HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-05-29 - Newport Harbor Ensign. TIIRE& IID.a ol Newport Harbor Amtrlcu Ltl(oo Pool Ill ~tw --of ._,.,,of Amorlcu Y...._. baartDc tl1lla t .. :tcH• wtlobanmadetbe.,reme saulllce liar t1io -y. Prtpcl'lllc !lap at Pa<:Uic VIew M....,..lll Pv-liar lbe Pool's llem«lal Day .moe al 10 L•· tb1l ~Frkll,y are, from left, Walter Ttppa, c.;t~D&Dc Comawdor BII1Dt Kimler and Cbeplalrr Harold Rtlc-, apeew w111 be Coj>l. Cbarloo Qulller n of Lacuoa Bacb, aperat1c8l otaeer of tbe famed "Grey Gbolts" llarlrla F!plor Alll<k Sq-.. m, receatly bo<k !rom Vl-.o. llpeclal memoriam wiD be bold lor Ropr L. Bron, Gr-Btrtlo, and Robert ... Glodroo, ...,,.. Corpo, kWtd Ill lldloa Ill VI-., and Interred a1 Pltlflc VIew Memorlll Parlt. (Rich -photo,) Balanced budget tops $10 million A II I-POCO bull eel documeal, t::=~o an tor~:.-~.:: lMt-10, ns releued JUter- daJ bJ l!arYey Horll>rrt, New. port Btoeh ell)' .,.,..., • Tba prcposetl bullcet Is Ylr- tlallJ In b&luce, u.t1q eltt~ mated rlfenuea at $10,469,545. n.. tot&ll compue 'IJ'itb u utt:nwted $9,371,798 eJI)eld- NreiDd $9,401,375 rlftiiDiilr tbe elll"l'eot UacaJ rear. 'Wblcb wllltMJ-30. Tbt z are tu nla ......... This 1.61~ more lbi.D tb1l year's $1.%25. 1'bll IU8ftl fl.md tu would remain al 83.1~, ptJrk and recrlallotl tu would lnc:rease !rom II.~ lo 14.12~, llbrllr)' tu ..,~rom 10,45~ lo 11.5~, and retire- moot tu .., !rom 14.8~ II> 15.03(, City lW>apr 8111'-aald lbal the lotalbullptiDraU!Uada sbowa a.o. 1Dcreue ot &J:xMt $781,000, d .. Ill pert .. lila t>llowlllr, $SZ5,ooo .,. a '·" salary 1nc:reue, $103,000 1D- .,_ Ill capital oaua;,, $19,000 1D tuuraDce pre- -Dft'PII'-inre- mUUoa Dille.. ...... Oil employee l&larJ lDc:rfU8, ..,...., lui .._ .. """' .. meet at 7:30 p.m. w.,....,.,., I ome 4, to boc111 the study of tbl budget document. C.C. HONORS SCHOLARS r---------·ntEOFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE CITY OF NE!If'ORT 8EAOI•-:;o:~=:r=:==· NEWPORT lMI.._.,l.OCAL.LY..... IIi THE NEWPORT HARBOR ,._,. .. ,._ ... BEACH 10~ I. losing fire 1r 111 ...... GnYe coaeerawuu;reued lhls -bJ IIWIJ ~ ls-"lud tNinu• ll&dera ul re- lldlatl O't'er tbe Cit)' CoaDdl's -II> pbut oat lllo lire ltaUoa oo MarlDt AYI. Tba Newport Beoch Couocil b:u a!MIQilDCed tbat tbe 1IJand EAGLE SCOl11'S Rlcbard Sla-, allt!l, and Keaaeth Rodd lllow off Kao'a patch jacut, --w1111 awards and -M1ee•ola ....,'ICU!«·U:"'ppbotOJ s announce ftre ltatioo w1ll be eUmtnated could catcb OD real.tut. 1 tb1nk after 1 oew st&tioo is construe-lDsw&Dce rates would 10 'C)." ted 1n tbe Newport Center area. Mrs. JOMIPb Beet. 5US. BlJ Moodily evenlnj: the Council liP· rroat, a loDe-time resldeDI, pro"d a $750 bWget tra.nsfer said, "There wu a terrUle for appraisal of tbe proposed ht!IJ•N.Ioo wbeo a proposal was sUe oo tbe flture Santa Barbua made to mort tbe stat1oa to Dr., just easterly of Jamboree Bayside Dr, Tlrlaluomuebfar- Rd., DOt tar trom the Newport. tber. I tb1.nt It would be dUftcult er lml. lor .are equ1pmerlt 1o pt 011. tiM Councu Is also studylllg a lsla.Dd from aDOtber )Ocation ZDd oew flre station projec~ durl.nc an emeraeocy. Fire 1n lbe tWer Bay area, oo Pill-insuruce would certa1nly be l&des Rd. Clty Manager Harvey sometbJ.DC Co eouJder ." Hurlburt said that both sites Lorae Huycke, O'lfD8I' of the are Deeded, and that the first Wet Seal, declared, .J.Iam UDal- to be undertaken wtll depeDd terably opposed to Hebamoore. on wblcb site ca.n be acquired It would 1Dcreue tbe rl.sktor DOt ftrlt. only the bWilDess pl'qliii'UM, Balboa Islanders tJPressed but all realdeots of t:bl lllaa:1. cooeern ewer possible lncrease CoDpSU.oa whlcb oleo auts 1D ftre lnsuraDce rates and the at BILyslde Dr., Ot'tr tbe Mid&e problem of trafrlc coneestiorl to Ma.rlDI An., could cu. & tor otr-the-lsla.Dd fire trucks. delay tbat couJd bl t:bl marc~D of WUU&m LaPLante, president dlfrereoce betlrttnpttiactbere of tbe ~ Island Impron-.ln tbe Dick of t1me aDCf llll1ou meat Aasn,, stated, "At first destructioa by tlrt. U could be puce, I am very mueb ap.l.nst the marpn ol cttpg." tbt plan. Trafftc coodlUor&s 1n Dr. 0. G. Suel6, 'lt'bo ma1Jl.. summer are aucb tb&t It would t:a.in& an oftlee oa YarlDI An., bt Lmpossi.ble to get ftre equip.. reduced tbe problem to tba.t ol m ... tbrougb. I also lear thai Ule and death, ukiJI(, "WhY tbe cr.ter dJ.staJlce tor tlre move tbe statloo? I tb1ok it's equ!pmeat could increase tlre a &OOd pla.ce rlctJI blre. U I.D.surance rates. I 'rill tate tbe someone bas a beart attack, tbe cU:y'1 propo.uJ ..., wttb tbe as-tlremen arerlJbt berewltbozy- !IOC.Iatton u SOOD as possible." gen. Tbey cu 19t almolt any PldUp Maurer, former Ba.A place oo the Island. 1D mlDutes. pr'Mtdlat, saic1, •• As a. resident To bave to Cl'OIS tbe bi&trrny b15 JtU'I, I wouJdbatetosee and come all the way dcmlbere tbl Jtatloa moved olttbeislaod.. 'IJ'Ould cost many mlDI.Kes - The lllaDd LssodenselyJq>Qla. perll&ps too 1IW1J," ted DOW, w1th year fOIIld resi-DoD Ya.Uca, owner of tbe deota, ttat I tll1nk there ls a IsWxl Market. IDd a resident creat t1re buard -perhaps bere ax about Z3 y-.rs, aid, tbe createst 1n Newpor1 Beach. "Naturally baYlDc a pieee of BW steYeuon of Sterensoo property oa. tat Islao4, it "'Uld ReaiiJ and -• of IIIlA. be -lor me II> ba,. the llalod, "I am ap1ut IL 011. lire -bore ul 1101 10 far :' .• ...,..on...,.,..-• ...-. I -r -• .,, ·-...---are -td.llul ----. too, U It 11 more w•l"nlcal." Mrs. Rlltll Parts, 1504S. Boy Two EacJe Scout a'ft!'ds 'IJ'tll Ken is allo a tresbma.n at Froot, Uttle ll:lud, said, "ll Ls be prtllated at a special Troop Estancia, Wbere hJs coane of .di1f1cult eoougb for the fire eo- 119 court of honor at 7,30 p.m. study 1s coilep pr..........,. poe. II> eel out and tbroupOID' Tuelday, Jane 3, at the Mesa toward atacll1Dgcredeattal&D:1 streets 1t1.tboat IDOY1Dc tbe Ita- Verde UnltedMetbod.lstCburcb, busllless &c1m1Dlstra11oo.Htlu tiOD aft the lslaod. U bu taan Costa Mesa. beld offices ot uststam patrol me SO m1nths to mate the Z Tbt &wards 'IJ'ill &O to Richard leader, patrol leader, senlor blocks from Yarine at Park stuton, 15, soo ofMr.andMrs. patrol leader andt.DOW"senlng Ave., to and OYer tbe brklp. U JOe COSTA MESA FORGETTING about her c!aoclnc fbr a few mlnutes. ClDdy Bell1npr, 18, of Corona del Mar, la lbowa wtth Dorotby Jo Swanaon. 'IJ'bo is spoo!IOrlDc CiDd)' .tar the Miss Coroaa del Mar cootest. ClDdy teacl'ls ballet, tap aDd. jl.u at tbe Dorothy Jo swauno studlo, &DI111&1968 fll'&duate of Corooa del Mar Klgb ScbooL Awllcations tor tJle contast ue to be sent to the Corooa del Mar Chamber of Commerce offtce b)' July 14. (EIWJI!photo.) _ . .._ __ C. M. staotoo Jr., 3188Cowatry as an I.Dstruetor for bis troop. would be&gre&tdetrlmeottotbe Tbe Commoclores Club ot tbe sentd as cb&irman for tbe Club Dr., and Keonetb ROOd,l4, He earned bis God and Country Island U tbe station were moored Ne-.port Harbor Cbl.mber of bmcbeoo. o . w. (Dlek) Rlcb-soa ot Mr. and Mrs. A. F.Rudd, award at Mesa Verde United any. Tbe tramc, especlallyoo Commerce boDcmld S2 studeots ard, presldeotofRlebard'sLldo 1948 Pellcu Or. MetbOdist Cburch.Helsamem-tbe •eelreads ls;lusttoobeaTJ." from Col'oDa del Mar H1cb Market, wu tbt speUer. Dlell: is a freshman and an ber of the Order of tbe Arrow, Tooy Hershey, OWDar ofKer- Sebool a.:l It from Newport Eacb studeat recetnd & oew boDor student at Estancia tugb Is qua.l1fltd to wear tbe SHYer sbey's Market, stated, "My .Ue HarbOr Htcb at tbl mual collectate cSictiolary as & &:1ft School aDd RMmber ot st. John KDapsack award &DI1 mile swim and I are Jar bl.vln& tbem st&y TIKlSE OLD WAVES tbal: teep rolllng 1D. lately han beeD adding sand to tbe almost 'IJ'Ubed any tomdatioo.s of tbe NI"'J'P)rt Pier Llt£guatd beadqu&rters. Howel'er, buUdosers aim ban been busy adding sand to an area 'IJ'tiere broker:l slabs of cooerete shoW damage tromnveact10D lut moo.tb. (EilS!JO photo,) xbolu'Aip luocbeoo yesterdl.y from the Commodores Club. the Baptist Catholic Church. a.wud and atttDded tbe 1967 bere oatbelslaod. Tbeycouldtt"t at tbe BtJbo& 811 Club. Here are tbe bODOred Jtudeots, He bas been acUve 1n bigb World Jamboree 1n Idlbl. He cet oo. tbl ls&aod as euUy as For tbt ftrlt time, the Com-wbo bl.n m.~tntatnect an A schOol WTestllng and spring bas puttclpated in Pop W&rDil tbey cu when down bere, modor• boaortduoutstancttnc &YeJ'IC8 throughOut bJ.&flscbool: footblll, played Little League toottall, m&D&ced the YVsilJ because o1 the tramc.'' boy atudeat, au1.st1.Dcb.lmlab.ls • COM HI SCHOO bueb&ll tor 4 years, and llas l».seball team at Est&Dcia Jut His !100-in-l&w, Lyle finley, Mart edacatloD. Tbia GH L cretr'ld in salllxl&t races. He year aDd Is oow putlclpat1n(in StOt..ING PROUDLY 1s Rick who muaces tbt market.. was PESKY BERM TABLED '<ft:lwer'a award" weottoCurt Jtatbryn LJDCh, Cyoth1a II a member of the Order of spriDg football practtce. H&m:Utoa. who ba.sjutreceiYed DOt so worried, say1D&, "It SWidJer ot KnportHarbor HlP Speyera, A.Apll. Tost1, Debonll the Arrow has been assistant Troop 189, led by Scout-tbe rat1D&: of Ueutenant 'IJ'itb the souads an rl&bt to me. U tbey That dern berm may ban ~yers In tbe eYent of daJnact Sebool, 108 ot Mr. aD1 Mrs. Fields, Robert Wllllams, patrol leader, quartermaster master Roy Oswald, t. IPOO-Newport Beach pollee depart-'IJ'OUld be tbat c lose, 1 can "f. see gone down br tbe last time Yon-or Ill jury?" stuart SWidler, 126 VIa Dljoll, M&rtanoe em., Mtebrllt Fair-uslstant senior Jalrolleader: sored by tbe Yo's Club ot tbe meat. u. HamJ.Jtoo. Uves LP a crtat dell of bum in movtng day nigtlt. "Yas," repUed Mayor lJdo llle. He 11 a . tUIJtJ bUn. Dean wtue, Mart Ra-and Is DO'IJ' an io.struetor In Mesa Verde United Methodist Costa Mesa and bas been a tbe staUon.'' It came ICI tor tllistloalroUDd Doreen Marshall, "'tbat lsooeof &JMDUt. Eqll&b dlpl.l1mtllt ~ Ellabetb Caner, Troop 189. Pet Vall tired ,_ at the urging ol CouocUmu tbe strong arguments." llldltl"' member o1 u. stepbtA Jump, L. Amoret Car-Cburctt. Newport omcer Ill 7 years. suran:! euc~:e, r;ho cnrn:z Paul Gruber, not because Paul Tbe substitute moHoo failed ::.:w:.~ ~ ~ = ~c:= ~a:n~. = Sc h 00 I b 0 n d s so I d ~~s of propertylar on tile Bl.y :Sra~e~:~~meback. 4 ~~Uman Howard Rogers T-e Galld. m. flrlt cbolce Grlnald, Gll.llaD Russell, Sba-n~:: ~~~~~:~ VIce-Mayor Undsley Par-remarked lbat lhl city really 11 to earoUat UC:LA,m:lblabd roo Tboi'Dp808. Patti Palmer, The board or education ac-ftrst sale of a total ol $15.9 tary scDool, Wakeham school I doo"t CJIIIIOSI a new station, sons had played tberoleolberm Deed DOt t.ve an ''aetn'' policy, cblce 11 sturord. EUea Rose, Dooo.a Holmes, Ho-cepted a bid Tuesday ftom the millJon voted by tbe community 1n north Costa Mesa, re-but I cert:aJAly oppose the Coon-backe: • because h1s fellow because then there would ha:re Tbe Apia Blomqullt &ward, nrd Scottord, C)'Dltda Ga-Bank of America otS% tor $6.9 in Febr11U')'. lceatabte classrooms at 4 dis-ell's thlnttnc a lt:at1on at that soore CU!fs nelgtn>rs were to be pollctes apJ.nst all the ••hiiiMcf bJ tbtCommodoru clal1an. Deborab Bell, KtiiDIIth miUloo 1n boDd.s tor Ne'IJ'PC)rt-Tb.ls mooey wW &0 U coo.-trlct ldermediatescbools, Un~ kQUgn coaldserYetbeZareas. kloll:lng for any to slo'IJ' down undesirables, such as sin and Ia iiOIIarottbeprllldeatofNw-Ewell, La.ara Fercusoa, Lo-Mesa Distrlct construcUon, tbe structioa of East Bluff elemen-colo, Kaiser, TeWJ.nkle, a.ad Balboa ls1ud ls so conrested. tramc in lbeir saside llaven. the dertl. port Bt.Jboa S.Tiltcl &D:1 Lou reae Grutr, DoiiClu otto, Davis, Expansion of b.cllities Ooe ot tbt reasons tt bas fleid They tbougbt tbal this mipt Whereupon be moYed tbat the -.... [l<e I teill>llul-Karcia Jacboo, Karl Heller, Honors nl" I ht for Marl"e lsalsoplanned!orotberschools lowrwl-lboordrat!n&lsbe-be done by puJtiq bumps 00 bettleofthebermbel>blodlll-.... CozotC:OC..dllll&r HlP Gary Ntttlta IDd r.e. Ftaber. 1n the district. caiiSII ol tbeaeeesslbllltyofflre the roadway, same as ls doDe lletlnltelJ. SciMloJ. cte._.,. ol Kr. ud • HARBOR RIGS The board also accepted tbe protectioL This could affect in Bay Sbores and Beacoa Bay. This motioD woo out 4 to S, Mr1. Atria Cos, 1811 Mea COIIlleOibon,st..,_Bam-T'IJ'enty.ooe years &fter of womea of Saata ADa Jlllior $848,574 bid by Aurora Mobile all iDnrlllee premiwns. We Last AprU 28, the Newport COUDCilman Roprs was joined Dr., Blck Ba,J. Sbl 11 ...._ meru, Ju Sctnrvts, l(ath)Mp llarle Howes as dean of women College. A t>Uo of tettars. me-Homes of RtYerside, for tbe ban bad tDUJ tires 1.n this area. Beach City Couoc:U Yoted 4 to S bJ llr • H1rt:b. Mr • Parsons IDd cluo ~..-. raiD 1111 crawford, Clrllf Plo<t, Trauy of Onnce Coast Coilap m-and __._ wlil be poen.l coostructloo ol r<*a-and If II -~ beeo m llle u-to l>ble the pesky problem, lloo Mc!Jrola Ill ll1e slim marclll Ia Mr ella ol Gl, rates u 1taiiiD. J-a ...... liar)'-ortgioated hooorslligbtbanquet, cfYeD to Mrs Howes. table classrooms; a.od tbebldol ceu.at JII"CCIIIrPPDes ot tbe local ratber tban adapt an oftlc1&1 ol ''yea'' YUtes. Mayor Mar- Mo.! .... IDiflr .l.litbl U.S. Ia .. QaW.a, IUcMfd aa.tud, a Marie Ho'IJ'es Honor Nlpt • $69 851 by Booth Electl1c ~ tbe tlres coUld han statemeat ol policy rw»;trte sball, Bob Sbelton ancl Mr • lilt. II & IHmba' ol CSF, Robert JCelcb. c,.a~a Forbta. Buquet wlll be beld J~mt S SocJal boar will bec1D at 5:30 we~er. tor tbe eJectrtcai .,._ moclt worse.'' slow4nrn bumps &lid obltruc-Gruber Y'Oted ''liD.'' .US, GA.\ P• Clllll, -Pllrlcl& ,.,_,-I<' roo, al lllo studeol Ceolar, lo-p.m., and-will be •ned silo dlslrtlloltloo ollllo clus-Ellltl 11uu1oo, maoacer of lioos oa pol>llc sir-. CO RILLA SI'IIA TED IIOII:Inr1 -.let)', bU recelYid Ioiii ear--. Mu'J MoUe Mon. ltV retirement. at 6;30 p.m. rooms. Ju. tt:at.1, ''I tblDt 1t would be a This actkla ftSD"t a sat1s-James Parter 16 ot 'I'Utia. •-u -llrL Oorloo ---ar.n.'IIDIIJ Tbe OraDp Coasl Facult)' -11111rc II> m"'e 11 o11 the factory ool.-Ill Coomcllmu .,_ !l'loodl7 ~~ olllleZoo, CorUa -lal, ---L,_ .._ JUio COMftll, -. -"'' llle -uti, No teacher walkout set lllud. a.c. ... are ulslaDd, C>'uber's ~ ..... and aot .... -E. Cout 11"7 c-cltl IWU'd u a ................ MariUM ..._... 11 Flh au !Drttecl Mrs. Rowu' we Med tM DUoa bere. How berm t.ct OD tbe ......_ Mo&-111ar wu IIIPI'&1ed 'd a "-' Sire IJU -... ..., •-sama. DIE& aliliwt., Carol fl'ltod8, bar tamilJ, ral-c:aa..., """'erlbelll<ldceand daJ 111111>1 be ..,a ..... .., IU pc1atd -. at-7:10 l:lrdUIIYtn:UJ. 8oWW.I. .... ,1111-,C.-t JawZODtamembers.lbtflculty. lfotm'Mdla .. ftDIDatbJta-~~. = ~ .mn--..&aUme?'' mouoa tx-.,.._ ot U. p.m. M&J It tJ7 1 tt ... , Dr. war-J.Gitl, aat•• s.rtd~W, Ylril* Clrica,...., .....,, alum.a.l, members ot. cbiH q COI!tempJa&ed. .._ dWu 194~-s -Hill SID.ltb,. a loac time res:l-policy. He reeaDed tbe QAIOIIl-wtl) t..s c:aBed au..._to_. ........... lfDIINftPOI't .. OIIYw, ~• f'ruW &Ill .,.,...,.D Calli.Ynia Womeo's lf accord 11 DOt reac:bed be-~ ......... to JC• At deM ud b'mer re&llor, said, ttoo olltate~MII ... • car. Oee....Uafa...n,ear -llllllod SUDol lllllrtd, DanUI'nrd. A-1 and DoUis of -tlio board ol .-.ttoo N.IOIEA 0 '-II, ~ Bolr<l "l ..... lllo)'_,~ ..... thuta-II> any -00 llale were abiO lilt bJ 111o -· QUARANTINE IS LIFTED Tlto c.-, -~ Tlto lltlltall -CltJ Dlllt •e--.1 1"&1SQ' Gilt o--n ••••~ a ......... .... ----. Ia-ullllc liar -.., .. 0.,0 -lUI WI nla fll .... IWl Mjl .. Onl]lt ............. _ ... rrt-eo.-r--·-daJ -... ~ ... _., .. __ • ...... ,... Cc tt ...... Tlto ar1C1M1 .,.._ "'-1111 I 1 of -llur- -·-., .. 17 ........... -..... 1-l/1 -a - -fll II 1 I.,. .. _ .. .... .. ..... ..... ~!.·• ,, ......... .... LMI------._ •11 ii.,Jo.-_,... ........ -.,_. .. 411 J'etfii_ .,.,._!IIIIILIDIIow-!Milo~,. I' .. 11 PMJ ....... tf111 I 11 c I 'I" -ADd lui but aollout, and lilt N~---bald a ~ IDPNI( lui tlooJ9WJJD11Cbhopetbey_,•l bl&llft1s, btca-ol buard u -to Bill 111rDor, t1oo ...._ oo sUr7-. 111&111 al Eotaocla II> --Tbt --Is 10 bad, 100-11> .-lsU. DltiTAL GOLD TMIM tM flrJt baby to be barD OD tbt &D:1 a1.ttt bnt"Mh. eccard1Dc u .. ! dlap' ....... Tllere-TLicU. ~ WID'lldo.'t bed&-Job~ Klllefw,iJruHd1&trlput ~ ... -eMdrk ..... ,......,. n.a 1DUTied ~les ID But au., tatlldwe -=n-P1'1 17-"l'l co.cll met c:.o. llrablli. Peap.. 11nDc 00 tbl pre&ldllt at tM S11Gn Clla •• ,· • • ,... ..... ._ .. -lEI dormlll>rlos. larJ c1 1110 ••-'•""" corr..U, and ..,.. lila board --aD tbe ~ Pr-11 OW..• "-. .-WI • • -••ra a YVJ, 'fll"' apecial ''hd ..,. ..,., ...-piP-m..uac eo .,... tM ~~ tiM!J cu-.·· tbl eo-:u ••to ._" 1111 .._ ol or. Dafttl oi&M 11ar llulo, 10 ,. are Ded a -Ia .U.~ ol -and w11a1 _. 111o F'arnl ~) R~ ""' -liar _., 1o 1rJ Dols -Caul IIWJ~ ..,. 1M .... IMJDt 11ar 11ar -· 11oo1111, -. ul •-.. tloo ---· IJU -00 1110 lllud lbr a at~ !nlllc. lolrJ - - -.· aid lira.--., IIIIIJ," aid !llr, aa., --Qll.LIC110N fllllt\Y ,_. u1 -1M 90S-Co .1 ... • E411lr111(11"1W ;•;"~~~·~..,~~;=:::: Olwllt c.ut 'CD-IIar, '"lllr .. •zwMIC oe & .... llild f'tDCIIt n.n wtJ1 be l--col• ud " .... oe MarUI Aft.., 1111:1 I. ... tit. Mtlla: tlllt ...... 1 •ldtlllta..rtltctt Dill._.. ... Eid 1D .. ft -.ua. la "''port.._. oei!CI"MM .._ Clte In ...... tlllt0....11....adalllwa--. 1111111 .. ..,.1'«! cMretD ldloOUtlr'J. M-.111 DQ, llliQ .. a. alii, ''l ...W IIIII .... U~IIilltl~~--.. Ill! F1 • -.s ..,_ .._ ... e..-. aa.t .. .-. .. u.. .......... , • ._a .. ,., • .., -. .... -. ,_._ • • au •• --oot1 --IHIIIJUIIar .. ll 1:-1-.. ---lof'rM:or.CM-_II_Mji_UIIfll ......... .., .. .., .. -· ~wo-loo. "''---wllllto .......... IIIIJ_fll ......... . '"II I X I ... llo--~---·" ...... -----...... _.,_ ,_ .. • " a. ----s..._., .. liD *II'IIPII'C _. r•eltl .... -II'..., ...... _.. .. ...._,.._ .. .._..,..._...,-., 00C -..e. "1•1 I M ~-.. ~--'-'all It I 1 ........... -fll .. ___ ........ -:,.fll ... ~:.::;::~ • -.fiiOCC: .. Ilr .. -" • I+ ·-• --tolllrtua. .. 11+11 I ....... _ • llll OPI'ICIM. IIIWIPAI!'I:II OP llll OTT OP IIIIPOIIT IIAOI TNI NAif/KJif AlllfA'S OffSIT trn:;,AI'IR Olfloo ... _... , ...... ~-.... ......... irta ~; c-...,., c-.. a 11w c.w. -P26fS. TILIPIIDII. UMMII (-CMo 71~ Clauass ..... ........ IIIIIN II $J .. ______ ... 11 ..... ____ .... ___ " re $1XUCATION Part rv •o...--·------. "' , __ ---·-..... You may be lhotkod by thie edilorial. You h•vc rcuon to be:. But you Jbould be mueb mote shocked by the naltty behind iL perience with aajmsk, U.Ola. Nllli ... Or. William Campbell Dou.,aus aaya iD 'The A.a Marorlal na,.......-.. •• ,.._. II • ?• - Journal" of the Saruoca (Fla.) County Mecti-... ,_..., ft ._ tile &... a.u tJwM• _. • fl 1 .... cal Society: 11'1MMI r-.. U. tW Ills til .aTC '_, 1M n'krb ... Ill IRk\ IIIII 11011,. "'Sexually free' children are tauahl from .., ._ U. lut, • ... fll llle s'4Wht Cleai ~t+z· • • • kinderaanen how to do it how babiet are tut wutW''w"IBIPP•" 1At • lliiR .. .,_or TD JIIIIFOIIT IIAI801 ENSIGN I• ,._ oaiy ....... prt•ed ... ,...u .... Ia U. Cky of Nowp.t; S..e~ • ..., ..,; Galy loeally Several yean 1.10• qutetl)', UDOicentatJow.ly and like a thief in the n.iabt, aex cducalloo be- came federal polk;y and crept ia.to OUr n.a~ tion's achoola. Aa any atudtnl of the nation's achoolt-in.side or out--tnowa, wben the fed- en.! bureaucrats decide that .omethina Ja JOOd for the people. that somethina aoon bec:omca compulaory. Like forced school buuina. Sc:hools which refuse to conduct JeX education classes (often called "family life education") will doubtless have their federal funds cue off. Like schools whicb insist op bavin1 ICbool prayen. made and how they art a~ded. The let Su tw MsoiiiC tbs StarriM 1't d fl. ..... ani ~ • ia tauaht that the issue isn't morality, but fornJ. of tbs _... ftD lift tllslr tllat a. M....a.J Dar IDr tiliNe ''WIIo cation without fear. Reliaioo it oul of our Uta • a.l 1M S&tlaa •tllllt ._.,_. ..... *II r-. II" tlletr lnl -.t 211&8 ~ ..... ._ ........... _... ... Ia ta.. Newpclft a--.eo.a ... Ar.L .,_.,..._. ......_.,.. •• ~ay, S.c:o..:l el._ po._.. JM!id schools. but coition is rapidly becomiaa lhe OOIH .. bsllrttud.....,from to 2M ........ , ,_..._ -..e Ute.'' lAt • d tall • c.. .. •a 16w, Calif. • biucst thing •I nee new math. The cbildreo arc time to ~ r._ U. sU-..,..._ a.. ...... 011 ...... -._ AU t:blt ft lllll"-all tbal: T)IE NEWPOIT IIAABO& t:NSIC,. Wu Mj.drd to be a .. w•- ,.._ of ...-111 eirc.SaU011 lty c:owt deaee No. A-20178 elated Miy 14, 1951, Ia S..'-Co.t lor the Co•r of Or•:r• s...._.-of C.Ufcwai ..... ~Y ..._. tWeof ia qwe.IJfied to p.bli all p•blle: MC~or--u3l~: ......................... -.O... aad Pllbliaher assaulted with detailed texts, 'aludy cuida,' teDcs. TbNsfto ...... tllldblt-............ -,. ....... .. ..., ... ....,.. sa visual aids. clay for modelinc the human pbal-llDul wtlllt • U .-1. Ud al*lt br bre JII'Oif1llaM ot ............. W O'ftlo .... Ius ..... <Veryth;., .....,; •• bte-.hort of cop ... """ ••• --lllo •. 365 CDM h II lation roo,.......nd even .lhia bas been lUI• IUM of ~-121 b)' tblt ...... on onor ro anted. In one sc:hool, for tnstaoce, fbe teacher UOD u.t *ft .... as.• bid , PEG HAAPA ·-···········-·······························.Aa.oci•e EcUtor SUISCIIPTIOM lA TII l11 H.,bor Am: ......._-U ~ 2 vae ye•, .,_, ye-. 11.00 Out ol ~ "'-"' O.e ye•• SS..OO; 2 ,....._ 19.00 ~-~~ <71. ..etlf " -11¥ ARVO E. HAAPA, owner _,d publisher of the EnsJW~ THANK YOU, NEWSCASTER REDDl. Former Loa Angeles Pollee Chief Ton Reddin, now the anchor man on the Channel 5 television newscast, ended his Friday program with a bouquet for the local com- munity newspaper, and an earpestpleafor community suppori. His closing words were: "Suppori this one If this happens to be your newspaper, THE NEWPORT HARBOR ENSIGN," and he held up the front page of last Thursday's Ensign. We endorse his plea wholeheartedly. • • • THE BERKELEY "REVOLUTION" Before getting too Involved In support of the "Berkeley revolution," misguided UCI students, and also Chancellor Daniel Aldrich, should read the following com- ments by Governor Ronald Reagan, given In his press conference last week: "U would seem to me tllat wbeo you are faced with a mob tb:U goes oo tbe oaaostn, that was attacking, tbat bospU:a.l- lJ.ed ball a bi.IDI!red of your pollee before sbots were fired, aDd tbey are &OiDcalJOUtromrooftapsand fire escapes with bup cbtmb ol I:Jn:UD eoocrete, 1ritl:l huge sectioos of ll!!.Jd'•l .alllll. .oaallndlo<ul.ee! .. !i!JI lnlq~~ , ... IBUJ'-fll-........ wtth ·h'l'll:ld Mds, ud JOU .... beiDg usaallod --ll1nd of-I -Ills beln& YVJ DI.IYI lo u.me tll&t :paa ~ UJ008 1JJto tbat coatllct with a 01-.watter. He's &Qt·to ta•e a.o IPPI"'PP'1ate weapoo.. ODe ol tbe chunks of staeltbllwas thrown. and tbey were ttlrowD asaallJ to an eDd-c:wer-eDd fasb.loo from the helgbtoftbe buildlnp,coulddemoostntelrhatlt could do to a human be1ng; 1t hit a pollee car and imbedded ltseU into the steel door of tbe pollee car. I think U is easy to assume wbat this would ba.ve dooe to flesh and blood. •• • • • The Sacramento report by Senator John Schmitz states that the day after the press conference, several professors from Berkeley went to Sacramento to de- mand that the governor withdraw the National Guard from the UC campus, In spite of the steel and concrete hurling. Governor Reagan confronted them with the facts. ln a scene shown to millions on television, a professor jumped up and began shouting Insults. When the governor learned his name, he sald that that alone explained a great deal. And Indeed It did, because the professor was Leon Wofsy. The 1965 report of the California Senate fact-finding subcommittee on un- American activities gives these facts about Professor Wofsy: "He was ooe of 8 Commlmist leaders trom New Yort, PennsylvaDia, IlllDois aocl Calllorn1a wbo went to Chicago for the purpose of p1aDaJ.DgaDeWcommun1st youth organlza- tioo ln 1949. Tills wu tbe Lab:Jr YOI.tb League, wblcb was created at a meeUDe at the People's All1ltortum, Chleaeo, May 28 aod 29, lMSI. Wofsy pabUcJ;y declared tbat the Labor Yoatb Le&pe was an adjwct to the Commmdst Party, aDI1 proudly declared that be was a communlst. "Tbere wu DO penoa during tbe em:tre history of tbe Amerlc:an Commaaut Party no played a more stplflc:ut aod sueeeatWrole lDorpntztnvcommunist youth tJJroucboat tho ...-y lllan'LooG Wofsy ." • • • The communlat Dally Worker of June 6, 1956, reports the following state- ment by the Nailonal CouncU of the Labor Youth League: UA.ftlr' 7 ,.,, ot ott•IM'Hnc -.-•• Leoa WtUJ. MHtwl ~ oiN' orpotattm, was graated a._,. ol d'llltle P""'lll tlill JUt MtltwJ eoaYutioa. Tbe ..-111111 ·-"'1111 -· Loocuo .... --tD bill U INi Ill: to tue OD otblr ruponsthlltH .. 1a t1i111 PICIPW•IIGt'l .... • • • Sel'lldot' Schmtts add8 thefollawillc com- mild: "Leoa Wd.fiY wu allowed tO Join tile '-'tJ d. tile UDtnrlllty_of CaWomla 11t Belbler, 1111•• ~lqe df tb•• ,..,.. ,.... 111m, ill s.ptalber, 18M - ... ,.... Belble,H90lut1oll.tart.ed." Johnny can't read but he knows aU !.here is iibout St'X. Sexucaton claim thai if you .. un- dentand" sex. it will lose iu compulsive power -which is just like sayins that if you uDder- stand nutrition you won't set hunsry. TeadUng a child all of the details of human sexuaJ in· terrou~ is ev~n more fanwlic than tellina him how to drive a car and then giving him the keys. The §CXologists' creed is : ·•Learn by dotng." If a m()(her makes a mistake. she only mis- guidn h~r own children ; but if a teacher makes a "mistake," she misguides hundreds or thou- sands. Having some teachers teach sex is like having Raquel W~lch l~cture on modesty and virtue. A survey made by Dr. Louis Kaplan, who ~s then a professor of education at tbe Uni..,e n ity of Southern California, concluded thai there are 119,497 seriously maladjusted teachen in this country, with 3,011 ,324 chil- dr~n in thei r classes. One teacher goc so car- ried away while conducting a sex education lec- ture that she completely disrobed in front of th~ class. A IQ...yc.ar-old ,E..,anston, Ill. sir! calml y tells her parents at dinner: "Well, we had a good time discussing the penis in school today." A high school teacher in Van Nuys. Calir. as ks his SIUdents to describe their per- o;onal panicipation in such acti \l ities as mas- IUrhatiOn. fondl ing breasts or genitals, sexual intercourse. homosexual acts and sexual ex- (who can only be described as sick, sic:k, sick) U to .,oct." 8ol1d clYt bHd Tbl lrd ~ ._.. roD at Coroa clsl herded her little charaes into a darkened room to U.. ftl'alDcl ol c::ousrntlYs taelws. 10 1 'wut .. JIZIIaru, m qiiOear:!. tar,=~ a nd h1td them feel each other. IPOUimn.. Tbs flct U tbat ft IDID-4 total ot 115 .....,, Tbs .,lklwiDc 44 IIWJslllt tu'Md . "'Certainly there is nothins wrona with giv-an tbr•.._,ltom wttbla Ud ltra.llbt "A" pades, aat .,_.11 pb)'Dcal......,.~ •ns anatomical counes to senior high school :e:tbout. Wt Ue bt1Bc Stldore-IH_,. Cane s.aa n...-Drtboraia nuJdl studentJ (which ts being done by the mectic&l br tbs oomm.ut Ctady ~ 'l'aal JlswU:i. QarJ llarcb,' JUoa..rd Hei8slr' profession her~). Most of the kids at this aae ~JracJ bs)"'OId CMII' t.:..~ .. Robia Rab1 leU SdiU Ud CJSt1* ap.,.s. ' already understand the reproductive process : 1~ bs1Dc tbrtlteSIId J.-....£1a18s Brs.nud. ~ llln'-t Lolli JWtlt lea- and per~aps these courses in the mechanism of side our &ad uatebT tD,.. otUI IJPthbl. .._. Sllubud a...a. ~ • conceptton clear up points of confusion. But Tbe ~lalllmltl. Sapbomor-..Mu1JM AUu. lAclldt 8otlorf. Alf.bar BrwD. let 's lea..,e the liule ones to !heir hops.c01cb and Tse r IDeadicta.tor, Mao Kathleea f"rl'e, Cblrlet GrlmAaw LJDDil1Uer KeD Heluer soflball. Psychiatrist Mel..,in Anchell puts it tbat ~ '::s~~t5~ PaaMJa Olmu, EIMDor Smttb, J0u Sm.J.tb, J.Mt Stutaa ud bluntly: "It cauapults th~ child into advance by l9'l3 erc:.mUDlJt ba aid XtaDet111'Wt1. ~xual information; it pervens the child-if that the s ,;• Freabmto-EUI:abstb Brimmer Yallrte CordeJro Karen you turn into lin obstetrician at eight years of ultlmate de:::: 11 abeldO: Feldmaa_ Scott IJorDbes.k, Valerie Krll. X&te JQDt; Jf.IDU ~ge . yo~ ha\le d~\l~loped a fix.ation-1 think it schedule. If t.bey are rtJbt It Lue. Paula Sc"DDider, Cber Scboelllrma.n, K&tbrJD Smltb. •s creatmg more per..,ens th an were ever ere· COUld bt that ft han but lfli. Gklrta Somers, L&ara TbOI'Dbarlb, stao Vermuod, wtWa.m a ted before.' more Memorial Days left~ Vier~ IDd Rleblrd Yorba. "What of th~ 6-year-old girl , who knOWs this year, lD adrlftson to lbe ltra.tJbt "A" stadeDta:, tbl follow1Dc art very well wha1 her anatomy is, who is exposed Ric bard Cotten. 1n tbt rft'teW' OD tbe Srd qauter boaot roll: • to the adult mal~. or e\len the immature male, ot Ills "Coo.senatiTe Vtew .. • SENIORS a ... Gould suu Mulbr th_rou~h pictum or models and is told what she point"' broadcasts. dated AprU Pear A.dlma CUol Hally noops IIGllea :""'"· m ~ few yea~. submit to ha\ling that put lZ, quoted from anarUelentt-~ Aaderma Noas. Beckman Kite Matter m there. In a class at th~ C arter Riverside ten by Ed Moot&omery wblcb Robert Aroold Cl:u'maia Htlder-SbsUsy Neraey ~hool in F?rt Worth, Te_x. the sirls were told, wu publlabed oa March z.s, Suaa BuDMOD Marleat Holcomb Hucy OcUDer If you do~ t want all thts blood and pain on 1969, 1n a San Francisco ..,.... Flltebsr a.eb Laurie HadiOD Dsbbte otto your 'lt'eddmg, you should .. .' At this point. PIPer: Cbrt.ty S..IBIIJ"d MaDey fhlrlt Nla PvUr one lillie girl fainted. "Leftist m.Wtuls art or .. Del:lwU 8tlJ. .111Ue lartla ear, PeDODflc "'How stupid can educato~ get? I jutt showed pnt.zlog a Revo~y Party .lames BsGsoa lftleoa "*--Ceuarto Peres you." concludes Dr. Douglass.-Amcrican Way Wtllcb 1s deslped to Ot"e:rthroW' VIcki Black Sblrlee .IODH J"tm RaJlt Feat ur~ 'tbe establtsbmeot• bJ terror tit Pamela Blalact £arbsn Katy 0oac1u Rt&Yie actfytty, lDcludiD( uputrw~ SlweD BrldiN JIDit Katr JelfRelcbert lion &Jill bomblnp. Per.,.. Patricia BrlaloJ Rudy Konl Grec - wtthln tbe moYemeat say that 1 AlaD IWrlactoa Brad K1usnr Grec SebMSIIer largo! dale lor 1973 has be• Katberlllo Burpr Sbeny Kollawln Lee Secar<1 set fbr I Dltlomrtdt takeoYer," BeekJ Buttermare Mary Xrtbl Pamela Sllc U was r elated tbatthepu'tJ's Amoret CardeJro Marlaa LeDDJ Pat SUer top echek)o will be made from RuueU Carpeater Iris J.IDCI:IIr1 Krutn Sorters members of a.o IIDdererouodor.. Ka.thr)'D CalsrDl HelM t.ackh&rdt Dntd Sololet ganlutton, e&1llnc ltaeU tbe Cbrtslopbur Cooper DouiiU McCorkle Rebecca Sours "Red Guard." other members Debbie c_.r Mary McCormlct LcniDo steen would come from tbl Black Ma.rluDe Col: Bob McGee Sol'reJ.t SUre Pantbers. studeotak a Demo. stefto Crooke Cyatbl& McWirt Cul SWytar cntic Society, aod tile Re.. Xrt.UDI CaaUr Nucyllaroly Mellua TeiUIYille dista.oce, said to bt a Yaolat SliUDDI DeFraooo J11111 lleyll' BoaD1e TbotapS)D ~. lo t.be article, 1 ani· Ka.rfl1D Dtsebe JOba YoodJ Eft Tbompeoo •erslty lnstrtdor 1n tbe Bay Judi Oaaa Wl.ll.lam M1111te Cbarlotte Toaca Relloo was r-to boYO llarpret Dye Pamela MIITID Clod)' ,.,. waned that ••terror 1.11 oee.. KeaDttb Ewell Jot. Newloa llteUJ' Tyler ary "8lj)OO &Jill mull be' .... Keal F-'*'~ -Wall ·ao ·~tt~·lllt -.Ill; I'!( Lura Fw-",lillYid OIIYw IIIIo WWiama musos. Tbe re80_alr_, GeM Fllllor -,_Park !lucy W-Ill has becun '" t11e -&Jill 111 !lucy Gonell a.,.. Parkllnl , , Berkeley.'' 1Jada Gill Jamie Ptarsoa • FRESRIIE!f !Jrumucb as Llncolo urgod Geallrey Gnhom ll&Yid PloUor lelfrey Alilrd tllat "Let us here. b.1cb1J re-Loreoe Gruer S.U Potrer LesUt 8obbs aoln that tbese dead Jball oo1 Deboral:l c...ruey Bill Ratul Bndley Baker bue died 1n faio," let us fol~ Pa.tr:tcta Halllpn RoltrD Rawllnp Dooctu 8alt1e lo• Ills ploabymaklnf;ar .. olu-lllarJ-no-Reed Solin Bluplod Uon. rather u.a. by Plannloc a Donna Holmes Rob1D Rocor• Konrad Clark fOYOlullon. Let tho llrsl draft loonn llooloor Konl Sc-MoUnd& CO<lay be as follow s: Xri.JtlM Hoacb lfalhxta Selby · James eat. WHEREAS, llllernaUonal Jolin HowoU Ian Sbel Doa Cowi1rymoo commuotsm bas been oar Patrick lnr1D Wead)' Sbtltoo Robert Os.Yil avowed eoemy for oeari,J half Marcia J"a.eblo Oab'm SmUb Moalqae DIF&bry a century, am our pernmG Henr)' Jobuoa Marte Som•• Malcolm DtKWe PRO-AM WINNERS -EmU Scodeller, center, club pro at Annadale GoU Club, Pasadena, led his team to victory and top prizes In the 5th annual pro-am Invitational goU tournament at Irvine Coast Country Club. The winning team, comprised of (from left) Joe W. Poole of Harbor View Hills, -!CCC: Mark Soden, also of Harbor View Hills and ICCC; Mr. Scodeller, Gene Bell of Annandale, and John Hoyt of Costa Mesa, ICC, posted a par shattering 2-ball net 121 to capture first place In the 18-hole event. Willis Barber, (ins et) of GoU Center, Anaheim, blistered the ICCC links with a 3-under-par 69 for top pro honors. A record 200 contestants Including 40 southiand PGA pros participated. (Rich Bassett photo.) has attempted 1o "build li<ld-Norman lollnlnn RoliiD Sloelo R-. De11G11 res'' betweeu oursel'tes &Ddtbe RudJ Joboaoo Yarprut Tbleiemetr Larry DeaDer communlst coospiraton bu StlpbeD Jump Tom Tjoaem Dale DlckiMOD eocourapd a.o tocreue 0: trade Kareo XeDt Sall7 Vu 1i1aNt Bnd14iy Dtels relatioos with the YVJ oat1ou Carol Xtmball Tbomu Vlldeipool Jllllt Damars which are Jocated behtDd Robert lAcy Rtid Walburc Sull Ellestad the lroo curta1.o, aod trbtcb are Patr1da LaHue Pamtl& £1.11a s~glyln& mtm.ltioal ot ftl to Gk:lr1a.DD W1011 • SOPHOMORES DaD Good'WtD From the Bibk our eoem.Jes 1n Vl.etDs.m, IDd Loc:!Dda Loac Sbatoa. Adami; Kare FtatOman WHEREAS, "' ore enpaod Sytrla l-b Mark Aldrlcll Gerry Gilbert to a bumJUtattnc. aadecllred DorotbJ MscMII1ag XsYla AaUw Rlcl:u'd H-.tber war lo South Vlslmm -Ill Suo MlUer Colloen -PUI Belnoy a war tlllt we are oo1 allowed MiDdy llfWer &aaa BUisrd Tbeodor Headrlcboa to \\'ln, aDd Vlctaria N&Jior Ka.tbJ DIM coW PiDc flo Gary Nelllol 100 Benoy --Palll P&lmer ~ lleny Aadr• llopltlu Tber-Peq Linda Bury Carol 8omb)' Aod ll>ere sbaU come forUI Cllrllly Pier• Dorey 811<1: Mark sw- a rod out of tba stem of ltiH, Kar• Patertluctl Erta BJ&ctwlll L1Dtla Jacobus LeHers to Editor .llld a Braocb sboU 1f0W oai·Coaalo-Mlctul -IW•Iollnlnn olllls roola: EUoa-,._ Boopey SloYo KommoriJ Aod llle Spirit or tho Lon! Gtwan R-u Clandla ear.or lobn ltonl sb&U resl ._ blm, tho 11>lrll Patricia Suebol loll Clllld lola Kerr • UPPER NEWPORT BAY ners Library, 2005 Do'llr Dr,, ol wisdom &Jill .-stoodlllfo--Camillo CnJc11oo Korl KroM From the Friends of New .. Newport Beaeb, where JOU m&J tbe aplrlt of couuel &Dd mllflt, IOallud SID.Uh ~ Dl41 K1DIIID hmanoto pori Bay : peraonally -more de-tho ll>lrll ol -lodp alll cl-SUI•-ll&Yid lloiiDor !lucy~ Do you objeel to !be land lailed lolor-relallllc lo !be !oar ol lbe Lord. (laJall Kalil-T~ Lawlo ll&YII Mark lAwtno ~which will pn prlv1leged tbe 1aDd swap aod qaestloasucb 11:1.1,) SblrOD 'nor+C«<D JUebard Dl.1 MlcMtlMCCirtJ I I '"" I 13 Ue .&apia,_ Clirllllllo ~~ ,_ II<Corllla pr n e owner-..., o m s scleottsts u Jotm Jotauoo ot STOME HARROWaY GETS w_, wau.r ""--• ..... --.1 ._ S*nllll lilcCm'1llct o1 coastline 1o tWer Ne1rporl 111e sci.... dei>orlmonl c1 RGEAHrs RAnHG IOIIo •---v .. ~ llcCIIIodi Bay? Corona del liar IUP,Scllool. Ho Tbomu R. Harrvwi>J, ... "'s-Wollll KalliJ Fl-. Dam "at- Before agreeing to sucb a 1s JD1ned ID b1a protut try meo Mr. ud Mrs. 