HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-09-11 - Newport Harbor EnsignBUS\' WllRKEIIS II 1111 llzlboa lllJ LloM - -II tllo c-dtl liar mala boocll IDC~ tromllll. LloM Sll LoiU, wbo ts am-of 1M part.,.._ llalf ol t11o City of Nnport Booolo; Pate~­ ot El PorTOD Hltaurut l.a tbt Mewport S.• ar•; Katlliy 1Ae0 q WU tbe Ltou: C}lll~ ll:lrlut ,.U'I a...da Ylsltotloo; IUld Ed Sorlly, put pr-111 oflbo llzlboa BaJ lJoos. KalllJ'• par-. llr. IUld ..... Jim Lee, - ....... -tl>e ........ IUld _....,. (Eulp -.) WOOII1I of tbe $500 u.s. S.'flllp -al tbe llzlboa BaJ Llou Cllll> -· -al lbo Coroaa dol liar t.dl lut w-, laa Odtrmao of Coroaa dol liar oe-tl>e - from "-10 Grablm, Llo01 Club prosldllll. AI lillie llarlo P1cllll, cb&lrmu of u.e Lobstsr Bato. DA .. ' • • , .. A RBW TELEVISION SET, 1111 pcllt silo-al 1111 llzlboa Bat lJoos Clab --lui_...., Is do!IYtrtd to Eft11D Grllel bJ mao Dam of Dam 11ron eo. 1o Costa ME!IL ARVO E. HAAP..A, owntr and publlshtr of lilt Ensll'! JOe COSTA MES A <lwMr-901>U.. Am> E. llaapa bas ... tl>e 1rllb ....., ... In t1>e lloee of lormldlble odds- top award ID tbt WHklJ Dn'IPIP8r cale&DI'J 1D lDeludlDc tbe com biDed forcu at tbe elty oatloawtde competttloo based oo ucelleoee 1a PlaDotDc dlreetor and P.la..luW:l& ltaff, tbe City buslDul, tcODOmic I.Dd fiDaDcl&l repor11Jic. PlabDlnc Commls&loo and tbe Clty Couoell, Tbe Wlm1Dc Eulp eotry coii.SUted ot DfW& aDd also the lnltial uncooeero a.od lD8rtia o1 ltotiM Ud edltorlals 011 tbe successfUl cam. tbe k>eal bu&1Desamen and property 01rDers.'' 'OO~o~oo patp.toremot"eeomeottberemodeUnc:aodre~ Tbe publisher ot tbe EDIIlp bad charpd, A REWARD FOR CONSERVATISM · bulldiD( restrlc:Uoas Ill 11>e otr-stroel 1o a series of edltoclele, t11o1 tbe ..._...t commercial parld.oc orc:l1naDce adopted lut putl.nr or<llDance would impo~~e a drastic lllueb 10 by tbe Newport Beach City COUDC1l. flllaDclal burOOn oo the bus1Dess property It's nice to win a thOUBand dollars, but, editorially speaking, I can say it's nicer to receive recognition for campaigning for free enterprise and property rights. These basic safeguards of Individual liberty are having a hard time of it in this age of big government and "Big Brother." So it Is particularly reassuring to know that the voice of conservatism can still be heard in the land. The $1,000firstprize award, reported in the adjoining news story, reflects an tssue that should be of prtme concern to every citizen. This tssue is the right of property ownership, the right to be secure againat confiscation of property values by the federal government, by the state legis- lature, by the county board of supervisor•, and by our very own city councU right here at home. Jl property rights are not re- solutely defended, then all other so-called "human rights" cannot long be preserved. Local merchants and business property owners should take a second look at the potential danger in local legislation, however soothingly it is presented in words speaking of "public peace, health, safety Publlaber Ha.apa will recein tbe first prise owners, and would cause deterklratloa ot the award of $1,000 1D CalelOJ'Y 1, competlD( pioneer bu&iDesa ueu 1n tbe city because aplnlt weekly oewSIJal)ers tllrouput tbe ol restrictions oo tmproYement.s a.od recoo- ratioo. There are 4 other llrst prise awards structloo. of $1,000-to a statr member of a daily Tbe park1.!lcord1naoee, u orc;ba1lydraft.ed, oewapaper with a el.rculatloo UDder 150,000; required tbe business property owner to pro- to a staff member ot a daily newspaper wttb Yide oft-street partl.nc,lDtbe ratiootooe space a elrculatloo oYer 150,000 or a. syndicated per ZSO sq. ft. ottloor space, b' remodeling Ln columnlst or Yire sen ice staff member, to a excess ol ffl ot value 1D aay ooe year, and staff member of a l'!neralcircula.Uoomapaina for replacin&' a buUdlDg destroyed more tbaJ:r. or to an outside contributor, aad to a staff 90'fD ot nltM~. member of a pubUcaUon ad!lressl.D& 1t5elf At tbe Feb. 10 COUDCil meetln&. when the speclflcally to tbe geoeral bnstoeu reader ordlnaDce came 1.11 lor adoptioQ. tbe Couoc:U or to aa outside coatributor. a.creed to ellm1Date tbeM z pr~. i'ol- Tbe amual compeUtlon l5 spouored by tbe lowlnc amendment of tbe ordlnaDce, tloa.l UniYerllty ot Wluourt lD coojuD:::tioo w1tb tbe a,ppronl wu ctnn Mareb 10. Tbe oew law lDdcleadeDt Natural Gu A .. oet•tton of llrtokes tbe otf.street park1DJ prcwt.al.oos for America. Official allDOUilCemeli ot tbe aftl'dl enlarctnr Door space lD uceu o110% ud tor W&J made U:ooday at the a&tiooal D'iGAA COD· D&W eoostruc:tioa 0111 'facaDt bullDta lots. notioo. Emrtes 1a tbe hlaJtoeJJ jourlll.l1&m com- "flop" &Dd Pe1 Haapa wtu attendtbeawardl pet1Uon ware jud~ by a "blue ribbon" board luaebeoo, to be beld NOY. 14 OQ tbt eampu: of ebairtd b)' R. K. T. Lar.:m.III:Jimvl eb&!rma.a tbe UDlvenlty of lliuourt. tn Columbla.. A of tbe Society ot Amerteu BulDta Writers, butDeu ·wrtu.na JYmpoalum, atteodtd by I.Dd locludlrac the tollcmDc: Jotm Cobbs, editor jour1>&llem _,.. IUld "'•sl"tn Jourllllllatl of s-. Week mapslo!t; Dr, A1lell FoU. from acroq tbt aattoo. wt11 be btld oo tbe ol tbe New York stock EJCbi,Qp; Dr. Dutd morD1nJ of the lunelleoa. Tbe nve n,ooo Forsytb, muacer otcommuntcatloaJUHUCb award WlD.oers wtll aern u mtmbers or a tor tbe Cbiltoa. eoma.ar; Jack Fo.ter, editor puel for tbt sympollum. of tbt Rocky U:O.taiD NftJ; Prot.JollDFoster ObjlettYe ot tbe biWDe11 jourD&llam com-of the p-aduate scbool a! joui'DilJml, Columbia petltioa 1..1 "to booor nc:elleDCe 1D reportlnc: Ur&1Yera1tJ; Darryl Fruet.a, preJI.deDt ot lbl aDd I.Dterpl'ettnabu.llDiu,eeooomie,aDdtlAa.D.-Ft:tderal Resene 8&nt 1a St. Louls; Stuart el&l DtWI a.od to IDCOUl"I.J9 a ereater public List, p!.tlliaber of Cb1C&&D'• A.:nerlean; umercarwUnc ot tbe Amerle&D ecommie U:arsball 1.4eb, sen1or editor of Time SJitem by meaD~ ot ~ eoYera.ge ol U.S. m&p&ioe; Dr. Carl M.t.ddln, eblef ecooomllt buJ!Dea to DIWII)Ipefl aDd mapshMs." tor the U. S. Cba.mher ol Commerce; Jolla lD a letter aceompaD)'tDc b1l eotry lD tbt McW,tby, ma..ractnc editor or tbe midwest competttioll, pili)lisbtr Haapa uplaUMd: ''Tbis secUon of tbe W&U street Jouraa.l; Pa.ul and welfare.'' Thosewordswerepartofthe utry tw~•'st.s of DeWa Items aDd editorWs Nevllle, uecutt.n edltor ot lbe Buf. all~• al '"'"' f th -'""~al off !rom S .._s of my WIHIJ --· U.O I>Jo E•eoloe News; WUJJom Ray Jr, u.oc:u-~e~. 1 ea ........ or eo • ..,_ -N-"_E.....,r•-·ru.e..,._ tl•e-of u..-~-· ... ~~-"'~-~~--·--·....,. ~ ... >A :nz ~ .... ~ .. ~·-~·a•a -. 1 .-.. renerated the award winning Ell8ign •• ...,.._ • period ot.-• ,_ ud • or 1111 Loo ...,..... ProJRa dine- ball, to dofeod t1>e bulc Ud 1oac --~ tor lor t1>e compoUtloo le Prot. Tl-editortals. cooc'l)t of 111e ri&IIU of P«1>0r1J oW!IOI'slllp. William H-.d, IC!Iool of jourlllllsm, llni- Juat in case there is sWI not full Tbe 1oac dnwn olll campo~., .... cooclud.., Yerolty of ltluourl. awareness of the devastating effect of that SAl Ll NG WITH NIX ON ordinance as originally drafted, I would BRY MARSTON of C-del Mu, a put presJdeot of the Balboa Bay Llolls, belps -tbe lobster bake site eleu at the a.noUil event at tbe CCII"'O& del Mar maio beach. (Eulp pboiO.) ROD GETS 2ND SLAM Corooa del ·Mar's peerlal net star Rod Lanr C~~~Nred bls 21111 griUld o1am of u.e -D1s tour Jlooday ud braNtM 1llldlspl<ed 111•1 of IIIII 1111 world. He defeated TOIIJ Roc:be '7-t. &-1, &.z, &..t 1n tat aaa11: ot the U.S. ~ T81D1a Cbam- plooslllp ID Forreat HilLs, Mow York, to complete bia ~ ot au the major ~--. la- cludlng the 'Ntmbl-..__ trlllaD, Freocb, IUld U.S.~ OalJ ooe olbor ...., Doo Bud.p In 19SB, bu ...,. woe. a griUld slam, OalJ .. _ Rod," wbo woo bia first lf'UII slam u aD amateur LD lMZ, bas .,..,. OOoe U twice. Tbt rl.etar'J at.o made l&.r. Luer the top temdl nKIDtf• mater otau ume. Tbe $11,000 pri.J.e tor tbe U.S. Open swelled b1s earainp tor thLI year to $105,000. Ao ell:JmeW $150,000 wtll 1.1so be-aftlla.bll to bim from eDOOrsemeuta. "'. Roche .... 5-2 wlliziOC record UJ1a y.ar ap'n• Mr. La•• --malcll, 11:1 1111 c-dol liar --I ....,. .......... .. ........... ~<till 7-2 an natift A8llln.Jiau ud U'e lefl-lllmed. Tbe 31-year-old LaY• Jolt the flr st set and wa.s down 30-40 Ia tbe 21111 .... bot - It out to w1n the 2Dd set and wu the master tor the rest of the Teaching clairvoyance ok ask owners of business property in Balboa, BY ctcx HOWLAND the President to Mrs. Catberlne lauJb wbeo a ma.o LD Hobie Cal: match. Newport, BalboalslandandCoronadelMar ........ , 11 1111e to go salllo( An ordloance eulo&lbe ...._ court IUld he bas beeD order.., t d bit f b I ithmeti H h with the President of the t1nltod Ung lepl t:u oa tortuoe telling to stand trial oo Sept. so. o o a o as c ar c. aw muc States? wu llltroduc:'"' aiMoodayeven-Howe .. r, peodlac lllrtllerac-would a prospective purchaser otfer for Belore l•rtac the Summer ln(s meetlnr of !be Newport tloo, be""' allow.., tocoattnue your property if a destroyed building could White House In San Clemme Beach City Council, aoo was cooducUna tbe classes, and by last Wooday, President Nl.mo pused to Znd reading. Filial tbe ttmo bls trial date comes, be replaced with only 750 or 1,000 sq. ft. cllmued bls ncattoo with an actioo Is scheduled tor Sept. tile taw be broOAt will pr-11 of rentable space? That would have been lmpromptu sail Saturday In 22. 110 longer enst. Nnport Harbor oo the ruggod The present Jaw prOillblts 1<>·. llme's a.stroloQ class the rebuilding Umtt if you had to provide raclor machloe Colwn>ta. !be pracUce of fortune tolling, mel Tuosdly to bocloal5-weel< one off-street parking space for each ctvlog the sleek 12-meter•s Tbe oew ordtnance stW pro. course witb rqistratioD aDd 2 loca..l crewan.rechaocetomeet hthlts the pracUce. but would crpolsattoo. Tbe ctassresum-50 sq. ft. of floor space. Estim'lte your tbe President o1111e rela.udand allow the IAioclltng or lostruc-.., wbere lllellotfalterbelng potential rental incomeonthat750orl,OOO Isola!.., from crowds, secret uoo. ot tbe enumerated acUvt. Loterr•ed at 1ts orlgloal mee-sq. ft., and you can see that the ordinance servicemen.. and the burdens ot Ues. iDcludJ.DC palmlstry, as-t1oc Jone 11. wbeD Mr. Morse his oftlce. troloo, pllreooloQ, clalr-was arrested lor Ylolallng tbe would have cut your property value by at .. The Presldeot was very roJUCe, cryllal pslog, m'"'-city code. I ast half Il t t tim t th t friendly and eager to meet lwnsllJp, spirit Yoice• I.Dd wrt. Aa aeroapaee sJStem ual1st e one-• you wan o es a e a eYeryooe 0111 board," related 1111&. ..,.It materlalb.allllo, wbeo be"s oot mooali&Otlng 1o loss in dollars, you will find it to be about cr>W member Tom Scbock of prq>llecy, magtc,orolberslml-astroloa. ~<>·.Morse ... .., to $25,000 to $30,000 for an average size Costa Mesa alter thetrll> ... Tbe 11r pu1 of telling b't1Des IDd cM.Ueqe the law's coosti· cooversattoo W'3.S roostly srrW.l predlcUng future eYeots. tutlOo&llly. business property. Then multiply these talk. about the boats Ill tbe bay •sststslll city atloriiOY Tom .. u .. _ ~--·-figures by the several hundred com mer-and so forth. bill •be• he talked Woodndl stated LD Ms report ...... or---.e aa am•-to the crew it wa.s ob.,ious that to !be COQIICU tbo1 tbe ext<~~og ded-.'" Mr. Woodralf told !be cial lots affected by the ordinance, and he absorbed e¥ezy ..,...,. .,. c>n~~ouce, -eel Aur. 28, ;'•.;.ill.tr~~::;· :S ~ you will begin to get an idea nf the tre-really enJoy'"' It!" ~~~~ :-::m~:= remains to be seen... (Continued on Page 2) other members of the c.rew ::~~~=~ FOREIGN STUDENTS REPORT FOR CLASS ~&s~~r.:g$ 0ruca Cocmtl.u •• 1.oc rjb tbe Not mao EcU AmUy ea.o tntbers llld sister. bAm ol Lldo Isle, who were tbe £.,.. •• , ....... tbe. DMd tor aaew Teacbers lD tile Newpol"t-S, I Ro.)ln Hood LD ~ ADother South Amtrle&D re-eo.helmsmeo on the ColumbU. ----. Mesa tdab scboola bad to • -•• An •-•-~ T wben sbe wu the rWlllel'IC) tn ordiDuee be rtcllled the cue stumble ewer aarnesllttRama Mesa lDd ber American slster sldeDl, pa Ui ....... m emuao, of Bartoi llorM, wbo opened bl. Yuill ud is caih,. Cbile. Sbt wlU Un wttb tbe F. 1967 in Ute America's C~ de· ~ book .tore lD Balboa sell1D&: Ta= tbetr ro~ 5_ A Freocb student, CbrlsUDe Lee Wadnwtb b.mllJ, Z98 W. tense trials. , lteloll ollrhtest 011 he Mjlct terdlJ morDJ.Dc wbiD .J!.,1 Vallleq1aeJ Is liYiDC witb tiM BowlJ.oc Greta Dr ·• Costa W esL. R·~ Pat P~"!:t t.s::s= of utrolocJ Ul! alYiAclutrue-Ol*"'d &a 9 AFS IIC"""C'' WllUam Cb1ebesttrl, 2415 lilarP'etbe is from Out-I ' om~U frt....t Crats UoalautroloCJ. ~. leacedtbtlrflrll ArtJor Dr., Bay Sbores. Her dUpa.t, Greealaad. &Dd wiD pus a J --. ••Jto enteaee oists tbal: he day at sc= LD tM u..tted sa.tc Is u.o aarned CltbJ. lin Yitb a. R?bert Moody" .. Weir, comprised tbe rest oltbe wu teWac txt ... Oft predle-Sb.tN E<Mrdo'l bome coaDtrJ 1s 3151 Samoa. Costa Mf:IA. crew. The ...UOr Ouaan. wbols U.C r.t•e eYeals.'' Mr. Wood-• Ee'ador. He LB stQlDa wttb tbe A<t"l.ua 1a trom Bru1L Sbe rteOYWi.D& from surgery a1 rill! aid r. his r_.t. FallriScbla...,RoctWt.llace, 1-Flolcbors,li07EssuLL. wW s1a1 1rllb t11o Doll Lewis ~~tal.ns~'-'<1. "PwMIII ID a complallll, llll TID& Toolla, ud VcwhiiJ7 W-1111. J-, hrlu Rlct ud llmiiY LD C-IIOA, 1!150 nogod by~ (Bu) .::::. :o_~~c;.