HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-07-31 - Newport Harbor EnsignChange in 1 pl~ns asked Newport Beach elty oflk'•l• ll't Plfll-4101 a. riQUHl todal (JIIIy Jl) tollalolllcllnylll(la- ~· toLoiAopleslorr..._ ot rr_, plus to.,. eor- det Mar area.. TIIIIOWlNG THE LAST BOIIIIET IIIIo tb1t rloc lor tbO Mlu coroaa dtl Mar Coaent,Rob1DReecl,l7, cr..Ubet IPOUOI', BW Sammou. wbo la MDJor vice prealdaDt o1 M.lltal SaYIIIp Lilli LOu to eor-del Mar. ~ lut _, .. tblt """'"· will be a MlliDr a1 C<Jrooa del Mar Hll!l out tall, Sbe would UU to cpea. a bi.Ddlcraft ltore ud NL baM-made materials. Her major mternta are eralls, )olrolry, 111m-......... Lilli lra•<lli>c. (Eut,. -.l MISSING GIRL SOUGHT HERE Tbo dlsmucbt -ol a mluiJ>c -Alllllr~ ....... belloYod to be UVIJic 1D eor- del Mar waltln& lor tblt ---to pt lDio Mulco, ba .. made a porsoaal _.to Co- roaa del Mar resl.derj1 Jor !D.. lormalJoo leadlDc to • famt)J rewdoo they han prayed for, Terea Ann Beveridp, a pretty 14-Yeu~Jd tlrUDettt, wu last seen June Zl. H• parents ba.ve siDce hired a prt. vate lnvestlptor, pri.IUd tbou- llDCII ot mlssinr pcaoa ruera, speqt well OYer $2,000, aDd ea.. dured u agonWng persooal enl\IIUoo ot '· wbat we d1d wrong.•· "Ttrry lo'les the beach.'' her mother told tbe EDSlp. Tbe air' I baa been seen ln Ne"PPO'f Beach oear 20th St. aDd 18th St., oear the PavWoo are&. and on Bal- boa lslud. "We are certa1D. she 1t: staytnc somewbere to CoroL'l del Mar, •• ber mother said. ''Ter11 Joob a kit oiOer tbu abe wb1tb coWd cause bor to aJooc bJ older •taiDIC& Assessment cost assailed Protests against hi&b costs before tbe blcSI were iece1ved. were voiced Mooday evening Seven assessments are 1a ex- as tbe Newport Beach City cess of $1,000, aDCS the highest CoUDCU held a public heatin.con ts $1,•11.25. the As&essment Dl.strlct 51 im-Mr. DeYUn e1plained lbat the provement of West Newport project was costly because of strefls aDd alleys, Umlted access, DUTOW alleys The len &thY hearillg ended Waeto setbaeks, LaureDCe J. with Couoc.U over ~ruUng pro~ ThOrUpson of Manhattan, wbo tests aad IIIPtOVlllg the assess-spread tbe a.ssessment costs, mtlb, The total cost wuaetat called 1t "tbe most upeoslft $11 ?,806.ae. CoUDCU approved alley _project" 1n his We, re- a city cull cootrlWtoo ol lerriJic speclllcally to tblt Sea- $6,698.10, leartng a oetassess~ sbOI'e Dr. area. meat cost of $111,108.~ to be Tbe constructioo wort was spread a.moa& U8 parcels doDe by tbe Sully~Viller Coo- beoelltttDc !rom lbe pro]e<:t. ln<:ttoc Co. ol Loog Beacb at a eost of $96,f.U.16, EnciD- PubUc Works Director Joe eerillg services by Boyle Eo- DevliD's report revealed tb1 poeertng of SaDta Ana eost average assessmeot per beDe~ $11,400. PrintiDc, adYerUsiDg. tltted parcel to be$319.%8. Ttu.s lep.l services, mak1n&: tbe as- compares witb aa averap susment a.J¥1 bco:1 costs totaled or $268 estlmalod last Nov. II $9,96Z. SAND GIFT IS HALTED Publle Worts Director Joe DevltJI, Tralllc E-Bob Jllfo Lilli P-., director Larry wu.oa are lD l.4e An&ole• coaferriJic wttb tblt -Hl.,....J Dl ..... alllclalo coacerDIII( Coast ltoy, lm- Pf'O'Itmeat oar tbe Balboa B1.J Club. WboD tJW.I dtscusstoo .. over, tbeJ wWbr1Dcl.&ltbemat. ter ol tbe DtW tl'et"ftl plans, •bleb IJOilld -addtltoall ~tomes below 5th AYt.lDCoroal. delMar. Mr. De¥1111 said yesterday lllal tbltr IJOilld ut tblt dtvtsloD ...,_. ... ---al tblt -lem to soe II aUco-meat ct tbltrr.....,..to-rr......, --... be challpd .. tb&l: 5tb AYI, r•Ucnme.atwoukS aot eat 10 detp tmo the real. del1ltal ..... INVENTOR WINS AWARD A Corona del Mar lDveotor wW fly back Eastaoootoaccept a technical achievemem award tor a metood of advance testing which has been vital 1a the Apollo program, Roo Botsco, who worlts wttb Microwave Instruments Co., 3111 Secood An., Co.rou del Yar, will receive tbe award j trom the American Society tor Noo.-destructlve Testinc. whtcb bas •Honal membe(sllfp ot -tral no Offlcf$111 m-• DIL MAR. CALII'O .. I" HERE ARE 1 of the 8 talldlda.tes for Miss Corona del Mar, all read:; for the f1Da1 Judline: at the a.aouaJ. i.nstalla.tioo banquet of tbe Corooadel Mar CbamberofCommer!'e friday evening, Aug, 8, at the lrvloe Coast County Club. These contestlllts are, from left, Margaret fish, 310 MariKQid Ave., Corona del Mar, spoosored by At'e Adams of Coast S\4)er Market; Saudee Shumaker, 809 N. Bray Ft., Ba.lboa Jsla.DU, sponsored by Realtor Don Franklin; Cindy Bell.ing\!r of Corona del Mar, llpOOSOl'ed by tbe Dorothy Jo Dance Studio; Stle.ri Hoctmu.D,. a lifeguard at Newport Dunes, sponsored bY World HOl'lsollS institute; Mary Osbon of the Blutrs, spoosored by tbe Corooa del Mar Kiwanis Club; Su.saD Reed. baton twirler and Jaoe gradtlllte at Corona del Mar Web Sebool, spoo.sored byGieodale Federal Sa.vlq:s; and K.oi.tby V~deKampoiCameoSbores, .,...,..ed by Five Crowns resturut. (Howard Follom pboto.) HAVEN' H1T I ' Of' llll an Of' IIIIFOIY l..at Till IIAIIJOII AlUlA'S OFFSI:T NlrgAf'ER Oftloo .... -... , ........ L.lp ......... 1"111 L Cssoo ...,., C.... ilsl 11sr C.W, -,_, TILIFIIDMis 17M-(.._ c:..r. 714) . . ' . r , , , _ ._;\. ' •1 1 C,l ftellnl a.-.... u .,.._,..,. __ Ill s:7fn -IE&-If.Usiii .. C.'n!"S'IE-..... &• - --......... _ .. __ .... 1'1 .... -... •"• GOD .. -SICII.'ION -.......... _ ...... -_, -IE Ill "' -11 ...... _ .......,. ... •, _ -1 ~., ~-..._ "-"~. =~~~;~~ Jo11 .. -r na-.a.. Cart-,_ aa1 11a 111--..&"?IN a ----"----~--.. ,...·" ...... trtllr .. 9 ........ :;; ...... ~ ltomo plo)'Od by l'll<lio ... ioc'07I -1bo ool ..,......,kios .. - C I 1 I I -no -at liE Ia -"" I ,._ ,_ councry ia c:omediaa Red SW.O.•I venioe of purpole, Jll divided ;.....-., ........... M I •" , I ~ .. tt ........... *-* JP • 'II** , • , .. lhe P1ed• or AlleaiaDCC 10 our laa-Skdeon yet uniftd 10 a common .,......... _, If a.., t1CIIrtr6& -11111 Tr 1 • .. ,_.,, ,..... 1An .. • ..... ., 1111 te.~ it from • te.c:bcr wbi ... acbool boY lov~ ,~ country. .... 12 ................ *'·,., ..... Dr.¥ a ''w Clrilllll -·-· .. .... in Vu)CCnna, Ind. Siacc ,.....,.;111 k 011 1V .. 'Of America. ., .. .., Cs"TIIJ~••• un,..CJII' a 1 n .. ., .. til c.r 11• a ...... ~ stra.ta~t ., ,_ Arllllll 7 -- ,.. AZWUi1 aA.UOI. ENSIGN Ia , .. oaly .:....,. ,. .... _. ,.w..-. Ia ... Cllr el NeupiWt •••· _. ...,; _., loe-tly ........ .::•-•= r••iad. ~ .. kC..a•• "'-P... -··· oa T~...r.,. Sseood •1-,. .... pal• • c.-ilsl ... Colli. ~~~th 2oo""'ooo Mr. !MIIonl ~ iauo-..., 0 •,.. ...... 1111 1111,_ -eiiii•WIIID a !' IIIII a..... -• '"'luotll O< .....-of the ........ t 1 a 1lleJ fl ISIEIIa QOnlr -· lo .,_.....,.,...,_-·I >o-ltwta. "":::.."::':': ;:::,.':'"' 11 · '"And 10 tbe ....,._ ototo Ia -lo1"7' :_)II • ---lttoiPI -~ --"' 10\ICTeiln pcnwt il fDftlled Jq ...,.... el .. j.. Jl .!. !/!! l'ell .. can.. .. ~ ¥ •Pt, IIIJreral ... remember lhia one teac:her. To me, be chosen by the_..... 10 _ A~_,.. tlu-.-_, ....... .., JIOIItlt=lldl ...... .c 1 ... T. lt& ...... T ~BOa I:NSICN w-Mj~ ao ... a •w.- ,.._ ol ..-.a clrc.t.llowl lty eowt d~ Pfo,. 420178 ••• 1!1'1 14. ltSI. ia s.-n-eo.._ for t .. COUiy of Or ..... be of Cal .... Mill ~y Naaoa tt.ereof ia qulified to p.a.U .. all pUUc was the aruteat teacher, a real aaae of my mentis the ~nd it';-r;.;· &b.-people.., tM Bilek •s't Iff ft6dlillld cal .,, r ID .......,. IIOI'IC& 10CAUI-!Ime. He ta.d such wildom. We were all .,c:ic-the Ioden, not ffom the .,...., 10 the _...... ._. IWid t111e pr.na....., ...._ CoG tilt Wllldi Ia IDea.-8~ OOC8I OP TR -=o.r":'~1::..... .. . . .. ... a.-_. P .. ll .... PO: IIAAPA ,_ ............................................ .A.-c.. &clit• IUISCI.,TIOM .A TIS o.e ,. ... 14.00; 2 ,. ... 17,00 Oae ,. •• U.OO; 2 ,. ... t9.00 ~'---.etlf ~ .11-,. ARVO E. HAAP,A, owner Mid pubHsher of the Ensign ~~ FREEWAY BITE CAN BE CORRECTED Tbo rr.._ )!aeroaul Is .... IDe releallossl)'al!eodwltlltbe clonr ladlca oC p-adilillsm. A llltle bite '""'• IUld a deoper bllo -. ul tllo result Is tbat oaly a lew of us-crylaa Ollila..-Ud alUm -and to pall!. p·-lbo -... "" will lliiiJiy brloa -e locallolb to &D awu-. ol tbe denstattoo tbat tbese lt'eeft.J plotters ..:1 bJ.Ifnralmea are lallict!J:ag oo. bom~s aDd bome cnmera 1.D -cliJ. Some ot Joa ma1 remember tbe first rfl'fela.tioD ot plans b' Lbt COI.IDJ.Irena.y, Tbere was some oatcry from Newport Helcl>ts IUld CUI! lla•eo, biJt tbewor<llroo!tbe bl.,.,.ymeo was tbU Olll)' a t.w bomes wooJd ban to co. Home oners 1D eoro.. del Mar were told IP'Wnct7 tbat tbe lrYiDe Co. bad tiJoaciJtfldlJ tall a w1de ...... "' -...... --rllllls ol-ftl aortber)J ol5tb A.-e, aDd )lltooeor two bouses, It any, -.oU1 ban to bt remoYed. nea came oew plus sbowinc a frHft.J ,_.. nadway eocroacbiDc eYer so sUpt.Jy across 5tll A... Ud wll>loa oat a strtoa oC l»mes. AJJotber cbaJoge --~·r 5tb A ... hm 11s pr.-.u-1o lill(le -. tl!rOIJCI! -.. aloog Larbpor, lasmi!Je. Iris. He- am Fenltl.f. Last year 5tb An, dipped don eYeD more, staruDc at Marcuerite Aye, aad r•cbJDI Goldenrod at tbe mkWe ot tbe ?00 block, abov'e 4tb A,e, Lut weet came &DOtber slip 1D this scbeme ot gradl•ltsm, 1r1pt.Dc oat all tbe bomes betweea .ftb AYe. and 5th An. oa GoldeDI'Od, Heliotrope I.Dd Iris, and most ot tbe 700-bloct homes oa Jasm.J.De aDd Larbpur, and some oo. Marguerite aDd Mari&Old, aDd beJ(IDd. At u uerage of 30 bWes per SQCIU'e biock, more than 150 tamwes -some 500 to 600 1DrliY1duals, 1J1ll be losinl tbetr bomes, This lmpanctlnc den.statioo 1rOUkl oat be 1$)11 ustt tbe cUtes of Newport Beoob and Costa Mesa bad stood llrmly - in commoo ca.WJt, and 11 tbe Cbambers 1f Commerce ot Newport Harbor. Costa Mesa IDd Coroaa del liar bad )llDed torees b' ldoptioa ot an iD1aDd route. Oar aelcbboriDc eWes •na the Pledte of Allqiance, and he walked •• 'For which il llllndl. ,_...... bf a •ecro dirk. ted iii Cape llaJ, ..., HI_,. ITATI or CA.1D01J11A rc. ovtt. Mr. luswell-.u his n.me. He uid: · "'Oneoation meaaina.IObr...d bs'God IU8 fiiiFtWUr¢ U,al-a. tile ca.rtltilli&='*-Dr. T8l COQITI' r. CW4.c£ Trlelte -:,1, , ·• 'lndivisible--inupabk o1 beia:a ciMdld '. UloiiP tre WU l8rMid ..... Mc!Ot prtdldldtlilllllle'..._ llo.. ..__. "'I've been list · 10 ..._ "'With liberty-whieb • frwdom ud d. t-. cMrdl ud -, ! wbtM ble .~ MrG • 'rr~ £lllte of IUD 80F41"XD. eruq you -T· and Jirls riaht of power •o live one's own life wicbout rtlt -' a. 771111' •-Llllll ta.. woU:I '-......... .,. Dnsalld, recite the Plcdae of AlkJiance ... ....ater and threats or far ~ tome a1 of retaliation. u able ...uMarJ ....... IN Mld ill ~ ......,. -' 1M ..... lt01'1C& • .. .,. GrRit it ICeml u thouah it is becomiq nt01K1ton0Us ., 'And 'usticc--the . ·:o~.. f __ ,. of IIKMU llU .......... Ids ollfew ,._,, ar .. .., .... tD till craSS a o1 tile Uaft to you. It J rMy, may 1 redce it and try to H · deal inK tafrly wilh om:..~~a..-o ..-itJ, aa1a ab)IIJCUte, Ud ftlll Olt c:apMoJ Ia till Ulited ltiiN. It ..... die sf I t tllltaDp!lr- ploJn to you !he mcsnina of eoc11 ...,.d: -liE-Mil,-lu-OIIIItltliEacaa. ..... •-...... ,.._ .. '1-me. an individual, a committee of one. tto. tba n.a. bJ • ...... 11& o1 Dr ..._. D • c:llu-dlcedlllt an ,....Uid ID au. •• •nt-... -------A-A' II ( Yo. N ..... _, MJ.e -• 3 qp .-"""~JCate a o my worldly Joods bf aiDJ&I.IariJDww,llllr.:l ceU., _., sis' o1 ..,... ..... wta tM ~11•17 to. Ji¥e without self-pity. ··'For all-which meant it's u mllc:b )'OUr froiD 1M CW....._ .,,flltCl.. ...... w11o r.,.nrkt ~ .. ill tM oMcw o1 tile -'AIIq.ianc:e-my love and my ckvotion. coun~ry u it it mine.' C~ tile Blact tD tMIIou'd•MI.711tlllt .... ca.RoiU. ... _., ...-& ··s•nc:e I was a small boy, two stata have "•"ftlta u ''tllil "*'-ot bt CU. to r.-... till accr._ w 10 ,. .... -. _.. t111t Sy•W of ~ been added to our country and two wordl baYe '-ll," U. CllrUtlu ., .. , • .., ..., .... ot•'San C'o'ltp ud _... • ., twc:Mw' tD IIIII -.. "'To the ftaa-oor standlird, Old 'Glory, a been ad~d lo the Pledae of AJkJia.nc:e-'Un-. al8o c:lrtmudl till -of $J tD _..ttllp.Drt"''"'WO.:. ... w.ac-s a1 c/o na u E. ~ymhol of freedom. Wherever .she waves, then der God. btilla. frOII t1111 eWe ... at-t1at Colla .. 1o a-dtJHIS to a.s..u. ~ a1 Law, IS rapect because your klyalty has aivcn her a "Wouldn't it be a pity if someone said tbal't twatltd wtall tbt nladftiJ it't~tel. 110 Eut s.r dl ., 1tn1t. dianity that shouts freedom is everybody's job. a prayrr; and that would be eliminated from Ubtral Natkal C:O.Cil of At a reelllt be1riDc. tbt s.Me ZlO, C01t1 ..... Cali- .. 'Of tbe United-that means that we have: schools. too?" Skelton said. CblweNs. It wu riPOI'ttd tMI eii&Jnqa tDMed .::b btU .IDnla tal1 WMA .Ia tile p1M:e come totether. <iod hies.<~ Red Skelton.-AmerK:an Way bait ol tbla-1ftMild I'Jio tbt a.t lilt r"-d tD .,..-U.. ot twl-· ol 1M.....,_.., .. 'Stata--individwal communit~ that have Feature<~ I.lttnltiaMl ec-:u ot Cbrla-rt~~r••ntMI,_ o1 t1111 co.lltp .. aD ..U.a Ptl'lallllal tD tilt -=-------------:-.:..::.:..::::...=:-'"-::-::--~-----llu Cloftlloo, ftlcl wold --llllr ul '-t1aJ ..,....._" -oC said doc-. wUlda L " t th 7 Ed•t ~~-··-llslltc·--. ...... ·~ ......... .,_ ----llr ...... e ers 0 e I Or · ul ... orocllor -l:olo loJOihodloJ!!lJIO. .... _, __ , . Wille> ,._Gool>oloCCI!