HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-09-04 - Newport Harbor EnsignTeacher crisis is avoided here MRS. IRADEI4 FIMCII'S IROliiER IUCCUMIS lira. Bndoo Ftacb ofCor<a 1111 liar wu Ill El Puo, T._ lui-,. IDIIIo-oflllr -· .... Cllloll -s.rnon. ~ ...... 111111 *<k -of lllo El Puo llonld Pool 111111 El Puo ' MO .• • IS down I. 10( COSTA MESA CO-ADIL ( • CALif. • THE STOREY BUILDJltG, u old ....,.,.rk .t tlile ~ fJl Balboa Blvd. aDd II&1D st. lD Ba.lboa'a a.ctDI....,. ara, IIU be•-by pioooer realulalodof--Vop~ no llaleadc'lDUteetlrtlofloeal marcbaatl CO re)lr.-te tbe Balboa bnsS.oess district. 8ulJt maay JIU'& qp bJ Fred storey of Gleodol'a, the eoJorfll Ca.Wor.u.spent• llJ .. structare Will be restored a.Dd reoamtd tbt ~ llerC&IIdle Bu!ldlDc-.... t-.lswillbelbeToWIDtleHat ..... (- trom Coltallesa)wltliJobDKimbleuma.,..,a real H1Ue o!lleo awapd by KelloelbSmJl!l.lllld ~-Ill» Elder's oalce. Former teQllb ~ tbe buUdi .. iDe ... tM BaJbol l:lardwue store, tbe Red Croa, J._. ltdiKt G&r<loer, .-.. ....... ~-Dr. Hap-· W'!stoo J&J, aod former p:Jliee chief R-.>\a.D1 R. Hod&ttnre P. 0. annex is approved ,.. OI'I'KUL .......... 01' 1111 OTf 01' MIW.T IUOI Til IH/1011 AUA'S O,SIT (fJrgAI'I!II _ ... ,.. ... ,._ ..... loolp ....... m1 &. c:-...,., c-"' .. c.w. --. TILWIJDII. 613·t• IANo c.M. 7141 ,._ WWWi ~ IMIICJif .. , .. -, &4: ,.,. ptt•M _ _, ,.......,. 1o .-c .. , o1 ..... , ........ _. .-... , ~oeou, __. _. IJII••• &4Aiflf• I• ...... ,.,. ...... C.-• ..._ "'-.. ....... tJWIIIIIkl, ... ,........, • .-..., ca-,..... pal• .c.... ...... c:.lll. . Ta. liEitfOIT llA&80I: ENSICII ..... ~ 10 M e ..,... el _.a cir'CIIJ.IIW. ~ cewt Hcft.e No. A..JOI71 .. .,. &4. ltsJ. la s., •rMf Cowt. ,_ tie eo.., of Or S...o of .......... .., -...... , ...... u ..... ,..:r .. , ...... ---... ·-· U'YO t... IIAAPA "-···--·-·--···---·-··--..0... .... P ... li.._ PEe IIAAPA ····-··········-···························-.Aa.oc•• Editor IU.ICIIPTION lA TII 0.. ,. •• M.80; 2,.... 17.00 OM ,.., 15.00; 2 ,. ... 19.00 ARVO E. HAAP.A, owner .-d publisher of the Ensi9'1 • A HINT OF IMPENDING EXPLOSION There was a Uny item In last week's agenda of the Newport Beach City Council, saying: "Letter from Pbllip J. Rapp re- questing refund of $125 fWng fee for are- IIUbdivision." Approval was given without discussion. • • But there is an explosive potential In that little item, and one of these days it is going to blow up In the faces of our City CouncU. Mr. Rapp received b1s refund because it was discovered that b1s plans for improving b1s business property at 2301 W. Balboa Blvd. In Central Newport In- cluded new construction In excess of 10% of l!%1sUng floor space. This brought the project under the provisions of the re- cently adopted commercial parking ordi- nance, which probibiis such enlargement except with approval of a use permit. This could be the beginning of an awakening of business and property owners to the impossible burden placed on them by tb1s ordinance. There will be more of these ''tid; ttems" on the Council agenda. Tlioe -r~ shocker will come when owners <1-vacant business lois try to develop or sell their property In the commercial areas of Balboa, Newport, Balboa Island and Corona del Mar. They will discover that they bave lost more than half of the value of their land, because the new law drastically limits the size of the building permitted on the lot, and thus cuis the potential rental Income to a ruinous mini- mum. The ordinance as orglnally drafted was far w .>rse. With the help of the Ensign and other concerned property owners, two of the impossible provisions were eliminated -the restrictions on reDiodel- ing and on replacing a destroyed business building. But the restrictions remaining In the ordinance will be found to be ab- solutely unworkable, because costly use permit procedure will be necessary In every case. This is a sure sign of a bad law, and a bad law should not be re- tatned on the books • • • • 1 • (-) 1'1 1 c r R 1 :' c ; • ' 1 r · 1 1 l ; r" ; • , 1\f:.J[__ .r. ,_,_ •''···· LeHers BILL KENNEDY~ By Bill Kennedy THE NIXON PLAN: MORE PAYMENT NOT TO WOIK Newcomers at Hoag Clyda Joy Burger wed to · Charles Guidry NEIII'ORT HAR91iR ENSIGI' THURSOAl SUT. \ - ARST SEcnON--P• 3 OOIIOIIA!!!!, llf.!!.·CMJf. HOSPITAL AIIXILIAIIY WILL M!IT SIPT, 15 e lllmAT, .l_OQ. 10 • --llr. MdllrL ~ ---.Udllra.·-·· ........ &-tO CatlliDo ... ~=-..:u .. ~ c-. c.--. <all -lilt. ood »u. Oln1ll .., -llr. ud lira. O..loo ..... 11• Con Colla -.--lt.,-I( ..,, ._...-. ':; 1ft ... )(r l4rr7 .., -lllr.oodllra, '"- J:IJdOSor Blrcor Uld cw~oo LH Goi*J, bo111 ol eo.-c1o1 Mar, uc•npd marrtace YOWa Wot .. s, 1fterDooo. Auc. e, at st. Allllrew'a Prubytertao Cbolreb ol N-Beach. Tbo doub&e rlDc •lddlnc ceremoay wu eoad.aeted by the cbureb putor, Dr. Cbarles Dtereo. fltkl. Tbt Colea Mea Memorial tbt ntntuu ...._ • ._ HolpUal AU1111uywiUrt ... C---=e~oiiMbat'i 1 recular moollop - a &-at 10 '·"'--,, .... 1~ mootb 'I'ICfltioa. Plul lor I ta tt C'll'f .. Mn. AleaDdlr YaeGUltY-tbe ftut btrtidiJ « tM - ray, pre&ide~Jt. w1l1 prulde u wtn bt dlKU81d. Do~ ~I/J -t Wall 11.-, 5*4 El lldnm, NIY-N~ pcllt Jlo4ciU. ....... ~ Girl -Ill. Uld Kro. Jo>o &Of-Mr.,IIICI Mra. P ... ~,., ..... _ SIO! _...__.. 81~ Gorla<h, w llonudfii.,Colla a...;:~ . -~ .. lltaa. • TUESDAY, AUG. 10 Boy -1ft· IUid lira, Sam• Girl -Kr. Uld lira. Rao- Youor. ClllllbSI., WOIIII«· do'* GMN, au.a I 'lib Pl., 110ft. COlla -*IIONDAY, AUG. II Bor _Mr. Uld llro. CraJr Boy -Kr. Uld Kra. Low-COOIIOII, ISIZ Su1a AM, Colla reoce 1'roDe, SOil Barbor, lltta. Colla w-. Bor-Kr. IUid Kra. Rocar Girl-Yr. udM.u.Tbomu ll..:llart, nt-8 Jouast •• coa-llartlo, 1119U Pr-LA., ta ..... ' Tbe bride ls tbe daupter of Mr. aDd Mrs,ClydeBtarger,615 Uarcuertte An., Coroaa del Mar. Tbe bridegroom, wbo is maoapr of Sba.cii:Sboprestaur- &Dt lD COI'OGI. del Mar, 1s the 1011 of Mr. and Mrs. Ames Guidry or Port Arthur, T uas. :UitiDcba Bllcb. e WEDNESDAY, AUG. 20 TUESDAY, AOCi. U ao, _ Mr. Ud llrs. JOOn Mr. Burcer rnehiadaugtUr Boy-Kr. Uld Kra. '-1 H. SIIIPio, Ill too. Sl., Weot In marrlap. Tbe li<lde -• a MRS. CHARLES LEE GUIDRY Lochrtek, 1Qllttlst.,H1DUac-Newport. tloor lellctb 4-Dedwedding~w-n, (Photo /l.y Howtml Folso,.J loo llooeb, Girl _ u ••• ~ u.5• MI. wltb a tilted bodice ot a.leocoo ---Ia Tbe beld at tbe Newport Harbor Elks Girl-Yr. udMI'I,Riebu'd c:bu1 G. E::llo!J, S104 COUDtry ce. headpiece, alsotrtm~ Own., I IOU Boadutut Ctrelt, Club Dr., Costa ME-L med wttb lace, held a noor Lo'Jp. How do you The man was actina straneely. You know what peep~ tOOuJht. But the neiahborhood pharma· cist had a hunch. took a close HtmHnp Btl.ch, Girl -Mr. and Mrs. Joba length Yell, and a bridal Bible Tbe t.-lde Is a graduate of BoJ -Mr. Ud Mta. Cor-Mtllk:lr 18145 Via Verooa lr-wu CO'Yered wtlb yellow rose-Corona del Mu Hlgb School. bert Flat, 41& Mon1!tc Cu.JOR ,.. • buds am white dalsles . Wbere she wu acHve in student Rd ~-~-.. -....... eoverornent. She wtu '""aduate •• ""' 1 ,_ "!'v • Girl -Mr. aM Mu, OUY« 1 Sue O.,.ling of Corona. del this mootb from Call1or~ state e WEI»fESDA.Y, AUG, 11 L. Re1DertaoD, 537 Et U:odera, MRS. ROBERT ALL.94 WEEOM Mar was maidoftwJoor. Thomas College, Fttllerton. The brkle- BoJ-Mr. ud lfn. Robert Nl'lfP(JI't He1cbta· (Ca,uo Hou~ photo) Madden ot Costa Mesa served croom :Uteoded schools In Port =·1939KUJdeerCr._C4sta :~-~~~~~·~SONNE STALLMAN !~:e'ie~G~dr:heof~~ Ar~~:=jmoonln Car mel, Boy -Mr. a.:liS Mrs, COIII'Id Costa Mea. Arthur, Teus, brother of tbe they are matt.ag tbeir home at ~'::~ .. ~1 ablobl Pl., D.~~ ~~sl&~= wEDS BOB wEE DN ro'::M!:. ~o~:e~=s~ ~~~~.Begonia Ave., Corona 8oJ _ Mr. &Dd Mrs, JVf'J Lo., HnnHn,ton Be:leb, Sh TUc ......... 142 ~ t...a., Marrtace YOW'S were UC:bao-ot tbe bride nre tile flower ··pw k I I d coot;';;._ * THURSD.\ Y, AUG. Zl-reel Saturday eveolng, Aug. 16, girls. Tbe wUebeU Boys Choir rec par y p anne look, gave the ma n sugar. lhtn he called a physician who found t~ man was in insu lin ~k . Too much insulin, not liquor. Without prompc lreat~nt.. he might have diCd. This slory illus-. traleS the potency of modern druw:~. Befo~ usin& P<>'NC'rful drugs you should S« a ph)siciun a nd then /i1lla w dir.·,·timH to tlr(' fnur ~· lu-11 talt.inr tiH'm . Thert's a happi~r moral. Witlwut modem drugs, the diabetiC in this story wouldn"t haw: had a life to save. Glrl-Mr.llldMts.Tbomaa Girl-Mr. &Dd Mrs. Wll-at St. Andrew's Presbyterian sang wedding selections. CowtU, US Goldenrod. Coroaa l1am Ferguson, 10061 Starboud Cburcb ot Newport Beach by A receptioo. for 300 guests Chartlng their course tor Leoa.ban Jr., aocUtrs. F. Munro dol w.v . Clr., H'utt!~~-Bea11cb, SomR ee DeUgbt stallman and n.s held at tbe Newporter 1m. "BaU H'a.J.," the magic moun-Rsedma.n., luvltattons, Mrs. Boy _ Mr. &Dd MrJ. Pb1Wp Girl-.al' • ....., rs. George obert Alleo Weadn. De. Cbar-wbere the Hooey Bees played taJ..n, are E.~presso Club mem. taoley LeUeYreand Mrs. Tor- Ju:.Ja.o, 2S20 FOI'dbam. Dr., LaRoq0:,._'7863RooaldRd., Htm-les Dlerenlleld, cburcb pastor, tor d.lncl.nc. 1be weddlag cake bers of Newport Harbor wbo ~~ Dodds, food ; Mr s. PaW. Costa Me:sa.. tt.o.gtoo ~eb. eooducted tbe double ring wed~ was decorated In yelJow" roses •Ill meet at 7 p.m. Saturday, -.-.ma.n, refreShments; Mrs. Glrl-Mr. aDd Mrs. Rudy Glrl-Mr.andMt·s.Robert dine service. from tight buds to full bkx:lm. Sept. 13, in the Ebell ClOO--Frant Gaines and Mrs. Jam es a.1 &. COAST .. ,. .. ~A Da. 11&11 OIIIOL&,... Trosclalr, Z0'762 ~Ln.. lll&hJoD. 259 Costa Mesa St., Sonoee is the daucbter of Mr. Mrs. Chri..stopber WUcoi of house tor a South Pacific Ship.-Grabam, decorations; Mrs. Hllltt.o.ctoa Beac:b. Costa Mesa, aDd Mra. George R, Wiseman, Costa Mesa bad charge of the n eck party. John J. McKernn, music, and Boy-Ur. ud Mr•. Ant.omo Boy-Mr. and Mrs. Andrew ·U8 Serra Dr •• Coroaa Hlgb. guest book. Refreshments wlli be served Mrs. Virg:tnia Bollman, trea- K'lUkldea, 431 D&blla, Corooa Cecl 1544 Placeot.ta. Newport la.Dds. Tne t.-ldgroom lstbesoo Tbe bride, a 1964 CbUdren's from the shore boa.t,andagour-surer. del Mar, Beae'b, ot Mr. aad Mrs. Henry J. WeedD Home Society debutante, ts a met Polyoesta.n buffet lla 15 been Reservations may be made • THURSDAY, AUG, 14 Boy _ Mr. and Mrs. Flm of Pact.n.c Beacb. graduate of Newport Harbor pl.a..alled, Yltb Mrs. Harvey Pea..se at 673~ Boy_ Mr. I.Dd K.rs. Delmar Longforo, 1634 caraway Dr The bride wore an orlg:toal Higb ScOOol a.oo of l5C, where Hula dane 0346 or Mrs. Eva.n Prichard at Walter, 19561 ConstellaUoo Apt. c., Costa Mesa. •• BJ.anc:lli &OW1I of ca.ndleUgbtsllk she also received her master's Dancing by;;!~:~ ~fo~~~ti 646-5211. Ln., HIIJtUlgtoo Beach. Gtrl-Mr.IDd Mrs. RodDey orp.azabrotder""eder tatlla eta, wl.tb re. degree. Sbe is a member ot parts of tbe world" dot .... their The HoaiFOUDdationhaspur- • FR Rouelle 744 Ceoter St c sta em ce over tbe Alpha <Aroma Delta _.. ~ chased a dialysis mtchlne tot IDAY, AUG. 15 • •• 0 sleeves and down the front The bridegroom I~ a ad te .-uve dances from aocient and Hoag Hospital which wtll be Girl -Mr. a..od Mrs. NOI'-Mesa. panel, cap alee..-es, cathedral of University Hlgh Srhooraln contemporary tlmeswfllbefea~ loaned to Mrs. Robert Randa.U Sh - v a I CAI,T I U,OUTIIJ ClfA•If o CARPETS U·WHITIH!D o WUIR I. SMOK! DAIIAGI REMOVED o ORIEHTAI. 