HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-02-27 - Newport Harbor Ensign• ' . ' OFFICES IH O)IIOHA Dfl. liAR,. CA&.IFORMIA 0; E • stra.:lirht • • DOLPHIN SUCCUM IS A woaoded do~ WU HI· c.d Feb, U from tbo boacb It 11th St. ud Ba)' An. New- pori, by Pollee oftker ViDe' A.tt~ I.Dd takeD to Art's IA.a-diDc. Balboa. wbere it wu pllcecl 1D a Un b&Jt taDk. The do~ biea 1 'DC trom wbatap.. -ed to bo lllart W.sudiD- IoriiLI IDJarlos, died t11a1 after- --. IDd YU tabo out to ... tJr r.na~, aecordlac to Georp Jllewcomb, muager ol Art'a I.andiAC. From t/;&e Bible • • ' ' --· ---~.., · CGIIIIUII . --:.::s IMo .. ·-u..-.... L __ -..... ... __ SlORE HOURS 9 '15 TO 5,:10 DAILY SUNDAYS 11 TO 5 MUTUAL SAVINGS A.NO L..OAN ASSOCIATION PRESEHY5 Art Exhibit IH OILS By ·.- '"' JACQUELINE STILGENBAUER of Corona del Mar "TilE BALLERINA" One of 15 Paintings on Display 2867 EAST COAST HIGHWAY CORONA DEL liAR MARCH 3 Til ROUGH IIARCH 31 O.ring office h.CMrs FOR ALL OF YOUR INSURANCE NEEDS ROBERTSON -SADLEIR Insurance 3333 E. Coast Hwy. . Co"'"" del Mar -Telephone 673-3850 · lMUIISOAY, FE& 11, - CIIIIIIIA OIL liAR, CIIUf. TaM •IIOUMD --• 01111 9T1I ftAil l"'tiC'S e ALL OUT fl' STAT• KTUillts ~MT-MT --e ...,. -ICII ... --...-; LOCAL DELEGATES to the National Asslateena Assembly include, from left, Sharon Badham of Dover Shores; Sue Cbapman of Westc!Uf, the incoming Asststeens chairman; Becky Carver of the Back Bay, outgoing chairman, and Julie Jarvis of Corona del Mar. (E nstgn pboto.) Local girls will host assembly POP TARTS LADY SCOTT PR1H T 2 Pit. HERE'S MUSH IN YOUR EYE Pcop& onoc li'Q.ted s.ties with com meal and honey. Today we woukln't think of usina a concoction such u this ncar our eyes. But then, we're luck y. We have many fast-actina. pleasant antidOtes foe-inf«- liona-thanks to meu.ical science. Ask your physician about these newer, effective ranc:dtes ... let him decide: w!.dl medications an: best for your needs. Tben, brin& his prtsenptions to us for compoundina. .U IL COAI'I' SW'I' .. ~A oa. .,._. o-.a .. - WORLD'S LARGEST I"=L~ DRAPERY LOiCIJ I CLEANERS • REMOVE WATER ST AINS • FLAME PROOF ING EXCLUSIVE GUAIANTliED DRAI'ERY CLEANING .. ; .,., a...r... '•"-' ............ .~ ,_. .... .., . .,. ·~ ,.. pi IIIII If d .. .-... ...... I •• ··--.,...... .......... .. ·~ ... ....... • ....,Sio ••• ,.,...... OUR EXCLUSIVE SEitVIC·I-"' Olllo<._ ..... 6Gft71 Mt-1366 1102 NEWPORT 8l YD. at 17tfl, Coata Mesa TOILET TISSUE 2 Broccoli 2 * 35' MIWI IISIIIU. CUIER STRAIMED IAIY FOOD • • 3/39f ARTICHOKES 2 .. 29t 11\JIY liED GRAPEFRUIT ·--·~; • SICI:IMD PEA lURE • THE LUXURIOUS IIW IAll4tA THEATRE ' • TARS END IN TIE ~~~-~.:.~ ~=~~=-CO-tHAMP-<DM SET FOR PLAYOFFS "".._t __ ,., .... of.,lrd...-.""37 at COM ~et all ''s ""c-.. _.__ ............ -•c.u-uw.or·" ~·· -*-~-·00.·-----.... " lllla•"'tll ........ -..... -.---llriOIIIIlo ...._ 1a a, . ..., u. -llollpoo:lod,-llcllar._ ·-'-.'will_ .. _.., 111. ..,.~....,.,... r hie 11 1o a. ..... ud W ..... D b' 4tll II tot. '1'1111n an Ml 4 ' ' ... ant TT tdn .._. nU II ..... al tt. ctr ._ 2 S.D ... ol Ute .... to tUt ta ... ploQo, fttJ all bare &.I. ,_ of 1M lla1lon -• Ia ~ dtl -IIIP-. blclilldloc 1• r"lor; fl )Ilion, ....,_ IIIU ,..., JJ I 1· /M. -,. ' ~ reoo~dll. double A.-• t. tbUr a-1 II....,......, ud 'N fr11tmM. C.C. 8111 aaoo.•e .,.. ....... 1...,: .... lM ~ noa.s.JorHarbornu'll -of dot -1M 110-1'llo illlowllc WI--ad Ualclil A rocardr (out wiii_II.........,IIIP--.._ ........ 11101 lol? .... IOcba-H'""lllc·-II; 8o GriDb, If; Du _...P.B.)-•-·liP Ia. 1M "-'"" rt 1M ood ofiM a.otq~~rttr loa Boacb 'l'lolnlioJ ll!pt. Tbt Uod•adl, II, aadPalllllolmar, -t:..,. ..,..., Dr.rtd IIndt, III•Wb Canoe,-~ at • ........, II fJ.U ud • to 1$ It 1M llolt. ftt lallwt -a roal battle ol U 10. eo., -· ~. -.., Floldr, lUlU Gt...,., i.orrl' Jor 1M --COo••-.._, ell tile _ ... bJ I ... S -.. tllrat-10 Tba ebamploo Olivo wW Gr~ld, ltaiiWyo Lyuc:b, Rlcllord 11-. CllriiiJ Ploroo, ..,..., rota Ql -U fo1, pcoltU Ia 1M lrd -aad _. tbt Oiler Yiclory streak II opteiM CIF pa,...c&tblaFI'i-Pula RabiDcrlrltl, Ju 'l"rtpbqa, Robert wtWIJD. loft: Conla 4J01 l'ttd lAaC .....S If to dbla $ polata ta o:= «1. dt1illllbt by botUDCCoalt••••l, JiiOJI>rt: llary Brtclot, llolloo J-C,.tbla MeWIIlrt, e..cll llllllba 4t 1o tf, aad tile 11o11 qo&rW, CliO 17, IIIII Coac:b Da'e Wuman's Sal-lUDDifsup 1.D tbt Cout Leapt. WlWam RJU, 8IAII ~ Loac Bl&ell Jordu 5S to 45. CcnM pill 01t a W •tlflll fiiUb lcraltd 15 to13attheeodot tbt Alllbelm, runDer .. ._, 1D tbeSun.. Sq)bomor .. : l&erU.. AUM. LKUida Bottorf, Arthur Brown. st. AlllbOOJ woo. OYtr JoNP 51 lor tM S'l-41 elladiM'. llrot quarter, Ira! led Ollly S6 10 N1 Le&cue, wtU play at Bell-Cia-c ..... or. Jell Cblld, Koo Neluor, Grea Rose, Jou to 41, boll loot 1o MtlllbD 411 to EIIUcla -i11P at tile bot· 33 at tbe half and ss to 48 at nower. Smltb, Jutt Sbnton, KeDDitb Tltley. 35. tom of tM ..,_, wttb t loaaa Bucs seek lie for 6th Ffesbmo: EUsabetb.Bremmer, VUuieCudelro,Jt.mesCote, Tbe S... KlDp e11Dc.McS tbltr ud OD1J 0111 Yletor'J. Tblt wu Pille llo, Valeria Krb, GllllaD S,mo .... , WUUam Vler .... or ,. Uo lot I be IIIIa lui Tllaraday tile 5I to> 44 1rto oror C- Marta Wblto. lllllbt bJ -sJ turolllr-tile .._ Ia 1M -· "~":.' 1D acMlUoa to tbe stUIIeDb wllll straJ&tlt "A" records, tbe E&tanc1a Eaclea 51 to 41. Tbt T~!~~~-~~~~~~~b=~;;;~~~==J Tbe OCc Pirates .... 0 .. 00 tbe ~ baJ1 .. -.a ... ,11 ~ ~ 0-!'""'•t•14S ·~ &l'al _...ed ahead lollo'rinc students ue oa the boDot roll: eo...ebamp wu -u.\ermiald Jtlll a tbeir b1d tor a 500 ratiag LD the 55 to 54 midway J.D the ttnaJ • SENIORS Ka.tllleea Camp Grec Lolta UDtll tbe followln& lll.cbt, wMD lD 5t11 Eastero Conference by 1ostnc quarter. Tbe Plrate cause -.as Pem Adlms PameJa CUaarty Rt bald , ...... -.. MapoU. and LAJIIr&, both 'J-1, to Citrus 90to84T~~e&da.ynlgbt. burt u Pb.U Jordu aDd Tim JaDlce Allen Araold Clark J~ t.ou~e fouctrt tt oat la a tbrWer tbU Now tbe best that tbe Plrates Salyer weal out 00 rows, I.Dd Susaa A.adersoo sta.DJey CrJppea Bruce L-eDded 59 to s.c. wWa Mapolla caa do is a 9-11 D..nlsh lD a 6tb Cltru weal ahead to stay. Cberyl ADdrews camilla Dl.y Laura ~it tbe ...u.s-. Tbe SeatiDela blld ~!:": ::!t~!!!~!·i~:=~ Mike O'FIJ.berty was lligb Robert Aroold David D\mlap Patrlcti W:eCa.rty a atroac SO to 11 1Md at tbt at Mt. SAC this Friday evellin& scorer for the Sues wUb 2'7 Bob Bl.bbe Catber1De EglJ Diana Mellott balt. bW: Loan cam• be.d.:toU. 1a the season rlmle. poll'lls. Jordan added 14. aad Deborah Bell Dl.a.De E11as Catber1De MJcbaels tbe score. tbeo taU tbe ._., HaU-time score Tuesday StickeimaJ.er, YcCa.rtin aad Vicki~ Black HelcU Everson G&ll Mlllage was 44 to 41, with Coast Jacob6en each ~lad 10• Pa.m Blalact Elsie felp Lyn w:tller L!!~i:~T!he~P~Ir!alaf:.:,s~~~ COI.ch Bob Wetul's forces steYen Bridges Leslle Ferm Susaa Multer MOMI Of .OtiMIHt CMAJI \MIS I m us1 uuo• tLYo. \ '\{.IAliOA 1'£11111SUU •I1l-4041~ klst a pair of tough oraes last Patrtcla Brlsley Yare Flemlng Doug Mullen weelteod, taiHog to Cypress KathrtDe Bur~ BeDidict fraass Mike Ytatter 94-84 aod to Cbalfey, 18-6'7, Becky a.ter more Laurie Gage JOIUl Nelson Tile Cbatfey ooDtest wa.s a Amoret Cardeiro Etbi.D Gelbaum Shelley Neroey Ugbt oae WJtH the closing Daniel Carlson Mary Glordans NUICJ Oellsoer LEGAL IIOTICE NOTICE TO CREDITORS SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE Of CALIFORIIIA FOR THE COUNTY OF ORANGE No. A-4!045 ACADEMY moments. The Panthers led at Chris Cooper Cbtls Goccio Nl.na Parker ~:::::::~~~~·~•:•:•:•:•:•:•OH=T~L Y~,,~·~• _J halftime 38-36 on a bucket by Krlstloe Cuntlf Renee Gould A!Jea Partin center FredHtctsattbebuzzer. Susanne De Fraoco Ka.tbryn Hall Douglas Reavle Chaltey came outbombi.Dgintbe Caryl DeGunto John Haramia Jeff Reichert second haU, but the Sues Sue DeMood Joha Harmon Ja..oeen Rogers Estate of JOOEPH STANLEY FULLER a.l8o Down u J, STANLEY FULLER, lloc:oued. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the creditors of the aboYe oamed deeedeot UWallperiOIIS bavt.og claims qa.1Dst tbe saJd decedeDt are required to flle tbem, Witb tbe DICUIUY vouchers, ID tbe oftlce ol tbe clerk oftbeaboYe.UUedcourt, or to present tbem. wUh tbe oecessary vouchers, to tbe ua- clerllped at c/o H......U., Hurwits l.: Remer, .SO !Zodst., Newport Beach. Ca.WorDia 92663, wbicb 1s the place of business of tbe wxleratped Ia all matters pertaJIIIJlc to tiM estate of said decedent, With1D siJ: months after lbe ftrst pub.. UcatJoo of this aotiee. AWARD ELIZABETH TAYLOR MIA FARROW 'SECRET CEREMONY' cbJwed away at their lead aad Marilyn Dische Brla.D Harris Gary Rogers caught them at 5'7-5'7 wttb 8:59 Judi Dunn Genie Hayes BreDt Russell lO play. Margaret Dye JeanDe Hayes Greg Sebwessler The Panthers then ran 5 Terf}' Ellis Charmain Heoderson Debbie Sba.DDon ~~;~~~~~~~~~J points aDd the Sues had to play Ken Ewell Laurie Hudson Eleanor Smltb eatchup, the rest ot the way. KeDI Feierabend Sblrlee Jones Kris Snylters Mike 0 FLaherty led tbe Bucs lAura Ferlf'lSIOn Bartara Katz Leslle Sobol W'itb 18 polnls. Jay Fttes Patty Klrst Onld SolDict Gene Fisher Brad Kluewer Lora.iDe Steen Ctody Gadarta.o Sberry Kollmann Solvelc store Llnda GUJ Razxlolph LaFerr Carl Swyter Sallie Gordon Joe La.rseo Mary Tlcbaua Cyothia Graham Greg Um1 Charlott Tonge Geotrrey Graban Kermeth Ltodahl W.icltey Tyler Jud.itb Gratmam Iris IJndberg Tamara Watt toreoe Graser Julle Uvlnptoo Julie WUllams Leslie Greeawald Helen Luckhardt MarUyu Willson Deborah Guernsey Barbara M.aclnoes Leoore Wolle Patricia Halligan Rick Marcus Nancy WoodYOrth JeDPUer Harris Doug McCorkle steve Hartley Mary McCormick Carl Heller Mary McDowell DooDa Holmes Cynthia McKtnoey Richard Hubbell Greg Meeks THE ART WORK of Jacquellile Richard Hulston Gael Mooney Stilgenbauer of cameo Sbores Kirk Hulstron Punela Murrin wlll be featured during March Patrick Irw'Ln JobD Newton at the Corona del Mar otftce of Marcia Jackson Wary Odoeal Mutual SaYings at 286'7E. Coast Doug James David OUver Hwy. She is a graduate nurse, Jlllle Janis Pamtla Osmus took up oU pWitlng ftrst as a Henry Jobnsoa Lynoe Parkburst bobby, tbMl after 1D0rinc bere Normu Jobrlsoo Janis Pen.wortb 1n 196%. Sfle studied wUb k>eal RaadJ Jollnson Sue Power artists Zoe Smith, Verooolterr, steve Jump ' Doo Ramp Wade Zindt and James Clutter. Karen Keot Roslyn Rawllnp (Peter Z. M. Sl.nger pMto.) Robert Kuetm Burton Ray Robert Lacy Doona Reed Francois LeClerc Ken Scofield th e mesa -~ . . . . • ~ ' • M -• . . - ~~~~·o'C~r AND HARBOR ·~ C•:~STA ~_.,ESA BAY CREST 1AAH !lAMED SALLY R. fULLER Adm1nistra.tor of tbe estate of tbe above named decedent. Dated february 21, 1969 HII!'Witz, Hurwlb: lt. Remer 4SO 3Zotd stree< Newport Beacb. Calttorllla 673.9020 Attoroeys lor Admiaistrator Publlsb: Feb. 2'7, March 6, 13, 20, 1969, tn the M""'>Irt Harbor EDSip. -• NOMINA nONS lest Picture -1968 Best lrector '"'"'' z.Hirelli Bat Cine••tocr•,hy Best Cost111e lesicn Fl.uw» ZurtKEW -RoMEo I'.JWET lrO"tttOI.OI A :=='..