HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-05-08 - Newport Harbor Ensign• THE 15-MEioiBER ~-Eboll Clab ol Newport S.Cb col- -5 ftrot pllco llq>llloa 111111 4 -pllcoa II U. ·-buquot "' u. Oraap Dlltrlct, C&UDola , __ tloD ot WOIDID'I ClU, jiiDicr mtmbii'Aip-PladDc ZDd lD. tbl DIIID* of a'ftrdlwoabJuyel'ab, Pk:tired abo1J1 1&re Mr1.-Gal Clai:Jrt, at left, ftDI arts ebalrmaa. aDCl Mr1. Edward Wb1tHoue Jr., pr81idnt, wttbtbeftrltplaeeaward b IIIIo aria. (Xareo Koftcb photo.) I • THE TROPHY aa1 cert1ftcatt t.r flrstpl&eelDiducaUoo are bold bJ lolro. lay loloaeloJ. ollell, od1lcaiiDIIcbalrmao of !be Newport S.Cb lUIIIo< Eboll. and lolrs. Larry lolllcboll. co- cbalrmaAo FIRST PLACE AWARD lor loclentloD de<elopmul Is dllplayed bJ loin. Warreo Flz, ollell, ftnt ri<e...,r .. l4ed of JIIDI« Ebell, IJid Mra.. James CasiJ, Zadriee...pruldelt. LIFEGU BUT )lay bu bleD proclaimed ''IJIItl..UU. mODtb" by Mayw Do<-lolarallall ot N._rt Blocb, ...., DDied tllat ··u to oo]f lllroaP. till lodlridual of. -. olllo cWaeory lbol ean. b'Jda wtU remaio ODI of tbl clwMif llld most bel.t.lt1M --lD tbiiiUSoa.'' loiDID( 111 u. clan-"' .aort Y tbl Cbamber of Commerce of C«oaa del liar, wblre tbt UDial cll&ll-14> &ad bll.u- tulclfiM drln bu bleD Mt l>r u. ...... end "' ... , u end IS. Tbla ••1111 b -ed by tbe Coro• del Mar Clamber 1D ..._alloo wllll till Cit}' of N._rt Boacb lo order to help resideota &Dd bruttMSIIS to cleu out praps, bomu, buil- dlllp and alleys of .......ted materlall tbat are DOt DOrmallJ plcUd "' by lbe cll}"a ~ ten1ces departmaat. ne Cbamber bu la:ued a • H PERIL FE E THAT "KEEP OFF'' SIGN could be r .. , ..... tD .... daft. •• aid Mel PrJM. "-wpart Bl&dl !lUI ... 0 X' --....... ----·-·· ··-· not--I I _,. ... _._ ''"'* --• ..., by ow! .., "'"" -...., ILT_., ... I ---I ...... ..., as I I lo' I ~ II & C» ::s r .... .. SF 7 ...... I 11,-.:-.Ljt..t • 1111" 1· : ......... I • 41:0 7 7 II , •• .., ......... a ..... • :~r'~JSER\/1\--r-!\'[ (~ORNER 1 lrGsu• __ .. .... ..... _. M*allo.bo ...... lll&' ................... 11110 HI*TW ....... , .......... I p aDI• _. ........... _._. MlljM!J ••••,_.., ... .....,ol.._••nr lip,_ AR•• •• _ .... _,, .. _11 •-otlll. ~-a I lliiiltiGi. Mil..., ... lie 2 , .. -:::.:-IM•HM Ia WU ....., r-wu••• SIXUCAnaN PAIIJ I -....... ~~, .. !!:now -fll f01W*1 ... boll Od: .. _oattiM!rbo 111101'ft(IM.It........ 7:111. ~ ~ -~-H .. _.._._oiJ?" _," --~ ~ ... ~~• ~ llol II ~--o ' I IC at JChool _, .....-.d 10 • ---~awt WI Coli , . .._N ~~- 01' "'Ia" 01'" l#•t .... -tn.,. I -----I aiJUU mcrcour 1'1111 ........ ., .. ~ .... -DrnWID"' -lid -·••• .u..--.-,--week , qUOfftot o..,. Allon ol.4--0,..,. "'Jy II ouo" on his olsle1. (I .....P. him bol.,. oat ntt 11 11 Wj ..... .__ 1131_.-TboJ die a -Otmud tllal ths om-_. ........... • ... ._. • IM > MlJuine on SIECVS, tiM...._ educ:atioa .. • he "tually committed the act.)' .,._. ._._ ..,~ dllptJ btiOW it;' llllltl of ..... ten! dlarmamlllt law be ml &. c.-_ ...,., c-...... C4 _.... pniulion, 1nd bow jq JW'Oif'll'l it c:onuplint ·:Recently • visitor to Pa_lo Alto Wll.cbcd ao bid .t wol¥1111 to tile JOUt tt&IMJ 'u.. brtactal tbe pro.. ,._w, btfon tJM fut ap... .,. MWWT IIA&8(Ja ~· • , .. ..a, w p u • ,_..American youtfi •nd. ukimalely, undenninia• 1 !~year~ld airl uns:cltcoosc~usly d':'wma on • 'ftln tllldelt ...,. ....... .,... •ot t1i1t lltloa to l lltJt. JJnKh'RC tiiM com• wbMCM' _.,..11 'rt'-•CJtrellls , ... ._... ..... _,J.nOyAmuic:an•trtnl(b. blackboard a detailed sec110n11 v~ of tbc mlllallld_...,......,,_ OatM .... IIUd,.ft•Citl aatltlarJ eltlbu.bmtatUtobe ...-. ..t ....-.,4 • .,. • Ia • • ..,"' ..... c;:--. ._ *SIECUS w•• born In Auheim. Calif. pub--male sex orpns. On the wall of a ICOKW ~ iiiO -.. ....... ...., tM uarOalta Ull u.. not..a, dt-tarllld oter to tbt Ublttcl ..._, ................ t" Tka.., . .._.ca.-•• • ,.W lie tc:hoola in 1961 1"he mapxiM TodtiY'' room huna a monlaJC, lhe homework ... poed 110r1 of tile Goad A~t•d. ... 1:lurblc 0. lltWaliJI"'C**Ir .. N&UoGI. • C.... ..... c.a • • .,. __.. H~lth rcportllhat in m:enc ya'n veacreal cfil... to a 1 7·ycar~ld atudenl, compotcd of tbe .._ aid a. ...._,ld wwe w~ llr1IC ibo41l.Waaalllll'· Tbt alarm tbould be rt.lMd Ja Ni'W'OeT -:=._E.-cc:.:-~ \:' :an,; .... eue has increued 78W, in this counrry, and ma in contr~ceptivc devicet, each with a ontty ...S ·~ apr-ta teiiiPCift,l ..... iiYIIc. IDd fta&l1J .,., thAI the Aiel ol ammu.l .. r:t:'.:' ~:., • ._c.=._ .:a.. C...r., 0..... a.. e1 IZl'A: in California. In 1966, the yur aftu typed card bcneatb expfainioa how k worked. tlll'u tbe DdlltipJM of ..... rw:"'DC tbepaUt 'Wbert ct.o. tloa .. ,. to be ripOI'ted to tbl c;r .... _. • ,..... d.Nof ...... .,... ....... ell ..... lc SIECUS itancd in Otan~ County, Calif., 300 A boy the same aae read t.he class a paper ~ bal. lfH. n. toot. of tM biD-oce.a. ..s 111111 .uc. come• to laterlll Re'ttne Serflee, tbu -ckee ,. •• :.:z. l.w. Oranae County airls had to drop out of school hlild wriuen -which summarized the psyc~; dlrl .. ft 1::1-' place ta a. itl c•tD tutDc a loa&' lltp toward tbt AlrYO L ii.\'PA ...... -... _ .......... __ . .0... ... ,_...._ because of pn:Jnancy-30 of them from junior cal. tegwl and moral aspeclt of homose:zuahty. IDOdC'a IIIIIDWIItntetlllpatb. Trw SIU'Iblt ot tbe plowmu "tllttal dlllrmament ol. our PIC BAAPA ........................ -.-...... -.--~._. LH&.r hiJ,h schools. 1be 5e:ll.oiOJists have found an Allen points out: -Some councs feature of dcHM 1. la Udtllt cu be carried t. tYp or two people. suascaaPTIOII a& Tal ·answer' to this thouJh: pn:anant airls are now plastic human fiau.res with interchan~ble male aaee, tt wuto.Jta.ttllepilmb fartber: 'hi ..-.r la wtdcb. Couerftt1tt brOidc:utera t. ...., Aria: 0.. ,. •• .._-. 2,.... f7,00 encouraaett to stay in •,school. 'The Onnac and female: sex oraans, clay modehn& te-.iool 1lDI detlr'aliMd tM ..ucaL tM plow MldlN are beld d6-batt ~ ap1Ut bureu. 0.. ef ....._ Aiwa: 0.. ,. •• &OD; 2 ,_,.. •• 00 County Health Otpartmmt says that YmCTUI in which linle children fashioo the humao pbal-1'M bell' .... I •lldebS.at~ tumiDn tM dltectloa ol tb1 crattc ~ of IUCb com .. ,..'Oo'O"Qo0000000001000Q.IOOOCI:G Jiscue in the arn ts 'out of wotrol.' Ius. Suually intean.ted toilet facilit~ are !a uctntoU.t~ .... ftl fvrow.lltbt....U.aareblkl m·JDJJt ll'lli'O"ed PfOIRIIIIII L ~ "Accordioa to Th~ AttDit~im Bul/~lin editor. voa;~ to promote, as on;e seJ. fanatiC puts tt.. lodiCited bJ tbe '"'I. wtdcb lltra1lbl. a atrt.Spt twrow la ~ ~-~~ .. ~ Of L .....11,.,..,. Soam Campbell, 'the premise that sex informa. the ·celebr111tion of sexuality.' .... aa elltlh"e blllble tokleate prodlc:a\. wldeb repr ... als ~ _ ........ ,. ... _.._.. ., .,...,. rion is the pathway to morality ... if punucd "It seems .th<lt every 'upcn' and scx~';'list tbe IIDI. 'I'M upe .,...._ tbe couerntiYe pollelu, aJ.ms. cbard Coctea. IP"IrfD( from to its rational elttremiry, woukJ devate Sodom as.,ociatcd wtth 1he SIECUS prOJI1lm re)CCII Yertk:&l aad tbli borllalltal '-& ud eehlefem.U. OD. tbe ott.' "Tbe Coasern.tlfe Ylewpolat." ARVO E. HAAPA, owner MCf ·publl~tr of •e Ensi9' to the Puritan capital of the universe and sub-1rao.Ji1ional Judco-Christi~~ concepts of sex~ f1Cbl tJtC1e IDd la employ-' bUd, U tM plowmu doll DOt bU nrDid apiut tile pe.aap ~OOIIQo000QooaJOQIOI'GI000 stitutc-Paris for Jcrusa~m as 1he Holy City.' mcrality. Again and aaatn ~c .hear from ItS lD tbe trlloo: Ll" .SibUY. pkM btl plow wUb aftrm bud. ~ .. ~~~=:t:ow:,: 1 "A housewife recently wrote to a Phoenix prt~ponen" that SIECUS mamtams ~x cduca-meet ,0. fellow miD oa tbe a Cl'OOkld fllrrowreaults, wbleb Yu.R:-. 'WHEN A SHRIMP LEARNS TO WHISTLE newspaper: ·we just rettived our Nov. 6 issue tion ·mu-.r no1 he mNal indoctrination,' and le'rll aDd tln by tbe IQial'l. Watntn tbe fUClllat1n& lie: ftler StWlles. The League of Women Voters bas of Thr Amuinm. 1 noted the aniclc on the th•11 'it i~ not the }oh of SIECUS t~ make moral Early, at abcM tbt ap of 9. prlaet;ples udproc.eduresoftbe br::fNo~ 71~). ~ dati that tb from page about sex education--which might j!Jdjj:mt>nb : SIECUS c<tn tliC nc•ther for nor 1 wu JlfiD a team ol borlll Ubtrall• tbe 1eftilts. US renewed itS recommen on e better <tnd more accurately be termed: "obtccn~ <.~gl•in~t pre·m<~rital ~:o...' Many o! us. fihd it aod a pkw, &Dd '*U tokUoplotr Tbe wotdl of jesus, quoted from a apeec:b made by • • United states recognize communist China ily education" in the Phoenill schools. We just ironic that our youngsters ca~ be atve.n. IOStrue-"' a blt ol putarelud.. SooD 1 aboYe. may be puapbfued to =~ ~~=:.~~: ~~7~ t th U S d it opposition moved from Phoenill-and for that reason. We tio;,s in our !!Chools on vanous pos•ttons foe le&raed tblt ll ODt Uft8 Ill' the lDdlcate tbt aeed tor plowiDc a a-. and also tha e · · rop 8 have a 12~ycar-old 5011 who was tau~t chis ~xua\ intercoum·--or. as MrCt~lfs DOted, b&Ddle-, tbt plow d.lp deeply Jtratcbt llltrotr, 1D place of ea~ "Tbere la ac:orpontloo we may to United Nations membership for dictator smut las• spring, and about nine weeks there-~hown how 1o >~ppl}'. ·a contraceptive to •. life--lJto tbe 1011 and .ooo r•c:bu terlq by tbe "stralt pte." all well drt&d. Tbatcorpor&tloa 1m after we-had a ncar disaster in our home. 1 si:t:ed plastic phatlu" -hut a stude-nt uyma: a a depth at wblcb the borsea can A Jtra1&tll furrow m.?l.D& tol:)l-la: tbe federal governmeat." Mao's red reg e. walkeo.J in ami CliiUBhl him sexually molcstint: pr:.yer in that samo;> 'l:h(llll W~luld he violalinJ DO loapr pull Jt. u ODIItuts low couetT&UY8 poUclesofde-Mr. Smoot warna: "The Pf1• These Women Voters are knowledgeable ,.ur f\W.Ir·ycar-old o.J.au.ghler. He had hcen taught th:.-I.Lw."-Amcri~o·.m W;L)' F~·;ltUro::-. all flllflt apJ.n. &Dd thea pubes m..cnted reettt:ude. I eoatend mary threat to We, UbertJ,&Dd i tbat ta ~Uo'l'lng a atralcbt property of man Is lbe pen~ ladies, and they are aware of the requ re-ftlrrow, rlpt poUetes w111 pre-meal llllder whlcb b• Uves; aoy menta for membership in the Untted L It t Ed., rul "'" the mlpt of leftlsl perameDI whlcb Is allowed to Nations. Article 4 of the U.N. Charter e ers 0 I or ~~ al aoy otber time ::r~:t~:.; : states: • 'Membership in the Untted Nations comes 11om tllo clemop&lieo 1n ~ th& Amerleaa-lo -le, wtU eveDiuaUy ... lave is open (in addition to the original • SEX CDURSE HEARING tbot would lnclle ooe clua -to .i-ab>c "ths-!bern." . Editor of tbe Eoslp. &Dd aarrow patb" betweea Ou ~ other band are tbe members) to all other peace-loving states Receolly, A. E_ (Pall Ar1101d, aplnot tile otber • • • Tbo aut bar•ocnllc: de~ aod u. commiJIWt -led a.oar- t th oblig tiona co tained in o....,. c-scllool bOUd thin& tllal I now u bolnc du-bonl lepslatloo oo tile -cblsts wbo are seeklog loOts-wbich accep e a n memw. made tbepabUc .state-prous to oar .u,.l well-bu:1, ud tbltarmoucreatedb)' troy oar ~c:bools and oar col~ the present charter." ment that sereral Jarce seboot beiDc ts penmeot bybllreu.. tbe ~.~~~.rcbUttc rioters oo. u. teres, &Dd ..mo threaten to burn districts are beeomlo& lDcrea-en.c:y lDite&d of wba.t •• lafe IU to"· --~ • •-~· The bloody record of political murder .. -to look m otber. oar c 15 -a:ro-. ~ sJoc11 dlssa""'ed with tbe beeD ta..-• pen-Lut nelk Dr. CUIMcllltlre. wUb tbem ue tbe subfeulve by the Chinese communists is without -scbool omce. He said meat by law • · • Tbo aut -kl•c lor the zotl> Ceolury Uberallo wbo are aHelllPIIAI to ofth this sllorlly alter tile -·~ claqc !balls -eol to mole ~ •--••· A 1-· -·ot Parallel in world history. Estimates e -· ~·~·--ot Retormallol1 ._ 00 3 dally _ .... _-mer --~ sc:bool omee be.ld pqbUc tbe nst ........._..... liP Dll1f bl'oldcalla, MOQda'y to Friday, we. and who are plOIUDC to killing by the Mao government run as high bearlnll' oo fllmllJ lite aod su bureaus cl peromeDI · • • cried out ap1not the quuttoo-destroy oW" oaUoo. as 30 to 40 MILLION. U.S. forces are now educ:atloo. Tbese bearlap pve "1 suaost thai from lh1a oalres pr!IIUod by tile ceosus Now IB lhe lime lor ........ d stl adeqdlte Ume to both pro& and moment tbey resoiYI to make Bur-.a, u betnc an uowar-qtJyes, as loyal ud efftclent engaged in a bloody, destructive an co Y cons, bat Mr. Araold """" the COIIIIllulloo tile clvll Bible nDiod lDVUloo 01 prlncy, aod plowmea. to plow strat&hl fllr- war which would end in a moment if the plalood thai they stretched OYer ot tile Uldlod states aod pay It as &OlD& far boyood the coo-rows, oetther too deep oor too t ded d ed u ucessln lengtb of time, a tbe same respec:t&Ddre,..rax:e lt1bltloall aSbor1satioD whlcb sUllow, bul: sutflcleot to turn Viet communists were no ai an arm lwo-moath perlod. tiJal !bey would rellcJoasii paJ requires oo(Jibaltlle_.latloo -r aod destroy t1>e weeds of by Red China. Korea gave us a preview of !low r..UJ, Mr. Aroold,the tile Holy Scr"""''· aod I ask oftlle-Jsballbo•mner•-oonrarraoted bllreaucraUc ••-board meets oalytwlceatDIXItb. tbem to read from tbe Holy Uvllles of trea.SODOUJ Uberal the "peace-lo·"-""' attitude of Red China ted .. or'/ 10 , ..... He claimed • .,. .... '& Is tbattoomuc:btimeto~ Scripture, the parable of tbe tbattbtCeDSQSBareauwueq.. lects)aUoo,-udotcommiiDLst when hordes of the communiSt Chinese to • OOIIf&e tllal's desi&Dod to Prodlpl Soo aod to lo,_ bls meralln& bUll tabs aod n ... tllleatod ltheruprorramnldcll ~.....,y -armed across the Yalu River. bo ~ 111 ,...., cndelrolll _,., lolloiBIDaddt-lntha-lo. ar• •IOdine ...,chy,"""' -.-gv _....,. llln>aP h1&tt ''Siavwutlncrow_,... -...ud-rul& ..._.a tile lud When Mao' 8 China gives mdence of PIIOI'OQIAPBER -F--.,_ P-IAl> ocboo~ aod -tllal w1l1 .... Ia • il<elp laDd, 11£11 -Oo M-J. -r ED . being peace-loving, then the U.S. might 111 C«oca del Mar, praollliiB oolor lldlacmorloala ~~•=ot~~ ::::::::""::.":'ci;~ LAW. DAY IS OBSERV consider recognition -and that is like receat meett.oc clthe c.r.. del Mar KlftJIIB Chll> aod w1l1 character? this solomo ftrlllnc. Therecao sllow 11oe film a1 tho Mar 15--moetllo&cllbeNewport 1 tteoded the ~-•-~be-~-a•-~reot~ '""w""• "" "~-odla --odunllll'•ootheiBicl""" saying "when a shrimp learns to whistle." Harbor KlftJIIB clllb at the vwa Marins r-.rao<. Be tool< • ---·--• ~........ ~ -....., -.. -· -· " ..., Or. AxbeU ... as an Yernmeat, tbe ct..r pczre tresb tbe Harbor are& AprUZ8-Ib.y z: pursoaut to a ))tnt resolutlooot H.owever, for the consolation of the tt1e st1 sbots Jut year cturtac a d1 satlrt tbat look blm to tbe authOrity m oppost«oo to Be% &lr of tree Amerlc:l., or tblbJJ. w11b a_. ... o1. Pf'Oif&!Jls pre~ Concress and presidential pro- M>Uerbora. Qumlacb-P..,._cboa. the Zllpllla, Kltzbob~ I ~Ia tbe -~ th 1 ... ,-R"""'" " Ia--~--•· ·kasl to ~ ladies of the League of Women Voters, educ• loo. -g .,.._ ~ea o com en--HDiod to 11>e local scllooiB IUid c "~ w co--aod otber eunous sites 1D tbe Gernta.n aod s.tss Alps. a.Dd uswer period Mr. Aroold Nlmo take DOte. lll'fice clD by )slices and at.. displa)' of mtUtary streactb by a suggestion has been made that would dldn, discuss tile Issue, but bo BOB DUGAN. torotJI, waa bued oo the oommuntst co-lts oo W.y comply partly with their recommendation: 'Know your f,·rema n' proceodod to cbullse al creal Newport -· theme, "Jlilllce aod OQialliJ o.r. "LaW Day lilA" stresses Untt d ltogth preseal.daf pareata' •--..,.. law aod :roo-" tile pis of lollterlllg rei(IOCt "Give Red China a seat in the e palby towards their chlldrea. • RESTORE RESPECT Tully It SeJDIOIII', Newport lor law, lneroulog publlc .,._ Nations _ give them the U. S. seat, and Eopoeer Noat C.Cocrollwu """" u worldor -her• -Editor cltho Eul&a. Be&cb c11J alloruey, aod Attor-derstaodtor of tile place ollaw S , bora lDSub.ADa,lllly%3,1933. do oot liDo• tbe wbere&bi:MU Qa Aapat I, 1961. 'WbUe DeW DoaUd E. Sm.alhrooc1, ~ 1n Amerlcu We, &Dd po.1lt.s then get the U.N. out of the U. • He speot bJ.s clilldbt<Jd lD tbe ot tbtir cb.Udreo. campa'P'IC br tbe Pre-cbairmu. tor tbe ..,...., re~ ~the wide dlffereocesbetftell * * * Saat&Anaar-.aodnscrada&· Doa't forpt, Mr. Arookt, si&D:J', Rlebud NlmD ald. portedt!JatC*'WS &Ddpuel treedomlbierla.wlntheUnited COMMENTS ON SEX EDUCATION ledtromSaolaA.oaWpScbooL theseljiOlbotlcpareaturepro-"Willa r_.t Ill< Ilia Ualted dlscossloolooderslncludodat-st.les IUid &O"erom-' IJ- NeaJ sened lD tbe Uldted ductl of our publlc scbooll. states ot Am•lca f:IJla: 10 }ow tocoeys CarlS. Keeley, A.rtbiU' ramy. Here are pertinent comments by states Army trom 1953 ..w • ud 11 you th1Dt Uaey're irru-tblt a .t.'tlf, .. rate mWtarJ D. GQJ, Patrlela ReriOf, Deo.- thoughtful observors concerning sex 1951;, He ....... .,IQidp-poastble -· jolt watt uDill power lito Korea wtllOIIA ao ots w. Huwood Jr., J~<k 'WALKATHOH MAY :u operator" u1 ~ened 1D Korea tbe morereceotprodactl(youoc Am8fic::u aftl , .... iD tb1 H. Hall. Rtc:bard A. Neftll, All 44: b.lgb scbools LD.Orange education in public schools. These are 111 1953 aod 1954. HIB Slale-stde • • h!wlos, mtllllllls, aoddope ad-hlp .... u•s time tar -Peter c. TIO'D&J, -w. CoootJ bave recel•od ID- opintons that deserve careful attention daly wu -111 THU aod dicta) beoome par-. Ap-leaderlll>lp to r-• r_.t Peim®, Jullas Aaroas, Jolm rilaltoas to eoter tile 5th0UIIIual in the CUrrent study being made by the ~ t -. pareaiiJ, Mr.Arilolddtdo'trea-lor the Uolled states o1 c. SalJer, Charles R. Currey, nlbllloo at Caltlorota state Just prior to )llnla&tlleNew-Use bo wu "talldo& don'' 1o America." aod T-.. L. Woodruf!, aa-CoUece SaiiD'day, May U. education committee of the Newport Har-port 8eldl lire -"meat. the orroar pare.U, bo<ause -oatly. lh&o, out ot-ei!J altoroer otNewport Track CA>Ocbosllllvebeeolm'llod bor Chamber of Commerce. Neal wwte::l u a bt* ba1lder tbose pueab: 1D attemtanee ••rapect"" tor Amertca•• .. , Beacb.. to eater tbelrbest ••ftlkers''ln * • • • William M.cGr&tb, II.D. (PBJcblal:r1st, Pboenix. Artsooa) "Tbere 1s a phase of persoaa.Uty deYekJpmeDl caUed tbe lateocy period, d11rlD1 wttlch tbe bea.llbJ cb.Ud Is DOC i.ateresled in su.. Tblslllternlfromabouttbea.&eof ftYe uotil adolesce~ seTYes a YeJ'Y lmportallt blolotticU purpose. It all:ttds a dl11d aa ~J to deYeklp bls own resources, Ms beelJalDC pbyslcal aod ..-. slreogth. . "Prematlll'e interest iD ses is Ullllalural and 'Wlll urest 01' distort the de't'eq,meot of the perSIDOal1ty.SeseducatlooiiXJUid DDt be tmted oacbUdrea;sboWdootbeJlnia t.be crade acbools. •• Aoyoae wbo 1I'Oidd deUbe:ralely arouse tbe child's curktGC:J or .Umulate his ..ueady milldtot:nd)led semalpreoc:c-.u..s oacbt to t.n a millstnDe tied arouod b1s DieCk and bl cut lalo tDe -.·· • • • • R-L. l.onDd, Pll.D-(PIJcbologlsl, -York CU,) •"f''reaty.nn ,ears aao. 1 and muy oC:ber eb1ld aalflbi ml&bt ban eattmsbsUea.Dy eadoned scbool sa .,..,liM ... beet-ft bellned at tlalt time u.t ....,..,, 0D .aai ....,~!~dee COQ)d do ao barm. OGly lf)Od. We llan slDce lllr..s u.t It la bart:D.hll to force au:aJ. preoenpti«X' • cMidra of lila olemGarr scllool ~ ••• lo<clllccl-' -- lloo .,. ttoe e~em-.rr .....,I cll1ld 1s ..-, llkelJ to ·-Ia -' dtlllcalltos In .... _ asd • cu loediD -~~~~~~ biMrior bl cblkb:fod." • • • ' M1lt1oo ADclloU, M.D. (Loo Allptes, Caltlonla) •-sa edtlcaiQrs are QIDCIIrMd abollt C.d!IRC cld.Jdr• U. JHCIIIUdc:l: ol snattl( s.cl .lllilb ... Ia CIOIIIPII"'bbl ID lralalsc -.. IIJ -In ... -7 •• Tryl£oto-91.