HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-09-18 - Newport Harbor EnsignAc«Wk:aaool_..,. __ p-u a reqafa'l• u Ale ot..-tJ llllJbopr-u 1be CIIJ of Jlnport Beach. . JOe COSTA MES A -...TIIIG THE 1111!11 lllr a -,_ ol ~ llarla" HIP-par• W ara, -1111, lin. --. lin. -d._..._ ..,lira. Fr., Hoyos. Tbe Bud ioae-Cllb wtD 11D111 b ftl'll ,..,. cl. tilt 8tboo1 ,_,. at I p.m. Oct. Z in a. '-I ~. JCnpart o--t•me• ud lira. Honrd Bopra, But Booster cbair-•• ..m 111troct11ee tlud c11nc1ar IUcMrd I._. lo an booMer members. Lut year t11o - -t11o _ ... -ta tllo ToniKo parado 111111 lbe Zad place -Ia tM ._,urta parace. QMnmtuM ~ b' U. Bud .Boolters are Harley Oe- Gn!f. &'ftl'dt; 11r. aDd. lira. Fred II&,._ pu"lllle clair-. Mr. aDd llra. James Pllqorald. ooe1a1 c--ud llr. ud lira. Jollllll--pui>Uclty . T1lla-.,_... ... forcemlllll, ..,... 1D llllet 1D tbe Clty ol ll••tta• Beleb, wu described Moldly eYeaiD& at a jollt meei!JI& of lbo M-Beaeb CIIJ Couoctl ud Plan. moe Commissloa at tM Mart ... oers l1brvy multipurpose room. Tbe topic of discussion at the momeat was lbe O'ler-de.elop. flt\d teeallSeotlbortare otstaff property can be sold. He Slid meat of R-2 r estdentJaJ pro-ttmt. · that a major r ea300 lor tbe perty, HpeelUly 1D Corooa del "We have a. huce backlog ot Mann&ttan Beach law wa.s tbe Mar, by eoarertl.Dg pn.ges lllto cases,'' be sa.Jd. ··Wehana.Ust lact that fr inge area operators llrlng areuaod byaddtngreatal of LUe gal unlts, aod we need to were illegally provtdlng addi,. areas by lUepl partitions. keep ebeeldog to see if they are tloaal living areas in order to Planninr: Director LatryWU ... occ~ted.ln&pectlon ol r ea.les-realize a greater profit on the son told of the Manhattan Beacb tate can be RUde for this pur-sale ot the property. law, whlchbecalled "a powertul pose, &Dd u tbe owoer does DOt Mayor Doreen llarsball SUI· tool" ln deallng with z.oa1n& allow the taspector to enter gested that the Pl&onin& Com- Yiola.Uons. a search nrra.nl can be 00.: mission consider these alter - City Attor ney Tully Seymour ta.ioed. natiYes and then prsent tts said that the clty has f.a.U en "lt's a matter of keeping recommendations t.o the Coon- behind on enforcement l.o the after them, keeping the heal on. ell, YRS. WAIVE CHAM BER LIN ·•W be Installed as tbe coo- grepttonal parish worker at the 9:15 an1 ll a..m. senlces this SWiday at tM LJII~ Church of the Master , 'fiJO P l l:tc View Dr., Harbot View Hills. T ~~ Rev. Howe ll Fos- ter ot the Bo.u.J tl~ American Mlslons ot the Luth9raa C:bureh ln Am erica w1U dellYer the mr O$a~ aDd cooduet the ter- vice or installation. A recep- tion will b9 h'!:d at aooo. Sex education value doubted The violators must be shOwn Vlce-Ma.yor Lindsley Par- that the ctty r eally intends to sons sa.Jd that the Pla.nn.lng prosecute. Therefor e a high Commission could stud y the lenl ot lnspection must be Ma.ahattan Beach ordtnance and carried out.'' see whether U sbould be He pointed out, h0we¥er, tnat the present buildin&: department staJf caD spebd only a smtll perce~Dp of tbel.r time oo this type ol ~o because the proposed tor Newpor t Beach. N.B . TO ANNEX Liquor theft is charged ONE I..AHEoltbeCoutHl&fnri.J&lltbe~ from Nnport Blvd. at tbe Arches to tbe eod ot Corooa del uar .ubloetedottyesterda.J w uu UtUe 10-ca.rt. Probably tbe only co...cart to e•er drln doWD tbe blgblra.J. it followed tbllarge truck just abead of 1t to iJlsbl1 refleCtors oo tbe W'bite U.De. A 'WOrker sits oo a kJw platlorm at tbe troot ol the truck and lays tbe reflectOI'a doft. tbea tbe 11W1 lD tbe co-cart pub them ln place. Tbe entire .... mbla&e-OOwll tile blg!lway at about 15 ..... (EDSIIPI plx>to.) Extra duty cut asked TBiebers from all S6 New-Tbe WOE c.>mmlttee ex.. port-Mesa tebools mtt l&oodaJ pressed tbe seDtlmenl ol to boor ... "wlllldranl ci ,. dlstrict t..ebers wbo are \moo tDfballlsm committee re. sttlsfled wttb ~~~E~~ c~ ..... a.qgd bJ tbe ~~~?~~~~;<t:~;-;':n;f-I 1 ...... .. . --.-... . If ... '-'I Is ool w1Witc 10 that ask tbe sebool pay adeQU&te lllarles. tbe com ... llolrd to --Jiacema mlttee r-. !bolt lbe teo- dulles, socb as cbaper'ollUc at cbers' WOtklolld sboD1d be re. dloc:es &ad I:Jotball p.mes, tba1 ttu;ecJ to mateb tbelr pay. teachers are r-=~.lllred. to Tbe committee's report re... perb'm. jeeted a proposedteacber nlk· :::.::=~~;~~:-~OVER THE HILL' lng plus and blueprints. • "As a practical matter," he The ultimate boundaries of Newport Beach shoold eo- s:aid., "we are acting primarily the CUy of Newport Beach, couraif! anoeu.Uoos all tbe wa.y oo the basis oli.Oilille vtola.Uon possibly e"en iochlding the UCI to UCI, a..od he added th&t a lot compla1nls r eceived from res!-campus, wer e discussed Mon-or study shOukl be ..4ven to lbe deats." P day eveni.D& at a jo1Dt Council-deslrablUly of lJllleKing the PJanni.Qg Dlrector Wilson PlannJ.ng Commis.sioo meeting. campus, said tba.t tbe alteroaUves ror '·The city Should take a post-''Tbere 1s a need for a com- tackling tbe &Oillog violaUoos tton a.s to wbal extent we should preheosive sttl:iy of city botm- are to ooo.tloue relying mainly rematn water ...oriented, or darles," commented Vice- on cilileo compl.a.J.nts, prepare wbelher we sboUidanneibeyood M.ayor Lindsley Par90115, a complete city-wide ~ use the hill area.," sald Pla.oning Planning Director Wll.soll inventory, ortorequ1retbecer-Director Larry Wilson. stated that the lrvlne Co. has titlcate of complla.nce before He ezpressed the opl.nioothat filed .a bolllldarv map tor tbe future city of Irvine -an area wbere they do oot want other cities toaMeL How- eYer , be added, Ne1t'p0r t Beacb has anDued into this area., at the request of the lrYlM Co., to take the Upper Harbor Vlew Hills llliA> ... city. ~ TO HU•l PRIHCI" ""'lli!Uir!· __ 8 more try for trustee :::>:~:":..~"f~= last JUDe as lqli'Oiesslooa.I. At Trw:tea of the NewJQt-Met.a vertlled u to residence require -Corooa del Mar HiP last Juoe, ICbool dbaict T oetda.y aet two menb . 74 ot 106 teacbers boycotted fto--.. .-.c., Hollats Cbtrry Jr / wt.U be tbe lite ol the tlrst meet1nc, IUDCb- eoo, a.nd program of the Colooel WIUiam CabeUCh&pter,oauen- ters of the American Revolution of Newport Beach, at noon Wfd- oesda,, Sept, 24. The prouam, ··Black bread ao1 uvlar," to be presented by Mula Metlav2, a Russbnprln- cess, T. v. and radlo per- sonality, Is lased ODher bookot the same name, born or he r eJ:- periences as " !eenager 10 the Russia of the thirties. special meednp f<ll'iDteniew- lng die 10 .applicaoD to 6ll tbe te.tt vacared la.st mODib by me ratpatloo of Lloyd Blaopkd to accept a. judgabtp. Tbe oew board member will be named befc.-e Oct. 20. Tbe c.aD.didatzl LDae.ed &om 2 lut f riday 1010 Moaday,lbe deadlloe fcuppi.Jing. lbe oew caod~tes w1ll be aDDOUlced • 1000 aa lbeir a.ppliudool are T wo e.aodidates bad entered classes for a wbole day. 1be ftdd leVeJ'&l weeb ago. c· O c ~.:.~·~ .. ~ ~ 1v1c enter Billa, no wu llr. 8......-1 "TUT' Tl!f TUT ttrr•• crtes PhJI SilYers to prevent fellow actor Robert Mor se (the ~ rt .. tal eJedlol. lut d I f" I senlceman) from peeking into S1llers' car trWlk after an u.ddeot sta.pd for the camera A;o. ... lam• B. Woad, ea Ina yesterday OD cutr Dr. 1n Newpor t Heigflts. The incident is part of a sceoe trom of Dl h•l-CoruM 4t1 •·&»tniks," a W:llt Disney movie bel.og b lmedlnNewport Beach this mol'llh. What Silvers 11u no q p:;;.. ol-lbeemtract wa signed yester· is bldlng is $250 000 in stolen jewels. 1n the backgrouod Is I he Newport Harbor Lutheran v.d. R..,. day between Ne~pon Beach Cburcb. Most ot' tbe rest ot the D.lmtng wtll be done on the harbor nea.r Ken ~Hles' Villa • .rod the lrvine Co, fa: pureh.ue Marl.na 00 Bayside Dr, (Ensign pboto.) Tbe baud Tuesday .a.1lo offt-of a civic center site in New-TOY STORE IN COM dally let the d.atr rc. rhe taJI pert Center. J I th It tr "I I GAINS ADDED SPACE ovenldc electioo fO< Feb. 10. MoyO<D<><o<oMmb•lhlgned ewe e al coo s Owner G. H. Peirsol h» ;w. I<IRS GUYCE ULKER SUCCUI<IBS AT 65 Grayce G. Walker, &5, a social Qgure and commi.ULity wor ker for 3lJ ye-ll's in the Harbor Area, died Sept. 12 ~t V.,OO Samaritao Hospital in Los An~les. I• the.agreemeotMaod.ay. Yester· noonced plans for doubling the Merit sem i· fin a ISt S doy tb e •l!"'•mcot ...... ted The tnllleltby 2 ;ruruneowtlo cluc!log • diamond and emerald display space at the Toy Shop, when the lrYine Co. dgned. bound and gagged Lldo Isle r ing n.lued at $26,000. 31 01 E, Coast Hwy., Coror:Ja Mrs. Walker ts survived by her hus~nd Thomas, of the home address, 1001 Bayadere Ter., trviDe Terra ·e; a daugh- ter, JIJdiUl De Klot%, o~ Lv. :Jatos, Calli.; a son, T. Peter W.1· .: ·,, U, or Garden Grewe; and 5 gn.'ll1··1lld.ren. Tbe eoott.ac t was fint app-ov-yachtsman Briggs Cunniogham Tr1 : Cunnl.ngtlams called del MJ.r b} es:panding into the ed by the Coamcil M•y 26. but :\Jl1 lis wlfe last week before pollee at 10, O<,ly mlnutes after former !.OCtor's offices In the last minute ch.anges ln the free-escaplDg With $225,938 ln jewels t.be rotj)ers walked out througfl back of the building way allgnment m.ad~e a rev ilion is growt.og colder with each day, the front door. Police im. Mr . Peirsol, w~ also owns of tbe agreement n«:~esa:ary. aad Newportdeteettves haveun-m;.:tately blocked orr the the nearb} Corona cle l Mar The Council gave ID final .a~ ccwer ed few leads. ts!u1's only exit while harbor Pharmaq in the same block., BURGLARY HE TS .S \,330 HIGH -p-onl to the new .agreement on Tl1 9 daring duo, a Caucasian patrol boats circled the bay ha s JUst leased the medical of- Se"' 8. and a »o&-b:liredNegrototbeir around U, but by tbat Ume the flee cruc<: !rom the oew owner While Charles Ward, 109 14th a -.ture slide,. "stowlftJ," bJ Robert V. staats of Newport '*<b. r-Jd 20 knocked on the CUD. tw had se.,ed ......-St., Central Newpor t was Tbl Pl'lce tq: Oil tbl 19 4... m s, -0 me-: e • of the building. Mrs. Karen vlsltin" !rteOOs Sept 8 bur-"'" IIIII 11 •1 ....., IUift __ ;.1 ... nlngham troot doOr at 343 Via Tile ... •umiqtlam oome was Ma.r =eu Wood "' • • •-.-...-,~-Lido Soud '" •·oad dayll~t lso ~-tar•·~ 5 •· · . glars smashed a Window lDd at tbt tad a1 4 JWU'L Tbe to-... "' ~" a """' lMN years a go, Extens1ve lntenor remodel-hed In t it tllrnt c:llull: la tbe me'*'me S.'l)t. 10 at 9:05a.m: when many of the same ;ewels tn~ Will be done to provide the reac o open , gain1.ng ls d wtlkJI, ls '*-' bJ .._ After Mrs. Cuaningbam an-wer e stolen by two young men "deled displa r a.od sales space entry to hls hOme. They stole - • _ ....... _. __ ,.._ n ered the door , the pair Lo-wan •ere captured within a.n d 1 bl '"" Toy s -.. to a color TV , " radio, a tape ~ &&VIIol -u-..-... """" an ° ena e ..... ......, recorder and stereo equJ.p to tbe dtJlD a. ... -block ar~ quired about a boa.t maintenance hour. The jewels were re-accommodate a greater Yartety • $ • rurn• Tbt ICHIIDIM to , job. Then they pushed her as1dt> ca.ered. o~ toys and additional items. ment-a 1,330 loss. pwciiUI ... lite. IIII'I"''td u and ran through the door. 111o 11a1 n c-u metilo&. When llr. c .,.._., frenes tbt prtee o1 tbt !aDd. biQ"r1ed downstairs, the two gu 1men threatened him and 1\is wUe .wltb pistols, then lied tbem wtU!. I'1JI)t oo the U•lD& room noor and P.aed ~m. $1,3SIIIIRCiLARY S..ltl • '--'<!, real _.. ~ .. 460 N. N- Bml., Nnport llelc'la. r e- partod a $l,S50 borllarY o! Ms&.a ._..h,,.. oe Sept. '1, Ti"Mt iltruders ransacked tbe ~s bedroom and ptbered II&) 135 pleees from Mr s. Curt.- Dinpun's )lwei coUectioa, iD- Freeway study is slated ~~~~ ..._.,., -.. udllq -· _... .. w bo .. .., .... ._. ---, at t11o Nnport -SOriop -r a1 1M Mnport liar· aod Lou ao 0c:t. I, wltll P. A. ._ CllrliDtter o! C:O.....-ce Pl.liHr ""o'HII· TM .,_,. • • ,,.. pncn8 ,, apea to tiiOel IW41N •••..,..laet81r-....--.. $l,CXJOCIINI' a4...,.uo IIIII 11ta1 lilt -parlod -botldlltC • .......,Cw'o1Prl,s.Woa-.,......., • .,. _ .. __ -.,.u..-.... llltl -.. :. ec-tlal----.._ a. c.-.. , Ill{ c_,.. <1111 ...,. u a DIP IJ !Mill 11'1 111M• fOil ltlr till fi'S&StJI dl!l,_. ... ...... .. -will -·ec--tlal.,~-· ... -·----IArr7 -.... 0 Din I ........ _, Q. 4 .(1111*)-'n' ..... -·-DJ ... ... .... '""' .. _.. ........ ---·-I 8 1£1 -.. • Dlr'l _.. ..... ,. I. VICTDI ......... --llltra_fJI_ .... ..__._ •.a- ta 111t .__au 11 111111s ···-·., -.na•-.,.c..to<':U .. "'-~",• rttbocl-tllo~W~r..,•-••.-•• a, -___ _,_oiiUih , .. ·--........................ ., ....... ~·-·-.... ..-.. -1 .... --.. -·. ··=.::.r ..... -"· ............. ,]$ ................ ... ' OP Till an OP IIIIFCIIT IIACJI THI HH_,I AliMA'S O,SIT NJrgAf'E/1. Ollioo ........ , ... lo ... l:.ofp lhiWI ... 1721"11. eo....,., c-.. 1 .. c.w..-,_ TIL.IIDM• 17S.0511 CA-Ce4o 7141 _,, _,, .....,, .. _.,_....,_ ~ c..IJ, I ... ... "' E...,_ ..... ,... THOSI MIUOW COMMUNISB :J~ ,.,. • ...,-.. oootticta amoat U~loal. Jta t.u'dlldl an Seen" polict tuN ia&o ......,. mUUooa. But I' tar ••u•n bell Jllllu--. • "Y4IIol ttl ~ olten iD tbl mU. of n--. ud the abaMrc, wbea we come 10 reckon tbl aumblr of _peo-ted tiJ; ,...... IC~IIFICI ....... ,..... I ......a.., *r upoo occ:aaioa, ol blood lUll!--tho pie •ho u. tarorlrod aod dofcN1110d by-by-.,_.-1o ... ld IMIId ... D.&." llo eon. ... Jabti.., oo ._crud aod doodly.Thio poc:uUar lhoo -ha~ 10 lodude tho-_.lioe .,.,. 0oo ud Two. 11 -•-... a Do•n- Tbo Cold W• lo uolquo ill tho m-y <II "that tho ownbet of ~ ...-by tho ,J,-~ .. .,~ [! •• n;, Dt, • lilt--!§~~~~~~~§ war hu productd its own tiod of refu..,......cbc of th. Soviet UIUOft. Tbt JC..O.I ... (-=ret Mit ._. h .. a tllrtlt tDdi,J fJociiQ' "tall _. •·a -_.. Ta HCWHMJ lUI .. ENSleN .. tM ..a, M 1 •• prt• ... de'fector. ' potk:c) tcntac.la reach. Ute caac.wou~ a:rowtba, tf -a.lltlllllltnaoD Ia OW arp"•tlcw ll ._...._,. Ill ,tt tnr Cp. ~ a ... ,... ..... 1• ... City of N.•up.t Beec~...! ... ..!J Meally Tbrou&h tbe put few decadt. defeeton into C\'ety braDCh ot life in I.,.U." It u an qa.c1 ~ CalYC\ Ma.-th'ntiJ' rm"n&&t .rJ .._. ~ ••• .. • la "'-~ ..._c .... •• from tbc Soviet Ullion have ~ tbe bud-author, .. You bruth aside aU ~ made =~-=--=~.::: Uoal .IICI'IIu7. u .t11iJ1: cO.c.-MiniM ~u• ~ ... --~~:·" ~. s.o-1 el.-•••• ,.l.t I~ and tbn disappcarod into oblcqrtty. But by the K.G.B, ud tntcr into coolict with tdacltioe Iliad d IDidl lD-••we an act:tw.tr ....... INN•tlt. · -.: NEWPOI.T ii.AaiOI ENSJCN •• e4J.--to M 0 ..., •• this aummer, a man e.caped 10 tbe 'Well&cm them ... your worb are DOt publitbed, and IDC .. ow lll.llltiiT tfl:wtl lldltlo-••• ~to tNIJ4 J.ldllr~lllda,...n .t ..... cn.l•to. by oe,.., dM:.M ICo. A-10178 detad world--e man wbo wUI DOt .oon be foriO(IeD. you may even ftnd younell ill a coaotat:nUioD Ia JGraUI:Ualoltb VWMm a pwiiiJia tare• 111 u .-. oa "FBI O,.WZP llr till 14~ IJSl, Ia S••'-Co.t fer 11te Co.ty of Or ..... Stra of No one who reads his aecouat ol Ufe la. the :amp." TodaJ no..., .. HetlltJ'IU'~ tanro~mt~t.•• ,.., 1M?{" IIEJ ... U JDI,. lloraJ4, ...t .,, ,....,. ,......_,, io 11-.lifiM to ,..,u .. all pqlle USSR can easily forpt wbat tie bM writta. TI.ouab he wu urf&ld by cver·lurtilla '"com· .. ,. b.. noopt.., u tbl TM 8DC14Q wu Gl'lt.._, IDn .._ '" .,..171 111r• ... k!ell ~ k l.w. The man it Anatoty Kumeuov, a <tO-year-rades'' from the tce:ret police to coUabonte lllnlplf ud rleW lltloD 1D ill 1 ... 1111, at PGI't 8woa. b oltllle ..... fDrl~ AnO t. HAAI"A .............................. ~.Owaer ...t Paltli•Mr old Scnoiet author. He hu Jbed his oame a&oq with them, he refuted. OD the otbct hand. ttiiWWid. tM blrtatoftvrar llteb!IU. ud wu ._..ld cnUc loelltr: HW.. 3 a• P£C HAAPA ............................................... A..oc:i•e Edhor witb hi! old life; hm«forth be will be '"A. however, '"I siped DO ptOCab ... I u.ved my lU Mr.'OIH a "diu' UCl pn-bf' tbl tac-*-'lldllb'lllO.. ct.lllc wtUI ..... .ad a- .. a.... Area: suascaiPTIOM lA TII Anatol.'' But, whatever tbe byline. uyooe wbo own akin and kept out of thiup ... He felt that Milt clallpl' u tot.U ollll Tbl mocr&CJ, aa old U.. dlalo-Ploltr• ,.t ~ ne 0.. of ...._ Are•• 0.. ,.. •• N.OO: 2 ,. .. , 11.00 still thinks that the Soviell have mellowed will he wu a coward for kcepilaa out of thinp, but ftuOI Ia u.it .,. ... " --~ c:nt&c 80C"'• orpwl•~ S.D.