HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-12-04 - Newport Harbor EnsignSEPT 14 PARENTS GET SEX ED QUERY ,./ \ • • ) • • I I I ) • • I The Bay OFFICES IN CORONA DEL MAR, CALIFORNIA • 1s on over b lease vole fLACOI'OLI STOLIN -----Moo. ·----. ·-------· .. ~ eon. ... -. . 1101"1 CIIAKI QTID west•n•,_.., uuw . ....,-., ... ,,_ ····-.... -.. tf If usn a:hletic passes. •· The pollcy reads: "There is a contillual Deed to recognize members of Ute community and educators whose eontrllM.ions to eduea- tioo han positive and profOUDd effects. The governing board,. therefore, sb&ll adopt rules aDd rep1a.Uons which ~ Ud eDCCM~rare the sele-ctive dis- trtbutloa of Jft:"!y aDd/or We time &thJettc puses. •· W!LIUM R. ....... ot-po-lllllllo-C..- ........ £. ... ...,) e $ f. WOp-I( ~ ...... ... --.----· ... ---.... .......... ?Adllltlllll ........ ,. W' I Mf.ft ......... ,H.ItM f .... ,,.... .. ....... -.. -.c • ;at -·~no -c s 0.... • .. _ ..... ~~~--... .., ,..,, no ... __ .. .,.,. , BILL KENNEDY: CONSERVATIVE CORNER 1 • Charity League presents debs hJo -lopoto cut a .,... &ad eq>lre WWI, A--oeor a oe1t1oc ol beaiiiJ oldrt dll 1'10> ~ pl..U Ill llld aiiPJICO u llle Newport -nliiClllc oat to a .,a<e- Ciloplor ol Ho-I CIUlly 1111 U.., ,llld tailored bon - Loo .. pr-od""-·· der-IDe "'" ~ Ill .... bllllltwdi.Jtt'fiiiUc. Hew. tt, DKk"• 1.111 cavacttacc~ontbe Ill tile Palmer RoomoiiiiOHew--ba<:k. -.... -ftob711o~-. Red, I'OMI, plnk c:&rllltlou daucfUr of Yr. llld Mn, am Jtak babJ'• breath ul fern Georp Edward l'fewtoD of -lD bt.ll llllllque -.bite Ba-llllalld, -.u -by ......,. lroa -arouod 1110 J&OIH Rol>erl KDcb. lfor -red-CU'Ptttd Jtaae. Tba studs .,.. "Volan:• 111111 Nntoa'• Wtrt tied toptber wttb pall wblte alasttM drtl:l WU de- -aad red rl-. Oo ••h lllpod by Bellllda BellYIIle. ft table tbea ...,. floweu r1Dpd wu a hllfl lltted, aleeYelesa 1. pale pink taper tD a Jtu• ID"''l wt.tlli a )lftl oeetuae, ebimDey. tbe froot bOdice swetPIDc to the JobD Hallam HiestaDI:I, wbo open back, wbere 1t formed aened upresentor,ld:roduced a large bow. Tbe mod1Aed em- Mn. .Ednrd Leisy Corlett; pire U.De was aeeeDtuated wttb chapter preatdeDt; Mrs. Jack re-embroidered lace trim. LiDden CaktweU. debutante b&ll Mlss Carol Jean Roseoast, director; Mrs. Lynn WUllam daugbter of Mr. ud Mrs. Ro- Kiotpler, llltloaa.l board prest-bert stanley Roseoast of West- deBt, aod Mrs. Harold Stanley cwr, was escorted by Dooald VoepUD, .. Uooll debutute Georp White. Miss Roaeoast ball director. atteads Arl.zOOa state 11n1- Aa each debutante ns pre-Yerslty at Tempe, The aoogsbe MDted, a wtdte curta.ln opeoed cbose was lbe tbeme from aDd abe made berst.Jamesbow "Api'U Fools." u.r dreu wu beoeath a Strass crystal cban-white sUk orpnr.a wttll a square cleUer aDS before a till mirror Deekltne and an A-UDe stlrt. banked with tlowers, ma.ktDC Tbe bodice was CtuUUy lace dcQ)ly beauitttul the entrance of with ttD.y pearls IP clusters aD1 each 1o¥ely girl dressed ln her the skirt also was appliqued white ball rown and carrylng with clusters of tlDJ pearls aad a peau de sole muft covered lace. The skirt was YerJ lUll w1lb a pink aad white glameUa. ln tack, aceeDtlatad at tbe top Eacb debt.U.Dte ed.ered to the with a bow. stra1ns of a ruortte soog. The Miss Ronda Dtame Vogel, )'OUQI women were presented by da.llgbter of Mr. U.S Mrs. Hans their fltbers, W'bo escorted WWiam Vogel ot Sa.nb. Aoa.. theril trom the stage and later LS escorted by James Mlcba.el led lbem ln the father-daughter :Ka.noa. Miss Vogel attends wa~ alter which tbey were u...:LA. Her song was "If ever I claitned 'by tbelr escorts. would lean you," Her gon was Mlas Janis Linden Caldwgll, a BiaPcb.l origtnal white sllk dau&fder of M.r, a.od Mrs. Jack peau de sole fashioned in au Linden Cakhrell of Dover emptre style with arotmdneck- Sholes, n.rst to be presellted, ll.oe. Toe skirt fills 1n an was escorted by Gregory DaYld A-Une ln troat wlth an orp.nu Moffat. Miss Caldwell attends rose at the 'Q1st 1n back which Lewts and Clark College tn spreads 1n a large fold on Portland. Her song wu the each side. theme trom "Romeo and Miss Barbara Louise Wool- Juliet." Her--gownwasaBiancht sey, daughter or Mr. and Mrs. original of silk and wor sted with Roy B~eney Woolsey or Lido a high s<::hoop neckline, sleeve-l&le, was escorted by Tlmotby less with an t?mpfrE> ll.'alstline. Armstrong McAtee.M.lssWool- The 'bodlc~ was lleadl'1'1 in Uny sey attends the University of pearls and cr )'stals forming RedWlds, Johnstoo College. As small rowers .wd leaves. The her soog she chose''Aslranger sarM beading bor dered the ln paradise." Her CrtQos or hemline and contlnlted ~the Gallrll gownwasotstlkslwltung apron back, which was also with Venice tace, a priocess bordered with beading. A bow skimmer with lace short, short topped the aproo effect at the sleeves. Venice lace wasappll- l.Qck... Qued on the Sabrina necklloe and M;ss., S1epbanie Cutler, A. llDe skirt. da"ghter of lilt'. and Mrs. TI H debUtante be.U Is con- Malcolm Cutler of Irvine Ter-sldered a "familY aft.Ur" by race, was escortE.'d by Steven members of Natlolll.l Charity Robert Br o'lfn. Miss Cutler League, ginn In recognition attends t.:C L/,, HE-r son~ was the of the service ot these young theme tron1 "Vr. Zntvago." Her women in tbelr flrst 6 years as elepnt prlocess gown was of Tlcktockers of the Ol'pnlza- saUn trimmed wtth tiny covered tioo, during which time tbey buUous. nave devoted many yours to Miss Diane Frizzelle, phllantrboplc services In the da.ugttter o! Ur. dlld Mr s. Nolan community. Theyhavealsosup- FrJ.uelle of ~ewport Beach, ported the League's on pro- was escorted by Michael )ect, the John Tracy Cllnlc Jefferey McWilliams. Miss demonstration home and nur- Frlzzelle Is attending Southern sery schOol 1n Costa Mesa, a Methodist University in Da.Jlas. tree service whtch teaches deaf Her song was "Diane." Her pre-school chUd:reo to spea.k. ro•n was or silk orpnza wtth a The Ttcktoc.ker thrift shop sup. natural wa.istUne. The scoop ports the cUntc. neckllne wa s edged on the borttce Each debutante wore for the with lace medallions. The same first Ume a coronet pendant of medailions anchored a swag pearls a.od gold given her at around the hemlloe of a the announcement tea last May ru.u skirt. by her mother. The medallions, Miss Kristine Laun,daugtlter carried on whltevelvetrJbbons, of M.r. and Mrs.JOhnLeooLaup were the only jewelry worn by Jr. of Lido Isle, was escorted the debutantes. by Richard Joo Coble. MJss Tbe festitlvites continued Laun atteDds tbe Uaiversity of after a sumf)tuous dinner, wtlh CaWorDia at Sa.ota BarblrL As daocing to the music or Barney bet song She chose the theme Sorkin. Tbe debutantes sat from "A Man aod a Woman." at two round tables with their Her gown wasoflmportedSWiss escorts. In the center or each sa.Un. featta1Dgascoopoec:kl1De table was a silver caodelabra compote with pale piDt C&Ddles Mrs. Paul Joel Williams; Mrs. aod red roses, pint caroatlons Russell Reed l...a.ngenbeck, es- l.lld piDk baby's breath abore corts aDd staps; Mrs. MetriD and prla.o4s of smilax spilllng Dalllel KHmer m, formal in- don to the cloth, The gold 'titatiolls; Urs. Llsso stewart and red welvet appointments ln Ylms, lntorma.l lnYitations; the room were eocha.ocedbythe Mrs. Richard Curtis RawUnp, floral deeontioos. presentor aDd noor committee; Attending tbe ball as stags Mrs. Lee Pazton Jordan Jr., were Thomas Treblng Mtms, music; Mrs, Wahlen Olaoder, Walter Pattersoo Douglas, pbotograpby; Mra. DoPald Eu- Theodore Wilson, Dooald M§d gene Neptune, program cbaJ.r. Tippett Jr., David Woolsey and man:; Mrs. Dan E\lpDe Bayless; Norman Henry Jeseh Jr. pubUclty, assisted by Mrs. Jack Tile tloor committee, headed Keitb Samuels; Mrs. Peter by Lee Pa.rtoo Jordan Jr., con-Duya.n Jr., secretary; Mrs. Hol- ststed of Ricbard Curtis Raw-mes Mills, treasurer; Mrs. Guy lings, Robert Joseph Hayes, Austin Smith, resernUons; Melvin Da.niel Kilmer m, James Mrs. Robert Stanley Roleo&st, Robert Gage, Reapn Paul Con-social chairman; and Mrs. oally aod ROOert Bruce llDder. Henry W.;.goer Jr., ciWI ar- wood. rangements. Mrs. Georp wu. Mrs. Caldwell's ball com-Uam Elerding of Los Angeles mittee tocluded Mrs. Herbert W"aS rehearsal director. John Meaay, asststant direc-At l'oclock, as the last dance tor; Mrs. James Richard White, ended, the debutaltes and thetr ae ~ssortes; Mrs. Edwin Ter-escorts left the bl.llroom and ranee Moran m, debutante beaded tor brea.ttut 1D tbe Udo cbairma.o; Mrs. Richard Walter lsle bome or Mr. and Mrs. Roy Smith, debutante t.lthers cnatr. Blateoey Woolsey. They topped maa; Mrs. John Hallam Hie-the eveottu.l evening by sl.ngl.ng stand, decorations; assisted by old 90015 togethu. THE SPOUT OF CHRISTMAS w1.U be kindled by members aod guests of the Thursday Morning Club of Newport Beacb when they gather at 11 a.m. Thursday, Dec. 11, at the Ba.l- boa Bay Ciub for their annual hollday brunch. Cbrlstmas table and door decontions wtu be offered for sale by the Cerebral Palsy Assoclatioo or Orange Couuty. Displaying some of the Items are Mrs. Mario Pacini, at lett, resern- . tlon chairman. and Mrs. WlWson K. Vance, Orst Yice. president and program chalrman. Members will also brlng gilts for the elderly restdlng 1D homes for the aged Jn this area. Bob Mitchell's Singing Boys will present a musical program, "Christmas 1D 900(," ' KILL OR CURE 7 Some folks used to eat tobacco for ~dK:tnal pur· poses. TIM:y thought t~ tn1Jredtents of tobacco woukj kill any poison 10 t~ S)'!lt~m. W~ know better now- thanks to medical research. w~·v~ learned, too. that it's best to ask your ph ysician's advice ~for(' takmg any medicines . Be w1sc 1n matters of health. WM:n you're til, let your doctor do tht dia"nosing and prn~:nbmg. Tl'ten, 1f he orders mt.JICatlon. come to w for prncnptton §CnJce Christensen PlwaiiCICY -&. COAIT ftY. =-a ldL IIAil OIIICL& 1·- JUAN ZANUDO and his fabulous MARIACHI " . GlJADALAJ'A'RA 7-PIECE (sometimes 8) BAND NITELY---7:30 'TIL?? 6754470 3201 E. COAST HIGHWAY CORONA DEL THE PERFECT CHRISTMAS GIFT! SJIVBDIB TV "MODEL CE26-Big family 1izt 227 .:tUtor? inch IC:rftn roll-about rolor TV. Hu the famous Sylvania t'Oior b1·irht S&• pictut"P tube-and Drluxe Color Bonut e~iL Roll-about •Land opUonaJ. NOWotiY $379'5 Moon CE29-Hu AFC {autom•ti( flnto tuning rontroll . gives you a J)'rftct pictur? at thfo I'U~~ ?f 1 ~lion . ill<'lu·l~~ all CE26 futul'f'8 1nd 1 oa·ood romJ~ItU>n 'A1Inut Ylnyl finish. Roll-about 1Land optional. TV IU:n ;I'Tif'l-" !0;1\ll'l -'n;n NOW ONlY $399 95 KEY CLUB MEMBERS of Corooa del War higtl schOOl collected $500 wor1h of caiUI8d goods and doaaled,tbe food to tbe Rose Part orpbaoage In Tijuana. M.exteo, operated by JU&D ud Joan Sa.Ddoral Tbe orpbaDage ba.J oo regular locome and relles 10lely on donat1ons and people's prayers to teep the orpba.oap cotng. No cblldren are turned any, and there are DOW 79 youngsters from tbe age of 6 months to 10 years. The aduUa and Key Clubbers staodingln tbe bact row at the orpbaDap site are, from left, Mrs. Sandon!; Robert Hqhes, Ylce..prloelpal at COM b1gtl school and Key Club advboz'; Tom Tlft. lfaduate of Cml high school aDd DDW KJ'ftDI!; Club adY18or for the Key Club, a,llj Key Club members Burt Ray, Ket'ln BarDI!tt, John Sagud, Larry BLoc. Jeff Muter100 (with friend) and Keith Samuels. ADotber trip ispl.an.Ded, bopetwJy before Christmas, and Key Clubbets would appreciate dooaUons of aon-perlsbable food. clothing. -aDd bcdldlng materials. (Rich Kredel -.) 