847-1678 mu Ablett, 2129 De Sota Girl-Mr. and Mrs. Larry tn1D bordered ln re-embrol~ San Diego and ol l5C wberebe tured as a part of the tribal uatll she bas a kidney trans. An., Costa Mea. West, 912ValeacLa,.Apt.3,Cos--dered lace. A hu1piece ot atrlliated with Sigma (:bi A1t.e.r rites of tbe mountain. pla.ot. Proceeds fro m this party PO RWER INSTRUC TO R, N ATIONAl. CHEMICAL CO. BoJ-Kr.llld Mrs, TOOmas ta Mesa. orange blossoms aDd pusioo a In c~ the Committee members for the will go to to Hoag Hospital tor • •• Dei1DeJ, U05 Hl&bl&nd Dr., Girl-Mr ·aDd Mrs. Howard flowers beld a boutra.m f1neer tbelr bo ' Y party lnclude: Mrs. Harvey asslstaace tn kidney dialysis "B~It~r Cmt"t Clr•i"l for Brtt~r c.,.,rtJ." Rubor HICf'Jands, Hettbotr, 2814 Loreto St., Costa. Up Yell. Sbe carried a aosep.; are me ln Re-P~ase, Chairman; Mrs. c. R. treatme~ .. ~--=~~:-===~~~~~=~~~~~=~~~~~~~~~~~ Boy-Kr. aod llrs. J-Mesa. of st-""lll aodbllby'sbreath ;::.:=:.=:~-=c-:::-------------=.:: ;: 8oJJe, 20031 Beawnoat Circle, *FRIDAY, AUG. 22: Ued wttb wbiteYelYetrtbboom::l H1111t1Dctoo Beac:ta. Boy Nr m:1 Mrs Peter loor YelYet streamers. Glrl-Mr,udW:rs.Ricbard Cacace:-lolZ'~o Mlssu;n Dr., Mrs. VuJobuooolNewpart L. Beauchamp, ZOGal Cbaueer Costa M Beach wu tbe -;;~~~~ I.a., 8~ Beach. Girl _:'"Ji,. 011<1 Krs. c~ lhe I Which type are you? toa h. n.-u ~-u. J man ~•WI Office: 3366 V•a Udo. Newport Beach. Cel,fom•• 92663 • Phone 71 4/673-3130 Girl-u •. ··• urs. J--.....,z-•r.u....-..S, erome n....Yid C •·I " OH F IP1 550 "'-·-· C 0 C .aJ. &&a~ • ........ ...,. orona '-""' .... er •ce : u'Utl"l<:te aza. ,.....,-vurt enter ~•...-e • Mona del ~•r Cehfom•• 92625 • Phone 71 4/B44-1 -te1 Lewis 2531 CrestYtew n.. Ac2amc.Jyk, 20'7 Kro1: St., Costa. , I LllliY Mesa. ter of tbe croom. aod SbOI'es. • Sta.llmu, sister ol tbe t.-ide. • SATURDAY, AUG. U SATURDAY, AUG. 23 James FiDD of San Diego Girl-Mr aDd Mrs OJ.rld &y -Mr. and Mrs. Nick served as best man. Tbe IISbers Witte, 20361 • S, W, cYJ,ress, Coysyn, 243'7 Duke Pl., Costa were Gregory Timms of San Santa Ana Hel&.flta, Mesa. Diego; David Welshans of Po- Twin boys -Mr and M ·s G!rl -Mr • and Mrs. Roger mona t.-other-in-law of lbe James Mc:Xay, 1002 .Ma.to, H~~ Hauser, 1972 KorD&t, Costa P'OO~; Jay stallma.n of Coroaa tl.neton Beach. Mesa. Hiiblands, brother of the bride, Girl -Mr. aDd Mrs. Dea.n Girl-Mr. aod M.r :;. Ja.m~s a.nd Fred Khasljpan aodstepbea Here are four sav•ngs plans, designed for fo ur d1 Herent types of peop le Wh1ch one suits your savings personal•ty? The charts w •ll show you how each one wo rks Pick a number from 1 to 4 and let one of our people experts Williams, 3273 Iowa, Costa WOOd, 219 Jasmtoe, Corona del M..:Conoeu, fraternity brothers Mesa, Mar. o~ the groom. Gtrl-Wr. aod Mrs. Law. Tw1n boys-Mr. and Mrs. DanaaDdJoiWLseman.nieces reoce C•H•two, 379 21st st., James Scudder, 512 PJummer,lr=:":~:::::::::" Costa Mesa.. Costa M,!sa. Girl-Ill'. aDd Mrs. Morris H A GOOD Mlt.IOI • SUNDAY, AUG. 17 Baron, 101Z2 Pla Dr., Hun-V ,_ •• a ... _,, or Boy -N.r. aod N.rs. Em~ tlneton Beach. ..... . .t 1 • ._ •. ., maouel w~. 1940 Pomooa, Bo7-Mr. aod Mr s. Wlll.lam .. ...,.._ ""' et.o hat Costa Mesa. Jewell, 2601. Wnerly Or., Bay .... .._ .. a-.._ • Boy -Mr. aDd Mrs. Guy Sbores. E'~ ~ c•U'-4 ae Parten, 863 Congress, Costa Y1&110t Mrw._ Mesa 10 a.~a., _. th Gtr'J _ Mr and M·a AlaD CCJAPETES AT FAIR ... call 0111 J•r !rind Pltllaoao, z.ui Bt.y~r~ o-:., Mrs. Irene Mitchell, 1404 W. ..U. •al••l• '-fonuii"'' Bay Shores Bay AYe., Central Newport, las ... aitta r.-. (rieu.4Jy Boy _ ·Mr. I.Dd Mn. Till joined otber flrst Ume entruts .. li .. 11 .,., _..idl 111aae 17821 "8" Newla.od st wltb ber submission of date and ltaMI ,..., ID lilelp her Hwa~ Beach ., nut breads to tbe culiDlry :::-::-. :::::.--:,.~If! • MONDAY, A uc: 1a d1Y1sioo ot dome sUe arts com~ Girl _ ll:. aod Krs. Cbar. peUtion at lhe Los Anples llll IIAII-Ylll\'011 los Falke 1741 Tuatln, Costa COW>ty Fair • The exposltloo -IIY .. )II MeA. ' fUB8 Sept, 12 tbrougtl 28. Fly Me To The Moon? What on eanh for? The most "heavenly" late summer and early Fall 10lections are -•itil'lll vou right here In Bayside Center at "ORBIT" IN SOON "PLANET" NOW Hour1: 9:30-5:30 Sundoys: 11 :00-4:00 .. Lorraine Sutharland FASHIONS AT THE BEACH JAMIOifE lOAD AT IAYSIDE OaiVE( NEW104t1 IUCII 67s.JIU get you started on your personalized sav•ngs program W hatever your type there IS a sav1ngs plan for you at N ewport Balboa Sav•ngs Are you one of the regular people? PLAN #I Regul•r Account This plan is for regular people with regular salaries who have decided to save regular amounts anywhere from -SS a week up. but who want their money work•ng for them. They also want it to be some place they can get the1r hands on •t if they need it m a hurry If they can leave rt alone for a year or more. 1t w ill give them the Big Annual 5.13 yield RIEGULAA MONTHLY INVIESTM£NT $25 ... $100 6Mos '" "" 608 IV, 300 ,,, 1.:133 'lYrs 632 '"' 2 "" JYn 912 ,.,.. 3.89'1 4 Yn 1.331 ,.., 5.3'lA 5 Vrs I 101 3.415 6,830 10 Vrs. 3.900 7.801 15,602 15 Yrs. 5.71 5 13,432 26.064 20 Yn 10,329 20,682 41.325 ................... l.l aJ ........... ...... _ ..... _____ , ... ., t.IO~. n•rru....,. _.., .-...,. •- "'"-{nllot '-................ ' u,. ~ .... _,......_. ..... ..,.., .... ,._ It llilot ........... •"""" ........... " -. ... ....,_ .... IIAiilottr ......... ...... Are you one of the other-people people? PLAN =2 Life Income Plan This IS for people who have a sum of money they would like to put as•de and receive the interest every month but not touch the pn nc•pal Perhaps you 1ntend to leave your money to your he~rs . In thts plan the orig•nal mvestment IS retained for a lifetime and you hav e a regular •nco me every month If your future plans are for your children's future, then thts savings program may suit you UFIE INCOME. PlAN S1 2 000 I A.SOO 20,000 25000 50000 $ 50 00 Per ~ttl 60 00 Per Month 83.00 Per Month 1()4 00 Per Mcwtth 208 00 Per Month • Are you one of the retiring people? PLAN .=J Monthly Security Account Thts •s for people who have a lump sum of mor,ey but who know that tf they don t put •t away somewhere out o f Stght. they w1ll spend 1t Perhaps they are loolo;•ng forward to rettrement and know 11 would be better to have a certa•n amount com1ng 1n every month over a gtVen penod Not only w 1ll they get back a lot more than they put 1n but there w ilt be a nestegg to reward themse lves for ,-,or blowmg •I all at onct> INV£ST SIO.OOO 00 AND: you re-ce•vr 3"d vou ret••" e.c:h ITtOfllh lo• "" estlltr of · S 5000 lOvell·~ $867500 S SOOO 1 5~u·~ $i72500 $7500 ·or .. ars s •r soo $ 75 00 1 5 Vl'!i9•S S , 000 00 $10000 ,Ovet~•s S 87500 INVEST 12'5.000 00 AND )'OU re<:e1... 3"d VOU ret a"' e.c:h month lor fl., f!St&tr of' $10000 10year• S2560000 $H)() 00 1 5 vea~s S2'6 050 00 $15000 I Oyur~ $17 80000 1200 00 lOyea,.. SIO.OOOOO S250 oo 10 v••·• S 'l 200 00 . ...,._.., .... "'" .... ~ .. ... ............ ... So;:-1104 ... ""' c-.... .. ~c.. ............... ... """ ---.., ... -... rilllt • _.. ................ -. .. .................. ~-­........... ...--.............. ............ t._....,...,_ Are you one of the patient people? PLAN t 4 Guerenteed Annual Rate Account Th•s plan •s for pat1ent people who already have a sum of money to 1nvest and are w •ll•ng to wa1t a wh1le fo~ a good return on thetr money The m1n1mum depos1t •S $1.0<Xl (more •f you w1sh. of course), •n exchange for wh•ch you rece•ve a cert•f•cate wh1ch guarantees a 30% growth 1f left untouched for 5 years Are you one o f the pat•ent ones? Th en the G U ARANTEED ANNU AL RATE ACCOUNT 1s for you YOU YOU WILL RECEIVE ... START after .... , eft.r WITH J ,_an 4 ,_ • .._ 5 yoHr11 $ 1.000 $I 170 S I 23J S 1,300 $ 5.000 $ 5 SS2 S 6168 S 8.500 $10000 $11705 $12 336 SIJ.OO I $15.000 $175M $1 8~ $1i .502 A~ 5 89% 5 8-1% 6000/, Y•••ct eu;;:~ 17% 2.JO/o :JOO/o of red conquest 's forum topic • t bll • , a c•••• ldlaol M ..,. I ,., .. llo" Ill (V.I.II., nllnd) Will _. .. lor II&YJ ~ traloloJ ud ''ftrt _. 1111 t1cr ar cam-...nc. u u aYialar 11 u. lnllll C P''llllll-At-IIHI. P.-Z I 7Pf1ac at lla..m. Wed-1D lMO be rltunld II> l<tii'O _,, .... 10, Ia tile EbtU duly lA tile N&YJ 08 el 0' I I;, 51S W. Bl.lbaaBifd.., ot AD.tralWUllam llalleJ. As 11&-. ..riptor ot Tul< F..-eo IS ... ~ will bt M'1'ocllll0 tile laYulaootC.SI<aDal,Ad-a.•. 'nl Old lames Pla,Jers miral Cblmbllawuaboudtbe wtD pr....t mulcaJ •lletloD& carrier Oapbtp 'Nai!P wbtD U !tom Brl..,._. at 10:15. Fol-was IUAk by eaemy acttoo. ID lowlaa lilt -lral's _.:b, 19« he seroocl u 001111001 1-=Moo WW be Hn"edatDOOD. Admlnl H. E. Kimmell at R.....atioa reQ~.Wits can be Nanl court ot IJ:Qulry iDCo Nit to tbt Harbor For IUD,. Box Japnese &ttact oa. Pearl Har- UI, Balboa IAlaDd. bor. After tiiU StPember mee-He transferred to tbl recWar DYe Yllll ill .. " -... ~~~~~E~~~gJ er••ID&IY -bod by .. ... deoee tbat .,.eromeol o111eta1A WI ARI 0~'111Lt)A1DIDI det.llaa wltb ebtldreo tll!d to lor WI-• IW ••••• OV IUI ... beUe .. tbat lheyeudOabtllor--•tile ,.,M I ..... AND jot> 0t nlolni a ehtld thaD 1bt lmaii•NL ne1r TH I MAM I Of TN l N BW lfU'I AH 0 T OP U AOINHI ebtkl'sownlamlly. alit--llltlta GAM I IS SA VII This attitude underUes tbe dom !MJ ooald .................... ~ .............. . eooltDuiJ>g pw;b by educators to boy -tlu exteod the scope of the schools' bad a aumbtr acth1ty beyood the teacttt.or of p.Ye tbe academic sub)ect matter LDto somewbat TO CIIOOSI! 1'.0.1 New '69 Thunderbird& the home Ute and persoaal .loYed &Dd .....e.d 100 atrairs o1 scbool cblldrea, as he )oved IDd wuted to s99 OVER AC1UAL FACTORY INWICE t1..11o pat Forwn w1ll return to its Nary &Dd saw ser'liee 1n E~ r eplu IDMIIDcdale oolbt llrst Nortb .urtca, tile Middle East, W-Ilily. lhe Far East udlnWaslllagtoo, AdmJra.J Cllambllw YOrted D.C. He retired witb tberukot Ills war throuP Columbia IJnl. rear admt.ral. He 1J tbe a~ YersU:J, !Jllcludlnc law sebool, ot seYeral books a.IXl a member as a oewapaperman. Wb:ile in of the New York bu. j WHEELS OF YESTERYEAR -Members ot Asslstuce League chapters WhO wtll stage II& Oct. 8 premiere for tbe Ora.nge Couoty lnternatiooal Aato Show 1n Anahelm CODYention Center paid a risit to Brlap CnooJngham AutomotiYe Museum 1D Costa Mesa to loot at aome of the classic cars of bygone days. Sbown with a 19l4 Rolls Royce are Mrs. Robert Parker of HIIDtington Beach at left, aod Mrs. M. Joe Brockman of Newport Beach. The auto sbow will be open to the pubUc Oct. 9-12. (Richard Puc1Uo photo,) ln the DeW Se:l educa.Uon pro-Wltb tbem. For IIYtnl ~llllio grams and other "edueatJoaal pl'ObaUoo. oGle•• tclt tDDO¥atJons." The same attitude ·apart, UKM.Igb at Jut tbiJ nn awears In !he halldllng by pro. r....ttod -aa.. I bad - batioo officers of eases in-the boy'a motber with mtto .. ..-olvtng ctltldreo asstped to Goveroor Rapn per...U, them by tbe jtxlgesofour courts. about tbe cue. Where a serious crime bas Sloce tbeo I ban leuDed ol been committed, either by tbe the slmllar cut ol a 9-Jtar- child or by his parent or old gtrl, tlrrtp)l'UIJ)' al»ocioDid guardian (U only ong .i:hLit 1s by ber emotlonallJ disturbed r esponsible for h!m},tbeotbere motber, asstpecttofolterbomf Is often oo choice but to remove by probatloo otnclals &Dd kelt the child trom parental custody. there de&pUe lbtrepeatedpleu Tnts may also be necessary of ber ~eats to tate _. whe n a child is severely beaten into their home. The UWe clrl'a or starved by his parents, or bas mother, Whose CODCIIUon W DOW 110 SALIS CHARGES, 110 rRII'ARATIOII CHARGI\ 110 DEALER ADD-014-CHARGI$. ).OOOR$, ..-.., 010051 fROM AHY HP 196t T•IIRD 14 OUR IIG STOCitl ·--·- - - -- ·=-q ~·--•FUN AND -• ,0, ..a EXCITEMENT If __ ~ AT THE LARGEST ....,.,........ ~-~~ COUNTY FAIR -~~ .,.. Negro is named at UCI been abandoned by them. lmproYed, agrees tbat However, the removal -es-grandparents sboclld take pecially the permanent re-CtllJd. but prob&Uoa oUic•• moval -or a child trom h1s are still .standlQ,g 1a tbelr W&f· Timothy S. Knowles, 25, bas ding I.D J~m.e lbat a uoa.nl.mous parents by government actioo Ooce agal.D., tbeJ are rals1Dc been awoioted director otEdu. r~comneDdatioo by these cam-should AL WAYS be a last re-essentJally petty and ftiYoloas catiooat C>wortunitles Program pus orpn!uUoos and my sort, a step taken only wben oo objectJoos to tbe ~eds, (EOP) at UCJ, according to appronl W"OUkl. be tantamount to other acceptablealleroatlvecan wbtcb boil OOWn to aD assertloo Clla.ncellor Daniel G. Aldrich the appoilltment of tbe ap-be found. A'ld if a child can oo of tbe probat1oa otn.cers' bellef Jr. pllca.nt. •• longer remaln with hispareU or tbat tbey can decide better tbaD Under the EOP, disadvan-Mr. Knowles, formerly EOP parents, a responsible relatiYe aDfOD8 else WhO sboaldbi'I.Dc~ taged studeots are screened director' at San Jose State, -the closer the relatioosblp, this lltUe g:lrl and admltted on the basis of earned Ids tacbelor's degree in the better -should always be This lstoomucbpowertopn promise, without limitation by m>.t llema.tics and physical edu-given preference over uorelated to &OYetnm'lDt otncl.allllDellDed prior academic performance. cation a.t Sa..a Jose state in 1967 foster parents In granting by the oature of tbelr wort am Tutoring and counseling are and ls completing graduate stu-custody of the cbi}d. pro-attitudes to be overl)' p&tero- provlded. dies tor his master's degree vtded that there !sa r elative wtlo allstic. ConsequenUy I LateDdto WITH EVERY MEW CAMPER-TRUCK OR MOTOR HOME PACKAGE SOLD. LIMITED OFFER! EXA.MPI.E PA.CKA.GE: e HEW '69 FORO )i TON V•l . • HEW BARRACUDA CAMPER 600 WlT~I STOVE, SINK , TABLES, LlGOI TS, DRAPES. e HEW ZEBRA MIMI BIKE. ALL S3 9 00 FOR IN AMERICA "Mr. Knowles, a black, was wttb a concentration tn ~llege r eally wants the child and asks introduce a blll at Dat year's ooe ot 10 appUcants considered student persoonel adml.nistra. for him. session of the Leetslaturewh1cb fOr the EOP directorstttp in. Uon and counseUng. He turneJ In the course of UUs year so would require that in era.nttnc eluding tour blacks, four chi-:town acceptance as a doctoral tar I ha ve become t.a.mlliarwttb custody of any depelldent cbUd e&oos, and two anglos," said eandidate l.ll educatlooal psy-two cases in Orange CoUDty tn of the court,prelereocemustbe John C. Hoy, vtce cllancellor cbology at tbe University ot which these rules,. which should given to parents, I\IU'd.lans or ot student alfairs, to w~aom Mr. Oregon to take the EOP pos.t. be so simple and obvious and responsible relatlns. Beb'e Koowles will report. "He was tion at UCI. natural in any dealings with committing a chUd to tbe care ~-na tbe unanimous choice of the At San Jose S;ate, he was the children, were Ignored. of aayoDe else, tbe court woukl -.--v••U"·c Black Students Union. the Uni-founder of the Black EJucatlooaJ In one tosta.oce a 10-year-ald have to make a specUlc flDdiDa: 1:.. __ ted MP..%ican-America.o Students Opportunity Scholarship Pro-boy was taken trom hlspareots, that givtng custody to a pareot .......... , u•a and the EOP stall. Cllancellor gram and the Martin Luther against tbelr wUI and Ills, 8.Dd or responsible rela.tlva would "" Aldrich reach&.1 u un1~stan. K1Dg Jr. scbolarship com-assigned by probation officers be detrlmeota.l to tbe chlld, BACK TO SCHOOL BOYS' GYM SHORTS •• 1.38 VERSIBLE "T" SHIRTS • • 2.35 EAT SOX • • • • • .59 .79 •• 95 . 1.25 . 1.50 IALL STAR OXFORDS BLACK arWHI TE 8.95 STAR HI TOPS WHITE ONLY •• 8.95 TENNIS SHOES FOOTBALL SHOES CROSS COUNTRY SHO BASKETBALL SHOES SPEEDO and OCEAN CHAMPION SWIM SUITS and TRUNKS HANDBALL GLOVES and HANDBALLS TENNIS RACKETS TENNIS BALLS TENNIS DRESSES TENNIS SHORTS and SHIRTS RACKET STRINGING BIKE REPAIRING mlttee. He was a meml•!r ofthe to a foster hom! l.ll San Diego rather tbanleaY1nctbelAWatif'8 Black Educators Cou1cll r::.r County for tbe "crime" of hit-entirely wltb tbe PI'OI*Joo of- Greater Santa Clara Couoty. Ung a little etrl with a stick-ncers toasslp:~tbecbUchrbere­ MESA UNIT TO HEAR H ATE UROC CHIEF Michael Van Horn. state chairman of United Republlcans of Cautorota, wW -at tile monthly meettog of Harbor Uni- ted RepubUca.ns of Caillornia Unit 1519 at 8 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 11, l.ll the loonge a.t the Newport Rtvtera, 350 Riviera Drive, Costa Masa. UROC is a state volunteer organization, dtreeting Its energies to electing conserva- tive Republlca.ns to State and National otnces and to In- forming the eleeted otftcials of the political pos1Uon of its members. After a question and answer session, refreshments will be served. Mrs. Lllllan M. OJ.soo. 6'75-0018, is unit chairman. HE'LL STUDY IN AU ST RIA Jolul Schram, son of Mr. and Mrs. Weroer Schram, 304 Goldenrod Ave., Corolla del Mar, will be in a gro\4) of 40 University of Redlands students wOO will studyabroaddurlngtbe fall semester. They will sail trom New York Sept. 9, wttb Southampton, Engla.Dd, as their tlrst destination. following a tour of England and France, they wtu go to the Redlaods overseas campns ln. Salzburg, AllStrla. Later In the semester they wtll travel to Italy, Vienna, Budapest, Bertin and Luum. bourg. oot a beatln&. but a cblld.lsbftgbt ever tbey Ub. -~ .. • Near hooll a century of Mnlce /NMr hoolf a bllllol'! clol .. ra otrqng COMPLETE FUNERALS "•• '245 COMPUTI FUNEUJ. AND IUIIAL CINRI ~~~0 CJOOtuikY LOTS 'MAUSOLEUM CkYPTS Fmm $130 From $46S Park H••••:J"T · (;ez eteay ··~ ill ON B.auti1a1 Plilce" Btau~e the f11oeral llld barial 1211ter Clll'lCiept elimia1tes the Deed 'for~ dll:oo8b ·henJ taf6c Oil OftiCIOWhlBbW.,., family iDd fdeDils alike may now pq their faJI re- tpedl .br attrndift& tbe b!ari&l tcniae, as well u the cMpel•~h. all It cme •u 4i~l pia. at ~ Gilt IIIIi .,.. CIDa\li ,.._ • 1-1 ·1--'IUc:H • ..; 7'14 ~ Na1 714 ...... 1-1'721 • • Earn 5.38% on bonus accounts (In $t,OOO multiples), based on our 5% current annual rale plus the ~ % bonus, when maintained lor 3 yeara with all Interest added. • Gel Instant Interest day-In to day-out at The llg M- • For cenaln, your sav ings can almoat DOUBLE In less than t 3 yeara at The llg M. • For additional aecur«y, your lunda II The llg M are Insured to $15,000 by an 'lgency of the federal government. • For atablllty, save II The Ito M. Near hall a century of service, near hall a billion dollars atrong. · w•n AltOADIA ----,......_ ...... COftONA DilL MAlt ----,.._...,..,. . • • • lltURSDAY, SEPT. 4, l9li9 OOROIIA oEL MAR, CAU F. Everyone's heading for the wildest, boominest 19th Annual Plenty of--- PARKING • RIDES-SNO-CONES -COTTON CANDY - HAMBURGERS -HOT DOGS- FROZEN BANANAS -GAME BOOTHS- MARK THE DATE ... gother up the 5 0 lfllt onti .. l...,ily ... invite friends. ~ It's o LIOH·siu Picnic. Dinner on this beouti*'..l beoch at a TUNY -sin price- All for Garity and Fun! • Pa7 regular $1.50 at pte. W9 •ill Yalldate )001' putiDg Ucket wblo you han d111Del'-&Dd guards will refUQd $1.00 Wbeo JOU JaYe. U "' · • LOBS TE R J. GROUND SIRLOIN STEAK MENU (COOKED ., UOHS lor PEOPLE) ..• alulint hot, & utterlr Mlicl ... al Choice of LOBSTER or GROU.ND SIRLOIN STEAK 3 00 . . .... ~'~·-........ . ...... --........ . ..... -•.. -.... ·-PULL lce~l ....... NOON 'TIL 8 P.M. This Saturday & Sunday • Sept. 6-7 • -OIT IIAJIDR £111Gft AIIIT.IECIIOII --P!p 5 ' TMURSMY, SS'T. 4, l!la OOROpA O£L NAR, 'CAUF. I I I ' ' I l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1'111 I.IIIIUIIIOUI ... THIATIE eiiOW SHOWIN G'-!HDS TUESDAY, S!PT, 9 e e lWIPUT TIME 'TOG!:THER e 2 OP Till$ ~IR'$ TOP II.UOR FILM HITSII JACK 'N JILL CHAlfPS -Mr. aDd Mrs. Jerr')' Hqlerln. left, of lJDda Isle combined talents with Mr. aDd Mrs. Jim Dea.ae of Colliulsle to caphlre tbe 9th a.DQual "Jaclr.'n JUl .. member.guest aolf tounwneat at liT1Da Cout Cow:lty Club. Tbt team posted a sensatiooll17.under-PU 1Z7 for ftrst place lD.tbefleld ot ISO cootestants. Tbe Helperln.s are from tbe bost club. Tbe O..S are members of Santa Ana Country Club. (Rlcb Bassett photo,) Police Blotter A lACE 1011 GlORY, 1011 LCM AN> 1011 M FUN OF ITI ~1 0 '11 EXC~CS'VEL Y! /til whatiJ inside that counts! This means the Manners people and thetr proven pro· fessionalism in maMers of fmance It means Mariners people-to -people interest in you r security and M arine~ wtse mvestmenl of your money m the progress of our community. Join your neighb ors and open a Manners savings account. today Remember federally-msured savmgs with the nation's htghest rate of mterest. from day m to day out Also free Travelers Cheques and free safe deposit boxes (wtlh mtnimu m $5,000 account). -..u.. DIU' _.. HOLDEH · BORGNINE ·RYAN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EXCLUSIVE SHOWING 5th SMASH WEEK! CRITICS ACCLAIM! "I liked Ca.~tle Keep, I like it a lot! Aa offbeat war film that's on the beam! Rurf Lanca. .. ter ~e! • di.oltinguished portrayal &Dd tbe eucliD& L<t devutat- ing!" ... Wanda Hale, N.Y. Daily News "One or the Mosi orl(ltinal movie.t~~ of the year, a.od eertainly OM of tbe best! • . . John Barholomew Tucker, WABC-TV "A hl,;h mark! Ep~ ln Siu! Handsomely produced! The action is furious!'' •.. Archer Winsten, N.Y. Post "f'•r.scinat1ing! A fUm well 2nd fEA 1UIE: "'CE ltODAit IUP'II • 22% OFF ' ~POR T . 2HD BIG WEEK ALL FAMILY PROGRAM -----lo CONTIIMIUI . DAILY P'IICIM I P'.M. WE SELL ore atsuns BECAUSE *WE PAY FOR * BEnER SERVICE *NO YOUR CAR IS WORTH MORE TODAY THAN IT WILL EVER BE AGAIN -ON A NEW COlE y CLEAN CAR CENTER 2201 S. MAIN SANTA ANA 1 Time 2 T imes 3 Times 20 words or leu .............. 1..50 2..50 3.00 21 wol'ds to :xJ word1 ...... 2.00 3.00 •. oo 31 wotds to .tJ words ...... 3.00 •. 00 5.00 Each word over 40 words .. .05 . 10 . 15 20ll OFF FO R CASH WITH ORQER . . t:ROCM!IIG PBOIII&JII? .. I?,... ... ................... fW P~U~K• .... a es po:J oil, ......... 1M-...... --... .. _....,.. ..... ..... For .,...u.. -o,.. u11-... _._ .... _,.. c:all IC»lD.\J8' PBT limP 7 ,.... Ia c-dol -..-.. su"n --. tr'&'- 'Ill II. <:.-IIIIJ, l'lll - IIOOltJ 'POR SALe "BILA,CKJM!A.J!D POWER." the IlEA lllrtol lo A-lea, bJ Gordoo V. Drab, $Z n.l111 • SPECIAL $1. D--AINII-01'. 9 .... -.. .... -.... c. ........ ~ ........ • IOIOGLI OPPDRTUHITI ES -------------------- DELJGHT, Beacb. Eslabllsbed 4 Ne&t. cleu, Full price $1 '1,000 • 4~501. • &wMTID BACK TO SCHOOL SALE lZ used ~. recoodltiooed II CUll'.: 4'8" to 9' -Kaabe, statnwa.J, BlutbDar. plus others, from $490. Used orpns-Allen to Wur- llller ----lar-. !rom $2%5; Z5 ~ Tbomas for oolJ $495. SpiDel I coosole plaoos trom $395. "T" HammoOO splDet organ "/TC -sue $SOO. Scbmldt UQSic Co. No. Malraat20th,SaataAJa -H&mD'IODd -Yamaha tr •• ~ ..... ., ..-. ..a colin. can .,._ ... ,. 1'11-0150, •• • II ' ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, WE'LL TAKE DOWM YOUR YOUR DRAPES NID RE..JINIG THEM IN YOI,IR NEW HOME-- FRE!II, IRIQIT AND SPOTLESSLY . "COlT -0. EN~ ED'' Da.UIIft con WMMTH ..... ,c·.· .. ..,..,. , • ., ... ,. .. ,......, ............ If ·-,. ........ . ..... ~-.-... , .. ~-· ............ ..... • FINER HOMES . IAYFIONT lm~ :l.olor7 llaymDt bome, 4. )led- ......, Jar 1 e 11>1a1 -. formal diDiD& room, piDolod dell with nt bor, m a a t e r "!iia -alliin' room, lirwplace .. tJtra '--.., room. Eledrit ""'trolled Pill aDd ,...,. door. Pier & float for lafiO JIO'ftf or aaflboaL '175,000. cau tor App'L GOLD COAST Over 4,000 sq. ft. of llmlf)' liYinl with a pan- oramic view. 4 Bedrooms, huge Uving room; formaJ cimllar dining room; gnden kJtchen 6: breakfast are1. Paneled familv room with r11epJace. Like new . Priced $145,000. • DIFFERENT CUitom built home. imaginatively decorated. 