HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-04-10 - Newport Harbor Ensign' IIOKIIallll-tll .. t ... lor--batll-- old Dr-HOQ'eloo, -of Mr. aod Kra. llnld HOQ'eu of La,_ Bllcb. na Jll'lllrted wttb Fat Albert, lOll of Qo Go. ... ,_..,ld loac -~.IJpo doe u.t Ia CJiniOCI by Brll'l liD, Nort Wood, 1 '700 E. Oceu Froot, Balboa. (Pbolo by Cnadma.) ~o~·~ Aet.lc. wu takeo Molldly "'· Tbl projtet wt.l1 a.lao laelude titles ot material oo tbe beaeb D1DC bJ tbe Nnport Beatb City the plaeemeal: of 110,000 to aear the SalQ ADa river mouth. CoaDCU 110 pi the 3rd pbUe of %50,000 ~e JUdlofr..cbftll He said that tbe Corps has bleD tbe 11"CN1ioo cootrol project btttreea :tllf St.aad5'7tbSt. 'he requested to obtain all tbe ftll UDder n.y 1D West Newport. a.u material 11 propoaed lobe materW from tbe river en- Tbt IDIJOI' aDI1 city clerk takeo from tbe ar• aar lbe trance area.. and that this were &Utbor1sed to execute au Santa ADa mer jettlua.adfrom request 1a DOW LiDder .stOOy. acreemeat wttb tbe Clty ot tbe Balboa PtDinsWa ocean "Tbe !J)eeif1caUons provide Orancek eoatrlbutiooot.costs ttoat blaeb ll.lllrb' of lztb St. tba.i nu ptacemeti: wW be ac. tor the U.S. Corps ofEilglneers City Mulpr Hanery Hurl-complsbed after Sept. 1, U69, .... ~; project. burt aJd 1D bU report to tbe tmless coDdllions requll'e ARVO E. HAAPA, owner and publisher of the Ensign Pbue 3 wtll I.Dclude coo-CouocU tbat tbtseborro'lrareu earller pla.cemeDl," be sa1d.. ~~~--· ~ooooo~oOoO ltrlk:ttoa of 4 rubble mound were !ll«lfled by tbe Corps of ''Groln construction is sc be-HISTORIC PIOTOS from tbe ftles of tbe Euip m 0 J I aod of ~-Hoeb lleKl.IIIJI of Neopart ........ .,are be1Jlc •Wcted for dilptay by tbe Newport &Me* Bla- lnrteal Sodety. Sealod, lei! to rlll>t, are llro. J , A.-. presldent J. 1Aa1ie steflensu aDd Mrs . BWRlttc ....... ld to ria:tJt, are Bill Grw.ty, Joe Hamblet ud c:1ty !ltlruilla !lor-SboelJ. (Pbolo by .... llelllllao,) g:roiDI S$0 teet 1D length -at Engioeers prior to tbe reeeot dilled lor early summ er." y' the pro)OopUoo ot 36th, 48th, r&ina, wbiebbanrenltedlDthe The total proiect cost Is The issues are clear cut in Tuesda s 5Znd""" 56tll streets. depostt ollar .. llddltk>oalquan-!aOO,OOO, and the city's s11are SCHOOL BOARD ELECTION ISSUES election of four board members for the 1s 1.19%, or 110,161. The agree- Newport-Mesa Unified School Distrtct. In PARK SITE TITLE PROBED ::, ~id,: ~ ~· .. c: this election there are two basic, funda-countJ prtor to July 1. 1969, mental considerations facing the voters: A ut1e search was ordered porary park loeatioo "11nee we so t.tra.t tDe needed funds can • by tbe Newport Beach City do DOt Dow wbere tbe freeway be appropriated ln the 1969-70 Castle builder dies Do you resent the persiHtent efforts CoWICII Konday event .. as a will ., ... He aid tballbe pre-budget. to introduce sex education into our public aeeessary step toward esta-sent problem Ls to determine The te!Dtive schedule calls b I b llgi ld lin f bllshiAg a public park for West owoershlp -wbetber etty, for award of contract on Yay Georrt w. Hot.tetn. builder Edgar Berpn, o..-. Dll1lll. SC 00 s, W ere re ous gu e es or Newport. county, or state, or aldt1ng 15; construction of grolns Juoe 01 tbe Rearlt Cutle ud borna Dick Powell, NelsoD Edd:J,U. moral conduct cannot be taught? Tbe Jocatioo r ecommeDded property OWDers. 2 tbrougtt Aug. 17, with the of muy mot"1e stars, died oel Barymore, Jact Bolt, If-. • Do rt th 1 ht , t by tbe Parks Beaches aDd Re "Tbere 1s DO simple an-S6tll St. groto ft:SC, tben tbe Saturday al tbe age of 74 al b1a Dunn, Jane RuueU. aad lerrr you suppo e r g OJ. axpayers cre&Uoa coO:mlasion is 1n.Land swer ," r emarked Clty Attoroey 5Zod st., 48th St. and 36th St. winter bome 1D Palm Sprtnp. Cokxula. to be able to vote on increases in school of Coast Hwy., boUDdedbyNew-TuJ.Iy Seymour. "Tbereprob-crotns, lntba.t order; baullilg of He came trom New J~~ra1 He was a1so tbe ~ ot taxes? port Sborea and the Robert ably has to be lltipUon.'' saod, Sept. to Oct. 2. to Ca.Wornia 1D liZ! ud wu St. James Ept.copa.~ Clllln:ll Armstrooc oU lease. ooe of Soutbern Ca.lilbrala'a ol Newport Beadl. ftlre a U your response Is "yes" to these vital queHtlons, you will cast your vote to remove all 4 incumbent candidates from the school board, and support the candidates who agree with you on these points. The incumbent candidates have trted to evade the sex education Issue by saying {Continued on pqe 2) PUT AWAY THE CHIPS, W>lterSementuk,PBR chalr-Junk dealer law readl'ed first llc:ensedbodldlOC-..e-prtnte "->l·WU bold,.._ ma..n, reported lha.t tbe site ts tors. He was tbe loWider of terday. n.eant aDd otfersanopportunity Orange COUDty's )Oacut uta-Mr. HolDlD retired freD to be det'eklped lor park pur. AD ordlnaDee setttnc "' re-I.D. the city, The pollee depart-bUshed bOme bulklin( firm, actln leadermlp of Ida an. L1 poses because of public access gulaUoas ror pawnbrokers, ment, 1J1. requesting th1s 01'-George M. Holstein l Sou. 1955, turn1D& over m••J wilt and proximity to the West New-secoodha.nd dealers and junk d1Danee, LsprimarUycooeened Main om.ces were mot'ed to to tl1J: .... He wu u ant port area. dealers was pveo flrst rea-wltb seeoDdballd merehlllldislag 110 E. 17th st. I.D Costa..._ totter ud yaebtsmu. boldiiiC "UatortuDltely," be added, ding Mollday evenlng by tbe of bicycles, surfboards aDd I.D 1949, and are lltill at tblt memberltllps 1D tbe Int. "Utle to tbe property 1B DOt Newport Beaeb Clty CounciL geoera.l ma.rlDe equipment. address. Cout Couatry Cblb u:l tM clear. In order for the com-Seeood readi.D& and possible "Bom Me antique dealers, The tlrm bas bum over 5,000 Nnport Harbor Yacbt CJ*. mlssk)n to hather study the adoption wW come up at the used ear or boat dealers, lllld homes in Ora.D.ge County and 1D He ls .ur-YtYed bJ btl wilt, area, prepare plans and make A""U Z8 Couoc:U meet!Dg. r eligious, edueatlonal or char-Lcs Aqeles County, Su Die., Suu; b1J Z IOU, Geor .. ll6l- eeooom1e studies, we request "The replatioos are yery !table orpa!zaUoos are sped-alld Nen.da. TbeBidftsde't'elop-DiD m aM WUUam Hob&*. Ute City CouDc.U to ask tbe dern.aDdtDg on tbese eatecortes fteally ueQt trom tbe pro-meot 1D tbe Ea.st Bhatt U'et of GEORGE HOlST I! aDd 5 IJ"'DtkbU.dtea. n. Bar. etty attoroey to obWD a title ot busl.Desses, but they are aJso visions of tb1s chapter, 11 like-the Upper Bay 1J the major' M. • 1M bot Area b.mlly boma la It seareb on tbe property. Wben very com moo and aeklllowled&ed wlse does DOt apply to a bust-project to Newport Beacb. Tbe Mr. Holatel.D built KiU S08 AYeoldl C.abra, Eut LID CLOriUI!. onerablp bubeendetermiDed,. u DeCe&IU'J aDd clealnble," Dtas wblcb obta1u 11.:! m•-BIJboa Bay Club LD Newport RoiDI.DCICf's rtllltawut u1 Blutt. .JIRU tM oommt'*"' cumcwao.t aid City .utoroeJ T.UJ s.,~ chad• u a tfade.la 1a tbe Beach ud the ThUDderblrd bome aDd ooutnct.s rest-Tbl fam1lY tasiiiQ f«'a.t _....;;,...,-·-.......... to-••• r;t-e rtJaUntoUd.a ..,.. 1a tdaf"lliiiO'lto-tM.ea... ..,._, cow• f1l '""''"' .. co.atrJ Clllb ta Pale !Jrlap ..._ .. -=' _ .. -.u _ · _... ...... tl .. .... --. .. ,_.., ..., pnpMIIdpu'tstte.'' cil. n. ordlaDc• reQUlr• a areamoectbtflrm'acoutrac. LarniM DaJ, Marr Pkilalld, Et.Uaa• •••eat_.,ll ~ omii.toJIOebe -.d U 1 ~ bOut.'' City lb.aqer Harvey Hurl-''Newport Beach at pnseot permit ror panlx'okers )JDt Uoo projects. Ar181 llld,e, Mer lit Obtroa, Palm DM1rt: lD 11M at dDtCL a new .. wbieb Tbe all-1Dclu1fe desertptioo burt po1JDd oat thai the area bas 110 s-wosbops but se'fera.l dealers ~ eoUectot~ aDd rec:etr • .d Its first roodlJic ........ ta ......... "pia, ............... eoosldered ... tom-.... -.. lor; ... _,.., .... ooba.. de&Jers. -.... SCHOOL BOND SALE NEAR day Dlcbt at tbe Newport Beach dueled, dealt or carried ODw1tb license fee at $100 a year or CitJ CouoeU meet1nc. cards, dice, bllliard taUs, pool St 'f ' h d $5 a da.y calls for reports to Tbe purpose oftheordloallco, balls, cues, or by aoy olber or age Sl e IS c ange tile poll~. deportm... .... Trusteeo oflbeN..._tKesa 115.8 mlllloo -Issue II>· accordlDc to Ctty Attoroey Tully device for mooey, cbects. Mooday and Thur9day Ust1ngall UllUled Sc hool diltrlet, at a proved bJ YOters f eb. 11. Tbe Seymour, 11 to close a loopbole e bJps, eredlt, merebaadlle Change 1n JoeaUoo of a pro-wlll bave under coatraet a large goods or tb11lp recel~ oade-specta.l Moodily otpt meett.oc oezt ldioa w1ll be tbe baod11n&: 1D tbe etty•s present aot1-pm-or aD~. other represeiU.ttve ol potecl c.ootractor•sstorageyard number of capital improvement posit, pledged or purchased raised the a.me of tbe July 1 ol 'tbe boDd resolutioo by tbe bllD& law. va~u::· Attor Se said 1D Corooa del Mar wasdtrectecf projects 1D CoroDl del W.u. dur~ tbe period precediDa: tbe sa)e of sebOOI coostructloo COWJty Board ol ~rvt.sors. "As presently adopted, our the ~w ~y DOt Y=ge tbe by the Newport Beach City "Tb ject will uir ftllng of the report. Reports hoods from $5 million to $6.9 oa t.be dlarlct'lbebalf. worll:inc ordlri&Dee prohlbUa only pro-status of tbe Balboa Fun 'ZoDe COIIDCU at Monday eveniDg's a cor:::ef:r~s 5 WJim!: ~ are to be kept tor 3 years, and mUlloo 1n order to 1Delade a ll'ith bond'rc c::oamltams Stooe bll.a( at pmes of ebaoee DOl • meeting. eq • to be open for lnspectlon by the middle school. I.Dd YCN~liberc. Tbe S~- meoUoaed lD the state penal ::e 00 prlJ.t='f=~ Tbe starr repor t submitted mater~ storage yar~· u!: pollee during buslDess hours. Board members felt tbal tbe 'ftsors are acbe<Med to adopt code .. the city attoroe r • 00 mooey by p!.t>Ue worts director Joe sa.td. Tbe appeua.oce Hoots at operation are cootlmrlnc det•ion.tion o1 tbe tbe resolutioD c:all1Dc lor the ted t, tbe CouDell. "Tter:e tbe -r:y ~"';fds n:J:'':i OevU.O rec::ommeoded a location stor::: ar; eoul: ,-r:ty better limited to 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. boDd mull:ets madethi&pre1et· sale ol boads at tbelr AprU th1s does DOt prohibit such ae ac oo tbe oortherly side of Bayside r egu ed the e were Monda)' t!lrougb friday, 1 a.m. able to sell1Dc addlti()Dilboads, Z5 metJttnc. tl'fW.I upl&bUe poker, brld~ ~~r= "::: Dr., al tb.eJasmi.DeAn .eoroer. ~:~aDd maintained by to midntgbt Saturday; oooe on as scheduled for 19'70-71. 8oDd purchase bids wiU be or pancu~nge casinos and clubs VIce-Mayor Undsley ParSODS e c • Sunday. Aaotber reuoo wu: to bouse received bJ 5\C)er'fisor soo May Tbese are deemed to be pme~ m~U also· and CouocUman Bob Shehoo. He added tlJa1 the Bayside Or . CouoeUman Paul Gruber e.a-studeots Wbo wtll DOt ban Z7. At tlll.t time, on r ecom- of ak111.'' • • favored a stte just iD.IaDd of 5tll kx:atioo ns preferred because pressed tbe Dope that the or -classrooms duriDc the coo-mendlton of the kleal board, Tbe oew ordiDaDee wU1 RECEIVED a letterofap-An., near the end of Dahlia of ttseeutralloca11ooaDdaftll. d1DaDce would stop the sa.Ieot structloo ola.ddltioo.s. tbe supetYbors will anrd a prorrlbtt all public pmbUoc ln ~r~~esir:~t :~;u!: Ave., ad~ent to tbe standard ~~!' ~ ''i:m:::!" ~~ stolen property. Tbe sale 1B Ute first of the eootrad tor tbe purchase of tbe cltJ, ""*her lt b1 deemed Isla.ad '1mpronm8111t A .. n., u-serYtee station. 8-foot bJ&b teoee arouod a 35 -~· Ne Mesa bOard CAPTADf Ly" R. Stet-a to be still 01' ehaDee. Tbeor-presstngapprtc1atsoatotbe eity Couocll approved a motloo. foo t by '70-foot uphatt paved What's due near COM' m wport-'scm-ln-law ol Mr. &ld Mri dloaDee alto will prohibit lbe lor lbe "oc>leodld resulla with llrioc priority ID lbe 5th Are. areo and landr.captog Dear the • .,. bers stated tney r .. t the) Gor..,. Z. Smith, 101 Rl&llo 1181 of "&01 bu:1k11ng hOUse -site but permitt!Dgtemponry must sellboods betore awardlng • ' ' (CootiDIMd c. Pap 4) use' ol tbe Bayside Or location area as a s:.reeo. The Newport Beach Ctty slbillties lor de'telopmllll. coatract.s fOI' construcuon u Newport Be&cb, Mo.., bU n~ N f • I • d · COUDCU 'ftDtl to II:Dow what the City llaDILpr 1111.rwJ Hurl-tbe lncr .. ,.rt.... at eelt'ld his 8eCODd award ol tbt ew IX Up P an trle liDeeessaryl>ocauseoflbetime Tbe Coromdelll.lrprojeds lr llle C builllnllldlo IUtur burt said he -ud •-· of ~ .' • may 9000 us Air ForeoComno--• schedule for' a water l1De re-lnelade lmprOYemeot ol all " 0• r e __.e make 11 lmposstble to sell ad· • · placement project alone Bay. alleys oortberly ofBI.ystde Dr., de'ltlapmeot of tlle ra.oeh 1a.ods the lniDe ot!lc~ to eee U dltiooa.l boods. There Is legis. W.edal at A'ti&a:l A.B. lbJ.J. He Cblpter 17 procedure ot the tbe property' oners, a publle sid Dr a nter maiD aJooc Coast Hwy doWD coast from Corona del Mar. tb.elr PlamtiDc la at a ta1k1Dc laUoo pending in Sacramento was dtc:lorar.d lrrr IDel'ttor1ou: 1911 lm~meot Act 1s beJnc heulrtc: wU1 be beld toconsJder .:r cievUn espla1Ded that tbe to Cameo Shores water ~ VIce-Mayor Undsley Par-stage t>t possible study 18ssiola to raise the present lim n ol ~ service u tbt labonlorJ »- used tor tbe first Ume by the proteats. At the ooaclua1oo. of stora.ie yard ls Deeded because reptaeemeot al1d • -wldelllng of 3005 tnQgbt ICI the matter at discusaioo. Per..,_ 001 ot tbe 1Dterest lD boM sales. &11t1cs aDd m.atllrlll llatl of- Newport Beach Clty CoUDCII tbat beartnc, tbt CouoeU may durlDg tbe oext 5 years tbe city Bayside Dr. Mooday eno1n('s COUDtCU ..,en1A( study .. ~~ou could be The prwosed budget for neer 1D tbe AU FCiftt RoeUt D tM cooatrueUon of publle order tbe llalt to ooostruct meetln&. He aid tt would be a .de<roced to W.S tq,ie, remarked expenditure ot tbe pr ese .. $6.9 Propa.J.sioa l..sbcnaarJ. Ed- lmprofemeats. tbe lqtrortmeats at tbe u-N I I d good us. to stt down wUh lr-MaJOI' OorteD Maraball. lssue 1s as tJUows· ward& AfB, CaJit. Bt 1a.,.. at Tbe Cl!J CoomeU dlrecled pease of tho proper!J .,.._,, ew me er zones p anne rille Co. olllelals to discuss '42 Relocalable .c lassrooms, Arlallo 15 a-'!'-ta a tho olalf _,. orontog to The etiJ-udadrueetboiUoda lbe platls lor tho hillside pro • .WGIJST STRUTZ Of ll,05o,ooo. untt of the U.S. Air Foreoo ta aoUf)' Unmnr property owoers aDd obtun a coatractor todotbe New pert1n( meter zooeswUl spaces Ia •crt ol the atber petty wtlbin the fUtur e city lAY CREST !MDS LIFE • Purchase ofll acr es for the Europe. to ooutruct tbe foiJowl.ac: wort. be set 141 oo Balboa PeDlasula block&, so tbat peraw:aentrest. llmlts. AIICQ5( SCnta. 1&, of 1 '714 East Bhlff elementary schOol FRAt« USEDCM._ttDMI 1. Sldeftlk 00 SZDd st. CIP· After tbt wort la completed, lD aecorda.oee with leclalaUoo dents can bavt umnetered CoUDC:Umu Paul Gruber said lnlDt A'fe., BaJcr..C klll.t sUe (tnel\lling otf-sltedet'eq,-ROllED OF".... . poctte tbt City Hall. Zod pubU bel.rlDc 11 beld to lDtrodueed Mooday tvenlnc at sp~eea. be bid )1st Oawn over the area hlmself wtt11i a a caUI:Iw a.G-ment ~ $350 ooo The r~ tf r.tur&- 1. Cu:rbe, cutters, sidenlt :.,,. ...... ;..... about tbt tbe Newport Beach City Coon-Estimated re'feo• from the be~CoroaaclelMar,andtrom mat1c at 4:50 p.a. htaday, • Coostr~~ of 2fi class~ teur frW u I .. 