<lllwold Ynllldli'a -1a-Dllod l!!lf ., IIIli *PROTECTING THE REDS •LETTERroll'lxolf . ill rthnlar Ill' tt..IIIIIIJ' ... bt pr11 211'1 wttlrtM btallac elldtd'Diellltu'iJicft6c*wulo THOIUSE.IIEFFERRA.lf EilllorollboE!!Slp, Pr-Rlcll&rd M, NIJDG 1oJa11J -1M G1a 1o1M -lodpol--."' bo "'1111110 ....._ ... _ -.E.-- Mucb bu bten saJd COD-Tbt 1nlte &o.l pr~ ud tM ..,......_ Ia a nce?lt .. •tr•.C, )(r, at 11:JO a.m.. ud u 0C 4W' Euc:... ol Die WW ol-till cerD1Jlc tbt immorality of Wachtactan, D, C, mlllt bJ pn.c tbelr liblrtJ cw llc.lltiJ'e ...u.J u..t tilt Wcwld ~ at Die War lie-alloft ....-1 ........, Amorlca"sbol.a(ll!rolYedtolbe lbolrltroa. C-=UoCCIII<CIIoo,wltltwlilcll _... --~~ Z p.JL -.E.--AllonoJ Vletoa.m DtJemma, aod rlgbtiJ' Dearllr.Preskleat: Tbe:re wu m..,..,. fnD tbt Kattcwl eo.c.u ot .Uaprdldtlotllt''MI'dl• at Law, 150 Eut.S.• t .,, u a close loot at tb1s 011 behalf ol tlds orpmsa... tbt top dunn. u. htbAo C~ Ia alft'"Wt. AcMIId Tr....._,, a tw ot,. s rt• a._ asu. 110, COIIta ._, fol'eip poUcy 1Jill reYeri.L Uoa. of a tbo ad lfieYlDc tltb CJ'flfl na ate.._, to a,..,-rtaiDre ltte ~ tilt fr.-...... CoiJIIIW•toa. Ca.W11n1n. 111117. n.e America's Jorelp p:~Ucy bas and k1D ol ~ed IDd mtsAnc ot red tort.-e; ,._ tbt ca.. aclloola, aM u. lwMplttlt., to lillie capMol topet'lowtllttCI&e Ml-R10. ~ g best been defl.Dtdbyanedltorial Amerlean4pttacmaa. U is re. of tbe SIS u.s. POWa c.ce be ldb«aU ol t111t ..__ ai.W.. ~tntJtDitttlllllr8Qool z ....... lD t.be New York Times. ''We quested tbat JOG dema.od 1D kDowD 10 bt &11ft frca tbt •Hcwl Co-ttl ol Cbrlatiu ..-.1ft. TliiiJ carrt.dtw 1 1 hbaa:~lllyJl,AICo 7,1.f.Zl, must seek to dlscourage anti· Paris lbat tor eacb perceataee Koreu War wwe Rtpl.., Clllllrebes. no llld bela a.c.ct wD •s c ... ~ u: ''Gar. 1•. .. tile llc•puct commt&Dill revolts in order to ot U.S. troapa: wttbdran tram tbt ror; fttD ea. _.dar o1 n from t1tue tWitW"-n. ....... ~ cwllret. a Hutlar .£Mlp., nert bloodshed a.od war, We VletDam, tbt eomm..uts lib-ot oar auars rectMlJ 1a u tbtJ' ret..~ lo )U U. ,..,s rta• C..._ Col-- must under our priDcJples llve erate a corre.,...Uac percen. llllll'med pta. w.--ftiDC!Id, ee•..a.ca.t IIIOift•nt ......,; •.ze _.,., Mdt STATION HELD UP with eYil, even it by dotng so tageottbe U,S,Jl9Wstbtybold. SeYere rtllr1Al WOOl ban TbtCbrUtlat., .. tt"r"" MCrtC npart. Co tw•ID"; n. doar wu•locHd Ud we belp to stabilize lOiter loa Tbls will loreslalltbe boldlllc ,...,. loJaltJ to -Gb Podlatoo 111o Bloct .,. .. _, liE llPt llciUiild - - commW!Is< regimes •••• and of 011r POW a to V-lor and pr-ap1a11 -e wblcll calla ... a -w, -·From tJae Bible oer bJ ,.. llPt f%W - perhaps even upose cttadelsot blackrnaU, u tbe commllll1.sts atroeU:lts.. tbe total ..... o1 ,...,........... +. --u.t tad«• IDI* ......,. freedom to slow death by beld our POWs in Korea -it Tbla would _.. a political are taao froat tile rtcb Uld And ther~(ore it .••• im-oltlda 1 aJ ..,_tlaetDIIIMl strangulatlon." You. take 1 tlrm ltaDd OD 1t IDif ri.U: to 1011 ud J'OW ~ p.laced .. tbl ..... ot tilt ate PQted to h1m for nahteous-$UO Wlll1ll ol ~ a.l.,.. Loot again at Viet.aam, and stick: to t. Tbe reds ltuaad wltbdrawal pJIM, bll m..t o.-a a. 10-e1Dtd nlt&re oiiM ness. .. cull ....,_ All'lat T see for yourseU that this pollcy from Kor• tbat axne U,S. pre-Gls be tbt oalJ '*-1o na ,....... .Now it was not written ror 4111 C• Dr &ea. GM:O, bas become a reality, sidents do aot back tbe1r cap.. U)'tb1DJ? b't ,_ Gh u.., Dr. llelatirt lab'•..t 1111 ~~· sake alo:ne, that it ••• • J-tJ ~ ._ BIJ, Of course, newspapers m!fly lured Gl.s.-so tbty used tbem tbt lo)'altJ o1 tulle a rtat a. btut:r-. a.. ...._Lie...._ unput.ed to bun; ,.. lo lbo ~ &!!II ootf4,J!f!'f(! ~ n.IJ!t oC a --. Tbe • •ilalltod -apt lrooway nde eoes lliaad oC 8-- S..C. ..S· Lac-Baeb, bat a II IIIli I I• U ~ draft · bJ utn-r-IIIICJ!OI. lbo -od ,_ ntlp-... t11o c:aut to CliP tt.oucta aome ot U. motl •ptnc:eat r_..,IIJ propu1J 1D tht world, Tbereisnomylter'ya.bout tbl ••magnet.'' lntluerace Jorelp policy, but tor blactmat~ dtma.ttnc tbat tbem? ReiN"!.._. u.t a-. 40, ~ .._ bnftd a.. ~ Bot for us also, to wbom C4R WHEELS TMEM sswoaedJy tbey do DOt create tbe U.S. abandog Taiwan (For-GU baYe n.ltd aD. tliiiJ M.Yt ..,.., tl!l.t''1'lllllllldMe'** it sball be imputed, it we na ftttll: .._. ..-.u;, Jt. W&lt Rostow, lx'mer 1-.1 mosa) 110 tbem u tbt price of for ,_ ud a. -. Ud Mn it tilt fak:e~ud ..._ tl!t bclien on bim that raised ._..., art Ira. &u. ol tllo Faroip Pvllcy PluaiiJc OYeo dlocumc t11o n~., -all ..., a.i.e _ -fn11 o1 fii'JIIil(l. ,. .. '!i .[Qaa oar I' ~ti'Trca "}I! .JIIIW• ,_ , " n is tbe muW-milliOb dollar commerda.l sbcnrcue ot tbe lrYIDe Co, -Newport Cemer. -Ita fabulous F- Lslaod and !be surt'OIIIIdlng blgb rise -· of !be ~ cout. Tb1s shopping wonderland. has been a major disaster tor piooeerlng mercbaots in COI'Ooa del Mar, and oow Corooa del Mar is being faced with further sutrert.oe: ftom the freewa.ys that are so oecessary to the success of tbe Fashion Island slqlplng' venttae, Tbe ''magnet•• Is now gaining' addttiolllllattractioobecauseot tbe 1Dcredibly adva.Dtageous land. parcbase otter glYeo to the City ol Newport Beacb by tbe lrYIDe Co. Choice ..... laDd oea.r Fa.sbion Island 1s being: purchased ftr a fUture Dew" city ball a.od pollee .statioo and other tacWtles. Tbe ttntast.ic Rll:t deal prorided by tbe Irvine Co. "freezes" 1969 laDd prices tor a 1973 purchase, ADd there are no carrying cblrps or -r addltlooal costs to the city lor baYing ll!ls laod bold lor 4 years. All tbis must be erxkvi.Dg tbe Newport Ceatar cause to the off1ci..aldom of the City of Newport Beach- but sucb endearmeat ougbt not bllDd the oftlclal ctty eye to the paiDtuJ. consequeoces ot tbe fteeway bal1doler. Tbe state b.lgbwaymeo say that the oewest Plans. wbicb cut so deeply into Corooa. del Mar bomes, are a safety measure, proriding' more gradua.l curves tor tbe freewaJ feeders, A look at tbe freeway map tor t.be Corooa del Mar and Newport cemer areas quickly rf!feals an alteroate metbDd tor a.chleYin.g tbe same safety results. lDstea.d ot bttiDc deeper lnto Corona del Mar, tbe more gradual cunes tor the freeway feeders can be realized by a westerly lbifl oftbe Corooa del Mar freeway -taking a bite out ot tbe Newport Cenler land loslead. Tbe lnlne Co, and tbe state Higtrny CommissJoo a.ad tbe City Couocil of Newport Beacb cao -demoallrale lbolr coocern fol' a coostderable nwnber of bome lllb bJ lUll aDOtber reY1s1on ot freeway plans. This Ume bey cu aida lbo aUpuneot sUgbtl)' Into preseolly ncaot Newport C- 1&00 lutead ot drlring out some 600 men. W'OIIlea aDd cblldreo from lbe1r bomes iD Corooa. de 1 Mar. Dl......_-,._followlac rod--~ ~---_., • ..,.. ...... ~·;:;;::: l!tlll~-~'i&l:il- alllemeot to a r_.r to tlie Too may -W, '0111 Jot>-E-L GoOd, -Ia .._-• i-'llfiO ;,08 dcliiicii4 ror 0.. -_, 1 - President. ''RlsiDc t4ns1ms or ~UdiM JOUr w1.tbdrdal Plus, Capt.. U..S. Aray RC. ~ oltllt ..._ol affmces. and was raised Ira. .. cw, wMea •!!)~lod pleas ••• ottbeAmerica.a.pubUc if tbe reds ret.. 110 compiJ, lfatkwl dlndlcK ' A..-ka.'' for OIUidt IIIII' .... must be ipM)J'ed lD any cr1sl.s But 1t 1s bleb time that tome Fiptgc lin AA· lt,r.~C..~::-=.=~:.,::.. •Ub Russia. The temptatioo presideot sbDw aome loyalty ot Ftptlllc Ma • mUSI be .. olded ,,. todep-ade from tbe lop-. lo tbe Gl.s. G-_...... Colo. JULY :n, AUG. I, 2 or embarru.s tbe SoYtets 1D · tlle eyes o1 tbe world,"" LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL MOYICE StilE Tbeo 1a anofftcialpubllcaUon ot tbe United States Govera. CttY OF ~'fc'r.i~~~ ment we Qlld the tollowln&:. "Whether we admit tt or DOt, SEALED BIDS wUl bt reeelYtd at tlat oake ot tbt CUy we benellt enormously lrom Clerk. City Hall, Newport Boaeh. Callfonla. -1 10:00 A,)(. lbe capablUty of !be SoYiet OG !be 14tll daJ oC Aupll, 19111. II wl!ldill!ao lbo!' '0111 bo 11 opened m:l read, b' prti1Drlll1Dcwwt u I:JUon: po ce system to keq) law and SEAL COATING, 19&9.?0-SLlllRY SEAL • order ewer 200 mlllioD Olit COifTRACT HO 1117 Russians -~ !be -··y ad , ...... ..._, -Btda mut bl stQnlfted OD tbe Prcpoal l:lnD •rtacbtd 'lt'1all dltlooal mllltoos to sateUie tbe coatnd doc:--bJ tllo Pll>llc -b Jlol!ort- states, Tbebr-.t-~ottbeRus-me!L Tbe aMtt1cw! CC1PJ oi.IMPrapoa!Formla to bt ,....._. sian commun15t empire todaJ by tbe l:lMlder tor bit reoardl. would doubtless be cooduclt'e Each bkl mat be accompnrded bJ cull, eartlflad c:lltcl• 1o lree<lom. biJt would be·-8_,.,1 Bood, mode...,..,.. 1o ,.. CltJ oe K._t-._ deol more .,cala.slroplllc lor lor u amotmt -' 1o 11 -10 porcoot o1 1M-1*1. •c;;:..o:~ 'DO doOOt tben that Tbe twa ot tbe (Rjtc:t u.:l tbt ..... ''IEAIZD BID" IliaD the New YOI'k Times edttorlal be eleul)' IIW'Ud OD tbl a.lslde ol ttlt .-.q.a ,..,..,.,tile 1s an accurate descrl.ptioD at * our torelp> poUcy IUld boo Tbe Coatracl Doc--mall bo """"lllod, aaaAd, 001 11Dderstams that it 1; tbe and retui'Declln tbl Hlltd b6d are: Russian emplre that ~Ues 80 A. PrqKlll.l per ceot ot the war materW to B. DeslpaUOD ols.bbilltactors tbe Vletcoac. they cannot doubt C. Bldd•'s Bo.s 1be 1 -"h of the ,_ D. NOilsCO-~.U Vtem:;:o.--., WU w E. stalemeat al. f'l•rlal R ..... NIU:J We ar~ dptiDg a war 1n Viet F, Teebaleal A11WtJ ..S E~ R ' -=ea •m to perpeaate and •• Tbese doc:-a1to11 bo --t11o ........ u1 U:le communiat rule 1D tbe 1.a-Wles ol tbe ,.._ llpblr • btllllf ol tM ~. P« Ccw- terelt ot world order &Dd tbat pt.ntioM. tbt II& ··• oltlle PnakJNt • VIce hrdtrt oe courae 1s lbe _,; coacen IUld Seer-,. or Arl•ll _ _, aro ,.,. ... toll .. c.- of tbe Eslablhobmeol -Soa!SIIoll bo-loallcloc=rln .. ltlo lla I -. Rtcbard E Wood1D Ia tbt cue olaP'art.r-.IMII; 'ceot rt W-~ 7 puiJJtr Is - FIBMI..OCAL IOU11QUI FAOAL CORN 21' ,._ t. ILUIDIILY TRIG. 75f SAUCE 59t 'CORNED ::~.:,!~~nr. Beef Hash "oL 454 Saa Gobrlel No -';,n bo _.,....-• Co*--.. --~-. .. ~,. 1._ 1a aceao--liE .,...na-oec.ut• t.-Sauerkraut" OL 2/354 m ot l:ba .... ... Pl a 1 . Coda. ...... c:• ... sbi.DJCUtiUac-tr ... eh-4° ,_ ...... , , Pllu ud COIIInd Da ra. ile.._IJs 'r' PIUI' , • 1110J bo -1 I alliE--D; I PI, CIIJIIID, Nftpxt~~lt•COIIttDa~ f I I LA ---....... ~., ..... -... ;lwl--olllf PUI:ISSCG*aetDI 1 k~tD-....all:a I d 1 -1M-aai~Doic I IEr I --·-d.-llilt'*llll 'a n. CltJ llu;r, ut t .. • t • ... rt• rr r llllrl'lllltk. Wart.:aCuiwb .... 011'7•" •res' C)MJI!== bt' ,.. .. '"""ee" •aae' • ., .. , ' _.... , •. ....__. .... ' '0 ?~CA 1 I stl*s -., ~~.=..::.~~:n:~==--Oiia' I 'htCitJIIu ,,, sa a ........ , 7 ... a • --.,.., C4M1 fll-.. rn&t! It .. ...._...._ DJ 1 l•lta-IIIIL ftoCIIJrua_., ._.,.. • .,_..,It -----· .... , .. flit ., .. can 'a CIIJ .... a:r .. 11•• ns .... .,~ -.... .. ... , . ., .. Tomato Juice '"· 434 Fruits for 354 Church C 2 'XPQ:c .. .__,--..... ...... -... c.-=·· .. -=---_ _, •. ___ ,... .......... hi,.. . . . "fto rl 2 157 ....... -... :t ..... --ftl ,..,, .. -t... !oo~!ii"" *•hor.,..--C111N11,-c. a. -2 ftl ............................. _ .. __ _ ......... JEI&JII .. "It .. 121M ........ ..... ,, _____ ..... , .. .-..... . -fl IW-..,. I II I .... N 1 woloo .. lao 1111&12 .... tl t -Ill .... ...,,--...... -. ., .......... --....... -----~~·-----·h .. -.. .. .... .... M'J('S?'J .... Ia £a r-••·"''J.OO· .. -!:' ........ -......... ~.._ ot c~ •• ...,. "' ~::~:;:_:; ... -tl c-.. -2 !loll..-· • • • 'hill Tt. ~C-.rsr""'l . .;;ii,i c....., __ .., __ ..... ..,._._ I ••• WUI. ............. 10a.a. c•n hewwtoe ... ...,. no -· --11111 preelt-.......... ,_ Cllrtlt U... ..... .. • • • I • a.n.tau ~ CN• tsr .. ~ ..... .,..., .. ~~ .... --· , .,.oau....,, •·--'•a,.Btr- ..,leo .... -•• ,11 ...... Ylolr ----.wu. 11 1:0L lo Jupolt -. 10 'L5r II .llloo ... ttl ~~ ...... -flow llllk,... • .. • ....,_ .. _ 11LIIcloi:Ma-................ ... • • • U .... .._. ' I Wdtw 8t, -~Ita ..... ....,. --- • P'JIZliCB I1ACit GOWIII ID be -. oo Lu-tL7 II 1110 ......... ~ --11 501 -8L, ....... -. .... dlii>I&Jod ... ,. z ...-..... Lu- A11111Uory, llr1, S. P. Butlatt of ·&arbor Vlaw Billa, 11 loll, ud Mn. Jll)y c. Aalloa ot Lldo P•'MIIa. ebalrmu o1 111o pnjoct, t.u ao~au day, bold .. 111o a .. t noroc~ar of ... -. --tl< ~ li<OJocll of tile AM'•r• tape. Rov1 are 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Kn. a..t L.. 8bart Ia ebalrman of tbe Al1l111ary. 1.111 Mn. SJcMJ BlrtWt ud 111'1.J. E. CbaiiiNVualltlln • .._._ tllo flo-b rack li{Ojoct, (EIIIIlOD -~ Aug. 16 wedding day c....-, uoo 11ar Ylott. ~tot ~ -........ _Ia 811111 -GM.t prrs1' rr IIW ......, _.... M .. a.a. At 111o 10 ~. -.. 11111 tta-1110 I~ LIL woleo .. -di.JwlllbltM&..J_.Mc. prr•wm-.a.~ c-, ..-.,~,._ ..-. Dr. 1r1111m au., 1a - 'c._ •• ~ .. ....., .. llllnii'L5 1110 -.._ llr, udllra, 62 Gorald lie-eocla bJ Dr. Rlcl>ardlltlow-. • ;' .......,. .~-,. YII'III'J' til W. 01' '2 AA-u Gcdre oC IW....,., Md.. a,a.. !ormerly o( tbl llollJWOOd ,,....,... 