HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-05-15 - Newport Harbor EnsignI . ' ~ ...... , ... I.IW> .. "~··~.-..c--· -- 0 -l -- CotttHTHIAM 'YA.CWT c•ue "" ., YlilOPM ... T ALL READY for the May 24 and 25 clean-up and beautifica- tion drive ln Corona del Mar ls thl8 well-armed foursome, from lett, Vicki Black, Mi88 Corona del Mar; Hal Aebischer, clean-up chairman for the Corona del Mar Chamber of Commerce; Jessie HID, executive secretary of the Chamber, and Bob Bartholomew, publlclty chairman. City trucks w111 make special pick-ups during the 2-day clean-up, which 18 sponsored by the Chamber in cooperation with the City of Newport Beach. (Ensign photo.) N.B. VOICES OPINIONS I CITY STRONGER OIL BAN .c. ECT -o" o• a. ...,,,., .... L>M 011 •"lo"""ll ...... ~. ~ • .,.<:o,..:x:.o.o O'&t;l~.,..., ' - r~~e -eo.-110~ -· lllo "-'-Cllr c.....u_ .. ....., •• P\aaDIDc Com•t..W dllllll tl ,......, .,. ........ .., - mariaa ud rwlcleH•' - wuo ... r.rlllecl. Tb. c.-eo.-- moulJ 1D llwar oiR-lr11 ' 1 >o: lo< a C-1-H por<ol oa .. bo-alooc Boy-Dr~ 110-tw-lllo Ba1baa Y-CIIIIIIIII Ballla C«IDiblu Yadlt Cll*, dlreclly ..,_-L1111o lo,. laod. • Branch Head Bill Says: .; a-s.-t 11r. N ·,.., .. ~,:5 • ,.,, 11 -·" to : .. _ 0111 --.a • r u r .. •• 11 .. -~~"o...-no do 'II lr-"· ~·.::o:·; :: ....... IIQII F*-7 -Ill LUtftw~~--·.u. rdeadl?sl __ .............. ~ ..... .,. 1111 "-'•., NOW 1'HAT WOMIN A• AU IQUAI.... g::o=l'r'!':\:'::.:: ~~:.~-=;.,~cit-=•Lc:;;.~::: 'IIIIOPftCIAL MIWIPAPII -lo .. -~~~ 111111111 -··-., ........ -Or. -dloldo'lo-OP Till an Of MWF.T IIACII Tbe aDti-clltcl'imiD,tioD laWJ aod J'UiiDtl. hope II will litewlM be: ~ that tbrt a.. Ill ....._,, pr.alt*K Gil JOIIOt ........ h&allf .,; &..lr' ....... t1 ..,_. r r•• ,.11 made pM.riiJ to pnlleCI 1111<1<1. a1oo c1oe1on women hove to-....,. -roq.u.o--G1 -. wu .,_--llo 1.-...., II 1111 God, Ia-Iller 1r111, ullo TBI HAJUIOII AUA'S o,srr N ...... D !hat-. ... , be IllY ditcriaolootlool ... lnot demanded of ...... For ......... If ...... -~ I!' IIJ ..,. 1111 -· trlllllr ......, --"',.. OOdcriiiiiDr .. _.., OlfiM _.pl ... ,._ .. ,._ '-ip ... wa... an)'bodx bec:a111e ot ICX. "'1MJy have already aoina 1o be ••equal" and be pennlu.d to jo6n ..... •114 It clltaiU..IM-ot.....Ca ......... lnt ......_ mt L c.-..,., C... ..a lllr C.W. -fl6lS.. touched off a llltriel o1 euu1 cue~ by womco ROTC unittiO Jet military QOQ!tmillioal (a .-. Jud. .l&a~~CIIIr.:lltrtr .. caart. ••tac ., .... 1 *•• _. ....._ ....,..,.-. re. • ud TILIPIIIIMit &JM-(lweo c.M 714) -~ wbo ,_,. tbcy uo..,. pttinl equal ceot development lo 11 -three collepo), Tile ...,.. Gl lit. PWlly'l-IIIII-Ill •• 1,.....:, .. _ ........ M otarw. lil- T--..... _... E-M Ia .. .-1 ,.. t:;•M opponuaity witb mea oo t1ae job then why dtscn .. 'min~tc ~ lhem by deftyiaa_ • • .... tn.l ~~.!'a ~-• • ......., I. II an:' -It tDIU IIIIU'•• .. _,.. ---~· ..,__,.,. ,._ I , WA ' At·--......._: ot •• , . ., t"' ·-ot ·~ ~~ ,., .... _._ ...... -DIG .. -----__,......, _, ,_...._. t. die Ctly., ,._,_. a..ci. _. tlllll ..ty ally -two women ecn.-.1-..... maJOf ln'~<m '""' prm...... ,.... -u.--....; JWIVI -.--. .. w., tM)IIII._ ..... tD Pt.....,_ Jftaa to n ; e ........ f!!J•• ......... i• q. ... part ...... c .. a ..._ tetepliooe com~oy haw broup& ehaqel that of '"areelinp" from Uadc S... and a cbaDCe ott-..WW ............ tD tile -cwalltt read!• ....... WWdl to tM ~ At., MJ'4._! _..,, ... n.•f· s.eo..t ct..,.. .. ,.S4 they wuc paaod O¥U f« promodoa. aimpty to die for their country? Why lbouJd it be thai: C......, R......._ ao.'l do411»1ad:ll , e•'-•._.. n. ..._,1M tllllr t8let. • eo.-•• ... CaUl. I · beeauae they ww:re women. Wheo the company we forever till oft tho ""tower of our youq l-a..41)' tlroellcllt' !.-It cld a. pra.. It lllrd W. u tlilt Po.t oa1o1 ~ T.ft NIOWCAT IAIBOI EXSICM •• Mj..._. to M • •••· poir.tcd out in ooe cue that tbe job demanded manhood'' in all thne wan and leave tbe fe-lOt ...... ~. Melllttre. b • lallJ ltlledl a.t tbtWCII'dilllld '.t .....a eire .. • loa ~y c..n Mc:ne rto. A-10171 ... 4 tbat u.e' wortcr routinely lift "*h. of up to 85 male flower children to coatinue bloom ina? Ill prtdlcted ..-.aldqa atO. Dr. Mdltl:n ....., niUid tiMI. ,-t.ck. 1151. Ia s.-&or Cowt lot tt. eo-,. of Or .... , Sa•• of and ~ -~ t"' l'tt'' lad I ·-' .. -"" . ,_, Fair's b it! wbiD C.,..,, T•..ce O'K.W. tllllt na.Ja,n..a.Mr.~ ut .. --~~·.o•e lor ·~•Ill•••• _. t, ._..., 1 .imed t llbUM all,p.a.Uc 7V pou--. IK: 1 ~~~~' Y """"'~ qutc~y --4-1 r~ -MM.~ to ..W wdll ..... r.... .I .... ------ie.-'1 r;---1 • 1" 0 P demonatuted that abe could lift wdJhts ot that And why ahouldn't thole femaJet oow in tM ~ .. -• • .a h• ..., .--... ncopltloB. of God u a pdM Mit ~~ -· ud Ptabl ._, pounda,e and even heavier So what'• a com the military aervica be required to aet a crew-...... ttat tbl J'ro*Mtt"' Ill--bit ODCe • IIIOatll, 111111 tbll llil .., 1lllliiU:ilc' tbl !l1&t.t JGII-o ~~A .... ~.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.~.·.~MOCI•• ~itcw pany to do? . • cut, or at least cut their hair 10 it doan't bane ~-woald be nle&Md bribe ~ ..... ~ ;'l'Al ~a llbll WUIIIII'__.._, ... IUIICitPTION IATU A wbok lot of people a~ coocemcd about over their ean and down their noet? That'd be .,.._ ---.. .._ d1lc _._. dtllY .. td ill Ida Ia BarW ANa: 0.. ye•, U .OO; 2 ,. ... 17.00 child labor and wane to put a atop to il. But il about as equal at anythiq. W~' ._ rtjDtced at tlte ~ llfllrtd tla.._,Pit tdaooa. ._. ~ oa a.d&J, MaJ o&. 0. of ......_.AN-.; 0.• ye•. 15.00; 2 ye-. 19.00 seems nobody is any 1onJer concerned about Another way I hope they will decide that dmelJ' aet:loB of ..... pr1IDe "• lilt U * a.od 1PU lilt ol He G&rl a .-etaJ. padDit OOD-~c:>oaooo-oooa~ lady labor. The declaratiort that women must women should be equal it 10 have tbt:m take mini .. , ud tlw•bd God I:Jr tbe belt. lila latl.ltb wulm-tamiDr tlda -~a~ <71. ..etlf " -"¥ ARVO E. HMPA, owner and ·publisher of the EnsiCJ"' ~0"0~000 BUY CALIFORNIA GRAPES It is aadcommentaryonpolltical explol· tatlon of children to read about a "demon· stratton" by youngsters chanting ''hate grapes'' and promoting a boycott of Call· fornia table grapes. The baste issue is that Cesar Chavez and biB union organizers have not been able to convince the Delano grape pickers to Join their union voluntarily, Now they are trying to do it by force of nationwide boycott, whlcb is illegal under federal law. Wages are not an issue, because the California grape pickers are among the blgbest paid farm workers in the United states. Therefore the issue is freedom of cbolce for both the picker and the grower, as against the reacb for power by Cesar Chavez and his United Farm Workers. We all have a stake in the battle, because surrender bere to Chavez will open the way for·more surrender later, less free- dom, blgber cost for food products. Tbere is something we can do, and that is to J1uY California grapes at local ~j~. '11benever grapes are in season. • .. • • • Sour Grapes Boycott (Pro. the SlhiJtt Au R•ti$tcr J J4&Dy pubUcatioal aad TV Aad "lOUr lf&pes" wu the DeWIC:Uta may b.lve livea tbe way tbe Salt Lab City Deeert t m pre a 1 to a tblt tbe lfape News-Tdep'am dMcribed it.: - --1w --"Such -"' ,_. spread .upport tbrotJChout the u am United States. trade il deartJ a eue ol aour A u.mpliug o1 newspaper e:fi. ltll*· Utlka tbat eu't per- tonal co~DD:~e~Jt abows it aiD't IWide worten to joirl. them YQ&.. DeCSUrily 10. Evea. iD area UDtari1y' lbouldD't be allowed to where tmiellll are JtronC -aDd force them to joiD." ........... tbc Uoited Form TbO ............. bf Ceur Worten Oraanizinl Committee Cbna aDd tbe ullioa were c»- il put at tbe An-CIO llld 1w ocribod u "uallir" bf 1111 BiJ. boeo -both moral llld I> IJop !MODI.) -· ''Cboos lWidal ._. "' 1111 porsot ""' urwoc .... 111eo puolo1toc lll'liDa ~ are ap ·,.. for s dated lbop -to farce cl doubt. JJ'IPII WOi.. iDto tbe 1IDiDD 1be Detroit P'ree Preas, for wbetber tbe7 nat to jaiD or tnstance , commented : "T be not ... If tbe worbn iD CaJj.. boycott is not a campajgn to fOillia cu otpJlile 1IDdrer the raile ,.ges, Jbow concern for law, fiDe. But to eoelft g~owas migrant workers or ret more iDt.o aceeptinc unionization by pr<Jtective legislation ror farm destroyiDg their marketa: is aD workers. What it is &Okly is a unfair t.ctic -ooe to be a. drive to force grape pickers to demned," Rated the Goette fld.. join a union to which they don't itorial. WIOt to belong. Tbe IM!r·aD view-4aking iDto Or c o D 1 i d e r the question ecaideratioa what aucce&~ by raised by the Rochester (N.Y.) Cbaft!l aad the Uf'WOC would Times Union: "U ao maDJ meu for tbe Dal:ic:D u a whale craipe pid:en do oot waat a -,.. •+•wlo""ed by tbe Arte- tmicm. why should ~ 1M Dmlotnt f1l Ltttle Roct: boJeoU IP'Ipel --aiXI u.. dea:y ''II t'bnel il u:c•Pal. lt wiD tbe pid<n their ---qllilo olmply, -...., limpi:J to suppc:rl a drift for tllbtt Chat AmertaDI eat .. --ond--..,. -will--Aaol odoooo I -IIIey 111 .. rojoelell." ~ IIIII--..... 'l'!le St. Paid fMiDD.) PioDew do ICit hoe la .. apbllt ~ Prell ua:luded tbat ·-n.,a.,-palaorJ ••••• ., .. .,. ..... eott, tf ~. wou1d CICJIDo iD ArbDiu, tt wiD allo mea pe1 1111 sropo .,._, "' olp 111ot ...uu-· " qrio:alloa'al c:1o1oo1 -c:oatnc~o, tbenb7 -ta• wm be -to 1111 -tho pick ... 1olo tho_, --...... --. -llloy-.. je<W." It .. -· ... --Tbo ADoopolla (lid). Capital Cal1lonol.--.... '--ldeatllled the boveott • "A 1 ~wart l.w wbk:lt ...... 111 fon:e U. lfOWW to -w elln..,Me tbt campa...,. (111ft the .....or to jolll tiJe f..tln fl .... .., 'J'taoe la DO -.. • • p;asquilitl to ..n-_.. )""""".U. fer ford:al """ -WI .-... 1111 wtlolo --lo joloo I -ILl 1 _. ... _,. bOIIIod tile opilol WI wiD --II Ill ..,_-•• """"'lilt • -tile --.. ., ... -· ...... --. I ....... be allowed to do anythin& a man doel is fri&bt· their hats off every time they enter a bu.Udin&-tM ...... proceclara Widell paired lid M Jolt 14 po.s. 11'11* ncard ol tbl Bible HI- coin& to some of us okl Iuddy duddtei. We That should be started ftnt with a lett cue iD !Didt 1&11 PataltJ a tree aau, .,._e llil WU ......_ diDf tpUodl, aat a ptctwe ol just don't believe it will work in every inslaooe. a church or tbeatrc--40 people sittina bebiDd Dr, lrkJIIt1H toot oeeallon to Dr. ~~~ did -;t-tilt tM tuUIUtl:lfRMU'tdlroiiU.. How Jooa before some crusadina IOU.l pn> the airls would for the ftrst time be able to tbl..lt U. IHt:Dberl ol bU r..-o ~ tMl I I ' 1ld to ~ to tbolt wiiO eolltrlblltld tests that .. separate but equal" rest rooms is see the: preache'r or the performaace. a~ wbo wrote to Qaau uprtu tat. cratltldt ~ ,!-to bla ndloprocn.m.l'lnMHrM unc:omtitucional? ADd how will our Supreme Next in line sbould come tips iD 1wanky E WJt, aMiDe blr to-btl' tMior'albl ol Dl " ... a . Ia ID&J' be lilllt to tM JOtb ClllllrJ CoW1 rule on that ooe7 (Certainly this would restauranl~ and clubs readin& .. Ladtea muat royal prtroptll't of Cf&lldlrl tbe brqllmac Cod, wldcla ue Reform&tioD 111M' ColllftCI- d . .. cii.....,J lo tile ....,.._ lbo IIIII --II tile Blbll, ~ N 1 -101 ' result in no embarrassment to the ladies, since wea~ c~ts an t1ea. . putar llld to efllct b1l re .... ud an 1~ Ia GtNrl'l 1; ·-. • • -• they already reveal most of their secrets by It s teme lhe females llopped tak.ina on tbe from ·~-1 ....._ .. _ -. ~ Mclltire'l ~-,, d · bl' f h ,., •~ all p.-._ • ·-Y 'l'tl':! t a w ""m u. • the way t"'"y ress 10 po JC anyway--but the ~urna.me o I e men u.,..y marry, too. n.&~er , Oar 3'ft Dr. Bob WeU. of eloM Yldi!MJ ol tbt IDOOII oa ue rtPIMe wUb !Dter..U.,aat &iris could run into a aurpriK or two when 1n ~~~~ equal ~ountry of~ why s~ al! .An~btlm, wbo ~wltb "Tbe CtlrbtiDU e:to t9al, "'UN ;,.. llllll'mattt'e lulu. Eaelll CI!DI they view all the waH fixtures in the men's I he ~~~~ a~ cnmes of the )'OtllliCt ~bon fOlct of tratb ud freedom," ....,.._ p.n God erecut: b' --to bl btttl:ttbutr:-lut. room.) . -~h1ch, 11 .~ms, have fore~ bcea 10101 to ))lDtd wttb Dr. MclaUre lD mUlDe pouthle tbelt fl1&lll to ucl bl8 .....,... prn .tHew They not only have stopped. the airls from pot -be vtstted o:" the. fanuty of the. male Ji'f'iDc aid llld comfalt to Mr. tM-., aro-1 tbt ~ud ftfe a.ec IIU ~He~ rtdina side.-saddle (they stopped mating side-alone-alld ao aaa1nst htS teCCK,d? . PaialtJ dari.Dg biscoaftaemeat tbeD tact to lll1ll. c..std wltb apr'Citeittp1Mtbl saddles). but now they are insiatioa on female A~ for mysel~, peraonally, I m Just &lad I at bard labor 1D tbe Korotre He ..ed Gtbw woNt to acUoD ol a board r'IJI'II?n"DC racina jockeys. ("Watch out for lbat woman JOI under the wtre before tbe Supreme ~ lrtsb prlala. Dr. WeU. made a IIIII' ... btl p-at:tt.se a u.1 tbt N•Hcwl eo-en ol rider.") rules that the man must have half the bt.bies.-apeclal trfp to 11lJtc am dl; .. re~ oiU...,.. 'WIDI'dl ewe-. wbieb ~ • re- When all of this cqualizaboa it ldtlcd, I American Way Feat urn llYer«< a oamlAr ol.eriDOBilD to tM 11:a1ap aa.r tlleJ bad bet-. •bltloa OIIPOI'•c tbt uU..IJU.. l1ltlc mlql&l ayattm. He cal- led It tbt "81f41c'ard Qlttm," ud 1t 11 ... u IUled. It ..... • \ ·' I IIAY 23 AND Z4 baYI -proc:l.llmed PCIPPI' diJs. in recogntt1011 of tbe a.oonal ''WW )'OU wear a PCJIIPJ" ~ of tbe American Lepoo Alll1llary. Et&fll~Jear..Old Robin Sleeper, daD&lller of liz, llld II<L Carl Sleeper at !1114 Wallace st., Costa Mesa, tbe 29th District "Miss PowJ Girl." 1s pictured bere witll Mrs. Editb Moultoo o1 West- m!Jister, put presldeot ol lbe Newport Harbor Legloo AUJillary and tb1B year's PGWJ cbalrman. RobiD, wbo ns erC>Wlle<l at tile eoatest bold Ill Los Alamitos LecSoo Rail May 3, ls ooe of tbe JOCIDI8at jaDior members ol tbe Newport Harbor AullllarJ, (EDIIp -.) llpod "' -... 1111 -patdl of mlallM bal1l to collltenct 01' dMtroJ' U7 ICBM 'a, 01' atcCOIIdMatal t&IU.atle ml..t ... , Wlllcb U TEa Y«JbufWHk btlcb, Wblcb 11 a roeQODI, b' u bad IJr mJ pustmsm, oaiJ tMmJ mJct1t liRI at aa. It Ia for ol Poll 191. Oar tbo8l wbo enjoy u.t 1011 of worM. Tbt ladlel'ft1'e101doat Pll'tiJ a•' wtYtiDti.Art,., ...,., Gl Polot olllcero. tbJDc, Dlportwe Umol>r -, o1 ~~--e 1 p.m.l-llpod ID -.et oar eWu, • wu beld lut Dlcbt, May 14, port SuodQ' mon1Jac I.D)'Ume members o1 CJIW ... Poltcamt llld to an mtulona of llYM.. lDd we will bold tbt uual after ..ap tbat yoa feel able don ud u. tbl rNt of tbt Tbt com..,.. an aid to I.DJ.tlatJCID IDMtAC oa MQ' 1 ?, I.Dd Itt to lt. t.mbaraws JI"''W'IIDc ''Tbla CJIIPOM oar dn'eqQeat ol aacb this eomllc _, tdpt. All Coo word at ealllloo -.e, oort o1 tbJDc -• 0oo_..r a .,_, ..