HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-12-11 - Newport Harbor EnsignIIISPECTIIIG ..-ue baoj'llllll wW be -<IIRIIIC lrallllll( ol !lew Zoalaad llfoJoards are, !rom ld, Pbll st-ol Su Cle-lApa Locaboy 01 Nnport Boacb ul Mu Bowmu ot H...,....,. 8t&eb. TlM J w.parda, all membus ot tbe N&UOIII.l Sarf l..lfa St't'lD& AIMCil*kM' ol Amerlca, ban Dtea cbostlll to rrpre811d tbe aswtatioo tor tbt S-weet tra1AlaC procram 1D MP z-~a.act. TIIIJ wW lllln Dec. 21. Th1a l& a oontt.ar•tioo o1. tbe proied tbat bl'oUP,t 5 New ZutaMera: to the u.s. for a pllot procram to learo u.s. trebnlqaes ot Wep.rd 'tP'Otk.. OFFICES IN CORONA DEL MAR . CALIFORNIA P change in freeway, 5th LEA KARBAUGH, recorda clerk for' tbe Newport Buci pollee c~tputmeot, ls pictured with 2 concrete Uons to be aucUooed otf al tbe pollee a\tdioo at 10 a.m. ttd5 Saturdi.J, Dee. 13, at tbe etty corporation yard, 59Z S\C*'lol' An., West Newpoct Helg:bts. Unclaimed property to be auctioDid locludes bicycLes, boats, auto stereos. aDd miscellaAeous llou&ebold ltems. A complete list may be obtained at the Clty Hall or tbe pollee department biJ.s1oess office. ar ... Co-ehairmen Bill Agee, 715 Lar~ •••• ,aadPaulAsbeo- felter, 517-1/Z Nacct.uusAn., tJPlalDed lbat a.s a result ot the receot publlc belli'1Dc at wh!eb state ud c:tty omclat. ooaterred w1tll reside«U oo fl'eewt.)' plana, a lf<q~ of loeal cWzens met aM studied tbe .Sbatioa from both a ftaueial lure b1pet than tbe adja.ceat to plaA au ruideotal ueu so IDd emtroomtalalpoilltohtew. lfade lenl ol many or t:bNe I that tbey ue aceeuible to, but ••n. II'~,·· Mr, Ape said,. reskleaces UoogS.DdcaltleDr. Uol&ted from, the ma.1D tratnc "la coaearDIId onr the DUmber (ln Harbor View HUll). U wW DOC •teoHal to tbelr own oeeds. ol pueell to be a.uimUated by COIIC)letely obliterate muy ol. We 1Aa1at tb&l tbJ& COQe4Jilt Ls mtttnc piau ID1 by tbe re. the seeD1c vlews of &11 tbeae jut u 'a.Lld tor tbe COtOG& del c •1 IUlt1QC tnta.c u.t would be resideuces as .... u " m.a.D)' o1 liar tract u u 1s • Harbot O U n C 1 ·S c a n S lW'Odooed on Cc.oaa deUiu's the resideots U'fill( oa Suduoe View' Hilll, Lust Homes, Sbore · nsldemtal streets ... Botb Yr. Ln. Tbe proposed des.lp will Cturs, Coroaa Hicbl&Dds, or a.oy Ape a.od Mr. Asbtafeltar em. a.lso place lbe west to1D& Oil· otbet realdeotial de'ltkJpmeot I r s pbaQzed tbat tbe primary COO· ramp practically in the bt.ek a.nywbere. We ma..lJ:Ita.l.n that ODe peo p e s pres cern of. tblir &rOCl t. to pre. yard of tbose resldeoces oo ol tbe surest ways to stut de- sene tiM specJal res'rl«tJta! ~Qdeastle Dr. Tbe resultln( terloratloo 1n 1qy desirablere. qualities Off Coroaa del Mar. DOlae from 0«1-ramp trata.c u sldeoU.aJ ac• is to I.Ptroduce "From oot of Sbenrood "ls U w1thiD tbe law to •- Wallace Calderblld ?12 Jrts •ell a.s the loss ol oc-.a new uorelated tnmc tnto 1ad focest." wxtercrOUDCI type '!Ourage stea.lJ.n& and shop- Ave., committee pubisctty re-•tU adnrsely a.tfect m&oy of through tb&t area.. oe•sp;ape.r &eU ldeatlfied as llftlnc?" she •oDdered. presellla.Uve, stated thattbepe-the properties 111 the area. D. Tbe dead...e.Dds caused by "Orange Couoty's People's ··1 am oot a•are of a.ny law tltioD requests tbt Cl.t:J CouocU Homes ln this ar• ace all aew tbe Coast Freeny at Larlu;pur. Press." came UDder scrul1ny perniog tbal, '' said Chief I • c t I I to bavetbestudyoftbepetllion's and a premium ns p&1d to Jurnlne. Iris aB1 HeUotrope of tbeNewportBeacb City Coun. Glava.s. ''Mere actrocacy ...un. rv In e 0 Co aS a P an proposals ftDal1Jed 1D time for obtain the exlstlng oceunews. sboWd remain ;sst tlllt _ cU Yooday eveo.J..Dg. o·Jt taking aoy steps to carry • presentation at the State's nut An Wldercrosslnc at tbe Buck "dead.~Pds." Thls 1t'lll belp PoUce Chief James Glavas out the deed Is DOt a cr1m1D&l 6 pubUc beut.nc. Gully ac cesspolm win preserve preHI'Ve tbe resideotlalquallty saJd tba.t tbe ~Ucadon. wtucb act. I feel U Is vary repreben. ff ' h The petit1oO. wblcb ls upee-the desirable feature a: of this of tbe ar-. Ttlls cooccK works bas beeD d1sttibuted oo tbe Co-slble to see th1.s 9011 of paper 0 e rs e a C access ..., to reacb tbo City COW>CU line reslde!XW arOL • ..., weU 00 ..,.. ..,.. o1 Bay-ro~a del liar bl&!> sobool c.un-<llslrlbuted." l.D time lor the Dec. 22 meeting. B. l't!.e Cout Freeny access side Orin aJld ucerta.lo.ly blips pus, MQh!Md lett-wlDg. aat.l-''I deplore thiJi IJOttotthl.Dc. '' fr M asks tor a study oftbe r.olJowlng road should DOt comiDue lDtoa.o to pr-eserve tbe des1re::S unooDl pollee, antt.pernment mat-said Vice·M.tYor l.JD:Isley Par- lrTlPe Compu.y PresideDt l"'GG. del Mar aod LapcaS...cb.. om a ~.:ef!~ tour • proposals· enlarged 5lb AYe. u planDed ol isolation Deeded w these vt&l,. after tbe fa.sbion. of the soos, ''but tbete 1s J~JPUeltlY WUUam R. Wuoo bas uked He said tbat tbe eoqi'DJ's Wbert tbeJ .......,-.. 8Ucb fa-· but ShoU1d eontioue 41rectlJ Los ADples free Press. oo lepl way to stop U.." klc&l aDd. state perwneot 1aa. mastw plan .Wtoct.lt publle mou coutal det'eklpments as • W:ab the planDed coastal OOwn Buck Gully to Coast HJ&fl-ueu. He Aid tbat the p&per was ·'I ca.n"t supest ao.yt.hl..oc: eon- del's J.nterested lD publlc beac:b &cc81S to lbe tidelaMa. tbe Alpne Cout 1D Portugal, fteeway oD/oU ramp cono•etor ny. This will place the Coast E. FlJtb An. betWeen War-b.mded followin& an lnltial structlve,'' commented City At- u .. to join wltb tbe COmpaQ)' Wr. Yuoo aod a 4-mao ta.sJI; tbe Cotta del Sol and Costa at Bock Gully aD ua:krpass,ln-K1~-.ray ~cess polnt at its cuertte aDd Poppy sbaWd DOt be meeting lD L&ruoa Beach aDdis t.otDe7 Tully Seymour. ''The u lt becins plaoDJJic for the de-force of tbeJr aperU lD tbe Bran. 1D Spain, abe Ri't'iera. in stead ot an O'ferp&SS, a.ad by 1oglcal ceoter of tbe areu it La wldeaed. U sbou1d sern tbe oow printed LD Costa MeSL scbool a.utborltles ~ try «o •eklpmeot of lts S-1 /2 mUes Gelds ot pla.DDID&; aDd deY· Fraoee and tbe U~Wla.D and means of us1Dg Buck Gully • COD· Loteodtd to serve. Easterly of oeeds of resideDUal tnmc onlJ • A moor tbe fouocits"s ls Doll Uep U. oft tbe ca.flllNS. We must of oceu troDt Wid between Co-elopmeot rec.eatly returDid Amaltl Coasts 1n Italy -re. oect directly wlttl tbe preseot Buck Gully are Sbore ClJ.Us. co. F. Sloce 'lfe prapose that tbe Elder, O'lt'ber of tbe 9tr'd put .., wltb this in ord~ «o ban gioar lrbicb most nearly re-Coast Hwy. rooa. Hi&ft.land.s, Cameo Sbotes, Filth Ayen• plu to handle I.D Seircb of a Cage bookstore freedom ot tbe pres~." fleeted tbe eavtronmw of the • DI9MC!ti"'M 5th AYe. west-Cameo lU&f\Ja.nds aDd the soon treeway tratftc be aNnctoned,lt a.1 2307 w, Bra..lbc-. BIYd., Ceo-"Our oatioo was liOt louod.t Ora.oge COUDty coast. erly from Matperite Ave. and to be deYeloped area euterly to 1a: clear that tbe need to widen tn.l Newport. T~ pollee cbief oo tbLs sort of UUD.c." said ALARM SYSTEMS EYED Mr. Muoa stated tbat their-dead-e.Dd Lar~. JumlDe. ScotchmaJlS Con. W'lSter.ly aod rea.llp Goldellrod AYeo.ue added, "He is DOt to be coo-Couod.Iman P.J.ul Gruber. Aa ordlaoce rel\ll&llilc tbe • CALLED BIDS for 10 a.m. Ylne Corna:any does AJtiDteodto lrts aod Heliotrope avenues at some porUoo shoald be eon-· 1a also DDDeCessary. Goldenrod fused with OW' former eouocu. Polley of tbe Newport Y!SI. use of bur&la.r a.latm Qsttms Jan. lZ on tbe Coraoa det Kat create an eDJtroomeot thai 1ftll tbe soutbern bolmdary ol tbe sidered. Westerly of Buck Gully AYeoue sbould remain a ~t of man.,. Scbool District states t.bat oo is !:leLDc: studied by tbe Newport ltate and e1ty beaeb cooeeulon dea.J publle accesstolbeeoutal c.outa1 treeway route. is Corona del Mar tra.cL All the resldeot1a.J commualty. Mayor Doren Marshall ex-p.>~ers or nltten lnformalloo Beaeb City Couoc:U. lease. tidelaod.s u lD. tbe ease of tbe The latest map prepared by areas W":"sterly of MacArthur fiDucl&J. f&·::tors b' item 2 preued coocc.a O'l'er tbe oews-C&D be dlstrlbutad oo campus Pollee Chtel Jam~s Glans • RECEIVED a request trom recent ''Salt Creei:" matter. He tbe .tate b.l&bnY departmetlt Blld. wtll ba•e c)Oser acces5 were l15ted u follows : ~ becaue lt """"''*' an •Ubout tile parmtssioo ot the refined Ute problemslDYoiYtd .Josepb Leamtnc, pres.Jdeot of added tllat tbe company is DOt lJ1 Los AneeletlboWithltlbout to the treenJ at tbe 011 aoc1 ott A. AcquialUoo OOIU or ap~ arUcle aJtac u.t ctM"oc 1a sebool utboriUes. 1D tbl alarm IJ'stem at Moclday Le&m!Ac Eu.ctMerlD&:Cot'p.,lnr opposed to pubUc acquisttioo 97 bomes woWd be wJ.ped o« ramps near Newport Center. proDmatelJ t"' reAdtlltl&lpu-a d'lboN:IL .-..-. Couac1l _, ..... ·-tloll to .... ciiJ Olal-1/2 ul cleYolopoleat "'-"' bolow ~~~~ ..... bon••-Tllo ""-plao to ... _, colo .... 011 II> ...., ...... POUG~tlltl BOARD aldllloQ ... IU&rt-j • KNJI&"oi---Aft. lllo~~D!I<; ...,_., .. .._ llollllo ...... --=IIIIo ,_ llr·D Mo. •A~~.,... a •·• ~ ua.-~a...w eti'l-8 lil..'!f~~ '' ... .., ... lkttra""*'''#,.._.ftriiw•• . .-~Aft. --0, llo:ld.Dc IIIIo ,.U.0 ...... , ... I 1*111 --To -·~II!Jolol--01 !1111 AN.AllOIIIIIoSllaHI ~ IU....., lulboohaal-WID 111*1>11 -Ia --. ulllrt diiJU\IIIOIIIIOIIIIoe!IJ. lite; rolurod IIIIo r_.t to torll. Tbo lnllll C-f Ia -U1 Harbor VI" .. 1111>1 11> placellwacee.u!JUr-or $% =t 000 11uoc1 oo tbe Tbo N-hoocb Pollee oc U.. l!olrd at_, times. "The -Ia lllll a P'-.1 tbo Plamlllle Commluloo. -l•c tllal a pabllc eo-Hilla~ lo 11w palbway --lj)prollmlloly tllree r«...i. ..i.. ~ 110-tl 1a tbe EmployH'o Ala. baa oloctod Tbo board memborst&Upu'l emerpoeJ, SQCb u a.a tu'tb· • APPROVED tbt blrUlc ot oMS•ttnc eommlttM be IP-of tbe rr ••tak..-orC''IOGI. quarters of a mile west of ita: ara. Tid• may -..u UCMd tbe dlneton for tbt rtu btPD-lJ1 all a.lary aoo trl..ap beoetlt qw,te, eoald jam tbt pollee a ballcftft( ~aDd a plan pobUd wttb riPl'tMntauns The loformatlolll. ac-creattst need. total cost ot a tMI'e eealnllJ r&tq: JUl. 1. t:ara;atn1Dc wilb tbe City Go- pbootoetwortudptatlllpoUce cbeetiaetQCi!IMrb'tbebutl-from lbt stale [)e&lartmtGI: ot COmp&Ql.Dc p«tttoult&tel C.Tbtw;eofBuctGullyuwe ioeatedfrMnJ&cCIUroadlo-[l.,::ted to tht bo&rd trom Yernmant. dCJutmeDl out of oomm'lDI.ca-d1af ~to take cue of Pub &Dd Rtcr•Uoo. Oranct tbat about 4 of tbue 517 bome• propose Ylll cause 00 dJ.I:Ioea, Wed daWl:l Buck Gul.Jy. tbe raM ot pollee deer were Wtwm the new boUd takes· tJoD," be ald. tbl toerti.II.Dc amoq:at of OOD· Coaaty &O"C'omiDt,audtbl mu-below 5tb Aft. 1I'OWd. be and t:lon of fa.m1Ues trom tbllr 8 Tr.t accpUWon of tblse Ed Clbarelll, Wayoe CoDoolly. ater oo Jan. 1, they wtU elect "We doo't teel tlat tbNI ltruedoa. aetlfUJ, lllctpauuu ot Nnport Beacb by tbt..., prcpo•l•, bomes u 11'1ll tbe preaot plu par~els .w lo•I:Jr.,.er a tu Jobll SlmoD ud Todd WJlt.lD-a pruldeot and Ytce..presldent. ..,Items sbouJd be banDed. Tbey • RECEIVED a request trom and Laplla Blacb to 'tP'Otk with Tbt reuoQI ctYen in ~t to use 5th AYe. tDCOme etmoretbu$!5,000per 10e1. •bo must be trom tbe ra.nk of an a m.uaod ot t:rusmlttLnc Ja.mes HarriD&tOD tbat tbe city Intae pl&DDers to estabu..b tbe ot tbt peUUoo proposals u.t Tbe folJowt..o.c f1naDC1al b.e-year bued 00 todaJ'S PI'O-Ed ClbllueW Ls tbe current police otrlcer. aJa.rms .to fire &Dd pollee. But resurf&ee tbl blua'·aide a.ectu DHd8 Ud. dts1resoftbeYVktus the follo'lf1D& buma.a am en-tots are llsted for item one lD pertj valuu and current tu presSdeat. aDd Wayne ComooUy ph .1 H d tbey sboUld bt coatrolled. A road &loDe Oeaa BlYd.., wtthlD lefela of &Oftromeata wltb res-rtroJUDeatal Clctors tot item lbe petition: ntes. 15 rtce.presideot. JOb.ll Stmoo I a y en proposed ord1Danee would 111'0-tbe ltreet rtcbt-of·ftJ, be· preet to ~Uc areu. No. 1: A. Ri&ftt of wa.y acqui&itioD c. This k)u: of tu bue wtU bU bad e~PUieDCe oothe baUd t1de b' a permit procedure." tweeo Ma.rcuetlttATe.udNar-Tbe Nnport Bea.cb City A. Tbe $tb AYe. treewa,y. c::osts •lll be DectJ.Pble com-cause a.n lmmtdia.te tu rl5e 1J1. tbt PISC, &Dd Todd Wlltlnsoa He saJd lbat more aoa.publk: cl.ssus Ate •• CorOIIIl dtl Mar. COUDCU amed Clty Manaeer overcrosaJDe struct\D'easplan. pared to the 5tb An. plan. Ad. oo. those rematolnc property will be new to tbe board. b d I h I l1DIS sbould be PfO'Jidecl for tbe Publle WorUDirtctorJot DeY. Haney Harlbw't IW.tay eYe-Dad wtU rlae to a be:IIJbt of ZZ3 dit1ooal coostruc:Uoo COlts of OQU'S 1n tbt tu districts m;t s,t. Leo Konkel WU eleetecS a y u r pollee deputmeot, aDd ldckd l1D .aid be 'lllderltoodtberO&d-DiD& uthectty•srepresentattn feet abon &ea. JeyeL This will the proposed Buc.k Gully plan juridlctioos !DvolYed. to tbe board to l4JI'Nellt the tbl.t ''U would DOt be ezcesshe 'ffa1 wu or!paally autbDrlMd oo Uda committee. place a mass!Yeeoocrete strue. •ill prot».bly be more tba.a oft. o . SlDce tbere 1s a DecUblble pollee serput ruL lAo Is a El&ttallon Chiel Pttil Hayden, to tlaYe Z5 on ooe noa..pablle Oil the lmderstaDd.Lni that the REGISTER BY DEC. 18 set by tbe savlD.gs tba.t would be Yacancy tactot iD COI'OO& del past president. U. LaralD w11l 46, of the New;>ort Beach fire Uoa.." abtUlo.& p:operty owners will a.lfected by abaDdolling tbe 5th Mar, most ot tbe persoos bt tbe bo&rd member represen-4epartment, suffered ili.er.aal F1re Chltf Jan Brl8eot al8o mat.Qtn lL Tbe matter was AYe. pla.n.. displaced 1fOU.1d be IIQible to t1n& tbe ra..o.U of Ueuttill.nl aDd Jajuries and a broken left arm bas e~pressed an lJMreat ill terred to tbe staff for study, OKember 18 is tbe last da.y before the election, the Item B. There •tU be UWe II any relocate tn tbe tbe lmmed!ate CIP'1" •ooday niibt wben his ca.r wu tbe proposed ordtrwnce, Jtatb:lg • AUTHORIZED tbe city to recf.ller to 'lOti for tbe Feb. wW be taken oU the ballot ta.s: ~ Joss by follawinc tbe uea.. These persons tbus dis-From the ra.Dks of ciYI.Uan ll1t by a car driven by Mrs tb1t lt should prorlde tor J.o.. rnaJil.Cet to 8PIDd .., to $5,000 10 scbool electtons. Regi5tra.-The tu onrrlde u passed. Buck Gully roue. placed r_,reseot a pertnaDelt employees. Patricia Pa.ttersoo Carollne Horowttt. 25 of 13S7 ~ ol preml9es lor ll.re 6lr areb1tec:tval couutuac t1oo la being beld lD botb Costa would 1Dc.rea.se ~ tu rat; c. There will be no loss of lois ot pureba.slnc po•er Ullbe and Robert Wheeler were elec-Conway st., cosU. Mesa., at protectioa purposes. Jel'Yleu reiattdtotbe~ Mesa ud Newport Beach City trom the presett $3 29 per anilable dwellings, tberelore busiDess communlty. ted, botb of whom bave served Newport Blvd. am 16th s t., chic ceDter lD NewportCtlller; Halls. Deputy registers are at $100 assessed nltaUon.to$3.89 DO dls;)lacemeat of people and G TREE ON B I Costa Mesa. TbeCouoelltooktbetollowt.o.c tlae fiPI"dUve Js to be in most of lbe scbools. but they for 1970-71. In tbe 1971 . DO k>ss ofpurcbasiD.gpower to SINGIN 0 0 Mr. Hayden told police that aeUoo. oo other ltema: on the: accordaDce wUb tbl terms of recommend tmt people ea11 72 year It would be $4.. and tbe local busl.Dess commiiO.ity. ~ was southbound in his car a,aeadl; tb1 bu:tc coatnd bltweeD tbl tltst. for 197i.n, 1t would Loe.reue Human a.od eoY~Otal when It wu struc.lf. bY a north- • AOOP1'ED Ord1lluct nao. e1tJ u:l tbl ooanM11oc ftrm Tbe z item ' 141 for •oUnc to $t.16 • Tb1l tu would be t.a.cton ctted for Item z are u ~eta} •olces 1l1led •tth tbe a.od .W c:oot1o.ue tllro·Jgh bound car whleh tlad crossed establlstJJnc rtauJ;Ltioal tar of WeJ&oD 8ecQt aDd _..,...Ja. apoD art tbe boDd illlerest ln-I&S4Id lot tbe ooo.structioo ot taUows: ~lrit ol Cbtlst:mas .W uteod O.x . 21. Amonctbe ma.ray Cf'O'C)s the d.Jvider. He wu rUShed to curb c!&s aad otber a...lteraUou: tes.• erase ud tbe tu owerrlde, scbools. A. Currently an.Ua.ble plans ~ tbe Buarea MoDd&J tbat will be perform!Qg are the Hole Hospital to public streets. ADJOURNED to 7:SO p.m. IocrtUiAc tbe bC8t UJterest lDdleate that awrozlmately 9"1 tvecUnc. Dec. %2, aDd Tuesday C.yootes, under tbedirectlonof Pollee said Mr s. Horowtt&, • AlX>PTED Ordllluce1m, Ji.llktQ, Dec. 15, wtleatbttide-rate from 5 per eeat to a m.u:l· r esldeotial ~eels 1D CotoQI. flfu\nL Dec. !3, eeboLDc tbe Del W*i.s trom LiDcolD Jwdor •bo bad left tbe scene of tbe retatloc to rtplact:IHIIt at e•b laDdll Ul fee ordlalaee Will be mum ot 7 per ceat wouldeDlble YULE CDHCERT FOR del Mu 1f1ll be needed to ac • .IOUDI1s ot tbe ''s1Dginc Kl&ft; the Costa Y~ Hlgb accident, later came to pollee cull ud drtYeft,J'IWfOI.Cbes. OOMSdtred tor ldalltkM' Alles-tbe school district to .ellboods PAREH TS AT CDM HI Qi commodate tbe treeny &DdeJ-Cbrlstm:&s tree." Madrigals; tbe Coroae. del M.u' headQuarters aDd admitted that • APPROVED 1lrttr-stacot. ec:~t ..,lloa ~ pl:uDed coo-at tbe ra18ed 6 to 1 per ceDt A Cbrlstmas coocert for pa-pansloo and realtcDml!lllt ot 5th For tbelr secoDd time«oper-H1(tl M.adripls; EstaDcla Hlgh she ns the driver of the car Ordlaate ISIS, l1P"11DI tbe c..mac u. Upper 8aJ 1aDd laterest cost. lt tM boodl are reats will be prenm.s at 7:30 AYt. Of th1s ownber, IP· form lD tbe Harbor aret, Girls EDSemble ud tbe Harbor tbat blt Mr. Hayden. She. na Uc..U.C ol Ar'fbal.rdl. adwnp UUptbl. ld 1 esent 5 per cut, p.m. Dec. 16 bJ tbl45 Mad:ripl pronm.ateJ;y 47 paroela are re. Westen iUCf!. Scbool's Youth ChoraLe, botb IDler tbe seat home peDdlD& further in- • APPROVED 8Ht r-.dla( so a pr Stacers of Coroaa del Mar Rt&tt quired to r..Up ud widea 5tb A Cappella Cboir from Aaabeim direction of Ric:bud Kuykeodal; vt5tlption olllrdloulce lAC, II<O'ldlac Realtors oppose pl"er fees Seboo~dlreet':"byllooHaoeb, .... alooa,Wbl<llwllldl•lo<olo wlU -lJielr Cbr~ ... PEOP Brus !rom ... Cblef ~yden Is In serious a plumed oommUII6ty raoa. &.rid tbe sebool s CODCvt cbolr, OYer 200peuoos, ma.oyolwiWMD eblers at Balboa lalud s Prtnce o1 Peace Lutbetan CODditioo In Hol.g's intensive lJIIb tbt PI(\IOilidr..tdlutlll coocert orcbestn ud sym-Y1ll DeYer be able tortJocaSela ..aoD:laa•l Cbrutmulsl&a:l SchOol, under tbe dlreetioo ot ca.re WU"d. ud JDU c::o.