11 wtl:ll Cbrtlt"' WU1 ftD u. tu ~· • ao.ee tbt •• .,.,..... ol UaeJr PresbJterlu Ct.'dl. be u. -. af tM va.caa.5M dl._.,, PatrteJa,. to James - MllaleJ, -oC Mr. Uld Mrs. -ID bo bold AICs T11o llotl-o1 C-Edpr RlaloJ o1 Colla Ilea, 4-14 It c-tra1 Mille C~ 1t1t ud •" 7 ele n r D u. htr1da 1a a !!Ideal lab ~lo~C~-~~~~-5~11r~cM$1dr~•~-BlUr Cnlaa c..-will 11o tocllolc!e• 11 111o v-Ad-1111 ........ .-. bold .......... Ia 10---b~ Wullllc-allow Ia eM-1Mn c-... .......... Ia-too, D.C. Jba Ia a,._. of ..... 8t, ........ ....,_ c-dtlllarlllllSclloo~11- -~ of Rftpolt --Bible Collop 1o -. no ·-111 at, .u-~ld, ""· ..,. 0n11p *"'• will -11 7:JO p.m. c-coUop. ae 1a-... ....., ,......, .... Aopat. iiDc Ia lbo u.s. Army, with lbo Tllit t. tllltta..n.otele-• data .lldGnDatioa bank at tbe lo tn1a u.d _..bel lo Peptep., ..-.. u oa•nlln _.._ u.e n. ~ wW be .U.ted tn .A•Nim en.dl 8tpt. Zl DWTil.lt Aac. 1& at st. Mart's lllracoP Oct, 5, ...., ..... C,_cb lD Belli- UP TO. 1f2 S.H RESSES. COCKTAIL social note ·'--' ..... <. Attend The LUMN I"ROM •"'IS MIELLIJFaltA MOlt people avoid txa-ror obvious rasona. Jlha).. flllltilm sutreRn of o&d, however, tried to Ff. auna. Tbr:y thouaht bee Wnp 'lliC:re an effective treatment for rbeumatilm. Now molt of ua prd'er the mort: retia~ ~-remediea or todly. Thanks to medical .:ic:nce we hllw: many safe, fast-ac:tioc pUt ~ Other powerful drup. too. When you're ill, cake advantqc oflhelc nev.ocr rnedic:ationl -but ODiy upon the advice or your physician. Then let Ul render c:omplde pracription ten'ict. -.. -.-r.-·---·,_ SAY TIE (.r;if ---- ••nunar --. -a.uat CLI'J•a ... ,. -· ....., ......... .... • Ins thl .. 7. I ·-....... .... :1:r .......... • . - 01110'118 2001-Off fw .. "' ' .. ..., /0 6t2s41270 540-1366 QUMITY WITIIOUT COIII'IOMISI Christian Life&. Witness Classes in prt!parntJOn for rhe Southern Californid Billy Graham Crusade • ATTEND ONE CLASS PER WEEK . CHOOSE LOCATION MOST CONVENIENT . ATTENDANCE IN NO WAY O BLIGATES YOU . CLA SSES OPEN TO ALL: YOUTH ESPECIALLY INVITED . ATTEND REGARDLESS OF PREVIOUS TRAINING Thureda,-, Aucult 7, 14, 21, 28 St. tmltOU IIIACII Andraw1 • Prewb7tcria Chu.rc.b 600 St 2 .lDclnn \' e ALSO: co !.?.~rt·l( M1~red ~1-..::k Mlil ravti<mltiJr ~ Corrsli:Wl\101! No'miWI fed , Sar\1y BariJr • ltAMMIBAL BROOKS-lo Colo• • lf ... IM!CIIIu11 ......... I Cl Qd& ill hn.ID will! CONTINUOUS SHOW DAILY FROM 2 P.M. Cta...-c....ty'• ...... Family nuu Attractienl . .....,, ~' . "WN>aTHI POOHAI#G THI...,_,. MY'" EVERYONE WAS CELEBRATING oo _,, 11111 10, u brllocb al Alejladro's Reolaurul, c.-dol-. -U. lordult.mUJ aot toceu.r.Frui<J-. ... -...._ .... riUrtmelll trom bullDHiuow.-oltllll,_...aPtta.p. &1111 blo -blrthdaJ, lo!J 17. llbl ..... lllrl>on, ... -brat1Dc: ber 60th btrtbday oa u.t ftl7 ckJ. Dt•attar Drlllble was c:elel:ratlnc ber 18th b&rtlldaJ,. ft&dl waul be oa ~y, Jllly 2:Z,atwb1cbtlawllaiU.bt:l-~ ot tile pet sbop, Pictured bore bllbeflaliJ IIIIMrllr ,..._., taUa by Mr. Jordan, are, Jefttonptuoo.t U. table, Mr1. Nita Gilbert of Coroaa del Mar, Mra. --... IMOir, Barbara lordlo, da\lllller Delit>le; ltmf'l'-aD1"!'1- Westcbester; ClaucU& Moore, a trial from CaroM.dtlMar; Patrick lordaJI, lJJe Jor<iaal' -from SepoiYoda. '1'11e celltl'atloa was cawed wttb a bql cab t.t.tac p&c:tlnl ot 2 ll&lWJ III'OYhoWids and tile illlcriplloo "lfiR>J .,.._, to us." (Pboto by Frank Jorda.D..) LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA NOTICE INVITING BIDS FRANK JORDAN is showo bere SEALED 8100 will be received at tbe offtee of tbe wlth Z P\4JPY dogs 1D frontolbis Clerk, City Hall, Newport Beacb, Calib'DI&. uatll 10:00 Pit stq, at 2732 E. CoastHwy., on the 18th day of August, 1969, at wbieb time tbe)' will Coroaa del Mar, just before his opened and read, tor performing trort as follows: retirement last weet. Tbe Jor. STREET RECONSTRUCTION. 1969·'70 daJis Pet sbop wu .ablisbed CONCRETE REPAIRS ia 1951. Frantwucbarterpre. CONTRACT NO. 1240 sideal ot lbe Coroaa del Mar Cba.mber of Commerce. I ASIIGMI!D TO LOWlY Ali-.-L ... ._..of WUUua L•••ns 1017 Part-Clmt, ..,! a Vlft' Bllllt -H IIIII, ....., tnillal.t'••n• sua. T.u. Be 1!U ..._ ..... 1 .. LoftJ 4PII, ca., ... -llr bl u. ~Gold. $650 CA$11 STCil.IM A~~'l alted -lii--MIObl c.rtaCJ frOf(ll Rllllttl 'f'IJIGr', lJOI DtY• Dr .. WMtcllf( t. -11111 It ud 14, ...... -"" 11111 17. Oil til cons I Ope" Nightly •• 6:0 p.m. Sund1y •t l:atS p.m. 20 wo,ds Of' leu .............. 21 words to 30 WC»"ds ...... 31 WOt"ds to .C) words ...... Each word over .C) words .. 1 Ti~~te un 2.00 3.00 .05 EVES: FNm 1 P.M. IUNT llili!IM- ----.... 4 1115-t._I&Y"-a.w-.-.c.uF. "The April ~A Nonnan Jewison Film CONTINUOVS S.t Su. z P.!\1, 11' tJI CMut Prrmiat: l~llgngrmf'lll 2 Times 3 Timu 2.~ 3.00 s.oo ~00 4.00 5.00 . 10 .15 SUMMER SPECIALS SEE the New HamiDCIDS orpu: wUb procram-rbJibill- llb b&YIIIc JOV on bud, Usad or-!rom $%95 - Lowr-.y, Baldwill, Thomas. AUu &: others. SPECIAL ale on ued IP'lDIII -Stelnny, BlutbDer, F. Boc:oo ' _., !rom f'H, C-le·~-­uat utaru. rtpllollllled, tte., ftom $195. SCIIIIIDT IIUIIC CO. Hammood-Yamab&-SiolnaJ 1 00'7 ". lrri&.I.D st., Suta Ala Est. Ul4 ,.... •• ,_, 0.., ........... "' •. c.tl~ • Puauct•r• •• ftCM-TYOUR ~=::.=~ ~AI .. ILIITI. LU~nl, Na£XFA .. aM MD' M-LR'I-c-•t .. aU1WaTU ... ~~~~~ZOl-st., ; , , • WUl.lam ll1ra.mar. Balboa, ~n•sb•._., ewer $ZOO damap iJI &D &cc1deol Oil w. Cout Hwy. with lAwr.aee Pbl;ps, ZMl WuerlJ Dr., Bay Shares. • • • Bleycu.t Tncy ColUDs, 1701 lrYlDe, BIQ'crest, eolllded oo lrvtoe wttb a car rectJt,ered to Frank Tooley, 18!1 Su- da.hrood LD., Costa Mea ••• Ca!Yla Baird, SIO E, 8&lboa BIYd., Bllboa., wu cb&rpd with public draalriBDtss ••• Tblodore Howvd, zoe Adl.1111, ~ wu aJm arr....S oo a cbarrt bolac dra Ia pabllc • , • • • SATURDAY, JULY 19 A ....wd-bo bolrpr cut ber arma oa. tbl $50wortbofbrokea lounod •llllowo llbo WUII'Jlac to cnwl.-tbroucb, wbeD Fruela Teopot, 115 Nth st., WntHft- port, aw blr bdx'e sbe e8Ciped • , • WlWam HUe, W Why The retommends you read your lor,al newspaper Your local rtewspaper keeps ~ in· tont~ed ol what's 1\apptnina 1n JOUf area-community events. public meetinrs. stones about pe;)l)ie in your vicin1ty. Thf:st you can'I-II'ICI shouldrl'l -do without. MOW Ttll lr.tiiTOI tOII'llMl•rs YOUI LOCAl PArD Tilt Mcnitcr speWkzes in aNIJlifll and interpretint: Rlt ional and world n!W' ... with ntkt$ive c:;spa\dles frr.m ont ol the lar,.:est news bu· •eaus m tlte ution' Qpital and hom MonitOf news pperts ifl 40 O¥ersen countrin IRd all SO stltn. Til hi •NITOI-rn A rAPO TIE WIOU fliiiL l WILL EIJIY Wu.t, Nnpal'tS~u-,rcm-ft.C~U.t;.;;;.."t..--- tecl tbe tbef1 ol b1a 1M& VW, OnefilorwJYStrttt wbleb &l8o bid btl: $10 pru.. Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A. 02115 crlptioa clueu iD lt • • • "",.. •tart ...,. MD!Iitor "*'"illtltlt ,_ RoaUd MarUD, 4!55 Via lJdo .. periOCI cMt~ ltttow. t ..ciNe ~ Lido Jale, nported b1a ' (U.S. fwllh). '50 tnUor ltioliD from tbl o 1 n.A• •• o • __,. '" 0 J IWII:hJ SLSO ... -~ llo ... U, 510 E. -BIYd.,-• • • -·------- A $150 allot wu llloloo lnHD ''..,.'-------Ru Reao, ttl VJa Bane, 1Jdo Isle, •• ManUD1ato«, 511 c:~tr•-------- W. Oc .. Fl'GIIIt, BIJboa. WU -..._ ___ ztre.te•---,= shpdtnl OD lltll st. wblll & ----------!!"!! driYw lirom L& Cr-col------~--­lldod '01111 111m • .. A $100- pa.r..,mbiDIIIa-.t>r ... --J ..... Car, zae Alia Vlllo, ..... lui ~ -bo c:ollldod 6a..f12 •I. Caul llorJ, -·--~ Aa-···---mi .. Ciioot._ 501~c-dolllar, ...... .... Ia lbl ......, Pll'tlai ........ lot -. a loll-no •-no · · · _,...,..M a •KIIIUI 1 at ••rut ~ .. ,._au,,,. -• . ""-...... """-· • roou • • ..... ,...., ~- • T-i• ........ , . ., ... _ .......................... ... L_UII ~~lllo!~·cii·:•r. ... , ..... ~ A HOME TO LIVE IN .. , ••••• AHD AH APARTMENT TO HELP PAY FOR rr. IIODERH, CHARIIJNG DUPLEX SOtml OF THE IUGHWAY, R£DOCED TO $6%,900 • •••• LOW PRICED DUPLEX TWO BEDROOMS EACH UNIT •••• SOtrrH OF IDGHWAY. WALKING DISTANCE TO EVERVTHIHG. $U,900. •••• PANORAMIC PA.NOR.UOC CJ..(I)E.UP VIEW OF THE WONDER. FUL WORLD OF NEWPORT HARBOR •••• INCREDIBLEI JI.ST WTED TillS IKJME IN BEAlmFUL CORONA DEL MAR ..• $1%5,000. OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY & SUNDAY 1 - 5 P.M. 307 CARNATIOH •••• CAMEO SHORES VIEW CAMEO SHORES VIEW HOME, LOWEST PRICED FOUR BEDROOM, $64,500. AVAILABLE NOW, OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY & SUNDAY I -5 P.M. 4501 lt.WPDEN ROAD VIEW -only $62,500 Ocean and channel view! Watch the boats from the large living room. Kitchen and private patio. Delightful 3 bedroom charmer, one house off Ocean Blvd. Owner Will Finance --at 7% Interest Corona del Mar. Charm with a mini-view. Spacious 2 BR and den with a delightful covered brick patio. No points, no fees, no impound ac- count, no pay off penalty. Call us quick. '0 THE REAL ··~ ESTATERS I'DIIIit~:Y ORAIIGI COAST PROPERTY 332~ .. eo,_ ..., Mor -673-3550 J PilE IARRm realty 642-5200 EACH HAS: 3 b«trooms, 1 3/4 bat!w, and 1eparate garqe. $77,000 I •••• ,. II I t. I ••• I • Ill • c.w ... I Jill BEAUTFUL VIA ON LIJO ISLE You will be Impressed by the ~is­ UncUve design of th18 home from the exterior, and the interior beautifUlly combines dignity and comfort. The Uvtng room anddlnlngareaare planned for entertaining and flow into the patio. 'l'he fabulOUB kitchen and famUy room also open onto the patio. ' The master bedroom really 1a a master bedroom-with two baths. Alllo downstairs is a mald' s room and bath. The present owners had th18 home buUt by Bob Forbes-and have main- tained 1t in the best possible manner ever since. $95,000 CALL FOR APPOINTMENT TO SEE. p. •· P•lmer lncorpor•ted 111 DfYEURRS II liiO Sill 193S U77 Ylo u• o.w. ~ llo pelf ..... -,_ ... L.A. -.. lilA U.. RENTAL DEPT. 673-3663 SHOPPING FOR A HOME? Call, write or visit our om.ce for yoqr fl'ee copy of our '·Homes For UYing"' map.r.IDe- wttb pletures, prices aDd details or our select 11st1np 1n Newport Beach, Corooa del War aod Costa Mesa. TRANSFERRING? Ask as tor a ''Homes For UYlD(' ...... from uy put ol u. u b). We ••• a"'CCItt offtces tbroactw:M tbe tidted states. WE AR£ SPECIALISTS IN TH£ SALE OF PRESTIGE IKJIIES Exchanges/Income Property /Rentals ~ 2025W. BALBOA-BLVD. ~ NEWPORT BEACH 92660 NATIONAL MULTI LIST Nation:il. representation when buying real BALBOA ISLAND 4-Bedroom, 2-Bath Home with a 1-Bedroom Apartment for income -- (now rented on yearly lease). • Only 8 years young! • Beautlful condition! • New carpeting! • Newly painted! STEPHENSON REALTY 675-- :IOilloiARIME AVE. ULlOA ISLAND Voge·l Value BAY VIEW HOME Corona del Mar S bedroom and 3 1/2 bath home wttb OCEAN and HARBOR VIEW ••• POOL. $15,000 DOWN V.,lle. a.a ......... JMJ-....c;:-:mir" , .. , ,. \ .... c .......... COM R-2 BUY! Attractive 3 Bedroom custom buUt homo?. Priced right --and in Corona del Mar's best South-of-the-llighway location. Has extra bath, 2 showers. Forced alr beat and quality gas buUt- in kitchen. Double garage. It's fenced and on R-2 income lot which substantiates the price --as another unit can be bunt; garage may be already st r essed. "Spec" Buyers, better check thla • PRICE ONLY $43,500 lF FOUR UNITS INTEREST YOU. LET 1.S TELL YO U ABOUT A NEW LISTING WE HAVE. IB5AY ~ IE5[A(CIW1 REALTYrNc. 675-3000 2407 E. COAST HWY. CDM CORBIN. MARTIN REALTORS ALL THIS FOR ONLY $43,950 IMPOSSIBLE DREAM? · • Not Really! • Watch the boats sall past. • Ocean view in Co r on a del Mar. • You own the land. • Key to your private beach. • Large lot street to street. • Walk ta. beach. • Newish 3 bedroom, 2 bath home. Covered patio. • Assume large loan at ONLY 5 3/4% Drive by: 452 De Sola Terrace then call for appointment to view. CORBIN-MARTIN, Inc. .. Sft'Wu 1..,..~ Tift C•tr«t"' 3036 E. Coaat Hwy. 675 _1662 Corona del Mar, Calif. 1111111111111111111 Sales through the Multiple Lletlng Service o! the Newport Harbor-Costa Mesa Board of Realtors totaled Ju•t over $30 mlllion for the first 6 months of 1969. Tb1a represents 801 unit sales and a dollar value increue ct 2C/l, over the .ame period o! 1ut year, wblcb 'WU a record year. u.t your property with a Realtor today. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Clll'liofl ....... . ... _.. S.'Jtuaia' h I :::::-..... , 't cfril 0. 7 ... .w -·--., ..-. .., lllo _ .. _ ... ...... _...,110, a. J-a, 111o c-u •-""'*" • ...----. ..., pllbllc cowu z' n ce IDd -·UJ ........ lllo paYIII( Ill oortala• alloya Ia NOWJ)Ol't iloiPII .... .._ ud .... 11rw<t1ac 111o poii>Ue _ ... dl- ..-lo-lllo-nlrtr-e!Pl alloya are pro. • in lolrney " lilt ..... "*"• .... -........ ---........ --a... -'-Oiolllo--tl ............ . ·rrw a.. till •·t 'rl • '' • Llllla ........... ._.v S; .. lib? , ,.,....._. tep t Pta s•r.&..._ II .... t. ._... 11r ... ..._ -. •·an 114., • lilt-n ' • •-h., ........ , ................. --... .,.. • ._ ... all __ .. _..,....,.... __, ____ .. "----~. • UCtmED 11011c4 o1 111o ._. Roollll, •" ....... I -Ia I laa -111 ·--c caa-no Dodl•• IIIlo lolllo-011p .,. ..,.... .-1 ,._ -Jr, u-'111 111o aplaol lllo -II 1:11.... · ParQ, lloocboo IIIII R-p.m. II a.,.. Pin. • no Dodloto -apia Ill Cw•Io-..., "Jamoo L. AIOIMI JGI<Ioo, lllo P.