-tii•,~-•nu ..... ,_.._ 11_/_,., __ l&><>l••iiiisulr• _ _.. .... _, __ lllldli!ftlll:., IIICIAL SATURDAY MOINING STUOlNT 5HOW AIL SlATS $1.U -10 A.M. Henry Naples, 1 '151 Trade-Laura Ungeoberg Rlckl SeUert winds Ln., Baycrest, has been LesUe Littlejolln Doo Sevier • FRESHMEN Jeffrey Alford Jane Anderson BradloyBUer Douglu Battle JobD 8Qied Scott Cameroa Ooa Countryman Robert Da fls Larry Definer Dale Dickinson Bradley Dietz Janet Oumars LesUe Dumtrs Pamela Ellls Kart.o Feldma.a Karen Fleischman Carol Godshall Dolo Goctwtn Rlcbard Heather Bill Hedge RATES FOR CLASSIFI ED ADS appointed assl.stant manager of sytrta Loplzicb Bonnie Shanks the OranV! braocb otfieeofOc· Ellen Losee laD Sbef cideotal Llfe Insurance Com· Dorothy MacMillan Wendy Sblton pa.ny of California. He was bora Patrice McGuire Michael Simlkin in Ei Paso, atteOOed El Paso Nancy McKenna Robta Steele High, and the Naval Academy Ca.ndi McNary Stevea Tall Paul HeiDey 20 words or leu ............. . 21 words. to XI words ..... . 31 words to ..0 wo rds Eoch word ov•r 40 words .. 1 Titne 1.50 2.00 3.00 .05 2 T i ~nes 2.~ l .OO 4.00 . 10 3 Times 3.00 4.00 5.00 . 15 WILL PAY up to $1,000 lot StelDfty Grand pLa.Do. Write P. 0 , Bo1. 1685, Studio Ctty. CaWornt.a. o loii.ISICAL FOR SAL I St•rro"o ELKE $0MMUt OAIIIY LOCKWOOD JI!E: J COlli J.t.CK PALANCI! l p;ao;.A.;nna;,;po;.;.;lls;;.,. ~~ .... --., Ellen Michaels W.arpret Tbielemeir Jane Miller Tom Tjossem MiDdy Willer Meg Tyler Gary Nettles Wallace Ufer OUTII CORS Scott Horobeat Carol Hornby Li.ncla Jacobus Kate Jayne EdWard Jenkins Mark Jillson Philip Jooe\ Keri KJ'ooe Nllley La.oe James Luse HAIQ(OHD-Y AM AHA ~~~~~~2~0~~0~FF~F~O~R;C~A;SH~W~IT~H~O~R;D~.E~R----~,~n•mo~~EmWAY 1 S.IOrpn/rC, lllul DeW @ bl&; SI.Yt.op: pillS IIHd Lowrey. BaldY1D. Tbomu 41. Hammood from $395. KatbrJD Newsome Tbomu Vanderpool KeviD O'Leary Darcy Webster Op4tn Nightly at 6:45 p.m. Kathy PJLge -stlPHOMORES I.Jnda P&leocbar Sharon Adams "1110111 '· •UN. f"IIIOM 2 Sunday at 1:45 p.m. Patti Pa.lmer M:U'It Aldrich Datid Parks KeYI.n Askew At TN Entranc. Robin Rabe Wicbael Bunett M1ke Reebl Joe Beroey Jaa RlDaJdi Uada Berry Nick Roetner Darcy Black ElleD Rose ErlD Blac kwell To UcM hie MarLo. Bn• .. Richard Roerle 'THI NIGHT OF THI GlllJaD Russell Thomas Bougbey l:knrard Scoti3rd Camtue Craycbee Paola SlllllmaD Elbabelh Dalo David WacKenzie James Match McCarty P!RSOMAU SALE. 3000 book1 at I~ each. Dally Junk Sbop Sale at TeWinkle Vicki Hardware. 1,0M Items. llaleolm Debot'ab MeUott U 8:2(11~. Eatabllllhod steve Metea.U 1919. Newport Blvd.. a& casey ueyer ~~~~s;th;';eoc;Lai;ta;s"~·~ .. ~·m1i<iUs Patrice Mtctelsoo ANONYMOUS JobD Miles Br!att Mllleb 64»-7217. P. o. ·ao, 1.223. Marc Mitchell Coeta MeiL "THE IMPOSSIBLE YEARS• POU.OWING DAY ' AJioe Smith Darld Oawer Rex SQyder Randy OennJs Jue Korrtsoo Jeffrey N~les Bootde Ne 1son David Otto Party wbo took black trom b1oe Cbenolll number OKM-468 returo coltellta ezcept 31S7 E. CoutBI.,_,, delMar. 6'11-0SIO. ~~· ______ .., • .,. SHOW .TAI'ITS DAVID NIVEN LOLA ALBRIGHT PL US CARTOON AMDSHORTS BUFFET MERCHANTS LUNCHEON , ..... ..,_ ..... .,. 1h30 t~~~t•2a30 pill f.cilltt.s for l•nqueh •nd Print. Putiet E"t•rt•inme..r -O.racint • • .... 95C INCl UDES SALAD, EIITREE AltO VEGETABL ES ...,.....,..,...... ... ., ...... ., ...... ....... 1. c:Mkll ........ ., "",..,.,, SUNDAY & WEDNESDAY SPECIAL COWUTIMI-'271 ............ ._ .............. .. 10411 • _. __ __ CJDlhla Speyers ChrlsUn Dietz Sbellastanton CatherlDe Eby Jim Stooer Thomas Edson Nancy Strattoo Steten Engl.uld SbaDDOn SumDll' Mike Fo1. Cary S,m!s Bob Frluelle Katbleeo Temple Katllleeo frye Rlcbard Tbompsoo Barry G&Uony Anpla Tosti Cbarles Grimshaw Jody TYUepr Robtn Grower Weody Willer Naoey Harding Larry WatsoD Kareu KeWg Susu Webb Rlcbard Heston ADD Wbarton Ted Hoose Dean ~te• Rocer Huibes Janet Wrlpt Je..Ue Jacltsoo 8111 Jaenicke • JUNIORS Cbrlsty Kelto EIIJDI Blraa.rd Sue Kemble Tnc)' O.eb Doo Kllliao xatberlDe BMrdwoodSusa.o Kias Catberi.Ge Be111Dpr n .. ICratuJ -Bemoott Jotdy Kro•• Cbrlllln Beiillly Suo LaBorde Lad& Berklly AIIDe ••Montape Bret Beraud OW. ••hld.le Carol B~lad Rteb&nl lAo Mart BrftV OocU! Lima Cllrlllln -llarya IJiiiU Cl1Dtoo Palmer Scott Parker Sbery1 Pattersoo Wllllam Power llollJ RaJ Richard Redmao Marla Ricca s .... RoJoW Cbrlstl Rumlellow NucyRJU RoniMMl Sab'er CarolS<-- Paala Se--Cblt SCbOUermu ~~art sear. lllebul Sorlar J ullaSboldrD Ka11trJ11 Sllllltt Glorta Somera Tury Spnlb Allrld !lbe lAin~&b -'I'UioJ' st. Vttmlld ..... attr. SlulfJWlUiel MlcbaoiW,.. RleloiHT- ~!!!!!!!!l!!!lil!!"'l ~IS 1040181 ~-c...__ clllr. ud llrl.-c. ft. -of 1001 .. _,. llrlft, -YloW IIIIa, 1M -__ ., • •YIDU$ -so 1M " , r olll l ~·~-~-~;;.._.;=;;~;;,;-: ot * u .ur r-&m s ., !1 -""' .,., -.. C41t .... -,_ ... ..,., -,. ~ .-.. of -·-....... La" .. -ol"'l,'llll-• .... -...... --··~~,~·~·,~·s·~ .. ~ ...., .1. c...~ " ... .... -· Bt ...... Jll? .L Cloetl lfwl'., C.: ·--··· ,. ....... -··-· ..... ..,.._ .. ,. r 7 TRAN SPORTATION 100" Financi ng Available Also We-Catry Our Own Contracts NEWPORTER MOTORS 2036-Harbor Btvd. Costa Mesa C.JI I• Y•r WH t AA .... L ai., m.osso IOIIICILI Many crud piams from $485, tnc:ludtoc SlolnnJS. IUm- b&lls, Blutbolr; plus used gpiDit 6 coosolel. frons$!95. SCIDUDT MUSIC CO. 1907 N, Wa.lD St., SaDb. ADa Est. 19U ......................................... -.............. ... HOUSES FOR S4U: IRCNIIIO. Yo•r oC u - l•oe 0111 an cne• of do-*'•• a 11•-llfedalor, -·• rltlno. fl. 50 ,.. •· MoWo ai-Ml7 -........ aN. ,.,.2774. • ..... WILL 00 IICI•suwt -· CDM arar lllolldl1l Ud ...... .... fne.P ... IIlfti &IIE .. IIl ••• IIIJ, ------ -. Am IECT!O!! --.rw 5; OOROIIA DElilA!!. CALif. Newport hac:h -Ballloa - Balloa Island -Costa Mesa - s8.1R1111 CASE,...-, ud lrYJa Ilmbc, eboU dlrtdar IOd ............ --.... -........... bo cl•oo all p.m. tiiU _,,-.~l,ol St.lam10 Ei>'-1 Cborcll ol lltwpo<l -11. Tbt -ud Idol e-. o1 st. lamu wiD bo -od lo •-• bJ Scbuborl, Toeb ud Bolr-. From the Drawing Table of a Reco'gnized Architect DESIGNED BY TOM TKERAKAUF TO TAKE FULL ADVANTAGE OF AN EVER-CHANGING BAY AliD OCEAN VIEW -BOTH BY DAY AND BY NIGHT (THOWAIIIJS OF TWINKLING UG!ri'S). FOR AN APPOINTMENT, PLEASE CALL COLESWOITHY I CO. 642-1111 BUT··· at Rancho La Cuesta II 1" CORBIN- MARTIN REALTORS EXCLUSIVE VIEW HOME LAGUNA BEACH • Formal llvingroom with fireplace, library shelves. * Diningroom with view. * You own the land. * Kitchen, all built-ins; view makes entertalning a pleasure. * FamUy room carpeted -wet bar. * Three large bedrooms, two baths. $89,500 VACANT VIEW LOT, DANA POINT Clear trade for equity in Corona del Mar duplex. rALL lB. We have muy listings of homes ln the Newport-Costa Mesa area I.D all price ranges. CORBIN-MARTIN, lnc. ''Senile• SeyOJul Til• C,.tr•ct" 3036 E. Coast Hwy. 675.1662 Corona del Mar, Calif. LIDO ISLE • 2 BEDROOMS • CONVERTIBLE DEN • 2 BATHS • BUILT-IN KITCHEN PLU> ·-• • • TWO LOVELY POOLS BEAUTIFULLY LAND- SCAPED AND A VIEW OF THE BAY FROM YOUR OWN UVING ROOM -ACRailS PERMANENT E ASEIIENT. IF-...... IF YOU ARE UXICING FOR A QUAUTY OOYE, THEN YOU SijOULD SEE THJS ONE I $74,000 -AND '!'EIUIS CAN BE ARRANGED. p. a. p·almer Incorporated Ttl DMlOPERS (J UDO Slllll 1935 U17 VI• u• Oftolo ).:1'- M.._tt ._.-F-tt.e L.A..,.. c_,l MA 5-IIJ,.I - ~===========:.:·:·::·:·:·:·:·::·:·::··········· CA PET S LE C.B.M.C. SETS DUE FOR .o\HHUAL LADIES HIGHT Tbe Cbrl..stia.D ButDesa Men's Committee of No~=~ I Beach w1ll bold its unUll We've Purchased ·over, 4,000 Yds. of FORTREi. SPECIAL MILL PURCHASE 8VIRR e LU8<;10Ua . 01..0"1 TO CHOOI. ,.,.OM. CA8Y ,-INANC IMI AYA.tLA•La 8ANKAMKR ICA•D A MAlT ... CHA!tGO: aANK P"I .... HCI,_ OUOI INITALL.O:D ,.,.,C. IIOC:l:UD•a CITHCIII.HAIN 6:JUTC CMt U Oz. ... u.ec .. e~ONCIC ~ADD lNG • -MO CHCA~ ~L.A8TIC P"OAM. EN'S ..au.• -..-.-'T'Mutlt •• -••• 166~ PLACENTIA C~TA MESA ...... I-I .. T. -.... Dlgbl _.... ud progam at 1 p.m. Thursday, March 13, at the '""" Coast Cowny Club, ReserntJon& are be1Dc tUea by. lUte Dnlleebe, 962-9942, ud Cbules ClllacboD. 