• dtt~tNew-'I'M baudot dlreetl:lra ot tbre derlDc: oe double bpHcw; ol tbe pboalc taDd tn tbe cafetti'Ja. tbe lmmtdl&tt :u-.. Tills q a eeW:ntloa. Mrs. P!ecbel; ud tbl Du Patale pod C-. boollllecl by SaD llnport llarl>or-Coe M-rulproperty.,._. Mr .-aad ---•err blgb prko to p&J lD Tbla..UilaoWllorpaJulloa Cborus aad-!rom Paa-J .... H111a Rd. Jambane Board ot Reallora 11iU ,_.a. ''WI r .. l tbe dolJ&tamouoto( cbairm• Hury Cor•hllnoo-. ''bumu'' ftMI)IIat to ..usty bU pwbmtd ootbe''WOikter-dera, wbo wtllpel'b'mlllctlts. MIS. HE\. EN MOODY R4.. Ford Rd. aad•MaoArtllar r.-.1 qa!MI IIIIo ....,.loa 01 r ... ., colloetodwooldoolnr-orclllatod • procram wltb tbo u as yet._ .. -· Ill World ol Col« .. c:out.to-Of CIIMIIU U .Q Bhd. 111o p1or r...-ud--1'0111 tllo resulllACIIIYIR-UO moolelul 1-llle"""' B. Tbo p1aD 11> -~~~~•••· ....... _P<Oif&Jil.lltbe lolARIHE BROADCASTS Hot• lloody, <S, or Z615 • ludl .. t. ar41M8tt n1eb 1.811 ciYic dlsb&riDOIIJ "' ,_,. CiOIMq)GIVJ aDd roodera as as a ebiMtl.Utr•waya.coua W.ld'a Fatr. tbre EJpOSltioo SCHEDULE CHANGED Way L&Dt, CoroaadelWu,dled c.:~mg:.::o,:: ww oo.e •lilt lid teedm, at COIIId HAlt from tbe puap well u tradWolla1 Cbtlstmu tramc 1.1 detr"Nnttl to boCb lD. 1117, ll CNr atate Cll)ltol, ne Com~JW~C~w ot lbt o.c. 1, LD Hoe.c HCNPtal. Sbe ,.,:U~ lbt dtJ blJiatU... llc:.lt.J .,~a"'Mt'AColtbl of aid ort!lJuc.t.'' m'Uk.. relideats ud CIIGP81tJ 1D tbe &lid a comm.ud pertltmuce EleYeotb Cout c.td DUtrtc:t ft.l bOra Ju.l,y !0, 19Z:6,lnCal1. =a r ... ~., wall u tMtut !fnport BMeb CUJ o-ru. • • ...Ue CorOD& del Mar tnct 1a Alllltrall&. u well u: tbllr a., Admlnl Cllar ... T~ l:lrll6a &Dd tpellt bet wbole We ~~::--.,.~.a!:,.~~~ Lighting awards offered =11to"'r'::*=.;!: =··~ ~·! ::-:.: ':, ""t.u-:.::0:: -~ Ia sanl•od by ... bolo- •APPROY'Ii>u.r rlatotPI'__.lJJ olllceraofeom. tromtblfrMWQaeetiiiUa.et OiaMJaud. number ot dlU:7 m&rS.t.D-tJud.JObQ;bWP'ICitbtr,Ht• IIIIo ear-dol liar C::...01 .._, -lalllll ... or-no-' Cllr-lltl>-Mr. ud Mro.-ud Golll1 ul lllo IJUr-al Tbo 11-b>l "slo(lo( lbrn>olloo -traumlt-Plllblel ol Cul•or Cltr. aad 2 Coaal ... Ol-"o!e;ff 181---lliC-or tllo c-dol Mr. ul Mrs. Hal .;obll'bor. Goldeor<>d aad ~ H1cfnrl1 Cllrlttmu trfl" wWbolormod lod from 111o ~Goard--. Mlcbul u!JooD.Cllrul •eo -... -· ..., 11 , .... .,.lilt -c-• ., c--eo 1o Ajlpllc:alloo -a.r -.tar WID ca-a lll&!> .....-.. 01 or tbo ebolr 1a 111o 1100 block StlJioo 111 '-8oocL otlllo -.. =' ""=.t:= .. _.. af twr ...... ,...,.ld bJ director Bob 9u'.. tM COIICMt art ant.ll.bM at u.e tramc to ..-a IDOI'e dlreet Ill MuiDe An., I.D til beU't ol Tbe 1llMt COII.IIIal ............ ScTlCH .... e beld Dee. s; 1a IIU u.a1 ·am>•• _.. .. or a tllolomtw ehiLlrmaa a tbe Cll&mDer dee, mt E. ec...t r.Me to &ad trom tbe cr.....,. CbrlltiiiU lalud. TbllrDec.U ripOrts Ud ......._fW.a..d 8da c.or.a cta1 Mar CIIIIOil ~~ ;t ~~~:;: lu'lll ..., .. af DelloMIIOI ...., ' ....,.. ~wtllt.prre•Ytd MIDC u.e IIU'row r•MM'Iat Pll"b'aaace wtU btclo at '1:30 by tbl u.s. w..u.ra. .. wm wU:II tM Rtlf. PMUpG. MIITQ • ...aoc,.. t'.,. .. or lilt ..,, A "' u.s. .,.. .. -a1 111o -' ·-- - -~ ... p.m. "' -....... no -01 111o ear-cllllllr ~ ~· .&.IUIIWD tllo wwdlac • no --.,-a'flllp -wW bo .... to oortr Ia U?O, Pawl· Tbo r-llar-Iilla ~ Baltoc-. ..-Jo lo u-t p.a., P-l CW<:l --!a- U. ,.... 11 a.noe ~~~~ _.. eiMdt. 1Mr1w' ..._ tldl 011 till ~ .,..... tn.tlk wtU 41cr .. ,......-. ••ntt ol tM Saba k1ud e:ao LID.,. 11 a.a., Mil a p..-. •--:-waa • ,.,..., ... lvk • 1•1n1 .. o!llloo.._.., •-non ..-a ••'llalllo--elal_,_ CAVE-1M P'UlL CITED _,. ... nl.oollllo-loool .,"', Aa&. wu -.Jill&-.. a'IO lUI2-a prior-com, 1• CM Of•• ......... ,_, ...... • -_.Pill 1llol-Ia 1M I I oloro, bioi ar111a1 IM I!AOI CROIH AIEA ul01tlda'llll--llot-..utb' ., lll Ia -lo!ar 11oo-.. aua oz. no ~-MTAT-AG ' .. _ .. , 111 ._ "'*--------~or-.. no~_.taaellllJ&..,. ana.. -u~_ ... ..,_.,....,..., ...... .,.,....... -I l·-·ll,lt_..,.. ---11111...,&-' --_II>_, C. To•l .. lalloo41liMJOIIIYIIJOIW. ,_noyar... a.a. wlll-n ew ... Oll"lr11 p Olllta,--• ...,.., .. _.., ..... -.... -1illln at-.U8-wlllaloobo ..... &ft1 lrOOI ... _...anal&.,_ llJUJ&,_lo ____ lallloprotoctOI ____ IIIo_ Old (lo&) .,_..-•-, ...... =~~----.... -_... .. rallllot W&OI"o.,...:.t'olfloollllallllo.....,_toba-&4-•llllo .._-••In• otlla,a.UIII-IIrt_.r __ = .wa. .... alltf' ~ 1 1' r• ......_ ... ,.... .. -. .,.._ ndl:ltlld t.....,r11dt o••--..•.u......-.blt =•11•• .,,..._,..,....., ... Fttn JllotaLAa·Jurtt • .. M4rL •• idtl ... lla ........... lllllt ....-mtr 1 .tift a 1111 ttel ....... WUl ... .CI 0'7 tiD ••b ... Baa. .... ·1 I .... ,I M-....... --......... Aft 'I 9 ?9 to. .. II t ~--· I ............. IJJiii'IAtN ........ $2 $1 a. 'nln Ia a ....... IIU. a._ ..... -.c.-A-._. .. C1tr IIJtsQJUt =, ·*II .... -_, ........ I 1 D ··-tlltiiii .... JIIilull -wll,lllll l .... ' 1\M'III...... ...llea.....U.. .... f.t&a__.,tna.e.\&aM16tllfl ..... ~ Ill .W. •Jtll, 04''71 lila :: ::--...::t!.. I~=::=~·~ 10 .. , ~ fii;IIJ :-;·~ -:.,• .. eo; .:;.::_ w:"..:......, ..t ::r. ~ ::.·--~ ry;.!:. :-:.'"'="'..::·a%. 0:,00:::, ~ -:.:."!," == P,, I CONSERVJ\TIVE CORNER .. , ··-• • .. 1 '~lnllllilCII!Uiotlud ~ .. DL" .. eW ..... tf~C&Ih r,tfWI!Ic* - .. --... wUl 118U'dtl• ~ ... 1 ..... tM ....... pr "til. '101111 ,.. eo~~·••-Mdtlllt tMt-.-..•••=rmN'tll rl.l 't .. _aftM-L«d --••• • QUe tllll•rt$ t objlcUYt WI'-01 tM paM ol '-·--~~ .. --,, stra.:lgh. t lyTom AnolotWn .... OI'JIICIItL .... ,,.,.. 01' 1WI CTT tW IIIIWPCMT IIACH m1 1:. c.-...,., c-•1 11or c.w. -,_ TILB'IIOIII• 673.1-(Ao.o C... 71~ •1":: ...._ .;;......_,, wu wu toter.._.. ...... WHee 1a UM Oft loldilr,'' tb1 pw ... till aa..t aiDr.Carllklltirt. Y141ta.ca, tbt ""MI4 ,_... ••MkM WU eaiUJ ... willlollt THE NATIONAl. COUNCIL OF CHUICHIS l'oot VI ... _ .. .,..,.~~~~-·c.-:,.•.,t:::=...--:::.:':..::.;::; WE HAVE ALL BUT ABANDONED THE Bible is the in1pi'" word of Ood, dlat it. tttw'J ._....U. .._., wt..M Dr. Mclatir• •ltd, ••we ptU dtr 1111 MIS .... tM -.t ETERNAL PRINC IPLES 111At MADE they personally acctpted a nearly literal iDICr-.-miiMICI_, btl~ to btl oupt DOt to._,. VIMI&m.W 1A .,..,.. .. tbl dl.tlcfaltcUYt- nns COUNTRY OR. EAT: RELIGION AND pretation of tht Bible, 82 percent of cbciJIPir~ WYU'IJ tbe '~t t1te job 1J doDI rtPt. Wt wut tlea ot tM upoe~ mareWL" MORALITY. Methodist pruchef'l reJected the inspi.ratloaMal'U" LD llh'actoA. ' "f• YlC:tor)' 0¥tr tbert.Tblrti.J DO Pbl~lcaU, M tooat OOID· THE N&WWT HAABOil ENSICJt t. , .. oaiJ .... ., ... prt•.4 A rd' t ''Ch . . ., Tod " ~-~ I t•-B'bl did 89 olt'-E...:.--tl(.,.ertlll .. ll UU a 1004 -... p.W..._, I• ,.,. Gky o, ,..,., ... a-cA., _. tat. oaly loc:olly ceo ma o mt•am Y . ay,, ~r o '~ ' c, u pen:ent rn: ...--.--' ., be .-lblttblte tor YletorJ. "Tbl 6:lrt tD tbl wordl ol J• ...... __..,. ..... _,.,.,.u. ,...,.., ......,..c... ..... ll, 1967, Western Rctervc eoc•oloJtst Jeffrey prie~ts, 81 percent or the Presbyterian deriY, ~.::! :-~c~,:.. tbl oa17r•IOilwby..,doldlaYe 1:11: "Tbll 1.8 a .uoa t11at --............. WM •• ,.. 00 nw.~.,. s...eo.4 ea .. ,. .... p.l4 Hadden contacted 10,000 Protestant Ck:raYtncD ~7 pcrct:nt ofche American ~plitt cteray. S7lM11Nd ..... ~ peace ... tbt.t tM eommlalltl obl1ttb DOt tbeYO&ceol'tbeLord • c-•1 .... caur. in the United Statn, utjnJ them what they percent of the Amr:i'K::an Lutheran derJY. ~ ol ..U. Ud curreatll are tbi.No. 1 10181)' oUrlldom tbelr God DOl' r.cetfltb car- TK HEWPOaT HARBOR ENSICN .,_ ..tj~ to be • oowo -believed. Of the 10,000 inquiries, there wer. Not only have auch mi1pkkd churc:hmca.bu .... 'WM""'bii:,...PI .lD*worldlodly:' , reedoN,'l&DdturMAcblltaell; ,.. of _,. .... eirculo&loo J.y e. .. decree rto. ~20J71 ••4 7,441 re~tes. Tabulated results of this poll of traiton or Communist planll, u the cue ~yfrrom Ute Fu Eut, ud baa EC)IC.IIJJ.Y 414 be cry out or. tbllorc• of tY'll ft1dll bad llliJ It, '"1, Ia S.,erior Coun l• tt. CooMy of Or .... , Stat• of 7,441 Protestant ministers is the most alarm-be, been able to ~til the biJ lie that the bait tabD ~ ~tbe tr;m ltbe ap!Mt tbe. Mn'lceawt&lcbwere ildNI:td Waatdactoa, llll On' 1o C:.Ufat .... ucl-by reoooa ther-f ie qu.IIUedi to ptlbliM all pQUe ina survey 1 have read in many years. of Chrillill:nity is Marxism, but they ha~ ~ tmmorta A m. beld ln tbt WalhllltcM' Cat.b-Kor• to Yillt tile orptw•IU Mtk>tie Qr."-~ ~law. The ministers wen: asked the question : ··0o suc~uful in tuminJ many ill-informed Amen-lit• 1 .. WOUD:ied 1D tldr&l.)&t W'blcb demudl .,_., wbleb tbl zotb Ceatw)' Rtt-AJI'VO • R A .............................. ¥.0..., •M P.au--:-you believe in Jesus' physical resurn:ction from cans aaainst our fundamentaJist CbrtstiaJU and ~~~""-' llbe'-madit to ,,._. tbe war DOW. lorrmatioD Hour hal aided.,.,. PEC HAAPA ·········s·u·asc·ii·jp:;:j·Qjt·····~:y:S--=I .. o Edlt the arave in the same sen1t that you believe anti-Communists. . . . . JP&rlt bf~-so ee w1 WUl peace. A.rrup tar llace tM World eo.c.u of 1 .. H.bor Ar .. : o.e ,... 14.00: 2 ye-. 11.00 that Abraham Lincoln wu asaassinatedT' In In swam testimony concem1n1 actlvttlel ot ~.. ld.l eotn .. bu 1 tata1 IUI'rlllder.'" He eaJJed Cbarcl,.. wUbdrft' ltllllllPQlt. Out o1 a.ttor Are-.; 0.. ,...: as.c.>. 2 ,....; 19.00 other words, do you believe that Jesw' resur-the party (Communist) in the ftckl of ~liJioo, = -=·-= r1: ':,~ tb1J 81ntce adtsecratiDaottbe Dr, Melatlre Is matliiC u ~~.. ./!or; " .Net- rection is an historical fact? Fifty-one percent Mr. Manning Johnson, former member of ~ till out baa 8 AU moJmorles of u.. berolc appe&J. U f?$0,000 tb1l year, of the Methodist ministers in the United States Communist Pany, USA, stated: .. The plan II= &Dd ~do ::e. W Amerlcu boys wbo bad ctn.J bl<::aUH tM lltd 11 crtater. said they could not acupt Jesus' resurru:tioo to make the: seminaries the neck of a fWUllt:l us m our e. e tbelr u,-11 tD tbe efllrrt to Jtop TOt IMDIJ wW 10 to ....,..t ARVO E. HAAPA, owner and publisher of the Ensign from the arave as historical fact. Thiny pe r-through which thousands of potential clerwr-~ust ~the~ c:=· tbe IOUlbward march or com-bomtltu ebUdna La tbt Fu- cent of the Ep1scopal priests of America could men would issue forth carryinJ with them,, lD ,:C'*u bt :O...e11 W; munism 1.a tM O¥er-all plan to Eut.ta lDd1a., 1a Afr1ca. ud 1D not accept it, nor could 3.5 percent of the varying dearees, .;;n ideoloBY and slant which me tr • for tab ower all ofA.sil,lndQnula, U.. orpiJaDqe W'h1eb 11 bttDc United Presbyterian preachers, 33 percent of wou ld aid in neutralizing the anti-Communilt mustU defend our ~1 y, the PblU&IPlDes and evto. Au-built Ia New Jeuer. He ub: the American Baptist pre:achen, 13 percent of character of the church and alao to usc tbe our Yll, ~ Ytr)' v DL ue tralla. tbat ma.oy wbo ban 11•• totbe WHO IS THE TERRORIST IN VIETNAM? the American lutheran preachers. and 7 per-c:lcrgy to spearhead important Communial tbr:~'*'tiacu tbe sttXI nt He reached tM depths of QI'Pblnl' fUDd 1D prlrioWIJtu'l ant of the Mis~uri Synod lutheran ministers. projcc:~s. This . pro)cct w~ ~~ccessful beyond I. 00 w~C: despair wbeo, a.tler bi.VillebeeD abould do;~le~lbelrr;~;;i The U.S. soldier Is not the massacre type. Compassion rather than terror typifies the conduct of the American "G.I." In combat zones and particularly In dealing with the civilian population; When asked if they believed in the virgin even ( ommumst expectatiOn . !: birth of Jesus Christ as a biological miracle. This gre11t patriot. a Negro. died This long-established tradition of the American soldier should cause us all t o walt for all the facts before passing Judg- ment on the My Lal Incident In Vietnam. U there has been a wanton killing o! civilians, it was the work of an Individual, or a few individuals, acting contrary to U.S. military discipline and policy. Tile g reat outcry throughout the world against the killings reported at My Lai is all out of proportion to the mild reaction to the stories of thousands massacred by 60 pcrocnt of America's Methodist preachers ly a few years later. said emphaticall y, "no," as did 44 percent of J. Edgar Hoover warned : "Many Comnou: the Episcopal priest!!, 49 percent of the Presby-n1st fronts have operated under the terian ministers, 44 percent of the Baptist some church commission or re ligious c:let&Ymen , and .5 percent of the Lutheran IS (,HASTLY TO SEE THE M<~NIS'T'E' mini:steu m the Missouri Synod along with 19 ATHfiSM BEING NOURI SHED IN percent of the American Lutheran ministers. CHURCHES WHIC H IT SEEKS TO When asked 1f they believed in Satan and in STROY. Any min1ster who cannot the existence of demonic: evil powers. 62 pc:r-m hn. Btblc suffictcnl arguments for the c:enl of the Method ist preachers said they did of 11hcrl) and soc1al juSIICC, who has to bor- not heheve m Satan or evil. as did .17 percent row !he tlouhlc·lillk of the Communisb, is ia of the Ep1scopal priests. 47 percent of the th..: wrong prolcs,ton and Jihould be carefully Presbytenan clergy. 3.l percent of the Amui-watched hy hts offiCial supcnors omd his coo-can BapttSIS, 14 percent of the American Lutherans and Y percent of the M1ssouri Synod Lutherans. But , the most alarming result of th is poll gregat1on Of cour~. all athe1sts are not Communilll; lxlt all C'om mun1sts are ath~ists.-Arnerican was thts : When asked if they believed that the W a) Features LeHers to the Editor • ~FT-WING ADVOCATE lated to the purpose tor whJc:b oo the battlefield there, tor the Viet communists at Hue during the Tet Editor of the Ensign, Ule war Is being fought a.oo the Ule only useless ts.lllnp of offensive. As Congressman Richard A recent UP! news Uem re-length of time the war lasts. tnoocents 1n Vietuam ue tbe I h d Ml · 0 t rt d thl ported that the National Com-In the tim a of war, Is there Arooricaos wbo b.ll tbere. Tbls C or , BSOUTI emocra , repo e S mission on the Causes and Pre-such a thing as useless kUling? wtu be lrue UDt1l sucb time tbat week, "the VietCong pursue assassination vention of Violence advocated u there were, Ule British Gen-America stops ~lJinc tbe and terror as a policy," but now it is the easing marijuana lawso aoo enls wllo inlti.ated the tarror Vlet Coag wtthtbewarmaterlel lowering the voting age to 18. ~mllings 1n Germany durlng u Deeds,I.Oduntllsucbtimetbat Am erican s oldier who is made to appear The commtssloo 1s headed by World war o sbould have been u a.uows our mUitary to wtn as the t errorist. This distortion of per-Dr. Milton Eisenhower Who brougflt to trW ln Nuremberg. that wu. OOids an exceptiooally h.lgh re. T!ley were not. Therefore, by Yours trllly, spective bears out the charges of left-wing cord lor tar out left-wing "legal precedent,'" there Is 'I>-Rlcltard E. Woodin bias of ffi llCh of the comnnmteati01l' .. l1te . causeL As ~the secretary of parenUy oo socb thing a.s use. Sa.o Gabriel Ther e are left-wing Influ-ence-s '"'-e agriculture his admiJ1Lstrat1on tess killl.ngs tnUmeol-wu,&t 411 was loaded with commuolsts least lnsofu as U'll Ylctor ls military also. A serious eUort to seei out ot ... War e cell Russell Kirk CO>Certle.. ' ' -$95,000 CONTRACT th t th M Lai affai ould 1 ad ooce qutpped thatowtgbtElsen¥ B.!fore Amerteans l>ecome r ..... -essmu Junu B. 1At e answers 0 e y rw e bower..., 1101 a communist; h< concerned about the allepd al-CR::3'5ibi •n-eslbaiAllattllo to an investigation of communist in-was a golfer. Milton does oot rociUes being committed by Researcb Corporat.ioD. MlssUe filtration. play golf. United States servtc:emen iD System Dlrt.sloa, Co5ta MP.SI BOB DUGA..'l'. Vietnam, they should cooslder bas rec:!tYed 1 Jgs,ooocoatfaei Dr. Fred Schwarz, head of the Christian Newport Beach impeachment hearings for the d fro tbe us Cout Anti-Communism Crusade, offers some • lMPEACH WAR MAK ERS elected om.ctals who have made ~:::d tor :Ocept de~~q,meat these k11Ungs possible. Those ,.~ h • 1 .... t oU cordalD-pertinent info rmation in his Dec. 1 news-Edltor of the Ensign, woo nave voted to send .... a euy we .. . 1 tt ''Inf 1 ti d b 1 f th · One of the long-range res ults America.n men to Vietuam to ment system. e er • i tra on an SU vers on ° e of war, however lmperc~ible fight a oo-wtn wu, aDd those military forces are regarded by the com-u might be,lstbedegradationof who have voted to seDd s~Ues STITCHERY· TAPESTRY munists as essential for a successful thOse Involved In it. It Is lm-a.nd money to commuotst Mrs. HeleoRicbl.rdswWiec.