HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-01-30 - Newport Harbor EnsignJ FUEL STARVATION was blamed by passenger Frank Johnson, 42, of Santa A,na, for the emergency landing of the Myers 0200 on the beach 1n front of Orange Ave. on the West Newport ocean front Tuesday morning, Jan. 28. "We were making speed runs at 200 feet in preparation for a race 1n Fort Lauderdale," Mr. Johnson said. "The engine began sputtering, so we went up to 1,000 feet and tried to get 1t going -but it quit. We came down on the beach." The pilot, Bob Downey, 49, of Whittier, was off making a few phone ca1ls about the downed plane. in oil rumored of~~= iS!~Jio; ... r .. ~:an~too?. oo1y c-t It, lf tbty'U ctve u to An on Ibid extends into Wut Beach wW you." Newport, accor!Sing to City At ... "T~ 1.1 a very eompllcated torney Tully Seymour. Amoac ~=1•00 matter," Mayor Doreen Mar-oU wells under scrutiny art lbUlltattd, ''and could lead to thOse of K.adane &! Soos, wM =edto tbt dty llUpttoo. Themeeunct.cloaed have a ma)or t.merest 1D tbe lD vlolatkiD. of Ill ....... tor tblt reuoa." Banni.og tract. ~::=~?:E Pulaski named to PBR lOe COSTA MESA DEFEATISM CHARGED mLaunltyJ, aodl .::"'~ ~od. Rolly Pulasld of lklboa ,... S<:OooJ days, Is an arclllte<:ture WILLIAM C. RING at right of Harbor st uy,-.. ~._.....a, appoiDtedMondayevenlng bytlle graduate of USC and lsoowa ' 1 CorooadelMarpelr••IQIL. Newport Beach Clty Cotmctl to Ucensed arc hlt~t with ottices Investment Co., outgoing president of the aeer, wu u~--pte. the Puu, Beaches and Re-Ln Costa Mesa. He has been Newport Harbor-Costa Mesa Board of Re-"lt 1a adefeatlllre.toluUon," to Mr. Cook, ''It Mems to be vices," and tt.t "It Is He made b1a w:. rtpRt lD cteatlon Commission. active In the Pop Warner toot- former Councilman Dee Cook your Idea tba.t this d1saolut1on reuonable tor the City of New-November, Addlu.-&_.k:lnl He will nu the Wlexpired ban program intht Rubor Area altors, presents a special service plaque commeoted a.tter the Newport move was started by tbt city," port Beach to expect flaanc:1al necessitated & ~ npcai, term otMn. Martoo McDonald and bas participated 1n city to J. Peter Barrett new president owner Beach City COUDCU otnclally "I have heard commeDts partlclpaU.on by <>r'lDp County which wu f11llt',... U. lltta' ot Balbo&, who submitted her beauttllcatlon and park develop. ' ' ltatld Its posltloll Monday eve-made tn the city tamlly tbat the Ln cllrtet proportlorl to the re-part of nee.--.. • resip&Uon. at the Jan. UCoun-ment. of Pete Barrett Realty. The presentation nlnc on. the proposed tllssotu. city should tab over the c1oW beoetlts ottered by tDe Wben. &aDd btl .. -Cl' ._ e11 .......tt.... Tbe p lukt d t th a1 d d1 f t•--oft•-Oru-COWily liar-barbor,""-.Cookr-uod. ·--bor," aDd that "It Is as-• oduct ...... ..::--~ ·,._ .. ~-... u ramny,Yh.lcbi.D.-was rna e a e annu awar s nner o _, ,,. ... ~ .... UA4 e co .... .._ .... &Jill -· PWU.Id, a Sailor foot-elides 5 cb.ildun., 11vts at 2000 the R ea1ty Board bor Dlltrlet. Mayor DoreeoMarsllLllcom-Hotial that thecltyberelmbut· Mr, Huebt•llid. ·~ lD btl Harbor YJ.ramar Dr • ln a statement to the Eo.sl10. meoted, "Our resolution shows sed by tbe county." 1s very dJ.Ulealf:to ...,-,... caa • r~:oo~c:;:~io~~:E ~~~~:~?JbE~~l;i~1E PROTESTS ~·A he said, would place a heavy every effort wec&ntoptcounty ~~ tax burden. on Newport Beo~.ch funds." The Newport Beacb City volYiDC: sbow~ pcwtablls tup&ytrs. ··A r esolution of tutWty 11 CouncU sllrugpd off objection& display sta.Ddl, &liS ''At no Ume, to my know. wrong," Mr. Cook stated. "I by businessmen aDd property partitions. ltdp," M.r. Cook said, "has am never one to give ~· You owners Monda)' nicht, aaw:t 1111-Objeetiou 'WIII'e rU.tcl at a reoresentattn ot the city should do ev-erythinc 1n your proved first readinc or tbe coo-MoodaJ's meet111c by Dee CoM, opposed the d1S9olutton at a power to retain tbe district." trovarsial commercial ott-busiDesa 01fDel' ID CoriGI del meetlnc ot the Orange County Councilman Hirth remarked, street parking ordlnance. Mar and l:trmc •ecN••; Leape of CUtes." "We either try to preveot tbt A pubUc lleartnc was •t for M.r. and Mra. ~ W.:.C. At MoDday evelli.ng"s Council dissolution, or ret tbe Leapeot the Feb, 10 meeUog. wben. tlnal of 116 At:lalom A ... , ..._ meeting be warDed, ''You can't ClUes to go alone with our Idea action. ts scheduled to bt taken.. Island. OWDerl oUM JlltPII'tJ go on the assumption that you to ret support tor runnlnc the Property owoers and mer-at 209 Marl.al Aft;; ~td wlll get county money tor har-IW'bor. The No. 2 alternate has cbants of Balbo& bland pre-CaldWell ot ShKt CU81, on. bor services. The chances of a W better cba.Dce than No.1, sen.ted a petition uldnc that otprcperty at %10 MU'lMAn., cetUoa: county subsidy are so we are proceeding oo the Balboa lslaDd be escluded from Balbo& lsJaod; Ar.llt L Blip&. pretty sUm." basis of No.2." tbe ordinaDce because "U Is publlsblr of tlli taaip ud "There will be trouble ahead The revised resolution. a. Improper i:lr the City CouncU owner ot tbl ~ *I liar fOr loc&ltazpayers. The charter dop(ed Monday nichtrecocntz,ed to pass an ord1naoce wblcb lot and ta- llmits tbe ceoeral tLmd tu to that "therelsstronca\CIPOrtfor automatically makes&Oormnre sla::n. D,, $1, aDd U takes a 3/5 vote of tbe proposed dissolution of tbe bulldinp n.oo-coatorminc when Peue, tbl electorate to go over this Harbor District by the clUes ol u Ls t~sslble tor tbt property Kr. lblllL" a...., C..J." , _.. 10 -~~~to pro-olllp --REALTOR OF THE YEAR awlU";Lwaa won_~ realtor J.Qh!! tu!le~~·=-:.~~-,lla~~ust-e:..a:·"";:"'=: ;;od .,; ::ked If Mai:qib at lh~ awarei8 dfii!ler m¥effni Oitlie 1Fev.Port flarbOf tupayera U the Harbor Dt:s-to assume responsibility tor en-that loti are 30 by 75 teet and exclude<L Costa Mesa Board of Realtors. Mr. Macnab is general trlct is d1sso1Yed, ma.ld.ng a rorcement of boat1Dc recula· URt only 2 parkincspacescould City a.ttoner 1'1lllylilllfmour chairman of Newport Tomorrow, the city's goals and total poeral tu: rate ot $1.05. ttons, fire protection. harbor be provided on any ooe Jot, that said tbat the e-n bU'tlro&d Councilman Paul Gruber said cleantn.c and sanitation ser-the 2 parking spaces would discretioo 1D IIIII.D(~• obje.ctives study, and is active in the Newport Harbor leave room tor Ollly a 16 by 30 a.nct could ucllldo.,. inL Chamber of Commerce. The perpetual trophy is being pre-1 toot butldlng on the Joe, that Yr. Coot ...,....t41d tbe u Is Impossible to acquire ad. request submm.cta,n..Corooa sented by Marian Johnson, escrow officer of Bay Escr ow Co. ditlonal pa.rldog space across del MarCbamba'otC.mmerce: At the right is J ohn Semple, owner of Semple Realty and the rear alleys because the deletion of 2 proviliOU 1n the property Is zoned tor residen. ordina.oce, tbe ·r.-.llD& last year's winner of the award. At the speaker's table in tW use only, a.nd tOat u ,,. clause aDd tloo --.., the background are Martha Barrett, wife of new board ""' residential property was re. replacing a de.trqftd t.lld&oc. zoned tor parking, tbe cost of He said toat pt<tiort;, ~· president Peter Barrett, and market owner 0. W. (Dick ) acquisition would be protubl. nave the mor&l rJiiat to retain Richard, master of ceremonies for the evening. Uve-$50,000 to $1)0,000 tor 2 their e:dstinc f)lq)larty, to lm-• • Marina study scheduled Revit>w of the proposed marina development and break- water lD tite West Newport Area wtu be held at the Monday after. aoon study session of the City Council on Feb. Z4, This decisloo was made at Monday eveotog"s meett.nc of the City Council concerninc tbe proposal submitted earlier this mooth by Stephen Auld, ad- Yerttstnc neeutlve, wbo lives a.t 4 72 62Dd St., Newport Shores. His plan includes a break- water from the Santa Ana rl.,..- ~tty toward Newport Pier and 5 ses;ua.te mar LDas lna:lde the bre&kw:ater, aecomiJlOde"DC --•.ooo -·•-wlwWthitB •cpuellb a4jo!Ainc Newport SlxJru abo . is sugpsted. Tbree letters cooeernlng tbe marina proposal were reet>lved and filed by the Co••ocll. Mrs. Bett}' Hec kel of Laguna Beach wrote in protest, saying tbat It shOuld be the foremost endeavor of beach cities to save existing beaches. Approval was expres- sed by Jack Brlsacher, property owner at 641 0 W. Ocean F't., West ~ewport, who sa.ld that · !liewpor t Beach needs a face lifting and a complete change m order to develop to its ful- lest potential." Audre) Ram. skew, 235 Prospect St., New. ~~g.':~~. would loY ... ~;; .. "tt~:;;~~'a;."n: lmpenal Corp. buymg N.B. Loan Assn. ott-street parking require. space Is c:reaHII.,~ ~ port Shor t>s, also tavored the ~~~~j~~rt:~(f'i ments tor buslDess districts In answer to tbl_ CoUDcU imperW corporation of traded on the New York, Paei. founded by Board Cbairman proposal. "TheBalbOaandWest whlcb now do not have such re. statement u.t .._...., ~-America a San Dlego.based fie Coast and Midwest stock Paul A. Palmer .wc:i Pres1dent Sewport area is tn need of 14l- qulrements. The ordinance cedure could pr~ Das.t 1A •vlogs ~ loan holding com-excha.Dges. Its major hOldings AiDeS Blomquist as a Ft>deral grading," she wrote. "This Is would apply tn eventotnewcon.· extreme easet. tlli\CM.ald paay, plaDs to acquire at least coostst of 3 savings and loan assocLatioo In 1936, a.nd co~-a step In the right directlon all LEEot •ul MRS. JAMES DODDS structton.. remodeltna: tn excess that a use pernt 11 not I r1Pt 80 percent of the outstanding a.uoclaUooa In CaUtornta. 6 verted to a State. c llarter 1n with large scale devetop- o125% of value in any ooeyear, that It is permlllfYe, aodm11fK cuara.otee capital stoclt otNew-in Taus, 2 in Kansas and one 1953, has assets 1n excess of ments." J 0 I f d ° F b 14 enlargement of grosstloor area be gn.ated now, tiiUlcaftlled 16 port Balboa Savings and Loan 1n Colorado, with a total or $110 million Mid outstanding 0 In u n raIser e by more ttwl 10%, replacement Ule tuture by a uur..-com. AMOCW!on, and other related 51 omces. . loans anreK&tlng over $90 mil -3 ,. RUSTEES AMHOUHCE • ot a building destroyed more mission.. · assets. Newport Balboa Savmgs, Uon. TM E'Y wtll RUH A. CAIN Feb, 14 wUl mark the oc-be divided betweecthetwo clubs than 90% ot value ln any one Council voted S.to t to ap... A joint statement Issued by Thr t>t> members of the New- caaion tOr the Girls Club of and wtu help to eJpa.Dd the ser-year. Tbe oft'-street parkinc prove the tlriC nediiiC ~~ tbe tbe managements of both com-w d d I" t b k d port Mesa Unified School Ois- tbt Harbor Are& and the Boys Y)Ce of the 2 clubs in the Hare requ1remeot would be one park-ordin.a.Dee. Vlce-Ma,ar 'u.od-panies said agreemem has been ou n e eye IS 00 e tr\C[ Board of Education have Club of tbe Harbor Area to ~lo bor Area. Lnc space tor each Z50 square slay Parsouwu~Cou-r.cbed "in principle.'' The stated !hal thf~ vdll run for topthl:r tor their 4th annual teet of offtce space. Excltlded cllman Howar( ._.... Yoted acquisition is subject to eu-Do las Do 20 f 1•17 tak t Or re-elf'ctlon. capital fuod-ra1Bing Valeotloe $50,000 STRAD VIC LIN from the 25% llmlt on ramo-"no," saytn& • tbt . cudoo of a det1n1t1ve agreement ug rr W ' ~ :;, was en ° ange Count) lloyd Blanpied J r., Roderlclt party celebration, Interested TAKEH IY BURGLAR deUnc are ordinary ma.lnten-should al1ow tM and the approval of the Federal ~"*'ior wAve., est · e~rt Ho~it:al prlso~b ward With a MacM!l!1an and Donald Strauss cltllens throueflOut the county A Stradanrlus violin valued ance and repa.irs, outside re. and rebutldtq U _..,. re· Home Loan Banlt Board and the elgbts, as arrested at 12 ·50 tra tured left 11 I.a. told Tht> Ensign thls weelt that wtU be opening tbelr hearts as at $50,000 was stolen the night modellng. and alterations Ln-qulremeots an &d tlltreued. Cal!torn.la Savings and Lo&o ;,-~ w:.~ a~02 E.:: $200 FIRE ON LIDO the} have file<! or will ftle. wen u theircbeeltbookstosup-of Jan. U,when.tberesldenceot s d 0 0 sled Commissioner, which may tate wflb ~ult with a ;::d~, wea Pa.lnt, interior wood and Mr s. Ell:r.abeth Ully sa.ad she port tbtse I youtb orpni· Paul Trautwein, 1906 Holiday pee lng IS prole . ~ se¥enl months to process. poll. } • c)O(hiog in a laundry wert> has not made \4) her mind, but l&llona:. Road, Baycrest, was bur-, Acco di to the annouoce-tHs weapon was his Hoods burned ln a $200 tlre caused by s:he has almost 3 weeks to come Co-ebairmen. Gary BurriU clarl&ed. ~ -c r nc a ctgarrette at 12:40 p.m. Men-to a dt>ns1on, beforE> the Feb. aDd Gtorp Ho:ac U anoouoc• Eotry was made by climbing a A protest aga!D.st .speedlncon by 22nd St., lrts.i Aft.. Costa ment, Jmperlal wW offer to motorcycle. He Is Cha.rgedswitb day, Jan, 27 at the residence 20 nung deadline. Uat tbl IYen.t wJU bt bald at the 1-toot iron. pte and using lrvlne Ave. 1n the West Upper Mesa city U.... Ud 1"'11tin ft~~=~~ se:!: =~~~Y ~~~~~~~r~: ew. of Milton Bi-en, &45 Vla Lido The tr ustee election wtu be Balboa Bay Club. DioDerwi.Ube p~slcal force to unloclt a Bay area has been sent to the Ave.; pubUc ..... wu set Ide tloD bjeet to llnal Pursuit st ted t the We-d Scud. Udo Isle. held Apr11 15. Al"'td at a p.m., Preceded by a sUdlnc class door. Rooms were Newport Beach City CouncU for Feb. 10. .. • :gr!~eni, :Uld approximate oear the aaa.rboa )etty, .... ~~ DO·~ 8001&1 bout at 1. Enter-r&DII.Cted and a w:alleta.n.d$lOO by Mrs. John R. Graham of •APPROVE'D~ ot $16 million tor 10011 ot the otftcer Keith Collins saw the ta1Dmeat wtU follawdllmer, with 1A colnl were also taken. 22~,5 lrvloe An. Ordtn&Dce 1111; 111161a wo-ald Cl&f&nlee stock of Newport Bal-motorc ycUst riding withOut Irvine tells marina plan music oftbeRetroeressiYe Fife M J d Since the •-laDe diYlded r-......• tbe PI s r .aleetrlcal boa Savin'"' nclud• .... there. U&tts. While radioing for as-Plus TbrN ary or an highway bas been installed. .....-.. •-• ..._ Plans to start a massive &Dd the Bahia Corinthian Yacht Botb tbt. Be Club aDd the automobiles comlnc off the code and a4apt IIJ • r••tbe lated a.uets to be purcbastd by sistuce, be lost Don, then redevelqlment otmart.nualooc Club. Girll Club wm":raeat awards • freeway aod ROinl onto the free-aatioa:al e'fedr:;-5_,..,ute; Imperial. picked !C) the pursuit at F St. Irvine Co. tidelaDds aDd the Koebig a.nd Koebig Inc. of Los to outttan.dln.c eltlMaa b'tbtlr dIes at 93 way from this portioa of !nine techlllcal -* Qn ~ lfl1)8r111 Corpor&Uoo ot OD the Point. construction of about 12 water~ Angeles are the planners and eoatrtblltlona toward btlp.LDc A'tt. are hablt..Uy lporln&tht :::lou':;" • tilt _ ~;: America ls the 111.Uoa.'a 4tb A roadblock was set at Bay troot Domes off 8&}'slde Dr. eapoeers of the project, whlcb ,._.. of our commUDit)'. Paat Mary w. Jorctu. it, of Sl! posted speed Umtta of SO mtles ire C~ 11 ~na-larp:!ll saYi.Dp ud louboldlo( AYe. by omcers Anthony Villa ban been set tor mid-is upected to take about 7 rtelp!IIU I.D.clude TheOdOre Fullerton A'lt, Newport Htl-per bour," sbt wrote, re-P , eoqJUJ, wttb asltts lA tJeess ud Craie John900.. But the February, acCOI'dlnl to R. A. rnoaXhs to complete. RotUa, Doll Huddleston, .