548-9611. ~ker 'Will be Cbarles Wollery, resllliii"Ut oner lD San Frucllco &Dd member of the state board of deata1 uamlDers. STUDIED IH IEMGL.o\HD ze1ma O'Neill buraturoedto bll' GoldeDI"Od AYe. borne ta c.,_ c1e1 Mar ~~~or a,_"' ltodJ ud tr .. el ID Ellllud ud Scrihnc:l. MissO"N.t, attmer lfoll7wood mone .tar, toot COCK8tS 1D act.mk)p lD Eoclud &ad bu a deorH ol Clullaudtlor. • rou ARE·u.vrr ED 1'0 SEE "'THE COUNTR r CLA.ss1c•· Corona deJ lf.tr PR!VJL£ bNuey •lib IIEACH GEs. No other Lar Dome Uq ttl .. lot l'fth l>trt-llke bances lbl ~ .. _ s trwy Cllar catbedr mtn, borne ~tb aJ eel.U.acs • USed l:t-ict tlr Places dtaiDr e. . "'""' Hu ' drew.m l:Uebea,. re 4muy room .Ub •et bar llriiiUace Ud -Jar .......... to table. You OIVN r bUliard THE LANn draperies aDd Pfusb • CUstom fOR APP CUJ>eting. CALL B/B OiNTIIENT 1'0 SEE IJOX Y. f'RAXICJ.IX I RE:AJ. TOR \ 3250 tut Coest Mi&ftw" CoreN del W., California Pllone: 67J.Z222 BB B/B A Moment's Reflection ... satd George Washington. whting to hts .-.on. ··must convince ;,·ou of two things: first that lands are of permanent value; that there 1s scarctlv a pouibility or their falling tn pnce. but almost a moral certainty or their rising exceedingly in value.'' ADd sec- ondl:<:, ~t our paper Cu.rru£y iii fluduet- mg. tli.it it has depreciated considerably, and that no human foresight can. with pre- c•s•on. tell bow low it may J!:et ... ·· Thi~ v;;1s 11 rJtten October 12. 17i8 -and 11 •-~ true r today than it was then . We h•ve many good v•lues-here •r• a few : ~CORONA HIGHLANDS ·-:1 Bdrmll. -Uin- ing Rm . 2 Baths. Hdwd. Firs. Try 140.500. "'CANDLESTICK LANE, LIAYCIIEST -4 !:!.:Inns. 3 baths. Heated Pool. Price 565,000. "'OCEAN BLVD. Blufl side CciM-3 Bdnns · Den . Spectacular View. $110,008. "'nt CAMEO HIGHLAHos DRIVE-Freshly redecoraled. 3 Bdrm. VIEW! ~.lSI. "'IRVINE VILLAGE -3 Bd!m. + Fomily Rm. Single story. Price redueod Sll,a. "'PRIZE-WINNING BLUFFS 3 Hdnn. home. >"29.500 or migbt Lease-Option. "'MARIGDLD DUPLEX-S-.2 Bdrm.<. l.-1 BMh.~. JtlCOme S."'95 Mo. Price: $U .SOO. Bay & Beack lealty, Inc. 2407 E. Coat Hil)llway Corona del Mar 675-1000 YEARLY RENTAL CORONA DEL MAR 2 BEDROOM UNFURNlSIIED HOME k $275AilONTH . 0 • EX'l'RA LARGE YARD ~ * DOUBLE GARAGE 'tOI • N.EW CARPETS 673-3012 • FIRE PLACE *DRAPES • Owner Pay• water and Gardener Hit WIST "ACIPIC COAST MleMWAY MIW ,ORT IIACM , CALIPOUtiA s.,.,uu.t~u Y••• • •·~-~~~~ C.'t .. u ir?. · .......... 111 for Put Ad• A IMolto Coli 'DIE ll01'UI (X) •• -- OUTSTANDING VIEW HARBOR VIEW. HILLS . 4 BEDROOM F AM1L Y OOWE -DINING ROOM 1 3/4 BATHS PLUS POWDER ROOM -18d8 HEAT.- ED POOL-SPRINKLERS-PATIOO--• . . . . . PRICED AT ONLY $69,500 -AND WORTH IT! NEWPORT BEACH IWTY :l627 NEWPORT 6'K1642 NEWPORT BOULEVARD lor BEACH Income Property Fully lllrnisbed 1-bedroom apartmem to be_, you pay }'OW' rent aJXI. tues ••• PLI.S ••• a Z-bedroom bome to U.ve LD.. ~ of Rlway, Corooa del Mar. 332....._;, • eo-dol llor -673-8SSO g... 'fi-ll r< .. !t., SEMPLE BBAL II:ST.&TB CORONA HIGHLANDS - !IEAT ..AS-A-PIN, CUTEST IIO"E IN TRE IUGHLANOOI Z BEDROOIIS •.. (THE loiASTER BEDROO" ~ IIIIGEI~ 1..0A1E OF CLOSETS AND BUILT -INS; KITCHEN ~ A DREAM ..• BlG REAR YARI1. NICELY LANOOCAPEO, PROVlllES PLEJITY OF ROO" FoR POOL OR ED> AIIIIOII. LOW, LOW, LOW .•.. ·$34,9 50 -~REAL UTt.TE 2SU I . C..•• Hwy .• C.,..• HI Mer QS.2101 w .. -McC.rdla RMitora Rclialc Scfllicc Silo<c 190 Purim observance Mar. 2 Church News .... -·-·-.,.. ....... , . .,, .. ..... t1 a ... ,. we '10 .. ---·· .. -....... -.. ... ..... ,-~ ......... .... Yltiw .,.._, I Mil ll '""·· _. •• ... ..n ·-,_- ........... blflmsdf' .. ,.. ---........... =-.......... ... 11$ I ;• .. . .... .. ' ' I~IIT HAIIIKll EIISICJI IIIIST S£CT1011 --'• 5 lltUIISDAY, FEB. 11, .. CllllliiA DB. liM, CMJF. TIRE SPECIAL OUR M!ll PIIR! GLASS IlL TID ., .. 40,000 .... ,. ....... llltiTPALL •.••••••••••• TUI!L!SS . GO I FRII NEWPORT BEACH JOe PO-.I&YMIAHCMIU !<OW AT 1110 NI!WPOitT 1L VD. PH. 646.J)Jilt.:oeta ~ ... ~"tbdo ... jwt" eoll or come fM. MUTUAL SAVINGS 2867 Eut Cout H1ghway • Corona o.t Mar, C.lif. 92625 Telephone 675·SOIO -Gfftcl• ll~ ( tolOUDO ll'ID • SALE nNNIS DIISSES -25"" ................ s-IASKIETIAU SHOES:;-n ....... SKI-I.IaCI$01 ... "•':.. -IASIE'IJAU --, ... ................. Mm IL.ASIAUS -.... ,. ... =I" Mibau•• ... , .. .,.. 5" RAWLINGS IASUAU Mm~ & GLOVES 4". LimE LEAGUE lA TS SOFTIALL-IASUAU IASEIALLS .................. 95c. r• ._,... Slloes 9" • U" • 16" TRACK SHOES 10" 1l". 17" ::i. IASKmAU SHOIS r CONYEISE TENNIS SHOES -·············· 7" -··········· ,. DUI!ILOP ~T NAME D I ......._._ •• rvrT. IINMfo ouumu • n -rz••s SHOin 4". . . -ra•IS StilTS l"·f'· ... ..., lo.tCMu-. --I ......... .._~ al .J.J. J. l]a,...ll; SALE ENDS FEBRUARY 28 ALL HERITAGE UPHOL ST!RED PIECES ••• YOUR CHOICE Of FABRIC Tax group sets panel On Sale at 20% OFF! ancho . , loiAHY HERITAGE GRAHD TOUR PIECES ALSO OH SA.LE-D'"'"" RoOtii-Boclroo•-Occnlon•l • H.J.GARRETf fURNflURE est the sea. And a very Grand Opening it is with this law~% rate still available for a limited time! miss this opportunity. Fine homes. Beach location. Great tenns. Sa'iour the cathedral beam ceJlings, giant patio kitc:hellS and separate family rooms. Scheme on the :kar garages. Room for a boat or ? These one and two-story homes reflect over 60 years of building experience by Frank H. Ayres and Son. will find all of the bu ilding techniques and pride-in- ~=a=~: which made the earlier Rancho La CUesta h< so successful ••• plus new plans and choice new locations! • Choose fran 3 or 4-bedroom; 2 and 3-bath that you will be proud to atne horne to ••. and that can still afton!. to $32,795 6Y.% Conventional Terms. FHA-VA fillllltinc also at li.ll. RBDGhO ....., .... _ ...... Rancho ll Cuesta In HuiOCbl Bnch, very,_. the acmn In QaceCaunly's flltl:4 •=•11dly. W..Oiflcl ~ (714) -2!129 -------~~~;::::-: CCW.fttUil! fl8ll!l L~."fl lll .. -sa tM ..... , ....... rtst " ....... .._ .._ di..s., "'l _...•....._s_...__ .... ,_ ............. • ....... , 8vt. ..... _.. .... --... ., ... .._ -.U_a.tot_ .. _.,_ ..... __ _ ..... ¢11 ... -~ '" ,..., ...... --....... - -_. "'• -o.t tl 111:r1Jt .... _I - ---· _. -· ~ -.. ---olb's .... .., .. > , ..... .... 111' ..... 0)4 .... _....,lUI .... ;-·"- .... "'1111 • n .. _. ...., ,.. ...,. fDt F he ... ar.tat died tDr 1111 -. ... ._ -.• ~ -P$ .,., ............... •Joroan..Yeuooulll»- lt II trw tSilat --.... m 1 IT• ........ ...._ t. •wd IIJ' a-ot ,_,.., .... Ia .. !ft ... -.. -.... ant .. -ol..... .. ... .. -..... --ta.tbtr of U. 1Ar4 ,__ .... W ... of Ute w s• He • tat Gab' a ,_ ,.. • ....,_, -tM ..... ., Je.= •• 0.. ... all Ute ell"-., eu1llt :~ ~,;;. .. •.:.:.; aDd Cltplmaua .._ .. Mil ... ..., .._. CUlt • _.. • .ed. -. Jh w.........u u. .,._ r ..._. lilw ... lltla. wtlo ........... Jt .. wot tlle ... 01 ....... but tWftft Jleaftft Uld HeU.. Oal:r .. to bt lleacttan tn tQacl11 c:r, ... U. ... ot tba W a HUIMD viM b1rtb could Jlllwidt .... 0 UJW in.to Ilia r.. U. ..... 1Mt fadlwt II c1 ... .C. •ter into loD.tttp, and mJ¥ .... • s t 1p He wu beaottaa ol tOI"'deadaa. It tt .. aiL llart7 P ' I bu writ~ coukl IICblnw dtvta. ... '- • tNt thllt onea --....._ o1 ..,., w r a I -~ ~a-with .......... ,... ~ u tht tatbn' ot tht J.ord .... ~ • .. • I .. ... Dr. L Ill Jlaklaman: JftUI. Thil ... Ia u. ............. -....... -....... .., .... ...._. ..... -when 1M found Him after Ht t.d a ,.,._. • .. -. 111 ~ ....._ -&.;.;;;.; bHtl *t fer tttrw dQ'L S11a .ad. Ml ........... •,... a. wa _.. wta ~~ :'.: = ''"nty tat.bn' and J have IOU&ht ,_. , OS I \_.Ill. • a ... ......_. •••l'enle .. _. Thee.'· Did & nbub w 'WhtB ,_ • ..-. ......... --., .... ...,. a. • w a s _. .... He saki, "Wkt ye aot that I ....... Mt ... -_. .,,...,.._ Ill a. _.., ,..... must be about my Fatbft"• bt,W.. ....... • _.. ,.,..... , , , .. tMe .,... • • .a • .... ., ... neu!.. ._. II • *' t _.. .._. VIrile Mu7, cw !'c a ..., ... Joaepb'a attitude • U. mattft ..-. • P t 1 ~ •••• •n et ._. ..._.. _...- abo makH p&a1h tba hid. that he -. ........... ., ........ ., 0.. ....... --...,. was not the father ol the Lord -.• 'ftM -....... , peel m d t, ••tt .......... ..... JHUL Joaeph ill ~ to Mary ... g'. M.-.. ,. -..... wHia .... _......_ ._, ... ... Be/ore marri ... abe wu fouad to b' ~. 2'e ...._ • tiiM ._. .aa.. .. ooe - - - -................. , •. .,. ... bf> With d'lUd. Jc.ph WU ,.._ .............. _.._ ..... ,_II aMJr.nwr ......... ... vinced of Ma.ry'1 Da.pur11;7 and lm-t•=~•*'-... ~ .r ~ morality jUit u lft7 other man :::-;:?,:,.~ bMnl lawa _. ....,. • ....,....,. ..... w_ would be wadn' tblt ~ The dlt8cul-of • man belnc 'llle-wM .._,. .._ ...... ...,., today. Joaeph wu a jult man; Y wM .... tM& ...,. _,.a._.. that b:, a man .mo cle*ed to bom without a buman father b eMII7 ._ ~,... ..._-:tic obey God's law . He wanted to do met 1n tbe tne.maUon. Jesus U.. ...... .t U.. .. mta•;;.._ right Jn the apt ol God. Ouilt hu the unique dlatJnc:Uoa ...,. ~ fa*-a .... d ., ,_ ,._ 'l'here were just thrft tbinp of betnc born into the human nw:e Ute ..,._. 0041 .. .._ ad: ., - that Joaeph coWd do. Tbt lint ~ tbe ..tot a woman. Scmeone =haw• .... .._,..-..,...,.. two he ~. H~ pw no ..W that It woWd be Yet')' ... • ._,. priee fer ..,.. ~ thou~~:ht to the thJnl. Wbat Ja.rpb remarlrab&e lf tbe birth of Jesu. ..._.._. .. w: r r a • tile _. took into «11-.ldotration wu bad ..,.. been. unique. "'n a ptr-~ ... aut OS ,., .. v,_ 10ft 10 .upematUNl tht Yir'Sin Ute .......,......att.. Ill whet_.her he lhouJd make ...-T a bUtb .... aatural." "nneft Ia no ._.., ,...... - - -publiC exampk ; that ._ declare quntloe but> tbat our Lonl'a lin~ .,.. -, her JUilt; or ctve her a private leu ltfe tat1ftes to Hil 11n1eu ea...,., u _........., .... , ~ bill of divoret. Both of thHe bb'th. 17 ....._, _, n re.; ......_ • thtnca w~r~ provided fer In the Dr. ~ IIIQ'II: law. 