'nomu E. Hlr-Aa....,.. IOU '• Marta MaeMIIJt• de't'elopmeot. wbicb woulcf Jean at Scr4Jpl 1ut1tate ot Oceuo-rowbJ, Rmsr CaroM del Kat Rollct 1r1Diama Ju Fr'-d lUMe Mlreb OCI(J S miles 0< less i>r [>tlbllc lf1P(ly, llniYwiiiJciCaUfonda r-, ..,.. liYlllc o1 1100 Bol> ll'rlaallo -. u~u deYeklpmonl &Jill WOtlld deslzoy at lrYino, 111o Loo Aaploa Moa-car-. W&)', ~ ~ •IIIIDIS -Gartlor lola .a;"" aU nalllfal or ... pre~.,._ ..,.. of Na111ral ~ &Jill llu boon prv.-1o __ llllcllola u._ UIJ Ganlla llare lllecllaU Joyed by bolb 111e _.alpobllc CaUiornla Slate eoUop otFai-IOilnl talbe V.S.Air ,.,.... aolottaBoc---,., __ &Jill sludenls ol science, c:oo--. II a """'P''w_..,.oiCIIar-Tri<J-~ ="' u;-slder tor a moma tbat &bose 11 tbt m•nHJM. ntte or ltRoa AFB, S.C., '"'Pid to a,...,. Dr It ---._ C&l'ol...._._ acUYely -lilllllbe-wtreJQar~byroqll¢111 otdlclthoMWtoryAirWICom-~---• _, deYelopmonl aod--ID-tho Slate Lucia Commlaalotl. mud. nona...... ---... elude tho Audubon Society, 1100 L st., -.CaUl. Tlla -pall II a IIM.Cartl Ml.h' ._ -· ~~ Oroop Coutily MYIIorJ Com-11511~ 1o r-lbe lloarlal IOMnalo c1 K~ -lllorJ-Tiel---. _, mllloe 011 llalural Lucia CoD-Oil q,por K~ lily. EDWARD W. WIIIB, -cl Hlp BcbOalllld-~ IIUt au• -...... I ..., --I& -..... Oceu FLIIII'rotoc-1 .. c .. ..,..,1....,_ lllr.lllllllllra.WIIIIamL.Weloo, C-Collop. Rla..U., Llada, 1 .... --IItie -.., .. u .. Aaa., Slorra ca.. 11111 IIIIIW-Dr. lr.ofl'lll-a.,co..._ lllllodlt...,_cllllr.allllfH.~IIoclioJ ~--_...., 0raoao CooaiiJ -• -· 11~ -. '1111 .-111a •-"' L. A. mora-, 1110 s. Ba:r c--~ ~ 11Uov Aula. Tbsr CIIIPOII It btc:UR .... re dsCnl Udco.mtaloe Proat. 8llbora lalud.. ltV I C... cant II. ,. 111oy ,_.,._,., .. boa CAiriP RIGISTRATIOIIS ua.~"';'"III-Sol -~II' lllftla l',.a ~-.. '--1111 ba1aDeo-c1 lud by aDa-TAKIH POIOSCIGI.A 1111-·--ylaColo-SAVI~LOAl(JiWAIDS -Clio' -rg II _, -·a-laottmuMmooll 1-. ~~: n&C.4nda. Bo M)lndla -· 0011! ... -.-. 11--1<¥ lr llaft._. tam ...me. s•WI£'* t111t 11181 ' .... •tiE I ...-an Ud rulltW wtK •• ta .. ._. -'Or&Dir N tu•t. •artaal..,.. Too--. con,......,_ll ___ _.. rn;llloa II lllo-JI&[IIW&II li ........ IIII _.._ _,_ -llnalllaOIIJ-an&wiU ""'"111111_11 __ .,.. WI Y by lila W II II by----11 II X 1-D.ei!J , ..... ._ ,...,..,_ -·111 14dlolllo_....., ___ .. Aol.&l& IIWEllll-ofllll ... ,ll 1111111 Cl ...... Qoar~ -'Alia ~~-.,---••-•-•c , 1a. .,.llllnoll:ot-'•tt .,.IIII<>P *1111•--•••• -'--...... -. -· lira. --.-WBollao-alt .... llrr:~'--...... _,q I 10 -~ c... .. ._ lalaaaby• •ortt•-••1 .--tlleaiCIIIcAn, ~""'' •-•--••llo -~ __ .,_ -:--..:::::: l'faJ;~~ ::-.:: .-:;-:=.:..-= ::-..:..-::.:.·.:: ~~II[,~=:.:;:-:·::. :rr-:.:. -=-::.~:.:.':'m:.: ::~Y~':':.-:: !~:. ~ ~ :-::·:.=:E:r.::::..i&A'= :::-=··:-:a,":" .. diJ.-1,·1-al-._ 1ir aD--11r 1111Ja. l .... 'lllllf. --. :.11-~-........ f'9111ERI.Y MEARS CAMERA NOW AT 1111 NEWPORT BLVD. COlT A IIEIJA ........ _3 WKW -UIUJLDIJfG , Jrreaulu Shapes ---Colt. COSTA MESA WATTlUS CO. 2110New,.,t .... LIMtt,a.UOl AND THEODORE ROBINS FORD HAS IT CORRALEDI IT'S II. LITT\.1 GII.SI .. .... , COMI IM , , • lVRM YOURS!Lf OM, U OUR IIG )oliii.Y ULUT! TO TN! fiRST Of TH! '70'S II.T II. '60 PRIC!. 1 2 3 MEET MAVERICK, A COMPLETE BUILT -FOR- AMERICANS CARl SEE ENGLISH FORD FOR 1969 (First abawn th1a mooth) DELUXE AND GT MODELS NOW AVAILABLE FOR IMME- DIATE DELIVERY. CHECK THE SPECIAL DISCOUNTS THAT WE ARE OFFERING ON FORDS, MUSTANGS, T-BIRDB DURING OUR SALUTE TO MAVERICKI UCI degrees presented IM HONOR Of TKOS! WHO fOUGHT II.ND DI!D TO IIAU TNIS II. I!TTIR PLII.CI POl US TO LIV! IN, 11! WILL CLOSI PRIDII.Y II.ND UlVRDU, IIAY 311 II.ND Jl, LYNN HART JOHN HART LUGE ICEBERG LIDUCE 2 .. 29' "501 a tablet can be ch•ap I" Nooaea.so~ .SOc ror ..... &abll& -lndudlnal&- lheJc., ...... oldoo newer drup cost that much. They -.em Cl{pltnsiw -yes, only teem. Consider this: Pfteumonia utcd to mean -4 to 6 bedridden weeks, Loss or ,.,._ Often hospitalization. Often death. Now, a few dollan' worth of one antibiotic: will eenenlly cure pneumonia in days. And this is only one: example -.. lhe~ art many othen. When you consHSer what a few !iOc pills will do for you, they teem downriaJn cheap . . ~ &. COAn' -T .. ccw-a ... KU 01110&.& .... StAU at-Htw#xw Iau.e...t BW,., U56 B. Cout H-.. Cor... 4M Jl.w, CoJif.,..;,. IIIU (714) 171-1111 "'·~· .-.A.B.Bof G.uNl A,..t • ____ • _ Ala:t a.-••*nc= 1'I!AICSAMERICA UFE A AIOOJITY COIIPAJ<Y AliD 11IAIISAIIERJC. 11111'UAL FU!IDS CALL US FOR QUOTES ON: • Low-COlt Twm lJte tu.uce • __, ..._.,,_1(_ c--ap •s--w.-...- 'Het ·~•Pn<mPilllllllllc Frozen F ouc~s 'TURKEY, SII.LISIURY, CHICK IN VILUG!IMN RICE FFE 594 ' •-.a ftNa DAY" wt.D be ob•n.S W.. $UDdaJ at the Flnl 11eptU1 CWciJ ot CO* M-. !l>oclal trllloto will be J1U1 eo tM Ret. KIM Piper Uldllla: wife, OW., rectally QSI .. M br tM BlpUit Bible FeUowablp u mt .. kJIIIrles .. -,..,. Will .... -ttmo .. ~-lo _.... tile wrt Gl tile Re't. ud llrL F. C, r.aSIItC, wbo will be C0111t1c ._.. 01. fWJoaeb.. Mitt Peper, &19691P'&duate of ttnporl Jlarbor IJIPI Scboo~ Wll COOYerted to Cbrlst l!ld dedicated lila lllo lo mi&-'J -k wllllt &tteDdltl& Firs! B1pUJt Cbareb. Mtu ud his wtte, showD bere wttb their eb.Udrta, James M!ehul. s. aDd Cberyl ADD, 18 momhl, wtll be pna a 19&9 Ford Bronco wagon for tbelr use to Kona, Parking rule is changed Summer-time porfiiDc restrlctloDs oo resident1al streeb: 1D Coroaa del Mar nre eased by !be Newport lleacb City C....U -y followln& a request from Coroaa del Yar bus!Dessmen led by former COUDCllmao Dee Coot. 'IWUI 'If, MY 8, -!DID'JII DB. IIU, CMJF. Church News • Tbe Newport Harbor Lu-Tbt P)1moutbCoacrepHonal tberao Cbureb, 2501 cwr Dr.. Cbureta, szu Brold st., New_ Newport He! &Ills -Tbe R... port llel&flls-"ID meiiiOI'Ium" Will bo till --topic ot tbo ReY, Normu Brown b" tbe 10 Lm. commUilloo 5ei'Tlc.e this ~. • • • st. ADdrew's PresbyterlaD Cbureb, 100 st. ADI!rew's Rd., cwr llano-Guest preaeber for tbt a. 9:SO aDd 11 a.m. Sun- day 881"ftc.es wiU be the R". Darrell Culler ,asslstaot mtn1s- ter of Cbrist1a.D edueatloa at tbe First Presbyterian Cbureb of llollJ1t!IOCI. His lq)le will be ''Tbe portloo of God's Spirit." • • • IIARY SIIIPARD, at loll, r..-1111 -ot 1111 )'Oir awwd ot ... -·· C1Yie Leepe -put pr-EIIII.,.. IIUior. (Eoolp ptiDIDJ Woman of year named I CiYic Celfer buy ok' d .... _ .. ,.,s_ ... _c... __ _ ~~~~~---·--WIIIailiolllll41-l ,,. 1 ..... AM??sc .a&' 0 ...... I .... ._ .... ........,. Cllr *I IF_, 'hlr!!f •• T111or1•-e-..,. ....... -.... -.., ., _...,c, ,, __ hiO,OOOII ...... ...., = :~,_.,: t-;::. • -=.,•ot:_:;: .. -;..: -" a lt.-. ,.. Ia Olt 1111 1111 -ca. -·~~-h,llf,IGO. ltiiiOII)'Ioloo_lll_lo "Lull II ....... II J1r1co -If - -',_. ,.. bJ ,.. ... ...,_ 11clr.-••-., Ill =: r•• n.. __,_....... ~~--CIIJ Me .... lllntJ IIWJ-Ca•cU •" ..... 0 .. 1110 tbe '-I -''TIIII ..... ..., -'J --ot ,.. WI)' ...... -oliiiiJliO-_ ............ __ periJ ..... lot u bo -.., ---...... 1\J ,_ .a:--~.. .:.____ loellllllll ,__ ot 111111.4 ··-u---~u-aer-. ............. !Jill don 1111 ocr-... f Jtlll, ~ ~~~-MilS, !VEL YM DILL ... 11ob Slto-aid, "It Will Of liM. IDA DIES AT 96 -• -lacllndo-hoiJo G. DIU, M, ot 117 DOt lO-lL" G st., ....... -111111 at Tbo qr-111 calla.,. a'-11aq ....,..1 Slto wu bon ,_ DOte at ....... 11 ... 1,11'11, .. -- P&JIDIIIt of tbe PI'~ at Bwtltur• art • «ri&M«' Tbe Woman's CIYici..ea.ptof Cottllloa, AIUI'le&D Field Sir-tbl IDd of 4 Jtlll' .. ud ..utDc lira. !...._. llwd Mil .NarDI& Newport Harbor bas ,,_. Ylce-~ IDra-.-$150,000 at c11J ako lu DIU ot Baa.; a.,-_ Mary (Mn, Pat) S~ as !rom Bru!J.R4jloblkuC-.J rfY-... r-r IDriiQIIMIII ud ... ealsVI'*MMr-. ••womu of tbt yeu.•• Sbe re-Comm.ittee, ..t ~ 1:1r of tbt Ide If U iB DOt paid otl Gra•tJiide ....tc.:ftrebtld eeiYed tbe &Old mectalllon ollbe Newport S.eb GOP, at tbe tJid of tbe 4 JMI'I. 11aJ 17 at .Pactac VW. League from Mrs. HerbertMU-Sbt M-..s or,..au tbe 8aJ EIPiafDillc tiM! ''oocetsr• ... MaiDCII'i&l Puk. Tile Rw • .JobD ler,. pastpresldeat,atareceol .... c-eoo.c:u. wllleh ll!ro ot till qreemeat, -.._. Ilana ot st. Mlehael's teremoQ)'. rtpa11111U .,... zo pro-Marltall said tbat tbe titJ ls 11111 All Aapls' Epl.....,.l Ill's. Shepard bas sened U periJ Oftll' IIIOCIItlms ......., bact tbe 19.4 ICI'H to CbllfCb oald•tect, publlelty ehatrmao .lor llle worfiiDc oo majo< 10111 1110-. 0 0 k d League, ns In cblrp "' ""' bleme. For 1111 ~llday Cllb, BIg N B tract IS 0 aye yearbook &Dd bas coYerod City sbo potaolllll--...-od II Couoctl meetings as club re. u ebatrmu of tbl boob •n la bltpt. wttb u addUtcw,J preseotatJYe. shdf committee udupclblldtJ A l,SO.-aalt I,IIUtmellt JWO- Otber aeUvJUes iocl!XIe tbe c.b&lrmu. wrote z pkfs jed DOf'tberl:J ot tbe Newporter PU'II:lac lenl baa.th. Recr•- Tuesday CIOO, Ebell Cl.m. BLI-a.ad dn"''ttaedtblmwltbTuu-IDa reeait'ed prellmillu'J 1P-== ::~~~ boa Peninsula Polat Assa.., day Clab actors. Sbe re-proqJ llloDdly 8Yea1Jlc. E stst tbl plt.dlof Costa Mesa Art Leap, Soutb te1Yed tbe clab's laarel anrd Tbe Newport Beacll City tbe ='-II.,. p~•--Ot Sbore Sali.J.D& Club, NewpcJI't 1,o lMI CouDeU approt"ed tbt teata.ttn ....,...a_, --..o& • ToiDOI'l'ow pls lDd objecttn • map of tbe 49.25..a.ere tract. rector LureDCe WllDl DOted Cbrtstia.D Scleoce Cbl.ll'cbes-study UWer Bay Estates. TM Sblpards llYe iDlbe Back conststtnc of 1 lots, betw.-ttat tbe llldre Balbo&Pentowla Tbe Bible lessoo-sermoo for wom~'s d1v1sioaoltheNnport Bay uw. but wW aooa. mcwe to Jamboree Rd.ud..B&ckBayDr., Potat area euterly ot Balboa tb1s SIIDIJI.y 1s ''ADele!¥ and Harbor Chamber of Commerce, Los Gatol, Calif. Mrs. Shepard at San J'o.qulo HUla Rd. Thls PI• c:oota1u 915 c:tweWDc moclwn oecromancJ, alias Hoac Hospital AIDWary wW be ~ of tbe major apartment complulstbe urats. Sl9 Jitu tbiD pt'q!OSedlD mesmerism and bJPQOUsm,de-FrleDds ot oct Frleods of~ Cbildrea'a Tree HoueNia"sery projlet ot GerBOD-Batar 1r Aa-tb1a pro)lct. DOUDCed." ~lees are at 9:15 Library of NewPort Beaeb. dell Sebool LD DIUbf C•mpbeU wttb soc~ o1 San Fruc18co. C:O.CU eUm1NtldaP1ua1aa Tbe plao adopted earlier this year ca.Ued for oo parking oo. .... -oftbo stre«, trom 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. e'lei'J day ot the weK, hm May 17 to Sept. 29. HeadiDc tbe l)lea tba.t this would cause bardsldptomereba.ots oa COUt ltwy .. tbo Cowlc:ll ... eod MOidl.y to ebup tbe reptattoos tor tbo streets be-Coast Hwy. and s.new An., pro- Yidlq tor ... 0110-stde porld!Jg t:.o oo. weet-eadl: &Dd bolldays ooly. l!ld 11 Lm. iD Newporl Beaeb, motbor lor CubScouU pubUciiJ ber I!Ups<lt..,.er, Mrs, Ems -ot 1111 -oput. GommisatA>o """"'""" Jllal tbo A BRIDGE LUNCHEON and fasbJoo sbow to beDe:llt tbe 11 a.m. in Costa Mesa aDd tor Explorer Scouts.' Newport: rnettCarolaD. matt.tldlnp:wtllbe3-storles Westerly boclldar)' beuteD:fed eblldren's dental bea.lth center w:Ul be beld aJ: 11:30 Lm. 10 Lm. In Harbor View Hills. to tbe eater ot Back Bay Dr., Friday, JUDe &, at tbe Newporter lDil by Las R~ AaD-• • • DAVEY'S LOCKER BUYS PAVILION w1tb tbe ..seretancHnc tbat tile llary ot tbo Nnport BeacbAsslstaoc:e Leque, Here are 3 of St. Mark Presbyleriall . lrYIDo Co., oner al tbo illld, till models, hm left, Jlllle {Mrs. Corry) Sbort ot East Cbureh, ZIOO Mar Vtsta., East will _.,. with city ·-•- Bluff, Mary (Mrs. Paul) Smith ollrTiDe Terrace, aDd lJDda Blatr-Tbe Rn. James Kirk's Pm'ehase of tbe ~Pari-lD wbleb baldrQ ot deoonl8d bobt, oatboud motor sales IDd meab ix' ftltare IIDPI'O'emeot LEGAL MOTICE (Mrs, P. D.) EDdsley Jr. of Corona del Mar, dlsp~ message tor tbe 10 a.m. com-U.OO. a la.ndmark ootbeNewport boats put1cJ1Jate eac:b Decem-Mr'Yiee, taekJ1 store, coaee ot tbl f"'&dfty. CERTIFICATE OF BUS~ some ol lbe t.ubloo uems. The deDtal IMI.ltb eeater bls mUllloa service thlsSWldaywill Harbor watertroot slDce 1,904, ber, beCU at tbe PaYI.UoD ID sbap. Aldea's Gift Sbap, New-K" t FletWous Firm Name taken care oi 350 cbildreo trom 208 tamllles this year. be ••QueoehlDgtheuoquenebable by oa'er.s J.Qeker toe. wuan-1908. Tbe P&YI.Uoa was ot-port HarborAr1MuseumiDdtbe 1ngs OU Tbe UDderaiped do bereby Las Relnas raises add.lttooal f\mds by •mng tbe League's th.irst, .. based oo Jobo 4:7-24. aouoeed this week by PresldeGt flclall'/ oamecl Newport's first Mari.De Scleaee Ceoter IDd eert:Uy tbat they are comtuctinc lbrlft shop the first TblD'sday of eacb mooU:I. (Ensign Nf!fl members wlll be received. PbUlo R Toser blstorlc J&nrlmtrk 1D 1918 fkllttDC MulDe I..aboratory I t :.==:' .. :.!':: pilolo,) S1SO . "It MRS. COROTHY LAIJB ~=y :rf:e ;'o!: ac; ~~ ~ .. : =od~ .. ~(hopeo..ty 0 ourney ot:::.-"~T--ateh:~~c;_;_~of~Y C.C. gels Clly g1 :.r=~;.:tt.{~~~ ~~~~:~.:.i=-s.u:.m.., ... ~u:.a; ~~~~~~~':.::= .::-=-:."":.s:.~rr ..... _.~ _, c CotmeU u.......... ... .. 1.... passenger sen-lee, Mr. Toser tbe direeUOD ol lOb Groa are yeus b' DucommaaRealtyCo. ''AAA'' etamp.l.oaablp touroa-~--staleotca'woraia.un-The Newport Harbor Ch&ms !be tty ___, .. .....,. Mar,dledMayZ5atltoaglloss llll • •-•--·"•• otLoa••-Joo,~ -~~~~ -d_s...,. • .:· n~~,. .• llrm --• or ber of Commerce, -Uy set-to nin the fee k the ~ pttal. Sbe ns bon Juoe ZO, said. YIJ 1 ............ _.-., ...._... ""m Y meat Tunda1 wUll an 8 to S .... Ullll ...uuuua -...... mit to tbe bWldlDc Plans are eurreatly being stiff reatals, Un &Dd froUD .,..cbued tbl pr'q)llty. sale lou to Blabop Amal: of tbe cJesi@>IIIOOwblehdoesootsbow ted iDDOWbeadquarlers,askod per ocoo.,y s 1896, iD Oblo, C&IIIO to drafted tor-ot • ball oa1oo, llaJWic dod<, boot pricewu1Dw:easot$500,000s Aop••--. lat1trbe name oroamesoft!Mt r. ,~lor tbe raqoest was ClllllrDJa 1D1150,aodU,edlD ~- fOO ! --bloal4-· LEGAL NOTICE , !be uplralloaottlllo<I&ID&fvse Ibis area s!Dc:e 1954. . 400 pas,.opr,bl&b-speod yes. • -. ~"INU Dltl'l:'t.YS ' Tllo Klatt~ -· .-nmoch ..... 10-wtl· PoRTCO'&od a.it CERTtnCATE OF BISDhlti permit ll< llle bodldiDc.tboiDr--will bo<bold at 10 ~. s;:r~•.:,:o .:.~ IIO'l'I~~~!:,USM~nc ~L_., itAIIIl!JI~·J'I:!TifiERY :t."-!1\'l: = U:,OC:, =· llld 11r 1' -~ of tbo k>US FIRM NAME mer temporary eor-clot Mar a,m lod&J May Z9 at Bell --In -~ Ll """"""' · PbJW. Blel Will b&Ye ber ~· ..-' m s w.......--FICI'II omee of Newport BlJboa • ' ' DOW _.. •• ce. Notice lsbtrebpafnlDtbaltbe lntt ud ~Jr:........, ........ _ ~ wbea BLibap seared 4 rwu lollowiDc porsoa(s), Wbose TRE UNDERSIGNED does sa &Dd Lou Assn. re-ilroldw&7 C-~ wltb tboROY. AI tbe S&me Ume a refllr Cl~ eoo.c:u ot !be c-ot P' -ICI ___ ,--1Dr tbo yt lor DOJ11e(&)l!ldad<lr8SI(es)areu bereby ,-~!bat 1>o Is 0011-0 Dl~re'-'od InN.:........ JOIIDAsbeyofSt.JamesEptsco-• " ~ plaJatii-.S&YIIIpl!ldLou c J, --• e " -··~· CbDr blslliDg JlfOIRIII Is ~ Newport Beoobwlllboldapui>Uc Aoooc! I1Qo zan E COUt Two ,..,. lor Con>!l& by BIU IDilon Perry C&rtor, 1507 ductln& &D aDio delallbolsilless Center pot eh, Newport Beach, as to elllarp llle Balt>oa PaYIIloo bouiDc OG 1111-'otROG Yeo -111~ ctel ~ !rom Yt'ard l!ld Cbrls Tbo-In H. Rope Street, PIIA:-., Cl-at Z059 Newport BIYd., Costa City 'Attor~~ey Tlllly Seymour olliclalll. r-unlll aDd buqaet t.lcUl-hm tbo declsloo ot tbo j'"'"z--~ 3D ' till lq) of tbo 5tb Jlod o., till Ulornt&; Jack M, Be-501 llesa Wider tbo nelttoos llrm saJd tbal CoaDc:ll bas 110 1ep1 RIOiARD WEBER OF ties, Wider tboDnmaaapmeol PlllooiD& Commlasloa In ci«<J· '":, -a;r ~od· iD n.o pme I lo I. Blsbop repiDect TustlDAnoue, Newport Beacb, aame of Roy's AutoDetall&Dd authority to nin use permit BAL. lilA. ISLAND DIES ot Bill caouette, wbteb wt11 J.DcreQQHttoameDdaportloaot a. ma,.... tbe IMd wttll 1 a1ape nm 1D Ca.lllorn1a; W. A. Sebm.ldt, 440 that saidftrmlscomposedottbe fees CoUDellmaDEdHlrtbmade R1ebard A. Weber M, of feature a complete •leetSoo ol Distrlet Map No.17fromuR-Z ::' S: ~ ~;o~r. tbe bottom of tbe $til u a oat street, Lacuoa Beaeb, Call· .rouow1D( persoo. whose oame a rrdioo for tbe waber'. proq,-900 s. Bay FroDt, Bal~ lslaDd, seafoods pthered trom all tbe Dlmict to u A-P Oiatrict. ._. Sbe a18o stucUed prlfllely prelude to tbe dlastrous IStb fornla. 22 lD tull &Od place of residence tiDe a questioo trom VIce-died May 21 at Hoac Hospital. oceans ol tbe workl. PJua1Dc Ameadmeot Com-;;;· J ADD M1L Sbe bas Tbe KJap bad reaebed the WITNESS our baDds this 00 are as follows, to-wit: Mayor I.Jodsley ParJJOftS about He was owoer ud presldeot Thus beciDS aaotber era tor mission No. Z57,locatedatS110 h1bltedo-tbe OOUIG1 ~ Mml-flaals wttll a 14-IDDtnc day of May, 1969. Roy E. Blakmoo, the Jep.J. rullng. Mr. Seymour of tbe Panama.Cio'8Co., mem-tbe Pa'Won, wb.leb at one tlme Seeolad Aum11, (...U.UC cor-001-m&D. aero.:,. 1D Col~ Z to 1 Ytdory o'er ~eklpe Perry Carter Z432 Bowdoin Pl., opined that a tupu•s suit ber ol AI w,.lalbb Temple, aod In Us coklr'M history tbrobbld 1111' ot Secoad Ay._ &Dd Oblo, aDd L&s Veps. Nenda.. Valley Jut Friliay. Dean Wiese Jaek M. Benton Costa Mesa. Calif. would be mostlllllltel)',batsuc-the Jooatba.n Club of los AD-to tbe blC bud dance millie oi.JumJoe A, ... ). eon.. del Sbe ls ber ot tbe Costa IIDUbed a 2-oat stacte w1tb W. A. Sebmidt WITNESS my band this Z7tll gested the poss1hUJty o1 coo-geles. He reeel'ed a 8S at f.lmous k!aders, IDelladlDc Count liar, a mem tbe buN lo&ded ID tbe bottom STATE OF CALIFORNIA J d&y of May, 1969, tribull!l( the $150 permit IH 11-sota llliiYerslty l!ld mass Bule, Benoy CoodlDIID aDd Stu Notice laberebflllrtberp.., lloa Art Leepe. of tbo 14111 tor till ill( wiD. COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss Roy E. Bia<:kmoll Inc: tbo r--Ills .