£•-pu, dltd Ja.D' Z$ at Beverty terrlnc to the ln'lDe A.,., MC-(Conbnu40"·1f'•ll 2) ot $1.1 bUUoo. tts stock ts Acbt ot 2 omcers on bot aDd I "Buck" Fisher, muacv of RedeYelopmeot ot mari.Duoa ertU Rea, 0. w. Rlebard. aoct MaDar Colrf&le~tat Hospital Uoo between 23rd st. and Santa •• ' parted pollee cars dldn"t stop martnas l.Dd recraataoa tx the lrvlnt leuOOid land in the lower GeorpHa&cn. COitaMta. lsabtJAfe."TbtbUbdCur'll Old • I I a"n Oorr. They say Dorr de-lrYIDe Co, bl.ywtUcontln .. O't'trthtDPt Mrs. James Dodds , prett.. Sbe wu borD July S1 11, 1n troot of our bome lu been er ayers 0 r I Ubel'ately rode lnto omcu R-zu,lred resoaJAe mut IV ,.. Je&l'l u tbe COrrcJU!,J U· 4eat o1 tbt Glrla Clltl board ot lD Nortbca.rouaa. eametOeau. the eeeoe ot I aecidenh s1Dce • ~ vua, nttttnc him tn the chest tbr'oalb tbe City P1uaiDcCom· swnes direct ~ of dlreatiOI'a. ud Robert· lAtch, b'Dia &Dd tbl.l .,... 10 ,_..1 the eompletloa ot tbt DIW' bl&b-Okler ........ -.._" To be" acbleYt tbb pl., ud r111111l1AC O'ttr his lee. Dorr mluioA. Harbor tall permits I1Jp &Dd pltr laciUU...., GP- ... -oftboBoJOCIIbboord ..,, Sbo wu a -ottbo nr." • --• ss 1o~a tho_. SdotJ c.....,u•s thoo boldod tor omcor Johlo. ,..., bo-lnocJtromtJooetty ...-llr ~!.~-r~.._-.r11.,_ .. , lll'lile llll'bor Ar• mtD &Del Matloall AIIOetiUOioiColadal Sbe ltaledturthlrtbat ''IIU'•· apee1a1 Pftrll-~·uilll di .. Dstrt drt'liAC c:o.•, a ..... wbo flUed ID h11 atlt-mDl Cowell, udalltncta~~P~mtllt • r-. -...,. -tMKIIIod 11 -tile no-of America, ~~o..-o II( II troD! of our bomo Is tbom 11••• .............. _.. proonm ol dr-II-to ~out of U1o ,.Y, aDd wu bo tlrll -od bJ U1o clly. IIIOiiM -..,_ llilop- oltloor of liMo I-to maD oftloo ----.lid ,--..u U1o ....,, lsUml· cltmudo plo"11•a-llldloo, bu-ldlplod .... '-'ked I fMC llloapollc:oUIIIL Tbo $1,165,000 -t-, uod all will- ,-. Tbo p11>Uc II 11-tlDUocl Doaatnro of tJoo c.. ted, aDd porUcolariJ II -m7 ...... _,-0 ..... 1 C •x pec:lally tbr a1c1tr dr-._ Olllcor Vllls pollod out Ills re-joel--...... -lid S.el-. !I'll • .,_ ..,. ,,..,_ ... _,. .. Aoa7 --··tho .... _blu., .-.... 1111!" Ol ,4 -.... -.... -s-." tho r....__ of a11 ....... 1WO .c::u .t.eao•T Ultlllodlo500por-ooaftrll Sinl...,.o aro 1oor .. ..,..., offtblcJoapoulocbJ Is ·toms. lloiiiK"*o llortbo4-oo-_,llll. -oUpo-of u. BoDa KILLSM. L -• -l!rot-bula.Taloloolllaryoltlil-o;a-,tru! ~ !f .. lltJoo ... _,lbod -wlllbolllr.aodlln.W. Dorr....,...toAinrldost. .._...,.,. .... uec>c-. -orrns" 1 .. ~ IOpor-IH cJo of Clilla Vloll; a.,...s-nltof-"" wiD E. loorlo oi._BIIIs,Dr.lld I. 0.... F\., _. loo docldlld klblloooltlot.,_ 1 01 II --- .... lolo!o, · e¥JdNt, lid 1 ........,._. CDioOD ,_ .... tloo -~~ IIIII !Ira. C. R. Ftllilol, l'!ll'h ·-IIU-ud raa Yaolllcllb,'ho_of,.. -Pon--CA& .. or-, wllldo oro Ml por ·-121 11 -.,.~ou.llallllor c.., .. -.Drift, -lit-~ 4Dn u. --~ w1111oo--•• 10 n,ot•-c:...•-..._ au bo -E'Od-.. ,,.,. wwt 1oeld Ia. ft _,lOll... CUll Slo-1011111'. lid Elro. L. I. lleftl. OISk:or Cellllo Jllll(lod 0111 cl Ill. DaUo Will bo -• _., .... 5o a I -., -no 01r11 Cillo, tltl.&oa-•-n.. ~ w111o !lot no co n aloo: no -. acllt_...A.._c-* 1111.-"'·-Uti -ol-Will 1o Sllllllo2 -...,,-.,-..c.. -a.. c.--.,.._ .... s ... t•'l oO!MIIItlot •.u>nono_,_..., .... -. ••• 11orr 1o aa11. "*" 1o no '"' ·u-c1111 ..,. ___ ...... ., =-~· ... ns:a.,:; :::-.:;-,.::"::-=i:!:'t~~·~s~ oots• .!':::,!::'a::.'~ ::.,•:r·.O::..a:-• ....: '1::'fl... wJS.,.-~.:"-llii!J 2-'k, C..~,._ .... ,._illtlot .. WE cllao -W s•JoQe(AAU) ac'II•N,,. llr. -lt,-FI&III-•••s::al12•• I IWI! ___ ._ '·- 1\m ... -.lloSo-w£11...... ~----lleoPMI ln.t'EM. --·--....... _'IMIIC:.Iol"l • • TIO 1)", ,f i .. I ' dJ",!. t ly Tom An • .,..., ·r . -a,a.... .. .._ -a_.'--J---·-ld ... -....... -...... B. utt ._, 111 ot tu cou.,.. ,.,, a 1M tar _. r...-ar:. ..,....._ wttb .,., ..odin JACKtE . AND ONASSlS, PART Ill In -uelq I billa o1 IUCb 1'llo -bW calla IDrlllo 1JP0 ol UIDl-. Tllrl' lH t._wtce that thai Ill&)' be r~ bol.ll"' llloArmt<:Maol m.-1>7 ,.... ... - coostdtreel u tbl tty lop 1D Act uct tbt law PI'O¥kttlc lot tW1et1c Mf&l PII'-L 0. lbo loiiJiattro IDe )lm thai-lllo Dt-mamoal Apoc1. U Alpl uo actac .rut, Uti. dot coafrootl tbe DatJon.. reQIIIrtJ tbtt tbtposltiouotall to our mtttakeo dlar-.alllt 1111 OI'PICIM.IIIWIPAPIR AnlENS, GREECE: Ariotode O....U, oomo. 0111111 an OP MIWFO*T IIAOt t•me hud)and of the (ormer Jacqueline Bouvier kennedy, once said : "I am a sailor and aailon TNI IAIIOA AICMA'S OFFSBT NErSPAPER have women in every port." A mapzine re-t7~ ~ .. ~ !:' .::~~-W~ ecntly ~uot~ a woman acquaintance of Jackie's L -... ,., u sayma: 'She borrows husbands the way TILWIIOMI3 67WM (Ani~ C.. 714) other women borrow a cup of sugar... Jt TilE ICIIH:M'I IIAI.80a ENSleN to ... oaly ... .,., .. prt•.4 would ~btleu ~uire an exhaustive survey ... ,......_. t. 1M City of Ne•pon •••• _. tM oaly locolly to detcrmme what percentage of borrowed cups ..... _.,..., '" •••r.,• Ia tat. Jlrfewpoft a.Mf..C...a Meu of suaar a~ ever returned. At.. .... .._. ..,...,,., •• ,_...,., 5ecOad el .. ,. .... paid Jacqueline and Aristotle are actually becter ~~~~~::0. ENSICN •-edj to k a Mwo· matched _ than most married couples: He. likes ,.,.. e1 ....,..a eire.._'-It: cewt ....... ;::' A-20I7I doMed money, JCl set people, free love, d1rty JOkes. ... , lt, ~~. it1 s.,.n-Co~ for tt. Codly of O..•:r• S.u• of ~er;, A~d so does_ she. M_n. Kennedy .. vaca- C.UJ...a.. _. ~ NUOII tWeof I• IP•Iifle4 to pUli all patJIIc: !toned wtth Ooass1s oo h1s yacht before ber .c.klee ~ ~ 1--. husband was assassinated, and after, as every- AilVO t. II.A.APA ................................. 0 ..... _. P•li•ller body in Greece knows. PEC lf,AAPA .-........................................... A..oc:t•• Ectit<M" Onassis' p111rties are the richest, rawest 41nd suaSCI.,TIOM IATIS raunchiest since Rasnut•'n Sc · d · d Ia ......._ANa: 0a M.OO: 2 J7 00 . . r-· x IS passe aroun ~ o1 .. ___._ --"'-•' ....... ~ ,e• ..... rvo:_ 2 ,. .. , 19•00 hk.e a handkerchief at a ""drop--the-handker-~ -.,. ..,.. ye•• _ _, ,-.,-. . h' f ' 8 . ' .,.,...,.......,,...,....,....,..,....,.,. .,. -e 1e party. ut 11 s never dropped, of course. ~-0~0~ There's something for everybody. And "'every- ARVO e. HAAPA, owner and publ isher of the Ensign body" might irn:lude an ex-king or two. several movie queens, enough "starleu·· to meet the demand, assorted gangsters and "liberal" il- lit.erati. While Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis may be a "public sinner" in the eye!! of good Catholic~ for having married a divorced man. Onass is' Greek Onhodox: Church permits its members to marry three ti mes. So, Aristotle has one more to go. His first wife divorced him merely because he had taken on as a com- panion a nowrious opera singer named Maria Callas. Even though Ari hates arias, Maria evidently prcrcrred to sl:•a lo him rathc.r than to the opera-lovin •• landlubbinl hLqband sbe 111bandontd. She took Ari for bener and 101 che wont. After I 0 ye:~n of companionship. hiah notes and Jo .. ~ no:es, Ari aave Marla her last cunain call a few months aao and Jackie took the staae. And Mt~ria now sings: "I lost my weighc. J Jmc my voice. /.nd now I have lUSt my Onassis." I came to Grceee on Olympic Airways. a magic carpet owned by the Maai Ona.s.sis. Per- hapi some magic d;~y I may get a glimpse of the is!a nd of Skorpios where Jacqueline will build her ca meloc castle . Perhaps I can even talk to one of their 2.00 servants or maybe even one of their beautiful jet set people! Oh to h~. even for an mstant. where th~y have been ! Or maybe evenS« them do their thing! In ;~ny event, I re~nt the slun many writen hive cast on Mrs. Kennedy for marrying Aris- tot le Onassis. So what if the Onassis chassis is only S"r? It is also roomier. So what if he says he's 62 and h1s pa.sspon says he's 68? When she's 68 , he'll he only 97! So what if he's got $500 million 01nd she's got only $20? Give li ttle Jacqueline time, hahy! Jacqueline "turns on" with hoats. castle~. foreigners, bikinis. mad- mad parties and the '"beautiful people" of the international Je l !>\!t. Jacqueline and Aristotle nchl y deserve each other. Don't worry about vur Jackie. After all . Jackrc\ SISter ~pe:OI about si ~ months with Onassis on hi' yacht. off and on. and evrdentl y pronounced it seaworthy.- Amcrican Way Felli UTe" Tbe flut would re•ob u.s. offteen anddtreetortDOWf\aoc. poUcy, tbty llrl.ft ~b.-r... memberslllp to tbl United Uollln1 be abolia:bed, and allowt placed lD tufftcllat DMinbeU to .Natlou &Dd tnalloftbetPtCial-tbe apoey a period ot 6moDtb.s keep pace wttb tbt Scwl.ttl. lsed aaeoet11• It tu:rlblr lt&l:u to termloate its affairs. 't;bere II aoth1.lc tbe matter tha.t "all exeeuUte aareemenu. Of the two, the .rq>eai ot the Witb tbt trl.dttJo•l efDc&ncJot international IIDifertaJd.np and Arms Cout.rol Bill is tbe more out DI.Yl.l per*>llDel,tJD:eptthat urwJerstandlngs, hOWeY II' char. Important. lt dese"es to be veteraas and tbe peopJ,e oa acteriled II.Dd named are here-marked MtBTlneapttaJletters, acth·e duty rw.ve beenllddeDICl by ••• beld tor oauPt.,. It Is incoDeeiYable that 1t should by I~ lfOleiQut "II).. WID Time and space do Dot permlt haYe been passed ID tbt prst poiJcy that hu Umltld oar a full explanation of the reasons place. It ls regrettable tba.t It miUtary and DI.YIIoperatlouiD why we should takeAmerlcaout ha.s notbeenrepeal.edlntbesuc-Vietnam. I do DOt !mow wbltlbt of the United NaUons and tiM! ceeding years, and it is lm-reactions of sen Icemen may be United Nations out oJ America peratlve that It sboold be nlll-as tbe result of tbe PU!ebio al- except for a brief statemett; wted at the earliest possible ta1r, but I know wbat miDI are. The organl.zatJon origina.Uy ,.1_ Ume, The mysterious loss ot tbl tended membership to "peace The Arms Control Bill pro-lSS Scorpion, tbe submariDe loving" nations the wor IJ o"er, vldes for unilateral d.Jsarma-which disappeared on a vo)'I.Ce but it has degenerated to the ment, on tbe naive theory that ln the AtlanUc, should awf-keo point where It has become the 1! we were to disarm, Russia the American people A letter mout~lece of the international and the rest of the powers also written by a member of tbe communist conspiracy which would reduce their armaments. crew before tbe Scorpion left fosters strife over t~ world~ However, Russia, as would be port Indicates that the sub- The forces of righteousness expected, bas locrea.sed her marine had been followed by al first dominated the United military potential both in the Russian naval units and wu Nations, but in recent years otdear fleldandlnoooventional unable to evade the pursuers. membership has been extended armaments. For instance, the The opinion has been advanced to embryo so-called nations, RussJ.an fieet has been in-that she was destroyed by the scarcely removed from bar-creased to the point where tt Russians. barism and even cannibalism, may soon challenge our own These facts alone should c:tn aod the United States nas claim to navals~remacy.Rus-'Widespread support to. Con- become hopelessly outnum-stan ships are being sent Into gressman utt's legtslaUve pro- bered. Tben too, the speclallted the Mediterranean in great gram. U public oplnJon could be agencies, Including UNESCO numbers, and the fear has been roused to the pitch that It and others, seek to UDderm1De upressed that wesoonm.igbtbe reached In 1898, when our bat- Council News -tleship, the lSS Ma.lne, was SUDic 1n Havana harbor, these bills could be passed by a standing ovation, Once the cry wu '·Remember the Maine" oowtt is "Remember the Pueblol" UNION BANK officially opened at Goldenrod Ave. and Coast Hwy. in Cor ona del Mar with a symbolic ribbon cutting, using real dollar bills. The ribbon of dollars represented a Union Bank donation to the Hoag Hospital building fund, which was made in the form of a $500 check. Participants in the bank opening ceremony included, from left, William Hudson, ad- ministrator of Hoag Hospital; John F. Grundhofer, vice- president and manager of the new bank office; Mayor Doreen Marshall of Newport Beach, wielding the huge scissors, and Ralph E. Lautmann, executive vice-president from the Los Angeles headquarters of Union Bank, This South Orange County office will be located in Cor ona del Mar until con- struction is completed on a high rise building In the Newport Center financial plaza in 1970. (Rene Laursen photo.) 45th year for Kiser There are many other bills which should be passed In order to erase the disastrous mis- deeds of the Johnson and Ken- Dedy administrations. They will be described from time to Ume in the Conservative Corner , and ..remedial measures will tl.od fitting places in the forthcoming volume, "The jUTlsprudeoc:e of survival." Jimmy Utt is our champion! Let us support wtth vigor every move that he makes! SIHGI. ES MAKE PLANS FOR PARTIES AND TRIP S An adult gro~ aimed at ful- filling the basic socl.al and human voids encounter ed by single people -is holding re- gular meetings each Wednesday at 7:30pm., 1n the YMCA, 2300 University Drive, Newport. ln addition to the Wedoesda}' night meetings, Sunday nJgtrt get-acquainted parties are lleld at the Domes of the members. The purpose or the grO\C) Is to share ideas in pla.Ming ac- tivities of potluck and beach parties, dancing, mounta.ln ex. cursloos and short trips. The group is open to au singles between the ages of 21 and 65 and hopefully wltl be represented "by a cross- section of the commu.ntty. Persons lnterested may re- ceive further Infor mation by calling the YMCA -6~-9990, • ME11'0~T HARalR .EIIIGII RIISTSECTIOII --Pill 3 THURSDAY, JAil. :JJ, 1969 OOAOMA DEL liAR. CALIF. ...... ee"t'-r ,. •• .,,r • LET BLOCK --FIGURE YOUR Mo"y liM•I w• CQ" Kl .... th• a v••aa• to:upar•• -·•· than •h• -11 ,, .. ol owr '*"'''•· lrirov 'fO"" loa probloMI to wl. Yow'U -tl-. _,..., oftd ofl•ot 10111 s fiDIIAl AIID STAn --rl Doot'l d•loy. S.o lloc• toclo.,. CO ROM A OIEL MAA ·HO .. C:...•f Hwy. INIEWPOII:T 8UCH I CO!TA MIESA 1175 Ho,._, 81v"- i42·6f411 2635 1!. c. .. t Hwy, (T-... ,. ,._,. (AI MocA,..,r) Oti.Ofl Dol ttht) 67S.OM2 642• 71-42 NO aNT A VALET CLEANERS We do the FINEST work • town m 3137 E. Coasl Hiway. Corona del M or aiAIIOE AOCOVNTS III~TED FIRST PLACE WINNERS In top listing and sales categories for 1968 were presented awards by Chuck Colesworthy, at right, chairman of the multjple listing committee of the Newport Harbor-Costa Mesa Board of Realtors, at the 38th annual awards banquet Friday night, Jan. 24, at the Balboa Bay Club. The winners are, from lert, Perry Zimmerman, Kathryn Raulston, J oe Clarkson and Virginia Morrison. ~~~s~me rs at Hoag Girl -W.r. and Mr s.A.Gra.nt, •WEDNESDAY, JAN. 22 235 Orange AYe., Newport Boy • Mr. and Mrs. Bobble Shores. L. Bailey, 19431 Catfis h Dr., Boy • Mr • .and Mrs. Anthony Huntington Beach. Capasso, 726-1/2 Joann St., Boy • MJ·. and M:s. Jarrell Costa Mesa. f. Lusk., 2129 N?tlon.al Ave,, Glrl -Mr. and Mrs . James Costa Mesa. Widner, 615Yor lc.town, Hunting-Gir l -Mr. and Mrs. Karl ton Beach. Gibbs, 2190 College Ave., Costa Boy -Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mesa. Reitano, 3006 Warren Lane, Girl - Mr . and Mrs. Rober t G. Costa Mesa.. Carpenter, 11 5-B 34thSt., West Girl -Mr, and Mrs. Donald Newport TopoLski, 266 Palmer St., Costa Girl -Mr . and Mrs. Marvin Mesa. J . Car r, 2778 Mallard St., Costa. -sATURDAY, JAN. 18 Mesa. Boy -Mr. and Mrs. Richard Girl -Mr. and Mrs. Robe rt Noack., 269 Knox Pl., Costa E. Guy Jr., 1429 Ga luy Dr., PARK STANDARDS SET ~.E:.: .. ..:~ New pubUe ..,.k oludordo-" 11<1-toe-Pl&J ,.