HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-08-28 - Newport Harbor Ensign.. • . . . . -,;. .• . .-._ Coffee cans used in oil leak fight UatU a low tide mUes more t .. ted u lnflabble boom ol perma.ueat acUoo teuale, Y1D7I-ooated 07kla. to ""' u IIIWPCII'I lloa<h Ia fllhiiDc Ita & ""'"DC -.o to tnl> lila 0U. hac-oU loak wUh old cot-P-ham IDe. oi!IIWPCII'I fH caoa aod a llolllDC -.. Boaeb, trlod out lllalr "S. About 10 p11oas a dayolfDkJ Sweep," a ~~cwunc macht.Dia.t blaet oU are -llac to lhr 1t1ma o11 oil lila lllrfaee olllla .urt.lce of the cb&.aDet U'OQQd water. Tbe de'rice pumped tbl Newport Ialud ill West Nnpott oil UDto old coffee CUI. 1a alOOJUdradiustromtbeud Tbe COCDilU1 wUl Jtudy tbe of 43rd SL -ean Jleld to lara lila The elty aod lila Oraace rate of -aod lhe ehem!eal Coaoty Harbor ~hen eo-st11oo olllla -Uac 0U. let 2 printe compuales g.. Cit)' conpltaat Robert Arm- pe:rtmeot oo m9tbodl of coatrol-strOG& bU sU:1 tbat tbe oU Uac lila oil Jea.t before a low .._ Ia prohebly a rolllll Ude w111 a.Dow tbe leU to be of u. •~»ftdcwwt well that wu plugpd 1Ftlh cement bap. A 1a operaioD. beme tbe ellam:lel low tide Is upeeted today ..-was dredpd oullo 19SO. tomorrow. Tbe c1ty bu made teld&UYt Lui Friday lila Z c:cmll>&llles plaoa In pluc lhe -permaa- IBitalled lhalr &JI)Orlmlllta. 111111 durlog a low Ude by cii&- A FOUDta.l.D ValleJ flrm, Al--dog a bole arOID:I lt ud .a.nao, lled RIIIU'ebaod DnelopmeJX, 1t In witb cemeat-lllled blp, Ambulance law ok due FOR A CLOSE RAllO LOa< at lhe --of uti-IIDOC utomoi:IUe proc~Qc:•s, a promllaeat delepttoo of Pr.tdeat lftma'• eablaet ud otbU' ad'rbarl alteD:Sed an outdoor dlell&J of uotie steam, electric, &Dd other lllrup -..hk:lao TIIHday at FO<d AeromUoo1e lo Newport Beach. Here a GtDirLI Motors electric car ia: deDlODIItratad. (JimPotoell-.) Tbe f un Zooe property u:- IA!ads from Palm St.lo W&Shlog- too St., between E. Bay ATe. a.od the barbor, Tbe block 1s about 100 feet deep and bas appf011mately 212 teet of bay -... Tax rate stays same Of'FlCERS of the Newport Beach pollee departmeqt wbo received commentlnn for their service u coaches In the Harbor Area summer baset»JI prosram inchadt , •anrt:Jnc In front, 1eft to r i gbt, JobD Slmoo., Reed Glolheo and Frut Brown; la tberear,lett tortcnt, Arb Campbell, Ed ClbbareW aod Craig Jolmooo. (Raody Nettles -.) Coach-officers lauded by city <fl. l!tlf s, .Ne,a j\RVO E. Hj\j\PA, owner ond publisher of lfle Ensign ~~·>Ooo6ea,.a. FROM ONE EDITOR TO ANOTHER Editors enjoy quoting each other, par- ticularly if they are in agreement. And, being 1n thorough accord, I am happy to quote the following item from the Aug. 22 issue of Scuttlebutt, the weekly newsletter of the Newport Harbor-Costa Mesa Board of Realtors: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, NEWPCIIT HARBOR ENSIGN We extend our hearttest coagratulat1ou toARVOudPEG HAAPA, owner.publlsbeJ'-edltor &ad aaoclate editor of tlle ENSIGN, 00 beglaaloc tbe Z2ad JIU ol publl- Our Tbursdays do not beg1D lmUI we tara to THE LOG to see · wbat HOP bas to say. We tboaCbt tbl.t tbe "COUDtJ of Kooks" had beeD played to tbt bllt bJ tbe MiloMI editors and tbat we bad k>st oar DIW'norlblDeas, but according to HOP in yesterday's (Auc. 11) Eutp. U bas started apin -this time bJ Looll: map•lnt, It seems DOW t.bat we are America's "tink1est"' CCMIIItJ. We ~ the adVent of PRESIDENT NIXON to our shores wtJl ban r evJYed tbJs b.vorlte editorlal ratloDIJ p1.1tlme, but ft join EDITOR HA.AP A ln the oplnioo tbat 1A1Cb wrtttop. reprd. less ot the lutent of the writer, are PRO Ora.oce County, oot ANTD • • • MORE ON THE KRISMAN CASE I am also ln agreement with the following action reported by J obn J. McHugh, com- mander of Newport Harbor Legion Post 291, of which I am proud to be a member. . . BOARD OF REGENTS, UNIVERSITY OF CALitUilttA On August 13, 1969, at a ceoeraJ buslDess meetbe of tbe Newport Harbor Post No. Z91, tbe Amerteu IA&toa. De· partment of Calllorl!!a, lbe mot1oo "lbst tbe NIWJIO<I Harbor Post 291 of the Americao Lepoo u AmerlcaDS, Yeterans and ta.lplyers of tbe State of caut.orD1a do object to the appointment of an S.D.S. actt'flst, ODt Mite KrUmao, as assistant Dean of Studeots at the Unl'ferstty ot Ca.J.lt::JrDla Irvine and we request the Board of Repats to cancel tl1s empk:lyment immediately" was UIII.DimousiJ ~ed. Tb1.s Post 291 consists of 564 members. More information on the Krisman case is given by Congressman James B. Utt in another letter that be has addressed to UCI Chancellor Daniel Aldrich Jr. The text of Mr. Utt's letterisprintedonpage 4 of the 2nd section of this Ensign. • • • Councilman Paul Gruber was a Uttle lonesome ln his objection to the Newport Beach City Council's decision to join SCAG (Southern California Association of Governments). All other Council members voted "yes" on this motion Monday evening. Mr. Gruber, in his sole "no" vote, was echoing the concern of many of us who also recognize this action as adding on yet another layer of government over our already excessively governed citizens. This is part of the continuing scheme to undermine local government. The scheming is subtle and "soft sell," but watch the tentacles of regional govern- ment grow and grow and grow. 1r ,..,. Alllll•n•• WOILD SJAIVATION STEVE KRIKL, ........ ol ... Lillo .... -· ol B. D. Howes &1111 Sao. w111 dUplaJ IWipolaltorattbo Newport flar. bor Clamber of Commeree otaee lD Core:. del Mar September 15-30. He usa aeryUea udtelllpll'uaaa buk med.lum, creating .urrealtiUc am aMtract P''nHnp, aliAf lnteue bues of orange, blue, creea ud rtd. lit. Krltl wu born La. Prape, Csecboskrt'iatla, l.a ltS6, m1 UTed tbere l.broueb Csecb, Nul ud Comm-.c. repmes. He fled to Ceatral E11rope l.a 1948, ud l'fMWII11J to Ceatral America. He became an appreatiee jrlreler l.a Puama at lbe ""' o1 14, ••rmeolloc !WI ......,. bJ •lllllr !WI on abstract oU patntlnp. He came to ltewport S.Cb from tbt Be,..r(J Hlllil store of Tlll>aJ 6 Co. (EIIIIp -.) LeHers to the Editor From the Police Bloner • •• ' , ' • • IB WT IIAIIOtiiiUIIII .... IEC}IIII --, •• 11111111111Y, IIUQ. •. -IIIDA DB. IIAII, CAUF. •••••••• CLEARANCE OF DESIGNEil FASBION8 ~"~.~IMAL~ 3 DA¥5 · ir ; .'· ·'iLl: MERCHAtmiSE · OFF SALE PRICE "€B.481TV Bf:GIJIS AT BOlffE" f/tfiiHCt iH ]gs/tiPH ........... ..... NEll ••• .. ,..,. liMit .... 2212 • PUILICATICIM WOB WE CAN P .. tNT YOUft B~HU .. ~ PAMPHL~T' t MAGAZINEs. L.EA ... L NEWIPAPE"' AND NE"WS LE:TTIL!IItS CAL-L us •o• •niM.t.tas 17J•IJJI IIMSIGM PUIUHMG CO. • "'"_.,...,_ 9IC...... •• .. ,.,, ........... u"' •c-.· $' ........ .. ildilttiiiiiJn Pt",IU._.. ..,. ..... --. ... ... -... .. ""-. Lillo ..... ----. ... ., 110 11. an eM a e a. -~~~~- 1 'IECHU P'OR SALE At one time. you could buy jan or leocbes at mos1 pharmacies. That wu in the days when bkedina wu COMidered a c:ure for many ailments. And *chc:s are &ood ~oodlctters! How lucky we are to be livins in this a.,e of modem medications, with effective-and pleasant -treatments for infe~ionsand other illnc:ucs. Remember, reliable mcdicfltions are importam to YOU -they may mean the ditferenor: between pain and comfon ... between life and death. So, when you are ill, see your physician first . Then come to us for the medicines lw pre!Cribcs. aMI ~ COM'I' .-y., cr.:-& ...... -·-- AMERICAN CHRISTIAN SCHOOL "EDUCAnNG YOUNG AMERICANS UNDER. GOO" KIIIDERCARTEH FIRST CRADE Traffic.F atalities Jump Gun on Fourth Orange ~Y jumped lht ~:un on thf> rut of the lllUon Thursday by rtcording one at three: tralfu: fatalities just beforr the olfidal holiday period Urted at 1 p.m. n.nday. YOiurdetr _liremaa wu killed Thu l...;1nc, Costa Mesa ditd in the South Co;m Community Hospital rmergmcy room of massh·e injuries sustaintd in Lhe 1.11l· IJ5ion. ,.~·rr--.""'-..r-.oV"' ... , CUDIT CAIDS ..... re4 "DON'T LET THIS HAPPEN TO YOU OR TO YOUR FAMILY OVER LABOR DAY!" .1646·5623 for an appointment • We Pick-Up I & Deliverl Invite You to 19th Annual LOBSTER BAKE to County or GROUND S II LOIN STEAK MOON • • ma1n beaclt Corona del • ' • G ·e~ h h f I NEWOIIT IIAMIIR EIIIGII liiU-'1: Mil.. -... ,.. .... ---... II ""-r1 coac 85 ope u fliiST~ewof~-... 4 ~-IIAI,CM.If -··=· .. of• :: -rr M-•I N .. ·:.:c.~ .. -~.or:-... • ·~::-: ""~.:.:,":.::::~::. ..:-:=r::-~:::. 'r,:-,: t& ·:: Counc1 ews .:u::::.,.~:;::.~ ar-. D 1:111 .... "•'~~eAr ..... II ... -4 ,... W* .._ ..._ Nrtsf ' 1) ' .................... 1111111 loall... s--U·· ... ._ a ezym~lll-:':t Ill-·-(0.,"-od-POlo IDII. D.C., Ill< .... I ~ra of I 1' ell o, --... .. .._., ...... -Jut II d• IDr tlllt I::...,. t lllladd.ftllrblll • APNOYID ._..e .................. , •• • $ I .... DI trw-, ... .._.,,._ID4..._tn-IW'.WIDa. .. 1 •iz4• :Or....t nowd 1a1M7 Ud•'WS, Mlltota,.a.ol ''ftkiiOMid~ua...