-, .__It memboro 1aUo lllollll IAcloo bud. TaU aloa( u -11 ·CJpna," -woold llll1ltJ or dellroy • &Dd Post 191 trdaput ,_,.aM ucbor, DDt 011t ol tbl• 'fttcb-Tbe natblrwudoedforer .. route u,y lCBIIs wbicb Raala Wbo ba•o 1101 -llrm&1ly lob ...-, moebo IIIIo llr cut llld cool all diJ lui -111.1&111 lire Ill u. Tile NCC ID1tlattd, tlda 11 D JOG, JCU' tJ1Dc down 1D flfM'JCCJDUinblt d&y. It wu motblr'l day leo. bcM.rd elalmtd JMtt"cattoD a ~lll&lllollboJ-. dlreetloo, llld IIWIJ, ....,, 1 cloo, -wbatltiiFiac 11111t r-lllloo, .__ u Till 1-"-will be """' 0>a01 I-I i1r IIIII 1Jpo G1 1o be UU -tile-Iiiii IIIIJ oald, It 111.1&111-o wllll cNeted bJ U. rllaa1 tt&m of tbt opcatioG. You wooldD't btU.. r..U, p:ld ud peapliiiU mJ-tbe "''"IC dlarmameat...,_ 191blllllrlet 40 llld I. Prior lo -,_. balwtMioplldepllll ~all -II tile lui llllallo HI-, ud ..........., 1o Dr. tile mMIIIc 1 flwlu lieU dlls job """ba ruiOid bJ 111o1 1llC~ --to como-. llellllro, 1boJ cUed tile n- -wtll be-bJ lbo I'QII. -&0 !1!111·-(!l,lbroop -111r a a-t, SoliD Hlka-G1 tile-- $&.50 I -r.-..il'oU ...,_ -. lollll·-· --lobafta-"-lniiJ u a lllp lonrd reqaaaltd P..._ can s,1Ytalf: RaA-IDa 'cu . be fill. tilt ,._ t.ernce.ID., .1..a1c a.... ..., dlarNm.,., , I'IJ.$010, -lrllod CU 111 .,.... -·· [IIIII' ...... I """' .... ol Till _, ........ -_,, 11&1 II, tile na. -~~ _,, 10 riiotoct ,._ rullora _.uor .. Ilion II ladlcllld lllol 1111 ABII ""' Dlltrlet bo!'• llld cttll 11111o rr....,_llllout. ...,-., _,. _..._ bW 111.1&111 _ .... .._ wW ba bald Ill Sula ADOibar tb11r W..U, !Did me A 1.,. -lollll-llld -II .............. lllol Ala -Ill. Biro aplD ,., tD ten Ill Poollt 291 members -Wbo pt "-' -a 111-11 •• II 1111 --oro r--.cau II lbat lip-"' ilrllll Yoellt I p.m ... WJ-,,Call,... WUDOI-Id.tlr-Coa)' TOOl II -17. Tbllolflllr Clab )lolo< aillDc (1<011'&111 r...-oo.--1,.. -.. eooldlll" -· II rllllJ I mall Ia!; all ,.ell l>r thl1 IUlllmor will beciD Ill tab oiiiDr -m (-lllolr _, ul Ill 1111 - oeU•IIJeo--llatoll 1111 Dill Yoclll Clab repllr bflllollaJ.)C&IlUDip.a.Too umo~~Yeo_.,.._IDDr.llc, OriiiCO c.-, IAcloo'Po.U. m..U.C. wbleb II-· llaJ llll&lllpt-GIIbolulal-IDilre bf wrtt1ac lo - • • • 15, at 8 p.m. Tbt jlmlar's delle&-. Illata ... Ia t111t bOL CaliiDnla -a-1, ud to u cardlu or poroot mat lip II II lllol .. 1 1~ -pr ...., olboro u_..a.,IMIIIc • YACHT CLUB lfEWS Satardi.J. ...., 1 '· flDds IAcloo J&Cbl-llkllc all II 11 Lm. b' 0.... Poillt Bartol' lor llllllr nJI..II.Alllllo•- iDYol'rtd 1D tla1l ........... will rendelt'ou at 5 p.m. 1D llul PoiDt Barbo&', -1111 """'-lub toptblr, prepare ud &en'l manoc.duud etc. Ute tbtre wt11 be a boa8re oa. tbt I ftl .. r of r~ II Ill F..-Fr-frtoad. lllom lo YOie l1lr tile ullsbai- OI'der for tbtlr eblld to par~ Cblerlo.-TED. llatle ml_,lemtUWe.TblcUJ Uelpa.te. Tb1a 1a tbt same ,... J'Otl ••• •1 be your owa.. qatremeot U.t all Red Crou • • • trt.IIIDc procrams Hqldro, • A~ uay ELE AL YC II ..-ld bJ Rid ·-CTIOM AT Do\ NANG AIR lASE cr011 --.. At 1111 11&7 1J -• at 1111 Slllf S.put .t.rtbolr w. Hnport Hu1lar Uldt nt, KimtlrtUr., -oiMra.M•Iel • • • Amerteu IAclaa Allllllary,tbl E. KtmbreJ.IOOIFWmoreWaJ, • THE KINa;a&EM l>lJowllc -~ -· olletod c-. II-II oo doll)' Ill Da TbO KlDpmoo' .. w (Ills lo _.e tile ...... alltlls10: Nuc All, v-... SGT. Kl!otiREl CIN DUTY FORUM IS TOLD: "WE CAN WIN" ticlplte ta tbe TOI'IUCe Amtrl-Prtlktalt,. Mn. Cllulla Be Ia a ern ebltl wWI a.U cao IAcloo Pando this s.mr, WoiYor; IIIII nc...-_ Gl 1111 l'ldlle Air F..-. Bt daJ, llaJ 11, IIIlO Lm. llro. C""!-111-111; lllltl .... pr~ olllpod lo 1111 ••we cao win 1D Vtttoam,'' aboaklldbetDeurredrectJea.. Mrs. Buder teiDU'tecl, Oa Memorial DaY MQ' 30 Ylc:e~lb'L Gal Tam-tslat Tactk:aJ.FlcfiUrSqaldroa said Mrs. Georce Harder ol 1J but wUb1D tlda tramnort "Thla ctat.......t wu made al-10 • • pUa· .....,.,. Mra. Blrtlua. at a.-11 us. C&llf Be Ia a SaJ M.a:-ilO, speaker at 1ut tiKJidd beoarp:rposetolqlpOI't most ! 1.-r• qo, ud ltill tilt :c.!'~ = = steei-; .a*"~•. lfadlatt of eo.ta ~~~ JUcb week's meettng of tbe Harbor oar f1cbtiDc mea to the a:reateat Vlataam war conu ... wltll DO at Pac1tle Vt 11 1aJ C Mra. BW u.n,; corr...,... Sel!ool ud • ..,., 0raap Forum 1D tbe Island House at uteat pouiblt &Dd., wltblor•· rict:or'y 1D alctLID tact, It.,... IIMI&trJ " emor ... dLac MCrttarJ, llra. ao, Caul eon .... Fubloo l.llaod. -~~ Umlll, lo clo lllot wbleb _.. 1111 NlsD lcOolllotn.. TbO 'eorp. will ow .. ; 11111ortu, lin. Cap R11 -. S111Ro, lillie- Mrs. Harder 1a eucuUYeae-1a .ecesary to briDe tbt wu tloD J.acom.m.lttedtDaiiiF'11Md ta POit 191 cltdl ::Cfp&te lk-ltol· _.~ ..., of IIJ' ud lira. nc. cretary of Mothers of Semce-to an IDd u qaieklJ I.Dd ne-peace, lilt amilllarJ.rietarJ.'' IIIODlt at tbt ~Ball,~ lira. Aitt. PJtrom; IBUIII&l SmJtb. 1NI A;.hllm st Colt& men, a l'll.tlolnrtde orp.tli&&tioo ceultlllJ' u pou!ble.'' Sbt told ol tM dlrta o1 a 15tla s4 lfnpart Beae lira. Sldr.., DDdcL ae-. "' dedicated to encouractn& Ud hrlee wo.dld Y~~Cau~...una. wtD be Mn.cl ta.r b. 1.-cll EWIIUYt co-•Wee: 1111, lll•lDI mora1 ._.. "' -RlebOrd au-. no - a e. -n.,. llro. Rot'-fightlng forces 1D Vletoam. lf"'OI''' caDid ~lea's YlelarJ' Amtwllldor c:a.tMt aa: II1Jl1,.. ud lira. Fr. Beet. Tbo -· ....s 111o1r r .. eo.SIII_IIIII_llt, llulllPScbooi,Loorllllcl,lll 10,..lla.._ol-..1 wtn111 ·,.,.·.,..,n~I..,,O,,,.!Dodllll(,.)oidO;. llarrlll lll&ld I·-Ia \'Ill. I p,m, 111111 )1111111)' dll 1111 No-1 ~ ... ...,, " .. _........... 011 11&1 Sl, tile Carpo will --Ill -1 JDI.. llld write bftlll FBI,--•prok or CIOIOPIIO lor lop--~~ 1oor1ac a-1111 ....... ., wtab to from llr.Batnll'tat.&..._, bCIU'I BlrrJ Fum wttll fiJa1a 1_ 7 at U. ....... ~ antta. people Ulh'•idtJ,.,.. I h. at 1:10 P.lll. Ball. u 1nr..... ao-wla ._, lo Ylollo•, Tile Corpo wtll ~ 11 llro. -Tullplll alllot. policy o1 our peramlllf. ud IIIII r-oollllllaii:J, 1bo Gordlo t:nN 111111-boa ,_ ... --ID .. llrs, Harder Slid 111o1 llro. --IIIII IIU II -~ lllP -A-"--II' -· mllltarJ mao tDOw n cu. a.1 tJpe ol trttr i ,._ a. ..U. ...,, aa: ?:10 p.m., IIQ' 11. -J ••·• a abould w1n 1D Vltbam, Ud war 4rMih~-~~~~.tld C.,. .., r.-t bJ 1:10 ,.. • ._,... : ~,.... ..... tD bact up t1111 au.-. """ IIIII -fttM'ol -.,. 1111 Tlllrtll Gl •11-1111 '11111111 1 -11 .,. -read an acerpt from tbt..._ alloftd to ....... -.. • Wrl''s$ a.l"ac •• ud Daa tDn Ia Gheol.. • au.._ meal olllll U.S.--__ .._,_...._-<U lolf. Wo-a a --al .. --------,_-O...ullllllo -----~=:n::..-::t!:: ::~~~~n.-' -~-, ~,:---•· .... •::rae••-:;;:: IDOClJ' ol tbt ):llat cllWaot.S, 'I'IIMIWIIO willlll tt c .; R att .. M W IOIIId .._ ~ U 0. ol .. ::.; II a IF 2 j Aur.t..tt,1967: ·--lf-alllllr· .. -.-.. --.. N --.. "W 11 Ylolsn -~ ... ,.,.,. tla.t 11 .. I• .... AAPNtDl •_!....,..,*~• == _ t art a u)Dr war. ..s, GeOIGI HAJIDII -.., 111 -.,... -• .. = -· Man tllu 500,000 ol 011' tD Baa " ....... ' . FIE PI .. ...,. JIOid alwJa 2 ... t ........ ' 1lCfltllc me an ··•r' ·r b k to 1818 :-=,;=:.:"".I , •• ~ .. •strt= LIEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE = ~~~o":'..rba';_.!:oa= Urn Q C Pl'l .... oo pondo. Lopo, r;;;;:;-;;;:;~;:.~~iiiii.,--;;;.;;;;c.;c.;;;;;.~;;;'-;~ ..... ... .. -'"'· IIO'I'I:IOFPUBLIC IIEARIIIG li0'1'1CK II HIRilBY FUR, jlctiYU lold ..... ..,. .. __ ra_,ai~Coa)'wllllolllc llllrtllal-o, Pr11U t -~~~ lfOTD a _.,BY aYU TBD GIVIK ~ tM alidpilb-IIIUdlr-.......,1(, ..._ oea-... nltNd ftla .. All.n. ....... ... ¢11& ... Ill • • • • IIIII•CM:rOIIICllalllloCIII''llc _...wtll 111 lllldoollll Pllllar-lo 1111 -AIII'lo ... .,_ .... 1 "*'-.,_TAT~~. "'""''""'---I-...,"'...,, liP, lillie tnrJ ...... '*. •'••tlllt(MU.), -111, -Ill '"""I I 'I" --Till __ .,..,.,.... Fr-... Bl6le ,---,.I 1 Or. -GI7:JOp.a.lalllo<>-U ~~-........... to-U:III ...... n....,,11Q cllldtat••a ;:11111. Ill ----""'<--·-If a1 .... '-... lM, 111111. AN C-latiiiiCIIJIIaiiGIIIII --[t"•IDr..-.,_ISit,II--CPl 1' ... 1111~---loll --IIIIo-c--.-~~~---..--.--c.mAraCW~CiftOPCIIJGIJII_I __ CIIIs ----~·•-C..,IIIIa. ............. lallllr l S:•~l M-............. --"-* ........ II-11111:1,-- M&W-T I&ACBD...-; llnll,'ll--ulp[ooo ~o .. all,dll... -· .... ~-·lf'"no?M ..... ~'lis:;;: Slf -.. --Ill• --.:. ............ 'Nll• WUn MD •••MMG _,udal .. ia.l•aJttt lftll•l• r..C ' ..... II a ....... aa J I"' a~-· 17 2 a,· at a ........ M.., M __, ' II t' Wl&fiiAP.-J.~PII 'a--... Ill-----~~~~~--ISIIMIIFFt-:CJg M'll ........ ---1111'111 &I q-II I llrMI' 0 l 2 ··1'~-...... _ .,.,lo .... _lo&---CIIr~C.I. ~ ~1. .,_ ., ... ,. ~---..... ... --, I e r r g '-l.otlal II U -----:"I: dol -L£1!!!' II U. ,.111 -= ~ II& I I .. =-~ r.=~':.~ ~~llleSiri-.. --: ·r -:;r::.,-=':.~'::"~ .. :.r, '"'::-..:.~ ,.=·-=·.:.-:..... ..... ..:.,=w..,r• ~ n Ia c , a1 111 t .. ...._ tt ... :: ! .... ~---..... •••• ., tt '::';a 111111 -.. •=• .-• .... ._ _._. ....... :i.:: :u:-::~~ :r.:u-:u.::·~ .... =,":"" ... :~::'-;-: (\}~'· 7 •.::...:·:;· :·:~\.. .. ••· :" _,..:r.=.•:; M:r;s; :.:=.::.: .. ,, • IA.PJJI 1o tile tllome 11>r a. -_-41..,.., "-eMOII Ud luldGa ..,.. at _,. tld.l BahlrdiJ, 11t.J 17, ... tile--~~ -Vlow tl.-t ., ~ Tbeee . -IDOdolo, depktl&( ... -ll>r ............ -.... lton7 ~ .... 10,. 5111 jlrldor; lollo """'"' e, a flrll crader, I.Dd suu P•ry, lad crader, no wW be 1 th18 Saturday. Mrs. Ncxman QtCOCIIIOI' 1a cbairmu t>r IDe PFO. Mrt. lleiOD Br-Io lD eblrl!t oi'IDe -- loo ..... lllld Mrl. Mart -lo .. -.. "'- MAVERICK IS IN TOWN AND THEODORE ROBINS FORD HAS IT CORRALEDI COMI IH ••• TURN YDUR5!Lf OM, AT OUR IIG 3-WAY SALUTE TD THE fii5T Df THI '70'5 AT A '60 PRICI. legion to hear top essays NEWPORT HAR80R EJISIGII RRST S£C11011--Pw 3 -will •• ---...... "' -.t lrtt' .. -.WI C......_ "-1cu ...., .. a.rstttnJ6111l• LlciM ...... -,,, .. ., .. tlllt .. ., .... w ........ It 1110 IACIIa 11&11, Nl W. ID _.,0 tt, 11no1, Co* -. Ill • 1),10. n.e on -'lOP"'-_,,..., u . ...., __ ..... ~~-...... - 111:1 WW riM till,.,..,..,.... ..,_... ,.,. 18 bJ' •' a'*c IIIII llle7 -eel lo IDe 1110 ~11110' II 1111t -...... ., _, CltiiM.t ..... 'he ............ ..,. no "'*Joel lido,... 111r 1111 ., _ -=• 1.1-• ..... _.. ......... ,. .. ., tb18da<•-t,ud ...... Hill .....,lltJ u lD Aaaer1-ud obi)' tM c-at..,.,.. " cu." I'IIIUa -Daria, Te-1D011 lint --It, 00 -. lllld Reo Scllool.o .,.._ -.......... 111 1.1 lo tie~. . 110111 lllld loan -tlllnrtt-w-"' ... a .. t priM lllld too ...-p-. u. ,.,. -told -lo ~ Keatloc "' clor-... ~IW'at, ,.,. C••llt A. Reo Scllool. Her will be IIlio to accopt - pareel.o ... Kr.lllldllrt.Fru. ··~111. ftlllllc. ... ,.. cia KMUD( ol 1111$ W. wu-.... , J00 mut --Nt ... Colla ..... Her loacber ,.. ... tOtlar ll>r lllld -• lo Mrl. lolol Scbooaleld. Her 10011 ·-· ll>r -lido ..., WU llllt OD to tbe Z9tb par-doelwblleilloalCICOIId DIJtrk:t Cbat.rawa. c:baDce JOUf Wbo .. ftJ ot life. HEW OFFICERS of tbe local orpnt•U. of CblJdr-. of a.co.d place ud lllrer mectll ProtuUirc cu. &1lo bl a Yf!rJ tbe Amertcu R"olutioo are, from left. DaYid MutlD, W.. la Gu7 W1Wam1011 of tmportut put o1 my re~~JC~~~o--tr-..urer; K1reo Nord, sec:retarJa. BobiD Wetbe, cMpla1n; _. Dlfia Scbool, .oa of lilt. slbllltJ, U ..-t latlleJ1clllft1. Naocy Buccola. Ylce..presideot, IDd JobD Peter-a. presl. ..S MrJ. L. W'Dilm-oiiON By protM'nc I do 110t mtu dtDt. TrlldQ Dd'fe, CcMb.llea. m. pleUtiDC uc1 rkltlac abcMit 1 c If" lee ~~.:~~E= :-::.r-=~w::.~~= AR o 1cers are e ted -lo 1._ Rulli, -lo oa 1 "'*Joel ftldl will-u.o a ~ of Mn. Jolln beet... JOG be~ FOI' tD.. Tbe Henry Bowen Soclety' of Tbe proCf&ID wUJ be 1 lorLaD Sc__,.\d o1 EYerett A Ra sta.Dce u,.,. r.UybeU..elDI Nltloaa.l Sodety Cllildreo ortbe dllc::usaioo oo gonrnmeats. SciiDol. Her S*'eature.b-.w eanctt&.te nmtnciDuelec:UoD, Amerlcu a..,oluticm (NSCAR), Mlss Sacblke lkushima from Mn. R. Rubl of 2187 Mtner U J.s Joat recw--'bllltJ to be" spoaeored by the Col. WllUam Tokyo, Japan, and Tbord lilreol, Cotta Mesa. b1m lD tome ftJ. EY• at my Cabell Chapter or DAR, 'llrtll Ohlsson trom Bromolla. Swe. n. JldCN Dr Hilda 1 bQJbf~llim meet 1D the home or Mrs. Ross deo. ezcbanp students at New. McCaz1M7, dlr::"tr:!ot~uc-= U~ baYt 1 wtle DIODIJ Heflin, 2561 Crestftew Circle, port Karim lf!&b. will prese.ot tiODl1 media for tbe Newport. you could make a ,..tiocL Bar Sbores, at oooa this Satur-tbelr ~es Yin's and Pbll- uWho takes all those pills?" Thit it often the quation ..m. a customer -. the shdva ill our phatlnKy. Row on row on row of bo«le&, boxes, canilten., tuba, vial&. jan ••• about 2.000 items in all. Good question. Who ~ they for? 1be answer, or ooune, il J'Dfl· Sey )'OU ao to a physician &Dd he wnces a prucriptioa wtUcb you brine to us to be filkd. We can't tell what the ailmr:Pt will be-there ate ~ and we doa't know what mcdicatiOD the doc:&ot will pracribe. To provide prompt ~ ICI'Vioc we have to bt ready for.-about aaytbiae. Wbicb we arc. _&._ ..... ____ _ cmau.-Mea lhdfled Scbool Dtstrlct· A !nrlft11 rUODI.Dc rlYer, a day, May 17. Up M•'!W!lllams willpresentlbe .a..&...._ 11 • .,. __ , Costa y ' 1 efr .... ,,..,.lab Oll abadJ New oftlcers wUl be instal-American government plat-)l.l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!::: -~ ...__.e, esa. 000 r e---. 8:1 by tbe CaJ.llorllia president form. Mrs. Donald McLeod will cUy ma,.pr aad S-year mem-forest WOQ1d aotbeYelJloritiDC of NSCAR, Miss Janet Sa.enger speak on the Amerlca.D nac. blr of au. Pa..ce omcers lf someooe did aot take tbe ot Santa Monica Mrs Bruoo Norman, vice-~ ~11nlnc ~-~~ : ~~ :J. m;!;': Jobn Peterse'o of Balboa, a recent· or Col. William Cabell • man • m I aemor at Ne'WJ)OI't Harbor Higb Cbapter aod seDlor presideut ~Loteodeot ol world.ng 00 c:ouerntloo ~ Sebool., will assume the dttles of tbe Heory Bowea Society of UD.Uled Sebool can be)p by retpee*'OC pqbl1e or presideot· Nancy Buccola CAR describes ooe or tbe ~ areas and Uepl.ac tbne areu I • • • Here tbe wt..aa1ng essay: Ylsit clean ud lila. Ytce.preside!lt; Robin Wetbe, )ecUns of CAR u bei.Dc "to • Aloac Y1tb r -~o3Cib1Utes we cbapla.ln; Kareo Nord, secre-ascerta.ID the deedsaod to boool' • • 1so ban a::J prinleps, tary; Pllllip McWilliams, re-tbe memorles of the meo. "'MY RESPOHSI BIU TY ~ tbe:11 are ptt1Dc u gistrar; Dutd Martin, trea-women aod ctllklrea wbo rfll- AS AN AMERtCAH" ed 1lioD m5 belD& able: to pick surer; Moaica Dlris, lillnrian dered service to tbe ca.uae of By 0ooaa JteatiDc a :.eer.lo 1 UJtbttwoaboYe lDd bJstoz1an, aad Greg Cas-tbe American Re.olution.'' C&rry1Qc out mJ respoo-prtv: .. .