' ""'"· lht• 11 VIIW' I'll Ill• ·'' ·''' ilf1ll thai Ill .!ltd n '"''"""' I II' I' I I ••• I ' I U j f'O.. ~·.:~~:.;;:r:::·:~i~· ~:~~~~~.~l:~,·:;;:, ~~~I "". w•.s~-"r ~ .. , " .. ~,.~ ...... ~ .... ~c y a s ..... ~~. ·,·.·~ .. ' .. ,,··~\~::,::.~,·.~~: ...... ,: :".<:.:·:::: ·: .. :.::: ... ,:.:;:: :::~·:.~·~::i~:.j·:{~;~~::£::.:::·\i ·~::;~··~~:~:" MUrlhllll~l' lllgl'lh.l'r Mr!<. l\h •)('T'< 1'1 II . 0 . ~··nti'IN L nw mo t llfll' ·\\a• " •• I I 111:1111"1 ~:1111•·•·1··· 1'\llryJl\ ~ .. ~ "'"""' Ia w·d • N • • f •• I,,,,,,. ,,., II'·''\ .l,'l!l11',S Jltt\ol41fl loll tilt~. l"'To lolnrl.-,, ····I ,,, •I ,, ., I I Ill olt I enln e·-""'~·;u,·d Ill n .. ll)!hlln$( hnrk !Nil'~ I' I ~ .• ' . . 1'11111 .. Ill , .. Ill• ...... ,.. "c:-t l•.tll.,.., """ II 'I" till•· "' ,. .. D --,!t ~hr "tlk•d fn•m ltl\ ..,.1,.\1 , .,,,,, .. ,,.1 "''I lh ,,,.,, d u,•l-.. n t ,, .... ..-.. ,,,.,,,.,put 11. tlu 1""~.-.:r.-• II o-.:h , 1 ( '' ,, •I • ··~t1n "'' ,,,.,.,,,, ... ,,., ,,,1,, llu· ,1 '''"''""', 111 , 1,,\ ,., c:""'c._•x .. , r' ··.~ ~ , ~ ,\,,,,.,n ... ,,., .. rr:.,,,.,,..,,.",,"."''''' .. '..:":''• .. d··"''···, ... h.·••'"'''' , "' (,nmpletton h1r~ t ... ·nrh tc\ lu•r hu~band~ :-.tdt' '111 ''" • I· •t•l t•l •• tlltlt .... f•• tl,tl '''''' ,, •"->-Nt ~' ll'l th•· t·••Urlr•H•nl 1'1'' (f•nt 'l ttlfl'·'"' l.ttt l, \\h tlt ""'' ""·" \\tlh ''hut \\t'HJ•nn •l••tl ' ,,. ,, u 'Itt 11 ,11.,,,, lltttht "·I I ,,,,,,,, Itt \\tll1\ tltll .I 'l'h· .. , ..... ,."" "·'"" ,,, ld Jt\\ it\ J l'flll11 dll• ,, I Ill ,., Ill 1•1 '" I til I ~~' ,,., .. lll••r, I\' '-=.t lnn•·d ltntl '·lid Uttlll, d 1 ~.rw\ ,,, ru JIH\\•' \\ ,, ... ,., .. ._.,"'' h•· 'ttd ''' th• uf 1 tl• I• .,,,. .. ! •• ,, , , h ttl• 1 ~th.,t ht.· h ttl ·n,lthant.: , .. ,,,,· l h t" J•lutt lut•l' •·J 111, u.t f1t 1.tl ... ••tilt) J:•l ~•''••' Jr tttH r .. t•-lh•t• ft ,,11 ,. , tf 1 1, ( 'uast ( 'ollt~gt• Uiredors Express lnfen•st But 'No Cont·('rn' on S. A. 1•1an "tHtt nJWUI•I' •f'k•fl hUH fttl fu .. llf·fl lnft ltUifl t l \ Jt ulo t-. tl 4\••1 hi itt ' 't•ll ttp fhttt ,ft•t \t '-Hftft lrl'if'lt•l ~tl •J II 1 ••l II,, It ol J lt itt\tnn "' th; '''""'1 "' 1 :,,1 1 .,, ,, ... ,,.rd.t\ 1,,,1,1 \\1 •• ''' P'l, 1ft• Jlltil-1•111 \\ltlll•"' tn 'It·• I ~''''" l'ho· Jill\ ••I \II 1111'11 ;tftol 1\l'ol I '• llil•ll•lll \\t•l1hn tt·l tlt flt•tf •• , \t•rdu•l alltt HL' tl /It 1.,.,,,.,,,"' \\II •UI•• l.ttltu• I 1 tl 1••t••• 1'1 1 '*1 J 1 ••11·~·• •ltt••1 •1' ltl'l ttltl tf flu t \l'flllt' 'HU ttn ,\1111 tl 1 1f t l ntt:'ltlrn •• tl•·•••·l•,trthhtl• -' lttUII ..... ttHI '«I Ultt\U1t' Ill ,,, lth-\t .... 1111• • • """" n \\ tit 1 ,.... I I I I I ... ,,.,,,.,,, ""''~ ,, I'''" "' til ,,, "" "' ''I'' t '"' .. tttt• I' ' t •• ,, .... 1 .. 111. , •• \\t 'I ,,, lu ' ,, • '' ,,, • I ,,, I o<o oot I t to ill• "II IIIL: httll"tll If ••·-••nn n ,.• "~'·•I ''''' '••I • '.II tl • "''"' nir\\ ,'uld ittr t•H'''' •d l•n~. ",. , .... ,.,,,If ,,f 't•t~Hh ''''"'''' ~~''' '"' ,,;,,,. ... ,,f ... J,,,. '''' ,,,.,,. '•I Pl•fntt .... "' d••fu,tt•· r .. cl•r.tl ,Juri~,, J\},,.tn•lt•r ll•tll "'''''" l.t\ 11l• ,~,•·;t u•n 'Itt" 11,.1,,1, '"'"'"''"'"" ,,, .• ,. !lrt:th t,. tn ,,11 \l tt (f I•\ ''• ,,.,,r ,,,,. ,, ll•df••• I••• ""'·'"'' ""' u•f•u tft:ttttth ''' 11\hllul•l• •u1ttl 1~.,. 'lt•rl :tnn•IIHH'•d h,.. \\tfl '''"•rt•••• th .1; • \\'htl• l(nq" \\.t' :•l'l•• "-lun.tl ·•'' 1, 1 .. .,, ....... , l•t 1 ...... ,1 l '•f•l '"' ''"'' ~.,t l 1 "• '"-.''' ltk•" , .. ,, .. ,. ~~·~Pr'-nn :\tnnrl:n 11 •~ c·nnttnur·c1 rft• \It \\ tfttl lh•t• '"" ''*'"'''' '"' I Itt p l,ttt 'II H\IIj!•'-••1 ''' lf11 '·'"'" •h· ~ .. ·n··rur ... 1,.1nrl ~S I '''" ....... u .• ""'·""'''''''' \.,,,, ,,,, ,,., ,.,,,"''''' ,,, ('•·•nn•·•·· ,,.,,, :'o1 ,..~t·r· :-.r .. ·.!""r"m··•u r rnn·.·1 oons Pare Little • .,rom Warren's PALESTINE 1 '"' 1""1""" '"· ''"" '1''"'""''" I""''"'" "1 ... , •• ,,.,.''""I"'' f'I'H'Uf''lrl• nt ulfH,t I h1·.utl I h 1' ""'"' \\tlb ~~~~ ''·•'• l~•••t•l •tl tlt•l ,,,,,. tttr•, ••f tlu '·•hi 1 l\u,1 1' o(ll('t \\llhttltt ••11~ •ho \\ Ill I 111•: I Buduet and Recommend Passage POLICE ·ASKED I .. ., ....... , '''" ... til 1''"'' ,,,,,,,, • "11' , .• "'' .. ,, ,,.,,:'>I r .. , 1"' 1" ttnn , h J lfl•' \\ttl fl, ••111ttn• ''~~ '"'""'"I'' '""' ,, ,1 .... 1"•'' ."'~\\lit,,, ... ltl!'lfl\'r "·' It:.• f s .\('f~i\:'>11-'\Tfl. ,\1.or 1:.! I lldlll'l l;ok tnc ''""' lil'flttll ·on· IN SKCRMISH j"1 ,, 1"'" \• ,, "1""'1 "" "" 1"'1' ,,,. 11•1111 ... """" l ttll·~·· '" f urnut1 on···tlnt•• llt·ll~\\UtJfl ,,,, 11 I • rtt. .....·nalt (Jn.e rti I ,.,,, •. 1 thl· tuul~·, fttll ,, ... ,, "·•'· ,.,, IIIII tJf ,.,,",J.'::;·" ,,. 'u 1''11' .... ,.,. •• 1, '"' l.nU\' H· Iff ••• ·,."'"'"". ••ntlL!t• ,,J,,, ..• rti'J""•U't•ri , .. rmt·· ~hchtl~ ttUift t .... .~ •• , ltf'ttfHnl•tltit·fl p ...... ····rnrntlft•t• \nft•d :n.:""'"'' ''" ,,, .II 10 ,,, I \1 \t utt1 I .. ' t ( f'• '1"1'"1 .,. 1 11 ,, •••• '"'1"''1·'"'' tttt'lo , .. ,,, tllttf ,: ... tit• JUt) fttttJI"l#tn Jlr••nf •'•nH·d .ti t"' ,;~I\ t· .• u l \\'tll•n .... ~·n'•. IHt)JIIHtiiOII ft•t tlilt'• 1''"',.''"' "'''''-It .'"''h I 'd • '"'j f 'flltl Hl'ol n .• lt,~o~ut '''""''''' lf u;dd 'tJtd(t• tit• l:l'rt•·tll J,;l hlt.l " IOW IIWM) .. ,li lt• lllidl·oi llitl l••liiiJ'I'"'·"I''"'"' ,,., .,,,. •. ,,,,,.,,,,,, .,,,,,, ''·'''····II,.~, 0. Ill lt .. .,d "''"""' ""'""'" "•·I··' ,, . I I •'"' IW r \\t \'I II 'tiff ftt \1 Iff Ill '""'lflt'ftlf U. S. Army Seeks Satisfaction in Russ Shooting en' t1UfHtH,Ith: '" '''' ft),,n '.! etuhh•n It "I"' ;q ,)tfn\ttl 1 '-t-;' ,,.,1\, tlf·tl up••tl "'' t ·111 .. t' I'""''''" t•J.,, nl,ltlltlh "' '' '" ttl• ""''''"'' "-H"' huttl t., .... ,,..... ~-•.•tc•• ..... tl. ····tt'tllttltllfl '''" '"" .... ,. t1• I, ... \\''··'"· I·"" .. "' It \\tfltl•l t" tl••lt• Y.tlh l'"""'"'h'''"' \lffl ,,, '"' t · .... ,, c.,, I .,.,,.. !'uHIHHtf~~ \ dtd '"' ft ,.tf l t'1 '1po~ootti It) tiH ~11\•111•11 1111' llf)• fl'•ltt • '"'" q l tlf ~~ t rH~Ifltl "" d•ftart•l tHrtlt•l "'11•••• til' l"l"'' ht~otld ftolwtiJ'tHI h~tld~ Hu ''' htll o~ul ''"""(•tit ... ,,t...,t ulll'tl \qfl(l 111 h ''' JttP ,.,,H,,\ ,,.,, ,ull 11 11111, • .t ''"t•l• ,\1 .t. ,lfHi t I'~ d••''" ,,. "'""" ,,,,111 \\',, •I ;,n~·· .... '" ,,, nl Itt• •• ,.,, ·r11u ... Itt• •·outr ul "' tuttat• I• , 1 ,,,,, •• 1 •• ,, 1• 11 1 , 1 I f I l\\t I I I I. ) .. !, t ~... '· .. "' ''"' •~tl\ '' ' '" 1·-·I•W\ "'f''' 1'1''''"'""''''1••n ... lh. It-'It• .,•1111lt 1'••·•••ntu•H•tl ,1 •. '''''' e~•d .,,,,J '''''''"' '" ClU l' Cllll, ,--,.tn l•••ttl lh· I ttl'•·•'''' ,,, s,,,,,.,..,,. ~,,., .. •\*llll'h HI I tdt f'' \ff••'' (f,.,,,,.,, t'llffllt•• •••11 ' tlw ''""I trld II t 1 K"JI d • eflf••ftlft ''"I •t \1 1\ ,,,,,,,, 1111Uf1d1 \ •"-fltll.t'• ,,, .. ,, ndtltii•H1' '1'1''"1''''''''" '"' I , ..... ,, I " "''''"\-''lf di .,, ... , J\t" •Od ' ur . I e ''"'" lfl ft~t ... ,~, ,, .. ,I tl•t•. \\,\~~;::•;'1'•):--. ,,,.1 , I. • ... , "''·"•'"''"" '""'''·I '"· ... ,. •. ,.""'1"'"''1'1111' 1'" \' ·1'"'' ''"'11'''" , .• In 14 1"rp••rt ('rac..l.·h ~ ... " •1 I'• :•I n\~ tud ,, ...... uL:h1 t"''""'"• \\,.•lid !IIH·unt ,,. ,,,, 1,1 1 ... ,,,1,,11, lh• ,11,,, ,.1 ,1, ,\, 111, lo~~ttlt 1,,,,11 11 1,,, '\ J ., ,,,t,,fiutltHI fl·un• Hu''''" .ttl· •'JJ •\1 '-I"C'tiH M-'' l llf'IJPfV '"'"'11~ ltl\~thtd '" ,, !''" "t"q''''•l • tt l•"""' DESTINY DAY '""' '''''' '"' 1111 drm1 d11m hullo t \ 1 I"· ol I"'''' I''"' 'I'"'' "' 11.o1 \\ tol• 111111' tol Murin,. nVt'IIIK' 11~ I""'"" '" 1111 hll(lt'"'II V Hilt! flAJ. l•tol l•lurt1l \o\ Ill fll'lll C'<lflltolc•lit.ln Ill ,, ,, ····~ Jl,' ''IHifft "''' tf ltt•ftt hf II \t•ttl "1(0 "' llu '''""'' Jill 1 ""' r m11ny i flfttltltttltl ' \\1ft ft•t't•h 't"fl rrnm df 1\' I .~ ltfHtlff tftt• Jtft/itt f'1• tt( ,.,,_ 1'1 '"''""'I' 11111111 hll(hVI'IIY lllt.p ttlt ..... It "" IIU hth l'tdtftt y I hAd tl• 1•~~• lttt• ut , u~·ttt••• t" hle\t• w•dd· • tu d ttw • nttr•· ,.,,,.,,.h ltlttf rl4•· ~ r • ""'lfl t Itt tl••ttr•••· ••' ..:rttd4• '"'"r llu '"I' .. 1 rlu 11111 A lt•vt-1 torr•• "'11 """" •ll fl "'"IIJIIIIIC llllfl "" t•lutul •• l"'"llt lu1111 '" rN1urr lit•' '''""l• 1 ''' u•·•·ltt••ttl fruru ,,,.,.. fill 111111' lo/1 llo• llll(fi1411Y lllllol lhfoo ••••U ti\ 1'•"•1 tt•••••u•hnt: tu T W ' 1111 k 1lo IHII v 111111! l'tofllllli"l'h lfN'r II'"' '"' l111/•·•l 111 t It•• 1rruj•.,.t Ia ,,lltt\\ftfttt 1••1 i1 'ltlt,f' !tJJf,..#HU'ft fO ~h•~ttu ,., • rt tl• f t u rt1 ttu· It vlnr ftltt t tum l I'' lt\ttiH•rt I• Uttfif'r · '"Jt' .,. fh• lr ' ,,,. ,,,.,., ft• teftfn Jtll• t tlit r "'. • ''"'" rur th•• w:rfut--'"J.' • tf I h• lftf It ''"' 11 I uu•l\4 tty 'll•te '),,,•~•'' •I ,,,,,,, lit'"''".: ••f tflrt lt1111 1 ""''• '''"""" nfltl lo'At•r•·d fit• ''''' ••f lift IIUI'IIt\t ft't•ftf. ('lrtrk , .. 1ft .. lll••lllth.: .,( 1 \ l t , '' H ,,.,,.,, t111u Hu ,.,,tiHHI11t• ('lclt •nts t o"'tl"'' th•·~ iHtt P·" d 111, '""''" 111 tJ11 .. ' 11., •• ,, 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 ., · ,,.rw .• , ..... , .. 1 u .... , "·''"''"'' ,,,,, ,r '"· '••ut H • ... ,,,. ,,,,,u. "''flfl•h'"' ,,, ., •• ,., ••• ,, h·\\ tt ,., ,, ... , \\, •• ,,., .... , ,.,. .• , , .. .,, •• , '1, d 1 ·v t' ~·h 1 1,. d •1 .. , ... II 11·•1 , ••••• ,., .... ,. .... I'" llllr .. •hlotd 'I'll• '"' I' .. I "'"' '"'' \\l10 1t , ..... , ..... ''''"'" 11 ''"' I• .... ,, I 1' •••• lit'S ilY s ••fta ••r .~· ••• , .,.,n s' It .... ttd Jt 1;1 1\ (;llll ft•'\ .\1\1-.... flt•ft ftdl ·'I•J•IH\td lnt ttf!lttt t•\11 I' l'f•1'• '"''' •lft il ltl•f ll•f Jt I l!!••ldt f•t It • ''' •til l ~tl lt•d II tl l 11••1 t tl• ffl lll I '" 1· :' 1'""""''"~~., ~~~ '"''"'· ;ol-"" '· ·1•1•••• "'''I"'"" ""I''"' '"''"1"1 .... ,, ''"1 .,,,, •• , ., ... ··'"·· )ay an ••rst Elt•t·tiun Tt•st of Year l•.td~h '"'JI'''•'•·d to~ftu, ... tU1•d "'"'' \\IJ)If J., ;H th• ,,,J h\ "-"ll •n•l\ttttl•t \"l tl' 1•.·•"'1•' l1t• ''' '"•• ,.\ lf•.,,ll•l '.f t• h "''ll•t Jttlttt •11•11 f l ' ltll t) .... ,t .. ,ut th•.tf'IIHI\OI .t~tt\1•1 ti11Ut1tl(.!lfiMIII.tlitt l b\lll.l l't\lt ··••hltU .. ,.,,,.,.,,, '"'' "'. r, ••.. 1\ ,,., I I I •1. 9>tt•l ltttl \ •• ,,,,., ,,. ,,.,, l.f,,,.,,.,,,,.,,,,. l "••qtl•h\lh''ffltlu flttf rr,, .... ,1,,, trld '''"" a,JHd th•n1 tn t.•k•t lh· h&t•l ·,~ "''''", 1u11 ,111•1 1 1 1 I I I ,,, '' d · .,, tit• lllf''" 1\ '' 111 1'''\l•· •• I ~· .. t, 11 • 11 1 I . t I • I ttjl ,•, 1 f ,,, •••• ,, ,,, ' ,, .. ,, It. , ••• ,,, ,,,,,, '··II I I, I ft4 ! ' ,,, •I \• ,, ,, If l'' ,,,, \o\1 ill\• ', .... ,. ... "I" n Jrt•\•nt ''If 1 1ttc·Hhnt ..... I''''"" h''''"' ul ''H II 'i'l"l'lr •· ''' t l "' lrt•h <.:.!••••"'''·~ \\JI 1,, lflttlu,t l, ''" 1•1 \t L '"'''''~ •I• ~ '"'~"'' ,,,, ... .,, II ' ltt,hf It t '" ttlfll flllh ttd•rtl ,,1 I"'IIHllitl\ "' J'lltlt••p,dttt~' trt th•· f 1\.tlii\.II•''I'..'Htri'"-IIO\\t•d ''''\~' r•••tt\•ti i"IHtllttfUh f~t ' lttiJ .. ·rh• .1\ ~~~thl• IHff Ill• l lllth••f tfl ,,,,,,,,11f\ ~ ,fr, ,1 •f·tll J , I J rfo ''411 111'tl \\tilt "fl• '.,,o~l )ltltt• It l fl'f•'" '''Jtll tltt llttft "JIIt tho l •lt\tl•·&.:• tlr~oot rul ... ud thtt c,nuul•n' :trnt "·•' ., .... ,,n1ltl\ ''''''lh ''''t ''' ··""' l·11u, 1.,,11,1,.1 .. ut , ,.,.,,... If·· ........ ""'•t·t 1 1 ""li'.. I··· '·''''• ,,, ,,, ;fi.,.,J ,,,,,,,,, ,,,, r. .• '"• ''••u ,,.,,,,,.,, ,,, th• "-'••WJwtrf , ... ,,.,,,,.nn h~ k ltUUf•t o( f \('1 .. , runt··· tpJtru\td t :u , .. , f'•01 "hotd '""''''H'''"n lnll •llr1 -, 1\\t•ll '''"'"dUd ''1'•1•1"'' """ ,, .... ··•h•t ,,.,,,, ltfl•·"' I ,,, , ••• l"''l\1 11•\.\ '"'""'''.. ,ltt odll •• , ..... , ,,,,,,, tn f 11H ,,, •• 'I\• t1unt·rhun 1\J)~ · IHam·rlutnhul .11 '11, ....... ftw hoard l'lll \\lnlt• •I !Jtlill,fiOU•htftl P:u ·• , •. ,,,,, 11111 ft f,.11,t ,1,1,,,,,1J. '•·1·1 ,111 .\ 1,,1,,11 ,,1 1 'fl '"'" '''"" kdl•d 1'\.,., """""' I ii• "·'' 1111 \',,,. 1,,1 •h•••l •11 \4tll '"''' 1r1 •It•· f "nt n utt rl,-•1 l•·t .. \\hit•h •'\pand on imp11r 1. ttr• 'lfll'''' '-•'rlitl•· t••tttrtlllt•·•· ''''"" pr•ltuun:"~' ,,1.,.,,,, ,1 111 ,,11,., ,Jt•W J'h ,,,1,11u t ,,,,,,,,, till•l•t ., ''"' fil t H• "'''' t,,,t ,,,,,,.,f. ,,,,, f .,,,, \ltt ''''''"' tf ''"') tHtY•· IM!~·n l.;urrrl lr~ fit(• l:tW!' n( tnlo•rnaft•mill nt• n d,.tl lit• l(u\f•rnot ~ IIIII 1<. 111 •• 11 l'""olol•· ~1 •• 11 , .. ,1,, ,1 l'''"''"l \1 111 I'• 1 1 I I It 1 'I" ololt"l "''1'1• II' tlto• I'III'Wf•>rt I I I I ,1 t I t tt ft t "'" ''• II~'' Jt f fJI• lflt\ 11t ffl• ftt '-f ttf 1'1'1 "'"rr .• r• ~-;,._,,,~.tllllh!'hl:ll•·• "'"" 1"' '''' r.rtl~\\lo•r• II•) ,,,.. .1.1,,. ,.,,,,,,,... "'!1 k'" 11 ••I 111 l'r •11 I 1 1 1 1 1 1\. ••h "11·•·1 "'~''"' ""'''''" ,...._ nr (,t•llllitn ur HtJ~'l.Hin oru~•n A "''" til~ bill, tu ff\ltk•· " ~ '"' htll \'tl ' I ·""'" .,, .t t f' . I \,,, ... lflltftf .... ,,,,,' "'''I•HI f11t•fltt•f1'-\\tU••tt, 1tll··, ..... ''""' tO IItl'\111 . • ..... Tlw l' ~ <'Ommnndl'r hrnnr11•d ~lrul~-:lal Ill JW 'r f'•·r.l 1'11 1. w st• 111 111 ''''''11 11"1 nlj:!ht '"11'""1 ;, ;,1~1•;!>~,::::~·~,::~:·· :::;,':;:,,.1 ~.~;1 .. ';·-·l;; I * "'"1 1"'11 ''"1 ;-. .. w1~'11 1 ~''" It ' 111 T•t~•••l"l 1~•11• w ill ,,.."'"'" fNifrt nul'~·'"" 11('('1\Unh of thr ln rld r n l lrlllilll'l'd n11'1'lll1411Jif· '" 'hf' II.<· "'flltrl~ "'1'' In '''11101111''' WHulrf llf• tmnt•oi:OI '"'' •Ill (1oll Weather & Tides * "·~·. ,,,,,,,,,. 1'" ""'"'"' ' 7 ,, Ill '" 7 I' "' Ill '"" ''"'- a ('1Jf1lJII••to• rttSIOrltO n or fR CI!<" ~··mm~ h) J:om ... ~ Stllman. H .j'""mhl~ !'rontmltl•·· lljljlf(l\lll ,., lwn " hr• '""1. ,,., ih• I 'S ,,, I•·•" BY UN!Tf:O PA£\'1 I I····"J"~ ,. ill•· •Ju y .,., ,,,,!Ill 1'11111 • I'"""'" l•lu····· will'"' .... Ttw "fltt'l,tl Hu~"'"" nl'WS IIRI'ncy !'UIO'(Iacl l11ll II\ lin II lfl ~ '"'' IC'tonllnur-d on l'flitl' 4 1 ~ 1'''11. lt•·t•• 1" •l•••·ifl•· whl'lh••t "1 ""' ,.,,,~1 111 ll11· (t)lll..wlnl( Nllttll' T.,~~ <:tid f;runtioon and h l5 rom-'\' • --------------------I '"" ""•"1..., """ \lr lnlh l11 111' \ "'111 """1"''' 11 '''1''1) "''''''''" l'lll;t•tNt "J' Nl) I t-:nlrnnno pnno .. n< "'''rl' clrunk I fiVE WESTERN POWERS TO SIGN SO-YEAR PACT ,,, ''"'~' •l••ll•lrn•·" ''"'"' 1'''''-'''' "'" '''''"''"''") ""'"•' '"' .,.,.w '" :'lo•·"''JM•r' "'h•w•l 14111 " ('f'nlrlll ___ ·~I:-,,,,,"''") "''"I " l•·w ltch'l'""' 11•11'111 • l'r•·•ltwt. '" 111 •'lly r·lt·r·ll11n 11. ST N E "''"''r• ''' Su"u"lrt\ ''''''"''14''' .\1tttHI qu,l , .. ,,.,.,,,.,.~ u l"""'"'"l•· f'.tt ' J, 'J.. :' 'I !\ H 11nfl J 1 A l Y FILES" BHI.'SSI-:U '. M ur 1:1 t l,'l'l j""'' nf tht· rotmlrfl'~ ,, ''""'k1 d Tllfo I""' ,..tfl "' -..:n·d 1 .. 1111 t.;l•rhrl) ,.,.,,,~o.;"'"'''"\ •··•I "' 1111 l\11•111•• r · .... ,,.,l'• I''" l'ltl-:t 'l"'t "l' Ntt '1. t-:nlrurw-.o FOR REELECTION l-'11·•· "''"tt·rn EotrnJif'Rn p<IW('rS ~~~ "" •IIJI11111t· f11rr1 l•lr1•ll(fl '"""''' '"' ••I tl1• '''' • '""' l4<•ult...rn ('aJ/'""''•' !11• ,, 1 111~: 1'"'"1 '" 1 ,,,, 111 " '""'''' "' f• 1 •· ''' ('urttrllo •1··1 :'of~<r ""h•IOI. C"11m11· h1•11d•-d lo) Brtlatn nnd FrnnN' ap-T lw 1,,.,.1 111 lrll\k•·l1 IJI'"Ii '" II • lrt•'ll ru "'' "" k 111 liP"" I• ·•"'' """'1111•''' ltwlnv "•llll•lol """ o.;,,, lu•lll•" "' •·•llohlt•h n ly lllllooll.:•·• 11111o S t C' ll M As~l'ml)lyman F:arl W S ttlnlf'y pro 1·•··rl tttdR)' "" unprl'l'l-dt·nll'tl ''•Unl1nltlln of 110 1,1,,0111111 "'''"' 111 Nt!'h 1(11\'l•rflftll'!ll w1ll '"·•k•· I''''' I '11•11•\ "'"'' 11 f••w IH:ht •ll••w••,. I"•V••rtu to•111 , 11 1111 " llf'oohlllrlt• ~"''''"'' l'll'•'llu·t~ '" In •'tly ;•lf't'ltnnll: ol N!'Wflflrl J'lltar h hll!l filt'd nomi· ~'·Y•·ar tlrllft lrtaty nf m thl •tr) front ,1 r 1.1 ,.111 11 1-: 1 ,,,1 11 ,. II•· lit• 'alll"tsu t•·• 111 tit• "''•'\ !'"'''""'''' '""'''"' ~,,1 ,,, •I t• 1 •·l••l'll•m "" tit•· "~"''"''''" ''' 1111· ~ ... li ;1. '1··1(1 1'1. 11n1l 1.1, rolow• nallfon pnprr!' for rf'-I'II'Ction to :ollannrP l1•·<>tl:n••t1 In""'' lht• v.s·~·· i\rt'ltr Itt lhl' M•'fltlt-rnon"Rn I• ......... 'll!llntllflllllll' •alii ln•lttll t'tOtl••r Slolurtlll )' \1•·1t••l••llftlll \Vool•' l •t•ftl•·l l•t~•lfl r·torr llt!V•·n "'lwhvt•lltO hts !<r-roml \('rm II!! a slalr a~-"''•rei m 11rrh 11f rt)mmun1~m hl•fJNI thtot rnun) 111 111,.. lfi \I ,1. Ttu· • n11f•·r• n•, 'I" •••l1"<\ 111 '''' •n 11•• n•·tot '"'"''' I ,l11n• do)\o, Klwnnl• n nt1 Rotary ~•·mhtym11n 1Rat1io Ml'l!lcn11 1rnml'IIHolll) ul ~hllll l•l••n nlfltun.~ m•·r·flnl( HI rmnmum~t "'''I• on i 'n·•·h~ ... I••'"I<HI ITI•I•• ••~ 1•1"'"'l lro ,,.,., ''' ,,.,.,,.,.,. lhtl '/'11··~llfly '' "V••••· (,,, '''"••1l lolol •· "" 11111111• Jllfln• 111 lr 11naport lit• lhll~ folluwr•t1 ASllf"mhly IM•k•'ll lho· lr• Ill). a~~··rl anl( II l'nrt~ n··~t MlmclloY. wall \U"'• rtl~· ~tnti t•\••nt• an F tniHntl. IIICI•·••I1 "" '·'•"' llrr•rr•• • "' •lark II~H•o I'm l~m•t··· •luv l'<•ftor ~ ''' thr• fli'JIIInl( Plll<'t'l Sr~t•Rk('r ~nm L ('olltnJ of Ful-wnult1 lllrk •·1thrr J••c11l ft)r('f' 111 thr trt•lll)' lht• lr<·lll} In nln•· 1111)' wh11 h w"' ~ l.' 11 4:1 :1 1'1 10:011 4 :00 Fn'"""l,ll lll'll•on T •w .. tuy ,..,,,J,I Htol u y'a l 'lvlra Aff11lra <'On\· I d S S Cl d ' I tl I '--hdlt•l u f f t1 v •t 1 ro """ I••• 11 I t; (J1 4 (i II'; 111••1111 rttt llf••• ""Ill ltltllly llutl trRnB...,_-I'rlon an • l air t•na tor y r I'll' an f'rnlll on n:. 1111 ••1rt > ,,... ~.11111 1 llrtll1~u.n• 11r tn1 ,,. ,.. ,..... \\'nl~'ln o f (lr:tnll" In l hf' hflllnl CIIU~f' thl' JM'IIIol• tof !h• ••oottnlrto·~ ftlol'l "''rf" Of)! d"l'lr•~•'il 1\ '~~~ Jlllf'l Ill '"'" lill ll'"'f'"ll IIIIJ•··1 I~ II Ill l 'f 4 :tlo lit:!" 4 :t0 ,, "l••n'l,'l",·,l,'•'llltnl',',',l,"l:l'lllllrrt',:' 11111/l~lltlllloyll :;::.1''7,~~:::.~:: t.tn::mlllln.:of!ra ·.'IY t'RIIInl[ fur rttlt•ctto n :-;••ttlw r he n o r •·orn•·•·rn•·ll 111·r•• ""' ,.,n••1ll••tl 1 1onc·•· 1 1 "1 • 1 7 '''I -.. ft. ('•llltn~ h il .. opptl'llll<ln nl '"'' Th·· I•IH! lllncb lld luin rrotnr<• ""'",..fiW ~,.1,.. nnly lh~ II \\•·'· •I l u·lo·t<"''" ,.,._. lu•l .... \ldtlll ~ ... u II 'II ., 1/1 llt:r.r. t :H ••• '''"" lhl• fun•llom•·nlfolo llroll••ll l •lurul, ('lorunll t1col Mar_ (ltm f' \!o'lltStln ut op~d h) B• l.:tum . th• '-'• tlt1 d;on<h ""11 1 tntlurl• llo.u"·~ o·nlf•rtnl( "'"""'"'~' """ '""'''' t1 ll1•" "''" k '"lo\ 'I r. 11 1' l k I I .! '' '"""' "'''~'"''''' '"'""""''" ""''"'' l<l'lr.. Nt·W'fll'l'l Jl(tftdt. IRionl'hrr A .1 ~,.1111111, 1,r A nll· J.1"1 mh111111. t1, lltrM\ :111 thl"lr ~..,..,,.~ ~lllltll"lll 11n<t mutrllll ··~-lofl('r " ,,.,.. ftnnl rlt·tntl~ "''r"l "' I"• II '•:\ 1,1,:1 11:1" 4 :~1 • .t 1""1-:''""'l•tlllf•loth 7llo01ht1Hih :"-l••wl"•rl ll1•l~hl" 11nl1 L111o ble: hc•trn '"""''H) l"'"'r ont11 haiti•• 1r 11ny ''''''"~''' lrrm"d ,,,11 :11, '''' •I ~ I k t:""l·· tl~trllllf l"olt fl"lhtl11 l'11rhnr IS. P 8 NEWPORT BALBOA NEWS -TIMES age l!!JT!U'!PAY Newport I\N.I'It, C'allf. MaN'II II, 194K Boston Braves Have Cornered Market on 20-Game Winners .. , ._ ... ·---I JOn n ·cord Ill•· oll'l(ll I; fill-nllllllr• I I BR.ADF.NTON. F la . 1tl "r<'h 11 uf ~r·l ~tru•!l '' luc:ll_ th•) h·;,' • -IUP!-nll' Do&ton Bru"'" hiH'••I ltlllwrl In I••"•'~ 111• """' "' ,, cornM"t'd th<' marki'l ,..,1 mii}Or I'"' 1 11 rnt•n nl.!•-r 110d11y ".,., ••n 1 1 lea. uc >itrh~tl who hrwt• wun "llllm: In il""rd 1h•· ~~·ntlo~nt 20 ~ ~rf' l amt'll In II ~•·ast~n, nnd 1 nt.:h1 '"'" ''' lht• ••lull "hwh ''""I lf the fi\'C hurli.'n t h··~ h ot\o' """I !hoot mrony I::OII)r'' 1111' ''"11•1111' wear thnt strip(' romt' throu~th In S• tulon. •. 1~ It 's. oodhy1• 111r 1 tu• utllo r 11r·· (I\'<' ,.,,. ·'"""''~ S.nn. \\ •'' tc!VI.'~ CIUI;Sgln th•• :"Jutlunul It• II).! lit' I •'II :-\pullll, ( 'lt,lflr•, tlto·ol l II, If I rt II. IIIII \'r111u II•• ""'' J""""' ToklnfC lhr•rr ,,..,., ~ln~:lr· ~~··•· 11, "''''~ All hul llw {.,11 , ;-''•''"' ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ I II ho. 'I,, rtl n..: Jill I hi' f.. r... 'I '11 "•:• , llrlh s •.• n "''"I''' t h•' " • ISIIII s""' ""'r·~l"""' ,,,, . ., ""'1 .·1 s·.uut'' I""' '• ''" H~tr ,, 1 t ",,, • ::t l'.ult• "1nn• r l or• th•· f\,,,, t e BOWLL"''O 18 A SPORT YOU'LL ENIOY; A IWORT TIIAT IIELP8 KEEP YOU Mesa Recreation 1111 Newport IU.._ COSTA IIESA ft. Br:.oa. MII·W llli!l ( 'ltllllllld\ Ill l'tl'• \ "'" llo Wton .:1 (llr llu· !:runt~ 111 I •I I , ...... , ........ \'Hl Ill '1· I f .. f ' t)IJ lout I'< , ,lfltl l\o'il/11 \ '" ,, !..11 ''"" 111 I'IIIJIM'tl :,,') In ~~1•1,.! 1,. J<ll I lu 1\' Ill ••II '" \\ur II< Hl<:lr•) hli' "' \1 1 It• •·II II • ""''"' II•· h1111 '"' 111111 rn 1'11.1 t .. lui P tw·f'utu&u~· u I•• tilt n.u tl 11 Ill• ltlr ""'I'!> 10011 h•• 11• "r It,,. I • •••'•rttl f nun 11 Jfl, t•ltuu•' ••I r, ..:u•uu•.: h1~ f••ro1 ~u •· r• '" .. '' l11rl IWIIIH'r ,ltohllll\ llt•l ~<rullt 1\ullh h.t~ J'""'' iljJ tlll lWI"'- A· ,,,. ,.,,... otllrr rm11 . 1•"1", ltr• tui!h , .... ,_, II•· ~hti\\t•cl '1'-'lt' 111 In\ I !toll •·ll••t'll\1 ru ~' \\ ll••u h•• "''"' '" tht• llr '"'' 111 nw l ,.,.,.,_ .. n la't >•·n• ,,,., o'l\ lndtn tlllilt llt.tl Spnlrn t'ltr1 tnllll'h 111'1111'\'1'1111'11 I~ f lu·r • ,. • \ :-:uu1 '''" ''"'" l'•li \•n•-c••ltt• 'A'(•O nrnt• l:t1\l > .. ur. 1\nrr••tl II 'l'h•· l~•r "'''" " ~"' lt:1rr• 11 3.'\ Snrn "til IN' 311 Ill St•l•t•·n•ht'r, SJ!nhn ..!7 """t 111unlh Pia~. Qo!~ Willowick ~~;;. 0. W..t 5tlt 8t. ~ .. r..t of Harbor Boulevard .............. ,..w Standard 18-Hole Courw • 6100 Yards-Per 71 LaM Sllotllder Roasts Gov't Graded 1 A '-Shenk Off lb. Lallb Sllotllder Chops 49c Gov't Greded 'A' lb. L IF _ ... ~-Med. Size Doz. 53c OC. rvau ..,.gslge. Size Doz. 57c . ~55~ Skl•less WJeaers 3ac For thet Beech Party or Barbecue. lb. 7 EXTRA SPECIAL! s::k~d Bacon Squares 29c SLICED BACON 53c One Lb. Leyerl-Full Slices lb. ~TRI<"TU' NO. 1-Ground Chuck of Beef Guaranteed FRESH & GOOD PORK ROASTS ~:::~:~~ Boneleul Rolled & Tied PORK ROASTS "'~!:.~:~ 34c . 4 to 5 lb. ~•r•CJ• -Y:,..;-· =: ~ SAUSAGE ~ uQ-:::,t) NEW low Price lb. • West ~ast Meat Co. I C. 0. "PA'r' n..ANAGAN Whoa...le Meefs end Provision• l.Mt JIIDirPO&T BLVD. · ...... --0... ..... I Exonerate All I Concerned in 'De t:atur Death 1 Former Newport High School Star Open House at Coming Back as Pickens' Replacement High School Set metal shop, wrlh t'<JUIPml.'nt and I faclhllt•s valu<'d at $79,000. Rdrt•l'lhmt·nts "rll bt• S<'rv~'<l b)' thl.' Girls' Lcagut· rn the hllrur)'. An tnr.,rmal drama u; nlso plun-Harbor I r '" ,\ '\CI I IS, :O.IIIn•h I I •I t•t \ .,,,.,.,, •' )til' to'W1ay rl'· r .... •I t.. 111itrr~t· oruom· rOt' the ltuxrnjl·rln~: tlr•ath of LA>roy [)(> l'o'tll '" \\It • tlt"l ,.f II dlronk I 1• I 11' '''" ""' lu~ rtrs t 1 · '""1.: lnu-k to hili hom•• town ,1,.1 .. ·ltuul " AJix•rt Jrwtn, pr('$· "'' "' ,., ,,, v .. 1r•nr 1a lltl:h school, I' "• "''"· whu hai lll•••n s••lt-<.•tffi r•r r •k·· '"" r•1ac·.-or W<•ndr ll Pic-k- •" '"' 11111r tr( T11r lomhnll and •, til. :Sl'cordJn~; to an an. 1 •, I·· ·•• •I l r•'"' ~-. tt .!7 Itt H oi-' • • 111· ut mudl'' t()(h1y hy Prin· Sulut y I I l>u\ rd.r;on ....... : ·. } '· \ \\ ,_.,.1 'I tiJ I Ill II \t • .,,. ' I rl 11111\ Dog -of .. the .. t~Jcel' \\ • lrrttl "" lol 1rtl1' "'' tho• 1>art '' '' .tfl\1 "'' '"'"I' .. J, ""' II ,. OUr "''""' 11 rlrltl •I• I'' ,turllltl II(' ta kPn I•• IH•~•trun "·'' loll \:H'ilnl :• I.,, ko·n~ WIIS •'huM•n liS NJitth " .r1 .. '•~ rna:o~t rt;JI, ..:•• I• ., "'· "'lw r•lltr lwd lt1s1 y••ru· f'"·lrtllt:h II•L:h ,gh•ll•l. Is a "'II I••• lq •I lid lo\ '" .,;rfld u- 11 II It <I lit t11 I!IJii AS , • I'~' ,.t. .,, lt1• hH ut ,. lt•r tnur. 