-. ·~ r..a~ ... ~:-==~=~:=~~~ ... ~ ... ~~~=·~u:•:lll:•: .. ::' .. :'~'• .. ,.. .. • rtdlot eu)J .._ 1411 ,., .._, ._. a.a. • .... ...,._.. .... ,,.11 ~~~ Moe-• ·~ , L: 11 ,_.., . )INo. ~IIJllooWIUII'Jamolll-_u..,_Dr --Ill'-~--· "'-taaa..,..., na•• p1e a n woru.c • tilt a.U.otJ.....,;•Rd.t. .. wUIIIta.D&Uiprl'lll•"caMid lit•'' ... ,...., -f1rltJ M liiOW STArn 7 P.M. CONTINUOUS SHOW SAT. & SUN,IIOM 2 P.M. .... -llllu ............ ~·-"""' lloct Bt.r .... """" • -"' Jot-.. alspaoiL t!lljs#sz'ct, bit ...... u ... Ud . .at baeb. =-A4llMa ............................ r============i -, .... ._.., • ......-, IIII!Oiot>.--cllli<---1110-tfii!O-F~-aro allond. lloU. . llrld&Me A ,_ Gl fl_. llrr-AI Ccildon lllcllla Ncalbau • AGAJM doil1odii!O-'GI liar, c-dol ltar, c.. c.-., ~ lll11ar -· -· eon--tbe -. UMI -Ia IIIP. 1aapo ... _,.,. -tbe PluoJoc CommluJoo dOOia1 Gl CHECK! EXCLUSIVE FIRST RUN KJao)ll llbow'l a taalt'IP"""'c • ..._. cCIJ?r• hil req..t for dlYilkiD ol u to lm&a-oo -Gl II& -' R-1 1o1 at 544 VI& Lido !lord, THE ODDIAU HERO~$ TOOK THE CASTLE, THEIR ONE-EYED MAJOR TOOK ITS MIST· caqwlp~ Jut y.u JaaJmort •SEAICIMCI Lldolale,lmollob:;attbtr .. ZO ,....,., u well u a tam After 1. J-llrY1De leapt re. quest ot Ilia &tloneJ, Roberts. -.. ... II& llrot -. -.1 lbr :IN place .... S-4 Bor-tho """'"" .... - RESS -AND THEN THEY ~~~~O~N~T~HE WORLD. r-d ID tbe ochool'a ~. ooOI'all ta11J lut year, ~ IIDI!Od 1x> Stell. 8. • SAILORS DI.YI Hollaalf1 Coroaa del Mar • APPROVED ftrst readlae Tbe Newport Harbor Slllkwa, fareu wW uae buteaUJ tbe ot Ordbaoee 1Sl1, wb1ch will after briU1DcllltotbtGICt.I.Yt ame b'matloD tbey did tast establlsb C..O-H eommerelal top 10 1lal lbr all CIF MAJ. yoar. &OOiog 1D the tWer Harbor V..., te&ms 1ut year for t1t11 flrll "We bate Z aood tnllhlets-Hllls area easterly of Mae- time 1D zo years, wbeDU..,won Slo•'J Jdtb ILDd Rich Petros-Arthur Blvd. &ad below Pacltle their flrst 5 pmulDarow,are lor a I1IIIID.lDC attaet,'" Co&eh V1ew Dr., tut.ct of tbe -.,. .. ,. batl8r Ws ,..., 1lollaad ._to. ''Our -or!glDally planDod oe!J!bborboocl aceordlDc to Couh Wade W&ttt. 11 "'nQitle _. we ban a lot business area southerly ot San u pay no more M.J.I. I KLIIMEX J\111110 DISI~IR COFF TOWELS 33' 69' 137 RUOS SALADS 33c ILl. 1 LBS. For tbl flrst --.ta tbl 5 ot .Jieldors. I upect a real &GOd Joaquta Hills Dr.. betneo years sJace Coaeh Watts team." Crown Drtn North &ad Mar· came to Rubor, be bas 1IDOaCb Key players wW be spUt eod euertte An.; the .latter ar•ls earwtu.tes to ftll all tbeerllda.l Da" JCro11a. tackle KG Scud-belllc rnonec1 to R-S-B, multl- BLUE IOHHETT 303 Sl%1 CAI4 BEAM· POTATO; MACARONI , • .., '•"'·' JMft ............ "SUPPORT YOUR * LOC.4.L SHERIFF" nENTY Of FREE ,AIKING TWO BIG HOLIDAY PICTURES Thue Nazis aren't for real! They are Allied agents who must w1n World War II th1s weehend ... or d1e trymg ' postt1c!n•. dar, taeJtle lim North, IQil'd ple resJdeoees. "With '15 ltlds OIIIID!'tbeftr-Dooc H111llrd, ood Jill Goollts, • APPROVED llrslreod!DCGI stty, I may 8Dd ~ bafiDg to eat "Mtecur lei! CammiDp, u:s OrdiDaDce 1312, which wW some senlors, liiOmetblng I"fe ddlu:lq ..s Btll Martin. establish tmelassifledsoDJ.DclD- oever bad to do before,"" tbe st~ of C-1-H for tbe ar• c~ch SI)'S, • EAGLES bein& dredged 1D tbe bay 1D Slnlog prospects lor tbe Tile Esllulela Eagtesw!Urely 1r0111 of lbe 12 res!deollallols Sallor squadare1968&.U-cotmty oa DltW ccach Phll BnJwn. am. a alone Bayside Dr. between the guard BobTrJw.whobUbeeo oew tormatloo to cUmb out ot Balboa. YacbtClubaadtbeBahla. mOYed to 1'Ullt.ek; last year's their bole 1D tbe league eellar. Cortot.hiaD Yacht Club. qlllllterbact, BUl Sbedd; ntur-Tbey ftotsiMd 1D Jut plaee iD • RECEIVED a «JPY of a n1ng ba.Ubaell: AI Walla.ce; Dan 1968 wltb an 0-5 league record resolution from the Costa Mesa Herring; aDd Jerry Smith. J.Dd a1-6orer-a.llperbmanee. City Cowx:U urciDKUHtCorpsot Newport's biggest YICIDCJ lB Tbeir Jooe ytstory was a pro.. Enctoeers to gin bJP, priority detensin eDd, which may be mislng pre-HISOil past1ng of to the lmprotement oftbe lower tuled by GraM Gelker. SIJedd, Paclllca, 33-lZ. SaDta ADa River. lncludi.Dg LD- Btll HeDdersbot, Jeft Blan-Coach BrOWD 1s lll!lni.Dg creasi.Dg the belcbt of tbe chard, and Allan White w1ll tonrd tbe pro-set for his ot-lenes, 1D order to preYe.Dt compete for quuter-baek du-lensln formatioa.. Daclartng floo11Dg of portions of Costa ties. that "we're start1Dg from tbe Mesa. • MlliTANGl bottom"' tbe Coaeb has beE!Il • RECEIVED a report from New eo&eh Mu Mll1er of besilaDt to aame caoctlctates. tbe ch11 servlee ·lQard tbat Costa Mesa cooteDds tbat h1s The Eagles' ehief asset, be Frederic Salyer has beaa team Is a top threat for the says, Is speed. elected ehairmanandAIYinKel- Research park announced ~~~~::~~ bottom control structure DelLI' An LD::Iustrial real estale Arthur Blf'd., the Rl!D park is Ltttle Corona beach toR. w. rarity, a.lOO-acreresearcband 1mmed1ately DOrtb of Philco-MeClellaD and Sons of Costa developmeDt part witb sp&es Ford's Aerollutronlc pla.Dt. Mesa., low bidder at $7,117 • MARGARINE LL29t Fresf1 Produce SWEIT'nHDER CORN s ,. 39' LARCEICEBERCHEAD LEfiUCE 2 .. 39' SWAIGOH IIIU T PIES 8 oz. BEEF· TURKEY ·CHICKEN PEPPERIDCE FARM CAKES CAKES 79' CHOCOLATE FI.IOCE-COLDEN· VANILLA PAQ(ACE OF 11 SHELL POKO POPS 49c taeular views, was annotmced Sites lD tbe tlrst wdt range • AUTHORIZED the purchase this week by JohD MIU"PhJ trom 2 to 15 aeres. of 16 state Hlpway Patrol cars 6 .USlRTED FLA YORS presideDt of the 3,150...acr; "We are merchaodlslnc this through a cooperaUn pureha.se Irvine lDdustrlal Complui.Dtbe area for a hlcbleYelofde'Velop-agreement with tbe state; the Back Bay Area. metlt with heaYJ Jarwtsc:apLDc, pollee cars be1n( rep.la.eed wtll NO PEST STRIPS Tbe Rloll park Is be!ng deop setli!!elui, UMI speela1 ar. be a-IDslead ol belog deY eloped 1n z. ~s. Tbetlrd e.hiteetura.l requiremelU, .. Wt, :asad as tnde-t.u. . 40 acres are oow ready Jor ale Murph,)' said. "Tbe area w1D. • APPROVED a poUey state-~~~~ with all streets am. utlUUas M.n. a ,.autDe eampus at ... meat OD oceu trOa Jtreet-ead completed. Tile IHicood ,..., m-e. ID J!iteP!q -!Is !-ls'lrillt tho- 60 acres, will be marketed lD AocaUoo, aeross MacArthur of a prori.sioo that a mlDbnum 1970, Mr. Murpby saJd. from the ttture UCI Mld.lea.l of l!teetoftllObstructedaeeess • ~Pat · k "' k " h I H d il!t. ''~"'"'' '"' -M• nc i l"1 mar • 1nC .ae or ern y ,.,,,ocohJr g On the west side of Mac-Center· Tile Ylew otl'ers a to the beach will be prOYided in sweepin& panora.ma to tbe DOrtb the eeoter of tbe right of n.y and east with tbe campus ind will be surtaeed wlth brick, LEGAL NOTICE domiDatl.ng the foreground."" asphalt, coocrete or artltletal NOTICE OF PUBUC HEARING turf, or anequtvalentsurfacf.Dc. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ORIEHTAnON SET • APPROVED tbe Corooa del U ol '"· FOR MESA FROSII that the City COUDe UK: Orteotatloo wtllbebeldfora.ll Mar Cba.mber otCommercere- City of Newport Beaeb will hold freshmen entering Costa Mesa quest to set ~ a si&D at the !~~~~=~~=!~~~~~~~=~~ a public bearing reprding Ors Higtl Scbool this t.lll. Here 1s easterly city llmlb:, Dell dinance No. 1312, betnc. AN the scbedule· Cameo HlghlaDds, speelfYiDc OORFD!NNEANWCPOE RTOFBETAHECH CRITYEs All tr~ boys wUI meet tbe addition of the city sealNUMI . 10 the deslptloo "Clty of ew-ux ZONING PROPERTY AND 10 the Lyceum from to nooo t n-h ., at' th •-ol ~ N HEEWliAUlRII$AOUS "o•• o' tociCIHo '"••• 1oou WedDesda.y Sept 3 por ~e.., 8 _. ....., AMENDING DISTRICT MAP Fresrrw: gtris "wbose last sip.. In additioo to tbe ldemift- NO, 24, PlanDinc Commlssloo names begi.n with A througb L ca.Uoo of Corooa del Mar. THEATRE AmeDdmeot Z59 , rezoolng pro-will meet in the eafeterla from • AUTHORIZED the etty ma-': o perty of the Irvine Company Sept 4. narer to coatraet for addltiooal HOw SHOWING --• T. 2 • located scdherly of Bayside ~~e:=o ~~sda.'bose iut services from WeltoD BeCket' ZOTH CENTURY FOX announces the final shoWing of Drive, southeast of tbe IJ:Ur-na.mes begt.n with M through z Associates tor tbemasterpJan. 1s section of El Paseo and Bay--Ill meet In the ··•eterla !rom ntnc of a possible Nelt'p011. this great film for a 4syear period, and that its d 7 side Drive, .from a C-1-H Dls-" T - 8 • .. Beaeh Post Of!lcebea.dq\ILrt.tr• trlbutlon will be handled as a theatre elassic and n-~ ftod ~~let. 1 to 3 p m hursday ep ... '" 0 trlcttoanu .. dassL ..,~ Geoer~• ··~-r-·"-~ lor all iDthe"~eMc celltersitl oot sold toT. V. SP ECIAL H OU RS-THIS RUN NL EBY FUR u ............. _uuu .,......,....._.. NOTICE IS HER • studeots coneerntng schedllllng 1n Newport Center; the COlt lB BOX OFFICE OPENS HICHTL Y THER GIVEN that lbe satd will be m&!lod lromCos!al4esa Umlled to a mulmwnot$2,000, 20 words or leu ............. . 