'The tint meant that he .., .. ..,...,,_,.....a.n~, No a"'O!'f cotUd B t. ~ JMJw ~~~ e~:e~ = = ....... tn t U 1._,. a. B~=· o/ t.W ~ CAo' u , slta~ her ~ .toned to dtatb .......... _,. ..... ...al f-T.W loved OM, 011 tM erilll /or-_ ........... .._ ....... ., ~· (Deut. 22 :21, John 8:5). 'nwn: If-............ ~ • .-. · wu another provWon, howewr, ... ....-,_ _. _, Wa. OM of tlw QOII..~ ,._I whert'b)' a .man mfP.t put away a • I p 1111. -... J1M7 ... a ...... W ill woman pnvily : that b. d!voree lilt. ......-.. ., ._.. Ill' ....._ . )OW CMrrewder to tMI ..,.. her ~Uy by puttJnc a bW ol 2 .a-rt divo~t Into twr haDdl u we -;-~ Ill 1 ..-, -s:-,.._ To Hill «:epter b.W,. bo\ot have it In Deuteronomy 2t:l. Ja:. •In t .... .:::,. ~ .,.,:' ... Yow, too, IIWJU COWN CO""'*" Bta 5eph thouiht of thne th1Dp, aDd 1 -/aoor; finally made up his mind that be :-;-: ~ ~·::.:... _...:: B e will aaw )'Ot6, ~ JIOtl *""'· would put her away prlvatdY. _, .. p 11 _. _. JeNittrl l&OifiW-.EIIQII 1(011?10 IEC1ICIP - -... 2 7 7 Question Box 7 7 ,_ .~~ ... HCN'f. •• ,.,,~L.. ........ P'--upl.ain tlae tJi.lion o/ 1M 4'1 borw• u. ,_ .. 37. ewJ ilMI IAU UulU.U lAM ~~- 1•• •lao Aow tlWd ~ilt M.w • 1w:o&tl cAollct of Ckn w lif•? M ... £.B.C., Co8Htlill•, Mw. "''he: dry hone. t)'mbol.iae the whole Route of Jarael who will be livin1' prior to the rdum of lhe Ma.iah, the Lord Jetut Christ, to reip for 1,000 yea,._ 1M pant are the c:ountriet In which theM Jewa are !ivins:. The nation of fared hu already ~ brought back to life when in 1948 it waa recopized again •• a nation In the wor&d. Tbe Jewa to aorne extent have and are being broufht back to farael from the various nations o the earth. During the time of the Great Tribulation, u shown in Rev . 7 and 14, there will be large numbers of Jewa who wi ll be faithfull y wilneuin15 for the Lord, having been 6.1led by the Holy Sfirit of Cod. There ia nothing in this portion o God's Word or in any other p~~rt of the Bible that would indicate that there is a .econd chance for salution for Jewa and Gentiles. h ia there· fore imperative to make 1ure that we are Mved before our life cea5et on e.rth or before the Lord Jesus returns for His own. How, w~n, and where will tlu born a~ain ChrUtUJiu go followin~ the return of t~ Lord h1w ChrUt for Hi3 Clwrch? Mn L.ri'.T., Mtu~lta.IIIJII, Kon. At the return of the Lord Jesus Christ I 1 Thes1. 4 :13·18 ; I Cor. 15:51·531, all those who are truly born again will be changed and have cele~tial bodie. 1imilar to the Lord Him· self II John 3:21. The Lord will conduct us to the Father's house in Heaven u -'•ted in John 14 :1·3!. We do not know when He will come for those wh o are Hi1. Inasmuch u He could return at any time, it is necessary for us to be ready and waiting for Him tMatt. 24:44 1. Pka,e up/4in Ezeltiel 18:17·20. Mr~. l . 5., Lo• A-«.1<>, Coli/. Thil puNge contains one of God's law•. If a aon thould rerent and discontinue foUow- ing iD bia father • ainful waya, and do that which ia lawful a.nd right, then God will not Yiait the ain1 of the father upon lbe lOft. The Mille law ia found in UodUI 20, Venes 5 and 6, wherein it ia alated that God VU.ita •'the iniquity of the fathen upon the children unto the third and fo urth generation of them that bate Me." It ia comforting to know that God ia merciful to the children of 1inful parents. when the children repent and foUow the Lord. The onJy other thinl that J~ Mr .._. ._ ... seph could cit) wu to take Mary -...... ...,. jlnbt a *-- to wlle and !10 ~tirnize the birth llallf a. ....._. wt 1-. J.9 or the Olild In the eyn of the ...._ -.. fllee a. .a.. stuc A LOOK AT THE BOOK Jewish law. This wu the thiq .... ,_ wx .... 111 ... J1a1r that was brouaht to pea b7 the ....., • 11 .... .n wt ...._ intervention ol God. Remmlller ...._. that JORph wu not eonllderinl; Jaus DDtlt Implied the vtr&in this lui pouibiUty. He had 1Mde bbth 'W'baa & da1med God u up his mind to put Mary away Ria Fatt.w in a aeonae not true of privily. Do you think that God aQ1 otber man (Jotm 5:17, 18). wouid permit thill! •t-ni.Wlr' PaW refers to the Lord. Jesua u not! And 10 there eune an anp:l batnc .._., o1 • W'CIIMD" blatead of the Lont. who pw -~ .. ..._ta. fill ..a ~ II 110 to JQRPh wtUdl he, beirw • -....._ wadaie the attJtudt of faith, wu to follow. Joeepb ot U. N....,. 'I'Ntamnlt wrtten to wa1 to a.uume patem.lly of the tbe YlrPa lllrdL Word of God AfPRIHTEO I"ROM ..,THE REVELATOR.'" .OX 60S. LAGUNA IEAOt, CALI F. It is sound and safe to bdieYe the Bible, to accept It, read it, obey il.i commandments, believe 11.8 promises, practice its precepts -au of thia without any sort of hesitation or modlticaUon . The Bible is the Word of Ood. It is quite wonderful and of thrillin g interest that the Creator of this vast universe should have spoken to ua in tb1s wonderful book called the Bible. No man 1n tbe emercencies of We, or on his dt>ath-bed ha& ever expressed regret that he read. believed, and tried to practice the precepts of the Bible. To read the Bible profitably, Neb member of the family should have a Bible of their own; get acquainted with it, get a good understanding of tt.s arrangement, its history, prophecy, poetry, gospels, and epistles. The Bible is the most marvelous book in all the world. All other books are not comparable to lt. Have your own Bible, well marked. with which you are familiar 80 you can readi1y turn to Its sacred pages for whatever phase or truth you may desire, and read for your instruction and com fort. ly Dr. IICIIb Jon .. THE MINORITY WITH GOD Many phrasel't gl1bly quo1ed as popular laY· ings are far from true. Such a· phrase it : "'I'm maJOflty 1~ al ~ays nght." As a matter of fact. 11 IS to be 4uest1oned whether the majority is not more o ll en wrong 1han right. There cer- tamly can he no doubt that the majority is ohen wrong In the Jay' 0f CoperniCUS. rhe majori1y he· l1eved that the earth was the center uf the uni- verse. In 1he l•me of Columbus, the majont) believed I hat the world was flat . Truth •s often nurtured and protected by the minonry a~am~l 1he altacks and assaults of the maJOfl l\ MaJOrtlle~ havt sent manvn 10 !he slake MaJor•lle' have c ru~hed Iibert). and eulted fal'c poliiiCo~l lhconel't. The great men and v.omen llf thc "'orld-lh05e who have been p1oneer~ nf rrogrc" and enlightenment-have belonged ll' n11n,,n11es. All too often the minor. ity ha~ c:.lkJ .u rentmn to a !ruth by suffer· mg for 11 :11 1he h.tnd~ of the majority. Jesu~ <. hn'' ~d!J. "W1dt ~~ the gate. and broad •~ the "'-'Y· thar leadeth lo destruc110n . and man~ th ere he wh1ch go m there at : be- cauo;e ~tra11 1' tht' gate. and narrow is the way , wh1ch le .• derh unto life. and few there be that ............................. find if' !Matthew 7 :13 , 14). How true His Word ~~ has been proved by the coochlCI of men down the centurie~. It is being proved today. The majority are greedy for gain, 5«k· mg 1he1r O"-n pltasure. choo!ing their own way. The enjoyment of each pasaing moment anJ the accumulation of possenions are their ch1ef purpoor.c:s in life. How (ew in compari100 choo't<' the W:t) of Christ Who said. Mlf any man wul cume atler me, let him deny himxlf. and t:1ke up h1s cross. and fol low me .. (Mal- the" I I) ~-ll . How few choose the tbinp wh1 ch belong to e1erm1y and no« to time! No. lh<' marority is not always right . The n:aJCn ly u'ually follow! unthinkingly 1he line of least r~>o;IS!ance and greate~t immediate per- ..o:lal gra11fica11on The majority is not con- cerncJ With truth. The majority seeks what il pop lar Chri\t's mmority walks an unpopular "'a) f hcy go hke lambs among wolves. They .11e not concerned w11h being up-to-date and popular They are. a.!l far as Chis world is co-:cerncd. a mmonty; but it is better to be in the nHr.onty w11h God than in the majority w1thour H1m -American Way Features St Thomas Bible Lesson JOSIAH'S •ENEWA1 OF tHE COVENANT LIUON 23, <Sill II It It lt?N'I 23 H eN .. conelder ... c:oa.oUdadoa of Joelah'l re(onn, announced by the publk read.lnf" ot the book of tbe law found wbm the Temple wu bdn.& re- pal...S. Tho rdorm hiod a miaht;y lon:o beftlnd 11. It h ad the dedl<atlon ol the people ollbe lond and lhe \eadonhipoflho a...t proph~ .. peclolly Jtrtilllah. J01lah headed up oaly one arm of the movement-the UH or force to over- throw the temple~ of Baal wonhlp and the atkndant boUHS of proetltuUOn, aodomy and cannlbaU1m which •o alon1 wUh ll It •hould be noted that In proeecuttna thll policy the klftl wu In fad earrylng out hll duty to enforce the law of God wbkh made it a crime to prac:tkoe idol all)' and outlawed ita attend· ant vlcee. H e wu not utlnl blt klnaly otnce to ln1tltute rellgioua reforms, but to punlth crim e. Crime. lhm u now, 11 a violation of God'• law u set forth In the Ten Commandment.. After publldy announcing hll pol~ lo •upport the reformation, Josiah hdd a p ublic UHmbily for the purpo.e of rmewtng the covenant u written In the book o f the law o f Mosel. Theotremo ny wu 1lmUar to that at Mount Sinal Itself when the people atood to the propcnal (rom God and cried wtth one voice. • All that the Lord hath apoken we wW do." In effect tt aigntned the retloraUon of the original con •Htution o f larael. The atep1 followed are important. Firat, "he read in their eara all the word• of the book of the covenant which wu found in the houae of the Lord." It wu read to" all the men of Judah and all the lnhabltanta of Jeru•alem, ... and the priesla and the prophet., and all the people. both amall and great." This II the nnt step ln Godly government: legialaUon, or