*• u.t...SwiOalltU'G she& 1-Jteil·la_.... u ltftiOC:tllkal« salft u lrJI&c., _ .... -., cllln w-..-..... 1101 W PJOMod, ·-_ _._ • ., a --art )OJ --~~---~-----$ '11111& .......... ..s....a.olc:M*tawi:IIDtll~ .... c.a act u e. pr ··• ua ttM cs tc trrtpul.llit ...,.ertlf ••tanallr ... ,.,. t " • • • • MD ~ IUl. ~ a.Ta •••e~~• CtD••> "Ill,.., • ..., of_.-II If ......... -wt~eue......,rJ•Eatrt-0..., gt' )111111 ..... 'p a I .. , rs<n•Minr·l•rs• .... w• J PM IIIII -at 'a ._... ..a lie .-.l •t L' r · , .. 1 ... 111 • a41iu IIIII•• ?' bilL 'llllft .... .. '$ I--... :t--I ne••-----' as,.r_ .. .,... aNJis•....,_!"" ... •_.__,_ .. ______ • a ......... .,, -... A I • a1 11 ... & I I J I . ··-• for Ncwporte:r, lPcor'ponted. , were lnteuely laterested La. presldeot. tbe pUotl D.JiAitbe ''l.&W Day t6A'' wu flrlt tbet'Jeat, wbiebf5spouoredby He -ttoe lire --lbelr chlldreo's deYelopmeol, Rosslao Mtp did Dol load -estal>-bJ PrestdeDI Dwlpt tile Or..,. Couotr Podlalry Dee. 1, 1957, ud wuprom.Jted u many stood 2.1/! boars ln defenlele11 r81'0'""1•111'# D. ElseDboWer aDd is tmr ob-ASSD.. to are ~ Jaly 1. 1961. u OYererowded room. pl&bt tact to JCortb Korea. tm .. Neal and bls wife, Tool, lln Wbea tbe local tebool dl.l-prtsonlD& ber crew.la.lteld, oC In H-..u>o -• ana. lrlcta pr-their ,.._.., of "rei(IOCt" m th& Ualted Toal'o -Is boWIIDc. wh1le family lite aod -odw:alioo stales, tho No<UI Kor .. pllola tloal ..,-h1ll oil dalJ Ume procramo ooiJ Ilia proo are of tile RaalaA Mlp murdered -aod IIJial-HEAL COCROFT glveo by a so-<alted nport 11>e ---crew. H-.1 bUitt..sedllre .. iepc;e toward adeefeetDGislm'alEdu· wbo!Se joblltoltlltbeprocrun. l WOGld pnftr to ,. tbe claues atSa*A.aaJ_...Col~ caHoD. Matunlly, tbe ioealecbOol dis.-commUillst Nortll Kol'-.u dll- lop 11£11 ... -.>llod this past Be Is preselllly ·~ to lrlcta do oot tan to ths _, plaJ !be -of "rei(I8Ct" tlloJ .. ...-al ~ Cout Col-Fire -tlo. 6, located u oehool cllke lor~ IO'CO. -ths 1lillled stales-Jeet, He pla.DI to OQIIIPllle Ida lMIIn'lDIAYIHe,iDU.W'Ht-ordl•ticw wileD tbe diJtricta Prelkleal Joi!MDD tbu ... ..,_..Hm at Suta Aa J1111ar eWI-Buttor Hlpltwii.U& HI area't dltermial.q: tbt dulres "r...,.c:t" tbeJ wtre AoWI.aC Collqe, wblre be 1.1 IILOI'klltc 11: .. .,.., to tbe ••s•• 1bUt.. at tat com.....at:J or ., .. CI)Do. Prllidellt lUJDa. Sign up for kindergarten ~;!~:::.:;;.~ ~!=-"'5 ... !:"E to hDIII proo ud C0i111 ud pr ... 'laiiYIID !be-.. ol-r.-~prtoo r.....-111 prooldod altllattmeclreclsln-.-IDe objldlve p111111c ..... -~--P-arc-DJ an It_. ocllools w1l1 be bold -. rt.ap. w•• ......, _ .-..-bel•-1bJ 1Z ud Zl Ills reoca-tbot Ida-SlncoreiJ -Hpl& ~··- -I a.oa. ID 4 p.m. ~· """' a -lolo llro.llbl6111J Smllll dp -lila -ld: -lor -· wiatlloc to -pliJ8al -·1-prior to Z74!1 Alta VIsta ...., -aru.-cwloJ ~~~ D1s1r1<1 oc-_,.. -1 Iii lila fliiL Newport Bssdl. Pr--~ -a. e. liD. v__. _,.be'*''' Utbe Cllllowt•ms s tcnn ... Par ... .....ad-· 1• pi'Oif u.. o1 ~ prot.edtd • e ad of ...,.. o1 -bJ -.......... Mil P '&• -bo as-• SOL-WAIINIMG 211111ws ---...,am -· poo J.-1. -IIJ eaDIICIAo.t..,._ E-ol tloa r¥p, -· If bo rl&lb' 1&1 11~ a • -· .. -cldlll-... st tloa ---1&1---·--·ot-...... Ia ..,ucy --·-·--·--·--__ ,__11M ,. ...... ., .. poU!tr&l --lor•• .... or-a..LI,I*,ID•· .-_ ..... -. .,..._ ..... _.. ·--.. •tbottlos dlr ., --lor -1 1 CYC11$T GTI!D, RUMS ., tloa -• fll 1101 <lw1 l21 ,..--1101 __ ,_ .__ ..... dis JS"* 11110 POLICI VIIIICLl WI. -nsl,._ ts oat llos-.... -.... .._ ,..., •"l•• _. •= 1 I a.. --.ll,.,•uac.a r-=. • ~·-,.. -JSI ., ..... lila • • ,.... .. l£c-._ c... ..,. --We-lsh· 1 1&1101._ --fll ...... a 11n11 _ts .. IILf-WIIIt&_ID .. IliPI11orinot._llr___ .. --· tJae Bible eelllrtr wUl lllf: .... _.. ...._. fl t PS) til & "*1111('-111 Fro• := :',-':',::":'::" ...... .., ~ .. ~ ·~: -,: " 7 •• ,.. • Will ... ,.. • -lwiii_..,.., __ J-, __ ,,_, r II..,, -eMs_...,_.., .. ..,... .. _ .. , • .,,.-• D stt:Gooaw fto-aar tslllsl• ---I .... --.. ___ ... _ 7 ... 1 .. 11:,' ·~tdr, ..... ~~-: • .:: .. _. OIIL __ .. -1 ._ .. --SJJIII<J.---= .... -.-.. .. . .. _ . -:.. -------. ; _ __, ..... --... ·::-------·-----.. .. .............. ·-7---... " .. _,_ .... _... . ----fMIC-a ••lsaslfto~----o-w .-.. ... -....... -• --~'==•\:=.::;;:.111!'1-..,•:. -·--••u ______ ....... fu ._. .. ,..._,. .,n~lt a --..---.... --.--___ .. _. ~ ..... =:--~J::':r--:7::.:.":...•-.... _...,, ... _. Nl •LWtlt ' _. = I Is lor Da Qnsp c.mtJ --DI I &-illoJSI ____ Ia t \ .%·-·-::.::~~-~== j ME II I -£21101 ..._ __ I I I~ :'1 I &llln,_wt, __ ;. .'n{ F IIIII I ; --.............. -. *I • -a..wrtCsk lltlc.-MIIII',.-, 1121111£11 • .... -.... ·-aa&IDJ "AROUND THE WORLD'' trill be tbe tbeme for tbe pulab cllnoer clo!!co ot Our LadJ QOoea ol Aoplo CathoDe Cburcb, Eut Blut!, to be held FrldaJ ........ llaJ U, al lbo Ba1boo 8a)' Cbtl. Tbt dance t. IIJCIII801'ed by tbe cburcb ecbool auz:1Uary. Committee beads ioclude, left to rlgbt, Mrs. Robert Frye of Cameo HJcbboos, to cbarp ot door prt&es; Mn, Cbarles Grllftn o( Bl.lboa lalaod. boatessu, ud Mrs. Michael Esposito of Harbor View Hills, wbo 1s co-cbairmao with Mrs. Paul McClary, Mike Esposito mJ hla orchestra 'ff11l play for dancln&:. Dorothy Jo ·Swanson Y1l1 ctn a lesson oo oew mod dancing, and a daoce contest 'ff11l follow. James Warren art shown The ezhlblt at The Coffee Garden C..llery ID Corona del Mar featlU'esoUandwatercolot palnUngs by the internaUooally- lmown artist, James Warren. He was born In Marietta, Ohio, and stlKlied at Pratt In- stttute of Art 1.n BrooklyD, New York. His career lDcludes a 12-year stint ID the mot.Jooplc- ture aM TV flekl (be starred in the Za.De Grey westerllS,) He has contributed patnttnp as well as feature stories for the Ford Times Magazine, a Ford Motor Co. publication. Paintings by Mt, Warren have been emibited throughout the country in ooe-man shows aoo abroad In Copenhagen, Zuricb, Mt~ deo City, MJ'ltreal, and Nassau. Tbe uh.ibit, which wtu con- tinue Ulrougb June 25, ls spon- sored by the Newport Harbor Service League, and the public , 1s Invited to view the paintings from 10:30 a..m. to 3:30 p.m. MoDday through Saturday at the Coffee Garden Ga llery, 2625 E. Coast Hwy., Corona delMar. LINCOLN SCHOOL LISTS HONOR ROLL Tllo ~--roU at Alinaa IJ-lcMollo -Vlolr llllll lie-15 -....... 10 ·--...... ll!ldMoltllllJ..-.. TM foJJowt.c -.stltl IU'Did. &U "A".,.._: lief-.... --BooaMJ ll!ld Pallj H .. , lo all •-; lltrld Arllll!r; lieU! -. Julio c-, - Don, llarcelll Gllm«o, Lot Grln'old, Fr--·· C.,. O'Coaaor, S... SmUb, Mille Watt aDd DetUI WU.O.. 1D &eldlmlc N>jocta. Ellllllb IRde-Fruclo Booro, R<>biD Cl!lld, 11ucJ Paw. ll.t, Patricio RomaoJ ll!ld TOfrJ Wall, lo all Ab-; Dt•ld GnJ, Broce Hlldeallr&ad, Kareo J•cw, A.adra McAdam, Sloe -· SlaCJ Platt, Loslla Reed, LJIIIIO R-r. Patti Ske*' and March W)'lllle, 1D academic Abjecta. Here 11 tbe complete· boDor roll lllt: • 8TH GRADE lJDda Ma!phr! Sua.a Gott8cbalk Suao AahlOJ IUI!e 1111-Darld GraJ Richard Dale llll!e llo-uor U.. Grlpi>J Katby Davis Freddy Moore IItke HaYibD Pbtup DiliOa Valerie M?rrls Brace Rlldeatnod 8otb Eociu<l Kellh lloll!er JUI Hlldloa Cloo!J Hupo1 C)'lldn Neol D"ld lnrlo lloU, Koattoc Cary O'Coooor 11arJ Jadrlch ow t.lacGowaa Muk OdermaD Ku• Jercer J . B. Mcfarland Vicki Pawlik Ger1 JobMoo .oou,Ju Polltoske staele Pittman GleD JODM EUeo Roseoberc E. J. PoUtoske Sat Kab Kirk ScboeJder Jeff Puelle Katbert.DI Kluc Kareo Scbwettur Karen Rudal1 Matt Wrabee Anne VlergeYer DoDDa Reichert DoD Lawrea~ Lorna Watt Roo Rodgers Wloa:low LlDcoiD David Scb.oelder Bob LJDliD • TI'H GRADE Gene Sebultbets ClDr:ty M.ll'OWitt Dam. Abbott Casey Shaw AIKII'ea McAdam Jeantne Arranap Marti Shoemaker Greg )((:Carty Dnid Arthur Sara Slack Sue MeCiellu Peter Ashley Suz.anoe Smlley steYe McFarland SuAD Barth Susan Smltb Slobban MIWpo Ylckt Beasley Clody Stelnhaus Slne Mooroe Beth Beet Joan stewart Teresa M~ley Carol Berney Jennifer stooe Kurt MWitzel Libby Birnie UDda-Karl Store DeDille Newcomb Sandy Bogle RobiD Swift Liz Noll Robin Booe Kathy UDdenrood CI..Ddy O'Keefe Stmoo Boupey 81.1'1 Vaugtm Janet Otto Hans Dieter Brunner Alex Wanlek kl1ta Paleochar Ja.nJs COOisser Catby Ward Marc Pug Susan Corry Kathy Watson Terre P...&.!'dee Cathy Crooe Mtke Watt Nancy Pa~Uk Laura Crout Dta.oa Werley Lee Pfelfler Kert')' CUDDingbam Brier Wb.J.te stacy Platt Diane Dolall Debbie Wllson Kathy Pursell Stan Dorn • 8TH GRADE Mary Pursell Bartllra Ewell Cathy ADdress LautJe Pyne Billy ferdi Polm Armstrong Leslle Reed Betsy Frame Barba.n. Babbe Becka Reichmann PICKING 1Z lloallats ... of 16,000 -lea wuthe b1c job 1n tbe I.DJlUal Hoag Hospital "mother ol tbe year" eaay com:est. Then trom the 12, tbe paoel of )adps must pick tbe No. 1 essay to determlne tbe reclpleftof tbe "motber ol the year" title and tbe top awvd of a trip to HaWIJJ 6lt 2. Pictured bere with plaques and entries are, from left, Bob Wilson, vtce.ma)'Ol of Costa Mesa; CutrWesdorf, Yiee-Pfe- sl.dent of CaWorD.la Federal Savlnp and Loan. and Denn1s Carpenter ol LJdo Is le, receDUy D&m9d bead of the Re- publlcan State Central Committee. Awards will bean.oouoeed at the May 10 hmcheoo at tbe Newporter Inn. (Jack West photo,) New members feted New member s will re..::e~ve recopttlon at the May 8 m~Un~ or the Children's Theatr e Guild of N~rt Harbor at 10 a.m. at the hom e or Me s. Jam?s Gonper. The nom lna!inl ..:om- m lttee will present the new 5h.~e of o.meers. Tbe new members ar e M on~; >. Harry Brown, Richard Button, W!lliam Conover, Ter ry Danne, Jlh:l Fra.n:o, J. Geor gt! Jones, C. H. P.l.lnter, Ru~rt Rosen- berg, Relford Shea, Da1ld SkU. Ung, Ivan Smart, stuut Sw idler, Waldemar Van Cott, N~.r!oJ W1yne and Robert Wolfe. M;.ynard Or •ne, educaUooal director of KCET-T"l, "ill dis- cuss programming lor cbil- :1ren's educational televisloo. He wiU prerlew a pilot tum <1ire.:ted primarily to early elementary grades and pre- schoolers. NEWPORT HARIIOR ENSIGN ARST SECTIOtl --P• 3 THUIIOo\Y,IMY I. -CO IIOliA DE!. 11M. Ia! f. GRANDMA WORE PORK When your grandmother had a sore throat she may have t;ed a strip of salt pork around ker neck. You're more fon unate than grandma was. You have modern ~~nedications that bring Qu1ck relief. fast ~­ Most art. pluutmr, too. When you or a member ol your family is 1Jl, take ad~antagc-of these effective ~ical discovertes. See your phys.c1an. He'll pre. sen be the remedies that are lxst for your needs. Then remember us for modern prescnptto n servia. Christensen *I L COAST BWT ... CD8011A DKL ... omen.&, __ ~· .. ' Basketballs $(.95 to $12.95 Basellall 'ntREAT OF NARCOncs• Suz.le Friend Bill Ba.ker Patricia Romuey IS TOPIC FOR MAY 12 Cara f rost francis Boero Lyone Rosenberg Pareots and their teelligers Steve Fry Jenniler Booty M~la.Die Salata as well as student gJ'014!S and Karen C..Uoway Carol Buckey AI Schulten church clubs are invited to at-Marcella Gilmore Gina Calder Tom Shelton teDd a lecture Monday evening. Dale Ann Gr eene Robin Child Matt Sboemaker ! GOALS S3.95 &. $5.95 BACKBOARD$ $12.95 • U3.95 NETS 95< to U.DD GLOVES BATS-BALLS CAPS-SHOES -UNDERSHIRTS-May 1Z, by D. C. Sparks on Lee Griswold Diane Christensen Lee Sbucll: "The threat ot narcotics to the Gus Gustafson Tricla Crooke PaW Sloper U.S." at the Santa Ana Ebell Mary Jaoe House Leah Crout Gordon Stewart Clubhouse, 6Z5 N. French St., Patty Hlmt Rebecca Darts Mepo Thompson Mr, Sparks ls the author of a Sue Jacobus Kim Day Clatdla Thomure boot explaining the llarmtul e!-AJ.a..o Jahns Natalle Dtstaso Krls Tool !ects ot drugs aDd how peddlers Sarah Ja)'De Jet! Dyer Joe Tosti HUGH MARSHA LL. semi-r e-entice young people into addle-Mark Jordan Cathy £~ Mut s . Verre tired r esideot of Balboa. Is~ ttoo. He bas recei'red several Mlcbael JlKlith Paula EYertsbetg Terry Watt tlas beeD elected to tbe board awards t;,r his im'est1pt1on of1 Kate Killet• JlU FanreU Amy We111barcer of dlreclors of tbe BtcBrotbets drugs. Kdt Kuter Vk:ky Felenbeod Jeff Wbu1loo of Ora.nce CowtJ, He was a Nucy LaHue Dutd FetgiiSOD Mt.te WLWams general coOO"actor in Sa.otaAna PRE-NATAL PROGRAM Molly Lyoch BUI Fle.lscbman Marc Wy~me tor Z5 yearsandwasintbeauto-.~-u -cdo-'" The , .. e-nata.ln"o....,.,.. tau..nt uu.:.n..., lKJU Dan Gilmore Debbie Zimmerman products and systems, timing mobile nnance, sales and ser-.-..-roo..... 6' .. vice business tn Los Angeles tor by Mary Jo Coooway wUI start WRI STWA TOt T.U EH THEFT LOS$ $.D) lnstruments ~other computer DALE E. BEVARD, 4545 Gor. bam Dr., Ca meo Sbores, beeD atmed oottroller Datatroov lnc, of Sama Ana., manat.&cturer of digital data 20 years preYious to that. He Us second sessional the Orange Because the wrtstbralx1 ns A tape recorder, plastic peripheral eqwpment. He pre- served with the 4oth Division Coast YMCA 00 Wednesday, t.-otea and Deeded repairs, sculpture, strobe llgflt and 10 Yiously served a.s vtce-pre- darmg: Wor ld War I, and was May 14. The class will meet Rlcba.rd Berg. 2206 w. Ocean b.ippte-type J)ltsters were stolen sldent of ALbey Rents, trea- wlth Douglas Alrcratt In Long eYery Wednesday aDd Friday Froot, Ceotral Newport. placed April 29 trom tbe Villa MulDil surer ,or Ne lly Don Inc., a Beach In specl.al services du-from 9:3o to 10:15 a.m. The his $'150 wrlstwatch IDatitcbeo restaurant. Manager Jerry woman s dress manufacturer, r ing the second world war. he program is designed for ex. drawer. Sometime between Donahue, 711 _1;2 Lar~ur and corporate controller of has been a m"mber of the Ma-pec~t mothers and those who April Z'7 a.Dd 30, be told pollee, Ave., Corooa del Mar, set the H. ?· Lee Co., prod~Ker of sonic Order since 1921. have Just had children. It was stolen trom the drawer. property loss at $300. men s work: cloti:)J.ng. BRO 411 E. 17th St.-Costa Mesa 646-1614 Give ingtowatch kids You'll thrill Mom for years to come when you give her this portable Sylvania Color TV. From the smart Walnut grain finish plastic cabinet to thel02 oq. in. screen ... it's every inch a d~le Sylvania. Hu bullt..ln UHF and VHF utennas. Convenient carryinJ handle, tool Ask for model CB84W. $299.95 TV RECEPTION SIIIUU.TED TENNIS DRESSES -SHOES -SOX MEN'S & BOYS' TENNIS SHIRTS SHORTS-JACKETS-SHOES- -SOX -SWEATERS - RACKETS-RACKET STRlHGIHG MASKS-FINS-SNORKEL SKATEBOARDS FRISBEES 5LEEPlHC BAH-UCK PACKS TABLE TEHHlS SETS -PADDLES -aALLS-METS- Parts -Tires -Repai @~ • A GARDEN F lUll will be bold May 17 at Richard's Llclo llbrtet patio by tbe women's ditlsioa of lbe Newport fllri:Jar Cbamber of Commerce. Some ot tbe sale Items are dlspJa1ed bare by K!:J. Carol Freocb, at }eft, memtler ol tbe Kowport llolboa S.riap aod Lou .call aod pr- of lbe women's dlt1sioa. I.Dd Mrs. OeMurl Tosh. COI'U MtJI Oodat, mamber of both tbe .Newport Harbor JJid Colt& M~tsa women's dlYlslons and eo-cba.trma.n of the prdlllliiJr with Chris u_.-. (EIISIIPI-·) Bouquet of Ba ()~\.' vt-P) Mother's 1 LB. YUBAN For Day! 2 L 11$. .QI.·IW# 673-3510 73'C0FFEE 145 " LYNDEN BONED CKEN WlTII HOLLANDAISE SAUCE Beets ~~O:"'"GE 2PK694 MINUTE MAID ORANGE JUICE VIVA TOWELS siG ROLL ]]t 6 oz. .. 53' 12 oz. 53c FRUIT COCKTAIL DOLE 303 SIZE 2/45¢ SALAD KING SIZE sps THUIIMY,IMYI,- ~ DB. CALIF. News Our store has been completely remodeled • . . newly decorated • . greatly enlarged • • • with wall to wall carpeting • • • • more merchandise to choose from. So come 1n and pay us a visit • • • you'll get the same courteous treatment the Bay has been famous for. .---Women's Sportswear·-~ . . .• come 1n and see our newly tapanded Women's Department ••• featuring sucb brand names as KORET INTERNATIONAL SET .•. COLE'S SPORTsWEAR VERA •.. WHITE STAG ... LE RAY KNITS FRANK LEE ... CATALINA ... JANTZEN . • . Come 1n and browse around ••• you'll bave plenty of merchandiae to choose from. ·-· ... 4 ....... _ .. , ........ , STORE HOURI: • 8:111 to 1:10 "''17 Jndndl. ~ IDclut" ••• .....,. ' MAYll WEARE HEADQUARTERS IN THE HARBOR AREA FOR MEN'S AND WOMEN'S SPORTSWEAR IIEWLIWIDS -~~~~~ lo.Uo Wardan~od._t_ 1111 -·• pu-. U, S. Caoocl'_,... IIIII IIH. CIIOI Holllleld. CE:UIFICATE OF BUSINESS FlctWous F~m Name Tho Ulldorslped do boreby certlt)' that tbtJ are eoaclue- IIDl the onlq IIIII - ol a mulDe coatnetiDc --otss ill OraDce Coon~J. Call- forola, under tbe ftctltlous tlrm aame ot GIL~ 6 DERBY ucl tbat said arm 1a compoaed of tilt A>UcnrtDc periOIUI -.-mes 1D fQll ud place of u - lidtDce are u IJUow.. to wtl: lamoo Poler lluTIII, Ill Klllp Piau, Nnport 8oocb, Ca. tiMO; EdwiA Diu T&Jlar; 1110 Coott-1. Colla llt-Ca.91U?. WITliESS -baodo tbla 14 dly of April, 1919. lAMES PiTER IIARR!:TT s ... -lluTIIt EDW"dl DEAl! TAYLOR -DouTaylor STATE OF CALIFOIIIflA) (as. COUNTY OF ORAIIGE ) 00 A!rU 1\1110,-.-. a. -ll&lod. • _.., hllllc Ia 1111 a. aid ~ ... -. por..U,--' IAIIBS PITER &IRPBTT aid BDWIII D1W1 T.ll'LOR, t-It ............ __ -·---..... .... 1Mb Ill llld MbUI• ...... a.t .., ._ It· tM -wnaa ., ..., ud ot • .W.-1. w--~-·~~~~• -~-... ~ ... 1 ........ t.i;'"i. ... ._.. -D11 • Girl- firestone C MPION s 4-P,Jy lyiH C.r4 Tires Mrs. Leith to be installed NEII'ORT IIAJiaJtl ElllfJI FIRST SECTIOII --..... 5 TltURSDo\Y,IIAY I, - COIOIA O£L 11M, CAI.Jf. tf Atnerial hired people for the job, it woukf take the lat\)lllt sort of ..-my to keep our country free of litter". But there's no need to hire anyone. It's a job wa can do for oursetves. All of us. Every family that spreads • picnic lunch. Every bNI.fNn who c:rui:ses the lakes and waterways. Every motorist who uses our ro.ds and IMghwoys. h. il the P'usure of the U. S. llrr.Ners Auocietion eeeh yew to give its fuiWtst support to the Keep America Beeutiful Campllign. Remember: Every Litter Bit th.wts. This is our t.nd. Let's tnt.t it right. UllllrfUt ftiTD •twus ASSOCIAT10M, 1MC. 535 rlfth ..,.,..;u.. ,... vcn, ,.... Yon: World's Largest DRAPERY CLEANERS Ser¥int All ef Orente Ceunty 20 01 Off f« cash & corry IO 540-1366 642-0270 1702 NEWPORT BlVD. Costa Meso h.Ta 2nd Tire law a loiTIN IMTn loiT.. bill'loo .. ·------· .... , 1 16 .00 • 7.50 '17.50 • 1.75 -----1----l tOO.U 16.50 8.25 19.50 9.75 Dt 7.l5·14 9.37 21.75 10.17 2.07 ,... ., .58 per"" Fed .uciM••·•• •• and 2 .,.._In ti,.. off YDUf cw. ....... n~:: 9.62 22.26 11.12 E::::-i=-=::+-r,~:: 22.50 11.25 25.50 12.71 14.12 .... Ul .... .... f I ••? ,. ......... ........... • t::::: 25.00 12.50 28.26 AH ,n-...,_ ••• INI 2 ....... ..,_ ... ,._ 111111' • 1.17 1.17 QUA"ANTIIED IN WRmNG " .... ... f/ ...... .... ., ...... . --_ ..... _ .. ____ ......,. Mil. CII-"T llfl.-C:O.tteiU. ..... CliFF ROBCRTSON. Ctf~~~ ... _ CLAIRE BlOOM -·--- I:YI:. IHOW ITAIItTI 1:41 CONT. IUN. I"I'IOM I ~.M. AT THE ENTRANCE TO LIDO ISLE Till liST DOUill 11U IN THE CIOUNTYI YWO GHAT GDBAL AUDIENCE FilMS PvnniM SinC* And ,_ •c:.t lalt.u• Action 1111.-.!,_IIAY 1,,- COIIOIIA lllL 11M, CAUF. Still time to sign up 'Jhe RENOWNE.P • 67S·0470 YPE'N CAliS TRIO "~ SONG STYLINGS ~JOSIE' 3201 E. COAST WI6WWAY CORONA C>EL MAIL 10 words Of' leu ............. . 21 wonh to 3D wonk ..... . AC-YAW/4S WI-R •• • CWF ----- • DPIMS MIGHt\. T I :U • EXCLUSIVE HARIOR AREA IHOWINCe e2HD FEATURE: ulHE TOUCHA.ILES"-Cel•r. 1 Ti...,. 2 Times l.IO 2.00 3.00 .OS 2.,10 3.00 4.00 .10 3.00 4.00 5.00 .IS TRANSPORTATION 100" Financing Avalla~e AI so W~ Carry Ou r Own Contracts NEWPORTER MOTORS 20lb Harbor Ill vel. MAY CLEARANCE Full • TerrUk: sartocs OD Scott aad stereos -ptuo or .. ._ MUSIC CO. -SlellnriJ" -Yamalla N. MaiD st., 8aala -Est.1914 IPOII ~~.