21 words to 30 word• ..... . 31 words to ofl word1 ..... . Eoch word ov•r .tO words .. 1 Time 1 . .50 2.00 3.00 .05 2 Times l .so 3.00 •. oo • 10 3 Times 3.00 •. oo 5.00 .15 GAIETY ... VII RANCE RADIANCE A. T 6:30 & publlc hear Inc will be beld oo and the Poet omeetatoauwne the 8tll da.J of September, 1969, Hlp Scllool this Friday. Thil balf of thU ca.t it tbe postal ~~~~!!!!!!!!!~~~~=.; at tbe bOor of 7:SO p.m. La tbe lneludes sebedullnc. dress a.od taelllty lB establlsbed in tbe CouocU Clambers of the City the oew modular scbedullng. elfie eeDler. Hall of lbe City ol Nnport HOMES SOUGHT FOR • AITrHORIZED tbe e!ty Beach, caill:a'1d&.atwhlcbtlme to LDW&te ''NDtlon proeee- and place l!liJ UM1 aU porD>S STUOENTS AT OCC d!Dplbr tho Udelaoda -word lnterested may 1W8U IIMI be Homes are sUll Deecled tor o1 Sbore cwr. ud Cameo beard tbereoa. tw'o studelb betq broac:bt to Sbores 10 tbat tbe e1tJ cu IA- Laura Laclo• Orange Cout Collep from out. elude t:beH beaeb ar .. ill U. City Clark of-state by tho Fellows!llp al poUe!q jurlldlelloo. City ol Newport Baeh Coneen>od liDIYers!ty -• AI1J'ITORIZED City Ya- Publlsb, Aug, 28,196i, ID (FOCIB), a proP'&Jil llallod aqv ll&rl'OI' H-to allood The Newport Harllar E..Op~. a.ad dlreeted byeoUoto-·aaOeLI-i•ml!arlaWuldoc· graduates. ~PORT Four stooenta:1 'u~e,(;,"": DCC llln>Uib F MllDar of CbeJeDDt, 011111 con " tererted 1D ID ut ~=-: ~:J Romero ol 8uda, Teaa, 0,00 Ni8hfly itt 6:45 , ..... nJodleUI&D a.ad a ll!htro MA TINUS eber; Jaal~~c.~...,~u=to~a~ai::~'=:~·~S=U=N=·:•:•:1::4=5= Tu:aa, a a.od PbyUII Cook1ID V!riiDOL Homea bab•IIA•,...stO.t~l i)D:f b' 2. PeriODI 1a PI'O'fidiDc a home may 114-5711. TAX GROUP MEETS no 0raap coc, Tu-11&1•• Aaoet•UOD'I .-.a! _.,. -· Will ... -altlloB-~ INO W, 1'1111 81., -Aoo. ol 7:15 p.m, _,, Aapot II.. ~ I. Ftrm at B=tf•Q,t;w -Willpr- ft CAH 'MitT YOUII 1-UIIQ. NAGAZINQ, N~~RMAND 11-0..tnnM CALL Y& N• •nc,sAUI 10THE INTELUGIJn' STU- DENT'S GUIDE TO SIJII- VIVAL" -by Pllllllp -~.or.. a.od D>uctu Jll<lo, ,__,,,, OMor .... -.. .u.,....ot_ _,A_.,... .. .,, -·· -· euu ,. •. ........... 60'7 .... .-... CD&. ",m .. woRX,IIIImoo- DOtuy, !RMl)"bQot.. acCO'IEts. CUI ~. AUC!ST al JIR!Id plaoos, all ID u:eelleat eoodltioa, from $495. Low!'ll)' orpos -u Is, l $299; other uod orpu -Elley. Seara, BoldwiD, Tbomu, WurW.. a.od the Ha.mmoad M-S, B-J • A-100. • eoaoolo plaooc lbr ... -.... &IIP1J .. pur. cUM. Co. N. MaiD st., Santa Ala Hammood-Yamallo 801ANT IKALTB IP.llt&ll- •••• -1J -(Ito.-..., .............. ··-Lut.- I time· asked for sex ed · foes - Power Cushion IPOLYGLASI ·fiberglas Belts Tubeless itewall 9.9 .Get twice as much wear from your tires with Polygla F 78-14$32 95 G 78-14$35 58- 78.:.15 • G 78-15 • 78-14 78-15 lac. ... $2.36 l ..... $2.4-4 $39.0 E .. tu$2.16 J 78-14 J 78-15 $44.28 ~a.-sua ·FREE MOUNTING.~ ~ _.. HI MD TilE I TUICO t1S.1M6 t CI:IDI T CA,IDS Wlast T_. ..... 1 -a.aa .. ... SGT. WEBER RECEIVES COIOIENDATialllEDAL S;t. Walter 0. Weber, soa of llooald E. Wel>or oi4ZB F'raJ>. e1sco Drt•e, Wut tPr Bay, bas be., decont•hrllll ... U.S. Air Foree com!!MOCIIUon m8111.1 tor merltal1oal ..mce 1n naniad u • radio operator at Olapoo Royal Tllal AJr Force Bue. He was prtsellted tbe medal at Myrtle Bel.cb AFB, S.C., wbere be DOW 1s a.ss:tped to a 111111 ol ... TuUc:al AJr ComDIUII. He lsaiMI IJ'Idulle o1 FaUortm HIP Schoo~.­ dNI Fllllertoo J-Colloce C.'l Mil It? ••• ,... • ., .. ~ ........ . . a. 11111~00..-e. 11£1f'ORT HAII80R BIIGII ARST SU1IOI --.... 5 FINB HOMES iohn macnab HAL TY COMPANY 901 -Dr. -120 642-IUS WNER WILL TRADE DOWN HAS: Six 2 bedroom units in Corona del Mar 2 blocks from the ocean In a top rental locattoo. ~ach apartment has a secluded patio, built-In kitchen, c:arpeUI, drapes, and ample parking. WANTS A nice home or duplez in Co!U.a del Mar. PRICE: $145,000. ;0 THEREAL ··.~ ESTATERS I'OIIIEIILY OIIAIIGE COAST 1'-HTY -332M .orl .. ~,..,...,_Q3.1550 U you are a ne•~r. or know of a 'newcomer twe H&Jbor Area who not been welcomed, WEAREOVE OVER~O her a fnor by ullina Hubor Visitor between J ond 10 a.m., ond lh< will call on yc.r friend with nluable informalic..1 Mel aifta from rrindly baaincn 6rma whidl at~ rudy 10 help hr beoomc a~ai•ced widl her nc• •~&•· WIT:l MEW 1969°S AMI) NEW 1969'S AND THE NAME OF THE TOP TRADE·INS GAME IS SAVEl TO CHOOSE FROifl New '69 Thunderbirds OVER AClUAL FACTORY INVOICE lnTH EVUY Mft CAMJ'EI,fiUCK 01 MOTOR 1101111 I'ACitAGI SOLD. LIMITED OPPUI EXAifPLE PACICAGE: • MEW '" I'OID li TOM Ysl. • Mft IAIIACUDA CAM!' II ... lnT!l STOVE, liMit. TAlLIS, LIGiiTS, DIAI'ES. ellft ZillA MIMI lilt I. ALL.$ • I'OR THE HAll-VlSITOI """-HY"J61 --·-UWfl2 _.,.... mtLCMot"'- Mc:satt ..... OORBIN- MARnN UALT'OM Value With Elegance IN SECWDED IRVINE TERRACE • Three large bedroom•. • Big 15ll30 heated &. filtered pool, • Lush ~tng -dealgned for easy care. • Owner wtll accept J.oag eaerow. • Outstanding buy at $57,000, -FOR APPOINTMENT TO VIEW- CORBIN~MARTIN, lac. "I...U• • .,..~ n. c""*'* 30311 E. Cout Bwy. 675,1662 CoroDa del liar, CaW. THE REAL ESTATE MARKET IS VERY ACTIVE AT THIS TIME f1 JOU. beeD thtnttn1 ot •Wac Dr' e:rcrwnctnc. we•n be t.&lPJ to pn JOG a market price esttmate --wtlb .. obllplloo. JUST CALL lAY AND lEACH IEALTY, l~~e. c-.w--2407 ... c... Hwy. 67~ 11111111111111111111 ~~--~-d¥1Pl~• u_.. Sentce 11 the Newport Harbor-CoM& Mesa Board of 'Realtors totaled $35-1/2 millioo for the first seven mooths of 1969. This represents 953 unit sales and a dollar value Increase elf 19% over the same period of last year, which was a record year. Llat your property with a Realtor today. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Pi II IAliiTT realty 642-5200 FOR ALL OF YOUR INSURANCE NEEDS ROBERTSON-SADLEIR Insurance 3333 E. Coast Hwy. Carr>na d•l Mar-T•l..,han• 67l-38SO Ol'fta' STOR~ lTC OPP-1Y-t ,.. ••• laTOP Tl-. -IIIIATI ACIIOII--1 . c ............ . • -h.--.. .. , t• •~iu Mil ....., .... ~"­_.,, •• X ..... _ aa '?••• Jl' I 1v-af.aal .,,.?Filii C&1,..,. .. ,_, Rr 1M Jut I ,_. .. llo will .................... .u. ... , ___ _ &a ........ . .. ....... -Mac· I I VI, WbO ak 10 ,...,. at aanar a. rtt.1.11c to •cbtoc u.--liilllllldO< &I CnJ<-~-Collep Ill F1lllc1aa. He wu rice prlD- ..., II -bor llcr< 15 yeors ul a tMcbtr tor 5 Jill'S. Tbo pooltloo tllll llr, W..C· -bekl u nee prlDC:Jpal IIU bleD reaamed us15taal pr~Dc~pol. Mr. W118oDrecelYid b.laB.A. ••••• SIX II(IUCATIOII fOE WINS TJIIIT!I IIACI Dr. Dorio -····"""'· wllo ..... lloro Jut -ll''eet IU ...... Ia pilltiUe , oelloolo, wu &O --T-Ia lbo 0raop ~ aebOol btvd et.etioa. lD Dts- lrlel 4. Tbo dlolrlel lllcll!doo M'\u.loG VleJo,ElToro,Orup, VIU. Put &of uecttoooiAo&- bolm. Spee!ttng 1ut nerr. at a .tu:ty mHtlai of tbe Newport Harbor Cbamber of Commerce edu .. catloa commlttet, D't, Araujo sa.1d tbat tiM duaers ot au ed;.~.:atloa Ia scbool ~liP tbe beneftts bee&UN of •tpos. Ph._ I• Y•r Or4er lible abuse by vested LDterests .., • Macriptt-..: ,..tlai lo promale a certolll C.ll 673 -~ typo olmllcll.l." ... ;:;~~~-~:...- OPEN ON SU NDAY WE SELL I ore atsuns ~ BECAU·SE * WE PAY MORE FOR * BETTER SERVICE * NO HIGH-PRESSURE YOUR CAR IS WORTH MORE TODAY THAN IT WILL EVER BE AGAIN -ON A NEW •PICK·UPS •SEDANS •2-DOORS eSPORTSCARS eSTATION WAGONS COME IN TODAY CLEAN CAR CENTER 2201 S. MAIN SANTA ANA 546-4880 TO TMIIMDAY, AUQ.a, lMII • '111111LftAITI An CIJII!!!AIIEL!!!, CAll,, ... UYIDAT lAIII . ' , ........ ..,·no 811*'1 ERS BUSY :::-..:::::" ::.-~ TN« I llo -Aa SUMMER =.:':.iai.::c=~ ,..._._., __ ...... ,...... , \ ..,..,._V,C.L.A.oodlllla •••••• .. ...,•qnUtt;, ......... ._Oft ·=:.~~:--llf .... C IPS ' 'I?PJ 1 lf'Oiitt ..., R '• .... -,.. ... S J .. • llud .... TINitle-... td L+ttRJMdiiU~ ............. DIHP '1iU .............. C .... ..U ........... coladli lloOk. ...... ,. .... n.r ... -.. ~--... _, ht ... --..... l14TI'II' oolflllo-1 .. .Jollo'hUJC .... tmr lnllrllrudi,Boollrudl,lali a.rt1J '--....,. oo --ut -MY O_.tlallwuiPulllonw. --... 0 .... ,... ~ __ ....... ..,, .. '-.... ~ ... --... :.-.-"'?'! ... .......,., ___ --lor .. __ ---w Allllollo-1~ olprooc"ooodoololllltr&Tbo c.-.-... ... l ..... ,u -...aoJ -_fill_. prto &too -.ot &IIIIo Cllolc, wou u ..., rop.toc-. .-. • be *'-~ rrt·nc batb u offici.._., Ud w.. •• ,.y ta au IMdla, but wloool-ui!IUI'JIIIInJII IIIII flroctl1wtll 111o doolellll--color to oartteollr. i>r 111o _., ,..._, ,.,._ dr.r u 111oy Jrta 1o liP- __., are •••'• t.etaer• r.s aDd to ~ ,.._. h• Y •r o.-, 1D J ol tbt Head Start IICboola MUlJ ot tbl Tfddoct.1 Ul f.r • S..lttcritnl•: Ia -Aoo, ~ tllo 5--1111111> COIIIPioto 100-. Coli _ 673.4550 ,_.