aetting forth the laws and ordi- nances. This might be called God' a propo•al to which the people mUAt give their con~ent ln order to establlah the covenant. Notice that the machinery by which the Jaw• a re enacted is not tantamo unt to the "consent of the governed." Their conaent comes after the laWII are plainly .et forth. The propoaal say•. "These a re the rules by whk:h we propo.e to live together." Conaenl to God's govemm mt aays we accept lheK rule~. It never lnvolvet a blind aubmlulon lo authority Itself u is required by h uman usurpen auch as the Alayrian world rulers. Such people ina !.at upon obedience to their penon o r their offke and to their decree. regardlesa o f what they m ay be. God uks consent to the particu- lar conditions He sets forth. God'a m lnl1tera (including •tateoftlciala) are re- quired to act in the lame r'r)anner. After the book was read, and the apedftc legislation spelled out, "The king stood by a pillar, and made a covenant befo re the Lord, to walk alter the Lord and to keep hl.a commandment. and hl.a teltlmonies and hb statutes. w His cov- enant moreover was not to the l~r of the law but to the apir1t of it. He agreed they would keep the laws "wtth all their heart and all their soul, to perform the wo rds of the covenant that were written in this book." "And ail the people stood to the covenant ~ All the people, both great and small. Every individual is responsible fo r his o wn hearty con1ent. In Christ every penon must respond to the New Covenant by standing to It in the rite of Bap- tism. He is first instructed in what the Lord Jesus Chris t has commanded-that is, all that is In the book of the law read to the people by Josiah, plus the Prophets and the real of the Old Testament, and the Gospels and other writing of the New Testament. Then he. either for himself or through his godparanta who represent him, must solemnly promiae and vow to Hkeep God' I holy will and commandment&, and walk in the same all the days of (his) life.~ After that aclion is compl eted, enfon:ement begins. This ia the work of the king, or the .. admin istrative .. b ranch of government. There is no just punish- ment for crimea until the crbnes are dearly named and It is agreed that the law is In efJ«t. That Ia why ll 11 auch a universal prindple of Christian law that no one can be punished for a crime that wasn't against the law until after the act was committed. Once the lawt are announced and consent given. however, ignorance of the deta.Ua Ia no excuse. The governed are responsible to inrorm themselves u to what the law la. The governors, also. are bound by what ia made publk: and not b y private inlerpn!1ationa or hidden decrees o r decrees m ade to cover an exiating cond ition. · ()rnce the covenant waa made. Josiah administered justice udftly and thoroughly. The particular cults and temples and groves against which he moved give us a good picture of the moral degener ation of the timea. It would certain.Jy appear even worse than that of our own times. although only in degree. Cannlb a!iam is not yet being practiced in our time among the dirty· minded fanatics and other orgiastic cultists prolected by the United States Sup reme Cou rt, but the course has merely to be run. So much for Joaiah'sstrong domesticpoUcy. The foreign scene was equally d ramatic. Ten years after the recovery of th e book of the law, Ntneveh was overthrown by a coalition of the Babylonian&. Medel and Scyth\ans. The Auyrian anniea retired west towa rd the Medllerr anean and called on Egypt (or aulltance. Pharaoh N«:hoh aped north with powerful relief foi"'eS to aupp ort hia recent conquerora and Josiah moved to intercept him and p revent hla pauage in the valley o f Mqiddo, the pau over the mowllains of Cannel. Thw J udah was allied at tht. point with the Babylonlana, the Medes and the Scythian• against Adyrla and Egypt. J01iah waa kllled o n the b a ttlrfield In a cha riot action. but hia troops carried hia body back to Jerusalem. This national disaster cJUt a terrible •hadow over the dellrlou. joy with whk:h the people had greeted the nem of the ran of Nineveh. It altO brought to an end the brief revival of loyalty to the original con~tituUon. the Mo•aic Covenant. and the ahort interlude of law and order. which was to colla.,.e in a few yean u the Babylonians rose to world power and Judah sank back tnto the old ways of accommodation and co- exlatenoe. Pharaoh Nechoh took pun itive actton againat Judah by dethroning Josiah's •on and putting in office h is own candidate. Jehoiakim. SL Thoma~ PJw. -P. 0 . So% 35096 -Hocaton. Taa~ 71035 The Bible, though written long ago, can never grow old. Prophecy makes it a book, not only abreast or the times, but rar beyond the times. ltiatory is, in an impor· tant sense, a fullillment of prophecy. Of course, we re· fer here to great historical epochs, the most important things Ulat have occurred among men. The tulflllment of prop hecy is a tremendous proof of the Inspiration of tbe Bible; the propbela u nder lbe Inspiration of the Boly G host, looked deep Into oomlng lime and wrote with such remarkable accuracy of thtnp that would transpire, and parahles and pearls W HA TUREO OVER THE BIOlA HOURJ Difficulties • 1n the ible . . that have come to paaa, that tbere 11 DO poulble way to account for their foreknowledge of -.. enta without agreeing th a t they were m.ptn:d by lbe Holy Ghoot. Great war Ia being waged upon the lnsplraUon of the Bible at the preaent lime, but that Ia In perfect accord with implred predlcllons contained In the Holy Book. The prophet& f01 eaaw that wicked men would 1trlve to destroy In the mlr!do of their fellowbelnp beHef In, and reverence ·tor, and obed.1enee to, the commands and pre- cept. of lbe Bible. Tbooe wbo baoe made oome oort of study of propll«J, and lbe remarbble tuUlllment of pro.. pheeJ, are OOI11Irmed and eataNlabe4 In their falUl In the lnoplnlllon of the Bible. Jt wouJcl be a JI!MDC of ,._, U 'ftll M a cre-t oplrlt- uaJ toDic aDd lnleiJecWal qulrVntnc. If 0<11' lleftlal« tamlly wouJcl Pft eanftl1 a'*--In pcopbe<.oy, and be at ..ne paJru, It I'«" e rrny, to JeuD bow aceara&eiJ mucb pl'OiliJeey baa bom flllflllod ..... bapo, !bore li no lft&la' proof ol the .......... ol lbla --the -that -pvpbeta _.. ........ -----..... to wldcb, ""' buudl-aDd --of ,...,. atterwanl, haft eame In .,.... bloinlllll 'wIll rmry-wttb wbat t&e boly pupbda haft .. ..,.._ I.e$ .. -a ,... llidiiiMI In a. -. _. .. _.,..,... aedpWie wttb &1\...,e. puhi' 1 Mil Ia 0, .._. mry, ·1I.JW'D Ood to ..... -...... , .......... ,.,. .. -.... a •Jut m, ' ' 7 I ... & 1 .._p1ti!Uoo ., .. .-.... ., ....... Re~ri"te .. f,_ &IOl.A &ROADCASTER ......... rlltSOHA.L PlA.Yil GUIDI Hn• '"II' pror11r life llot u power/eN lloc. l'fll<lll' of IIOIIU! iloutltiiC# ftttf l-la11 '"II' pro¥tr lift blln Aittdered llov llottf, lfttg>41ori.t¥, iJl1111#~t ,-r~ arotiott, w lll~tli•f. ar Jlfll'lcct of Bibk •twd¥1 Hru '"II' prGII'I!r lift lloen; frv.illcttT Ho'ff I lwld '"d po1ur willa God tA.t I llovt lla.d Pl'"'" with p~ropl•' Hal!t I ll.ad dfl/i,tltl' llftPWI!'fp to J'"l)'flr' IC!f!fl .., IC!flfllr t Ha• '"II' prar#!r life Inn rutrieted f'lt.-rrlr ttl 1Aorl, Ptltfft --of pnartr or "-" I ~ to n... wllot tf 11011~1111• to .. ,....., ..;tlwn!t te•l'i•l1"1 H11• '"~' J1"'11l'"' lt/o kc~t l*iUct to prlll¥"" far M)'Hif1 A .. I _, t.tn. u ttd h• '""'~"'tt' p4titW.. to •r f•-llv o•.!l el-friPWLa, ..-.u" 1 w.. '-"" ...,.w "''' ... u.n _,;,., tM .... , qitii-L .... .,......; 1M,,..., Hu *l' ,.. • .,. UJ• 6«a ........., ,.. kN I 4n.Uct n.-N to\. ,_. •I GJ• wm1 O.l.hflP H£. ~ •1111 ~-·' Hat "'' ,.,..~ lif• kn ~r 0. I ,.., to ,...,, ., w ,...~ ......, •I • ,,.,. tktt • .,.,.,,,, Hu •• ""'" life .... ~ .., ic it ,nr.i..,T B u U ...., - -.. ''"'' ... tn... "'""'"· .. ..,.,. ..... ,.,.,, R.M ... .,.., ,._ sa,. u.eAn u •• ;,. tll#k.tt ..... ,.,., ••• ..._ '""'" _,_,, t• ~· •M _, t•L .. • • ................ _ .. s.. .... .............................. .............. • • • By THE LA Tl R. A. TORREY •• .,,,...i,.,,.,., .... · · .,.....,.._.a, a aArnn •at-e ~-1. ...... t4 • (Cuwnl ...... .._ .......... , 0 ............. •105 ................ ........ .. ... -......... _.. ..... o.r.~aawa.,... ~ ..... a.aa .. -w _ ...... ,... ... ...................... 2 ..... _. ....... -... .. ........... 4 .......... .... .. __. I...,.,_ ...... 2 =, ,,,..•k8MI'B ... .. ,.. .. _ .......................... ....... ... .... ............ ., .. ~_. ..... .. ... .. ....... I ....... ClldaiL. h .... ... 'IDWtW&~ai 'T II ._...__......_ ......... 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Otnll • Ct•IOt.Ma • ....._~ ..... a n...a.e From the •U.TI.IIDAY, rEB. 1 lo 1-at .. CIMIIfl.. .U.., --,., J.l -,._,at, oiiCJIIIe.,..l--.-··, .. flloiiiJIIOOtor•ot~­ llcF-PL, Apt. I, c.n1 Conldllon,-Olla.-11-••r' 11J a cot 111:10 11-'o wu -oa aoa ._trai ..... CW ... -a.a., -...-t ·-d, ellarp _aoa .. -a ~ Ill, II, of-... Oeaorraot, It'll ••-ll' Dr, Boy- lliUIIIOA!L fO. 21, - OOIIJIA uu.IIM, CM.!f. ·-••• JUc:at<~ ""'"'"ld c-.. ..,.t, ,.. on •• ... "' 1.1/llool -CIUI 414 Dal>1la ....... c-dti at 10 ......... -..."' .... ~ ... ... .. -- Mu,wuarnalod•llladlorll -lodtapoeuoooao-•*· .._dlallo , ..... -Ia .-ue, -11owu1a-at t1ot lido u. ~~-a. ... o--. A;t. 145, ·~ ear l'i'iiiiiii;;iiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiSS:::;;;:::;;;"""~~:= Ia a coW..-a c:u I,._ aM!oJ, 411, otat-1/1 ellfl> ... br I.-lllaoo, 1'111 -...... c-clol 'IIOIIDAY, P£11. 10 Orco Co. "'llllldl Road, Harbo< v• -.-,..~attotpo!IIJooa __ _ Writ. f<W I' REB s-••• .t Crlf<llopo llllll, at lbo --"' _ .. _ ......... .