'I ,,, 1 t •' ,, Htt tlluh ''' purtu·•- "1• •tf 'llh)t•lrt ,,, ' I ,f I • ' u t•l ftl UJ!Ul If· \\tlnf tu flt .. l '• '< ••I th•• l' • .,•ttlf·. pl;<)rn;: ' 1 .,, •f• I'"\ "'J••nt mnrt• ' .r , d " t.~r. 11111r.: '" tt•sti • I 1 11 t to:wh Alul111< Sla;:~:'s tf\ •I I"" \\IJ)i '"''' nlft"l f)' fu l·•·t~• ,, \'I ••••r rfu rt~htttr·· .. \\ ,, ,,flu\\" 1 .. (u rt... h• 1 1 ,, ••• ''·• r uu· Shnrtes t Bill Set for L. A. I et•-( 'apades , • In• ftl til I I ),·, ( .tp.tflr•'4 " .. 1 • ·tl 11 f•·• lite ~ r,.,:~... ... "..., "'" Mfltrrl'nn' I t• '' I 1<11"'" I ""' !ol I Itt 1''<11 li nd 01 I 'I I II • •I ,,.,. ri"\'Ul' 1 .,, "'' "•II "I• n 91 th• \• I 1,1\d til 11.1 Apnl :l2nrt •• ' llot• I "'I I 11111 'l'hl!l II jw.t I •I • 111111 t, lr,dl\ ullotr'<i 111< f t f •/1 rt ~~ I ' ti •• \\ lui•· I" \ 1 •It 11 " \\Ill not opcon '''' rl \I <I • I• t•t m.11l u1 t1r•rs "'' t '' ,, , pt. d ""\' ,,; thl· Pan 1'.,. '''• n .. ,, ,, no l ill~l'ln prl~· .. 1ft• '" • .,. rlr "t I :.'~•. I 7~. :.! C~t '\l~r ·IIIII !-:\till pru\.ttlln~ for th• • ', nuw ,~ .. ,,\, '' "• 11 t•S lht-Sun· ,, 1\ "' "'"'~' 1 '"', ,, •• 1111 •11!'11 ~:r:•n t skat rnf l'•rl C 'nHI ... t· ~ "•lf'"nltl ru:tl•· I'" I' ........ ,.. ..... f\fWHt1, '·'' ., It ll. I I 0··· '' "" '' I ~·nn 1 ,\IWI'I(HI, &blh "I''"' l:.•u .\11-c',.rthy. r;r,,. \\":til• ""·•'• ·•nd l·'rlyth Wallc\ \I~'"'"''· '1'11\1•'. t·:srf'l(' LaRu;. 1'1••1 T.r\ lorr , .lur·k~''" and Lynam. \\ ...... f'ltU·Irr.: lit I• ....... 1 , ........ . I""' h 11111 :-'t•" ''' 1\111n K on ultlo·•·,.,. hal,. ""''" 11111 l••d I tu )rill• ~nln•l ra hh • 1uul ~:h ''" It •It Ctw• UN'f"ttt<~~.U t\ prr·\ hth•· <1 ,.,,, 1,,, "'••·tn .tnd tht' 01•1 111•••'111• .. "' .. t •• rr•·rl In tht' all I. I\ I·. I II' .... < •·f I!HR """"· Thl• 1'"1' 1 .. u uri.' ltl• 11 t t•al, (f"'\f'·I'Jtl fur ....,., I lu ln't ,.,.,..~;•, U<rfot otl Itt•• \\ "''" \ml :111 'I \IC"t,-1 TO ('0 :\IPr.Tt: llkf' ,,_, ........ ·• f'lllt\ ,,,. 1 .. \ •<jlr.HI "I 11 ppt'll'CIIlt.tlt•ly :\1 '" """ ' \\Ill tl• Ji• t' lor s. n1 ,, H.u I t t llttfl' t!k : • ..-tlf\~ ("'rrf"" ,\ tJ•unt•lt•'' ;anti rtN•d, lhr• t uut,WU lurr•fll1• ul "'''"'' • hiltl I rl••lltlh and c•·ntt .. th•· '1l"f:'' '""'tfif 'l i<· 11 "••It u~t•r tulttlltuu I•• • ''' I ••• h uh! "lth n '"" llu• 11 tl '' I "'' '"••• Ll r .. , .. ~ •ltutl:t\ nuu r, ""'II ."11 ' 1 C•l\t•n1~r·nt 1111 f' It I 1 h· t 1 u ! n tt•••l ~ht'{tUit t 1, ...: .,. 11 I, 11l• t1 1 ~I Hi•· ••ullt•, ; ,·, lr oo ,, "' I I l'l.t~ ,, '"'''"II" .,~ BREAD-TIME STORIES -• PLAN TO cfecen~M ,_.., Iotter cah with tf'GM4 cocenut nuh flllecf with a tow a.rifht leltr Mont. ,. ..._ · C IOUSI_!OLE_ liNT) ==:-.-.: ~ d ~-:-·.---ICIIP A lUll II apo~ heiMfy t. wtpo ,,.., ...... yow ahlny white ,.,._ ., ....... ,ater. .... /,.. " ...... qulchr, take• o& i> leu •JIHK• than a dlah ,?:\ .. YJ d•"-· -" -,, ~-:--~t··:·! IHUIAII Pll I~.~. tvt"' t• plecH I n... Me41H• relol"' "" c. ....... ~--"""''" llftlteh4 ,...,,., .... u ' ........ .... ........ """•• v. hp . ...,._. t Ml• rhubarb, raltlnt, bread cr11mb1 1 and augar. Fill pie thell, tprin"l• with salt and n11tmeg, dot with bu"•'· Cover with laHice topping. lake 1 S min11te1 In hot oven 14S0°l.leduce to moderate heat 1350°1 and bake about 30 min. lUGS. wallpaper, allver, glau-loh of qukk, easy cleaning .hlnta-ln-.Weber' • "Geocf Ideas" booklet. 60 llhntrated ,agot, Fill. Send a poatcard te Weber loklnt C•., I•• 1730, Dept. SOl, Wllthlre-lo Ire• Sta., l•• Antol•• 36. · ' '' '"· 1:,•. r pht\ln.,; t.rwk· Explorer f At'"'• Tei.,....J Wrlbur nrnyt•>n Jr .. 12, youncest m t•m bcr or 1\frtcan npecllUon, arrt\t'll at Ntw York by plane ltf•m the Bt lg tan Oonco eo route " nUi ho>lilt at Burllncame, C&l Tht youm:~tt'r .-ho aecomp&nlt'd h~ lath~r on tht •~Uoo. • fly1114 hume 1.0 retUlll to IC:bool. Tomurrow 111 2 p m t hl' ll{lr· n•·d rn tht' Lrttle Th~ulr·t• l>nf' tlnron h1~h 5d11t<ol writ op.•n ----- rl s tlo<Jrs lu t hco JIUbht• tn an rn· ('ITRl'tJ SF.SSIOS l'lllltron to t'njuy OJil•n-huuSt• 1.0$ i\:-./Ci::Lt-.:S. 1\lur('h 11 R.•a<'h llf(·guards. hi' l'nter<'d th<' n~wy u IWimminf( ms trU<'to r. and a(tt'rwiU'ds S<'rvl.'d ab<mrd th•· c·ar· ru·r U S. S. Lcxtn~tlnn Ill' ~~ ltw son of Mrs Sudlt• lrwrn, N•-w- pnrt JtrtiJX·rty uWn••r. I~ rnarr~c•d und hus two chrldn·n • BEG PARDON Plnns 11r•• rnmpl•·••·d ft•r adult~· 'L'P ) Pubhr ht"arint;s \\ rll bt' l'l!hl------I •·nt1'rla1nmf'nl \\llh di~plays ond n•''' month on prop<twd ltm•·nO--;-;,r !It''""'''~ •·rowdrd throu~:hout tlw \"w'.""' to lht• .Califortuu-Arizona '"" ht~ur p.•rr•lll F•·<tlun d ''til hr '"''n.:e rnar kl'llll~ ortl.·t thp 11, .• lltr· l;o lt·st 11dd ltwn ,,, th•· rn1111o11 f11trlmr•nt 11C t~grrt•ullur•• nnnuunn·r1 ancl hlllf Plhll'atron.•l f'l .. nt tht• today. h \\ ... ,.,,~n,..,u~ly '"JK>rt.-.J In lh,. M arc•h 'l o•tlltlun uf tho• Nr~·•·Ttm,.• thai 1!11· ~a,•rtrl•h· lnrc l'luort ,.r boat ~•Y Wht'D would "l"'rat .. frum k ln1c'• l.aJtd· InK fbi .. ,., .• ,...., . VAN ~ FLEET'S Bill Man, tr\\no·r uf th; ~ay \\ h•·n, "la twl l•otlay that hi" """' "uuld run frmn t h•· :!'!nil St. l.aodln~e In San l'•odr<t all Yt'V. .\l10n blanwd tho• ltN·al lho· halt "1!11atlun r,,, hi~ dl'l·l•lun l u "I"''•'" frum su PH.trn. FRESH FISH Newport's Most 1\lodern Sea Food ~larket fA~ YC.~J n-. ·rmu-Day" tn crurunaJ court, ChJ~:;NO, ~t,jJ. Wll.b PfQRCutlon Ch&rflftl that be be&\ hla wltr, Plorence, before her deat.h on New Yesr'e mom lnc, Raymond !'entre. tabon l, 22, wrnt on lrl.al tor manalauah~. lJl aoot.her courtroom, bJI brother, LoweU Ill, faced char-res of murder In connrc- UOn w1t.h r~tand-atyle alayLnc ot three mtn lut Dec. 12, qaJa I • C'I\O k l' Srtt F n11d ul """~unllhlr l'rk•'" Ollf'n Uull~· ... 14 a . m. tu 6 I'· 111. I I I \ld ·' \UUt:" J'l .. \('t : N O TI CE \\'f: \\'ILL tiP~::-; t.'l' IU 1~1 A~ .\1 ,\:o-1> <.'LPSE ,\r •I 00 I' ~I fJAILY. 1:-;l'Lt'JII:-:G St ':'\lr,"S Leg<Jl lfvl .. l..r,, E~.(rtr,l 333.1 VIA LIOO 1'110:":!-; IIARBOR 1500 !"EWP( IRT m :M11 (',\LIF< IH:"IA ... l 0 0 M A R K E T , \VATCH THIS N~~\VSPAPEI{ FOR BIG ANNOUNCE;\IENT ANI> SPECIAL EIJITION ·t . Via Lido at Central, Newport Beach Bid .D Newport's ater Before · y 4 VOLUMJ: XL THE I SAND CRAB By S AM S('JJOOLS. List£'n. m£'n and \\'001<'0 VOl PI'S. Ot'.XI 1\Jt'S- llay, l\1ard1 11\, you han• an elt.•d ion to mark orr on \our t·alPndar~ \\'t' c·om<• to. 11w point whl"n' "<' h11 \'t' to start ,._,;.·ing f•w our l~tpid ~rnwth . whid1 nwans that lht• kith. ''"' :, vital ap(~·ndagl" tn Iiiii' Anwric·:tn \\'av. Tht' Cram- rna r school is 'not onh· U\'('r- flnwing hut pushinc nianr or its s turh•nts out into thl'ir h:ll'k\':ll'tl~ -no room for all of .,;111 .. l11st :1 little> w hilt' ago \\'P \lllt•rl 111 build !-WhuCJI ;tt Con on,, ch·l ~1:tr and it wa~ hardly I)C't'UPll'd 1~~--­ tnn• tlw -.pat'\' ''"'all U"t'l. l l :tr<l tn antic·lpalt• g ro\\ th I l:td it IK•t•n nnrm:d. nnt so lmd. hut \\'h<'n it ro·itdw:-tilt• ;IIIOIII'IJI;t) ~1<11-!t'. \\ ho l':tll fi~- 11"' II IIIII? • • + ~··'t TuNJ:.n . C'n that rtatl" poll:-.\\ ill I~· '11"'11 at tht• <..'.1>.~1 . :tnd ll(':tt•h ~<·h(I(J(,.; to \'Oit• a half millinn fnr 1:-, "''" dn~<: n"'uns on 1 :{ <H't'f's on N\•wport lll"ights n<'nr th<' lli).:h School and Rttdio tow- e r. This is a basic s ite. which. a('('()rdin~ to Trul>f('('~ Marion IXK!d and H ub llO\t·c·. ('an IX' arlrlt'li to as dC'mnnd al'is<>s. Th<' gnin in <ltll'nrlam'(' h<~~ incrl'a~l 1()0 Jll"l' l'l'nl in t lw la)o;t f<>w Y<'ar-s an<J jiLrlgim: fmm th<' \\ay "~' art'nln\'ing. it will jump anot hPr 1 no f"ll'l' c'('nt in:'idt• nf anotlwr dt-...·- aclr. C'<u~ will l>t• pnl\·irh"<i to airl in g<>ttin~ out tht• vnt<' in an ('(fort to han' at ll'a~l !">II [1('1' 11•nt indicall• th<'ir choit'(' r:t tlw r than tlw ll~tral 01<'1'1' handful. J'IPnS(' \'Oil'' + + • ('o-OJWralion. F1't"'<l Dllrl- lt•v canw down to t h•• rli-~<·tm~· m<'<'tinl! nf t hC' N<'"- port Harbor C. of ('. \\"t'fl- m~cl:w :-~nrl told ho" h1s C'os- ta Mt~l ('hami"X'r is SN'king to ro-orx•ratC' with ours and S.tnta Ana. HC' wants a joint mr~t'ling of t h<' t h r'N' horli1•s to di!'cus.-; sa nil at ion and wn- t<'r. two sari and dras t ic m-c'(ls of lh<' coast lim'. lk t o..~'fl in (I('St c·nntrol a' a n- oth<'r nN,'"sit \': -.airl that tno Jon!.! tlw thi·t'l' t•ntntnl'l'l'f' groups hn\'1' l~t'<'n lahorim: t oo Inn~. ll•o inharmnnrt~usl\' anfl that hP was Likl' tlw Iri- di~rn 'Hill<' do\\ II for a pnw- \\'(1\\' tn smnk<' I hi" rurlt" of pc ':lC'<'. + + • 1l11h'" \'ariPh. ·To I h ,. r clav tlw ~1 i,sus 'anrl ,,. Crah- l11•i· nwa ndc•l'l'd pa:-.1 • C111 mdl· man Boll ,\lh,n';; B;dhn;l J-.... land \'anl"t\' si!H'f' "hid1 sort a lookt'fl.diffl"t'('nt I han it U:'('{l I o. I nsirlC' WC' w<'n t n net Boh. glowing with prirlf' and Slllf'llin~ or p:-tinl. lnllf'l'(j liS 0\'1"1' nn c'nln rg<'d :111d rno~t exp..'lnsivf' stnn• full or more gndg<'t~ th<ll1 fro('ral f'm- p loyN'S in WAshington- which is snyin~ plenty . In- cidentally Bob is th<' only one of the thf('(' t'l'tirin~.City Dadl> !'('('king re-f'lt'ctiort nnfi his frir>nrt~ pl"('(iic't h f' will top t h<' list of thrw t o he rh~cn in April. • + • Of>N"ntraUzatton. S!'l<'aking of the mammoth Rkhnrds Lido Market. <'X(l('<'t<'d to open next we-ek. read a n ar- ticle by one of thf' statisti· cnl re5t-archers. which wf'nl something likE' this: + + + WITH THE dev~opment of fast. convenient trnvel· ing fadlit\C$, a trend of de- centralization of urban po~ ulation was tx>gun. City CContlnutd on Pace 4) f Await IN OR ~ N G E C 0 A S T ' S L A R G E S T C I T Y Tuda)•'• 11 .A.M., P .8. T. Dow .JCMHW .A \'f! ...... ABC NEWSPAP E R ONLY 0 A I L Y _,_ -·-· .... . ....... ~... 4--.. .. ''"""() •.• r-· ltml• l 't '"' ... , Jt;f; ,.., "" I I t•t II ''" 17 II •\ I >111 tit' ,.,.'"'"·· l'7t) , .. _\ ,. ....... ,,._. "'"lr.-t II•~ "n I'"C" t 'nur 'Action 1 Todayl Verdict on Three Counts \\ M\1 II :>:t ;Tu:'\. :'>hr 11 •l'1'1 \l oJ l;•n 1!r-nn,-,.('E :\1,, • 1' ''~'·'~ ""' f.,llnol t.:_.\1111 ~ ·,;~ ·a l1• d••r 11l ,.,,ll , Jill~ ''" rl11·•·•· ''""''" 11{ Hldlh lft;._• I \\;tlfiJllt' :t~'ltW t tit tu h• t11 ' '' n 11• suht·un111llftt, I I.. I HI .... d 11LI\IIJ\Itl1l !'-t•Utt IH't• 1 ·•1 ,,, n 1111 ' I l II• l ~~~ \' I' \t If .. ltHpll'llfHI\• Ill utl t t ·h I fO f 1f P I :~~ \I \1 ' Jn jIll h t ~,It, tl c lt.o L''' ,,).!,eln,t \\ .1"-.. UitHI'fllll.tl 11111 df ll'f r- I I •,\\"1'1 •'\ tt .\!.11 11 •I 1'1 'I d ' , ;f II Ht IHh I \ t I \. I .. Ut~\\ lfU•J. I 1J I tJ Ju) ..,,.,,_,, d lfl t flnll I I I• I I II\ Ill \\ ,,ttlh/ltH1 ''""'" l \\ tl"' Uttltlt d til .10 lfl• "tth o~flll 1 ,,.. ••. ,, ~''"'~'' 1 '' •' , ... , .. n ••uup' u n1 ,,,. ,. 10 I• ttl ,, Hill t th tt"" '''" \ I h ,, ... lllfhl•'• " 1\1· ""' II 1. ......... ,,. , .. It· 111 I s. "·''' II\\ I,_ lllt.;.tl llll! t'Hfllllllll• >' hiHll ll I itt t.:•'ll· I l tef'to. \\,tf 11tUt t'HfUitl ltHJ\' \\1"1 i\\l,ollllll I f., fll• "II' \'ontl.olt I •lu• J .. tUI.tlf• \o,toJ ht \\ i'"' :; d flltl '"' Jll • ... ut• 111 ut I tu ,.,,, por 11th •n hu ft\• ~· ''' and th.tl h1 •nd ni h•" kwk••1l h11c'k 1"14"""' "' ~al:u·••' '" lh·-t.:t•n..-rHI. 1.<•11 lu rll;lot : llr " 1(. 'I• n·o• •. llt•••lolo•nl "' llarhur \lllo"l \rt': l'hll 1111., •. lu·o11 '''"'1: 1\t "''" It It:''''''''"· rltt· lp1l ul ~ ••. t•r·rt llnrJHtt I "'"" J11•:h....,. he•••• l~t,....f urttt• ut ''Uu Lht•u ''' \11 '•·1 •,,, ,,,·n1 '•· 1),,,,. •••r It-. ••tl .• ,, 1tUt• ~~ ... ~•··h."' .Juntt 1\r tutt ,,., "l\ttcl •t.lft 14 r h••r H1t l•·t t HIHr , •• ,,, , .... ( ,,,,t,.• J•r•"' ut tilott ''·'' tu :ute• I •~1 rth..•tt t1 Hffl••lut u1•• t tna. phot'•• ''' \th '' t1 Vriilied Air Policy Talks On I I II• M••)<'r" uno hts wlf•· lt'fl I he·' K .. Y rourr hmt~f' IOI.(t•lh<'r Mr~~ :\h-\1•1~ J 11 •1., ropp•·m·•·d '" h,• fh:httnl( hn<'k t•·l"'" , \\'1:."'1'. I•• If 11'"1 """ rn~>l"'' "'"'""I n w ""'"'"' "•· '""I • .,1 ""\ "· ... , • '' 1.11' ·'·'""""'" JfO"f•·•l ''11 ,,, • ..:ruun,j,.. t '' f, ••I "' ,,, ., ,, ''' f' 1 c 1rl t Flu I:.! I"'"""' 11nd ~"~" ~h·· '' ~•lk• et f•••n' t h•· ... J .. , 1.1 ' '11 '' ... ttd th t•••tH '"''' ur , ... ,.,.,,, . ._.,,,,put n st" , .. .,,,..,.... 11 ,._.h , , ,, rf. ···•t ... lor ~ lt••twh '" h•·r hu~h.ond'~ '"I• ·• '1 ,., uf tl,t tl '1h 11 1 t I"' tt·t t U1 d• rtf ft•lf•• '''" J II If, \\ lnh ,,, till ,,,.I IIIU' \\,1"-ftl ·•· I HI• \\h• ·•··~ \\htl \\tfh \\lt.'tl ,,, ...... _,, I I • "''''''"' \\ •'"" II• ld "" t\ h "'' Ill lh• .... .,,.. 1''11'111 J )I,.,,, h~ If J u;J t\ In \\HI 1., ttll" t I \ \\ • '''" • '"' I' ''" "I ,,,j f lH I lilt It I I\ 1•111 l••l '" ;\lt\t't'"' "''I• I' c ttnn•tl u wt "tul •ttn!ttd 1,.,,., •h ,., 1 ... ,,.1 th.et ht· h .td unlhtnL' tu 'I' l "h•·n ,,,,..,,,,, ..... ,k,,l turu ftll ln-.. Jtu •• ,.,,.,, 1'1 '11"" •I ''· ·• '" \\ I f Ill, lt·l ' tflf I h 1 t~"" • • ttl1l J't 1 t\\ •I \ ..... '"I fl. tf, •• "'' ,,..,, ,,,, I,,,,, ,, .... . '\ •f II• I t olol ( 'uast ( 'ollt•gt• Uiredors J4;xprt'SH I II I'' a• f 1nn It~ tl11 \1 r tltl•l 'It" '·'!· till Ill ,, ' I ..... t ... tf ' 1\ I" II• tt•.... ' .. q 1lf1 f h• " ,,,.,'I ~ ,ttHI '"''''ifd • ., ,, •' I nh.'rt:'st Buf ·No ( 'ont•t•rn' un S. A. PI can I It•• J'll' , I 111 111111 ••lltl 1\\ 1 I 1" I 1' '' '1' p i 1' lo '' \\ .,,. J\ I• •I t ''''" I •• ~ \\ • u \\uuun tthltthfi lht \trrlu·l i\11•1 ''" ' .' !111111' .11111 \II llltrHIIt'' "' tfdth 1 1 ,, ,,,.,, n "' ,, u th• 11t "t•l• ttl "' ... till• up'"''' I "' t• ... r.d tl\.uf•. tl , f, :11 thnl I·• \\ qiOd Ill+ "" ""' ""''l" l lltfl'-• Jr !' tl • •• t , '' ,, \ •n•l ••• f,,,, , .• ' .. " "t\" II t l \'1 0 ',,,,,,., , ... t..t.t, ... h I• "'' "'' I , .. ,., ... ff+ l it d I' ... "' . I,, . I• I' •II " ( ... f t ,,,,,, d 11• 1 ~ •• lu~l ttt• t tf Hu • ''''"'f "i4tf1Ht ,\ttu nt,•ltt '''''' "'" IUI•H 1 llllf rlill tlllft ~'f' \\tlf t11 lu t ul\tfl o\tf It\ "'"" "' ,,,. t H1• ,,,,,, .. • t1 '' tl• ,,,, '' •'• '" •I• ,,..,, til •It f uut•· ,. '"'" .ol Jlld~·· ,\f,•{ '""" """ ft I II It "-I t\ t th I n yl.f:,nflulln(·, .r h<' "til ,, nr. "''' 'lo ;\ ,,., ,.,.., 11n :'>l .. nrlin I I•• •·•mltnllf'fl 1 , .. \\'loot. \ " !tltft tl'l l l ... ltf1 ,, tl I I t \lflltod .1\1 .... ""''" ' \h • lflfttl Itt d tuh 1ft If\ ifllttltff 'lflftl lftt .. ,:.,. '· ... I• Ill t ,,, , .. l •r I t.a,tl I •, f1 1 "''' t 'II',,,., ti l ~1.11 • l,.,,tf •I IJtkH., ht'ftou l ilt \ I• \\ lh t1 tit• '' I"' It•• 1111 d '"' I he p i 1H J •tt ·~·''' 11 lt\ flh 'tlflrt t~··'•'""' j,., ,,,, I t h•: t.:•'tll•rnl " II< IIlii' I S•)lons· Pa ro ~,,.,' r~o.. '-=n _• " .rt unt au fnf • • ' ~ !·:::,::~;···::·.:;: ... ::~~:;;·,• -~~~':,···.:: •1n'.:: Budget and faun Littl(.l From Recommend Warren's Passage "'' '"''. lht lt•llll• r l l.o Ito• I .... \('1{,\\11 '\Til .\1.•1 I.' I 1:·1···· •:•ktllt.: '"'·" .•• ''"" "" t 'ottttlllf mw ltnlt' llull.'"'~lfl 1'"1 '1'1'• Tt.• """''' '"'·'"''' ''""'I''" ltltd~··t !toll Ill•· ""·"' 1111111" pljt~•l :tpJ)!I ut•ft 1u pH I• 'h~l11\ ftHih ,. ''"'''' r• ''••nUll• ruJ• ,j ,,.,, ,.,,""""'''' \ttFt d I\'•''"'' ·'" •I• ., ... 11" J'lf ~ f•H•tU.tn prnnn••n••~t '• uJ .; .. , I ••I \\ ''''"' '-'•1'• J•l npr tatJ••It '"' IIU•• ,, .. ,,.,.tf 1h• ~·n•r .tl .._11111~ OltOOOft '''Itt hllth'•l ilftt \t l lrt,'l tfHrlt lt11j"-lnt Jtlt dt h fl" 1 t • '•' ltt\fltltdtt•t I• I• '' rh.•n (..: , h•flft, n It •1""" ••l'l•f"'' t1 , \c. 'It~~~ .. ,, I ·n,,. , ""''n'''''t ' ... rJ ''" ,. d t f ltttj olljl \\ l1ftt11JI "IIJ.'t tf!l l tl ,, tl ''" lfl Jfl\ .,, tht .,., • ., .. \. "" ...... ,, ... 1''"1"•"'·•f ,,, \ "'' ,, ''I hI\ I qh ... ,.,,,,, "' tt tf1""1 t Itt f II •II 'IH .. ·~~·., I I .... '"I I ll II• l tlftll l I, PALESTINE POLICE ASKED IN SIURMISH .... I .. fll\ ' .... ttHI •• ~,,,I \.\,f\ "'' '"I ' .... ,, .. , ... I ••• c '••flttll• It I I .11 ... 1 flf, ,,,,.,,., ... ,tf 1ft• lut .. l tit • t,.,.,, l••t p•u• ''''"'' ••I , '4 llll l tll~' ,.,.,,1t11u1 ''"'' Vdfh th, \.;ltf• H,.dtf "'' tlld "ttthl tU •' ol th. "'11t1t 11 ''''" J tlu· ,, ... ,, tnd lit tlf IU "'' ,,,,,, \ • .,,, J ......... ,, I ,. .. , ,, ...... ,. II" l tftt \ \\Ill tl•l•t iHtftt lflo l•tt tf t~+ll t J~tlfl \t tl tnlft.:f ,.f •• laun \• '' .. ,,,j ... t 1111 ''" t,,,,,~ , ,.,. ,1,, tf '"' .. ,, 1, ,, , .. u. ~~· tn I ••f l"'t!•tll ,,.,," u• ' ,,, ...... '' hottl l 1 1 1 · • '" ••• ,.,. ,.,,,,, f ,.,,.,,.,,, ••'·'"W'' ,,, .. , t ,, , f '' • ' ., "., -· • I .. ,.,,, \ I I t I J I Ht '\ 1 I \1 \1 ,,. It 1.' • 1 1 •. .o, 1 u • h '"~ .. • n ; ''' • Ht rt t .. J • .. "' tf I' •'• lttu C '•tilt 1 H1elhnu t• '\lfh•ttf tl.lf•tht 'Uhkt til ••I \l.q t •• It If f ' . t, .. k\\• II I Htt.tHI 110 H h•' di'' 11''' d tflt I H11tn I '"''HI '""tt; \I IU tttfl tlt'H Itt lttf "'''' • •ll•t ,,,,..,. ''*' I ru ·d' '"" ''"'' J•'"' '"1'''"'"1' "' '' '" hi• .,.,,,,.,,. "u' t•u ••l ''' tt ••• t• 1'• , '" \\ t, I ,1. 1 11 tl '' "1 '' \~ •fltltl It• '''"11' "'"'l•lftll fltft tlfU"' \•1lt ~tf lh• f ·I•H"' f 'ol '111• 1'"t1Ht It t•• 11l d I• 1 I •O••fl ~ Ht• d•IIIU•' I'Hll"l tiJtl,,•, d l' I••••· J,,,;Jtl J(,,,.,.,,.u,, ftttld "' tht \\t 11 11 lllh'' l titolft ,\1 ti l lttd -Jt S ti• ''rtt .,. IIHiftltt f t•llft \\, .. U. S. Army Seeks Satisfaction in Ru ss Shooting ,,\\ '• I It '"' I I I,,, I) I M 41 c.:"'. ,.,,.,.' ,,, ,, .. ,,, ,, ""'111 / ... ,,,..,\- t•tt•ftlftltllfl tlt I'" , ••• It .,,, l fofJUif ,,,, '""'""!'" '. t .,,,, .... , •.• , .r ltlf! I ,, '" flU can.z. ~Jn 'l•••ffl ,,,, t hl\tt •lf\ ,,, S•tuth••tn l" dil I • t ·"' ,, • ,,, , •• d. '" I I '' I ' I . f I ,,.,, t1 •1•·1 ,,,,,,,,, .... ,.,., •• , ,,,,, •• t,••••··n"" '''''" j ,,,,,,,,, .,,,,,,,. ,,,, ,,,. ,.\ ,,,,, ,,,, ,,,, lurt. 1 Klllt•d 'dlf···,.·· ,,·,"-~,~ ••• 1 •• ',' ,,~'~,.11"··~·.·.·.·.· \\,\"-''ill~f;'{'(f' \l.tt ••·d ~·tl ,,,,,,,,,, tHtd• t\ q, *I'I"•I•IJt'•tll•f ,., ,,, ''••l\\•ll •I• ,,,.,J r f;t•ltlt t lttflll.tlll , ..... \,., •• , .... t\1 \ I\\' II I I \. • (' h ,,,. ,, .• ,, ·rh· hi ll\~ 1uC'I t\ ..:tt1h•lt1 lf•lllttt't· \\tllltl ·•f)lttiJf)1 1•· I ,,,, • I I 'I!• til ,,,·, n J lrp••r rt•lu. \ I '•• I"''"' I" I fit t .!._.• I I I•. I • I 'J , \* I .. , ,,,,;I ft ••• '\ I ,, ,, ..., r '''ftUIUI ''''"'''" lfl\t ., • .,ttl ; .,, l.t•t It' I. tlfi ltl , DESTINY l h HI If it'' Ill l ht fhUll fltlftl hllll•' \I .... '•II•• .,,.,. ,,, • ,,,,,.,,,,,,. I ' , .. '•I , •••• ,. ,,, \I ,,,, .,, f(., f ff • Ol~o. In' )tl\\ llr• \,tit pt tl f111 \' ~1 tit• ••"' 1" • ft DAY Marine Avenue Widenin~t Nears ( ~»mpletaon II"'' 111111' .. , Mttl'llll' fiVf'llllf' •p- ''''""II '" 1111 ftll(hWIIy Alltl ftAI• l••11 '"''''"' "111 rtt·11r <'tHIIftlt•llun th ,, \\t . k tc. • .. ,..,, .. ''''' •I "' ''* h ,. '''"r "•" I•\ Ill• ll••o lltl l~tr} "''''' nuo11y 'urttp lltHtl" "''', rt''"'l"'•·•t frc)na ,,,, •• ,. •1••111 ""' IHI/11111• II( "1 .. 1•1 " "ltttto: " 11111111 ltll(lly.'IIY 111op "'' '-II' II Hit IJtt'flfl,·, l'ttllllf V l"'tt~ttf fl•p~ttltil•ttt •uc•n•·1t11 h lt\t• wtff. • ''' •I Uu • "' '" '" t·tt·h Jttlff •II•· t It lt .. t·tl flu tlt•srrt•P ••f l'rfHI,-. fU'Itr II•• '"'' ••I llw hill 1\ lo•vrl 11n•• "oil """" .,,, ••••t•l•inl( '""' •n l'l:ttt•t I" ln•tft)-lttl~lt tu rt-..tfurr 'tw •huH••·• flf H•·•·hl••ut f runt ··ura 1111111111' 1111 Ill•• lllllh"llV 1111111 tt~ •••IIUI\ lttJttl ltt't'ttttUttL: tu 1' W • 1111 k •I• '"'I' '""'' '"nllltl••l•~tlf'r AI .. , "'' ''"''''' 111 fl11• jlrUJ•·o·l 1111 '""'' uru·• I"' n •hi•· ,.,.,,..,,,.,.h to \ln t utt "''""' '''''" tht• l rVIIW" to '" I ttllotl I '''11\fo!lnll I• llltllt•r· ""' •u• II•• It ''"'' ••Jtt'f In .Cftlin l•ll•r dut ''''''"'·"' fnt 1tw ~nu1 ,,,,_. ,,f lh• "'' t•·tt•,•tl f#tlrti'AitY 'lllf• • 1111111""' t1 '""~' I""'""'' "' •llrf ttl", t ' ''" 1 ''"' •·• ''" ttutuu\•lll• "'· t 'tnrk ,,,.,, 1 ... ,,,1, a~·ru•n h"n' Hu'-"l'trl '"' •, "' "r 'I~'""""' -" ,,., ••ltrh.: "' ''" \m• ,,..,,,. "'hit•' h. t•t ~ ... t "''"' '" •' •' •t.• •~~~~~ "• •• ,, ''''"'' I'' ul "' '' ,,,,,,, •~ ., '' ' ' 'I.. ' '' ' •· • I l·~•tl ,,,.f '' ,,,,., I •t '""'"' 'I' Ill '''11111 ••••• ,, II.,., ., ...... ,.,., .. ,,Itt I'" ""''"l'll•tl n .. ''" ,. ' l~o•l ....... ,,..,, ,. •• I• '"1""' ,...... , ........ , •• ,, '''11 lJ('Sdity II "'-.tH I I t ,;,,,; .. ,,, .. , h,,, ,, .. , ""' '1'1''"'"' ,.,, ,,,,,,, t \ ,,,, .• llltl• ,,,., ,,,,,1 It•• •I 1' '· •I' ,,, '. ,, H, I ,.,l.d H ,, '~,,,, ""' II"' Is 'Vuh• fur S.·houl Bonds' First Elt•t·tiun Tt•st of Year 1· ~ , .. ,~ ....... ~., '" ,~~ ... ,,,, ,, ,, '· •• ~,,. "''' 1 ~ ....... ., ,,.1 , ~~ ,,,."1•1 ••• ,, ., .• , .. , ••••• , .... ~ ..... , l);t.Y 1n It ,uh h ~ .. pt• -, It tl t,. I! t I tf1 ••I ,., ,I \\ l tlt! '·• ttl fh• 1, ,f h\ l \t I 'I I' • 111111 jttlut Htltl I I 1:· II IIIII \ "'"',,.,II' ".··I,. ,.. 'I I ~~ '""' 1 .. d I ,,, 1.1 ' 't "·"' th·· ,lf''l•tfl ••I I~ •• ,,. f !lt!UIId ,,llllt .. t.tlltll h \ ·'···~ ' l'tl'l ttJdlhtf trtd 'tt d \\ I ftl' '" h• 1\ •tl••t ' fl l'd t ,,~ ttd ... ~~~. ,. tftlt•' \'\I I I• d . I " 1\ •• , ·I• ,,,., ,.,, -.oflfi\HOd h ..... :, .. k•d 'h•r1l fo l.th•· n .. ltdo1 ''"Ill 11fU•/t1fl l I I' I I .,,,, ,\ ••••••• ,,. •• , ,, ,,, I •t ,,. "'' "./ . • , '. , ,, , I ',, , ' ,, I I f I H J II I f' •' , • f I '. I I I I I I •• \ .. I •• ""1'f'' ''' P''''"' '"""" tn•uf.nh 11 ' 1\\• ,,,,, ....... ••I '111 It" ""11111•1,,. It •' "''" :f''"" .... \' "'''~"'' , • \ ,,\ •f 1 ' '"~ ,,, ... ,, 1 ' 1 1111·l.r t1 t ''' ll•lli'''''d'''' ,., I u.,u.-rr; ... •·r~·''' "'"''"'d. J,,,., ,.,.,,.d ~••nft t,t u•. t.,, IHII"-Th• 1 1 1 1 1 ·•·~~ '' t"••·· ,.,lltd•'' ,.,.,,,,,,.,I 1,, •. , It 1 1 j "' If i tit .,, I I ' It """··· ' t I! • " ,. •I ., \ f. ' II .. I" .. I ' ,,. ·~·~~ 1•, I•"' ~o.;fl•l. 1h;t1 c;rundt·n·, :trn l Ht~ ...... ~utld\ '''ill''' ''"' ''' n .r11 ·n1,, 1.,,101,, , .. 1, 1 ,.,,,,... II• ,,.• ,. ,,1 • 1 ,.,1,4, ''' t •••l1•·.· ,,.,~ t ,J,,,., ,J,.td 1,,, lrt•l ,,, , ....... ,.tt ,., ol t.ullt•t ttf ,,,.J ..... 1111111 • •J•J•f•"'" • .!t• ,., ,.,. ,,, .... ,,'''"''''"'II''' •.• ' .rut . "'" ,, d ····I •• , lw I,,' I'· nlttt '~"' I ~It ,,, ··~,., •• ,I It•\\ l eft tfh " II\• rltunttt&n1 1\, .. l•llm·tltun huJ. ,,,,,, ... •h· '"'·•ttl •Ill \\tHit •• 'iltltltttt• fhlfft '·"' jt ftht lull t r ....... ,,, '•nHt I ld ,,,. ,, ,,, '''" "' ''''" \I llll•d '"'' ''''"'''' I t;• "'' ·~ '\';.tl ,.,, l•·l~o. "tnt!• , 'l''""i nu tmpat·t. ••r• j '111ttltt "'-' ntl• '"'""H'h • P' "'" 1.,j 1,,,;11111 \ "''''"'.I ltt •• 1111 \1••1.\'ri~ih , ,,,1 1111 1 .,, , , "' •ln•l• 1 lt l11" 1,1 '"' '-'• ,, "'" t ,, 1 '''"' h 1,,,, 1 d ,, ,,.,.,,J ltrorr•tl lo~ •h•·l:ow><nftnt•·rn:ollo nal nuntl•·<l llo• l!'•"•rn•·r ~ lotH '" 1 ,,,111 ,,,, \I ttt._ ·• 1.,.,,, •l•· "'V•'' ,,. It• ' ''''' I'• ,. ,, ,,Iff '''" f<,,, ,,._.. I t t I t \\/trf.u, ., •. ,.,~uuffht"'hUIItt\\·a" ttnltl t:l''•"''"'~·•• 1h•)·tf• . ~1••kv.•h •t•l •h• IH•'•' .t ''·' "'''"'" '('''''''" 't ••• '"''' '" ftt f•,ltttlf f•f (;~rut:trl ;,r J!u"~'o.n nrt"ln ,\ "'" r,,~ tt~fl tn r 1. It,. ''"·"•' t;,, "'" \' ,,. l'tt••tt•HI ,,f,1 t••n ""''h.'"'"''""' " ... ll;lf\f ;,1 'I I ,, •• ,,,fy hot\• '""''·"·" 1Wtl'.• ,, .... ,. Th•• \' !'; c•nmmnnl11'r hrnnl1t•l1 >lr.