'CHARTER MEMBER ' PATRONS LISTED Wltb tbe aA~ro&ch of tbe an. DU&1 presentation of CbJJdren's Home Society debutantes, new tamtlles aod frieods are drawn iDto testlrities of tbe ball, to be beld at the Balbol Bay Club Saturday, Dec. 27. The list of patrons bas new oames eacb year, but tbe ma- jority are Newport Harbor r e- siderXs wbo ban given con- Unuiog ~rt to the society's statewide adaptioo proKJ'lm OJer a perkx! of years. Tbose wbo ban sened ln this ~tty for 16 consecutive ·years belf.DnlDI wtth the 11rst ball l.r& 1~ Ut: Mn. Josepb Allu Beet, Mrs. George Yard- ley Jr., aod W.essrs.a.ndYmes, Lyman Howes Farwell, Edward H.Groeoendyke, Edgar R. Hlll, George Holstein m, Moreland Leitbold, Paul Arthur Palmer, 0. W. RJchar<f. Paul Milton Roeers, IJrenU; Sullinn, and Tbomas Campbell Webster. other patrons, many ofwbom !JaYe served a number ofyears, include Robert Gugrenheim, Judge and Mrs. EUsba AYery Crary, Judge aod Mrs. Robert C.UdDer, Col. aod Mrs. Alan Jocelyn Mickle, UCI cbancellor a..Dd M.rs. Da.nlel G&sttll Aldrich Jr., Dr. and Mrs. Robert Floyd Beauchamp, Dr. aod Mrs. John Kenneth Hamel, Dr. and Mrs. Emory Speer Moore Jr •• Dr. and Mrs. Harry E. SUctler, Messrs. and Mmes. Bewley Al- Coyle McCny, T. Ptdi.Ups MOI'- p.n, Paul Nissen, Georp T. Pfleger, Cbester Purcell, JobD F. Pm-ter, Edward ADgw;Raul- ston, Hasler R. Ring. Heory T. Segerstrom, Rlcbard Steele, John J. Swiprl, Richard C. Veroon. Edward c. Warming- ton, Robert Nauer Weed, Char- les S. Wheeler, Horace S. WU- son Jr., George PertiDs Yule and Mrs. Rossell LewlsJ. IseU. Mrs. Wllsoa. V. Woodma.a is auxiliary presldeDt am Yrs. Royal D. Tucter 1s ball cbair- man. Assl.st:lng Yrs. Tucker oo tbe ba.ll committee are the Mmes.. WWlam c. ~. Ro- bert 8odsoa, Terrell L. Root, WLWam F. Harper, Reotro C. Newcomb, Ira W. Smith, Wal. lace Gerrie, John KUlefer, Ro- bert Diemer, Fra.o.k H. Traoe, Richard Hess and W, Phelps Merickel. The 1969 Children's Home Society debutantes aM their parents are: Elizabeth Hanson Carver, Mr. and Mr s. Leroy La.ogbenry Carver Jr. MarlanDe Emison Coz. Mr. and M.rs. Alvin Stewart Cox. Terry Ann Ellis, Mr . and Mrs. Fred Victor Newman Ellis. lauri Ellen Fraser, Mr. aod llrs. OaYld Ladson Fraser. Vlrpnta Clalre Howell. Richard Dea.oe Howell aod Mrs. Robert Yardley, Karen KuemmelJactson. Mr. and Mrs. Robert En.ns Jack~ lea, Wallace White Barnes, Chester E. Brabyn. Laurence Edward Brown, WaKer Bur. son. roughs, Joseph t...opn Caner, Jessica Modord Jooes, Mr . William Boucber Clark, Earl and Mrs. Henry LlDcoln Jones. George Cortett. A. AleDJider Laureo Am Kalmbach, Mr. Hamilton, Rolla R. Hays Jr., and Mrs. Herbert Warren Lloyd Lees Aubert, Leroy Kalmbach. La.ogbenry Carver Jr •• Charles UDda Leslee Littlejohn. Dr. P. Cotton, Lowell Wlnston aod Mrs. Verooo Lester Uttle- Enns., Byron Farwell. Norman john. AleDnder Gamble, Walter Gay. Kathryn Leooa Lynch, Mr. ner, 'II. Allen Grullb, James and Mrs. Frant William Lyuch. Waltham Laws m, Yaarlce Pamela Jean W.esene, Mr. LEGAL HOTICE MEASURE TO BE: VOTED ON NOTr:E IS HERE BY GIVEN that tbe tollowinc measure Is to be YOted OD at &~lalMuaJ.ct. pal Elocttoo to be held Ia the City ol Nnport Beaehoa Tues- day, tbe 1Jlb day of JaJUIUY, 19'11), A ma.nre which, it ap.. proo_,, wW utborlu the City eo.cu o1 the City o1 Newport Beacll to tater 1Dio u ameoded -with lllo 11a111aa Boy Clab, IDe., a tbe -.ac ol a parcel ol City-na1 ~ty CWtCf.,nl at IIIIII"'DmatelJ 15 .... -.. lllo .,_, -II' oiPadlle<:..MHIIII- ,"'1 --ll'ollllo --.,. ............ .,_A_ Ia ao City ol II-S.eh. n. ... ..,., ..._ luare- '"''"• .... of twwy ..... (11),...-L D'U..•rn11d.._ a. .. c:wed a. e.. Clltbe ..... wtD ... .,_.., to • total ol llllJ..a.. (55) ,_., 1'111 City .. , ............. ,la- a.ll tl r.eal .._ wUIII ,.m• 1 11r ,.h•c ldJIIt-_iiW_ .. _.,._ 111111* • 2 IF J4. 1- J-.£ot~ooo Qlra.t Cllr ol .. "IIIIDUDUtl -liS'--~':;\= ... R:t ,., aod Mrs. John RobertMesene. Margaret Leoore Parker, Mr. aod Mrs. John Beraard Parter. Deanoe Kay Peyton. Mr. aod Mrs. Charles Ragan Peyton. Diane Plwnb, Dr. aDd Mrs. Hugh JuUas Plumb Jr. Sbaroo Tbo-Dr. aDd lira. Arthur FarraDd Tboq,--BIG IIRO ntERS KAME WAR REll ROSE OF LIDO Worreo L. Rooo ol Lido late, nc--o1 111o Sputan cua.r eo., -Part, 11u -·-to lllo lard of dlr-• ol lbe lllc Br-• ol 0:-up Coaaly. 1'llla pooblle ...nee &pDCJ JrOYidel co-.. •1 IDd l'ddaaee to trolbled ,_boJolalalber-- llr. -l.o • ..-ol 1IIC -• 118 --Ill -...,.... ad~ u:l aftl.c'-ce. a. .ned or•- -. -... u.s. """ dlr1ac W•ld War II, 11111111( lllo ru1t ~~~~-· Ho l.o --udell-_., ___ ., .... ., aw.. -·-ot ea. en. c..,~"' C=zrw, Ud U 1111:hte •2 Sirota.¥ ts ro.. -,._ .. ,_ ... fwelutaJ..,._I c..,_ N-HAR90R ENIIGII ARtTSECTlOII--P•,4 'TltURSDAY, DEC. \ ltl9 OOIIOIIA DEL IIA( CALIF. Kidney tests offered 1'111 l-E!lo1l Cl. o1 lor l-lliiiiL Mro. - N-8oodl, -lbe ~---,, Mra. Roy --olllra. WorreoFP. ~-ud lira. .....,. Mom-Ud lbe Ellll<-Clab ol Now-lord w111uolollllrlllo ..... osoo port -, .-11J llro. Clal>, a ....., o1 -• &ad I. Stwvt Peter-., wtlluctJt Jarmer pruidW• at womei!.•s Ia •mar lllo lr:l-diMM e-, orp•l..tlllrlllo- -_ ... darlac Ito ol ald1Dc Ia lllodoloetloo, lrlll- llllllal ....... ol lllo Ire!, 4lb -&ad ·-eh ........ ol &ad lllh cndesla 15 olom-..y lddlloy dloouo, oehooll Ill lllo Nowport-M-IIO IS!TTE GOURMET School District. 1'111 prop-am HOW OPEH Ill COM .. helD& ecadu:tod 1IJ lbe Or- anp-R1ven1de CouatJ Kldoe:r Gourmet food to ao 11 tbe FC>UD<Iatloo UDder Mrs. Robert -· at lloiHtte Gourmot, Ready uecutlte director, SS2t E. Cout Hwy., Coroaa ' del-Mar. wbere dlsbes sueb u Testtoa:. Oil & YOluntarybasla, £n&IIM TrUlel Y1tb lberrJUI U aow UDderwayaadwt.llesteDIS aftllable. A eaterm, .arYtce, ewer a· 5.weell: aebool period tor puUu Jarce or small, a1m llllllllc lao. •• Ia.-... HOURS: S A:.M. ~.M. DAIL.V SUNDAY: tO A.M. TO. P.M. Volrlteers from both 1J"0'C>5 Nobette, "Wtle buelDut'' fa wW us11t iD tbe clerJcal wort, FreDell. Is 10 oamtd after pro- wbUe member a wbo are former prletress Hue I, who baa traiDed nurses will ~. traft.lecl widely, llY!Ae la lira. I.Jonel DaSUYa, .bea.ttb nriou torelp couatrtes. cblirma.a tor the JualorEbells, Oar1Dc ber ?.year resldeDcelD wUb Mrs. Frank Hugbes and Fnoce, sbe &tteDded tbe illter- llt.s. Rlcbard Bechtel, are the .QI.tloll&ll,y flmous Cordoa Bleu --MrfiDc Ill this CII)OCity llehool ol IDUl"IDII ""*'ac. THE TOY SHOP 3101 EAST COAsT HIGHWAY CORONA DEL MAR, CALIFOINIA PHONE 673-3791 Newport National Bank offers you the warm glow of creative interest you can bank on. When you "re saving money, green is a beautiful color but Newport National Bank would like to add some additional color to brighten your savings picture. • Newport National Bank pays the highest bank interest anywhere on your savings account, and at the same time, offers its customers an opportunity to acquire a collection of exquisite miniature reproductions of original oil paintings. These striking decorator miniatures will add infinite charm to your living room , office, den , bedroom, or wherever. Also for memorable gift-giving at Christmas or other special occasions. Framed in antiqued gold, set off by rich velvet, they measure 7'%'' x 8'%" overall . (A regular $15.00 retail value .) Each miniature is ready for hanging in decorator grouping or singularly in small areas. Now is the time you can truly admire every entry in your savings passbook. how the program works : for new savings accounts only Open a $100 savings account-and buy one miniature for $3.95 (plus tax) Open a $200 savings account-and buy one miniature for $2.95 (plus tax) Open a $300 savings account-and buy one miniature for $1 .95 (pfus tax) Open a $400 savings account-and buy one miniature for$ .95 (plus tax) Open a $500 savings account-and buy one miniature for FREE!• •umit of two"" min•atures re1ardless of •mount of deposit over $1000. for present depositors • Each $50.00 deposit to your savings account entittes you to pur· chase one miniature for only $3.95 (plus tax). • A depositor (with no deposit required) can purchose a decorator miniature for only $4.95 (plus tax). • A non-depositor can purchase a miniature for $5.95 (Pus tn:). (...,.tlrty • $15.00 -) ' ·- bc:fl 1a1111t lltlwM .. 115,000. M•Mf f .O.I.C Earn 6%, 7·%;· 8o/o or MORE In today'• market, to_.,ality -., earry the hi11/onl 11U.ldo U. tlolo _, • .,, ·-IWIIOR IIIIGII RRST I(C110II --r,. 5 111UIISMY, DEC. ' Bfi! alllliiA liB. !WI, CAlif. Lorraine Kemp weds OIILDREM'S PICTURES PROM JIIPIIM SMOWM ~,.. ·~ ... tltJ ata C)'Wnmltfat: isiii'I•T,...,&If'OIP "' Z2 pt-.. from --"' J-at !be C.,._ del Mat library. Tbese pietures ••e ev'»npd for a slmlla.r aam- ber •*t.:~ last ,.,. at tbe 1bCJWtDc ot elemeatary tebool art hm Ne'W'IIOrt~Mesa Ulll&d ~'<~'!'/!: Scbool DUirlet. Tbe ocrwn~ ftS arraoced Jr. execs in new office ~~~. (f>J:?J~ ... Frederiks Florist We are only number 2-1/2 tn Corona del Mar, but we try harder to please you. See us for your Cbristmas flowers and gifts. PHONE: 675-7552 :1426 E. COAST WHY .