3 Bedrooma, family room, built·in "'et bar; bruttut room; muter Illite with complete princy. Spacious pool it outdoor entertaiD- IIIOIIt area. '159,500. SOPHIS1ICATED COnAGE Ol'eN SUN. I • 5 Jll "-• Corono dol Mor Walt to Ulllo ·Cciraoa from lhil newly de<· anted 2 bedroom, I bath bome, with fire. place fl IIOJ)Inte JUeot a«omodalions. An ndting home on a lot 6: a balf .... $43,500. SPECWJZIM II TIE CWIIR&FIII.II If IUP£11ES •• , iohn macnab REALTY COM, ANY 901 0...,. Dr .• Sui .. 120 642-1235 ,. 1111111111111111111 Sales through the Multiple L1Bt1ng Service of the Newport Harbor-Costa Men Board of Realtors totaled $35-l/2 million for the first seven montlus of 1969. This represents 953 unit sales and a dollar value Increase r1. 19% over the same period of last · a record year. L18t llealtor 'today.· I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I '69 Wells- SUIARU McC.rdle. just '360' Realtors great. TRUCK Rtliabl.t St111iCt Since 194J 1110 NEWPORT COSTA MESA C..'t loll II? ••• ,...." Portruu. ........... Coli 1BIIXJILa oo.. 1 r a Coll,..l ... 271L:Pai!.;OH*- liST DIIW a. 101AYi Wltatever Your Job ... • FANTASTIC ECONOMY • A SURFERS DREAM • ONLY $1389 DELIVERED PLUlT.t.ai&UC. ...... THAO I I ' I I ~ fW CALFORNIA.INC. MTAL KV.ION 1POO WEST COAST HIGHWAY 1414010 ICWPORT KACH U .A GOOD .... 11011 -·- ....... ,_o... "' .... = .... •••· c:.ll QUill CORBIN-· MARTIN HALTOM THE PAST REFLECTS THE FUTURE SALES DURING PREVIOUS SIX WEEKS PERIOD IH AHD AAOUHD THE HARBOR AREA ' APPOINT US TO SELL YOUR PROPERTY • 619 POINSETTIA AVE.-cx:moiCA DEL liAR • lZO KINGS PLACE -NEWPORT BEACH * LAGUNA ROYALE-LAGUIU. BEACH • 509 GOlDENROD AVE. -c:aiOlCA DEL llAR • 1126 GOLDENROD AVE. -C<:IIOMA DEL 1LU1 * '70f. '70& nus AVE. -CORONA. DEL MAR • LAGUNA ROYALE-LAGUNA BEACH • WF..STCUFF VD..LA -NEWPORT BEACH • f&Ol PERHAM-CAMEO SHCil£8 * LAGUNA ROYALE-LAGUNA BEACH * 303-305 FERNLEAF AVE. -CclwNA DEL liAR * 4Sl E. ZOTH ST.-CCJITA MESA * 311 NASSAU -a::sTA MESA THIS REFLECTS $753,900.00 IN RESIDENTIAL SALES! DON'T PLAY GAMES SELLING YOUR HOME · · . CALL US 67~ 1662 CORBIN-MARTIN, lnc. 3036 E. Cout Hwy. 675·1662 Corona del Mar, Caltf. 5 UNITS RESIDENTIAL ON BALBOA BLVD. Ex- cellent rental history. 1/2 block to bay -1/2 block to. .... ocean. Call now for details. Newport at Victoria 646-8811 PANORAMIC VIEW OF NEWPORT HARBOR Beautiful 3 Bedroom. 4 Bath WA TERPRONT Home on Bayside Drive. Newly redecorated. Priced . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $110,0011. 20111 BAYSIDE DRIVE IY APPOINTMENT ONLY BILL GRUNDY 41W2tt LilA ISl£ IIYElliPIIJIT co. Barrett Realty presents N E W LISTING • \VEST- CLIFF. Your opportunity to s~ this spacious 3 bdrm family room home. Beauti- fully decorated. panelled family room with wet bar, :; separate well landscaped patios for variety of living. Many oth~r good_ features! 1100 WestciiH Dr. $49,500 1610 Westcllff Dr, NB 6G-S200 lliUIISOAY, SEPT.'-eo-oELIIAII, CALIF.', VIEW ••• CAMEO SHORES I'DUR IEo.DO!II -E-TWO NID DNE.fiAI. f lATHS EXTRA LARGE LOT • ••• NEW ••• NEW ••• NEW DUPLEXES THREE IEDIIDOM F-T UIU + TWO IEDIIDOM APARTioiEHT UNIT CALL US FOR INFO INA noN UOH Y. f'llAHiCliH I ROlTOR' 3250 1111 c-t -c... .a ... ~ ....... 7]..m2 ••••••••••• OWNER WILL TRADE HAS: Slz 2 bedroom units 1n Corona del Mar 2 bloc:U from the ocean 1n a top rental location. Each apartment has a secluded p&tio, built-In kitchen, carpets, and drapes, and ample parldng. WANTS A nice home or duplex In Corona del Mar. PRICE: $145,000. 0 THEREAL 'ESTATERS I'DIIIIIERLl ORNIGE CDAST PIIDPHTY .. m~ .. eo-.... liar -673-1550 ••••••••••• IITUATID ON TIN "''Il .ACIOUI 1 & 2 IBktt. UAa.T 'Fin ,_ a """' ... •-11• • Paiute: Patios • Fi1eplacu • POOLS • • Hole Putllna Oleen • Tenn11 • Sepa1ate Ftrnlly Scclion •. 4th. 1o Sdlool' •ul Playasound 9110 Soo L-CoN ~ ..... C..st hy. d ... • f•.,• Ill ... CD-DIL MAl (71-o ... 3611 DOII'T II& THIS LOYI:LT-IQ. n . r!J I &mil, PLIII FAMILY IIODil.-, REASai.ULE DOWII. .lolllaiiG ......... 815 C•mpbor Cfll' E•..tNutt, CDll Fri., 81t., ... ... 1 to 5 Dally, ' tbel'IDOI. Corona del Mar Pharmacy ..,.. ... ] ..... ... , .. 3127 E. COAST HWY.(Hear Jumlu Ave.) 67).9110 WE DELIV R ":Jf.. :Jun Dancing brings coordination, poise, timing and grace. At Dorothy Jo Done• Studio you study the dance of your choice taught with the nationally recognized techniques of the Donee Masters of America combined with the latest OevelopmentcJI Graded Syst11ms. CLASSES NOW FORMING Individual or Group Instruction (limited to 8 students) COURSES IN • Cecchetti (graded ballet) • Top • T ohition • Modem Jau • Ballroom • Acrobatic • Figure Discipline • Baton • Hula SPECIAL GROUP CLASSES • Exercise for housewives and career women • Brush-up ballroom courses for adults ePre-scboolclasses 1RLL BARTLETT, o.---1roaa ~will llold -lal c.._ 1o SAZZ ud TAP lor """-ldf -ludC-RboJL ' YUIAII COFFEE IEIJI &. WIME 1LB.754 lLBS.$149 Fresh Produce HAWAIIAH RED PUNCH RIPE LOCAL Cantaloupe 2 .. Celery 2 .. fica&WAI Ft· -il .... ..,., • tiS I F •· 2 • 0 <16 01. HARRY&. DAVID 10 OZ. PRESERVES 69' ALL fLAVORS REG. 79. 2 .. 45' ~~) SPECIALS fOR S!PT. "-U Sportswear for All the Family ' Iml!PT S. RIIIIIARD""'- --coolrollor of Pbllco-Ford A.81'0DUtroale Dtfl.sloa 1D llnpaol Bolcb. He lormerb' wu ma•pr ~ coatraet ul coot UIOIY"" lor Pbllco-Ford 1D Pblladelpbla. He receiW"ed biJ: BS dlcree from tbe lllll>erslty at Co Iondo Ill U59 aod aoiiBA dlcree wtlb -·from Cal1- lorota state Collere at '- Beach. Mr. Reaaard &Dd hll wllo, Aoo, ban f cblldreo, hrln IOU, Roaalcf IDd Robert, 7, aootber-.Tbomu5,aoda dauaf~Cer, LJ.oda, s. Tbey Un In .. ..,... VIejo, Art classes open Oct. 7 'FRIENDSHIP TEA' OPENS CLUB YEAR A-y-at llmaodiiOUTily Wllkot, elllplala; llts. lluny wW bt&iD b members of the McClure, elarloD; Mra. CulR. Tbarld&J MorDinc CluboiNew-ADder--, commiDI.t)' •"lee; port Boocb wtlb a lrlelldsblp Yr•. Robert P. Borbull<, - tea to be be1d at the BalbOa Bay ord1Dator; Mrs. Jack K. Wqer, Clllb at 1 p.m. oa Tburlliay, dec:orat1au; Mrs. Robert w. SOIII. II, llaoo<t.or pro-•• Onodbart, -Aree c-. members aod promlDeot com. dlrwHnc C.O.•IJ; Mra. Jobll mWilty loaders. llorrlll, b!S«laDIUidpllblielty; llts.IT&D W, sturcts,apeclal llta.IIIM Tlllml.o,-'>11ty; t'fiDls ehalrman tor the tea. La Mra. Robert D. Smttb. pu11- be1oc tMisted by Mrs. James meotulu.; Mra. Karlo C. 0, stamper, mnnequlDS; Mrs. Paclnt &Dd Mra, Patrick But- Howard A. Mttcbell, resena-ley, ruernt~ou; Mrs. Perry tioo.s; Mrs. Jact K, Wapr, Hollar, telepbooe (ancomers); decoratloDs, aDd Mrs. Mlb Mrs, JohD H. CODDtllJ, ttteatre. Tlllmu, bollpllallty. New !all IUid llro. Robert W. Roper, rut- fUbioas ww be modeled bJ taUoa. members of tbe club, wltb Section cbalrmeo are Mrs. Mrs, Floreoce Smales as com-meotator. D. J. Beatley,art; Mu. GreCOI')' Guest~ of booor 1Dv1ted lD-B. Gilmore, bow'llDg; Mrs, stan. the rt ley A. Pursell. brtdp; Mrs. elude: mayor of Newpo Marguerite T. Seymour,Giobe-~cb, Mrs. Robert Musball; trotteu; Mrs. James M, Stet- the wtte of the UCI cbaDceUor, ling aDd Mrs. Wllllam McFar- Mrs, Daniel G. Aldrich Jr.; the land. &Dlt'; Mrs. Arthur H. Ash- Newport Beacb city Ubrarta.o, ~ u-R ld 0 Mrs. Dorotby,.Sbeely; the pre. ley. iOUI'm•; ~•· ooa • stdeot of tbe Harbor Key of the Garoer • )UD1on; Mrs. Robert Beprmioe Oct. 7 La Newport Cblld ~.·~·-e Ceoter of Lillie; knits-wits; Mrs. Howard Baa:.:!; Ebell cl!J)bouse, 515 w. """"........, w. Russell. ta.ncua.ce; Mrs. Balboa Blvd., BR,Jboa, member$ Oran~ County, Mrs. J. O"Hara. J 0 ~----··-·•·· u-ames ........ ...,...., m....-.-; of the oewly formulated art Smith; the prestdeot of ,..,.g Mrs. Harry Robtasoo. stngJ.e- grcq> willptberforlnstrucUoo Hospital Au1111ary, Mrs. W. E. aires, and Mrs, Jack Yectet. from 2 1oca.1 arUsts, M.rs. Ro-l..a.op:too; tbe president of the tennis. bert (SyiYia} M.oonler aDd Mrs. Cb.Udrens Theater Gulld of -.., L«A.u-. ·-.... ..., .. ,.._....., lot COSTA MESA D. c. (Gercrude) Mattocks. Newport Beleb, llrs. Walter Classes under Mrs. Mattocks White; the presideot ot the are to be beld from 9 to 0000. Las Mari.Deras AuD.Uary and .from 7 to 10 p.m. Mrs. Family Service of Orange M·»nner will be tea.ehlng lo the County, Mrs. Richard Keith; afterooon, 1 to 4. p.m. lDstruc-and the president of the Assls- tloo wtll loclude etehtog. oll, taoce League.ofNewportBeach, w~tercolor a.od palette painting. Mrs. Colin Reyoolds, Resen-arJoas for tile Tea may be made bycalllncMrs. Howard A. Mitchell. 875-2823; Mrs. Bess Robersoo. &+4-4577, and Mrs. Herald staodeter, 644. 22lll. MODELS for the fasllloo show at tbe Sept. 11 trieodsb.ip tea. of the Thursday Wornillg Club of Newport Beach wUl loclude, tram left, Mrs. James 0, stamper of Harbor Higl!.- la.Dds, cha.Jrman of tbe mii.JIDequins section; Mrs. Ma.rlo Pellegrini of Costa Mesa and Mr s . James A. Lee or Harbor Hlgblal>ds. Sylvia. M-lOCller was bora ln A receiving U.oe of past pre- Pbiladelpb.la btrt has spent the s1deots will Include Mrs. Ro- greater part of bel We D8IU' the bert W. Roper,. to UDder, nrst oceao. a.nd 1s oow a rest.delt of presideot and booora.ry life Corooa del Mar, She attended member of the club; and Mmes. Fullerton Collep and the Uol-John E. Willla.ms. Jack W, Mar- versity of Oklahoma, took pri-sba.ll, Robert W. Goedbart. nte lessons wltb MoDI Gtllette James A. Lee, and Robert D. of Australla.. worked and tauibt Smtth. at Ruth ErUcb's work shop in Slnce 1960theThursda.y Mor- Los Angeles. mlD& Cltlb bas made coo- She Is a member of tbe Tor. trlbuttoos to nrlous orga.nha.- ra.oce Art Assoc1atloo; Costa. tlons lD the area.. Am>og the Mesa Art Associatloo; RJ. reclpleots last year were the verside Art Assocl&tloa and Mardao Scbool, the Floreoce FIDo Arlll Guild at Calill>n>la. Crllteodeo Home, Oran&e Gertrude llllloz lllame-Cowoty Ep(lepsy Society, Uol- ol 11>o "---Art A•-'""00. ...... Cer*-ll'alu "->eta- CoQ:a Mesa Art Leapt, Pua-t1oll ol Oraaae COuatJ.Senlces dena Art Assoclattoa. and Art lor the BUDd locwpoated. New- Student Lea.rue of New Yort. port Beacb Library 1.00 Fair- Sbe 1s a graduate of tbe •lew Hospital.. University of Ha.wa.U, tat1ng Mrs. WUJJsoo K. Vance. 