<o).;ht Ill r~·r ''"" ""' '"" 111 "'"''" 1 " 1 111"11 "'''""''' '' 11nd "'"''' "'''" 1••1\1111.' l••l.t\ It "' 11 1~11 ''''1 ''""1"" 1 111 ''"' 11 ' 1 " Ru~~tun :~N·nunt<~ of thr incld•'nl trtlfl•w••<l m••nn"'"''' on th~:·•·l~''1'''n..: '"'' '" '"'""''11" I ... ,Htloll· unm••'·" '"'""(, .. , * W<>ather&TideR *'''"' '1"'"''1''' !.:'''"'"' 1\ ('o.ntpl····· lh~tortum or faC't!l " ~··mltl) h) ·'·'""':..; Slllrll/111 It .,··'"11'"'> ~"''"'"'"'" 'i'i't"''" •''limn," ,., .... ,,, ,,,, tit• ,.,: "' , ... ,. o v UNIT£()""""' ' , .. ,..,,,.\ f• 1111• •lfl) "'',,,,.til Tht· "'""'"' Hus~tnn """'S ago·no·y Sol•·•lall. IIIII '" 1111 I I 111.! '"'' (C'HnrlnuNJ ''" J'a~:•· 11 ~ 11' ,,. h•·t•· 1" .,,., ,.,,. wiH•IIII•/ ''' ""1 T:o.~~ •nul Cirnntlr·n nnt1 h•~ c-nm------------1 •~"' \hit'''"'""''''"'"'" '" '11•\ "111 '"'""''' 11 '""'I} 11"''''" P""'""' ..... r .. flrunk 1FIVE WESTERN POWERS TO SlGN SO-YEAR PACT ·.::.r~.·.~: .. ·.~;;:~·"~·.;;, ::·~·,:.w'"';:~:::~;~.~. ;,';,'::;,:~'"'> "~····• ,,, '··w sTANLEY FILEs r ~J· ,,, .., ,., .. ·~\ ~ • .,,, .. ,,., :.,. ,,,,,.," ~, ....... ,.,,t . I···,,,.." ., ........ ,~~.~. IIHI '~S ... I$. Mzor 1.! 1\'1'• I""''"' lf!t• •·••llnlru• ".ol l:u •••l .,.,,. ·~··· "''" r~ '11'11••1 I\ , •• , .. lfl'loll\ ~~~·''' ""''II"'" l•·•f ··' "" 11'1'111" <'•••tnttl' .. I'''' FOR REELECTION F1\'t \\t•,tt•rn t-:urnpt·an~ IMl"'f·r~ ~~~ Hn tttJt~•d•· rurrt• f l''•r•htrt '"',I'''' ... ··I 1ft· fl\• .. HI """',.,.." , • .,.,,"''•= '"'''lt•ffl'' ,,,,,,, ,,, \•·•-'" ,, '"'"'"" ,, ''" h•·t•cf•rl ft) lln1a1n und t rnnr-t' k1._1 ·rhf· pnrt I!' ''"•k••l Ill .. '",,, ,1,. tru·" ,.,~, \\1•k 111 1 tltt""~•l"' "''' •l'•lldtnr·''" ''"'""' f~tttll!ht ,.11d ~"' h••lt1•1' ._, ''"lnhiJtd• t'U ,Y tUIH11•,'''' A~~·'mhlymon Earl w S IAnlry f>tl'\'t•<l lt>fl(l}' ItO unrr"''t•d•·nlo·rl hunfllllllln of rtn 1'\tnlnh l wc·•l•ln •·ror•h '"'"'""''"'"''I llllk• I•···· 1 ....... , "'""" ''" 11~:111 '"''"'''''I'''''''"'"'"' 11 1111 " pr••lltololl•,,.,,.,,., o f Nr•wpntl Rt>ttrh hn~ ftll.'d n omi· .ilt-y<·ar tlr~tft tr•rot)' ur m1h11tr) fN,nl -.lr••t r h tn t• 1 ,.,111 • II•· u .. "'I''''""' •·I llo• ''' •'• ''"''""''' !"''''''" Sn l 'lt'l "' •·l•·<'lo"" "" lh• 111111•·~11111•11 ''' tlu nattnn pnpo·r• for ri'·I'II'Citon to ·tlhnn,.r rlo\lt.;lwrt t•• halt th• w•·~t l i\rt•ttr '" lh•• Mt·rlllo·rrnn•·'"' 1," lhr .... 11101,.111'1''' '''"J !-...t,1·t.th ,.,.,,,, Slllitrtluv 'wf•·lt ••t~•lllfllt W 1oto·r ''"''''' 1·••111 ht~ ~•'<'lind 1rrm RS 11 !llatr R~-wnrrt mnrrh .,1 , . .,mrnuno~m IHtfJO•d l)lJtl lllllrt) 1,1 th•· 11; :'>l ,1. Till' •·unf••r• ,.,., ''" •·tl•·tl hi Ill• '" tlo•· '"'''' '''''"'' ~r-mhlytnHn I Rad~() ~1u~C"t)\\ tmm£·.-h.tl• 1~ :,t "hall J•l:tn oat11,n• m•·•·ttnt.' n t·urnrn•.tnt~o.l '••UJ• an c ·,, • h• ... i•t\ ·•'-uh T H "• "'"" ,,,,,_, tn '''"~' "' ,.;, •trr n•• lhtf ·rq, "''fh\ '" · v.,,, ,-,,, ""h'"'l Ill' #tim~ fulluw('O A!l~rmhly llh'kdl lht ,,, tl) r"'l'rlon~: ,, PAn• no•)( I M•mll.t) "'" \llh'''"'" tond ,.,, n•• '" .. tnltontl. lttlP·•·II •• n 11.1'"' fltr\tf?• • '" ····~ ,,,.,,... I• m ,,.,,.,,. ,,,,, Spcak~'r ~am I. t't>lltn!i of F ul· "'111111 l:od < • tlhll l•·t.:~<l l•lt ''" In thr lrrntv tl11• trNol~ 1n nt11• ''")' "'"' h Wh\ .. I.' ~11:1 :l ~'1 10:1)1\ t :IWI ~·~., . .,,.,.,,, '"'''"" .,.,., ... 1111y ""JIIl•l lrr1on and Stall' ~c·n111nr nwJ,. ••r tnl<'rrt:tl llonlll ""'""rll) lw -l·.x:.n ''""'"''"" ,.1 11,, 1,,. lll'li••\••tl '""I ,,,.,.,, '"' 11 1 1• 111 4 1l tt •, lll•·uro \\'Atl'tJn .. r r trnnc•• tn thr r.nitut <'loll"' lh• po ,.1,1. t,f "'' ,.,.,tnlrt• < 1.:" 1 ttl , ,, '' '"' "·•' 1111•1' oluf•• 1 '-II Itt I'• I .'1• l ll:'lll t:~ ,,, • lltnuotolt'•" "' lohll oltoy fur J"'ftt•t'1tnn ~•·lth••r hP n n r tnntt tntti "'r• "''' N,n~u1 t•rl' ''·''' "''r•· ""' c1t~fltt'o~tl '' ',., '•"'''' I I 'dl -17 (t!f ,. '""' ""' ,,,,.,, tlmr· 111 ""'"'h 1(•111ftn~ ha~ "flf.IO!itli•m nt 11\1'1 Thr• pnr t htnd!l flr1t;o1n Ft:tt>r t lluon••l'••· ""'' ""1> llllol ot "''''I I J•I•lo:lll•• ""' fu •t tm \1.,1•1• 1 ."• }l 11'11 ·,tit lll l'o!o f:3e t•.ltot••lt Ill<· lwultorn••u ttol' [t1mc-. \\'atsnn 1~ t•fil~·~··rt h) H• lt.:llmo •h• -.:. l h•·rltowl• "ntl on•·hu1•· '''"''''' ''"'''rtnl( • r~.n••t"•r .onrt IJtll,h• tl tl1•" "''''" ' •I·•' ·1 r. 11 •; I k I I I -· A ,,.,.,!'"'''''I''"''' '""'"·'"'•n I R;tnc-h(r ,\ ·' S rhuttr t ,( .\n:l-I.H~rml"'"rt· I•• lloto•"' ,II lh• or .. ~·,.,) tttl••n~<l :cnrt lfl\Jt•ml "-"· "ftr•r " I•·Y. l onMI ''''"''" "" '' M ,., II ·,:t h tt:l ti :ZI\ t:l\tl of 11''•1'1 •""'''' tlw hth 7tlo ""'' IUh hr1m 1 mtlollio ~ I~"" r tn••• h.olll•• or an) ''~'""''•· lr••n"d ''"' 1 1• ttl, 1 H I k I''""' I '• ••t•lt '" "'• "' t It• t 1tll I 11, •iltdt' I l•ttt "'Ill f··~\ I t Itt• •••• '"'''""'' ••• Jtllf1lt!Jtdflf\~ Itt ... ,. • I· 1 ,,., .. "11 h ''" 1111\ ii•'K• ,.f -.t·tul .,, ''"" • ''''''''" ,., ,,,, !\•rwJ,.,rr H•·•''' '"'"''' ,,.,,,,, lnl1tfflln \t If ~Ill \ttlt• Ill lttt • C 'ltt oUu tff•J \1,., '~~~,.,,1 U tit•·) huv.• tH••·n ., ... 11th •\ ,,1,,.,, "' th•· N••wr•ur1 II• "h "lo•••l tl"lllt'l Wtlhlr1 lhr- P"' I JIJ •tn \' J l'•t•'"'"' t••ll• Will lw• "I"'" ff'rlfn 1 '' Ill I" 7 f• Ill Ill '"''II jlf"r· • ''" I• l'•tlllltiC lllllt'l•~ Will ,,., In- ' 11 I,., 111 tIll' fttllo.wlnw "'"'~ · l 'lll't •IN<"I' Nil I t-:ntrnnl'f' 1 .. ,,.,.., • .,, ".""''' 14th .C. t 'l'nlrlll J 'lnt Htr'l 'It I" Itt f'tf )' t•lt•t•f )t.,..H :-, .. • I ~ 'I II ;, N oontl 11 I 'II I ,1'1 'II "I' :>;I I 'i t-:n11 to nl'f' to l '•1r••na •II'! Milt Al"h•IOI, C'omn- ''"" S l I' II M 1'11 1 lllt'h II' Ill I'll)' t•)N'Imn•. 'i"' li 7 ~I Ill l:t llnfl t:l, 111t1u 1'1111 I lhVI'II "'hlliVo•l1111 I .lt•n• ••I ~tit. Klwunl~ """ 1'\.nt<try '""'' loll touulo· Jlln na 1•1 trllntiJlOrt \ "'' • ~ '" llu• flltlllnv, plnN'I l{t~IIHy'a l'lvlt~ Aff11lra lYtm· 111111•••· anltl ttlflny lh11l tranapor- lufl"" rton ho uhtntno'fl l!y l'lttlln.r ""' '"""wln~t rtllmlll'ra: llullw"' l•lhlltf, ('orunn de-l Mar_ J1nl'tlnr 1<1'11\. N~ Arttdt. ="""'"'' 1 llt·lllhl~ 1tnd Lido laf~: lltulwtt ,,,.. n tttllfllt lf~trll'lr ·~· 10.-20 Per Cent , Real Estate Drop in L. A. Area P 2 ~ t; \\' J• o K T 8 A L 8 0 A N E \\' 8 · T nu: ,._ ~g,_e:__ _ __.t,_'K=IU.U :-.e'!'JI"rt ~-~al.!!:_ ll..,..·b 11. l&U 2 ND 285 Days in Jail Sentences Imposed For Ho.t. Rodders Check Up ondloover's Possess ion Of Goehbels' Captured War Diary J._,RONT PAGE E-A-R-L-Y N-E-W-S lh .I \ \U,, I . 1111"11\ \!\ tillt·ti.P~t '' ~l .d l ( ·ur ''''Jwmd•·n1 \\ .\~1 11:'\t; I • 1;\ :'ol.tl • to I! I f(•" 'lh• .J I Ill • lhlhtrllll•ltl I• \ '' :'\1 '~~ 1',\1 :\IAIH 'fl I.! "''~"''.,illot .. ll\ H•'tlllll•• 111111 tt l '• \lt1111111•tl ,lttol!:o' J""'l•h ll 1 .,. 1'1• 11l•111 JI•I I•II """'''' 1 1 I ,,, .... ~.,, h•tltt l• •• IIIII _.,..., (1,1\, • ,.,,, "' "'' "' •I.. .., 'Ill 1" ""' 1 ut '' ul• fit •' I•• .7 \t•lJI\~ I fr,t ,•ttJUt t • J4r• f .ft•'-• Jth (; .. , l1t"•ltw. 1t 11l 1lr "' 1 •rut ''•"I" nd. II tth 11 '' ,, <h•>~ '''"'' •I ,~.tt 1\ ht '"· h"t'"''' l •t ·~o "'''" I ••IH111 "' 11 •• d•l"''"""' ,,11 r• ·•• •• "' ''·• ,., .. ,, ,._,.,.1,, and 1 I d J fj".,q,' I fill.., p• I '''ratdl)' U.S• •oil tl !11• Ill till' lllolltli"'ll(lf ilsc(f •I "' I • ld "' 11 ol•t fur the l'nhr II :O.t .olt·~ II • • flo • 1 tl· 'ttcl 'lo• 11 u nly dt•- ', •• ... ' • ,, ,, ,, t1 , ,.,rcurn .. till '>1111 I \\ f1 I 11 tlo• II my re - •• d rl•·• '·"" nt 111 ,, ll•ldil hnvr •I I • "' 1111 , ., ·~~ "'' t.:UVt'rn ... I II I ' '' I • \ ••ffif"<'. A . l"l•\ \\•1• llltll)tt fl ,,, l.ttiftl' d•l j t•q .. l \ u.,. ... ,,,,.,,,,.tt 'Veterans galnst 'I ' t h ,tH \t•t IIHI• ~ Hh h~tiU d~tU6 lh• \ \\tIt 1111• ft ..,f, d t.f \ 1ft fit I' "' d Ill\ \~I' Ill till' t'cJU ntry M'Ar h ' G .... I"'''' a•l • t.l\11 '• '" "' •• "" I• . .t •"'" "I ''' '" ''" '"' k l•llhltshin~: t ' • I t I I Ill \\ t t.. c;t'w•lt· t ur roups '111• \'1"4:1' Hio'-11\ lttft ••L!.•f ' 1 q , 't• If• ltl ~ '·Ill ••tf t•lfl,. 1,, .. ,, .tUflt llfllltl tt \\11Uitl hf• put Co • t F '''' '''"''''''' "' .Judl.!• t '~•l l t•n \••hiiiiiii••U"' Ji•IUI1.d ''"huoh ftHIIt nttnue 0 flrm •lt••l'~···· l ollll-!1111.: ft qll) IIIN'IIttiiHI """"I J ltllf .... •h· rl l.lllt Tho· ·;····I·······'""""'" IIIIY·IO· 1"1 ,f fitft't'll\• t'hl'..-hlfHIIiit• l••hlt\t \\ll 1t lh• .tlllt\,krl•'''la·ch'l• thUII1;.' dd \ •t. .. •t\tlttlll' 1,r litt l e r 's U 1!' AN\.El.E~. Mut -" r•"'lstrutt•lrl ,·,•rttlll 1t•· All Y.o·r• Ill• 1'111; f••"l ''''I• '"''" It tt• 1 1 1 ... , , . ._,,.,~~, ,., ••·· • 'I~,,,., ''' g ve fUP• "\'f'lt•rnn~ II J.:.tln•t ;\ 1'1' • 11tr·n•·•·•l j " II\ I' 1h1\• tn jnll tlu •••1.:h 1 lllttf• ('1,,., "Ill t., I'Uit Ar1hur ~;ruups '"'~'~' funrllonln~; I I I I k I " I '''"'' "'' • I l••hiH!> ,,n •·xcc llent I h•'Y \\l•n , ... rt .. r '•:\ )'tiUih'> I I' I•' In ""' urm "' xt llt••rtl I ... """' ,,, "" 111111~11·· •• nd Inner today at llnl\'t•rsit )' of SouthC'rn l · Jo' -CaJUornla and UCLA. •llf••!olt•rl :\l.ortlt :\ llfft l S .lll 1'1 ''""1'11111•111 :tl~o•n J•ru(MII\ ,,. \\lllkllllo:• .. , tho• ,;,II hl,.;h com- "We hl>ll~\'l' tho• tlllr•r•·•t' uf th• n.HHI•• \',tll• \ lo'!oult·Hh 1 ttiTif'llltll• ol t•·t l• ,,11•1 .ttl t•otltll~loll••• l'fl•_'_''_'_"_':_1n_r_I __ J..:... _______ ~- UnltNI s11111,5 woulrl ht·st 1,... ~ .. rv. thu t S•'lllllvo•dll nl\cl Willi IM·in~: ----- "" rll'tl IIIIU It fltl'• ll oll'k 1'\1'1) 12 y ()ld B «< by krt'pln.: Mur Arthur in J u-• ear-Oy pan." ·~ petitiOn said Wo·clnr·~•lll)' nll(hl At UCLA; the motto wu "not l 'lth•··· Lt F' ~; ThtllllltS ........ 1'ied, Tortu _red f Du Do " ....._al I H'CI I hut stlnw .'1•1 c·.ors '"'I • • vou or gout U&. ..... r· For Several Years man lAste r Mo•os sa 1d t httt hfl() l:ttlftrro•t'l nn :--••tml\ ,.fill tho· no~; Itt -wtt'f'aM h11d sh:nr·rl 11 pl'ttt111n th,. yuuthll w•·r" nrrt·slf'd snd "" UJ11:in~t MacArthur nnt to bo· n hlr~t•ko·rl tlw hiuhwny thnt nurrn11l c:andidalt'. trnfllc• lu od tu II(' r••ruut<-<1. Post Office Tells Oil City Picks New 1\.irmail Route Name for State 'Jl\e poll offiCI.' dt'pjtrlmf'nt hilS Beach Park announ("''d thnl r fft I•V" 1'1P•rh l!i, Air Pared Put~t S•·1 Vll'•· Y.llf 1» ln&u~urstl'd tn tho• (nllnwlnlt fCJI"( '"" countrtt'S. AuaLTia. Axon•a. fk'l~.:r"" 1 n11.:o. Bermuda. cu~·hcHiltl\ lto<IH , I il'n· mark, ~fCYPI. Etrc llrt•htndl, Fin· land, Gold Cout Colony, Crl'al Br1llan and Northt•rn lr..t •• nd, ~. kt'land, Italy. N••lhPr· Ianda. Nt•wfound fltnl1, II< or w a y • IWtugal. Swedl•n, Swltu>rland. TUnJala. 'l'urkey, Hnd I lnlnn nr South Afrlrn. A ir PftTl"Cla will tw suh}t•r• to UN> 180l(' llmitAIIOna at It• ~Ill'' and otht>r cundil1on • ns ur•• ,.,._ p lnlblf' to lntPm:~tion:~l Allrfi'C<' p:lr't'('( post 'fhr 'lliTir postal furrns U ttl't' I'NJUift.'d for IIUrfiiN' Jlllr· erls •vlll he r('Qulr('(f In ("((nr~t•ctton w lth th<' a1r paretols. ltatt•s may be obtaine-d at your local poll GlfklP. III'NTlNC:TCIN IIFA('lf ;•n~:·~ C'n11nt) •llf•·n •~or!' wtll bt• lt•kt•ci h) tho• t•hnntho·r of fOnt· nwn,• 111 rc't'l>llliTII'nd Itt 1 ho• ~to II• ell\ Ullnn uf tJilrk~ nnd hrnrh•·~ I hnt I hr lwurh IH't w••t•n tlw t'nstr·rn r tl)' limit~ anti till' Santo Anu I' I\ t•r, Y. hll'h rt'l't'lll I) WIIS pur· t'IIJI~t·•l h) th•· stnt1· (or n stntf' (~~trk. I><• nnm•'fl th,. "fluntlllt.:ll•n llo•IH·h Stnto• Ho·ru•ll 1'11rk," :w<•onl· 1n1: In \\'1ll1o1nl (;ltllh•nnr•. lt<'('l'l'· i\I'TO t•ART!'4 TtiEt,. Janlt's ll Cfllfl(li'r, flunt1111:1011 l'urk, fi'J••rt•'<l II• t••hc··· tho· lht•ft u ( twn tlrr rrms 11nd huh CAP" (N•m ht• 1111tu Y.holt• 11 ""' f\lll'ko.l rtl 311\ Amt•th)'tll 8trrf't, Balboa I.!CIAnd , la'l ntl:hl ClnpJl('r WIUI nsltln~: lhl' home• uf !\laurie Stan· ley wh1•n th•• thl'ft nn·um'<l l.I)S A"C;J·:t.FS.Mur 1:.! at 'f'l A 'IR-Jltlttntl '"') "h11 """ lh' wa~ II.! ) .... r~ .. 111 tuhl f~llH''' 11~lay l\\11 )IIUrtt.: "l•m•·n kt•Jol 111111 111•d 111 l'' 1'h11or fur \• .or• "'"''' tho·~ ho •at ;,nd stan,., hltn J ohn .fuM ph'~ ••yo • twtnklt·d IIH~dll•'\'••11,.1)' ·" I I 1•11 It I'' pho· 1111-!IIIJ•h••rs ollltf 1~•111'{' SUI roundl'd tum \IIIII•• lit· ~o:ur,.;t·<l un "h.tl ht• '"til """ 111~ f1r~t ,.;ood m•·ul m )t•ar" II•· ''·" fon•n•l )t•l>to•rd.ty o•ul· '"1'"'<1 l1u111 •l•tr\11111111 un a rurh '" \'t•flfl'<' II··"''" rw wus l:t nnd 11tlk•·d ltk•• 11 l:.!·>•·nr·ttld . but lttll ~;ruY. th "'l~ <o ~tunt•·cl h<' lookt'<l -~~ Ttw '"" Y.HIIIIII. "hllm ho• kn• y. unl) 11~ .loo 11nd J••ann1r, kl'pt him 11 pr1•on•·r In 1 h••ar dirt} lilt lr· ''"""' f,,,. ~·J loll!: '"' 111•1 truck nr lho· llllll', fll' 111111 1••111'1' II•· \\ ·" t t••ll tu n •·h:ur wttll n••c·ktlt·s rn11SI u( thf' tltnt•. i)(•a\o•n ...... ,, II ""'' 1'111 nlllt'ltl, ,,.. ':uri \\ 11••11 ho• \\ ·" fttunrl. lw WitS Yo o'.lr· 1111-: a !tit hy raJ.( .111\t'llllt• .. tl wo·rs Sllld J ohn ob- \1!111~1) h11d h····n rnistrl.'alro. IIi~ lkJCI)' Will< SpOttt'd With br uis(os and ~UI'I'S fit• Wt'tJ.:h('() only 48 pounds and \\'A~ 50 tno'h<'ll tall. Vtut. • • TOMORROW'S HOME TODAY Model Open 708 Avocado Ave., Corona Del Mar '• Designed For California Coastline Living And a Lifetime of Enjoyment Cooperating Subcontractors lU CONCRETE Larry Light ...,. A.._!~f-Balboa . ELECTRICAL WIRING ~·· & FIXTURES -Eta, Hokin & Galvan 1 .. ()eMt Bl-1. N-.ort ~II.. FURNITURE Newport Furniture Co. .. ()eMt IJIWa7, Sewporl ~ GRADING R.W. CcCiellan & Sons •n o.tna. Newport ae.e• LINOLEUM . Hanson Shade & Linoleum Co. IOlS--"!Ird St~ C011t& M- METAL SASH & SCREENS Orange County Rolscreen Co. lOt 8o. Mala. 8ula A- PLASTERING Barker Bros. 111 r~ '"" st,_t.~o.ta M- LANDSCAPING Ellis Brothers Nursery lt OI C-..t IUwll,), Corcma ~I Mar LUMBER Ward and Harrington 31" Cout IUwa y. :\'I'WJ!Orl 8Mdl HARDWOOD FLOORS Dewey f.allahan LO. !. Rn.: 1~. Ranta A11a RAINTING Ray Xiemeyer 810 SU'('bau, Corona df\1 Mar TOTS AND TEENS SHOP OPENS HERE Tttl"' .111cl f', t lh ~hu11• .._lhtt• "'Ill "I""''' \\•·•h~o•ll·•~ .• 1 trl!l Coa.~t '"'''"' ·•). t .,r .. nu •I• I :O.Iar, hy W. ('••·hnlll. (Ill no·r un1l "l"'rlttOr O( I h·· no•Y. o•~t.ohlishml•nt in the II") lo IJutfdullo: Str11tl) mttdt•rn 1n Interior rl•'l'••r tho· •lun• has tht• latt:'tlt "' •11:11 1n c1ht•l.o} r;ll'k• :111d the rlfopurn tm t•nts .,r a ,.,.mfortable '"'"'!: room. Slt.ul"" l><tX pii'IUro·~ l1 .oll\(' dis- JI(ay '"''''' s and latllt'<'<l racks I• p(;tt•t• tltt• I'USittntilry t!1bii.'S and II• .... ,,, >lh·l\o' t\11 tlt~JIIIIy J}lntforms were made lo~ C \ll'llrlit ·Crnft. C ·,.r .. rFI dt•l Mar. C \..-hrart ~II tel Ius fJI'II1 ts corry. lnJ.: sh~X'li from sizt•s 0 through 12a t .. r mr·n 11110 lN>)S I n 1111'11'8 Sh()(>S h•· \\111 'l"'t't.tfllc· In •purl !I wear. l'rtm.ollh, '""'' '' r. 11 ... ,.tun• wtll dt•al Ill ltJIO\' foot"t'ar. Anglo-American Film Agreement Signed Today f.II:"PO:"oo. f-1111 1:! fliP• - ;IJt•· An.:tu-Am••rtt'iln a ..:rl't'm ••nt I'1'1J••altn~; flr1111u1 s 7:i pt'r cent tnx on for•·•~:n f1fm proftts wu s•~o:n•-<1 tlotl••) nnwl (tlnudlts from tho· llrtttsh ltlm rndustry 11nd most of I hto Jlri'Sll. PrC'sldo•nt of tht• llnnrd flf T rade lla.rold Wl\10n and PrHident of thr Mot ion P k turr Auoci11tlon of Amcrtt'n Erw Johnston. who ne- ~:ntiall'd tht· to•rm~ thst rnl11'd a S•'\'t•n·mtmth dt'llllltl<'k. stgn1-d thr p8('t It l'nc1.·d Rrllnin's fnrl'lt::n ftlm! lnx, 11nll ltftr•<l 110 ••m l11lr._:n by Am1·rrc•nn IJI'flfllll't•rs on Atnl'rtc•an f1lm~ for llrtl1t1n It IX'rmlt• 1\mrr· lrans tu t.tkl' n11t of Rr11.11n ~17.- 1 ~10.0<'11 n y<•,tr, plus what•·' t•r do l- lars nrr mrtfll• hy Brttish prurluc- rrs from frlms d istrahut(>d in the I ·nllf't1 Stnlt·~. 11~ flu~Sf'~llions and I h•• l'htltl•lllllf~ Tho• ro>mrunrlo•r n( .\rn••rto·An l'llrnrnc• may ht• 111• nt "' tn\ •·~•··•I lln)~ ht•rp In stt•rllng nr••n.s \\'lwn lhf• a.:rro•mrnt wa• •tt.:n· r•rl. Juhnston snld It was "ntll a \\'tlsnn vi('tury nr a .J1•hn<"n ''It'· tory It rs a \'ll'lory fnr lh•· IH'O- plt'S of th•· l 'nito•rl Stato•,.. nnd Rrltnin Th,. \\nt tn folm• II.~ I••• n '"ttlrd h~ mutual '""'llf'r.ot"'"· ~·•I<'IY.Ill .11111 unclo•rsl,1nollnt: )11~1 as all \\rtNI cnn lw 5<'lllf'd " ~nic1 W1l~nn :' '"OtiS ncr••• m•·nt h11lrls 0111 tho• pr"'l"'''l lh.tl flnt· tsh film< "''" C• t ;, ro·.tl f,.,•1n~ on t ht• Amr rw.111 mnrk• t · T'rnlftlrf'r .\1• 'ollllr·r ''•"fl:t h.11t. f'rl th•· :t,.;rf'o·n .. n1 ... '""~'~rtl: .1 hn~:ht fltlttro '"I llril"h ltlm• 1n1t l'lo~o·r r••l.lllt•n< h. t". , ,, tho 1 ;111 t~h anfl i\11h'fh'.ttl f1l111 rntltt•l 1 1,., l'r•Nhll•• r II• rlt. r1 \\ ol··· , -..1c1. If "Ill •11tl lho• l•orl .,Jr( ''''•m "''"'" lo·tl '" ftno llntl•h ftfm, ,.._._ llh' '"li lt'' 111 "\, 1\ \ .. rl, ' 11dt ~ It,' ·•"~·· nuh•"l~ lrntlht,.... f, f'H1 I lt• m ""' 111 An" rll'.o • LAPIDARY SOCIETY TO HEAR l. A. MAN ':\lt•llflll\ Ill< o•ttnj; t•f 1111• ( lt :on._:o· ( ,.,,,, :\1111•'• tl ronrl 1.1plrhn '" t'lo'l\ \\llt fo, ftt hi \1ottHI.I\ Il l j \tl i' Ill Ill lilt• ollltlllo !'1111, n ( lho• J..1 tPlrn.,r '•'hu,,l lrt f ··)ron.t ,,, t ,,,, 1; ..... '1•11"' \\lil t .. 1111 - '"'1'1 ''· IIIII'\ u l II. I'" ''"''I •• LAptrlnry !'llf'to•t ~ whn Will In•· turr• •'n lh•• 11r1 1•f sh:-opln~o: nnd ()flf'tllln~: l':tl>t'l'hnn <ltlllt'< r .. r ...... lln~o:s tn rna:~ nno hr11" t. t• Thr lll\t'l•'l~ hns rnnr(' thnn '-'l mrmiW'r!< 1111(1 olll 1• r<o>n.S tnto·r, ,,, ,.(1 in nnnrral s111t1~ ,1nrl Japlrt:~n \\ork nr.• '"'tt••fl I•• .rtt•nrl th;. mt'f'tln~;. Tnlllr~ w111 h,• ;fll'•'' tclt-tl folr thr study rtnol dlst'lt.•~tt.lfl rtf nil m111rrn 1 •p.•,•tm•·n• hr, uo.;l • to lhl.' mr.•ltnJ.: l•~ t ho>~<' .1 11• nchn~o: COAST ASSN . SETS ~EET DATE MAR. 23 HARDWARE Coast Contradors Sup. ftt OeMt ·-1· NewpM't a-It PLUMBING Gillman & Gillman '10 • Slat 8L. St"WpOrl llfec'b ROOFING Orange County Roofing Co. TILE Ed \\'alters Thl.' nr'Cl rt't:ltl.tr m··· I IIllo: .. r tho RN~rrl of f'l1rro•tnr~ , r th. 11, .11,.;. Ct•llnt~ (',>:t~t .\<t•o>t.'lllt."n "rll ,,, Uth It :0Sf'!'1~rt ,\\'f',, C'CMta M-h• ld :tl thr P11na r o•tnt I J1,•, 1 II :'Inn Pnlnt ''" Tur•sdO\~. :\ltra•h .:I • 111tt'30pttt HEATING Pacific Heating .,. o-.& ....._,-, eo-*" Mar 61, So. ~ kllta Aaa BUILDERS :':r•\'1'rttl tmp<lrt:HH mntt. r• \\111 Boort'y & Poirier 1 "·· ... ~··rl "l"'n h) th•• m·~ ••n..: 1• '7011 A\'ooado A\'f!l., ('oro-*' Mul"ll!' ~•n·~~.oc1. nncl <'IH'h dlr,·rt•'r ts IIO'tn.~; :~skro to att,•nd • HOLLYWOOD Says Modern Art Is Vicious, Insane Plot Newport Beach Police Get First In Latest-Type Radio Typewriter New Homes Hold Value, But IIIII I.Y\\'1 H ll I, .\f., I I:.! I I' I' I ·'' ""'' d t.lll:••d ··~I··~ '"''' 111'"1 I 11 Ill I I' •I \ 1('11 1\J:O. (.IIIII lu 1111\o till' \\uflcl lll••tlll' II ltoh~J•ohu·Gtltlllnlo:l< sa 1 d II •• IHIIIr•l'll 11 11 o'lllt Hllflo•l( tu l11•· ,J \ lHfUrr.,:t IOU' ( t\llllt11tHn" 'tnd 1 ·' tlu Y.utlc.J 11 .. \\,t) I'• II Jtlt· \\ell I• I;HI l•l tiiiUIII tht• I• 1 II\ uf <li'IUAI h(o•.' llt• >ootid, 1 t l11•y .,.,. o•nuu~-:h surn•nhst I' 111111111-:' of lhrl'l' •')I'S 1111U lo•._:S 111 '111 IWIId !'Ito·.\ Wlln't know which tS tht' • tl: • ..,,., \\ ttrl•l "h:ot tho•) Stc'l' In 1• "'' rn nrt "' "l1t1t t h ,. y !We .11 .. 111111 fh(•m .. J:,l,~John·Gtlohtnlo(s. 11 l'o:l•\\ York 11 ,, t u1r dt•c•torrtlor and rurnltur~ oJ, ,,, • .,,,r, saul lht· ,.wholt• thing ,.t.rrlt rl w1tlt :O.Iitrllnltll, who C'l!· 1 ,lol"l"'d futur1sm . a frank~ rev- ' oll01l11tl') St'htMtl Of paintiniC, in I• ''" tn I!HO lie stud th<· school &•I ollltt'd to 1(1'1 up tt ".:over nment u( <'X(.I('rtll"-thr artis ts thl·rn· "'"'('8. "TII(·y looke-d for a way to ureak ''""" Bourgt'Ots Cl\'tltJat1on and J.,ttnd 11 in art.'' hC' ~ald. "Until "" ) ltrnvl'd. uur t'l\'lltlfllllln was (,,,.., d on rationality " ~tnct· th .. y arrl\'o•d. he sa I d. tho•) 'vr l)(.,•n Cttrwusly ~mearing , .. ,tnt into J)an!'ak•··ltke clocks. It• acb wtth nost•!' ~wre tht• (')It'S •h••uld tw, arms and lrgs floating It• n• nnd there and undrciph,.rablt• a~;;nrtmt•n ts of rnanclt•s. Typlrnl 11f tht• rnuq•rrwnt , Robs- Juhn·Gthl>tn~;s saul, lb Cubist Mar- t'••! Du•·harnp, whto painte-d Mona !.1•11 wtlh H muslnchl.' Older Homes Fall U IS A:"C;ELE:-i, :\I fir . l:t ol'Pr fu:al •·star.· prl('t•s have •h u pfll.'d lll tu :.!0 f"'r (.'C'nt In the I'"~' ~··ar, a l 'uito·ct Pn'l!l> s urvey >IWWt'li toKJuy. :-;,." h1111W~ on• ltulchn~ at a 1o 11 lo• muro• 1 han duuhlo• pn•-war ,.n.·o..;, lout uhlo•r """"'' urc falJ. 1111: ,\ h• ··• \) 'ultm t• • uf II\'\\ hwlding ,, ,., , 1ht• II , .• .,,. th·• ru~t '"'' rnonths o f 1111~ \t'll l, !'\Ill IN'I'IIIIh for neW ""' 11;111-!~. \alitt•d at s:.:i,:.!\3,221, ", . .,. ·~~'"'" 111 t ht· • 11 y, {•.,rnparc-<1 I 1 ,:\tt,!J\1<.~110 \\Orth uf hOilll'!l for 1 Itt· t•ornt•·•n•lllt• (.It nod tn I ~7. "-"'''" nnt•t rUI't run IS playing )111lt with n •al ··~t utt• snl<•s." Rhll Ro·11, JW..;ildt•ll'l .. ~ lht• Ln.t .;.n~n Ht .tl t y hourd. ~"1d. · P1•u•o•s un hurno•!> from I Ill 2(; 11 . d ) ,.,1rs old Rro· du\\ n HI to :.!0 pe1 1 a of th•· flrl!t pollee d epart· l•wnl ho·.•d•IU<orlo•r,. to rt·l't'l\ ,. rn· 1.,.11, "lll'rt' sa 1 ,. ~ ar1• !X'in( nwnt'" th1· Y.urld to IX' ('<IUip(X'd '"llllfltiiOn \\tlhtn n '''" mtnutr•s made " wtth tht• lntt-~t 111 a hl~h SIJ('t•d loom ww 1••1111 tn C'aliforrtiiJ 'f'l . h th" s1111 Fr rnando l•lt·c•trtt· IYI.It•Wi tlpr ''1"-'rlttl'd on ul · lrou.: uut • .• 1 h lnst11ll.tltun of tht• l'allrut\'fli'I Vall1•y Y.ht•n• man} movll' stan l'lluln rtrr u t ts ~ uwn 11llove wa trh-1 . · ' h d 1o '• ";" "''"I•• h) \\ 111 J I lavts have t•stahlislwd rnnchos the tnJ.: I l' ('VIC(' ptck U(> lllf'SSil!:l'll f ( 'f I • • ( I I 1 • otll( lon ''" ll" ncl, Jr . fll'lcl t'O· .'olllllf' SliUattnn prt•\'81JS rum flu IN• I•• •'1)1•·• a I I•\ t•r I ool· , ( · · 1forn1a I guwo r• "' t.luf... \\ ln·l··" Ltd Only dtS~t'nlinK nOif' was aound· . ,, l•oll "., "'Jill M'n l.tll\ ,. r runt 'Ill' <d by f'\l'rt'tt \\'·1 It president ( h11 I ll It I !.~h.:kii1SPII h 1 fl I lf,lll~l' I 't•lllll\ (~•II•·•· 1'01d1u ''S· 1 ( h A · d 11' 'bo d A d G · · · ,. " 1 c n·a l't rt'll y nr n ,Jutot• \\ tn·lt·.-l.tcl tnSt>oll tho· l•m du•·r·lr•d tho· tnst,tll.ottun h 1 ' ·IT •d d . t modc•l shown '''"'' ,, ph•·• ,1 In 1 hr• t en I "a~t 11 qu.o 1 '' tssen . ('OmmUnl(.';tiiOn' r<HHII q j tho• JNI• 111,, llur -. J;of lllltlr•• • l•l-!ll•ll uf "()ur prl(.'o•S llr<' N:Omin~ down 8 hl'r' llf'p .. -.rtnH·nt hr •1,. fm(lltnltnJ.: h;hl ,111.t ,.,11,,1of·· "lltt l• "•I•' ,0 trifle on rxastin~: hnmrs." Watt lll•"•"-••~:•-s ,,, tlt•· 1 at1· uf 11•1 \\u-~.b n 1m..,l '" 1.,111 .. '''"'"'"' lwl·ahn,'() '>atd. "!Jut IIIIStni'SS (Jrop.·rty val· Jl('r tTunutt•, ot t•l•·r:.t•·" 11n lht· ()1·. '"''" nft••n 11,111 tu 1111.,,, ""'r-UI'S are uv tp :..'0 to :.!5 ()l•r ct'nt." ron~;t• Count~ J.o<ohl'•• l!tdro S)~lt•m '"'·"" 1ho•11 , ;ti'J:••'' o~f ho•r"'' Almost all ro •altors agrrl'd pres• J>uhf'o• rdo·u~~·~ frc1m all U\'t•r 1'nl pnn·s strll un• douhlr pre-ww tlw "'att• t~r•· fti,-.J thruu~;h tlw I 111 t• .. ruo~: "''''!• w1·11•. tlw bot· anrl nonr lHIW a n •turn to thOM S untn ""·' llllrt·nu .rrul thr·n put t11m PI tho· h11lo· ~:••I• on1• tlo•._:rt•P minimum~ on tlw Wlr•• to th•· l•w-.11 !>laloun h1111o·r "" tho• avl'l.ll.;i'. for t'\'t'ry That, Nl<'h •·mploaStll'd, was a 'Ow do•\ l('o• tnllkt•~ II p•l!t~thlt• fur til. Jt.,·t u( tlt•pth ftng<•r·(.'rOSSt•d Slnt••nt••nt. ----------------------~~~~ ore people drink E.