1411 aDd paftDIIDt on VUla Way, wort or tbt amoaat of tbe eU mtetiDg. oew meters 1a $1%,500. tbe a1r be oon1d see great pos-April I. rooms b' tbt Ease Bluff ele. Crestn.w Dr .. BI.J ..... wu aortblr1Jotl9tbst. MUmtllt. Tbe ~ Ord1D&Dce 1Z96 wa.spu.sedto H1a .U., RUrJa l7liC don md:ary school. $1,465,000. ranaetedblllacw7:10_.1:1D I.Kl"'ocportlooaof eurb, bythoe!IJ'-""':' ZlldreadlDC.ocheduledlorAI>rU B I I d t"ff ttl d? tobor_m,_llr.Sints "Coostnletion of 6 class-p.m .Aj)rU5 •. Fwa,)ooN7ud - ,..... of""!~ ... BI~ ~ bolb bJaddillctho .... ..=:t!: &8. Actlocooaresollltloooot-ay san I se e . eali .... "Gclt>dbyo,lllllta,IDO'I· rooms " 8o&r Street oel>ool, ~~---net'rehh ~ ...... ...,. MD UDr q> tbe p&rllin& meter -.s bfe otaDa. .. ~ tltlln wu a J3Z0 ooo -wwe., llal st. ud Slit st. tu ~or bJ 1 Ilea ap1Mt tbl aDd rerWaUoos was delayed to Tnuler of au barbor per-Ctty Attorney 1\I.UJ Seymour ellek Ud a ...._ Mra. stnb: • 'c~uctk:lf:l of tbe ftrst Mr. U... Ioiii R.,...-t FoUntDc tbe ldlfiQUOil of pr ' AprU II _, tbat realdeiU tn mlta OD BlJ lsJaDd to tbe Bay aid bat Mr. Ver HILleD bolds ud da ..... otue, fto 1114 lDeremeal (600 capedty) of Beaeb poUce 1111 I .. Fliiid FINAL BAY TOUR SET tbe afltcted areas can be coo.. lllud Club WUI&lPV"td Moa-tbe propa:tJ rictU to h1l pier, ala tMaiJIIrc dan, na tntm Watabam Middle .ehool (by tbe hOme to btl llllrJ 1111111 ._ ll.etod. Tbe tralllconcf_..wu oJay ....... by lbe Newport and,... butho-IDco..,ty tholr """"' ud -llr. --o1 ""' oel>ool mado by-~~~ a-..,. lllllroetod 1D get ta toue11 wltll Bote• CIC, eo-tL wltll 1110 Cl.,.o .-_ot or to stnla IJfl& ta lilt _, 11t.11 dlatrld), $1,500,000. -IC a .... ··~·llii•il• li' -Cal1lorola plula Ia I -._ _....., wiD tho CGnJ Newport 8eodl T\11 -wu tho ool-romoro 1110 pier, with tho a-aile -b1o o Ccutrlldloo of llddltloos • .._ ol lilt -'"• .. lllrior ~ will be tho hlp. loc-Girl -"-,..... CommooiiJ A5811. to u ..,_ _..,.. -lt1oc TwtaiJ-thrM flunlUoa boro -. o1 z mottng hilb oc:IIOola (~ .._. 1101 ot ...... u.-ol IIIIa -·olltla.loo. tho Mowport ... , Ull -. Tbe .,._tc:altstt ..-. tho aotoq~t of 1110 11aJ ..,_ ro-. oo t11o P<lntetr 11r. --11or • tud -100>, $1,500,000. OI'I'OR DIS10LUTIOM ...._ ¢1 tow ottWu'Mfl· U.,..,. BMcb .,.._ BaDc:illll'a oo tMletb st. ud lltb st. cll'tl ClUb to rtQIIlre aMmbei',C.J. oned lalud ill tM ti&J. NlDtol a.d Jill ...,._.tfa•'r"=Y • Alttra.tiOM to ~ e.. OF HAIIOI. DISTIICT port Bay tllla-J.ntar. on ._...,... to walel -ad_,._ to tho tM>II< Vor 11a1eo, to alloW tho•..,•• tilt '""""" ore alii( Spier 111at -· -ont -. etllllu o1 •llotiDC hill! ud no C... clolMor IIIIIMa Ajlri!IJ. -..-.,-bMdl .. tilt baJ, aod alooc tho ol & -allp to blo ...... llr. Ull l1nol flt!llllot -Ia 1'llo boiiJ-..... to c:auo.. ml .. lluel>ools, 1100,000. Clllb -M -al • Tlll.._.llbe .. lDaiM'iu lfat_.IIWIMflltowa Billa BlYd..mtdlaatromlOtb V• HlM. ltiii'III•W bJIIII tlll..,..oltlli8QIIlaa1CIIdb. bU Mcatwt, au. GiroN. •CoatrOCUC.oi.WUMo •a TaHdQ •r ¢ ... •11' ... ••• 1 ed bf' Fri..s. otNtw-wW btCLilla.,tltt.D.. 11:. to llttllst. ... Ptlw, tlild tw'MddDntbl Two •••UMart .t llll-.:ut . ud baa.......-. $171,500. cHa--. tl tile C..,~- port Bay, 1 -· ......... ''OW - -W. -or-. ..-. woold-" r-ollllt e111>. -fltllfiJ, Tnlft••llloo ~~·~ IMSUIIANCI tiKI • Pw..._ .,_-.,.. Dll1rl<l. tloa -10 ...-ba1 0111-to-'t,"IQIIlr .... I ... oliSoulopor -· ---Jot ...... -"""' -... CAll T .. TIIMTIL '71 ......... -ls,$100000. T1l1o-----lor,....-Olddoo Gr.-., "IIJ-e -· _,...,_II&RUto~ llo'rllO ....... ad-oo. .WU.-tldlr.-t-R-onnla ~ •p-.ocu~r.-.;...., atalltllf-•o-Dooo.ll. -... -. ud _.._ --1lld ~ ...... -I a.m.tolp.m.S..-I G. II. Do_.,_.,__ or ,..1111-to""----a. $100,000. -elr -...-a ....... wU1 ldllldtJ l,OOO .... n.lll....._ --a..-sbl1p.•.tol •• ttl!• .............. -an.&. FIHa.tac--•t .. •c_,,1 :• ... sa.soo. .... ........ -.. . wt-, ~ -Ita! Ull "Wo . wiD 110 -.... 1llo p.a. bat•-1e St. udlllll o rt 'nldlllllo_.,_ --.. -'I • -• 10 l'lf • .. Clr arc,owltlhl ..-, ---.,_....,-•• a. Ull • tilt--ollllll ,_..,..., 10 -111o-J411RDS S10LIDI -lilt Ro ;al ¥11 UOl-IOIOOL IUitGLAIIIUD t1 • .,.,,. -1111111 .. .... IOIIr, Clllrloo On loco Wo on 11 0 11C =a. ....... --·to ..-ariOMO-lolllo--A lortt _, wu_,t 111«--lfll. 4-dllalol LIM lie*---DIIIS- --alllloFr---.. ... II _. ;ort...._ pon10 bo11J a1 a. lllr-II 11M -Dr~ llonr --·I ..... --~~ 1llo .. .,... -... -lit 1 II 1 .. -.. no•--·----.... .. -.. -. .............. on c .... --.. -.. IIIII ...... II otiOoori'IM lll«lol... -·-_..., ....... ..., -- .._ alta.&lllllo-·-·-----.-.---. •t* -ona.,...._ -· fti10 olio -•antuatnau,.. _ _,_..ut __ .,...._ ---•• .......... 1llo nl -~~ .., for • 1-ltRH I -··-1e .. ud ------· .... It lilt Rl liM, ud M olll Ml ...... sol .. ....,_Jrltnl -••• , ........ _ ..., ___ .., ... llal_ ... _.. . .......... 10.11"' .. c,. ----.... ,.... ---nttl • straight ''Oil, \ ~ .._ t c Mlk>M at realM. • ly Tom """""-'; ...... -.,ll._,'fk-IAn CoCJI•J· I told II -. 1M lUI ,_, fll THE "FAaM I'IOIUM" C051S YOU ~ --ollockloiM-1M-,...,...-lllo -·· I otiD eU.. ID .. __ -tro. 1111 -IJ I fll ~~~~--IIW ...... Jot .. -'Woiiii-JriW .. Ioo---.. ., In 1967 lhc nc:1 re.aliud income per farm was lh11. just because our aovernment ha tpeDt wA .._ 1., '::; ia _. of plaeoN .,... rtJtul(t ft'oal tftdltkNJ cliir1.IUuM1 Ja ...._ T&•11111• ~ c-C... 7141 $4.613, slightly more than the -lied "pov-more on "'the rann p<ovam" tlnco 1932 thu U.C.~ .,._ led lila...,.; Ill* '-"'Jeopll..,.,llll-dod. Tllo-fiJ-Io.,all ,.. •••· .,.. .. &.-:N .. , .. _. ' ,n1 _. eny level." on anythlna else except defeftiiCI, the f•rmen f.AUSWU~eb J.Dlfortll.-.crtbedllowtbtJaroeefromtbe ltla...,......oatbeenuan _. rr"U I ..... Cltr .. 1k tfl _, '.,;' .::.•'i.c-:.l Thw :V.. of Anteric•'• 3 million fa.rmen live have aotten the benefits. The f•r~ieu. fllkl. Kla.. I recall. bow lD lDidlt ol tbl CJ'VW'd. Uld lau.. aetaS. aad IU8 uc• ...... 0JJ -_.~:•!~It t w 4 ., • .,.'d. a..,: .. ..._c.!. .... .! at or below the t.leaipatcd "pow:ny I~I.H l11rly the linle onn who needed befp moll-boJUib qnao IDDII. 1 u-c...Uac. nau.rtar tuctrt, ftat Iuter ......, S. u ntabl'•r« ._, ~ ..... ..u,, .. ""'-••· ,_,._.ca-. J• ,,.... ,.111 From 1960 lo 1968 the U.S. fum popul11too have received crumbs from tt.e tab~ 1 bcltevc c..s.d tiM .......... 1D pto-bl&.._..,d 1a tt..WatilttMir r.ut)'. I , do JCIIl t:allOW dlllt • c-•• •• c..uL . decren~d mort lhan 4.6 m.illion. And 1bey're il is ufe tony our sovemmenl his ,ivcn mon: c"tmtac U.. an·rps of tbe freedDm. IPOIIIIJ ol tile ewrtll U.... IV~JCatP'tiOif eAT II still leaving, goin11 to the eiliea for more po't'-help to the enemies of the United Statea thaD hJmu u.t bid pldtd our fatb., It .. IMII to 1111 at tbe time Tbe J'lnld-1 srt:r" ::.. -=-~ 0.. ,. ...... 00..2,.... 11,00 eny. Sc:v~nty percent of America's :!00 million 10 our own bouom-frinae farmen--the poor era from ucJiat Umn. tbat ~ aa .,a!bOUC&l ol tbl ap:llll Wbleb J ... JIIOCL.IMCI .-., 0.. ,.., .. ~ J,.... "·00 people-nnw live on little ntor~ than I% of tbc: 1;111e farmers. As Van Gorder points oUt, ou.r 1 remember' "'IClaa a. aptrtt oltber_.,ec:t:loe-bow ebrliUUI.t:J utae•ntccrau. •••••••OJQ:•• O'O"QGIIOO.OOOO'Qo'O land. lying bureaucraata. while pourina our apicul-Chriltmu earoll, ren.c:ttac tile tutb·boecl bocl7 ot luus .,a wblcb tbl rtdlnlptiala ol rl.. ~ In American agncuhure the crop mo81 in 1ural "'surpluse5·· into the potholes of 1he world, "Joy to tbe world. the Lord WU re)MM flrom itateii!I)Oftl tbl tPOrkl ll bullt, U'IIU .._ . . At.& L ....11..-. lkmand is the government check for not fann-have slyly encouraged impona1ion of huae baa come." U:tmiX'' r..-..11 L!GAL MOnee ftcltDt. ..__ 1 ~ .,. ~ ing. We do. of course, need some 5Urplusn on amounts of many of those ,arne "i n-surplus" bow 1 !ll'pd Cbrt.uau: to.... No. S2998 AJtboueb, 110 ....-~- hand as in!>u rance agai nst war, dr~h, pesti· eommodilies. tbe bltUe for rl .......... CERTI.FfCAT£ OF 8tJiUNESS lADe 1a ::rc': Gl' .,. ~ ARYO E. HMPA, owner .. d·publlshlt of the EnsiF lence. Bul we don't need to be lied to about it. Al!otmencs have become valuable li«nw, 1 recap., tb&t 1Jt1tD J tad puaed Fk:tMa.. Firm !fame ~~ e= to":!.': •oOQ:'OOOOO'QoOo!C)oO'O:O~O"O In 1966 che USDA claimed that the surplu~ governmet\J.(j:iven franchises. Thus, many farms 11001 tom' lllPOt..ated pkce .La . THE UMDERSIGH£D doN...,......., oar 1 M Jll (Ccaelaued flom page 1) were-all but gone. yet the IIOf"age and handling are traded 1not on number of total acres but on tbe ebolr ar-, that the mea bertbr ell't1.fJ tbat be 11 coo. pUa.ab'J, IWl u... 1 .!..!; costs fo r all agricullural com modi lies 1ha1 yea r '>ize of 1obucco allolments. Once allotmenu stncvs, 1D SODOroua .. u. -·ducttac a Sewtnc llaehlDt bual ... ~ 1ea.rt'7 :. .. = o1 OW that the board baa taken nO actiOn On the lotaled S:!J4.7 mill ion. Thai's about 5643 ,000 a themselves we re made lransferable, Billie Sol reechoed my appea.IIJ!d com. DIU at S1S2 E, Cout Kwy., F tr:;. m.Qbo.., .;,_11h 1 w1U be d 1 day. Som~:body was lyi ng. or el~ somebody Esles was legalized. Es1es transferred 116 cot-maDded : ''Onward Cbri.Jtlu·corooa del Mar C1Wonla 1 a, v -., controversial topic. But the recor s was Slealing. ObVIOU!Iy. there has b«n a areal ton allotments totaling 3,123 acres to the I ,749 soldiers, marchlllg u lo war." UDder tbeflctl~llrm D&ID!oi true to tbM 'WI death. clear, and newS stories and headlines deal of bolh . I For delail,, re~:~d ''Ill Fares t.he acre~ he already owned. By transferring aUot-U wu lD tbe ante room of'Sn-Bte.JtSl:qlpe l.llltbataJd attest to the fact that p" reparation of the Land" by Van <iortler 11.nd "The Federal F11 rm me nts from nonproduc1ive l11.nd to highly pro-that Uttle cbureb tbat 1 llrst . rtrm Is composed ot the , Fable" by Congressman Paul Findley .) duct!ve land. he made an additional $1 million made ICQt•fntanc:e wltb tbe tm .. tollowto& permo wbose name aex eduCatiOn prograJD Was authorized The governmem auempts to control produc-or so a year. made fool.~ of the politicians and plements ot national strUe. We lD fUll &ad place ot residence by the board of education. lion mainly by lwo met hods: production con-hureaucrats who devised the program, aod bad a 5\WlY of llttle woodeD are u toUows, to-wit: lfols and Hcreage re1iremen1. Neither melhod made suckers out of the taxpayers. The quola guns, &00 ctrllled Yith tbem Ricbud U:essersmUb, 711 Concerned parents are beginning to works. or ever will. and allotmenls system hasn't w<M"ked, and can't after a fuhion. 1 do DOt re-So. U:uioe, Saota .A.oa, Call- realize that the pUbliC SChOOl iS nOt the In 1966 lhe taxpayer~ pa1d for lhe tdl ing of work. II penalizes the farmer with unproduc-caU Wbo was our ctrlllmaster, lorBla. nearly 13'n million .Jcreo; of cropland. The pay-t.ve land : prevents new and desef\ling farmen .QOr do I remember U WI mas. WITNESS my ba.Dd tht.s 2-ttb place to teach about sex, because by U .S. ment5 farmers rece1v~:J for soil-bank ing of land from plan1ing the crops !hey prefer; requires tered the mWtary techniq\18 of da.y ot Uarcb,l969, Supreme Court edict, there can be no amoumed to 41;r, ul lhl' es1im:..ted val ue of policmg. prevent s flexability, inspires croolu: "right shoulder, left shoulder, Richard Messersmith, the cro"l' not". ruwn . The "land dive r5ion'' P'~ f od 1 h h 1. · · -esent arms and order arms"' STATE OF CALIFORN•• aCCOmpanying teaching of religiOUS prin-.... " ..,.... o ten pr uce~ surp uses rat .::r I <tO 1m111n& .,. uo. grams ure schemes under which tho: government production: and encourages overuse of chemi-But I do k:ocrtr that a spirit of COUNTY OF ORANGE ss. Ciples that are the foundation of moral pays more to prevent the product1on of a hus hel cals. fer1 ililers. and high -y ield va rielies. It is a Py~~. Ia~• "'tth arm!•b_!'~.,• llof ON THIS 2ft.b day ol March, du t -·• th h I of corn !han 11 w,1uld cos t to prodUCl' that same ,..... .-. m " ..., 1969 -.t.. N~--COD C • The recsu.&ts in 0 er SC 00 sovernmenl-dccrl•ed denial of equal opponunity _..,. _.. ... ! .... cross of Jesus Publl, L~WU~Ce me, a \ft61J bushel; under wh1ch I he government pays farm . . .,._, •AU~ uoo:: c lD and J:>r said C0U11tJ distriCts reveal the ShOCking OUtCOme: ers IO Jivl'TI prodw .. ·uun from miiJiom of phan-and an InVIta tiOn to he, SICa I and maneuver. golng OD before," and stat sldi.Dctb teaching techniques and study material h."lm fct:d !o:r•Hn. wheat .. md cotton .. cres which Wh;te nch fu rmers get ri cher at the public Jesus was a real, splrltua.l commtS:~ LDd ~:~ neve r ~ince (otxlrnade them .::ver prodUI:ed any trough. pour larmers arc not even allowed to preseoce lD tbat d1stallt time, sooally appeared Rlctard 80 revolting that they Cannot be deSCribed keJ groom. whe>~t and cotton. ~row crops hJ feed their own animab.-Ameri -tor Jt was before the moderD Messersmith, kDown tome lobe ELLIE BOOTH,~uctatwofCoL in a newspaper or discussed 1n polite Natural!). !liU'>I pcllplc m;Sfakenly a~ume can Way Fe •• rur~ days wbea a bishop ol tbat the persoa wbose oa.me l.s sub-a.od Mrs. RaymoocfW. w. Bootb -=~~------------------same faith denied the dJvtnlty scribed to the YithJ.D tnstru. of 104 Via Lorca, Udo lale, conversation~ ~ LEGAL MOnCE of our Christ, and llnked H1s m<.mt, and aclmowledged to me atterded tbe 14tbNattooal.A.Dpl The second issue, our right to vote on s J A J E R 0 u II u p aa.me wttb that of a founder ol that be executed tbe same, Fll&flt CooeJ.an jtalt CODCkdld school tax limits, is the clincher that CER~!~t1t~ F~~ :a~ ~~~=~~ ~tr=~e~~~ ctai'~~ my band and om. ~:=~~[::::= should settle the voting decision of most THE UNDERSIGNED does stood out !rom 1mooc •ll the Mary A. 11aapa her An,.l Fllcbt Ulllt a1 the of h b 5 1 JoiL r -L-.U... hereby certlfy that he is COD· little children, wbo before am Notary Public 1n and for said conclave, The Ancel FUctJt b a US W 0 Wlll be going to the polls. J enG Gr.ll ~ ductlng a Service station 0051· slnce the flrst Cbrlstmasmorn, COWlty and state. national women's orpntuticwJ Last week our school board took the in-ness at 26051 La Pu Road, hav.e come to people tbe world. My CommJ.ssJoo expires Dec. wtlJch "CCPPrts objeeUYesoltbe Credible action of seeking to deny US that Two years ago a clausejust9 and local levels of government, Mlssion Viejo, Calll. under We suffered wlth Him, U, 1971. .A.roold Air Society,anboGorar, printed tines in length lfas tn. it is especially important to the fictitious flrm oa.me of Bay through J long. agon!Wigbours, Publisb: March 27, April 3, 10, a.ssociaUoo for Atr Fcree right. They voted to ask the State Legis-serted 1n a 48-page bt U preserve the people's right to Mobil and that sa.td firm is ea.ch Good Friday atteroooo, m::1 17, 1969, 1n the Newport Harbor Reserve otncers TniDlDc lature to defeat a bill which would allow us on sc~J nnanciog (A.B,272) limit that speOOLngthrough local composed of the follolrlDg per-met the dawn ot :esW"recUoo Ens.J.m. Corps cadets. presented to the Senate by a school tax override elections. son whose na.meiDfU.Ua.oclplace day wtth joyful acclaJm. ---:-::-::-:-::---:-::=:-::-=------;-=;-;-;-~;:;:;;;;;;--- to continue voting on school tax increases. 