&. Ia U. acwt "~ ...... "'T Oae ,. •• 15.00; 2 ,...,... 19•00 suffer panp of doubt upoa readiQJ Kur.DCti0¥'1· there was no other ufe way to liveJ "I oow a u.,_,._~, ill~ mm. "B..U I'NIII:I,., • 1., 15, Ll8. ...S I. ... ..,. .... •~~ worc;k. believe," he writes._ "tbat tbc main reuoa wby tary &ettYU1-., ud blat erttlca 1161, U.O tlltat.d l:llat ..,.._. COCIIIIInbll to tile COlD--:'* ~ .etlf " -"¥ What could brina a man to JO 10 fu u to many highly inteJUaent people do DOt e.cape 111." Meed """ dDaiQ u to llbol' .SC. laeldat Ret. pllt;J 1D ttl ClODCift ol11ch • deliberately destroy his unall 100'1 Jove for from there ls that the Soviet reaime bu forced ov n•rlll ltabl.uty. Wb1Ja tbet"s UAW ' made baW&l coo-.u ID I.Dib'umlllt to ~ him, 10 that the boy would oot be grief-them to commit '1uch cowardly acta thai no wt taft riUOD to feu tblt.-trlbatloM. tbl nt•'• .cJ&l ..... stricken at his father's departure? "It is oo amount of repentance can iablolve them. There ror ltap ... DOt~IIIIIU-Dr. llc.llllnM write~ Dill bf Ali tftlwHM wtddli .., a.- light matter to leave your country," uid is no way out .... If you arc a citizen. of tat to aa. • 1815. tbl S.D.&. IMd•aldp roued ~ ~ ARVO E. HAAP.A, owner and publiSher of the Ensign .~O'Q~ Kuznetsov. "You have to thlnk of many thinp. Soviet Russia, you automalically canoot be a Wt ue tbreateDid beet-btpD ~to ftlooaM llaJwD UDOIIC .......... ta tal ''J 11: 1 was cruel to my 100. I reprimanded him. J 100 percent decent pel"'ID. Cowardly aiJcoce a Jcctmer member o1 u. commiDIItl lleoltl rub. TM wen bon tlllt tbtS.D.I.IIII- BREACH OF FAITH IN FREEWAY PLAN Jl•pped him. He loved me very much. 1 could o< hall-uutht--<~« u-ootlia?" -. 1or a llomocral1e Loa&ae ... -.J n-<--•-•ulltn-,lo'llot- not bear to.do it But I could not have him And so Kuznetsov escaped, in desperation. SOciety IIUbMD~Idtoaet r&CJ later wttbdrn Ua a-D-I&ID. ft lu bell tlb:_.b' A great many concerned and dismayed reaidents are looldng for some hopeful U81lrance on the routing of the coastal freeway and interchange plannlng in the Corona del Mar area. Tbus far 1t appears tbat jwrt about everyone Is "ob 110 sorry" tbat so many additional homes along 5th An, are beingplacedinthepatboffreeway bulldozers, but to date no reprieve ball been worked out. Tbe City CouncU of Newport Beacb Is in a strategic spot to work out the reprieve for the home owners who now suddenly find their properties in jeopardy. These new highway division plans tbat bite so deep into the residential area for the freeway-to- freeway links were not part of the bargain tbat the CouncU had accepted from the state highwaym,en. This change of plans, to-the'detrtment of several bundred ad- ditional residents, is valid rea11on for withholding final city approval, unless satisfactory reylsions are made. ft ;he ~~-co . .bares the blame, ~ y,t::· the . highway engineers and state hway Commtssion, for breacb of faith with the home owners along 5th Ave. How well we recall those early maps which showed the coastal freeway safely con- tained in the wide area left undeveloped by the Irvine Co. between Corona del Mar proper and the Harbor View HUis develop- ment. I Wall present at the meeting of Irvine Co. officials with Harbor View Hills residents, who were then in favor of swinging tbat freeway inland on the other side of the hills. But thepersuallive Irvine men were able to wa11h away the Harbor View Hills opposition tothe5thAve. route, showlng an impressive array of maps that put the co&lltal freeway neatly onto a de- pressed roadbed practically out of sight of everyone. The highwaymen, in their pre- sentation to the public, offered the same soft sell and the same display of an in- nocuous freeway running harmlessly through a corridor so thoughtfully left open. mournina for me." "I managed to set out, and I'm •till alive," he u tbt ustantdeuotltadii:U cl&l ~ Ud a coq,W. ~_!a .::f'DCtM ~ar: Kuwetsov fted in desperatiOn. He could no wrote. Which is food for thouaht for the mil~ at UCL tli'.U .10011 tikJwed. Bt CC... ID~ t .-.. ionger bear to live and work uDder repreuion lions of us who take freedom and lifo-for To maDf ot til tbl SDS -.:1 tlaaN: UlaU:ed stat. lu blll....u.cl and censorship. "Everybody knows," be writes, granted.-American Way Features rew losldl,.,.lq)UceHON. Tbt "ID maDJ ft71o tbt S.O.S. ~ ~ud ~ = "RETURII TO REASOifu Ia 111o Uoomo oor ~-- Paa'Mniulc u lt Ja'DiltbM a Dew y-.r of aetlTUJ. Carr)1Dc out tbe tbeme blre art Mrs. 1)DJd MeOol..,...., Ill wt, ud: Mrs. 11u1 Hletmu. cll.mbtrlbfp co-cM•rmu. Tbe first meetmc.,.. a memboroOip-,_.,, 811>1. 17 at tbe borne of Mrs. Carl G. Moore or lrriDt Twr&ee. P&nbel membersblp is opeD to womea wbo bekJae to a sorority atiWattd 'IP1UI tbe NatioDal PaAbellenlc Coo- lereoce. (Eaatca plloto.) Agenda for planners Le , th de are cMCed ud ellflt*l to Hers to _ e E ator ~E·::.E.:= Mr. Amlllalpa t>rtlp-maoo .ara are )lot llu todollllllllloldmlolalralloo ...,cblallc p~~~-..,, ,..., Newport-Eaolll' ral1nllJ -.... 10 drln <II lllolldollw fii'OI.a to bllloro wltlttliiRu- Dear lolr • ....,., lllom -..a~J1. It Ia jool too If 111o c-tl'a -Ia to ala& -!Jo'"""" •aal 0D bllll.lf ot tbl statr of tbe bad ttat 1P8 all b&Ye to Uttwltb Pt11J11tate Its prtJint n.t. .. lflc..,_, tbat tM dMibwilw. Newport-lol .. UIIUiod Sebool II. 1roo1 aa! lido-polk:lu, a1 111o uflllll( .eta~ -Ia m.trlel, Jet mo tal:o lbla ap-VlrJIIDfa James tile pahllc-wlllbi_.)J a-..t Ia tuoltll'lloJ porluoiiJ to -Umod ,.. Newport Beach. HI'Yed. Pr-poltcloa aal ba•o oot -IIIWII( to IIJOCif) on Jour rectat bODOr 1D tbt recuJUIOu loot ..-tbt on-UJ ACCe.... plr'DIDtllt La UnlYtrsttJ ot Mlt.,..l Dft'l-• NEED SOUND MONEY cs or Joac t•m lel1111 c1. tbt u.u.d statu to tbt prn1rt _. """'""liDo. Editor oi lllo EUI... --fi<OI)Ol'lloo U llllloJ -· To 111o S.D.S., demoenlle We ban IIJPI'tclated JtNr It woald awear u.t, wtthlD OWIIed or bid a Yutld PGIIM llou DOt meu papa1ar ud t• coverace or ~ebool dlltrlct a f .. yeua. tbe Federal Go-.ory r • .LaUrut 1D tbe ~ tltcUoDI. Tbttr IW'OifUD would Heats Ia IIIII )lUI, We will> JOO ,....,.at will be tile larp&t laDols. Buell a poUcy Ia-111orr lor parttctpoltoo oo)J b)' IDcraul.DC SQCC8&8 0D JOUI' adfertlaer OD tellftsloa. tllroueb basta 1D law ar filet. tboM w1lo All'" witla S.D,S, oewc-.ptr. 1t.s pt~>Uc sentce aooot~~Ce-AJq attempt to perpetaate or ?ina. •• SiDceret:r, meats. Receatly, we were eUead IIICb poUcles to the It 1& oo WODSer u.t tbt local Wm. L. ~apm "treated" to tho opeetaelo <II -Nowport 8aJ IIOOld JID)J commuatly bu-..-.. S-lahadeal t11o perameot-~pled Jea4 to~U~>oJer•-. --. b)' w. tllroat to Mr. ArTo 11aapa comm•ctals aplut clprettt It wouldtA»~U,bownt:r,tb&l our •Kc8J· tl:lsteac.. Tbe Ensip Nft'IIJIPU smot1Qc. Of course, at tbt amt tbe Cit)' CcMwU bu taka much Newport Harbol' Po.t ot tb1 A- Dear lq): Umt tbese commerclala were too oarrow a n.... ol tbt a.s-mertcu. IA&Ioo, wbleb bu 5M c..,.,-o~u~a~~oo 00 111e llrst. belli( nm, 1be Federal Got-era-swap Jane. A totai)J lr&A e-members, objoc:ted to 111o liP- place ·award. WOD bJ JOU. your ment n.s IP!!hstdft'"' tbe to-n.J'•Uoo of tbt .ur"t dtiJ ta po~Mmlllt of a stUIS..tl 1:1r a stalf, 11111 111o Ellllpl. baec:o-farmiD( ladiiSirY. called lor. Tbo 0ruro c..-, Domoenllc Soelo!J "uun.t" Your --o11art tollcbt Now In s...lllera CoJib'nla, GriDII Jury IIWita ao. Tbo-. u oat--oi'lludirUii for tile rtc1U <11 ~ ·~· be111J1 upooed to com-) Lopalaltro -1 acr-· So UCI aal r-lllo !JOIN =to~~ ~-J: onn~u:..."'a~1!:}~~"1:!JLU.:: :w::.;~~:.=.--om- Stocwe)J •-1r -141 are ..,.,.._ Cf lli01Uiil-ftiil IIJ ·~~oo 8llto Aeeordlllr to u aruetf pat>. Hop L. MJDOii, moot ~pled or aal; bOIIIIoJ Lo.ada Commlutoo Ia be111J1 ~ to 111o -ADa -loluapr do ll•elllo tmpreuloo tbat lllo cball....,._ Tbo Oruro Coaa1J ReJIIalor,lllocealral-miiiM Richard's Lido lolartet penunoot Ia lrJ1De tootop In-.....-aalllloOrup Coaa1J o1 111o Amwl<an ~ llatloo IIIII tbat tbe ew.ooa <11 eoaoe1 are opea)J aal n-Party baa called ... 111o • Ctrr THE CACAPRONY this COUIItrJ are the eQtrU. CWOUib' arcuiAI nrlou u-rtmotal of Duaie1 Aldricll u Editor ol tbe Eastca, eaastaa: ID!Ialloa. The tact Ia peels olllle -•11&1 diaL eiWieello< o1 UCJ lot ma1<1nc U a per100 wuts to eatcb that tbe renrae 1s true. Al-But ooce tbt ucbup t. tbl caUited IIIP"'atmtlll. tbeeyeofa.Jertoewa-readera,ltboacb cltluu ma.yeootrll:de fluJ..I1oompJM.ed.laltapr....t OD tbe otbtr bUd. It n.a SIIJ, "Put 1t In tbe ED11p.." 1D a mlmltt ftJ to tbrt coo-form. tbt ~Uc cu uti~ reported tbat Mike Krllm&D, Tbere are 0111)' 71temsootbe permltnDc .-aoa danclog and We are pla(Uid DOt only wttb liDuatloD oii..Dflat10D, its maJor ''No tl'et~JJ~ssfnc-Jdntepro.. ,., 101Dc about Ills daUN "u aeeDda for the meetlnc of tbe Un eattrtalmnfJIII: tor club tet aDd a!rplut DOiael. but DOW eaue 1s tbe pernmeDl. pert)' .. Ileal to be polled aJoDc U DOtJWtc wu •ppen1nc Of& .. Ne1rp0Jt Belch Plami1Jlg Com-members aod cuests.I.Ddreotal tbousaada of IPOf't aod sm&ll Tbe larpst siDcle caue ol a wide tJIIIUt of wbl.t is: DOW siM ol tbl ft11s oltbtacbooL'" mlssioa at 8 p.m. today; Sept, of tacUIUes to priYatt puUes. cau are Doom a( tbt ltreetl iDflatioo is pernmeot spen.. pobUc watertroat. It n.a rellttd tbat be bad aid: 18, 1n City Hall: 6. Request or LD.R. (Holstein Yltb OYtr-ll&ed: ooiM-mabra d1Jac. aDd tbe pernmeat laob-Tbt Newport ' Beaeb CttJ "CommtdtJ prtaUre YlU aat I. Request of the InlDe Co. co.) tor appronl of teotauYe a.ttacbld wblcb are appueatJ:1 taJ..a1llc Us .,..,Unc mooey b)' CCKD:il, 1D tbe pablle liMrelt. force me to r811p." tor extension of a use permlt map ofTraet6905,asubdi.Yls1oo without UJ ue 1D r"CmD!Dc tbe colD Cl41Ptni aDd tba use ol sboclld llll8 a "DtW loot'' at Dr. sttaart M:B&rllle merelJ alknrlDc tbe crasiD& or cattle of 20,30 acres couststtnc or so Yeblcle. U t.a bad tDOUglltobi.YI IIDbl.eted pr1Dt1ng..press mo-tbe quutioa. It abouJd laiuate .cntcbed tbl nrtaee wbeo ._ as an lmerim land use 1D the res1dent1allota,acreenarea1ot old trueb bObbliDc tJoDc Yltb Dey, tb1l aeUoo. bf IA)f'OPI"latl re-wrott b1s bookltt r\1lt1Dctotbt Upper Harbor Vln Hills area aM a tellD1s COIU't Jot, Joc::ated worn out motors aDd al.d: mec-It t.a D!lcrou~-for Americans 10ll&loo ftQI...ttac tbl OnDce orpalatloa aDCl !be IIIDil'll .northerly of San JoaquiD H1lls on tbe westerly &ldeofEastblu:tt baDJ.am &dd1Dc to tbt Oter-all to be told tllat tbe)' can atCip CoUIQ Baud ol ~~to P'II'PC*I ot tbt S.O.S. Mt!riD Rd. m:l easterly of MacArthur Dr., south of tbe ellensioa ot deaf811Jnc tbaocler. 1Df1a.tioa by be1ne mort caretul rescllld Us prior autborlatloa MUll, tbe commtatator tJr LUe BIYd. Vista. del Oro, near Eut Blllfl'. It la: pttl.nc almost lmpos-1D speDi1Dc. It 11 eq1&1ly as lu-of tbe ucbaace. Tblnafteem:S I.JDt. wbo bfoldca•s tlfC 2. Request of the lntoe Co. 7. Use permit reqaest of Bible for a periOD to btU oo dl.eroaa for tbe President oltba .,a chcuNioD c:oold proceed DMO (860) wtd claJS at tlft lor extension of a use permit LD. fl (Holstein Co.) lor sub-tbe telepboae or radio 1n b.la: UDited states to aDDOUDCe b1a oo tbe subject wttbout o,..r-p.m., .se.:rlbtcl oa JlllJ n. a.llcnrLoc 3 direeUooa.l sips for dlflslon of property IDd con-OYD bome wtt11 tbe doors ud ~rt ola sur-tu ua meue sbadowlDc lmpUcatiooa and ••'fbi 10 dtmuda ot S.O.S. •• East Bluff, Fashioo lslaod aod strucUon of ooe ud three story wl.Ddows 5bat. Tbare U a UmU to stop 1DtlaUoo. pressures ot prior llllderlt&D-wbJcb IDchldtl tbe IAC4)0I't ot. Newport Ceoter -ooJamboree resldeot1al tmits u part or a or decibels a bumu ear cu Tbe oo1y JOlcaiob to tnflau.. dlDp: or lepl commttmtDts. Ul.e tern.r.YU~c 10 po1at PI'OiftlD Rd. 1.100 feet OOI'tb of San planDed residential deYelop-stand. and sc.teace telllu more ls u I¥Miest peromtat-ooe HlntJ D. p.._ ot tbe Black PutMI' Party tJr Joaquin H1lls Rd.; on Jamboree meot 1n Tract 6905, people are cwtt1nc deaf Mell wtllcb wt.U ..0 IPtlldtn& cuts 8&ltlt-'"llnrt. Blact stadeat Auoclatloal oo Rd. 1,200 feet soutb of San year. lll*lallJ tbe ~ ratber U.Utureforma,udooe tbt caqNS. Jaoquto HWs Rd. $700 THEFT REPORTED &Oaerotloo, 1r<Mn ouou aoJao 11hlch wlllotop prlalloc rn>rt11-LEGAL NOTIC! A r-<11 111oao 10 cle- 3. Res:ubdiYI.sioo appUC&Uoa Three ~le ud an afcban of stereo, radJo cecqlboldu. leas paper mooey Uld ntun to , muds wtU be made Ia tbeCoo- ol Dolores Wleoeoga or Costa were the YlcUms or a $100tbeft Tbe City ot. Nnport Btacb COld &00 sUYer backed cur-NOTICE OF PUBLIC BEARING HrfttiYt CarMI' at u Mesa,wbolsrequesti.D.ctbtdl-on Sept. 7 1D West Newport. bas a noJ.ae abattmtat law, reocy. NOUctb...,tlYtatbattbt -.rlJdatt.Watc:llbUUIIU. 'fisioo of au R-1-B-2 pucel at Tbe thieYU el'lttred 001 ot wblcb Ia 1Ddtr Yeblclt code No, Yours truly, PC~M Comm~ ot tbe do 80n-etblllc CiiUIWb...U,.. Now Is the time for mending that breach 2055 lrrlae A .... west tWer Zllllloeked _.olillle bomeol Z?151, llhleb ayo: Richard E. Woodla -•-owport ~will bold of faith. u that long planned freeway mwrt Bay, tnto z parcels. J...,.. Artla 4508 w lloiOOl "No perooo obaiiiDOdll) 111o Sao Gollrlel • poblle baorloC..,IbolllPUea-LEGAL NOTICE 4. U&e permttreq!MstorL. P. BlYd .• aDd ;.... u • IPI'lcot uba ... ot a motor Ytb1Clt ID Uoa of RollJ P'alluld b aU.. NOTICE run along the coastline to provide easy De6Jmoae o1 Newport Beo<:h., colored at.,.. ruuectli nso. a..._...., ... w111 amplllJ.,. • NEW LOOK NEEDED Pormll llo. 1441 oo po-IJ llolleo C:~uc IIEARIIIG access to Irvine's fabulous Newport estat>Ush ao auto r~~>&~r obop a., tbe .,., oat, 111e UdoYu taer-lllo -...-I>J Editor otlllo Eut.., loeatod li 711• 11l, 111 E.BaJ. PlaDolo& eomm::U:: Center. then let Newport Center land be at 2300 w. Coast Hll}'., '"' tool< •lotbtn&. • lool box. aal tile.._,. olauellnblc:lo,-• The Nnport Beo<:b CIIJ baa BIYd., a.-. to porllllla CIIJ <II ll._t Beoeb will bold lolarillers lollle. stereo oqulpmoot lfll<tll $U4 lhll omllted b)' lllo ra-coaaeu bu roeeally ladleatoct r~ -laa---'11 the victim of the freeway bulldozers s. Request <11 tbe NOIIPOrl tromS.poAYIIa'oparl:odear. ortjiDai)J I-liad oo 1M.._ u bu OICODII _ .... , .-(C-I)IIIalrleC. apeUcllaorlocooUooWUea- Beoch Teaola CJ.., for uten. Tboywo-anllotllltb$15 hlelo llllllllo oriiiMJ malllor -'"'lllo~--11-lobar...,._JII•oll-"'LD.B., Jolot v-. instead of the long established residential ston ot a ... permit allolllag "' 11 belolllfolto lllcblol lllo-oball co.._,IJ llllb an 111o re-_ 0rup ~ q,p.r 'ii.; lbol oald ~ 11aor1oc will 1>1 :.:.~": ..!::!.': area of Corona del mar. aa-•io liquor lillie cl..,, UOI -:.111. -wo UYuli 4501 qatremoau <II w.· eblptor." (IIO<k) !Joy luld snp, Tbo ~ ":t ':, ':.. ~ ~~ 111o <II line "' VIlla dol Oro Eutblull Dr., Eut Blull, IIIII W.lloiOOlBIYd. lllatoobad-olllloelloop --bu1a <11 Ito _,111 U:.c-!ICMIO .... Iol•:; to -ar•B-a,topw- Parents Given Option on Sex Classes ~~~-~-~ __ .. __ :_:_:_::_. __ , Oo ...... Gov. lloopD .. .,.., -a.w .., .._. am m • _.. .....,,_ 1'1111 ...-.,.. tM f'ndt ol tbe dec I ' -Ill ill .., Ill,..,..., I ........ tho lT rli -_..,t Ia -cl .. Ml ..._. ._. ud •t JlraiiiJ '*"" ~~ .. _..-a ...... ,.._ -·· 111-~lllolllll ......... ,, ...... ..., ....... .,.. ..... ,..... .. & '1ntltM~ -· ... ---..--..... --...... ··-· -----__ ., ___ ..... .. "'!""'!! Clla _, ,_ -II ----__ ,... .......... _ ..... _ ... _. .. 1 1 M: pwu:t JW-. j I _,.. __. ,. e '-P._» ' ...... _ __. .,.._.,, ___ .. ..... .__ .... ,.. 1 ., ..... .,._...,._ su ..... ,_ .... .,an 2 ,,_.,L_Iolr __ ... I .. .. -Ito· :;; X ..... ... a --..... oll-lalllllell .a: ~tiN IMt.rtal .. ....S. ... ea.. tlca ..... 6eDy dlftDed Ja tlllt .. ... • 44DJ cilia til w1lktl lrllraaD lifi\Jidar::tiW ------... 'tt ~. m..tratwd or m. n, ....... _. d.-.... rt " ..... , ...... '-.: -..c.tloll' .. •~u:n~~J .. ........ .., -......, ........ '"" .. -.., ____ ...,._ I Q ............. _ .. PI, ., ....... ..... It-Ia I I eo, ....... .....,~ . ,, ...... --.. --• .. •. .. .. , ' .. ~""!!-: JIIO ~· ¢ ........... & A IE£ ,,1 ........... Ill iii. ...... .. .... ....... __ , ... -, .. -·· ·= ................... .., .. ........ ,,, ............ ---.---.. ........... p, .. tl • .... law b)' rnltloc .. --·· -................. __ _ of die EO J1ea Oldlt, aw; 11tC ... t ..... dllltllwa 11e ..,. 1 s rrem aa .. rtl .._ ---lalllot-o.o .. -·--1M---· ............ _,. .. ,.,. ........ ·-----M-r-lds Me+?'. Cl'll ,.., lla •-•""-_.......,...,., .. tarttt .. ..._.. tiM. tt_.._.,.._., sara • ___ .... __ .. ---,.-··.s· -, ... __ .. _ .. _ -............. . -.. -... .. ............ __ "*' .. ,,, ... " •. -...... __. _. ,, , , • ._ , eo , ~ -II .. --· .._ _,. .. __ _ ......, trnc w' • .., ... _. -··--·--... IIIII..., .... b)' .. _. law. __ .. _... __ .. _ .. ......,.._..., __ ---~ ... ...,-.. 1"1 I Jloi "IOllo ... lotlto c:IMI--.... "''' ..., .......... .................... > .. ... Ia ..... • Olllet ... "' ...... ........ ---... -·lopltlpt tt wttt !! .., tf dtl ....... a.. a. .... ... I ___ ... ...... -......... de r--"'·low•lli ._ llllltooo-larzr ,,.. .... .,. .. 5 .. ·--..... ., !IIIJ ;:;;: 2 2 -II?' I ---... .. -::.. .. ----......... --.. ....pi!. •-llr'F' --• .. ..... .. ...... _ .,I PI llr lilt- S --· -·· ... _ .. ..... liiilt ----• Nowport -CIIJ llall, at ' all a P-R-ol wbl.dr Umt Udi pllct Ul1 ud DtYtqa •• ,...,~., ol 71 all por---_, .,_ r-1 loll ud I _,,.. pear ud bl....., ---loloolUacno. DooR,=...._, llolleola.....,_JIIY• llnPGI1 -111&1 oald ,-ale Marl&~ 11111 bl ~ -.... ~-.. ~ P-· ..... 11,1 ... Ia . IMI, &I .. -<II 1:00 p.m. till ... , .,_ ·,,.. .... U.Cov-uae-arlol .. ~ ~ ...... , ..... Clr 1111, at F""" UN u:a.•-. - -...... .., • · -·...,...,. aD,.nr ·ntlllt.., Por whn yo weN tM Itt-;., .. lie .._,. .. ~ •uta .or 1i11, ye .,.. free na, a. M' t, tur_, rrom nlhteooeaeu. ICIIWI .._.. atr What fn.lt biWI J• then ia .._ C.s' g 1 those lhiDII wfaertol ya an P lh'* lilt. 11, 1M, • now .. ..._., tor ........ ••..-t ..._ ,,..., or-............. . Bot -~ .. -r,.. ... ... IINTIR IUS -oli, _, ~11:1 --... ~~.-;,~~1111 _,.,.w,, ..... ,_ .... ··-.. ~ hit ... lool ..... ,... .... ... =~· .. , ~-d u~ .Colli" • Jl-,1 ..... ·-.. ..... . ...,. --... -. ,.. ..!:!. ~-"'"'!"... "' ••• •• •• .. • ~ .. ; i: __.,.., .. efOMio lllntlliiT •; .-llloflloo II'J-Ill ?IRI•fwtl: Cltflat -IAA. ·earn o • . .... 11 • _ s 1 •:•zu, n s n . I BACK TO SCHOOL AT Y THI IIAIIIOII ¥111TOI -.n.._ hi COMf COM T'lre & hiSflVID Offers this Steel *40,000 Mile Tire at Prices You Afford To Pass STEEL lelted Protects A~nst ~'-"'· ' ,_,..... fORO -falcns PLY -Yalints DODGE -DJfts CHEY-Canairs ( 1.51/ ) 1.00113 WITH THE THEME of "&lturrui lea'ltt," pr~ bere by Mrs. MJebael DoUnskl, at left. a.od Mrs. Roger SalmoDs, the 5tb anma1 peacock alley l~mebeoo a.Dd fash1oo sbo1r ww be preseoted Sept. 25 at tbe Ball:lo& Bay Club by tbe Holy Family Madrec:Uas AUXiliarY of tbe Holy Family Adoptloo Seulee of Ora.oge County. Mrs. JohO Coodoo o1 Newport Beach ls ceoeral chairman. assisted by Mrs. NormaD Huff of Corona del Mar, Mrs. Erlllst Sca.n100 o1 Balboa lslaod, Mrs. Peter Wa.lker of Garden GrO't'e, Mrs. Heon Ullman of Corooa del Mar, Mrs. Robert Marsball of San Juan Captstra.Do, Mrs. John LaW90D. of Lagma Niguel, Mrs. Cb&rles LuslD of Santa Ana, Mrs. Robart H&Dcock of San Clemente and Mrs. DolinSki of Soutb Lagma. Mrs. Tbomas RUey of Newport Beach tspresidentoftbe auxt!i.ar y. (Ens!enpOOto.) EBfll UNITS BUSY ._, -111oll c.-'" 1M "•-• ._I'll--. tess e"'• .. piojlc:U IDI' a. c~~a~raa t.t Mu. ,.._. -ea.,_, wtUI IGP itWIC Bleme 1D ...__.all...._... !1'""-----------------... TMPa'o_wlll_ . -----Oct., ot tM •-Rt.-a c...._ ..,_, 110 Rl911n. Drifl, Colt& 11-. " --'"""'"'will btclaiiiO,JO a.m. llro. Cloar- lll E4nrda ta cb&lrmaa. Mn. Wllli&m T•yer, ebair- mu o1 Book SecUoa. s, bu ~ -~~~ IIIII tlltlr llrll moelillc Will be btld Oct. I . It will bt a lZ:SO p.m. deuert-lUDCbeoa &l the LODe Belcb borne ot Mra. ~-. Mrs. w. R. Dana is opellLDg her Corooa del Mar borne Oct. 27 for a meetiD& of Book Sec- tloa (Lucky) 7. llrs. llarl<xl Gentle a.od tbe ebaJrman, Mrs. Jobn Meerma.os are acting as eo-bostesses tor the nooo lWl- LAVENDER FLU Your grandfather probably knew thls cure. FLowen of lavender quilted in a hat were supposed to ward off "stuffed-up .. noses and head colds. Pleasant treat· ment-but certainly not a sure cure. T~y. thanks to medical science, we have numerous effu:tive vat· cines ... agajnst flu. whoopin1 cou&h and ocher respirat. ,y diseases ... to 1mmumu and JWo\eet \.11 from the discomforu of mfecl!ons. So. why suft'cr nccdk:ssly. Ask your physic1an about ttw:m . Let him prescribe tM medication that is most dfc:ctive for your needs. Then come to us for prescription llef'Vicc. Christensen -. " ..... 't' ... _,. ..... .,. ................ ~·, .............. ......._ . ............ ,._Ilea. __ ...... TWit ....a. Mltn TltY A WISTIIIHU Sl ...... CH '""1111 ~ $1.45 POPULAR -111L TA'R.-1 '• • VERSATILE EILEEN WIIIQIT IIICI ... ............ .. _ ...... ....__ ---... ,,.-........... ......... --,~.-- OtEF AI. ~IlLY LAST 3 DAYS pat's ski & sport shop~ ~oofo•~ TOP -(0 BRAND NAMI \)9 SKI EQUIPMENT ~t. & t~ THURS. ·FRI.-SAT. Town & Country Center (Acrosa From 5 Points) 11512 lEACH ILYD. -HUIIITMToN lUCie 962-5521 · ·---..... , ..... ''IIAPPT FIRST BIRTBDAY'" bu bMD obur'Ted at COlt& llleM Memorial &oc*'\. wldcb bu proridecl CU'I ud trlltmlllt b 1,545 paUIIlU dartal tbl tint JtU, ID lddllloo 1<1 t,810 polleals lrlllod ID lbo Uabour em•e-J room. PI_ .. blrolllllo . .....-,. portJ are, from 1oft, Dr. AJiall Blair C&ldwoll; lin. Do1oC11J Tbompooa, RJI., dlroclor ot ourlllnc oorrlcoo; Roy Cbrlot.._ 11<-ofllo'rorl;J Elllorp< .... ot Pua, -. ---tor of llle 99abod -llal; Cool& ........ ,.. A, L. PIUJoJ; AJdoo Sap, boeplta.l actmtntPntol'; Mrs, AleJIQdtr MacGU11YVy, ebalrman ot tbe ~tal YOlldeer ~. aad Dr. JoboaJ.e Betaoo Jr., c.hlllf of staff. 'Know your fireman' / ENGINEER PAUL FISOIER MOW AT 1180 NEWPORT BLVD. OOSTA MESA ...... US-9383 SPECJo.LS FOR SEPT. J8,19·20gp I I I I Fresh Produce LJo.RCE. SLICHC TOMATOES .. 29( APPLESLs.19c . 303 SllE Cut Green Beans 303 Sill! Tomatoes Zucchin Spinach Tomato Wedges 303Sill! Cling Peaches •••• I.WIMI TltUMIIAY, SUI'. II, - ilstllls Sept • .. IS rsla ......... IIII'Mt..__......_. -.. ,., •• -loll Co. .. c... dol llloir; -,., .... ~-Ill--Alt-.. ~ -C»'IIII_ .. _ ~-.. c...'"' ............ .....,, lllr; ............. llolll -.a. •• rc1, ..-.,!dlra:au D ._ '-Ud ......... or-. c.. lliCA; .... ... ·-.... .,.._. lot .. "' llqiiJ:r --. ,_ 11, .,. '"" rool.-.1 .,._ LorrJ PI :hot rf AI rotlllt ... ...,.._ .... Ed ~Udldlloe*L .... Ud lllr1')' -wiD DB ,._ tor lllo I ' ._ .. __ -.,.. $7,50 Dtl- oa. -· to 111 lnoaw Coeldallo will bo II t :IO Ud .,.. .. _ 1'11-J. --~~·p.m. Fire hall site decision \ IM ITiltTH YIA• Investment Course ORANGE COAST COLLEGE An .tatrocb";Kon to tbt tulc ,_,.meptal• ol DIIUD& ID c:o<pe>rato otoeb, -· m-.J-., ........,_. boads, butJcMDC' • lou aaocltttms, lattftded to PY• practical taowledp of tmeltmeiU ud t&oct u- cbaJ>io- WM. L O'IRYON. IMiruct"' LADIES' TENNIS DRESSES 13.95 TO 19.95 , • FOR SEE NEWPORT HARIIIR EIII!JI FIRST SECTlOII --P. S TliU R!OAY, SEPT. II. It a COROllA DEL liAR, CAUf. BEST LOOK AT TOMORROW --. - THI Fonl TODAY! OF THE SHARPEST PENCIL IN THE WEST u-...:...k • • ·. ....Wf15 •• , ..... it's a different kick OPEN HOUSE FRI.• SAT.· SUN. Fr11 llaftnhn1la .. Iliff F• Tilt lift. FANTASTIC DISCOUNTS ON AU 1969 ELS LARGE SELECTION OF lOTH lEW AID IEI-TRITGI CDS aEII OF 1171101EU TIIISIIY SEPT. 11 TORINO UOUGHAM 2·01. HAIDTOP Chanced ••. clear tbroucb MUST A~ MAC~ I Take off and run with Number One Take a quiet break! li.IDST 11110 1171 .. DPma IEAIY F11 -EDIITE IEI.IftiY. B'la ecrn of the most moderri Ford HI• Hrvice fec ilit ies on t he West co .. t ~rh odore ob·ns or .,.. o•• ••• _, .... Tho~- NAnoHAL~l ~­ A MAIK ROUON NOOUCnOH 'D.CI6:iDY's SdNII ~HUI\ITiftiG !!!!• SUN. "11'10111 2 P.M. NOW TWO GREAT FEATURES TOGETHER At.SO TI-llS II"INf: O'I'AMA JOANNE WOOilW.o\RO -JAM E.~ OLiiEN "RACHEL RACHEL" W••~ttH• "WII.O .U N CI-I'' at ~.,-"ii'IACHf_l.. iliACI-Itt. 1 <1 11 C.ON1"1N UOU~ SAT J'ROM ~-SUN II'I'IOM 2 JUNIOR MATINEE SAT. 2 P.M. mum range. Tbe staUon wiD monitor tbe naUooal distress aDd calling trequeac:y, Channel 16, at 156 MHZ, as well as tbe yacht club frequeocy, sb1p to shore Cba.noel 9, at 156.<450 MHZ. OU Ill CORS Open Nightly •t 6:45 p.m. MATINEE SATURDAY & SUNDAY AT HO P.M. ' 1 TiiM 2TinMs 1..50 l .,lll :2.00 !.00 100 4.00 .OS . 10 ' 3 Tim•• 100 4.00 s.oo .15 OVER fOR :IHD Wl!l!lil TWO SHOWS Nl GH TL V SHORTS I 7100 -· ,.., FEATURII 7•20 •• 111100 ......................... FOR IIEII, Proof. 1'1'1-SIM, ; ..... ,. .. ' ., II z' fta-. • """-_-111 te:4 --~ ... , .. .,.-·-·· r !NEWPORT HAitliQII EIISIGII !FIRST SEC11011 --Pw 7 . 1HUIISMY, SEPT. II, 1969 OOAONA DEL MAR, CAUF • ...... .... I I II • ••• hi I d c... .. WI TIW4K YOU FOR CXIMING TO OUR GRANO "RJ!.OI'ENING'' CELEIRAT10NI HERE ARE THE SPECIAL PRIZE WIIIIIERS : • FIRST PRIZE, ldO ButbDtU btDoeuJazs-Ura. -...... 1901 o. .. 81'1<1., Coroaa del ...... • SECCim PRIZE, flootJweU No. SlO .Uobe-Jim Xlrk, 1100 lolar Villa, IIOWIIOri BeoU. • THIRD PRIZE, en.tr ZlJ recorder -st.e Be~ IIIU Jameo Rd., VIlla Pull. • FOURTH PRIZE, Colt electroolc flub -Mel llorrlooo, 715 w~ AYe., Corooa del liar. • FIFTH PIIIZB, Kallmor pocbl rodlo --Reed, 1"111 Wa-rtll, Coroaa dollolar, WUU&ni~:;~~~~ ·~ 8 • ol U JIU'• 1D tbl real estate lDdwti)', bu tolDed tbe arm of HAL PINCHJII'. US80CIA TI!S, 3900 E. Coul HlJII>ny Ccwo. del Mar u aa &180C· late broker. TolDtoo formerlY operated his owu ofD.ces lD w-, Los Anzeles IUid Fu.llertoo apec:LaU•toc 1n reat- deotlal aad lDcome properties. His assoc:.latloa with tbe PloeblD tlrm places 9 full time proleHinMis at tbe senice of realty j 642-5200 the pW!Uc lor buJlnc or ae~~-------~ resldlatl&l am lacome JUST LISTED • SDTB PRIZE, No. lUfn•mattceamera-A, V. s.rlDIII,IOIIIIII>rd'Dr., C..... dol liar. IB'IUTB PRIZJ!!, Ar&US lA camera-llon>l>y KoQ, 50t w~ AH., eorooa del ...... (Pihoo-prlla were awarded,) perties. U it's real estate, you should be taltiDc to: HAL PINCHIN &. Assocl•t•• 1"'"" E. COAST HIGHWAY CORONA DEL MAR ---11-"'"t 604f72 -QS.31a Beautiful Irvine Terrace home, VIEW AND POOL. Tropical landscaping. Flexible floor plan with separate guest room and bath poolslde. $83,500 • ••• HARBOR VIEW HILLS COME IY OPTEN-DON'T FORGET WE HAVE PRIZE MERCHAN.DlSE EVERY DAY! 1121•-•••••lllltlrl•• .,._,calf. See Us For DOG WEEK SPECIALS! SEPTEMBER :U.d TO 27th Ma.Dy sa.vtnp ••• PLUS $1 1n free merchandise wtth eacb doC groomLDc. lloe Jord••• Pel Shop .. OUR 11TH YE'A.R IN CORONA. DeL MA.R"'" 2732 E. COAST HWY . -PHONE 673-2-430 17111 W. C:..ot .. ..., Mow,.. ...... i.:;o~~~=~~ Can't .. u it?.·. •Trade Ph .... i• Your 0., for • S.hcripti•: C.ll 673-0550 For Paot Acdoa A IIUolt~ 0111 DIE DOTL!Il PANORAMIC VIEW OF NEWPORT HARBOR Beauti(ul3 Bedroom. 4 Ba1h WATERFRONT llome on Bayside [Jnve . .'\ewly redecoralcd. P ricf'd ~1 30.000. 1001 BAYSIDE DRIVE BY APPOINTMENT ONLY BILL GRUNDY 67S.J110 LINDA ISL£ DEVELOPMENT CO. 1010 Bayaid• Dr., Ntwport Beach A New Home Means a Better Way of Living ... When selecting a home you purchase more than just a house and a lot. You select an environment ... a way of living for you and your family ... a dream of happiness and security. and the purchase of the RIGHT home . starts with a Realtor® cal Y ... R...._ TODAY! H•rllor Costa lolnl . of Realtors • OUTSTANDING VIEW HOME WITH POOL ON LARGE LOT. 4 bedrooms, dlnlngroom, family room , , VACANT AND AVAILABLE. $59,500 • ••• REDUCED NOW AVAILABLE. OCEAN SIDE OF ffiGHWAY. 3 bedroom, 2 bath front house PLUS 2 bedroom VIEW APT. MODERN IN EVERYWAYANDONLY $59,500 •••• Luxury Homes For Lease VIew and pool, 4 bedrooms , •• $450 On the ocean, 3 B/R, 3 baths .• $475 BRAND NEW LUSK HOME, 4 B/B BEST- AREA SIZE TERMS POSSESSION PRICE CONDITION I RV\HE TERRACE HONE TOO LARGE FOR ABSENT OWNER Maybe just right for you • • • Has 3 bedrooms ' Hobby Room 3 B&th.s. Large yard-room tor pool. U's Vacanti Easy Terms. Owner wtu eoos1der low don. _ carry large Zlld -eveo accE!I)t otber trut dMcla. Reduced to $54_950. OPEH SATURDAY & SUNDAY 1 TO 5 1 111111111111111111 Sales througb the Multiple Llltlnc Sernce of the Newport Harbor-Ca.ta Mesa Board of Realtors totaled over $39 mlWon for the firat el&bt mooths of 1969. Tbi.l repruenta 1, 041 ·unit ealea l.lld a dollar nlue- lncreaae d. 11% OYer the aame per- lad d. laat year, which wu a nccms year. Lt.t your property wltll a Realtor todav. I I ~I I If I I I I 1.1 I I I I I I ' !.ill .. c ....... Mer CORBIN- MARTIN R •• U .TOM NEWPORT HEIGHTS CHARMER .: WALLED FOR COMPLETE PRIVACY 2,000 sq. ft. Newly decorated throughout. Large 60 x 133 lot. Offered at $49,500. • • • • •• • ASK ABOUT: Newish duplex. Live In one unit, Rent out the other. Large lot, all built-Ins. Priced to SELL at $35,750 eASK ABOUT: Best buy in a duplex In Corona del Mar at $49,500. CORBIN-MARTIN, Inc. ••• • ·i .. :: '• us~u 1..,_11 Tie C-tr«l'• 3036 E. Cout Hwy. Corona del Mar, Ca!U. 675·1662 ·' Pennsylvania Dutch Charming 2 story farm house, with everything, Including pegged hard- wood floors to modern built-In .lett- chen. Privacy on fee land, South of the Hi-way. 3 bedrooms 2 baths· • • plus large family room. \JZTHEREAL \ ESTATERS ' FOIIIM!!RL1 ORANGE COAST PROI'NTY · 332 ~.. """'"' ..., Mar -673-1550 Beautiful Back IRVINE AVE. CUSTOM BUILT 3 I:EDROOM HOME • 2 Batbs • Double Garage • I..arge Enclosed Courtyard • Elegant Carpets and Dnpe• MANY -MANY -MANY EXTRABI . $47,500 BEST OF TERMS .. f BOWARD FOtroM celebrated a !1-year amuversary last w.--eDd -tbe Zlst year m bis enlarged and remodeled -PboiD Lab IJ1 Corooa del liar. Asslstlnc him IJ1 U.. rlbboa cwtlDc are Jessie HID, uect&ive secretary ot tbe CDM Cbamber of Commerce, and Susan Reed, Miss Corooa del M>t. Church News Tbe Ceatra.l Bible Church, Orup. AYe. a.t 23rd St., Costa Mea-Pastor HeiU'y E. Jooes wtu speak oo "The victorious Christ" at 9 aoo 10:30 a.m. SUDC2&y. At 7 p.m. he will bring a messap on "Christ's method ol eY&ngeUsm." W&.rlners Church, 2200 E. Coast Hwy., Con!ll del Mar- Guest speaker tor the 10 a.m. Sunday service wtll be Dr, P11ter Kartz, graduate of UCLA a.od oow professor of physical scteoces at Bi.:>h. :ouege, La M trada., He will spe:U: oo '•Treasures of wisdom a.nd k:lowl~J&." based on Colos- sians 1 ;9-23. • • • The Plymouth Coogregalioaal Ch11rcb., 3262 Broad St., New- port Heights -New members wtU be received at the 10 a.m. Suoday service. Tne Rev. Nor- mu Brown will preach oo "Mastering the moods." • • • The Newport Harbor Lu- ther.a.n CtJ·U'ch, 2501 Clllf Dr., N~wport H{::ghts -Pastor James Blain will preach at 9 and 11 a.m. Suoday OD "Tt~ dim.;nsions of t.Uth," based on EL.o:•e;ia.ns 3:13-21. Contlrma- tlon instr i)Ction for 7th aDd 8th graders -T..il begin Oct. 8 at 4:15 p.m. Rally day Ifill be ob- served Sept. 28 with awarlls for attendance and promotion to new classes. • • • Cllristta.n Science Churches- " Matter" Is the subject of the lesson-sermon tor this Sunday. SerYiees are held a~ 10 a.m. 1n Harbor View Hills, 11 a.m. in Costa Mesa, and at 9:15 and 11 a.m. 1n Newport Beach. --INfLATION:' Recession':' Pri- ces ol stocks and bonds':' These are among the topics to ~ covered In a course in lnvest- meots, uow in its 19th consecu- tive year, offered again by the OCC adult education division. The lecturer is w:., :!am L, O'Bryon, originator of the course, owner or a securities brokerage office in Newport Beach. The five lectures will be gtveoonc:oosecutive Wednesday evenings, from 7:30 to 9:30, bectnntog Sept. 24, at Mariners school. PODIA TRY AUXILIARY INSTALLS OFFICERS The Women's Aldil..l.aryofthe Orange County Podiatry Assn. Installed its new offlcers at a luncheon Tuesday, Sept, 9, at the home of Its new president, Mrs. Rodenck farley of Buena Park. Other omcer s are Mrs. Rus - sell Pang or Newport Beach, vice -president; Mrs. Arthur Walton of Newport Beach, sec. r etary.treasurer; Mrs. Harvey Levin of Westminster, parlia. ment.arlan; Mrs. Allan Stark of Orange, liaison ortl cer; arxl Mrs. Lyman Wilson of Santa Ana, pubUclt)' chairman. • • • St. Mark Presbyterian Church, 2100 Mar Vtsta, E&St Bluft -Pastor James Kirk 1s eonUnuing his sermon series on the theme, ··A wise use of our time." His topic at the 10 a.m. servk~ this Sunday wiU be '·Boredom is the closest thing to dying," based on Jona.h 4 :1-11. • • • The 25th anniversary or the C~rona del Mar Community Co ngregational Church w1ll be celebrated at the 10 a.m. service this Subda.y with the dedication or the DeW Reuter p:.pe organ. The Rev. Edwin C. Gomke, torm!f' putor, will r eturn as guest mlntstertoctYe the anniversary serm•>n. Col. David Fowler , who served with Mr. Gomke as lay minister,lllill g)~~ .J~votions. The church pas- tor, Dr. Philip Murray, will de- dicate the organ. The church was formally orp'lized Sept. 10, 1944, uOOer the leadership or the late Rev. Perry F. Sc hrock. • • • A.tgelyn Da.ntuma, former dean of women and Moody Bible Institute, will OOgin a series or 10 to 11:30 M.1M.!y m•.rnlng Bible classes for women S·~.