HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-10-30 - Newport Harbor EnsignH1atrn.J -ct...,.• bate pre-porod.·-plaa lorlllo5Ut Mo.,._, aU-lilt~ eor.. <Ill Mar. laklllc ...... -aloac 5!ll A,. tlulllo pr-ptaa. but wlptncoutau Of tbe Sbores QUtmeDta: tD HarU View Hilla. .D. Joo O..U., pablle woru ell-Tbo pr-1 roYMled rector for Knport Stach, aid Jtaly lbowtd 5tb An. IDC11DI: tbat tbl ,....,., route bU bNa dowuwatd from Orchid AYe., llblllod •11cJ1111 to lbo oorth, )olo1llc -Goldeorod AYe. at so tbat tbt reallptd 5th An. tbl ;.ctloa with 4th An. tbe ww tab lea ot a bite tn tb8 '700 o.w allpmeat wW mcwe ~ 3 blocka betweE OrcbJd An. aod lob, ., that about S to 6 less GoldearOd AYe, kltl per block will be taken~ by the rtcbt-of~ny. CRASH KILLS Howenr, the aorther ly sb1.ft ala:~ wtl1 oecusttate the re· u B aUpment of Sea Ln. tbrot&&b pper ay tho ar• DOW oee..,led by tbo MESA GIRL, 7 ~~::;=~:briefing set A tratflc ICCideDt OD Cout back to the left I&De but fouo:1 ~ldeorod AYe, w1.ll IXIC A brleflnc HSsioD by op.. HYJ., 1/4 mUe west ol Jam .. be 'ft5 UDlble to do so Alel)' Mr. DeYUn said Ulatwt.deDing pooeata ot t.be Upper Bay laDd borM Rd. at 5:40p.m. Oct. 25, u the cars bad stopped l::lr of Go1dearod A,e, 11 lDclll:led exe~ baa beeD IICblchlled toot tbe We ol7-J8U'~IdJulle the sJeDal,. He nened 11*» tbt 1D t.be blltnr&yenctoeers'plans. tor tbe NO¥, Z4 afterDOOGituciJ Pttera of Z910 Ellesmere Ave., east bc:Mmc1,lett laDe, b.itUnc 811 uplatMd Uatrberel.sapos-sesaJoo of t.be Newport Beaeb C-Y-. Miss P-a ear. llllllllJ ot IIIOY!nclboGoldeiii"Od City CoaoelL Little Jalle, 4au&t~ter of W.r. Pollee aid Mlas Peters 'ftl )tmctioo W1.tb Cout H'W}'. 1D tbe The reqaHt wu made Moo- Ud. Mrs. Guy G. Ptttra, na admitted to Haac Hospital with euterlJ directioa 1D order to day lt'eaitlc ill a 111tter from r14lar to a ear dr!Yeo by bor mlllll!>telaeenllou a1 lllo lace liDo .., wtlll tbo BOutberly "''"' Yr. ud Yra. FraU R<>I>IA- ud, MJ.u YtrllDla Peter., 22, IJid body Yr Brice at.) ad Goldlbrod An. lOll, 1001 N«ttnpm Rd., of tool P<oSuoll. st., CoD ltted ~ ~ bid 'tn tur • Tbe DIW JDIPI aeot totbecl~ We•cwr, wbo b&n bleD~­ .. ..., wbla a ear driven by ~ both 1 ~ IIUJ.ee : by tbl biPftJ eaclDMr•lDt..c. mitt«! br~JorJadpCl&ude CrutcbU' Campbell Brice Jr., 0 ep, 1' AD .. Ies rw~ tbe dtptboftbe OWeu to become ~~ MARINE CORPS U. Col. WWlam M. KuU. S9, of t50 Saodeastle Dr., Harbor VIew Hills, wu decorated Oct. 15 by lbe RepubUc of VietDam's m1Dister of state. Dr. NMe.D Tieo Hy, aboard the afn;)bibiollS usa.ult sh.lp u.s.s. New Orle&Jls at sea ott oananc. Col. Ku.ll wu awarded tbe Navy distinguished service order, S8COild class, by the RepubUc of Vtetnam for his 1r0rk with the Headquarters Co., 9th Marine Amphibious Brigade. be wu <me ot 59 U.S. Navy men a.nd Marines honored at tbe 8tb Vietnamese award ceremony. He bas beeo In the MulDe Corps sJ.nee September, 1949, and wtth the 9UI MAB sioce November, 1968. ln the official U.S. Nuy party at the ceremony were Admlral JoM J. Hyland, USN, comma.tlder-tn-ebiet of the u.s. Pact.nc Fleet, a.nd VIce Admiral WUJJam F, Bringle, tEN, commander of the U.S. Seventh Fleet. Prime Minister Tru Thieo Khlem and other htgb ranting pernment otftcla.ls represeot.ed the Republic of Vietnam. (omcw u.s. Nary pbotO.) 8.1. NAMES PHIL MAURER OUTSTANDING CITIZEN left wrist lUIS mult1ple lacen.~ siUIUD frNfty to be about 70 1.o tbt cba.lleap ot the coa-:!d C:.. 8'!fr ~a!; :0~; Uons. feet below street lent Jut sUtutiooallty of tr. prt\)Oiiid 'the Balboa Island lmpron- beed-on tao Mtu Peters' car. Besides bel' pueats. JuUe ....t:erb' ot YacArtbur Bl'fd. eJCb•np betw.-tbe IIT1De mtot Assn.., meettnc in geoeral TM little Clrl was tbrow'n out, Is sunl•ed by bar z t.'otblra, A major t.'ldp croaJ.Dc would Co. &D:1 tbe COUIIt)' of Oraoct. seuioa Oct. 23, introduced tbl ud biT aunt'• ear fl1wed crrer Bret and Keltb· &Ill! ber IJ'I.Dd-tbus be Deeded at Goldenrod Tbly Slid 1D tbetr llttw: DIY ot:llcers aodboardofdlree- 011 bel. pareots. Mr. i.od Mrs. E. w. An. A fUll freeway eJChance "lnumucb u I years .._.,. tors a.add18cussed11'battbeyhld Qua.cQIDlsb olArcadlaaDdMr. 1.s prodded at tbe -.sterly u-elapsed stnce tbe q...UOU of dooe th1s year and what were to Mr. Brtce told pollee that be a.od Mrs. BurDett Peters ol tension of :lith An,, 1D tbe Buck tbe ~r Bay bU bttDtroucht CHARLIE ... d NELLIE HART be the objeettYes tor next, ,., colnc •est bound on tbe Newport Be&cb. GWJ.ey area near Corooa Hieb-before tbe Hoaonb• CouDcll, PMl Ma.urer of !25 Dla.moa:1. Cout Hwy. lD tbe left lane. SerYlcea •ere Mid Oet. 28 !.aDds. •e should Ute to requut u DEATH c LA I M s Balboa Island. received Ute out-Tblre wu a slow tnOYl.Dc car at tbe PacUlc VIew Cblpel and Mr. De¥ liD aid he plana to CJRIOI'hmlty to preserat tbl Yin~ stadDr cltiJen of the year abMcl of him and be decided burlal ns tn Pa.clflc Vtw Me-preseDt the On' freeway plans potm ot tbe lDter'YfiDirl," awvd. He is a '7th &fade tea.Cber to pus on tlM tllbt. WbeD mor-lal Park. Tbt a ... A. c. to Corooa !Jel war resldeats U Alla.D. Beek of Btaccm 8&.J • N E L L I E H ART at LlDcolll Sebool. tlDd.lDc be ooaldD~ pt I.Dto tbe Aoder.::JO o1 tbePrtnceofPea.ce a town ball meetinc tn ab:lut a repreaeattnc tbe Robtuoos, Tbe Que LiDda beauWlcatk:lo rt.att lane, belta.tedu.tbeweul Lutben.a. Cburch oftletatecL momh. said be wouid like to ban tbe awards nu presented to c1ty assert 111: rtpts to tbe tide-Cbarlu Cooa. wbo owns a lauo- DEMOUT in .. l nftQER .. D 1Lrlis •• bdJrr tbl court ...... ,orDar•allbntlallew. bllltudwupresidlDLbadbeea dromat&IPukA••.Ud.,... . "'"~~ ·~'"'-=~:'.:.tat;. :U~:'r:'.::=-s:.s::t :-.:.~.:..:..~_ .. :.:-:~~T.';ao:... , PROHIBITED --~-, -• lboQ!drt't mate a clalm a tile tbat Cocmet1..mu Ooo llelaDls p.m. Mcotay at Hoar Holplta.L U6 Dlamcwt no receiYed u. Ole t1 tbe .,.lJ store bail.-COI'd plQ'wa, telw15ioa seta, .,_..... • tidelaDds,. said Coacllman would pn the motioll foe ad-VLsUatioo was beld last nl&bt resideatlal aWard. 41np: tD Newport Beacb,at2504 a.od Ultomotlve a.od motcrcycle aU times oa tbe 80Cb side ol Howard Rogers "Perhaps we journmeDt. at Paclftc Vie• Chapel. a.od Tbe ""'otrtcers tor tneyear PHil MAURER W. Oc81.D Ft.. wu tbe Ylctlm parts w1th aretaihalueolmore Senlew An., Coroaa del Mar. shOuld become· lnternoers,. Wltb his voice breatlng. services 'rill be held there at are Prestdem: Bill La Plallt; of eooclei1\QaUoo acUoa ap. than $SO. • DlARlEO unUI the Nov. 10 H1s motion for tbe NoY ·2-4 Councilnwl Mclnnls said slow. 3 p.m. today, Oct. 30. Tbe ReY. Vice Presided: Ralph Allin aod or the removal of their present prcwed Uooday eveotDr bJ the • RECEIVED ootice of the meeUo& the cOGSlderaUoo of bclef1Dc session wu appr~ed ly. "I mOt'e that we adjourn lD David Morsey of La Canada, a Treasurer Tom Houston. Tbe ft.re station. went 00 record as City CowaciL hearing to be held Nov. 5 by tbe proposal of BiDder, Mesty. llDillimously the memory ol. Ne llie Hart, who Jong time frleod of the tamJiy, 9 new board members are LySe opposing the Udela..ods tee. and Mrs. HUda Campfield of Al~ the county ~isors oo the uek' Co., cerWled pubUcac-· died this a.tterooon." will oftlciate. lDterment will be Ftnley, JLm Jennlogs, Duid preseoled the sportsma.nshipa- bambra. whOhasownedthe butl-retentioa or dissoluUoo of the colllta.ots, for audttlncserYices ''DISCOVERY 70" Nellie Hart was ror 8 years a 1n PacUlc VIew Memorial Park.. Jamesoo, AI Kelso, Burton •ard to the outstaodln&: .spxU- dinc tor the past 30 years, was county harbor district; the tor the city for the 1969.70 Catherine Lewis, Ubrarlu member of the oftlctal familY Nellie Hart was bornin Gias-Grant, Don Pennington, Chuck man of the Balboa Island Yacht ordered todemoUshaodremove county LeagueofCltleshupre-.f1scal year, with Increases lD at the ceotralbnnch or the Ha.r-or the City of Newport Beach, gow, Scotland. She came to Call. Grt.mn, Peter Va.ll, and Bill Club, the buUdlDC on the p-oUDds that sellted a resolutloo asking the the aornal audit fee and hOUrly bor Area. BOys• Club, Invites and tor 2 years the first ladY of tornia 46 years ago, and in 194.2 Thompsoo. The objectives for the coming 1t is sub-staodatd, unsafe 100 s~nigors to call an election fees. club members to join the the city, wb.lle her hustaod, she and her husband became The activities over the past year w1U be to beautify the en- unfit for human occ~y. Sbe to permU county Yoters to de-• SET publlc bearl.Dr for 7;30 reading prop-am, "Dlscovery Cba.rles E. Hart, served as Newport Beach residents. year loclude seoding a board traoce to the Little Island, make wu directed to "ab&te the eide the issue. p.m. Na., 10 on the request ot '1'0." An a11rll"d wtU be s~-mayor a1 the conclusion of his making their home at 404 40th member to the Clty Council sure tbe leakages 1n tbe sea oui&uee'' wttbin 15 days after • RECEIVED a letter of tbe Yellow Cab Co, ol Newport plled by the Boys' Clubs of 2 terms on the COUDCIL St., on Newport Island. Cha.rUe meetings, putting in and maiD-walls are repaired, a new groin the dale of posttnc a oottce tha.Aks from Ra)ph P. Mastey Beach a.od Co6ta Mesa tor nte America to each participant Mrs. Hart, whO used to attend Hart became actiYe ln real es-taining a pla.Dter oo the bridge at East Bay Front and Abalooe, OD tbe building, or the eity for the design a.od construction Iocr eases. 1rbo earns ooe or more credits. the CouocU sessions whlle 1\er Ute, served a.s president of the at the eDtnnce to the lsland, ret 1n contact wttb the city to •ill ban tbedemoUtlooa.ceom-of the Nnport 151a.od brldp. • POOTPONED consideraUoa L 1 1 1 d t ' Ne-.po.rt Harbor-Costa Mesa a successful clean-up day last nave the bike riding and doe plllbed and wl.ll assess the cost • RECEIVED a request br f th roposed Udel&Dds use oca coup e a op S Board of Realtors in 1955, and February, seodlng a question-leash laws enforced, and in. apJ.n.st the owner. permlssloD to lease the air ; e ~ to the Na. 10 )olned tbe Seaf.arl.ng Masonic nalre out to the residents oftbe sb.U speed UmU sig~:~s on tbe Mel Ha.uce, seoior bu.Ud1nr space abcJIIre Ceatral Ave. lDd ees or e sted by. the 11 ld K ea boy Lodge Mrs Hart ns a rnem. lslaDd as to tbe ooise ol the isl.wd. Lupector tor the city. told tbe tbe a.djaceot elty 01rD8d par-~e~l' as ~~ -year -o or ber oi tbe Newport Island a.s-Orange c oumy Airport, and a The}' also want to ltu•e Cou.ocU that the bu.lldi.Dc bad ldllg k>t oear tbe Bay Ucktball. O:OC ADO~E~ ~~·solutloD set-soclatioo aM of the Newport street light installed at the a pollee ottlcer direct tnmc beea coostructed tD 1902 as ding. now 01rD8d by Helena rna nte scbedule Yr. and Mrs. Rayrnood J. Beach EbeU Cll.lb. crosswalk at Wartoe An. and on the w~k.eMs, replace tb6 a store and wu later coaver-Famularo, owoer of RestfUl~~ a=~ service lD tbe Brucks ollOOO Saodcutle Dr., s urvivors also IDclude 2 North Bay alley. old tnsh cans wtth new ooes t.d 1Dto a dwelUng. He said that Acres Inc., lD order to &eel: r a.m e Harbor VIew HiUs. ba.Ye flzan-nephews JolUl Murray of Fa.i.r-They alsospentS3000repiac· on ttK> Island, hue speedin&, the UJhtln&. YeottlaUon and flna.ncing lor coutroctloD and clt]\LrrHORIZEO tbeprepan-cla.Uy ''adopted" Lee K.1 Yunc. lawn, rd .• a.nd Keo.oeth Murray ing the sand oo the ba y tront, loading and noisy vehicles curb- fOWJdatioG were iDadequate. all operatkm of a major cbatD f 800 summu r~ .u1 ll.year..old Korean boy, of Panersoo, J.J •• andacous.ln, stencllled ··no bicycles" signs ed, an annual clean-"' drive utilities lwl been shut ot1. in resort type botel; the requut ~D :e N rt {. morrow through Foster Parents Plall. Mrs. Mae Stewart of Brooklyn. on the ba.y tront stclewalks, sent in spring .and annual mem- li66, and tbat reb&biUtaUoo of •as referred to tbe sta.rr. report 00 ~"": and O:)ectiYes 352 Park AYenue South, New N.y. a letter to the city disapproving bershlp drive ln JaniAty. the baUdlng was out of question. • AUTHORIZED partial wal-for distributioo to loterested York City. Attorney Thomas (';uy of San ver of the noise ordinance to lti&e.ns tbrough tbe 3 city U-Mr. aid Mrs, Bruc~, wbo Gabriel, rpPresentlne Mrs. permit tbe lr'fioe Co. to e<lll· ~le alld at City Hall· also han 3 other "adapted chil- Camplleld, aid that the bull· duct gnd1Dg in the Blr Ca.oyoo d ~ 1 000 more tuli S@ts dreo UDder thts Plan, pro,,.ide Oil well keeps ooz ing dlDc wu used as a lf&ek·eod area from 7 a.m. to mldDJ.gN: or er • mootbb' ttolncl&Ja.ssistaDce tor That pesky oU weU llowlDi beacb boule a00 that It was on week da)'S and 'l Lm. to 6 of tbe reports. a mlolmum of ooe year under ln West Newport came IC) again much 80Wider than other bull· p.m. 011 Saturdays La order to • AVTHORIZEO the eJ:ecu-the Foster Pareots acreement. as a matter of coocern a1 Moo- dJ.np In the ficiDity. prE!Jal'e the culley area tor toll Hon of a.o agreement wttb Ced-Ki Yq bas completed the day eTening's Council meeting. Tbe coodemo&Uon resolutioo course greens aod flinrays 1D ric A. Wblte Jr. for appnisal 4tb p-ade 1n scbool, nnkin& at Tbe Council appro.ed a.n oil wu llii&DI.moualy adopted. coo.iUDCUon with lbe denk:Jp-of t1wt 40...acre city dump site tbe top of his cl&s$. Music is well cawing pro}ect last month, Oa other ttems oatbeqeoda, ment of tbe Btr CaayooCOWltry to protide a ruldt b' detar-Ills taYOrlte mj)jeet. Klspueots but there are 2 major dra•- tbe CouDcll took tbe bUowtD( Cl!,j), oortberlyotNewpo:rtCeo. mLIWlg mi.Dimum rentals. As-ortgiDally came from North -backs; the plan may DOt wock, acHoD! tar. slsta..Gt City Maapr Jtm De. Koi"ea as retncees In 1950. a.nd oo cootractor has been yet • DIRECTED ad)l.cent prop-. • ADOPTED a resolutloa dt-Cba.J.rle said that 10 to 1! par. Tbe)' moYed seYera.l Umes be-located who wUI tmdertake lbe lea.se agTeement with the owner. Mr. DeYiin sa.tdllewouldpro- ceed under the terms of the Couocil plan, ~king a con. tractor for the ;ob wtth reduced seq)(' for the project. City Ma.aa.p:r Harvey Hurlburt Slld a report will be brougtlt back to the COW'K'tl, and other ap. proaches to the problem could be then rt>viewf'd. ert)' owoers to construct tbe recttnc tbe lostaltaUoa of gop ties are Interested 1n blddiDL caue of tbe nr actiTlUes &Dd job. loUofrlDc publlc lmprotemeots s.tps oo Corooa del Yar oDe of tbem for ott dr1WJlc. flDally settled 1D Seoul The L.EE IC.t YUMG PubUc Works Dt.rectoc Joe V1ETHAM OUTY ENOS ID tbe West Nnportarea: side· rtretts, so tbat enry J.otersee~ tbe otbers for denklplDc a tatber exbli&Sted his health 1M rMlO'ferlDg his bealtb becatlSe Dnlln reported that cootnc~ ftlk oa S2Dd St. OIJPOSlte tbe Uon DOrtblrlJ of Cout Hwy, mobile borne park, He said bec&mt tbe Yictlm of hlber-be 1s now taader tr.tment tors are reluctaDt to accfP Clty Hall; curbe., ptters; sidf;. wtU baYt slop &1ps, 101ne oa tbat tbe valoe of tbe laDd ns cu1061s. TbeD'IOt.b«e&rDS~ A messa. trom Foster Pa~ the j:ltl because of the $t,OOO n.lkllldpa.,.mtotooVIUaWay, the JUDbertd .treets some estimated La 1968 to be $14 a rDC)(O as a veptable ttals Plallce 1Dforms Yr and cost Umlt set by the Comcu. DOrt!llrb' ol Zvtb St.; m1M4ne on tbe .. me streets. ' $100,000 to $880,000. peddler. Sister H• K)'UQ( b Mrs Bl'uc.ts· • , Your ~ern He sa.td be bad coosuJted Georce portlooa: ol: clll"b, rutter &Dd 2 000 • 6 'd p • 14 ud l& atteadlAr )lmlor hleb tor Ks Y M.bles him to coo-Zeba.l of Balbo&, Aerooutr'OGic aldeftlt OQ botb sides olBal-enJOY ran nx scbOoL Bl'otber Keun Ha., &Ill tmue hla~Uoa ud to share physicist and tbe city's oil lee- boa Blfd. betwMG 18th St. ud r 7, 1s U b01'V4t. added btoeflts with bls amity pap coosult&.Dt, wlth a Yitw to Jllt st.i tile eltJ .W do tbe Tbe Fo.ter Pa.retU ptOinDl ai reducing the scope ollbe pro- wort &t tbt SJI'CIPUtr OW'DII'S' ~matelJ !,000 people fbr tbe most ..... 1 tricycle. tDlbles K1 Ywac to atQ tD c1Yin.clty~ som:.:ea;re t ject to stay wltllln the u,ooo tJPeUI: If tbl projects are DOt tbond GP s.day to ftielllOO Diet S.u, member or tbe sebOol, IUs tatblr 11 r.,ported :C~ ~ e e 11 :;: llmU. .t:t.l't*' bJ New u e,...nt, compete la tbe Zlld Blrd Clab ud resldeDl of to be mUtrtc mme procress 1D 1 ., e se • -l4r. Zebal has caut''lOed thl • • AOOPTED"or.it-etsl5 ~ Ball>oaldMGnadPrlz Con. <Ill lilt. ab.tod lllallbe . e -y. CouneU ,,_, llle Pl"<liJOS&l toe&~> _...., ••• mptloo rna: .... trteyelol, -"'., lllo !)I'Oir&lll ..... rou~or-. .... Want to go to Brazl'l? "'· ... u may ... halt ... "" t11o roat jar..,.ny -1u p-eal ud llor-Bird Ct-. o ....... Into lllo Newport lslaod Airman Fir st Class EU1ott F. Stoucflton, son of Mr . and Mrs. Frank L.StoughtOI'l, West-z...-v c tuf Drt•e, WestcUJI , has ar- rtYed ex duty at Patrick A FB, Fla. He is a S\ClPI)' specialist wtth t&e 65SOtb Air Base G~, a unit ot the Alr Force Systems Command. He pr eviously ser • Ted at 0a Nang AB, Vietnam. 11/;IIS HAII!UIHit Babs racing in Mexico ,_ -1o prCIIIftV II bolllc Tbo-ollbe -eluo OOMCERT I; T OCC c ..... t, ....... , .. COII!Ilnc acqoolrod 1>J a pololle -· na Allholtlol~ollllr-Tbo ~ Coul Collop Tbo N.-port Ball>oa Rolar7 tbocllslrletw!Uboproricledwtlll ooar <Srd st. 111&1" cause lbo -Haoollr!JII<. SO.y..,-Oid llabl" eor wu -pod bJ , .&DDPrED or.a-tsU, IIJIIIIC M ~ 1akm. Tbo OYooile bru1 --wlDC!ab. II __. •llll lllo air tra .. t upooses to llrull prusure to bolld 10> ud come a..