~cp-., boll -nzWIIr •ere appro¥ed Moada1 flfeallc ar-. r.Jtroom-.drlDtiac·._. .. rtez•Uoa INI'JICliN ..-. l>J lbo Newport BMeb City lalao, tan ..., tr-. ..., laroo ..,.k "*' to 10t a..U.. eo..~ --;;1;•;1;1~~~~--;;m.;. ...... .;~;~;· ............ ... Tbe culdollDH lot fUturo ..,.k dftelopmem were prcu.S durlnc a 6-.-11 otuoty by lbo Pu ks, Beaches aod ReereaUoa Commtaslon and statr and ....,, '-ded to the Couoell l>J Walter Semeniuk, commtasioD chairman. Four categories of parka are described l.ra the r eport: •NEIGHBOR HOOD PARK, adjaceot to ao elemerury scb:lol, minimum of 6 acr es, serving 3,000 people; 10 acres U not adjacent to a school. Per acre cost lsestlmatedat$9,000, Ma.)or ta.cHlUes suggested ln- ciOOe softball area, basketball backboards, tennis courts, tJal:ldbQ.ll courts, restrooms, picnic ta.ciUties, children's play area., bleacber s, outdoor am- phitheater. •COMMUNITY PARK, adja- cent to a junior high scbool, minimum of 15 acres, serving 10,000 people; zo acres if oot adjacent to a school. Per acre cost is estimated at $9,000. Suggested lactUUes , in addit ion to those listed above, include tot play are-.t., off-street par- king, community center bull· ding, spray and wading I)C)ftl, swimming pool, archer y cour· se, shufOeboard, hor s8sh0e courts, lawn bowling greens, lighted baseball diamond. • SCHOOL PARI\, a smJ.ll park area developed totally on school property where adjacent park land Is oot available. Sug- STOCKI NG CAP SULE Did you e'oler kno.,.. anyof'l(' .,..ho msJstc:d on puttmg ltis right stocking on first 'So~ ~opk thml. th1s 1s 11 good way IO a\"md headaches. Fool1sh ~Of cou~' Most of us get headache~ But no .... .,.e reach for one: of the fast·ac tmg pam rchc:,cr' med1cal SCJc:ncc: has made available. A SJmp!e remedy. But remc:m~r­ not all headaches can l"'C" uc:ated so casu.tlly If the pain persists or IS unu~uall ) !.l"\erc:. tx -.urc 10 !Oc:C your physician. A nd n~:o..tt•mc: }OU nttd a prcscrrptron fil led, come to us for quo~lrl\ compounJmg. Christensen Mesa. Dover Shores. Boy -Mr. and Mrs. Charles PHOTO PRIZES GIVEN ~~...!.~~.!_~~.!!~ '!!:..!. Roe, 7BO Hamilton St., Costa 1M LICHT PARADE BRIAN R. CARTER of 4732 - Mesa. Two r ound trip tlokets to Cor tland Dr.,cameo>Ughlands, COM,LETE INSURANCE SERVICE •sUNDAY, JAN. 19 San f rancisco via AirCalllor-has been named manager of the Gi r l • Mr . and Mrs. Clifford nia, have been'presellledtoeach new commerct.al_ llcensmg Dudley, 228 ViaEboll, Lido Is le. of the 2 winners in the festival ~dnce fo~ Autonettcs products Boy -Mr. and Mrs. Donald of lights parade photo contest 1l1 Anaheim. _He received Ius Martin, 376 E. 18th St., Costa conducted by the Newport B.S. degree tn elec~lc.a.J e_n- Mesa. Harbor Chamber ofCommerce g:meenng from the Untver slty •MONDAY, JAN . ZO The amateur photographe; of Iowa and IS .t. candt~te for Boy - Mr , and Mrs. Robert winner is David Schullz ·a degree of doctor or JUrlspr u- Oennls , 5042 Berean, Irvine. 706-l /2 Marigold Ave., Coro~ dence next June at Oran_ge Uni- Girl -Mr. and Mrs. Joseph del Mar. The pr ofessional win-vers1~y. He lS a cttve t~ local Spaulding, 10341 Pua Dr., Hun-!lei" Is Larry Dunmire, 1801 yachting _and Is an . offi cer of tlngton Beach. Sabrina Ter ., Irvine Terrace. the Bahta Connthtan Yacht Boy • Mr. and Mrs . Travis The wiMing. photos are on dis -Club. Harrelson, 3082 Trinity Or., play at the Chamber office, Costa M!sa, 1800 W. Coast Hwy., Mariner s •TUESDAY, JAN. 21 Mile. Boy -Mr. and Mrs. David THEATER TRIP SET Casillas, 773 Scott Pl., Costa Mrs. Raymond Herms, chair- M~~.'l _ Mr. aiXI Mrs. Marie. man of the Travel Sectionofthe Newpor t Beach Ebell Club, Is Fe ll, 3265 IdahO Lane, Costa already accepting reservations I &73-B&so I avsro · 1.11'• • I'IB• HILLIARD & DIE INSURANCE 4)6 HELIOT ROPE AVE (8 .t.in d Port T t-leattel COROMA DEL HAR M~~-1 • WI . and Mrs. Norman for a theater party trip lo be . Da.l~ R:a"WCE ~ Johnson. 917 w. 18th St., Costa held feb. lZ. The ifQIC) wlll .JOW"DeY to Los Angeles to see M ~Y _ Mr . and Mr s. John the movie, ''Lion i.n winter," J~~;;:::~W~m~·:•:•:•~61;5~=·~031~~0~~;lM!c~c=ra~y~~zt~z~v:"~Lo=r=ca:·~L:ido~ starring Kather ine Hepburn and -r Peter O'Toole. orangeD JUICE 6 OL 2 "'45t ll oz. 2 "' 89' SWAM SOH MACARONI & OIEESE 12 OL TV DINNER 3 "' s1oo WHITE KIHG "D'" :ste. 673-3510 GERBER STRAI N ED FOOD BABY 3/39t DOERG Willi BORAX l04 0 FF 99t GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 46 DL 41¢ SWill JUICY 1 LI S. V.I. JIISUI TANGERINES 5100 APPLESAUCE 2/35t ..:AR TRUHK LOOTED The sad sight of hls Porsche trunk lid open greeted Real Lalc.ena.n, 919 BaysidE: Dr., No. A3, Sunda y, Jan. 19. Golf clubs, shoes, balls and a cardip.n sweater, all valued at $655, were missing. CAR THIEF GETS $20 4 While Jacqueline frostol209 Via Oijon, Lido Isle, was join- ing a gathering of r elatives at 104 Kings Place, CUff Haven. on Jan. 12, someone broke lnto her car a.nd stole ber purse with its contents, valued at $204. LEGAL NOTICE ~OTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Newpor t Beach will hold a public hearing regarding Ordinance No. 1292, being, an ordinance of the City of New- por t Beach adding Section 20.08.091 to Chapter 20.08 of Title 20 t.1f the Newport Beach Municipal Code r elating to otf. streE"t requir ements for com - merc la.l zoDed districts , Plan. ni.ng Commission Amendment No. 246. NOTICE IS HEREBY FUR- THER GIVEN that the said pub. Uc hearing will be hekl on the lOth day of February, 1969, at the OOur of 7:30 p.m. in the Council Cbambers of the CUy Hall of tbe City of Newport Beac n, CaWornia., at which time and place any and all persons interested may .appear and be heard tt.u'eoo. Laural..agtos City Clerk CUy of Newpor t Beach PubUsh: Jan. 30, 1969, in The Newport Harbor Ensign HEW! BUSHIILL MJTOiolATI C LEMUS ha r bo r 0 , • 0 0 I t 4 .. -. "l'-01"" ...... NEW ... AT THE WORLD'S MOST UNIQUE BANK ! GOLDE Your new Golden Passbook Savings Account will draw the highest bank rate of interest available anywhere! Now you c.an eniD)' 5.13 % 1nterest on a Newport Nat1ona1 Bank Golden Pa ssbook Account when you r sav1ngs and all 1nterest rematn a year Thrs tS now ooss1ble when ou r 5% current annual 1ntere st rate 1S compounded dally and cre<hted quarterly to your Golden Passbook Account. Th1s spec•al account IS available to md1v1duals. corporat tons partnerships and non-profit organtzat 1ons. You"ll be pleased to know that your mterest pay· ments are flextble accord 1ng to your own personal needs. With a mtn1mum depos1t of $500 and subse. quent deposits of $100 or more, there tS no limit to the amount you can depos1t 1n your Golden Pa ss. book Savmgs Account. Your mterest starts from the date of depostt and cont1nues to the date of w1th· drawal for funds on depos•t 90 days or more. We cons•der thiS a golden opportun1ty to make your savmgs grow faster 10 a pleasant and sec ure atmos- phere. We would like to tell you more about this untque "bank rate" of tnterest. Come 1n and see us or ma11 the coupon and we'll do t he rest. ---------------. ~ NEWPORT NA n ONAL BANI< 1 -..::......./ (Select address of yo1.1r nea•ut off•ce \ I Gentlemen I am on~t!rea!ed n ooer>•ng " r>ew I Golden Pauboo" Acco~.~nt I 0 Enclosed ol my ct\eck (mo~}' order) for $ __ ($500 00 or more) Plene o~n tile acco1.1nt end send me more onformal•on I tlereby under1111nd that w ithdr&wels cennol be made urol•l proper ••o· nature cerda tleve be-en returned and ere on fit. '" m. S.r~k 0 P!eaae "nd me more onfonnai!Of\ •bout your MW Golct.n P&atbool< S&v •ng• ACClount. ~·~----------------------- ~·~----------------------- C~·-------------------------- I I I I 7 COIIVENIENT OFFICES TO SliiV£ YOU IN OIIAHII( COUNTY .......... Ctmpua" ~ $40-1111 • ..,...._ ....... '111 .. tu·I.Ml. ~ .... -.......... "' .... ----" .... 111·1100 • ---ot '11 II ta-1111 • I I lj-W-~~--.. I I ..... _ ........... IU:.stU LARGEST . ~-1-r ..... D.-.R A P E R Y CLEANERS • REMOVE WATER HAINS • FLAME PROOFIN G EXCLUSIVE GUARANTEED DRAPERY CLEANING Dr..-ry C1.aning. '•rfect ,...,...... of th. oge of yew llropery, Of' 100% re- ploc.rMnt if c._,,.abJe. • He Shrinkos.e • No Witt.d Heads • rwfwt Pleat Folding • Perf.ct tv... Hems • Water Stoin lemoval OUR EXCLUSIVE SEIRVIIc;~;: • ,rof..sional lnstaUation • 'rof•uional lemoval • '-""• May le Arranged • ''" Estimates • frH loan Drapes 20 01 Off , .. , ••• & , ... ., /O 642-0270 540-1366 1702 NEWPORT 8L VD. ol 17th, Casto Meso Gene Norvell of Corona del Mar has just returned from a trip to Sante Fe, N, M., where be wa.s on lwld to see his nephew sworn in as secretary of state tor New Mexico. MERCHANTS LUNCHEON Tuesday-Friday 95, 11:30 am • 2:30 pm •••••• 1045 BAYSIDE DRIVE 675-0200 1...----THE ENTRANCE T~ BALBOA ISLAND ----.1 OPfN 7 DAYS A ... ,_ for .. ' - ·' ' ... INJOY IIITIIIE CUll fACIIIIS AT NO IITU COST ... • .,.,. a.. J\IIMf •IIIJI' _,_, MM .,_ .. ._. ........ JTU,:,t_ ·-fMIIIIt...-s: .,......,,.,_ __ . • f'M-.. HICIUII:S IMMAGED BY RAIN ' RaiD damace .... -to bomls at 515 Al.llo AY't., 539 SU Boraordltlo, J8ClO A.,.. st., aad 425 HolmwoodDr.,Newport RolciU; 1915 co-Dr.,Ir-n.. f«rate; 100 st. Alldrews Rood, CUll llafto; IIIII ZIOI H-Luo, ••• ~Bar, JC«W4D( to 1fftpGrt Blleb -8GHGmltOT Time to look lovelier ? • SEVEN NATIONS COIFFURES ... CHilli ..... •ANAl! IM-821 1181 ,,.~--.., ... -...... -•COI'rA .MIIoA-1·9 JH8 _,.... .. _.....,._ • o.a.u11 -•a•·M41 All .-teal -Ia tllo ... ldNrtlofttC _,.. -........ -.-.llllt,- 1 nso llrolll •. n .. ..,-,. ........ .,... Bllc:latlr••• _..... ......... lool ........... . . eL ...... ,._W ......................... ........... .._. ... ..., .-.._ ..., to ,.. • tllo .I1BT A nw .,...11111' OF ,llrt Ia tilt w1rttc ... root. DORII Ill W. OCMft ~ • Special Event SATURDAY . FEB. 1 HAVE HOOVER -INSPECTED ·CLEANED ~TUNED UP t-~2.99, (plus parts) •• e~ny cflsposab .. blp fOI' 111 clunen. -•. atom llkl ........ ••• b~ cl11ns lib enfr • HOOVER Cln cl11n1 NEW HOOVER Convertible E"'Jihina fit• inside. lnefudl .. new Tuffta tlexlb._ hoM 11rlldy connected .net ,..._ to.,. -TrlpiH'on --t1t1t tilt moot -ul--buill. comlllnotlon ,... Otld ,,_ -- ...,,..,. -Otld -octlon for - carpet .,oornlnc. Full Mt of ~- b elf row c•ntrc Nidi. ~ ~ •• I . ·: . . . . . . . • • . . •, .· .· ·: ·. :· ,• ... ' ·. . . ·. . •, : :: ~: ..· : :: . · . •, .. :· •, ., ., .,-., • • . . · -•l•o - • ' Church News Tllo Ftrlll i1111U11 Cloftb o1 T11o C401n1 -Cllorell, c-. ...... 101 MopO'toll.-oru.o A ... llllrd ... c-. Dr. P. G. H._.. wm pne.eb v·r Putor H. E. ,_. ww 0. tbl laDSC, "111 btlt," at the PHl(b OD ,. A ldiUI:II''t 11 a.•. '-r -.. At elllllce" lllllo lllld IChiO a.m. 7 p.m. tbt Rtf. Harold ADder· eommu&oa ..meu ttU s-.. 100 wW ctY• tbe ltl'mol. llld d&J, At '1 p.m. bt wW pr...a apeclal musJc aod r.csrnoeS.• oa "God'l meuap tt Cllrq: wlU be ct•en bJ 10'mt peop... tla.Da ... Tbt b.tlft tebool ~ • • • will*" Frl.day, Feb. 7, for a Tbt Plymoutb CoocrepHonal weet...ead IDO'W' e&.rlll at tbe Chiii'Ch, 3262 Broad St., New-Lofthul retr81t 1D Jul..lu. Helrbts--..A commWlioo • • • IWY1ee wm be r.kl at 10 a.m. St. ADdrew's Presbyterian lb11 SuodaJ, &DCI ""'members Cbalrcb, SOD st. ADclrew's Rd., be reeetved. TbeRev.Nor-cwr Haven-"Ooe morneot in Browa w1l1 preach on tbe tbe raiD" wtu be the aermoa "Bell!Dd locked doors." toplc of Dr. Charles Dteren- • • • fleld at tbe 1, 9:30 &ad 11 a..m. CbrtatlaD Science Churches, SUoday aenlces. Au aduU Bible leo.roDI del liar ,Newport Beach eluo aad Hlllor bill> aad col- Costa llesa--"l..A:we" Is lep ap sem.JDars are held at Wle of the Btble les.~D.-9:30 a.m. 'ser1n011 to be read this Sunday. • • • CLYD£ JOMSON, certer, and 1J0D DlckJobftaon. at rlebt, of Johnson atld Son Lt.ocoln-Uereiii'J are beloc welcomed to Costa Mesa's automoblle row by Pootiac dealer Roy Carver. Aller more than 15 years Oil Mari.Ders MUe lB Newport Beach, Johnsooa.IXtSoa reeerXly coq:,leted tbe RIO'Ie to a new 5-acre tactuty at 2626 Harbor BIYd. 1D Costa Mesa. To celebrate the move, open house wUI be beld this weelt-eOd, Feb. 1 and 2. (Gerhardt photo.} League leaders clash THE LUXU RtouS I "o•• o, •ocr•"o cw .... lOOts NEW IAli.A I 109 fAST IALIO• IL¥0 ' "-'"'" "'"'"". """" .Y THEATRE =------'== St. Michael's and AU A.Jlgels' Eplscopal Churctt, 3233 Paclftc Vln Dr., Harbor VIew Hllls-- Holy commuoioc. wtU be cele- brated at a a.m. Sunday, and Tbe leaders of I he Irvine lea-Austin was out wtth 7. • O"b1S NIGHTLY 6:4!. *Now Showing • morninc prayer wiU be read at gue, Corona del Mar and Mag-Estancia came close to de- 9:30a.m. The Rev.JobnRogers noUa, were scheduled to clash feallng poweriW WagooUa Frt- Davls will preach on "Dowc. Last night (Jan, 29) on the Sea day ntgtlt but went doWn 48 to from tbe mountain" at both King court. Both teams went 44. Tbe Eagles led 10 to 8 services. The 4th program on into the cruci.a l game with 3-0 at tbe end of the ftrst quarter, "Racism and us" wiU be given records. Z2 to Z1 at the hll1 llDd 33 to One Performance Nightly Short Subjects 7:30 --Feature •8:00p.m. Sth and FINAL WEEKI . V:our last chance to enjoy all the might and magn.frcence of the Academy Award·winning spectacle! ~-~···ttl~ t-•u"''"ll mu~'<: ol UJra'~ ,,.,.,..,e / •:C·<I.I C·~.1:· .. ·~ '-~'''' .q, ... '~0 ~~ ll{QCTCw DAVID LEAN'S FILM Oi ,.., """""'' at 7:30p.m. Feb, 5. Oth~r Irvine league games 32 at the end of the 3rd quar- • • • last mgflt were Costa Mesa at ter. Sldp Williams led the The Newport Harbor Lu-Loara and Estanci.a at Foun-Eagles wtth 12 points. Barnett theran Church, 2501 Clill Dr., lain Valley, llad 11, and Bill Dugasa.ndMllte Newport Heights-The sacra-Last Friday night the Sea Hayes had 7 each • meat of boly communtoo wlllbe Kings overpowere-d Costa Mesa Wednesday night of last week, celebrated at both the 8:30 and in cross.town rivalry 56-35. Co rona del Mar scored a nat· 11 a.m. services this Sunday. Chris Thompson of the Kin gs row 43 to 40 victory over ~­ Pastor James Bla.1n will speak was top manfortbeevenJngwlth set minded Fountain Valley. oo "KiDdness, fustlce and 20 points. Mike McWilli.ams ac.-Chris ThOmpson, with 16poiots, righteousness," based ooJere. counted lor 8 poin~s; Kim Wit-led tbe way 1n tbe come- mtab 9:24. Five families wUl brec.ht and Dean Wlese, 6 each; from-behind wtn. be received into membership Orr, 5; Steve :..eech and MlgooUa trimmed the Mus- at 11 a.m. O'Leary, 4 each; Nettles, 3. tangs 67 to 47, and Loaraeaslly • • • Gregg Erskine led lhe Mus-"WOn over Estancia 66 to 45. Tbe Lutheran Churcll of tbe tang scoring with 14 points, and ::::~~·:~::~~~T~·~:.