1st her art studies La. Paris and rice president and program Callforllla. tocludiJlg the Call-chairman. bas arranpd for eo- fornia SchOol of FiDe Arts La. tertaioment tor the club's ge~ San Francisco. eral meetiogsheldoothesecood Mrs. Ray Nielsen ls founder Thursday of each month. Tbese and eba.lrman of thea.rtsecUon, l.nelude George Stuart, who which has a membership of 40. makes hlstorica.l dolls; Sujata. and Asoka, da.Dcers of l..odJa; K "•ck off for tbe Mllehell Stnotog Boys' • Choir; Arlene Harris, hu- art group morlst, aooJeao-Pierrellallet, ln autbor, e~plorer, and ta- turallst. A cbampagne tea wtll tJck orr a aew saasoo of acUvtttes for Costa Mesa Art League oDSliJ. day. Sept. Zl, wbeo oew mem- bers ue hooored psts from 1 to 4 p.m. at the Art Shop. Current offtcers serving with the president, Mr s, Lloyd A. Wilson, are the .rt.ce presidents, Mrs. Willison K. Va.oce, pro. grams; Mrs. Dooa.ld E. Carr, membership, Mrs. Ivan W. 117 E. Wllsoo st. Sturgis, special eveots, a.od Mrs.CareyCowao,presideot, Mrs. Roberts. Wilsoo, yea.r- b.U amJOUDCed that a.oyooe lD· boot, a.od the secretaries, Mrs. terested lD Joln1.oc tbe League Rlcba.rd G. McCarty, recording. may nu old. memWsblp IP-Mrs. Jotm A, OsborDe. oorres- pllcatioo.s at tbe tea. PaiM!ngs plndt.ng. Mrs. Jobn D. Carson, are to be submitted at this 1lnanctaJ.. and Mrs, Woodburo Ume for coo.alderaUoo lD twu"e Gailey, flnaDc:Ial. elblblts. Other omcersare u.rs. 01mn Oo Sutlday. Oct. 19, from 1 to 5 p.m •• members, frieodsaod the poera..l public are lartted to a blrtbli&J party lD observance of tile llrst blrlbday of Costa 11-Art League Galleries, at 513 C.er st. Mrs. COftll aDd llts. Richard t.ocnm, .... pro- sideat, will be at the door $0 creet-·· WITH OUR DELUXE CLEANING WE OffER A. COMPLETE WA.RDROIE MA.JMTEMA.IICE AT MO EXTRA. OIA.ItGE .... IUTTOIIS--RIPS-~MDR REPA.JRS AND FOR J.AvND~Y fi!NG o~yct£A CAll 675.Q3JO l>ollf011 Senloo -Cll .... AOOOUto la'fltod IUT .... ~liT TO 'niiiiiiTID CA.UI'OIMIA. lA* • Enter the United California Master Charge® rAAnstakes! Yowr chance n 01 good as anybody •· So don't put it off. Enter the UCI Ma1ter Charge Sweep1lolte1. You may walk off with the funsotionol Fiut Prize ... an uciting prire· fill~ vocation hof.IJ* and Co sh lor a hoMe site to build it 011 I With the hou1e, yo..,'ll rec:ei¥e a ChryJJer 16-fool fiberglou Sloop, Mognavo.1. Ha!Yie Entertainment Center, Sa11110nite Furniture \either if'ldoor or outdoor\, 8run1wicil 8u111per l'aol Table ond Sllotch ICooler Picnic Equipment, .5 lucky S.Cond Pri~:e winners will eoch enjoy $1 ,000 in Menter Charge credit. Spend the S 1,000 any way you wont, .,..lth ony of the thousands of UCI merchanll who hOI'Ior Moster Chcuge. Unlt.d California lonil will picil up the tab I .5,000 furuationol Third Pri1e1 will be owarde'd, too. AI · tractive, roow.y tote bcJvs tf<lat yot,t con to .. to the beoch. thopping, on o pknk. or a trip. .... ....,. ................ ,..... to~Mty . Mt ... .,..,, ..... ..., ..... at.., .. lhe'"'" ...-fltu ....... whlft,... ... thh .....,, ., .. ., uca ttffift. If ,.ou with, ~ _.,. COIYipl_.., tt.. UCI olrAoster Charge cord oppl'cotioft auoMpaftyinv the offk.ial ~try blonll. MatNt a..,.. It the ,..,_ cord thet'• ~ 1t101t .....,_....,.. .,... go. lrt good ot """ 115,000 place• 1ft CoiM.nW oloM., plwt 41 other ltofel oAd ... ,... fore1n co.MrleL W• th~l yov'll .,.....,. itt c ........ ~. How..-,r, c.-....-el ... Matt.f 0.'94t to~ opplic.t~ Is NOT ,.III•IN4 ._, Soweepllo••• ..try. plush broadloom with a new twist Sl0.9S SQ. YD . ·~ H.J .GAR.R.EfT fURNfllJRE 2215 HAUOR llVD. COSTA loiESA ~75 6460276 '"lieu o! t~<~• ~""" bloM.. """'• row•-e..cr ..,.,_on • ,._ ~>~•<• ol 3•, S' ''"'"'"" MoM to II"~ ... CelikKIIIal Unlteooil Coil· !o,.,•o &o..t... Mo"•' C .... rgu S.Hpt!Ciillft. ,.0 . lou 3I6M, T..,..,..,. "'~""· lo1 A,"iiele1, Cohlotl'llcl ~. ll!o ~ ~ u..tt.lf Coi•IO•!!OO &ont.. M.o1tet Ckorge So .. epel ...... ,,0 .... 7121 ·-- """•'· Son hoMt1C.l Col!lonolo ,..102. w ...... '"' ... ,n be da~c"""Md b'\1 .....s-d~ cou4uc•M ~ .. 0 t.. &lotr CorpOroflOI\ "" IN!...,..._, ....... .,,, lwtiDr ..._ cMcwto,.. ..... be r,I>QI W1~ ..... M _..,.... "' .... No ...._. tvl-for 11 .. :r .. oflartd Sw-a•lll''"-'" CltM" to rlsl""" ol CA~ ...... II .,.... _, ... Of ot.:ler. ••ceDt _.,....,... .... !lloelr '-"'-eA UMal c.Meo• ....... Mcater ()rtooroe, 0, L ..... c ...... , ................ ..:I 1Mit ,.....t1~·· .... '*""' ...-o-0... ......., .... ...... All~~ CHid loull , •• ·-~-......, ...... ....,. ···""""'"••• "r low. s.-,_.-.. dotoM ~4oo '1 Jl,. IM, M _...-'- .-.......:~ .,., 1M! ........... """"""' -. 0 0 $ " ... ..._ ________ ..;::;.._, So.drofl •••fltll ... "'"" ...... ~ • The Bll»l~ and Sex Edaeatioa ~ --wlel<edMM. de<elt , ......... cua-. ... _ ... ~ ................ . -. IIEWOIIT IWIIIOII Ell Ill KCII!D KCIIOII--l'w 2 JMURSOAV1 SEPT. 4, .. C2!9"A PEL~M. CAIJF, Tlwalz s:llv we ::&:lilt 17 Dr. nae. aa evil .,... b1uphemy, prWe. Cori Mue.t:,'",.,_ -t • 1-foolish""": ,0 th<ot ..u ...,.. ..,. oOIIJ,., C: II/ c..vlliM CAw.,._ -TOm wbhln and ckfile tht --• .. _,.~, ... ~.. '· •-,..., N#WIWWJ ,.,.,.,.. ,.-_.., The d<fi.......,l ol ' hlch_ ....-S.•- "NioodJIIIU Ca•e1 to q.n.t"-Joha 3:1·15 ...... ,07-· LmER FROM EI&LAIID (TIU ... fOIIIoo ... Ill-......... _.,_ ... • -1 ..._. l:llr-aulie tt• • tD dO it, ut 1111 t. ...,. r 1111 1. _... __. _.. • ....,.., ..U. .. to .... ...._ .II CO...... , ..... .., "' ,_ lalf'IH .. .u ••tMM t. Ill• ~ ulttNli, iour htrt speAkt is tomethtn~ which A.,..,. 14, J969. tht State is poworftll to countorod ...._ '"' HICHID OP Tttl LOIO. ... 10tt, ..., ....... ._ T..., l .. tl•t.4 .... CMIIITIA.N IIACOM. orconttol 1U MADDIM AYI .. COLLIMOIWOOD, N.J. fit Sex eofuc:otlon doW with the -The Stale mull not be a party bl -...S f..,._, <ontlderatloat *"Y way 10 stimulatin~ that which lmol.blr tilt individual. hia ,-...,.,ity, oociety hOJ already cond<mned ~ an hit rapot'dibility to God, and his f'tla.. tvil and even u a crlrne:. 'f!'11 ln-- tionahtp to the State. valves such rmtters •s fonucation, · :tdulttrY. ince~l. sodomy . n.pe. hotl'I0- '11\e State mutt. nfrafd from 110-Sf'xunliiy, and the Uke. caJled sex. educahOn in the public IICboob. If it eaten thit field it ia In fact, the! Scriptures offer the ~ng-beyond the prope!' area of re-remedy \\·hie~ the Christian believes spon&ibility and terYice to iU cititenl. mu~t b:e applted and, w~lch the St~te Tttt.e areaa which the State must i~ forludden from teachtnl(': I Conn- rapec:t and ~ot infringe upon. are~ .. thi:ms 6 ·9: 11 , "Rr not ~e:ceived : nei· 10011 intimacies and family respons•-ther fomtcators. "'?r tdolaton~ nor biliriet under God. adulterers. nor r-ffernmatt. nor abusen I 1be State laclu the power, tither from God or maD, to deal compnhen· sively, understandingly, and dfectivdy with the nature and realities of Jell. God, the Creator, has ordained M:X for the cont-inuation of the race on of them5C1Vt!i with mankind. nor thieves. nor covetous. nor drunkards." IIIMI-• nor revilers, nor extortionen, shaD inherit the kingdom of God. And such wt-re sOme of you ; but )'e 1-ft wuhcd, but ye are sanctified . but ye are justi- fied in the name of the Lord Te!us, and h,· the Spirit of our God." earth and the building of the kin}:"dom Here sin in the .~ex relation has it• of God above. God . whose right it is remed,· in the name of Tt~us Chrill, to do !10, has regulated 5CX and blesstd nnt the secular State. 1'1111 -..... ..,... .. -God -. ud -.. •• , .. ,., MYt.u wUb w eeed kl c n 1 n tlll ,.dtr. b-".) .U II ..,., Ia -11:1, "If,. •••• _. 11M, He ocr bodllll an to bl 11t11t .. ~·~· -~ ...... _,_ -ud )Ill to lbrllft ablo-Aodn-·•11111 u-tdM,udtoc-u ~~ .._ froiD 111 ~..... U UIOI ...._. eoat111 .... ..,- Mo-•1101--...., -Ilia lArd 1-UIIII!d be-.. --....... -· taW..IIIarttlloiOod IIUIIcl. WIIOI --lillllp 110111 ralood IUm -tat dMcl, ua. or Nt •• laY I llid, 4IDM t1110a tlad bt •Yed. For wttb u11 -.,.& Cllrllt caa lotll\'t lilt btu1 ,... oau.rtlll - aDCS a;;r;.u,.. to tor pt. u rtptell••n•, ud wttb Cite wtUI ~ -•• II --IUa WOl"d IIJ'I He'll l'em&W'I lllnUoL F« tM ter•• tbem "U fat U tbl eut t. a1th. WIIHOWC bel'-.cb ~ from tbe Ylst •• Yoa Dow 100 R1m tblll aot be •-"*'-COD ,.._, bow f11r tbo .:..U, (Romua 10,9-11.) E-U (polo) II from tbo -., (polt). Cbrllt ald. "W-er, tbore- btcaUM tblrt Ut pollltl ,_., iM't, DU COD.feal Mt b11Jn JOU blYeiDDfUfa.rDOI'tlluJOU mea. him ...WI oorlfta: a1lo eu ID ..s to coatl.alt tlrtber bll:lre Mr Fltber w!liell il 1D would •__, JOU IOatb _ ud bel.•n. ButwboeiYer lbi.UdeQ nee Ytra. But DO matter bcnr me beb'e mto him 'rill I allo 111r 100 true! outward, ,... d•OJ btlore My Falbor ntdl eu always UeptranWDceutJ Ia 1D bll.'ten." (V&ttbew 10:12. Tbore II DO (>01111 boroed Wlllcb SSi) ba bat "ll&fltiOI'' tbo J'OCI are IUdiStal1 · traftlliDc ~ .... A~. .. .. .• ___. it. He has set the bounds thaeof. It • Wk•IM __. •IUdl .._ til• ._, ~-~ U a• r•'•r•-. W gina, tta• is not sin within the marriage bond, I V .... ..-... .u,. .w M Jou4 ill U•• t•wt ........ weat.TI:Iui tbecllltaaeebetwteD arne ....... "' a ~- tut &Dd nit l.stmm•IUI'able war. To me tt ta....,. to write aad ., la tbl dl.stuce to wh1eb: about the ODe 1 kwe; lt ta God remoYtl our aiDa trom 111• 8U1 to IIPMk abOUt Hlm to ADd .surelJ ltaperfed Jut&Dd trleudly. l.aterested ~le or hob' God ~ W,Sft ~ meu.-those 1Dotmoua oeed. But wbere aea and petttaeu &Dd re-I fall I.J: lJliJ)pi'OI.ChiDC IAJOII8 btUJoo. we bumua: C&D b'CIYe and eteryoot wltb tbe mas-.. eacb otber. ID tact. we are com-ot tbt Goapel. but without the marriage bond it is The State cannot control. neithef" !lin and condemned by God. 1 ran it understand the power which A CI.UU AC:.OU man has mer a woman. or a woman 1 "• M.. we.4. •• tta. ...-peat S Since t~ State 1is ~o'ijd~~ ~the I has over a man. in the whole held of a. t~~;. ____ .. rup....,. d "ourt o the _mt denates ~x relations. It is in this fie ld that •t ··--...... N .. ,. CJ9Gia" rom 1 ~"' mg or ~x ortmg stu !5 se;~~: education stands totalh· helpless. Jl waw.t lficode•• _nd1.4. ,_ from _the Holy Scnp~Ufes, the State 5 The Riblt expre.o;~s ft in 1 Corin~ It •Mo. Jfke4.au caM -. , .... handling of ttns subJect can only.bc thians 7 :4 . "The wife hath not powet" •Jt. •11 .. ,. ____ ----r.-. ..-ta" at I~ most supeTficial , fragmentary. nf ht-T own hQd , hut the husband : and II "----k~ U..-ol Jopl!. .... .ta .. and mcomp~ete. In fact the State will m..cwi-.t: also I he hushand hath not (JoeL Ul:l) ~me an .mstru~t for the genera-power ()f hi~ own hody. but the wik" II t..Jtlel. -* wiYW .J '-•e -d tto:n ~nd st_1mula!~ of all man~ of Tn the~e in~lanceo; the hody belonl!s • :::!.'~~=~ =.,., _., evd tn SOC:te:ty. For the teaching of to the inrli \ it1ual not to the ~tate • ~--•·..._ c••lll 1:1. t) KX without the teaching o f sin is the ' ' 11 -.. \t n..., ---· duat 1. 1t;on. ol worlc: of Satan." ' VI dwo Spkit" TIM! State must respect the rights of privacy. intimacy, and conscience on t~ part of each individual citizen. tn t~ cast: of the Bible-btlieving Chris- tians-and there are thousands of them within the State of New Jency -their bodie.s art" directly related to Jesus Christ and an:, they believe, "the temple of the Holy Ghost." The ~!.li t' mu"t resnaN the family. 11 ... 11 ....._ dty., Mocalt CHwa. ....... thll) 11 hi.-\1 r,flrl ha' established and or-It~ of Abrall-'• ••pll- d:tined fr,r tht' blessin~ of mankind _. .U. (G.a. II:$) and socil"l) ··nr-1 it should not be a • .... ....._ ----•poa 0 •ul•-. ' 'b . I (D "-ll,t) p.t rty 111 :1r11 11:!.\" to contn utm~ tor21 ·, ..... H ---· ..... the hn';ll r\rf\1 11 thr dislocation. or the 31 "~ aMI el uw.. ~-IurlA .-Jcstrurtin 11 f!i the family. This crea-· ~· ----•P-(Job 2:17) . . - b God U •h•n..-beU...~ la IWa tlflll Mrfln:lnn· ha~ been g-IVen r , ..... Mol----" t''i !a!.li~lll'rl in the account of creation U "0..• .a..tt ......._ M. ·---- it·t·li r.em·.,i~ 1 ?.7 · "So God created (0... 3tiS) maDded to i:lr&:lYe oae aaotbel'. AU aoo-Cbrl5Uau are lost; u 1D tbe panble 1D Matthew jUst bec&UM I'Ye DeTer NeD 18:3.5, Wbere a man torctn.a a them before sboulda't leaseD m7 debt of 10 rn1Woo dollus wu loYI ror them, mr eompulion II8WIUliiC to lorllfe ..,. ol $17 Lilli pity, because !boy are lost, ud Jesus saJd there Is DO bope IM~lua, aDd bopellsal1 01. forct1'eoess unless we a1IO doomed wttbout Hlm. So I'Yt IDtefn, beta pn.)1.a& for' u ot'enrbtl- A.ad seooodly, you are rtpt mine k:rre l3r others that woWd 11 M)1.Dc tbat, because any of drln me to tell at leut oae u would. flll apart UDder the persoo a day about God's lore burdeo ot our 01r11 lntqulty Uwe for hlm or her. The passage of Holy Scriptu~. I 111:1 11 in hi,.; o\\n irna':!t', in the image of Corinthians 6 : I 5-20, states this sacred f;rorl ··r··:1 tt:rl he hi n1: male and female belief : "Know ye not that your bodies ··r(':ll•·d lw t'~em." lre:nesis 2:23, 24 : are the members of Christ ? shall 1 "An.-1 .\rh rl ~a id. l"his is now bone. then take the members of Christ, and of n•·. 