2.oouse confer ence committee It Is absurd lo argue that this of r esldeace are as follows, to-Renectlng ulf spirit of the LEGAL HOTICE LEGAL HOTICE This right, which we have bad throughout tn the hectic nnal hours or the interferes with local control wit : poem that "Life is reat. we 1967 legislative session. of edocation. The ultimate in Wllllam H. Bay, 1818 Port 1& earoest, and the grave 1& not the years of public school financing, is now Senator s had less than an local colllrol Is lor the people Abbey Place, Newport Beach, us goal." we iooked upon tbe being taken away by legislative trickery hour to r ead the bill befor e a woo wlll have to pay local CaW. dawlling Ugbtoftba.ttlrstEa.ster in Sacramento. tioal voce was taken . Because tues to vote oa hOw much they WITN ESS my h&od this 27th morn, as markinglbetimewbea of th e many other bills coming must pay, day of March, 1969, our own splrtt rose with the In the last minute rush at the close of the up for a vote during that h01a, As soon as I learned the con. WlUlam H. Bay Savior to ce1esttal heigbts. 1967 legislative session, a clause secretly very few of them did so. I did not ~ents of the clause that had been.STATE OF CALIFORNIA we Uved wtth Jesus, the we have time myself, and voted mserted at the last mtnute into COUNTY OF ORANGE ss. that He lived. We felt Hl& pre. inserted into a 48-page bill on school aga.1nst the bill simply 1o pro. A.B. 272 of 1967, I lntroduc:ed ON THIS Z'7tb day of Mareh, seoce. We were mOYed bJ His financing was approved along with the bill test against the Woi.) it Was han-a billlo repeal It at the specla.J 1969, before me, a Notary P-.. w.Jrds. we maneled. at Hls died, w1thout ~toowing that this session of September, 1961. 1D Uc lD and tor said eolllly aDd miracles. We bore His mortal itself. This clause will give school boards particular ntne.tine c lause was January, 1968, and ap.i.n this state, restdlne tberetn, ckaly agoo.y, sutlerln« wU.b H1m un th right f J 1 1 1971 t · there. year I introduced repeal btU& commissiooed and swora, per. belng uatted by Him wbeD He e ' as 0 U Y ' ' 0 ra.tse This clause gave school dis· wh.Jch, If passed, would pre. sooally appeared Wllllam H. rose above the mortal plane, school tax rates without a vote of the people trict governing boards ''full serve the people's right to 'f'ote Bay toowa to me to be the to su on the rlgtat haDd ot H1s in the local district. "Secretly" is a authority to fix tax rates wb.lch on lOcal school tax overrides. person whose n&me is sub-Father. they deem nec essar y to s~rt My btU this year for this scribed to the wUhJ.D J.D. I recall bOw mt owa, now correct description, because almost none the educational programs of purpose is Senate Blll 35. It strumeot, aoo ack:ocrtrledged to salnted father ns soovercom ~ of the legislators who voted for the finan-the district," without a vote by !las beea passed by t~ Seaate me that he executed lbe same. by the cnel reality of the cru. the people onannr oposec:llocal and is now before the Assembly WITNESS myha.ndandofftcial cUtnoo that be said that be cing bill knew that it contained this bidden school tu: Increase, eUecUve education committee. wh.Jch k.H. seal. would, single banded, ta'f'e stood clause. Senator John Schmitz has July 1,1971. led my bllltastyearoothesame I. Kerr by Jesus' side aoo would hafe Present law, before this new subject. Notary PubUc In and tor said defied Cllrlst'~ accusers, as introduced a bill to restore to US the right provision takes ertect z years At the hearing on s.s. 35 County and state. well as the roup bands o! the to vote on school tax increases. The !rom now, estabUshes maJi. befor e the Senate k>c:al pero. M ) Commlsstoo expires AprU Roman soldiers. Tbe enDts o.: o.~t S t has dth S hm1t bill mum tax rates wllich school m~nt committee, Yitnesses who ZO, 1969, tbe Jut~ the cruclftzio.'l ~Lir:l. e ena e approve e C Z , boards may set withOut golngto favored ellmlnatlDg publlc vo. PubUsh: AprU 3, 10, 17, 24, an1 the resuirectJoa lndeed and it is now before the Assembly educa-the people ror approval. NearlY ting oo school tax overrides 1969, 1n the Newport Hartor were rull.D thOse days, tton committee. Our school board voted every school district in the frankly admitted that they could Ensign, I recall, how lD themld.thiJ'-state has r eached its maximum, oever have obta.lned legislative ·---- to oppose the Schmitz bill. There was not and therefore mustobtaln avote approval of a bill to do that LI!:GAL t~OTICE LEGAL NOTICE a Sing! " o'' t th t bo d ot1 of the people before levying and nothing else. Only the trtc. e n vo e on a ar m on. kery 1 bave d-... 1....... made ORDINANCE NO. ZS07 each new school tax increase, -....,.. Incumbent candidate Donald Strauss which is called an . ·overrlde." thelr success poss.tble, and only AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 78.023 abstain d f t1 but h aid h T"· c 1,. the almost co ... nlete silence of OF THE CODIFIED ORDINANCES OF THE e rom vo ng e s e was .... oughOut a uor ru.a more ._. ' and mor e local school w over_ the news media then and s ince CO UNTY OF ORANGE, CAUFORNL\ not taking a stand against the board action. rides have been defeated at the has allowed them to get away The Board of StCMtnlsors of the County of Orange, Calltornia, There is really no e d for sup polls , reflecting prorouod voter with lt. do ordaln as follows: n e a -But de~lte the virtual oews SECTION 1. Sectioo 78,023 ot too CodJfied OrdJnances of too rt1 I dissatisfaction both with the '""' po ng c incher for voting against the ttigta cost orpublic educationand blac~ on this issue more and County of Orange Is hereby ameOOed by adding thereto "First incumbents, but, coincidentally, there is wtth what the people ar e getting more people throuioout the Revised Turtle Roci. PlanDed Commuotty Development Plan", for their money.Since education state are becoming aware that (Case No. ZC 68•52) 1n the Soatll lni.De Ranch area. an additional convincer. On this very Is tile largest single category if tbe 1967 law remains 00 the SECTION 2, This OrdlDaDce sb&Jl tate effect and be 111 fUll same day April 1 0 that thiS Log recom or spending at both the state books and "tbe Ud goes otr• force thirty (30) days from &Dd after Its passage, and before ' • -school taxes ID 1971 we have the expiration of Meen (15) days after the passage thereof mendation is presented to Ensign readers, LEGAL NoTICE every reason 1o e~taneoor. shall be published once 1n the Newport Harbor EDSJ.gn, 1 oews~ many of us are mailing a tax payment mOllS lllcrease 1o lllcalproperty paper published lD t11e Cowlty of or..,., state of cantorola, NOTICE TO CREDITORS ta.xes which could drive thou-logether with the names ot the members of the Board ot check to the c ounty tax collector. It 1s a SUPERIOR coURT OF THE saoc1s of poople out of lhelr S..,..vlsors votlll( tor..., aplost t11e same. painful deed indeed, and 1t iS Certainly STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR hOmes aDd hlllldrods of busl-WM. IDRSTEIN THE COUNTY OF ORA NGE nesses out of this state. Cba.J.rmaa of the Board ot S~CN~nlaors a conclusive refutation to one persistent No. A-62392 Mally more letters tele-of OraD,. Couoty, cantorola intimation: that We are being tight-fisted Estate of RICHARD E. HARD-grams, lelephOoe ullsa'ooper. (SEAgT· in fin 1 M ll CASTLE, Deceased. sonal Ylsits are needed esp&-ATT · anc ng public SChOOlS, y tax b1 NOTICE IS HER EBY GIVEN clallylo Asoembly Sileabr Ro. W. E. STJOHN ' shows a total city-county tax rate of to lbe creditors of the abowe bert llooapoaod .... mblymao Couol)" Clerk aDd olloOIIlelo Clerk $8.4424 per $100 of assessed valuation, a oamod decedent lhatallpersoas VIctor Veyooy, cbairmao or lhe of the Board of~· of baYing cla.lms ag:alnst tbe said Assembl' educatioDoommlttee On.oce Couaty, Calilorota tax rate that is approaching the bankruptcy cleoodeot are required to rue 15 well ulndlYiduolAssembly: By Juoo Aloxallllar level for many taxpayers.-ALMOST 56% them, "'th the ne<:essary meo. Deputy vouchers, lD the office ot the STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) OF THIS GOES FOR SCHOOLS, The clerk oflheaboveentltledcourt, F the B'ble l as. precise figure is $4.7151 for public or to present them, with tbe rom l . CO UNTY OF ORANGE ) achools, or 55 •85a. of the total tax bill. oeeessary voocbers, to the 1111-Yet It pleuod the Lord to ~ w. E. ST JOHN, c_, Clork LDil u-olllclo Clerk of tho IQ derllgned at c/o ThOmas E. brtiM blm; be balb put blm to Board of Sape"llo< .. do berobocortiiJtllalala replor mootJoc Now our school board members are Hel!eroao, Altoroey 11 lAw, grltlo wileD lboo sbalt mate bll of tho Board ol -· fll OrUp CouotJ. caialrDia, llold saying that they do not want us to have 350 E. S....enteelllhstroet,Costa soul ao -Lor ttr liD, be oo t11e Jot <111 ot Ajlrll, lto,llllb"..,UCCJr'"•'"'• ...watoJ"' IleA, Callforola, 92627 wblcb slllll.,. bllsoed, bosballpro-, two (Z) --. wu --ed-bf .ctJon, LOll tllalllla the right to say whether this heavy burden Is lhe place of bustoess of lbo loll( blllllyo, LDil tho pleuure ..,. Orcllmace .... ,,_ -LOll odotttocl u a wbole II!" 111a -.auld be increased. They are saying that -rllpoclln all maltanpor. ot tile L«d lllall llf'IIIIIOI" lobi• tollowlDc _, ta1nt.a.c lo the estate ot said IWid. AYES: SUPERVI90RS ALTON E. ALLEN, wn....t.1AM J. they do not trust our judgment in scbool dec:ecleot, wtthlo .u 1111111111s lit lllall •• otllla 1nn11 PIIILI.IJIS, ROBERT w. BATTIN, ftna.,...nw aftor tho llrst pobllcatloo of of bll .-J. LDd ollall bo--11.\YID L. BAKER AIID WM. HJR. ~~...,.. Ibis DOUce. lied: II!" bll llaowlodfo ollallmy BTEIII I am casting my vote Tuesday for the D.l!od ll&reh 31, l!le9, ripe-....,... joollf)< ....,, NOES , SUPBIIVBlas M*E following canc:tidates, who are aware of the CATHERINE KIESTER m "' ollall e.or lbolr ABSENTo SUPill--. Cltbertoe Kiester, totqattW. IH WITifF.S WIKI.IOF. I ...,. Mrllllto ..t •J Mid ud perU inYOlved in sex education programs in £-JJ or tho wrn of tho n.-. "1'1111 dlfldo bllll a -..., --.1 ., 1111 -., -·., 100 publtc schools, and who are infuorofour a~mooamodcJo<-. porta-lila ...... ud "'c.., ot ~-"' CallAinlo, lldolol a,ot April, -E. llolle1'1llll, Allor-sball -1111 JPOII -1M 1.10. npt to determine the school tu ltmtt: .., ot lAw, &$0 e. S..Mio ,.. acrooc --.. 11o111 _.. w. B. rr JOIDI • 1118'1'. 7 ••••• • DI8T z -~ H E J Blr"'· -no. ~ -. 0111 111o - --.11111"' c.., Clort u11 -do Clort • • ........ or enry . ooea IBJ ~ ezen, NI-IZIO, wu hltd -~~~~-.. .,..,_.,...,..._.., • DIBT. 4 •••••• GordonC.Korrow 1BJ ~..,..,.s_ ll'_ll ... .,lioreiOOIIID ~c..,.~ • r.-1•. 5..... ... ... a.-~-,;, llbbllla: April t, 10, 17, 14. ot.., .... _.a...:nsrtn 871-'11 k .,... • ' ' • ' --~ .-....... "" Uti, Ill llle Nnpcrt lloll>ar b" 1111 ..__,. ()oololl (IIE.U.) Doto1J . • • • Pall E. Muley IB) Eoolp. U:I0-11.) -l'<loporl-111i11o ..,.U 10, a• CITI OF NEW.PORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA NOnCE INVITING BIDS SEALED BIDS will he received at lhe office of the Oty Oert.., City Hdl, Newport Beedr., CaUiomia, oatil 10:00 •·•·• oa daa 22ad day of April, ,1969, at w~lclt. dme lt!.ey will be opeud •d reed, lor periQ:,.ial wortr. aa_t:.IJowe: RECONSTRUCT Nf:WPORT ISLAND BRIDGE CONTRACT 117 5 No bid will be received attlen it ia rnade 011 • propoaal fo.,. ftuaia .. ed by the Pablic lorlr.a Departmeat. Each bid •••t be e~o•r,-'" ~ eaa~. certified c:hec:lr. or BI4Mr'a aa.d.,.-..ade ijl pat•" e to "-• City of Newport a .. clro, b • -..&~1 to "" a&luat 10 "pe:Yceat of tlt.e Mo .. t bid, -1 It The dou--.te iadedad wltlt.ia tke •nlad bide whicll "q-tire JH C(MIIpletioa eod encatioa are the followiafl: f1 1. -Propo .. J 2. Pa1e 3 -DulpatiOll of Sob-coat,..ctor. 3. Pa1e 4-Bidder' a Road . 4 .. P•1e 9 -Noo~ollni011. Affiduit S. Pap 10-Coetractor'a Fiauciel Statu The doc:~;~~t~eau •lt.•ll be •rfiud with the •prropri•te •i~•t•r•• ud titlu of the peraoa• •lp.i•& oa beh•ll or the bidder, For ~'[or•tio111, the •ipalDFel of the p,.,lftlff or VIce f'N•Idefll aa .Secrwtery or '-••letwlff J"ecrefw')' are required aad the Co,... porate Seel 1h1ll be alfiud to 1!1 docameat• reqolrla1 •ip.- tarel. Ia tlae cue of 1 p1rtaer1hip, the 1ip1ture of at le111 oae IJCOifll partaer i1 reqGired, All hlil• are to be compered oa the bui• of the Ea_Jia.eer'l e•tiMate. ne e•tiMated q'll•atitie• are 1ppnuira1te oaly, beia1 Jivea .. Jelr, •• 1 baar. for the comperiMI of bid•. No bid wtll be eccepted hom • Coutrlctor wlt.o h•• got beu licea•ed ia •cconiaace with the provisioaa of Ch1pter 9, Divi• aioa Ill of B1aiae11 ead Profe11ion111' Code. The Coatrletor Qell 1111e hi• li cea•e aamber 1ad clueific•tioa Ia tlr.e pro~ aal. Pl .. a, Special Provia!oaa, aad Contract Docu~nnta II!.DY ba obtaiaed at tlae Pablic l'orb Departrnellt, City Hall, Newpon Beadl, Caliloraia, at 1111 C'oat to licea'led cootractors, A ao ... refaadable cbr~e of 12.00 "'ill be req11ired for each Sl!'t of pi alia, ~cial Provi aao~. -d co11tract docameata for ollaars tl!.aa lacn.Md COIItrDctors. h j,. re'f'leAted t.ltat llae plaaa -d !Jilfl:cial provlaio .. be retaraed withia 2 weeks after tle l.id. opeoiq. A a••refu.adable clurse of 16.00 will be re.hed lor eada ut of City of Newport Beach St-.:r.dud Speci6catiooa, ne City of Newpon Beach ruarna the ris)at to reject -.:r.y or all bida .. d to WDJVe a11y informality ill aacla bids, Ia accordaace with tae proviaio .. of Sectlo11 1770 of tlae La:,or Colla, the City .Cooaci l of tlae City <>f Newport Beach laaa a .. 'certaiaed tlae paeTa) prevallha1 rate of per Ill•• ••au ia t.laa localit7 ia w•IQ tlae work ia lO be perfoNoed for uc• craft or type o workaaaa or •eclaaaic aeeded to 818C11lc dla eoatnet -• Ua aet forU tJaeee lt.e-Ia Raaolatloo No. 6519, A '"r. of uld Ruolatlolr. Ia available ia the office of the City Clarlr. a daeCity of Newport Beach, The followia1 ia the sdtedule of p~vaillos ••1e ratea, 1968-69, for • .elective lia1 of cla .. i6catioaa. Tosether witt& tbe iafonutio11 ia claded i1 the Re~talatioa No. 6519, dlla adledale ia to be coaaidered a part of tbeae COG tra ct apeci- flcatiooa. Prevaili11s Wase Rate. -1968-69 Claullleflfloft (Salac:tllfa lldht9J Carpealera Cemest MaMa Joameymaa Labore N Ceaeral or Cooa lru etioo Aapllalt Raker & lroaer rlapo• C.laea Chaser Laylas of all aon-«~elalll c pipe To-e) Claaalficatloo.a Vlbratonaaa, hck u .... IDIIf, Plleomati c Too'la (e•cept driller) o,.""'"