-talaoder. tool< olf to her Ro,.r '-It 1011 bolll I>J M ---.lllo_.tllmll--udtbO-IIodGrud jltla-lbe-etoolrllldltolaly Font'llae otRolarJ ~-tx this -oatil---~_,lllll-.la(. SUe..., -oii'MI I IO to • .UU u. ._·-au Prb flllllta .... ,.. bJ OW. .... baM ll. a fHrl a.cct ~ 1811"1 a cMia •ward 1M1t bt billet• !S 111!1 Wb1f C:OIIIPlJ.tMtoo wu r.. 0c::t. JO., u c-. ot 110 ooac--Elllult Co. If IUN ..... ftl laqo'·JIIIoJI4. ____ ~. w-.. 1ut ,_.., IDr llarllor-ntl' "lllllotar--' --1111 IS,_. olaao. -lopod tu-by Yr. O..lla llld 11J tuata lllo-I,OOOkm. o-8acU ... a VW ...,... Aft. &ld ~ ....-......s. occ ,....._ ata,.._uu. PIDtl 1 1 -to be a nc:a•t Its' cn01fprofii5-Gtortt ea-.... U.dty'atldt-era• •wtct nee frooaL Ea." aida.._. ---'1\oorllllla. Tbo-----_,,!lor. I. puttllllo .... ...,_ ... -kll-two ,...Ia_ -:lllotallo--·Lal'u.Bor--"' -• .1nllOftD 11111 ,.ol Ill ... til .. • .... (inM .... tl II a lirUl1 llr I aA8 CJirtd. alii IIW"NM ftk* ...... .Ia Canl. Mwa.w,&CINI..aal etralt ttiW'snoalll1 --1'111. Tbo n111o 1tr ...,.._ IOaUTWIL.at TO Tt.L.l. --lr--· CMI'tt • ·--·l"c:ttae:•llloOII-lllo--utllt-Dallu, 1'oao. --'-loo--ltJIIIo~~ -...... 0 tT ... Tbo ... J .. ., ... __ .......... """ ·---oflllocM='la--of ... til' MD II as 11· zc..-.. a. .. .-..,... ... ,....... tf .. lltli 1111rea il ........ a , ?tlelllr ...,...e/e....,CIIbtfKw-eoe·•--ud 11 _.. CJJ 'JJ"IC ••=• Mil .... ---·-,•:;•••-......,, .til.-••-• tlli'*••t, ... lo_,oot...,P.0. .. -.1111-,..atr. Mr.~~~--nl -lA Pu ••--• ••-• --Tbo ... c.r,o& ___ 'Mt*o t 1, .. _u,ot•Pso r • P • nc;IIIID• 7ot11t, 1tr ••.ro•ttapolllllltt-bolll_.--•• _ .. .. .. bun "lll ....... a-trltoflll·---.&a.,_-.----Tltoltool-kltP--..,a -Md IIIII 'PIn • .61toot ..... Itt Ill _,.....,. ........ -----·--ra .:.,..... "' .......... ,.-................. ·-·-·-· .... _ .. _ - • 'IIIUI!IMY,OCT ... -"SWEDEN'S HARVEST OF IMMORALITY" • 1r III.WIIC 1- lw Clf/1/mAII BCOHOIIICS _.aw,_--. --,.· -'«1_._,_,._,.,.",_, ,. ..... , ,.,. ...., ... ,. ......... lilt£ ow, ,_,. .. ol /J(J() .. ,. ..... ct. 4a 1'11 1 • IJ .. f41 "'No ..,.-..u .._ tlwtt 1M1 '*-,_/IJO#Nfl -... lh fW Ia _, ..._ .. •tMI' /ff14'r«<W"W llttlil tltW wHIIiffJ . ...,anbh U. z•• diiC 0DU1111Y •1 &.My in tM -"' ...., (N--·-fw ... -- --1ltolr .... -dol lhll -... - <71.. .ltlf _, .llet- .. ,. 17·-...W-..... ....... • .... ---.... .mo ......... _... • a ,.,., tatfw:1 If& _...._ ot tht Sal lfilll ac:hool *1' 1 • ,-.. on In ..... of •Lt ,,_.. Md llllnatric:t· lhl ..... ........,. of ..... :ntiolt. .. ~ .e.o..t .... ania.wlity ot 1'1111... -lito.. varloao _,_;.. dovica, Ulqjli- .... ., Ml ,_. 11 ...._. .,_ ma&e birtha CODiiftue 10 rite ia IIUIBblr. ,_.., M t t 11 .. -...... ~od.ay half ~ tht ~is w~ F ~o the ,_., $1; __,-a~ are pre~-11 a me ODe· joool -II ,_. o1 -!1'1 ,_ thord '""" ,...._ dala. -.... ...,.._.. ..... .. .. --.... _ lltol-IODd ........ a ••• ....... ......... 19501 about 9 pm:cnt of the birthl n · _. t I d111 Ia 1 ... -... 4Jt ported . were ilkakimatt. whercu b7 _.., W.tiUI .., ..... 2J ,._... I 96" lllcptiaaate bin hi wen t 3 petCIDI ef •· 1J ~-' Pat4 ....... of lhc total. By contnat the U.S. rae. of W lui a, __ ..,_. -_. .._ llleJilimate births ia 1at than half of -ofl7fwllto---a-s-.· .. Of 1:12,664 blrtho Ia 1!163, .... ucc. a.., 7 ,..... a •• 16,117 wa'e W.aidmale. n. number of ...... .., •......., .....-«•c• • llleJidmac. births IOIC from 11,$00 ia ._ A.... U .. unlr)' atda... • 1960 10 11,000 In 1966. with no t"'M-... '"_. .... ..... a. I tu. ,.,.bk rite in the FQeral birth rae.. AI .. _,. 4t ~ ._. a.lll liiJer. a result ot this tendency tocby,' every ~ .,-Jl, '>' IM4., '75 Pt•«lll tenth Swedish chikl is born out ol wed~ 'I ;4totw......,.. kxk. ARVO E. HAAP/o, ... ., Md publlilltr of lie EMIF oo~oo~oo~ooo.-oo TIDELANDS USE FEES OPPOSED In ;, 1947 poll, 41 percent of the pe:r- .\01\~ ;,sk.ed responded that they felt pre- marital ~xual inten:ourw was perfectl} A recenl newapaper report alated that C•-lfiNacoc•epDtltiaa•a .... A111rft1• .. EiJbty percenl of youna Swedes admit It was comp&dc:ly inepl to praaibe or that they have pre-marital ICll uperi· sell contraceptive devices in SWeden un- ences. 77 ,wrcrnt lw/M~ fOinr :~wldy, til the late 1930s. They arc now readily This week's "Scuttlebutt," the news- letter of the Newport Harbor-Costa Mesa Board of Realtors, contains some thought- ful observations on the tidelands use fees proposed by the Newport Beach City Coun- cil. The comments are contained In the weekly message of the Realty Board president, J. Peter Barrett, who grew up In our Harbor Area and Is familiar with the history of the development and growth of our city. The attention of the City Council is respectfully Invited to these words from Pete Barrett: IDdtftdually, I must ta.ke issue with tbe City Council of Newport Beach aDd their 4 to 3 'ote to prepare a.a ordlJaoee imposing a "tidelands use fee" oo certa.LD property owners who, by their own foresigtll, lrdtlattYe aDd upense, enjoy full use of tbelr pier lo Newport Harbor. First. ma.oy years ago WileD the core of encmeers est:abllsbed bulkbead liDes aDd pierllead Uoes, I ban to belhwe tbelr lnteot was to reserve the 1ntenening areas tor piers aDd docks, and, therefore, I ca.ooot agree tbe pien llltrude on public rights ol way. Secolldly, It appears to me the "other community" comparisons the city l:las shown as r eceiving use fees or percentage lees for services are, in fact, fees paid tor use of r:ree lands ~lied by those commun1ties. This is in coDUast to our citizenry who bought their lands 1n fee, a.a:i, at their own upeose, dneloped their bulkheads, their docks, aDd, 1n a sense, their on "tidelaDds." The City DOW would charge them a tee tor using their cnrn 1mpra¥e- ments over lands bought ln good faith, and 1f1tbcM.R coo- tra4tet100.. as being thelr owu. Third, allhoudllhfl ordLDaDce 1s DDt .Jet n.u,.,u to its lDelasloos, U ~Mma..appulllll tbat OM tblrd Gil till dMI•& piers iD lbe bay would DOt be aftededUM! Abject to tbe fee, Willi tile potential of tile -laf laill( de"fe-by prl- Yale lDdu&try, as many moreplersarelikel)'to be deYeloped as are DOW 1o the bay, AND NONE OF THEM WOULD BE SUBJECT TO THE FEE : Therefore, tbe fee, at best, must be described as highly discrimLDatory. Cities, a.s tbey seek additional rennue, const:antly are seeldog sources not sub)ect to public renew. Property t::u.es, of course, are constantly UDder public reriew; and whereas they always are Imposed as last resort measures, 1t Is understaodable that less "public disturbing" sources or lDcome are pre!erred. The Income generated by this ree has been estimated to be the equivalent of 3~ oo tbe city tu rate; and although the City Council bas beea assured the adm1nlstra.Uon and collectt.o.D of the fe e will be quite simple, there Is no assura.nce U will DOt degenerate lnto anotber "Utile beaurocracy," drainiDg otf portions of tbe lDcome, lesseniag to a great degree the a.dva.Dtages tbe elln iocome generated 1n the tlrst place. Particularly, I cannot agree "use fees'' of th1s or aoy type ever shpu)d be appUed to sillgle tamlly restdeoces; 7Qil. of the properties sub)ected. I beUeve, are jost UJat. and pay additional property tues DOt ooly to tbe e1tJ, tu to ALL OTHER TAXING AGENCIES SIMPLY BECAL5E THEY HAVE A PIER -this has been elaborately documented and presented to tbe CouneiU -J. Peter Barrett. • • • DON'T RISK THIS "HARVEST" The promoters of sex education In our public schools have a very simple argument: There Is an alarming Increase in venereal disease, drug addiction, unwed parenthood, and divorce; therefore sex education must be Included In the public school curriculum to help solve these problems. That was the basic message given last week to the Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce education committee by the prime-mover In the local campaign, Mrs. Dorothy Paull of Costa Mesa, director of family life education In the 4th district of PTA. Both Mrs. Paull and the chairman of the education committee, Dr. Nolan Frizzelle, raised an Important point: the need for a controlled experlinent to deter- mine If, Indeed, the family life and sex Instruction Is the answer. The Chamber's education committee and the Newport-Mesa School District need not be entirely In the dark concerning the effects of sex education In scboolll. Sweden provides the eumple. NU.-Erlc Brodin, who has studied the llltuatton In that land of permisstveness, has written a serte• of articles for CluUttan Economics, a pubUcation of the CluUttan Freedom Foundation, 3030 W. 8th St., Los - DR. ALONZOBAKERwtll- at ll>e Newj)Ofl Beat:ll Ebell Club's lune.heoa~meettAc 'Tbur- sday, Na.. 6, at the clubbouse, 51 5 W. 8aJboa BlYd.., Balboa. He tus travelled constantly s1oce 1923 and bas toured alllbeeoo~ Unents ot the work! .seTeral U.mes. Hts recent trJp Included Outer Mongolia, Siberia, Cen- tral Asia and Eur~ Russia. He Is professor of pollU.eal science at Loma Ltooa Univer- sity, Rl•erstde campus, and professor emeritus at tbe tln1- verslty of the Paclf1c, stock~ ton. From tluJ Bible But if ow aospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost: In whom the &od of this world halh blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the liaht of the alorious aospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them. For we preach not our~ selves, but Chr is t Jesus the Lord; and our selves your servants for Jesus' sake. (IJ Corinthians 4:3·5.) LeHers • YOUNG FOLKS NEEDED straight ly Tom Anclenon NATIONAL COUNCIL OF CHURCHES-PART II The National Council of Churches is anti- Christ, anti-American and Ulepl. The National Council of Churches is ~xempt from federal taxation on the basis that it .. shall not engage in inftuendng l~aislation or enpge in lobbying.·· It is one of the most ruthless political forces and one or the mosc effective lobbyists in this country. Los Anaeles poltce chief. Tom Reddin. has revealed that the N.C.C. has born giving funds to the Black Panthers and Students for a [)emocratic Society, boch of which are actively engaaed in !!edition. How did the National Counctl of Churches come to this? What has happened. and indeed what ill: happening, to our churchmen? A good starting 'place would be with Or. Harry F. Ward bad around 1907. Or. Ward was pro- fessor of Christian ethia at Union Theological Seminary in New York City. the laraest Kmi- na•y in this country. He had a record of more than 200 Communist affiliations and citations as list~d by the House Comminee on Un- American Activities. For 25 years or more. Dr. Ward arranged for young mc:mben of the Communist party to go through Union Theological Seminary on scholarships. Today, more graduates of this seminary occupy pulpits or teadl in othat seminaries, colletcS and uni- versities than do graduates of any other the- ological seminary. Funhermor~. Dr. Wud. an identified Com- munist. served as General Secr~tary of the Methodist FC<kration for Social Action from 1911 to 1944. He was a founder of the Amt>r- ican Civil Uberties Union and he served as its Secretary for 20 years. He trained the ultra- leftist Bishop Oxnam and many othen . Plus. Joseph Komfeder. a member of the National Committee of the Communist Party. U.S.A .• testified, under oath, that Dr. Ward discw~d with Stalin how to u~ the American clergy and the church to influence U.S. foreign policy and p;omote Communism. In other words, the Communists and the Nattonal Council of Churches are for destroY- ing America. Capitalism and Christianity. Yet. theo:etically. if not theolosieally. th~ N11tional Council of Churches "represents .. 41 million Protestants. The hierarchy of the N.C.C. hypocritically claims that it speak.s 1o its 41 million members and not for them. Tile Na- tional Council of Ch_urches recently "spoke to" its 41 million members asking them to boycott California grapes. so Man.ist leaders can get a strangKhold on all the grapes produced in California. This would be a giant first step toward unionization of all farm workers in this country. A major goal of the Communists 1s so-called .. agrarian reform," meaning com- munization of all agriculture. This would mean thai all big land-owners would be shot, and the government would own all land--and the workers. However, what most of the do- good in& clergy don 'r seem to understand or TC'ali.z~ is that most of them would be shot, too. It wo.ld be • tnck 1oM for our ~ -to ktee tiM' laidow•n. No doubt the ~hmtian way. as defined clf:ar- ly by 1esU5, is sJow and difficult. It il in no sense J)amoroa:n II involves the patient re- demption of individuals. It does oot include mass redemption or a redemption achteved by le,!islatKm or compulsion. Of course. it is not surprising that there are periods in history when some clergymen want to engaae in soMething more glamorous o.nd excitin& than day to day ministration commanded and ex· C'mplified by Jesus. It also sums clear. how- ever, to most Christians, that we should follow the teachings and the examples of Jesus- not the N~ Couad ot C••~Mtt (More on the N.C.C. next week. )-American Way FeatUres CONSERVATIVE CORNER Editor of the Eoslp, By CloNnee Strang DOt Gow bow U wu done, be-statJon. A Negro glrliD aa ad- THE TIME IS NOW : WAKE UP! Allis nll tbateods "SYell"l eause I n.s asked to returo to jol.Dlng booth needed tome STAND UP! SPEAK UPI Oa Saturday, 11 October, I the puaeocercompartmett. We ebange. Sbe uked me 1f I could By watching closelY the ac-took off for Wuhlngtoo. D.C., flew tot many au:tous minutes, break a qtarter, I A1d ''No," th'iUes of our old professiooa.l but went around "RobAD Hood's aod wbeo ftDl.Uy we touched bat lp:reberadimeUdrefl&sed poUUclans, I am postttnly SlD'e Barn" 1n arrtring at my desti~ down we were at uttle Rock, any mooey 1D retun. I ued tb1a: that we oeed (now more than na.Uoa. First, n detoured to tbe Arkansas. I leuDid that we bad as an aample of good race re- ner beb'e) to han YOUI:I& Seattle area, lDdwere rewarded gone down Cf(er Te.JU, aod tbeo lations ud said: • 'Remember people In their places. by see1ac the spectacular sum-bad flown arouDd tbe storm. tbat Whitey did this for you.. •• The actioos 1n America, tbe mJta of IDOW capped lnOUIU.1ns From Uttle Roct to Nortb At tbe Rocky MOUDtain step, actlooslncommunisteountrtes, tbat loomed~ along our rowe .. CaroUoa, 1t was an tmeYeattul a Necro womaa W'l.tb 3 ehildreo as weU as those ln oeutrallst Arri'f1ngtbere,DUtwedlreeted "bop," and I dosed pea.eefully oceqpled tbe seat behiD:I miDe. countries, for ce me to say our our eoar• to tbe~,IDd for 3 bours ooly toanten'l'beo Sbe Deeded more room,udtold poUUelans of today are un. beaded ilr an objectlnlDotla-we arrived at our destinatioo. ber U.ttle boy about 8 years popular and "stint." boma.l ftl rellcrred'Wbenlsaw My tbouJI!U: baYe returoed o1 ap to sit bellde me. He,.. Words such as ·•war 1D Viet-tbat our ooar~e wu due east, many, many times to Little a nice little feUow, Ud later, oam" are highly lq)OpUiar wttb becua tbat lD:!lea.ted tbat '"' Roct, ror tbat bas become a wbell be JOt sleepy be leaDed the public, but maoy tlmeswel-had returDed to tbe ktttude ol mUestooe 1D tbe b1ltory o1 our OYer apJ.D.st me aad I put my corned by politicians for tbe.:.r Sout.b81"0 Calii:Jnda. ud at 1ut COWJty. It wu tbere tbat Pre-arm arOUDd blm. He slapt own popularUy, eveo at tbeeost were '-dec~ toward our Ill-sldent Elaeobotrer sent para-souD:tly tor many mu-.. ud ot blood ol our chJidren, Umate dHtiDiikJD. troopers ua:ter former lb.jor wbeD I got off at RlcbiDOild, How many times durtnr the Howcrrer, tbe fates bad C.oeral Edwla A. W&lter to I cue his mother a dollar bW, 6-year a.dmlnlstratJoo of Pre-decided ot.btrwtat. AfttrYebld enbce IJUcnHoa ~ lbe ud told ber to cet lee cream stdeat Johnsoo did the DemO-p&aHd: OfW YUt stretebes ot public ICbools, It YU tbe re-tor tbe ti!Wes. I uplaJDtd: erat senators aod poUtlcians uotnlwhlqd ooaltly at 5 milia salt ot a )l11eJa1 decree made "He wu my boy for a Utile ba.e the chance to eod the war per m.J.aatli1 tM .. ft.aally set. bJ' tbe majoritJ ot Ill.-mea. wbtle." In VIetnam? Wbea dlrDea toot (It'll', ttwas poUUeally appolated I.Dt DOt WbeD I arrl'ftld ln Vll'p.a&a, For example, ooe terrible not b' DDc. b tbt most spec. e*'-1 by ~ 'f'Ote, wtddl I foaad ttat tbere ue IIJt -. day tllls month, .men Seo. Alan taealar elletrical display Uat decided u.t blaek aad 'Widte 1D1.Qf blacks 1a tbat state u Cranstoo erpressed ertUeism ever l bid .-eo Uebhd tbe ebiJdr.a lboWd bt t:aqtlt ~ tbete nre t.D lfortb CaroUJa. of tbe war, It was DOth1Dc elle aortben bor1.-. FreqtaeDUyiD ptM:r. u:ll baYe ~edDO~ butpr~forhJm•U. tbe .,,.._. Ammers, bat lamDOtra.cecoucJou.How-ol ncJaJ t.adoa, IIMpU.cw ll Is a shame to ban poi!Ucal lei$ tr~ Ia Sollll>en .... , I do IMit rocall ..., H..,.. [l<Oilmll;r lo llle ..uDoo.t copl- represeotattves Ute this man, Ca.l1inla, I llld seeD Uebt1Dc ebUitriD 1D rDJ cl&ues dwtlc tot. Se<tera1 ftiU ..,, a ftre wbo bad 10 years tt.me to.,._ ,.. ... , ahrQJ: &CC:Ompuledby alJ erammar ICbool uct ... ol IDSirtermiaed ori.ctD dta- Ucly deoy ~rt or ttda: ...,. tb_,..., bit tb1l wu dlfrereat. tebool di,Ja. Tbtre..,.. aM troJed a W'boll bJoek ol bill- and oeur bad ll occurrtd lo Tile-~~~ -111e -H-• tllo "3-wtdlt I dlap, ~~or .. and ..,._ blm ti.11 now. ,..., aa are ol more tbu SIO na •"-"•r the ....._, bo •••· ntrtJ ta.m.Uiea ,... YOUD( Amer.leaos, staDCf • decr"s, Ud l:lrmld a OCJD. ud I IBidl It a poUt, oa -.. made bollelwt1 Uld I .