· possible to train a segment of regimes throughout the world ture aDd demoostrate tecb-r evolution," he writes. ''It was the Bol-any generation 1n the art ofkJt. should be removed from pubUc Diques 1n stitcberJ &Dd ~ shevik Infiltration of the Russian army llDi their fellowmen •llhout olllce. try al lbe Jan. Z7 meCittC ot producing a dec:Une ln moral The sttuatioo in Vietnam Costa. Mesa Art l.ape at which enabled Lenin and his cohorts to standards. Th.ls decli.ne tn today Is tne same as u was Adams scbool, 2850 Clr#oUst seize power in Russia. moral standards Is dlrectlyre. when the first American died Costa Mea., at 7:30p.m. "Ominous progress has been made recently by the communists In their efforts to infiltrate the U.S. arm 'd forces. They a r e operating through an organization called the Am eric an Servicemen's Union." This gr oup is headed by Andy Stapp, who in a r ecent speech associated his or- ganization with "all commwtlst enemies of the United States," and boasted that the American Servicemen's Union has chap- ters on 60 large military installations in the U.S. and 40 overseas. There have been too many recent In- cidents blackballing the military to be a mere coincidence. The My La! Investiga- tion should include an Inquiry to the extent of communist agitation among American s ervicemen. Masons elect Christensen Bryant A. Christensen of Cuneo Sbores, owner ofChrls· tenseD Re.a.U Druc in Corona delltll', has beeD elected wor. stlJpiU.I master of Lagw:~~. Beach Lodge &72, Free and Acc'Pted Maaona. He wtU be 1Dstalled at 8 p.m. tblJSaturdaJ, Dec.13, at tbe t..acuoa Beach Masonic. Temple, ZS5 Forest An. M.r, ChrllteDSeD is a 2-term From the Bible He 11id unto them, But whom aay ye that I am? Peter &nlwetins 11id, The Cbrilt or God. And be 1traitly ch111ed them, and commanded them 1o tell no man lhat lhina; past president of the Dra.np County Pharmaceutical Asa. and ts preseatlJ se"tnc his 4th year oa the board ot the Southern CaWoro.la Pharma. ceuUcal AsiiD. Helsabo mtm- bet oftbeCallforo.la&DdAmtrl· can Pla.rmaceutlcal Auoc:J.a- tloos, llld ol llle Natlottal Ao- .ociiUon of Retail Drqat.stl. He 11act1n la tbt kiD AM York Rile Bodlu,OnltltCout c-af Roral Arcb lla-•· '--·· Soollllb !We, ... EI~SbrlooTIOif>IO. ocw oak•• m b1 1•mlled S.brd&T loc-~-Bora, -WUdlo; C..IO Plelto, )ltllor nrdoo; Clarlee Fru- cll, cr-•• "· Ru -· .utltu')'; '• a Itt Bub. cMpliet'l; ..._. PI..DatMJ, ._ -"""-; -llle&loaloo, ......... _ caorJoo~~~rt~er, -.ltol; G. A. rntor, --d;-................ -' ---:--· .... ·~ -- THE BASICS OF MARRIAGE Wedding -In o IIOriotv ol lla-.. Clockwite from I o'clock: $1 ,250.$850.$1 ,100.8875.$1.500. SLA. VI~K.'S ~·nt-- 11 FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT IIACH-644.1110 .,.... c..,..~--·-· ........... a... .. o~•N MONDA't 1'H"U aATU.,DAY •Y U. 11a• ..... • ' Sayin1. Th• Son or man must •ulfer many thin11, and M rtjtcYd of Ute el- den •d dlitf prieaca ted scriM•, 111d be slein, _. be raloed 11M dtird dey. (3t. Lako t: le-22.) ' •IU'd; r sa -...., t~~~w, .., "·a.., +me. ••r• L---------------------------- PHONE MATE NEVER MISS ANOTHER IMPORTANT PHONE CALL! e fUU. YEAR UNCONDITIONAl SlRVICI GUAIWinE e NO INSTALLATION NICU5ARY e COMPllfll Y POIU AILE • 'lUGS IN ANY ORDINARY 4-PRONG PMONf JACK • MANUfACTURED IN U.S.A. With the new Tr on~Tech PHONE-MATE 700 you will never miss ano ther important phone call. When you're awa,>: from your home or o~ and your phone rings, the Pbon-MAft1700 will aniwtr and record the incom- • ' 4 .... -tng message. U your phone goes unanswered when you're out, you're probably missing calls ... and business. The PHOI'fZ-M.ATS 700 is on the job 24 hours a day, every day of the year. Your phone is answered even outside of your normal business hours. e portable executive telephone Tbe Portable Execut1Ye Tt~ baa bteG created u:preulJ for dJDI,mle, OD- tbt~F bulaeu &lid professJ.ooal peopJI wbo ....:1 ccmttnnlocpbollt ..nice. WUII a P.E.T. you cu maU ud reeeJn calls ao,ume, •1rtlall7....,...e: 1Da car, eab, or oa foot; 1D town or oc a bui:IDeu trtp; oo a colt eoar• or eoub'IC· Uoo aUt; Ill tbt bt&eb, ball put or termilal. DtpeMab-, lOUd lltalt c.trcattry, na-d coutr~~c:Uoo aad Mfflce acc:••JhllltJ luart··~ oatltuc"•r porloriiiO.IICt, Olbor Yalttai>Je flalta"OO af lltiot lni1 porlal>lo Je-lacl ... , 11 .,.._.., HII-IDOd &IIIODD&, hlllt ponr -. qttlclt roclarllar, .. ... 0110r.-. ud & dlocrooliiCittllld-ID~ lttcoatllt( calle. Ualllo- 1D a bllaiUome lather attacbt cue wblcJa ,....,,. a tPctr-• 1lMI' Ud ..,,lapt ...,_-.. .. _ .. '228700 CALL FOR FRII HOME OR OFFICE DE.MONSTRAliON NO OIUOATION '· 24HU.ADAT~DATIA- Able Business Machines 1171 PLACINTIA C'ft40SJr.-TA ..sA CAUF. I THURSDAY, DEC. I~ 1M cow DB. MM. C8Jf. Election info sessions set ... Wwiam CIMI%JM I' lllolldaJ, Dee.tl-atu ,._ .., llwUod ..,..,.,. Ud <Irk oe11ao1, JIOl Paclllc v'" Dr~ -· loa _.., ol ---V ... lllllt. tne~tt, m a lJII'ustu. T......,, Dee. 11 -u r .... oo ... reb. 10 tu orw-ride WI.Kie ,.,...._ eJectloa 1A tbt Newport-Ilea Wd:a7diJ, Dee. 17 -at -1 dloUiet. A--u-u-11 oellooL lftl' Ptrlod wiD bi~Cbtdl&Md 'l'bVDJ, Dec. 18-at Te. u Jollows: Wlaklleebool. Fr.ldly, Dec.li-TeWlakle Frldly, Dee. 18-allJ.D- acbool, SZZ4 Callfoi'Dia An,, cola sebooL CoD llua. the perfect Christmas gilt ... (PROM J 'fO 61 OR MORE) DANCE LESSONS CIWIPIO~ FI.AliOOA of Alplae, llallaD Gr-IOietl. Is hood led bere by Georp Partbe &lid judged by Mn. llyroo Hofman. Champloo FWn!Qla woa the COYeted gr~ ttr.c tor toy breeds at lbe Westmillster Loter••taut doc lboW in New York City a.Dd was ranked a.s tbe 4tll top •lDDlnc toy dog l.n the country l.n 1965, Sbe is Owtled by Louia RIISIIO aDd Jerry Dwyer of Ruuo's Woodertu.J World o1. Pel.s, Fubtoo lsla.Dd In Newport Center. Groundbreaking at Ho1g ~--'-' 11 1111( Pa•ltlll tar pllut .. ot • ta II*•••• ''rlaebJIU'I" _ ..... pwocnm. Paul .. caUa -tbl coo.. -ola.-.J- ,.... ud C·C-cttfe baatl w*l Will ..-.ke tbt PI'UIIIt ....... lal ...... pr-11-_, lloac T ... or. olalod lor REGATTAS NOW UNO'ER O.C. NARIOR DI ST RIC T Tbt Uollod Stales Caul C..d &lid ... 0...,.. Coualy Harbor Dtatrlct ban ederecl Lato uacreement1rbarebythe Har.... Dlllrlet will be tile •eculaiiDc aulborlly 1or ... hoi- dille ot ·-&lid martbe ..... held wUhlD the llmits -ID-l rlllw earlr l t'll, ..,_41111 10 .&. Y. JCII'I'FFII, pr ....... oltlll.._. pllal -ol dlr- no-tor ... plul'o CCIMti'KtiOI ... &warded co -c...~-Co., <:-. M-IOIIowlq a -1&1 meotlq ot 11>e ~Ill Boord Dee. $. .._c ... c-ue11oo Co. was tbe low'Htqull1Aid bid~ der, wtth a btd ot $!~,000," lrh. Jorseueo aid. "Coa- structloa 11 achtdllled to .cart immediately,'' Tuuc:~~y•s &rOIDibreatia& marked tbt flrat bt!111m1Dc ot a major eoutructloa pro)let at the hoiP.lta.l alaee u. 1 Ml pediatric PU1.11on. wiUeb added tllbeds. ol llowport Harbor. Suns« Bay &lid Dua Polal Harbor. N.l. REAL TOR NAMED Tbt c ... Guard bu !ilatu-TO NATIONAL OFFICE tory responslbUIUes for regal-Rea.ltor Gtorp H. Cofft.n m tu IJid marme e.-eQQ oo. Fed-o1 Newport S.Cb bu beea re- eral waters wbile tbe Or&Dce elected a directorottbtNatioQ.. County Harbor Dlatrid bas con. a.1 Auoetauoo ot R-.1 Estate e~artill )lrbd.lcUooaodrei'J)a-Bo.uds for a 3-reu term, tory cootrol ol repttu beld iD accordloc to J. Petw Barrett, Newport Harbor,Suuet.Bayan1 presldeot ot the Newport Har- D.uaa PoJ..Qt Harbor. Thus, it has bor ..Costa Weaa Board otR<!:~.l­ beeo otCeSUJ'y to ootUD tors. 11r, Cotnn, wbo j01u autnortsauoo from botb agen-WUllam c. Rln& ot Cc.-001 del eles for the same eveot, Tbe War, a carry-ot"er director, 1s aueemerrt oow deleptes to tbe ooe of 35 directors oa.med t.o · GRANDMA WORE PORK When your arandmot~r had a sor~ throat she may have I~ a strip ofsah pork arounJ 1\er neck . You're tnOf'e fortunate than anmdma was. You hav~ modern medicattons that bring quick r~lic:f. fast reco Most are ple"umnr, too. When you or a member of your family is ill, take advantag~ of 1~ effecttvc medical discoveries. Sec your physiCian. H~'IJ pre- scribe the remedies that ar~ bnt for your needs. Thtn remember us for mf ern prescripuon §Ct\"IC~. Christensen ... ~ c::o.uT .. ,. .. ccea.A Da. IIU OIIIOU 1-- • CANINE COLUMN :a::~O::!u':r~~;~ ~=se~~~ 1i! ~: By DIAHH E K EHT Eus -rose shaped &Dd soft i"'~':bese:~ .. :•:ots~.----~·=•~lc:b~ar:e ~m:•:m~ber:s~ot:.:;··~<R:E;s:·~======:::::::::::::~-:ol The Italian Greybowld has and delicate wbUe being placed been a dog that has been tbe weU back. ~ tuorite of people ln bighplaces Eyes -rather large, t.'tgflt for over 2000 years. He was an and M1 of upressioo.. • effete favorite in a.Dcleot Rome Neclr: -loog aJld cracetully " . _. FOR INFORMATION CALL: aJld PompeU, Athens aJld tbe arcbed, with loog and skJ:lin&: Engllsb court. shoulders. This breed has a sleet, tight, Cbest -deep and oar row, silty coat, a manelousdJspost-with a curved anddroopl.Dgback lion and 1Ji oaturally clean, at the llindquarters. These attributes have made the Forelegs-straicbl. set well Italla..D Greyhound the pet dog under the shoulders wtth floe ~eme lor ma.ny centuries. pasterns and small delicate lt ls ooc: known what ezact booes. The hiDdlegs sbould hue date that this breed aweated bocks that are well let dowa as a distinct type w u Is with m 1SCular thighs, and the koown that he is the result o~ long "hare foot ." patient aod ez:acting selection Tail -rather klOg aod floe aDd br eeding of smaller spec!. with low carrtage. mens ot the ancient Gr eybouod Skin -floe aDd S\ClPle, with breed until the ultimate had thin ha.ir tha.t Is glossy like been 'reached, the toy Italian satin. Greyhouod, He was introduced Tile Italian Gr eyhound sl)ould to Engl.a.od and 3 centuries or move wUh a higb stew!nga.ctioo m:.~re of' careful breeding With free movement. brooght the breed to the highest stateol perlectioo. N.B. OFFICE TO OPEN There are 2 classes in which A\·~0 Thrift, cooswner D.na.n- tbe Italian Greyhound ls shown, clal institution will open a ooe of 8 pounds and UDder and bnncb omce at 2101 Sa..a ooe ewer 8 pouods. He comes ln Joaquin Hills Road, Ner.»rt 673-3410 a.1J shades of bwn, red, mouse, center. lA t p J blue, Cream aJld white. Black AYCO Thrift, a dJYlaioD of "L:>O'tO hU 0 IUid tu torrlormarlllllp areAYeODolla,ls-edlo J DOt llllowed tor sbowtng. Fol-Sao Mateo. Sam Nem.lrow, Areo ""-nee ntudio lowlllgaretbedeslredlllilureso Tbrlllpresldeol,aooouocedlbat '-( Xl ~ Head-loor. tlati.Ddnarrow Jesse Buns will masge lbt 1515 Eosl Coo11 H.9hwoy , Corol'\o de l Mor stuU. wttb a.-eryftoemuule, oewotftce,wtdchls3CbedWedto ~i'-[¥;~;¥;--w~iH~iht~HiiiMifiMittMit;~a dark oose aDd level bite. ooen Dec. ts. AVAILABLE IN THE FOLLOWING COLORS AND SIZES : SMOKY ELK . 6-14 BROWN WHITE . . 6·14 . 8 ·12 COBBLER TAN BE mt•IIIUa ftlf1G ..-IMILT IIIMD.t.nn•• 8 ·12 LEATHER OXFORD Hand-crafted elk-tanned cowh ide ltrles soft. Steel shank. A comfort favor ite ! It floats! Men's and Women 's CASUAL COMFORT··· Any Time or Place ·--.... _ .. ""'" .,.,_ ~ ...... OOU'ttiN~eganf Kulptvrw in lovorian bisque chino, by G.rhord lochmonn. 40.00 MUSEUM CASE 80X---4iohtty gilde-d, carved box, ve!Yeot lined, with a glou topPed shadow bo• lid. This with Yialin and mvsic. 23.00 BIRO'S NEST~etol scvlpture mounted on o lucile cube, holds alabaster ~g. Scvlpture 16.00 Egg, many colors 1 .00 PHOTO ALBUM--Wood Yeneer COYer framing in1et of prened flowers. 21 .00 MUSIC BOX CLOCK~Id and old Ivory. Swin mode. Ploys "Strongen in the Night." 30.00 '2tcL~ .. Home ~ G ift Slop lUCIT"f-The No-look '" desk J~t and occessories. Tortoise a"d .....,iN h,cite. Desk lighter 13.00, A.Jhtray 1 S.OO. 8ooke,dl 17 .00. l.tter optner", a.oo. DENTlST---One of a group of whimsKol Italian fivurirtes of the prot.uioM. 17.50 A. fO Z IOC)K&IOS in blod, ot gold '-of. H .OO l"oir DUCK DECOYS---Aythentic ,.,rodud;ons of ontiqvn. C:Df"llled frOIIII otiUwood. put,.:hroMe. 22.00.-00 YACHT SHOI' OPEN DAilY 9-6 SUN. DEC. 14, 11-4 :u33 Yoa LidD, NewpDft l1 r ell ·- SCHICK ELECTRONIC HCTLATHERe DISPENSER ' • FLICK-OF-THE-SWITOt TURNS HEAT ON OR OFF • SlURDY -SAFE -EASY TO u:.t~l • PLUGS INTO ANY 110 VOLT AC OUTLET s14ss REFILL 98' Dish master . . n~~•n on · qulck action JUST PRESS THE BUTTO For Hot, Sudsy Water ---Release for Rinse • FASTEST ALL -PURPOSE DtSHWASHER • Fl TS ANY SINK • SCRAPES, WASHES & RINSES IN ONE QUIOC: ACnON • CLEANER DtSHES • KINDER TO HANDS s44 50 "1'•rNun•eWD•pur 1nFIIere" _ .... -. ................. ... •• tankers top Cl •Eftll IIAIIIIR Olllll RIIST llC1101 --P·4 lliU!IIIAT, Dt:C. IL aa ClOIDIA DEI:Ma, tAU F. Ia .. _....., tfKt I .,o..,_,...... __ ole nrt• ol .. C.. wll lloo .._ ... ,._ • Kings lose ~ in .touney of America requests the pleasure of your company at an Open House December 17th from 4 to 7p.m. The reason for our Open House, of course, is to celebrate the opening of Bant of America's new Newport Center branch at 500 Newport Center Driw:. Being in one of the world's outstanding residential/commercial/m:reational oomplexes is something we're very proud of. And. naturally, we're proud of the new banting facili· ties we're able to offer as weD. We'd like to take you on a personally guided tour. ' Won't you join us? Complimentary reproductions of paintings by the late Dwight D. Escn· hower will be presented to eacb guest. And. you11 haw: a good opportunity to sec for yourself how Bank of America can help you with the business of living. BANK OF AMERICA Nc:w;ntCa 11rau~ 511 Newp1rt C t • Drtte, Nc:wp1rt • •• • & NEIII'ORT HARIIOR EN~GII RRST SECTION --Pll' 5 THURSDAY, DEC. I~ 1M OOIOIA DEl liAR, CAliF. Church News , Tbo CoCa~ Blllo c•cll, llrdst. .... O.U.O A"~eoa Mta -· "Tbl rft'll'd ol ~ ...... -•• PIJ'' wtll bo tbo --loplc (I( -H-., E. J-II 8 ud to,ao a.m. SuodQ, Tllon will bo a docllcallaa <Jt -. at '1 p.m., tolloqd bJ a..rmoo oo ''Glad tlcllDca.'' 1970 Plate Thel'e is good reason w hy Bing & Crondahl Christmas piale!o sell at ex lraurdinary price Levels in the roUeclors' marl.t-:1 . Thme of you who have bought anc.l sold 86C limitetl-eJition plate! know. Those of you who woukt like lo lire asked lo act now. In Copen- hagen undet -glazed blue, the 7" plate is pierced for hanging 11nd handsomely gilt boxed. Retail 114.5() BE TilE ARSTI ORDER HOWl • • • MulDers Cburcb, IZOO E. Cout 1ttry •• c .. _ dol liar - Guest preaeber lor tbe 10 a.m. thla Sw:ld&J rill be tbl' a ... BW A ::too, Later 1m -0< o1 tbe UDJ.Yiratty Baptgt c•eb .. tbo Bock Boy. • • • Tile First lloj>tllll Cburcb ol Costa Mt~sa. 30llllapollast.- Pastor P, G. Ne~W~.DD wtll apeak on ''Tbe telt otour lowe" at 11 a.m. Stmday, aM oa "Tbe family altar wlltcb. alters" a.t 7 p.m. • • • Tbe PlymouthCoocreplJooa.l Cb.ureb, S%62 Broad st., New~ port Hellbta -"Worsll!p God throueb scripture and musJc," a Cbrlstmu procram 1a music, wW be preHOted by the Plymouth cbotr at the 10 a.m. worship bour Ul1l: Suuday. • • • ANNUAL BOUTIQUE SALE sponsored by Our LadyQueenot Angels scbool aull.lary will be lleld from 8:30a.m. to 2 p.m. tb1s Sunday, Dee. 14, at tbe school, 750 Oomin&Q Dr., East Bluff. Pictured here d.lt;J)laylng some of the "Boutique de Noel" items are, from left, Mrs, Willt.am Maerllder of Harbor View Hills, cbaJrman for lbe event; Mrs. Edward RabalaJ.s of Santa Ana Helgbts, 1n cllarge of tbe coUee and doughnut bar, and Mrs. Robert Miller of Corooa del Yar, craft chairman. Proceeds wtll be used lor audio equipment at tbe scbool. Mrs. James Davies Is auxiliary president. (EIISign photo.) 'Life in Israel' is topic l.e-~tt Sharon, 617 W. Hamilton St., CbrlstJ.an Scleoce Cb.urcbes Dr. Howard M. ... .... • as~ Costa Mesa. Tills will be tbe -"God tbe preserver of·ma.n" soct.ate dean and professor of December geoeral meeting of the lessoa-aermoo utle for biological sciences at UCI, wUl the Temple Sharoo Slsterllood. SUDday. Services are at give a slide-Illustrated lecture, The publlc Is cordJally invited 9:15 and 11 a.m. 1D Neowport "LUe iD Israel: 1969" atSp.m. to attend. Ther eisooadmlsslon Beactt, 11 a.m. 1n CoD Mesa, Wednesday, Dec . 17, at Temple charge. The Lenbotts were lD and 10 a.m. ln Harbor View -:::--:-==---:::-::=:-;-::-Israel while Dr. Leobott was at Hills. Tbe Newport Harbor Lu-the Welzmann lD.stitute ol • • • theran Church, 2501 Cllff'Dr., Science tn Rebovot 1n the Poly- st. Alldrew's Presbyterla..n Newport Heights -Pastor mer research a.nd biophysics Church, 600 st. Andrew's Rd., James Blain wUl preacb at 9 laborator y under a Louis Upsky cwr Haven -Dr. Cbarles and 11 a.m. Sunday onlhetoplc, Memorial fellowship, He was Dlerentleld wlll preachoo ''Tbe ''He puts His arms arouod us,'' al..iio teaching at the Hebrew UaJ- secood word, Christllkeness," based on Isaiah 40:1-8. The •cnity, Jerusalem, and par-· the 2nd in a. series oo lhevoca.-women or the church wlll meri ttclpated In a Marine Biology bulary of Chrlstmu, a.t 9:30 at oooo Dec, 18 tor a SJ.lad Program at Ei lat on the Red and 11 a.m. Sunday. A children's luncheon, Se -ehotr velii)er service will be • • • ~ April, 1970, Dr. Lenhoff presented at 4:30p.m. SUDday. Newport Unity Church, mee-am his ta.mtly wlli r~uro to • • • Ung at 15th St. and Irvine Ave., Eilat, where he lrlll teach a oew H:U'bor Trinity Baptist Cllft Haven -"The word or one-month cour se i.o marine Church, 1230 Ba.ker st., Costa Go1" will be the sermon topic biology. Mesa -"Christ, the Ylrlin of tbe Rev. Loren f Ucklnger at born Son," wtll betheserm)Q 10a.m.Suoday. STICK ERS, NO T PLATES toplcofPastorsaUosatlla.m, • • • FOR VEH ICLE OWN!RS SWiday. Tbe messageolCb.r lst-Tbe Llltberan Church of the Veh:cle owners who re- mas will be preser¢tld by the M:.!.Ster, 2900 Pacitlc View Dr., oew their 1970 registrations Sunday sebool at 7 p.m. Harbor View Hills -"Wbat wW cet a ooe-by-two inch ·• • • • • ue we klot.J..Dc for?'' wt.ll be Ol'aJl&8 sUeUr -DOt a DeW Tbe &IUMII.1 Cbr1atmu pap~ Dr. WUUam EUer'a sermoo blue a..n1 go1d Uc.ense plate, ants will be pn:senced thlsSuo ... t.optc at 9:15 aad 11 a.m. Suo-accord.lng to Department of Mo ... 