~:.:~.: 5=-0.:~3 £:::S ~SKIUldYDaSYldCarR•A ... P .... E .. IR-·s•ueoc•· OM lNG I 5-;-~ :; ... eMU: -ol ....._ lo.II.GIO ol :::.., al Nowport 1llr 11--lllinpld In !be 1967 Ill Mewport Beatll IQ..ac_,.J are u -• Amc1ca'• Clp. -· A1llloop wt IIICCoullllf bor. Anpll-1-l•tsr...._ -... a looll-111&11 wllorolllll 1,000,000 -tll>ol Mr. N-udl prealdollllal -111o .,...._ 111 !* llrld al c.&-. !lor~ r1oo ,. .. ,.. to 1111 Newport lllP rill wllllltllolll. •-tr frl-a-Florldl. - po1111, IIIII ')lllco'l nlllc lilt KloiJiudAdrlua TlocliUton C--JollalmtF-of 1111 o8kt .., .... wlllbl& R-ud-A~ -·--ulo-P'l"CIDE-Ia. lolull w.e told bJ P-.r s..-.,parllloeotliOC:MO,--llllc:ot-oblaal~ -II ---lo ..._ Fall<l Is -y-.. lalr, Db-WT't -~ al-1 of 1111 S -IIOIOW ~ llarla -1:10. Bolon Ills ---•llwu-ud Is IIQioc Y1t11 tllo Act ..,.,ctQ~n-uoc. llnLTMaYIIIJC-PI<IIIOC orrlfti,-••-IIOd 11111 11r. -· wu ..., • .., .. ., tiOl ~. co.. no--.~~~~~~~ .,. uoo --. no-eo. _,.IIOd 1111 ,.... .,. -. -•1oc IMI•IIIillll 1111 _.t -... 1llo --. ---.--por1111c-,.._·.., bdJd ua -s~ .., ,._.. ..., ·-1111 -... ol -oloQ.". 11_,..., -kz' -lltlllolratol_,__ porllllcotz_., ......,. • ..,_.,...._ • • • loll. a ... L 1 •;• II-sara. .. 1~11111'1 cADt tiii911JJ0trd.aat7. WblltMCol--wutiJwld ._. Ulr<ll6tor -~:-:.:.::. ~ II~ =_! I":'.:.:.":..~: llr. wu---S-...... 1111 IIUW udllllllllll lb'•turuu .. ._,.,. .. c..._ .... ..,,, ..... ..._ ~v.o• ...,. n..,......, .... pts I ..,._, lllliau:•, • .c:ni -ftlla lllaeiiJI(IIa-1 lin-CW1, lldiJ, ufiiOI. no ... riP Is 1.01 11, lllllll YlcldiJ, lflo IOIIzriao ~~~~--:.:.: t;,:"i _ls __ lo __ TloaalloN--11t11 1 -cr. Dr ..... ......_ ......... rs sot-~ IIIIa _.. ............. -=-Dr' •C:ttillllll fteC Pll .. IIIU ..-1 ...U111C::J-" .. :.~ ...... lo..t. OI 0 1Hz 1111 DrilllloTor. Jr , -at---~~._ .. _,......_ WCI -5 .-~~~an:.::.~:::~=~ .... -·· ::::·=: ~ ::,·c:: :::: .. te.:t--:::...::; =.::-7:·::.. -;-,: IMIIII q...., 11-ft<>i{l-1111.. ... , ~_ .......... II --, ¢ 1 ... 5 1 .. onrn11if Ia Meh •• N$ ?Sib .... ., .... tit .. jWIJ II .. lit ..... r11t ... WDt .... I 1 I llltlat:»f • Duggan, wbo presented blm a oearly fell OYerboard!Dama.ze. To reach the filial$, Mr. Ba..bJ.a Corlothta.o Yacht CIOO menl alter recognizing the Pre-Laver beat the deteoding U.S. burgee, and to skipper BlU sldeGt. champion Arthur Ashe oo Swa- Ficker, woo then introduced "We werejustcomLD.glntothe day, 8-6, 6-3, 14.12. the crew. jetty wben the Hobie Cat sailed The trip was ~.q>ubUcized but by io tbe ~site dlrectioo only s word spread rapldlyaslbePre. a few feet awq-," Tom ScbOCk ex sldent waved to nearby boat remembers. "Four guys were ed foe owoers, who waved back with lyt.na down in 1t dr1.nki.Dc beer, • e deuant'"' as~oo~s~un.... ~ ... loo. ~~of. them just happened g I Ye S VIeWS u .... pretty cootuslng rt&bt w • ~ at tbe start. recalled crewmao. "He met eye to eye with the Mr . Dale Ralllson, member Sc tock. wOO was also a crew President. The ezpressioo 00 of the Oranp County scbool member durlDg the 1967 his face was sheer s urprise. board told the Newport Hat- America's c141 trtals. "As He was IUSl ~ sboek.ed. He bor c't1amber's education com- we pulled out of the sUp, a jumped te>, shouting at his mtttee Monday tbat lle is relt:a.l boat got 1n the •way. The frieDds and poiltiJlg and nearly opposed to SeJ: educatioo. people ia it didn't toow bow to fell out. courses io publlc scbool5 aJXi sail, and wbea secret service. "But tlle otber guys dldD't that this tnstrucUoa should be meo started shout1D( at them believe him, aod the 2 boats gt.,eD by theparentstn tbebome. to get out ol tbeway,theyrea.Uy zoomed past so t1st that they Expressi.Di concern ovar tbe got cootu&ed. couldn't see for themselves. moral issues involnd be stated "Then tbey reali.J.ed that the Tiley just 11i'eren't r eady for that students, by thefi. owu ad- Prestdegt was oo board, and that -to see the Presidem llke mlsston.. are '•more llblJ"' they didn't eYeD listen to ~;~e that. The President was reaUy to particJpate in. Uliclt relaUoas sbouts. Tbey just sat tber · and amused." alter taking a school eourse LD gouled at tbe President, (lb.. Mr. N~ aDd his party were sex education. Uvious to e'teryone else." dr~ off at Ute Harbor Dr . Ra.lllson, a Santa ADa As tbe Colwnbia cruised oown DepartmeDt dock., thea w~t by deotisl also said he was delplJ the bartu, Mr. Nlson, dressed auto to the Newporter Inn and coocer~ed about the caUbw of in a light blue sports sb1rt am r etuned to San Clemente graduating university studeats a blue ;.cUt. areettd yomg by heUcopter • wbo are gol.Dg tmo teac.ll1Dc. s.tippers i.D Sabots aDd Kites The cr ew of the Columbia Aga..i.D bringing _., the monl wbo sailed aloagside tbe long. sailed thelrshipback.tothedock issue, he said that 90me t•- lea.n Columtu.. aDd nsbed her OOwn. Then~ey ehers will CODdtJct the cl:auls Tbe Presideot toot tbe helm not bOrne, and "Will be tel.l.i.D& LD poor taste and that there la tor asborttlmewbllel.Dtbehar-tamUy and trieods a.bout the bound to be 'coo.ruet with tM bor, I.Dd tbell apJ..D out 1a tM time they took the President tor moral ba~ o1 tbe oeeu. OD.U.WI,)'bl.ck, tbe Pre-a sail oosaturdaY afternoon, for students. &ident and tbl c:rew sbared a. a loo.&: Ume to come. He etted tbt eJ;peUe of tM • Aaa.bel.m SchoOl Dlltrtct 111'0-ara.m. wbere$300.ooowu..-. 1a oat Yell' OD tbt.U..,...._ course. He~~~CPJtldtlllt..._ resultl coUd be r.u.M bJ .... 111 & OGPJ ol & 'til l'llll0 .. FlodiJic ,_..11, "1o1M- ol eacb s:blttll. n. 'tlr ·ah'i¥ _...111-.,wupc I lld bJ 1111 Amwlcu ~~~­ ''IOU ACQUAIMTir"' IAUIQII SIPT. 17 --61--..a •'tlta~~tr 1 tt ...... -.. • .,, ,a. ~n .. II --cut-. -et ew-dll .. , ... ' .... •• , ....... • .... £I l .... as e .,., ... ----- ~=!!!!!!!:!~PRIZ.E G E G E Protests .. • ...................... PARKING LAW IS EASED eed d ,~,. ~ • ., L ....II.-...... THR , ...... -. ..... .......... ·-•• _., -,.. ., -I -..:.. _____________ _.unL e -,,. .&;I ~ --r' ·-•o•nc• _, ... , ....... ~-~ .......... .__,.~I- 1W1Wf'ICIM......... n '-~• t 1 •-to-.. jliiio ..... lrJiot ..... lt ..... ·-r .. -(PfltOMTtt&P•a.-. .... 1-.,.0PTM .... II ... t lllrtllill .. tiB. i'uttliiiiiR ............ [iii.W.IIIZFJ. ' ~· ... ~~~-·· ... ·~·.:-_ ~~=-::-.~~-~· •. ::;,;..~-ATTN:BUSDIE88PROPERTYOWNERS I"-....... s ~~~ ....... ~~~ ·1--alliolll!!_ -· ··-.....-----MODda•taD-n.-formel'CIIIIDtalllldpro-lllrltlor o14olo"ntu-r=-. .,.._., ··-ll7ti-•••-1711Lc:.-..,..c:-.... -..-nt ·~-C~ ~ .,.., .. bf 57 Ml Ia-tooa•••·lll._ llaplsllllleiiJDm_tl_ TIL& 1•• ~c-c...n• ~"; ~~1 ::s.•:::~; ~ perty ownerr ill the lq-eatabllllbld pto-111 , •• 11 •••ulll--• I s •1 II 11•'* 1M 11o11...,....,. 111 ,.,u. Tills .,. aaa1 --• 11,....., w 1 1 • = _, M"'al' siPI. 1011 • neer buaill-anu· ill Newport Bncb, ,.rt -CIIJ co acu Nl to ,..~ ;::' .. lor .. _.-cor II -u1< Ill aiiJ .............. ,.. ....... ~. ._..,.,.._ 1 , __ .. Ullllltroo..,llol•-.. 1•• ....., ll Ullin II a._. » -•• '"' -• _.._ .. rzsollll-. ~.Corona de MarlllldBIIboaJa ....... , •1 • ...,_ ,.._lllof•np-kmzntl~ :';;'.1 .. 1.!.:..1'•!1 .. _:-~~=~!: 1.! c~·· =a••*~ ca rerctat oft.. Many have not even been awareoltbeneed &Na..-....u.JIII*Cporu. ~~ .-...:..__11M., Plat•rtJfllllll.-fll1 .~ .... Colli.--•· . ... -... ~~-· ... to be _. but th ... _be tlllopoMIC_ ... .._ .. ·----··--·..,. .... -·-. rlozlr, .,. i&WWJ .,1.-&.-;R ............ ._ • _... A,... --. wullt eoncerncu, ere .... eo IUl c..cu .u ._... tteMet•tt ..,..~ _.._,_.. <[ , 7 .._ ...., ., 1111 el ...-.1 cka W,_.,. ..-............. ,. -.4 U.F-.lO•IIff~ .._a.! &Wakening during the l)a.t Week, and &..,oltMprDII t&•III\WUIIIIL ........ e:eol~~cueL" P'Els''l ....,.... llit ... l .............. c-..... c-,.ol--ol-ll•-lodlobt--· ··--... 'c-lllobtllolMIIIzCIII ... -~~ -•-flo ...,,,... .. ,...,.. 1111,..... ~ -· 7111 -· realization that aelf-defenn action Ia::::.:. :.,"'c:t: ..U .U _.., u z ,.,_to _ ucs ~~., 1ooo1 -;cl"r".._w .. ~ ..................... a-_. ,...,..._ = ": = = ':; eaaenttal. 1o alloW .,...,.rtJ_Ioro-:= ~ ::.~ ":.': !::!a;:..,"'":, :=..,•....:: nc: ~,UP A -.... _ ................................ .Ao.e,_ E4lo« ~~&a.lalzld bt P<llolltl-D-Day baa to do with the 2nd readlnc and -· _ ... .., .... ...,... ..-.,..:._,. or _ per -• pv eoo•••ooo..,ooooooeoo'be t.bt Cll'd'•DN becl ... ''It ll al oftollJorpuUallJd'Npdcw -u-..ad lOt u.i JUidac-...b'oldbf•to poaaible adoption of a commercl parldng ........,. ..,. a.. oii)IOoloo, .. --. ,.. qrao ., ao. TbtJ zr• dOIII - dJ .. .e. L ....II-~""":: !!'!,;.'!!. ": control ordinance by the City CouncU. ==== .. .:= por:.U1114.~";'111'!"" =: :"' !r~U:t::": -,,. ~ ~ --r' •-lltaliJ .,....eo ... _.. B-Hour Ia 7:30 p.m., the time scheduled _.,. por-topau-_.t? r. oolJ lor fftottM -~~o~w115 """ ..,_ ARVO E. HAAPA, o.,..,.,.. ,..bllsltll of II• Ensltn ~ .. "'!~-...... ~-~' for a public bearing. ao 1aor u 111o «Jcla7l ..,.U """"!:..!'!"lOft,~ .. ~· ~sore. maot porlllar. --u .. • ,.......,.._ .._,.. oaor areall: DOt,,..,., a..-or ~ 101 -· 1..,.,.? I IDCih GaD 100 ._, n 11. lAC __ ........................... -...... ., -·to-mloaaldpro.. ln brief, the propoaedordlnancewould __ .,.~ ... ~.·-1 .... e.-1111o1< ota.o~~~C~o----.... -.. -Tbt~·-aeo:.· ~-~ ~ place a severe burden on .,,_radlng and 6-.ft..';...'::'.::.': -•tltaporlllltc•""""--to 111o ,.... • p1t0. (Continued from Page 1) .... ~-_ -.-.. -· _... bt lofollrotl nona-.. in th aign 11111 1o1o zro lO ..,. '15taat ucs remodeling ex18t1ng bualnea• butldlng•, -occors. -·"'" per..U '1I01Ild bt 1101 roqtdrod. ...,, ::;e;!":at:.~~!es:~ed. e camp ::' ~~:'"~"':: and would make lt virtually lmpoarthle = .,.':'-"":i :!':.:!: ..:;r,:~:c,:=:= ,;;: ,.":!.:'.:0::;.:: Your attention ls invited to the Ensign's tbo z por~r ..,..., woold to reatore a destroyed butldlng of ade-~J:!~":: .. .,._1, -·--"' ..,......,,..,..lromlld<Bir· *" room ltir ool' • 16 bJ lO quate aize to produce a falr return on the 1101 ucood 10ft "' 111o-of tlta -· o1111111~ lor • ~:;:.,. ~ ~ w1nn1ng entry In the nationwide com-b>t butldiJic oo t11o lol, tlllt ... pertill-lrom ...., to a1-·-·.-• 11 c. t_.abto eo aOQIIIre od-investment. ln both casea, the reault !Ita llol"'~ac. moot $1110Q....ud lbto 111o re-Commeco. petition. Tbe news stones and editorials 111~ IdA( th 1 bu8l AltaullooiJ-..--• -. "Tbo PlaooiD( comm..- are all reprinted in full on this page. iil.~.ar""'alla,s "::~ would be deterioration of ep oneer -aoo, 111o otbar .... -:"'-"':!r:u,. por= lllloold "' -11 uu • • • ~ c. I<>IIOdltir r-. ness areas. fWIIal .,..-wu ollml-11111 1101 a rlcM.II _,...,.,.. potJot," 11o aald, "Ito,.. u'" IMPOSSIBLE LAW MUST BE CHANGED tw ... oat,, ucs t111t II tllo The ordinance requires one olf-•treet' ~ ~~~~~~ ... ~ btllor lor-" -•• all~~~011.,.':':::;"~~.! rftld«!tt•J propert)' wu re----. .,, pe a porHoD of ttU &IDOIIIt :MUaU ---. (FROM THE J AN. 310, IM!J, ISSU E O F THE ENSIGN) IODid tJr PU'kinc. tbe co.t of parking &pace for each 250 square feet of Rocer•, diWiDc ttae ZSIJMI'IJ LDlo a llp.l dlfiMt ftD1 to Commlaldoa metUar." Tbe Newport Beacb City CouncU la now acqutatlloo would be problbl-floor area for new construction of retall Ullllt 00 romodollll(, &lid cbtttiop IIIIa -· r. Tbtre •or• -·-of th'~50 000 to $&0 000 for 2 a1low1Dc all remodeU.C ICI to ccu1 becaUM 1t ,11 ID -.coo-cltalfHIMDt aDd pro&tlt ftom just one step away from enacting draBtic porldA(,P.ces. • atores and office buUdinga. If you do not lOOftolllllo"•laccroulbr 111tuti-J ,..._.,.,._t,.llloUdtooc .. controls over business dlatrlcta. lnvoldng Tile ordloaoce W01IId lofolto realize wbat this can do to your property, zr• ora com-clal bltldllle. rlcbla." Cotmcllmao Bob Sbtltoo re· all lllreet JlOI'Idnr eqatr U lllo butldloc Ia 1101 •bz.D&od lo Cooocllmao ~ "Are markod "We ahotlld ""li&MI1 stringent off-street parking regulations ... ;.. tor busioep ~~ try a few simple math problema. Firat a -roqalrlltc ..... porldA(. ,.;. threateoto& tile CIC,Coom-~pore ;,.1 tile p-.. Com· throughout the city. First reading of a new wblch,.,.. do 1101 hue such re-estimate bow many car spaces you can Romalotoc lo the Ol'dloao<:e cU?" mluloo he• -· Bot por...,. ordinance was approved Monday nlgbt; 2nd =~-=~~· ID !.':ototo:;::;: get on your business lot. You wW find ~~otr":.t ';~ =:: 1 ~~;!,u!'m~~:!":~ ~ :: t!';:~o =1w:':.;:: reading and possible final decision wW structton, reiJIOOellllc ,....... that 1t la probably 2 at the moat. Tbls ot 001 JlOI'Idoc ..,... lor """" r.w.u btl to ,_ -&lid t11o foaodalloo butl, ucs - come up Feb. 10, ol ~ of•aluo In .. , _,ozr, would allow you to build a mazl.mum of zso _.-etoot of floor zroa'" llro In ,_ '''· aod !wore to •• cao work toward .,!floc tbe enlatpmeot of cross noor area tbe tollowtDc eua: ptc:t -.