-a andlalte-plaeetllore-e 11-llllt.la-edlr-, ~-oftllom,lo-..,. of-.-., lobe" tile old moo ban oo rlJ[IIlo bo Iller -·ltd from -blm ~ Ia tllo.,., and to ool. Two ......... Ire-- bee&... of lllelr ftODJ dolaJ. e-, and tllo lll"oml-wu .. uo, u I ~·· bl• a frWir llld Ia a ...,_ 1111 II .... 1!-.llko 10me of ooorpoUU-relleeltd by-·--.. ~ TOdiJ -1 -a ~-llltle*•p. el&u ban acted oo Haaol'e Ia aa--of •a .a lloputwwt,{_IW_ ,_ Ia -JUdo ... orders. ..,.. -. _. ... Ud • rV .._ coe·a ' tie •Ida Jill'-...... ...._ occ. • ~ PoUt1d•n• l1kt ttds are OG lOt eo ...,. lire a •• 11111t Ia zr• _. ....-.._ ..... 4RIIliJ ..a tile tuw&Q 1 ... --a,llllwtllrto0111-IDOil -wo 1 led tllo I do Oil---a an Oil ---tllo dllfereot poUIIco ... poll-!~ a _, --·----·-neola -dar lfiJIIJI Uei&M. Pr..U,.ota.pen-*owiiid •llf .. r.rol ....... , llJI-1 ~~~taft ... , '1' "ICEIWL IDeol lou -llodljo ---._ w a _,--ltwellliiJ, ..t-'-II-D gr aD -I -reus IDd ow cr-t A...SCU 4&4 e ' 11f t11111 •••=• 1 t111t a ••••I' u ... ,...,... \Is,_. tl•wUn~etl~ Jll"eollp -lo & --.... PI'IYIIoled to oa Ia tllo -• 2 I I ol---lito -_, I - pllo.Waodelllto"Aal .. _. '*"" • I ..... -.. -----~~--.-llolr-,IU ..... wore bon aftor taollld -~~~ PI 11• -'J .. fllltl_, ptllll --lllltoD ' Ifill II .... .., II lito ....... -,blldiJIOCplll-•lJ011--Ito--l. .. Wlil ._ ...... 11-fll--cl AaceJH. A porUon of the Oct. 28 arUcle, ..., --• ~ no -., 1-'u -. 1 .., --..,.,.. 111o --.._ "Sweden'• laarYest ~ lmmora11ty" 18 _ _,_ ... __ -·.,·----.. -.u IW A I-IW .. riPrlllted on thi.l p-ce. Let u rri Nit ::..*":':';~".::;"': :.:-'.:"=,; •.,-.: "!":::.:~~;a.::::"~ - ; =. \ ": Ulat barY..t here among our youth. (C..U.uod oo-J) "• 11 a IIIIJ-l.ldt 1-It'll 2 ,_ ..... -., .,. --. L • -. ...... uy;.,. '"C1oildton. ,.... bul -.. --l" ._,...duw ..... •C I 1 1 ... c I a•••••· .... I¢. ' ....... .. , ..,, t1 ..,.._.lrDII..._ A ...._ ... t. c I W&l••• I W -.. ............ ' ................ a 1lf •rr --. n., ....,. • 11 0 f .., .... ,,,., ;11••....,..'' Ubcral laws aoveminJ abortioM came: into effect in 1919. riapitc the feet lhPI 1he wide uac of contraeep- dve deYica would apeear lO mU.e ebonioM .... nee· -.ary, the number or both leJPI and ir1ep1 aborliona has rilen ahuply. The racrictiona aovernln& leplly pu#ormed abortion~ have been cued conaiderabfy, Jn I 960. few eumple, there wt:re 3.08S r«quatl of which 62 percent wuc annt«d. In 1963. there we:re 4,$32 aP" plicalionl of which 7J percent were &ranted. And, in 1967 lhere 'ftre 7,380 requests. of whk:h 9$ perunt were ar:.nted. Pwwlllwllow .... Ye•real DIM•• Prostitulion is no longer reaarded u a crime in Swe- den. nccpl in the eases where force or minon au involved. In 1962, whi&e arrests were still bc:ina made. Stockholm police rcporu showed that in an area of a few bloc:b 201 girls wtre arrested. 71 bein1 under the ap of 21. Although prostitution statistics no lonaer appear on police r~ords, this figure discloses the maa- nitude of the problem. Pma.,. • .arc ...... r-et ,......twdo. is thai of "boy-pro&ritution." Homoxxual atrain between con- sentint adults over Ill ceued to be a crime in Sweden in 1944 and is a arowing. problem. lna.smuch as the Seaal age limit ts three years higher for sexual relatK>ns be- tween maJo; than few heterOKiual relation.~. this ha~ encouraJed homosexual pr051itution. T'-IIK:W.:JKI! ., •Nn"HH .............. . ...... -........ l"'lft dallf ~ ...,. .. I'H'o oe·~ • ...... 1'-..... V.D. rMt ol•y ... ___ .. .........,.fo __ tk c-. of reporttd t<I!Mftlll ~ Men-• tro. 13,111 M 19511 to .,_. tto.We, u ,nt. lw I'M. The m<bl dishearttning ;u.pecr of thel.c )fati)lic.!. i.'i that the very young figure so prominently. The moat rapN:S increa~ in V D . infectkm-rate ~ noted among: the IS to 19-)·ear~d girls and the 21 to 2S-}·ear-old boy~. Whereas in the 193<A. the IS to 19-year-old &iris constituted only 20 percent of the total rate. by 1962 it had reacMd n perc~nl. and the percenraae is 11ill climhing. It 4oft 1101: ~ t1i111t fllf-.tioll about V.D. in the sea eduattion classes in rhe schools haJ had the pf'WK:ted effect. In fact. the C05I5 for medical expem.e:~ have ~red and reached in one year alone $1.7 million. .. Authoritiel do noc know what to do about it, .. writa Biraitta Unner, an expert on su educalion. She quota Dr. Mak:otm Tonie o( the National Board of Health as sayina. "Despite all our efforts to educate the young people throu,h lectures, brochures and. other ,means. lhey jusa do not seem to care." Dr. Tolrie addtd. "It is quite fantastic how some ktds are no1 motivated lo prevent prernancy or V .O. Education doesn't seem to innuence the V.D. r•te. To inHuencc sex behavior ts something we cannoc do much about." There is in Swedtn today a wholly unprecedtnled preoecupation with scx in alrno&t every medium of eJt- pression. As a result of this JfUI interest in free snual expra.sMxl., there have been strong pressures to remove the few remainina laws governing the sale and produc- tion or "pornoa;raphic:•." The laws have been removed. and there was a startling difference between vWts to Sweden in 1967 and 1968 .. EYCry comer neWSiand had in prominent displ1y boob and mapzina featurin& color photos of coupks of whalever combin•tion of :.exes, enaaaed in a variety of erotic activittes. n.. .. -.. ,_.,. ............ ....... .,. ........ , ... __ .. ..,,_. aopq..,,....,. ..__....,. • -..e-.., a • tyr' I• r ' I 1 II. ._ ._.. _.tt.,.kw ..., .._... • fn It• .......... w ... ..,. ......... t. 5walr , ...,. ...,.e • -.e4 for ,... •••• ,. n.,-....-~a ................ Buc appara~tly Swedish youna people also look upon porrtOJraphic literature ··as a nalural thins." With the removal of the: ptnious few ralricltons came a verita- ble flood of new pubfationa. many with specialization& such as IPdo-muochism. fetichism. homosaunlily and lesbi•nism. One more conventional hetcrote:JtuaJ seria of boob called Llw~ I and Lov~ I/ .. .etc., 10ld.JOO.OOO oopte,. in two monlhs, possina almoat S2 millton. Swe- den r.. Scandinavia's adin& putYCyor of pornosnphica. This record could. most liUiy. be: CJtlended worldwide. ha,.r a.,....._._ • ._.,._C.. .... .....,. ...... , ................. ... ,..,, a ,.._ c..,...,.,. •uapoly et ,....,. ••h .. ............ lie.,._ ., .... , .. ...a .. "" ... _,_.._......_ n. CJ"III luc ' n.. a. ttw fltW of sex im~rucdon .,.. lO er..ticate "ipora.nce" unona the youth of s ... den. In view ot lhe ...-did ra:ord •nd lhe havoc created by the IOOIIed ..... ilhkMae.f' throup M:X educa- tion, h may be concluded thllt no such pt has .,_.. .. -. ,_ "enliaJo-· .... bliaJoaoot end .. t.uct.d lhe: utioe 10 the point that IOf'nt predict • c:wtlphte ~ of the nation which ,.,.. the -IODd ,.. of -ci>ilizolloos. "-101M! FOCI .... ..._ .... beta +«"rl ••kltapnlilfiiR t Sa._ __ ... ............ -. 2 ... . \) ._ .. __ ., .. ___ .. ............................... •eC&Ir'l ........ .,... ... ... -· -------0 a ,·p 1 ,.,414 ... , .. 4 .... ' Alh11dt, ..._ •twtwl Look fertut llla .... ll -•• .,. ...., 111o-•one .., ., 11w1o1 a ........ -.... -..... 130 'Oltal llilllor ,.,..._ ... -.., .... Milly. i ... c-.-AlAWA- Y.&,Ioc ....... .---...... ~ ttHri ... IA$06711 1961 COIYAII CODA ~W.. 4 o,..4, rHie o-4 S...t.r •. 1VIl6171 1M4 CNI1'SLII NIWI'OIT 4-0..r s.t ... Y..t, ftctwr elr Ufl• llliti...tAto .... _ ..... ~ ttrMri ... ,._ ~e\:n. IOffMJ I 1t61 ,_,II LTD 4·0001 ID.ul Otte .... ,,. ltO V-1, •••-•tic, ptwer 1IHti"'9, rdio, hoot.,., ... ttroo IVT,70II $795 S695 They'll live in Berlin -_. _, 1oo 111o 1 ... II, Wllll&lu Sr. at Ra6- JIIr Ll.lld 1111. -. Pa.,-IU-uiU Jr., no .... hit .... Blrtllau.IJ, tn-IIU'rtld as .,, ~ 11, It .... , ................ . · C11111 a.dl 1lf 111o ... c-. 11Doc -llldt E. -lr. tnJ ......... 'I'M "'* .... ud ,,., , J..cac. -Milo Carol~ •• .._., .. -.-... "hr <II lilt. lid IIII.IIUI CUalo a-.-•lol&. 'lllriiJ oiW&aaln WaJ, Colt& ...._ .,...,.. ud lltlaf1b.. -. ---.. ---lid no .... lluld~,.... .. ,.._... -•,.... fM dDIIMtl'llcwddlac....ne.. WU .. ....,..Uo Clllllla I 'he--. a w1111o-Cloo-palldaW- -~-... ., -••• -to -MimaiiiJ II lllo -1111 IMw!tl( t11o 100 poola. A IPO<ll1.--bneiW IIBclb ,...,.._ A tbt llrfdep'oom'• en~. •'*e'111 aa.e.lteecbnctbeldblr lin .. · Lura ua:rr.,. ol Pbl.la-10-•aU. Sbo eanfod a ........ •-booijuot of p-. Tile -lilt•. Wllllam• Loa 1111 ............. ~ al Cool& 1<-HIP Tile maid al -. -lldlool Uld -Oruco Corolo G<todor .c-..... c.a Collop ....... -It- • bloo-clrou wllll-._ IICIIool.lla-Uid ud -braid lrlmmlDC.IId .,_... Ia t11o elau all!lll .... canlod a ........ .._ -llle U.S.IIillDrJAcademr olDb*c:anatku.Matc•tacrw at WtatP--. .uteratrlptotbe wert ta. br'dll,•ldl M1M Eut Cout tbe M!Wlfwtdl Will , Cal:lt.J WIIU.m1, .w;; ot tbe be at bOmt 1.1 BlrUD, GerrD&QJ, t .:r;:"• = ~· .... ~:. ":!: = ~·=:n ~ S.liWI AHD .lL EXAMDIR 101111n Ill Sarah Sheward bride of Alexander T orb itt How the Chinese do it l...eFnd ha• it that Ch.ioae docton tUCd to be p&id only while their patients were hcallhy, aot no ree durina iiiDCU. 1t llllftiUI IOUnds reasonable. In ract, there •"' phY"' licians today who spccialille in kccpinc their p!lltients healthy. Pnw:111iw: medic:inc, it'• caled . All doctors Pf1ICtioe it as much as they c:an. tr you act regular checkups., your doctor has a chance tO keep you rrom acttina sick. Modem drup play a lar~te part in this practice, and that's where we phannac:ists'comc in. But only you can make preVC"ntive mcdK:ine wort-by p:ttina into the habit or rea:ular checkups. 11'1 a YeT)' aood Mica. Christensen Phannacy 30ll £. COAST IIWY .. COJIOWA DZL MU OIIIOLE S-1550 ltU POll 6ALAIII Ht HAIITOf' -4-0..., V-I, creiMI!Iolic, t .. lo•y ''' uMitiotd!tf, f11ll ,.....,, ro4ie, •••'••· IPIXJJ71 S1J95 Marrla~ YOWl were ex-Tbt bride, a 4tb poetatioo cb&Dpd at 4:30 p.m. Oct. 18 C&WorDlan, atterded Orange at St. Andrew's Presbyteria.D Coast Colle&e aod Artzooa.Stale Cbareh ol Newport Bach by UDlYersit}'. She was a 1966 Mln S&rab Josep~ Sbeward Natloaal Cbartty League debu- ot BIJ SbOI'es and Alez:uxler ta.ote, Tbe groom is a craduate Torbltt m of Hooollllu. Dr. afol~lbe~~l1Dl~•~er~ol~ty~o~f~Ha~w~all~. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cbarles Dterenfteld, cblD'ch r putor, cooducted tbe double rtac wecldiDg ceremooy. 1 tM fOil c•ltOM 4-0001 SDN. ltO Y-1, .,__, ,._;"'11, c•lfi•-efic. r-4'.., Neier. '•lin Cer. C 1114501 , ... 10-CO-D ........ S1395 '1-t , ,.. ...... ,; ... ,_., .,,..... . ,..,,.,. D.t.dt ... CM. nnnn ,. .. c-.m HAitTOI' S1895 -.-.~~~·· ..... 4 1,..4, ...... . llotttr, ••••• •illllews. Alll ·fM rt4lt. lltl<t:ll I thra NOY. 5th ONLY! e "MIRACLE" WIGS e w .. J. • ................ roll t~o ....... '·· tr ....... u ! 100 '1:. r ......... fiM.s 101.~ ......... , .... ., ..... ; •• , ..... ;,.··· Ro9ularly 24.95 I Re9ularly 29.95 SALE .•••• 17.95 SALE ••••• 22.95 e CASCADES e F.,. tl.et "SIM'i•l h e•i119" -Wur • t le..,oren 100 1. "'""''' h ir """''-I loe .. tr11!oy 1, .. ,1.,1 REGULARLY 17.95 SALE __ _ 12.95 e HUMAN HAIR WIGS e J 11liotfo He .... fi11i1 ..... wi91 •' ,...,,..,...,.,.., S.l, PtiuJ! s...,, 01 "'""' '' ~0 ~ Off! DARK SHADES -Re9. I 07.00 _ 54.00 BLONDE/SALT & PEI'PI:R-Rog. 115.00 ____ 57.00 FROSTED & PlATINUM -Rog. 125.00 ···-_ _ 62.00 e WIGLETS e c.-pli111oltt .,.., Ceiffe"'' ...;tlo • f, .... ._. witlet! I• "'''"· •~• I ,.,. ,.,., I tr .. tM PM••· 'TOPPUS" -Ro9. 4.95 _ . ___ ..... ____ SALE "n.. WIGGLE" -Rog. US _ SALE "Tho MAXIE" -Ra9. 11.95 _____ . SALE e FALLS e 3.50 5.95 7.95 tf ""''· ''••·-"• .. t~..'t """ ·.-..· ......,:.:,. .. ._ pricet! w.-.. ,... tllec. ... o,r ,lo .. cly ....... ,me. ... 6it ...-ci•f ~.., ....... ! 08.41 FALLS-Sowo4to 7-NOW II" to 20" FALLS-s.,.. 4 to 7-_NOW Wl6 FAllS-s.,.. 7 to 12.00 NOW I.ONG•FAUS-Sove I to 17.00-_NOW HIGH FASHION WIGLET CASES n95 32.95 42.95 52.95 Te •"' ,_, a.....t., ..,; ..... •••· ciNfl I t..li .. ~l'f ,.....,._ Reg.3.95 Now . . 2.75 Rag. 4.95 Now .. __ 3.45 251 L 17tll St. CAROL oo4 JOHM WILLIAMS JR. CGnJ. E. ~ 'K, af 3Z53 -...... Cool& .. _ died Oet. 19 It tlle Park Lldo Coonlesceot Ceuter. Sbe wu bor'D 1Jl Jon 00 Aug. 7, 1185. Sbe Ls surYI•ed by a daagbter, Mrs. Betty Ma.rt1n. Pueota of tbe bride are Yr. aDd Mrs. Myroo Ashley Sbe- W&rd, Z542 Clrr:le Dr., Bay Sb«es. The bride&f'OOm is tbe 8IXl of Mr. aDd Mrs. Aleu,n... del' TOI'blttJr ., 1 1ZO Ala Moua, BoDolulu. Tbe bride wore a con o4 poUlt d'eapcU over ~ piDk t&!fet:a. wtth re-embroldered A~ l&ee acceottng a hilb· DeCked bodice. Her sister, Mrs. Gerard Thnll.uH Jr. ot Su Francisco, wu tbe matron ot booor. Bridesmaids lDc IOO.ed Mrs. TerrW A. Sbeftrd of Hunting- loa Beaeb, her sister -lB-law, aDd Mrs. Alan Rowland of Udo llle, stster of the groom. Jod)' Rowla.ad wu tbe flower ctrL Jolm Frettu serTed as but mu, &Dd tbe usbers were Alan Rowlalld. Terrill Sbeward Uld Gerard Tblbtttlt Jr. TwtAs Keat aDd Breot RowlaDd, ace s, oepbews of tbe croom, were tbe rLDcbluerL Mia Sbn-b Eben wu lD eMrpalU.--alllle rec:epdoo. FoJ.JowtDc a boae)'IDOOD 1D ACHD. Colo., tbe DeWI)'w«ts are mak1D& tbe1r borne at Z1 01 MulDers Dr., Harbor Rl&f:l- laDdl. to (Continued from paxc 2) miDd tbelr owa careers and oot America's future. UDtil today we ba.ve oo.Iy played 1ato the haDds of the commUilists. From today we mast oal)' play 1ato the r.ods of YouncAmertca. Let us all start _,, tully ciem&Dd tbat you, our trus- tees, see tbat tbese progra.ms are spelled olt descripltYel)' Ia "'-"'all eao .-.-. so that an whO wish to mow m&J clearly see where we are, and Where we are cotnc. I re. quest tbat tbe bcwd com- mluioa tbedistrlet staff to pre- Yours, pare a documeat tbat wUl do Jerry Grand this, and that U beall-i.Delustn Newport Beach &Dd freel)' anllable to mem - bers of tbe pqbllc so tbe Jd)lle LETTER ro TR IBTEES, may tmellipatl)' approore or NEWPORT -MESA DISTRICT diJIPPI'O"t oew prognms. I spent tbe summer rMdiDC ~ oo the oew ideas m:1 treads r-·lluy::.:.:c.:.:-:.;::.·~81=-::...::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;:~ ID ed•"Hon, aDd the role u.t Iii I tbe stale &Dd rederal lenl5 of penmeat areplayiDglatbem. I b&Ye discovered there is pre- MIItl)' a eoaeerted effort to eltabllab a federall)' spoosored --wide program of .... -. to .. llloded lhroolill .... -leYeL Tbe coal al lliLI loderaJ Uld state pro...., Is to IDib our COUII!rr strooc Uld free from cr1me atld ctt .,....,.,.. ......... oducatloo.ldoootqoar. Hl-llleolmto._ .neattca, or to make oar co.- try -.. bot ...,. of .... - -. --cllaqoo a:re Deeded lo oar c»aaar)', ud ...,. of tbe basic tbeol1es tJe... .......... _tbey_ ulll( to-lllolr aim 1111 pia are llt&l>b' ....-blo, lid-to-. I -nopoctflallr liD to , ....... tblttbt~1bou'd.t adopt .., PIIJCbolollcalll' -.,...,.... lbal --lllenupo.s .. .,....... OOI*Ieal -•ll•IIIH• al llle local c:ommuolly -Uid 1111.11.1 a • ..,. r-.1 dupr la tbe•..., ........... .U,Iolr-por- -lbOUI reprd tbe •ctapttoe ., ... .,...,.... u u -- -al tllo ..... rtcMa al-......... .....,.. .. lallo-llblor- 11 ' 1 Dill tua dlltrkt t' l:ud .. pnceed .... Jill tats ellltta .... ,..... -1111111 I ,.. Ill ---~~~------.............. 14, ... -------·-....... thla.t ... ....,_ FAll. SUIT SALE! 20% OFF TffiS WEEK ONLY h•svmro11• aue svm POA • IW svm POll • lUI svm POll $til 1m SUITS FOR. 11• IIG SVlT'S FOR tlll 1111 sum rott tazt .... Sl1ITS FOR tlD ~Via Lido at Ne"JJC"1-. N-rt Buell Ope Flilllly ........ ..w • p.m. --...... . ~~--... -~ Dolr'llwt.,__.M .. I -......... _ 11!~!~----777~ ....... ... : .. not:U1T FOil A FANTASY! "*-.. .... lpleloide .. Kathuri ... Heplournl Ev.qthl"' about the film il ........... ly high-d-. 'The Madw. ma" of Chaii!Ot' dramatlue the fri. umph of ....... over 11111, the offlcacy .. Illusion, the virtue .. individuality, the folly of wart" -·•· ...... "THE TALENT COULDN'T BE MORE IMPRESSIVE! Hepbum playa the title role-a delici- ously daffy cnature, full of warmth and whimsy. Bryan Forbes is a gifted directar. Edward Anhalt, ' a writer of distindionln -N. v. a •• .,. N- "A MASTERFUL, ARTFUl/ lUOVlE FUU OF FUN Wl'l'H !\lEANING! A tremendous achievement in film art. A movie jammed with sparkling performances, glittering lines and witty concepts. Miss Hepburn is magnificent. The entire cost performs superbly. 'Madwoman' is beautiful!" "ONE OF THIS YEAR'S BffiER MOVIES! Funny, Romantic, ---GOO'l Hcou..eht!p.ng Mogcnone ...,.._ • ..__!!!< 'O "''"''IOj.l'i -&o'L'IO\(.<I.fftM"-S-KATHNH'jf_ HEPIIIJII~,. "'ilf£ l,l.t.Q',Y(I~.I.H OF CHAILLOT"" '-'""~'S IOOtO • Q.OI.'2- IQ •• lo ... $ • ~ (..1.110 • ,......_ lfi.WIU • ~Vo' !QIIOl•o • ow.:;o-.· UGo<ICII • IIQ'fn &- u •l!"ll '-~._,..,( .. ,.,_.,, • YUl 111\VfriNlfl i .. "-~·DONAl:l PUASEJC( .... _ onC!lANI(¥ ~AY{ .,,~·-.... ~ .. o '" ..,_., .11..,. ,.104~'"'..., ,.._ -r .. ,.., -« •·ol(flt'l'•'l:..,., .. ,,:r.,u:!-1•1-"""""·"00I:""'IT,•liiiSil~ • ~---·~.,-• ..!:'.'!'~"-lo!'l\llloOI)OU •Oo.,_""'lo!'BI"10ll!~~-1l()OIOOil)l_~ * WORLD PREMIERE EIGAGEIEIT * PLUS Fresh Produce FOR TRICK OR TREAT - SMALL DELl CIOUS APPLES 10 .. s1oo I ..., ARTICHOKES 2'" 29c ~ CELLO BAG MARLON BRANDO "THE NIGHT OF BOYS BEER & WINE lfo\j IDER MARTINELLI'S - 10 GAL -GAL -J9c Sp9 SPRINGFIELD - 10 GAL -1 GAL· - CARROTS 2 '" 2Sc ~\.\ Q J.. I#;Jffl SMUCKERS JELLIES 4-s1oo APPLE -ONNAMON APPLE -CRABAPPLE - GRAPE-MINT AND STRAWBERRY - PLUM -STRAWBERRY -ORANGE MAIOO;u.