-old ""'" ~o. loon 111o ill l!ddltloo lo lllo roqoolrod r--------""'"1 C b• I I h oWio -• -clllldrr ._ ol limo, B&ell ,.... • a 1ne men our .ranc ~~"' .. ..=.~.;: .. a:.::::-:.::::~·~~= Prllideat Nboa'• Urbu ac:boollD. tbe .n. to tbt oae 1t'ho CCIIIII1bute1 u.. Attalra CoaacU, lDcluclla& 7 tbl OaN= ~~'!:! At tb1 R•bf:uqttm c-. mOlt bOara.. ealll.ool lll4lllborO, ,._ by tor CriiiPiod Cbldroo Ia Oraop Tbo prto .._ ill "'"-II Bommer C.OJOI/ poUo&loo prob~m~ -::,"..,._ tbe prto do • nrlotJ o1 "'"-tllo '1111 ..._ lbo out ol eo.-dol lll&r Moaday mODI _.sorlr 1100-tullub 1:1r toelors &of-._ Tboy rOIII&ia Ia tllo aDd towed tbl ltT1Dt Ranch. duce a smog ee car. p!JU;. At bome tbly 1ft' layettes IP'O'Ct tbroqb colllp Tba1r purpoH wu to study Tbe tour was arrupd by Or, to bt Uld at 0raare Couaty JOUDI married womea, how tbl ln'lDa Compaoy turns Daniel p , Muynthan, a&llltaat HolpUaJ. &Dd .tal.t uUcln uec1 c;oat1D111 tbetr MrYice tn Its oprawllo( rueb la!lds 111111 for Urbao Atralrs, wbo &Clod II tllo Dtsll>lod Volonoo Hoo-~-· ol tllo llalloMI C'-fUy bustllDC commtmWes aod bow 00 a sugestion made by Pre--pU:al 11 I..4Dc O.Cb. Leap, tt deal& wttb coosequent urban stdent Nlmn. The 1n1n1 Ruch ncttoc•• arealwaysootap Tbe t..cut, a motber..daup.. problems, was studied because tt ls tbe wbiD tbe Nl'lfPOI't Beach VotUD-ter III'Yice OZ'PD1"tJoa, Is The couocU toot tbe tour largest muter.planoed rellaa teer Bareau DMdl tbetr wtl.ltnc beaded by Krs. Edward L. Cor- after a Z-bour coofereoce at UDder stngle owersbip 1D tbe ft.acer• _ th1l Jilt tbey ad-lltt. Guldlnc tbe ctrt. art tbe.lr tbe Sao CJemeote Wbtte House. Ualted states. dreued 8,500 Uu1tecl fimd ea.-cnde ~ ~: tar Tbe CXMIDCU Ia comprt.:l of Tbe 83,000 acre lrfioe bot-flklpes, omce wort lor tbe 7th COde. Mrs. Ted R. Aellr•- SecretarJ ol Heallb, EdUcatioa dinp laclllde wbat Ita maua.ae-0rup C<ultJ Pbllb&rrnoaJ.c berr; 8th,Mra.RobertE,Rakel; Robert FlDcb. Secretary of ment calls a "si£-J:8!1 world" Soclet)' tsuothtractlvltyoatbt 9tb, Mrs. Guf A. Smltb; loth, Heallb, Educ:at1.oeaoo WQJiare; of commercia.l, resideDt1a.l, in-Ttcktocters• Jooc list. Mrs. Normaa C. Walter; lltb, Housing Secretary George dustrial. agricultural, cuJtu:ral MaDJ Ttcttocbtl serve u Yrs. Ruloa K. Hodces, &Dd lZtb, Romaey,l'raDipoz1atiooSecre-ao;j recnUooal deYeklpmeiU. C&.DdJ Sb'lplrl. Tbese pert Mrs. Cbest• F. SaUIIINry.Co- tary John Volpe,lDteriorSecre-YOluateer• brl&btta t:be uv11 ordh•t1Dc all TIF:ktoc.ker ae- tary W.lller Hickle, Labor uJ!:.:f~&i~I':: ~ ot PIUeuts 11 Hoac Hospital. .-u •• tjjui;;es:-to-;;llr;,:;';;;·;y"•· lo;orm:;i;;M;;;ou~'· Secretary Georee Schultz, ne.tgbborhood sbollPI.nc ceaters ,wbere tbtyftDd ln¥YOIJPOftUD1-· .. Commerce Secretary M.lurlce the UCI faa:hJoalsland1Ues to re11ete IIIII'AS tor more Stalls AertcuJtura.J. Secretary campus. tmporta.at chGa: Proridiac C ~ Hardin. aod other key ~a.n~ ==~liJ: a.r pidi"C4 far ~ ctrla, offlclals. 10me Tid:totUI'IItlflu...-. V.P. Agnew visits NewportS"~SS Wtllle a er<MC>otscowllngmen In buslaess suits were k:loldng their grumpiest SWJday at the Newport Beach Tennis Club ln East Blutf, evenooe else was relaud and comfortable ln Mtssl.sslwl &lid Lculstso&. Newport Tennis CI-.omclala did DOt release the score of lbe tennis match. aotlng only tbat the play was "spirited.'' shorts &lid T ·shlrts-lllcludlnc G EO RG E WI L CO X Dl ES VIce PresldeotSpiroApew, the Georce p. Wilcox. U5 SaU:a man they were guarding. Aaa AYe.,NewportHelpts,418d The Ylce presJdeotplayedlna. Aug. 22 . He is surYIYed by b.1s dOubles matcb Sunday aJterEDXl wlfe Kelly· a son, Bradley d. wtth siD191' Dtna.b Sbore u one North HollYwood; Z dau~s, Of his pla}1nc~taerL After Crlstlae Wilcox, North Holly- the rnateb, be signed autographs •ood. aod Pamela WUcoz.New- tor awed club members. port Beach; aDd bJs motbet, Mr. "-'fl&lled Nnport LeU& WI,_ llOIIJoa tolul. Beacb wblle nport1.ag to Pre. SerYices were bekl Auc. a6 sident NtmaattbeSaDClemtme at Pactnc View Cbapll ln eo... Wtllte House on his tour of tbe rona del Mar directed by Pa.- burrtcaoe.ravaged states of clftc View u~, DOCTOR, SON RESCUED Dr. J-B. Hart oiCoroo& del Mar aa:t his8-year..oldaoo. Christopher, were rescued last weetead after being lost tor 3 days In the Sterns oear Munmotb. The pair were without jackets, bla.Uets, or matches to stay warm diD'lDg the 3 days iOil .... -· they were lost DIU' DtYU'a PostpUe Natiooal Mooumeat at tbe Nortb Fort of the Saa Jca- quln River. Tbe two Mkers tried to tate& sbort cut when tbey became lost. Dozens of voldeer searchers spread out to ftD:l them. Thedoctor, wbose offtce tsat 1901 WestcWI Dr., oear West .. eWI. wtU slay wllb bls t.mUy at lbelr cabin II Late Arrow. bead WlUl thetrvacaUonOSO'fC alter Labor Day. TOO LATE TO Q.ASSIFY LIGHT MOUSEKEEPING - ttttJes, free, various sUes, shapea, aod colora. Ca.U 673.5855 or &73.0550. -..... 11111 31 ... ooy.l[po -WI u. • AIDS fly Stiller.. U,oolio .. 1. 75 ~ ... ...... l.lti : *=IOL~ftll 35,11 .. ........ . Corona del Mar 67).9110 Pharmacy -n. ,. •n• ""-•r E. COAST HwY. -1fT HAll Sl't)l~ Hold -RocuJar Vasclllted STOCK UP OH THESE EVERYDAY ITEMS BOUFFANT NETS BOllrJQUE ITEMS~~ Sportswear for All the Family BACK TO SCHOOL TENNIS SHOES FOOTBALL SHOES CROSS COUNTRY SHO BASKETBALL SHOES ft'OaJIBOUDr ~~· to 1:10 01117 kn'ld 1 kef u• ! .,.,., '"*"' ..... , •• 2.35 SPEEDO ond OCEAN , CHAMPION S~M SUITSond TRUNKS H'ANDBALL GLOVES ond HANDBALLS TENNIS RACKETS TENNIS BALLS TENNIS DRESSES TENNIS SHORTS ntl SHIRTS • 1 • ENJOYING retresbmeata and ebatter at a debutallte party are, from left, Jessica Mor· ford Jooes, LlDdl Lulee lJtUejr)bn, the 2 hOOorees; Mrs. Martin Lockney and bet dauebtlr·ln--law, Mrs. llar11n Lockney Jr., co-hostesses. (Peter Z. M. Sinpr pboto.) SUMMER PARTIES ENDING FOR DEBS . \.l J $8.95 sq. yd. the bright nylon shag broadloom that pampers budgets ... from IF YOU CAN'T COME IN. CALL FOR AN EXPERT CARPET CONSULTANT. WHO WILL COME TO YOUR HOME WITH SAMPLES .. AT NO OBLIOATION. STATE lot COSTA MESA ·-'-.... ........ ,. ... I .... ·-:":!% ,. ..... WORLD'f FINEST FURS Hundrocls of Fantastic Buy.! Fax -Jaguar -Leopard Cheetah -Ocelot -Beaver Sable-Mink Broadtail & more In cop"" 1ocket1, coott ond ol~ YOU SA V!:, b.«Jvw all our fi M htf'l. a re monv· foctvr.d by vs. YOU SAVE . becavM you ore I UYING OtRECT. Pvt a l~y fur '" ~away for Chrftttnot NOW. YOM wiH b. eW you did. Have n udWve .. tgn ..... ...,.. .... o-o. ,olio. -· """'"'· ..... jOrioo. voutii'UI WIU II! CUSTOM MAIM! """ -"' -....... -"" --.c .... a ... ~w.m. • lUI SIOIAOI e ~ • IIPA8«l • au.uno .._,._..:11M t4 MltiCitl ..,.,.. 1803! Dll ....,. ..... JOHN PATRICK ALTNOW of West Newport, is tbe property m.ana.ger for Mission VLtloCo., developer otull,OOO-aereDfW' town in southeastern Orup CoWlt}'. He Is a native ofWub. io.gton, received t degree lD. !iDance C:rom lSC lA 196%, tbeD served as a Navy ottlcer lor Z years. His wUe, CoDSt:aDce, 1a a tea.cner and profess1oaal potter . . ____ ....... ., C\tMc:leO ... I OM ol the molt ..... NIIO •'* In I'K«<t ti-_ ...... _,, .... .._ onbully-....~....._aAttle ............. tor but6MIII. briO m nhd robMn .,.,..,. t. bOM:'s ~ SitON· OM of them .. ,. .... f:MfY e : ... po"', but tfte ...,.... .... r.wbat "' eactl hand, to dUe M llitpt the two customers Md eiPt empo,e.. under control, the Olftet want to th4l windoW and ~ up more than $250.000.00 worth of dl• monds anct ~'Y-And ell this with en eucUenct looklnc In •t the window. Roy llo)'d, l~'s "diamond man." said: "It was tlke e walrd dream. Here 1 was wetchlf18 the man s~ diamonds tnto hia bag, •nd at the same time I could see PM)ple out on State Street. watchin& him do it." Sornethin& lille this seems al - most unbef'eveble, but ectuelly 1t 1S not. in the liiht of our times. tor th1s IS no isolated incident. Never has morality been at so low an ebb amons nations and md•v•duals-and nner has the crime rate been so h11h, This ~ould cause thinkln& people to recall what the Bible uys about • • ... __ , ...... "' .,....,._...._....._ It Tim. J:J·S; ''TNa Mow ..... that In .... lett ... pertlicM Hmea ._. oome. .. ,.,. ,... ........... of tNtr own ....... cotiltiM-. boMt· ..... pr-oucl, ..... ~'Nil .... dilobeo 4'eM to ,.rents. ~t. ""'" Oollr. "WUhowt nMura1 •ff e c II o 11, ~ ..... ~ln- CCN'ttinent. fMwce. .... p ••• ,.. of thoM tNt .... 100111. . "Traftlots. ~. hll:hmnldad, lovers o1 ,.....,,.. rnotw than IOWft of God; ••Havtne a folm of IOdUneu, but denYifll the poWI" thereof ..... ()lonn 't thla sound wet')'. much like the timn In wttk:h .. lift? And shoukl it not eausa us to constdar wh«her "the dlapensa· tioft of the .,ace Of God" fTHiht not ~ di"8Wi"' to • ckJM? At thrt moment God ia .tlfl •ncllf18 forth His ernbnsadorB to prodMm Nl· vabon by arace, throulh faith tn Christ whO died for our sins. but more than ever ahould we heed the eahort.tion of St. Paul: "R• cetve not the arec• of God in vein . . Behold, NOW rs the accepted time; behold NOW Is the day of utvatlon" (II Cor. 6:1,2). • 111111 ... New ..,... Fine Pam•.r' J1' 2•1J.JI ·---r..s 1'tll .... 