•q ro 111o a-llal>"-'7......., Rllbo1 Jr. u Yl<o-cbolriii&L bOd 111o -••owodltldw -~~~~luo,-IDW • RICIIYEO a Jetter from tbl Gtlt illdlrC. iCCMbc Jn11. • a WOd _.. ... en•• II t1111 P--.cldld o1 Nwwport Tbt -· bopa Wllllllai>Carry p111o 01 11a1> -· ,..__ ~;':!::-:~t~ Road racer is run over .PI'OI>ltiD o1 wo1or polJulloo; lllo IJitr a wild rood nco TbtJ--lllmootoolo J.u. lu bea ......... b)'tbe bttftea ....,_Uti Cc:lroM dt1 tbl titreet ud llrJd'Pt1 bi.ID ~ • Mar, JWy 26, & BaiJaa drW. wUb a tire 1roa.. WWI Clll tbe -to bt '""""""' ar •--111-ol .. ooll--111$100,100. Ia --· .. lloodiJo ........ .-. .,.. Collll<il AOOPTED t'-'-1111-wu rom oll Coutllw)'. IIiror.--btWUIIrocltf>Jalllt-rwa Ute ..,. 1111cN b" tile ti· te.d wttb a Ure JroD. ud .._ car. Hla: ie•• .. M• toot cd. lowlot: --· flfllllodl)' ewer b7 a car t11a1 did 1101 sq,, .,_ poUco armwdllloy ob-coclo, $50;----Rlcbtrd WallorH.-,1017--lllotMr, H-'outle THE NAMB ol lllo DllP<ai<&rllld 1111 --lllolllm lo lor lllo <ode, $10 pr JO&r; city 1/Z W, Balboa Btfd.,li>ldpoUco WU red ud ...,lloil. bat bare-"Cbllty Cllltty Blll( BaD(' IIi lllo adYIIIIIIro laaluy DOW al -IIIo .......... ..-cbarter, $1; ~udJOGlDc be bid beea tJilpCed iD 1 speed lUed tr•tmat. tbe Port Tbeatre lD CoroDa delMar, !llarrtDcDlek Van Dyke -....z~1 5; IIIIIIRl• code eoatat from J..actma Beaeb to ................................................................... aad Sa.Uy AJm Hcnru. • COHP.IR.IIED tbe ftre e*"'• rtpar1 OD tbl cost of ........ ot Weeds IDd otber IWiMoca IDII r-.uu:t.c~ tbe ,._ "'1107-. Nnport, llaltwa.J-lllo TOO LATE TO Q.AS$1 LUAU TIME AUG.9 AT BALBOA YAOIT CLUB • REQUESTED IIIo Loocot of cllles, Ills adYoroarlu trlod lo FY Saturday, Au.. 9, Will be DecoraU.. cbalrllllll, Mrs. --llor of Oruge Coomly to ootor IIIo lii10Wlt ol Caillorala CW.. to -r1UI blm oll IIIo -• aod ollllo I U at~·~ Y btCl·~ legtslatloa wbieb 1JOio1ld au· 1Dteraecttoo of N~ C..,. FOR SA.LE -R 41 .W WiL uau me ~ ae wu, AlleD Cottle, aod bet com. lborlle local goverDmeota to DriYe aDd Coast Hwy,, they ~~ ~5 Dpooc:-e, ~1!9095, with puu puus aDd coelttaQs at mittee, Mrs. Cbuck Edd)' replate tbe bwdness of f'llr. succeeded. ._u, -~ • -.. .. • 6:30 aad Pol,'JDesiaD btdtet aDd Mrs. Tbomas KeUoa. are Dlsbiag prlnte poUee protoc. 8 p.m. boslly pr....,lJIC lo< IIIo party. -.ell auuamtllt oo tbe COWJty tu roll. Uoo to tbe publle. L !CAL HOnCE --Gr..UOr members IDd pests • DELAYED actlDD WIUIAu&. LIGAL MOTIC! LEG~ NOTICE wW be Vice Commodore alld • ADOPTED anameodmeotto tbe· muter Ja.ud Ulle plaD de. •'P"nr a l9...ZS-acre site -lr ot FUbloo lsludasa Newport Beacb civic center fl. ctuttes site. 11 on e:r:ecutioo otacooperaUYe Mrs. Doo FrantU.a. Rear Com. agreemeot witb umoo Oil co. ORDINANCE NO. 1309 other parUc4uts 1D tbe eveDt, for issuance or a permit. modore aDd Mrs. Ed Steen Jr., and the Balboa Coves Com.. Al'l ORDINANCE OF THE CITY if IJU' • tbe IU1tabil.lty of the (b) The special euot bas beeo &ad the eatert:a..iDmeDt cbatr. munity Assn. tor the coostruc. OF NEWPORT BEACH AD· place wbere tbe eYeot t.s to be operated in an illegal or disor. mao, Mr. and .Mrs. Bob Wood- Uoo aad matatenpnce of ll DING CHAPTER 5,10, TITLE 5 preHDted. and tbe type ofeveat derly manner, or in Y1olaUooof nrd. scaYeogiog system aDd burner OF THE NEWPORT BEACH proposed, Tbe Clty Manacer ii11Y applicable Federa.l. state • ALLOWED C. P. Rtpley to device tot CODtrol of oo:llous M UNIClPAL CODE, RELA.-may lD bta dlacretloo requlre or muoicl,pallaw or reculatJon, OCC\IPY b1.s DtW home at 1005 N. gas seepage iotbe Balboa Coves TlNG TO SPECIAL EVENTS that tbe applleut and bts em. (c) The coodoct ofsueb spectal Bay Ft., Balboa lslaod. wbicb area of coast Hwy. PJoJees be tl.DcvPrmted. U tbe event unduly interferes with bad beeD red ta(llld bteause of • AtrrHORIZEDtbee.:r:ecutioD Tbe City Council of the City City Muager determines tbat traUlc or pedestrian movement. patio IDCI'O&Cbmeot 1Mo city ot a supplemental cooperative of Newport Beach does orda.to the eYIIIt·IJI'CIPOAd Is aot qa.. or toterferes wttb the public praperty. Tbe COUDCU wUlcoo.. financ:log acreemeot wltb as follows: la.wfl;al, tbd lbe place wbere peace or rights of oearby rest .. slder tbe eocroacbmeot at tbe Orange couary tor a tra.mc SECTION 1. Chapter S.lO is the eteat 11 to bt preseDted Js cents, or with the enjoyment o1 Auc. 11 meet1.a(. CouDcllmao sip! aad safety llgbtiog . at added to the Ne..rport Bach suitable for tbt t7Pe ot I'Yent their prtlpUty. Ed Hlrt.b.lD matt.Dc the motion, Tustin aDd UniYersity Dr., Mun icipal C.ode to re.ad : proposed,, IJid tbat lbeawlicaat 5,10,0'10 Appeals F'rom Action DOted tbat buiJdlne p)au bad Back Bay, J.ncoonecUoo with tbe '·Chapter 5,1o bas made adeqgate arrange-of the City Manager. tf a.o ap.. bleD. apprortd by tbe city IJid widening of Tusti.DAve. between SPECiAL EVENTS meots kotr.atreetparll:lDciDd pllca.nt or permittee is 1.&- t.bat tblre are otbe:r sl.m1lar en-University Dr. and Mesa Dr. Sections: tra.m.c caatrol to accommodate grieved by action or failure to c.roacbmeDts LD tbe ameblocll:.. • CALLED 8100 tor 10 a.m. 5.10,010 DenoJ.tions. the patrooa tbat are aatl.c.lpated act l.,oD the part of the City • SET Ala(. 25 beari.Dc date Aug. 14 tor tbe 1969-70 seal 5.10.020 Permit Required, to atteod tbe eYeot, be shall Manacer to issuing. faJ.Uog to oa.atwDIIomrteatot a portion ol eoatiD.g program for about 3 5.10.030 Application tor Per. issue a DOD-transferable per-Lssue, suspeod.lng or revoklDg Bayside Dr. 1D East ~ Bey, mUes of streets and alleys on mit. mit tor su:b eve.ot. U tbe City any permit under this Chapter so!Ctrly of Pa.Usades Rd. Tbls Balboa PllfllDSUla, Old Newport, 5•10.D40 Investigation and Is· lla.Da.cer determiDes tbat tbe SIICh appUcant mayappea1tothe is a sepneotoltbekmerJam.. West Newport, Newport Shores, sua.oce ot Permit. a,ppllcatioo does~ satisfy the City CouncU by flllDr wttb tbe boree Rd. whicb bu been by. Newport Heights, Westcliff and 5.10,050 Permit fees. toreaolDc requirements, be City Clerk a statement addres. p&ued wttb tbe coostructioaol BeJboa Island; estimated cost 5.10.060 Revocation of Per. sball deD)' the appllcatton..Itthe sed to the City CouocU setUoc tbe b8W Jamboree Rd. ·t.otdge, 1s $30 000 mit a&JPlleatloo ls denied, tbe ap-forth the facts and clrcwnstan- • SET a public bearl.og tor • c'ALLED BIDS for10 a.m. 5.i 0.0'70 Appea..ls from Actloo pUeaut sball be 10 adYtsed by ces regarding the acUoo or Sept, Z9 to COO&lder lease pro-Aug. 18 tor tbe 1969-'10 street of the City Manager, cert1fled mall. directed to tbe failure to act on tbe part ot tbe posals for tbe Z-acre city par-reeonstructloo program lo lr-5.10,080 Permits and fees address sbown OD tbe appllea. Clty M.a..Qager, The City Clerk eel at the aoutheut coraer of viDe Terrace and Harbor High. Not E:r:clus1ve. t:1oo, or by petSIOIIa.l senlce. shall not1ty the appUc&Jt Ja Brootburst and Adams in HUD-lands; P~lnWed cost ts 5.10.010 Defloitions, SerYice Sball be deemed com-wrltiD.g of tbe time and place tiogtoo. Beach. other properties S15 000 plete ~ deposit ot the letter set tor heartDr hi.s appeal. Tbe to be eouldered for 1\Jture •' CAi.LEO 81:00 tor 10 Lm, SPECIAL EVENT. The in the Ulllted states m&U, City CouncU at Us out regular lel..sJDc are tbe 40-.acre city Aug. 19 tor cc:mstrucUoo ot a term 'special euJit' as llSed 5.10,050 Perm.U Fees. Io meeting. beld aot less tbaD tin dump stte Dell 19tb St. permanent coocreteeaerodis-in th1.s Chapter sball mean any addWoo to tbe applicaUoa pro-(5) days from tbe date oo wbleb aD:S WhltUer An., tbe 7-a.cre stpattog llld bottom cootrol show, eutertaJ.ameat, c.Lrcus, ee51iDc cbarp required UDder sueb appeal sball ban beta. ...... 411P"'l IUe. udaU. ltttittcil aeroA tM bObom ot cari&Y&J, dlacl,nN ......... Jec... SICtka 5.10.0SO, ..U ,_. .. l11ed w1tb tat CllJ C11arll:;. lball acre pareel at Busbard IDd Duct Gall1, blct ol Little Co-ture, CODC«t. ~ t't'lll, mttt.e SllaU pay a IPidailfut r.r the IIJPllcut and au re- Ramutoo lD Huntfactcn Beach. rooa beacll, to replace tbe auctioo or otbe.r slmll&r acUvitJ perm.U fee b accar*-:e wttb levant eYideoce, and sbaU de.- • APPROVED a parll:iog wOOden structure Ulat was wbtcb 1.5 opeuto the public and Sebectule "B" below b' •ch termtne the merits ot tbe qreement whicb wtll aJJow the destroyed durtnc tbe recent which does notrequtreaUcense spec.lal event wbich Is cood.ue. awea.t. Tbe City COUDCII may Newport Beach Post omee to floods; estimated cost is $7,000. or permit UDder any other Chap-ted b' the purpose ol matlog a sustain, OYer rule or modify tbe opeu a carrier aooe:r: at 3'723 • APPROVED the busiDess ter of this Code, Tbts Chapter profit, proy.ided, howeYer, that acUoo of the City Manager, aDI1 B.Lrcb St., near the Orange Uceose application o1 Jobo p. shall not be aoc>liea.ble to stu-such fee shall DOt be appllcable decision ot the Clty Couocll County Alrpott, to relieve the Conlon and Robert Dameron dent acUv1Ues sponsored by the to speclaJ events wMch are sball be flaal. present coogestlon at the main owoers of Trans Auto LerasioL Newport-Mesa Scbool District $pC)Qa)l'ed by an assoc.laUoa or The right to appeal to Post Office, 2300 w. Coast Hwy,, Mariners on School District property or gr~ of businesses wbicb are City Council from tbe denial, • ADOPTED Ordinance 1309 Mile, for auto rental and to special events sponsored by licensed by the City tor the suspension or setting rules for lssulng per~ leasing. llomeowoers' associations. purpose of advertising or pro-permit required by tb1s Chap- mtts and establisbiog fees for • APPROVED the ctlange ot OPERATE, The term 'operate' motl.og sucb businesses. No ter shall terryiJlate upon the any show, entertainment, elf .. the name of Sealoam Or. 1D the as used l.n this C~er shall permit fee sball be charged tor ezplratloo of f1fteen (15) cus carnival. dance Phibition Lust development lo Harbor any special eYent $0080ted following tbe dfllosit of a arehouse 5 6,000 SQ. FT. OPEN TO PUBLIC FOR FIRST TIME Don't Miss This ' LARGEST SALE COSTA MESA HAS MR SEEN OF ' SHOWROOM & FACTORY DEMONS·TRATORS Spanish -Mediterranean Dtluu 3 •-Splllish hmltun Group At Genuine$$$$ Qu1raty V1lue $795.85 for $389.95 5 Pc. Spanish Dining Room Sel, 8 Ft. Matching Sofa & love Seat, 3 Heavy Medl- temnean Style Matching Tables, 5 Pc. Aulhent ic Spanish Bedroom Set. Value lik• this never before seen -don't miss il!l MA nRESS & BOX SPRING SALE!! Chance of a Lifetime Prices! lect'ure, concert,' sporting View Hills to Sausalito Or, mean and lncllkle manage, or preseoted by a cbarltable, ter 1n the United states mall event auction or otber similar • APPROVED the aame colllduct or carry oo. religious, educatlonal or ser-advising tbe applicant oltbeae. NAME lUND$ - acuvity which is open to the ''Civic Center Drive," tor~ 5.10.020 Permit Required, No rice orp.niJaUoa foe the pur-tion of the City Yaoa.pr and of IS Yur Uncontlit. , ___ 1 Guor•nteo public and which does oot re. proposed new street between persoo snau operate, or as. pose ot ra.isiD( fuods to be hts right to appeal such actioll ,.... quire a uceose or perm.ttWlder Nnport Center Dr. and the slst in operatirlg. any special devoted to tlle work ot sucb to the City Couoctl PACifiC-Alii any other chapter ~~ the code, future ezteosioo of AYOC&do event within tbe City of New-otpniutloo, it tbe FloaDce Dt-5,10.080 Permits and Fees • RECEIVED a resolution Ave., sen1og the pJ.a.oned chk port Beach without ftrstotJtain.. rector determl.oes tbat oot less Not E~elusive, Cbarges, fees ORTHO-PEDIC from the county's Local Agency center southerly of F'ash..ioo Is-tog a spec1a.l eveat permit as tb:an 75% o1 tbe gross am::Mmt and permits required by tJlis Formatloo Commission author-laod. herel.oalter required, of FUIIds collected withlD tbe Chapter shall be 1D addition to 5.10.030 Appllcatioo tor Per. CUy wtll bedevotedtosucbpur-any license, permit or fee re .. Art exhibits listed mit. AppUcatioo for a speelal poses. quired UDder any otber Chapter event permit stw.ll be tiled at SC HEDULE "8" of this Code." least fourteen (14) days prior Event Permit Fee SECTION 2. This ordiDaDce to thedateoftbepropo.&edenDt, Circus or Caroin..l-$100.00 sbaU be publlsbed ooce in tbe with tbe Clty Ma.nager,oofol'ms daily plus $50.00 daJ.b'l:lr •cb omcial oewspaper ot tbe City, stwlied by the City, to&etber side sbow roz. wblcb ..-rate a.od tbe same shall be efieettn with an awllcatioa processto.g ldm1ss1oa ls cbarpd. SO days alter the date of Its Mrs. C. E. Taggert wtn exhibit on pa.J.otlngs at Costa Mesa Center Street Ubrary durl.og August. Currently Mrs. Taggert is studying UDder Leonard Scbeau of Laguna Beach, and Is worll:iog for a degree 1D art history under Bruce Piner of Oranp Coast College. Mrs. Dand Sehootballs lea- baed arUst-of.the .. montb for Aqust ai Mesa Verde Library. Bepnn.iD&" art studies in her lllti.Ye H1111pry, Maoci Schon- tbal coatloued bet work in New Y or II:, San F'raociseo, Los Gotoo, S&nlop ...., Orango Coomly, At presolllsbe Is study. lJIC Willi Rogor K-ot Laguoa llooA:b. G_. Federal S.rinp alld 1W Costa Mesa. will di~lay the ou paintings ot Mrs. Houston Snidow. OU paintings of Dr. W. J. Scott wtu be on uhibU during August at UDited Ca.Wornb Ballk, Harbor and Baker, Costa Mesa. Costa Mesa Art Leacue Gal- leries, 513 Center Street, are displaying pairiings by mem . bets ot the Art Lalgue from 1 to 5 p.m. Saturdays and SUDdays. charge lD the amouot ot Twen. Dance -$Z5.00 per eweot. ~n. ly-ftve Dollars ($25.00) for a.ll Concerts, Sbows, Eater. This ordloanee was introduced appUcations where a speclal ta1omeot -$25.00 per wnt. at a re(lllar meeUnc ot lbe City event permit fee 1s also Emtbi.t:toos-.