• COR OMA DEL MAR l£TTII!S IIAPPBI TO YOU ••• CAll TODAY 5ti-1G1 642-0270 High gnde corporate bonds are Clll'mltly available at y ields approaching 9%. These are top-quaUty ial!luee ... backed by &Orne of the largest and financially atroopst corporations in thi8 country. And moet of them are protected for up to five yean agaiullt a call for refunding at lower intereet rate.. bJ a JIPI•-cuost at last MRS. WIIRREM IISIIOP CLARICE ,~·· ~ ~~~ tber----~::~:::;~~~:=_:~:::: ...... ~~ .... ._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._~ Nowpoct Bea<:b Jaolor EbeiL I I I I I I I I I I I I There i& also a wide choice of municipal bond! returning close to 7%, taz-frff. Many of these bonds are non...callable for 10 yean or more. Their tas advantages make them especially attractive for investon who are in higher income bracketa. HilltoricaUy, this combinotion of hill> bond yields plru high quality hao been rare. Clearly, you owe it to younell to look into the poeeibility of making tbeee high-grade, high-yielding bonds a part of your investment strategy. Dean Witter & Co. can help-with compre-- hensive information and objective evaluation. Contact your nearest Dean Witter of&ce today for further details. There's no coat or obligation involved. And for a free copy of our latest reeearch report, "Time to Look at Bonds in '!bur Investment Strategy?", telephone or visit any of our offices or U8e the coupon below. l You're clo8r to nwn wlto lnow wMn yoo i.nt:Htat witlt ... DEAN WI'M"ER a: Ca. INCOJil.POilATD D£AN WITTU. CO.liiCCIIIPOMTtD '"--... oopJ(Ioo) "',..... ,_-"'Time to J..ook•tBoadl;inYourla• ' W8bak.,r N4m<---------------------------- A~'-------------------------- ~---------------------I ..,_ I . SS.~•----------------~ .. •------ 1 Tbe ptctares MDC from New-sat Beacb aad: Costa Mesa 1tbools will tour 8 cities lD J-. .u.. 0111 t:miblt at tbt l1t.JrUy art I ...ates b'om tut fear"& -· -bJ --..... llarl>or Yin Scbool. IM'IIOL VIEMEMT WEEK IIWUD PRESENTED A .,.c.l&l awud 1r1.s presen- ted lOUie -BeodiJ-Eboll Cl ... bJ Mrs. Robert Cal- derWood, z.t Yice..presidellt ol Oranee Obtrtd, b a.cUYWes bold durlll& Oetd>or lo .... SUT&Dee of )uD1ar tmotYtmeat ... Yrs. Eqeoe Koncb. 21111 ytce-preatdeDt ud t.deralJoD eJwJ.rm&D Jar tbt Jldar Ebell ClatvecetYtd tbe award at u. ""'. 19 dlatrlet -lloldla FalJertoD. Slll tokl oft. chlb"s aeti.Was br tbe .-.. 11>- cladi.Dc two SO m.1DI&e cabJe.. ~ procrams .--womea•a clubs, di.IPI&JlDc poa.. .... ~!be­ ... ........... lblp .... udlllo -"' 5----·~-lllclllo-- CONCERT· DEC. 7 II T DCC IIUDI10 RIUM T-. "' ... -_.... p&et• tJI cJuskal ..UC wiD. bl .,...IDid Ia tbt ~ Srl'll -GIIOo,_. GIIOo<hllit Cout Cal1ap -·-.,... 1 ,._, ...-ucp.m.Doe. 11lllllloOCC--I1 ne JI'OII'UI S.:a.llll till 1\.,.•tae, .,R_.. lulw," ~..,.-.-..-;-· I ,.._. War)d.'' SJ s' 1 t liD.~ 1 ... _ ............... . I ca.1n bf bdmrl .... .,.. I 11-,_,.44 Dlrid Sa •• u I K'd• I 1 liB. .,.__' au I ........,.._Do ..... ll,ll ~-~.---. ... 1 __ .... _ ..... _, ....... ~ ... ., .. JforioiN-a:Koara.,..a• .,.., .... W-._ ........... ... ~_...AL.-.. IIIItbuF-zr...t"-=MI--'IdMO• ........... ..... ---.. -. .. .. _ ........ ...... Ilii-'H Wtl IICR WARJaiT ..... I tor ....... -.. tlno XJ'AC,Diall'l "'[~ .... _ .... .___ HER CUP RUNNETH OVER Diamond wedding rings from our deliciot&selection. From left: $575.$1,600. $1,450. S1.200. $395. SLAVI£K'S II FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT lEACH-644-1110 YIP CMrwl Alii& I WlfUMII-II! ... INIIawtl. Malle 0.. ..... O .. llN MONOAV THitU SATURDAY "TIL fiSO ...... ~A~M •~•a~~ aaafo-•~••a~l------------------~-----------------------~--~--• .----· • Contiftveut Show Sunday ,_ 2 P.M. Adulta 1.7S-CIMid 7Sc FREE PARKING HELD OVER •L&O Jackie Gleason -Estelle Parsons •• "DON'T DRINK THE WATER" 6,45 AND 8,40 THIRD BIG WEEK wbae die lteab ef all udeu - ')\ucn t..ARlD GurHRr£ FRENCH FRIES 2 .. 39c SARA LEE DANISH CINNAMON 2 LBS. 303 SIZE ALL GREEN DEL MONTE ASPARAGUS MARTHA WASHINGTON PICNIC SIZE 300 SIZE • oz . 59( SARAN WRAP 50 FT. 31( WHITE OR YELLOW GROLL PINEAPPLE-GRAPEFRUIT 4601.DRINK 2 .. 6Sc • the mesa . . . · ..... ~· ~· ··. . . .. ,' waa.t•SIIft'S ...... --~ 20 WOfch or leu ............. . 21 WOf'ds to 30 _,ds .... .. 31 _,d, to ..0 words .... .. 1 Ti- UO 2.00 3.00 .. 05 IW/o PAm .. wuum 4. lUI II. UYS • (l'ltn Ill IIICUIIal ,.m iMI111 .. 1 ..... • ..... lloo, -.... i'LIIS loroiiM, llottory 1014 -~~ .,...... AN ..,.1r work -ill -two Nnlco .,.,_,_ '69 COllA Htr41•,_ FACTORY All., •trkfJI•tic, aaH, P.S~ P.l ., 4-0oe• 5cd•"· V.l, tu.lor'f •i• ••P· iilio~·~1 .• .,.,,.,.411(, .,,,..., tltt~ir.t. ~~''"'" t ••~••· IOFFtU I o ... '"'""· lt O V.I . u •o,.,tlic, r, .. ,. 11..,,; .. ,, ,.,;,, '"''"· ,. ... li••t IVTP70tl 1tU •on CloALUII JH HARDTOP "·D•••· v.t. '"'"'"''''· '"'''Y ,,, Ctlltilti•lliflll, full ,..,..,,, ,. .. ;,, httl••· fPtX)JJI 2 Times 2.~ 5.00 4.00 . 10 3 Times 3.00 4.00 5.00 • 15 !aONIIIO. Y••• or .. _. i•oe oe all &Jpel or c&o. *1 .... lla-llpocioi!Y, .... IIIU.n.l.. .,.,., ,... .... ....... lllol-fin ...... _.,., aJN. 67~m ... Call ''TilE GBNTLA GIIU.8" -,.., ... bai -of !'OW h"ap, BOOSTS SEX ED USED CAR BARCAI•s ITR~S,.OI1TA'TIOII CARS '64 DODGE COUPE 6 cyl., ouOo •• $ 56 eM EY. PICI(.UP loogloH, 3 .,..., ..... , .. IIJIClt snc. +d•., va, ddt $4UU SUM BEAM ... t~ ....... 0 •• 1417! 'f a;.;'ii'iLiOIIII...,_ Ill ---,_.,.._,.. ...... rt ••• ~~a •••• LOVELY TO LOOK AT Lovely to See IRVINE TERRACE VIEW )lOME. TROPICAL LAJniJCA.PilfG AND POOL. Three bedrooms. two -La 1D111D ....... SEPARATE GUEST QUARTERS AND BATH POOJ.mlE. OI'EM MOUSE DAILY 1--5 P.M. 1121 SAIRlMA TERRACE COROllA DEL MAR ••••• NEW DUPLEX 3 Bedroom r.,me ready for buyer's lmmedl&te oee.....,r. l.achllos carpetl.ag, drapertu 1111 laaclselptnc. IDcome already establlsbed oa two -..omii(>Uimeat. Immaculate four t.!room, two batb borne In cbotce UeL Ideal for 1amiiJ, ~Ol'i Y. f'RJ\l'il<l.ll'i I Rf:.i\1. TOR ' 3250 lut Cont HiJitway Coron1 del M•. CalifOJnil f'ttoM: ti7J.2212 Ensign Publishing Co. 01/ut Pri1tlrr:1 • High s,..d rotary ofhet prou • Varityping • Headlin., 2n1 E. Cooot Hwy. CORONA DEL MAR Phonr. 673-4550 Pili realty 642-5200 Vogel Value ••••••••••••••••••• FOR LEASE PRIME CORNER FOR OFFICES OR STORES-IN LIDO SHOPPING AREA • (Surplus space of Udo Realty, Inc.) Do YOU Think Your Family Is Important? WE DO! That ls why we offer you DOt ooe, but 6 beautlfW., hmaious homes In tbe exclusin Bluffs for you and your ~m.lly, 2 to 4 bedroom5, some 1JithY1tnr,al11FWI swimmJ.Dg pool, Puttinc green, greerilelts, clubhouse, tAIIIll scl&b, and many mor e emu. Priced tram $41,500 to $53,500. CALL US HOW ---WHILE WE STILL HAVE AH OUTSTAHDIMG SELECTIOM. -\R~-, THE REAL \ ESTATER S ' I . ' . ORAMCE COAST P-HTY 332 te c.-del .... -67).(550 ONLY $30,000 IMAGINE! TWO 2 BEDROOM HOUSES FOR ONLY $30,000. Newport Heights school area. Convenient location. IMAGINE ! Two 2 bedroom houses for only $30, 000! Newport Heights School area. Convenient location. Rich Irwin realtor 2443 E. Coast Hwy., at MacArthur Corona del Mar -Phone 675-6060 Corona del Mar's Best Buy !----~ ............ ~~~ ... Laa4-bedroomYIEWbomewltbboaleduiiiWerod I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I largo pool, z full bllbs, • dl.aiJt( room, a -··• I Sales through the Multiple Listing dre&m kite ... ooerloc>II1Jic tlle poo~ .,.. a z • .., Service of the Newport Harbor-Costa llr~Jace. Mesa Board of Realtors totaled Full Price $55,000 over $47.5 million for the first ten o...or lraDS!erred Eut. s.e tbUt -.1 months of 1969. This represents .... -..., . •or •• I 611-!-........... ..._ ....... ....... • • • 1,294 unit sales and a dollar value Increase of 6% over the same period of last year, which was a record year. List your property~1wtth a Realtor today. 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I YOU CAN ONLY MAKE MONEY U the mortgage balance on your borne ranges up to $30,000, wecanllhowyou haw to pay ott that balance within 5 to 8 years ••• saving thouaanda In Inter- est mooey ••• ellmtnattnc alUe-tlme of mortgage payments ••• c~ a nest egg not to be eaten up by lnflatioo • 2,118 bome owners In South Oranre County can be accommodated In tbla atraordlnary prcnt 8bariDcPrarram which Ul~torllleom•boltwaea $7,500/$20,000. CORBIN - MARTIJII UA£f'OM EXECUTIVE ESTATE Located on 1/3 acre In Newport's moat exclusive area. Three bedrooms plus master SUite, formal "dining room. Beautiful •••• landscaped .•• and large pool. PRICED TO SELL AT $75,000 CALL FOR APT. TO SIIOW TWO TOO NEW TOO LATE FOR A PICTURE! We've just listed 2 excellent properties with real money value. 433 -Isabel Terrace ... $180,000 715 -Bellis .....•... $ 45,000 CORBIN-MARTIN, Inc. "'.,.,u• • .,..~ n. <:.." ., .. sosa E. Cout lhry. 675-1662 CQJ'OD& ct.! Mar, CalU. S-P-A-C-1-0-U-S L-1-V -1-N-G F·I-V-E Bedrooms! . T-H-R·E-E S.ths! Top convenient location to ALL schools --!rom kindergarten thro junior college. BESIDES 5 bedrooms and 3 baths, this home bas carpets, drapes, fire- place, built-Ins, large covered patio, shake roof, etc., etc. --you name It! $38,500 E·Z TERMS Wella-McC.rdle Realtors Rel~le Servile Siloce I!HJ 111IIIIWPOIT BAY FRONT $46,750 LUXURY 2-BEDROOM 2ND FLOOR APARTMENT -WITH FULL VIEW OF THE BAY. • BOAT SLIP RESERVED FOR BUYEB. ' RIDDLE· S ROSS. UALTOU 3535 E. Coat .Hwy., Corona del Mar 67~7m llf.WUIT IIAII80N EIIIQI THUIISDJIY, DEC. ._- llltST KCJ!OII --!'w I CONOIIAOE~ !!M, "CAlif. STAMLIY H. IIOOU 0, C.M. DIU AT. Ebell set for holiday ~~~. ~ •'=="""~=.::-. o. o. On=::• '!'*-Even Santa eenda ., 'or H. Ill-, 41, "' ........ lilr. oot liN. ,....., --... co.-. ....... ... -....... 1181.1-·-,_ ----..... ~ Ho -bont Doo. Ill a. lobo 1M D1r1oo ...._ 4, IIIII, II M• Yor~ _. '""' Cllvel! Ia Cooia ... ..,.lt,...llau ......... ~wulahlrlll­ .. WU U laitl alit •' SF .....-sal Part. dQMH-11 diO-tf--4.-' oon · -.;...lll!oiiJ,-:.=:~::::-=:~ NORCROSS ..... ·--.:=--....... -, ..... _ ro;.."!,MHn: u .. ·~ ~oc'w~~~~a~a~to~~_.,.. CHRISTMAS ' 0 ' ..... dUaW JIU"t1 lw 1M P--CO. T1!o ... UJ •lllolo IMI -uam..U.CdQI>J....., ll!oU .,._ Mro. I. H C A .. ....,.8 -·· --I Ia McBride, Ia ...... l!r Book ~ llo II 11r Ola wt.lt, llr--. --to Cltl7 aod ll!o Amorltu Cucer Soeloly llullJD. II liSH E. till s:. Twt11o, aod hla or 1o tl!olr Christmas Plates THJ:; BING & GRONDAHL CHRISTMAS PLATE 1969. -·r tt tl!t bomo "' lira. s.etloD e _,., n-ldoy-a.,-Koot litrYL)', eor.. Die, II. llo•lltrl arolo brloc dol lolar. DHeort ""od II I a pa. Mra. A. ,:;, .....,..,., p.m. will be IDlloWod bJ I -Cl!llrii!IL, 11u t.tUd Mm01. r-bJ llra.lolartl!t.l Ke11tr. llarrl' Goob, s. E. Br1IIL aod Co..llolttiHI ue Mn. James H. s. McGrecw to co-holt. ~"=!.