> a brlc:llbd to prottct problem lD some m&DIC." Before this final action is taken, the l>l' more thaD 1"', ,..,~a.:.,..ot 500 aquare feet of store or office apace. . Eolzrpmoot of abutldlocto oooo•eoo~oo 0 _.,000000,. Council sbould take a bard and realistic of • b1lllttloc destroyed mare You would bave an investment in land • commorclai .... IIJ moretbu ~~ ~ " -"¥ u.n 901 of v&loe lD any ooe c:ommerdal soae by more tbaa atJ. look at the effect of the new controls. Tbe year. Tbe oil-street porldA( and building totalling $50,000 to $100,000. lOll of tc. orlclalcrou noor ~ Council sbould examine the various pro-reqatremenl would he001port-Calculating· on a $50,000 total (not at all f.':r:.!': ";"{;,' ;e'1'::~ """" TH< •••· "· , .... •ssu• o• TH< <Hs••"' visions of the law to determine If they are ::C ':C:m~ =•~•= typical In our area of blgb land coat), bow W01IId reqatre oil-street por-A VICTORY FOR PROPERTY OWNERS workable. Evaluation of the law from the 1rom the zs'l. um11 oo remo-mucb rent would you bave to charge? Tbe tiDe eo proportloo eo t11o addod Concerted effort on tbe part of local viewpoint of the property owner buUder dellllc are ordiDUy matot.o-answer Ia ONE DOLLAR per annm .. efoot.-~ c:..r ... of a,.... bull-buslneaamen and property owners baa ' , ance &Dd repairs, outside re---...-and the lending agency produces strong .-u.c, &lid aJteratloos to. wbicb ls FOUR to F1VE TIMES the average dloc oa • ncaot commercial brought abQut the deletion of the moat evidence that a use permit will bave to be YOI•tor sbowcues, -"11 rental in the older business areas. Some ~ C""•-,. ... ota bul""•• objectionable provl&lODI ln the parking dll!lla, -. &lid -'tlo -.--obtained in a great majority of the cases parU&u. of you are suffering vacancies at 2~ a 11> • ... tbtt reqatres more control ordinance being cooaldered by PWI1e.re ijle parki= control8 are to be tn-Objactlooa ,.,. ralaod • ot ~1!-'foot. Tbe coMequence Ia obvloua:. ~~~~lllopr-. th~ ~~--..• rt Beac,ll c..,.c _ , .......... ~ ...... ~=,-=--""-~" ·•L-~. _,-, -lllbJ DMCoolr, $1 R . be •o.-....._~ '''""-"~v,;........_R=.~ iOiltl ....,~ -~~ u UJa< • r .. ...,.. ww'eue, unm lt·l• ----"'c-dol total vacancy at a foot •. emem r ..... •o~~owt~t~lllo·da-"!;.'"': ._,.,.._ v•~ ~-· "ir,"bid law.,-=<1 theneceasary changes must Mzr ucs ~mor -lmn; this ls baa~, on an unrealiattcaliy low · :.0 ~~~.::U:'.cc:""M:: up· ~gaUl ... t~e Fel:f.\14 CDunctl-meettnc, b Yr. &lid W.o, c-p Woodo $ About ~n thA rlgbt of th rty e made now, before final adoption. of 116 -..... llzlboo estimate of 50,000 investment. tor eo Feb. u. A riYiaod or-w ... preserve " e prope Some baste mathematical and financial ulud, onara o1 tbo 111-t' $75,000 would be more nearly typical, ~~t':t :.O'"'Zod"'r! owner to Improve and upgrade biB property calculation will show that It ls lmpoaalble ~!:u~S::~= and that would call for $1.50PER FOOT. in dloc &lid poulble fllalactloo and to restore a deatroyed buUding. to bulld on most of the Corona del Mar a~.,._.-tyatZIOMzrtoaA••·· rental to make It pay. ..w..:'"7 ... "'...:c!"!,!! Tbl!re la ·a lesson to be learned from business lots or an""'bere else in the llzlboo lalaod; lorro E. -. Tbe city's planners and CouncU w-· o1-, v.-Dor"" this lengthy argumentoverprop011edlegl8• • ' -pullllabtr of tbo Eulp &lid ~ •--.-older business areas, If the property own-...., of 111o c..-del Mzr members say there ls a way to obtain Mzrallall wu llrat eo.....-lation. Local citizens need to keep them- kit &ad bult.M ..... whir U. E tbt ellmi•Uon of tbt ~de-er must comply with tbe new requirement --. • •-some rellef from the reatrlctive pro--cla-, &lid "" ..., selves Informed about wbat la going on in llp ll located; HarYeJ D. of one off-street parking apace for every P .... , Ba-lalaDd rooltor. vlslons of the proposed ordinance: the ;;n::,: 1111 '""""" IIIII tbo our city government, and then they 8bould 250 square feet of floor area. A 4 000-Yr. Caldwou cltod t11o llzrtl-use permit procedure for seeldng le11er r~~1,,_ello& limit wu too do aomethillg If lt appear• that barmful , lblp thlt WOQ)d be faced by -..... square-foot building, for example, would MzriDI Ave. proporiJ ..._1 parldng requirements. But rememberflrat eo-umao Ltadale' Pzr-legialatton Ia being considered. require 16 parking spaces. CouncU mem-::1.:!" II tbo zr•couldbt of all that use permit advantages are not==~= ... = Several remarks were made at Monday bers should put themselves in the poaltlon c tc, attoroe, Tull, SeyiDOIIr yours ·by rlgbt, but by permlaaion. Your 1o ,._-umt~ 11 111e evening' • CouncU meeting to the effect that of tbe property owner, and try to find a laid t1at the c .... u hzlllrood requeat can be denied by the Planning lloiP= "'!:!"'& Er-this orcllnance came up as a IIUrprlae, way to provide that mucb parking for a ::'::"e:.~~· Commission, or by the City Councll, or """" ...., tbol -"'111o whereas the fact ls that 1t baa been under typical 40 foot by 100 foot business lot in Yr. coot r-'"d the by both PluoiDc CommtooiDo wu to Intensive study for about a yearandabalf. st nbmltted-tbeCo • .. till rtiiDOdiUDc llmlt u a Co rona del Mar and smaller in the other roque ·• rooa Consider the grievous financial burden ~-to --· -·~·-•-Tbe P""""'•ed law baa been the 11\lbject ot ' del Yar ChamtlllroiCommerce; ,....,_ ... _ _.. w .. ..,.......,_ areas--and they would realize that they delolloa of z ,..._to 111o faced by the commercial property owner: -zr-wt11c11 ..,. many news atone• in the newapaper•, and c.-cbuc tbe mode"-ban 10 cd-ttr..t Pll'kiDc r... · are enacting an impossible law. clauM ~ the r.;tclloo ~ Tbe use permit application fee alone Ia ~ alao the topic~ critical editorial COQUDent The CoronadelMarCbambercommittee r..,W:tor allollroJodbtdldloc. $150, recently increased from $30. Tbe ,._11 .. •Pu1Gr.-aald ill the Ensign on numei'OII8 occdloru:. Hllld--~~~~~--Uft-and the protesting Balboa Island property • proper.; ...,..,. appeal fee, In case of dental by Planning -u por-M -atdenblo re-Awakening of concern amongbualneramen ban t.be moral rlciJI: to ret&iD ..,_.,. -owners did their borne work on this math-tbotr eiiiiiiDc .,.....,17, to lm-Commission, Ia $75, recently ralaed from -ll.zr &lid '-"<•1111111. He came late, but in time, If there bad not been al d1l ·-· -1 II, .~ to ..... u --~-ollllo th ak n1ng th c u oul ematical and financi emma. Tbat is Pf'lY0 -re -zero. BuUdlng plana are required to be -7111 -11 -•·II-e aw e , e ounc w dbavepro-rtplac:e lt, tt DO lddldolal Ooor the reason for the request to eliminate 1110 .. ,. cnalod. submitted wtth a Ulle permit requeat. Tbese w1111 1M .,._ ,...-. ceeded accol'lllng to plan and would bave the two moat objectionable features of the to ..... _. "' t11o eo-:u plana can cost from $100to$250, or more. "trC:::." '::'"'-~::;: adopted the ordinance with Ita lncredlbly proposed law: the restrictions on remod-=:!.':' .;::~ 1n some cases, the services of an attorney ..._. o1 lO:b>t Iota &lid barab provlaloru:, that would baTe eling and improving an existing buUding, -.... cues, Mr. Col* aid are essential wben a use permit Ia roucbt, "::! ':':0 -::'':: threatened the very ezlatence of many and the restrictions on replacing a des-11111 • ... porllllt" DOl a riP! and particularly wben commlaalon denlal ~ 1M --~~* amali tlrma and property owners. tblt 1t lJ: permJ.ulft, I.Dd mtpt .,... ..... _ troyed buUding. 11o craotod ..... 11o1rot11d to Ia appealed to the City CouncU. Legal fee• ~-ns::'~:;:: Concerted effort CAN produce result., tt The reasonable argument of these pro-::;::• ..,. • -• com-can be reasonably elltimated at $250 to • ,.. ...,. 00 1M asr. the cauae Ia rlgbt, lllld tt the facia are perty owners la that tt no additional floor eo-:u ,_ s to 1 to ..,.. $500, There you bave a total ~ coata r-lac ·-· Ron u • presented with loglc and convlctlon. sp<.~e is created, there should be no rea-,..., t11o 11r• ..-..of 1111 ra-'-from $575 to $875, wrra NO :"'. -;Loflbo -lll>lrttod Tbe Enatcn Ia pleued to ban partt-ordlaiDc:e. VI~-JI&JW lJDd--.-. trlctions on Improving and upgrading an ... , Pzr-... -.Coao-GUARANTEE that you wt11 get lillY relief . llzroJd ~u, -of clpated with fellow buatn-men lllld pro- existing building, or on replacing a des-cllmu -~· fOiad from the burden8 ofthep•'"'"'-onttnanee. !Ita &a.lalzldlll--_z! perty ownerr ill thla 1111cce..tul effort to "DOn aJlDc tt11t ....... ..,... --. Go..tJ.I llarlM Aft..-•-,-trOyed buUdlng . Tbe effect of these rea-~ z11ow 1oor. r-1111( There are other eumplea of the paill-asr. 11.at1t -zJJow ,.. to remave burdenaome lllld objec;ttooallle trlctiona, tt allowed to remain in the law, ud ..-.... If JlOI'illltc re-fu1 burden8 ·that could be tmpoeed oil tbe =.r~:J..-=:.; prov1at0111 from the parldJtc onttnance. will be to discourage Improvement., and qtdre-zro 101 tocrooood. local buatnerrmen and property ownerr. far t1ta p1o10. Mr • ...,.. ltzd Here Ia rDOtber lea-. Tbla ctt:y DOES thJa would result in downgrading bualn-Parking law But thNe alone offer good~ for==-'=~;:;! Deed a local n .. IIJtiper, dnoted to tile diBtrtcta in the pioneer areu ot our clt:y, • , the requeeta that bave alrelldy be.a mlldll _.. 111 -.. 1'1111,. lnterrala ~tbeloealcommtJDtt:y, ecqol••nt- CouncU muat gtvebualne•I.Dienandpro-deciSIOn due for cbl!'ce• ill the ordinance: forellmilla-101 :;; ..,_, _ o1111o eel with local probl_. lllld ·n11lill, perty owners some credit for good bu.tt-1,..,.. TH& , ..... '"'· ttoa ~ the two mOIIt ·objecttCJDabl8 .. ·~TIIITop-pro.. and wsmnrtotUeiiCtioa.accordlnrly.Per· IHUK Of' THI: KNIIOH) -neu •-e. Economic neceaatt:y, without no c11y -11 llodJtac featurra the restrtct101111 CJD FeJIICitteUnr "'1 • .t.......,-nta bap8 tbla tplaode ~the Putdnror.llnanc• the force of law, will requlrtbuatnNsmen clln!W'na 1o 1111r111-lllld tmpivYtnr an a1at1nc tm1l"'ar, ·...s :J... :i:' ,;:"' ~ may ~about uotber ~._ to provide u mucb eztra Parldnc u Ia =.:r ~ .. ·::; •. ::: tbe ... b1~ on replrctnr a.diJhVJed !..-:!.:' • '":".!.~ th8r wrrctrtton ~ tbe ~ towo- pbJrically lllldflnanclalltpoutble.AqutU _,.,.,.. ••• ,.._ hldldlnr. The ctt:y Co:mcll Ia CJDCe .... -*:': ~~-~·. ·-~· auney ~ theCoronadeJ.Marba8m-dl8-., "' , ~1 Pl¢111 tl.lll UI'Ced to mMe ~· ~IMJlONpyW I-,11171 I IIIPIMIII' r:::::-----------, t.rtct proYea thla point. Tberr are at l.ut •-• -~ 0 ' 111 fiDal a1 to Qae parttac law I 1 "' " .a "'" -· y .. •o 1 .-~ott ... _ .. _ .... _ ___..._. '!'", ... ,,,,; ....... ~'!! lfPI'O\' · • !Mia· =·" 'I ,. ...... .,. -•...-~r---.P~~ !'!'.•. fl£;,, ;--a/tt ... ••••••••..,•••·== .DIIC......_.I 'hi ~ bee lt Ia good 1:1181 to ,. .. 1 11' -•' '-*lltl;-m _....,_,...._ ....... __ ~ 4 !:1: ao t1 )',P'"~·-fllll_tl_ I I 1;, fll_llr ___ ISIIIIaa-. 111 p1 *-- dD 80.. Tltla -• trend wtllcoattmewtth-J 1•1•' 11-t1 •· 1151 o1--•-noc.a..-.. al 1nE 1 e. c *' oat utllettve l,.t•lrt1CJD •. TIIertlon tiM :,;-,.':t':~"::.: :n-,~"'::1~ "•c •;:,":.'1 ?t,; ~; ·1r Ctt:y e.u .., Ia 11J1ed to m .... tM two __ ........... tiPiat ., ...... a It; ...... =*' ... 1110111 .. ,..~ .... ,·n•• ill tiM putl:lnr ... be-=;,~""" .... -C:.; ... _ --:~~ -=:.:-..: ~.·r, ;~,:._z,~ ~ :: ........... n.lappl'Oftl. T!lo I Dtalot JRI'Ill--" -·,_..: •• ~,.II a 4 .. W*s !!!~=~~ ENSIGN IA'IIaCW,SUie - • I • • • Not everY.body has a great time at the Fair ... YOU'LL have a great time at America's largest county Fair! · SEPTEMBER • 12-28 '" WHfltf If'S HJ#'flfNING ••• I • • • • AFTER 21 YEARS IN THE· SAME LOCATION JIJI e . c•11t llllt iH•• 4.1 '-· ... 9:30 A.M. SAT. PRIZES TO 6:00 P.M. SEPT. 12-13 W1"n II ,.uo old 1111 .............. Twice u 111c 1111 co~IJ -. ••-,.. .. -llrll. ,_.,,.. -. _.,.. 11r ...-1. Rlrlilll -.n. Wo- llll.n 10011 a .ore ~ Ia 0111110 ud ..., a.. II -u.. kl ,_ 1&-llltop-a.t n Ill&" atwap -. • KOOAIC ':Z:~ 1ncl aLOIOui"T .-----------~~~~~~~~ • ..... ILL FACTORY ·STORE' IIIIOCUUI!S • ·~,10 DEMONSTRATIONS COLT B.ICT-IC P\AIII ' I.M.M\1 roatiT IIADIO CIIAIIl T"'l •~m . MAIIIYA SEKOR • HONEYWEll. . •BUSHNELL e YASHICA You Are Invited! . .. ESEE US! . . LZIECHU FOR SAa... At oae time. you couJd buy jan of ao.chc. at most phatmKic:s. That was in the days when badin&: .,..s considcn:d a cure for many ailments. And teec:hol arc JOOd bloodletten! How lucky '<IIOC are to be lirina in this aee of modem mcdk.ations, with dl'ecti¥&-and pkasant -uatments for infections and ocher illncela. Remember, rdiabk medK:at.ions an:: Wnportant to you-they may mon the ditrerence belwea• pM1 and comfort ... between life and death. So, wbcn you are ill, 1ee your physician first . Then come to aas for the medacines M prescribes. _ .. _ ..... __ . __ a.au .... __ ..._.., ................. .... "' ... '-.. .......,__, II ____ ,_ __ _ ---.._ ........... '" .... WISTI .. U $) ...... "' ...... lolll ~ $1 .45 IIIIV IHE, CALII'"OANIA I IUI ... -PIN •• ..._ .......... _ ---..... -~ ....... .... ...... 2 ,,_ lll'lul ... -- OIEFAL ~ILY II"OAMEAL Y WITH SUMMER END SALE SEPTE~BER 10 thnu 17 SPECIAL SIDEWALK SALE --Oil ITUIS U .IXI ...... WEll. & THUll. SEPT. lD & 11 ..,..no !loa-~liD · IIUO SPOilT COATS -!loa-4S.IID · ~~~~ TROUSERS -..._ 2UO -lZ.51 Now 25 % to 50% OR Now 25% to 50% OR N-25% to 50% OR WASH PANT !Stay !'real-'-7:111 -IUI ~V.OR SPOilT SHIRTS !Stoyl'ra.;l -..._ 7.!11 -1 .. SHilTS -..._ 7.W -ut IBMUDA-..._Ut·t• SWIM TIUNK -..._ 1•·- KNIT SMITS -'-Ul-u.. • ~3.00 ~3.00 ..... 