-; Bucs lose 100 to 87 StCll)er wtu be oft'ered at the 8:45 and 11 a.m. Stmday ser-Chaffey racked ~ an even rices. Dr, William Eller will 100 Tuesday tligtrt to win over bring a message on "A ch:U1ge the Orange Coast Collegt> Pi- of values," from Jeremiah rates, who put 87 on the scor e- 9:23-24, A baptismal service board. occ is now tied wUh Riverside tor 8th place at 3-5. Fullerton remained uDde - reated and at the top of the Eas- tern confereoce by defeating Rio Hondo 85 to 69. Golden West stayed in 2nd place wilh a 6-2 will be held at 11 a.m. • • • Newport Unity Church, mee- ting at 15th St. and irvine Ave., CUff Haven--Or, Mu: FU ck- lnger, father of the church pas- tor, will be guest preacher at the 10 a.m. service this Sun- day, His topic wiU be "Mind dynamics." Dr. Frances FUck- inger will be speaker the 7:30 p,m, Wednesday prayer service. • • • Cbureh of the Crossroads , meeu.nc in the Chapel, 3500 Paciftc View Dr., Harbor Vie• Hills--"Preparation" 't't'I.U be tbe sermon topic ot Dr, VIn- cent Gol:tuso J r. at the 11 a.m. RAYMOND A, LAH DOH record by winning over Citrus OF c.M. D1 ES AT 76 Silo 74. Raymond A. Landon, 76, of Last Saturday evening. Cy- 1527 Newport Blvd., Space 32, press caught Orange Coast in Costa Mesa, died Jan. 24 at the last 47 seconds on the Costa Mesa Me mortal Hospital. strength of 2 pressure free He was born Aug, 1, 1892, In throws by Jim Browning to Missouri, came to Californi.a 18 hand the Sues a 62 -61 set- years ago and lived in Costa back. Mesa for 14 years. He was a log-The Chargers led 30-24 at (l.ng contractor lor 35 years and ha.JlUme, but the Sues caugtrt was a member of the fraternal them in the second hall when order of Eagles in Montana. Tim Salyer tnterc@llted a Char- Survivors are llis wife, ger pass and led Jim Klndeloo Rhona; a son, Leo of Montana; oo the fast break to gtve C:XX: 2 daughters, Lilah Renner of a 49-48 lead at 9:55. OCC then Canada, and iris of Canada; and built ~ a six-point margin, 7 grandchildren. 58-52, before Cypress began Serv ices were held Jan, 28, ch.lpptng away. NEWPORT HARIIlR EUGN lllU~Y, JAil 30, 1969 ::R::.:RS:..:T_:S.::E CTl=O.::.N _-_-.:._P~ap::..:._5 __ .::al:..:llQII:::::::._A OELIIAR. CAU F- Sailors upset Anaheim Tllo-loii(Nnportllor---... _.ut tJar Sai.kw• •a dDft s...et be .,u.t SUta AI& VaDty Ill ... on~ec~ .,_ , .... -.. eoottnder Allabtlm 58 to t P-•· tiU Fr*J, api.D. oo T-.. c..oot~ l11'1lucla7 llloli oo lllo home t11o -~ "SSSTON -· 1.&11 SotWdl7 ll1pt, lllo Lea-T~ rietory can tbt SaJJon pe ~ ouera crubed tbe STUNOlll"' a t-5 recor4 In tbl ...._ l:lr S&Ucwa 10 to eo. Havt1 wltb ••"' 1" c.-a a~way Ut wttb MarJD& Ud 18 ud Bo{mu ud IJidstedt o. .. ~ • .,.,.,.,. Suta A.oa Valley I:Jc' 5tb II*. wltb 14 •cb led tbe Harbor "PPUDINCI Auhelm is DOW Ued i)r ZocS ;.C:«:illc-=~:::'":"::::'":"::::'::-~~=~&=T~HI=I1U="===~ wtth Western at $.2. At lbe top ollbe league II 7..0 Is Hlllllilll- loo Beach, easywiDDOrTuesday SEASCAPES-LANDSCAPES over San!> Ana Valley, 72to36. PORTRAITS Newport led most of tbe way against Allabet~6 to 8 at the A E h • b • eoc1 ot the tlrst quarter.., zs rt X 1 1 t to 20 at the half. TbeCo1ocUsta rallied for a 28-28 Ue I.D tbe lrd quarter, but tben tbe Sai- lors sud 16 stnlgbl points • The S first team meo did all the .scorlng for the Sailors, iDd the tally was remarlrably even- 12 each for Lee Hnen, Paul Holmes, GriftUh aoo Undstedt, and 9 for JeU Maliooft'. ROBERT A. AN DERSON OF BAY SHO ~ES DIES Robert A. Anderson, 51, of 2702 Cir cle Dr., Bay Shores, died Jan. 27 at Hoag Hospital. He was born April 27, 1917, 1n Pennsylva.n.ia, He wa.s a mana- ger !or Olson's Furnihaestore. Survivors are his wlfe, Ca. therlne; Z sons, Sgt. Robert Jr., LSMC, and Eric; andadaug~er Karen. Private services were beld by Baltz Mortuary, Corooa del Ma.r. IHFANT SOH DIES In Oils-By Brush and Knife LOCAL ARTIST Rose Marie Jolly Of Balboa Island Brandr, infant 90nofButalld Sharon Woodridge oflllO Con.l Ave., Costa Mesa, died Jan. 22 at the Chtldreo's Hospital in 0rang1!. He was born Jan.. 20, at St. Joseph's Hospital, Santa Ana. Services were held Jan. 24 at Harbor Rest Me morial Park, under the dl· rection of Westcwr Mortuary. The Artist and Her Favorite Painting MUTUAL SAVINGS A NC Omn€RS $2.95 rl t£1. or Sol£ V£11001QU£ ChiCktm k1€V top SI IIIOtn LO A N ASSOCIATION 2867 EAST COAST HIGHWAY CO ROHA DEL MAR SERVED WITH: WiM, Ct... s.ud, s.Md /.W.O Por.oro md V090r.obl. of tJr. .Uy. VeAl COROOn II I €U f ll£t m1 c;non U ll JUntOQ ptQa.te·s SP €CI.!.l filet m1c;non U ll $1-8'5 J )()(.,'TOR ZHI\1\GO al Bell Broadway Chapel, with ?•••••••--------------------------------... the Rev. Lor en Flickinger of J Sunday service. • • • St. Ma.rk Presbyteria.n _-;"·-~ -~ ' __ ,r{ ~r:;."S'· ·;·J,j)JliE~ .~;_r.;;;tt r. :taw.~ ~~ .... -• ~<.:SJJ _~.~~. :~·>. , fk<-"< :U: S:!.'F <1"' ~ ~ . ' . ::· -· . ·. .( .. •.•.• ... ··~•VJS.OO"'-,.. ~) " .. , '<, ~ ·~ r •·, , ;, ~ loUJ IRttr ...,IPQ[ "!TO«o,oa ~ -·· ... , . tvtGM PLUS: "'VOYAGE FROM TAHITI'' A:-10 "TAPESTRY OF THAILAND" the-mesa T ~.e atre :l Finp New Ac-p c.ntmento;:. NfWPORT AND HARBOR IN COSTA MESA TELE PHONE 541-1552 HElD C)VEI -THE YfAI'S SLEEPU It's Hip, Hippy and Happy! DAVID NIVEN LOLA ALBRIGHT OZZIE NELSON AT '!'1m EN'I'ILlNCK TO rAIItJLOIUI LIDO JILB ...... .............. ,.. ·~­ C..nt, •""· ,. .... t P.M. -.. ·--- ALL ftAft CMr ••DAn• Church, East Blulf Drive and Jamboree Road, East Blult- the Rev .James Kirk wUl deU ver the 5th in a series of sermons based on "Letters to the Heb- rews" at 10 a.m. Sunday. The theme is "Maturity Is fertile soil," ll'Om Hebrews 6:1-8. Cburch schoollsheld duringthe service. • • • Corona del Mar Community Church. 611 HeUotrope Ave.- Communion service will be held at 10 a.m. Sunday, with a communion meditation on "Why should we remember?''by Dr. Philip Murray. HAROL D 5. THOMP SON GROCER. 5UCCIJMBS ttaroJd s. Thompson, of 202-1/2 30th St., West Newport, died at his home Jan. 26. He was born in Idaho, De<:. 3, 1904, came to California and this area 32 years ago. He was a grocer. Survivors are his wile, Minnie; 2 daughters, Gwedolyn Jobnsoo of Alhambra. and Mrs. Patricia Snyder of Costa Mesa; his mother, Mrs. JeMie Ney- man of Idaho; a sister, Mrs. Yule Harris ot Calllornla; and 7 grandchildren. Senices were held Jan. 29 at BeU Broadway Chapel, with Dr. Arthur Hobson of Cbrlst Cbu:reh by the Sea as oft'tcl.ant. Interment was at Melrose Abbey, Oranp. FOLLOWS HUSBAND IN DEATH WITHIH MONTH Less tru .. moolb after ber blllllud, Gl... died, 11r s. VJOGI Youn& paued lftJ Ju. 16 at ber bOrne, us lluguerlte An., Corooa dtl Mar, Silo was l>on Oct. 4, 1199, Ill Su Fructaco. SurTt't"'O'I are blr dl.upter, KUdrld Fickett of PuldiN; a -~ ol -; I grandchl-.,llld I 11"1111 pndeblldr ... SerrkH will bo bold at I p.ID, JUL S1 at PaeUie VIew Cllll>e~ w1111 111o a ... L«• rue~ 01 u.to Cbor<:b u ollletut. •a• lilt Will biiiMIUDI- Oilla hellle. IIIllS. J ILIM lilt Cl ES --J.-, 11, ol IJ'-1/II.Ilola.,t-.-. dild WJti81111J .......... Ju.. II, al 11oq ...,.._L Ae II _,I.., 1lf' - -... CarL f'..u artliiCII '• ... _.. al 1lol1 _, Newport Unity Church as of- ficiant. loterment was at Paci- fic View Memorial Park. BI RDS SPONSO RING BE ER MASSACRE The amos, Balboa Island Rollers aDd Doers, inter- nationally known as the spon- sors of the first annual Tricyc le Grand Prix around Balboa Is- land, have slated their second event, the first annual St. Valen- tine's Beer Massacr e, trom 1 to 6 p.m. Suooar, Feb. 16, at Mr. Oo 's Par lor, Mariner's Mite. Costumes may be worn with a Roaring 20's theme, and pnr.es will be awarded, according to Dick Suess. Other eovents will be a 2 p.m. individual beer drinking contest with a goal of the fastest time to drink a 50 ounc(' pile her otbeer; 3:30p.m., a 4 member team beer drinking contest; 5 p.m., a 4 mem- ber team pizza eating contest. Entry blanks, c harging $5 per e.vent, or $10 tor all 3, may be obta.lned at Mr. Oo's, TRIMHASTlCS Cl-ASS The Newport Beach depa.rt- merX of parks, beaches and recreation has Introduced anew class for women called Tr Lm. na.stics, a 10-week oourse ot exercises, demonstratloos on malu!-L>l. llalr-slyllng, - care and lectures oo visual poise and figure controL Clas- ses will be held at Marlners Ubrary multipurpose room on trom 10 to 11:30 Lm. OUI IICORSI o ,_n Nightly at 6:45 p.m. Su nd•y •t 1:45 p.m. lladarJ.~-._ _____ _ lEW SHOWING ceo a HOMES COSTA MESA Moclelo Locoted at 18111 and Aliso, Coela ......_ CPEN DAtL V fl"ttttM 10 A .M . T£L!:PHONE (714) SI0•5111 ' . a continuing tra dition o f s uperior home building in S outhern Californ ia. A budd~r ·s r~purat1on. It IS h1s gr~atest asset. That's Y.h\' mu'll tind rhe name "Buccola" stam~ on ~ ... erv home \\ e budd. It 1s a na.m~ synonymous Wtth quahrv m r~s1dent•al des1gn tn Southern Califorma for mor~ than 20 years. You wdl hnd th1s tudttion of fin~ quality at our n~·w~sr commun•tv m Costa Mrs,a's finest suburban ar~as. n~•n ~xc~llent shoppmg facilities and JUSt mmures from th~ oc~an . A Grammar School IS two blocks from the rommumty. Newport High School 1S nn~ block away. Buccola Hom~s. UnsurpasSt"d quality in new homes found traditionally in Southrm California's preferred locations 3 and 4 bedroom I \7 story homes 10'~-· DOWMWITH NOJMO 11111JIT C.:G) Flnanctna by NEWPORT_.., IIQA IAWIII a LOAII Aleoc:MTIOII P. A. PALMER. INC., -1\fo,.,._ ............ c •••• NOW AT 1110 Nl!WI'ORT 1L vtl. PH. 646-tJIJCotla Mtta. BAL1Z MORWARJES 1741 SUI'IRIOR AV[. C05TA IIllA llldwar ._2124 FLAG OFFICERS of Bahia Corinthian Yacbt Club, Corona del Mar, drink a toast to tbe activation of tbe new 2-ton bolst, which Is now In operation on tbe club's 2-1/2-acre site on the channel at 1601 Bayside Dr. They are, from port to starboard, Fleet Captain VInce Gurley, Port Captain Irving Olson, Commodore T. Patrick Dougan, whose Ameri- can's Cup "Columbia" Is flagship of tbe fleet; VIce Commodore Loren Weiss, and Rear Commodore Marshall Duffield. (Photo by S. J. Peregrtn.) SPRING AUTHOR TEA FOR LIBRARY FRIENDS •• I . COAST H(W;.Y CO-A DIL IUR ORiole 3-'11~ s•u Jt4l! Lyno DUlin, wtQ has bad a career ln music and Jourlli.Uam ~;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;::;:;::;:;;;,.covering everyth.l.ng &om books li and music to drama and the court bear, wUJ speak all p.m. Feb, 13, when the Newport Beach Friends of the Library will have their annua.l spring authOr tea at tile hOme ot Mrs. AlanStoneman. 611 Lido Park Drive, Apt. 80, VIsta del Lido. CONPli>ENTL\1.. AM:> EX- PEI.lENC.ED BOOKI::EEPING AM> TAX SEI.VIC£5 fOI. SMALl.. BUSINUS Ate:l IN- DIVIDUALS PEki'OAWEO PaOMPTLY AM> ACCUk· ATELY AT I.EASONASL£ I.A TES. CALL SBJI. VICES PO& SWAU. BUSINESS 4.1.9 EAST 17TH STI.EET, OOsj A MESA. 6'2-9343. With her husband Leon Dallin, composer , conduc tor and vio~ ~;:=======~Unist, Mrs. Dall1n will share her es:pertences. Reservations sbould be telephoned In to tbe Ubrary, 673-1480. Accordtng to -.... --- COWLm --11' 11, ...... Mrs. James Dowty, president, the hostesses will be Mmes. Stanley LeLievre, R. A. Pang, Richard Bertea and Peter Dobbs. A CONSERVATIVE Approoch to lft•wfanc• ED WAIID of }ll'Y b R.-fro , ..... , 67~9379 Chapel ACRYLIC WARM- UP SUITS --FULL ZIPPER SHIRT -- ZIPPER CUFFS-- NAVY o •• Only 19.95 CONVERSE ALL STAR BASKETBALL SHOES ••• o • 8.95 CONVERSE N.B. 01'81 TO lMI 1T"'-2 T "~'~•• 3 T.me!l. 20 word• or leu 21 wor•h to 30 worch 31 -rdt lo ..0 words Eoch word over ..0 word a FClR SALE. 3000 booka at 19t sach. Daily Junk Shop Sale at Tewtnkle Hardware. 1,000 items. Ll 1!-2<'1R. Estobllsbod 1919. Newport BIY<I. ll 18th, Costa Mesa. l.lO 2.l0 3.00 2.00 3.00 •. oo 3.00 •. oo 5.00 .05 . 10 .15 -------- 100" Financing Available Also We-Carry Our Own Contracts NEWPORTER MOTORS 20lb Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa THURSMYo JAil. 31o IJiit OOIIOIIA DEL MAft, CNJF. CHRmiiAS TRADE.INS Lowest Prtees, Sue $$ oo tblJ ale: Lowr07 Sp. w/AOC onl7 .. $5M BaldwlD Sp., mab. or wal •• $5~ otbera from .••••••.• $395 A. too , ,sue .• $$$$ Sp., Perc/ •••••••••••• $695 coocert pud . $1985 po.rlor crand .• $3850 IJ'ands tram . $495 -jlplllet ' coasoles from •• $490 SCHMIDT MUSIC CO. N. Main, Santa Ana Est. 1914 before your eye l - on )'OUr new carpel -re .. move them with Blue Lus- tre. Rent e\ecuic aham- pooer u. Crown Hardware, 1107 E. Coatl Hwy., Cor-' ona del Mar. ,..,._. ._. ....... ,... .H. WILSON KRAMER AUTOGRAPH RACKET NYLON STRUNG-18.25 WILSON XTRA DUTY Tennis Balls, Doz. 7.95 TENNIS SHOES MEN'S •..•. 7.15 LADIES' ..•.. 7.25 JACK PURCELL IRIIPOIOT or CONomoN or Till ...... lnport liAU.oJlol.l .bnll.. . OF COURT CASUAL NO IRON TENNIS SHORTS ••••• 7.95 COURT CASUAL NO I RON TENNIS SHIRTS ••••• 4. 95 RALEIGH BIKES AND PARTS BIKE REPAIRING TENNIS SHOES 8.95 OtAMPION HANDBALL GLOVES SQUASH RACKETS AND BALLS SPOT· BIL T BASE BALL SHOES RAWLINGS BASEBALL MITTS LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBUC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Coune11 of the City of Newport Beacb will bold 1. DOCTORS INSTALL public hearlllg regarding Or- The Orange County Academy dinance No. 1291, be1nr. a.o or- General PracUce, anorpnl-dinance ot the City ot Newport zaUoo comprised ot family phy-Beach rer.onlng property, adop- stclans, held their lJlstalb.tlon ling District Map No. 59 and ceremooles Jan. 13attbeGrand amen41ng District Map No. 29, Hotel In Anaheim. lncomtng ot-Pla.nnln.g Comml.ssion AmeDd- inciUde Dr. Robert E. ment No. 251. (MOden Annua-l"'''"· Newport Beach, pre-tion.) Dr, Jotul f. Qutnn,Gar. Notice ls hereby further JIYeD Grove, presJdeot~Iect; and that the said public hearlnc ;;;;;;;;;;iiiiii~-·Dooa=~ld J. l..a.otz, fullerton, wlll be held oo the 10th dQ of February, 1969, at tbe boar of ?;30 p.m. 1D tbe COUDCU COMPLETE FUNERALS ,.. '245 Chambers of the CltJ Hall of the City o! Newport Boach, Callfornla, at •bicb Ume aDd place aoy and all periODS lD· terested may appear and bt beard tblreon. COMI'LETI FUNERAL AND JURIAL CI .. TEI CIMmRY-MAUSOI.IUM JUNIIAL HOMI CHAJIIII 5-CIIMATOIY COUIMUIIUM filiiANS LAWN 213 ...... 1-6177 CEMETERY LOTS From SUO MAUSOLEUM CRYPTS From $-C6S "E~ in ODe B.aarifal Because the fimml and burial center CiOJICept eliminates the need for proc:eslioas through heal'J' traffJC on ovtrCtOWded higbwa71, &mily and friends alike may now pay their full reo spects by attending the burial Je~Vic~1 !S well as the chapel service, aiJ at oae ileaulitul place, at Ins~ and more~. 14101 • 14111.ACH aVD., .UMIISTIIl 714 TWI 1 h I-MZ1 714 1-1711 ' Laura l.&glos Clerk of Newp:lrt ~~~30-~· ~~:.~90J;~;I • 1. U-'wol St..ttoo (Oro.....,..nl .WipUoN -.. t. OI>I~U.U .t lt.IM W ,..UUH.l .. Wlriolono l. a.nnu.. .t ,....,. ......... llftd te,.,.....llono '· OtMr a.t .. nu. c. P'"*'-1 '"""" IOikl oM S...rll'" psrdlou.d •llllef ...._......,u to ..-II 1. "-ao •"" .uac-.,ta •· a.nk ,...,1...,, rwmltu" •nd bt11..._ •"" .U..r ..