-_,., -- ----~·-.. --.• t.. .. -___ ._, . .._ ....... ···-JMf:l!. a..-.lht~ COP -··-. ........ -- Open House 1-5 SATURDAY UOIA811111E -COROIU. DEL IWl !loW" 18: A-~···-­lllinrJ> a Pill -"' 1M llrtplaca PLIII a looaiJ ·--··---·--.,. --All•llola.O.....W-. I I I 0 0 0 0 o o o I 1 Open House 1-5 THURSDAY '101 ACACIA-CORONA DEL IWl PPrt--,_. bard -lacomo. Two -------Oolly-.......... $45,1100.00 ~~ m~ .. eo-.... llat -67J.8550 g._ 1/.,.,JI, ~ .. 11.,. COMMERCIAL BUILDING I CENTER OF COST A MESA S3S,OOO lEST OF TERMS Wetls-McC.rdle R .. ltora Rtli•lc Sc111ice Sitoce !90 (~YnM!)·, 1110MPPORT s..77:19 COSTA --~- Service d. the Newport Harbor-Coat& Mesa Board of Realtors totaled $14.7 mWton for the first three months d. 1969. This represent. 370 unit salee and an increase ol 211{, over the same period of last year. List your property with a Realtor today. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Vogel Value Corona del Mar SMALL HOUSE ON REAR OF R-2 LOT FULL PRICE JUST $28750 'Vogel l'lo. COIIOMA DEL MAl :1667 l!oat C:..at HI flo-(Cot. ,_,....., ........ 67J.:IO:IO c:.n oalllt? ••• ......,,, .... ~ ........ Coli S. 11011.8 00.. R II IS Coll-·-211 B.171111!.{0Niillllooa ..r-.,_ 64Wfl2 _...,... 1711W. c:...t .._ . .., ;•it--. . ~ HAPPINESS IS . . . . . • • Architectural eleganct! Uke a cathedral deUtng with Door to ceUtng windows overlooldng the Harbor and Ocean. •• A healed and filtered pool sur- rounded by three spacious bed- rooms. ••• An atmosphere of comfort and serenity. Prtde of ownership for an enterprising executive. •••• Logically priced in the Sixty's-- with reasonable terms and fi- nancing. Call us for an appointment. It's a pleasure to shawl lay & leach IIIC. ., ... 2407 E. C0ASJ IIWY. C D M THIS U you·ve missed !he -~ of RA.'lCHO LA CUESTA'S 3 oilier unlls .... DOWT MISS THISII l:acb succeeding unit costs more. so lake advaDtqe ot lhese prices. Come a. see our .,_., nn Btoothunl at AUanta in Huntington Beach. Tbere art I lc % 3tories, 3 lr 4 bedroom bomes with 2 or 3 baths. Mission lite or shake roof, lire- places. concrete driveways, beavy rou1b cut beams. built-ins, famiJy rooma lr dirUnR rooms. o ... 1o Hlllllillgtnn Stale lleach. These beautilul bomes are priced !rom $24,195 to 134,200 with VA or Coo- ventiOIW finaocing as low as 10':\ down. No 2nd TDs at 7.21'-"' interest. CaU llti$-21129 or ruil any doy 10 AM 1o 7 PM. lnUA11D ON Till ACIIII IPACIOUI 1 a I IBRJ!o APAIII •m -·u~ ... -swo • · Pri vaae Patio a • Fireplaces • POOLS • 9 Hole P.iuina O'ccn • Tennis • Sqwatc Fwnily Scc:lion • Adi. ao Sdtoola .nd Play&Jound too Soo L-, C61 -c... ........... , .......... ... . ~,---~~--~--_...,:-_.--:--:-·_-""------""---..---. _ ......... ........,.._ . .; ~:~.Of:· -;.. THURI~~MAY~ tMI IXIIIDIIA Dfl.IIM, CAUF. •• ,.,. •••dt ••••• • •• 1 hlo~ Usta .... Ulle Isle C..•• del Mor IIA YE TII01BAKDS OF DOLLARS 011 THE llillDLEMA!('S PROm ••• !lOW II YOOR CIWICE TO BUY A KEW I 1111, I BATH PLIB I 88, Z BATH DUPLEX! NOW UIIDER COIISTRIJC'rQI DIRBCT P'ROIII THE BUILDER ••• YOU MAY cHO(a YOUR OOLa!S ••• IT INCLUDES BUILT ·INB, PRJVATE PATIOS, CARPEn!, DIUPES AND LANIJSCAPING •••• FOR INFORMATION CALL DON V. FRAN1U.111 EXCLl61VE AGENT • • . ' •••• OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 1-5 421 CDRTLAND DR. . • . . IN BEAlTI'IFUL CAMEO IDGIIL.\Nlll S 1111 and Z BATHS •.• Ctm'OM DEca<ATED • .• : VIEW OF THE PACIFIC • • • • ' • ••• OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 1-5 1126 GOLDENROD • .• IN LOVELY HARBOR VIEW fULLS-3 8R 2 BATH HOME WITH OUTSTANDING PCXlL AND PATIO AREA •. , , l)OX Y. f'RAXiClllt I RE:AJ. TOR ' 3250 bot Coat -.. Conm del .... CaHfornla Ptlone: 67]..2222 c-~.,._-...... -artkloo~..-..s,..w­}Oflllf e'oeeU ...-r ad I pi• Call 642·7141 -I!VU. 67J.Om Dana Point Income TWIN 4-PLEXES I ATTRACTIVE UNITS. $9,600 ANNUAL NET INCOME. Priced ot $95,950. ~ $12,950 OOw1l. RED REALTY 2025 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach Pbooe: 675"-6000 CORBIN- MARTIN REALTORS Your Own Thing .. (Didn't Have Ttme to Take Picture) eLOCATED IN CORONA HIGHLANDS. Ocean view. You own the land. Lot extends street to street. · 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. Room to ezpand. $43,950. F. P • CALL OFFICE TO INSPECT • • • Units-Walk to Beach • Located on two R-3 lots, best Corona del Mar street. e CALL FOR FULL INFORMATION $98,000. F.P. I CORBIN-MARTIN, Inc. 3036 E. Coast Hwy. 675.1662 Corona del Mar, Calif. ~nglis~ Jf arm ~omrs 3 CORNER LOCATIONS TUSTIN & 16TH or ALISO & 16TH COSTA MESA 3 or 4 bedrooms -some with famUy room -carpeted -front yard& land- scaped -fenced-fabulous kitchens - heavy shakes. ,$32,500 to ,$33,950 10% Down -Balance 1st TD 7 1/2% (Listed in Multiple 4/23) p. •· JNllmer lncorpor•ted lll DMllffRS (J liiO SIU 1935 Q77 Vlo u• o.w • ..,.. Nuoo1t ---.. L.A.-.. IIAIIIIt c§lNNOUNCIN{j ... .NEW Prestige H011us in DOVER SHORES Ivan Wells a Sons proudly invites you to ~ their nrwest "fOI'tYer·vft" holM daips. the Bay<tC~I 400 Serios. ,_ elepnl view homes and DOVER SHORES with its priv.te ~ 'boeti.nc r~llides, and playcround.s. ·~ for individuals who rile 1bove the onllnary ancl c:an alord the best for themselves •nd their families. See the 400 Series ... rile·-the orcllnoryl layrrrst sso.oooto$190,000 MoU& 01/430 C.lmt on .. ,N..,,..,.._,._ Plto>Wf>«i-1550 1-Da;pa""F..,.;,lll""t, ,.II • "IQ" BlJ'if'Olm, &DDOUaeiA( "I Quit" (I'IDOtUtc, tbat la), are bolq dllplaJod bore by DorolbJ &lid ADdJ llo¥1Do of Newport Beaeb to Mrs. Paal Holmes of BI.J Shores, at rllllt. euCIIttYI eommlttel member of the Oraap County brueb ol the Alnerteu CaDcer Society. Film star AJidy I&JS he wu a "4 pa.ek a day mu" .W b.1s doctor told bim to quit smottac. So botb be ud b1s 'lt'ite jo1Ded the "IQ" c~. "My wlte quit smot1Dg to be_, me," be A)'S. "Hust»ads &Dd w1.us can eoc:ourap 001 aootber to stop smottng by SUfPI'tsiDc tbe otber w1tb au IQ buttoo 1M a special oommenctattoo " Car- toooist VlrcU Parteb las desiped tbe commeodat.Joa eertl- tleate. • • • social note .,,.. ~ ' _, ....... _ nt Jl'sd. fll ...... Diflt &I ..... -Ht' -.. .,_ottloolocal......_8olll.,._ a·- oer-ht • i*tw tdlliU ..... !" ~ ~ dDea. Baa. --. ... ~ .. -.. (ll>o. -.> , ..... ot ,.... •••• -.......... pa will -· -FrloiU .. ceHIDOQJ i:Jr tilt lUI ..W, ._ Cameo wpae• IIOIDt to radio lad TV-Alt---... loolllllJ ud bll "'lllelu wllo. Tllo II llooco ~· llad .... IUn'Jed lli • • • E~, 1bllle¥t;bltwwllap l'orme.r blc ...,_ b&pbell IJid --oommllmoota, bot -ADdJ cu., ot •-wr. ....-lo r-* lbo ----lllo ..... --boiDc &mOll( lbolr tr-. .lad .. • ...., ... .,... lo lila oorlb. lllor nr• llllltod apiA 1a 111o ADdJ wu l.arlltd 10·~a~t 1o lbo arbor ot lbo Dorio -· wllb IJitlo ......,. 111-11 Bora o1 relatiYIS &all frJadl P""10C CaMdl, Ills 80D Jimmy te- by 111111 • roe'IIIIOO-lol-.. _.. ... blm, 111111 llloy -~ow~oc. SlaJIIIIac-tbo-lo • ertek llsalmoellablocclurlq were lawyer JobD Hurtt IDd bls tbl b'tp wtfe EYI, Mary Kemp ol tbe '• • · • PasadeGa. Star Nns r.u allo Ur. lbd Mrs. M. Y., Hed. ... iJDOill those present, of Ft Colllu Colondo are . . . . . , rtalllq lllolr -dall&hllr-11-Je:':j (Mrs. T. Duocu) law aDd cr•nct*M\. Mr.udMu. stenrt of Sbore C.utfl baso't BW Roller uc1 Brad ot Coroaa let a Uttll th.J.nc llb a throat del Mar. WhUe bere tbe aperat1oa skrw' bar' don.ID less Redces are sta.ytne wttb frieOOJ tban a week abe wu atteodiq tn Sbore CUtf.s. me~ apiD ud already • • • June wedding set A 1-lllt wAMIC II ..... ,...,1 .., ..... -,._ Ud ._ lleV!eM< II Cllrlll Clllr<llbflllo .... ~JC ... 1101'1. 7 Tilt-~··­--·-·..,. ... llrk»-lo-lla'o poriato,llr. Ud , 111'1. LT. TW..-;1 ofMeftrnt, II" YG<t. T1la 111- 11'00111~1 IIU'tah au Dr. ud llro. William C. ·lie VIetor ol Nnportllaa<ll. .. ... ,.,..... • ...-.. of llanlwoHI Hllb Seboo~ Will bo lfadlattd from Delrfer UltYer- IIIJ -molllll with a ,.., .. II llllerlor c1u1p. Her aueo II -l<loi lor tbo llartJ.a. llarltll& Co. 11 O..or. Klwu ....,..tad hmNnportllubor lUll' Seboo~ Orup Coul Col- .... ud Derlt'er lhllverstty, where bt received a decree to tm.tDIII admtatmat.JoD. MIS$ liTTlE TW!ED Holsteins tell troth Gtorao 11. Hollltlowu c-eou.ao.llr. DoMIUo "".:~=~~ a cl1llaer party at wt11 1000 eater tbe u.s. armed til Harbor Yacbt Club serY1ees. Greeters laud athletes she's been ICI iD Sacrameoto Ho&c Hospital employees held Athletes of tbe mooUI re. tlne pro prospect. He played eoocerntnc the oil slbutloo-a "spring bas iPJ'UD.r'' dance celved eerWlcates of award at nrsity footb&U aod is a mem-a commodity about wtllcb Jerry Saturday enning. U:ay 3, at the the April 3·) ~ acquainted ber of the LettermaJl's Club. 1s very well tnformed. Newport Harbor Amarlca.n meettng of the Costa Mesa Of-• COSTA MESA ffiGHSCHOOL : • • • Lecfoo Hall. Tbey d&Dced to the fte.lal Greeters. Cbris Gammon, Z06 Llll1aD It's a good thlDg Mrs. Harry combo, "Lookabouts." This Special recogniUoo was paid Place, Costa Mesa, a seillor Wood of Corona :let Mar bad 1s the grol.l)wblcbeamelhrougb to Jobn VallelyotBal.boalslaDd, and a member of the varsity decided ap.1nst tmmed.iate wttb such pnerous doaa.Uons former Corona del M.or S'ffim team. He bolds the CJ.us travel plallB. Sbt weat 1Dto the to tbe tJood diJaster t)lt. This Hlgb Scbool and Orange Coast s crs butterfly stroke record, hospital a CO~.t»le ot weeki aao iJ a twa way to lDcrease the College butetb&U star &JJdoow aDd 1s tbe lrYIDeLeaguebutter-l>r a ebeet fCI &Dd tbe doetors treasury regular cuard tor the UCLA Qy eba.mpiooaodrecordbolder. are stlll teeplag blr there. • • Saturdar 1111111. 11o7 s, 11 which Special pll IIIli• porty Ill· Ume Mr. aJid Kts. Geotp M, cludecl tbelrlde-to-be'lrolter· "CHEFS" PbU Cor• ud Barbin Lelptoa aweu to be HolstelD m &DDOaoeed tbe en-Dllllf'Udmotber, Mrs, CblriM tager bolptrs lor tbolr Klwaota -lor lilt 19th aooual p.pmeot of their da"'l!!er, Hobart oiPuodeaa, MIA VIal paoc&ke breakfast to be served from 7to 11 a.m. tb.ts Saturday, Suaao., to Du DeMtue. Hod:SMl of ArJ.soaa. Mlsl DiaDe May 10, at Costa Mesa Part b)' the Costa Mesa KJwants Club, Susa.o Is tbe &nJlddl,ughterot DtUute of WbltUer aod UJ.ss This year's breU:tut cbalrma.a Ia: Dr. Norman Loatsa.od he Is the la.te Georp U:. Holstelo., Nell Holste1D from Orep. assisted by fellcnr seboolmeo Lewi& Fa.nooo, Gordoo Imler, wbo witb ber fatbet fotmded the HUFFMAN ART ..OWN JohD UcCoweo aocl Herb Ward. Otber KlftAlana wbo wtU be Holstein bulldlng enterprises in Wrs E A HuffmaD .W dla- 00 bud to be_, o~X are C1&1re Nelsoo, Bud.FrukUD, Keltb the Harbor Area. Sbe llveswith play ber '0u p&1Dti.Dp throuctl Dlnsmoor, Dr.Al.laa Pedereeo, Dr. Sten Asablmo, Dr. Eroest her pueots 1n the Bact Way at Wi!a Verde LU:n.ty, Kostlan, Bob Hayes, Cbuet Ec.tnrdl, Dr. Robert Crawford, Bay area. Her Dna.ocelstheaoa costa Wesa. SbeltlJtled Uldu' J . C. Humpbrles, Charles Adams, Frank Zreblec IJld Hugh of Mr. &all Mrs. LesUe B. De-Darid Vaqtulat Orup Cout Sprinpr. Kiwanis I'CJI)Orts tbe KeyCiubprocramsatloeal bJc:b MWe ot Bal:lol.. CoUep tw z years, aod ll oow • • scbools, Circle K Clubs 6x JOc:tba: wbo desire to pursue a.o Both of are tat1Dc lDitructJou from Cl7de educa.Uoo 1D flrmlDc. I.Dd: proytdu academic ec:bolarlbtps Zulcb at Colt& We a Art IM.cue oa.Uooal ebamrJ1oosbJp team and He is a member of the Letter-• • • member ol the all touraament mao's Cltm as well u the Key Former Newport eouocllman The Alan AndersoDS of Bact team of the NCCA. Club at Costa Mesa HJgtl. Al For&U 1s ba.Yi.Dctwr.m,eare Bay are eelebrattna a oew folknrtnr atbleteoftbe month • ORANGE COAST COLLEGE : at home after a stomachCIIWl-cnmMMlo Rtebard, wbo was to colleps. (]>bolo by Fred K. ~!!!!;:!,_ awards were preseoted: Mike Pomeroy S4.13 Flnley Han. AI, wbo &IIPI'eciated ~ bora April 29 totbelr foster soo CAR HI n BOY, 5 • NEWPORT HARBOR mGH: Ave., West N:wport, Harbor ftDe care at Boac. 11 CWJC bo to aad Ms Wife. Mr, aod Mrs. Plutle IUI'cet'Y WU DOC:&Ss·l Darrell Blood, 455 E. 18th St., Hlgtl grad~ate,ocnrasophomore ra1ae more mooay fDr tbl boa-Josepb W. Wbltaey or Orup. sary for Albley H1Q1DI, 5, of Costa Mesa, a junior sprlder, and B avenge stud.eat at occ. pltal because It 1s 10 O'f'et-Tbe baby wu oamed tlr hls 4800 R!ver Au., WestNe'lrpOft. an outst:uvttng member of the He 1s a tract man and bolds croWded. materoal cnodfltber, Rlebud wbo was bit by a ear wblll tract team. He scored 17-1/2 tbe school record 1D tmer. • • • KooiU, Pa.sldt!Dl pbysletan.. erosstnc &Ibol. BIYd, at tbe points 1D this year's Newport-mediate burdles. He ls also a Ruth and AI Hobart otCoroaa Wbeo wee ~leba.rd crow .~to 47th st. 1ntersect1on at 4:40 Mesa unUled school district high hurdler. del Mar are just back ftom a play cops D robbers he U be p.m. A.prU 30. Tbe drlvarottbe track mt*!t, He Is a 2-yeu • SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA nlee leisurely Ya.eation 1D tbelr OD the side ot the eood buys car wu Sur.ane Sulllna., 37, letterman and was voted tbe COLLEGE: Dick Sivertson of mobile OOme downlDBaja,Ca.JJ ••••• his fltber 1s a dep\t)' 1107 W, Bay Ave., Apt. most valuable member of tbe Mtebigan, living on ::ampus. He torD1a.. Bes:Jdes 5W1D1ng aDd sherlfl'. Balboa. ;96:S~N~IA~~~:y~e::: ~&ll&ll .:~i :~~:_ '== AIRPORT NOISE OVER SCHOOL LEVEL Cosa Mesa, an oonor student ball, track and tennis. He is a and a senior· Bob is a 1 !H-shortstq) in ':laseball, leadJ.ng made to the Board o1 EdueatJoo powers aereemeot between tbe pound wrestler and Irvine Lea-tbe team 1n most doubles, Tbe sound decibels of ootse Tlleaclay nlgttt. scbool dlstrlet IDd. tbe elttes g11~ champion. He has a record triples, home runs, walks, llld created by aircraft from the Dooald P, J..Qye, wortlocwtth of Costa Mesa a.Dd Newport ot 23 won and 7 lost this year. runs batted lD. 1n track he is Orance County Airport O'f'er tbe areb1tects Carmicba.el-Kemp, Beaeb b' the eorolDC Ytl.r, re ... OYer tbe last 2 years be tw won a javelln thrower, and on the E:1st Blllff scbool site, DOW IP-told the board that the uera.ce duelnc the cost from .GU eeots 48, and lost 13 matches. He is tennis team he bas a record of proxlllll.tely 31 uoits O't'er lbe let"el ot decibels &t tbe stte was to .039 out year. the 1969 Orange Coast College 12 woo and 9 lost. reeommeDded permissible 76. Tbe recommeoded Jenlls • Accepted a GestetDer tourrwnent champion. He is a • U.::l : M..lke Martin, 118 Arne-lent. sbou.ld rlse sbalply wbeD 45 decibela. Dllri.Dctbebo~atbe m.tmeognpb maebJ.De from tbe 3 year letterman on the tract tbyst Ave., Balboa Isla.od, a taJpa.yers reall&.etbeymayhan ftrm ebeeked tbe stte, Utowxs5 Newport Beaeb Elemtata.ry team and 4 year letterman 00 sophomore, He bold:i 5 gold to PlY a.o addltiooa.l $5l,OOO to plaDes created ootse of 80 to scbool PTA. tbe foottall t•m. medals from D&tiooalcollepa.te •uq,roor and air..cood.ltloD 89 dedbell:· l7plueacaUMd '10 • Set.duJed board meet:i.Ap • COROMA DEL liAR mGH swtmmlDc: ctwmplouh)ps. He tM ICbool. &eC«dlD&'tD&report to 79 deel~ls· lDd 4 raused &0 br tbt first S hudlys 1D tbe SCHCX>L: Rex Snyder, Newport OO~ds 3 oatioaal collegiate re. to 69 declbtia. ()QlJ 7 or 8 oelt 3 mootbs, beeanseoftbeln- Beach, a senior, a.od a member C4J:!.b, He is on the water polo w ' I of these were scbeduled m. ereued. budggt &Dd pla.l:l:lJ.ogtbe or the varsity basketball team. team and ""; recently picked a r m 1 r a C e planes _ wb.leb leans Pl'iYate board 1s UDder~. In baseball, he plays lofteld, for tbe All American W.:.ter . planes and beUeopters as coo~ • Heard 1t1 Btblflde student pUebes, Is a good bitter over Polo Team. ( Coltinued trom page l) tritK&er to a ereat deal lOt noise at TeWln.tle JUDior H1ch sebool 300, and is ooosidered a very married to bis Los Angeles This 1s oat eoosldered a par~ Lols Leenerts, request a well~ DRESS RULES RELAXED sweetbeart, wbom be bad met tteula.r problem DOW-but u balanced mealatasatprieeat bolore the nr. Tbew-day mlglll be If ool&e l .. ol Is 11. lilt eafolorla, said that most of was July 14., 1945. He enrolled c:reued by future 1Dstalla.Uons tbe b:lds available at tbe Wh.Ue Costa Mesa Hlgtl School the code wW be lntro1uced at the Los Anples College of wttb more aircraft 1D the area, eateterta are so called "stareb is working on a dress code aiJd deperxls on Dow long It takes o,:.tometry, and recelvedblsde-accordloc to Mr. Loye. foods," lbat uoder tbe tree Estancia aiJd Newport Harbor them to come ~ with a pro-p-ee or doctor or optometry 1D Tile Board ute.11or further ehotee system, stOOents tend to HJgb schools have established posal, wbich must then be de-JUDe, 1949. Tbat same year be 1Dtormattoa oa other q.per Bay st*t "tempt.J.u,a: foods," sucb ooe, Corooa del Mar HighSchool bated, discussed ao:j a&lPrOYed opeoed his omee 1D Cotooa. The scbools reprdlDc tbe sowxt u lee cream aDd other threw a towel in the ruhioo by tbe t.lculty and PTA, aecor-family Uved tbere tmt11 1963, factor before mat1ng a.oy de. starches. arena and only asks Ula.t stu-diJlg to Frant Lopes, princlpa.l. thea estabUabed tbe1r OOme 1D eJ..sJ.ou. SHAKE-Bin EN PAIR dents dress cleanly and wear The present code forbids Bay Sbores. The Alleo's ban otber matters COD.Sldered by IN GOOD CONDITION shoes. beards, allows sideburos, aDd 3 ~hUdreo, Jert, 18, atreshma.rl tbe Boud toelllded: "Good eoDdWoll" was tbe The faculty, students and PTA the wearing ot culottes. But at UCI &Dd saillnc entbUii&st, • AWborllation ot tbe ap-latest word from bol.g Hospital of Corona del Mar Hlp Sebool bermtdu or slaets are n:)t w1DDer of tbe FUgtlt of tbe pUeattoo tor flutda QDder As-tlr Karen Randa.U, 13, ot 812 decided to send out letters stat-permitted. SllOWbirda 1D 1967; LorraiDt, semlJ B1Us 908 ao11 S65 to plu Btaoo An., Eut Bluff, &OOAlu lng their decision that it is tbe Tile Newport Harbor High 1 '1, a juDior at Corooa del Mu a proen.m ean.:t "AltlrDattYes Wanlet, 13, otS7190c-.nBlfd., responslbillty of the borne as to scbool student government Hieb Sebool, and Julie, 15, a to drup," a joiDt 81lde&Yor bJ Coroaa deUiar, 'trbowerebltteo what should be worn to scbool, gr~ put out an oplnloo poll freshman at Newport Harbor 0raop Couaty ICboola otllee, b7 a rattlesnake May ZatAbra- and ask1ng parents who d1sa-oo student dress to students and HletJ. Sebool. tbe Newport.M1a l1nlned tam lJDeolD schooL greed to return tile letters. Of tlculty. Results or this poll Dr. Allen 1sa llltifeofA1lk111. !lebool dl.strtct, Cb.lld Guld&Dce They were boplng to go bome 2,100 letters sent out, only 15 were turned into Principal Mtm. (wbieh is also the OOme Center prob&Uoo. department, by tbe eod ollb1J:weet, but Hoag were returned asking the school Cbarles Godshall, who set~ a ton of tbe publisher ot the Eo. Costa Mesa pollee deparlmeat, Hospital would DOt relea.se a to retain the responst~lllty, committee composed or tea. sip), was a mem~ofthe19!3 Din Today and tbe OCIMedl-colog-OOme date. ''So oow we are gomg to see chers, admlnistrators and stu-uaduattnc class at Aitti.D Hi~ cal center ' The soa11:e tas beea bottled 1D how parents do," saldprillclpal dents to draw ICl a code. School, and served as ao agent • AR~ro~ed reoewingtbe jold lxmaldebyde b'othercbildreo Leo Meeks. "Now we caospeod Aller refinements by M.r. tor the S1Dcla.1r OUCo.inAittlD." 