1/301f ..... uo ..... v.Oif THE LUXUIIIOUS IIWII~ THEA TilE SPEOAI.S SEPT. 11· 12·13 EIIOS TUESDAY, SEPT. 16 a IN TEOINICOLOR Aarri. Clark GABLE •• R~eu a.aler a....a. UH'Jb, HOWARD•DeHAVIU.AND .-,_.a~. VlvieDLEIGB .. Scuku01tau a SHOW TIME 7,00 P.M. a PART ONE WILL B E REPEATED SO YOU MAY SEE A FU LL SMOW AT 9. M . SIIOW STAllS 7 ,.M. CONTINUOUS SHOW SAT. FIOM S SUN. 110M2 IAIGAIN MATINEE wm. 1 ,.M. Jack Lemmon and Catherine Deneuve rn BEANS 37 • ··~~· .... ····--· outll const o,_n Nightly •t 6:45 p.m. ~A TIN H SUNDAY A T 1:45p.rrt . ....... -·· --HOLDEN · BORGNIN£ · RYAll * * * * * I WEST COAST PIEIMI£ ENGAGEMENT sounBN CAUfOIINIA IXCWSM SHOWING . . 10 •111 WEEI! CIITICS a.AII! "I .... (Jollie._ Ja. • alo&I.U om ntlow--• •• _, Buf , •• ..._ J:h'el • • ._,a · .,. ,.....,.._. .................... ... 1" ••• Wandlllale, N.Y. Dally~ "OM allho 11011 orlodMI-altha f-· ... ..waif-of tile loeoll ••• John BorholorneW 'tuctm, W ABC-TV .. A hflh mark! !:pie • sa.! Red a• elf pi'OIIueecl! The aetka Is fariouat"' ••• Archer Wlnsten. N.Y. Poet 20 words or 1 ....... . 21 words to 30 WOf'da ..... . 31lll'Of'da to«> words .... .. Each WOf'd o¥•r «< wo.-da .. 1 Ti'" uo 2.00 3.00 .05 2Ti1HI 2 .. ~ s.oo 4.00 . 10 3 Tim•• 3.00 .c.oo 5.00 . 15 OPPORTUNITIES fiOITS ON Ulf .U CO.,I'\JIICU f OUfl ITS U•(l\101...0 IUUOCl'S, ,,.t,..·• •. uun , WAUI(M"S 0• A1 1PII to( OfPJCI. BA.CX TO SCHOOL SALE 12 uaed lfi.Dd5, reeoOOlUoDed ' CUU ., 4'8" to 9'-Ktabe, Stelmn.y, Blutbner, plu. others, ftom $490. UMd orpu -AUto to Wur. Utur -moctpopuJar matts, !rom $ZII; Z5 pociiJ 1'1lomu for ooiJ $4115, DEUGHT, L&pa Sp-6 couolt p-!rom Bt&eb. £•bU 'IS 4 ,_,fl. I tffl, -•"!loll, ...... --· !'T''L~~ ........ Foil pr~<e $1 7,000. Onor, wrrc -•• $300.. . • ICHIOLS 494-8501. · Schmidt Mute Co. 1907 No. Maloat-.sutaAn& SWiawa7-Ham mood -Y&mab& REAL ESTATE ll~u :I!:~~~~[ ____ I ................ A .................................... ... MISCELLANEOUS HOLIDAY HEALTH SPA MEM- BERSHIP -IZ .-.. (- :00 rt.lt.) lor $ii. RecuJar price $ZOO. -LUe, 549- 1425. Phon• In Your Order for a Subscription: C.II613.05SO IIINTAL DILUU_o __ -Ia c-CIIIIIu-.. _ltol--~ lod-......... ---~ Nfii'911T 11A11801J blllll 111U_,.Y, IEI'T. I~ 1!18 fl·~llll'~llCIION==-.=.-!.!I"w~I __ .....JUP • Ill. wr. ••••• ,. •• d ••••• llnlh ~C...._ ~::::~'~M~·~~~~~~~C•;•;••;•;~~~M~a~r~~!;;!~~~· ------ Udo skindiver drowns CORBiN- MARTIN UALTORB MEET LOUISE .... LOUISE BAKER HAS PLACED TWO OF HER CLIENTS IN NEW HOMES THIS WEEK- • 120 KING$ PLACE, NEfiPORT • 1113 CAMBRIDGE, NEfiPORT We bring buyer and seller together. Let us help you buy or sell. Any of our staff will be happy to v1B1t with you about any real estate problem -without obllgatton. THINKING OF SELLING? Let us evaluate your property for selling prtce. CORBIN-MARTIN, Inc. "1.-Mu • ..,.., T•• C..~rt~cf' 3036 E. Coast Hwy. 675.1662 A c..-clot 11ar ...., _ a _. ..... ,.. "'""'bod re-r==C=o=ro=.a=a=d~e=l=Mar;:'~C=al;U~. ~=====~ uroolad SelL 1 tor --~ a --amc:er to fertac wUil a polke allle« ellu tbtar•bd:lrellr.Apew a1ter bo r-to e-t11o left lllo C:..OO. clot liar reo-P*t* I& BBII!'PI' u• blloH nc. P:oD:IIIIt ca....a. -.. ~ 1 1 Spiro "-loiS 111o Fmo Loo1la ar-ir .. u . o1 :101 Crona r....... PoppJ Aft., re~Med to ID N-Poilu '--' 11101 ._ t11o llrool. "llo, I'm IIIII h rrid IOaYZII(," bo .-. -· l ··ove e·· .,. ... pollao. .. _ .... to dD, .,. ••• - ~""' .. ~~~.lty ~ 642-5200 . hed lecii'Yo ""_, ri&M to bo bon. Is Sc U IORJ)I_t)_lllollrool, l'Yo Und bon t>r 14 ,_ .... ~~~~~::::::::::::::::::::"'::::::'1 After eotllac lllo t.laot . .. oryw~~or, lboy ooold ud TWO CNIDIIIATES LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE 111-.c .. ., -001 ol "LE I'OR TIIUSTEE anllable -., lbo N-· Two ... _ ... bo" OWUad CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, CAUFOSI1IIA Uta ICbool board deekild 1D 411 tile pcwttM oe tbt Mew.. NOTICE llfVn'UfG 11DJ 12-y to try .-lu .. or· pet IE-oellooiiJolrd...uod SEALED BIDS wtU be ncetrod at t11o olf1u of tllo ride ·-lo Folnlry lo lui -bJ Lloyd BJa.ool, Clerk, City Hall N-Bei<O. CaWorala, 101111 IMO ..... -· bullcol prolliolDI. ---tobeeomo&lodll • . S.,e:. WUUam C-1-m ne eei!Mit. llt GordoG c: Cll tbe 6tll ell)' ol October, 1968', ll ftlcll ~ tb17 told tllo -tbat nas 000 -of '114 ,.._, Eul opeaed .... rood, for portormlar work u -·· II es-l tor __,., • .' 111-8,_ -· u. B~~~· JAIZBOREE MEDIAN ~LAND WATER SERVICES ... -·-.... -.. wu ~. -..-.a AND SPRIMKl.ER SYSTEM Jtracta-.1 IQIIJpa:MM to nJa CIW = trt Ill tM •leetloD lut CONTRACT HO 1U5 --tbroqllllll_.-AIJOU. ud lamu B. Wood, · lo 1010-n -do, 1111111101 of 111 JUIIIlllo car... clot Blda mUll be--oo tllo PIWI lb<ma_bod_ procnmo IIIII -· ••• 11ar -1o IJI~ of-111o coa1rae1 doe ... ..,.. -bJ t11o--DIIIOrt-betn lacr ...... OG ............ v..i. Rt&IJ. meal. Tbt IMIHQnal copJ ~tbiPrapGial.FanDt. to be 1'*'-1. of $1,011,zae a ,_. bJ tbe bld<ler lor biJi recorda. Eacb bid mUll be """"--'od bJ oub, oorW1od c>oek or FINER HOMES DOYEl SHOW View hom. bullt for family Uvtn: It enler· lalnlng. 5 Beclrooms, large llvlng room, bugo atep .. down family room with fireplace 1c walk~ill wt't bar. Pool aize yard, beautifUl view .................................. ,500 C.U for app'l. DOYD SHOUS t:>quJJJiely decor-3 bodroom 1>omo w1111 formal dlnlng room; larro 1111111<en 11 v 1 n 1 room, huge muter suite. Eloc:tronic ov& UnuiiiAlly beautlfullllld1C8piJJg, "ltlt lual. Aakiog ............................... . VIIW Elegant 3 bedroom with malftlllcent MI. 6 bay view. Spac:Jow livtng 111011" gardoa or family room ; overme pool wltlt extoulvo aurroundlng terrace. Done in ezqubite ta1te. Priced lo sell, . . .. . . . . . ...... 1127.500. Call for app't. SPANISH HACIENDA l'alicinalin~ 2-slory home I o c a ted on 1 ~~ acres ; spacious living room, larp fonnal dining room. both with heavy beam ceillqs. All efectric kitchen. Bam &: stables in excel· lent condition: corral&: _put.ure. Each mem. ber of the family can have bis own hone. This delightful 4~ sq. ft. Spanisti home overlooks a beautiful 'wimmin~e pooL Aulfl. entic .Mu.ican tile doorways &. grill work, make this a unique offertnc with a Newport Beach address. Asking...... . .Sl48,500. IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY See th is c:uslom built 4 bedroom home wHh dining room. famUy room. 2 fireplaces & pool. o .. ·ner bas purcbued a new hom~. muo;t sell. Asking . . . . . . Si4 .000 . iohn macnab UAL TY COMPANY 901 O....r Dr. s..tto 120 642 .. 235 PRNATE BEAOI plus tso• Ocean View 3 .-ti'OOIDS, CODYertibie cieD, tamllJ room and Umal ct1Aloc room wUb a rtew ol oceu ud )lttJ. All uu PLUS a p-larp pool lila protoclad courtyard , , , • .Ia< t11o f&m1l:t 11101 -... 1M -. ,TI,500. ) . 6 UNm NEAR. OCEAN SJX Z·bedroom UGlta 80C&b of bletnn.1, Z bloeU to oceu.. ID a Hawallaa sett1q. E&eb apt. wttrJ .elm«~ -· ~K-Ill tltcbeu. Carpolad aod -Ellcollool IUDIIDII' reallllar• $145,000 C •• N Bldd.-'s Boad, made I>O)'&IIIo to tllo CltJ of llnport _.., '------------------~ Ouncl ews ..... -oqoal to al -10 JIOR-*"' tllo -11111.1" Tbo tlt1o ol 1bo pnjoet IIIII tllo -''SEALED BID'' lloll I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T1lo PJ...-·--«-'"""*to Do-tor ~apto-bo e-t) mubd ootllo-oltllo-olapo.,..tll,.tloo Sales through the Multiple Listing ctt•oce wu amvW .._.., ••*""-u a piJat pro)let bAd. OYOIII.ar bJ t11o lfaoport -tor -.,... Ia lllo db. Tbo Coolraet Doewnoala 11101 mut be .._lotod, --. Service of the Newport Harbor-Costa City Cooodl to II" Do eo... • CALLED II1D8.,. ao a.m. ud r-llllbo ..toe~ bid 1"' Mesa Board of Realtors totaled ell-ltJ tor-udllll-Oet. SIDrJ.,.bor•114.,.-. A. I'IWI Jutombelil-ratoo. Jallod watar w•kw ..., B.DeiiJIDIIIooof-• )35-1/2 miWOD for the first seven T1lo Coood~ oo Ita on mo. ....---Eut. c. Bidder'• Boad months of 1969. This represent. 953 Uoo, trill 1lo able to Oold -Drln -ud Ia-D. lloo-<OUuloo Aflldatlt 11ou111p oo -111 orc1or to DriYO 1l«tb. Tbo cool 11-. E. statamolll o1 FIM'"'I•I R-blllty unit sales and a dollar value Increase "Ill a roo-lo clolr• of -at na,ooo. F. Toelulleat Ability ud E~ R-ooco• of 19% over the same pertod of last .....,... • ..., " IJIWldo lair ro-• CALLED II1D8.,. IO a.m. Tbo• doeameata lloll be afl1ad wUIJ 1M .,.,.... ud year, which was a record year. L1lrt hn 1b< tbe• ___ ... Oet. 7 lb< tbe INt-'10 llrool ZWn of lbo por10111 sllllllr oo 1loiJall ol tllo -· For Cor· tao udll>'wt•lnlllpclolr• r..---. lb< -. 111o otpluroo ol t11o Pr-or VIce..,._ your property with a Realtor today. of ...tee, flldoc ewtw, pltara, ero.111-IIIII Soer*'Y or Aootlllot Soer*'Y aro roqoRod UIIDo Cor-....,....ot .... r.~GI'dla-Ylal T.-nce, Jlubor.,.... IDtbecueolaPut.l'llalp,tbtGP'lw•GIIl-..c.. -r-.,ud 1100-tanud_tw_lalr-poratoSooJSllallbeallladiDallclocw hf«<l(rroc:~:::F=I=I~I~I~I~I=I=I~I=I=I=I=I=I=I=I=I~I~ -will -· • at tbe SelL Judo, lleoport llolpta, -pen-II r.qulrod. IN Ia atot'JC, Bay ud Cilia C0Yo Ia ecn. No bldo wt11 be ICC--a CGmitdDc -llu IIIII - 11u w-. ~--o1o1 -· T11o coo1 lloolla-11e-111--~ NEWPORT .. of 11111'• ....... .,.., --tlld. $141,000. ID oc u. ..... ,., &lid IU.CH s-:'UICI 4W ...... lo I pro.. • A~D a. dtJ ..._.. .._. b15 llCIMI --bdrm horne t f11m~ room n.lo.-. ia ..... EPet;tlrl ... ••r ..... a ..... al ~ P)lu ud Coatnct J ~. Hann OK spenu;ll r ..... ••• 1111' crt ' =e ~ t.t tD ,..._-.., .IIIIa: MJ be obtaiDid at tbt tlk nMil. *·~ bar. ,.iew. _...,-JaW..-l1ro trw:t-al,JIO lila Norpwt_..,catlalnll,ll•coollo Ill 11-or-;UIItbe per-· Jill---ci,._OOtrllllla '"'* Ill to eallla oaoral r&n -llo.llr .. .-.17, •-Mil COOind to r-' Ill Do ..U00 .....,_ oad a -.,._ ..til pill. IMIDo -.... I Q e :1 aiL lllr .... -Qw. ,.._. ...... ·-IIIII tbelllll-a tor ... 110.11, Ill II-lrt T10o ., ...... 11 .... 111-......... , ...... -Nt .... __ .,_,... .. _ -·· . ....._. I I dkc Ia -• .&DIOUI1IID to ,.JO .... fUM." ..... , ....... £ ..... . .......... ec--· , ... .. .. ... -·-LDDo ..... C... wtzdJE'I ....... ,~c:aa,.. .....,,r, •lls!IYMI Iiiii •11111111r -IMIIIIt ot· ... YIIIMI--tw s..u -:= ::~ ts llrs" AI .. -~~til:=·~-~ •c ,--., .... UJ::A ... £3' ·-:=.·-~!.::= ... ••• b fE ,... I& Mart-... ...., . ,111 '11011 QIIQILA TID A~YitiiiiS\M •••' at?z•• I 55 1dlf ... lr' PM I dtd ..... 1&. 111:1 .. lie azw*'llr ... Os. c.lt'-... -. .. .. --.-... It _, ,..-;r; •t ....... --· ...... ••• a.. eo=-............. ~a- ... Dill DilTS Of'IN DAILY .. ALDIAH I'I.ACE U..,_.. """IOih •f) ~ hou\f' wiU. ~II> :'! tld11n' 1'. IMalh.t. Ot\"1',-d ~Uo ' b!Tr"lf'*'·~· D£lJGIImJL I. SPAOOUS --·-.,_, lllriMI eft~ ...,., .. rttJia,_,....._.,_.. ,_,, .......... ... ,.,.. bn '?11s ... _ .... _ .. ... III'IH. •••• ...... Wela- McC.rclle Aealton Rdiilblc ScRiitC Sllzcc l'Hl IIIIIIIWPOIIT MWJ'2t CIIR &MilA CIJs't .... ..,. ' .... ................ 111 ........ •• M!Lat a ..... =.., ..... _ .. c:..'n==it 551~:~11=1 L • II a CAlM-~~ .... lo ,_.._ .. ......... . dol ............. ·•=ze:.. Fa s 1117 .... .... !fl ... -I llraM!rt D I • lallltr. ' ~-- •• ' ------ CORONA DEL MAR WELL BUILT 2 BEDROOM HOME WITH GUEST ROOM . CLOSE TO BEACH AND SHOPPING ONLYS3S,SOO DON'T MISS THIS ONE •••• LOW PRICED DUPLEX 541,500 TWO BEDROOM HOUSE AND TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT. NOT AN- OTHER ONE LIKE IT AT THIS PRICE. IT WON'T LAST. l>OX Y. fiUXI<liX I R~JllTOR' .1250 £Mt Cont Hi&flwr CoroN del .._. CalifontNI Pllonll: 61J..2222 VIEW - OF NEWPORT HARBOR Beautiful3 Bedroom. I BatlrWATERF"RONT Hom~ on Bayside Drive. Newly redeconttd. Priced ~180.000. lt01 IIAYSIDE DRIVE aY APPOINTMENT ONLY BILL GRUNDY 67S.l211 '--' 1St£ DEYElOPBT CO. 1• laya..., Dr .• Newport laoch SALESWOMAN OF THE MONTH A R.i:.CORO of O'f'tr a... q'IIU'W mli.Uoa dollars lD lxlme ults b' tt. IDODth of Aagut qaiiiJad LaR-llaor7 "' Hal PlDcb1D. ill Auoclates u ''SIJtJWOIIWI, of the W:onth." OYer SSOO.ooo LD sales duriJ:IC tbt four net pertod •11re re- corded by tbe firm. AD ICC::On1)liabe<l deeontor • Dcnrer arra.ncer. muatclaD ud ut111t. Mrs. Heury otren tiUqut quaWleatlons Ill asollllar boltl bQ'ers a.ad Nllers to b1PPJ results • for traJ.Did. professkr.ta.l u... IUt&Dce oa real utate matters JOU are lD\'ltedtocaU6'7'5-C91. ~·----L•A•R•EN-E•H•EN-I•Y-.. HAL PINCHIN I. Aasocilltea -E. CD.UT HIGIIWAY, CD-& DIL ~ 61$..412 WE KNOW THE HARBOR AREA- AND THE HARBOR AREA KNOWS USI "OUR 20TH YEAR OF SERVICE'' .-J._ liES ..!'=V. .. ......... . ..... 