'tllf-'-• 'I I'll-"-..J~-----da.)' at PrlDceofPeaceWberan day. For the nut Z SIDII.ys tor Veii.J.cles Olreetor James ...... ..,. ~ r-• ,..., Ch urch, 2987 Mesa Verde Dr., the adult member$h41 wtllmeet w, CM;>ma.o. TIVOli SQUARE Costa Mesa.CracJlerollthrougb between the bours of wwshlp He sa.Jd ma.ny people have Tel: 673-2740 grade 2 chJJdreo wUl give the for a study of evanpllsm in the errooeous Impression that Ml primary program, "Azxt lo, tbe place of the r egular adult Bible the department is making a 2640 E. Coast Nlghw•y, COI'ona.. r an~ls slng,"at4p.m, "Cbrlst~ class. statewide d.lstrlbuUon of DeW O,IEM SUNDAY112-S ,._ ,.... ~ Ia..., mas Ume" wlll be produced by • • • ucense plates, such as occurred O,EH DAtLY ,,._, ,._ ~ -~~•........, the IC)I)el' grade children a.t st. Michael's and All Angels' in 1956 and 1963. OUR DANISH COFFEE GARDEN I$ OP 191 DAILY 7 p.m. Episcopal Church, 3233 Pact.nc ''The transition from the yel- r_:..:_.:.:_:..:_::...:..::_:_:_.:_ __________________ ======J View Dr., Harbor VIew HUts-tow-on-black to the gold-oo ... .... M •nl•t4 ...... Communion services will be blue plates ls gured to the rate be1d at 8 a.od 11 a.m. Sunday, of replacement of old cars by There •111 be morning prayer oew and out-of.state cars," at 9:30a.m. wi th anadYentrea-lle ezplained. '•Seven years or ding ot 9th to 20th century Eo-more may pass betorelhegrer.a cJ.Isb QO&try by Professor and bulk ol vehicles carry blue Mrs. Ellg:ar ScheU of OCI. •· AIRPORT CCMMUT L.A. INTL AIRPORT 25 TIMES DAILY ~-~~! $4. 00 • cw 5-11 -Yt , .. AYOID-Freew•v driVII'HJ and P•rk•ng problems SERYICE-EveryJO m•nutes dunng POPular travel hOurs from Orange County Alroort 10 l A In !'I o\iroort (1n both d~rectoons) COM FORT -In modern. delu11.e alf-condlt•ooed motor co•ct"~s RELIABLE -No weather problems -Delivery direct to your au terminal -No transter by tram betweftn terminals al the a~rPOrt T'*• The Fhl Stec~ Of Your Journey The Ea:y, -.... 714-776-9210 R AIRPORT COACH SERVICE MARINERS CHURCH D1L IILL AClOII WIU. II GUDT SPUitiR POR lMI 10 U&. SIIIVIQ liltS IU-T • -IAIT CDAIT ""'"' CIDM Yo -IIIU ' Introducing ••• Trlnitr0t1 ", a new kind of Color TY Sony\ \P'!C.tocu lo r ,,~_. cclor · Y''!"' l.!~t\ onlt one r•v•1 m~te-od of the vs vol 3 ).v ro\, •.h~o'"'Cl J ro.or t-eams. O ne b"J l rn ~ n~t eod of J 5mollcr 'C"S"' rneCJn~ a ~horner prctvre and '"\PC• ,.,or e br•H•onr color. ~v~~ w .,, bngf,t d-·~r .. , ,, VIO"Wol'~j .),.• ,,, .. /1. :o"'atrc Color Control O•!J r ~ ) ... , ,, .... he"•r r Y"'V ("' ··~c ct 0 "'1~(1~ o• conho ~t . Come '" Ofld see thrs 12" dror.; , solrc ~to te ""ond er Sony's LIGHTWEIGHT, LIGHT PRICE , TAKE IT ••. OR LEAVE IT PORTABLE JUST $9995 , .. "'crv11r '""r "1 •(111{/'1 O••<:.ON• 1 ... ,.,~ ........ ~ ~-·· .. ~····-.. ··~·-·· r '·· • .. , •• .,,.7~ r.,.. ·~• , .... , lo"'•'• ~·'""!:· •~·~-~··• '"•~•~. r .. ·~ r <~*~ r ... , ,., ""''' 1• ,o,{ 1 I •v ~· '0 It"' "''""" 1-••h "''"...,. .,,,,.,..t '1 yo ... , ,~ •~• ,., ,.,, •••~•••., ., .. ,.-.~ -IOblo '"• fY 110U ,. "" ,.... "'' ''' I&• '"'~'• "'""''"! '" Hot:''"" <t'l · ... •ll·ola,. , • ..,~,,., •"'<~ ,,.,., -~••ol ,, ..... ,.,~,.,, a '''""· doct• -•of . .t,ll .. ~t-el• •• te""'",.~"~ 9''"'~111 lr· ..,,,.. ctHrlfieo (0,..11ou 1 -"~ ''"'llho•o 1.,. ,.,..,,, '""""'"9· It • H ovhlo·l ·~ th<I•<M I .,. llfht ~·~•· -.< the time. as clear as the sound Sony's compact AM Oigimatic clock-radio has ~ig, easy-read ing numerals. It helps you to tell the t1me instantly minute-by-minute . When you press the "Autobu tton'' you never have to re-s et the alarm before you go to bed. The SRC-25 turns on automatically each day. every day . For deep sleepers, there's a buuer alarm . Plus an automatic shu t-off after an hour of play. There 's solid state ci rcui try for clear rich tone . And it's small to fit anywhere . . . Wake up smiling for a change w1th the Sony Dig•- matic. Just set this Sony and awake to ... n. t1ooy _.,... tfl~ ~ CtOC• A,_,"'-' I'""" ""'lull roc:~~ -M toom 1 c~ -....,~-<.obo""' ....,.,..,,,.. o 1>11 clot'l r~ c... do s..n. • 6-AC 21 • •" "" ·-Dul '" '"~ !!\In !I ~ '~>~'""' ~ -· w ...... O'OW "') !0 -ll'<'l(tl' .... ,.,.. ......... "'• ,,..,.. ""' pt·-1 -W.. ...... ~IOc,t.ee otlle$1fM(II"'Mt•'~nt f r""' <""'' ~ ~ ~ ................. """""" a.. ... .,.no~:w.,_ .... r........,. ",.........,....,.,.,. "".., ti\M • _, f1(1'o 8111 """ dt;tnl ,.,..,. to e. Ill Duo '' Ct d 111 ... SIIUJ.,_ 2 P.M. Ulllst75CIIIW75c ALSO l<t 2_2J he ••llied • 111 ........ •na ..ved • klnplom. "AifNd .... Grut" LEE DE MAIJGNON was tbe winner of tbe caloric self cleaning oven aod broiler ps ruge, doalted by DI.Yls- Brown Co. of Costa. U.ea., a.t the amwal Oru.ce Coast CoHere cookiDr scbool, held Last moctb at tbe Ml!sa Tbeatre. Stan Brown. son of Cllisbolm Brown. partner lD the Costa Mesa televlsloo aDd appllances firm, 11 demoo- strattng the range to Lee. Alma Squire ot Costa Mesa WOD the ZDd prize, a portable caloric gas grille, also donated Thedlll .. IW\1 Continuous Show Sot. frem 5-Sun. from 2 FREE PARKING I MA.TINIEEWED. I P.M. by Davis-Brown Co. ,.-----. Ad agencies to merge OUTII COHSI Open Nivhtly 6:45 p m. Sunday 1:45 p.m. Robert B. Ph.tlllps, president stoo. San otego and Ne•'IIOI1 of the Phil.lJ.ps Ageoey [De:., with Beach. headquarters in Tulsa, Okla.-The Ca.l11orD1a entity boru, announces that oepia.-senlce Newport Balboa Sa- tJoDS are being completed tor vlng:s, SouthlaDd Sa'14gs lDd tlle merger of Arthlll' Cooper other savlnp lDd loua.s.socta-l ouRCilu!M:u'fiiii)ijoo~~ A12Vertislng of Newport Bea.eb Uons owoed by tbe $1.2 bUUon into the San otego-based Phil-dollar Iq>erlal Corporation of ,au I IUUI-Catlll LYNLIY -Martha HYEll Was lhere ever a betler lime lo suggest murder ... ? AND lips Agency of Callfornla lnc. America, LnaMWoutotbeother FA 'f E OU .. AWA 'f E on Jan. 1. a.ccounts that the two Ca.llforDla IH This merger gives the ad-agencies oow bave. PLACE FOR LOVERS' vertlsl.4g aod public relatioos Arthllf ot •:::::::::::::::::::~·!~~y~o:m~c:~~~~T~u~la~,~H:oo~-~h~ r seot head "' [It! C.. 14' 1'/6 .. --For the tv\ore Discrimir.ol i•1q PRE'iF.NTP.D BY • Now Showing • AHOUK AIMEE and Dl RK BOCARDE IN "JUSTINE " ALSO PLAYING-- 20th Century.Fox pnl 1 1ta Gregory 'eck An At1tu" P . ...t.cobe Prc4cUOn ........... ,_,,r . ....,..-M c. $TARlS WEDNUDAY, DECEMBER 17 "I AJA CURIOUS (YELLOW)" 6,45 AND&,«) HELD OVER whm the beadl ef aU a•deu - JWCE'S Served in the Plush Surroundings of ALEJANDRO'S RESTAURANT 3201 E. COAST HWY . otMARGUERITE "IN THP. C ENTE R OP CORONA nP.L MAR .. EVERY SUNDAY -BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 10 ,00 A.M. -3,00 P.M. For Resetvations Call 675-1002 and Enlighten Your Day COMING UP .•••. (_.lou o f Sporloli.,g C~¥• You will be served os much os you wish n oil le<f (ronb••ry ur ~I• Juk e Swedl,h Hatdtodc ond "-olt.d l'o11•;•, Hor Oohfl•of !rttnd ol'ld VMIII"'PP Fo i<M>d Swedi1h C.._ Ew ICoi'Y Sou~ tf\INIIom.,. S.,...dt.h Meotbolls Mfl'liolvr. !ott .a l'ofa..,_ wlrh ,.,1., IU r• iJUcWI"t wlrh Ll ......... ')' Seuc• c.ff .. • s,....~ Chooo~Gte. Mill• $3.25 Per Penon Children under 12 $1.9S DEC. 21 -"THe ENGLIS ~ SQUIRE BRUNCH" DEC. 21-"TilE SPAN ISH (BUT MILl>) BRUNCH" JAM. 4 -"OLI> PASIIOHBI> ~M 8RICAN BUHT IJif8A.KPASi'" JII.S. PI-don't ....,tlon "haoh bro"""" or "over--ys •- • •••• Our Chef fs Mnlitlva • • • • • • Ca.WoraLa.·wlth "7'~N-;,;;;,~I Westcllft Drtv_e, Beach, aM !OM Union Building. Sau-Dteao. MRS, SAMPSON DIES LUUa.n Francts Sami'SOO.. 75, 2395 Santa Am An., Costl died Drtc. 4, lD HJU.ba.Yen Couvalttsceot Hosplla~ She wu borD lD Trt.otoo, Mo., and spent Last 30 years lD Orange LEGAL HOTJCE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN lbal tbo Clty CoUDCll Cii !be City at Newport Beacb wUl bold a pobUc btUIIIcreprdlacOrdJJI- uce No, IU4, bolll(, AN OR- DINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH REZONIIIG PROPERTY AND .uiE!IDliiG DISTRICT MAPS MOS. Z8, 4t, 50, U, 54, 55 llld H, P&u. GiDI Comm.luioa Am.-tm• Mo. 2&0, r"OD11C PI<IPM'tY ot · Tbo lnloe Co-, -oo tbo -by au 1ooqu~o IUIIa Rco4, oo lbe wOII by laml>oroo Rco4, oa lbe-· by Ford Rol4 &lid oa tbt - by-Boolonrd(Bic Cu)'aD), from u UDclut"Jid "U'' OUtrlet loaPluDedCoa:l. mla&t)' ••PC•• Dlltrld. IIOI'lCE II IIER£BY FIIR- TBEB GIYEII lbel Ulo aid polllle ....... Will bo -.. U. llld d&JofDeca•'*' ,tNt, II 1111 -Gl 7:10 p.a. III·Uio c:-11 C-borl Gl *" CIIJ lloll Gl 1111 CIIJ G1 ~ ...... c-.·--ud ,_ .., ud all ,._ ----Udbo ---. l.l.a LOtiOI CIIJCWII CIIJflill-'_. -:Doe. 11, ..... .. &. .. ~~ ............................................................ ~..100 •-' ~ ... . There is nothino more dis· tinc:tive~ YOURS than a ' Christmoi""oreetin gs card of your own choice that has been personalized with your own name. Choose now from our wide selec- tion of beauti~designs. II D&l¥• ...... m.fl •• ._ .,...,. 'tl ... P.M. Jllri.CIMIT111rr,.III4U!?Oill• GI.!IAI&IMII . .~ .. .. I 8PKU£ OP r•B '65 IUICI EI.EC'IIA 225 4 Dr. H.T. ~. ,.._ ..._....., • .._i_,-., fACTO IT All COHDfTIONIH$, I~ H .. 241114) ''1090 tns-c.iDiuA.c cowt .. ,.w '-wll •o•e•. fut.,, •lr ulllit;.,.;.,, .h,•·l-uooollaie•. !OQ19A•I ftf4 -CNITIUI MIWPOI7 4·Dee r S•4••· '/ .•. ftc. .. ,., elr ce~· ollltle,.l•t~. ••1-dlt, ...... , • ...,i~~to ,..,.., t:•••"· IOH .. JI ljATES FOR CLASSIFIEO ADS ' Yt .. ol .,.... l•oo oo all -· ol cloo 1111•1 A lio-lpedol.,, -·· -· fl .~ .... "'· IIUio IIIU-61)7 .-. ~ ... aJM.,~m .. ELECTRICAL CORD IS· USED IN HANGING .. _ TnN, ti, "' lnlDe Aft,, Weat ~ bupd ber•lf .w. u tr1cal cord 1D tbe pn.p Doc. 5. She wu -"' -Her -st-D C. TrlcYIO,I told pollee tbat earU.er u.t ll1J motbet aPed b1m tbe store ud "": •• :~;.::,:I ber 90 lbe 1111 of bersell." She .. surrlf .. llloo "' busbaad, Dooakl; IJXJtber Mark; and a dl.uctJter, Katuml Mltndao!LoaADaolo!~l Fuoeral senlees Dec. 10 at tbe WestcUfl tuuy Cbapel. There w,u a vale burliJ. Pm realty 642-5200 VIEW Weill· ' McC.rdle Realtors Reliable Ser~~ltt Siloce 190 BUILT BY A PERFECTIONIST ~ OCEAN VIEW DUPL£.1 wrfH FOUR CAR GARAGE, 3 B/l!o Z ..... IUid Z b/ro Z ...... QUALITY CAR- PETING AND EVERY MODERN CONVENIENCE. PRICED RIGHT AT $75,000, •••• ALOHA! A BIT OF HAWAII.. TJ'q)!tally laoct9M\PIId w/put room poolslde. FABULOtE VIEW from ma.tn bout. OP EM HOUSE DAILY 1--5 P.M. 1121 ~IRINA TEIUIACE CORONA DEL MAR •••• NEAR BEACH [qllu ocean side othlgbway. l...arRt kit. 2 beclrooms ea.eb. ADAPTABLE TO 31JWMER AND , WTNTF.R RENTALS. Well wor1b seeing. $64,900, Vogel Value Corona del Mar's Best B • ,,ina4.-bedroom VIEWbOmewlth heated and nuered large pool, 2 1\111 baths, a diniDg room, a housewlfe's dream kitchen overklottng the pool, and .,. 2-way fireplace. Full Price $55,000 Owner tra.nsterred East_ See tb1a today! V agell>o. CORONA DEL MAR 2667 East Coast Hi ghw07 (Cot. Fern&eaf) Phonr. 67).2020 Pool, View & Beach CAMEO SHORES 4BEDROOYS-2-1/2 BATHS -DINING ROOW:- BUILT .(N KITCHEN. SPACl0l5 UVING ROOM WITH CATHEDRAL CElllNG AND STONE F'lREPL.ACE. SHELTERED POOL AND PATIO -LARGE EXTRA WORKSHOP IN GARAGE. GREAT VlE W F'ROU UVING ROOU. DININGROOW AND MASTER BEDROOM, $94,500 RIDDLE g ROSS. REAL TORS 3535 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar 675-7225 •••••••••••••••••• FOR LEASE PRIME CORNER FOR OFFICES OR STORES -IN LIDO SHOPPING AREA • (Surplus space of Lido Realty, Inc.) • TltUIIDY. OEC. 11. JMI QO!!O!I! PEL 1!11, C81f, CORBI·N. MARTIN UA£ '1'011/J Corona del Mar View Outstanding 3 bedroom, 1-3/4 bath Lusk built home •.. in model condi- tion. Professional landscaping with lots of fruit trees. Easy care with sprinklers. CALL TO VIEW .... CORBIN-MARTIN, Inc. ·~eftllk• • ..,..~ n. t-,_.,.. 3038 E. Cout Hwy. 675-1662 Conlll& del Mar, CalU. No Loan Fee CORONA. DEL MAR PEr,F:O::T HO\<E ~ND INCOME 2 Bedroom aJld den. 2 baths quality custoz•1 buill tw:>me on Marigold plus a 1 Bedroom garage apart- meot. Close to Beach aDd shops. Owner will carry rlalDC.lDg -oo Joa.n cost to you. Here's a chance to s:u·e bUOOreds. • You Must See 1'* -..acoliM Z , ... , a ~-laM Ia lllo' Bt-.-t ---w'lo1- ........ ~.-til .... Iii--·-· cnrnersbip tbriiOIIt. ReJu Ud eajDy U~careftee ute. Only $41 ,500. Lease .. Lea;e Option .• lmm.u.ate occ~y 1s aftllable on tb1s very Y&cant aocl Yery b.aodliorpe 3 8R towoboue i.n beaiiW'U1 master plaJmed Univers.lty Park. Situated rl.&bt o.n tbl p-eeabelt. Tbe ultimate i.n carefree 11Yi.ng. Only SUO/ moor $31,900 wUb ooly $5000 down. '0 THEREAL ,, ESTATERS I'DIIMEIIi. Y DRAMCE COAST PROPERTY 332 ~,. eo-olol Mew-673-eSSO • - INCOME UNITS ANYONE? llriUid ... llllploo • Trlplu .. \'Iii<'" Bml. -.rtac eomplotiOD. Locot.d jut 1/1 ·-llrom llMI Ia)' 6 ODe b)Oct from tbe oeaa. EzeellMl UIDUI.l 01' .wnmv ~ realala pr.Ueted b' tbHt dra. modern S It 4 bedroom ...._ OR , ... OR . ltpo.W.. I wll....UPtd 1 bidrOJCa , .... -ritM ..... -..s--.. ... ........ ___ <:-. ___ _ lot • pol ,_ "'? ,..-~.... rt --. OIW [J ... ••tue ..... Wlilt ... Pi IE IJ 11111 4D..,""'-11o -lwlo-..- Rich Irwin UALTOI. 1443 E. Cout aw,., • M~Art!lu Conlll& del Mar -n Xt m-1010 .. ' . JINGLE BELI.S-Tbla blM-e)'td wtUtet8Jme, dressed ~ in a Santa ClataS ouUlt. was oot ol Santa's liWe helpers at the eat sbo'w beld Satarday aDd Sunday, Dec. 6-7, at AD&belm CooYeatioD Ceater. "Splnlsb Christmas" n.s tbe tbeme for the sboW, spo...-td by Southern Ca.worllia's Haclendl Cat Claj). different exotic: entree hom • foreign l8nd 1••- tured e•ch Tuesd•y Nigh!. in addilion to our reiJular menu. TRAVEl THE GLOBE AT THE MERRYMACI • TICKTOCKERS ADD TO HOLIDAY JOY ~~"'reJ.~R_e~~ ~~E~~~'c.:r, Tk--• o1 a.Jio-1 .-!~llolldlJGitllo,_.,larU. .,_odpuosm,clolldoC.ar-_, -Ia eo.-· OPPICIR$' WIVU TO PITI SANTA DIC. :10 ~._ .. , ............ IIIIa ,_. tllo lOIII ..-r• • .,,...,-Ull-lor •-IA~bJIIIITkt-laac--..GI ... -llr1. ~ -··-· ..... _, bJIIIIlloJ It •lilted ...... Dloto Zoo _ud..,..... ...... ,_ -TIIrlltlbap. .......,,_,_lflldud _.. .... --- ... ---.no ....... a.od--Gl tllo clllldr .. 111tDc Gl to a>aU tllo diQ' 1'lla lfowport Clllplc', wl>tcll b._ ballaUflmatt•lorcudiH, .... UllllladiiJ-Warr• ruc111 Ia ... -1111 '1111 hmtllotr,...odllmtUonUil morrtor. TlloJ will -Ide allo--Aaa.odTu-•-IWDiolfwiUf'ool--&arlar, _..,.-ud .....,.tbo!Jb .... arolloiJ tboL tr-lor .-11 famU1, Tbll tiD, Ia-bJMn.Edftrd benudpnlloltllooalcoro• Tylor ~ -· R--plt""'' PlltiAo Ull ~~~-1'lla 11tlllfado llrlaaroplaD-me«tDc wu tbotr on Cbrlal-lloiiJ C.. lilt, II<-· Tick-Wt•n Loai"' o1 Oraaco~ ..-caalrJOU lallro. Doaa lor ----lr-, D1DC IIllA Gl tor• ud ·-mu par!J. tocUr ...,.-II llro. H. at tbotr uaoal CbrlOtmu ball M, Barllll, aotl'ltrlc4 Roo4, no '1111, IIIII Ull IIIII lf&da lor l famU1 ol I cblldreD a.od Tbe Ttc>tocbn a.od tbotr Jobo M-. Dec, Z0 11 tbo alllcorl' cltl>, llowport -MJ-1011; u- Tidllocllar& will 11oiaC Cllrllt-lllolr par-., Tbey will llrioi molbon -k -r -~ cll&trmoa aro: 1tb, El Toro llarlDo COIIIO Atr lila-ollllad bJ y,.., -llac- .u JalllpiMe• to U. cblldr• tbem a t.lt!Ye Cbrlstmu diD-ffatloMl Cbarlty I.AaCUt 1n M.~a. TedNibreabtrc; atb, Mr1. tloo. Tbe cocttall hour ll Itt UOWtld., 1111 CWI I>:IYI, CWf ol tbe a 8111DtWl Scboola 1D aer, ctAI ud a tree. ma.o.r u .. of eommulll.t)' HI'-Robct R&U4 kb. Mra. Guy b' &:SO d1aDer at 1 p.m., Ha""-Me-8Sl4; Ull R. A. 1uta Ala. TbeM ICbOOit ue a Tbe lltb lfadectrlsarepl&D-•tee. Tbt ~ spouort aDd SmUb; loth, Mra. Nc.-maa Wal-Meet, ua But& YMI Drl't't, pUat proc:ram lDirodlced .lD Uc Cbrtstmu "-S flmlUes. au!ntalna tbe JotulTncyCUnle ker; 11th, llrt. Ru..loo flodces; Ball HU"1llqtoe Beach, Ml-411'1. Iaiita ADa Ud ue dlfoted to At tbtlr recent meetlag lbeY demoo.straUoo bome ud DID'-l.Zth, Mrs. Cbeller SaUSWry. w. lralalac btl~-' -· a.od '!: 9Udreq. .lD tbelr on culblre u::l lenpa,. u well u 1D EJCUab, Ia O<do< to bolo tllom at liOD lllo commuoll)'. Tbe par-loocb enlls a.od ... _ .. II> Ia ued &lao. Tbe Tlcktocters wtll briDe Cbrutmu treu, preseoll aDd pvea&UtY at •ch ol. tbe 3 scbool Joc:attms. Jor tbll to li'OI>!l.o. Tbey will bell> tbom make deeor&Uooa 10 tbat lbey can trim tbe trees tbemaelYes. Tbe lotb grade ctrls ban a. dopted 2 b.millesa.odeacb Ttck- tock.er ba.s a uttle lrotber or 11ster from amoog tbe 12 cbildrea. I..Dvolved. Tbey cooked Thanks&iViD& dioDerS fw tbelr tlmilies and now plan to bring Christmas trees aDd JWeseots as well udiDDer for each mem- ber ol the 2 famlly &r'~· WbeD a Uttle brother or sister bas a blrtbday, bJs big sister bakes 111m a cake and bri.Dp It to his bome along wttb a present. Tlcldocters feel that the c11J.l. dreo love to receive eardl Ln tbe mall just as they do, so they wtu remember tbe cblldren tor YULE L.UNCH EON SET FOR SENIOR CITIZENS Jhrbor Senior Cltl&eos Club, spoo.sored by the Zoota. Club of Newport Harbor, wW bOld Its Christmas luocbeoo oo Dec. IS, at the clubbouse,lSthst.aooir- viDe Ave., c wr Haven. Tbe lUDCbeoo., 11 :30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., llmUed to members Oftly, according to Club Pre- sideot Stella Marks. Mrs. Jam'!S E. 5awyer aiXI Mrs. Mary Lott ol Newport Beac h wtll direct theoewly-ar- pnized Senior SI.D~&s, com- prised of the Club's own talent, Ln a Yule pro&nm. ALUM DINNER AT BYC Gaily decorated bolUs I.D the annual Chr 1st mas parade wm be viewed fro m the Balboa Yacht Club by members of Zeta Ti.u A_,!Ja alumaa~ &r'()tC) ot the South Orange Coast Cl:lapter oo l<ooday, Dee. zz. DIDotr 11 ... club, preeedlrag tbt parade, wtll be -by llr. a.od llrl. Graham Gibbons, Mr. aDd Mrs. Burton Grant, ud Mr. ud Mrs. William Dana. Reserrattoos may be m.il.de at 548-5906 o:r 173-6981. Dramatically Belted! FuU Length' NATURAL MINK COAT bp,... youtHK efeoontty in tht& klttrou• rtOt\1• ral mink CDGt. It ll without on eq110l ••• any· where! Chari•• Cohen dftigned lt for an In· .,...,,..