-. "".....,"11~• kn• '""''- •· a..J -...Y .,.,.., ocJwo. W n tt..nk p,...,Ja. e-n · ll~Whtr w th'-... k --.u-""'t-..dln• OINT ..n., hodoodln• 192.32fi.02 '"rwt ._.band,.. TotaL A ..... LIAIILmll& Dootro11'1d clqo&lto or tndtri<l11•l•. poul.....,.lp•. otwl <WJK;nllono T'-oM •'l'lnp cloop•ll• •' \ .... WiuLo. p•rt...,...hi,. • .,.d eo~po,.llono [)orpioollta .t Ulllw.ol .._._ Goo••• t - Depoelu of &utN •-" ,.,ltkal ,.............,. o.,..lta .t ftNip ,....,.,_.,y •rwl •tal 10\ltltullono, .... tnl botnh •~~<~ '•O•~"o-~ hllltlllil'"'-..... ·-~~ ................... --···--_, .... _ ...... - o.,.-1\a .t __ ,.....1 ...... C.rt!W .... ~n' ~'-b. Mt. Teor.u. uv..m .. .. :· itlli~~~ -~ , .. ,.1 tu,. "'"',.._. ....t _..rl\!.1 ..W •"""" ..,...._ .. .,. to ..,.,,.,.._ WMUIU• fw ~ _,. -... _,,_,.,... ... ... --· ••••··-_,.\M lo, or fM' -lit ftl til'-...,Ill •'""' outat.eN•n• Qt!: =~h~ =.-::h~ •-. --~ •ftd ooi.)H llft\0 ~II han• Tou~ Ll...,n.rn. CAPITAL ACCOUI'fTI (o) c..IWI -... •M .....,,.,. . (tJ I'Nifl?N ~loW,., ...... ,.,_ .... ,. ......... ..ucu~~., --"'"'"I __ (•I a--lkodi Wral .-~ ,_,_ ··-·--· ,.., tMr. _.,.,,...,. l?O.lU ,... ................. 17,,,4 . .,.. -................ . u ........ ~ ·--........... _ ............... _ ... ·-- M'DOa.unM ,....,... .t""""' ..,._ .. fw lllol 11.._.., ~ ....ti"« •ltllo eall ... .A ..... .,"'*"" .... , ............... , ... ,.~~ Mll .... v....__ ............. .._ ..... _~~~.-7 ··-·~-~-·-·-v....,_ • ...,...,e.....-.............. .-~ ..... l~s '" '" ,. l7l Nll Nil 147 Nil Nil 501 "' 1 J.~ "' 010 01 " N J.~ 00 i DUP1.1X SPKIALS IIOUH liT, I 8/R I bolla I 8/R I bolla 18/Ribllllo 18/Rl- 1 8/R I bolla I 8/R l bolb 18/RilloiU 18/Rlbolb I 8/R I bllllo_ I 8/R l bolb 4 8/R 1-1/Z llotbo I 8/R l bolb I 8/R I bllbo I 8/R I bllbo 8/R • Bedroom• • • • OPEN HOUSE SAT. & SUN. 1-5 p.m. OCEAN VIEW PRIME PROPERTY, CWI'O»-atnLT SPACIOUS TWO APARTMENTS, TWO BEDROOMS, TWO BAT!fl EACH. PLUS GUEST ROOII AND BATH. 2500 OCEAN BLVD. CORONA DEL MAR (coroer CuiiOiloo) DOI'C Y. fRAI'Cl<l.II'C I Rt:Al. TOR ' 3250 hsl Cou1 Hill'lwly COI'on1 dtl Mtr, Ctliforni• Phone: 6])..2222 • • , CHANNELFRONT DUPL ENJOY YOUR WATERFRONT PIER AND FLOAT- ONLY STEPS FROM THIS SPACIOlE VIEW ESTATE. TWO BEDROOMS, 2 BATHS, PLlB DINING-ROOM AND PATIO. ADDITIONAL UNr1' WILL GENERATE $125 ,00 PER MONTH. (IE-114) S63,500 LIDO ISLE 137 VIA WAZIERS HOME SPREAD OVER TWO LOTS Charming -permanent 3 bedroom, 2 bath residence with large rooms. Separate dining-room and Indoor barbeque. Owner has moved out of state - so Is anxious to sell. Priced only $79,500 ' Fee Simple Remember -the property on Lido Isle Is not lease hold. p. a. palmer Incorporated TH£ DEVElOPERS IJ UDO SINCE 1935 3'117 Vloll• O•olo 3-7- M .... rt .... -F ... tile L.A •• ,.. cell MA J.IOU NO BUFFALO! But there are quail and Cottontails and the prettiest purple mountains ever! And skies are never cloudy all day! CONSIDER THIS: 1. A 41 ........... ef ~ ...... .., .... -tw fn.all .... I 11 .. t • 1 Aar,M tl pna• WI ........ J .. a ''ess•rtww ....... L 121 .... ., t (1 I .... Mdl ............. c ... 1 .... -· , I ...... ,, t ..... .... , •• ~ .... ,.,twct ....... . J. 10 •I• '" lll!y -• ----. -..--..-! ...,.. ~ ._ Cw;w of ... C:IIu ... a." S.. ... .., ... ......, .... • • ....... wall .... ef • ....... A..," ..._ Cb" t'.w. $16,500 2 ledNOm. I 'h Utili he.ne 011 • I 00.120' lot. luift.int, ftrepl.ce, fettcecl efMI lo..Jsca...... VIEW Of LAKE. THIS IS HAVASU NORTH ESTATES n. owy --_. of -IIAYAIII lAIII .. _ ... C I ' •• 1 lks , -• ... CAu. -M 1110111. -... ~~-of ... ...,-of lr't-•s I Uo ,_ ,_ pa ' 1 llfA11-1.011-W 1'0 IM ,_, I'IOin!MI ... PA-ii I 11-ILIIC'IIIC ---WA'III WCI 10 IAcll PMC& . $1500 .. $4100 T1TU POLICY AND Dll .. SMALL. DOWN IAIY l11- ly Appolalr•••+ OIFiy-A* for T. K. HUNT, Broker I or I JACK BALE, Project Mar. HAVASU NORTH ESTATES 1110 I. NIWPOitT ILYD .. • Newpott Beach Ballloa lllloo Island Costa Me10 Lido Isle c-del Mar Professional Building 2,000 Sq. Ft. * 1/2 leased to doctor for $175.00 per month. *Remaining half-1,000 sq. ft. of · very nice offices available. BEST OF TERMS! $35,000 Wells-McCardle_ Realtors Reliable Service Si"'t !94J 1810 NEWPORT 548·7729 CDST I.JIIESA VIEW! VIEW! VIEW! 2a!7 OCEAN Bl YD .• CD RONA DEl liAR ~~~,.. .... ~.__ Open Sunday 1 to 5 p.m. (]~... no,_/!, r<.allor • .~ South of Highway Z BDRM HOME PLU> 1 BDRM RENTAL: WALK TO ALL SHOPS. S4S, 900 ~«.Vl 332 Mar~eri te Corona dol War -673-8550 g.,.. n .. -.11. t< ... llor ..... WEST CLIFF WONDER LOVELY HO•E IN I""ACUL ATE CO NDI TI ON. COZ Y SECLUDE D PATIO OFF MA STER BE DROO M AN LI VING ROOM -.. GORGEOUS LAN DSCAPIN G._. .SPRIN KLERS ••. THREE BEDROO MS, CARP ETED FA .I LY RO OM ... SO ME FURNITUR E INCLUDED S42.500 OPEH HOUSE SUNDAY-1:1.30. 5<00 1300 o.,.,., Dtl ... Westc:llff 4,.. ... wpo" e.a. ~fMPLE RUL ESTATE 2515 f . C.est H...,., C.,_• .. Met 67S-2101 FURN. DUPLEX $39,500 0..-s:room uaits kJcated oa. idlaJ COI'DU ll. quiet •laM"· -. Jill ·-... •lac-... .•• ~..a.o..u~ otltlsr an.lllble t1r ooc..-eJ. GEIIEROUS TE1UIS o.....-, ......... 5 110 FEET OF FRONTAGE Bluff side of Ocean Boulevard. 3 Bedrooms plus Den, 2 Baths. Huge Living Room. Split level floor Plan. Enjoy the spectacular view from every room. Asking price $110,000. Bay & Beach Realty l.,c. n ..... 2407 E. COAST HWY. C D M LOOK 8 free and clear bachelor units on majo r Glendale artery near Los Feliz. $63,500 and owner will carry !st. with 20'1: down. HURRY ' Zoned C-3. liD R EALTY 2025 W. BaJboa Blvd., Newpo rt Beach Phone: 675-6000 642-6472 .., .. 673-l64 1730 w, c. ... "' .. .., ..... Can't sell it"' ••. Trade lt1 For Faat Acbon ol Raiult1 Call ll!E OOYLE CO .. RNI11>ro f'l)H RENT. 6-room doctor's otfice, p-ound Cloor, owoslte Hrog Hospltal. Newly painted. and draped. $125 G. T. "Gundy" Gundersen, Realtor OP EM EVEHIHC5 675-1642 When we take a -we aellltl 533 HOME • 3 Baths • 3 C1r I Ralph P. Maskey Fa Ih••• M .. III-A.IIIII .... II II -Mil ..... art..,.._,'* toOO ... .,... 8llldl • lt;'ttc.._.._.,. ......... .., I J Red Carpet Realty of New-well known to the Jocal citizenry port Beach , which opened re-as they had been dologbusioess cently at 2025 W, Balboa Blvd., for many years at the sa.me Is the 30th oftice In operation location as Say and Beach for Red Carpet, Realtors. Realty, Inc. These seven are: It Is a.a association of real-Dola Benish, Aleta Knapp, Jim tors cr eated to make It possible Si nasek, Cecll Calvey, Helen to provide dlver slfied services, Rl.nderknecht, Eve White, and including gt\Ographlcal excha.n-Dorothy Frame. ges, The slogan Is "Get the Red HARRY JAMES WILSON, ~~:~t~;atmeot-you deserve WWI VETERAN, DIES The brok:er at the Newport Harry James Wilson of 1626 Beach otflce Is Richard c. lr-Newport Blvd., Space 41, Costa win. Dick has come here from Mesa, dJed Jan, 26, at Costa Fremont, Calif., where h. Mesa Memorial Hospital, operated 4 offices under the He was born February 12, name of South Ba.y Realty and 1896, in Missouri, came to more recently as Red Carpet Costa Mesa 14 years ago. He Realty of Fremont. He holds a was a Veteran of World War 1 cert1ltcate tn real estate earned a.oo ns a self employed car. tiU"ough studies at the Univer-penter. sity of California and is a can. .sur vivors are his wife, didate for the . designation Mtnnie; 3 daughters, Mrs. "Certified Property Ex. Harry Ford of Cucamonga, Mrs. cha.ngor." He Is an amateur radl.o "ham" ,.,·ith the call letter s K6ESE and also indulges ln golf and photography as hobtJies. He is a member of the Masonic Lodge, Scottish Rite, and Shrine as well as the Elks Club. Seven members of the Red Carpet Realty staff are already ..... _ ... ..... Hurlet McLemore of Houston, and Mrs . Evangeline Cowan of California; a brother, S. Wil- son of San Diego; 2 sisters, Mr s. Grace Billard of Ocean- side, Mrs. Mary Bruce of Or e. gon; and 7 grandchildren. Services were he ld Jan. 29, at Bell Broadway Chapel. American Legion Post 455 was officiant. Entombment was at Ontario mausoleum. KILLEFER TO TALK Planning and problems of Orange County wiU be discussed wUh slides by Jotm Klllefer, president of the ShOr e CUffs Property .Owner s Assn. and executive assistant to Fifth dis • trtct supervisor Alton E. Allen, at a meeting of the Bay Area Citizens Co uncil at 8 p,m,, Thursday, Feb. 6, at the Island House, Newport Center. REDUCE RISK of HEART ATTACK WITH A 10 MINlfi'ESeachda)' 1oquau 2 miles or 9 holes ol. --Set your own pace. IDEAL for welgbt control exercise. WALKING and JoliLDI n. eommeDdecl by doctorl everywbert. Jogger'' ,~'f /).} ~- GAIN strell(lb -!HI IIIIo I IDOWporiCNl. \ FOR lbo lllllro l&mU)' IS YOUR N!AL TN WORTH SIOOf ORDER YOUR Slardy Cooolnctlao •• Good 14o*''C WalDo& FIDIA -ao Elld lo< Euy -.p, FULLY GUAIWITEED Sbllll>ld dlroc:tiJ -_, in LA. SIYel .ten oreriiMd. JIGGER" T.a,! Special In~ctory Otter - We Pay Frelcbtl< Sale• Tul -~----WfliO..,_To: CREATIVE INDUSTRIES .- is easier for you to buy Lincoln Continental or Mercury Now it a the greater harbor • tn area. JOHNSON & SON INVITES YOU TO THEIR GRAND OPENING ouse ON SAT. & SUN.-FEB 1st & 2nd. ' ~ 8e sure to attend the first open house in our beautiful new facilities . Join us for coffee and doughnuts , then let us show you the dealership that was built for you! BEACH -·-:aa~a.vo. ILDOO©®IL~ ©®~'ii'~~~~'ii'&IL a l&!ffi~ m a I~OO©l!JJOOW • ©@l!JJ@&fPl 2626 HAIIOI IOULIVAID, COSTA MilA • I"'!'N_E_V_II_P_O_R_T_ ntE OFFIOAL. NEWSPIU'ER OF ntE CITY OF NEWPORT IIEAOII-::::~==~=:'1 · ,.. CIIU' LoOCM.Lf --.. •• a 1 THE NEWPORT HARaOR ,.,,..,.. •"'"-... BEACH JOe Tie MJ' Wi~ ,_TB MilO ,.,.,. .. • ••m lhDI 215T Y UR, MO. 25 SI!COMD SI!CnOII THURSDAY, JAM. 30, 1969 'CHANGE, CHOICE, AND CHALLENGE' JOe COSTA MESA PHOHEr QU5SO OfFlCEr OIIOHA DI!L MAR, CALif. Harbor Hi concert Feb. S The students of tbe ..-ocaJ will roum out the program. , and instrumental departments Tlctets may be obta1Ded for The Newport Harbor Service ot eq,loymeat &ad lmustrlal I of Newport Harnor High School a dooatton of $1 eaeh. Leacue hu cboseo "Cbanp, rela.Uoos, Upoo the Legis-will present tbelr anoual mid-Oo Feb. 13, at 7:30 p.m., challenge, choice" u this lature's IIJI)I'OYal o1 tbe reor-j W1nter scholarship eoocert at tbe music d~rtments wtU tea- year's theme, pntyttoo plan, the apocy wu I 7:30 p.m. Feb. S in the school ture, for the ftrst time all Tbe series of seaaioos plan-oamell tbe 'buma.o rela.tlool auditorium . bepontng music stOOeot.s 'tn a ned willlDclude tbe b&eqrouad apocy, Mr. WJ.I.l.lams881'YeUa All proceeds b'om the pro-spee1&1 concert, also to be held and denlopment of our com-a member ol tbe peroor•s gram wtll CO towards prOYidlnc in tbe alldttortum. Admission mwilly; 10•ernmW; lndustrlal eattoet aod ts pr1DetpalldY1Mr 2 music scholarsllips for a wm be tree. a.od eommerclal cond1t1oos; t.a the matters eomiDg w1tb1a YOCa.l sttadeot and an tnstru. The 'f'ocal department 1s educatloo. pubUc ud prlnte; the jurlsdlctioD ol this &pDCJ. mental sutdent who plan to coo. UDder the direction of Les van bealtb. welfare, ud reereaUoo 1n this capacity be prowldn tlooe their music studies t..oeol-Dyke with Mrs. Bette Haneke as programs; cultural crowth, and '-dar a hlp 1D de't'ekJpiDg tbeir lege. Tbe winning students must accompanist. The instrumental orp.ni&ed efforts Ln community major poUcles aDd proc:rama, bave been enrolled In music director is Richard A. England, pla.Dniog, housing, and urban a.od coordinates tbeir acU'fltl• durl..o& all their 4 years of high BALBOA YACHT CLUB helmsmen Uds year ue, lett to rlctJt. Commodore David Smiley, Vlce Commodore Doo Fra.nk.J.in, a.od Rear Commodore Ed SCeeo Jr. Other officers are Fleet Capta.in Bill McCord and Port Captain George Hoedingbaus . Tbis 1s tba first year ln tbe history of &!boa Yacbt Club tlla1 aU of tbe Flag otficers are from Corooa del Mar. BYC commiffees named renewal. to obta1D a muimum efl'ecUve-scbool. ATTBIOS INSTITUTE Ke)'DOte speaker for the ttrst oess atld emcteocy Ln tbt Scholar snips are given l..o the Detective William Speirs of Dr. David Smiley of Corona Mr. and lirs. Dan Shepardson: meeting 1o tbe series, Feb. 6, evrytng out of tbeir fUDCtlona. kmOunt of $200 to $250, tbe Newport Beach police de -del Mar, r ecently l.nstalled u ladles' lu.ocheon, Yrs, Helen will be Speocer Wllltams, ap... accordlng to need and avaJla-partment 1s attending the 48th commodore of the Balboa Yacbt Lethen and Joyce Rudy; men's poloted In January, 1967, by DOG OH SENTRY DUTY bWty of funds, Winners l..o the class of the 1.5C delinquency Club, has 1\atned the following luncheon, Ed Lethen; library, Goveroor Reagan a.s admltli... Kaiser, a ·s ... year-old male MRS. WILSON WOODMAN past Include: 1965-66, Bill Ken-control institute designed to committee chairmen for this Tom Soule; master plan, BIU strator of •the health and wet ... German sbepberd dor. pre-nedy, instrumental, and Bill help la.w enlorce~ent personnel year: Blurock; membersh!.p, F'rank fare agency ofCa.litornta. This Anted to the u.s. Air Force Art sol'ree Keele, vocal; 1966-67, Gay le work more effectively in the Lyoch; oomJ..aattng, Davld agency J.oclUded the depart-by Robert L. Stobbie, 2857 St. Amour, Instrumental, and handUng of youth and Us 8oaJ procuremeot, Richard Youug; power boats Ed Riesen· ments ot public healtb, mental Ellesmere Ate,, Costa Mesa, Ela.ine Blakely, vocal; 1967-problems. The Program pro-Wittwer bulletin and artwork., port, George Hoed!Jigbaus;p00.: I I ·----- hygiene, soelalwelfare,rehabi-is OD duty at Pleiku Air Base set Apr 18 68, Ron Aaberhard, instru. vtdes a 12-week spec ialized Mary Jany Tyler; cruises, Ucatloo, Mr. a.nd Mrs. Douglas lltation, theCallfornlacommis-Viellllun, as a sentry dog. U.: • meoW, and Terry Hamilton, academic and practical training Dents W~render; challenges Wllsoo; publicity, Bette South sion on agtng. office of health ts bandied by Airman First vocal. cow-se. a.ncl 66 seru!s,Charles Glasgow; a.od Peter Gales; Den rock cove, care services (Medi-Cal), the CJ.ass JamesRectoroltbe633rd Br Mrs. G. R. Hodson The program wtu featw-e the deeoraUons, Pat WIUI.amson; David Lang; regatta, William office of economic opportunity, Seeurtty PollceSquadroal..o pa. As Mrs. Wilson v. Woodman a cappella choir, the cllante lles $PACE CLUB MIEETS entertainment, Mr . and Mrs. McCord; &6 series, Pat Dunl- and theservlcecenterprogram. trollngtbe perimeter of the air accepted the gavel and all duties and tbe madrigals trom the The Space Club at the Up. Robert Woodward; finances and ga.o; beer can. William Camp- As put of his reorpnlr.atloo base to prevent enemy peoetra-of the presidency or the Newport vocal department, and the mid-per Bay Branch or the Harbor aud!t, Richard F'la.mson; gover-bell; twtligbt, Winslow Lincoln; plan Cor the eJ:ecutlve branch Uon. Harbor AUJ:.Illa.ry or Children's shipmen, the orchestra and the Area Boys Club has reorgan.l -oor s c~. Mr .and Mrs. Wlllla.m protest, Jim Tyk!r; regi.stra- or state government, tovernor Home Society she forecast an-sailor band from the lnstru-ted ancH s onceapinholdiogits Carlson; hospitality, Comm. tion, Inez