~'· lol. L Ral>-Ill""""" II _, -1, Oa tbt same day members Dec. U, Book 8ecUoD (~ J of IJook SecUoo 5 w1ll com... '1 members Will eaJoJ hmcbeoD. II tl!o Nnport 8eoe1! bome o1 a llft...,IClw!p &!Ill Cllrlltmu Mrs. James w. H1Du at lJ:SO party. Mrs, James W. HIDes, p.m. Mta Wary Roa, Mrs. boltus, wtU bt uliltld bJ Fn.ok Se._. aod llro. Fred lolmou. Rudol!>h YIUIUEl<, Leol! Seboepe wW be bosteuu:. Mrs. Rudd aad Jolla Weermans, Joll.D J . Jatosky t. ebalrman. ebairmu. ( (: IMPRINTING SERVICE It Shows the old DllD1sb Tradltloo of sl!arlng lbe joy of Cbrlstmas wltb relatives 1D lbe couolry. Mrs Cbarle& Edwards F'rJdaJ, Dec. 1Z, bas been ehllr.;.., of tbe Plol lfOICI ~ scl!oduled tor Goren Cowllers• BUY YOURS AT scheduled a cookie e:~c~p luocheoa-Cbrlstmu party at c d I M You ean start your OYD trad1Uon by prese..-tor these be&utlful plates to your lr1e1Xls, relatiYu a.ad assoctates. I!! her Homllol!loo Harbour EbeU Cluhboo!se, Followl!!r a 0 ron a e a r {5} bome A sbort bust.Den mee DOOO hmebeon, members will • --lbe a.ftorDooo playtnr h tiD( at 10,30 a.m. ortU be lol-brldp. loin. Char lea Parrlo, p arm a c y o -by h!DChOOC. ehllr!IW!, hat pla!!llad prlaea rf! THE NORWEGIAN CHRISTMAS PLATE 1969, It depicts tbe oripo of tbe tradltloo of 11ft pYlng, Tho qll&l!ltty to be produced 'ft'tll be llm.tted and produetloo wtll be diseontiiwed tor an Ume before tbe ead of 1969. $10.00 each. THE ROYAL COPENHAGEN CHRISTioiAS PLATE 1969. Tbe motU th15 year upresses the peace aad warmth that is special to Christmas, Wb.lcb Is probably m)st felt by those wbo celebrate Cb.rlstmas 1D the country. Tbe Cb.rt.stmu 100se 1s part of the tr&dlUoo which belonp to a OaJlish Christmas. A!i tbe years pass tbe collecUon JOU start for yourself or yow- frttOOs will grow Ln seotimeut as well a.s real v~ue. ~1t\ S13 . 75 each. i11ler!ors • i~ J.-- TIVot.l SQUARE Tel, 673-2740 2640 E. C.011t Hlghwey, OI'!M SUHDAYS 12-5 ,.., OPI!H DAILY tllD-.1 .. -. Carone dei#Mr ,..~ ....... ~-n•>.......,. DUR DANISH COFFEE GARDEN IS OPEH DAILY Sec Our E:r:citin' Collection or MEH'S & Y!OMEH'S HDSIBRY & HA.ND8A.G5 HW11.4"14 f!IJMAibl. ~!»tJJ/eo.t Tbe. Newporter lDD marine for -.eb table, Co.bo.teases s "ho '"--~~~· .. M._ I'll r room •u tbe settlnrTuelday, &re Mmes Lura B Colby A.C 4 Doe. Z, IDr a Chr lllmat party Jtouc1!toa ~ ~E. wu.oo,;. 3127 E. Coast Hwy. -near Jasmine W aod lw!chEOO lor m•mboro of Tho ...,~y formed •tts &lid (I Corona del Mar .l..\) Tl!aBook ~~ .. 3,._Mrs. WIWam craft aectioD UDder Mrs. PllU-~ 0,. ..._ .... •til t P••• g yer .. eU&J,I. mu.. Up P1U 1s meettar Moaday • JAMES R. GARNER, orpJdst Harbor H1CbSehooLstart1D&h1s trl~ m:aubert!, =': = Dee. 8, at Ebell Clubhouae: ()~···"¢ •.¢"-49' ~0.~~.,\ at tbe Luthera.o Cbu:reb ot the muaie ea.reer at 1, be won arst Cbrtstmaa d1Dner aceordlDC to Hours tor elaas ue from 10 r------~-------------, Master, 2m Pac1ftc VIew Dr., place 1.D & Souther a C&Wora1& • Lm, to 2 p.m. · Harbor VIew Hilla, willpresent eootest r.or YOUDC orp.aJ.Ita p 1• I anorga.nrecltalatthechu:rchat wbeo. be wu 13. Tbe Schmidt 0 ICe B oner 7:30 p.m. this Sunday, Dec. 7. Music Co. of S&.Dta Ana 1a I.D .. The pubUc Is invited. Jim, rxnr stalU.Dr the lar(Ut orp.o 1D 18, has Uved a.t S19 El Modena the !Wnmoad 11Deespec1ally tor • MONDAY, NOV, 10 druM 1Jl &D auto at 1:45 Lm. Awe., Newport Heights, st.oee the event. NaacJ Osterkamp ot3100 W. at Park ud llar1De, Balboa Is- birth, aJXI.tsasentoratNewport Ocean n., West Newport, re-la.ad ••• Wllllam0uttlfi&1Dea, --:::------:::-=------------ported a bicycle stole . . • 20, of 331 18th st., Costa Mesa, C h U rc h News Boat aceosrorles wort11 $1,133 ..,.. arralled 011 a charco of were stolen from MazkS&llD&of burrlarJ at bJs realdeoce ••• S.ttle, Wash., while h1JI boat A bicycle wu stoleo fl'om The first BapUst Church ol Mesa, and 10 a.m. to Harbor wu docked at the Udo Sblp J&m'!S W. Tllroer ot 409 Bly .. Mesa 301 MagDOlla AYe View Hills Yard .•• Currency tntallnr l1de Dr., Nnport • ~. Juet at SUtta Ana Ave. _ "Th~ • · • • $200 was stoleu from Ctodee Tb• Todefftr of ZZ? Pac1ftc lovlnr generation" wut be the Tbe PlymoutbCongrep.tlollal Louise Grisham of !206 W. Pl., Coroaa del Mar, reported sermoo topic of Dr. P. G. Neu-Church, 3262 Broad St., New .. Ocean Ft., Central Newport, .. that a BB CUD did $200 damap man.o at the 11 a.m.SUllday ser-Heights -, 'The Ume ill ful-The Islanders at 341 Ba)'ldde ~ ber wi.Jxlow .•• A $205 Yice. Tbe Rev. Huold An-filled" Is the sermoo q,tc of Dr., oear Llrxia llle, repc:ded UC ftl stoleo from tbe Bob dersoo associate pastor will the Rev NortrWl Browo lor the that bouaellold fUrnlsblap bad Sura Restauraot at S7futdoo ifve tbe sermon at ? 'p m 10 a.m.' eommunloo and mem. beeo stolen • • · Tool.a were lalud • • • A tr&namissloo wu • • • • 1,., stolen from Corom. del Mar ltolea from tbt prap of Scot • bersh..,• servlc.' this .surnay. b.l&b schOol, 2101 EutblutrDr., Palll Tbomp_,0 of 301 Nortb The Newport Harbor Luther-Star 1 .. _.. ~ Church, 2501 CutfDr.,New-St. M&rk Presbyterian East Blutt. •• 141llieCo L Grlol eer ........,. UVYer Shorts .•. Heights-Pastor James Church, 2100 Mar VIsta, ofZ280EidenAve., sta eA, JOHN R. PORTER DIES will preach a.t 9 am 11 East Bluff-The scbedule of security (Ulld at Robinson's JohD R, Porter, 80, of 1621 a.m. Sunday oo the topic, "Are 2 mol'niog services wiU start 1n ~asnton Island, made • clti-Mo3DOI.ca, Costa Mesa, died Nov. you ready to dtet?"Thesermoo this Stmday, Tbe hours wtll be sen 8 arrest, cbar(1nr Lesa 28, 1n Costa Mesa Memorial ls based on 0 Timothy 4:1-8. at 9 a.nd 10:30 a.m., with a cof-Mortensen of l/pla.Dd wtthstq:~. Hospital. He n.s born 1n Colo- The chLUcb council wtll meet a.t fee time between. The coo~ ~!..:k· · Stereo! tapolros ~a rado oa July 30, 1889, a.n1 Uved 7 p.m. Monday, Dec. 8. Circle g:repUon observed the 'lthanol-......., .,... were sto eo m o.. ID this area tor the last 16 years mt:etings wiU be held r.or the versary of the church. Thetlrst bert K. Nasbu of 1628 W.Oeean out of tbe 55 ln tbe state. women ol the church a.t 9:30 service 7 years a.go was beldln Ft., Central Newport··· Auto He ls survived by adaupter, QUICHE LORRAINE ~ pie made with ham, cheese, baeoo II OD1oa - rreat tor brunch, lunch, ~. coektatJ Umt, ' lreatiUtl Serv .. 4.: 1. 50 WITH CLAM •• SHRIMP to orcl.r •••••• $1.90 STEAK PIES- Home made • dtlleJoua, plenty of real cbuek beet. Serna 4 or S . . • • 2. !0 GourMet Chicken Plea Wbitt meat, with mush- rooms aJXI. baCOILo Serves 4 or 5 ........ $2.50 CANHELOHt- Crepes. rolled with our awn borne-made auaap fllllnr-sauee am IP'a1ed cbeeee 1Dchades: •cb 50f For t&euert, outh•tlc EHGI..lSH TRIFLES·oi5f AUSTRIAN PASTR1ES·JO; Hot HORS D'OEUVRES ond CANAPES All of the aboYe dlsbts rea.dy-to-co bot, or you beat. Just etn 111 a call; ud we will han )'OUr order ready. 11. Newport Dunes aquatic park. Cbarlea Mabterlll'l of 405 lrla Mea, ooe p-I.DIIcbJld and ooe LIT US HILP YOU PLAN A IIAUTIPUL arx1 7:30 p.m. Thursday, the Sea Byrd restaurut to tbe accessories were stolen from Mra. Georp Vesper oleo.ta ~ • • • • • • Ave.,CorotadelMar. rreat-rructeb.lld. PARTY WITH AM!HU THAT'SPER,!C· Harbor Trll!lty Bai>t111 'TUESDAY, NOV.Il Sentceo were held Dec. 1 TIOM IH EVERY DETAIL ..•.. BE IT A The Central Blble Church, Church, 1230 Balter St., Costa BIWe Card, 4.1, of 2917 Bt-lD ihe Balts Corooa del Mar ~ SPECIAL DINNER FOR TWO .•..• 0 R A 23rd St. a.nd Orance Ave., Costa Mesa -Pastor SaUos wtu mlD.I Pl., Costa Mesa, was ar. chapeL lllterment ns ln Mel-cy SCRUMPTIOUS IU F F ET FOR 200 II Mesa -Pastor Henry E. Jones preach at 11 a.m. Sunday ootbe lr~e:st~ed:!.;on:.!•.c~l!ar:;ge:..:of~be~lng:!,~rose=~A~bl>e~y~,------..!;;;;;:;;;;;;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::-;;: wHI spea.il: oo ''The sufferinr topic, ''A message from tbe f of the cod:ly" at the 9 aM 10:30 prophets: He 1s comio.g,"bued a.m. eommiiDioD services lhls on Isa1ab 9, A communion ser- SUDda.y. Hls topic at 1 p.m. will Ylce will be held at 7 p.m. BIU be "reeogDiziDg the call ol Welch wtu give bis testlmJDY God." Mtd-wee.lr:Blblestudya.nd on bOwtheLordha.sbeenleadJ.nc prayer meeting will be at 7p.m. In his We. Wedoesda.y. • • • • • • Newport Uni ted Church, mee. St. Andrew's PrPsbyterlan ttng at 15th St. a.OO Irvine AYe., Church, 600 St. Andrew's Rd., CUff Haven _ The Rev. Lor era Cllt1 Haven -Dr. Charles fllcki.Dger w111 preachoo "Sue- Oierentleld wtU begi.D h.ls ad-cess through prayer" at the 10 36-45 E. COAST HIGHWAY CORONA DEL MAR not series eotltled "The vo-a.m. Sunday service. -====================~ ea.btdary of Christmas" a.l the • • • r 8, 9:30 a.od 11 a.m. services St . Michael's a.nd All Angels' this SU.Dday. Tbe ~nlng Episcopal Church, 3233 Paclt1c sermoo topic Is "first word-View Dr., Harbor View H1lls- r.org1veoess." Westminster Guest speaker this Swxlay will clloir members, btgh school be the former pastor of the aM college age youog people, church, the Rev. Edward Allen, wtll be OOoored at a ba.oquet oow Episcopal cbapla.in at UCI MARINERS CHURCH ANNOUNCES DR. BILL .t.CTOH WILL BE GUEST SPEAKER FOR THE 10 .t..M. SERVICE THIS SUHDA Y. SUIID.lY SCIIOOL &T t,OO A.M. IIOIISIDP IDVD &T 10:00 .l.M. EVEIIIIIG IDVD &T UO P.M. TueSiia.y, Dec. 9. a.nd coordl.Qator of united mlnls- • • • :ries. Services are 8, 9:30 aoo Chrlstlao Science Chw:ches-11 a.m. ''God tbe only cause a.nd • • • creator " will be the subject of The Lutheran Church ot the this Suooay's lesson sermon. Master, 2900 Pacln.c View Dr., ZllO EAST COAST HWY •• COlOMA OIL MAl Services 1n the Harbor Area are Harbor View HUls-TbeLord's ~=================::::::~ho~ld~~·t~9=,1~5~JJ!d]!ill~a~.m~.~ln supper wtllbeofferedatboththe CHRISTMAS SPECIALS 7x35 ••. R EC. $30,00 ••. SPECIAL VDIT ••• R!G. $5.95 ••• $PI!CIAL BINOCULARS S21 11 SWIM MASK S499 REG. $9.95 ••• Sf' EClAL LECTRA SOX S7 69 SPECIAL ••• BAR GYM S4U DOZ. • 9:15 and 11 a.m. SUDday sen1ces. Dr. Wllllam EUer will give a message on "God' sword' remains," based on Luke 21 :25-33. Tr.e eotl&!'ecaUoawiU bold section ooe of Its amu&1 meetiog at 10:15 Lm. Four deacons will be elected. """-lo 'f-CW.. W•S..tcriptf•t c:.II67J.