HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-05-22 - Newport Harbor Ensign~uu_flnlm_ woooldbo!Utod--I:.Tbe He ll&ld be bad ,._..._.__pti!Dclatoucb dtJ "Millc'• ••pt toacta"' ~ llu belli La etrect Prado Dam IDdwuCODYiDcedtt wUb oar US • ...uors Ud: re-"''Wdt ol tM CltJ ec.eu, .a.c. tbe rectllt ~..,. rata. c:ocald be stlut down klq IGOUib pr ... tH'fe lD Coqreu:. -.1 .,...,._tll111at..._ -· to allow lite ~bulB to bo "U IJiat ls -ls required, Dua wtU be ciiMid IDOil, U.. CG-ciiiMp b YciDDlJ flDd... u.t we mut do, .. Mr. Yc~D~lb IIIUiocpoo'lblo u -11WIIttc called lor -ol "polWcal Vlee-lhyor LIDdsley Par-r'llllod. :n::;c:: :-:~~~~-;Teachers make COCII'cbl&ar, aid tbatwarll:may $2,000,000 lA buloeu to bolla _, ... -.. lite lfowpan --I d d -··--rriUpiDallow ....... --:.--sa ary eman ----...... --ollbo _____ .. bottald. w.r -Uti lo tod .... llotr "Tbon ... --lmpiJA:a-otrn...,...,. abtctbeSuta tilxlll:lr'U.O.twlntHmeoWbo Mooa.li&Wtng or restgnatton. Be&cb cbl&lter oltbeAul.tuce AaiUYw illlo tbl oeeu. dlp..s ODtbt.-..... tnde. We flee teacbers lt tbelr demaads t.e:cue· A"'•• CUJ MIMpr llm IIIDIIJd be ... IIIU'ed to take k hlcbu salaries are not AceeptaDCe of $l,H8.85 PICTURED at MOIIdaf's rDMUai ol tbe edw:ttfon com-~ aid -. ls , -~lie poolllyo ldloo 11 -cruled by lite lrustees, mem --of ~ Uti ma-mlltte of lite Newport Hutor Co.mbor of Com"*"' ,...,.Wy tall tbe~ Moad&J:• DIMt1ac.'' btrs of tbl Newport-MesaEdu-tertals for EstiDcla.ICbool from are, from Wt, ~. Nolu FriueUe, cb&irman; ~. Tom $1 8 .II. t b ~ ~, ~~d of : ~~ls lfllll Sebool Boos-!'!':-(E:,.";;...,j' ...... J. A. -. -- . m1 1on a on ~':""..::~:=: ~.~ ..... .::~a:.::: Sex educat1·on • • • &Dd preseuted tbe demaDds k at the Mesa Vwde Scbool trom CIVIC center s1te =.r,o.~= .... dur~ ~=~~AConosdol need clal·med D1tb Cory, l!Urnatloaal r el&-Mar Hllb tebool 11""-Hon at Ollldalldloo moy bo-wtllllbo-ollbomiMnl !lou-Corolla del Mar lite ODd of...,_ oebool of II -_, orootoc'o CIIJ r!plo." Hllb oebool ~ ll&ld "I'm DOt Freeman lhrk,s-JIMorrlsoo Allboucl> par-ba" II•• eleuly ID pr-lbo -le Coactl ••rt'lltD-ara.dwUb IIUrNt oai::J la paJ'lhll bere to bti lor more moaey. IDd Katby Pooll, ~ eomp ... ICJ oa tblllork, tbe doctor'• picNre. tM.,.-otlloopoetC.. dllrlqlbo4-,.uporiod,acopt I am bon ID ~DUm'"" tllll tloo of all,.... ODd~ re-Ulllo blaelt ttac. ODd .. ., lite "Kidoaro...,..,..OOt.l '"'* t)' fDr I dfte clllt8r lite 1a till "-' tblt tbl c:tty IDler-tbt co.a of my HrY1ces 11: qulremiDtl blrdl ud bMI bit, tbey ueltW 1D mme U'aa. n., l:llllall: U U l>r llooport lltocll. 1111too 1o 11ut -,., IDiDC ..,... • ~ of lite dooelop-COIIIIdorod too old fubl-11m malt:lac oat; ....,. tloo't Tbe prloo tq ls ti,IU,IOO lbo IIIIo. AI -=11-lbo CIIJ Oat-l.atayotte YOIDIC mtttt of lite llltormodlato &Dtl ,,..,_liy IDidoquolo by --1bo .......... ol U.. l>r a 111t1t -It ..,.., -bo """•'*' lo 1111 for ol Corolla dol Mar Hlp> Scboo~ oe'-e eorrlculam l>rlbo ...,_Dr· Tom R*"-Ptdlllrl-lqiHmato cblldr.._ TIIOJ- _.,..lat ,.uolllbolalortot lboua-.Uibo.U,WOI!Id-odblor.,..,.tloooalboacadomle-of Collaei&D, toiado .. tdDeoUoo. -IDpiJII'_.IAIM- nlaoltl. do<ldt ID otU aU or put of opotlllor-illtWI&tlllldls-Mea Hllbkbool. Dr. ,R""'-· ebolrmu of 0011 ola ear, bot,.,.,_.,. CltJ M••., Bin., Harl-tbl IIDd. tblln1De Co. would trtet alariel wrelradeqaate • Autlm111boD to ..ur 1Dto tbe C&l b'ldaW:edlc&lAuoeta-about YUII'e&l dl-11 • "• WI IDid lbo eo.cn _, ••• lbo r1t111 ot llrot r~ T-• told -• ....; .. ,..._ -CaWorDia tloo Sebool ODd bosllb com--tbo -mo o1 ·-.,..... llat lbo _...., lo ,..,...._ II lbo orlcitt&l monll wull an &11-Umo low; Slllo Collop, Follorloo, for miiiH, ..., __ , dlsaot." ~..O!!U IH r.dJ IIIII wtD ~~riot. tbat maDJwere•twndcwd•ctbetr ltudlllt teaehtnc Feb. 10, 1M8 by memblra of tbt lld1leatioD Tbe Pldi&tr1c1u cited U.. qtllda l>r notowll At M<OriiJ for !1111DOIII of ear-• l>r bllbtr paytq lObo ID J-I, I lilt. committee ol lite Nnport flu:t lbll -. ls & ,...... lloadlJ'• meetl"'o tbrt DOte, tbl CUy w111 111'• to 1a lDdaltrJ· 11111 tblt teac.blrs • Aatbortatioo to Ht&bu.tl Harbor Cblmblr ofCommeree, tp1dem1e ol '~ .._.,"", ....._ .. --,,50,000"' aleslu -..... :.--of--.... -of bolll-•-by Dr.llol&D Frlsullo. Ia --... ,_- .Ia IU r~ eads ,_.., plac1.Dc tbla bOJdl wve ol:w:l tlreld to bokl m&D&I'W, .a.etlfe JutJ 1. Thll oommUtee bu bNa ubd bt anreO(,udllware.a..- -I& & 'llt<l&llraol-. -lObo ID I lbolr to malto & -ol-tdtlc&-brco&tti•IM~ool--ID -....... , lbo lrfl&t ••IHa -RA.I!S Q.IMIC JUN! $ -Uti plullo __ ,..._ 1111&1 Ia -~~~ .... --... ': .-:-::; .. n:=.:e==..~-: l>rA ;:: • .:;...-:-... .u: :.a.;';":';,:.:-::; =--... --:: r""' := - orot•"lwllriM-IolbollllllltepN-IIM.Pr--will bt bold _,_ ollloi.,t l• IOIII'IIIr _..,IIIIIM PI• tnlt ._ Ja wtdeb ca.. tbe .Jam• hytoD saJd u.t tbtdls-7 to I :JO p.m. Tbarldly, 1 .. to neocam..:l 1 lt:l..ld D tbl Sa tdPctttcw la ctl•ewl 1:1r dtJ WOidd,..,._811ttiacuide trtet woUd mntiOOiktnert'•te 5 at tbe old etty 1a11 at. Cbl.mbM'. tbe puG btcl-ol tbt .... $150,000 1a ales 1u ....,_ Ia -flallb, ~ eom-195 "· 19111 st., Colla w...: "II will oot be lite -eo..U. ,~-. eadt ,.u 1111111011 pa,_ ls plllllla Ia mlad. Tbe ,__ Tbe -wiD bt p per q_ of lite oc:ltool ID ._, -ID Dr. --.............. u. Mde. .USD. members scbedakwS a Tbe clinic 15 ....-ed by tbe CXCI"'wc., t.t to ~ce braid c.d tbat be IIIli .. , • ..,._.. COY SAlARY SESSION SET :::::-...::~-::::: Rolar}C~. ::r::!."":tt ~lo::.! ~: ""ltet -bls TINt "'-' -· CIIJ • IOSCELLAIIEOUI, ''"·-Ia:: ~--.= .. n:::.: Vaughn observor at Harbor . .;;...~.::: ~ eo-:11 pn tellllltYe IIJPI'OR] 11'5 teei"'"IC tUI ooo u 1 retary of N~IIEA, said yester-M ald. Tbl pu..U ue u ~ ft'ea&al to more t11u ~..otw hm 19s9_ 70 tor dl}' "OUr represeotalin eouo-JobD V&IICbn, lZZ 46th st., u e beld hrlee a wet, 1D tbe Stb mue.b. at HI. u tbe !WW ue. •• tl .UU. Ia c:lllftall.alprore ... dYte CIMc' PIIM. ud 115 000 eo ian 111 l.ulnc:tkJas to CODo-West Newport. wbo ra.a aDd lost aDd 6tb periods. "I woaJd lite to a. a. 6all- -JII"')Idll>rllllt-10,-l>r '-"'loctbo-...e'.., 11aae 1o 11fC011a1e ..,IDreadtla AprU 1r.-tloeltooo,..., Mr. V&-aooelalo111111os flodpd procram ll"'*>olbo- tdltM.od 1o t Lltl,lbl& ----.J l>r lite"""-dol an qrttmettl-lite dlslrlct wbo led ODd lolllalbownpalpl major, mar participate Ia 1bo claD1ac II lite oullosllfldt&, 1111 ID -eu, _..,.. ll&r boaeb part lo JII'Ot1do 1a u.. wtlb -oriCio&1 prv-ID ellabllsb _., lor a oourtts by utdliC -·or -& -· -ot bloloiY, a1u1a. blUer COIIII'ol flf• PU'kiDc lie poa11 aDd we ba:re eet a mere-Oemocratlc Soc.IM:J (Sa;)ootbe IDft'erlDc questlou ubd try ud conttiMII•c tbrOCIIP ldcta City Mo•IIJII' "'"" llarl-co-u.c.,. Otll net 1o order loOrup ~ Collt&O esmpa, lbo toacbor. AeeordiDC IDPriD-oc:ltool. K1dl 8oa1d-- Nir'IJOI'tMK..._.,-..... • PARXANDRECREATIJN r-.eb tblt acreemeut. Tbereil: EmF attencttac Newport dp&1 Cbarles Oodshl11, tbl tbe worM riiCJioduc•. Tblf Uac u.t U. 1119-70 ~ h5 sao ,.,..81 l..q:nt'~ 11 II) ltrlke m..,..,.., ill oar Harbor Well Scllool u a stu-C11Ht1oDs UID.lly dal wt.tb sbou.ld tDOW tbl fCTIJ..,ce• wide* w111 be ...,...Htet Mit .... .iJU..,_rd.....,._., piaM,'' dest obarr•. mtibodoloQ, llld u t tD-o1 tbe1r beb&Yior La tbl ..__,. t.c:t.._ a 511 COlt til ..,. llnpart Pl. pkale u• otblr matters baDdJed at tbe Be was us!CJ*' to Harber coara.,ed bJ tbe state colleen. back ..t. SbcMald be tu&fll to Uflac .;..,y --· TINt ill Itt lbo """'* doi ll&r bttcb m-.r loclto!od , Hllb &1ooc-totbtr •-A --.or msy llay modify --. ru.. 1uta11 $SU,ao. n.r. 1.1 pU't. rD• .. • wan ill Welt-• Aec4pC&aee o1 a ,_.}octeal ttom U.C Beaell. Slate b' the oo campas after b.1s elaaes u e ''Tbere sboWd be oo tMb u .,..,.._, ...-o1 .-. eua part, Ud lrYt.e TII'J'ae ll*l..meD lilt o1 sa uamples p-adate leYel coar•, ••.suca. CODc:l.sad. bat ll.1.t time ma.J bt husb toaes. cm«k!!»llJ lad&. $?0.000 .. &.dtrldla1 alu'Jid-t ....... .. • at roeU ud mlaerals from tbe doa .. conctuy .,-ot.arn.-Umtted by tbe 1:act tba1 be La full, eomp..C., adeqaatt iJl,.. )lltL w-. plilll u ~Lwei · ~ cAPrT.:L~VEIIEifT GeoloclcaliDCI M.ialllrllaeam. doa ud putlctpeHM " TtllJ la at.o tuiDc otber lmlts at tbe i:)rmatioa JboUd be ClYe? wttll AWARD,r GIVEN -"'nu,ooo ........ "-FUIW $ito 000 ltlt:bldltt( lltpulm .. ol -ol N .......... ""' ...... i>Uowod by -.... ~ Uti -be COD-• moral --A ~Ue-~ lidiW biMGtl _,.. tbl 1a-$1IO Ooo k ~ --5oat11 Wiles A.alln..Ua. all 1tate coU.cea aDd state 1111.1-eUZ'reatly earolled l.a ''eduea.-admitted tbat 1t 1J: poutale ._ ..-..ce procnm. a.IIIO. OC.U ~ ~ • Ac:eca'oe. of tape r e-'fC's:ltln: to reprd to t•cher tiOD MCQftdary 421 -l..nstrue-Ute createst poaible 1PI"'a( II 1'lle .._ •• ... ._ ol tlnld a. .,.._. c.-al Ill'. H•a.t -.id llllt tbl etUU.. ud $10 000 fiiU'tUc cord•• b' KuiD«s SebooliPPU.catloll. tioa &Dd eftl..tkla 1D seeoo-tbe blrtb ol aa ......... eiiJld. ccn.dslllarlllltldJoDli]IIM polllta•lllctlll,.r. ,........ t..a tu rate Ud u. ouU"tta.t ui -=~from tbe IIU'lDariSeboOlPFO. Tbt twQ classes atteoded by dary sc:booll,'' aeeordlng to We ~ee tblatwppea'nclatcbooW. b 1M--llilltlllay lla -_. -Floldo ,__ 1u n1a ..Wrllll&la -U.S-._ or • Aee-o1 a p 000 Mr. V&-are "IJalltd Sl&tes Wr. Godaball. all lite Umo. l'tatiiiLIOe-,,._ recdlld cai!ILrt-ol tbe _.. u Jar u. c:•r..t • ~ .,.,aon of c~w~ *-bUIDrJ"' taqbt by Fabian Mr . Yaup ns a trustee ''IUd&sbould II:Dowwtatma.r- ail M I ... PI' I I Sid to reo:: as moe U ~l-IP b' t11e1J JtU' biiiMI.a III...,..'IC Tbe ::-U::~\~':i rectl'fe procram.s at llcHan; GAroa, &Del ''el,lcs." tiJl&htby Cll'd'"'te 1a AprU 1n both the rlap entails. We .. ~:!roaD .. v ... llr ... ,..,.. ...C till ..... ~ CIKU u ~~~aHo11Mtaea.llbru7 far ._,, _ _... ~in H1Cb Scbool from u. Newport WaJM Horowtb.. TbeJiclaua Nnp:Jrlt-Mesa Un1t1ed Scoool hOmes all tbe time Ud IIDw tbl '*"" 7 •·-..,._ -... l'lllrwllt-tuUdalOIItola_.__ '"'-B I lh bb d • CD lllltrtct Uti lite Orlutp Coast ldds are lall-. Tbellmlly u--.,.-"'"---.... lltlllly .............. 7 ..... _ ~ ...!' ~·~-you na e In M J-Colltplllslrlct. lllllt sbouldbtsllblo;rllltl-u ... ts 1-ta ·~ -.d ud Lpaor..J.SitudJWell tlaL Be lddld: -11e wtll 5J ......,._. • • 1t ia ioert 01' f)llr dDniJil1, -"'""'IW";IIudJW ... _. -IM-.,...aloc Ill'-...,.IDc:oiiMbotlfol ~· 10011 TIIREAT A DUD "Girls lltOold bo -ID u .._ ldll'llr IIIII roll u aetr ... Mdadlr. 1o tu•'•• _,?It 18er..-~~~~ T~~~100• omcer Mlcbul Wetalaol.tbe euller •Idle be wu tr}'Ucto A bomb tbr.t ns made reality. Atoae....U•l...._ "-"' ..... plar, •"((f 111ce Ollrllr ..... IKWW· bNt Ia a. tu rate. ,.._ of ~a.miJore!r~ betw!; Newport Btaeb Police dliput-eat 1DI:o Busblrds. at 1:17 p..m. M&J 6, ~ a plaDe ded. a boy aid bt 'Wifld CD u ~ :-"' ~~u ~ '!::!!: ~ •,:::_--· I& & 1 •rr ot 1bo p.u ..... 114. Uti MacArlbor ~~~RI=E'::;_~ $116,1011 COLLECTIOH leaflac l>r Sut Fr&oelseo, Air far U & prlwoooldlot ltla .. It e -~ 8 u ---. by u)lr 11-. Ia 1M Cll*alliD-BlYd.; r._.... • .., ...... ttttoa ...---•e., --.. OF STNIPS STOLEM Calllan&a AtrllDes, Orance a.t "* b1 wu ..._. '"'-* CMrlllla "'''M _......,. ~ Dill I &; 1t1J1111 ~ prOird.llll ~· at S:05 Lm. lla.J' Z0 -. eo.tJ AJrpart, told Newport &boat tb1 prl J0a .,.,., Do ............. M llillt ... flf'I'IUJILCI tJ AI: Nl "'" • BA.RBCa P80riEcrs _ ~ ~UILIJIIIOC-G 0 ";_ F tile cbuteott.pary, ftabe ,.~ -~~lBa--:: Beaeb pollee 11a,J 14.. Tbe pl&De JOU 'fi&Dt W to bllftrlla?' ••-, --. D .._~'*-!Uti $51,500.ltlajor JII"'Jtetl&-~-lll'ID, eupltboZO-,.u.<JidmuwUII --. ~ '· wu t!OIIIlod Uti r-Dtd 1o be "'llied 'Ya.' Too- .., swz-....,. a.IU I•JidL llba11Daola•wrrd..rl-. $415,000. nt ajul' Item ia I blc or dnrp a& BMIIud Nnport s.ea IU $!1,100 Gete'-A..rebollaaaceud ., ..... u. ctrW _.. ,. .. .,.. of-• u-A ,,..llw - -IIJ ....,.. 1M partor•otiM---ot a IIH _..., PlttnD&ey, 1101 E. ~Bwy. -colloetloo ..., -lbo alr<nlt wu made wttll - -II lbo - -a I$";._..Dw a • IIIIlS; lin..,.._ aq, 111 1rr of olD~~ BIIIIIIDI. )lltJ ..,. ~ ..._ at lllallclne 84. ud ~ delllu. :;:,:-:: hlJ: boa. tM .....,.I"Uda.. dlrd.'' =~·.;::te: ===~?'~~·~~ = ~~~~~ =~:....::~::::..~::.-;.::MRS ,MILDRED I '0VE Dltr ::.:::r":ot~= • • • llRAQOGB ftOIECn...:. -114., -1M ~~--at ........ _, .. ---• L u .... -.. -... ..... PoliCe ....... L wilaesses na.ooo. lilt: .... ,,,000 .,. ;.... ::-c::, .:.:: ::: IM-::.. ... -... -od 1-, '"· "'·~~ -·--.. ::. -::..: ... :. ............ .. --<I h-ol•--....., ... --lltaiiM Ello-..... ltaltad-OI"t:ltldAn.eor.atlol-,tlta "--ouC...SOcloty. w --1, -........ •= -la8odt0ttl]1,c.r..--ltlay1711tltW-Dr. P,H I----A aw .... zl=•--... -. -.nrtftltt-IIIDIM_of_...,va. ltra.L-,IM-of ......... - ..,. ~ • "'--.._ eot • awu 1'IIOIKCft, ~ , -P"' I ::.!' rtotr-., ~ Cout Pros C..odD Gotllw 1o1o1 t.-, t" 1 1 ,.,..;a ... - ltl .. ;t •= •11 ... -............. J ....... aw II• '---• poltf Uti Cion -Sloop, wu bOn Ita. II, '--1, IDa-... Cb III-Ita- :::.:: tlo l£&.'1111-.... ---la-IMA WOOD DIS lllcl&. Slta-Do••• llllr a • o&. .... e~ ............. sst JII'IIIIUt. r•t.. AT 72 ..... 'IJ a 1 ... -Dr. 8$' I .. 2 ? .. 7 .. ~---.. -....... _, ! ... - -.... I --.. -. ..... ., ..-.... OIIJI" ·-1 ...... ..aJ-. ,_-• I • • I .... UM:P Mill AT UC1 - -• .. II Dr. b....._-....... -M• hi..._ -wvltus b I I 1t1r ::: ... JW-Dr ...... -r I ~c...·~---_ ... _ .... I lilrL ............ II attra, ....... 2 : --• ---Oot.ll,l ... ell fl 1M 0.71 * -hii,IIIM'"-;&11 1_ ... _ -=--.,• k'rt\!1~. r,r;:;._ -:_-:_-::-;::.a~\~:,-:,~~="= .•;;.-:;_•M i .... t..._iil.f:.._ r I ttc -PHi If .......... , ... 2722& ::r;:.-.. .:a .... = ___ .... UI?r-.a.ll-llCt' !1 0.. .... -~ Ole 'I Wll I_. _ .. ...1. ..:"W:.:.i.:' -_.,..., -~ ;:~..: ~ LC:W=~ :::...~·-~ :1 .:.:::.. ... ~,.:::-' .... siS-fill ·-=-~-·r: ... -·-·ftl I c ......... __ Oql£ .... _ ........ -... ·-II II '?'w-: I Q tt1t M • I I fl D4ll .... a f1 .. •11 • -.... -. .......... ..._ftr·-II ~ .. 0 ·1 ;II* Sa~---~ 3107 • • • ,...,., tfll ., r -. .. .,f.._--.. aut .