•• ~.,.: ler de at II y k Unl Kelllnn. The Ba1t>oa itop,&daDce 111a1 said pabUe o.r•-will 1>o TWO OPERA noNS Job& Palmer bad -•~ ~~ On Ibis z~ d&y of May, STATE OF CALJFORNIA ) 5 e ,............... a......-UC\.1 5 cree e'W' or • ._.. _ ... _.... ... ._ •aw -to •lloca.e o., to $Z ZOO a YMr Ya'slly aDd also altelldod Ford "'"' !hat soept tbo -ns IJeld OG lllllltll dlyotJ-1919, Allee SamDor -· ·--,_ oat; tUm Wllireehl wu aot A.D. 1969, before me, tbe Uo-COUNTY OF ORANGE )ss to~ CbambU. •TberetCKIO bam UoJYerslty. -born at the old Pui.Uoo. IDd at tbe bcMir ot ?;JO p.m.ID. tbe oae bat 2 opent1oas this net OD a lrd ltrltelat;DoiiSayder derslpecl, a Notary Publle In ON THlS Z'7th day of May, Councilma.D Hirtbotreredasab-SurYi,ors are bis wtte, VIr-later made famous at tbe Reo-eo-cu Cbambera ot tba City at Ho&c Hocl'ta' Allee 1IIRIIllY llaclecl; Ru: Sllyder wu 11Yeo aad for said Couoty and state, 1969• before me, a J'llotary stltute motion tor ~ llDJ.a· 4 daug2Urs Carol Me-denous Ballroom. Hall ol tbe City of Newport la bD:1 at Forpt Hardware 1a aa latent10111l nJt. aDd then reskllne therein duly commls-Publle in and for said county $150 to tbe Chamber to PRJ for ~ ot wtseoosin, Barbara otber "memories" on tbe Beacb. Cal11:1n1a.atntebtlme Nnport, wbere sbe l.suaoc:la-0..0 wttb bis dramatic slooed aDI1 ~· persooally and state, residing therein, duly tbe fee, &Dd CotmcU ,oted 1ts Ford olHUDt1DCtODBeaeb,Sasao PaYWoa Ust iDelude the ftrst &Dd place QJ IDd aD PIHDGI ted wttb tbe sales depl.rtmeaL om-Zlld IR*f"ed Perry Carter, Jack eommlssloDed aDd sworn. per-approqJ 6 to 1, wtth COUDCII-Harvey ot Cuba, aad J11:!)' of su:r1board rldl.og ebampiOGSblp iDteruttd ID&J' IIIPMI' ud be M. Benton and W. A. Sebmidt sonaUy aweared Roy E. Black-man Paul Gruber voting "DO." Newport Beach; a W'otber, Ed-nces lD tbe Uoited states 1D beard tbereoo. knoWn to me to be tbepersol(s) moo. kDown to me tobetheper-meal Weber of Palos Verdes 1932. Tbe dn•UDC ''Tour-.. Lura IAc:loe whose name(s) are subscribed SOil whose name is subscribed to JUNIOR HIGH 0.4HCE Estates· a sister Altrude ReU meot of lJpts" eelebn.Uoo., City Clert to the witbin Iostrwnent, aDd the within Lnstrwneot, a.nd ack-IS SET FOR JUHE 13 of wu' stn· ~ 5 crud-City ot Newport Be&eb a..sbowledged to me that tbe}' DOWled,ed to me that be The City or Newport Beaeb .. 1._ scoo ' ut e~en. LEGAL NOTICE N>Jisb, 1111 29• 1969, In 1111 e:uc eel the same. eaeuted the same. Parks, beaches a.nd reereatloo Senlees were beld May z.tat --'~=====--Newport Harbor Eostp.. WITNESS my hand a.nd olnei.al WITNE~ myhandandotnelal department and the Newport Pael.Ge View' Chapel w1tb tbe NOTI CE INVI11NC BIDS "WORLD •uaiRE' IS lOPIC seal. seal Beach police departmeot an-on.rap County Masoole Boud Se.Jed propoNI• or bicla ~ (SE AL) Mary A. Haapa DOliCe tbat their eod ot SChool •ill he reeehed t.,. d:toe City Mrs. Ed1tb Statb'd, t:Jrm.- Henrietta R. Slade Notary Public iD and tor said tumor high da.Dee wiU be beld oftletall.Dg. Coaocil of Newport Buch, member of the Los Aaples Notary Public in and tor County aDd state, from 7 to 10 p.m. Jlme 1S at L Califo,.la. al or be&ore die sebool tlou'd, w111 speak OG Said County and state. My Commission expires Dee. the Newport Hal"borHletlSebool MAn DA PARKER DIES =;. ~~~::0 !-:'~oc~ c!:-~:8 ''Tbe coml.ae world eqdre" My Commlssioo EJ1111res 13, 1971 , girls' gym. Matilda Jaae Puller, 12, ol llt.e ,.hllctdoa •d priad•s of at tbe meeU.nc ot tbe Harbol' April ZS, 1973. Publish: May 29, June 5, 12, The theme is "summer",Ud 2888 Bayabore OrtYe, Bay all lepl aodcee, or od:toer Forum at 10 Lm. Wet rhJ, Publish: May Z9, Juoe 5, 12, 19, 1969, In theNewportHa:rbor tbe program wtll teatureholid Shores, died May Z7 at Yose-•aledal, req.ired 10 be,..._ J'1D1 t, a1: 111 VlaJ-=ar,IJdD 19, 1969, In the Newport Harbor Ensign.. hours of music. mlte. Sbe 11 sarrlfed bf btr li.llled i• • •-•per of sea-Isle. Tbla q tbl aaal t.~.- Enstgn. bustud, A. L. ParUr UMt & eral dmtledoa paltli.llled •d D8U meetUtc ot tbl Fonm.. p;;;:;;;.. ___________________ .... -~ ........... ., dtnptc, LoreDI Broetmao dmtlat.ed l• droe Cll. of Me- LEARN TO SWIM --642-9990 "'=.:~!!ie. . ..w"' :~.~·l::.::il~t"' ... J~'!"~~~EII'"nlrl•l beld 1 p.m. todQ, 11aJ Z9, &t Oty Oeft: ud _,_, Pacllle VIew Mem«lal Park, Oty of Newpon Be~la nlldeKe'oij~;;i~dj!NI AT YOUR ORANGE COAST Y.MsC,A, JOVEY GIFT SHOP GIFTS FOR ALL OCCASIONS l60l AVON ST .• M EWPO RT lEACH Ul-2715 IOOer tbe dlr~ of BaJb P•bliab: M., 29, 1969, Sud 0.., &arbor VIew~-.. '===========ssEEiRiiViiii~NGiGCONiNiLLiYrnTH;;;;;I~T ·;;-~ and""'~~ QJ~i!ISINEiiNE-=======~ CUSTOM WOOD CARVED SIGNS Enjoy the warmth and informal elegance while dining amid open fireplaces and strolling troubadours • Under the personal direction of·Aiejandro (Alex) Maytorena (fo,....,ly 26 Y1t0ro with Perino's! and lllaiiW of laguna 8eact. (Formerly Chef's Inn) OPEN SEVEN DAYS..,. -COCXTAILS LUMOt-SIIVID DAILY IIICIPT SA1URDAT DINING 4:00P.M. TO MIDNIGHT ' CXXXTAILS 'TIL 2 a.m. 3201 EAST COAST HIGHWAY -M.U ~'U PAIUIG THE . TRIO FOR ReSERVATIONS CALL 675 Ot70 Trustees are honored Tbt womea's committee of tl!o Coota rr-c.._ ot Commvee ..,..ed ICbool boU'd members Elilabetb Ully ud-laDBu-ar alii!!Cb- eoa c. Friday, lla.y U, a.t tbe Colla Mea GoU ud Couotry Cl..,, Dr. HUdl W:eCUtDey, prest. deal, presided ..., Dr. --LooPs,----ot tl!o 17..,..-t-Mea QIUFed School Dlstr5c7, pre-ed I5Je awards. Dr. McCartaty 1Dtrodueed c-ee StuuF, ar11s1 ...r seu)p(or, Wbo related tbe l!FIIorJ ot I5Je anereot CbFDeM dyJJul7ea don ~ b11- tory lo I5Je pre-day. Ho diJplayed IIIII'I'FI!H wb5eb be bimselt seq,tured aDI1 eos.. baed 1A altbeatle flbrica ud preelool and •m1.preclou jon Is. Hoeteues for tbe l'D:beoo were Kmea.RoaaldHardJ,NeaJ Mart1a, Jacll: Rtl.oert, Nlcbolas z._. ud !Jo)lurl Tool!. III~HEST "'"iNTERE~T ()fi/N!URE'f ~Ar!ff/6$, INTEREST DAY ·II to DAY ·OUT NO BANK CAN MATCH m NO SAYIIIGS all LOAN ASSOCIATII CAN BEAT m ASSETS O VER t425,000,000.00 • MUTUAL SAVINGS ANC LO A N A•eOC:IATION CORONA DEL MAR 2867 East eo.st Hiehfty. eoron. Del Mlr, Calit 92625 tMphone: 67S.5010 --ll5 (, Cc*ndo lft,d, ,.,......, c.lif. 91109 ......... :44f,Z345 1702 ---.,.,.,. __ -- sip"rt ![l~t. ~ ..... , ... -.... .. ... "--eu 6=f11ee J, Cella.._ ... ~e-m­ -c. Dorio"'-14-..... ...., ...... ol .. &.opaiOIIIAa!'hrJIDIINIIB .. llro ...,...,_ "' ...... 01 .... (AIM). HER AWAR D lD ber buds, Mrs. El1u.batb L1lly smlles at tbe •IIIDIIDI'"emeat lbe llu bteD aamed ''boss of tbe year" at tbe 5tburmalboua1ptoftbeNewport cbapt•, American Alief,.., Womn's Aaa.., beld Yayl1 a.ttbeNewporter Inn. Wltb ber Ia HJift W:JDitl, of RlcbU'd's LJdo Market, wbo nall!Did boa of tbe JllliD1917.Mrs. UllJ wu selected beeau. of bel' wor-11: oo tbe Newport-Mesa lhlitled School District boord ot Trutoea. • • IN MEMORY of Diane Guert1D of CorOIII. del Mar, wbo wu lost at sea last year, a joorD&Usm ecbolarlbtpwu awarded May Zl by tbe Amertcu Ba•atne,. Womea'1 Aaoc:la.UoD to Susan Delver, toregroOoo of tbe pletlll'e, SUU is tditor of Corooa del Mar HiP, Scbool paper. SbowD wttb her are z Oilier schoFarshlp -.. Weod)' O.eo, 17..,..-t Harbor HlP. Schoo~ studFng ar left, ..., Roll7JI B5aelll>oro ot Oranp Cout CoUep. In stallation slated Mrs. Ra)pb Berke of 1n1De Robert Lucu, recordi.Dc see- Terrace 1rll.l be J.nsta.Ued u retuy; Mrs. l.orlDc Dy.r, cor- presldeDt of tbe Cinderella respnocttac .cretu')', l.lldMra. Guild of CbUdreo's Hospital o1 Norman Dahl. Pullameatarilll. Orup Cowty at a DOOD New ~ to be wel- bmebeon June 4.. The meetiDg eomed are Mm.es. WUUam trW be beld Ln the Dover Shores JloofV'. Jam• Sridcea. Hlllfl bome of Mrs. Sam Gurley Jr., Bowe, Doald GaPifJJoa, ao- tbe oewly ek!cted 2nd Yice pre. Scbuk, Dudley HolM. DeaD lie. lideat. caaa. Carl NeJ.uer, Rlcbard otber omcers to be lusta lied RobiDsoo aDd JobD SJcru.t. tDclude Mrs. Joseph Ryan, nrst nce..presldeDF; llrs. Howard LOCAL STUDEN TS ON C1111117ngtlam, treasurer; Yrs. DEAN'S HDHDR LIST Tbe deao'a: wtJUr quarter IILD4 lolcCARlMEY booo< 11s7 for-ol t7>o HEADS TOWN-GOWN UC F School ot Pbyalca5 Dr. H11da McCartney, co-Sciences, iDcludel tbtlllJowiDc or<l1Mtor otlnstructloDal media from tbe Newport Harbor Area:. lot tbe Newport.Mesa UDitled Joba Mact, 15078epi&A~e .. School District, ns elected Corooa delllar;A.UtoGtme.oa, presideat of UCI Ton aDd Gown 4'707 Seubore Dr., West New. tor 1969.70 at lbe annual mem. port; Cutrord Smttll. lSOO Ara- bershlp meet7nt. ua st.., ...r sr..eo wour, Z900 other oew otllcers are Yrs. Aha VIsta Dr., East Bloft. Patrfct Healey, 1st "lee pre. Cbar1es Lester, 8oJ: 4161; sident; Mrs. Charles Grl.tft.tll, William Neeiaas. 1111 Veruo 2Dd rice president; Mrs. Nell PL; James steoe, 131 Yen.~~» Bershad, 3rd vtce president; Pl., ud WlllJam Urooe, 17891 Mrs. Jobo Coonolly, reeordlnc Glllm.ua. lrYlDe. L • I I M H h secretary; Mrs. Lyman Porter, Stenn Bl}"woo. 1Z9S au. ell lion e_ ec s c ug cone-ng SOCl'elarJ; ud St.; Fl5cbul GnysFoo, 2A6 E. ~ Mrs. RJcblrd Krtdel. tr•.., wu..oa, 1111 Williul tr*' !:::t:!Ji"-i ol tiir' Omc.ra k••· Wok ~ l!FIIorlu; surer. 13011...\ Ballor St., Coota-. ...,.. • .-. _M 17n ,....boos oliF!oodYiaor7 --:--------IFlo Newport IFirbor Amorl-ud Arthur Pytrom, -·--board are IFmn Fl7ct> PFumb Lopoa Pool 191 Islet for al-ums. B7&1De Klmlor Is l!Je 71,..11 Sodeo, ""'·1..,., s.m..i !.o-!FO.!:.!:R'-.S~A~IL.:.!E~---- 7 a.t tbe Amertcao l..e&iOA retirinc Comow:wSer • Oderman, Robert Combs ud FOR SALE. 1955 T -BIRD, col· IJ:Ista!Uq ofllcers will be Richard Juberc. Mrs. EdWard lector'altem,$1,100. 1'apCOG- TFio olll-s, •-Ploy If, !rom tl!o Z97l! Oranp County stelnl!aus 1Ju acc.,.ed l!Je ~.., palJI5 job,noyltop. Jolla MeHqb,coannuder; Diatrlet Ritlalteun. Dtmer aDd oewly created positloo ot b1s-OWDe:r, &41-9!19. B. (BFII) rr....,, ant nco-daDcFAr will Jo77Dw. lortan. Cblrlea w.,_., Clarles Srd • com. The Commander, 8tatf and member• f1 Newport Harbor Po.t No. 2111 of the American Legtoe cordially tnvlte you, and your veteran's family and friends to Its TENTH ANNUAL MEMORIAL DAY PROGRAM AT PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PARK 35 00 Pactflc View Drive Corona del Mar FRIDAY, the 30th of MAY, 1969 10:00 A.M. 67 J .7 7JJ L..nd.oo. • Dinner e CoUI•ik ..... ......... ,. ........... bl l ll&l ......... :..•,;,.. =..::.:.. ....... ,..,_ I?! 1)1' I .. ---.,..u.c. .... m .... • ...,_••$1 ...... Cit ~.::-' Sl • .U; Fe.tu;rin,: ....... witel rT W'@4 lhnl SaL ....., .. --.. . ...... ._ ... _ ---........ ,,.. ~ .... • rr , r •• .,q ,, • - -; 8!011, odju- ·-~­aCileer; Harold Retetmer, chlp- ED JACKUH HEAD$ SHORE Q.IFFS oUSil DAVIS. Hn otlleers ol Sbore Cllfts Property OlrMrs ..-5a77oo WKI .__, a.t tbl UDUll IDle· IIDc beFd 7lo7 Zl. Tbe alalo7Deb!deaEdl&el1771!, pr..rdeol; WIUFam Dootooo, .,.,.-i!<_; llrs. lolu! Kli- Jifer, 81Cl'8tuy; and Mrs. Ed Jaekl1D, tr ... er. Bo&rd members are Hus ~-,-.... lolu! IUllelar, Immediate put pre. lldeot. Mr. Dootooo wl77 a7oo be 7D elarp ol -ud lf'I'DIJI; ..., rrr--:-KIIW• wl77 ""' u uat.oo omc.r w1tb otber eommuatt:J UIDCIItiool. TO T SWALLOWS TAO: T1lo best N..,.., BMe7> !Fro- moo eoa7d do Ploy ZZ, lo bel;> llrs. JW Cary, '101 Bollolro;Jo An., Corooa del War, was to ron bor to taU bor -. zu. Cary, 4-1/!, .. -bor lunl)y pFIJalelan. ZUo bid-a loell. SHADE PLAIIT SHOW T7lo 1557J ~ -Ull abide pl&Dt lbow, p,.mrd bJ tFlo C&Ufor!!F& IFo-1 FoeUI& SOeloly, wl77 be beFd ~-­al lbo ~ ~ Fair ~ ,. Coota .... lo lbo .,._ ...... ... • TAlK CAll. ••• TH E "G 1FT -PERFECT " --• [Kl(IDLJO Minikin ® Personal TV Here is tbe 1alest OQ..UM.mon perSODIJ por1able TV In RCA's t&IDOIII MJntttn sarles. TbelZ"dia&Oal screeo, just ri&IJI for ,....,... •1..,... Is clesigood lJJlo a co_.t, Uct>twol&bl. truel-reody co- wltb carrylor bU1dlo mo-lJJlo lbe cabiDel top. YIM PRICED AT $88 88 Portable Buy Model AL -1l54 12" d .. gonal, 74 equare-lnch picture • ilent Auction June 4 THE LUXURIOUS IIEW IALI. THEATRE M()Mf Of toe ... CMAa l.o.n I "" usr wtoA ILYD. \ '\[.IAUOA "IIIIIIISUlA• 5n-4141l/ o HOW SHOWIHC-.I.T RECUL.I.R PRICES o o 2 PERFORM.I.HCES HICHTLY -7,00 & 9,35 o first time at popular prices.· Direct from its reserved-seat engagement. A--Sch-1z~IIIR JAMa-UU·ID•PF.C' JDIIfAIM!I· .... MDDIJ& P.&ftiCI[ II&DIII I En. Show ~tarU I :U COld. S.n. Frern Z P.M. TWO GREAT SHOWS TOGETHER STYLES FROM MEXICO Balboa Yacht Club's ladies lwacheon and lash1oo show oo Thursday, JUDe 12, will feature fashioos from Mexico beg1nning w1tb 11 :30 soelal OOuraod12:15 ltmeheon. Mrs. Almon Locltabey, lunch- eon chairman, says that Balboa Yacht Club's onmodelswlllbe Mmes. Michael Hirsh, Jay Lin- derman, Wllllam Bolaad, Gtorp Sctunldt &Dd Leoaard Soall>. Groollnc CUOsU WIU be tbe wins ol Commodores Dan Smiley, lloa FraDkUD, and Ed- will stttG Jr. REDL.I.HOS DESSERT llr. and llrs. Beo Sell>lt, 50i Acacia An,, Coroaa del Mar, were •IDODC lbepueatsol Ulllmlity ol Redluds- wlll met wt.tb ll:d.Yerlii:J repre. ltatatJ.YH receaUJ at a dessert llollod b)' 11r. and lira. Georce Sc:-or olSaiD ADa. BOAT OIS.I.IL ED Ll&lll -pormltlod tbo ·-.. b)' Ulqaorda ot .. 18---dllloldrlllod-• II fill st., li'HI Mnport II U:*S Lm. 11&1 Q, llaYidl'llllo Old lim !tell) oll7111r.- Blfd., W ..t Jifftpal1, aid t1M1r ooiloowuol·--1-1/l ........ -.. BA.L1Z MOI.1VAJUES 1741.--AYL CIIITA III8A .... .,.~Jqf .. L CDM1' IIIWAY Cfti!IA.I& MAll Olllelo , .. ,. ~..u CHUCK IIOftTOOMERY, rlpt, 1830 Amb Laue, Harbor H1Pl•DM, aeccQ tbe wlADer's tropb.J trom Forest Smltb Jr., prelldlot ol In1De Cout Couatry Club, after sc::or1JtC a cia& trtllq)b 1D tbe 15th uual presldeat's c~ toarua. meat at ICCC. Mr. Mootaomery del8lted BW McCabe left, ol A•helm oae 11J 1a tbe .ft.Dala match tor tbe Tbomu W. HeDdera)Dperpetualtropby.Some132memberseoq»eted 1D tbe moatb IDDc match...play touroey UDder tbe directioq. ot touroameat cbalrmu Bill Scbaswoer of Balboa Islud. (Rich -pllolo.) WHERE'S THE FIRE ? ' .GO ON A KOOK'S TOUR WITH JERRY IIWIS A-FUNCIS PlliR IAWFOID Ill --·-....... ,. .... DELIGHTFUL INTIMATE DINING SOON IN CORONA DEL MAR ~IIJJEJ) 's; Mnnrfw •foJ)QifM<fl U DON'T SIU YOUR CAll Ulft' you have it reconditioned. Your car will Mil aooner ond bring top dollar if you hove it waxed & polished, interior •hampootld & renewed artd the~ motor cl.aned &. painted for only $35.00 COMPtiTL Afhtr this bttouty tNatment some of our cuaom.. hove dedcled their car took .. -too good to Mil. R8 PICKUP AND ~ UVBY. Coli M2-ol691 for an oppoinhuent. 2059 Howpon 1"-1.. c.. -~~=~ 100" Financing Available AI so Wt Carry Our Own Contracts NEWPORTER MOTORS 203b Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa o CARS FOR S.I.LE VINTAGE CAR, HeDtJ J. '5S, noe owoer, clean. Eu:elleal eoodltloo. P-morDIDp ..- lt'eaiDp, 818-4178. COM DUPLEX ON 40FT. LOT Tllree bloeu to oc... BIYd. oo tree-lllled. cleadelld ""' ... Two Zws.droom lhdlo apartments wtt.b ftreplaces, ...W:. pcii'Cb &Dd larp rear plaJ yard tor ctllldren. E~Ulleat coadltloo. Call for tppOiMmeot to see. $54,500 2 Adjoining R-1 Lots UD Pe)J Coroaa del Mar street, large trees and short 'ftlll to 0coaD BIYd. Bldld. &-story aad ba,espeetacular bay fiewdownmain c.buoel-plus pa.aonmic ocean Ylew, too. Tbere 1a an older bOUse oo lbe property that can be summer rented at $175 per weeltl CHESHIRE REAL EST ATE 673-25)3 AIIYTIME GI.. .. NO DOWN FHA ... Small Down • 3 BEDROOioiS • FIREPLACE o BIG BACKYARD o TREE-SHADED PATIO s21 1714 ORAIIGE AVE., COSTA MESA, Soll-3209 Ca't Mil It'!. > • Tndo It'! .... l'u~.A<'• " iNolll I -JO !']tA,Cift • •l l •. ·1HI: IIOYLI 00., -- ..--.~~­ . 64MG2 -~ 1730 W. HI_, .... FINEST OCEAN FRONT LOCATIO OM PENINSULA POINT On Peoinsula Point at mocb less thaD you would expect. 3 Bedrooms, z Baths. Cozy fireplace. Useful polio. Ocean only 20 stops any. Squoety cleao _ $46,500-You'll lore W $46,500 Just Listed--Newport ISLE R-2 Zooe -G8rqe stressed I Two bedroom, cuter •a a Due to build more 1Dcome -2 won't last at $41,500. Kate Bedrooms -$41,500 TUes 1L llli>Olmment ..,.. - CALL ANY11ME 675-4000 TAKE YOUR P1ae ..... $11,500 Dill" A l T Y CALL ANY liME 675 •ooo .... ......... Oif.'CH --. ,_ - NEIIPORT HARBoJ! ENSIQI "THIIRSOAY, MAY 21,;1918 RRtT SEC11011 --P•.!..7 ____ 00~ l«lNA DEl MAR, CAUF. •• ,.. l•dl •••• . - ~Ji\~ ONLY ONE LEFT COSTA MESA --AT 403 16TH PLACE • 3 Bedrooms • Family Room • Carpeted • Landscaped Yard • Fenced -Front and Back ° Fabulous Kitchen • Heavy Shake Roof $32,500 10% Down -Balance 1st TD 7 1/2% LIDO ISLE $79,500 Reasonable, Low Down Payment 4 BEDROOMS-3-1/2 BATHS Located on 55 ft. lot just a short distance h ·om Lido Isle Clubhouse and tellllls courts. • Large·famlly room • • Built-In electric kitchen . • Spacious llvlngroom looks out onto beautltul patio • • Ideal tor entertaining. Fee Simple Remember -the property on Lido Isle Is not leasehold. p. a. palmer Incorporated 111 DMlCIBIS IJ 1.110 SKI 1935 JfTI 'fie Ll• Ollolo U. .. cut._._,_ .. L.A.