1D tbe school to see. our time on narcotics, emo-Godsball, rules and regulations Couoty before comtna to Sou. N h ' u 'B tional problems, and teaching were released with tbedeclsjoo thern Calltorola 1D 1939, ew omes In pper ay k.lds how to read~" tbat during the month or May, Asked about the length or stOOents aDd parents wlll be I RVINC L. ROB31HS Don and Geoe Wells ot Ina usiped to Lowry AFB, Colo., skirts, Mr. Meets answered, permitted to choose what tbe 0 F CM. 01 ES AT 69 Wells "-Sons, dwalopers, an-tlr tr11DIDr 1o tbe ~q~plJ tleld. "l%1 to the parents." Asked student wears "within the lnlna: L. Robbios, 69,ot2132 DOUDCe tbe OI)8DiQ& ol their Hell a1M4gndtateotPUcrtm about boys• ha.J.rdos, Mr ·Meets bowxts or decency,'' President Place, Costa Mesa, Dftest Bayerest 400 series of Higb Sebool, Warwtct, R.L, tDd answered agaln happily, ''Up to other rules are: died May 5 at Hoacllolpltal. He tWer Bay bomes. reeelfed b1s B.S. delfeelo 19$8 the parents." • ln accordance witb state wu a self-employed c:arpeoter Tbe ~snap 1.D size trom from Northlud Collep, Ash- Estancia Hlgb School bas ooesboes belp and sa.fety regulations, b' S5 years, came to Call.b'D1a 2,850 to 3,645 square feet; tbey 1IDd, Wt.s. crlterloo-modesty. "At tbe or sa.odals must be woro to 1947 aod UYed 1D Ora.np: ba. 4 and 5 bedroo lt.ths pr .... t tim •• " ...,;d pr•-1-1 at au times studems are oo " ms, ' A.M. SAUL SCENTIST ....... u..;_.. Cow&y for 15 years. SfiiiU'1,ta santee arfU, prlnte • floyd Harryman, .. we are DOt campus, SIII'YIYOrs are t'!-YUt, bedroom eoarta:, marb .. floors AT PHILC'O-FORD DIES measurt.ng dresses. we Defer • For safety reasons, certa.1o Flor'eoce; 3 .10u, earu. o1 aDd wood taaeUDc. Albert M. SaW, -&3, ot zazo ban. We just ask that 00 liD· eiUaes and acth1ties may taYe co.ta Mea, Ooaald at Olbrio, 1be 1ft bomes are 1o tbe Vista Huerta,. Eut Bbdf. derprments sbow'." specttle dress requtremeats aad WWJ&m ol lbltc:aatr; a CoYer Sbotes ar• aJoac tbe Ma7 !, &t Girls are permitted to wear wb.teb must be toUowed 1t tbe lllter, Mrs.MildrldFUqwaJd West l.\lPU Bay. A pre-a elldor ca,prls oo ra.inJ days. Culottes stooeDt chooses to rema.iD Ia of Palm Beach, FIGrida; 7 Yin bOme U at ltsO Ci&luJ f'ard are all rlgbt onanyday.Senlols that class. p-&Ddcb.Udrea aad ! crtat-Or. Prlees ruee from $89 to J-1, · bi.Ye apecial pri'tilecu oa Fri-• Jackets ue other appuel p-aadcblldno. $190 tbov="". to C&Warllla daJs &Dd may Wtl.r caprl.s, "or represeotin.g ott campus clubs s.neu wert blld MIJ 7 at AIRMAN' Robert DtCeetU.t. Ort..ap COIDtJ wbate'rer they call tbem -or scbools other than Newport Bell Broad'ftJ Mortary Cblpel -ol Mr. ud Mra. WllUam Strnets ••• olaeb, I doo~ mow the dlf. Harbor are DOl to be -· II will! lbe R ... Loren Fllet!opr R. DtCIIbollll ot Sl& -U II Plcllk: Yloww-~~~\::~1 rereoce,'' said Mr. Harrymu. any time oa eampusortoschool o1. Nnpoft lfD1ty Cburcb u of-Road, COitl Mua. 11u com-Hut Blul u 011 Boys' ba1r can be Joo& but aet1Yit1es. fle.lut. latermeat 'Will be to pw.ct bU1c trUa1ac at L&et.. milt wu at Pae11le eu1 toueb the llllouldtr .It must Durlq May a commtUee Will Br-. llleh. laDd AFB, Tuu. 11o ... --lal Part. be wora bact Otter tbe ear, waltate tbe etreets ot this de~ PriDcli>&l KarrJDWI added ettloa Ia roprd Ill Wbal rulea p tty c I I 1 I Sldot>orna eu bo wora 1o .._; 111111 r&&"lallooaWIIIboaet~t>r a a ca amaran s T~ YOUIIC, 47, loworpartoltbo-, tbocomllcJtU. DIES Ill V. A.IIDSI'tTAL ,_ l'1llu -• 1111 ~In SAM BAYLEY M.t.nVE ~ ... hrotll'o ..-_ ,_ D, Y-t7,ot'MI --wllblllooto'llellll. Of lt4CL4111l DIES hltJ' ColD, Qr1Dc *Bola -otlllo U.S. lniPIJu 1bo -Pllll:o, C..-. c-~~-m., Selloolbo.a zo Sa uol R ... ~ .. , 71 ol Zlo Yaebl c.-'-101• wullrotto -Ia 1111 Plelllc: ...... ..., lloJ 1,11._-v- -· II u -oa.l clo. m , _, • ' -olllrloUJ II lbo -f'lool -otrmiac a...-Aoopllol, ,.lqpmtol ....U, -~ ot ::: =~· diad llaJ f, ._. llowpad -IDEa. -~~~~~~~~~~~ ...... llld-lla wu lin Aaco11 10,1111, ,.,., '•"na tr. flfrr Be .u bon IUIJ 1S 1H7 _. JaC1It ,.,., C2'GIIIIICU. --• .. ~* =--· ot Ia Ca n ... IDw. Cl8l .-.-.., <lo IN • ·-u. ~ --~Oft7-~•--lo~ll,....,.llll ,_ -eaollll&l a 111 HID. EICIIIIIII. ...,. lo Call:-PrloiU 1111 IJdo SilO ,_ C11e wu -1o IIIIo -~ora--. -.., ltl"''"'-lo _.,,... ...... u. ... lil .... ...._ ... ca. .,.._-oil_.,..,_ 81-·-·-··'t' ..._~11111kt:A ... It, ::-:-.=:r:~~D. WUfrl8d, -.t ••rut 111 = 1,, ?:~If~ •.. Ud" , clad 10 -BIIIUI sal wul -,. .__II:IOa.s."'*l,lsl . I ·-· ......, wu-1111J I ........ d ·----· r.:w. I .. ~ -~-,.., .......... ..,,.--•• la ... IAtv'dJFfl_._ ... ,, 1111111 ---I J'llllll ;::;::-...,::~ .... Mot-II, .. _--., :.:.~--::• a, b &I 'I a I& •I 7 I lUI-. -L --...... -. I ~. a....,_ .... .,.. •• ftl t W * tr Inc .. , ...... Car ... 11 .. 1' ..._.,, 2" A ... -Ol'tt 111 ..... _ ... e II I If ..... •·-----1111J'a1'1'7,1',.~,L ael ,...._ ___ -~CMI. w..u 1, DANDIILJON in ..;;;;_ '•w• All these lawn weeds (and more) will fade away ... or Scotts will pay! Last year Scotts made this remarkable offer to thousands of lawn, owners. As a resuh they got rid of ugly weeds while their lawns grew thicker and greener. Those few who said their weeds didn't fade away, received a refund check from Scotts at once. No ques- tions asked. The sales slip is all you need. ll's 1hat kind of guaran, tee. No small prinl. For grass lawns ..• For dicho ndra lawns ... Simply spread TURF BUILDER PLUS 4 on your weeds and grasses have invaded your d.i- grass lawn. ft clears out a couple dozen kinds I ~:::•~ lawn, you'll love SUPBR BONUS. It of weeds al the same time it fuU-fertilizes your J1 them out at the same time it feeds lawn. Makes the weeds gradually curl up and dichondra 10 greener beauty. Two important disappear. roots and all, as your grw jobs at once. Result? A thicker, more vi· lhicker and greener, filling in U.O.C places brantly green carpet of dichondra-withou where the wecdt US<d to 1><. unsiJhdy weeds and arasaeo. 1,5110 $Q fT. 2.500 SQ. fT. 14 G $12.95 BAG $9.95 Tras·h C,ans c•m !-~" DGAL 110'11 D~ c.-. •. , \MOW 3.9 ···~·· I WHO'S MOTHER OF THE YEAR? ' . 11111 ,....., 01 t111t ,...., 11 t1111 BDac Ia a" •-r COIIIIMt wW 1111 ••••eM at ... anrdil I :a 1• It a. llo--...... _.,, .... , -· -·· .,, .\11 11 ......... --· .... ---wllll>l ...... altat--na-wWrocotro•-• .-... I Ia lla'l'lll. NEWPORT BEACH JOe JOe COSTA MESA TIM ...,, ot tM ll "•"•· ue ril1P111ltd blre aactl7 .. ..-1>)' ... __ PANHEL SETS MAY 17 TEA . .. • MlKJE KlU AIKAWA. 9, ot lSl-C E, 2lat st., eo.ta Mesa, ...... S, Woodlatld S.:bool' Sbe mabt my dreues aod ftul my bail' "'eD WbeD abe bu ., lime. She Ia thoucbllul and alee. Sbe dots wbat ev~ 1a: IDOd for til &Dd. 11: fila. for Ql to 10. ' HOLLY PETERSON, ?, Ill ' ROXANNE SDIONIAII I Sbe doas 1101 lloow bow to C*k • ' ' EbCIUb too mucb, but abe trtes !03&1 Blrcb St., Santa ADa ot 44& Swarthmore La., Cotta very bard to speak. So 1 Helpll, l!rsl p-ado Bayvtno Meoa,l!rol p-ade,CoUecoPart leocblllc ,_ bow ,. - School: Sebool: ED&llab because she does a lot ll'f mother flus di.DDer Uy motber does a lot otwork o1. tb1Dp tor us Sbe cleans tbe torus.Sbewubtatbedllbesb' 1Dourhouse,Sbetateseueol·boale aM coo'k tor us My u. Sbe mates tbe bldl b' us. me Ud my brother aod my Z mother be_,a other people: l1ke She belpl me put OD· my roller a1aten. Sbe YUbes our clothes 11 aomeoae 1s poor sbe ~/ or Pates. Sbe draws pictlll'tl tor and sbe takes us to tbe store. &ins away our Ckltbes. my room. She helps meteedtbe Even when sbe 1s very tired • • • antmda. I kwe my Uotberll she helps us -..ttb tb!Dp. My She ls D1eell motber waters lbe lawn. Sbe • • • sews OW' clotbes aod she ldsaes us good-night. Sbe 1s a very good mother. • • • • A IDCIItbft.-daqpter lldorma- -teo wiU be bold !rom 2 to 4 p.m. llaJ 11 at tbe home ol lll'l. WLlllam Moeeley Joats ct c.._ del Mar b1 Newport Harbor Panbellealc lor hlp IChool IJ'ad~Ates a.od eollece atUISIIIItl Ybo plaD to &ttllld tcbools 1D the fa.U wbere tbere • x.•...ttY KAY MIDTHUJ(, 9,ol. are chapters ofnaUooaliiOrOI'l- 170 Gcw.,... st., eo.ta MHl, Ue1. crade a, wu-Seflool: Ftn local JOtotlty &irla jut Sbe worts ,., bird aU di.J eom'letlar tMtr ftrst year wtll Joac &ad: lt1U taa Ume lor me. return from tl)'!lr respeettve 1 Ja1Dow u.t my Motber lot'tl me urUnrlit1es ud eolleps to becau wbeo .. comH home preselll .. fashion .,.. or tbe1r trom -.ort lbl 1s ,.., urtd bl& on clotbes lDd 1rill auwer sbe lt1Il leU me lbo1r blr my wort ud tate• tbe t1m1 to u.tea. to wbat I blniDA)'.M711':1 j)c' makes Are tblt I am eNI&Did l!lli o!reased: JOOd flfWJ daJ. Beatdes wor~ everyd&J Uy Mother Ia Ieider of a. brown1DI troop lor my .a.ter• aod I. My Mother 1s allo ..erttary at my ebureb. Sbe msure tbat I 10 to Cburcb ftfelJ Suaday and that 1a: WbJ I ttdnk lbat my Mother sbould be Uotbe of tbe year. • • • • KEITH RYAN, lZ, of Otiotl st., Costa Mesa, gnde 6, C&l11orllla S.:bool' When God c.bose a mom .br me U WUD't jllsl: a.ayooe Jt wu my on special mom. Sbe I& always 11 home after school. I may come 1D w1tb a problem or just Mad 80meoae to 11atu. Be1Dc tblre wbea I Deed ber makes ber cr•t. How pUient mom 18, queatiou. Tbt model& wU1 be Uam Tt~, AJpba Deborab Boyne, Gamma Pbi models, krs. Dale Wlatlrt, Bela. UCLA, Llada campbell, A""" Chi Omep., &ad i>Wllcl", lltlla Delta Della, tllC; Cbrlatle Mn. l>.trtd Win(, Alplla XI De-.r, ~CbJOmep.,CaU-Delta. tor~ state Colle,. at Fuller-Tbe Mioerva Medal to:~; Sasaa Jeontnp, KaRla ..ut be ctno at tbe tea aDI1 KlPPl Gamma, UCLA. am rectpltDt annt)\IJ)Ced. Tb1a a- Cbrlltlnc lADdeUus, Chi 01.113P. ward, IAcludlnc $500, 11 pre- from Su otego state CoUep. se.ated to tbe cb'l wbo regis- At 2:!~ p.m. a ta1t will be tered Yitb.Newport:Harbor Pu- ,. ... bJ 11:,, Karen c-u, beU.,.c, was pledged aJid uallt&Dt dea.D of ftmeo aJXt intt1atec11W:o a oaHnnalSOI'ortty PubelltD1c adYUor from us:. at collep aDd. bas tbe lli ebesl Sba ..W dllclll:l rublq. aebol.utlc nt1nc of all tbe 1oca1 sebolutle ablllty, studarda or aororlty mem!)ers. P...U.~leD.te GUY K. CLAIRE, 1101 laP • cooJ.1u.!:t and tbe proper type ol also mahtatMaloantu~a~ UCl Ter., lrYIDI Terrace, pu'Gw ckltbel lor dJUereot oeeuioos. ~ eootrlbutes to tbe American 1D tbe law ftrm ol ~ n.. Rep"tlou nry at the ecbools, r teid Serriee proeram. a.od CNcber, NeWpart ....._ Mrs. Willard W.:..1 e, Alpba Me-.~ Harbor Panbel-11U btea tlect8d &10 tile bou'daf Cbt Omep.. 11 cbairmu ot leDic's flies clla.lrm i.n, Mrs, directors of tbe Bl&BiotMnof thls year's eYent and will be CbU'les Vander'Tort, A~ba Oranee eo.ty. He ta a IMIN usilted by tbe lollow'inc: bos-Omlcro.o Pt, wtJ.I be proees.stDc of Colambu, Ohio; • V' W• Usa, M:s. Wtlliam MoeelJ neommt!Ddatiorls this summer of lEC with deCree• .. poUtll;-1 .Jooes, KIA!& Delta; resena-and taJl for girls from 8 high scieoce aDd law; a IDtlllbM'·or tlou, Mrs. Jobn Butler, A_,bl. sc.bools -Harber:, Co:ooa del the Newpcw1: Harbor C...._ Omkron Pl; refreshmeot.s, Mu, Costa Mesa, Estancia, of Commeree,tbeWorldAtfain lir a. KeDDeth Sloup, Kaw-Hur.!inlton Bea.cb, Westmin-CouneU, tbe UniY.rlltJ Cllb. K;qJOa Gamma, aDd Mn. WU-ster, Fourtain Valley and Irvine Cout Coaatry Clab. • Martoa a.od also Or a.nRe Coast Collep: a.od Golden West ·:ol- lep. Any girl and her mother or rtrl ak>oe wisb.lng to atteoo may contact Mrs. JOhn Butler, 646-Z5Z4. lOUR AGENCY ROBBED l..ouYered windows were used b' emr&Dee to 14ari.Der's Trani Tour, 1617 Westclifr Dr., WestcUU' Ceater, duri.Dc tbe alelll ol Aprll 20, aJid tbe &ceDCJ was rott>ed of a $400 electric typewriter. REioiODELIIIG harbor ••••••• ... __ ..,....,.. ......... SAVBOMYOUR • Ll'9A TAYLOR, 8, of 1748 -• GWEN ANN LaJEI.JNE$E, 9, at Um11, a.od Yery seldom k»ses Samar Dr., Colta Mesa, _, or 1254l.oodoDderry St., Costa ber cool. • VIRGINIA BEGLEY, 11, ol lfade Z, Adams Scbool: Mt~.sa, lflde 4. K1Uybrooke Tben there's tbe paper route. 3268 M.lchipn AYe., COIU. AUTO -GOlD 1ft' I'OUC\' SA-C.OIIIIIULill .viii 11M. MOT.-n UJ mother be.,l a lot of Scbool: Sbe miebt be tired OD tbose Mesa, &ride 6, CaliJorDla people, Stae htlps my brothers liJ mother 18 always dolng • KAREN RAYMOND, 9, or rainy e"Dinp, and tbe lut ScboOl: &Dd me with our bo3le W8rk. • ALBERT RAMIREZ, 9, ol tbou&bttW. tbinp w!tbouteJP«-1614 Ruth Ln., Harbor Hlp-ttdnc 1n the world sbe waDt1 to Sbe 1& to me tbe best mother Sbe ctn 111 oerusbinc tooo. Sbe 2413 Santa ADa An,, Cotta ttnc praiae from anyone. My laDds, Cflde 4. MulDers do 18 driYe me to deliver I kDowl Sbe tabs a eeUe01 11: a Sweet Motber, and. She Mesa, crade 2, Muote Vl.ata mother always UDderstaDcls m7 Scbool: ""*''a, but sbe dots. Sbe care of all my fkmllJ and me. baetea brad tor a lot or 2 Scbool: problema a.od belps me soln Sbe ts a cood mother to me throws tbepapersber-seUwbeD Her thoucbtfWDtu lalla all o1. Cf&d elaota. At nl&bt wbeo we My motber 1a K~tlie&.D and 1 tbem. A!ao, she 1s alft1s and our wbQle famUJ, Shebtlpa I'm sick. Tb1s mlkesbergrtm, u.s tbat sbe cares about u. talk toptber, One nlpt we am Mexican too. My mother 1a: p&Utot ..t.th me, even wbea &be me wtth my bomework wbeo I u do tbe yummy mals sbe Wben 1 cet Older and bl.ve a talked IIOptber ud my W:otba:r nice to ber boss, an American. Ls tired. need be~. She belpa tate our cooks. Tbe pies cate's and famU.,.,l w1.ll tr} to be liteblr. told me U.tiO'rlwutlMicratut Her bOss 1s D1ee to ber. My My m.Jtber coes to D1pt Campftre ~to Mrs. Troer-coot1u are a.tnys tbere. 1 rill remember wbat sbt llllld ttltDl lD tbe world 'ftl love. I Notber'a boA said, "I not JC.Imol at O.C.C~ two a1pta a atrl .!»at. Sbe tabs U1 on EVIJ'f Scmday motrd.nc JOQ to do to mate us aU baWJ. I .l:fkl rlf'J lot'IOD&friul:l.OM4aJ Albert to ..-,k EacJ.iab." Sbl w.t. AS c.. 'hnltlYI lbe tr-SM coob iPJOd dlaDirl eu IIDd Mr atc:Urdl.udWililll eu ahr&JII!Dtobcn.o.._. 'at 9elloot A llb'l aid I-aid, "I'll brlq "-t,lo Loo -lo )loy ....,, IIJ-t:1r m _ .. Ud .. Jbe ,_,, tlwe Ia a mMJac a1 -1 -Ia ..._. Sbe caa -- UM a P'U&. • made me All A~~~t... 10 be YW 1lln ahraJ• mak1 ..re we always Sbe makes m!l do wort so Jbt'aswe88li:. Ob, lbe cu. d1ab stud UdAp 1 dort tii.1Dt sbe bad tM I remebtrd wtat m:r Enclts!l.." So the boss aDd lweat ba.ve clean clothes oo.. Erery tbat I wt11 be ue to lt wbln I my ~ out a.od s&J DD, cu.. But Wben 1 co to bu l.lld Mother told me So lp'rtak:Jtof in a big jet to Los Angeles. Tbe weeteDd mommy does all the crow ~. Sbe helps me -.ro but lts b' my owa JOOd. Tbere teU ber, she tmdersta.Dds per. love to her u:l a few days bose: put me wttb L1Dda Tacp.rt wublnr, drytnr, aod troninrllr beads lor Campfire prts. are also tbe m.a.ay otJtlois sbe fectlyl latter she like me. Sbelsavery and VJetor Taaart wbo taulflt liS. M:' mo!ber Is very bus)' but Sbe be_,s my dad with Ms plans and tbe flm we haft oo But the best reuon of a.11 J.s very, w1u Motber. It 'lt'ood be m! Ell(llsh. Now I &O to UOIII:e oever too busy to read my work wbeo be's stet.. Sbe tabs tbem. W!tb thJ.s eobioatioa. of that J loYe berl l would be so one or the bappyest Ume of my Vlsta School aod n1t1 llld brother aDd me a story, or two. care or me w!MID I 'm stet. Sbe loYinc care, my nurse wbeol'm f:laH>Y 1f she woo the award be. Ufe U myllotber wasMotberot speak EoJllsb. This ls all be-My mother ls niee to us but. be}ps other people wbeothey"re sick, secood 1n on my PIP& cause, maybe wlDDtDr a trip tile year. It m] Mother ls DOt cause my M<:llber ls nice to bel' oever lets us pt away with stet. She~Uedeoou&f\mooey route, am my frleod mates me to Hawaii would give her tbe Mother of the Year Sbe will boss. I wouldn't change my anything bad. U we do some. to buy my sister &Dd me som ~ tblDk my W:OM sbould receive rest sbe needs trom bet au. allnys be Mother or the year mothe for any other mother In thing bad we arepuoJshed. M)sl fUrniture. She lDTites our rela. ttbe~~M~other~~ol~tbe~Y~oar~~A~war~d.~tbe~-~tl~m~e~j>b-l>e~~lng~..:•~m~ltber~:l~!J!!!!!!! to me! the worldl or all my mother iJ always tfves over on special days to r H. J. GARRETT making our home a better am ba.ve d1DDer or speDd tbe a1pt, happier place to Un ln. These Sbe JOel out sbc:Wlng b' other are some or the rllUOns thall people when they are busy or think my mother should r eeeive •beta tbey are stet. She be~s tbe Mother-of-tbe-Year~ otber people cook other speelal Award. dl.Dners. Sbe belps lbe cburcb • • • and semi my sister aDd me to cb.urcb scbool oa Wo-J. JO I wtJl learn more. Sbe pub la. mooey y W50,000 IMilr l•l•rr 10,000 ,,.,.rty o.. ... 2,000 M.41cel P•r 1,000 -!...._,.,. 5130.000 u. .... '" .......... DISCOUNn FOI 2 CARS r•nlter Redacti .. e For Acddeut r,.e Drhi•s After hi •d llad y...,.,. THE BEST BUY FOR CAREFUL DRIVERS - for tbe cborcb llr otber poor people and people that are dyin&. Tbat Ls shy I th1Dk my motber sbould receive the 11969 "Wolber of the Year" Award. Is YOUR MOM a very SPECIAL POR THE TRitVELIN' ,'40THER--.4 C~lr~ty TrtnJ~I C•u For the Month of May ... TAKE ADVAHTAGE OF OUR SPECIAL OFFER OH TOP QUALITY SOFAS ••• e 4 STYLBS TO CIIOOSe PROM • WIDE CHOICE OF FABRICS AHD COLORS •.•• CHAIR SALE ALSO YOUR CHOICE OF 9 STYLil, INCLUDtiiG SWIVIL CHAIRS. LOUNGE CHAIRS AND SWIVIL ROCKI!RS. Dll .....-oa avo.. OOSfA WISA . -.•... ,._ .• .,. "1f1 t rf Jilafa ft 11 I I -·--·M- • • • • CYMTHL\ BERG, 11, Qf &081 Go_,. Pt, eoa ..... ... 5, KiUJt>roob S.:bool' Sbt tsno.sermnctt11ud WI mt do tb1Dp oa my an tblt art wtttdD rtUOD. bit .,. alWQS Don Wblre I &ID ud doea't lit me 10 uqwlllr• .. ,_ tallllc liar ... , -dl.IC_.. ...... ..,... eo..._.. I person? THEM CHOOSE HER GIFT EXCELLENT SB.ECTIOH OF AT COROMA DEL MAR PHUIOIAI:!_l i• tb~ •ost l•ciou of coiMs, 13 ... 8•.-to• 8illfoltis 6-K~yllli•ns FOR HER H0.'4 E. ---0•~ of th~ uuul collutioor of !wthntic Alfti911" 'iil1.1~r R~plius. fro• IJ,,O. SP ECH LI N,.w IICC~s.son,. llishu-·DuHrl Dish with Spoo,., 8•""' DiJb, Br~•ll Tr.ry, ~lc. Q,dy Jl .' FOR THE PVN 'N SVN MOM--H,.r oWlf b~~~atif-.1 llucb lowf'l ... • ,., striptJ at~ti poc.lt•ltlt •~u fw" hat, J J.Q,, ... tf "~w str•w or Wi<, •• ,,,.;tcb S..-lflliU.I~S. SCEHT~.;oENTAL GIFTS FOR- your kwe Ln Freoch perfUme iritb L'AMlANT by COTY ~ bet ta•orite Yardley oconl f~a speela.l pft of soap _ 1Jith perfllme mist lD SplnJsb. - tbe llmoots ItA.! A by Myrurgta a oDl.J $3.50 c:;. srRA W IIA T by FABERGE 'Sl , @a SFiDi special de CHINE, eau de _.....,,, .. CIPIM lnWI•e• ..... PA • 3127 E. 0... Hwy. --lola.-.. . .......... a ........ MEII'OIIT HAJIIIOR EliSIGII SECDIID SEC11011 - -.... r liiUIIMY,IMY I, Mt OOIIOIIA OEI.IIAR. CAUF. fte ........ hlfl Suds or W eetlsr .,ja&¥.a.J. IU8II .. I ... C AI. I P'Of .. IIA I' A.,.. RA •AN l'"'i"NCI.CO, C ... LI ~· 1r .1, 1 t L. ..,., b.J). How do you pt YOpiOIIIeo out 1-. ...... o1 1M PlnOI •riot O.•d! 1M -of 11oo Nortlo-whldo fallo to tally with U..lr ,..._ ot your pnlen! By plants. ,... ool._ C'Orllrrlwd ~ etab)ee. ol coune. 'I1IJI II a tact • 1 • ......... _. I1Rha!7 el Mh ~ .... M•a IlL . ~ ls i'tothlnrln aU this tMt aJmoet too obvioul to mention. ex· tO•.._,. ._ ,_. _.,. ...,., kt will pay tuu ., that mun. that a man lhouJd not do eept for the fact that mo.t people - • ~~·-nL-••· _ ...... _ hll bttt to improove a pwemment, -to hove to-ot•·n tho! -· ... _.