0P,... .. ... ... • -, T-. • blclieate. __. •Wck ..._ U.. lwr •-: if •• roAenae. W. li•oa. ~ --_ _..., wW .. louMIIa ~ , .. a.a.. .... CLUES AQOSS 1 ~aa4 U.. ~ of ----AI· ... -·s. ·u. •u .. ___________ tlda• b.oue kcrtll ----•• -7 o ldat' ol hulA (I maw. 15:1) 10 • ,He. ia t.W. ----haltbn u • .-.. U :ltJ 13 iaitia:l. of • wicbcl ..... of 53 a.•ew .... b tiN plan ol ....... •sa '"wta..c. koow• tllou --~,r (J.U 1141) •11 ·a ,!lu-cleys I .W ndloe it CLUES DOWN J.rool -• dae ... -ol W. 1 M-bu. of ____ -'-'*' (I &-.. 11:3) 2 ·-.......,. "ltrOD9.--GLORIOUS PROSPECT To the true Christien one of the most wonderful peu.as:es in tM whole Bi~e 1s Eph. 2:7, where we reltd of God's pt.lrpose: "That in the •1es to come He m•aht show the exceedinl riches ot H1s grace .n His kindness toward us through Christ Jei+Js ... Th•s passage appears the more wonderful when v•ewed •n the hKht of 1ts context. Ver~ 2·6 tell how we were an or~ce thie "Children of disobe- cHence," and therefore "by na- ture the ctliktren of wrath, even as others." But then we read those wonderful words of ho"e. "But God." "But God, who IS RICH IN MERCY. because ot His GREAT LOVE wherewtth He 10\lec:l us. . " And the ne-.:t verses tell how He has taken believers 1n Chnst lrom the lowest POSition ot condemnattOn and wrath and ,1t1ven them the hi1hest place of favcr and blessinl 1n Christ at His own rilht hand In the hnveft· hes. The simptnt, humblest b*- llevet in Ctlrilt •• His S.Vtor hes been aiwn thin position In the heaventies, fOf God no lof'l&er sees him in himsetf, but In Ctlriat. who died lor his sins. This Is why St. Paul 10 often writes about ··tho$4! who ore 1n Christ Jes.us..." II "o ----111iD9 IIMII U.. ldq ... (a...., 31:4) C(ldntk .. (Dm:a.. 1:11) ' .._. of a .. -.. ____ ) (I S... II ...... .u. ld tU ----...... (I.U:o •=II) l:t:U.) 4 .. ---•-* ..,_ bon! 119cria'' (fob '"II. •22. •U, '"47 .. d.. -..1 oJ ---3;7) -----------.. •P.. $ ial~ ol two c:-pcmi•• of u ..,. tw.. ----·-r ._. .. nou. r..a (c.L 4:7. 14J 11:27) • '"'tid. --.. .. th ......,. -cl • bUtiU of two ....._ -liMN ---witt. U..a" (Lab IS:I ) (I•$. 1:4; Is-. 1:20) I "it ._ platH ia o pod ----.. 27 i.walli .. t-. ,_... -·---(EMir. 17:1) • (E.G. 1:21) I .. ----tWe t.. ._, .so-to C.· It IS for tho believer now, to 21 -.... , ltelieYe4 ia W. __ .. .,....._ .. Uoba 2:11) · OC:CUP¥ this oxatted poSition, to 31 ~ o1 two "-o1111 ...,,.._ II • tr.e (iM. 44:14) appropnote by foith the ''all spir· (I Kia.-11:11) U, .. ,.,.... ----.... I .W anu -- itu.tl t»nslngs'' whtch are h1s m 22 -od-cioa .. tllite caiddY"' (a. .... 2:11) Christ (See Epn. 1:3). like Paul, :M .. --till. ..._.,. ad ia U... 17 -of Pele9 (GeL 11:11) he may be lifted by 1race days I will .... it 11P~ II •u.. .._ ot-~a ----" th h f . " .. " 1 01 • n iaitiat. o1 .._ i•49-o..._. <"-. a :u) roua alt · • ve t • rou es 3:31: 13:14: lltl) II • • ...-(M.-k 10:41) and sorrows of ''thts preS@nt evil 31 .. J.rtr .act Ills y..,. -tJD. 20 laHialll of ~·1 aoa ClOd ase" and enJoy h1s posrt1on and ._pte ___ ~ ~-.W (Gea. 11:15) tHessings in the heavenlies in 40 "'yo eaaaot ----...._ ..,.. .. (}o.JI. 23 ·wllat IN ---U.o Pcrtla• do~ Chr1st. And even this IS not all, 11:11) (Jolla 5:11) tor lootlina tar ahead to the fu· 41 ·----· tl&oa tac. DOtldatJ to ..._ Z7 ...... th Jaw· a ----•• at ~- ture the apost1e. by divine revela· witlt. .. (JoY 4:11) II • pGaiM -.a ~od. ___ _.(Ad- tion, ·~ on to uy {in Ep'\. 2:7) a ,.... _, ..... ~ ---of 1:23) G.:Woe" (f ... I : I) 31 baiticd. of ....... ~ o:M • that God has done this ell for us. U _,. •,• ol ...,...., ,..._ 11: ,...,.., {LU. 1:14} ''that in the qes to coma He \1) 31 "11M lUI ot U1e ____ • {I Job t :ll) m11ht shoW" the Uc:ndlf'tl riches 41 .._ .. ._ Pet. (loam. ItO) S3 .. .,.._ UMy -the ___ _. wWcla of His 1race in His kindneu 41 • eWeJ of ,...s.ta. --• (A.d. IN ..-tow~ us dM'IIUih CfttoM ......... .. J•U}. I • • 35 -......... __ J (J a.-27: -.. _ _ II _...__ 111.-ll ........ )lq .,. ..... .) ~ • -• ~CI • • ~-~ II FIIOII TilE DESK Of WOI.A WALDEN THE. SWORD o,-TME L.ORD MUR,REUIIO..O. T ENN. ..... ........... ,,, .......... tM~ ,,., a *-*• ......... _.... ......... -· ............ _ .. ~,..,.. ... ,......,I , ..... -w.a.a..r.· ... ....,._ .. lallll,lll, ....,,. .. ......,. ....... ....__ ...... ..., ...... ...... we' ............. .....rill .. ... -· • • • "A whole Bible fOI' m, ataff, A whole OuWt for IIQ' ealvaUoa. A whole Cllurcb for iiQ' (e ......... A whole World lor Ia)' putlib." ~L A~tlne • • • .Pnlllcl\cra .,.. ..... Hoc to ~ 11JCio1ow llttl eMu-..,., Hoi ~ki.,...IMu•; Not fW/ontA ibM~ ... alfHoll; NOC:~h&C~; NoC , .... _ he ,.,...; Not tM ,... NeW or*r bMt tlw ......0 P#t-';, Not tM ~iota ht N'\litiGI; Not IN.-uatioiJ ht ruu ·~ tiott; Not 4 tloftll' OJP:Idiaat'otl ht G M'IQ~; Not ~ ht t.W .,_,.1; Not ciWUatioa kt C.rW. Wa are ~. Mt ll;,&o-...... Dr. B"ffA. 1'". &".,.-r • • • • ae ..... alelf-.......... ..-u~_.. ... -· ·~.' .. . ..._ .. (JII.tt. tt4) . 31---1t .... of the Church WHATillE BIBLE SAYS ABO By Louis A. Jlcobsen Tbat bMtMaOIU.*J,"tbuft•hurpr-taeol bee"Nil," &o• CH RISTIAN NEWS ;,..;:::;. Supreme Task The supreme business of the churdl of Jesus Christ is to .uve souls. to prud1 "mellow aad ,.now aad raaodtd baDp lbl CDOCIO''~ Bo-.: 168. New Bu-. Mo. the Word of God, to se-" with the power of the Hofy Spirit to point tost humanjty tablM pllce o1 1 Sot--~ -·~ to the ~mb of God which taketh-the sin of the world. eceom rom..,., a ---•-... "When I Consider ... Brldtpoom .... a .. brldt "bJr u the mCIIIXl.'' Uflitt, social welfare, temperanc::e lectures end tem~nc:e an:kisnen ARE Curnat JDtereat t. more pr-ople. B)' b1& l.aDdlJII, NOT HE BUSINESS OF THE CHURCH. nJidac. aad ~ .-oil .-mple• oa tbe mooa. mu tau cr.am.d bla JaJt1al C8l1osit;r abCIIIt th1a ....,... or Jesus said, "preach the Gospel." Pliul wid. "'Pruch the Word". I challenp eWatlal bodle&. Some acHDtlftc ~· ~t tbtt "'n~ . man to read . t!'e A~ of the Apostles. riatrtly named the Acts of the Holy IIIOIXI ~ to hfte 1:1eea cornet, ot~:~W• W'I"'D&o Sp•nt through Spmt-ar"Kunted men, and find anywhere within its pqes. an)'thina At lei.at ldDi adcNtO.J JrtCJOD -oraticea are pl.,..d else preached or taught but the WORD Of GOD which converts the soul. tor tbe DUl thrH )'eU'&, accor«bb to the NASA time- n ........ " Social welfare. feeding and elothina the poor, ,Wi,. temperance lectures or table, at a tatal co.t of 14blilloo·doU.au for tbt pr...-- lc.ctures on pmblina or the many ottaer evils of FMnkind .,. MOT the business ot IJ eoal.emlll*d Apollo mta..Sou uoc.. . •> Mota, flll:r'a.-tMt a.. l•lt ...._ -., the CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST or of His God-ailed Hoty Sptrtt .. nointed sen~-A-'*1 "WUl t. tbe MAIN PURPOSE at U.• ex:-1JJte tM --.I ...... to be ~ --." ftia S. ~a- ants. It is our business to gi...e the Gospel in the power of God to lost souls. pe:rtmct.?" lD a publi.._. lat.ntew, Dr. c..atp pcll'tat, Ud Ia -~ tk1'41 _, Ia lS' ••• baa.ID Deacons were appointed in the early church to minister to the poor of the E. M•Uer, bead ol. tile m-.-d apace procnm al'tbe Old T...._"ll aiMI -... ~ ...,.... ........ de- church. Natlcmel Aerouatb ud Space A<lm.ID.I8tratton_ npUed: clared tllroiiCIII ...... u ••a. ba'diD f1l ~· ta "To balp u UDdtr.t&Dd more aboal: tbe BARTH 'S U&ia: .. ,.._ -.....U be ~ Ia Ida I'JIIr aat.. Men and women will 80 to hell sober as well as drunk. Men and women will ~ ... OD Apollo U, tor aamplei '!""'U be u:-: Ud tbe IIIOCa ..U _,. c.ue w 1Jrlllil; to .... , .. iO to hell well fed as well as hungry. Men and women will 10 to hell morally u~ ploriae tbe Fra Mauro am:oattoa~-a de -..re -.. cu IIBi&b lS:lO. ..__._ 1111 a 1•= ''"*'--.... .... right along with the profli~P.te and whoremonpr. There Is a way which seemeth pt m• l&l from tbe ... .e: o1 tbrt • .._... right unto a man {the dev1l's clean footpath, upriahtness. honesty, sobriety, etc.) r ear.1 acu mooo • li:ia& ot Ea'Pt. 1tMidel S. Ill-.. to _, ao. .. Lor~ but the end thereof are the WAYS OF DEATH.' -Prooterbs 14:12. EVOWTJON, • .'l'!le Fra Maaro rep. b a bJP•nct "ADd -.a I llball J1111: U.. Gill. I wtD COftl' U. ....... area that U VERY OLD ud npreMIIb the earJ.7 M1f ...U ........ .._..., ... I .W ~a.- Thousands sign the temperance pledee in ink or even in their own blood. If pbaau: of tbe IBVKLOPIAKNT 01 till mooa ••• "(U.S. wta a dGIId, .t ow mooa illlllu DCt 11ft lleru,M," they keep the pledge, we say fine! God bless them in their effort to overcome the New 6 World Report, .AQIUl-t, 1Hi). B..utl H:?" If, evil curse of dr~nk. BUT, that is NOT enouah. Social reformation cannot and will 1brt MAIM parpoee of U.. ~ mc:.c. ex:-Mo.t lmpartaal t:A all ... ..... 