2 0 -- News LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, CAUFORIIlA N<YriCE INVITING IIII5 SEALED BIOO wlll be recelYed at tbe offlce of tbe City Clerk, City Hall, Newport Be&eb, Cal~R'rda. .IIDtll 10:00 A.M. on the 7th day of October, 1969, at wrdeb t1me tbt)' W'l11 be opened and read, ror perform !De work as illlows: STREET RECONSTROCTION, 1969-?0 CONCRETE REPAIRS CONTRACT NO. 1.240 Bids must be submitted oo tbe Propoal Um attacbetl wUb the contract docomems ftlru1sbed bJ tbe Pablic WorU Dlput- ment. The addlUooal copy of tbe Propoal Form 1a to be reb.iDid by the bidder for his records. Each bid must be accompi.Died by cub, oert1f1lld ebKk or Bidder's Bood, made P1111blo lA> tbe City ol Nnpoot Blocll, for an ;unount equal to at liel.lt 1 0 perctllt ol. tbe &llliCMd bkL Tbe title of the project a.ad tbe words '"SEALED BID'' lball be clearly marked oo t.be dakle of tbt ~~Welre»e mnll'n'nc tbe bid. The Contract Docwneota: that must be completed. aecuted, and returned La the sealed bid are: A. Proposal B. Designation of SOOcoatractors c . Bidder's Bond D. Non-collusioo AlfldaYit E. Statement ot FlnaDClal Respoaslblllty F. Technical Ability and E~PUteoce Refereoces These documents sba11 be aftlad with tbe slp&tures aDd Utles or t~ persons slplnc oa bebalf of lbe tackler. For Cor· porations, the siptures ol tbe Presldeal or Vice PresideD~ and Secretary or Asslstut Secretary are r.pred aDd tbe Cor- porate Seal Shall beallladtiOalldoeumeatarfQiirlDc slpblrea. In the case of a.Part:Dersblp, tbeslpatureof li Leut 001 pMI'al partner is required. No bids will be accepted from a Coatractor wbo bu aut t.. Ucensed to accordi.Dce WUb tbt pnwtslauofebapter 9, DMI:toB m of tbe Butae11 ud Pmle..X.' Code. Tbt c.c:.tndal' siiiL1I state his Uceue aumber aadciiMIAc:aHmlDU. Propoal. Plans aDd Cootract Doc•,.....,.. Jnc.I.UIC Speda1 ~ ... , be ol>laiDod at tbe Poblle "'""" ~ City IIlii, Newport Beacb, C&lliDnda, at m co.t to U ....... coltndan. A aoo-ref\Ddable cbUpt ot $1.00 wtll be r...-.. b' e.cllll Ill of Pl&al aad Coltnct Doc...-.~ to oCMra.l.la rq lir1 tbol tbe PluoudCooOnotlloc-ber--l- aft81' tbt bid...,..,"£ Tbe City bu """"*"" tbe staMor~ "*"""-a Plbllt Worb ~ue-(1917 -~~~~~ """""*"•) u .,.__. by lllo-..~Cbeplo<ooltllo.&.ckuPWIIic­ Auoc:,._udtbeAM!CI--.J~oi­Coploo..., bo _,_,-111111111111-.,IOe.,-Qnrlud An,, Loo AapiM, Calif. IliON, (Ill) 1-71. Tbo City bu.....,._ '"•nl iipoclll_ud_ Dnwlop. eap1oo "'--anllolllo o1 t11o PWIIIc wan. ~at.-"' ta.ao .... aot. ne CMJ ruM,. 1M Jit,tll: tD re)ld .., • aD tl6dl ud to _.., _...., ~~--. .. --... --"'.&rtlela I, C..,.1, Part 7 at., callll! • ._ areo Cl• r 1 TJO o1 ~ t11o CJt7 Coed I ol ... CIIJ "lb ................. .. ~ ....--...... --ill .. --ill .-llt-illillllo,..,. ...... _..., ... n r • • .,..,_, s• ....... 1& .. 1 •• ------iiiP 1M ...... lUll ..,ll,lM.A_ef_r 11hlf1 loa ?'I lolla- tl .. '*'Clift...... ... . ...... ,--.................. ,. -~are.· 2. Sill- -·· a lfiN- 2 a 0. . ...,._ Cll'ff//IMWWI 8VW,~ ._I I 2 Clr Clorll ........ 11, .... ~ .. ~··'--· ' MON e&l 0 GUADALAJARA. G U S ..,..., .... , "'-cit v ~ OU\11' •••1•~ CHURCH Mesa I'RIVATE $CIIOOL fMIMIII-CALIP. ASSOC. OP' CMIIITIAM ICKOOLI) ltiMDERGARTI!M -6TM GRADE SMALL CLASSES 6 WELL ROUNDED CUA'AICUL.UM FROM 8:30 A.M. TO 3:00P.M. WI TIEACH HIGH MORALS AND TIUI AMIIICAMIIM ..!::=:548-2840 or 548-1733 • 10c COSTA MESA CALif. llt'l • ......,. l.oLiofft, -en ud ...-lao to be u out--Gitlll~oltlllllw• .a..a., ...... port -LlliniJ, 1• -T .. pelk: II lllvlled b' lbe tloot -· aro II 1M ..U ~ eolorflllputoiNft'-ilriM--IIoiiMew-port,tobei>Uawodbyl-heoo reat y-.r, to bebiJdattbeM"-HoatuHs wtll be Wrs. no.. port-Yaclll Cllball0o30 ,.... --IUs. R. A, ._m, ,_IIIIJ, Sop!, 11, Pur. IUo. AJuAIIdrows,llrs, EU.. Loo, u -IIJ 00 lleii<J' -. ud IUs. Lelalld loc:al bJ.JtorJ no hU 1111*-Beckett. Reservations may be tallied. .lD tbememorleluilm-made by ealling 1573-1480 • pre1sloal ol He-. Mod)HD., will IIIID eorl} llnport b1a-CONCERT SEPT. 19 tory wbeD tbl McFadde A solo orpn recital by J.P. Brotbers bad bMD comiD( IIIIo Coi.Ju, assistant professor of tbe barbor 1D tilt reu 1115 mule at On.o.p: Coast College, parsulJI( • .... ............. will be beld Sept, 19 IJI Uad&me Modjlsb urt'td 1D the sanctuary ot Neiebborhood 18'1& wUb tbo Polllb eoloaJ Coacrepllooal Cbureb IJI 1.£- to Millo ID ADaholm. It wu U ~ Boaeb. rears liter 'lrbeD Jbe buUl bar Tbe coocert, scheduled tor TICKETS ARE 011 SALEb'IIIIOraqiCowltJl'lll1lllnllcole l'HOMA$ LONG DIE$ bomo ID tbo Cuyoo, ud dllrloc 7o45 p.m., 'flU be oo tbe 12-Boclll1'• 11119-70 -n _ ... ol 7 ......U. llokll( Tboalu VIDceol L<la(. 50, o1 Ibis porfodtbolleF-..1110¥-rauk, n5-plpe orp.11. IU, ~-In Ucblo aro, lrom loll, ""'-l&mMP. 1145 Cork LD., Colli 11-od lrom tboorl~ lud!JICal Colyar llebolrmasler-<>riiiJilsl Judll. tlcket ebllrma.o; llr1. JOU F. ~. r~ .. ... H 11 IUl"11 ed B&ylbore to tbe raUroad track at the ebureb, loQted at Gleo.- ..aetarJ; ud Mrs. E. Morp.D QQ1Da, radio ca.kmu. ~ ~ac.wUI--:-..:r,.; J ~ at tbt Jli'HIIIl llta of tbt New-aeyre at st. Am's Drln. (lact Wlllt pllolo.) Tbomu ud llicliU:l; ud 1. port Pi_.. Madame Uod.)IAI.'I Wr. Colyar, a member ol tbe aD _. ,.--._ beaeb bo-. oo Bay lalaDd bid OCC m\ll!c faculty slace 1964. Ph "lh . s . ty dill._.,, JCIIJIIIe, -----~~ -. I armon'c Oc'e I(~ ReQalem 111u1 wuetle· oec..,.....-.,,..,., u a 1a u IBstruetor at orpn. He bralod Auc. 17 at st. Jollll 1be --Mlllomoot. Sbe par. bu stllllod Wider Aluaode< n Blpt1.c CatboUc CbUZ'Cil. .(B. ebued 1M:r bout from Sam Scbret.oer IDd Flor Peeters, to 0 er 7 Concerts tormoolwu at Good~ T1I8IID I« $1,000 ft1llo ID ud II......., a 3rd wm as Chamherg) HERITAGE ........ ·····~~· ·-···~"·" 2 Q % OFF on All Dining Room Pieces in Stock Cem..-,, wUb Balb llor1:aar)' 1909, dean olt:beOraneeCowlt:J'Ct.,p- Tbe OraDp Couaty Ptdlbar-8aD1 ScbmWat.lrltd will ooi~C.....==-~dl:l~llar=-:dlr:oetiD(.::~~E~U~IB~Loo~·s~talk~~'fi~U~be~-~jW~o!~lbe~A=m=er=l=eu:::.:Guild==oi=Or...:..-J:============================ moole SociltJ wtll ptued: z CODdDC:t Ute orebHtn. 1D oct•• ,.. crlbed 1fttb color sUd• ot the p.DJ.sts. world-famous orebestna. 5 re-Cnwford Hall Satwday, Feb. 1, DOWDieS ~ton,· &Dd. Z tq,-1910. AD1re Wut.s 1flll 11JP1U ruldDc p1aDO .alol.sts 1D 7 eoa-as pi&.Do .,JoiJt. eeru tor tbe 1989-'70 subscr~ Uoo -lu. HORWEGIAH DIMMER -tlc:UIB 1M Ibis 16tb PLAHHED fOR OCT. 19 coocert seuoa are oow oo ale PJ&u ue nll .s.r ft1 b' b> tbe pomUe. tile llrll Nonopaa lato11*41D- ap.ntnc lbe PbllhUmooie's IIIII' trom s to 6 p.m. a.dly, HUOD Oil Tuesday, Oct. 14, YiU Oct. 19 at tb1 Am•lcu. LeckJa be Ge1'111011y'a NDR Sympbooy 11a11, 115 15111 St., l'lnport Oreb-.a, ma.kiD( I Ia Zlld Beach, -od by 1'171'0 Lll Amerlc:u tour, coodueted by l..odee Ko. flO, ba ot Morw&y. RI.DI Wl.llat, poeral mu.aic dl-Resen&tlou mullt bl made 1D rector of the Bremeo. Pb.ilhar-adfaDee. w.r.. Ray lfleW. et mordc state OrcbestrL 541-5118 wW prvr1de ld:Jrma- Tbl 110-member croup w11l t1oa Yblre t1eata eu be £MII'- pla.J from tbe ltap of UCI'a ebued. No ueut1 W'l1l be .,ld Cnwlor<lllall, udllklaUother at tile.-. eaceru, w1l1 bec:tD promptly 8otJed • • Latfl.lt' • 1a ta. tra- at l o30 p.m. m-. IIIIo -.,. Cllriii- Sis --will be played ...... -.. --· b1 till 1AI' ., ..... J1l&l.. aNa diilllb..._ ... ber-'< Ore-. Tllr• ol TOO lldiN o1 till 1oc110 will tbem ft1l be dtrect.1 b)' bl IIIU1Dc .. .._, to ., wUb Z-11-. mule director of tile aa, 1'1111 11 --tM orebeltn., aoclSYt.lllDellde ot br-.d. w•a-na. aalldud -" by llataol Frob-"ptal>lo will a1oo bo _.od, bock do Bur .... Do.nill Bar-lrllb plooiJ "' -lllld • -bolm, &Dd Rul Scbmidt-laer-..n.. -· Carl LJII, t>rmor -Guelt .,loi5ts will be B)TOD b'om .. ,......, Ia eaalrmu.. JUII, otar or 11>o plallo, uxt c-., 1o -of ld.lllt.,..lla ADdle W&tta, n.yeu old poiUI tqtptee IIDce be rttlrld. of tho pi&Dolorla. -tleut•, prleod at $21 PRE-HAUL I!XERCil! tJr &ll 7 eooc.ert&, ma.y be pur-A ., eau tw women ebl.lod at lbe Oraoce CowiiJ' wllhll>( 11> -ellllla<llllbolr Pllllbermoole ofllee, ZOI W. prapoeJ llartod Sop!. S alibi C-Hwy., N_.t Beaeb. Oraoce Cout VIICA, miiiiD( SI.Dcll UeUta, lf uaJlable, are from 9:10 to 10:15 W.....,. $4 ud -ooltleutnro$1.75. lllld FrldaJ moroiDp b' lla ZubtD Mebta, SS, tDters b1s weeD.. CbUd ean 1a atalll!* 8th y-.rumUiledlreetorottbl at tb1a tlml. L.adiU •n Uaftt Los ..,... ... Pbllharmoole ud uorelll 'lllleh 11 t>Uawodbya ... lth -ol dlrec:tiDc tho p ...... ti. lbl --orebelln ID Oruco COIIIIIy Ill-ntmmloc pooll. TOO _.. dlr tbo aoupleu of tile 0rup 11 -1111 dlr-oflolar}' CoatJ Pbllbarmoale SoetetJ, Jo COilWQ'. For moretatorma- Ho will -t tbo oreboslra tloa eau lbe 0rup Cout 1D 0rup Cout Collol'l u . YII·:A. (MZ-9990). tor1WD With B)TOD Ju.is U plallo .,lolat Saturday, Jan. I, HAZb. ARMST-G DIES 19'70; lD OCI's CrawtJrd Hall Senlees a Haul A.lllr., Satorcay, March 7, aDd OCC Armstroar. 111 w. Utb st., audlt.ortum SuDitly, Aprtl 12. Colla Mesa, were blld s.pt, S RafMI Fr.._k de Buraos, at a.u-Cblpo~ Colli Spa.iD.'s molt outstJndJnc coa-Mea. Sbe ._ llll"t'iftd bJ w dllct:or, will CODduet tbe or--. James Arm.ltrolle; s tJro.. eblltn. 1D OCrs Crawb'd Hall tbers., A.li&D. CcxaweU. Vallejo; Saltor*J, !<.,, 22. Frallk Connll, Flarla,. lllld Dull! Bar-m. --Clan..:e Connll, E...,...,"'-~. wt11 eoodoct lbe or-ter.-wu u r.p.waod .... ebiMtra at occ SatardQ', Dee. moruu ftrt.. lS. ... -------LEGAL HOTIC! LEGAL NOTICE liO'I'1CE OF TRtSTEE'S SALE to 1AI 91 of Trad Ro. 1111, 0o ....,.,... n , 1969, at ... ._ Tornco, llllll,u-. 9 a.m., -R, Slq>be<, u • a llap ..-de4 Ia-N, -· or ----45, • a.1 f7 ol lltacol-,. ---. by tbo .. _ .._ ,_."'Or- -._ of Tnot.-.... ~. CaUIIInll, a.. bJ ROBERT L. AIIIIOLD lllld ted by IMI -._ -PBYI...LI& M. AJUfOLD, ..... .., Stilt--10, 1111, uu-.d 111111 Will, 111111 .-dod lolJ 1, by TOO -C: I •• u ·-· .. -'lt'lt, -111, ~ aod -~ fll011dllltecar'411a tblaiiJce u lllfllt ~ ••••• ., ... ~ a-dlr o1 ,... 10, 11&7, 1o --. Onllll c:a..o. CaUIIInll, 1111 pqt 110 tl a&filllllllldl., .,.._ ID IMieortala-~~.ca--. o1 Dllloa ... •-to •11 - -will .,. -.. 11ot ...... ltcOidld ... ,... *"' .... Clll • -_...,, 10, 1-Ia -1'111. ---ar I II'M, I 0 • I :!.: =' :t:f'~~ =.:: .. .:,-.. ': 22. AT PVIILIC· AQZ'IDI '10 ~ -ol tao -o-n ....,., na CAlli ••~•• 11111111 Dlllltl~ (IQIMo M -ol -lo lf-wll: t7, ... 10,--- - -"' .. 1111--1;1 '•1, ""-~ ... ~ .. -... - - -jiWII .. .. v ...................... , .. .. ..-.-..... ~ _., .. n. _._.._ ... -·-11 -------. .,. .... ___ .... .. ---~~-~ .. ,..~ .. = .... aar., .. ..... oo.llr " -•••~n::--lo --~-~-A I A Just for singles When you're young and single, lite can be so great. So many tun things to do with your freedom. So many interesting people 10 get to know. That's what South Bay Club is all about. The most complete country club you've ever seen with apartments located around it-full of your kind of people. A 3/• million dollar club house, tennis courts. olympic pool. health clubs. and much more. Don 't say you know it until you've seen it. openhot1se .,,,., .. .._Ha~....-.., 1 ....... , ........... 0 ........... L.,.. at tllooo two wordo:-ADd joy. Ka -thom more lllan ....... ,. They think -will buy ~~til thq ftnd no ouch --lllooontlie ..., want thom mon tluua -· They are ... cntl:r eoaviDeod that -and romaDeo will brinf thom. Wlieu tho ocbome fallo, ..., ... ohodl:nd ADd doddo U.., haft boo taken on a boat ride ADd~ dowari..,r. )(., wont them mon than lniAIIII,.neo. Th07 believe an ndueation will open thlo door juot u It_, to open the door to eveeythin&" eLM. Then th07 dllc:over th07 have been made the vlctlma of fai.M hopoo, and bave ended u foolo. Men want them more than tame. 'They prance af!Air rocotrnitlon. trwotln1 It w!U briD&" peace and Jo:r In IIAI path. But the carrot on the end of the otick Ia beyond tbe donkey'• reach. Men want them more than reJlcfon. They flounder about in chureh and aynagoeue lookinar. liJW.ing, waitinw. hoping, for peace and joy, wondering why the lightning never eeemt to strike. Peace a nd joy! Freedom a nd happineu I Life with a capital "L"! Where doee one ftnd it! In the head otnce? On a desert island! At a resort hotel? Aboard a yacht? In a cave? In a mon- astery? Shivering among the nudists 1 Dodging the draft? Going on a "trip''? To uk the ques- tion is to answer it. Let's try again. Can peace and joy come through group therapy. psychosocial inventory, liberation from one's inhibitions, social criticism, political involvement, aMaults on the "power structures"'! What a waste! None of these guarantee peace and joy, w hatever their relative merits or de- merit-8. If Life with a capital "L" is to be found, we shall have to look somewhere else. According to an ancient document, peace and joy are gifts. They are not, strictly speaking, human property at a ll ; that is, they have never really belonged to us men. We don't achieve t hem, concoct t hem, fabricate them, discover them. They are preeents laid in our laps. They· come to us from beyond ou rselves. They are gifts of the Holy Spirit: unsolicited, undeserved, uncon- ditioned. He brings them with himself. When we receive the Spirit we receive peace and joy. They come not apart from t he Spirit, not with- out the Spirit, not before the Spirit, not until the Spirit has visited. No wonder so little peace and joy is to be found in the world. Men do not know where to look! The last thing they could imagine is that God himself would be the source. They go to church a nd hear: "He is our peace," and, "/n thy pre!ence is fulneu of joy," but the words brush off the shoulders as easily as dandruff. The bored walk out the church door and take a cab to Funsville. Bu t a fun society is finding it harder and harder to manufacture fun. That is the real point behind the present mounting in- terest in narcotics. And so body after body ha.a to be broken on the wheel of li fe. No peace! No joy! A nd cMi.Gltf' )le!ttrdaW! .