-, • - IUII.DING ILOCU. AU. RZE¥. AU. TYftltl Dal>1la A••· Ud Coa11 Rwy., Sple•, Ill, o1111-•. •a~~ •-• 1' ,7111711 I~ f.a:ll: IDS tbea talMdtbtlleki.IOWtety lfnport.ltnetaparWc:ar• Ul1 Vt.lta .t••• co.orP 0"''"• .. &•Ilia ll lfla -·L.....,:..... ... t.t. . , A.A air r.ltle tJI)e of J$tb St. at4:J0LJD.,udWUat.. ...... I a.l NEwPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA WNIPOO WU\WIIdtolb:lotllloiH: temptiAc to drtfe bU cuofftM fttCbU __... THE AMEFUC AN LUTHER AN CHURCH ........ ..._bewuU'rw.t WUI.... . ~ . 00 u. cllu&'l oC *"'-l...tlf dDJiara .,... • •• beaYJ 8:)0 •.m. to 4:30 '·"'· -worstH" ::.tfv•ce u. t'hne• ot tneodei.IIU; u. dlb, wt b'Pe tn.uerwulto1er PERRY CARTER ot P1aeeatla 4:4~ a.m. to 10:45 i.tTI. -~dily Sthool . ~~~~~~!;~!:!.!!!..i._J pulled ear, OWIIId bf IUeMrd ftocl tb1 pull:i..Q( kit tD trout ot bu beec awolated Yloe prnt... 11 :00 i.m. to 12 :00 noon -worship Servlct 1iiiiii ~ MoreUo, JU astbst. w.-M ..... a coutnctioa corap&DJ at 500 ckDt a.ad GUbler ol Newport 1k kw. lutn G. aa.-. PM&ar ,, NCf SfiVICf port, Old c!ama ... Ill at-II. Mnport Blod., Newport Hlllooal --He ....... l' nc Rev. Goora• J . Buodice>.cr, Vioitati ... p., ... •l..c. ""' $200 Ud wu lowod awar. llelpla, aeeordlac to Gordo< ,..,.. of buk1rlc -leoce ,_. $tl..:llll • StllfDAY, PEa I s-.,w, t06 40th St., WutN"· lDd b1a ba.ck.cr'otmd prior cotlJ.i ";;::~=~====~=;::::::::::;==::::;==~ Leooud Ball mid pollee b1l port •• • A el&ltomer «<lered taterillg bu.t1ac taeluded 81f .. f Owisti• Sciet~ce f .... ~ .. $teO sa:rfboard I.Je1 a drtDk at Garaors BAyside .-tee ..ttb: tbe U.S. Army durlac Senic.s lrst ist _ .. from b1a prap atW:t :._~ 450'7 W. Coast Hwy., WeJtNew-tbe Xorea.n ooDIUct ud z years flaT CIIVIK'II OF ef C.ate ...._ Weet Ne'lfPOI't· )M aid be )IUit port. tbea. wa.ie:red ott to tbe of proftssiooll t.seball. He 11 CIIIIBT, SCIDnsT R•rti>~t Bihlt> rc-11-•llip remembered M.uac b1l bou'd rat room, foreedopeouotflce married to tbe tor mer Jo Star.. 3303 Via Lido l•ii•Puil-t-A ••~ Feb 4 Two 15 1Dcb wbeel door' loot $SO from a sbeU, a.ad dell of San Pedro &ad tbey ba.-e Newpcu t Beach '-'• Au t. Met-li• Its. rim; ~~~ placed 1IDdtr tbe left tbroup lUll aootber lbree eb.Udren; Mlel'lael. 11; Sl.JNOA y SCHOOL ft'oat of bJs crey Conette be· :r . • la Aod~e<of Ue tae Rlebard, 10, a.od Cbrl&tioe, 8. f :lS e .•. -• ''e.... Dr. P .G. Neumann, pu&or t.eeo J &lid 6 IDd YU P Y w " eemeot, SUNDAY SERVICES I &73-aaso I a V'I'O • 1.11'• • tl»e z ftoat w~: .. ~ IDd .,mecuM wear-inc teonis ---::--------,, 15 _ 11 e ..... '==;:;4~36~H~E~L~IO§T~IIf=O~P=E~A~V=E~(a~eh~i~n;d~P~ ... ~~T~h;•;.,;•~I~C~O~IIO~NA;~O~E~L~H;;A~R~~~ $150, were Ito..: dedarld =!ct :::Set: c:~t!:s:!y LEGAL HOTICE WEDNESDAY EVENING -l!GAL MOTICI Carl Laruso,Zif.1/Z otamood 1be Zod Door ~ there P-32589 ME~l~ING RCJQAo •·•· L!GAL NOTICE L!GAL MOTIC! L!GAL NOTICE Is ooll&lnrly,&Ddcutte-CE><TIFICATE OF BISINESS ._. '"" t •·•·-s •·•· ·wire. at lZZZGala.ryDr.,Dover Fictitious Firm N&me w..,e ... .,.: 'e ..... -7:45 ,. .•. SUNDAY SERVICES ~:45 a.t '· Sunday School 11 :00 a.m. Morn ina Wonhil' 6:00 p.1n. Trainina Unions 7:00 p.m. Evtnina Worship ORANCf: OOUM1T ROAD DEPAR'JWII:NT ORAIICE OOUNTT, CALitoR!IlA NO'nCE 10 OONTRAC10RS Sealed propoaal• wtll H •eelnd al tile Of&c:e of da Clerlr. of the Boatd of S.parri•N of tile Coaaty of Or•se,. S..t.a Aaa. C.Ji fofllia, oa or before Woad.,-, !he 17dt U, of Nuda. 1969 at ~00 P.M. o"cloc:k, al wblda d•• daer will be pablldJ op~ad •d read ia tbe Oflee of lhe 0.._ of dl.e Bo.-d of S.pervt•ra, Room 501, Co.aty AMiaiatradoa &.llclo11o 51.5 North S,c•ore. S..la A.a. Calllomla, for coa•tnelills a kiF•., Ia ac:oord•ee wttb dl.e pi•• •d apedftc alioa• dl.ere.,r, to wbida apedal ref. erau:e I• .ue u .,llo•• Ia lhe Cou.ty ol o,.p.. 0111 J•bor-ee BoaleYOrd betweea MacAnJI.er BoaJe.,•d •d Milia Street. Bids .,e reqaired lor the eatire worlt aa described bereia: f,,,_, .• f.,,_,. lfelfl Ho. 061GIIflty I 6.500 L. F. 2 47 L.r. 3 so L.r. 4 915 L.r. 5 2.300 S.Y. 6 l Ea. ... 7 L.S. 8 J. 100 M. Cal 9 20,100 C.Y. 9,200 S.Y. L.S. Oe•etlp#IOtt of Wotl R•o•e Ro.Mw.,-Stripi•s a-o•e 18"" I 24" CMP Reloeete: 18"" CMP Cr .. la lrrtpdoa Pipe la Piece R•o•• Ed•d•a Pn•urat Adjut M.UOJe to Crade Oearias I Cnt.llbt.s r.~btr. & Apply Water Road-y Eac:enti011 Uucladia11 ditch elleavadoa) Co.paet Oripul Croaad nat• &ou-.7 10 II 12 13 u 30,300 19,500 ... ,. ~2,600 Too Asrepte S.bllaae Aurepte (CTB) Too Bbl. S.l. ·~ 16 17 18 19 "' 21 " 28 21 25 "' "' .. 32 21 12,500 ... 2,200 ""' 52 '"' 1.045 Too Too Toa S. Y. L.S. L.S. L.S. Li.. L.F. t..r. t..r. c. r: .. Eo. Ponl•ll C••' (CTB) Mi:da1 C••' Treated Due Ll'flld ~alt MC 2~ (CnriAI Seal CTB) ARpla.J.dc t.allli-. (P.lat Billder' Fos s .. u A ... alt Coacnt.e Pl•da• A.C. (ltiec. An-) lalet 'tYpe OS (St. U+eO) J .. cd-. ScNctsre (Sta 10+42) Jucdoa StN~N (Sea 18+25) S.r lleiafurd.a1 Steal (C.,b Dowel•) 10" RCP (II SI-D) 18" RCP (lC»>-0) Oaclodias Collu) 24" RCP (I-D) Cl••• ••r Coacrete (C.rb & C.ner. Mecti• PaYias) real• I laataU C..ide 1 C•h·ert Marbn. 29 40 [a. Place TrafBc: Sip• 30 I Ea. Type A Saner Mo ... ~:uat ll 4 Ea. 'n~aber Bantced .. 1\e forepiel q.aatili-are .,.d•••• .. Jy, beia1 ,P•n aa • beaie IDr .. e _pari_. of bi de., ud •• Coury or 0 ... 1• ... ea aot. upre .. lr or -~ i•plicatioe., •P• lil•t tile aewal ••-•t ol -.t will eorr•.,..d ••rewidrl ~~ ra~e,.ea die riPt to iacre••• or dec:-t••-•a _ ... ,of-~ de .. or portio• of •• work, or liD -it por1ioe.e el .a -n-., e11 •111 ~ de-ed eee.o• eary or etfri .... le ..,. •• EAP.,•r. 1\e OMtncl ~n••• ••II CoJe.aat •I !lode. tD C.atracw.-., ro• of Ptopoaal, F•,. of Ap-,..l. PI• .. Spe:dal Pra"ri-•i-•, •• Sladard Speciftc:.dosa. all of _..iclt. ar. -&le Ia tile Offtu of •e Qr.p C..al)' I••• De,.,.., •d are ller.IIJ refer-Nd ._ •• •••• o put lllanet PI••· Special P•ri•os• os<ll otller -tne:l 4oC~~~••' lo.-a will M ..... uaW.a laor .... l .. ti.os ...... , dlatp. c.pi .. ef all e-.lnd 4oa~••._ • .,. M •mre4 et tile Offi« ef Ill• O,_p Cosaty Road o.,.,__l. o100 Weet rJp• Sa-l, Saata A .. , Calil.rale . PI• .. Spacial Prori.i-• (set iacl ... ios S._<llerd Sped ftc ... ti .. a or oilier 4om••a. ioclaH<Ii ~ ,....,_co) •d prapo .. l c. .... .,. be obtai•e4 ~ ,.-oa,.eliYe wu .. apoa pray••• of • pri•li•s •d .. mee ~•rse Ia •• -•• ef JS,.OO. -'left -• .. t ... u aot k rel .. <lllaWa. Ali clr.ed:a M•ll lte •a<lll• p.,ailla lo o,..1• c ... ,. T,.osrar •• .... td M •• un 1o •• I••• Oe- ,.,...l. tOO We.t Df.dl Stne\ S.&a Aaa. C.lllaorcla. C.pha ef tile SIM aN S,.d8c..t ... a • .,. M ,.tdt.aae4 lor 11.51 ta• iacla<llla<lll tr.. tile Depanaost ef p.Wic: Wo.t .. S.._.a of Ca.liiD•I-. er tile Kea<lll ~-t. c-cy of Or.p. toO ... , rJaJt * sa-.. ., S..te A .. , C..Uia•l•. No W<ll will M -. .... ,.<111 -•-l\ lo •••• .. • illosk .,,. taMI••• ., ·6• c-.., leod c-JMl•• •<ill ia ••<ill• W. ao- oe,._« wl. lila ,.. ....... 0 •••• 5 ........ s,.c~a~-· -· Special,... ....... .. 1'h .... of s.,..m-,. of •• c-er of o .... ,.......,. •• ............. , .. ., ... ... T .. ••4".-a .a. .... •• ~ .. •• ,_Yl-'"• Ill S.Cd- 2 ef tile s-..,. !pedl_li ... lar •• ,_...,.. ... •• c.a• IIIIMM ... iclr. •• ... , ...... Ia tile ,.,...11os ef tile ,..,. ... t.• •4 tile_._. ..... ef 6e WL ._ri--.. ef tile ,_ .. c-..n Act .,. ... .,ata.Wa. •41 ,_.,.cd-W<lll..,_ will •• .......... • M ,.....aiM. ~.,. ... ,., .... ~ ..., •• ..... u .. i ... ~terata, • H-riaJ Ia s.cu .. 1711. I ef .. L ..... C.. ... M M pai4 l. oo- ewMaee •t• "• ..._. of .. c.llecthr• ~al• .,._._ wU-'1• M .._ ·.,_ ., d•allk:..a.. ef ... ...._. ot ••d..aie• ~..,. .. os tM ...teet. Owrt .... S.PJ• ~ Bell-,•-.. , 1•• ._ ... •<~~~ ~ Wf ( IK) u. .. dla ~-c: a.-rJ, reh pita ...,uc .. Je ... ..,. ,~... n• •• u..., • .,. ••dr. .dr. ,.. ..... u .. ,.w .. ,., a.. .U ...... .,.. ,...aMtt • .._ ..a~ectln ..... .... ........ .,uc•1• • ... p.U•I• a-ah. cl__,fte.~l ... , "'"•' --_..,...-... ,..J-. ~ •• all ........ Nrplaiq :r ta .......... .. ... --.... ilt ......... ,_, a,..., CMe .... fth ...... .w. .. lp , ......... ,. •• , .. ::s .... •' ................. Dl ......... LtMr ......... • .... .. --._._, • ..,, ,, •• ....._, .. J.tJcor .. ._._..,....._ t··-.r:•141s&.. 'I 1 of•s ··--.. ..... .., • w_,.llc• ..a.1 M fol4 •• _ .. ,.. waJI! .... • ...... ce---......... •' .. --. .Wei .•• {~--~ ... d I ... el•• ...... , ..... II l¥h= ..... -" Is • .._ .. DL .t .-= J'.: ~ .. ;-'11 ......... ,..., ..... •'' · ln•a All••• • llltc I e i: ::: I ; ..... cal t~s elfuetr mtel .. ..._ c.... ....... .,_ '=_ ...... .,,...... •' 01-. ~._ .. _..po~-of .................................. ...... ,,.., l •• .., Carpe",.r• (Effective "'-oy I, 1968 to !by 1, 1969) Shores·, ......... -was set atll%5 TkE UNDERSIGNED do r .. e ... .., -4 Foitl.-,: 5.33 Carpetuer 25f; phw lh pbwf p 45, pbwf ......._.. 9 e.oio. -S ...... ; 7.9 II·"'· c.,...,., -"••on• (Effective May I. )96S~oMay 1 196:) bJ tbe Bill Miller Coostruc:tJoo bereby cerUiyUWtbeyareeoo-s..qey , 1 ,. .•. _ 4 ,. ..... 5.13 CemeatMuoa 35tphw/p4().fplaw/p 3.sf·p._.,;p Co.,UU:CampuDr.,BackBI.yduc.tlng a Geoeral rellgioua SECON"D CIIlliiCIIOF' Iron Worler•([ffecthe A-pat 10, I96B to "-r•t ••• Eno tboup Tberesal.ooc, merchuldise II ceoen.1 mer-cw.....-,.aENT1n' 16, !969) 11~1 /! w. Ocea.D From, West ehaodlslng bustDesa at 2955 Newport Buc;:h at 6. }() Reinforcinolj lroa Worker 25f pbw 30"• phw(J) 30~t pbw Newport, parked bar car in ber Harbor Blvd., Costa Wesa, iiOOP~::'vtew Dr. loa.c-,. (Effective May I, 1968 to M.., 1., 1969) prap, U wuo't Site; someooe California.. llDder the fictitious SUNDAY SCHOOL 10 •- ·US Asphalt Raker' Ironer 25t phw/p 24~t phw/p l2f pflw/p puoctured a tire between la.m. firm aame or Tbe Scrolls a.od SUNDAY SERVICE 10 .