•• • mriJIIl'£ ..... • zoning for this property could be "de- trimental to the health, safety, peace, morals, comfort and general welfare of persons residing or working In the neigh- borhood." Then came the moment of candor, sur- prisingly from one of the traditional pro- ponents of more and more planning and regulating. Those words mean nothing, Councilman Bob Shelton commented to Councilman Mcinnis. "Just a matter of law; they have to say It," remarked Bob. speaking from years of experience both as city manager and councilman. And thereupon he proceeded to express his disagreement with the Planning Com- mission's recommendation, and the result was a favorable Council vote to allow the rezoning requested by the Irvine Co. I am sure that Bob's remarks were not Intended to be quite so devastating, because he Is still at heart a planner, and dear to the heart of a planner (and absolutely essential In arriving at a decision for more controls) are those hallowed words about health, safety, peace, morals, and welfare. You will note that those words are con- nected by "and," which means that each separate condition must be proved In a court of law In the event of a legal chal- lenge. The fact of the matter Is that there Is no effort on the part of the property controllers to submit proof. They just blithely extract these words out of thin air and Insert them Into the official findings ''as a matter of law, because they have to say It," as Councilman Shelton so aptly explained it. The manner In which these words get Into the so-called findings In support of a tenuous position would make surprising testimony In court. How often have I heard the city attorney (not just the present one, but city attorneys of the past as well) judiciously remind the Council members that they had better Include the magic words In their motion for more property con~rols, and the words are thus Included, wl th no attempt made to establish them as facts. Perhaps you are getting a hint of the meaaage I have In mind: That our City Council at times adopts restrictive laws al dubious legality. Only the lack of legal challenge keeps the lid from blowing off. Perlulpa you can now appreclats my remarb made cSurtnr the tight to eue the banb CCliJtrot. al the recently 8110pted ott-meet parktnc ordloaaee: It would be better tor property owaera to put their 11101181 tuto • lepl del-tlmd, IDd DOt illto co.tly -permita IDd ftl'taDcN,IDd apt tiM tmCOMtltuttmal lmui.OD Of Pl'O- perty rfcbla. ~ 0 N S E R V /\ T IIJ [ :. : 0 h N E f.· From the Bible - ' ALL SET TO 00, ud boorlol lib lor -.-· .. EJICiud. are llr1. Frod Poll>, at loll, IUid lira. Vlrll* ...._, -put ... -·· at lllo lleopo<l Bar .... -ct.-.. (EIIIIp pldo.) SANDAL LOVER'S UNITE ~ STRIKE A BLOW FOR FOOT FREEDOM! UNIROYAL CONTINENTALS MAUIU 5.91 FOUl WA'rS 6.91 Sl'tCt ISlAND 6.91 AVAILABLE AT 1116 NIWPOIT IOULIYAIID U1e Yovr , .. lenUmericerd, Meder Chert•• Din•"• C.rie llenche CtHit C.N:I, ,ARK CONVENIENTLY JUST A STE' FROM OUR EAST ENTRANCE ••• Opeft Daily t :l0·6: Fri. til f 3:1""'- ( .... 6.99) IIOW 4.99 .UWOI!T HAII!OR EIIICJI ' Alllf SEC'JIOII --'• J 111111DAY,.IIAY Z1, •• CODA DEl liAR, CALIF. Zon.tians go to England IF DRAPES • • • • • SHARP RIELIIEI" TWIN SISTERS, Mrs. Barbara Lusk of Irvine, 1n the center, and Mrs. E. Robb Livingston of East Bluff, at right, will be modelling at noon May 27 ln the Carousel Room, Newporter Inn, for the IIWl fun fashion luncheon spo011ored by the Irvine-Coast Republlcan Woman's Club Federated. SmUlng approvingly . at the sisters ls Mrs. Roland Bertonneau, Irvine Terrace, fashion show chalrman. (E011lgn photo.) Midw;va u.sed lO put a knife under lbe bed \o "cut the pain'' or cbildbi.rth. Sounda foolilh. oowada)'l. But then, we're lucky. We ha~ mmy wonderful pain- rclievina drup ... other powerful modicaliool., too. When you're iU, take advantaae ol tbe newer, ctrcc- tive medicinals. Seek your physician's advK:c ... he's the ani)' one qualified to prucribe for your health. Then, if he recommends medication, come to us for pracriplion service. St40 ES -MITTS _.LCOASTIIWT.--- .OIIICU .... SOX-CAPS-BATS BALLS -UNDER St41RTS LITTLE LEAGUE SHOES BASKETBALLS SOCCER BALLS VOLLEYBALLS PLAYGROUND BALLS SQUASH BALLS TETHERBALLS SOFTBALLS MASKS -FINS-SNORKELS SKATEBOARDS FRISBEES BOOMERANGS STOPWATCHES GOLF BALLS PADDLE TENNIS SETS PADDLE TENNIS BALLS HANDBALLS & GLOVES MEN'S & BOYS' TENNIS SHIRTS & SHORTS LADIES' DRESSES & SHOES CONVERSE TENNIS SHOES RALEIGH BIKES & PARTS -LADIES' •.• 7.25 TIRES -TUBES-REPAIR -MEN'S •...• 7.75 3 DAYS ONLVI DAVIS4 RE DE\.UXE UNDERCOUNTER DISHWASHER • DUAL DETEIIGEHT DISPENSER • POWERFUL 3-LEVEL SUPER ·SURGE WUIIIMG ACTION THAT REALL T CAM CUT THE MUSTARD, lAUD IEAMS·. .\MD THE FRIED EGG, TOOl ·TAI.K tAU •• .. . .at 17th St.·· COSTA 1702 NEWPORT BLVD •. ....... ' ' ........ Cln••c••~EI• lo •A FINE PAIR'' . 5!c! ~'!f .. J!' .. ~-! lw .. --.. -...... -........ -...... ar ....... ', ~•· ........... ... ...,.. 2 .... ? .. Tatl~fS ................. .. .. ·.:: ..... $$11 .. w. ..... -_ c .. . ~--.., ...... 'h-.......... a,, ..... -·-· llod ....... -.. ... nniilq,;o;;-• 11z ,... JDoF --• • ...... ., __ .... _., --· .... llllllt WM ~ ca.cb 'WIDI a twftD coaltloa. l e:~ .. .. ...... .... -Pill ........ tbt .... wiL Be lilt bid a... ,.._ P•IM CUDe to a.t Ia at .. plata, eolloclill u. -"' thi -IIIIa Ia -... aacl lllm WIJbndoi .... llod I blc ... _. u. *1 I ..... day II u. plato ,.. ean.a del -. U. Baa ADIA> Mar, fOial -.tor-four aod dlamp, llad lila co11oct1a1 aa RBI. .... _...,., Tbt Sea KiDp, c:o-.r...,a. FIIST I.UNI liP lA, lila lniAa Laapo, -STEPHEN JUVP of Corooa del out a 1 to 0 wiD O't'V S.nttar Mar HIP Scbool receiYed a Friday lD tbe ftut ro.d o1 tbt bd place awvd &ad a $500 plaJO!fa, Kim Wllllraelltlll!!clad GEMCO !!d!olarsl!lll allbe May to eaer 1D tat 4tb laD1q, 1 award bl.aquet held at tbl reached ZDd oo anl.aft.eld error, CrtDd Hotel iD Anabelm. More I.Dd scored tbe 0111J rllll ol tbl tbea $10,000 1a ea.sb awards pme on Doo Snyder's 11Dcle. were pres&Dted to some 100 Plteber Cbrts Tbompoooallow-s!We!!ls by t1!e GE>ICO el!arl- ld oalJ 4 hits. lablo aod sel!olarsl!lll IOW!da· OUftTANDINO rJLM P'M THI: MONTH 011' MAVI ... AHia IMtTH .IYI:I Ul ONI: 011' THI: IUI!t'IIIUOIIt KRIIIN PII,.,.O,.MANCRI-AND AN IN.VITA·L· ACAD.MV AWAIIID NOMINATION N.XT V.AIII:. MI .. SMITH'I MOVIN. AND M&MOIII:A·L· P.fiiPOIIIMANC. II NOT TO •• Mtaa•o." ~---CHAtltL•a CHAMPLIN, L.A TIM.I ·Mayerling -T• 111 YwiP ttoo. TARS LOSE IN PLAYOFF Tbe Newport Harbor Sailors were shut out 6 to 0 by Santa Fe Sprl!!p FrldaJ lA ll!o ftrst rouod., aad were eUmiaated trom tbe CIF U tasetJ&U pla.J- Saata Fe's Roo Clark allowed ooly S blts &Dd struck out 7 Sa11or batters. The cruets pushed across 4 runs La the blc Srd lllllloJ. aod added z more 1D the 5th • ..:========.,..., Tbe Sailors O!!lerld lbeplay. ~POR T eHOW !IIOWIHG IIIIGM-ACJotlfl:rtt ~_., .. GilD llll&rollrri Z ---· ---- offs by w1Dr&1Jlc 2Dd pl&ce lD the Smsel Leacue. Tbey edged Ma· rlna 4 to 3 lasl: week oo Wed- oesda.y tor tbe nmoer-141 spot, 3 YOUTHS V~HD~LIZE MR. OO'S RESTAIJIIAHT Three yot.alg meD vandalll.ed Mr. Oo's restaurant, Z600 W. Coast Hwy., Ma.riDer's MUe, the algbt of May 14, by ~.~>rootiDg a toilet bowl a.od lettiDg about 1/2 i.Dch of nter now ~ into the corridor. Dunap was $100. As the y()ljhs left the restau- rant. each took turns jumpiDg oo a motorcycle they had lt:ooc::lt:ed over in tbe parldDg lot. Damage was set at $50. Tbe 3 left tbe area in a blue El Camioo. MRS. FRY, RESIDENT FOR Q YEARS, DIES Marlon Fa.DDy Fry, 78, of890 W. 15th St., West Newport HeJgtlts, died May 17 at Hoag Hospital. Mrs. Fry, who Uved bere tor 42 years, Is survived by her bustlll..od. Sbe was born Aug. 14, UJ90, La New Y or It:. Private ser- flees were bekl at Baltz Mor- tuary Costa Mesa.. BIKE HITS CAR Baekillg her ear out of bar driveway at 507 AVocado An., lrTLDe Terrace, May 19, Doris Russell stopped oo the sidewalk ~~~~~~:~~=ito ebeet trattle, a.od&loogcame Richard Gill, 14, of 1825 Sea- drift Dr., lrvloe Terrace, who drOJe his mJ..ni-blbl into the right side of bel' car. Rictw'd was talt:eD to Hoag Hospital with a tractured and dlsloealed rlgl!t hlp. Ensign 7th graders lead · 'niiN ....................... lrt Dh ....... CMII au., W' 1 I '10 ...... lflll ... 1a .., t cntvL 'hltt~~aw~~~t ..... au.A .... Ill •II*= lltMII ....... I-....._ IIK,c:a.t..obdw..iCIIft .-. -...... -Vlelll cau. --... Pat La-. Bart 11 a._ ... ..,_ rou lilt: • rrBGRADE AluAI!!Irawa Gil Aoll!ooJ lllblBall Cyatl!la Becl!atl BortooBHt Grlo( Beltnmo S&l1J Bemus DoJa lllabDp Kar• BI•P""tte CatbJ Brltvleb Lori llroW1! Lee Burke SeottC.ltlnU Jan Caroey CbrlsUDt Clark BrlaDCotu Carla CoUey Robert Colli! Susy Doyle lllrbara Duoll Dtllblo Duoll James Esstelt: Lori Etttn Bill FratlkllD Cbarles Glazier Du Gribble Clodee HaU Mary Hamel BW Heidbrlnlt: L.l.z Heiser Robert Helldershot Mart Hinsba.W Coastaoce HlrsboD Cathy Hote King Humann DougaH Job.D.soo •ute Keller Blll Leith Patricia Lewis VIvian Loumeau Betb Luymes Usa Magllooo Brad Miller Terry Moore Aooe Morrow E. C. Mueller Maureen Mtapby steve Myers stuart Nokes Marilyn Palmer Lisa PeDdletoo Clark Potbotf Marilyn Rea vie JeDDifer Roese Johll Ross-Duggan Tom Searles Cbr1stle Silsbee . ....,_ Karl Tal!ll Gar7 TIIOna JOOI(ill nDmu Palrlcla ,_. Karl VOD llarlell E-w'alar Kllrl Wota DiotaW-Ueb LtUaWJ1!WI MarU,OY- PamY-ae .. ri)'Y...,. • TI'H GRADE Robin Adair Tom Allao JCif l:!!tlioOJ Susla Bllllrtet Toot Beetwltl! JaeqooiiAaBoraord Roa BJ&laek Kuey 8oblJ Brlpi- Vleki Call ADD Cates Doug Chard Patty Cbun TareyClllll Ruth Clucas Staey Coebrall Teri CraJ.g Debn De Kalb Lee Oicteos Lyndon Dickey Jobn Dtetey Krls Dorius Jennle Fraser Jane F erD&ld Scott Fier Robert Franzke BoMJe Gage VIcki Gale Benr ly Gross Jean Gormu MaryGunlt:el Joe Guy Tim Hamill Richard Hamm Cyutbla ltaDd Julie Holcomb CorriDe Horrocks Robi.D Humphries Karen Jasper Jaaet Jltlsoa Andrew Jones RoblD Jooes Leslie Jordoo A. G. Kawunura IU.-IJKar Kalll11141111' Mar prot Kerr Tw-xu·pr Vallrta- ........ KGpa- -l.onalo<a Paii.&- KalbJ Llll n:a~· llartlloLJl!D VallrleLJOD -McCabe Karea M"""ap' llarprtl llala TlmMar- JlodlMarool stopl!aa Ma-llolll _ _, Tom Mor• Fruit Na4uLIJ Lori Nat.. IJua llowquill Ltlll'&llleholl Lad Nlel!oll Mo111 O'Coaoor RIIIIJ Palmer PamaloParl<or LIAda Pill Ju Reece TtmRepn Autumo ReiDlllrt Kaill7 RUIJ LoalloRobtuoo Tom Saf'Uc Clllfsamts BobSutoo !land Scoaee LJl!O SeiU!I( GID!lSI-.s CodySmaU Laurl Smull EriD Smith Kim Smith Warreo Smltb CIDdJ Soyder Laurl SoJ<1er MeUssa Speocer Susaa Taube CaodJ Unpr !land Uopr Kent VorktDk Casey Walker Jack Wbeeler Debbie WUllams Kathy Yates Patrice Youor IHSTALL~TIOH M~Y 28 JERI BOWERS ILL IDstallaUOD will be Dek1 oezt Jert Bowers, wbo ased to Wednesday, May 28, at a d1noer operate ao.ers te),epbooe an- meeting at the Rl'fiera res-swertDc MrYlee 1a eoro. del taur10t lA Sooall Coast Plua, Mar, tu· su!!arld a bear1 at- Costa Mesa, ..., officers ota. tact aod 11 ~Dald IIIOa- Oraugo Cou!itJ Cl!at>ler ollm-mall! Falla Ore.,.. Sbe bas maculate Heart Collep Assn. beeD ,lsluq ber diQ&hter I.Dd Tbe new otncers are Mrs. JobD am. in-law at tbelr raoeb 1D Orues of Santa Ana, presldeot; Orep.. Mrs. JohD Zlctp'af of Costa Mesa, vice-president; Mrs. Docald Aoder of· Anaheim u secretary; Mrs. Frank Wlnslow of Santa A.oa as treasurer; Mrs. Charles stloe of Newport Beach as ways and means chairman; and Mrs. AleDlXfer Buroett ol suta Ana, publletly. NEIPORT HAR90R UIIJI RRSTI£~--.... 4 TIIURSOAY, JULY l. IllS Qliii)IIA DELilA!!, CAll F. 1111n ,_ atuiiCII -..,..u 1aac1 way 1. na a TW-r--a,-ot ~--· l!ld-llll•a ..._ ...._ 1roa a.oart•r-.-....,..., 1.... .,.vaauc. .,....., .. ._. ••• ._,. KI'WPOI1 .• I ,..... M. ....... ud ntln. liUIIIC YAWlS 11ND41F..:HCIOL-YIAR STQCIC IIDUC110N SAlE 25% OPF ALL RIGULAil STOCK (l..,....laluaaw&...._,.) S-TSWIAil DlliSSIS SHinS SKillS SHDIS ILOUSIS JIWILRY .......... _rio __ ·-··-· F~ SHOP ONLY CEJ!!~Il. • 420 CAMPUS DR. .QU3 CLOSID SA TUIID~ Y AT COA r~"" . masuir dtarge) . the mesa RHES FOR CL~SSIFIED ~OS 20 worcta or leu ............. . 1 Ti~ne 1.50 2.00 3.00 .OS 2 Times 2.:;tl ~.00 •. oo .10 3 Timu 3.00 .. oo 5.00 • IIIIIICAL POll SAL • MAY CLEARANCE Full key 41 pedalboard 'HE'W v QT. TORADE FACIAL TISSU 200 SIZE - WHITE OR COLOR HILLS BROS. COFFE 1La.69c Frozen F ou·:!s SUHKIST ORANGE JUICE 60Z. 12 oz. 4 ,. S100 2 "'S100 GREEH GIAAT IH BUTTER NIBLETS CORN PW EA. 29¢ CARROT 'CAKE MIX CLASSIC WHil'E CORN FLAKES KILLOGGS · '37 GIAHT • OL SIZI , ( AIR FRESHENER •t • • ... • .. • • • .• t' • . • . • • •• TH£ LUXURIOUS IIW lA'"" THEATU .,..OI'MIIC I C..- ' IIIWI .... I!.tt. \ ~UllOA ft-.a· ., ... .¥ • oras,...ft.Y .. o 21 word• to 30 WOfds ..... . 31 words to ..0 word• ..... . Each word over «l worch .. may DOt be bl.&. ud we m&)' DDt be fancy. tu we CARE . We care 510 mucb tbat we mJpt remember JOUr pet ftnt IDd )'OU MCODd. Be •- salllsb. VIsit lbo lllllt pat abiiP on Coast llwJ, aod pi ll!o moat eompltlo atto- lur """' pet. (Don, lurpt 1u brll!!thlm wUl! lOUI) JORDo\NS' PET SHOP Y-a lA eo... dtl qaalltJ pat -ltaa 1'731 E, Coast 1'11-1430, • 15 TRAN SPORTATION 100" Finan ci ng Available A1 so We-Carry Our Own Contracts NEWPORTER MOTORS 2036 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa arcana -lo1rrey Hammood, Warllbtr -from 11295. Sploot a<poslrom $395. q, to $400 saYI!!p oo - C&ble-Nelloo II Ewerett Pl&DOs; ued spJDet &I COilSOieS from $390. TerTUk sart.Dp OD. Scott llld Seebarc Stereos -plaDo or orcu tradel.Da accepted. SCHIUDI' MlEIC CO. H&mmoad -Steian.J -Yamaha UO'J M. YaiD St., SaDta ADa Est. Ul4 -.-CA=R;:S-:I'O=R-:S::-AL::-::-E --- 1 H5 OUXIMOBILE 441, two- daol' blrdqt, utom1ttc, wltb --., R/H, -llr•, aceu.t COtdttloa, ODI owa.- er, $1,~. ~~061. . .. ~~~~~~--~-----~·-····-~ FOR IEI'IT ' • UII'ORT HARtiOR EIIIIJI RIIST S£C11011--P!p 5 , ..... . mJIISOAY,IIAY1t- OOIIOIIA D£1.1!M. CAU F. NIW IAYCRIIT LIITIII!I. TillS 1lomo lou ~ lor femDy aiOYmeDl 4 "*':ii :r =y~ =·-dea tiDO -PIICI IIDUCTIOMI I30ilD oll matea IIIIa ebarmlnc borne 011 Jarca comer lol a very Coocl buy -Stuuoy pello. mu>-mum privacy. s bdrms .• dhW>c room, J ear ....... Call to .... MilD A LARGE HOME wllh a small price! 5 bdrm•., I batbs, plus den a: family room, Baycresl area for $47,160. CHOICE PENINSULA UVFRONT -Year n>WJd leue pier IIDCI slip, 5 bdrms .• 3'h baths + maid' a quarters. Contact Bill Benu. SU-ER SEASON -Lovely Bayfroot rental in prime area. Excellent beach aDd pier. 4 bdrms, 3 batbs. -for lhe seuon. OFFICE OPEN Sal. lo S..ft. PETE BARRm REALTY 1605 Wosldlff D•. N.L 642-5200 DON'T MISS THIS R.t.NCHO LA CUEST.t. -If you've missed the ci0500Ut of RANCHO LA CUESTA'S 3 otbtr uniu . , , . DON'T MISS THISII Eaclo succeeding unit cost& more, so take adnntage of tbtse prlca. Come a: -oor mod ... .., Bnlokhunt at Atlanta in Huntlnflon Beacb. There are 1 a: 2 stories, 3 " 4 bedroom homes with 2 or 3 batbs, Mission We or obake roof. fire. places, coocreta driveways, beavy 1011gb cut beams, bullt·lna, · famDy rooms a: dhW>g """"'· Close to Hunlillflon State Beach. These beauUful homes are priced from ~.995 lo S34,200 wilh VA or Coo- ventional financinC as low as 10% down. Np 2nd TDs at 7.2% interest Call i68-2929 or visit any day 10 AM lo 7 PM. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Sales through the Multiple ~ Service of the Newport,Barqor~Costa • Mesa Board of Realto'ni tOtilecf$20,5 ' mlllton for the first four months of 1989. This represents 534 unit sales and a dollar value increase of 25% over the same period of last year. List your property with a Realtor today. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MISS COM SET SAILOI--..,..AT Mil ... -~~~"HIJR .... ES -AI IIIII -.. , : .... ,. -._ ._ -.,......._IIIJUioY #10. ·;~~;;;;;; 'ftl f'lJu•C? •••MEE 1 'he , ... ,. c:a.nl oltllt ftl, I nu t:lr ' .. U. &Ill Mit be 'Oitc-11 ud 10 1M 1101W lull ... ._.111 ~ c--.---.---·---Dr~--·--,...ol .... a 1-•llnao_.., ___ .,_, .... -·: -GIIitllll--..... ---... ____ 1 • ..,1111 ..... 10 ,._ ·-...... ....,.,-·--.... Ill ....... 'r'oltua.•--..... wmlll.,u I' II lliC c-·-IUion.-IOCII11.,:40110.ol,110. Y1* ... .W.-. ...... ellut U •'#' $ 7 tw • iiliilltui t>e 2£JfiiCPSFM, . Tbl IUJDr' BUdwUI.llll-.t !1-,~~ioo~~~~~jl: -.rr. wilD s. a ... •·tn Ull •••Me wtll blreujnd M Blrttalrw, C01R1t !:~~~~~~ii.iiiiiia7i.•iiitllliiiCii'ii*iii"ii'ii•iii .. -Ill-•c u .................. u .... .-.._ •rar011 t111t ,._ $1,235JEWILRY TIIEFT C-laCo*--IIID -IIIII P II .... _, • .,._-ud Ml"ln' ~-ley ...-li <II' •••• --·Pir-"" Lar<l'l -...... --·--"' ud • fl-..--C-•a.ladadtlb -adli-tiiiiMudU ...... ,,_-I 10--llloiUcllard ~ '*' I p, lla lol>le o.a. -.. Dr. Wllllaa I ........... till -ar "' -. 711 Go-..s wtll be • a MMr"'al Du IU. wtU diUftr a m••• .. c. ea.W.ac 11: .. ~ oalct, CGro1a dtl Mar, bitw..,.. ....., .,~., eaU to "llu'scr..t.t .._.., •• E. Cout RWy. Cc lut-p.m. Ud I:JO p.m., Ma.J lallll." ~·~~=....:.: a.!:·c~~~.: Scholar luncheon May 28 - -F• 1111 t alii to:IO N._.t lltlcMo -TIIa a... Tlla IICioolandp ow-ol P<ri Harbor udeor-dau<ar .... _, ....... -Gaarlli -· ...-.... Coai-.. Clll> "' ... lllp Se-~~~ ... ~~=1 _,I. -wlllbrlanart.--.willP<-oa''Y-N-Bubar ~ ol Tllo A- I 1a a -.. ..,... llolJ 111o " a llclol" u 1111 1:10 ..., eom-....... ._od 11 111o wUJ "' ao•• ,. .. 111*11 ud PilL" Tlla _... Ua.m, _,-r-. _, ........ ol Cbam .. llrl ICbolar. al7 ...... wllllla Doa~ ---·will be fie cllr-• .... will be bold Ml1 Dr. Mar-Laalu, cbalr- .,-., 10 ~--111o ceiYod Ia lila rile Ill--Z1 li lila a... BaJ Cl~t>.l maa oltbe 1--. ._....,., ~-Ileal -"'-· tlooli 11 ..... Tlla-:-SIDJ lop -.-..... ·'IIIIi IIIIo wUJ bo tile llrlt --oallrloop.OollaJ bo-will 11o bold~-~. Ask us "d tllli u.·r:~~~~~~:l II, 17 .... • al 7:10 p.m. A -Bllllo-.... ,., a I ...... award FOR TIIOSE WHO LIKE A CH.t.MGE Of PLACI. Dr. 3 ... ~11<-ol dalocl lor J-16-17, from t boJ--1111 Z oc:bools. MOW THROUGH llallu ~ _....,, lo 1i:IO a.m. -throoP • "I tight c-.... .,.. Jack Bor-SUM DAY EVEMIMGI -......... Willa_ .... FrldaJ. In 01 --9 ......... s 11--------1 oo.•--~ be • • • tbe Newport Harbor HIPScbool warld." "Ia tblre a. c::omiDcace Cbrtatlu Scleoce Cbarc.bH Hau Lor berol Key elllb wbo wot~ Saturdi.J ST;,. TIOH WA.G0t4 ol pr<o oa -· lad .. TIIo -""Soil alii bodJ" lslllo Blbla lacludcal :":.::., tile • ......, ~ lbo lfOOD!Is of tile SHOW ooa:dacwarld cblrcll." leuoo-HI'moD topic b' tfl1a _,.._ ... of....._ C..., ..J 11~ DeW CbamberbaUcilDClDCoroDl 0oe of Soutbero Cl.llfor-• • • g 15 ..._ -04~ -~ ....... .,.... ~ del Mar GrUefll1 members n1a st. UdrWI Prllbyterla.D SUDday. SerYtees are at : Btacb, utecl tbe HeW'I)m't Har-YOted a· eertl4c:ate of re-'s most coq>lete ln-C~ toO st. Aadrw'• Rd., ud 11 a.m. in Newport.a.ell, bor Cbamber al Commerce copWoo be clYeD to BUJ Mes-ventorles of new aMused CWI HP• -"God' a creat 10 a.m. 1a Harbor Vln H1Jla, dlrect«s llllcNdly to pr...t a. leDpf R&DCty Wbiteskles Dlck station Wagons. __ __,, w111 be Dr. Cbarlea aDd 11 a.m. 1n eo.: Mesa. r..Xatloa to tbe 1.JD1gd states A.adr.,;s Bo Gr,,.. ... ' BW ._._.. • • Coacresa utiDc~ottbe • wawo Dler..atld'l8lnDOD tbtmetor Tbe IJaitlltaD Un1Yeral1st C~mt--m~bell TldelaDCis El8oa, Bruce Trubo, Bob Vo•oLI tbl 8, 9:30 IDd U Lm. SUDdaJ Cburcb 1Z59 Victori&St Costa A t of 19is BID Beollersbot ud Ml"f1cet. Tb1l Slllda.J will be M • Tbe R u-:·walke c . Bndley. "FISH" memberlbJp recrllit-esa-er. A-.-lor be Mr. Loreoz ukedtbattbere-llr BarDett also abo•ed a .W dlscuss hll r-.... -10lutioo be s1m11ar to tbat ol. • mG d&J, IDd members are eomlac a UnttariaA mtntater lD N _,...,... Bea.cb C:O.CU wtl1clt ~aq~le of the mulDe senlce -.. flU ... c:arda .. join bls al 10·30 Ibis ··~. aod lni>rmlilon cllrectorJ aod TIRES FOR TRUCK AMD CAMPER Complelo Solos And Service In Our Own GOODYEAR TIRE CEMTER tb1l "bi_,!Dc bud" orp.ralu.-sermon • a.m. teeU legtalatloD lli"'Ollllt"nc •""'UDCed tbat It ..W be read)' lloa. -Y · .. , coolollcal or COOPf>Jslcal u dlslrlbulloa 1o ' ooo boat 1----------1 a • • DAR t • wort lm'oMDc &DJ pbJsical O'WQers th1a week. The c.U.ree-REHT YOUR H1story text 1s op1t =::-u:::.:: :r·::,u:::;::n~ VA~T~:E~~ .. E NlrJ area or OD the adjaceot aod marlDe bardftre stores. Tlla C<ll. WWiam Caboll asslstaDt secrelary, will blgb-fedenlly .-.ollecl-.erged CAROLYM MAHTERIAH = :..~.::.::: c1~10 of~ 18~ ;:et sn: :ttm~~Y :=~'i:: ~ resott&o also asks that 01 ES AT ACE OF 33 out scbedulesor nserYa-• p.m. -1 a ..._..... CarolJD. Rosalee Mali:erlan, UoDs ne eut Sb1rt. !241 W. Cout HWJ.. A musical fln?.rram w1th Ute the JegtsJaHon probibtt &DJ 33, of Z741Melldola Dr., Costa Robins C:h:" ~em: Mar-•IIWa.Tblslulme<t, ortof,Dal 0011<. This"""'! leulnc tor uploratloo, de· Mesa,dledllaJI7allllrbome 1Dc of tbe 1111-69 yar wUl berttaee," wrltteo by Mrs. nklpmeDI: orremonlotoU.ps Sbe IXlrDAquU7 1935. Camper or CoOOor Motor flltlre Doueli&BoyleJP"ttoc RQ:Ib TaaJowsky ud llrs. or otber mJDen..ls from tbet1de lD Holl~ 1M lifed iD uu; HoR£m~~N""LE RATES OD ••au tbl Americu RefOlD-Ralph HokJeo, ..W bepreseDted ud submerced laDds lD tbe kiT ~ AD FREE! CAMPER VACATIDMI WiD a tree ... ,._, Ia a del .... plcbp-... 4. We "eo D1l tbl tala: wttb cas. Ho P•rchau Heces._, Dlo\Q40Snc otECKS Recllter to wiD a com- plete c~ of fGW' car•a ooo:21Hon 1D SoCber:a C&- -·. llrsl Ford Dl-qaoltic Center. Orer UO electroDJ.c teltll:lr llle- ty, rellablutJ udpaiot- maace. r.-tn tbla ftC&-IIoa-_..,. TEM OIECICS TO IE GIVEM FIEEI HOTDOGS AMD PEPSI COLA FOR AU.I (Sot. & S... O.ly) tioau'J War be-. ae&lected I.D bJ Mrs. Tm:knfsk} ud Mrs. sa..octuary ar• 01' oo adjaeeat ar::r,.tces ~':es. bekJ May 20 RESERVE EARLY oar cut boob?" Jobo S. Ken • •ocallst. ·tederall)' controlled submflnderfged• at WestcWI Cbapel Tbe of-1------....::,..:__..,L ________ -1 llra.Solahaeber,roplll,aod lallds unless ..,.clflod --· gs flclalll was llle a .. WIDiam SEE EVERYTHIMG Tll.t.T'S MEW Ill PICKUP lira. Br,_ NonDao, >fee, VAMDALS AT HARBOR ba .. been determlllod b)' tbe Eller of 1bo ~Church CAMPER$, OIASSIS CAliPER$,. IMMIHOM~ repol, will roportoolbeDAR Vudals broke IIlio tbe re-llll>f'Oill'lale slate aod federal of u.; 11u1er lalermeot was SUPER VAN atNVERSIOMS. CAMPER SHELLS (:oatt-a• Ccocrlll bold lD tresbmelll staod al Newport ageoc:le>. a1 Paclflc Vl.,;llemorWPark. AND R.t.IICHERO CAliPERS • PLUS BOATS WuMn&ft'L TbiJ were dele-Harbor 81 .... school m-er tbe .... ..,D ~·uaiM~ EQUIPu~T plu lo .......... -. May 17-18°-;._eeker>:l ar>:1 com-MEWPORT TOWERS ~ ~ v ~~ • lira. Gaarao Boccola, oiale mllle<l $20 'OOrlh of damages. Landmark of the Newport Skyline ln1ED ROBIMS' GREATEST V.t.CATIOII SHOW EVER • Member drive planned !c;ta::ri:;~ bf~~~~=u!'i b::~ A ,..,....."""' drlte ... Parks, Beacbeallld aecreatloo room, 2 bath, all electric apartments. P-"' 1111 lfnport Beach _.... 1o< elac:llol1 of a 2 high speed elevators, subterranean Caalra1 ~..u, A-. lila aaw board ot dlr-L -.. -; onlac. 11a1 and top deck parking, tlle~c l9. POIMT ASSIL Sl.to TES ool and boat docks. "We wutlo lllc:lade aa IIWIJ GEMEIW. 'oiEETIMG p u we ... crom ptor lopter,'" Tbo 1969 geoera1 meelloe of Open daily. Sale or lease. (714) 642-2202 oald Pr-Bob w.-, tbe Balboa PenlDsula PvlDI 3121 W Coast Hwy Newport Beach ''altboacb 0111' JdeDWI.catioll is Assn. ls scbeduled for Tuesday, • • ' dlfllc'lll u we laYt permueat Jooe 3, at 8 p.m. in tbe ~stairs oceu froal aDd bay froat meet:iD( room of the PafiUoo. onera. &Dd a coter ltrlp of Tbe primary business w1l1 aputmtala OD eacb aide o1 be tbe eleetloo ofDfeoewboard BlJboa BlYd." members. Counc.llmao Howard Tbe uwtalioo will meet Rogers .rU1 be oo band to ao- J-16 1D the swer questloos. I Tbe speaker wtll be Victor OPtN SUNDAYS 12 ·~1 5 p.m. C. Andrews of EmeraJd Bay, presideot of lbe eouta1 Area Protecttte LeagUe, wbo wtU discuss otlsbore drilliDg.. JOHM SWAHWICK OF EAST BLUFF DIES 4th Tire "••IH. EniH 1•••• •<#• ~ Jolm T. SYaDwiek, 88, o1 901 Almood PlaCe, Easl Bluff, dlod May 20 al _, llolplta.L He ns tbe retired presJdeDl -of Fanday Electric eo .. Adrian, lllcb. SurTifors are bls wife, Leda; S daQCI<ers, llrs. NaDcy Douce laSs o1 Newport Beacb, IDd Mrs. DoratbY Plait lad llrs. llar7 Frt~. lltchlpa; a - John Jr. of lllllllesola; alfOIIII, soo. James, aod a IJ'UII- dauctrtar. Julie, ol N- Beacb. • INTERIORS r•lfr ..... I£15UII •.-"oftll 1ft .. .., .. , ...... .... ... _" .. •*····~ ...... _. • :1 c.._. ...... um•s, ............ etc. Ill DIICMIS ROIIWIM .............. , r-.-: ... eiJILJ .. I ,#• • . 1fU ~-lltw4 Cuta 'Mua Cell ...... , • ,,,. ........... ·~· Sentces wtll be beld 11 a.m. Frld&J,IIaJ zs, atPI.ciAcVl., Memorial Park. Dr. WUUam Eller of tbe LutberaD Clnlrcb of tile llasler will be olllclaDL LIDO YOUTII SERVES ABOARO EMTERPR15E Samuel w. Uoat&om•rJ, ·-tleclrlclus malo Srd class, ..., of Mrs. Aaaabel lloo&c<>merJ ol Z10 VIa Lido Nord. Lido lale, la oa ac- tin duty w1tb tbl MaftlA1rRe- SII"fO, "'""" a1Joar<1 lbo air, cnfl carrier O.S.S. '-Ia. Be was 01. tbl c:an1lr ftlll U. up-occwnd ollllaftll lui J....., bat .. -~- He Is • .,-te "' - Eoalp --ocboOiaad N--IIIP~ -occ 000,... .... !IIC a ,.... 1n 111a oc11oo1 "'-· __ .. __ 10 acGftdiiJ.TIIaE-.,.naolo -.............. -Q'IIolllonawllll- , ... 'Jl ........ ct ..... at •ts& c.&. Ia •· • • ~JiK'X: ONLY ONE LEFT COST A MESA --AT 403 16TH PLACE *3Boorooms *FuillyRoom • Carpetoo • Landscapoo Yard • Fencoo -Front and Back • Fabulous Kitchen • Heavy Shake Roof $32,500 -!1lJ Down -Batance 1st TO 7 1/2% LIDO ISLE MINI-ESTATE 137 VIA WAZIERS Home Spread Over Two Lots Charming, permanent three bedroom, two bath residence with large rooms. Separate d1ning-room and indoor bar- beque. Owner has movoo out of state -so is anxious to sell. Prtcoo only $79,500 Fee Simple Remember -the property on Lido lllle is not leasehold. p. •· ~Inter lncorpoNted 111 DmlLfEIS IJ liiO SKE 1935 f#l Vlo Ll• Oololo W. lie e "._. __ ,_ .. L.4.-.. MAS... IN COSTA MESA .. . ---.. ~---·---- • 5 B!DIIOOMS o 3 8A THS o CARPETS o DRAPES ALL IH THE VERY BEST OF CON DillON E-Z TERMS $36,750 Wella-McC.tdle Reeltora Relillble Sert1ice Sillce 190 JIIOIIIWPOIT ~ CDSTAMISA REALTOR CAN THE BEST FINANCING TERJ~Uii 2 Story 4 Bedroom His~ of .... ..,, ••• -loot, .... --'""' .. CORBIN- MARTIN REALTORS Look Me Over! I am two houses on one lot. I need a new master. I am only $39,000 and Uve in COM. HERE IS MY PICTURE Me Too! Pm smaller. My two houses only have one bedroom. I don't cost as much. Pm only $36,950. Call my master at 675-1662. THEY WILL TELL ALL CORBIN-MARTIN, Jnc. ''I..Wn • .,__. r•• C'..,.,._l". 3038 E. Cout Hwy. .675_1662 C:Qroaa del Mar, CalU. -.. ,....., ·eon ·.,..Nt.; m PlrPzJ!Lt.:rt•aaw .... realty 642-5200· . How Does $3 Strike You for This One? • The lot is zonoo R-2 (you can add on). • Close to best bathing beaches. The price, again--a modest $31,500 --and owner may carry 2nd. BETTER CHECK ON THIS! CALL AHY11ME 675..al00 CALL AHY11ME 675 o6000 Z02S W. IIALIOA aYD. __,. IIACH Open House DAY 1-5 ·~ L4•GI UYDIG 110011. IIUARATE DIIIIIIG J10911, FAIIILT 110011, liR&AU .&8T 11(0(, f BEIJRO()II8 . I FIUPLACES. LET Ill SHOW YOU. ' ...... SPECTACULAR VIEW S BEti!OOMS .Alii) FAIULY ROOM HOME WJTJ1 A SPECTACULAR VIEW OF HARBOR. $f7,500, •••• Outdoor Living Area Otmn'AIIDIIIG OUTDOCII UVING AREA AliD HOllE 11'1 Otmn'ANDIIIG CONDITION. S BEtllOOMS AliD VIEW, LARGE BEAUTIFUL POOL. 11M GOLDENROD, HARBOR VIEW IIIL18. • ••• Charming Duplex QUIET AREA OF CORONA DEL MAR, '52,500 • •••• Nice Family Rental FOR THAT NICE FAMILY THAT NEEIII A RENTAL. f BEDROOMS -1-1/Z BATHS, WlO PER MONTH. »OM Y. f"RAHI<l.IH I RUl.TOR' 325C) £All--CorOI\I dtl Mil, Cellfonlil f'tlonll 17.J.2222 MOVING UP! U you ~ tld8 c:raeeM ln1DI Terrace boiDI, JOU .... tbl "CXMdrt-cW' f•l. bit ODCI: JOa ltlp 1Diddl ,.. ..w bo '--w1111 lbo won.p-c _...., 1 batll relu:I.DC ·~•e. Tbt UY1ac room 1li bap bat cao-,.,.,..IJ -bJ deUIIdflll Soo)e --ID lbo -- dllllll( .... Tbo 111-oJoclrle -wllll 1le --ot"IU .. 10 budJ to tbe pool-lldt luD1lJ room. AU ot tbt u.tac aroe pi• ...--.omllllleonr-lbo llll'idlD( booted aDd lllterod poo~ wbleblacoq~Umllllodbya -cal prdeu. CALL FOR APPOINTMENT A ~TOll IS I'LIDGED TO AN BTAIUSHID CODE OF ETHICS Hh ,....... -.,..."'""' .... M f1t1f11Y ,.., .... tlat1•dlof• •• , ··-1 HAL PINCHIN & .. L CDAIT ...... ,. •, C:OatA D& IWI,' ~ COUNTY C~MEOS ~ ~ Pot'tfolio of Pictocial Vignettes ofOt'ange County's Exubet'ant Past~ 1769 to 1917 COlO--~-T .. _......,.,.__WAft __ ... _.. W f-ae Cltl II~ 110.,. ,._-cowr-Y CONCa"'''..,----_,._-·~ .. --..,..-.. _ ., LI'T' ~ ···-..,... ..... TNC '"VIH. C.OIII~AN"' J'I,ATil NO. I P'I..ATI: NO ,. PLATE NO. 9 THE 1-~0URTH -Alter il-. &r:st pier in 1888, ~~ .. port Reach became sumDW!r vacution!i and 4th of July ~urviws Lhb 1906 scent•, but the old burned down. ' •ANA POINT-During the Mexican Pt:riod, B<"'· anchored below Co.pistnmo to buy tallow from local ronch01. Scene depicts hidt> hriK Pilgnm in 1835 as descrihcd in Before the Mo.at. ,.L ... TE "10 I P'L ATII: NO 10 fliED C:\R TO BALBOA -En'Ctt--cl in 1905, the Balboa Pavilion has outla.~tcd the "Big Red Cars .. that brou~ht mo.;t of twr t.~tomers. The trolley stop at Balboa was the southem·molt point ol. the Pacific El~tric ~ystno. HONORED QUEEN NAMED ·- lll.as PatrleJa JUDI will be eronod -ed -ot Betbel SIS, later•Uonal Order ot Job's Dltopters, al ~­ liUoa c•emoalu thiJ Satur. di.J, Kay Z4, at 7:SO p.m. at Se&IUI.DJ Muooic Temple lD cwr Hann. Patricia 1.a a juDJor at Costa Mea Bleb Sebool aod Is lbo deapter of Colta Mesa CitJ Atloi'DIJIDII Mu. Roy E.JIIDI. Her tbtme. "You'll DeYU' walt alool, ,. will be tarried out lD -aod -· Of-fleers &DI1 ebolr members will CUTJ woodeD eroaes with lltramen of rflltloD La bar colors of putel creea IDd blue. Tltoy will -!tom tLto -aDd ltud bdx'eanl-b:lt crou wtdl4l u IDdlTidull poem com- poood by lbo --edq-wtll brt rlld. IuQmnc of- fleers &Dd courteq atterwtants will ....,. tLto -·• -•r, PA TIIICIA J UN! tbe wbtte earaatioe trimmed marsbal; l...aRoJce A.lleD, cbl,p- wttb ber putel coD's. la1D; s.. WbJ.ted. recorder; Al:sbUDc 1D tbl ceremooy u no... Howvd, een1or cus- tnpmal ofDc•• wW be tbt tocl1a.Dy aDd Dlalllll &owvd, Ju- OiltauJDc: omccs Lealie Pict-~alo~r ~c~u~-~to~n;~E=lloeo~~C~ur;ry~, rot, -od -Paala Ro-Ju FuldsaodDelll>le """-pldt;CalttyMcKJaloy, LAST 10 DAYS CHAIR SALE ALSO YOU I CHOICE Oft $TYLIS, INCLUDING $WIVEL CHAII$. LOUNGE CMAIIS AMD "$WIVIL IOCitl!IS. ,.efJ fiRII W•ilr •••11 IFI 2211 H.~ .. VD. CtOSrA toeA UUUI a'tltm ._ ... ._.M._ ,.,_.,y II£ARS CMERA ... AT 1-IICIIOIIT a TO. alftA_.