•t•llle in Southern California 1han a19' other Beer I IMM + -~-r IIFWB ID IG 17 , It -~MPC 4 JO 10 i, It - ,frA 9 toq lO SUIIOU P Ill NO FINBa aaaa aaawa., ® .,_ U l UUHI ltfWtll "8NII. •tt AUHn TIHr• i.s otJ1 o-rutOfl wh1 yo11 who _... fort"-'' 'flfO*tb to lin ;,. C.li/of?Ju, p., murh Ins/or • C•lifor•i• Bur th•• for burs shipped ;,. froM owtsiJe poi•ts-yo• •rc •ol. flot)i•g bigb freight (Oils ..J h.rt4- . "IJ; '•'·"·grs, So,.e of the u·or/J's fi•rst 'f'HJ .. ,. .. brn..·~J right h~ ;, C.JijOf'YIU. . • I BARR'S COMPLETE "One-Stop" Builder's Service • • • Ever.y day home bullder8, contnM-tors and jut plaln 'Old home "dood- leni" art> finding that tht' Barr Lufftbt>r Com~· of- fer8 complet~ one-st.op ~rv­ ice for alm08t enry phall(' of building, remodf'Uug or redecoration. PAINT PABCO ... e Por<'h and S~p e lntulor Flat \\'aU e S«-~n Eotunel e S~le Staln TEXOLITE ... e INTERIOR \\'aliA Paper Stucco e LXTERI6R Muoa.ry Brick ~ HARDWARE e BRACE AND BITS e HA!\'D DRILLS e BLOCK PLANES e JACK PLANF..S e STt:EL TAPES • s n :t:l. SQt'ARES e I ... EVELS e HAMMERS e SAWS e PISCII BAR.~ e IIAND AXE.~ e TOOl. BOXt:.IO; e IU..OW TORCIIt~ ROOFING e ROLL ROOnNO e ROOF COA 1TNO e SHINGLES Cedar Asbewto. Compo!'ltioa e ALl 'MIN1 'M ''()ooU~·· GARDEN e STEEL CAR'J'1i; e U :AF AJ~D I ... AWN KAKES e 1.,\ WS MOWt:R.'i; e CiAKHt:S IIOSt: e SI'IUSKU:R.~ e CiUt\S:-i f'ATC'Itt:n....; e I'IU 'SIS<i l TKOI snt:AR.Ii\ e IIASO SI('KI.t;.'i; • ~wAnt;.~not:."\ e LA \\'S t:l)(it:IL"' 11M-nanlf' R,\KR nlf'&M M>nl- plf't.f, bulldn'" ,.,.n·tl'f' fo r "'"''''· one. Rf'mHilbt-r thl• •l()l'an. "O~t:-!'ITOI' MF.R\'1('1:~" l tv M li I tl ( 0 M I' 1\ ltf Y COMTA MF.SA N ""-port A nAlM' at Bay StrHt. Tf'l.: 84-aron 6-U 'l ))(' Wtse -Advt'rtlu I ("ea. Jtllr.~--··J II&J. OeD. Patricll: J. ..,d he WU OODYtDeed that M ·fear-oicl WUll&m Patriet.BurleJ, a War)'l• YWt. C&llt~ r&DCh band <above) wu bla lOQI·miallll brother. 0ea. BurleJ ~aleS bla t&mlly be· l1eHd bla bfoU. bad bef'n ldJiecl Ia Malco to ltlJ ctur1111 t.be I'II'IIDe of Pnulclleo Madero. .· .. I HOLLYWOOD Movie Attorney Denies Industry ''Fixed' NLRB Harmless Nil Takes Fear Out Of Dentist Visit Calif. Democrats Private Plan~ of Urged to Ask Stop Jaquelin~ fochran , Tu Jew Arms Ran In (~rash Landing I N t; \\' 1'0 KT BALBOA N E\\' 8 -TI N 1t8p t-'ltiU \\ 'li""''""' n.--.:·h1 t 'a.tlf. ~tan•h 111 llt.4" age .. 1.11:-\ i\Nt;~:I.E=-'. 1\h1r I:J .I'"'" It••"•''' It , ""'"'"·U' ,r :-.,\, P il l," ~~ 11 I · t\ l 't •l 'l'l \'"""''''~"I"" wtlllllh• "' l••tll•"''''"' s,,,,, t '•Htr:ol A "'""'"'''' '""''"~"'"' 111'1.1\'\\'tlt lll, :\Lot 1.' •l'l'l 11\\;o~ 1111 \<llll'fo•l•t••fthlltlrtp l• "'11 111<1'" ltHIII tot l'•tl tltt·1lolll J.,,.J,It .. ·ol l ,.olo•ltt I'''"' 111 10t1 ,1 .\n lllt.•trt•.) (ot 1n .,Jtll '"''"'"• lt1t d~·unst. ~~.':t l• •" t ',h t·••n•.• ,,. 1,~ l'••'' ,.,,,,h l.ntdrf\~ ,,. t .trhll ••~th lteltl JHt)thH•'t" I •Kht~ 1h·n~t·•t :'\l•l\h-'1\'•' d•tllf'-1' , ... ,~ltH!'t.td hMi'''~•J, l'luru.•n ••I'll 11h :OO.t.tt• p, >•''"'''" .tll•l li•lo•l\ '"'' th. 1-&lt-ttl ) •• ~uS··· llt•rl'-t'l t :-:.u r~.u'" lhHI II }\Ill tult .. · th·· p tl1. u tn~ld ,,, t •Ill t,• h t• llh oUI1\' till •~•H•Ittl. ,. If I ....... , .... ,._, .••• TOP LANDSCAPE GARDENER MOVES TO HARBOR ~REA I' 1\,l(••·llii I Uhl'· H I ~·· 1"'" "'·''" 1•·u nth .~ ,·ntd• h• • ';, "' ~·· I l.u , .. I h" ..... '""'""' •I "'' """"' '" lit tt.. I I"'"'' '""'' t• t Foto-Views thoU \:'•' th.tl ht '·"' h l "' lh.1t hnti•II\U,II• \\ht•U \ttU fl'AVt• tth f;t Ill l '.llt"'ltl'• tlhl 111Uf'J't,1 l U lh, .! tlf til\ t l t~U1UU 1•'-l tilt '" "·'~ tn' \\h••ll tlh nt.o\u• "''"" '''"<'.til \\,tlk h-urlo'SJI) lo, lr •" ''' ... , 1••111'•' '""''' I•• tlo~hr I• lito I'' II tl• 1•1 '"'' "' ,frtk1· \\f•n1 fp tfu ~UIInn.tt t dkH ''' lh• tl•u.'l ~·•~ ufth'' "-••, 11 • f" Ht .,, til, lt.d\ l.nt1d .~ta ... I l ' ~ '•flltrll, "''' .. 1 .. h'''' l!ilitltlltl~ 1\,.,,nl 1 'I I ' d R I t I a.. I '1 '""~:1\ th.tl ••111 ""I ll lldltJJlt ''"''" ·"·"'""" ••I "'" ,,,. .. I '"" 1.<'\1111' "" " .... , ... f I I I "·"""" ~ ;\I 11111 "' • 1\, "111111111 """· ,,, \\Ito I• ~lollturtnl IH'~-1''1 11 1111111'11 '11"11 ~>h••nltl 1'1'' '" 111 ''"' \ •II•·· '""·'" 1 \•q• It By WALLY GERHARDT a:n I lilt -.11 ., I \ '.t!oiLt \1, ... t ttHd .. ,JO,.._ __________ ..;;;;;;iiiii-. .. 11 Al l• 1 l•" \• tt ' 111 l' '' u l,·n.t ""'"I •. " """' ol "" "'""'' "'I _I_ II tit ,., •• '"' '"' ,, ..... ''''"'"'" \\II \1' 111 '"· ''" 11 ,,,.,. Ttu: 114 l 4H'K K~:At'TIUN T() 'ft\U:14 lltll~ll UAII.Yf ~, ... I tiL"IHt Ill lthtlltlt ll.llh. • •• ,.,I I s,,n,~u, ''''llll•'rl) tH·I·•r·· u ltl:-. lnbiiiUI• ••• t:'IJ''nnwnt.t , .. ,. "i.,.,,,, 1• Hltl ,h lp '").Up •11 •1·-.1 "" ...... l••l I\\•• h ........ Jl •th• l '''"•r :-=ulk'OII\nHt tc·P "·'' ~t•du·tn•· ...... ut th•• ptll prt'\t'l"" ' 1111 1 ~1 ''11"111 1''1 l"ll 11 \\llll• t••l•t '''" th t.t •u•l • •.• ,,, • .... mjtlo•lol~· ""' '""'"''"'"~"~ ,, " .o h l • ""'"'·"''' ... m.• ul tho ' •• "'"'" 11" 1" ll•t.tl ''"''""" l··f "''' '"""''''"' ... lo•l\•l '"' l.oiM•."' """' ul h.o\ 1111: to·o·th ftllnl. ·nu • 1 '' '' '-' ol ''I"" 1(,~ .. , '··It "'''''' I'"""'.: "h•·· I• ~ltth ·r lh• 'lat.· .... ,,.,,n ''"'' '·"'I th••> 11,111 ··lunnlalt'tl lht• rt•'' an' •t14 t "' IPIIIh'' ~·.~n.:••·~,IIHIII \He t.dl Hllht.tl" ''"'"II" "n,tll . •I '''"'"·.I . ",,, "' I',,,. I \1 tl1 l 'aul "· ('11,; T1llf' ......... ~ d• ,,,,,. ·• ••• tt .t. ,t ••f tu .. 1Uit• '''I C\urnna dN Mart t '" '""''" '""'': • •I I .... Ill ''" "' \1 I 'htllk II b IIIII' "' I Itt• .... , lhlllt•' ho IIH l•1111 t 111 lilt l '.\n••..tHI tluua.:."' h ttStl"'th•tl ht•I'"'C' ,..._ ltllt• d h~ "''' 11111 '"') ... arual:u 'tt'ah ••I th~· p:uu 1tlh•Uto:h u llt'\\' v-a.un L "' ~' '•u tl.!lut 1Ptl.t~ tSarn.tc~· \\ •'~'~ t·.tta,,•d "' Ht• ht lh lllo·nt I\ liS ,.,,.r llt.<tl•·. '"'' tlttl 1111\ I•·>> "'"'"'"''" ••I 111Jt'<'lt11~ Jtn<'" 11111111110.: 1 .. • •'''~' ·•I ""' r tlt•t ' ,,,.,, 1,-ntf)' II Ill • "' tho .wl>o tmplll'd 111 til•• '' '". lll.•ltl' f(,, \\a"u' A•h••rtt' '"h all l h•l • "'•'I~" lh' U\llllh" I ;, \\ ''·• 111"11) ,.,,.r l'<'<'llr Ill •IIIII "' ,1 11•·· '" '' '" .olllll'nl W~JJ h 'Sh'\l HOLLYWOOD h·l•.:rnm 111 !Itt• +"'rnmttt ... • whu h ""''''''""lull\ .. n moro· than :..!01• l lw .ct. m:onrt••tl ho• ro·,ul tnl" till' I'·'''''"'' Ill lito• _lust two )'l'llra. 'L Th" lt .. ~trd 1'111"' '" '"" do'rlla>l hc•CIIIIlt' •• , atest Jng in KisSt'S Is LiUit' ll·nj<tl!lln 'IIII I rlu• •lt.or.:. """ .. ~.-•• ,lin• lft~h.tll "'II httrror ru t Th ... C· .. ll"..l ·s•_=·~.n. .. ! '--f~ .. .,..~ 'I' . ..,.._ __ 1 l'>•lllpll'l••b ,.,.1.,,.,'(! "lid tlt"'ll•tltt· I'""" 1ulult,. un.l duh!n •n. th;• doc· I Jng dJl\!U ~~ ~-- STORES 'KITTY' COLLECTS $30 FOR RED CROSS • •I "ht'n S t•rrdl fo r!' I rn.ttk 1J 1 1"' '-~'trl) _....__ •"'"~JIJUl-' -rr;;-; i'iill" hot\-eu-;-letid t"ffN.'t,., ........ I' \\tM 'I' ~t.u I .. ' ,t"P t 'IIW l'har.:•• "II' ntllt!. on l<•l lll,ol \'11 1 flll<lr • II tl U"'fl 111 tho• t101<1Hnl' 1 1'11 '111tJt'l'l fpl lt•l.l\ I~ kt~"'"' "'lllllt>n) h) llo•riJ,•r l h. So•n l'll, ,.,.,,.11\lll<'ntl•tl h) 11••1111~11. lh(') tho 1<1•"1 lin n.: til l it I•> 1:•1 1•11 ''rl<'nt of lht• ~lrJktn.: ,.,,11f,·r-~:aul II 1'111ltlro•11 pro•fo•r, tht•)' C&JI ''"' ''" • till· •IHI••· .. • Ill'< ul s lurlht un11•ns If,• """"'d dnnk nn f~IIIUII)'·harmlt ... 10<111 I 111'' "'' •I "• '""'' 1 '''""1. h) I '"'' ltr t•St•nr ''""'lfll' und ...... r,u·· ..... i'\llll.lll111l!: '"'' hartJIIUrll lt' ... , .. , '"•,1111 ~ .... , '"" J.:lltll lllll•• •I •·•• t llh'm lwr ••I tlu· t~lllr(l Tlu• 111,111•111 "'" '"' t·alrn Kn<l 1" 1•·1••1\ ·•II llh' '"" • "" '"'' '" ~~~rrl'll saul th.tl ="I.HH l"tllln,,•l ro•la;~~•·•l l••r 1o h .olt huur nr 1111 8(1t•1 "'' 111' 1' 1 ''' 1 '"" "'"'' d ltul" rt :'\ l>t·nh;tm \\oos "tn lltt• lit·· tlt•.olllh 111 lilt' do•nttsl" Slllfl " 1''"1"'"1 111 \ 11 ~'1111'1 """"' l"'t'ht'l ol pn~tltw•·r~ 1\ho·n h•• ,11•t ltut Ill•· ..,,,.,.1 "'" ll••llr uU tllo'l1 11·•1!1• ·•1•1•1"1"'·''' 1\ • '""'!:" '' II l ••tl liS trHol ••oc:onlln••r tn rh•• 1!11~1 ,.11,1 "'"''' 1111 p11111 I ~ l.ourt~• "'" 1111\ "'"''' •• 111111: ,,,.,~.-It 111\fll\<•d " d tsp uto• h•·-1\l uq;lol'l'l llllon•rt. l'htld m ll\'11' h/Hlt• 111 1""' .... It•~ ,,.,. •. , .. ..,, llll<l 11'"r11 llu• Al-'1. Jlllllll•·r, 11nd >tar. "'"~ '~,, o·nthu"llbllt' MUoiUI •It• 1"'11 ' 1 ''1 k.,,,.,.~ I''""" h·tnd~ untom. ttn JllrtMitrlwn l ,,.,or l•·•s ,,,,,.. ''' til•· •h-nltsl. lhl') i I II. '""'"" tl " '"" ·•11•1 1:11 I nntn • '' r ••' '''t"rllltnn~ '';111'1, tltiOI •h• 1:11\•• $1 UMI '" tho•tr Ill •I•' '"' .ol '"""•'1'''"11 lolltl ll•k 1 ,,~ .. unh ••I '"1 h• ~'-'' 1"twu l t'rtttfuru '" I• •lttll '''"'ttl·~l l ttt 1~•~1<•1 11) em 1 'hur1 a ~··• h ' t\f U\ 1 •H ,. \ "IIIII J•••t 1•·1 .. \1 '"· 'kip tlet\\ H h• I t lit • h ''' ho·r Jlln111h " I h•' I ,tl I tTfTI;"'f rl.•t• II , •••• l .\ t I•IIIJt lll\ 'I ••. , .. I llllhl\1• ~ t ''Ure• t lft•tt 1'•11 1 HI lht \Uitt•nt l I ttilll' .ill\ I 11111111 I'"' ""' I t )ttn \\.1111 IHHi t lllhttfl\ltllllfl ,\1 .. 1111 .t ,\•HI rttr:•• tht• ltttlt t o '' • c ···hllnhLt" '"·•' ut~ •• r 'hilt• "''"'' tlu '' , u'''""' t ' '""~ t •'ttl• tu Fttttl"' 'lhlt I I'-fh• ltllttf 1 hn. h ft.t IIU).; lt1 ltHtllo.: lth u 1 .. , k, I kt )' Hut fl•"..,:tututtl tl l.-\lll1:' "'''"' lhttu t-"•••1 n "''..:" "'nttn~ ,,,_ttlttltlfl••f r•·.:.t't•t••l 't llllill •,•luu' • It''"'''"' ••ttl fuu· "••ul•t t .. \\ h.tlt"'\ t 11 H Ht1 1111 "" Hit ,_f11t 11111"''' ~~ I ttl "I" tttll~ 1,.,. kt'l" h \ t l \\tHIId JH,•I Iu lih \\l t •k tht IIIII'J'""' IIHpld \t'' \\huh Ut,11 hu11 l tu ••nh t..:U•''~Ifl~ 'I•• ptt'\t'lll ,, ... \1"'-ld lpfl,. etf pitt• '"" ''""''''lou'"' I lit,, I Ill .oil 1111 ,,,,., ... 111: "'"' '" '''"' """I Ill• ,, lilt• illlh\\ "II "''"HI••tth•lt•t tt\\ It tlttf ,. t ft II If nht. ptU J"' .,._,. I ht• ~ ..... ' " '"''' 1"'''11'"''' ··~ "" """'' •1111 ""' " lttll\ .... "'' 1 "'"""' '" ltHt\t tlu lutt ~ (tu ''"' 1"" ,.,,., 1"' ,,., "'"'111' I I' llu '''I' "' lit• IIIII''"\ 1-•·•1 ""''~ h ' fit•\\, h·· '"' u~~. ull h·· 41 duth "•·t \' tho· k ll.tr. ltJI., ttttftrnttn~o~ 111 Ill• In\,. ,,., "' ~ 11 .... Ju .. o t•lllln ltl"' , Ill ·· th•· IIHHH \" •I• •tu,utlttn Nu t.•nttt VETERANS URGED TO F-ILE FOR I l'tll• li•·•oll) • \' r ' """'''-Itt• teo.l- l ,..fl Nn fu~t. ,,~ ... ·ulo~•t• l••t 1 flp prt~ ''''"' t• purt•••t ••·..:• ... t••t•-..1 •lnu . Hut htt lt lt•tt llh• ,-.,htlt·t uUI uti plutl1t"" "' rlt llqu• "'" hnv~· IM:·t•u n••tPtt ""\Ill t 1111• hl••u" llh1UIII1th•n l(n•nl ""'"k few Itt.-•utv••rllw r l:ll't'IUI"'' II I • """'' 111oulblr to 111k o• ntlvnnlap nl ot t•o ttto.l11tftlt ttwo ~ ....... ,.,. 1'\'o'f)' ~ "'\tiU"t' 1 fit' I tl) lUI\\ hUfili II l{n"fttf'r 1• ,. .•. ,., "II•' nl 1~'1'11\ltrlt'nl ,.,.,.""'"' .. I Itt' ""'" tt\ ullnl•lo• ,nil'~ fllf~ t •II• " I· •na.; l··lr '""''' Notltoh T,norn&t~: 11• .....,..'-•-"'"'· ,,. .. ,.,rt llf'tpler I ltk•• th•· <'ttlllhlnallun ol k1cal \\tilt ftltlllllllll llt'W• I"'Vf'f''-&tP .. ,,,,.,,.,, , •• 111)' ... .,, It ~~>" ,.,. t111 n , hun. • h• k• ''" ''" ~ tlh 1,•·111 h II 1'1' t' II• Ill trrL ' Ulu f U-"4' tiWII• Inn hu•l llf'U Yo /1\ I.,., . ''""'"> I ,,.,., II I' II lt:IIIJil tlllrt~ •~•I lht• H MH N O TI CE TAX EXEMPTION ""''" All • , ... ,,, ""'' h l .. tlll• ·n1 •• Ito"' "''"'an" "" '"''' '""' ,,.,, hull •h•· l•lurtt~'<l "" .o rrt.ol•· "rot h• '·"'' J\nd tlwr •lt.:uolto·•l lruh SAt'HAM~.,·I~I Mor IJ tho ""!ll•·quf\o rtn~ '" l:lt••l It''"''''''''"'" lu •u l•l··•l ,,,..,,., •ttt•l ·-.,, ht•' lw•f H t ••llt-.•1• •I f•U Ill II II I I \ fl II tl I lh lt•'1t t •• ••'" tlrt\ ~· '"'"''" h••l11 l •l dray 1111 a-rta CJL\1'\l;L l:"i ( •FFICJ·: fl(ll'ltS ,;, \\1:: \\'11.1 . (IPI-:;'\ AT II} 00 " !\! ,,:--1 • n .<•·t-: Ar ·1 Otl 1'. M 11.\II.Y. l:"i{'l.l 'ltl:'\(, S l ':"UAYS ol'l't \",·r.·o•ort' """ onr.·n•l llf ltlt· f11d tlu• •urn•• rur 111,. 111111,. '''"'"' '""' >•I llw '"''' 1,.11111111 11, rur tit .. ~~ •••• , prnp~·rt)' tux .. ,... :'\111\ t'flllh"o lltt• "~llllt•t ... 1111 1•'1111• "''' \\ttlk•d "'"' , mprtnrt w htt'll tM t·r••t.ltl<'d lh,•m "'"""''''''' h) St•r••tll IAol ••r ~~~r!l h) lflP ~'"''' I'III'Volltuttt.<n llhould 11 rw tk•, 1h11~o' \'trJ,IIItlll kt""'l' louk ll•• "" ht'l•ll•' l\lroy :U11t , tltt• dead-Ilk• lorutlwrl) 1,.., '"' ltn•• u f tlu• • 'IJOhlt~h••ol falon~o~ IJf'r · ~""' Yo Joe r•·ltr<'lltftl '" t.olk ~ootl tlw "''''' tl•'lhlrtnt• 111 or '1'1· ·•'••tot Ius ill\••nlttlll S:oul II•· d tt lll t • r ron1 all.<tt' ,,,u.J to>l1.oy 'l'hl' I~Sk•· or "'rlntL•h IIIII Ito ""•'l•'l.l \'l:wu luo •·'t!•·mpt 11111 hr•~ '" ht• '" I d••d o•Jt('h )'o'lot ·n,.~ ,., .. , .. ,.,,~,, .. ,,,. ttu1 lw· I 1 1.11111• d II II,.. \ "'' t.tn nr l\1' Wtft• If\\"' PI ..... If' \.tit II ~t ,,, ~: .... lit. ttl IIHUt th• dtJt.lf flltffll ~ro.ntd ~'1\•' '"'r'urutl tlt'lllofl"'lt uflfH1 ·n"· '''d··r· ... h·· , 'l'ltoll~>·•l ,. HARMAN W . N ICHOLS ~ 11r•l '"·.:ron '" lor111 •• II•· ltntl "'""" ttun&: lit• ''' n1 hunt•· atul ltlttl 11 "'" u n lh• """'"'"' It ~lltur ,., tt.un•"fl I I• .• u .. r 1'••"•·11 c;,,, ,. .. • ufltl•llttnt' f rtuu lwr . ••lthr-r lltll I """I ltko ll~o• 11111111' •lt•l •'I "' ..... 1 "··" llf "'ttrtlt fhlfl~ I t TWO REPORT DOG '~'"" llnlt"""'" I(,.J,.•o 1 I. J\llt•ll u l .'11 h ll(t """'' "'"I Mr• ll101 otlol l"lll(ltt "I :11:1 I·.,,'"'"''"· ,..- P•" le •t " \ h '""'-tl•..: h t l••h•~•• ,· ...... It "1m All• 11 \\ "' hlllt•oo It) llu 11111: t•\1 II• <I It\ !Ito k flttll It'll I 't~lh·• u lllt't•t . \ f ) C ••t-.IJIUntt•• •ttiiH tnflf\t•tt !111 urthunl fu t tit•• t• '~""' ,, • I• ,. " rltt\ J•'n • ... l , 11, " Ill tl•• 1'1•-r OC'f'lhl>r ..._ '""' 1\ '''"'" lu lh r I*IN'r and I ""''"' t It•·\ kl'•'fl II UfJ fl. "'"IAft t"'IIU_I_I 118 ....... "'"~ 11\allllloa. It ,. It lun.c ~li"fJ Ill lhl' r11Chl •· ""'""" f111 " l1u\ ~rrowln11 l'lt)'. '11Mt uv•·rllilt' I'll IM!D ,.,.,, ru-havf' a tllttl)' ltluw bJ' hi~ ......... ol th•• "'"rklntP at ''" ,.,,. "•'•••'"' ""•· •·P•····u•• th,. (·tty at~· ltu c ·~~"'""'' t 1 • .... r. t • ,... nl rn.-.tttf IU1tl thla ,.,. ,,, , I·,. .. 11111 •'• o • Itt" S lu "''Ill lllltko• It 1'\t-:\\'I'(JH'J' llALIIOA n :llt-.HAI. S,\\'1;'\(;S & IJ lA:'\ ASSt U'l,\ lit ,., NO NOTHING Only 10 Minutes to Knead Lb. of Oleo-Hut Multiply That Hy 62!i,fHH),000 ,,,1, ,. 1,1111,,, 11111 "'"' ,,,, r.tr """""'ll•h• for "tltllftllfl'' ... ,.. "'"' •II• ""'' ..... I ·'"'"' I,J I ,tltrn :1:::1., \ I,\ 1.11 )() 1'1111="1-. 11.\HI:OH ,-, ~~ :'\I \\'l'ltltT I IF.\1~11 1'1\l.ll t •It" \ l.uth' II•UPtl C'lilh' 171'1:1 ~u f,.,, I ~ til"'" I I uul \\ ,, 1 tt• tl h\ f•l•t t r111 \ttl IOfl ol lf\t \1~ How we write the "BEST-READ BOOK IN TOWN" 2. H•h·tpeH atlnden and trimmen like this are kept busy turning our 6nished di- rectoria:We iarue99 dlterer:u ~lepb~ books on tbe Cout-a to tal prinrins of more than 6,000,000 copiea a year. Aod in addition to the daily liltS, completely new di~ectoriet are printed frequently for information opera ron . Million• of new work· lne clollara ... oeedrd_ to u · trnd and impro•r w"ice ... muar come. not from trlrphonr billa, but from thoutandt of people wbo paT dnlr n~nrt t1J ..,.01'11 io cb« crl~bon• butinns. To attnc1 dt-workina dollan, •• muat pay 1 rruo nahle 1mount for thrir utt' Thi• d.. prnds on thr •air of our 'r"• lc-et at faJt and aJt-<juerr procn. ht• I•· ..,,,.,,. :-.'"1'1• II ·'' 1111 tll<l 1\,,, Sh"'''" ( ·, ,.,. ., ·•"''' 1 t• d t p lu"'' 1~·\·n 111\1111~ 1\i lht~oll l•l.;l~ll ,tl lt~ll,ft~lll• I 1 11 tl• If• I' '" "JII"''" tn ,.,,~ " 11 I !\1 tldt 11'1 I . , 1. Check ... check a nil check •e•ln- tbac't how we pard the accuracy of your relephooe book. It'• a job for •peciaJim, like rbote abon, •killed ia workins with mattea of namea and numbeu. Orheu gi•e new numbers to information operators rbe moro- ing followins inlfallarion of a relepbooe. · 3. lt'a olwoya handy-rhere when you need ir. Providins dria tenice i1 an immeote job. for eumple, tbe peper we uaed lur year would 611 three mUe long freight traina. Yet pabJj1hing direcroriet ia juar nnt" of many things we do ro furni1h the bur pou1ble tervi~ to the Wett. The PJcific Telephone (~ and Telegraph Company Mort th111 70,000,... wonlftt tartfl* to tur. 11ts11 ,,. . ...., t...,._. .me. Jo the West '" "'''"''' '' "' '' ·•I • '"' "' '"'"' •' to Jll,.•11 I~ \\\tl• n .. , , .. , .... 11, •.• "'"' ,.,.. ...... ,. ft f'*t' nr t h.- \\\ ... lll,,, .... , \1\lto'll 11 1 .. ,., ,1.,,11,.,,.11 ,,.1 .. ,,,1 .,1,,. ''"·"·•I tlo• ''"'' ""111'"'' "' "'" tluot ..:•rv••n1mrf'IC. I I' A ll 11.-!tt '·'"I ttu t.111-t11 ,,.11 , 1,., '""' lloito .. ,.,,1,1 ,111., ''" '""''""''' ''' "')'"" •h• lttl(ht ntw. In lh" miMI,. rof • ,,..._ \t'lfl .. 111.111 I t ••k•'t 1U ltiiUUI•' •tt .. ,. .. ,,,, ttu "''''"' ,,,, tf\\\ ~ ... " n ••• , ,,, t itftllt•ft, v.hu "H"' uu•ndt"Jil arowth ... ,...... .... '" ) ··II"" up to I••Urul nl ""'"' 1111 I• low ,,1 a.:••·~t 1,. 111, , • .,,,.m il 1,4 lfltll•'l ""'' "'" nlt•n wo•ll lttl11o nll'f1 of all \o<'al ~ lotlorto:nrlru• '•· tl lilt'' n.. , .... "'' "'"' '"'HI II···· ,,, \ Itt• Z lflllf)t'f'IIHHI ,., lr•~o~• I'm ""'Y h&Jlf))' •bou1 u.. :o-;.,,. ... tl'~•OOIIHttd flt"•un.f .. ,.r If lfu t., \~til,.,, •. ''"'''·'"''" "'''"'"' ''"'"' h•t If •tu• kttt " "''"'' thtn.: ,, •• , ... ,. ... l.dh\ ''''"''"" .. ""' ••• ,,,.,,,., ''~'"''"' ''"" "'''' "lh \\t '•'"" "' .. ,, • .,,' "1\•~ I•"' \• II 'l huf 1111 rh' , etll 1 ,J t '••f t\ J,ul J.,1 .. r 1,11, •n• •lu h•l uul If 11 11 "• ,, .. \UUI "''" u .. , ... "' \ttt ,, •• \t ••• .~., ""'''"''"' •f!U I •. !t .. tru h·l .... ''"''lit At n ,, ... Ut•"r ttu~ ..... , t1t, ,,, •• lttlt tlltlff ···"'' Ill '"' ,., •• \\ ''I ••••• ,. .... \\lut ., •" ff, • lfl , •• ' ,,., ,,, •• ,, lin•••• ttl ~··\\tttut ~,-._., nhEht, 1-:t ... kill ' II , II 'I I I I Itt Ji lt 1 I I ll l••tl \~ttt"lllt IJ;IIt'l'l"'"'• ("f•ta t .. , ,.,,. I I •• )(t ''I''''"' ,,,, '"'''" ,,, I . .~ •• ' II llf ., I , I I ll ' ''' ~ \t ill'\ tn o!llj '"'' \t tllf\\ ltllllfl nl I ''"'' ff• -.lid tftd ht ,, ,,,, h Hlt tt '"' ,.,~ lt\\11 ..... ,. "'''~II. \\Ult t'hh iK•·tf wllfl JHJhUt•ln.- l'htl'-• tl ld f 't~tt \ 11, fH• \\t• 1 1 .. ,, .. ,.,j j•t••ltl•tt• It• "'"' \l••••d II•'" tn tu \f,.. ~;•tlt ll•l• lu~Jtflfllltl llff ' Ut ,.,,.. I tl I' Pt fiiH11 tJ ht'\q,, Itt I' fht j·t '"''II h• ldftd ftt• J' '' I II f tl t .,., ltf tfi\o n f fht .----------------.. ••Urtrtlura•f ,,r t I • \rn• ''' Itt • f, "'''"'• t,.,\, I fl• ••••• n t liM• f ''"''" t I I I""''' f·t I \\••ttl• f 8 I N Q C U l A R S \t•t•thn' '' \\,·r•l \\u 11 tl• 11 •l••l•~ "--•t·l .. •l t .. t t .. ''"ut f\, \\fl~••n• •I II \\t,,. .. , "'"" 'I• It •a•tt '""'"'' 1 .. ., '" '"'' f,,, ''' lt••l • '"''"' t .. •ttt• 'SCOPES , ... ,.r••tl \• l•td.t\ ,.,.,,,,,. lht• thtr fit\ \41f, "'''"' h,.,, '"'11<'1"' J\•HH"1 An•l''''" ''"'" llqtJ~•· Aol "tJIIIII• l ',.lltttllll•·•· All t•utl ,.f ll " l •••ttl \ltttll"''' • '""' \\ I( 1'••111'• \\'nUI(I I'"'' ''' ,, ... ftlt' '''' 11rt ul••o Mr' lt••tt 1 1 ,.h, rl 11 "'"'" IH ••f T• '''"' lttlfth•t ••f Hll ult" fttll I''IN•tejr-tf I•·•' '" ttf,r• h lh•• 1ft ltlru·k "" huht•~· 11 11, "' , ""''" ft •tl 11 ~u,t hfltl te• u\' ut ... ut v.h .. MP:I'AIM ANI» IIIIOVIc 'r. Al.l. MAMEM ""'""I 11•••1 lltowwh 4 l.ontlt 111•trii"Jtur Opllr •l INtlnl rn•·n 1 n·pal r CoastjLine Liquors Assorted ,CORONA I Liquors DEL '· 'tr:." "" top ttf ht r 1• r rnun''"' "11t•ttt '" 1' "''" 1111'1 ""'-" '''"'' ~llt•t thul '"' "''"'II\ I "'n'"·"' \tr,. fturk' ut.•u ''"' .,,,., Ull HORTON Photographic Supply lfaalll¥ .... .,.,....,.. r.caut.,._t \\ltf• '"'', f·olttl tlttl fttUIII1f11t'-' 1 •t tl Hf • flltlflt\ 111 t •11ft 1t111N ftf t;11-..1 " 1,... , .. ;\ru' \I tin" lutt ft·t h tlll'"'' lihd htt"fl• •I , Itt tft,1t , .. , ,., • .~ .. ,. ,,. ... , .... , ,,,, .. ,. ••• ,.,Ill ,,,, "'""' "Jf \Htl h h\'t• 1'\f'f tr,••ft ftlt' Hl II \\'fHtlllfl ,. 1 Iliff ,. "'"' "'"" ,.,. htft ,, '""'' ...,_ .... - It& N. MaiL "-la AU. f~. • .,,,..,.,, rtt•·ft,,.,, ••f ,,.,.ktn~ 11 •'np 1 ~lt)tl ~~~··· '''" ,,, ...... ,,,.~. "'''" itt\ ... ~~:i~;::;:;.::;:r;,;?:::~.~.·:::::_~::.: 1 r-R--0--S-S---G--R--E--E-l--E-Y---a--a--.----------- 1··'·' .. '' ,,. ''"' •· ·• '"''' 1n "~''""'"' Announces \lr• I •: t 'IJ•t~nlw•rlnln """"I .,,,,1 •It•· r• ,., I,."'' •I '"'' :-.;'""'"'I the Insurance Business formerly conduct- J-',,,,, "'"" "1 "'111""''"'' '"n' ed under the name of LEW WALLACE 111• ~~·· ,, lh ,, ,t.. • •.. ,.' H l "',I "'· ""''······•···•.,·· .. ,, .. 1•·•·"1 INSURANCE AGENCY at 2202 Wed ;;: ·~~~·".'.":, .. " ',: 1 ; ",;,\'",:,.':·. '"'''•'" 1 1 Central Ave., Newport Beach has been I'·,. 1 ,, ,,, • 11 11 ... ·" •• , '"" • transf erred to the . t II • t tu f 11f tft, Ill t •• , • f ••• •1 I I ' " ~'I I' tift• fl II If t .. , t r, .,, 1 ' • 1~ , u \' , ~ , , ., I t •' f ~ •• tt ''' \\ I' tlttt~·'•t!l \\l 1f'tt \1t t 1, IP J,, II 1 I, 1 'fll,tf fr ,•, ' • I '"· I j , .. , I ol • '"" \\I lj ·I f If I •I I ... ,,, ... ... ,,, I tl' f f tl \It ' I ' tl'l \t1" I ,. n"'' ""' 1111\' I IU' , •• k .... In -BALBOA .Now Open SATURDAY and SUNDAY '· . ' Greeley & Grimes INSURANCE AGENCY 302 MAIN STREE T BALBOA Phon e Harbot 2034 OPEN MARCH 17th 1\1' II :INI i\. M. Under New Management Adele and Hoh Jlarritt featuring ... r:~~ SANDWICHES of all kinds • SALAD BOWL with our special dreuing HOME MADE PIES GOOD CHill Uiff(•rent Snup Eac.·h Uay ('om pi& Fountain Service I Bll Fountain Cafe FRONT -opp. BALBOA .. ________________________ __ I 7fllt IIA \' ' \ .. *Markets at Glance* Columbia Ri Ner Am T4'1 It T•'l Canadfan ~odft<' Dupont' GtoneraJ Mollur.- Goodyo•ar K enn('('flt t 1~~·· Drouth Aid Seen 'As ·'Expensive' . ....., .. 5 1 '~ :l'l" I!\ 1.,. :\.1 .!ft ~)Itt I !iK'• Sf-ILN So C'lll f:lll~<~"'ln Stonllnrd lltl U S St.ocl lh \ 'nrto-t1 l't ,.,, ST'(l(1{~ 111 •'!:'"'" I I~ ...... '., Ill quh•t u r"""~ UO:o-:1)~ III'('I;U llll l' :-; Cttl't'lll nwnl~ I'll') <TRH ,~o.•k, I fit ~;ultu • SJL\'FH wu·ltun~;"l ,,, :'\•·\\ y.,,k a t 74 t.,l' a f1r11• • nmr•· WJJJ-;i\T futuro'S tl • .-o·d "" ::•.<· to up Aj,,, <' IRN off a•,,. '" "'' 1'\or , C)ATS otl !l~o· Ill lift 11,.1', SOYJ1E:Al\S orr 11., '" ~· J.AHI I up 1:! "' :!a fiUtnt" HOCS un•l SJIJo:I::J' '"'"''' CAT· 'J1,.E IH'I.Id). Sand Crab (Cofttlnued from Pare 1) worken; found they could. with relativt' e-a.w. m mmute from IIUJTOWldlng tc>n i tories and for SOI1'le time prior to the war gn>et suburban <X>- m opment was golng on. nw next natural step. retarded by t.M war, was development ot local shopping cente-rs to RI'Y~ au c h-suburbanites. Wh~ t.M enormous depart- ment stores located I n the center of la~ cltk>s will contln~ to play a LLqcful part 1n ~ ret.aUing 11ystt-m. all aarrent development Is In aaburben storM. Whetht>r the departzpent stor(' com-panw own or leaS(> thr lr large wtlts, they ttre faced wtth ~ problem of maln- UJ.nlng volurnP at sufficlm t lewis to justify high ()(."('U- pancy char'Rft on valuable d ty pro~y. As compctitio!'l becomes incrensin~ly k l'Cil, thfoy will be.