111 -, -., Ud never save. It IS only the Blood--washed saint of God who is on the right path PloraiSau, tbta , Ia u aMIImpt to .a>at ........ bd ....,.. an ..._. Jal'elold u llrlllnlodl of tilt lut u.u. which leadeth to liJht, liberty, God and Heaven. elabor• ~· tbecirJ of rrolutlc.. .Jio dDel ,..._ Molft ~ of ... -Md _,_, .. - WHAT THE WORLD NEEDS IS NOT REfORMATION IUT REiilENERATION lbe ~ -.d aplontllllaa YUl be clio.-to bua ·-u blood, .. -... -"'4 • 1 .UU. aceomplbb tb1a parpc~~~a. Some pubUe 'f'CI&ce. baft.beea a a.tr ........., .. tire tMrd put of e. -, ..._ "If arw man be in Christ Jesus. he is a NEW CREATURE: (cruhon) old thi"85 raiHd aatJDs wtletber ..,. roJ&tlt more pr~~ .pead Ud .tara .,... um ... • -.t; ..... ., ..._ Mt a are passed away; behold, all thinp are become new."-2 Cor. 5:17. thue bnuoo. oo pnutDc, erytars Daedl r1rcllt ._., • a tlllrd put fill a. ...s ... lltiM ~,. *·o-t* Are you, servant of God, standing at the devil's peanut stand selling the idea earth. 1:10; 10111, lbiiiMI 8:'7 """ lllO.,Il; I:U; ..,.,. of social reformaUon to lost sinnen, trying to 1et them to stop their evil habits of Tbe Blblt, GocPa IIDB1'11III Word lift• 101M of U. •u, 11 ttw aMI, ilart lW, LIIDe lbU, Ada lying, swearing. pmblina or drinkin& when you should be standing at God's fou~ .....,..ra tbe K'-tt•• ar. UIH'C, IDd Ill DO rll* to lrJO Reft111t1aa lsll lcll). ~ ........ ..,...a t~in-head; ttle wounded, riW!n s~ o! the l ord Jesus Christ, from wttich His pre-the ..... !' or ca.t to tile tupl,.r, n.,. are U.re ..... ' c•ous blood was shed for the remiSSIOII of thf-sins of the wortd. for tlla readlar-ud beUII'fllll • Wot 1111 ..... • ... ....,, •• an .--., lleaem. The writer, several times in his ministry, was .sked to aive up his evenif'll 1) 'nllt moe., JA.e tbe .a. llara, aDd tbe beawu IMIIMd of JICIIII 'fllltt •••-a bill'' 1 (u BOSPt!l service for some temperance lecturer. Th1s, we ntMlr" consented to do. :C,m;-.::r.:::~ ~:~ ~ ~ .. ~~! :: t!:;.~~-=": :&:-r~ ~, :1«::.• 1¥5 I We hate liquor and all its attendant evils as all God's children do. We hate lal pl"oper q a. a.. ap, llaftlll beta Cll • d M to d. ......,_. fll ,......_ -n. Jltlll fill .. -.... all sin, regard!~ of degree or kind. This is the health)' state to be in. tile ume U... n. IDOGa ... Ill fact.,.,....,.._ ..... ua. ...a., ........... JIIMfl .. _..,. But NOTHING can or should t.ke the place of the preechin1 of the Gospel eutl, ~a.. crutlld brOod c. tile JDanll cr...UN ba Me , 71\ M .. -fl ~ _..,. ...... ....... of Jesus Christ in the house of God, not even a temperat"Q lecture or some other daJ4 wtill.e tile 8IU't' waa ctHted "ill tile....,._,,., ,... 111M of .. H'IJtlal, ..... .,., a ...... IE ' I)' social refonn speech. at leaat toar .,. earllet. 'ne -, -~ a.iil llara Ud ..... ... ..... fl .,..,.. a tr • 7 F .... , 'a • THE MOON tor Be commeedect Md. tba')' wen cr....ted." Sba11 tbe• 4..e.t !Dida a 'v• o1 .-.. p.t to ...._ a. erowa of Ct!Jira 'flal!je creetD JUde ta. IDa o.n lmap'l' • -1fWid bib tiWI e.. frOID ............ cna.-- --• aua ~~~**• tutead o1 erc:aMiaC tbelr owa ..... to .......... -........... "'"'"' ... ~ ataraiD ,_... t: ... rat tbt nee ..S FOCI- ..... God. ,..,. ..... ..,. wtll deep ... IDd true wcwlblp ot-beert: •'O Lord. 1117 God, noa ut ftfJ' cr-t; 'noa u1 e.1c6ecl 1f1tb ........ ....,., Wbo C09el'nt '11qaelf 1rta .lJc9ll U ...... S JU'I •t: Who •tretcbut oat .. ....... 1Jta • c:artUt.. •• Wbo IP- pomted 1M IDOCII Jar -• tbt -bonttt b1a JOiaedJtln,,.PealJDl~ n.u ...w ~ lllessl to a propa-nw ~~to ......... -...., feDoon lea.,_ ,. •• ,ttre: • ._._. 1 .... r• n,-.._, -. .. woc:n at,_..__ ................. _., ....... .,_ __ ww ... -tbllt n.ou art SldD:Ift&l aliWD 7 ADd tbe 800 Clf -.. ,.. ..-1dHt .,..,.,. Palm ....... ,.,_. tMl pe..,....U.., u tb1J abld)' tbe C)orles ... flaw• ~ the ~ moo.. IDd .. Iller .. it woald be t.ta4aortdblll miatbeklekto.,.-=tat...-.~ Buad tM a ; ;te: •-ao. -ca uaa be Jullhed W'Uil God'f Bow C1D .. be c'-. ... Ia .... of & ---? BellloM ... to tbe -. ... lt. ..... .X; ,.. .. atera an JIDt ;u. 1111 Kla ......_ IID9 -a.._._ tW: U a...-.? Md .. -Gl-., wtlldl t. a...-..?"" loiJ-..c. - READ the Gospels end the Acts of the Apostles and tMra you will find the an, ltiOI"W'''tr, aD tile ........ atDceU.,._.. CI'IUIId .-41 ...at a. ......... -W ... 'l'le ..... true pattern for eYf1fY prucher to follow in his Gocf.tlwn mlnlstry. MaM it JOUr' at u. same HIDe-ad 1a -..., of 811111'"*'*'*1J" M .wla ........ 1111111.,. r I t '1¢ '••w .. -.-.,. business to pruch the only messacer which can U\le the JOUls ol men and truly ....,. •• n.n ..,. • DIDiaM 01 ,..,. • .Ia......,..., ... u ,a...... 111 ..,.,4 "'JJIssa...., (Cp. chanae their IMs, the Gospel of IIYtrw .,..ce thn'Juth Jelul o.rist, the lord. "ewlftd." (II Jalf"ll 11;5 _, B...,. urt 0 .... ~ , a ~~ u .. .... an -..... • ~ It has been our exper;ence,. thllt the modernist falls in li,.. with the soc'-1 ..._tile pl•...ta.) Men ,... .. 11 aa...ta 0 pis o-.. , 1 u ...a .. ..., JWS u, ..,_. • .,..... gospel effort of rnakirw men bett• In this li..._ by ~"" them to aWe up evil are ltlrulwd kt .... a...., til ... bla:CIJJ ._... .._ lbr M • ... ., ......... ....,.._ .... I' 2 ~-... habits and liw • life of decency .net uprlthb-. to..,altlel'c:n; ..... --. _ _...,._..._ .... C.IIIl 1?1 I)"A a·1te • .Illd'-"' -.. --o..t"a M 9 Ia-4 ....... , '-.. -WHAT 11Vt NEED fl Naf A CNAIMI Of' LIFE. 8UT A CtWIR Of' HUIT -• .._. f a1 J.tbc c _........, .,.... • ant.,. en 11 ..... ita , I • ... • 01 nQ .. • ....,... fl .. When the Lord Jesus Olrist ~ tnto the tMNn t.rt and takes up His ...... ..... I fill .. _.. -· Tl .. IW M .-tn --. .. - - -.. ....... oll>ebodeNe~Bt,!-"~r.lm-oel•i~.~tot-totlifwrifll,..._ ....:!c-:t.~"~-~ De ......... las&,, ... -II lilt N t' to .. "· .. • ... --l;:.te.• .. II-· '! :, ;at;;• ou .. --_.... ..... -.. '""' hlriOt .... ,... .., ""'-. 1 ....... £111 ..... 1 ., .. .... ~ ... becoiTMis r pn. cfeen.livi"'.,..... ....... to pl-. God. The..,,.._ 01 I-....._. .. ?I uCr 0.. _,.._....,.a .. 1$1 w'• .II, D._~ •....... ..uS I H 01 thfef, all, become new era.t&ns In Him with old ttlirws ffomw 1¥'1 hllbits lftd stw ltllltl _..e. .....,,. Qua. leU. lf• "· fte -, • -.. 1 1 1 , u , a , ..,. sins) PHMd .-.y, --l....o. a • .,.. PM a.. .. -. au ,,.. ....., O:a an Mf "rts 1llr r • a ..., _. • ,.. Oh. rn.n Of God, you. who.,. caiJed to~ the Goapll, Mit tM Lord to aM ........ ..., .... n11 ........ " a.. 1111. .... 011 I JOU a vision at LOST SOULS end to ,._ JOU • ~!'I a.l to _. with all 1M 01111 II a ON fll irdw _, ... Ill a...,_. II .., poww ... aWes )IOU. to .. " them to the Lord ...... a.tet. VWouatt ... NEW BIRTH. _, •• , _ .. _ .......... ___ .. ;;~~~=5r ~s;~~s Mtln ,.a~ Christ. the lnrw -..u at paww end ~ kt life. ~., a.. bU. 01111 .._ H_. a ... -." a. ~ o mon bo ~AGAIN, ho--INK ..... ol God."-Jolln lo3. 1&1&. It.__--- • •.• "-1hM .. '" .. ,..... QMCit pl-. QocL· -,..,.. ... ...2. *!1':-,:,-:-5 ~ c:.... .. ~:=~~;;:;:r. -.---.--h~oiGod."-ICclr.&S "IAl_bo_ .. ~WIIod'>-bo .......... ldlwo-Nit,_Ho_•-:u:: I .. _..,. -Oft •Wt to-awtot _, Hlo .-:loul----bo _ .... ---Hino. I . .._.. W A11 1014 ._....., ...... c.Mn=-·..,. ... -....... '1'1111-_._ .. _. Md-*-.... ,, ... , ow .... whet ... .... p.,........ fte .... .,. -llllil L*WI .., ... jJAIIC ... S fllf.t•Pc8 ........... _..til ............ 'Ye-~ .... -*''..., .. p ....... I"NN .... __ ............. _ ... _, .... . .. IMf-. Ill-Jalll, HE IS A lllW C111A11M£.•-l«o ,_, ..._, II n• Jntl ' 11111 -.... , s ... ----.-..., .. ...... __ CIIfl' &' _..,_..,_ ... _,_.._ • • • U DIT IWIIOII BIIGII IEGPDI[tTIOII --.... 3 TtSJlDl, AU-. a, - 111P UIA DEl. liM, CAUF. fO-lLY .EARS CIIIIEIIA JIOW AT l,..llftPOU &YD. a.I'AIIDA -. .... , llod Co. 1U1LD111G II.OCD • AU. eaps • JW..T'r.IQII .,. 1s• u ,,.._, ... ·.: ... sse -·L .......... .IISo C'-'"" _.,. NEWPQRT BEACH. CALIFORNIA THE AMERICAN LUTHERAN CHURCH 9:00 A.M. TO t0:3D A.M. 9:30A.M. TO tO::JD A.M. ............ a...a Of ....... .... w ... .. 0 -A.efi• 1900 Vi .. Or. -FAMILY wORSHIP -SUNDAY SCHOOL CV.,.IMO 4W"VIC:C 71M ~.M. TMU~A't at-.. 4 TUO"I' AMD ~-ATCIIt , ... ~ ..... NU_C .. 1' DUfiiiNO •a'"'IC:I:4 ............ c-. <I_ ... __ _ c-- ...... K. L ..,.._IIICA ... .. ~~~~-·£ i .,.' I' ... 1ft ...... ....., ... ;;rtlt ... 14 A,._.,j,.t,.-., c_,..,...,., t:Mh"• a-c• ............. I ..... ., .. Uiillll .. ..,-.. _.o•-·--" .... COMPLETE FlJl'OOtAIS ' .rna '245 C0M1U11 FUtiF AL AIID ••AL CIIUa ~ooOoolooo~o :q;ltiE&Y L01S MAUSOI.EUM avm 1-SUO · From S46' h: PI 6e f ail .. t.id •"*' CD'• tpl 8 1' 7 die ..a 'a ~=· lhlllft&li .