-are aJa teCJOD-sidy, flacbearer. d ::,lill1~Am~a~'~ :':!lu"'".;!;::~~ Top winners honore Amerlc&A nJ. a &ood job aad. if we do DOt cet advisor aad yOI&h emp)oymeat "Helping Children to Reject Violence" Bible 7,45A:IA. -KFt 440 1,45 Arlo\. • KMPC 710 Many lfealpeople ba.velought a &ood )Db, we wl1l DOt be a'lle Tbe Junior EbeUCiubotNew-volunte~ worker. Sbe bas u- IDd atraa.led YIJ')' bard to to sene oar COUDb')' well. port Beach w1ll present 8%-sisted 1n the well baby ci.J.Dic, acb18're wbtt 1 ta•• k:Downall my l1181't are 0W1J respon111bll1~ peose-paid trips to conYeDtioo Orange CouDty medical center life -freedom. Wi~ our Ues oae must takeua.oAmert-members, Mrs. Eugene KOQCh preoatal cllnic, and wttll tbe t)llll11nc tllblrs we ~ can, bull my•lf &m¥er'Jproud and. Mrs. Heory Stotseoberg.ltuberculosis mobU X-ray tm1t. would aot UYe la sucb a cr.t to accept tbese aDd be able to Mrs. KoY&cb earDed the booor Sbe serred as treasurer ot tbe 11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:==:::::=::=::::=;:=::=====1 cooar,. We do DOt baYO 1o lolowi&ID an Amtrleao. ol bolD& tbe!lrstwiDDorolaiii!'O JWilor EbeU Club lllld treo.-f (AJrfT ' N B BUILDING 1\tbUIJS ::::-=.~.t.~::= ~ .. ,!.Ono&< D18trlct tbe UNOURIJ cuA•H 1 MEET MAVERICK, • • r!;.-AI'I ~.otpressebalrmaa.Sbe .... Sbe ............ - Permits tab11nc m<ll't tbu • BALBOA L':tT...A..,O ~ memberolalltbecommlttees, "woman of tbe year" bJ tbe • CARPETS RE-WHITEMED A COMPLETE BUILT-FOR-$1:1/Z mtWoo ba .. atr-Reod,lZ$ ~-IAYO.,-, ..... sc:am..m. -lloo, a. EbeU ct ... ol H~llleWl-•IIAIER & SIIIOJtE DAMAGE • .uERIC • "'8 CAR f tbe w1th ..... .._eat arer, J16,000. .... _,.h __ ..... -.-ia1it J11D8, IDd rec:et,..., , A-a "'' -n:::"::-1.....,• • ~~ --. ,__,_, _ __,!lieU's "eW-...C-IDe-JOOr' I~V,E.D ~==~==·:·:::::::::·~··::>·=~··:::::!·1~~::~~~;~: ft~ -~·---·-~~~lo~da~ . P~"Zli~A":..!-...:!~· ...,.. .. _..t 'e 'tor ~~--1..,1 "'" 847,1678 · · · Jell' klnptre I, -~-t\e peuelty. he allo WU I ~ J. <MAA 2 SEE E.~GLISWFORD FOR 1969 TblJ ta more tba.a tbl eudre mtot rlfll'pncl, 110S H. 81y IDIIIII:ber o1 S =='nUn com-Heary, 1 c"!f'Wied peuc ''b tt et Cleaning U--~for 1967lllld 1o Ft., $10,000. -ftlaDee-;;;.lo•n, aod acc.,.nqol-basbisOWD!Irm e er Carp (Ftnt sbown tb18 month) DELUXE AND GT MODELS NOW AVAILABLE FOR IMME- DIATE DELIVERY. eo'!. or 1a11 ,..,., an Ume v. Sborr.ut, oddltloo, ..,.,,,.it"'. Sbe ·-p~~a~os"' 1n U>e H.._. ........ U>e for better carpets" no:ord of $44.n&,ts6. Z!0-1/Z ODys An., $18,500. accompuJ her pubUctty re-or two eta pters, Tbe ...., boost 1D permits • EAST UPPER BAY leases, aDd pn Of&r 600 bouts aad lJ.sa.. 6. eame from a.o 88-unit den• G. Y. Holatei..D. swtmmtne to club-SJ)OQSOI'ed projects 3 CHECK THE SPECIAL DISCOUNTS THAT WE ARE OFFERING ON FORDS, MUSTANGS, T-BmDS DURING OUR SALUTE TO MAVERICK! melll o, Eutblld!-IInport loe. poo~ 477 Vlsla Grande, $4,115. dur!D& tbe post 1..,. 1D lbe Harbor VI" B1llli area. R. Y·lMpnery, addition. Sbe bas beeD reeopiled DOt Fo1Jo1r1DC pwmtb: lDtbt&mount Citrus PL. $7,000. only b)' bet own club, bat also or $1,000 a.od orer were Issued • SACK BAY received awards from the duri.DC tbe ftrst 10 days of May: Uutted Califorllia Bank, Z Orange District, Ca..Worn!aFe- • HARBOR VIEW lULlS singles, 4667 »acArtbur BIYd., derattoo of Women's Clubs,Ju. E.utblufi~Nftport Inc., 88 $1.000. nior MembersbJp. As press s1acJe family dwelllop oo Keel • WEST UPPER BAY cbalrman J:)r bel club, sbe re. Dr., Otniqv Dr., SaDdcastle Merritt Butler, sw!mmln&' cetnd the award U flrstplaee Dr., Key Vt" uJ SH"actest pool, 1718 Galuy Dr •• $4,000. lD large clubs m press boot. Dr., total $3,245,000. aDd add wiodows and fireplace, and wu gtnn tbe tnd1Yt.dlal Jtm SdJ)at, nrtmmJ..Dg pool $1,100. booor or €Qstandtng press at 1 '7%4 Port Abbey Pl., $4,000. • WEST NEWPORT HEIGHTS cba.lrman b1 tbe dlstrict. T, IIlla, nlmnllDc pool at Hoar Hospltll, 301 Newport She was ll:iDderprtea room 1408 Keel Dr., $S,.ZOO. BlYd., sterW&er chamber, mother for bel 5-yeu-old. son • OORONA DEL IIUR $8,000. cameroo•s class, Mareb of C. A. CraJD. add.Woo at 304 • SAY SHORES Dlmes cbairman for Area B, llbrlcold An., $4, '700. John 3ooten. Z-dory, 1-Wlit treasurer ot tbe East Blutr D. Dre1er, 519 Marl &Old dwelllng. 2762 Ba1111x>re Dr •• Bat>yslttiDg ~, lllld U!>t In AYI., remodel K!tcben and add $57,300. tow ber daugbter Ca.Ddace, &ee CWty room, $4,000. • LINDA :St.£ 20 mooths. Husl:llD:l Eqeoe, 1s Dr • .._ leotlos, 3<17 Jas-Gordon Je....,., l,uoll, 1-Braoeb -... o1 llcllooeU- miDI AYe., adcftHon aod a.lten-story dwelllD.c. 73 Uada tsle, OoUJlas, tbl, $8,000. $78,000. For tbe oom!JJ& y-.r, Mrs.. • NEWPORT CENTER Ropr TUrDIIf, l-storJ, 1-Koncb wU1 be 0rance Dts- Al18DG Co., p&rti.ttons at Z095 IDlit dW9lllDr. 78 LtOOi Isle, trict press cbaJrm&n, ZDd Yice~ 1111111_.. HW. Dr., $12,600 $82,000, presldem o1 Jlllllor EbeU Club, ~==:!!:::'100:·~===~ • NE NPJRT SHORES aod W'UJ baDdle tbe publlcttylx' Gary Dial, Z$8 ProJPOCt st., Harbor VIew Sellool PFO lllld oew prace, .... aDd bedroom, tbe CoUDC.1l o1. Arts. $&.000. Yrs. stotee.aberc bas coo.- $4.95 •• $12.95 GOALS $3.15 & $5.95 lACK IOARDS $12.95 • $43.95 MIT$ tlf te $4.00 TIHMIS DIISSI$ ·• $1101$ -SOX MIN'S I. IOYS' TliiMIS SIIIWTS SIIORTS • JACK ITS -SilO IS • -SOX-SWIATIRS .. IIACUTS -IIACit IT STiiiiiGII 0 GLOVES BATS-BALLS CAPS-SHOES • UMDIISHIRTS • ASKS-FINS-SNORKEL SKA TEIOARDS PRISI!U SL II PING lACS -·UCit P ACU T41L.I TIIIMIS SITS -PAOill,'IS -'IN..U -MITS- • LIDO ISLE trlbuted tbe creatut cuunber of T. Tedellco, altenUoaa, 300 bouts to dub sro)ecta:-ar• Vlo Udo Nord, $1,000. 800 bours dar!D& IDe ,.... • Silo Wvr• ao., l4d ZDd rbJr u.o bad 400 pillS lmurs tp111t la area, ~ Via Udo IIGrd, projects outside ot tile elll>, $10,000, loeiOII!D( YloiCA IDdlu llaldoa • BALBOA. prellda IDd preu cbairmu.. Newport Hartw Y1cbt Clab. us:lwtant Bronie leader, ol- rtpUrs, 'JZO W. BI.J AYt., ftcer 1D the Nnport a.cb $~500. T-. Cl ... , IUid YOI-tlr •NEWPOaT tbe YarcbofDlmea.IDtbePFO -Corp. de-bod), ll>r Harbo< Vlow Selloo~ - dlap· at 4401 w. Cout RwJ .. .ned. u *lf.!l ~1d _,., $1,000. cbiJ.rmu ud llld ri<.."'i.rMl. de at. 5-!RS HA V! 10 WltldiiiDeel .... Kra.-...... GO ~-G IM5TEAD be<& bu ...... u jolloO ..._ Muir. a. o1 ao c.... .mu1ry ad'rtiDr ..., oo- st.,~-...,~­ M&rie, 10, eat .. ...., 11101'- DIIt ..., • 1o ,. -aloe • cr.tll.le, .., .. c --~~~~ tat ·-be-"' e>llld-diiC .... bllld--•• ..... 11&4-• .-~ ._....., ... wu a tNit IDr &alta," ---.lllrL-1_.., ___ _ --IIIII llle7 -11&4 -·-.--... ..... .. _. ........ .e ... ~~--...... l1 'Q '1~--·---· .......... ... .... • w .... .., ... ... .... ..,., ....... ..,_ 1111&---·-... ---·--"-----...__ PRICES/I Q~\.\vt~ AT COAST MARKET ~rlfsft COFFEE 69( 137 2 LB.$. FOLGER$ I Ll, IU.RTIMB.LI I ARINE LB, 40c APPLE CIDER SCOTTI E5 Wltl TE :IDO COIIMT FACIAL TISSUES 2Sc CE 2/39~ CORN 1M lltEC:OII LlnY QIT BEETS 303 SIZ! 2/ 33~ POUR ot the Cbartty League debutantes are pictured here Ill the •nllllllnCement tea: from lett, Ronda Dianne Vogel of Suta Ana. Robynn Newton, Janis Linden Caldwell and Diane l'nslleU• ot Newport Beach. (Cameo HOU8e photo.) installs May 20 Tbe Jrd uaaa1 "womanoltbe ~· awud wtn be prtaeoted are: Prtsideat, Mrs •. E. C. by tbl Womu's ctric Leap~ of Smitb; 1st 'rice-ittllldent. Mn. Newport Harbor at tllelllltalla-T. D...,.. stnarl; bd Ylce- Uoa 'ww:tJeoa metUnc Tuesd&J prestdeat, Mr•. L. s. .san.. May ZO, at 11:10 Lm. at tbelr~ derlaDd; reoordi.De aecreta:rJ. n.ae Cc:ut Couatry Club. Tbe Mrs. Alleo Gee; oorr..,..,'nc award 18 ma.~ in reeognitioaof secretary, Mrl. L. Marcb&Dd; outstlrwttnc community service treasurer, Mrs. Catbl!lrlDe 10 DEBUT ANTES ANNOUNCED by:..~:.":ieerswbowlll ;~~~a:.:·u.~.~~ be tnstal1ed b7 former presi~ Gruber, II.Dd parliamentartu, Mr. &Del Mrs. Jobn Ku Rau of deal Mrs Stanley LeUevre Mrs. Daniel Gilcrest. GmL SCOUT TROOP 767 Yl.slted the I!:D81gn newapapjjr Mon- day afternoon, May 12, and learned some ot tbe details of typesetting and getting the paper ready for the press I:UD· Troop members pictured here are, top row, lett to right, Chrlllty Borden, Cathy Choleser, Mimi Casey and Joan Spelletich; center row, JQUe Mattloff, Elizabeth Love, Dana Roberlllon and Cory Kimball; front row, Laurie La~renz, Kim Kellogg and Sharon Sadlelr, They are all 4th graders at Corona del Mar elementary school except for Laurie, who attends Carden ball, Mrs. Connie Choisser ot Irvine Terrace is the Troop leader. (Enelgn photo.) -·~~·-1 oalCborltJ Tbo lollowiDC-.., .... ..... I 2 1 PSIS Wl't r .. Ybo wtn be presented at tbt ,.._. '* tW bMntl -. JlttJontl Clllrlty Lap de~ .,_,lEnt ... Mid at tbt batute Ball OD NOT. 29 1D tbe -r ..... -ot Mro. Palmer Room of the Newporter Edm..t Colllnr Prall .. Ma7 '"'" 11. s..u Bar-dauct>ter of LIGAL MOTICI LEGAL NOTICE CTT OF llnPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA NODCE lNV11tliC liDS SEALED •os will M .......... •• oflee of llle Chy Oeft:, a., ... J. r ............ C.UIIi•la. udl 10:00 ........ . •• dlly • If~, 1969, at d.idl d•e • .,. will b. op•ed •d raM, lltr ,..._.., ........... : ' MARJNERSUBRARY PATIO ENCLOSURE: OONTRACT NO. U02 No lti4 will lte recehed aal••• it is •ede o• a propoaal form falllia .. ad .. , lila Pablic: Work• Deparuaeat. Each bid •••• be Kc:o.p•ied tty c .. lll. c~rtifiecl chec:k or Bidder's Road .... cle ''!'Mia to &Ia• City of Newport Beac:h, lor u oJDOo•t ~q.al to • e .. t 10 percaa1 ofl .. e -oaat bid. 1'111• doc:a•eat• loc:laded witllio the aealed bido which reqaire c:-plotloo .. c1 nec:atio• are the followilll: 1. -Proposal 2. Pap 3-Oe•i•atloa of Sab.cootnctora S. Pep 4 -Bidder'o Boe.d 4-Pop 9 -Noao.eolluioa Affidavit S. Pap 10 -Coalnldor'o Flo-del Stat .. ne doc .... ta altall lte affi-.ed with the •rrropriate •i'PU'tarea -d tillao ol tJaa pn-••• aipiaa oo ltel&a of the bidder. For c:orpor.u .... lila olpa&area of t .. e l'raakMfff or Vlco l'r.aftlorrl -• .S.C.alap or Aool.,._, Joc,..,.ry are r&q'llited aacl tile Cor- porate Seel alr.all Ita affbed to all doc.•e•ts teq'lliri•l aip.• tart!., Ia llae c-of a portaerNip, the aip.atare of at leaat oao .-,rat ,..._r i• ro•ireL ~ - AIF Mile .,. .... c:..,....4 aa IJI.a "ui• of lite Eaaiaear• • .... , .... n. .-.iaaae4 cwaaatiti-.,. appro•i•ate ..r, .... , •• ,Jvft Mlely .. o Mots lor Ue c:-p.n-of biclo. . No .. id will ... accepted frota • Coauac:tor who h .. aot beea lleeaaa4 Ia occot'4 .. c:e "Witlll the proviaioo• of Chapter 9, Dhi- aloo. Ill of B .. iaeaa 0111d Profeaaio•!'" Code. The Co•troctor ••II otote hla llc:ea•e oaMber .. d c:laaoificatio• ia the propo- ool. PI••· Spacial Provl&!o .. , .. d Cootroet Doc:amnta ••Y be olllulaod M Ua Pw.ltlic: Wor\a DeportMnt, City Hall, Newpon Bead~. Colllolllla. at oo roat to licenecl cootrocto,... A aoa- ro'-.d .. le ~r of 12.00 will be reqairecl for each art of pi alia. .,.c:iol Provllil ... , Ud cootrac:t docall'leata for othera Ut.aa lrc:aaaed c..,U'IIdofo. It h• reqaeAted that the piau aocl special provioioaa be reta111.ecl wiUt.i• 2 weeh after tl:e bid opeai•l· A ._..raludahla c:harse of 16.00 will be reCJI.ired for udt ae1 of OIJ' of Newport Beadl ,St.-dord Sped6catiooa. 'nae City of Newport Beac:h reae,.ea the rilj;ht to reject acoy or a!l bldo •d to walva aay iofonulity ia a111c.h bids. Ia Kc:orl•ee witll tille proviaiou of Seetioa 1770 of the La~ot Coda, tM Cily Coaacll of l .. e City of Newport 8eacb )t.aa aa- eertaioetl ~e P,aet>al pn: .. lli•1 rate of per dfe• wacea i• the )ocallt7 ia ••let. O.e work ia to be pel'formed for eacb craft or type o worbaa or -~-lc seeded to ellecate the c .. wet .. d ..._ Ml ,_. tkeoe lie-ialeoolatloo No. 6Sl9. A eopJ' af -1c1 le-loti .. ie nail.a"le ia t.llie office of tile Cif)' Cleft: la tb City of N-port Beach. C1T Or NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA Laara La!Poa, City Cieri: PUBLISH : May 1~ 1969, Ia the Newport Barbor Euip. LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE CTY OF NEWPORT BEACH, CALTF'ORNIA NOnCE JNVI11NG BIDS SEALED BIDS will N Nc:ehacl al .e of6c:e of du City Oerlr., City Ball. Naw~rt Baa~, Calilo•lo, ootil 10:00 a.~:~~ .. oD llae ·2fd. d.,-of M.y, 1969, at ... ida d•e thy will be op•acl •d ,. ... IDr ,......., •• -.t ao llti .. W; CONSTRUCTION or ONDERCROUND TELF.:PHONE LINES TO OCEAN FRONT LIFEGUARD TOWER S CONTRACT NO. 1190 cnT IW IDrviT n.t.a, CWrvDIA .... ,.,.,,a.a.. ..., ... " ........ _ ...... "' .. ~ Huber Island: am Robert Leslie • Bar1108011. Jul.s lJndeD Caldwell. dau.. &bte:r of Mr. aDd Mrs. Jack LiDdeD Ca.JdnU ol Newport Boacb. • ~ C.ator, dauct>ter of Mr. am Mrs.lblcolm Cutler of ln'lDe Terrace. Emmyloa Duyu. dauafller of Mr. and Mr•. Peter Dayan Jr. ofNewpo<t Boacb. Dlaoo Frluolle, dauct>ter of Dr. am Mrs. No ian Frtuelle of Nowpo<l 8oacb. Kr~ Laoo, dauct>ter of l&r. IUJd ..... Jollll Laoo LouD Jr. of Udo Is .. . R<>byDo Alberta Nowtoo, dao- Ciller of l&r. IUJd ..... Georp E. Newtoo of Balboa lsl&Dd. Carol Jean Rosenut, dlu~ gbter of Mr. &Dd Mrs. Robert S. Roseiii.SI of Nowport Ileaeb. Rbonda Dtame Vopl. dau~ gtjer of Mr. aDd Mrs. HaDs W, Vogel of SanD Aoa. Blrb&ra Louise Woolsey. daqbter ol Mr. and Mrs. Roy B. Woolsey ollJdo Isle. A bJPllcbt ol tbe afttrDDOG wu tbt eere...,. iD wtdcb ..-:ll .w.n•• rteel~.., a pearl aDd lOki medlllkw from ber moCber IJl ·~ of bor llrst 6 years of pb111Nbroptc acbieve~ me.ut 1D lbe nektocker orp.nl~ zatlon. Tbe ball 1s a mtlestooe for these yoq womto., wbo w111 conttnue in tbe cro~ through coUtp IJid may then become members ol tbeNI.UonalCbari~ ty League Juaktrs. The Na~ Uolll.l Charity Leacue .._u lbe Job.n Tracy cllnlc aDd maln~ ta1lll tbe Jolll Tracy Cll.alc demoostralioo bomt udaur~ sery schOol lD Cotta Mea. The Tlektoc:Ws are actifl 1n mauy PfOCfiJDI IUCIII UCa.odJ- strlpers and HOld -.to ID tbe rtcetJtac U. were Mrs. EarlS. OlrlcJt.lmmedlatt put prssldeal ot tile Nswpo<t Cbapter; Kro. E-..! L. C..