·:. 29 at St. James Episcopal Chu ·o:h (): Newport Beach. Ther e will be • ~u::ly of God's plan of redempUoo from .:;enesis through Revelation, and a •·twin Bible books" stOOy, pointint:: 1:• ~1.t tact that God's truth is eafolded in the Old Testament and ullolded In the New. Miss Daotum1 Is now Jt- rcctor of women's activities tor the N.uramore Christian Foun- dation. . ' t.1 l annual fiesta de san M.\ J?l, a celebraUoo lor the patron saint of the church, will be held S110i1y, Sei)t. 28, at St. Michael's and A;tAngels' Episcopal Church, Harbor VI~!W H;tls, alter the 9:30a.m. ser- JULIA TERAN DIES "~;~. Julia Teran, 11 65 Augusta, Costa Mesa, died Sept. 8. She LIDO HOME BURGLARIZED is survived by her daughter, While a Lidolslehomewas~ Mrs. Yolanda Cr espo. Rosary for reat, a burclar stole was recited Sept. 12 and r e-bathroom futures worth $'750 qulem mass n s celebrated between Sept. land 5. June Mar- Sept. 13 at St. John the Baptist tens rented tbe borne at 107 VIa CathoUc Church. inter ment was Eboll oo Sept. 8 aDd dlscowered at Good Sbepherd :t>mctery, the theft. CIJU'les Ganci, the dlrected by Bell Broadway Mor-owner, wbo Uves 1o CJeodale, tuary In Costa Mesa. told pollee that be bad oot.tced a real estate Uy mlsst.or trom $3,180 TMEFT REPORTED the oome before the crime. Thieves wOO probably entered lllrough a sUdlng g!>ss door RADIOS S TOL EH llole jewelry,astereo,andc:a.sb ThieVes broke tbe padlock n.1ued together at $3,180 to a power-sail boat doettd at oa Sept. 13 trom Edward Elsen-Lido tale Sept. 3 aod stole beiu, 142-4 EsteUe, Harbor mulne radJos worth $1,%50. HICfllaDds. The items, which ill-Tbey entered Richard Steele's eluded a $2,000 diamond ring private dock at 920 Via I.Jdo ud a$150rln&, were taken from Nord aDd remowed a $750 abort tM muter bedroom aDd bath-wan radio &Dd a $500 depth- room. ODder. MARINERS CHURCH ANNOUNCES • • Dr. PtUr Kct&, pbJiletlt Udpr'll C111tw ofpiiJIIcal -·at-Co11o10, w111 1>11 ..--••w ..... _ _, .... -lo!>I<WIIlbi"Tr--• .,_ ... _...... ... ' ·. "*a&n:!Dli. A'l' ..-.UC. M NP-u:a4t ... A.J&.. lri tWta:a4?WNl , IIIII WT a..t..., .. CD--.... . - Chances are that when in the presence of an undertaker you are nervous, suspicious, or bot}l:. ??? • • • Probably because you resent death. Most people do. Well. if the truth be known-and high time it should-so do all of us here at Pacific View Memorial Park. We don't want people to die. We are people. too. But it happens. And when it does. the law requires that the remains of the deceased be taken care ·of. Doing this in an honorable and dignified manner is the business of Pacific View. 1. What does the S tate or California require, by law. be done with the remains or a deceased ? Two things: (a) The cause of death must be certified by either a private medical doctor or a Coroner: and (b) Disposition of the deceased must be made by burial, entombment, o r cre- mation. Nothing else. 2. What does mortuary service C:08t and include? At Pacific View, mortuary service costs $155.00 and does not vary in price. Service8 include bringing the deceased to the mortuary fro m within a 60·mile radius, keeping the remains until all legal requirements are met, providing autopsy facilities if needed, embalm- ing as necessary or requested, plain wooden box, service car, filing legal permits and recording, and delivery to place of disposition. Assistance in· applying for Social Security, veteran's bene· fits, and certified copies of the death certificate is also part of this service. 3. What does funeral ser vice coat and include? Funeral service at Pacif ic View cost!J $160.00 and is an optional service. It includes use o r a funeral coach and a family car, preparation by male or female Attendants for visitation, service8 of a fune ra l director and auistant.A at chapel and place of intennent. music, care of fl o wers, m e m orial folders, acknowledgement cards, local paper notice, com- mittal service personnel, flower handlinl' and placement, use of the chapel, accompaniment of service to interment site, parkinl' facilitiee, and trafftc direction. Also, aaeiatance in app~ for Social Security and/or Veteran's Adminiatra- tion benefits, u well u. ftlinr for copiea of the death certificate and other legal papers, is included. Due to certain savings to the famili'es desiring both mortuary and funeral services, Pacific View's charges for "complete undertak· ing'' are $295.00-a savings of $20.00. What do caskets cost? At Pacific View's mortuary, two are less than 1100.00 additional, four are less than 1169.00 additional, and fourteen are less than $386.00. What is not inc:luded? Mostly personal items. For eumple. the honorarium to priest, minister or rabbi of your choice. nowers you select. certified copies of the death certificate, and penonaJ memorials such as crypt plates, niche plates or memor:i;al tablets. These memorials cost from 149.63 (niche plate instaliedl to as much a s 1175.00 for • special- design bronze memorial tablet including tues, roundation and installation. 4. What doee burial or cremalioa coet1 The minimum cost for lawn burial at Pacific View is $327.00; this includes a site in Meadowlawn South or in the Masonic Lawn, endowment care. concrete grave liner. interment, recording and commital service. The minimum cost for cremation disposi- tion at Pacific View is 1260.00: this includes mortuary service 11155.00) and cremation and inumment in a communal area (105.00). Min· imum cost of a niche and memorial plate in Mau801eum of the Pacific is 113-4 .63 •dditional; total. 1399.63. 5. What is Eadowaeat Cue? Pacific View is an Endowment Cue Cem- etery. This means that • Fund hu been atab- lish ed pursuant t o the Ia•• of the State of California to keep the tod iD repair in aU placet where interment. have been made; to care for t.reet. gutters, draint, water liD8I and entn.nee ways: and to maintain . recorda pertinent to all property ownen and interment. tbenin. 6. What it meant by "'pre--need"? Pre-need is the term riven to undertakinr and/or cemetery arrangements before a dis· tresaing situation arises. An integral part of estate planning, pre-need offers many advan. tages. Surviving family members are spared undue additional emotional stress, many costs are leu, and there is peace of mind. (The per. son who "doesn't care wh11t they do with me" is tryinr to escape the fact that somebody has to do it.) 7. Is cuh required for the full amount or arranrement selected? Not at Pacific View. F or example : pre· need arranl'ements as desired can be paid f or with a small dt>posit and convenient monthly payment&--often 'U:ithout i11.teust. 8. bn't all tbia memorlallzalion jut a little maudlin ? Not at all. l t has always been the nature of man to erect memorials in honor of those who have lived. Pacific V~ew does not sug,.eat pyramids or marble shrines. It is our honest belief thAt the deceased-whatever h is station --ehould be accorded dipity. And the deg-ree of dipity is in the memory of the living, not in the pric~ paid for a funeral. Thoae are a few of the arutwtn about Paciftc View Memorial Park. We welcome the opportaatty to auwer any other qutt~tlou at any U•e. any place, fro• anyone. .YM ha·n drawa a Will, parchued life luar~ ud 1'-t.ed yolll' aore l•portaat .. tertal -Ia jolat teaaacy. II aot, yoa M•ld eee yoar attomey. Thie ... e penoaal re.po..tWIJty holM true Ia aa.kiar arraap ... ta for barla~ •to.boont or cr ... u ... All we ..... tlaat yoa eotllllfl'• oar c01aplete Mn'· icoo, fadlltloo, _ ... , .. .., perooaal uolotaaco, aadlollll -I. Before tho MOd.-Yoa ••1 tUII be a llttlo aonoaa. Bat wo ol Padlc VIew t.r•t tbat yoa an ao l•rer ••plcl .... PACIFIC VIEW . lA E lAQRI "L p "RK C: lAQRTU "RY S600 Poe1flc View Drive. Newport Booeh, Califomlal2663 • Telephone (7U) a. .. 2700 f"J f"J ~ l'lt p JVJ ,... C.-.t..ry • u .............. , • II~ • , ....... • ~ • ,.._.., Serwteu • Cr...ti .. ~~ r--------------------------------------1 Pad6e VI .. Memorial Park GentlMMn : I 1600 Padlc V'"' Dri•• You u .. ............., MUJ of mr .....,.._ I II N.wport a.dl. CaJifomi• ttMa wowld Ub roe Ia &U'Wtll' IOJie iD r•·•Uer detail. "--.-4 .. adclJtiou.t illt ..... tloa I ..,_ .. , ollllptioL ThaU,... '---------------L----~~----~-----1"·---------------------------------------1------------------------- l--T'so ... m ---------------- • THE NEW BiiiDG!: to Nftport WIDd Ia Uadooi!Jialdac obape. A ta.._ary b<ldg had to be built to serYI tbt laJud wb1le tbe IIIIW J1CU 1a 1Dita.lled, Tbe $125,000 pro)ect tnc ludes coutruetloo ud re~al ot tbe temporary bi'Jdp; removal aod constructloo of 1 on rttntoreed CODCit~ brWip at tbe eDd ol S&th SL; oew curbs, sidewalks, and street ~; coDitructlon ot a potUoo of the 38tb St. storm draln; aod a oew NEWPORT BEACH · JOe 6 locb water ma.J.D. Tbe projeCt wu sct:Mdaled for eompleUoo Sept. 9, but has been $ II delayed 30 to 40 days by tbt strlkea. HowiYU, ~loteodeot Mu Tlngley sa.Jd tbe JtiN1C8 ANGLING CHAMPIONS received their tropbies at 2 6 ma• •aon project bu oat been u bard hit by tbe strl.Us u most local pro)ects, some of wh.icb tbe unllll awardl party IPOfliOred by the Balboa Allglloc • baY& been delayed SO to 90 days. (Ensip pboto.) Club. Prise wiDDu's pictured bere are, bottom row, left to rtgbt, JobD Paeot. tltgb boy ln tbe 5 to 10 year& category; occ b•' •ld" UGAL HOTJCE LEGAL HOTICE 3 concerts Karen IJ-. bll!l> pr~ 51o 10 years; Cbarles Wbltuod Ul 1ng Robert Kalataehaa, Ued for junior champions; Rel Balla.oce, ORDlNANCE NO. UlZ 108.87 teet aJOQr said curre rWIDeJ'-I.tl tor crwnplonstltp; Ernie Wblte Jr., largest bass • I k'd AN ORDINANCE OF THE em througb &D angle of 1° 01' 4S" d and yellowtail, 11 to 15 y-.rs; top row, left to rlebt, Al)'Jl PfOJeC 0 OF NEWPORT BEACH RE-to a polDt wbicb bear1 North announce Nielsen, btgest albacore, 11 to 15 years; Kathleea OweG.. ZONING PROPERTY AND 60° 00" 00" Eut from tbe biggest Pac14e mackerel I.Dd Zod larpst bass, 5 to 10 CoDtracts for construction o1 AIIIENOlNG DISTRICT MAP point of beglJWDc. a rad1a.l The award.wlnning Orange years; Grec Deckxla, Znd larpst ballbut, 11 to 15 years; Delf allled bealth and math- NO. 2.4 to said polnt bears North Coast College Commuo.ltySym. Jlr.J Simp!IOD, ZDd larpst bonito, 5 to 10 years; scteoce facWtles and the re- Tbe City CouocU of tbe City of 54° 09' 51'' Eut; tbeoce South pbooy Orchestra, conducted by steJen Hltose, larpst Cb.t.Da croaker, 11 to 15 years; modeUng of older buildings oo Nnport Beacb does or dl.l.D as 60° 00' 000' We&t 148.56 feet, Joseph Pearlmao, will gtn 3 Greg Unbotr, largest ha.Ubul, 11 to 15 years; Ed Tanaka, tbe Orange Coast College ca.m- t.Uowa: more or less, to the polat of coocerts UUs year. larpst corbtna, 11 to 15 years. Gretchen Ntel&e.D was blgb pus were awarded last week. by SECTION 1. Thefolknrlll(des-beglnDin& On Dec. 7, planl.st DaYid PJ'lln Ule 11 to 15 yearscateaory.Steve Man was rwmer-tbe board of trustees . Com - crlbed real property in tbeClty as shoW'D oa District """' No. Swenson of Downey wlllpreseot ap for cbamploaahlp aloog W"ttb Ru: Balla..oce.(Gil Smith pletioo Is scheduled ror the of Newport Beach, County of 24, referred to in Sectioa a 4 p.m. coocert. He wtll pboto.) sprlng ct 1971. Oranp, state 01 CallfornJ.a. 20.06.030 of tbe Newport Beach perform the Rachma.nlDoffCoo.. Tbe allied beallh building and to Yit: M•,nlclpll Code, aDd by such certo No 2 tor pt.a..oo aD1 E t d 'L • H d 1 addition to a r emodeling of Tbal portloa of Lots 8 aDd '· relereoce nude a port or Title orchestra: Balance of the per. X en 0 vI n 9 a n data processlnc wlll be '"""'' a Tract No. !Z3Z, in the City of ZO of said COde, is ·hereby formance wtll be "Russ:tan $500,<XXl federal grant. Nnpwl Beach, County o1 rezooed from a C-1-H Dtstrlct Easter" o.erture by Rtmsty. Now La Its 200 year of ser-Berwick, tlrst 'tee-president; State fwld.s, ooa 65-35 ma.tch- Oraqe, State ot CaUfornla, u to a "U'' Dlstrlct, and said KorsUov, and Symphony No.5 vice to Cblldren's Home So--Mrs. William Ma..rvln,ZDdvtce-tng tuDd t&sls, wlll be used for per map llled in Book 99,pages District Map No. 24 Is bereby by O.orak. ctety M.ano Con Amor Aui-p.rstded; M.rs. Frank Cur, ma.th-scieoce, food serv~ces 49 &Dd SOofMLictllaneoU$ ~ ameoded to show this IOOJ..ng On March 8 at 4 p.m. the Ha.ry'(a Joving ba.Dd) is starting secretary; Mrs. Freeman Rose, addltloo a.od renovation, remod- ln the ottlce of tbe Cowi:y Re-chance. orchestra wtU perform with a tlle new club year wtth a tea to treasurer; Mrs. Dean Mllll-ellng of tbe old library ~nto a corder ot said County, des-SECTION Z. The Planning ruttar soloist for thetlrstUme. welcome new associate mem-coat, cllnic cnairmu; Mrs. counsellng center, additions to crlbed as follows: Director of the City of NeW'pOrt European guitarist Eroest B\.t. bers Sept. 25. Gary Schmid, publicity cba.lr-men's aDd women's locker and Begtqnillg at a point oo the Beach Is ber eby instructed and ettt will perform the Rodrigo Tbe Auxillaty ~ervelStbe Ir-man; Mrs. John Cap-bell, social shower areas, and the secoo:l Southwesterly boundary of saJd directed to Cbanp District Map concerto tor guitar and or-vlne areas of UnlYerslty Park, cha.1rman; Mrs. Jay Ma.rttn. p~ of tbe campus under- Tract No. S.Z:SZ, being also the Nr>. Z4 ;o a.s to show Ule zoo1ng chesl:ra. Remainder of the Turtle Rock. a.od OCI. publlc int.erpreta.Uon chair. ground electrical system. Tile U. s. Bulkhead Line of Newport ciWlps descrU)8d in Sectlon 1 gram wtU tnctud.e the Oftlcers are Mrs. Stewart man, and Mrs. Errol Payne, total project will cost Bay, usbO'Wnoasald tractmap, hereof, ID1, u said District "Barber of SevUle," Morgan, presideot; Mrs. Peter parUa.mentaria.D. $2,638,850. d1st&Dt thereon North Map shall ban bleo so "Variations on a Theme ~~ ,_::_.:_: ________________ -=:_l;;;i;~--liiiliil _____ _: so• 00' 00" West 78.00 feet a:n-. lbe same sboll be "' Haydn" by Brabms •. N t B I b trom U. S, station 103; theoce full foree and eft'eet a.od be a "Eogllsh Folk Soog Suite" ew p 0 r a 0 a South soo oo• 00" East 78.00 part or Title zo of the Newport vaupn Wllllams. feet &Jooc said Southwesterly Beach Munictp&l Code. Floal proenm of the serl<es I ~wdr~ a:wu. J· S.Bu= =~!..,~so:.~ :.: ~-~ ~ -;~:·~~ AND LOAN ASSOCIAT\ON ,.,_ 1111 ~ ol o-~ ... "_ o.tl- need extra Income ?? M.UOR Burtoo T. Yllllr Jr., 1100 ol retired A1r Force U. Col aD11 Mrs. Burtoo T. W:.:t. let, Sll' Platte Orin, Com M·JA, 11 &tteDdl.D&' the Armed Forces Stat1' Collece at Nor. folk. Va. He preYiotally wu udgoed &1: Wlll1ams AFB, Arts., I.DCI bU Mrved 1A VIet .. aam, He ls a 1953 crad.,.tt cA Reno High Sebool. wu com- mlssiooed 1Jl 1958 tCX)D lf&dul- tloo from tbe U. S, W:Wtary A·:a.demy, wbere be &1m re- ceiYed Ills B.S. decree. IIUJI on IUIIIIIJ one-day work w"k :!i J!l-·~~: al O·a~~r ~: .. 'l'V ~ue-d 'l il• ~-· .::-: ... wr• per a· on ;~c:e-n· ·~ Cl"d "r~": p ltiDl+~l! o~s. ·:~ S;LL ~G! J ... ~: md ag e pe-ople 1nd ccordonal'! :·e-· a .·n. :;.Jr•ra, A.:,t o·.1,-. Tl.:> earrs i"U s;oo to s::oo ·.•.ft· '. f't~ .. , t ~.t:'m er.t a:; !o· ... as s:soo. F•r •ncing l ',llllaOI!. sunday mail, inc. 1816ameri~;&n at , anataim, p/"lont (71-') 871-1443 av1ngs 101; IMDee SolO .,. ao.