HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970-02-05 - Newport Harbor Ensign• .-N-[•W-•P•Q-R•-T-THE OFFIOAL NEWSPAPER OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT 'BE~>CJi.o"::,..:"; .... ;.~:":===~ THE NEWPORT HARBOR .,......, ""'• BEACH 10c THE OK.Y MftV'IJ'flt ft'ltiNTI!D UIID fi'UIUiH!O 1M Ml!f'OI'T lfAIOI fiRST . rn. 5, 1970 • day assai as sen training Mollday's ln-sentce edu-ments about seu:ltlvltytra1nlng tlooed in-serYicetra.i.oi.og,M.rs. catioo day for teachers and stall' ln tbe Ne.-port-Mesa scbool Walker a.sk8d tt tb1s would be •u assailed at Tuesday en-district. uytbinrute W.OIIday's sessions Ding's scbool board meetlng as ttra. Walker raised a ques-bekt throqboutthed.lstrlet.Mr. "sensutYlty tralo1ng." tioo •lllle atlcbaeHUU. wbowlll HUI replied t:bat tlrlal The accusatloo tra..s made by be the prlAc.lpal&ttbeEastBhdf bave ooc been formulated JOe COSTA MESA Fire damages Bethel Towers Mrs. Jay Walker of Costa Mesa. sclnll, n.s ctvtD&: a repm of Mrs. Walker tbensaid she had Wbo cbarged tbat the board progress on the $1.6 million ta.1ked last wee:ll: wtlb the board Pte~Jident and the district scbool, DOW t.t00er coo.structloo. of education presideat Mrs. SICieflntendeot bad beeo dis-Mr. Hill told about some of Marl.an Bergeson. a.od ~ith lhf EVELLE YOUNG ER booaat with her In tbelr state-Ule educaUooal plus, a.od men-tUstrlct superintendent, Dr. Parents protest 2~~::·;,~0; .. ~ D.A. 'mod' schedulin E¥.~:r:?~ed:.ut~ to Exchange to talk Fire catt-t aa apartment to awaken residl!lltl: am direct euq n.uctly LD. tbe 18-story them to safety. Four of tbe S05 BetM1 Towers, tbe Mn1or e1t1-oce~ ofBetbelTcnrerssuf • ._ complel: 1D Costa Mesa. fered m1Dor lnjutles. By Special Cnrrespoode,.s g Sbe asked fnr a public .,. U>s An .. les District Attor- "fluible sebedullD&." calls foe a teaeber asslsca.m to pluaton abo!& tbe ill-service ney Evelle J. Younger, woo Tbe blue .... oonftrwd tc u IDOeeapled Srd Door uartmut. AD. overheated motor Lo are. belt more U..O ZO per.x&s were frtpntor -wu bl&med for tbe lftC-.ted from tbe butJdJ.nc. tire. wblcb wu pm out LD about 1.111 1IDOU damlpd 4 other ZO minutes. TeD11llts,I.DcludiDc q:artmeats 1.111 the ma.J.Acorrl. one trom HII!JUocton Beacb, U oa tbe Std floor. were called to the sc.eoe. of ooe ba.Ddle tub that .aow COOSWDe program, but Mrs. Bergeson recently anoounced his candl- aed tnt :.nost ~otrC:~siaJ plan-one-third ot a tacher's day. ruled bel' out of order. Later, dacy for Ute omce ot attol'ney n em ges r culum c:le-Teacbers will ~ about 12 Mrs. BergeSOJJ ad'fised her to general, will be guest speater aa!:s eot:.y:.;s b~ many bours a •eek LD cla.ss, instead follow tbeprescrtbeclprocedure at theNewportHarborEx.cha.nge "Denble" a.nd .. ~ of the usual !S,andba.natlea.st of brlog1Jlc complaiJJts befort> Cili>'s ann.al crime prevention U just 1 ha.U ol tbe1r oo-campus time the board. week luncheon, to be hekl at tbe ~le ; ~= :m~ci!:: free tor prln.te study a.nd pre-ltrs. Walker had •tth her Newporter l..lln on Feb. 9. .tders" (meaning puetis)ba¥e ~Uoo~f ciusprese~Dtiou5. some copies of in-service ma-Mr. Younger served as a.a referred to Oexible scbedullng "dra: empllui&es material terial used durlng Monday's agent of lbe F.B.l LaDder Mr. Otrlcen Owen Kreu. a.nd Damap wu e~mated at 111111 No&! were ftrsttcrespond $10,000 ID $15,000. to tbeS:55a.m.tlrealum. They Bethel Towers, at 666 W. .,.,., m.ble to usetbeelen.tor 19th St., 1s owned and ope.n.ted ao tbey rao ~to the Jrd ~ by the Assembly ofGo1Cburch. u ''soelal engiDeerlng." n from tbe real workHbe sessions. Sbe poLnted out later Hoove.r, as a municipal a.ad "P'~ therapy ., a.ad .. nst ~U kmws ratber lhall the that tbe material used J.n the s~nor court judge, and u UYlty tralnlng."' se -=~·Uuc:l world ol the tea.-discussion of"exparwtlnghuman nead of lbe_ t;os Ange~s dis- HOT RACE Is ASSURED This system was developed by awa.reoess'' included an item trict attorneys oft1ce lor two J. L)OvA Trump. Tbe ......,.... Ma.ay ObjecUons have been ldentttled as "eye~-,k)gue," successive terms. 1u ............. voiced as to the ··--luatioo" He served In'"-'" edt "Guide to better school, focus ..... deta11LDg •·some possible ... ..,. ... m orces oo eha.Age " al£borec:l by Mr system that is l.lSed in coo-micro-lab activities for LlSt' during both WorklWarDaDdthe IN N. B. DISTRICT 3 Trump and Dorsey Baynham. Deetion with flexible sehedu-with ttigb school stWents or Korean conflict. Entering the ctns important lnforma~ ling. teacbez gr~s." army as a private, be earDed eoocerning fies:ible scbedull.ng Education is cbanglog so The "eye~-logue" sugges-his wtngs as a flyer and new ba.s a.tiDOUDCed tbat sbe wlU DOt A U.AN..siZE GAVEL 1a be1Dc prenated to I.Dc:om1..DI pre-In August. 1969, a revolu~ rapidly and drastically that even tions ll.st.ed the lol.lowtng: in the China,lodJ.a. Burma thea-Two c•""idatea bue Ale tor lllo Nnpnrt lloacb CouncU race; ud4otbersba"takaoout _,mtwtJoa PIPII'L seek re-eleeUon.. sldeot Charles F. Coleswortby, left, by J. Peter Bl.nett. tlooary new awroa.cn ln tea-teacbers who tlllte recently ac-"Wembers g:ue into each ~es. He has conttnoed hisser- CompetitioD is assured u tbe retiri.De presidem ot tbe Newport Harbor.Costa Mesa cttlDg was a.DDOUDCed for La quired tbelr credeotta.ls are otber's eyes, feel comfortable, v1ce as a member or the Ail Dr. Jerrell T. Ric.bards, also a Board of Realtors, at tbe anf'lnal awards biJiqlltt.. Mr. Bar-Caaada hlgb scbool. 11 l..s ca..Ued thrust 1Jlto moreeducatiooUJ.n-tben mon 00 to a..ootbet part-Force Reserve &nd DOW holds Udo ls.le reddeat, bu taten rett bad recelfed tbe pvelayearagotrom WUUam c. Rt.De, tbe "YodelSehoolPlan"(MSP). ::_'!,~. called "lo.-serYice oer" ••• ''CQI.Ciles, st:uvuoc,. the rant. of brtpdier reoenl. Gilt 'WMPI•tiQ:) ~&. Dr. 1961 pr-HideDl, who said tbat ''aometlllDC llletb.lsl.s oeeded ckr -"1*1 ............ more towardeacbotbet loot1nr The Excb:ange Club6: of A- Rictllrdl 11: a C'O'P""" u4 to lilt tbe1r atttnttoo..•• ...!:late :;~':, ~=· Jut tb11 wee.t. Cl:l MOQday, 1akl eaeb otber's .,.~ .U mertca baYe made crime PH- lfom'•tioa ptperS wue flJed lui 117 = S 9 H •IIIII l ~~~~-• all tbe stlldrHU la tile Newpxt-• .._ ue ao c--· -'-1 'f~Qtioa ODe of tbe1r m&)lx' pro. • CoUt c61u"" ~or=:: liREMEN HURT-nt-Dt"'Hf -"" "~t;;i"!"<!!',.;,"t'"----'-'~"'"'"' ~ .;:-.::;:~-Ia -..... - ... Lido lalo C...mlllllty A.... In IJLAL OOIOiu1 ...... i1bl -·· ftlle--·-.u ltleJ are .. -bat--· -....... Aaotber possible carrtldtte LD • ~~ten located LD Wub-LD-aentee traLDllc. A ~stU tbfoy feel UDCOmtortable tben ll"aeral Pllblle may bt *''ned Mr. Kocb, an A1r Corps Dtartet 3 is Carl Krmla. !910 A ft.re destroyed a garage Flremeo John Thornton and ctoo., .c. immediately comes to miDd: t1nd the~ or comb't :, by calllnc 548-7729. Yet.n.o o1 World war n, for. Cutf Dr., NnportHel&bts, lor--PartmeJ:t aod put of a.aotber Tom Dalley rece1Yed minor Teachers testing tbe IWW ap-Since tachets used to pttllelr The LD.-senlce day ~pre- mer h1Cb school teaeber and mer admJDistr&U'fe assistant nelt door LD. West Newport Si-facial burns while nent:toc tile pr01.cb will .spend .., to 50'1. education oo their OWD Urne pared ttom Q1K!st1onnalres sent coaeh. u4 DOW serviA& u a to COWJty supe.n1sor Alton turday alterooon, caustog tl.re. less time in class. studer:d.s BEf'ORE stuttnc to teach, does out by tbe admlDistra.tioo to all pbarmaeeutlcal representative Allell. ltr. Kymla toot 0\& hJ.s $7,000 damage 1JX1 m1J1or burns will be given a.n cwortuntty to this mean tbat tupayers have tbe tnstrueUona.l stall' A Ust of •W seek tbe Dt.strtct 4 seal oomtoaUoo papers yesterday to Z tlremen.. v I T d devote ~ of their time to to pay tor the teachers' "new" topics was made aod ~ga.ln sent be!Dc n.eated bJ former mayor Nomlna • The structure. located at 119 0 e ues ay LDdepeodeot study. education. wttile our childret:~ to the teachers for their tlrst Paul GrUber who 1s completing been tat t1on~s ~ baf8 35th St., was a total loss aoc1 a A major goal "is to get away !lave to mlss a wOOle day of a.nd secoDd choices Ills 2Dd tar~ on tbe Council c ouncnm!: Howard Ro::e: waU lo an ad )lining apartment on overrl"de from lbe lock~step pattern of school? From 8:50 to 9:45a.m., each Mr. Woolsey lJdo resident Ba.lboa PeDinsula am to has heat c:lamai'!, firemen saic:l. school schec!uling, to humanize One topic the teacllers will teacher was J.n one of the 9 lor 10 years, u 'rUDDing Lnots. couoellma.D AI F Pt. wr.:mer The UOOCCI4liec! apartment the procram and give the kids be learning is "upandiJlg toUowtng group meetings: trtct 3 DOW rapnseated by recent! edlstrolr ...... ,... was was owDed by Joe Fitts ot Hun-more choice iDbow tne1r time is buman awareness." Tnat y 'no Mar Y r cwu u.o Mr. Uogtoo Beach Voters iD the Newport-Mesa utillzed " ph.rUe can be found right under 1. E~ng human aware- aror reeo shall. who Rogers' District No. 1. Wltoesses • said that they unlfled school district Will go Dr. ·Robert Hoaglaod, La the title of the book called oess; dealing with instruction S 1 ,750,000 Clal"m denl"ed he&rd a door Slam sbnrtly be-In tl>e polls Tuesday ID decide Canada's oew assistant su. '•Joy," aiObnred by William C. nn hnotn nrganiu gr<>'4)S to be fore tile blue er~. aoc1 tbat 2 boOO and ta.J lssues. perinteodeDt fur education, Scbut&, wOOcoodoctswork.sbops productife for effective lear. the electrical power also fa.lled Propositl.oo No. l concerns stresses tbat studeas will DOt at E.saleo Institute in Big Sur, ~ling t.n the c lassrooms. The im- sbortly before the nre. the a~lla.Uoo to sell $9 be used as (UiD8a pigs ln way-Calif. These are SENSITIVITY portaoce of grol4) projects and Tbe NeWport-Mesa scbool tioo of 6 classrooms at Beat Firemen aret.nvestJgaUngtbe miWoo. LD bol¥1s at a rate ot out upertmeot. TRA!NING work.sbops . reports was presented. dlltrlet ba.s been. sued tor St. school 1D Costa Mesa. The cause of the blase .interest not to e.x.~,;eed 7 per "We will attempt to lx'ID(to-2. lod1vldual lnstrucuon: $1,150,000 dama.ps for tbe cost ts estimated at $3ZO,OOO. D · cent. These bonds are a por-getber in a single school all the One motbet called In a pro-discussion of orga.nU.atiooal 'fl'estliDc Lo.jury tbat bas lett • Rules a.nd regulations coo-ress code Uoo of the $15,900,000 issi.N! practices lbat tlllve prcwedsuc-test. describing the flexible patterns oJ teachine. U~Jtiii'-Gid Justin Opta para-cero.ioc crlenDce procec!ure apprO'Iec! by tbe •oters at tbe cesstu.J. elsewbere," be says. schedullD&: in our scbooldistrict 3. Strategies of teaching: I I F as a "me-""lbealthplan "us'•• D '· 1 R lYsed from tbe oeck doWn. or cerWicated per some were eb. 11 election last year at a ''No s1P.gle .factor' 1..s reUly new. ..._ -. ... '6 r . ~· s ubin, University Tbl baud oleduc&Uoodenl.ed. IWI'O'fed. lu I d ma.xtmum Interest rate of 5per Wbat 1..s tmique Is tbe etrort to B. Bloom's tuooomy to se-of CaWorni.a at Santa Barbara, tbe elalm at TueS!tay eno.iDg's • Tbe board IIJPfOYedtheac-re rn YO e cent. The Ba.ok ofAmaricapur-eomh!De tbem." parate the stooems inlo cate-discussed the va..rious ..ays to meeUD&: aDd referred 1t to the reemeDI: for the sc.bool district cllaad $6.9 mlllloooftbe boods, ''Model School Plan" also (CONTINUED ON PAGE Z) instruct the individual child. dlm'lct tnsura.Dce broker, Jay to lease 1JU1 tlcUlties to be Costa Mesa Higtt Scbool pa. but DO turtber sales bafe been He also stressed using educa- UMl ~-::~. flled bJ attorney ~ad:=~ LD ~o!ew:~ ~~~t= 2~3atost!!~ J::~ :r~ :::em:::. bleb In-PROCEDURE IS OUTLINED ~i:,rA~m~s ::~~~~: Allu Portucai of Santa Ana, tll.e Harbor Area Boys Club. code, but st.oce oo.1y 20 percent Tills ballot proposal requires 4. St.a.ttLng needs: discussion ~=-~tbat ~=~= m::~ :u:~ rt!; =·u:r~~~UF~Sil~~ :w~t: ~:~ab!r:: ~FOR SCHOOL COMPLAINTS ~~~=~~a.nduseofatW-n.cs at Costa Mesa h1gb&ebool committee for 1969-701rereap-much. was required for tbe bood lssue. 5. Curriculum relennce and 1rbiD Ute m1&ba.p occurred pi'O'fed: HOW'U'd CampbeU as It does shOw, he said. that 80 Proposition No. 2 1s the tu. Procedure for lx'lnging structiooal ma.terla.ls, tech-stOOeot partictpatioo: Dr. Ro. Dec. 5. recuJar member aDd D. B. Law-per cent of the parents doo't over-ride tssue,wblcbrequires school ma.ners to the atteotioo o.iQI.N!S, procnm eooleot, and bert SchwttJ.pbel, ClaremoOI TaUd&J IU&td's aced also ruce u aJterDile, represeo. seem too cooceroed ooe ny or a simple majority forappron.I. of approprlate ~boolpersoonel staft competeocy. This Is coo-College, discussed tbe teachlng laclud«< tbe ~>UcnrtD.c action.: tiD& tbe CaWorDia School Em-another. Tbe school district Is reqi.N!s-is described LD. the following taioec:l to rules a.nd recuJaUons of cont:rovers1a..l subjects to stu- • Bids ••• called. tor add!· ployeea; Assn. In a week or two, Mr . Lopes tiQg authori.Jatloo to loc.rease statement lssuec:l this weet by adopted by the board which pro-dents, aod llllderstaootng the .... ftam&rtl l.DICOLN, eM Re.,..-t 1llftDr ····-.._ wtlljUatMr ........ dal8tM .., 11 a I taut Du -··•"' -.r, r& 1.1,.11 .,. ~-II •·W• liH. -4 Ward 1r. (lla). -11• '!a_....,.,, Ullllki..ldW:Sa.._lr., J1! 011 .... -... «1--IMI-,a a a i. ...._ .....,....._ Trlt, •• vt-ef•clll&r-... ..,..,, •• tt--au--,,... .... r._. _ .... _ .. , .-............ .... • -I o W -"""-bW .. lin. I. T. "'-"" e-. t t Ooqo...,., will'-jill*. I I !ow ,. .. t1 trn t commeoted, he wUl be stttiD( the mutmum tu rate trom Mrs. Muia.n Bergesoo., pre-ride for eompla1Dl am recom-student's potot of •iew. down wttb the stu::teot edQ. $S.Z9 per $100 assessed nlua-sident of the bOI.rd ol education meadaioo action wh.ich lniuates 6. DtagDOSttc -prescrlptiYe eatlooal den~meot COUDC1l Uoa by 6«, to $3.89, tor 1970-of the Newport.Mesa untfied the re't'tew procedure. teach..ln.g: dealing with eYaha- &.Dd a~ of t.lculty members 71; Ul additional 11~, to $4, scbool district: "EUber uw lnfbrm&J way, ting a P~il's ac!Ut"'rement and to discuss eomme!U made oa for 1971-7!, aod a.n addltloaaJ ''WheD peep~ in tbe com-wb.lch ls e~ll)' dfectivE-the tools used to c:letermtne his the dress coc:le. 16~, to $4.16, for 19'72-73. muaity ban questioos or tor LDdlYtdual problems, or the strengths and weatDesses. The school's dress 000e was Tbe proposlUooprot'ldas fUr -eoocetos about tbe sdJools. &11 reTtn proc.edur~ tor tnstruc-7. Space scieoce educatlon: abollsbed last sprtDc after pa-tber that tbe lDereued tu rate too often tbty tail to brt.De tbe ttoaal material. techniQues, Wile Dooahoe, NASA, dlscuaed reols Yoted to tate tbatrespoo-would rema1D I..Deltec.tloranU.-matter to tbe a.llelltiOG or lbe procrams udstaffco~eocy how lDformattoapi.Dedfromtlte atbWty. deflntte period of time. proper people LD. tbe di&trtcts. sboWd sabsty the DINds o1 ~ orbits and mooa Qllllc:lltlolas Most of the commeots OD tbe Tbue are two bule W&JS to comm1mtty 11 utiU&ed... could be used in tbe classrooms bollol, llr. ~s said, dealt MESA C. C. DIREClORS adriso U.. scboo1 system o1 S.Um S. Franttlo, momber 10 r.c:;:~-::;::t..,. deolln( •ltb &ltls" attire, m:l few nH IACI lOTH ISSUES problems ot coot«as ill lD-ol tbe boud of eduea~~ed wltb the cll.ues lx' .student& dlteeted to tbe leoatb ot ba1r 9oth proposi.UoDs 00 has-41Yktual .cllool& or ill tbe sys-tbe tollowinc comment: •\t wbo are bard of bearlDc. men- OD bOJS, Most felt tlll.t cUll dar's 1ebool electioa ballot tam tt.