- Jett, only~'NtaUed pr!Mldtot; Mrs. Jaet ~ Caldwln,lloll director, all! Mrt, LJDQ Wll- Usm Klooplsr, Nsttolll.l Bou<l prtsldeot. llurlllc tile alleraooa, pool debataDtes modeled tbelr 10Q1 arotmd tbe pool, each makiD& her st. James bow. Seni.Dc OD Mrs. Caldwell's IJ&ll committee are the Mmes. Herbert Jotm Meuy, James Richard Wblte, E. Terrance Moru, Rlebard Walter Smith, Jolm Hallam fUettud, Paul WU~ uams, Rauen Reed Lanceo. beet, MtlYtD Dutel Kilmer m, 1J.u) stewart MJ.ms, Rlebard Cartts RawllDp, Lee PutDD Jordu Jr., Wahlers Oluder, o..ld E-N-, DID E-Baylno, Jaet Keltb Samuela ud Pet• Duyu Jr. EAST BLUFF ASSOCIATES, womtD's committee ol the Or&llfl Coulll)' Pbllbarmoole Soelol)', will 1oold ·lla ...al flmd ralsiJlc lllelll S-J. May %5, Amooc tllo P-• i)r tbe eoreut are Mrs. Paul J. BtrpJl, at left, aDd Mrs. Edward Ma.looey, nys a.Dd means ebairma.n. Members and guests will board a IU&I>Oal at 5 p.m. lor a - cruise, aDd UW; w1U be 6lllowed by a box buffet ~ U tbe Berpbl bome. otber committee memh9rs are limes. Frank CoooeJ, Wa.roer Bordter, RllSseU Pang. Guy Reily aDd Tbeodore Tafe. PHOlO LAB ROBaED Tbe Harbor Pboto Lab, 3121 E. Coast H't[y,, CorooadeUia:r, was entered tllrougb a sky~ Thursday otpt, May 8, ud $635.45 wortb of pblocraPbl< equlpmeat was stolen, ac- a>rdloe IJl owner llonr<l FolBDm. Tbe Pbotd t..b bulJd1Dc 111 UDder~Pne eUeosift re- modellll(. COM STUDENTS GO OM IIAHAGER HAMED CRIISER IURCl.ARilED SOitiCE EXPEDI110H Lorto W.-...., a Hun-Tbo ~ealllllenlow Tbree --!rom eo.-IIJl&luo Beldl -. bu .... lllal ROOirt Uri ....... 4IH del Mar Hllb Scbool ro-1111>0lalod -' -of Tr..-l..ul, Camso Sllar-.. prestated tbt aebool&D! cn.trtct Hew York Ule bnruee Com~ left at !'m. W. Cout ttwy., at tbe Cat:a.Uaa IJtaad marlDt p&DJ's Nnport Beaelll ..-raJ Mar1D11''1 llllt, tor rtpllrl, ecieoee ltudeat eocdertoet 1n omce 1n tbt lfnport c.ur DOW DMCSs Dft' bmocvlu'1, , Aftlon ooAprU261UJd 27. TboJ ftMDCial plua. Belu..-llop watell IUJd 2 orup liD< are MlteAdams,SheUYArf'IDI.~ot CaWoraia state CoUtee. ptnon. 'Ibe• nre aD stolta. p IJid KeaKllD&:. all ,...,tilth Looc Btach, aad ..ntd 8 year• 'betfttD March SO and AprU craders. ll1b Adams, 100 ot u aa Air Force oftlcer. n. Kr, and Mrs. E. E. Adami, 4501 _, Road, Camso Sboru; Sbolly"Unnapdauell- ter ol Mr. aDd Kra. lAo Ar- nnara, 2010 Bunood, Eut 811111, IUJd Keo KUoc. ooo ot Mrs, Do-'ll~> Klll!&v, 419 Falrfle)d, Cameo Sbortl. Swita Ul-HMixw lftuutmnt Bldg., 1866 E. Coatt Hwr. CcwOM tUl Mtw, C4ft/Of'fti4 lUIS (11.4) 111-1111 CWIW-4-'11 llooldantallda Tbe INSents ware traacm- ted ID IUJd lrom tile loland OD tllo Or&llfl Counl)' Scbooll Ocwuq lal>orator)' YI&IOI, "FllrJ U." of Calif""'io. 'Wllilltl.l'fl ~ ,t4>!1Wr•. IIIP --• ....,., Jl>lco4 at ... ---"' liiP ·-1 a~odolli; llYIJlc IJl Aftloo. MACCO ASSICIIMEHT Harry Lut:J of Newport Beaeb bu t.ta aamtd tbt first presideD! of ~o~~~p Homu, a IIOWlJ formed -llJ OWDid suMtdtary of llacco Corp. Ht wu lol'mer)J ma.aapr ot Maceo's bousiDC d1Y1aloo. Tbe ebaDp IJl lllalul, from -..( d!Yllloo IDIUlllledpdco-. was doe ID IJlor---ol Maceo's 1Joa11Dc CP~MNWJ, Mr. Lut:J majored IJl pnlltleal selaDce at UCLA. He llan Azmy •eteraa. "'Yinc _.,ed IJl Ger- IIWIYo IIDk,.,L B«u.# GnaM'Al Alftt ~ -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Alao Represeat!Dr. TRAIISAIIERICA lJFE 6 ANNUITY COMPANY AND TRANSAKERICA Mlll'UAL FUNDS CALL US FOR QUOTES ON: • Low-cost TerJilLUe lDAraDce • lDdiYldull Hoopllal-Medteal eo.eraae • Jotm-lJfe Morteace ID.suruee • IJIIIque Cost-of-U•tnc Amlultles • cr..., 6 Peuloo Pllmdlli ·----- NOW OPEN FOR LUNCH 11:30 A.M. TO 4 P.M. - THE HAYDEN TRIO SIYIN DAY1 fiOI DNB-ClOCXTAU SERVING:ONLY THE ·VERY MEXICAN DAY EXCEPT SATURDAY Enjoy the warmth and informal elega"'* while dining amid open fireplace$ and strolling troubadours FOR RESERVATIONS CA'' 611-CMJO Under the personal direction of·Aiejandro (Alex) Maytotena 1"""'-'Y 26 v..,,.. will> ,.,lnO'tl ..... Ray Oliphant of Laguna Beach ll'lull••lll tf w.a•n IMe lura allll " II£WoRT MAIIIOtl EIIIIJI tiiiT lf.CTIIJI - -... 5 liiUIID!..,IIAY If. lM COIIJIIA oa.I!AR, CAll f . TARS LOSE MLE BID ,.. • ..,.,. ....... , •• w ....... -c.-... loot--~~~~~-.. -.. "-' ..... .. Council News _.._ •.. ·-............ -........ ... ... •• bJ .............. ,. 1 .. ....., ...... 7-1; ·• .-an 1 · (Olio-..... _1) • ·-ft.. ..~ c..e .., -tr 1 111111. _.......,. ... ..., r t -• car •r .:, ,...., "' • .. _._ ~ .....,, .-... _ .... _ .. lnlilri .... -.._ .... _. .... _.. nan '"•' 2 n • llllld • _...... ••1,.,.. ._ ..... c. " ........ .; 10 .... tfll;.fO .... ,_. ............. . .. ,.. ...... _ .. •ADOPnoo:r _..., •.&PnOVIoaolllal-fl I II .. WfOicUII _., 'l'not-,atl-lot-=~~ -:.:= ::f..:-:.. ":!a"'.,~ -.Dr a_.,., ___ 114., Ia .. q,por-VlaW . . ... -..... '• I ' }.,{ ~~.!:a.;; .i • 81CIIVED a r_.t- • ~· ; .4ti :~~ p!lllbbc .-u·nec ud ...... , .... FUU ID .,.,... • cur I SOIOWHE.RE tblre'• a couple of IIPUfOWI blamlDc -.eb • ··~'.. :~~ • .,. "1' IMJ , .. rrtut bJ leNr'qr'• of LGidoaac-4 ... 81tua.,_ otblr tor poor DtJt ...... tM ... aad Marli Friday, 10, di.UCIUf '\ ' • • '-A ...... ent lll'ftOI afllutaAa bill Hbd1 _... CU'I'7IIc .._...._. , 1 11 '" .. ~ • ,..,..._.... e~ .... ot tbt M. Friday• of Balboa PenlnpJa, d18corered tb1 t • t., ,_ ~ • t p :, " 1 ~ • tD ..... 1 ......... Ia tile ~ IIHt tbat WU blon out of a palm tree DIU ber bome. ' •• -..-. , ~ Cllfol•_. BoocL 1111 -. .., )lftlrJ ta • r ·~ u .. • o ld ··~ .. '·lilt-, . ' e· ~ · •i • .&DOPTID ()rM•re 1J11 •lela .... rtpllq. ol a ~ r-y, ~ •· AI ea -eo -u KW Ul. , .......... _,_ "' lila .... no • ....--r-.rld wlll1o -.... IJI)Oiterld all .,. .... brlcka .. wbleb eloolac.-. -..,...,ara 1o lilt-lllr._.,tld.._t. -~-~-~la~-~~nc~(E~ut~.,.~-~·:> _______ _ -..-... ta --• • ltBCZIVEDa r_.t- --.. Ia d&•atd bJ a 1M"_. Boocb Poll<o Em-Ch h N Good. tln.llltl I Ire ar oa.r ,., ... ~ Dnece 'licwol . u rc ews dl•-llllllllallltpono *" lila •-llcJo u ttr'la"nc M I C I H M 2 j of o. ,__ propactnc _, IIDlt reprarr :"" • ~ au_,:: Tbt Ftrlt Blpt1.lt Cbvcb ol Ceutn.l Bible c tr.ureb 0ranp on e ar 0 n e ay .. ~ -::,PTED (kdl•¥41111, ~ Tbl ,:....:rlftrrld ~ ... :;;=a:-~~~ ~· ~=:: ~ c: ':au: It'• "-1 i»dl '-sbtonal ud ~ del Mar,lrd nce.pre • ..no.wr tbl CotmeU eo ll:lteta to ::U:.tt:J ==~ ooa-at 11 Lm. SUDday oo the topic, member drama tam of Biola ... clueln( at IICIIIIa Carlo -ol lila ~ Alwm-lla 111'11.-1 -.-mllll ltd tm-"Tile oal)' lUre tlllng IDdaJ'," Collep at 7 p m s.-Ia lbt atptoaSaturda)', Ma,JU,wblll Auoclatkla. wtD beta cblr .. rteOIItlaa tat U. wHda oa. PIDJ::::::::--procedur• 1'bl Rtf, Harold Aadenoo, mlllti~· r~m J LlDd. kaiiPa K1AJ1, C..mma Sof'ortty ot tbe beolftt. Sbt wOl bl u-eertaiD C*tfted pucell are ue JOutb minister, will speak at be£11 School, across tbe street. Alwm-. of Soltbero Oranp llltld bJ Mrs. Robert T ......... 1D11 nevr• Dill-• APPROVED tbeparebueof' tbe? p.m. aenice. Tbe drama team will preseta Cowlty present tbtlr IUID!Al Nlebot. of S&Dt& ADa, blr co. IUCtt. 1D tM "-* o1 .._ a trame C01R1M 1:1r $150. "· • • • • 'ReYolt at tbe portals " wbich beDeftt. chaJrmu, wbo talD eb&rae of a; r 'rec.•r'IGCioftbe....S. wlllcb oceedltbebadpted$&50 st. Michael's a.od All Angels' loots 1.nto the UYes ~r deatb Tbe party wt1l draw cueata tbe music ud 41DDII' ar~ ill tb1 IUDI cal4pclt• feu', tbt bJ more tbD 101>. Ept.copal Cburcb 3233 Pa.clflc. o1 6 iDd1Y1duals from aU ewer the Harbor Ar• meots. ftre dlplrtmlat .. abJI to Illite • RECEIVED reqaut from vt., Dr., Harbor, VIew Hllls-• ; • udall Ot"er Oraoee COUDtyto lDvit&ttooawtllbe<IHlpJbJ tbenedllwltbi:Mite.tblrPibllc Mr. IDd Mra. Jtlf:r17 Le1110:1: TbeReY.JotmRogersDaYls wiU Tbe Lutberan Church of the Bllloc:t'1 Futlloo Square. Kr•. Frank FtoreDU.ao of Nw. blullrc dlr •111ncapoltclrd of Hwt1ncfna8-eb to opente pr•cb at the 8 ud 9:30 a.m. Muter, 2900 Pa.cl1lc View Dr., Tbe prden.Ute atmotpbere port Beach. aD1J tblllwitaUau DDUce to tlal prapertJ OftlrL a floiHnc c:at.tac C0K.U1ioa commwdoa serYices this Harbor View H1Ua-Dr. wn. will be the ~ tor bull'ot will be-by llra.loba-1 ° RECEIVED U ... lblllcJo Ia IIIt -.-"""1-.lce S-J. Tbe Wilted tba111< Dam Eller will -" on "A dlDDtr catered b)' Benltt'l Re. of Colt& Mesa.. Tlebtll1'UII· 1nJm NnpartHartlclr Amtrlcu to tbl boatlllcppl•tsoa,Ma)'OI' ollerl&& will be presented IDd cbanged beart'' at tbe 1:45 llld staarut lDSaota Ana. FoUowt.oc mellb wt11 be hiDCIJed bf MrL lAP,. Poll m to pa.rticlplte Dor .. Mar*ll laid tb1t c:.ltJ tbe acolytes LD tra.inlnc will be 11 a..m. Suoday senotces. Walter fuhJoaa: lbr botb men &Dd Roaald L. Bron of Ora.ap; 1n tbe ... morlalllaJprocramat pollcJ la "llilll&liTe,•• udldded !Dfbllect at tbe 9:30 serTlce. Bucbterkirchen will accompua:J womeo, pests will be daBe1Dc prop-am• bJ Mrs. Cllfkd 11 a.m. llaJ ao at Pacl1lc VI..-ttat tt 11 a ....., JII"C)bbem, ud Adults ca.o sip '-" uu. Suoda:J tbe pastor to the UDal CIOIW._ to tbe mule or Ed Ransford's Ebrler of vwa Park; pr1JN, MefDOI"Ial Park, Harbor VieW U tbe QUc::allbwt.btoproeeed to belp wttb tbe summer tton of lbe Pa.cl1lc SoutJnrest Combo. lir1. Harold T. O.iet of Jlfft. H1111. . turtblr, tbeJ WOGid bin tot::Ue procram, ntch wtU run from Synod i.D Los Aoples May Tbe tun ud pmes wtU be port Beach, • • RECEIVED ezcerpt ol tbe1r application. totbeP~ JaDe 15 to Sept. 7 lor kinder~ 19-22. Tbe church cowx:U wUl plaJtd wt.tb paper Kappa mooey, Mn. Michael SI&J!Ir ot llJa.. llllD._ ol tbe AprU 10 CocmtJ Commt•non prteo tbroueb IStb &nde. bold a rec:eptioo for tbe 1~9 ud proceedl trom the amua.l sion VIejo 1.1 1n 4P of tbe s..,.nmra mettlac llati.Dc • AUTIKJIUZEDtbe'-'iDcof • • • collf'lrmand.s a.od tbetr pueots biaaent 1FlU tu:rDisb real dol-boatesau· Mra.. Dial L.IWl-u.t tb1 dtputmeat of r-.1 1,900 ~· lletolomceCJ&Ct Tbe PlJmouthCoocrepHonal Thursday eYeniDc. May zz. lara to .able youag people to yard of '.tDihefm, eDtirtam-III'OP* t) ...non ltaff wu ta.. at 41-t lllld st., dlreetl)' acrou Cburcb, SZ6Z Broad st., New. ·-cnllap DOIIIall, men!; 1Jidllrs. Gerald F, DoaD llroettd lo _, lila oDar1 lrDm CIIJ llall. port Hel&bll-"Sir"'&th b' DOOR. GATE SMASHED 11r1. Jamea P, ofCostaMea,pctiJclt}'. from tbe c:ltlea of ColtaM .. • ADJOtJRNEDT07:30 p.m. eYery emerpocy•• wt.l1 be tbe Tbeprapdoorudbactyard llrs. Rlcm.rd ·Ramella of &Dd Nnpart Bac:b lor ~peaunc *' 19 to constdv tbt capital sermoo topic of tbe ReY. Nor-pte at 7310 w. Ocean Froat, Costa Mesa 1s 01&-IOlnc pr ... tbl llutlor Jdc.lal District llaproremer:U projecta lot tbe mu Brown b' tbe 10a..m.Sun~ West Newport, were 1mubld .......... COSTA WUA WAnaiSS CO. ... a1deDt of tbe Kap. AI111DJU. eoarb m:1 toMDttuaalJIU 1M9. 70 bwtpt. day serYice. sometime between March 30111d Almc:laHoo. Mrs. K...tb C. &Dd gplrdoa to tbe ~· • • • AprU 10, Pierre BertoU.oo told Sloupot Coroaa del Mar g tb1 at 10:10 a.m. llaJ 10. PUPILS PRESENTED CbtLiti&D Scleoce Churcbes-Newport Beacb pollee. He set Qft'ly elected JW..sd..tudwt.ll • AlrJ'HCIUZEOtbeeueutioa IH PIAMO REO TAL Tbll SUDdl.y's Bible 1usoo tbe sledre~b&mmel' cWnage at be lutalled 1n J... of a Jobt powwa &er111De~ ll&rpret De'U: ofCoroaadel sermoa Y1U be OD "Mortals szoo. a.nd said a water beater • MAY CLEARAHCE wUII tbe c:oGJ b' wtdllalac a Mar preHDtld ber ~ 1n a lDd l.mmortals," Sen lees are ftll tu:roace a.od side door had portl;Ja ol MuiMra M1le ld.o ._ ndtal Sat.'daJ ..,., at 9:15 IDd 11 &.m. 1n Newport been stolen from h1s summer )1<1111 lo lilt Sea --; llaJ I, at lila CommomiiJ Y-Beaeb, II LID, In Costa llesa_ bome. MtiPM'*' COlt .. $11,000. CeDter. no. pu11cJpat1Dc La. IDd 10 a.m. at tbe church 1n • AUT!I'WIZED tbe appliea-tbe lftCf&IDWtrtltatbJ Biabop, Harbor Vtew Hllla. Uoo lo lilt -ol C&lltJrala AliA c.-to, Cral( 1Jid Cbrla lor •-•nc 1Jid '-"'tac CJ'Imptm, Eraal lle'U, Pbl1lp llllnr7 ••loti, ... _..... aalillly lloJJo,ld"-CIIIQ' a ·plu oiUXVJ w•low. ·"•..,•, Catlllr_.llaKJU.- • CALUD llllliiDr 10 Llll. -Clp tid-Port. I.« I 11ay a 111r pa11o --·at--. Eo--.- llarlMra lUnry; qttmt«J Sblnltlor&o Tom Sbdoa. Aaroa, coa1 1a te,ooo. Grac lllld su.y stke, -leo WAREHOUSE LOO.TED Tools aad macbiDery OWDIId by MalDir's Yaebt. ud llwed at a ftJ'*'-' at 1111 llwiiJCI t Btrd., c.tral .. "'*'t. .,.. Ito .. IOIDttime bltw ... AprU , 1Jid llby 7, EdftrdWbu.ol 2110 S&llta Ana AYe., eo.ta Mesa. lit tbe loss at $!20. .. "-YMMml IOAIIIM ... IH. JIJ Y-1, 4 ,,..... IWIK ..... ~495 'U CHIV. CAPIIICI 4 Dt-. Henlt•p. Air, ,,$,. UH, I"•· wiM. ITFAOI41 '1895 •aCHIV, ......... c,._ Air, P.S .. 111 .. ~ UH. IWAK1271 ~295 '6tOLDS C... .. A.T .. UH. P.S. IPIC4lll 5595 • CALLED 8IIE b' 10 a..m. Ttc:e, SUS&DDe Wulau, Joel ... , It --~Q(IIIt .... lllld ~ Whltabr. t._...UDea lwloceutroat .., .. De'U: wtll ae«WDP'QJ llfetaard tow•• bltnlll N..,. bu' bqablnd, wboLia wen man part Plc ud U. b&r'blw cewat_ oa a trip tb1a .-.m .. llllnDce )IIIJ;tltlmatedeoo!ls 1o Ell(laDd 1Jid E...,., $10,000. ll.r. Dt'ak wtll • REVJSED U. ... er pamp work. __ .. _.... __ llr-ol a pualltl -GOOD HEWS RALLY -· mala lrDm BIU.. lalaDII A Good NIWI Club n.IIJ will Kt tbl mtfnlaod, 1n Yin of tbl be bekl at 10 Lm. thU Satur-ROBERT A. HEDLOffiDao•. lnlDt Co. defe)opmlllt aloacdlJ, lb.J 17, at Coat& M .. eu tb&t b1s We lASIIr&DCt: tbl eb&DDel troat oa tbe ma.to-Park. TtDseattend•ncareuUd aceacJ hu toOYed to tlPinded: Ud. to t.'lDc bl&Dketa to att oo u quarters 1n tbe Harbor llrrest~ • APPROVED tbl hn.tneg tb1 ()pea Air Campelptrapre~ meat bu1ld1nc. Z155 E. Coast Ueeue awUcatioal of Mr • ...c tbe procnm. Ed SleYeG!' HwJ.., eoroaa del Mar. Tbe ol.- Oo'a, 1100 W. ':out BwJ., wtl1 otftc:Jate. Prtaea will b! flee reprHeats Occidelltal Ufe Kartalra Mile, ax aduce ball; clftll tor tbe Good Nns Cl t of Ca.Wonia u a ceoera1 BtaebeomberiSbcl>ato..--mc 11om lbt llrtbe.C .,...., -_.11150 a beat ~ natal tJuliMal at dlat&Dee, biYiDC tbe moat boys, apllll &Dd tnkus IDSer con- IUS 11', C4uii!WJ., liar-a baYIII( lbt most prla, brlnclnc lraet. Tilt ......, &lao rl!(lre- 111111; Rob1rt IIUmer l:lr dDar tbe most cbUdr• 1X1t lD.recular sents Trauamertca. Life It to door 10Uc.1Uac lor Newport atteo1Poce. Tnnsamwlca Mutal Fulld lDc:. BEING DRBII8ED (or UlldreN.ci) ln bs. Jll.lamN didn't b.Aotr 1-,..r-otd Sudy Ewtac a blt Frtdi.J morolllcK., 8, w1wu M r"'W<l out at IIIII BeJbc!a P"'""'' bome to 8Cimtre tbe dDek drtt• 1IP ex~ tbe Pollllt oc-fi'OIIt b1 .un.,ora. 8tntciMd to IIIII flalll!!ei&M Ia Cuter, '4, IIICitMr -al the Ku hSIIp, ...., oaald!t't rucb tbe top al tbe Uree .,. thtJIII" M •-jUt 1boat I fMt tall. Tile U. 8. Army '>II!'DIIft ,_ .... pre---watlCXIIUI'ny8ln nprd to tbe 11"1 p•n•!lf ... lleaDIIei'OIIIOIIooatrol proJect. UoOiatMc:nclal,_..._.. l.em ds ... II 6-to.-1, .,_ ... c..