> fon."ed to offl'r added 8ei"Vices to m t I('(' shoppprs, nil ot which.. will eet -into profit ma,... It 8eem.S likely. lht"n-for't', that the trend of earnings ovC'r the l'l<'Xt few yt'ars for llw department s t o re chalns whose ~ration." af\' pl'i- marily concentratro In la~e urban outlets wtll be down- ward while stores In rwbur-a.n area& adjaoenl to big dtia wUl ~x p a nd and IJounlb.. .. TAX RETURNS M ..... • •w=maWe A()(X)UNTINO Glen E. Fuller _, ~ HW,. (BJ Clle P.O.) _ Corona del Mar. liar. 2422 Newport Harbor Headquarters Seaboard Equipment Corporation u. c-.. ~· --U.J ,...,.,. .... o.w. VAN FREJII l't/lt'll.A="IJ Oro·. ~t.11·do l:t 11 '1'1 (',,J, II E \\',tJ,h tlt,lrlt I o·nl{llll't'l' "' tloo• I ' S Ar·m~ ('""'' 11f 1-~111.:111• ,.,, fooll/1 \ ,;,od tho• JH II I po,t•d dt\• '"l"n •J <·~~ratn•"•·• ,., . \\Jdi•l ftt s •. urtu•tft ( 'ttllloltlld ''\\lltild lu .1 \'''~ •·'f'"''" 1\P HJ••·I·t I IIIIJI " \\',11• h '""' ''"' "'''·' ·•1 •1•111'1 "' \ f• a~o.tl•l•• tfh lhtMI ,.,,~ ... u.·h •• dr\• ,., If lit \4ptJid tu• t'ftfhl I IH'f If H I ttl .I hlll.:o' l':onltl ,.,, I l11111" """ 11 rh• t'••d t "' l Jp ..:on "''!lid• nh·nt··~l ln I ,,, ""'"'""' Jtllllll~fl): "'''"'' . S,\( •rtt.;\1 ~.:"1'1 I ;\loot • lo I. o~·r ·· (;,., r-:."' \\a"''" ,,~,.,, 1 ,t ... k• d S····· ,., .• , \ ,.t 1\t'l'f('llll lU f C ·ltnt .. n I • A~t'l··~"" to '"''''I olr uu~ttll-q rwk• n C';oltlt•llllll f ,lfftl •'I' h.) muklfl)t II\AIII1hl•· l 10 tho·ttt "~' '"'l''"' roumporu; ·"''' ..:• '"' a len~: <'f'JlllfiOII'nl. TI~o• l;fll••m••r •nlll · J)o J•lo•to•cl .,.,tl••c \oUf>IJho•• .ontl hll'k uf 'IIIII· !''"'"' o•lt'(·lntnl JW'"''r lou loftllll.! Will o•r It t)IO v. c•l\;. h:1\ •· l'ro•all'il un I I Jlri'CMI•nt('r! Ot•l'ii fcJr 11\l~thal ) l!<'lll'nllfor <;<"Is, tlt'i'fl v. •·II untl housll·r JlllmJll', I(IL<. Rntl tllf·'l•l c•tc· ~tint'S, Q:<'nrrstors a nd ltlh••r t'ltU•JI· DOG CATCHER GETS SPORTY MANUFACTURING IN L A. AREA UP FLEET'S FISH J Newport' a Moet Modern Sea Food 'Market ~e.. r ... aa .. _.,.. hteea 0,. o.&lJ , •• I a. m. .. I p. 111. U l KeF ADDII:N PLACI! BROILED LOBSTER Drawn Butter Sauce GRILLED LAMB CHOPS Romw t to It p. a OATDUNO '10 PAR'JDS AND BANQUI.TS Ooc*ta8a Aft!l&ble Corona del Mar Model Home to Open on W eekeqd vo"'· .eu,t an5! jlnd t''(f•'fl''r rl•·•·•'r ).!•'Hf•••1 tn ,.,,mfnrt.tbh• C'1>a~tnl "' 111.: ltn••• ApprllH•d lo~ I'll,\ \\llh lol>rptl I < I • J C 'A t•' day, March 18. at 7:30 p.m. In the I ensors n I ('ouncil Chambt'r, City Hall, Ncw-c d•d N pori &•arh. California. an I acy ews Uy ordt•r .,f lht• ('h:ltrman or the · , UP :--:,•wpnrl il.'at·h C:lly Plunmng l'OK\0, Mar 13 I I -\ IS~ an ~~··n t>uu~:lt•~ ~llll'l\rt hur's publici ~~:, . .::'r.p M LONCMOOR, ttolurm.otrun ulfrl·••r loodll.> to!d llw Plllt.~IFR J Et.LF:nnnOEK. "nt) nt''' l'IJ·•J••r S r al';. and Sf rtfJloS , ~. c·n •l nry 11od 11 GJ rudro :.Ia IInn, '' htl'h t•ar · l'~th :'olur 10 I:! 1!1-1~ r u d :ol'l~ltlnll-uf ftll'lllllfltiO ul ., o•h•rttn" ltlot•<lll~l 1\l.ol'Art hur' dult, rn '"'' 1 'nrl••d St.olt•s, !hill •u ·l, ~lurlt ... ,,,.,... ··ur t·outrU\•'I'..;I;d •'t IUJt'('l Ut 1 ' .HHJ 'ht nifd rl• If lu• l•llhll"''fu d ul hrn:tdt'¥''' Pueu c N o ncES SIITIC't: SP'f'lt'l' I!' III·:JH :IIY <:J \'1-.:'\ th;o! 'l lllt•tl llllb \\til 1.,. tt•C't'I\C'ol ''' llu• llot.ct cl "' Trcc•t•···~ 1•1 1111· c i,,,,~,. t"11,,,, .lou"''' < ·,,JI, I!'' ttp '" 7 ~~ 1• 111 ~l .. ntl.o~ . .\l:orc·h :'!1, 1!111<, ftlr '"'' Jllll't'hol~l· ~,r lo•;o,,• 1•1111'11:o'l' f,.r ·I th ,,t'J l ll' ~:;o~ 11j)• l••ratl\t' "'\huul hust·~ s,~,.,,,.,, "'"' ""'~ ,,.. ,. .. ·un-<1 111 (lu• trusrno•SJ. oflw•• uf 1 II•• Or- l.orr~:o· Cull,.! Junr•Jr ('olk~;o• lc~t·al· o·cl ul lith and "0 " Stro••·t~ uf tho l l!,rnwr Santu Ana Army A1r Raso• llrd' olJH'OIOI! ~lhn'h :..~. HH~. IIASIL II Pt-:n :RSON. St>l'rt'l ar)• Board of Truslo'i"l<, Oran)!•' '"'"'' I Juntor College Puh M:•rch l:t. 19. t94R CERTIFICATE OF' BUSINESS FICTITIOUS FIRM NAME Want Ads Th~ J\'t•ws-·nm.·.s w1ll not bt> r~. tpnn~tbl•• (11r mort• th1111 onl' lncor· ••oct insc•rl lf•n ol an ttcl\'l>rtr~l'mrnt, ···•Pr""' 1 hI' rr~:ht l o corrt'Ctly ·lassrf.v 1111~ nnd nil litis t~nd to ro>)to('l 1\11) nell t'rfiSNTh'Ol Oltl COn· •,.rmins;: tu rtllo•s nnd r .. ~:nlallnJ;l&. AA-(Ic WOO D FEN CE CONTR All 'f.ll"'' :tnd St~if'l> F 11 A To•orrl' Fro•o• ~:sltnta ll•:; Allf\\ ht ro In ('mtnl) 1'1• to :\ ) rs 10 Pay l'h • ~ 1\ :.1!17!1-11 LEROY ~LATER Spt:·c·wlrzrd 1n Movln.: llnus•·hoh1 Ct")(!s & Small Bonta 1Jarh11r 391 25-Ift ELECTRICIANS tSinCl' 1920\ Construction -Ma.rlnl' Sales and Service N o J oh Too Lnrgl' No J oh Too Small Et~H.okin & Galvin ltl(){\ ('()nsl I ho,<>ay Phonf' Rraron 5401 24-tf< r.xrx-rt Watch & Jewelry RF.PAlRINC Fmr Oinmnnd.~ and Watch<'S :'1/F:\\'PORT JEWT.LF:RS f l lndrr n<>W !\h1na~:cmwnt I 116 :?2nd S t • :'lil'"·port 11-tf< Drt•!t!i m nkrn1: :1ncl nllr rntl't"!I- \\'Qmrn·~ nnd chih1r<'n'!l cloth· in~:. ~port sh1rl!l 1971 Magnolia a t lr\'lnt•. C'o~t:'l Ml'sn. ONI f,()M. \\' 23-5\< En \\',\LIT.RS TILF C"O!':TRA("J'OR nnth Ro;nm!l, Drnrn fl<13rd~. ('IC. t:it h .~ :'li•''''rtOrl "''<'. C"Mt n Ml'!!l Phonf' RNtr<m R700-W·3. 18-tfc H.M. LANE RE AL F:STATE 2006 rourt Av~. !'/('or f' .. wport. P l<>r Estsbllsh•·d Slncl' 1920 8-tfl 1768 l'l'wporl nll'd, BeAcon 6111 RE'PAffil~G OUR SPECIALTY Contract ine and Supplies 9-tfl COOPERATTVE ROOFING CO . New and R('pair Phon<' B<"acon 6211 ~73 Elden A Vf' , \oeta Men 20-tte 12 TEARS SERVlCE TN TilE HARBOR AREA HARRY HALL PAINTING ('()NTRAC't'OR 274 Eut l!lth Slr('('t Ph Sea ~13 CllSta Mesa. CallL »tt• 229 Marin<' Ave lllllrhor Jnv. Co.l RA1hoo l~l11 nd Harbor 1331 Jlourtt. 10 :00 -4·00 u 14-tfc DARI.I="G. Rt' hrn1·"' T l'lf' Hllr- hor 14fl6 :~nd F:nrnil' will make a dAtr ,., lubricAte' Good care m11kcs a Rood car' A"soclatl'd !'l:'n·l~. 26th & \\' C'l'ntral !':I'"'J)Otl A4-Rth 25-lt~ n $1 50 REWARD Thl' Nl'v. por~t"h City Plan-I n1n1: Commts.,lon will hold two Puhhc H<>Arlnf.ls upon the appli· rntion and pctlticm of property nwncrs e>f lot<~ 11 to 19. inclusil't', Tract 444. fiH'Ing on Old \ounly Road . :"t'"''flllrl &nch, CAlifornia. [o~r ro 7otnlnf.l frn:n R -1 In R -:l ll'>FOR...\lNli0~ Lrlll'lrns;: to the r ('CO\ rr y or powl'r t<>nder nub- h<'r 2111232 or ) nrhl La Scrana Lost lx'tW<"I'n Catalina Island and La!;' Ans;:rl<'s hnrbor. Feb. 22, 194~ \ommunlcatt' Mr. H uret, \'An'thkr :\121. Lo!! An- 1:"11'!1 23-7tp EMPLOl~S"T W .\NTED Th•· hnt puhhl' hC'anng upon th•s application w1ll br hC'ld Thuts· 2 .. DWLOVXENT WANTED a 1 ~ MI~Ct:LI •. \~'"EOP8 II P"UaNJTU11& FO~BA.La • rna UNT ~ ~ & . .'JTATa \\',\NTED-W ill mak~· ruriRins., EI.F:t-rRir RA~GF: l.ik~ nt>w. F l'RNITtTRF: RF:FINISHE_D_ nlR R F.:'I:T-Attractlw 'J room a ai!AL ~:!'TAft • N r; W I' 0 R T B ALB 0 A NEW 8 -T I II It 8 PaJ!e 5 r••t'O\'t r p1lluws, othl'r 1> I :i 1 n \£'r) n •asonill)lo• Harbor 2537 Al! \'1111 l.lkl' It aparlnh•nl 11nd \mth. rrh·t~tl' f'n· l'<'Winl{ l<'lt•fthOnr• l'i<•l\ 571R.!\1 n · tr ·• n r. ~ t r. n,. I Al\'c•ly 7!\ (I X I ~'1' !\ ft Ruil dinJ.! Lot CORONA DEL MAR ·u 2 Kt'N Gn"'N~~D tr~"l'•' N, 'I hilt'S 11uld Adults 3\1 uftl'r 1:! :lit :!3-Str -------------21311 Man•·r St. C'ostn M<'t!ll U.J.md AH· .. Balboa :!1-!H<' SO!\ t;•l<•·" \\'anll'. 01' Lww wnsh-Phtmt• llnrto .. r 1()7().\\' n Ill RJ.::'\T Attrncllvl' 2 room SO\ +tt t W Ill Gil\\' A Y 111 :>:o'\\')I<WI JJ,II'hl• 1.11•1 IIIII' I hill ""' 111 a•llaHt f.~':\'141 l'hu111 lloM'I•n ~~:1:11t '''""'J.:' 11<111~•• 11!:\ J .::: :\1, n 'flTAI:'I:S Luundl·n·d II n d •I n·tchc'<l. fnnr) hn•·ns lnun· <J, n ·d Call S;,t~lu Anti ~71~ •fl•·r :l p rn :..'tl·!'it•· 1•r Lo l\o•ll \\rlnl:<'l" Port'l'hun t'or L:~tlnlfltrA ••"'') l() r ,. fur"'"'" cl l<l'•ll'llrwm ...,. l )'I'll l'honr• Dana Poml 131 :?~·!li p (In Gwullllh>l'd Work 111111111 ttwh•tlm.: llllhtu•s 44(\ Z2_·t_rc 11.·111111111~. t't•n•llll dt'l !\tar Bendix & l\ta)1ags Mu:-;t $ell tlt One(' ·--·-I 1111' 1-llll S i\ll' A IIIAI I II I t ::<.:n\' :• ltt-dn~nn "1'\\'l'l •lll' lS I \;\1 1 l,,.,,,., \\', rnn "'"" )flllr t,;.utll'n nr \~<·I .111~1 \\',ollllll: 111 lk • l 's•·d at 1"101 lnt 1\r till <II)\ l<tl'ld ur ~nrcl UILJ ·~ W'1\S H-A-TERI.A ""' k Call n,.,,..,,lll ;,:1\;\.\\' lti·tfr ' .. ~ 't l:'lfPI.FTI -~-.~-,-.,-11:-r•-1<-lm-1""''''' 11.1rl~•1 "!' It :!1·!\h' '1•·11, h1111 1l1h lll~ J <>ITII'I"nll k AI s~ r .\HATI t•u m'"' 11 linus.• '"'1 .. Itt hi• ~ '""'I< , ·'"'• fur ~ltlfl " Sfl 1'1 • t•).,,111. top t,lhlt·. llulh \\twNI h ct tn~· ltltttll fnr ""t' ••r ,,, . .., 1unt I It\• t Itt 1• h'• ,: •tt•a:•·. l""liu '''''" 1 It .' ll•l "'''''"''lk• utut ttl u .. , ..... ,.,,, ''''" I'PIH'r,·tc• r.·nr.·. '"''ll'L... "···' "'h '·' /tll Ul,hlhJI!I \ • 1111, '" hltmh , t il~;" l'11111 1 ·'"' •·•••• 1 • • '" I 1<·11• 175 ~f"l••rt Bl\'d . L'clfllll Mr'Sa Phon~> R•'lll"ttn 5770 10-ttr FIREWOOD I'IIAIH'IIAL & IIRJQI 'ETS PHC 1M P'l' JIF:I.J \' Ert Y Wri~ht Lumber Yard 17R4 N•·wpnrt nl\'d, COSTA MES A Beacon 5665 '1• ll 11l••1 11'11 ,,r (',til ,11 1:.':\ :\CHh ~n;n•l< h.11 . 1'111111' •·II• I "''' / Sl ="•'\\ 1.,11 :!1-~lt" 1, nt o'w•tllltllfl 7 1tl•~ l'.lln" lltl. - l'lll'tlll\11'111 :\l.•t .'1 1111 HI "1:'1:1 SS SI 'AI'~: lh;\1(, up-~I I 11\\;'1;1 It 1'1 • I Ill I' I! \I I IIIII h••lll• I 'I• ~a>•' Ill 1'1111 S1\l l . Inn•·•· 'l•r•n~.: :1 t·ush· ~::::.1•11~.,;',~1:11 l.t•>l•ll•· 1"''J•, 11:. 4 1.: l•tl •·• ,,,,, l'"flll111 tl<·l, ,, 1 1·11 n .. 11, '"' ''""' ,·,,11 h•n lt.11 k ~tlt11l1Pr\' 'ttld ltl t'\1111'h "' t (ft• ,1.,1• ,,, ~l\lfl t Pt~ll' lttepla,•• C'id l 1'\1'111111''· :.··~: '"'" S l , Ft lll Hl·'>:'l' Atllll'lll\11111 r .. r '"'' --------------..... .~,,,, ........ l,ll•lloll """''' ="''"1"111 11 •. 11'11 :!~l ll c·~ l.llo'ltoll ''"''''.r,'t.(lll',l~' :!'lll t•·l' SL\ ltlt<•\: 11••1'1 I ~o'lll• IIlii l I""''''' lull! 1;. tl I 11.1 '' 1•·•1 1 ~ \'11\'ll 1-I 'H:'\1'1'1 '1\1' I' 11111 h... '~" ko.• 1' 1111' 1 1 1·1'1'''1 ll:l :.l",l·"llllll: <I ,,,, \ I• ,,1 I•• I\ .'IIi.' .S,IIIIII 1 cl -,;: S l '"' '\\ ikll'l I'Uf' \ -~' ;\tl' ,\\ ~' ,q I ,\lo ''' '.1,..\·\1, r 'I I 1'1•11\1111,! )ill! ''"•IIIII )1,· 1'111111111' '" _: I .___ ~ :..111111 lt'l'lll:-1 tho· .1 .. , ... , 1'11 I t•lllol'll''' ft, ·4il H• ~ •:'<1 l 't\lt'I'I\11-:NT Nlrd) L t>\'t•l H:t\' Vil'W Lot 1 ,.t~luw 111111 1th11lltllnl-: nil ""'k lwn"lu·.t. S.·nd •·dri~:••rutclr. I'\IP.'Tn Alit•\' , .. :tuu·o~o f•'••4t l'h11nt• 1\. ,u•on ft!tiO \t 11• thill ltluul'. lin,~~~ :!0~ ' 1'1,1, k 11 ,1111 Hu) :-.;,."1'''''"''"'·•111 II I : ,.\ I. J: t I :\ l'l-:1'\l ~~l 'I.:\ POI NT ,,·t-rH '' ·n' 1 Mo>tlo'!ll .. , .. ~, ·····:.'II 1'o•\\ t••t·l 111\cl • "'''"pull llo·:tl'll t\r ,.,.,,, 'I 1'•'1""" •I• I Mllr 1 ~tlllll\ 'Ill•· ,\plll"lllh'lll~. lwhlnd llrtA PES '1\,•o 1m irs. mat< hl'll KH "Tl'<, ,.., 1'1'1 •r" 3oo1 An•hc·' 1 ::~.:;11· S:l.-,()1) l':tsh rCIM' brO<'ad·· h nt'd and tnll·r· Bo.·tts Prire<l To Sell Olll!ol llui•PI I'"•" !11-Ift• lt'\1111 II""" llut\111(1111) luntl "'';IJW cJ hnt-cl Cost $7U.4l0.-~ r nn.u'ln . \\ ;\sYEU TO R!:ST U 1 ,-,v ;~ -----$1:!.Gl)(l tt•rm~ t 'HIU \\ 'P"1'"'' ....... h. C'aUr. Murll II, 1NA -------ICF.AI, F.MTATF. a ll&AL F.trTAft '- BI:lnchc A. C-ates Realtors-Ginnv Gates ~I :! Marine Ave .. Balboa Island • J'h""'"' llnr lt;71 -.l 1-:, I'll Itt~~ lim·. 7·111 M llnrho r ltl:I I-J lin t· 1117-M B/\LBOA ISLAND 1 ·~,,., ... , '"•rlh H." 1-'1\•111 1111 H<'lttlllrttl Jw-.tdt In l"'r· I t'l I lo< .If 1111 • ''\ I '~I( I I~ I 'J\\11 I,• II 1111". lt.tlf hlk ft'l•llt 1>11\ fti llll. C'hc>Jt,. lu · •. tllllll,, '-HI.i'•tltiO 1111tl ~ll .. lllcll"l ttl II ldd i• l•lh ll.tll 1•11, IHIIII 1•11,\ (t'flltl. :,:7.~~l(U~l. COHON/\ l>El. M/\H 1·:\lt OIHI'tl llt.ll'lh )!'""' 1111) !'> Itt 1'01111 '1' \'I<'W "''"· ~ "" ,, .... tddlllt•ll:tl lllhll'tl\.)11•'11 Jlr .tttol 11•'1\ dllplt•\ ••I I t'lll1h'l , \\ llh '.! I<~'CitiM Hits l'ltdl, lln•pl:1n•. Ill•• l,tll'hl'll', d1ntl!l,• J,:ltl'lll."\' ll tlll l'tttllplc•h.'- h l.lnd .... ·;q•'ll r11r Sl 'l.!\1 ~11111. N••l\ tllllo ll•t'llt,M•· '.! l~t'lh'l'lcllll h111111' \\ llh fln~ot~<hMM.' n "'"'"'"' :....'\7~ t.oo \\'A:'Il'TF:D-Jnh AnrJ C'\'linrler pt'(>ssman. ~14?arly ~iiua tion in union shop. Jdcnl work· ing conditions. &'<' fOJ't•man a t News-Times. Newport Beach . Calif. lfi-Tf \imr';"ipr-f"'!ltTM'-t~trrtton-t-~:-:-:-:::-:--:------:---..,.....,~1 ~\ ~UL u.L-.JJ~U-lUJ.&J~.,...,.n:-.,..~'1"-1'1'1'1 11hlr llarhor llt-'0-R . 25-ltl' l!ll:..'l S.'i(i;~t \\,\:-.:TIll 1•·11r 1111111d ro•ntnl urif pl•ll·h I r:-.;F :b\o."' f\f'lftt'11111 cltr Blac•l< Morgan, saddlr hurst>. gt'n · '.!.7 I IIIII!• r 1 'rlll"'r ~:1!1011 '"" or :l '"•dr,.C\m htonw < 'tlrnna a~r 1 ~-·~~---NF'¥1POHT llFI<illTS. HOUSE PA INTER WANTED 111· Ph Bc.•a 6.'\R4-\\' :!5-H•· :lf\.lt Aux ~""'I' 1 !-'l•ll .. ws • dt I :'ltnr. ll;~lhnn 1<1.111d or Udo sJrahlo• Stc•wurt 1 ~!'>1"1 1\<llllh-, < "~·ll··nt rd• r. nN'I nnd Llltti•r COAST l'HOPEHTJES CO. t:I.F:< IRI\ REF -\'l•ry ~cl<ld G 1-: MI::<.::-.IF.Y .;tutranll'•· Ph11n" liar 7!ll'l-R ancl 11 cond1 t1on . $7!'\. lka. 51'..? 2!'\-ltc.· 23-3tr ,, 11 _, 'till ~· l'••nlll\1, 111111"'" l111r '.'1;,~ :J.t.tk Plenty of Good Tires All Sizee f11'AI'I h 6:..'1\1 -------------"' 711 '08"1 11'"'1\, N··"""~1 1r t:Xt'tiA~c.>t~ .. \m ·n:tJ Sunmw• ••·11tnl' '" Call Harbor 1432-W 24-411' _ \\'11.1. !"X''!I.\::<.:c.E Ltrls' I.Jrand C'cllur~r, •l•·l ;\l•ll II '"" ""''' \\'AN Tt:J> lnhunrd s pc'C'd l~nt & m•w :..)f;" birych• for 24 or 20" home., lnr '''"I "' '""' nwl ,.11nt FI\H SAI.f: f\Y 11\\'NETt :• lll\<ry I lt'f'lln Ftunt "'''"''· 4 h1-rlri'lltnl11. 2 hnlh~. Jlllllll, '''trn w••ll hullt. ln~id•• lllltl •1111•111•• Jllllrw11y l..ic;·nsc.• boat 5all'sm un for Frcd- r rirk Yacht Co., 1215 Cout llit;hwny, :-.: M 22-trc Compound Motor Oil GaUoa. 10c cash fur <'Xt'{'('llt:'n t lot North-~iris hi<·yde. 1717 P omona Collta aCIH'n 1!•1 "1111 ll' '1'111 ,.,, l 'o East Pasndpna Ph: 'yc•11mort' Mesa. E LY • tr li<'o n" •I J(, nl "'"'"''' llrol'<, "'· JIF:LP WANTED -Housekt'C"pcr, ~~·n•·ral Sit~ mo. Mo ther and hoy 3 . Expt~rh•n{'('(!, r eferences. l.i\'1' in \all At'acon 5295-R lx'· 4·9055 ~3-41<' MO~Y TO LOAJII II \3111 ('"'''' llt..:l"'"), ('lt l\1 Jt,.n,..•nnhly prh••·d 1111 r h n r lnT!-H 21-:'ltr fcr1• 9 .30 n m. 23-4tc \\',\:-./TED Lndy to car e for IJnhy in m y homr for working rnothPr \all Beacon 5965 bt'- rorl' II u rn. A.ik ror Mrs Tracy. :.!3-Stp \\' ANTF.D Ftrst Clnlls CnJ,ttnC<'r fur yacht rhnrtrr !!<'n 'IC'I' Must hl\\'1' I'XJ'll'rfl•n('(' various t ypi' dt•I.<Pl •·nl{trll's S tlltt• rd{:1-<'ncrs Ttnx 1' -:.!, 'i N ''" s-Tim,.s. 23-511' \\'A :\Tr.ll l-'l"'rto·nrl'd "'"' rMS·, ··~ .J07 :\l:tnm• A,.,. llallt<•a I'll· . oml ll.trhur :!·1 .:. :!3-·ltc I 11-'LP \\' ,\ :'I:TJ-:1> Conk. f1rst •'lass. fnr bnnt rhnrl•·r s••r\ let' :\tu~t lt:l\ •' 1'\flt•ru•nf'o• "n f1rst l'las~ F lrht P hnnl' llnr !I!}T7 (If call :.'~I:! 1 'oal't I Ill: hi' tl\. !\:I'W· port :?3·5tc Western Auto Supply Authortud ~aler IR36 N.wport Blvd., Coete Meu 17-tt• . SERVEL The G A S Refrigerator Some Mndt•ls A\·ai111ble NOW Balboa Furniture Store 100 M~tin St , Ralhoa Phone Harbor 145 2:?tY.. C'OA$1 Rh·d. Newport T'hcone II o'IJ'bor 1 I 6 14-trc PLL MBJ~G SUPPLTES Opens Sat. & Su n . !l am tn!lpm f LOSED Tt 'E~DA Y TntlPI~ s~· ~ llfl .,,, 1111: ~puuts, •·hrnm••. ~'l 9;, 1111 klt<'h•·n sonl<s, ~;, 7'1 up. nwdit·•n•• l'lthtnf'l'> S I I)() lalltlnrws c·nrupl••ll'. $:.!1 50 up; \\" A:'\TEI> St'tT< tary Ill ll~~umr• 11111,,1 '<l'llls, t.:l<':unin~ while, mann~;rmt·n t C••n• ral ln~urnnc-1' ~:17;,, smnll .;<c<~ hl'nl<'rs. $.1 05: orriN•, C'nmpo•lt•nt O(lokkt'l'lll'r; ~ood typist, hal 1, plrn~inl: pC!r· lll fll' ~:nlvnniu·d >~nd black. all '~17•·~: SCltl fttlin~;s nt discount. s<m11lily Snlar.)' plus lle'lnll~ Rox :1!:> Mnrtn•• Aw. Ralboa blttnd M·:.!. '' Nt•ws-TimNt. 23-!>tc tlpj)(l!lite C'11lhnlk church. HA. 1 OPP<lR1T:>:ITY -Nl•l'd ndditlo;.j :.!:!11)-W :.!4-:.ltc al mnn rnr ltot'il l tm~•n<•ss or Sf'( lltT TOPS SFAT ('{)\'F:IlS your own, rar n•·r•·"'~rlr) G()()d 11r 11lrts '''rit" 111 ""'''' rnr pnr-, Tavlor·~ Trim ~hop fi('UI;or!< H.tWlt•t..:h"!> l>o·pl C'AC· t\u~f•hllo t't>hnl•t•·rtnJ: :i~·:..'ltiF, t takhcn•l 7, ('ui.Jf I ll••ll"t"'";cnfl Trurk ( 'll>hlon> '.!.t I II•, ~-~,; \\'1 ,, c. ntnol ="•'"l••rl ll••lt OUTBOARD MOTORS AND BOATS Nt::W & USED Sc•rvtrr nnd RI'Pillfl on l\l akc·s or Motors Dave H. Spies H16 ('l>riSI 111\\'11)' flt·ncun All ~76-M 24-Ift' -------------- New Mitchell Sportsman 30' x !l'G"x:l' 01r} ~lt·r six 115 or Cruy 6-1(!2, < 1~atr ll1111 Tnnk llr111 Mutw $6600 r; F. MJ:>:NEY Rr·aMn 6'.!.81 711 t'u11<.1 Ill\' II) :>:C'wpnrt :!3·""'"' ... El ectrical En)!ineering and Installation \\'tnl'lw' C. I 1-T\\ 11 Ftrc• 1-:qUIJt ~. ·•rl·hllt;l)l~ 1-.\ld•• ll:tllo•t ll'<o I JJ.(; llactui·Td••jllllln•·~ Mc•h'rs 1-'utrhank,.:\l nr~C' 1-.1··•• l'l11n ts nnd \\'ttl• r ~),,, . ..,, I;.~; itH(ftn-Hnd.cr Sl!•w;,rt-\\'nrnl'r ln•trumrnt!< I loblls F.nglnt'·l Jour Knhl•·r Ell'ctrlr Plant!i l.lqutdnu•h ·r lnnk ~IIUI(•'>I l'hntn-~:lcTirl!' Ptlnl Thill l'fll'lahlt• 'r·•nl• lCHICI ( ·.,,I.• I Ill\\ fly 111u "" II• 111'1111 !'.II 17 \\'1\:'\T \\' .. m an f,,r hou~<•work. part 11m•· ( 'r1ll llarhor fi7'l.;\t :!·l·:!tr Jlarl~·r l'l!O :!I~ ,,.:-~~&-RAniO J~l 'Ill. I-' 111-'1 I Bo•:ottt" R•·~t n~:tl·l l-\1:\tnA L c; ll A :-.1 1>. Auttwntlr lro '' llnrl•'r l!l:\!l-;\1 (j(l'l \\ ''"'t ).tllll~ :'\;\' l~'rto>d ll l\ It• C'11n't hi' •ALF-!III~C'F.I.LA~U8 • LO ANS TO BUILD, buy, tmprov., modernize or refinance. We pur- C:h ut' trwlt def.ds. NEWPORT BALBO A FEDERAL SA VTNGS A LOAN ASSN 3333 Vla Udo Ph. Har. 1!100 as.uc. HOME LOANS 41 ~,. 5 _51 ~, r'c, -/:,. I HENRY C. VAUGHN 498 Newport Blvd REAC0N 5197 flc'l. Harbor 1070-J AVTOMOTIYI! A TfllE8 COAST MOTOR CO. RIIR Fllf lf:.S<, JLF. )l~t,'( \11f1SI IJII:h\\11) .. '1fi Sl•ul••hotkt•r •l·cln11r ~c-rlan Jtu. dll\ h~"lllt•r $tfo!l;, :li) I 1111" ('1111\ ( 'IIIIJM' ~;,;,o '<1fl ( 'ho·\ I '• •nl' ( '11111~· lt.1111ln, h"Ht••r t 1'<1 l··all~o·r ttphlll!lll'r} ~J(l9:\ 1:! llnd~·· '.! rl•••r So·duu lt11d111, hrlllc•r. rH·\\ paint and "'lt l t'U\'· Pr1" 'Xi 1'11n1mc' ·I tiCH•r St'tl:cn Huns ROOd :1':\3.1 '3.11 1-\•rd ('<•UI>~' lladlu just out nf I lw shop $6% ':l1 flnll~·· ·1 ctom S•·tlttll $fl~!\ COAST MOTOH \0. ltN~ l'ot:l'l lfll'h\111\ IWA< ., 1:\ I;'.!Ni . Ft Ill. ~A Ll-. 19>111 I 1•~<1..:,. t'ouP:•. 1 :11hn lwnt•·r. l111! h.;ht•, ..:r~td ''"11tl11twl 1;111 l~>l h St l:itlt a~~tl ~ l t.ol•a. ( ·,,.,1 :1 :\lc"<ll -- PlumbinJ! Supphel' P I P E ria) '''''. UaltH>:t :.'l·:llr 11•hl lrum n•" Jhli pr11•• 11( In· I.ET l\11-: SHOW YO I' lht n"w lilt)' l"t•~l ·nu~ IS II W11ndc•d ul FIIR SALF 1'" trm rtnt Jw-d <pnnr.: ~ summ•·r Fi\S IIJO:'<: I t·hanrt• 111 hi\ n 1 1 ••nl I ~llltll XV 1\.:~lv nnd Blnrk l T<•ilr t•. Tlnth Tuh~ l.n\ntorlrs f'nst lrnn ~mks l:!fF32 douhli'Sl 2lx3~ l~'th:•' tyf)l', Nc nouhll' \hlna Sink~. $16 50 up. Strrl Sinko; $:\,~5 up. C'hroml' Pin te-d Swm1: Fauct'ts. ~')9:> Lar~o:rst Plumbmg StO<'k In Ornnr.:r C'nunt)' FON TANA PLUMBING 2304 I S \\' N rw1~r I Ave. C'ost n Mr<~n P hone Bt'ncon 6041 22-tfc Silver Plating C'OPPF.R. RRASS. GOLD Polishing & fkflnlshing Bayside Plating Co. 191 4 llnrhor Bl\'d \011t a Mrs a. Calif . Be11ron 5113 6-Uc WatrhPll • C"'nrk1 • J~lry CllRONOMETERS R#palrlng -Prompt SeTvice Sel'lllble Price~ VAN DRIMLEN JEWE LRY 1186 Newport Blvd Coat.a Meu 3-tfc: PLU ~l BING ~UPPLIES • Opens Sat. & Sun . \'1 am to~ p m C< •:\IPLJ-:TE TOILET S. ln1·lud•nt:: ~rat and flu~h \':II V<' $:.!3 !iO. Wall hunt!. c'lns•· I'OIIplr d ltlllrl!l Ill <'nmpllrnhl•• prirrs. FH< II 'KS I:~IP•l c-11lnr!' !'I~ I•·• in "') I• \.l"t '""' 1""'' !'tmJll) liNt· nch r:,hrtt'" ~ r<·nl mnn•·) !<:l\'-ut•ful. "'' c;n, IM :'\Z-S('II:'.IIDT me prH'I'" S11t>d ~· to S'.!. Gunr-P IA:'\1"'1 ('(). All\.11, almo~t 100 nnt•·1•fl lty c;nnd llnu.•••k,.t•pin~; p1nnn" (rum "htt •h 111 rhlll•~·· 502 ('hc•vr .. lf'l lrurk 111 ply !lunl t1rr •. r•umrl••lf• C"Xr..tl•·nl rnndi- lt"n l'rlro·<l rnr 'lllll'k sulr :.!lfi:l Tll•llll "''' ('.,!Ita M•·~a C'11ll n ••:tt·•m ;,11 I :.14-Stp J.l rR S"•'••ts•·r. llarhor ]7;l6-W :'>11 M1110. Santa Ana 19-Hr · 21-!itt· -~~.1.1. C'JI ~:AP 19:\6 T c•rrnpl>tn•• l~i\1.0\\'JN I.RA:>:II Rrfloi'O~•·S!Wd CoNI trun~portat.un c·11r ll:1r · f'UH SALE-Easy wa~<hln~t ma· C'htnl' $25 00 71R Jll.Sminc•, Coro- na drl Mar Phone lf arhor 67:!-M 21-Str FC IH SALE -A·B·C·0·MIIt ir \'Pr}' ~:clOd rnnd . looks ~:ood $75. Ph Bt·n 6:.!~-M. 41 2 W<'Stmtn5lt'r 1:.1-4r F< tUR :.10 cuhic fret frl'cZt' IIOXI'S: I . 3:/ cuhir fet-t Rl'nch In; 1· 1 t • hnr~,. motor & compressor Prt('Pd to sl'll C'nli Hnrhor 470-R I 20-Stp F()fl SALE <luma :'\ltnk C'nat ~17•' I I, Stl\l·r Fox fur. l\\0 lUX· Nln~ Sl/1' 3.11 & ·Ill All \1 ry rt'M· 11nRhl•• Phltnl' liar 117. :!:'l-Ite ll' AXTEO TO IIUY II CASH for USED Furniture & Applianeee "We Buy Aln\oet Anythln~t" GRANT'S Phone Bu. 5707-M 11).1!\ Newport Blvd .• Coata Meu 42-lfl' Will Pay Ca~h ~~or your rumlturt or wtlat h•v• vou PlloM Rf>acon 56.'56 • Crawley Furniture Co. tfrJ NP"'J)Ort Blvd . C"~ht MNI ' 9'2·11r M·nJ:nHi;•rnt tnn11l qunlity A<'· hnr 17:.1;\-J :!1-:!tc• tion f'X<'t'llr•nt Mnho~:nay l'll!IP, ah~lllutc•ly ~tt'nutnl' You must M'!' noli hPnr lhl~ .:rand lnslru. rnrnt hdo r<' h11}'1n1: n ~;rnnd. Tl'rm!l nrc• ra~y. prtrt> is IOWI'llt. flANZ-SCJIMIIJT P IA NO ('(). 1!).111 Fl IHII" lli•IIIX Turi•lr. f{;,IJut hettl•·r. "''If 1'0\'l'r!\. r"huilt m11 tor t.:f.nd rulthl'r .\ l:"(ld ''"' llnrhor IR'-'H·R :!~·lie 1-'fiR Sl\1.1-: 1'135 t'ht·v 'L d•~t•t ~•:.!0 Nn M:11n. Snnt11 Ann An· St•dnn 3:.1 1 Poppy (' fl M llur oth,.r ~rnntl MR!i: l!)·trc t.11r :!!HO-M :!!i-ltr l'St-:P PIANOS Wlll11c•d for our r•·nl drpl . Trndl' yrutr nld piAno nn 11 Sp1nl'l IIIJ:h•·qt allownnN' Or will huy fll r spM ra'h IIAN7.- S(1 JMII'Yf PIA:'I:Il ('0. !'1:.!0 N11 Mnln, .Snntn 1\nn 19-trc Rlrarhrd Oak C'nnl(OII' Rndio Phonn lfi tuhr' AM-F'M. !thnrt WR\'(' hnntlo; !il2 :\5th St , :'\I'W· port lk ar h 22-4tp Rf::'\T n p1.1nn. N 11o·r month If )IIU hu) lnt,.r W<' nllrow fi ml)!l n·nt PI\:'\Z-~111:\TIDT T'l i\:'\(J ('( l . :l~'fl )l;n Mnm. Snnln Ann You rnn flUrrhnsr •• r.:nntl Ull•'d 1'11100 fM n• llttlr nt ~!)5 T••rmA 19-trc: STEI:>:WAY l.rtA:"'D, ''Tiw Kin ur Junnn~" ,., rfrl'l rnndttlf\n, ~;ur~:• I'U~ 1 onr Stow • ll\'l'r ! 1 c J(ll'l ))nn7-Srhmldt. ~nntn Ann. !i:.!tl N n Mnln J9.1fr II 1ft ll'SE TRAILER 22 ft ~'"''fl!l il pri\':tl•• party C.nod huy :'\o tlr'nl<'r!! V<•ry <'lt·nn 71'11') E lin} Aw , f\alloon :.!J .'\q , IT'S SMART TO OW!': HAYFRONT Extlusiv ely Your:.. .. I.IJ)fl IS LE Ba:-rrnnt \\till III<'T 1111d flllitl, :l IH•drnllltiS. r,:Ut•SI ronm and m:.ld'c; ro•.n1 F1r• plruc• IHid (Ortf'd 111r hl'lll 11111'••!1 to l!f•ll tc•rms Exceptional Vi ew S ite Lnvatorit·s cnmplt'lr , !1!100 nnd WANT Trawling cas(' and S PI:-.II·:T fur r••n t All (\ mo ll'rm r••nt :.llo" o·d 1! you hUll lah•r }I 's JU~t 1!1<1• II ~11\'lngll •Rl6('0Unt: flNII 11 Spln111 nnw, l)u~wh<'n rt'!Hiy Onn7·Srhmlc11 Pl11no C'u !l:.•o No Ma1n, Snnt11 Ana. 19-tfc 11\'1-:RL(IO KIN(; thr ll!trl"" 1\I'U lhr nrw Million Dollar lkac:h f1uh Sll<'. S iz<' 60 fnot rrc;tntngr d••1•th II() 11nd 120 fr<'l angular. l'ull prll'f' $.1A!il! up ~mnll trunk Phon<' liar 716 Solid \'Jtn•mts r hinn u.rlnal~ ~ 75 2!'1·2tr <'3Ch RALDWJN. hc•nulitully huilt little hun~enlow r•nno RI'J)()II1~81'd R11l11nl'f' l'nn ll(' patd on ""~ Gah· P•l~~'· Also hlack P•IX' C'l]rom•• swtnl: ~puuts $.'575 KitdJPn smks ~5 75 up Laundry trAys. •·~t~l •ron to1 lrt ~<'Ills. j;;lc•amlng whl\1'. $.