\a.ve ligltUd f oot. Tht _, lo d1UIIy doo.tll. • What a way to go! To find life a pall, and to creep at la.at into some unknown bed, bleat a bitter epitaph, a nd wink out. But there are people who know peace and joy. They have received them as gifts and radiate them every day of t heir lives, whether in uni- form, on a factory assembly line, adrift on a raft, working with computers in a skyscraper, languishing in jail, enduring privation in a ghet- to, or traveling ' in a spacecraft to the moon. These people know that money, sex, education, fame, even religion, are false pa.ssports to true freedom a nd happiness. We don't want to claim too much for our human capacities. Peace and joy are mysteriou!'l qualities; they come wrapped in the !'!tarr-y cloak of eternity. No one can actually separate them from God h imself. This is precisely why Chris- tians believe that the peace and joy that marked the life of Jesus of Nazareth were manifestations of his deity. Christ showed us from the cross that the things that matter most in life the things that all men truly want in t heir hea'rt of hearts, are hanging down in clusters before us like grapes in an arbor. "0 taste and see that the Lor d is good.'' Be h is guest. Have a bunch of peace and joy! ··--.,--.,_ .. _,.._ ...._,'T..,•,.u•• ..... ''IIWi+ ... Ud ,_ wUI ..... Well, Ill_ ........... lll:o.-c,N __ .. _., .... _,_ .W-<IaJIII:ollllll- --· 1111. -.,, tllo ...... II , .. --... ··-.. -...... Mrriad,-... •• -...... tllo ................. _ ... --""-.. tllo ---ll:l.t-• , .• ? Diad ... alwQw ----"-.IIIlo -•an Iiiii ·~-....... SIFRithcaa. .... it .... tool Bit wl& pqjC .. -ltlllaf-llll .U.0 -Ill -I ....... 81, ... ,.., llool I'IOPU: -_, -IIU a ..... WAIIT !0 -.u. "-'1 ll:o7'r• lad II a ,__ loooa God, ll:or lallr Ellllrfio ....... ..UU.. Will lift --la-ID -no Will .. OIC,Ilad-. tlloo, II ,.. --,_. lllllt.ll ___ ... -·-~-~~--.. -... --.... -"'""'-i11ar • llloJ _,.,.to lloD. Wortnl0a---....., For """ r.. -11:1.t .... lOa? lriiJ --people wiD be comln1 to Anabelm GRe.uvr Jol', ud iow IMI .-111M • -IW!Ak from d 1 lllld a.! lilt 111o clorii,JOb,.. all, 11rDo 11 a ..---rom t 01 and towna of California, of u bJ 1111111c ,.. will -· ~. Yoo ooiJ "'".,-. Orqon, other parte of tbe Uni!Aid c~--- COME TO THE HOME OF THE ANGELS Reprinted from Billy Gr.ham·~ l)ec ieioll M•sniDe Boa 779, Mia.ne•polie, 'ot inn. 55440 ehatrman ot the Laymen's Council. In addition 10,000 peraoM attended Christian Lite and Witneu cla.leel.. Mra. Ruth Graham, the wife of Stateo, and even from ovtrMU. --art lo bt LIGHTS Till -Urw.U. lllllt. I clt- Over a hundred years ago aome the evangelist, will apeak to eome German immigrants bought a ftve thousand women at a luncheon parcel of land a long the Santa on Monday, September 16, at the Ana River in southern California, Anaheim Convention Center. Three formed a settlement, and ealled it. thousand uahen have been recruited appropr iately, "Anaheim." Fifty for the stadium and potentially a yean later thl!: sleepy little village 5,000-voice ehoir will be singing amid the orange, lemon, walnut and nightly. avocado groves became a favorite History was written at the Loa F int vice chairman of tbe Cru· 00 1 IIILLI Till -ld Will " cldtd, II ll:o *'I lllol lulL ODio dar--.. -Joroal,_llllloiA-FII aade lo the Reverend Robert Schul-11M -1 .. _ ocr --· will lui. llooC -_ .. ler of Garden Grove Community ... -.IEFidllt ___ 111o -ld? 1-atlllollllrlp Church. The Reverend Tnd Cole of (w.u s I' IS ) .._._ •~ ~~ F'~ Ba ·~ -: •• • -.... ---~· pt~• Church. Pomona, lo Yno ..,. .... 111o Wortt 1o 111o _, lUI. It load 1o bt - chairman of counoeiin&" and follow-clays oe 11M eorb' cUrd~? Till ... &IIIL lllrlillll( bolldiOfO up ; he reporta that over a thouaand mJ.Dt.t•• ~? nat WOOkWt clldD1. Jut. TbtJ bid liD bt 1on co~itmenta to Cbriat were made .... r"'ohtk•'Md tbe world MD tnlltallJJ. Did U1tJdtlll dunn&' the p,..,paratory Cbrlatlan U.. ..., 11 <lldl No, u wu 111o Jut? Aplrl lll>oocllloCtlloaoal. Life and Wltneee clauee juot con.· com,_ .. ...,...,. ClwiaUID lillie-1o -DIIIEFid God II cludnd. Chairman of the youtb coun--aile 1o 1111 M~ IEFid -.a~, ~ lll1Dp lUI. A e1l Ja the Reverend James FelJUeon UJODe .Wdu.t.,u.t...,.tM wortbwbUe bnsiD"I W'CMlld: bl of the .wr of Firot l'reohyiAirlan b-ods oC lllo••• 1o ClrriiC tu coml>lna 1111 two of tllttDI retirement spot for Iowa farmers. Angeles Crusades eondueted by the Today Anaheim is a lively city of Graham ~earn. in 1949 and 1963. 180,000 people, the home of Disney-If ~nahe1m IS to . be w:neaaured land and the California Angels hue-agantat. th<MJ:f~ eampa1pa, It should ball team, and is located in the heart perhaps be In depth of pene~ration of Orange County, with a popula-mto the local ehurch, and In the tion of seven million within an breadth o( the Crusade's scope, ac· hour's drive. cording to Mayor Lorin Grieet of Church of Hollywood. Mn. Earl &ad -111o -ld -LAte lui 1111111 I a1 boll Mooney of Fullerton Ia chairman of don. (Adol?:l.) OPr!PIIA mJ bod. TboDI- Taking place in the sparkling new ~nta ~na, a Christian Jarman who 42,000-sea.t Anaheim Stadium late IS serving 81 Cruaade ch~1rman. By this month will be what has been chartered plane and train and bus the women'• prayer proarram which Wbea ., 1P1Af ue dJ1ac a be a MJSSK)IfARYI 1 )I.J' blt'.k has arrengnd for 10.000 homes to Cbrllt-lilt -&ad bam. don op!O. "Door God,'" l be open for prayer for the Cruaade. boo eartaJ.al..,. biYI DOt J« be. prlffd, "1 doa.'t 'ftDI: to hi a Won't you join these CaJiforniaM IUD to Uft lar Rim. l'-lla liD m'...,..ryl P .... lbow me in praying for Anaheim ! feel 11U Paul: "Woe ll ...eo tometJdac elMI" BltGod~~n• me 111 preach .at tbe GolpeU" d1d Jbow me &aJtldac e ... , &Jd called locally "the most significant event in the his tory of the Christian church in southern California." The official name for it is the ''Southern Cali fornia Billy Graham Crusade," scheduled for September 26 to Oc- tober 5. J oining in the event will be more than 2,500 churches of the area. Volunteers have been drawn into the preparation from 27 sister cities in Orange County, as well as from Los Angeles, San Bernardino, Riverside, Santa Barbtira and Ventura Coun- ties. The geographical outreach of church partici pation is officially set at Santa Barbara in the north, San Diego in t he south, San Bernardino in the east, and the Pacific Oceau1 in the west. At preN time the range of local and recional televiaioD OOftftC'! of the Croiade 'itniois · wu • ltfi1 not determined, but a series of nation- wide telecasts across the United States and Canada was clearly con- templated. Ae in Pittsburgh, Melbourne and New York, the Crusade will make a major appeal to high school youth and university students. Heavy par. ticipation by church youth groups and youth organizations has been reported by the Reverend Harry B. Williams, Crusade director. Youth coundl member Dick Day has or. ganized an extensive beach ministry at Balboa, a nd will be taking the Gospel measage of the Crusade to campuses through hundreds of co- operating Christian groups. Three "youth nights" are planned: on Monday, Thursday and Saturday nights-September 29, October 2 and October 4. More than three hundred laymen have formed a support eouncil tG promote the Crusade. Mr. Robert Jones organized 500 small Bible dis- ~uMion leadership training clas.ses 10 local churches. David Paynter i8 The Value of the Gospel By Or . John Owen Cannrt!,' said Luther. A dungeon From '..-1 Vision of Unclw,.gtabU, 11·ith Christ, is a throne : and a throne Fru Mercy.' p"aclttd btfon tlu 11 ithout Christ, a hell . Nothing so ill, Hot.ue of Co'""'O"-', 1646. lmt Christ will compensate. The Re•rl01ted ..... CHII ISTIAN BEACON t:"rtatest evil in the world is sin . and 7U HADDEN AVE., COLLINGSWOOD ~ .the greatest sin was the first; andy~ • . • .J. Gregor} feared not to cry, •o fllu . !\o men m the world want help , uipa, quat talem mtruit rtdtmpto- hke them that want the Gospel. A mu ." ·o happy fault. which found man may want libt=:rty , and yet b4=: ~uch a Redeemer!' ha pp). as Joseph was ; a man may All me rcies without Christ are bit· want peace, and yet b4=: happy • as ter ; and e\'ery cup is sweet that is IJavid was: a man may want children, sasoned wilh a drop of his blood; he and }tt be blc:s!led, as Job was : a man truly is 'at"or tl deliciat ltuJNJni may want plenty, and yet b4=: full of ytlferis,' -the love and delight of COilliOrt, as Micaiah wa.s : bul he that !h• .~,, r 'oh I h oh ... ""' s o men, w1 ou w om ey wants the Gospel , wants every thing must perish eternally; fo r there is no that should do him good. A throne olher name given unto them, whereby without the Gospel is but the ~vii's they may be saved (Acts 4 :12). He dungeon.· Wea1th without the Gospel is the way; men without him are is fuet;for ~H. Advancement with-Cains, wanderers, vagabonds. He is out the Gospt.l is but a going high to the truth ; men without him are liars, have the greater fall. like the de vil. who. was so of old. He Austm ref used to delight in Cirr-ro's 'Hortensius,' because there is the life ; without him men are dead, 11 as not in it the name of Jesus Christ. dead in trespuses and sins. He is the Jesus Christ is all . and in all ; and light ; without him mc:n are in dark- where he is wantin~: there can be no ness, and go they know not whither. He is the vine ; those that are not _:.:flOC!. Hunger cannot truly be satiJ.- fi td I\ ithout manna, the bread of life, grafted in him are withered brancheJ, which is Je~us Ouist; and what shall prepared for the fire. He is the rode; a hungry man do that hath no bread? men not built on him are carried away Thirst cannot b4=: quenched without with a Hood. He is Alpha and Omega., I the first and the last , the author and t tat water or living spring, which is Je sus Christ ; and what shall a thirsty the ender, the founder and the finisher of-our salvation. He that hath Oot soul do without wat~er ? A captivt . as we are all, cannot b4=: delivered with· him, hath neither bt=:ginning of good, out redemption, which is Jesus Grist ; nor shall have end of misery . 0 and what shall the prisoner do without blessed Jesus! how much better were his ransom • fools, as we are aU, can· it not to be, than to be without thee! not be insnucted without wisdom , -never to be born, than not to die in thee! A thousand hells come short which is Jesus Chri st ; .,.,,ithout him we perish in our folly. All building with· of this. eternally to want Jesus Christ , out him is on the sand . which will as men do that want the Gospel. surely fall . .-\11 working wit hout him A LOOK is in the fire , 11·here it 11 ill b4=: con· !!U.Iled. All riches Without him have 11 11 1.~!1 and wi11 awa y. 'Mafftm rw.nt , u1rr Christo, quam ~'tgnar~ cum (Romau 9:11.) lllllorct oC my on Joel< .. ... U wbeD 1 rteJ tbe poww ol ted me «WWtt,_IIJ UDWI pwe U.. Hob' Splrtl vlfac mo 1o lA. I eorr-td, &ad mr say a word to tb1J ODe cw tb&t pr&fel' beclme, "Drear God, oat, &Dd I doa't. cw to write a p..._ maA me W AHT to be a letter, ucS lip 1t "Yo.• 1D miA:tcarr lf tblt'• JOW ..,... Cbrllt" &ad .._ ar aoe-poae t>r m•." And, "'eDhallf, lll1ac lllout 111111 Ia U, IEFid I Ht did. cloa't, I 1811 Mft-IJ 1Ui117 of I HAVE -IODiellliEIIIIIII dlsoborla&. Dol .... Jorl -. will lui lllroap 1111 .... l dol~ ,_ boi>P7 I IMU Aod motbtr. 0111 clay II UCIItiiOIDI tbe Lo<d addo 11M biHSIAc of lo Ed lllout IWI -lorCbrlat. Hie Spirit. I told blm e-)J IEFid llq)ly Some wUl come liD Dow Him, wbat CbrUtlultr wu &U&balt; U He IIIII .. U J1•klecl, _.. Aad bl coald .. ttlat I llYI lt. readered llllt:NB..U ID lUI: Yoa nre Dere tbe SliDdQ tbat ba.Dda. ADd lbe tbuU wn't bl . be wa lanrvd ID cbareb ud ours. WbeD a pllllnblr ftMII &e:"etpted JNM u b1a Lord. A.ld your llJik. )'OU doD't tlltD 10 b1a DOW Ed'1 D1 wlll Un b't'fer toolbo:l ud ay, "'lblat 10'1, wttll God blel ... 1wua "mla.- neDCb; tMDk rou, b&miHI'." lklMrJ'' to blm. ADIIlf be tn:r Yoo tliUk ... .....,.., lA IIIII brllp --lo Cllriol, I c:ue uae P..._t wtn lan doal ., ..... e W .•• 1-t--oldl luiL(ot-•0J•mpJrllc wu, bol I rocollll wulia Vu lA & ,_.. _.., I nlf hill7 N1171, ...... I decldtd -· Jm. ooly lllo too~ tile wr-iD lilt portul tbiAp allouC Ulo. I AI -oC 11M Plumber.) ,, AN OLD FASHIONED DOCTRINE How many the,... are whoM 20:32: 26:18). This phau ot hearts would be thnl'-d If tMy Mnctiftcalian Is based on Ute ,... understood th• old fnh5oned dempt•ve wor11 of Christ in oor B1ble doctrine of Nndtflutlonl betlalf, fOt Hab. 10:10 uys: "We Sanc:tif~n tS .Mit • ntll~tlve ere Nrw:tifl~ throuah the off•r· mett•r: don t do thta and don t do il"'l of the body of JH~.