•w PUOI -CHERRY -APRICOT PI~IEAPPI"I BLACKBERRY -GRAPE -BOYSENBERRY DATE R!G. s1• jftt BREAD MIX '17- J HOT ROLL MIX 35c FORWMXlK LIMAS 3 - ORANGE JU ...... L . 6 OZ. SUHKIST 12 .. 45c 2 .. Jh (l rnesa • • • ' l ~· ' '•"•'o '-'1•1;>' A~l[, t•t.f<'P,...-1-? N (Q)T.'I '.'(",A COUNTY'S IIGGEST OF 6 ACADEMY AWARDS I DOCIOR ZHMGO _.,.,n oNIIIIOat•" --t ' . . . ' ' I j ' • ' ••• ' "' "PQtJ, · o ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ~H~GDadi : T!x-y Mill maLe picture~lilie this! : oo~oooooooooooooooooooooooooooaoooeooeo ... PREMIERE SHOWING! lVL I'WOIMANCI .. OM 7 P.M. -CONTINUOUS SUNDAY PlOM 2 P.M. ~--·~ JIJU£ lMII£WS · RICHARII CREJjiU :ntoSE WERE Tl( HAPPY lW" II!OWl!Uii •IIAII9. IIASSET· iiii'-. · iim •. iiiioa _, ~-·.-·um..~,..., ... .,~. !GI--··"·---? I P•IM o Com~dy t"tllturf' Gina Lollobrioido, Shelley Winterl, Peter Lawford Phil Silven -Telly Savala1 "BUONA SERA, MRS. CAMPBELL" 1 TiMe 2 Tim•• 3 Ti"'u utON!No. v ... or .. _ iaoe oa all t)'PII of cb- llli•l A liooa.s,.daiiJ, ••'• llhilb. 11.50 per Ill • ...... IIIli-607 .- 1Hri10, alM. 67J-ID4. 20 worda or l•n .............. 21 words to 30 words ...... 31 words to.«) word• ...... Eoch word owr ..0 -da.. r'RI)AD TO REVOLUTION"- communist pen111a -nrfare ln lhe U.S.A. -by Pbllllj) Abbott Luce. Paperback $1. ON.•"-' AllerleM_....,.._... '.lt$18 ....... .... (lU&a•..a-..... I<JMIHtll< .. ll 1.5() 2.:;o 3.00 2.00 l.bo 4.00 3.00 4.00 s.oo .05 .10 .15 • IIIUSICAL '011 SALI FALL SALES FESTIVAL SECRETARIAL WORK, mtmeo• BluUmer Eb. Grand, like new, IJ'IPhiDc. ootuy, small boot- onlY $2950. Plus Steimray, keeping ac.COW'Jts. Call K.._be, Fraoc.ls Bacon l other 673-4050 '""'""'DOOM used gn.ods from $495. 61~ .......... ... Used orpns -Allen 1o wur. 1J>_E::.R::.SO.:..:.:..~'~.:.:A::.l ____ _ lttser, some as law aa $295; 1 • Including Hammond spinel w/ ALCOHOL! OS ANO!IYMOUS separate Lesllespeaker,$9~, 542-7217 .. P. 0. Box 1.223, plus others. Costa MeaL ull lceybnlrO spinel lor only-CA-RS-FOR-SALE ___ _ • WAH TED TO D!)y $395; IIIII many olhers. _ ------- Prlnie party nw lo buy SCIDIIDT NI.SIC co. '66 VW -DOW llres, bOiterJ PlANO for eub 542 6015 1107 No. Malo @20tii,SantaAm ud takes. Exc.ellellt coo.-------·--· --·r telmray -Yamaha-Hammood. dltloa. $1,175 or oft'tr • 6'75--................................................................ 7766 or 673-3074. • PITS FOI SALE .......... .:. ......................................... ... Call"TIIE GENTLE GllllB" FINAL CLOSE.OITr week Te-APTS. FOR RENT lor pot ...... lac. TbeJ ue Wlakle Rar<tnre. -$1 I.PARTIIENT FOR RENT. z. t~ell IIIII artlollc, but ~ ,....., rob'lpn"'!~, -.om 1 ball> blllll-111&, SO c.aref'llJ. ot pour pet•a wubers, $15 -.cb;eupet Wf refrl~, lr.llee, ear .. IHUnp. oquon yard; Kom-pll.ol pota, ~ liolcooJ, 11_,- Call 4~ quort.IIOZ Nnport BIYO. room, -ol blpwoy, Ill JORDANS' PET SHOP Cool& N-. 548.,!018. H~ CDN. Oee- 17. YEARS Ul Coroal .. 1 Mu NOY .. bor 15. $100. 175~. quoUty pot -lleo LARGE REFRIGERATOR - address tt~ tr...., fiDOdCODdltklll. Hutch.. ............................................................... .. Z'IIZ E. ~I!WJ. S'IS-1430 .!'!_5:~.'!':.!~:~2~..... eOFPICES !'OR R!MT ·80-·-;T·S-·F·O••R .. ;;;L·£··•···· FOR IIENT AIR COND1'11<*EDolllct, $'15 ~ , "" BLUFFS (PLAZA) -4 bod-m-. Tl'lad llalJdlq, ap- SIIIPE, 11 ... .,.._ bn11, cllenlo room, Z bollia, cupot.o, poalle lloq lfotl>llal. S.. IIlla, a:tllell n<la( -. ~. qllto, poola. 7414. dllloo.SeooliiUI&~ to-·· oellool, elm,porutt,]---------- Yidll C!IL fHO, loeldoc No piU. Ltuo toJ•, 18'10. DELIID S-..-ollleo Illite, 1nU1r A ..,... • OW... -S'lll-4487, 1144-04tt. c-dtl lllr. i>r-.o --(Ill) 111-1111, . . -11(1 -· .... ........ (IU)IU-'11111. TUU. -tEll Ulri'AI.I ---..,._ 1011 -... Boor-----prinllo ...-. ........... ~~----.............. A ... A--11.1~1010. ~~·~~~~~~~~Carp~~·~·~~~~~ IIEIIYIC!S ' ............................ -.... ........ _ ........... ~~ Dowr TliiOW --,·MISCELLAI'f~~ 0111 TO r.u eorpo1ec1 fll. • . a. .. -........... MLUW .., -,. CMIPO'JS Wore..,..U .,., • .. ..... z..Ud......, =-= c::,-c .. -.... ~-·----1111111..,, liM!• ...... .,., "--.--"'* llut. .. 1'111-,lt&a_w.._ " s' 3, M LOfT': L ft. A•t el .... c • Pi ... deE' ....... lell CIMI.:f: ' -II •~ ll ... oolt, flO 1o ~ 1oo 11-q, C... dtl l107 .~ ONot 8WJ'. C.: LAo ~ Gt I. 1• ... L -•tlllr. , , a. Qt* IIi&......,., -. ' pa~~<S BAZAAII to nloo-for elab pOlio..,.._ be blld from t a.m. to -4 p.m. Frldl1, Nor. 1, bf Y-Wom•'• Club at tbe eldltiOUI, 110 W. 81. Mro. WUIIam _...., at loll, ol Co1llp Put. ll.n. Ha"blrt TnJJtmam ol Westcllff. c:o-clwtrmp ol tbl card Jeetlcm, are J!bplaJ1111 aorMoftbl pactlpdbom•· mldo c:aodles tllat ..W be -ed for -· -. -,...So are lbe project ol Mro. Edwlll M.-111 ud Mro. RQ1> Lllllallolcl. Tile (;ado_. ebalrmea, Mro. Kofla lltl- aoo mS Mra. Cllade Sm.itb. wll1 bi.YI tbe eo.trJ ltore mj wbtlt ,_,. -· Tbt prdeo--.lbe --sbJp ot Mrs. Besa JobaUI' .Wbl.ve Cbrlstmu decantlcu aDd 0ora1 arraagemub. Tbe UDal bu&&r 1J 1IJder tbt cbairmanabiP of Ura. WUUa.m GoodwtL (EDid.p pboto.) EUIIICE COLD 5UCOIIollj; C. C.JTROIIIoiB ER DI!S Elmlce Hewitt Gold, t5, of Cbarlel c. strobmellr, 14, 702-1/Z Polnsotlla, COI'OIIIl del 39 Drake, LidO Put_ died Oct. Mar, na found dead 1D her 25 at tbe Costa Mesa Comales- ap&rtmeot by fellow employees ceat Home. He was bOI'D ill n. after s11e llllad to show Ill> for llllou oo Jomo 4, 1885, ud work. Ut·ed 1D this are& for lJ She was boro Sot>t. 24, 1924, He 15 sumftlj by 1111 ln EoglancL Sbe moted to CaU-Vera; a daupt« Mrs. fornia ZOyearsacoi.Ddspeattbe nice Karoesty 1ut 5 years ID OrlD&e County. a soo. Robert c. Sbe wu a stock broker for Deo•er, Colo., aDd 8 Walstoo aDd Co. cblklren. Mrs. Gold Is siU'l'IYed b)' Ftmeral services were tler parents, 6 sisters mS 3 Oct. 29 at Baltz eo.ta0~;&;j brothers, all of Dilly City. Chapel ..tt:b Dr. Darid Funeral sem.ces ud inter· ot Christ Churcb by tbe ment were in Redwood City. ottlciatinc. btermeot Ball& Mortuary of Corona del the OUvewood Cemetery 1D Mar was the tonrarding dire<:-verstde. tor. MARINERS CHURCH ANNOUNCES Guest speaker tor the 10 a.m. worship serTlce Uds Sunday, Nov. z, will be Nlcbolas KurtaDick, professor ot Bible at Biola College, La Mlrada. SUNil4Y SCHOOL AT t:OO A.M. WORSHIP SERVJCE AT 10:00 A.M. EVEIIliiG SERVICE AT 7:10 P,M, ZIIID EAST CDAST HWY., CoDIA DEL loiAR SITUATID DH TIN ACIIS SPACIOUS 1 A 2 IIDIIM. AI'AIT_,-. , ..... " Unfvm. ,,_ $150 • Pli\·ate Patios • Fi1eplaces • POOLS • ~ Hole Pullin& Gteen • Tennis • Sepa1a1e Family Section •, 4.tt i. to Schoo ls and Playa10und 900 s .. lone, C.t.t "-cArtt.r IIIHr C.ut ltwy. clue to Fo.a.i• 1111•4 CD-A DEL liAR 6.U.ll6ll I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Sales through the Multiple Listing Service of the Newport Harbor-Costa Mesa Board of Realtors totaled over $39 million for the first eight months of 1969. This represents 1, 041 ·unit sales and a dollar value Increase of 11% over the same per- Iod of last year, which was a record year. List your property with a Realtor today. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I OCEAN VIEW Only $37,700 EXCLUSIVE WITH PETE BARRffi REALTY Shh-h-hl NEED A QUIET RETUAT! Small hilltop home has breathtiiking n ew of VaJl cv &. Hill s. Beautiful trees on '21..Z acru in Ylicai· p::~. Vi.i il our oflice & see pictures of this pro- perty. $29,750 PETE BARRETT REALTY ' 1~ W•tcllff Dr. lf.l. 64·2-5200 COLLEGE PARK IMMEDIATE POSSESSION . • 3 Bedrooms • Electric Built-Ins • Family Room • 1 3/4 Baths • Fireplace $25,950 Wells-McCardle Reliable Service ~ince 1943 (~YnME) 5q.772'l VIEW YES-WE STRING RACKETS .-r-.~~- 60641'2 -Qiolloa 1711LCMat .... ............ ASIIWAY NYLOII Teanis Rackets ASIIWAY ASIIWAY loiUf,. TII'LrJQO VAIITAGE750 IIYLDN II NYLOII . ASIIWAY LOO I'IOPI!CTID IIYLDIIQ GUT Rackets Badminton RacketsiiYLDN 400 QIT STIIIIIGS aoo _ .. , __ ....... d ...... : c;.~.,_ TMURSM~, OCT. 3D; ll&t COIIIIIA DE!, IIAII, CMJF. ·····" ....... . • ...... ~ Cestl .. I.We W. C...aa4e!Mar Balboa lsla:n'd ..... ......_ LUXURY DUPLEX ONE 4 BEDROOM. Z BATH UMI't~"t ~ 3 BEDROOI<, Z BATH Ul<IT EXCELLEMT RANTALS- SUIIWER l WINTER. $85,000 RIDDLE & ROSS, REALTORS ATTENTION • HOME OWIIERS & HOM!! IUYERS You're lovited to our beaudfla.l oew omce to new an elhlb(t of saJoo color priJIU of tbe Newport Harbor Area. 353.5 E. CDAS T HWY. CDROIIA DEL loiAR 675-7225 OPEN THE GATE· · · ••••• TO THIS 0 11l"STANDIIIG EASTBLUFF HOIAE AND YOU ENTER INTO THE BEST OF CAUF'ORlflA LIVING • • • 4 Bl., Deo aDd. Somas room wltb Mly atmmattc pool, a riew of tbe city lllbtS streteblD.g out to tbe borisoo. •••• A RARE ·BUY ztlU1 E .. et Looe HUDttqtoa -eb Cbarrntng 3 br. home, Jarce slurnpstooeartplace .•• crner lllllous ••• submit ollers. AskiDg $21.500. •••• for the MONEY CAIIEO IUGHLANIS HOIAE • • • LARGE UVING ROOM ••• · 4 BR, !.-1/2 BATHS, FAMILY ROOM ••• .$42,500.00 wiU more yoa 1n. l)OX Y. fRAXI<l.IX I R~Al.10R ' 3250 East Coast Hilhw'Y Cor ant del Mil'. Celilorn11 Pttone: 673-2222 CORBIN- MARTIN ltU£'1'0lllJ WT BLUFF HOMES Outatancltng 3 bedroom, Z bath home on quiet street, beauWully landscaped and priced at $38,1150. • New listing in Eut Blurt: Five bed- room, 3 bath home. Priced&t$43,500. C&ll for complete tnform&tton CORBIN~J4ARTIN.IDc. "'!a II• 8q I IJh bl 7 ar 1011 a. COMt ..,. . . ~-....... c-w 175·1111 LIDO ISLE This charming home on Via Genoa has 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, plus powder r oom .•. Dressing room with show- er; a large living room, large family r oom, both with fireplaces , , . A for- mal dining room and a delightful kit- chen ••. 3-car garage allows space where you need it. This home was built by a perfec- tionist. Price Includes carpeting and draperies. $85,000 ® LID~E!~~! TY, INC. LID O ISLE PR O PE R TI ES ·~n Vto L;do 673-7300 M...,....t leodr.-f,.... the L.A. area coli 625-8034 .................... Former Model Home Cllmlll BUII.l" -1111 n-..V.I/1 ,_ oew. All tbe \IteM ~ blltl.... , .. _, -...... ! fbiJ -ud -""""· t locUI decorator •allplpers, 4 bedrooms, formal dlm.Dc room, parquet Wnily room, wet bu, Z~l/Z..car garap, pool s1se yard. WALK TO ELEMENTARY and .secooda.ry schOols • Sellers movi.Dg to WiscoDSiD. wt.ll lle lp lloaoce. $64, 500, :a.Dd you OWQ the laDd. e Submit your smaller home th trade HAL PINCHIN a. Associates E. COAST HI WAY CORONA DEL loiAR CALL 67~2 AHYTtwEI PACIFIC OCEAN CALLING! Only a large ezpuse of clean, white SlDd ~ this cozy 3 bedroom, % batb borne ftom the bea_uWul Pacltlc. Huge llYine room W1th lots of new .u.tow. Automatic sprinklers, stme, refrigerator, WUber/ dryer am some fur niture are lDc luded lD ale. Jut r educed 1n pr ice by $5,000, to $&4,000 ••••• Owner 's loss is your ga.1a.. Ooa'tmiss thlslmmacu.late oome on R-3 lot. Remember the 'Alamo! lt you don't remember it pn us a call ud n'D sbow it to you. Pumice brick walls..ulJ& b:lt tldtl, boautltully .... bar<!Woocl ~· ud-..... -u e just a few of the m&.QJ outiiC:uldtiC....._ tllld1 S br. SI)Ukler. Faultless ooutnctloD lo ...... Jllpa p.Uy deconled to p1.,. momma. su.• • u a~ kJt oa ooe ot Corona del Mar'• kwt:U• tree ._, ....... Oao~ .. I&J -eallu _,(Jooa ..,.,_-,_. ....,. be -.liille). ln ... , IM OIT IIMDI EJiiiJI .,.CliGI--,. ' -M,OCT .... CINIJIIII. DEl. IIAft, CAU F. '='~r~:.i!:: A•to de1ler D.unton dies Church News :-::::::.. .. ~ lOla Gfor .. -lr~IO,-o110? otlllo-Aoollb,a-no~-ollllo --.,-, 1100 B. Btn1 -,_, CU'IIIM1 &1: c.aJ. .... Jdlld.. diiCt •11W ot .. KJwulaCJe.a.,.._,IIIOOI'Mdk:.,_Dr .. CoutBWJ.,c.-dilllllar-....ta..a Pan IIIIa "*f.· Oct. lila Roar "'oollltal abr ..__ olllll-A-.--Vlw lllllo-Dr. wu. -.....,... lorlllo 10 ..... l,.•••••"'•••oiiiiiiiiiiiiii._iiii_lio_•l aa «deddd meess ..tc Lodet. Ud a e...,. Uam Eller will cMltNr a..,.._ ...tee tlda a.d&1 ww bt 'n.t lWDoU rNkltat came Nmblr ottbe Sa.Dta A.aaCoaD.-..... ''Cod bU u.--.. Rtdlolu Klrtutet, JII'C0r 7 W' SCOTTS lawn products Use trOW -or nex t sprilfK. Scons money btJck stztisf~~t:tioll puulllltee 11pp/ic1Jb/e either titrf.e WAS NOW SAVE Turf Builder \~ 7.47 2.48 PLUS 3 or l3B5 10.47 3.48 PLUS 4 585 4.46 1.49 lo c..-Ia UD.IIo-try CIW>. anJloblo," at lila 9:11 Mil 11 ot B11>1o 11 Btola Coooto, La a ,..., _...., lA Allallalm a.m. ... ~co. IIIIo ~. Minda. Ud 11Mr JIIOIItd tbe tut..,saeo Ht Ia ArYtved by his wUe,l.oJI.IlJ tDCIIIblabttacobMIINd • • • lllaKMzltarl>orbolldlllcoo«b Ruth; 2 ..... Goorp J r . and durlll(llovembor. TboPlJIIICIOIIl~opU*' St.iD Sui& ADa UIIW U burDid. WUU&m botb ot s..ata. All&. • • • Clulrcb, J1U Broad St., New- Tbt CCJDCent .. pn.MDtly aad I d.nJNM'I, Mn. EllA.. Tbe FLrlt Baptlat Churc::b cl. port Hetcbtl-"Good trUilHI locatocl II IUO S. Main,-botl! BareeiOotTue ... andMu. Cool& M-, :101 Mapolla Sl., o1 oor p-allll!do" wiD 1>0 1bo Alii.. Barbara Hales Of Newport at Santa Ana AYt.-Dr.P. G. Ml'moD tqltc of tbeReY. Nof. Kr. DuatoD wu a member Beach Neumann wm brl.nr a meuace m.u 8rwD at tbe 10 a.m ..... • OQ "A baar1 beat away•• at 11 Ytce WI Suaday. HEARTHSTONE pofpouni Prlnte memorial services a.m. SIIDday. His topic at 7p.m. • • • were beld Oet. ZS at Halts will be "Terror aDd trapdy -Tbe CIDlral Bible Cburcb, Mortuary, Corooa del Mar. who Ls tacklnc Jt'?.. %3rd st. at Orange Ate,, Costa Farewell for Chandlers Mesa-Putor Henry E. Jooes wlU ~ oa "Vtetorloua p,.iDI'' at the t ud 10:30 a.m. SWlday se.rYtees. At 7 p.m. bll A dlaDer puty was P•ea at ance; Mr. &Dd Mrs. J. Notcb, toptc w111 be "Gospel power the Balboa Bay Club FrtdaJ ud Mrs. Heleo Aui[UStlA.. lle&d maolfllted.'' oJ.gbt, Oct. Z4, tn booor ot Mr of tbe -Ueattnc dirisloo. • • • aod Mrs. CourtoeyR,Cha.Ddler. Aa Yr. &Dd Mrs. Cha.adler Cbr18tlu ScleoceCbW'cbes- Mr. CbaDdler Is retlrlllg Oct. anticipate aa eJteoded trip to "EterluUAg pmistuneot" will GAS LOGS 31 u purchasinc agent tOI' the Alasta tbe decorattnc sebeme be the Mpie of the lei80D ser- Tbere b 10methine aooc a County of Orange. Amoog tbe depleted our oewtst state 1D :': ~ ~:~:::\~~~~ blutng flre oa a cool eYeo1DC more than '15 guests were Cap. the table deeon.tiou eqcuted tba.t '""Yes ooe 1 feellnc of ta1n Robert Luxemburcer of by Mra. Brita Malm-Bn.ndea-Newport Beacb,ll a.m.lDCosta lty aod th1 prol:lably the sherlf!'s department, Mrs. berg of Corona del liar m1 Mesa and 10 a.m. 1D Harbor !:urtrue '1"cK:.o . ear: a as 1t Grace Marland, Mr. aod Mrs. Mrs. Barb&ra Powers of Gat-View ~Us. • • ls DOW But. ~y with~ Forrest Ellis. Mr. aDd Mrs. den Grove. Mrs, Vera Alar-St. Andrew's Presbyterian -H .. ' •·--TV enter-Lorea Berryandthelrdaughter; con, on behalf of the employ-~· • ~ .. _ wtU "" presented Mr Cb&Ddler Cburcb, 600 St. ADdrew•s Rd., talcmeot aDd l.nstaDt coo-N&tbaD Clft:"ary, wbo u..u ees, • Cutf HaYen -Dr. Charles yenJenee foods thepubUc waW the position Mr. Cba.ndler ls with a gold watch. Dterenfteld wtll preach oo the 1nstaot ftte ~ the fireplace. leariDc; Mr. and Mrs. Jay Mr. Ch&ndler was mayor of topic, "You can't tell the d1f- Wby? Tbere are a oumber ol Rocha; Douglas Kelly, safety santa Alia before he became 1 .. at 8 9 30 .~11 ~ the c fOr hi f no .... ehasi""" a<H>ot ereaee, • : .uu a.m. reaaoos: tbe lltgtl cost of ftte-director -· ounty 0 -e e ... --.~ • SUDday, New member classes wood, tbe convenience of ps In MRS. FRANCIS ST RUZ COM NEWCOMERS FROM wlll bep.a at 1:30 p.m. tlle fireplace, tlle lack ol a OF C.M. lS DEAD U 62 HOLLAHD OPEH SHOP Thursday, Nov. 6. clean-out door lo the bottom Newcomers to COfODII, del St. Mark Presbyter1an ol the flrepla.ee, and the Frueis Mildred StrU%, 62• of Mar are Mr. and Mrs. WUllam Church, 2100 Mar VIsta. East ecooomy ol gas logs (flre-1537 Ponderosa, Costa Mesa, F Muyderman, who owo aDd Bluff-A congregational mee- screen. firewood aod tlretools died Oct. 20• at ber home. She oPerate SUI Frederits, Fk»'tst UDg will follow the 10a.m.Suu- NOT required). was born Nov . 20• 1906• in Shop at 2626 E. Coast Hwy. day service for the electtoo of Whatever the reason, mor-e Spokane, Wash,, had been a Blll hu bad 15 years 5 elders and 4 deacoas. and more gas k>gs are resident of California for 60 of e.xperteoce as a florist lDilts • • • bela& sold. If you are 1o the years aDd had Uved In Orange aatln Holla.Dd. His wUe, the A series of4diseussion met- market tor a p..s klg set, there Co unty since 1945. former Ullle Corrler, served tlngs on farm labor ers and the are a few b ets you should teEp She 1s survived by husband, with the DutchNavyi.Diodooesla. Delaao strlb and grape boy- lD mimi. To bectn with, gu lop Stepbeo; 2 sons, Fraok and All the n.nures 1a tbe oew cott began la.st Sunda.y at St. a.o lllusion, and that James Means of Costa Mesa; a Oorlst shop were des1cned alld Kark Presbyterian Church, ~=:. IJ found 1a the name brother, Howard MurcboiSa.ota bum by BtU lltmselt. Theflon.l 2100 Mar VIsta, East Slut!, p Thus, 1t tbe flame pat. Aoa; a sister, F'ernSelrersonof arrangements are custom made and wtll coatiDue the oell 3 ~s to be rea.llstlc, Newport Beach, aDd 6 grand-by the OWDers. Sundays at 7:30p.m. The future llkely you will Uke tbe set. children. topics are: '·The tum worker look tor the fOllowing when Funeral services were held MRS. l iDA BASSET OF speaks out," Nov. 2; "Thegro- p.s logs: Oc t. 23, at Bell BroadWay WEST NEWPORT DIES wers• argumeot," Nov. 9; "Tbe 1 A gas log display where Chapel and burial was at the Llda Bassett. 