1 '"'~. and Resh of my Resh · make them the me:rnbe.rs of an hadot ? ~h,. ~h:&ll lit' ca\l ... r\ \Voman, because God forbid. What ? know ye not that she .,..,.,, :a1·cn out l)f_ Man. Therefo~e he which is joined to an harlot is one sh11l a man lm\r h1s fathn-~d ,h15 -body? fot" two. saith he, !ha.U be_ ~ mmiK'r, ltnd ~hall cleave UDto 'h .. w1fe : THE CHRIST THE SON OF THE LIVING GOD bad to bear 1t a.Jooe. "For all He showed me tbewayb)'tur. our rl&tJttou&oesses are as nirl& off our trldce. Now flfW"Y ftltby np,., says lsa.l.ab, &ad day I mllSl wa.lk down to tbe If e1'eD tbe IJ)Od we do (lD our sbopplD& centu aod see tbOM OWD eyes. compar1D.a" oursetns ~ISIS of lor;t bumanlt}', Today to otbers but not to Him) ls so I bepn. I sat down bellde a llt-..-u, bow creat ls our dep-a.da.. tie old lady on a bench, took t1oD wbeD we think of tbe bad Danor ad: of bls pram aM put we do, and tbe good we don't Mm on mr lap, aDd told bet dol No btmWI. could sta.od tbe (after ber Instant &d.mlrattoaot stctrt of bJ.s O'tfll erll oa.ture DuDDy's nwmlsh couotena.ace) fU.llJ tJPOsed. Wben tbe Upt that be was both Eng.ll.sh and cornu to &bow their hearts American. This led to why we deiarb' (read JOIID 3:19-21), tbe were bere. ftesh. Rut he that is joined unto the and the\' ,._,:\11 1oe tme ftelh.• Lord is one spirit. F1e~ fornicat ion. VII Every sin that a man doeth is without the body ; but he that committeth foT- nication sinneth af{'ainst his own OOdy. \Vhat ? know ye not that your body i!i the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you. which ye have of God . and ye are not your own ? For ye are boUJ:""ht with a price ; therefore glorifv f';od in your body, and in your spirit. which are God'5." Recaust: of the Bible-believing Christian's complete commitment to this teaching. he must call unon the State as a matter of conscience to leave this field alone. Tt is "his own OOd y" not the State's. It involves questions of sin in the use of sex which the ~tate cannot handle. Thus the Bihle-f"X"l iev- ing Christian and his l.od. his respon- sibility under his God , are suffici~nt to Tt:gulat~ his cooduct and dir~ct his own actions in lawful and proptr ways. II The Stat~ has no authority to inteT· f~r~ with reli,~tion and sectarian norms and practices as it concerns the OTigin of li fe and its procr~ation. These Te - lationships, so fa r as the Rihle-bt:liev- ing Christian is concerned, t~pTese.nt the status of the husband to the wHe.. as the same a! Christ to His Church. Th~ deepest ~nt im~nt s of religious faith aTt: involved. These teachin~ art: found in Epht:sians 5 :25,28.-32 : "Husbands, lovt: you r wives, eveu u Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it . . So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife lovdh him.telf. For no man ever yet hated his own fte:sh ; but nourishe:th and cherishe:th it, eve:n u the Lord the: church : for we arc mf'ml~rs of hi~ brxly, of his Ae~h . anrl qf his hnne<;. For this" ca use shall a man le:H'c his fathet" anti moth- er, and ~hall he joi ned unto his wife. anrl ther 1 WI') !I hall f>e nne Acsh. This i!i a J.:'rt':ll TllnteTy: hut I speak con- cerninl! C'hri,.t a nrl the church." FoT reli£inn !rt he sn directlr connected. forhid ~ the secular State from tres- p.usi n ~ This raises questions o f sep- arntion of o;;;~'l.tc from rrti~iou~ $t.O~>i· hili tie~. Ill The State tannot pos5ibly reach into the heart of an indi\·iduat. which i• involvet1 a.nd imrnerli:ltely affected in JO" edut:Uion. Jt it impo!5ih1e to ~ into tht rc:a l':l of sex education _in n~ixed clatSc-s wtthout the deepest m- lfinctl! involved in 1 ~ nature-of each indi.-iduAI hrc-omint affeeted. A.c'ain . the tcschinr of the Holy S.:ript..,... ;1 .tht norm for the Bible-b<llevmr Quillian. 1•••• Chrut Rimtelf de- ocribcd what He called "Ml tllc!uci1U-" Mark 1 :ZI-%3, "l'or from .-lchln, oat of tilt -of -1"0-_, mt rllou~ta. ... ....,..., fontl. c:eticNtt. murder~. the"" metra• Th(· P.ihle-he!ic\ int Christian main· ta ins that the corruption that attend.o; ..ex educ:t tion ;, rl irf'rtly t•tlated to ma- ter ialism. unhelief and godltssness. ·\nd the pTe~nt emphasis upon sex education in our secularized, tax·sup. ported public schools is a nflection and an outwowth of this broad hu- manism. Here again the Scriptures are specific -Romans 1 :24-31 : "\\'herefore G-od also ~ve them up If) uncleanness through the lusts o f their nwn hearts. to rr ' -.tour their nwn hodies between themselves : who chan~ed the truth of God into a lie. and worshipped and served the crea- ture more than the Cre:atm-. who is hle~..,.rl ff)T ever. Amen. For thi!l cau'it' r ,od ~ve them up unto vile affenions : for t:ven their women did chan~:~ the natural u~ irrto that which i<~ al{ainst nature ; and likewitt abo the men . leavin£ the natunl Ute of the woman . hurned in their lust one to- ward anoth~r ; men with men wOTkin£ that which is unseemly. and r&eiving in them~lves that reeompens.e of t~T" er ror w hich was mee-t . And even u 1hey riid not like to ret:'lin rrlll1 in their kn()wll"'dJ.:e. God tave them over to a repmhate mind . to do those things which ar,. not convenient ; beinR" filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wi ckerlness. covetou!lness, malicious- ness : full o f envy, murder, debate. deceit. malignity ; whisperen. back- biters. hater s of God. despiteful. proud boa..ste:rs . inventon of en1 things. disobedient to parents, without undtts t a n d i n R' , oonnantbt-e:aken. withooi natural afftction, implacab1e, unmerciful .. ' On behalf of the Bibte-bdievin~ Christians in the Stat~ of New Jeney, we. call upon the. Stal"' to abandon tM consideration of proposals to teach to : 'he public schools and that tht dri- zens ·of the State be pnmitt.ed to exer- cise their con.atitutionaJ rigtltJ, wbid\ in thit: instance a~ dearly inducled m the ....eTYed rigllrt mained by tht peopl< and P<ot<cted ;. the Ninth Amendment to the U. S. Conoatution- Rapectlally ••bmltted Carl Mc:lDtlre PEARLS FROM BIOLA •• ,.._ ......... llol.A lltOADCAJTilt , ••• ".,. .... ~ ,. ........ 17 _......,.. .-. ••P'W .. ..... ... ~ ...,.,. ..... ...,, ........... .. ... ,.., ..... ~ • • • ._....., .................. ....,,__ ................... • • • ........................... ,..,. ....., ....................... .. .... By H . M . Moel In wilnt"SSinji!; to j,·~o~·~ and thf-ir relijliOUII lf'Ade~. we have founrt th ai thf'y rt'jt-cl lhf' d•ims or Christ on thr l(toUndt' thai 0\H l..ord iM not rdnred to in the Old Te!i-ta~t. Thi' i.'l not tru~ to f.cts. AI~. thf.y rtn not acupl tht-t~achin,; in tht" Rih!l· that (.nd i~ a T1iurw God. That is to !'-AY th•·rr aw Thr1¥-Po·r...--tr• in tht> Godh .. art ; fathf'r, Son ;wrt ll orh· Spirit. This i11 clt>a tlv ~I forth in tlw I )ld Tf'lllament. a11 Wl'\1 a~ thf' ~rw . \\'twn r.o.l w 11 ~ about to crf'atf' man. Hr did no! <~ny. "I will make man 1:\ MY OWN 1\-lr\CE. aflt'r MY OWN LIKENESS . . " R"1. ". , . I.F:T IJS MAKE MAN IN OUR I MACE. AFTEI! OUR LIK£NF'.SS .. :· I <A--n . 1 :2fl). The Rihle tt'acht"s that no man can _....,. r.ml and livr. Whl'n J'"w" tt"ll u~ thai th,·v IZ" rli- tN:tly to God and 1lr. not nf~d a Mt·diatnr. th~"y do not know thf' 1ru hi111! or God'!l. lfoly Word. MOM'S. who dMir.·d In "~"'" r-r wa!l told. ". . There 11hall no man ~r mf' and livf".'' 4 [~o. 33 :20-2.'\ I. Whr n Almi~hty Gc-.d manif••!llt'd Hil' Glory from Hl"a,·rn. thf' pro- pit' cried to MoM'f. "Speak thou "'·ith u.'l. anrt Wf' will hear: RUT LIT Nfff con SPEA 1\ WlTH US. Lf_'IT Wf. 01 F..'' f:vf'n Mfi!IN:. thr man of Cod . ~att"d,'" . . I F:Xt:f.f:OJ'\f.LY FEAR AND QUAKE" llloh. 12 ,1R.29 : Em. 21U8-2ll .. "FOR OUR GOD IS A f:ONSU M. lNG F'IR F." rHf"b . 12 :29l . N(l "innrr will ~vt-r !ltand in Hi." Holy 11i~ht. 5-, -..·ithoul Chr~ a.a Mediator mt"n will JM'ri.Vt. ? ? Question Box ? ? 1P hat U tiLe esplAnatWn of EzelrUI 38: vtrse.s 2, 3, 6 ond 13? ).R.N., Dayton, Ore. This chapter deals with eventa that will take pl•ce towarda the end of the Great Tribulation. Gog i1 the prince of the North, while the land of Magog corresponds to the countrie. or veople. that are ruled by Gog. It i• underiiOO<I that Meshech refera to M06Cuw, and Tubal to Tobolak (both of theee citie. are in Ruuia ). Gomer undoubtedly refen to Germany and Togarmah to Turker . Sheba i• part of Arabia. Oedan is the .outhwellem part of Arabia, and the merchantt of Tal"llhish are thoae of the European naliona. apecially in the Mediter- ranean area. enf!;-«ed in maritime: ahipping. God. ICCOrding to chapters 38 and 39, will de.troy the arm.iea of Go111 and Maf!oB on the mountains of l•rael, thereby deli-.erine; lar.el n the invadi~t~ annie. of the North. WA<n t~ Lord /enu Chrid return~ for Hi, Church, will tMrf! IH 11 tecrd rapture or will aU eye.s ~lwl.d Him? Mn V.F., ll'e•t Covl11a, Calif. At ~ comins of the Lord Jn ua for Hi" Church, onlr thoee who belong to Him will be causht up to meet Him in the air u atated in I 1'ht... 4 :13-18. 'Tht ret1 of the world will be obliYioua to Hi. comin1 for Hia Church. How ewer. when the Lord Je~ua returns at the end of the C,..t Tribul•tion with His Church to reign for OM thout.-nd J•n, the:n every eye will tee Him trOCOrdint lO R.n. l :7. ,,_ Mill k doc ,.,_ •I doc 10110-r.., rlip of CIINI1 A.B. S.. Diqo, CJI/. Tho ,..,... o1 ... ..W..W n1co ol CllrUo .. -wtllbt ...... Co4.., ... ._....,.., Y1ocl¥:•='1a ................ "' .. _ plo ............................ - the eril adh. t.lt r • of S... n.. Lotti 1-CllfW, " Kloi of ICioao ...S Lord o1 Lonlo, wtll nlo tho Nd ... wtilo • ""' ol """ end will ..................... "' .. , ..... _ ' Tht' Holy Spirit Wall pr!'M'nt whrn Cod ~id , "LF.T US MAKf: MA"' IN OUR IM - AGF.. AITF.R OUR LIKENESS ... " ond God makn it el'".r that the HOLY SP1RJT 15 A PERSON. "But ~ ,..bf'llfil and ..exed hiM Holy Spirit : lh,.r ... fnr,. M. ,..811 turn,.d to hf' lht·i r enf'my. and hP fou,tht a,taiMt them" l isa. ().1:10). Thm· i11 litllr doubt but what M,.ll'"hi~drc kin.l' o f Salrm lor kin,; of prace:) "-'31'" non,. othl"r than rJw JH'r!W:Inifiration of tht' llolv Spi rit . l.ikt" Gnd and tht" Lord ]t"ttUII Chmt. ~f,.lrh;llf'df.<" wa11 "WITHOUT F'A - THf.R. WITHOUT MOTHF.R . WITHOUT OF5f:F.NT, HAVI NG NF.ITH ER REGI"'· NI"<G OF DAYS. NOR END OF LIFr., BUT MAll[ LIKE UNTO THr. SON OF GOD · ARIDF.TII A PRIFST r.ONTI NUA LI.Y" IHeb. 7 ; CA>n. 14 :18·20 ). It is made clrar hr rr-that H" -..·as NOT THF. SON OF' r;oo. !mt I.IKf. thr Srtn (I( Goc-1. No onr-with tht- al.ovr-record rould hr human. H,. Will no duuht thl" floly Spirit in PNI'On who rould bt" v~x .. d and who rou\rt fi,;ht a,t:ain.'lt Hi.~ t"nl"· m1,.,.,, Th" hr~l hint nf tht" coming of tht' Chrillf nr God i" l!:iven in Gene\i!l :1:15. a!! th~ SEED Of THF: WOMAN. dl'notin~~; Hi!! Virf~:in l,irth. In Ht"brr-w"' rhaplr r one, God who in tinw!l past spokr by th" propheu. has in thew- la!'t davll :tpnkf"n by Hi11 Son, Whom Hr ha1 mad,. thf' htir of all th i n~!!, by Whom Hf' al80 mado• thr· w ()rlll!i. Thie takf'll us back to thf' r·rt"ation. wh~>rr' God !IBid : "Lrt US MAKE MAN IN OUR IMAGr.. AF'TF.R OUR LIKE- NF.SS ." Stl wh1·n thNt-blind leadrr11 of tht' blind tl1·ny tht• true and livin.R Ch ri!!l of God, they d~>nf GOO'" Holy in!!p ir,.d Word. 'Tht'y that re. jrf"l th1• Son of God, havt· nor GOO thl" Fathn II j()hn 2 :1-2. 20-2Q). The !kriptur~ ckarly lt'af'h from bl",inninp; to r-nd that theft" ah' Thn·" Pt'nons in th" Godhead : GOO thr Fa· thf'r, Trw Son, and I hi" Holy Spirit. Tn -..