~s Chr~st that. It Is rMMr the posktw lt\lth one. for all ... that God wants ~ for Hlmtelf as But ~God would have us ap· • uc:r.d PQioMUIOn. mUd'! " • prec:lllta this fact and eondud brid .. room COMidel'l hla bride ourselves acc.ordmfly conwcrat· his-very own •n a Sl)«:ial, uc:red 11'11 ourHfves ever 'more com. wey. pletaly to Him. Th ll Is practit:al. Great Events in the New Testament "The Woman at the Well of Samaria"- John 4:1-30 T THE K B1tHe Mnc:tiflcat6on is • two·fotd procrn.W. uncttfiutlon "For truth, aff.at,.-both ~.' stlndlnt thts 11 the wtll of God, ~n your before God and our ""fitualat.te. unctiffUtion" · (I Thfl. 4:3). In one MnM C¥efY true Ml~eVer H•nc• P.ul's benediction: "The '" Christ "'-• already bMn unc:· very God of peaea unet1fy you tiRed, or contee:ml'd to God. by wholly" (I Thu. 5:23), anct his the operftlon of the Holy Spifit. exhortation to Timothy to be ... Thus we , .. d : veuel unto honor s.nc:tffi.ct •nd F .. .., THE SWORD OF THE LOIID, .... 1099, M.,., ......... T.,,.. 12 • ... p ~tdt (Mcrtt. IZ11l, -· Zl "Uft.d: W...U ap ia JUa -·--9ft· '""'-" ... -·-· Q,...,.,.,., I. C. " ... God hath from the beg1n· meet (fft) for ttl~ M•ster's 'use" nina ctiOMn you to utvftlon, (II Ttm. 2:21). By MrL Joy Marti• til•) cliMW o .... Sh:J) 23 laitiaJ. •I twe ·--....... -22 M ._ a..... ~. ... .. ._, cr..., ,.._ .,, .;,;o: THE SIIINITY Of SUIUNDII 14 ~· ca.-........ ____ ... ll ----.. A.MWle (I C:U.a. 11 :21) U • -u ef --'er ~ ap 11 _ ..-.. (Je.llll llsll) The l.o:'d Jews Christ iJ the same yeeCetday, 17 ~ :...-:."::1-----21 ,111 • •,,, ..... ,,, .. r-&. __ ........ ,.._. 1oday, and forever (Hebrews 13 :8). Tbe man -• or woman whole faith is ft~ted in Him will be ,.-+-of 1•21 ,., -"• ---· __... 31 W.W. el....,--.. ~ (O.a. filled with a sense of complece ·-·••·-00 i4 ......... C. ..... ( ..... lSlll) •st. ,, \iUIIIIQII:o_.., u :----·-••U ._ ..,... a .. ..,. ...,. ., ___ _. .. (I a... l!ta) matter how mucb conditions around him are N •".. ... •• ...... -.... a .. _. tlwr .._. u.. •• .. ._ chanJiaa. As the Prince of Pe~ee. Christ iJ ·~ :ti,; J ... ,._.. ..... u ... wtdl N ; .;., ~ .:.::. able to aivc puce of miDd to tboee wboee liva ____ ~ 11 ·~ ._.. ._. ... ,..._,. _... •nd thouchcs an CCbtered in Him. H • ... ., A--. ___ _.. (Eael. ._ .__.. The Christian lhould be Uftltfected by the Sr!l) • -., I h• pc.a. 117) variationl in cmotfonal temperature which oc. t1 .. ._ ___ _. ---. ._.. t7 "'wt '• •= M • • ., .W. ,.,... cur •round him. With a faith wbkb ;. C0111Caftt . ., ~:"-~t.. ___ r • :=!.. -.; ~~~ _. W. dde •nd unchanpna. be walb tereaely amid die THROUGH SAHCTlFtcATK>N OF How can bel...,_rs M more THE SPIRIT .. ," (IlTties. 2!13). whofly Nndlfied to God in the;, ··r~ eocordlna to the fontlnowt · prKtlcll .. .,.n.nee7 ay stucty1ne edit Of Ood the fethw. THROUGH end tMdltati"l on His Word . Our So\NCTIFtCATtON Of TH£ SptR l ord ~: "S.nettfy them IT .. :" (I Pet. 1:2). ttlrout:h Thy truth: Thy Word .. nus hu nothiJ'II to do wfth our truth" (JOhn 17:17) end hul de- conduct. God dtd lt. S.nctinc.tlon c:l•nta ttm ''Christ lowd thti ~ins wfth Him. Thus hul could Ctlurct• •nd aeve Hlmteff fot 11 write to wen tM e.e,...... COrtn· that H• miaht Mnctlfy •nd dHnte th!.n Ml~ end N)': "Ye ARE It with THE WASHING Of' WAT£R Nnet;t:*f'' (I Cor. 6:11 ; cf. Acts BY THE WORD" (Epf'l. 5:25,,26). A FREE GIFT FOR YOU •....., ..._., .... I cr a.. lit Cllllll. 1&11) cta.nee and c:haot of1 1he world around. He 11) fJ • ..,... c-. INI. w He) m~.lntainl an inwatd pace bowna-oo11y tbe It ... m• that ~inl .. 11> pttet cried: "Ho, ewry one thlt • • -. ., ,_ cr-. 1 ... , a -. ..., .. -.. U.... 1•11) tumult and bloodJ the: war wtUcb ababa dte inc up In coet theM ,._ Hath!,.: "tt6rrUth. come ,. to tht w.twa. • • ...., ., .._ ,..._ , ....... _. .. .WW -~ ..._ · unh around bbD. Whla Olbcn .,. afraid. he cornet down, eYWithlne 10. up and M INC "-ttl'no monty; c:orM • We) .....,. (D m.a. t4S) mUntains the. .,.. ---.., ... : ... .....~.--8 --~P-Up. w.., too .,. 1101"1 ,e. bur end .-t: - -~-M • ...... D-•-. --• ............... ~/lo -.1 ._... ua-Ul. .,..., UP. ... not 81-81 ... -~ _, rl c.. llsJI:l _ ._ .... ..r n ._, • which be fell ...._ outward COQdidoaa wen: "" .._ Md mlk wtlhoul: moMJ aftd IMftl. for our .,..,. •nt ct.cr.• Wfthout -'1111 -U ......_ .. t.. ...._ ,.,... II) settled and qu'-t. He lives in tbe world'; but lnJ In y...,. .. tN time. n.t's · -. • do ,. ., ~ :;e-_s~~~ ltY _... (J«, :: ~1 ~ --• .. ....r inw•rd.,ly .~~ ~«eeted , by its dtueial cur-.tty fonMr ~ o ..... '-•• =· ":' ,:r"::'':r .. = 1,1,, rmll .. --.-, itl ..chlQI emotJc.,. lla nia se •laW we Ml'ft c.-. tMm ..... ....,....,. not1 ......_.. ... M"dlo..__ ...... _... iduo.Hoil--otrhilf .. bylloecur. ----10o,-_,-~-·--(-.M"l ..,..,_..-.HioWtbillbedlno -----·-·_Is __ ,.. __ II .-1 ..... ._... w...lt. _. Ood Wbo il ,..,.,..; bia feet are ... 011 tbe thlt .._. it OM .... tNt hM .-a-. ttMH '" 1-,_ ... cM'f ........ _... Rock of ·-,.,... ........ ,ca. ...... -.- ._ -~ -llo '/OW ........... COMe ....... Mr. CI.IIIIIDOWW I "Gc4 ,_ • __ .. ........................... -... --~··) ........ ,_ .. ___ ., --1"-ld) t •-tl T1t' M ••• . ' f.P.1 -., ,,. I • -· I .Jll -1'. 1 •, .I • J ' Tho-ot mobbal., such •-oe ~---__ ..,. ___ ...... •• Ill -~~, ................ ... t .. -• o.d lD tbe wonk of IIIith, ... IMI. ............... 1 FPC v ......... , ................. ., ~.~ .. ~~-..-.(~-~·~ .. ,-. ~ I)-··-.... hl441•· ... _-,.'!..~· .... --~ _,_ ·----ill ·-......... "' ....... ,.,..,.. ..._he-~ ...... .,.. ..._..._.II u-.wt) 111 ;lad wllfl 2) 1 Me Ia .... M ••~Juaa-.: • ' " ."II : :1 u • I . ' .j . ' .,...,fii ... ...W..._ • , ... ._. ...._. ... ...,. ..... ..._ •• .... ...,..,aw,..., ........................ '1 ... Ja&•$ ........ ., ........ , 'OZIIIIMWIII ... . ......,., ~ J ·II • ,. J I ' .. • __._(I law ot ....,. '' o lw _. ., . --..., • lor 1r--_. -l:al). • .,., ....... ~of ............ '' ...... a., .... -. ............. flf ......... - -.,. ..... a.. I "lotio-·=--.... -.. ~---~~-• 1111 • ...._. ....._ ... • *-•.. ~ •-' a a , • ._ ... • ~ C'ltNI .. -· IC+ I J:l).-Mo _. _ .... IIIIJ-....... ~~ .... ----~., .. _,... .. .,.> ., ..... • ........ o. I 5. • • ... btt(lmn a:•>· ~ 'rrn..,,. ==:.=r: ...... :-:--....... -t ....... -:.-: -, ... -...... a~ ....... -ii ... 1:7). ., I I ....... ..,...._ ,.,_ ...... , ........ _ ............. 1 _ .... ~ ,!'1-..r_, __ .. _.., ~ -,....,_!!e. ..._ .. -..__. -• ,._ ~~~filii , ... __ .,_.,W' a:~ :1::?'-• ..... ,.._M-r .. -. .. _ ,:;~.:-.::.> , • .,. . '• ,... .,. -"!lr, A a - -., tl = ., --., -II • ~-. -A tl Olo .... ta --= II..:-.. ""'l " -lol4) ·-···---... -__ .,_ .. _ "--~~.:..- " r. ~ • ~ • I t 1: ~ ' J ' ' " II ' " i ' ' ' .. r.· '1 t.. .-; • ,., ·' J a C lS,OOO s au,aoo I I,JOO 7 1,500 I SI,OOO I 10 11 IZ II 14 15 It IO'J 7,100 II 1,900 7 4,100 (SEAL) Too Too Toll Toll Too s.Y. W. E. ST IOIIN Coualy Clerk Uld u.-cU> Clert ol tbe Board ol ~~ ol Orup Coooly, Calli>nlla By .lloibel L. Cutetx llopaiJ Clerk P,.,lllb, N_.t Harbor Eaalp, S<!>tombor 11 Uld 541·1953 • GUARANTE!D WOIIK e FRIE ESTIMATES • e FREE PICK-UI' & DELIVERY e •MElliE~ OF C.U.D.A. CUSTOM DRAI' JOHN & lo!AATHA •4 BED5PREADS Quality Upnot: "'"' From Police • PI:IDAY, AUG. 11 ':::"I • .. ftJ I ..... C... Watt ....... "* awuun. • ,. 111, o a. ...._ ..._ .,..... e, at ao en.. llul-. ,.,. .... ....,..,. ......, r-w """-' .... ..,., -..,.. I I hill ao ... _, --I ..... Jll'-lq-·~IU ••• -------------~, STZftR CI:WJWI, -01 J11n.. -· ....... ud Lou .... -~ Cldlo, II pie111rod-.... prlaa ·- """ liD -.. loolt ott .... ~~--11117. -... a 111-.1 ftlllermu ot lS ,..,.., attrlbltes h1a SQCCUS to tbe ue ol ruor clams fer ball. EMEIISOII IOL T DIES Em•-Boo Bol~:OO.Tu­ IIJI, CoG Ilea, died All(. 31. Ht 1a JUrYil'ICS by bl.s sister, llro, c.,.,.,. E. llartlDc. Colla II-; Ills ia:lt, lira. Coo MtlrPb7, Mluourl; 2 lliecesaoo ' QIPblwa. Prtnte Mrltea~ were beld Sept, z, directed by Balta Mortuary, Corora del liar. Mel t111aea lila l.ld 11114 -..t 1 ...-. a lin Md: rta-Ult Soll;!s:zs IMI:I'....:S a • ..,.. ...... ... .... ' ................. MilD 'U ....... CJC.Ie "«1HIM ... ..... .... ............ .. <lnlllo ... ~ ... --.. -·lclllol.a-1741._.,., CGOIIJ -Dopl .... ---........ -.., ..... ~~-~ ••• 81! -• • • A,_ ....... -~-...,.....-.....,. .. --od lwo $* ~~--l ......... lao ~~---~~~~--· ID N-Sba<M, --" -WI..-............ A P5 -.... u $80 --Plllllp ·~'J!')!I>o 1108 ........ ·-wr, ... --.......... "'r--400 ._ 81. ••• ea.... l ....._ an orw b18 In*, YWfe Ctuah-o, Ill W, BIJ, !b6m1c&la were poured oa tbe ea..UC $80 c!orMp , , • A -•• , F'Hd Fr.__ car bwll ollclllo WJ.ulll&>, IMl -.D qwut...--101-1/1-fii.,WMIN-. W. C-lhry.,llariDaroMUo, liUiflr llareu llcGoo4J, US r-'od I $80---lor $150 clamap , •• A $100 Allao, N-lltiPII. Willie • • • .Ciolllloc -$80 wu _,.... lla,U .... - bt ftl Pla1iarcalllo -.at Dloa--~-.. F..,._ from Footer Gln,IIOODolpblD , , , .Bier«1 11paa-fiiO loa.,_ ... , A thtll-Tar., !niDI Tar....,. • , , waro --IW• Cllllll, fa cull from lfle dru-3&m lleEifrelll, 48 ClbrUJo, 1101 1a1o1 lolo, -V .... <Ira-If Sal17 Ford, 30Z6 W. Lido Park, coli-oo N .... HW. • , • A wallet ,..,.,,. ... Cout lhry., Mlr1Der1 Mile ••• , port 819'4. wttll. a Sub Aa $10 ftl laUD from 1be ear ol A f50 -ln.tlor wu sloloo driYer , • , Waller Cbrlllapbar, Crllr smm, 1e01 Circle Dr., from lllrk<lllllllcv,2?9ZC1r-1510 lllrlmar, No.7, Ball>oo, Be7 Sbores • • , A blt-r1m ds Dr,, Bra7 Sborea ••• Gordoa wu aneated oo a ebarp ol I drlYer rammed 111e parked ear ,...._ Z'JU Circle Dr., 8o1 borllarJ ••• Pollee ebu(od I ot ne.ta Koeb, M&&l*utll, Sbcw'N, flrtd worse tbaa b1s ~ DartH, lOOS E. Bal.- Harbor VIew 11111a , , J"wld .. ,...,, bo lolallod Ills car -Bmt., .a-. wUb drlrior Blakl ... , %10 Fon, N-oo -Doooe, lniDe Ter--lllo I.,......, olaleoOoL Shores, eoUJded oa w. Cout nee ••• Etbel Buddie, Well:-,...--------• HWJ • .ttb a dril't:r from a.u -:wr VlUI No. e, sw:tatNdcw• G&rdeu,, .IWdrecUIJt:r.50S JZOO tllmap lD. a colliaoa oa K1Ap Rd., cwr HateD, coWded Ocwer Dr. wttb a Laguoa dr1Yer on W, Cout Hwy, wUb a Gar-•••. L)'le P~, 804 W. Bay den Grewe drtnr ••. A car Balboa, n.a urestedooaebar """"" b7 Elole EbU.C. 117 P ol-tbolt. Via Amtbea, Lido late, wu bit 1n a PllkiDc lot bJ a drlnr who dld oot stop .. • • TU&SDAY, AUGlBT 19 A car's troot seat weot ~ smote wbeD aomeooe threw • SATVRDAY, AUC. 10 milch tbroull> a -... ,,. Boat wiDebes &Dd chrome Robert Bur, 40e6 Inlet lale, bardware wortb$U7 nretueD Rubor VIew HUla:, bad left apea LE~·L NOTICE ftom Fred Coall"'n, 111-1/Z lor uottlation; the car wu -Amelh7ll, .._ lllaad. • • • "bJPVYealflafod" lo lllo -FOIIIERL Y MEARS CIMERA NOTICE OF TRlBrEE"S SALE Luqage ftlued at$50wut:Ua ot $50 " ' • AD I toot ~ MOW AT 11o ZZI90 from lllo ear ot ~ Ko7., 1t'Orll! 1300 u.t ,... at a Bay 011 ~ 7 1969 at IO 503811-, WIIIN-.. , Sborea .,..k .... stoloo from 1111 N£1IPORT BLVD. o'eloct A.Y ~t tbe JOUtb A $ZOO fttcb beloac1Dc to lola ~ Ward, 2%38 Alta Vuta. OOST A IIF..IA (trOd) -.;;.. 1o 111e old Slorcb, zsoe lllrlllo, Bay Blair •.. A $33 -oo -· 1-313 0rup CouaiJcourtbouseiDifle Sbo<es, "'I sloloo from blo tape declt"'llakeolromCborJI I::========; City o1 Sula Aoa, CaUior!!ll. locker II In1De Cout Ccoa1rJ Cl!amborlalJI, 1140 Inlae, N.,.. r LQ1 ANGELESTITLEANDAB-Cl,., ••• llotc<qelo olll-port HelctU •.• A thtll!lole STRACT CORPORATION as Robert lleCollocb otlllo poUce $l07 ID ..., !rom lllo car ot IJA.LTZ TrutH UDder tbe deedottrust department coWded oo Con.1 Mary Schmlts, 318 L st., Bal- 101818 Is a • made b, ALLEN DALE Uld ATe.,.._ lslaod, Wflba~ boa ••• Af25blk.,..ustoloo MORJVARJES CHARLOTTE r DALE bus-Caoa.cta drlwer •• , A Wet from tbe p.race ol Drw -Uld ..U ' -.;....., nlked 1D aD ........ •lldlac ~ .. ler, 304 Colloo, N-1741 1111'111101 AYf. Uld OC«d~ ~ 27 1966 ctass door Uld look flO CUb Slloreo, oo Aug. 14 or 15, be CDSTA liEU. u ~umem No taZ51 tJ. trom Floreoce GlU 4233 r~ today· •. Polleeebar-llllcfway ... 2424 Book 7944, Pa&O sfolotll~lal Hllarta, WestNewporiHelctU. rod Jack Yorba, 205 3810 81., -·I. CO••T Nlw•Y Ask about our 5-year guaranteed growth account Or our 3-lo- 5-year guaranteed income accounts. We also have flexible savings accounts and high earning investmentsavinoa accounts. There are no higher rates on tnsured uvings anywhere. • , .Jolm Dolls, 2024 Altura, West llewporl, Wflb driYil!r Ill· --~ So safe. so secure. Umpteen ways to save ~=:a.,o~.,.~ see~ Irvine Terrace, coll1ded oo w. der tbe lntlueoee of akoboL COlOMA Dll. MAl lDdebtedotssiD tavorofHARRY Cout Hwy • ..ttb drtwers from • WEDNESDAY, AUG, ZO ORiole J.lf450 STElN now OWDed ud beld by Santa ADa Uld Aaabeim • • • • Tomatoes are a tngUe trutt s'u• 1942 HARRY STEIN b)' rea.soa of Pollee omeer WUUam Jessee but tbey cu pack a wa.UapwbeD 1.....==== makes you feel 10 feet tall br•cb o1 eertai.a obllp.Uoos had a ear accident OD Uiramu they're tbl'own at a wladow, a. secured tberebJ .aotlceofwhleb alley, 8a.Jboa ···Robert Lan-fact to which Dr. Ric.bard tiD- was recorded Ma, u 1969 u ca.ster, 500 E. oceu Froat, dtiwt:JOd. 2060 Shtpny, a..,. ,__ N 1.uu ' 1a ~l. Balbo&, collided OD W. Brtlbca crut, wt.U tutit) after his ~wutol 0• ~~. ~ Blv:l. 1D Well 11-'Will! I .. , -omuftod b7 Z 896&, Pap 560 "'said Ollletal ··~· -.... Recor<ls, LOSAIIGELESMLE Santa Alii drlYar ••• Paal to...