-U. sliOukl be made clear~ tally retarded. or no bue ...,..klo't be allowed to ,., wwe tDdorsed Jut: wet bJ tbe "First. tbert is u Laformal ll&ltllls are eocoura,..t a physical Mncllcap ttaat Qb... old jlul aDd lOme •att tbat dlreetars ot tbe Coeta llea wu wbertbyacooctnildpueat use the Jormsotcommllllica strvct.. t:beDOrmalleuDfDCteD- a.tee llaets and Clrlll'ls loobd Cbl.mber ot Commwce. ..-oWd dUe•• U. IMlt« ..-tth dM'eJoped, ud that tbere d deoeles. biCtw tbu dra-sbort drU· TbeJ wot.:i -..tmouJ1 t.. tiMI laeW l.lwolftd. ud U IW\'er; be U)' hu&rd to tbeiJ' 9. Appr'ofed 9Cbool dwiat:too •a. fatOr o1 nU1Jac tbe .,._.there ft.l DOt .,..,.....,., tbe cblld s, scbool workbecaueota plan: eome o1 tbt tachlrswe• IMV!STIIII!MTSERIU IJII«Iolntetca"l!'tii1Ulmam.--"'--Uwllll -~."'""'era nr ..,.s. to-oellonls ud watebed 1'M tu CJifU'.ZideWU_...-.1 tt.e ICIIoo1 prtw .. l, lt UIU UoalA&. t•etLlae PIOCWII'e tlwe. -Ill 21nt YEAR II lo 5. -· -aot-Clio C.U I. GDWH ELECTS After llleso .,_ -.p Tbt ••W• marut u:l )II"CCbbe•. IMJ IIQ delnc:tlJ Mra. K.-.th R~ ol. tMI'e wu time 011 b' oafiM tllll __,mfla a tliM ol. Du: C..H.MIEDEJU.U!RIIES to tt. ..... ...,.. arablard. Nel'pOI't ~ bU beal r•-a..ad from 10:10 to 11;.15 Ln-. ..-Ill '"' ,_ -Ia tbo ~ .. B."--M, "'---.... ---·-bel •ino..,.-ud •mall ----IOtb .-.1 On.tcll Cout Col-S$01 Cllll'*•s ctrcll.' COIIla lea. Ia tiU "*'• a11 EhllJ, Dill •NbMtalp e11aJnDu olCa.t.p... tbelutlt .. l.boC ..W 1111flilld. .... Llftltraltt ...... n. 11ua, d'-d Feb. Jat Hoq:Hoe-c.tu.. a. MtiiDid ~"It lall ... ctDa11 Ton6Gon.Mra. Nard. 1.1 ll:JO, 111 ~· ..S. •W na oe S ....... ...,. paat. Be ta -•••• bJ a-,........_ tM sit ~-·-.tat .,. a. 5o:: •• o1 BdiGa ta-rc.M to 1:11e1r ... _.... w-,.. 7,10 Ia 1,10 p.m. F-G«qo -ot 1111 ---.. n4 --1a 1M -17--· u a -1-.J -Fib. II llooot&to llarU II, al CaJurtDo. -,. ...W '-,.._ -........ -~ -· U11 a hrt ot t1io porlod.. --·11<--ellld al • ,. .. rna, ... wlsllllo--polleJ ----...... Allor-.-...-WllllaiDL.~Mtwport aaa.awt.DbtcdlratedatlO:ao "'~'nlnlaa-;na...l ... n. wt. c ... o1 ea ... ._...,..,_..art',...._ BtiQ Wreltr .. OMCT"• LA. at 9t. lcM De Bz~!U~ttllodol .. IGI JZI tl-'1 ........ 111n. Q&r ......... Ieiiia ........ -orl&ln ... 11M -10 C'-<11, CO* --llol:li«-1 -Ull -4 laaa loll& lin. -Ull a llall. All II' I II lo ,_. .... ..-Ill...,, u loe· _, CO* -1a Ill-!!.. ".!!.....!' .. !'"lr .~~ ~ '& nl ~ 4-Ia 1M •-..,. • mal-t... Hd!Oir. .. ....... ..------. t1111 .. ,. rc r dt: u till' t1r dlr. 5 NOW IN MESA RACE F'lve candidates are alrea.dJit in the race for the 2 seats to be tilled tn the April l4 City Council election in Costa Mesa. Both mcumbents whose terms are expl.ring, former mayor Willard Jordan and George Tocker, have anoouoced Ula1 they wtll run tor re-election.. Candidacy wu announced Monday b)' Theodore C. (Ted) Bologh, 286 Del Mar Ave., who ran WlSOCCessfull}' in 2 pre- vious Council races. Others whO nave announced the1r intention 10 run are Jac k Ha mmett, member of the Plan- ninl! Commission. and Ell Kaser, a sludent at Orange Coast College. CM study group picked A 7-m.an stud) commJttee was set~ MondaynigDtbytheCost.a Mesa City Council tor tlle pro- posed downtown redevelopment project. Tbe members are CouncU- men Willard Jorda.a and Bill St. Cl&ir; Jimmy Woodfromtbe Pla.nni.ng Commisswn; aDd for~ mer mayor C l&ir~ Nelsoll., J. C. Humphreys, Harold Cooper and Tom Nelson from the dowutoWD area. Tbe committee will work wttll. lbe consulUng tlrm of WUHy and Ham, recently I.PPI)ADI.ed bJ the CowtCU to mate a 150,000 study . IILL lH TRODUCEO A ... mblrti!U It-C«J (D.Onap ~) bao - ducod loelalalioa ·-illlc u.. Oraap c-11ot11or DU- trid .. --· -all>tllq lbr .._ -... recr..UO.. n. bW 11'011111 -. ...... ___ _ .,.a, laiaOte ud •t+h ,......,,_ __ ·-en... c.., . - ~~=;;!!ml!!IIIDA!!Y.~FIJ.~S. ~~JO ~~!~~~.~s J?~!!~l'!!'.~d' scheduling piN, acoor4llc to bllbariar. U _.. ...._ ~btab .. , A ·_., lie• from H)'lll T'ICitA1. fi'Jt'rrr ...._ .., 1M ... ,.lo--,. 111o 11.111 IIIII '!0 aro .. .,7.,.1<1 lo -Palo 411o, Callloroll, ..... wD ---- tool IIIII -· aro boil~~ _,. !ddt &II daf, • • · r_.l.cs lui IIIIJ II: 1t. •1· at -:-~-Ud "! rlllll -lo bo111ft IIIUIMJrlft'l!' IIIII ft Jl<e!l<lo -· 111o ---ortootplleon. -., , .._-----~-----~------.1 &Cqllllndp aca&Semtc t.rte~Joaa lt\dut'a Umt, rMMr tbu c-ut llatwill ''blatt ICiaool a. taM r...,atd eo 1111 orPiaAL llllllrAMII (m,._,lllod UD>O) II ..... to .-lllom to --. lllo 14mlDimaloro !rom .U orer Uam Glon• (no lu or 1111 QTY or MIIPOIIT III!ACII moloo ..._-. ,__,, ,_. _, ud "'"11111 Ia-lllo lllllolo," Clllod ao ,.._ Ia---••="'Oii,Od. •11-<llroctiD(--.. . ...... Ia -~~or ..... "' -.......... Tllo ....uor port..w..l ud lllo .. ma L c.-...,.., c-•• .,. CaUL --a drullc •IWI&I -lllo ft1 lllelr lime. II rumored to bl .,_ Ill' ·-aro boil~~ ,_ IIIIPOWt 1LU.80A EMSICN le , .. ..a1 .., ...... pri•..t the)' Ut treated at bome. MoM ot tblproeram~thatue tM DeputmeDt o1 H.a. £du. ~let. _, ,.....,. I• u.. ct.,. o1 NupM a..e' .... tt. ..a, loe.u,. A m..traupt fltbtr com ... eauaSJtc puellb to reaeb fer eatioD IDd Welfare. It 1ut14 da.tr~ t:, ::a.. "*'DC from _._. il rtA4 ... .,.,. t•U.. Mu , ...... c ... •• m..uct OD the tact tbat b1s uptrJ.abayeortp•t.dtromtbe lor two WMtl, wUb bottl m• u..--111.:! tbr,...,.,.. ANe. NUn 4 _.,,, ... ~. s.c...l ~•-,....,. peJ4 cb.Udru could DOt study at "bot ldtu" Pl'OiftiD. • &Del womeo 1.0 attemenee. COlt _,.lt--.ldaDWpro- • C....~ .... Calli. bome, becuse there were 1110 Amoog tboR J)I'OCn.ml is per periOD: $1,000. A tlllrd cram ot P'},~ 1D Ull ,..e NiWHMi MAI&Oa ENSIG" ._ .. J~ to ~ • ..... te~._ pt tbllt despite tbl fieJible JCIMdlltlDa at Coat& Week Is sc.beduled b' Mottm-c~m. Mra. leuea ,.. ., .....a drc:.I•JM ~ co-. ~ No. A-JOl78 ... tl fl.ct tbal his 800 bad reee1Yed Mesa HIP Sebool. 'hi& pJa.n ber. Tbe "eOCXMder lf'OIC'" 1t'J"CQ. He fMlltbltemotloat. ~ Jt. ihJ. I• S..&or Cowt lot',.._ eo .. ,. of ar;:r· s.. ... of u "A" or 1 .. 8 .. end• 00 was presebted lmd• tbe ut" 1s .spouored by u. Eutera impnJtant a.lliOU:Ibepr ... :::--~-8!3!.' ~=· ,..,__, i • quJIUed to ptabli •II p•blic every single paper, his 800,5 of "Leualng by OODSeDt. CMta firm Oi coQ&t!IQ.ots called 111 c)U:a., tbatllfl&,tlter,.,.,.•c. .. • card said "DO etedit" 1D tbat Mea. muter plaA." Tbe tunda Daris MeCoaoell aad Rllltoa loud HIPOQIII, .. -. c:rrtac. An'O A . ., ..... 7 ..... 7., ... 7 .... ., ... -.o.,-o.,j P .. u.... allocalod tor tile KASTER ' '' Ua a port ol lUll' IOOd lolraiJic PEC RAAPA ......... i.U .• IC·ii·i,.T~ON······y·~~-• Edbot ~= ,;:: that~in!o:: PLAN at tb1s bleb acbool were ~= :' :~~: ~ine_A t. ...._ ~ o-,...,. M.GO;: 2 ,......, 11.00 taraed Ia. all but 1 paper, 90 1D $13.1,800.00. It ealledlor currt-aebools m Su Franc.lsoo nu-t.s"eeeuuu bumaaJ•m, THOtsAHDB of beauUAaJ. dower• UU thea tn photo wtU bt o. ., a.ttor ~ o.e ,_.,, 15.00; 2 ,...,._ 19.oo turn, tbe "DO-credit" was re-<:ulum advances l.n tbe areas reeeotJ.y, a Godlasa rellcioa that II btJ.Dc dllplayed JUDI li-18 at tbe Soutbl&nd Home aDd GardeP celved. This 1s the "pa.ssAaJl" ot: For the put seYenlytus, talllbt ,rf&llt DOW 1a our Show lo Aaalle1m's Coovatioo Center. Shcnnll..alpeet.lDt tbe ARVO E. HAAPA, owner and publisher of ttlt Ensl!l" COMMENTS ON TUESDAY'S ELECTION School taxes already make up more than 55% of our combined city-county taX bill. The tax burden Is approaching the con- fiscatory point, and one more addition to that burden could be the back-breaking straw. That is one of the prime reasons for opposing next Tuesday's tax over-ride proposal for the Newport-Mesa Unified School District. Local citizens cannot be accused of lack of financial support for our public schools. Just consider the schools' share of the tax bill. Further- more, our district is already near the top among unified school districts In the county In cost per pupil - a total of $728.72, second only to Laguna Beach, a much smaller district, where the cost Is $888.79. Santa Ana, by comparison, has a per student cost of just $584.23. The small increase In student enrollment, less than 10% In the last 4 years, compared with the staggering Increase In the school budget in the same 4 years, almost 1 OO%, does not create any enthusiasm for adding to the already heavy tax burden. 'l'here ill' anOther reason for oppoeltion, even more important than the financial aspect, and that is dissatisfaction Wfth many features of the school district curri- culum. The articles published In the Ensign have called attention to some of the ob- jectionable study material, and we have heard from a number of parents who have voiced their conc ern. A persuasive argument can be presented for approval of the bond Interest increase on Tuesday's ballot, since those bonds had previously received the required voter support. But the vote on the tax over-ride should definitely be "no." system, wh!cb requires tbat aU 1. lD.structloaaJ packaps. tbe Newport-Mesa dlatrtet bas cbUdrea.s classrooms wttbout Dowers are, from lett, Clatre Otter miller, bolteJS; Harry p~~.pers must be ln. or 00 grade 2. Levels of instruction. been using Dans, MeComeU. rour bowledporooaaeotfla"t W:acres, wbo will COOI'diDate prdeo portion of the aow, will be issued even If you have 3, Grading procedures. aDd RaJstoo u counrgot5 &Dd 1t about time tot JOU 1o vtatt a.nd Georp Coloorla: of Corooa del Mar, overall producer. u. "A" avera.Ze. 4. Pass/btL hue paid out tbouancts ot'dot-tlle c.la.s~oom .lo see wbat is The sbow replaces tbe former Orange Cou.oty Home &Dd His parting words 00 t.be 5. Rotatiog schedule (nexp Ius to them tor tXJQ8Qltaot coLac oo.? Deeorator• Sbow. phone were: ''That's not the tble). fees. Tbe)' aret.ekootbetceoe L h de way tlley made II sound .... II 6. Para-!)l"olesslooals. agala. IJid .. recea!y .. Lut eHe rs to t e E ItO r was I.Dtrodueed at a PTA mee-7. Student tutors. Dec. 2, they ma.deaprueatatSoo ting. It &OUDded Uke a great • Tecbnlcal Advaoc.es betore our baud of trustees • thing then!" . 1. MuWmedia lnstruct.tooa.J. Several mooths ago at ~ "ARTICL.E UNFAIR" campus, doa't baYecontrolover deserves." Substitute Some eomplaiots are ceo-system. meeting to ezpla1a' "mod Editor o1 tbe Enaip. what 11 belDg taugbt, and doo't ''sehools" for 1'&0'fetDmlllt." tered on teachers, and their DeW 2. COmputer termJ.oal. scbedull.ng" to parents, Frank I read allot tbe Enstp's re-even feel qtallfted to enJuatt Hne you cared enoup lor yoqr found freedom, The ma.in. prob-• Miscellaneous Lopes, principal o1 Costa U.esa cent sarles ol articles oo local their OWD teacbers. own cblldren to cet "lDTolYed" lems bere,aceordingtoreaders 1. Campus COWlSelor. bJgb school, was asked the Jot-schools. I alao took JOUtadYlce Way bl.ck 1n Ulose Detber am mate sure the)' baTe an wbo ban called ln. are tbat 2. Atteoda.nce procedl.ll'es. lowing question: "Is tbe aus. &lid contacted scbool penoonel years when I was &Qlng to education wMch.orp.rea them every teacher runs his class a 3. StudeDI: body orga.o.J.r.ation ter PLAN tbat the Newport-aad bolrd members reprdl.Dg scbool, It was tbe priDc.Jpa).W'h9 to llYe 1n today's world? Or different way, a.nc1 the students (EDC Council). Mesa d16tr1ct 1s iDYolved 1n., BEHAVIORAL SCIENCE PER-wu !espoastble for h1s scbool. have you let our "modern edup are eJf)eeted to adjust to the 4. Ubrary of student work. the sa.me ooe that HawaU IJid SONNEL aDd tbe.1r role ot IN-ADd he took pride ill the fact eators" prepare them tor a whims of the teachers, and their 1n Hawaii, a gr~ ol cJUP PaJos Verdes are to?" DUCING CHANGES IN BE-that be was aware of what wa.s Big Brother-type 1odety? varied personalities. One t.ens a.re ca.lll.ng for people to M.r. Lopes answered the HA VIOR OF CHILDREN. lbe IO!nr oa ill b.ls scbool. He felt Wben ttle chips are down, parent, who saJd she spoke for walk their districts ~Ddeducate question as tallows: ''Of course result of my im'estipt1oo11tbat quUe competent to determine lf so to speak. what art you, ID1nc a large gro~ of peq~le, said thelr neigb.bors u.out the u Is," a00 tben he proceeded I feel that your article wu liD· a teacber oa b.1s stalt wu pro~ to do for yollt chik!reo? How that reports of students being MASTER PLAN. In their oews~ to Ust other commuo1ties Usa fa.lr . tlcleDt 1D his or ber duties. far are you wtlllng to travel marked down for a "cut" letter dated August, 1969, tM involved 1n the same MASTER Behi.Yiora.i scteoeeperiiODDel ·competeot eoougtl to dlseern from your warm uttle spot 1n (mea.oing oot in class) were 1ollo'r'ting two paragraphs ap-PLAN. Mrs. YYOOPe A. Jensen 00 NOT deal wttbeferystudent wbo was ablt to "aet tbe best frODt or the T.V. to make nre almost too numerous to menp pea.red: of P:Uos Verdes, a puent coo-Jn the district. Tbe)' work oa.ly from bls stUdents." your t hUd Isn't piped any l.l.b tion. She uplalned that the "The recently adopted cerDed about tbe qiiLllty otedu-wltb chik!ren wbose poor be-This was his ))b. The prtn~ other children of Namelln'? Tbe students would be scbeduled for master plan for the Department cation bet children are gettJ.Dg bivJor limits their a.btllty to cl,p&l toot pride in the fact that Dell step 1s 1.11 to you. Let your the same class at the same of Education of Hanii ea.lls for 1n that eommwUty had tb.ls to learn. Uuy times such be· there were few trua.oetes; he wishes be kDown.. U 1S your time, with two 'dttrerent teap many of the tnoovations wh.lch say, 1n a letter ~ lbe editor baYlor also effects tbe Jearntng took pride I.D tbe tact that there ri&fltl chers. Ooe teacher Is marking ban been tried on a.n ezpert-about tbe master pla..n 1.0 ~ processes o1 suri'OWid1nr chll-were DO dtup: oo campus; be How? For starters, eootaet the student 1n class, a.od at the mental basis lb Kailua H.igb school district: dren. CertaJDJ.y such mlsbe. toot pride 1.D tbe !let that be was your elllld's teachers, &Dd see very same time, the other tea. dur1ng the past three years," ''1 han rema.J..ned silent 1ong bavklr sbould be corrected. 1 the tlnaJ alltlmlty 1n aU for yourseltwllattheyaredot.D.g. cher is marking tbe stOOeot as sa.1d 1ra Ralston, of Davls, Mcp eoougt:IJ It 1s about Ume tor feel this 1s a vtta.J proaram matters. (But be careful, these teacbers ••cutting'' that class. Ina sttua.-Connell and !Qlstoo, the coo-some pareot topubliclyopress a.nd U's unfair tc.. you to ma.k.e Today our prJnet,pa.ls seem to are thorouply trained 1.n bow to Uon Ute th.l.s, parents ba.ve had sultants wbo are spearheading coocern &boot a teacbiDg tech. "ed.ltorla.l~y" OW of 1C J.Dd be DO more than a public "ba.Dd.Je" illquisltJn or irate to go to the scbooJ to straigtaten the creation of the Kailua Hlgb ntque wb.Jch lla.5 been 1n ettect misconstrue its tpplic:ation. relations man deTOted to parents.) out the problem often taling master pla.n. 1n nearly aU of our PenlDsu.la Tballk you tor uretnc clti-cater log tlrst to tbe whlrbs ol Maybe a howl1ng vtalt to tbe time off trom w~k tobelpthelr "You are vlrtuaJ..lya.ssuredof schools, especially tbeelemea. &ens to rt.s1t tbeir JCbools and a "procresslve" lq)Ulllten~ pr1.oetpalwould make sometm. children. approva.l of the modular sebedup tary lenl, s.lDee last Sl)ring. periOO&lly dlaeuss toptcs wUb daDt aad thee to bM wblms of press2on. (J'm sure you.cua.m Aoother mother said that she ling and other tnnovatJons which Classroom meetings beld statt a.ad sebool board mem-14 to l?.year-eld kids wbo tell sometbJ.nc to bowl about,) bas z students under this bave beeo worked out here with sometimes on a daily basis bets. I found them most anxious him bOW to run b.1s school. Attend some acbool board scbed.ull.ng plan, and that alter the a.sslsta.Dce of the students, are familiar. 