__ _, ,_ -mAY 10 to war, but there '* In thll the fact thai _..,..... ·• ""' ,_ ·--O.wenen! wtlidt ba tn~.l)' the ..ne.nlna; •nan:hy ba ~Ilion acahwt God. ftiiP what you aow. and you ha£yat Our Ia J'-. w. •bntJt ol "loYt-tt\y rwf&bbour as thy.elf.'' what you plant, "for whatsoewr a to 1011 -:-ten& ... of hul In-~ tt~re we~\:.e ~~~lot~: Sluall a ChrleU.., Go to War! man eoweth, that ahall be al8o Romani: U :l-6: "'Let """" .W ;;:-Mu.an• u you bte ~ Our arwwer lt Ye•. It your 10'1· reep." (CalatJ&nl 6 :7). be .ubJeet unto tM hiiMr ,o..Nn.'" oefahbcw • If 1 •mnwnt calla. you are obll&ated to Now U a man 1lmply kept weed· "Every 80Ul'".,..... tllat t10 one u you.rw ... :,.you ~rt•lny obey. In J ~ter 2:13-14 Peter adds .__a g-~ patch wtthout ever ,_ .... ..-_. 1'0....-oo-._.._ not --..... ouebt to u.e )'OUr .. 1 t, and .-vtory h'-~-ho o1 Pa I ~ .... ~-" • ~-~~ _:::-:--other I'I'IMlll •t band to prevent .. v ..... ..., to t t u · ..-.. ter plantJna It to vep:tables, we would tlaM. far U.,. are Ia the -ol the ftauntlnp ol the temptations uy•, "Submit yourselves to et:ery eertainJy have a right to call him t.be wrttu. "1bt powen that be are ol the world, the ftet.h and the ordl..a"" Of I'Rin /or tM Lord.'• at leut a fool If M expected weed- ontalaed ot God." and at tbt ~ devil befOI"'e the facto of that nelah· lttJb: whether It be to the kine, In• to ~ve hlm ~tables. We ment that PaW wrote, he wu UDo-bor. The "salt ol the earth" ls a. ~upreme : Or unto JOYemon. • •• ·~a~ deT a dktatonhlp ernted by tbt not mt'ftl:y dllpensationlll. u unto them that are wnt by him should. in fact, qUHtlon hb unity. Roman U'm.J. ~ there-Oanar, under whom P•ul wrote, fCM' the puniahment ot evildoera. But _this fooliahneu is e:xact.1y ron f'ft!8teUI the power, t'Hbteth took men u well •• money Both and for the pralsP or them lhat what millions of "lood Amerlc:ans'' the onlinanc:e ot, God."' Paul ackll weft uled to eUT)' on his · wars; do well." are dedicated to: they do notbJna that the power 'beareth :nat the both were u.-c1 to hold his cap-Paul uys, "Every soul"; Peter but pull up weeds, and they _ sword In vain." '!be ftUOft ..~oven saya, "Eve"" ordlnanct'." Yes, a -~-· .. .. tivft In aubjK-t~n ; both Wl'rl' uM'd ·~ to harvest ~tables. How! --..... is that the ---c·•-te Ia a J'e'\l'e'Do Chrlatlan ahould bear anna In abe-·~a~ ··-~ --· ,. to maintain hia throne. Ht> had • are alway1 fighting the weeds pr ~ neeute W!'llth. -n. rtaht to do so. Your country has dit>nce to tht' command• of the sword ref en to JOYft'IIIDIDt U a rlaht to do 50 govt'mrnt'nt, for the 10\'f'mment Is wblcb crop up tn the life of Amer- stabllahed by God. wltb tbe rtpt · authorized by God to "be•r the b, In the churches, schools, and to take ute in punishmmt and Shall • Cluilltlart Alwa)'ll Obey sword" ~nee that govt'mment may orp.nlutlon.a, and this Is all that Juda:ment. Th.1a • why a .PUbUc Hu•u Govem•ent! deleaate any of Its citizens u IU mJ1Uons of them do-pull weeds. executioner II not a murdereot !_~ Our amwer Is No. E\•ery Chris· repnwntatives in IU mUJtary or MeanwhJle, the country and every. eauae be hu the autloity _..th tla ~1o t !h t H naval obllcations. We have ore•· thing In It ~ downhlll. u a --u'caUon 'of ~t. n man _. ngs 0 e sta ¥. e nlzed IOCil."ty, and It II riaht. We a--..,..-_, also belona• to the church. H(' has ....... _ 1 tak bout It the The man who pulls the ..,.lteb ha\·e an oraanized police fo~. •nd --..:-no m a e a , .. civil duties and riKhtl, since ht> •· th 1 nd when the crlmina1 diH the . it J~ ria:ht. W C' have an ora:anized weeds of commun~m. a e sm a aemt ot God who commanded the be~• to the atate. Paul did not military lorC'(', and It II riaht. pennt.ulveness must be uprooted, dHth ota munltrer. When a polk:e hesi~atr to call upon R~ for pro-Tht'rr is littlfo ditrert"nce betwMn but what .........t will all this weeding te<:tK>n. He alao has ~hgK)uS priV· avvv olloer Is f~ to alay a man In Ueaes and dutift because h<' be· an amM'd J'OI;i«' force and •n nmy. do U no sound seeds are sown! hil duty of upboJdlna the law, he klna:s to the church. Both statl' Our quntion Is Mt, ~hould lht· 1be net result is simply a better ;.n ~~~ mllf'deoNr; he Is ~ .... l· and church an-of divlf"K' origin. United States a:o to war· That wr patch for new weeds to sprout ln. ca.._, ol ilOYelldlW'ftt. '"'•oo:o• ~member. There may coml' times cannot •ns~t'r. We do know that rove~t calla a man to 10 out when ttM>re wUI be a dash bt'twHn rvery soul ll to be subjl-ct to the> Jesus said of the man who rid hJm· and ft&ht for bb country, It • u state •nd church. Wht>n such a higher powrn. That do<'s not ex· sell of an unclean spirit without the miniater of God. And if a aol· cluh COJJ\H, In the words or th<' dude you nor dews It t'xcluck me'. submitting himself to God and bear· di<'r in auch duty ala)'~ u men~)', •~KM~t'"'. ''We mut obey God ~thPr ing fruit to God that such a man he is not • rnul'Cieftr, but a rep.-tho .. --1,_ Is Our Hope a Warless World! becomes then a dwelllngplace for retenta~ ot God'a atabllahed n men. u...-aposto"' answer government. brtnaln& .fud&:mt'ftt up--ia ~or all time. 'Tht' state has a Our •nswer ia No. Our hopr eight unclean spirits, "and the last on a alnful nation. Your aowm--dlvtnf' authority whkh cu bt' re· il the corning of our SavW>ur to state of that man Is worse t han ment .._ __ a dfvlne ...__t to bear •IStl'd only on divine authority. If take U1 to Himself. That is tt\(> the first . Even 50 shall it be also ·-·~· h 1 t !he t t t'-· nt'xt thing in thl' prOI'ram of God. .. (M the aword and to c:a.IJ )'OU to ita I t' aw 0 1 a t' opposes "'' ~ d t H" ~ unto this wicked generation at· a..DOWW , __ .. ... ........ .~-_ .......... .. ,._..,.....,,a...-.n> . --.. ... ... ............ . '"T'be Afflictioa of Job" -Job 1, 2 _.,-..,, .. , I -el .,_. (w \II'), (I a..,. .,. _ _,_ CLUES ACJtOII ......._ ... -.t• IN wttll _.. WJ '., ._. ............ ~_.._ ...... ... , . .__.,. ..... ___ _ I • ...... -~ ...w.4 ,. .... ,_.. urlns .. _ .... ___ _ ,, .. _..., ....... .. " ... ..... -.. --.,..... (DIM. ••••• , ... , .... Jri -u ... ,. w...lf"' .._, ••·hr ........... 6 _ _... 1!.-1--41 .. (Jooll. lhltl .............. "'*-(Act. ltlitJ 1047). )Ue ....... (JfUL IliA) _. •• · r "fri•IMilY'" (I a... ·~~ . ...... .. ----Go4 .. tcaU..-'" cWel ...,.__ .. lnl (I .... Jlol) ......... ., tw. t.ally .. ..-. C .... Mtl7) .,. •.. ,.. .. w. ---·-~up •• ••~ ill ._ ... .. ,., Nor bcaMI to liM --·· • Uu ... I t·) ....... u .. .. • ........... "'opflllduae,· _..lei (I Ot.roA. 2::d) a ... appe&atM lor •~We u Clatoa. Jltll) ---.. -~ .. "fat." sus-(1 a....UtM) . .... t....o (Gee. 5:21) ""d'en .... great ____ .. ...,_ ___ .. o.4 ia W..a'' .a-. .. laniHcd. ....... •U. (D ..... ,127) -11 ~-11•, .. , ...... iiiP'" .••. .:!. " "'MMr ..... *r ..... _... -21 a-17UI) ""wdd:dte --...ct donn. 1111 it .. 21 • ..at (a:a y., 0... l"') I::_------·-".;IJo_• ______ _ ·• ""D'dl ,.. .._ _ ._ _.....r • · " -,,.., .... , ... .._,.., ......... __ _ •• _...,-. ..... 1.0" (JoMI4!SI) • ...,.... .... d ----... .t .. ......... ... .. . --.. -............. .. --• (0... Jlrll) ..... ...,. ,.-. .._GM '-__ r .... """"----. --... ..... ..................... __ .. _ ........ ....... _ .. _ . .__ .......... (JCIIn&.7r7) ·---........ (lin.. ... 1) •• ......,_a(a...•d4) ., ..... ,... ..... . .. ~ ........... __ .-... r defenM" You .ee aowmnwnt doea law of God, thl' law of God must Thln~o:N" '::t ~~: t:;t bet';;; thew 12:45). When people are not rea.t on h~ ~ ar taU pl'«"t'de11ee. To oppose 1 ~ but worM'. The.-horrlblt' drama 0 ( simply Interested in getting rid of human polltial but on clMne au-atate without •uthorlty or God lll the Great Tribulation Is still to be their weeds, their problems, and thorlt and the obedience eorft. • •In In Itself, but when the stall' ~ in ~neral ia abeolute. forbkb what God command.<~, or played upon this earth. but the have no deslr1" for planting seeds, JAMES BENNET'S BIBLE LESSON Someone aaya, "You mean that we commands what God forbids, God t.rue child of God will miss that, for moral and spiritual regenera-•~toobeywk:kt'dmen!'"' Whowu ak>ne II to be obeyed. Wt' ano surt" for when tribulat.ion 1s upon thl' tion thf.>n they are only the worse . ,, ... rullna when Paul wrote Romans that Daniel obeyed thl' gov~m-earth, th~ sa_lnts will_ be "'joicing oU for their efforts. 1\ue nible ln10u o• c.a~., •dde4 .,. •• Be•aai.,. man dnnks to ~p hamsc:lf up, 13! 1t was the worst of rulers-ment of Babylon until the JOVE"r_nor with ChriSt In the •lr. Before you start pulling weeds f.od." •ere wriu• ~ Dr. J•" E. --for •• Gtl•l• and bf!comes completely inert. N.ro h'--lf And II that man demanded klolatry, at which t:mt' Some v•ho are readln& this arE" B C Ill ~ N J ..t .. -Mae4 wt• p_l .... a y~ h ')I th thm' g ··-h t Y 'II t h and expecting to ha-·est vegetables, eacoa, 0 .,..-0 · •• r.,.. ~ e W1 try ~ same .. On .~. thro,..·of the ea.,.,.. ,_ •-Daniel obeyrd God rather t an no young men. ou wa no avt' • • f • 8 1 I 1 ~ ~-•u~l all the ot'he;; man. 'n\at thl' command of the to enroll. You will not be dr-afted. be sure you plant seeds as well., ,._ e r.•~•-hundreds of times, a ways a1 mg are.W;&;, not~ that all rulen govemmt'nt contradlctt the com-Cert•inly the-young man who fat?!~ Perhaps that church or school Is REVIEW AND TEMPERANCE LESSON lsoio• 5:11 ·24 in results, and always sufft:ring mand or God mu"t br provt>d ex· the drart ought to tru•t In Christ. only a weed patch and will not be h< 1m led I God to Sodom excruciating circumstances. So •,ov,..e~~tnla, ~~ b,utdl~.':.~ .. -tablt'~~~ pl_icitly by Scripture rightly di-H<' dk'd for your sins. and f'05E' nythlng mo I one~ heard a boy say that 1 1 • owl g_r 0 Th 1 l.saiah wrote: "Woe unto them men;, ... a'""nd w; do k;;,: that ~ vid<od. again. You arr not ftt to facto a 8 bov "'-11 1 he _ __._ "results" wrre what yo~ hoped ~ o.,.' otstha.at Avba~ohamn. -~ ~.Y .s~~ tha.t call ~vii good. and ...........-! nil, death anywherE" unleu you brlievt> ut, a e a , pant t ~. for, but "consequences' w~r~ ... •• """~ ""'"" '~a1 tha da kn f {'h nrl makes use of even the wicked in Him. Dt'ath! You •re not ready . sow lbe word, establish truly Oll'IS· what you actually got. In a he acted in strict o~ience to • t put r ess or Jg t, _a amonr rulc!n to execute His dis.. Can a Man ~ripturally Be • to face life without Him! tlan churches, free and independent c~rtain sens~ ~ was right, for, God . Ishrnul and most of the hght for darknus; that put_bitte.~ pleasure aa:ainst ainlul natufft. ConM:ientiouA Objedor? But w•r today il not betw~n O'lrtstian schools. Establish a usually, th~re is a vast diff~~nc~ trouble! bdwttn tM Jews and fOf" sweet, and sweet for b1tter I Think of tht' rulers before whom Our 805w., ,., No. Roma•< 13 :5 soldiers: it ia bt'twt'f!n nations. It .;...4. ba k GOD IS NOT Moc~•o J Ch~-·~ Who •'--~ '"' 01r11tian famJiy life, and a godly ~tw«n th~ r~sults which we Arabs can be traced ''5 .. t c -esus • .. t huuu. pve .,.,... ind'"W. that • man w to be' sub-i!l "nation against nation,"" and f iJ final Mntence qainst Him! He JecJ. to .• thl' paW~~ tb.at .be "not whoM! nations are Involved .. Not operation in your farm or business hope and the con¥qu~nct:s which to Abram's '~rSOIWIJ al ura. Men fof'Cd to weich the CIMl- wu one "Of tht' wont·ru&en Jf!!No/ only.fOI' wnlb. but •lao roi con -only the IIOkiier at the front. but We. 'J'he times may look bad for really follow even our best ef· Jamb could give his fuO bleain~t aequc:nces, when •tined by their had ever~ but ht' •as one 01 scit'nct' sake." Thrre aoes your con-the women and children a1 horne makhl~ a &tart, but there Ia,, no forts, and ~ simple reason f?r ,.o~y to Joseph because all of likes and dislikes. and by their thole Ol'dlined ol. God. We ~IJt "Kk'l'!t kSqt objl'ctron. Obedi~nce to are &lain. '()('•th and destruction harvest without a planting. He th~ fai_lur~ of even our best·la.i~ h1~ el~ven other children ha-l lusts and desires and passions. th~t ?rist knew that when He rule~ Is not a worldly mattN: it drop from the heavens: cities with that observeth the wind, ahall not plans IS that w~ are not omm· f~ded m _so many ways. Jacob T~y proceed by their faulty aaid, '"lbou couldst have no pow· I!! a religiou!l duty. A man's con-tht'ir hol;pltals. schools, churches, lOW ; and he that rega •• rd eth the scient, omnipt"esent, omnipotent, h1m.sdf dtd ~ trust qod fully standards of men, but not by t'r at all againlllt me, ·~~pi It !ICk'nctt not illuminated by tht' orphanages, hotrl!l and homes ar¥ clouds sh ll t (Eccles 1 af h at WPff' given thee from above (John Word of God i!l of no value what· b::»nbt'd •nd destroyed-whole cit-• a 00 reap · infallible, and immutabl~. Th~ untl_ t~r as upenence the revelations, commandmmts, 19 :S.llJ. 'null nw•ns th•t Olrist !Ot:'\·er. Tht· word ··con&eif'nce·· Ieos wiped out and inhabitanu moiN· 11 :t .) ar~ vitally important powrrs, P~m~l. But Joseph ~who was a and principl~s of God, and so WllJI obeyina the ordinance of God ITK"ans ··with knowlt'dgt>,'" and here t'd down. That Is the "hell" they Men who think that they can ~n if they are big words. but type. of Jes~ Chnst) ttan~ men are torm~nt~d. punished, rather than the ordJnance. ~ C.e-it n"f<'rs to th<' Christian"s koowl· arr suffering in other parts of the eet vegetables only by pulling we need all of thue powers. ~very out m the htstory of the _patn-wourxled, diseased, and subJect to sar when H~ was IUbrnWIVt' to edgt' and sense of the right of world. AN" we-better than they! weeds are crazy. Why be one of on~. if we are ev~r going to get ardts a.s one whom God dell~ted deatb. But God conhnually the governors orders. Of eoune God-ordairK'd govt'rT\J'I1ent. Many No ~ Shall wr escape:! The man at them! th~ r~sults which w~ plan in our to prosper because he~ laith-warns us, "B~ not deceived; God Pilate did not know that his power m¥n wrnt the Scriptunoa-from the front dot's not need Chriat any lives. Human ~in'"-, howev~r. f.ul und~r ewn ~he~ dastress-is not mocked : for whauoen:r ~'>'as . from •bovr, for ht' bollated their correoct intl'rprrtation and more-than the man at hoiTK". e -nd d t:anco of ha~ own power (John 19:10). argu..~ thl'mselvf'S into a 1 t•tt' of Wherever Wt' are-, we ought to )ivp n~ver hav~ these powers in th~· mg a epr~mg cucums · a man sow~th , that shall ht: also Someone says. "YH, but P.ul mind where they can disobey both and br f"'t'ady to dk> with faith selves. A s far as th~ record_ shows, .Jo-reap!' This is th~ immutable teactle~ that our citizenship II In the Scripture and the govt>rnnM!n! in the on ly On¥ who can t•kl' But God the Creator ol th~ !!eph was trmpt"rate 10 all thmgs law of cause and ~ffect. "For Heavt"n," and h<' does this in Phi· with a ck>ar conscit>n«. TIN:-Scrip. us to Heaven. Th¥ ont" who trusts univ~rse ~ all of th~se powers and always_ gave God the full he that sow~th to his ft~sh shall liP:Pians 3 :20; but when_ he aaki ture-uy!l. '"Let ewry soul bfo 1ub-in Christ is saved and aaft' tor and ma~y mor~. That is thr glory for his SUCICeA. of the flesh rea~ corruption" th1s, ht' w .. not speaking or a ject."' but tl\t'y refuse. Tht' Scrip. t't¥rnity. Do you trust i n Him'!' reason that He is THE GOD, FOOLS DESPISE WISDOM (Gal. 6:8}. It as a law as man's relationship to his govern. ture aays that govem::nf'nt is or-Will you? and 1 her ~ i!l no other God. Solomon, m' h"' ,.·,-•--, •---· de, fi.nit~ and immutabl~ as grav· ment. Ht' wa1 spe:aklng of lustful daint'd or God but they deny. The THE ~ ~~ A h Jd living on ~arth. ~i~ allusion .to ScriptuR" say~, "Whoklevl'r resist· !This mt'SIIge a\'ailablt' in lovt>ly r\ Wh~r~ God cam~ from, and how, all about this failure of man and rtabon, man w 0 ~ ~· heavenly cnizenshap 15 often ~s-t'th government rnlsteth God,' but pamphlet. 25 c::.ntl. Sword of th<' land when, and why, w~ don~ the reason therefore. H~ wrot~: f~ to walk .o~ a prectpt~ "?U undentood. Paul was exhorting they reslat. Too many refuM"" to be· Lord. Box 1099. Murfrt'f!!l;boro. .....~know, but th~ und~niabl~ fact u· ''The fear of the Lord is the gaily" and_ wdl~ngly sow wdd Olrlstians to emulatl' him In the lievt' tt.Bt portion of t~ Word Trnneun.) ,, that God rxists and rul~ and beginning of knowledge" (PtoY. oats, _whach wall surely produce subjection of the body. He is ~-1 . ' Ht n~ver fails to accomplish Hi~ 1 :7) and by this be meant, t•otae--death m his own body. buking the Immorality of the Epi· "'Therefore ~'·•II lllSflflecf by purnns.es, and is n~ver embar· di ' ' h . ' · of the SATAN'S DEADLY WIL£S cure-an, t'XP~ssed in the worda, ra1th we have peace w1th God ·,..... encc to t e inStrUctions "WhO!IC God is their belly,'' Ht' waa D iffi C' ul t i. I I D The th ro~gh our Lord Jesus Chnst; by ~sed or tro~.bled by unhapP,Y Lord," ~use God alone hu The reason for aU of thi~ fail· ft>arful of mt'n brcauSE' they mind-whom also we h.tve .tccess . " cn.nseC)llt':'<"~~-Th~~dor~. lt as complete wisdom and power and ure of man to obey God as the l'd earthly things such as the grat-{Rom. 5.1.2). plamly evadrnt that, In . ordrr t.o lcnowJ all of the resulu and con-direct working of Satan , who is iftcation of their bodily appetites; ly THE 1 aTE R. A. TORREY ··Bemg 1ust•!~ed we have succeed, wr must ~ ·~ ~ ~ sequeoc~s. And _Sol~ addtd: Krivinc for the ruin and death ht> would ha\"(' them to be heavt'n· , , ~ .. ':;:' 1 1 tl ......, ..._. ,.,. peace w•th God ! What a prJCeless plan a.nd und~r Has d1rt!Cta«!". ''But fools desp1se wasdom and of all men . He is exettdingly ly-minded. D 1 ' r blenmB! W~ believers are prone ln fact, we ar~ taught by Ham instruction "11lat is th~ complet~ alluring and enticing but he is bt':-~g o~:h~¥~ov;~~eo~sc!=. ';~ •AI'nn ... LI TlttauMI. ~fte14 Ma :o take ~~·s ;•:s~~B attogether to undl~~s.tand tha~ "weh ~\Y answt:r. Men are foolish in deadly. His gold i~ only gilt; that dOt's not mean that we have 00 muc or r n · that al t angs wor ~t ~r or God's sight. unless they are let-his pleuure is only sorrow · his DEBORAH'S PRAISE OF JAEL "THE MURDERESSu Smce the day we t ru!tf!d Chnst good to them that lov~ God to . G d th . I" . --' . hi' "I no rt"!lponsibllity to ~arth. We an! , and the burden of s1n rolled away hem h the lied ~ tmg o manage etr 1Yts. happaoeu IS Uluy m1sery; s u e still to render to Cat>sar the thinp mnst of us have never had an: ! 