Ferris; trophy, Ed Reagan also appointed Spencer BENEFIT I$ HELD other c hallenging year lacing au me.r:Ul department. A varied meeting on Monday evenings at and ~rs. David Smiley; )unlor Weber; Sears, Wallory, O'Day, Williams admlntstra.tor of the Udo Fashions presented the members or lhe au.I:IUary . F'irst program of music ranging !rom 7 at the Club House, 2131 Tus-activities, Mr. and Mrs. RoLand Ml..ke Klrsh; SCYA junior He- youth and adult corrections style show beld Thw-sday, Jan. on the oew year's agenda will be c lassical to modern selections tin A't'e., Costa Mesa. Ham mood; teenage acttrities, ntta.. Rowland Lohman. AIRMAN Jon A. Longerbooe, SOD of Mrs. Martha L. Longerbooe or 1597 Redlands Pt., Costa Mesa, has completed basic traJ.n.lD& at Lackland A FB, Tens. He baa been assigned to Keesler AFB, Wlss,, ror training in the com- munications lleld, He 1s a graduate of Sun Valley Higb Sc hOo l a.nd atteDded UCLA. agency, whlcb lnciUdes the de-16, at the Newport Beach Ebell the tradltlooal biennial Soiree pa..rtment of correctJonsandde-Clubbouse at a benefU dessert d'art whic h wtll be on April 18 partment of the youth authority, bridge party. Mrs. Herbert at the Irvine Coast Country Club, and assigned him r esponsibtUty Purterbaugh, ways and means and to follow In December the an- for s~rvlsingthe departments chairman, was tn charge. nual Debutante Batl. Serving with T h • Mrs . Woodman tor the comlng ea ouse IS party theme ~~.:~\~~-~~~~:~~:~:,~,~~ mood Hit.ze l, recording sec-"T~,a house of tt.e February goldflsh, corDer tea.OOuse, and retary; Alfred v. Jorgensen, cor- moon Is the name for the a collection of Japanese dolls, r espoocling secretary; William F. second in the series of dinner The stell)er club offers a Harper, treasurer and William dances of the "Alter F'lve" tropby at each of the tour par-C. Adams, parliamentarian. supper club sectionoftbeTues-lies of the season, based on Chairmen appointed include the day Club of Newport Harbor. many qua.U..ftcaUons as well as Mmes: Robert H. Blandford, pro. fhe Newpo rter lM is the place da.Dcl..og ability. At the eod of grams; G. Robert Hoe;ljwl, 1n- .lnd Sunday, F'eb. 2, Is the date. the year there wtu be a tlnal rita.tions; Terrell L. Root, pub ... Mr s . Seaver Kennedy, chair. trophy to be presented by Rutb Uclty; ira W, SmUb,photography; man, ha s engaged Warren Bark-Kennedy tor tops in att.eodance Richard Hogsett commWlity in- ker.'s orchestra Cor dancing daDclog. personallty and dress: formation; Alv~ Co r., roster, unhl 10:30 p.m. CoclttaJ.l Dour Resenations are to be made vohUlteers, Les LUUejobP aDd l'f'Ul bep.n at 5:30, and dlmer with Ruth Kenoedy, 1573-3380; Jobn Sammis, hostess~ Also an- wtu be at &:SO. Nn. ClaD Cot&oD. 548-01594, DOUDCeC1 during the opening meet- The place will betrau:tormed or Mrs. WUllam Warren, t..oa: were the awo1ntments of into a virtual Japuese p.rdeo 646-4198, chairmanships tor the Soiree and comp lete with pool w:llb live the Debutante Ball. Solree chalr- He's citizen of the ITLl.D Is Mrs. Merton K. Cameron Year Jr. and BaU Chairman is Mrs. Royal D. Tuc ker. Soiree Chair- man Mrs. Merton K. Ca.meronJr, Actor John Wayne, resident of Pereira, Senator George Mur ... wiU be assisted by the Mmes: Bay ShOres, wa s presented the phy, Buddy Ebsen and Ez.ra Richard Jonas and Willlam F. ciUten of the year award by the Taft Benson. Krumpholz., co-chairman, of Orange Empire Area Boy Scout The dinner program included the Petit Salon; Dooa.ld E. Swed- Councll, at Its 47th AMua1 Re-the iotroductlons of the 1969 tund, paintings, William Blanton, cognition dinner Mollday at the offtcer s of the Orange Empire r eservations ; G. Robert Hodson. Balboa Bay Club. Area Council: W. Ed Crane, invitations ; Delbert VanOrnum. The award Is presented an-president; Vice Presidents Ho-decorations; Raymolld Hitz.el, nua.lly by the couoclltoacltlun ward A. Bear, Dr. Daniel d.IMer; Geroge w. Gurr Jr.pro- of Orange County who has con-Aldrich Jr., George Hoag II, grams and J. RObert Meserve, lrlbuted to youth and Its Robert D. Jobnsoo, Leland E. transportation. Olls, watercolors problems. Oliver, and Wtula.m H. Spurgeon and collages from outstanding Past r ecipients J.ociUde: Go-01. Treasurer Is James G. Southland artists will be sold veroor Ronakl Reapn, Andy De-Maynard and the COWlCII com-to the highest bidder during the vine, WilHam H. Sptageon W, mlsslooer ls Dr. Richard Ken-aucUoo at the Soiree d'Art. Pre- IDrr".=Dan=l"el=A"Idr=l"c"h.=W=IU"Ia"m="da"IL=========":'! ceding the auction guests wtll en)oy a champagne buJfet supper . SacreJ 9reasure Jlouse CAR WASH FEB. 1 The newl y formed Inter- mediate Club of the Boys Club of the Harbor Area, Upper Bay Branch, ri.ll be holding Us tlrst c lub project, a car was h, on Saturday, F'eb. 1, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at 2131 Tustin Ave., Costa Mesa. Proceeds will be used to purchase equ.lpment for the Upper Bay Branch, The price wUI be $lper car or 75~ U yoo purchase a pre.sale tic- 112 ~T 18TM 5T. B l.l..llS • BOOKS • IIIAC"Il0 RllC0"0. • C.O."OS Oons • CANOI..IlS • ~1'-"" :51""1,.8 6 ~L..AGS Write for FREE Brochure & Catalogue GARRETT'S 12th Semi-Annual ALSO ALL HERITAGE SOFAS AND CHAIRS SALE! A -BER OF SOFAS ON SALE lH YOUR CHOICE OF fABRIC AHD OILOR ••.•• REGULAR $400.00 VALUE fOR S29900 AT 20% ALSO OIAJR5-REGULAR VALUE Sl35 TO SlOO REDUCTION. 011 SALE fOR Your Ololce of Fib~c & Color. ., ........... b ... ,, .... .,. ...................... • IH YOUR CHOICE OP PAIIliC AHD OILOR ~75 M6-0276 SYlvania Buy now. save CF543W-Oistin,tive Scandinavian style • ~oiC' on Sc·'"•, ~ :. 1 , '· ••••• 1 ,\ ., ... ! -~· fo nnoJ"• ,, h· '•' , ,. nhove I • • TV costs 10$50. I • CF466P-Uncompromised entertainment value. Spanish Provinc•ol stvle Pecan ve· nears and select wood sol•ds F•nest colo r tun•ng compo nents to •nsu•e natural colo r pictures. The "Picturemol•c" AF C Auto ma t•C Fme T ur ,ng tunes the soq na at the touch o f a buttc-n Vor•oble tone contro l Ultra· re l•oble G ·broltor' .. chm.s•s Full 295 5q. 1n color br ght 85 .. P•Ciure tube "'Uitromot•c " full funct,on remo te contrnl-opt•o nol, extra IN OUR 21st YEAR OF DEDICATED .SERVICfl -~ TIL t P.M. SAT. TIL 6 .Cll EAST 17TH STREET • • DR. BE~NET'S BIBLE ,. •• IIWel.....,• • c ....... •aid .. '1• ., B•-'aalq, C:.l.,•• ... •lla• ., n.-. J••• £. S..et rot •• Clri-.1• .. _. C.Ui.t~• ... , fi,J ..... , .... ,.,,..,.-c~ .,. , .. , ... ......... COM, lOSS If'S D111AMS Gu Hio 37 :1-11 ' This is the fi.rat of five leuons misdet'ds committed by t~m contttninc a boy and man named when they were away from borne J'*Ph. Who is one of the most and out of sight and control of mterHtinr and t.atisfying char-their father. Just what they did aden in the Old Testament His or failed to do is not related. lik wu full of buok incidents but "J oseyb brought unto his hued upon his cou.ra.ge and his father their evil tq)Ort," 11'<1 it unfaiti~ faithfulness to truth i3 apparent that Ja,col.l took some and honHty. He was an efficient action against them and they d 1o 1 d 'I 1 probably called Joseph a "tattle-an ya servant, a uh u son, tale," and .scorned and hated him and a merciful, mighty. and wise ruler o1. a great nation, yet he fo r telling the truth to their ls never recorded as seeking father. They were considerably anything for him~lf. H e was older than he and perhaps they always humble, and nt,·er com-ne\"L"r figured that he would have promised on any q uestion of faith the sen~ or courage to te'I Jacob or cthi~:s. of their wick~dness. Joseph was lc•var to hi s father, whiC'h was far LOVE VERSUS JEALOUSY litter than shielding his sinful Jacob "loved J oseph more brothers. r:ven if it did make than all his other children, be-him unpopul ar. Rt>porting the cause he was the son of his old tmth to one en titled to hear it age," for he was probably over is trul y praiseworthy, and is not 100 years old when J oseph wa:> in the same cla ~s as the spread in~ born, and also J<'seph was the of un founded rumors, a~ is rlone first-born so n of Ra.chel, the !ov tho'>e who arc known n~ ';gos- wife whom Jacob loverl . Ancl I ~ip!'." When called hc:fore a think also that Joseph's finely rightful judge we .,hould always balanced disposition, nhedicnce, trstify to the truth, no ma tter uncompromising attitude, cour-wh('rc it may lead. age, and intelligence a] ... o en- deared hi m to hi s father. But. JOSEPH'S FINE COAT even in those far-off days, fa m-To show his love for Joseph, ilies were troubled hy jea!ou~ies Jacob hatl made for him a coat among the chi ldren , for human uf manv colors, whi ch , in those na ture, under the guidance of day;; W:'ls looked upon as a real Satan, has al ways shown th is, distiTKti nn in clothing. I under- which is one of the worst of all of ~tanrl that the <""nat was the large Sata n"s sinful traits. There is mll ~irlc g-arment worn in summer nothing to indicate that J r~eph to keep off the ~u01. in winter to was at all jealous of his rJlt!t~r keep the h"dy warm, and at brothers or of anyone else, but night a ('{"1\'erin.J..: tn roll about the his ten older brothers were hody for slL"t'pi ng. It was of jt'alous of him. In fact, "'they camel'~ hair and vruhably made hated hi m, and could not speak of strips of \"ari ous bright colors JX'aceably unto him," he cause sewed !~ether . It was much to they s:-~w his upright ways and loe dt'sired by men ancl greatly that their father loved him !llOr<= cherisherl by a boy. In Judges than he did them. 5:30 there is mention of a "prey When Joseph was only 17 of divers color<;, a prey of years old , he was feeding his di \·ers colours of needlework on father's Rock with his half-broth-Jy,th side!', meet for tht' necks ers, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, and uf them that take the spoil." :\sher, and he took note of the Boys today dearly love to have LESSON colored ..... of Ioney oty\es. The other brothtn, ho..-ner, did not anoreciate or approve thio di.a.di .. ,;tt to Jooepll. In the midst of ouch a oettinz:, Jooepll"dreamed a dr....,·• which was 10 unusual and startli"' that he dearly remembered it 10 all of its details even after he awoke in the morning. Most all of us dream at one time or another, but, when we wake, ~ usually cannot remembt'r what the dream wu-in this regard we are Iii« Pharaoh of Egypt. In- noccPtly enough, Joseph told tl..: family about his d ream, and his brothers "hated him yt:t more," for it was an extraordinary dream with .dear imputations f]u ite unfavorable to them. This was it : "We were binding shea ves in the field, and, Jo, my sheaf arose:, and also stood up-- right; a nd, behold, your sheaves stood round about, a nd made obr:isance to my sheaf." I don't know just how J oseph told t he dream, but from what I have learned about Joseph, I rather think that he related it a3 a very interestin.~ thing which was $0 realistic and strange that it woke him up. To him it prOO- ahly se emed most improbable and, probably, he related it as a good joke, and perhaps he even told it to tea~e his big solemn older hrothers. But whatever was Joseph's idea in telli ng his dream, it certainly had a very bad effect upon his hrother~. who not only faikd to see any joke in it, but they "hat ed him yet the more" bL"cause of their jealous nat ures. RUMBLINGS OF ntOUBLE They grumbled among them- sel ves and then said to him, "Shah thou indeed reign over us ? or shalt thou inJeed have dominion over us ?" That is practi cally what the Jews sa id about Jesus when Pilate said to them, "Behold you r King," an,J they answered , "We have no king but Caesar" (John 19 :15). And thr: brothers of Jesus hated Him without a cause (John 15 :25). "YOUTH, SEX, AND THE BIBLE" NtwoiiT HAIIIIOR EIIIIGII lltURSDAY, JIll. 30, 111!1 They certainly ....,.. .,.kiD( to make trouble for J~ and were 10 "~ with en•Y' tbat they muld no Joncor ... -· in tbo!r true fowo. 'I'bq r-..1 Joseph because they were linnen and he told the truth about thnn, and wa• hcmorable in hiJ deal· inrs. If they, also, tad bm1 <quaUy honoroble they would have had no nttd to hate JO&tph, but tould have loved and admired him even as diti. t~ir father Jacob. THE SECOND DlEAM ]05C'ph, apparently, did not take the anger of his brothen too st"riously because, when he bad another drum, he told it to his brothers without any hesitation. This was even a more suggestive dream, for he said, "Behold, J have dreamed a dream more ; and, Ut:hold, th<" sun and the moon anrl the eleven st<:.n made obeisance to me." He told it al ~ to his fa ther, and he rebuked Jo~ph by sayi ng ; "What is this dream that thou hast dreamed? Shall I and thy mother and thy hrethren indeed come to bow down our- selve s to thee to the earth ?" Of course, Jarob knew that Joseph was not the author of t~ dream and so could not be blam~ for what it was, but. apparently, it troubled him. He did not hat~ Joseph nor lose his love for him, hut he "observed the saying" by keeping it in his mi nd. There is no evidence that J osq>h ever tried to make the dream come true by an attempt to "lord it ove r" hi s brothers or parents. But "his brethren envied him" and could not forget the implica- tions contained in the two d~ams to the effect that this younger hrother of thei rs, with the old hearl on his young shoulder!'! and the fancy coat on hi s back, might yet somehow, someti me, reach a point where he actually wouH surpass them all and rule over tt>em. Evidently they feared that such a thing might come to pass, and they hated to thin k of it. Perhaps their consciences hurt them , for they were not too high in their fath er's favor because of their own evil deeds. The un - worthy person usually is jealous Thio 1ln.91, 0,,;d • b, silt , C•oho"' •s ••P•ino•d Ito"' D•t ,.io" Moo oaLn•, Mlnn•opo!ls . . of the fnt)rL" worthv one. For (This artlc_Ie,previous ly publishetl on this page, 1s printed Ther e a re many ways to comm1t tmmorahty this reason Cain killed A he! a second time because of Its Importance and time liness.) other t ha n by sexual con tact. according to the , · I believe that today W t> need another Moses tu Bible : by evil imagination, by the way w e dress, GOO S METHODS de~ce nd with the Law and say once agai n to t he by reading pornographic literat ur e and going to Dreams were to play a very people, "'Thou shalt not ("Ommit ~~x ual im-lewd shows. important part in Joseph '~ life, mora lity ." jlrst as "vi sion~" harl been t h~ What i!~ sex all about'! Why d:d God give it to One mark of a Christian is ~l f-«)ntrol and high poinh in the life of Jacoh. UUBDf AIICIIJ'jll TORUY w• born in Hoboken, N.J .. on Jan. 28, 1851. He died in hW home at AahvWe, N. C .. on Od. 2$, 1Ja. at T2 yMnr of ace. Dr. T«rey received hil A.B. at· Yale in 18'7S. and the B.D. at the same institution in 1878. He wu married to Clara B. Swift of G&rnltWville, Ohio, on Oct. 22, 1879. 