-,_.I.Fal -0 IITII ft, PAD L-----------------~'---.... ----..J ..,. ""I I tl · - PF..ATI. ... o .) f:A R ~..JY 'S MARCil -Soml· 600 Amt'rkans undt·r (~·n . S!t·phen W. Kra my and Commodore Hoht-rt F. Stoc·kton paSM."C:! throu~h San juan Caphtrano on january 4, 1847, en route to Los Angele5 to stiUt· thr lad rcsio;ta uce and end the M~xkan \Var in C.1liforoia. ~LATII: NO 7 TOPPI K<: 'f'II E ~.P .-.o\rmt"CI cowiJOy!o, r~nd1 hand!> and .m in)unl'lion ~toppc.-d a tradc-t.1yin~ nf"w of tht' ,':)outlwm Padfk from <.·rossinJ:" tlw lrvint' Rum·h on July 7, 1888, ending forever the rail- road'! plan" fur a t"O.t\1al c:dt>n.<doo. ~L .. TII!: NO " mART I~'S FLYING BIRD CAGE-Orang£' Coun- ty'.'! m e&t distin!lu is hetl inventor, Cknn L. Martin, built his first aeroplane in Santa Arua in 19{)9. A friend oE jame!ll Irvine, ~ i'i Sot"m piloting t.ht-r.mcher in a Martin 1913 Pusher-Biplane. II'LATI!: NO "" LACK SWAN VS. SARCO-California'~ most famou., horM: ran· IX.'<."UO'I'<I un March 21 1852, \\ hL"n H!tu·k Su (Ill, uwunl h}· ju'o(: s,·puhl'l'da, IM •;i( ~llft U, 11\\Ht'il hy t:'(-(;,1 \'t·mur l'i11 Pi<.'O .tud 1'~-.dChiO Yorha. in ;1 nint'-m1h· tftC'C by 7,:; yard1<1. m:\DA\11· \IOUJE.-.h.·\-J·,.,m 1S7fl -IUQlJ the Shakes~.ucan .1drc'~ II,·IL".n.l \1,~tljcska was Or.mJ(c County) mmt famnu~ tC)Jdt:nt. Shl' and htLo;hand Count 8o7rnta, are ,hown anivin~ at 1=:1 Turo dt'pOt on thf' way tu their h(I'[T}(' In ~antl.q,:u Canyun. ~I.-AT[ NO 1: _EC)P,URA 'S BARGE -One of the-~rt_-alf'St !o.pec- stlent-movl~ era wa..~ th~ "'har~t> scent-" 1917 venion of Ckuputra, stamnj;! Theda wa.'i &lmed in tlw!: bot.ck bay of Newport llbiG AM.wn •••• ....... ____ TIIIYf • • I ?' "*' ................. -I ,,, (Ya. ·)· ~ ,._ ......... firM, -....., 4., I 7 ' , .... M:JJ: ....... II:J..u..ii: I 10-.. eer "II._. v 'A. ... -.,-•-.......... 'not-,.._--...... ., .,.,. __ . ___ ... _., __ ..... _ ...... .,., 0 -~ ........................ ..... .... _ .... JI7_fiiW1'11., (lrl~·:~) .. ~JIO 'ae.,.._. ...._ .. Om lrl1 •t:4t;....,.., $:10: l :ta. •• .,.,.. ... A h ...... "'Aftw ... 1 ......a. Mil. -. • .,.., •ultibDI. .... __ ....... ., .............. ~ .... PICI'IIIe .... • ........ ... ...... .. ....... ... -.... ............. c:lotMd witll-..-,.... ... lftM .. U.... .we. .,. .,..,.. Ia wWte ,.._, a.d wbtDI» came u.,1 .. , ..,._.,....,. wWda--. Ml ol,.... lriilulatiola. ud Mw .-..IMd tt..lr _ _. ___ taO.blooclofO.Lomb." •• ....._ tiUt vaM tiU'OBC C!OMltU ol O.tile convel'tl who Mv.t been woe. to e.-.. r.t...a..h tlmluP the witae.inr and ..-chilli ot the l.U.OOO I...Ut. .... ttoa.dlDt.M ............ Dr. A. C. a..beleia. ooe ol U. tditon of the Scoeeld Bible • .aid: "Tbil ..W. ........,. ....,. • pool--.. Tbey on the p~ of the Goopo! of tho Ki ....... M a witae. to .U utioM before the-end CXJ~DJM (MattheW Jf:t•). Theftfon duri~ the time when the Judlmenta are executed from abo¥. then wW be a world-Wide pNKhinc of ~ Goepel of the Kinrdom, pndaimj~ &hi CD~~~iac of the Kine. c:alJiq to repeatue. aad faith iD I& Name, aDd ofteri111 met"C7 ltill." Ve,.... Dine to .v.nleen pidurw for 1M tbe II'Qt multitude ot 0.. lilel llltYed "out of the ar-t tribulatio11. .. 'l'tu. multitude il not to be co~ wilb the Cbu.reh, which hu altMdJr been called up into cfory ~ U. pellt tribu.&.tioa.. Thil pat multitude it compoeed of UK*!~ Gentile. •ho '-rd the m....,. of the Comi111 Kinr: proe:laimed, repented of their .U. ud belie¥ed this t.timony to the •vina of thiir IOU.Ia. Now their e:armenta are --.bed whit. ia the precMiw blood of the Lamb (Va. lf). Tbe 15th vene ~how. them before the throne of God •nrf.nc Him day and n.iPL There ill; no more hunpr, ,.U.. suft'eriq o.r .arrow. God WMhee allw.n .,.,. from their eye. (V-. 16, 17). ' I believe thill ~ of the Kiqdom, c:allinc men ewrywbeN to repeat. will l'le pre.ched to the mtlltitude. oa earth who have DIIM'!r burd the pepel of God'a crace to ainnen. 'J'bHe mHMqen will be able to apeak ia every tonrue and tancuap on e.rth. They will fan out all over the world to proclaim the ba-.d tidinp that Je.u~ NYH to the uttermc:.t aU who will come unto Him. Jew~~ biWI been and al'tl rt:turninc to PaJeetine from e'ft!ry nation on earth-they need DO trairUnc in lanruare iDlltruction. Thill con~~titutn God'a laat call before the awful, terrible and calamitoue jude· ment.. fall upon the God-hatinr and Chrilt--ntjectirJI nation~~ of earlh. Th.ia call doee not apPly to ainnera who have heard the meaure of aalvatioa in thill day and •1e. It ta to tN.e who are left on earth to co lhrou(h tribu.l.tioa judcment.. when Jeeua cornea. They bNrd, they rejected -now judpnent only await.. them at the hand. of a merciful but juat and holy God. They trampled under foot the preciOWI blood of Chriat, re)ectinc and biM- JJhemill(. The mercy extended now in this age of rrat'f! ia withdn~wn and a feufu.l judpnent awaita them at the handa of God. Tbey refuaed to bow the knee to Heaven's Kine here and now and would not coate. Him .. their S..vlour and Lord. NOW! They are compeUed to confeu Him .. Lord, Savlour and Kina: and bow the knee to Him in submiaion and humility u He metn out their just and richteoua jOOgment. '"nlerefore (becauw He atooped 10 I01W), God hu hichly eaa.lted_ Him aod hu frMly tJe.towed on Him the name that ia above every name, That 1n (at) the name of JM\U every luwe ahould (m~) bow, in hM.ven and on earth and under the Nrlh, And every tonguf' (fn~nkly and openly) conf~ and acknowLedge ~~ Jew. Chriat ia Lord. to the clory of God the Father" (Philippiana 2:9-11 Amph- fied New TMt.menl). «31eanines REBUILD THE TEMPLE by Ardlie A. MaeKinoey Sr. The main topic of diecuuion in hrael these days is. will the temple b£. rebuilt~ Can~. bUIIllo·s and t.ni cab& •"" canying big aigna, "REBUILD Tl:f£ TEMPLE! The problem ia that a Moelem mOIJque atanda over the rock on which tfw. aacrifices were otrered. That place ia second only to Mecca to the Moalema. Recently N!furbiahed at a coat of about two million dollara, it.. deliberate dHtruc- tion by larael would bring a violent reaction from t:M Ar:at.. moa~ of whom are- Moslems. How to diapose of it haa been a matter of dn•cu•1on ewr 11n<:e lht> hrae-1 army e~~ptured the old city. An earthquake would be an ideal tolution to the situation. Thia would be con- si~ft!d an "act of God" and would be ~led by the A rat. • the .. will of God,'" evetl'$ou.ch they werf' ri!Iuclant to aunen'iifu this holy place. lf";he criaia developed into a ""1Nootin1 war" apin. there could w~ll be .ome det:lberately aimed artillery that woaid_ deetroy t~ !DC*IU~-There .. alto t~ poMibility of aome zealot from the Jf!'Wl:'h eo:mmun1ty placinc • bomb under 11 and demoliahinc it, contrary to the official w11l of the government, but much to the delicht of the Jewiah populace in ceneral. Report. keep coming up from time to time that limMtone ia being quarried in eouthern Indiana for ahi pment to Iarael for the building.of the temple. We made careful investigation of thia 110me yean ago, and. fou~ 1t. to be cor_npletely f•~­Iarael haa a very larce wpply of liDlf!Atone wbch 11 qu1te aupenor to wha_t u found in Indiana. and ahipmentof Israel limestone ia actually made to the Umted Statea. but none i11 ahipped' from thia country to Iarael. Even more intereaHng ia the information that we have from a m0111t reliab_le aource that a group of men have already ~n eelected, _co_nsec~ated and ll!"i! In training for the operation of the temple &ei"Vlce as 1100n as 1t 11 bullt. It i!l our conviction that even though we may see the beginning or ev~n ~hf' 1.:ompletion of the building of the temple, that we wiU not ~e here for the lJ:egJnnJng of the aacri6cial otrerinp. The coming of the Lord Jet1u1 1n the rapture w11l 1urely take place before the "Man of Sin" makea his co'Vi!nant with the people of l1rael and the temple services and !18cri6cee are resumed. "E~en 50 come, Lord Je.u11 !"" ------- Fate of the Disciples ay TilE REV. FRANK J. KOLK Frequently the question la aaked, "What happened to the di8c:ipl•T' "Judaa han1ed himaell, but what about the other eleven'r' The an~~tHln have been pnt- .ented but the eource hal. been the Apoerypal boob plua lepnd. Actually there haa been founct no written record of the ra~ of moet of the dilcipl8. ANDREW Accordin1 to the surviving fragment& of the '·Acta of St. Andrew," • h~ work dating probably from the aecond century and referred to by Euaebnd, th_e scene of Andrew"a de~~th waa la.id in Achaia. There he was impri.oned and c:rua· tied by order of the proconaul E&N, whoee wife had been estranced from him by the preaching of Andrew. BARTHOWMEW "A Goepel of Bartholomew" la mentioned by Hieronymua, with lecend \hat he brought the Goepel accordin1 to Matthew to India. One account atalell that he waa martyred in Annenia, by beins pltlced in a aack and cut into the aea. JAMES (Soo ol Zobodoo) Jamee did hia miaaioiW')' ... ork in Spain. and became the patron ~int of Catholic Spaniah people. He WM the ftnt martyr amon1 the apoetJn, be&ng be- headed by order of Herod A«riPPII ]. .lAMES (Bon of Alpha-> June. wu called "Jamea the I.e." becau.e he waa younpr than Jamee, the brother of John. Jamea wM aaid lo Mve bHD the &rat biahop of Jeruaalem. Tradition u~ that he wu cruci.Aed in 62 A.D. probabtJ in Jerualem. MATTHI!W Like mottt of lhe di«iolea, Matthew _.. a n~~tive of o.illee. A las oolledor, and a money chancer, Matthew w.a a .....U educated and w..:ltby ~ Lepnd Ma it that he pre.ched for 15 ,-.n in PaleaCine and then weat to foretp laoda. V.te of hia martyrdom ia uDCft'tain. but Jepad •n U.t he WM beheaded or burned to death. PETER JeN& eallad Peter .,one of the buildinc atoDN." Trwlition ia that Simon PeteT died a mutyr in Rome about 67 A.D. when 75 ,_,. old. .lORN John lived to bt a '"f1 old man. He .. ..-in Jeruaalem 15 y..n al\er hul'• ant ftrit. BarDt.hed to the lale of p~ bat .... tned. 1M dW • natu.nl d.tb-the only one to die thua. PIDLD' Philip ... one of the Ant to joiu tba pou.p • a eboat:a dilcif&e ol .1-. TnMfi.. tioa -~)'II_ that Philip .... .at .,. ,_ to Pllrni-.. a mwicmeJY. n .. -_ ...... .., ........ ~ Ha ._a llhenMD ..:1 8IDCOJ'dlac to~~ to ladia .ud ... I...Uy pat .. ~ •• -~· .,. t.lallhot .no. 8I'I'OW& -......... a.rw WOIItld ~a-·. nSe ... c ...... a 1d .... ., ......... _..,....to .......... ..., ... .., ... ,.~-.... ..... _., ........ a. .. ~--...... -.. lmld...- 'I'IIAIIDAIIUa -He AI q; rr I • ...... true ! t .. A..w. ... hft6. .._.a. -,.._ wid! - Gnat IYfiU il le 0111 ,.,_ P•IUI ..... af J.r•nlah"-J•. 20 • h*'MM __.. •Wc:k ..._ tlwl by ,..,..J U-r.ieq.aee 18 gi..., U.. ._.. ...U., wW M lo ... t. Jer. 20. a.ua Acaou "' .._, __ ....,.. -. ~o~~..-uu 1 .,.. 'c\ .... ~ 11114) I .. -J .;-whit ,... Cllw H ,. ........ tM priadpcd .... ol (lid. 21:11) .., l'ltuddc (Mau. lltt2) ....... ~ -.w-~ .,. '"w. .... -••• _. ___ .... wiQa .. .. --~ .Mll ......... .,WW--11 ""I cstec~ ''fiolnc. Clad .. iDJ __ .. (Jw. 17:1) 13 laldclll o1 two J.dv-(Ju4;.-3:31: U '"'acw-a laak ol U.elr ..... llhl) _. .. (Daa. 3127) IS "Ur .._. wt~re Jowad, ODd I U 0U... , • --atK'It ~pt"' ... -tlwa .. (Jer, 1$:11) (&da. hll) 17 a .._ (,_, 22:st) "' "'J wUl 9fn tk-----Meat'" •tl ._ .. -1o -:.--(fer. 3213:1) . ~ -----u laltkdlc ol ~ ..,.. ol Darid ... ........ --cdlo dUel .-.emor'" (U a-. 1,:1) I& Cl -el ._,. .... (I au-, 7111) fo7 iAitiala ol lh• wtt. ol Ellia•leelt •• .,. ... -, , , __ a Nil-ODd U..ir MCOild .oD (•utb ) :1) 1-. ._.. U pralix ISlHDinv ~--~ aa J.a 21 .... -.u .. 0111' ---\ia.. ____ .ort~toc~ozy 21 ialdUa ... Codattdea aan.u-so -· u 31 a~ ... • -pcaD-. 1M hal (l eo,., 51 a -.oa ol a.la (I Cluo-. 1m 11117: Ada II•) 53 a. .., .. of la!uao•L ____ dar (G.a. 30 bUtiCI)a cl Alln&llaa'a .U. aad 15:13) Ilia ••wd (G... 11:21: l$11) S$ ia.hiala ot tit• in! j11d9• CSJid Sl a ~ ol ,......_ ___ gMI. (JaM. tu. fcrtll.r Uudg. 1:13) 15:12) 5C a Wei .... ~:~pr. ____ baapl '32 ..... --.1 WC1a , • , C18 __ bam-(I n-, 4111) -. are-57 , aa bl __ doUr"' J3 ....... ~--will r -.a uu. s-0" ·sa "'ltia W"'C"d •• ••• • • ..._.. ,.. .. o •• Jlhn> iDv _, Difficulties In The Bible BJ 'IU LATE L A.. TOauY • p t ..... Q .. .... .. loe flf ... ,. ....-. a..e.o. IA,.TIST lilLIE TJtiiUNE, s,.. .... fl•14. .- "IMPURE" BIBLE STORIES AN OLD AND favorite objection to \he Bible on the part of unbeliaven il that there an in it "!:hapten thalt reelt with obeceoity from ~ to end." That there are ehapten in the Bible which describe KeneS that cannot be wiM!Iy dealt with in a mixed audieDCe we have no desire to deny; but theM chap- ten are DOt ot.cene. To lfl)e8k in the plainest term~ of lin, .even the vilat of m., in or0tc to u:poaa its ~as and in orda' t.o pktlft maa .. be rnllJ la, is not ot.cenit,.. lt ill; pWilf in ~ of it. highest forms. Whether the story of sin is obscene or not depends entirely upon how it is told and for what purpose •t is told. If the story is told in order t. • make a jest of sin, or in order to palliate or ellC:Wie sin, it i1 obscene. H the story is told in order to make meo hate 5in, to show men the hideou.mess of sin, to induce men to give sin u wide • berth as possible, and to show man his need of redemption it i.i not obscene, it is 1'tllftJ MORAlLY WHOLESOME. NOW, DIIS IS predsely the way in which sin is pictured in the Bible. It is true that adultery and similar offenses aaam.t purity ue menUoned by n.zne without any attempt at mincing worda. RevoltJ.nc deech of thit c:hancter are plainly described, and their awful rnulb related; but eve:ry- \hin& il ao t.oid as to make one ~il from the. horrid and ~ aina. Beyond a doubt many have been ltept back from the practiee ol lhee sins by the plain things the Bible hu Mid about them. Many others who have already fallen into these Rn1 have bnn led by \he Bible .t.orin to ~tee their enormity and their friahtful ecMJaequenc.es, and have thua been led to fona.ke them by what the Bible uys about them. I am not II)KU].at- inl about this, but apeak from a larJe experience ol men and ~ who have been tempted to these sins and have been held back bJ the Bible utterances repniine them, and abo from a larp expmence 1lflth others who ha'Vi! alrdcl1 f.allen and wbo ha-been 1ilt.ed up and saved by the truth on thae subjects contained in the BibLe. It il said: -rbere is much in the Bible that il not fit to read in public;" and thil -is brou.aht fon.