--lool- 1'1111 -•" •-u ai-IJ.l -ll-1-1 •doc Ia 11n1 pll<o, fto .. "-' -· .-1 I .. ol .-"' .. lod ..... .. 0 "' ··-PrldaJ .... -.. -•.....s .. 1-5-1. 111&1 -"' .. • ....... no ·-,_, ta1---· •-Cllock ~ llod all lllalr 4 .._ .. lilt tq -.. lila .. Jr#llP, lllrllllll lrd ...... olf plldJar -· ... t tid allowlac -• IIIIo. Be-•. no 5allors pool1 He a1ao ...... 111a -•• "' • IIIIa. ... --"""'"' ..... Harbor ... -loplay 1111 ......... -""'loll, Bob -y-d&J at lbt op-Ccr--aiOCitd lo rl&bl poMD' lleld lo -lod Dtld lo -· Ia t-. piau Ia lila Loa.... Co-. loot lo F-1• Loon .... lbt ln1Da lAope ValltJ J " u a allllt rwl cbl.,_blp wUb u 11 waa. ia tile M brolll a World's Largest • REMOVE WATER STAIHS • FLAME PROOFING ' OUit IXCWSIVI HIIVICI epzsf' 'tr'•ss . ,. .. ,.,, '.. . ... . ,.._...., ........ . ......... ' e "-&e-DIIJ I S•rvine All •f Ora .... Ceunty 1702 NEWPORT .8L VO .... Costa Mesa Get ttle ntrt SC*f you wllftt IOf lruh aM from! foods. Frnzer storu up to 2QJ lbt. • Meat T IRIIIr! Holds up to ll.7 Ills. ~ IIIOSI II'IHb fntll liP to I WHkJ • 01 Rlllln! 1'HI GIANDEST CINEMA .:::. AW "EWPORT IIUCH * 644-0760 IXCLUSIVI SOUTHUN OIANGE COUNTY IUN takes A FINE PAIR to do it ••"--itS never been done before 'nNewYork, Rome, the Alps, Austria, _and the jewels better be there! PAIR" GREGORY • E\IA MARE PEa< . SAINT 'nE STAU<ING MOON' oo-,.,_., ·-• ---- STARTS WEDIESDAY -lAY 21st HI ·-· i1 Rill' IIIAIRIIrS II13Stl!rpB:e of tre ~! 1'111 -· "'1171111' fnii ... -..IO!IIIIS -· ACADIMY WINNR liST ACTOil CUFF ROBERTSON. CtfA~b/ ... -ClAIRE BLOOM KVIl. SHOW ITAitTI •:41 CONT. SU N, F'"OM t "M. AT 1liE ENTRANCE • 'Know your fireman' • THE LUXURIOUS IIW IALI- THEATRE RATES FOR CLASSIFIED ADS 20 word 1 or len ........... . 21 wordt to 30 words ... . 31 words to C) words .... .. Each word over «< words .. 1 Time 1.50 2.00 3.00 .05 2 Times 2.lll 3.00 4.00 .10 3 Times 3.00 .. oo 5.00 • 15 TRAN SPORTATION 100" Fi nan ci ng Availabl e AI so We-Carry Our Own Contracts NEWPORTER MOTORS 2036 Ha;bor Blvd. COsta Mesa MOMI Of MK« ... C ..... I.Oell I 1'0t (AST IALIOA ll,D. \ \l,WIOA 'f:ltiSUU· 67HNI~, • MUSICAL FOil m• MAY CLEARANCE Full by 6 poda-.o oreana -Lowrey1 Hammood, Warlllzer-trom >1295.Sp1Dot orp.ns trom $395. ~ to $400 AYlnp OD Dew' Cable-Neboo &. Enntt PlaDoe; used splDet &. coosoles from $390. TenUlc AfiAp OD Scott and Seeburc Stereos -pluo or orpo tndelol: accepted. SCIIItiDT lll61C CO. ll&mmood • stelofty • Yamalla 1907 N. lla1n st., S&ola ADa Est, 1914 WANTED TO RENT SINGi.k YOUNG IIAN ..... room. Wortla.tAIItboof'aShoe Service. It JOU tan •• .or tDow of ooe a ra ••• plaue ea.u 673-1041. FOR lENT LARGE OFFICE l.a Triad bulldiJI(, air ._..._, car. poled. Triad ........ -lite Hoq ~llal. 100 oq. ll.$W IIIOIIIll, IM-lt75or141-7fl• • WOilWMT. mCililiCi' Y-et ..,.,. l•oo .. oil .... et oloo .................. 11.,, -··-·•1 ........ --·"'···--'11..~6'/):2TT4. -0 LI!OMAID IAUK!MS Vogel Value Corona del Mar SMALL HOUSE OM REAR OF R-2 LOT FULL PRICE JUST $28750 s~ooo DOWN Vogel f>o. CDROMA D!L MAR ll667 !nt C:.oot HI !It_, (C:.r. fo,.loof) -.. 67~:1)20 FINER · HOMES DOVER SHOII!S Magnmc ... t -t.dlt bome, 3 bednJoms ~~ batlll, famlly rm., uquUite wall conr· ings, wee ternc:o -.-pool, wet bar ................................. .ut,IIOO Open Sunday 1 • 5. 500 Morning Star LaDe LINDA ISLE New Z.sty. bayftont bome with lge. pier II: slip. 4 Bdnns., dining rm., beautilully decor· aled. $135,000. Call for appointment. WESTCLIFF New, larf:i4 Bdrm. S bath uecutive ~e. Formal rm., hugo famlly rm. w1th frplc. and w ·in wol bar. GlaDW!r tllcben .. -rm. .......................... 1110 Open dally 1 • 5. 13311 Sanllaco Dr. CAMIO SHORIS Fabulous while water view, private Olllnnco to beech; 4 bdr!DI., ~~ batlll, formal diDlnl rm. Tea.twood paneliDf, pool. m'I,OOO. cail for app't DOVER IHORIS Tbls delightful, lar1o I Bdrm. bomo with family rm.; llap, IIUUrioul muter IUilo, putllto sot11DJ wllll pl.,ty of room for pool. lndoor-Oaldoot' lanai, ---.. rooo Jardoa. flli,OIO. Coli foropp't. LIDO ISLI Cbarminl IUIIIIt ..._, I bdr!DI., f batlll; 1 blodl fram beocb. dub 6 --....................................•• 710. LINDAIILI 5 Bdrms., plor • 1llp; utile fUS.OIO. Opoa Sal 6 SWI. WIJDda 1M. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I BalM tllroueb the Multiple u.u,. Semce at the Nnport llubor-Ca.ta II-Board at Realton totaled $14. 'f miDtcM! fOI' tbe tint three mceOre CJI , lMI. TIU npre~lllta no 1111tt Ml•i' IDil ua mu-at lOll OYerJI)t.-e 'iMiod f/l.lut,..,. Li.tJGUl'pl .. lrV Wltll a RNitor todaJ. _ . • 0 - 0 • ·-· 3 CORNER LOCATIONS TUSTIN & 16TH or ALISO & 16TH COSTA MI!;SA 3 or 4 bedrooms -some With famUy room -carpeted -front yards land- scaped -fenced -fabulous kitchens - heavy shakes. $32,500 to $33,950 10% Down -B&lance· 1st TO 7 1/2% (Listed in Multiple 4/23) MINI-EST ATE ON FABULOUS Udo Isle • 2 Lots • 2 PaUos • • 3 Bedrooms • 2 Baths • Super-Equipped Kitchen AT ONLY $79,500 --including Carpeting and Draperies THlS SHOULD SELL FAST - - SO HURRY! p. a. palmer lncorpol'llted JIIIIEVIUNS If liiO SIU 1935 ., "'•"• Oolole w.. lis I II ............. L.A.·_ ......... · TlftiRS~Y. IIAY I~ IMI mllllili i!lW: i:Ailr. CORBIN- MARTIN HALTOM Corona .del .. Mar Duplex "RSJ n.-I!D I'O~IAL.I. Sharp duplex in top condlUon. Each unit two bedroo~. Nner a rental problem • • • Tu Bhelter live in one • • • income other ••• 549,50() Corona del Mar Home LOT AND ONE HALF -CORNER NEWISH HOME -GUEST HOUSE. Uvtngroom wtthbugeflrepllce, boc*· case wall, large patio. Short waDt to every need. 45 foot by 118 foot lot. PRICED AT SS6,SOO Home at the Beach Custom built home on the bay With all the custom features. Save your summer rent. It wt11 go a long way on down _payment. S69,SOO OPEN SATURDAY 1·5 2600 COVE (OIIMA COVEl CORBIN-MARTIN, Inc. .. SnWn a..,_~ Th C..~n~c:r• 3036 E. Coast Hwy. 675 2 .................... I':;::Co:r:on:a:d:e:lM=ar=,=C=allf=. ==·= 1 = 6=6=l COJ20na l)€ l maR I' 316 NARCISSUS Open Sunday 1-5 SECOND BLOCK FROM OCEAN AND WALKIIIG DISTANCE TO EVERYTIII!fGI S BEDROOIIS PLIE. •••• DUPLEX SO. OF HIWAY IIA.NIB)M£, MODERN 3 BEDROOMS, 2 BATHS AND Z BEDROOIIS, I BATHS PLIE HOBBY ROOII DR HOME OFFICE. CALL FOR APPOINTIIEHT • $64,500. ••••• VIEW! VIEW! VIEW! THE WHOLE HARBOR m YOURS IN THE LOWEST PRICED S BEMOOM, FAKILY ROOIIIII A <iiEAT LOCATIOII. DOH Y. f'RAHI<l.IH I RUl.TOR \ 32501at_,_ c... ....... c:.Aflnlil -·n-= c.'& loll "'· ; ',.. .., ..... ....,.. ••• ai • .,. ....... , S!ltlu ••Ito DON, MISS nus . ' RANCHO -" CUESTA -U you've missed the cloleout ol RANCHO LA CUESTA'S 3 oilier Wlils ..•• DON'T MISS lliiSII Each ruc:ceediDC: unit costs more, 10 tHo advaDtago of IMM pricea. Como 6 see our mncleJt em Blookhunt at Atlanta in Huntington Beac.b. Tbero are 1 6 2 sloriea, 3 6 4 bedroom bomea with 2 or 3 baths, Miul011 We or abako I'<ICif, file. places, CODCftle driveways, beiVy roug:b cut beams, baill·inl, famlly ,_,, 6 dinine 1'001111. Cinae to Huntington St.ate Beach. Tbeao beautifUl bomea are priced from J24,11115 to $34,200 with VA or Coo- ventioaal financin.c as low as 1~ down. Np .2Dd TDs at 7.2'!1\ interest Call •2921 or vi.rit any day 10 AM to 7 PM. Ph•• ill y ... , Or4.t t.r • s.bacripti•: C:.ll67~ Coli ill y..,, .... , .... .. th• E ... i., 673-0550 Corona del Mar HAPPINESS IS . . . . •••· A -.prdlo; I---111nr7; a .... -111 111o a...-,. PLIII I ioJo1J ••••oow..lblal .... uda_,...._. _,1 s AU•I..._O...wtl1 1 =-. YOU RATHER WAKE UP TO THIS THAN THE L.A. TIMES? This home features 110 ft. ofti"'Oltage on Ocean Boulevard-with a neeplng VIEW OF THE BAY AND OCEAN. Every boat entering or leaving tpe harbor passes th1s point. You won't need a tranquUizer when you Un in th1s nerve-soothing 3 Bedroom & Dell home. Every room has a vlewl Price recently reduced to $96,500. Offers-Offers- VERY ATTRACTIVE DUPLEX Eaeb'"'" ... s -.. • ._ silo~ I b1tba, llr..,lacu, II>OIIoro blllt.-la tttrtsn, dlslnruben, ear- PIIIIC ud "'-M , 1. !Motli&D 10 .,... .... ktMlJ&JIIUWd tlt1lc. oo.-..,1110- J Perfect Oceoc>ucr-r.aJ --lioo. V&lllo priced at $'19,500. Aadtbo owner Is co-<IPWUfYe. ,_,m_ trW lfRb tllta lnaJ111c, COULD BE YO VI Pm IARRm realty 642-5200 II,ID 1110 (OML Y) PIRSOMAa.l!, IXPI.IMCID, IAGII IIUL ISTAT! W.!atiM 110 •• 1M UIIIGoUTMLISM!D OP'ICI, CJIIICIMIAL A-Mill. 'I'OP ODIM.QIIS. LIIIIAL -.s PUll. CALL JCIMM _, •aiiPU ••••, -rATa • • STANDING at left at tbe Dory Ft&bermu mutet 1a Joe Hambl.t, a member ot tbe board of directors of tbl Newport Beacb lllatm'lcal Society, Ybo Ia Wnirlllc tbeboollabold bJ JobD Frl.so. Dick Ta.lstra 1s staOOJnc oo tbe rtPt. All tbt ftsbermen wtU be booored at tbe IUstorical Society's Srd Amual dinner to be bekJ 7:SO p.m., Juoe 11, at tbe Balboa PavUioo re&Dur~. Ttctets can beJ)tll'c'-sedattbe3 public libraries and tbe Cbampr of Commerce. (Enslga pboto.) BeHy Gebhard elected For tbe first tlme iD tts 12 aDd ow.r oft.. A. ~• reara of ensteoce tbe eon. Co."' wbo llfu at 440 De Sola fUpJ:and.s Property Oners Terrace, succeeds Wllllam Ass a. is beaded by a W'OIDaD. Kloee.tDer, a S-Ume presldeDL llrs. Betty GebiJard, praJdeat !loa D. Bolloa, bead o1 tbe N._rt Floor Co .. rlllc Co. of Corool. del Mar. w1U ..... u Ylce..prendeot. Bruce Paltersoa, 548 Seaward Road, wu eboleou secretary .. trasarer. Directors are Mra. Jaae c-. llrs. lr-FriOIIII, Elmer Gobruoao, William Klooemer,Jra Smllb IJid EldoD Wllaoo, Nut directors meet1q: Y1ll be at tbe bome of Mrs. Gebblrd 00. JUDe z. Scholars honored RW Of'I'ICUI at .. ~ GfiiM .,._.-"'* ~· ··z:g "'~eo., ... -..... ..... ,..... •c aat·fll~--. cr.u..; ..._ ........ ., ....... TwiWi, .. de 1; 1011 111n, ~ .,_at-Two-, 1n1 t'lot '""" -.no .. 110-• • •;u,o:;, ,_ u. • .,. _., ... -~.-'* 'r ......, I ••• ofsodal note .., na ~!!&Former Miss CDM to marry airline pilot .... Ud -aolo-Dolt .... -. .. c... ........ ,n •ca ._ nr 1 nt II ..... , Jl'?ll, lila IIIIUa I• 111,tDO...Calrtll.._ .... , -....... lira. c-...11,... 'hmef,...4•n. JtnT•k. . SIIILA llcWILLI.WI luncheon e Di._ e Cockloil• Dlflll M P.I •• IM.. T ltiltH lll·llOU·DIIMJ •.. wo .... "' .............. _,.., ...,..._, .. __..... ... ........... s... .... _.._ ---YOU. L.....a~ -...m $1.45 Feahn1n,z IILIIN WIIOHT. WMi th1-u S..l. ---.. ,. .... P\UIIIIt .. _ .. _, __ ,_,,.,..,~ "''.. -,, .... ~ ................... ,. .,lreo ., -· lrlU ... CMSI AIIISI'S 4,,,..,.. ,., ,..., • ... ,.tfll ., "" ... "· Our store baa been completely remodeled , • • newly decorated • , , greatly enlarged , • , with wall to wall carpeting • , , , more merchandtlle to cbootte ,from. So come In and pay 118 a vtatt • • • you'll get the same courteous treatment the Bay baa been famOUII for. SEE OUR liEN'S DEPARTMENT. •,. •, •WHERE WE ARE FEATURING THE LARGEST ARRAY Of.·. lilT SHIRTS IN THE COUNTY ••• SUCH f 'AIIOUS HAMES AS HANG TEN ••• TURTLE II:IHG ••• PURITAN ••• HARTOG ••• JOCKEY •. .-JANTZEN. I'I()BS BOO-. _ .8:11 to 1:10....,. ........... ..,. - wt/ARE HEADQUARTERS IN THE HARBOR AREA FOR MEN'S AND WOMEN'S SPORTSWEAR , l ...... """"-.-1 ........ -~ ... JOe COSTA MESA ORAI&E COAST Y HOLDING MEMBER DRIVE TM ltJa UDal fila IDU'Utof lbo lrriao Tonaee ~ oftlle Onap Cooay l'llllllu'.-le Soeloty wW .. bold .. _,, llaJ' Zl tJom 11 LrD. to 4 p.m. Mra. Lymu Fa.tmer • 5%1 Avocado A ..... lrTlDe Terrace, wlllopu ... -~~~~~pr-.,. IIIII enat. Parlalu atmos- -· will prontl Mrs. Roo Harrod. cba!rmu of lbe flea mart.t. reparU that ber com- m lt.tae eba!rmeo baYe bleD bU1J ......... 1111Dp lo ........... tar tlaD pre.-lous JIU' s, 1Dc:I». d1Dc IDI.DY surprtaes, sueb u pelntlnp bJ' Wtll kJiowu artista SylYta Moonter ot Harbor Vlew Hilla. Tickets are $1 &Dd may be purcbued from any member or BEFORE DEAUIIG lbe 11P1 baad, NetUe Lee, Bill MartlJI, Jamie Jacobeen. aM Mtty Ua.rtlo., left to r1pt, stopped plaJiDc cardl at tbe Balbo& P•:dft!Pila Potnt brldce party ~, 9, loll( -gil tD bear tbol tile Martins ba~ ,. .. --lltpt -· la,tlle ... -.~ _ .. _ (Eulp __ ) at tM door. WILLLUI M. NICE, SOil ot Mr. Mrs. Harrod w1ll be a.sslsted aDd Mrs. WUllam 0 . Ntce,l200 by tile lollowtllcebalrme"'llrs. Hlplaad Dr., Harbor Hloi>- Wl utam Metcalf, ~s; U.rs. l&Ddl, bu beta promoted to Wtlllam Carl81. boob; lira. nrst ~ 1D tbe U.S. Air ~b Morpn. boutSque; Krs. Force at Grand Forks AFB, Harry Baker, elotblnC; Mrs. N.D., -.rbtre be l.a an air traf- Lloyd GreP'J, decoratloal; flc c:c:droller. Lt. Nice 1a: a Mn. R<>r llallberr, no.rera; 1961 ~of Nnport Har- llra. Rtebard NtlmD, wemry tor HiP SeboOL, reeetnd b1s Farmli llrs. Robert HIM1cba, A.B. dep'tt ID ICODDmlcutthe l:lod; Mrs. JobD Crtrrc>, objlctl: l1D1nnlt)' ot Rldi&Ddlln 1966 of art; aDd Mn. Dorta and wu c:ommlalloMd lD 1967 Campbell, rweet sbop. at Laeklud AFB, Tau. Mrs. Corlett heads League Mrs. Edward L. Corlett w111 -.... EVEN THOUGH they didn't w1D ill the Balboa Pt.aiDsula Polnt brldce coolest, Mrs. Doug Lyon on the left, aM Shirley Wnltebead, oo tbe rlgtt. smiled at the iliDOQDCe- meot tbat Ur s. Robert 8e9.ucbamp, lD the center, bad been oamed along lfith her bustli.Dd, Dr. &b, as rupt •-•· (Eoslp~ -.) btad tlleNnportS.cbC- of N&tloaal Charltr Leacue i>r liiU-1970. ID put years Yrs. Corlett bu beeo a TJcktoeklr pat:roDNa ustscut. DIWI.letter cbaJJ'D'ta.D, caliDCiar ebalrmao ol Tbrut: Sbop, Zod Yl.ce..presldent, llld v.-ocram chalrmau. Sbe wu boi'D lD Caldwell, ld&bo, aJJd bu U•od la Or&Jip CowtJ 11 JIIU. Sbe bu bleD actiYI lD U. .__,1 Avtltal')' Anti-smoking drive set :.:~~=s:t Orup Rot&rr Alms, ·-Costa Mesa is tbe sUe ol new Road, accordln( to PbU-membar r1 CbUdreos Hospital Oruce Couaty's third "5-day Up Petty of Newport Be.acb, o1 Orange Cotdy Girls Scout plan to stop smoldnc'' spoo-•ice.prestdeol ot the Auocla· aod Boy SeeM 15 imnt eored by !he Tuberculosis a.od tloo. Sbe wru rece~n u~ pn.J. Respiratory Disease Assn. "Tbe programlsbrokeadowo today May 15 attheNe"lrpOrt: Tbe program, similar to one lnl:o bour and a half stsslooa: 1no t:om Mr~ Earl s Olrl ~ proYed ''highly suc cessful" 1n aimed at com~-.tttD_. botb pby,: outaolng prestdeDt.. The'1969~70 lbe East, lfill be held May zz -steal and emotional crulngs, flce-presldeots loclude Mrs 16 at the Costa Mesa Hip he said. Rlebard c. Rawllnp:, member~ ScboOI Uttle theatre,Z650Falr-Sessioos are deroted to lee-ship; M:s, Richard L. Law-r----------, lures, discussiollS, ftlm pre-reoce ways aod m,. . ~ __. sentatlooos ~~-~ locludes • ~. &l&.l REMODELIHCO ~--• ............. Yrs. H. John Meany Tld:tocker empbasis OD how' er&YiJlg CI.D be coor-dinator ' lollS. EDWARD CORLETT bl.ll; Mrs. Walllam R. Scholl•, director of cbarttles; Mrs. Earl s . Olrlch, oa.Uooal board re. preseotattn, aod Krs. Howard L. Brya.o Jr., pa.rllmeDtarlaD.. lesseoed I.Dd trUl power Comp~ the board are streogt.beoed, Techniques tor Yrs. Robert J. Hayes, recor-ON LAW REVIEW STAFF accompll.sbmut are SUCPsted. c:IIDg seccellu'r IUs Claude E Peter Smoot, 304 GraDd Sale "Tboa teclmlqDu appueat-M ' • • Canal, Balb::a lslaod, ras been lJ k \&.Oar put eeks, treuurer; Mrs.JactL. oamed oew Ulp1es and project __ .. ,. ~ ~ ... ~ ' l +?:' .