• £,..,,._. Ollar aad eip.t. .. (Groap I) Sklploader (L .. • 4/5 yd.) (Groap 2) Rod•• •d Cta.ia•• (Ctoap S) lntra••tJa-{Cro.p 4) CNcla Cllecker (Croap S) Pa._ecal.-breaker opa,.tor (CI'Oap 5) Cnda .. u o,.ratoT (Cro.p 6) r ..... ,.. O.•p Truk Orher (LeN th• • y ... ) Wa~r tncl ..,..., (1500 aal. 10 4000 11al.) 81111M..,_-C.-n.ctf-,.._ Brtd.J.y•r I S•• Ma.a. Eladrld• Joarw.,.•• Wll"ddM rSJI/ .. 1 .... s.u ... 7 .... 0.97 .... 4.28 ..... (7/1/ .. 1 .... .... '"" .. .., .... .... S.M IS/If/ .. 1 4.U .... IS/1/ .. 1 ... 11111 .. 1 6.7S rii2J/ .. I 5.01 (7111 .. 1 .. ,. .. ,. .............. • - EXQ.USIVE COlT GUAII.IIITEE ._, c-,. P--'"· .,,.. :c.,,....,.,, ......... -, c '51. . ........... . ...... ~: ..... . ... '*"a.. ................. ,. ... 0 Off • ... , ··" ~ ····v 20 ° 540 ·1366 642 0270 MAILING of UDOUDCemeots tor the a.DD.ual Soiree d'Art la; bel.q ba.Ddled by these members of tbe Newport Harbor Aulll&ry ot tbe Cblldreu's Home Society, from 1eft, llrs. Allred V. Jorgensen, Mrs. Raymood Hlt&el. Mrs. Herbert W. Kalmbach. Mrs. James Oehlset:l a.ad Mrs. Wllliam BlaJJtoo, (Peter Z. II. Sillpr -.) Library groups to meet Ray Bradbury, •ell koo1rn Costa Mesa Frleods of the U- teleace-tlctioll writer, will be brary, Ud Mrs. James Dowt)' IPOOSOI'ed by the two trleDds of president of tbe Newport Beacb tbe Library Gl'o~sotthisarea, Gr~, .W be the hostesses. Newport Beaeb and Costa Mesa., tor an evenlllg of eotert:aillmem wttbotd eb&rge at Est&neta Hlgb. Scbool at 7:30 p.m. AprU 17. Hls "W.Uttan Cbronicles" are rated 1n a class With Jules SOIREE D'ART POSTERS are dUplaJed bJ.(Jd to rll!>l) Verae aod H. G. WeUs. Mrs. Robert Unger, Mrs. Rict.rd Sewell lDd Mrs. Fred Tbe evening will start witb Sweuoo., Tbe lfeol la set in AprU 18 at tbe lrV1De Coast opUooa.l di.nner a.t 6 tn the Co-, Club. (Peter Z. II. S11lpr pbo!D.) cafeteria tor $2.75 aod .. y 6 th concert Sunday ~,~~~orr·• oreseDla!Joo .. ResenaUons may bem"ldeby The 0rl.ll&'8 Couoty PllJJ. to cooducttn& durJoc lbe or-calllng 673-1430, the Newport r barmca.lc Society wUl present cbestn.'s world tour. Beach Ubnry, or 540-5214, the tbe 8th coocert 1D tbe curreot Alfted Brelldel boroS8years Mesa Verde Ubra.ry. Dr. Hilda Nrles of 1 wbeo tbe Los An-ago In Wiese~&. Austria, 1.s McCartney, president of the teiet PllJ.lbarmoD1c Orcbestra a pianist ot lnter•Uonal ---- appeara In tbe Oraoce Coast accla.lm a.ad thetoremosttmer-LEGAL HOTICE Collqe A..Utoriwn at 8:30p.m. preter of BeetboYen. W:oa.art, NEWPORT -MESA SUDdaJ, ,\Jrll U. Brabms, aDd Uut. Mr. Breo-UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Lawreace Foster, who bas del. whoSe home 1J: In Vi~~Ua, Notice Inviting Bids retiii'Did from cooductJ.Jlg J..o is &l9o a composer, world-NOTICE IS HEREBY Gl EncJaad Ud EID'ope, will re.. traveler, poet, lDd artiJt.SLPce VEN pla.ce AJaJ. Dorat1 as guest 1960 DehUaweazedanoULUyat tbat tbe Board ot Educatloo of CODductor Mr tbe Newport-Mesa Unified COST A MESA Vice-Mayor and cetl'ld ~ em"err:;:!~ ~r~~ ~e a.!~!a~·:.~~ .: Scbool District ot Orange Mrs. Robe rt M. Wilson bue retaratoSwedeo.AlftedBreiJdel the Berlln and Loodoo Ptlil-Cotwty, Call.tornla, will receive a.nnotnced the eopgement ot 'IFill JR)IU' u piaoo soloist. lw'monlc Orcbestru. sealed bids~ to lUX> A.M. on tneir daugtrter, Sherr1e Lynn, Tbe Pt'Oif&m wllJ toclude the 25th day ot AprU, 1969 at to Claude J. Makin Jr., .90n of Waper-•1 Preltlde ud Good SENIOR CITIZENS WIH tbe omee ol said School DLs-Retired Na.va.l Lt. Cmdr. a.oo FrkiQ Spell from Pa.rs11:t.l, Mo-EASTER HAT PRIZES trlet, located at 1857 Placentia. Mrs. Claude Makin of Sa.ta __ _., __ ......., .,. Z5 Tbe Ne-Harbor s.-•-Avenue, Costa Mesa, Call-Ana. Miss WUsoo was gra.dlaled __..,I ._.... ..... o. , f•-.......... UII.N-to .. 1.. fr C sta M HJ Seboo · turtDc Mr. Breodel at the pl.a.Do, c w.ens sponsored by tbe r-, at wbtch time said bids om o esa. gfl 1 ILDd Bartok's Coocerto for Or_ Zonta c'tub were entertalDBd will be pubUcly opened a.00 and attended Orange Coast Col- cbestra.. March 31 ~th a.n Easter bat read lor: lege. Her future husband wa.s Tlcbta. at $4 are 00 sale at puade and musical seleeUoos DISK PACK DRIVE gradtAated from Toms River tbe Orance County Pbllbar-by tbe chOrus ot 14 members AU bids are to be t.o Hlgb School J..o New Jersey and moaic om.ce, 201 w. ccast •ltb Mrs. Kay Haots coo-accor!Ance YU.b Cood.ltioos,ln-attended Santa Ana Collep. He RlstrnJ, Newport Beach.pOOoe duct:tDg. Mrs. floreoee Mac-structions lDd Spec1f1c:atlons is a.n electronics teclln1cl..a.D3rd 644-MU. stucleat ticket~ are C.l.nitie was at the or-pn ILDd wbicb are DOW on file LD tbe class with the U, S, Nary at Los $1•15• Yrs. Gertrude Kaorp wuattbe omce of tbt Purchasing Agent At:=% .r,_he z4w.,_~Fir is IAwrtDCe Foster wu born 1n pl.a.Do. Mrs. Aaroo D. Ctu'Lsten-ot llJd School District, 1851 P r Y e st Loa Aap ... u yeau aco. He son, wearl.oc an old-bshAQoed Placeotia A•enue, Costa Yesa., Baptist Church or Costa Mesa.. 1rU ulliQnt cooduc::tot of tbe coatume, sanld aa ~ CalUorDta. Lol AJet1e1 Ptlilblrmr:.lc cb&ltma.D... Eadl bfddC tDWJt submit a bid 1702NEWPORT BLVD f 17th blpa.laclatbefa.lloll9SS,&Dd First prlJ.e •eat to Mrs. cklposttlDtbeformota certJ- • 0 """'"'""' .,......,.. co111:orts J&mes Sawyer tor ber complete llod oc cuhler's cbe<k or a bid C at tbl Yuste Ceater, at Holly-outtlt. Mrs. GertrOOe Mattm bood eqtaJ to five per cent !===~~~=O=S=f=o=M~t=S=O======:!~-~=-~:~~ud=~oo~l~our=~ID won zoo tor her bat, decorated (5\) of !be amowu of !be bid, ~a California., 1o addWon as a Ma}'POle with small made payable to the order or the ctlickens r.,Jdinc the ribbons. Newport-Mesa UnWed ScOOol On April 9 lbere will be a District. A Performance 8ood "mystery trip" for members may be required a.t the dis- only, larulng at 9 a.m. by bus cretion of tbe District. In the trom the clubhouse at 15tb St. eveot of tallure to enter LDto aoc1 Irvine Ant., CWf HaYen. SUCb cootra.ct, tbe proceeds ol 1ovll]g tO Live" , ' 'The Best Education for Your Tax Dollar" ELECT GORDON C. MORROW - TRUSYEE CANDIDATE, DISTRICT 4 NEWPORT-MESA UNIFIED $CIIOOL 015TRICT QUALIFIED FORMER TEACHER AND COACH IN NEWPORT·MESA DISTRICT MASTER'S DEGREE IN EDUCATION -HOMEOWNER -PARENT -MANAGER OF LOCAL INDUSTRY - GORDON C. IIORROW WILL FIGHT FOR LOWER TAXES, QUALITY EDUCATION ood HIGHER MORAL STANDARDS. TAliD: -.u.s, AI mit tWa the Cell ... on School Ta• • .., 2 E'ftal ICf Anllv-on Spendlna lion of'--of •JodnJI fo<H- ,_,._. eon.nt & l~vement in Sox Educotlon e..-u Americ:8n Hwitage, LAw a a... QUALITY . IDUCAliOIII: SU'Onglr OilcipliNJV podtioo on llnlg- -~---cu..-... .. -'1< c-...ntrt -lmpow n1f 4 *lla COMMITTI! fOR IXC!LLINCI IM IDUCATION ~ Clock, Clllll, Doo Plonll1 Bill C«lloll ·-.-.~- _,,_ II""" I.- CarU.ICJIIIl --waaxo~~~ Fl'OIIA.--~ ~~alP' II.~ -~ WUIUIFu-0. llllloo-_ .. _ O..GonlllllkCltDu DonCUrol -I.CW<I llra.O.WO~-Art .. _ -~ .... --~ ,._~ liln. Pol -.......... VOTI ·APIIL lint I GOR~~·=· MORROW I X I ALIFIED • • • EXPERIENCED • • • CONCEMED 0!1 Aprll 30, the Senior Citi-the cbect. w1U be forfetted, or ln zeos will travel to Unlvarsal case of a bood, tbe full sum Studios. In May tbere wUI be a thereof will be fo rfeited to said 4-da.y trip to Yosemite &Dd Scbool Dlstrtct of Ora.nge SequoLa, aeeordi.DitoJobDStotr, Coanty. pdabOUt chairman. No bidder may wltbdraw h.ls bid tor a. period or forty-five Will Rogers used !o s.ay. ··t never mel a man I d1dn "! like. Isn't th•s a wonderful way to ftel 1 ll"s possible for e<~eryone to feel this way. In fa ct. ChfiSt1an Sc~ence shows thalll1s as natural lor us to love as 1t IS for CLARENCE SORENSON (t5) days after the date set the sun to shme. PAINTINGS DISPLAYED tor !be OI>ODi1ll thereof. Costa. Mea Art Leacue mem-The .brd of Education of ber CLarence Sorenson' a: water t.be Nnpcx1-U.esa UnU\ed color Jarwta:capes, S81&«P8S, Sc.bool Dtstrlct resenes the lJorals aad fru.lta: •ill be 00 rllht to re)ect any or all bids, uhiblt to May 8th a.t Mesa uc1 DOt D~Ce&sarUy accept the Verde Ubnry %969 Y<!sa lowest *. and to waive any Verde Drive Eui, Costa Yesa. l.nbmallty or irregularity in llr. SoreDIOD, a ratt.-e of any bid recet.-ed. Kansas City, Mtuourt, begu NEWPORT-MESA UNI- Ilts stW1e1 tbere at the FiDe FIED SCHCX>L DISTRICT Arts lnsWute. Wblle uvta.c In of Oraoce CoaDty, Caillornla Cllicago he serYed uartdlrec-By Dorotby Harvey tor for Be"fetal adt'ertts1ng PurcbuiDc AKeQt ageoctes. At the same Ume rae 645-1100 foll01rld a petnHnc ea.reer. ta-Dated AprU a, 1969 ldnc private lllltrucUon UDder Publllbed Eutp Publ.lsh.i.ng artist teacblra Paul Gerdln& IDe-. AprlllO aDd AprU 17, In her free pybhc lecture. M1~ Crace Bem•s Curt1s of The Chr1shan Sc1ence Board of Ledure'ihip w1tl explain the spH1tua l Das•s of love Jnd its d1rect rela11onsh1p to life 1tself. Voo and your lnends are most cordially mv1ted to attend . Christian Scle!lCe lecture l ~.!roll, SATUROAY. ,lt,PR_ It CHURO-i ED! F1C&: 3100 P,t,O~C \flEW OR1VE '=ORON,t, OEL MAR IJid Jam• ... -. '------------' Don't try to lose weight I alone. FREE INTRODUCTORY SESSION ~ Trying lo lose weight all bvvourMHcon be a lonely' tof!UI'O<IS undertaking. And often an unsi..'CC*shll one. • If you've tried and loiled- internotk>nolly-fomous Weight Watchers" maybe for you. Here we help e«h olll.r stick to a sensible, satisfying weight control program. No starvation dieb. No pills. You oollhree full, hearty meals o day and snacks in between. too. At Weight Watchers. you con learn lo lose -.lght Gild k-~off. This time, don't try ._....,_-...,.., ·~ ......... ........ o.. , .... ~, ....... ,, ltf COM&HU,_.AL CIIUIICM "' twlehq• t1Hf C:::.. ~ UttlftA,_, U I'll .... •c .... NEIPORT HAR80R EIISIGII RRST SfCllOfl--P•l ........ THURSOAY, APIIIL 10, 1tll CllllliiA DEL MAll. CAUf, How to add years to your life too,..,. aao the averqe American could expect co Uwe about 40 ,...._ Today-ebout 10. Modem sanitation, djet, drup and medical pnctice ba¥C added 30 )U11 to our nrc spu. And note that 10 il DWra,e. Many cfic ICJOnel'. Many li\'C ~. You u.p your chance~ ol bc:inc a .. IDDFr" if you eat properly and act proper medical c::aft. This n'ltaDS periodjc check- .... by your pb)Wician. A.s pha nnacists we are pkuDd to belp by auppl)'ina the drup your doctor pra:n'bar-drup unknown a cemury q:o. We're JOCO-.c::ioul oltbedfcct.ivcneu of modem medicine lhat ~Ne're sbootina ror • life apu o{ 100 yean. Howaboutyou7 -JL-IIWY. -· D& IIU ~·..- PASTOR HANK JONES Takes a ·Firm Stand PASTOR HENRY E. lONES .U A CAMDfDA. TE t.r •• a..rd ef E.,catl .. of the H...,..... ....... Sd...l Dtstrict. I .. ,.rt the followt•t: CONTROVERSIAL ~UES: Tbe SeboOI Board sOOald retaiD full authority for approral ot represeDta.ttves to appear oa. campus to presellf: their 'iews oo COU:roverslal issuu. TEACHER QUAUFICATIONS AND SALARY: Obtain the best -Demand tbe most -Pay the hiebest. OUr District desenes teachers of u ceptional moral clw'acter. CURRICULUM CONTROL: The currtcuham shOuld be c)OselJ scnllinlled. Tbe sc.bol&r sbould be cha.llenpd. and aM tbe --schOlar sboukt be tra..tned for the world of b.lslDess aM labor. A YcxaUoDU b.igb scnoot is Deeded lmmed1&1ely . A .-ea.mess exists iD the read!Dg program at tbe e~meatary ienl. Immediate sti!I)S shOuld be ~n to correct this .-eauess. TEXT BCX>KS AND SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIAL: The SebOol Board should provide daring leadership to insure tb&t proper telt boots are made anilabie. AU minority ~ sbould be considered wben selectJ.nc ~lemeiQ.I material. The ma.ay patriotic aDd veteran orpo1&atioo.s tD our District should be encoorartd to provide material for 0'11" studeDts, SEX EDUCATlON : Pa.ramooat lD the study of Sill educa- tioli ls lk actDowledgmelll that tbe bome &Dd cburc:b assume tbe pr1mary respooslbtlltJ ud tbe eebool lltUds lD a sw•.-a.~ relatioostltp Ollly. The ADCt1ty of lldiYklal C(UICiMCe &Dd reiJ.ciou.s COCI'ttctx.s mut be r..-etedl n. Boud mast ,...IJ sue obtectm LaMrltLip In tbe ac- ....,. .... or rejtcUoc of a cwrtclllam b' eu ldtatioll, Tills IDelldes earefll ~ ol aU polalJ: ol •lew. LOCAL C<»>TROL' I -ID -ol -8IU S5, "W111l~ woukl .Jli'CPftlJ rtafllrm co-"._. tbe ,..._.. of CMII" cltlMia Md tu&*IW• ud rntGr local coMrol 011'81" ldiDol tun. OP.-..TOKITY: 0. Dlltrld .. 1M ; I t•• tit COIN tilt _.. S C DMirkt II Mit ..... I wtll • ,..,... .. ,, a ,, • ...._ • IIIIIMIII 11M 1J3£ iftCUJILiloT1, 7111 ... 1 • ... ,IF' all BIQIIIL AJ The Intra~ To Ude .... HELD OVEI COME TO A FREE Christian Science Lecture at MR. BUBBLE BUBBLE BATH ELBERTA FREESTONE PEACH HAL YES LADY BECKWITH 303 SIZE CHARCOAL MRS. J AHE MUHOEH, 89, Of BALBOA SUCCUMBS COAST MARKET '-+-BRIQUETTES 'O-LBs.~-- H.t.BISCO DIET --\.o'F'-Q!.IICKERS .. "• CAKE 79c PECAH -.t.PPLE -ONNAMOIIHUT TREESWEET ORANGE JUICE COFFEE lEER & WIHE 69'·1 La. 131 2 LIS. ... ,.... • . •••. ~ -~t•· . NEWPORT . -( .. -. .·· -~ .,,.. .,.... -.... ...._ Oll lll cons 1 Open Nightly at 6:45 tt.rn. * MATINEE * 'WED.-SAT.-SUN. Continuou• from l p.m. + •• [)Qf«tiw U,f8n~ llullitt. 20 word• or len ........... . 21 word, to 30 word• .,. 31 word• to «l word• Eoch word over 40 word• .. SERVICES Onler fnl•: Aaertcaa ~111M 8l!toot. Bktre JtS4 Butlor BIY._ ooa&a .... -.._ • • satDOl.S ICHOOL PROBLDd Prl••• HI_...._, ......... -llooo ....... CJ ..... BIUCIU!&rWAa.O PUP ICHOOI:. THE LUXURIOUS lEW IALI. THEATIE IIH)Mf ~ ..c• .... c ...... &Oeft I '" UST UllOA llft. "IAI.IOA Pl111SaA·In-414t • OPININtGHnY 614) HOW SIIOWIHG-EHOS MOIIOAY axt11 O•llley'a crt•• ~·· He's the exhausted captrve of three young ladies, with a unique idea of revenge. CO. f Eo\ TU R E -~~..s~·" KIRK DOUGLAS 1 Tirne l.lO 2.00 3.00 .05 2 Tim•• 2.:;o !.00 •. oo .10 3.00 .c.oo 5.00 • 15 100" Flnancing Available AI so We-Carry Ou r Own Con tracts NEWPORTER MOTOR S 2036 Harbor Bl ¥d. Costa Mesa PAY ...-to Sl,OOO D Stelaway Grud pta.ao. Wrial P. 0. Box 1685, SluiSlo CIIJ, Calllorllla. • IIUSICAL fOil SALI STEIIIW A Y. Y AMAliA HAMMOND lst•"""" ..... ,.,-be told rrom ..,, ••• $400; l&lt· term'· U81d couole • IP&Dil pla.Dos -WurU.taer, N:zo- .We • Cabli·NelloD from $:115 ...... GraDdo -llrom $475. HamiiiOIId, Yamaha, Boldw1A orpoa from $115. Hammonrl W-1 CbonJ w/llfl/l;r-muot HU; plul otMrs. SCHMIDT MUSIC CO. 190? N. Wain, Santa ADa Elll.l914 • HELP WAaiTEO SECRETARiAL W0RX, IDI--· II1IPblac. _,., _.. --u.pan, JN"'O""t Call ns-4050 --· 1'11-ltn ....... Sed. 8 cyL, auto., utCimkJ. Ye .. ol ~ """ coad. $750. ertc.. P<~Yatol , ..... a11 -· ., .... --1'1'5-14111. .... .. .._ ......... -·· -· "·"',.. ... -· "'-607 ...... ~ ... <DI._,,.m., II Polr Orl". • Coo• ..... 