-... IIASIIU I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • Sales through the Multiple Listing Service ot the Newport Harbor-Costa Mesa Board ot Realtors totaled $20,5 million for the t!rst four months of 1969. This represenls 534 unit sales and a dollar value Inc r ease of 25% over the same period of last year. List your property with a Realtor today. • ••• hlaiMI c.. .. l.iMW. -----~~ FINER HOMES LINDA ISLE WATIRFRONT Incomp arable new ucluaJve 5 bedroom 4 batb, family room home, on Newport Har- bor's most unuaual illand. Self-cle•nlng ovens. electric garage door opener. pier ll slip lor large boaL ti~.OOO. Choice ol 3 magnificent exclusively lilted bay(ront homes on this beautilul island. OPEN HOUSE SAT. & SUN., 101 LINDA ISLE DR. WESTCLIFF Charmin,;: 4 bedroom home. excellent" noor plan. sunken living room, extra large fr!JSter suite, 600 sq. rt. rovcred patio. removable fen(:e separates pool & home. 174.000. OPEN HOUSE SAT. & SUN ., 1332 SANTI· AGO DR. BAYCREST Large 3 bedroom home wilh fm-tnal dining room. large li ving room. wa1nut paneled den, elegant master bed room with. fireplace. & walk-in rlosets. Beamed celings. Asking $69,500. Call Cor app't. DOVER SHORES BA YFRONT f"harming 5 bedroom home w1th arge livint:: room. formal dinin:: room. enormous mas·. ter bf-droom; sunny breakfast room wit h v1ew: handsome exterior. Asking $12:>.000. Call lo sec. CORONA HIGHLANDS lllgh on a 11111, spectacular ~80' CX"Can "View !rom all major rooms of spac10us 4 hcdroom, :1 1 :.! bath. family room. custom built homl'; modern kitchen. $68,000. Call for app't. CUSTOM HOME Beauliful Ba\'crest 4 bedroom horne v.1th familv room & formal d imn~ room. ~arp,e mho ter s1iitc with redar li ned closets; open beam rciling~: landscapl'd for easy mainte!'lance. Swimming pool. Separate yard for children, away from pool area. $98,500. Call for app't. john macnab REALTY COMPANY 901 Ooftr Dr., Suite 120 6<12-1235 MOVING UP! As you approach this gra.cef'lll ln1De Ternce bome, you sense tbe "c.owUy.club" feel, but ooce you step l.ns1de ,... will be Impressed -toe nll-i>laDDed • -...... s bath relaxing atmospbere. Tbl ll'f1Dg room ls truce tu. coo- veniently linked by dellghttul Souje screens to tbe spacious dini.Dg area. Tbe all-electric kttcben wltb Its oew double oveos ls so llaOOy to the pool.sfde ll.m1ly room. All of tbe Uving area plus master bedroom suite o.erloot tbe ~kllng beated and ft.ltered pool, whlcb 1s co-q~Umeoted by a troptca.l garden. This Is a real value at $75,0001 CAU. FOR APPOINTMENT lay& Inc. 24017 L COAR lll'tiY. C DM CORBIN- MARTIN UA£7'01111 NO JET PATTERN BeautUul Back Bay Area Home • Room tor tellllis court. • Beautltul Anthony pool. • Three tile baths. • 60 x 300 lot. 2,600 sq. ft. ot home. • house constructed so that upstairs could be separate apartment. This Is a BIG home on Big lot tor BIG people! $54,900 F.P. OPEN DAILY I to 5 431 E. 20th St., Costa Mesa CORBIN-MARTIN, Inc. 303~ E. Coast Hwy . 675-1662 Corona del Mar, Cal!t. NEWPORT TOWERS Landmark ot the Newport Skyllne 8 stories of breath-taking bay and ocean viewing from luxurious 2 bed- room, 2 bath, all electric apartments. 2 high speed elevators, subterranean and top deck parking, therapeutic 1'-o-P'-.al><l bOat ck>Ckj. Open House SAT. & SUN. l-5p.m. 620 Jasmine Ave., COM Lovely Z bedroom, c-cioas deD-Utnry, fireplace, Z baths plus a sepuate bouseb'lDcome OD 2 R-! kits. Owner will flD&Dce. I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 1 ~~~~~~::;~~~~·········iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil i BARRm Open House SUNDAY l-5P.M. 3401 OCEAN BLVD.,CDM VIEW -VIEW -VIEW realty 642-5200 J : ----._-- • Realtors Rdielc Scwicc Siltcc l!Wl c§JNNOUNCIN{j ... NEW Prestige Homes in DOVER SHORES Ivan W~l ls 6: Sons proudly invites you to M!e their ncwnt "fcnver-vn .. home desips. the Bayc:rest 400 Series. 1'hete ~lqant \liew homes and DOVER SHORES with Its private beeches. hoe. tine: fltcilities. and playgrou nds, are for individuals who r~ 111bow the ordinary and can affonl the best for tMm.wlws and thetr families. S.. tho 400 Series ... rbt ,......, tho onlino<yl laytrf.&t $80.000to S190.000 Modo& at 1430 Gowrie J::ltiw..N•wporl 8eod\. Pllo ... 646· ISSO 1-io< Daiau"" F .... AI ... ., ••11 ' It It It It It It It It It It It It It It It It It It It It It It It It It It It THE JIME TO REMEMBER MAY 30 Memorial Day will bring sad memories to a great many people who lost their loved ones in battle, Many more will lose their lives during this 3-day holiday on our crowded freeways with speeding cars. Make sure your chance of survival is insured by a hospital close by in case of an emergency-a hospital that is ready to give not just adequate, but excellent, first class care in time of accident or when illness or the need for surgery comes to you and your family. Hoag Memorial Hospital is our local community hospital that has been giving us splendid medical care since it was built in 1952. We need to make sure that our hospital con- tinues to have room not only for emergencies, but day-to- day care PLUS the best avallable equipment that has been invented to help save lives and relieve suffering. You have recently read of the REACH YEARS program fo:- Hoag Hospital. You may have received a letter telling about it. REACH for it agaln and read it and think about it. Then do something for yourself and your immediate family. Get your community behind this project now I Go up and see for yourself what the hospital conditions are. They are crowded! Your doctor may tell you it will be a month before you can be operated on unless it is urgent. The need is now. So REACH into your pocket at this time of emergency for your hospital .•• to be sure that they will be ready when you have an emergency. And REACH a little deeper than your snare, so that the facilities will be adequate for that family down the street that doesn't have the means to help this project along. You will be proud to have helped them to the best possible care. REACH to build a bigger, better hospital. Now Is the time. The Time to REACH *****************************' The Southland's Finest HIIIIIIE • IIPOIT PIIITI • IIILL • RPPLID· 2201 A ·Frlellcly To Sllop -Open Sunclays -,... 01 Featuring Nationally · Bralldt 01 Jfen:laandiae .4t Fair PrVel ' , I , • • • • • • • ... ... • ... ... • ... ... • • • ... • ... ... ... ... ... • ... ... .. .. .. .. .. ... ... ... .. .. ... ... .. ... • .. .. .. .. NEWPORT lEACH IOo insta s today omo.o Ud doolniUwtllbt eboll, ft.lo arlo; llro. s.--Dod bJ lllo 1-lbtll ol llonr, )'001111; llro. L*ol Da- lfnport Beaclletlbtll:JOa..m. SUta, ~j M:ra. .... Prt ... --....aoc -· lloJ 101, booro;llro.llolto..._ 19, U Berbltlrt'trtlt:aardi.D DIW'IIetttt; Mra. AileD GoodJ, ~~~ Boocb. pullmo-lu; lira. llltllul Mu. Wur• Fb, Wbo wt11 HellD. procr&m; Mn. J&J bt -IJod u ... -. 1u -loy, ~lao; lira. Jact •**M a t1JuJ1 utrcaat~c:al Gr1Dtbofer, laDcbeoD; lira. Do.. tbMM fortbeeom.lac,..r, ''It' I ll.ld Peckbt.m, reltl"ftttou; a small world after all." Mn. lin. JamnCUIJ,IOclal; lin . FU 11118 tb&t u.. womu o1 Edward Whltehc liM, ways am J.-Ebell ..-to lm~e meu~ c:o-cllalrmaA. their owu "•maD world" ot the Mu. RafiDOIMI Wood will commlllllty, ud ot Amerlcaud Mn't u coordlJiator wttb tbt 1bt -ld. Ebtll Club, wUh lira. Cl&ytoo - LT. DALE P. TOWKSEJfD, IOD Special CUUU '1ri11 be Mrs. Tboml*Q U uaoelate coor. THIS HmTORIC Ptm'O of tbe Newport Beacb llre depart~ ot llr. aod llro,Jla\>bH. T..,._ Tony Tbomu, llleomlof d!Dal«, meat wu 1akeo Ill 19S9 oo VIa Udo, ,... below Newport oood, 1m Eooe> taoe, West-Orall(llllatrlctpruldllll·lln 5ERGI!AMT PROIIOTED Bbd. (Ill ~-•--'.) Tho Udo Sllooo oow oec•~• the cu.a, hu beea awarded U. S. ' • ._......,._ --~ Air Force s:UYer pnot winp Art Kon, state tiDe &rtlchaJr. EriC: V, Bosler, lOll ol lln. Y&CIIIt area oa tbe rllbt. Pictured here witb the 5 nhicles 30 years of chasing fires lAve. This btoaebt additlODa.l ,_ -.tsUoo at Mooc!J AFB D11D, IDd Mrs, Fra.Dk HIIJbea, Vayle bier, 1951Po-ot tbt 1939 ftre ftpttng Ioree are, from left., Chief Fnllk ,...... ..--..,; tutaJJtrac ofllcer. moaa St Colta Mea bubHD Crocker, oow retired; Bill Smith (in rear); Jan Brl.aeoe, tbe Ga. He na; commtuiODid Mrl Rocv Sber~ wUl be --... ~ to Jtatr aer,;...I.D tbe --~ ftre cJlJ-' lbndl .... out to Mr. Crocker,· unideotitled 1968 ..,.. cradoatlon from ol-• ... ~ ~~ -. -tleer t:ra1n1ni sebool at La.ek-1Dstalled u 1st 'tee..prealdeot; u.s. Air Foree. Hetaaweapou ftremu ta tbe rear; GeDe swanson; Herbert Tbompsoo,now 1a.nd AFB TeJU He 1s a If&· llln. E~i~tDe Koftcb, 2nd 'lee-meebaDie at Dyesa:AFB, Tuu, w1tb tbe ,eosra1 een1cea departme!X; Walter Hooeycmt; d .. te of N(!flpOrt. Harbor HlP prutdeat; ud Mrs. Hart-ualped to a Wllt ottbestra.-CUl Wooclma-ne,later eJty eleetrtcJan, now deceased; Jim School, reeelYed. bls A.A. low Rlebarct.oa. Srd Yiee..pre-tepe A1l'Commud.Helsa1064 Frost. DOW wttb tbe water department; Perc Pellett, Bud degree from Orange CoutCot .. lideot. New eommlttee cbalr-p-adlate ot Campbell (Calli.) Brtscoe, BtU Noller, Ralpb Randel, Ed Zube, Honrd 1 and hlB B.A. decree 1D men are Mrs. Fraat Hugbes, Hleb Scbool udatteaded()ru.p Roberds, t..arrJ I.Avertng and Keanetb JoMson. =~~!f~~~ ~;n_~U:.ol& =~;.: ::: .~~~ ;;eoo::::•~eo:;:::u.:ra;;.· ~,~~.~~~~~~i~~~~~~:~~)~,~~~:-:,:~~":"-A'::"-::I:-:1=(~1=:---- fiNAL 3 DAYS II EWrGIT HAIIOI ron 110. 191, .Willi CAll L EGIOII • I"HOIII 67l-l070 ' a, £11-at Wood beoe:ftt to tbe fire departmeot 1'l1lltJ' yean of flpttng awl as Bill persuaded ber brotber UrtesUptln&: tires ban passed to eome to work with him, and q&detly for Fire Marshal BiU tbal'S boW Newport Beach WOD Noller, W'bo last mootb wu the services of Depm:y Chief H. awarded a. wateh bf tbe City of L. Lon. lD l!KB the Nollers NQIU1 Beaeb 1D p-atllude for built a bome on El Modeoa Ave. bit y-.ra of MrYiee. to Newport Helgbts. BW and 8Ul wu DOI'D to 8&lboa wben B<Mty han a aon, Dennis, 21, sud Yerbtai. ud beach prim-&Pd a daughter, Karen, 16. roses eoYtred tbe Yaca.at lots. Tbe fire department oow has Tbe. bome wbere be was born a staff o1 71. BtU is in charge stood •be:re Ida Bl'lnbnaa later of the ftre prevention bureau built beraelt a restaurant. AD ud is tD charge of tire in- old-timer could tell you -.mere festiption. that is. A Dewcomer mlebl lla:low' "EYery tire leaves a pat- Frlday, May JO,aUO:OOa.m. •W atteod tbJ$ eeremoay. The • INSTALLATIONS. the bu1ld1Jlg as a teq)Orary tern," be said. He backs that CHAIR SALE Memorial Day ten'lces pst of booor W'tll be Stmoo lnstallaUoo of oewly elected nann r.or a Frencb restaurant, .., 'WUb the seminars he nasat- Paelfte VttwMemorlalPuk. Koovtser. 50-year member of oftleers lor tbe year 1969-70 now weartDc a bded •·tor sa~e•• tended on tlre investiptlon Gt.aeral QuUter. LSMC, lrlll Parts Post No.1. of Post 291 and Post 291 AUJ11-siCD l.a. its luppeUedwiDck:JW'. siDce 1954, a.t tbe University tbe fe&ured ~PUDr . Mrs. Tbe monumtllt tt.elt 1s a lary wW take place Saturday, at 511 w. Balboa BlTd., Blllboa. of California at Davls and Blaclnrell, Soutbern Call-atmple pedesbl aftl.1:r of slab June 7. l.nstall.atloD will be pre-H1s famUy mated to Ri-UCLA. .. 1 ;::~pr~n1deol oltbeGoldStu muble. The tl'oale plaque was ceded by dinner at 7 p.m. -Yerside a.od thea to Hamiltoo The worst flres be can re-11 w11l be cuulofboaor. doDe by Post member Mel $2.50. The IDsf.all.at!oo cere-Field wbea 1t wuftrsttldlt. But bember in th.ts a.rea were the Fir• lllar.hol Bill Mel l•r Klnpmen Drum aDd Bucle Noack. Tbe moownent will be montes wtll belln at8p,m. Fol-8W c&me t..ek W'beA be ns 16 CUta.ways, Reodeuou.s and ALSO YOUR CHOICI Of 9 STYL IS. IMCLUDIIIG IWIVIL CHAIR$. LOUIIGI CHAIU AIID IWIVEL ROCKER$. S9900 H.J.GAI{R.EJT fURNr]URE profeuioMI ilt•ior cl•lit~an 2215 HARJOR ll vo. COSTA loiESA ···02~· o.--.-.,.,- II"" .. ' wt11 prooride musle ud UcMed by an eterrtal name lowing there will bt daoclng years old awl weat to work for Lido Drug. are need. Tbey tan bMD rued pards. other pe.trkKic that Qmbollzes a lepoDDatre's trom 9:30.Reserntionsarere-McNally's Boat Rentals. "Anon llres Dever stop,"lle all over the United Statu &ad ciYtc orpaluUoos will dedteatioo To God IDd eountry, quested; phone SylYla at Rt.pt across tbe street wu satd. "ln fact rtgbt DOW, 3 have held 3 •tioaal e~lon- l~>~riclj>olle, aDd. kte&l ctero-Sentce to the community, the 673-5070. the BlliDa ft.re stattoa., at 703 eases are coo~ tlla.t could sllips. men prayers. state aDd tbe Nation. • • • E. BI.J An. It was mostly a turn ol.ll to be arson." 8111 1s DOC look1DC ionud Later at 1:30 p.m. at the A W"Ord from CommaDder • LEGION YACHT CLUB. YOluoteer ftre departmem. and He ca.n r emember a step of to retirement aad l.s Clad be Post Z91 American IAdOO Hall, BW. ALL HANJ:l; • • • BE Tbe Dana Poi.Pt Harbor Bill joined tt 1D 1938. He was a ftres set on tbe Balboll Point bU quite a few-yeus to F 215 15tb St., Ceatra.l Nnport, AT BOTH CEREMONIES ME-Cruise and Raft.J.n was a &felt ·•s)eeper''-wblcb muas tbat arouod 1948 and 1953.0oe nlght before compulsory retiremeat. tbere ..Ul be a. dedteatloD oltbe MORtAL DA Yl suecess. SeveD club boats made he sliP there at DiJU., on c:a.U. lD 1948, tlremen atld ct•lUa.ns ''Tbe "' the ctty ls crowta&. Post Hall itself m1 a monu-Be at Paelflc View •eartnc tbe voya.p awl rafted tocetber Tills wu ecooom.lcaJ ud, 1D enn pattoUed the streets and it's a cballence to keep ._, W"ltb meot. Tbe buUdi.Dr wtll be de-your eap &Dd pay lr)mace to before sunset. Soon after sunset additioo. be wu paid for each alleys oo the Point W'bere ftres new ideas," he said. dicated u a Veterans Memorial tbose •bo baYe lODe on before. an eighth boat jOined the com-rtre calL IW1 been set. Bu1JdiDC. aDd lbemooumeDtwW Be a.t the Hall to tlelp com-pa.ny. lD 1939, BW started drtYi.ng lD the old days, BtU worked be to commemorate tbe Sotb memorate tbe 50th &DOinrsary Dana PoJ.ol: Is a dream barbor tbe troc.t as a part time Digb:t .U.b Qts, aDd tire fiebl1l1g was IAIIJYtrAI'Y yearoltbrtfbuDdl.ng Nnport Harbor style. The ideally loeated 1n sbeltered empk)yee. He stUl worked for more liU a hobbJ.Nowtbatf1re of tbe Amlflcan LeeSon. Mayor Kinpmeo wlU play here at water s, tryly an ldea.l situa.Uoo WcNally's 1D t.be day Ume. His tlgbti.D( lshlsbustDess, WDrld.D& DorMD Karlblll ud otbC tb1J part ol the day ceremooies ror a Raft-ln. Bill Col: reports Ute ••at OD tbal ftJ uat111942, W'l.tb bolla bas become bis IDIIDberl of tbe C!tJ COUDCU a.l8o. tbat there •ere DO ctamepd wbeG be )DlMd tbe U.S. Cou:l: bobby. He b ern ebief lor tbe N H bulls or louled rtQIDc c. tlda r..rd ·ud tenlli ia lbe Are UIICJII c-my 110111.. Wlllc:b iD-CWCOffiCfS at oag elul> IJpe cruise. OatheYaebl dl•t.loa llllbeSuPodroarea. elude tllrM Z%5 -· llle.b CIOO calendar DeJ:t ts the ~ At tbe eDd ot h1.s 3rd aer-hydroplanes and 1 endura.Dee • WEDNESDAY, May 7 Boy _ Mr. and Mrs. Alan coming cruise in company to vice year, BlllreturDIIIdap.l.Dto bo&t. The boaU are oned by Girl -M.r. a.nd Mrs. Bruee Kuison, 4601 Fa.lrfteld Or., Catalina 00 the July 4th "eek-Newport Beach a.Dd started at Martoa Beuer ol. Parter, Art- E. Hampton, 2144 Aster Place, cameo HJgblands. eOO, Interested? •••. Cootaet his old Balboa stat1oo as a aooa. So, BtU IDU to Pull:u Costa Mesa. • TUESDAY, May 13 Blll Coz, 5-47-3283. fire captain with fllll Ume em-to work aDd nee OCl tbe bOats REloiODELIII G ••••• It ... _. Boy -Mr. aDd lilts. Raymood Boy _ M.r. and Mrs. WarreD • • • ploymem. But be still drove oor~lo~Loo~·;:-~·~h.;,•;oer~~· ~tbe~J,;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;;:;~ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiij~ C. KUAcler, 345 E. 19tb St., Keller 1947 Kildeer Costa • CARRY ON tbe fire truck, as it ns nDiy li c~ Mesa.. U:esa.. • This ls the last eolumn tbal a 1 man statloD with vohmteer r. I'D~ TREASURE HOUSE SAVB ON YOUR AUTO -CS0U1 11Y POliCY IAVII CA VA D11VW IIAL MOrn .&.IIIGIUA n oroL y 25150,000 IIHIIr lnJu., 10,000 p,.,..., .,., ... 2,000 MMicol Po1 1,000 Dooth Ind-Io, S/30,000 u ... ,.. .. rett Metonst DfSCOUIITS FOR 2 CARS • ALET CLEANERS We do the FINEST work • '" :1137 E. c., .... town c •••• "'··~· .... .. , aee K ARWIWH .WID Q1rJ-lolr.lllll llrs. Paul Boy-Mr.andlolrs.Herbert I willwrlteastbeollltlaleor-help. He wu transferred Co ~ E. hadley, 2345 CarobSt., East Stricker, 445 Redlands AYe., respoodeDt tor Post 291, New-tbe NpPOrt statioo and lher~ YOUI CMIISTIAN JUII'fi\.Y CIN1'D. Bluff. Newport Heigbts. port Harbor. 1 bave submitted bact to the Balboa sta.Uoo, a oaLI:•. a oott•. a.o.e .. ~~:o R•eo..oa . c.-o. Girl -Yr. aDI1 Mrs. James Girl _ u.r. aDd Mrs. DI.Yid my restcoattoo to Cdr. BUl when be stayed lmt1l tbe ma1ll c..~• . CAHoLu . ~·Lw BT"'-• ~~ Partot, 10151 stooybrook Dr., Lee, 2935 Palau Place. costa Ktmler aDd to tbe J.ncomi.Dc beadqqlrtera bld!diq was con-,._. & M.;,J OniAia .A.cC8f"eiil Rnatlqton Bll.eh, Mesa. Commander JOlLDMcHuetUsttp ll:ncted lDNe.pnrtBeacb.near _0,.,.. e•e-e.s•e eo-T .......... CAUP'. •••n G1r1 -Mr. and Mrs. Ylke Glrl-Mr.andMn.James downforpersoaal reuons ••• Ctty Hall. AC tbat Ume, Bill IULUTl ... n .t'II.._L., ........ ......_1 W. Aql.er, Sll W, WU.On St., N. Slpult, 188-A Moote Vista, I'm oot ~ to 1be j:lb uymore. beeame tlre marsbal. ....,.. ,._ ,......., No. S, Colt& MKL. Colt& Mesa. I'm sure tbat .,m~ 1D tbt lil~lll~l~MS::·~bo:.~mar=rlod=~Be:ttJ:,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ •THURSDAY, May8 Boy-Mr.andMra.Tbomu Post membershlp ls more Girl -Kr. aDd U:rs. Louie u.. curoll, 9072 Adell& Circle, captble IDd wtlllDc to carry oo P. Eaton. 1&0 W. WU.Oo St-. HunHDctoo Beacb. thaD I am at this time. I simply No. 15, Colta Mesa. Girl _ lilt. aDd Mrs. LarrJ eUDOt stay awake mueb btyood • FRIDAY, Ma.J 9 E. CorDell, 8382 Dun Circle, 9 p.m. anymore. Glrl-Mr .&011 Mrs.JobD De* HUDtingtoo Beach. I wish to tlla.o.ll: all Pose mem- Frt.co, $41-A Hamlltoo st •• • WEDNESDAY Yay 14 bers who lD this past year bi.Ye Costa Mesa. BoJ _ Mr. ~ Mrs. Hear1 he~ me put out a •ee.tlJ Boy-Mr.and Mrs. Allister H. Meyer, 2000 Tust1D An., eolumo ol sorts. I wtsh totbanlr: M. Allan. Z745 Safq)lper Dr., West~ BaJ, all thOse peq~le wlr) banput~ Costa Mesa. Glrl-Mr . and Mrs. Gotdoo with my persooal axes lbat I BoJ -Mr. and Mrs. Dnld c . Wllldnsoo, 15!51 NotUDg-have ground ln this eolumn. MJ A. Brush, 18152 Lisa, Hun-bam, Hunttngtoo Bea.eb. tha..Dks to Hop aDd Pee ot the tlnctOG Beacb. Boy _ w.r, and Mrs. Rudall E.a.sign. Both are LepxlDalres. Boy -Mr. aDd Mrs. Camp.. R McCardle 117 Via Koron Post 291 types, aDd U..y under- bell W. Haoan, 400 Pirate Rd., Lido Isle. ' ' stand the problem. Hop to me CUll' HanD. • THURSDAY, May 15 resembles ooe olthe 0~ Tes- Boy-Mr. ud Webael Fos-Boy _ Mr. aDd Mrs. Keo-tam eDt prophets. He ls always ter, 149 Roebester St., Costa aeth Fordik, 91%1 Speocer so rtgbt that he males me reel Mesa. Circle, HuotlDctoa Beach. th.ts high most of the ttm.. Boy-Mr. &00 Mrs. Rorer Boy_ Mr. ue1 Mrs. Loren • • • Allen, 566 Hamlltcm st., No. s. Lute uz7 1Ular1& Way West Thank you all for the pleasure Costa Mesa. Ne ' t Hel.