'h· 0 ar~ , ca(R 8 2S). And Solomon. whil~ h~ knew is ont1 death; and yet he deceives t h~'t;r~~::-;·~ a citizen of the that~ ~~~ Ul'IJ! :=eroO: ~=er T su:',. ~,. ~!!l, other quest•on about our eternal ~!;:ois ~r'o~ guara~-fo~ th~ !hi!.S'&!u ~ ~ he diso~ed and captures multitudes of ~n country in which he dwells so l•r aNI thalt _,.book ihat da.fmds 110 violent and cruel and deeeitlul~m .e1ion destiny. •nd we have be(lun to good k" f ,, II th' .. tt o s own wor Y and women in his deadly nets, 3 ~ aubjection and obedience 10 the M thia ea.DDDt h•vw God for ita •u&hor. take rt tor Branted. We fa11 to ap-wor mg 0 a mgs. wisdom, which was greater ~ ceneration after generatiOn. civil powf"r i~ roncer-ned, but In THE VERY SIMPLE ANSWER f)feciate sufficientl y what •t means 2,000 YEARS OF HISTORY that of any othef man, but, tn-J to seek and t 1pirit. In aim. m atfe<"tion, In l"f!ll-to be abfe to ar~se m the morn· . . d stead of attairUng his desired re· ems~ 0 fsa'ff! !'On, in devotion, he is a •tranger to this objec:tion ill iha& the Bible does DOt defend or~ the action of "'B· 80 about our bus.ness durlnB The ~o~ng observations an suits reaped the deadlf con-that which IS lost. . Wh~re or~. and pilgrim In e-v~ry country upon ~jls'l'be Blbla recordil the .a in all ttl! the day and a•ve ourwtves up to conc~USKm ave bc:~n m~d~ ex· .vnu~ces of his f:::JD m d~-whether we eat or dnnk or ":hat- earth. unconsc•ousness •t night always ceedingly clear and tru~ m th~se --"1. .L_ 'od ._..._ IQeftr we do, we must do It to It a1oo ,_,..tho lad thot Dobonh. . I I th Ia . •• ""'"OC ~ "'' om h~uuc-·•-Jo I God (I Co 10:31) Every Christian should be •ltw the r& who twtc-d J.nel at &Mt assured that through our lord's ~s or ~ st SIX m?n_ .. ,, tf~n of God (1 Cor. J :19}. u.::g rt o . r. · . to the IMX'ial lind poliUCJII oblip-time ( 4:4), ~ that the redempt.ve work we havtl "peace cov~nng GeMsas 1 to 46, g-tYtrtg'" T know ha do . My lort young fncnd had mat tlon of tht" place and period tn Lard •U Siaera into the hand o1 with God" and our eternal destiny the history of the beginning o£ th" 0 d to dw •1 ~ to 'te .::x;:e zeal, but no knowledge or sal- whkh he ch.rella. The Chrlatlan • W'CIIDMl (J~7). It aJ.o NOOI"dd i5 HCure. Surety th1s knowledge rnanJcind on this earth that was Somg. an ~ 11 qui faiJ r. ntion. Pray for bia enlighten- does not expect that tht' mlliennl· 1M feet that aDd B.nk. tn &heir shoukl overwhelm our heart5 wtth especially created, made, formed, 100101\ wa:l · crutal ~re ment. SuYiaw our Lord is far bet- urn will ever be brou&ht about by ~ :U:.~ n: :f: ~ ~ con5 .. nt (lratrtude and have • and established for him (Isa. known to the htunaJI nee. Rich te:r than daPdnc. card playing, or moral rd'onn and politk81 rl&ht-Jll 1 "enol a-n did •:r: -me..d •bow• prnfound effect upon our daily o4S :1S} by God Himself. and hono~ ,and ~dar and drinking alcoholic bev~a. No eouaneM any more than he belieYea wromm llh.n JMI the wile ol Debar \he conduct. But the human race as a whole ";oredldl~y ~~ ah~ ~ L~ One -· to Heaven by playing tta~~t war •hall be brouaht to •n K..lt.e be. w...d .twl1 -.be above The compaa'lion bleulna to 1m I II h' w Mill, It ·-·-. , .... ,.8 . •--;; ''B ·•-" end ln this prHent •ae by arbltra. WOIIMil 1a the &eDt" (.lwll-S;24t&, "pe•ce with God" Is our full and ,d.oes not ow or 0 OW' t ., famil rrided, his ldDfdom in IJ1CO or n~- tk:lft. "n.e Chriltian ahould know But k • DOwbtia hbated lA Bible free KCeSS into Hi$ presence; an-simple rule of God, and 80 the :ifton. and hil faYOr 1ritb Gocl , H••UR-U _ HnL.-WHICHl tlyt he hu ct'Ttaln obUpUona to .....,.;. ~ ~ ~..t:'*m ":;: OCher b+ess•nl of arace far too human nee has alw:l! bem and letd loll "'WbatloeftJ a uu5n "" ~~"-~t c:nc: :w.': ;. thmkllbinl III'MI prU.. 'lbe little appreciated. Think of the ~~~ i1 a failure. ankind, by = ~ that llwll lie alto U we 8etk fi.rst _the lciftldotn which he P' l!.-ts there_ Bible. b, ;;s;... o1 Dlbonh • • wonderofourfr.eaccesstoGod; m~ and foi'Clt and en1')" and -n."' (Gel. •6 .7) Tb1t appliecl ol God and H1s nch~sness, .... -. iW :pL1• , • .... _..~ _fr'IW7 how He the Rul..-ot the Unlwrsa. pride and false education and ·-.. · · aDd· me. tbm we Jd ''God'• ben~fidaJ rr-:._~~~ry ~::. ei,a;w. -::".==:.C:..~u...._., ::"'-,..,......_it ~:t~i~::;:,~=~ !:; ~ af!CS brutality and~ ~~wroce~..c*eiuoaa ::JUJu~ :ather than !!'~ Qe-ril's Uu wW t.w to ~ an l.lbwt. ~ • a .,_..,...,. (J .....,. Z.:ll). Ja .. ..,. 1 r ta conven,ence-"in time of need." and tricktry an d decett anti bee thee, CXII'WCd. tboo aat.." dtad!T amaeq_umc:es. Are you account to God. The prtvllesft which it .._.. of ......_ • a ~ it llll*b .... ..._ nbubd "Let us therefore come boldly frustration, and many other dn-And wot bt wu enticH 10 wor-~ codlinesa? Do you ol aove•••nent art .eea bl Paul'• fr. W. ...,.uldarl. unto the throne of 1~. thM-.. ilish derice.s &nd tchtmet., las jlj3' !~-:.,_ t-hil ,.,;) wi.a an4 rap Satan'• cooaequencea or ob-- clalm tor ~.nom Rcme, lt • '* tht ......, .. of the BIWe u.t ~ · et ...., m.y obtain m.rcv and find 1,., ahra71 been and still it tryint to ' -.... ~ --~ 4ewated the taiD GoJ'n ruults? Are you. a Me .,.....,. to C:...r, de. No man ,..,._. le ... t•1 8d Word ol God. 0. tbt 11 "*1• tM .._-.eta. to help In tima of need" (li.tJ. make~"' but it~ -··""""'God~ ~:.J":.a L!-fool ia men's 7:'t or a fool in ·-.• -to ---'--IbM • "",..,.. ~ ..0 u.t (I k.illp lJ:U.-11). "" ____.._ In . a-"LI •• ...., ""'"' -PQJI God' ...... ' I not ·-----"''"'· ~ ..._ ~ .. ~e, 1 ,_,_ ~~-~~ a ...... you are ~ 111 periw&nt who '1'11a -.a: NOW ZJUII!dft. 1..r, ....._ 1t ,_. .._ a.ctlea. Let ua nwer forpt ttiM this "'~"' aD mcfina in r-.-., w~, -~Y aftd, thea you cannot talk with ...... hill hlndl ot au r t; 11 It ..._. Da--_. ll'a .,... Gl tlte ~·ta.t II ......... .._ hjp twWi .... wn pUrc:heMcf for death. 'I1Icre • _...__ !lltW in power. He t'elpCICl the con-God beca111t 10Q an: not equipped bOI~ :.:=.:::;-::... U ·. ~:.:"!.._=:art: 8•:,J_,.~----:', :-.;;.:: :~=:.; ua b1 ttte P'•eioue blood of this stakmmt. "rti.';::-th. teqW••a WOIS to do 10. Does the Hol1 S'firit .... oD. Ctlritt. and thllt t.w~nc t"ut boNn ...-~ ~~ ...,. -••llJ -.. '--:A. ~ H 1-4 '*'"-.. tile.., 1 ,.,... • -Cain tried to bdter..;. nn ,..., •-• yoa to •-yoa, e o1 ~-ud taut II a.l7 .... WI • ,._ .._ ~ .. _.. _. _..... ..._ Ia& We ~~'!:!.:: ~OU: poaition ia hil own wy aacl the I..W. ct.rly let""'* tile M chrelll oe1J iD btlieftl'l who are .., __ ,_o_to...,.. __ ._.,. .. _.,_.,-•-••--,,_ .. Cou<d...,. ,_ .,_ __..,_!be tledo of lonlh'-WIIklo ....... _. Gotfe-Uobot 1:12,14,16, To..-an r. ~-=-CIIoW.---·---oiHio-kwusl AbdaadbitowotJ.toioh••atoatiiOiooly ...... dh¥.111 I IDGeol. 211). Jt.]-dietllt><yoa.are -.,----.......... --.---:J:'::S ··H..r., threlora • ....,,..,_ dte ""'7-1-Ill h-lot s•-• till-llA ·ol-,.,. lh>IDc .lor Himl 0. are =--to .:/'•':'== :'*y .. , :•!! It~-:.: :r.: *'i'·•i::'.:'ilflll~ OotdMN ro Mt«lnto tM hoMast ud aD w. du:al' ntJ;. tM cr+IM ............... (.,... ,_~Iller the daires of • lr, _. .. -....... A .... -~::.~-~.,.,»:::., ; 'bate; __..11 .__ t~y.!'J:::,::::..,, "'*'-flood atNa.h'tdme.. _._ .... ;~tof,_.Jo. .... ille ..... ., An,;aa ....... for ,.,-t. -' ...-F t e.s .._ 8 1111 ._a.. ....... ~ fillet elO..,.,. ...... ttl ...... h He ftr8Cft conaecr•t•tl fof w. Lot Died W. owa W81 ... Ia .. L • tD .. II S.tw • Wl U 1M an R1111t ::r.;:~·.:-::-: ,..,.. ........ 1 1 I b• .......... •-....r :;:!';.:"·.&,:,:,,~..,., :aa..~=...~:-=:.: ~ ~ =~~•-: :w::::;:,;;:Go.l. ..... f MMI CANIIA IQWAT 1710 NIIPORT a. VD. PH. 146-9JIJC.:.ooa•~ ......... ,_cw. .......... ,.... cotlan.ta y L•llt.er Peiete,. }fMIIN81•• -•pray Pipe tndes Pl-ber 5..79 Aay daaei&c-d.011 o•Uc.ed benl.. ~.11 M •• pnTMilar c: ... h rate. O•ertime, Sa.aday •d RoliUy Nt•• .,.. at prenlli•1 enft rate a • CTT OF NEWPORT BEACH, CAUFORPfiA L-n t.. .... City Cleft PUBUSII: M-r 8, 1969, Ia tile Newport Eui p Laan. M-;umtng Jellllutleln Cn.Jr 11111er ADC!rey NeYI1Wl SbuoDO'Hue Dol>onJIOooorn lleal8e Pa1mor Cboryl Park• ...... Parrisb Juts Price Mark R!cbe7 L.lldl S.wcbut Patricia Scott ll>rJ Slper Rlek- Rol>trt-d Uodas.nJYU lllaoo Taylor DcnlayTU'Ior TMmuTbnmponn JukoTnmlluno A4r1ua Vu VlMt JuolltW .... $AL T CD. SUE$ FOR = ~= S4l, 957 DAMAGES Cuvl - Tbe Westen Salt Co.I.J sa1Dc • SOPHOMORES lilt CIIJ ot Newport BooA:b, • Oruco <:-, Flnocl Coatrol J<areo Am,.,py ~~ ••• xm. Aallll u-•ct u ... ,957.10dlmapa C I Bemor k lD)rJ to tbelr -wer New-~ port BlJ ~oper lJ 00 or alloat J iJ le Bllllard Ju. 27. llu(la Ca-U Tbe <llmaps &UeiJOdly oc-Dluo Car- curr«< -• wall ot tile Sa& RaDIIy c-. Dteco Creek .Dood coatrol ebaD-Cbarles CoUJe7 oel pn wu at a potr,t cloee CbrliUe Deb to Sa& Dle10 Creek brldp IIDd Peal Delllllpr Jamboree Rood, IIDd llnaded "FII Dodono tbe all mUIII{ fllc!Utles. Deborab Ilwtpl • J IJIIlCilS Juet- DazdeUe Brww"" Laara Bndsbaw Nuey a.oa ... llel>oni>Ca.,.,.U Carol Cappotlo Ray-C<>wley Co<IDoe,Culleo llukDoaols Geo<(I&Do llricJII llarU,. ErDSt Aadrel F.l.b.y CIJirfl Felber TbomuFoss SUdnGooU MlcbutGn41 <l<eb.llah«- .. lb 11&7• UodlH«riek VIctoria J11a1u Blrtlln. li:ldo!l s ... -. J<ar•J- S.t .TnSan"• XortX.- Ja.mn Kentn AoitaX.W Jolla Lut -Low K.ttii.J Lodes TVI"J Ionpteker Rlcbanl Mut1D RoOID.._ Jact lloon C.,IOII>rPII --lllc11Piaoo Xolllloeo Plarakl st---L&IIra Ro11f'Uio Terri- Lawr~Se~ Pallotte-c,-"'...,... X!Ha~ Goll Tyler Ptllllp V ..... PeiiJ Ward CoUeltl -~ XUilleeo- Debra Wldlo Xolhy Wldlo •sE~ Joel Adams ,.., Aacll Ira Butor llaDIOIBertoch 8eU)' Brewtt Palll en- JeaDDt Ca.lfrey Ed Cllllon JQIIyEdnrda Geraldllle F1lol Uodl FHIIC!I 1.-1 Goo11A J<ar• Gn41 J<ar• Grimm Ed Hoek 7 ,, . '8gJt L,_.Jc..: J.tyJIIIa ---Barbara II<:C-y Jeu McOcakt Dt.~kJ~ Re~~~eOI.JoD C)'llltola. p- Welldyl'llpe D>O Rudll1 st-RQ Le1P Rtapr llobble-.<s MlbSbw!A SberrJSI- Del>bystalaroll Rosemary S&abo "UCJ Werner SACIEI.__ .,.. • u .,. ua: au& ....__.~. ·-=-......,._CN ___ ,.....,._...~ ..... -Milo 1 g o.t Jfl J ...._ .... .... ~· _,., ....... ....,. "•-••r·J!\.:"~--- Orco llod Co. IVIUliiiG 1L0CU . AU. ... -AU. ttiO "'"'' 111 , ....... ,.-.. k? We ltrn' I --L ............ lttl CLI JI'JI' -IV& NEWPORT BEACH. CALIFO .... IA THE A .. EIItiCAH l-UTHERAN CHURCH a:lO "-"'·to q:JO ~.m . -wOrSftip ~rv•ce q:45 J.m . to 10:45 •• m. -Sundly Sc~ 11 :00 •.m. to 12:00 nOO"' -WOrship Sc"ice 'lk an. J ... & ....... .._._ 1\c lln. Geotac J. Bt.u.diccktt, Visita.Lioa Pu• Owisti• Sc•eiK:e '-vice• HUT atVacll OF ar•n. 80f.lllf11ST 3303 Via Lido Newport Beach SUNDAY SCHOOL ,,u ...... -· ''···· SUNDAY SERVICES 9:1.5-I I •·•· WEDNESDAY EVENING MEETING I •·•· READING ROOM ._.. • .,.., ' ..... -.5 ..... ..... .....,, ' ..... -7:~·-·· r-•<~~.., .... F ... ..,, ' ·-·· -.5 ,. ..... 7-9 ,. .•. s-..,., I ,. .... -• •-•· .:coNe CIIV.C. OF CII.-T. ICI£f11TBT Newport Beach at Coron• del Ma-r 1100 Pactflc Vtew Or. SUNDAY SCHOOL 10 •• SUNDAY SERVICE 1t •• WEDNESDAY EVENING IIEETINC:. 1:00 ,. .•. Re..U.1 Roo•: M•ta•l Blcl. %863 r .. t r.,., .. , Bwy •• CDM. Maa.-rn.: 10 .... w s , ... n ... d.,. n•ias: 7 110 9 S.L: 10 a... flo 4 P••· You arc cordially 1Rv11ed to attt'nd Ch~ch Sen-ICU and to use the Rtad1n1 Room. , ........ a.. .. .. c....- B.pti•t en~"' FcU....a.ip I•J~,~Jnl -A.at• n••• '-'• ._ &. M 1 lie St1. Dr. P.O. Ne ........ pueDr SUNDAY SERVICES l :4S Li t. s..day Scltool loOil..,..-;qW...- 6:00 p.a. Tniai .. u.•• J :l:hJ p.-n. E-.eni .. , Wonlli' WEDI<ESDA Y l ::ZOp..,.. BibleS.....,. •:oo p..m. Pray~r Meelill1 ATTEICI Till 0111101 Of,_otOICl RIGULAIIL 'f -·-___ .. ...... ___ ... __ ._.,. D•'r •cMOOL • ....... J~o•u•owo,__,~ • -D , .. .V.,.IN ••• ,_-.riC.l'IM ~ ..... 'TMU-D•'r -.a.._C .,.,_,D., -· ~""'"-..... ._ ....,_ • ...., at.nt••• ••,.•tea A ........ 0..., a.... .. Zlll&. .. ea.- ,_." f ~111'(11 .. .. ......... '~eft ......... ' ......... A Frn -.1 ,_.,_.., Coepr r'u~ CIJft.•ll• a-rc• .,.. ..... .._ .. _ .............. . ._.., Somoo ...S ~-ot llloOO uo. ....... c-......... ~ ..... 27. The two of us to serve you better For your personal conventence NewPOrt Balboa Savtngs has two locations to serve you. Visit either office for· THE SAME BIG 5.13% 'fiELD-the highest 1n the nahon-on all ac· counts when current annual dividend rate of 5% 1S comoounded daity and maintained for one year. Funds earn night and day, fr om day-in to day~ut. Funds received on or before the tenth of any month eam from the first when hekt to Quarters end THE SAME BIG 5.~ YIELD on 3 year BONUS CERTIFICATES (In multiPles of 11 .000) by adding the 25% BONUS DIVIDEND lor each of the three years to the daily compounded annual earnings. THE SAME SARTT AND SECURITY. Your funds are insured up to S15.000. We maintain htgh reserves: our lending policies are conservative. THE SAME SERVICES : &avi'ngs and Investment Accounts. KEOGH plan: Monthly Security Accounts. Escrows. Safe Deposit. Money Orders. Rewr1ionary Trusts. . THE SAME SMILES. The kind ol warm. friendly. efficient senrioe. aided by modern facilities and eQuipment -our pe~ concern is never cornputeri.zed. SO BRING MONET. I OM ASSOCIATION Main Ollloe:-VIa Uclo, ,.. • ....,. hadl. ~nleNIIS. -= (714)1~110. c.otot.edet M•()Mce: Anenct• "ua. eeo •••ooM c.,., Ortweaaa, Pttone:(114).....,14e1 P. A. ,._r, O'tillifl'Mift of the lloM:I .....,.. IMoft'IQUIII. .-..atljlftt ' -- 2 OIIYM--ira.D~--.. 4 ,....,.,.,. ... Land sale law clarified aNIIIADILIIM;I:.'Uf. LEGAL HOTICE LEGAL HOTICE LEGAL HOTICf LEGAL HOTICE LEGAL HOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 1295 in -...... ....... id ·"'lab!-t •--.......... ...u.n, euu..o. e see-re use pursuant to ~uoo 6.-that wtu enable an tavestiga-6 That the Uc.aot AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY oodhand plq)elty as part or 04.090 of this Code shall not tor to properly evaluate such ooict ha.s : or permit percent ot the c:ross proceeds, of Newport Beach. such buatDe&sbetweentbe hours OF NEWPORT BEACH ADD-complete payment tor other be deemed to be 1 Junk col-1 har t 00 bustoe er DCOm'lctedofaay compensation. a.od ea.roinpob 5.20.090 Fatlure to Co~ly of twelve o'clock ml.dni&bt oa lNG CHAPTER S..ZO to THE personal property 1n the or-lector by reason of engaging ~e~~Ui:;, e!x:ept that 0: ~~r:,::l ~~~:~: Lo.wolv-ta1ned from sueh business ar; Unlawful. No personengagedlD Sa.turdQ alkl tbe boar oliiYtD NEWPORT BEACH MUNJCI-dloary course of conducttog a 1n such business. requirement Is waived wtth re-7~ That th:?nnu~t or per It devoted to the reupous, charJ-conducUng, managt.oc or carry. o'clock La tbe forenooo ol tbe PAL CODE RELATING TO busiDessofsellingnewpersooaJ. 5.20.050 Permits. A. RE-speet to an application lor re--... m tablei.Ddeducatlooalpurposes, Log oo the bu.sioessofapan-followlDc W:ODday, or between PAWNBROKERS, SECOND-property directly to the coo-QUlREMENT. No person Shall oewal of a permit wbere a per-~~er ~~,~~~~ ::!~: respectlYely, of such reupous, broker, seeoodbt.Dddealtr, )mt tbe hour of sefeD o'clock lD the HAND DEALERS AND JUNX sumer, sball oot be deemed to engage tn, conduct, manage or soo has made a prevlous appU-... _... ~ ..... cbaritable or educational soc-dealer or junkcollector,DOtaay afteuooo olaay day, otber tbLa DEALERS be a 'secooc2baDd dealer' by carry on the buslDess o! a cation wxter this chapter and In an unla1t'f\11 rna..aoeror !D. SUCh lety or Lnstltutk>o. acent or employee ol aay sucb Saturday orSUDday, &Ddtbe boQr Tbe City Council of tbe City reason ot enpgtnglnsucb bust-pawnbroker, junk dealer, junk has complied with thisrequ.lre-:,. ~ as to constitute a 5..20.070 Reports to Pollee. person. shall till, refUse or ot MftD o'dock 1D tbefweiXIOCI of Newport Beach does ordain oess. collector or secolldbanddealer, ment. each thepea.ceorameoa.ce A. TIME OF MAKING. E.-ery DeC).ect to rue any report or oltbtfoUowtocday. as follows: 3. Arq persoa, tlrm or cor-or deal 1D seeoDdlwk! merch-c. INVESTIGATION. The CUy ~::,. ~b, salety or geoeral pa:nsbop, secoodhaDd dealer, keep aay record 1D the form, 1n 5.ZO.ISO Property Recetnd. SECTION 1. Cbapter 5.20 ls poratioo wbo or wbicb engages andlse eltber as a busiDess or Manager shall forthwith refer e e the public. Junk collector and junk dealer tbe mamer, at the time and l.D from Outside state. Notwttb- added to tbe Newport Beach 1n tbe busioess of seWDg a&ed as a part of uy otber busioess the appllca.nt tor a permit to G. NariCE Of HEARING. sbaU, on •ch Monday and a.U respects to aecordaDce with standtnr any other pnwa.lou MWllcq:at Code to read: motor nblcles or IUi8d wa.t.. wt.tbollt first ~lJ1nr for and the Cb.ief of Police who ,wu ~ottce of the *'tar PI'OYided Tb.unday before the bour of tbe rtQilremtllts of tll1s ebap-of this -:bapter, eYery &-=tioa ~ '.ZO cna teSIIHI !llallDliidttm-ttcett.,. 1 per.-tberel:r' f&ue to be awle-~ 1mHli'! r lblll be p.-eo lD writi.Dc IO:OOa.m. ot aid day, mateOGt ter, or fall, l"ttffiM or .peet bout ~. pa.nbroUr, PAWNBROKERS, SECOND-ed to be a 'secondtwrwt dealer' from tbe CitJ -u:&DICU. SaJd pt.tOo of tbe 'I!Pitr.aot's mor&l to tbetpplicaatorpermttt»>dtz; IDd clellYer to 1M Pollee to eD!btt to tbe Chief of Pollee ltCOcdw"' del.ler, ..S I.Q' HAND DEALERS AND JUNK by reasoo of eogagtng LD sucb permll shall be issued by the character and busiDessrespoo-as the cue may be. Such aotlce Dtputmeat, oo a bla.ot IDrm lo 01' a.ar pollee ol!lcer of ~City mereb&Dt deallDc 1D or ofterlllc DEALERS bus.lDess. City Manager, but oDly alter sibtuty as he deems oecessary shall be ma.1led. postagepnpatd bt <#alned from tbe Pollee of Nnport Beach, immed1ateiJ tor ale ur Item or Items of SeeUoas: 4. ADy person, firm, Cf0l4J, having r eeei.-ed a report of tor protection of the public 1D-:,ld the a&JPllcaot or permit Deplrtmeot by sucb paWDSbop, apoo dema.t'lt lortbeprfri.lepof se::oodhao:l jew'elry or object of 5.20,010 Pawnbroker De!iDed. associattoo or corporatioo who iovestip.tlon trom the Chief terests, except tbat such 1Dns-er, as the case may be, at secondbud dealer, junk col-such l..upectjoo, aoy such re-art or slmllar mercbancttq 5.20.0ZO Pawnshop Defined. or wblcb acquires 1D goodtllth, of Pollee. tigatioo by the ChiefofPollce ls ~1is la.st lmowo address at least lector and junk dealer for such cord or any (tOOI!s, nres or which ls ldentftlable by aum- 5.20.030 SecoDdba.Dd Dealer ide.DtWable secoDdbaDdproper-B. APPUCATION FORM. Tbe DOt necessary with respect to .-e days prior to tbe date Mt purpose, a flill, true and com-merchandise or tbingsp}edced ber, letter, phrase, rrurk or Deflned. tJ lor tbe sole purpose of dls-form oo which application shall the renewal of an application tor h~arholng. Tbe appUcut or plete report of all COOOs, or to or purebased or reeell'8d by other mea.os of ldeotUlca.Uon 5.20.040 Junt Dealer aoci:JWlk trlbutlon of such property by be made tor a permit hereto for a permit hereunder where-perm lder, as the case may ttUnp reeeiYed on deposit, such person. commoaly reeognlstd lD trade, Collector Defined. sale, gift or otherwise in fur-sball require the following 1n. in such investigation of the ap-be, shall hau the right to bt pledpd or purchased during the 5.20.100 Oispos1Uon of Arti-shall rue with the Pollee De- 5.20,050 Permits. tberance of Us stated objectives formaUoo: pllcant's moral character and represented at such hearlDc bJ period preceding the filing of eles. NOJ:awnl:lroteror secoo:S-PQrtme~ the report required 5.20.060 License fees. of promoting religious, chart-1. Name of the applicant and business responsiblllly bas counseL such ri!P)rt. band dealer shall sell orotber-coocerolDg any s~h item re- 5.20,070 Reports to Police. table or educattooal purposes complete physical description. previously been determlned. "i APPEAL. Any person ag. B. CONTENTS. StK:h report wise iliiJ)OSe of UIJ artJcle, cei.-ed trom outllde the state 5.20.080 Records Required to shall oot be deemed to be a 2. Residence aoo business ad-D. REPORT or INVESTJGA-rbi~ed by tbe actloa ot tbe shall be 1D English and shall merch&Ddise or thingwl.thlDftt. of Cautornla or recelfed from be kept. 'seeoDiihand dealer' byreasoc dressotlheappllcant. TION. The Chief of Pollee 11 e of Pollee or the Cit)' coota.iD tbe oame and pla.ce of teen(t5)daysafterthesamebas any petiOli, who, wtlhlD thirty 5.20.090 fallure to Comply ol engaging 1D such activities. 