54M4lO e IIIICILUIIIOUS CAII&O -.AIIIII. -. .. ""'· . ····:. ....... OW...MI,IOO • ..-. - • AM11caiH .&IITIQID -... - -. • ••• • 1 .lflllll' 11, II, 11 fton.hLIII.l __ .....,. ..._.u __ ,_. hp'jp .,_ ............. _._._no /IIIII :· .. .. · . ·. ,. :: .; ' 1MERIT 00 PAUL L MASSEY I MOTIVATION mEDUCATION ~Responsibility ~ '_DENTITY a TEACHERS ..r-.,- 606.fl -~ lntLC..tf .. _ ..... Coo't Mil il?. · •. _,..... • ., PorPutAd,.AIMalta S,_;.lly de· signed ond -od ,.,. todey.. higlt _,,_ . ... --hlflhwor• ••• .... ••• , .... ~ ••• ..... :::: Irvine Terrace I IIII-I BATH-HEATED AND FILTERED POOL AVAILABLE JUifE 1ST. • • • CALL US TO SEE •••• Harbor View Hills 1126 GOLDENROD I DR • DEN AND DllllNG ROOM ••• BEAtmFUL HOWE ORIENTED TO 0111'1Xla1 UVUIG WITH LARGE POOL AND ••• $EPARATE RECREATIOII AREA OP EM HOUSE SUMDA Y 1-5 •••• Cameo Highlands 4121 OlRTLAND DRIVE STRAIGtrr Ollf OCEAN VlEW •••• 3 BR, Z BATHS PRIVATE BEACHES OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 2-S •••• CDM Ocean Front 2500 OCEAN BLVD. FANTASTIC VlEW DUPLEX OPEN HOUSE SAT. & SUN. 1-S DOH Y. f'RAHKl.IH 32.50 3&.715 31.25 I RE:Al. TOR ' 3250 tnt Coast HiJI'Iway C«Oftl del Mar, Cllitorni• Phone: 673-2222 , ... , ILZI 11.17 II.U COME TOA FREE Christian Science Lecture FUU 4-PLY NYLON CORD 11.10 37.25 II.U 40 75 ZO.S7 . .,. ..... •• ... • • •• ... •• •• ... •• c. ........ ......... ' EXCLUSIVE CORBJN- MARTIN lt.ALTOR8 e BAY FRONT-Cbina Cove-$611,500 ' OPEN HOUSE • Attern001111 · Wed.-Bat.-Bun. e BEAUTIFUL HOUSE, Lot& One-halt Plua Guest House • • ••• $57,000 OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY AFTERNOONS e BLUFFS HOME-WELL LOCATED 2 Bedroom - 2 Bath ..• $37,200 2066 Vista Cajon OPEN HOUSE -Sat. & Sunday e LAGUNA BEACH VIEW HqME Beaut!1ul Spanish 3 Bedroom - 3 Bath Iron Fenced Court Yard $89,500 OPEN Afternoons -Sat. -Bun. e CORNER LOT SPECIALS Duplex-each unit-2 Br •••• $49&00 Two Houses-2Br.-1Br .•••• $34,500 Duplex-! Br. Ea ••.••••• $37,950 Duplex-2 Br.-!Br ....••.. $33,500 • • MANY OTHER FINE LISTINGS CALL FOR DET AfLS CORBIN-MARTIN, Inc. 3036 E . Coast Hwy. Corona del Mar, Calif. 675-1662 .FIPOilT IIAiliOR EIIIGII AllST SEC'TlOI • -'• S niURSOAY, AI'IIL 10, .. (XIII)DA DE! 11M. CMJ f .. Real Estate B iS WE HAVE JUST LISTED TWO SPARKLING CONDOMINIUM HOMES IN THEAWARDWINNINGDEVELOP- MENT OF EAST BLUFF: A two bedroom upgraded unit (pictured above). Attractively decorated. Pleasing view. Electric garage door opener. Price-only $25,900. A 3 bedroom, 1-1/2 bath unit wtth excellent view of greenbelt and handy to SWimming pools OPEN HOUSE 1 ID 31' • .._ SAT. & SUM, APRIL 12 & 13 , and tennis. Price $26,950, only $3,000 down. NEWPORT HEIGHTS (AND ONE OF lH E VERY BEST, TOO) NEAT £ CLEAN -READY TO W.OVE INTO ..• A Cbarmin& Z-Bedroom borne wttb din1DI room I LARGE tam11y room wUh lireplate. "PLUS" Separate guest room Y1tb bath. $32.500, wttb terms. Wells-McCardle Realtors Reliable Scrvi" Sine< 1943 (ANYTIME) S.cl-7729 g_. 'fi-JI. fl-It., For Sales & Rentals ~Mil 332 M-erito Corona del lllor -673-8550 'f/.,.,./1, fl-ftor BARE---· both top & bottom INDUSTRIAL LAND 200x170 COMPOSED OF 2 LOTS ZONED 112 0. BEHIND EDISON CO. OFF COAST HWY ••••••• $37 ,SOO. OFFERS WANTED. ' lay & leach Inc. ntall 2407 L COAST HWY. C D M 4 FURNISHED UNITS Level lot -Immaculate condition. Unusual executive-type apartmenttor owner ---or rent all units for $7,500 annually. S69,000 e FOR SALE BY OWNER e Principals only call 494-7718 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t Sales through the Multiple Listing Service of the Newport Harbor-COIIta Mesa Board of Realtors totaled $11.3 million for the first two montha of 111611. This represents 242 unit sales and an increase of 27% over the same period of last year. List your property with a Realtor today. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I STEP IDGB-STEP LDW. PrMpecU wtl1 clo jolt llllt -aU ........,. • ue ellu'«lafObjlets. A.t'06det••nd _ .. Uldpoo-...-. J:e»UUJhltMofu.k, f.'IUU ' . MARY MARTIN TO THE NEWPORT -MESA BOARD OF EDUCATION TRUSTEE AREA 5 I am a candidate for the School Board In (T1rustee Area Five. I am a houseWife with lth:ree children, the youngest being a junior Harbor High School. My husband Is a ~~~~~~t~~ engineer. As my family respon-(1 have permitted, I have worked a secretary, newspaper reporter, and lltJ•venille court clerk. I have had 4 years of 1~;~~'e:l~; and office management and com-~ programming courses. v ...-L-e~~ --'!''·<..A.../ ~~...--' • I FAVOR a Scbool Board that ts a watchdog of policy, CIU'rtculum, and budget, • I FAVOR more above-board communtcatloo between the School Board aod the taJpayers than there lla.s beeo In !be past. • I FAVOR the payment of taxes directly to the local scbool district, DOt to the federal government. lor bureau. crauc red!Q:ribution. • I fAVOR tbe passage of SB 35 , which w:IU return to the tupayers the control of school tlnancing. • I FAVOR more empbasis ot the A mer lean heritage. • I FAVOR extreme eare in tbe selecting and llirlng of teachers w:ltb atteotton oot only to their educatioaal backgrounds but also their basic attitudes toward citben- ship, respooslbillty, a.oo morality. • I FAVOR hiring of tbe mostqua.ll.tled tea.cbe rs we can t1.lld and the payment of salaries appropriate to their quallllcatioos. • I F AYOR a better btunaD. physiology education program tllao we oow have. I am QPPOsed to any espa.o- sioo lD scope to lnclude bwnanistlc • monl precepts, bumanlstJc • ideals of tamUy relations, psycho-sensual materlals, or games of amateur psychology. • I FAVOR more focus on tbe3R's aDd fewer FRILLS. • "Hwnanism" ls a system of belief whJ.ch replaces the coocept of God wtth a coocept of "universal rna" It Is the baste credo ot SociaUsm. LLOYD E. BLANPIED, JR . INCUMBENT AI'IIIL 11. 1969 D-ITIIATID IMTIRIST 1M IOIOOU AND COIVMIITY • DUAL DITilGIIIT DIWIIISIIt. • .. OWUPUL 3-LIVIL IUPIIt·SUIGI WAIIIIIIG ACTION THAT IIALL T CAM CUT THI MUST AID, lAUD IIAMS· • AMD Till PIIID IGG, TOOl GREAT coo. TOAPMK Ctwtallen 8cl1nce Lecture '(THRU AI'RIL OMLY) /.. c,E-4H.o,,9f ' • -4oJusr ~~ @~& SEWING MACHINE ~00@[?[?~ Repairs-Every Brand and Kind OUR OPENING SPECIAL OFFER IHQ.UDES: 1. Yov tuhttlnt th• •aehln• In -(PI•an). P .S. Parklnt u utual, but cOM• In and I'll cony your rnachl•• ln. 2. D•lintfng ron (wh•,. th• boltbln Is). 3. Adju ttlng upp•r and low•r tensions. (~of your p.altl.,. s, I lt.tf) 4. Oiling Madlin&. WE WILL ALSO HAVE SOME USED MACHINES!JX>N FOR SALE, AND ASPE CIALRENT.\LSYSTEM AVAILABLE FOR A MODEST $6.50 PER MONTH. WE ARE QUAUFIED TO COMPLETELY SERVICE ANY SEWING MACHINE NO MATTER WHAT BRAND OR KIND. ESTIMATES ARE FREE ALWAYS! U you can't get 1n, a plcii:-LC> service ts anllable at a mere $3.50 within a reasonable cU.stance. Remember wbeD I'm any from tbe sbql driYiog bumper to bumper to ~ur place, I'm dosed at: the sbop. I usually plcll: IC> Ia. early mornings, 8-9 a.m., a.nd delivery after 5 p.m. Shut-las a.nd lnY&llds, oo plck-t41 ellarge. BE SURE TO CALL FIRST. IN OUR 23rd YEAR OF DEDICATED SERVICE/ DAVIS-BROWN 411 E. 17tt. St.-Costa Mesa BEACH fOe Launch Cancer Crusade Tbt 190 Amorl ... ea- Soclolr cr-II -ny. Vol-..a ••• lltutld tM ~ ml.Uar ted, wbltt ud bl•CU.. ctr Cruade titl oa tbtJz W'aJ. Mra. Monts Fttr, Newport 8ea.eh elt7 eMtrrrwaM14. ''Use ,ol lllo .. .,....to.DOi&llbor truadt ldt tu.tmll a dual par. poa. lt _ ..... doa::lrl to CJOD,.. tribWe 1D tbl prtwacy o1 tbe1t bomu Uld at tbe Mme Ume r.,..... ute.a.YfDC ldlrmatioo. locluded 1D tbl kit are tbree .. -fllllll'lnc tbt ...... WVIIbl( slplo; famous caA· -----~~ COIIIUII --:= - ....... • ...... u.r. c.- .MI1LC.. ..... -.. -.,4 ........... STERLING TBADE-IN! Don't yon wish you could trade your present olerling pattern for your favorite Gorham original design? YOU CAN! If you'vr. falle1• out of ion: with 1he aterl in1 pattern you now have, wa'll replac. it piece for piece "·ith a famou• Corham Sterling Original, aud you pay only one half of lhe replu opeo stock. pnce. JUJt brine In the sterlina: you aow tJwn, nprdleu of •.....t. -woight, ·or moaogramming. and ~elect yow favorite from 21 f'.orbam Sterlin& desigu. -......-./or • UmU.I tiJM. you Clift b,y cM-.Itl• ~--w., /rwonlr SO% of ,....,. .,... ...,. ,.._ oJwo you Indo .. .,.., ,_ _,..,. Choose from 21 Gorham Original 0.../gns A. JAMES CLINTON JEWELER 3007 EAST COAST HIGHW.lY COROH.l DEL M.lR PHON Eo 673-6~05 • • NEW MEMBERS of lllo llalboa Bay Uoas Clo<>, -ed at tbe March Z5 meeting lD tbe Villa U.UlDa. resta.urut, are, from left, Bob Matra.np. Joe KroepU Ud Paul Fl.nlay Duff. Tbey were spoosorecl by a prwious oew member, Or. John Evers.Chuck Myers, put KOVetoor of Woos, read tbe induction ceremony. The May 4 community art sbow sponsored try the Newport Beach city art eommltlee wtll be jurled by Bruce Ploer, Rutb Osgood and Tboma.s Garver. Mr. Plner has been bead o1 the art and humanities depart- ment at Orange Coast College slnce 1958, He was eraduated from St. Mary's CoUece In 1951 ~ a B.A. aDCI from Mez:tOO-ctty Onl•erstty wttll a.D M.F.A. HeenteredSaDFran- cJ.sco State 1n 1958 tor further stu<lles. Rutb Osgood Is a promiDeot arUst and instructor trom La- guna Beach School or Art 4r Design. She trained at ChOuinard and represented tbU school ln "1954 Art School U.S.A.". She h.as eshtblted 1n Los An~les & vlclnity and museum annuals to San Fran- cisco, Denver and PblladelphJa. Sbe has had 9 mator ooe-m.an shows. Mr. Garver ls director of the Newport Harbor Art Mu- seum 1n Balboa. He was &s- ststa..nt to the director at Kra.o- nart Art Museum at tbe Uni- versity of Ullools from 1960 to 1962 and assistant director of the t1De art department at tbe Seattle World FUr lD 1962. He also was assistant director ot the Rose Art Museum at tbe Brandeis University LD Wal- tham, Mass. The art shOw •ill be beld from noon to 5 p.m. May 4 with refreshments served oa the grounds of the City Hall. The entry blanks are obtaloable at ttle City Ha.U. Tile show wW be open to residents of tbe City at Newport Beach. PartJclp&nts must be 18 yerus or older aDd there will be a Umlt of Z WOl'ks ot art from each cootest&nt. AD entry fee of $2 must accompany each eotry. AU art mllSt be de- livered to the City Hall oo. Friday, May Z, between lOa.m. &Dd 5p.m.Allartenteredwtllbe H.J.GARRFJT fURNIJURE IY IIIRITAGI! LE •n•••rt~•a! 5 ... 6 Our corwenient blnkm& hourl were estJbhshed to bt of semce to you. Don't rush at 3:00 relu ... and blnk 11 1 more ltiSurely pace. You can save time 1nd ret more done. whether business Of pleasure.. llrilen rou elimmlte rushm& ro the bank in the middle of the afternoon Our employees rre just IS tnen41y and helpful II 5:00 Of 6:00P.M. Our u1nord inary uniQue sermes will make bankin& at Newport N1t1onal Bank 1 pleasure ~- ...... -c....-11 ~ ~2111 • ..,... ..,.. a.,.-at Ja"'"'" M2·1141 ~ Pw11 -......_, tf bt T wltfl 171·2100 • ...., -. IMa MltW M .,_ 111-Tm ...... -. Srewt1t It ......., MU6ll • ..._., 1111m Ent ~ M S:&dt Co11t1 17'1-4140 ..... -~It o-r 642·3111 COMPLETE FUNERALS ,_ 1245 COMJI'L!TI FUNEIAL AND BURIAL C~NnR CIMIIRY-MAUSOUUM fUMIIAL HO .. CHI.."'! CUMATOIY COUIMUIIUM VIIAAJIS LAWN CEMETERY LOTS From $130 MAUSOLEUM CRYPTS From $-46' • ifarlt ·M•r&aary-{:e•eteay "E~ in One Beaasifal Ploce" kllile tbe timml and burial <:el!let CXliiCept elimiaabel tbe need for processioas ~ lwty traE6c on O¥etaowded highways, &mily iDd frimds alike may now pay their full reo spect:s ., attending the burial service, u well u tbe cbape1. Rr~ice, aJl at 'oae beautifvl place, at lest Gilt and IDOl'C CXJflWI'oieucr. 1•1 -1~ .ACH aYD., n4 1Wi s ' wa1 on Christ Nf.WORT IIARt!OR £11!1GII OOIIl!IA O£L liAR, tlM.JP. TIIURSOAY, APIIL 10, IM r-------------~----~~~~~-- ,...,..., --......... ...-·~. .. ·~~.-....~ -.-.--~~---~ ...... "'-1 ....... _ .......... ........ .. olu • "nno """"-.. .. ,... .. -n.. ......... J ..... ...,. .,. I ....... .u .. .....-w..... ,_ ... _ .... _._....., ta If A.D.. or Det.r tMt tbae. Nlll diecl tn •. ·~W.boobatt.th.~ ..... ._..,. ......... IJ>.10. -.. ---.....,.-· vi ~ he oould find ~ h political and IIOdal n•nta ln J~. 'the .... ,...,.,_ ,_... ln Jaaephu.' worb J. WI rei~ to ChrUt.. Here it what t. -"'ffgw thHe WM about th.it thD4 J•ua. a .... INIA. It lt. iM L.wful to call h1m a atab; ... ... ... a doer of wonderful worb. • ---ol Nth IDeD. .. rft'ei.... the truth wttD ~ &. drww over to him boCb mNO' ol the Jnn and maD,)' of t.be Gftltl.le.. H. ._ (the) CbriA. And wh•n PU..te, at tN 44&Uti>J,n ol. 1be priadpal nwn atnolllllt .., boo!.-....,.,. him to the .,._ "'- tt..t loftCI him Ill the flrlt did not tor.~!:• hila; for be apprMI""IId. to them &lift ap1D. .... -day; .. tho divino ............ foretold tb~ aad. tan thousand ot.ber won· dorlld -"""""""" him. ADd tho tribo ol ~ .., namec1 from hlm. .,.. not utW:t at ttu. day ... s.tne. &hia ill the P'NlHt oontemporaneow ~ to Ouilt extant (unl-it be Plla.T• 1ett.er to Trajan), it was Nltura! that all tiM powerful fon:ee ol unbdief would UDia. iD atlac~ the tru.tworthi.-ol the .,...... ADd at the same time, there waa tho -b!J!ty that tho ....... boo! .... ~t«< b,. an over.zealous C'hriltlaD ~ F.w pMUCftl outside t.be Bible have been fll.bjtded to the invnt.laation Uld ~~~ and foe, as tills puaace And it hu nood up under all of it. Emest Renar.t. tbe French rationali$1., who rejee\ed all ·the m.1racl• of the Goepeb Mid of the paace: "'I think the passaae on Jesua authentic." Prot. H..-mclt of Berlin, ooe ol the rno.a learned of modem scholars. al first doubted the authenticity of the pu- ..... but later, ln an article in a German reovieow, ded.ared it to be most probabiJ" Jeftuinoe. 'J'IIB lAST GR&\T SCHOLAR to 1ubject the puaqe to a profound finthand KrUtiny wu the Jn,iah ileholar, Joseph Klau.rwr. Ib his "Jeaw of Nazareth: His Life, Times, and Teachini:," (Macmillan) Klau.ner lit-votes five and a = to a dixuuion of the puMp in J us. Born in in 1174, Klauaner mtu«< the U~ ol BeidelbW'J i.D 1J17, where he wu awanled the PhD decree. Be has Jhrm his life to a minute Rudy ol the ..__ .WUC clai..rN of JesUI and the problem ol the orlcin of Chriatian.ity. No OOO·ChriatiaD Jewish 8Cho1ar hu ever Jiven the Nbject luch profOUDd, ~t study. KlaUIDer reiec1a all the mindetl the N-Testament ~tJ with our Lonl. To Klausner Jn1.111 .... the aon of Ja.eph and all the miracle. an: "let:endary aecredON." nw matured opimoa. o1. such a acholar .. ta the no.uiner:t.ea~ ol the Ja.ephu. pMUCe, especially in view of his 01ttit.ude toward the deity of Christ, is obviously conclusive. HE BEGINS BY .ayi.na that it is "Mtural to auume that such a man of cWlai1 M Joaephua: would not ipote the ~DGYe~DaDt whid! aroee in PaJNtine in the time of Pontius Pilate, whlcla resulted in the erud· fixion of Christ. But why the exceuive brl'"Vity? Why does J' ..... \11 WI • lltdt 111 he .,..y lOa...., ~ ... trouWed. .... H. rwaablda \II that ~ trW .W. ~ to CIOIIINU ftolo w.