- FIRESTONE JETSON GENERAL DUNLOP GOODYEAR DEC£ a. CLEA,;~BER •vtNCE WI IC y_. 1h ltl I .. PwTI I NEWPORT BEACH 1~ . .., ............. ·····--.-. SEX ED BILL IS EXPLAINED Pvools baYI tbo tndl-1 1M rOIIIIrod IDIIc:o-tbo r--~ 11o -IIIII -..a1 .. -, IIIII U<l rllbiiO educate tbtJr elltldr•......, U.S. IIIIIIWWotbor ..-tall eu bo odclodiD 111o --bfaboordotdlred«o &Dd tb1a ricflt Is wruttalDtotbe m.atod Wblcll Reb loc:alteiiOOI. c:cMWa oacetbtpar.ttumade IAIO'"*' bf tbt pwoor a IU tdtae&tioa bill wfl1c:h bube~ dlJb1t;t COIDmoel)' -stocom. tbiJ; deeQioa. I Jtu'8. eome iD folce tll1a moatb iD aU n:1tDc:ale tld.,.._llJ 111 wrWor Tbt bW f\lrtblr ICatH tbat 1'be ··~ o1 cUt ector's'' o1. Calltorata JMII>Il<: elemoalar7 to aU parlllla, ....U lito ~ 10 1110 --bo 111o C&lllorata uotworllltlao IJid aad-,ICI>ool&. requtr.....Uollllllpara....,... -u......-aclalelu-eoltopsbo•owol-.ttytrau- Tbe Cllltn.l tread 1111 edue&· ClpporUdy 1111.11 biJII'Oirlded •• 1D a 111 ed~ ud blat te:rrld tbetr on dl taetopower tloo, aeeordloc 10 Son. Jollo to Mdl pareot or --to e&rUIIealtoo doe.....,.. may bo to 111o lOcally -eltelod Sehmtla, aulllor at tbo btu &ad r-11111 wrWDc tbol bte c:blld r.-or -tor by tbo eou.p taeullles Those u educator by proles•inn u DOt attead U.. elul. Sac.b re. breUiDI tll1a law, IJ"'OIII5 are IJ"'CCItbet.'c and wen as a lepslator. bu bHo que aU Jllall be n.Ud lor tbe SeL SebmltJ tJPialDed tbat oftea turDlsb leadershjp for' .tu- UM traosfer otre....,Mlltyby ldloOI flU' tD wtUcb the1 are there is oo dotti that ep: edll· deal reYOJDUoaarles declued &cqu1eMOCe on tiM ~Ut of tbl lllbmtUed, bul may bl wttb. catioa pt.s 1Dlo the realm ot. Sen. SebmJb.. Tbe .dmtotstra. pareats &ad a crab bJ prolea-dn:n bJ the ~-at a.oy relictoo. andiDa.lleuttlllaara tJoos 00 tbe campae• caooot &looals la the educatk»o llald. time. Ho ebild IDQ atr.od a parents wt1l be allowed to loot solve problems because the a WISH THEM A MUSICAL CHRISTMAS time to purchase PIANO or ORGAN ICIIMIDI' MUSIC CO. IS THE ORANGE COUNTY HOME OF STEINWAY • HAMMOND STORY & CLARK • YAMAHA THE NEW HAMMOND N.HitiS SfllfCI.U OIGAN -l 1ond "ew for C""\lm~»-This fant<Uiic ftew 1pinet MOdel do•• •"•')'h•ng-Outoerfoufll e'll'etylhii'Q il" its dott- ~u th•J o•gon ond "now why H.AMMONO is your bett buy, 01d•r rtO-tlon'l 1M di•oppoinled. Sen. Scbmttz explaiDed his clau, 1t a requelt tiiU be aot at a c01.ase and decide U b1s boards ot re&eals rubber stamp bill at a luocbeoa meeUDc held atteDd tbe eau bu breeD re-ehlld sboWd ta.u u. The pueot tbe taewry aeaates 1'bla b)' the receDtly at the Costa Mesa Goll celt eel by tbe ICbool may mate the a..J. declsioa.. way wu tM ,...;_ ~. was ~ Couotry Club. Es....,.tauy AAJ wtit:MD « l.lldkJ riJA1aJ Usio& tbe c-rai theme of 90 :UQCb .. Oap _to ue a coa- P---•••••••CHRISTltl ..tS S P ECI ALS .----.. ,..,..,.., I MIW II'INll MIW II'INIT HAMMOND YAMAHA STllNWAY • t states lba.t DO Penincbo&rd materials to bl ...S 1D a elass1 ed1k:atioa u bis apeecb topic, temporary slaDe 'WOr'd'' about of a public elemet:Ury at MCOD-lD wbleb bwnU rf!IIJl"'ducUte Sen. Sebmlb. traced Ute set-• tbe ~ of Or. Sam dary &ebOol may require Jq)ils orpD& ud tbl1r fUDcUoo and of the pernmtlltoftbe uolter-Hayab.wa at San Fructsco lO a.ttead any claues lD wbicb prcperUes are 4escrlbed and slties and eolle&U 1D Call-state Colle.. -tbe t&eulty human reproducUon orpns a.od tlltlltrated ordlscusaedsba.Ube forDla. 8otb ot these 2 systems seoate objltctecl to tt1s appoUlt- tbeir f'lmctioos and properties a:nllable for ~ by the ol bl&ber edueaUoa are awr:.d meot, said tbe Seoator, I OltGAN GRAND ..... (ONSOU PIANO GaAND ! ~~ AUtOMATIC WfO m <.IAl $2995 St.iV"' 0\-1 ! i IHYTMM OM.T DMVGI. iAVt liOO<If M.Ali1'T ~ ' 5795 5599 "•·;·.:;·.:;::.:::··"· 5 115 52885 ~ are described a.od illustrated or pulds or CUU'clb.nl atreasoo-b)' Callfor'nta tuptyers, but "1 doo"t always acree wttb Dr. diaeussed. It such cl:as&es are able t1mea ud places prior to tbey are eootrolled b)' aurereot Hayabn •• IIJ.d Sen. Sebmlts offered the pareot or C'llfdl.a.D the bold1D& ota cowsewtdcbln~ ''boards of directors •• a.cw ''but 1 ~~ be made a.n t.b~ of each Pt4tU enrolled tn the elllies sueb claues. Pareots cordlne to the seoa&or:s ana-terestiDC remut about the J.n.. !la.ss shall flrst be notuled in Aall be ocWled 1n wrtttnc of logy. The UDiYersutes are coo-p:la Dans sitlatioo.. He aid to !•••••~•~•••••w~~------w~-.-:l!ll(fJII:•••••.-w•••~ rttlng ol the class. Seod!ng ''Ito ~ to -&ad trollod by r epllb OA>OU<ed by lllld out wbo appolded ber &ad C b 1 0 I tbe peroor tor a 16 year term . theD llDII N wbo appototed lbe MUSICAL EDUCATION SCHMIDT MUSIC CO. 1907 N. MAIN ST., SANTA ANA Ommen's Y Prlnclpa S Tbey area.utooomousi.Ddlodep-persoo wbo IRIO'"ed ber.'' elldenl lrom Ule Slate legis-WlllJ llJe transfar al _.,. to lalure. the tac:lllty seoa.te, as tbe trus- fll• 'H ..,. Ylt<'' •~•'!!~ e• g•o•ddo:loll ~· 4 •o 1-,.,.,u lite"' '" l'to T~-~., ~ ..... )<~I )ol;t.CIOa HAMMOND OIGANS & SniNWAT PIANO UTAIUS*D 1 tl 4 Prtnctpats tn tne Newpor t-ns oecessa.rr u fkr as 0ta 1be state colleges, 00 the tees rubber stamp the faculty Mesa UnWed School Dtstrtct dlstrlet ts coocerDid although otber ba.nd are oot lnd•adent seut.te decl.doos, tbe power tor made tbe tollowlog comments I doa't k:Do1r abOuttbeotberdls-ot tbe teitslature. They ba.te dltectioa of the coUeces bas oa tbe recently a.dopled bill tricts 1D the state." out of teachers colleges (Continued on paae "fiM , •• _, ......... . f-~ 1ft jlltl I f .... Hlti.IU tf •ur lwto •lock. S.M H W -1., Aw•f ht OlrbhMS. l.UT TllM1. O,.N MON.~fll. 'nL 9 PM wtUcb. requires schools to Ln- form ~reots by mall before oftertng any classes 1n wh.icb. hutnlll reproduction orpns are !Sescrlbed aM Ulustra.ted or discussed. Parents are ctven the opportunity to state ln nit- inc tbat bls elrlld shall not attend such class. • LEON MEEKS, prlDcipal of Corooa del Mar bJgtl school: "We are aot happy with U, of course. We will haf'e to seod notes to pa.reots. We don't pla.o to cbl.nge tbe course. Tbere ls too mucb ackl about nothing. We doo't lmead. to quarrel wtlb the IX.U; we wlll comply with U.l'm a.fta.id U-at 3 months after we 5eDd the letter mme and se.r education Is tau&ftt to students. some parents wbO had torrp:Xtea .-llJe Jolt• tr\U "" ..,_ Ulll>t .-the IeaeliiDp. We bad a peacefUl way or copl.nc wtth lt before a.Dd dldn"t Deed tbt bill DOW. We han always let. studetb take otbet courses lt It ts their parent's d~e. It ta thelr belief aod they are eo- titled to U." • CHARLES GOOOHALL, pr tnctpal of Newport Harbor hlgb school: ••Weare complyto.c wttb the law ••• J don't Dow what effect the b1U wtU have because It Isn't a se.r btU ••• U causes schOols to Joolt at proifims which could be ob)e<:tioaable . • Jt will cost moce mooey ••• We b.ue oever bad a problem with blok>gy and pbysiolOCY classes eJC@Il( for students wtt.h religious ob- ieeUoa and they have always had Ule option oottotakethecourses ••• We ba.ve rtl<!eived oo reply from the county counse 1 on whether tbe stmeot cao drop the class completely or just be oW: wbeD reproduction ts d.iscwosed.'' • T. J, FERRIS, princlpcU of Corona del Mar elementary school: "Each time reproduc- Uoa 1s discussed or la.ugbt, a DOte must be sentbomebymaJI. lo the SUI cracte prls cet the ntm oa tbe menstrua.J pertod. lDd u tu as we eu see thU li: the only time tbe DOte will ban to be seat. Mothers hate ..twus beea la'rtted to come wttb tbl1r da.ar;b.ters. We ban had DO ob)lctloos ettept those of a r ellcloua aature, aM DO ooe bu to see tbe D.lm. I ean•t see bow tome ot these tUr;b. scbools wW bl able to do lt wt.tb all llJolr sob)lets. The Umo ID- YOIYed to stDd out tbe DOtes would: Ue up a secretuy &11 day," • JOHN CLARK, priDelpal ol Mea Verde elemeetal")' echool: "Tbt meastraal tllm ~ bU alWays .... bi.Odled ta t.bl muDtl' tpte:Ul.cl by tbe DtW bUl. HcUs are aeat bomt a.t DO ODI lJ reqlllr.cl to -IL Ac:ecrdiDc to tbo --pr41taUo0 ol tM bW u ........ ,_ ... II tlltl -at 1110 .....,..., U -'tr-.Dy- to ICIPlJ to tat ,......., • .., --~--... --ltnaltlla.'' • EARL BlELLAIID, priD. c.._ ot Marta.• Scbool: ''No comiDIIt." • WlLLlA.M RITTER, prlD- elP&I "' Allnltom .._ -"Wttr\11 -&u&lo ...... If •• -......... -... -.... ...,-,. • ..., lb< ..... ... -" OlaL .. tlta't -• lulllr ... 1111 ,_ u----~~~~~-11 tUn· I ...,_ .._. .. liUl 0 0 have and ho rs ... a personality analysis Read the personality descriptions and select the one that SUits you best to f 1nd the nght sav1ngs plan for your type The charts will show you how each one works. We've been matching people to savtngs plans for 33 years. The ktnd of people who wanl thetr money to keep il s buying pow er. Who want the value of thetr money to rema in steady tn an up-and-down market. Who would rather have thetr money earn interest than to pay exorbttant carrytng or loadmg c harges. Who want their money to multiply so they can pay cash for th1ngs. Who want to be able to get their hands on their money when they need it. Saving people, like you-the kind who want to HOLD thetr money and HAVE 11 experts get you started on your personalized-to-your-savtngs-earn interest. Come in and let one of our people personality program at New port Balboa Savings. Are you one of the regular people? PLAN # \ Regul•r Account This plan 1S for regular people w1th regular satanes who have dec•ded to save regular amounts anywhere from $5 a week up. but who want thetr money worktng for them They also want 1t to be some place they can get thetr hands on 11 1f they need tt 1n a hurry. If they can leave 1t alone for a year or more. tt will gtve them the B•g Annual 5 13 y•eld REGUlAA MONTtilY INVESTMENT m ..., .... 6Mos '" "" 606 "' J08 ••• 1.233 ? v., 632 ',.. 2529 J Vrs 912 .... J 892 • Vrs 1 JJI 2662 s 32• S Vrs I 707 3 •tS 6.830 tO Vr5 3.900 l .801 15602 I 5 Vrs 6 115 13 432 ,. .... 20 v, tO 379 20 662 41.325 •11 --· ~~ 11>1••• I l . ) & ~ oto _.,... oft o...S oot ._..,. .,. -t~•-1 .~ .... ··~ .. ~ 00,.. _ ............. ... ... ~ • .,.,...., TN u""'' ........... , ... ""'' .. ., .... -10 .,_ ................ , ttl. .......... HbiO ...... ••II .-.t --~llllfo, oi190 ... Jol ... 