1o classroom to cooperate. Away with tbe authorlt)' of meett.np. Obsent the rullbe:r just one semester, theY were teacbes, and administration. meet.l.ngs, tbe class is proposed Very truly yours, adlllts. Away wU.b the ability stamp board members, IDdhow bot.b compLa.l.nio.gtlla.l.tneydtdn't We are very pleased to be as-as a eoun.sellng P'Ot.l> to solve Jim Wood and ta.le:nt to educate the cb.Jl-Dr. Conotnpam lwldle& tbeml bave enough tree time. Sbesaid 30Ciated wtt.b. particular pro-BEHAVIORAL AND EDUCA. • .. ., dren ln the basic f'lmdluneo~ Ask a quest:Joo or two ot tbe thls system was ruining bet VOTE NO ON BOTH tal necessities ol school. Away board spedtlca.llJ. Tbell mate children, but t11a1 she-~ ~ E,dlto,r_,'lhtbe_E~p, . •l!l!~eolalcootroq-llle boo& oa --y CAN'T kDo'll wbat to do, boc&use sbe s T A T E 1-I I n '' t:,--1 '!. .... II~ crltfl:il '*ID!ioil ,,_ -~. ··-~ -7 ,..__ dldlr't ..... ... -to ... clalO tor •Oier's' Ill '*ta .... 7-' " bl ~ ... &Ill 'tOo • ..... at a. badpt· them In a Pl'lvate scbool7 7 Ull "--._ Tllo H .... *-(lor prlo), ---&D 0111 ud OR>!llor a~ Parents attendiJlg a "parent port-Yea UDUled Scbool ~ leoctb bUr (tor boys), or sen,. with the public sebOOlJyltem. corps" meeting "" fienble by Sen.alor Jolm Sc .. wll trlcl asb llllll'oval olan added s!Uvlty !raiDing oosstoos to leU At tho .. salutes and lrlDco scheduling said they I:Ja.d beec • $8.60 per $1,000 OYerride tbe dlffereoee, (between the be.netlts, I'll take their jobs informed that any teacher wbo stock has to say abot.i: nut scbool taL Also attbolllatloo boys uMJ girls, 1 meao). any dayl •ould oot go a.long "ff1th flexible We hue now passed througb year's Chevrolet&, to PlY 'J'I, iDtetestoa$9,000,000 How would JOU like to earn fiDaUy when you've aotte.n scbeduUng plan could be re-70 years of a century 1n which Seen ill this perspective, of school hoods. $18,000 (or more) per year the run-around and ieatDed placed. the rights of private p~rty many proposed plans for tbe Both demands should be re~ tor bei.Dg a smooth~talkingP.R. some shocking b.ets a.bcM your 011 Jan. 15, costa Mesa bJgb owners tw.ve been UDder almost taJdng am control o1 pr!Yate )eeted, man WbO kDows wben to take cbikt's edueatiQol~ Dl'OCess., school sent a letter to parents constant attack.. A whole gene. pr~ appear ill an entirely To awron the b.leber bcoS orders from above? Nice soft DEFEAT THE SCHOOL BOND stating they ue making "a sin· ration ls growirlg ~which has new llgbt. SlC'PC)se we have .Lnterest rate will tlrst substu-job, U you cu get tt. YOU may issue February 10. cere effort to provide a mean. been ta.ugbt to regard private good reason to believe that t1a.lly 1ncrea.se total lnterest DOt be. able to get It, but your Begin 1n their pocketbooks. lngful education eJPUieoce' • property rights as atnys sus-certain prlw-ate owners are u-eosts. Interest a.looe ftcured at htgtl schOOl prlDC~Is can. Alld Tbe scbools burt most when tbtll• for our youngsters and that pect and ofttD evil, "fair 1111 their property 1D ways that ?I. would amouDl toapproWnap remember, yoa're paytng tor don't ban mooey to burn. U starting Feb. 3, they will ooce game" foreveryld.ndoflegtsla. are re&lly llarmlul to ~s. tely $10,300,000 on ttle that "yes" manl this mooey were speot oo tn.p aga!D make cbanies in their Uve, admi.nistative a.ndpolittcal Can we be sure that the oew $9,000,000 bODd Issue. Here are the facts: "U tb.1s d.lUooa.l educatloo (read.J.D&. scheduling. The tetter alsostap actioo desigped to Umit or owoors-government offtcials Secood, it would add to to. thin( (Uiedrugproblem)ls gotnc wrltiDg, and arlthmetl.c) I would ted that lbe major problem eliminate them. -wtu do much better wtth it? flaUoo. New sebaol eoo.struc. oc in our scbool, weue tmawa.re be the first to vote lor all tbe CONSERVATIVE CORNER The passionate emottonatlLDd The ugly history of r.aban re-Uon fUrther fua: the tlres of of lt," commeoted Mr. Lopes, mooey needed tor tbe ectu. Ideological tooe ot much of newallnsomanycltJestbrourfl-lnftlttooary ecooomJc aet1Y1ty. Mesa Hl&b, and ll.r. Culsoo, eatkmal process. Btt uk U)' the debate on the rlgbts of pro-out America shows what the Clearly uawtse. Presideat Maude Dans, in a recent CBS employer U his teen-age clerks perty mroers has biUmed llWIY answer to that question can be. NJma recently 'tetoed leg:t.s. ttleftston expose. caD add more tban a sl.ncJ,e By Clorenu Strong origina.l copy, a few milestones 7. Dr. Mclotlre helped to ptq;tle to ooe very simple iUid Our laws still do provide latJoo tor lhinery rMSOo. Coo.p Nor lsS~t. William CuonJ.ng. column of tlgures •.. and this Dr. Carl Mcintire, who LD the career of Dr. Mclntlre preserve historic CllristJ.anlty baste truth: that all pr~Cy 1n considerable saleguuds for the ll'tSS all'eed. Sball we DOW bam aware of this problem, ac. sometimes wttb thebefpoltbelr broadcasts at S::W and 11 ;OO may be mentioDed: in Pakistan in opposition to the use Is owned by .someone. Law individual property owoer eompetety lenore .oa.tiooa.l pol-eord1D& to recent oews rep flnprs. Aat aoyooe Wbo rep a.m. over XEMO (860), and at 1. Five or more years ago, ecumenical program. and g'Ol'ernment can do oo more ap.inst confiscation of his Icy a.ad the obrJous danpr s.lg. leases. celves a letter from a MP 7 a.m. over KBBI (trn) 107.5, he started fuod ralsJ.ng ca.m-8. His Zoth Century Re-t.ba.n decide whO shi.ll berecogp property, However, the powers nals? There are obViously some school P"aduate 11 the spelllnr for the ZOth Century Reform.a-paigos to s~rt orphans in formation Hour broadcasts nize<l as the owner ot the pro-deriving from the laws per. Run-away tues ud other teachers and admln1strators 1s anywhere near correct. How uon Hour, last week took a step Korea Hong Kong.lndia Africa helped to raJse tuoos for the perty. mitting property to betaketHm-rlSlcc costs compel greater wbo are aware, bOWtYer, or about the punctu&Uoa? Not to which •as uq>recedented in the and ~uthAmerica. t.ast'year he construction of ZOO church bu.JI-Ooce •e realize this, the der eminent domain, and its uttJ.IzaUoo ol school faciUUes. Estancia bleb scbool social mentioo grammar or compost. annals of journalism. undertook the problem of dings in India, to meet there-SOWJd and fury about "public uses to be regu.la.ted by r.on1og Usio& 1Choolsabout181da.ysout. scleDCe departmeot wouldD't tioo. And needless to say, most As editor 01 the Cl\ristl.an buUdlng an orpharage ln New ltgious needs of a Uk.e number property'' Yersus prin.te pro-are iDcreu.lngly abused. Mor; of 365 l.a a waste that is: lD-han J.ssQ8d tbeartt.cle, "wbatto of tbose letters are but eb.lckeb Beacon., he published an open Jersey. A total ol oearly $Z ot congreptlons which tladbeeo perty t.llls iotoproper P6f5llet~ a.od more graodiose plaPs are defensible. Ulllkms of$ 1D Idle do wbeD you're arrested,'' scratches. ADd for thla, we letter 1n wb.Jch he refuted in-mlllioD dollars has been raised ousted tromtheirplacesofwor-tive. Whatever tlne-SOWidlng surfacing for pernmen take-sebool buUdlnp is aneeoDOmlc to eacb seolor stadeot in tbe speod $35 million per year, I accw-ate and Wltrue statements dur1ng this period, and oews ship by the World Cotmeil of lega.l uMJ propapnda. ftcUons over of property 00 a large luXury the people ea.n DO 1ongv c1Y1cs and pernmeDt classes for ooe wouldn't haft to sptDd •hlcb •ere made in an obituary came over the radio on Uooday Churches. we may proclaim, tbe hard bet scale. The mon g:raadlose a.Uord. Immediately toUowtac lbe ar. nearly that mucb to ha•e IDtel- prepared by the Associated morntng that a total of$'130,000 Tbe Associated Pr~ss would 1s that so-called "public pro. these plao.s are and the more Scbool admlohtntara am rest of tt teeoaprs for narp Upct, well.rounded studeuts Press for pubUcaUon 1n news-has been contrlbtted lor this do well to lnciude to a re-perty" Is simply property that worthy their professed goals, trutees mustarouselbeeduea.-eotlcs on tbe Estucla campus. cra.duate. Ao:J theJ "I'OUld be papers all OYer the COUJJtry at year's program le:a.Ying less Ylsed biography ot Dr. We-is owned In effect by govern~ the crea.ter ts tbe pre.sure 00 UODal system from lta aom. Tbls arUele, tDclde!U.lly, UMfUl Wdl.tions to IIOCtety. For the Ume of b.1s death. He was than $20 000 yei to be raised InUre 4. dlflereat areas in wblch meat otrlc1al.s. the property owoers being dis· a&mbt&JI.Dt "lfiJ'S. Or tbe public quotes llberallJ from tbe ACLtn after all, laD't th1a Wbat educa- mO't'ed to tde this step because z. Tbt{ IDternatJona.I Councti he Is eogagedlntheftgtatagaiost We can welltma.gtne the roar possessed. Maay are not eYeD wW. "We dldD't aulborlle this," tion 1& all about? it was a sboek to t1.nd that the of Chrl..stia.rl Cburcbes, otwb.Jcb tbe enemy: • of lnd.lg;nant and well~jusWled willlnc to listen to tbelr ob-Cou:lder tlMt override taL ls often used by prlDcJplll and Tloa S~ man WhO wrote the article wa.s be 1.s the leader took OYer the 1. He Is pr~lng to meet protest that W'OU.ld &O ~ U a jecUoos. A W'bopp1q llleleue 1s demu-bead& ot d8PII'tmetU. "Tbe Costa Mesa tbe one wbo !lad been leudlng task rellnquisned by the World Mr s. MadalyD Murny O'Ha!r law should be passed al..knr1.ng TbJs was demoostratedby the decL It addl more thaD $50 per 1Ddl"t'ldtal teacher laaolelJres. wltb him for the past 20 years. Council of Churches in Korea during an hour ioog teleYisioc a buge prlnte busioess cor. barrap ot erltlet.am reeeatly year to even tbe modest borne-poul.ble tor wtat Ls tau&flt 1.n India and iD Paktstao In SlCI~ controotatioo ooUooday,M:.rch poraUon to take the property te••Ued at tbe Seoate .1oea1 onar's tu bUl. TbeJ)I'OII08ed Ills or ber classroom," says From the Bible News of the intended obituary porUng seminaries-. tor the 16, in AusUn. Tuas, 1n a "face of 1Dd.1Yldua.ls or cootroJ tbelr pernment eorumtttee Ud at tal 1.1 a At rate aod DOt a tlxed Dr. CUDDlDctam. n.rst was publ.i&bed in the Wall tr~ of m1n1sters ol tbe to face'' arcwne&. It is to be use o1 tt. For au practical me perJOO&llJ uttaebalrmu. $ amouat. Ttras, lt aqmwa::t, TbeD nere oo JOU place the Tbou tberefore, my -. be Street Journal for Jan. 5, which gospel, 1n bu1Jd1og cburcDes remembered tbat Mrs. O'H.a.lr purposes, tbe arne ttWic tap. tor simplJ' bokunc 1 r.rtDc 0111 tbere 11 Yirt\aU,y a pv!DI.Diat reiP'M'"hfUty? Tbe Jaw states strooc: 1D tbe cract tbat ll ill indicated that he was ooe ot650 and 1n providine !Jtbools aod was responsible tor tav1Dcper p peDS wbea a perwnemap:DCJ tbt questloD ofposslb'-abuMcd buUt-iD utomatlc tu.I.Dcr .... tbat Ul4l eba1o o1 commaad. ol CllrUt Jeaus.. Americans udpersoosofworld bo$itals for tbeBiblebelleYI.n&: s .. ded tbeS.,remeCourttoban ls ctna these powers and uses a state law t.tallded toaJiowthe Dlr1Dc the lut I fe&rl, the realllOUlbWtJ U.. ftrJt wttb ADd tbe tbiAp tbU tbou bUt wide renowo for wbom bklgra~ Cllrlstlans •ItO had beeodeser-prayer aDd Bible readlng from tbem. WbateYer rttetc.'le o1 takloc 0( lud for euent!tl H.M thdeat fiDf'OI..lmeat 1A-tbe pr1Dclpl1, tbeD tbe -..rlD· btard ol me IJDOGI DllJQ' plrlca.l sketches bad been pre-tad by tbe Wor-ld Couoetl of the public sebools, "PIJbllc I.Dlerest" ts Wled to public parlliac. u a DUJI.Da Oil e.riUid OGlJ' !1, tbiUMUid teaat, tbtD tbl loealtcbool WltDeuea, tbt IUDI commit pared tor publleaUonwbenthelr Cburches. 2. Dr. MclaHre tastn1Uated justUy tbt tuiD.g or tbe coo-c:outplD& aeb laD:S '-' oa..r Y&1altloa t.ocreued. 21-1/11, board, &Dd gJttm•W)' wUb tbe tbou to fiJ.tbfW. mn. W'bo ....U ..,.11 careers badbeelleoded7 a. Dr, MctmaeiLI'OUIOdt>UI>-.., ....., cootesl, opeo 1o hl&b troWac at a p1aee at property p....,...a Ia &<CIIOdloce Willi bll carrool ..-operat1ac .-, boorcl. bo able lo laol:b -• aloo, Tbl storJ l.Ddlcolld !"'' In uc .. DIImeotlahisndlobc"ood-scbooliJid aolYorslty --by ..,.ernmool gllldall, Ia V'I-ID'onmooidoft..._ coo1a bafO ...._ l'lllla __ ,..,pu-.?11&" ,_ llloroloro-otoord- O.Cembet, Dr.U.clntire soame cuts to Ita tbe da ''ID oo tbe topic, "Leoln, a J!l.lse praetlce Ul1s amomt1 to re-mtlllt ICbtmQ. n. .,._1 c1. ill c11MUicatkMI&Id .aa.,lf-M 101 tll.c.:l YOtltr......-'b«l.IIJ? IIIlA, u a aood •W.otJ .. bad booa added lo lbe u .. aloog tile boctaolll •• God ,~ • tile prq>bet," T11o m boJ• ud slz placiD( -....., w1t11 anotbor oomo <11 111o ~ taoolfod baa lllolll&bolt...Upor-y-,_..lllliiJ 11 to raloo Cbrlat. (I Tlmolloy 1:1-1,) wllll -o/ -Flach, a AooUo 8 poor'... ....... 00 prll ,_ .... ,, ore judpcl by kco o/ law. tollbllllloy .. erobllocol&clod II ~ CoooCJ, Tblo ac-,_ ~ Ia 111o boll , mombll'alllloll<uldeat'oca-· loblllloblltwillbepflaaU Tborooree><c:a--lbeby ID'oriiiiiOII g!!!dola no-.,. "Fl•rlal.._tat~ _, ,.. __ CLUIPRES!NT$PIUI I>IMI, ud Prime Mlal-lao 4. Dr.llclllllrelodllloll&bl •-trip& to Palutlao "pabUc ltUro•" roo117-woro 11111 IIW-Ia Ulocle-OrucoCooiCJ-a," AM rd b1 W!DIIIto pmb~ ON CONGO CDMQUUT SlllllllaiR-. aplllllllloclamudomldollllllo dllrlll(llloU?O--va-r-elballlaU-o/cor-••l<pmoot at tile -17 Ill' a II limo lor "ball-,.. -'1-10 "'at TlloN __ _ Wba1 trrllalod U1at IOOddOc· "blada ...-... catloo. lo1o .,._17 IIIII Ill lolllllllo ..,_ bll _...._ Tllal llattaolll''lllllolt-IIIJIIIrlct. wlll'a bolociUillllll lllooomo Club'o 4111 Irani Ulladrll- torwul:bUtbeO'f•-allplcture 5. Tbe r1att made bJ Dr. S. He 1.1 promotJ.Dc tbe bUdlofprmte__..a-lor elliar .. COUd...Ubttrw.C•-R•tlltkr...,..p w;...IN oldlc•dcwtodlt.Horlr_.,of Olmottllle,..atwt.IJ.belltt- prlll.ad wu to r.-MDthlm lu PaialeJ ol. North lrela.ad. '•Peau for Yic::torJ march'' e~ie, 'ftta tlatPI'CII*tJ 11 taJal7 It llllded to bt Mud Mlat. Botta ...... JIIIJUd 1M ~ cldM'I lilldllrJMft 7011 ted at t .P·•· taU FrtdaJ, feb.. u-llllld atadlqraeoM, to -act lllo -.-...-.... tobebeldlaWulllll(. bollll-lopollalle-alrUd ud-ontl. • ''IW'..,.., taaoa~ 1o7 --at,_ 6 Ia lllo~CcauiCollopa dlaODd hll,lrrtl>lllcllpa!u, -bad--bi'Bora-loooolt.JI<Uil. nlor, Bll ... -otopW. no-loeal ... a oil llonoJD,,_.. c¥111'1 loll&-IIOfO,... .\-om. 11.111 IIIII "Ilion II fliJ Utllo -llot'llll, ""-od Ill' 4. Ha II _.orlllo-411( ---IIIII --·-II-IJ'IIFIIIIO aaa.lolud nod? (1>niiOiall fW7 1ft, 110--Go<1i1ar<1 ..W. llftllo ... of 911&1: t ... " .. 000. the IOtA c..., R~ DOW biLic ... ill"" JtrMJ .,.... eu.. .. Jll'O-•"=tiJ talll* al ... ....... -....... llaolrillltl JlfOT II~ 00111 ~ •• nidi ~ --~~lllo-Sblu, -·lor,_ Dr.llciiiUo topormlllllo-lolalaolroal poriJ,n.U-um m-..at IIOiriiiiii.III..W-=Ioa-""IIIIAT'IIU.TOUDO? oDII\1111 ~Bow-at Iaiii 1M~ Itt- Mil IMt ... ~ ,. .... , •• t:MparlU,tartn~~~~ rewo tM.,_...,_fllllllk:-.-. e.. •rrt .... , .., ....... ot .. ,....._ ,.. ..ora,..._. ..... OOWrrtd u 11r1 "''''tdtlle -...... -.1 1M -~~~ I. Dr. llclllln -port II lor lllo caro &Ill -at -port _, at II. no ,.... at 1ft 1101r1111 a Gil ,...., ft -W' .. llo ...... -,.. nod? -,... -lll'l -111:--..... ID' .... I tM_, .. , ••cr..S.Iolll'lli"' eiUI*& Hal ..................... ttcOIITI r I ............. .., ..... ~ lb'r'I t, ......... ,... ClOd.....,. ........ .....,, ...... .... .... ., IU -.••1 c.,..,, 'tr," nkll Plallr, ..Sb' ~~~~.a...,.oca-..._ ..metell n. • sm., .... ..._ .., .,. -... .,. ..,.. o1-=---,... au w .., .,__., .., ~ IUYe n. , ••. od I ' _. ·-__ ld-_11011 ___ -lotlio ...... -._ ---u-lo.-r II pt-1110----·~ 111011 lair? 4111-,..-11 lloo---.:... 1o .. 75 'f.loolloro6011a portla.l-..u.,llowl'ol'ood, tao en ollloo c.-oor·-a-.., .. -Ill wtllloc }aft 1o 1aam 1 -•---• -.-.. ,..*llloloil' 11J hila, ea s J ""-ilot .l.l'f fl .. -. 10 lloo( ._ Fm ,., IIIIKo-toD Dr, -·II I lfO• lao JIIS£0 II lao-Ill, ___ -----...,,_,. llao -. aid IMt ,._, '-l*lllo 11.111 1110 ._ .. • • .._._ .. ...n-111111 ra. .....,. .... a:' 111111. _ .. ...,. o1 r-at 11o11n .