-.thatsohntbo_,......., the -" ..... otla. It -..... -.._ ..... U..t 1M would aq M Ut.UI • ~ about an.t. Jo.pb~.~~ro • aU tlu· ................ -.. --.... " .... -. H. .......... bo pooulu wtth ... ,body. klaumer dMla with tba quution ol an ........,...., by • Chriodaa-Bo-..ul-Albet Reville U..t. DO Chrfatlan tnt..-• ~ would apeak ol leMa~ ..... --IM:l'l,.. and 10 DeCe~Cta... .. ha .. ,.., tbe further interpolation, "'f it be lawful to all him • mab. .. Klau.ar ~ Neb ~ .. beiDc that ol. • C'brt.ciaD. BU'I' ID..AVSND DOD not accept the ~ ol tba .,...... 111 ferlulDa. Be tl'alul· Ia ... the ~ .. topow.. and the lta.lidaed liMa he a~ •. belDc rmWDe: "Npw tMre wa about UU. time (i.e .. about the time of the rWDc ~ Ptla.. who wished to extract lboneJ" from the Ternplt; for the purpc.e of brinc1rll' water to Jeru.. Mlem from a diatant ~) J..ua. a ~ man, If U .. lawhll ta alii ..._ a -. For M wu a doer ol WIXId:roua ...-b. • teacher of .uch men M racaive the truth .tth pleuun. He drew cwar to him both many ol tM J..n aDd many of the O.Ulea. Be ... tbe M•· tWa; and when. PUaw, et the .uautioa. ol the prindpti men amoOill ua. had CODdernned him. -to tlie c:rwa, thoee who lowd him at the flnl ~ not (ao to do), r-M •· ......... taM. ........ the thiN 4111' •• ...... r., ......... , ............ ... • tlururd odMr wr I hal ...._. eee· ce:natac Ida; and the nee of ChrUtiaJu., .a named from him., are not. ltXtind even now." Klausner doem't aay that t.be italicized .,...._ are not pnulne; he .. ,.. thew are the .. ,u.pectec~ addition&." We have no troubl~ at all appndatina how a Jrw wbo denift that the a~ of Christ wpanedea that o1 Mr.et ... uspectl... any •ucc..oon that Jnt.JS wu Meeliah, and espeda.lly that He ...... raised from the dHd. WllA T IS 'DIE overwhelming fact rWna from Kl•umer'• admiaiorw coacerninc" Ja..ephus' famous pa~U~Ce1 It it this: Two thousand yean of unbelieving Jewiah echolanhip, after a mJ.aute, tedioua, prejudiced aiftin,g of every frqmmt of evidence of tM origin of Christianity, it forced by that evi· den" to stand bd'ort the world, Jew and Gentile, and affirm that: e In the days of Pontius PiU.te there lived a •·wae man'"' named Jaus; • That H~ wu '"a doer of wonderful worb"; e 1llat He wu a .. teacher of wch men u rec:eive the truth with pleuure"; • 'that He "'drew ovu to Him both many ol the J~ and many of the Gentiles": e 'I'bat Ptlate, "at the 5Upestion ol the ~ men amoo.pt ua," had Him c:rue· • e That tho.e wbo loved Him before the crucifi•oa coatinued to low HUn afterward ; e That '"the nee of ~ to named from Him. are DOt extinct even now." Every man with a bowledce of the JewUh life of Uw:.a times will n~~turall)o want to know what happeDed to break down the "midcUe wall ol partitioa" between Jews and Gentiln and dniM them to came totet.bet in ocwnmon f~p a.nd wonhip of thia "'wiae man." A.r:t.d. "«"Y rut:h perecm kDows there w. but one adequate au.: tt-Jewa aDd Gemilea bad flllficient rrid«<ce th8t thtll "'wWe maD"' wu God incarnate, that He w. Lord of all. "LINES OF A LAYMAN" By J. C. PENNEY,_,.._,_. Bl'tr' o., ,, GH'I 047 PIIOM ..,.HI OtRI111AM HIIALD" A~ I SEE IT, cht one sr-r Mid b aU "-' Aaxtkut.l. ......_ btlfta' putOMI cli.5wJU... cw ..,_.n.d by dw Mti"''•t wu ~So.ldt ol todly, it to awkc God • pu1 ol OW' dliJJ Uwa. A few ,_,., a,o. Wllliam Moore, a N«fttfuu buJi..,.. --. ,.....t oa. Oa a ~able t-ide hit bed a.,. 1 dnocioMI book, ~ at hit fa¥Otitc: Jtft)'«, ''M~ Rnolve:· Mn. .Moor. .. , a copy of U.. ptay« «a the J.ayawn'• No~ for a Owi111da World. TM t.ymm dittrlbuted ~000 ('('.~pitt of the pnyu. A poup of Adanta bu.UW.. QMQ pUced it nn cheir thaviaa mlrron and repa11ed it nery ...ornioa •• they ti..Hd. A New Enaland fumu pt'i•ted it on bit pertonal ard. 'I'M Reformed a.ucb ~au 1 copy to a1.-h of iu lay_.. f bd~ve it BAftOI bil to bdp enryoM. HeR it it: "I 'will tt)l thit dly 10 li•e a Nmpla, liacen aod Mr«M life, repellinA prompdy every thou.Jhc of diKontent. aasiety, diKOU,..pmau, impurity, Jd(.WtkinJ: cui· liftrialt'beetN.lons. -an-nimiey, chuif)'; aad the 5ove of holy tilence:: e:urcitintt C'«JJIImy itl n:pmditurR.o s-o..iey ia ai•U.. cwdulnas in conv~tton. diU,m« in appoitued wnoice, &de:liry 10 tva')' U'\Dt. .ad a childlike faith in God. 11'1 p&r· 1"--uJar, I will1ry 10 be: faichful in pray~r, work, 1tudy, phyaical n.trciiK', dlii'IIJ and 1lnpin1. which I bc:li~~ lh~ Holy Spirit hil1 ahown me 10 be ri8hL A~." r.;;;diona ancl /" ..... ... Q. T--· ... .._-"Waa Povli'JHlOk- i"g about lli"111.8~l! or t071Uonfl ~lu Wlltm h dtelGr~d. 'I be111 a mo" iJI CliNt obov~ fourttm veor• a{JO ... co.ug.\t UJI to til~ tAird llaavm' (II Corint.\iana If: 1-.v ." A.. It is generally understood by Bible students t hat this does refer to the exper ience Paul had himself, pouibly at the time he had been stoned and left for dead. He endured many afflic· lion.! during his life time. The U:· perience gave Paul added Impetus and conviction as be pruched duriog his entire ministry of witne!!laing and writing. Q. ,Mtt..N, o,.... -"K'.\.at did t}l.t acribt ltuk w.\o wu '11tJt fnr from tile kingdom of God?'·· 14.. In Mark 12 :34 we read, "'And when Jesus saw t.hat be answered discrete- ly, he said unto him, Thou art not. far from t.he kingdom of God. No man afler that dural aak him any quel'- tion." The scribe wanted to know wb1ch was the first and great com· ma.ndment. This mliHI lacked the abil- ity to do what he himself knew he ought to do, namely to love the Lord his God with all his heart. soul and mind. It wasn"t a question of doin1 the best he could. God set11 the stand- ards, and, in ou r own strength, we are con11t.anUy falling far short of them. While the scribe wu right in hi.ot mi nd he was wron g in hi~ li fe be<:ause no man has the ability to do what is commanded in the law. In add ition, he wall not far from the kingdom of God. But it does not makf! any differ- ence the dist&nu; if one is on the out!!lide of tbe door, he is lost. Our Lllrd said. "1 'am tfi"e door.'" We have to enter in throuJI,'h Him. He is the only way. PANEL: Dr. deaa of Talbot Ticeol~ aad Dr. Samael H. pre.Udeut of Biola (IIOLA BROA.OCA.STIER) Q. s..t• lr!Wria, c.Ait.r.la -"T.\it mn.y seem like a foolUII quuti011 yet w:ll~ do~• God t~U 1U rwt to lo-ve t.\~ world wiiR tilt Bibt~ ao.y& tlt11t H' Hi.m.a,lf do~a lovt! it r 14., Do not think that your question is foolieb. In I John 2 :15 the Christian is &dmonished to ""love not the world. neither the tbinas that are in t.he world.'' The word "world'" is used in .severaJ aense11 in Scripture. It ill re- ferre<. to aa beina in the arma of the evil ont:. We are not to love the pleas· ures of this world for they are at odds with Christ and the Gospel. There are also the beautiell of God"s creation in t.he world. TheM" are for our enjoyment and to His praise. The sinful pleasures and wiekedneu are what we are to hale. Keep in mind, however, that God lovea human lM-ings all over the world. He lf&Ve His only begotten Son to aave them. Here is a simple comparative : God loves the sinner while, unfortunately, too often we love the sin. q. TIK-. A.rlt ... -"'Is tht!r~ a po~i­ l!Uf' Scriptural foundation which shows that Christ's "cond comin1 is in t~.CK~ parts:>" In a, ftiS LAft a. A. TOaiiEY :1 It,.,,. I I ., ........ ewc..- NI't'IIT ...... , •• u ... GOD HAIOININO PHARAOH'S HEART '11m Y.u.)W ft~B u.,., ....... bt tM ~ptur. in .,... ...... to Oecl. ..................... Nut ......... ...,&&a4 • .,.. .. , ,_.. c::::lllr.1:# .. _. -., m.-u, t.ea ....,. -. of b:r •ri :I' ms Ia their ......_ _ .. _ kla-thatllllodhwd- ~ ,.,.. ...... ._. ..... ":.Cr:l-" ~ ~ a::u" .... ., .rc ....._..,. • a u..t It ... u:aJust eo hold PUnaib ........... foil h'-nbell\oe and to pualah .... lor h. ID a...IUI 4:11 R. V, .. rMd: .. ,... thot..doald ............ _ ..... _ bad. Wo ...,.,., ... ~ thou do WoN Jltt.anoh aU .... WCI8Ihn which J t.n. put i.n &by hMd! 1M I wW .hanlaD h.. b.ut, IIDd be ..w llOt a.t the people .,. .. s-alao .Eudu. 1:.1; 1,:._ NOW ftiOJI UADINO U.. .,....... It does ........ the ftm ........ if then ._.. aon:ae crouDd for edtkim\ ol God'a "-"1 IICtion lD W. mau.r, or ol the Bib!. aceount ol it. But whn we atudy taN• fully ~ what tbe IN.ble MA and euctJ,y what God it nDOnad • .. yin&, and tiM ~ under which Ita .. ld It, the d1f6eult.y aU diaapPMn. For God to \Me a man who really cSetJ.re. to know aDd do llil will, hardm hU burt and thua indine him not to do lila will, .ould in· cfe.ed be an ..U.. • God's part that it would be diffkult ot impc.alble to juatify. But. wher:t. we f'MCI.God'1 ut\ltraDclla on thb,mate.r I.D their te1:-Unc, we fiAd thb; b not at all what God did with Pharaoh. Pharaoh wu rw.t a man who wl.hed to obey God. The whole account betrina-not .tth God'• hard.nin& Pbaraoh'• heert but with Phanoh's hardeninc hill own ._... l:r:t. ExodUI 4:21 w. have a pfOPbecy of what God would do with Pharaoh, a prophecy that God rUde fully knowinc beforehand what Pharaoh would do before He hardened h1l heart. In Exodua t:12 aDd later puaac• we have the fulfilment of thiac pro. pheq, but before God does hen harden Pharaoh'• heart we have a de. acriptioa ol what Phareoh hinwelf did. In J:xod.ua 5:1, 2 we an: told lhat Motes and Aaron appeared in the praenc-e of Pharaoh with Jehovah'• mnucn: -rhw u.lth the Lord God ol brael, Let my people 10, that they may hold a feut unto Me in the wi.Ld· e~" and that then Pharaoh replied: "Who is the Lord that I lhouJd ~His voice to let ltnel p? llmow not the Lord, Drither will I let Israel .... HeN Pharaoh defudtely and def1at1tly nl!"-d to reeocnWt or obey Cod. 'MUs .,.. belon God hardened hill heart. HE HERE HARDENED HIS OWN HEART. Then follows a deecripdon of how Pharaoh 1ave himaelf over to more cruel oppr-e:.ion ol the lsnelite:t than ever (Exodus 5:3·9). . In Exodus 7:10 and foUowinc vef'HS we '" Mose. and Aaron comlnc tnlo tht ~nee of Pharaoh and doinc sip5 befort him aa pnd that they were meaencen sent from God, but Pharaoh would not Iitten. (D. the 13th vene we read In the Authoriud Venion: "And he hardened Phanoh'• heart, that he hearkened not unto them;· but the Revbed Ver- sion COIT'eCtly renders: "Pharaoh's heart wu bardened.~ It do.r rw.t .. ., -yet that the Lord hardened hll heart. Til& PA.crs., TIIEH, in the care are the., that Phanoh wM a CI"Uf.! and opp'HSive tyrant, rubjedinc the people of luul to me* awful bond~ age, aufferillc and death. God k»ok«< down upoo. HU people. heard their c rift, and in Ria mercy determined to deliver thml (!.xo. 2:25; S:7. 1). Be M"Dt Mo.ea. • Hil .-.paaentlldve, to Pharaoh to demand the deliVU"U~Ce of His people, and Pharaoh in proud rebellion defied Him ud pn. him· sell up to evea. more c:rue.l opprnlion ol the people. It ,.... then and cm1y then that God bardmed his burt. Th.is wu limply in punuance of GOD'S UNJVI:RSAL MI:I'HOD of det.llna with men. God'• univenal method ll, if man ~ enor to give them up to llm'OI" (2 'I'hetl. 2:t-1.Z, R V.); if with a tcout heart tbq moe.. sin. at Lut He (ives them over to rtD (Rom. 1:2.._211. 21, R. V.). Thia ll llerD de&Linc. but it is jUit deallnc. D' '1111'&1 18 any dHftculty that atiU remains in the lDcideat, k all diuppean when -OOhSider the m&nDer in which God hardmed Phanob'• h...,_ 1t wu, of cour-.. not • pb,..Aeal .ct. God .... DOt ~ wish Pbanoh'a lMut .. a part ol hil bod7. Be wM dNJ.i.nl with Pbaraah • heat lft the ..... in whida .. ~tly '*' Uw word .. the IUppGMd ... ol imeJ.I.Ipnce, affection aDd will. 11w will eanD0t be coerced by fORt. The will can DO 1'QOft be IDOftd b.f form than a train ol ean can be drawn by an a.rwummt or an IDf......,._ The way in wbkh God barde-ra..t P'baraclh'a hMrt wu b,-t4ftdiac to him a terillll of do&auuotncU.. of m. own ninenc-aDd .JIO"W, fiOil a -* ol j\aclpwmta u P'h.an.oh h.cl taken the rilbt attlt.W. ...,. .... ,.. vetauon. ol God'1 ex· bncc and power In theee tucflzMatt 1hat God .at upon hlna, tha>y would have LEO TO HIS REP!'BI"ANCE AND SALVA 'nON. PROOFS OF THE RESURRECTION A. We belit-v~ th~re are pauase-s that definitely point to this. We shall give n>~o a( ~ by way of illwtratioo. We re.~d in I Thess. t : 10 that the pnJple of Thessalonic.a turntd to God from idols to serve the living and true God ··And to wait for his So n from heaven whom he raised from the dead, evt-n Jesus, which delivf'nd us from tM wrath to come." Now there is the defi- n ite artidt-"tht-'" wrath -it is ~ specific wrath. Mind you, the Church is to be dt.live.~ from thi• pt"riod of God's wrath, th~ Tribulation period as it is referred to here in Matthew 24:29. The Church will be caught up to mftt th• Lord in the air. Thus w• •~ de.liv~red from the wrath to come (the Tribulation period). Then after the Tribulation ~riod of wrath hss bef.n concluded, the Lord shall appear in the heuen -the sisn of the Son of man and •II the tribes of the earth shall mourn wh~n they ~ the. Son of man coming in the douds of heavm with power and great s-lory. BUT BY WILLINGLY and wiifuUy takinc the wrt:1n1 attitw:l• toward them, he war hudened by them. There ill nothlnc that. God ~ ua which i• more merciful than tbe j~tl which He rend. upoa. our aia.a. If we take the. jucJamentl aright they will .often our heart. and lead \II to npent&Dee and entire IJU.n"ftKfn to God, and thua brine ua Alva~. But il we rebel .. ainlt them. they wiU harden our hnrt. aDd brinl us -nUn. BY P'IOEL SMITH, EDITOR ll•tht 81111• Trillo.,.. .. Sp~cn,.fC•Icl, Ill•. 'I11e Chrt.tian religion is • religion of his- tory. It is a rtligion certified by historical l'Vidence, not by aomebody'• belieb. Co baclr to the anchmt foundation~. Historians lmow that the J.,. wenl! alaves in Egypt for hundred. of yean. They know that these Jews aaddenl,.-left f'.cypt, tlult they paged through the Red Sea, that they weN!" in th~ wildene:st for an incredibly long time, that they_ fought their way through powerfuJ tribes, cities. and nations, that they entered Paleltine and erected Solomon"s Temple. No hinorian, ·Christian or non-Christian challenges that mount.ain.range of history. What they do U to try to get the water .hallow enough for them to wade through, and to whittle the number down to a bare minimum. And they have neveT su.cceeded in doing either. ALL 'I1IE EVIDENCE is that there wu a vut multitude of them. and that they Jot through the Red Sea tog~her, and that they were in the wilderness 40 years. Th081!: ~~~ facu. Tiloee facts are effecu. The ftm pMtul.ate of modern science ill that behind every effect there must be an ackqWite CIIUM. And a stem Iogie will not permit a historian to INve thne fart. without account· 'ing for: the uuse behind them. How did that muJtitude ol alaves organize thenuelves and prevail apbwt the united powen ol J'.cyp(. npecially when you rftM'II'Iber that. at the time fcypt wu at the apocee of its power and infJuence? How did that multitude pt ~ the Red Sea? How waa that multi· tude • ., ..... !ned in • wUc:Serne. 