~ "otl pi~ 11nd ftlltnlt!l 1~1'1 our prrc·<•s Hot wal('r h••ntrr~. n<'\\ :..'0-~eal S4650 I . Rrhutll hAt "'''''r hrllt<'r s :l(Htlll $3100 Any fl)Umbm~ lll'm rAn hi' had lhrOUilh nur lnrR I or Los An· lll'lf'S nrt1r<' 315 Marine Ave. BALBOA IS LAND IOppostt<' Catholic ChurrhJ -('lOS> '<I Ttlf•,dll ~ IIA 2'.:!16-\\' 25-tfc a SPF.C1AL Whil<' It Illite In monthly Jill) m<'nt8 Thla b 11 -"' 11 •rm. O~tn7-Srhmldt Ptllno Co qunntlty bU}'5 lxR or ),.u W t' " !lllrfRr Pd sh~ling 8 , only $65. AlmMI J()fl Jnnn•~ t n rhor111r M •· .. , 1 •-~m r.20 !'o M11ln. S11n111 Anti pl'r , "' Ufl. r<'\'()('n., r n any ....., 19·tfc-•• , lim•• :>:"'" l<lln drit'd end mlll&d hnrd,.·ood rloorln~; -~~~-1-'S_I_t-.A-L-A--RA_n __ IO___ 14 ~'Jill & up r .. mtt plywood, ply· w0041, mllhOJ;:Ilny & ~um ply- wood rnr har" and int<'t ior fin· tsh ~ta.scmlle, ~'llWnl , 11m4>. .doors, \\'tndoWl!. shmgli'S, ftr """nng, noy-..•n'!l 1•)()'0: pvT'f' IW\Ints, hldg m:tt•'rinls or all kml'1• nil 8\'AII Ithl<' nn rlt~:tble rnnsl ruc-ttnn •)n our NI~Y fl3 Y· ml'nt plnn "''h nolhlnJl down COIM'Innd Lhr Yd . 1~ W 5th St . S11nu Ana 24-ltc SPI:'<~.T mirror tyf)(' pl11no LIIH·Iy toni' Fin,. IIMtnn Ynu Ju..•r f'IIIY nut hAIAnf'l· ,,r $J!r.'> T"r~ f •A:-:i'..-$1 11:\tlliT. r,:lf) Nn !'>h ln. S11nt!1 Ana l ~·tfr S I'J"FT ntnnro l'lrnnd nr" 1'11•" d:tmna;:r!l In Shlpmrr>l \\'1ll n•1l hl' luld frl"m f)('rlr<'t nnw S~tvr ~J-{t T r rm~ IJA:'I:7,Sfl i;\TJI IT P IA:-./11 t'tl , !\'Jft :>:o Mnln. S11n· Ia Ann 19-tfc A ttractive-M nrl rrn Rl-.l!Rf>CIM hom" "••h '"'"'} furn1turr• nr )••u m il} Ink•• wh/11 )'•II llt'lllrl' f•rH'<'d tn mm·,. n••"' ! 17,1Jf;J l 'nrurm~h··rt For th•• Rtltht t,~.rlltt•,n..• (';;II llarhur fi'J \\' IJI'B Pf'l\\'l~RS a t .J. A. REEK OFFICE f'f."'"ry Land1n1e ~~~ llr FllR SAI.t: l~nmn11 dl'l Mar. :2,. lwflm<~m """"' '""nflll'tf'l)• rurn· uho••l. rlrc• pluc·•• 1-'l'n!'f'd In y11rd Only l"tll II fn•m Nu ht<y 1~1,.,.1 ktc-tll loll llnr· 441 M, 11ftt•r FOllll lilt IIIIl S .! lut I hR, rln•-r. 1! rn. 2.'\·!'llr Halboa 1~1. Home plnr•· lur .:•• p nflu, :!·•·11r ~o:nr11~•' 1 $:!I ,000 N<•w View Home -0 \'f:JlLOOKJNG Enllrc• llarbnr A l1'c1 Oc<.•an Front tm •n :\hr . IHiw flot•r•· rtn•tllllr. Hom .. "'117r:O ll ,.,.,,lrurtlnn 11nrt 11••111•• flnlah ( ~ •I'· ,) p • 41'1'l'l iunnl Tlw rlnc•at Wt>'Vr W. B. FOOTE n•a ltor :111 ('ot;"l llh<l :'1:1 \\J'IIHT JIF,\1'11 ll&rl,•r .'I 1,"'• r ntr••rc'fl RALPH P. MASKEY 3<111 \\' C'••ntrnl l'h llnr 40'.l 9-th: --~ARBOR IN VESTMENT CO. REALTORS Newport Beach $7~00 Balh oa Island $16,500 Balboa Island $1 0.7~0 Newport H eight. $1 2 .7~0 Lido Isle $1 7.JOO Srcci al !\ 1 I'W'rlrm. hom('--1~ thAn '2 yt•ar nltl-ru m lshNi. rACING GH.ANn CANAL -4 hdrm. home with gnr . upt . -olrt und nan down but maybe ROOl('body wlll like it. Lot." of aleeplna ~~·oom. Small, Inti VC'I'V. Jlvnhl slc-t•(IS •; (riw,f ··ondlt iun. f'tiiTll!'-111'11. :1 lll-tlrllo111 1-.:~litA Wf'll l1111lf fill' "'h ll\\'t•r - l'"fll •·r .,,.,~ ... 'll'~, ••t1·. C'n n he' h()IIJ,:Itt fully fttmlshc'fl ind. N 1-:\\' \\ :t .... ltinh m:wh. r~·fril.! . !'>tll\'t', Pit'. fiJr $1:1,7~). :t lw'fkllls .. :.! l~:tlhs. rlhlr. r.::11·a~t". t'Xf'f'll1•nl ltw'H tlon. l'ar1Jy fum. T1•rms. Ralhoa I. land Olli'J.J·:X n1•ar South Bay. Vf'ry allrat•t t\'1' Uppf"f· l'flfn. fum. & irnm('(fi:tl l' IW'I11(111111'V l'ri1~l ft•r quil·k s.rh• $1 9,750 Termc; INTERIOR DECO R/\TOH SIH>P A goinl{ a nrl "<'II f";fahlish•'(l I ,u-;inl's~ l'ri~··· irwh tdf".. fixtun"'i, l'lf\lipm•·nl und ll':1sr• Jlrit•t'(l fo t q11i•·k '-~tl(' $3000 OrFlCE HJ-:NTAL-Suitr nf ;{ offit'f'S. MIHACLF: MlLF: l()("ntirm. Lon~ Tt•nn lt>asr• nt ~J :\!) JK•r month TAX SAJ.J-:,.. ily nr1w s.•llin~ C1TY (lWNt:D TAX l.()'fS -Mmtv l''<tY•IIN'II valtu·s ~·ItA for list. · Harhor In vestm ent Co. Realtors I 'I I . I . '· \ I l~~ :lOth at W. Crntral A w Hnrhor 1 non 2'l!l Ma riO(', RnlllOO Jxland II a rt..or t:\:11 FRANK P . J OHNSON, Realtor I f!64 Nt"wport Blvrl.. Ctl'f'tsl Mf'Sit Four nx>m hnt.L'III'. s lut·(·o J,:ar;,l-{1", 2 besdroom h'1mf•. nf'w 2 bedroom honl(•, rio~~· tQ m ark!"( tmnk New 3 l)f"(lronm hom(', lot 12!3.x :no ft. ComPr. $7450. $(j50() $7~15<). FifW>';t of r-onstrurtlf)fl $12,!~0() 3 tx-d room homf' ~<'Wpr111. Jlf"i~ht~. dill, ~ar $12 .0.1() N<-NpOrt I.Wnrh h1HT1,. fumi~hc'(l, ' IJik ~•n S?fllCI (2 l.ll'flror.lfl'l~ 1 Tralll"r pork. hllll'k from down t11wn o ,...t;l M""*•· Srmre for 22 trnilf'n. $1!>,!'#1. NUI"!!ery. F'i,Jl('!l;t c'Omcr in Cusw MPSa. SZl:>OO. (Tt'rm~l F. P. j ohns on & A '\1\0<.:tatc~ 1664 Ncwptlrt Blvrl.. Cl.l"tn M I'Sil () 24-tlc 0\'t't'llwlkhtr.: huy und t'IHI\JIIt•lc• h urtww ""'II. Rnllld lh'W :..' III'II"WIIIt hnlllt' \\ lth cllnlnJ,: nJUIH Rll(J tk'fl; fl.,.. pill•''· duul tltllll' fllllllll'f'. woul n'""' 111111 dnublf> ~-:urH).;I' f11r nnl~· 1:!,1>00.110 I !tan·)·' COSTA MESA B tittlll tll'\l l~t'ltllfll'\tl :! l~t'l1t,WIIll hnnw with 1lc-n, tin.'\. plnn•, lumlwnocl flno1'. dotthlc• lotlll"~tl-'t' llnc1 cur port. <;.•tw•ou~ y n t'tl. In l"'"trkh'(l nl'll'lhhnrhontt now only ~ 1 :t.~ln.nn. Six Oll)llt "" ohl :1 ll('(h'OOm ho11w, mmplcte with din-In~ n"•m. flt~·plat'1', tilt• kltdk'n unit bnth with 11taJI l'lhl;..\.('1'. hlm lwood floonc. ch trll flnor runl""'· ,.,.,,..t. lllltt \'l't)f'llun hllnds . Lo\'t'IV \•a nt In t'<'flhietf!d n~h­ h<lrlhlud. t lnly $:I.OOO,Ofl d;l\\~n untt ·~iO.()O J:M'f' m o nth. IIJ.AN\111·: A <iATF:.~ Ht•nlto c:tNNY GA~ 21-ltc BALROA l .o\'1'1~· J••nht,1tla lttmu•. '.!. ll('{lnl<>nl, dh~t~t h•, fin' t •ltw••. l'lldiiSI'(I flltl lo Y 1111 ntt tllt ...,.,.. t hh• t n nrrnl(·ln h • II "'HI htt~' ut $1•1.:l4.10. llown JNtyttM•nl $4 .~. SOUTH COAST REALTY & INV ESTMENT COMPANY HoM C :n-..~lt•y. H•"~•lfor -llu.<~lnt'llll ()t,por1unltiell Mont•· H c:rttm"'~, l nl4ttt·nru,, -R('f\1 1-~tntc-Brokrr .lt~·phlrw-Wf'hll, ~f"ftltnr l\AI.HOA l'h. Jl1trbor 20.14 . ~-ltc'' --------------- BRIGGS •• BEST •• BUYS NEWI'OHT Lot hlk. tn OC'f'lln , ~r rlleor N t•WJW11'1 I h·l~hl~<. l;n.,rl vlt'W lut $2.!\00 1,000 3.2l'M> 4.!Kl0 s.:soo Lt . fl0x l30 nr Gr. All-Am. Mkl WAITRFRONT-Fur. cotlaat' . NEW I'< urr :J B. H, hc)tUK\, blk. from OCMn Fred BRIGGS Tressa tn a c ·,H'"' IIIJ(hway l 1h Jll•tt !>77H ft('!l. llnr. 2416 ~!'i-1 tc N E W POH :r II E I c; II T S NJ-:\\' :• IU·:l !IH )( 'M II< tMI·: II H.:r'ltdt• Jllt'M' nuurK, ''"''''(> I 'll .... ll•t· ln"'lrk• < • .. , 114'1' Ill•· "Ink In l~t'fll luc11• 111111 ~;oliO l.m\ tit 1\\ n pit ,VIlli' II I Mfii>IO:I< N :! I W I )J((.IOM I 111M I·;. 114'111' mntl•lc•f hwr. A ltlltnt• ~~~~~ 1'1111 hf• J11111ld or. 111111 wi ll '"' lliiM c•nt (c)r lltriii.V Y•':t"· $1fi,!"J(~I Tc•t'lll,., BAY WATEH Ff~ONT I.IOME Jo11H NIS JJJ·:I I :1 111':1 IHt W IMS l .ltr').(l• llvln~ mum radii).( wr1l•·r. l 'ullo willt dundy lulr·h-4J, 11rnrt ll work '\ltop. l'lt•r .arttl fl•~tl wlll uc·••on•niiJd ulr• :t '""''"· NC«r nt"W d l v h a ll ltrld 111'W llllll'kl'l. l'rlc'f• $1H,III10 It'll pri•~-rt MJ.:ht COSTA M ES/\ Ni•-.· H :• lnt~ldin~ 1('1" t ,:,tt '<110 ll••tgltt' . I ;,oo V.,/\CHE OVERLOOK IN(; OCEAN "'''"It'" 'J11i, "<•t"N it•· l•lllff nurl yo11 hav .. un unoh- ,,,,11',1'11 \It'\\ l!.•llf•\c• it Ill' 11111 1111' p rl11• I~ ottly $J :r·~~, C1t .... · 111 r ·,"'':• M1·..,;1 '""JIJIIIII: l'l'ftlr·r . llullt In 1!11;,. 1.:11'1'•· lq t 'J'o l11 l Jlt11'f' $><1.100 You'll 111-(l'f'l' titl-e I~< 11 tltu• \;tl111• E lton l>. ·nllml•tt J 'l'mPI G. Bamc•tt &nlf'Y Fntnl'tJlK' • Omk,.rs EVA F. RHODEN Realtor l'horw &-nm n 57t:l·R 170 Nf"WJIOrt Blvrl. Evf'nlnJ(a, 1111 rhor 1421-J r.>-l tc tlniiJtt~" smnll I IN'flrm ft tn t $7;,00 Nt•w 2 l.w•lmorn unfiiiTlhd••-rl ~)00 N1-w 2-l.w-rh't iUfll, Stt t,( JfiJ:hwu.v 1tnf $J:l.:l!}(} Oldr·r· f11m dttpl••'< I A It •1t1lC 1 :1ci 1<-:1 $1fi ;)()(I l h t :l~l'<ll)( 1 ...... ,., t•hnlt,•loc·u .N o( lllwtty $~150 Ht·rtllll '/.II H ftt m fo.Jit& lf1. S or IJiwy. S l2:i mo S t·:J·: l 'S Ff Ht Sttmmc'r n ·nt;tl"' JOHN E. SAQLEIR, Realtor StJJnlpY A. Smith-II~.P1 M. Coflllon-rnrel Mulll~ttan A~t'W)I'iutf' Broke"' iWO (WJ-1r.F.S IN CORONA 01':1. MAR 150G ,r fl(J7 Ovtst lfh<hwuy Jlnrhor 741 or 2422 • . if.~ t\ , / .. Box Social at Harbor Feminine Activities Connon RicltorcJ Liel Will Be Speaker Sun. At St. James Clturch St. Joachim Clturclt A UoX M.ti.'Ut l and brncflt Will be ho Ill "" St f'litru:k's Day, Marc h 17 at 7 .311 p m. In thl' school nud•wr•um or St. J oaclrl.m's t'.llht•hl' t•hurch . Orangt' avrni.K', l~t•l"''''n 19th a nd :.Nth l tr('('ta. Fun~ "Ill ~;o to the nt'w church. Phones: Harbor 13 and 208 By \\'imff'l'(l 11-"'rbrc NEWPORT BALBO A NE W S -T IM E~ t 'KIU A \' :-.-vort "-"h. t a llr. ,,..,.,.h 1!!. 111 111 Pilgrim Fellow ship To le Organized Sun. at CDM Church Dr Tom Rartnn nr C'n ronn ctrl Mar ..-••11 1>1> lo·lld(·r of 11 """' you na po.'OI~~«''s ~o.oroUJl, P•l~trlm Fcllo"shlp, to l~t• nr~tnn•;u·d thi11 oomln~t Sundil), Mard• 1•1 111 6 :3() p m. In Pit~nm hnll o f n .. r()na dt'l Ma r C"ummunlly ehurrh Thla Ia fnr thr hl~h a1'11ool Ill((' (;TOUp and will lw-an Im portant IJWC'IIng Wit h nff1cc>ra to be• t•tcct- l"d. O n thc 11gcndn for futurP t'Vf'nt!l arc> dan N'1!. movlra and tri~ Som.· of tlo,. motJwra hav" voluntN'ri"d to a4'rVt' refn-.h· nwnta. ~an ~r capita cootu~ Uon o1 Vf'ptablf'tl r-..malnt'd fair ly oanatant ~~_,., 1920 and 1940 a l- thocch ClOI\llUmptlon of cannf'd ftl'et&bAel a.lmoat doublt'<l In that ptriocl. St. James Church To Incorporate A!'tlon '" IH<t •JITI•· ''" mfl, ~~·nrl­ ,.,;, l>lifl•h "'II I~<• luk• nat il d m· no•r m••••l 111" '" lw• lu hi J\pnl 7 111 Nurtnll <o o·ul• h) 1 h•· rott·roilot•r !lhlp ttl ~~ .Jumo·~ ~:l'''''"f"ol t'hurch, IH't'OI d1n1.: tn plun~ •out lln•·tl hy m••mt~<·r~ trl thl' l ll~h .. tl's o·nmmll t;oo• 111 11 lll•'t'l Ill I( hdd 111 No•WJinrt l lurlw•r Y:wht !'IIIII A I 111111 t onw II \'1111~11111111111 1ontl hy-law• "111 Ill' nclnpt•·d , II'•· Vt'11t r y will Ill' l'lft'to•d 1ond 11 111 t ur n w1ll r lo'<·t 11 r••c·tor M••mlwrs uf th•• 111-IHtJI ~ •·wn mlttt•t· Rr~ tirtoq ;o• Yardlt•y. wur- dt•n , 1>1xon S m ith, tro·luuro·r. ~ II F'rankhn, o'l"tk , Gt-·lrl:«' G ay, GN!rgr Mnrt,rtll l, I lurr·, W<"ldl Ct>t1r"'' Jlollll··lll Ph•lmo•r t:llt•rbrotk . R.obo>r 1 V IIIIII("Ptna. Mt•rle Mil! .lu v.s. Uurro•l• 1~1·"•. /,r·l~ur Al:'h '! 1ond til,• Rt·' Paul Mon1 !' Wht•o•:o·r News of the Churches _ naft .U17118QO._ ~ or OOft'A JOaA Oranp and CabrtUo ....... llrLO ....... ....,_ ., ...... Bou..& CII'UaCH ..... owtctat ••·=a• ... 1« MeeUna tm1porarlly In the ~­ enth Day Adven tlat church. CD"· """ ol Old Cowl ty ro.d and 8olaa Ave., Colt a Mfta. Sunday ~1. 9:45 a.m. ...... .__ .. ....., 8daool 1:10 a. ... lllarlllnC W'Cif'lhtp ....w. 10:& ~ Mn'kle 1:10 p.m. 8eNu ~ 7 p.m. WOI"'Np IM'r\ltoe--11 :00 a. m. Younc ,.op&e'• .. ~ p.m. ~ ...,...u.tSc .moe ':.10 o'dock. Ewntnc P"&nlel .. lk ilf'rVt<»- 7 o'clock. al W~y. 200H Allahtim Ave. w,.,....,., 7:.10 p.m. ....,., OO'a LADY OF liT. CAAIIEL lUI Ws• O..tral • ._ ..w.. J'rida1 7:30 p.m. Youdl Mchl ud Bible StudJ. OO.OJfA om. lid 00-0Mtft ~ OOJfO&SO.~O·AL '-"7 ... ~ 8c::broe*. ....... Ill KtUotrope Aftnw Ccrolla ... Mar Sunda¥, Ma.rch 14, lMI 1:45 a.m. Olurdl Sc::hool n :00 a.m. Morn1n1 wonhlp. !ft-. IDOft by Mr. Schrock: Great Qu'iatian Alflnnatlona No. 6. '-nMo 0\rtatlan U ft> Ja a G rowth " 1:30 p.m. St>nlor lllr:h Pllerlm FeUow.hlp. a&J.aOA IBLAM'D 0RAP&L .............. .... _., •. lnlt-. ........ ,..... Qud) Sdlool. 1:30 a.m. MGrnlnc WOI"'Np, 11 a.m . ft. IOBif VUNJifft CII17'8(!B ........... S~W...: 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. (year round) ODnt~ioril : SaturdQI ,.. r :ao to 1 :ao p.m. ftiK Jf&WPOIIT R..aGB I.CTIIE&AJif OlltJIWII 1021 curr Dr1w N....,..-t K«labta ... ~ Owtlt, far a Owftlblc Wortdl" 1:.10 L a, dNrdt ICftool; 10:10 a.m., cltWw W'llfth,lp.. Roe¥. ~ c. Rot.b. JIMtGr 1112 z. wu.ae st.. ec.ta ..._ "CaiN Once-You'D C... Apia!" • ._~.~.or GOD ................. .................... lie _.O.tNIAft. lunciQo echool. t :.a a.m. llonl&ac MrYial, U LIIL ~ .,.....U.tSc ..moe. at 7:10 p.m. llld-.....tl llr'fkle, Tblinllq at T:IO p.m ~ ~ 81' '1'1111 ... Ct 'tyll_...... lUI w ... O.lnl A- ..... &. D. o..Ma. ....._ OIUI"dd School, 9:30 a m. Momtna Wonhlp, 11 a.m St'rmon Suh~t . "Man'a 0 1ll'mma Trana- ~ndt'd." Ev~nlng Wonhtp 7 :3() p m . Sf'T'- mon IUb.)ect: "Ca1aphu llefore Olrlat." liUd·WMk pn~r ~rvl~. Wed- eeday; covered dlah dlnnft'. 1 :30 p.m. PBEABl'TEIIIAN n n Kelt NEWPORT tl.ulftOR Hl~h School Aud1tnrlum 15t h & l rvlnt' Av~. N t wporl 1 frights 10 a.m. OlUrch School. 10 11.m Morning Worship Sermon Subj('ct: 'the M041t Alnn· lean 01\U'Ch.'' i Rev. Thomu Gibed\, put~ 113~ Grand CaoaJ BeJboe JaiMd Harbor 2340-W 11'1'. IAIDS ORtTaOII ~A!ft EIPD()OPAI. -~ ..... PlloMa Harbor 1230 and Har. 4ll ........... Moan WhMI«. Vkv 1:.10 UIL Hob' ~ 1:.10 ... QMdl 8c:bool. U:CIO U1L llal hi....,__. ..,__ (Fint .....,.: .., Otaw w-) 10:00 ... ~: Hol7 c... .......... lftJ"ft 101' tM ... Uf&NIH DD .&D'tUIWD can. Bollia _. OM 0Mit17-.., aa.ea· .... lebbetll edtoal. ·~ _... .... 1:.10 o'CIIoiiL ,.,..... ....... u .... Suncla,y lola.H · 8 a.m. and 10 a m. Oani..SO.W: S. turda.yl t r o m I ;(JQ .to 5:30 end tram 7:30 to e:30 p.m. '1"R& F1UEHDL r OKJifTJUI.- ..._. 7 a .m. dally. Sunday 8 a.m a nd 10 a m Conlealona Saturday, 4-!:1 p m. and 7-1 p.m liT. ~OAf'RDI CHUJI.Cll Or-&f' AVftiiUf' •tw-Jttll aac1 ten, ,e-ta •- 008T A liiE"A OOMJIUNJTY CIIVJI,(}II ,...,. H . n-.-. lllalat.r IU IE. lttlll 8t. Ph. B-. lllt-11 Olurdl ldlool. 9.45 a . .m. Mom lna WOf'llhlp, JO·~ a.m. Youth JrOUP-, HJ&h achool, In· tf'ntWdJat<'. Adult, 8 :30 p.m. EvenJn& IM!n'l~. 7 ·30 o'clock Ft.i'LL GOSPEL Cllt1JIOII n.. .... r.w-. e-ta ·-SWiday IChool, 9:45; mornlna aoonhlp, 11: Evancellatlc ~. 7:30 I!.JYl,; Mld·Wftk IJI'8.)'W rnMt· nr on W l"d:Mtday, 7:45 pm.; rouDC peopl~'l ev~U.Uc lft'Vkle on Friday, 7 :45 p.m. Cll11acR or 0111118'1' ~ ........ ....... L.o-.~ ......... SanMa: Sunday, 10 a . .m., Bible StudJ; 11 a.m. M omln1 wtnhlp. • Cluiatiaa Scieace .,_.. 01R71t011 OP CIIIU8T kii&HTift .., VIa LWo at \'Ia llalaca A Wand~ ol 'n-. Mothft' OIW'ch, nw nnt OIW'ch o1 Olriat. Sd- "'ttat. In Boaton, M~tta. SUftda7 School at 1:10 L m.. Sun- day lknkle at 11 a. m.. W .ctn.da'1 Evf'nin g Ml't'tlng at 8 o'clock . RHdlnc k.oom located at 111 Palm 1tmt. Balboa, Ia opt'n cSail:t h-om 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. ex~pt Sun- .S..,. and bol.lda)'l naUonally ob- aerwcl. Thf' pubUc .. cordially Invited to a ttf'nd Ow church ~rvta!l and UN thf' Rf'adln& Room Cirri,.ri:m St·i•·nce S unrlu,· T t•:\:1 'Suhfllla nc-f'· "~o:t..r<in., ' "111 '-'" tb• ~untl.t1 l.1 • 1 1 • II lot:t llllhJf't'l In II II lr ,., '•, of Tho> ~tnlhn 1'1""'"· , lor I 1 1 l'fp,, II nl 1'111 t•l. ~t·lt 11 , ... , t•t ft, ··~·~ .,.,.,. fil"~d•tt T•\t I• 11"'11 th,, 1'.-"lrn~ ··t-"ur f!\'f'r. (l 1,Hnl, '''' "•''•' I• ~1'111•·•1 In hPII Vf'll 'l'h\ I·• lo • 111 ~ ,,. 1111111 nil ~r••n••r.; '"'' Art n•·• 1'11111 In l.l:ltt'-OO&f\f'l ro• trol··• rh~t "K mnrt "hlr h waa tnko·n "•• It a 1'·1·~~. ' "11• bi'U\IIfht to Jf'-11~. "·~"'' "ho·n tw """' lbf'tr faith, l Oili lllltn him, !\tan. tb1 -Ina lltf' forttlvf'n lhf'f'. And the &r tlb,. and th" Pbarllfl'l be~ran t6 r~uon, •arln~t .... Who ra n fOf'I'IYe alna, but Onrl alonf'! But wbi'D JMu-oer· coel ~ed t!Jf'fr thOUjtbU, bf' ani Wf'rllllr l&ld unto th~m. \\'bat rnaon ,.e In rour hfllrte ! WlletbPr Ia Hllll'r, to •ar . Tbr alna he foq~h·•n tbf'e: or to 1111. Rlee op and wal~" Tbf'ft be 1ald to Ilia man , "Arln, a nd ta.k• up tbJ' 1'0\rrh . and lftl In to t.lllne llouH.. .t.nd laaedtatetr be mee op Mfore lbetn. . . . and d&- p&rted to kla own bouae, alor1frln~t Oocl." fa "81'11'11~ and Realth w1tll x,.., to the 8rr1plntf'~M Mary Baker Ed4J writ~•. "\\'bn -t'Ome t.o hue more faith In the trutb el bl'lnr thUI .... ba,.e In •rror, m or• Ialita In SrtTf1 tban tn matter, more laltll In llvlna than In drtnc, more laltb In ()()t1 Ulan In lllUI, thea DO ~~at•r1al auppaattton• ran Ptf'Yf'nt • from IMifna tbe 11~1r &nd 4• ltreJina error.'' Costa Meso WSCS We/comes New Members Plans Activities 1'1+~1.,.. 1••1 ····nun..: ,14 Ia\ •'•• • \\~I P .tflllf•UrU ttl Hllcl fit'\\ 11\1 lit ''''"' ,,,1, ,,,,~ .. ,, •• t "h•n lh• \\ttl II',."' Su• It 1\ ;,J { 'ht '"' 1 til ~.,,1•• r11•t 'l ttut'd~' tf ,·,, ... ,, :\It·• 1 ( '""""""" 1 1'11111 • h :'olr' Htllh l\.olfl• 10 t••• •HI• t1 ·•' lho• hll~ln•·'' "" • t oro1• 111111 1111 II• •I II .,, •. r tlh '''-'·•rtl I•• ~t .... t·h·lt Tt'·' f '"' t '""'" I" •·rr ;lltl • t\.Ht ~~~ lfl .\Jr, ;\lui 1 I; til•• '"''' • t1 '" "' ''''u'n" 'l'tu Itt• u l It,, d -1\ \\ •• \\ tru n Tho• Ro•\ t '~on nun R1chard U ri "111 l11• ~uo•SI ~t••ako r nt II a m at St. J :1111• ~ 1-.posi'lopal church •m Sun• I~<~ .~orr) tnJ.: olll a Cur · 1 h••r '' Ulh ul 1 ht• subjo•c t of m•'-'-l"n'. ·,·urn·nll} hdo•rt• till• lilt lliiH'I 'I up ('.tll!11111 L u r '" l'l\I'('Uti\'1 ~t'('· n •l,tl I tt l lilt' lltott'SIIfl di'Jiill'l· ntt•ltt. ttl ln~IIIUIIoons. St'lTt'laiy tlf I ho· tlt'l'''' llrlt'lll of SOC IHI r<'· lntll•n" a nol ht•atl of thl' Eptsco- p:tl CII,V :.JIS>!On SOCil'ty. P lnll'< fur tht' urfolr Wl•r(' mode "lwn St J oUl'hlm 's gUild ht>ld a n••••ot•n~ with lht• Men's clu b, :'.Irs J) 0 \\'1lson and C. M. llurns pn•:.ulln$!. Dou~:hnuts and ('Ollt•t• Wt·r(• Sl'rl'l>fi to 43 m t'm- l:x:rs Ut 1',1th' ''' "•f\Wt nu•t Hlt pro..::r 1n1 ,, ,, .... ,,, n ''' '''' 1d ,,.d Mt•tl-'hr••l l 'irtl••l \l•urt"''' k 1n~ I'·"'"''' '•lit• 1.••111 \!o 1•1 ,lotlllt•, ltolllt 1\ut.l•• 1.-o• Mo•• 1. ~ lh•·l \\ ol•l 111tl l •11 oil• ( 'hork \I" tla n ··~ l'l•1nN",.,., ~retar~ nl St ..... .._ r hurc h • chool pou"' for tiHI aupertn W>ndf'nl, M,.,.. Kober1 \ 111-.:r~•nll, Iii thr l<•a hf'kt 8uml10~ a ft.rMI<.KJn In I hi" c-hun-h rJot .. t~r for ..._ .... ,. and pa,...nta. Lf"lt to rl~;ht ..n-\lr.._ C'tttrlee ('ecll. \lr.. ('hart-Prt .. ,.t, M"-R&lph '-WIII1111~ M,., Kol&bd ~rtof, M,., Thtttllli-. H. l·no .. t, \lro. VUJacraouo., M,.._ t 'nu\1'..., Ci ra haon. Mn.. l'aut Moo,... \\'heewr: w a i«"C', Mr.._ !'kim- ''"· In th•· fnor11 r.' tiny ,.,.,.tin~ \\1l.-tolt-r ""h J oan l"h'\Oart photo hy Gt>rha rtd lnlrt.td w••·•l It\ '•II•• l~·nl!' m• rrth••T'tup •·h.u• ffhttl "• 1 • t ht ru" tn• ruiH f' th•• ~1· .... t •nu"' Httkt•r ltu,orto·• \\ ltll,tlll< Flt••l ('hlltohn t;r.oh.ll11 I o-k ll~t••k• !';mil h :0.11\ f1• lol I till' • 1: tl t 'hrt•l••mu n "l'h· "''''"'"''' "'''"''" ''''''"''' u huwth''"'''l\•tlh\C~h•'• • f:11 '"' fl( fht )Ufltllr ~'f"t~II J• tfH (; ~ (' !' lt.otl \\011 k "I tit II Hit \ htti d·n~ •fu, ,,, 1 ,, u ''" ,t."' pitt) Th1' n •n11 n1· \\t, h 1 tw t\ .... ~. 1 tl 1\0 11 I~ lit ltl .tl !Itt tl:lltl'll ''"loll h~tlt "" ""'" J, :'-1 l '~tllllk~ lilt\ IIIIo I I \ • I Itt II• I• Ill\ tlo d IH roll• 111! o1n 'll1111 'tl"' \1 ''' I• :·· '"' r• 'A111l t.. H t'IUIUtliUHh f1 '' f \ U'•' tt ""l 7 ''' '' t '" .u ul ttU t-'1 ttl •• , t.lltiO 1: .'h tho olouor \\Ill I'll•' ttn "'•"'', • ''"·•', ,, , .VI lj n1 AI~" 1111 ~1.ol • h .'h rn• ml~ r• .,f l '•rl'l•• IC "111 •• II I ,,,,., h .• ~k· 1-. 111 fl unl nf I h• II'"' ~ 1..1\ \l10 IIIII-.. 'lOt i" ('.rei•· I \tttiJ hu\• ·• ltuuh•••u 11n \\'o•d no·•flot\ :'ll111t'll li 11 lilt• JHtr"''"''"'' on l!Hh ,,,.., 1 h•"' '''-"'" '"'1111! \lr• 'l'h""'l""o•n \lr• 1\:..tllo• I ""1: trul ~tr• l.1lhnn lllollt·~ 'l'un1~1it ~""'·"· tlw c•rtwuol l11•nrtl "111 m .... , ronl1 ull m•·mht·r~ nro• llll;t'f1 to ntlf n rl ~-f'arr:tr, ..,ten I•. •llrt'-' 11, "!'lif'fllf', thr • ,.,,,..,r'• Ua 1!;11· t~r", to bf' , • ..,.....ot«"C' lun.ll(bl and ~lurdty "'""'"' to ~~­por1 .._.h Hf'ftW'ntar) _..hOtll High School Students Toke Port in Annual Cou nty Music Festi'lol 1 .~... I' 1r t 111 ''"' nnnural • •• ,n, • 1 "'"'" \111•11' Jo'f'Strva l I• • t.. 1, 1•1 '"""'It' •n lluntlnj:"'" II• ,,. It 111 ·II .. , '""'' n udltonou11 "tll t .. '''"'"''"' .. ttV•"'' of '*" :-.,, "'I••• r 11.11 lottr t 'nlon Jlo.:t1 " h•• ·I • lonfll• IHIIHI und Of'<' lit.., II l "'"'''"''' \\JIIo tlw comhlruil 1:or 1' '''"""\ 1 .. li•· t11rc•ctc'f1 111 ,,, , lltllh I Lr rltm of lluntln~•·•n I!• ·" h \\oil h•· I I(Jr tll Blltln~:• ;\loti l•·n•· ,I.H'tth~· 11. Dot C 11rt••r 1'.1 1 \lc :O.Ia<t••r,, L• •• K nh:ht. \'n ''1111 1 ( ·.,mt•l•olt . !link) l3t!Chlnlot 11"' l•·•r.1, lht •lh•"•~··. J ulie 1"1•" "''' 1'11111" \\':olkm~. J uo·k11 1'11• '"''' \'o•l"''' PrllthlUTI, l3t II\ fl,,,ll, '·""~ ~.\st rand, n nt1 I'• ~1:' .luhn,on \\ 11 h 1 II•· I~''' l'hor us dlro·ll "'' ,,, n •• n old !"nulh of Orlln.:• "111 iM· J•·n· ~I••• k. fhck Ht>rm•' .... n' l.mr.;tt 1... L1nnbar~t'r, Jnn Sn11l••r 1 .. 11 r> IIII!Wh . Rudy ,,," oil:''· l.rtu•oln l'lark. Ra ymnn•l f1.1rr m.,n. .I om C 'rnlj.:, Dd t•" 1 ·,,,..: ,lim 1!111" k .lim "'nrol• .• net K··n (;.,,,,,\u\' ,,.. "' • h•·•ll , "111 hi• d iro·c·t"l lo\ \\1111 olll 1 ·, ... , uf Anllhl'ln1 ontl ll1rl••r Ill Ill• mt• r"-Will !)(' AI t!1 1 • '' .... l .h "'"u ., .. ,,rJ;:uson. !'t11r I•' Fr.orJI<IIn '1arcllrf't D1• t I I "" 11111 o \l11111 lim S trff••n'• 11 1'11\llt• l,.tl\1 ·on rl TiiHhiHII Tl1tH1tll ... (il\ H .• rul 011 ,.,lu 1' fu hr t•hu .... n ,,,, l11•1 """'" Houl \'11nl>••' " tl• 1 .lou lit'• ""' '"· .ltm Cor lotr< ' ll.11lo11 II'"' 1· .. I 'llitllln~.Mtl<o· ~rrulh V1 .1nk Spo dh tll ~·,·r, . rm Jf,srrollot/1 ~,,..,. llotllt'. Tomm~ "'' 'IIIII• t • 1; Hh.< 1 1 f lollrr 1(1< ', 1 Ito •. ollllu Sit• .. k \Iva It I""'"" 11111 -.:,,.,, 1 I•· Huulha(' I I.\ \\Ill , ....... '' ,, "' ,;,,. ''" C •l'-'1 \ nf '' ~ut ltl\.!ft P Bt .U'h '!.,1ixed Te chnique' Wins Prize 'lor Berkeley Prolessor H~Hhii.~Y.:'>1.or ol l. Pro- f,-. • t \\ • ·'I r:)<i•·r nl lh•• de-- l -,rom •11 "' rtr' nn lit• II· rk< lf'Y ,. ollltlll' "' 1 h•· I 'nl\ • r"" .. t C"al· llt•Titl.l h.l• 111 o·n It\\'""' ol th<' Ar t .\ ...... , .. ,;,ta t' flon••1 P r11•• for l',untm~ 111 tlw ~.m Ft.onriscn Art A~sOCHII Icm'" ,;~q, onnual ''"l"'"''"n t•f f)lllnlrm: •ntl •c-ui~ tur• Stork Sho wer Honors Former Librarian llurwnnl( Mrs Jl'lt• :'t1t'< 'll•·~n•·Y ,.( !"unta Ana. !nr nwr ll.dhmon •• nrt ""ht.onl ••• llw publw li- hrror) " >o lork shcl\\t•r \\:OS ho•ld ;tl thl' hnmo• nf M rll C K Var- uo•r, t:\fi lluhn\\tN'ICI l>rivt•. Nt•w. t••rt Jll'll;htc: with ~1rs R<·rt \Joorn~ jr and !\t rs AI llo rvath -.hlll'lll~ hnSINlS dutit·!l t1nul1n1: ho·r gardf'n, Mr~. Var· n•·•· turn•·tl hc•r hnmt' into 11 """ o•r · .. r "finn~: OmH ·rs. u.~1n1: " prt•f"~''"' n f datrnd lls. s tocks. '"'''''' I"'"'· •rls Rnd p11nsir•s. llo•ssr•rt ft•fl tllro'f1 No•apolfhtn ,,.,. rr•·a m and c·ako• frostrd in fllllk. "holf• fll,·ors wt•rr nu t ('Ups Ill lhf' fnrm Of dainty hoot~. C'uurt whl~t WIIS play<'d with ru·•l 11"11rd ~:ning• to !'.'Ir s. F:d ;ltunsl'), Mr11 HarTIN Mart in rc- ·~·1\ mg sl'rnnd 11nd ThP ho norN' 111k m1: third ~lmt• of the I:Ut'SIS Sl'nl Or hn·u~ht !lmnll gifts h ut ml'lsl of •h• m J!llnN'I 1n J)urt·hasln~ a play 1• n ond hnthin('t tc> l'r•·.,rnt from t hr Hurhor arl'a "t t I' t h•• l\lf'sdam~ \.