( ' • ,1.. . . ~-.......... . ·. I ' VICTORIA JEAN ENGLISH. juDjor mu ,.... of tile AssUt:&Dte League ofSoutberoC&illorDiaaadclt.,.•ofllllr. and Urn. Robeoa£ngllsb,1401 £. BayAn.,BI~ reeeiftl ber gokl mOWoo a.ad 5-JIII' Au!-... al-.. ,._ m-!mber-at-large card from Mrs. Albert ll. Nlblo, 111'-'- deat of the Le.lgue. Tbe occasloo. was tbt May z me4ll1lml baU at the llteroatiooal ballroom lD Los An .. lu, com ... memorattna the goldeo a.aniYWJUY of tbl ~ wblcb was rouoded ill 1919 by the late Mrs. HaDCOCk BtneJnc. ( Pbolo by Cwt JobQsoQ,) YOU ARE COIOIAUY INVITED TO ATTEND OUI Dentk nflivefsaj!Sak/ For the first time in the ten ye.u hisiOfY of Barr's, .11 storewide W~le of all items is Ot.r way of thanking you for our grow-th in your community.~ our wide variety of outs tanding jewelry crl!!iltions, as well as a fine ~lection of silver piec~ and unusual gift items ... all reduced in honor of our tenth annivers.1ry ... some as much as 50 percent. CHARLES H. BARR This is • gre.Jt opportunity to choose • gift for bride Of" gradu1te. Come in and ~ tne m~ny spedak • .amons the resularfy fe.Jtured quality products from such world·f.Jmous n.ilmes .15 Rolex, Mov .. do, Patek Philippe, Towle .Jnd Royal Worcester. Now is the time to m.1ke your ~lection during our (irs! sale ever! Now through M•y 31st. b a r b o r ba::r ~a 101 ~~ Caldw __ •,.U.::-:,dir.,.ec:-:-lnr=of=-d::::""::::-a::.ot~• editor fbr tbe usc Law R"l.ew Pettr polotod "'"· tte&l sclODCtt cn<hal• or uc ... ~.M Tbe st:art1nc sesstoo wt..lliD-CE.l TiflCATE OF BUSINESS Berkeley I.Dd 'rill clerk this dude a sbo1rtzJ& of "Cot lD FlctWo11S F~m Name summer k KapJ.aD. L1Y1Dpton, Wntdltf "aa ~port INch, Cl/;lornia 211J MariM AYenW a./~ lsl.-.d. UJHomia pttlnc smollora lo QUit." Mr. LEGAL NOTICE lor 1969-70. He Is &196? poU-9 d 20,000," a run color fUm ot a Tbe w.Serstped do bUlb)' ~Goodwla,:~:Ber~>o:w~l=ls~l~S:•:IY:la,:..!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ t.;;.._;:;_ _____ ___J luag ca.ocer opti'IUoD. From certif'J that they are CODduc-Los Angeles. &f.LTZ MOR1VAR.IES 11•1 IUPIRIOI AVf. CDSTA MESA llldwor 6-2424 •• I . CDAST lllWAT CD-ADILMAR Olllolt J-44!10 s•n 19.f.J lbeD on. MSsiooa 1Dcorponte ttDl 11\a owotn& &Dd operatloD lectures, x ... ny displays. cro~ of a marlDe coDtractlJll busl. discussioos, aw:U.eoce.tpt~ker ness ill Orance Coun~;o . Cal!- puUctpatloa, and,.. .. "aome. torD!a, IJOOer tbe flctwo-.u:ft.rm tblng apeelal" SaturdaJ Dicf:t. aame of GtLLE ' DERBY and "SometbtDc apectal" 1a a teo that said ftrm 1a: CQ~Dpolld of minute. tut actkla ftlm called the tollowtng pet!IIODS WbOse ''Smoke"-atak«ddoo t.aup. aames 1n run &M place of re. tn, '' accordlDc to Petty. sldeoce are u follcrws, to Adm.lssloa to tbl propm 1s ..-u: James Peter Barrett. 131 he-"pold t>r by Cbrlstmas Klap Pl&ce, Nnport S.ch, Seals." saki lllr, Pltty. Ca. 9!660; EctwlD Diu Taylor; More taaarmatloD about tbe 19SO Ctd'.....,l. Costa Mesa. PlocrtJ'D cu bt lillld by ca111D& Ca. 91SZ7. tbe Tabereu.losia Assn. at WfT1rfE$ ou: balds this Z4 :HZ-'1111. cl&r or Aprll, I !169. JA~ PETER BARRETT James Peter Barrett CHAIR SALE ED'\'ill DEAN TAYLOR EdwiD O.U. Ta}'kJr STATE OF CAUFORNIA ) ALSC! YOU I CNOICI! OF 9 STYLI$, INCLUDING lWIVIL CNAIIS, LOUNCOI CNAIU AND 'SWIVIL IIOCiti!IS. Sf900 HJ.GAI{I{EJT fURNIJU~ JJIIWMDI&-. ...... .,. I • ,. d1 • lllala I Is a ·---··- (ss, CO UNTY OF ORANGE ) Oo AjlrU 14, 1969, boi>rt mt, tile -alpod, & Noluy N>Uc la IIIII i>r 11014 ~ ud Slate, por....U, -od JAIIES PETER BABBETT IIIII EDWIN D£AH TAYLOR, \:Qq ..... lo .. lbo per-- MIIMIJ are Rbecrlbld to tbe wlltda tutnmeat ud ac.lmw- lodpd IIIII UMj ouo-tile ..... WIIWISS IDJ bu:l aJII r1- llclal 1-.1. (l)lluda-_, p-Ia ud lbr .... eo.,. ud SlUt. ()liAL) -llll I, U, II, 19, 1 .... "' ... ~­h1tr WHY NOT Investigate the Tax Saving Possibilities of NATURAL RESOURCES FUND, INC. (Not a Mutual Fund) HIGH TAX BRACKET NOT A REQU IR EMENT . MINIM UM PURCHASE $5.000. Natural Resources Fund offe rs a new. lower-risk opportunity for th e sophis- ticated investor to participate as a lim ited partn er [non assessa bl e] in di rec t ownership in America's gas. oil a nd o th er natural resources. It al so prov id es investors with a share in the dramatic tax ince ntives provided by Congres s for those who develop our natural resources. Donald S. Clarke, President of Natural Resources Fund, In c .. headquartered at Denver, Colorado, will be present at our Forum to be held at : BALBOA BAY CLUB First Cabin ·Tuesday, May 20, 1969 8:00P.M. Please call our secretary. Kay Bartels, for reservations at 642 -9463 . MUTUAL FUND BROKERS, INC. 474 E. Seventeenth Street Costci Mesa Member: Patific Coast Stock Exchange Boston Stock Exchange · • c1lties ., 1MI IA11 I. A. JCII:IIY sa'J'II'Ail .,....,.._.-.. .., ...... "!1-. .......... ... WI UC .. ,ICI 0' J•HntAH'$ DAUGHTER ~ fi£11 •Js'¢ ..... ajl -I I~ iD tt;;,.atDl~-?;l.:··-= ..... tL-::' ...... "'* •o1 .. ...,.,__,.,.,~,., ... .. ...,...., .. ---.......... -.......... - ....... ··-· .... tt.l ................. ... .. ~~~ 0 "1M Call oll•ieh" -l•ieh I ., .... .let' ... . ,_,. ______ , ... _,_,_ c.--.. ..,., ....... ,_,.•:-................ .,':1"'-;.'t' r • •"""'--·•* ~-_.. ·--~----tr1t'-'!:f~-::\.­.. tt::·" r •------· .. _ ..... _ .... ---···--.. •••• ...... ca.. h&.l) • ,._ • .,er c-..,.,_ --a·.:...,_. ltoll--· -• ......... *•' , • ._. .__. ................ ( ... !---... , . _, ....... _.. -~-..... ....... •;.:-............................. ,.. ..... __ _ ................. a-tlsll) • P.f:;.~~ ... -.. .. ._ ..... __ ._ M.Ul ...... .,,.... ............. --"':..It:' -., .. _.... .. .. .. ....... _ ...... ... (0.. fill) ··-~_. ....... _. • .... •••' r ..,. .. tfc::luu.. ... , ·-----..... ........ _ .. (DMut. lltll) tl.w ... a·· .... ..... __ ...... ....... _.(loo.kM) ., ...... ~ ..... C1h& lla Ill CI.IID DOWII . ........., ........... ..... ~;. .... ~h. .... ==-· .... -· 1:1 ... .. ... ...., ... _,.( (-11oM) : = ~ !~i!£:::.-: -ca.a••••Y> .... _._..__ .. ::& ... , .................. ... .. .... .......... _ a-. . .. , • bd' ............................. , u-...-.-. ....... ... 2 ... __. .._y ....... ,, ...... .. ( .... llsl) _ _.,.wm .. .._.a..._L , ___ ,. __ . ., ___ .. ___ ..,. .. a ... --.,.,v I .,.. ~ Ac:.ou..,. ... 1 ... _ •at ~ ··--r -----II ....,_ ... el JHU (0.-. .tJ) ftiS) 11, -- ' ......... "'-" ----.... ...... (I,.,. hi) • , ~ .. ~ u-• MW U.. '-'II ' • • ---------·--.. 11 .. _ Ns••w _. a.-a. .. (..., I .,_ ._, dl.l .... ..... ----ap I iiiiiWI ::. ,...... (j,.4i l1ll, l6 "-. Tto ..... 4. kl ;.---..... t) D -u.. ----eeUr n.: (II D..- lllJ) I •• ----.. (0... .,.., .................... ( ..... lclr .... , ,...,, I ~ .. ....._ (a-. llats) 11 .,_. liMy ••• aM.ont•f ...- II ---.. YMr U..... ..... tM1J " 17 "'ttSSII.ddl ... .. ... ... --.................. 17111) It ......_ e1 twa ... e1 A--. --- (z..&, I 1D) • • trM Ia tW. c ... ,.., II •wMlu:u..r --I -. ....,.. .. ._......,.. CPWl. tsll) ..... __._ ......... _ ·•a "-----~~ ...... -n ... ,... u.. .,._. ----•• ~ II pl-. .. wWda P.W: ..u.4 (Act. n.pt ,_., .. (taM. ZWI) 2111) •It.,..,..-____ .. ...r(h.llsl) St. Thom,as Bible Lesson l.eaaoo 2S, $o!loa II -JEREMIAH IH PRISON -JoNmlah 38 Sin~ Jeremiah was one o f the leading world figures or his day, the account of what happened to him tella the maJn points or the-great crisis In which he waa involved. For Jeremiah to be imprltoned was a key public event, just 8.! the boute arrnt of Cardinal Mlndzenty 11 in our time. The atat~ o f the wortd at thla time wa.a confused and filled with violence. Then were wan, rebelllona, deaperate struggles for world power, intrigues, conaptradea and the attendant breakdOwn of fanning, industry and commerce. OWeue atruck again and qain ln plagues a.a the land waJ starving and the cities atrlpped. o f noerythlng of value. These upheavals had been going on fo r many yean. It was roughly 100 yean since the Northern Kingdom o f brael had been overthrown by the then dominant Asayrians, its capital at Samaria aacked and Ita beat families deported. The same Assyrians had laid siege to J eruulem in the daya of Hezeklah, but were dispersed by a terrible visitation from God that left tena o f thouaanda dead in the camp. Since that dreadful siege, Jerusalem and the little kingdom of Judah had managed to hold on to a measure or independence b y an adroit diplomacy. Nevertheless the pcrUs and strains failed to turn the people to Cod and to rigb11eoUinHI. .....&Y.m thg uah the powerful preacbhlg of prophet.!! like Jeremiah an~ Dan~ gave-• mighty puab toward repentucr.. the princes and .the people continued to -'" their ttu.t lo diplomacy and anna. AI. they did, thlnga 1rew worse and wone.. There was uncertahlty and division among the leading men: we read In thll lesaon that the klng was afraid of being mocked by the Jew!! who had already gone over to the Chaldeana (Babylonians). There were the desperate die-hards, who threw Jeremiah Into the dungeon, who wanted to fight sense- leally to the death. There were othen who worked for alliance!! with other powen. And then there was the great prophet himself who !law that defeat was certain and that .the wtaeat policy was to aurrender. H e said Zedekiah would be apared with his family to rule over Judah, the city would not be burnt and the people would live through these terrible times. This was his counsel from God. Jeremiah aho 1aw and prophesied from the Lord that if the r~istance continued, the Babylonians would be ruthless. A .. for Jerusalem, ~they shA.ll bum It with 8re. and thou shalt not escape out of their hand .~ This was the aecret advice given to the present king by Jeremiah after he had been rescued from his dungeon. Rash and urueasoned pel'!ons o ften suppose the ho norable course la always to resist to the death. There are times when that Is true. espe- cially when such resistance gives time and strength to other fo rces to carry on the stru1gle, Such a cue wa.t the famous !ltand at the Alamo. However Jerusalem waa the great prize of the war. She wa.a the most beautiful city In the world and headquanen o r those who knew Cod, the Creator o f heaven and earth. Although empires might hold sway over the world and over the city, they could not of themsel.vea anuff out the mighty power that Jcruaalem fed to the hcarta and minds o f men. To cause Jeru1alem to be destroyed in a batUc for \I!Orld dominion was unerly senseleu. It would have been like using Monte Cusino for an anillery observation post in World War II. Although it was not so used. American guna smashed the ancient monastery supposing that it was. That was bad enough. It would have been worse had the Gennana really used th e monastery for military purposes. Jeremiah urged that the city not be sacrificed so. A LOOK AT THE BOOK "THE THINGS WE FORGET WITH" Someone asked a linle boy if he knew what his memory was. He said, "My memory is the thin11 I forget wish.'" Whas an accurate <kfioi- tiO'l that is of she memory of some of us in regard so she blessings and benefits of Almiahty God. Benisons are poured ous upon Ul. We quickly forget. One finds abundant evidence of she-se-ndt'ncies of man so forget God's JOOd· neu a• he-ruds the-h1ssory of Israe-l in the otd Testament God brought Israel out of Etypt; He ovenhrew the-power of Pharaoh, tbe mighty monatch, ruler of a greas nation; sent plaaues uj»oo the land in order to seLlhciD free. Pharaoh and his army ftre delltoyed tn the Red SR. Surely, theK ap~np were~ evi- dence enough that the: God Who brought them ous of Egypt was a God Who was abundantly able so prosect His own chosen people and Jive them she land which He-had appointtd for them; but when they sent spies 1nto she land, they came back wish ~tories of walle-d cities, ·•fenced up to heaven:· of gianb in the land, powerful, mighty men. All she ~ies e,~~;cept Caleb and Joshua advised hrael not to allempt tO capsure she land. They forgot the power of God, so impresstd were they wish the physique of she giants. The peClple accepted their advice, and she fear which the spies fds became she fear of the whole nasion. For 40 yean Israel wandered in she wilderness until she entire generasion 1.hed off because they forgot the By Dr. Bob Jones mercy and power of God manifessed in their delivery from £cypt. No wonder then in she book of Dr:uterooomy she Lord urae<t Israel to .. well remember what she Lord thy God dtd unto Pharaoh, and uoto all Eayps"' CDr:uteronomy 7 :18). The very lawt which God institllted. the very ceremoniet which He essablished for the aovernment of His people and for their worship of Him. were so remind them of His power and His p-ace and His love. God said to them, "Whe:o thy s.un uketh thee in time to come, sayiaa, What mean the testimonies, and tbe atatulea, aDd the judaments, whch the lord oor God bath c:cm- martded you? Then thou lhalt say uolO thy son. ~t wert Pharaoh's bondmen in EJypt; otnd the Lord brouaht us out of E&Ypt with a mighsy hand" (Deuteronomy 6 :20, 21). God is faithful and never loretta His own. How His hean must be arieved at our foraet· sing Him. Over and over aaain He hu proved shas Hi~ arace it sufficient to meet all our needs, yes new trials brina new fears unas~uqed by the memory of past bte-uina. How much ha~ pier we would bt, how strona to meet the r&- ::.ponsibilitin of each day, if we would tak.t u o.sr motto and put into practice those worda in the founh vcne: of the firs~ chapter of the Sona of Solomon. "'We will remember thy )0\"e."