101" 40 ,......1 When aDd t-did they ,... .uffid,aJt foodf Where ud how did they pt an adequate IUPPIJ" ol water? Where aDd bow did they pt ..,..tidnea for their dl u ? How .... Neb a multitude of people-clotbed? Bow ...,. the ... "1Cluin!mmt8 ol orpn1atioa .ad 6dpline malntainedT Where did the,. .... the plaue fot" the 1'abenacle 1 Why did ...,_ ....m a ta1.mac1e to b.PJ wtthT What -tit philoaoph.J"T AM._.,. but a r .. oi tbt ~ ..... h ..... ted •lWaeka) _ ...... AM. ......... ~.~-.... a..· '"" ...... that aU thla ........... ,.. ............. .-.. _.__ .... -.....,. .. ecbowiedpd ,.., Aad ...... -.. --.. c.-~----......... --~JotiMOodtl .. -. ___ .._.. .. _ ..... -.......................... ~ ,_. ., tr 1 .... f:M&f ---........ _ .......... ... -Qortoo. ...... .__..,1& I Mt! fte· IS 1 ........ '1 ·-· _ ....... ;: .......... -......... .. 1 ._.. .. .... _______ ..... - And aince nerybody coooedes that when t.alkiftl ol ~ you are ta1k.ina: ol the rit.i.nc of the dead, lf anythina il to rue from the dead it ~ the OOI""J)H. The only thing that can be buried il the torpee. You can't bury a lpirit. And richt here hands began ping up all OYer the audiconce. What about the eorpae when it hu become dust? What about the C!Of"JBe when it was cremated and itt ashes .attend O¥er the ocean! Raurrection nsu.ma an omnipotent God, just u the exodus of the Jewa from Egypt and their tO yean in the wilderneu aaumn an omnipotent God. 1be Bible that ~ all this hlltory telb us that God mMie the bod,. of the lint man from the red toil of Mesopotamia. And if He could do that in the cue al the 6nt mao., Jfil; omnipotenee, oma.iacienc-. aod ornn.ipraenc-e can .-nble the atom~, of a redeemed body from all the ocean. of the world. We have historical n-id· 1er:t.ce ol the rea)jtJ" of the God al the Bible. And the Bible donn't becin with the resur- ncticm; it beclns with God. U the Bible had told us that God bad numbered the hain of our he.! before it told WI about God, we would find it cUffkult to be:Ueve. But the Bible c:loean't tell u. about ~.Nit until it h. 6rit reYMled to l» the penon and character of God, and hu ,tven u. conclusive evidetxe of His rMllty. IN Tim BBCOHD place, you can't hrre a resUI'I"'ee:tiob without an empty Jrave. 1D the c.-ol our lArd. you can't have a f'tlil\ln"ee- tioa without u empty tomb .. Unl-:rou an 511"-=:hinc to modem eocl•utte. or kliota. :rou can't aet up on EMler Sundat and prHCh en the ~ while at the tuM time you are den.ytnc. in one way or otheT, the . _ ...... And 1f the tomb •• empty, then had been a body in it; otMrwiM it wouldh't be .mpty. ADd if there -... DO bcMb in it, d.D that bodJ" bad eitbes-bMa • ....,.eel by ~ Ill' It had ri.nl to llfe .U: lt had .tood up apia. Let'• pt thAa AnJ&ht. If the Moclen:U.t P..-m-.. ~inC Oil the ~ .. .,._ \bet the &amb .... aQpf;J". ,.... .,. -'7 two n:pla"'dcz· for*~ m.pt:r: (1) TIM _,.. ,... hiD cltMh eDC!I ...- UIII ... ;(I)dM~w.t•.....t ..... _ .. ..__ .. _ ... ,........, .. ""*' ................ ,.., ., •. aaotat! AM ol _... If M Pi M ................................... _..,...,.._,..._. ... ' iiiillllPI at ...... co ........ ,., ......... -·'· ., .. ~ .... -~ ............. _ ,... .......................... '• .. -.. I I #' o .... Ill )' d ~ u'l a -~~~--'-' .. ,, ..._..., .. ..,_hlpat usa" .. lito loot ......... ~ .. -Clorlot appeen W His followers there in the houae at Jerualem.. On that lint F.uter nicht. .. Be- hold my handJ: and my feet, that It ia I my· .U: handle me, and -; for a spirit hath not Onh and bonea. u ye tee me haw" (Luke 24:!:11). That ial a ph.J"Sic.al, liWral nwr· rectLon. 'lbat is • ph.yr;ic:a.l. li\eraJ st.aDdinc up .. ain. Tbia it what tha Bible mean. by the teWr· reetioo fnm the cSe.d. '110: ll&B1J&IIIaC'I'N Of' Jews Ch.rbt do. not r..a upon anybody'• faith. Nobody'• faith has anytbina to do with it. U Ria nNr- rectiaa ia a tact ol .bl.tory. ditayiDc k wtU not affeet it.. u ln. ~ .. DOt • t.d ol h.iMory, affirmina it WOD't make It trw. What hM our faith. w-.k aDd beli\ant. at bert. lot to do with the rsurndion ol Juua Chriot! What Is the historical erideDce that the Hew Tntamaftt record of the ~ ol JeaUI Chrlat ial at.olutelJ" trWitwor1bJ" m ....,......,, f"'.nt ol an. then is the neptiw -tdeDot. N often u not. neaati.-. e-rideoee ill u coa· vindnc u poaitive evidence. And under -.ne drc-umataneet more •· U a wttneet on the Mand doe."l't .,aa-.b IIDd clewly re-- IP(Jild to a quation thet the ~ demand that he do. bia heaiC~~ney ia ~ acaizwt him. And It is CIOilriociarl ~. J\llt -the hllilclriuM' ...t.a1 to .no.~,. ............... the ea.'* behiDd the effect ol tbe aod:UI ol the Jnn ia ~ ..-idml» that the,. doa't W'ilh to have ~ to do with the trua God. BD"r AaGVIIDn' AGAIMBT the N.w ,...,.maat'a M:ICOUDt ol the ~ ol Ouilt • an ofWwot ol one ol the follo.tal ---• llil bod:7 ......... Ina, the iOIDb b)' m.•\'rrwhllethe,......,...&..p. • J"c.pb ol ArtiDMb. .... ,...,,eel the __ .... _ ................. -. -• ,.... .... ..n;,. ... -m. era-. lllodlad ..... _llo ___ .... en.. took m. e'ft7 ....... I 1: .... lila Rell-w:;d ..... ,... ........... .... .. a ... .o •· · ,, AD M t ,e :o' ' 'ftle W' au; el c::lwtlt 1 I' ,. .. Ba ...W ,.. -.. 1lt4td ..,.. ,..,. ..... 1111 tt .... .... 7 71311........ .... ... ..... _______ .......... ~ __ ............ _ .. __ -t-1 ... -............. .. ---... --.. -... --..... ( . ., ...... - t I 0 5 , --~ X •• I ) .... .. .. ..... • O::tuL ( Tlllo utlelo "' ... ,-. _.,llto ..... -'M-........ ... -lilt. -trill -*-lllllcAj11M .... 1lln1, I p 0 t ottt.ta.- pel lf .. ruaa.aaa "'-Cl!dol.) 'lbe fault 11 not with God, and the fault it not with Bili jE• the fault la with ounelves and the attitude we «aU toward m. · and toward the truth of God itaeU. The Gospel 15 the .. vor o/ · • unto life unto men wbo receive it arUht. but it is the .. vor ol death unto denh to the.~-who reject il (compare 2 CorinthiaM 2:15. 11). The ~roUble ll not with the Goapel, which II "the powv of God unto .. lvation to every ana that believet)," (Rom. 1:18). The trouble ia with the man who reject~ the Go-pel. and who it thua hardened, condenmad and d•troyed by it, and to him it thua become. the uvor of d•th unto death. 'lbe aame ..-moo brinp We to one man and death to &I'IIDtbft-. It brines life, pardon. and ~ to the one who believes it aDd ecU upoa it.. It brinp condemnation. and deeth to the OM that reje$ its truth. It .otm. the heart ol one, it harden. the hewt of the othe-r. Jnu. ChriM HirnMU came into the world, not to eondemn the world but to aaw U.. world (John 3:17), but to the one who beileva not He brinp Ml!demr:t.a· tioD. and eterDal ndD. (John 3:11, Sl; Reb. 10;28, 21). LOOK AT TWO MINUTES ITHE BOOK """ 1NE IJIIJL£ CHOOSE YE THIS DAY By Dr. Bob Jones ,, • .;a..,, o# lob Jones Uni.o.,..;tr, G•-•111•. s. C. on our side,'" said the counsellor to lhe sl~tesman. ··1 am not eager to have God upon my side,'' he replied. ··My concern is to be sure that I am on God's side ... The man who takes his place upon the side of Almighty God is the man who c~ victory and im- mortality. "'He that doeth the will of God abideth forever" (I John 2:17}. God's plan !hall be perfected. God's will shall be per· formed. "The battle is the lord's" (I Samuel 17:47). The triumph shall be His and the man who puts him.elf on the side of the Conqueror will share in the glory of the conquest. The man who does God's will has at his command all the omnipotence of Deity. Chu,es Haddon Spuraeon, the 8fCBI preacher, declared once, "'Luther's strenttb lay in the way iD wtlich he laid the burden of the Reformalion on the Lord. Continually in puyer he pleaded, "Lord, 1his is Thy cause. not mine. 'The:rdore, do Thy own work: for if this Gospel does not proape:r, il will not be Luther alone who will he a IOMr, bul Thine own name' will be dis- honored.' .. Queen Elizabeth once said to a metdta.nt whom ahe sent abrolld in her aenice and wbo wu worried about wblc would happco to tail busina.s in bit ablenee, "You mind my hl*, MSI and I will mind youn. •• The man who it My 1bout God'• business moat auece:ue,fully taka care of his own • "The life that is tucc:aaful iw tbe life that ;oint ibeff 10 ~the prop-am ot God. Our prayer shoukt not be for Ood to JO with Ul but nllber for ance to 10 wilh Him. Enoch did 00( diOC* a puh and iavite God to join' bim. Eaoclt IOUJhC. CNt the directioa ia ..... God -loilta .... jolood ,_, to Doily. - walked wfttt. Ood. It It not the ""Mi II of file -to ploD ... joooooy. It lo -...... ,._ ct ....... 10 ...... C* J 'a• It it the~·· kt'5 10 ............. .. the buill Ill ol ........ 10 ., ... ..... Ji\lft .... "' .. 021l11 ..... cA._ Tlle'e.> ~lit. It ... ..,. ph p' ....... 2 t liy Ood -A rr lcM W•.J '-•• aT f:OI;MIUVIc a. nAM NilS. -lAIII IIIIU ~ CNICAeo, IUMOit 106» INEXPRESSIBLE JOY Have you ever noticed that the ..men men come to know th.t loW Apostle Paul ~r speak• of h1s of Christ that their hearts r• love for Christ1 Rather he keeps spond to Him in love. talking about Christ's wonderful Peter, like Paul, had once been love to him. Neither does he er· a strict observer of the laW, but hort us to kWe Christ, but keeps had since coma to know the kW'a tellin& us I'IOw Christ loved--and of Chr.st in gro....ing; meuurw. The loves, us. This is consistent with result: a deep love for Christ •nd the mesuse specielly committed the overllowin& joy thet e«om- to him: .. The ppal of the rraee $Mnies such love. This ts why we ot God'. (Act. 20:24). find 1n I Pet. L8 those touc:hin&: The law says: ''Thou sh•lt love words that n•tun~lly owrftow the tord thy God." This is the from the heart and lips of OM very essence of the law (Matt. who has coma to know th• Jew. Of 22:37). And we 1hould kwe God, Christ: but law cannot produat love. so "WhOm havlna not -..n, ye God comes to us k1 lr.De and lOve; In whom, thou&h now ye ._ say~ "'I klw you." This is why him not. yet believin& ye rwfolce Paul's epistles are 10 filled with with joy un1peatc..ble al1d full of "the love of God, wfllctl Is fn gkHy.'' Christ Jesus" (Rom. 8:39). Yes. knowine: and lovifll O'lritt The fKt tNt God dMtt wfth us does Indeed brif11 i~ In ar-ct does not mean ti\M be-jOy, but we e.nnot tcwe Him by lleven; ShoUld not. Of" do not. tryifil. W• must ~pt Hla kwe kwe Him. The ¥ttY oppoatt• Ia fOf" us In f•lth ao thet our hMrb true, for 10Yt berCfts kJw. h: Ia rrwy netur.lly respond. HEROES Of FAITlf In Rom. 4:12 the Apostte Paul tei"W and f-'led .arpin •nd ..-n. dlc&ern thtt AbrWNm wn the but HO. 11:39 dedalres thet f.th«, not Of hla ph~ oft· "lheM •H •.. obWMCt a .,of~ spr6f11 -'one, but .tiO of thole NPOtf bp FAITH ... who ....... in the .... of that Thfs .. -"' Rom. 4:9-12 .... ·ta~· whk:tl MnMm NO." tNt God's btnsint ia bntowed H11¥1 rou ever notiold thlt God upon ~ WhO .... lk In the dots not hold the .,... "*' of '"" of th8t fattt~•• whk:h Abn· Scr1ptu,. up to .,. beauM of Mm ~.Just n ft-.. b J- tMtr pMidneMl Almo.t I~Y stOMd upon AbrM\alm tllm.eff. th>elr r.c:ordt IN mwr.d by f-'1· This truttl is drl\letl tMHne b ure OftCI tin. But God bkts .. ob-v--. 3 to 5 of the..,..~ ..,._.. ...... laltf) .... --·their .. ,01.,.. ultlt ,.. Sctfptwte1 , ... did ... ...., cs-Rom. ~·"*" Dll.wd God. Md It .. 4:J.t.U,J2), tcCGUnr.d to Min for 'iiMSDW n.. II • .._.. c:ftnii*J on"* ,.... tulltKt ........... of........... "How to,..,~ .......... l .. aas 11 t. ::: P1)1 alect fM ,_,., ftOt f..:h=Aicl ot ,..._ .,. .,.... .._ dlr ... v , .. MilIa w o1 ......_ .. --II-· "'f • ....... ____ OHOT, - - -- -... IIWIVUH.., __ _ ................ ,.. ......... """ ... ··--.......... .t ..... j•nttll .. a 1D0C1 ,. C'Ot :tWfwrW111111t11M~(IIIIIIa ....... -..... '""" ..... 4:3-5~ -· c AJIID LOAJIIAISOCIAnott 260 Ocean Avenue llcuna Belch, Califomia Tetephone: 494·7541 WHERE'S THE FIRE 1. :.:~~=R-~;: 1 ~=yo::A\ ~.rr==!!!!!!!==!!!!!!!!!!!!!!==!!!!'!!7"'!!!!!!!=="'i1 P I• . I ~ HOusE .... -.. -.......... , ...... tc.. o tee B o .. er , ___ ,_,_ •• .,.t ._. nn Dllput.. ,._ a wrr,tlt Clll' 11 laa I I ••-.a --.oo.--..a._,..,o.o..~ l<vs t 1 8I.D8 14. Mil ....._ .. • IWIDAT MAael t wt ..-, ..... taU cr.. b1a O.r"N • c;,~ ' f'l'""' •Tfttll"e e; ~ -.. 11lilt ........... --.. -·IIJIIt c.. ~ •• "· "' 07 I. -· ..• ~·--...... ..¥110... •• , .... _. ..... ftO tllftl ..._ e.. Ra•aa. ... arrfllltld lit I a.m. OC* It Bonoe E .... Sellooltol ~ ......... ccwr• ....._ OAUf' •• _..,. ....... ..., ...... ..,.. Mard!ID-• ..... caD ...... lid ••• , AYt .. plallltruct., a.. I); tilt ••• .,...,.!'·J""-.... ...,_. ..... r. ---101 ... -I--lllR ud ..... lid -..s oetbo lllr-o !loci.,_ 1111.... ·--------E. Coul IIWJ., ..._,_ ..... 111 ,.. __ 111-jU11or ...,. -1o -·ilo=====~~.;;~~=======..!J .. cu'l .... -a lick • • • blsatld I till • • llf'MI drip •.• Fndrlet oa tblli&tU u.t lilladbMDtwa.- ...-_., ,.. Ia bed-Ill ,..,,.., c~ .,_ lit '"''"-10 o1 m ......_ td oa · be a11o c~~acrt•ed a..t --101 111•1 I lln1 Ul ............... 1 ... 1-.. Pl., COiia ... wu .._ tbo bod bad--aolloll All I lfllllllll ~ lllolr ea1Jo • • • k I -tra1J1e Ylolllloo, ••• ....._ w-. 17, fll 07 ,. c•IJa£HEs ,. er tuhr.R ~Ita~ ••0• ••~ 8/af/• (J,·,;rloo•;,l ."'rN'/H)rl H~·· ......_,llareb 5. Mareb ZI-R..,.., a t1ae1t ud ..ted ., wltll a bor*1•coa. Peul AYe.,Baalo&lallad,*1'· i&ra. bout, Tll KareW.. puel to a ekltMe ..,_. .1&: a fallwtlo IIIPIU' ebarp ••• tnc..,..oeP•ll•dtiRd.,Back Aft .. Ccnadel Mar, IIMilld fOt CtDH• Dr,, JlaQGrt ~ Aee-.JZ'JWU...,Apt, Bay, at 5:40 a.m,,bltacaacrtte ........... Odr:W.P'Inmla HeJciU.tociiM:or•alfxlrt ••• 7,COitaMua,wupk.Ud.,at barrier ZSfMtweatofJambo. NEwPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA dUccJirtnd Jbl bid placed f1lb.,. UNCI eartndoKidl to pill: 0C PacJflc Cout Hwy, Ud Sootcb. ree ReM; a.boa1 $50 da.mapl THE AMEI'IICAN LUTHERAN CHURCH 11101 C~'"'"' 0.,,. • ._. -a Ia tbl ,_ oa tbl 18 OtWt P' ... In at 1111 ·mu•a Coft, Ud booked oo a were doDt to tbe e.meat ~ a :lO i.ft'l. to Q:JO •• m. -wOr shiP )erv1cr fr'ollt PGKb to*' • • · Katb.leea lAM, lllrDar 81&b--t~Jl.re to 1111*1' warrut •.• datiOD, udMr. Weltoab&dto be ~J:45 •.m. to \0:45 ~o.m . _ Sundily School llarcb I -Erik~. 4, ludo • · • -..... ID A $150 llonr cut ...-by 1UaD to Hoac Hoopttal ot 1007 ow. ~. Harbor tbe kttebla It 1801 TradniD IA.•tellartDI, 551 y1Jta FkJn. Great lbrce wu used to pall~ 11 :00 1.m. to 12:00 noon -worsh ip Servic r HtP"W. Cllfllll IU lind lA I I.&M, B&Jcr..t. ea..s bJ Eut Blaft, wu Ito leD from be· $40 ski net from tbe Mutuc De 8eY. 1-G. BIU., PuC« lil:ltdl.