• QIY• oflkl.a1 lltWIIJrlper of tbe cu,.. tbe orebHtn. &IIIII J. P. ColFU, p •. P•lrner. Ch•"mWI of the Bolrtf I Agnel EMomqu • .,. ~~ Eut 411.0S r..t &Jooc thew-.. aM tbe same lbal1 bt tflecttft orpn lnltructor at occ. .... •• , OffoCI . 3366 v •• L•do. Newpor~ Beach Cal!fom .. 92663 I P'tiON' 71 4/673-31 30 teJ'IJ ,.,..,.y ol Aid tract so di.JI alter the date o! Its Pur soas wlshl.Dg more In-Corona del Mar OH•ce ftl'llr"IC+al Pllll. s.so Newoort Center 01-+ve I CorOIII del M•• Clhfo<"n+a 92625 I Phone 71 4/6-W -1 461 •• beinc &1&o said U. S. Bulkhead adoptloo. torma.Uon sbotlld ca.ll834-5819.1 ---------------------------------------------------LlDe; tbenee leavln( said Wes-Thb ordiDa.oce W"-~.slntrodoced ~ terly boUDduy aod u.s. Butt.. at a regular meeting of tbeClty LIBRARY OF COHCRESS bead 1Jne Nortll 7Z0 30' 00'" Couocll of the City of Newporl CONTRACT AWARDED East 118.az teet to a tiDe Jal'-Seacb held on the Z5tb day of The Library of CoocreuHot>b•l allel &Dd concentric wlth and August, 1969, a.od wu adopted awarded a contract to d1staDt. 100.00 feet Westerl)' on tbe 8th day of September, Associates, a COI'OD& del Mal from the Euterly boWldary of 1969, by the fo llowing Yote, to computer c.oasulttng firm, for a said tract; theoce aloog said wU: study of tbe requirements for parallel and concentric llae the AYES, COUNCILMEN: Mclanls, terminals 1o the library's cen. totlowlng courses and dis· Shelton, Parsons, Marshall, tral bibUographlc system. tances: Nortll 8° 01' 40" East R!Jgers, Hlrtll, Gruber. According to Ll.nder C. 123.85 feet to the begi.Dolng of NOES, COUNCILMEN: None. Hobbs , presideot, the cootract a cune coocave Wester ly ABSENT COUNC ILMEN: None. covers the development ot per- having a radius of 275.00 teet; Dll'een Ma.rsllall forma.oce specUica.Uons for Northerly 1715.31 feetaloogsa.Jd Mayor types of termlDals to be used curre tbrou&fl an angle of ATTEST: by the library, a s urvey oftbe :sao 44' 00"; Nortll 2804.2' ZO" Laura Larios state~f-Ule...a.rt in termtna.J.s. West 195.14 feet to the begin-City Clerk projection of terminal deveklp- niOC or a curve concan South-meats Ulrougtl 197'2, I.Dd cost westerly baYlor a radius of Publish: Sept. 18, 1969, in and trade~tl' stWJ.es of aUer- 8'1'5.00 feet; Nortlllfesterly the Newport Harbor Eostgn.. oatlns. wrap a room in velvet! COQUILLE f rom MolfliAcent Coquil!. broadloom, as silky soft and r!.pnt •• velvrt. All Antron• nylon, deans likt a dream . K..-..loc Joomrd, skrin-cly<d, 00 color>----~ J $18.95 H.J.~I{Elf fURNJlURE lliOl& LIW. ---&M .._ ='~""':: --~ Ill- Which type are you? Here are four savrngs plans. des1gned for four d1tferent types of people Wh1ch one su1ts your savings personality? The charts w1ll show you how each one works Pick a number from 1 to 4 and let one of our people experts get you started on your personalrzed sav1ngs program Whatever your type. there rs a savings plan for you at Newport Balboa Savrngs Are you one of the regular people? PLAN #I Regular Account This plan 1s for regular people w 1th regular salanes who have dec•ded to save regular amounts anywhere from $5 a week up, but who want their money work1ng for them They also want •t to be some place they can get the~r hands on 1t ,f they need 1t 1n a hurry If they can leave rt alone for a year or more. it wrll give them the Big A nnual 5.13 yield. REGULAR MONTHLY INVESTMENT $25 ... .... 6 Mo• '" "" ""' IV• JOB ... "33 2V~ 632 ..... 2.579 3 Yrs ., ..... 3892 4 Yr1 1.331 2.662 5,32• 5 Yrs I 707 3.415 0.030 10Yrs 3.000 7.801 15.602 15 Yr. 6.715 13.432 ...... 20Yr1 10.329 20.862 41.325 Are you one of the other-people people? PLAN ::2 life Income Plan Th•s IS for people who have a sum of money they would like to put as1de and rece•ve the rnterest every month but not touch the pnncrpa! Perhaps you mtend to leave your money to your he.rs In this plan the anginal mvestment 1S retamed for a lifet1me and you have a regular 1ncome every month If your future plans are for your children 's future. then thrs savings program may su1t you UFE INCOME PLAN ll'litial O.,o•it .t..-uM of CMc\ $!2000 1•.500 20.000 25000 50.000 S SO 00 Per Mor\1t1 60 00 Per M011!h 83 00 Per Month 1 ()ol 00 Per Month 208 00 Per Mo!'lth • Are you one of the retiring people? PLAN ::3 Monthly Security Account HHs •s for oeople who have a lump sum of money but who know that 1f they don "t put •t away somewhere out of srght. they wrll spend 1t Perhaps they are lookrng forward to retrrement and know 1t would be better to have a certa1n amount coming 1n every rnor;th over a given perrod Not only w dl they get back a lot more than they put 1n. but there w 1ll be a nestegg to re w ard themselves for not blowing 11 all at once INVEST $10.000.00 AND you rece+ve "nd vc>u •et1•n each mcH'It,., fo• 11n esr11te of• S SOOO 10vu rs S 867500 S SOOO ISveer1 S 77?500 S 75 00 10 yee•s S • 775 00 S 7500 15vee•!l S 1 00000 $1 0000 10yee•s 5 87500 INI/£ST $25.000 00 AND you recenl'e and you rell•n eac,., month for an es111e of' $100 00 10)'81'11 $25.60000 $100 00 15 yur!l $26,050 00 Sl5000 IOyears $17.80000 $200.00 IOye1•11 $1000000 $25000 IOye1r1 S 2 20000 ..... "'" ..... ......, ... ""' Sec'"-110. ... Cal""'"--.-e....-lllllotfl• ........ -,... -llliw .., ... -,. • " .......... It • _.... .... ""' IMiolt • ...................... ,..... .... -_,......._.. ..... ..---...... _.... •• -"""" .u ....... Are you one of the patient people? PLAN .e 4 Guaranteed Annual Rate Account ThiS plan 15 for pat1ent people who already have a sum of money to mvest and are wdl1ng to wa1t a whde for a good return on therr money The m1n1mum depos•t rs $1 000 (more 1f you w1sh. of course}. m ew.change for wh•ch you receive a certlf•cate wh1ch guarantees a 30°/0 growth 1f left untouched for S years Are you one of the pat1ent ones"? Then the GUARANTEED ANNUAL RATE ACCOUNT IS for you YOU STAI'IT WITH s 1.000 s 5.000 $10.000 $15.000 VOU WILL RECEIVE 1"-r .tt.r •fter 3 ,._ 4 ,..,... s .,...."' s 1.170 s 1.233 s I 300 s 5 852 s 8.168 s 5.500 $11 .705 $12.336 $13.()()1 S17.55e $1850ol S1g_501 - • ,,.. .... ,_ Ha80M ............ ·-.-...,..._,lilt I 11-. ,..__ by DON MAYNARD, as told to MARK EASTMAN • Don MowaanJ, pro/tllioul AMerieow Ftwtbt~oll Lcag u• ployflr-oJld acltoolteodcr livu "'itl& ltil w ift, Mo riiJIN, okd tw" el&il: dr-t.N, Tc1·1·i tud SeoU , iN El Paao Teraa ...,JI,re Ill' woa i~tft~-vint•t'd for ·n'teiaiolt.: I t was the American Football League championship playoff be- tween the Oakland Raiders and our New York J et8. The date was December 29. 1968. The place was Shea Stadium in New York City, ou r home field. •• Chirist -well. to that life to helping I was playing for almost the first time after having torn a muscle several weeks before. This particu- lar paM pattern called for me to go deep. It turned out that the wind in the stadium was strong that after? noon. The quarterback, Joe Namath, threw the ball toward me, but with t he wind and all, a Raider inter- cepted it. made me way, and to give my others. My early life was spent near Lub--• 1 ... bock, Texas, at a place called Cros-., byton. My father was in t he cotton business, operating cotton gins. Be- I felt terrible because he went charging down the field and Joe had to make a tremendous effort to knock the guy out of bounds. 0Kk- land went on to score and took the lead in t he ball game. cause he had to go wherever the call was. we moved a round quite a bit. As a boy J lived in about fifty towns, went to 13 different schools and five high schools, and later at- tended two college!\: Rice University in Houston, and later Texas Western in El Paso. where I received a B.A. in physical education and industrial arts. I became a Christian one Suns A few plays later we got our hands on t he ball at.gain, and Joe reared back and fired another -pass to me. This one I ca11ght for a 52- yard gaine r. (That was t he play they s howed later on the Ed Sulli- van show.) Afterward Joe t hrew me a six.yard TD pass, and we were back in the game and won it. That's what took us to the Superbowl in Miami. and everybody knows what happened there ! day morning in a little Baptist church at Threeway, T exas. There was a congregation of about one c ~ hundred people, and when Brother ~ 1 · J ohnson gave the invitation I just • ··= stepped out and walked forwa rd. ~ .. 1 The church had a custom, wher,ever there were enough people saverl, of taking them over to a nearby farm bit during a game, but after it's ove r those things fade out. We respect ability and clean playing in an op- ponent . When a guy hits me hard, instead of getting up and making some sour comment. I usually u y, "Good tackle !" or , "Good play," or something like th¥-, What you don't know is t hat it was Chri_at who put my life "into the dear,·• so to speak; a nd that I -ewe everything to him. You probably wouldn't recognize me if you saw me in the off season. a family ma n, teaching math and h istory and government at East- wood or Bel Air High School in El PaM. That has been a big part of our lives up until now. I've taught lit just about every high school in town -you name it. Of course most of t he students know I'm an ath. Jete. so we get our classwork done a nd then, if they want to listen, I usually stop about five minutes before the bell and talk about foot· ball. J feel a little bit obligated to do this, because J thi nk we all have people we look up to. J hope somes body looh up to me. I know it was a Sunday School teacher who really put the spokes in my career. His name was "Mac" Alexander; he wa~ ou r high school ba~ketball coach and a great athlete in his day. When I knew him he must have weighed about 260 pounds. To watch him standing up there in front of the church, teaching ou r cl ass. and to realize w ho he was a nd to 8ee him for baptism. They had a watering tank -we called it a horse tank - in the barnyard. and that afte rnoon I was baptized there. lt wu the boys 1 chummed around with during the school years who ins fluenced me and made me want to receive Christ. They were all mems bers of the church and good Chris· tians. I was about thirteen years old at the time, already making "idols" out of the football players at Southern Methodist -especially Doak Wa lker. But because of a rulE ing about residence, I didn't get to play competitive football until my last year of high sc hool at Colorado City. For the-past nine yeu rs I have been playing with the New York Jets. I started in pro ball with the Giant.'l and then went to Canada for a couple of years. Coming back to th~ newly na med Jets was a great thmg for me, because it meant that I was actually able to play in the games. I'm not very big for a pro player, even for a halfback so I consider my career a fortunaie one. When you are out there on the field thin~ can get a little tough, but that's JUSt the competition. I'm thankful never to have been in a fight on the field . (I'd have to out- run whoever I started something with!) Guys can get "shook up" a Don't Be A Spiritual Sphinx by Edwin A. Anderson p:,..,. "THE EYA.NGEL," ... 25. L_,., ,. ...... leafmg through the _pages of a travel maeaz•ne. wandering ...orld wide v1a the carpet of photo and pnnt, I came to a picture of the Sphinx that stony symbol d Egyptian mystery settled in the silent dust of the eentu;ie:s. But wtla~ struck my anention was the caption underneath. "What secrets she could tell, 1f she could only speak!" What ~n apt description of _ far ~oo many Christia~ who are really "spiritual Sphmxes. They seem to believe 1n a "secret salvatiOfl." How is it with you? Does the caption convict? The PS;&If!!iSt declared, ''let the redeemed of the Lord say so" (Psalm 107:2). How easy •t tS to talk about anything and evet')'thint under the son, but rem~~in speec_hl~s about _THE Son! can it be that He means so "ftfY little? A ~na man ~n love certa1nl~ does not believe in .. silent romance"; his WOtds coneernine hrs IWI come ~umbl ina forth, and we smile and say, "Well, he's in IOYe!" Are you that much .~". love wi!h the precious bel0¥ed of your soul, as has the spiritual honeymoon of ftrst love (Revelation 2:4) faded .-.y with the years? It is tragic, but true, that many of us hr-M lost clear si&ht of Catvary· the ,_.umdn.rm has pushed out the hallelujah. ' You may be the only testimony oo your ~oek, the only liaht on the ~• datil: street. But do your neiahbors know it? If not, why not? I ~II how surprised one seemed .....,. he was told that his neilf'lbor in the Mute house at the end of the str..t was 1 Olristian, and a member of the ,..,-by chapel. "I would never h.w cueu«1 tt," ns hts beffled retriM1l.. I ~-" the YOIJI"Ii man who cam. to h;s s-stor one sprins momin& and in-- formed hrm that he _woold be absent from his customary pfKe durinc the S.UINMI" montha. He_ was ao•I"IJ to 'III'Oitl at • lumber e.mp in northern Mail'lt.. The ~tor IOUIM to d 1~ htm .. '"You'~ • Ovtstion. and it will be hlrd on )'OU. They'll cut ~ tahmony to nbbons." But tM other pily *-Uit*l •nd •ssured the piSU'Ir thlt 111 would be well. When he returned in thl autumn ~ the pntor quldd)' .,.,..,t him out 1nd 1Mde inquif)'. How had he 1-.d sptrftualty7 The rounc men nodded brilhtly, "Fine! )ust finet" The fJMtof" klolled &ufpriMd .net IWubed dNper. ~~ lbout his tfttimony 8nd their richcuJe? How had ~ rNI'IIpd to '*-'d up to tMrr t.unts. The other of'f-.d this tn "1)fy: "'They nwer bothertld me. I cHdn1 t.tl them, and tMr ,__ found out." Do JOU ... J'OUf'Mif In thlt ~7 A .,aden opportunlty ... m ut in theM UHCeltain di?Jif Men .,. thh'*kw, end th"*'• = Theft "-'b .,. filt.d .... ...,, .... ..,. .. ICWIYh'll ,,.,...... -............ In the _., ..... 1o roo r11on1-.. .. --~~ .. -hkn,._ .. • f f/la..--lnadlyand_,_l Do 1'1!1 ....., -Hlon • ""' .._, Do ""' _,!y -His "lo -Ma?l 1-._ .. _...., I.GIIIIeo a 't£ 10 ...._ ••• our._... • ~? :. -: .-=..: .... -::.,: . ..., .... ---..., .. dr.ectM ....... d "'"'=~ -~~~-~~-........ -!tle-lo ---.... -....... ---.. Some folks rib me a lot because I don't smoke or drink. I've never tasted a drop of the stuff, yet I don't feel I've ever missed anything. They kid me about my Christian faith, too, but at the same time they re. spect me. While in training camp and during the season, we t:ave regu· Jar times of spiritual discussion and prayer. Before the Jets go out on the field we're led in the Lord's Prayer by Paul Crane, an AIJ.Amer- ican center from Alabama, now a li nebacke r with the Jets. You know, this is one time that the fellows really seem to stop and think. It brings some of them a little closer to the Lord, and they become conscious of the Chri~tians on the team. Paul and I are both active in the Fellowship of Christian A thE letes, and through thi s organizas tion. I feel, the public is beginning to become aware of the fact th.w.t some of our outstanding athletes are also dedicated Christians. It's a Jot easier for me to live the Christian life than to go the other route. Paul Anderson. the Olympic weight-lifting champion. says, "I couldn't live a day without Christ," and I feel the same way. Times of discou ragement come to all of us, and I ju!lt can't imagine trying to get along without Christ. If I were to try to say what he means to me, I'd just have to say, "Everything." When you try to express that in practice, you come up with that foursletter word "love." I think a lot of people take love for granted, and never tell their friends or loved ones how t hey feel about them. Whenever I ro out s peaking for FCA I like to comment about this. I've seen people hold ill feelings and grudges until the molehill becomes a mountain. Sometimes I use the illustration of the tra velen who were invited to ftll their pocket. with rocka .. they walked along. They were told they would reach a stopping place for the night farther along the road, and that when they woke in the mominar they would be both ll&d and gl&d. Nobody undentood the meaning of the saying, but when they awoke the next morning they diacoven!d that the rocka In their pocket.' had turned to dlamondo. They were glad. but at tho oame tlme they we"' aad becauae they hadn't put more In their pocket.. The Bible oa,.a )'OU may ban all the --iona In the world but rou C&D't.taQ &II)' of u-wltll ,.,.. At the -1 dar of l"'-t • lot of _.. ... =ba.WtW thq ... Cll lrort ......... thq clidll't put faltll to batler -. You -Cllrlot .....,. wla. Ia foaCIMrD, Ia Ia Ufa, ,... wla a ,_ .... .._ • few, lrort ...... It -to Chrlot-ba porta ,... , ... &Mdoar. LmER FROM m. .... , ...... .... _. __ _ =--~t\! .. -=: 1'1111 --• a 'stlnd • .. 