89 of 405 38th 1od.lvldua.J aDd the church are In~ 'eanseetbepslopburnlng. Harbor Rest Memorial Park. St., West Newport', was touDd volved," Nov. 16. 2. A good Dame pattern . . • JOHN WATSON SUCCUMBS apparently unconscious by ber YOUTH BACK HOME flame In tront, lnbetween, aDd Jotm J. Watson. 83, or 2134 husband at their resideoee aDd Frank Martus Bolsseraoc, oo the sides of tbe logs. Continental AVe., Costa Mesa, was dead on arrival at Hoag 18, son of Mr. aDd M.rs. Nor- 3. A complete lack of any died Oct. 25 at theCou.otty Cit.lb HospitaL She had been Ill for a mao Botsserue of 216 Lis type oliiOise wbeo the set Is Ut. Coovaleseeot Hospital. He was long time. Ave., Corooa del Mar, who was Hearthstooe gas logs are cast. born In England oo Dec. 4, 1885, Mrs. Bassett was bora June reported mlsstog oo Oct. 13. WE'RE NEW I ••• • FOR THAT SPECIAL OCCASION- . . . why not or der one of our unique custom made floral arrangements? • BANQUETS ARE OUR SPECIALTY • Bill Frederiks, Florist 2626 E. COAST WHY ., CORONA DEL MAR PHOH E, 675 ·7552 FRI. & SAT. HITES (CDSTIIMES lUESDAY lHTERHAn OHAI. Hl TE Every Tuesday at DlDller eDjOy a emt:ic entree trom a foreign laDd. l uncheon • Dinner e Codt•ils Dt•l Itt 1'•11'""'-' Jlot,M. Jt.lltltOVIoD..,IOJ __ ._ 1, '"'""'"'""''~'~~~ "' .... ce .... ~ . .....,...,., •-• .,...,. • ., ,,.. ,.,,., ,.,, "'''"'' ,. Super Bonus IM5 9.71 3.24 to faithfW.Iyreprodoce bl.rkteJ.-and had Uved 1D this area tor Z.f, 1880, in Hannibal, Mo. Sbe returned home that same DJgbt. ture, lmots aDd other details. 2 years. came to Cal1tornia 46 yearsago Hls parents stated that 1t toot R~I~CI~Y materials used afP iie is survived by Z daughters, and had Uved 13 years loOra.oge him a UtUe laager to returo type surtacln&: missile Mrs. Sarah Hayes of Costa Mesa County. tltlla:!,"!"':.!:!:~~----...:::=====;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; pads. AU logs are and Ellen J.JacksooofEngla.od. She Is survived by her hus-I' Bonus .9<95 7.47 2.48 to loerease band, Robert; a son, Huold, tDd wtlt mt lhatter FUD&ral aenices wW behekj of HllllllDgtoa Beaeh, Z gr:a.Dd.- I NO VEMBER 1----HOV EMBER 30 I made olfnfertor today, Oct. SO, at Ba.lt& Costa. chUdreo ancl4great-g:randebtJ-Nesa Chapel aDd inW'meli will clay materials. All buroers be at tbe Falrbaveo Memorial ~en. inade to rlgld sped-Park. Sen lces we re held Oct, Z8 at II~::0~~~1el:~,:are tully tested Pael.ftc View Chapel wltb the a ulllorized ~ moii<T Our log sets L.H. VAH DEN BERG DtES Rev. Raymond l. Brahams of fully guaranteed for ooe Lambertus H. Van Deo Berg. St. Andrew'!: Presbyterian &0, of 9890U,CostaMesa,died Church otfletat1Dg. lntermeot Quallty logs, careful lostal-Oct. 15 at Costa Mesa Memorial was at Rose Hills Me morial latJon and guuanteed r esults Hospital. Park lo Wb.lttler. give you gas logs of la.st1ng He Is survived by his wile, The tamUy says tllat do- beauty. St~ in to see U»em Joba.Dna; a son, Jao; 3 daugtl-nations may be madetotbeUda. I~~~~~~ at THE HEAR TH-ters, Mart)e DenlDg or Newport L. Bassett memortal tuodattbe 2111 East Coast HiP-Beac h aDd Trulda Denlng and St. Andrew's Church. way (one b1ock south of The Heonle Van Doorn of Costa. "Your Household Dopartm-t ltoro " Cortee Garden), Corona del Mesa; and 9 grandchildren. MARY HOTGER IllES; 3107 EAST COAST HIGHWAY Mar. Open 10 to 5 weekdays SerYices were held Oct. 18, SERVICES lH IOWA Saturdays; 10 to 9 Fridays; at Baltz Costa Mesa. Chapel. Mary M. Hotger, 81,ol181-B CORONA DEL MAR, CALIF. and never oo Sunday. Interment was at the Fairhaven Santa lsabe~ costa Mesa. die !!!!!!!!!!!~=========:...C~e:m:e~t=er~y~. ------, Oct. 20 at Hoa.g Hospital. Sbe to meeting you Nov . 1 • Corona del Mar Our Personalized Services Include: SHAMPOO/SET . . . . . . $5.00 HAIRCUT .... . . . . . . 4 .00 PERMANENTS from • •• 15.00 We Have the Hairpiece You Need! WIGLETS ..... . $19.95 -STYLED CASCADES from . . . . . 29.95 -STYLED FALLS from ••• . . . . • 34.95 -n•••o OPEN 6 DAYS TELEPHONE TODAY: 673·5950 C!ovE!t §iJ. diai't !JJE.~iyn~ and Wig Salon was born May ZS, 1883, lD Ion, and came to CaWoro.ia and Orange County lD 1963. Sbe is surYIJed by 1 1C10o Clarence of Iowa; 6 daoP,ters, Florence M. Da.nlorth of Al- hambra, Ruby Reuter of Costa Mesa, and Marie Powell. Ireoe Ztckel, Norma YUier aad Gladys Damman, all of Iowa. i.nd 16 g:randcb.lldren. Services •ere held lD New- too, Iowa. Bell BroadWay was the forwarding d1rector. DERBY WlHHER HAME 11 D•YIDDI Top prize of a $100 bolld aad a take-home trophy In tlle 5th ... ual ft--.. beoeftt lbo Onn .. COIIIIIy sociatSoo for RetardedCbUdrea was won by S. W. GamlDC!D ol RIYer side wttb a 10--PCMal cow cod. Sec:ood priM wut to RoD Wltb of Costa Mesa with u I~ --cod. Bolb catcbea trere made from the "CbrUDtl Isle" out ol Art's l.aprUnr. Ball>oa, and woo ....... BID Wallls a euseom rod from LOll Be~ . CDHAWAY DIES PuUDe Ccaft1, '73, ar 112 west wu-. costa Mesa. died Oct. 16, at tbe Hart.Jaad -ltal ID Baklwto Park. Sl!a sarrim by lclaqlllon, Mn • ll'adlclll and ..... Fruelo 1 str>tt• a~ c-. M_, s ..-.. eiiUIIra and 4 ...,U-p-a!!llci>IJ. dna. Sentees ,... blid at BaJta I ~=~M:-c.:cba:~~oolwlth F-J.-of SLIGo- alii< ...... Wrap around tread styling, at a low ply -our handsome UFETIIIE WHEEL IIAI.AMCE and European price. Full four first line tire. WRAP AROUND TREAD lmprov«i Srarinp Control TRIM , SLIM WHI TEWALL Giws C. Modem ~·w:. LIVE ACTION TREAD S.fe Swtil'lf, Runni,., .t Stopping 4 PLIES OF ~IIWI:bnf RUf/11«1 Sowrgrh MKJ Dur.bility ROWS OF INTERLOCKING TREAD ELEMENTS R-t;, ...... Action COIOII •el IIAI TilE I mMO MIIII.UT COAST HIGIIWAl'Y~l:·~,~C~a~'~' :• .. -e fili«<M OWIGI. II & TlliACD CIIIDIT ,... ... Wlo "-.... 811 • .. ... 1,.. .... • ...... "" ""-· 1-\..\. ....... .,. otl"t I. .. -.~ .... 0 w .... ~·' At•• ~ THE NIGHTINGALE CIIAP1'Ell ol the Hoog lloopllal Awt- Wary wU1 preseot "a morldtac with Jack LaLame" on Fri- day, NOf. 7, at 10:30 a..m. 1D the Hoag coofereoce center. Mf. I,II,.IDOf will be tbe .,eaker. Dlspl&ytoa: a poster about tbe 1'91Dt are Mrs. Leoaard Sooth. at left, and Mrs. Clark Somera, nce-c:balrmu of the NlcDtlDples.. nctets may be otUiaed b)' caiUne Mrs. Somers, 644...2541, or Mrs. WtUiam ScbwOI'er, cbalrman, at 673.26S4. Otbercommlttee members are Mmes. Matthew Keaney, Georre Ray, WUbur Mtwllllll, Jack Guoaus, Wtwam Alldrews aad Earl Lewis. (Jack West pboto.} Target: pornography JOe COSTA ~~~~~~~~~MESA BUILDING NEARS RECORD suo Incomplete ftcuru lor ' Bor Club Detelopmoal, ai- Oetoblr brine tbe mootb's total terattou lor auto qeocy die batldlac permit nhte cloae to at 900 W. Cout Hwy., $15,000, Ute $5 mlWoo mark 1n Newport • BALBOA Beac:b, brtnc:lDC the tecol'd lor WUSOD E. Carter, oew btl~ tbe year almost ~ to the aU-cony eotra.nc.e, Z09 8th Street, Umel2·moalh hicboflastyear. $3,800. A $5 miWoo totalforOctober *HARBOR ESLANO would briO« the 10-month re. U:. Morr;an, swlmmln&: pool, eord tor 1969 jull po.st $44 IZ Harbor Island, $3,500. mUJ!oo, jusl sby ot the 1968 • BALBOA tsLAND mark of $44,!18,236. E. D. Wllllams, addilloD a1 Tbe Octobu permit figures 505 N. Bay Ft., $4,000. were boosted by a $2.374.795 Robert Kay, z • .mu, 2-storY Nortbbld project, $1,!30,665 dwelll.Dc. 126 Dtamood Ave •• tn permits for' tbe Gersoo· $41,000. 8abr townhouse apartmesJt Robert B. Smltb, add pro)ec:t oear Newport ceocer, room aM stu:ly, 1604 s. am a $6~,000 parking struc. Ft., $25,000, ture buwtallon tor tbe Balboa Robert v. Ubllk, 2nd floor losunDe<! C<>. building In the addltlon, W Coral, $6,000. Center. Aaaftlt. lddltioo at 100 Dl.a- Here Is a Ust of permits is- sued during October, valued at $1,000 a.Dd over: * EAST UPPER BAY IDH and the Holstein Co., 119 permits for dwelllngs and praps in Tract 6996, ra.oging In value from $21,765 to $37,- 200; total, $2,374,795. Gersoo-Babr, 13 two-story aputmeDC buildings, 900 San Joaquin Hills Rd., $990,000; also a 16,039 sq. ft. central bu1ldln&: wtth sbops and model apartments, $2.40,585. • NEWPORT CENTER mood An., $5,000. • NEWPORT HEJGfrJ'S R ' 8 c .. ..tt,.,lJ<,._ teo.ces, 1700 E. 16th $8,395. • IRVINE TERRACE Tt"A. Devloe, add llvloeroom _ and enlarge garap, 1424 Dol- phln Ter ., $7,500. • HARBOR VIEW HILLS D. K. Wallace, swtmmlDgpool at 1101 White Salls, $4,300. Doo T. Smith, swlmmlngpool at 1221 Key West, $5,400. H. A. Schniederman, swim- ming pool, 2000 Port Weybrldge Pl., $3,900. Dona.Jd Dike, deck, Z041 Port Bristol, $1,000, THE BOSS OF THE YEAR, attoroey James L. Rubel Jr., selected by the Oranp Couoty-H.arbor Area Legal Secre- taries Assn., is shown with his secretary, Mrs. Barbara. Williams, at the award ceremooy at tbe Costa Mesa County Club. Wr. Rubel, a resident ot Corona del Mar, ma..lnt.ains his law ottl.ce at 3432 VIa ()porto, Newport Beach. ·The JnlDe Co., remodel of- n ee at 550 Newport Center Drive East, $6,5G.), Allcon Co., Interior -ra.Us at 2101 San Joaquin Hills Or., $Z2,Z50. Robert Graham, swimming pool, 1214 Keel Dr., $3,100. Blll Mu~ swimming pool. 1400 Sandcastle, $3,800, Stop smoking earns I. 0. Balboa Insuraoce Co., fouo- 11an-J 8IWlt cl Eul 811111, -od poi11110CI' 1o -coMnl.,....,., otlioMnport _,tor lllollopo'o-- a..b r-. Club, wt11 beta-$111&> Iliad. Proe-wt11 ... lured utili for the Colla .. _ prOtide ICbolarll\lpo tor - Art Leap's 4th Ullual bollday a.rtllll at OCC, UCI, Calstut art solree at 5 p.m. NoY", 16 Fu.Uertoo. Cal Sta.teLOA&e.c:a at the Costa Mesa Golf &.ad &Dd Golden w .. CoUep. ~ Couatry Club. Mr .•Babtitt was school studema sbarlnc iD tM tile featured voeallst tor ma.oy sc:bolar&fltps wtll be h-om Ea. years with Kay Kyser's "Kol-t:I.Dcla., Costa Mesa, Newport lep ·of Musical Knowledge" Harbor and Corona del Mar. orchestra. Wn. Carey Cowan, presldeat Doaald Btel 'Will coo:tuct ot the Art League, Is lD cbar~ silent Ud reruJ;ar aucttoos ol ot over~all arraopmenU. the wonderful shape of rug s by") Tbe ftcJllaplnstporoogaphy Upgrade, 656 Siena Way, Los dation for parking structure at wlU be the tq,lc at the NoY. 5 Angeles. Her orpnlJ.aUon 1.5 1771 San Joaquin Hills Rd., K. K. Young, swlmmlDg pool, 1201 Outrlue:r, $4,104. • CORONA DEL MAR •·Stut-llvtng -stop smo-To provide moral support king'' Is the theme of th1.s for those who want to break year's cancer edocatioo week,. the cigarette lla.blt, the Amert- Nov. 9-15, Mrs. David Rich-can Cancer Society willprovl~ artds, public educauoo chair-free red and wbtte 10 buttons. man of the American Cancer ... JQ stands for ··1 quit," Mrs. Society, 0rang1! County Branch, Richards eJI)lained. Free U- sald this week. terature Js available for those R nunds, ,.,.,d.~. rrn:tr;,•.' }",lll·lllul't theo1 fi ll WITh r/,op· Tru•U' /,,"e rit nod tht ,,. colo 1'8 h, n•'t, t 11!. Sn l't l'!'!ltf il1, too. Tns& fh, m ,, {'''!l'"ollm ft n•ltlll'illq ruor11 ,, IJt•rf ,-,,,,m ''' h111l. Seh•d !1'"11 Karastalt rrr"'' ,,,,, ~~~~gGal/rl"!l IIQ/t". meeti.D& ol tt1e Harbor Forum at supporting a.oti-pofliOCI"lPhy $650,000. tbe Island House, Fashion btlls In Sacramento and Wash-Tile lntne Co., 500 Newport lalaDd. ingtoo. Center Dr. East, addltloo, $49,. Cotree wtll be sened at 10 Tbe lJUiual book tuaar 000; ftve permits for teoant a .m., andlheprocramwtllbegin ot Harbor Forum will be held lmprovemeots, $35,520. at 10:45, llllowed by a buffet just before and after the talk. • LINDA ISLE bmcbeoo. Tbe speaker wtu be There wtll be boots Cor Ben Rluotto, 2-story, 1-unlt Mrs. Va.a c. Newkirk, fowKier-juveniles and adults, a.Dd gUt dwelling at 87 Linda Isle, $120,- president of Operatloo Moral wrapping wtll be an.llable. 840; and masonry nil, $1,000. _,..--------------------, • WEST UPPER BAY Lester New, swimming pool at 1712 Galaxy Dr., $3,5GV. Or. Hagadorn, addition, 807 Aldebara.a Circle, $6,800. Louis Kormont, addition at 1921 Bayside Dr., $1,000. Van Frank Restaurant, 3801 E. Coast Hwy., wall partttloos, $2,500. Karen Jdargreta, alterations and remove partitions for en- largement of Toy Store at 3101 E. Coast Hwy,, SZ,SOO . Robert stoessel, add second noor, 321 Poinsettia, $7,000. MRS. ELFIE SURCK OF ··Lung cancer is this Ill-wbo aren't coovioced they need Uon's most rapidly rising d1-to quit. sease," said Mrs. Richards. •·You've probi.bly heard that •·It Is among tbe most dJ.mcult 100,000 doctors ~ve quite to treat, yet the easiest to pre-smolrlng cigarettes," said Mrs. vent." Richards. ''Obviously they must Orange County Health De-know something that not f!'lery. partment records show' tha.t 307 ooe else knows. More than people died of respiratocy 21 000,000 Americans han I'IIOfiS$101t"'L IHTI!IIIOR DESICNEIS H.J.GARRETf fURNf]URt 2215 H"'RIOR BLVD. COSUMES..., CALIF. 6ol6-o175 6ol6-o176 Why wait until the last minute? R. L. Slaugtlter, 2012 Beryl Ln.., coavert porch to entry ball, $1,000. CENTRAL H.B. DIE$ malignant neoplasms to tbe stU-ted UvLDg. You. can too." El.O.e Bell Starck,. 93, ol 191Z cocmty in 1968, l.a 1963, tbe .!::::============= Court A•e., Ceotral Newport, nun was 187. 0~ MOM., THUJIIt5., ~'""1. ~VU The time for investors to start thinking about realigning their portfolios for las. purposes and upgrading their investment positions is now ... not· the end of December, Here's why: Let's say you've taken a capital gain of $4 ,000 this year and you presently hold another security at a $3.000 loss. By selling that security now. you establish a $3,000 loss. Result? For 1969 you're taxed on a net capital gain of only !t.OOO -not $4,000, Or perhaps you hold securities at losses which e~:ceed your capital gains for this year. By establishing those losses now, you can deduct up to $1 ,000 of the ncess from your ordinary 1969 income, and up to Sl,(X)() of the unused balance each year thereafter. But if you wait until the last minute to establish s uch losses and switch into more attractive issues, you'll probably find younelf caught up in the traditional year-end tu-adjustment rush. That could mean you'd receive less on your sales and pey more on your purchases than in a less volatile market. Interested in discovering how taJ:·adjust· menta now might be of benefit to your portfolio position? Contact your nearest Dean Witter office today. We'D be glad to arrange an appointment, at your conve- nience, with one of our account e~:ecutives. There's no cost or obligation involved. Of coul'9e, we can't present ounelves as tax n:perta. And, as you know, the present laww relating to capital gains and IOS8e8 may be changed, with a resultant effect on this year's transactions. These are questions for your tax counsel. We can. however, dilcuu with you the various aspect.A of tu-losl &ellinc and suggest ways to upgrade yow preeent investment position. AU invaton, by the way, should have a copy of our 1969 [)jgest of Capital Cain and Loa Pmvill:ions. And for municipal bond holders. we have a special report on how to convert paper laMes into real tax Nvinp. Free copies of each report are availlble at any Dean Witter office. You·~ clou to nun who know wMn you irwetr wirh ... DEAN WITTER IR: Ca. IHCOIU'OJIATZII ..........,.._,,._..._.re • a,... ... A. p,~-. Vin PH#INal, l',..a.l l'lao JJO If..,_, C••n ,......., HftiiiOrt 8•ad Tel•,...• U~lltl • • N. P. Frost, addition at 1606 Dorothy Ln., $4,500. * BACK BAY Dial Construction Co. and Ooo Koll. add to Post Office building, 3723 Birch, $25,000. • LIDO ISLE Walker Smith, 901 Zurich Ct.rcle, a z.story, 1-unlt dwe1- llllL $79,000, aDd pool, $3,800. Mrs. C. F. stout, enlarge 2nd noor, 925 Via Lido Soud, $20,. 000. WaUer Simonds, endose pa. tto, 229 Via Genoa, $6,000. • NEWPORT SHORES died Oct. 26 at her residence. She was born May 29, 1876, aDd had been a resident of c au. forni.a all her We. She Is surrtved by 3 daup:.. ters, Josephine Oqulst of Costa llesa, Elsie Patterson and Ma.rle Hloe, both of Newport •• Beach; a son, Karl Starck of .; Newport Beach; 11 g::ramchil~ dren and 11 great-grandehil- dren. Services ·.-ere held Oct. 29, at Baltz Mortuary, Corona del Mar, aDd interment was at Pad- flc Vtew Memortal Park. Dr. P. w. Gales, addition at 100 Lu,.,... St., $14,000. HOLID"'Y .\HD CRUISE • NEWPORT F.uHIONS TO BE SHOWN Fran Delaney, replace sign, Balboa Yacht Club's lad.J.es 630 Slst st., $1,800. luncheon, onNov.l3, wtthsoctal J. F. Gekrreich, add aDd al-hour at 11 :30 aoo lunc1'1e00 at teraHoos, 412 38tb St.,$22,700, 12:15, lrtll featwe hoUday aDd Newport Arches Mulna, Inc,. cruise fashions. Mrs. Almoo 3333 W. Coast Hwy.,partttloos, Locka.bey is , coordinator o1 $2,000; remodel, $4,500, fashion for Balboa Yacht Clllb. WllU.am Bell, add 2nd floor, Welcoming members and their 3500 Marcus, $22,500. guests will be Mmes, D:arid Tbe Irttoe Co., addltloo at Smiley, Doo FrankliD and Ed 1008 Bayside Dr., $12,000. Steen Jr. Coat:Inenta!Savlngs, 3444Vla FILMS AVAILABLE Ltdo, alterations for bank and store, $88,500. Mrs. Hancock Barullng, A HALF U:TLUON COPlES of ----:-::-::-:-:-c-:-:-=c::::--cha.lrman of the Newport Beach th 0ran c ........ t 1 Library Boar<t_lJlOOUDCes a new e new ge ou ... , e e- LEG.U. NOTICE __ service _ films available 00 phone book are being distrlbu- p.35017 loan, tree ot charge. ted by 500 dellverymen to Pact. CERTIFICATE OF Bl.SINESS This senlce Is naUable as tic Telephone users. The oew rtcUUous Firm Name a result ot Newport Beach be-directory ls displayed here by telephoot company typist THE UNDERSIGNED does coming a member ot tbe Theresa Smith, who Is oot of hereby certify that be l.s coa-Santiago t:Cq)el'atln Ubrary tbe neuly 3 000 Smiths in the ductiag a reta.ll candy store system. Mariners Library bas book. Tiler ' 292 000 Ustin business at SOl MulDe Ave., beeo designated for this ser. eare • gs Balboa lslaDd. UDder the flc· vice, but a.a annotated U.st ot on 852 pa.p:s, ,40 pagts more twou.s firm name ot Istand ftlm Is available ar all 3 U-~to:S:: rr:m~~~ Sweet St.lappe aod that said ftrm brarles. u.swerlDg sen lee ln Santa ADa Is composed of the lollowlnc LEG.\L NOTICE -c&lled simply ••A" 10 the llnal persoo wbo&e sme lo fUll and --~::..::..:..:_.:...::..::.::..::..:_::__ named lo the book, steven place ol. resideoce are as ill· lows, to-wit: John L. Costello, NOTICE OF PUBUC HEA-l , "Ki Zyw c&a.L 1874 Rbodes Dr., Costa Mesa. Notice lsherebycfveathatthe HIS UtriT HONORED WITNE$ my hand this 14th PlanDtng Commission of tbe Airman F'lrst Class Rooa.Jd day of Oetober, 1969. Jotm L. City ol Newport Beactl -wtU hold L Fish f y y Costello a pubUc hearl.ng oa Ute appUea~ -.i er • 5100 0 r • a.Dd rs. STATE Or CAUF'ORNIA ) tiou ol the In1De Company for arioo L. Fisher of 1753 Tustin )ss a cbang~~t ot &One _ AIMDi-AYe., Costa Mesa, Is a mem. • ber of a ...Ut tbat bas earned COIJ'NTY OF ORANGE ) meat No. %60-toameadaPor. tb uS Air F Outstanding ON THIS 14th dlly ofOctober, tion olotstrtcUna:MapsNos.l9, U~t A~. H~~ea.na.lrfrelent 1969, beb'e me, a Notary ~.9 ... so. 5!, 54, 55, 56, from a specl.allst at the 3'750th Tech- Publlc lD &lldb'saldCOUDtyud U l.lbclassltled Dlstrld ntcal Scbool Sheppard A.FB state, resldlQc tMretn, dlll1 to a "PC" -Pl&Mecl Com-Teus. part dt the Alr Tr:a.iDlni commlukwMK' aDd sworn, per-muolty Dtstrtc:t. Portioa ol Comm.ud wbic.h proYidesflJillc ...n, -ed Jollo L. Coo-Blocks $$, $6, 9Z ... 9S ol ... lw<:lmlc&l tnllllll tt USAF ttUo bon to me to ~ tbrt lrY&De's s.bdt'f1si.OL r Pll'~ ......,.. aame ls ~ Notice 1s MrebJ f'llrtber cSveo peraoaneL Tbe airmu is a sall>od ID 1M wUfllo It>. lbal -pe~~c I>Mrlnc wtU be cn<Mte ol Newport Harbor ....-, ud oeU..Iodpd 1o "'llloolllolllldlJol-, Hl&ll SebooL aao t11ot .. uoe-tile -· IM9, ol lllo llooo' of UIO P.M. CUOL YH F.t.l T D1 ES WIIMESS •J-udollldal II lllo c-eo C-1 of lllo Caro1Jo Fall, 14. ct JOOI .-1. Mnport Boo<• CUJ Hall, ol L-.M LA., BorcrMI, died -,..._-. wldc:IIU.,.IIIdplo<o..,_,o.D OtLD.S..wullonllllkll- ...., Pllllte: .. ud ... Aid,.._ It .... ~ ..,...,.... ~-A&Jrtl M, lMS ...... C.., ... -. udllo___ hit II Ntltod bJ I-..,c-rtr<•...-.Dic. 0. R. Mt • 'SeentarJ .._. ... Gell'tl.llotiiiiHw~ U,lt'll, Ro-1-Clt1 port-. Set-_.. 11o111 P nrrt· Ott. 11, a, ao, llot. P~C..•Iwn Ott. • ... aou 11....., 1, 1-. 1a .. •·-•-'*·•· Ott.-. 1•, 11 c_. .. a.~~~-1a rt-.... .. ....... ,...._. ................ You Get These Conveniences on Either the Side-by-Side Or the Top Freezer Model. ..~ Oefr051Jng. ~ ._. FtfgidalN Refng. .. ...... ,~ f .... ""'"*- ... ~kleJ¥an~ .... .._,rigldaii~eRelto~ ...... eesy to ..... .., lo dun behand Of bei"!Nit\. Nollolp-. • EHMr tight or Wt-hllnMcl CMnge your PJ!ind. t.IWtQ& your kitchen ltfni'W)f'l'l'tel'lt. ~ loo FtMler model I!!IS '¥OU COO¥ef1 both ~~It-dOC)!"\ to riQill· M ten-hartd opening. Sode-by-S. b. tvtl na:uraUy •f'l'lh c- dextrous. • ..., iYIIdiuM Me.t Sloregra. FkMinQ CokJ MNt T¥1· ..., '-It flllllll ,.,....,... h hl:ring potnt fof ,.,,rrr. ,....., ....... _ _..., Specill Feat.rt! add • a.t-nc Ice MakerNewOI'lD! Slltlmf IXTIA • Rtpllcol P<HOI!IIco -II lilt rtfrl-. • Dill """'"' of Ito I"U wiOI II lolfl hon4y wlltl C.IJo lOttl COnlrol . - JESUS IN HIS HOME TOWN StThomas Bi ble Lesson -,_. bapD 1o lladl Ia parobi... He IOid OOYenl. Allv Hellalobod U. .....orabl. d:lleoune from tbe ahi.P a Utdt way olf sbon and retired to a -0< ~all •""? He ta~Cht more prlvalely; Ha doll~ a wbole ..n. on the tc.bwdom or God. 1'be ftnt parable had been a re-ply to tboee who trled to mlllt.e Him atop preuhh.-an atllnna.Hon of pw-poee with aa~urance of vi~ l•:uy; then He dealt with d.llcourq-ement or tboee wbo aaw alntul men aWl In tbc wortd. deaplte the plantlnc of the Klftl'dom; ftnally, in the teria of parab1tt In lh.W leaon, He declared tbe amulna worth or the Gotpel, a t.muu.re 10 to be detlred that a ma.n would rtve up all elte to attain I~ It, and of the laat }ud,JJMDL Here we have tbia lut M.riet. By Ukenlnc the Kingdom of God to a treasure h.ld ln a fteld, Jesua called to mind "I once the book of Proverb&, etpedaUy Chapter 2, which extola Divine wltdom thu.a: "'lf thou lftkmt after her aa .Uver, and au reheat for her u for hid t.reaaurea; then •halt thou u.ndft'ltana the rear of the Lord, and nnd the knowledge of C od. • The Klnl:dom of God It somehow to be dug out of the Stripturea: 11 lncludea wiadom and the u.nderatanding of God's law and commandments. Tbe leoooD cond.--J,.uo• loavq tho ploft wbcn HI, launched thla pbue or H1a mlnlatry and fttun11nl to Ht. own country, ""home 10wn. There. too, He taqbt tbem: and they were utoru.bed at what He uld. Yet bec:auee lbty knew Htm .o well, they dld not believe. Some eauUon mutt be u.ed ln undMataMina their commeota. Flnt of all, they had a point when they obJected that they knew thia. man- knew ht1 mother and Jo.eph and hit brotht>.n and aia&en. Now they alllt.new that when the C hrltt appeared, It would not be known whence He came. They did not reckon with HI a miraculous conception and birth, nor dkt they 1ft the meaning of Hit wlldom. They assumed they did know whence be came. For this reuon they rejected the much atronger and much more poaltl.ve evldeDOt of Hla word a. It wa• Hie doctrine and Hie preaching that manifmted the Divine nature In Him at thit time, and this they admitted they could not acxount for. "'Whence hath this man thl1 wisdom, and these mighty works? " "Whence hath this man theae things?" ln the Bible mm Ond Chrtat and etemal life, such a treaeure: that makes th1a f\dd lnflnltely more valuable than all other ftelda of learning and all other Kienoea and phlloaophies and writings. Thtte dlebelieving question• d o not nece88arily mean Jl!:l!lus had no formal training. The fact that He waa a carpenter shows He had the u.auaJ achoollng or Hla day, (or boya aU learned a trade along with their ABC 's and Scripture. It is unllkely that He studied under the famous rabbln, Hke St. Paul's teacher, GamaJiel, but even had He, It would not have accounted for Hill utonillhlng wisdom. They could not tell whence this came. The: next parable, o f the pearl of great price, baa the aame import. Lcs1er pearla of wisdom are treaaun!d. but only unUJ the pearl of the Go•pel Ia spied: then all el se Is put to wo rk to attain to the knowledge of Chrill There Ia dls&gr'\f':ment over exactly what relallonahlp these brothers and sisters mentloned here had to Jesua. Some say they were children born to Joseph by a forme r marriage. Others say they were coualns. There s-eems to be no reason why they may not very well have been children born to Mary after Jeaua, her ftrst born, unleaa It be held that Mary was not only virgin at Jesus' birth, but is "ever virgin." Jn any event, they were known to have the clo sut klnd of blood kinship, aa Jaml!:l!l and Jude were later to becomt.> bisho p of the church In J erusalem u brothers of the Lord. Hard o n these two lessons on the great worth of the Goapel. Jesus dl!:l!l- cribea the judgment of which II warna. The Gospel comes into the world like a ftshennan'a net Into the sea . All men, who are likened to the fish, having no order or ruler over them , are drawn out of the world to the 1hore, but there the fishermen separate the g ood from the bad. Jeau.s not o nl y to ld thla parable but at another time He performed it with the miraculo us dra ft that Peter and hla partnen took ln. On that occasion Peter left aJl to follow Him and become a Daher of men. It waa not untU the Resurrection. ho wever, that a no ther miraculous draft of fishes was made in which the net d id not b reak a nd a particular number of fishes, 153, we re taken. Then Peter knew the Ri sen Lord. Jesua' friends and neighbors, therefo re, could not believe on Him because they thought they knew Him too well. T hey understood the meaning o r what H e aa id , and ju.st wouldn't accept il despite all. "And He did no t many mighty wo rks there, because ol their unbelief." There Is a rich treasu re in this parable; Jesus spoke particularly of it aa o::howin11 how it shall be a t the end of the world. Notic:e that JesU8 Himself h ere preaches of hell-to r ments. as He d oe5 o ften. "There shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth .~ O t.:TLI N E: J esus retums to rlu! hou.Jte after beginning. from th e ~thip. to reach in parables; He co ntinues thf' parables; He deports to His own country. where He i..'l not rec:eiuecl as Ch rist because HU co untrymen th111 k they kfiO UI •~·here He came from. Having fi nished this teaching, Jesus asked the disciples it they understood what He had sa id . Th ey did. Then He enco uraged them by telling them ho w their understand ing was itself the lreasure they sought and from which they wo uld bring fo rth things new a nd old fo r the delight and instruc tio n o f o thers. Their treas ure Is no t to be kept close and unused. but to be d elivered .to others NAMES TO REM E MBE R: J ames. J oses. Smw rr and Judas. MEMORY VERSE: Matthew 13:5 7. Sl. Th omO$ Pt"Ns -P 0. Box 35096 Ho uston. TexO$ 77035 that they, too. might be fed by the Gospel. Speaking in Tongues F..,.,. THI! SWORD OF THE LORD, a ... 1099, Mur'"••lto .. , T_.., (CONTtHUED FROM LAST WEEK ) VIII. WHAT R l1 L E S ARE GIVEN IN I CORINTHIANS 14 LIMITING THAT HERE- gy OF FOREIGN LAN- Gl"AGES AT CORINTH'! 1. The real ~o:•ft or tongues. thC' miraculous gi h of Jangu::~ges, is not for a ll, as ciC'arly taught in I Corinthians 12 :29 ::~nd 30 But the Holy Spirit divid;;>" .. tn ('\Cry man 5C'V<'tally as h•• 14"ill .. ~I Cor. 12 :11 ). Tht• gift of tongues is t.,<" last 11"1('01 1oncrl and i('ast of all th<' :;if ts. 2. If one could speak wtth a ll the languages of men and angels without Christia n love and an~~:ie­ ty to b~ others he woUld be as sound ing brass and a tinkli ng cymbal (I Cor. ]J ·J). Even two chapters tx-forc the fourtN'nth chaptf'r Paul was approaching their he r<'IY and confusion on this mBit<'r of fOn."ign languages. 3. Peopl<' arc to .. desire s pirit- ual gifts. bu t rather tha t ye may prophc~y·· 11 Cor. 14 ·1). Witnt'SS- ing for Jesu.~ in the power of lh<' Holy Spirit i" th<' thing wr should Sf'('k. not to til lk in soml' fo reign language. 4. F'i vc wol"(h understOOd are t ett<'r than ten :.housand word.~o 1101 understood fvs. 191. 5. All the-speaking and 14'it· nessing and the use of heave-nly gi ft s a n' for tht> purpost• of te-ach- ing oth<'r" and hif'ssin~~: others a nd so thf')l ~hou ld h<' in '"words NIS)' to lx' undf"rstood .. 1 vs 9 f 6 II ~~o·oulrl bf' silly to pia;. a harp or organ or trumfl('t "ithou• an understaOf"lablf' tum· S"'\ 1! IS silly to spe:~.k \H1rrts 111 a ln••~l'3,1;<' th:ll p<>Jplr pre..,~nt r'o 1101 un- d••rstan::J 'vs~ 7 to 101 S~akinr. things that only Cod undPr..,tlinds bt.>Cau.~(' it 1s in somr fm • 1r;n IAn- ~uagc-is herf' plt~inl y fnr:1 icldr•n. 7. S!X'a kmg m forciJ:n la ngunt:cs that p<'OPI<' do not unrl<'•!ltand makes one seem like a bat'bllrian (vs. 11), makes it so uneduca ted people cannot understand and say amen (vs. 16). And so u n~aved people and uneducatt'd JM'Qplc wilt think you are crazy (vs. 23). So the pl;~in order i!l gi\'en. "If any man SPt'ak in an unknown tongue I an unknown language I, ll"t it be by two, or a t the most by three, and that by course; and k>t one interprt't. But if there be no interpn-tf'r, if't him keep silencE' In the church." If he can- not speak the language of people Pf'('lk'nt, "let him ~Pl!ak to himself, and to God." 8. And on this matter evidently women have more temptation than men, so the Lord In this connection uys, "'Let your women ke-ep silence ln the churches: for it is not permUted unto them to speak but they are commanded to be under obedie-nce. h also Wth the law"' I \IL 34). In concftu:ion. Wt me ~ay It .cems a shoc:klng thing that all of ua have a tentWncy to be in- ternted In the-lneldental and lf'C· ond&ry thinp: instead or in tM one VNt bualneu of ~ttlnl( ~ ploe uv~. Ptoop~ think of Pente. cott and •~ not even concen»ed that they had thr"t'f' thousand peo· pie aavf'd. Pfopll' speak of "'the baptism of Uw Holy CtK.t" •nd they do not want or do not pt a.n f!nd~nt of power from on Hloft. IX. HOW DO YOU IIXPLAII'I Tim MAI'IY PEOPLE WHO CLAl1l .AI'I .ACftl.AL IIX- I'IIIIDNCK OF I!PB.AIUI'IO (II UIQ[JOIOW!f TOI'IGUIIST AHSWER : Y• tht rr .,..,. do .._ _,. an HtNI..,_., 'nMO' -... ·---__ _._,..,. ..... I , 1•:• ...,. i.W all ~ tiona! expcri~n«> and tht>y think tha t i~ "the init ial cv idenct' of the baptism or the Holy Ghost. or lh<' gift of tongues." Manf say that W<' have never cxperk>Oeed. "tht> blessinx" tht>y clalm. and thus cannot judge on this matter whetht.>r it is righ t or "''rung. 1. However, that arg ument is silly. I have never been drunk. but I know by tht.> Bible that, "Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging : and whosoever is de-- ct>ived thereby is not wise" IProv. 20 :n . r know by the Bibk.o tha t. ..... nor drunkards . shall in- . herit the kina:dom of God" (I Cbr. 6 :10). Bible Christiana an not to go by an emotional e;~~ptrienc:e or fe...l ing but by the plain Word of God. Our emotions are to go along with ttw Bible and Wt> are no r to twist t he Bible to go along W•th our emotional cxpcrienC<'.I. 2. Thf' exp!'rienct' of thOM' who .. talk in tongut'!l"' condemns the doctriflC' Oftl'n shamf'ful confu- SIO:-! in suc.-h servi('('S !(>ads to mockery by thP unsavt'd and scandal be fnre the public. Wome n prcnch<'rs a!"f' prominent oftt>n a- mnu~; those who "talk in tong uE'S, .. il nd they di~tx-y the plain com- ma nd of the Biblt". And how oft t>n has som<' wom11n preacher argued "'lth me about tongUf'l when her 0 11. n husband is uno;aved. Many ~:ood Pr ntecostal people pt"each and 14 it :1c~ 11nd win sou l!!, but those who stN'SS the tongu('5 tht' most w1n the fewest souLs. Th<' rloc tri ne that God wants to grve pt'rfec:t healing a nd health to ali prom inent in thf' tongues movc- mt•nt, is belk>d by the mult itude or frustratl'd prople who have hcarrl them a nd prayed. yet were no1 h<'alPd . The experience dors not prow their doctrii'M.' that all shou ld "'talk in tongues," but ra1her condemns it. 3. It i~ a sad commentary on thC' Pentecos tal movemtnt that the actua l spiritual rHUlts at Pente- cost are not re-ptated in the Pen· tecmtal services. At Pentecost tht'te was the mighty pow~r of God; those who were 1\lied with the Spirit ~poke to people in their own languaae in which they were born; tht'y got thrH thousand peopk saved. That la not what happens in the "sptaking in tongues" in Pentt"COStal circles. So what happens Ia not "ptntecostal" In the tactual BibLe aenae and should not be called tM.t. 4. But how do we explaJn the preacher. who had bee-n aetlve In the PentC'COIItal movement, dem· onatrated to me how he had done it. And he said that many othen experientt that some people have! Well, some are lntentlona.l fra ud1. A friend of mine, a did It the ume way, deliberately pre-tending to .ipeak In a.n un- known language. Othen, very ai~re. have It drummed lnto them for houn, and t'Ometimea Wet>ks and monthl, 10 they beeome SO brlllnWuhed that they subconSCiously bqtn to re-- peat the Jumble of .ounds thq' have hevd. When the mental ron. troll are re~ and relaxed. the subconKioua takel OW'l' anti the)' ,think that the)' are &Qinl some. thine-wouderfu.l lhoulb they have no ldta what. On the other band. ..,., aftft' belac tt.tttveret Mw row .. that tt.., weft ~ b)' ~ 5.. ,. -IIMl .,..... s. tbat tlw .. ... .... ,., .... ol t&ldlw ....... ,. -what ....,..., .. __ n-olo ""' • IIIP .-"' ..., --· ... --.... --.. -......... an l:illtif IFF A LOOK AT THE BOOK By Dr. Bob Jones ,, •• ;d-1 ol Job JOll•• u.,; ... nt~y, Gr .. .,vill., S.C. Wise won.ls thest from the book of Pro-- verbs, 'T he ho~ is prepared against the day of battle: but s~f~•y ,._ of the Lord" (Proverbs 2 1:3 1). We have had abundant evidence of the lolly of being unprepared for lhe attack of the aggressor. Wars have brought upon the free- dom-loving nations of the world defeat after defeat because they were not prepi red. Trained soldiers were lacking. Equipment was lack.io&-- Armamenta were lacking. h is a wi!le thing for a nation to be prepared for war when il come!. but armies and arms do not of themselves assure victory. '"The race is not to the swirt, nor the battle to the strong" !Ecclesiastes 9; II ). The God of battles often- times figh ts on the side which is weakest io numbers and equipment. The walls of Jericho dtd not go down under the bombardment of heavy artillery but before the blasts of priestly trumpels and the shouts of faith. Israel was not freed fro m the menace of the Egyptian by a blitzkrieg of nteehanized troops but by the- waters of the Red Sea which God poured in upon Pharaoh'' army. Goliath was not de- slroyed hy a ve-teran equipped with all the- paraphernalia of war but by a shepherd lad wit h fa1 th in hi~ heart and a sling in his hand. Three hundred men under G ideon. the Lord's capta in . were VICtorious over an army of 13.5,000. It is wise to be prepared, but it is foolish to trw t only in arms and fail to take into accouot the power of G od in Whose strona ann vicrory resides. "'If God be for us, who csn be against usT' (Romans 8:31), Our faith, our trust, our hope should be in the "Lord 1trong aod miahty, the Lord m1g hty in battle." We should be as wiK as David who u.id. "Some trust in chari· Otll. lind some in horses: but we will remember the name of the Lord our God" (Psalm 20:7). God has yet to fail those whos.c faith and truat arc fixed 1n Him. It is our responsibility to do everything '" our power to defeat the enemy and achtevc: victory. it is our privilege to trust in Him Who is of nations u o r men: Rock, Fortress. De liverer, Strength, Buckler, Horn of Salva tion. and High Tower fPsalm 18:2).