~ thot will ..-.dure. True luxury . ••• AI 111 ELEGANT BElli True Voluel VERY SPECIAL 12199 ~------------------------~ SA YE HUNDREDS NOW! FABULOUS COUTURIER COLLECTION fhf' Coulut•,,., ;.:t':1i1Jl' (•( Orangt LJUnt~··~ ~~&~ter Fu11if!l , Ch~:~•·l~ Cohen f'nabl('tt yatt tr• :-elf"(_1 fur gamtf"nt:o: that nill hfoeherish!d fo_t·alifelim~. Th!! rine fur~ m thi:-> rol\Prtion arP llnt1hy or ~mtr aP!ll'aLG!Itf .l'o);J ,..•rk only l h~ finf'"'' U nJimi lt·tl L rantleur: Luxuriuu., Chint'hiUa S traight StoJr "'-•• ••• ftw lv•uri" 10 compor• ,.,.;tt. th• ti'IH\Ciey -' IH inq ..,. 32999 ,.loped ;., th11 flovd of moot'!Qiowl II 1 doni• no• 1raiL.iq l ,oal• . • \ iulrt hurr n,.• Tourmalinr • tnd Cf'rulun ~ llinl. ~It ,.,~ ... ft.tont Fe,l.iO<'I Fi,....t foe-the,,......, jtUrcho• ef •t999 your lofeto-. ~alural TourmaliM11 MinL. Ja<"L.f'l• • ~ro! front Jocket far the iMuroble I'O"ta.,tiCI el M•.,k, f~ ~ hctp. IJ ~99 Ill*' '""""'*" you .... , ""odt1 .. ~atural Patlel . .\utumn H~"' \linL. JacL.f!tt fNftd.Mffino fo•hian1 ... buttoM~ and Mltflf . SMpe ..,.,.,. '999 wh.re you look ... TMy're 10 ~wl DYED BROADTAIL PROCESSED LAMB 1-12· * Hoi!Day fEasti JACKETS '189 LARGE SWEET SUNKIST NAVAL ORANGES 5 .. S100 EXTRA fANCY MIXED NUTSLB. WATER r••• CHESTNUTS : LUANNA 6 OZ. CAN PURE X B S .• S100! • 1 LB. S9t E 754 I !Ill' I. WINE : $149 • : :NABISCO WHEAT • * * ** •••••••• * THINS ••• 4h OTHERS $1199 to $4499 Christii'ICI$ Clearance Prices now in effect! Un,beli•valblt,- Low Pricft NOW! ChariM Cohen, Orange County's Master Furrier, has included his entire stack of fiM fun. The "*'.,.II i est in stylings ... trend-setting fun with hand finished inga and the Guarantee of two generations of Master rien ... coupled with the lowest pre-Christmas fur pri'ces in our history ... SAVE NOWI 'latural Mink Designer STRO.a..uJ.L.I'-' Mink i1 rtot o.,]y for Milliortoires . , . Chorle1 Cohen pro"" it w ith these 1trolleur•. They're ortfulty tailored of e.orqvisote 11tin1 af inc:omporoble fo1hiort elegortce. • 1\Iatchle~~ Alll'a ur MINK to '699 Natural MINK POUFF CAPES NOW ONLY '399 BIG VALUE! DOLE TALL PINEAPPLE SARA LEE ALL BUTTER PECAN F rozen Natural MINK JACKETS Jor fo1hion, ¥ersotiJity, an~ ¥Oiue, nothing con eq\101 1h. luxury of o natural Mink Jodcet from Charmontel Many new trend·M"inQ ttyl"l •s GIIIIAN•a COUMTY'S COFFfE CAKE . • • • Mon. thrv Fri. 'til Chriotrnas OPEN SUNOAYS 12 to 5 ONLY 10%00WN TAKE lz.24.36 MON'I1IS . TO PAY UN • • 0 • 0 CIIRI!n'ENING UCI'S DOW Sblelda elus alcql Ia special cere'IDOilles at OCI ls Mrs. Danlel G. (Jeu) Alctrteb Jr., wUe o1 lbe UCI cbaDeeUar. Cbrlsteold "leu" 1D boDOI' of M.ra. Aldrieb, tbe DIW l1oop was doaated to UCI by 1Dter • aatiooa.UJ kDowD yaehtsmaD CoroeliusSbl.elds. Ttle sloop w1ll be UMI1 lD UCl's I.Dstruetio~ reer•ttonal am inter. eollepate alliDc programs, · CAR society to be feted Cb.rlstmaa: carols ud ICol'les mues. ltrs. Ilolla.ld lbcLeod wlU be sbared by all a-wbea wW read uotber Cbrlstmu ••• rlary bUed oo ROYOI-, tbe Colooel WLlllam Cabell days. The procram will cioN Cl>lpter of tbe I>auc~Qrs of wllll ea~<>1 siDClac led by lllu tbf! AmerJcu Rnolutioa o1 Nucy Buccola, rice pruidellt Newport Beacb euterta1ns the ot tbe Heary =Society of HearY Bowto Society of the NaUooaJ Society of tbe Cbildreo CAR and da ol Mrs. of tbeAroerleuRevoluUooDec. Georre D. Buccola, u,.stant 1? lD tbe st. James Pulsb Hall state secretary ot DAB. at 3Z09 Vla Lido, Newport Yrs. E. W, Crumley, '»"tess chairman. 1rill be Ullst.:i by ae;er.:· 1 p.m. bollDiss me@ting Mrs. Doal.ld CrUp, Mrs. CW- .w be --~ ... ·~ by tbe -• ford U.. Estee,a.odMrs.Edward ......,.. ..... recew., J Ste M.:s. Selab M. Reber. Mrs. 'A ~istmaa party, hJP- 8ruDO D. Norman. •lce-re~Ut lighted by tbe Cbr't.tmu boat of tbe chapter, selliot presideot parade, will be beld lor tbe of tbe Heary Bow eo Society, aod Heory Bcnrea Society ot CAR, procnm ebalrmao for tbe da.y, JPOUOCed by tbe CoJooe1 wu-...w then preseat Mrs. Jolm uam Cabell ctapter ot OAR, Kerr, well tDowa eoatnJto, ac. at tbe bome o1. Mrs. EupDe co~ld by W:rs. BanrdJus-A. Bauer, 12 Radder ac.d. ters, plaDllt, lD a seJecUoo of Sea a.. · 6 Cbr1Am.a.5 music. coo. .__,, at :15 p.m. Dec. li, lin. Edwvd D. Coa Gf Bthr.._ eoap. Mn. JabD u•'aclOD 8e&eb. CAll recis---•s•• wiA ~a....., o1. tnr, wru be a.,..., ...... • GG'IB WaMI ...... a Clai'Lit· bosteu. ~;;;;;;;,;. __ ___ ltiJ what8 inside tJwt counts! This muns the Mariners people and their prcwtn pro· fessionalism in m.attm of finance. It muns thrinen people-to·pe~ple inlerut in your security ... and Manners llrtS.e mvestment of your money in the procress of our community. Join your neichbors and open a Mariners suincs ~ount. tod~Y.. Re~ember: FederJIIy-insured sninp with the oahon s h•chest rate of interest. from day in to day ou • '·:. fret T ravtlers Cheques and free sate deposit boxes (lfith minimum SS,CXIO KtOunt}. ~' I 1 1 I '\ I I' . 1 ' ll'i\.\ 1 ' I I ..... ..... \ I ' ·~ \~/ Is that all there is to a pantset? ,......,. .. , .... ,.,... ·-=--~---... , 1 -----··-. .:..:·==-· .: ~~.,._ ......... ,.,..._ . .............. --e .eu .._,._._ fill Lido. II will .. 1'llo -• loW a.-~ -... IOIIee .... ,.. _____ .. ... HEADS HISTORICAL SOCIETY RIP"·· WlWam RUt., fle .. ..sdllt; Otll«a e-.cted at tie u .. Mra.. Wllllam BtrtaWt, -.e. eeltiYe meet11r1 Mill at tbl retarJ; J.lm Rat. tr__..; MnpGot -Qaa. Gf EdWin FluSor, ---eo.-ee oll1ee loe-llro. <Mlrmu, ud MrL - THE PRESIDENTS of tbe Onap Coast Collo&O Goldeo Wut chapters of tbe: FCure Secretaries ·A sSOC"I.aUnn pt aomelD- struc:Uoo oo computer termiDl.lafromSallJ flemtnc. cealer, presideat of tbe Bahia Chapter, Newport Beach, Na.lioaal Sec.retarles Asm. Seated a1 left 1s Cbrista Hartled, OCC chapter presldeat, and at right. Irma llartiDn, Golden West chapter preskleot. DONALD A WILLER Gf Sooth La..-, maaacer of tbe CowltJ Allport omee of United Ca.W- ornll Blnk, has beeo elected riee..prtaJdeot. He Is a oa.U.-e or ss. Louis. ""·· attead.od WuMDctoo aod Lee UDJ..-erslty Ia Vlrllnl&. wMre be ...-....1 a bacbtlor ot scleoce decree lD bUlDess. Folk:JwtDi b1s gra. daltioa from collece, be sened 1n t11e u.s_ Army, altaJn1nt: t11e rank ol caplala. He jnlned UCB 1D 1959. IIOVES TO COMPLEX Rapid Wercha""ltdogCo., Dfl· 1-' dlstrlbW>rs of -Cf'apb recol'ds and JKt·re. corded tapes for ctaa.iD m:i de- part.meot stores. bupurcbased a.ard IDO'Jed Into a 20,()()()... oquare-loat ladlll)' In tbe !nine IDdustrlai Comple.l oear tbe Coaol)' ~t. Aaad)otnla(lol Gf 48,000 sqque 1eet bas .... Jeased for exparudoo purposes. Fouuded 1P1955J.aUinnesota.,. Rapid llertMndlstng was loca- ted J.a Aoabeim prior to mot"ID( Ill wat coast beadqautarsaod -data.,. ... _ COllier to tbe eompleL .. Slloely, peUelty e~~o~r ..... Dtreeton art Marco Aaleb. Jaet BoraoCt, ..... J--. J-Haml>lol, ..... B_.y H.unazua. T. Welkll. J&J, D&rta McGureo, Mrs. Han.,- PtUI, Tbeodore Robia~, Mra. llooo-Sbooly, -Sllor, ul J. LesU. steftee '" llomborllhlp "' -to all Newport Beaeb ,...,.,s Prt- -""""" olr.....S, ~ lllo aim ls to diseuss, JII'QCUrt ud present nat.Yer may relate to tbt llltllr&l. c.lvU&IIdlltenrJ ~J "' tbo barbor ..... ud to tbe City of Newport a.eil Ia putlclllat. IUs. Joaepb Beettlt&red wU1I til< board a eos>J ol tbe LooAa-UCI SotDLARSHIP plu Tlmu da1od A._ 1, 0 E H" 0 1• ~.~~~~S::: ·;::-...: ::.~: .. s lr~1;!: .. tran-IStOrtC lgU res featured Game, A Los: ADp)es Society ster stlxleots and c.urreotly eo-. woman, her hut:Jull aDd two rolled studeot.& who pla.D to at~ History 1n the mating is very Ufe, humorous momeotauwell Henda mJD1Dc m-lD .u..,.,.. ot lend UCI nell tall should apply often stranger than flction. u lleartbrea.J.. $15,00l." Tbt trout pap Dn'S .DOW tor scholarships and otber Arttst-sculptor George Stuart Mr. stuart tra.i.IMtd tor tbe story related tbat tbe ftereest fol"ms of doanclal aid. ac-wtll attest to tbatasbepreseots foreicn service a.1 Georretowa pme or earda sloce tbe poker cordln&: to Mrs. Bette Abs, a 3...part prop-am deal.LD( Ylth UoiYerslty, Washln&too D. C. days of '49 wu played 1D a COOI"dioator of the UCif1oa.Dclal lllJ;torlcal flgures for Newport At American University be stu~ ~&~mmer cottap at Carom. del aids otrlce. Ebell Club's luncheon-meeting died llt..story and torelp re- Mar oar Ba.lbol S.Cb.. u wu Studeots applying tor fln-Thursday, Jan. 8. The oooo la.Uoas. He also llas a degree ill wtWit. Tbe pla.yerswereabeau-anclal aid must ftJe a copy of eYeat trtll be held.lnEbeUCtub-fiDe arts from the UaiYersttyo! Ufl.ll Loa AAplel Society the college scbolarsbip senlce bouse, 515 w. Balboa Blvd., CaJ.UornJ.a.. woman, her bllSba.Dd a.promJ.D. "pueDls conlldeot1al state-Balboa. While LD Wa..snJ.nctoo Mr eat tcck•, aad h,o Ne .. da m~" wtthtbeCollep:SchoLar ~ •·Teapot tyrants" deals with Stuart was on the s&aa oft~ mlDIDC m-.. Tbty pla.Jedtode-stdp Service, P.O. Box 1025, tbe Germa.a Kings of Englaod, Smithsoniall I.nst1tuUoo., pro- cJde tbe OWDU'sbip or a $15 000 Berkeley, by Dec. 15. 1714 to 1830. vid.l.a( e.tdblts tor the oew mu- trtdt crtJP. ' SchOlarship a.ad &n.Dl ~~ seum. tUs backp'ouod a.1ao 14- Cao you top th1a story? New-pllcatlons must be flied by Jan. ··Tbe drap awakes" cen.-eludes several years of semi· port yesterday a.od pietwe col-15 with the t1oanci&l a.lds of~ ters around dramatic last years professional theatre work 14 ledJoos are soUcUed b" safe. t1ce at UCl. Loan a.n1 work-of the Ma.ncbu Emplre lnCtli.Da.. California aod New Yorl.. keeplnc. study applications must beflled ''l..JDCola. c~" tells of He now Uves 1..a OjiU. Va..JJ.ey -by April 15. eplsodes in Abrabam UJx:oln's Ca.illotnla. ' LET'S GET ACQUAINTED My name is AI Heller. I am a neighbor at yours in University Park. My wife and cbildren and I plan on being a part of tbia area and its activities for many years to come; so we would like to know you. I recently purchased O'Brien's Specialty Shop in Corona del Mar. We specialize in you and your wardrobe needs, geared to tbe way of life in this area. The lines we carry are exclusively ours and tbe labels are onea of distinction. A few are David Crystal, Jonbarry, Marion McCoy, Hanro, Parnes Feinstein, Carlye, Kimberly, Goldworm, Andrew Arkin, Ivan Frederics, Alper Schwartz, Lawrence Graves, Nelly Don, Jeanne Lang, Domani, Vanity Fair Lingerie, Beautiful Bryan and Hanes Hosiery. We can dress you for any time of day or evening, for any kind of life ... at home or traveling. Our dresses start at $19.95. . . ' ' -::..r . r ./ .... I (' r>;Y N!).~ #··~\-17 . ' .,. '-( [,-.. ·-·l - ' ' ' ' "' Is that all there is? Oh no, not ours! Visit us and bring tbe coupon with you and you will receive a 15% discount on your purchase of any merchandise at regular price. Lorra1n8 lutharland FASHIONS AT THS BEACH JAMIOIIIEI IOAO A1 IAYStOI DRIVE .. fWrortliUCH UJ-3113 HouB. 8 ::JG..Ii:30eSundoys: 11 ~ DISCO Coupon 1 I I I 1 YOUR CHARGE ACCOUHT IS WB..COME 2515 E. COAST BWY. at MllcARTIIUR -COitONA DEL MAll -m-zeeo ~ Fu'ia• of the 5,000"-Jolm 6:1-14 21 .._,__OP 1ltl L.,_ ....... ...._ ... ._ T-. • ........ ••• wWcla JN. t~ keT •an.: U -relereftc. is ti•en. the --.... .uy wW 1M .... ia tla.e ,.., liM••· CUJEI AC80U 7 "tlt.e •-IIID tlt.eD leh ·--· water· I ~~T • , .......... _._ ..._ cd1 pot~ (Job 4:ZIJ ~ -• ·---~ (MIItl. 14:35) 7 "Ma ol Galnee. wb.ic:b ill the Ha • I "hi ···-an ~T ._.,.., IMI of ·---" ._Tr ID a 9ood ldag wbo WCUI diaeo..d ill I ~INn. 111 ··--a.-.~ lai.leet ID Ch.-oa. 11:12) •11 "kt wlacd -··· tl.otT -9 .. 12 111 aoa of ha,iaaUa (Gea. ~:21 ) _,-r 13 "'tUnghcHrt •ll ..... world with· II ~,...._. tlta• -·-·t. write ia a aut -cr (EpL 3:21 ) ~,..(a-. 1111) 17 "coae doWD -·~ mJ' c:bild die" IJ iai.._. ol lw9 -el Dorrid (Jolla 4:41) (D S.... I:J:I) II tllia ddwe'rillltion of t1le lith .boolr: 14 ~·--·· c:-. 4onnl er• •J' dilllll oltiM Ju..&e -~ (,.laa 4:41) 20 initl.aJ. of Sa:nrll'• baallllauzid and "IS ~wUI -. -.oag .. la.r dliild bJ" AhrU.111111 (C.D, U : __.,.r UJ II • .._.. 111 ··-· ••ldtullll• loUowecl 22 "tU --·• ,.,_,__ · lt.laH u--1:21) ............ ••••M II ...1. 51 iaitictk. ol • c:aptabt laeaJ. 23 illitiQ ol 111 rvler Mlon wb0111 ... .t 1•,.._,. -d die propht Pcna.J CfPPMI'.d Clad Pcnl'• doctw· ft. lwolll.d ldla (D Eln. S:l. compaai-(Ac:ta 24 :27; Col 4:U ) II) l4 "l•t -~ lai. -·-· had '10 doWII It ~-... ... wilt -··· up tlw.ir to a. .,._.H (I m.., 2:1) --..H (0 Ela~ 7:12) 1S -tlaeD --·· P..tar OAnltared b.i.aaH 21 "-·-· 6triltgtect to tlae dUdp& .. -(Jolaa I:Ml 21 ,. -T ••• ••t ... II• .hall li•• ZF dlinl .. a of laraluaa•l (I Cl:voft. .... ··-· H (Jo.tr.a 1:51) 2:U) 23 "II•• INut.T a_._ 11ac1 two 2t "couQt tb-but du•'ll'· that I ...u ···--may --·-c:Jarillt" (Ph.il 3:1) 21 -··-·· t.lr.a MD. of AWial-(I 31 ~s:-'-) lr:bt9 of S'(ria (D Kiap Clu-oa. S:IS) ,., 21 a c:-toiaar (N'ua.. 7:15) 33 tbe aUIILber of krleJ' M•e• tbe lD • -of hla (I Oroa. 7:7) l111d 9-• 3:2 t.tr.a ... ol Hur (Exod... 31 :21 U "lattera 1o -·---taa Lord God l3 -... ._up tba ··-· tlaat .... .ua.. at X.Oar (0 ctsn._ 32:17) • a....., of lap.n 1-da-..d lS tlaa Pf'Opbat wbo rebuked D111•id 111t -tUM (Lu.lle 17:17) (~e. D S... 12:7) rJ "M!.old tho 1o 1o o1 ... -U ~will J'O IIIla. ---· IIIWCIJ'T' (Jo.b.a w -··· 1:17) (ac:ramltole. Mcrtt. 1 :21) )I -0 f •••• o.i. U.. fcu.Uy oi the 43 ·wbea -··· wara ti.llad , , ," 0..,"" (ft--. •: 111 U "tlt.ay .._ may wtt.tr.-t tM worcl •• citT ............ -··.-df. o-.11. .. __ .(lfet.1:11 U :G J 41 ~· &.1 ••e•-. ·--hti • ildHo:la .. ~ • .,. .. tir'lll: .,.... CE.dt. 1:1) -• a eo-trr ba ruled (E.th. 41 lMtla Jor "..U.-.. ia •••• ti..tical 1:1. 5) f.l l.ailiat. of l'fohor'• fatbft and 41 "11M .... -. .. J-.. ,. ...u. (Goa, 11:27, 21) .... " (Jo.._ :1:2) ... "811-.d ··--'"-h• witlt tit• ......... a the builder ol the culr: (Gerl.. 7:1:1) 4t an.d 44 dowa ·_ .. _-oil tiM••" st "111111d Comaliua .aid. lour dcrf'• -··· I •a• ..... (Acta IG:lCII •sz. "S:I. '54. "but whot ore theJ" ·~-· ·-...•.• _r· CLUES DOWN 'Ae ----lo the cU.ciple•. and the diKipl-to them'" 2: "lord. il he ----· he ehall do weir (John 11 :12) 3 "my yob t. ____ , cmd my h!lfdea ;. li9ht'' (Matt. 11:30) 4 Aano-DomiDi (abbre..-.} $ ,_ael ... epread hi. teat bot· rond the lowe, of ___ :· (C.ft.. 35: 21) I ''----aot. fie IDag ol the feW'I'' '(John 11:11 ) ANSWH TO I'IIEVIOUS PUZZU BOOKS I RECOMMEND Dr. Bill Rice F,..,. THE SWORD 01" THE LORD, ... 1099, M<w~•••lle ... y..,,.. Exc~t for gr('at preaching. thfore's proba bly nothing aa v altr able for O!risti~ns as good books. ~low 1 am listing some books that I n>com mend for thole Olri5- tians who t'&rnt"lllly wish to grow In cract> and u!W'fulness. I am not listing thfom In any spe-chtl ordt.>r of importance. And. nthf'r than sb'ftling individual books, I am la)'li'IC tht' strt'SI morr on cate- goriH. Thl' fin! ~vf'ral c ategor- lrs may sE"E"m to be more for pn!'&cheors than laymen. Achlally, ~-er, a good df'dicattd layman, Hprocially o~ who is a B!b~ t~a~Mr. oughl to be u concenlf'd about knowing tht' Word or God u any preacher. Hrrf'. then. are some book.l that hav~ bHn of ~~at value and bleu- 1,. to m~ In my own nr~ and in my mlnbtry. 1. A aood analytical concontanc:~. ~lther Stro1111'• IziK1H•ti~ Coc· f'OrllaiW"'! o/ t.\e Bible or J'otetlg'a AIIOINfjeal Cmtcorda•ce to tk Bi- blfo. 'Thnc!-book• list f'V~ry word found any plac~ in ttw ~ntlre Bibl~. It abo liatJ: the word In the ori- ri.W lancuqe In order that onr may clrilne ltJ: eu et meantnc. 2. I would IUU'Ht OM set of CrHIII word atudle•. I have Jon'· eral Rta but my favorite lll pro0. ably AltoN'• OM!'I!'k 7'•to........,. ,... .. a veneo-by--vene tnnll• Uon oi the New T~tament with a WOfd-bJ'-Word atudy of the Gt'ftlll: ....... ~ Uld .n. T1lfte boob ate ot a ~ vaJurr 10 GOP who hill llf'¥ft' lltldled the Greetr Ia. ..,_ or .....,, u• m)'Mif. atui:!Wd ......... --... .......... , I. ........ " ... -~ ..,....,_, __ _ ............ ,,... ... bee -· ............ : .. ,,,,.. ....... "'o.too ~ ... -.......... ..,.. ,, .. ~ _ _.., ,..,.... .. -----..... : ............ ts_. ................ 11&14.· HoliJteu~tiU PW.e o11d tlte Tn.e wnd other books by H. A. Ironside ; Tile Power of P'"'tecCMt, Twel 1~ T~11dotq~ Tlle1'1'ae• and other books by John R. Riet"; Etenwll R,.,,.,bHt!Ow. by Willia m Munsey l!hf' best serin or Bible exposi· lions on H€'11 obta.inablt"l, etc 5. Some Blblt" commentaries tn r wonderfully helpful. In my judg· menl, commentft l"ies dealing with individual books ftrt' bto!l t>r than a commentary on th" ('nlire Bible such as lht' splendid set of boolu by Matthew H~tnry or Jami~ Fauawt·Brown. I 'ollo'Ollid suggest John R. Rlce'a commentaries on Matthew and Acts, Arthur l. Pink's commentary on Gmt-sis, Philip R. NtWeU's book on Romans, etc. li. Apoloe;etiCI : J believe it !1 not only rood to takt' by faith the tact that the Bible Is the inspired Word ol God but I believe It Is at.o lood to know there are schol- arl)r, lldentlfk and common-.«nR re~ for belitoving thfo Bible Is the very Word of God. I would atron&IY ftC:Ommend the worb ol dw late Harry RJ.mmrr In wtuc.h he ~ 1M ~lation ot the Blbte and modtom tc:ienee. Proba· hly his bnt volume la the flnt- 7'k Ho:I"MMOIIJ' of 8ctneft aU 8tripo r.re-. I haw a number oi ~ bOOb ~ ldenc:e and the Rood. I ~ n.r o..lt rlood.. by Morrlt aiiCI Whlblomb. The book by MeOoeaaft, net ..... I'-a.rw ncC JIOfle: •'-•· .. c-. .. lltnl. 1 . ....,.,_It boob: Any 0.. tiM CN~Pt ID haw ln his hofM ... .. hll llbrat7· hDab .,. ... ....... boolrtl 01'1 ~. boob 011 daiNftn. 