\'1lliam Kt:'n- n• •h Ed M unSf'y. Kt-nneth Got · lo1n J \\' C":~mmnck. BruN' 1111 uh ,\hru• llnm•llnn. Marlon Sh•, h ll:orru•l :'>l:trl :n. ,lurlsnn Slit lwrlontl r.r.ont Fllllo·r . :'>1:-.r· lh.t I •~o•kt•) ~·rom~ ont.o An11 "''rt• 1/u ~lo•S· •t ,,,,., Fr.on k ll~t\1•·11 r·n·o~.:hlon I lllnlt·r ( 1t.orlo·~ Ro•tl lwr toncl llttnlt I l,ot('kh,lrl frnm f.tllll.: J\, "h. :'>11 • \\'illt,om Pit·k··~ ~··n•l•no.: ~.:tfl· hut u nnht.• to nt · t••ml "' r• t lw !\lo •flltm•'" ~nm Mor•m·r. ~:,·,·n·ll llnust"n. J:-l('k r.llll• Hlltl no 1"''"'· l\tnry S lnn- lry It llt•h I' .:•• ~:\'111~-n , RHI••r , I llh'h Spnm•• 1 (' ~~ I )o•,tkin~. St 11 11 t 111• hi I I 1r"hl 1\"n··dl• 1 nnll 'n ,.,rt\a'\ s·~n,Hn Bridge Lun cheon. At Island Home f t "ll' luno•h • nn .tn•l hndt:• al thr honw uf ,,,., .t .. hn fl<•)rl. on r.11rno•t a1 ''"'"" ll.ollon • l~lllnt1 1 hi~ W•·· k foo ,, ~:rnup ur fr~t•nds whirh mo•tucto•ri Mnnnn Kl'p~r. F:u nll'l' K no1\, 1\••11\ Cull', 0f'll)' ll<'nth·r~on. ~fllrl!l; Rhur, Snlly P<'yton an•l Tul11 Rmg J11ne. lhr hl)!l>to•!<.•. rapturt'd th!' brirl~t<' prit f' anrt ~trl' Ring took hom(' I hi' I ra\'t•llin J: pnzr auclltn rtum . .\Uthf'Ot.k• and nntf'· 'II'Or1hy IU'fl r«Mlunw. IIM'd In Uw! 1 ... ,. and whlrh ""',... p~ wt4fod by llaydMt • Morr1to, r, .... tUIIW'I'IO of a..... .\nlf"..... and ('a.la M,_, T tw R~ lrr ('a"',,. :'-.n\'nd a," 1\ ·" Presbyterian Services . ""''~'<~ I I H "''"~' In Set or Ear ier our r.m...-rc••nl') ll"m ma,··r1 f•'rhr'IHtt••." st "'' 1 h•>d of ntl ~:ln11n~,.; u\'o•r I• nll•'r'' <tl'm · '111111( f1,1m \lh I otrl ~ Itt lll i«l\nC(' fhl' ~l'r;.•t ,,( "mll\o·d ·,.•flrllquc" ",,h ,, . 1 , tnr' •• r llllnlltnl'lty urHI J • a\;tt,,•nt·,.• '' n' rt•rliSCOV· • to•d 111 1••'•'111 ·llnlo· .oncl Ill! ... L,..t.ot •. lot , lu 111•111•·• n p.nntmg RI'J;Cinnin~: Sllnday, S!'n·i('f'!l ror Newpor t llrorhor Pn ·sb)'1rrinn churr h will h!o lwld at 10 11 m in N<'..-'POrt I I arbor t 'nion I fil!h ~chool wit h th•· C'hurch Sl:'h nol for e hddrt'n hl'ld nt t hr s:Jm<' hour. no•rnrnon..: to lhr pastor , lhr R<'l' TjH•mo~s M Gil,,o n A )llr nf ctr1• ol ho•t•C nn tho t.llr ll 111 11 lof,. • ..,,l\rr Cor rmr r· Jrf'n <'}' m <'AII Try 11 <"8.t~srrolt• of hotlo~l llllovilr·s ~hn•rlcl• d olrit•tl t-., I .tn(t ,.h,, 't) 1iuttr•· C~t .. 'fl for lunrh. oh nn• r ,,r ""Jll'•'l I> ll<·on~ im'f'lllll!alo•d hy Af'VCtal 1 l'lll'mh.•rl' "' th•· ,,, r~rully on lho• l 'nll·rr~tl \·~ Ho•rk•h•\ cam· JUI~:; Zero Is Too Mu ch ,,, '''" "iltl "''""'" •TI I • ttl.._ l11 <nnw flttrt' ''' o\f1 ,,.,, hl11ek 1n~o: lh•· "'''' t't•nt:Hn lilllf• ttf lhl' .ontl n •ol fnut·J.II' rtn.l:' ,,., t••tlUinr ttltl m•1~1n n~: bl0t1<l hm~>t·lrts "TH E Y Oll~G ID E.\ .. \~\ "M'· JCM)Cin..._ )OU •tartlf'd nltl'. Th<lm -... tltrr lhh "•rn nit' abNcl of """' •1wfl you pf111 to •'•> homr rnr a n ,., f'nlnl! :·• i' t't O. I IIIli htilt• rn11nrt "II"' m Nons n,.thm~: that 1•. until 11 I~ :11ltlo•l1 tor '"111''' h1111: ••b t• • ~IC•l , ••• fnr ttl•l;tiJ('o• 'Dt· n II llo-,ttm•~ <:t n11lltnn ll••ll:o1• """''' clifl• ro•n• ,. Tht It r .. r.•. our "'~'"' ~It ' lo> IIi•• l\tl tl ,J 1•l tlllt t•lttl" nf t h t' n • \\ t 'fu 1'1 1 Hl S,•1t'0('•' thurdl I \•ll 1\olh lh• l11dt o·n<l tof lou1ltlon.:. !Itt 1 olltln't ~p. nt1 '111 \T rnowh' (~ult I. ~l••nl J .. oa f 'J',. 'I~·• d 111• 1111 l'•"'kln.; nf 11 nwn l '"'If lt.tk•• •h•• nwat ml\· till'• Ill IIHV \ tol:,:ol ln:l\ I'" L:tn:o• muffm """ nl;l\ '"' u••·d . pr ""' 1•111\ t·~ 111.1~ h,• shriJ•'<i hy lwntl .uul l'lltlk••tl 111 11n~ up.•n ~h.'IIIIIW f'lll1, lll II ~lol\\ It\ mo1<lo•ra lr 0\'•'n Casino Cafe ana Codtail lounge * Serving Complete l.UNCHES oncJ DINNERS * 202 Main St. Balboa, Calif. ~ib'n Tucker Group Donees at Casino, San Clemente - Havm~: a 'grand 11m1• wht•n tht'y W('nl danrm~ a t tht• C'asmo. S&n Clem r ntc, wert' 100 rouplr~ lx-lon~•ng to D•ll'n Tuckt'r Jat•k Chnmlwrs or U.~:una Ot-nch wus d nnrt• dllllrma n llnd u n lilt' hosl 11!>1 Wt·r•· thl' M~Hs. and Mt•sdamo·s Chnml~<.·rs. Mo- Rt•n s .l'.bd, J M. C"urlt'}'. R II. ( 'a lhoun. M T Gll)'<'r. Rcol)l·n J nrdr·n. J T. S w11nson , J F. W nr- n •n 11nd lluward Wilson. Amon~ th•' pr••·dunl't' !'ot:klllll parlll'll Wi'r<' om· hush'f1 hy tht' Rona ld n orlows or B~tlhon Is· lund. a not h••r h)' tIll· lll'll"uld C'aldwt•lls Capacity Attendance At Country Club Teo 11 WtL~ nlmos1 " ''·'l.l·•t'll) a t- ••·ndan t't', With O\'l'r ~'il lulolr•s in pia} a l llw brtd~o· r.•n 1\,.Jol \\'o'<l· ll•~day Iii Snnl:o An.t ('o111nlr) ctu~ ' A lovt'ly arrnll~o:••m••nt ul st t)(.'k~ and IriS N'nlo·ro•d 1 h•• I nht,. "ll~'r" ,\lr<o Jlhtn;ar••l Ruhn•• and ~1r" I I R Rm~: J1Ullrc'f1 t t .. ,trsc;,., 1\o•rr ;\lr~ lk ll\ ,\It · I •••rwld und MN l litll1o·~man \\htlf' Mrs IJt•lln C"nmtoh..tl " l'lt.tirn t.oll fu r llw month •• WM.. Mt.ctin9 your own sftoes, whet! ~ ahoes for the cl.i1drH, ... this be•utiful new tMchine to be ..,.. of • petfect fit. TheN's N 9'*' work. You ... INSIDE the .hoe Md ..a.ct the CORUCT pair •• Tlle parent, the ~hild, e11d our moe fitter .u c•n '" aimuit•ne- OIIsly exactly how •ccurat•lt the !hoes fit the f•et. n.. t Nl'l.u fr•ction of en inch diff•renc. INIY mNft tfte difference be- twe.fl comfort eftd MaJth M diacomfort • ...t ..... Come In Ana See This Wonder Machine 409 Coast Highway Corona del Mar SHIPMATES 2211 Marine Ave., Balboa Island SATURDAY,.MARCH 13TH Featuring A Complete Line ol BOYS AND GIRLS WEAR • 2 to 12 - 7 to 14 -Teens I 0 to 16 Shipmates 2211 Marine Ave. -Balboa Island Harbor 2219-M- Agnes E, Clarke Helen Peterman . . ' I ,• the be i Lu uni lfeWPORT JxBA.LBOA .NE-W5'Jb\ES ·· IN A BROWN STUDY TELEPBONEih BA&BOa 1!, II A.~D tOI Publbbf'Od EYBy Day, Moaday Tllroll&'h f'r lday By CaTTier or Maal: $080 pc'r month IIO\'"\<h~·r•' 10 !'\o'WI>o•rt D.•nch llfld Costa Mesa: $2.40 ror 3 months, $-1.86 ror 6 months. $9 (X'r y~·ar By Maal ln Orang<.' County . S9 pc•r ~··nr ; to ·llh n•1w. S9 ::5. ,... t •. , ........ .,. .......... _._.. .......... ......,.... ............. ~ w. ........ • .....,..".'"'''''' ... &&a( ............. file ...... • .... , to Rth ZQo(', $!)5\1 ,----- ,.., .. -l ... o .. -.HJ ··--Entered 8JI St>COnd-ClibS matter lit the Pos,orric-e m l':ewpon Bt•ach. ~ ............. "'-••.. "~ .. ~~~· ,_.. ..._ ,......_ .. .,.-. ••U tt." ""•.,. ,,. Cah!ornaa. undl'r thr Act or March 3, 1897. SAM D. PORTER LOClUS S. SMITII. 111 W. F. DLXO:-.: Pnntiog Plunt, 3011 W. Central Avt'nltl', i 'llhli~hl'r !\lan,.,bin~: Ed11o1 · • Ac1\'t'I'IISJn),! l\lanilg,•r !'l:cwport S.·ach, Culitumia Official Paper of the City of Newport Beach A Uependable Local ln~tllullon for Onr 40 \'"""' l-J,\TIONAL EDITORIAL 1948 '~0~ Afraid of Freedom? Active Member of ® ~;~ - f"W'•"'" •• ttrll• I ,._ I fl• .. :.~::...;;:·~ ..... .. ..... Vlll K l>IAL ...... ... ·~ .. ,., ----... ..... ll -,. ... .. ~··' -... .. ""' ... .. "'"· -... .. ""' _ ... l •... ... " .... .. ....... , , ........ te l \' .. ~ IJI I \ I' te ,. • t \ ,, ' l .... "'"·' I • , •H .\.-u K l'\' t • I ,. '"j''-... ,. \\ I'lL , ..... I " Mt t. t•t .. ~ ... ...... , '··· ht.• .. , , ............. "tl I ~If! •I .,..,, r ,, "'• • • ~f Ar I••· ,11,.. ... Itt ' .... ~ ... .. .. K ,.I • ~ ' • •t Not ever yon e will agree with the \'iew~ <'X pres.-;ed o n communi~m by Arthur Garfield Hays, director o f the Ame •·ican Ci\·i l Libet1ies U nio'n . t o the H o lli'e Committee o n un-American ac tivities, but they o ffer f ood f or tho ught. Saicl Mr. H avs: · Jr(U I I Mtftt .... I t(N' '· • f a r" ~· .. , ... "N o thing annoys m e m o r e than the idea that the Communist party deserve~ crt!dit for all the hell raised in this country. "After 25 year s the Communists cann ot • g et enough votes ev en in the State of N ew York to keep their names on ~he ballot. "It i s about time our l egislators r ealized that the American p eople are to b e trusted and · need n o laws to save them fro m bad pro paganda or bad thinking. After 150 y e an; o f histor y, our peoples have sh o wn that they are entitl ed t o b e trusted. "W e sh o uld encourage those o f radical thnught to come out into the open an~l act a l o ng political lines. If their viev.·s ar e noxiou~it' is the American belief that they will n o t get v ery far. ''It is about time we r ealized that this t echnique of passing l aws to save us from imag-ined rl::~ngers is inimica l t o freedom. What w e need are m en in this country w h o n ot onl y b elieve in, but who are n ot a fraid o f freed o m ." The State Bonus It'~ difficult t o view the p r opost'cl st ate bonus f o r war v et eran:; a s an.vthin~ other than a p olitical ~~ure. • Certa inly, the f ew hundred d ollars each ex-1.;.1. would r ecei ve w ould not beg-in tu r epay those who live d in the mud a nd ~lu~ged it (lut with the ener11y at close range. On the other h and, the vets who got n o nearer the front than a d esk in any Army camp som ewh er e in the states hardly rate a bonus. ·,I otl •..••.. ~ ~~ ... -K···. I ...... ... YOUR .UNITED NATIONS QUIZ · J)t• ynu hll\'1• 110 ) •tll'"'"""" un 1n1: to ttw ~um of ~:.'5 1 '-1(1.(11.10, phi' tht• Um!N Nntwo~? To IWIJ• thl' Htlctllumal !unt), 11'11 r ....... lito• t'Hl.l JX'O(Ilt• ul thiS f'IIUntry lw t lt•r 1111· \ lo'tlm:< :trt• al~<' Ill ho• gl\'o•n tu lht' dt•I-,.ICtnfl tht• <'hurtPr anti l ht•u· n · l'r•·r>~ort ul) Cumtnl'~olnn nf Jrlll. Sfl011~1hllll il'" In tIll' Wt!l'l!l uq:ao-~U•''' wn: lln\'o• an~ pl>~n' IJ••••n 17flll1111, tht• Ami'l'lt'an AMoHI'JIJIIIIO nt.lllt• r .... ,, l'nl\(o'l'l'llo'o• 1-ll~l;•''''"' ftor 1111' Uolto•d Nntiun~. 45 i-~1~1 t.v tlw Ee·••nnmll' 1111d Snct;d Coun- 65th 'lfl••'t, t'o•w \'111 k. Ne•" Yn1k. e•il on 1111' prololt·m "' noll'l'l'\llllt•nl IS 1111-'\H'rlnl: !/Ui•,liOn~ n'r'r•iH•rl rc•· II( IIIIIUr;aJ l't'.'lllln·e·~ ~ flt•ctin~-: lht• l1't•mt•nllolll1-IO ... I'o·~l An~wr·1·: {'t~uf1•:·1·ut•1· l'lto11, un towln)' and alwnys lnr lu~o11111: J..:•lot'l' till' llrt• ,1111 in 11 to•nlllll\o• ,I:JI(o• Quo•stion · \\'h:ol h:o-. ht•••n tltt• A )l'llr III:H tho• Et·unnll11o' 1111d S.1· oull·nmt• uf tlw prnhlo·m twuu~-:ht e•wl ( ·.,unl'll RJIIII•W•·«I t lu• iolo•:o or I h~ \'ug«~lu\'111 to 1 h•• ~:t-nnomw und ro l 'tlll o•tl N111 II'"' l'tonf l'l'o•ne~· 1111 !';«><"lltl Council nf tlw l':-l ('rmt'••rn lht• t'nn'o'I'\'Hti"n :ond I 'llhnttHIIl Ul).: ht•r rnont"'tnr)' r··~··r\t'" h···n~ u( n,~ ... ,,ur····... St•t'lt •Lt~·(;••n("'U_., ht<ld hy I ht· Unlto'il St:otr•o< • 1'1')1,'"\'t• L1" ha~ 1 o'!·nnHn•·nolr•d tloi~ An .. wrr· A m."')llr IICihf'} th'i'IMon Ink•• plnc•o· 111 May :u1rl Juno· ur ha .. rt"oUltt'll rrom tht• vr•'lo<'lllllllnn 1919 In tho• l 'l]ol•"' !'t:tl•'' Tho• or thiS t'll'ol' nw C'nunril',. E<-o-C'nunnl ha;, 11'11111'•1•'11 l\lr L H· '" nnrniC' C•mtmlllto;•, hy ,, \'011' nr :;., 1:1\1' tlo•frn•l·· 1~'('/'IOIInr•nll:ollun-. Ill ha' <1Ptt•rnunt'<l that th•• Counf'tl lfw n •. ,, '''"""" lm~1111-: hi' tlt·•·t- t'Hnnut mak1' I"N'Hmmo•nol;ol1nn-. '" 'l"ll' "" thr' fll mr•JpiP that tht• c·on- rnrii\'Uiual !'1111111 rll'' Tho • eh'('IM"n fo•n·n•··· "til hi· nnl~ '""'""'"1: ,., . nliJ't '1111 t>l' 11Jiprtl\l'd hy tho' full r h:•no!" ul onfmm:otltoll 11011 nul JM'I · 1\•unrtl Th1s ftcJIII'~ .wtually ,., .• mlllf"l Ito 1.1kr· an\ do•(uulo' artu•n ,1111" In the-(UIUI'(• fi<'"''"' o( till~ nn lh1s t'l111'tnl Jl;llhft•m Cuunnl l)(•tn~: Mll'tarlo'll II o'lln Hill) Qll••-.11•111 \\'hut Jllll'h 11[ tfw mnko• ~.;o·n,.r:ol r!'<"nlllnlt'nllal hln'l •~· propels.·•! \\ t>rld Tr·t,. ),. (,1ar It' I ·Ill w· '1'\'o•ral I '~ nwmtwr ... anti ha\'t' ,.., far. lo~l tn ~uh~lnnltnl o""''r 'lll~'lfy nnf• (lllr th'ular r.oun .o~r...,·m••nl nnwn..: rlw nlltitlll' par · tt~· 11t•· Yu~:,,..),l\'ln 1~!'111', to! t ic1patin~'! rour·•r·. mu ... r nu\\ hr• M·ttlc'ii h.' An\\1 ··r ·nw n••:11 h f.t) rotml rl.-.. d1r•'<'l n~nlllltl"n' hl'lw .. r•n th1• t nktn~: part m lhr· 11•1\'Hnll ronlf•r. Umto•d Stu\t'l' and lhnl rountrY PnC<' of the• Prt·IWtrutuo") ('onnnlt · M.Mt·o• T ,, ,._.,.. ~UJ T H .. ,. ... ,.., ,, . . p. cs.~tr ~··· "'' J.,.... • ,.. ~~ .... "'• P\1 .... ){WJ-(' '·• , .. It ... "'~~~~"• -.. ........ tc eu-n.-.,..,. .._ .. ., h~"-"····· . ._..., ..... IIICFAc-M••,. .... .... II'MI'I' n..• 1<-.,~.-N,.., TELEVJSJcv-.1 ~'l'llltJAl ; 1\ ·~ KI.A• '' ~~o. _,_, .. , ... 'it I 0..>11 .... I ill• h.'' ""'·" ..... \ ·-" 1 ,, "'' ' . ; ... 1e 11 r ~ " ... I .... _ .... . I " • ·" 1 &A kP'I '-" u .. , .. ~"'' ........ ...... ...... · ...... . h.l'f)\ II •••f 6 ~ ....... , ~ . ... .. J(I.A('I'\.W I ••• • .,, 1, .• , ........ ""' A Ww•lft KUJ 4o..att l•a .. ".,."' ,,. . .,., .. .... I("'W~ '··· .... ' .. ,.. IU'Ait.>-Oo•· • ~ .... lft.An-... -...... , ..... ~ ...... ~UJ h••• __ , ...... ~ ... ••• crl .__... "' • n-kMt.,. ·~•• I••• k~'" t,.;1tttM t ... ... kltJ .,. .. , ........ ... .,. .. , .... c-a&.J\A----·· .. ••• • , .o-..... ; ........ • , ......... r-.-. .. ,.., ......... ... ~""' J ........ .,. ...... .. I I \ ,,tw iltwl I f "'\\II ''""'' .... ..... .. ,,, , .. , ....... ... ~'' l'-, " H.,..._. ' r • "'" ' \ .... k , I U•f\• If• t ''"'" ht('t'' ..... ~.\• ............ k \t t I I t~tHti II•• kJt i \it•,! , .......... ...._'' I .... "'' ,~, .. • ..,,. , .. K I \1' \'to " 'U • -.,I I • ..,......,., lh I \II ,, " \ \t, ...... t#'\e I ll I 1 k ltl "'"'fi 11t1 I• f"-' "' \ .J1•ft 'I'H, ' • p .. lh I ,,. No • h ,., -. ....... t ..... ... .... , ., ........ .... • ,,, t , ... . "''' ~ ......... n • ...., lh "'"'.. J ........ , ., .... t(v' '""••H .,.... .. "'6e •• •0 -0.• .. ,, ... . ... WI ,,... .... ,. . ,. ... • n-'"' ....-•• k t \\ t I .... ~~ • • ..... :\. J~ ....... ... ., ,,, f\e .. 11411 • • . "l· ,.,... .. ..._.,,"'. "••••" .... lrltf"'A ""''-f~ ... a ttJ ttw11 ,.,... • ••• f'•-·· ...... .__... .. _,,..""'~ ' p •• a t.•n-, ...... ••••• . ,., ..,..,.. .. "',..' a WI'("' ft••rn•"• • A .... ...._ ........ . ............. .. 1 ., Jul • "''''"'••• 1 ... ''-''' w ...... . ,.. "''"'''• I .lt I• • tt.-... .... , ....... _. .... ' kiiJ h.oh , ... I A ~Y'141fl J''' W•fi"M•"•' -... C loAO lithto!• Ch,,. • VI ••vnJ•• , ..... , .. , .,_ f • \ I •Hoi •I I. •t t\IIJ f•" 4 t• \lu•t,..l it.·'"' .... • u .. .. ..... ... .... ,.., I t \t ' J ,, •• f\ t I t .. " It tt•• h I, ~ •• • .._,, ·~· \ , •• 0 I I " .... , h i I h.\\.. ... ~~~-­ ~'' ., .. ,. '•""·· •••• ..... I I* I .... .., • .... J t ••• ,, ....... . .. .. & .. .. , .............. . l(t t A tlo.,d ._,.,... ..... J , ... , •• thlhll~ ""'' ••• "'' t ...... .. • A \) ,..., .. • , .. ..,. .... ., .. . ......... t-MJ ........ t ........ ...... ai.AO AI J •t .. .. ... ,., .... , ......... . •• f'loO •••• t ........... ... ....... ·-...... ... ... "" ..... . " ' ' til •• t I • • T .,._, ..... ,. .. "'.. . .. , .. .. .. .. ... ,..,. ......... ~ ltJ ·~·-··· . .. ....,.._ ...... ·-., t t"' H . ' . .. ·- ... J ,... •• .. , .......... ~··· ... ,, lJ ........ ... I 1IA ..w 10.. . ...... •• ..... , " \4o•ft I " att • h ... ' \ I I '1 It tl# 4 \1 • ,, • ~ •·.' ! .... .. ....... . I .. .., ... "' \itt.• .. ,. . "'' ,, .. , hI r '- h \1 t II. I I ~· •• t h. I 1• 11 I to\ f \\ f! I j ~~~ ' .... "*' ... 1 .. .. ar-t ....... --. .. .... t . 41 °-\··· ........... ~ . .. , .... ~ --.. . "',.. '"·~··· '· .... ,, """''' ............ 1 ...... ·I(·"" • ,. .... , , .... .. If. IJ I 1'-.t"'f f' I 1 . ... _ ., .......... .. . .... art ......_ •• l ' ... II •..::• ('\., ...... . -.. p. ··~,....._ ..... ~,,..., ... 8t I t. '••• ur t , ...... &wt • , •• ..,.. Ttu .. ••u ..,.,.. ,., ,. .. ~ IIIII ., .,.. f\t'-.-·-· .. ...., ................. .... a t t'A t\trtl ···-··-"" .._.. ... ." ... "",_ &L• A ,,.,. &tu ,._. •• ...... 11( ... •• ",. '( ..... u.. awt•~ '••• ,..__., .... ~ ..... _ ·-...... ,. I ••A•.-................ ...... ·~ ~ .. N tfJ .. ,.,.. ,.•1•tt• Ktc~ A -M•t 'Ill .. •• kilt. IIUI ... .. fill '' ' .......... , • ..._ .. , 'tA\)-IIIw• •• I #tl .... ""' ''-*'"' \olu•t .. t lo\'"' ••• • • ,, ... • r,. r.' 4io\.' "·.. .. ••••• ._I I I tr I t...1 It "\II I ...... \ •·ttt t t .. ..... A l •e 6 t '"I •te ~··' ....... " .~. ~. ,, .... \\ h ltHI A fll--.. ._,,_.' ~"'· ., •"'- ...... ~ ..... ,.,. .... I'«••• ... • •• ... ... l·•ll .... _ ..... . " .......... ,...., .. "' ~ r t N•"' • "'' "' ... h. HI ....... ~ •• , ••• kHJI.-•t•" I••~'"• ' p ... IC.1.A•' U• .. '••U ... Jl...-t .. ..,, .~ ......... & .. ••• h&.M~~otell •.. .. ;.,.,.,. ..... ....._ ••u "'*''••• .... ... . ........ ... klo\.-C)o-.... VI 6 -~I ••> h•••••lt •r• ,.It<. ••--. ..... .. ~ .. ..., Mttl .. ,......_,_ .,, I 4 _.. •r•o-f'••• ••••• ••..A.e-,., •••. .....,_. ...... ,~ ........ .. lh t..•" ...... ..,.., ... ... -- • • • • v• • • • • 77i • c • a o s s o e e u a e e e e e e e r NewS-Times -Comics, Radio -• • e • a e • e • 6 • 4 e • 0 0 e e e • 0 ~ @ ? 0 0 $ • • 0 0 2 CROSSWORD PUZZLE nauN ' ...... . • llt•t••-, ... • fi'tlo " ........ ,. It ... ,n•a -.n..e u '" "'··· •.• ,.. It .-•• .,. 1$ Ill t•l ..... ., Art•"'• •• ""' ...... n '" ........ ". '" .. .. t l , ... "''"' •..... f1 t l t.•tHI .. _., ... ;! ·~: ·:.:.~~: " ""'" .,,,.. •" ,, .... , ...... .. _ ...... 11 • ., •• ,. ... ...,. ..... ........... ......... ~1 ... ,. '" .,.,. .... ., " "'"*'' •• ltt,lltW• ._, .... ,. . ~ ... ...... ~., .. . .......... ._ .. Hlrh ••"" ., ........... . .tH ... . .. tlUt • ...... •• ~-•I 1""'-.. "-~"' • ...... ,.\11., ..... ,_,..,. .... . .. ........ .. .. ~ ._r:.:.. '-""·-. "·--Sure, their work may have been important, but if we start handing o ut m oney on that basi s we ought to include the U .S.O. entertainers, the war bond campaign w orker s, the draft hoard member s and the innumerable other~ who did their vital hit toward victor y. Qut•stwn: What is b!'ln~ do~«' lt't' nr tht• pmpo.,•rl lntPI'nullonnl with thP "101•1" fl'<'l'l\'r'rr•tl hy th;> Trndt• l)m~nnlnttinn hnvt• lll{re'f'll l'li~'UJ):IIltm lll)lhnrrt lt·~ rn (ri•mlllrn . 110 111,. fnllnwln..: dntt."'' 1111• II!'Jl whwh w;o" nri~;lnllll) 'IOio·n hy ttit• N 'al r·ommllnk nl .,f moolllho•l'o '" N tlll'o? llllllnl:un dt•ITI•''' u· ''"'l'l")'llto•nt 1\ I •'A ..... ..-t, "'~ '\h .. ...,. ,...._ .,_,t At.'-1'.,. u ~ ... .. . ' . . ,, ..... -• ,,, ltlil ........ ... ,,. .. '.. .., ""• • J•"• ' ,.._ ....... An-.wo·r : 11~o· l'r••plllai"I'Y C•m1-.-..HI dllm•·'11r· l:oloow -.t.onda lof• 111 "' llll"l'•ll ,,( tho• l nl!•malllllliol Ho•IU· lo '''''" ,.f JoH1111HIIfW lfa•l• lh•• ••• .... o-........ ...... ................. ,. __ .. \lltf' ........ ..... k•-'• ·-·. ~ ..... ...... kltJ '" ..... " ..... hh•••·· .... .,, '"" ..... ~ .. ..,,.,, .. '""··· .... -... .... 1tn-•-- .. , ..... -. ,_, "'. "' ..... "',, .,. . ··~· ...... ....... ..... .... •.. , ", .. ,. -... ··--1 ....... _.,... .-.-', ... ... ··-. .. I P' II. . .. ,__ ............ . a•n · J~· ..... ... ,..,, ., " .. ... --. .. ..., ..... "'.'" .... J • •• ... , 4!" ,_. ,, , ..... ~ h. t , I .. l t•t• T ., .. 'u• ., ... ~ . .,,. •··•w r I t\\H I•Ht.lt A•tt••• ... ' \ t '11W I. .,.,.,__ • ... ..,., ~r .lfw•t·t ...,,, .... , ....... ...... ..,. ............. h ... • ,., A '"'' .,_.tllltvl-. ,., 1-.. ., .. _ _, __ ....._ .... , .. .... _. . '·--•• 't••""" ...... ........... " no. .. .., ..,.. ..... ,.. ootr I n -'" .. ....... ~ .. ......... .. ,._ •• ,..,. Le .... ", ..... " ...... : ~~::..~~ .. ,. -· . .... ,..._ The f act i~ that the natio n can nevl~t· r ep ay a ll thoi'e who h elped in the w a r e ffort. But we w ere a ll in it together and whatever the p art each o nf> nlay ed was d o n e no t for a b onus but t o prel'erve tt1c thin~~ that w e r e W(Jtth rreserving. The Feder a Gov<'mment i~ alr ead \' ~n~>ndin~ many billions annually on behalf o f ex-l'ervicem en f or m edical care, education and l o w -cost l oans. The peo ple o f California are p aying-a sub stantial part o f that exp en se. H ence, it isn't as if t he citizens of o ur st at e were not already contributing much to v eterans ' w elfare. j,.!t 'f' f >n,:,:•nu.d Htll '" , lh· n~·•pJt·nr ,., .. , Ulc n( r, ... , r lt11 t\ ,. IUJ'-11\t ,.., hf n\o ... , .. , th·· "non·n1•>n··t ·~~~ I n• ,,.1h'•·, und··t· ... ,. '" .. ''""··1 •.• ,~ s.;nld I~H'IItHI ell -.rooll'n ,.:••wl ... c;,.ld 11111 :ontt lll'li11o , "'" llll••m,.ti,IIDI l•·•·lh. ""'''"'"'· ••1(', tnko·n frnm 1 :o~:••••n11•nl on lfw ~:•·nol·ai iiiii'IJilt·-. \ll'tlln~ nf :-l:111 n•nr• ntrnllnn nl ,.,.mme•hl) J~olwy :on Into !Ill!· ('llmJt'" :tnd ;::;s~o chnml>~•l'o nn• no1w fl•mal OII.'T•'vtn•·nt !(l rnntn11 num-loe•m~: '-l•lrl h)' thl' Jfl() f11r $.:1.:> an ~ 1'1'"11' tPe ltnie•nl lralfl' J!l :ll'tll~"-II ouo('o•, It"' fll•l('(•o•rt' HI ).!oo 111 thr• I'I<N!j.."TTI II•>n of ltw n~:h r-. :1nrl rlu- \.lll'\'1\'111' Of thr•V• \'11'1101' :-,:,e/1 1 tlo •-. fl( l'llllfltrlf•'o "111'1'!' fon•l~:n ·I'"''' .n nt•utral rnuntrll" am11unl · tra<l,. '' 'I:JIP runtrc•llt·d toJII U I,I••• lnnl,•• I •· •'• d ' I e••'•" o\ '''"''' "'''"" •IIIII 11tf11 1 : :.-.:: ... th• r•\t lll'' -.• ••tr u•t I•• r•••l•ll• Uttl'f••\•th•UI .. t tnU••t u( tt .._,. .... It ·• ""L'I" ,, ... , , .. , .. ,,II •t'TIIII· I • I • I"'" .. ,.""' I I I ,, "" •. I :: =-1... 1)1/orl ('lolllllllll•l. >111111111( •·•1•1111) ...,, ol f,, I • 111 <I ''' ,.IJ O•Jnl• 1 lnllll • Air,_.,. ... I •• "' .......... •olo7<·ns IC'I'l thlll llw ~tnt•• III!CI n popvlntt""· loll 1""11) 1111 "''"''II"'' ''""I '''''""•I• .IJ•J• d• -.. ,_, __ .,. •,.. w..e The Editorial Circuit Rider ~ri o• ~h•rultJ )~ rt'<lll~'f1 If "11flon I '•lo/ rl I ' '''' Itt -'-·-1~1-'-'~'~'-''-':'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~ t hi' llml.~!l or "u u n c;t hu>om•·~• ( '(Jf, f)() \ f ( I' I) . ' 111 111'111'(' I • ~ I a )())', ('plto. n, GU8 Arriola t .t. qmpoelum of l:<fllono.l ,..,mmno1 r,.,m Caltro,.la ""•Oil•QPn I Th Old All. ~ -·-• • • I f':':::::'":'~::':':::"'::::-,-::::::=a-=:::::::J r-"':':"-..... ---::-----.. r--:~'7"----....,-~-..._,.="" ··--·· J)t'l·larln~; 1'(11\'o·rnrnc•nl ... "s I s Pfi'IJO, ~ AND tile Ott ()ll f ... I 11091 .. fT\• ~.~~v ret;') nnw Ink•• thr• hlggN<t !'111'1' 11f lh• U!W!I! tkVIJC A.WD U.'ll ~Elf ..,.,-hloll'.iTII>.vAJ 1{) ~P e lance ., '· r . ••t..Ar(lat.ll'f I ........ ,.,_ "-" (' ......... . A union of the natio n :; of W estern Europe -1r anynn•· e1'"'~~'" thut tht• cu~t "Weste rn Unio n " a.s Prime Minister Bevin o f Britain e.r nl'arl.v ,.,,·nthinc hll~ spurll'lt I «k~ \\ llrd II j!tMKJ \\ :e~· Ill h•· ('110 · ca led it -appearR t o b e moving-d efinitely toward , •n····tl ~uC'h 1s .. ,. ··"~" ''"""1 1)(. re ality. . In Ill~•· II l)l'l'k .11 C:il\ J-:ar) Wl!r· B elgium's Premie r H t•nri Spaak has voiced hi:'j1."11." 1n·npo"'''1 hucll'•'1 In ''""''r • f • ~l:rll· •·x,.-..·n"'~ drrr1111: lhl' n""'' country s a pproval o the plan, and a m ectmg f or ,., . .or, 1n ""' ""'n'1'11 •·f 1 ·allfnr· the purpose of furthPr cl eve lopin~ the idea i!'l now I 11111 •·t.11tnr~< b eing h eld . Britain Fran ce B elgium , H o lland and I Trur>, ,,,. ro 11'"" '"'"'"''1'11 r .. r L 1 ' I lht• "''~'" nr ~!ll'l'll:l.:!X7 ,,, run u.xemburg Cll'f> expectt>d tn form thf" JliiC f'IIS o f th1• tllo · ,,,,,, (ur 11n,· ,,.11r :orr• pl.1,1,. u n Jon . 1t.1. 11111 ""' .. .,,,, .. , .. ,, ,., .. , .... ~. f11n11 ly lor·t)mo·, lh•· ('rii!J~II Sun 'EM 4~ II t::,~tl./11 !H~~ llf J,Tf lf) +(:tli17"~'. MAN/· ll••mltl odd.•· "nno· ,,r tho· IW•<I ~T ·~SII CiOIW& OP lilt ~~ pj, Nl ~IT'K'At 1lJ · MOMI'.