-arcl u if it Wft'e an artuznmt apu.t the Bible. But it is an exeMdincl7 foolish uwument-There ue m8DJ parcn ill tM very best and mod valuable medical worb that an DOt fit to be re.:l in public, they are not nen fit for a father \o rMd to bb chlldnlll. but be would be a fool who would cut theM JIM8IPI out ol &~.... madlc:al WOI'b on that acco\IDt; al'ld he ill equally a fool wbo objecta to the Bible becawa there are ~-in it whieh .,. iDvaluable in ~e:-· but whlc:b were not inteDded for and an not ad.aDtMI to pubUe • The Bible il ln. part a book of monlaDatoaQ" and .prttual ~ and it would be a pat defect in the book, iD hlc:t aa mcuc.tkiD tMt It wu not from God, if It did not t'-1 wUh tMaa frllbtful fllda about man • he II: &Dd with the method of be.linc far ~ 70UL KORAL DIS&ASIS. 1, roa opq, tbaak God that u.. , ..... an m the aw.. on... .. thinp dl.at ncry boJ and lh'l need \o know et • c:ornpentivalJ earlJ qe about .arM fonns of ain, and Loathaome sin. Many a boy and r:lrl hal drop- p.t into ~ form. ol sin bdon theJ..m ntiized \heir ehancteT simply be- eau. the, """ not warned qainat . J,norance about them Ia a mis- fortune. I know of no batter W&J for-them to b.come acquainted with tM aff.cu of theee .U:. that they need \o know about than for them to 1'.-d what the Bible hM to MY about them. Of C!OUI'Ie, boys and lirla OUiht DOt to r-.cl th.m ~. but they OU&ht \o N&d then. 1--.d of 8ad.irc fault with the BibM tor tta.a tbibp in it, we ouPt .. RBIPOIIT HMIOft Ell I Gil SECXIIID SECliOII • -1'1111 r 111URIDAY,IIAY 17, - alllliiA DEL IIAA, CAU F • !"ROM ""SWORD 01" THE LORD'" MUS'li"RII'E.SBOflO, T'E.NN. CI.IID IIOWII ........... I bielltl. o.l twD ~ (If-. IliA II) ' .... "--· __,_ (0... $11• 31) ·-·-1-...... , ....................... ,. <C... .d) I • ......... (U a-, 1411U) 7~--.......... ... (&dt.. a:r7) I WIWil ef' two c::MI.-(Ada 11171 lid') 1 ........... ,. ..... _ .. II '"-":A..._-......... (Jar. l 1ll) l4 .... (EMil. 4d) 11 " .......... __ ~ .. ..,. ~ (ftiL I til) II"--.,_H aM co.. • .,. .. (Ilk, IIIII) 11 ........ (Jet, 1111. ~) a .... ·-u-zs.-..-•-IS , wiD _. ads ---o1 Ida" 27 "''at .... tky ---.._ .. 21 "\My all ---.... ._. ...... (Ilk. lt:M) • ... __ ... ..,..,.. )3 WCII'd -aaifl· ~"' ----C:· cotiJ. (Q.a. 33:17) 34 c:owa (G.a. 32:1$) 3S '"tt.ey -· -· ,,. " (L.ab 1:1) » iutnaaeat of J••ald"a paaiM. •.. , 31 "a -dai1d i. ----ualo tltM" 3t ",--•tT -· .U: F a•lptildM"' (Jer. 51:23) 0 ._. •.-='-v "'Ulph&l." __ Jlcd (I ~1:4) 41 a ... of Gact. ____ u (C.a., 4llll) 4t a. period ot tt.. SO "ys do ___ , aol a.-isav ~. Scriptvee" (Matt. 22:11} 52 fathw of H•ppia (I a.--. 7:12) M ~~-••-'119 "trl.Mly." L ., (I ma .. 1:1) $1 c:itT ol Caaaoa (loA.. 1:1) THE ROOK OF BOOKS Within this ampk! volume lk-1 1'lw mystl'ry or mystl'r'". Happi••J;I they of humnn raCf' To v. hum lh<'i r Gof1 hmr gh·l'n ~:r•ct' To read. to fcar. to hope, to pray, To lirt lht' l11.tch, to fof'C't' the w-.y ; But bl'ttl!r hHd th('y nr'l'r be(on born 1ba.t rMd to doubt or re&d ltJ ""'"· Sir Welter Scott, 1771-1832 Hebrew ... I sf t 1::1 lis. CII .. TIM ..... ..., ................ ., T. •a art >srsm ,. ,.., ......... pllwrbc ... _,....,., ....... ad ........ tho -ad· ., , ... IlL ~n' J..,.. wiD aftonla,.... ~to ~ ....... Dr.Piolllper-ata..._ .• .....riD tho w~c~.­ ,.....s --"' C1sriotlaa ochoolo Ia aD pete altho...._,.,..m_._., --to law .......... por-that cu load to a tun ro- ....,_.,tho-.... lruolntioaa ad fallun to ~ that IIWb tho ochoolo al tho aatioaa to- dq . 'l'he tolu.tioD il limply to nut•Nltb echool• 6oclicalod to tho folllo Ia 1-. Clutot. It lo w!IIIID tho-al aD who eall-• CbriolioDo to do lbla. Wbllo od>o<>linl ia a niJc!ouo fnnctioo, It bu ---to priootO-- 'nle -l&c.t ocholan ad._.._. al Cbn. tiaD Europe -f« tho-port tho ..,. brot.b· ---mcwdr• ud irian who were DOt onWnecl miD- isten. who did DOt eel1beate Holy Coaufnmioa or tho MaN. but who did boDd tbomoolv .. toptbor into ---wbicb followM tho cc•nnaand of tho w-Lord. ·ao ,. lato on the wcr1c1 and teoch." To bold that reJicjoD lo to be _.ted from in· -lo to doDT tho Lonl.oblp of loouo ChriJt; f« if on t.biqo in H•voa and eortb have _, giv· 011 into Hia h•nd•. that iDcludoo ochoolo. Moreover. it il impouible to tMcb at all with· out '-hi .. OCIIIIethiDa about God. Aa bu -Mid, to uy DOthiDa about God in the ocboo1Joom ia to •Y oometl>iDc VfirY impor- tant-namely that God cloeo oot count. It ia DOt without mM"i"& that the at:heieta are eo militant in dernarvlina the euluaion of God . That ia their nmgioa. But it ia DOt the reJicioD of .-vanta of the Cruc:· ified and RIM> Lord.. It mq ...U be that atbeiota moot be allowed to "'-" their ~; but it ia bard to ... bow CbriolioDo can be kept t.ck from providing for the ._.. .. of their OWD yOUDg in ocboola of their """ deviling. · 'nle Cbri8tiaD who inaiota upon havina the state compel on cbildreu in the land to attend ocboolo approved b7 a state which in tum repudioteo any aubordinatloo to 1...,. ChriJt ia in a. difficult pooitloo indeed. Acned that no maD CAD be compelled to believe, neither CAD an,yODO be compelled to deny what be bollevea. To be llilent about leoua Cbriat io to deJuo Him. CbriolioDo do oot Deed to do aDJ' politidring; we do oot Deed to writ. our......,_, we do DOt Deed to me up in wnthfnl indignatloo --~. blaepherqy, lawl11 nn•;-witcb- <taft. .......,. ol. poaM>ta ad ouc:b Uke. AD we Deed to do ia to make the effort to pro- vide Cbriatiam ochoolo where -who 'Wiab mq -the truth. Israel ... Jew. • • By Mad< 11:_., !Tbo Lamp aDd the Ll;bU ,_ J UUH HO,. I. ... 717. L•• M.,.& .. These three names puule • sood many deatroyed the fact that both Judah and Ben· people and they are eager to find out the jamin were aona of IaraeJ. At Moab's children differe~ce. were Moabitea. so were all the· sonA of larael The 6rst time the name Hebr~w ia found bradites. Judah wu u much a son of brad, is in Ce.n. 14.:13 where it ia aaid, "Abraba~ u Ephraim and Manuaeh. the Hebrew." The meaning ia TrGMUtor, the The prophet~ in their ministry addresaed one who went acroas. The Canaanites ueiJMd the whole boute of Inael, even those who Abraham that name becauae be eroued the laboured under the kinsa of Judah like the Euphrates. Abraham'A ofllprins were known prophet. I .. iab and Jeremiah. Our frienda u Hebrewa. Potiphar'a wife said about w_ho believe the British lrracl theory make a Joseph, "He hath brought in an Hebrew aerv· b1g blunder when they talk of larael and ant to mock us" (Gen. 39:14, 17; 41 :12). Judah u if they were: two different nations. In Gen. 40 :15 Joseph .. ya, "Indeed I wu They go ao f., u to .. y that the Jewa are stolen away out of the land of the Hebrewa." guilty of crucifying Christ, and not Israel, In Ex. 3:18 God identifies Himee.lf u "'the becauee brad wu not there. Lord God of the Hebrews" (aee abo 5:3; 7: Peter eontradic:b thia ruuestlon, for he 16; 9:1, 13). aaya in Acta 2 :36. "'Therefore let the whole If we read Ex . 1:7, 9, 15, 16, 19 ; 2:6. 7, ho~ of hS"MI know uauredly, that God hu II, J3 it will be seen that the children of made thit .. me I~•IU 11'Aom yt }uJIJ~ cruci- hrael were ci.Jled Hebrews. fteG, both Lord and Cbrial." If you were to visit a aynagope today, Hebrew, hrael and Jew. can be applied to you would find t-he congregation conai.ting of every aon of Abraham. three cl858ell of Jewa. (•) The Cohen, (b) the Paul .. T., "I am a man, which am a Jew Levy and (<:) the laraelite. The leviticaJ or of Tanua• (Acta 21 :39). He ~aima to be "of prieatly tribe i• the only authentic tribe to. the stock of larael, of the tribe of Benjamin, day; the hraelite may belong to any o( the a Hebrew of the Hebrewe" (Phil. 3:5). "Are twelve tribes; he certainly cannot tell to which they Hebrewa? So am 1. Are they laraelites? one he belongs. So am I. Are they of the Ked of Abraham? Hebrew and larael were certainly inter· So am I" (2 Cor. 11 :22). changeable ~rms in the book of Exodu.. Now Unce the aovere:i10 State of lerael be. TM /n11• are lirat mentioned in 2 K.inp came • reality, the Jew bu diacarded the 16:6, at the fonnation of the ten·tribed king· name Hebrew or .Jew, but wantl to be known dom under Jeroboam in 975 B.C., thua repel• only aa an luaeh. rating ten tribes from the two tribed kiftsdO• The name "Hebrew" ia uaed now for the of Judah and Benjamin. Thia aeparatioft.Dner lancuap: only. A LOOK AT THE BOOK fASHION 01 FIUOWSHIP 11 ta potiablc, wtwcvw tJ. popular ttendl ol the day may be, for a maa to follow Ood aDCl no< the fashion. Thit II wbot £-" did. Tbe ontedlluvlan """" -IIIII ol oia oad _,.,... tioo. Soddy w• CCif1'UIIC aDd M•rd . .....-, abOwdecL but Ia lite llliltat of all * n.,ad evil .. EDocb waiUd willa God .. (Oca•l• ':ll). Ho_ ... __ Ood_ .... ~ ~~~ewt•• 'Ir wid~ God. No-aa leOowllllp -.. -HiP -.. -..... ____ ., ... Qrll' .. ,.. b'f ....... Clllhdlll .. ,... ....... ..... ,..fl .. --.......... .. ........., ........ _,, ---... , . ...... _.,_Oriol, ..... - .. - -••• (I -1:7) ........ -001, w ... mill_ Ia .... ...... -------·· --- God taid to Abrabarn, "Walt before Me" (~ 17:1). Julollowshlpio fouo4 blwallt- lna-Ood. .. .._.. .. f ..... Ia ..woe bofon Hlol. To wallt bofon Ood -10 U.. .........., -.. .. ,.._ Hlol oad 10 -bl ta o.'t .-. tM a -Loa~ bowl•• tbM be .. ..,. .. lUI,.. :e n. ... wbo wlb .., ... Ood -.... a..-. .,. ...... Hloi.Ha--no.Ood __ •• ...,. atl:a 'f ill ... o•• .... ~k 5 II J4 ... __ .,_., .. .....,.., ....... ._...._ .. ......,lewmt'aa1irll.•dlle ___ , __ ... .,.., ... _ .., ........... lla._pr rs ofltlo-.-· .. - - --... &..--~1 'I··-IJ¢ ...... ..... ............ -IIIII - -... Laltl ltlo Owl (D a. '1 I 1'1:1), ... 1 ..., ....... . ,. FROM THE NEWPORT BEACH POLICE BLOnER-- 'W&DIIIIDAT, .&I'IIIL II p.a., Ml II IIIII • 110 T-Lflt, .. al-•• -,.t 111oJc1t - - -lfn1 a~. •-......... --••. ..., ~ uot.A ·~_ .. _, __ 111 ....... llod., ...... -- 1:01 o.a. II -Wtll CG011 IIWJ. -lllo -1 WWI - ... """'"' bo -001 -lo ...... lo ..-... " ""'· _ .. ___ .._ ........ -....... .., .... _ -.. 1110 -· ... _ -.......... ·---lD •• , • • "OtGMtelJ' -." .ad *'-' .... a eu trlld!IW, ..,....., ~ _ _,., Pv._, II, al Ill .W. .... ll1no -1011 lllo cMid, P-, loot ... -JOIIOO-ai-.D-A""' CG*-. 111m lo lUI 1 --IIIII -ftllo tlooJ ... drltioir oa -a., .. bid - -..,..._-Wtll •-. II lOoM o.a. ••• 1118 car -· .. bid ldl a tr• TM -al • " ear -oa 1110 oo E. CGut IIWJ. -a1 ~ lllalll al ..... U II, --oa Dr. 111:10 Lm.; .. WU lloolood oa ..... U 11, bJ, 1110 -al I - lbo ....... at dra II .-uc. . . ... .. -$10, ._tod PuiMU-Jam•....,., a, at Ill-¥lila, llloo, me -An., Woot -- Colla M-, WUJ)IeAdo.,llllla-port • • • oo a pu:S tbd ftl'nlll ••• MfMMJ • Frkll)', APRIL 18 Mart1A, II, of 1110 Mule 8t., c:o.ta .v-clllr ... ••• l1lcl 11111i1t ..... ... -... b!lriiiUJ DaYid llftd, It, at-~A•e., ebarp ••• Joba -. "' at117-1/l c-.. _-Wllllo, It, at"' Sawblr• AYe., Bllbca laJIDd. wu lblte vue.. COII&Mea;UdM!diMI booked OOiwurulellarllllcriolaUoo Smllb, II, at-....... Ciorlotloo atlbo •!!lllele-•• ,JoiiDGlllo, E-,lf, at-E.O...BIM., 1001 Nnpor1 Shone Dr., .Htwpalt a.•-. wu arrtllllltd oa tbl ebarp Sboreo, oald 11!11 lbo .,..._ -o1 oloapllltllc II ,_ loaM ••• stole the bub C1P1 ft'om the rilbhidt S..U Ws.low, II, ol155 W, lab st,, ol 1118 ear -uor 11 lbo moolb, AIJI, IB, CG* w-. wu orreolod must 111 .. rtturlll!d d!orllc lbo ollfll II I p.m. II N-BIM. IDd W. becaose tbe bubeapa: from tbl left Cout 8'wJ... ..., tbt Arcbes oa tbl side of bJ.J car were stolea • • • cbU'II OC ctnmk 1D pabUc • • • A A $25 power odpr no ll<lloofrom omall,-IIIUs no lbraonl at tbe baet JUd at 2000 Cli.J st., 111a tuc:.b1D wta::low It t :JO p.m., said CW!' HaYM, !Seclared Earl Fowler ,,. Fred RoN--.. IOU W. Bllbol. BIYd., JobD Weber, 118-1/2 MulDe An., Welt Newport ••• L&rplt:&t.DI were Bllboa WaDel, .... laUD lo Hooc loft .. 1118 --alter -Hospital by bJ.s wUe after be wu were tbroWD at tbem, lilted Arthur iDl'otved 1D a tratn.e aeeldeat wbUe .Sbet, 14NAotlp&WIJ,DoYerSborea, drl•llc 1118 VW oo Newport Blod.-1bo rOilllr Job wiD 1111 him boa car driver Ralpb Bjortllll!d, 1242 $50 ••• U oelcNwo ~lope Wll .. Healber L1.De, W..t q,per Boy. loa, 4S5 Carollloa AYe, aod Muy • THURSDAY, APRIL 11 Gl'eeoe_ 441 ClrDatioD AYe., Coroaa KatbleeD Pact, 19,' ot SlZ E. 18tb del Mar, bldD't met bel:tre, tbey ~­ St., Cosla ......... llcrld llarl!llaD· ..... -at 7:25 ..... atlbo Kot, ot ZZ18.C Rutceu Dr., Costa lDtersectioo ot Car..tioD AYe. and Mesa, were booked oo the eharce of Bepia An. llleJ, wbere tbe cars sbop11tt1nc ? U'Ueles ot elotJllDr with they were drlf1Dr were lmoiYed lP the total n.lueot$118fromtbeart.d-a collls1c.:~. •• .A Scar cow.too at W2J store at Fullioa JslaDd , , • 4:30 p.m. oo W. Cast Hwy, liSt of John Forbes, zz, of 17'00 Peter.xa the Arcbu ~tdp, IDYolYed car dri- P lace, Costa MtrSa, was ltlopped tor a nrs lbklle Puts Jr., S8'7.C E.IItb trallle Ylolalloo at Newport Blod., SL, Coal& .. _ -· Dotul, 5109 OlDd Vla lJdo, near tbe lJdo Sbops Ri "r An., We.t lfnpcd; &ad Ro- area; the omeer r&D a record c:bec:k bart W&teoa, 06-B Caraatioo An., which reY-.Ied&nCMdJtaMtncwarrant Coroaa del Mar •••• a.g:atnst Ml·, Forbes, wbo wu tbeo • SATURDAY, APRlL 19 1ateo 1o lbo pollee -••• Two w:cwl Scoll, u, ot IS.S en.p men wbo were tokl theJ could DDt be An., Costa Mea. was urested at served anythl.Dc at Sld'a Blue Beet, %:15 p.m. at Ba.ysldt IDCI Cout Hwy., Central N~ pushed 1D asbtra.J aad ebarpd wUb lramcated OD a a.cross tbe bar &Dd broke 5 llaues, publie street 1Dterttrlacwtth•lb1e .. a worth $5; lboy lboo weol lo 1 VW, ••• .J-TJ-. sot L St., Balboa, droYe &I'OWid tbe bloet &Dd tbrn a kicked b1a btclae at 1:15 p.m. wbeAbe llasbU&bt at a wtDdow; wbea. tbe win-weDt to tbt bel.eb; oa. bJ.s retarD at oow d1d DDt break, tbey dron around 4 p.m., bl dl8cor'ved 80aleooe bid the bloct ap.ID. and tb1a time tbrew crawled tbroacb a ftreplace wood tm a block ot wood that did breat tbe ud bad ltolla. Ilia $150 stereo, radio. $90 wlOOow ••• Tbe p.rapal130? UdrecordplaJer ... ADJ'ODIW!»WU w. Bay An., Central Newport. was uleep Ill boma DMr tbe!IMriiCtloD. le rt open jusl 5 mlnates after 6:30 ot W. Balboa Bltd. ud. Ord st.., Weal &Ltz .. •.,.;. Milt ...... _tiRE' MJ$7' ......... JIIIfW._.. •TUBSD.lY,URILU It 11:11 uo., -_.-a I •• -1110 -11101W II-P-........... 17, at1401 W. eariMHIII; l IIIOIW -·-1' I W, C.. IIWJ. --· IIIlo • , • -1ll'od., c.n! Mnport, -lo ...,._ DIJ, PI -a., Wool ... _ -.11'11 Colwa.yA .... -Ia lilt r--at 1111 car .. ..,..;, ~a lsr-tli lMc Cola"-. r I WIMta.aol$11 at 1000 W. Cout IIWJ., lfu'IDwe BIMII, _. U7llla. *-'7oiiMEIMIO ,..... ot .cera •• UO. ldl: bolt IItle, at 11:10 LID. ud wu ur-.. ,... srs t s I.._ sr ..,_, WU-It dp 110, ...,..._ 'IU.IIet 11a11a ted c. tM ., .. tiiDzlcated ta Plb- -Doo II ... 1.1111a.,c.n1 • • • A ---Udtllpor, lie •• , Noal-._ ll,cil'l08 Ne-1, IOdltUio Mlldolll at Aa-ftMd Ill $114. ... -fromllot Oeaa Bml., C.... del Mar, wu -ooUidod , • • ear Dol '--n. 1517 DIIM orreolod 11 11:10 o.a., 11 1110 tOO • ICimAT, APRIL 10 lA., lll.rbca" Jlt*'hWk, PU'Ud...t., block of MarPirite AH. ud booUd lor• ....... al -1/1 B. Boy 1111 - -00 -BIM. oo lbo Cl!orlf at ll!mq ... --An .. , 8aii:IDI,. wu1nalported to 1M ....._ •• St. ud l5ttlst., c.tra1 tor•• liceut ta Ids poc1 1» •.