-tr. .. , s••• .. • AI ..... p•c 1rt 1 fall. ' \ ( Ba r bara Simpsbn wed Edwin Abel Meserve Ill l4wta .&bet ~~:....,. m, .. a.t mu ... MlebuJ YES VOTE IS URGED ol Mr, Ud Mra. J, -II"''IQ, U-ollocl-kirk AlatlllbiJliiU-E,Ilod- ll_..o oiiOI VIa-, Lido EllloU, RI<Wd --Jr, bam (R.Jfnpaot S.U) 1>U lolo, look IIIII 8ortlon J--T-. 11opo, -Sclloct, _ ... bolll -oo -'*'-81....,_ U tail bride 111 t. WlWam 1..JoJd, O..Oora. JOU T•ldi.J'I ecbool tu (Ill• ..ride ..-~~c~o~ -·-bold Frl-c:.un-... DaYld --... --~~~ ·-· *'• Ju. U, at Al1Sailll£pla. 1'bl bride cboetapuoltm. ''Tbt procr .. tbl ICbooU ~ Cbolreb, Boororly Hills. portod EIICIUb ... IIW-b&Ye llllde LD -IMIIldLDc 8otb tbt bride &ad aroom ue WUb lace remtuceatoltbl Ylc-procram wt.tb tbt $4.t ID1Woa. a.tb IIDII'atioo CalUorlli&DI. torlaa period. 1t wu an A-UDe dol.l.u'a tbey were u• to MU MlaStmp.,.liU.dlugbterol with Empire ft1lt ud a 1ut )'ear, before tbe lrlterut Mrs. JameaHewe1CrilplDMof hleb aeckUDe lDd yoke em-rates made boDd buyers ab- Su Fruci.Jeo and RieM.rd t.'oidered wttb trOited pa.rll. 10lt&elJ dJ"'W-", be~ me to Clwle Slmpaoo ol Beverly Her calbodrallollclhtnl.DPeol -lllem dlrectly LD tb1s HUll. Sbt 11 tbe &f&Dddaucbter from tbe aboolden ud a Ooor attempt to rat.. tbl llm1t 011 tbe ot Mu. Wtb8tel' Bl.lkwelllleactbm•ntSila of imported a1.lk Lllter81t b' seWDc tbe otbu' Holm., aDd tbllate Ur. Holmes Wuloo &Ad aieDCOD lace wu $9 mlWoo 1D boDIIa," be a..ld. llld tbtlateYr.&DdUra.Clallde bekl by 1 bleb eap. Sbe curled "SIICceutu.J puare of tbe Slllii*Ml, all earl)' Los An-a c:ucadt ot p..rdeoiu. elecUoa 011 Ftbr-.ry 10 wW .. Jeao.. Tbe croom's CJ'Ud-Her &tteDdaats wore cowns MRS RlCRARDALANSEWE a.lJow eonttbiRDCe ol tbe 4-year pu..U lDcl..te the promloeat of aqua s:llk brocade &Dd car-• LL build1Dc procnm a.utborlsed by attoroey, tbe late Stdrley rled pink fans wltb cameWu. 1s tbe oew presidectoftbe New -tbe commWllty k.t Febrl&I'Y MeNne, aDd h1!i widow aDd FoUowiDc the ceremooyare-por1 9;--cb Aulliary of lor $15.9 mlWoo.. Ollly $6.9 Mrs. Frederick EdWt..D Webster cepUoa wu Deid at tbe Los CtlUdren s HomeSodety.Sheis mlllioca n. able to be mkllD ud tbe late Dr. Webster. Angeles Cow&ry C l~. a resident of Harbor Hlgblaods, Way, u IJiterest rates sty. Tbe brlde p-aduated from Tbe newlywed& •ill mate :t 1609 Uneo)lD L.o...{Peter Z, W:, roeieted put the~ Umtt, set NEWORT HAIIIOR EJISIGII A liST $EC'11011 --Pw 3 TIIU RIDA Y, FEB. ~ IIIII CQI!l!I!A m 11M. Wf. BUGS-MEDI UM RARE MRS. EDWIN A. MESERVE 111. (C•rtis St.Jio ph oto.) Ma.rllloroup Sebool &00 USC, tbeir bome J.D Newport Beach. lnger photo, by law tor scbool boads, Si.Dce •bert abe alftllated wtlb Delta tlll.l. time, COIUitruct1oD baa A former ··cure" for cancer required ~~ swallowin1 of roasted mw:ct5. Of cours.t, today, we know tt11s remedy was foohsh. Though we're st•ll Jooluna for the caus.r of cancer, medal sc~encc has made tre- mendous strides m Hs detection and treatment. Ask your ph~c~an about them. And remember, when- ever you're not fcclina up to par, 1f! good sense to visit your doctor. Then, !f med•cat1on IS I'IC:CCMary, 5CIC w fo r rd iabk prescriptiOn scrv1~. INCOME TAX TAX AUDIT BU REAU Skilled tax consultants tor 21 years. Ccmputerlled returns, Accuracy Guaranteed Next to Port T heatre 2915 E. Coast Hwy, Coruoa de l Mar n~~oaas DORA IIILL\TAUS lODAY '1\e at«y ol the J'reedoau FocmdaUoD •t Valley rorae will be profl'am topic ol Mn. EdJar Hill wbeD abe addreu-- es memben aad peat. ol Newport Bucb Ebell Club in the clubhouse, su W. Balbo• Blvd., 'l'bundlly, Feb. 5. Mrs. Hill, • andl.llt.e ol University ol Chic•ao. moved to Newport Beacb in 11>12. BetweeD. 1Ji5o&-51 abe J«Ved u M1yor ol tbe . ~;'":::;m~.~.:~ Foster parents feted ~ .. :.:~.~:'t~.': be boloopcl to Pbl Kappa Pd 1l> Seotember; 42 retoealable lr&terDJ.ty, He also atteDded the Foster pareEU of Children's the society, California's Jar-classrooms ba.Ye handled tile UnJnr slty of Orer:oo. Home society will be honored cest prtvatelY -stqlOrted adop-growth of the district eooqtl Attelldlnc tbe bride ns ber Tuesday, Feb. 10, at a dessert Uon and counseUng service. to allow the scbools to 10 back sister, M.1.H D1aDe Stmp5100, smorpsbord party at tbe Nf!W-Hooored cuests· will be the to a stngle-sessioo acbedllle as maid of bonor. Br idesmaids port Beacb home ot Mr. agency's 48 taster parents, t.a-this year, Work at Harbor Hi&b were Kather lne Bing, Patricia and Mrs. Orville Dunn.. mllles who provide temporary School, and otbers,lsU.O IDier Stoner, Dlllsy Brookes, Mari.a.n Tbe a.aaual party is sponsored boarding homes for inta.nts 1.n way. W1111ams, ber stster Carol by the CouncU of Auzillarles of the society's care, says Mrs. "Tbe District's flcures Christensen Stmpsoo, the groom's sister, LEGAL HOTIC E Bonnie Waltman, case aide. lnd..lcate tbat tbe lncreued costs Pamela Meserve,udUrs. WH-Me mbers of the society's 19 of operatloo W'lll be ap-~:::::::::::::::::::! lla.m Lloyd. NOTICE OF PUBUC HEARING auztiJ.aries, a.od their busbantts, proximately 5 .~ eacb year&Dd Notice Is hereby pven that the and sta.amembers ottheOra.oge •lll require aM!ti()Oil mooeys Pla..no.lllg Commtsston ot the coooty district om ce of tbe over what is avallable at City of NeyPOrt Bea.ch will bold ageocy also are invited to the present." a public bea.rLnc 00 tbeappllca-party, according to Wts. Dunn, -~-:-:-:--c==,---- tion of Joh.D Dewey llttcbell, Jr. president of the AtlXilLary coun-LEGAL HOTICE for a Varia.oee 986 oo property cU. located at 330 Ma.rruerlte Ave-WUh Orange county ottl.ces at n~~e, Corooa del Mar, to permit 300 S, Sycamore St., SaiXa.Ana, 3 dwelll.Dg WIJ.ts 00 a lot buin&: Children's Home society also 3540 sq.tt. of land area where offers counselln( tor wo men tbe ordioance requires 3600 fa ced •ith unpla.noed pregnan- sq.ft., aoo to permit one open eles as we ll as counseling am parking space 8 feet wtde wbere approval of adoptive couples. NOTICE OF P UBUC HEARING Notice ls llereby gtvera that tbe Pla.raninc CommiBsioo of tbe City of Ne1rp0rt Beac.b wiUbold a public Dearing on tbe appUca- tioo of Fred Kahn. W..D. tor a Use Permit 1468 oo property located &t 4321 Blrch street to permit temponry medical offices ln a M.l-A District, the ordiDaoee requires a covered space 9 teet wide. Notice 1s hereby further pven that said publlc bearing wlll be bekl oo tbe 19th day of February, 1970, at the bour ol 8:00 p.m. 1ra tbe Council Cllambers of Ule Newport Beach City Ha.ll. at whicb time aM place any a.od au persons !Jlterested may awea.r and be beard thereon. Don R. Adkinson, Secr etary Newport Beacb City PlaJm1D.c Commi&sloo POOI.i.sb; Feb. 5, 19'70, ira tbo Nnpan Har bor £- FEBRUARY DISPLAY ~ET Mutual Savings and Loa.D ln Notice 1s hereby turtber ctnn Corooa del Mar is displaying tllaJ said public bearing •W be the paintings of Helen Br is. beld ora the 19tb day of Feb- galoU, who was born ln Russia ruary, 1970, at the hour of 8:00 during the revolution. She came p.m. J.D the COUDCtl Cba.mbers to America and Quickly became of tbe NeyPOrt Beach City Hall. successful as a mllliDery de-at wb.ich time Lad place aoy aDd signer . She o•oed her own bus!-aU per!ilOns 1Dterested may ap- ness ln Los Angeles tor many pear and be beard lbereon. years. DoD R, Adti.DSOQ,. Secretary In 1952 sbe moved to Laguna Newport Beach City Beach, wbere tbe beauty of PJ.&nn1ng Comrn1s.sion tlowers aDd theseal.u(Uedber Pllbllata: Feb. 5, 19'70,1D kt take liP P' I nHnc-lbe Harbor GOOD SCHOOLS are the mark of a GOOD COMMUNITY Bill Krumpholz Ready ... willing and co.o'... co~:·:.:··;:::; very able ... 0 7 !5-!5712 to give highly skilled, profes&ional inwrance utrvice in your neighbor- tw>od. He's an expert in planning all your insurance-auto, life, home and bu&ineu. And he'll 10ve )'CM.I money, 100. Come in and mHt him and take odvantoge of his broad int.urance experience. AUTO • LIFE • FIRE TRUCK • COMMERCIAL Fast • Fow • Friendlv * A STRONG LOCAL SCHOOL SYSTEM IS THE FOUNDATION OF OUR AMERICAN WAY OF LIFE. * IT IS VITAL THAT WE ACT NOW TO MAINTAIN A COMPLET E EDUCATION PROGRAM FOR OUR 26,000 YOUNGSTERS. * PRESERVATION OF OUR FREEDOM DEPENDS UPON EDUCATING THE CITIZENS OF TOMORROW. * IT IS ESSENTIAL THAT WE ACT NOW TO MAINTAIN A FISCALLY SOLVENT SCHOOL SYSTEM. * WE'VE EXAMINED THE ISSUES. WE URGE ALL RESPONSIBLE CITIZENS * TO VOTE YES, TUESDAY, FEB . 10. WALTER GAYNER AL GEISER ED HIRTH VIN JORGENSEN AL KELSO JOHN MACNAB RAN DALL McCARDLE JOE METCALF DON MciNNlS THEO ROBINS HOWARD ROGERS BOB SHELTON DON SMALLWOOD BOB UNGER JIM WOOD VOTE YES TUESDAY, FEB. 10 0 City Buil.ding Permits Nf.WPORT HARBOR ~~Gil ARST SEctlON --P. 4 THURS1lAY, FEB. !I, 1!10 COROllA DEl,liAR, CAU F. Blllldlllc ..._ olf at a • 1WU10R VIEW IDLLB • WIST OPPEII BAY record 110<4 a U'JO ta lin-Marty Loewy, nlmm~Dc -li<:C01llocll, 4000 HI- -Boodl, wltll .. ,'IN,I'Illo poo~ lUI Pet~. $a,ZOO. tarla W&J,IIIIot. .. ,$00. U. S.O. IAK! SAL! por:t.to ~a,:.,~ E. S. Rolhon, nlmm!Dc lloac ~tal, 101 liotl>ttal VaJoN!oo'l day will llo lW " 718 'II! 1o1a1 rocordod a ~ 1 '101 tet Aollloy, $4,000. 114., 1--Y bulldlar. lhomo a t11e 0rup c.., ' ' • C<IIONA HIGHLANDS $1 ,100,000. J-UIO-I&Iotiiii--J.._.,. ollut yoar, wbleliiOI c.w-Bueoo•• mmm••• ' EAST OPP£11 BAY •·· Fob ? ......... ,., at 10 tile-far Ulo all-llmtyo&riJ ·-... ... ..,, • • ..... ~ ot •sa 1M NO pool, 'lJCabi'Wo, Ter.,JS, m . Gtorp M, HollteiA llldSou, a.m., hOmtblbd caw, r • • • • • CORONA DEL MAR IWtmrntor pool at Z&t'I-1/:Z cootie•, and cu:Ue1 will be Tho l>laost I!Dclo boost a Jolla Mlteboll Jr,. comploto VIlla del Oro, $?,440, and at oold at lho Wolt<WI Plul Ill tbe Juuary total came lD tbe bedroom and add b&tb. '708 4S'I-l/:Z Vllta Roma, $18,188. Newport BMcb, ftDa1 W'Hk u G. Blbr II '708 .. 1/1 Hel1ob'ope A,e.: ---------------------, Aaoc:late• tookouta$3,085, 740 $1,000, • ,. permit lor aaaputmeotprojeet H. JJden. repair aredamaee lD tbtlr development at Jam. 214 Goldeorod: An., $:2,500~ botet Rd. and San JoaQIIiD HUlll • BALBOA ISLAND Rd. Tom Hunt, 2-atory d~CJles:, MARINERS CHURCH _ANNOUNCU Here are tbe permJ.t.s issued 119 .U.Iooe Ave., $S9,:Z50. lD the 1aat w"lc ol tbe month. • BALBOA Ill·. Glonn O'Neal, professor at Talhol Tbeotopeal Seminary, La UJ.rada, wW be cuest mlnilter lor tbt 10 Lm. senlce tblaSuoday. 1D tbeamountot$1,0001Ddover; Roy Colllns remodel store * NEWPORT CENTER '10'1, 711 £.' BaJboe. Blvd.: AWARD WINNERS b)Qored at tbe amtllll dlaDer-daote olthe Newpll't Harbor-Costa Mesa Bo&rd ol Realtors lllc._ from left, Glollen Fay, Bay ~ Beach Reolly, ._, Hster, dollar Yolwne, 1.11 addltioa to ber "ReaJtor ollbe yeu" award; Joe Clartsoo., ColdweU Banter I; Co,, tq, salesman, dollar YOlwne; VlrctDla Morri.ton. Collep Realty, rumer-~ fol' ... salesllWI, IIIII! sales; Judy SIISU, tile Real Ealalers, ... salesllWI, Llllt sales, and runoer-IC), dollar volume; aDd Bob Pettit, Realtor 1n ln'lDt, top uster, unit ales, a.od ruooer -~. dollar volwne, Victor Blurton, Coats II Wa.l.lace, no lbe award for runnet-1.11 as top Uster, Ull1t sales. Seated at tbe ~ker's table 1o the bt.c.tgrouod are retiring president J . Peter Barrett, at left, and directoc Jack Bar ellS a.od Mrs. Barcus. Tbe InlDe Co., 4 permits $S,OOO. lor teDIDllmprcwemeW at SOO Ed Struthers, Z-atorydll)leS:. Newport Center Drin East. 921 w. Balboa Blvd., $40,000. IUIIDAT ICID)L AT t:00 A.ll. .\T-A.II. loT 1:10 P,ll. total $52,592. • LJNDA ISLE G. Bliar l Associates, bull-B. H. Mlller wa.ll., No. 55 ding No. S at 900 Su Joa. LIDda L-------------:======~ qul.D lUlls Rd., 177 apartmeots, $S,085, '140, abd foundation, $66,&4?. * UOO ISLE Church News Mrs. J . HU11 addition. 838 Via Udo Soud, ,3,16'1, GU Wayne, demoUsb btdldiJlC at 912 VIa Lido Nord, $1,000; construct 2-story, 1-unit dwet-· 1111(. $123,200. The First Baptist Church of Costa Mesa, 301 Magnolia St.- Or, P. G. Neulllillll will preach on "The Wth!Ulness of God" at the ll a.m. Sunday servtce, and "Behold wtlat God hath wrought" at 7 p.m. • • • Guatemala on a deputation team sponsored by the Synod of Southern Calllorllf.a. • • • The Newpor t Harbor Lu- theran Church, 2501 CUff Dr., Newport Heights -Pastor Ro- . nald Whlte will pr each at the 9 • HARBOR ISLAND Eroest Kanr.ler Jr., 2~:':~:;· 1-unit dwelling, No. 36 Island, $28,000. • NEWPORT The P!ymouthCongregatloaal and 11 a.m. Sunday services on Church, 3262 Broad St., New-the topic, "Servant or tenant?" port Heights-The Re v. Nor -Boy Scout Sunday will be ob- man Brown will preach at 10 served, with Scouts from the a.m. Sunday on th~ topic, ''Why church sponsor ed troop serving are we here">" as ushers and assisting with the ~ob~~n~Dr.·.::~:.~:'~;~~~~: N;'IFJ)Ort Arches flees, 3333 w. Coe.st $2,000. v. Le e, aUeratlon, 3602 Mar- cus, $4,200. • • • Chrlsti.an Sciences Churches -"Spirit" Is the topic for this Sunday's lesson sermon. Ser~ vices are at 9:15 and 11 a.m. in Newpor t Beach, II a.m. in Costa Mesa, a.nd 10 a.m . In Ha.r- bor VIew Hills . • • • St. Andrew's Pr esbyterian Church, 600 St. Andrew 's Rd ., CWf Haven -Dr. Charles Dlerenlield will br ing a mes~ sage on ''The pr ice of hap- piness " at 8, 9:30 and 11 a.m. Sunday. An Ash Wednesday per . sonal communion service w!ll be held at 7 and 8:30p.m. Feb. 11. • • • lihD'gy . • • • The Lutheran Ch ur ch of the Master , 2900 Pacific View Dr., Harbor View Hills-Or. Wtl- Uam Eller will deliver ames- sage on "T he tragedy of blind- ness" at the 9:15 and 11 a.m. Sunday services. The deacons will be Installed as the church COWlClJ for 1970, At 7:30 p,m. this Friday, Feb. 6, Mr . and Mrs. Luverne Tengtlom, mis- sionaries trom Tanzania, Af- rica, will speak and show slides. • • • Newport Unity Church, mee- Ung at 15th St. and Irvine Ave., CUlf Haven -"Keep the line open" wUl be the Rev . Loren BILL CUNN lNGHAM, SI.4H!I'loteod ent of the Newport-Mesa Unified School Dtstrtct, performed the master of cer emonies role at the Realty Board's awards banQuet at the Balboa Bay Club F'r lday evening. Dr. Peterson to run again Ph1Up Raw, r etn(J(!el .,,.,.,, 2108, 2108-1/Z, 2110, 1/Z W. Ocean Ft., $1 5, * BAY SHORES H. c. Johnson Jr., addition, %801 Circ le Dr., $4,000. • NEWPORT HEIGHTS W, 0, Ja.nsema., porch over-. band, 200. Cllll Dr., $1 ,100 . W, R, Rice,aueraUona.odad- dttion, 500 Sa.n Bernardino, $1,3?0. • WEST UPPER BAY John Geiger, S'lt'tmming pooJ.. 1620 Ga luy, $3,800. Mazy CotD..n, 2-story, dwelllng. 410 Morning Star $48,000. Robert Burbulkt,,n .. '$~~~ Dr. Robert Peter son, Ora11t;i: patio, 1628 Skylark L CoWlty superlntendeot of schools, stressed this week in .U$EMBL YMAN BACX5 Flickinger's ser mon topic for Tl1e lamlly n1gflt dinner and 10 a.m. Sunday. program of st. Mark P!f!i-• • • byterian Church in East blu.tt ""' ~r Tr Lntty Baptist Ills aiUXNn<:emeot of e&ndldacy BOHD INTEREST ISSUE wlli bo bold T...aa7........., _...,_ 8Uor II.; CoD Feb. 17. The d1ooer wUJ be ¥eta-PutorSaUoswtllbr lng pot-luck. The mUsloo comrrits~ lbeaages ·'from the Gospel sJon wUl present Dr .JOhn Rich-of Mark at the 11 a.m. and 7p.m, ardaon. wbo spent 6 weeks In senices this Sunda y. lur re..e lecUon tha t theespected ''The Newport-Mesa tmUled 101% PillS .. LAlli wuum 4-IUS H. lAYS c..... oil --1 ,. ... lociM!ot ....... .... 11oo. ·-.-. rws 11ro1o"· 11ottory .......... .. tyttltR. All ,.,.1r wtrir: NM Ill .w ... lfrTkl """"""'· '67 '69 D CTY. o\llt, ... ,.,' ~&1-1 , . t rPT75" CHEVY-. ~h w.1.,~ ... tf •"'" PO• ~'.S., lew ,..,1 •• .,. IYPG9l1, IMPORTED CARS ' eJPaD.Sion of college level / .