0 Are you one of the other-people people? PLAN tt 2 Life Income Pl•n Th1s •s for people who have a sum of money they would like to put as1 de and rece1ve [he mterest every month but not touch the princ1pal Perhaps you •ntend to leave your money to your he1rs. In this plan the ongmal 1nvestment tS retatned for a lifettme and you have a regular 1ncome every month If your future plans are for your chtldren"s future. then th•s sav1ngs program may su•t you UF£ INCOME PLAN $12 000 "500 20.000 25000 50.000 S 50 00 Pe r Month 60 00 Pe• Month 83 00 Po• M onth \04 00 Per Month Xl6 00 Per Month Are you one of the retiring people? PLAN :: J Monthly Security Account Th1s 1S for people who have a lump sum of money but who know that 1f they don"t put tt away somewhere out of s1ght. they will spend 1t Perhaps they are lookmg forward to ret•rement and know 1t would be better to have a certa1n amount com•ng tn every month over a g1ven penod Not only will they get back a lot more than they put 1n . but there wtll be a nestegg to reward themselves for not blow1ng 1! all at once INVEST $10.000.00 AND you rtoce •vf! ~nd you •ete•n e11c~ montt. ior an est111e of' $5000 $5000 J 7500 $ 7500 $100 00 10 ~ears $ 8 675 00 tSyee•s S 771500 10 yu rs S 4 775 00 1 5 yl!llf'!' $ I 000 00 10 years S 875 00 INVEST $25.000 00 AND· you ff!Cf!•"l! and you •tota,n I! lit h mon!l"l lor a, !!Mate of• StOOOO IOyurs $75 600 00 $10000 15yu •s $2605000 Sl~•OO tOyea•~ $1780000 $200 IJO lOyetHS $10 00000 $25000 10v1WS S 2 20000 ,..,.... .. .-a .. ...,..~ •"'" --et S...-I !CM ~ -c.t ....... fo-0111 t.ilo -....... I -.... .-11 -·-'""--· --.......... _ ....... _..._., __ ....... ........, ...... s-... --~ ...,._I ._.. .._,., ....... ...... .. --'" -· ... !>0. )J _.. Are you one of the patient people? PlAN :4 Guar•nteed Annu•l Rate Account Th1S plan IS for pat•e nt people who already have a sum of money to 1nvest and are w dling to wa•t a whtl e for a good retur n on thetr money The m1n1mum depOSit tS $1.000 (more 1f you wtsh of course) 1n e•change for whtCh you rece111e a cert1f1cate wh1ch guarantees an annual rate of 5.25 % for 3. 4 or 5 years Are you one of the patient ones ? Then the GUARANTEED ANNUAL RATE ACCOUNT •s for you ~--------~ lniti•l Dopook • '000 s 5.000 $10000 $1~.000 YOU WILl RECEIVE . ., ... 3 r•••• • r••r• !I r•••• s I 170 s 1233 $, JO() $5 8!)] s 6168 s 6500 $11705 $11 336 $13 J0' $17 ~ 118504 $19~~ Are you one of the enterprising people ? PlAN ::5 3-Year Bonus Account For peo ple who want not only the current y1eld on the1r sa111ngs but would like a sum 011 er and above In th1S plan you Invest a mtntmum of $1000 wh1ch earns you the current y1eld PLUS an eJCtra "4 % per year at the end o f 3 years If you would hke to be enterpr1s1ng and safe at the same ttme. then the 3-year bonus account 1S for you YOU WilL RECEIVE lnrt•al .... •"•• .,., Oopoo" l , •••• 4 , •••• S )"'liiU ' ' ""' • 1 1(;9 • . 23] • ' "" ' s ~ iJ(() .s ~ 84b ~ El 161 ' fi •9J S•OOOC $1. 693 , . ., Jn s·:~ l S '~OC'() s' . <.4(1 s ·e ·B~·~9.:J Difficult* In The Bible lloa..Lft I (lty t1oo ,. .. ;... ., ...., .... a· • > IAP111T .... 1•~1. .... GI'JILD. MO. WERE JESUS AND PAUl MIST AKIN AS TO THE TlMI Of OUII.OID'S IITUltN? BUT WAS NCYl' PAUL M1STA.KI;N~ rr IS CONSTAN'ft.Y uid that he wu by &hoM who contend a,ainst the vn-baJ accuracy ol the New Tenament writi.op. It ls Mkl ovn and over •ain lb.t "Paul evidently was misUkn in his e.rly writinp .. \0 the> tithe of the c.oomine ol Chriat. ~ Jn ckt'HIM' of this eontftltion the words of P~ul I''OIH&ined in I 11ln- s&Jonians 4:15-1.11, R V., an broucht forward. Pliul here says: .. For thla we SoiY unto you by !h. word of the Lord that we which ve alive and remain unto the cominr of the Lord aha)) in no wiM ptffede them that .,.. fallen aaJ-p," etc. It is said tb.t thew words make it evid.nt that P.,ul expe'ded to ~ alh•e wtwn the Lord cam.. Wl\at P.ul may havt' up«ted I do not. know. Very lihly hto did hOlM to ~ alive when th Lord ca~ne, but he Cfl'Uinly did not tea('h th•t he would ~ ali~. and no one holds any th«wy ol lnapintion that nuin- talna th.t the Bible writers did not eoln1ain mist.krn hopn. All that the orw who cont.nds for the plenary theory of inspindon and abllolu~ wncity and accuracy of Bible tnehinw it that the Bible writen n.owhe~ lt'aeh ftTOI'. That the-y m~~y he.ve ftlt«taiMd erroneou. notion. Of! a cr-t maby thinp no OJW quntiona. AU ~t ia tMintlined ts that il they Md auch erroneou. notiona, the Holy Spirit kept them from teachlnc thftll. Proul wruinly does not ~~ hne thalt tw •ould be allV9 •hftl the LMd came. He does tead! l~at 3Cfte puaon~ -uld h.ve fallen ulftp .nod others would bfo alive. A. tv •• .UU alM, t. natunlly put him.-U in tM cl.a to which he Mlonc:ed at the 1.iaM ol writin&. "-n-which IU"e altve" (that are left). He C'l'rtAinly wu alive at thl' tim.. lifo Clllt"talnly waa one of thoR left at th.t time. That he Jhould cootin~W to be alive he doa not aay. Very likely he hoped to be. Every b.U.VW who hu a true undentandint of the doctrine ol the comina ol the Lord natural})' enlel1ain& a hope that he may be alive when the Lord coma. 1 hopt that I may be. but not for a moment do I venture \o ~ th.c I will be, but l do know-that l un alive at thie moment. I ~ tha-t I ..,. nut one of tM. who have • J«t fallen uleep, and if I wen diff...-.ntialtinc bftwecn the t.o clean. tM. who are alive and thOM who an t.aUa .....,., llboWd oertetnl1 put -~ .tth the. who are allft, ead WO\lW not be n»P•Ion Ia .o dDtnC- Pwl llnoew perlectly wfil thlot the LoN H.w-u '-' '-'Mbt \ollc ......... lw wro"' \he.-•on:b to the ~oru.r.a that i\ \1 not lor ~ w know time or aeaaons whkh the Father hath aet within Hil OWD authorit,y (Ads 1:7, R. V.). He did not attempt to know times or .teUOnS which his Maner Mel to di.Jtinctly taught 11 wu not for him, or for us, to know: but he did teach by "the word of th• Lord" Himself that "thlt Lord Him.eU lhaU dn«'nd from heavl'n with a shout.. with the voiC'I' of the archancel and 1M trump of God, and the dead in Christ shall rue fint. Then -wtuc.h .re alive and rlffl\aln shall bl' caught up tocether with them in the douck to mHt th• Lord in the air, and 50 sh.all we ever be with the Lord." In the context, verse. 13 and 14, Paul ill urJin1 thOM who an. aU~ (and an left) at that time not to sorrow over thOR who h.d fallen u~ and as he wu among the clu. that wert' alive (that ~ left) up to that time, ~ naturally and properly and correctly put hinwelf with thftl'l and not with thcee over whom ~Y were not to .or-row, namely. ~ who had alrndy fallen as.le-ep. So in this p.sss.age irutt'ad of findln&' that the Ho.ly Spirit left Paul to m.ake mistakes, in point of fact the Holy Spirit KEPT HIM FROM MAKING A MIST AXE ev-en in re-rard to the matter about which in hi.t OWTI \oacina: he miaht hav• enlerUined a mi.t.alten hope. THE WHOLE PASSAGE then 1Ntead of beina; an ~t apiDit the verbal atturlcy of the Scriptures i.e an ..-,ument for it., and tho-.. how the men whom the Holy Sptrit chaM to be &he vehKie ol iUa revelation to us were kept at:.oluwly from pu.ttiac i.nto thtic ~ any mistaken hope which they micht have .ntcrtained. Our critkal frienda who are huntinc 10 ~Uy lor IOriM .u...ke in dw toctunr of Paul will have to carry their MUCh farther, and ..-lbl1 the expei'Mnce of tht-youna: theolociul student that wu .o thunde...truck by his prof..aor in the orthodox acl\ooi sayinc that Proul wu .m.takBI • to the time of the comin& ol Christ and who lhuefon lA\.IJIIChed f0111h IIDto Uni~ may learn to be e~~uUous lest hia WIIChinc JI«V"'• ... UIIIl, d..i.t.-troua to some o~r wMk-minded younc mea TJt'O MINUTES lllfN 1NE 81BL£ -~; IV CO.NIL.UI I , ITAM ,. .. , ... IAN UN.I IOCIITT CMfU.O, ~-.oN~ THE DISPENSATION OF GRACE Many people nave a m1staken notton that a d•spendhOn •s 1 perood ol tm-.e. Th1s is not so. however, lor the word "dispense·· means s1mp1y "to deal out." The word "d•spens.atiQn," then. means ··the act ol diSpensma or dealing out," or ••tttat wh•ch is dispensed or deatt out." There are medteai dtspen,.nes. tor eltample, where mec:hcmes are dtSIMU"IMd to the poor. Some- times these d•spensattons are conductlld on a perticular d.y of each ...... Such a dispens-ation of mectlcln• may take a full twltfW hours e.ch wen, but tf does not follow from this that a dlt.pentet:lon 1S a penod of twelve l'toursl tt is ratMr thti act of dtspensJf'll or that whtc:h is dtS• .. -. 1M word d iapenNtion it uMd meny timet In the BlbM. thOulh M '-not atw.ya tran"-ted tf'le Ntnt we)'. '" (ph.J:2 ,.u, writ" of ''tM chpenN1)Qn ot the arace of God, whldl ta IMf'l me to ,... ...... .. Gocl had c:ommftted to Nm a _.lide¥ful m ...... of .... to ... , I 11 to otiMrs. Thus .. .... In Ada 20'..24 .. .um,. _ ............. ,_ .. _ -"!!"~ -_, ...,._.,_..,, ... ,.._ IMt ..._._....I '"'t ---..... ··-· .... -... --•. and THE MINISTRY WHICM I MAV£ RECEIVED Of THE lORD JESUS, TO TESTIFY THE GOSPEL Of THE GRACE Of GOO." The "gospel"' or "lood news" ol the grace of Got.: this •as the dtspenut1on commlttlld to Paul for us by the nsen. ascended lord. Thos os al•ays Paul's mes· ,.ae· "Where s1n abounded grace dtd much more abound" "The lora1veneu of Sln !!t, accord· ina to the riches of H o~o 11race . "JuStified frMiy by HIS a:ace. throuah the r~emph .. n that •• tn Christ Jaaua"' . "By grace are ye s-aved. throulh fatth." ANSWO TO LAST WHK'$ ftt Htly S,lrlt ..... ~ ....... ..._OM! .,..., • .-,halllek Great Events in the New Testament "Herod's Murder of John the Baptist" 'D ---Matt. 14:1-14 1",..,. THE SWORD 01" THE lORD0 .. a lott. MuriNe•~ ... T• ... ClUES ACIOSS I "tJae .&o-.e-ltt..-of Hwodi .. ---~-· lt.fore the•"' s .. _d .._. bUB •Dd put u .. iato -·--w II a trUt. .••• ..lte (Gea. 10:11) 11 ...... ...u.. "llfroD9 .. (I C'UOL 1:12) u ..... ,. he -·t.. -· ---Jolm "' dlo priMa" ·u. •tl 11H •22 .. ____________ lcrw- hal ,_ tt... to 11. • .,.. IMf" II ..cl I cloWII. "wilenco .-.w •• .,... ----••dll ....... Ia tlto wilde~r (Mon. U tl2) 20 ''\il.e ~-ia til• _. _. ol ike .-.d4" (Nett. ll:lt) U "lor H.-ocl 1•14 ilold or~ Jolaa .... ----kim" "21 "it ia Dcrl •... for tl1ee lo tur.,.. her" 30 DCIIDe --11in9 "beivlat."' .••. • moh en Kinp Z3;31) 31 iaidcrlo1 of two -of Aka- !wun cc:. .. 11:15: Jhl) 32 "au!_ tiM. •Wdl am .tt1t1 W. .. 33 "thy Jollo•ocl W. • loot _, ., , .. ----- -~ .. ~·a ...... ............ ~!1..4 (0..., ltsSr llsll) " ........ ___ ........... II a dty. -~-W (,..._ 11•1) • -., ...... ca.... araJ 41 ........ ol --~ ........ ,,... 1141) a. • ~. ____ .. a.& JtrJI) • ......... ...a..a.---...... . ......... 11 ..... ... . ~ .. ::;... ..... ~_ .... ............ a=-.~~~ • ...... __ ._.(I h& 11 -... t oa r <a... _, ......................... ~~----·~~~ ... _ .. _ ......... _. n-o,.. .. , . ,.,., ... _ ......... .... . .............. _ .. •• 1 • ., ......... C... ... ) ................... _ .. .... loof' 10 "'th. dcruebter of ---~ 111-.aod M · fowedl._ .. NEII'OI!T HARBOR EIIICJI S£00110 SECllOII --P ... 1 lltui!SOAY, DEC. .. Ita COIIOIIA OQ.IIAII, CAll F. •• ,r~., •• fto• CIIRISTIAN NBn P. 0. llo• 168 N1• ll•t~••· Mo. .,. •n. •· 1. •vsu•aen The Unchanging WOTd THt CAL.IfO.M14 '41tMU. SAM ~"•ANasco. CALl"· """'tty, t ft..! .n•·ili.....,c - aC'COUnt of ll!e In a New Encland country ch.urdl of weU O'llo'ft a cen- tury ago, The Old W"U. JfMt"'f- AouN; or, Remt~ o/G Cww- tT)I C~tm., written ln 1846. Much of what It described would be f&mlliar to mo.t of ua. but lbe ~area~a~tMftaM there, not many, but a f~. !be author objected to the new cuatom of churdl choirs; he pre-fe-r- red the old-fuhloned concrepUon- al atnctna-under a precentor. Hlli lilt ol okl tavort~ hymn tunes wu very lnterestJnc: Old Hundredth la .t.IU a favorite, u 11 St. 1'homaa ("Come, ~ that k>ve the Lord"). Dundee, Silver Street and Wella, are •till In some hymnall, but they are no Ioneer the old tavor1t.rs. and Tamworth and Mrar I could not locate. Some of t.hr old favorites of 1846 would be objected to by concreptJom today u "new" and strvtee tunes. In •plte of thb, the dJffermoes between the "Old Whftr Meetlnr- houR" of 1846 and a true church of today are very small. 1&-rnbeft of yaterday and today would be at home with one another a.ft1!1' a vet')' brief time-. 1be o~ ba•k and unchan.-tnc fact In the "Old WhUe Mertlna- llou.e" of 1846 and any true chun:h of today is the Bible. Take tNt away, deny Its abeolute clal:ma, and you haw no church but only a coun- terfeit. But, whh tttat unc:banctna faith, tbe churdt of 1846 Ia u frah and tlmeleu u the daurcb of to- day. It prodalma the ..mutlnc ppel or the God who tlec!lares. ••For I am the Lord, J chance not .. I Malachi 3 , 6). n.-the """""' noocl to chance with the ttmeo! Not lf the chlln:h holcll the bUth. Tbo und>onclnl tnatb of God ,_. to be appUed to man'• c:banctrw t.lmet u tbrt meuure or yardlt.ldl: wbfteby men and ewntl are to be Judrrlld. Where the tl\lth II deelaftd to W man•• otandatd, chance tliOr1 II poua>- towarcll the bUih: It II ...,_tid .,....U.. Without the bUlb. -- 11 no ...,.. -; It II -.1r ....... ,_, __ ..... ...., ..... ltloootpr ... ··-·-...... " ... tttllte ____ .. ...... ftil ~ ....... ow .......... & , .. ol t:rutt. IOlt. .... r IM-oiO..II• ._,,.a •--·-• ... ,. • ,.. ... • llr .. 'nit w .... lfld' at .... PN , , II a. ... fill tftlda. 1M -o1 cw .. • -,. oar -.....,llllrlti.IE ....... .. ... _ Prlj Ia H••l• Tnd _ .......... Kre7 P-ro• CIIUSTIMI Hews, N•tl H•t~u, Mo. '"l'lrJ wtlllo---Millo t. -· .. • M"**.l:ll Can aayoae biDder Cod's wW trom beln& done? Carl all mea aDd on beD to~etber atop God from dotq wbat 8@ wutl to do! Tbe anawer, of COUJ"'e Ia NO. llaiab, tbe prophet. expreue1, 1t thl.J way: · "'Ibe Lord of hoetl bath •worn sa yin&:: Surely a a J bve tboqJn. 10 JbaU 1t come to pass; and aa I bave pu.rpoled. 10 shall It stand." God HlmseU atatH by tbe mouth of the aame prophet: "'My COUJI.Jel lb.aU ttand, and 1 wUl do aU my plea•· ure.·· --......... te.cllel .... pray: ·"T~qr wm 11o _ ... .,. 11 • rdentar to 111e ob-.. a.-. wiD or God .nlcll II alwap doee, but Be lou Ia miM lloe wiD of God u It pertaiDs to -, ie llllh&l mea. He • apeatia& of the wW of Ged u.a& wMid ILa-ve all men to be •ved ud to carne to tae lulowled.&e of the b11&11, tM will of God &hal wotdd ban alJ men do lao&IJ aad love merey. Lutber calli-It "the good and gracloi.!S w111 of God••. bec•ua It flows from the gractous be art of God. aDd would do us good. Tbe rood aad rracious ww of God ts revealed to ust..a the Bible, from which we learn that In the fuUneu of time "God sent forth Hts Son, made of a woman, made UDder the law to redeem them that were under the law that we might receive the adoption of tons", and, that "God so loved the world, that Re 1ave His only-begotten Son, that whosoever believeth to Htm should not perish, but have everlasting life." ftat. Utea, II God•a wW toward men~ It Ia lllafl7 W., that &bey mJcht beUeve on 1115 S.. u tllelr Becleemer aad come Co rverlast- lllrllfo. God bas mad~ His good and gracious wti.l lmown to mea from the ~nlnR:. Moses and the propbetl proclatmed lt. Jesus and His apostles re- peated It, •-rwa ta 1M wm of Him tb.at aent me, that ner,o.e wlllclllftdl ta.e Soa, aad believeth on Blm. ma, ILan e-ver .... lac We, aAd 1 wDI rUle lltm ., at tbe lut d&J... '"Tblt ls t.be woft of God ('ne work tiLl& God wotlld have ,_ do), tbt re believe-. Rim whom He hath MM!' 1• a, tl.!l; "Believe OD the Lord le-. Qrtl&. aad U.0. ahaJ& be a&Yed, &Dd 0!7 ....__,. Acta lt, S1; '1'bla la Ria com- m•M.....-, tlaa& we ..-.Jd believe oa tbe name of Blo S.. J-. Cllriol."l.d-S,U. By nature men are not bellevtng, but unbeUev-Ln.a'· It lJ: God's alncere deslre and gracious will (and tor that very purpo1e He has commanded Hll Word to be preached) that men everywhere lbou.ld repent of thelr evtl-dolng and belteve on Hla Son. God 10 earnestly desires this, that He oft en wtthbo.lda JudJment and shows great paUence with linDen. St. Peter tells us ln !Us second epistle: ""!be Lord Ia 1ot11 oulleriJ>i to· us·•IIJ'II. not WU!- IJ!i_tllat anv .'""''"' ~l\. .• bu(.~l all should came10~~· " Ba•t.c ceate &o repeet.aoce. It Ls God's en· cleM will &Ut me. .a.o.Jd con&tmae la laltb ... ~ _. perilla. H& tllbertt everluttnc 11:11!. '"Be ...._ faltlahal ..ao death, &Dd I wOI pe dlee a erow-a of life." ~Y. %:10. "Fear aot, lillie Ooek; for U II you.r Fa&ber's cood pieuue to atve roa the klacdom." Luke JJ: a . Sucb Ls God's cood and gracious wlll towards JlnfU.l man. We pray that this good and gracious wtl1 of God may be accompUshed tn us and among us. But there is another aspect to God's good and pack»us wW coocernlng us. II lo aloo God'a lood ....S hob wW tbat, af- ter bQq come &o repeatuce and faith, we tt.e a cocDJ life. 8&. PHI, the pea& apostle of ..,. Lord, wrtiel &o tbe peakeD& and beUev· .... 'nw"tn ... te•: ''Tills IJ: the wW of God, e.n ,._. 1111dtftca&loa, tllat ye should u,. .&a.lll lnm f...SC.Uoa, Uta& everyooe of you .._.. botr how ~ poueu hls vessel 1D • ...,.,...,._. aad llooor.'' God must det.tre aDd wlU that we abstain trom 11D and Uve soberly and rl.ghteously In this pre-- RD.t world. It would be wholly impossible for the iood aDd boly God not to wtll that. Therefore the- Sct1ptures admoo.llh aU Chrlstlans not to let sin rule ln tbelr mortal bodies, oor to yield thelr memben 1n obedience to unrighteousness, but to yield tbemaelvet to God, anu their members to tbe abedieDcfl of rtebteousness, AI God'1 •OOpted children tt ls God's good and boly wUl that we aboukl ltve a llfe In this present evU work1 that wru offend no one and that wUI briDe DO dbbooor upon Hil name. "For 10 is the wtl1 or God, that with weU-doJnc ye may put to •Pence tbe tnorance of fooUsb men.'' L Peter 2 15. . ._.,, God'o ..... aad .,.._ wW to- ..... • aM ._...,. ...,_.., for Ouilt'a ..U, &laat .. bear paU • d:J ud braYeb &be -r M 1ra 'Mtr• a1 ... we. God 1au or- ••••• ..,. tr1a11 ... lldl...,, 110& for ov llori, bal ,_ -(OK .... -~ _. Rh..., ..., -. 1M Hnfho of OMI." ""*-II, D. 8e Gell laM c sW ud --lrr .. ·lod··· ..... -· ....... _, .. --··--~. -lolly -and blex· peril-Clrrlo-. t111a1t u ~~r~nce tlult they bow 10 ...-. It -001 _, to tbem to ..,_ wltll !lie Cood aad ..... -wiD ot God. Peter. the -tie ol -Lord, WTIIK In tile 1. Eptafle, the Ctll drapto<,-12-1{: "Be-. think It not ,..._ _,..,. tile llory 1r1aJ Wbk:b Ia In fly JOtl. U ......,. ..... ...._ tltiDIJ llappeDOd IIDin )1'001; blat rtlol<e, 1Mam110b •• J" u. partaken ot Clrrllt'a -lop: lila~ -Ria Jlory IFIIoU be -·,.-be~ .... wltb .-m, joy . I! ,. lie ''""" .. ..., tor ...... _ ot Clu1at. baJ>' py ... :rt: ...... oPirll ot .lory ODd of God ...... ..... ,.. .. . Tltala ---haw tlootr place In the 'llllol<lerl'e-, llloy ..-.port ol God'a pro. ........... 'ail 2 e,ltSI!IJIWWtMt,..._. .__._.,._.,, .llr ....... ._ __ ...,r..- , ____ 7 ......... _ ... lr tr .................. .._.. ..., ................. ..... ......... ,. --- Oar .... llr .. 1 .. IItlE --.... IPS' -• .• , ...... r::-:•· • ... ... .. 0 'J .... _... • ...... ¥& + ~EWPORT HAR80R EIIICJI S£COIIO S£CTIOII - -Pip 3 Sex eel biH is explained ....... QIIT MACII, CALI,.OIINIA (Coolinued r-Po .. l) 11111r &..-tn· «Prrtd *"-tat _.. 'lo lila M lwCI 111Jo lo I 'lor, Tlto doore!ICIOIII UCl ..-Jr ..... ---''tJCI. I c::lltl.t1• 8 TMK AMKIIIICAOI ~~THKIIIAN CHUIIICH t.00 ...... TO lOtiO...... -,.AMI~Y W0-1~ aru.. c.-,," .... tbo -ot Ilia -Uoi ... IIIJ t:IO ...... TO lOtiO...... -MINOAY -~ . .,.., ----.... ---Air-lila II rOD .A.M. TO llaOO NOON -WO~t,_ u""'c• -bodJ at OCI llu -c:alloo r--IIIII .... -.-....... -......u, tD *• acertaJa-• ller of PIt, .... En. Uttll ,...., nUl an a pn'•rrOt; a. ..._, coOl Idle MID bl.elt ......... ....... , ... ..., ......... Otto ot l.bo blllo -Scbmlls -Iaiii,... .... to lrJ ....... ..., ... -..,ota. Uol-oUJ .,..., ........ hecla• I doa't be11eft lD FOIIlEJIL Y llfAM CMIERA ....... rla'I'C.V8alor m ..... ICIINJMI lJOl VIa Udo Na..,..t Budl ~NDA Y !CHOOL .f r ls ....... n •.•. lUNDAY SERVICES f l1S-11e .•• WEDNESDAY EVENINO MEETING 1 •·•· llEADlNC ROOM .... ;.,II t •.•. -s •.•. ........ : '•·•· -7r.U, .•. r-~ ..w~ ,,,4..,: ' .... -' •... ; ,,, •... ......,, '•···-.. , .•. .,.,. c.Jac. tW ~•.--.rnrr Nc.-,on· Beach a1 C01011a dill W.r 1100 PaciDo Vlow Dr. SUNuAY SCHOOL 11 - SUNDAY SERVICE II •• WEDNESDAY EVI!NlNC MEETING e,oa •·•· ....... Roo.t ...... t ~~~. 116S Eu1 CDu1 Hwy., CDN • ........ , ... ! 10 ...... 5 n .. sc~.,. •••'-• 1 .. S.&.: 10 ...... ' p.-. You ate cOI'diaiiJ •nViled to ancnd Ch¥Jch Services and to use the Rudins Room. LUTKERAM otURCH OF THE MASTER L .... c .. rat • ._ettu ZtoO Padlk Vlow Dr. c..,_ dol -. Calli. DR. WlLLWI R, ELLER ,_, ... _ Mra. Wotn Cltlmbelllll, PvllltWorbr 9:15 A. II.-Faml.IJ --IO,oo A. II. -Clllrclt ocbool 11 :00 A. II.