···l ltl.D ............ <-u• ""' ... • :orr1n1tng ""fl''rl~ of tt11~ ph1·nnm ~~~Of TIE~f ....., .. L.-• ....... ..... ~IW MJI:"J.O·rwe • n11n 11f sky·rflt'k• t on~e t.:ro\'1'1 n W{J!.J'iii>J~INI~C!! 8tANC &c.IJ /)lt'T08JmOV. ~ ntPnl~t l ""'I ~ is lh:ot ll IHI~ "''" ~flol~~~-~ (},I.N MIICF .I ho·r·"m" t••omm .. n-pl;wl' nor! tl" /(Xf'Vio¥~/ )r,ns.;o·r f"'I!J\o•<; o•olh,.r llnlfll• 111• nl ur unrtuP puttlu· •·nru·•·rn. j'''' t1, rlro'mJ uf lht· Alnrnw hoomlo ,,.,.,,, In h:t\'1• l'loht'fl fiS liS tl••11ol1111••« h.1~ ),,.,.,,n,., 1111•11· f:umlllor Tlo• f1~.;11r•·' hll\,. l~o·o'oorn.. "' lut "' lflo• !IIMII•IIl nf Ill/Ill} fi.,'IIJ 1'\ JW t ''• ,h.tt 1h,.~ itl'r• JlH•:tntrH•1• '' ''' tlto· :01 • I Jo~··· IHI(I''"' r X X X . It may help to f o r·m a stron)! bulwark ai!'aill:'l •h•·llltlo't ,,,. ~Ito\\ tll)\\ll un I')(· f th (' • t . l th W t B l I• nrlllllr•" """ turn I 11\\unl " IIIII IWI'IIrtltnl.: ''' l h•• ll.,kr•r, Ur ef OmmunJS expa!lSI(.lll () e e:' · U lolllt• m11ro· Ill' r o hd (or tho• lf!'l· flo ttl raJof.,rnl:ln1 .. 1111 onr ~~ r••rtll\ alliances do n ot preven t war . t•·•>•·r~ •loqor 1~1-11 llv thr l11orh'•·t inr r• :,,,.. 1 • o • o \\', Ill!\ •· .tl) knto\\ 11 nf 1 II•· hll•·•l I llolt tn I h•· mauo 11111 •·!C ltw tn~; I''•JI!IInllnn inrr1 ""'!I 111' t hi'" :-: ·~ rttt11• nln u ...... l "Hh m'•untlnL: ~·:·•·· llnfl .,, U1Jr ~-hffftl"-l••··k· tl This .vear the country w ill h<.· floncl <.•d with ;jO ''"'1' "' Q1"1'' ~;,,, trlm•·n• •• tlw 1'• , . .,ro,.,.,1 , uroel ,.,, n .. , •. ,.,, .. "' 60 '))' · b y 'J J h '" th•· l'h1 11(1111• n11l I'"JI'IIAIII•n ri•Hihl• •lu !t~t r1 "'•ul•l 11, 1111 Button! Button! 01' mt lOll c;llllpalg-Tl UttOn!". OU ~('e t f'm "l .. wth 11 h 11 I• t1,,, lt•llllr_.. f',•ll· n••r ... 1 1 I ._ ~ -., •· ' ...... ,.,n y )ann t•• ,,.unt nut H J d ('\'E'r ywh ef'(l _\"OU t urn. nut try tO fi n<l U.fl~: ... q~_e d~~· f"l 01'1 lilt II "'1'1!1111 Jollll'l llntl•lll: lnr I ''II'• rf ••·hr,.,J JW•JI•IIni )HII• fo,o\, after t>lection -e:-:pecia lly f or thf lo~ing can<lidat<'. '11• ,,,,,, . ._ "f 11\' 1'n11'n En .. udo •rn1•••• II n lnnw nv·:~~un· ~.r ""' * INCOME. TAX-QUIZ.----. I ~~::~~·· 1~1~1~;;, '~;:::· ·~ •. ,'.~:~ ,~.·~:~~ ;:::·':·,·: 11;~';;~";)()~11111,.11111~;~·~~~~; .. ~::: \\;orro·n l,...llllt'<l out, tn mnk•• n •1ur· '" ..lh1• mJ~rat•ull ,,f nrlulr• I Editor·~ noll'' Thl!t II; thr 11th 0' r~m l'll('h emrloyp,· who 1''1:111~··~ '~·\ II( 411/)t~l I••JII!I:OIIun X X X '" lhl~ ~IIIlo• l!(lt·r ,,,. "''" '''"' R ~I'Ti!'l' 1\( l:l hrlrf fJll!"otiOn &nd tril'f~'o•l\'(' ~'IIJO(P;iTI ('l(('f'~!; nf ~1()0 J-nr tl!nll11'1y, l ho• \.101110' lllll!lfllllJ: nt,,, hlllfllnllllruiJy c-ro•f!tl'lf fllrtlllr AO~W(•r artif'll'!\ I'XJ'll.'linfnl: hOW Ill Jl)U"< ~)I") ff11' l':OCh l''o!l'mptilln I•X· rnntllll'lnlt \\'hl<'h lOri' l:or1:r•l~ fl'•, dr•rn11nc1• !JJ•oll l h,. •1 1!11· , ~ f11J nul your fNI,.rnl lncomr tnx r:i•pt '"' uwn : nnd 1'11rh ,.mplny<'" '"l"'"~ot.ll• fcor lhr• "tort om,. 11nrl rh••1111 r ·· ~'<'fum) whn ""r"'rt ~ In r,.,.••h·c· mor,. thlln 1""'"111 popultoiH•n ~;ro11 th htll'o• Q Th Whom dn I ltrnd my IIHC ~)()(I nr lh\'l!lo·nfl<. IOiprMI ..... nth-'""" llltrrllrl'fl 111 ,,,.,, ~~~··cl ro•\('-J>nontln~: '"'' Ow •llttr'• O!Jilto\ rl'tu'm'! ,.r "!lltl'~ not ~uh)PCI In Withhold· 11111'" XX '\ I n '"l'rl'' ""'•· th••11'_1h.Uihlnt.: r,~l ~>r'lfl•tn 1'-" 11on•llcl , A. It shoulcl hr nc111N·~l'r<l to In;! fl1 1.~ln"~~m,..n or rrofi'S!>Ional l •ot.: llurt..:••t l("•lt' t 'lllolnrolnn~ Into onrnnw. tlw Piq,t~hurl'( Po;~t r1i~­ ('(:tor or Jnl1'1'11111 nr•vrnur ." l~'"l'lo• "hn<:l' lni'Onlo' has nn WJih· 11 ro•A!It:O!OI)Il ••f "1\1!1 hii!C lo.op J'•!ll h l11 flo·\r.., "Whll1••v<•r ._ pro,.. AnJ:I'IM 12. Cnh(omin Or• nor hnhlln£ mu<t rlPrlnn• thPir ··~1>~'~'1· J"•n•·tf '" '""" <1111• 10 "e't '' ''r' I"•"• tl 111 11o .. "'•> "' 1110 ,, ,,., r1 it to wa~hmitl'!n n c . nr IO 'I l'cl JII Ofllll lf'lllrl· llo.op ;lfl\ ··•II· r r " 11!1 Ao•l • 'olo• "'1 \ .... '·Ill loll•h• r • 'I• ,.,.' Q !\1, l1~1 of tiN!ucuon~ l' Inn lh•·\ mo1:h1 ~~~ "'II 111 '"'m' ,..., "" ""''' -r1101J rJ1, 1, .• 1 .,( 111, ,111,... my rhN"k I h•nl: rnr I h•· <pnrt• pro\'lriN1 on It olt'() ... "'~ """1:••1. , .. 1'1111'• I lor \ ll•·n (. '" "'' '" fqrtl ol " I' ". fllll:l' ., .. r i''nrm )(\1(1 \\'h:ol c),, '1•11• h•lo '" ,..,,., '""' "' '""'lid •llfll'l r •• r.,' A. To th,. "CoJIN"tllr n! rnt,..m lll rlr,• • o • •' ,,, m:ok•· ""•n••m"'"' 11, '""" ''"' ,. Do not mj\k<-rt p.1yablt'l A !.1-r lh•'m on n '"J't:ll'lltl' -.h•-.•t ''''"'II" l o'1'l ••••11,'1 • • •I• '"· 111111 "Ill l•'iv l••r 11 l 'nl•• any indh•idunl n<Jil'l(' Do not U'iC •·( pAJl••r :onrl 1 ran-f••r o•nrh t .. tal '" ""' 1. 1 • t1•11 •'fl "'"' 'h• 1-ull• r I hi~ ~~ don.. WP'IJ '"" ,. 1, cJop n~tml'. th•• appniJ'lrH1tc> C'la~•lftt'lllllln nn IQn 111111\ :'\• '' • '1 r tl uont ''"' I • •' ol\ '"''• ••ur \,,11 11m•· ,,. 1,1 COin )'0 11 11'11 ml' hrll'ny whnt l~'lt.:P ;l "" \. ll't' In lllt8('h thr• u~· I tho,, ' •h· lnl r· .... 1 I'•<LI ,., II\ II •rln•ool 1• ... •·!\•. IOI!(I • ,,,. rl• , •• obll~:~tlons arc ror the <.'eUJ't•ly IO Fnnn 11)10 II,,., J'''' ol) ... ._ •I· III••IHI' r .. r j 01 ' h " " • t" .. "I' I• e. ,, n •. , ' II h or Mart'h?T Q hit ro ·olly nr·••·o,~ary th:ot my 1•1,,,,,, calnr) tnrr•·•••• onrl 11,.. '·•lll•lo "'11o ,111nnnc: •t•rcl ' Yoo m•J't l ilt' 8 flnlll 1947 in-wrf,.. rmti I SI/;T! a jomt r>·tum ~ 11111 • '" t! "''' 111 n 1 or• ronb u'"' • • tA'C rl'IUm by Mnrt'h 15 If A Yr~ h\ II.•• ''II'• """' \r·r. 'IJI'I :w•u • \\'1111• ·.rr lh· mr..-t1110.,.,., ''''" $500 or mof'l' l~ml' la11t Tllmnrrow .. r th• h• ·"' t •'~'"' ••I til• ''"''' r111 •" r ",, 1 n ,. , lh,. """fl r~nrh 11t1t1ltlon, d4'C11'1ratlonA of il'""mn•nt hntl til•· lntTtrt~m..:1 Pt•\.~ Trltl(rllm, 'th• v.hul•· ""''~ ted 1948 t.&lt ~ill be requl~ ~fori' l..te~l ~f1n11tr• Pvlntt·n .,., oo ~ lor Inca) 1.:'•''' rnmr 111 mrHt\-tlnn nf tl,. ~tlllf··~· llri>D<r,l'd $1 ,_ .. Jt;dgar Uin· BurruuJt"htt •--.r c:nA.O l<tvt ll PIA ... COote. TM7 WM0 ....,._ 'IOU 7' ll fo<A J1111t t1 n« 0 •t .twl ~No ~ .,.. .-PIS.' ...0 T.uriAH QI.(H Y !.A' r,. ' '• ,,. . l PageS NICWPO&T BALBOA NEWS-TIIIIC Newport Beedl. C..UI. Muda l%, ltN8 " . Stateinvestigation of Race Wife Services Broken Off * * * Harbor Balboa Yacht Club to Sponsor Piloting Class~tarting Mar. 29. ;\ no·v. t'l•"' 111 JJilotmg w ill b.' n "1~111111n, t'han s and L'Ompas.~ a.:•n ~lnnd·•>. 1'>111rt'h :.!9, a t 8aJbo.1 ·""' rnannt•n-a nd c~toms and nag Ya••ht o·lub at 7 30 p m Thill c.la .-, 1utu•·11•• Phoenix Meets Glendale, Visalia Tackles Compton .Yacht Club, Chamber of Commerce Asked to Host Big Yacht Regatta SACRAMENTO. March 12.-!l('rYf'd on C'ohrn. who dt'CIJnl'd II• I (UP) -A two-day Statt' Public appPar. '' fn-<· and r•l>o.'n to anyont", both 1\t t;rgo nlzau on !Tlt'('lmg on Ill• n ancl v. .. m,·n . mh·r~ated ,. \l,nclu). ~lurch :.!9 a n yont-de,.ir - C'OMPTON, March 1:! ll'l'l Ph<X'nix mt•Ns G lenda lr on!l Cump- ton ploy!oo VIsalia toda )' 10 thl' senu-fina l.o; or the W""t"rn R.t•· g1ono l J untor C'olll'~f' Ha-ko•tt.all Sandy McKay h as a~k•'<l l't>W· pon lla rbor Yacht cluh und tho Chamh(>r of C'Onlllwrco• tO )01011} ba!'k a n lnn tallon to 1h£' Sou th· e rn Cullfornta Yach110g o ... o;oc,;:a. tlon t o q aj:;•' thr1r annual n•~:atta hPI't~ lhl' }t'Br "p• oprrl> takf' cart' of this bl~: rae- m.: rwnt' and m vltt'd tht> cham - !Jer to twlp tm ancr som e of tht• t'X· tro ••xpt>n~ot• 10volvt'd. ~lneKay hill. also urgt'd rt'p~­ •cntauon of t h P Nat ional IntercoJ. fcl!l+ S a 1 I 1 n g <'hampionbhlps "hich will ht' ~to~l'fl nt Ma rble- head . ~ht!o'. thf, > t•ur ond ut the Nn\'H I A!'ud<>m y ur Annapolis in 19-l!J UtiiiUetl Commiulon hearln& IntO O lney told Comm"Munt•r I l<1r· ra~ wln IM!rvlcet UJWd b y Ca ll-old p H uls, prM•d•n~:. that ~omr•• fornla boolpnakt'n w u in adjourn-"hoth have mndt• 11 ,.,.,dt•n t they rrwnt today altt'r two •«'Y Wit· don't wa.n t to ~ ht'Ard now. there> neut"e failed to appc:'ar I !I no uae l n our ms1stm.: .. II<· 'lllt' eommlulon had Issued sub· addt-rl the two ml'n "t·ould tokr ~ for Ruawll Brophy. hu d or l'f'fugt' tn constitutional •mmun1ty a Loe An~otelH racing nl'WI ~o.·rv. and rl'fww tu l<'lllfy on ~(lunds kle. and Sta~l«'Y Co ht'n, n n ofllc-It might lncr lmlntitl' th•·m " laJ ol tht' PionM'r Nl'w~ C"o .• San J A Norcrosl<, WPt~H·rn 1 nlon F'ranchro. offtc1al, sni~ lt•asl'd wirl' 51'rvlct' W a/rrn Ol~y Ill. cnunst•l for a from Co ntmt•ntlil l'r•'IIS. 1111 (lhlo specia l ~ on organlftod I ra.~ wirt• k 'r\ wt•, "''" IK••nlot fur· crime Which ln.llh,atcd the hear-Olllh<'d lh•· snm•• t·s tn l•ll,..hnwnt Ill Palm S prings. Ina, told. ttw commla~lonl•rs t h nt 1 Otl~t'r plac-t·s ro•c·•·l\ln~: t h•· rtH'· Jli'OCHI lt'TVt'rl had bet>n unable j lng n<'ws. Norcros~ tultl t ht· t'<lm· to •ocaw a .. ni~Y Papers were miu lon. Wt>rt•: Co nsulldah'<i J>ull- Pidure Framing ........ .._._ & &. A.NDE&AON 407 Coast Hiway llahlnJ: Co.. 6 15 Nnrt h 1..11 Jlr1•1t aw nul',· Lo8 1\ngl'lr~: tht' ~ An- gelet Journalist, 20R W Rth l!ln ·t"', Loll Ancd rs : Arrow hNtd Nf'"-J;. 36:.! ~t re.>t, S~··~·rn~ordmo, Co l- ion News, Room :!I I Plnlt Oldg . San Rt•rnardlno, Sou1 hWt•!ll Nr''"· 919 4th awnul', Snn l>tq ;u. and Kreling a nd C'oht•n, 3.1.1 Mun 1.:nm- loloro ••""' oocll •oreol ol loofl. rile rotcoo11 tllorolltltf~ '""* otttl ••oii!Met Poii-Pa"ot Shoes are Events. * * * Coast Guard to Offer Instruction Free to Boatmen LUS ANCtt.l.~.:-; \\ 11 II S pnn.: JUSI UriiiiOti iiW C'IIIIIO'I II ' 111111 t11r ull IH'"'""'n '" 111k•· ~•·• k "' th•·•r I.N•HI >. unll th• 11 l••1ll111~ knuw i-,.<J.:•· t.llf'tl 'UIIIIIII'I' Ill••\ louk f11rY.IIffl with 1111111 ljtUtlull 10 IIW r·njo)tn<'nt ft ollnfl in 'n1111l l>trJh ftll:. hut oftt·n ~:lull> u\f•r 1ho• ha.wrdi ln\ol\'t d , ~~~ ,r,lll lith 1'"·"1 C:unrd cl1'1 ru•t ~IJ'Ik•••l11•'11 It Hill) MilO) .... ,.t 11\\llt'f~ \\)Ill 11 ...... 1} .:..r lh•·u I••·•' n•.111~ lur ~ •. ., 1•111 tu ••h~r«•r\t• th• 1 ,,,..,,utlu rlli\ th·<"t''· 1\Ur) lu tn,tltt' '•lrt ll(lit n•ltUf\ Of llwtr hobl 1t1 toll 11111•'' ~'""}.' iil'· ••~'~•·llh ll hH'h tuulct • "'') "·'''' t~o~·n iJa ''"'111• d ,,,, ,.,,,..., ct h> lh•· l.lt'k ttl kilo;\\ 1•-ii..:•·. I.1UII} ••tUII)- IfU nl, flf llr1prttJ"' I lr'l'\loall;tlluri tht c 'nu't C ;uur tt "' t ,.,,,-<1 ..... ""'~· '"'" llllo'n I hi> ) I .... llw l 'n••·~• )';tift•'' 1 ·,.,,,, t ;wud Au.i'· I IIIII >. 111111• r tho ''"'""'~'''"" ... lht• ,\1111 1111' 1\olllllllllo • nl 1111' 1.<1~ Artl.!• It too t 'hurul•• r ttl t 'unHih'lt'•', IJ..&\L ,., .. ,,.. ,.,..,,., '" .J.:u:c:..:trcc_ln. ,1{u.·ti •• n 111 ho,tl Jll.tlnt 1UH tH •, 1ulul1n..: .uhl ••Ill• 1 '"I,Jt • '' n l HI- I• t• '1 Uuf t~ld~ ~ .. ~~ '''llfh•d t~~•dl· 111• n. hill tu Uf.l\lt •' """ "' tl c 'I·•""''' ''Ill ..... ,, t ,t Hu· .J.d.,, ,, ...... " .It llt..:ll " ....... .'1-olh ''"" II II I '''"''· \\"1"'"'"· \l.uoli li, Ullll t Ur1I111U• t \• I\ \\'1 duo 'tl.t\ un111 ·'""' 11 '""' ''"'""" Ill• lt•am lnl: mnr•· a bout f>P"11tlm: .n.: 1o Pnroll In thf' class ma y do j t ..... ~~ •• ="•• advanct'd cnroiJJ1l('nt is T••n nwmtwr, uf thl' pllo tin.: n• t'''''-'11") Many l'XJ)(>rienct'd boat- 1 ~'~·"' I"'' r·unt·hu1•-ct. 1>~~~ tlu 111·" ha\'t• found th•s course \•alu- ,.,,,nuu:•fl•m und Ill>' m<>n h &\• ,.,,,. IIC'I~>rdinJ: to r••port!! l'om•nK 1 1 '"~'"Ill'' ••hg•hlo• ,,,. uwrnherst)lp 111 llolfl1 ~:rnduOlt'N of thl' ct8,._,, Tht• llw 1'1111•·•1 S l:ll,·':. I'IIWt•r SQufrd '''"J••c'h uri' cover<'<! undl'rstund - t••n~ \\'nmo·n 111.1) nut join th• d•l.' Hnrl tho roughly and m any I'<•W<·r S<Julllh "" IJ•tt 't'Vt•rul hu\ • llloll ll1t'l ' f10d thu t t hPy )(•arn 1m . I'·""'" 1111' •·wtr"'' ""''a ll llrt' wo 1 lri•tlant trk ks lhcy huv!' ovr r - •'um•·. ;,c .. wrhn~ to llllrt ll<>nd. r• l•••k••<l' 111111 c-lanf) thln~o:s lhPy al- '!111 <'lllltmanti•·r 1 t'•HI) kn11w SllhJ''''I' tak••n LIJI 1n the pllo11110: \\'1111 truffle mcrcas ing 1n thE' <'I"'" whwh l'tl\'t'l ~ uhuu r 12 W<><'k' ''") und <1n uur loca l seas, Power nw•·tm..: IIIIo'<· 11 w•·•·k · fo r tv." ""'''""'(Ill <lfflccr s nrr anxious to hUUI"lo. llrt' 111111111' hl).l.tl Jaw, I•'· 111! In lht• in<:rt'ltsC'd num ber of """"II "'"'l'nw nt. lr~hls to be l'l•l • •lllll>•·••·nt ond infonn1>d O{X'raton;, 11NJ. 111to•I'11UII(IflUi ami in lund MJI•"" 1111' I~ t hi" Chll'f pu~ of thiS ,afo•ty u t <t•a, s t•amnnshlp unll ••·••11mally nrguni.tl'd, vuluntt'l•r or- handling. rull"' nt tht• road, al<h to ,.:,tni'Riion. * TRAINING CAMP BRIEFS · * By H Al. \\OOJl I 'nat e<! p,...,, !'f•••'' Wrlt<>r * * * to u rnl'y. \,.1>1111a , r hr•miJion of t h,. C'Pntru l C<t hfornia contrrf'nCc. stnuc-ho'<l tt s Win strea k to 36 10 last mght's q uurtt'r-fma l "n h a SX-50 v1c lol') O\t r Sa nto lllunwu. \'l~lollu. n,•vo•r I Hl t•alt•n••l. wa~ IC'd IJy I..OUIS P u- pae. "h" '''"ll'tl l:l 1~11111' llt·ful •• foUIIO~ o>Ut J ll~h mo•n \\fth 17 IJOIOIS w1r h Wf'l'f' Santu Mort1cu's l't<•) F~tl llm untl Allyn Jont·~. Compton wns throltll'<l until midway 1n t ht• ~t'<'ond hntr by 11 s tuhllt1rn Vpnturr• quint<•! hut th<'n •lnr.:m t>cl In 19 JX>IOt;. in fiV<' rmn- Uil';. for· a n~55 Win Murri•l Bink- IC'y or thf' loser!> scon •d 11 po101s fo r honon. . Gl£'ndalc roiiN! up u largr Pd)lc In thf' Sl'<'ond half to down Rlvt•r- sid<> 62-47 In ano1h1•r l1uartl'r-f1011l PhO<'nlx won Its quur.tt'r·fiOa l fro m Wrber WC'dnc~ay In ronMllotion round gnmcs ){'l<· tprda}. liak t>n-fll'ld downl'd Santa Ana :\9-:.!6, S now t riPfX-d F\JIIr r- ':'\om11m l'all,.l. managl'r of th<' Nt•WIM,rl llarbor Ya!'h t c lub. l>Ub· m ltt<>d an outhnl' or lhc rlahoratt· pben:!t u hu·h ar~,~ n.:'t'l-. ...... ur ~ It, 1-4 -YEAR -OLD SKI BULLETIN LEADS AT .JNDic;> LOS A~ELJ:-:S, M ar ch ·1:.! 1:-.IUIO . C"alif . Marc h 12--tU'i>l 1 L'l'l Wt•o•kt•nd skim!( PrOSJX'CU -t-·ourt(•t•n-yt•ar-old Marlt•nt• na·: ln S t)Uthr r n ('ullforniu ron~c fr om ucr of Lon~ &·al'h "iiS runmn~ fair tu poor. t ht• stutc Chum ll<'r of away w1th tlw Indio W omt'n's In· Commt•r'('l' ronnounct'd today. Vl!ll tionol Cotr Tournanwnt toduv Ht•s1 c-uncllt ion s were at S lide with a 8 36-holt· totul uf 1;)(j, J.H•a k wh t•ro• Hrnpl(• s now has ll<'cn nuw s rro k•·s brttt·r than her ncar · rt'IAtl'll'd ltnd two portaiJie tows I'St r·•vnl. Wt'ri' bt•m~e m cwt'd 10 from Snow M iss Baut>r's SI.'Or<' was SIX owr Vaii<'Y nw n's J>Jtr for tht· ninc-h oh• <'OUrsc on the J nCI'tuelln<> C'ochran -f'loyd I n.,. fln.t monumc•nt to the Odium r a nch . m.·wot'} or C.'Orgt• Wa shington Is In SI'Cvnd plocr w as ht•r 19-lw•ho•\'('{1 lo hll\'o• b<•t>n crectC'd in )car-old "iSil'r All<·t·. "1111 159 Boun~hru. ~1d . 1n 1827. fk>verly H a nson. Los An~1·h·s mul· w1ntr r c hampiOn, follu\\t'<l With ~:l-79 161. "Yes Sir" H) l 'n•l"<l J'N•ss I,.,,~., l••tduru: .Mil.LL-"-~ ton ·s.!lon Gwud U.at Jlae~·,. ao- ' . . R 1 ,._,.IJ in 1tw 111,1 h.tlf uf tht• runth foot goal. a nd M uir o r Pn:-a rftonn 1:-:Ja: pn•·•·' Rrl' hl!:h•••t rrnm J uly \Vh food ts d \lan·h I:! 11'1'• ~lannJ:I'r L<'o l •1 "ho•n £..11 Harrt-t lf•;o<lt'd I hi' downed Los Angt>lt•' 45-37 through [)('('ember. and n •ut'h ,, t'n our COS rop · '"''ho 1'. ""u h;,, h•.,·n o;hufning h•· "·''''' "11h 14 alks Consotp tw n round gamN loday po•;•k <~bout No,· 1 \\'(' dr'Op our prices to YOU! lln•ukll n I ""'~o:•·r hneup Ilk• match Utuh Ora nch A.:r•culturnt For instanct'. \\'(' ba\'t' drop- thr•··· rard mon1t· d<>&lt'r, ·"' Fl'l.LE Jl'J'(IN, ~lurc-h 1:1 tUP I a nd f»•k••,-,.ru'l•t \\'f'lwr, Uta h . Rntl ~htlt'hP~ a ncl ng;or.•llf'!o m 1•11,.,lJ)('d th«' price on 7 of our de· ""11n1··~1 towl:t) 111"1 hf' w as II') ln. llw c·t.·\••lurul lncl•an!o hxtay ru,·,••-s•d••. Snow nnd Muir . nnd l'illl'<'fl an "'11m11t1•11 I I ()(JO f•r~'' liMous ctinn«'rs! •1111f1••ldo '' i'••l•• Kl'l'<'r And II•• ~ 1 ~··• 111.r,11 "''"lt' run-nhtllo n tor a V<'nturu Rncl Santo Munka 1 in t946. _ -----f---"1 \\:ulman ·'1 111'1 hi\'<' I;, '" !! lti" '" llw 1."" An •I'll's ---;;:--:-;----:-~-----_:_~~~~="'=-------=<=.-N f.' f cJ nw I .~o~l..:··· .. "ill play 8 Olj.!ltl \u..:•·l-.. , lhc !'""""' ... Qms~--obbers Ha':l nrt "b(-d Th I 0 ,tner 00 ~·tnl•' 10 :-t.'lll .111}'" lunl~lljt.tu...-~;}.-....loof>II1V tmrf1 tl'ii". l•••·h lng rur:r· u ,.. anne on em SeryecJ Anywhere 11'JocaLlellw-,....,...,.n liiJ ff\<iy ,f, "' 111111 l .•·lllun whn hw l,.f! no-h11 I···• ~ ••d t l11• lit 11111n.ran All-S ta r-I t.,dJ 1 .,1 1 h• ,1, '"'""~' lw 1, 01,. nn I tu ,\, ''" ,, IW11 t'\ln hnm pr In tl Ill• 11111111111 ntnlh tnn•nc I•~ 1"'111'111·r· Paul 1\!11 ,.,., 1'111\1-':'\IX. 1'1111 ~!.r~t ·h I ~ l .t 'l•t A lull•·lllll IIJll l,llll: \lot It ''I' I'I<T I<HSIII 'Itl ;, l-1n., l\111 ' 1"" ""' 111 th•• 11iu1h 11111111.! 1:01\t' 1.' •t 't•• ;\1,'""1-!'''' Hu rky II •• ''" ''" y,.1k 1;,,111, ,, 1 1., 'I \h · 11· c l1•~·r,.d h} th•· l to 0 vjr·1"'' 1.,11 .. ,,.,. ltakl:onri "' 111,. l';.nr1,. 111 hr -''" y,,k Y.tl1k <'<'t-ovr·r llo: • c 1'''' l···•~u·· ~ .. ,,,.,,f:,, ..._ Quality Tested, Too a.fOto ony ~iol or improvements go into Poll-Porrot shoes, experts experiment for correct lasts ond accurate fit. They select choKe leoH.r, linings. JOles ond threads. fvery delfgn is pr•tested by healthy bOys ... u t.,. '-.I~ It• lw tu\t •• d .111 ''1'1 u\k~ lin 1-fll: 1'111111101'', \\1!111 l.\o'l) \I• •Ilk••) \\ I• m h ;II• ' h.tllll Shuuht t\1111\\ i\1••111 \lal lnt• f•.IIJ.:III•'' .1nd .... I i, ,,. ~~ ' ~ARRISDN 'S Sl , .. Ill" c· ....... )'''ll•nluy, I 11111111o ··d •••I·•~ tl11r1 Outrlc·l :o 1 . , . , llt.tllo•) K··llt·r "-1111111 I)(· abl•· ''" ~ ,\ht-.1.1\'1•. ~I:• \l.••h 1:! , ••·111m •·• 11111 rJ\11, nn Apnl 1 '1 1'' I ~'1 "'" f•..:•·l lo 1'• -m.r•hr'<l r;, ll•·r n11,,1.d 11111,t of Ialii ",, 1 •1 I.'""'' 111 th• l1flh 111 111111; "''- and on for you; child's protection. S.. ovr complete ~election today. IFifiMIRICifSI F.8T ABU810:0 ltU Newpori ._m StoN-t'lnd nn•~ o . ..,.:n t 'tnnt · Mutcu I••·•• I<• ..:•1L111"11' ,,, l.n 1.,,.,..<1 10 l..t• .d \\',If• r' 1'"" \01111 •1'111,<1 111111h iP. Jlillll 1'. d 1\ lu l.,·,rl lh• ('lllllllllotll ltt'fl• "'" •nn·•w"'" rh:., Outfu·l·'· '' '"' .... •11•• 11'"1.:·''' .... (""''! VENTNOR BOATS AGENCY SET !.:·""' '"' lh• Ill'' I IIIII' nr xt S1111 -i I·'••• I trm;•~l:l" "t•ultl nppt>ar 111 .• '11·111.:111 'r<'tHr) d" u,:.oln'l lito• C..trda. TO HAUL SMALL :>lt1r 11n !\I 1111'-t h "' Hu,th• IIHAitl-:0. n ., :\lnr l:l t i l ll••tH'On l .. omlln.; .11 l.lu I l 'u.u.l .luhrHl\ S111n 1 ll:hl ·hand4><1 ", hl(!ll\\ ~~~ f1 1' oiiiiiiiiiU 1' <I hi'< l'f !hi' • flo..,llln BraV('S pitt'hll h uullrriC n l lh• \'••nllltol I""'' r •I oil w,,, -.l.•l•·tl lur hiS fin<t W111l '"'"'' Jt uuah;Hrh .rnd 1111llt11·' ,,n ""' '"""' a ll•·• ••nd mu hi' I•·•·• l•111l1 h\ '"" \', 11tru•r 111111 lur hulrluut BO. ,T S HERE 1.· l!~o\ Sl ,,, I •l•nl .. , H "'"'·' tt\\n ., .n .. f.r , .. I IIIII.: '"" \I IIII II 1111"'11 " Ill:• li t S.1111 ol -~H::onw \\IOnl'r for tho 1101 I, t .. Cltl ". llll•dl'.; lnlli111lt.: h .• ncll•' llulll lu~l 1\\11 ,,.,...,,n~ nfricia lly au•• )-1 ,, 1 ,, , , \1.,1111,. "1 , ,11, '"'' "1•1•· Hntt •• "'"' "" dt:ll l•·r .. r ~•at•h••tl Ill• • .. ntr·wt hl'rr )'l':o-1 ·, "1111 l'.wtl•• "'''' h.-tund .hllll ••·•· I""" r "••at-I h• 11' ·11 ' :ol'" tl.t} ["•') U.••n n·~nrl.o""i '"'" ;\It :-.,,, I ""' '"''''' 1.;11111).; "Ill tlunt lho 1.uul111~ Jl,1111, 11 lu o1 l•.oul• I'-. 1,.1 1,111 Ill• ~h•• ~~~h1111~ Wlllo r' uf lht• .111'11 1.1 IS i\:'\l;t ,J.~;S \l:ll't'h 1:.. "'"" lit-'''l•'l, IH'I' \\II II q 1 111 ltw \ ''"'""r htu• ,,r t•rufl will \ 11 'I' ·n... 1"1111·,1.:11 \\'hill' !'"' lw~o 111.111, ,1 1.,,,,111, 1,.1 11 1111 1,. "llltJio•nw nt 1ht• ...... hull!!~ IKlWt•r \\Pr•· ····•I r ...... , HlllfiV nflt•l 101111" II ,, I o'llll••·r~ ul th• ... 1 lo'<·l lo .>3 f••••l It• tlw l 'nl\•'1'11\ uf )';nlllllt'l n ('all ,.. r. I . .. 1 •·,.:Itt "' "" n n •JnJ•·'"' ··lit'•··~ r .. n oiol "'"''Ill;.~ H to j \\1111 ,'1 ,,.,,.,,, ••• ''"II Ill. \\',tfj, llowwl • fl "'n uf II r .. r.l \n~ tllllt '"' Ill• I\ Ill. II)• I Ill lo 11•'1 ,,., I 11\'oiiH It tfl.lt•d I h P IJVf"S •t llu• pl:11n• l nd1.111• ,,, ;• .. ntl) liS '"''"' dt11n~"1 1l~o• 11,,., .. r 1h<> pl1111 folllllt'l' Ill!' I m•l)'or "t.',I.,:IIPI', h,.fl) I hi' S<lx \0 Ill 'f• I I dlt< II/ lilt h 111111111 • "' h • t'lf1•• "' ''"• •• d hat-. '"''h J •m ''"·•II t. ... ,., }I"'• 'h· 'd \.••.,.HI" uuf I ~ l-111..:' hollno·l With 1111' ha...,~ 1"'ll.:hl 11 •n•l••• I• Ill"''" lo• "·"'" t •'lllpl} I ho• h•n~··~t trill" Tilt' ('hj. _ .. ] DINN'E~ HOUSE _, __ _ • Arm< 1-rt,..{dmnr 1 • "' 'l"" rouu-:~1,.ra llrrt to rtehll. R1no, r;, Elmira 11 Ornt '1 1 I• '" · r "' Uc••l·•ll I 0. tru5trated three rubbt'rs who tned r.o notci II • 11" II l.llllr't tn lllrh <.:hlr aeo burnt' TI1e nnldup w as ••IIIII •I!' "'It'!' tilt• luur l'tllldren entered th e rw rn and bUITilv.IOIO I ' It • 1>1 L .,. '" ~\Itt" O••lltJita. trlt'd to t1113h lhl'm, Elvira attrmptf'<l 1o "'" ''""' ...... "cttnu Thrn 19oo·vtar-uld Ol'nr am bll'd out 1 ' 1' "' f1,..,, •u ltflllrtmtnl or roaa nail A n<'l~hhor •nw 111e I• l)llf011,,11 <ll)<'li tl Kll llrld I!AVl' ala rm Which CAused IJle lhl te nwu to fief' rmpl)'·handed. I• ·~ '" II:· Ill\\ ''1111 1'111 ~·"""' Ill HE COULDN'T It f -ftH1 t •''"• f .11 ~tn111, . .._ ( tlfnJI IU\ lllll'k ....... " .... 111'11111" Hnd i EAT ALL OF IT • •tlllf'"" 111 '"' 1111• handltnlo: uf I ... ,,, \ ·-\1. II " llt.;hl , .... , hill• I) i111ol ,dllo•ll 111111. 1.< ,S ,\:"(;J-:I.Es , ~larrh 1:! •l 'P • Ct·nn.ttn lt••f;tfdln;. :!M "·"'· h• ftf lui 'IJJWf lUI •'H\It f 1ft.ll · .. , ,f lw••k•• 1•1(1,,~ '"''"'"I ht• l'ouldn'l , '' .til th•' P\Jff~nt't" King of Wild Horses Senator Was Indiscreet IUddl..,.' Salurtl,.~ )la tln4¥ Roy Rogers in "Heldorado" L J(H(IS • Ill 1&1111 • USU( 11Mb ---... -.... -___ .. ___ _ .-.-~a. . .._ __ _ -·!~U ftlh t •t :.\TI Itt:.- ~E"'cR~ ~·J· DAN DAILEY,. i ·~-tt *' -~· -··~ :..---·--·-. Jllll~ ni'W ... , •• 1 (,.,u:' ~ t:\·t~R t'OR(if:T ( 'onW'CI~ -'! ( .. rtuun, . a dJ.AA. <J~ 18 Baii Folks Are Taking to the HARBOR AREA'S ONLY DAILy· Newspaper THE NEWS· TIMES You Can Have it Delivered by Carrier Just Call Harbor 12 W'Grd" Our Classiliid • • • f Ar m' T,/,(ll.rtlrtl Orand NaUonal Cent.ennlal Olr1, Mary Bt'th Bt'abom. " maklnc mod• ern "'PIIUI ~vrrt" tour of WMlt'rn ranchra wllh lnvu.auuna to Orand National Junior Llvt'ltock Expoalllon and Centt'nnlal Pllltant at San P'ranc•aco'a Cow Palace March 20-26. f:n routt'. lhe atopped to lend encouracement to P'ut.un Farmer of Amer1c:a Evrrett Whit .. q , n. o1 Dillon. caur .. on bll l&mb ent.r1a. f:vr~tt h6pea to wiD one of tbe 11.000 Swftlllt&ke. lebolarahlp Awardo. -Ut:t•t:SilAftJ,t: BLJrglar Alarms 1 1 Prot~ct Your Property 1 SJ)('dal \\" atrhri.Jen 1 Furnished ST \KTS !'>I '\'U \\' "Road to Rio" . . . ~ . . . . . THE MOVIE BARN 858 So. Coast Blvd., laguna Beach . -Mio'"' J..acuna 4'!4S- Oid Time Movies-Tuesday -thru Sunday -Now Playing- Rudolph Valentino oncJ ViJ.ma Ban•y · IS "THE SON OF THE SHIEK" -PLt;~ Charlie Chaplain -IS- "The Face on the Bar Room Floor" -\L."'I ~t:LF.cTI:D ~HORT 8l 'B,n::C''I'"- \dmt-lon: Tu lnc-tudf'd: Adulta «C'--("hiJd""' tultdfor 1!1· 1~