3. The length of time for which shall complete his LDnsUptlon ~ to tbe deDial of a.o buslDess of the peraoo roak1ng beeu reeetfedorpurcbased, oor daya prior thereto, receifed It Unlawful. Any such person, ttrm, P'~. a permit is desired. herei.D provided lor, within a app ~~D fol' permit or re-tbe s&me·ud the date aod .bour ta.J.I to ketp m:b article, mer-trom outside the state of Call!- 5.20.100 Disposition of Arti-association or corporation must 4. A statement as to whether or reasonable time and shall make oewa 0 permit a.s profided of tbe daJ wbea prepared. Suc:b chaDdise or tb.ioc ..attered, as ornla or brougbt JtlDto tiM State cles. tlle a request for exemption as oot the applicant OOids or has a written report to the City heretofore, sbaJJ. bate lbe rlgbt report shaD 5bow tbe boor ot pledpd or purchased, 1.a. kJts of Ca.Utorn&a. Recof'ds of SKb 5,20.110 Exempt Transac-a secoodbaOO dealer with the held a permit trom any state Manager wUbi.o thlrty days aJld of ~to tbe City CoUDCil ol tbe day wbeo each article wu separate and apart trom other articles sba1l be tept as re- Uons. City M.aoager on a form pro-municipality, gonrning body 0; shall ceruty 1n said report =l)' of Newport Beach. SUch recet.-ed on deposit, pfedced or articles, mercba.odise or t11.1np quired by Sectloa 5.20.080. 5.20.120 Hours of Operation. 9ided by the City. A mioimwn llceosing authority; a list of whether or DOt the moral char-with t~ be tatea by t1linc purchased. aDd tbe true name 1D tbe place of busioe55 of suc:b 5.ZOJ40 Appllcatioc of Re- 5.20.130 Property ReeeiYed of sevenly-Dte percent of the such permits aod a statemert acter aJld business responsibU-fo tty Couocll w1tb1o aDd Wdress, u war I.)' u tbe pawnbroter or seoondhaod porta aDd RecOI'ds Prort.a:klM from Outside State. gross proceeds, compensation ol tbe time. place and by whom ity of the applicant ls sat.Lstac. tbe urtee~ da,Js after DOUce of same Ls kDowo or can be ucer-dealer tor a period of ttfteeo to other Mercbl.Dts S.lllq Se- 5.20.140 Application of Re. and earllingsobtaiDedtromsucb tssued; a statement as to whe. lory ac 00 complai.oed of bas t:alDed by such J:aWDShop, see-(15) days from tbedateofpJedge CODdblDd Articles. Wbellllfer ports and Records activities must be de.-oted to ther any state, municapality, E. 'w ULTIPLE BUSINESSES, been mailed to such permo's ODd..blDd daler, juDk collector or purchase thereof. &OJ 8tdloo of thlscbapter lball Provislons to other Us stated religious, cbaritable goverolDg body or Ucenstng u any person. firm orcorpon-!:! lmowD address, a written or jlmkdealer,oftheperaoowbo No jwlk de&ler or junk collect-require a report to tbe Pollee Merchants Selliog or educaUooal purposes 1D or-allthorlty bas ever refused to tioo sball engage ln coDduct emeut seWoc ))rtb fUUy left such article on deposit, or or shall sell or otherwise dis.-Department, or slllll reqaire a Secondhand Articles. der to quality for uempUoo. issue or to reoew a perm1t to ma.oage or carry on ~t tbe sam~ ~ .... ~ for appeal. The pledged or sold the same, to-pose of aoy article, mercban. record ot aoy se<XMM'•ncl ar. 5.20.010 PawDbroker Defined. 5. Tbe uempt.ions set forth the applicant and u so, a full ume. more than o~oftbebusl-., ooncU sball let a time getber •ltb a descript1oa of d1&e or tb1Dg wtthiD three (3) tide, or shall requfre tbebold- The term 'pawnbroker' shall In paragraphs 1 through 4 of aDd acc~.aate statement as to oesses defined and referred to ~lace for a IMI.rlq of such such persoo aDd a statement as days after the same bas beeo Lnc of suebartldti:Jraoyltated rt~ean a person, firm or cor -this section do not apply to the reasons for any such re-in this chapter SIJCh person tn aDd nottce of such bear-to wbetber such per.:>Dlslmder recelfed or purcbaaed, oor perlodofUmebyuyeeeoaclaad poraUon engaged 1n cooduetlng, tra.nsactions tnvolvl.Dg bicycles tusal; a statemeot as to whether shall be deemed to be eoppd tam shall be Pno to the ap.. the are of eipteeo years. Such t.aJJ to keep JUCb article, mer-d~ or jaDk dealer orlll)'ODe managing or carrying on the and/or tbeir parts, slB'tboards, aoy stale, municipality, govern-1D coDductlng, managing and Pt lD the arne miBIIel' u report sbaJl alao sbow the 111m-cbaadlse or tb1nc aoaltered, as tDP.IiD& lD uy basi.Deas i.a.tltl.l business of loaning money, for flrearms capable of being coo.-tng body or llcenslng autbority carryt.og 011 such busiDess&epl-pro;f:edtc!' Subs4!c.Uoa. G oftbJ.s ber of lbe reeelpt or pen tie. pledpd or purcbased, lD lots ehlpter IIPIClftea.lly referred himseU or for any other person, cealed, cameras and ptmto.. has ever rnoked a permU held rate and apart from the olber aec ~ aotice of beariDc on tet,. the amount loaDed, lht IIIPU'ate a.Dd apart tl'om otber to, ttlballalaolaeladeUJ DMI"· l4JOD personal property, perso-P'a&:~hic equipment. Y.arlne by tbe applicant am if so aMl such business and such person, reYoea lon. The decll:ioa oftbe amouot purcbued. and a articles. tnercbudlle or tbJ.op cbl.Dt wbo receJ•es in' ale, at. aa.l security, pa•ns or pledges, bardware and related equipment and accurate statement' as to flrm or corpor&Uoo Wll com-City Cooocll 011 neb appeal complete deserlptioa of •eb lD the plaee o1 bus1Dea of sucb tempts to seU, or dllpl&Js b' or the business of purcbaslnc with a retail nlue of over the reasons for any such re-ply 1n au respects witbtbepro-~ :0 tltal and cooclutn. article left oo depo.U, plldpd )mk daler or )lakcolleetocb' sale uy JUCb secoqctrwrwt art~ articles of personal property $50.00, typewrUers and all tx.-Yocation. Ylsk>DS of this cbapter rela.t1og · Uceaae fees. Efll')' or purc'--1. U any art1dt 10 a Ptl'tod ol Harte (S) days ttom lcle l:»r uotber per80D lD u- and reselling or agreeing to slness macblnes, sewing ma-5, A .statement as to wbetber to each such business and 00 penoa CODdact1oc or c:&rrJiDc left OD depod:, p)edpd or pur-tbt date of Pledce or purcbut peetaUoa of reeetrlac a com- resell such articles to tbe .-en-ehlnes a.od aU muslcallnstru-or not the ~licaot bas ever persoo sball fall,re~oraeg-'!? .. ~uofapa'"*obr, cbuM bu eacrand tbtr.,. tbtteot. mlsaloo or let or crabdtJ, or dors or their assignees, at meots. been arrested for aoy crime, led: to do so. ,_ • )mt colledor, or UJ oam.ber, word or~-5.JO.UO Eampt Truaetlou. reward tberefor, or u uapat prices agreed upoo at or be-5.20.040 JUDt Dealer and Junk mlsdemea.nor orYk>laUooolaay f. REVOCAnON OR REFU-secoDdbiDd d•-;.or dallDciD (JOibtMUJtMtiiCioiUJ Tbe pro.-1slclaa: ol tb1s cbapter or broUt, ud -.eb ud eYVY .tore the time of such purchaae. Collector Deftoed. (a) Tbeterm mwlic.tpal ordlDaDce and It SO. SAL. AperiDit.luotd hertullder secoadbud merc_nm•, U a IUCb report IMl1 coaD1D ACh CODCeniDc recordl m:Srtpart,: JII'O'lliol. ot tll1s c.blpter Jba1l 5.20.0ZO PawnliliOp llef1Dod. •Junk -· sbaU mean a per-the-· or the o!feoseudthe .,.1 be r .. -bJ the Cttr ~ ~ ~ .. , u -bor. -d w _., IUid ...U aot be deomtcl to IIIPIJ lo ~be oppllcablo to Reb Tbe term 'pawoshop· sball me:aa aoo. ftrm or corporalloD ba.-lng puoilh.ment or peoaJty usesMd Muacw or a.a appUcatton k ceue "va Oat &.-lba1l 1bow tbe tl.ld ol Wtlap tbt s-chUt or Ale b)' jldi per-u tbotlcb bt nre lDtbe aoy room, store or place 1D a ftud place of buioess 1D tbe tberetor, It comlcted. ls-DC:eorrt:DI'ft.lofsuchper-g,~ Do($lf) • ($1004 Of ftve aDd tbt a.Dbr1r of eacb IDd. dialers or )IDk col1~1 ol IPIClGc: twt'MU m~ wbjcb bus1Dess: or acUYlty de. City of Newport Stach IDd en-IS. A Pboto&nPb of tbt a&JPU-mJt may bt rllf\ad bJ the euy • pt:r dly. C. CONf'IDE!fTtAL. TbtC!Uf rae~. bottiN, 8ICOQdlud blreiA. scribed 1D Section 5.ZO.CIO 1s Pled in, coaducUDc, ma•etoc cant ta.tara 1l'lth1n s:Utydlfsim-v.,. .... u bl determiDes aftar ~per':_ ;:.~111 or of Pollet -.nea-allreport,: aeb. ba.rrtll., CIAI, lbou, SECTION z. s.cuoa. ll.$1 ... eo&aced tn. carried oa or con-or ca.rrJiDc OD tbe buslDtu of mt<UattiJ prlol' to tbe date o1 aotk:e llld btuiDC: n 011 111 ol • recetnd ,_,_... to tilt terms ~ or IICI'IIP troa., ..._ 0'10, 11.5e.OIO Ud 1Z.5e.Okl dac:ted. buytoc, .. lllAc or othmriBe the filloc or the ...,uca~~oo 1. Tlat the""'llcutorpormU .. 4111r-, )lot~·"'* or IIIIa-tD be ftlodlu lloolllt .. oold IW ocnp, or tho 11-Beacb ll.x!- 5.%0.030 Secondh&Dd Dealer deali.Dr, tUber at wbolell.le or whlcb picture shall bttwo1Dch-bok*' '-DOt u !Ddl•ldull o1 :l.ledw, :.,~I'd dial.-.ewe .Plact,uda.t ... llll.ll ~tofts. or bo111bokl fllnlblrt pal Code art MrlbJ r.-w DeftDed. A. DE FINJTJON. The retail, 1D a.ay old rap, acts, es by two lDebes lbowtDc tbe aooc1 moral ebart.cter &Dd ball-.,.:.... • ---.. RIC-bt GPta to ·~·-oalr bJ (•ttta tbt acfllllltlaD ol .......,. SECTDf a. Tld.l ordl·~ term 'HOODdhud dealer' lhall bottles, ca.oa, PIP8I', metal or held aDd shotaldtrs ot tbt ap. -. rtiiiOMI.,IIty· or ., ~ iD QOD.. m••• ol. t111t Polloe Dlput... matb11t1 uc1 •IIS£cal ....,.... lliiiU bt ,.,...., ooce a. tbt mtaa a peraoa, ftrm or cor-other arUcles comiDOIIIJ!mown pUca.at 1D a clear ud d1ltiD-I. Tbat tbl AIJPU~IoD of tbt :::-WlliiUJ.._,bNIIIall, IDIIIt, • .,. ..., ala OCMri mnts). « tbt p!lrCIIUe • oGicial .. ....,_ ol t111t CUJ pontioa. eappdln,eooducttor. as )a; pnwided,bOWeYtr,that ruUbiDC nwmtr, t.Je4111t that .....,Ueut or PtraiU boklercoa.. Jll.f tbeliteMIIMr...-. ol 00 ... 1t111 ~ ale bJ leOCJelhld dlallrs ol _, U. ameiiiiU bt .a.cu.; ma"'IIIC or earryi.Dc 00 tbe any 1*'100, flrmorOOl'POI'atbi thq rtQulremtatls nlYtdwta. t:I.I.Ds Uf f:a.18t, t.raudlllet:lt or ;!.~ ~;!. ~CitJ-ol s.-MO ••-*RIC eel to Mtllho·ld ..._. (W11111 tM • ..,_ aa. tbt ._ ottta buiMu or lloJlllc. '"lllDc. or authorised tD collect prbap ·-to u ...,u_ 11r mU-ItldiJic marorl&l lllate ~ lit llol(lt.. 1'-J ...... ' r, _... ot -.. --..,.. .... otbtm.t dt&JtDri.Die<:ODdbaDd or refut pursa.at to S.CU. rtDinl ol& PVmit b)'utp... ....U· or • twf Ill, ................ •rwh'4 ........... Ill •sdal lall:r1lll...a Uli 'f'IUar4P .... wutm ...... -.-or mtrelwMI•. S.Ot.090 or tills Code ...Uoot pllcaot boldlnr u ~od s. T.:UtlltiiiPileutorpennu ~u .. ~::.:::; ud )lot •-11MB lltop. IWH•Iwa),•ltiOo,..,.,. ararorl r -orotiOoCIIJ 11. EXEKPTIOIIS. be deomtcl to be a,..... doolar porml! -...sor IIIIa e1op--llu-UJ'IilJoo.ha-IOo-oiO.B • , .. Dollan .. I Ptriod ol -,_..a or -ot ur -t II'... ~ o1 10o CIIJ or llo-1 1. AJq .,....., fll'm or c:or. bJ re1..101 ol ,.Pcfor 1D IUCit ter wbo bU ID 1 pren. ap.. ~ or mt•'M"'•r IDitlrJal ($1)0) "** 11 UFII• l'aW'd ill a. hiM• tniJar or .............. wMel Beea MM • IIIli 111 *' o1 p:nt~o~~ wt:1o or wtdcb....,.. batt..... pUeaUoa. .... w. drilpttl' ...... tau. COV1t ot-.. "'._ •· .. ••r• o1 aD. ...-., ~ ._ ..._ ,.,.. t .. Ill Cdf... Al1rtl. tt1t 111111 wu atilt& I • Ia lbo -T'n otwnror-(b) Tbt torm 'JIU oo-· compllod-thlar--dloelll(llla--aid :!'11~1 '~:o"'"..<!'~!!! nile' Ida • tldllp.....,. ...... I ••-•· IOo lla ;.,.,April,-117 .._ uliqttattrclunl.eaart lllaJI _.,.,.._ootllltla( 7. ~ ...U-1o porlll!lla 1110 Cttr ot 11-••a-. -It or,_ II l•rnoloodll' ...... -~~~~ IOoiDilonl(-lo-' ~bt'llldiPII"-.arm a flied sac. o1 t..ta a a. bi1.Dt ~ ud 111111 Btadl;or · ~•lrt 1 7 Ma."'**n;aNIIIai.D_... Jlo,_..rr•tat.<cJttt-Ata.OO~·Mcl!el• ,.. --cllneUJ-a tbt CIIJ of llo-t-., --lilt -or ar IMol 4. 1'1111 tbtlliPIIC&IIwl*'d ..... 111 aa' I. ur t"::; all ol IOo • !."""":.• lo II&. ,.. aarrzt'C • ...... ..._ ilar...Ji; 11110.._.._... a ~utf.. .-trM .,_ ~ ._.., tworelllbltprCII*1Jon.-1 GtiiOidlr -.~afru!l oum •.. ... a. ..... :a .. :••Mirt .. ra,.. tile .,,. ................... ....,ar.... eJoo,,.. Wlllel .,.~lad_,_ .. ,_.....,.., IOoC..,olor._-ot -WJ,...,n)tl.-.*'1-It ... • • I It--·--· ' ----ot'--1-ooll«ffor. i11Pc. willie,.. Colllllnlo,-WID o.t!IJU :::;:;;;;;;;.:.-: ....... I 7 ,_,.,,.. I.IO.Oitol ... 2 ISm. 1'-J )lot .... tlir, ... .., ... =..,OOIIICP-z -•llr--llno ·---·• daallor 10..., old 1o 10o wnnwl'o.,..-10o ••••« o1111o, 1 ., 11 ~·••..,• .... -. ..,. -,_, • au ~ cl ;w "'• -·--c.o:::-=-,.....,_. ....... idlo,......., ....... ca-. .... ~-.. 'slflf ......... CltJflftR,..l ........ ~ J. WI) •-; ~. • •!·-~ ............... . "a .• 1 0 sf dalar' bJ ,.., _...., .... uuc.a..1810MJ'•,•· ... ot ..... l.n.&lllt"''bt••....... If 11 J.l ...... ,._smt•• ... ..,_,.,.,.. , _. ,....otrr1br•-=tw-azn..., ._..u)IIM;~ air,,_.,..,.._ ..a......_ -.&h' d.., otlll =·.:::::.·~~ ........ ::._. JIC&b, • . .-rl • .,. ~::r• -.-. IIOo.,w,lllol..., .... ail!" 10'1 o u lo IOo pd •Ito o1 10o-oiColl---rolol.::.:..-=:--_. .. .._ :::"".-~-·-· Clr .... ~_ ... ___ -·.·._:-.-=...-:~~ ... = __ , 1111 -~ .. ----...... ! ..... I' ......... :::.,..:· .. ~-~.:r -,-d., ..... .. .. ___ "'17atl0o•"r--...... .., ......... rt; ... ~~~o~o o~ • ._ .......... -., .. Cir __ ... .. ........ -.....,... From the Police Blotter NEWPORT HARBOR EIISIIJI SEOOiiD SECTIOII --Pill! TIIURSMY,IIAY I, 1111 00 IIIII A D£LIIAR, CAU F. (0.._._-A ._ aaDIIIIIIMo.,c.-r-. Ceolnl II~ r .. _""" ___ ............... -.......... -..... 11 .... ................ -.... -.-hlf.-111~ ....... --11011 t , .... ,-. .. _-.•. --.IIUDoo lltOIII,III-st.w .. SIRGU.MTR .. IIIUSTS _, •••• .,... .............. ---. --.. ~. -to ..... -...... OoJ c ...... -a ..._ re:AA , ... wwfdle ._. .. 11r1 _, u rindN:/ .............. itl:a'l.,-la--llw ot 1&. Ull I&L I. C • .. , WU---•-"Jotll--. Ia 1bo-..:, llloya-Scbor•, UIORitW ''"~·­ •s '"• 1110 w • ..._-. -ll<lod -... to a.~ 11oo1r ..n.u1o lbo ldl-x..,.t, .., •• •"-1a lbo All. I, Ceolnl llo.,_l • • • ~ It IIU '*' 11011 -.._,..., ot'SI •• .A-ot U.S. Air ,,... -btlll( .._ 4 -loci< wu ... _ II-• ~ --,,, --aodar._ftleb lo<tod lor.., ... -Bola ..-, tlrel..,t ...... ...._. OU JIOC"edtit~t Mat• llllda..lDMrl. Roau.Becra atllc:tnllkJIIIIII:•IItrtpl.lr- *11, 11011 llpoa -· ,.. lllo -loft ol 110 pw11, -• -11111( !A 1bo maa Ia a .at ot lbo U.S. Atr r~-~tr~-~=·~~~~~ lllp llood, ClltiBa-rlll-......, llll415111 st., W .. FO<eOslo E ...... IIRamllol.a dMce ot Mart ..... .-.... ftftpor"".; td blr l*'•,udblr AB, o.r-r. He na ree..o;, ¥ar, w11o Ltr-. 11, oi.,..KIItrtii'ODA ._,..,., ftl1et ao blpreoo-•llded u O'CibwH• airmu Ill .. ln1A La:lo, eo..._ wuarnH taiMd ,7Z,50, alter !be _ .. ot lbo ,.... tor lbo 1 'llh Air Gr-c. 1147 F-lolul,aod-•-at HO a.m. Force. r-. ... .. ....... ot bolriiUJ; ball ·-.. !be ...... .... Ill ol "" .... -Ia JM>11c II -st. IIIII • WEDIIEBDA Y, APBJL t -81ft. .., pollee -Jola Do -ll ot llld "' ... «llllllt. dJalor, 301-1/1 Alnrodo a.-: ICOIIRADCLAB,I.._ ....... , I -llc.niadolllar -I .. Ralllllard ... _ -lbodu .,;:: Hlp Sdloo1, lloldlaf lbo -· ,., Ia optt••ot Clllfs II at 5118 -· Dr Wool an 00 II ' --· -.. ----x.:.....n. ... tuoo t:,• ..... JlarJ I 0 I --15," ....--• ·-·-. -...._.111 -._, -.:.~ ZIOO C<>Mt-1 A ... , Co* st ... t Boice, praldtat of tilt lfewpal"tllarbol'"'*'•t•CJm. :~ ...._t.:!--:_~ ~---Mt•, WU UTI ltrtd' at l%:15 0o llay II Uld 17, "-ad will parlldpate Ill till hclllc ----.,_ -aa at II 1100 W C-H Socenlt D1Jb1ct COIUit at tMJIUrMtttwl Battl Ill Lo8 ~ WbUe r141.Dc Ilia~· a.m. ' ~ .. AIIJLOies. Tbo-ot--will ~to u•·-• ~-• cyclelllbo --atsttb ll..n-s IIllo, aod ..,.lid ----. st. u-Uld b111orJ aa a poUco Florldl, lor 1bo .....,_. 111a1a. Koorad Ia till -ot IIIII Soollloro Dr, at U5 o111ur A l-ear co-ol llr. Uld llro. -Cllrt, lit Po!li>Y AYO,, c-dol p.m. -oar drl"far H. Goo-7 p.m.'~· lbo ,__ at liar, (Short--.1 · sa1n at Los .U,.Ies , , , Caaol 11wy 11111 Knpa<IC---7-=-=:-:-:-:-=:=-::~=----:-=-:-:--:-:-===--TAllo --of &.pta Dr. -drl"fot J-uor Jolla. --=L=E=G:::Io.=L.::M::O::T:_:I:::C=E ____ :::L:::EG:::Io.=L::..::M:;O:_:T:_:IC:::_E__ fl. Uld 4111 An,, c.,_ del -IIIII puna .. · ap.:er Mar. wu tbt -=-e ot a tram.: • ORDINANCE !10. 1%116 VIa ClporiD botwooa C-al cowa. II 4 p.m ., IDfol"floJ 1 ....... 1 ,_ old, at Ill AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY AYeDIII and S2od Street. mo6oreyellar ADdrew Ryu of = ~~ ... .:=' OF NEWPORT BEACH AliEN-Vlllllalapbehrte!IVIaOporiD tlleTalltU 1DD, C-Wesa,wllo z--; am-~: DING SECTJON 11.44.0!0 OF ANI VIa Lido. wu tateD to Boac Kolpital by er,~ oaa THE NEWPORT BEACH Ceatral Aveoue betwteP Via BMl'a •mtluiiDte, Uld car drJ.. DoWDeJ aDIS E. _,.,. Broblck: MUNICIPAL CODE RELA· Lido aDd Via ()porto. , .. Roblrt NelaHlof507 Acacla ol lM ~IM, were-..rt. • • TING TO PARKING METER-·Newport BouleYud bltW .... AYe Coroa1. del 11at Cloleta &Dd draw•• ... raJa... ZONES SOtll street aod FiDJeJ AY ... ne'' colD bol ot tbe ~~ 'u Sleted at te01 DwebHter R4.. Tbe City CouDcll ot tbt Cttyof ocept oo tbe wester]J side oi YIDCUDc c.tpr.U. maehiDe 8 11 Cameo 81P'•nN, ud • $41 Newport Be&eb does Ol'daiD u N.-port Boulenrd behr.-U. 1801 E. Cout fhr7 ., COI"'Oa r;:• y~ =a:.~ IDIIowa, alleyZ501eot _,...b'of-dolllar,wu.-oUtU ... aa'm<!lO!Id TboBold-~~~~~~= :;etof~~== •MONDAY, APRIL? testtbatJ .. tMHorfttb.SS, COO. Ia ameoded to r oad· 011 tbe --I)' tide o1 Newport C. lllltor, No, 414, llaltloa at Zll5 CUll Dr., Mnpoot H"· "lZ.«.OZO Parttoc ·-Boulo¥ard .., ... SZo!l street Bay Cie, rti>Oriod !be tllell lll>ts, wu tai!1IIC II 1:15 a.m. :ZO.s. Tile fotlowii>J poriiiDC Uld tlleesteuloooftbe_,..· at a $15 blllor1 !rom b1a ll!!lck at Tulia Uld Caaol 1!.-J~ wu meter 1001s are bereby esta-1Y property llDe ot FlAley Ot'C tbt .....U.S · •. Two tires diVMtl,_, udabl-.ruboobl:l bllsbed· A,.111118 wort11 $80 nre ltoln from oa tbe c:bU'JI of drtYIDCW VW (a) ~oa One. Nortbealterly Newp::~'rt Boulevard between Lor• Wrlcbt. 50S Ae&c1aAte •• 11DC1er tbt lldlauee olll*m- s1de otMc:FaddeaPLaeebetween FiDleJ Avenue ud Via Udo, Cor0111. del Mar, while stored at cui.$~ A mm::~a:: Balboa Boulevard ud Court ueept on tbe easterly side ot UOl E. Caul lhrJ . , , ; ... as .. %8l5 ~·Bl't'd N stre«. Newport BouleYard between the Rlebard FMmin£ te, ot 1560 ••....-~ ·• n- (b) Zooe Two. 11a1n street be-eztenston o1 tile nortllor ly pro. Wtramar Dr., Ball>oo, rlllllllnc port Bla!:b; • barlllr tben tweeo Bay Anoue ud Balboa perty llDa of F1Dley Ave.oue ud at 4 p.m. at 3501 Cutr Drtre, :-:,a bole:. tbe ~ ~ Boulen.rd. a potnl 200 feet oortberly. Newport J:WctQ, wu c:bued a n c--., _..,_.. Balboa Boulevard between 'A' Thirt)'-secoDd Street betweflll beaten, ud bUtea. on tbe left aDd tole a bole iLrii•DOU&b to Street a.od Adams street. Newport BouleYard aod Vllla lee bJ a br·:A'l shacu doc • • • :'~ .._stole c~ a trc~ Bay Av111ue between Maio Way. DurLDc tbe Dl.lflt, $04beadlict:U P e 1 1Jl"'A)_... Street am PWn street (f) Zoae Si.L FUteeDI:b street were stoliD trom tbe VW ,..oed YU left aloDC tba aide ol the Northeasterly side of Newp::lrt between Ocean FroDt aDd New-by Darid Mdlnrwkt, 4411 Sea-m~~ .. w~ = Boulevard betlreeo 21st Street port Bay. sbore Dr., West Newport • • • Jsl .. -YUa-vm"::.-...wban aDd 30th Street. Bl.lbol. Boulevard betweeo Tbeodore KDow"Doa, 619ln1De -. .• ..., --..- Southwesterly side of Me. llrd street &Dd Z&tb Street. be., Me-.rport Htlcbta. stated : :=:,et~~ebai.D ud stole Fadden Plaee between 22od SolllhWutarly side of Nnport tbat wbUe b11 truet wu PIZ'ked ' • ' Street aM Ocean FroDl, Boolenrd between Urd street in l dirt fltld oa tbe •.t side • THURSDAY, A.PRfL 10 CONNIE LAlNG, dangbler ofllr, IUid llrs. Wtulam II, LaJ.ac of Corooa Htptarxts, played ber se.o1or CW'nltion reeita.l S.