• llltloa Ud baoUd oa a twwe to llnport •• .Du IIMMD. 105-1/! A IDU'bll ud tw,.,.n wwe blad --. , , a_.-.. -a., Wool llowpoot, r-lbo bJ D. Weclalu, Ill p.._ Lido, ... olllt .. l/1 Ja••• An., ecn. tbtl ot a $140 lteeo &Dd e ltereo Lldo 111e. no 1NIIt II:IMIIIc 1x ~b del Mar, wu urllted 10 LID .. It t:lpN... objlcta &fterlofldabldroomwtadowa I ....... A ... Ud CGOIIIIwJ. 00 IIIO • MOIIDAY APRIL Zl nre -• • • ller $50 ooocrote ebarp ot p:lUtl..., olkpd.., DaratbJ Mw.r, 56, otU%5-C l'few-Jtable boy~ wupdled flfer a.ad ••• -.. Fruelo, IW WIIUeOU, port B!Ycl., CG* Meoa wuorreoled -oomellmo -4:40 p.m. CG* ..... loft 1118 car II lith Sl. at J·IO a.m 00 lbo ~barll of In-IDd 7:55 p.m., llalod Pllrlcla Ro- ud W'. Oc .. Froat, Balboa, IDII n.. tosi~t.d Ill~ .Dar-t Delr zo berte, 410 E. 15tb st .. , Newport Hel-larood 2 ._IIIIa" II I p m ID llod .. '' ' ' ellis tbt wt.twi.Dc &jar tb1 ~· .;,loobd, ot 40I Golda:l.rod AYe., eon-del • wiDNESDAY APRIL IS • liar wu booted OD a wa.rrue b' • &Dd $SI.50 wcx1h ol stereo tapN Yloldtoo of tbt Yeblcle code • • • Mlebele strom, 4108 WaJDI Ra.d.. .mlaaiDc " ' ' MarlaDDe Jotmstora. Jamu Cra1a. IS ot 304 Marigold Cameo lll&b"""S. *N a IOUIId W:e 524 lrYlDe An., CUff HaHD. put $50 A Coroaa del' IUr • deta1Ded JOmetbl.DC 1ooee aad dUco'rer.:l & wortbotelotb1DglaaftllbiDCnchhw n., ' u $50 Ure ud. r~ mtssLDc from bel' lllbolllll&llla-roomofl!or-o II lbo Loo ADIOies Sberllf's oiJiee VW ' v-~~ ~ -~ ' oa. a fralll nrra.ot aDd a warrant oew • • • .. oaDD --.,.-,, ~-.., r-ood at U5 p.m., just 90 tram lbo stale at Oklalooma Cllarcllc Paper LoDo; flick B1J, bod 111e oame mtnutes later, to flDd eYerJtbi.Dc 1D1s-detraudlDC ID bmkeeper His 8 mllfGr'Ume, sbe n.lllld ber Ure IDd IIAc but I IDnls .... Ofl1eer SlallloJ '-$l80dlllcl!ywu -~ hm lbo rim at $S5 , , , Cbarleeo Pvole, Bressler did.D't pt to the riot at raet at lbe Newport Harbor Yacrt 401 Coltoa. st., Newport Sbor•, re-o_,.... Boach; bo .... bU whllo porlod 11ot -at a s~«oo • deel! drlrilc bJ.s motorCJCie OD Cout Hwy. Clab, decllrtd RaJ Ol8oo, ZOl& Fla.-aDd 6 tq)es, a $141 loss • , • Riehard eut of Beach B!Yd. by Anita Freeman. mln110 Dr·· c om. Mesa, someUm~ Whltsoo. Zl, ot' 2889 Moater-eJ AYe., of wesr c--aDd went to Hoac betw..._ Ala'U 3 a.ad 17 ••• Frozen eo~ M .., • --· R ••-••-. ...... lo lbo IJIIOIIIJI of ... $20 bllJ5 -.... ---· -ltallllollod by am!>olaoce-u IIIII Palrlcla Scbnolder 110 IOib 944 W. loth St., Cosla Mesa,. !lVI! lnjarJ to b1t rlcti kDee ••• Robert st Ba1bo&, bid b1dde ~bl.nd ttozen arrested at 3Zod st. aDd Newport Jooes, 112 34tb st., West Nft'POI't. .,;;., lD blr freeser :ere Uquldated BlYd., West Newport, at S:15 a.m. <lldn't tb1Dk his $-tO surtbcar'd wu 0 and booted oa tbe eb&r&e ot pos.. mtaatnc; be tJiougtJt ooe of hl.sfrleodl: somMime bltweea 1 a.m. and 7p.m. sesstoa ot marljana Goiol<&a bad tor:Owed U bettreeo U:ll'eh 1 aDd • • • Here's a ebieken joke that JobD 1n a Z5 m.Ue per hour ·~ wu the AprU lS, but be lost hope aDd reported Ball of 8&1-a..cb Broasted CbJckeD, seeoad mlltate WlU.iam B1acl:tltlrn. It stoleD ••• Twern stereo tapas 101 Palm st., Balboa, doesD't care 30% E. IJr'o&ctny, Costa Mesa. made nlued at $1Z were tateo. from tbe U : a few IDOIIIbs 110 tbe head was •beD pollee sqlptld h.1m a rout1Dt vw ot stepbea WolD, 30Z PrJ.oceton stolea trom 'lis tarce pla.stic e.bicteo; cbect rwealed u outstai.cuoc war- Or., Costa Mesa , who probably re-tb1.s U.me a:Ll&Ditic adYertisl.ni sig:PS rut a.od be was trusported to tbe greta partlog It on tbe 1200 bloet ware stolea from bJs car parked at pollee deputm.eot &Dd booted ••• ot W 8&lboa Blvd., Balboa , • • E. Oeeao Front and Palm st. ' ' ' Pete Nortoo, 514-1/2 Cl""'bor.a&e Dr .. , Mlebael WiD& ZO of 1910 Federal UarJ Crowley, 121 Atalooe Ave., West Newport closed bat dklll.'t tJct An., Costa M~ tell bactwuda B&llx:a lslaod., tookbo\doftbesteering h1a prace, ~ 2 blkes wortb $50 at 45 mlautes after mtdol.cN:, otr a Wbeel ot ber Ponebe; lt wotlbled and were stolen. • • • " raUlD&. oato uotber building 10 feet tbeo came oft Ill .her ba.Dds, &Dd that • THURSDAY APRlL Z4 below, tbea rolled from tbe root oato 1s boW sbl dl..ecor•e:t tbat someooe Craie Ho~s. z.c. of 315 E. 81.1- .. -" drlveoray about 10 feel bad olle-lo sleal lbo $150 boo Blvd., Aj>I.IO, Balboa, was- turtber cknr.l; be was tranaported to stleri.Dc wheel &Del had damaged U 011. a failure to ap,ear warra.at ••• -~ lloopllal wlllla culcxo 1118 rllfll ,.,... rOilllr ···A $$5 tar belief)' lleom1s Casey, SO, of U5 Morpo<lle •J•, compla1o1ng ot' cbest palos ... wu ato• from b1a car durlDg the Ave., CorOlla del Mar, was arrested Two parQd ears beloD.g1nc to Vera Dlpt, sald Homer Potter, 111 Via at tbe ma1D beacb at 1:15 a.m .. aDd ·pear .. of <>ranee ud R Cllfford ot Quito, Udo Ia .. • • • Matthew Dtckl.e, booked on the cbarge ot burglarJ 101 VIs On'lalo, LidO ·Isle, were 10, of IIlii Beryl Lo., Harbor lligb-Daolel Moebao, 19, of 305-1 /% s.;.d damaged &Dd a prap doorwueand llD41, ftl 011 tbe atdewalt iD front st., WltSt Newport, wu booted oo tbe Jn aD:S troke.n alter 111.\rperite of %036 H1PI&Dd Dr· Wben be was cbarp ot recelrtog stolen property MarpbJ.l1'1~AYe,,Balboalsla.Dd. a.ttac.ted by a doc: he was taken to • , , Mlte AttiDsoD. 18. ot Z306 rammed tbem with ber ear at 9 p.m. 801.1 Hoapttal b' a tl'tanus shot • • • W. Ocean Frout, Apt, ZA, Central at Vla Nlee, south of Via Lido Nord, Sometime betweeD AprU 18 and ZO, Newport, n s arrested on tbe char&e Lido Isle •.• A ear trtmk tbat Robert a Iter., 1M 6 stereo tapes, worth ot stahtnry rape •• .Fraoces Ward- Bell, 11 '1-1/Z E.~ BITd., Balbo&, $140, were staleD from a VW YUU.t 4.10 Kings Road, c wr Ha.•en. eould DOt aecure because of dama&e Dan Meeban, S05-l/Z 3200 st., WeS. to cet a tetanus shot after ber trom a tralllc accident. n.s asilJ Newport, bid ~lc8cl 1D frollt ot tus wbltt rat bit -.,. lbo lboll .,,. $161'011qo ........ 4/IGIIEBT · iNTE.~ECT ()fi!NSUREfk SAVI!IfJf" . .. IIITEREST DAY-Ill t1 DAY-OUT 110 BAliK CAll MATCH IT! 110 SAYIIIGS alii LOlli ASSOCIATIIII CAll BEAT IT! ASSETS OVER $425,000,000.00 • MUTUAL SAVINGS AND I..O AN ASSO C IAT I O N CORONA DEL MAR 2867 East Coast Hi&hway, Corona Del Mar. Caht. 92625 telephone: 675·5010 H£AD OfflC( l15 f Colorado 81.-d ~.C.Itl 91109 t.~ 449 2345 Orco OntEit MAMCH Off!ClS eo.nn •. ~ .. _ ........ Co. BUILDING BLOCKS • ALl. IJZFS • ALl. TYPES "h'tthllt: JAdllola 7-1111 _&de ... It•._ GaL......_._..._ MbRTL!A.RJES Save Time And Money-Call An Expe""rt=.,......=,---- ~~= SACRED TREASURE HOUSE YOUR CHIISIIAM ~y CINTI& IIJ IAIT IMIT. 1\o!t .... flf ................ l ....... ,. ....... COMPLETE FUNERALS ,.. '245 COMPLITI FUNIUL AND IUIIAL CINTEI Ill t••N 1-6177 CEkl!'IEI.Y LOTS Fnllll tuo MAUSOLEUM CRYPTS From $46' Jar ···•••ry-£e•ete• y "Ewt:rdU.. ia Ou Beaafjfal Ploca" Becm• 6e faaeral IJid burial UIIIJer C0DCept elimi•UJ 6e ~ for~ duoCigh heatt •fflr on omaow hipays, family Ulll · frieMt alike may now pcy their full re- Sp«tt hr lttftltlin& tbe burial senice, as well as tbe.ctwpe~ tertice, aU It oae llaatiful place, at lai Gilt .. IDOie CIIIUeaM!n_ ~-~ •1 .. MJJCII &YD .. WDII.b\111 714 'IWI I ' ,_.. 714 J•1nl ..lQit wilt.' • BEAUTY NOOK 2732 E. Coast Hwy. Corona del Mar Pl'lone b1'3-Hl6 RE MODELI NG and ADDI TI ONS • ,REI f'LAN U:RVICE e 'REI! UTIMATIS 532-5949 .u.IE RICAN CONSTRUCTION CO. CALL DAY OR MIGttT • IEMDDEUII • , .. TilliS UCUSED I -llD FRED H. GEIIWICK ................ c--• ........ .............. • HIAMIIG AIDS HAL ARISCHER ~1 ,_ ........ -;..- ,.. E. C. .. H.,. c.-.... -QS.a33 • HUL TN USOIT • COSTA MESA 549-3368 JU'IIDSJil t . •.... ._,.. .... ................ -.. ._....... ....... ....... • "--'~' 0 .. o ORANGE o AIUHEIM o HUHT!HGlOH 6]9.2.U 1 126-C381 BU01 U2-1451 • IIJG O.EAHING ' _.,.,nr~,\t~s 673-5822 • 675·3353 l"enian Rill) Cleaalnq Warb CLEANING & DYEING ALL MAKES OF RUGS -WALL-TO-WALL CARPETING Shrubl, lnteriw Plants TroplcOI & r, ... ln5eetc:1du and Fert,liK.., S&H Gre.-, St~s nuT m.1 tn:Rr • SHOE IIIEPAIR MABERRY 'S Shoe Repasr Purse 1nd luggage Aepi,, -Dye Work SloH STAll'S ONE DAY SfJMCE 1190 Hdllbor Blvd. Costa Meu -Ml &l:J 11 ------- I,_ ...U• *' d-......... -C'OIN>N.4. D1L MAa M.!Dat' • S.wiat MKhl•• S.Mce .... _, ........ .,. AU----,....._ .... 3200 E.. Co .. t Hwy., Cllll 6n.N05 ' tl44 £. C'out II.,., 11'WJ. REPAIRS •4 SERVICE E'*'Y ._4 •4 K hut a-• -Oil -Adjut O.li•ery S.rriee A .. n.w e SEW BEE IT SHOPPE !1U E. CO AST BWY • CORONA DEL MAR Toloploee., 675·6564 (AetO" fro. n.-. Cro-•) • I (:HIJit(:HES I llrwp~rtlt.arLar C.ulhtron ~luutft .. 0, lb• Bl•lf' (), rrloolci"t .'!/.,·port H•rb,r" NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA THE AMERICAN LUTHERAN CHURCH 8:30a.m. to q.30 a·.m. -wOrsh•P >tt¥1Ct q:45 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. -Sunday School 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon -worship Ser¥ice The lteY • .Ja.n G. Blain, Putor The Rn. Georae J . Buadiecket, Visitation Pastor Pf'lonr $41.J63 I Ouiation Science s ... vices nRST CHURCH OF CIIRJST, SOENTIST 3303 Via Lido Newpou Beach SUNDAY SCHOOL 9: 15 ............ 11 ..... . SUNDAY SERVICES 9: 15 -11 ...... WEDNESDAY EVENING MEETING 8 "·"'· READ ING ROOM ••• ~., • .,.,,9 ....... -5, ..... Wodnotdoy: 9 ...... -7,45 p "'· T .. os4coy ond Fo ,dcoy 9 ...... -s ,...... 7-9 "·"'· S...n4o~: I'·"'· -d I>·"'· SECOND CHURCH OF CHIUST. SCIENTIST Newporc Beach at Corona de I Mar 3100 Pacift<' View Or. SUNDAY SCII OOL 10 ....... SUNDAY SERVI CE 10 ..,..., WEDNESDA Y EVEN ING MEETINC. 1:00 , ..... Rudiog Room : \f11loa\ Rid g. 2863 F:ut Coaa1 Hwy., CDM. Moa.•F'ri,; 10 ,m, to 5 p.m. Thur•day eveniag: 7 to 9 SaL: 10 .. m. to 4 p.m. You are cord1ally mv11ed \o anend Church Scrvtcu and lo u1e lhe RcadtnJ Room. Firat loptiat O.•reh of Coato Meso R"rti"' Rib!" F'cllow•hip I,J.pr"J*"'-~•to .. o•o•• S..ta Alia & Mogulio St •. Or. P.G. Neumann, putor SUNDAY SERV ICES ~:4 S a.r •· Sunday School 11 :00 a.m. Mom ina Worship. 6:1).) p.m. Ttainina Unions 7:lh) p.m. Evinina Worship WEDNESDAY 7:20p.m. Bible Study 3:00 p.m. Prayer Meetina A TTEHD THE CHUIICII OF YOUR CHOICE REGULARI.Y CENTRAL I .. U CHUICii .. ---·"""' ___ .. ....,_ lUNDA'!' IC"OOI..' A.M. -INa WOIII1 ... 1~ S APoiD t'ltNIPoiO ltiiiiVIC:t 7100 ... M, THUIII11DAY a1a1..t ITUDV AND .-1111A'I'tlll1 1t00 ...... ... U itStlll1'1' DUIII11NG lt1111VIC:tS AWY ... Ptp- 0..<10..._,...._ ... ,__ ,_ H.l . ,...,IKA,.., C 719 ,.. I If ICI~jlllllcftlfl ............... Ahft-.~,.., • ._, c.;,.,.,. ;. ewa.,_ a..c• ...... • ln-.)IA, I ......... a ...... -. ........ .. AMY DYE, daughter of Mrs. Virginia Dye, 412 HueJ Dr., Corona del Mar, 1s ZOnta Cfrl at Corona del Mar High SchooL Sbe ts president. of lbe pep squad, ..,..:.;~.;e,;'.,"'·-Orilllc""e,.roalearbcdoerk and 1.s a 111 stall' and tbe senior boaor society. In pteT1ous years sbe has been a songleader, member of Ore be sis, drW team &rid AFS. She has been oamed "molt spirited senior &trl," and ls "girl of the quarter" lor tbt 3rd quarter of this school year. She Is president of Laurlers, the auiillary of tbe Junior Women's Club of Costa Mesa and works part time at KauKau Korner ln Corona del Mar. She plans to enroll at tbeo transfer either to San State College or UC Santa bora, ma)>rln& In elementary education. SALE AHHOUHCED The women's ~~illi,~Y •. ~ Anchor Lodge No, 648 a rummage sale from 9 a.m. 6 p.m. this F1'1day and Satur. day, May 23 anad z.l, at 690 W. 19th St., Costa Mesa.. Ram. mage lDcllldes clothing. booU, omce equipment and odds a.ad ends. Proceeds trom sale Will go to provide coUion sebolarsllips and aid ln phUa..Dthropt c works. LEGAL HOTICE CERTIFICATE OF BUSUfESS flctlt1ous Firm Name THE UNDERSIGNEDdobere- by certtty that they are coo-· COL. WILLIAM CABELL CHAPTER o1 DAR bu pre- a copy of tbe .. DAR Patriotic ladu." to tbe ma1n library 111 ~ &1111 to lllt c-. Ilea lJiirarJ. Tbo lodes &!Yes tbe oa.mes ol more tbaA 10&,000 patrloQ wboll aerfiee and l.deat1tJ ban btea e.tiNI!Ibed bJ DAR members. Mrs. Carol HUDt of Bayside V1l.lap, at left,prellbootcha.lrmu for tbe ~ DAR Cbli>W, Ia boJdlllc a CClPY olltlt llldez a.od also a pboto of a petottnc of Georp WIJJhia&too. uu. Cutrord Estee of Costa.Mesa,W:nrlaDoftbeDJ.Rcblpter, ts boldlDc ceramic 1lrures of Georp &DIS Martba WashiJlCton. Mrs. Selah M. Reber of Coroaa del Mar ts regeot of tbe CoL William Cabell c-r. (Eoslga p-.} HE'S HOW SERGEANT CIIURCII BURGLARIZED Orval G. Cotfelt Jr., SOD of Tbe Ne;yport Harbor Lu· -IOUIL 1111 NEIPORT HARBOR EM!I!ill -c:c.od' 11*'1. '10, !EOOIID SEC11011 --Pact 3 cl 110 L --..CO* lha, TIIU~Y,IIAY 22, 1969 -Jlor 10 II CO* -OOROIIA DEL MAR, CALl F . ..._ ..... MIL ,-===========j II-... en 'r'IOtSoi-.. ,.,. e · a.eo,... .. a. ... 11an ....._e. u•, 1a UIIIODILIHG ,..,] .......... ()nap Cotol7 .... ,.... lit ·--mtdbJIU-.-Sale to I 111 ftlltPaeUie VIew ........ -. MISAMSUI!ITID ·-Jt!IIM, u. Ud Gloo -. 111, "'111.1/ll.lllla., CO* II.., -•arr-Mor I ud -... lllt clllrlf "' ooatr1bltlDI to tbl dtUDf771CJ olaaa1aar. ltarbor S.U. ._-H.,.._ l•HI...._, BW,., Ull B. Cou' Hww. c.,... .., Iter, Callfflftllla ,.., (1J.f) 11~1nl .rl.f,O-.UII IIIDdantall.da of Cali/i>noia .......... B.._I a-.1 A,_ .. -. -.. .U.. RopriSO!IIIor. TIW&UIBRICA Llfl 6 ANIWm COMPANY AIID 1'RAIIBAIII1UCA lltrrUAL FUNDS CALL US FOR QUOTES ON: • Low-coat Term Life IMwaDce • ~ .....,...,_llfdlcal eo.once • Joiii-Wt--..,_...,. • '-C<>ol-<>1-u.toc Aaaltlel • ar..., 6 -Pla111llllr Mr. a.od Mrs. Orval G. Coffelt tberan Cburcb, 2501· CUff Dr., Sr., 9S3 JOIUID st., Costa Mesa. Newport Hel&bts, r~ tbe bas beeD promoted to serceut theft of $89 worth of nuterlals In the u. s. Air Force. He Is from aa oftlce buildlog. Amoac an aircraft mechlnlc, uslped tbe objects stolen were 6 rolls at Clark AB, Pb1Upploes. He ot stamps, aenral bunctredpen- is a graduate of Costa Mesa ens marked wtth the church Hlgb Sebooii.JldatteDdedOra.nge oa.me, aDd a woocSen tVd Coast College. stapler. L----------~~~~~~~~~:=~. dueling a real property reota..l buslness, aDd au other bQsl. -"::...,1" ness reasonably related tbere- to. UDder lbe nctltlous firm oame of W.ELOLANO RANCH and that sa.ld Urm lB composed of the fono.rtD& persons wbose names 1n full ud place ofresl- deoce are as tonows, to .nt: Berntce B. Hetfer'DI.Ilo 29!'7 GreeDTWe Street, Sallta Ana., Ca. 92704; Tbomu A. Hef- feroan, 2927 GnemlUe Street, Santa Ana, Ca. 92704; Wilma V. BurDett, 11%1 Hyde Part Drln, Santa Ana, Ca. 92?05. WITNESS our bands ll11s 28 day ol April, 19e9. BERNICE B. HEFFERNAN B<nlceB.H-... THOIIAS A. HEFFERNAN ThomuA.B-""' WIUIA V. BUR11ETT Wllm&V.- STATE OF CALIFOIUIL\} (u. COU!ITY OF ORANGE } 011 AprU 18, ltet, bd::lre me, lbo -llpod, • Notary Pabllc Ill allll,lo< oald C.., &1111 -. por..U, _.., BERNICE B. REFFERIIAN, THOMAS A. IIEFFER.