$%5,00 per eweot. Couocu of tbe City of Newport required, &ad l.n the amount or Sporti.Dg EYeots-$25.00 per Bea.eb beld on the 14th day ot Teo Dollars ($10,00) for all ennt. July, 11Mi9, aDI1 ns adopted oo awlleatloos wbere no specl.al Aoctioos-$25.00 daUy, the Z8tb d&J ot JuiJ, 1969, by eYent permit fee 1s required, Movies and Lectures-$25.00 tbe t)llowtac TOte, to wit: The City Manager may, in per eYeot. AYf:S.COUNCJJ..IIIAM:Parsoaa. ll1.s dlscretioo, wa.J.ve the re. Special Sales and 8tn'1ces-.Warsblll, fl1rth, Gruber. qu:.Lremeot that appllcatioos be $25,00 per neat. NOES, CO\INCILIIEN: Hooe. BALBOA YAOIT CLUB lllod lourtoeo (14) daya prior to Misc.-us FIOid-RalalJIC AOOENT COUNCILIIEN· Me- TO PRESEHT FASIIIOIIS IIIo dole oo wblcb 1be actl>1ty Is AcUYWes-$25.00 per ,..,0t. lllllls, Sbeltoo, Roprs. . Balboa Yacbt Club's back to to bt cooducted. 5.10.060 Re'f'OC&Uoaot.PermJt. r:q.8811 Ma.rsba.ll schboll:asbloo sbow W1U be bold 5.10,040 lrMstlptloo aod Is-Tbe City Ma11acw -'""*" Mayor August 14, lD tbe e!ubtloue. siM.DCe of Permtt. Upoo re. UJ permit l.uued aadtr tM ATTEST· Members a1111 ruests wiU tolbtr eelYlJIC 11>1>U<alloll l>r upoelal ~ o1 IIIlo Cllll>lor oo Laura ~ at 11,30 a.m. 1>r _.,.us, onot pozml~ IIIo City llalll&er any ol IIIo l>llowlo( _.-, City Clork lollowed by a 1!,15 1--abaU <&050 aD lliYostlptloo to (a) Tbt IIOTIDllloo bu-Pub1lot" JIIIJ 31, 1969, to sbow. be .,_ of IIIo II>J)UC&III, IIIe to -11111 ofllloroqodr-Tbt N_.t Harbor Eoolp. NOW OPEN ON SUNDAY HOURS. I TO 5 DAILY· IMQ.UDIMG lUNDAY ·CLOSED MONDAY TRU-LINE AUTO CENTER JWIN SIZI 1 S Yl. GUAIANTEI MAnli'SS I lOX SPIINO lfG. SH.7S NOW ••• Only 564.88 ALSO AYAI..ULE: FULL, QUEEN, AIID _IIIII SIZES VOID AFTER AU C.. 10, 1969 STACKS I nACKS Of MATTIUSES AT TUIIFIC SAYMI OTIIIIIUAIAIITIID lOX SPIIN8S 01 MAllltiSSd $IUS Bank Fitllncing, MISter Charge, S.nkAm•riclrd, Store Chlrgo Plln. APPROVED Cllott lot Cotta .... -12 ..... Ow ..... 6,0110-. fl. Worah• II aft 2065 CHAIII ST., COSTA Iaiii•• '1lrtlor C.W~t~L• 11teor • II •• or..,_ St. ....................... lllllt-... .. ...... s••••-ttO,.t•t...,-ttWalt;Mtrls It; IN $$$SAW$$$ SAW$$$ SAW$$. SAVI'.SAW$$$ SAW Top student is lauded Katbleeo Pebl ot 1n1DI bu HCI'ttarlal cbar11. beea commeadeclb' ''outltu-Wblll..llw'l a t:attq care of dlDC academic ucelleDce" by tbe oftlce, X•th..., ..wl.lldl lbo loduillrtal arlo-Willi bo< fa-Do -.-drq ot II'••• Viejo H1&h Scboolb' racinc-Sbe Ud blr did workoa bel' work u a MCrltu1al &ide. tbeir CUI ......... Tbla anrd Ia 1111111<-od ULI'H IU:rot!R FLIES .. ..., yar, ae<oriiiDc "' do-mMoENGIHED J!T5 -Cbllrmao Corl Wood-~· L. _._ n -ot 10D, but 1J: J1YID ODlJ to u Yr •• Mr1. R. L. e:.v.:_, 111 """'.,_1 111--coo-Lido Pork om., Lido Poalao trlbltlooo an~· sola, bu ~-UIIUod Kalbleoo'o oott.W.. toelll-Air Uots' flltlil~­ ded wrltlac bul.atu ~·· 1D DeoYer, Ullll.,. OJialu typtnr uama. I.DIIepe!tllftt1J a eecoad oGlclr lbou'd twta.. oelllll( 1Cl tbo _.at• a oo&lood II-'111 lola ..a ot fllloc IIJillom wblcb doall Willi c~·· O'Hore _,._1 curricula, r.:pd•'"ODI&Dd bud-Allport IMUJ ld)rmatloA. Kr. Batcber tad 3,100 boar I SlDceplldattDciDJUDlllbe'l u a pUot bel:tre jota1DcUD1tecL beeD employed t\aU Ume .·bJ He 1.1 a 1964 lf&da&te of l8C a Newport Beach. perSOGDel &Dd IUYed u a pllot Ia tbi: firm, wbere lbe baDdies all tbe u.s. Atr Foree. UCI. honor list named Nlnety~sil: studeats ma):Jring Fr&Deesca EUDon L'Hotr, 2741 ia the bumanttles at OCiwere Sa~. oamod Ill lbe deoll'o -u.t lrYiao -Gw-)JD Allmu, for tbe llrst time this Jtu ua 17652 ~·• Wrtatb Way; rosull al_...alle -k clortor ~~~ 0.'114 ~-111 ,lloo •tor -'""· Tllo ll v ..... PL;.,..,~l'IU lae-lllo 1>11o1rtor -1M Y ... PL; ~ Mo - -Aroa; ...... 1011 y....., PL; Kim 1111 Sbou Clllb-Dlaaa J...,. P ..... 41!11 -114.; Qoot- J._, Z'll E....., c...,.. Rd. G1ry-. Prlaol, I'IIC v...., Newport HliebU -Jaalo LJD PL; EIUlo ln4ol1 W ... ,lll ~ 501 Tuolla bo, y....., PL,ud-kAiaa Wu- 1 Weill Nowport--lbo -· 11001-Vao Dor Ploo(. 5ZZI-l/1 Rl'fOr CAL ST t. TE FULL !RTOM A'c!;,.._ lloa -Jfltt., AU.. LIST$ -OR 51VDIIIn Berc, SOi7 Yukoa.A'fl.; J')MIIIu Tbt dlur'1 u.t oiiiODal' G- Aiao Corptte 1500 Newport doala l:lr lbo ~­ Bl'rd . JamN 'Aa111oo7 Dodoo II Collilrllla-Collop, Fal- 311 ii-Dr.;•IJDd&AooGo.a: lorloo, loel-llouollollloral 190C Bokor St . --Aoo Boll>oo Waod, RonD Gr-Larooo, m..c B.r..r.t st. aod 1011 Jollll Ford MeGn.w ot Co-. • roaa del Mar • OaratiiJ KMD of HONOR LIST NAMED lrYiao; Gropy GIJiord, Hap Tbe IPriDc' •melter deaD'• Nelmo, SlllJ Reldlarr. lOJCe u.t of ...... -· II Gokloo Rlcll, Ednrd 11-, --Wolll Collop, HIIIIIID&bl pr.U. T-ud ~ Boaeb, toe-Robocea RoD Walooo of Nnport; Gropy of Bolbol, Ella--lu Borlo Pete E..,.."""r, Pamola of Boll>oo l8lud; Rlellard Crall. Fato, Sllorry ~ck-110J Gar)' GooDta aod En ...... al Coral Klocl, lllcllul •·_.__~ ,.,,. DR. DEAN REPORTS FROM FRANCE •• n. bl&ll nc•lll •"llllt IIIIa,...-v-.... ruaee. t.t~.u.,ol u..... . low llotor lolla bJ # I rts al 1110 ~~----lldlool Dtalrld. Tllo r.-t --~. lobi , • .DIU. wllo, tatt .... ............. to .. tor u prloeiJial "' lloo ~ aw .... c • ..., m v ..... aallloo. .. -"\-• .t - Dr. Dou 1o cwelldlor h1a dltJ u Jta(f ....... .._ mllllory ...tcoo, wllll lloo .... Newport .. w:-DUtric::t. nu fall be hecomea "DeaD n.u." u be bePM lie DI'W ......... " ·, "': "l... .. " meot u diu at Oruce Cout ·-: Collep. "' \ . ..: ~. WORKMEN lay OM more l1D& to a aew sewer l1De a.Jooe westcwr DrlYe. Tbis $30,000 lqJrot'emeat projiCt 11'15 bollod Iaiii ...... "' ...... -1110111 ooeratoro' -wb.lcll &liD Jblt don wort OD tbl Well Newport lfCIIM. tbl --attioo Blllla C«IDIIIIoa Yadil Clllb • _,_ -Ia ~dol -· ud Clio-_,.. ...... PoLal. Tllo Woatellf! DriYO projoeiiDclodeo ll'alorud- malao, -m ctra111o, .... tratlle ~. aod resartldJic, (EIIIIIp plooto.) Baro taiU-"""'Vw. T-to -rlro. A- -: •opiDeoal OYoolo(j 11UJ ot .._ OR. JOHII F 0 lbo -oro -lac lllo ..., ' Et.H Cborlroo Calbodra1 IIIIa --'he Coalllu'aUte c...... . E....-8hdJ Tou eo-.IDOI-aooca. Ud till ...tbtr is bl&u- .recl -,..__ N.....!.-. 11 tiM .•• a U&bt breese ""' -··-~--a cloudlea *J Sebool Dlltnct aDd tbe F«eip Clauel m~t almost 8llld)o Loocao, Ia lllroo •..U tor lllr ~----•ow, (Joly 19), ud I local 00 or -bouro weald W. to report to yoa ~ Yetterday '*' commUiity tbat th1J first :~r:. ~~ .. ~:Yid;a::,~~~ I Hr comm1Dt} tbal tb11 tlnt ewer... IUIIImer xbool t. de:ata were ,., IIICeeuftlL Tbe ltudelts pre• Cation. are ICUYe aad bappy, IDd tbe EYUJ day 1B tllled wtth oew faculty 1a ueUed abouttbepro. IDd eseutD1 uperieoce1. We lftm. are 1ook1Jlc fonard to ltter I arrlYed ill Loodoa Yia lbd-out •eet. a small towo rid two daySJI<tor Ill tbo lfOIC> o1 llaolcb, tor iUIOtber '"rwral" anlftl. Tbl k\c:&1 apllt &lid I uperteaee. 0o July met tbe P.._ late Saoday ••· Ian tor Rome aDd our 11iDr II c.twtek -""""' ~reek. of IINidoa, aad we weatdlreetlJ EYeryooe La weU. abd to tbe AtluUc Hotel. our tlrst are DO risible liens of camp~~. It 11 a typical middle-sJcbesa althouflb we loot clau EacUP Hotel wUb bot wud to" the dally mall Air ud cold water mostoltbtUme. mall to C-981 Via N, S. d1 We eajoyecl a week-loDe Loardes, z Via PLDeta Sacchet. YlllrlwiDd rislt IDcllxUJ:ac Bood tl, to Rome. Italy. prior to Au1• Slnot -·&. tbo Ptceodllly 3 olloaJd r .... us. Ctreu. stratford.Upoo.Avoa, Tbe current schedule calls two play., Hyde Park ••• ud for us to 1&Dd at tbe lnterna- we truelled 011 ''tbe tube" all tioDaJ Arrival Termlo&l LAX onr LoDdoo. Tbe wea.t.ber wu at 4:00 a.m. Auc. 9. WorkS warm and beautUn1. AinraJa at LAX will ban tbe ODe week later we boarded specUlc time of arrtnl oo Fri. SIERRA.JrfEVADAS, HERE WE COME -Packed&Dddressed Jor a unique course offered lor the summer seuioo at Newport Harbor. Ht&b. these 5 studeats are prepared for a 7-da.y trlptotbeSierrasto sludygeograpby and mi.Deraloo tlrst bUd. Pictured are, top left to rlKflt. Howie Roprs. .U9 Sevllle An •• Balboa; Jeanne Crawford. 625 KiDp Rd •• CWJ Haven; Jim Allen, 163 Flower St., Costa Mesa; bot· tom, Mary La.wna.o. 208 30th St., West Newport; aDd Ktcbele Eddy, 300 Wobwt, Newport Sbores. (Ensign pbolo.) 5? ..E.!l ~~ :~~::::::~~Students head for the hills ODt boar .,...,.. .. of Amster .. port Harbor Chambers of Com . Amon& the COIU"ses being of-to the Siems Auc. 14, with dllm. Our campus wu Woad-merce ba.Ye been presented to f•ed durlng the summer ba.ct packs a.ad sleepin& bap • Kboteo, a eoafereoce ceata 1ocaJ oftlc1als. a.ad we have school sessioo at Newport speDd.ine the week studylnc tbe 1D a WOOded area witbJ.a. wa.It-. been r eeeiYed warmly. Harbor Ht&fl Scbool is a unique terr a.iD UDder tbe &UidaDCe ot iDe d111aoce ol Zet.t. A mac-J llD'I utremeJy proud ot our course enti.Ued ··stern se. Mr. Ecbteroacb ud Owicbf:Ro- llitlcellt weet. in spite of tbe YOUDC people; they ban beeD minar, .. oew to the curriculwn berts, asststut acleoce tea- r&!A. Nice classroom tacwttes. fiDe npreseatatlns of our this year. cber in lbe procram. cre&t b:ld. a.ad casual waJ.kl commtmllies a.ad Qltloa.. Upoa the r ecommendatioo of Students tak1nc part 1n tbe tbroup tbe W'OOdli •••• the Our best wishes to all of you. tbeir science instructor s, 11 course are: CIDdy Jooes and week could DOt han beeoaicer. junior and se.aior students are ber es chaJlcestudeatc-•trom SennJ trips to Amsterdam, ATTEHDS SEMINAR curr elllly enrolled m the G6'maJI)', Erika Wolfr; Usa I.Dcludlac tbe Ca.aal Bo&ta, Ame Assi.etut Poll Cbiet liar summer field studies program. Haag, Debbie Brown, Jeuae Frank' I bouse, the cbessmak-A. Nelson d. Ne.::on Beacb ~ The ob)eCtives of tbe course, Crawford, MJcbele Eddy, Mary ers, aod a two-man wooden sboe been atteDdJ.nc the Zlld 11 as pl.anoed by John Ecbternac~t. Lauman, Pat SeweU. Jim .w.a, factory. Tbe Eogllsb.speelrtag executive leadership se!:~ field studies director and W:lke Lawler &DdHowieR.ocws. pldes were Dutcb studeotswbo offered by usc•s Ch1 c Center science teacher at Harbor High, -:::-:::-:-c-::--::-,----..:.- llYed w1tb us. Tbe two young coac'•"u .... A l Tbe b are to study the Sierra-Nevada .c•.:Pc.U:.B=L-'ICI.=.T:c.I::ON::_:_,::WO.=_:RK::__ men are pre.med atudeats.·and .._..... ug. • course Range of Callloroia from the tbe cirlsaremajt;JriD&IDlan.g-cooducted by the center for a.spects of lli.story, geography. WE CAN PRINT YOU ~ u&pS. Our &tla1eats rea.lly eD· :~f tbe~ ~'::,~~re~~ psysiography, geology, miD-BROCHU RES, P AM PHLETS. joyed tbe ~"ides and their OC:-admini.stra.tloo at the Ca:Dia era.~gy ~ ecology. Ex-MAGAZINES, LEAFLETS, CU:iooa.l stretcb for the appro-Stale Pol:rtecbnic educational pertence Wlll ~be piDed by NEWSPA PERS ANO Pl'iate EocJ,isb word.. center in Sao Dimas OU1c the Students 1D p.la.ooing: a. 7-NEWS LETTERS We bated flo )ean WOQd.scbo. attead classes eYer)' friday~ day . trip to the S.lerras, in-CALL US ,OR UTIMATU teD. but Paril wu DUt. We 5 weets. witb S..day r etreats at c.ludin& meal plarmmg. upedi.. UJ-UJO oro lo YtrOIIUu allllo Lycoo tbo bqilloiiJic aod ood of tbo tioo outflttiO( 2.Dd oecessary ENSIGN PUILISIIHG CO. Hoe.be, ...U.J a icbool g 1 1,, safety pncauliobs., 2711 I.AIT CDAIT "'"• ~ boN.ud-.!D .U.-• nou•wowllllllkota. ot ton. Lut .,..., ,. .... lbo lliMs "' Poria go .. u we tranlled from the Ellfel Police BloHer • SATURDAY JULY 12 A l:lar car cow.taa ODNewport Newport; DLmlrie Asiii*Yn, Betty Vret.lartcb. Lloyd Swu ud Mlebael Wll.a-aad Samlel Wray WILUAM Hotrn:rLER bas of Colli>. JlaDilCV fto.d.. Tate of tb1 BIYd. lm'olYed K1tt Mcilroy, Corlbo-~ ApU,, SIO Foi-803 E. Boll>oo Bl'rd., Bellloo, IIIDdo BaDa., reported u.t &Dd drt'flrs from AD&he1m, RJ-)'1~ or toclaJ ftJida.ll "uJde, aDd lrriDe ••• Botb )ftted a bUTap ot 1111 ud drlYUI sustained oYer $100 frullll utorlor n11a ud wto.-damop Ill tbo1r eors 1rlloo ctows; a Dft' paLat job 11 now lD Barbara Geotos1. 571 Part Dr-. order ••• Tbiflfll took bubclpll Costa Mea. coUidecl em Bay aide worth $40 from a Porabe be-DrJYe witb tbe parted car o1 -1D Wllliam Kldd, Harold Gould, 507 Boyside Dr., .Zl-1/Z Iris, Corora del Newport · • .AnD SW.oso, 1451 )(ar • • • Oscar Olaoll, 329 Baysbore Dr., Bay Sbores, wu llapolla st., Colllo u..., re-takoo Ill Hoog Hopltalo.loogwllll ported t11a1 $140 1D IDola wore -lao wttoess Clara K1Dc. tuea from b1s aerTtee sb.tiOD llZ W. Coast mpway, after at 7100 w. Cc:ut fhr}., West drtYer Sweuo ru imo a pard Newport • , .SOmetime 5lDee rail oo Baysbore Dr • • • • AD JW,y g pi'OWierS I'UDUD&pd tbe accldeDt 011 [Ioyer Dr. in West. borne 'ot Judi.D 1laDseD 11200 cUff lat'olnd Cbarles ~~lasters, Pearl. Balboa Isla.ad. by mateb-140 FerDleaf, COI"'Dl del Mar, Uojlt taJdng 111J1b1Dc balloa .... 