-. 4.07 Fine Gr.der (His}lwey aod 6 a..m •• , Sylvia Thompson, tba1 said firm isoomposedortbe and Sueet Peviaf:) 25t pbw /p 24lk pftw /p 32t pilw/p 55, of 1111 35th St., West following persons W'bose D&mes WEDNESDAY EVENING 3.97 F'la~u 25t phw/p 24~f phw/p 32f phw/p Newport. n.s ntcbed by pollee In full aDd places of restdeoce R~~GROOM _ I:OO -·"'· l.97 Laborer (General) 25t phw/p 2""' pll.w/p llf pbw/p u sbe tacked ber ear oU tbe are as follows, to-trit: Mutual Buildinl 4.18 Operators aad Tenders sidenn• lezvtna be"'~ abo'~ James Slmat1s, l.U Melody ' -. -uu..~ u: 2163 Eut Coul Hi....,way o Puum•tic aad Electric lD tbe wall at 109 33rdSt., West l..a.De, Costa. Mea., Calllornla, .,, Tools, Vibratin.:: Ma chiae!l, Newport,· ottleers booked'"--00 aod Atbena Sima.i1.&, 143 Melody Moa. -Sat. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Similar .\techaaical uu LaDe C sta M Tlluraday eYf"DiDI!-7 to 9 Tools DOl separal.ely tbe cbarp or drJYIDg tmder tbe • 0 e&ar Calltornia. You are c;:OJdJallv lOVtted IO e lauified herein 25c phw/p 24~t phw /p l 2 ph Udlueoce of lDtolicauts •• , WITNESS our baDds this 1st auend Chwch. serw1c es and 4.18 Tree Climber, F'f"lier •.od ' wj p Scott Seeley, 18, or 440 Seville day of February, 1969. to u'c thr Rudu11 Room. Chain Saw Opf"rator 25f phw/p 24~~ pbw /p 32f pbw/p AYe., Balboa, was arrested at James Stmilis o,..,..,/,'1 Enpl-et• {Effective Joly 1, 1968to Juae 9 a.m. and booted on the Albena.St~ lO, 1969) eharge or possesstoo or mart-STATE or CAUFORNIA LMtW. O..rdl juan& , •• David WiU.lams, 2%, COUNTY OF ORANGE ss Of ....... ._ WEDNESDAY 7:20 p.m. Bible Study 1 :00 p.m. Prayer Meetina J. TTEMD THE CHUIICM OF YOUI CIOCI UWLAII\.t ONTIAL llall CHUICH Group l 4.68 En&ia ecr, Oiler nd S isnalman JOt pbwj p 30. phw/p 4.68 Hc•vy Duty Re pa irm•a's of 5802 Seashore Dr., West 0a. tbis 1st day of febrllllty, Let .. ,_ 60.: phw /p Newport, wu booted 00 a Sao 1969, before me, a Notary a.rct. ia A..ria I••'-""' wolli_,,. • ANo P··"U (n --•forsaJd ty·~ 1900 p ·r. · n.... •vENtN• •••v•c•1•ao ,.. .... ••· phw /p Dle&Q warrant tor fallure to \IU c ..... coun ....., Kl1lC .,.. .....-stat idin tber ";._.. r:a~if.(OIII>~ THVIItaOA V ••• L •• TVOV appear • ~ .Kay Stlrong. 235 e, res c eln. duly r del MM._... "'N o ,. • .a.v ... ,,oo ,.., .... WalD.~ Ave,, Newport Sbores, c:ommisskxled a.od sworn, per-Dt. With• L Ellet .. u"'n:"'v outt• .. • ••"'v •e:u He lper 30f pbw/p JOt pllw/p Group 2 6Qf pbw/p reCuroed to her old home at sooa.Ur appeared James Sima~ Phone A 111111 , ... ,..._. 60c-phw/p 332 Lugonia st., Newport kisand AtbeQI.SimaklslliDowoto c-. .. a.... .. DM.a 4.92 Coacrete Mi.er O~rator (~k ip Ty Jif") lO~ phw/p l{}f phw j p 4.92 f'lreman l(}f pbw/p lOf pbw/p Group l 5.!6 Equipmeat Crea~r 30ot phw/p lOt pbw/p Croup 4 60. 'phw /p Shores, to pick 141 patio turD!-me to be the persoos wbose c.-...,.. ture, aod sbe d.lscoYered some~ names ue subscribed to tbe ~~~~~~~~~~;:!J=~·~-~~·~·~·~·~·~·~""~·~-::J 5.27 Aaph•h Plaat F'1rem•a 3Gc-pb ... j p lO. phw/p 5.27 Bollman or Miler Boll 60( phw/p ODe bad pulled a SSO buclllC Wittjln lnstrumeot, and aetnow- Operator {Conc rete or A•phah Pint) lOt pbw/p JOlt phw/p la.tnp from tbe eellln& tDd .tad ledgr.i to me tha1 they uec~&ed tora opeo a pae~ aod: lakeD tt.e same. 60. phw /p lbe oooteat5 •• Tbree boys ned WITNESS my bud aDd "' .... f? J J r 1 ·IJ~~~{ .... It Groap 5 5.46 Aspbeh Plaat Ea11illeer lO. phwj p lOt phw/p 5.46 Coocrete or Asph.ah from %00'7 V tsta Ca too. Eut oftlclal .-L 1M2 .................. 1 ..... . 60t phw/p Blatt', wbee Doretlty Pardeere-A. C. Petitte turDed bome a.fter a 15 mbuae Notary PDblle 1n aod for saJd trJp to tbe store; the teeoaprs Coay aod Stal:e. A FrH ~ ,.., .. ~ .. , Spreadinf!;, Mecbaical Tampio11 or Fini11hia11 Machine Operalor 30. phw /p J(}f phw/p 60c phw/p toot wJt.b tbem $87tromapurse My Commluloa uplres c .. ,..,-..11 Oft••• ~· .......................... 5.46 Hea vy Duty Repairmaa 30. phw/p 30~ pbw/p 5.46 Trector Oper.tor (Bull- doaer, T•mper, Scr•per 60. phw/p Mrs. Pardee bad left 00 top or Mareb 26, 1969. a dresser • , . A stiocraJ bike, PubUsb: Feb. 13, %0, 27, M.arcb 60f phw /p worth $30. nastoleotromGer~ 6, 1969, 1.a tbe Newpot1 Harbor ..... Sorrieo _. Oro"* -1 al 10:00 ..... aad Poah Trector) lOt ph,../p 30f phw/p Group 6 (Coa.tia.uod oa. pace 4) Ens:lp 5.56 Coacrete Mi:a er Opere tor fPa vin11 or Mobile) 30f phw/p 30f phw/p 5.56 Cruhias Plant Ea~JiDeer l(}f phw/p lOf phw/p 5.56 Motor P11trol Operator (A ny Type or Sir.e) J{)f phw/p 30f phw/p 5.56 Uaiversel Equipmf"lll Opera tot" (Shovel, B.ckhoe, Dreslioe, Derri ck , Clamshell, or Cra.oe) JOlt phw;., JOf phw/p 6()f phw/p 60f phw /p 60.: phwj p 6()f phw /p . r-~'~•'•.,. (Effective May !.J968to April30,1969) 4.6 5 Dnver of Dump Truck ( lt-M thea 4 yerd.s water level) 40. phwj p 45f pbw/p ]Of phw/p 4.68 Drivt-r of Dump Truck (4 y.,ds, but lea.s tha.o .L.at-1-Ciiul .. BEAUTY NOOK. 2732 E. Coast Hwy . COt'ona dtl War Ptl\)f'lt b 1'3-13 lf> 8 y•rd.s w•t~r level) 40< phw /p 45C" pftw/p JOlt phw/p 4.73 Driver of Dump Trock l::c::::-:c:c:-::-::===-:-==~ (8 yard!!, bot leas thn. BUILDING COt4TR.ACTORS 12 yards w•ter ~vel) 40f pb,.•/p 45f phw/p lOf pbw/p 4.81 Driver of Dump T~uck REMODELING 112 Y•nh. but le!ll!l thaD 16 y~rds water Ievell 40< phw/p 45f phw /p l0f pftwf p and 5.03 Oriver of Dump Truc k ADDITIONS (16 yards. hut less thea 25 yards weter level) 40t phw /p 45f phw/p lO. pltw/p 5.49 Driver of Dump Truc k (25 yerda or more water level, Sia11le or Combine· tion of vehic le• excludias truh or robbishtroc k..s)4(}f pt.w/p 45~ phw/p lOt ph-..;p 4.8l Driver of Roed Oil Spfndt-r Truck 40c: phw/p 45f phw/p lOf pbw/p 4.89 Dri ver of Traasit Mia Truck (Uader 3 y•rda) 40C' phw/p 45f phw/p 30f ,.w/p 5.0l Driver of Traa!!il Mix Trock (3 yard• orrnore)4(}f pbw/p 45~ phw/p l0f pbw j p 4.71 Water Truc k Driver (Uader 2500 ll•llo .. ) 40« phwj p 45f phw/p 30f" phw/p 4.83 Water Trock Driver (2500 to 4000s-lloaa) 4(}f pbwj p 45f phw/p 30.: pbw /p 4.95 Water Troc k Orivf'r (4000 pll01111 or more) 40t phw/p 45c phw /p JOe phw/p (I) Tr..,el ti•e i• coaaidered •• ti•• -.-ked. To tile precedlo11 ec.bedole .. all J,e added tlle follow I., pey•nt for appr .. tieealt.ip: Cup«ate.ra _ lf plllw/p Ce•-t Muo.. -l"f pllw/p lroa Worker• -2f pllr.w/p Opereli .. Eosia•en -If pll•/p Apprntice• •7,' he ••ployed i• coelo.,.ity witll Sec:ti"oo 1777.5 of \lao Labar Co e of U.e St•• of Calilon.ia. ,,...,,. ~~,. Perio<ll •<Ill I•• ne apfWftliCe rat• ia ily p..-c .. t ... of dto j_,_.,.llli.'o r•e.. ,,., ,,....,....., ,., 1twl Jrtl .. ,. J,. 't4 , ... ltlt Br-lclt:larerw 6 M'-tb 50 60 70 80 90 95 Cerpetterw 6 Mos1t.. 75 78 81 14 87 90 93 95 Cn.ett M-ea• 6 M-•aa• 75 79 83 1'7 91 95 Ea.ctrh:loo• 6 MoaU.e SO 60 65 70 75 10 85 90 lr-. l'orke,. 6 Moo.t.ba 77 It IS 89 9S f11 ~ ciMaiflc:sliMf ..JttH •orei• ••ll H ..-1• .. t 1 ... dr.• ~LMI~ ... , plo• •?.E;· ,.,._\a .. i.M fa .. callacthoe ~ .. ..,...., lc.llille to ... d.-., el .... fk.U.• el ._ ....._ ..-..... e "'-t-4. .... ,_... .. S.CU.. IT7J,.1 .r .. Lu..rc.._ IY oaosa OF Ttl& .aA11D OF ~g:r OF OIAIIC:& !XlllliTT, o. ........... ..,. 11, 1969 W.LIT~ .,_ Qoo\-• ,. ... Cieri\., .. -.,.,...._ e I"REE .. LAH SERVICE e I'"RIE ESTIMATES S32·5U9 AMERICJ.H COH5TRUCTIOH co . • 1.-aiiiUIII • ... llllll UCEISED & -·· FRED H. GEII'IIICK JCNG.I-... •n-1 a UJ. Jl" • IIIA.IC AIDS ~~~ .. ~-t .......... ---.. ...... ............. ! ......... . ...._..., .... • CO$TJ.IoiESJ. S&-3:161 • ORANGE ~2 ... 1 • ANAHEIM ll6-4311 • HOME IMPROVEMENT CEHTER COMPLETE HOME REPAIR SERVICE • Re-screening -R e-glazlng-Carpentry • Electrical -Plumbing -Small Appl. • Lamps • Furniture Reliable Work --Reasooable Prices '*' :mt L c:-t ll .. aq, C.. ___ ...._ 673-2033 ~t& WILCOII-QII I B--Aal •••·••ICium..,... 1111 W. CeMt M_,. M.a. -· ...... Nown ( "'·· 7 ....... --·-~---·---ftOQe••• n.-...u•.,. .... -... ..... ,...._ 111'-•kwl a• All----,... ....... :1200 E. C..ot Hwr .. Qllol 6n.NOS o PAINT & •ALLr.PII MAIIOI PAIIT & WALLP.rll PhtJlll'lllt -Dortdl lot' Pilots • ._. ... IIIIa U,OOO PA neMS qF.u.PAPER 81t Leo-.., . -60-21. -···-·--·-.. -·-- Shrubs, l"lonor Pl~ts Trop•col & TrM& lru.ectc•d•s and Fertili 1., S&H c, • ..., S,omps r~tn m 11n-:Rr <'OIIOHA DEL MAa !Wt:IISD'I n 44 E. <'.-t .. ., .• en ..... • PLUiriiiiNG A. R. liAR SAC PLL!\IHER 7,MI l anUllttfl Ave. (',•THJU Jcl \1at l'l""llhtnl Rc:l'laiu OAY .t Nl(iiiT WATER II EATI::RS 673-4130 • SHOE fiiEPAIR ---- MAB£1111'(5 Shoe Repaor Purse and LUQDa92 Repair -Dye Work aH ST.....S ONE DAY SEIMCf. ·-~·­C.O..aMMa -Ill •)311 er ,. ..... 67MI. Morci&MO.j(lllfl • UPIIOUTIIY C\lnGII ............. , ...... . QUM.ITf-. -. ... .. ,...... ...... . ~ ,._, C,._lfl_.,_ v.,_.,_ ..... ~~-(SAL) ·--~-.. Jalr .. -.. l!!t•-"• l, •' Or-. ~. -.... t::..ooWL.C-o HAL A91SCMER HUIIlMG AIDS ,._ Fltl .. AoMoN4 -E.c;. .. H.,, c;._ ........ 67WID . c._ ...... IIIUT,.,..._,_ .. .. .,... •n£1!1 -· ,..,. ·a:~ -.. ~. ,.,. . r.w~• "-" r..r., r .... .., rr •• •-" - • We do the FINEST work • town m . 3137 E. Coaat Hiway. Corona del Mar ~-AOOOIINTB lli'WTED I. I HAitiiY ALl lilT OilY OP CoM. IIIII AT· 42 Po Ice B Otte. r lllrrJ -a..,. a. , G(Corllllcllool;........... &tn uM ,, __ Dr., eoa _,....,-, ... MQ•D ro•~RJES (CQO-ed t-Pap '9 W -~ a-d _,.... lo -. cllocl Fob. 1?, ol Clrulo cu-. ~-... lltu.ta :n. :n · · '-· ·--· .,__, .. -c.-,.y~c-... -_,,..,._, ... aatop-alcl llolllr, MOl rvk Luo, 11ro1M Vt[W!Wa Dl7 at lllo bora 8opt. t IIIII lalllcblpo -CUI Tom ... ~ 1141 -11101 A VI. Will llroport, cwor lllo ,-.. pollco -oo lllo cllorp ol came to c.n.;,;,.k to IIIII;..; -·· • COSTA IIIlA 1811 • • • Dop naod • 1111&11 e1r.