4'tc. '1'he hnt boob ol .. ldad ..... J know aft)'tNfw ·-· .,.. ...... puiiUihed .,. "ftw -"' .... ..., 1'11111_.._ -m-. ...., --.., Dr. .Jolilll A. IUet. t WOUiN ... I :laU, -..... No-·-• .........c..n..... ..... ...... .. ... ,.., 0..... r.c• co hoc•r twr.u: ,..., ... 'I · StThomas Bible lesson THE OOODSAMAifTAN LuU10:25-17 Le.Mft 6, Serle• Ill ~rbapt, no parable of Jeeu. 11 more wtdll);y ltnowa than til& AI e. I&IM Ume It would tetm nOne is more oftm diMortld. and twltt:ld to diabolical purpoen. Perhape thi• Ia a cue in polnt ot the old .. Yh'l tbat the molt tum- olfs to HeU are neareat Heaven. B«auM of the famDiar IOdaUtt dlttordon of this parable H Is necessary to tay ftrtt what It Is not. II It not a lesson in oompankm or mercy; It doet not lntrodua! for the ftnt Ume into human llfe the feftlnc• of compaNJon or love ol mercy. What the IIOCiallst teachet this , wt' muat remember the parabH: olthe Rich Fool and the letson II te aebH about oovetouaneu.. Covetousness beaf.na with a peaalon or a lust to orde r the world so that material KCUrity 11 euaranteed. Men and wo men who a~ pa n k ked by penonaJ ruponslbUity and freedom art aoon tempted to aeek to establish a general dlma~ of opinion which holdt that nobody s hould allow anybody to. be in want. It Hems thalli thia can be ac- compliahed, then the coward and the tloth haa no netd lo fear: he )uat keepa t-verybody fet-ling reapon•lble to feed him and clothe him and llvt! htm hla sha re o f all goodi~. Then his luat for a fuU belly and for security quickly turns sour In his stomach , because the wo rld Ia not prepared lo aane thalli owes him a living; then his 'covetoWinea• lprifll'l lnto 11:1 polaonoua bloom whk:h wo uld turn loose ter ro r and violence on lhe world 10 make lt kindly to h im. It Is a part o f human nature to be compa .. lonate to human nature, and all men p rize m e rcy aa the height of power. We men are all of the aame kind. W hen we behav e according to our natur~. we are sa kilO~ kind. Thal ia, we behave like huma n being11, knowing what Ia in man becauae we abo have the ~pi rit or m a n . The wo rld did no t wait for Jeauslo come and make ua one kind. And J e11 us' p a ra ble would have no meanlna on the ears of men who were no t of a k ind and therefore compaaaionate. If men felt no oompaealon, th~ Cood Samaritan sto ry wo uld no t move ua. And lf Jeeua came lo create a dl· mate o f opinio n in which security was guaranteed by the nodon thai the world u wes every man a living, he wo uld not have warned ua so many limn to p rcpu re for tribulatio n a nd suffering and d~ath if we follow him: "If any man will <·um e a fte r me, let him d eny himself, and tak~ up hlt croea, and follow m~ ... ThP d ue to this parable lies in the anawer J~auagives to lhe queatlon, "\\'ho is my nei ghbo r'!~ The a nswer is contained In the question asked In n:ply. -\\'hich now of these three, thlnkest thou, was neighbor unto him \hat fdl :unonf( the thit·ves? .. Clea rly the ma n who asked the question Ia to identify hirn .. df in tht' s tory with the ma n who waa half dead, no t with the priest or the Lt•\'ih: or C'\'t'n the Sam ~:~ritan . 'J'ht" full inh•rpreta tion awa its the BibiK:al allego rical usages. There are lh<l ll,\" who objt~:t to the alleg o rical interpretation o f the parables, but we have ain·ady st"t'n in the Pa ra ble of the Sower. fo r example, that Jesus himself lrt•al~ iht•m in this way . While thl· allegorical interpreta tio n o r the Good Samaritan story Is not in lhc (;t,spt·l. the trad i!io n tha t interprets it la very ancienl Ilia found In Jrenaeua, one o1 the earUnt of the IO-CliJ.1ed Churdt FatMn, who studkd under a en. dpte of none ol.bu than John hlmlelf. It la continued In 1M time of Or1pn who wrote. •tM nana.U.U have not written down the expladtion whkb J'"uo pvo or moot ot the puableo. • Orlpn 1ello uo, "One or the elden, In blo lnlerpretatlon. ••kl that the man who ld forth "Ad•m. Jen~Mkm la ParadlM, Jertcho the world, the th.levtl the lnvillb1e pOwers, the pttttt the Law, the Levller the Prophets, the Samaritan Chrbt. th~ wound• dltobed~. tbe beatt of burden the Body of Cbrte\, lhe inn, wbk:h taka ln nery one, the Chureh, the Samaritan'• promiH the MCOnd Comlna of ChrliL .. AuautUn~. too, In the Fourth Century, hold• to thla;lnterpmat1on wtth fuU confldence In Itt Ap,.IOUc authority. Like hit areat contemporariel, Afn. broH and Jerom~. h~ draw• IOt'M rlth apirltual trea1ure. from thl1 allttrorical meantnc: "Thlt man rep~te Adam, and ttanda for the human race, Jeru- salem ll that heavenly city of peace from whoH happlneu h~ baa fallen. • And, "He {fit omon& robberw therefore, that la, amona the devil and hla ansela: who thoucht the disobedien<:e of the nnt man stripped human kind; thalli, do- prtved them or the adommentl of virtu~ ... " Or acaln, "They strtpped man of lmmortallty and, having wounded him, by persuading him to aln, left him hall dead: lor In the part of him· which can know and understand God, man Is alive; In the part however In whkh he hal been weakened by sin and ove.r· come, he Ia dead. Aad thte a the meaning of what fo llows: leauinR him half dead.~ Sl. John Chryaoatom writes, "Neither Aaron the rrteat, paeeinl by, could help hlm by hil aacrtllce . . . nor evrn hil brother Motea, the Levtte, could help by the Law." And, "He poured in wine, that Ia, the Blood of Hia Pa•alon, and the oU of Hie Anointing: that Hemlaht-give ua pardon throuah His Blood, and 1anctify us throuah anointing with chrilm." Pl!!rhapa it Ia AuguaUne who drawl out the rkhe•t trea•ure with thia: "Hll own beaat a the Body In which He deianed to come to us. To be placed upon His beut is to believe In the lncarnaUon of Christ." And Ambrose, '"He placet u• on His own beast when he bean our sins and auffers for ua. For manIa become like a beast.~ Thla teachet u• the aignifkance of the fwo naturea in the One Penon of Christ, human and dtvine, not mind nor mingled, and one In unity or Pel"'on. Becauae we are or one kind wilh th~ human nature of JesWI, we can join Christ and be united to hlm. Becau.se God has taken on human naturf: and fieah in the Penon of Jesus Chriat, human kind can have oompaulon with and from Him who is forever one with Go d, and so be healed of sin. When Jesus says, "Go and do thou likewise. M he o bv iously d oes no t mean go out on lht' highways, look for men who have been ro bbed and beaten a nd take care of thena: obviously he means to go. as he did, a nd preach the Gospel for the cure o r souls half dead from th~ auaultl of sin and o rganlzed ~U. This Ia needed above and beyond obeying and enforcing the law. SL TJaomcu Pr-eu -P. 0 . Box 35096 -Howton. T~at 77035 .. THE WORLD'S MOST AMAZING BOOK'~ By HAROLD RA WI.IN6S "--ate Pator Landmark _.ptiit Te~~~ple, CiaciDNiti, Ohio. (The sermon pre.achecl at the While Kou.M worship terVice, in the Eut Room. oa Suaday rnonaiq, Nov. II.) GOD HAS TWO tntboolu, one thto text- book of nature and the othc>r the textbook of revelation. 'nle laws of God re-vealed in the> ce•tbook of nature-have never changC'd; they are what they we-re since the beginning. The-y tell us of God's mighty powe-r and majesty. In the te'xtbook of revelation. the Bible, God has spoken nrbally: and thi.s spoken word h~ survived every scratch of human pen. It hu withstood the U501ult.ll of skeptic:a and tyrants. Quentin Reynolds onc:e aaid, YU I were-a dl~tor, ttw t:~ book r would bum wou.id be the Bible." Greater ef!orn h.ve bHn made w destroy the Bible than .,,. other book. Yet despite tN ilttKiu of nwn, throuch many c-enturies. it remains the world'a most am.uin« book. It hu often been reviled but It hu never be-en refuted. It hu never bowed ill he~ be· fore the di.scoveria of ~nee. The more the archaeolottiat dip and the more the Kientlat diiCOvera, the cruwr the confirm•tion of the lruth of the Bible. 'nle Bibk has • creal tr~ition •nd • m,acnilicent heritage. W. !.. Gladstone Mid, -The 81ble is 5U.mPf'(l with • ap«i..lhy of orifin, .net an immeuurable dinance Wpil· rates it from all rompe-titoh ... Jt was written over • period of 1,6(X) ye...-1' by men of various bitcJtcrounda -law~•iv­ t'f'l, killl'a. •rtisans, farmera, fl&hermen •nd ~eholan. It was written in dif(erent counlries, u.nc:&.r dirten-nt to~;:ial u!d politinl conditions; yet in its ha.nnony, it is histotic:•l· ly, doctrinally and xWntiflc:•lty c:ornd.. " •••• Call tlis ~arne Jesus'' by Loui.l A . .I&C'tlbRn · ... tbou shalt call Hi" Namf' J~u..: for He .hall •"e Hill people from their ,ino • ."' (Matth-1;21 ). E•o-n·t htnJ~ ahuut lho· h1rlh ••I uur Lu rd 11nd Savwur. Je.u1 C hrill, wu mira I ""'II" 0,\lfN'r'!llt UraJ \\',.know a t th1,. ,...a,.,,., .. t t~w y .. a r. ('hn .. tma>+ timt-". thtor. ia a •pirit in thl:' air "hu·l1 ,,. alwo a nd fort•ljot ll '" tht-" ho-a r! of a ht>lirv.>r in Christ. HoWi'Vf'r. thi11 fl#rlwuiar lo mf' 1!1 ...anwl a mi hall"wt"fl lu t"\ll:'r\1 o·hild u( Gud. Tlw hirth of tlM! Sav1 nur. !ht' Son uf Gtlt'l. ha!i llot't'n mad .. an ·()('('&Ilion fo r rtowolr,v, mirth and , umm..rr taltzatiun hv tht-wurld ('hri,.tma• l'an I'll:' trulv l>le·_.d lo tlw Chri11tian'" ho·Hrlas w~ l"mrio·r lht' :d urt"u" !ruth thai Wf> rt'm.-mt.:>r.thr AiiOAI:'lhtor Lov .. ly One. l'ht· Lord J f'tl ull fnr....c1nk H111 Father'11 11idt-and His hf'avf'nly ~~:lory to be> horn in ·• malljtt'r l.lfl(lo•r lhf' mt~l humhlinK of t•ircum•t•rK"H. Thia Je-u•. tM Creator ol .. ur plan~t afl(l the ionumf'rahl .. Jtalaxu1 far out into »~: thia J...u1 who wu iiO n .. ar and dt>a r lo His ht.oav .. nl y Fatht>r'1 ht>art ; the llollmf' Jnua who ptac.pd man on o·arth as t'Rrf'llilkPrs of Hi111 h...eutiful cr•ation; thaa aovl:'reicn, omnipotent ONE. humhlw:l Htm!Wtf ami ht-<-a mt> l'k-8h. Born of a vir•in, He-brcame man'a •in-beaNr. rht· cn)Q lhr~w its shadow ac n&,. thf' man11er in whic:h thia prercioua b.be lay. In :h .. O •u rw:•l C'hambo>r!l of ht'Bvf'n. thl:' Holy Trinity met in aolemn conclave to dt>li~ralt>. to pla n 1i nfui ma n'11 rfiltomption by wndinc tJw holy, ainl~ Son of (;ufl to a !lln·t'Urllt'd t>arth lnr the liPf"C'ifl c pur~ of becorni n&: man's S.vKM.n and Rt>df't'mf'r I. THE OLD TESTAMENT WRITERS PREDICTED THB COMING OF THE SON OF GOD. In thf' OPf'nlnK pa~~:ea uf the NK"rC'd Bibll", we have the Holy Spirit-revealed ml':48aKt> that a Sa viour wa1 to bEr providf!d lor a ainful, hum.n race. It plainly .;tall'!\ that the !M:'E'd of lhe woman would bruiw the hl"ad of the aerpent. or Satan T h .. !W'rPf'ol wa" simply Satan's tool to deceive and de.troy Adam'• innooency. :hull !lf'p&ratm~t; him from rommunion with God. !Read Geh!Nis 3:14, 16). Isaiah. tht> prophet inaptl'f"(l hy tlw Holy Spirit penned the marwlloua words • l<•und '" Isaiah thfr 7th chapin and the fou~nth verw in which he predided tht• vi r,;in hirth of ttw Son o f God and sUited in chepter nine, wne •ix, " ... }{il :.Jam,. !!hall he cai!P.d wnwle rful." The.e prediction~~ were made by th. prophet ""N 700 yl"atft lwfo rf' the fi n t advent of the Lord Jeoua. '"T hf•rf'forf' thf' Lord HtmMif aha.IJ give you a aicn: Behold a vircin ahaJI conceive. ami ht>•u a snn. and shall call Hill Name Immanuel (God with ua)" (laaiah 7:14). '"For unto u1 a Child i1 born, unto ua a Son. ill Jiven: and the covwrnment aha.ll ht> upon Hia11houl•ler: and His Name ahaU be nailed WonderfuJ, CounMI.Ior, The ml~t;hly God. Tht! t>ve rlastinc Father. The Prinno of PNc:e" (laaiab 9:6). Another 1trikan11: prophecy hy thP _prophet Mtcah OYer aeven hundred yean lwfo r,. the bi rth of lhi8 Holy One. ttM-Son of God, name. •peci6cally the town aDd pl ace nf Hia hirlh. "But thou. Bf'thlt>hf.m Ephratah, thou1h thou be little amonc the t.houaanda of .l udah. yet out of tht>e. 1hall He come forth unto nw: that il to he ruler in IUM:I: wh011e ~~:oinp.forfh haw> been from of old, from nert..tinc" (Micah 5:2). A1 Or. Scofield poif\t.l out •ianificently, "the child.,... hom in Bethlehem." but the "Son" wu "from everlasting." ICOMTIMUI!D MI!XT WllltJ ,,..., "THE fV.t.MGn.," •• ZS, L~, ,._,..._ ONE PF.CUUA•rrY OF the Bible b its cl•im to come from God. The writen claim ~peatf'dly that God cne them their material. Two thousand times in the Okl Tetlament they said that God spoke. To tell more than 2,000 hes on one subject seerna incredible. Either He did just th;at. or they lied! Jesus Christ quoted frt>quently from the> Okl TnUament. He never once indkated that Hto doubted thf' Scriptures. 'The Apo.tle P01ul said, "All Scripture is •iven by in5Piration ol Goct and is profitablt' for doctnne, for re· proof, for rorrK"hOn, for inslruction in richt- I!'Ousne.: that the man of God may be per· lc>C1, throughly furnished unto all cood worlu." ~· A~tle Peter added thne words, "Holy men of Cod ?ke as they were moved by thtr Holy Gh051. The Bible clilima to be without a rival. 'It is DOt only a word from God, it ia the Word of God. 'Mle Bible ia abo pennaMnL Christ ..HI, "Heaven and earth &haJJ pMi1 aWa)", but my worda aha.ll not pas awa.y." Helm rru.e- Bower ex~ thia tndJI 'ftll whnl she ,_, Tbe boob men write ...., but • &..,....,. blown From tranaient b~ cruahcd by h~ hando: But, hi.ch abcrte them. aplndid and IbM, St~~undl aa a u-ee, there ~ a Book that ....... Unmoved by atorma, uachallerwed by ~: The winds ol. criticism woulcf prolane Its aacred peen, but the Truth, the Way, The Life are in It ~ and 0,..., heM m. vabL APAJIT J'aOII rrs divifMI autbadt)", then is n10re 1lowine eloquence, ~nCaR IIObM amtl- menta, rnon! meltinl path., man '--utilul poetry betWft'n ita ~ tMa _,.,.. ..... elM. lbc:aulay Mid, "'f ~ .. Ia our lanpaae ahould perWa. the DcJ.Wl Blbla alone would auHice to abow the whole a&eDt of its beauty and power." The Bible haa done more to blna soeiety, to promoW brotherhood, eommereoe, happi- ~ puoe, and libeny in the world. lhan any other book, and all other boob t.o~~Uter. It humbles the lolty, and eults th. Sowli· at. It eond.m.na the bat. yet 11\fa the wont. ft ....... the study ol anplt, aDd ia DOl at.ov. the ~ ol a little child. 1t ahowa ~ mara raiMd to the ~tion ol a lOll ol God., and the San ol God atoopinc to the eondiboa ol a man. 11M Bible ill not any hMviu than a knife, but It la ahuper thaft any two-.dpd ...ord. 1\ il no laryer than • ~ In • woman'• pune, but it pn:aduc:wa m.c beauty than all the com.-cta put taptlwr. It la M thicker than a man's wallet but It eontaia. mon ric:ha thaD all the bulb in the world. II' • WI IFF ·~ &h.t' th4r 8iltk itll ,_., .. 'r c ........... h • ... ~~~an~ .. ~ __. .._ 6t" NN .. Wine! ,._. ,.... -...-: ................ ., ... ~ .... ::;;~-........... ...,. .... , I d ?: __ ,_ ....... ~ __ ... o(lal(olwowWoh trouble me moat are t,ho)!;(' whu:h I do uulkr· stu!d." Bibln are to be mort-duon deposlloru.rs uf memonbilia. A little boy told hts Sundoty xhooJ teadler that he finally h.1od J.,,.rnt-d weryt.hinc that was In tht-Btbl~. li.-~>o~~1d, "Sister's boy friend's pic:tUT1" II ITI II, liU \!!. Morn's recipe lor vanllh1"& crcoiOm, and a lock ol Grandma's haar." 11le blessinp of God un be cl~o ltned uniy where the will of God 11 known, trmted illud acted upon. U •e wash to know what is 10 • will, we must rew:l !he will. If we want tu know God's will on •n:r subJ«t. we must rt'i>d His wdl. The WOf" ''Tntamt-nt," le,~ally speakinc. muns a person's wtll. The Biblco cont.inJ Cod's laat Will and Te-at .. menl, tn whkh He beQUC'ath~ to us the bln.un~t;s of redemption. to know God'• wall "''C' must study His wOf"d . Dwi.ht D. EiMnhower !Wid, "Ltkl• .~loro .. t wi.lom. th ... leM.Ons of tht· B•hiL" arY uli#Je.s~ unless thtoy are liftC'd oui 10nd ... mploy .. d, A faithful readina of Si-npturt-prov•dn th ... roura~::t-and strehfl1h req ui~ for the tivint: of our aune." ( ;..,..t n ils :. maro hi~ whn m~:ht110lft '" Jt ,,. \oo~· day 11ntf ni,11h1 H., II:Oft on to !Iii)', ··Ami he l'hall ht· like a lrH plantt'd t!y thco nn r~ nl w;,ott-r, th16t hriro~wth forth h1~ fru1 t 111 J,,.. ""''"'"· hll' lt·;,l .. 1.'10 ~ .. 11 not ,.,.,ther, .• n,f "h;ol'\0"'' .,r h•· rloelh 5hall prnsp..r " nit: BIHLF. I~ hni unly 1:~1 Itt~ th~· 'OU I, hut .,J......, fur th:• ho..o<h' IJ S Arnty Pn v ~ot .. ROIC'.•r Bot· ul t:Jiu .. l.a k.·. :\hun . ...., :o F'trst Jn.hm lr\' Dl\'ll>"tn ltuupt·r 111 \'wt !'f,onl A '"'"" wf't'k.' ·"!!,. ht' ... ol/11 u n p.~lrol 1'\t'iOf l...a 1 Klw ... ·hen North V tl'llt:lmt.'l>t' 50idwr~ ;ombu:rroht•tf hl6 uml. Wh .. ·n ttw hrt'hl(t.l l'ndt"l l, So\• nottt•t:d ~nlOkt' t"Uriilll( lrnro1 h" poclw t An ent.'fny nrlco bullet had I(Onr lhrou~oth h11 .,..iOIIt"t ~ond lodJ,:...t 1n hi!t Biblt·, JU!tt i't'lor1 of 11 Jo.d....-l ll ntnlunitlon dip. I l:whe\'C th~ lhhlc to b... IIW Word of Cod hoec-:.Ullt.· 11 Ilion•• h.a~ lhl' ;.blht)" 10 ~>ah'f)' lht' human ~llrt. One of tho• lo!tt.'lll filfft'rt'nt.~ belwt'l"n m<tn and anim,.i '" Chat m:o ro ha;o. t~ ... t"ap<JCity lo know and "''Ot~!up r. .... t Evt•ry j,.,. man brml( h;os an mlwr .. •nl ••ry ;o llf't t;,,.j Tt,,~ Jun~u•..: fur Cod ••annul bt-satisfied by ,., '"''' ,. o 1 h·d•nulut~y. Tu lo\··· c ... l 11t1d tu "''urship H.tm. yuu must ktMJw tlom 111 "' potrsonal rcolahonship. For t!u10 n ·:...vn the-Bable w.as writtton Thto Bible to-:o..t ... , th"'t th .. only way that man ean ),rtJtt., tt ... ~taP ~twee-n rnan and God is tl.roul{h Jnus Chri.lt. Jnua Mad, ~~ am the wily, tlw truth, and the lile: no man t"'O"'Wth untu thC" Fatht•r. but by rne." The Bable 11 God's .. ~... ~tn" lo ua - tellinx us that His loYe -"'t His only Son. Jesus. who aan His life on Calvary f<M' our "'""· "Fur God .o l•ved Ow world, th•t he ~Can has only be•otten Son. that whoiloner brhneth Lll h1m sh<,.uld nat pl"rish, but have ev~rluun• life-". 