2.Dd Wllliam 5-, 1520 KiDp a m~ss of buroed matches be-Rd., CWI Huen · • • P&trtcla hiM •• .Ethel M&rquits, 3805 Pa.lermo, 120-1/Z lll&rguertte, Seasbore, West Nnpcwt. col. Corona del Mar, coWded oo tided 00 Seubore wt.th wu. JasmlDe 1D Corooa del Mar with liam Cle¥81181', 2820 Newport a car registered to stapbeD Blvd., Newport Bel.ch •• , Kiss, 2712 Ughtboq&e Ln., Bar- After RotU Bater, 1104 w. bot View Hills ••• A colllsioa. Balboa. Bh'd. lklboa, ran lDto oo s..-rtor AYe. aear Part lJdo a parked 'car owaed ~cost $100-plu.s repair bWs b Humphrey llqrpiiJ, Ul9 W. Bey Kit -Z9 lloJboa Cooeo, Ave Balboa, b1s wUe t aad N&DCJ Ja.apr. 1953 Bater, oYer.,tbe wbeelaDdprompUy ru Costa Mesa, wbo was tUH lo r=;;..;;====-----'=..::=:..:::=:.... ___ __, beeo --dlroctooofNew- ~ Booob aporatloo:s lor PbUco.Ford'• space aDd re • eatrJ systems din.stoo.. He pre. •louab' wu diredor of ad· YUCed de'reqmeat for Pbilco. Ford Aerooutroolc Ia Newport Beacb. He beaded the company team tbat was respoosible for deslgnloc aod buildiDctbeNASA Ranger bmar capsule wbicb was impacted OD lbe mooa Ia 1961 lDd became the first U.S. space P&Jioad to r•cll tbe luDar sur. b et!. .JJ. J. garrett SOFA BED SALEI 7 STYLES TO CHOOSE FIOM ......... Now 299.00 l1iooo .. ...., -'-'•W. oefo W. lot Sltfhtt M4 Slupl ... A WW. ufartfw ef Felwfa ... c.a.r. t. --· ____ .... _ .. -...... ---··---- HUD$ UCI SOIOOL into a ,...co,..., pollee,-Hoag llospttahftar!booollisicel arrested tbem both oa a cbace • • • • To top oii tbe rull OF 5D0t.L SOENCES of drt .... ooder tbo totloooce tralllc ,..,_ !bo porkod Altbz1\lPllktllt K1mball Rom. of drugs .ADoUier errut car of Pem w:eeo.r., 53t DIJ, aotell b' bla wart oo tbe driYer wk,cHdDOtc-tcaqbtru Fullerloa. Newport ~ --1 uolyllloalbumao IDio tbe porkod car of Lorry ,... -by o ... -.... r•lltJc:enP._. tu btea. aamed Wright S15 E 8&lbc-. Blt'd drinr ••• lam• Bndley, u -of Clio ..-ot ooctal 1!aJboL · •• CZ0-1/1 Narc'-ear-c1o1 1CI8DCU at UCL Comllle from lfar, wu cbarpdwltbbtlJicia-· llomlrd -lilly, ..... bo *SUNDAY, JULY lS tolllcalod 1D ~. na PI' II IX al ooclllulllro-RldiDC a tlky<lo 11 ....Uy SKIM Ct.HCU PUlL ooiOO. ~.-.., )lllaod 111o coo<1 1or ,..r....., .. u ... UClllcoiiJaroa<.... bo-DoiJMr -GREt.TERIHSUMMER Family- Size Tub -{fi&J ~~ .- or Cold Wasb Temp ~~ .... ywtMripf ,.....,.,crt.. fw .. .,.. ......,._ ....t .....,~ .............. ____ __. Bo lu 111ii1M at-.! IIIUor, 911 W. Boll>oo Bl'rd., s--umo"'-ot - UOltwiiiiJudllooUII-IIIJol Bolbol, was rldlae-wllll .-or ~~--laawv­Cbk:a~D. Be ca t' ted tall .... IUs wUe .,.. be a.l1 ·..r tbl ......_ UAtd bf Dr. laa11 .t.. dar..--1011 -plaJ.,-u:a 111• a , ud Poilu, cllalrmu ot -waiW 1wnps • Positive mellnld fill • Full-qtll saflly lid stops actian in Clio -·--•~~r~c~am w. 0c-n.. ,.,..,., 1011 .... __.. a1111o <lruilt C<iolliCJ l:~:,.:~s:·... .&,.,;..;,.., • • lint ~... ... . ........ T---ud -'oocl takoo Ill Hooc "'-'"lwllli oa -allllo Amtrteoaca-e Wlf1IIWVY w-m'V acf1011 II ,_ ... JUU e ...mtmahl;- 1110 PUI. • ---~.~J~wod oot1o •.. J.~oo..., Soc~o~J. p-ollttion • Rust-proof lid ball hingas • Rupl 11 u...., hllicaln • V'r- 1011 at-.rlalltl&. ... ---~ .. ._ ... ---,_.___._...dl-s ...I:......U.. '-...... · 3411 VIa Opolto, Lido ..,. c:ucor, oo .. -..-._ "-"""';,. pump • trong ...,...,_ MIMigilgs • .,_ Maut• OM DUTY IM VIITIIAM or• ... Prvlr-taroaocr-ud ----.. ..... d pg PT. !f......_ door.-1111 tried tD Cl'llllt w.-e • a' alt ... ...,--., ..... __ .,_. ________ ...,. .. 1110 lOll • tb I Orlfa. .,._. o-1'1 ~__!_ .S ~ -.••-aaiiL •• ..,..,._. , ......... -Ill 'hJ c:.u,. .-.. ...__ •at "; ....... -........... ._ All, ._ • Ia oa IUIIoc ..U...,-a ·lid a -a...._. 111 -·-.. , 'ea ·~ .................... "'. -e. .... • ... n ···:···-., ... -... -.. ........ _., __ -. Jllll-~" .-.-llla-lilrlll,-....... -,.u lti. *-' '1 p = .. ..... 11: II 011 -... It UM C.. If .. II* "'!'11111 ... ~ "" 0.... .... 1111 '-· ----... ._. __ _ .............. ....... 1IIa ...... ,-.-ftl .... ..,.. ---· ... ~-....... t St 0.....0.1 _ _..I ..... _wllaa.. .. .._ ___________ ,;;;;,;;;;;;_,;;;;:;::=.,_,! -0 , 0 I ......... -"" .... I It • t ' MINIJfFS -- ·TH£ SPIRIT Of FAITH ... thtWIII to ...., tN ,......,.. .. tMutft .. .,...ly •ffttet«<, .. Mr. "I ..,.....; ~Of'e "'""' I .,.._ .. (PM, 116:.10). " r. u.rUNnc too. to ... tn. __.. hut, thO&Cfl "troubf«t • • . ,....,.._ •... ~uted ... cnt down , .• always d ... IYered lfntO dMttl for Jnua' sake."~ It thtHU"t to sea him take hts tMnd with O.VId end to hor him ...... of havint; "THE SAME SPtRIT Of FAITH." addma: "WE ALSO BELIEVE AND THEREFORE SPEAK" (II Cor. 4:8-13). It onfy all whO betieve the &lo- rious messaa• ot God's 1race: that bel~rs in Christ ere K · c:eptect in Him, pronounced "com- Pete" and bephzed into one body by one divine bllptism--~f ell who beltwed these truths would speek out todey, there would be a s.-.pina revival tomon-ow m the Church. the Body of Christ. II, I)Uttin& all other considerations as•de they would openly and hon· ntty say; "WE ALSO BEliEVE • • AND THlMFottE SPUK," the NMIIb would btl as ,.......,..,.. • .... ...cfMnl. And tNW should ~ to..-thki Is ''the> tPirit of feltb." llut. a.... then! are ... who poa••a ''tM spirit of faith": few who will stand, ,...rce, ... of con- sequenc:M. fot the liltlt God has &i¥en tn.m. Some maintain a dl• c:rHt si'-"" for tiM "fear of man": othel'$ b.c:at.tM they IO¥a "the praiM of man." 8oth NY: ''One mu-' be careful what one ..,.., for u... truths are rtOt popular," but both alike are aultty of unfa•thfulnns to God and the ....... With God's halp, let us not be a,._. them. Let us, Where the truth b concerned, stand with Dav1d end P•ul and uy: "WE ALSO BELIEVE AND THEREFORE Sf>[AKI" Let us be amona those who truty pouess "the apirit of f•ith,.. who are determined to "stand fast in the feith" and ra.cty to "fllht tf\e lood fi&ht or fa•th" (I Cor. 16:13: 1 Tim. 6:12) • THE SPIRIT OF PROMISE "Havma also Ml18vftd, ye were sulad w1fh thet Holy Sp•nl ol promise" (Eph. 1:13,R.V.). Of aU the wonderful Scripture passages on the eternal security of the behever 1n Christ, th•s IS pertt.ps: the most blessed of all. "Havina heard the Word of truth you believed." seys the apostle. and "hniR8 believed. you were sealed." Now a seal speaks ol f•nahty and permanence. whether 11 be the offiCial seal on lin electnc transformer or the seal on a )ar of preserves. But the most blessed tact of all IS that the believer •n Chr1.11 IS "sealed w1fh lhtJI H oly Spmt o l prom1se. ·· Marti -n. he IS sealed not by. but with the Sp•nt; the Spint H•ms•lf IS the seal. Here, let us say, is a woman H•lin& )ars of .,...,._.es with wu. The jen are sea'-d by the woman. hut with the wa:~~. Thus the hum- blest believet' is sealed with the Sp.rlt. It is He H1msell who keeps us ute in Christ throuah all eternity. And this •s but the "earnest," the first installment "of (Klr in· heritance" (Yet'. 14), IOf' the Spirit keeps us H<::ure in "this present ...,,, · ase" only that "in the ages to come" God mi&ht show "lhe e .. ceedina riches of His arace in His kindness toward us through Chnsr Jesus" (2:7). L•ttle wonder the apostle closes this pass.a&e on our t.eeurity With the appropnate acilnowled&ement: ''TO THE PRAISE OF HIS GLORY .. -• ... -r : •• ~~ -· ·: ~ <·. .. •• "i, ~;,..r , ~ ,:'" .. _. Difficulties In The Bible By 'I1D Uft a. A.. TOaDY (By the permisaioa ol Moody rr-. Chi~o.) BAPTIST BfBL.E TRIBUNE. Spri,tfi~IJ, Mo. SOME IMPORTANT "CONTRADICTIONS" IN THE BIBLE "THE CROWN OF THORNS" ........ ,,,., ... , l.oM ~.... ,...·wuMOP'ftl& " ,__ M--..._.. QarU. -to\ Cou.. ........ ... -.... T-. \ CD: II _,._._..,,.:; .. ~ ................ .,. .. -ol-.. )1M- """ ........ c.... -· .. --·--........ -......... _ .......... ...._. ..... ,... ....... u.rtoa~--., .. ,........,~Ca.~~& •=::·~>;1~. ol 1111t • ._, J ... ..... It .. a.o.at--... .., · II .._ -... .. ~ t:Na qp 'rat ... ......,_of GofiF'M. Ail~ II lllliiJ ...i.-..:tu.DMLU. .. ... to ,.. tMI ........ ......, .,. ....... a. ....... .. u. ....... r.-........ .. ....... Willi ....... a...M -..,. to u. , ....... ..,..,. .. .. ... ... ..... ... .. .. •• l -tMt ta tht .,_ Uc o1 U.. wood and theft • the 8N for tMt ....,. ...... • • _. ,.. __ .......... ....., ... tho 0(!' .......... -..... --·-·--............ -.Couldl-..... T"And,old4--ot __ .............. ... __ ....... _ .. "_ --... -··-tho------God ~ OCIDCII •• tM •U.. t.d tMt be ...... to taM bll 'l'llllat CNIIrll ol .......... II tMt ~I .... t ..._,. out fNa -and ...... to lq ... -a CI"GWft fll vldorJ'I 'tW CNW11 fll ............... ....,._.. .. __ .... "' ....... -....... ___ .. _ ..... la tMtr .. and ... tlllllr ..... ; ... iiiiYW .......... ; .. -~""My Nt.l b. 0( u. ...... , -.. U.O. •"'-thllt ..,...'t drt¥8 1101\ God will JII'Vride tatm.U • ~ You eo.lllll"t lilt a ,_ out from U.. 1Md that ._..I wu iamb ..... (Gen. Zl:8). without a than. .&.~. IIW ,......._ Pl"((lfttled for a pcc r ''"Ill .,. a ' And old AbnhUD and hll ton u I yfew U.0. dlocw tllet hall type 01 the flelh. Could 1 NIIIIM topther brltllt the altar, and tJwft won. out ot u-......_ ...,_ you that tf Eve hid not UlteMd '*-tM awful nwwnetU wtwn au • tweet R..e ot ..,_ '* m' • to tbe tempter and taue. Ulldltr ... rftlib', Abnbam 101. "117 fer____."-.,,_., a-ot hit ltdudlon. then thorN would .on. )'OU. an-IOinl' to be tbe olter-panlolt, a .._ rJt ,....._,, 1 never have crown upon thJI land lnc-.. Thlt m._t lww been • tel'-Ro., 11Q7 ftieDII. ...._ ...... are of oun., far the tboml are inU. rtbllt ntCIIIInt for Abraham! ldaRd with the .....ta1ne ot JIM¥. nv~tely ccwwdecl wtth the C!\IIW, laue. )'OU know, oouJd hllw re-et~'a peece and the etnlllll benedk> u.ey are intimately conneded with aiRed hll tathfor. He wu ot •· Uon. '!'hey c.U Htm tM 1Wftt ~ tbe wc:ricl. tbey an intimate~ CXJD-He could have fouJht with tM of Sharon. And that ao.e b1ocJm1: nected with the flesh. and t.be)o father. He coukl have run a-.y rrom out ot the tbonw thllt He are lntlmlltel)t connected with the 'from. Uw altar. But ~ .ubmitt.ed worto at C.tvuy. llrYU. in the Word. ct God. .JstU ~ to the CCIIJUnlnd ol God. Could J u,y thllt that erown o1. Olr..C. waa OV*Ued with thonw. 1 am aure he pve Abraham a thorM IPHiu to me of my .cwity Coul4 J ...,. thla ewnlnc. that in ~ for his mother and told etH!Ially In JHUt am.t• the wNrlnc of that crown He boft Abnham what to .. Y to h1a lftDth.. • the c:urw for )'OU and me. He was cr, a farewell ~p. And lMn And J want to tell you, the pl.ace: crowned with our cune! Abraham bound h"' Mlh upon the ot .et"Urit)' for God'• peop&e ls in altar. And he draws a knife, and the renter ot the pu~t.on ot Jaua This awful thine thlit eomes to 1 see the l'lt"em ot the knife u It Chriat ~~ Jesus Christ dkd humanity bl'ca.Uil' of aln, the cune il: about -to be plunaecf into the thtre '~~; PN<:e-ror sinners. wlx!ft of a broken law, the rlabteous in· oo.om of Ia .. c. Jesua Chriat shed Hia bklod, tht~ cbcnation of a deity wt.c.e Pft'-But there comes a voice from Ia the l'f'OUnd ot 1-.dempUon; where ~pU have been broken and whose Heaven ... Abraham!" And tht' hand Jnua Otrist hu paid the debt. eommandrnents have been v6o--...~ A•-•·-b ..-• _.. 1wn U~ere I can be.-eternally s-nloncd Lated--a CUMM! that II dark and "" ........... sta.p ..... -.. ... t and fOI'eWr wt fret". No 'NOnder damni"' and ten-lble and etemal tomethln& has happened; there ia • ' ... -u~t ..... 1•· horna In the we can lift our eyu to that Cl"a. -•raise God, the eune haa been ..... .,.. v7 .. thicket. 1'ht! word that Ia uaed tonl1ht and aay, with old John transferred from me, the sinner. there for "thicket" means "a Bunyan's Christian PU..,Im. "Biaa· and has been placed upon the head thkket or thorns." There ~ a ram. l'd c:n:.a, '*-ed ~pulcheorl ........ of my b~Hsed Sut.Utute! He 11 anJ It's cauaht In a chaplet-In ed. ,.ther be, the Man that there crowned with thorns for and on a crown---ol thorna. waa put to ~ tor mel'" bmalf of Hia people. Abraham talcn his aon from oil. Could I say that the power ol the altar. and he takes thla ,.m the Dl!vll no lon&u needs to dom-t.Mt'a crowned with thorns. with inate me, beeau..-Jesus Christ, by the thorns upon its brow, and he wearing that crown of thorns, has plaoed that ram where hia aon broken Satan's power. What do we was pla«d And he lets the knife read In the:> Bible! "Forasmuch that was to rnt"an death to Isaac:, then as the c:hlldrcn are partakl'J'I fall upon the substitute. The Lord of ftesh and blood, he also himself Jesus said, " ... Abraham rejoiced llkewb;e took part ol the same; to aee my day : and he saw It, and that through death he mi&ht de-was &lad" (John 8 :56). Abraham stroy him that had the powt'r of built many an altar. If you want death, that is, the devil; and deUnr to stucly the life of Abraham. yoU them who through fear of death will ftnd that It was dotted with were all their llfl'Ume subj('ct to altars; but arter Mount Moriah, bondage" IHeb. 2:14, 15). he never built anothfl' altar, ~· Jl!Sus Christ delivers men from eau5(', friend. that was the pt"rft"<:t the power of the Devil. And Jl!Sus type of the ~at Antltypc that Christ deli\'ers mt"n from the flesh. was to COin('. 