·ilnt'Minp: to an orthodox rabbi for IIOR'If' tirrtf'. wr unfol&d lht' Word of Cod lo h im u Ill" rnllowl"d us in dtf' Ht'bff'W BibW:. Hr. tunlecl w th'" nook. chapter and vf"ne followin~ UA r!D!.If'l}' in his Bib),. while wt' read from oun. w,. q)d liuJ,., just k1 God'• Word bv the Holr Spirit. speak to his ~art. and He did. On one oc~ion. thf. hfBI thin,; he allked wu did wr have ou r Bibll" with ua I he wanted to aak reactt.oo of those not hid 1n A.ad, ".spea.ktnc of America.a Cbri.tt wtD be to say to tM tll1q:t.. ben's an Amerlcu momta'N, ••pan CMt uai'~(R... booldlt 1 ptebd ~. •• lt-wu a H5-17.) -tnet ..., •err- How traudl1 e&ell til • must tDd It opeaed the wat • a be to our Redeemer, wbo took dt.cua:sloa of splrltaa.J matters. our 8lDI aDdourpao.J.SlmeohDd TomOI'TO'Ir I'll trr U apJ..a. wUh. d.Jed tllat we mllflt Unl Tbe the pee ot God. Somebody bas only rt&bteouaeas tbat aay tol The world is dytnc trUb a Cbrlttt&D bas ts Cbrlst's, DOt dreadfUl disel.se, a.odwe Cbrls- ll!a own; Ybeo weaecept Htm, He t1aos haYe the ooly remedy, tbe for &I"• us and coHrs our onty medielDe to brine a ciU'el shame with the robe ot His own We're JI!D( to belDI ~"· So I am 1'trJ clad to Th1a t.a ~by f;d, alter workoo bear yousa..y,reallz1.ngthls,thal: WedoelldaJ nights, is p;~lng a- "for the tlrst time I can lose rouod to dttferent areas am mr scorn." Wbat daddy has &Olnc bouse to bouse. "Ma.y l foUild La Cbrt.st ta vel')' real pn youatreeChrlstlanboot'?" ud 1'ery precious to hlm. be uta &Dd shOws them a As to tbe problem JOU meoA bamNl from wtucb to choose if Uoo of s11Dln8: "yours In tbeJ'll jWit promise to read. Cllrlat," I tb1nk your dlapods Already by the p-ace of Cod ls conect. It m a problem ooe atbe1lt bu prom lsed to of surrenderf.ne. because 1t 1s read tbe Gospel ot John wtlh a problem of pride ("wtat w1.11 u ~n m\Dd. TODle;bt be pu tbeJ think") wbeD 11lt-..W Ls bact to one fellow's bouse to .sttu on the beart's throoe lD-play a tape ot a cba.lie.D&lor stead of Him bef.DC tbere, and BUIJ Cd'&hun measap. beeauH lt's a problem ol tear. Tbl1 tatucourace, mother- We wbo luffer wttb tbue creat counce beJOQd what we as or- problems sbou1d remember n dJDirJ, rltlclllf, 10mewblt abJ Tlm. 1:7, 8: "For God bath DOt people bin. We'1'e bad to pt&J pYeo .. tbo ¢11 olloar, biJt a loo( limo lor 111o courap ol power. ud ot kwe, &Dd ot a &Dd the lme b' otbera to do -mliid. Be 1101 -...... --B<lt ..... I'OOCier!Ul blaa-tore Ubamed ot tht tatlmooy slDp bate come that 1 DOW ot oar Lord." For U GodbUI:I't reallJe uw wtmnst.nc 11: tbe -lbll oplrlt ol loor. tile Cbrlatlall'a ereatelt Joy - denJ blal AM power to .write besides h1s own eooYersloo. 7Jt'O MINUTES 111111 NOT DYING FOR LACK Of LOVE u11 lORN' qut"Ati()f!A! Q-•not her OCledion he ft h.a ,_, Nkf that "the t"Xclaimed, '"'That's I .~utiful ! l nnrr hurd wottd Jt; d)'ln& lot the: ladl of • it f!JplaiMd in lhat ··•Y·" ltttt. bit of tow," Whert this_. rMnt is ... miMd In the tllht of 1:10,11 ttrat "Ha was In the WOf1d, ·"" th<t WOfld was nutde bY Him. tnd tM WDrid k,.., Him not. ~ cama unto H" own, and His own ~ Him not." Thts It ttM probl~: men are rwjKtina HI• tow. "And thl• Is the con· demn.t\on," NY• John, "thet lteftt ~ eomt Into the woM, but m.n lOved dartnM• ~ than U1M" (John 3;19), In Cod'& own timt', this rabbi calM to lll:r Scrtptu,., how ... r, It tt found to that thf! Lord }I"JJt .. Onill wu in lruth the be ttt. euet oppotJte of th• truth. f'tt mal Son of God, thfo S.•tour of the World. \.,.._ to wnat Oocl'• Wont MY' but heau~r. of rM "'fear of th~ Jewa." k did aboUt ""* nor dal"f' to makr. hi1 conviction. known to "'or God 10 k»'tPM the worSd, thrm. 'Nr ll"arr'N!d later howner, that he could t~ tt. IIW His only ~ •-h'--'1 ~ -'II lon, tMt wl~ btliWIItft In not aet:p il lo •~ . to Qlll:: Wat 1n n« tome Htm ~ not pe~t~tt, but ._,.. of the blil)d l~adf!.n of the blihd that the Lonl ~"-ltft"' (John S:ll). JesUJ wu thl" promi.ed Redeemer. The youn1 ''God com~Mnd~th Hll low too rabbi who JMde the atatf!"tntnl (to whorrt we ...-ue. In tNt, _..... we ..,. alto wit~) Kid dutt be did not lr.no•. 111 ........., Ct!rilt cited fDr .,. .. mAJbe Chrilt WM the PrOifti.ed {)ww:, fte IC> (1om. 5~). ••tn tltll .. rntnl· khow~~ tha• hl-wu rad~ the N.-w Tell· ::::.:-: ~ O:.kH:.rdO: lmtftl to 6nd out fOf" hi~f. 'A J •--,_, ~-~ I •< • •'lon hlto IN world tNt e-we. -w we -• _.. or •• •flht lin tt.rovab Him. ...-i--d .... c_. lilenl""'-Fioally -, -""' -.. - .... Lord opened he• blindod-"" ...... -... -,.. - -.... d.ai.nwd. "'U Cod wane. ,. to bel'"" 1ft Jer-. ........ lofl • M .. pn;l* I wiQ." ___ _.(1Jolioi4S,IO). ---• ~-· •• •• _, •• --..... -.. - -ill '"""" ,_ wf -_,. -,_,. W --toot oot ,..., ... - ..... Co4--1\ey ... _,.,... ..... -.... -···-bonl-aplni-·"""-Mar-r--...,_.,. __ to Wine Colr• Word ud ftOI ..,.•, woN .. .., ,_""'"" Q f • • "' ondhe...,,.llyM..... Hll ...._ Wo-.,.. lo- • But while othert ~ Him, you 1M)' ec:c:.pt Him n your s..tor end •now tM ~ of tiM __ or_,..,._ for "•• ~ • r.ca..,_. Him, to I:Mm 11W HI ttM pcM~et (ut., "JM] to'btcoml u.. ... of Qod, ...,. to tMm tNc tlsiiWid on HIS ---(Jalio 1:12). '-rlw ,.a-IDwth h Son. Md hMtt .._.. .. ......,. ktto His --........ '1t1a611ti on tN Son .............. -end hi"'-' ••• h ............. ,. -.... ""' ... -ol Clod -... -~·-~-"'IAsa • e. l..ord ,_. ____ ... _. -lUl~ ' ~ HIICM, CM.II'OMIIA THI! AMENICAN LUTHENAN CHUNCH IJOO A.M. TO tOtiO A.M. -P'AMILY wo..-.111' I:ID A.M. TO I011D A.M. -&INOAY .eHOOL t 1:00 A.M, TO 12:00 NOON -WO ..... I~ MRVICIE _ _._,_Q_ ....... . n ............. .._ ~trr ScleRCe '-vices nar cauac. oF Ollln', laiN'IfiT )30) Via Udo Ne'WpOft Beac:b SUNDA v· SCHOOL t :IS •·•· -.1 It •·•· SUNDAY SERVICES f!IS-11•·•· WEDNESDAY EVENING MEETINO lp.-. , ........... a.. .. .. c:.-- Bertl•t •••t.· r.,..._.,, ,_fi,,•Nnl -A•Mu ••• ........ ~ ............ . Or. P.G. N•--· pestoe THRrFT SHOP worken tJr tbe A'ltPance 1A1cue al Newport Beach lDclude Mra. Allea Me)'er, at wt, a prorialoaal. ud: Mrs. James P. Wlotoo, co-ebalrman lor prOYisiooal tra1n1Dg. D.F.C. Major gets IIQir-r.a.-.-~~B.A~. -~~-~la~l~-ffi"~-~UiotiiUII~~~~~-~-~G~K~O~<~D~-~·~•~•~*~0~'~-~A~I~J~f~i~D~·~ ._ .... ttl llr. -4 1111'-. Prtd Ual.,..llltJ al Okte.._., ud 7, en r '' ,,...... ,.-~· PIMI_IU ... Jabel.&.Yt,, ear.ICIIUIII.I. .... jalM7 .. 8 I ?Ps • TIS -·L ...... C...-_ llu--II Ulo OolforiMJ cl C..-wtalllo-awvdciUioDII-Hzp'. II f1Jtlc CJ'ON ICir aJr -·-•.u~~. lla)llr -41•• .... -ldla rtlf ..,. -diary " --ftllo ...nar u .. aJrcnft COIDfD&MIIr &baud AD I -4C ....... He prootidld ciNe a1r ...,art tor tire• •• .,., 1D batHe w1tb tbe _,. Aulmctallloarea 111111 --flltl IDd Ia ..... ct • ... ft&tber COOI:IItiou IUid liiii.YJ _, lfocmd tlre, he .... ,... ..... roebt IDd lttaf-... ~~~~cu. UterebJ _......, 111o -7 IDd a11otr1n1 t11o at • Uu to cooHIWt tbelr adYuee. He wu prttented the medal durtac ceremonies at Hietam AFB, Haftll, Wbere he 1a 1109 serriD&: u u opera&ns sWf olllur II H-uarters, Padllc Air Forces. ERVICE QUALITY CAR CARE IY FACTORY TRAINED ,EO,L! WHO CAIE READINGR~ ._..•-r•:'•·•·-s ..... W.4ft•a4.,: t •·•· -7:4S •·•· Tv••4., -· l"rl4.,: '•·•.-s, .•.. ,., ..... s-4.y1 I ~J ·•· -4 IJ·•· RCOND C8UIICII OF Cll_,., ICIEN1WI' SUNDAY SERVICES l :.S .., ' -., School 1:00 a.ra.. ..... ine WGtthip 6:00 p.-. Trai•ina U•lons 7:00 p.m. Ewenina Wonlllip Patio sales to debut He na eommlssiooed ln 1953 tllrou&fl tbe aflation cadet pro. cram. aM be bokls a com ma.m:1 trt'olous merehandt• and ae-pilot n.t1D&. He recelnd a Newport Buch 11 Corona del M.lr 1100 PIIClllc VIew Dr. SUNDAY scHOOL 10- SUNDAY SERVICE 11•• I'EONESOAY EVENING MEETING 1:00 R .. dma Roo•1 M'•w•t 2863 Eut CA••t Hwy •• Moa.-rn.: to .... • , ~···.I Tb•.dey •••t.IP 7 liD S.t.: 10 ...... 4 p.-. Ynu. are cordi lily. inVited lo •nend Serv•ccs and 1o usc Rooro. L ....... a ... .. Of ..... ... w .... . O.rcll •• ...,._ 1900 Pacific 1c.~,· dc:t ,..., • :c;~!.;;.~ 111. Willi .. R. Eller Phone WEDI'IESDAY 7::10 p.tL liblelil!ldy 1:00 p.m. Prayer M,.Lina o\TTIMO Till CltUIOI Of YOIIII CIIDICI lt!GULAIL Y Rad letter days coosl5tently Ugbten sbopplngcborea for CUS- tomer s of tbe A&slltaDce Leacue lhrlft sbop at 505 32od st. LD Newport Beach. Such tea. tures as red carpet days, tbe French room, aDd asststeen patio sales enable the seleet1ve -lo lll>1 a wide nrlely ct specltlc merchaodise tastefUlly assembled and preseated foe sale. "The Freoch room" 1a: tbe lPt!CtaJ oo the ftrst Thursday ot each month, spoDSOI'ed by the Las R•loas Auxlll.ary, Newport Beach Chapter ot Nattoaal As- slstance League. Nearly-.new luxury women's wear tsoffered for sale, Red carpet days are a re- gular 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. feature 11100"~'~ • .. ,..o ''' eJery Saturday at the sbop. • ..,.,..,,... ••"v•c• ''00 ....... Mem'lers of lbe Junior A1111- THUIIl1Dav •••L• nuc,. Uary offer speelal merchan- AND "'III.AYelll 7100 ... w. Nu 1111 c"'" DUI'tiN• ••"'v1e•• dlse on these sbopplDg days A w .._. ,...,_ and have assembled a bact-to- o.. ., a....,_.. ~ 11. scbool coUecUoo for Sept. 6, c.e. MIM . tbe ftrst Red Carpet Saturday ~ H. c ....,_, we:• .., of tbe season ~~~~~~~~~~;!.b:;~;;;;;~~~-This Saturday wlll also see ~ the debut of Asslsteen pa1J.o sales, speclalUtag lo -- Items for the junior miss, whicb Ifill then be scheduled re- gularly for the 2nd saturda.y or 81.Cb month. Mrs. Eugeoe Charles, coordinator for the A ~:;lsteen AUJiUary, describes the teeo-aK'3 11'0\CI (made 14) ol daupters :utd ~>&Dddaucb· ters of members) uHlbu&aa- tleally .,.~ •. .....-., ... C 'CII-d!"" ra r~•••' G"' Dl2 ...... ......, Me $I rt Mel .. ta A FrH 8J , .. ,.~., coe,.-1-..41 CMi•ll• Chrt6 ,... ..................... . .. ~ lorrica _, 011'* ...... MlO:IIO..., ,. Save Time And Money .....,.--,:-------• IIAUTY $ALOII ..lou4llu'• BE.A.UTY NOOK 27J2 E. Cout Hwy . Corona del Waf PhOne bn-733b SEVEN NATIONS COIFFURES OP~ 111ESDAY llfROUGH SAltJRDAY rree Perkla1 ha FrODt 300 W. Ceaat Hwy. H.-.pott a .. ch Tol .... ono: 64·11844 BUILDING COHTRACTORS REMODELING and ADDITIONS e PR!!,LAM I!RVIC! e "til UTUU US 532-5949 AloiERlCAN CONSTRUCTION CO . C .... ~ DAY OR MIGtiT ~-. • MIAL TN IISORT )--t_...IM ... \: I' ,~ .... ---.t::.W.."::."C... =~~-t .... 1 _ ........ ...__. :..;:..,a, • .,.......,.. . ..._.. ..... eCOSTA loiE5A • 5.f1.3J68 a ORANGE a ANAHEIM .-HUHTINGTON BEAOt 142·1451 639-U-61 826-0381 • lUG Q.IAHING . 673-5822 675-3353 r .. J•lllg W.tta CLEANING & DYEING All MAKES OF lUGS. WALL-TO-WALL CAIP£TING 1-DAY SER.VICII ;---------~.MA.MIMAIDWAII FOR .;&. WILCfOXJiai I 21 ... lUI-All •J.szrr · • ,.. •• ... •ts .,. w. Cecil ...., .... -· --:.~~~~S~CHOOL~~~S====I .: o MIAIIIIIG AlDS *BE HAPPY! • BE IIIDEPENDENTtt HAl ot\EIISCHER • LEAJIII TO DRIVEIII ~ ' CALL POll PIIEE -·r IHTIIOOUCTOIIY -·-AIDS " 'JII ........... I.EUON -· ... 836-5731 1o119 E. C. ... H..,. o-·~a ·,. ... , hlf ........ ..... , ••• ! ........... . .... ~ ..... --m., z ·. -~ ...... ~! c._ ... ... 67WI» ..... ,.,., lo 11ALLPAP .. ,.....,.._ ..,. ...... . ... cesaory items lor lbe IDI:roduc- tory sale. Tbe lhrlft sbop Is .-.ely cleared of 1m10Jd merdwrwH• twice ea.eb year. Cotbi.Dc ts ceneraUy tuned O't'lf to otber apocles, or to an orpba.oace lD Muico, accordJ.D.c to Mrs. Co liD W. ReJDOlds, ebapeer pre- SideDl. Tbe sbop 11; tbeD re- stocked wU.b seasonal mereba.D.- d1 ~. eaabllDg tbe ewitomer to tlll current oeeds from a care- fully pcepared ~lJ. Ml'S. Jo54!Ph F. Foster, lbrlfl sl~ cbalrmaa. states tbat s!lelns are DO'If lll1ed wUb out- standlne buys 111 fall merchan- dise at11 tbal ezcelleot buys 1D bome furnl!obiOCS ue nall- able. Eacb year, processtng dooa- tlolls lo lllelhrlft-IDdbaDI- llDc sales I.Drolves over 12,000 vohmteer boors of Z.U womeo o! the Newport Harbor Cbapter aott lls :w'lillartes, according to Mrs. Robert Crowner, 1st rlce presideD~:. Hours deYoted to diverse Jea.gue projects total a.n lmpressi.Ye 25,000, Yb1cb are $read among many phJ.L- a.othropies. The ma)3r project ot the As- sistance Leacue is tbe ciUl- dreo's deota.l bealtb centlll', wbere low' deot1sts were em- ployed last year and treated 3!