-s ' for your COmp&DY lD this • SATURDAY, llla.J 10 wpor .-. eolumn. CtfEERIO-TED . Girl -lilt, aDd Mra.StepheD -· 968111aaloo st., COlla ..... Girl -Mr. &Pd lilts. James Rowe, 7%1 James st., COlla .. __ Girl -Mr. ud lira. EYirett Futlllac. zm CoDDot Dr .. Colta lileJL • SUNDAY. Ill)' 11 Girl -Mr. aM W:rs. Jl'raM J-. WJ64 Tajlor . W&J, CoG II-. Glrl-llr. aod Mro. Pllllllp -. IOMZ Cralmer LaM, R""l"t"'" Booeb. Girl -llr. aod llrs. Dan! Jlla••· 111511 a&o.oe Lale, , .. , .......... Girl -lit. udllro. William ...... IIMI ,..._Dr.,lnloo. • ..::.DAY, MQ U Girl -.... """ lira. .._ L. CIIIIDIW, 10141 8 t a bAa .... _ 8 !' £. a.cl. --. a lof -lllr.ud llh.-::s·'i=· , ......... ..... c VALUES ALL MIIU'..AR STOCK r• or a • .......,) IIIJQUIWUII DtiiiWS SHIFTS ... , ....... ,_ ............... . SERVICE ADAMS QUALITY CAR CA RE BY FACTORY TRAINED PEOPLE WHO CARE 2121HAM01a.VO. J"OhDSOD• II.DII!IIIIU! IIIIOIIIIIEII!'II'ill • lilll m · IEICift • wa , • h' 11 1 __. _... a.. die la.y ....,..; U .. reMnDU 1111 ..... da.-_ __., ... ._.._.iaEa.WJ. - CUJD AC.OU S -••~·~·~· '"JMM wt1J. a..L .. • 1 ·-a. 1t*it ._ ..... ~ __ _..... (1 ~ ll:fl) ....r' ................... ----(Acta •rlJ) .,.a.a- U""'M --ol .. LOID •• --•• , .. __ ...._ .t dM LOID _ .. u • -a. caw.. 1:1 • .a--w•> M e diJ' (I a.-. 7zl2) 17 ..... ~~~-.. ___ .. (I .liap ••u ••• -.. Get& (G.., tl:ll) • WMG. ........ --.u. wiJa _.. -.ly .......... (C:... •:21 : Shf,) 11....._. ~ •• I ---· Oella I:SIJ II .....,. __lit ., • c.u'a Moot~ ~-....... .... -----\o p. .... _... 17 .....,. ...... ----..... u..y _,.. •a *11, -,a ......._ tM S,utt -- ---d.r-t• J6 -u.. --. el .. wic:bd M.U _-, ....... ,, •• ·-~ a.t ---WMa .. ad· ..... J7 ----a •otc. ...._ dl. .. _,.,... ,. ""'a. U.. __ __.. af 91'-' wat.,..- f,Jam.. a ~ ... dty aa4 • tcr.ou ---•.rtM -dl.re (Ac:tll ...... , •u ·~ •N. ._ am.a. cnatvw .,. iaiti.A. aJ twriJ -.. ,_,... (C... f,l;l) a t.hMla ., S..IMI'a aM o ...... ...... u s-.. 1:21: 8.nJr. f,:ll) 41 iaitiodlo .. ,... ....... (Matt. 2:1: .... 11:2:1) Sl a .-t e1 tM IM4y (1.-. 1:2)) U -----. .._ wJOti•• ............. ................. ~---.. tM --,. ............. __ ... __. (&e. lt:Jir If-. D:f,J) J7 .-t .. aldp'a .,.m,_..t (EMIL i7aol a ..... ., • .,..,... ... _.._., o-w tn s... 13:0 H ._ .t 1-,a. (lfaa. 13:7) II ~ ---••• tiltH ap ..., ---a---.. ....,...-u.. m-_.,. __ - C1IID DOWif ·-·--~-------· 2 -.:lire _,. .. ... • ... -- ( ..... 11:11) 3 ,. ~ ..... ---.. tWrtleda ...... f,lllldel. .......... -raiM4 lty , ..... (Ada 1131) I blitiU., two JlllcK-(J-.It. 12dlr Gea. d:U) I -'-c:t CS... 7:11) II M .. aot ---• ., ... , ............. _ .. (J-. 1:11) II "''-die deM. ie tke ..,. ol ----.. Ul --=='·• .. _. ...... ___ e4, n-.. ._., 17 .u. ............ topper ____ (I !Ia. 1:21} II .. ---* 0.. ua-ol U..U ""' .... 21 p&oc. ScnaJ •• cLeleat..._ ____ !Mk (Is-. 21:1) 23 .. .._ whidl c.,wod ----tw. .... - 24 iaiti•• ol two ._._ (Juciw. J:"1 13:24) 21 i..e.idcak of tllo Wrtllploco mel t~ of·P_. (Ant J2:J1 ~!Ill Zl ·-··=-. -,.,. .... 0•49· 7: :tS) 21 He ... w .,... lw dao Lcrw 33 .. ...,.. aot •••• a --~ wWclrl lu"o -llope-(I n..-. 4:.,) 35 "lite d1ow .... ----~-... u.. --. .a.au k •• ____ .. (_... I:SI) 31 ''tM ___ ol ll;. .,_. .... (Mcnt. t :a) •--.-•cni•v "'t.-a"U~ 4:14) u ..... s.-. u-...2'7- • • IIUitedea (h. H:JS) 5e .. _. ol tlt.o al., of tke ____ .. $3 "'dae ----tkt • ia ... clcnur 54 -.... lily --.dl ...... ___ .. (EMit. 1:1) $5 .. ----· .P.. .. ~ •crt« (loU 4:151 5I • .o.. .. '--' ca-. ae:tJ ...... n..._ DI*.BiiiSays FROflll ''SWORD OF THE LORD'' MURFREESBORO, TENN. ~ar Dr. Bill: I would be very happy if you could aniWcr the queslion. "Who was MckhitedH.'!'' Answer : You know what -I. too, would be miahty happy if I CNJid arwwf!r that question! But. k't's takr a look at thE' Scriptur("S and !IE"t' if we CRO come to any concluslon. The ftrst mf'nlion of Melchizc· dt-k in tht' Biblf' is found in tht' 14th chapter of Gci'W"Sis. Abraham had just dfofeatt'd an army 11'-d by kin~~:s with the 318 servants of his own houst>hold. Aftrr the battle hi! waa ITI('t by "Mekhlzedtok. king of Salt;m the: prftt of the ~t hlah God ... Hr is also mentioned In Psalm llO :4; Hf!brews 5 :6, 10; Hrb~s 6 :20; and H~ 7 :1-3. In this lut puup Wf! l'l!ad., "'qr tlllit .Vekllliudek. ki"" of SaletR, jMint of U1e Jta.t Hig1t Oo4, do Met A~ rehn"'liw" Jrowl tA:• ~fer of tile N,., aiNI ~ 1lfM, To ~ 0:.0 AbraAIGM IJIII'-"' a tntA: pJrf of all; /lf"M ~. bw Hlt~otio-111, Kiw.g ot ,.,..,._.,..,, CHid oft"F' tMt al- 10 Kn., of &~~eM, wiUcA il, lrbtg of ,._,.: WU.W.t fotkr, IOitlliollt -'kr, toito\ol&t de«:ewt, lllat.illg tlftfMr ,_,_"..., o/ ..,. t10r eM o/ WI•, lM&t tRtllle Ub-tutfo tM ..... 0/ Oo4, •M*tl • prWat CON--,..._,. MtU ''**ll wu. •t lf!ut. a type or w..tnUoa o1 Ouii:L Notlct that . ._ •• tae lii:IIIC or Salem. ..... -,..,. flfeb. 7:2). ~ ot ....... t. II:M.Ir 'Kin& ol ,..._ 4M •"N h• WM the -........ -God """ ... a... ,_ Cloriot .. --..... liar .. I'M Jll Hdcews 5:6 .... ,..... ............ ,., Ill ; . fl/f# ,.. ..... ., •... , .... ·-•lfet' I fib Adw'l7 -T Dr. lilt Let loa 1011. btlt marle like God, ab•Mtll. a priut eotttitttAUlly." Many scholars. indudln&:. 1 ~· liE'VE', t h<' E'diton of thfe Scofteld Bibll', believE' that this vene sim· ply fTI('ans that therr 1.1 no r«ard or Melchizl"dE"k's birth or at his dE'ath. Now, [ make no claims in this world to bf!ing a scholar. And it is with fear and trembling that I ever disagre-e with men who are rl"Cognizcd as being teholan. (No- tice that I did not say that I never disagrt'(' with grl!at acholan. I am just admittina that I am always scared when I do It!) Actually, howevt'r, I rather believe M~k:hiz­ OOek was JHus Chrilt. In the .1\nt place. I am not aaUsfWd with ttM: explanation that hll brine trithout father or mothl!r or birth or dtil· dnn simply meaM that ~ do not ha~ any r«ord ol such ocaskln. Ir Mekhizftlek wu a mere man, no matter how p-eat or how hum· ble of oricin. the Lord could eully haw ctven this lntorm~~tlon through divi.ne insptnUon to tt.c. who Wl'Ote ot him. Furt.hnTDore. tMre 1s tM mt..- ment tMt Mekttlzedek ... CibN:Id. o p,...., CCMtitt.U,." He atW abtdn u a print and he • coin& to be a priest eonttnw.Uy. Aaron wu • prifst llonoftd ol God but the BtbJe nowbeft &QS tbat hit • ttlll • prlect. ••kAiw-•k. .\otolrtler, if ...... .OW G piaf. Furthermon:, the very name • .,.i ... lr--.. I[ ... of.....,_ .,..,... •*' .,,~ ,..., o1ao Jn., .,_ ................ ., __ . ,..aft,....of ........ Now, J am Mt .a...atetr ~ WlllDtJVCIIW1I .... t.Mtllti-,, I' ,.... Dlrilt btea-. ot -,...,_ foullll ., ........ 1;1 Uiat..,.. ll•lrt' t~ ..... .... --,_., -'If (IN,• I ---........... t tll.t ...... --.At .., ..... ....,.,.. Mel rt I .......................... •• 1 • ,,.. -., God ... . 1&.-fll :-Ko.tJA. • ._ ... _. Difficulti•• In "n• . Bible --I..AB&~N I ~ .... o 1 ~ ...... ~eo d ) ...,TilT .... ---........... . BOW MUCH BEllER WE WOULD BE if iDdead of taki.nc ~ iDto our own baDds we would t.r.tbe out tbt bitterDeaa ol. our beuta to God aod then tr.at our ....,.._ iD. actual fact • ~ .. David did! While David Jll"8)'ed to .lebocwab ia Palm 1.:10: '"Let hit ehildna be cootinually vapbcDd, and bee: let them Melt their ~ aJ.o out of their dftolate ~ .. in point ol fact, whm he wu m . a place ol powtt, he asked: "'a there: yet an7 that is left of the hoUIIe ol Saul, that I. may abo. ~ kindne.!" He found a p-ancUon of S.ul'a and had him eat at the kine'• table as one ol his own MIN (2 Sam\WI 1:1, 2, 11). 11IE lJ'I'I'D.AN'CB IN Pu.lm 1.37:1. I do& 10und very c:ruel, but the u~ is a prophecy rather than • pnyft'. n is the declaration of awful juclcrnt-ot that will come upon Babyloo because of the way in whidl Babykln Mel treated the people ol Cod. Babylon waa to I'MP what it had aown. ~Y were to be aerved by othns u they bad RrY.-:1 the people of God. It wu a liWral prophecy of wN!t actually OCIC'urred alterwuda in &bylcn We find a similar but even ~ swful ~ of the eominc doom ol Babylon ln ba1ah lJ:U-11 . A LOOK AT THE BOOK ly Dr ..... ,__ ,..._,.,...,-... ~. c,_.m., s. c. IE NOT AFIAID On two different occuiona C Mark 4:3j-39 and Macthcw 14:22-27) the l..ord'a dilciplc:a were cauaht in a storm on the Sell of Galilee. The fi.nt lime Jaut waa asleep in the Item of lhe boat. In their fear they waked Him ask- ina, "Carat Thou not: that we pc::riah.r He arose and rebuked the wind .00 uid to tbe waves, "Be still." With the simple lanJUqe of divine •uthority He silenced the tempest uwJ calmed the 10. The waves, like linle dop lb.at obey the command of their master, lay down and wrnt to sleep. On the other occasion the dilciples were in the boat without Him, aod in the midst of the tempest He came to them walkina on the sea. This time He dtd not speak to the wind or the sea but t~ them. "It. is I; be not afraid." He had demonstrated H1a power over the storm once. Now His very preKnce should brins them confidence. Christ is still able to quiet the tempests and subdue stOf'ms. He can still work the miracle of brinsina peace and quiet out of turmoil and discord, but it is not a!wa)'J His will to do so. When He permits the storm to rage, His very presence in thl! lives of those who know and love Him brings peace and confidence in the mkllc of the storm. It il a woodetful thlna to know lhe S.vtour, Who iia able to leUie atrife and aubduc discord and bri"l peKe out ot tumult. It is even more wonderful to b.ve a Lord Wbo can Jive inward peiCII ud coo&. dence to Hie followen io tbe midlt of tbe storm it is not Hi& diviDe will to IUbduc. Jato every lift comes a time of lempect wbea tbc windl b&ow and tbe WIIYa be.t and the 1ea.1 threaten to enaulf. In auch a time tbe very pra.- ence of tbe S.viour il able to impart within our souls a sense of ~eeurity aDd calm in amuina contrast lo the lempe:ll about ua. Ia the mtdll of the storm wbich He pennits to raae. He comes to His own, walkiaa on tbe very waves wh)ch would become still if He should 10 command. He ~ not addtea tbe raaina dements. He speab instead co the friahtened and storm-toucd ooes. Above tbe sound of the storm and the surse of the .eu comes the melody of His voice, "It is I; be DOC. afraid," and all is quiet and peaceful within their breasts. So amid the storma of our life He speaks to His own, "My peace I aive unto you; not as the world aiveth, aivc J unto you.. Let not your heart be troubled, neilher id it be afraid."-American Way Features VERBAL INSPIRATION THE SWORO OF THE LORO MURFREESBORO, TENN. 87 Editor J olul R. RJee 1. Did PaaJ Daly JuplratJon of &.e State•mt.T Ill I Corinthian~ 7 :12 Paul .. ya. "But tM rest speak I. not tbl! Lord." In verw 10 hi! uya, • And unto the marrif!d 1 command. yet not I, but the Lord.." ln vrne ~ he A)'1, .. Now eoneernlnc vtrctns I have no commandment of the Lord: yet I alve my Jud&mmt." inC COI~etminc thlnp klnc alnCe put and wltb ~ doriH widely written and dftulated. So Luke does ~-perfeetian and en-talnty for tu. wrltlnca whim coukl only come fftllll hn- lna known all t.hlnp "'from above," that la, word-for-word lnlpiraticn from God. 3. Wlor the Goopelo s.-t!.a QIIOte Chra.t Ia Differeat Wo~ outlinec, often u.e thl! ..,. w .. trata. and 10 don e'Vft'7 FOCI PI'MChtr. .Tftus auftb' woa1d not Ia)' ao&Ddbln& eo WOIIdnful u the B!atltliiiH and not ftSIMt 'the .... truth more than ~ thouP He would PI'OIIft'ly u.e dU!eftnt won11. .&ltd a.pin f!'Wn lf the Holy Spl.r. It ~ allahtl)" different words to ftP&IIIt thl! Mme JMtter in differ- ent Go.ptla. HI! would be M)'inl euetJy what He meant. Only God could ...... H-U -and ,......, ............ ,._ would be euc:tly what God In- tended It to be. In t.heae c:ues Paul aimply reo. frn to the fact that Jeoaua had aiven acmf! rules about marriace and divorc.-, and thoae rules ~ known to New Testament 01,.. tl&na.. Few example. MAtthew 5 :31, 32 and Matthew 19:9 af'l! r-ecorded examples of what Jesus la\l&ht. SO WIII:N WE lltUdy theR lmpNcatoey PNlmt in the liabt that Ia Paul 1n I Ccrinthiana 7 :10 la ft• thrv.m upoa thaD. from ou.r • r a1 Scripture. au the .. ~ ..... _ ~ ••• • ~ -· You --. the SpUtt of God would ..... rtaht to repeet • t.ehlnc In alJ&btly dl1h!rent words U the rneanlnc 18 ~xacttr the UJM. You •nd I eoWd. not SQ ex.etbr what ...., oae «<ee ald. unlea we UMd n:actJ:t the .arne wontr. We do not know thl!lr heart, we do DOt II:Dow what the7 IDNIIt., except • It .. U3"" 1d euctJy ID. thole wonlr.. But whm God aoea: to qqote wbat H. sUI. He can &M . n:-•ct.IJ thr N..lne meanin&, and If He wilba to vary the word, He can do so and still be exactly accurate. difficultia f' '111 r, .nd we fiDd t then a. DOthiJ:w here ~ .... .., "' uweftl'l w ... -. -iDs: haotmuay with the ~t thft tbt whole Bible is Ged's =~5 ~ ~~ Word. in ~ _u.tanees wbiW the reocird of wbat is ..W Ira eornet and nact, t wbic:b • recorded a. beinr aa1d IDBJ DOt ia Jt.U bt rirctrt· 19:9. But ln I Corinthlana 7 :12 he but it is God's Word that mAD said it, thouah what man aiel ... raol wu IMnc nrw divine ftWiaUon Goers word. that had not bH-n &lven by the I I Lont Jews a.od r«urded in the Gospela. anc1 ti..kew~R m wne 25. Two Parallel Needs .~:::..~.~~.~m~ Jud~t." tbe GrHk word 1.1 ~. whkh nwana lnOft than a Fro• the Baptist BiWe Tri.,une Noel Smitla, Editor Boll 106. Spria@;field, Mo. 1Jt'O MINUTES lllfN IJIIJL£ THE SUPREME CRmC About 1900 years aeo St. P.ul Word OWrlook vttal truth, true wrote to Timothy, with regard to S.re•n• will use THE BOOK to the sacred Scr1ptures: "tMeh" us. If, God forbid, we "All SCRIPTURE IS GIVEN 8Y handlt the Word deceitfully, tMy INSf'IRAnoN OF GOO, AND IS Mould use THE BOOK to .. ,.._ PROFITABLE FOR DOCTRINE, prow" us. tf we 10 ntrey In our FOR REPROOF, FOR CORREC· c:ondusions ttMy ahould UM THE TJOH, FOR INSTRUCTION IN BOOK to "corl'ed~' us. tf they fclef RIGHT[OUSNESS." we eneourace all,..... IMr& they This truth t.n been confirmad thOuld UM THE IIOOK to .. , . by CMtWNiminc widenu. and slruet us In rflfrteousneu." those whO hr4 tried, th~ the Well do we •••ownbw .-en .. c:entuftH,. to 0¥1f'ttlrow the INble ..,. firwt c:onvkt.d by the ..,._ haw .,_, about as suoonafut • • V. wrfltM Wonl ol Ood •ld a men t:rytrc to Oftfthrow the we ta.. ,...,... CMMd • thenlr ftoc* 01 Clbrattar wfttt • pur God for e.. ............... ......... Thil look conc~emo .. """ -Fur1toet110., 1M Wotd of God liftntn befln • holy God, bUt tOWWI abowe the dtfD.. ... .. ,rrll * Mf\'Citioit ......... ~ the...,.,.. TM ....... ...,. Clllllld piiCic'...,...,. the ....... .... ·--..... pot "'" olawtotlor .... .,....,. "awluO -ol -ttw -A,.--lor -tl"'" (I Qor, 111:1) • ............ _ .. _ ·-........... -..Ciwtot. lluol--.......... IOid--... -· ~ pif'tlmf'Crttic. ff .. t.cMta of the 16:3J). doubUul opinion. but It mldlt be ~ted. ''my wn~ ... or ''m)' olftelal ckdl.ion." Paul is u dearly ~akin& for God when he &1vn a nrw revel.ation u when M la quottnc what Jnu.i had a1rftd)' &:lven In the sermon on the mount. • So tbe vrry words aft God'a wordr •nd the mt'aninr 1.1 alwaya t'xad.Jy what He wanted It to be, in tbc oriclnal la.ncuaan. How- ever, the tranalations may ~ tlmH very when the oriainaJ man- u.erlpU do not vary. For example, Elijah acme-times ls speiJC!d In the New Tstamcnt "EUu." Timothy il .a,ncthncs spelled '71motheus," and Sllu somct.lmn speUed "SII· vanus." Soml! varlaUons are sim· ply variations In ~Uons. and some are van.Ucnc th•t are in the ori&IJW manu.crlpt. But In every cue the varll.tioo 1n. tbe orla- lnal munwcrlpt wu ctven by God. as I undentaDd the Sc:rfptUlel to pri.a.lnl1'tMdL. 4. w ...... Tnuuollpratloa "After Six DQ. .. or .. A boat u Blo•t llaJO Aflft"T UWOIIT HMIOR E!IIIJI • S£00110 llCliOII--,., LIIAL MOTICI liiU.Y,IMY. - ooaA OU. 1W1, CALIF. __ L_I..;G~M.;;;;;IIO;li;IC-;1;::;: __ U=CI4=L=..::::IIO:;f:.::ICI::=..._ LAIIT"I IC d jl LICI4L IIOTICI -.111'1011.0. -A ua:JLVI'IOII 01 ,. ern ~or,. an or u._-r IUCll AICDT-TBI OPD41. PU- VAILIIIG Uft or I'D llllll WACZS TO • tAIII OPOII tU8LIC Wllliiiiii'IORCII lfWRIU. lrettae sm, tt -... o1 .. 1abar Code of tM -.. ~ ........... ....,_...--.... ...... -.. --.... _.a· ......... ,. ....... --Ill ..... _..,-· .... _ ....... ,......_ IDr Melt cn1. e .. ...,,..tsc., or r,. 011 ww• sn Mldld .. _ ....... -..... WUUAS, II lo --10 -· aid ~ 111'0-ftllllla_bJ._......., 11011, TIIIIIEPilU, BE IT RESOLVED bJ tllo CUJ Couocil ol tM c.;itJ ol l'IWpalt Bela: SBCTIOII I, .__to.-I'm ol tllo Labor Codo ol lllo -., Cllllorlllo, lllo cu, r-tlllof"" --.. _...., lid-.... _.a !i<...WOC,. ............ -lid lllo ~ ll<onlllll,. .... looiiiiiiJ lid .. -. --. ............ _..,. .,.,_ .... -Uld ....... psnstf'R, ncattoa. ud Jlalllr p.-llCEII, l:lr~~eb c:raa. clull .. ac.tsca, 01' tJpe o1 wort DMdld ID tbl...:.-ol tM CIOID'acta .... pallllc -k ...... -...... cu, .. "nport BeOcb, to llo u ool-lo lbo • ..... bod liN "W ... ItcalootorlboSII -,_.. lid liN ._,.._ -11 ..... -.. ""'""• Ud COMtriiCtiocl tndll .,.._.,,, ~ by tbe Orueo ~ ...... .,lid~-,.._ c-J~ .,. ... ............ -.... ..., IU ~ .. Uld model port of IIIIa •-lodce, 10 rtplaco t11o nloo •-• llla!>led llld -Nl-bJ --""· 151t clllod FBUUJ 17, IM7. SECTJal I. Tllo CIIJ CIOrk lo -llld directed 10 cwtlfJ to tllo l'lo!>llo" ol t1>1a r-1-Uld llle 1 eertllled CCIIIJ lborool w1111 -lbo Dtr-o1 -~~~ RolltloOo o1 lbo Slalo o1 COllllnla, .,.._ 10 -1 m.s ot t11o Labor Codo. Tllo CUJ Clork lo Dartllor directed to c:&UM I "'PJ ol IIIla r..olatioo. IJIIS tbt attacMd ICblda1ta to be pubu.bed ooce 1D .... olllclll --"' lbo cu,. ADOPTED W.lllb clay of Yay, IM8. ATTEST, Dorlolll.~ae DtpoiJ CUJ Clerk Doreea Marsba.l.l ... ,... Publlal" Yay 29, IM9, 1D 1bo Nnport Harbor Eastgo. I 968 WAGE SCALES FOR THE SIX BASIC TRADES Tbe wqe ntel lilted below an!l iD IICCOrdaaoe .ith the terms ol tht: Southern C.lUoruia Muter LAbor ~t for the Coustruction lodustry and COYn the following counties: Los Angeles, Orange, Rh.·er~ide, San Uern11rdino, Imperia!, Vcat:ura, Santa Barb&rt., S.n l.uis OLispo, Xem. lnyo and Mono. AODmONAL COST ITEMS• For Subdm~~ee Allow~. T~tioa &nd Tm-el Time Allow.-., oYertiale, Appreadce Pmpam Contributioaa. IDc!ustry Promodoaal P!mds, AdlllialltntW. Funds, Cub Bond Oepocits., etc.. coabet tbe LoeaJ Uab!. • ib D&trid CouoclJ MviDJ: juriJdlctioo. RICCERS aad WELDEftS FOR UIE SIX BASIC TRADES: Same wap $C:~ a ~ts to wbkh nom. and welcHn1 au itocic:!eutal. CADIHTIU Health&: Wel£aro-41f Pearioo-!.5t Vacation Savtap-Holiday-35t Foreman: Receive DOl leu lMn OOt _per hour more thaa the houri )' rate of the t::Jit:: Carpentf'r c:lass16cation oYer wMeb he }w; ruponsibi.llty, ucl · "'PDewnatlc Nailer or Power Stapler." Carpenter __ ,. -·- ~';:t!:,~fF~~ w~~ke~ M;j)""""t -···-·········· ... . .... . .. So;;! ToiM -········· ····-............ . Ta'b&e ~ Saw Operator .. . .. ~tic Nailer or Power s..• ···················-·········-····· Wood Fence Builder oa Resi- deotloll'rojecU ····················· Roof Loader of Shingles ...... .. POe DriYer Foreman .............. . PiJe Driver Man-Bridge or Dock Carpenter and Cable Spllcu ····-······························ Pile DrlYer Man-Derrick Ban!~··.·-········· ............ . Head 1\ocbllnger ............... . ..... . Rodtslin1er ............................. . Rock Buaeruan or S<'Owm;m 111.... I/11Jt" ·~68 te.SJ ~8 1 6.66 S.88 6.73 ~88 8.n S.16 6.0 1 s.1s 8.83 ~·3 '0.73 4.61 5.4& ~" 5.20 6. 41 7.~ ~·· it ljf) ~·· t..o6 ~·· 6.i6 ~75 6.62 ~·· a.s2 snm• $6.98 7.11 7.11) 7.18 7.08 7.00 723 5.91 5.65 1.11 7.11 7.11 7.21 7.09 .... l/117f' $7.43 7.58 7.63 7.63 1.S1 7.53 7.68 a.JII 6.10 S.ltl 1.56 7.56 7.68 7.58 1.46 ..,.... Ullka. .,. ... &ltd. a! Ia OPtk>n. 11po<> al lotut 1irt) cilort" '"''Itt"' -;c. p.--to May I . 19'10, Ji'71, ..-.d Ul'7l. to a1loc:1 ta • \1{1 lo • .aUnr\lllll \ ol !Of P"' how out of tbe a~~o.,.,.:n....s a-u 1o ...,.. or all of dM f.tbl~ t-wit ~ ... Mea worldna from a l;x.'n'• .:hair, swinging scaHo l,!, or s\dueoJed fn.om • rvpe .lr cable, dW.I receh·e 25t per hour .1bo\'e the applica"ble j')UJ"Dt:)man or •pprcntice nto. CIMIMT MASONS Health It Welfa.re-2St ~ hw-•, olvt-!Jt l!&&. 5-Sf-j l lt6{1, 71Je-5t ll7v Pmdoo-30; per hour; lSt-9/1/68; 55;-S/1/00; 1.5t-5JlnO Vacetioo-2.5; per hour; 35;-9/1/68; 45f-5/ll89; SOt -5Jino foreman: Wbeo three Of more Cement Masoru are employed oo a .00. ~ dWl be employed as a Foreman and shall receive DOt leu than eo; per hour more thu the houri)· rate of the hlahest Cement M&ICIII :l•wifkatioa ovu which he tw respons.ibWty 1/111/11 I(I,.W 1/1/WI t5.28 t5.48 5.<0 .... 5.$1 5.73 5.28 !1M 5.18 5.48 5.!8 5.48 U8 5.48 5.28 5.48 c.en.-.,..,.. 0111 • IWiqiq stage, bot'a's chair, or 1\b:peoLied aedcld. wbdher "'bwfDs 01' rfPl. ~ or below croud, shaD recetYe ~ per boar O'I"W u.. IIPPIICal:J. ,.., Al.l.OCA.noNS----<&54 per bour-5!ln1, 4$t-5/1/12. Optioa to aDocale • marlmum of 10; out oi U... amoemb to ceCh or aD of the frlote beoelt plllll ·--- .-.-..... -...-/1/18 p d ...... ~- Yr r .,,...._ .... ·llot--IOf .. ---·.....,--, .. ....._ c' • ... MW_... .. ._, ' tt --'t!i :1 -Qooo eo---·---------------------.... ~I • .,_., ---·-··-·---·--·-4.11 ...... _.._ __ ,.,_,. __________ ...., I i8J .ua CfT !...i; ~ 1 ,..,.._~-~-~.~-':..-~ ·--· 4.11 o..r:oa Dlaw • Ieete'• __ .. _ .......... -.... -----·---· c.u c::a..i:l _,., -··--·--·--------··---·-··--4.1.2 C:rt"C • C.U. • ......,_. Mem....._ 6 Po.. Oiler ---·-·---· 4..18 C:rCbb.---__ .. __ ,._,. _______ , ............... _____ .............. 4..33 ~~$!r;~;~-1W 4.ot ... (ta. W:coe wt6 F -~~ Di of wdwiiC-= betw._ Wbcnn 6 ODer~ P1fn .,_ dNed at Mt.ml. Jl1oddo. p ...... 3. fll!U) ------·--·-·-····-·····-········ .... Drmer$ ..... t\i loot drtllltlell Df ..... ----............. 4.28 n:-~~~-·~: .. ~~:~.~ .... 4.0'7 ~ ----·-··---------·--·· .. ·····-····--····-·······-······ 3.87 Coo. 00 ......... u ...... ---···-·········--·····-····-·-················ 3.87 Cu • 011 PI~ W~JI'ot Tcader A l'onn Man .............. 4.18 C.. 6 Od Plprelme Wnpper~iodl pipe end ovw .................... 4.31 c.-a.... -············-····----·-············· ······-··············· ......... 4.00 Lo--P~!" Stool • """' .•... -..... . ..................... 4.0915 I-e.adu:•P.O & NUI'MY Mua• ........................... _ .......... 4.07 lA)'illl 01 .0 DCID"metallic pfpe, mdudiq Sewer Pipe, Drain .,.. • u~ TliO ···········-···················· ..... .... ... . ua MaldDa • C.ulkini: c1 aU non-mottaDk Pipe JotntJ ... .. ......... 4.16 l'owdenn.a ____ , ............... _ ......................................................... 4.33 R1~p Su.ep.Yft" . . .. ........................ -..... -............... 4.18 1tOdr Sltna• ,_.... ....... .. .......................................... -.. -4.23 Hood 1lod< """"' -········ .... .......... ·····-· .•. . ..• 4.49 Saadbluter ( No:aleman) . .. 4.42 s..dbluto< (Pot T ....... l . U8 Scaler __ ............................ _ ..................... -......................... .... 4.02 Scaler ( U*' Bot'a's Cb.aU or s.fety Belt or Power Toob l .. i .23 ~Tank ptu:er A Wtalkr (Lad Man ) ................... 4.12 Steel Heederbollid Mao ..... . ......... ... ... 4.39.5 Tu.k Scaler 6 C3.lW'J' .... .. 4.095 TIU!DU 6 Mortarmaa. ................................................................ 4.02 Tree ClfmbeT, Falla, Chain Saw Opentor, Pltubwsb Olip- U~Lo~~~~--Watchmu _,_.............. .............. .. ............... . WIDdowCieo... ................................................ . TUHNn CU.SSifiCATIONS IS.. M.lel Flellth 6 Welfuo-2-tlht per boor; 254-5/1/fB Pem!DQ-32; pn bow; 35,_...,:/l /fla Vact.tioo-2.54 per hour 4.18 4.10 .. .. 3.31 . ..... 3.97 ...... 4.3!11 Ulll 4.31111 Ul$ 4.315 U95 035 4.505 uoe: 4 .... UJ8 4.>45 4.145 4.Hi5 4.355 UIIS ..... 4.21 4.>45 UM 4.JJS 4.1105 4.JJS U05 4.88S 4.595 4.JJS 4.195 uoo 4.295 U7 4.27 4.195 4.355 4.275 3.48.5 4.145 NOTE: Seven conK'Ciltfve houn. excludmg meal period, to begin at 7 :00,7:30, or 8:00a.m. sha11 constitute a reJ[Uiar dad's work £or which ds_ht times the st:raf&ht·time hourly nte shall be pale oo all shifu. SinaJe lhift pre- mtum shall not apPly oo tuonels lea tlwa 200 feet. Tbe da!fibtbl "Shifter'" receive. a 35; per hour dilfereotial over tho hiabelt davtbtioa OYa" which be bu ~- Batdt Plant lAborer _......... .. .$5.095 $5.595 Blaster-, Driller, Powdennan . S.J.l.5 5.M.5 BoD Caq Foreman .. _ ............................... _ S.l-45 .5.84:5 BuD C.ng Muc:ker, Tradanu 5.095 5..595 CbaaJChouseman .... -......... 5.095 5..591 Chemical Crout Jetman ..... . 5.3415 5.84.5 a-, ............ -···--··········-· 5.345 5.845 Chucheoder, Cablet-der .................. --.. --. .5.195 5.895 Coocrete Crew, iDdudes Rodders & Spreaden 5.09.5 5.595 Dlamood DriJlft ......... _,_ . .. ,.______ ~ -5.595 6.09.5 Dumpmu ................ .. .. ..... _.. 5.095 .5.595 0ump.Nn. Outside ...... . . . . .5.095 5.595 Croat Gumnu ....... -.5.345 5.845 Crout Mb:erm&D .................. .... .... .5.345 5.84.5 ~*Ef:f~~~·~~nitt; .. ~;-~ .. ~ .. ~-· ~:m ~-= a ~for-ooe basis with the S~l Form RaiJer aDd Setter) L~~.r~~~~~~~~~::~~-~~r ~·:e g:~ Miner-Tunnel (hand or machiM) .... .... 5.345 .5.845 Nippf!r .. ----·-.. ---. .. ......... 5.195 5.695 PoWdennan--Prtmer House 5.34.5 5.MS Prtmer"ltlaD ............... ...... ... 5.345 5.845 Sha!: ud Rabe MfDer . . .... ..... ...... 5 . .595 8.095 ShtJtcme Man _____ .................... _. ........ .5.345 5.&45 Stcood Fonn Raber and Srtter ... . .. .. ... ..... . . ... ~-345 5.84.5 Swamper (BrU~n & Switchman on TunMl Wnrlr:) 3.095 5.595 TimbermM, Rrtimhe-rm~tn-wood Of sted 5.345 5..845 Tool Man ........................... . 5.095 5,m TtulDel Coocrde Finbher . .......................... ............ ............... 5.345 .5.8-is Vibrotorman, Jade Hnrr~rM"r, Pt>numatic Toob (e.'lcept driJI<-r l 5.195 5.695 Tunnel Materials Handling M 111n .... .... ..... • • .......... • .......... .5.095 5.595 •$3~ &lloatbo. ~e May 1. Hl'70. to !... rliot"~ .., .. ........, frir>p bro>dlu •nd --OHRATING INGIWOIS Hea.lth 6 Wdfa..-30; per bour Pension-Mi per hour Vaeadoo·Holklay Fund--30C pu hour ForemaD: Receives oot lc-.u than 35; per ~ over the houdy ratl" o£ the highest Openttng Enp-ioeer classiSaodon under hi$ dtn!'('fkJn. oclud- tng premium pay 01· differential pay. '",. CROUP 1 ................................................ . Air Compre~o.~r. Pump Of ~~tor ()pen.tOf E~-0iln and Sipabnaa Heavy Duty Rep&irtnaD's Helper Switchman Of Brakeman CROUP 2 ............. _...... .......... .... . Coocrete Mll:er Operator, Sldp Type Conwyor ()pentor and Bcltman Generator, l"ump or Compres!iOr Operator ( ~ inclusiH·. porta hi" unib) aver 5-104: per hour for each additional unit up to ""' Cener11lor, Pump or Comprnsor Plant Opent.x Hydrostatic ~ Rot"y Drl1l Hd,... ( Ollfid<l typo I Sl:iplo.der-WhN!tvDe-Ford, Fergusoa, Jl"l"P or rimilar type ~ nrd nr less ( wtthout ar.,type attachmenb) ¥!.?~ u=~~ 'pj~~r·~;.lot TndC.....OIIe- CROUP 3 __ ............... . A·Frame or Wmeb Truck Operator DiDby Loc:omotfve or TunrH'l Motor ()pentOf Elevator Hoist Operator Equipmalt Creuer Fein( Fef'IU'OD or StmiJar Type (with dragtypo anechments I Hydra-Hammer or SimUar Type Equipment ..._ c..a.te ~· Maehlnc-PO>M:r Cooaete Saw tor ~Jumbo I onn ~ Opentor ~ ODd Cl>alrunon lba=Joblite) Self. Tu Pipelining Machine (}pen.tof Sta~ Pipe Wrapping; aod CleanlDa Mach.tne ~.,.., Towbl.de ()pen.IDr CROUP 4 --·-· .... AsplWt Plenl FinlmaD -=:::. ~er~::'or (Concrete or Asph.11lt Plant I eo...-hmp .,.,. .... t-·" ........ ) Del'l'kk Maa ( oOidd type) Drillln« M.dm.o {)prrii'Of ( indudlnll: ""lii"T ...-lb) fliPIIDe C.lHwey Sip~tlnutn lnrtromn~tman Locomottw Eoctneer ..._ s-"""""" RoOt. Opento<, Com- s..-!Opento< Tlmchbii MachiDe ()pentor (up to ~foot deptll npmty. -MK'- turer'a ralfDa) .... 49'l ..... 5.18 ,., CIIOUP 5 -·····-·······-----·········· --.....•... ····························--·-··· ... 5.48 ._ « c.a.m. s.,...d>nf. Mtthonk>ol Tom ... ,"' ............ lt.cliM ()pen.IDr. Rollt:r (Ill ~and ri~~Ml . Soil, CAmr-nl, Asphalt. """' AspWt ,_. ...,_ &'::.,~Open ... -.. o.o,=-~~w~ :::...::c~,...,. loodOIM-....... r..tUft._.,._ lr'o-...a. a..,~ ~lpri_,. ()pt-1-a~ OW, Eat4SII. Le ,._ 111' lA ~ or *nlltt typeo eq W 1 al wit\ _, ~ .. 1' It -t.a.k. W'-I'I)Je. .... ""'""" u-p 110 .d .. M • '",.... _,r---~~........,.~-"" m;.;;·~-) -9fao-JMo .. pe. Slloo<l ·-· T-. .._ ... --~·---· ---·-·--.. --... c " a ...,Ditr •• a _. ..... 0 I ... OznAa0-PI .. s; : ..... -..cr · ,_,., ('r .. o.oo,, .... LIGAL MOTICI LIIAL 11011CI A-Frame « Swedish Cnne or simllar typ:- equlpneot drivu ..... ---··················· Cement Distributor Truck . DriYft' ol Dump Trucil of leg than. 4 yards Willet JeyeJ ...... _ 4 yards but k:a than 8 yard. water k>vt:i 8 yards but lea thaD 12 yards water level 12 yards but lea thaD 16 yards watrr level 16 yuds but leu than 23 yards water M-Yel 25 yards but Jeu than 40 yards WStC'f" Je..-.::1 40 yards or nKW"C water ~vel ( li.aJle unit "' combi.nalioo of whides) ..... OnYer of Truck I...epl hyJoad Capadt} 1...eu then 8 tom• .. 6 tow to 10 teas 10 toDI to 1.5 tom . 15 teal to 20 1om .. . 20 tom Of more ... . l>riYcr oi Dumpta Of Dum~ter Truck Driver of Road Oil Spreade-r Trucl .... Drtvu of Tnnsit·Mb: Truck-under 3 y.,.J., Driver of Tnasit·MiJ; Truc:k-3 yards or tllOh Dumpaete Truck leu than 8\tl yards "";olc::r 1.. • , 1 D.nupuellli Track. 8~ yards water lnd and Ovt:• OW 10 ..l OW 20 Eudickype Equtpmem. IAT~u PuDt., Tern. Cobns SDi! slmilar types of equipmalt; also PB aDd Jimilu typ;_ trudll:l wbezi perfonniD.c wad: witbJa the T cam-*' lurildktioa. repnlJeg of types ol attach· meat and when pUltin1 Aqua!Pak md wate ........................ Fod: Lift DrtYa Fuel Truc::k ....... .. ..... PtpdiDe. utd Utility Wodin& Trud: Dm'ef includ· iDS Winch Tnd, but Umited to tnK:b appbca we to pipeline aod utility work., where • eocr-o• posite crew U UJed ._ ........... . """ Curia-I:>riwo-Highwoy . Tra8ic-Coobol Pilot Car, esclud!o, moviDg be.\) T~~~~ .. (i5t ·;:; .. t~;·;t·.u. Cb:lal when worldq ca tire sUa above 24-incb ..... -.., ........... . Tnd Woonted Power Broou. Tnd----··-· Trude Repeitmu Helper Tnd-W.W.. Werebouleman aDd Te.rru.ler W~---· Water or Tank-Type Truck Driver-under 2500 pllooo -····-·····-· ....... . Wata or Tank-Type Trudt 0nYer-:l500 JllUon~ w~ ~ fZ,;; .. T~ .. Dri·~:~-4000 11ariow aDd over ................. _____ .. __ . . .................. . Wold« -···· ............... . Wmcb Truck OriVCI'-12.\tt per how addJtional wbm open.tiQa power winch, or Umilar speci;,al att:adunmb. ·~.u .......... -. .... .u-. "'"" 05.'135 4.83 4.83 4.85 4.68 4.73 4.81 •. OJ 5.49 5.61.5 4.65 4.68 4..73 4..81 5.03 5.03 4.83 4 .... 5.03 4 .... 5.03 5.61.5 5.335 4.83 ..... •. 335 <.65 '-"" 4.71 .5.61.5 4.865 .5.715 4.57 OJ .a.il ..... 4.90 .5.61.5 .,,. 05.538 5.03 5.03 4.85 4.88 4.93 5.01 5.23 5 .... 5.81.5 <.85 468 <.93 5.01 5.23 5-"3 5.03 5.00 5-"3 5.09 5-"3 .5J~I 5 5.538 5.03 5.03 5.535 4.85 5.1& 4.91 .5.815 5.065 5.91.5 <.77 -1.91 ·UU 5.03 5.1.5 .5.815 ·~ .. - ''"" 15.735 5.23 5.23 5.00 5.05 5.13 Ul 5.4:1 5.80 6.015 ,_., 5.00 5.13 ~.11 5.43 5.43 5-"3 5~ 5.43 5~ 5.43 6.01.5 .5.735 ,.., 5.liJ 5.73.5 5.0> 5.311 .5.11 8.01.5 5.285 8.115 4.!17 S.ll .5.11 . .., 5.35 8.01.5 1968 Sub-TradH _ .... HOURLY WAGE RATES OF IUILDIN6 AND CONSTRUCTION TRADES UNIONS Afflll.tM wfttl .... Building and Construction Trades Council of Orange County AFL-CIO 1601 W.. H.,.,., St. SANTA ANA. CALJPOIJrrltA (1141 D1-l4A ADOmONAL COST rttMS: f-or ~~ Alloni9C:&o ,,., ; t•'""' Pod Tr.-.1 r.,._ AI'-•~ ~ce ~·-c-trib.m-, .t.:.. COC"t.ct ttle l..oul UNo~! 01 ft. Oiliri~;t Council k.tirull ;.riddiOR. liMBS I 'tt'ELDYSI s.-~ ~~-M c:ratt. to .wdl """' -lAd· ......... ebooo;. J__,_,. ...... ~ .......... -------"-" H.ehll I ..... {.,.. l1 '-*-"'-JS Vee•*'-I Holt4., .41 ~~p Treil'llflf .Q:I:. KML8.MAIB & ILACIC$MITH 10.1-"' 111~-1... 10-MI leitw-kt I •ecbtrtith ~~~ --·---.._90 $7.JO $7.11 lei~er I llec.bmith A•'t. ~P--US 71)1 7.41 leilerwo ..... llect-ith -·---·---.. 40 ..., 7.10 H.&lttt I W'elf-.lO Pe~~si• rt.ft AO: 10-1-M ..H: 10.1·?0 .JQ ~ip .02 YK41t1011 .lO: 4-I ... .JS: 4-1 -JQ .40: ~1·11 M tiiCIQAlW; .I.,... Fcc. 1111 .,.., ..... ...... ' -Mot ........ .11¥1:,.., ......... •.. ,... ,.__.. ... ..._I--Mit'-W... sa,.-,_.., ..... ........ ... ..... -... ·---..... -,,_. Pia "'* .1$ WM'n..,lp "' .....,... a ... .....,. .21 v....-. .11; .. , ..... 1'1 ~·--WI£ I I If' t -t .__lUI ........._ ........ .J4Yj ......... .D \ .......... (0.*•••• ... . IIOWAIID _, ol ~ Bead~. 'il!o 1U-will> lin- port aa.. ....... lid Lou ...... -.llll,lasbo .. DaiHd ,, .. .,. to awaacw Carol Fr_. allllo CO... del .... brucl! '" "" llnport Ce!ter tlDucial pluL Before ,.. ftrst )ob-llowporl Bal- boa Sa•IDp u lollor -·. Mr. WODJ bad a Ql'led taet- grOttlld, ruclac from •lilac men•s clotlllq" to aew• upor- tlDc for tbe U.S. Air Faree, He l& a CfadU&te of Hoao1Wu Buslaess CoUeae. (llleNally -.) 1.1-loll KE NOACK NOW AT THAILAND Airmu First CLus Mlcbael P. llolek, 1011 ol14r.llld lllrs. Edward W. Hood< oii977Rost- mary Place, Costa ...... ls OD duly II Udoru lloyal Tbal AFB, 'I"bb..lud.He Ls an adm.lDJ.stl'a- Un specl.aJlst, assf.ped to a IDiit of tbe Pacl.fle Air Forees • Ht prefiocasly served at Patrick AFB, Fla. The aJ.rman. a· graduate ot we_.-t Harbor Hlgb Seboo~ lllended Oranae Coast CoUece &Dd Rolllr.s College. Wloter Ha.Yen_ Fla. LEGAL MOTICE CE.HlFtCATE OF BUSINESS Fictitious F~m Name Tbe uOOerstped do bereby certify tbat tbey are eooduc- tlnl t:ae oolng aDd operatioo of a marlDe eotJtractiGc bus!- oess lD Ora.act CoWl:J, Ca.ll- fDraJ.a., l.mder tbe ftctttio'JSt1rm a&me of GlLUS 6 DERBY and tbat sa!d ftrm ls composed of the tollowlD&: per901lS wbose uames 111 f\111 and place of re- sideoee are u follows, to 711: James Peter B&rrett, 231 K.J.Ap: Place, Newport Beach, Ca. 92660; Ed'triD Dean Taylor: 19SO CaatiDeatal, Costa Mesa, . CL 92627. WITNE.~ ocr ba. "lds uus M d&y of AII<U. 1969. H .MES PETER BARRETT James PtUr Barrett ED>Y;JO DE-'" TAYLOR EdWiD. Diu Taylor STATE OF CAUFORNIA ) (s1· COUNTY OF ORANGE ) Oo April u. 1969, before me, tbe tmders:.tped, a Notary PubUe 1o am tor saM County aDd state, persollllly appeared JAMES PETER BARRETT and EDWIN DEAN TAYLOf:, 'na~:~ to me to be the persons whose uames are subscribed to the wlthirl {ostrumeat aDd ackDow- led:ged that they eJO~-:Ilted the same • WITNESS my lla.Dd :lnd of. ficial seal. (s) Mucla Bents ~o".ary Publlc in and for said County and State. (SEAL) Publlsh: May 8, U, 22, Z9, 1969, LD. the Neport Harbor Ensli!'· LEGAL NOTICE CERTIFICATE OF BUSINESS Fictitious Firm Name THE UNDERSIGNED<kl her e- by cerUty that tbey are con- ducting a r-.1 pl'q)erty reDtal busloess, ud aJl otber busi- ness reasoa:ably r elated there- to, UDder the ftctltious tlrm oa.me of MELOLAND RA..