'Mley hid four dauchters and one Mm. In 1878, Dr. Torl'f!)' was or- dained as a Con,reptional minJ- ster. He atudied at Uipzic and Erl..ngen in Germany, in 1882-83. For some yean he .was auperin- tendent of City Misaions, Min- neapolil, Minn. He wu auociated with the work of Dwight L . Moody, and he was superinten- dent of the Moody Bible Institute 1889-1J08, and wu pastor of Moody Ch un:h, Chicago, 1894- 1906. In 1902-03, Dr. Torr-ey held powerful revival meetings In Eng- land, Scotland, Ireland, GermanY. France, Austn.lia, Tasmania, New Zealand, China, Japan_ and India. He returned to Britain in 1903, and for two years held re-vival meetings in the principle English and Scottish cities, including five months in Royal Albert Hall , London. DR. TORREY HELD revival mt-etings m Toronto and Ottawa, Canada. In th is coWltry, he held meetings tn Nashville. Omaha, Cleveland, Buffa lo, Chicago , De- troit, and Los Angeles, to men - tion but a few of the ci ties. Th~ meetfnes were held dunng the period of l906-191l. 1n 1911, he went back to England, Scotland, and Ireland; in 1919, he held meetings in Jape.n and Ch llloll., and in 1121 he held meetings in China and Korea. Or. Torrey was dean of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, 1912-24. From 191$ thro~J~:h U124, he wu pastor of the Church of the Open Door, Lo. Angeles. Durinc the period 1904-28, he was encaced in evancellnic rneetinp and Bible conle~ t.hrouchou t this country. He was a speclaJ lr-cturer at Moody Bible Institute, Chicqo, 1927 -28. The Bible ly THE LATER. A. TORREY • 1 t 1 ' ..,. ........... boO'Io'• ol ..... ,.....,__ c:::llk .... IAPTIST aiiLI Tlt'IIUNI. '"lfttfla14 ._.. IC:ONTINUID ,ltOM Un Wlllt) " ,. fovtll; dt.brc &o ... ..w about .. dlflkaltJel, .. .... IJIWe a.: the lad th.t JOU. c-.ot Hive a dlffk.arty doe. not ,,...,. ill CUUtGt be IOiv..C. and the fad tbU 11Mf ~aaDOt ... wer u ob~ '-.... ,....... IIC all tlaat It cMDOt be ~- ft' IS &.DIAJIKABLE how often we overlook thi1 very nkient fact. ~re are many, who, when they meet a difficulty in tM Bible and clve it a Uttle lhoua:ht and can 1e1t no powible solutlon, at onee jump at the ~lusion that • solution ill impouible by anyone, and M) they throw up their faith in the inerrancy of the Bible and in ita divine origin. It would seem u if any man woukl have a sulflclent amount of that modesty that is }>ea,ming in beings so limited i.n ltnowledae as we all undeniably are to say: "Thouch I see no posaible .olution to this diffit'UIIy, .omeone a little w~ than I might euily ftnd one." U we would only bNr In mind that we do not know everything, and there are a gru.t many things that we cannot solve now that we could very easily solve il w~ only knew a lillie more, it would save us from all this folly. Above all, we ought never to forget that there may be a very easy solution to infinite wi&dom even to that whlct. to our ·finite wisdom-or ianorance--appeilrs ab6olutely insolvable. What would we th ink of a beginner in algebra, who, havina tried in vain lor half an hour to solve a difficult problem, dedared that there wa~ no possibl e solution to the problem because he co uld lind no~! A man of unwnu.l uperien~ and ability one day left his wor k and came a long distilllCe to see me in great perturbation of spirit be-caUR he had discovl."red what see med to him a n at contradiction in the Bible. He had lain awat<e-all night thinking about it. Jt h01d defied all his att l."mpUi at reconci l ~t1on, bu t when he had full y staled the c~ to me, in a ve ry few moments J showed him a vny simple and sa.lisfacto.-y solut1on of the difficulty. He went away with a happy hea rt. But why had it not occurrN to him at the ou~t th01t though it appeared abso lutely impossibll." to him to find a solution after ali a solution might be easily discovered by someone <'lse? HI." supposed that the diffic ull y was an enfjr~:>l y new one, but it W<IS one that had been facl!"d and ans wered long bfofore l."llh!:"r he or I was bom. 5. The rtlth thine lo be said about the difriculties in the Bible is that the seeminc dt-fed!o ol the Book are ~t:~t<"«din.cly iruipifiunt when put in nMnp;uUon with its many and marvelous exHIIenries. rr CIERTAL1111LY REVEALS greal pt"r"\.'l."rsll y of both mind and hl."ll rt thai men s~md so much tlmt.' l'XpatJat i n~~: on such IO);IJl:niflcanl pomts that they cons1der dt'fec.""ls m thf' B1blc. 01nd pass absolutl."l y unnol1c....d thL" inromparablt.o bl:'o1u lu's 01nd wonders rhat adorn o1nd glorify almo5t evrry pa~l." E\·en in som(' promment mslltUIIom of lt'am1ng, whl."rl." men 3re suppose-d to ~ laugh! to ;,pprec L<IIf' and undl."rst.and th e B1ble <~nd where the y are sent to b... lramf'd to preach ill truth to oth~:>rs. much mort" li me IS SJ)'f'nt on mm ult• and insignificant points that -m !o point toward an t'hl1rely human origin of lhe B1bl~:> than LS spent upon studym~~: and u.nrltr ~ standing and admiring the unparallded J{lones that makf' th1s Book stand apart from all olhl."r book.s in the world What would We' think of any man who rn sludymg some l(rnl masterptece of ilrt concent ral rd h1s whole allt'ntLon upon who~l looked li kt' a fly -spt'Ck in the N>rnrr? A lilrll:t: proporlion of t~e much vaunted "cntical study of th• B1bl1."'" IS a \;~IJ.onous anfl scholarly invi:'SI Iga tion of supposl'"CI fl y-sp«ks. Thl• ma n v. hu I) not willing to squ01nder the mliJOr portion of h1s t1mt' m 1h1s l'rudllt> investigation of fly-specks but prt•fen to devote II to the stud y of the unrivalled beauties and majestic splt-ndon of the Book is counted in some quartrn u not being "scholarly and up to date."' I. n.e d.a:th tiUar to be sa14 about the clltnnlltJes in the Bible is that they Mve far 11t0re wdcbt with saperlld al rNden lha.a wilb profound shadelllts. us in the fi rst p lace? r-.io where in t he Bible does self-discipline. 1 don't know how a modern God has always reservffl fnr it say that se ~ is sinful. Nowhe re doe~ the Bible young person can keep pure outside of Jesus Himself the possihility of "JlL"ak- adopt a hush-h ush attitude. T he Bible is one Christ. Some may do it by sheer will power -ing to H is c~atures in the of t he frankest bookR in t he wor ld on the s ub-they are very few. But with Christ we have· su-furtMtance of His plans for man- ject. It ~ays that God made us m3.Je and female, pernatural forces at our disposal to he lp us to kind upon thi s e:~rth . He u s~ a nd t ha t he looked upon everything tha t he had overcome the temptation. . the patriarchs and the prophets. made a nd said. "lt is J(OOd ." Paul the Apostle On sexual matters I have ten s uggestions for but, in these last days (Heh. called t he body "the temple of the Holy Spir it." young Jle?Pl~ today : . 1 :2), He has "spokL"n unto u,; Somehow during the 19th century people got l. A vOid wrong con:tpan_y. If you run w1th a by his Son, whom he hath ap-"imilaritie~: (I ) hath wt<re ~pe­ the idea t hat the body was Pvil and t ha t there r~ugh crow~, some of It Wi ll rub off on you. The pointL"fl hL"i r of all things." God cia! nhjet":ts nf a father'~ lm't', was ~ometh in ~ wrong and dirty a bout ~e x. They Btble says , Come out from a mong them, a'!d ~ has plac~rl H is Spir it to dwell 12 ) lll•th were hated hv their reprt>~sf'd thei r feeli n g-~; t(}() much, a nd nnw we ye.sepa ra.te ···and touch not the unc l~an thtng. in all of His children to be their hr!'th ren : (.}) hoth wer~ r~j L"rt~rl a re li vi ng in a period of vi olent reactio n. 2· AvOid the second l~k . You cant help the Advocate. Intercesso r, Guide, hy thei r hrethren fo r their supe- God •rttve ufl. sex fo r t hree reasons: for the fi rst look, but you can a VOid the second look that Hel'""'r. Teacher Comfort~r and rinr claims·. (4 ) th"' hrcthrt>n r.f TAKE A MAN like the late Colonrl lnt;ersoll. who was totally 1gnorant of the real conten ts and mraning of thll' B•ble, or thoat clal>S of modern preachers who r~:>ad thr Bi ble for lh(' most PAl • for the sole purpose of findi ne te.xts to serve as pegs to h.&n.; lhl."lr own ideas upon. To such superf1 cial ruders of the B1blc lhii'"Se d1fficult11:'S -m of munense import.an«, but lo the on~ .,._ ho has learned to medit.at ll' upon the Word of God day and rught II,.~ have scarcll'ly any wtiRhl at all . That rare man of God. Georgt' Muller. who had urefully studied the B!ble from begmning tv t•nd more th.a.n one hundred times, was not disturbed by any dlfflcu!tlt''"< hr ('l\COUnler....d, but to the man who is reading Ll through for the f1rst or second tune thue are many things that perplex and Slaf(J(tr ". \" . becomes lu st ,...~ · ' . ' . ... propagatiOn of t he h uman race: for t he c I max , . . . · . . . Energner or Suppher, anrl, 1£ hf)th m n'lt>ir{'d a~aimt tht'm tn of true Jove within marriaJ(e: a nd so that a man . ~· ~lhC i p~ne rhe cc:;ve r~~10.~· AvOid t~e d.lrty wear~ wise and faithful, we can slay them ; (5) Joseph wa s, in in - a nd a w oman could ex pres~ the u n ity between JO e, t e ~-co or s IJ· VI communicatiOns be sure o f our leading by Him. tent and purpose, s1ain my hi ~ them. T he Bible teaches that ''marria.'(e iS~ hon-co~rut ~ fjan.:rr d It . to be Bu t in Joseph's day the Holy hrL"t hren, :-~"' al~o wa ~ Jesu~: 7. The seventh thine to be uicl about the dilficulties in tM Bible is that they rapidJy dlsappear upon careful and prayerful study. arable ... and t he bed u nde~le~: bu~. whore-for~ God a': t~ h~w ~ou r:~i·re y~su~:elf. ro:~un~ Spirit did not abide in believers, 1 6 ) as Jo~eph r«onci lerl hi s mongers and <tdu ltererR God will J Udge. lady wh~ was conve rted in one of our Crusades sn r.od u~d rlreams,_ vi~iom, and IJrrthrrn to himstol f. and after- But after t he marriage God performed in t he wrote us a note "From now on 1 am going to cnnv('rsatrons as fhs mean ~ nf wards exa!tL"d them, so wi ll it he HOW MANY nJINGS there arr in the Bible that once pu.uled and staggered us, but wh ich have since be-en prrfectly cleared up and no longer present any difficulty whatever! Eve.-y year of study finds these difficulties disappeu more and more rapidly. At first they 10 by ones, and then by twos, and th('n by dozens. and then by scores. 15 it not reasonable then to suppose that tht' di.lficult1es lhat still remain wLll all di.s.apprar upon further study .. G~rd_e n of ~de n, afte r . he had fl.anctified ~x d ress as though 'Jesus wer e my escort." <'Ommunica tion. with Je!IIUS Christ and H is Jewi~h Within marn age, ~ometh t n g happened. A t r age-5. Choose carefully what shows you see anc The Hihle does not say that tm·thrrn : anrl (7) each hi-came dy t ook pl_ace. Ma n reix>llcd a ~ains~ God . and what televis ion progra ms you watch. Joseph wa~ a type of Je..o;u.> Christ, a hlessinj:!' amonJ;! the Gent iles that rebel! ton ("aused <_I wall t'_) lx-~u llt .between 6. Be careful wha t you read. Much con temP" bu t the compa risons arL" obvio us. anrl R"ained a ~nlile hrirle (Act<> G:od ~n~ rna~. Rebellmn a gam st God 1s ~all_ed r ary reading material appeals to the sex instinct. Dr. S•ofield poi nts fmt ~ven 15 :14 ). s 1n ; 1t 1s. a d_1sea:w . a n~l every onf' of u~ ~~ ~~-7. Be on guard concerning your leis ure time. GN"( "Ven~• • (L• Old TestaJneO( fected With Jt. T he. Bible ~ay.<: t hat a veil IS David had time on his hands and it was the n he 1\IU m "' m lit [h rown ,,.,..~r rJu r mind:-~: we are bl inded by "'t he saw Baths heba and f ell into trouble. (Cc.tiaued nest week.) "The Healing of Naaman" -II Kinga 5 god _1Jf thi."' wr1 r ld ." . . . 8. Make it a rule never to engage in heavy S1n not nnly ~iiTect_s our mte llcctua l life, 1t af-petting. Christian young people ought to have f~ts ~ur relatlonshtp to God. ~t. separates us p rayer befor e every date. I believe t hat a g irl fr1..1m Gnd so t hat W 4! a n · nnw ~;p ~ntually dead-who haa J esus Christ in her heart has a s uper- that i~. dead tuward t;ud. Th~t i!< why _some of natural power to enable he r to say "No" to the us go to the bottle_. to narcutt.cs, o r to 1m ":lora I advances of any fellow, no matter how smooth a ~ex ad ve ntures. \\e a rc lnokm~ for happtne~s line he has. And I believe a boy who knows a~d p~:we. Hut \.~·c we n ·. ma de f~)r fellowship Christ is able to discipline his life. With .God , and Witho ut h1 m we will never fi nd 9. Spend much time in the Scriptures . The happtn~~s . P salmist said, ''Thy word have I hid in my heart, Sm also affectR the ~uual life. Sex beca me t hat I m ight not sin against thee." Memorize perverted ; ~ople began tu use it in a way ~hat the Scr iptures, and when temptation comes, God n!-'vcr mte~ded . Lu.st ente red. Ther e 1s a quote the m. The Word of God is the one thing vast d 1ffe re nce 1n the B1bl e betw~en t he words the devil cannot stand up against. "love" a nd "lus t." Th ou ~and..-of young people 10. Have Jesus Christ in your heart and life. t hink they a rc in Jove when actu <:~lly it is onl y Do you know him as your Savior? I want to tell a phys ical attract io n that has d rawn them. and you that God loves you, and that a strong faith such physical desire ofte n leads to lust. Today in God has kept many a man a nd woman from sex is used to sell everything from soap to auto-committing immorality. Joseph had such a faith, mobiles. We are preoccupied with it ; we talk and he refused the advances of Potiphar's wife about it until it has become an obsession. even though he knew it probably meant prison. Whr ~oes Go~ c~m m~nd us, "Th<!u shalt not You might say to me, "I'm afraid 1 am guilty. c:omm1t 1mmorahty ? F&rat, he does 1t to protect 1 have broken this commandment against im- a person's. futu~ marria~. One-half of .. all teen-morality." But every one of us is guilty. We age ~arrl,~ges 1n America t oday are shotgun don't have the strength by ourselves to keep this ":eddmgs .. The young people have. to get f!lar-commandment or any of the other nine. But at rJ~.: and m many cases they are mcompat1~le. the crou of Christ we find forgiveness of all the rlfty per cent of these wed~l~ga brea~ up With-past and a new dynamic to live purely. tn t~o yea.n. If we oommtt '.mmorahty before Do you remember the sinful woman ~ho narnage, Jt affects our marnage later, u any washed Jesus' feet with her tean? She rece1ved :>eychiatrist or clergyman who has dealt with Jeeus u her Lord and he said "Your aina are narital problema will tell you. forgive n." He will ~Y that to yo'u tonirht. Christ SecO'IUl, God does it to protect our bodiee. Dr. died on the croa for you. He abed hia blood for ~rthur C. Curtis, profHSOr of dermatology at you. But you have to receive Christ for your- :he Unlvenity of Michigan and a member of the self. Many youn.c people are dependln~ on tbe "-merican Social Health Aa8octation, said reeent--~ligion of their parent.; they have been b~bt y, "The venereal diMase epidemic among the up in the ehureh but have never really received .een-age vuup haa now reached a ~entoua JesUJ Chriet for t.blrnlelve.. They are DOt IU,... •Ia in America. Illegitimacy hal doubled in tile their aiDa aft fo,.tftn. The7 an Dot auro thq ut ten yean." are ready to D*t God.. Tlllrd, he doeo it to protect u.o poydlolo.orlcal\7. What do we baft to do? Wo come by faith. \bead pqchiatrlat at one of 0<1r ..,...t :L.wm Jeaua oaid, ''Y0<1 muat be born apln." lfe uJd IJilnnoltl• told me that one-halt ot all otudtnta that unlou 1011 are converted &Del ....,_ u a tho eome to -him an oulferlnr from runt in little child, 1011 canDOt entar tile Kludom of .. realm ol -· Theft Ia a morel law written Heaven. Wbat doel "converted" _,7 It _,. ato 0<1r "',{,.':!,'!,.... lmmoralit7 leads I<> emo-"chana'Od·" I am 101,. I<> chaup "'1 "&7 ol lfy, loooaJ c11.otu aad lnaecurftT. The ~led fn6. I am 101,. to chaup 1111 attitude. I am ·-IOiutlooo" oal7 erMW. c!Mpor problomo. • rul,. to let Clu1at baft "'1 lint lo7altJ fma r-u., Gal .... dot _....._I fa onlor thfa moment oa.. Thara what it -... :::JI.:Oas,~: !.SO: r VI'~~~ to !'