--tcbool 41strlct boDd llllerest student r iots Into our hlgb ~ -• rate Issue Is ooe 'Wbicb J feel schools and the cootlnued in-should be SICJPOZ'ted by tbe creases in drug abuse problems 'oters oo Tuesday," Assembly. wiU soon be putting even more -man Robert H. Darke {R-Hun. pr essure on local school Je.a. tlngtoo Beacb), Slid tb.J.s W"eek. ders. ''Tbe Issue should be awroved Dr. Peterson, in order to as a sign ot b..lth in the gover- help dimini sh the drug abuse D.1ng board a.Dd 1n the ~=~~ problem , has set a goal ''The bond request a of having at least one full time to be both a reasooable and a per son in hts oUice working oo valld one. U the voters choose the etfort, Tilts new spectaUst to approve of this issue, I am would be available to helsl'local sure that tbe board wUl DOt districts deve lop more effective spend the :l>ond:::m~ooe~:y~~= programs or Instruction about ously, but will the evils or drug excess. DR. BOB PETERSON commwdty "I expect that a ma;ority of program wblch wUJ be well re- the supervisors will be willing \t'is a B-17 Fiyl..ng Fortress ceived and s~ted by the to lei us have enough money ln commander , During hls 19th community." our budget to secure ooe per . mission over Europe he was TEEHS TO ENTERTAIN son tor this major problem," shot down over Austri.a and Ancbor Lodge 648, Vasa Or . Or. Peter son said. spent 18 mon ths as a pr lsoDer der of America, will be ebler~ "A ll of llS are aware that of war. ta.ined by the teeo members at some college campuses have He is alielltenant colooel,re. 8 p.m. this Saturday, Feb. 7, practically been UOOer siege tired, In the U.S. Alr Force at the Senior Citizens butldiD& from violent student r iots. Reserve, Following Ills four 15th st. and Irvine Ave., Cutr IDd.tcations now show us that ' yea.rs of mtlltaty service in Haven. such trag1 c happenings may be Wor ld War n he returned to Co-chairmen for lhe teens pla.nned for some high school ·colle~ and completed his ed u-are Edwar d and Patricia Ollila. campuses. Because of this lam cation. The Air Farce called They are assisted by Stanley ur ging local admlnlstratorsand him back into uniform In 1951 Wallin, drama; Emily Sor eDby, Boards or Education to accom-for 3 years of military duty pianist; J ulie Latson. song. pUsh certain preventive aM during the Korean War. stress; Tom SoreDby, culta.rlst. protecti ve efforts.'' ~D~~:~:.::.::~: Annex to C.M. defeated cation a..nd inter change between 1 duly elected student leader s, The proposed anneutton ot near Mesa Dr., between Tustin administrators and board'the Bac k Bay No.1 area to the An, and Santa Aoa Aft, members. ' City of Costa Mesa was voted The Local Apocy FormatioQ 2. Handle Individual and down 38 to 15 Tuesday. Commission had set a dl'ktinc gro~ defiance and misconduc t The area , •ltb 117restdeots, line in 1968, establlstliog Tus- wlthout vacillation and with is In the "county corridor," Uo An. as the prc:JP()Hd flrmoess based oo adequate between the city limits QJCosta moo boundary betweeo tbe z lepl aac1 pollee Bt4JP0rt . Mesa and Newport Belch, It b cities, TblaLAFCOrecommeo- 3. lllega l distribution on FOREIGN STUDY AND dation locllldedlbeareaoo~=~.; scbool campuses of unapproved IJ of TU$UD A". as IJ printed materiaLs should be rl-TRAVEL PLANNED to Costa Mesa, aDd lbe area rorOUBly prosecuted to the lui-Harbor Area stude:llta wbo easterly u anneghJe to New- lest erteot of Ute law. •Ish to combine sttxtyud truel port S.ch. 4. Apet on clearcut board In the summer culearn bow to TutD.J'I elecUoo resulted poUclea so that all start mem ~ tour Europe oo less tba.n $SO from a petltioo slgned by more bers, parents, ud students wtll a da.y wben World Academy thu two~thlrds of tbe property kDow that rtotoua actioos will Scbool ot Forel.p stc.IJ &.lXI owner• lD ble area, but tbtout- lDevUably t.-Inc pe .. ltles wtth-True I Preseat. a tum tabD come leav11 "Bleil: BaJ No. 1" out any posslblllty ol amnesty. of a similar tr41 1ut Jell. lD the co.mty UD1ocoqJorated Hl-y teaehor Roo Me-dlllrlet. Dr. Peter1011 has taught on Gurrer wlll prueat Ule 111m- every academic level from mer seutoo lnformaUoaat7:SO THEATRE GRO"PS TO alimentary OIChoo! throul!l>gra-p.m. Feb. glatboLitlloTIIoatorORGAHIU HERE duate let'el 1D colleee. lD ad· at CorODa del Mar bleb .:bool. Aa orp.olaaUoaat 41t1oo to beiD1 a tcbool ad.mt.o-Dan G!Ula: allo a teeeber at tbe 1n1111 Commtalty lstrator, he baa beeouenntnc Corona dei, liar Hip, YlU be W'W btbtldat dl•lllon wuoetor at s..ta Alia amoq Ulo-Worldol<adtmr Fob. 8, Ia Ulo Collop, Loor BoadJ Slate Col-f&eolly to llo -od. F-talud. Mro. lop, Oranp CooltColiop,and · E-1& au., lelloolllta-Wor.....,. drama- Cbapnu CoU.p. Ht wu a tull Y1UDc' Costa Mea u• rUl .. _, of tb. o1 UmokOlllymomhoroltii&Ual--to moot 111 lbt,....., 1o1o •orlltr ol Colondo from U51 -.,. 01 ?:IO p.m. Fib. 10. It liN. Ht ... _,.od u a lllr-11( World AaollaaJ llort world alllllr1 ror.m dlroc:tor Ill toae•loc .,.._ will llo Mro. eaDIIIr ...., C&llbnla oom .. oaiiJH. LUa Se-.... 1 ...... flee -::11::•::·-------~ llo wu hnrD lo Lura~ Mlal. prlaelpol at eolia ~~-111111. " All o1 t11o -ear·• artr lh-•-11 u II,...-at ....... ..,_..., -woro .._.._ ta -IIIIIO.ud-r0111111a-.. elala••l• '-!staN. IJI lbt Armr Air <biDe 11 ---- raieo dlrlof World Wv D lit -l!o---- DURING THE 1970 SYLVANIA Ot\JCE-A-YEAR SA.LEI MOST COLOR TV IS REASONABLY RELIABLE. 1970 SYLVANI A COLOR TV IS UNREASONABLY RELIABLE! It takes gutl to make a statement like that. Sylvania hu built in the guts. Everythin1 Sylvania builds into its GibraJ tarn 1 chassis is better than it haa to be . , . from Automatic Flywheel Colo r Lock c ircuitry to to Automatic Fine Tunin1 circuitry. And, since the Gibraltarn 1 chassis also copes effective ly with interfe rem:e problems th at c an drive other color TV's crazy, you do get great color in your hom e . Pay-off? You bet. Sylvania laboratory t.estl confirm dramatic 350% more trouble~free anticipated life than with the best chassiJ Sylvania ever made before . (And that chassis, by any standards, was re asonably reliable ... so the Gibraltar nl chassis gives yo u unreasonably reliable color TV ). NEW 1970 SYLVANIA COLOR TV IS OUR \lOST TROUBLE FR BE . GIVES YOU THE SHARPEST PICTURE. TOO' If brightness aJo ne really gave you the sharpest picture, Sylvanm would give you the brighteat tube. It doesn't, so Sylvania doesn 't. A lo t o f people seem to be dazzled by brightneu these days. Even som e manu· facturen have aotten the idea that the brightest color picture is the best color picture. Not 10. It'• contrut that co unts. Because it's contnut that makes each color stand out more clearly, more aharply. Even with all your room Iicht. on. That'• why Sylvania didn't try to make the new color bright 85•picture tube the brightest. Sylvania made it with 30% more contrut inatead. And added a new deep red photphor, and a third more bfilhtneu, too. So now Sylvania Color TV illharper than ever. Sharper than anyone else. SYIMANIA COlDR TV Model CF632K -Enrly American style. Warm reflection o f traditio n. alst.ylin1. HAS THE NEW 1970 SYLVANIA COLOR BRIGHT 85• PICTURE TUBB(28" DIAG. MEA.S.) AND GIBRALTAR"' CHASSIS,INST ANT COLOR!" AUTOMATIC PINE TUNING, AND OPl'IONAL CHAIRSIDE COLOR CONTROL NOW ONlY $548.95 TV ~on Jlmula~ • ·Because rodayi \roman is acti\'e and practical, and ohm _... pomy OOsc, I desivoal a g;mc:rless brief lha! can be worn over all ponty hose. With my Pamy Panncr a girt can have a sleek, firm figure-even in panry hose. It slims ' you when: )'OU need it and keeps hose from ""gging-thank.o to the 110ntle/ J(rip of inner leg OOnds under the Jlfctty lace cuff• The bra makes dx most of wh;u you havc ... or even :tdds a liuJe. Fuocrioo with finessc:- thots the idea behind every otga: h!:hind every 'OLGA rhcrc reall v is an Ol~a Ptnty HoM P•rtr'le, & bf'ief, 9.00; short~ Mtt1 Mded contral, t2.!50 and 15.00. In Wftite, nucs.. 'lbu"' S.Cret• bra, 11*1 cup or fuRy ~. 6.00 SOVIET VIIIIU<S-Tbo II RIIUian joar...U.U-toured lr'r1DI Jut weN u• lbon. &bon at tbe lrYLDI lnfo.rmatJoo C.._., Wblr• lrYtJie dlclal Wlebael L. Manahan polDls • dlt"•lopm.lllla oo a map. At Yr. ManahAn's rlpt ls the lllder ol tbt So9let ~. L. N. TolkmoY, cbiet editor of tbt Son« party J11,pet. lanstia.. Tbe toor included Fashion loload, Eut 811111, UCl IJid 1be lrr!De lodustrlal Comple%. Tbe nau ftl put ol a tour of the u.s. sponsored by tbe Amertcu Soelety of Nn8111P8t Editors. Prayer breakfast is set Off FE I. ONlY ERal., P .. fllllolnt Co. Of{HI-- o Hltlo _... ...... eff ... _. • v.1.,.,. •H ... IIW' 2721 E. C:..ot Hwy, CO-A DEL ll.y! ....._,n.o91 ~ Off FE I. ONlY "WOIUYS LARGEST" EXCLUSIVE GUARANTEm DRAPERY SERVICE OIAI'OY Cli.UIIIG I'OfiCT llGAIDWS Of AGI, 01 100% 111\ACIMIIIT • CLWIAILI. o NO SHIINKAGI • NO WI.TID HUlK • mfiCT DICOIATOI • NEW OIAI'OIIS WITH COlT'S IXCLUSIYil YIAI GUAIANTII 3424 VIA UDO -NEWPORT BEACH • 613-1970 Mayor Doreen Marlball of Newport Beach aDd the New- port Harbor JWilor Cbamber ol Comm•ce will oo-oo.t tbll 'liATS o I'OfiCT fY8I HEMS • DIAPBIES IEMADE 01 ALTaiD Fits almost anywhere! (Just 33l!e" hlflt, 19" wldo, 21'16° doop.) IDEAL FDR • Den • Second Home • Studio Apartment • Dorm • Office • Rec Room • Compact yet it's 3.4 cu. ft. In siDI • 9.8 lb. siD Freezer. • Chill Troy holds extro Ice cubosl • H}o- dra1or holds 4.4 qta, of fruita llld -'"bles. o Door storace. • Tall bottle - 95 ROD CALDERREAO, uooc:late ot tbeM. M. LaBorde real estate flrm 1D eo.ta We•, received til lilt alesman ol tbe year award at Friday 8'1toing's a- ward~ bl.aqQet ol the Realty Boord, YACHTSMAN BELL DIES Hor-A. 8oU, 'II, <II West wu lDcorporaled ID LNS. Allar (T o• J oJfts photo.} Linda Holts/onder wed J...oe Aaplel, a p1ooeer ill tbe ca1D1DI fame as a producer ol t G F D lllut ndlo _, ., 1111 black llldwhiiA!te .... lsloo,color 0 regory . ow son litO" a ud biDder. preside at, seta and stereo, tbe . ncm 1.11:1 eba.trmu of tbe hcvd of merged with Teledyne, Inc., Newlyweds Mr. and Mrs. Lyocb of La Habra.., Mr • &Dd .P&cb.rd BtU. died Jan. 30 1n J..o M.ay, 1968 a.od Is mw known Gregory francis Dawson will Wrs. Sbeldoo WeHenry of Be¥- Suta Uoalca. Death wu attrl-as Teledyne Packard Bell. be at home at 651 Vista Bonita., erly Rills and Mr. and Wrs. batlblt to compUca.Uoos fol-Mr. Bell was widely known East Blutr lC)OD tbeir return Res Slaith of Fresoo. ~• the ld for hi lD ' Wrs. Pat RypiDskl. 'ftS la. 1ow1nc a recent beu1 a.ttaet. throu..,...,..~ wor s -trom their Doney moon in Paris, ha.r f tb st book at tbe H• wu bora 1D Roct Valley, terest In yachting. ha.vlngs~Ued Fra.oce. They were married a.t c ge 0 e cue • WATil STAIIIIMOYAl • FLAME PIOOfiNG • DIAP'EIIlS IIPA•ED OUR EXaUSIVE SERVICE I'IORSSIOIW. INSTALLATION PROf£SS101W. WI10¥A1 ''Rill" LOAN OIAPB WHU YOUI DIAI'IS All CLWIID COMMaCW.MAIIITBWICI COMTIACTS AYAUIIU • YOUI OIAI'OIES HAvt liEN IISTAWD 11 MONTHS 01 LOIIGBl, CAU COlT Alii HAvt -Of THE• COURTE- OUS IISTAUOS liMICT TOUI DUPBIIS Alii ~ YOII A fltll ISTIMATL 100/o OFF Pll. ONLY DRAPERY CUANERS 1102: NEWPORT II.. YD., corr•~...­ S..IIM • MSG711 ~-.:,.!h~ WOIU'S IAISISY (__A){{, /JJJ DUPIIT OEJMDS THE lEAia Of THtS ~ IS IIITITUD TO 1 OIMI Off ANY DUPBY C1.WIIIIG oua. CAU M2-0270 01 S..1M6 TO HAvt YOUIDUPB11S I'ICIIBI Ul' Alii IEIISTAWD. LOAN DIAI'IS AYAI A. I AT NO IXTIA CHAIGL THIS--fOI fll. 1970 ONLY NEWPOaT BA&BOa EN.GN 101M! .._ COUPON 101M! Jan, July S, 18i0, spent 111s 92-toot delsel ship, "Five a late December cer emooy at reception, a.od Roon.le Brown Ills tul)' buatDess career mo-Bells," many times lhrougtllbe St. James Episcopal Church of provided mllSic for dutlog. finlltomtbebrobraptoauto-Panama Canal. "Five Bells" Newport Beach. Tbe bridegroom atteoded mobUe lodutrlea aDd In tbe l was 11Sually :lnehored at New-1 ·1e bride is the former Miss Orange Coast College ud 11 a lll'lJ 1920's, ~ the tl:rm port Beach, but 5 yea.rsa.gowa.s Linda Joyce Ho!tsla.:lderolEast graduate of the Pasadena. Play- wblcb wu later to be kDowD u dooa.ted tor marine research. Bluff, daugtlter ot the la.te Mr. rbouse~~Sc~hoo~l ~at~P~a~sadei~na~.1~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pa.cllard BtU Electroaics, tbe He ls survtt·ed by a sister and Mrs. Herbert Turner Holt- J&rpa mater o1 tele'rlsloa &D:1 Mrs. Wayne R. Rising, I...ake slander ot w•tttt<!rand l<e•1>0•1 J ,,.jf'li,A, lttreo today 1D Western United San Marcos, Caill.; and 3 bra-Beach. She is a graduate ol tbe Statu. thers, Artbur ZwebeU ol North UotJerslda.d de 1a.s Americas, Tbt Pactard Bell Company, Hollywood, W1llard L. Bell of M utco City, and the lle,acanl( Dl.med b' Belli..Dd Ills partDer Newport Beach, a.oo Albert R. Cultural Institute, also MeXico ot tbe 'SO's, Leon S. Packard. Bell of Hooolulu, City. Saws used to free youth ~'"s?E~:"~~~.E.;; Club a.rx1 the l.ate Francis Oa•-A 16-JII.t-old-youtb wu tured leg a..od cuts oo his back son. trapped bllaeath h1s srull to-a.Dd eye, police sald. He wa.s Tbe bride was given in mu- relp pleblp truck lor oaul} a admitted into Costa. Mesa Me-rtaee by Tbomas O'Sullivan in balf an boV a1hr a WutcWf morlal Hospital, wbere be was double ring ceremooy per. tnfllc crub before NPJ)OI't reported ID fair coodlUon. formed late Suooay atterooon, S.Ch ftnmea. were able to Tbe youth was drlv1Dg alone Dee. 21, by the Re•. Dl•id frH bim by U8lDC metal cutting tra.vellog oorth-bouod on Ir-Crump assistant pastor of the saw• a.od pry bars Saturda.y yiDe AYe. near ·Santa Isabel church: A dilloer ror 100 guests Dlebf.. Ate, sbortlv be!ore mid.nlgbt was held at the Balboa&.yClub Joseph La.nniO. Z200 I....a.ke wbeo the mishap occurred. ronowlng the wedding rites. Park Ln., West Upper Bay, Witnesses told otrlcers tba.t For her wedding gown., the wu p1DDid bJ his lac beoea.tb the truck., whlcb wa.sa.complete bride chose a white wool catta.o t.be truck &ftlr bll lost cootrol loa passed them at a h.ieb rate embluooed with a jelreled Ya.I- of tbe .,.blcJe OD lnt.ae An. of sPeoo and then crashed after tese cross. Her juliet cap wu aM U rolled arer 1Dto a. dltcb. ta.i.U.Dg to make a curve. acceoled with red and creen H• IUflued a ..,.erelJ frac-stones. She carried abouquetot GOLDEN WEDDING orcllldl a.Dd holly. Miss Pamela Trowe was ma1d of hoDor, She wore an emerald Huboi' s.atorCiUieoi'Ciab, sbol1 and humorous resume ol PIUDt ntfet dress aoo a cokl '==~'" b)' tbe Zolta Club of tbe1r Ufes. ud rbJDestooe up. Sbe carried tlal'tl« fatares ro-"I triedtoteachliarytodriYe • bouqlltt of greea polnsettiu muce mute :,. fbbloD oo tbe flaTDes ln 19'22," ~ and holJJ'. tbt tioio &plldL Joeepb. "But sbe41d.DDlreadlv Red nlnt pbS wtth •lltte A brtdet ~ aa.Jr belli Jf'UI) tbe fact that 008 mllSt lace were wora by Oower ctrla Jan. 30, ea~ tbe JDklea twD ~beels to De&Otiate a KiriUA DlWSOII ud Elb&.betta •tdlllae Ull!YtrDrJ olllr Ud earYe. Cb&Ddler. Tbey carried cold lira. Joell'b Dalla. ot C~ Tbl S.Diot Cltileos' cbora.l bubta wltb ·red rose PltaJ.I. MIA. Yr DaRoc. barD ta ti:IIP'OIIP 11 rtbearsiDc IIDderYrl. 1be lfOOm cbosehlsbrotber, lorJtND• ;, tal 11a11u A_.. Jama S&WJet's dlrectioa, u CuUoa Dawson. u b.b: but to tbl• U.U.S statuat tbe llDCVs Jbapt ~ to pro.. man. Us.bua wen AlaD Rypta... 1 ;:; Ia P-IYUia. Ho -mule lor lbe tut. po.-okl, Cbarles c --. Jobo blo lloldo llary 00 n4o 1D bt btlol oo Fob. UN. Alllro and DoiiD1s 1lollr&bu. Fob. 1110, ~; 11M O.Iac lblo pJa, orbos will 111oo SbaryD Cuo, oololot, ~~~~ mottd wtlt •RtlloU)btiiYeailrtbtolde.tudpre-wu aecomp~nlld bJ fn1D BacJI, and -.loiiiiO.U.O lllMI _.., Kl-ot lao orpa, and a r.JJ REO fOIL HEARTS '""""-ond ~ ...... 8 Ol l l 45 5% 01.