• J chlldren wbo otberwlse would not ban bad dental care • Mrs. Joe S. Eubart 1.1 cball'-... oiUio-. -··----·-·------ Shrt.~lu, lnteriOf" Plants Tropical & r, .. , lnn~cide1 and F•rtlliz., S&H Green Storntn 1-'10:1' ni.J 11TN\' <'OIIOIIIIA DO. MA& !"tllal2r' 21M E. C'..-& HWJ ., llWIIe SHOEIIEPAIR MA8flln''S Shoe Repair Purse and l~ge Aepeir -.Dye Work SIIHSTNI'S ONE DAY SEIN"ICE Ht90 HMM:w .. veL eo ........ -.,. •3311 WE: SPECIAL..IZE IN • IRAKES (Disc.-8rM.6 110011 • SHDCII:S • ALlGNioiEH T For Fo1t Expert S.notce 644-5623 PICIC.·VP 6 DELIVERY TRU·LlNE AUTO 718 Nwwporl 81 ••. u•r 111• COST A MESA IIOIIt A.lt.IUUAC PL.UidiiEII • Town, Gown meets Friday Chapm&D Collep Town 111 Gown wW open its 3rd year ol actb1tles wttb a membership cottee to be Dekl this frkt&y mcrllln&. Se!>C. 5,lttllleNewport Beacb home of Mrs. Kenneth RW&nyder, secoDd vlce-Presl- dellt and membership chairman. AssJ.a:t1rlc ber wttb arrange- meats for the cotree are Krs. Leo C . SaroldJ of Cypress ur:t Mrs, E. H. Ski.ooer of Corooa del Mar. A leeture-luocbeoo I.D Octo- ber featurlng Betty Furness W"i.U be amoo.c the comlog year's events. 2121 HAMOilkVD. J'OhDSOD•SOD 2626 HAUO. ao\ILIVAaD, COSTA IIIlA S40·Sft30 ft42·0981 President of C bapman Col- lege Town & Gown la Mrs. Robert J. Httt, oow a resident ot Waslli.Dgtoo. D.C., wbere sbe 1s se.rvt..oe as a.sst sbnt secre- tary for' community and fteld services 1D tbe O._..tmeot ot H~. IDdW~e.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=e=e~~~-=~ THINK TWICE! We have 2 great NEW SAVINGS PLANS- GUARANTEED GROWTH PLAN and GUARANTEED INCOME ACCOUNT Each new ac count earns guaranteed Interest of 5.25°/o per year. In the GROWTH PLAN interest IS left to acc umulate lor whichever penod you choose -3. 4 or 5 years. THIS PRODUCES THE HIGHEST RETURN ON IN SURED SAVINGS ANYWHERE IN THE UNITED STATES. In the INCOME ACCOUNT your tnterest check is sent to you every three months fo r the designated 3, 4 or 5 year period Ont' o f thew two pl•ns may bt riaht fOf you. We recommend 1hem .. s • !.Kond Kcount, • lona-tenn inwst~l. Withdro~wo~ls brio~ t~ prnod's end •~ sub1«1 10 rntrtCliOf'IS. When hekt to lerm's end or beYond, wvinp in these pl•ns produce aro~ttfytn1 rewo1rds .. • ft.....,,-.att.:tiwe emi101W1MM for......,_ ._ ...... s. ..... A,mtd the beo~uty of our ch.armtng se-o~std4' commwn1tte, s.avoers Nvr.! 1nvt-Sied thetr wv•ngs .11 t..sun• Fedeul fOf ovt"r • thu-d of .1 century. Tod.ly thno conlmue to find .11 Or•nf!:e County's lARG£ST, FIRST .1nd STRONGEST 1~1 f~l. new WVlnfi:S progr;~ms helpfully tailort'Cf to me-t>! nxhv•du.tl needs. E.Kh btttet~wo~y-1~~ provtdrs ttw no1tt0n's h•ghest returns. wtth msured wfety, with DAY IN to DAY OUT INTEREST. PASSI()()C ACCOUHt'Sc ft. C\.BIN1' ANNUALIAn urm S.US -oompoundod do;ly for .... -· CUA&A.H'THD caownt W WCCl$ W ACCOUNTS: U5l AM«JAI.IAll. ~ doily . ..:<NOd"' pood quorto<ty fOf l . 4 or S 'fM' period. ~­~~~~ g ..... -"*'-· ----..._. ....... ,. * T'¢F ....,... • Pre-school parties held for busy debs ...................... IIIIIM ........ , •• s .... .. _. .... X 1 a.tlJ lllllo lls-1-Y- '--. ..,. Cll* ca ole~-• .., IIH.-...... _...coli .... lAoB Laa IJl ... af ... tllo tilL Cllqllw KrlsiiM, ud & tuoUJ Fashions on display w In'* -CIII>..W 1t1s111. 11H. Val a-wUI _ .. _1011--0idpr-a pl-.~ • ............... ,,..... ,1 ..... wt.Ubl~ "· at .. ~~--..... by llra.Ricl!ordllo)'lo,ls!d"""' "caro-l ... .__., Ia b)' lira. Georp Rst.l Uld Mra. .. -llrlllla -· J-c.JL ftollrlowlll_..,.._ - ..... 1!:e*aPiiiC -d;~..S ..... ;;;; W!v• -11!11 111o ••-no -1a1 -.wta at lac-lira. Tenocs Clark, 11 a.m. ud will be lblloorsd Mrs.. Gear .. RIUt, Mra. J. K. by 1 bmcheOe a1 DOOG. Fashions Slop, lira. 3-. RoiiU, lira. will bomodelocldllrlllglbelaller R. N. ~ ud Ike. H. c. part o1 the 1--. .... -lftJII'IIJFillattllll .,.. ' C1io1t1r Lsopo o.. ~I<Gi111 a:,.:::: 1 -a.ll ca Nor. I!ICI> Ill Yl!dll Cl"" .. t11o d tiiO ,._ ._ ol 11!0 ll!ld u.,tf por-. LEGAL MOTIC! ....,. .. IlL Tbe deboDntts•t+Mdl•an -~- OS olsl-14 tiiO --Ml.ls-~.,--P.M4S8 --ad lo-Aaa for a olllrs. Joi!DMuRasud llr, CERTIFICATE OF .BUSDIESS, ----Iliac-Robert LesUe Bane--fiCTrrlOUI NAil£ -¥..... ..... by l!or will -UIC; Iliac Julo Tile llllder!dpod do cert!JY ..... , Mn. lluaWlWam Yo-LiDdeD Caldftll. dU,.., ol ROBERT E. HARDESTY ol tbeJ ue coMactlq a bu"Ma' ·-ccl-llr.""" llrs.Jsct~C&ld-11-' llssdlbu-11111>0'"-at147 £alii 1'1111 street Colla " WI!, .... pllas tl> -Lowla '*' n--Ia -· " "-Calla.!!la, llllder u,. De-""" Clarlt Collsp Ia .-, _.-. • an Dous -. t1t1oo1 Drm aame or STEAM Lacbeon chairman ta lira. a.orae Rltst, """ pr- ebl.ltma.o ls Mrs. Ricbtrd Doyle. Members and are tdged to mate reserraUoas before~-IZ b)' ploooloogllrs: Joeepb Czys, 838•0551• . OFFICER 101 GATEWOOD "Know your officer'' ltlss CuUor -will -at -projscU, -"' -lUSTER CARPET CLEANER UCLA; 111u DIIDe frlsaslle, rico-pr-Ia cbarp ol ll!ld ll!allllld llrm Ia composed ctaugbter ot Dr. &Dd Mrl. Nolu lAD Fc.-elt. Be la a 1958 of tbe i)no.rt.Dr( pereoo(s) omcer Robert Gatewoor:l w Frluelle w110 will be losrl!lc ..-cs ol I.5C ll!ld , -Wbose aames(s) In 11!11 .,.j been with the Ne-rt Beacb lor Soutbero Metbocllat IJIIJ.••-Dlue Broe. at tbe flrm s CCI'-pllce(s) of restdeoce are u pollee department slnce July, stty in Dallas· Mlss Laam. no ponte oCilces lDNewport Beadl Jollow"•· 1961. He ls curre~ly assigned 1s a studeot it u. c. 1J1 .su. 1D 196!. He udblswUe,Kalbie, GeDrn.. A. and Cbarles T. s.. as accldellt lnvesUptor Oil the ta Ba.rtua; Miss RobyOD AI· Ut&Weols of 5 ctllldrm.. YaJs, 200l CeatellaPlace, Nn-day watch. ~ T ._.,.LEY ART SHOWH )!:.-ta Newtoo, d&upter of Mr. port Beacb, C&UtorDla 92660 Bob 1s 27 years old 1.00 ns Art WOI"ks of Yts. Charles and Mrs. Georce EdWard New., GREAT BOOKS GROUP Dated August 7, 1969 born ln Tollesoo., Arlzona. ().1arcella) Stanley are oa dis- ton, W'bo will atteDtt Moaterey 1 WILl START OCT. 2 (Signatures)Cbu"les T.Senals WbHe still 1n b.is teens, hls play at Costa Mesa Library, PeoiDsu.la Junior Collect; A Gre&t Boots readtug aDd GeoeYa A. SerYI.is familY moved to Oregon, where 566 Center St., during Septem. 1795 LAGUNA CAMYOM RO. JWL~ MtllTt.£aiE.S v.-. ., IIA'L . . CllltA M8A . .., ... _ •• L Cllotilf lllnT CDUIUoHLUI Olltele ,_..,. ..... 1941 CUSTOM DRAI' ES -~ I!OSI'RUDS FOIIIERL Y MEARS CHI ERA MOW AT Miss Carol JeanRoseoast,daD-discoss.lon ~ will meet tbe state ol cautornla, Ora.nge he atteOOed higb school. He ber. Pa.l.otlngs 1Del0de sea- gbter ol Mr. and M.rs. Robert ftrst Thursday of tYery month. County: graduated ln 1959, after baYing scapes, laDdscapes aud Oorals staDley Rosenast, Jootlog U-bec:lDDlnc Oct. 2, at Martoer's 0o August 7,196S, before me, earoed several athletic awards in on and acrylic. 49 .. ·941 5 ward tl> campus llle at Arlaoca Llllrary, Z005 lloYer 0r1 .. , a .N-y Publlc 1n aoo tor said In bosetJQU. Mrs. Slanley heads the art Ser¥1nt the Elltire s.uth Coeet Area State um,.ersUyatTempe;ll.lss from 7 to 9 p.m. Repstnt~oo. state, persooaUy appeared After graduation, Bob spent department for c osta w .• re-iF;;;;~~;~r~~~~~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;lJ Vogel. wbo will atttod OCLA, is open to eYeryooe. Further Geneva A. Ud Charles T. Ser-4 years lo the U.S. Air Force, creation deputmeot and coo- and Miss Barbara Woolsey, tbe latorma.tloo may be otQ!JWI n.ts known to me to be tbeper-He then moved to California ducts classes there u well. daugbter of Mr. a.od Mrs. Roy from llrs. Wlllla.m Pollock, 901J(s) wbose oa.me(s) are sub-and joined the Los Angeles She Is !oonder or Costa Mesa SACifO 1lfASUIE ..sE 11M NIEWPORT BLVD. OOSTA MESA -··-383 Bla.teoey Woolsey, whowtUstu. 646-0'757 or Mary Nola4, 5<16-scribed to tbewith.Jnlnstrumeot polJce departmeot, servtng Art League aod served as tl.rst YOUI OllllnAM JIIIII!LY C»iiM dy at tbe University o! Red-7Z54, ' I.Dd acknowledged they eieeuted there 3 years be!ore comtng president. laods, Johnston Collece. Tbe se'-·"-os •••· y-· ~ .. the same. to Newport Beach. He has bad She r eceived her de-ee 1n ••~ • •ooq · e..c..-a """" • <:...-_,....., ~ .,.. "u.< I I tr I . Do" Olll"'nn·~ ·~....,.~-~ otber guests atteodiag Mrs. ioclude works by Racllle, Plato, Jo ....... b E. D&vls, N-y PubUc ass gnments n pa 0 andaccl-fine arts at Pratt l.Dstitute, New La • -• d 1111n stl~tlon ......... Q: .. a.ttu ,, .. un, s ltmcbeon were Cbll-Sbne51M1Ue, Freud and others. My Commlssloo Ezplres e ve ..-· York; sened as costume de-dren s Home Society debutantes: Dlse\lssions ue guided by co-June 21, 19'70, otncer Gatewood Is presently signer at KaJman-Morrts, New ~ ...... ~ Oa.t",., ....... C~.M.W. •-..,. Mlss Leslie uttlej:)hn, Mlss leaders. Publish: Aug. 21, za, Sept. 4, going to Orange Coast College York, and as assistant costume tu IMT •• !"4'\:"~....., ...._, P~ela J~ M~e. W~ ~JTb~·~~~~~~~~~~~=roo~by:Jl~l~,tl~~9~,w~t~M~N~~:::r:t~~~oo~r-~~~·i~~llc~e~~~le~o~c~e~m~a~jl~r~.~H~e~coo~r~~m~t~or~a~!~F~o~z ~S:t~::~~ln~~================~~~~~~~~~~~ Diane Plumb aDd Uiss Laurie Fr1eods of the Llbnry. Ensign. enjoys baseball and is a player-Los Angeles. Fraser, llS well as Wlss Gall H1ppe ao1 Mrs. La.un's nteee, Miss Usa Gustafsoo, •n •..,...t 8hd. Tbe Natioaal Cbarlty League :~~~-~-~-~ra~•~•~·~=~·~~l dellut:ades are all Ttcttocters in tbe Newport Chapter. Tbe ,., . & ..,.., 2 _. gri){C) Is a mother aod 4augtUr .. .._ service organlqtioo <ledlca.ted .._ I BEll. BROADWAY w .. uoteer servtcelnthecom. • DV muolty. Newpnr! Chapter ~ WOIITUAn • headoo by Mrs. Edward Leisy 110 llnxxlway Corlett. u..-...-~- MATTRESSES lfEW -U&UILDJRG ltT'eiUiar Sha~ Jp= .. '-I -Cottoa. COSTA MUA MATTUSS CO. 2150 ......,_.lt¥4. U""'r .. 1101 / ----_.,. .. Pli.OWOTEO TO SERGEANT Bruce M. Brl.scoe, sonorYt. and Mrs. Jobn W. BrLscoe, 22'Jl Alia VIsta Dr., East Blull, tta.s beeo promoted to serseea.ra in tbe U.S. Air Force. ScL Brlscoe is a dlta programm.J.nc specialist at OIIUII AFB, N..:.. w • """ "' tile stnleclt -'If Commt.Dd.. Bill 1 p-t4at:l of Sl. Franc~ Hlp Scbool In L& C:.mda, atte!XIoo Oblo Slate Unt•erstty am tbe UnJTersity of Nebl'asb at Omaba. He 1s a member of Lambda CbJ AlDba. . ( Ol • I • • i ' ' ' ' I I / I I ' I • \ I i I • \ to save I I I Is a I ' l l I I I I • i ( ' ' ' , -' ' _,· AP: aboUt our S.year guaranteed growth account Or our 3-to· s..y..r guaranteed income accounts. We also have f1exlb .. taYings eccounts and high earning investment 18Yinga accounts n.r. •• no htgher rates on insured savings anywhere. So .-. 10 MCUre. Umpteen ways to save ,..._you fMf 10 feet tall. ......... ...... ,-ur·-UJ"'-llf'N----=----......... ,._ .._ Just ior singles Acbampagneupen house To introduce the most exciting new country club apartments in America. When you·re young and single. Ide can be so great. So many fun thmgs to do w1th your freedom. So many mterestmg people to get to kn ow. Th ars what South Bay Club is all aboul. Th e mosl complete country club you·ve ever seen wi th apartments located around it -full of your kmd of people. A 3/• m1llion dollar club house. tennis courts. olymp1c pool, heallh clubs . and much more. Don't say you know it until you·ve seen it. South Bay (Just for single people over 21) Open House tbisSunday and next~ Newport-" Irvine 8t 18th Street (714) 64~550 I