-eMir; ftremea cttmnan.. a tnt. .... liM... Iliad 100 W. Cout Rwy., Yart. O'WD8d by Phll Oren '100 Ju-nc Rew. Geortc J. Bu•diedler, Viaitat1on Pu10r Uld lbl ea.tr to frM ll1l biDd, llareb U-A ii&M '-lb WU 1111''1 MDI. , , ApuUa.lly bSdd«< m!De AYe Coroca del Mar l:;:;:~=~=::=""==-=~-:;::;3;1=~==:;==; ud -.... 11lo ellllr back to. ~ ... _ .. lpodlllacl poraa ..... , ... ,$0.40teqlled •• . .• r --•••. p.a at 101 Jilue:1aRI AYe., atbleltobnU::lDtoalockedeu • WEDNESDAY, MAR CH tZ Oni•ti• Sci...ce fir•t a.,.1., a.-• Maret. 1 -Pronded OZJpD Coroaa del Mar, ca"'nc a$500 at A.da.ml st. &Del E. B&J AYe,, DouPu Ccipemu, !7, of 4S6 S.VIc•• at 1:$1 a.m. lor EltoD McCoJ, tire • , .stood bJ It Ill Jtar. Btlh:ll, t.kMictDI toJadJtb.Sbe. Elmbllrst l..&De, Costa Mea, F1UT CIIVIIC'B OF .f C.•t• ..... 11Z Cameo Htpq• Or., e1uu An., Corola del Mu, 1toQ. KM VlaOrTieto,Udo llle ret.ed treatment, bat was CII.BT, &aEN'1111T s.,.,.,.,u Biblf' r~ll-•ll i p Cameo HiP,.• • .WID am. uatU I r41Sideat WU tUID to •• , All air I'IIW'U fired &Dd a booted 00 tbe ebarp of driYI.DC 3303 Via Lido lrulrh,.finl-Aalo.o.on ... ..,... arrtnd ••• ht out 1 tbe "'Opptal • •• CoUII"t locale $~ wtadow' wu broten at tbe llllder tbe Lofluence of l.atozi. Newport Beach S.to A.to a. ...... lio s. •. ftre tD tbe eDCilll coqJirtmellt a r~ lllld:a odar It t14 rnldeaco ofEdprSeeord,2245 cuts after he was lDfotwed I.Da SUNDAY SCHOOL ol a ear beioactDI to Mrs. UDd st., Newport bur•. •. Aralia, £ut mutt. •. CJDtbja ear &ecldent at UDd St., alld 9:15 ...... -.1 11 •·•· Or. P.G. Neumann, pu&or W-~ 1005 E.Oeeu lWcb Z5 -Ullplagod I Bewail, 1001 LefWVd Lue Sa-BITd., W. Newport, at SUNDAY SERVICES Bm:t., BlJboa, at 1W E. Btl. dryer at 1115 s.t1rt.11 Ternce, Ba)'CJ'ell, J:Uked ber vw ~ 1:50 a.m.; tbe driYer of tbe 9: u -11 ..... ba& BmL ••• Jo ADD Pecm, ln1De Terrace, del' amaU trout of ber rntdeDCe; durlllc otber car, Kermet.b Joares, WEDNESDAY EVENING '1010 W. Oeeu Froat, West Jtuted oomiD( Oltat10:51a.m. tbe Dllbt, a wlDd wiDe wutbat· US-1/! Z~b St., West Ne1rp0rt, MEETING I •·•· 11..,_., ~Deled llenetf ... &lld • •• l!oadapd I 5-J--old te<od. •• -Zok, 1%0-1/% Old m1Dor llljurles &lid said be READING ROOM ftremea liNd a ladder to p1D boy's rout lD froat ol 1000 Apte A ... , BaJboa Islud, Jeft woald see llU: own doctor. • • •-" .,.,., 9 •·•· -5 •·•· eatry to a MCOICIIIIOI'ywtadcnr, Breakers Dr., ~del liar fl1l Corntte puked 1D lbe Bay. Frank Brown, 60, of 518-1/2: ;:::::~.,9 F•;,~ .... ~ 7'45 •·•· llarelll-Remored band.ac • • • .A e111ldoa eaupt OD tin side IIIII PuttDr lot March 1, M.ari&Dkt Awe., CoroaadelMat. 9 •·•· -5 , .•. ; 7-9 , .•. rap from 1 car beJoacl..nc to at 2Z4 N. Newport Bml., beJore le&YIDcforSa.ataMOQica· bit the c:urb3tlmeswlthbia:car, ~.,.,., 1•·•·-• •·•· Guy TrU.., 51!.1/2 Ju. Newport Hel.cfU, IDI1 wu oollllretwo,ttwumlsatac..: changed lanu at 5 miles per ~C:::.::'i:nOF miDe,Canaadelltar. pJaced oatsldl tbt lroal door, Wblle Jolll Clark. 303 Veruo boa:r, lDd •beo stopped at Or-NewpoJt Beach at llarcb 10-June• Walker Wbere It blasedl!l>ap!D,..-•-Place, lntae, wu a.ttebdlDc ctud An. aod Coast Hwy., at Coton• del Mat wu lild to ... ftremea ar. d:1nc a Are from tbl tbrtlllbold mua at Queea of ADpls lZ:45 a.,m., be failed the IIOix"lety 8100 Pactftc View Or. rh'e at c.aber!aad &ad Dorer, to tbe sidlDcaMOoor...tJJ ... Cburell, Eut Bluff, at 6:10p.m., test aD:I wu booted 00 tbe SUNDAY SCHOOL 10- YfMteUfr, to pill oC tbe ftre Used I _, 1 Ill" ud amp toe llctU, ud 0oor mats, ql. ebarp ot druot driYI.Dc. · • SUNDAY SERVICE 11 •- tD tu.a car a&er a carburetor muter to remore nMr from a Old at $63, were stoleD from Roy Darts, 63, of 403 Costa '6'EONESOAY EVENING backfire CUMd tbe atr cleaDer brokeD ~ U.. tlllt flooded fl1l VW. • • Yea SC., Cotta Mesa. didD't MEETING 1:00 , .•. to biue.,.. tbe boae 11411 RIT•alde Dr., • MONDAY MARCH XI stop for a poUce unit's nd Rudbas Rooal: Mata.l Bld~o IIU'eh 11-PC oat a ftre Newport Hetptl ••• ~ stepbeo Ttubautt 21, of 913 l1rbt oo Caul Hwy. oear Mar-2863 Eaat C,.,-t Hwy •• COM. at Cor'OCII dtlllar tup ~bool a ~...W.Uot'erbMled 91 8aJbo& BlYd Balboa. guertte An., Coroaa del Mar, ... ou.-Fri.: 10 .. ~~~.. to S p.m. Jtarted bJ boya, Wbo ftrll stuf-mo&or at 11!4 W. Oeeu Fro&, ~ OD a flli~~re to .. ~ DOl' dtd be stop tor the reYolw-Thur•d-r eveaill.1= 7 to 9 fed ~ CowellJAc lDt.o a 4 Catnl Nnpcrt ••• AWIIItutc WUTUl Robert Le~ lag red Ji&bt, flUid blefl llgbt S•t.: lO •m. 10 4 P·111• !Deb bole LDtbtboy .. roomud drtre bJ Melody Scott wu oi!Sl6 E~nAn.,Costa w~S: beam, or la'o at Ma.eArtbur Ynu are 'otd1•lly '""''ed 1o tbea ut tbi...WO,., .stom. dlmapd $100 wrtb bJ a CU'· ns arrllted 00 a ramp of tbe Btrd.; about a ba.UmUefllrtber, •ttrnd Ou~rch Scrv1ces and peel oat bund.DC rap at SS41 baret.or lll'fl at Ill Jum!De Arc!Ms Brtd at 8·15 omeers pcilled aJoapide olbLm lOUie the Re~ina Room. E. Cout Hwy., Coroaa del Mar An., Coroal.delllar;apu.r~ aDd booked = tbe cbar~rn~ IDd turoed & white spoUlehl oo ••. He~ a stet maD b&c.t bJ, AD:fJ '111111111 or 501.1/Z pouesaoa of martjuua. tbe side of b1s car, be pulled L..t._,.• 0..0 lDto tl1t bed &t 1100 K1Dp Potosettaa, uaeduattnp•.,.,. Stanmore 8eoDett 1907 Houda · Ofer; he faUed the sobrletyteJt Of ....... .... Road, cwr Ha"'o ••• Wae:bed tope out.tbe are to tbe IDClDe ReM Bayc::rest 'reported tta! aDd wu booked oo tbe eba:rp w ... ... down pa llld d.UeoaDected tbe compartmeot ••• A '1'5-yeu-okl tbett' of $ISO ..:Ortb f pboto of driYlnc UDder tbe 1alllJeoce a..rct. '• ._,.c:e tlatW7 to a car lDYoiN LD a WOmaD rldLDg a bile .tract a crapbJe equJpmeot o Hele; of l.atoziea.ots •.• Hugb Towle, 2900 Pecific View Or. ear crub lD troot of 220 Peul partiJic meter at U7'7Vl& Udo, Sbamel ftl s1ttln&" 'm 'twir l1Y1nc 1!3 41st st .. West Newport, re. jc.;... del ...... Califi AYe., Ba.lbta lslaod ••• Pro-UdD Sbops area. aDd teU. roomaUOS.1/2Goldellr'OdAYe ported the tbeft of b1s lfMD Dr. Willi-L £U•r Y1dod OSJpll a 1 -II IIIJoriDc .... bl<:k, IUid WU Corooa del lW WllelliDc TV Porscbe from 4ZIId Stre<t &lid 1ZU S&iqlolDI: Way, Harbor assisted to u omce • • • wbeiiDbau'd~-ht ..... ~~-Balboa Btrd. .. GrutGwtD..,e. Phone ft44.l664 Vlft Hills, u:otil sbe could be Mareb26-Et.c:tricalputa aadlbatter $ZS~~) 4005. BayFront,Apt.3,9Uboa 1:45a.a., F_,.,. ........ taka by ambalaDce to Hot.& 1D a putlec:oatltner, JdLDa lee Aa&foothl .... artUlc IslaDd, compll.lDed th&1 b1s W 1~::~ ~~S::.~ SUNDAY SERVICES l ~-4 5 •• 1 '· Sunday Sc:hnol 11:00 •• m. Momina Wonhil' 6:00 p.m. Tr•in1n1 Union• 7:0\J p.m. Evinina Wor•hip WEDNESDAY 7:20p.m. Bible Study 8:00 p.m. Prayer Meetina ATTEtiO THE CMUIICII OF YOUR CltOICI REGULARLY -n.. "-' , G.-I n..._olC'hMI . ..................... WH C4 V .C .. OOI.. 11 "·""· l•<o-OIN 0 WOlll,...l" • A .. D 10< KV~lNO .ll:lltVICII: l'IOO "·""· T .. U llt11 D AY •101..11: liTU DV A .. D ""'""ll:lll 7 ,00 "'·""· .. U llt.KRY CUllli HCI •&lltVIC:I:I AWY ... rc4- c-,. .. o..p.., lW. .. c-.- '-" ( ....... IK ....... Ho1p1ta1 bac:.tet ot'ftie:roaa..,.e "'•· p ea.'' .,. ial foot ftberctassboat, wortb$750, IIUISE•Y PIOVJDED llarc:b • ii -GI.Ye OZJ,_ '-tad, eaMinc a Jarce~ =::-boo :! lD~ blaek ptuttc wu lllllied from a buoJ 1D tbe '-=========~-==========::; Emma Col, 100 L1do Put ot ~ D wbieb lll'em. Doc.-~y ~ ,-:.,tn;.H'JC:: bay lD frol1l of b1s boule lDd r Lido .... _..-oar. -I ...... ·-II llll , • ololoo. • • Robort Ktodeloo, 18 tM cbottnr aa.r tat1Dc 10me tad An •• SUite 10, c:aro. del :!ibi =. 1 ~Ue, accord-S..coa BaJ, nllt to tarD oa •...... M 'CI-..-I!b --. ... N• ;rrtN• ... • IDedic'-••• H~ Rldlud Mar. • JDC • • • tbe mas.tc at D p.m., lDd biD:! ToweD, '716 W. Oe-.n froat, Mateb !7 -Admtnl._.ed TUESDAY, MAR CH U tbat mCMOGt bad takeD his Alffo_,_.,__, a..1r,.. wbo bad ttroet ll1l bead OQ"I'ID ••• Auwered a can a ADotber wtDdow was sbot oca stereo tQ!IpmeDt, worth $SIO, 75 1D raWnc. m:1 bad Sld!ered Ofel'beated P'eue LD u "'• tb1 rHideace of HeleaSbam. •b.tle be wu pae that ll'f"eDLDc abru:k:JGa. at 1!1.1/Z: llari.De A ... , Bl.lboe. 303.1/Z Goklearod A ... , • • • Tbe "Taco,. sip tbat c-..-1-..~ CMI•II• Ch,d ....... , ............... llarcb u _ PrOYtded ozypa lsli..Dj • • • del Mar. • . Sten used to tempt bUOCfJ neat~oo. a 1 r.n attack ncttm • • . .llareb za _ Aboat 1 plloaot 5!7 RlYerslde An .. ers DO kxlcer b&Qp LD from He'*' a ?0-y.u-okt man r.ct wbl.t JPP~~Zed to be add .., reported tbe ot tbe Jolly Rocer oa. 8aJboa lo bod ••• F-1 lire 11180 'I)IDod lq 11le olreel aaar lOlii llr• ul oloto U • • • 1rrillo A .... "-' lle1ctb. s-......, Barcr..t, ClUed bJ tbe malfmactloa ol a ftreiDID wubad It don to Pl'&- a..t•; ftremiD bad to be c:aa-Yeat IDJODIIIltlDC bai'Did ••• 1o -IDe 111o ar• ... Jorrr llardiD, 001Dc potolllut tt was patrolled bJ clop, & ftre at 107Camphc:rst., Eut- ., aeltad bJ tiM: flre Blcdf, started a Iarew ooe ua. ·~~~~~~~~~~ ,_,,.., blt1do(-... p.._.,_be'I)Wod..,u.. Marcb 14 -Ftremea. atDod U1d 1t C&IICfll .ftre OD tile 1ft,11 I 1oattac -.! IU U.. Ill tbo back JUd ••• AJ1 oloc- 1:t1 a.m., ID1l Gu Co. tr1c:aJ OOI'd JIDr'ted at ZZ11 lr•lllr,... coo1d arriT• od 1001 Lure! Place, M<"PPO'lllefllllo. OceOII Frual. Wood Newport; -to lll1f, Ill lire to I bod ll&t wu eauec1 bJ a ball-and 8C:Cir'Cbed U. 'ftll . . . ID tbo 111eJ ••• ArriYOd 1ilrdl Z9 -A -- BEAUTY NOOK 2732 E. Co.st Hwy . Coron• del War Phone &1'3--733& 1ts3 Teratta Lue, t1art1or baetftre CUMd a $100 ftre R .,.,..,...,...-.,...,...----- IIUCIIIIDio, wbore 8oJ -Peter TllcAr, 999 ~ BUILDING COIITRACTORS bad pat oat a creue ftre Way, Colt& Mea •.• floar ••• A flaorne• ll&reb SO -Ftremeo eoa.- An •• WNl Newport $400 ftre ol a Ford .... ., ftreDhlll c• a bole aeroa from Z45S Tutla Aft., REMODELING and ADDITIONS l:~=~wu ~ at 30'1 t&cted u iDt'..ttptor lx tbe c::eiUDc&Ddpal:oal:&ftre West UpperBiy,UUpoulbly e I"U:IPLAM IIRVICI 11lo ..... !bwlac • • • ... ..... IW<b 15-ProYidedOSJcon IW<II Sl-ProYidedOQpo a mao .•• ~Wmoredt.Dioc &Dd beUt mea•p at 5:51a.m. from I drJOr II lotOS II UZ W. CoulllwJ . , .N ... An., West Rnpon a ftre 1D u. tru11 bta at tbt -I prdaa-OJ F1)1Jir-r-...., N .... tbt nre; &ld a. port Beaeb; tbe are -... -.-1-... --bJiclprollo ... Mare1t 11-AD CPJeraded PrOYtded os:Jc-at t.:~~·4UOt.Oii;.jJ dlc:trteal oaUit at 1007 E. a a a-rt t'1eUIII •• ~ -W..S..Batboa,-1 a 15 bX by I $1,000 ftn; I ~ ~-A .. ., Weal h.p.;rtl co.c:a wu t11r0n oCak1e tr... Aa!IIU ••• ew: a ..,_. _ _,_, ... _ -Co. _. ..... lland Sc-..r -.. I --·-.. e.-... c:a..t bJ• wt.IIIWm.t .... -ol. u. ~ lrom tbe Mit • • • dar a A ..UW ~ -II ~ ~~~~~~~~~.~ •• Oparto, .-s.cwtacc.. r a., ........ $4..000 cltwps; ar ........ ._. __ coold_Ud_ ..._.... .... lift ... rn. .. •as •· .. -17---·=· 1:10 ,...., ,.,. ... A.._ IIIII -..... c.-........... t::rl8!e ICd.~ -••• Gaoo-11111-- --.... --· tD • ... ,... ...... _.aJ ...... l, 771WIW ••• _...lt-CIIIJlll•alll:--P.~!: ---·4111 --.~n•n n -..-a -.rt•-os .._ -~ .. ....,.. b'lnnCm .... a --. a • __ .....,_ ..... ____ .. 1 rr••-.--llilll> ·a,..,. • .,. ... ..... ~ ... ::-.:.-.:c': -.~a-... ''?''=-- e PRIE ISTIMATIS 532 ·5949 AMERICAN CONSTRUCTION CO. CM.L DAY OR .. IGHT . ·-··,··. U.'-1 uc ....... FRED" H. GERWICK . ... -•. ·iiiiAWIT· ._ __ c-... """-' ............... c ~-· .HAL ARISCHER ~!. '-.Fl .... .,., ...... ,..f..c-tttw,. c. ....... 61WID !.~'!!'--..!'~-=.:u_~_ t ....... .__..... * • 71 ·-._.. ...... __ ....... aa t 0 ........ ............ -.. ......... o COSTA MESA ~ •ORANGE 6]9.Ui1 673·5822 • ANAHEIM 826-4311 o HUNTINGTON aEAOI 842·1451 675-3353 Pwll•• IIIIJ Clut'11 w-. CLEANING & DYEING All MAKES OF lUGS -WALL-TO.WALL CARPETING f~. __ .... _ --·--- c. .. ,_ ...... ..... I ...... I PI" ., .. .... p a [ lll'-ekicllm4il' ~~~~---­,...,au J ·- • JlDO E. C..at Hwr.., CDII ,.,_ . , .. ,,.~" .,.. .. , .. , & WAU.PAPII Pill*'"" -Oltdo IIDr , __ ..,. ..... U,.. PA'ni!NIS Of'-.LIW'a Jnt L eMit..,. Cr ..... ShNiu, lnter11~,. Planu Trop •c ol & Tr .. s lnsectctdu and Fertili:t• S&H Green Stamps I' NFI 1H I 11 I'Jll" C'OeDN.4 DEL •AI !lft:UDY n44 E. ro~U& H.,. .. ns-e• • PLUM::I:::IM.::<i:_ ___ _ A. R. IIARSAC PLL:\llit:R 7,kll'a matll•n Ave. ('nnl!la Jcl \1ar 1~umhtna Repa.in OA Y ,t NICiiiT WAT ER IIEATt!lt.S 67Hlll • SHOE IIU'AIR IWI£Rirf"S Shoe IIepa II Purse tnd lugglge ~1r -Dye Won. Sl. H ST 1111'S ONE DAY SEMCt: 1nCJ Horbof .-..d.. eo.. ....... _ ... l31l ft CAN ,_,..NT YOUIIII .. _'"' LAAI'L'"' N-PO:M MO NEWa LKTIRM CALL.•apeaa11a&YU --~IIMDI:IIHI IEili'ID $(~ ~ -,... 4 "'IIJMDAY, -L .. - CDUIA D£1.11AII; CAliF: LEGAL NOTICE CERTlFICATE OF BlSINESS FtctUlous Ftrm Name P-32886 THE UNDERSIGNED do bereby certtty that they are cooductlag a Real Estate business ill Z865 Eut Cout Highway, Corona del Mar, Ca Wornla 92625 tmder the f1ctitious firm name ot Stuart- Robbins, aOO that sa.ld firm is composed of the followlng persons wbose names lntulland places of residence are as fol- lows, to-wtl: Paul Vil'g;ll Stuart, 330 Hlgb Drive, Laguna Beach, Cali- fornia, 92651, Sta.n.ley "Arthur Robbins, 563 West 36th Street, Sa.n Ber- llal'dioo, CaWornia. WITNESS their hands this 7th day of March, 1969. Polul Virgil Stuart Stanley Arthur Robbins STATE OF CAUFORNlA) (ss. COUNTY OF ORANGE) Oo this 7th day or March, 1969, belore me, a Notary Public 1n and for said cotmty and state, residingthereln, duly co m missiooed and sworn, per- sooally awea,red Paul Virgil Stuart and Stanley Arthur Robbins, mown to me to be the perscns whose names are subscribed to the wUhin instrument, and ackoowledged to me that they eucuted the PLAY BALLI BASEBALLS 95f-1.49-1.95. 2.50. 2.85 BASEBALL SHOES 9.95. 13.95 . 16.95 LITTLE LEAGUE SHOES·· BASEBALL BATS 3.95. 4.95. 5.95 UTl\.E LEAQJE BATS • 3.25 Lloyd film slated BtfLTZ MORTUARIES 1741 IUP'IIIOI AVl. COSTA IIISA llldw&J .. 2424 JIW I . CD.UT MIWAY CD-A DIL liAR ORiole 3-4450 s•t• Jt4J GRAND OPENING OF IVERSON'S NEW PAD! It 's finally happened to Newpo rt Beac h (and to the w o rld)-a genuine, honest-to-goodness BUG-A - BALOO! Nobody's ever had one befo re but, it was b o und t o happen, and Iverson th o ught of it! Iverso n's "pad" is his brand new Volkswagen building which is the largest and m ost beautiful in the United States . Conceived with an artistic flair, it houses the very latest in servic e and diagnostic equipment. and is a perfect showcase for dis- playing the latest c hanges in the Volkswagen line (that is, if you can spot the c hanges). A FREE BUG! During the world's first BUG-A -BALOO, Iverson will give away a sparkling new 1969 Volkawagen (otherwise known as "The Bug"). All you have to do is pay us a visit. If you've never been to a BUG-A -BALOO. now is your opportunity to be among the first! At the BUG-A -BALOO, you'll see the latest in Volkswagens and Porsches, within a layout the likes of which you've never seen before! BUG-A-BALOO refreshments await thoae t h at C A RE to see something different! Now' a the t ime to put a "Bug" in your house! ... s E. COAST fjiGHWAV f•t ~ o,;,.J NEWPORT BEACH 673-0900 •