$1.00 1 lb 12 ·~ c.._olo ... o ,.d bv-· bot>t J 1,4 lbs. $4 15 ASSORT£0 CHCX:Ol.ATES 1 lb. bOJ: IUJ5 2 lb boa U.85 VaLeNTnU.S WIT 19V C-Ia Llll -tllloara Lut ,_, U c>OClallrlpo eMir lloelllc Cb<lat-"'-aaJ=st to aair maa.u....., were t:UtlwW:Itraftldlrectora la a eHrebdtconttdwUII.pola-"";;::;;-1 or ..... .-ud -loiiO R. stc4 ud lira, Ko--·· lloll1 and c~~r~~~qo := -W-111, """"bodlar ....... Port•mu aad -· -ud -acceuartu ID 1.111 of bM' fii9Wtllt ..U. w noir-,_ .,.....,.._-. HoftllU--· .............. -.. ., ,...77, ..-d at ... ......., tbll ,..., .......... ton iDcl-*1 Mr. ud Mra. I~!C(IJ-~~~~O,Itra. nar..ce ~ Widliw«lll ud•aW••&a J&IIM CillUowJ ud Mn.. ElM r: lltM-~ . .-. ..., '-" --• -., Loo _..lao, llr.ud --.. .......,.Mill.,.., tr1P toi .. IJII DIW Mra. lie! ~ ot ..... -&. ...,. --ud ... Lao ..... Art .._._ u. -~ lin. ·-... 9 I" A. ... FE I 11 WUl be l:lUIJwred ._......, -.-. --~ Ill alnl<loiM---------!!"'~ IIIII c.! I lo Y--A4 no-"' a11 ,. ..,. •• ...... "'--· lUI: ~c• ol kip tiDQ trudl ••. .,.. -J , , • 8alloe ft.Uitl ud llatiMr" IIX .. • •• fttdlu ud doeU • • • .-l'fl W h 0 .. Jlr ............ ~ ..... ,. ...... A HEARTFELT GIFTI .. , • V I t. t F b 7 NE'II'ORT HARIKlR !WSIGII a en 1ne ea e . AmsEc~ON--P•aor. All IIIIo llrlo Do lo P1a1 PMA-T'-llowpon Cbop-THURSnAY, FEB.~ 1110 loa J>UIJ,I!'" ---.tor _.u ud .,,.., .. tilt CORONA DEL liAR, CAUF. -• _. ... 1M .Mo-1 lobo Tracy Clltde _,._ Cbullr Lapt 'l'lc*c>ort --ud _...,. ocbOol boaor tbelr _.. 'U IKII ,_, • 1D Colt& .... wtlb aV•-· loa,C00111lolel7 JI'--------'!""'.,.-----....... THE LUXURIOUS NEW IAli- THEATRE ltOIIIII Of IOCI(IMQ CMAII lOQU 1tl1 EA$1 BALBOA Bl¥0 BALBOA I'HIIItSULA· 613 4041 NOW-DIOS nJ~DAY, FEB. 10 First ftlm to s how complete courtship, maUnc and birth of animals. More tban ~0 species! THE AMAZING EVOLUnON OF SEX. "THE CAMERAS DO IIOT STOP DURING THE MAniiG SCENES." says the him 's producer, Hal Owain .............. ~ 7TH EXCLUSIVE WEEK! ACADEMY AWARD WINNER! BEST ACTRESS I BARBRA STREISAND ·~-·--••., .. ..,..,,n..., ~ ~ -NNiiii.U . ;u nCHMICOl~•P'AI\IAVISIOI\I• PI&Utd ud .-br tilt II&'IIUitmotlfu. Tbo loa 9111 bo bold Feb. 7 lo lilt Do¥or Sltor• lto!DO or lln. YelYtD DaDlelKUmer m . Buldeo tilt NaUooal CbuiiJ Lap member•, tbl Tlclt. tockers bau lnwlttd MYerl.l Amtrtcu Field Swrict .Cu .. deDtl, •eb of wboro will lll)8&k brlol\)' IUld will brltl( al>je<U to diJI>Iay deiDO!IIInltoc llle coa- tumes ud custom• ofbtr oouo-trr. WeleomJ.Dc JUtstl 1D thl re- celYI!I( Uoo wtll bo tile Clllj>lor preaideat, Mrs. Edward IAlsy Corlett. and her dat&dlter, Deborah; Tleklocker CoordUa- tor, Mrs. Herbert Job.D Meany, aDd ber dau&bters. Debbie aDd Clatldine; Mrs. Kllmet and b.tt daughter, Debl'a Jea.DDe. A CHECK FOR $110 was presented to the Newport Beach pollee department at the Jan. 30 meeting of the MuLDers Lions Club by Lions President Bob Walker and civic im- provemeat chairman Hal Htrsch. The mooey will assist the pollee d~tment'~ co~mu ­ nity services &vtsioll in printing brochures on "Teenage drug abuse,' to be dlstrtbuted to parents and students In the Harbor Area. Pictured here at the check presentation are, trom left, Assistant Pollee Chiet_ Harry Nelson, Mr . Hirsch, Mr. Walker, and comm_unlty relations ofilcer Ed Cibbarelli of the pollee department. A thOusand brochures Will be distributed In a.n etfort to curb what some authorities describe as the most serious con- tributor to crime today·-drugs. PresldeDU of -.en uad• level IJld their IDOthers wtU pour. Tbey are Tracy Ewald, 7th grade, a.nd Mrs. Brian Al- bert Ewald; Tberesa Marlr.el. 8th grade, and Mrs. Louis 011- lon Markel; Patricia Cooke, 9th grade, and Mrs. Robert ClltUS Coote; Roblo MlDN ,lotb &rade, ud. Mrs. Guy EYerett MLDer Jr.; Carol Connally,llth grade, and Mrs. Paul Connally; and Debbe Dean, 12th grade, and Mrs. Frank Brooks Dean. ROTARY NOMINATIONS The Newport Balboa Rotary c tub has nominated the fol- lowing members for 4 posi- tions on the board of directors: Bart Brown, Dick Ferda, Bill Miller, Laddie Reda.y, Bob Searles, Bob Silver. Arthur Strock and Roger Turner. Feb. 9 is the deadline for the rinal balloting. AI• WALT CISNEY 'S "HANG l'OUI" MAT ON THE W1ND .. "UIGAiN MATINEE" WED. 1 P.M. CRUCIAL GAMES AHEAD o SUNSET LEAGUE o IRVINE L EACUE In preparlDg for tbe party, the 7tb a.nd 8lb &Tade girls wlU Sunset league basketball The Costa Mesa MllStangs make the tea s:aDdYicbe&, while teams a.re racing crucial games hosted the Estancia Eagles last the 9th grade girls made the this Friday following last night In an Irvine league crucial name tags. Punch, tea and cot- night's round, wtU ch started encounter, and no w face another fee wW be pri!IW'ed by tbe loth off with 3 teams Ued for the key contest this Fr iday evenJng graders. Formal 1Dvltiat1oos lead -Newport, Marina and at Loan.. were seot out b)' the 11th grade Westminster, aU wtth 5-2 r e-Corona del Mat wa s sche-Tlcktociers, who will also pro- cords. duled to ta ngle with Edison last vide mts a.nd mints. The 12th Last night's action saw New-night, and will host Fountain grade girls will bake cookies port Harbor at Santa Ana, West-Valley Friday ni ght. The aDd take the respooslbiuty for minster at Western, and Hun-Eagles will be at Magnolia Frl-the tea table, Ungton Beach at Anaheim. This day. American Field Service Friday evening It wm be ~Ina The irvine teams went Into guests are Miss Lucia Crispin at Newport, the big game of the last night's round With Corona from Bra.t..ll, wboa.tteod&TusUD week; Anaheim at Westminster, del Mar and Loara tied for the high school; Miss Marlsa aDd Huntington Beach at Santa lead at 6-1, the Mustangs right Flores from Chile, woo plays Ana. behind at 5-2, arxf the Eagles the guitar aDd al9oaUeDdsTus- There was a 4-way deadlock ln 4th spot at 4-3. tin nigh school; Miss VoaAangy tor the lead alter the Jan. 28 The Mustangs had moved into Renahata1andry from the Mala- games, with Huntington Beach a 3-way tie for the lead by gui Republlc, koown a.s up there with the leaders. The edging Edison 75 to 73 Jan. 28, "Nicky" to her Corona del Oilers started on their come-then fell out of the lead by losing Mar hi lith scOOOl friends; back effort by troLmCing West-to lowly Santa Ana Valley 69 Miss Stamatla Kon Tsalta from minster 65 to 53. Ana heim up-to 62 Friday nigh t. BOO Austin Greece, wOO also atteods set t.avored Marina 67 to 54, sank a pheoomenal 32 points Corona del Mar hlefl school; aoo Santa Ana defeated Western against Edison, and 17 against Miss Angela Masser man-Leser so to 41 in a cellar dweller Valley . Scot Neville was top from Ch.ile, Costa Mesa hieb battle. scorer aga.tnst Valley with 26 school; Wtss Adrlala Scbmldt Friday nlgbt the Sailors had points. Ta.gll:ul from &u.U. who ~ OMAR SHARIF • KAY MEDFORD Do troUbleturnlngblckAnaheim The Sea Kings posted an easy attends Est&Dcla hleb acbool; 63 to 53. Lee Haven led the way 55 to 36 win over Estancla. Frl-Mlss Ma.rgrethe Dorotht Krls· .with 22 points, a.lded by Jetr day evening. The gamewastlit-Uane Kleist from Greenland, Malinoff with 16, Dave Eccles ly close for 2 quarters, with wDo Is called "Meka" by her and Nels TahU with 8, Taras the Kings ho lding a 25-20 halt-classmates at Estancia hllh r:.!=========~ Young with 7, aOO Bill Becket lime lead, ~ut they pulled away school; and from France Miss ;. wttb 2. Westminster just barely for a 19-polnt margin intlle2od Christine Yu.illequez, wOO at- got by Santa Ana, 49 to 47, haU. tends Newport Harbor high LOW PRICES EVERYDAY/I AT ~oust 1~~urkPt featuring MANNING'S BEEF FINEST IUALin AVAJLAM.E BARBEQUE MEA T5 Spodol O..t.n ...... -'•""--~ LOCAl IElmrt' sr.mct 673-8965 Produce FRESH CRISP ,u-._-UCUM BERS OR Celery 3• 2Sc GRAPEFRUIT 0 BEER & 'IIIHE SPECIALS FOR FEB. 5·6 ·7 JACK & BEAN STALK GREEN BEANS CUT OR SLICEO 303 SIZE 5 .. S100 COLD CREAM STYLE CORN DEL MONTE 5 "' s 100 303SIZE ELBERTA GLORI ETTA SLICED OR HALVES PEACHES 303 SIZE 4 ,_ s 100 KLEENEX PAPER TOWELS 3 .. s1oo GERBER$ STRAIHED VAN DE KAMI' and Marina beat Western Sk.Jp Will iams led the scoring scDool. 60 to 52. with 17 poi nts, and was the only EAgle player in double figures. National Charity League Don KJlllan scored 16 for the a mother-daucDter service or- Sea Kings, and Mike Sevier had OUT II COJIS I Open Nightly 6 :45 p.m. Sund•y 1 :45 p.m. CONTINUOUS SHOW SUNDAY FROM 1 HELD OVER ~;;~~~§§~--~3iR~D WEEK DIB!I.IJ-1~ P'II.D"S 20 wotdl or l•n ..... . 21 words to X) words WILL TRADE smart, sma.H Re- pacy bome. 1-bedroom, z bltlls, custom kltcbeo, eo- closed J*,io, seclllded feeJJ.Dc a.m!d trea,move.IDOOD11Uoll, plau for CODY. den-bedroom. SUDMt Piau Drtn, Loa Ao- roJoo (Zl3-S5Z-e&53). OYaor. FOR a bedroom, z bath coa- dorn:lDium or d~lu -Bay Froat 111 Newport Beac.b, CaW. From The Gredt Nor thwPst to the world over. this Pend leton~!. 1acket JS a sla.nd-ou!. It 's the dls· tmgulshed Cl u bste rfl, t ;~ulored w1th assura nce m pure wool. The wo rldly hbPr. stz .. 38 to 46 and LONG In U·44·46. ONLY 138.00 and 139.00 SPANISH CAFE SET, two cbairs, $35; wrought-iron glass top table, 4 c~s, $40; large low square walnut table, oever used, $2D;twostlckreed cb&J.rs, low table, $15. 1715 Barmouth Place, Newport Beacb. Phooe 833-0504. 'MISCELLANEOUS 1011 IANTI!D Ia,;: . .:_:ONIMO.=:,::.::::y"-... ==--.,=----_,--.,.-.. 1 IPOTS W•• -or•• • • ,_. eew arpet -,., ,_ .. .u .., • ., ·• ..... -w~a ., .. La ... ............. lhr. ... lt•t ol-e .... -··-~ ... ,. .... -"· ~ "---.at-lt7 ·-llOJ .1!. ONot H.,.., C.: ..... CDI. 67)o%77t,· . -.. 1..... . ......................................... -............. ... IIC!Ifi'.W.U. waar, IIIII'' a .....,_ -a b -_,, . 411¢ ~a It ,,_ ..... I • ......... -... --....... .;. ...................... .. Newport lud! •••• ... hiiiMI Coste .. LilloW. ·EWOtiT~ Ellll fiRST ltCliOII --Pw 7 Ocean Side of Highway C-0-U-N-T -R· y CORONA DEL MAR . _,_._ Ju11t llllted In choice area: Duplex wlth 2 bedroom home with patio and Income apartment always rented - $48,500· Year 'Round Vacation 3 Bedroome, open beam ceUlngs throughout, overlooklng huge pool and putting green, large private patio, buUt-lns, spacious ldtchen. Who could ask for more ln luxurious Uvlng? Thls outlltandlng home offers a com- plete vacation 365 of the All of th1ll for only iio.iiiliiLY OIAMG! COAST PIOPHTT 332 ........... c..-........ -613-8550 OPEN 1-5 FRI.-SAT.-SUN. 716 Larkspur, Corona del Mar , _r lmm.a~ulate • Two bedroom • 'Doll House"-Large covered patio -LOW maintenance yard -R-2 lot -Ready for you to move ln. • ••• Close to Big Corona DUPLEX Excellent condition, excellent income. LET US SHOW YOU •••• WE ALSO HAVE EXCELLENT RENTALS q[youcan c.Afford theCJkst ... then you un dwell In -fll ,_rs, NfWPOIIT lEACH. Hero 1111 quiet ot. gence of Beycreet'a "for.ver view" homee, the preatlge of Newport' a famouo Woot Bluff. ond Pf1Y* beoc:h- " comblno to molco IIIIo "0£ ~ to IIYo. You moy purdlooo on oxqulolte o><Jotlng lla)<ooot homo. or you moy -• ··-,_,. lot ond ..., Welle & Sone, Inc. will deelgn and build.-homo julllor you. If you ... -"'"-.'. -~~oyuooc .. ' cuetom homll $90,000 10 $190,GCIII lagmst ... ,_ ., ... ,..... """"-Qllellll hMf ,. ,.,. ........ ..,.._ • 1430 Oll•d• tlrMIJ ....,._, -·-(114)_1_. Opon .. 1010.1110' • f·I·V·E Bedrooms! . T -H-R..£..£ a.thsl Top convenient location to ALL 11cbooll -, -from ldndergarten thru Junior college. • BESIDES 5 bedroom• and 3 t)athll, ·~· .. th1ll home baB carpetll, drape11; fire- place, buut-lns, large covered patio, 11hake roof, etc., etc.--you name1t l $37,000 E-Z TERMS w•-McC.I'dle Realtors Rci!Mit Stmtt Sill<t 190 ••••••••••••••••••• FOR LEASE PRIME CORNER FOR OFFICES OR STORES -IN LIDO SHOPPING AREA • {Suty~UI space of Lido Realty, Inc.) • Petfl /Ja,.e/1 Reaft'J ptwJ<m!J OPEN HOUSE -LIDO BAVFRONT. If you ''ant an exceptional Bayfront you must ~ee lh1s s~c1ous 3 bdrm home 'A'ilh 2 prive~te pa· llos. p1e r & sl1p. Available immediately. SIGS 000. Marc•a Bent.~. m v;. Lido 5oud s.t/S... 2·l PRESTIGE AREA -GREAT FINANCING! Ncar-new 4 bdrm famllv home. Formal din- llljr! room. Family ruom.".1 \ar J:Magc. Large Hb urance loan a~:~oumublc 111 ('X!SIInJ: low m- Tercsf. $i6.000 SunNy 1-S N LISTING -IRVINE TERRACE. lm· maculate. Adult occupied. 3 bdrms + maid's quarters. POOL & VIEW. Expensive -en- te.rtainme.nt oriented. $81,750. .,V. FEET-NORnt IIAY,RONT-LIDO ISLE. Partially remodeled Bayfront home. Priced near lot value. All new batha.. Pier II: sUp. V~~eant Immediate possession. Dllico Open Satvrdoyo & Sundlyt PETE BARRETT REALTY I 60S Wootclllf Dr. N.l. 642-5200 I I I I ·•-e·1 I I I I I I I I I I I Salee tbrOucb tbe llulttple U.-",. Bentce al tbe Nnport Harbor-eo.ta ~~-Boud at. llealtora totalld ~tir ; $M mt!Um for tbe \'l'WELYB moatbll ,at. .... Tldll npnMIDU 1 2114 wdt al• Uld a doJ!er ftlue • IDcnue al 4\ onr tbe -• period rJI.lut ,_.., illlliCt. wu ar~feal'· L1at your property-wttb a Realtor todaJ. 1 1 '1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I lltU RSOAY, FEB. ~ 1!10 Q!!!O!!A l!lL !!AI, CAll f. ••••rt lndl .... • •• 11111141 Costa Meta l.ilo w. eo.-cltl Mar. PRESTIGE WATERFRONT HOMES SHOWN IY APPOIIfTMINT Wototf.-.... Exc:ellen1 51 fl Und1 1111 1-"old lot. II>· cellent bu:v at only $35,000. 1S Lindo IIIIo Drl .. New &. beauWul 4 Bedroom. 5 bath bomt wilh large sunken llYinlf room & fam. rD'b, wet bor. llldllnt electrle but. CUJ>Oiod a. londacaped. Prked . . . . . . . . . . . . $1~5.000. 16 Lindo IIIIo O.ho E.s.qu.ilitely det..'Orat.ed. 5 Bedroom, S Balh new home wilb upstain Tlew or Corona del Mar btllo. 3 firepliCOI a. BBQ. ConWnorod p1ti0 declt. PriC<d wi1h dock 11 .... $145,000. • LinN Ia .. Drl•• Neanng completion. I Bedroom, 5 batbJ witb family room lc lar&e nunpus room. 3 Ft.r. places. 4,24& 59· ft. of living area, ineluclinc deck & boat ahp. . .. . . .. . .. .. ILW,JIIO t1 Linda Is .. Drtve Beautiful 4 Bedroom, 4 Bath home with extra large living room 1&: muter Bedroom. Car- pel> & drapes. Landl«ped. Boo1 slip. N01r teMis court a. clubbouH ............ 1131,000 Linda Ia .. o...,.-...,.., Ce. 1 .. S.yoldo Dr., N.l. ahl 0......., 67S-Zill READ THIS H you ;ue in tbe market for a NEW home. see these out.s tand· ing customized homes. built by F rank II . Ayres and Son. locat- ed m a pnme area very close to Huntington SLate Beach. The homes c>re pnced {rom m .s.;o to S.i:l.6tiiJ owd vary in size from J to ·1 bedro":lmS, 2 to 3 car }l!ar· a~es and 2 to 3 baths. ~·1Lh :-hake or m1ssion tile roofs fire· places. nnderground Utllitlc ~. concrete dn veways. built-ms . and l'arpeting:. There is VA ant1 Fll.'\ rmancmg available. There are 9 homes available b«ause af credit reject1ons. Occupancy by to.larch 1. 1970 in this uml. Om· next unit is now on sale lor occ•1p.1ncy ln May and .Jun:: lg'iO t~nd introduces thr ne~ :1 <MJ H ft ··r:l Dorado" model pnced U:om $34,490. ll•ncho La C:U.St• tt.m.• on Brookhunt et Atlanta • Huntiftttwl a..ch 961-mt-Ml-ll31 _,..,....,... .'CIOIII1 a IIBI" ~ ,__a t1 ,.,. ,_ •• • P,ins.e Patios • Fircpl.c:n • POOLS • • Hole Putlinl Glcen • Ttnni• • Scp&Jale fll'luly ~'lion • Arti. \o Sdtool1 1nd Play aaou.nd 90G S.. L-, C61 .,._..,..., • .., C.. It ..,. et. .... , •• ,. ltl-.4 4 Outat.nding Buy• CoreN del Mar ~ Dt.:PLE:\E . ..-. ~~"""~' "•H11S ••trf"r ""0": : HOL:!<t:' "" , ,, ow-t \nl I lllll.·k lo ·~.,..,.,. &IG r .. n,bhrn:. '"nul~ honlf nn U' ~~~ (1.1 I'll'!' ,.,-,.,\y 10 • st:U..: 2 BR. Coll•;r" 1,.. nr-r •nil fman~..,. .nw~sl pn1."' m CdM . SEMPLE REAL ESTATE lJtj £. Coast Hwy. liT.:t-2101 ,._ .. y __ .................. c.ll~ 1 GREAT IUY I SMII ot Bl.yside Dr •• Coroaa dol -. l -1/Z lots ... z bedroom tw::tme. $49,000 U1111.11al tar aa ISLAND OE V. ' INV. CO. Haney D. Peue &n-Ol.t6 • --JUST PlESS TM! .. MJ l'Ciri'A TlC" IIUT'IDMI CORBIN- . MARTIN R•ALTORB .. Lido Isle Dream Home Located a f ew hundredfeetlrom the beach. This lovely contemporary is blended t ogethe r with Mon t er ey sea coast atmospher e. Hug e beamed ceiling living r oom. Graced by the war mth of a tremen- dous fi replace. Three charming bed - r ooms and baths, s eparate studio. Only $82,500 --Low assumable loan. CAL L NOW FOR TERMS 675 -1662 CORBIN-MARTIN, Inc . 