- American Way Features (I'"••"' ""• h•l•h H•,.., J.,,.., T9U; & .. 7rf1, L•t ._,.,., •• 900$3.1 The IAJ rd Jesus will return for all His chil-natural power. By e~:en:iting this po~r, Anti- dren. o~ the tloly Spirit witneM in you that christ will be able to perform miracle. which you are a child of God? Are you born again will imitate and counterfeit the miradea of and are you waiting for the Lord ? Christ. Satan is not all-powerful. lbere ie 1 limitation to his power. Only God i1 almighty, There i! al so anothe r one coming, called the-but compared to human breinga, Satan po&- Antichrist. of whom we read in l John 2 :18, ~ power far beyond the natural and hu- "Little children. it is the last time : and u yc man level. So great ia Satan's power that have heard that Antichrist .hall come, even when he comet! in the form of Antichrist, now a re there-many Antichrilh: whereby we working miracles and demonstratins great know that it is the last time." Have you heard wonders, multitude. will be deceived into be- of him? He is alao called ''the man of ain. the Jieving that he ia the Almighty Himaelf. son of pe-rd ition." As aoon u the Lord Jeaus Christ cnfi""IO for His own, and they are caught away lo meet Him in the air, (I The!~. 4:17) the Antichrist will appear, a.s we read in 2 TheM. 2:.1. "Let no man decC"ive you by any means : for that day shall not come, escept there come a falling away first. and that man of sin be revealed. the aon of pe-rdition." There will he 6r!t a falling away and then the Anti- christ will appear. after Christ hu returned for His own. Antichrist will be a man, but he will be more than man ; he will be the i.:)evilman ; 1.11. Christ wu man, but more than man the: God- man. If Jeaus had not been mo~ than man, He could not be our Saviour. As man, He was tempted anf'l tri~j even 1.11. we are; bu.t u the Son of God, He u.ved us from all tin. As man, He had nowhere to la y Hia head; but u the Son of God. He has provided eternal manaiona in Glory for all Hia children. Antic.hrill will be more than human. As 1 man, he-will be like Hitle-r, Muuolini, and olber evil men; but as the [)..;vii he will poseeu and expre. the nature of Satan himaelf. ChriMt aaid, "I and my Father are one." Antichriat and hia father will be one. Anti- chrill will be, "Satan manif-.ed in the Aeah," exact!J u ChriM waa "God manifeated in the: fk.h. S.tan will be incarnated in Antichritll. He will be the son of Satan-the only ~ of Satan, aa Jeaua Chrill it the . only bq:otten Son of God. Unuved men are children of the Devil, aa the .. ved are childreo of Cod. Antich.riat and hit father w.m be ooe. WMn ho otrato • ..,. the ...U., ADilelorut w!U - -aB tho .,..... and ....,Ina of the lloril. He will -ho • ,... ,..,. onder the -..1 and dlt.dioo of Sat.., ho will ho S.... lob ;H !Jumat'"' Ia the lleM. Aa _., loa will loa ohio to do ,..., • ...,..._ ...,._,.1 ..... s.... .... __ h ··-· When Antichrist acta out lo dus.le and stu- pefy the people of the world, be will not do it by launching aome new type of man-made mechanical marvel. Rathe:r be will display powers which are plainly supernatural and superhuman. Antichri.at will depend upon the "power• of the pit," far more than upon brain. tru&ts of human acientista and militarilta. At the Devil-man be-will realize how weak and f::eble are the braina and will of man. He will M:orn lo put reliance in the-mechanica.l dn-ic:a in which man puta hia truat. He wiU bre a "per- fect blending" of the: human and the Satanic. That he will be the: very eon of Satan. that be will be the De-vil manifated in the hh-ia cLearly taught in Scriptu.re:, The whole .cheme of Satan i1 to counterfeit the plan and purpose of God. Antichriat come. u the fa.lee or aub- stitute Saviour. He it offered to manu a IIUb- stitute for Christ, and mu.ltitudet IIOCiepl him inltead of the Saviour. Satan wiU rUb hia imitation u realiltie • potei.ble. At Olriat e&ITIIII to earth from HeaYm, 10 AntichNI wiD come lo earth from out of the pit. A. am. wu aa moc:h Cod u a..boush Re bed .....- been man, •nd u much mu • tboap He had neTer been God. 10 AD~ichri.t will be M much. S.t.n aa thou.sfs he b.d ne.er been mu and u much • man aa tho115h he bd oenr Nee Satan. .., Script• ... beo•tiholly deooriho tho OOtD• blains of hWDPit1 aad deity lD tt. Cod--- by .. of the t ... m ......... "tho aWW-I>on, the 000 ,; .... " QtloC " """' .._.. ... dl· .m.. fLi "tloo -ol ..... 1*= ... tho Lord of Glory. llo io tloo IJoo ol tloo Triho of Juclab and He io tho 1.-b of Cool ln p&.ln ...ct nm'rt•hhh ......... tM ~ .... • oftlootlool ...... -.. ..., o...n--. """ .......... ..,..-o1 Sia, the Soo of .......... (2 n-. S:A). NE'II'OitT IIAIIIIOR EJniCJI TMUIISOAY, OCT. 3D, IHI SE!IU!ICOII!!!ILD Sfi!Sol<.C!!QI!!.I!!!!c:-:.:-CLI'w-.2L__,_ COIIOIIA oEl tiA!!. 'CAUF, The Eible 4ns w ~rs •••• ., t...a. A. .,. • •• QUBITlONt 0.0.. thl 8~ ._m • U..t we ant to kmt all Christi•n•. awn thoae with whom we dl4er cloc-trinaUy? ANSW&R: 'The Bi.,_ ...me, v."l poalliwly that we arw to lova all of God'• c-hlldNn lD the hovMhold of faith. Now I am tivfnl you a new command-&ow ODe another . .Jl&lt •• 1 h.w lowd you. )'OU mu.rt ~v• one •nother. Thia ._ how aU roo wHI ll:now &hilt you •re my dJ•clpl.-, bectl\lle you have 1uch love for OM another" (.John 18:34, 86 PhUliPI'' Tnnsl111tion). Tba rpirit of MetarianiMn U. •lien to the Seripeuns and lhould be fl:u-.icn to the lMa.tU of Hit bet~ CNM.t. -wa know that we haw paned from dHth unto Ill•. beeaUM we low the BRETHREN" (John 8:1.). Notiet~. it don not dflirnate Baptists, Pre.sbyterian\, Mathodilta., Lutheran• or thOM of a.oy one denominational rroup, bu\ "brethrwn." W• are ~Ued u.pon by Him to low .. ch and evt~ry member of His body. 'Mlat divisive, a.clarian epirit which W .o prevalnt today commenced to lilt Itt UICIY head i.n the church at Carinth (I Cor. 1:10-13). All. who have t-n born &«•in by the Spirit and hava bMn ~ tMt .. u ... me Spirit baptized into Chrilt, joined to Hll body. IN childf'tft of Hia apk'ial care. low. aDd mini1tration~ It i.. true. '" may not endone the rtodrinal position of certain memben or rroupa of Hia body, but we are enjoined to love them inavnuch a1 lhey are ou.r brethren m Chrill The Word of God ,.......lt that in our final a tate of perfection i.n ll'lory, when we shall ba like Him. then witl ba no division or aep~~ration there u here. TherefoN it follows, that the chael eoiM"flm and bwlineas of lhe diedple ahould no' ba ,&Q malta ualoua dew*' to a denominationAl name. but to aet people Nved and lhu.e memben of tha One Body, Chri•t Memhenhip in a local churc-h IU'OUp Mould be ennditioned upon rMmbenhip lhrou11h the new birth in the True Church, which is Hia body, of which Christ is the heAd. (Read Eplltle to Churt'h at Epberua and I Cor. 12:12-31). QUESTION: Doee tha Bible t.Kh eapital puniahment? ANSWER: Y•! God, for the protectioD of illdividu.al life and the punMh- ment of evil doan authorised capital puniahmenL The law committed to Noah and hia deecebdant. 'IIIU, "WJM.G rhlddeth ma.n'a blood. by man ahall hla blood be abed'" (Genesia 9:6). God MYer abropted that decree. It rtill appii.M t.oday. QUESTION: Did Mary, the mother of J•ua have any other children? ANSWER: Y•! Mary and Joaeph had otMr children bom ln natural wed- lock. JesUI wu virsin bom; a mother but no human fathe.r; conceiv-ed by the Holy Spirit. " ... Behold, a virl{in ahall eonceive, and bur a aon, and thall call Hill Name Immanuel (God with ua)" (balah 7·14). " ... abe (Mary) wu found with t'hikl of the Holy Ghoet" (Matthew 1:18) Read Luke 1:26-36. Jeeua had brothf:r and 1i.ten. ·• 12:-46, 47). hia mother and hia breth~n" (Matthew "b not thia the carpenter. the 110n of Mary, the brother of JamH, and J011e1, and of Juda, and Simon? and are not hia ai•ten here with us? ... " (Mark 6:9). "For neither did hie brethren believe in Him"' {J ohn 7:5). After Jeaua' reeurrection his brethren are found in fellowsh ip with ttw disciples. "'Thf!a,e all eontinued with on~ itet'Ord in prayer and aupplication, with th• women. and Mary the mother of Jesus. and with His brethren" (At'ta l :t4), They are alao mentioned u laborinc in Chriatian work for the Lord (I Cor 9:5). QUESTION: What does premillennlal mean? Are we hindt!ring the Lord"• roming when -fail to pray for Hia retum? ANSWER: The word millennium (thouaand yean) refen to the period of 1 thousand yean durinr which Chriat will rei~tn on earth (Read Revelation 20:1-7). The worda, .. thousand yean" are found eiJ: times in thia chapter. Premillennial i• that teaching held by many able Bible teachen of tht" put and plftlenl that Chrilt will return before the millennium to reign on earth. There can be no peace on earth without the Print'tl of Peat'tl. No. I do not believe that -hinder the Lord'• return if we fail to pray for iL When the Body of ChrUt, the Bride, ia complete the Lord will come for Hie Minta (tivinc and dep~~rt.ed). Read t Theeaaloniana 4:13--18. The Bride of Cbriat ia compoaed of -ry born qain ehikl of God; all who have aoce pt.ed th• Lord J•ua aa their per-annal Saviour, reprdiHI of denominational tie!~. rac-e or natioaa.li ty. Ho-ver, 1 do believt1 that we receive bleuina in our aoula by B constant. loolcina. prayina, watching and waitinr for Hia retum. Thill ia a purifyin~~: hope for the Church. " ... in euc::h an hour aa ye think not, the Son of man cometh" (Matthew 2-4: .... ). "ADd every man that hath thia hope (ChrUt'• r~tum l in him puri&eth hinMelf ... " (I John 3:3). Tt. book of Revtllation eoda with a prayer ... (a...laUoa: 22:20~- Thua, it behooVflll ua 'to watch and pray and be on the alert. it may he toda' or kMLicbt thai He shall come for Hit blood-boucht aainta. QUESTION: ~ .. the ~~t~venth rommandment in the Oihle. "thoy 11htt_ll no• l'Ofllll'lit adultery~ apply to the married at.te only? A'r(" tf!'l!na ger.J l iVen l~<..,n ..­ to act in at"CCrdanc-e with th~ 110-C"alled '"new morality'"? ANSWER: Th~ tragedy of our day 11 that too many d e rcymen. ignonm t ol the le&chinc of God '11 Word. are adVOC'atinl thia "'new morality" thetia. II i,. entirely foreicn to the Word of God wh ich rondemn. all impurity in Mluel behaviour -•lncl~ or married pe1'110ns. Gocf's moral law a pplif!!l to all mankind hut eepecially to thow who are of the houwhokl of faith . I point you to a pasnc• in the Bib!~ whic-h ia very tolpl il-tt t·onC"erning t~u.• matter. Relld very C'"llrefully and prayerfully ~r-1 to S in I The1J.nloni11n • r hapt.er 4, (iven herewith: Note th~ followinrt: 1. Seek the life that pleues God. 2. God want. ua to live a holy life. 3. Fonake .. zu.l immor.lity. 4. Learn to control your body. 6. Pqana or unsaved live unclean live ' . know not God. 6. God 'frill puniah all oft'endera of thi• law. 7. Be 'lllarned -axperienoe witneeees wr«"ked livt" ... 8.. God calla to a lire of purity. 9. This ia God"• command (not man). 10. God'• Spi.rit {Holy Spirit) annot indwell undean temples (bodit'-') To wm uf.• my brothen. we bee and pray you by the Lord Jesus. that you C:Oiltinue to eam more and more of the Hie that .,&e.a. God, the aort or Iii~ w.- tokt you about hero,.. You will r.memMr ttM-instruction~ we gove you tMn in thf' name of the Lord Jeel». God'• plaa i. to ..ak. you holy, and that entail11 ftnt ol all • eleaa eut with ....._. '--orality. Every one of you ahouJd Je.rn to eon· tro1 ~a~. body. keeplna It,.... and treatin1 it with '"P«"t. and nev« repntin1 u .. an lnatnunent few ..U-padlc..._, u do papna with no knowledre of C.od. You cunot break thia ntle without in aome way chntinr your felklw men. A.nd you muat ~ that God wiD punW. .U who do offend In thila mauer, •nd wr have warned you how we havt1 ~een thil work out in our experience of life . Th~ eanm. ol God i. not to impurity but &o the ..t ~purity. and anyOIM! who mall.• Ucht ollhe -u.r i. DOt ...uiq,upt of • man a rulinc but of God'a com- .....,._ It i.e not for nothinc that the Spirit God 1ive!1 u1 i• f'alled the Holy Spiril (I n.e... 4:1-8: PhilliJ»' Tran.lation). QUESTION: Is not tithinr Old Testament tuchinc? [)roe,.n"t tithinr pia« u!l under law? ANSWER: The New Tntament teachea that the Chrirtian i• under a:raC"e, not under l•w. We nre saved by lnlt'e through faith in the atoninr work of the Lord Jesua O.ri!L ~Wad Ephni.ana 2:8,9 and Romans 4:5. We are not under law. it ia true; but, if in Graf.e, we rive let~~~ of our •ubatltn~ than the Jew. pve under law, then we are reminded of one, who 118KI. '"we are in dia.,ace." The writer does not bel~ that the tilh& le New Tntafi'M'nt teac-h-inc or the principle of civinc lor Chriltiana. But, we believe 8('("0rdinr to Hia Word that._ ahould give even more liberally to the t'au~o~~ or Christ than the Jew pve u.nder law, However, it il w.ll to r.mamber that Abraham and Jaoob rave tithetJ •bout four hundred yMI"' before the law war ,;wn em Sinai to Ma.n. Can we livina in thia ap of 'Grace,· do 11!111? We bel'*va we ahou.ld riw to the Lord"a 'IIIOrk !tht churc.-h •nd mi•ioury Pr'Ofl'UDI) • God haa proepend ua. To the Chriatian with a very larp inoome. -balievoe, the tithe woukl com~~ far ahort of God'a me.surin1 1W.k ... "ae God hath proapeNd" (1 CoriBthiana 18:2). Wa like Philllp'a lran•lation of thie verM: "On the l .l"'t day of the WMk Jet ev-eryone pu.t ao mU(h by him. ~n:linc 1o hi. llnanciaJ ability . , . " The Ouirt.iana •• Alltioch, whea appealed lo lor ft.ruutdal relief for the church at Jarusalem, .nva .. ..,..,. maa accoidin< to hia ability'" (Adlll 11:29). Thil ~ haw bMn • dth<t for aotna ud a mueh la,..r rUt for thoe.t of paater lnandal meant •.. It .,.. a.eeordi:q to their ability or • "God Met proepend tham." Ouraiftt are to be aovemad by a heart brimmiAc over with tow lor the Saviour. 8oeh • haaJt bela ll _, to live c:MtrfuJiy, willhlaly and alttdi.Y-"God loveth • d..wful (Gf'Mk411aru. • hllarioua) ,twr" (JJ Cor. t :1). A word of wamia1 aod ol ~t Ia tM ~ ol dYiac ia found in theM wont., .. He which --riaol• ohaU nap alao -riqly and ha .ml<h -u. bow>Utalb ohall ..ap &leo bomttllui.Jy'" (0 Cor. 1:1). Wa would NC!OMIDIIld tithlnl: 10 all bau.w.t-s • a mMM of livinc: to the Locd"• ~ (~ dw dw.rch aad. •'t tl•a-ry p10jaeta) bacawe U.. Oll.r ..... beo:a X.,....,.. .... _,...,., •• ,._ A ddnite plan ol ~ ia 111UC'!h &o be ,.,.,.., .. th.a ao plaa or tdt llrl.d .._ ~Ch'Wo~t. 1M tltlli-." he a beciaabta: 10 ..... _. ,_ ............ • tM lord pi :;.... n. ...._... aimpfy ba a a"*-P---to • "-...... Ill~~-io -• Ill Ood'o wook. II hea a.--D6t ,, • .._ that thole a.~ who dthad or .. .,. -..oft .. , dT .... ~ •. .,., adcailb' ........ haneM of " 7 ... both tpirit.--'17 •1 .. ......,. W• dt _. .... • ......._a ........... llllt,.. II .. bK••• ___ _..., ... ._. "'Oo!o.-M-.. "'-•• ,... " (LoA 1:& No dolld ol Dod ..,., ,.,, ,... \t! F .., ,.........,. to Hill of.....,! :: ,,..., U ,_ w. can ... o-r. • I -· Gad ......... ot,..... 0 ..... """'' ............. 'ls••b'...., .... hlldlt.ctadotOtlll. · • ,_ ......... _._ ..... L.,.._ CHRISTMAS CARDS IY KODAK BALTZ MORTUARIES lUI SUP'IRIOR AYf. COSTA MESA Mldw11 tr2424 JllO I. COAST HIWAY COlOMA DEL MAR ORiolt 1~•!50 .s•u 1942 lf&W -8E.UILDOIG l~&ular Shapn • ....,....._Cott_ COSTA MESA ._.AnllSS CO. 1110 Newport ...... u._.., a.uoJ FOR ALL OF YOUR INSURANCE NEEOS ROBERTSON-SADLEIR Insurance 3333 E. Coost Hwy . Cooono dol llor -Telephone 67l-3850 • GUARANTEED WORK e FREE ESTIMATES e • FREE PICK-UP & DELIVERY e • MEMBER OF C.U.D.A. CUSTOM DUPES JOHN & MARTHA ond BEDSPREADS Quality Upholstery t59·H W. 17 .. Stnet Costa ..... SACRED 1R£ASUR( HOUSE YOUt CllaiiTIAM ...,._, CINIM •••L.a . •oo.u. . -...c~~MD ---.~ • c:.u.o. OtrTe • c-.oua • fM.M .T"tltiP'e • ~ ..... .w.aa.. ..... " ..... ~ONC e-6...... coeT4 ......... G4U"· •••• ,. IIIIAII'I-r·..:."-~ ........ IW.) 1795 LAGUNA CANY RD. mcCormict Laguna Beach Mortuary 494-941$ Serving the Entire Sovth Co•at Are• Orco Block Co. • ACTOR JOHN WAYNE, ...,matntatnu.Newport Beacbbome ID Bay Sbores, 1s &bon reeei'tla( lbe rtrat issue ot tbe Orange County commemorath·e fllAdllllon whleb celebrates tbe CalltMnia blceoteDDial year. Kember of the Or&op County btcentennlal committee maJdDc tbe presentation 15 Polmer Loog of tbe MeDooooU-lloo(lu Corporatloo. Tbe medallloo depicts tbe Portola...8erra upert!Uoa lnto California 1n 1769 oo oae sl.de aDd the great seal of Oraace County OG tbe optel'. ai•H• u,....,_.._. ,.,...,., • .,._,. .... c .......... .,. N-E ... QIItT ·R"·ACH, CALIIrO-IA THE. AMI:,UCAN L.UTHE .. AN CHU"CH 1:00 A.ll4, TO IOs:l:> A.... -,.AMILY WOIW'tl~ 1 ::1:) A.M. TO 10s10 A.M. '"'&IHDAY SCHOOL. 