11w Word of God Ia the bre'-CI of bf ... without which our spirit.l weak~ en and die, iw.t as our bodies do If we do noc eat. The Apaetle Paul uid, "'Study to ah.w thyRif app,_ed unto God. a work- m.n that ~th not be uhamed, richtly d1v1dint the word ol lnlth." Wh•n Sir Walter Sc:ott, the lamou. author lay on h1111 death-b.d. shattered in forturw and hnlth, ht• lilid to hll .on-an·la•. HBriRI m. the Boult." "What book'!" asked Mr. Lork- h.rt. '"''1Mrre is but one Book," WM the llntlwer. O.vid aa.id, "Forever, 0 Lord, thy word ia k!ttled in twaven." May It also be Mttled and cheriah.d ln our ~arta.. In a wrJ movinc tribute to Uw BlbJ., Billy Sund.y takes a word-ptctu ... jour-ney throuch \M Srriptu,._ U. dneribn it thia way: "I entned lhi'O\Ch the portico of Genesis and walked doW"ft thnu•h the Old Tntanwt~t an pl.....,. wh.n the pidu"" of Abraham. ........ .1-.ph, Isaiah, Dllvid, and Sokwnon hur\1 on the walla. "l ,....c:llnto IM muPc rvom ot th. Pulms and --'7 I"H'<< o1 a.cr • creat CNW~n respond- ed to the tuneful harp ol Jlllvid. "I enWred the ~ at Ercl..-.tn •twr. the v~ ol lhe pre.-h« waa he•rd. •I'MI Into the conatrYIIIM)' ot Sh..-on and Uw Ill)' ol tJM. val'-7'• •• filled and pti'furrwd "'" IUe, ·r '""creel lhe ha"',.. olfin o1 the Pto-"..n.. theft lnto the .....,.l1iolrl ,..,., ol lht> ~ whtn I •• t.a.tu• I ol '!l'arioul lliln. ..... .-nUnc to ,.,._., •Yeftta but all eonnntrat.ed --lht brilht. ...,. whkh ·-... rW Move U.. .....UI IUU. _, .ludn for our •lnUon. '1 .nteftd the audien.c.oe room ., the Kl• of kJIIP Uti ......,t iltlto the cw~•~ ,..,.. when ..a lilletthtw, Mark. •· ,loha, Phi, hln . .,... .1--....a.. Jlwtr .,...-. '1 tWpptd .... ...... the t.in.n.e: ..... ., llrrl·t.U. ... ,......_ a ...... the ~ titdlc • h .. ..._ • • w. .s-y, _. r ...... , •AU W ......... el "'-' ...... t...--... ..... ... firth ~ ,.,.. # d II Aat:l CIWinl ............. . ,... ............. ,_ . 11MIIoitlo.W... .. , •• .,...e.w. ... • f : IS •·"'· -.41 II •·•· SUNDAY SERVICES f :IS-11•.•· WEDNESDAY EVENING MEETING lp.-. READING ROOM ...... .,,,, ..... -s, .•. .......... .,, •··•·-7,a, .•. y,.,,llll.., -~~~~ Frlllll..,: SUNDAY SERVICES l :4S .., .. ._.ay School 1:00 Lm. MDraina WorMi" 6:00 pAL Tnini., Unions 7:00 p.m. E.aina Wor~hip WEDNESDAY 7:20 p,oa. Biblolicudy 1:00 p.m. Pr.,., w .. una THESE MEMBERS ot tbe Col. WUlla.m Cabell chapter of DAR ftlled D81J'lJ 50 ditty tacs tor serYicemeo J.n Vletaam, wbo will reeelve tbe goods tbrougb the USO, from a Cllrlstmas ship th&t bas sailed from Sao Fraoclsco. Pictured llere. from left, are Mrs. BrUDO Norman of Corooa del Mar, Mrs. Frederic Stevens o1 In1De Ternce and Mrs. T. Worden Crumley of Corooa I:Ucblaads. Tbe ditty bap •ere ftlled at the nome of Mrs. S. M. Reber of Corona del Mat, DAR regeot. From the Police BloHer WEDNESDAY, NOV. 12 Bay ••• Auto a.ece&SOfles $300 were stolen from LesUe ' •.•. -J ..... ; 7-f ..... 'Swtl4..,: 1 •.•. -4 •.•. IECOND CIRJ&CII OF ~. ICII:IIfTII'I' Newport Beach at Cotona del Mat 1100 PadD~• VIew Or. SUNDAY SCHOOL 10 •- Sl.JNOA Y SERVICE 11 .-. WEDNESOA Y EVENING Joseph Robert Cambl'la, 5407 were stole.u from DoucSas Alan Sbofstall, 101 GnJt. Newport L.---------' Seubore, West NP'POI't, re-Dodge of 463 Flower, Co6ta Sbores ••. Boat accessories MEETING 1:00 •·•· l•Milla 1\oo•: ll•t .. t Bl~• 2165 E-t Co .. t l:hry., CDN. lloa.·rrt.: 10 .... to s , ... n ••• .,. •••'-F 1 to 9 Se.t.: 10 .... to 'P••· You ue cot"dially •n..-ited to au~nd Clu~tch Sen•cn and to use the Rcadina Room. LUTNEIIAH CHUROI OF THE MASTER ILot ..... •tCioo..l lo Aoooricol Z!IOO PaeUic VJno Dr, c-dol Mar, Calli. DR. WILU.UI R, ELLER P-: 6f4.26M Mrs. Watn: CbamberllD. Pui.Jb Worker 9:15 A.M. -F&mUy wwsltli> 10:00 A.M. -Cbardloebool ~ Fllth't worllllp PROVIDED , A TTIMD THE OIUIICII Of YOIIII CIIOICI RIGULAIL T ,_, ....... _,_-.H,. I AMD 1 .. a'IDIIN• ••--~~~~c• 7oM ,.,...., WCONUOAV .1.\,.11 ,TU DV -'"D "JIIATaR 7oM ,.,W. "'UIUCRT DU,_I .... ICJIIVICal ........ " .. c-.<~~ ......... eo.- ,.A.TOIII M, a, JOt.IC .. f111 "C 1•; 's11ll' eft :1312 ...... -.... 2 ltllel .... A Fr••~l•*~' Co.v-t.,..ll c:Mi•*• Cft,rd ,... .................... .... .,.._ Some• eod ~ Scllool at 10:00 ._... , ..... 60-27. YE . eeiYed a DOUce to appear oo a Mesa •.• A 1963FaJ.coostaUoo were stolen from Willla.m E. warraot . . . Guns a.od c1othlng wagon was stolen from Ze.tpha Harvey of 328 Bueoa Vtsta, BaJ. wOJ'th $455 were stolen from Ruth Wallace of Z03-l/2 Z!rd boa. ••• Clothin&: was stolen Ou1d Kent Dugma.o ol 2418 St., West Newport ••• Two from Tooy Rotb.schlld of Sierra Vlstl, West l%lPer lrlsb setter ~les Y&lued at 205-1/Z Garoet, Balboa Uland 1 1••• ~ ... f'lsiWicequlj)meJII,Iood&Dd liquor were stolen trom H. H. Beojamln, 1024 E. Balboa. Bal- boa ••• A bicycle was stolen from James W. Tuner of 409 Bayside Dr., Newport • • • Gen.1dJ.oo Lorraoie Norr of ~-L--1. Z285 T""ln, West Upper Bay, collided with tbe car of Pegc Jea.DDe Tu1Jlelsl of 236 TulaDe, Costa Mesa, at 5:20 p.m. at tbe !Jltersec:Uoo of Jamboree &Dd Eastblul! Dr., Ea.s< Blul!. • • OPEN OOl.SE will be from 4 to 1 p.m. WedDI.sday, Dec. 17, a1 the Newport Comer brancb ot-ot America, tn tbe DeW bJI!I rlse devekf>mebt of tbe lni.Ge Company ar. 500 Newport Ceutet Drive. Tbe oew bnDch trill opeD for bustoeu Friday, Dec. 19, according to Charles Scrlboer, •tce..presideot afld m'lnl.cer, pictured above, with lbe aew braacb in the backgrouad. A dl.spla.y of artistic works by tbe late Owtgbt Duld Elsellhower will be featured at tbe open boose. All tbose atteodlog the opening will be ,tnn color prUU of Geatral Elsebbower. • THURSDAY, NOV. 13 Al.treo Jono Tboryk ot 709 Po1D&ett1a, Cor110a del liar, re- eei•ed a DOUce to awear wileD be lalled to appear oo a warrant ••• Robert Wi.lUam Potter, 39, of 1955 Sberlogtoo Pl., Ne.port Htl(Jbts, received a fr)(lce to ~ after be wu arrested .. a. ebup of lllto11Cihd lD u a-.o • . • Jack La.a.pobl.ck of ll& ~Ia Ge-Wo Isle, lost Ills <llncnY ••• Paul Gruber, Newport Beaeb elty eouocU- man, nceived a pboDe call which told 111m, "I w1sb you would call off your fr1end dow'o tbere," probably referring to to the machinery betnc used oa tbe beacb for tbe West New- poet sa.ad baul • . • Tools, 11- HUNDRED I E. COIIT I • &75-1811 • THE INDEPENDENT BUSINESS PERSON IS THE LIFE-BLOOD I OF THE COMMUNITY UNLESS YOU TRADE WITH HIM YOUR COM· MUNITY LIFE WILL DIE, AND YOU WILL MARCH TO THE TUNE OF BIG ABSENTEE BUSINESS!! THINK OF YOUR FUTURE WHEN YOU GO TO BUY1! And Think of This-- A CHECK IS SENT TO THE HOKE OFFICE !:VI!RY DAY BY THE MANAGEMZNT - MONEY FOREVER OUT or THE COMMUNITY !!!! Lr EVERY BUSINJ'.SS WERJ: TO SEND M'S DAD.. Y R&· CEJPTS TO SOJa onUR CITY, HOW LONG WOULD YOU R JOB LAST?!?? THE I"DEPEMDEJM' MDlCHAWT ~ A GOOD CmZEIC HE SUPPORTS EVERYTHIWC FJlON THE LOCAL PTA TO CANCER REa£AJlCH HE BELOMGI TO OUR CLUJIS A1fD OIIGAJflZATIO•a WITHOUT HlM THEJIE WOULD BE ItO SCH00La U WE JtlfOW TH£M WITHOUT HIM THERE WOULD BE MO CHUJt.CHES WITHOUT HlM LOCAL ATHLETlCS WOULD GO SEQQIIIQ HlS PJ\OFTn STAY Df T'HE COIOCUWITT WHEilE TRE1' WD.I. JlEVOL VE THilOUCH MAllY C\olA.KWEl..a ~'Y '!'DIES HE K.NOWB AKD LOVES Kia COMIIUJITT'"r DmrT WIJT tJifTIL Ona:JIS HAD DEYELOPZD T H E coNMUJIITY-HE HELPED NAIE THE cowown r WHAT I'T rs Clristensen Phcrmacy JIIIJ E. COAST -T .. COWOWA DEL KAa OUOL.E 1-1551 CHRISTMASES! Sewing ' Machines -Vacuums · COlO lA Sales & Repairs 0 '· -All Makes WE SPECIALIZE IN VACUUM CLEANERS SPE· C.,lCALLY DESIGNED TO CARE FOR TilE ULTRA- FINE, DEEP-PILE FLOOR COVERING SO PREVA- LENT IN OUR HAUOR AREA NOYES • I "EIPOIIT HAM01t EIIOII lltUIIM~C. I~ N N t H PAIIUOMI.POI YUL S£0011DSEC'11011--I'w4 ~~!IA!!.CMJF, ewcomers 8 oag ..:o:::.c:::,~ IIOTOI Plllloi .IXPAMDI 111\IIVIIII COMPLIX .:, 0 IQIDlYt.IIOY. a lloJ-IIIr .... lln.QUDort .u,at-YaeMC ... -. .. _.-. c:or,. will oo-I.,._ It • -oct ·Bar-JU. 1111 Mrs...._ ......_, lt'JO....,..PL.Co* .-.. ...._ a. ww 1a1 'zi Mil u s ¢"" •• ?0,000 .... 1.-lr. M'll.l ...... -. -anwt-ala.a. -... -....... llol~. 'n IIIIJ,IIaft- Co* ~~ea. Girl-Mr. urJ Mrt. n..11t Yadlt ca. .. wa: ...... 'fiat fldlllll1al eo .. m ald. au 10,000 _,. :r. lor-lllr.lllld lin. Dol14 _, '"• au Ill Air 'Jill-. ~. ~-u... no,., 1 olzc ., __ -Ia .. -. • 'hrtllJ, 1-((or-* LA.. Clrelt,-Ylolr 111111. f•-lr., ""* ftllo, Wll-cyclol IIIII -~~~ Met-4111 10 AIU ..... ~ IWP ..... BaaL ctrl-IU. udlllrLCluiM 11u1 "ohnd,udlAoMrdlollla. ... leUid u .. ,.._,._... ...... Glrl-lllr.lllld lin. ca-t ..._ IM E. ~ CMa lllro. £4wvd ._ will--•u.mn.--.. ..... .-... _.....__u Orco Co lit-. Qlrl -Mr. "" lira. Pul p!oMM, IIIII ltta. ~ 1-. 0 Boy -Mr ......... Pal 11.-t, 1100 Carp Clrel4, "'"'' -will ad u ---· BUILDING liLOCIS-AU. NXfS-AU. TYPES CoetnDe, U4 PIU'l Att,, Bal-l1Dctoa Beacb. ~~r~o.~Y.:AI:IDGO~:L:oc:lll~bo=r:II:ID~~~~~;;~'I'r~'~l~·~~"~l~l=':l~l~f·~·~·:~~~~~ bc&lllaad, • FRIDAY, HOY. !8 cbll .. atiJlanaapmeat.Jor .. ~ 1. , -a. ........... AM •IIOIIDAY, IIOV. U Boy -Itt. aod llr• IOOD 1be doT. Boy -llr. aodllra. Robert Cor<~ ZOZ7 Loeward Laoo, Wbitcber, lOIU Mertdlth Dr., B&ycnst. tfnntl..poa Beacb. Girl -Mr. IUld Mn. F~ &fLTZ MORTUARIES 17fl IUPI-1 AYf.. COSTA liEU llldwly ... 2424 ,.. I . COA$T Hlw.U CO-A Da IIAI ORiolt ,-4450 Sirln Jt42 Boy-Mr. Ud Mrs. Jtl'ry Edmoods, 4!9 Tu.stlo Ave., Cate. 1896 Oruet Aft .. Costa Nnport Hellflla. MeM. Girl-Mr. IUld Mn. David Girl-Mr. a.od Mn. Sam SDow. Z098 Paloma Dr., West Ko..._ru, uu Placoolla, Upper Boy. Costa Mesa. • SATURDAY, NOV. 29 Boy -Mr. and Krs. ROD&ld Girl -Mr. IDd Y:ra. Mart Ross, 700 15th st., Newport Strom, ~ W&JM Rd.., Cameo Beacb. HlllllaDds. Boy-Mr.udMts.Cblrles Boy-Mr. and Mrs. Eric Gallo, 21171 Bretoo LaDe, HllD· Fulo&O, 5?0 H&mutoo street. tlngtoo Beach. CoJt:a Mesa.. • TUESDAY; NOV. Z5 Girl-Ur. and Mrs. Cieor'ge Girl-Mr. aod Mrs. Robert Foster, Z1&.41 Impala La.De, T. JennlDp, 2165.A American HlmliJI&too Beach. Ave., Costa Mesa. Boy_ Mr, and Wzs. Edward Boy-Mr. a.od Mrs. Dennis Ruediger, 2641 Eldeu AVI:!., CHORALE DIRECTOR Les Van Dyke of Oran.p Coast McKowo, 20?41 Cbaucber Ln., Costa Mesa. College cheeks "With accompanist Mullyo Drunuky during HUDtinetOO Beach. Boy-Mr. aod Mrs. Wayoe rebearsal for the Dec. 14 Christmas roucert in theOCC Boy-Mr. and Mrs. Ru: COIU:K)Il)', 1868 New Jersey St., audltor lum. Mr. Van Dyke's c rale will be joined by the Brubns, Z323 sa.ot.a Ana Ave., Costa Mesa. woodwind eD.Semble, hrass ense , percussion ensemble Costa Mesa. Girl -Mr, and Mrs. Robert and theOCC ronC'ertba.Dd for the4p. program. TradlUoDill Boy -Mr. aDd Mrs. George Porterfield, ZOSZ% Tobarmanry Christmas carols wtu be offered Ina too to more sophis-Tllomas, 679 Center St., Apt. 6, Cltcle, Huntlogtoo Beach, Ucated tare. The Instrumental groups w I be under the Costa Mesa. Boy ~ U.r. and Mrs. James direction of Dr. Charles Rutherford or the OCC music de· Girl-Mr. and U.rs. Cflaties Roehm, 18&4.1 Via Torino, partm'!nt, AdmJ.ssion price Is $1. Potter, l89?0rangeAYe,,Costa lrvlne. ----:::-::-------=--------Mesa. •sUNDAY, NOV. 30 lb:'"~ll~~~;~:J p 1• Bl " lloy-Mr.aodllrs.JackR. · Boy-llr.aodldrs.O.IIIlls 0 ICe 0 er ::,~t,5105River,Weti1New-~~~,2465NorseSt.,Co.U. ~'~~••lfll Y•r ON.t (Continued from pa&c Jl ... .John Abert Flynn ol3403 Gltl -Mr. and Mrs. Jeft qoor, ana CIOliWlg wen swlen Finley Ave., We st Newport, re-Y. Takata, Zl '19 Orange Ave., ,_, • Wt•crt,.l•: from the Newport Harbor Yacht celved a notice 10 awear on Costa Mesa. C.ll 6734S50 Club ... Henry Santr of Buena ctlarges of being drunkinpubUc • WEDNESDAY, NOV. 26 ,-..,,.,...,..:~:-:;:.:.=:::=~::-:,.-,Park collided with the car of ... A painting was stolen from Girl-Mr. and Mrs. Dooakl M A T T RES S E S Ann Hendricks of 4905 River the Chart House on 1SZO w Jones, 16691 Bartlett Lane, ~4, !fEW -aEaDJLDutG Ave., West Newport, at the in-Coast Hwy., Marlners Mile .. .' Huntington Beach. M Irregular Sha~~ tersectlon of W. Balboa Blvd., ToJis werestolen!romNewport Boy -Mr. and Mrs. Gle ID..D•r•pria9-Cottoa. and 38th St. at S:ZO p.m. Harbor HigttSchoolat600lrvlne Erwin, 8651 st. Au(UStlne Dr., COSTA lroiESA lroiAnlESS CO. • FRlDA 'r', NOV. 14 •••• Bernard 1. Whittington, Huntington Beach. 21SO Newport lh•li. Liberty 1-HO) Stephen Francis Sheridan of 103 McFadden, Cenual New-Gir l-Mr. aod Mrs. Richard 1Z8-A 24th St., West Newport, port, collided with the cars Hornbaker, ?110 W. Ocean Ft., Earn was arrestedooa chargeofpos. driven by John A Weierback West Newport. sessioo of ~ljua.na ... James uss John Paul Jo~s. and Bon~ • THURSOA Y, NOV. Z? Eroost Hall of 2900 Catalpa, nie Chri9llofferson of 600 Club-Girl-Mr. and Mrs. Melvi..Q East Bluff, received a notice house, West Newport, on w. lianfood, 311 Alat:ama st., Apt. to appear to answer charges of Coast Hwy., l8 feet east ot ?, Huntington Bea.ch. failing to appear on a warrant Tusti n Ave., Mar iner s Mile at Twin girls -Mr. and Mrs. ===.!_ _ _:: _ _:_:._ ____ "' 3 p.m. Louie I...ope.&, 830 Sa.J:ttaco. C06ta Yea. 6%, 7o/o-, 8% or MORE SERV.ICE QUALITY CAl CAllE IY FACTORY TRAINED PEOPLE WHO CARE 2121 HARIOII BLVD. J'OhDSOD•SOD 1!. 0 1!1 © ® 1!. W © ® t:l1TO I!! !He 1i' 6\1!. • ~ 6\l!ll:\lllJli • iii IE l!l ~ ll!ll!l1r~ © ® ll!l t\1& Ill 2626 HUIOR IIOUUVUD, COSTA ·MnA 642·0981 In today' a market. top -quality bonds carry the highetl uield• in thU cenlurf1.' Save Time And Money Call An Expert High grade corporate bonds are currently available at yields approaching 9%. These are top-quality issues ... backed by some of the largest and financially strongest corporations in this country. And most of them are protected for up to five years against a call for re funding at lower interest rates. There is also a wide choice of municipal bonds returning close to 7%, tax-free. Many of these bonds are non·callable for 10 years or more. Their tax advantages make them especially a tt ractive for investors who are in higher income brackets. Historically. this combination of high bond yield~ plus high quality has been rare. Clearly. you owe it to yourself to look into the po~sibi lit y of making these high·grade, high-yield ing bonds a part of your investment strategy. Dean Witter & Co. can help-with compre- hens ive information and objective evaluation. Contact your nearest Dean Witter office today for further details. The re's no m~t or obligation involved . And for a free copy of our latest research report. "Time to Look at Bonds in Your Investment S trategy?", telephone or vi sit any of our offices or use the coupon below. You"r4!' clo~ to men who knOI(' when you in vest with ... DEAN WITTER «Co. INCDJlPORATED 8 r~nto " R. Ogdf!n, Vicf! Prf!$idf!nt Fin.,d•l Plu• H n ,\lf!Fl'f'O rt Ccntf!r Drir1f!, ,"'f!W('o rt Rf!acl! Tclf!pbou 644·2191 Item No. I 2 3 4 Quantity 2,500 C. Y. 7,200 Ton 5.3 Ton 3.5 Tn ~ IIAUTT ULCIII ..£""'~·. BEAUTY N001( 2712 E. CO'st Hwy, Corona dtl Mar · Phone 6n-7H6 SEVEN NATIONS COIFfURES OPEN 11.1ESDAY 'JlfROUGH SATURDAY Fr~e P•rti11.! ia F1"011.! 300 W. Coast HWJ'. Newport a .. ct. T•leohone: 6G-OB.« BUILDING CONTRACTORS REMODELING and ADDITIONS e I"R!E "LAH SERVICl e I"REE UTIMATU 532·5U9 AMERICAN CONSTRUCTION CD. CALL DA.'f Olt MIGttT • HIAL TH I ISO IT • COSTI. MESA 549-3368 •OIAHGE 639.UCI 673·5822 ::-.. ~-t :;z-: t~·r-:.~..r ... • tc c• e AIIAIIEIII 126-0311 • HUNTINGTON BEACH Ul·USI 675-3353 ,....._ a .. e•••••• worts CLEANING & DYEING AU MAKES OF lUGS-WALL-TO-WALL CAlPETING •IIPMOUTIIIIMG ~0 (1, ,., •• CM/I.I•ul --. i IIC·"' ONLY -·-Clil •• ._,... au-. .. &-IIII!N ,. ....... _ • .,. n a -.~N~U7.~~E~R~Y ----------- ShrUbs, lnterior Plants . Tropical & Trees losecth:ides aDd FertJ.Uzer S &. H Green Stamps FREE DELIVERY Corona del Mar Surwery l744 F... CbUl Uwy., 611H1160 • SHOE lilfPAIII MAIIERRY ·s Shoe Repaor Purse •nd luggage Aep.ir -Dye Work SI.H ST......S ONE DAY SEfMCE 1110 HtM'bor 81\ld.. Cotl ...... -... 3311 , ••••• z;;- n. ..... PIN! DIIS~KIHG By Cl ARLO TT 8 132.01t1 700CWt...,_A.._ ao-"" 11ar • Pl,.,.a.,un DAY l!IJCMT WATIII HL\TEU , . I Juniors top honor roll "EWPORT HARBOR ENSIGII l£CO!!D SEC!!OI! --f'Jn 5 lltURSOAY, DEC. 11, 1M COROllA DE~ ~AR, CAUF. no lira - -nil II ...... -boo! Ia ''KIOW your offk••' eo. ¥ .. lac-. llllr•nn. SO srt r Kll, II,..., ... .,., -.. no IIDilowla& --.... 4 - ...,..._ .. -Ioree ~. -Loo, ~--· 1!"'-t',..~ .,..