1'he lleeup of tiM: Cro-.. And what is the mna&ce" ol this a-own! lt'a a me.ap, friend, ol dark pmUtion for every Chriat· rt'jedot. You can plat a crown of thorM tonl&ht and put It ~ the head ol Jnua and 10 out and llO to Ht'U. You can say 'No' to my SavkM.Jr tonl&ht. You can harden your heart. You ean mist the Spirit ot God. You can tum your l")'l'S away from Jesua Olrllt and 10 out into the darknna, and that c:rown of thorns can brine • mcs· sal'l' ot doom to you. But that crown of thorns can brinl' a ft'IC!Ual• ol pcaC(! to you if lonJI'ht you bow at the fl'l't ot the One who wore it, U toni&ht you bow in penit~ at the C1"'a. lf tonl&ht you say u you dup the nall-plerftd ft!f!t or Jrsus, ')fy Lord and my God!' May God help you to make aueh en aeltnow-1· eda;cment thill l'Yl'ftinl, for your eoul's s.ake! Amen. The Bible says that "what the law And let !TIC' tell you, friends, that could not do. In that It was weak there will nevrr be anothe-r altar through the ft('Sh, God sendlne his alter Calvary. And ~ery other own Son in the likenraa: of sinful altar and l'Very other otreriq Is ftcsh, and for sin, condemned sin • travesty and a blasphemy. Jl'SU.I in the t'lcsh" !Rom. 8 :3). And that Christ, upon the cross, ofterrd one crown of thorns means that all .. ut!\dent, aU ... tonine, neYer-to- through Christ t~re Ia 3 way of bc·repeated aaeriftC(! for my sins! victory, a ""'ay of emancipation, a Hr s-ld It all! 1 AM CONSTANTLY mHtinc mm who say that the Bible ia full of way of liberty, a way of reclemp-'~bat erown of lhorn5, friend, Is "c:ontradictions." When I ask them to show me one, they rt'ply: "it Ia full of tion. a way of ektry and wCJndf!rful a d\aplet ot eJorious vkt.OI')'. You , tbl&. .. Whm 1 pns them to poiDt eut -. usu.lly ~ have ao man to aalvation frorQ. the CUIW ... from know in the old days when man ~But now ,and Ute.n l-:,:..HU'4e~a&ho-does..~ ~~bout ::0 the workl and .Crocat.!Jie...._~ ~ .tCM.~cht a~e for the maatny ,....,._..,to,. poi.D\ ou&-..-e '"*·-a • lrt ""--~. · pn.IR God. froRh ta.e·..:.-rml ....,-~ ; 1 11 .,. •• del•ted in We thaDk Thee tor thoat' in th1a fl'fttiftc who have ,.,udlated their .U. and belt at thr ~ and -·--.... blood. Lanl .,_._ we kwe ,_ for-....,.. ~.orne of theM. · · -SiavMKJr c2n ~~ ~~ areM,-thr one who heel cleo- CAN MAN SEE 000! c:~Sed sin, He sets the p!'iaontr feated the champion, he took the ina that c,rown ol ~ f« weu'· lne the thoma on Your broW! But, ob. God, thnoe al"l' aoula ·in this meriina' and they al"l' out cl Quist. and they en hdd by maJQ' a anare; we eaanot leave tbem *" &ad. lone! My God, we want them over there! Lord. wW You eall tJMm. wU1 You save them. will You brin& them to Younett, th1a nf&ht. f« Thy liory's .... ODe of thoM lnOIIt f~uently brouabt forw~ ill the appuwnt c:ootracUc- tion between John 1:18, where-rMCl: "No, man hath III!I!D God et any time, and Exodus 24:10, where -11ft \Old ol :Mo.es and Aaron, Nadab and Abihu and seventy of the elden of luael that "they saw the God of Israel." ('nwn an a.bo other passages in which men are ..aid to have seen God.) NOW 'ntiS CERTAINLY Looks like a ~~ contradiction and many besides !!Ceptl~ and infidels have been puuled by it. Indeed, one of the most devout men l ever knew wu so punled by it that he left his place of business and came ..Uies in areat perturbation of spirit "' ask nw about iL The .W.ution of this ·~ parently unanswerable difficulty ill in reality very simple. We must remember flnt of a.l1 that two st.atementa which in terms Oatlr mn· tndict one another may be both o them at..olutely true, for the reuon that the Y...., turns are not used in the same xnM in the two atat.ements. For u:ample, ii any man thould uJt me il I ever aaw Ow ~ of m,Y head, I mi~~:ht ~r : "No. I never saw the back of my heed. and this st.tement would be strictly true". Or J might answer: "Yes. I have seen the badl of my head." and thiJ statement would llho be true, though it appears to flatly c:ootndict the other. The back of my head I never have teen. but more than once •hen looking into a glass with another gla.sa bade ol me I have' teen the: beclt of my head It depends entirely upon what the man meana when he aaks me the question if r ever saw the back of my hod what I should answv him. lf he means one thing I answer "No," and that is true. U he mean& another thing I answer "Yes," and that ill equally true: But 50Dleone may object: "In the latter cue you did not really aee the back of your head. What you saw wu a reflection of the back of your hud in the min-or." But to this I would reply: .. Neithtt do you see the baclt of anyc:me's head when you ue looking right at it. What you lee-ill the reflection of that penon's head upon the retina of your eye." BIJT EVERY ONE knows what you mean when you uae taocua.-e in · this common sense, every-day way of using it. They know that when you say you saw the beck of another man's head that you meen. you saw a reflection ol it upon the retina of your eye, and they lmow wh~ you say you saw the beck of your own head in the .U. «hat you meu~ that you aaw the reflection of the baelt of your heed iD the aJ-. In the ODe cue you -the reflection. in the other cue rou .. the rene.:tkla ol tba reflection, and in both cues what you actually aee is the thine that ._ ... llected. I ""-... ,_ , .. _ _..._ Naw in thill case befote ua l.n the Bible it ill al Vf!rT ..... ~ ~·· tion. God in His eternal aaence is "inviaible ... ( .. wweM-ble," 1 'l'lmoth7 1:17). No man hath seen Him. nor can we llltt' Him (1 Timoth7 1:11). Be ia spirit, not fonn (John t :Z3., 24), 10 John t.ells ua iD the ~ before ua the profound and wondro\IS truth: '"No men hath Meb God at an7 time. n,e ~1 ~ten Son wtuch ia iD the boeom ol the Father, Be hath ._ ~~~ . ~ 1bat Ia, thill invlaible (ut~Me~~ble) God .. unfolded to ua, ::ct• to t.W, (the word heft tnndated "dedared" • the word from OUI' wcrd "ue,aia" ill deriwd), in the words aDd ill the penM ol1.._ Jlim- .U. So full7 ia He decland, not onl:r in the words ol .J.-but lD 1D1 ,......,n. that Jesu. could say: '"He \bat hath aMD ... hath aMD the r.ther'" (John 1t:l), free. laurel the irwignla of the dwn· T1N: My.tery of the Crown pion, 'rrom the c:hampkwl's brow, Of c:oui"'M!, as Wl' eome to look and he put It upon hla awn twow. al the meaning or the crown, we And I want to tell you, friend, the soon I«' th.at there is a mystery Devil and the cune had d\amplon.. hen-. And as r gaR upon tha.t ed ov~ the race-, but thl! poNt crown, I Moe ftrst of all tM ful-Vk:tor ImmanUE'I, the Lord from flllml'nt of a wonderful proph~-y. Heaven., came. And He ·rou&ht the One of the greatest porlrliyinp champion that had brou&ht clown BACK TO SODOM AND GOMOIIAH IY MOIL SMITH. I!DITOR l•tt .. IIW• Trt.._.. s,..t .... -.. .... It ~ • no wrprtae to stwlenta ol eootemporvy .Am.iam Ufe that d.,.ded aoundrels ol the stace, acr-. aDd the pri.IWtd pace b.a" reached the depths of ~ where they are publicly uhibitinc iA the nw the -rile and filthy life ol Sodom aad Gomornh. l1niD1 put ...,. all the fediDCa of a aonnaJ human .......... ..._. ..... oiJdt.bolnd,-....... hoe,., aeum ia maJdDc a tnde of auual vice. "Who be- inl: 1.-t feelizta have liven tbemealves over-unto ~ to worlr. all ~ (to make a ncM ol) wtth areedin-" (~ t :U). -rhe alww ol their c:oun...,.... doth wttDa. acam.t them; &Dd they de· cJ.ve UMi.r P u Sodom, thq hide it noL Woe unto u..&r aoull for they haw nwarded evil unto them- .-.._ .. (laa. 3:1). And theM same atudenta are not surpriM:d that tht. public aodomy is reeeivq ~Led criti.eal re· views in -.p~~Pft'l. macazines.. aDd on Bdio &Dd t.tie- vUion. 1'b.ia filth, they teU us. is a form of art, and it is 1110t without redearUnc M:lciaJ vaJue. And it C'CIIftea • no ~ that such appraisah meft the approval of the Dn-il'• prophets and preachers ... bo, intellectualb and apbitua.l.ly .terile, 10 for ~ like a raz.orbKII:: }q I~ warm bvttermillr.. "' have .em a1eo in the propbeU of .J~ an horrible thin&: they oomndt adultery, mel walk iD Ue:s; they strencthen at.o the bands of ...u. c1oen. chat none doth retum from his wiclt.m.e.: tbey an all ol them \m\o me • Sodom. &Del the inhabitant. therd • Gonnon-ah" (Jer. 23:14). We an IIOld that ~ films are now a million .. doUar-induRrJ, and that PI'Pt'n. boob, and mapzines .....,tn1 wtth brothel lUll are ma1r.trta their pabder puhlilhen rich. ADd we an not to forpt that the ap- peal, tha power, and the influence ol • dollar from this bUIDIUl V'B1IliD. ere • ar-t u that ol a dollar from a -.,t ~ Pllul's preeehillc in Ephesus iAwlftd the ..u...alth'1 doUan. Buam.. wantl clollan. Palitieanl waDt ......_ ~bod7 .ants to C."'O1ar a dollar. No- ...., ,... .... a dollar to ..... eertil.ieate of chander. .,.. f1 111 .........., people: ol ~ CDUDtr'7 are not GDI7 t 3 • with ..... CJI"'UliDd herd ol .,..._.a. d.l7 .,.. eaatr.tad with their milllona ol dollan, aad ........... iDilirect bath--of thc.e doUan. -n..v ___ Couniolho.,..._. fi :Os:dw frt.d of ._. -c:t..ta of 01 f o: ..,._ lm-Yod<,__.__, ......... dol*ef--.....!"wUibo_by_.....,_ _._ ............. _lullol_lolt_ ....... to ... "' ito iooc Aodl I--...... loPIIr .. t•daiolpuW.ic t !, ....... .... I 1 ",,,. ~ ..,. .. llDW1a ......... \he ...... of ----·-------_._.... I CcMt, .......... ,.,...u. .... c...t ... .... ..,._ .. _ .. _ ..... >' ·•· MW._,.... .. • J 'a .. ._.. , ........ -...... I I' ...... h. ........... "" .... ·' . " --. -" 1 b a'd 1 ,., • ' 5 _.. , -~ ·-~· ,_.,- -....... ••--efllll-.. , __ ........ -.-. .. ·---... ,.... .... a .. .-.Bt~J ,,,_.._ ..... _ ...... ..._ • ...._ 'wit .... • lu:ncb, and then 1oa5 out and npea another men's wLle, you .houldn't bother him-----beeauae be t...u a \ettuce- I&Ddwic:h IIOdal value. And this klioq Ia from the 111M court tbet has struck down \he beaie eomtitutioDU aDd mon.l principle of • truly l'ept'8111tatlve and respon.tble aowrnment by ita "ooe-IDID-ooe-vote" decree. '!bat -a purt demo- cracy; and that mMDI aaard:ay, ADd apinlt the Nc:k- a:round ol. the French Rnoh.atioo. thla ill uactly what the framers of the eoa.tituO. labored to awid. So far, the Suprema Court hea found none of theM ptla of filth "utarl7 without redeeminc aodal value ... We haw u much raped for the prostitute&, male and female,in tbeee fUma aDd on tbeee staces • we havt for memben ol the Supnme COurt who will look at and aneU thia e 1 11101 of human depravity; and then tum a ... y, aqd s.y: ft fla then; but~ JOU c::aD clis-- CVV'ft' that it Ia '\rttat7 without r..deemi.rw .aaJ value,'" .. won"' pe:nnit JOU to do anythinc l8bout tt. Some teU ua that lhil ._of deelldence ill ..,. pna)', the' it will paa a....,. and we will Ntwn ta the I'Md ol cleomey. But it .-..rt't t.DponrJ with bdmi ~ It ._._•t ......,......,. with A~Qrla. h .-'t ... .,....,. wtth Babylon. It -·t ........... , with the Medal alld Peniana. It .--.'t teatpanry with the Greeb. It -·t tltiuponrJ' wtth the a....... W"b. a Mtioft m..e-th. truth ol God bdo a U.. and W'III'Sohipa and ..,.... the enetun mon tbD the Creator, .. Cnetar ..... it Up ... ita ~ (Rom. l:D·IZ), Aad wba ~ God ... 70U up. J'OU doe"' ... faJlillc \Lidl )IGU hit tt. ...... of hell 1rh7 .. it ....... public ~lill1'1PJ , tba .. , Sodosn ..... 0 ' •• widl the so .... ol .... eaurta ....... _ ....... _ ...... _ IDehadlsw-...... * •h• fl'l ......... - at..et-+!e'! Why 61 ...,_ _. Osn 1eh petah In the wntW a--of Qed At ... b? 1\ll ___ tho_ola.L<W-. ---.... t.tt,. o.tl .................... _ .. pw sl't7. At • .,.,_. ... h 1'1, Mit • a tha die Gltb ol a 1 • ,, " • c11rect IMult • t1te holJ a.4. ll .. _....... .. _ .... ____ _ -Clod.,.. ..... -.... a... •• -...... _...,.,., ........... __ ---.. --..... a_....._..,.......,..,..,...,.,._.; • bol7 OM.'ftal-.............. 0 ... Aai'L "-a..._ .. o ............... . tbeJII •• T.., .... -..,. .. --~ ,.U liS ....... tr ,,.,.... ... ...... .... of +«II a 8,.. a... a. 1'll'& .. lfw .. 1 'Hoc'....._ ·an •....,. ... rtQtlttt..,.. • •• e Rt ..... 3 stan _..,. ... _,..._ .... _ ...... ......... o....atr-..: •• 3 ............. <-.. • ..., -" .._ ... _ .................. ~ ... ... -. -...... -... -.--. .......... ............ ... .., ........... 4S '(I, 0 'I I~-·--""-_ .. I _., __ .. _ .. _ .,._ .a~. 1n1t .._ II die Iter llltlllli ..,... y: r'M4hz ol _on.t" Lake 4sl-11 . I __ ,_,_ ,_.,.. ____ Lear'_ ........ ,,, 1 T..,.,_ 3 a.ua Ac:aoM . .,...., ...... __ ~ ... , -·-· ~-.. .. .u .......... -...... ...... ___ .. 11 .... "-clqa M 61 ~-·· MU-lot" ll .._ • ., NeMell.._, ( ... I:L -·l ., "' .................. __ __. ., u.. H a' " (lid. tl:liJ 1' -,.,...,. . . • ~-~-.... I wOI _. .. (a-. liS) ll .... ei....._.Ua-.tSJ 11 ~ ..... lWo ~-· .... .. ,.1 ... 11 _.-.,,.._ca...,.,., 11 .... llsr tc • ... of -·-4"' ca-. sa .. ,, •Jt. •If. '"21 .... -----· ---............ -a ..... .. ................... (J .... ~I311 ltll) .,.._ .. ______ .,- , ....... lzll) Sl '""-t 1aor -'!IT -·--e1 Cell" . , .... --*' ..., 1M _. Sl ........ ---• •• •de ...... -· ._ •a .,.,. .., t~. 8J*k ~--· -·-_......_. ,. Ja .... ef •••• t .... Me ... --) ., .... ...u ,... .... ..... H a.... ll:f} a • ....-n~er. ___ u..... <AcU . ,,,, U dty ef J_.., ~~~-we4i-(J ... IS: It) •tf .,.,. ..., .... lfildt ....... --·• M a • ceu~rr ,.._.,. ,_., ss...._._ ........ _·c .... hill Jr-..aw. •• __ .......... .. .,.... ......... __ ...... .. CLUD DOWW .~._..,...,. ............. I i.lcwa el twe .._ e1 Deri11 (D --1111) ·---... --.... --.... (Jeall. ·~) f. ............... ~ ....................... (0... tldr ._. It&) , .. _ ... ...._ .. (D..._D .. ) ..... ___ .. ,......,_;_ ... '(JoOaWJ , ............. __ .. ~ (Ge&, .. II. & U) 1 ............ ,.... ...... .... O..hll) I .. _ t. "-Wly"' CI C... l1ll) ll"""f ....... _ ....... ·-(JoOa lloll ., .................. s __ ... W ... ., ...... C ... hll. I) It die ...._. ef Wrat'' 1 (II' ._, 11tl) ... _ ................. ~ c-.,. .. ) IS • J .... (J .... lllll) ..... , .. 11 ................ . ... --· .. (~ .... , t1"'11ltl ....... , ........... ,. .._ __ rc~'''' .-.'-It ......... t' _. -.tdiMt -~" (I ht. ltll) aa-u ... tJMn~orewUt __ .. S2 ""titi I ....U --~-a..t k"' (IMI Ul:l) a w~---'-tla ......... --(t.IM 1:1) U "''U.te wrot• • ___ le" (Jelra 111 It) 27 a ClriltaMI c...t '"!''.e ,_. .~ .......................... . ...._. U a-. hilt 0... Ila•) f.l -_, .._ -tWa ........ ( .... f.rll) u wta.. ........... die ·-· (o..t. If.1ll) ...... __ ................... (Pe, hi) ............ _,... ....... .. ---(Lob"'" . ..__ ............ _ .. ~---'"' ca.. JIIIJ ....... "" r.a.. (D .... 2,&,1: Ad. Mm) II .... M +w el --{llalt.. f.e) u ................ (z..&. 11:.11: ,_.._ tdt: D a.-. ld) H ....a. el • ,_._ ~ (0... ...,) •• _ ...... )loy ....... QUESTION: "Wh y is the Boolt of R~velotro n cofled the A pocolypse1 " 1 ANSWER: The word "Revelation" is derived from 40revelatio", the Latin equivalent for "apocalypsis". Both words mean "to uncover" or "to unveil''. That's what John was told in the very first part of the Book of Revelation. Scripture: "Write the things which thou HAST SEEN, and the things WHICH ARE, and the lhings WHICH SHALL BE HEREAFTER ." Rev. 1:19 . In other words, John had been permitted to uncover or unveil things of the PAST , PRESENT, and FUTURE! QUESTION: "Who wo.s the swnt singu of lsroel1" ANSWER: Kiq David wao known by tbat naaoe. The Scriphu-es indicate that he waa an excellent musician. Thus, he earned tbe title, "sweet singer of Israel." • QUESTION: "Do 7ou lhinA the H-1,000 Jew~ 10 be ru.rAed in the BooA of Reucl•aon will b~ o literal IH,OOOr " ANSIER: Yeo, I believe the figwe civen hOle io a liteml aamber. lly rea10D for saying so i1 becaue of thio •eroe ol Scripltn: Scriptwe:. "And I burd the nuber of tllea which 1 we,. oealed: llld thece were sealed on hundred oDCI focty ..r fov tboaoaacl of all the tribea of tbe children of lame!." R""-7:4 • Tbe re11oa I MY tbio lipe io literal io beao- it'o Mn ay policy io lllMet 30 ,. .. ol preoc:W• to t.lle ... Bible literally w..., it io II oU poeoibJe· if oy hllr:, fipltll .. , or typial ........ lo ailed: 1 ... I look.,, lllo llle181 tnth II I ..... 1o coa"J to •· • ,...,.,.,..., .... God .. ,. He'• Fl• lo ........ k hod_. loriJ 1111 f-•u 'of allllloldllll of 1M diul 1 ol ..... 1," I bJ lo wa.. Hie .... ... -II II al ,_ ...... I W& OIT IIAIIOI Ellllll .a.IEC'IIIII --... 3 'MI-Y. JULY Sl, - CXIIDIA E. IAa, CALIF. fO ... Y MEARS eM EllA MOW AT &-·llftPOIIT IILVD. OOftAIDU ---·~ FOR ALL OF YOUR INSURANCE NEEDS ROBERTSON-SADLEIR Insurance 3333 E. Coast Hwio. Can>na dol Mar -Tolophono 673-3850 • CARPITS RI·WIIITIMID • WATIR lo SMOKI Dt.IU.GI REMOVED o ORIENTAL 847-1678 FORMER. INSTRU CTOR.. NATIONAL CHEMICAL CO. • ?,? ,, ........ , ... ....... 7 -·L ......... Coll ln Your Wont Ad to th• Ensip 673-0550 COMPLETE FUNERALS "-'245 Ill COWPLITI FU~DAL AND IUIIAL CINTEI - ~= Fnm $130 , f from $-f6j iltmurial Jar .... ···P,T-£e etery .. &.)'flai., ia 0.. Baca•rifal Ploce" Ball• the fw•alllld llnrid c:mler ~ efhk .. tbe ... lot~ dtrough b tJ •Jflc: oa overcrow hi&flWI1s. &mily .... ',.,. alike may -~ their £ull re-lf*tl llr atiPswl;.., the • senn. u well . • ..._dMpeJ senb, aU It oae k ... lifal plaa, .. -Cllllt IDII .... CIGill 0 ai I tlo 1 .. -.... .. Jl4 ...... WG1 714 ' BE:AUTY NOOK 2n2 E. Coost Hwy. Corona del War Phone 6n-.733b REMODEliNG and ADDITIONS ltAL~ji!R a=r.:. "-:"···) .. .... ~ ... I Qa_l .... .... • MIG Q.EAIIIMG 673-5822 ";;;;t ..... ~~~ .. ....... . NE ... ORT ~ CM.If"'OIIlttA THE AMERICAN LUTHCitAN CtfUIItCH 1::10 ..... Ia .,,. 0... -...,.,:.emu t:e ..... 10 to:os..... -~ ~ 11 :oo ..,._ 10 u :oli --""""'' Sa"'lu --·-.. -;.. n. .... GootaoJ .......... Yloi..._ Poa• - S..lus n.l'C8li~OF m ..... aa:EN1'WT 1303 Via Lido Newport Beach SUNDAY SCHOQL t :ts ......... ,, •.•. SUNDAY SERVICES f :15-11e .•. WEDNESDAY EVENING MEETING I •·•· READING ROilM .......... , ••.•. -s •.•. ..... M.,: f •·•· • 7:4.5 •·•· T-~ -.Ill Foi4..,: ' •.•• -5 ..... ; ,_, •••. -....,, ', .•. -...... II:COffD C'a!IKW Of' Cll..-r. K'IENTirt Nc..port Beach at Corona de I Mar 1100 PIICIIlc VIew Dr. SUNDAY SCHOOL 10 .. -. SUNDAY SERVICE 10 •• WEONESOA Y EVENING MEETING 1:00 , ..... ReHia1 a--! M•tt~•l Blds- 286S E-t eo-t Bwy •• COM. Moa.-Fd.: JO -... co S Th-.stl.,. •v•ia F 7 tD S.t.: 10 .... to 4 P·•· You arc auend to uae , .......... o ... .. c:.. .. -a.,..hu Bi~ ... FcU-..,Ip ,.til., .... ,-...... ", .... '-'• ._A M " rile St.. Dr. P.O. Na..,.... ,.._ SUNDAY SERVICES ~:4S a.r'-s....fty SeiMiol ·, l :00 Lm • ..,...,., Worllti 6:00 p.1L Tni•i., U•iou 7:1W p.m. Ewct;aina W"'*ip WEDNESOAY 7,20 po10. Bible S..cly 1:00 p.m. Prayer MI:•U.a ATTEND TME CltUIIOI Of Y-CIIIIICE REGULAIIL Y .. ....... .,OM! .,..._ ..... ...., ..... a.JND'I., IC:HOOt.. I A,.M. 1~,-••• wot~~•u~ • -o • ..._. • , .. •lr n;-.,.. ............... ' '" ...... A FrH _, ... ,.~-~ _ e-r-r.,..~ a-.,_ a."'• ,.. .................. .... ..... Somoo -~ ldoool o& 10:00 ..... 675-3353 Werb Shrvbs, lnteri« Plartts tropic:al & r, ... lnsectcides and F.nHiz., SI.H C..... St...,.: nu:r m.un:Rr CO.ON.4. DO. MA. NC..:m' n .. L r....•.,. ..• n ... • SHOE IEI'AlR MAII£RR'f'S Shoe IIepa" ~se and Lugoage Repair -.Dye Won. SloH ST AIIIIP'S OHl DAY SBMCf. 1110 HMbDf .. -.4 c:o.a ..... -... 33,, •r n. CLEANING & DYEING AU MAKES OF ltUGS -WALL-TO-WAU C.UPETING ..... I-DAY SERVICE ,,..,. I •••.., ... , fr ... p 'us I IF-:kel .. ----- o AUTOMOTIVE WE SPECI AI.. I ZE IN • BRAKES (Disc-~s loo!) • SliOCXS • ALIGNMENT For Fast E,....t s.n,eu 6<16-5623 PfCK·VP 6 DELIVERY TRU·liHE AUTO CENTER 1·1~ ,\Jn,1f1rt 81 .. , uar l7tb COSTA MESA • S.-M•1 M.cltitt• S....tce REPAIRS .. ~ SERVICE E_, -d -~ ltlor4 a •• -on -AdJ .. t Delhety Serrice A•.;,leW.e SEW lEE IT SIIOPP E !732 E. COAST BWY. COltON A DEL MAR Toloplooor. 67$-6564 {Aav .. tro. n .,., c .. -•) ~$, ntm ,_ L C:..ot llwr~ Cllll 61Mal ::::::~~::;;;::;:;;=l. --.snl!'l WllLU'II:Pft ..... , ... , & WM.LPAPD ,. ..• _ .... _ Pulali • uP• liM ~ I>AUEMS 01' -.a.NPIII _ ..... ... Qn • .. .. I • .; .... .._..__.uuc ,....,.~ ............... ~ .. -,. .; ..... .Do\lai.$Lg •':.:J -•nusn .. Em':-..,;;.~= ... c. ...... .. __ .... ...... ........... satOOU 0 .HAPPYI • IS INDCPDIDIIITII • LE.UN '10 DIIIVI:III C~L ro• PUll I NT 110 DCI Cl'O lfY I.I!UON .,._sne WE ARE OVERLOAD WIT!! HEW 1969'S AND THE NAME OF THE GAME IS SAVE l OVER 400 NEW 1969•s AND TOP TRADE·INS TO CHOOSE FROM/ New '69 Thunderbirds 599 OVER ACnJAL FACTORY INVOICE SALES CHARGES, NO PREPARATION CHARGES. NO DEALER ADO.OH.CHARGES. 2·DOORS, 4-DOORS, CHOOSE FROM ANY HEW 1969 T·BIRD IN OUR BIG STOCK I WITH EVERY MEW CAMPER-TRUCK OR MOTOR HOME PACKAGE SOLD . LIMITED OFFER! EXAMPlF. PACKAGE: o HEW '69 fORD )I TON V-8. o HEW BARRACUDA CAMPER 600 WIT!t STOVE, SINK, TABLES, ~ IG~ TS, DRAPES. o HEW ZEBRA MINI BIKE. ~~; S3 95~ TENNIS DRESSES ~"'- Branch Head Bill Says: By Bill Kennedy • THE MIDDLE CLASS WILL "GET IT" AGAIN WASHINlolON-1 .1m con'v mcet.! heyond all doobl, now, !hat w~ ar~ nor going 10 g~t any relief from tax reform measur~ coming our of this seuton of Congress. They are not going to "'k~ any of the ioaJ the bads of the middlt-clus rupayCT. lllcy are DOl 1oina to matt: the rich pay their share. because rhey are hopelessly controlkd hy the moni~d inrercsh . They are no1 going to close 1hc foundation loophol~. or any othen They are not going 10 do ~~.n ything about the oil de- plet ion allow .. ncc. They are not going 10 stop the farmina-for-a-loss gimmick. or the payment of millions of dollan 1n sub!iidies 10 ric h farm- ina corporations. All !hey ar~ goi ng to do is 1alk about these thinas. Talk them 10 death. as th~y have done in the past. The Congress wilt bring up all kind~ of proposals. hold ··hearing~" and have "debates." President Nixon will throw up a few trial balloon5. lisle, to bolh extremes of ~ach llraum~nt. t~!il th~ diff~rent reactrons. hem and haw like he always does and th~n com~ up with some ··compromise" suggest ion for toss- ina out a few bones !1~ th ink s will r.atir.fy botb the rich anU lhe poor Th~r~ won't he anythm@: m thl' "rdorm" for that who!~ group 1n ~twe~n ""ho l'i gcllmg fed up w1th "domg lor the rich" and "doi ng for th~ poor .. It ha' been point~d out that 9011,f ol the taM'S are paid hy famili~s earn ing betw~n S5 .0UO anJ SJU.OOO a yur. Th~ poor on one !iiJ~ anJ the nch on the olh\'r comhine to pay Ill'' of the to~xe~ 1 Th1s mc<tns that 90'if ol the .,url,o\ ,., abo pa1d hy th~ in - betw~n!>.) If the lo~b\.1r unoun' hatl Jny lc<o1Jcr, worth lh~lf ~all . they ""ouiJ JOin m ;1 t:l\ revolt by !he overhurJencd m1dLilc cla!'s. heca u-.c that is the clas.!> th~ labor un1on's members are m. And congr~um~n lislen to labor unions. And if the coll~gc student-. had the sense th~y should hav~ been pot here with, they would be demonstr-ating I if they must demon- it nate) aJainst the perxcution of tile midcUc income A1'11erican. because any poor to averaae student coming otf the Cilmpus with a degree rheq days can star1 work for more !han SS.OUO a y~ar. ~a~ily ~nough to put him in the bracket !hat pays the tu to finance the gov~rnment that -.uhtidizes the n ch and poor. The Congr~ has al r~ady made it •·crystal cl~ar:· as iu members are prone to say, that what it will do is make some small aesture toward collecting a f~w dolla rs of tax money from rich people-some token they will then point to with areat pride. And they will make likewise unimpor1ant chanan at the bottom 1 like exemptioa the und~r-SS.~a-year fam- ili~s from the income tax , or allowing them a couple of hundred more dollar1 deduction per child ). A!'-j0 THEY WILL SOCK IT TO TH£ WORKI NG MIDDLE CLASS-JUST LIKE T H EY'VE BEEN DOING. BUT HARDER THAN EVER. sta rting with the ~xtension of !he IO'::i: surtu on tht 90qf of all taxes this group now pa ys. It i~ my earnest hope 01nd pl~a that after this happens-as my honest appraisal and predic- tion says 1t will-that the workinJ AmericanJ mass log~! her w revolt. Thty should revolt flnt rn th~ pnvacy of !heir vocing booths next year whe n they go to elect a n~w ConJreu. And fail- ing ther~. !hey !lhould proceed immediately to orgamzc an ope n lax f(volt. I do not believe ch~ lat C<~t~ cari ~urviv~ on 10°.-f.-American Way Fealure5 Still seeks new challenge IIA5KS Ray Y. Copelinhasupressed his gra.tltOOe to Ua.yor Doreen Marshall aDd to tbe City COtm· ell lor lbe proe1amatioll and framed cerWlcate olaAII'tda- tioD giveotob.imasbecoaclOOed Ills loac service as member of 1be N._rt Beacb PlaJullng CommisPoa He's -.c k slllluolber secretary usl-oal, bo qulp. .... In his -"' _, ''AI llookoter mJ llbcMilder It -ms bo1nc JOCrliarY bas docPd .. , -liace1906. the Newport City Pla.DaiDcCom- misstoo., a.od !DOll of you !mow 1 haYe serYed 15 J8U'S a.s sec- retary of that uaique orpnl&a.- tlon, Amlgos Vjejos. ·'I want to become secretarJ ooe more time. I tllYeplaeed mJ appllca.tioo to becOme tbe first secretary ol tbe first Plaa- D.lng Commissioa oa tbe Mooa. U I cet the ._u,tmeDt I will ba¥t it made. "I thaJik aU al ,... aplll lol your~.·· Tllot ,_ lwu MCrtlary In llD-UNIT MOTEL SET Prolo._ T.S.C. Lowo, f«. fOR AIRI'ORT AREA trllom lilcMd Lon wu -.med IIIII -bo111 tllo -Lowe RodewaJ laos al A...,le&ID-RaiJrood. He put ... 1bo lint IIDUDCod Ibis ...... It wiU balld l>ollooG In bo -u u CJb.. alZ0-10111 -IIDCoolall ... -pool dwllclbo CIYU DNr tllo~~ Airport. war COldwell, -l CO., ... yoa .,., allanr• ot tbt u Rll.lora, tlll'll'•ated au per .. 1-u-otaryal-IDtiiO-alUaa•ll>- MEN'S TENNIS SNDRTS .. SHIRTS .. UPAII fiNS SNORKELS DUCK fEET fiNS ILEIIISH 6.95 UGULARI.95 ;;.,;;~~ "'j!i:;;;;, -&IIIIo ___ ., ~ ,_.IW.IIllladBIDAn., TEMHI$ RACKETS WILSON DUMLOI' DAVIS IANCROfT ,EIIMSYL VANIA UTIA DUTY T .. IIISIALU COMVUSE JACK I'U RCI!LL TI!MMIS SIIOU ALL STU IAIKI!TIALL $MOPS WOT liLT POOTIALL IIIOIS __ ,_,__ _,_ . ........,.. ~C.. ol-e. 1 roe '1111 -• Allllll ....... ~ .. ........... --* .• , ........ 1,., llwl.'lllo-wlll I _, Ill Jill IM...._Cioa- Jiula?f ,..,....._ Ill I ... -ol$1,1 -~ ~----~- I lltM'OtiT HAIIIOR fJIGit ta:OIIO IECllllll --... 4 'lltii!IM¥,JULY Sl,- CXIIIOtiA DEL IIAtt, CALl f.