-F-• --NURSERY PROVIDED .... ,., ..... "' -"""' lies, wb&eb are Dat '101-a.ry. but m••tory, c•thwect Sea. ScbmltL tece aatoaomy, but blc:aiiM ll baa to be a Z-way lltreet ••• lTNNEWPOn-.Ya coeT.lMDA .-..-.s , ........... a. .. ofC...o- a.pc.l•• 11•1e Fel-.ar.t, ,.~.,._, .. ,-A•flu••• S...e ._,Mcardle Itt. "Our-_,. IIIII* 1beJ are tbe lnebl&rersoftbebatoD of our FOUDdlDC Fatbera, •• saki Sea. Scllmttl. ''Yet tbeJ haYe MY• llu'Did tbe bule prtn- II 1beJ are p>lnc 10 -tbe L..--------..J wU••atJ to cbangt tbe~, ,....---------. tbe)' lboUJd DOt oompl•fD 1f • !VNDAY ll!llYJC£1 LOOKIIIG f'ORWAIID lo 1M-T-om pariJ ottbo lola Womu'oCblbat clploollfwblch--JWU J:4S .., a. ...., lcllool tbl clwt..,_ ue, from Je4. J.. ~ Arm• aad Mary StnsllaD aDd Tony fowldld, 1'1ley bi.Ye daDe away &:OO a.-. ..... i .. w111111. SblpudluL T.._. D tbl puty wtl1 be ''Lido CuiDo ao,.u..•• A eudleUCf:ll ~ with abeo.l.utu ud twe are to .W be ..nld tbrOIIIJboat tbe eYeD1Dc. lira. stYUUu ls 1D cbarp of tbe atfa.lr, and them DO ltaadatdl oC.slde tbe 6:01) p.-. Trailli .. Ua'-r lUI, 8~ 1.1 bel' co-cbltrmu,. gr~. Tbetr sy&em La: Jobn -.. ClraJip County try .. chu&e tbe IIDJTerstty," be aJd.. ''Perhaps tM Ume 1a: loDe put to do any wttb Die a.ato- DOmJ of tbe WllYersWes if tbey do DOt Wldentaad the r-..x~ lor tbe autoaomy." 1:011 p.-. E_l., Wonlolp Dewey's 'llemocncyiAEduea- h P I• Bl tloo.' AUDREY HILL CHOSEN WI!IJIIEIDAY Fromt • 0 ICe oHer "Tbelrartl<:luottalll>ue:.UARnSTOFMOHTH 1:l0 ...... liWo loMy (I) a.oy -lem cao be oo!YOd Tile JWilor EbeU Club of BlfLTZ MOR1VARIES 1141 IIII'IHII A'ff. COSTA toUA llldwiy ... 2424 •• I . CO.UT lltWAT CO-A DIL MAl ORiolt l-4450 t:OO p.-. Pre,er MleU.a with mon edtation; (2) uy Newport Beach ba.sebosenMrs. L.---------1 • THURSDAY, NOV, e • • • Carol Lee Lulro, Z4, ol tl1s ear at 11 p.m. at Balboa edueatJoDproblemranbeaoiYed Henry H. Hill o1 NewportBea.eb ~;~~·~·;· ;cc;;;;IO;.;';;;;;;;;:::;;~ All AM &Del FM radio and 2115 SberrlDctoD PL, Apt. Bl•d. aZid 4'1tb st., West New-.. un more moaey; (3) tbose .. bO u attl.&t of tbe moatb for Dee- IPMken were ltoleo from Ed~ 0~113, Newport Reicbb. was port, owt1 l..ostitutioos sboWd han ember. Her trOrlu are oo ATTIMD TMI C11MCJt ward B. Cbrllt'•DMD of 91' repwted mtaslllc by her room~ • SUNDAY NOV 9 DOtb1ng to say about tbem be. display at Mariner's Ubnry, OP YOUI CIIOICI E. 0c .. FroM; Apt. C., Balbo& mate, Dorotby Blbley • •• Julle Wllllam 'wa~ce Colley 68 cause there Ia a proleuiooa.l &cCCII'dlllg to Mrs. Carl Mit. IIGILAIL y , . , .stereo tapea ud a bpe SoUa ot 3516 Oeeu Blfd., Co-ot 1003 Somerset West~utf· class l::n.ioed in teWnc them cbell, t1M arts co-chalrman. deck were JtoleD from Frut root del ~ • 1FU bitteD bJ ber was arrested 00 a char of dri~ what is good for them , •• Allltrey HlU receiYed her de- ,----------, S. Beta of liKil f411tel., Intne empk:tyer s anaora cat. Ytnr UDder the l.ntlue:e of al~ lt's DOt academic t.teedom gree 1n commercta.l art t.tom Terrace , •• A Yorll:sblre ter~ • SATURDAY NOV 8 cobol at 3:lO p.m. a t Westcllft they WUl, It's Just a blank Sa.a Jose State College, Sbe •v•tN• •••vtca "" ~ ... Wlto.ollt.D.,'I' •le\.lt •TUD'I' t\MD ~llt.t.\'•llt , ........ NU-·IIt\' OU .. IN. •aiiWICae ,. ....... , .. Oo."' o.wo ... -. .. c..-•••'1'0101 M, t:. JON Itt. II"CA ....... 1:101 _ ... --J1or OWDed by Kay Glans of Daniel J~ p~ of 112 ud lrvtne .. , D1a.nne Cheryl cbec.k; tbey oaly ftZit pollttcal studied art witb EI.a.ineBadgley, 151 DomtD&o, No.8, EutBlllft', w Coast 8 Space 84, 8&1-Bndley 20 of 60 1 Polnsettta interfereDCe at awroprtatioo a san Fraoc:lsco artist, aJld wu stolen ••• Autoacceaarles .bore Tn1~· Park, wu ar-Corooa 'del 'War, wa..s arrested time, cba.rpd Sea.. Sehmltz. Eric Obaeb, San Jose State were stolen from Cbsrrie L. rested 011 a ebarce ol barciUY 011 a cba.rKf of driving uDder Do you own your owoproper-Cone" professor and artist. AWioa ot 432 Be&DGia, C«oaa at 3,05 am at Newp:lrt Sbores tbe lnllueoce of drugs 11 3:30 ty, Sea Sebmill asked the au-She uses ntercolors, oils aJld JOil 11....-. .... del Mar ••• Darid Kear Sbaw, Dr 'am ·L ·goo.la St Nnport a..m at loth St and w Balboa dieoee, U the for'ee of peru-~sc~ry~Uc~s.~H~er~sub~ject~~ma=tt=er=-ls=-~==":•:•:"""::' :":'==·==~ 13, ol Ul'J Laurel, Newport~ u Yary Lju Puey 81,.d_ Balboa • ~dJohll ment woa't keei;IOUI:tbosesworn usually la.Ddscapes. HeiebU, wu blttea by a dot ol H:,j~ Beae.b ud ·Phll~ Col~ of zJ06' W. Oeeu Ft., to your destruc~o'? AM keeps ... ocbool lfO'IIIIIo tOitlle ""'"' Up Tomo. of ... Balboa l!oJ ApL ZA, sod BIU l.o<ds Twit-y~ !rom -u . Orco Block Co b1a btU ••• James Paul AUea Club were arrest.t oa ebarCU ehell of 2306 w. Oee:a.o Ft., radWooa.UJ studeots should • ot Sao lllep> .,.. lojure<l......., of -llltlog Tonlo were Alit 3A Central Newport were be away !rom tbe world, but Bun.DING IILOCD -ALL 51»3 -ALL TYPES be coWded with tbe car oiH. V. ~~·-!ro w:,:..:_ C 0 ,_ ....... : .... ..:. 00 ,, •• ,., of '_......t the Wl1Yers1Ues tbemsel•es -m u-..:: .....,o -·~ ,.... r.o-..-.. lla o1 --~~~r-·-l~~~~~~"';;•;.,;·;•:•:•:~J~.,~~:~~·~=~-~~~~~~~ SmUb otJ14VlaUdoNord,Udo of 1512 Ser.-de Ter.,' ln1Dt tbeft auto ••• James Edward • Ye Yeo ~ ..... reuoa ....... ... ...a.. lla&W. J:DI.L K-.. ._...a-la .. , at !J;%5 p.m. oa Vla lJdo T e A btcyele was KiD&: of 521 Larkspur Corona DdepeD&SeDce, declared tbe ,., ?~ ••• » ~ ····-l?ldjdj Nord, 65 r.t west ol Via C«-r~ ~·~,by Yartba del War, was arrested at 10:30 don. ••• Melanle 1nmherc ol S Ca.mpt>eU of 4111 s-stme p.m. at E. Balboa BITd., and Oru&e wulDjaredwbeatbecar West Newport ••• Cosmettel Cc:.-ooado St., Balboa, oo a lbt wu drlfiq: collided '"8' were Aoleot.tomtbea~Cmoblle ebarre of driving IJDder the in- tbe ear of Patriek M1b • oned by Robert A. Ramsay o1 fiuenee of alcohol . , , Bicycles Daly of 117 Vta Harre, Udo 1215 DoJptliA Ter.,lrT1oe Ter-were stoleofrom CartCurl Yost llle, at 10:40 a.m. lD the west A radio wu stoleo of 329 ln'tne Newport Heights partlDc lot at FubJoD lslaDd. ~; H~~ K. Wrtefll otlS25.,. A stereo'recordplayern.s • FRIDAY, NOV. 7 Do~ Ter., IrriDe Terraee stoieo from Da.n W. Dona.hue of 2M2 ............... ,.,. ........ Jewelry nbald at $8065 and ••• A 19tl9 MIJ'Cur'J Marqa1s 121 46tl'l St., West Newport • , , credit cards were Jtolea from wu stoleD from Ford A.erorut-Flsll1.Dg eqlllpmeot was stoleo tbe safe otWU11a.m PaJQeTroJ:-troalc, F«d Road ••• SoiiDtt from Fred P. Johosoo of 2116 ler of 142-4 Santtatp, Donr equlpmeat worth S1 'JZ3 was E. Ocea.a Front, Ba.lboa • • • Sborea, wbd tudlta eaterfd stolen trom JotaD B. Ste'feD ol Robert Greeley of ZOll Vlst:a. •~ -~--bo ZZ0-1/2 36tb st., Welt Newport Cajoo, Eut Bhdf, suffered a A Frn ~ , .. ,_.., C•fNI--~ c:MI•II• Cftrd ,......... ....., ........ Ullll rear \A VA' me. . . .._.... ...... k at his..,.. sod A mus1eal1utrumeat, 111 oboe, Beaoett Gordoll Browa ot ~' ~c e wu WU Mo ... !rom G&Jlo~ U:1iz -m.; WootN_.t, -to,._,-•• otasw.-.... ~ -•--•••-"Trl-wu-t:rom~<a-• E. --· of IIZll W, •. ~If-• ,Deaa Doo<laaReoriaotli01 Save Time And Money Wfstcutr, colllded tbt car of Paul w. TberHIII ISS Harbor lslaod PI., llar- lslaud, who suffered a Wblp-Ca II An Expert ~a.s~~, .. •=05 p.m .... w. eout -==:::::::----__ Hwy., S%0 feet east of Newport e HURSERY Blfd ••• Carl Wesley HeJD -------eiiAUTY SALCJII BEAUTY NOOK 2732 E. C01st Hwy. Co,onl del y, Phone bn-7336 SEVEN NATIONS COIFFURES OPt::" TI!f.SOAY Tl(RQUGH SATIJROAY F"ree Parlr.iaB ia F"raat 300 W. Coast Hwy. Newport I•~ T•leohoM: 6~·01.U BUILDING CONTRACTORS REMOOELJNG and AOO ITI ONS e "U:IE I'LAM UIVICIE e 'II:IIE UTIMATU S32 ·5949 AMERICAN CONSTRUCTION co . CALL DAY 01 MIGHT IXRECT r-RANCH TO YOUIIIIOIIE REOULARS • BII011N8 • EXTRA LAIIOE • .JliiiBO CALL APTU 6 I'.M. GilLY S.·S7· o KIAL TN IIIOIT ~ .... IIQD'IIft t ~ --......... . •.. ,, ...... ...... ! ..... --~ .. tp ............ ....... . = 'llr..";:."C... : ::::::::s '' -d d- eCOST .. •ORAMGE 6l9-UI1 • ""All 19M 126-0311 • HUHTIHGTOH UAot 142·1451 • MESA S49.J36I . ,e~A,ltA~ 673·5822 675-3353 hnl• 1 .. CliP lg W.tJs CLEANING & DYEING All MAKES OF lUGS -WALL-TO-WALL CARPETING I-DAY SERVICI! =------.. -.,.,IIA=Il"'M-::I""K"'A-::I=ow=A:-:I::E;---1==:.:-- ALL DrMMT..6 'UMIJTS "lONE. 646-4(79 U.N-IIIn. COSTA o NIA.IIG AIDI Off •• :J.-.. -· ----·-·---.......... Stuubs, Iatenor Plants Troplca.l &L Treea losecticides and Fertilizer s & H Green Stamps FREE DEUVERY Corona del ~ar Nur.erJ 2144 E. CDul of Los Anples eolUded wtU. the car of Susanne J ost of 3Z&I Wlcbipn St., Costa Me' oo Newport BI•d. a t utersectioo nt ltoll>ltal Rd, "'111•1 W r I---·-·L;_E __ G_A __ L __ N_O __ T_I_C_E ___ __ ,... .... PIKE DIIS$MAitJNG 81 C8AIILOTT8 IJ2-41t1 A; L MAUAC PUJMBU 700 ca-atte Aft. eo-& dol liar • * * This Christmas, instead of a check, give a Savings Account Certificate! ... it keeps on giving! When you koow that the most needed and appreCiated g1ft of all is money, giVe an LFS hrgh-<!arnrng smors Acc1111 instead 1 Certrfrcates are available in two Gift·Worth y styles: IP$100 INVESTMENT CERTflCATES~ (« multtples ol $1001 eam 5.13% interest wMn ttle cur· rent annual rate of 5% is ampoundecl for one year. fp$1,000 BONUS CERTIFICATES~ (or mufttples of Sl.!)))) um the nation's hi,ttest rite of Insured Interest 5.31%, when the current annual rate of 5'% is cumpoonded diity and the divtdends ll't left '" tnt account tor three year\. PASS8001\ SAVINGS ACCOIIIITS-in any -.t-odd 1o an e11sttnt account Of Clpfn a new &ift KCOUnl Remember-an laPS Savings Account is the most INTERESTing gift of all! -"'"'' n • CCMl10fll ......... pz ........ , -.n41 ---~---·l ., ... _ .. _ .. _o_ .... t -.a• Get five pictures. With the Sketchbook First National Bank . Checkbook from Southern California Sketchbook checks picture five colorful scenes of Orange County. So your checks can reflect the beauty of your own area. And yoti can write them free by main- taining a minimum balance of SIOO. An order of Sketchbook checks costs only 7c more than standard checks. And you get something extra for your money-a handsome enlarged print of one of the scenes. If you'd like prettier money, just phone or drop in to one of our Orange County offices. We'll give you the picture. Costa Mesa 2.30 E. 17th St., 642-1660 H••tillctoll Beada 17122 Beach Blvd., 847-9681, 8899 Adams Ave., 962-3377 ,