• ., -ou --• ..,.:: ...,..::;, family ... fdl + .. .., .., .., tbeir .faD • _.,...., .... , •• _. awell .... ct.lltblict.dltc.e ~ • ._.__....,. .. , ·r IIIII'• .... JIJII1 wl~ 114 ,........ n• .-...1-ms • CPA l'lfes 2ICI il stile BEAUTY NOOK 2132 E. C~st Hwy. Coron~ del lila' Phone ,&T.J-1336 e ,.EE ESTIMATES 532-5949 .._ __ c, ..... ...._,. ............. c 4 11M. ABIISCHER ~a! ...... ........ , .. ,_Lc-. ....... a ......... 0aD • CAI,IT$ II·WIIITI!IIID • WATII a. SIIOK I DAMAGI REMOVED • ORI EM TAL 847-1678 FO'tVH!R INSTRUCTOR, NATIONAL CHEM ICAL CO • • .......~.. .c.... ...... 0 c ...... f'IIM .,._... ra.- ...... ~0 .. 1.::'1 J' • ~ .... .... _..... _._ ...... ·~ Call An Expe--,rt=-===::::---- •IIU•sEaY ~ ....... llf.I.,.Dl t ~ --............. ,. 1 ...... ,,._._ ..... ........ ._ .... ai-. • !' 1~- Shrubs., Interior Pl.,ts T ropicol & T '"' lnsecfcldel ond FertHi:r:• S&H Gr.., St...,, t:~u:.r m.1 IIT R1" ('QM)NA. DO.. •Aa st:asnt' Z7t4 £. f'IIUt IIWJ"., llW* ............. -......... ,, ...... .............. .._ . .....__ . eCOSTA MESA 549-3361 eORAHGE 6J9.2.141 673-5822 e NIAll ElM 1264311 • HUNTINGTON aEAOI ~2-1451 675-3353 Pwrl11 ... Cl1mbg Wllb ClEANING & DYEING All MAKES OF lUGS· WALL-TO-WALL CAIPETING WE SPECIALI ZE IN • BRAKES w;u ... &.Jt.~ loon • St.:XXS •ALIGNMENT 5HOf IIEPAIR MABa~rt ·s Shoe Repaor Purse and l.J.ggage ~ir -. Dye Work SloHSJMPS ONE DAY SOVtC£ 1890 H..taor llvd. Cost• ..... -.... 3311 -. 1« r · ,... ..... 17M I. • PUBLICA TIOH WOIIII: WE CAN PRI NT YOU,. BROCHURE~ PAMPHLET~ i"I•GAZINES. LEAFLETS, for Fast EJqMtt s.nlc:• • NEWSPAPERS AND 1""-• ., ., " .... 111-ln'm .. ·-·--w·_..,, l • ._ L C.... "-7~ C11111 ~ • PIIMT& ...... ., ... , & hHPAI'U 646-5623 NEWS LETTERS PICK·VP 6 DELIVEJll' CALL US ,,Oit UTIMATU TRU· LINE AUTO CENTER t71·tUt • 1• lfl ."'n:ftort 81 ••. Uflr J?t6 B4SIGM PU8USHIHG CO. COSTA. MESA £:!1!.. .:.~...o ... -------·---;:;csa;m • l'i..,._IIUG A.l. IARSAC ~.,. foJII~-A­('_ ... _ .. u •• , "' GA,A_i llo\.,_IIM,._ ~ U .ST COAIT c. ..... IIPIIO&.Sf ... l"r ~-'--1•.-J 15011&:2 ... _ ... , .... C. ..... ':' --....... . PUio\ol& ..... SOIDOU • BEHAPPTI • BE IND!tPIDfiii:NT!! • L&.UN 1'0 l*"ftln CAU. I'OR I'UI! IHTIOIHICTOIIT LI!SSOII IJI.Inl ,. .... ,. -WICKMOl. ...... I.,_ .... .... .......... 7 ~"' Ill? Lea Jones Gregory Noonan .:-~~u:.: ~~~ ... ~-~~ .. ~~~: ... ., ... -......... lloOrJ •• ,_, .. ""' -.. 1M "'" _ _,, .l"'o II, Ht. -u -tile 4laol nil " -"' IUid"' -.IWIIJ-11141 .. '-"* Ud aMcia1 at tbe 8udJ DJA U tJr141 I PI kilt .,-., ••-· lbo brldo't aliter, Dora AIIMD .... -.. lbo -"J-......... -· ... lludo1 -o1 blpowoocL 11141 -aliter. VU'dl TIJo -r1111--WU J-JOGIS, U floWer prL ,_.,._ ll Co-.I Btllll -mao ou ,._u c-.ColltalloA,-tllr. E4lnrd Cr-w. JoloiKoo- 1-II pU«. -Hal--11141 RolltriSU--Ibo brldt 11141 ~'"""'an don -•-.. lklaewtllllbo ll"''dNtM olt:b1CaUn1&8tate· Wide's tntblr, Elwood Jooeso HJS'IUUC POSTCARD recelfed by Mr. and Mrs. Dee Cool!: oflrriot Terrace almolt 17 ,..,., aau bears tbJ.s photo o1 Pat and Dick Nl.mo and daachlerl Juliii.Dd Trida. Mr. l.lld Mrs. Coot. thea Uvl.n( 1D Santa ADa, had written a. messace of !qiPOI't and 1000_...... meut after Old; Nimn, rwmln,g mate of Owtpt Eisenhower ln tbl lMZ preaideotl&l election, bad gino his famous speecb in September defeadlD( htmeelf aplo.st cbarps of improper use of a campa.lp flmd. Mr. Nl.mn replied witb this post- card, SI.YiDI bow deeply be &Dd Pat appreciated tbe upreastoa of COGMeace. Col1oco II ~ e.eb. Tllo --. MyroaEoao110 bride wu amu.w WUb uu.•· Joau, wu aoloUit, accom. Sl.••u o1 AillbO Della Pill 11141 -bJ Mu. llarteae Deru S~wa, l.lld lbt wu l.llo oa tM at tbl orpa. ci?U'a booar lllt.AIInd•ted Otblrl aptM:tn,g at till cer ... O:om -ADa Hlp ScbOOl. "'1>'11 weroTimolbyQutros,IW-u.r hoJblwt wu a member at bert Souter, Rob Ro)' li(:Fu- lbo _.. tam 11141 member o1 1aDd, Toay Puellrtk aod Joe Go~!. At tbe recec>Uoa, Ia Wrlpt Hall ol tbe cllurcb, u- m..tut bosteues were Kmes. Fred Merkle, Wl.lter Rtce, Le. Roy Soutor, Sbeldoa Klrlqlat- rlck, Lorin Carver, Jay Koyt. Tbomu Koch, Harry Wrt&bt. IDd Miss Katlly Klllg aod Miss Items asked for benefit Mra. Ooetta w:. Correll ol Newport Beach bas issued an ~ lor dooallons ol clothlag, fUrniture, books, white ele- phants, or anything else, large or small, fol" a Much of Dimes beoeflt rum mace sale to be beld l.o October in Costa Mesa.. The two-daY sa.le is beini spooaored by the members of the Orange Couoty Square/ Rouad Dancers 1D addition to thelr a.J¥U.al square dance, wllicb 1s scbecMed for Jan. 25 in tbe Retail Clerks Union Hill lD Bueoa Park. Committee mi!mbers tnclOOe: Corona del Y..lr, Gladys Carl, 673-8739; Costa MlU, Martha. Kirby, 548- 7590; Huntington Beach, Betty D(lloo, 536-8013; N""JlJrO Beach, ODeita Correll, 6 73- 6838. Pte~ can be arranged also by calllng the March of Dimes oftlce at 547-6124. DlSCUSSING a.rn.ngements tor tbelr trip to the biennial college meeting ill Bostoo., sponsored by the Ctlrlstian Scleoce Church, are, from left, Jerry Farrar, Paul Wolts (standill&), Dee Reddlog, Julie Woods , Chip Buttner, and Sue Jackson. Tbe student. are trom tne Harbor Area, a part of about a score loca.lly wbo Trill attend the meeUng Aug. 28.31. The photo was ta.ieo at an informal gather log of tile partictp&nts held oo the patio or Mr. aDd Mrs. Stack Wlnburo of Irvine Terrace last week. Tbe college meeting wlll consider such sub)ects as campus a.od community tension, racW confllct, the drug problem, marriage, birth control, mora.llty, conscientious ob)ectioo to milltary service and social action. Cbrts Crumbly. After the booeymoon tbe CO~t)le wlll Uve to Santa Aoa. Both of them wlll t-.ch school 1D Orange. ISLAND BURGLARY Between Aug. l and 15, bur· pars took $229 in vases, trays, CI.Ddleholders, and other mts. cella.Deous articles from the borne of Barbara. Ma.ckllD, Z08 Pearl, Balboa lsla.Dd.. A U.S. TEAM (al>on) atlR>Ored bJ Arl!'le C-ll oi!SOO Estolle, llarbo< Hl.,.la'Mio, and Tlx>mas Purcell, of 301 'HeUotrope AYe., CaroGa del Mar, plaeed Srd wltb 16.1 pol.ota in the world )Wlior saillD& championship be.ki Aug. 17-ZllD Bermuda's Gt'eat Souad.. EnglaOO woo tbe champiooshJ.p ritbout ha.•lng to sa111a. tbe 15th race ot tbe 3-daJ rqatta. The U.S. team 'lt'U 2nd i)llowtDg tbe 5tb nee, but feU bebiod Wales 1D tbe ft.Dilennt. Competitors came from as tar away u Belgium aDd Hong Koa,g. Research site started I '\formal CfOUDdbrea.ktng vertlng critical dlagnostlc body KODAK SUPER I MOVIE CAMERAS 22% OFF ENVIRONMENTAL FIRM OPENS lH NEWPORT ceremonies marking the start impulses, such as brain nves, of coo.structlon on a $650,000 ~tbeats and blood pressure, headquarters and research ta-·into electronic signals tor UTI AGAIN ASSAILS KRISM AN c1Hty tor Internatiooa.l BJotro-medical research. CompletloD G. H. Fel,.mal<er loc. has nics Corp. •ere COIIduetedAug. Isolated for Jan. 1. opened omces at 2919 Newport 1 at Jllmboree Rd. aoo ~nt barb or laoto Ia Blvd., Newport Beach.Tbetlrm Congressman Jam~s B. utt stated prlnclples a.nd inteDls slbUity, so inherent 1n your Dr. ln the Irvine lndustrlal OCEANIC YAOIT SALES speciallz.es 1n toW envi.too-(R-35tb) bas issued a secoOO that are to tbe detriment of our cba!lceUorship, when you can LOURENA STROZENSKY, who Comple.t. &URGLARYlREVEALEO mental advertising. r esearch "open Jetter" to Danlel G. AI-society. Tbey demand revo-offer so little assurance tbat 1s assistant secretary and chief OfflctatJ.ng at the grouod-Oceanic Yacht Sales, 1700 aDd design. specWcally for drtch Jr., UCI Chancellor, coo-lutioo wttbout promlsJ.D& any-yo-.~r oow appolotee bas eJU.. escrow otricer at Mariners Sa-brea.king were George Renoe, W. COilst Hwy., MulDers Milt, commtm1ty deuklpers. cerntog ll1s appointment of Mike thing better. Tbey coademo tbe wxterstaOOtng of polltics, YIDgs ud Loan Assn. of New-lBC cbairman, ud Dr. Ken-reported Aug. 16 that an r:;_;=.._;_ ____ ..J Tbe Corporation maintains Krisma.n to an adm1nistrat1Ye society's ertls despite tbe flct ll1story, philosophy, ecooomics port Beach, will tea.cb an ad-oetn Halvorsen, presldelt. attempted bur&SarJ ti tbe atore- a. comprehensive approach to post.) we are maldnC COISJM pro-, •• .m the maturity and jtod&-vueed escrowcout~t.lOra.qe Otber lBC eueutins preseal July 31 had beaD succ•stul "~"""'""~"""""":~"""ii tbe bous1Dc develapmem., ac-Dear Or. Aldrich: cress. 'l'bey are oaly prliDU'td rna to be coordhiltt"' tbe C<ast Collep: from 7 to10p.m. ••• st:aatJrd Slpnckl-. Yk.e after aU. PoUcearruttdaava.. l 1 TIDE ~ cordlJlc to Gerhardt H. felr;e-TbaDt you tor your reply. 