-.. , A $40 tire Ulll IIIAnOit .. MCOMO L.UtO&aT ,.Maa&. wrn. Man~~ oon.a at •~ AND ABSTIUCT CORPORA. R-, 398 V-Ba1&, Well . rtm from .,_ U O,Ftclla • IIAIIII CW.C.: .._......_. TJON u 'l'nlltee wU1 ..u at ..._ Bay, wu eblrpd .....a. a. pabli~ aucUoa to tbe b.lpeat drMnc aDder tbe illflaeoee ot bidder lor ..... po7al>lo1Dia•-- luJ mooey of tbe United states • SUNDAY, AUG. 17 at the time o1 ~ale, .ttbout Georce RJttee's patio at 1310 wurantJ as to title, posses&ioo W. Bay, ~ wu a Y&C.Ut or eocwnbruces, tbe tmerest sigbt after aomeooe stole $110 eooyeyod to Ulll...,boldb7sald ID pallo IUrattore. •• Jeo!!ller Call A ~ru~ .. U!!der salddeodotlrust, R•JDO!ds, 8, o1 ao1 w. BoJ, Save Time And Money -n I:.A~ 1a""" lolbotol""""ecte=ll>od Balboa, ,...!Ua! .. HooeHoo-l-----,--,--,---properiJ, loealed 1D 1be Coomty pllal by ber pareols altar sbo eiiAUTY SALOM ot Orup, state or Ca.lJ.tornJ.a. was tn a pedestrl.an.ear ac- to. wit: cldeat with an Eoc1Dodr1Yer ••• Lots 76 and 77, of Tract No, After OWJttn1 tbe fleld sobriety 907, u sbown on a map tbereot eu.m, Heary Keresey Jr., 1364 recorded lD Boot 28, Paps 25 Hampshire Circle, DoYar to 36 lDc:lustYe Mtscella.oeous StKlres, wa.s charged with being Yaps, records or sa.td Orange dnmt 1D an automobUe •••. CCKdy. Pollceaneated Cbrt& Sbettler, For tbe purpose otpaylngOO-2541 VIsta Dr., Bay Sbotes, oo. UpUOGB secured by said Deed a burCIUJ cbarp ••• Job.D of Trust, IDeludl!!c fees, on.., 116 31st st., west N.,.. CbarPfi aDd upeoses ol tbe port, wu booted on a cbarce Trustee, adYuces,tfuy, tmer ot lDtedertoc with a poUce tbe term 1 ot s&1d Deed of Trust, omcer ••• A $50 bite ftl &toltm J.ahrest tbereoa. Ud $4,2!5.25 from Mtebelle Rotbsc:hlld's lD uq,ald prlaetpol ol lfle DOle opeo praao at 819 VIa Lido .. ,.,.od b7 said Dood of Trust, Soud, Lido We. BE-AUTY NOOK 2732 E. Coast Hwy. Corona dtl War Phone bn-1llb SEVEH HAYIOHS COIFFURES OPEN TIJESDAY nfROUGH SATIJRDAY F'~e Parltial!i i• rro.a 300 W. Co .. t Hwy. Newport a .. ct. T•l•phoM: 6.0-0844 lDie<ell lfler«1ofrom Feb-• MONDAY, AUG. 18 BUILDING CONTRACTORS 27, 1969, at 101 per A 15-)'ear.old Ullltcensed !""'""'• as 1n said DOte and by driver trom Sberm&D OaU prorlded. started a eba1o reactloo WbeD REMODEL IN G DIJed: September 2, 1969. be collided wttb a car driYIDby La; ANGELES TITLE AND BeYerlty Greeot, 41% 38tb st., ABSTRACT CORPORATION, West Newport, 'Wbosl car o., • "'U P'LAN U:ltYICI 50 teet lDio Rebert H-Ies' Georce L. Marloofl', bout at 30S35tbst., WestNew. and ADDITIONS President. port; tbere •••ao lDjurles ..•• 46907 CUb ud ntm flu tcJbltnl AMERICAN P!!bllsb' Seol. 4, 11, 1969• f55 Ia--• !!loloo from CONSTRUCYIOH CO . e l'ltl!:f I!STIM.t.TU 532-5949 Newport Harbor ltaao, SIO • NUL TN RISORT f.~=:.~-1 •=£: ..... --=...... :::·s, ,. .. ,~~ .. I . ........... -. . . e COSTA • OIIAHGE • AHAHEIII • HUHTIHGTOH MESA 639-ull l26oG311 8EAOI 549o336l 142-1451 e II.JG Q.EAHIHG 673-5822 675·3353 hn' CLEANING & DYEING All MAKES Of lUGS • WAU-TO..WALL CARPETING I-DAY SERVICE ;-----, MA8EIIIJ'S Shoe IIepa" PurseandL~ Aepa., -. Dye ltarta. S.H STMIPS ON( OAT SOMCl 1nDH~Itwd. Coua MrloM -• •3311 ·r n. ..... COMPLETE FUNERALS .. AU DtM.I T_, WE SPECIALI ZE IN • 8RAICES (DisPth'flla.$ IOfi/J • SliOotS • ALIGMIIIIT For Fnt E...,. Senlc. 644-5623 COMPI.II'I Ill I' ucl.-r • .._ __ c-.... a. r....,. ................ c ••• .--. PUMJUS '1111& ....... aca• , .. ...., CllfA-.A ~~~~~sgCHOOL~~s====l f.: • HIA.IC AIDS • BE HAPPY! • BE INDEPENDENT!! _HAL AEIISOfER • LEARN TO DRIVE!!! ~ • CALL FOR FREE -.t, __ _ IHTit.ODUCTORY ~ADa Lll1SON P-fl .... llo•N4 136-5731 ,.., E. c-. Hwr. (TOLL. ~REE) C._e .. -.,.,,.., DIII-G SCHOOL 675-lUS . . ' . . . .. IIIIIIITT Q.~a ....,_ -a Ia • I I$Q ... ·· I Ua I a !:It ·-------.... 1 I $1 . , ~ .. -=. ..... c..: ·• ,,., & WM I ,.,ft ..... , .. , & WM.U'APU ,.. a .... -C....IIr , ..... I ;l .. llle l~·:.tt:=: ........... . a ...... ~--1 I •• " • •u 1 Qf!.. .7.. ... ". ----~--·­--........ PICK.·UP & DELIVERY TRU·LIHE AUTO CI!MTIR 1·1~ .-.~wf'or1 81 ••. u~ 111• COST.-4 MESA I'UILICA TICIM WD• WE CAN PI'.,NT YOU!It ·:~;~~~E~~ PAII~L..,.._ .. Lf<AI'\.1<"' N!:WSPAP~M AND HatS LETTER~ CALL US PO. ll'fWAYII .,. ... IMSIQI P'WUIIIII C& 1711 MIT -=-AIT C. ... ..... u•uc PU.I.U IIIIIC __ _ ~ ...... WI All OVIIUIAIDIIOI WIT:t MIW 1M'S AND Till MAMI 0, THI IIAMIISSA¥11 ovu 40~ N!• lfU'S AND TOP TltJIDB•IN$ TO CltOOSI! 1'/IOB/ New '69 Thunderbird& OVER AC1UAL FACTORY IMIOICE .fREE! ZEBRA IIIII BIKE WITH EVIRY MEW CAMPU.TRUCit OR MOTOR HOME PACKAC:I SOLD . LIMITID OFFER! EXAMPLe PACKAGE: o MEW '69 fORD~ TON V•l. o MEW BARRACUDA CAMPER 600 WIT:t STOVE, SINK, TABLES, LIC:;tTS, DRAPES. o MEW ZEBRA MIMI liKE. ~~~ 53295 00 .. .1' «:HIJit«:HES I IJI•fl• Ot·r,looAitlll .'~.-.:, H""'•• ••• ,c .. ,,,_,,. HEWPORT IIE·ACH. CALIFORNIA THE AMERICAN LUTHERAN CHURCH i :OO A.M. TO 10:30 A.M. 9:30A.M. TO 10:30 A.M. -FAMILY WORSHIP -SUNDAY SCHOOL WHILE llrs. Venacellor~ lea,. boldl a compl«eddreu, Mrs. Nell WUU&ms (eell&llr) bolda tbo matortal b' -dr-ud Mn. Ray Nlolooo wloldl ..a-a to bolla c.utac tbt Dn dreu. n. *--wt1l be oa ale at tbl Newport S.CIII Ebl.ll Clllb'1 -eard party s.,t. II allllo Cl--515 W. Ba-Blfd, Ba-. boc!"'acal DOOD. Ptoctldl wU1 biDIGt Eblll'a sebolantdp IWOif&ID lD mule ud DUrlf.l&. lrl.n. Morpa, _. ud ·-ellalr1llu, Ia boloc •Nio!od wUilano_.,oatabJMrL Nt.IJ.Ma. co-cladriDU; Mra. Adra1a IQJMI', tic.Atl; Mrs. H. 0. Mc:Grep, IMDII; Mrs. W~Uec GuUa, J"'ftte; lin. FII'Ol BalleDpr, tellpboae; Mrs. c. R. Forbes, lira. s. E. Brtga, MrL a-y V ...... Mrs. EniD Lctb ud Mrs. L. B. Tbaldler. Tbe decontiD( committee lac las Dr. Emma 11-.oa, cbairmu, IJid ll:noJs. Nell WUlla.m.s, R.qtb Wllooa, Cllalloa Crool, A. V. --., ud P411Up Plb. (EuiCD-.) Actor to entertain 1F1tb Tammy Grt.mes. llr. Delo olarrod Ia bla ... award-wlllatD& •ttc:wwl TV -la~b'l5-• Rectally be J1DC b1a on com- po.tUoa. oo U. Lawreac:e Wdr: procram. Krs. L. H. KeBddl, SJI'e. sldeat, bu uked tbat Jgnctww, resernUou bl made bJ .._.. dav DOCG orec«Uutbem.M1111c. ·····--T ...... II'IW.--eo..-.--. .. .. II wutsAtlflllll .... ........ ~-·-tlr-....... --tl leh I '•-'-tl La -. ...... ,. '-"'_ ..... &; ... 10 ll'li?DP&Oiaedt .. .. -.... -..... . _ .. em ·s J,dlrsl s .,_VwiWIJ,CG*- I'IIIALISUIID-no fi/Y .....,llol*l '0111 _. .. ._._..,. Jtst'r1 _...,loc•Je....., _ ... __ _ -~ ... u.-· ---·--· __ ....._ ...... - Dr.~-, .... .... ,... ......... -... a-•• ...... .... n. tnt .......... •ssr'ru ... a-11 • Ill . -... ... ____ .. _ .... -~ -• ~ eCAIPI11H .... T.811D . • WATII a.IMOIII ~51 ' 1111iDVIO • OII .. TAL ···7-1171 •I'OIIIfii!R INSTRUCTOR. N.,noNAL c•B!liCJIL CO. • .... ,.,., c.,d a ..... , /H 8dln c.,.,.,. P.A.PWner.a...nn.,fll1he .... • ................ P1eel0wll WILLIE MILIURM DIES WIDio D. llllbon, I'NI -~ Coola M-died All(. 15. Ho Ia -od bJ bla wUo, Amerltte; 2 _., Ktu )(1]bqn u:J Roaald ...... • baUa ol M~n Office: 3388 Via lido, l'•uporl Bnc:t\, Calrfotnl• 8'2183 • Pttone 714/173-3130 Corona de! Mar Offlce· Flnencia! Pl•n. 5150 Newport Cent..--Ortv. • Corona dill Mar, C.!iforni• 92S25 • Phone 714/644-1481 Which type are you? Here are four savings plane, designed for four different types of people. Which one eulta your eavinga personaltty? The charta will show you how each one worka. 11 :00 A.M. TO tZ:OO NOON -WORSHIP SERVICE Pbolais; l.diP.,....,IIrS.IIIr-Pick a number from 1 to • and let one of our people experta get you started on your personalized savings program. Whatever your type, there is a savings plan for you at Newport Balboa Savings. 'Jtle aeY. J•u G. Blaia. PUCor prlt Wlgla oC RlYI'J'Iidt; I Tbe ft ... aoa.td -...w. AMt•t•t Pu&or brotlaer, Leoo Kllbura. ud I ~~S:;.:~~==~~~~;:~==~::::~::~~ ~. Krs. c~~.~ ol Tuu; &lid 1 p*hOctr& Ouistion Science Flmlrlliii'Yk:u ud.._mellt ,, .......... a..... • ..... uta--· ---S..Vic•• ......, .. .___., •u.u a1 C..to-.........,.otCoola M-uaw. nuT CHUIICII OF wardiDc director. CR.ST, 5CIENnsT B•pti•t Billlfo FC!ll-slli, 3303 Via Lido l•tl•,r•tlftl-A•lo.o.o" Newport Beach '-'• ... A Msa tlie S.s. SUNOA Y SCHOOL 9:15 ...... _., 11 ...... Dr. P.G. Heumann. paaw SUNDAY SERVICES 9:15 -1 1 •.•. WEDNESOA Y EVENING MEETlNG I"·"'· READING R()()M ·-~ .,..,., 9 ...... -5 ...... . ..... ".,.,.,., 9 ...... -7:45 ..... . r .... .-.,. ..,., ,.,.,.,. 9 ...... -5 ...... , '·' ..... . S....4•y : I"·"'· -o4l ..... . SECOND CRUac• OF CllltWr.ICIENTIIn" Ne"'por1 Beach at Corona del Mar 1100 Paettlc View Or. SUNDAY SCHOOL 10 •- SUNDAY SERVICE 11•• WEDNESDAY E VENING MEETING 1:00 ,. ..... Reedia1 Roorn: Msta•t Bld&- 2863 E-t CP-t H"'J' •• CDM. Moa.•Fri.: 10 -.... to 5 p.-. n •• d.,-eY•ia IF 7 ID 9 S.": 10 .... ID 4 p.-. You an cordially •nYited 10 auc:nd O.~ch Sn-vicc:s and 10 wac: 1hc: Rudias Room. LUTHEIIAM OtUROI OF IL·····•CI•••I• ........ Jt00 Pad1k: Vtorr Dr. c.a. del liar' Calif. til W[L( IAJI R. gLLER -M4-MrL-C..borlla, -·-t:U -Fa.UJ...,.*P ·~-~ .r--• IIIOYID&D SUNDAY SERVICES ~:4S a.r •· Sunday School 11 :00 a.m. Momina Wor.ttip 6:00 p.m. Trainina Unions 7:00 p.m. EvCnina Worship WEDNESDAY 7:20p.m. ll;ble Scudy 1:00 p.m. Prayer Mectina ATTEND THE 01111101 OF' TOUII OIDICI RECUL.AILT .. ...... OIIst .-.-.... ~ ..... IU"DAY KM00-L e ......... • YDfiM .... .,.C • ., ... I'.Mo ftftl ...,.., ' • a • •·nurr _D ....... , •• ., ......... •u-•'"" IIUfHNe ••...,.tea ....... " 0 _ .. a..., ......... c..-,._ .......... «A ..... •• ,. lit\ "' • nW F •g a 0 e ........... Q ... - c..,. n ito:t -a d ....... a a .,, r 1 MAMIE OSBORN Dl ES Mamie Doll OoborD, :1941 E. Zlot St., Coola Mua, died Set. I. Sbo Ia _.,,.od bJ 4 - 'Wllllam, Tllomu, Ahrt. ud Jamea o.bon; S dl..,..,.,.a, lira. Mildred MelatoA, SaaQ Ala; ...... Palrtda Borald. lloatarey; lira. 8ettJ Wldte- bood, Oblo; a brolller, 11rJU llanntnc; aad a lister. Mrs. Etrle Doeb_.. Sen1cea were bokl at Mtddlo~Dn ComolerJ, Oblo, wllll BeU -J -· _, u IDnllrdlac dlredllr. LECAL NOTICE Are you one of the regular people? PLAN #I Regul•r Account Th is plan ia for regular people with regular salaries who have decided to aave regular amounts anywhere from $5 a week up, but who want their money working for them. They also want it to be some place they can get their hands on it if they need it in a hurry. If they can leave it" alone for a year or more. it will give them the Big Annual 5.13 yield. IIEClA..M MONTHlY -.,. ... $100 ..... 1!12 304 ... I Yr. 301 016 I.Zl3 2V,... 1132 1,264 ,~,. JV,... 072 1,046 '·""' ..... 1,331 2,11112 5.324 5Y,... 1.707 3,415 ..... lOY,... J,OOO 7.101 15,002 15 Yra.. 1,715 11432 ,..... 20Yra.. 10.320 20,11112 .,..,. *':J' ....... 1.2&1_...., .. _.._. ___ __. .... ~...... ----...... (Yllilt it ............. .,~.. ..... , .,..._,. ........ ..,_, ... ... ..................... ,.,..,.,_ ............. ...., .. ,.... • Are you one of the other-people people? PlAN #2 Ufe Income Plan This is for people who have a sum of money they would like to put aside and rece;ve the Interest every month but not touch the principal. Perhaps you intend to leave your money to your heirs. In this plan the original investment is retained for a lifetime and you have a regular income every month. If your future plana are for your children's future. then this savings program may suit you. $12.00) 14.500 20.000 25.000 50.000 s 50 00 Pet Monet. 80.00 P..-Mandt 113.00 ~ Month 104.00 P.f" Month 2011.00 p., Month Are you one of the retiring people? PUN #3 Monthly Socurity Account This is for people who have a lump aum of money but who know that If they don "t put It away somewhere out of eight, they will spend it. Perhaps they are looking forward to retirement and know rt: would be better to have a certain amount coming in every mooth over a given period. Not onty will they get back a lot more than they put in, but there will be a neetegg to reward rhemsetvea for not blowing it all at once. tNYEST ., ..... AND: you fac:.fVIS and you retain HCh month fo..-.,.. .._or .. 50.00 10,....... t 1.175.00 S 50.00 15yews t 7,725.00 • 15.00 _10 ywera t 4,775.00 t 15.00 15yrMrS • 1.000.00 $100.00 10 ,...,. • 875.00 IIIVUT s:a,.-e • AM&. ,., ........ Mel you ratllin MCft month for ......... ot• ttoo.oo 10~ $25.Dlao ttoo.oo 1s,...,. ta.GIIO.oo tt 50.00 I 0 ,..,. it 7.100.00 taO.CIO 10 ,._. t10,DDO.OO t:25D.OO 10,..,. t 2.200.00 = ......... ~ ... ., ........ ~ c.. ............ .. ... _ ............ .. -.............. , ...... . ---=-----..,_____ ,.... Are you one of the patient people? PlAN #4 Guo..- Annuai_Acc:_ This plan Ia for patient people who already have a aum of money to invest and are willing to wait a while for a good return on their money. The minimum deposit is $1 .000 (more if you wiah. of course) . in exchange for which you receive a certificate which guarantees a JOO,k growth if left untouched for 5 years. Are you one of the patient ones? Then lhe GUARANTEED ANNUAL RATE ACCOUNT Is for you. YOO YOO WIU IIECOYE ... START ...,_ .._ ...... WitH ,,... .. ,..... ,,... • 1.000 t 1.170 • 1.233 • 1.300 s 5.000 • 5,2152 t 1.1. s &.500 SIO,C.OO S1l.1015 112.331 St1.0DI $15.000 117.551 $11,504 $11.502 ";::" 5.11% Ut% t .CJO% ,.. ..... 17% 23% 30% c..-