~CH aDd tba.t said 4rm 1B composed of tbe foUnln&: pe.r!JOD.S wtiOse aames 1D t.U and place otre51- deoce ue u _,Uows, to wtt; Beratee B. Hetrernu. 2921 Greeanue Street, Suta. Ana. Ca. 91'704; Tbomas A. Hef- fei'DUl, Z:tZ7 GreeOYLlle Street, SUD Alii, Ca. 92704; Wilma V. a.-. IIZIIIJde Par•Drl,., -Alii, Ca. !12'105. Wlt'NESS oar hinds this Z8 clay ol AII<U. I Mi. BERIIlCE B. IIEFFERN.'J< llorlllco B. Rtdlortao THOMAS 4 HEFFERNAN -4-... WUMA V. BORIIETT WlllooV.- STATE Of' CALIFORNIA ) (II • COI.IIfTY OF OIWIGE ) Oo April n, I Mt, bolaftmo, ~~~~~·-r -lolldlorald~ 1011 -. por I IIJ_.,.t IIIIIIUCI B. •rP'DlWI. ,..... 4 .t'llll,411 4111)• WUMA f , IIIIKETT, -It ........... ,7 .... __ .,._ ...... ....I 1 •••, a-~ .. .., .. -., __ _ I LIML IIO'nCI (0. ..... -·p ... J) -IUIIOUUMLA ... c.,... u,.,_ 1 Wt .,. .. ,..., 1-1~ .. ,.., J..t·JO .._ -----SUI $5 .... SUI J&.n ........ I Wlllf•• .21: PM.i-.20: AHf. Trellll'"l .OIYt Vecatlofl .U ; 8-1 -.. .29 -..::r11C1AN WillMAN l-1-M ...._,elF-en $1.64 ~ 7.15 Sub foNmlfl 7.44 ...... C.W. Spllcet 7.39 C.bl• S.,Uc.r For.-n 8.2] Jour~ WlNMifl 7.05 Sp+lntlar Attar ~en ---$t.l5 Spti11U., Fitt..-1.65 Haalth l Walfer• .2S P•ntion Plen .20 tnckldM $1 ,12 par t.ow V aeatiOfl App!'. Tt•lniiiQ .OII!J J01.1f!l~n TeduWd•n 7.05 c.rtifled Weide~ 7 .OS ELICTIICAL STOIEKHPO I d ' mOfiiiM ··--··--·--·-·---·· l.Sl 2nd 6 monHu ·----·---··-----<4.23 lrd 6 month• ----·-·----·-·------4.58 4th 6 month• (a11d ther1efter) --4.94 ELECTRICIAN LINEMAN 7-1-01 G•n. fat•m•n ···········------------8.M for•m•n --········-·-··-·······-···-·· 1.85 ...... l ... fri~.tiOft Fitt.r for.maft -16.37 l.afrl9..-•tl"" Attw --5.79 Haalth I Welftrt .55; Training .15 Panlion Plan .90: Wort Opportunity .05 Vaulion I Holidoys .66 n.ASTtiEI 5--22"' Foraman-.l7V2 above Journaymon 1·1--69 Plularar ·-··········-·············-··-·-··-··· $5.14S $5.195 Haalth 1: Walfere .3! Pansion .45 Vaution .JS Trod a Promoli0<1 .OS Appo-antic:•ship .041/a $5.845 Journayrna11 -·-····----·---------·-1.0~ l.i11ama11 OJMrating Equip!. -·-···· 1.0::r Cabla Spliur F01'"ama11 ···-·······-8.2J Cabla Spllur ····-·········-············-·· 7.39 Groundma-f.rll y .. r ···-··-·-.. ·•···• 5.74 GtOIIfldman altar r.,..t yaar.......... 0.08 ...... 1-1-M 4-]0o--6f Haalth and Walfara .:15 Appren.ica Trud Fund $:10.00 annually Of" $10.00 tami-ann..,ally. El£VATO. 9-15-61 Elw-alor Connr ... ctor Fora""'n _ $7.01 E .... ator Collltr ... c:tor -------b.:i'J Pltliar Ttllder __ 4.76 Haahh & Waller• .241h: 5-1-69 .25 Vacation .45; S·1-b9 .SO •ooFU 1-1.....e f 01aman ··--·-··-····------$5.97 5ub-fortmen ·-----5.17 Journayman ···------·---5.62 $5.01 $5.475 Pension .42; 5--1 -69 .50 El .... ator Conilrvc:lor Halpar ---· 4.Jb Haaltl! & Walle•• 12'h ""d .OJ% by Employar~~: Pan1ion Plan .l!i1h PtTCH •ooFEl I DAM,, WATBNOOf I 11,d 05 'h b.,-[moloy""'· Vactotio~ :i'"lo up to 5 ya~": 4"/., 5 yaa•• or BITUMINOUS ENAMEUR mora plu1 Vecetiofl Credit lh% FOI'"aman ------------·-·----S6.37 SLAZIER 7-26-61 Svb-F-oraman ····-·······-··-----6>7 G1ari ar . ·····-.. ·······-···-·-····-·-$5.47 Journaymen ·····-····--·-····-·-··-·-·· 6.02 Huhh & Wallar• .15; Pansion Plan 2o: Vac:atiOfl l Holiday 7% &oamalars -----····-······--··-···-·-·· 0.02 Appranfic:athip Trull .02 ; Sc:olfolding ovar 4th floor .25 JMr hr. abova Hu lth & Walfara .27IIJ; 8-15-69 .30; 8-1S.70 .ll Journaymen; laadma n---nol tan tl-!an .15 JM' br. abova Jour11ayman Pan1ion .20; 8-15-09 .25; 8-l!i-70 .35 LATHER 5-23-68 So-1-69 Vacation .20; 8-t5-70 .25; Dua1 chad-off .10 Oran9a County Araa-local #440 Appr. Tnat .02 : Adminidrelion .02 lothar ·········-····----····-··-····-·········-$5.08 1 5.67 SHEET METAL Foraman-Nol tau than 10'/. above tha Journayman's role. 5haat Malol foraman 10% above Journ•yman reta Heeltl! & Welfara .30 Pa111ion Plan .50 Vacation Plan .50 Genaral fO<amon 1S'/. obova Jo11rn•yman reta. Trode Prom otion .OB App•enti~e•hi p Treininq .02 7 _ 1 ..., Lon'll ll .. clt Ar .. -Local #112 5-29-611 1·1-69 4--30.119 4--29-70 5~11111 Metal Workar -·······------·-$0.14 6.295 l11ther ............ ·····-····-··-····· $5.07 $S.I7 $S.II7 $b.22 H r 1 1 II, SO 14 Fo,e.,.,ar-Not ~011 lh1111 .171h per ~r. mora the" Jou;neyman. ~~~~~:7,9h a"',;.~er~--:J;j~-pe n~io~-:2~: "vocation 10% of gro.,t payroll H.,0 1tl! & Welfor• .24 : 4-JO-bq .1q: 4-:M-70 .34 Vacal•o" .45; 1-1-09 :50 Pe"''o" JS · t-t-b9 45; 4.l0-b9 .SO Apprentiu Trai11i"g .OJ TEII.lAZZO WOU.ERS 7-1--6t 1rade Promotio11 .OB Ta..-uzo Wor~•• ···············-··-·---SS.22 MAULE MASONS #24 5-1-68 5-l-69 5-1 -70 M11•b!a Sattar ············-~····-·····-·-SS.b! 5 $S.8!i!i $6.()qS Me_,!~ & Wa"fft•e !41/2 Pension .t S Vacation .20 i--1 u lfh & Wt fe•l lnsu•a~c e 04--deduc tad from woga1 MARBLE HELPERS #11 7-1-61 Merbla H•lpar ........ ····-·-··---S4 lBS Hea "' & Wa lara 141h Vecatio" .20 Pa •am•~t Saving! Tru ll .24 · Doubolity .OS TEII.lAZZO WOliCEII.S HElPElS 7.1--61 All a.,. Machina Wort ····-··----$4.87 ln••JM•i•ncad Iota Moch ina ---··· · 4.74S HaiJMr & Floo• M11ch ina Op-erator 4.bOS Probelio•a•y Ma n !W de'f'l .......• 4JSS Heel'~ !i Walf,•a .1 5 Vacation .IS TILE sme• #11 7-1--69 $5.52 7-1 -70 $6.42 PAINTE.S Foreman-25c obova Jou1naym11n rata. 7-1·61 Tila S.ttar Forarnan in charga of leu than 11 man, $2.S.O JMr day and it1 charga of 11 man or mora, $5.00 JM• day MORE THAN tl!a nta S.t-tar'1 rata. Srulh ···-··············-····-··-····-······-····· $5.44 Brush, Swing Stag• ·-·-···-···-··--·· 5 b9 Iron. Staal & Bridqa ···--··-····-····-S.b9 lro~. Staal & Bridge. Swin g Stoge S 94 !,c~. Stael & Bridg• 5proy ............ 5 94 Iron. S+•al & l ridga Spray Swing Stagl ........................... b ! 9 5e ~dblelter ·········-··············· 5.94 5a ndbles!er. Swinq St•qe ·····-······· b.t9 P11intar, Burnar ···--············-···-····· S.44 P11parhanger ···-·······-·-·-····-·-····· S.SbS S~nt Rod Teper .. ····-··--· -·--···· 5.59 Steeplaj ~d: Worier _ ---·--· ·······--·· b 84 Jou•My,..en Spray ···-··· _ __ ... 5.b9 Journaymen Sprev s .. tnq Stoqe -··· 5.94 R;qqa 1 Climbinq Staal ··-···· _. 5 94 J::r.rn1yrnor Brush. Cli mbi"q Staal 5 q_. Jo~•n•l '""""· Sproy, C to mbi"9 Steel ···~ ········--·-··----·-··-··-··· 6.19 Heoltft & Welle•• .24; Po~1ion .25 ; Vocalio" .tO l'd.,.,~-~lt~l ~a .04 Ap•enticesh"o Fun d .01 SIGN PAINTERS {COMME.C1AL) Sogn & Pictorial l..aodm o,_ ...... T.la S.t-tar ·····----····-·············-·-·-··· SS.7S l ila ln1~ranca Trull .!-4lh [withhald from wag•• .041. F'en1•on .2S Ve~e!<on (Dad ·.~·ed irom ..-eqa1l .40 A_pprantictsf.,p .02; Tila Promoliofl .1 2 TILE HEL,EII.S #11 ~1 -61 lila SaHar Helptr ·····-·····-$4 .bS 1---'.,al t~ & Wel•e•a 141/2 ; Vocotion .20 Promotion .08; Di1ability .OS ~(.o.M App•a.,••c e~~i p Tr .. .t .05 R,torerneM l•~11 .24 APPRENTICE SCHEDULE PERIOD AND RATE Tlta Appnt~tie-a rata it by parc.Mat• •f tit. ;..-...,-.. ·, rate C,aft l11horval• ht 2M 11'11 4ttto 5ttl 6tll 7tt. ~ ttl. 10th 12 __ .. .70 ... .'10 b ~---bO .65 .70 .75 .10 .OS .90 .95 6 II'IOl.-.50 .60 .70 . 80 ... .95 10'%. obova Journaymen rata. 10.1 -61 Journeyman Pictorial Artill 529 Asbasto. BoOt.,..,.~ ... Brid1ayafl Ca•panlafl C.mant II ma._.60 .65 .70 ·" .78 .81 .84 • 87 ••• .93 .96 Jourr•yman Siqn Painter ..... ______ S.(i4 b tT'IQI_.75 6 tT'I0$.-.50 Sign & Picteriel Halper .. -----····· _. 1S {COMMERCIAL DECORATOR) l -17--61 Jo~•neymen ....•....•.. ····-······-·· $4.25 Ma10M Elec!ricia nt Glu ia11 lronworia., 1000 hn .... 55 {ADVERTISING) 10-1-68 Arlill .... . ··········--·-·. $5.4t S,qn Poin ltr ············~·--····-····-·~--S.11 Helper ..... , ......... ·--·--·--4.51 He ~l t~ & W,.lloro .t 5 Voc~t .-..n 4°~ 4--1-49 10---1-69 $5.5t $5.6t S.l2 S.32 ... 62 4.71 Let~··· Marbla Mnon1 Painl•r~ Pen1io" .10: 12-1-118 15 Phuterars Plosterart PIPE TRADES Plumbart P·umbar & Staemfittar Ganaral Forama-20%. grou Journayn'lo" rota. R•lnqaration Plumbar & Steamfitter Foremo~10% abova Grou Journayman rata. Roof•, 7-1·68 S~aal Matal Plumber ... ··················-····-···-··-·· $S.79 Si9n Paintar S•a~mlottar . ·················-···-··-······· $5.79 Spro nilar F-t r. lead Burnar ···---------·------SS.79 Tarraao Hu l •~ & We'lera 10°/0 of qrou payroll Ti le Sat-tar 6 m0f, __ 17 6 m(lf,._ .. 5 6 m-Bo • ma. .. bO l mot.-•5 b mo., .... SS 6 mo., .. _40 10 pds .... 40 6 m0f,_b5 6 mOf,_.ss .......... b mot ... bO l yn-•. 70. b moe.....ll .79 .60 .60 " .60 8J 65 .50 .60 .53 .45 .70 .60 ... .62 80 ... .13 .87 ·" .95 .65 JO .75 .80 .15 .90 .70 .75 .10 .85 .90 .95 . 85 ·" " ·" .. . 76 ... ·" ... " ·" " . 70 .75 .85 .95 1.00 65 .70 .80 ... .70 .74 .78 ·" . 87 .90 .so .57 ... . 70 . 75 •• .85 .80 .85 .90 .95 .65 .70 .125 .75 .775 .80 .52 .58 ... . 70 .76 .82 .88 ... .70 .74 .78 ·" _,s .88 .90 87 ... ·" 1.00 P•·I·O~ Poe• l b0 0 of g•ou payroll Vocetio., & Hotidoyt 11"/. of qrou p~yroll Apprenticeship & Journaym u Troining 1~ Scholarships awarded .. .90 .95 .. .90 10.1 -61 Utility Pip•lin• Foramen ···-"'·-··· $5.88 Utili!y Pipalina Journeyman _ S.bl Hea ·~ & Wa fare to•~-Pa.,;ion to•;. CAIPfT & UPHOUTfiJ ClfAIII5 Mrs. Richard IAeram, presi-Ellsabetb Ianptm.Colt&Mesa dent ot Costa Mesa Art Leapt, H1Cb Sc:bool; Ju TrtpboteD &ad bas named tbe tono.rtnc-stu-Diet Ll'foa1. Corol:a del Mar dettls as sellolarshtp 'II1JIIIers: II1P. Uld Mark llcCIIIIoc:b aod at Oranp Coast Colle .. , JobD. R. Peter100 of Nnport Sn - v a I e CARPETS RE·WHITEN!D e WATER & SMOKE DAMAC! REMOVED Kather1De Rbooda Ercer; Rubor Hllb Sebool. Golden West CoHere. Mrs. Pa-Sc:bolarsblp aWU'ds made by trlcla L. Prlngle aDd. Yrs. Costa Mesa Art l..eiLiUt total Ethelyn Bradshaw; Larry Jfet. $1,250, ter at Cal state Fullerton_. Phll- 847·1678 "better carpet cleaning for better carpets" IJI> Waroer at Cal State Loog BOGUS $20 PASSED Beach, Eddie Harrison at Cbap.. A $ZO COUDterfeU btu man CoHere. was fUg_fi school scholarship win-passed at tbt Airport otlce ot oers lnchJde Jo Ann Taylor aod Newport N&tlolal Bank, 4570 Josle Vu Otterlo Estancia· C&mpua: Dr., ettber May 14 or Paul Botrdamwt~ a.Dd ~ May 15• COMPLETE FUNERALS ,.... '245 COMPLETI FUNERAL AND IUIIAI. CENTER 21J ....... 77 CEMETERY LOTS From Suo MAUSOLEUM CRYPTS From $46S Jark .Merauar,..-t::e etery "E~ m One &autifal Ploce" Bccwe the £uoeral and liurial cttller m;npt eliiniutes the ~ for procMSirC11 dllf,c>p bePJ· traffic on cmraowckd hipap, family ind friends alilce may now pay their full re- tpects by attending the burW service, .. well as the 'Chapel rot~ all at oae lla,utilul plaa, at.lal c:wt and more aMIIIiliaa. ,., -14MJ •M:H ..... 714 1YI I I J..Jal 714 ' ., t.6ma 8 fh •'•IIi u,.,,_,.,, ,-., ... ,.n ,....,.. ... , (1.111'11' Of'l¥. • **DAY~ IIAY I .. ..,.... Dt. -t'Wd•od NIIWOftT 8€·ACH, CALI,-OftNIA THE AflltCIIIICAN LUTH£"AN CHURCH . . ' . -Be-ItO hi-An., c-._. llor,-............ ftftiPOit IWaiU. At'sn-..... alllllt ... ._ .... tloo -"' Ilia uo -Ylow 111111; Go ·~ '-a •••dlt pi;Jwlood..., ••• .,., t'tld ........ Ud wtU I:JO '"""' to l'f:lO a.m. -worstllp )ervtct 9:45 • ..,. "' 10:45 a.m. -Sondlr School 11 :oo ..... 10 12:00 """" -worship Sertlco o.w $100 .-_ wu-to Ill" to bo ....-••• Wlllll tbe I eara, ctrtMD bJ HettM Bla).IDla Ka•leef,IOII.IIrd Crto-o, 187 SllareeiUIRood, •~ ~ ~ wu IWIIIc ---"· lllllo. PIOI« 'n• te;ew. Oeorae· J. ••diecker, Visitation Pa1101 --31· Sllore CIU!a, Uld Rudlll Got!, _. GoH...,.rt»>w,-Clorlolf• S,.loou 411 l!IU1 st., ll._t Rolpta, Mil IDs ll&tllo from Ilia VW. S...lc .. :f: ==: Jw'!t.~:. '~~~ ~~ ~ 10411111 ~-:wr':"':O::;J:. Uld Bocll:lqtlam Rd., W-1111 st., WHI llfti)Ort, WU plclrocl 3303 Via Lido at 4:15 p.m. • • • DorotbJ ~ at 1415 E. Cout H'wy., Newport Beach· SWUI of 105 Abo-AYe., 8&1-c-dol liar, oe a wvrul SUNDAY SCHOOL boa lll&Dd. ftB probably~~: ebl.rpq YioiiUoD of tbt ~ f l iS •·""· .., .. 11 a .111, led WbeD sbe fouDd a par ...... cocSe ••• Pamtl& Maly, li, SUNDAY SERVICES place aear ber bome, but wbUe ot leU Seattn.e, Harbor Vlw 9: u _ 11 •·"'· bar Cbenolet ftS innoceattJ HUls, wu boobd oo tblebll'p WEDNESDAY EVENING IIIUJic II tbe curb, KOIIIIOIII ot -utllnc a$10 jarMJdr-MEETING I •·•· Hatklas, 119.1/Z Agate Af8., from .&ro.dn.y deput:IDiat READING RO()M B&Jboa lsl&Dd, drot"e south OD .tore, Fl.lllloa laJaDd. • • • ._. .. .,. •1 9 •-•--5 , .... Ab&loDe A.-e rlgbt LDto It at Mutoa ToreU, U, ~ Ul .._,_ W.,n••4.,: 9 e-•· -7:45 , ....... -&&.. Tue•tll., .., .. P:•ltllr,-: 11:15 Lm. • • • An., Coroaa del Mar, wu 9 •·•· -J: "·"'·; 7·9 , .•. • TUESDAY, MAY 6 booked oo a fallart to IIJPMI' S.....tll..,: I 11'·•· -4 11·110• Lawreoee Blu:r--ton. 24, ot 4906 ftl'ttJit ••• J..Jutte Berpy of KCOND c•vac• OF Nepttme AYe., West Newport. 'J'liWDlst.,EutBlafl,l&lda C1188T,.ICIEN'IWJ wu arrested at 9:10a.m.ootbe P''"-·' ~-ru ... .6 of 111 Ncwpor1 Beach a1 ...., ..... r-rr1 .....,_ Corona del Mar cb&rp or possesstoo of a C&mpbor st., Eut Blurt, 111<1 1111 a too p nttchblade ••• Mary Keller, ~ .., ... ·--••• ~. Lellv adll.o VIew Ill". ,_. Ullll &.LUI•-Uli SUNDAY SCHOOL 10 ...... 46, ot 2!9 Poppy A.-e., COI'ODI. Beeker, 485 C&mbrldce Lut, SUNDAY SERVICE 10 .,...,. del Mar, was arrested 00 tbe WelteiJ.ff, ..._.arrested at 1:SO "'EDNESOAY EVENING cb&rp of i..Dtolicated~~~ a.m., at Cruce st. aDI1 w. MEETING 1:00 ,_,.._ alter she argued and &... Cout Hwy., Weat Newport, &Dd Re•diA8 Room: Matul Bids- patrons ln a restaurant • • • booked oa tbe ebU'p ot drUDk '2863 E••t eo .. t Hwy •• COM. Brad Wood, 1133 £. Balboa LD public &ftcrr bei..Dc lnvolYed Moa.-Fri.: 10 a.m. "> S p.m. BIYd., Balboa., was tbevlcUmol LD a tramc accident with Fred-'Thur•d-r eveQintr-7 to 9 · ma.llelous mtsehief; while his ric Ballasb, 5512 RJyer AYe., S•t.: 10 .. m. to 4 p.m . car was parted at st. Andrews West Newport, wbo n.s drlYlnl You ..-c cordially inviled 10 Rd. aod Clay st., CUff Haven. an Okls; Dr. Seeker's Cadillac auend Ch~ch Servtcu a:nd someone entered it throueb tbe bad to be towed any ••• '-:'"="':'='h:':R:':""=:;"::'::R:oom::::·, ta.llp.te aod made 6 bor1Jootal Bradley WollJ. Z46 Cedar st., r clts lD tbe bead liner and 2 on Newplri Shores. reported the loo ~ .. --• tbe dasbboard ot his sta.t1oo theft ot btl purple m1Dl-blke Lwt •• .....,..cw ngoo caustag $50 tlamap • • . !tom b1a praco •• .A Sllla of Of tloo Moo.., Durtag lbe nlgbt, oomeooe bnlu Cal1tml1l blpny IIIII ns Letloo,. his $50 -.1Ddow, saJd Arthur stolen from tbe art ub1tltt at O.rct. h• '-"Ice Hurd, 1400 E. Ocean Ft., Bal-tbe Clt:y b&ll ••• SomtoDt 1900 Pacific View Dr. boll ••• Gleo Crljlpen. 4014 pried opeo bar car w1Dtlw1Dc jC<~• dol Mat, Cali! Cbanoel Place, Newport lsl&Dd, &Dd stole her $50 stereo wWe Dr. Willin R. Eller baslobeboptagtorclearnlpta: till car ns parked 11 Fubloo Phone 644-1664 tbe tor Ugbts and brackets, Ial&.od, stated Sandra Jord&D, a:u ..... r.u,. w.,.a.i, -~· $35 stoleo tro his 1 t :&& ..... C..r-c'ill, sa-&.,. flrat a.,.1st a-.. .. c. ....... R•pthll Blblf! Fellow•hlp l•t/,,,,.tl••t-A•t~ ... s.. ............... u.s .. . Dr, P.Ci. Neumann. pu&or SUNDAY SERVICES ~:•s a.r '· Sunday School ll:OO a.m. Momina Worshi" 6:00 p.-m. TraininJ Unions J:tk) p,m. EvininJ Worship WEDNESDAY 7:20p.m. Bible Scudy 1:00 p.m. Puycr Meetina A TTIND THE CHUIICH Of TOUR CHOICE IECULARLT CINTIAL lllll CHUICH -"-'NDAV •c:HOOL. I A .M . WOI'IeHt ... aND IOo •VENIN It ••tot VIC:. 1100 ....... TI-4U "IDA V •1 .L.. ITVDV AND .. IIIAV.tot_7o00 fl.loll. NUtot••totv DUI'ItN• .... V!C:IU AWY_......,_ C...ol.,_ ... ,_ .. ....,_ ,MIN H l ......... "CA lrolht -. ..... """' , were m 51 ?-1 2 Bola. An., Newport ll:OO ... j( r .. dv• w.,._l, Dalswl while it was parUd at Hel(bta: ••• A BB IUD pelltt WUISE y PROVIDED 206 Walnut, Newport Shores. fractured a window LD tbe Mer-L:=:=:;:::::=:::;::=::~_:========~ • WEDNESDAY, MAY '7 cury owned by JobnDoore, 5004 r fla wilt Cs • ;«: I ..._., uu ...... -... _ .... ..,. Karen McNeUl, 18, ot '7301 Neptune An., WestNewport ••• Seasbore Dr., West Newport, Aod down the street a Uttle, was arrested on tbe charge oJ a VW winl:low ns brotea by a poasesstoa of marijuana • • • BB sbot; th15 car btloace<l to Richard Sawyer IL1ld Michael L1Dda Hutchins, 5206-1/2 Nep- .4 Fr•• -~ , •• , .. 11 .. 1 Gerrlsb, 20, ot 16-3-3 £. Balboa tuDe An. CMINI ..... Cjf'I.,J• C6•rc-• n••••·"-•• ...... ,.. ..... , Blvd., Balboa, nrearreslodoo ---------the ch&rre ot possession of stolen property ••• Grant and dirt were Ulrown at bet car as .......... tlllder tile -ldp • IUUTT SALON LO't....uu.· • BEAUTY NOOK 2112 E. Coast Hwy • Corona del Mar Phorte bn-7336 SEVEN NATIONS COIFFURES OPEN niESDAY THROUGH SAn.JRDAY Frea Parkins In Froat 300 W. Coast Hwy. N•wport B.adt Tal.,.t.o .. : 64·11844 BUILDING REMODELING and ADD ITIONS e P'R!E I'L.Uol SERVICE e P'RI!E I!STIMATI!S 532 ·5949 AMERICAN CONSTRUCTION CO. Ph•• ht Your Ord ... for • S.ltscrtptl•: .. .... So .. ico aod C\lurdl lc ... l II 10:00 ...._ And Money • HIAL TH IISOIT !~.~ :::.~_.t ·-... --,_ ....... -................ -. ...._.. .... ''"" • COSTA • ORAMCE • ANAHEIM • HUNTINGTON MESA 639..W1 11164181 BEACH 549-3368 U2·1451 673-5822 675·3353 ,_642·21• e SHOE llEPAIR MABERRY"S Shoe Repair Purse •nd L .. ge Aepiir -Dye won. SI.H ST l!iiiii'S ONE DAY SERVICE 1190 H•fbot Bhd. Coat• ..... -M1 &-3311 --- 111 « r ,... ..... • , 1-DWH • ... Tlllll LICEIIIED I -·· FRED' H. GERWICK MCtt"clsHs,JCDMe ........ c-... ---c-..... , .... 1LOIISTS ............ ., ,. •• put ..... aQA-.r; HAL ~EIISQIER· ~rl ,., ......... It ... :NifLC...ttw,. c-. ...... .,._ .;&. wtU:OX.CMi 12-M ... All qr •• :;. • .,._ • -----·-·---............ W~ CAN PIIIIJNT YOU,. I ::~~:~"~a.~ """'"" .. '"" I• LEAI'LETI, N~A~I!ftl AND HAa L.lrTTIIM CALL Ul N. I.,.ATII .,.._ • ........... liiCQ. me IAIT .. ..; ..,. c. ... •