- American Way Features The Gospel According to Isaiah ly our Mistionary In Mlchleon. H. M. Moel and aaid, "I know Who the Man is in laaiah 53, Jcsua" (Saviour ), fltah and blood did not reveal th~ feet to the Jewiah lad. but our Heavenly Father did. h is lrq-ic but true that he wu unable to ahare his joy with his parenta., btc::au.e he would have been turned out of the houtt. .. ...... -FULNESS-~OF!" jOy About 3,000 )'HI"$ .. o Or..td wrote in PNSm 16:11 : "In Thy presence is tulneu ot joy." He wn ri&ht , fOf there 1s no areater joy that ~BOt'laS felktwStup witl'l God. Yet David c:ould not lllnow the tulness of joy now spoken of in Paul"s epistles, for he did not kOO¥rt Christ, who ~ler cama inlo the world as God. man1fested In the flesh lo die for our sins. He dkl not kno.r th.t Christ would make full Nttsf.:tiOfl for Slf1 and be r•is~ from the dud to con· firm our just1nc.tion. Nor did l'le lllnow that belfeveB would be ihlen Christ's rnurTection life and a posit.on and ··atl spiritual bleu1n1s in the heevenlies In Christ" (Eph. 2:4·6: 1:3), When Paul wrote thet God hn called believers "Into the fellow, ship of Hia Son," he reterr.d to • spiritual, hea.,.nty fel~lp, far more intimate and predoua that any prevlousty enjOyed by mortal man. ThiS fellowship Is to be en- joyed by faith , but 1t is faith based on tact, the fact tNt Christ ind!Hid died our dhth and row acain from the dead ltlat we m11trt ~rtake of His life anct en, 101 • position at God' a right hand In Chr.st. This is why the Apostle Paul u,.n believe.-. of this dis· penut10n of &rae. tO "SoMtl; those thina;s wtlich .,.. abowe, where Christ sltteth on the naht hand of God." (Col.3:1). Peter and John both came to know much of this feUowstup throuah communion with '-ul. who wn Mnt to JeruM .. m · "b1 revel.tion'" to make known to lh'l le.cfers there, "that ao.pes wtlid'l I prNCh urrto the natlonl" (See Gal. 2:2,9; II Pet. 3:15,18). This Is why John writes In I John 1:3.4: "TrulY our fellOwship II Mth the Father, and wfth His Son, Jesus Christ. And these thfnp write we unto you, THAT YOUR JOY MAY BE fULL" --.... ~ TlleKint ... ... ..... .. ,_,... "'IWOtiiO 01' TME LOLI'ID" MU .. I'tlltEt.OfltO; TENN • "'WhJ ., ...-Chrl.tlaM ac· -"'" XJac J.--ond aot 10111e other wrlkmat"' The __ ,_ . ...,....,.. ter-qtr, rtnt o1 all we w1t1o are aan..- tlanl bellew ... ... to bt ... ...... and wltbout .mlr ... tta ___ , ...... ..,_ Gad ....._., It tbe' Autbor. Ill diNtYd wt.t hob' ..... ~­ He ....... thalli eYell to tbe ... ot ...._ Mo.t of the CMd Tnta· .a...t wu wrttt& tint ID Hetnw and tbt New Tatamnlt ID Ctftlt. Aa u-t pod awn wrote what God told tbem to write, He k~ them from .,....,.., BefOft prtntlrt& prcJe • Wft'e lnvmted, ecpe. ot baoka W'ft'e lftllde ., hand. Beeat* copyiat.a wen human, In • aplte of careful eheddna. e1'IWI may havt been mack. Nota made on rnaqlna of manUI('rlpt.l wne • om e t I me 1 copied Into the text. If IOftW small cnoor .Upped throu&h·on one copy, any future-~ made from that one would •t.o carry the cnor, Wbrn It came to maldnc tnna· laUona of the Blbk into other lanpqn. multiple cornput.ona had to be made between exiltln1 C.'II:JIPiN of manuacrtpta. Scholan worked ~ houn dledd.n& and re<hecldn& to make au~ nothlnc waa omitted whlch ahoukl be in- cluded and nothtna: lncludtd which shoukl ~ omitted, Earl,y Enaliah trantlaUona ot the Bible we~ made b)' Wydlffe, who tranalated the New THta· menl ln 1382. Tyndale In 1~25 and Coverdale, who publlthed the nnt complete Encllah Bib¥, in 1~. Early In thoe 17th ~ntury Kina James 1 of Ena:land appolnt- H M schol.an to ~re a vtr• alon whld'l wa1 ultimately to bear his name. Usina ancient lancUaae manuacrlpts u well aa Encliah ln.nalaUona tho&t ICholan pub- liahed In 1611 the Blbk-··~ know u the Kina JamH Vers.lon or she> Authorlzed Venion. The Kina Jt.mes V~nlon has enjoyed wklt ac-eeptarw:-e and popularity amona Enallah .. peak· trc peopW, It il not conakltred hwplred but a faithful traMlation ot u.e ortclnal tnt WbAdl wu m.. apiNd • .An EncJWa nvWon wu publb.hed In the 1870'L It k~pt rnc.t of the lansuace or the .A.uth· orlzed Venlon but cbanaed IOint" words for eWaf'f!r undent.a.ndln& 1lnct-worda 1n any Uvlnc lan- IJUAie ehance over a period of llme. In 1901 an Anwrlcan Re· vision caUed ·~ Arrwrkan Standard v,nion" wu pubU.htd. It wu eona:IMred truatworthy but hu nner ~njo)'ed the popularity of the Kin& Ja.mn Ven!on. "1be Rr.rbed Standard Version wu publlalwd 1n U152 with rnoft! modem lancuqe. It wu apon- sored by the National Counell of Olurehes ot Christ in lhe U. S. A. anct t..ect aa adviRn and trana- laton many uneonv~rtfd mm, ..me who opmly oppoRd the deity ot Chrlat, His vtrrtn blrUI and rniradeL II la not aurprilllnc that this venton cau.aed pMt eontrovusy an4 came under ftre of t:rue beUeven. '!be Klnc JamM Venion, lhnl. rema1na the mc.t popular of all tnntla~ amonc Chra.tlan ~ pie. Ita baauutW laftiUIII and nowtnc stJ)e bllw VMt •ppeal. lt a. loved and quoted b)' JOUIIC ond old ollke. -......... ond ISftfW aebo&anblp with whleh It wu ~ ,-..tr. wen tor Ita INitWOrth.F daarKter, luq truw-- ... Uon attemptecl b,-just ont man ....S. to become merely a C'OIIl• ~IU7 Uld wblle helpful. not _,..,. .. Uleful 01' trul~ aa tha eoDOet ted effort ol many .......,., Because Jeremiah's powerful preaching and his strong good sense was so damaging to their own policy of desperation, the die-hards took him from royal protection and threw him into a vUe dungeon. There was no water ln · the pit. only !!l ime and mud. And by this time there was no food in the general stores or the cily. so the p rophet had not even bread and water in his confine- men!. They left him there to die. In witneuing over the years to the Jews, we have made much U3C of the Old Testament, for the G011pel ia u clearly presented there u it is in the New Testament. We read in Luke 20:1, that our Lord "preached the Gospel" in His day. Liktwitt, Peter !reached the "me Go.pel to the Jews, aa di Stephen. We aiAO 6nd thai Philip preached the same Gospel to the Ethiopian : .. Then Philip opened his mouth, and besan at the aame Scripture [ laa. 53], and preached unto him Je.ue." Accordinf!; to 1 Cor. 15:1-8., the true Gospel is the death, burial, and resurrection of our Lord and Saviour Jeaua Christ. If we belltve thia Go.pel tbtn we are eternally aned (Romana 10 :9, 10). In Gal . l :~9, we arc warned that if 1ny prcache. any other Go.pel, a curae 1waila him. On one occuion, we UMd the aame Scripturea to a Jewish author who h.ad ~cr read the Old T eatament a.ad the Lord imprtlllleCI theee Scriphtrea upon hia heart al.o. Like the l.d, he went to the public library and read IMiah 53 for hin..elf and found ia them ju.at what we told him about them. The Holy Spirit did H~ work in th~ Jew'• hurt alao. I THE ETERNAl SElF-EXISTENCE I An Ethiopian eunuch, one of the official a or the Coun. named Ebed-Melech, took Jeremiah's pan at thl.s point and petitioned Zedekiah on his behalf. The Ethiopian smarted at the in)u1tice a nd the h o rror o r laying hands on the prophet of the Lord and pointed out to the king the deep wrong. The king senna to have found some courage with this urging, and sent a company of 30 piclr.i!d men to draw Jeremiah out of the pit. The prominence of old roHeh rag• that were used in the rescue would Hem to testify to the pitifully weak condition Jeremiah must have been in by th.il tlmc. These would aerve to 1pare him the rope burns or being lifted out of the dun.-eon. That auch care had to be uud to rescue him declares how miltr· able a priMm he had.. Jeremiah then wu kept in protective cuatody In the oourt of the prtaon • .From there he wu able to counsel Zedekiah secretJy. When the Jew• counter our witneu by atatins th•t Je.ua is not mentioned in the Old T e.tamenl, we point oul th.tir error risht from the Old Te~tament Scriptures, In laaiab 62:11, .. Behold, the Lord hath proclaimed unto the end of the W().rld, Say ye to the daqhter of Zion, Behold thy Mlvalion (Heb. 'Jesus') comdh; behold Hb reward ~with Him, and Hia work before Him." And IMiah 45:22, .. Look unto me. and be le Mved, all the enda of the earth •.• "' And in Mid 52:10 we tad: "'Tho Lord holh ...... bore Hio holy '""' iA the eye. of aU Dationt; &nd all the enda of the earth lhaJI .. the ..J .. tioa of our Cod." Tbla wu the lut dtance given the kln1 to come to hia aenses, and aubmU 10 the Babylonian aupmnacy. He chote rather to swear Jeremiah to keep It ia inle1Wiiat to~ the power of the HtNt hLI advice and went alonl" with the deeper ale men who were forclnl" the ::t~~ J=~ ~.a:~. ~~nc: Bllbylonians to sack the city and deport the people While Zedekiah dkl not ·ben tMtt ew1om for .,..1, unan.J.!aean but pwt1ah 1M: proph« ttny further, he kept him. aa Cardinal Mindzenty it kept laueh ~ w• putupoe the hoard. today, 10 that he could no lon1er carry on hla ministry, With that, hl:a doom Jew. deeanded thet if the Stripe.,. were .• d the doom of Jerusalem wu aeaJed. '"So Jeremiah abode In the court of reed.~ the OW T•• w•:,• to be ,.d, .. pltiOn ~.mtl lbe day that Jeruaalem waa taken: and he wu there whm ~ did DOt wuc the N.. ~-•--t reed to • -dollolr-a ..... ..., ............ --•• ~o~c... wllo .......... Bible, .......... ""' Lord ..... IJkl .U Plf'IO'U wbo have made a leaci.ue wUh wkicedne .. andlln. who fortlt • ~ U.tha OW y,..11 11 t • He .. -. ... IDIIc atllld. a couDMI or .. peratton and c*lrucUon. who havelau.nched a ia ... New ..arme' 0. OM oocs h• • """" .,.. II* • ._.,.., • Z-loh lound he could not admit his ains but bod rood laololo 5S oM • J..,.. 1M. _., IIIIo ID ·-1 0111." Ho bod lo d•h'Oy Cod'o people roll>erthtvl 11vo1n. Rule or ::::~ ... ~.~ :5::: ~ "::..:: Nlz-lolopolltir-M...-. illlonn••w........ •IIIW.Wioo NAif• '1'0 .. DIIIIR: Jeren/M. Z«hhrldl. £b<d,M<I«:h. ... Ill..-,_11 ... oiW. ........... loar ~ '1'0 IICAJ.L: Bobylon o{llle Cltald«uoo. p-n. 1M--5o ....... ..._ MI"HIYVKIIIS: JuwmlahM::t !)'~roodloololoSifor" , ...... ~ atlnr -I'.O.._!NIJH-H""""""Ta: .. 77oU ,... ......... _..,.,. ... , '. It ia trasic that when the Jew. wen aent into BabJion ~or ~ir apoaay in ~ daya ~f faithful Jerenuah. 1SUilud of rt:pmllftl of their national aint •nd retumiq-to the faith of their lothen like Abrohom, they eumpilod thelloby· Ionian Talmud ia.teecl ud led the whole na· lion ulray from tb.t d•y to thia. From that day, the Tolmud bee•-the bible of the Jewa. which ""'" ....... 1<> the Word of the Lin.,. God. E ... the robbia _., tlaot it Ia more wicked 1<> ..-.. the wordo of the robbia thon ..._ of the Torob. Little woader oar Lord niMaked ..._ bllad plclao, ao,.U.,: "Fall well ye reject the ec m 1M.-ol COd. that r• moy ._ y041r ..... trodkioa,• n...l&d -. of ihO bllad oloo aoy, "11oo _.,,..,. oltheT ........ ....,...._III_Iawo. TloOz are more lJulportut thut tllllt l.rn of M-. In the doro of .. , LoN, Hio diadploo ....., _, olow to fll'aop oM ....._ tloo Coipoi- Hia ,_rredioL --Lon! _..t Uldo tJ.a. • H. W pnr'aJ, Ha ......_. tt.-for u..u -· ,, .. --'-: "' ... 0 ,.__,_ .-,... -. .... olow of -"' ............. ... ................... o.po ... Oorlol "' ........ .................. _ ..... e r """""' "'• .... _ _. ... ... .... , .............. ... ... ~rs ·am,-( ···17) ... _ .... 7 ..... _ *p •• ~ .... -~ ... ~-.. ...... ... l'lf'rt -.--a • It oQSRia.Aiollooloio-........ _. ..... ,'I a;lll..,.-*•' .. ... rllio .... lllo .......... ........ (1& • ..,. NEII'ORTHARIIOREIISIIJI F Pol•·ce SECXMIDilC11011 --,.l rom· THUIIIIIAY,IIAY IS.- COIIOIIAO£l~R,CAU~.;~·~~~Anl5~'s·l~l~= IWI ... 0 -.._. .. Col.---·""'" 'Htt'. :-,,; :·: .':'-..·.i • ~'*! ... ~:-.. :w,o '10.000 llo4lly 1•1•11' ,000 .... ,.,., 0....· 2,000 Moolicol Poy 1,000 Dootlo lod-lty AIJO,DOO U.I••M M.tet~st DISCOUNT$ FOR 2 CARS Fardier Red.ellou for Acdcl.t Free Drlvta1 Af&er bt .. c1 211d Yean Tit~ liST IUY FOR CARII'UL DIIIVIRS - .. r•ll•••lfi.&_,Prlll 111 ION ·-WO,, """'""" -,,,A.,..... OM •• llllld dtltllc W' 1111 If at '"*'• a1 CoWo lollor H!!'! .. lll *"P · • • -rw.. Ull WtlltcWlDr., w-.. "hbsilia Otc*Aft.. Co- cUI! c.., ... ., u --,_ dol liar, ._.. .. tao 1>111... -OC Sll-OC <lo'l 1 • SATURDAY APRIL II lroa -cWNoiiM • • .0..,. A lila ' Cor'NIIo no lllo llPI. 0 y-......... clriY• • ...,. -""""'" .. 1... ---'-II Lid. 1100. c.. lromllll-101-... RWJ .. awtMr•, Ku.", .a. Wut N..,...t;U._ ..... ,...,_ Ulo tblal ,_--liPt. clr!Yo -... - lCIIMI Ulo -cwl> ... plale, wldell bod--.. "' Ulo .-lo "" .... ,..... lbl _.,.... -· ... "' tile car ••• lipM Clludllr, tb1 llftllt •• .A1 Riao, 4M st oiiiU~Dr C.... ...._..A•e..R ....... --. ... ud 1..... ..;Jol¢1', -ad .,_ 1J111 01 ~ A VA GAaDIID plaJI _!loo rola 44, OC 1101 M ....... BIYd.,lfo. -; ---r..-0 OC B--Bll•l>olti Ia 1111 IS, eo.ta 11e11, ••el:looDdoa $'15 _...,. llld ~ lbot 011 11c:a1 prcdM:tt.w o1 ''II&JW- tlle et.r .. of DNIIII"'on ol b)' & 88 .. aro.d 1 P.ID. •• • M•• u .,. ..s-.1-at tbe BIJ-~-F oc1r k--lalllaM-C..liCnll-~--~-• • • r Jo • ot 101 s lloJin>ot Bola II-boa T-., ~ liar 20• lud. n, otmW.IIolboaBIYd., ~~ • -~ :. doclarad --------Balboa, wu ll'l'llied OG tlilt -..... ......... ..... IGAL cllarll oc -lilac 1111 ..,... Yolao7 Bron; -no oat L NOnCE lOr JODJar prOCOIIJ II --.. l>ol a tao ••--OC c>Udr• "IIIIJa 1 poilu oc. wu lloloo ••• A lala roplrt Nll'nCE TO CREDITORS -wu ftllillc 1 lld:ot WU -.,. -8Ja-SUPERIOR COURT OF THE ---117F..-s.m.o"llllldlul<odtiiiPioJONSTATEOFCALIFORNIA FOR AY• Nl'llpo<l &,IPU. -blo ll>oal.,._l) ltolooll&rcbll; THE COVliTY OF ORANGE ..:M.. -bo loll -~ -lo lo llod Ulolr two $50 ftc. A-124'10 ::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ 0C blo VW oo IamborN Rood ladd•a. Ulocc-loldpollco Eolat. ol ADELE CLARE = 11111 turood tbo car ..... ccllo ll>oal lbl Uloll from lit W. BARRs.Ji. aloo tmon u ADELE SACRED TREASURE HOUSE l-side -1 c-~•-Utb St~ Welt Ml'llpo<l lloll!l>lo C. Y, lleceued. YOUI CltllmAM ......._y CIWIM r -• 0 --Tbo 1ottor llli(Bn>ad-MOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Dr.atl:.,p.m.;lltl:pan..-, •• • m tbe J~Cronl.lld to tbt creditors of tbe abo¥ Dulol s-, 19, ol 1101 moor -e GIII"T. -CAI-IDL.Ka • ~IL .. 8T"I-•. f"~ s.nne AYe BIJbol. neet•.S Bllleftt«, were •• from a •med decedent tbatallpermu a small c.-~ btl ktbeld bloet eJIIrUee wall ud ~P~:u.t ba'f'iDc c.lalms apiDst tbe saJd • · • a $'10 loa • • • decedeat are required to tue ....... MoiiCW... Ac..,n.l • SUNDAY, APRIL lS • MONDAY, APRIL 14 them, 1rttb tbe oeeeuary vou-~ONE 848-e:a•e CoeTA w-.... c:.AUP'. •aea'l' C&rla Goaln, 14, ol SZO Jf!rrY Wlrtt"*"C, 40, ot ebvs, 1D tbe omee ot lbe clerk IU L\11' 1M IT.