1 ,, .,..,. ...... ts•af) . Diu-, DoUr ~ <&a lUI ud be~ .. y_ -.. 101 to ..... latM ..... " •fu ,.. Pt• a e1111 of cokl ........ _.,tllo_al -1111 41oelploo, ,.. wiD -Jaet )Ia. twud.." 10llum11Cb U Jl bi.Yt ~ It --. , ...... -It .., ...... "He 111&1 -be cr-.. tlloOI ..... alba&• .. IDOIIbe ..-nil fll. all. •• "I baft lfNiJOUuuample, tb&t Jl lboald ........ ODe I.DOtblr'IIMt." Tbo -lallollol_m_ lUte tbMt, wbleh l.s ODt to • .._. tllolbeiPIJIC&ootllor- .... _..loCIIrlalllaollutlac n.lue 1110 -lOt t11at tbe act wtU lui, boot tllol Ito latoalloo wtU be forf!'l• recorded Ia ....... Thai Ia WilY Ed IUid I can feel our tlmt la wen IIPIOL We are bt~ tboat wbo pro- Yide a sentee to u.oae oo tbe froot llDH. twttuar with Sata.D 1n tbe a.1ds ol mea's hearts. This fHllac of parpost ln We, ot ~~~eflllDeu, aad ot ae~Ure­ meot, Is., -IJ IUid-- tu.Uy d1ftereDt from tbe IIAl1 pointless llfe, UHlessness, aod frustn.tloD thai m>OI -!e ban, tbat I wooder , • • , Or.e caD cet aplrJtllll lD~ dlcestioo ftom I'Miulltr so muy sermons ud Diller tel11.Dc any- one lbeGoodNews.Cbrlstw~ 115 to be "doers of tbe Wcwd, a..Qd oat bearers oaly." Read apln !be _ .. ol !be laleols (Matt. 25,14-30). Thai """ t.aeed judpneat wbo did DO~ use wbat hls Kaster bad ctno him. Tbele 1s a lady In a eom- mWlist land -.~., 1s completely crippled except for tbe use ot oae Jlocer. Yet, &t tbe risk ot. deatb sbe uses tbat ooe D.Dger to type out tbe Word of God from ber bed. Tbe pips are uatetully receiYed &ad secletl:y dlslr-t>r 111061-sol uoderlf'(MID:I fiDcts do DOt haYe ----..... -_ftll_.., __ ..., ... ----................... _ ud .. 41&'1,...,.,_ .. ----...... frut!I.M It ,.. dDa1 -11 W-.1 ..... Ia urtMii II a la&'l- -tiiiiM God a.e .. a t sttd...,•toJilfM'talllla .. _ ............. ..,... Ia--· .. ...,.. .. ,.--.. """""' -~~~---..u~--... .. tte., ttc ... u.. u. ... no ..w-....... -.,. Bot-wiD_.. ber- Uiat ,..,.., u 101M dtt wttlolt .... ba•llle beord ol J- tMtr doom 11 CB OW c::oMCIIKe beCause Cbrtst aid to TELL tboml Wboo ... sit Ia 1111101 st-. wblle-sdlotod&rt- Desa, eu we poutblJ aped: rnard'? Ob, aatstametaCMn U IS Chrt8Ua.Ds we pray I:Jr "rf!'ltn.l" bat do IXIth1Ac abc* lt oarselns. (•WyeWfe Tra.Dslators, Zli W. Walaul. Santa Aa, CsUf.) 01 th Cn•• -cnJSTIAN Nns ... 161, .... ., ........ . --~ IlL -poiDta. Ylvid piolun., ... llo --· H. ...... by w-.. • -... 8 I .J UM~ of Hie ICC tha ca the __ ......, __ ... _.,-n..-. ., ........... Pilate bad po_..t -ocrill' ... ww: 'W ....._ .., cbabt., to ...,_ W. oeW~ ...... Hwo u ...u ..... _,..,.11 ., - occn•at:iGG But ,.._ Pilate DDr thl J ... nal- blod ...... -.... -_..., -n. .... ., lbol ...... nu. ~-Ia, iadaod ........ ., ... 1-. ... Soil., David---.. -., ... Lord God, ... PriDco.,-who ....... fnm-aD-11Dto Himoolf & pn... ..................... ., _,., thlo ~-..... Km. cl lbo JdDcdom whore aD bomon '-&Dd , __ -to not -fiDd lulfil-t. ............. ~-... -·-.... r·s·-· ...... 1117 .... 8 iiiOd•hu .... 777 •dd·b' ... I lTd ... __ ... ____ Ill .... P.M.....,. .. ·-ka;Liaa , •• STET I oace heard a Wellllmaa --------speak a1:o1t tbe Welsb rerlYal. ;;• ' TIJ•; • t..rt.l-t.U& ...t t.an; It brou.chf. tears to my t'JIS .,_.,.,_We a.1te....,.. IIi U. --Jtte.+ to bear ol ..... p>lDc llln>oP -................... _..w.. <117 ..... tbe towns. loaded of!tb peop• Clw:IIW a·hc ..t e1 tlile clw' n : ""D. siDCIDc b)1nS; at tn1os tnNI-..... , ___ 8 .., ~~ IIDc a1oac with ru-eer• --•hrl--·-., o..t. -., o..t. lmoellag lasleod oiiiiiiDc.""" _..,. Mot ,_ ._ .. .._ .,.r n. S.. ol eooduetora leld1DC tbem to GM. Wlte isl -I' • wid. GM. lei I = Cllrlst Instead ol ialiiDcUebl&. ol o..l. 18tloo-... -ol-- Ask apoUefDWlwblre tbe re.. God .......,.. JH. •• eifal ,.I? I mf Y.t Ytnl is aDd be says, ''Praia • it.-ad .. it ...the il--._a. be God, it's 1D my bealtl"' n t 1 td. Ereo todly tbere 1a a WOD-Christ, u the I8COOd Adam, u the eubltitute der!lll revlnl Ill -Afrlc& ,.,. Adam &Dd hio c:bildnJD moot ....,.,. 111o paiD thai bas .,.. oo lor 12 or more &Dd ---·'·• ol ._. __ =~="'"" _., . . years! Tbou.s:allda: are btiDc -.-. -. ~ to.,. eternity, nepl Into !be -o1 God. Ho muot dnlD tho cup of tho c:uno of oiD to tho Bul aW....gll It could -1o lut drop. or there could be no roclomptioo fnm America. It b?.s to start10me-etemal death for man. Thank God He did. He where. ADd it woo~ start aay-overcame the torment. of bell. He cooq....d where lllltil someoae 1& _._ the state of GocJ.fCiri'-Mke.eu with the cry MY reodered eoougll to ll•eiDIIIoad God. MY God. God wu atiD HIS God in tho midot of get.Ob, Americans are •·sur-of God·forvkeneu. He dune to God u His HiP· ~::~ =&b But to .. :~ Mt ~ iD perfect love aDd obed'eru;:e eYeD iD come Ill your cioor ..,. said, tho midot of boll. &Dd thus, in this .......,.., coo- "HeUo, dear aelghbor, wou1d quend wrath, bell, and damutioo. Yee He woo, you read a tree Cbrl.st1&D and He woa for us. book'?.. P.. •~. P.-wv•, ...... God I .. free, "Bekwed,. let 115 lon oat 1D 'I'M pr n "nd Wu·T· hM CTaq__. f• -: word, aeilber 1D toope, 1M 1D Ia Ria I ,..._ fowwud ~ C. ='• ..._. deod alldllllr.ah.'•(IJ ... HS.) To joy Ia Hio-... U.. .. a-. A LOOK AT THE BOOK Gmt Evnts iB the New Ttstultat "Healing of the Nobleman' a Son" - Jolm. 4:46,54 a,. .... J.,. - ,....,,;',;;-;; THE. swo•o 0' THE. LO•O. .......... .._......_-., T- 3 UUIJala of two -aa ol loa)aaia (li ... 21:lt) 4 ~--at lbct ... s ol cl.tatk-(Jolaa f:f7} s -twa aol ....... rigtll ~ -?-· to tt.. lett"" (r-a.,. 1:1) I , h?s ... M·r'• ~"' {}eb f:ll) ,~ ...... --. ~ ·---T -a ~ -n. (E..l, 1714) , ... a ~---· • ...,. ... .._ .....,.. .. ( ..... Sill) II .. ___ .... .....aa..--ll,_. __ ...a ...... _.etdte .....-(r.......IW) ... _ •;.:;;;;..:!"'---?--· .. c.. .. ........ ., ............ .. ... -...... (0...11:11) .......... ___ ._ .. u ~ M4l ,_-......... ... ._If) llll .. -(1-.a.ll ....... ._._ ........ ... 17 !t, CD ..... fdJ) .. ~o..U£.~ .. ..... _ ...... ..... • ~ -.... a-. .tdJ) ltrtl;;--... ... ----... (JilL. ............ ,,,, u... .. h.) .... , .... ._... ....r -~~·· ----.,;:_ .. ......:.. ..... _ ... .............. ~ .. ---· ... .,........~ ............... --"tf*W) ., __ .. _ . ....,. ... --..-,_ --~~~,., ... ................ __JII ........... ~~.· ----··· --~ .. --Orolo. ..... -~ .. ----. o--· --•••ol--lloll) ,,__ ....... c-.......... 9 ._ ..... ~=----.~~~~-..:. .. lyO..W.Jonoa ,., '+"' al W J-. uw. .... Gueuilo. S.C. Christ Wd to Peter, "Feed My sheep" l John 21 :16). That was a stnnae command 10 &ive Peter. Peter was not a !hephtrd. He was a fisherman . He wn to follow Jnus and be a 50UI winner. an evan,eli.SI. Christ's call to Peter had bttn to f~low Him and bt a fisher of men (~hnhew 4:19); but tht Saviour. just befort ~Uttndinc to ha:"¥en, pw to PrtCT this command 10 feed His sheep--the duty of thr pastOt'", the shepherd. · The inference here is plain, indttd. No disciple of the lord is cover called to just one task and is completely free from d~ responsi- bility. of cnry <Mher. A real chiki of God has the obliption of ptrformina any sent« whK:h he may find at hand. The Bibk plainly teaches that God has eaUed every Otrrstian to cenain specific tasks and has sinn him the lifts and talents tlecns.lry for the: succHsful performance of thc:M tub, but this docs not relieve the Christian from obfications and duties outside of his own par- tteular field. Every Christian shouLd be a soul winner. thouJh certainly all Christians are not called to be cvanaelist!l or paJtor~ or foreian missionaries. · The Christian mother in he-r home has tin:l of all a responsibility toward hn" own family and ~he duly of carina for her own children. l'lut her nhliaation" do n01 end lhere. Enry· where she JOC5 she should by her life and K · t:ons tnlify for her Lord. The Chriscian butinasman has lhe respoo-- sibility of his business and lhe duty of provtd· ina for his fa mily, but he has a rapoMibility beyond there. "There is an obliptton in his cut of personal wilnesa and tatimony 10 the uvina power of Christ. There is the duly of hc:lpina 10 ftnance the spud of the Gospel. and there II lhe obHpcton of the strooJ to bur the in- firmities of I he weak. I have known Chrisliant who were 10 in. rcra~rd io fenian missions rhat lhc;y nqleded I he opportunitia at their own front door. I haft known Chrisdan men, occupied with the effort of eamin1 a livinJ and providina n»- krial comforb fOC' their families. who allowed lheir OWR boys to JfOW up prae:tieally stran,en 10 them. witboul: lhc compenton.hip which nay 10ft '-• riaM to expec:t of hil fathtr. Modem life ia campla.. No (."briedu ia tlaia dey .... ..,1y -._;wiry. I• · lhc putieular aifta "with which God .... = ... ...... in-...dwpodlol-to which we ha-we ..._ c.&W. we .,.ulr11 fw~ .. IMI we Mw •• ohtiattioa to tab: .,_. .... ol...,_.,, .......... -.. __, whict. God ... ow way ia •II ti'Ni .... ol --k ... , -·--.,..., ..... MEIII'ORT HARII)R EIISIGII ,..GALIIOTICI LIGALIIOnc• From the SEOOIDSECliOII ---3 cwo-<XM1TT IIOolD DUAITIIUT '.., <at-<XMITT, CI.UJ'<alll& THURSDAY, SfP,T. Ja," M1 IIOI'IC&'I'O~ •TH.-o,&Y,.t.Uc.ll ... ,.__ .-M&noll -j0¢JIIod llt'09 IXIIIOIIADEliiAA,CAU_F:::.=-:. -,.,, •It will.--~~~ 111M OlllooGIIIIo Clorll A --Gl------a.., -M hill< M'lll_.a$1S -At ..... "'1M-.,._., .... ., ... ~.,~--• 11 -11 .. ~. ---... •-• "'"'ct 111.. Rftl<lft Aa.Cattt ......... ......,tM .... .,of ......... , .,..::·-.., .... -.. .......... flto ..........••• O?t•·..,...-......... ,. =:::.!:! .:-·~ :"c:r::u.:cz ::., ~&.a::;::··~ :="-=.., "':;.• ~:::uti..::= .:b~-~i!b~ lf«"""""'Clf!OIItTIT MACH, CALIP'OMIU' THE AMI:IIICAH I,..UTHI! .. AN C:HU"-CM ........_., Jooe 501, eo.,~ IWW'IIo 115 c... dlllllu 111111e11 .a; lltlno•dlau:t..,__. atallldtl-.. ._ .,.._,,-4oa, co-. •-oc~~~r• _...._~-.. hOI...,--c.aoon,..lf,But>orYiowHlllo ... ~ .u.t. TO 101:_, A.M.. -II'AMILY WO .... II" ......., .. __ ........... _ ..... ___ , 101-llllr: •••. -W=f'll·-· ................ -.-...... ~., A..W. TO tOsiO A.M.. -.. NOAY ICHOOL ~~--·--lo-&olollo!ra: pdlodolfa __ _._ R ................... -lllo -or or a-1 trOD A.M. TO 12100 NOON -WO ... I., aaiNICC la 1M ~ or ~ OD --~~~ l'ufto1 --,_ 1'11 .... • -II CUdJ, SlO -....... 11&1-......... lloll. Goo, !Sel Ba!'· ......... -8 ....... - 110' -11 -154'15' _.,or A_, Para.,. --. cr--, waot 11oa .-. ,_.,.IIIII_ -Dr~ BaJ Sbona, 1111 'fte ....... I'd ..... 2 , ..... -.................. Ilia ..... wwt u--ll-'o ... -$11111<1&'--Wllldac ........ ~ ...... 1'15 Ia llobiDc-... lllt•••'•E81••t. r~Ud JlnlrJ ••• A.-llldpiiUeddlna~ ..... Golf c.llml worth $zs.t ••• ftn•: llamllo. Qoaollly Dooaljllloo ol Work bQo wu -...., ltcrt lie 1111 ...,.. a flodl-ID -!rom Vera ~-. I 40 L.F. a-o ~c.-. Er .. .o'o ~ -II tt , •• A hOO 1-IDol diDIIOJ l'llf ...... k Lo., Wosl newport. I 10 L.F. a-o 111e1a1-Goard Rail Bonl-Ill Lido Park Dr Lido-btlaociDclo R-o .lnalllrot, II 111o 1n1oo Coul c_., fmft QIUCII OF eadrt 1DAia J~u G4ldl,b. 21$1 blpn.J lA., Bucrlllt, elll:l ••• Rlebard Cobb, ZlJt C.W.aT, ICII:HMI I .. 15,000 5 MS,JOO . ...,., 'I' 1,500 • 13,000 L.S. Cloarllcud~ 201 ntb 'si., ... _. Newpoot, ,.. c:an1od IW<J .,_, 1U M:nmu Dr.,llalboo,,.ota!DJII JJ03 Via Udo II.Gol F•llilllud AIIPIJ Walar r-Ida .IU --.p rack ••• William 11-, <Mr $200 ........ II a col-M. DOUGLAS, -or 111e foro-~·.:::~· :;.~ C.Y. _, --Iloilo ••• ---'"· lOS Apte Aft., 8aAoo ....... lloklo oo Newport Shod • ...., !DOOt a..mrllleo 11 111e aport. C, Y. DltQ Bllc&YUICID 41.. E. Cout Hwy .. Coroaa 'ftl dr1f1ac: c1Dn 1M Bid: BlJ 1D El Moate driver • , .Ylebael melt '*-botaioesata.~ t : 15 •·"'· _. II •·"'· S. Y, CG"CCId Or1cial Groaod RIJl""" reported taat btl raid ftM Ire eollldi!J wltlli a lAecb, Z315 Arbutus, Eut Calllorllla la ret•rdac to lbe SUNDAY SER~~~~ 11 •·"'· S.Y. £-C..OI Ya-bod-otolea ••• """" IUid rldlr !rom lnloo; Bhlll,collldeclooE.Coutllwy. fa<:uUy ota11 o1 1J1e OnDp WEDNESDAY EVENING 9 io L.S. ptN•nc bchraJ A $JOO air COIIJCWeuCir WU tbe aalmal WU liCit IDJwed; wltb a driver trom UpJaod Cout Collep teacMac la tbt MEETING I .... 1'1',300 S. Y, MD, Spr-.1 ud Compaet L. T.S. ttolea from tbt tat btloDciDC Dei'" L' r.d U. rider • • • • • •• .ln U aecideot OD Bayside adaJ.I: eweai.D& classes. Hls clasl READING ROOM (I" Tblctftesa) lo Wllllam Jooes, US o,~ ~~~~ Wtrtta. ISOZ Acacia Dr., Deal ln1De Ternet', started lut week aad 'lrlll ruo w-" ,..,., t •·•· -J •·•· 11 u IS 14 15 u 7,100 11 S,ll50 7 4,100 Toa Too Too Too Too S.Y. QulctU.me Ter., ln1De Ternee • • • • AYe., Carola dtlllu, COWded EUeea Fltcb, Z851 Carob st., for 16 weeb, Toe&dayeYeniDgs w ....... ..,: t ...... -7:4J •·"'· Aar..,.Bul Barbara KJaaey, 40e Belrue ooPo''WittlaAn.wUbaHuo ... Et.!StBlldf.collidec1wltbaPua-from 7 to101Dtbeecooom1cs T ..... .,..,,.,,1,..,.= 1Jqld4 Aarpbalt SC-!50 Ln., BaJboe, wu remoriDg tbe UDctoa Beacb drtnr ••• K:ay deaa driver •.• D&Yid Beau-bulldinc. room u. He Ls apiD. S:..:;:;; i :.!:"'.:.' • ~-.~~··· ~ CoDcrti matted bl1r from htr eat 'Wba AlJa.D.. 19!1 Mari.Dir1 Dr., Har· eba.mp, ZOOO E. Say Froat, Ba1-teactwtc Pl'operty maaacemeot. -.coNe CWIIIICII,.. A ... ltk Em·llalol. (Tact&DdSea.ICoat) tt bU ber , •• ADOtbe:J' eat blt.l bor HIP11D'k, coUidld c. £. boa. left bls car parted ud 1t aad b1a c:ot8'Je wt.U ai.Jo iDCIWe ~ ... .,..,. Place 'ID'w" Coocrtte lDcldelll: ocearred neaCUmeD Cout H•y. w'..th a driYer from was tlit by aa A:nbeim drtv• syDdleatloo,. partnership for-Newport BeKh at (M1.sceJlueou Areu) UUJar sustained &D "1m-Seal Beaeb ••• JobD Swtprt, •• , ,Charles AlexaMer, 1628 matloo. ceoen1 reaideatialtn. Corofta del Mar 1'1' 158 L.F. 42" CliP (U-p,) prorobd" eat bite •• , , 808 W. Bay AYe.. 8a1tJoa. u1 W. Oeean Froot, Ceotral New-come PI'GPirtY requlreme.Jts !~00NOPAYadSCHII_c00YioLw ~· • ., II nG L.F. fZ" CMP (1-p..) Ropr CGidnll, 1100 W. Cout port, n s cbargod wltll belle aod appUed ..-operly ........ ~ 19 L.S. 18" CMP DundraiD • FRIDAY, A.IJG. 22 . Hwy., were bllarled wUil belDc drUDt in pubUc,.,. ment pbUoeophy, SUNDAY SERVICE 1t •• 20 105 Too Rock Slopo Prolactloo (lJtj>t Clals) -made like a horse c1ruak to .,.OOC ••• A hll-rua WEDNESDAY EVENING J1 91 C.Y. CoacreteSqteProtectioD &00 ticked 1D 9 puel& of driver bit tb8 put.td ear ol LECA.L HOTIC! LEGAL NOTICE MEETINC. 1•00 •·•· U Z EL Type ''A" SWYey Moaum.U ''brtet''11bertJoudlleiDcattbe KeDDIItb HearJ, 955 W. 16th St., NOTICE OF TRI.STEE'S SALE to Lot 91 of Tract No. Z81 3, :.:s~:.':C:~~~-:;~. B~~. ZS 4 Ea.. T}Ptl "8'" Stnty Moala..U Wb1te Har•IDD.,. SZ59 Newport West Newport Helpts. Ort September Z1, 1969, at ltv iDe Terrace, Unit 3,&s sbown M-. .. f'rl.t 10 .,., ta 5 U a Ea. Guide Kart.ra BlYd., Newport$1.,.,-• • Power • s~DAY, AUG. Z4 9 a.m., Robert H. Stopber, u oa a at..p recorded 1D Book~ ,..,_. • .,. n-i•F 7 • Z$ 10 Ea. Plaee Tra1fte Stpa tools W'OI'tb .w were stolen Wo.Ue abe ftlt8d lito ber trustee, or successor trustee paps 45, 46 aDd 47 of Ml.scel-Sat.: 10 .... ao 4 p.a. Tbt loretP1DI qauti.Uu are~ oolJ. bt:1ac a:ltta from Harry Perry's Pftre at apa.rtm·llll'l pool uea. Rella. or subst1tuted trllStee, by tbe laMoas Maps, records of Or-~~y~..,~-~,~~~1 ~~~~ u a buta I:Jr 'tbt eomparboaotb&ds, aad tbt eo.tJ ot OnDce 4621 Gorbam, Cameo Sbores c arr, 1114 w..tcwr Dr., No. eertaJ.n Deed of TrllSt uee,_ed uee Cowlty, Ca.lifornia, crea-•ttend doll DOt, eJIII'eub or bJ ln$llcatioG. acr• tllat Cbt aeta1 •.. .Patrtc:.tPallrmo, 7ZOMar-9, Westewr, na: a.ttaeUd by by ROBERT l. ARNOLD and ted by thai certain Lease dated to uu ~ ol.wort wUieorraspolldtherewttbtur...,•U. n.-CQerlle, CoroaadelMu,N!pOI'-a young mao Wbo Cf&bbed ber PHYLUi M. ARNOLD, husband September zo, 195 7, eucuted ,." ........ a.. .. .. c....- .,~~., •. ~ .. , ...... , l•tl•,,u .. , -A•ll r uu• S..• ,._, Mn1n tlelft. . Dr. P .G. N ....... ,.._ SUNDAY SERVICEJ J:•s ..... ~ ..,.,. Sc~ 1:00 a.m... Maniq: W.Mi 6:00 p.1n. Tniftiftl u.