~AN AIID W1LIU V. BIIIDTT, _,. .. IDI to -till ........ -... --lo 1111 --=----Jtclftd IIIII ltltJ --lilt ....";,. ""'" WITIIESS •J -UdaGical -.· ' 1'IIOif.U I. lllifPDIIAN Notary .............. -CotoiJud-~AL) .......,...;e,u,a.~•· !IIIIo Jlt_.t-- Binhday panies are loads of fun. But cleaning up afterwards is no party, ri_ght? Loads of fun means loads of dishes. Relax. For two cents we'll do the dishes. Two cents wonh of electricity is all it takes to run a load through the dishwasher. Then there's the carpet. For a I fraction of a cent, electricity will do the vacuuming. Incidentally, it won't even cost you two cents to bake a binh- day cake in your electric oven. No matter how you usc it, electricity 9ocs so much for so little. In fact, electricity in Edison areas costs the average family less today per kilowatt-hour than it did 10 ... 20 ••• even 30 years ago. Practically everyone today is using much more electricity- more kilowatt-hours-than ever before, and it's still one of your biggest bargains. Maybe that's why we get invited to so many patties. Southern Cal/fom,. till•on llllliiiiii AN IQUALOfliiOinJNm IMft.OYU ' From the 1 TB-~:*ILM .............. -.... --..... A... ----1 '$,,·.---.. ..----bJ••t·-., .... =111!~ ........... :::.·::-=::r·-, .............. na. •l =-;.;.-; ~"i' ~ ... • · · · ,_.=;. • 1101 1M 9 I .... ...... I £ _.. ...... a port, Mil._ atiO J J 11 r JJta-•uMIJI ~--• .. 1M Wtru 'Mol .,. .... I • NIIID ...... MG ... ~.. ...-.a~ .. •••• Dr ........ .. .... •• ,1., .. _ ...... _....,_ .. , ...... __ ...._ .--. ···-Lota ..... 11111-...... .._..-.... ...., --. 1101 117-.lii.--..---,-~~ .. --.. ~~~~~~--••• WIIIIullllfM, .. YIIfa ., ••• ,,... .... tllll"'tb .... 1111 .......... ... ao.,or,--.flll_ .... ...,.. ........... --.. --... . -· -., . •*-... --llniiJ., 11M llotlllt _, ••• """'-LGaa, 11, ~~~~~~-.. ---16-,_-·~ ,..., IIJ do"-Jlr,,c-lt.,_ Aft, Wollllwpl ••• -It ... .....,, ot1:J0 lll .... lldl, ftl Dltr!Or -~~~~ a:: ~-bor~~ no 11t11r Pllal-,au w. p.a. 111111 1111 car wu -Jill --• lllt Ida • • • -. -8lod., ~ "'-~ • .., -a.., .. _-cor -· ._... ._,-1o Harbor Area 10 ,_ • ...,, 111111 ,_.,. 111o -o1 ,,.., , • • drlYir a• -o1 Woll bod at 100 Bopla "'''·• Co-•-c.r-del Mar lllP ROllo.,.. -lr., 40111, 1111' Corlll, allloopagqt-._-,_ dol llor, 111 ebocllod all kllooL Sbo II ..,... a clllua of Frool, -lllud. -o1 ......,., -, • , ~-111o doaro Ia 1111 -. a1111 all 1111 UDllod Slat ... bfml'lfJllllllllllddloalalcor Gr-~ !.&_, ....... WWIIocUd, ... _ __, 11, KlUTH GAEDI, ... -PrlorloarrlY]JI(Iotllll,__ C9Ulla allllo --o1 00 prtYala ,._b at-E. ,. -1111 ftllollllrljlpod of o1 11u ....... 4-11 lo try ... tnYOJod nt .. aiYelr lam-Rd.aiiiiE•-Dr Coul lhr)c, c-dol lllr, $140 • • • T-... -· CoD ........ _....,._ ... _. EOiq)l, Africa a1111 Eut 1111111. atl:40p.m.-u.:;-lllr car-·na.puo ~-Jill Pootloc, Aid 0nop C:O.,-olllllllloOrlool.,.. tbea-1 ... ,_ •-111111 -o1 1111 Trl-' .__ ol -........, 4W I J B-,1?5 E. -IlL, ~ 11op1 _, -lor 11111 lallrost 1o -Iocr· -• .,.,.. .... ; 1111 ,_ ol, * 1.&11, Barer oil; 1111 11-,.r-CoD M-w1111t lllo car wu CliJ ol 11op1 bJ Ap>llo -1111 -.. ore· rlllflllc .,.. car lllal Patricia Wll>ll, W B. old -wu -It lloq pullod at N--lllp. Did Wllllalll-._-.., wrltlar. allll &be 'bu lakeo a LINDA HITCHCOCK lith st .. c:o.la Mea. _. ..,._, b7 S.S.'I a•hdeet.4, • TUESDAY, APRIL Z9 eMinuL lit, GMde wiii-.:S cr•Un wlU.Dc eoUI'ae tor driTiltc wu dlrMpd, W'ldllllill • MOIIDAY APRD.. &a Riellud hllioa, ZZ of Ill r..trldl ol~1 ftow111 III'Nra1 flUS. Sbe M)oys first Wlmer i.D 1951 wa.s troat ot tbti..W.olatbltRitMr. Kwla Wn. zt. of ao E. Cbtia•• Dr., Welt Newport. rtlc dOclrbllb ....,, J .... lll:11ac. ntmmlnc. rldlDc aDd Rotlb1e Fiero: wbo ls 00,;. Mrs. lord Toner, 101-1/1 DluDoM 15tb st Newport Hetpt• wu wu arrtllted oa a f&.U•e to llfH"' "--a tar 'IP''..,. moaptetn cllmblDC-Georce Sebiooocwer of Costa AYe,,BdmiiJaad.wudrMicarr...;;, at 1:*) &JD. J 411 IIIPIU'WU'I'Uit ••• EmerpDCJ PI'OII'IJU at tbt free.~ T1l1a 1a: tbe 18tb Zoota Mesa and c,o..oner of NIW's WU allo .......... • • • ' N. N-lllYd.,llo-lllll· _, wu -.,...., Jar tutu pilot -~ -· IICllolorllllp anrd at OCC. Tbe FJac Sbop ln Newport Beach. • FRIDAY, APRn. 25 IIU. OD tbt ebu&~~ ot PI»-1.,....-old JIIIDitte Hoctea... ..,_.,. So,_ ftllood lo tile Nn--of.._... dnp , • • borr ol fl.f SUI& ADa AYe., part Marloo boot obop at 117Willlom RUor, 5f, of Zll "-* RoiJIIU.wbowublttao ZOib st., CGral Nnpart, e111t c,pr-st., Balboa, wu 11• , aa A-.ua. "-rd dof. 1bo eabloa, DII8Citnd tile·-oo 1111 cilllp of dr1IJIJ< lied -1111 -wbllt tile moaatiAp, &all ltole a $450 1n pablle ••• AJitboaJ EftDa, oner, Mr1. G. lJttle otRtnr. molar lrom&boot,lllallllloopdl?5 E, -st., Coela ...... lido, WU -]JI( llllllllo'o 1o a-. lleGrllllll, 1191 CUI!·-1111 lliiR of $15 wortb -••• -eam.u. w Dr •• CUI! JI&YaD ••• _..,of -IO 11pos from 1111 car Amlp War, EuiBIDII,puUd stereo tapes of roct aod roll Pll'ted aear Newport Harbor 1118 VW at Poiuettla AYe • ..t mule were stoliD. from lbt yw Hlcb ScbOol , • • A $10 U'm OcMD Bl'rcl., Coroaa del Mar, beJooc]JI(IoFrldEdlnpr,IIZI!Iom 1111 lacPce net wu locllodU,allll-llllbar- W. Balboa BITd., B&lboa ••• Jlo*fromblscarwblllparted ctu"alarm,wblelliOCIDdlwbeoa C-.1 N8WpDrlwu tile ..... II Iff flit st., WISt Nnpart, door lo ..,....; WIIID Ill rttur. ol a lot ol oelloo II UJlJJ w. otatld St-Fryor,MOOS.-DOd, tile cor wu IIIII locllod, Oceu Ft. wbeD Cudtee Yocmc t.-1811 LA., Harbor Vllw IWlli but u $1ts ltereo ud zs tapa 19, of 502-1/2 sotb St., Wilt ••• JobD Jb!MIIIOQ Z10'7 WlDd .... e ml•.tac: U mut be dia- Newpart wu pletld .., oo a nrd t.., 11a,c;.;;i, ftlbodllll coanrJac i>< Mr. CalrDU 111- warnut tor beiDc lD a place ea off tb. door of bU Poreebe (Continued on paae 6) ·~e ~~ .... ~;--~~~~~~~------~~~~~~--- CIIIIIH lloal7, n, ot 1105 ----,L:::E:::G::A::L:.:H:.:.O::_T:..:l.::C.::E ___ :__:L::E::GA=L:..:H:..:D::T:.:.IC:::E:__ lamalca Rood, CottaMoa, wu anested OD tbe cbar .. ol pos. ORDINANCE NO, 1D'7 rled OD wUb cards. dice, btl- seuioa of a bJpodermle DNdle; AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY liard balll:, pool balls, or cueJ, Mtebael Yaader'Jata, 11, ofli1Z OF NEWPORT BEACH AMEN-for moDeJ, eblets, cllJps, .Oceu Froat, Balboa, 'ftl u. DING CHA.PTER10.180FTHE credit, mere~ or &aJ' rested oa Ute ebup ot IDtozi-NEWPORT BEACH MUNI-otblr repreMatat.IYe ol Yalae. catld Ill publle (-~ .... CIPAL COO£ RELATING TO 10.11.030 Opent]JI( Cambllllr Rcxald Reiter, 19, ot 18M La GAMBLING PROBIBlTIONS Place, No peraoa, eltbu u Salle AYe., Apt. S, eo.ta ue-. Tbt C1t7 CoaacU of the City prtoc:.Jpal, apat, lqtloJte or wu picked ~ at w. Oeeu ol Newport Bee.cb does orda.lJl otbenrta, Jball operate, Froat I.Dd ZSrd St., after blwu &f follows: coDIIuc:t or m.t'"'''D wUhiD tbl louDd alltiDc oo 1111 -a. SECTION 1. Cblpler 1G.ll of CliJ aar boiiJdlnr. -. oport. aod wu IID&ble to perbm tbe tbe Newport Beacb MWliclpal meat. place 01' mom ued ta n.eld -*'ietJ test ••• Mlcbul Code Ia ameDdld. to read: wlloie or put u a cambltnc M-r. Zl, olllZW.Cout "Cbaplar 10.11 bouH or place lo<playlar..,.._ Hwr •• Spoee 0..1, .., IWor GAMBIJNG duetiJ>r,dell]JI( or curr]JI( oo a.r brldco, wu ....-at s.eu..s, .., -... ._._ lnSoc- to,S$ p.m. a1111 -00 1111 10.11.010 Cambl]JI( Problhl-ua... 110 .,..1101 o1 tile Plllal """''" of po·--., -·-ted. Code of till stall of C.WO.Dio, jlaaa ••• Gen1d 0.._ of 1tsa 10.1&.020 UM otPreadauJor wbla Ia plaJed, CIOedaeted. FJI-1 ... Dr CoD._ re-OUibllle. I ... Dr carrtld oo wllll cardo, -1111 Po car -... ~ 10;li.DIO epjauJir ~ dice, bllUard balll, pool balll, -II 15111 st. atAJdouPL. Plaee. Dr .,_ i>< _,, eboeb, Newod H~ 10.18,010 G&mbl1ac Prob1bl.-ebfpa, credit, merchiDttfM or • SA.TtiRDAY :U,RIL U teet. It lball be 1mlawftll tJ,r I.DJ' &DJ other npr.....,u.,e ot , permo to plaJ or bit at n.lue."" Victoria EDC).lJb. 18. of 1to1 or ap.1Dit UJ pme DOt men-SECnON z. TbiJ ordlluce E. Blr Ft., Balboa lllaad, WU -ln Seclloa 110 or S30a sball Ill ,...,,_ o..:e ln till cbUod lbrourb lbo Plltior lot o1 tile PaDOI Code o1 tile stata olllelal --ol tile CliJ, at Fa.stlloa lllaDd aat1l abl wu ot Callfonta. ntc:b 1a played. I.Dd tbt ame shi..U be effectiYt cauct~t ud arr..ted oa tbe CODductecl, dealt or carried ora SO days after tbt dlte of its ebarp ol pody lboll at 1U5 wtlb cardo, dice biJUard balll adopllllo. p.m •••• Bruce YeGowu, 4.1, pool balls ·or c~a. tor~ rnoaey' Tbis ordlDuce wublttodueld of !14 Abalooe AYe., Balboa ebeets, cbtp.. credit. merebaD~ at a rtBUlar meetJ.Dc or the lsla.Dd, wu urutld oa a Red-d1se or llDJ otber representaU•e City COUDCU of tbt City ot 1aDds ftJ'I'&Dt cbarctDc flllare of 't&llle Newport S.eb t.kl on tbt l8tb to &ppear • • • KeJIDitb Lar-10.11.oio UN otPremt.J.Ior day of AprU. 1969, aM wu sen, 5f, ol 205-1/J DJa.-Cambl]JI( No por-alllllr u ._... oo lbo IZib .., ::~::.. Balboaat IZ ·IIIOlaad,a ~ ~..: prtaelpal.' .... emploJ" or of UaJ, 19&9. by tbe *>I.Jow1Dc •-· .m., ~ -ot-.. sball~per YOte lowll· IZOO bloct ol W. Cout Hwy., mil &.D1 .:.U.U.C. -· oport: AYES, COuNCILMEN, Mcllulla, MariDers MUe, &Dd booked oa meat, room or pl&ee OWDed or Sbtltoa. Pu.,.. Uarsba.U. the cbarp of drtrfac aDder tbe re.-ed bJ b1m or IIDd• b1s Ropn, Hirth, Gr~. 1nf1Diaee • • • RJebard Elll, zo, elar&e or coatrol 1D tbe City NOES, COUNClLIIEN: Nooe. of Z06 Apol.,. A fl., B&lboa to be utd lD wbokt or 1D put ABSENT COUNCll..KEN: Nooe. ls1aDd, wu load oa tbe lkle-u a pmbUac 11oue or place Doreen Karstall walt al 10,50 p.m., at Part lor pla)'lar. ~ deal]JI( ... ,.. An. &Dd Mar1Dt An •• Balboa or earrJiD& oa &DJ' pme ATTEST: • ... • • • • - I lA AUTO ON YOUR ---....... -c• va. •-r -'lOin ........... 25110 ..... y .. ,., 10,000 ........ r Do.O.o 2.000 ....,lcot 'v I,OOD o..t. 1"-og~y 5130,000 ..,.. ............... . DISCDUHn FOR 2 CAll$ Fa.rtJaer R••euoa• For Aeci deat Free Dri "'•• After J-c •d 2ad r ... THE BEST IUY FOR CAREFUL IIIII VEII$ _ I . .~ • .._ • I • lslud. ....... bDollod 00 lllo Dol -lo -110 Dorio ... Goorp cbarp ot lntortcatld lD publle uc1 SSOa ot tbe P-.1 Code of lllputy Ctty Clerk •••• HarJUoa Para., Zl, ot 1111 stata of CallJoraJa, wblcbls Publllb' Mar a, 1969. tn 1128 R-Ue AYO., CoD plarod, COlld1lcted, ....... car-1bo Newport Harbor Easlp Mesa, ft.l booked OD tbe elalrp -----:-:=::---c== GRAND OPENING OF IVERSON'S NEW PAD! ol realllloc urost at W. Oceaa LEGAL IIDTICE LEGAL IIDTICE Frooi .... Zlttst.,C-.J-------------------port, after be SftD1 botb f11ta ORDINANCE .NO. 1199 Wtecb of a ... .,...1 &Dd re- al apoUceoflleerwbowuu-ANORDDfAHCEOFTBECm curreot IIIN'e are crowlncoa resliD( 00 1bo cllllp o1 dll-OF NE~T BEACH AD-or 1o !root of tile proportr, .... lurb]JI( 111o poaee ••• -DING SECTIOII 10.fi.OS5 TO lllot llll ....,. COIIIIUulo o pol>. C<>polaad of 104 Vlallblca, Lido TITLE 10 OF THE NEWPaiT llc ........ wbleb must Ill 1Jle, drtrutc 011 &-Mort Dr., BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE TO ablled bJ tbe remonl olllld WtJtoftstllst., WtllNI'W'pOirt. AU'I'tiORJZE THE ABATE-DQiiolq or diJ:Iproaa ... 1111 z pullod caro at HO Lm. MENT OF WEEDS ON SPEC!-a1111 lbll -.....lllor will Ill ••• A 1traJ cat 1Dtwed15U-A FlED PARCELS OF PROPER-teiDOfed. ud tb1 ul•oce wU1 111i-amor Dr Balboa,tbrooJrlla TY AS SEAStWIAL AND R£. llloballd,llllelt,alllbOIWH, door ,..,..w 1ar &lt.mllr cal CURIIEifT IIUIJWICES Ill wllll:b caoo 1111 -ol _, a1111 -Ioiii M-lmaa TM CliJ r-tl ol lllo CliJ ~-ollllllll_ssod_ pleAd u ,.. a1111 lrlod 1o .net ol llwpt --..-1111 pu<:ol.,.. loldallom.....,. U, tb1 cat bU 11r .. M .... lmu; U Wlaft: or lla fruit ol wtdclll ACb ._.. laDUe omc.r1 llld tbl cat SEC1'JCJf 1. Seetlaa 10.41.015 are remcw.t &DIS t111J: .-COG- -"' Ill Ill ne-, u II lo -ID lllo No~-llrJDalloo _, -will coo.. ... Jod -om-1 lrlod It llwoldpJI ~ ID ,_ IIIIIU a 1JtD -oaeb pu. ~~~ ... llllll-owullllft "IO.fi.OII-oo"*-eelor-.Upold." drfRilor inc Ill -• • ~'~Roll ol.._tru.. I SECTDI Z. Tllll ..- • .... ·-·--At dlal1 be ..--.... lo 1111 1 SUIIDAY, APRILI7 lllo-lt ... lllor-1oo --ol Rlellard -. II, o1 1100 --Ia -10.41.010, 111111 lllo-dJalllll tllildl1'1 w. a...-._ Cldnlllow-lllo Cltr C.•oU _, a1lo IIIII DirtJ (10) ..,. -1111 pan. blaiHd'triM-. 111 wu IIIII declare Ia IUd,......... 011118 .,.,...,. »~CUd liP ............. tllllt ......... 'Aid JIU'OIIa na. ........ ... tMro. .,..coot •-'"" tapM~c o1 Jl'llntr ... -1111111-ot a rorar _,.., • • • DoYid ~ ... ._ ... ., ........... _--... Cllr ~· ., * Cllr 1115 lllartMra, artar ...... _. all ra az• •a Mt ol • ..,... a... Mid • IIIII 1udo, wu p1ca11 ... 111'1111 ... dJall Ill -II ---.., ol AprU, Ult, 111111 ud 8aJ "'e.. WRIWPid. wllll a. paw' I' • ol t111a wu •alai • a. ta *' -,. .............. c ............. , .... _ ..... ...,, .... bJ ..... _... "II ..... ---»----ID-udwu ...... •llefllal;i.t-•aa&tl.. alii··:~~;~~~~~:: ................ _,..... ... II-! Tllree-811 0 '* .. olnd .. --•' 7 ,_., • ~: .... .,.. .,. __ '1'1 -....... ... -:".,."!1.,:-.., ... a -it zr r tt oow:,u ... ,-...................... ~ ..... ,,, ·-~~---77 .... ..,...... ...... II-ti -· ol .. llllllltM---... , u .. ...,~ .. ..., ... ..-•nau -'a 1 • llr~ Wolf Joe.; ... -·· .... _., -.. ,..._.,, ......... ""---·-....,CIIr_ • ~·--.... 2 ........ ·--.,., -~~~ m Fi" .... ,_... • ........ • tsa -n. •capt ,., It's f inally happened to Newport Beac h (and to the world)--a genuine, honest-to-goodness BUG-A - BALOO! Nobody 's ever had one before but. it was bound to happen, and Iverson thought o f it1 Iverson's "pad" is his brand new Volkswagen building which is the largest and most beautiful in the United States. Conceived with an artistic flair. it houses the very latest in service and diagnostic equipment. and is a perfect showcase f o r d •s- playing the latest c hanges i n the Volkswagen I me (that is, if you can spot the changes). A FREE BUG! During the w orld's first BUG-A -aALOO. Iverson will give away a sparkling new 1969 Volkswagen (otherwise known as "The Bug"). All you have to do is pay us a visit. If you've never been to a BUG-A-BALOO. now is your opportunity to be among the first! At the BUG·A·BALOO, you'll see the latest in Volkswagens and Porsches. within a layout the likes of which you·ve never seen before! BUG·A·BALOO refreshments await those that CARE to see something different! Now's the time to put a "Bua:" in your house! • I I ur•-•• ______ ,.... -·ITP,M't~­IIIII* a ... c:AUF. LHALIIOncl NOTICE Dr INTEfjTfOII 1U DICACE TN 1111l SAL£ Of ALCOHOLIC BEYEIACtS To •-I 111&1 Coocor"' SI!Djoct to 1•--ol l1lo -IIIPIItd lor, -.. .... ..., """ lbol ... --lipid PICIICI•I to .. u alco- llollc bo'r--at lllo ..... JPllel, dMUlbed U tJUows: 11101 Eaal Coaal l!lp'fty, Co- ,_ dol Mar /I!WPOri Boocll. Parlllllll to I!!Ch laiO!'IIoa, l.bo ...toralped '" IIIPI1tar to tile De!