1 to destroy, aot to buUd our academic a.dYt&ln,g of otber stu-Koodays, begt.oru.na: Sept. a. Tbe presidett, researctt. aod Robert peel aaer tb1 bulldlnJ wu eo... -- mlker, president. He has a t\ave been out of the county aod system. dents. course wtU cover uclla.op es-Klees, Ylce presldeat, market-tered oo. the Slst, but owoer ,S. • ~ diYerse background of urban could oot respood earlier. These KJ'0141S say they are Yours very truly, crows, bulk sates, court cases Log. JoiDing the IBC team were Fred lcogman, 111-1/2 Ame-~~ planning. landseape a.rch1tec-Untorttmal:ely, you !lave mts-Uceosecl to break laws because James B. utt and standards of professiooa.l Richard Cannon, sales execu-thyst, Balboa lslaDd, did oot ~ ture and psychology, and was sed the entire point of my rtrst they are bad laws. Yet they must Member of Congress conduct. Uve, lrvlne lndustrial Complex, ootlce anything missing. On -:';~ :::_ ... in&trumentallnlbedevelopment letter. I trted to make lt mow Uat you canoot form aoy and Don Grossman, project Aug. 16 he reported that $926 .-. ~ ~. Grne~ =:a~~~= perfectly evident that I do not honest, equitable systemftoma 'Know your f,·reman' manager forOltmans Construc-1n boat accessories were gone. know Mr . Krlsma.n as an base of disrespect aDd anar-Uon Co., geDenl contractors of [ project. He recently completed lDdivtdual and was not at-chism, Or don't tbeJ st00y Munterey Park. WATCH ST()LEN a 3-Year teaching engagement tempting to judge him as such. history or philosophy anymore? Engineer Ric.hard B. Dunlap Currently bllsed lofullerton, JohDJohnsoo,878Sandcastle, in the department of environ-(U he has so much ind.ividuallty What problem is tbeo pro-was born June 6, 1930,ln Phlla-IBC Is engaged In the deveq,-Harbor View Hllls, reported 3011 ........ ll..t. mental design, at Calltorola. wllat ts Ills need for radical and du ::ed wben you place them 1o a. delphia .. He spent his early meot and prOduction of sensors Aug. Z1 that a $450 watch wa.s l:.-=.;";..';;;;",;;po;;;;"=";;;-="==!.1 Polytectm.lc Colle~. Pomona.. extreme organizations a.od act-r~'i)Onslble admlolstra.tive cllildhood in that cUy, movtna: stolen from his home on where be started new larv:lpla.n-lvities':') Nor is bis freedom position'! Are they to accept here to Balboa at the age of 11. ning courses to help meet the threatened. I can't think of hOW what they please and ignore the He attended Newport Beach Ele- oeed a.od uOOersta.nding of Sou-he could have more freedom r est? Can you really welcome to mentary SchOols and graduated thern CaWornia Planners. with less respooslblUty than he your statr the potential tor d1~ rtom Newport Harbor Hlgb SUMMER CLUB MEETS has been erperienclng at UCI. rect encouragement otdestruc-SchOol in 1949. A 5-da.y summer club, pre-Aod, lt this is any genuine tJve actioo and tlllt*1nc wll.lcb He served in the United States viously held at Costa Mesa threat to his livelihood, then bears your stamp of awronl'? Army from 1951 to 1954:. star- Park, Is meeting this weei at truly UC1 has not performed its You state you know Me . Krls-tln,g as an i.nta.ntryman, be later the home of Mr. a.oc1 Mrs. Ed-tunctlon in this world. It be has man only to be "a. loya..l and transferred to armored ta.Dk5. ward Curtis Stevens 4122 nowhere to go but UCI, howter-consttuctln citizen ot this He was stationed tempora.rlty Setnn, Irvine. BettyStev~ns. TV rible 1t must be. campus, the community a.od our LD Japan and served 1n Kor• a.od radio Bible story teUer, ts You say you t\ave "approved cowtry." Ttat is hardly durtoc that eoofllct. Upoo dls- directing the club activities the recommendation of his ap-tbe knoWDposWonofradica.Usm cbarge he bad a.ttalned the nuk which IDclude music cra.ttsa.nd pointment." As chanCellor, the -especla.lly as.ma.nlfested by of sergeant. a study of Joshua' with Ca.ri correct construction is that you SDS. Tberefore you lDdict him Prior to )linlDg tbe Newport Zim merman of Santa Ana. Ses-.. approved his a.ppolntment." as disloyal to tbe mandates ot Beach nre department, Dick slons are from 1:30 to 3:30, Tbe eJisteac.e of radical or-such radicalism. worked 6 monthsa.t the Glasspar ganizations among both students Now, wby would he openly Boat Company ln Costa Mesa. H0 81 E CAT S TOL EH aOO .faculty at UCI s uggests to bekmg to gr()tC)s be cannot~-and a. year a..rxi a t\a.U for Hut- A Hoble catamaran worth me that almost anyone ot port? Why 1s be painted as an chesoo's Auto Body ' Pa.Jnt ENGINEER DICK DUNLAP $1,100 was stolen from Carl utreme views could receive a admirer ot Castro 11 b1s 1dea.l& Works. Uve 1n the CUff Huen sectioo Woodmansee, Z15 ZBthSt., West "recommeoOatlon." are 1Dd1sa.greement?Wbym1Chl He joined the f~edepart.meDt of Newport Beach. They share Newport, on Aug. Zl. A oe1gb-The Important point is that he s~rt the reteotlooototber se>t. 1, 1956, was promoted to 1D their hobbles of sailing and. bor witnessed Ulat cat beiDC Mr. Krisman~nly aligns him-radicals such u ur ,ShaptroOD flre eogineer Feb. 16, 1958, ca.mpt.nc. sailed away ftom its prtva.te sell with orga.ni.za.tlons ba.vlng your faculty, lf be 1s 80 pr~ a.nd has served lD that capacity EoctDeer Dunlap Ls preseut1y dock. The owner said be had toiDdly dllferent tn YlewpoiDt? to tbe present. a.astpect to tile "A" sb1tt al aot gtven a.oyooe permission to L~GAL NOTICE ADd, shoUld you collleod ncb Dtci: and. his wtfe, Mildred, Fire staUoo 5, 410 Marl&Oid use u. ____ cootrad.lcUoos arise trom AYe, ln Corooa del Mar. &LIZ MORTUARIES 1741 -lltOR AVf. COSTA IIIU ..... ., .. 2424 •• I. COIIST MIUY CIMIDIIA DTL liAR Olllolt , .. 4!10 l*'n 1942 P .j 4438 "ldea115m," let me say tbe L~GAI,_ NOTICE SEPTEMBER ART15T CERTIFICATE OF BUSINE~ '~k'-llan" of toda.J'& sti.IS«t NOTICE OF PUBUC HEARING NAMED AT MUTUAL FICTIT10t.5 NAME ' radica.l cates 00 bra1As: and 1a Nal'JCE lS HEREBY CilVEN Mabel Speciale best The UOOersJ.gned do cerW)' certaiDiy oot arecommendaUoo tbat tbe Clty COUDCU of tbt for ber ~!1~1~11~-Uf~e~~~~~~~~~ they ue cooductl.ng a busloess to admiDlltratJ.n tub. Clty d. Newport Be&cb ..W bold wW be at 14 7 East 17th Street, Costa 1 would welcome being COD-1. public hllrlAc: reprdlac tbe September at Mesa, CaWorllia, Wider the ftc-nDCed tbl.l: llr. KrUma.o q appeal of LeroJ' E. ud Rulb M. and Loan buUdlnc 1a titlous tlrm name or STEAM amoo1 tbole wbo bl.n been F&J from lbl dectaoD of tbe Mar MASTER CARPET CLEANER wooed m:j WOD bJ nbrerstn P~ Commiuloo dtD.Jlar rie locl.l arti1t wlll P<•••ot aod tllat said llrm Is compoood lllloqllt oo11 to repla 1IU c---Appllcatloo llo. M a .. ,. II<CMC> ol o111 o1 tile toll ... lng perooo(a~ , oljjll 11141 r-. to 1 CCIIOirac-r~ adell-olu adell-mooo..pr~ ttcllalquo wbose aa.mes(s) tn tnll I.Sld IUn role lD IOCitt)". Yet, 1 uo.lautiD u ntRIDCtrtplu We,, OCrala aDd mar ... ...._ place(s) of residence are u ftDd DOtldDt: 111 JOUI' letter or tblt Ll llOb>N ... mlac dae to t11p W1ll ..._, be cHJpla.Jtd. l>llOW's: public rooord to lnct!cato Udato llalrft71albo-JUd 11141 dlo 8be reeotted bOr -O<IIOo Geneva A. a.od Charles T. Ser-be true. It JOQiaYe ACb lD,. to tbe tact tblt tbtiUI.IIWOUid a.t tbe Portlud M-. Art niB, ZOO! Celllolla Place, H..,. mmolloa II 1ftiOid bo com-bo -ldllrd (II toot wldo ScliOol, ao nt-ot Or- port Beach, Calllornll 92HO lwtl.a(. lo..,.d oiM toot -~-Beall Dated Auguot 7, 1969 '1'1111 1o oat jolt 1 ,.._ o1 ll ZIS CVIIIloo A-ail lbo • (Sipturea)Cbarlts T.Bernla jadpnOIII.., uladl1'1daolbJIIU •-1)' -oiCarllllooA-lTAYS AT SHEI'"A•R·II<DI<IC~ ~ A. SOmis mwll, or Ia .,.-Ill 1IU -IMCo-s.now A-UII Alrmu PbiWp C. •• stato o1 Calllornll, 0raoco 0:-... 1a .,.._ ., 111a o... -d, -a-t. -" 11r. u1 Wro. CoaotJ: U•••""'"l I 1o • lllllplllllc 11011CE Ill IIEIIBY FUR-·--II 0 0oA-7,1H9,beloreme,-11-...-,or TBEII GIYIII 1a1t 111o aid c• Ill~ ..... ~;;:~; . ;~otuyNt.::aadln'llid pnpntU. to b1 AI$ 7' ~ .-.ac ........ wtll blllald• :.::',_a.,: ,.._~ Ptl J JAMUid _......,tct11f1 ......... .,ol'llllll W,t•, r dml -·A.IUidCbarlooT.S..--· Rlo_a_GIIl 111o-II 7:11 p.a. Ia -• ,- ::,!(,bon) -lo ~-~be) tM~-•, reins" 11115 2 7 1 Ill .. Co U ae t•• of IIIII ---=-= !M -. ~· atl-DC 11 MJ II' tnr:• llilnl, Cltr laD Of till ca,.Gf JIIW.a ---= · ocrll>odlolbo ___ --H11711Al-·*1JM ---~·--~ii~lllliiK-JodladllioJ--IMI--·aM -~--..... lllllllall,_. RR M :-j ~~-. ""_.__ Jill uP. ' _, 23 'lr-' 2 t•lt..,__..s • ..... Ill II Clruel ·-~-no,_, __ ,..._ .... :·:.---· ... 111 C..•l-lliPIF• J?lll. 2 d -f·~--~ LIIIDo _,_ ______ _ 1-11. tm. ,... ., -., ,..._ car Clift ,._ "' v-o... .... , M(.ll,U, ..... --.. Cllrll •• _.-w ... ~~~~~ ll,J.,Iolllolloorfllt-I-Ill N' ,_-Pat"• -~~~ ' • ocll,.._, • h •· ann .. et .., ..-. r14 J .. lsa;:art .,.._. ___ c.K_;;.;.,;.;..;T;;R;;.I..:•.;.· __ FURTHER REDUCTIONS on Sale items PLUS FIRST TIME REDUCTIONS ON MANY NEW ITEMS Semi·Annual Summer continu~ .. nbrrJ •