3036 E. Coaat Hwy. Corona del Mar, Calif. 675 ·1662 ~f\T~6e;Reafty., ' ~~ •--c..__ ' You Should See the Rear! The r ear of this 5 bedroom, split l evel opens unto a park-like setting of trees and green g rass. You can eve n s ee a lake! It's lush! T he home is plush ! Deep pile carpet, fo r mal dining, large family r oom with fireplace and wet bar, you should s ee it! The home is located on Mesa Verde's fines t s t r eet -!828 Jamaica Road . 2850 MESAVERDE DR • COSTA WE'::>A • c.:. r., ,1 rrr o' the hill v., llrll. .... 1D1, ,.. I ''==~:: 5 -two 1-:or I• _.........,.,__ REDUCED S 10,000 $87,500 RIDDLE SRosS. .. REALTORS ...... C...II' G c-... -.c.t--_,. Like A Broken Drum Ctn 1 he bl' o1 !··• • •n i• non. h:K'al~" • 1 • • be-dmn1•, l•u• · b&th!i. Lo ·· ·~ ••. 1• Amlma blr 1 1 ', ' a\'lLIIa blfo "·' • ' j• ~nb md•~l .. •:-uv. ·'"! U'IIIUI'IInc"'' < f "'II J' .. I" ml'!lll l'hl• ~ ,. 10-iiii Man Overboard ! ''BUI "" 11101.,._'111 ''" "nu bt llt'll' ,,,, , •• , ... , •• ~~ )~·"I I , 111! '~'" rl,·n• OutotniZI'tl lhl\•w:" "' bldnom, ~ hlllil ,,,.·u;,J o1111 11'1; rOOfll. ~ fu'l"l•l.« • • 1•1r'1 Jill'<f flltl\llj 1'1>' ' '" I I II frlrr:nill3' "'t'l lw.1 l.n~l • ('.,.. p!'tl, drapP~ "'"" f,.,.,, ,, 1111 ~111'1;11, I"UII~'""" ~·• 1111· !ftt111 pool. Sil.DI'II ltll l"!'l"d In tbtl home! and ·~ urler •I ....., ., on~,. $56,000 rr~ &CIL ... ... ~--~ _..,....._ -IIWm .... -...... _ ... __ ALTON ALLEN Allen ·seeks third term Cbairmu Alton E. Allen or the Orange County Board of Supentsors UWOWlCQd Morxlay that he wUl seek r eelection to bts 5th district post. brlng out the truth of these maneuver s to Intimidate me. 1 feel it is my duty to my coo- stltuents a.nd to Orange County to reveal the true picture of the power play now bei.Dg staged ln the 5th district. Mr. Allen beat down an attempted recall campaign apinst lllm inl966.Buta.notber ts pendloe and there Is thepos- &lbtUty that a recall election could be staged coocurrenUy wUh tbe regular June primary, "Both recall moves bave been power plays backed by big mooey biddiog tor political and ecooomlcal control of the entire county," Mr . Allen sald. "l am contideat that I can LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given thai the Plann1ng Com mission of the CUy of Newport Beach will hold a public bea.rtng on tlieawllca- tioo of John Dewey Mitchell. Jr. tor a Va.rlance 984 oo property located at 326 Ma.rguerlte Avenue, Corona del Ma.r, to permit 3 dwelling units on a lot navtng 3540 sq.ft. of la.OO a.rea where the ordinance requires 3600 sq. ft., and to permit ooe open parking space 8 n. wid~ where the ordioa.nce requires a covered space 9 feet wlde. Notice 1..& hereby fUrther giYen tb&t said public bea.rlne wW be beld on the 19th day of Febr~~a.tY, 197fJ, at the hOur of 8:00 p.m. in the CoWlc11 Chambers of the Newport Beach CJty Hall, at which time and place any and all persons interested may awea.r a.od be lleard thereon. Don R. Adk.loson, Secretary Newport Beach City Planning Commission Publlsh: Feb. 5, 1970, In the Newport Harbor Ensign. LEG4L NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARlNG Notice Is hereby given that the Planning Commission or the Clty of Newport Beach will hOld a publlc hea.rlng on the applica- tion of John Dewey Mitchell Jr. fo r a Va.riance 985 on property .located at 328 Ma.rguerlte Ave- nue, Co rona del Ma.r, to permtt 3 dwelling units on a lot having 3540 sq.n. of la.nd a.rea where the ordinance requires 3600 sq.n., and to permit one open parklng space 8 n. wide where tbe ordinance requires a cov- ered space 9 feet wide. "I hOpe to sllow that there ls a big money conspiracy bidding tor political aod economic con- trol in our county. Up to this time, Orange Couoty llas beeD free from boss polltlcs and the economic strangle-bold that thls sort of thing always ln. volves." Mr. Allen, wbo has lived ln Southern Callloroia since 1922, and 1.D Laguna Beach for the past 8 years, was first elected as a county Sl.l)el'Yisor ln 1962. He was r eelected ln the June, 1966, prlma.ry when ne was chairma..o of the board. He 1s apln chalr- ma..o during this campaign. OFFICERS REELECTED All oUlcers and directors were re-elected at the r ecent aooual members meeting ot Newpor t Balboa Savings and Loa.n Assn. The omcers ue Paul A. Palmer, <:hatrma.JI of the board; Jack H. McDonald, president; Robert R. Hield, executive vice president-treasurer; Spald.lng B. Eastman, vice presJdent; Alan R. Nlcllol.son, secretary; Mu Vigil, controller; Doris Croxon, assistant vice presi- dent; Gordon Redmon, assis- tant vice president; Madellne Dawson, assistant secretary; Margaret Gilbert, assistant secretary; Flori,eBe Lawlt, as- sistant secretary; Catherine Kiester, assistant treasurer ; Dorothy Orwing, assistant trea. surer . The directors a.re Barton Seek, Agnes Blomquist, Ralph P. Maskey, Jack H. McDooald, Pa\11 A. Palmer, and Waller s. Spicer. Newport Balboa Savings be- came a part of the Imperia.! Corporation of America last November. At that time Jack H. McDonald, presklent of Im- perial, became president of Newport Balboa Savings. Paul A. Palmer remains as chairman of the boud. Agnes Blomquist stepped down tram her position as president (I) November, and Mr. McDonald s ucceeded her ln that position. Miss Blomquist is in her 16tt\ year as a board member. HEW EDITOR HAMED Notice is hereby further gtven that said public hea.rlng wi II be held on the 19th day of Feb- ruary, 1970, at the hour of 8:00 p.m. in the COWICII Chambers of the Newport Beach City Hall, at which Ume and place any and aU persons Interested may ap- pear aDd be heard thereon. Don R. Adkinson, Secr etary Newport Beach City PlaBning Commission Publlsh: Feb. 5, 1970, In the Newport Harbor Ensign. Linda L. Grant of Orange will serve this spring as editor of the Barnacle, Or~ Coast College's weekly campus oews} pa~r. Linda, who previously was managing editor of the Barnacle, succeeds Larry Dun- mire of Corona del Ma.r, tall editor . LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the NOTICE OF PUBUC HEARUfG Pla.DD1nc Commls.slon of tile Notice is bereby given that City of Newport Beach will hOld tbe Plarminr Commission attbe a pabUc hearing on the appllca-City of Newport Beaeb w:IU hold Uoo o1 John Dewey MUcllell, Jr. a publlc bearlDg oo tbeappUca. tor a Vartaoce 983 on property Uoo of Dan-Bl'UaDDla, Ioc., .located at 3Z4 Marguerite AYe-(White Horse Inn) for Ameod- 11118, Corooa del Mar, to permit meat to Use Permits No. 12.44, s dwelllDg units on a tot havtng 1272 and 14U oo property ao. S$40 JQ. ft. ot 1a.od area where cated at 3295 Newport Boule- tbt ordlDUc:e requires 3&00sq. Yard to pTermtttbec:JosiDgbours ft., uj to permit ooe openpar. of tbe White Hor11 laD to be tiDe ~ a ft. wide where the cba.Dpd from 11:.00 MidD1Jbt to ordiJaoce reQuires a CO'I'ered 2:00 Lm, space i feet wide. Notice is bertby fllr1ber &t•en Motiee t. blrtby turtber pnn that aid public. beuilll will be t11a1 ald .... Uc *<IDe wiU be btld oo 1110 Ulh clay ol Feb- Mid ODU.1Mbda1ol.flbnary, rUitl', U'lO, at tbl boar ol. U'IO 11 111o boor ot 1:00 p.m. 8:00p.m. 1t1 lbo c-cn Cbam- IA ~ C.-:11 Cbolllbora ol tba bora ol tba llowpoot Boat-CIIJ llowpoft Boatb CIIJ Hall, II Hall, al ftlcll lltDe ud P- 9111<11 UtDe &.lid plaCo 1111 &.lid .., ud au par---au par--·-..,. ,..,_udboltaordlboro- ,... ud be 1taord --... 0.. R. •did-Soen1at7 Doll R. A.._ Socrolar) lloopwl e.dl CIIJ 1lowparl Boocll CIIJ PU...C c-lllitOD PJIIIUr Com •tl='= • ".: ,. " 11'10, .. ........,, '"'· s, 1170, .. 1M .. otm -I ...... 1M Nowpon Hatbor IOIIp. ' CONSULTING FIRM IS ORGANIZED Go. .. P. Zola1 Ill .,.._ bU: .......... IIIUUJi • mOll Ill o-.... Zola1 • ._ .. too .. "-Boocll, a coarnlttnc flrm ClUed to lD- dutri&J ltfllptim ol 1101o0. J't.kla of ~~~~till CIIP'Nl!Uts &.lid 1111>Ucatlou IDe-po- trolotun &.lid .. -uplon-Uoa. 1ud I&M p•oo!aL oeeu- JioCJ &.lid -ooalro~ &.lid utraterrellrlalltultlea, SlDce 1863, Yr. z-bas blto a IJCieotist LD tbe IIJPlild r tstral'Cb labontory of Phllco- Ford'l Newport Beaeb Aeronu. tonle OiYlaJoll. He YU for. marly exploration vice presi- dent of Rocky U.OUDtalD Corp., Cbtcato; research ceoloclst tot tbe Calllorol& Co,, a. stud&rd Oil ol Calllon>la ""Or-; Uda""""'"po-~ ~ .. _ 1111111 ._ l:lr U.S. VUI4•Corp., ,_,,. aWUd ,_ yo1 ,1.,.._ llllklp, Ceut., ud ura..., •leo to 111o CIIJ Ill NOWJ>Oit Colo. Boocll, laYoiYior • 00-t- llo .,..,..., .. !rom Fro..., boflllyo -Ill lila....., ud statt Colltp aM recetYed a endicltioaoiDOJtoueaultiPI mutora cSocree ln>m tba Call-ID WoatlltwpO<t. A>rala laatlta o1 TachDolocJ. Ho 11 a member ol tile loeb- At Cal Tec:b bl wu a lt&ehlac Diea.l adYtaorJ bol.rd ot. tbt fellow. H11 rtMUch pt,pera Newport-Mea UDUltd Sebool II.&Ye been publlabld 1.DC1 pre-Dlltrlct and tbe board o1 41- HD&ed to HYeraliJUr•Uonal rectors, ot Space Cluba o1. A4 orpnl•ltloas 1Dcluc11Dc the New merle&. He maintains mem. EDC)ud academic community btrab.lps lD the Society of Ez. IIJII1>0al1ttD OD PiaaelarJ 1100-ploratloo Geci!>b1lliclsts, A- pbyaJc:a, Bostoa (1987}. com-merlc:u Geolo&tcal lnst.Uute. mlttee oo space researcb, lOth Newport.Balboa Rotary Club, pleDuy meetiD&. Loadoo(l967}. I.Dd tbe "552" Club at Hole aad tile lnloroallooal opaee ....,llaL sc:teoce sympostwn, Vlenoa He and bls wile Pat bave 2: (1966). IOQI. I , He tt.. 1969 GEORGE P. l!IAI. IOhDSOD•SOD OR A f!W 1'\.0WERS' fOR YOUR ltOME CUSTOM MAO B POR YOU (WI!" WILL HAI'PILY RI!~LA CE YOUR PURCHASE IF YOU ARE HOT COM- PLETELY SATISFIED.} WE DELIVER Frederiks Florist PHONE: 675-7552 2626 E. COAST HWY., COR OMA DEL ItA For a better deal on a Uncoln-Mercury product see your local dealer, JOHNSON & SON. AND who else can back the sale with 18 years of QuaRty Service. Cyclone 2 DR. HARDTOI' This beautiful 2 door hardtop is loaded with extras such as liCJ "429 VB", dual exhaust, competl· tion handiinCJ packaCJe. Blackout CJrill with cyclone lamps, 4 speed transmission, p o w e r steerinCJ, power disc brakes, radio, instru· mentation CJroup, remote control side view mirror, and It's compe· tltion oranCJt!. Ask for stock No. OH15N528272. +Tor & Lie. ORANGE COUNTY'S FINEST USED CARS lol1tu011 4 Soli Bas Tllfl ftflJIIIIalloll Ot OHerlllf Tlafl f'l11est Selfletl011 of Vsed Cars bo the Cov11111! ~----------~ --------------, 'U CDHTINIHTAL Cou,, ll:el•'"'""'d "'''•Hie fi~i•h "'iflt bl•d lu tlllf & wllite h~olu <to!. lu•ury oquippod, flcloly t ir. •k . xn 510 $1491 JUST ARRIVED FROM FORD MOTOR CO. (Special PurchaM) WIDE SELICTION Of 1969 MERCURY IIIOD.S ALL UKE NEW! VERY LOW MIWI Cou9ars & Mercury1, convertibles. station wo9ons, 4 dr. hard tops, 2 d-lwtrdlopL VERY ArrRAcnvE SAVINGS! 'U CONTINENTAL 4 Dr. S.d. Aotnll told fh1ioh. b,.,,.~ lo..,.j•u reel, lu thor i11lorior. All tho lwaury fulw1u i11~, Into,., t ir. VTP'1l6 ·$3195 'U MUCUIT Cele11y Pto\' Stt . W'tt"''"· VTM t:l!rel ... yellow fi11i1~ with ell •i11vl I .. 111dit: h i M., ,ewer liHri"'t I t.ry l if Ullcf. ilnli f.l Ulld. $2995 '" MONTIIOO MX 4 4•. uclt~t IJ t. cheo•• f,e.,.J. All lro.¥. ewle. "U1., ••di1, hutlf. powlf t lllf .• power ~»••••· f•cte•w t ir, ltttthu roof. YW~ OU- 1,000 '"llu , $3170 '67 CONTINENTAL 4 Or. SM. lentiM krill'"'• 11 .. 1111fellic fi,.. itll witll 110•klll"'f leetloiH l•tHi.,. llu• I• .... •• roof, t,n, 1.,.,,., ~uip,.M eiHf f .... ,, ,;, •••· IIIIHe•l .... AM.FM ,.41o, .m.. te,. 4ec\'. OM. ,,._ c ... lee,.lf.l}y ••l•lti ..... Uc. TTN 020 C....wti~lo. '•Itt wlite witll W .... loett.or & wt.l,. .. ,. hll ,..,., ~,,,, ... wltl foot. olr. MV 211 .2991 'U COHTINIHTAL 4 .le!H. Oou•l ltitt fl11i1h wit" ltleoo4 lui~•• illltrier. Fullv lvoury oq1ippool i11cludl11t full ,., .. ., I Inter., oir. U11u•uolly ''""· l.ic. ouw 'l5J $1995 '" CONTINIHTAL Ce""'''mol•. Cerdi~e l r•d wltll ~~·· lu ther I .1 .. lop. f ullv IIJUry !HIWipped 1: futery eir. SQA UJ $2495 2·D•. H.T. •aid '"''' "''''Ill"' f'i~hh ~~ritll ~lock t.,.chl utlt, •u+o. frtftt .• ,.41• I ~ •• ,.,, p•w· •r alnrift,, lt cllfy elr, lenflfvl ltlldltio ... TlJ 101 $1991 '67 MlaCUIT MAa9UIS 2 Dr. H, ... ,,,. le1Wtifvl 1114 kit• fhtith •lth "otc!liltf l11terl~r, f.ll, ,. ..... ~,;,~. f ... lory eir, le,.cfe• roof. ofle o•..,. Drl"" 111ly ]0,000 Milol. UZH t 14 $249S 'U TOYOTA COIOUA J DiD 4 •1"1 • .,.,_,, rHI• & .......... wlroft. w .. t 1,...,,.,, 11,000 .... ~ .n .... ,..,..,,,,1 •-'· xoe 111 .1391 0 .. '64 CONTINENTAL C doe • ud .... V,l•tl ltlu• fj,.;,lrt 'Witlt llltd: lui~~• '"''''"'· fully lu111ry oquipp.d ifttlw4ill t lull powor & futory t it. Lie. OYS 121 $1795 BARGAIN CORNER I• o.r ..,._.. c:....r-.-...,. ..... ,,.. ..,.. cert. S... ciMa, .... Mt ........... ,.. _., ........... -· .. w ... .......... _,.....,..._ ........... ,1 LOOI 'IM OYIII '88 MUCUII1' MOIIIYCU.I• SID. •1 '"I Ur. u•w 111. e..... ._. Ml ....._ • • 1 1171 11Zll ... ,.e........... -.. t .................. -. ..... ... .. ...... ,.. .... Cllonw-. Jtlll •· C.... 0 M2 .. 111 ILDIIIll ~GITDIIEIVil • m • IIEICIIBIIY • CGOIIII 1 . · J·~~...._~.._,_,.... J · • American history month observed NEWPORT BEACH I~ • .u ....... -. ·-··--- Stoee ,..._,. INboo•IJOO- clalmod "A-leu bl-, moatb," tbe&oJa'CltllnrU11ea- turo Amorlcao bl-, pro)ocU wWI ~~ dur1Dc Dec:em- ber, Jutlll')' Ud Ftbrary. 1D botll bn.Dcbtl. Tbe Ceolral BnDea Uotbera Club wtllboldanmmapalelD U.ueb, acoordiDc to aDDOUDCe- meot by the Mothers Cltit pre. tile aldeol, lin. B. PanleL All Garrett's 15th Semi-Annual Sale types ot rummap are Deeded Amonc tbt IP&dal events aDd may be left at eltber bnocb plamed 1« FebriiUJ are: of tbe Boys' Club. Proceeds wlU be ll8ed to lmprOYe the club's program. SAVE 100. ON Spri.nfl ::Down Voluoteers are needed lor lapidary a.od ceramics at tbe Central Bruch. U you would Uk.e to work wttbaoaapr crotet of youngsters 1n either iapl- za -blrtbday party at dary or ceramics, contact Central Braocb tor boys Clyde Hartwlpen at 548-9387, By Stone and Phillips LENGTHS REG . 