>artmO!'IoiAicohollc Be- Yer&ge Cootrol tor lss-.oce by trarasfer of ID &k:obolle be- Ye.rap llceue {or Uceues) .lor lbese premises as i)llows: AJRIUM Robert DeCubeWa, 100 ot llr. aad Mrs. Wlllb.m R. DeCIIbollls o1 Sl& Bucmon Road, Costa Mesa. flu com- pleted baste trai.D1.Qc at Lact-. laDd AFB, Texas. He hu be,a asslped lo Lowry AFB, Colo •• tor train1Dg lD tbe ~IJ ftekl. From the Police BloHer fC s' , • ._,...,., IMIDr .. a ... art;a.-.-. ........ ..__at&CII-. -..., .... 1011nr•~ -•.., ll.c.ot~~ ••• J!olllt ..._,.,.,.., ....,. • • • t IDII ........ 0... 4el liar • ..._ "J:IU VI* 8aiiMI. lul ... wu ...... tt --·--·--... A ..... ......-• .Jil ..... ..,_ -o -.. 1111 -00111 I ..... -$11. Do, 01111 I. c.ot llwJ, 01111 --. It "' llf ..... 1 -· --.. ., --.. l1lo ...... "' poo-..... .,...,....._....,..___. bJ I...t.Wa Wtunzsu.. MW= of_... ... .-tM wu 'flollloc o1 --1/1 Clllf llf-•~ Woollloopart... -bor ·-.. ,laCodJ, Dr1Yo, Clllf ~-, , , -• f111D4J, IIIAJ I I$, al 1101 W. Oooul Proti1, -.eurtallor.-a.._.,llrolr:e GIMa ~. Jl,otnos lfltllMr 10, wu blloMdoaa I -al-win, 011111....-A .... Co11to ...... ~· to -wunnt' '' -o $U7 Cllrlollo-, -pielodiiiOOUI-!IIIiod SUIIDAY,KAJ t dloriOF -II-1-"t -, Cllor.. 11o11J WU. WIWam C-ao, 19, o1 Lid., SIOOW.c.lltllwJ., Marl-llatol aid 1 .,.j~-otoloa UO-SL, Wootllewpori, ... -·• Milo .. • ~ lot VIa ~-, ·~ •-•-orrooted ol $:46 o.m. &t ltlll AIRMAN a-. L. Hood, OOD ;"..,-u;;;"..; a:: SLUdW.ilall>oaB ... d.,C-al al>lr.lllll>lro.CbarlesL.Hood• 'WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10 -IU-IIIo-Ud Knpor~ Olllllocbarpolpoo- of Coata 11111, bas completed U:Jcbael Crofoot. 20 ollSM Jd trull 1a tbe room MfplmoftJrpdebleb;later, boalc trai!IIDc &t Loctlaod AF8, W. Bo11>oo BIYd., Apt, 7: 11o11Joo, JOIID lAiadquiJI al 100-l~ i4r' bo ftS arr-Olll.bo ellorp ToJU. Ho ... -uslped to wu -011 1 llol._.o to -AYe eon-del --al dnlllt drl...,-11o ILUod S'->d AFB, TeiU, lor-ftrnlll ... Dvtar 1.bo WU ...-· .... doC Ia a ,.eaai to puo lbo llolll IOII<toty lralaiDc u a ,_cal strYIC!IS lllel>l, a $11-eollpodtciiOIIII .11,111 -llo awo'-oot t,.t ••• Carcl>lcCI!IIO, 901-1/Z JPOCiaUal. Z -wwt11 $10 -• .... ._ IDto blo car lllll *<! U· Mr W. ilall>oa BIYd., llo11Joo, bor- - _,.._. ON SALE GENERAL(-Fide Public EaiiDc Place). AaJooe aessrmc to protest the lssuaACe ol sucb lieense(s) maJ me a nrUled protest wftb any omce of tbe Oepartmeat of ffi ' from l1lo car lbol Jameo La ._11 alarled .......C ..,j ,_... a car IIJid lboo loll l1lo ~ .. "Know your 0 leer' Frlllll, ZZI SSrd st.. WootMw-:rolltar ....... '-&01 oat l!eJ• Olll.bo ... ·-..... .... • port, bod parked 011 Lob st. of lbo car .... r&ll ,..., parked II al !lUI st. .... W. DANCE, ANYONE? -Tilt OriiiCO Coaal Colle II' ..,.toe belwoeo S3rd SL 01111 -st. Llaa Smllll, 19 o1 zu' v~ Boll>oo U...d.-"""silo ...... ~ ilrmal 'll'il1 bo llolll at Holiday lao Ia hllerto!lll>l8 FrldlJ AJcoboUe Be¥eraat Control. Oftlcer Richard (Rfct)Mlller wUb1n 30 days ol tbe date tbe recently received tbe "poUee prcposed premises were first omcer or the year" award. posted. stating ll'ouads for wbicb is sponsored by lbeNew- deDl&l as provided by law. Tbe port Harbor Ezctwlge Club. He premises are oot now Ucensed was selected for the award by for the sale or a.leohOUc feliow oftlcers. beverages . Tbe form or veri-Riet has been with the New- flcaUon may be obtained from port Beach pollee department any office of the Department. since January, 1966, and 1s cur- Don Tbe Beachcomber, lnc. rently assiped to patrol on the Raymond M. fine, Pres. midDigflt to 8 a.m. shift. E. T. Bacbtold, Sec/Trea. The 35-year-oldotflcer eame J. w. Brown. Vice Pres. to California from Des Moines, PubUsh: May 22, 1969, in Iowa, wbere he atte.Dded Cres. the Newport Harbor Enslgn too Higb Sebool.ID Caillornia be ~""""""""""'"'!! attended aod was graduated =: from San Diego Hid! Scbool. He ~ined the U.S. Navy and spent hls 4-year tour aboard Ya.rious ships. Alter bis honorable discharge from tbe service, be sped seYeralJears as a police oftl.cer for the City or MoDterey Park before coming to Newport Beacb. As a pollee ottlcer , Rlcb has bad assignments as a motor. CJcle ofrtcer, dispatcher, ja..ller ~~;;;ri a.od fekiDy unit officer. Alooc · wttb his curreli patrol d!,jjes. be is tbe rangema.ster for the pollee department. WhUe ,a member of tbe pollee department, Rlet his eoDtlnued bls education bJ' going to East Los A.Dceles and Oranre Coast Moving soon? Let us know when you're mo~ and where you're going, \~=:~ we'll provide you with non· ·rr-~~@b~ s tof phone service. If ,,1 you re moving anywhere within the Bell System , your Service ReJ?: resentative will see that your tele· phone is the Las t thing out of your old bouse-and the first thing in· to your new one. Every year along about this time, I like to mention the great vacation benefits offered by the Golden Eagle Program. For only $7 you get a one year Golden Eagle Passport, allowing you and your family unlimited admit- tance to over 2,500 Federal Recrea- tion Areas. ~d your mo~y-helps provide more recreatiOn opportun1ttes. To get your passport, make a check or money order payable to "Bureau of Outdoor Recreation" and send it to: Operation Golden Eagle, Box 36062. 450 Golden Gate Avenue, San Francisco 94102. This time of year 1 know a lot of you are plan- ning for important events; things like graduations, weddings and vacations. And your Yellow Pages can belp you make those plana. Whatever product or service you're after, check your Yellow Pape first-and let your telephone help do some of the shopping. We baYe it: Tbe lllllqoe lfaduatloo cflt: A Trlmllne telapbooe .,. tbe JtDe Grad'llate. Masculine eoouch b' bim bC yet rem.Jnloe ~ to please ber. Tbe TrlmliDe comes 1n a nrlety ol decorator eol«s aod aYailable .ln e1lber a nll or desk set. It ill coqJ&Ct. streamliDe, aDd ... a llct>ltcl dial. A reod1 _,, afatlal>le JUliO I, 19&9. CaU your Newport -Costa Mesa Business omce oo &U-1101. @PMMct:d ,, J .......... v.,, ... , .... , ,.,.~-Casta-- A IS-foot Eeplda plut, CinaJaDa, LJdo bJe ftS tueo ban a car to return to Arthur et"ta1Dc. II&)' ZS, IDd tbeM three ,_., ladie1 are mU1Ir trimmed Ia a .. _.. c.a," to Hooc llotpltal ;,., treated 8eoooo, SZ? Wlboo, Costa llesa plus to alleDd. Famed llfld alar 8000)' G<l..-, alar al blo nlood at $Z5, wu otoloa from ilr miDc>r cats lllll abrasiDoo ••• .KoiiDIIb Lopo,I?ZI Klap on Loo ......... TV ,;.,, 'll'il1 _.... lbo mule, wltb tbe Edward Ke.Uy ruldeDce, after sbt wu bit aad Uoeted Road, CWfKlt'eo.,r.,rtedtbat Frut1eOrtep..SbowDII:Iot'e,lefttortpt:GeorJiaMcLellu 2250 C.buDel ao.d, Balboa • • • don bJ 1 J'OUDI Mulcaa wuman a pet rat bit him OD ~ rlgbt IDd Tlllia MU1s o1 Newport Beaeb &Dd C1DdJ Scbarmaeh ot MeliDdl. stemper. !45 Ocl• st., at 11 p.m., at lieF addeD PI.I.Dd thumb . . • John JOIWon, S903 Foaatain Valley. lOu Mll1s is a queeo eandtt~~te &Dd tbe Costa Mea. pllba' tnad-. a w Oceu Ft Ceatra.J. Newport Marcus A,e., West Newport, otber hro prls are btlptnc orpnlse tbe IJI'Om. power pole oo W. Cout Hwy, ' eariioo Rletles l5&0 told pollee that filii $75 plate ---z milts weal o1 11a1boo BlVd.: j.Jic;..H. An.,SpaceC-6, Weot glass wladow bod boeo li<lllttn, L!GAL llOTlCE LEG4L NOTICE West Mft'plr"t. WbeD she Newport Heicbts, beard a car possibly bJ 1 bb gun ''' H. J. ORDINANCE NO. 1298 suter willie 1D tbe posMsalon r • ,.__ ' c:ra.sbed lDio U at 7:Z$ p.m.; moving, cot out of bed a.od saw Peuson. 46S3 Gorham Ave., AN ORDiNANCE OF THE CITY of tbe permo proposiDI to bold tbe pole WU Ji:JoM:Did, ._. c:u tbat bls Jap.r bad been stolen Cameo Sbores, couldn't start OF NEWPORT BEACH AD-the sale!' ftS ~ $2tJO wwtb, •••• Doaoa ltter1", 180 E. Ills ear I.Dd called the senlee DlNG SECTION 5 16 1•0 EN SECTION Z Thi ordloaace lbe wu ta.Ua to"'--u...-u&l 19th Sl eo~ ..... v -· ar-station ·be frequents lor help; • • ~ • -• • ·-. _..... ,... -..-TITLED "WAIVER BY CITY shall be publlabed ooce La. tbe bJ Seal's •mbaJaace • · • AD rested~ 1:15 a.m.:.,_ 4401 W, wbeo the ear hood was opened, MANAGER", TO CHAPTER omelal oewap~p~r of tbe Clt:J, lllt'eotory of lumber ln his Coast Hwy,, West Newport, I.Dd Jt wasdlseoW'eredthat his$S8. 75 5.16, RELATING TO SPECIAL and the same &ba.ll be elfect1Ye llRP tbat WlWam MaeKaJ. booted oo tbe cbarce of drUDk talterJ bad been stolen ' SALES. TITLE 5 OF THE 30 daJS after tbe date or ita Z16 E. Oc:eu Froat. Balboa. 1D pubUc (drugs) ••• MiebaeJ James AJ.t.iloo, 23• or 4503 NEWPORT BEACH MUNICJ-adoption. loot after be retta'Ded from an Moore 21 Uld James ~ks Seubore Dr ·• West Newport, PAL CODE. TO ALLOW AN Thls ordiJJance ns lDtrochtced afterDoou at tbe t.eb rnealed 19, of' U.9° La Jolla Dr., New: was arrested 00 the cbarp of EXEMPTION FOR LOCAL at a recular mtet14c of tbiCttJ $S5 worth bad beeD tateo • • • port HelefJls ftl'e booted or disturbing tbepeaeeat 7:lSp.m. MERCHANTS WHO ARE Dt-CoUDCU of the City .ll Newport Someooe didD.'t m1A tbe ear nnaot.a e,m.JI.Dc b..Uare tt at '704: E. Ba.lbol BlYd., Balboa SASTER VICTIMS Beacb blkl oo tbt Z8tb dt.J of teys UDder tbe seat, .,HaDI"..Ct lllPtU' ••• D&Yid Eichler, 406 • • ' .l..eooud Smith Jr ·• 29• Tbe City CouocU of tbe City AprU, 1969, aDd was adoptedoo 81 ootng m Ia DOW misstJic a E. 19th st., Costa Mesa, was ot. ZS06 W' Ocean froot. Central of Newport Beacb does ordain the 12tb d&J of YaJ, 1869, by tbe OFFICER RICIC MILLER Ford slalloD .,..,. lbol wu plcktcl"'atiSI!lst., .... lrflat Newport, "" boobd on °aotollows: tollowtar•oto,towtl: Colleges. He bas an AA decree stoleo from tl1a drtYIWI1 &t Ate., DIU llarbor Hlp ScbooJ. fallure to appear warrant ' ' ' SECTJON l.Sectioa 5.l'S,120La AYES, COUNClLIIEN: Mclardl, in pollee sdeoce, aloD( wttb a 1752 E. Ocean froat. Bilbo&· • • Uld booted oa. tbe cbarp ol E. Gard1Dec of Los Atleeles. &doted to tbe Newport S.cb Mu-Sbeltoa, P&rkiDI, KU'stall. We time teaching credeotial A $25 stereo Ml Jut .... 1D ~ a Yeble.le wUtlolt an dririnr bJ.s car out of a drln-.alclpal Code to r-.d: Roprs. Hirth, Graber. LD tbe same ft.eld. tbe bead set rack of tbe Coroa opll'l.tor's llc:eue 1D pas-ftJ oa Bayside Dr ••• west of "5.1&.120 Waiver by Clty NOES. COUNC1LMEN: Nooe Rick spends his free time as del Mar Hlcb scbool AprlllllJ •uioa.. . . M.artoa. bi~h::: Woody. lS, lllanacer. Tbe Clty MaDapr ABSENT COUNCILMEN: Noae a part Ume rancher on hls 00 Joo.cer 1D its ricbtfW • SATURDAY MAYS of 2000 Con An., Costa m&J W"..tYe the reqotremeDts ol Doreen Marsblll srru&ll ranch in the Raacbo Ca-place • • • Rudo_.b Kim. Z6 of sn Mesa, wbowuooabtke; her left'thls Ch .. -er U be determlDes M1yor • • bX wu cut aDd abe compl&lDed •-r rllloa.rea, nearSa.nJua.nCapls-• THURSDAY MAY 1 Jo ADae Way. Cost& Mesa, was of a soretneeu.llec Tbetbat Ill of tbe goods, nraor ATTEST: trano. He also en~ys huntlllg. CatberlDe jolmloo of 340 L push1nc biSmotoreyeledowntbe Reuben E. Lee resta.~a'ni re-meretw.Miae proposed to be DorY M, Georp nshing aoo flying. He lsamem-st., Balboa. left her purse with road wbeD a pollee offteer ported that 1 $5 couoterteu sold were d&macecl 1D tbe Clty Deputy City Clerk ber or numerous orpn.llatloos, $40 1n tbe ear wbile she went picked him ~ oa a flllure to blll bad beeD row.t in a cub of Newport Beach by a Oood, Publlah: May zz. 19&9, 1D includ1Dg tbe PTA, NRA. and to tile Balboa Market, aDd re-appear nrra.ot • • '1~;,~:rdr;a;w;er;.~~~~~~~~llr~e~,-~-~~~ol:otller:=.dl~-~tlle~~N;e;wpo:rt~~llar=bor~~E:os:::tco.i Aircraft Owners aod PUots tuned 5 mtnlbs Later to tlDdU U06 W. Oeeu Front, Assn. He and his wUe, LoeCa. mlssln.g • , • Tbe w1Dd 1rlnc of Newport, reported the tbeft and their 4 children. Laura, his vw ns pried opeo to pin bls 60 stereo tape deck •• 3-1/2 years, Robe rt, 14, Mar-entry and steal 2 black IIIU· Orla.Ddo Kott. 1525 p~~~~ I lin, 12, aDd Fr eddy, II, llveln gallyde buc:UI seats reporttcl Aft,, West Newport ; £. \"'''\1£.0 - - Midway City. Sa.muel Wtatns. i048 sa,. stated that 1\R r• '4 C•IJ No "' Clurltr No ..... 1S.ll!i. ~~ '(OU "' ~olllli<E"'"1 \'l'fATlPN TO 1 CONSOUD.A.TID llEPOitT OF C'ONDI'I10N, INCLUDING DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN SUISlDLU.lD. OF TliE C•olo •n<l ~-fooon NnU ~""''"""" , _ _,cu_ ___ 10•pool.ed <lebm) US ,,.....,.,..,.we"'"'~' ~C .... Ioe> <If OIMI U S Go ............ -ftaa tll<l ~l'OUI ..... Obbp 110111 or SU!n ollcl pollllal Sllbd....ootll OtMr tec wni>Ci Fo<lenl rw~<l• ool<l ond tec .. nlon pwciYJecl 11ftde1' apuoncau co onell c~u l•11k .,... .... on.'""'''"'" ot><l li•'"""'-oltll ocM -u rqo<an~t ... baftlr. pn- lul a!oto "*"'ed <MlMt lhoaoo but.lt pro-. c .. •o-.. · lubllltr ,., , ... baftlr. ,.. toe«pt.uao -~ Ot~er •-llluw:ho<ltftC $ ~051,60 oWect k-. ~-~~ TOTAl ASSETS LIAIILITIES 0or-rw1 <le-ts of tii<I!YliiiOalo.. pertacniupo. uol CO<J!OAI""'" t ... .-6 u'>"llllp Hpoom of....,.,. .... putftef1111upa. •IIIII ....,....,!_ Dr..-u of U•Med Stoia Gooall_.l 0..!1'<*1.1 of St11a ofMI polllllcal......,..._.. o.,...u of tort..., .......,.n,...•Lo oad off"oaoJ ,..,,,,.c""'' o.,o.u or co ... _ra.ol boftU Coortlfiool , .. off"!Un" cAecU. t1c 1 0!..01 iiMIO'*IOio do-11.;: affiuo J 5 3 U I 0 2 512 ..J.!L 1\) Total dc.,.rwl -,...,, I 27,'J9l ,&al. 5.1 121 TocoJu .............. pao.., J_l.i._l!],eo7.88 TOIII ok,...ll 111 for.op ofTica TOTAL Df.POSI"U IN OOIIfES"TJC AND FORFIGN OFFICES Ft<knl fW ..... ""tc"'-<1 IIMI IOC!Ulba oold """"'' lllfft"'"IIU IO rep ... (r.. l.Joobolit-f01 llorto-d JIIOtllfl' llfcwt..., utclobled- A~~ U«IO!ed loy 01 r01 ICCOIOII of!b Nnk '"" """lbfMIIftC OtMrli.oloilit .... TOTAL LIA.ILITIIES llfi NOIUTY INTEREST IN CONSOLIDAtED SUS310tAIIES aESEIYE.S ON LOANS AND SECIJaiTIES . .,..._ __ ,..,. TO'tAl aESEaYU ON LOANS AND SI:ClJIITIES C•pMal OMMa .... Ht>e.cw ... !!lJ..Jio DIM lh l S N 1l !!ll ~ 0...-_!i 1 -= s -----..IT - E'l•lll}' nptlal-total P'fef"'" MOC.-iot:~ ,_ ,....., No ...... 010111....... Nil C0111..,. tlociHotal -~ ..... No ....,.._liooriud :l08,()70 trto W1aout~ las,os• ....... U~ll'fOtlh ·-, .. COOl!..._ ......... UfOOUI - TO'tAL CAnfALACCOUNTS .. TOTAL UA.IUTlES. aEU.aYES, ANO CAmAL 4CCOU'NTS A-.e4-.t..,_.I•U. u ....... ..,. ............ .... A ..... e4 ..... ._r.llle IS~..,. ............. . ~ ........ -........................ _ • " l • l l .. ........... .., ...... ..... ...... ........... e4-~- - , 'fillS IS yo\llllll. i$fE\.Yt<EioiODLED SA AJ«l coi&P w•J uPAJ«!ED sT(lllE , . · A DEl'Ai<TVEJ'T OF !IA1JlO wu sEE rT\ VE rr 'f\L\. woN"T BElJi' VISIT OUR MEN'S DEPARTMENT .. WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR Wash Slacks FE4TURIHG SUCH BRAND HAMES AS LEVI'S HUVO'S-CORDS-JEANS -IVY'S-MR. LEVI'S Al KOTZIN TAPERS CACTUS CASUALS IVY'S-BILTWELL-GOLF SL4CKS ·----.. ,....,.,.. ........ 8TOBB BOUB8: e:tll to 11:1o DIII1J lnc~c ......,. WEARE HEADQUARTERS IN THE HARBOR AREA FOR MEN'S AND WOMEN'S · SPORTSWEAR •