-1D poi>Uc • • • J_, to er..,.. c.-,. 111 11151 Ho .. ..,., '-2t 2t war oa ..._ boJop toll-Go<ctoo, 11, o1 It'll Maple st. ,.. 0 maapr ola Tick Tocl< Somcanoroboldoi.C-IG(. •• I . -·•T IIIWAT ""' -ot lllo -tr ndlJu Com 11-wu an-oa marut lllohdllc,wllblllollor.Ric.llord --,.. lllcMol G< ...... II, of 111o cllorp-elloeu StorYt.o.o are lit. wile Mar-J, o.lop c1 lilt Com II-CO-A DR. liAR Ill-st,. WIOINawport. Wbo •.• WWiam Rlloy,lt, ol Ill-clio· lit.....,-. Ud.:.a;.., llotbodltt CIIRck u olllclul. Olllolo J_.t!IO WU fldJDc Ml: bib lD tbt&lltJ, A C)prMI st., Balboa, fta tlr ' IDd Mrl CbadN Rueo lllermlllt WU at Paelftc: VieW s•c• ".U wbta be puMd u .. ._Mid plea.d liP 01 a fUlllre toi&IPMJ' of S.:oa~Aal:·~~~br:ot:bar~Huo::ld:.ll:;•-;:::lai:;Par;;k.~~~~~;===:;::::::;;~ doe tbat jumped OD blm, tJU tdm ,.,,.. • • Mar.. Muqutt, • • abot'e tbl left kDM ud tore 5U ltYlDt be., Cwt HIYO. -IIIU'a lro1110u lo Nn'tnl r-ed !be !belt o1 ..WIJ ' places • • • bllla aDd a bo.l of toy1 from blr . ' t • TUESDAY, FEB. II mallbol •• .AGormuSbepllerd AIRMAN steven A. Lord,. aon' Amy I.Ae, S3Z9 Ocaa BlYd., )oLDid tbe attack on humus ofllr. and Mrs.RobertM.Lord Coi'OQI.del Mar, sa1d Jbebeud Wblo be bU Bruce, 1800 Galu:7 ot SlZl w cout IU&bftJ a IOUDd tbat sbt tbougbtwutbe AYe., Dover Sbores, u Bruce MulDers u.iJe bu completeci w1Dct ud probabiJ 1.1 .,.-ry abe Kale U.Jt dowa to pet btmi tbe tutc train1Dg ~tLactlarwtAFB, dldD"t cbed:: the aouadpoulbly lJ~)'IIJ'--old boy received nu • Tuu He bU been asslped to made by tbe thlef who wu: merow~ laceratklral oo his left Keesl~ AFB, Ylss tor steaUDc a $2$ earrru COYer arm aad shoulder ••• His rlpt tra.lning lD communica.&u. · from ber L1DcolA. puked llltbe fro.-wbeeland. Ure, wortb.$50, ---:-::-:c:-:--:-::=::-:::-:--driYtWI.J , , U sbe had dooe lrU UDboHed aod curled IWIIY,I I LEGAL NOTICE her-~~~~ lint, J0111118yer-aald Craig Homme~ 416 CERTIFICATE OF Bl5lNESS ly, 351Z Marcus A..-e., West trope An •• Corooa del Mar. FI uUo Flr N Newport, mlatJt DOt ban bad to Richard Stureess reported c us m ame report tbe loss of sbeets aDd theft of a poeumatlc tool P-32497 dotbinr wblcb sbe left oo a $180, from bts service stat~oo, THE UNDERSIGNED does counter top of the JaUDdromat work beocb, 4608 Campus hereby certit)' that sbe is COD· at SOth St., West Newport; Back Bay •• , duct.iDg an import c11t aDd ap· while she was at marUt buying ~ parel business a.t 321 Mari.De soap, someone stole ber wash SATURDAY, FEB. 15 DKLI'fED IEin'ICI: A~enue. &lboa Island. UDder ••• A 7•1/2 root plywood boat A dog Uvlng at E. Ocean Ft., the 9ct1tlous firm name or La. was found 00 ftre, drUUng ln Balboa, bit Kathleen Wrlgtrt, 20, ~jpi~~--~~;;-;;~~;";'"~~;-;;~~;J Tortup. aDd that said firm 15 Back Bay 1/2. mUe north ortbe a guest from San t he "P Ill W 1 WI cc-sed of tile loltowlllg per-highway · iheboatwuccmplete. shoulder ••• Tbe CUSTOM MADE FIREPLACE SCREENS INSIDI AND CO.NIII MOUNTS c.,.l .... La... ef Pfr.,._ Acuuer* ~ .. -... ..... 011£ WBI DHMIY CaM t.r free ...... .. • c ........ u .. of Gas ........ ..... Sa t Ana THI IIIII R 0 Anl111 Co. 2202 S. MAl 5.6-Mtt SMTA AU son •bose namelnlullaodplaee ly deva..ted by tire and the lery, 304 28tb St., of residence are as follo•s, smell ol gasoline was fouDd 00 port, was robbed~:~ot:,:;~z~:~ to.wtt: Joan W. Jones, 12432 noor boards and ·unbui'Ded por. worth or bolt ac Meade Street, Garden Grove, tlons ot the boat; It was towed cording to John Osborn, Calllornia 92641. to the Harbor department ror Mesa .•. Claudia Gaeey, 21, WITNESS my ha.Dd this 31st turtber lnvestiptlon . • • of 213 Topu An., Balboa Is- day of January, 1969. · • WEDNESDAY FEB 12 laod, •as accused of putting Joan W.Jones • • dress and paJr of parts 10 a STATE OF CALIFORNIA Myron Beeke, Zl!B Newport bro•n big, and leulog Robin- COUNTY OF ORANGE ss. Blvd., CentraiN,ewport,relused son's Department Store, ON THLS 31st day ofJanua.ry to leave Woody s Wharf wben Fashion lslaod without paying 196• bel N ....... Pub • asked, so a pollee offteer was fo th •• • booted ••-, ore me, a ~Y • called· Becke )o5t his bala.oee r em; Sow:: was Ollu..: Uc 1n and for said coUIIty and • r charge of shopllftin( ..• Ft~e sta.te residing therein duly aM fell into the otncer, al. year okl Annette CbeUer ct·os-.1 • ' most lmockina: tUm down and • eommissiooed and sworn, per. sted at 12.05 • sing w. Coast Hwy. at Orange, sonally appe.aredJoanW.Jones, ::" ~~ 1 dJsiW"b~·t: West Newport, but DOt tn a known to me to be the person ge 0 19 crosswalk, was untnat, although woose name tssubsertbedtotbe peace • • • Michael Beach, • she was hit by a car driven Within instrument, and aeloow. ~a~~.:;r~= ~r;:tst;t~f by Robert Wells, 4607Hampden !edged to me that s he executed his borne on the charge of pos. Road, Cameo Sbores ••• Some. tbe same. session of marijuana ... Peter. one broke the glass in a door Witness my hand and oHlcial Ta.teda 129 Z7tbSt W stN •· at 523 Westminster AYe., seal. Mary A.Haapa • •• e e l port Heights, reached in, un. Notary Public in a.nd !or Wd port, reported that his car door ; iocked the door aoo stolea$185 COWity and state. was unlocked by a ftsh1og in· TV set from Marlene Reed My Commission eJpiresDe<:. :.:::entt' $s~a ... ~e~~tapes A tree In front of 1729 "···•• 13, 1971. Lucy W~lktns, 217~112 Z9t~ St.: i Shetrteld, HarOOr View Homes, Publish Feb. West Newport, retuned home and a tree in the partway, were lA tbe Newport Harbor from a ski trip, and parted her · broken In haU, according to ear in Diet of ller bouse in Loraine Hogan; each tree was the all . d 1ng the nJgbt worth $40 ••• CardriYersJobn eysto, 1"'11e Died_ .. ,.' Oemmleki, of 318 La Jolla. someone e r re -.us Dr Newport ~~~;~~...,~~~: and poles valued at $90 ••• oeth Pebbles and • THURSDAY, FEB. 13 Anabel Pebbles, of While playing with a dog, detoured to Hoag Hospital Adrienne Gunkel, 4, of 1.500 6:20 p.m., after a colllsloo Warwlet L&DI, Harbor Hlgtl-W. Coast Hwy ., 57 teet west ludl, wu btttto; the m1xed Newport Blfd.; botb ears tan and •lUte retriever was be towed away ••• Michael quarantined with ll1s owoer at 1837 Seadrlft Dr., 1506 Dorothy Lane, Harbor Terrace, parted hls car in Htgbl.a.Jlds • . Audrey Ezzell, driveway; and 4 stero tapesud of 419 Heliotrope Ave., Corona 2 extens.ton cords, valued del Mar, said a purse with $35, were stolen ••• A eoateots, valued at $30, had been suede jacket, size 14, was stolen stolen from her borne between from Plctwfet. Fashion (sland, ooon and 7:30p.m. • • . beteeen 2 and 5:30 p.m •••• • FRIDAY, FEB. 14 11JGUNB FBOOPBL 88VINGS BaN HeLP IDU BUY, BUILD, IMPROVe OP ReFIN8N6e YOUR HOMe Over the past third of a century we have fina nced hundreds of millio ns of dollars in O range County ~sidential real estate. All these years of experience make it possible for our loan officers to oHer you the important advantages o f PERSONAL ATTENTION AND SERVKE, PROMPT LOAN CoMMITMENTs AND ExPERT EscRow. We invite you to ask our home loan counselors about our • FAVORABLE lOAN TERMS • CONSTRUCTION LOAN PLANS • FLEXIBLE LOAN PLANS • UNIQUE INTEREST RATE REDUCING PLAN WH£RE YOU BOII&OW DO&.$ MAK& A DIJ'R&&N'Cil LaDdis Perry, 55, of 1050 W. Balboa Blvd., Balboa, was arrested at 8:50 p.m. on Bay Ave. between Washinrton and Palm, and booked on the charge drUDt ln auto .• RuthStydlnrer, SO, of 205 6tll St., Balboa, was arrested at 3:45 p.m., at Main COMPLETE FUNERALS ,_ '245 and Balboa, and booted on the cbatge of Intoxicated in pubUc ... Frank Hardcastle locked up b1s trailer at Space 32, Lldo Trailer Pa.rk, on Feb, 2, and returned to his Pasadeoa home; he returned on Friday to dis- cover his home had beeo ran. sacked, and a radio, tape player, and Uqoor, worth $144.95 loss, had been stolen; a. neighbor found the cover to his radio Ooating tn the Bay, lncUcatln& the thief could llave arrind by boat or on foot • • An unknown tool was used to ra.lse the lock. 1ng knob on his car door, said Clyde Gummerlnger, 415 N. Newport Blvd., Number 3, New. port Hetgflts, and his $120 stereo tape player was stolen ••• Lee SterUng of 204 29th St., West Newport, was the a.ert reported dog btte Ylctlm; while be wa.a dell•ering ~q~plits at 38 Beaeoa. Bay,aGermanSbepberd rao from the froot yard across tbe street and attacked him, bWDg bls rl&flt elbow ••• Edward Lamberton. 35, ol 1050 COMI'LETI FUNERAL AND IURIAL ctNTER CUIETIRY ·MAUSOLEUM FUNERAL HOME CHAPELS-CREMATORY COLUMIAIIUM Yl!l'UANS LAWN 213 GEnna 1-6577 CEMEJERY LOTS From $130 MAUSOLEUM CRYPTS From~, Jar Mortwary f::e•etery "Everything in One Beauri/al Pklce" Because the funeral and burial center a>ncept eliminates the need for processioos through hea.vy traffic on overcrowded highways, family and friends alike ma.y now pay their full re- $pcds by attending the buria.l service, as well as the chapel service, all at one heautiful plaa, at less cost and more convenience. 14101 • 1410311ACH ILVD., WISTMINSTU 714 1W-... 3-2421 714 Jl,.,_ 1-1ns --------SERVING ONLY THE VERY FINEST MEXICAN and AMERICAN CUISINE------- Enjoy the warmth and informal elegance while dining am id open fireplaces and strolling troubadours OPEN SEVEN DAYS fOil DINNEI-COCKTAILS POPULAI PIICES ' (Formerl y Chef 's Inn) DINING 4;00 P.M. TO MIDNIGHT COCKTAILS 'TIL 2 a.m. AMPLE PARKING 3201 EAST COAST HIGHWAY coetoNA DEL MAl Under the personal d irection of-Ale jandro (Alex) Moytoreno {Formerly 26 Yeo r\ with Perino's! and Roy Oliphant of Laguna Beach lPresidont of Woodon Shoo Rntaurontl) • • FOR RESERVATIONS CAU 6750470