-y eYODin&, AFU 21, II UC I. Sbe Ia pl-od bere·- Mrs. Alan stooema.o. berself a eooeert Plullt. wbobotlted a receptloo tn ber Vista del Lldope,_IJIIU!m.., 1o ,_, of CoDDle follow'lng a preYle• puiotmuee. CoGille will be &radtatecl from UCI lD J uoe, and pla.Ds to eater Oecldtllt&l College lD tbe tall to stOO, for bel' masters LD musie. Sbl •u bollOI'ed thls year by tbe OCt's fine arb: music c1e- partmeat, aDd was awarded a.o aehlenment scbolarsb!p by the Oranp Couoty Philhar1110111c Society. Silo Is a Jnduale of Corooa del Mar Higb Scbool, •bert abe wu: eboseD Zoata rtrl ot tbe moatb, was a member of tbe booor .ocittJ, ud made bel bow to society u an Empire ......... nte. (Cameo HAS IT CORRALEDI COMI Ill I I • TURM YOURSELf 011, lo.T OUR IIG J.Wio.Y SALUTE TO TMI fiRST . Of TH I 70'5 1o.T 1o. '60 P' RIC I . 1 2 3 MEET MAVERICK, A COMPLETE BUILT-FOR- AMERICANS CAR I SEE ENGLISH FORD FOR 1969 (First ebown tb18 mODtb) DELUXE AND GT MODELS NOW AVAILABLE FOR IMME- DIATE DELIVERY. CHECK THE SPECIAL DISCOUNTS THAT WE ARE OFFERING ON FORDS, MUSTANGS, T-BIRDS DURING OUR SALUTE TO MAVERICK I Easterly sldo ot YcF......, IUid 3001 Stroot. of Hoor iloapllal,-tllo blo:lt Two il<e"'JLO eau, a Rolls Plaee between Ocean Froat ud T•eoty-e1cfJtb Street betYeeo of tbt tnaet fleinr a rariDe, a drlTea. bJ EdDa HartDMs, en Court streot. Bau..lloulonrdiUidtbeoontl· $41.75 ttre wu stolen; bellld Lido Part, N..,ber IE, IUid a SouiOorly -o1 lieF--IY-ofllo-.-tlloulo· o1ber ti!QioJ-bad -od CM!IIa!: dr-bJJ ... E-, Place al tbl IIJPI'(Ieeb tD tbe YUcL slmllar tblb . , • A ndlo 201 Via M ..... Lido 1M. Newport Pier. EasterlY side of 18tb street • ..,.,.. wu brokea from hl.s 'ftl't J..lltoJYid Ill a~ It ~berly sldeof Courtstreet bttneD BllUJol. BouJna.rd ud ear, aJd Robert Fant, 2471 4p.m.ODM&r1Du'IMUe,50felt betweeo 20th street aod Ye-Bay bto~~~. MulDo Dr., Bay Sborea: • • • 1r8lt ol Tult1D An ••• .Robwt FaddeD Place. Easterly Ade of 19th street Ya.rtUa JObUOD. ZO, of Zl? Buras, 214 Utd St., WnUfiW'- Save Time And Money -Call An Expert T.raoty-tbird Street between behreeo Bay Anaue aJid Nn-Ht llotrq)l AYe., Cotoaa ~ port, &0t ~ at 7 Lm., biDd e IIAUTY SALON Ocean Froot &Dd Balboa Boult-port Bay. Mu, ns picked.., oo afallW'e tbe troot door opeD., IUid dis- -:-:-::::-:-=::-::-:-o--- vard. Tbere are ezcepted from t.1 appear n.rn.at ••. Dora. ccwerld bllftlletUdb.la:wUe's Tweoty-seoood Street behreeD tbe 10oas utablisbec1 bereby Rout. 2?, of 611-1/2 Ca.r111.-parse lytac oa tbt floor DUt to Ocean Froot aJK1 Balboa Boula-those areu deslpted &liS Uoo An., Corou del Mar, was tbt door -m.tau $28 ••• BEAU TY HOOK 2732 E. Coast Hwy , Corona del Mar Phone b13-133b SEVEH HATIOHS COIFFURES OPEN \fONDAY THROUGH SATIJRDAY nrd. marked u JoadiDc IODIS &Dd arrestad at NIIID".ltl !, Fuldon James See, 12, of 1401 Tweoty-secood street between areas W'bere pur&UlDt to oCber lllud. oo tbe cbarp ot .,_ W. Balboa Bmt., Ceatral Ne•- Newport BouleYa.rd aDd Tbe Ar-provJ.&ioDB ot tb.1s Title tbe time l1ftlAc • • . Mall beJoociDr to port, YU uoablt to tate tbe eade. llmlt oo partlDg 1.1 10 mlnales GordoD Glua, ZSU Wal'lrly Deld aobr11tJ test, a.od wu PacUie coast HJifnray betweeD or leas." Drln, Jobo Storeb 2508 Mar1DG boobd on tbe ebarce ~ iDmll- Newport Boulevard and IOU· SECTION Z, This ordi.DaDce Orin, IDd Robert ltt.,_t, 1531 eated in pubUc • , • WlWam therlJ eDeosJoo of lrYlDe Ave-sblll be publ11bed ODCt In tbe Via Orin., all ol. B&ySbores, Sblelds. 4S, o1 ZSlZ NtwpOrt nue . offteial QIWapepet ol tbe City, bid beea 01**1 ud tl:arotrD 01 BITd., Newport Beaell. na TustiD AveDIJI bttweeoP&cllle and lbt same sba.ll be etfectiTe tbe lfOUDd. Ybu'e IOIDIOD8 bad pitted 1C» OD I taJlare toiiJI)el.l Coul Hlgbway ud AYODstreet. SO dl'/1 after tbe date of U. atteOIIIUd to 1:u'D It • • , His -.rvn.al , .,GrecorJColYin.Zl f ree P•rkiDB ht. fJOul Tile Arcade at tbe ...Wb'OIId ,_... VW ~ bad beta tuoo IUid ol 10Z E. llaJ, AJ11, 7, ~ 300 W. Cout Hwy. of ZZIId Street. 1'h1$ orrH•oee wulDtrodlleed reptaeed. •ltb u okl OM, •We -.ru a.rresttdoo a fallwre to IP-Newport S..dt (e) Zooa Tbree. Central Aft-al a replu' meetmr of tbe Clty puked at tbrt eMruce to Ba:r pear n.rn.ot • , • Jamn Wei:Jb T•lephotte: 6.c2· 0844 nue ..... .., VIa ()porto IUid Colmcll of !be City o1 Newport lslud, oo!DIItmo botw ... AprU Uld lllcbael -Y. lit S41b l ========= Newport Bl.y. Beaeb beld oo tbe '7lb dLJ ofl ud ?. aid Robert Cury, St., West Newport, •eat to bid 1~ (d) z-Four. Bay A no• be· AFU. 1969, Uld wu a....,odon ZS lle.J [sWI!I • , • wUbout locl<lll( lbo -door; IIUILDIHG COMT RACTORS tweeD Adami street IUid Palm tbe Z8tll day of Aprll, 1969, Ill' !A tile mcrnlDc !bey-tbelr Stroot. the followlncfOie, ID wit: • TUESDAY, APRIL 8 wallets bad beeDolr-oi$9S Ocean Front between Me-AYES, CO tn(CIUIEN:MciDall, Tbt Roetwfll Veodlnc Co. of • , , Pacific Te~ Co, cola Fadden Place aDd utb Street. Sbelton, Puaoaa, Yarablll. SaDta Aa riJI)Ortld co1D boles box recECJl;aeles S$0 ud 5" REMODELING and ADD ITIONS Palm Street between Bay A"-Ropn, Hlrtb,. Gr\lber. lor e1prttte macb!Ms at tbe at 35S E. Cout HWJ., Mnpcrt nue aDd the Urst alleJ K~u-NOES, COUNCII...MEN: Nooe lrTIDt Cout CowltrJ Club bad Beacb, •ere robbed ot $$1.&5; • 'REf ''-•"' U:RVt c £ therly of BUbo& Boulevard, ABSENT COUNCILMEN: Nooe beta rollbed ol $58,40 ard IJid tbe receptacle at ZOl E. • "IUE ESTIMATES Lido Park DrlfO betwoon Z8tll Doreenllarsball $IO.'IO; IUid !be colo maeblne at Coast Hwy.ns..-ot,IU5 532 ·5949 street Uld Lafayette AYOD,., 11a1w l lllllst.,and W.OcoanFroDI,Cen-, . , lll!rii>J lbo Dtpt bollcapo Wubln)llon street nortberlyol ATTE>'T: tnl: N-bad --worth 110 wero sto..,; from~ AMERIC4H Bay An.... LauraiAC)os of$5UO ... streetuptlftl't Ford !A a c:arpon, docllred CONSTRUCTION CO. (o) z-FifO. VIa Udo City c...... -IIPolarlaDr.udWIJIIo.. WUUd Voo Ga!ltotl,101tllac:k. bttweoa Newport Bolllonrdlllll PubilatJ, ll.•y 1116S, tn !be cUll, IIIII SOil II«DDnc Star, lDpam WootcWI •• , Lido tsle Brldp. Newport ~lvbOr Dovlf Sllorll • •• Rtc:lllrdLa-.r-Kar• UOI W. Oceu COMPLETE FUNERALS ,_ '245 COMPLITI FUNEUL AND IUIIAL CINTEI 11J ...... ,-6177 ~1~ Frcm $130 From $-C6S :tmmmr .tlltmnrial •••••PI (;er ·eca,-··~ ia 0. Betamfal ,.,. .. Bee•• tbie fuaera1 md buill c:Mer CI)OOeft elin¥ptes the need fot proceaioos duoDgh bMJ· taf6c oo ovuaowded hipways, family mel frinwk alike may now p&J their full reo tpedl br .,.,..,..ins the buill ~ u well u tile chpel~t~wice, aD It oae llc_,•tiNl pllcz. It -Gilt ... IliOn G)dftftici!Cir. ••• _,_ •ACM aw.. wa•••a• 714TWII 2 IMI1 • CALL DA\' Olt MIGHT • R-DEUII. AIIIITIDIS UCEISED I -~~~~ FREO H. GERWIO: JCY G.I4M.N 67341WI -S41'· 2171 s..-. .. c--t ---c-..... ....... •• k ....... ... ........ c -........ u ... ...... n... .... FUllERS Fill ~ OCCASIOIS DIM.I r.- HAL AEBISCHER .!!:rl ,_., A•Rt Atr1NII ,_ E. Co.., H.,, c.-....... 61WJ33 • HEAL TN IISORT ~~~ ::r .. ~-l .............. Iii-. •• 1 ..... ~ ........ ..................... .....,.,,, .......... ............................ o COSTA YEU. S49-3l68 • OIIAMGE o AH4HEIII • HUHTIHGTOH BEAOI 842·1451 639-2441 826-0311 673-5822 Penlaa R1111 CleaniiiCJ Works CLEANING & DYEING All MAKES OF RUGS • WALL-TO-WALL CARPETING .... _ .. _. __ AIJ __ .__ ...._#E'N 10 a •• 32110 E. C..et Hwy. Cllll ,,_ . • P'lo.IIIT & IIAIIOI P'AMT & WA&.LPAI'II PlltJIIIUtiJ -Ootdl lilly Pllllls • Cllllllil. llot U,OOO j.~o, TTENIS OF .U.PAI'EII ., ........ . c. ..... .. ....,.,.~.lkiW " .... 9-.rulu , l nt•r~or Plant• Trop,col & T, .. , ln••dcu:les ancl Fertilit.-r S&H Gr.., StOMps nu:r m 'tn :Rr COitONA DEL liAR !lft:asorY l744 E. C'...t w.,., .,,.. .. • l'lllloiiiiiG ----·-·---iiNIIIIntll A.R. MARSAC I'U.'IIIU J,l t C_., ati,.._ Aw., ('u fl..._& ..lei Uu 1'1-....... I>AYA .. (Jff WATEIIIIIiATl!lll 67Wl~ I I C TC :U19 E. COAST HWY COROMio. DR. lllo.R . • SHOE REPAIR MABERRY "S Shoe Repa or Purse and L~ge Aepatr -Dye Wcwlr. S&H Sf AM'S ONE DAY SERV1CE 1890 H•tbcw 81¥d. eo., ...... -.,. •l3 •• -. .. ue r • S.wlng M.dll•• S.mce REPAIRS .. 4 SERVICE e..., ..... 4 •ulltl•tl a •• -ou -Adi .. , Dfthery Senice AY•il•We SEW IIEE IT SIIOP'PE !7U E. COAST RW'Y. CO RON A DEL WAR Tole,.,_., 675·6564 (Ac:toM .... fl .. C .. w .. ) • Q1T OF IIIWOIT ILUll, CoUJFOIIIIA IIO'IICII: lllft'IIIIC ... . ff:LQ •01 .tit .. fMIII-' • 6o oflce of 6e Chy a ... , s. I L 11..,.... ..... Callkl .... 111 JOlOO ....... •• ., •• ":t. lMt, ........... ., will " .,.. .. -· .. ,,... .......... _ Q)NSTJIUC110N OF STKEETUCB'PS ON IRVlNE AVENUE FROM CABRILLO STREET 1'0 OOVER DIUVE CONTRACT NO. 1207 No ~id wiJJ be Meehe4 eel"• it Ia ••de oe a proposal fo,. fa,.lotr.e4 •r die Pa.IJe Wort• 0.paJ1aeat. EK .. biil •••• b>e ecc,.....IH '-1 e.q, eertlfled c:•oek or Bhllhr'a Boad .ada ,.!wQie &. tllo City of Newport Beech, fot u a.aoaat aq .. l to .t •••• 10 ,...ceat of tlae ..... ,bid. no doca•nta lec:laded •11•1• ,,.. ••• , •• bide wiliela reqalre co.pletioa •d uantios are the followiiJI; (, -Pro,.,..l 2. Paae I -DeeiF••Ioa of Seb-c:oaltlictora 3. Peae 4 -BWde,-e Botul 4. P•1• 9 -N--eoll .. Joa Alfid..,it 5. P•1• 10 -C-lnlctor'e Fiuacial S~atu Tile docv-••• elroall "'• •lfi•ed wit. ~e •rrropriate ei~etoree aad titlee of tile per.ou elpi•& oa IH!h of tlroe bidder. For ~'/oratloaa, tile aipatarea of 1he ttreaiJ.tff or 'II-Jt,.affl.."" • Sec~ or Aaala,.,., S.c,.,.,., are reqoired aad the Cor• porate Seal ahall tie alfiud to all doco•eala req.iria1 aipa- tarea. Ia lila c:ae of a pai'Uiera!lip, tlae aipatare of at leaat oae 11e~ral partaer ia reqvired. All bi.i:l. are to be c:o•pared oa the baaia of the Earl .. ar'a ea1imate. The e.ti•aaed q.aatitiea are approli•ate oaly beias Ebell gives Scholarships tthea aolelr, •• a baar. lor tlae c:omp•i .. a of bid a. ' No bid will be ac:c:epted fro• a Coatrac:tor who haa aot beea liceaN~d ia aceordaac:e with the ptoviaioaa of Chapter 9, Divi- aioa Ill of Ouiaeaa aad Proleaaio11"' Code. The Coatracaor a••ll atau~ hia li ceaae cHamber ud claaailicatioa ia tlle propo-aal. Sebolarshl&l awardl were presented at the May 1 hmcheon and Installation m&etln&: ol tbe Newport Beach Ebell CIW at tile Ebell Clubhouse 1D Balboo. Pl~a, Special Prv ~i•~oQa, qd Coatract Docuu~ata may be obtaaaed at the Pablac: Worka Oepattll'leQt, City Hall Newport Oeacll, Califoraia, at DO coat to licea•ed coatracto~. A aoQ- refaadable c••rl(a ~;~I 12.00 .,.·ill be required for each at"t of plaa:a special Provi aloDa, 1111d COQtract docu111eata lor othera aha~ lic:eaaed conuactora. h j,. reque,.ted thai the p/qa aDd apecial proviaiona be returned within 2 wed:a after tle bid opCDinr. The City of Newport Beach reaenoes the rijJht to n!ject u y or ail bide .. d to waue aay informality ia auch bida. Mrs. Janice HoU and Mrs. Grace Tbom:;>son, nursing stu .. dents at Orange Coast College, each received $200. Suzie Hen- derson, also trom OCC, was awarded $100 to further ber musical career In stnetng. Ia accordaace w!lh the provlaioaa of Sectioa 1770 of the La~or Code, the City Coua cil of the City of Newport Buch b a aa- cenaiQed the teaer al prevailias t11te of per diem ••sea iu the loca/itT io wh ich the work ia to be performed for each craft or type o workmao or me chaQic Qeecled 10 aaecate the coatnct u d baa aet fortllro lheae itema ia Reaolalioa No. 6519, A copy of aa id Reaollltioi. ia evaileble ia du: office of the Cily Clerk 111 the City of Newport Beach, Angels Tosti tromCorooadel Mar High School and Patricia Paine from Newport Harbor High School each received $125 to cootlnue their education. ·n..e followios ie the ach ed~ale of prevaili~as wese retea, 1968-69, for • selective list o f c:lasaifieatiou. Toset.ber with the i~afonn.tioo ioclllded in the Reaol~atioo No, 6519, thie achedo le is to br-coosiderrod a pan of these coottact •peci- ficatioo.s, Prt vaili~ag Wege Rate.s -1968-69 Cloulflc.tlon (S•I•o:tl"• Ll•tlntJ Carpenters Cemeol \!aaoo. Jou rueymao Labore 111 Ge11eral or Cooatructio~a Aaph•lt Raker & lrooer Fl•pao G11loe• O.aaer Laylas of all~aoo-meta llic pipe Too.oel Claaeifieatiooa \'ibratonnao., Jack Hammer, Poeumati c Too.la (ueapt driller) Operoflrtf Ert9lnewa Ollar IUi d aisnalmeQ (Groop I) Skiplo•dar (Le .. 4/5 yd.) (Groap 2) Rodman aod Cbai~ama.o. (Gro~ap 3) lutrumeatmu (Groap 4) Grade Checker {Croup 5) Puerneat+bruker operato r {Croop 5) Grade,..ll oper•lor (G roop 6) T-•'-r• Damp Truck Oriver (Leas Lhao. 4 yd.s,) Waler u.clr. driver (2SOO sel. to 4000 sel,) 8vllfl4 ... _.~ c.,.t"'ctl ...• .....~ •• Bricklayer & Stoae Maaoa Electrician Joaroeym•o Wireman Lather P1iaters Joaroeymen -spra y Pipe trades Plomber (5/J/64} 5.33 5.13 3,97 4.18 3.97 4.05 4.28 4.695 (1/11611 .... 4.92 5.16 5.27 .... .... 5..16 (5119161 ) .... .... (5/J/NJ .... (1/J/61} 6.75 (5121161 } 5.08 (1/J/H J 5.79 Any claa.sificatioo omitted herein shall be &.e preveilias cr•ft rate, Overtime, Su o day end Holiday rate• are at prev1ilioe craft t11te1. CI TY OF ~EWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA Lear. La,Po•, City Clerlr: PUBU~: \t lr)' 9, 1969, in the :'<J ~wpo rt Ea.si p Mrs. Dale Mowry, 2nd vice- presldeot of the Orange Dis- trict ot Federated Women's C lubs, conducted tbe instal- lation of omcers. She g1tted each board member with a May basket brimming with apple blossoms, topped by varl .. colored birds perched oo the handle. There was a white doTe ot peace onthebuketpreseoted to Mrs. L. H. McBride, wboac .. cepted the pnl ot president from Mrs. Clayton Thompson. Mrs. L. W. Jenks was l.nsta.l .. led as first vice-president; Mrs. Harry Goetz, 2nd Ytce .. president; Mrs. Franll: Merkel, 3rd vice-president; Mrs. James A. Barkley, recording secre .. tary; Mrs. C. R, Forbes, cor- responding secretary; Mrs. Ra; Nielsen, financial secretary; Mrs. Charles Kelley, trea- surer; Mrs. Leon RIJdd. audU and budpt; Mra. Rtadolpb Vanasek, parliamentarian. WIMlng hooor s as Ebell chairmen tor 2-year terms were Mrs. ThomJ.s Beckwith, publlclty; Mrs. P. J. Wilson, reservations; Mrs. Archie Brown, amenities, and Mrs. Nell W1lliams, emblems and seals. ·YOUTH CUT BY GLASS ReallzJng that he had neglected to put money In the parkJ.ng meter, Glenn Frlebert- shauser, 19, of2820SerangAve., • "" ___________________ ..,\ Costa Mesa, beganrunntngback to hls car, lost hJ.s balance and tell through a wlndow at 619 , E. Bay Ave., Balboa, Aprll12. He was treated at Hoag Hospital tor seYeral large lacerations on his lett arm. INTEREST DAY-IN to DAY-OUT NO BANK CAN MATCH IT! NO SAYINGS au LOAN ASSOCIATION CAN BEAT IT! ASSETS OVER 1425,000,000.00 • MUTUAL SAVINGS CORONA DEL MAR 2167 fist Coat H~. Corot11 Def MM, c.Jif. 92625 tefephoftt: 675-5010 --JII I.~ INd. .......... Calif. 91101 ............. 2145 ASKS RECOGHITIOH The Newport Beach Pollee Employees Assn. has asked tbe City of Newport Beach to re .. cognl.u the association as tbe oerotiaUong representative tor all employees within the pollee department, President Leo Konll:el stated that all employees would conUnue their member- ship and stWOrl ot the Newport Beach City Employees Assn. LEGAL HOTICE -- NOTICE TO CREDITORS SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE COUNTY OF ORANGE No. A.62470 Estate ot ADELE CLARE BAR~!t.. also known as ADELE C. BA.tUtY, Deceased. NOTICE L') HEREBY GIVEN to the cr editors of tbt &bcrre ~amed decedent th&tallperiOIII baYlDg cla.Jms ap1nst t.be said decedent are required to f1le tbem, with tbe neceaur YOU- chers, ln tbe ottlce of tbt cl.,.ll: of the above eatttled court, or to present them, wttb tbe Qt .. cessary Youcbers, to tbt llldw .. 1111*1 ate/oT-uE.Helfer- -.o, Attoroey It lAw, S50 E. Senoteemb Street_ Slidte ZlO. Costa Mea, Cautorn11. taa:7. wbleh l.s tbe place ot twhrn of tho-ot-ID&UDIIIIoro pertalDIJI& lo tho -of aid dee-, •IUIID Ill -lftor till ftrot(lai>Uc:allooolado DOl leo, Datocl Aprll 17, IIM9, FIWICIS KELLY FruelllloliY E--of lllo WWollllo -·-dee--~.-... --_,. at Law, 1150 I . 8e'f I tt -. -110 c-.-. ca--. -"· Nl 1110, Alloot..,. -~--• -: AprU 14, 11aJ I, I, II, ""· II till II~ lllr--~ ..... TIILLI ta Till ..-. Mil uu ,..,.. eomm..etr, ltllt, Ud ... b&ltiMd • a lliDt I'Oekor '-d, II lilt Umo o1 lilt -...,. lloo. ,...,_ -w -• IDid " ••• 1o 1101 will a 1o Ill ••••• "-!Polio~ ..,.., ..... "" ....,_ au '"" Yllal -n1 ..... • ... , If, W-odlJ. at 8 p.m. • ••• lloo'l lo<lll 11-111 001110a.t.c1 .,_, IAPoa -. • llfiTilmN • • Dar ...nc. Mar 10, P'tldlrat CODYIOiloallllll. POll It! wiJi lo<ID&IIY-IO a.m. hcllle Vllwll-111 lloylf, W-ocllJ, I p.m.-~ -borl o1 111o Pool •bo Parle. BE TIIUEI Po.t tMetloo of oftletn m tbt blft ...., bMD lormally lD· Tbat'e all A:Jr ..,.. ,_. IIM9-19'10, ductod IIIIo 111o Am•lcu Le-Cbltrlo,-TED. ALL HANIIi, BE THERE! ~ 11aJ 17, SaturclaJ,atlp,m, • • • • Wbllo tho ,..._ 1'111 IIIWatlce lflll be eoodue- otnees are m~~eb .,u&bt after, ted by tbt tetb Dlltrlct Ritual there are othtl ,, ........... ,ost .. Ttam ot tbe 40 aDII8. All DtW Uooa oo commUtna. • deltp-IDd walaltlattd member• art tloos I bat olleo 10 beaiDI 6>r urpcllo be bore at tho Poll lbal someo• who 11 wtllln& &Dd DJ.pt. T .... ctremoa.rtanrrtm- ablt to line 1n Ill)' CIPlCUJ. J)l'llsiYt ~ ~lllD U1 I ne Yery proudtbatatthttlret Jorm. EYerJOMwboattiDdlwW Poat tleettoa I atteoded I wu come a'n)' teeltnr rededicated nominated aDCI HrYed as Post to the prtoclples tblt tollDIMd 811'pant-at-&rma tbat year and prese"td our creat oat1oD UDder Cdr. Sam Mitchell. To be tbroup the years. a delegate to the Z9tb DLstrlct • • • BA L1Z MOR TUARIES 1741 IUP IIUOI AYf.. C:OITA MISA llldw&J .. Z4Z4 JIW I. C:OMT NfWA Y CO-A DB. MAl ORiolt J-9450 llrlc• lt4l COSTA MESA WJlfNERS-EICbt aerlcuUure stOOeots from Costa Mea ll1cb Sebool ue wt.oaers of Ora.op (;ouMy farm project compettUoa ....,-.red by tbe Future Farmers ot America ul Security PacUlc Natiooal Bank. SboWn with tbel.r qrleultllre --. JobD A. Bostoo (staodlDg at rlgllt), are lilt """doc ot_, (koeeUnc. !rom left) Terry Sebllmao, Loooiard Doao Buckley, Mike Spears, aod lllVId Eyre llorttriC; (otaadlDr, !rom left) BIU LIO>!s, Debbie Tbtrta Talblrt, Butua. Frick aod Tony Freeman. Js important. especially at the American Legion Yacht Club :;;::;;;~;;;:;;;;=;;:::; state conventJon, whlcb will be board meetLD.a: May 15, Tburs-r beld this year 1D San Dteeo. day, at 8p.m. Allyouyachtctub Tbere is a loog IJ.st ot otncers t)'pes be on hand for this one. and deleptes to be tbo5en for • • • the comlnc year; come and help • OON'T FORGETS • • . choose •••• Youmilbtbecbosen .. Don't forget Mother's COSTA WUA yourself U W'&Jlt to &erYe Day, May 11. Nooe ofus were BUG AT IVERS FAHTAS'nC J'LAC(! • • • • - "BUG·A·WHAr'1 I ' GRAND OPENING OF IVERSON'S NEW PAD! It's finally happened to Newport Beach (and to the world)-a genuine. honest-to-goodness BUG-A - BALOO! Nobody's ever had one before but, it was bound t o h appen . and Iverson thought of it! Iverson's "pad" is his brand new Volkswagen building which is the largest and m ost beautiful in the United States. Conce ived with an artistic flair . it houses the very latest in service and diagnostic equipment. and is a perfect showcase for dis· playing the latest changes in the Volksw&gen line (that is, if you can spot the c hanges). A FREE BUG! During the world 's first BUG-A -BALOO. Iverson will give away a spadding new 1969 Volkswagen (otherwise known as "The Bug"). All you have to do is pay us a visit. If you've never been to a BUG·A·BALOO, now is your opportunity to be among the first! At the BUG-A -BALOO, you'll see the latest in Vofkswagens and Porsches, within a layout the likes of which you've never seen tlefore! BUG-A ·BALOO refreshments await those that CARE to see something different! Now's the time to put a "Bug" in your house! co.