__.._._ •srt ..... -· ... CUolo-~ al-uol TJUJ ...... -1tir7 Dr.U.. 8attara "o 1" ,. ....... , Midi PUuo, ltar• or.., &ld K•tt.!:v WJalddl&. He• lalllo ~-roll; • PRUHM!M ll'la .,._ ew ToJiar JUICe~-1-III.Uor Saao TtrrJ CIIOI'JI -'alii Joul 111Uoo Con- Slloll1-AOilrOJ llnliiU ----Jill SllerJIIIItbol.o -~ Vala'lo 8uU Pot• Odqud loiUJ ~ TraeM 'lleear Joa ~ TtrrJ Tooar NlllBUJou Tim Oboa KethJtv Trtebtl D&lt BUbop l"C'"DD Owen Jtlf VJD --llradlo)' lleo1to Polmer L,_ Walla<e TOm Broetloatoo Cbvyl Para W-Wud Dtbconh Brouwer lolut Rlelley c..,.. Walooa Laun C.ldnum Jell Rorlet stere Wtblter .Jou Clark 1Jada SaW'ebut nou, Welllr WIJido ctoW.OO Sur.! Sebwvts Tbomu Wleki&Dd Jan Crum Patricia Scott A11IDl Wood JOIIIIIIor lloley loluy Sllfor • SEIIIO RS Jou llunw!Jk Rollert S!Dddard Gollrlolla For-DorOII>y 'hJOor Kaye Aek11a Rlct Focal~ Tllomu Tbompeoo Debra AalieriOD Patricia Gibbs Catlde Ver.rd Nt.ca SU. AU..OO Gleetier JIDIU. w..uo.a GrecorJ Beatoa --GocJulao lolullya water.,.. otaaa Berreth Melody Henley RJebmood Westlake Rene Bo6 Calhy Hoyt, Carol Wblddoo Gol1 Bradsbaw WUllam Hui!Qer Ctarlotte WUUa.ma Ha.Dey Brocnrer JeJJDifer Jeffries Jana WI.Dcbester LJJda C~-----Kareo lolulsoo Glllpr ~I llolm& K..U.c • JUNIORS Carol Cappello Barbora Kolhe Dlaoo A&toll Juet CoW Keo K.roescb Kathleen Bater LUida Daub Caodace L&roed Cuol Beroer Jobn Dam Lots Leenerts Pat BoDO SIISI.D DePtuu Mart Les: Julie BWlard U:ary Dre.lsl Arthur Lddle Margie Campbe&J MarUJq Ernst Arthur Liddle Cuey Car&IIJ Guy Fain Ja.oo LlDcolo Dtaoe Carlson ADdr• Fah7 Debbie "-' Patricia Carl&oo Roberya File Glneer ~rs Diane Carter Cbery"l Felber 0eeaoo Martlon Vlctl Ceaa Pam Fettvl1Ac Robert MJ.tcbel John Chllders Tboma.s Foss Mark Moatcomery Denise Coe Gnat Fnelaod Jan Ogdeo Gary Coben Da.oiel GuUck Andrea Olsen Pegi Delllnpr Roy GeeDeD Coooie Olsen Dan Demato Sa.adra Gea1s Geyla !lath AprU Dodso• Barbora Georce Sydnl Roberson Oebora.b O.libt Tbomu Good -/, Isaac Rooje Rlc:tey Ernst Michael Grady ~ Robin Rcwe Janet FlDDey Jobn Gru:lel1a Jeanoe Ruth Lots Forest Greta HalYorsen Nancy Ryan Debon.h GA1r Mite Hays Ltanoe Schroeder Lima GaudeDtl VIctoria tUuins Betsy Schwarts Mupret Geeoen Barblra Houstoo Judy Snellen Ca.ndy Gibbons Susan Hllftra&D Denise StolaroJf Ga.U Gill Patricia Jusseo Laurie S..eeet Gregory Gilroy Karen Jobnsoo StlSl.D Swiss AI&.D Greeley Sue Jwytni'D Gerrl Taylor Deonls Green Kart Kerst. Carolyn Teraoka Laurie Hale James Kerwi.D Brenda Tilley Janet Hersebler Aldta KDQp Pam Turi.D Mlndy Holmes Wllllam Laidlaw Patrick Washburn SUZ&DDe Haboer Marguerite Marsaudoa. Jl.CquellDe White Naocy Janc:ar Edwin Manb Debbie Wood Tbomas Job.Dson C&Ddice Mattbews (4ry Wrtcnt ..__ Beety Juroey James Mlller MlllKa--• J(1JC8 Melody Cbrloly 80...: Esra Bitas . A.n.m. McGbie J uditb Cadnum RaDdall Meyer Suz.aJme Cecconi Norma Mendola Alan Coc:brane AI&.D Miescte Vlvette Crumpacker Douglas Moe Arthur Cruz AnD Montano Mart Del Corso Barbara Olson Craig Dennis Marrtlee Olsoo Cynthia Dodson Brian Percy John Farmer Joan PrenUc:e Slo Fldyke Roblll Ratb Pam Goldon Margaret Reed Gerald Grotenhuls Bruta Renta Karen Herri.D Carl Rbodes steve Holder Linda Robinson Comte Holm Mellada Rcnrla.nd Mary Humphrey stephen Ryan Robert Isaacs Ward SaUDders Kim Kersten Ani ScJnra.rts Gan Kerwi.D Carolee Sbepphird Krlstle Krlsber lolar-Stahr ADdr" Laprquist Carl St&Yeos JIDls L&aty Ray stodda.rd Wucla Lawreoce Ellen Sumrall Matt Lee Robin Tatusp wa Sbaron Nlebls Dorma PartiDsoo Nlek1 Plsuo Deln Price Mark RlcbardloD V!Yial> Robinson Terri Rousb Ol.ane Sanders Olrfl Sebelln Lawreoee Schroeder Scott Sebwager Kale Sel'Oil lllebul Smltb c-~ Duld sternltue Krlstlll SleYeos Paul St1art Edward Swiss Krl&tiDe Tbomu J u.Ue Thompson Karm Tipper Gall Tyler Kathleen Wbidr:loo Bill W!qort Sue Wolfl Rlcbard WC?CX~ Tennis tourney announced Ettry bJanb are aflllable at tbe PBR omce, 1714 W.Balbo& Bl'rd •• C-.t Nowport, lor 1he puts, bll.cbe.s IDd recreatloo ~~~~-ed­teDD.J.a touraamat, whlcb wtll be beld Juuory 10-11,11-llatlhe Newport Harbor Hlp Sebool teJIIIls eourto. DeadllDe to eater is Dec. n. EYeota ue scbeduledbbaPD- oars Ulroueb adftDCed p)Q'ers, youth IIYI adults. Tbe toura&. meat committee iDclldes Mrs. J..ty O'Sh&uctuaessJ, Bruce Cjarlu, Rlet Hawtbarllll, Kim Pv~~~o &lid ew Paloy. t WOULDYOU t I BEIJEVE? : I ... W < off<qou .. · I ', THE BEST CLEANING • • t and complete clothe a care I t · . at :f I VALET CLEANERS t ' -.. -.... -. .,. ' ' CN I 175.0SJO --~-L. -.. --lllo ~~---~--Aopot, tM'J, Pra to t11at ume, belllld ...,.ICI u a poUcwe• 1D Lol: AaliiNfllrlyeoto. flo Ia eatrollll)' oMfped lo 1he trallle -ol 1he pollee deputmeat u a motor afllcer. JobD wu bora Ill AtJthnon, lolarJiud, ao , .... .,.. WbUo llll11 a JOUcller, be mooed 1o -llrom blp oebool tbere. He 1s aow earolled u a pollee ICleDCe major at Oranp eouteou.ao. He bas bad Ill Grul ..... "' -4a ...... __ , ... _ -tM..-.... eore--~~lllo ~ C.ellal 1he -· ~-~ 1ll11o. Tile bride= l1lo ...,_ lor ol llro. D, a.- of IUS:=ry Wu, wu "''" Lll b)' -.c:Je, Jolul Zoloola al Vao NOJi. He Weddlllc IJOW~ WU of wlolla a11lt Cl'IUZI. 'lfttli fealce Jaee bo- dice, ioac flaJl ,...,..ud cath- edral tr&1n. Sill carried a cas- cade ot Yhlte eattelya orchids &D!l wnue roul. Her sister, 111la.nol Jo Gri.D- der. n.s maid of boocW. Tbe brlde•malda •ere Cbrilti.De Wells, sister of tbe croom; Mra. Robert Kelley uv1 Mrs. •' Michael Orbactl. • Job.D Wells, brotber of the groom, sened u best man.. Peter Ezsell, T<nn Tbomsoaaoo iUchael Orbach were usbers. A r eception b' :ts0 cuests Newport National Bank offers you the warm glow of creative interest you can bank on. Wh en you · re saving money, green rs a beautiful color bul Newport NatiOnal Bank would like to add some ad9ot1Dnal color to brighten your savrngs prcture. Newport National Bank pay s the hrghest bank interest anywhere on your savrngs account, and at the same trme. offers rt s customers an opportunity to acquire a collection of exquisite miniature reproductions of orrgrnal oil paintings. These striking decorator miniatures will add infinite charm to your living room . offtce. den, bedroom, or wherever. Also for memorable gift.giving at Christmas or other special occasrons . Framed in antiqued gold, set off by riCh velvet, they measure 7'%'" x 8 '%"' overalL (A regular $15.00 retail valu e.) Each miniature is ready for hanging in decorator grouping or singularly in small areas . Now is the time you can truly admire every entry on your savings passbook. how the program works : lor new savings accounts only Open a $100 savings account-and buy one m1n1ature for $3.95 (plus tax) Open a $200 savings account-and buy one mm1ature for $2.95 (plus tax) Open a $300 savings accoun1-and buy one mimature tor $1 .95 (plus tax) Open a $400 savings account-and buy one min1ature for S .95 (plus talC) Open a $500 savings account-and buy Ot_le miniature for FREE!• 'ltmit of two free m.n.atures reprdleu of amount ol depo~t DYer $1000. lor present depositors • • Each $50.00 deposit to your savings account enttttes you to pur· chase one miniature foJ only $3.95 (ptus tall). • A depositor (with no deposit required) can purchase a decontor flliniature for only $4.95 (plus tax), 8 A. non-depositor can purchase 1 minlature for $5.95 (pfus tax). (.........,. $15.00 -) II - hc:ll ~•l lftsurtcl lo Sl!l 000 Mentbtf r 0 I C --·-----= .... 1, ___ _ ..... _ .. ,,. 0.~~-----­... O.W•··raaa111 .. llf ..... ... ... LlliiMa en, ne~v • ._..,,. -1M-tololo. -....r ...,..._- -vu --. 1M lrldo'o &n•mc:o.r; lin. ca. wen. ud llr. Ul -l1a1 W111lamo, ......,._ tf 1M ....... ; llro. Lura ,_ " Pwtlud, Or-lbo ......... crell-alllll; 11r .... llro. E.,... HatGar.-1 ot '--'"'"· ww .• Ud Mr. ud Mr1.JamuCll.rke ol Hawatl, A boaeymoon trip to skl remrts iD oortbern C&lllornJ.a. and Orep 15 pla.I:I:Md l:tr m1d- Orecember. Botb o1. tbe DeWl)'weda u e .......... ol c ..... del lolar bill> sebool. Tile bc'lde aLoo at- teaded Orance Coast CoJJece. Tbe groom's schools are Un1Yerslty of Oregoo at Eugeoe aiYI Cal State, I...oa& Beach. He ls a member of Tbeea Chi tra. larll!ey, t ..... __ t • ', OUA_Ltn L AUNDRY • Wf DIL.I¥11.:-.1 A -.et1u1 displa, of -ftno -·• r -.· .. at all offices. • -llktlc ............ IU..Sill ....... ..,...,. .... W :ll41. Clllllt .. -......... c:we I •••111·a:ID ........ -........... lll-7211 \. . · ....... -~II,__.. Ml--11 • I lsallt .. bill: Cti .. ••• .. ._ Clllf-. IW • ...... -...._.. it DMr IU.JIII , • ... .... -Leiwt ..,.._ s.t .,_. -.t711 • ...... --1.t1Wt Wwti. l...-HIIIIJ0.)2QO • ' I • Teaching in Ethiopia is topic at Yule party car-.-.... r~o~• .. ,_ ,._ "' ... -....n --Llllnrr -... ~car-. JIIU111o llolll at'....,_-,, nee. u. at IIU'ilw• I.Jtnn, --Drt ... ...._ ___ ..., __ .... -lollol ol "-Bildl t'W?t'J .-oJ. w1l1 ---ud <WIN, udloll ellcllt ._ tel.c"11CIIPII't.cei lo '""9• lin. Bowlu wuc.aotl5lD- m-outao!lollldSI&Ioo -bf tao N.-! Edooa-U. Aaocil*"-ud tlll&ad -l.poc:y.,. __. Ow;,. ,.~-· ...................... ...................... ... -wallodclll'olllar-nr, ltNopJ•, ,....._ wtD 1 "10 ....,.,., ol wldd! 5 ... '" ... 1 Upol e-. toaplltiOI ol tMir Mid'•• ..... vt•..., -· -by Ilia .... lllllo ........ to ... ~- Palace k a eba,...CN rtesp- tbl, Wbere be ttwnQd eatll ... --.. ~~ ... -tnloloc _.... Awards to U.. ..._. of tae Cr..UYe WJ'WacColitMt wtll be --!Wr-will .. -Song, story for League A doable Cbr......_ tr.lt lira. Elluhttb W. Loacridce, aft!U membersoftbtWOIDID'a Mrs. L. C. s.tba'II.Dd udllrs. Cine LequooiN--Cborlos FUehii'oltbedecon- at tbe a--.J Yllletkle ..,..._ tiou c::oaudtle. beldaJ, Dee. us. at ll:JOa.m. R~ may be made iD tbl commodor'e room at tbe by c:&1l1Dc Mrs. C.lltltloa at Mnporter IDD. • Ml OSlO or Mrs. su.:terlall:l lh$r !be dlr~ ot !loa at 6'15-ll&U. Tbo -Ia! Ume IW>ol!e. !be lladrlpl Slacvo u oot to< IUOLm. wltb luoeh- ot CoroGI. del Mar llic'l Sebool, toG at 11000 aad tbe pi"OCI'&Ill to Wllo YlU be a.YLiclatbeCII'iDc 'it PUN'ted at 1 p.m. OD a Elll'(ll)eU c:o.::art tour, will 11<.-...,.oltbe--r::P::H~O~T~O-----......, Members ol tbe Cbi.Jdr•'• N.B. BUILDING PERMITS !.."!.=~:;_c~';.LEa:~;-.:;~:;.~:~~= ~~5 ~==~sr:~5Koou The Newport Beach buildi.Dc • NEWPORT CENTER ballded Flllltltoo Us flnt ddeal LD 1% Jtar• bJ tbe score ot wttb •otee Ud m.te. n. cut 2 0 ftL OFF department, rea.chfne tor a $50 The lrrt..De Co., 500 Newport 3l...J8 ID OYutime. Tbe aquadDotsbad8ecoodLDtbe ~hera ..W !De.l.st Jc:u ~ 7V -& CAau.yu millioo tota.ltortbeyear,lssued ceoter Drhe East, s permU.S Ca.Worllla touroey, lociAc to L.A. Valley iD tbe flDals, ....,.,. Macy &Del Pee Reday. .._ __. tbe Col.latr:tnc permits. in tbe tor teoa.ot IIJ&te, $9,000, 56-!Z, From left to rlltlt:DoreeaWap~~";CostaMesa; Char Mrs. Elbert c . Smt&b, pre- am<JIIIl;t of $1,000 aDd over, $10,000 aM $45,000, 81~. FowDJD Valley; Cllldy .Marsball. Costa Mesa; sideal o1. the Womea's ClYte durLDc the flrst weelofDecem-Denbe Wheeler, Costa Mua; Cberyl Gl'oseclose, HwtUoc-Leape, wt.ll welcome rDII'Dben bor: • UNDA ISLE too Beo.eb; Beeky Worthy, HWIIIJicloa Booeb; aad Nw... &ad -._ Sbo will bo•"l-•· .... , 1702 Newport Blvd. DON'T liT THIS HAPPEN TO YOU ••• CAUTOOAY 5.1421 642-0270 If, .. c.n c.lect • LIOO ISLE K. 0. BtaDb&m,47LlDdalsle, Waper, Costa Mesa, wbo was 1ead1Dc sconr witb 72 -~-T ""'---4r-l -· Dr J Rl •·-W ., -•· • -Slowvt, lt'<>..... Cosf Mesa • . c.~d l~er, ~~~~=··:~~OK::k~aad::~•:'•:U:w:m~,--~po:l:"':·~~~~~p:m::•L~--------------------------_J~~~e~M~I~r;mo~~~Kr~L~J~~=L~~~~~~~~~~~~~:=Lj~~~~~~~~~A~T~l~~~n~.~~~~~~~~~ alteratloos, 654 Via Lido Nord, $1,000. $1,000. Higsoo Coo.structioo Co., Z-story, 1-Wlit dwel.liD.g, 523 VIa Udo Soud, $'15,000. R, C. Picking, 2-story,l-unit dWelllnL 2Z2 Via Udo Nord, $48,265. • BALBOA Pacitlc Telephooe, parti- tions, 311 E. Balboa Blvd., $11,000. • BALBOA ISLAND C. M. Dieckman, addition, 201 Ruby Ave., $2,000, Robert Wloeman, repair fire damage, 307 Ooyz. Ave., $2,000. • CORONA DE L MAR H. Osbunae, wall and feoce, 300 Marigokl Ave., $2,600. The Irvine Co., fowdation am roof for relocatlonofomce, 1353 Bayside Dr., $1,950. G. Wolle, carport, 1933 Bay-.use Dr •• $2,000. • HARBOR VIEW HlLl.B P. V. Gallagher, addition, 2006 Port Bristol, $4,8SO. M. Siebert, swimming pool, 1324 Outrigger Dr., $1 ,900. • WEST UPPER BAY Ferris Hovey, 2-story, 1-UD!t dwe111n&, 201 North Star Ln., $52,000. Dr. Robert Hauck,. swimming poo~ 1465 Golaxy Dr •• $4,448. • NEWPORT Bonillas, enclose zoo story suOOeck., 21134tbst •. 12.000. LEG4L NOTICE NOTICE Of HEARlNGONRE- PORT AND A$ESSMENT FOR ABATEME NT OF WEEOO AND OTHER NUISANCES NOTICE LS HEREBY GIVEN tbat oo December 10, 1969, the Fire Chief of Newport Beach Qled with the City Clerk of said City a reportandassessmeotoo abatement of weeds and other nuisances within said City, a copy of wtUc h is posted oo the bulletin board at the entrance to the Clty Hall. NOTICE LS FURTHER GI VEN t..hat oo December Z2, 1969, at the !JOur or 7:30 o'clock p.m., 1n the CouncU Chambersolsa.id Clty Hall, said report and as- sessment list will be presented to the City Council of said City for consideraUon and conftrma- Uoo, and that any and all per- sons interested, am lla.vlng any objections tosaldreportandas- sessmeot list, or to a.ny matler or thing cootained thereiD,. may appear at said time and place and be heard. Dated: December 10, 1969 R. J. Briscoe, Flre Ctuef Publlsb: Dec. 11, 18, 1969, lD the Newport Harbor Enslgn. Friendly Neii1'borhood Se<VIco BELL BROADWAY MORTUARY 110 Broadway U 8-3433. 8-3434 Costa Mea II A-l!llGIIIOI U ya. •• a •••~X~~Mr, or bO. of • •••'*-' to "• tlubclf Ana wt.o hu ... -_,_ .. ciD her • ra ... ..,. calliaa die Huber Vi1i&or batw.an J ... 10 .......... . iolll coli .. ,... rri.- .......... 1. --liw .. •"'"-lri..., ............ -ioMJ • INlp ··· Mql I ll .. lfz .. -'* ...... I •• L .................. ,.HOM II 4U·fMI 0 0 The have and holders ... a analysis Read the personality descriplions and select the one that suits you best to find the right savi ngs plan for your type. The charts will show you how each one works. we·ve been matching people to savings plans for 33 years. The kind of people who want their money lo keep ils buying power. Who want the value of their money to remain steady in an up-and-down market. Who would rather have their money earn interest than to pay exorbitant carrying or loading charges. Who want their money to multiply so they can pay cash for things. Who want to be able to get lheir hands on their money when they need it. Saving people, like you--the kind who want to HOLD lheir money and HAVE il earn interest. Come in and let one of our people personality program al Newport Balboa Savings. experts get you started on your personalized-to-your-savings· Are you one of the regular people? PlAN #1 Regular Aeeount Th1s plan IS for regular people w1th regular salanes who have dec1ded to save regular amounts anywhere from $5 a week up, but who want thetr money working for them. They also want tt to be some place they can get the~r hands on tt 1f they need 1t tn a hurry. If they can leave 1t alone for a year or more. 1t wtll g•ve them the Big Annual 5 13 y1eld REGULAA MONTHLY IHvtSTMfNT $25 $50 $>00 6 Mos >52 .,.. 608 "' 300 ... 1.233 "J Yrs 632 ',.. 2.5~ 3 Vrs 972 .... 3.892 .. v, ' '" 2.662 5 3'1• 5Yrs 1 707 3 ... 15 6.8l0 10 Yrs l .900 7.801 15,602 15 Yrs 6 715 13 "32 "'·""' 20 Yrs 10 3~ 20.662 -41 .325 All ,..;.cl-·~ "'•~• 1. l , J & S u• ,......,oft ................ _~ _, ,.,. " s 011'4, ..... ..... ...,. .... ..... ~0..(_,.,..,..,...., ...., ,_ ~~-... _ .... ~ .... 1 ..,. ....,....,. .. ullo. •1 .OH.,.. ~'"" .-....... 0 Are you one of the other-people people? PlAN #2 Ufe Income Plan Thts is for people who have a sum of money they would like to put aside and receive the interest every month but not touch the princtpal. Perhaps you intend to leave your money to your be irs. In this plan the ongtnal 1nvestment is retained for a lifetime and you have a regular 1ncome every month. If your future plans are for your children's future. then thts savmgs program may su1t you UFE INCOME PlAN lnolial Deposit Amount of Chec:ll $12000 t•.500 20.000 25.000 50000 S 50 00 Per Month 60 00 Per Month 83 00 Per Month I 04 00 Per Month 2'0(1 00 Per Month Are you one of the retiring people? PLAN #3 Monthly S.curity Account Th1s is for people who have a lump aum of money but who know that if they don't put 1t away aomewhere out of sight, they will spend it. Perhaps they are looking forward to retirement and know it would be better to have a certain amount coming in every month over a given period. Not only will they get back a lot more than they put m. but there will be a nestegg to reward themselves for not blowmg •t all at once IHVt:ST $10,000.00 AND: you rece1ve eech month $5000 $5000 s 7500 s 7500 $10000 •nd yOU rel••n for an ellste of• 10 yeer1 S 8.675.00 15 ye•r• S 7.725.00 IOynrs S 4.77500 I 5 y .. rs $ 1.000.00 10 yur1 S 875 00 INVEST 12:5,000.00 AND: you rece•ve e1ch month $10000 $10000 $15000 $20000 $25000 8ond you retarn for 1n estste of • 10 yesrs 125,600.00 I 5 yn r1 $21,050.00 tO re••• St 7.80CU)IJ 10 ye1r1 $10.000 00 10 yfllll'l s 2.200 00 Are you one of the patient people? PlAN if4 c ... -..~ Annual Rate Account This plan is for patient people who already have a sum of money to invest and are willing to wait a while for a good return on their money. The minimum deposit i& $1 .000 (more If you with. of course). in exchange for which you receive a certificate which guarantees an annual rate of 5.25% for 3, 4 or 5 years. Are you one of the patient ones? Then the GUARANTEED ANNUAL RATE ACCOUNT is for you. ........ -s 1,000 s 5,000 $10.000 $15,000 YOU WIU RECEIVE ~ ...... .,.., 3,.. .... ,. .. s,.. .. s 1,170 s 1.233 s 1,300 s 5.8:52 s 6.1fi8 s 6.500 $11 ,7015 $12.3315 $13.001 St 7.558 $18.504 $19.502 Are you one of the enterprising people? PLAN #5 3-Year Bonua Account For people who w ant not only the current y1eld on their sav~n gs . but would like a sum over and above In this plan you •nvest a minimum of $1000 wh1ch earns you the current y1eld PLUS an e:Jt:tra 1,4% per year at the end o f 3 years. If you would ltke to be enterprising and safe at the same t1me. then the J.year bonus account is for you YOU Will RECEIVE lftiti.t .... .... .... 0.-3,. .... . ,.~ 5 ....... ' 1,000 $ I 169 s 1 132 $ '296 ' 5.000 ' 5.8'16 $ 6161 s 6.•93 $10,000 $11 .693 J l2.323 $12.987 $15.000 $11§.40 $18 •85 $19,'18 1 NOW-6 month bonus accounts also earn the current yield plus an extra 1.4% per year. ,...,.. Offft: 3311!1 V._ Udo, , .. ,upon~· C.lfoml.e I'M3 • Pt.one 714JI7).31l0 • CotoM .. ..,OMce: FiMI'Ieill Plaza. MO'Iu' ;uotC...DrM • CoroM .. .....,, C ..... ~ ta2S • "--11 ..... 1411 •