11:00 A.M. TO t2l00 NOOH -WO~I~ Hill~ C. "JMw.,-a ...... •- '-vlua nan C8V.C. or all..,., IODI'IIn' ))()] Via Lido Newport Beach SJNDA Y SCHOOL 9:15 ....... .-4 ''···· SUNDAY SERVICES f :U-lie.•. WEDNESDAY EVENING MEETING I •·•· READING ROOM ..... ..,I:' ....... -5 ..... ...... <1111..,: f I .M. -7:•5 , .... r ...... , .,.,. F .. o~~..,: ' ..... -5 ...... ; ,., , .... s.... • ..,, 1 ...... -....... IECOHD c•vace Of" Clla.T .ICIENTIIT NcwpoJt Stach at Corona del Mar 1100 Pad ftc Vlew!l< • SUNOA Y SCHOOL 10 .... SUNDAY SERVICE 11 .-. WEONESOA Y EVENING MEETING 1:00 ,. .... Au,.' tP...., PINt '""' .. a-.. oiC..•·- BafHI"t ~~~ .. Fall...a.lp trtt~.,.u .. , -A•••, •••• -.... ,.._, ..•.. Dr. P.O. ,_.........,.. patiDf SUNDAY SERVICES l :4S ..., t.. llallda, Sct.ool 11:00 Lm. Mom ina Worlllil' 6:00 p.tn. Tr•iniq Uniont 7:00 p.m. EvCnina Wonhip WEDNESDAY l :lO p.tO. Bible S..dy 1:00 p.m. Prayer Mlc&in1 A TTEMD TME CIMlCH Of YOIIR CIOCI REGULAII\.Y Raa&s Room: Mat .. l" Bid• r----------, Z863 E-t eo-t Hwy., COM. M-.-Fri.: 10 La. ao S Th••d-r ev•ias: 7 to Sat..: 10 a.•. to 'p.m. You are COfdt ally tn..-itcd to autnd Clu~rch Senotcu and 1o u1t 1ht ReadtnJ Room . __ ..... ,.. ....... c::w.. .,.._ .... __ av-tNa ac!llvtcc .,, ......... .,I:DNI:IC•¥ atal.l: 1 1"\.10~ -0 .. lliAV CillfoH ...... NVIliiCiliY DU\111\Na S&lliYICCI A ... ._.,,._ ------· ~- fie •dlt I -r' I ~ 3362 .... s....., ... ,., ........ A Fr•• -.J 1•*,..11•1 c.,..,.._. Oft••• Chrd n.. ................... w.. .... Sol'rico _. Olin" -1 e& 10:00 a.ro. Save Time And Money-Call An Expert ~!!;~!!:~~~==:!• HULTM RISORT -.-N-U"'RS'"'"'E'"'R_Y ____ _ " . . ~D'l'UWI&. BEAUTY NOOK 27:J2 E. C ~st Hwy. Corona dtl lr:lar · Phone t.n-7Jlb SEVEN NATIONS COIFFURES ~-~.~ ...... .;.-;;;. :~~--~-t : ..................................... ...... .............. _ ...................... ....... ............... -. • ..._..t,.ar .._ • OIIAHGE 639-2 .... 1 • ANAHEIM 126-0381 e HUNTINGTON BEACH • COSTA MEU ~ OPf.:'oi n ·rsO . .o\Y TliROI'GH 8 .. 2•1 .. 51 S"Tt ROAY 1 :-=~~~~~~------------------~-----rre" P•n:t11 8 i11 rro11t e JIJG O..EAMIHG 300 W. Coast Hwy. Newpart a-dt Tei-"OM: 6.Q.OIJ..« BUILDING CONTRACTORS REMODEL IN G and ADDI TI ONS e FRIEl! ,l.AN SfRVICE e ,RIEl ESTIMATES S32-S949 AMERICAN CONSTRUCTION co. CALL DAY OR NIGttT .__ • BE HAPPY! • BE INDEPENDENTll • LEARN TO DRIVEl" 673-5822 675-3353 P~ ... Cl••lag Worlls CLEANING & DYEING ALL MAKES OF RUGS • WAU-TO-WALL CARPETING I-DAY SERVICE • HIAIIIIG AIDS HAL AEBISOIER ,._,I .... A_ .... :MI9 E. C._ H.,. c._ ....... 6~ eP.toiHT & a WALLPAP£a PlllollwP -Dote* llo)' Pilato --..Jete u .. 11,000 PA'M'EIIN8 OF WALLPAI'Cil • MAII1N E HARDWARE '1'.!:& WILCOX.c:JIIIII-H *-AU ...,c11111'tral ella,_ ... .,. .,.. W', C... Mwy .. N.a. -· ....... ,.""" ~··· 7 .. -o#. ... ------·----~ma eiPHDI.STIRIMG IJPIIOl.a"n:-G (8y e-o, •• ,,..,, ... , -I ,c. JIOl DilLY -· -Cltll ··-" au-.•.a.-•••• ,. ___ ..... Stln.ibs. lntenor Plants Trop1cal & Trees l nsectlCldes and Fertihzer S & H Green Stamps fREE DELIVERY f'orona del \1ar SUtsel")" 'l7 44 L rout HWl .. 67 !).0 160 SHOE IIEP A I~ -~-,--­MABERRY 'S Shoe Repa tr Purse and Lvou-Qe Aep1tt -Dve Work SI.H ST......S O~E O ... 't' SE"V!CE 1190 Herbor 81W.. Costa....,.-.., •ll11 ------·--- .. SIQU ""'!a•t•ar n. .... 67M1• o CAR WASH 19TH ST. CAR WASH e28 W. 19th SL CXJSTA MESA (Nen to Blue Olip Red-~on Cooter) Thr H ,.&c,, Ar~t•' s OJtl y f•lly lhtlo••t;c, ut~,.;o, c., w•.s6 fiNI DRISSIU~IHG By CRAJiLOTTB 112-4191 A. ............ c PLUIIBER 700 CwetkM A ... Ooooutlol .. • PI hOSI •4 'n DAY.NICift' P-35090 CERTIFICATE OF BUSINE~ Fictitious Firm Name FOR THE THIRD YEAR, the Newport Beacb pollee depart- ment wtll bave a "don't trick, we'll treat" program for the local cblldren. Tbis Friday, Oct. 31, the pollee tnl.ts wUl ha..ve caMy tor the chUdren. The cars wtll cllsplay a large orange and black sign setting forth the theme of the occa· slon. Tbe children are Invited to come li! and wave. Rick on staff at Boys Club Newcomers at Hoag • :,-~· ~M!. Huold Gtrl-llr.u•lllro. JoboF. liar ... :: '1111 N-LUtiAI, liM Wlllttltr Aft, . .._, c ......... Place. Colt& M-.. BoJ-Mr. ud lira. Dafld Girl -llr. Ud Mta. HtAr7 J, Sb11lb. llOf. Ytctorla An., BeJer, SOI-l/! Btp1a An., A.,.. C COlla Mesa. Coroaa del K&r ~· ' Girl Mr ~ Ml'l 0eD Girl-Mr. ud Mrs. DaYid ll1a Cot';-t, zoS9 ShJpnj We~ ::u'· 65S Be&eb st .• Costa B&yerut. • Boy-Mr. and Mrs. Bllly • THURSDAY, OCT. 9 Spies, 66e W. 18th st., Costa Boy-Kr.udYrs.Cbatles Mesa. Knudtaoo, 9371 Tidewater Clr· Boy-Mr. aDd Mrs. VIctor cle, Htmtlqtoo Beach. Zleaitr, 9401 Neolani, Huntlng-Boy-Mr. &od Mrs.CI'Iarlel ton Beach. Cline, Z095 Wallace AYe,, Cost& Girl -Mr, aDd Mrs. Larry Mesa. Dourlas, 151 Rochester st., Girt-Mr. and Mrs. James Costa Mesa. DeGroff, 2033.2 Eastwood • FRIDAY, OCT. 3 Circle, Huntington Beach. Girl-Mr. aod Mrs. Ted • FRIDAY, OCT. 10 Erickson, 3031 Capri Lane, Boy -Mr. and Mrs. J~81 Costa Mesa. Lockenny, SZZ6ColoradoPlace, Girl-Mr. ud Mrs. David Costa Mesa. Cooper, 1-13.0 21st St., Costa Girl -Mr. and Mrs, Keltb MeSL Parker, 361 E. 18th st., Costa Girl-Mr. and Mrs. Chabre Mesa. Gtastan, 2108 Arbutus St., Boy -Mr. and Mts. RoblD East Bluft'. Mcfaul, UZ Broadway, Apt, E, Twin girl& -Mr. and Mrs. Costa Mesa. Da.aa Smith, 2605 Redlallds st., • SATURDAY, OCT. 11 Costa Mesa. Boy -Wr. aOO Mrs. Gary • SATURDAY, OCT. -4 Sbaw, 2813 La Salle, Costa Girl-Mr. and Mrs. CIU'is. Mesa. topher Shields, 624 Geneva. St., Boy-Mr. a.od Mrs. Cba.tles Huotiogton Beach. Pierce, 1291 Iowa St., Costa • SUND AY, OCT. 5 Mesa. Girl -Mr. and Mrs. H. Girl -Mr. aDd Mrs. John NEWPORT HAitiOR !IIIUJt SE~~$ECTIOII --Pllf4 THURSMY, OCT. 30, 1M COROllA OEL MAR, FORMERLY MEARS CHIERA MOW U 1110 NEWPO&T BLVD. (JQST A IIIE8A -oUII.f313 .11 A -IIM IIDII lr , ........... ,, .. ••. ol ......... , tD •• ...._ ,., .. whohaa .... '"" ........ do Mr ,, • ..,., oaiiU.a •• H.._ Yi1i10r Mtw ... .... 10 ............ . • n cal\ .. ,.., fri_. •il• ., ....... iA(Cifftll li(ool _. ait.. '""" rn .. •ty ....... ..,... ....,drl IIMCI ,,..,. to ••lp her INCIOIM I C91ai11 .. d wi~ THE UNDERSIGNED does hereby certtty that she ls cooducttna: a Real Estate bust. ness at 1716 So. Coast Hwy ., Laguna Beach, CaW. under the fictitious firm name of Sand· castle Real Estate and that said firm Is composed ot the following person whose name 1D full and place of residence are as follows, to.wtt: Helen Allee Stuart, 330 Hlgb Drive, Laguna Beach, CaW. 9Z851. Hibbard, 1575 Orange Ave., Sheek, 368 E. 16th St., Costa Rick Mancebo has ,Pined the the club llllder the coach!llog of Costa Mesa. Mesa. staff of the Harbor Area. Boys' Rod MacMUUa.n, and then went Girl-Mr. Uld Mr s. Fra.der Boy-Mr. a.nd Mrs. Richard Club as athletic director at on to beCome an aU-league Seidel, 285 Ester St., Costa _.Jonas, 1512 Allttgua Way, Dover the central branch, player In basketball at Costa Mesa. Shores. Rick played every sport at Mesa Higtl School and then at Girl-Mr. and Mrs. Robert • SUNDAY, OCT. lZ Newport Ha.rbor High. Newmeyer, 17361 Keelson Girl-Mr. aod Mrs. Bobby After highschool, Rick played Lane, Huntington Beach. Brown, 1618 Corsica Pl., Cos- OCC COED Sherr I Hochman, zo, ot Costa Mesa Is beiaa: fitted with a "ha.rd ha.t" by Dean Westp.ard, OCC dtvlog Instructor, WhO W'IU be mo<lerator tor the tnarW symposium, "career opportunities 1n diving," scheduled tor 9 Ol.m. to 9:30 p.m. Nov. lin the OCC science hall. The hat is one of the Items of muLDe equipment to be demonstrated at the symposium. Registration fee ls $5. • ., ••"* au.nwfMIIIJI. TMI IIAII-YIIITOI -IIY4-tJ61 WITNESS my band this 21st day of October, 1969 Helen Allee Stuart STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) )ss. COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ON THIS 21st day ofOetober, 1969, before me, a Notary Public in and tor said cowty and state, resldingtflerein, duly commissioned aod sworn, per- sonally aweated Helen Allee Stuart known to me to be the person whose name Is sub- s cribed to the within ln. strument, and acknowledged to me that she e.zecuted the same. WITNESS my hand and oUicJ.al seal, Mary A. Hupa Notary Public Jn aod for said County and State. My Commission ezpires Dee. 13, 1971. Publish: October 23, 30, No- vember 6, 13, 1969, in the Newport Harbor Ensign. DR. JOHN PALMER MILLER has been elected chief of statf of Hoag Hospital, succeeding Dr. Morris Fier. Dr. MUler has served on the Hoag staff sloce 1953. He is a native of Seattle, a.od a graduate of New York. Medical School, serving CLAUDE ALLRED DIES h.is Jnternstup at Northwestern Claude Milt Allred, 59 ol Hospital, Minneapolis. He 2850 Tab& p~ c sta M • served in the U.S. Army during died Oct,~. ::· w:s bor:~ World War fi and in Korea, Alabama on March IO, 1910• ~950.1953, For ezerclse, he Survivors are his wife, Kath-JOgs, water skis and has climbed Jeen, and a brot~r. Arvey All-the Witney Summit, the Matter- red of Duluth Minn A 1 te horn, and has competed In the service was 'held t tt ~It Boston MarathOn for the past Broa.dw Chapel a Del ~ tal five years, Dr. Miller, his wife, ay a ur Eleanor, and 5 children, ages 10 was at the Pacific View Me-to 19 reside inN wnnrt Beach morLal Park. • e-..,.. · at Orange Coast College and at Boy -Mr. aDd Mrs. Gary ta Mesa. Long Beach sta.te on a basket-Tarro, 4.205 Hilarla Way, New-Boy-Mr. aod Mrs. Ja.mes ball schOlarship. Wh.fle 1n port Beach. Olton, 306 Onyz Ave., 8albol school, he )oined such Boys' • MONDAY, OCT. 6 Island. Club alumlli as John Vallely, Gl.rl-Mr. and Mrs. ThOmas Girl -Mr. and Mrs. Billy Bruce Chapman, and Sam Nash, 7811 Talbert st., Hunting-Stiles, 666 W, 18th St., Costa Robinson. ton Beach. Mesa. Rick Is offering a tuU • TUESDAY, OCT. 1 Boy-Mr. aod Mrs. Kenneth program In the gym dally. Boy -Mr. and Mrs. James Stanwick, 2583 WIJJo La..oet Basketball activity Is starting K. Guild, '7041 Candlelight Costa Mesa. this week. Teams are being Clrcle, Huntington Beach. • MONDAY, OCT. 13 for med for boys In 5th Ulrougtl • WEDNESDAY, OCT. 8 Boy-Mr. and Mrs. Robert 12th grades. Boys can sign 1.11 Girl -Mr. aod Mr s. Clayton Hosler, 398 HamUtonSt.,Costa at etther the central branch, F. Turner, 3172 Stelly Ave., Mesa., 594 Center St., Costa Mesa, or Costa Mesa. Boy -Mr. aod Mrs. RoMie at the Uwer Bay branch, 2131 Boy -Mr. and Mrs. BasU Asher, 3054 JOhnson Ave., Tustin Ave. Va rdaulls, 18342 Mandrake Costa Mesa. Way, Irvtne. Girl-Mr. aod Mrs. Kenneth LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE INVITING BIDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of St4)ervisors ot Orange County, California Will receive sealed bids up to 2 o'clock P.M. on the 17th day of November,l969, in the off1ce of the Clerk of the Board of SUpervisor s, 5th Floor, County Administration Building. 515 North Sycamore Street, Santa Ana, California, at which time said bids wiU be pub- licly opeoed and read tor the folloWing: To ~ly all labor, material aod equipment for addition to aod the installation of a tire protection system 1D the Medical Center Buildings 1, 2, 10, 25, 21, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 18, 44, 50, 51, 52, 53 aDd 16035 (Communlca- Uons Center). All of said work to be performed in accordance With plans and specWcations which are DOW on nle ln the offi ce of the Cou nty Clerk ln the County Administration Building, 515 North Sycamor e, Santa Ana, Cautornia. MlnJmum wage rates tor this project have been detumlned by the Board of Supervisors by Resolution 69-652 a copy of which Is on file In the otnce of the Clerk of the ao:ard of Su- pervisors. J, Bana.Uck, 21311 Yarmouth Lane, Huntington Beach. Boy -Mr, and Mrs. Law- reoce W. Doyle, 3077 Taylor Way, Costa Mesa. Girl-Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Byroes, 41 0 5th St., HUD- tingtoo Beach. Boy -Mr. aod Mrs. David Scheetf, 16401 WlshlnpeU Laoe, Hl.aDliDgtoo Beach. Girl -Mr. and Mrs. James Murley, 1 '733 Candlestick Lane, Baycrest. AWARD WINNING photographer • TUESDAy, OCT. 14 Tom Grubbe has been chOsen as Boy _ Mr. and Mrs. Hugo the Junior Ebell artist of the Perez, 703-D James st., Costa month for November. The ez- Mesa. hibit, tobeseenattheMartner's Boy _ Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ubrary, will contain samples of Edward Williams, 2063-A Wal-environmental portraiture (a lace Ave., Costa Mesa. combtoa.tton of photo portrait Boy _Mr. and Mrs. George and photo landscape), formal t Bidder's attention Is called to Sections 1770-177.5 of the Labor Code which w!U require them U awarded the contract to pay DOt less than saJd general per diem rate of wages sei forth to all laborers, workmen and mechanics employed In ShitXilta, 3798 Mistral Dr., HUD-studio portraits made With an ttngton Beach, orlg1111.1 Ugt~Ung approach, u.d Boy_ Mr. and Mrs. WUliam landscapes and cltyseapes made Bethea, 363 E. 18th st., Costa durlnr a recent tour of several Mesa. European countries. Mr. • WEDNESDAY, OCT. 15 Grubbe Is the owner of Tom MR1. COLLINS SUCQJMBS Marion G. Collins, 61, of 43 Cabrlllo, Park Lido, Newport Beach, died at borne oo Oct. 20. She Is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Joseph Ra.Uael, and z sisters, Mrs. George Mcintyre aDd Mrs. Pearl Ba..ker. Funeral services were held Jn Char- lotte, Michigan. ItS what8 inside that counts! This_ mea_ns t~e Mannm people and their proven pro· fes.sronahsm rn matters of finance. It means Mariners peo~te .to ·.Pt?Pie mlerest in your secunty . and Manners wrse Investment of your money in the progress of our community. Join your nerghbors and open il Mariners sawine,s a~count. today. Remember: Federally-insured savints w1ttt the nation's hithest rate of interest, from day in to day out Also free Travelers Cheques and free safe deposit boxes (with minimum $5,000 account). t t t t Cleaning Ex traord ina ry t the eucutloo uf the proposed contract. Each bidder must submit with h..ls bid a satisfactory check certtned by a responsible bank or a bidder's bond made pay- able to the order of the Colttlly of Orange tn an amount oot t less ltla.D five percent (5%) of the sum bid as a guarantee that the bidder will enter into the proposed Contract If the same Is awarded him. In the event of failure to enter into such con- tract, the proceeds of the check wtu be forfeited or ln case Girl _Mr. and Mrs. Roy c. Jones Photography In Newport cusby, 639 trvlne Ave., New-~Bfrea=e=h=.========,.;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:~~~~~~~~========; port Helgttts. • THURSDAY, OCT. 16 (with T~nd~' Lor11'1'1g C"'d t of a boM, the full sum thereof will be forfeited to ;.ud CoUDty of Orange. Each bid must be on a blank form furnished by the County f at t of Orange. The successful bidder shall be required to turllish, at Ume of signing agreement, ooe (1) surety bond wh.ich shall protect the labor ers and materialmen and shall be tor ooe hundred percent (10111,) of the amowt of the Contract 1n accordance t t f VAL ET CLEANERS f t 11)7 &. COAIT lll'fi'AT.. j COIIOWA ZW. 1W1 ' ~ CALL 675.0010 ' '·--QUALITY LAUNDRY-WE DELIVER_f libtr•f Torms 1 AvotiJ>to with Section 25455 of the Government Code, ~one (1) sure. ty bond In the amount of one hundred percent (tOOl.) of the Contract, guaranteeing the faithful pertormaDCe of the Con- tract; said bonds to be first approved by the oftlce of the County Counsel of Orange County. The Board of Supervisors reserves the ri&flt to reject any or all bids, and not necessarily a ccept the lowest price bid, and to waive any informality in any bid received. Dated: October 14, 1969 (SEAL ) BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA W. E. STJOHN County Clerk a.od ez...ottlclo Clerk of tbe Board of S~lsors of Orange County, California By Mabel L. Castelx, ~y PubUSh: Newport Harbor Eostp, Oct. 30 ud NO'f, 6. li69. Girl -Mr. and Mrs. wu. Uam F. Klrkham, Z72 Walnut, Costa Mesa. Boy-Mr. and Mrs. Francis Robison. 20802 CoUma Lane, HuDttngton Beach. • FRIDAY, OCT. 17 Boy-Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kuhry, 3032 Flllmore Way, ltl40, Costa Mesa. Girl -Mr . and Mrs. Arthur Guilford, 1039 Tiller Way, Har. bor View HlUs. Boy -Mr. and Mrs. Donald GWord, 1102 Pine St., Hun- tington Beach, • SATURDAY, OCT. 18 Boy -M.r. aM Mrs. Robert E. Quinn, 3'70 La Perle Lane, Costa Mesa. Boy -Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jer19f, 609 Vista Booita, East Bluff. • SUNDAY, OCT. 19 Boy -U:r . and Mrs. Kenneth Thompsoo. 10102 Meredith Dr., Hunllilcl<lo Boaell. • MONDAY, OCT. ZO Girl-Mr. aD:! Mrs. Kenoetb Webeatel. ZO'l'J Oranp AYe., Costa Mesa. Girl-lit. andYrs.Cbarles D. Coruaat>, 161011Wap Lo., HuaBUn&toD Bet.eb. Girl -Mr, aDd U:ra. Harold D. B&r.rd, 308 Blllltlqtco Afl., HWDctoo Beacb. Girl -Mr. ud llrs. Eorl · Bectlr, 'HI HwllloaAYt,,Colta, ...... l!oJ-111'. ud llro.llldlul p. llleGinJ, 17441 -Lo., ·H ....... BiacL 4mD 10 1111• T LIST ~--~~~ 1M 1111 Gl 110 ·~ -11 oea.uOWp ..-• .,. ~~a. -Cot•-...,_,u,.._ ... ......... Prlea"' c- SERVICE ADAMS QUALITY CAR CARE BY FACTO RY TRAINED PEOPLE WHO CARE Fitr. :11:11 NAMOII a. YD. 'J'Ob.D D •SOD W\!CII.Ii\l llii!Tiii!UT£0. • 11£111% m • IIUCIIIIIY ·ILlaDIIIItlll MM IIAMDil llOVLIV4 -, COITA - S40·S6~0 64Z·09a1