~~--Let.......,_...._, Acacia AYe., Coro• del Mar, 208-l/ZUrdst., WntNewport. ottbl ~~ eatttledeourt,orto L;::=====-==='=-=========~ was picked ~ at 10:50 a.m., was plebd • at S:SO LID. at ~IMI!t tbem, wttb tbe oe-oa a fallure to IPPIIl' warrut BaJiidt Dr. aDI1 E. Cc:utiiY)'.,,c:ea&I'J' •ouebers, totbeuoder- •.• Mlcbatl Uoartal, 21, o1 00 a d:niU; eblrp ••• Harmu. Gped ai e/oTbomasE. Heffer-Orco Block ·co. 4805 Rl•er A .... Wut Now. "''*'"'• u, orz'l51 eudlaal·-Attaney •• Law, s10 E. port, n.a booked at 1:45 p.m. Dr., eoeta Yea. na arrllted SeYIIIteeatb Street, Suite 210, BUILDING ILOCD • ALL SIZF$ • ALL TYPES oo ' lallore to _. WU· at t1t1> St., IIIII w. o. .. Fn>at, Coota Mesa, CaUiorola 9Z627, J~~~~~~,.~'"~•~•~n~•~•~l~lo<:b~n~7~-m~o~~~~~Lr~aat~~· ~-~-~Dooa~~ld~Car~~l-,~izz~, at S:!O p.m., &Dd eb&rpd wttllwbicb t.a tbe place ot b""MS• .......... •••••• a. I • ...._L ..... "-of 1S81 GalaQ Or •t DcPrw pull tbll: of &alo • , • Wldle of tbe lmdersiped In all matters wu arrested at I :S5 NUCJ Cb1Jdl wu La 1U5 E. perta.1.a1nc to tbe estate of laid Balbo& Bh'cL, paeldD.r to more deeedG, within sis moott1.s to 1201 E. Balboa Blod., ao-. alter the llnlpubUcattoootllllo SERVICE .,meaae .stole W par• tbat aottce. IIlio bid loll ODlllnalknJ,... Doted A!>rll 17, 1959. to tbl rear door ••• Georct FRANCIS KELLY Fr"mu, !100 Sntt•r An., Francis Kelly Dol'er Sbores, bad to belate to Eaecutoc of the Wlllottbe ADAMS QUALITY CAR CARE IY FACTORY TRAIN!O PEOPLE WHO CARE 1-lrt-. 2121 HA8111 k VO. work; Wblo be left b1l bo1111 at above named decedent 10:10 a.m., be cU..eonred b1l Tbomu E. Hefferoan, Attor- MIIItl..lc bad bleD drtt'Ml away Dl)' at Law, S50 E. Se-tiDteelltb t.rom tbt driYIWI.J, aDd eu11J Street, SUite 210, Costa Yell!&, .... lor ... bid loll the lroJ• Ia CaWarola 926!7, &12-3!1."o. tbe car ••• Kart MUCUar, AttarDI)' tw Ezecutor. 1950 MJrtle St., Coota Mesa, Pllbllol" Aj>rU Zt, Mar I, 8, IIIII l&mel Falloo, liiZ 0.... 15, Ia the Newport liar- LaDe, Weslclllf. r--. ot eJottl1Dctrom tbt loc:Ur room .. te47 Ma<Artbar ••• • TUESDAY, APRIL 15 no.Jd LI.Preu, &180 u DoaaJd Sn.Uow. JO, of E. BI.J An., Balboa, wu ar- retted at 1 :ZO a.m. oa tbl cllar ... ol bolr&IUJ ••• J._ !!:!~~!J~~===l OlobotAJ, 24, o1 201-l/Z lOIII St., WeotNnport,wuarr- oo the cllar ... ol bolrllarJ ••. Two porllod cars OWDOd by !l.>.le Docwt ol till ......... Welt Nnpc:B"t. were l'lm Malcclm Hod ... , SIOI-1/Z Oc .. F-, WHI Newport, 8:50p.m. oa s-uon Dr., ol -st. . . . JobD G&llo, 1001 Newport Sbor•• Dr., Nft'- port Shores, reported the tbeft ol ....,.., oo.luad at $35 ••• Cborloo 1206 Dr., Dorer IDid lllal$150 -bod .......... -• • A BEAUTY NOOK 2732 E. Coast Hwy . Co,ona del War Phone &7'3·733b SEVEN NATIONS COIFFURES OPDi MONDAY THROUGH SA11JRDAY free Perkias ia Froat 300 W. Co .. t Hwy. & .. do 6.Q·""" Mk~~~IUILDING CONTRACTORS REM ODE LING J'ObD.SOD• SOD and ADDI TIONS e ,.1:!1 .. LAH I!.YICI e I"•U: UTIMATU Sl2 ·5949 AMERICAN CONSTRUCTION CO. m1 & !ID l!.oo & !ID oov o oo u v £ 11. • lll6ll!ll:! m · au 1!1 [li!J I!! 'if • ©®I!! IDI£1!1 2621 HAI80il aOULIVAID, COSTA MaA S40·S6~0 642·0981 itJ COMPLETE FUNERALS "•• '245 COMI'LITI FUNDAL AND IUIIAI. CENTER ~~ Jlark .H& &-17 (;em Lt!.M )' ...... __ .d.. • .n...._ B .~L.r __ , OIIWJWIUII lA VIJf!l ~ •• _., ... T ... keu• the fuDera1 mel burial a:nter ~ elimi•til the need fot processinas th(IIIJBh beaty, traffic oa Otetaowded hi&fiwqs. family and ldmcls alike may DOW p&)' their full re- Spects "' attrodia& the burial temc:e. .. well .. tbe ...... let'liae, all at-.. l.,.,ti&l plaae. at lal CDit IIIII ..,.. CDIINdz 1•1 _,_, •M:Haw.. 7141W' I' NG1 714 CALL DAY o• MIGttT , R~IIIUH, , .. .,... UCEIIID I -DID FREO H. GERWIOC JCMGol~ 173-44141 -sa. 217t ~ 1ltJ&rl T.6 'UMIJTS Pllll•••• e11t •.. ,... ..... c:.QA.at. • HIA•IC AIDS HAL AEIISOIER ~·l ........... ~ ....... ,_E. c...tH..,, c. ........ 6JWm l.8GUN8 f1DM. OM H8LP )00 IIJliiiD (II IMPR0¥8 WUR HOMe 2600eMIIA- LacU<Uo S.Ch. C.hforn•• T~·494·7S41 INtAHCHU: Over the past third of a c:eatury we bave financed hUDdreds of miiiMw; of dol1an in Oranll" Couaty residential reo!-. All- yean olcxpcne-mate it ~leflorour­ offioen to offer you the important ~ ot PERSONAL AnEHTION AND S!:RVJCE. PaoYn LoAH COMMITMENTS AND Bx.ri!.IT ElcaOW. We invite you to uk our home loan counselon about our · PAVORABLI! LOAN "Il!niS · CONSTRtJCnON LOAN PLANS · FLI!XlBLI! LOAN PLANS · UNIQUE lN"rnREST RATE IE.DIJCING PLAN If' Mre yoaa borro. D0£5 ....-• 41/J,_.,.I u.u .............. ; l ~ ~ ,.,. ., ... JWN>r. 499·1..0. 496·1201 San Clementr. 601 N, [I cam.no Rtll l~ ol92·1195 o HIAL TN IISOIT :t.t.~ :=.=-_t ............ .._ *.W...'' 0 .......... ............. .._. ·~· ..... o COSTA o ORANGE o AHAHEIII o HUNTINGTON MESA 6311·24f1 126-0381 BUCH $.19.3361 8~2·1~51 o RIIG CLEANING 673·5822 675·3353 Persian R119 Clea•hNJ Wens CLEANING & DYEING ALL MAKES OF RUGS -WALL-TO-WALL CARPETING I-DAY SERVICE !j!I~~~~====l· -~~~--.~-~~~~.~!-_-_-__ -_-_-_-_-_- ... ,_, ... ·--.All __ .__ ....... ••lll•n 32110 E. C.. at Hwy., COM 6n.t605 .... ''IPII Ctt,_ S11ta ..... c-...., ....... -· -- o PAIIIT & '1-'U.PAPII .,. .•. , ... , & 'IALLPAPII Plltllllt9 -Ouldl lor" Pilots-~ale I Iota I ),OliO PA TTERIIS OF~APEit • .. L C.. .... a. ......... ---·-... 'tt• ..... Shrv.,l, lnteriOt Plonts Trop ical & Tr"' In seC1cicl .. W Fertili aer S&H G..on s._, FIU:F n1.1.11TR\' COmNA DO. lUI Mlll:ll:ln n44 £. f'MIIt. -. •• •n•• o l't.II!IIIHG qr_ :;.-M ~~ ----·-·---..... ~ A.l. IAIIIUC I'Ll.'\tltf.lt Muc.:_.....;. .. 4.., (1'"""•"-~ loW ~~-......... PAY .t'NIGIT WA Tl!It IIIiA Tlllll. c.llleT_ ... .,.. o SH(l( IEJ'AIR MABEIIffS Shoe Repaor Purse and~ ~•r -Dye Wort SI.H ST....-5 ONE DAY SEJMCE litO H..tlof llwd. eo ........ -.., •3311 -------- -., «r· n. ... .. • S.wt,., ..._..h•• S.....tae REPAIRS .. 4 S!RVIC! E..-, "-4 •4 ICt•lll a •• -on -AIIJ .. , O.livl!!f)' S.t·.,h:• AW16l•W• SEW lEE IT SHOP'P'E !7!2 E. COAST BWY. CORONA DEL MAR y ... ,..._ 675-~ (Aef'Ou fro. nve Crowae) o UP'IIOLSTIII'f · A ZN1l PLACE AWARD 1o boallll pr-ID the lfnpa<t ' Beacb Jlaior Ebell ts dlspla1ed. by Mrs. Warrea Fil, at loll, Grot rice..preoldeal, IIIII lb • .._ Sbtrmu. Tbe award wu ctteo at tbe biDqQit of tbe Orup ot.trtct. Ca.WorDia Fed..atJoa of Women's Clulle:, JliDJor member- slllp. (Karao Ko"I&Cb -.) 27,000 due at OC, GWC Mrs. Jack Hart elected 2 1 JWfee ...... .,_ •• 1 .-~-··-·----... ol a. Cout Wo•-lt10La. Clotll will llo bold 01 t11o - --1110111 ,.._ Y-~ Clotllllll Lll. tllo Coul Clll> -Clll llrL ~ • ..., 10, ..... ~-Hart 011'11:.5110, llcCallo, · tllo Pr-ol tllo IMOKIHG lllTIIOitAWAL ~ lllotrlct, C. F. W.c., will STUDY GROUI' HAMID IIOtllo!MeiHII-· FOOD' C.... del 11a1 riii- Tbl l.collli.Dcpr...-, MJ'1. dtiQ lli.YI tleeD •Jecttd to Jodt Hart of eam. Hlplondo Mrn pit a op0c1a1 ldo'-7 II a rotlrod oe1Koo1 -· commtlloe oftheOnllpCouiiiJ Sbt bu eboooa tor btr Tbomo T~alooll IIIII ROIIItratory -"SI1lJ.ai aloar. aD tuds OD Dt.... Aaa. TbiJ Ul 11!'1.. deck, ,_.., porta of frtOIIII, Kent Coehn.a, SU Po- lldp ~ IU'Yice to Ute com-AYe.; Dtua D. Sebmlb, 1?1A. taualtJ.' AYocado An., ud.Mr.udMrl. otbtr oftlcers are: First H. x. Ktmba.U. 305 Oreb.Jd An. Ylco..pruldelll, Mrs. Ray-Tbty wiD bt portletpalllt In u Wood; lDd Ylet~utdtat. Mrs. ad·boe eommittH to en.b.te Georp BrJIOD; SJ'd nee-pre .. tbe taectJ.YeoesaottbtuJDCia- lideat, Mrs. EIJ1e McGeary; Uoo'• smottac .ntbdranl cu~ «b Ylce..prelideat, Mrs. Az. DJ.el. th"' Hoocltq>Jio; •ocordlnr Bill Hill, pnstdeal of the secretary, Mr1. Dtle M&cor; assoctattoo. ays tba.t put pro.. corre...,tnc secrlllr)', Mrs. P'UDI lan bad lt> to ~ <ielx'p Fot; fl•nclal leC· succesaiD.bt_,IDCamotersll:lek retary, Ole Fln; triUUI'er, tbe habit. Tbuutprogn.mwUl Mu. Edward Miler; pull-be beJd May U ... 26 1D COlt& melbry adtlmr, Mn. Miebael Mesa. Ad minion lJ frH. no. Predlcttou ot a district en-••we cu do this because we use C«<DDL seet1.oc molt 1Dformatloa 11 years were beard last weet tlxlds." board at btr bome 4111 nor .. by members of the adYlsory ..,_..,.. committees or Oranp Coast aod Golden West Colleges mee.. r ting In joint session at v -'··.l ,, • ..&. VALET CLEANERS We. clo the FINEST work • 3137 E. Corona town Coaol Hlway. dol Mar Appronmately ZOO commit .. tee members heard a "state of the district" rq10rt, then toured the new OCC Ubrary, due t>r completion this mooth. BUG AT IVERSON'S INTEREST DAY·IM to DAY·OUT NO BANK CAM MATCH IT! NO SAYINGS 1M LOAM ASSOCIAnOM CAM BEAT IT! ASSETS OVER $425,000,000.00 • MUTUAL SAVINGS A N 0 L.OAN ASSOC I ATION CORONA DEL MAR 2867 East Coast Hishway. Corona Del Ma r, Cahf. 92625 telephone: 675.5010 HEAO Ofni:E 315 E. Colorado Blvd PI~. C.llf. 91 109 ~Mphonto: 449·21-t5 OTHU altANCH OffiCES Covina. Gle-nd~le Wnt Arc.td~ .I (:HIJR«:HES I 1lrwpprt'lta~or f.ulhtron ~lwrdt ••o .. 1/J~ Bl•/1• Ut .,rtoo•;.,, .'!4r ,.po'l H•rlmr·• 110• c ... ,.,. o .. ,.,ll Dr. Norman E. Watson. district s~lnteodeot. said ·that student populat1oo projec.. tioos dooe 9 years a10 were far too CODSerYatiYe, a.od that tbe 27,000 ftgure m&1 be surpassed also. lo outlloiJI&tuture bulldiDc procrams on the two campuses, Wataoo said: "Tbe• procrams are Yita.l. We baTt to bouse the stw:leDtl Wbo are comin( to us, Tbt 1tate colleps aDd tm1Yers1t111 are dlnrttnr mort &Dd more studllltl to tbe junior colleen." Two blll.l 1D the curreot Le&fslabae, SB$88a.od SB 1M, wll.lch would provide more state funds tor the )m1or collect, were termed assentla..l by Dr. Watson. · "Wbere is the mooey comlDc tor our building program?" be asked. "state am federal ltmdl make 1.J) a t:remeOOous put of tbe total, aDd the rest lrill come from this district." He said tbat the statewide uerace cost of educatt.nga stu- dem for ooe year lJ$708. 72. Tbe loeal dtmtet•s coot to $571.45, "We han the lowest cost ot any school ol comparable stu 1D Cautornia," Dr, Watson said. LEGAL HOTICE CERTIFICATE OF BUSlNESS FlctiUous Firm Name THE UNDERSIGNED do bere~ by certUy that they are con~ NEWPORT BEACH, C ALIFORNIA ducUng a real property r enta.l THE AMERIC AN LUTHERAN C HURCH business, and all other busl· 8:.30 a.m. to q :30 a·.m. -wOrshi p :>erv tct ness reasonably related there· I to, UDder the fictitious ftrm q:45 a.m . to 10:45 a.m. -Sunday Sc hoo oame of MELOLANO RA."fCH 11 :00 a.m. to 12·00 noon -Worship Service and that said ftrm Is <'Omposed The lkv. J...n G. Blain, Pastor of tbe followt.n& persons whose The Rev. Georac J. Busdiccker, Vi sitation Paatot names in fUll and place ofrest. l:;~:::;::::=::;=::::::==""='"'=•::;•48=;:-36::3:t====::;==~ deoce are as follows, to wit: f Bernice B. HefrerDIJl, 2927 Christian Sc ience first laptist O...reh GreeovUle Street, Santa Aoa, S«vicu Ca. 92704; Thomas A. Hef- of C.ata Mesa t 2927 ' nRST CHURCH OF eroan, GreenvUle street; CHRIST, SC1ENTIST A11rt i"t Bib\" ft'llowahip Santa Ana., Ca. 92704; Wilma V. 3303 Via Lido lruirpuJw,.l-A•lmto•o•• Burnett, llZl Hyde ParkDrln, Newport Beach S.to Ano & M .. Miio Sts. Saota Ana, Ca. 92705. SlJNDA Y SCHOOL WITNESS our buds this 28 9:1S '"·"'·and 11 ...... Dr. P .G. Neumann, paator day of April, 1969, SUNDAY SERV ICES BERNICE B. HEFFERNo\N 9: IS -11 •·"'· SUNDAY SERVICES Bero.tce B. HeUerna.n WEDNESDAY EVEN ING THOMAS A. HEFFERNAN MEETING S "·"'· ~:45 a.r I, Sunday School n~mu A. HetferDa.n READING ROOM 11 :00 a.m. Mom ina Worship WILMA V, BURNETT •··~ day o: 9 ...... -S P·"'· 6 :00p.-m. Train ina Unions 'N•lma V. Buroett Wednesday: 9 '"·"'· -7:4S ,. ..... T ........ , and F.,,. .. ,, 7:lh) p.m. EvCnina Worship STATE OF CALIFORNIA) 9a ..... -s,. ...... J.9 11 ..... (ss. S...noloy : 1 ,. ..... -• "·'"· WEDNESDAY COUNT Y OF ORANGE) SECOND CHURC" Of" 7:10 p.m. Bible Study 0o '" II 28 1~9 befor c•aasr. sct.ENTIST ~r , ::ru , e me, Newport Beach 11 1 :00 p.m. Prayer Mectina the undersigned, a Notary COJona del Mar L---------.J Publlc 1n am for said Co~m.ty 3100 Pact tic View Dr. aod state, persooaUy appeared SUNDAY SCHOOL 10 ·-ATTEMD THE CHUICM BERNICE B. HEFFERNAN, SUNDAY SERVICE 10 .-. OF YOUR CHOICE THOMAS A. HEFFER"~AN AND WEDNESDAY EVEN ING REGULAR\.Y WILMA V. BURNETT, kDtnm&o MEETING 1:00 ,...... me to be tbe persons 1Jbose Re•di..s Roo111: Matul Bids-a&mes are subscribed to tbe 2863 E .. 1 CD .. t Hwy., CD\t. YlthiD Lutrument &Dd acbow. Moa.-fri.: 10 a.m. 10 5 p.m. that tbey e:reeuted tbe That•diiJ' e•eaios: 7 10 9 Sn : 10 a.m. 10 4 p.rn . You are cOJd1 ally 1nv1ted 10 attrnd Ch~p"ch Serv1ces and to u1e lhe Rud1n1 Room. L.oloo••O.. ... Oftloo .... ... L. .... .... Cl..tcltl• A.ertn l900 Pocinc v,.':a""!l_fcDr,j,i; • .f ~ce-·· ..... · llllli• .. ....... M..INDAY I C:HOOI. a A,M, I•<O -·-G WOIIIIHI,-I Afol D IIVENINO SIIIIIVIC:Il "JoOO ,.,M, THUIIISDAY .1.1.11 STUDY AND ,.IIIAYIIIII "JoOO ....... NU IIISIIIIIY OUIIIII'Ie Slli'IVI CIIS " ... __.,..._ c-.. _ ......... c..-........ M.I ...... IKA ... • •w ; ' I tit o~ loMiitll•~~o ... ' ........ . A ,_ -",., *'• c,, c.,..,er' II o.N•• ~• ----· I 'Ito ,.., _.....,11£22 ,.,_ • • ........... o ····1··--,. I ..... THOMAS E. HEFFERNAN Notary Publlc lA IIIII t>r- Cou111J IIIII Slalo (SEAL) Pal>lloll' M&J 1,15,U,D,l91~, lo the Newport Barbo< E ...... N? la1 ..... C In -AT . ........ , .. ,.. ....... .,~- ' • • • • - GRAND OPENING OF IVERSON'S NEW PAD!. It's finally happened to Newpo rt Beach (and to the world) -a genuine, honest,to-goodness BUG-A · BALOO! Nobody's ever had one before but, it was bound to happen, and Iverso n tho ught of it! Iverson's "pad" is his brand new Volkswagen building whic h is the largest and most beautiful in the United States. Conceived with an artistic flair, it houses the very latest in service and diagnostic equipment. and is a perfect showcase for dis- playing the latest changes in the Volkswagen line (that is, if you can spot the changes). A FREE BUG! During the world's first BUG·A -BALOO, Iverson will give ewey e sparkling new 1969 Volkswagen (otherwise known as "The Bug"). All you have to do is pay us a , visit. If you've never been to a BUG-A ·BALOO. now is your opportunity to be among the first! At the BUG·A ·BALOO, you'll Me the lateat in Volk•wagens and Pora.ches. within a layout the likes of which you've never seen before! BUG·A ·BALOO refreshments await those that CARE to -something different! Now's the time to put a "Bull" In your house! - 445 E. COAST HIGHWAY (.t~DriNJ NEWPORT BEACH 673-09011