-. 7:00 p.m. Emina Wontai, WEDNESDAY 7, 2Q p.oo. Bi~l• ,_, 1:00 p.m. Pr.,cr WI••• A TTEMO TNE OIUaOI Of YOIII CIIOICI REGULAILY to lDer ... or deer ... tbe a.DICQit of aDY cll.u or portloa of ted traat someoae,ha00d sbattered purse, a $135 robbery ••• A aDd wlle, and r ecorded July 1, by Tbe lrvlDe Compa.ay, a.s LUTHERAM OtURCH tbe wort, 01' to omit portioM of tbe W'Ol"t, u may bt dMmed bJJ wtMM!Iekt, a 1 Jou. •. 1966, in book 797!f, page 119, Lessor and UaccoCorporaUon. OF TltE MASTER S '-:.::., ueeaary or adt1.Able by tbe Eagkleer. TUiuJ Eftlll5, S-1/Z, ol 4Z1 LEGAL MOTICE o1 Offtclal Records in tbe omce as Lessee, recorded Sept em-Tile ,._ _, a-. Tbe ccdn.ctdoewDeotsallcoulstofNoticetoCoalractora. Rt•ersSde, Newport Heigti.s, NOTICE TO DESTROY OR of the County Recorder of bet 30, 1957, iD Book 4053, L ..... C .. rch I• berlc• ftlo ,._. _. .. ...., ..... Form ot Proposal. Form of Acreemeat, Pl&AI, Speelal Pro-wu ei11Dc & cootie WbeD ber REMOVE WEE[Ij AND Oruge County, California, and page Z30 ol Otncl.al Records of HOD Paclftc VieW Dr· AIM D•" 1c..oo~ , ,...._ f1aiooa, and Staudard Spec:t.neatioas, all ol wbleb are oa rue cookie-curious pet eat jumtJ&j OTHER NUISANCES pursuaJX. to tbat cert&1D Notice Oruge Couoty, Calllornia. eara-dl1 Mar, C&l1t ._._ .. , -D lD tbe olllee ol tbe 0r&op Couaty Rc.d Dllpu'tmeat aad are \)!. lm" u::l bit bel' b'ebe:ad .. · NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN of Detalllt and Eleetioll to seU Said ale wtU be made, but DR. WU.U.A.M R. ELLER net1Ne •••Yic:• "" ... ~ berfk/J rtttrred to aDd made a part hereof. SteYeD Gt'fffsboct. 1130 Pes-tbat 00 Sept. a, 1969, parsuaal tberetmder r ecorded N<wember wltbcQ. COW"eoam. or nrn.oty, ~ 6+1-%664 TMu_o,.., .,.,.,. '"".,., Plaaa, Specal Pro'l'lQoas aod other eootractdocumeDtformJ eador, Weste.Utr, reported tbat to tbe prot1slou: ot Cbapter 20, 1968 in Boot 879%, page eJpress or implled, reprdi.Dg Mrs. WalYt CbUD.btrltD, -D .. "'""•"' .,, ......... w111 be anUable tor uamlolttoa wttbout ebarp. Copies of a.U his ear's w1Ddw1Dc bad been 10.48 of tbe N-rt Beach 917 of omcial Records of title, posse.,......... or eocwn-PuiJb Worker Nu"'•••v ou••N• •••..,•c:u ~w--If, ....... , ... eoatraet doeume.U may bt see~aed at tbe ofllee ol tbe Orup: pried opea aDd b1s stereo aD1 Wtmictpal Code, tbe Ctty OraDge Cocmty WILL SELL bruces., to paJ tbe r emaining 9:1$ A_M. _ FamiJJ worsbJp c-..,-_. IW.& COW>I)' Road Dc>ortmoa~ fOO West Elglltll street, Saala Alia, -...... $110 Iloilo • • • COUDCU or said City passed AT PUBlJC AOCTION TO prioclpll "'m ol lbe .... 10,00 A.M. -Cbordl ..-1 eo.- CaUfonda. A Garde~». drtnr WU arrested Resolutkl:l Mo. 10&0 declaring HIGHEST BIDDE R FOR CASH secured bJ said Deed of Trust, 11:00 1._11. _ Futlt'e worslllp ,_ N. 1 ....., 1KA,. Pl&Ds, Special Pr0Yis1ons (DOt iDchxU.oc S:t.umrd Spec:t.nea-oo a chirp of druDt drlYi.Dg tbat a.U weeds aod otber alii-(payable at time of sale iD to-wU: $7,S5Z.90, wlUI l.Dlerest ~=N=URSI===RT=PR=O=Vlll=E=D=:::!.!::::======~ tlollS or otber doeumeots lDclllled by refereoce) aDd proposal after tUtUDc tbe puted ear's of saDCes as defined ID Seetioa lawfUl mooey ot tbe Uni-from September 1, 1966, as in forma may be obl;ah:Nid by prospecUn bidders~ paymeot Barnard TQel, ZZ09 Cbuoel, 10.48.020 tbereol, crowtDc or ted States) at maiD entra.Dce said DOte pr.:wtded, together of a prt.Dt1.Dc &Dd lln'l<:e charge lD tbe a.moamt of $5.00, wllicb Balboa, Uld a Florida nsttor • · · klcated ~ uJ prln.te pro-to buiJdi.oc: located at UO North 1F1th fees, ebargesud u;eo.ses amOUDt lblllDOt be rel\mdable, All cbects sball be made payable lD u almost ldeotleal aecidem, perty or in uo public street, Bitch, Sa.Dta A.oa, CallforDlaall of the Trustee and suc.b otber to Oraap CouDty Treuurer but sboWd be man.t to tbe Road Marprtt O'tloaDell,140fi Coral alley. or stdl!n.Jk ooa.stl.tute a right, title and Lrterest coo-sums as may bave been ad'r'u- DtputmiDt, 400 Wut El&fltb street. Sa.ab ADa. C&lllornl&.. Pl., CUff Hueo. WU cba:rged publlc DDisanee wblch mdsaoce yeyed to and DOW beki by it ced by the OWDer aDd bolder of 111; I 1ft I I # -' 1 lllpJj .. af;ll; iM2~S......Mo 1 nM.I .... Coptea: ot tbe Studard Spec:Ulcatlolll may bt pa~ b' with beiD.i lo&o:deated in publlc must bt ~ by tbe des-ruer said Deed of Trost 1D tbe saki Dote, wttb iDler est. &s $1.51 tu 1Deluded from tbe Departa:te.at ot Public Worta, State after collldl.Dc oa Udo Part Dr. truc:Uoa cw remonl tbereot. property situated in tbe Cit)' of PI'O'ided lD said Deed of Trust. A Frn ~ , .. ,_,.~ .. , or C ......... 0< lbe Road Dc>ortme .. , Coaaty or Onllp, 400 Oil lbe Lido Paolasula witll 2 NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN Newport Beach, CouDty ot ROBERT H. STOPHER c .. ,..., ....... eM••• a.rd ............................ West Etcte street. Sa.nta ADa, Calllorma. parted cars ••• Laura Kellam, that au property owaers sball Ora.oce, state of Calllonlia, 1D as said Trustee No lad w11l be '*"dlred llllua lt 11 made OD a bla.Dt form 516 Aeac.La. C«<OIL del Mar, without dekydeltroyoc remon said COUDty a.od State described nat.: AQCUSt Zl, 1969 ,...,._b)' ll>o_~ IIOid, Cocomlo-aod lo ma4o to ns ll,lorod wbllo ~rtac bor all_.-udolborpolllic u, Hill*~ 4, U, aeccwd~Dee 'WittltblproJ1Gooar1tbtstudl.rdSpec.1fleattalul.lld e&J' OD A.~ AYe. • • • •' auiaDees u deftDed 1D Seetloo Tbl E.Jtale 1a IIIII 11 tM ~Bart« ...... Spec:lll-. Dooclal .....,...,, zm vuta 10-48.020 or 111o Newport Beooh nt 8tvd ol ~rs of tbe County of Druce resenes Eatndll, Eut Blufl'. eollJded Munieipll Codede,;,•:ll:v:m~::~:r:.; tbe ricM to reject any or all bids. oo SaD Jc.qai.D fUlls Rd. with perty aDd tbe a Tile b6dder's atteatioa 11 directed to tbepl'OY1siODBI.III SecUoo a Har.boroe driYer, sutatnlnc street ID front of &Dd &lleJs. % of tbt Studard Speetflcatioas b' tbe requlremeat& Ud OTer $200 damaptobisear ••• u any, betdDd sueb property eocd.tioos wblch he must obaene la tbeprepantkla ot tba pro-G.lagerlee Fwld, ZSZS Oeeu and betweeo tbe tot tiDes thereof' poAl form aad tbe submlssioo of tbe btd. BlYd., Coroaa del Uu, abo as extended, or sucb weeds &Dd Sa r· A d M ......_, o1 tbeSiateC-.ct Act are ""appllcalllo, 1011 sustalaod .... $200clama&eto other nisaDcnlllhe~=~~ ve I me n oney pfOII)edttt btct:ters wtll DOt be requited to be Pl'equallfled. a.a. aecldeat oa 5tb AYe,, COI"'DDl or remGYed aDd sucb Dldsa:re !:!!~~~~!!!===I !a aeconlaDce witll lllopromtoasoiSocllool m oldie Labor cl4tl Mar, with ao oot-01...... ahlled b)' tlle City authorities, ~ =----I !.•_M!!,!I.!!A!:Lc,!T,!!N~I!!.!.I!!SO!!;I!!.!...T __________ _ Code o1 111o Slate ol Calllorala, 1be Boord or ~laors ol driver ••• Dorothy Seek, 620 to which case tlle cost or such 0raap Comity bas ueerta1Ded the general preft1.LI.Dc nte of W. OceaD Front. Ba.lboa, and destructloo or remora! will be waces I&C)llcable totbeworta.sdetailedlD Bollrd ol ~SU's Dooaa Japes, Z186 Maple, Costa assessed ICIOO tbe lots aDd 1aods Res>lutioo No. 69.8$%. M·l SI., col.JJded oo. prlnte lJl'O· from w1llcb, or from tbe ftoot or BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF party • • • Jolm Cadeo.beard, rear ol wtUcb such weeds and SUPERVB)RS OF ORANGE COUNTY, 3415 SeashOre, West Newport. other autsuce"s sball baYebeen CA.UF'ORNIA. colllded oo McF&ddeo Pll'tlnc destroJed or remofed; aDd such Dated: September z, 1969 kit wltb ursula Na<ksky, 5S8 cost w111 coost1tatt a llea ~ W. E. ST JOHN CalaiiDa, Nnpon Helj;llts •• •• SUCh lois or laads _. paid, County Clert and ez-ot!lcio Aotboay l...allo, 100'1' E. BllJb:». and wtJ1 be collected ~.l tbe Clerk of tbe Board ol S~tsors Blvd., &Jboa. wucbarged with DUl tu toll tiXKl wtrlcb geoeral of OtaDge County, Calllbnl1a possesskl:l. of marijuana. • • • mUAlcJpal taxes are collected. (S EA L) By • SA TURD.\ Y, AUG. %3 All prqllertJ OWDerS b&Y1Dg any U<Wel L. CasteU Aftel a Wlvonstn risitor Jeft ob)ectiou to tbe proposed des- Deputy Clert ber ear atapsstattoo,Rtchard truc:Uoo or remonl of sucb Publlsb: Newport Harbor Eastp.. Stiptember 11 u::lta, 1969 K....._ of 101 A.pte, BaJboa weeds aDd otber uuisaoces are " . . ..LO'I.'lcua& .. BEAUTY NOOK 27J2 E. C~st Hwy. C oron~ dtl War · Phont ttn-7336 SEVEN NATIONS COiffURES OPD! nJ[SDAY Tli ROUGH SAnJROA)' free P•ft.ios ia Frou t 300 W. Coa1t Hwy. HewpDrt a .. ct. Teleoh~:6Q • ..,. First School of ----· Islaocl, a 15.yeu-old aoU-bereby DOI:1fted to atteDd a ceased drlnr Wbo ls u meeting ol tbe COUDCU of BUILDIHC COHT employee o1 tlle ps sta1too, City, llo he held to lllo CouacU drot'e lt arouad lbe bloc:t for a Cba.mber of the PRIVATE ELEMENTARY (MEMI!R-CALif • .USOC, 0' CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS) KINDERIOARTEM -6TH GRAOE 1JU Job, and OD tbe ftJ be City 00 Sept. 19&9, pknred lito a brlct Will at 7:30 o'doct p.m., wbeo !27 Cc:nl Aft,, 1A1bo1. lsJ.ud. where their objeelioa& wUl owoed by Wllllam Mu:weU. ud beard &Dd gt.Yeo due b1t 2 btcycllsts. Loll LuJ:eo-tioD. SMALL CLASSES a WELL ROUNDED CURRICULUM FROM 8:30 A.M. TO 3:00P.M. ''"""L 9, aDd tatsbrotbet, Matt-I>'.Ue: Sept. 8, 1919. 8, or ZZI-1/Z ~e Fire Chtel WE TIACH HIGH MORALS AHD TIUE AMEIICAHISM Att., Blllbol.lalud •• ,Nearby City of Newport ·Beach 548-2 or 548·1733 oo Balboo ....... SaWJer's Puhllsl" Sej>l. II, IS, 1969, Sliop, !1)7 -IDe Aro., to tlle Harbor EDOip. COMPLETE FUNERALS Ill lime 1:W7 .. Boc:tdi• ill 0. ~ 1'1et1' Jeca n dae ftmeal IDil lmia1 aMir Cllld)lt ,.b, Ill dae Deed far== &lllao&b lwcj l«lftk Clll. OICWOW hilfiW&J.. family iDil fdeNs llib _, ..,., pq their fall !e- .... llr ,... '1 die lmia1 service. a well a tile chiJ"' .nice, all at a. • ulldlDI pilot. ItS. Clllt ..t ..... CUIA hz1 , __ ,_ .. ... 714 ~.... 714 ...... '"',. • . . RE MODE LING and ADD ITIONS e fR!! P'LAN S!IVIC! e fiE! ESTUUTU 532 ·S949 AMERICAN CONSTRUCTION CO . CALL DAY 011: MIGHT ,_...,. .. c-. ---c-..... ..._,. ............... c 41¥ • BE HAPPY! • BE INDEPENDENTI I • LEARN 'I'O DRIVEl II CALL FOR FREE INTRODUC TORY L ESSON 136-5731 t TOL.L I'"R EEl DIIIVIMIO SCHOOL ~ ,. ... ..,....,., ....... ...... ,..._ w~-otloa67 &11--~­~--­-c.~ .W7 .• C:.. ~~~ :.:.~~-t ·= ... --·-· I I ol-. .... .. _ . ...._., oCOSTio. MESA 549-l36l oORAMIOE 639-2A41 o 11110 0. EAIIINIO 673-5822 o AllAH ElM o HUHTIHIOTOtl 126-0311 aEAOI U2·1451 Pwll11 ... Ci1wlag Wcllfls CLEANING & DYEING All MAKES OF lUGS • WAll-TO-WAll CARPETING 'UMISTS PilON E. 646-4479 2438N_BI.._ HAL AEIISCHER ~.! ~--,...,,. ........... )at E. c..otN,;,. eo-....... ~ aAa!IOa PAINT a W.U.LPAPEa Pt........., __ .., PIIII!!IO --.,I ... IIao 11,000 PATl'EIINI OF WALLPAP&& • .. E. Cooot ...,, Cell ... _ (If••. ,_, n.....) -ns.- aiffi(& WILCOlC-CIII I I U 1D1M --llasls "n1at o ._ ..... 1711 w .. CMSt ...., ........ -· ,__, .-.snf11NG IJIUOUit••a ,., ~-c,.,,_ .. , •• «a a, I .... -0111.'11 .... -o.a .• , .. .......... _., ... ,....,PNGtact'c SMlbs. lDterlor Pluta TrOpical &. Trees lD secticides aDd F eruli&er s & H Greea Stamps FREE DEUVERY c orona 6el Mar N•nerJ Z'744 E. a-t HW')'., ftl'M111 SHOE IIEPAIR IWIERRY 'S Shoe Repair P~se and Lugpoe Aep,Jir -Ove Won. S.H S1' .triPS ONE DAY SERYJC( 1190 HMbor .. ..cl. Coate ..... -Ml •D11 -.,. «r SP ECIAL IZE I N • BRAKES rot.tC"'8~~ roo/J • SUOC:XS • ALic:-.MirllEMT For Fut Eapett S.notce 644·5623 P ICK.·l'P 6 Dl!U VERY TRU·LIHE lo.UTO CENTII r ,, ,"i r lllflorl 81., It II!'., ,,, COSTA MF.S A. PUBLICA TlOM '11)111( WE CAN P,.INT YOU" 8=~~~~.~£~~ P ANf:I'HL. ETS. W L.E:An.E:Tit Na.sPAPERS AND NI!WS L.ETTEM CALt.. us 1101 un•.nu ., .... • UST c.- A. ........ c PLQIIU 7000•·•· ... co 7 ...... & n Filii' DAY •• I PROVDIG TllAT Jou dQo, -a lariO ,.cbllo tojOy Ulo Ia Mt'fi)Ort Harbor, I h&rbOrlles make IJJtlr ny ... lllo, bay Ia u 1-*>ol _.._ (Eulp photo.) From the Police Bloner •...-T,AUG.. .... fl llltL, fiB-,__..._ ........ an ... le.QIIT HMIGlfEIISIIJI SlaiiiiiECliOII - -~ •• lltU!IbY, IEI'T. Jl; IE COIIJIIA DEl !!All. CAll F. A - -_...., ol a U'-1/1-a. Wtalll~ .. a11J1 llnl, CJ 111M. U, o1 rtll........ _..., .... , ... -.-, ......... ...,.._-.-Dru ~ fl'~ht Ol'!a1171-olllo------•••-•,... • a 11111t1 "'*---Ill .. put t dOJii we w•o It a -'""-.& I ........ ud 1M7 - -•--·-.. _W)ao!nt·w-. .. lda,_., __ llllt o d d ___ ,.,_ ........... -""' .. -. .. _ .u-........... Borllr<l 1s ellen e -ol C&rolra ~. 10'1 -II' -............. Uloclo, Ul -.,, ~ .......... --••• -U.OI!Ilo --.& .... _ --..-..... TM uor.u halc*a'' )WJd &II tro.. .. nttrtd ••• l...r,, 1110 Mo:woti&, Wut Mftii!Ori Mtl. Mieblel8.1.,_, pre- -lr-f!!iltat-""'ltbld-.. op,ud-Hoi&IU,-I•OOMSCW-=.ol,~_!!~= sp1o*U? 14., Woal II~ ..-othiO.,.....,__ oollroeo_lllt..,.aodllil -· RtiiiU. aodSCWQOCI-11111 PIIJ'719o Coria, toO --. bllSI •••• f'IIIQJ, l>le,.u.t B. ~~~ ollllt --WIItlo patlll &U or• llarold II~ Hotplo, bJ 1 t111o1 PnJW. Areo. 1001 St1UJ1r S., tal '""!"'!atJDooiO._ Gnr'• cat 111r •100 _.,._ wlto-aa nloellodolldleec Harbor VIP Hilla, wao r!dloc COOSIIJ, llo" · -odllltlor- ••• A te5 -10 laPtOOCkwao c7uo door ••• F?tiiiDf..,..,. bJ 1 -w11at1 Ito -mllloelol~!""'~lol­ olol• lroeo Brad Bal-ao molllwortH!41wulabotrom .,...., lllo-cloorudlol1 lilt A .......... • drur - r -• -~ ••• bttd ola ~~-IIOd-11"' .... oul· ~ --~--pr-li<Ocram at lllo ltl. .... v.-1 Aft,, ~ • • • . ~ -.,.. "'1 u.--. • """' -. ru .... 4 t.rmldlate &ld ellmeabry C. Wlllar<1, $1dW.Oe .. FroDI. loo Grlar, 2541 Bayabortllr., lad bll bor ••• A $ld bi:Wart tcltool Ito Ia. B&lboa, colUdod oo Dorer Dr. Bay Sltorn , • • A $100 tier eo wu ololoo fl'om Stnt--. lOS Tlllo PI~ jt<l WID bo wttll a COlla Mea drlfer • , • deet wu Ufttd from tbt liD-Slit st., Wt• .Jt Newport • • • A td to trat.J: IUDttw to M..l:rc Hul!ftts. 524 Seaward. Co-locked car of RaDCI)' Sm~tb. Iter eo tape player worm $80 :-: 4nc r..,.... ":_. ~ roaa JU&blanlls, bad a eu a.c-415 Jab. st., West Newport ••• wu t:abD from Tom Staw, S601 In tbe 5tb., etb., ~ aod etb c1deac oo Newport 81.,1: with a BurcW"s eotered a screeD at Seubore, West Newport • • • crades u weU u tbelr ta drtnr trom WtscoosJD • • • Ollftf'a Rc:ut Beet, 2114 w. 0 7tt $ZOO damace wu dooe cbeu i.ad PUIDll lao &dd.ltloc; Alex ZUraiQI&, 2114-1/Z w. Oceu F'roat, Ceotnl N'ttrpOrt, u Mary Jane MMd, or 1401 the •olt&Dtters ,W bl trU!Mid JOGclNG tsn•t th.... only way to keep trim or to escape the Oc ~cLD Froot, No. ?, Cen-ud stole $106 cash trom a ~lat Priscilla Ln., Harbor Hlcb-LD pueat. efrtct1Yeoeu lD ot- L0o(llqlR WITH OUR ' DELUXE CLEANING WE OFFER A CXIMPL!TE WARDROBE MAINTINAHC~ AT NO !X TRio otARGE .... IUTTOHS--RIPS--'AIHOR REPAIRS Delivery Servtoe -Cbarae Accouots tovtted worklllr man's syndrome. Her e amaoreluesanduarcises tral Newport, r"s elw'pd witb eetUDc ••• Dod• Foz, 1506 lands, collld.t 1titb uADabelm der tbat the)' may tat loeU by paddllDg bJs kayak on the sun-glistening bay 1n the late bei.De druot ln public. Anita, Harbor HiPluds, was i.·iver Wbo was bactt.Dc ._, oo pueot P'Otl)l 1n tbe a:acuuloo fiLET 1117 &. COAST JIIWAY .. alterooon. {Ensign phOto.) TUESDAY, AUG. 26 1D her pool Whel she heard PlaceaHa in West Newport Het-of the emoU.oDal Dtedl ol tbt COIIOIJA DG..,... F h•t (" o t Newport Harbor HiP Scbool, the pbooe rla,g and ra.o toto Pts ••• A trea 45 feet south y,~mptera 1D lbJa aee bracket. reeway I S lyle Cen er 600 lnlue An., N""''«l tile-· BUi>PIDr oo tile ktl-of Tremool Ln. oo Camoo The ""''"' ID addllloD lo NEXT TO THE UNITED CALIFORHIA BAHK Helcnls, reported loday thai cboo door; tbe "~ !abo lo Shores Rd. .,.. brokao off at supolyln( vol.;,.oero lot thlo '====:::~:;;::::::::::::;;:;;=:;!:~ The DeW .b'eeway lntercho.n ..... Irvine Co. has a-eed to adjust Y&ndala had, caused$200ctunaae Ho&c Hospital with a bead con-tbe base by a hit-run driver; project •W Ullderwrlte tbe ._... ~>" In the Boy a Gym bettr-aea Juoe cusstoa • • • Wi.l.Uam Baa.slc,. the city will pay the bill •••• rna w.. .. !....-on of tbe Jar ot plans llave caused changts In the the property boundaries oor-lOS Yta ADt_tbes, Lt't1 ~ale, Gary Kohbeat, 108 7th S!., Ba.J-.... 8-08.,'":"::.~.