.:t":":t~tae::'· I-..... to~ 1011 59 By lira. Joy Martin 20 1r&ltiaM of tlaa .. coad. lda1J ol -.cNRt wh"a IG ~~ea1a '--1 ... IU. d-Ptar (0 Sam. ww. vi••• (I map 11:11: Exo4. 13:1) llrl) 21 city •~• ..... 1 woa lht.atett 10 -captain ol ttr.. h011t o( tt.. ~~:m9 Me--. •f l&ia (JaM, 7:5) el ----.. 2Z Mwolll4 GM •J" lord .. .,.. wiU.. 13 Haw T..e-oat spali.Utv of Noall UN pnpMc tllcrt ---ia Ia-(M.tt. 24:37) "1"-f--t•u aada" 17 Noob's lathr. ___ _._. CGan.. ii M .. -~~ -.-11. ia ---..... 1:2$) _ ~.. oJ oJ ...,._ .. _. It • ee.puaie11 of P•al. -~--••-•• ._... ·--a n~ 1:11 .......... -.d tlt.f.rao,..w (Gaa. 21 M-. I • ----· U..crt tlao• c,....t U:tf) •• ••"" (IS... 17:13) ..,_ •n•t ol !Halr.a 14 iaitl.a. al • ...__ J•... -d a..u.r o1 tlaiM ,.. ..... -._... ...... ._.d fl•dv. 4:t: ._....... G.a. II:IS) 23 • dtt' 9fwa.. Jlsll) 21 ialtkda ot twa -.r n-w. M • ..._ Yllrrt ~ )=h!U ••-ol laraal (U ..._ 13sl) -· J h-.... ... EnPt • iafts.J. ... --..... --etrt , ... • ~_... I llaew lll.l u..r. II. ----... ~ aietd __. •a• ...... diM.._ CM _. .U ..._ oardL. IMit ia ... a .._ 1t> ... JB. (Jeb. 3:1: •"":l--1~.. ...... t..lte llsJ) ............. Ia , ... -lt. 27 ktJMr .. a...., (I ..... 14:51) --· • "'h will ...... ,. "*D ..t to ---i--i--i--i--t 41 ...... --..... ......, ... _.. • ...... c.n ----.............. .... ....... _. ...... u ......._ el ew. -., A• .. • "'....W. c..e •r lttr4 ... ..,. wtt~ ca-.. ,,.,, . u. ....... ... .. .. - ......... ......, .. ,...., 31 ............ ~ ;~-•• ad =~-~ c-lldl) (S.... •• ..., • ....., ...................... 1:1 ............... tWc8.t -.. -..... , ...... w._-(a...,ll;,ll) _., D"'...W -.._...._ _. .... ,......_ ----...U .... _., n • .._ .. ...._.. ..... .. CI-.Id.l) ...... .. ........... ,. ................. '-' •... ~_. _ _,__ .... .....~~ ... 11 • ~ ..... .,.. •• (I are.. , ..... ( ..... ,,. 13114) • l td) • __ , ..... r.• 1 __. ..._. ._ M ...... ...._ (Ill& ti.&SI) 71 • sr •• ., tM ..._.ed. c ... ,. ........ .._. .. __ __..,..w .. ...._ .. ua.,..sJ•-..... .. --.... --•n.r.-_ Nt'rt'a....•m · .... I ....................... .-..ar fl.,..,.... .. ..... ..-;=: {8 --. IMI) ...... •1 n I ....... -ia ....... , I' I......... ., .. I .. wit..... ---IIlli • ..... • .................... a...., l tll) .... ._ ...----.. -..... ~ •1 ......... le ._ _ .,. .. I .... ._.. ..... ·• ..,_ • --Jtrlt ........... ltff) ..... _ __, .................... ..... ' .. _ ... &a-. _. ftwrw.: • :..s:.,•J~ :=J., .. = ....-. • -_. .. --_ .. __ .. r ·a-·~ -r£) __ ,.,_.,,. ~~~ .. T...o. .. _... ... _ . _, • _......,_f-.u,., ..................... _ ... .._ .. .._._.....,....,.,. II• UMSWi •1••• -eaW 1 !-""~-=7)-... , • • ;;-'" ...... ...,.. '1 011 (Mea _.... • • • .., • -en ul., .... D.,..,. .. .......,. .................... ,a -..-------·-------_(1_...., • ~-... ,, ...... , ......................... .. II__. .. ;:-,~ .... -.... ,! j 5, 1 ._ felile• __. r-L -r.::.a; r e1 'h If ....... ., .. -.., .._, c.--. hi) • ~ ~ ••• _, Us , 'il ,.........,_.111111 ,._.._. .... ., _ _. t ._.u , r. I AU ,__ -~·Ill -~ ..... JZI . '0-:__,_..., .. _s_.,--...,..CIIS...,. ''~ .. ...,.(h..., -.. .. -.. • .. ._. • .. MEIPOIIT HA-R EllliGII SECOIIO SEC11011 --P. 3 THURSDAY, J N1. II, Iw.1 OOIQA OEL_IIAR, CAL! f. • a ...... -.. rae; ... ..., .... -'* • ~ru,llit •• II'!!:-..... ....,...... ...... ,. W)IIIIIP.Iot of $1.11011. iW1 t; do ... j!AbT cJl orcomefM- MUTUAL SAVINGS 2867 [asl Coast Htr,hway • Colona Del Mar, Calif . 92625 Telephone 675·5010 MUD OfftCl • PaMDIM ~~~ f COlOIIAOO ~\10 • ,ASAO(IU CAlif CUSTOM MADE fiREPLACE SCREENS INSIDE AHD COlHU MOUNTS Comttfete .Line .t Plr.,.ta Acc .... riw ...,_ ...... ·-fMt-efy 011£ WHI DHMRY CaH for frM eetlrna .. • c-p~ete u ... of Gas FleiM &..cJs Sa t Ana , .... 11141 n a AW111111 (a. 2202 S. Mill US.U91 SlllllU NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA THE AMERI C AN LUTHERAN C HURCH 8.30 a.m. to q 30 a.m . q:45 a.m. to 10·45 a.m. 1 1 00 a.m. to 12 00 noCW'l -wcirsh t p ~ervt ce -Sunday School -Wor ship Serv ice ....... • ;« I ... tilt ................... A Fn. .W ,_., • ._, c_.,.,_., cu.-~· .,.. ..... lt:pz• ...,_,,. ...... Police BloHer 'TUESDAY, JAil. 1 Miller ol 3$5 VIlla Ba,._ Eaot C>arloo ~ II, wu ar-~ wu ~bot lU pu- rll&ed ll 1:10 LID.. at U. ..... , Ould. ~, .. WU Oeou Froat -~ AI>Utmeot ta1ooo 1o lloO( -' U , AOI W. o. .. Frool, C011-frio ..... .Bid< -lllo trat .,.,_.., ud ebarpd wttb Claro w,.~~mu, lit llaJoldt · --01 -·-•.. Dr.,--B-4, ll._t. Mlellul Corey, 10, of 440S d1d DOt CD DC to ber prace k ..... 1• • Somtalt* blliefed lo RiJ; ft'OII dooJ' 'ftl YP'oektd, bo a mallll>or ola -.,. elllb, bot -woao Ill nat lo bod, -a pill lal1 c1oet at Bod< at I a.-. doelarod BarooJ Sail. Bay, IMil la1l: doC to retr...,, 1Z5 Hlb St., Wilt Newport; 11, U11 tbtD .-i away b.-ftM lie awa,lMed II I LID., dar a • •• IIIli door "* ... ,_.,..., Dr., West Newport, a tew daJI; ,...., • did,.JIMI~~~~~~~~~~~E wu arrested at ll:SO a.m. oo discovered 10meco1 nuiDC a fail~o~rt to appear warrlllt . • • tennis sboes bad s&ood oo blr Albttt Romua, 20, of 2064State car bood to ~ u UldQaall St., Costa Mesa, was arrested Freocb LegSooDaJ.re tJPt rtn., at 900 W. Coast Hwy., Martners a.od a brief case, wwtb $15, Mtle, aDd booked oo tbe charge from a stora.,. sbeU: ••• A ot poaseuion of marljua.Qa • • • glass )U' was throwo at a dl&- Rtcbu'd Bernard and Dooald play window, the tnbD ctus Battersby of 503 35th St., West was tbeD Jdeked out ol tbt w1Jl.. Newport, were arrested at 8 dow, aod a $49.50 IIPOI't eoa1 p.m., on the ebarge of posses-was stolen from Atllnsoo's a1on or marijuana •.. Cbar-Wen's CIOthior. 3439 Via Udo, lotte NeLson, 1&20 w. Ocean Lido shopping center, durin& t.afat ... , ..... c:.ll~ Central Newport, re-the Digbt , • , tbe theft of a purse with from her kiteben couoter, , • watcbdog at 2312 Newport qB~l'f~d,0,~, fuC~e~nt.ral Newport, was to l'll.splaceofbust- days, after be bU J. Mattson, 13? W. WUsoo. Mesa, when Mr. Matteson trying to Wt the dog out of water lD the Bay ••• A pillow was used to carry of1 2 MARIOR P AIM T I. WALLPAPER Plltsbu<9\ -Dutch Boy Paints· complete line 13,000 PATTERNS OF WALLPAPER 2919 E. Co.,.t Hwy • c. ..... tiel M.r (MiltT TO .. OaT THIATRI) Pt..r. 673-l033 Calli• , .. , • .., ~ 673.05511 o PET SUPPt.lES T~OPICAL FISH We h<1ve the largell lnd most beaultful selection of trop•cal hsh tn lhe area. We also carry a lull ltne of aquartums. and 111 acces· SOftes rteededfor the hobbv. South Sea Tropi~l 218 W. Wtlson StrHl Co~lol '-4esil 548-1961 o HUitliiG AIDS HAL AEBISCHER HEARING AIDS Prop., Fiffi'ne Auur.d 3409 E. Coast H.-y. (AucM'I o cW Mar 67>3833 • SHOE REPAift Co. • Shrubs, Interior Plonts Troptcal & Tr .. s ln•ectctdes ond Fertllia., S&H Gr .. n Stomps riO: I rH I ll 1: Ill' C"'IIONA 0£1. MAa !'llll'aarl' %144 IE. C'out Hwy .. 11WIM • PLUWIIMG of liquor and purses from her borne, sa.ld Gladys Sykes, S18 El Modena Ave., Newport Heights ••• The maid came to work at UO? Harbor View Dr., Harbor View Hills, ---- A. R. II ARSAC I'LL.;\lllt:R ],1\ll·anlalll>n Ave. (\.runo~ Jcl \hu and called police to tell them small s tooes trom a flower bed were used to break a louVered bathroom window, and a desk had beea ransacked ... LlDda Alberts, 405 Flagship Rd., West Newport Heights, reported that oa Nov. Z?, tor oo appa:rent reason, a headlight was broken on her car .• ,Two large boles were cut 1n a drainage plasttc plpe, reported Kenneth Holland, 1 ?16 Santiago Dr., Dover Shores; he set repair at $25 ... SHIRL£Y OLSON 1030 H&~-0~ .LVD (;o;)ST.O. M I:SA . (;ALI,.O•NI<O. 8 : J0 A.lllll . TO 5:00 P .M . CLOSIEOSUNOAV 6 MONDAY o HEAL TN USOIT MABERRY 'S Shoe Repaor Purse and LuggaQe Aepa" -Dye Wotk. SloMST/I>W'S ONE OA'f' SERVICE 1890 Hatbot &I ...ct. Cos1a11teu -Ml &-331 1 o CDSTAMESA ~3361 o ORANGE ~lUI • ANAHEIM 8:16-0381 _ ..... - 673-2033 ANNQUNCES: COMPLETE HOME REPAi:R" s•gi!'iilc''F. • Re-screening -Re-glaztng-Carpentry • Electrical -Plumbing -Small Appl. • Lamps • Furniture Reliable Work --Reasonable Prices LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE SDit-AIOitlAL REPOII-;" 01' P\IBLIC AI*UfiS1,U.l'QI; Plumhln, ltcraul OAY ,1', SHiiiT WATl·.R 111-:.ATERS ____ p_l-_41~30~--1 • UI'IIOUTEIIT UI'MOLSTIRIMG (Ry £..,.,~-Creft•etal I-DEI: 2 ••· -1111\. T l't.!IDC•U .. ...., .. :115 1o1o1o H. I . 536 UIS nu4ola.,..., f\JliNI'T\JRE UPtlOLSTI!ItY o QUALITY WOitK o Mill'$ PIIIIKIUSI urt1DL5ftll'l .. ......... ..l. ~~--175-~ LEGAL NOTICE TQ nu: MOJIIORAID..I: ltAYW:llftJ TltOIU"SS!f, PltOBAT! JUDGE OP THE SUPPIOk COinlT OJ' THE STAT'l 0'1' CALIPORifiA , !If AlfO P'OR T'Ht COtrli'TT OP' ORAitGI: JAWES 1. Rtt•, Publl~ Ada1n1atrator of aatd Oount7 , raapectf ull7 aak .. this return of all estates ot d•tedeftta which ha ve co•• l ato hla hands tor the tera co-enc1<~1 .July l, 1968, and eDdln1 o.c-Mr 31, 1MI. caae 11 A-60378 A-60-433 A-10474 A-1041'S A-60S3J A-IOS-38 A-60601 A-60602 A-60603 A-14fflSO A-806Sl A-60697 A-60695 A-60709 A-60014 A-60814 A-60172 A-60897 A-60806 A-60972 A-6091'8 A-59884 A-61131 A-fit Hi2 A-81214 A-61328 A-51251 A-61252 A-6127l A-61311 A-51319 A-51366 A-61367 A-51369 A-61370 A-51395 A-61423 A-61445 A-61470 A-61503 A-6U20 A-61604 A-61634 A•81131S A-51711 A-61712 A•61l'S6 A-61712 A-11113 .Jose Otaa a.raandsa, ate. wuu-T. Corbou.r•. ua wuu-T. Cot.our• !larry 11-r •t11er, ate. Laura a. Bsldea Andr .. C. ~~~. etc. Yletor L. ledd1el Joaaph CJrlll lhuda, ate. Ytctor Gtor...-b.at.. -•aso llldo Y1etorla llarrl..oo, aU Ylctorla Qoaaa1 .. Ytrrlsla 1. Jo- !Uehard P. a..bs.MI, e tc. Leo .._rsha11 .. rtio, ate. Olarlea !teary GardDSr, etc. Howard Rusaa11 ADdsraoll , etc. raua.,.th 'hlbot Lola Ger~a•• Bllllar hrJ S. IIJars, ate . Dsaiel Sullhso, Us [)lintel O'Su111YSO I tt Caraoa 'hylor Ellaa.,.th -· Oo~ll Ja••• Thoa&S West , etc. MarJ 111ell l'llrrlott, all• llarJ Ill•• Wllll•-· e tc. Harold 0. ~l••rd r.ct•srd •tthsa1 Co ffey, a te. Clara Twttord, ate. Olsrlas C1ttfard Str1sr, •tc. Louts .U.ph1et .Jsi-_,.t-yor Mar1arat •· Wbltaller Willi•• T. Shtn••ler t.ar• EdWin Strsltd rrance• •· rraaer (ieort• I. fl\lbba.nl Wl lllaa ltallrJ ~11 GeOrl• P. Pttott, e tc. PTa•ll llol-a Joaepb Cole Joplts Joaapll •uu .. Atport. uward •uu ... Leroy L&.ra•c• Wa111ar. ltoy Oaot Lyle J. Sbapbard, ate . Orr• L. All••· etc . PoYl I. 'f'a ... C.ro1y• L ... ,...lUI Ttl-• U.co Alplls hJ' Tlrry, et.c. WIIIDlS 0 . llcCI'ory, ate. Th-• •· G~, a te. &rrorard P. IJ.rp, etc. ate , ate . ITAn or C.U.IroltlllA ) •• ) ""'" Letters laauM 7-S-68 7-U-68 7-12-68 7-2-61 7-26-61 1-26-61 a-U-68 7-16-61 7-24-A 7-2:4-61 7-24-U 1-30-<10 7-30-61 t-23-68 ........ 1-7-el ,_,_.. lt-fi-68 8-2:8-61 9-27-68 9-27-68 10-4-68 9-12-a 10-11-ee 10-25-68 10-2,_.. 11-1-68 11-1-a 10-21-61 11--8-88 10-22-41 11-lS-81 11-1~ 11-4-A 11-4 --11 11-H-41 ll-22-A 11-7-41 11-H--a 11-15-M 11-U-M 11-12-1,_... 12~-- 11-t'l-41 U -t'l--41 11-n-H 11-U-M ··--··-U-30--M _,a•J .tllcb Approzt .. t a Ad•lnl a t rator Yal~ of ... reest•M btats lr~ each a. tat• • 6,040.00 • -0- 1, 471. $21 1,471. ~2: I, 111.90 1,224.17 IS7. a3 -~7.al 41,111. :u I , 543. Sol I, 7$1,16 6,751.M 3, 71&.32 3. 6412 . J2 .... .... :5.1:5 ~-·!! 11.04 11,04 690.31 "3,31 111.06 761.06 11:5,1'7 21~.17 4,110.00 4 ,151.11 141.00 171.32 SIS. 14 312. 14 2,100.00 -0- 2,417.17 -0- 6H,OO 692.00 1,3113. H 461.~ 12,000.00 -·-10,011 .48 1,863,96 1u.so IU.SO 7, 750.00 _.,_ 4 ,000,00 4,000.00 1,115. 58 1,167,56 5,na.oo S,SSI.04 1,307.05 1,307.05 323.00 211.40 1,1H,90 -·-... ••• 3,8Sl.IO -0- 1,404.H 1,3H .H !,00 -0- 634.02 634 .02 4,690.00 !151.H 1,043.00 1,032.7$ 570.04 S70.04 1,434.10 -0-.... '·"' ...... 7$. 71 101 .10 101.10 17,000,00 44 .:121. 17 l,S41. 71 41. eo 1,104.02 101. S$ ) ·'"· 03 4.10 )01,07 lOS, 07 M1.U ..... JH.JI 14.13 lU,OO ..... JM,JI , .... _,. lloney ., Appro•l .. te runera1 b"pe••··· Depoa1 t : Ya h•• or Debts , Clat .. • b-COunty Property " pe11••• of Ad•1a1a-Treasu rer Hs11tts o f tra tloll .. .. to Oats ., .... 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Ill "-St.-. or otM_I_ wl Ul ~~~ ftD Ill -llltO.f"Mt ... •· I , IT. _,.., a.rft a.. • -- ' • ••m-••• -IICIIOI-_,.I lMURIDAY, JAil. 311, 1111 ' Serving the important South Orange County marketing area, ·union Bank announces the opening of a temporary office adjacent to the Newport Financial Center, where per- manent facilities are soon to be constructed. In this latest expansion of the Regional Banking concent. South Orange County residents, business and industry will now have • more convenient access to all the "Head Office" services and capabilities of a $Ph-billion bank. HOW MAY WE SERVE YOU? Here are some of the services that our qualified staff will . provide-all stamped with the indelible mark of Union Bank's special, fresh approach to all manner of financial concerns: Loans-business, real estate, instalment, and accounts receivable. Trust Services-investment counsel and management; employee benefit plans; estate management. Checking Accounts-free personal checking accounts with balances over $300; Cash Reserve providing your own line of credit to back up your checking account balance . Savings PlanS-regular savings accounts with a no-pass- book feature ; savings bonds for every purpose, all paying 5% interest guaranteed and compounded daily. International Banking-a network of resident advisors and correspondent banks around the world to rep resent your business or travel interests in foreign capitals. Temparary Madquo.rf.ers em Coast Highway at Goldenrod in Corona del Ma r. COME IN AND MEET THE PEOPLE WHO ARE UNION BANK IN OUR NEW SOUTH ORANGE COUNTY OFFICE. Jofl• f. &ru•llllf• Vice Pr•ident loorp l-LllrJK.M- A•i•tant Vk:e ~t AMin&nt V\e:e Prnkknt Commeorcial t..o.ns ln.t.alment Loana Juollerrtll Opentionl Otne:er ........ Ctutomer RelatioM We invite you to come in and find out why Union Bank has earned a reputation as a most unusual bank-providing most unusual kinds of services. You , too, may want to become a Union Bank cus- tomer, and you're most welcome. [ Open House during regular banking hours, J Thursday and Friday, January 30 and 31. UNION BAN.K a most unusual bank SOUTH ORANGE COUNTY OFFICE: COAST HIGHWAY AT GOLOENROO, CORONA OEL MAR ORANGE COUNTY REGIONAL HEAO OFFICE: UNION BANK SGUAFIE, MAIN AT LA VETA, ORANGE NORTH ORANGE COUNTY OFFICE : HARBOR AT OFIANGII!THORF'E, PUu.I!FITON