~ lo ... ~ ... !. •. proposed clvtc center site in therly to compensate IDr me 1S and Aug. 13 by beodln& the tab to u t tr boa take to H Ho ttal u• __,._.. u"' ....., ... addition to biUng deeper into 2-acre loss. There will be no kK:ker doors; the gym bas been was 0 oag or eat-• W'U n otr liP tive director Mrs Kathleen open to vulous ~sail sum m~ot aftersbunbllng downsome alter an accident on E. Balboa Lamherta whose ~""'"' e residential property in Corona change in the purchase price of A ,131 ~-d • stairs a.od putting his band Blvd. with a San Berna.rd1Dodr1-""""'oslbiU'ty w.'ll be lo-prO¥~ .. :. del Mar, $1,834,500 lor th e 19.23 ac.res. mer • ·' sur • ......,... was tbr ctt wt 1 Th Cwto C tne aDd _.... _, The State Division ot H1gfl-The Councllawroveda.mend-stolen .b'om Hal Gregt's prage 011 a 0 ow··· eparked Vel' • • • 0 arm 5 staff coordination OD this pro- ways has ootllied the City ol ments to the purchase agree. at liZ 30th St., West New-cars of DooaJd 1.-ewjs, 440 Via Aothony Steele, both of 880 ject The prosnm wtU be CO· NeWpOrt Beach tnat additional meat ot May 26 cl\a.nging the port • · · A $150 camera was Lido Nord, IDd Ma.r)orle Bayes, Irvine Ave,, Apt . E 101 • N'!W-ver~ by a committee o• a right-ot-way ts needed for the legal descriptio~ to cooform stolen from the car of Cha.rles 436 Via Lido Nord, Lido Isle, port Heigtlts, werecha.rpdwitb !Oitvldua.ls, 4 trom eacb ;,.. freeway, amoWlUng to a loss to tbe new boundary alignment. Fouts, 633 Cameo Higtllaods were hit by ao Anabelm driver attempted burglary, ganlsatlon. Robert A. Green. of about 2 acrestrom the south-Dr. In Cameo Hlgblaods .•.• Duke; c!'~edr~~~~c!rud~~! NEW MONTE VISTA executive dlr 1 Uecto: of the AI-. erly portioooftheNewportCen-MESA l¥0ME~"S CLUB A bomemade woodend1a.gbyn.s Newport Blf'd. wtth Vl.o t At-PRIHOPAL ~AMEO soclation, ..,. . act as the com-• ter property belngpurchased by TO MEET SEPT. 19 stoleo from Keene Jacoby, 9Z6 well Z06 29tll St W ~..,N The Newport-Mesa schOol mittee cbalrrnu. M ~s. Honee! the city E. Balbol Blvd., Balboa • • • port' Beti' pe tt ;;Ii trustees IWDed a oew principal 8-!n)a.min Is the Newport Har-1 At la.st week's City Council Mrs. Phill..tp Hay wUlpreside Someooe entered Jaml'!s TUl&-224 via 'Eb:,u L'~ ~l en 1• last •eek at M( 1te Vista scbool llor SerTice Leacue'a cbalr-. meeUng, the civic center nego.,. over the t1rst meeting of the r elU's apartment at 900 Sea tided oo N~;t B:v:.' ~tb 1D Costa Mesa to replace Don man tor tbls ;~:roject. tiaUng committee r eported that club year wben the Costa Mesa Lo., Hubor VIew Hills, ttlrougtl drivers from Fountain Vclley Hout. In addJUoo to tbe program I to malnta.1n the civic center site Women's Club meets Sept, 19. a ~·!reeo door and stole $19S aod Mlsaloo Viejo Ruth The new prlnctpa.J 1.6 H. Scott 1:1 tbe scbools, the committee I at 19.23 acres, as agreed upon LWlcheon will be served at noon. cash • • · Dfl"ryek Strom, 215 Ham''" zt · · · Paulsen, who has been with the will co')Jaet a SIU"'tY of aU \ I tbe ba. doc t th Jan RubLDJ, vioLin VU'tuoso, Lugooia, N'!WiJO:'t Stwlrea, re-........ 90 CoUep, Costa district for 7 years He has druc services aDd facllltl.es, 0 pure se umen s, e composer and conductor, W'lll ported that $150 In rtshin,{ :~':i~ ~lw'': w: be~c taught 4th and. 6tb irades at locludlng "botllnes,"lDOra.nce KODAK present the a.tternooo program, eqlllpmeot bad va.ntshed trom 0 pu c er co -Mesa Verde School aod has County. SUPER accompanied byhtssoo,MicheL 'lis cuport ..• A $65 po.&lso llding oo CbanDel Pl. on NiW-had uperleoce teachlnr ..,..,.-' ~~~=j_~~~~§~=J di ed tr th bedr port lslalld with the puked ca.c ....-~ 8 220/o LENL NOTICE sappear om e . oom of GlenD Crlddeo 4014 Cha.noel students in the 5th through 8th 1, "'"' c loset ol Robert D.:cett, • -ades OF MOVIE OFF 704-1/2 Acacia CoronadeUhr •.. .RoberiH>ure,2255Tu.stln, ~The· IUe bee cant NOTICE HEARING ON CAMERAS NOTICE OF TR US TE E'S SALE WI no' Ia 932 Wtst Upper &y was charged pos n arne va REPORT AND A$ESSMENT No. 22190 ' ' ' ' a ter ug s, Via with beiDg intod.eated ln a.n when Prlnclpa.l Hoot was ap-FOR ABATEMENT OF WEEOO 0 Oo:tobe 7 1969 I 10 Lid.:~ N:»rd, Lido Isle, reported a uto J M th 107 pointed 3 weeks ago to be tbe AND OTHER NUISANCES harbor n r , a a $-1-1 :n:~)\e radio stolen. but Via E·bo-11. Uuoedo Isla ens, direc tor of lnstructlooal set-o'clock A.M., at the south the big loss W.I.S his Cadillac, , e, was ar-vices tor N-rt Mesa NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN {front) entrance to the old where the radio wu aocl which rested on a charge ol assaul-... ~,.... -• that on September 10, 1969, the Orange County courthouse in the was also stolen ... DJi:lc~J>·m-tin& an omcer after she FIRMS BURGLARIZED Fire Cblef of Newport Bel.cb • · c • • 't City of Santa Ana, CallforDJ.a, $oo, !lO 3oth St., W"tSt refused to be taken in on a The otnces of Jarco loc. and tiled wltb the City Clerk of said r-oo .... ~.~ _,, LOS ANGELES TITLE AND AB-Newport, colllded 00 W. Bal-peace disturbaoce charge in an Whitney and Sons at 4043 Btrch, City a report and usessmeat 011 ,.,..,o STRACT CORPORATION as boa Blvd. wUh a F:t'lerton argumP.nt with a nelehllor over a Back Bay, were mlsslJ:r.g bust-abatemeDt of weeds and ot!'ler /t8 what8 inside that cormts! This means the Mariners people and their proven pro· feSSJonatism in matters of finance. It means Mariners · peopiHo-people 1nterest in your security .. and Mariners wise investment of your money in the progress of our community Jo u1 your neighbors and open a M;uiners sa~ings account. today. Remember· rederally·insured s.avmgs with the nation's highest rate of 1nlerest. from day in to day out. Also free Tranlers Cheques and hee safe deposit boxes (with minimum $5.000 account) '::=========:::: Trustee, under the deed of trust driYer. :'king problem and took a ness machines valued at $587 nuisances wtthln sa.id Cit)', a r made by ALLEN DALE and • WEDNESDAY, AU•-:. Z? .., log at the olflcer. Sept. 8, but thare was DO sigu copy of W"hlcb ls posted on the r~Ciiiita~!::;;iiiiiii;;;;::-~&=:1 BALTZ MOR1VARI£S CIIA.RLOTTE F DALE hus -bull_.._ board at the entruce t-. · ' • A very oea.tl.utrud.erremoved • THURSDAY, AUG. 28 )f lorced entry in the trootof-~ t.aOO and W'tle, as )clot tenants , n h to tbe Clty H&ll. and recorded May 21. 1966, 4llass iowers toc.rawl~totbe Today _lbe aolma.} work! ces ., er! th~y were taken. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN 541-1953 1741 IUP'IRIOI AVF. COSTA llfSA Mldwar b-2424 a.s IDstrumenl No. 18251, ID LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE thai oo September 22, 1969, Book 7944, Pare 54o!Oiflclal ----------------at lllo hour ot ao o'clock o GUARAN WOR?t 0 FREE ESTIMATESo Records of Orange County, OilD[NANCENO.l311 r eference made aputofTttle hel aloog said center llDe; p.m., lo tbeCouncii Cbambers • FREE PICK-UP & DELIVERY • JSID !. COAST HIWAY CORONA DEL MAR California, given to secure an AN ORDlNANCEOFTHECITY 20 ol sa.ld Code is hereby r e-theoce South 18° 02' 23" East of said City Hall, said report Indebtedness in tavorofKARRY OF NEWPORT BEA CH RE-r.o:led .b'om an R-3-B Dl&trlct 190.00 feet; theoce NTth aDd assessment Ust wtU be • MEMBER OF C.U.O.A. CUSTOM DRAPES STElN now owned and held by ZJlHNG PROPERTY AND to a C-0-H District, and. said 11° 57' 37" East 195,61 feet presented to the City CouocU JOHN & MARTHA and BEDSPREADS HARRY STEIN by reason of AMENDlNG DISTRICT MAPS District M.t,p Nn. 5!1 .s hereby a :)Q:nt oo a uon-ta.ngent curve of said City for consideratioo Q l u h } breach of certain obUp.Uons NOS, 50, 52, and 32 ameocled to show this ZO"l~ CVol::.:lfe NDrtherly ha.Vlng a aDd conftrmatlon, and that a.ny ua icy p Q stery secured thereby, noUceofw hich The City Co uncil of the City ci1Ulgt. r adius of 2200.00 feet, said and all perams Interested, and was recorded May 23, 1969, as of Newport Beach does or dain SECTION 2. The Pla.nnlnJ ;:u.. curve being the Easterly con-bavtnc a.ay obte<;Uons to said !~~~;·~~~r~-~l~7; .. ~;s;";"';~~~~~Cot;ll;ta;~M;n;N~! ORiole l·U SO tnstr ument :io, 15849, In Book as follows: r ~tor of tbe City of Newport Unuatlon of the center Uoo of report aod assessment Ust, or d966 , Page 560 of said Official SECTION 1. The followlngdes-B~;. :t, is ~erehy Instructed and Sa.n Joaquln HtUs Road as des-to any matter or thing con. Records, Ul5ANGELESTITLE crlt>ed real property In the directed to change District Map cribed tn said deed, a rad1al ta1ned therein. may appear at AND A~TRACT CORPORA-Clly of Newpor t Beach, County No.5') so as to show the zon1n&: to sa.ld point bears South said Ume and place and be Oreo Block Co TION, as Trustee will sell at or Orange, State or Calltorru.a.. chanp!s described tn Section 1 7° 33' 23"; thence N?rthwes-heard. • publlc auction to the highest to wtt; hereof, and, as Rid Dtstrlct terly 1768.84 feet along sa.!d D1ted: September 10, 1969. Bun.DING BLOCKS • AU. SIZES _ ALL TYPES bidder tor cash, payable In taw-That portion of Block 93 of M.tp shall hot.ve been 50 ·: U"Ye and center Une through 1D R. J. Brl..scoe, Flre Chlef. ful mooey of the United States Irvine's Subdivision, in the City am~ocled, the same shall be in 1..1f}e of 46° 04' 01" to the Publlsh: Sept. 11, 18, 1969, TeS.,hM: IAdrMa 7·21H at the time of sale without ol Newport Beach, County of fUll torce and errect and be a center l1oe of said Crown Drive lnw Flllo=~N~•:"";po~rt,;,;;H>~bo:r~E~ns~~ICJI.;.,:.;;;;;;.,.;;;d;;;;;;""'";;;;;;;;llo.;;;;;;;;";;;ta;;;;;t;;;-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;n;;;•;;;;;s;;;.;;;";;;"';;;;;";;;;;Sae;;;;;;"';;;;;bo'ffi.J r;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;:;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;j· warranty as to Utle, ~ssessloo Orat~p, S:ate of Callforn.ia, as part of TlUe 20 0~ ttle N;-...,1.10rt North; tbeoce South 53° 45' 53" fi: TIDE ~ or encumbrances the interest per map filed In B<nk 1, pal" 88 Beach Mun.lcl.pal Code. West 346.90 feet aloo"lJ sa.Jd .,._ a,~ ... ~"t'C:., conYeyed to and ~w held by sa.1d of Miscellaneous Record M.t,ps S£CTION 3. Tttefollowlngdes. ceoter Une to the beginnlng L-, y trustee uOOer salddeedoftrust in the otnce of the County cribed real property ln the CUy ot a C\ll'Ye therelJ:r. c.oocave ~ in and to the follow ing described R'}Corder of said County, des-of Newport Bea ~h, County of Southeasterly ba'lng a radius ..1~ ~--.;;-property, located in the Co Wlty crU>ed as follow s: Orange, State of C•lllorn.La, to ol 2000.00 feet; tMoce South- ~ , of Orange, State of CalUornla, CC\mmenctng at the Northwest wtt: westerly 148,98 !eet'aloog sa1d. to-wit: corr.er of the land shown on a That portion of B:ocks 93 aoo curve through an angle ot ""'''"' Lots 76 and 77, of Tract No. map filed in Book 50, page 37 96 of lrvloe'sSubdtvisJon,ln the 4° 16' 05'' to tbe polot of be- 907, as shown on a map thereof ot Record of Surveys ln the City of Newport Beacb, County fP.nnlng recorded in Book 28, Pages 25 olflce of saJd Couniy Re~rder; of Orange. State of CaWornia, a.:;: shown on District Maps Nos. to 36 inclusive Ml.~cellaneoos thenc e South 50° 26' 36" West as per m<.p flied inbk1,page 50, 5~, and 3Z, referred to 1n Newport hacb Maps, r ecorr:ls or said Orange 49.27 feet along the Northwest 88 of MisceLLaneous Record Sedlil'l ~1.}:;,030oftbeNewport ~===~==:::====:! County, Une of Rid land to the True Maps lD tbe omce ol the County Beach MuBiclpa! :o..t -?, ao1 :JY ;:. For the purpose ofpaylngob-Point of Beginnlng; thence con-Recor der of said County, des-such reference m.11e a ~ of We;;;(tcliff Chapel ligations secured by said Deed Unulng Sout h 500 26' 36" West crll>ed as follows: Title 20 of said Code, Is hereby of Trust, including fees, 837,72 feet along said North-BeginnlnJ :1: the Northeasterly rezoned trom a C-N ·H District •1'111111~ charges and expenses of the west Une to the Northeast rigbt terminus or that certain center to an R-3-B District, and said 427 ~~ I 7th ST. Trustee, advances, Uany, Wlder ol way of San Joaquin Hills Uoe course of Cro·,!J OJ lve District Mil&)s Nos. 50, 52, aM COST A MESA the terms of said Deed of Trust, Road as 1escrlbed ln a deed North shown as "N. 490 31'16" 32 are hereby ami!Jl!Md to show '::~~;"~1~6-;:48;88~~~~ interest thereon and $4,235,25 r ecorded 1n Book 8187, page E. 285.07'" on a map of Tract thlJ z.on.l.ng change. ,. In unpaid principal of the note 566 of Official Records a! sa.1d 6113 Died to Book 226, papa: sr.~;r :ON 4. Tbe PlaAnJnc ot- M AT TRESSES secured by said Deed of Trust, County, said right of way beLnc 20 through 2~ o! Mlscei.laDeous r ector of tbt Clty ot Newport KEW _ IEaUILDlNC with interest thereoo .b'om Feb-a curve concave Northeasterly Maps ln theoutceofsaldCouotJ Beacb l.s b_.ebJ loatrucled aDd Jrr@gular Shapes rua.ry 27, 1969, at 11J'l, per ltaving a radius of 21315,00 feet, Recorder ; tbeoce Soatb c1lrected to ttwlp Dlarlct lii.D..-.jmac, -CattCIII annum, as In sald DOte and by a radial to sa.idpol.ot bearsSout.b 49° 29' 48" West 20.83 teet M~,ps Nos, 50, 5Z, and 3Z so as COSTA MESA MAnREsS co. haw provided. 53 ° 39' 05" West; tbeDeeNorth-alooe sa.td center Une; theace to show tbe 101l111&ch&DpJdes- 1liO N.wp0rt 11•4. llberly .. 1101 Dated: September 2, 1969. westerly 624.65 feet a.Joor said leavlni said center U.oe Soatb erlbed ln s.etloD. 3 r.ereot, &Dd, LOS ANGELES TITLE AND curve and. rlgbt Of ftJ tbrougb 48° 41' 00" East 488,15 feet u •ld Oi.trletW:apslha.JJhaf'e ABSTRACT CORPORATION, an a.ngle ofl6° 45' ZO"; tbeDee to the beghmJnc of a eunecoo-bleu 10 amen1ed, the same Trustee. DOfl-tanpnt North 18° 31' 18" cave Souttnresterly bavlnc a lbl.ll be Ill hlll fbree IDd el- Georp L. Marlnotr, W•!st 211.48 feet ooatilMllnr radius of 250.00 feet; theoce hct aD:t bl a put of Title President, along sa.1d rtpt of way to the Southerly 244.35 feet &loot Mid 20 of the Nnport Beach Mtmt. 46907 befPontnr of a eune coocan curve tbroup an aa,gle ~ cfpll Code. PubUsh: Sept. •. 11, 18, 1969, Southeasterly havtD1 a rld11111 515° 00' 00"; tbeoce Soutb SECTION 5. Tlli.J ord.lna.oee :.:;;;;;;m;,:IJJ;e~N;•"P<<;;;n~lfar;;bor;E~ns:ICJI.~ of 25.00 feet; tbeDee NorUrwea-7° 19' 00" West uo.oo f..t aball bl PllbUibld oace 1D tbe ~ terly and NOI'thluterlJ u.a~ to tbe be~ of a eur.-e oftlCI&l ..,...,_ of tbt CttJ, 1101 feet aioGc Aid eunetbroqbao eooeave Morthea,Jtu}f haf'lAI Ud tblame tll&l.l bl.a.cttr. TIEASIII£ ~ 111ii~u of ag• Of' lEI"'; lllooce a radluo or 270.oo ttel; lilt-so c~a,. attor 111o -o111s II 70' II' 51" ul tl7.%1 -ly lad Eaotcly aotoptlou. T--IWf.LT -•• "'1110 boiiJialor of a car ... 440.11 loll a1oor l&ld cuno Tlt1o cma-o -- ........ • IIOOIW ·-...c.._ ""'ca •• · c:...o. JI~E~~:Soutllw-.11 bl.ftD.c a tbroulfl u 1J111e ol93° 10' OO"i at a r.,.ar IDMf11C ot tbiCitJ OlrTW • c ....... • ,...... .....,. • ~ ot 25.00 fMt; tbiDee tbloee Solab II' 11' 00" Eut Cocu:lc:U ot tbe Cit)' oiWt"'*t ,._. • MoiN'R ..+au,IM lad Soulbtaotortr 170.00 r.ot 1o lilt boPIOWtc o11 BNcb !told oo lilt 1$111 day o1 ~ .......... ocaeTA -..... w ..... ,. aloac aid c..,.. cane CODC&YI SouUnrtltlri:J A..-. IM9, ud wuldapted Iii_, __ ... ·~~ .. --. lllroup .. ..,. of 110' 00' lttriac. radliiO ol600.00r.ot; .. lllo 1111 c?ar ol s.p.m~~or, ·-~===~ ooo•,-.-u• ar or• ---11•n.to1ott ueg, 1>1 111o 11J11owtoc-10 Eul lUI loot lo lllo bt(lo.-atoeec aid C""f .......... u Wll: eWec ola cwrtt -"-U(lt ol D' 00' 00'' 1o t1eo 1>o-AYES, COUIIQLMII!: llciM!a, -11 b&rilc • ndloa o1 111011c ola •-• _.._ lllol?oo, Par-, -llall, 110.00 !Mi _____ .. " ...... _IJ ....,. 1 ._,, l7lr6. Gt-. ly t ?UI -atoeec aid ewtt radl• o1 100.00 1oa1; -11011, COUI?CiumN: -· .......... u U(lt ol 51' W17"'; 1o ' tulr III.DIIotl aJwc ~liT COIIICIUID: -· ...,_ lolllli 71• 01• U"lut .ud CW'ft lkl ... Mlllltal Dlr-Muiiii.D 11'-JO lotllo lilt Trot Paltt ol 10' W 00" 7o .. -.. 1i1oJw Btilhtdll o1 .... ....,.. A-u -ATI'IIT: u -.. D?llrlct ....... -... - , ......... '-' Lqloa 10, ralllrrod ,. 1a - -an ,... .. ., -Clr CIWl l_!~~!.!!.!!!!~~~~~~~~~-_j IO.QI.OIOol .. lloapwt-'"-~-~-.....,.,.._ 11,1111, 11 lllllqa.l Cosio, ... .., --11' ,,. 11''1aitiiiii.OO .. ~~~ i!I'W , ..... SERVICE . ADAMS QU4LITY CAR CARE BY FACTORY TRAINED PEOPLE WHO CARE 2121H-kVD. J'ObDSOD • ' lDi\!IDIUl 1Dii\!Tii1Ei!JVU • 11£111 m • 1Eidi8111Y ·IDI&'JIU Wz·••••