550. inkets & treasures DUNSTER CREELY, co-ewoer Mn. J. O'Hara Smith of Beacb, ruardla.n angel,. will help of Cr eely's bookstore 1n Costa c:;: del War, presldeat ot aucUooeer. Also asslsting wUl Mesa and real estate salesman ~ ~y of ChUd Guidance be KWIZ radio station's Fran with Mulla.o Realty, wtll tell NOW 450. ot Oranee County, Ls aoo Bw:lcly. the "llistory aDd evolution of from her trip to Costa Ltmebeon reservations can be the Lido Isle clubbouse" at the a.nd Floclda aod prepuiog made by calling the Balboa Bay Feb. 10 luocheonotlbe Lido Isle the trlnket aod treasures Club 548-ZZU. Tbe auction will Woman's Club. Tbe 00011 SPREADING THE NEWS of tbe Alta Bahia beneftt for the aucUoo, to be held Mooday, begin at 1 p.m., toltowtng a pre-meeting will be held at the club- Orange County Phllba.rmooie Society's coocert programs Feb. 16, at tbe Balbo& Bay Club. view sllowlng ot all Items house, where Mr. Creely served are, from left, Mu. Duld Chamber s or Costa Mesa, "What woman ca.D resist an at noon. as manager and e.1ecutive sec- treasurer; Mrs. George Ocb.soer of Baycrest, aod Mrs. auctlonl" stated Mrs. Charles Proceeds from the auction retary rrom 1953 to 1959, Richard Franklin of Harbor lUgblallds, program chairman Hostler o1 Lido Isle, ways and will go to the Child Guidance He was then also the editor of and last year's president. (Ensign phOtO.) means chairman, who Is dona-Center or Orange County, a low the Lldo Islander newspaper and 8 I• I I Ung yards of shag carpeting and cost psychiatrlcCllnlc tor emo-wrote a weelly column for the ene II Party Or Concer SpaddlniiDilleeveot. ttonally disturbed yoolll. The Newport Harbor Ensign. Mrs. Robert B. Bernard or Cl1n.lc treats youths pre-B~:Ilool Balboa lsland ls 1D charge of to age 17aodUleirfamilies on CLASSES TO START Alta Bahia committee of tbe Orange County Phllharmonlc Society wUl sponsor another beoetlt social eveat. Tbe blaclr. Ue cockta.ll. buf- fet dinDer daoce wtll be held Saturday, Feb. 14, 011 the eve- lli.D&: of Valentloe's ~y. Tbe Edward Schumacher home will be tbe pJa setting. with a clrcus tent, a large chaodeller suspeoded from Jt.s top, and eoormous amounts ofwb.Ue bal- loons a.od Valentloe heartssus- peoded here a.od there. Donald Ferguson, Luis Law ticket s&les. Admission tickets a below cost basis, rep.rdless AT H ·M C EN T E R a.nd WUllam l...a.ing. ol $1 can be bought from any of race, creed or economic The Newport Mesa CeDter of Tbe working committee member of Harbor Key or ca.n level from Orall(1! County, the Pepperdlne College div1- members loclude Mmes. Ted be bougbt &t the door. The ticket sl.on of contlnuln(educaUonwlll Mutin, David Chambers, John entitles tbe holder to bar ud J OINS DATANETICS begin classes next week.. Croul, Robert Anderson. dialog privileges at the Bay · Marshall Styli of Costa Mesa Students may enroll Feb, 9 or Thomas Baume, Richard Brad-Club aod to the many door ha jolDed Datanet1 C during tbeou:t2 classsessions burne, Richard Franklln, Carl prw;s wtUcb wUl be awarded uo~ Redoodo ~~b, ~~~= according to area director ani Martl..a., James Gaines, John dW'lng tbe atterDOOn. rector or manutacturing Hamilton, ClaSses wtll be beld ~aaldson, A~en Gee, ttWam Mrs. Antbony ottine ol Udo leul.ng tllls Qme position ai at Costa Mesa High Sc hool, 2650 eldemann, erman ohruJon, Isle, chairman fdt the event, Babcock Electronics Corp na. Fairview ROi.d, Charles Kelly, Jobn P. Kenney, llas been busUy recording the ta.oetics ma.nuta.cturesand~ar-Th1s Is tbe 12th year ot the Clyde G. McCall. Frederick man;y items already doaated, kets data entry keyboards. Mr. Pepperd!ne College program to McBrien, George Ochsner, Paul loc luding paintings by koown Styli formerly held production bring the campus closer to the Queyrel, E. Morgan Quinn, a.rUsts, an electric goU cart, management positions with student. Classes are being :vid, ~~ber~, John ~srr-objets d'art, toys, c1othlng, Caillornia ln)ectton Molding :.trered in 4B centerslhrougb0ut g, LJO.I'0Y !mann, van sk.Ung and golfing equipment. Co. Inc., Lumioator Ioc., Pepco California. The Newport Mesa der Burch, Leonard Hall, L. W. radios, camera equipment. toe., Standard Electrical Pro-Center presents 10 classes JFeo.kslds, VoR~erGt 18ernbe<:s kH, Jolull lamps, and antiques. ducts Co., a.nd Burndy Corpora-1n education, art alld physical au a~ enn · og e. Harry Babbitt of Newnnrt u education, Proceeds from this invlta-~-on, tiona! tUDd raising soiree will wm to .uan wo• .•• YOU MAY ORDER 4HY PIECE OF STOHE & PHILLIPS FUR. HITU RE OURIHG OUR S.t.LE 15% OFF H.J.GARRETT fUR NfJURE I'IOFOSIONAL INllllOR DESIGNW T •k• edvenf•g• of th ••• importent u•i"IJ' on ti.o: cWferent 1t yle1 of lu•wr iot.n tprin t dow" sofe1 in • ho1t of ••quitit• hbri ". l'21S HAilaol: M.V9. COSTA MISA. CALIP. 64U27S .....V' Members arriving lor the 6:30 cockta.U soclal bour wiU be greeted by Mrs. Wllllam l...a.ing of Corona del Mar, Alb. Bahia chairman. Follgwtng the cock- tall hour, the members w1ll pther lnto theteotthatbasbeeo set "" to cover the enUre back yard and pool area. Mrs. Kenneth Smith, cha.ir- ma.a. ways aDd means, Is as- sisted by Jd mes. Edward Scbu- macber, Raymood C. Dolt&, be presented to the Orange County Philharmonic Society to he)p meet expenses incurred througn the concert season.. PubUclty cha.lrmanfortheevent 1s Mrs. Perry G. Gill. assisted by Creuy Murray. WHAT GOES ON HERE? Cards help raise funds By Betty 8eckwlth demonstration of a new concept Legend tells us playing cards ln sewing. Wardrobe modeillDg were Invented in 1120 in C hina trom U.Ogerle to ski l)lJlls Is to amuse the wives of Emperor planned. Seuo-bo. More sclent1llc infor-A seascape lD oil has been matlon saysCMDesecardswere donated by artist Mrs. D. C, derived ti'Clm paper mooey with Mattocks a.s ooe ol the prizes. pictorial symbolsoltheirvalue. Members or the ways and Another tradlUon credits the means commltteeasslstingwlth wUe ol a m.aharajahollndla with the benetlt are Mmes. H. s. WU- devlsing the first cards. Tbe liams. PhiWD Pike, S. E. motive was to break her hus-Briggs, Jack Frank, Adrai.D bi.Dd of the irritating habU of Joyoer, Erwln Loth, Walter puWng hls beard. Gustin, C. R. Forbes, W. R. When members of Newport Da.oa a.nd Ray Nielsen. Mor e Beach EbeU Club play cards are Mmes. Henry Vaughn. Nell at their major tu.Dd-r&ls&r at Wtlllams, C. R. Crout. James OOOD Thursday, Feb. 19, their Deblsen. Jack Cunningham, motbe wJU be to make th.J.ngs Raymond Herms, Ferol Bal- eas1er tor deservi.og students Ienger, George Ma.lcher, C. W, ln nw-s.i.ng and music. LI.Ddgreo, H. D. McGregor, Em- American Legion HaU. Z15 rna Munson. Ralph Wilson. A. V. 15th st., Central Newport, wtll Wortman. Jobn Lamar, Charles be tbe setting for Ebell Club's C~, D. D. Ov&Ddo, Herbert international luncheoo-la.sMon Ford, Wa1do Nyberg, Harry show-card party, Tickets, Goetz, Ricllard Hodge, L. W. priced at $3, muse be r eserved Jenks, Joama Jacobs, Lols by contacting Mrs. Fr ed Ktelsmeler and Ruth Sparling. LoUes, 675-5783,orMrs. Ver- nace Morgan, 548-8052, oo later than Feb. 16. ForelgD cuisine prepared by members in cludes deUcacles from Sweden, France, Italy, Hawa.U and Mellco, served buf- fet style by ladies in colorA~! coaume. The prop-am wW 1oc11.11e a LEGAL HOTICE CERTIFICATE OF BUSlNESS Fictitious Firm Name THE UNDERSIGNED do here- by certlty lba.t they are con- ducting a Dlstr1buting busloess at 3732 East Coast Highway, Corooa del w.ar, CaW. 92625 umter tbe llcUUous firm name ot Wlre-Weigh Products and that said tlrm ls composed of the foUowl.ng persons whose oames 1o fllll ud place otresi- deoce are as follows, to-wit: Sbcry L. Cumm1Dgs, .250 Huel Drift, Corooa del Mar, CaW., Betty L. GUes, 603 YarguerUe Aft .. Corooa del mar, C&lll. WITNESS our bands thls ZSrd -day ol J&.Dl&fJ, 1970. Sberry L. Cwnmmcs, Betty L. Giles. STATE OF CAIJFORNIA ) )ss. COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ON THIS ISrd doJ ol J....ary, 1910, briton me, a Notary P1bllclaudtlrald-IUJd -. ruldlDc -.... dulJ comm•WMM ud norD., per- AIR FORCE Malo<-T, ..U, -Sllorry L. Mlllor Jr., .,. olnllnd U.S. Camllllllp ud Bo1tJ L. Gl101, Air Fon:o Ll. Col. ud lira. -lo 1M lobo lbo por.,.. -T. Mlllor, 1111 P1allo ---an-bodll> Drln,Coola ll_ ... ___ .... ____ ..,..-. lodflomlbou-roo--_.....,. lo .. IIIII lboJ CoJiotoal.....-. Ya.llo-_ ....... _ n:.t7 ftl •Mpwl It WU.. WIUO. IIJ' llud. Ud oalda1 llaal AFB, Arta.,udllu-· .-1. laa1'1oant,"*'fhb-p_a_oi_IA_•. Uctoaodtlr-C:O.,ud a.~ I"'Ittt'td IIU -·1111ae la ..... MJ C.•' '• ..,_ ... -a. II.Jl. IIUllor7 a.a..n. ·-J· ,. .......... --.. , .............. ·-....... -........ "' lt'IQ, .. .... """'""' -Jilol. _..._ • • • in the NEWPORT-MESA SCHOOL DISTRICT . • BUDGET IN 1966-67 ......•... S18,617,992.00 IN 1967.68 .••....... S21,012,310.00 IN 1968-69 .......... $27,294,067.00 IN 1969·· 70 .......... $35,895,384.00 IN 4 YEARS ENROLLMENT IN 1966.67 ....•... 25,308 STUDENTS IN 1967-68 ........ 26 ,153 STUDENTS IN 1968.69 ........ 26,447 STUDENTS IN 1969-70 ....•... 27,761 STUDENTS Enrollment is up less than 10% BUT THE BUDGET IS UP ALMOST 100%! • THAT'S WHAT GOES ON! THE "THR EE-STEP'' PLAN IS A GIMMICK! It is not a three -year program but con run FOREVER! • FIRST YEAR INCREASE ... 69< o 2ND YEAR INCREASE ..... 71< o 3RD YEAR & FOREVER .... 86< THIS \I F. .... 'oJ'i ... N 1 1i..._l.'oJ (qf~'iF O VER THF PR F 'iF'oJT ('1.\' R .t.1 F ASSESSED VALUATION HAS INCREASED «HI IN THE PAST 3 YEARS. AT THIS RATE. TH E TOTAL ASSESSED VAL. UATlON WOULD DOUBLE IN 7'-1 YEARS. SHOULON'T THAT PROVIDE ENOUGH TAX INCDIIE TO OPERATE OUR SCHOOLS EFFEC- TIVEL Y WITHOUT ANOTH ER TAX INCREASE' LOOK AT THESE SALARIES! SUPERINTENDENT .......... S30 ,000.00 ASSOC. SUP~RINTENDENT ..... $24,000 .00 ASST. SUPERINT!:NDENT ...... S21 ,500 .00 ASST. SUPT . R. & D. . . . . . S21,500.00 ADMIN . ASSISTANT .......... S19,500 .00 BUSINESS MANAGER ......... S18,920 .00 STUDEtH S~RVIC!:S DtR ...... S18 ,511.00 COORDINATOR ............. S 18,511.00 BUDG!:T DIRECTOR ......... S18,500 .00 COORDINATOR ............. S 17,213.00 COO RDIN ATOR ............. S 16,563.00 INSTR. SYSTEJIS ANALYST ..... SIS, 132.00 INFO. SERVICES DIRECTOR .... S14,000.00 BUT--- VOTE NO on the TAX OVER-RIDE Feb. 10 / • "As..-About a Little Child"- Mau. 18:1-10 ,._ TM1 IWD"D OP 1111 LOU. .._. '"'# ..._.,_....__ T .- • t.4kcrt .. wonb -~ tot. 0.. lley .,.,../ U -talweace Ml v'••a. __... .a.uolly will be lo-4 ill Ole la1d caM••· CLUES ACROSS I "all cuu rilJbt-ua..-a we cu • I -~--· ._ .._ ....... ta u.. JDav-filthy -·--" (laa. N :l} ct.. al ........ r· 1 "•••• eo .,....., 9"'4 ----ilrillf· 3 ·a-.apt ya M -·--· -d bee9•a alb lottll ~ lnUt~ IMcrtt. 7:17) -lJttJa cW.lckea" I "tab llaed thai J• ---~ ••' one 1 -.. , ~••eel U.e ----wh.ra olt.l!.-little on .. " M ••" IM.tr: 2:~) 12 Old T..taa .. t {ahKn,) It dty •I Mod (If..._ 21 ll$) 1S -, • .bo.~l ----aoteT iato the II '-'1" .,.nod .. ti-. IWII9do• I.S "'7• lllllr..U aot aliter iafo dr.a ttnv-17 "ratlaat tluzo JurYID9 two_ haltd. or - ... -oa" two leal to ••.• ecut Ullo ... ----... fl.r •• 14 ..,.. ----do ., • .., ... hold , ... II "1. ... •--•. • ... Me. .. •T Ftrtller'' I ••ra '"' ..,. ua _ ~ II -ua.. pnpar..C 0 ----IMfota ;-·.··ware ha119_.d ClboYt bia Jlacll .. -(h. 23) H uutiala. of two tudvn (Judv. 3:15: II -......... , .w ••• Ill» II•• 10:1) .t..b ----lt~ (MDtt. 11•251 23 ''God ... hcrth .. O:AointH thee • , , • bltdal. •I • e.,.rcda h•caJed •I abo•• tlly ----(H•b. 1:1) lePfWY IDd ~ (U na,_ 2.5 bdtiat. al Abrabam'a w il• aad •a ~ ~·r~~2J :31 21 -~ •pa!IT"oW bodl loiUld a• a initiala ol T•roh'a ~· o:ad gtaa.:l- ...... • oL n " IIOA ~~~ Jl :31) • -.... rwa ow a ----.. ,_,., lo I .,_ ... , __ ._, 1 ( ... 14:3) 6' u1mO o W'"ll'< two ...--•..-•• n 13 bahiol. ol wtr.crt aobl .. ..--ld 1M Lult• 1:15, re..-.rM order IMIIDCI wit.h. ----.N ----(P., 2J 110a ol luth aad loa• (lutk 4:1_1) ltftll 30 "at tM eam• ----c:cnae th dia- ~u "..-M ___ tllo• 1QCI1Mf ia tile ~pt .. u~to 1••\U·· ~ ... r-31 I peu:.•~•• !.bot ... T• on 211 ~ .._. .._ taba i.a adult-auperstitunu. (Act. 17:12) .,y, Ia .. "'"T ----" (Job l tf ) 32 ------·-daou that art hio;rhly to•-IT .. ......_ .._ -..-..t 0.. t..tl our.ct CLub I:U l ... ----" {o-., 2:41) 33 "wk-•er •hall ... it• Ike• oa Zl ,_ called a ----dailcl ••Ia lh• ri9ht c:Ja.ell. '----to bid! tk• ~~~aa-ollro•r" (MatL S::Jt) :J1 'wb-••r lh••iof• aball •••• 31 irUtiala ol Al:ora111'a ••••01d oGd .u-u cu ta» UtU• cbild" ..c:•ad wif. (G•a. 15:2; 2.5 :1) l4 laitioie of two 1•~-(JIIdog. 12: lt tll• 110n. ol Abd.iel (I Caron. 5:15 ) t: 3:1) &D tb• ab.ph..-U .. .,.,., ---. a~aid" 3.5 "lun-ia9 tJ.eN-c.-.dei!K• ••.• ed (Luh 2:1) with a Mt iron-(I Tim. 4:2) 42 -----0..• behi.a.d ••· Scrtaa" 77 HeM•• '" God. -ia -----IMadt 1:33) ~I (GIL 3.5:7) 43 .. , .... caU•d o lit11• dllild ll -w.o:a4 bt tlte Ae9eGa S.a -~~ Ml hi.GI ia th• ----ol tlt.em' (Aa. m:UI 4& •tt w"e lMtter ... that a .W-41 "lh. __ ia the ,....,.,.. U. Lbe .toa. w..-e ____ ed about IUIIaedl" 41 '::!J Kia9 c:o••th unto tlle•. •-IL ... H ... ~ •• ----p • .n ... :r· attia9 upoa ... ----.. (Mot\. U ia!tial oJ luth'• .a.er-ia-1-and 11 :5) die ~· of Pk• .. (luiA 1:4: 4: SO "1.1-d CD1 tkou. 5ia:r.on ----- 111 ~-·-(Mcrn. 11;17) 41 -Jt i. aof tke ____ JI of J'OW' lather 51 -tbau ~CIIIill .-icl. -----119.m.t my wbidl lA ia Jlea'l'ea" (Matt. II:' ea1llc1uory-IE.aek. 15:3) U) $3 laJtiaJ. of the firM c.upl• U -e cu :U a~ rn-d S-4 laJtiola of tW'o jud,_ (Jud9. 10:1: 41 a dty U. tile mol&llta:i.-(loU. :1:15) 15:S2) 55 --~~ tllcrt ----,..,, llto-..11 U. 51 -----tile --time I:'Gih tb• tlw! de,dt ot dae .. a" ctwdpi" unto J .. .,. .. u Wtial. ol o .ntlf' lud9• aocl llill AMSWII TO PUVtOUS PUZZLE t-ptr-1Jud9, 11:1) 53 "" ...u. of,_,. (G. .. 41 :4S) Sf -rather U..cm lroll?ia9 ,_ --·-to INt c:-aM into 11•11 &n- "57 -wta •• til• ----ia the ld.a9dom of ll•G'l'•ar CLUES DOWH • ----u.ato the world becaUH ot o8oaee~~J• 2 "th• tlueah.i.n9·floor ol ____ .. (I Cluo~ 21 :11) 3 "dip tha lip ol hi. lli19., .. , aad --. my IOI!UJU•" (Luh 11:24) 4 "lor ~~ lllr.YI n .. ct. be that ----c:ome S '"M••a 9ohS•n ----WTalh ol God" ( Rn. lull of lh• IS:?) 8101...4 COI..I..I!GB. L.t lURAOA Dr. Talbot's SINGLE BlESSEDNESS SUP£RIOR7 Q. W"w did Pat&! ttOel (t tt101 be:tef?' to be Jit~Dl• tla,. flll4rrl#d (I Cor. 7:!1-8!1), A. If you read thla paa&IJ'e cue-- fully, you will note ftrat of all that Paul srave hia judgment -and did not claim in the~ venes that he waR ~;peaking directly from the Lord. It wu hia opinion that In the "prea- ent distreaa'' (the very atrenuoua time in which he lived when the ftret terrible pera«utiona of the churt:h w~re beginning) it wu beat for men cot to take upon them the responsi- bility of a wiff' and children. He alMa brinK! up the matter of the at- tention that mu!lt be paid to a home which everyone acknowledge~. Paul wa.s a missionary, the f\rst great missionary to the Gentiles. Although JW>me believe that eventually he did marry, in the account of hit' labon onf' cannot ima~ine any time or place for domestic life. Paul himtelf con- demned tho!k" culti!lts who taught that men !thould not marry : "For- hiddin~ to marry" (I Tim. 4 :3) and ga\'f' very clear im1t ructiona tD youn~ married women about lovinJt their hul\band:t and children I Titus 2 :4-8 ). One enr n~dl'l to rompare Scripture with Stripturc for correct under· standing of it. Misl'lionaries have ofte-n foreKone the joy and pleasure Q;uestion of a home life for the Coepel'a sake. Sinrle bleuedneaa ht not a superior spiritual atate to that of the married rondltlon. Both should be in the will nt Cod . THE TWO WITHUSU Q. 1'1aere unu: to be a cotlti..ol ca.trotter•w 011n til• two iDI'tMIIU of Rewe1ca.tio. 1 J. Arl'. tiler Mo.,., a.Nd Elijo.lt t An Uaey El#aJa aM EMCA r Are tlley t100 81Ht'i4l JWO'J)l· ttl ra.itl'.d up fM tll.a.t IJ)Uiol •i•ill· trw t Plea~ e. give "-' w~r opi11io-.. A.. lt wiU be just a.n opinion as they are not named. However, I think there Is good reason to believe they will be Moses and Elijah and theu are the faclll upon which 1 bue thia view : 1. Mosea died and was buried by Cod upon Mt. Nebo. "No man know- eth of his Aepulchre unto thia day" (Deul ~:5, 6). Satan contended with Michael. the an::hanael, over "the body of M011es" (Jude 9). There is a myllte ry here about the burial of Moaea known only to God. Elijah went to heaven without dyinJI'. Did God thoa preserve the bodies of these two, representing the law and the propheta, that they might be His witne&US to Jarael, u well as to the world, durinr the darkest period of all history, atilt in the future! Surely their meaaare LEAVEN PROM "KING'S BUSINf!SS," BIOLA. CO I.Lf!Gf!, L A MIRADA NEWS Rf:f1)RTS indicate tbat Chria- tiaM and Communists are ap- nroachinll' each other to seek common ground whereby each may f\nd &ame- thintt beneficial in the other. Thi11, of course. ill another evide-nce of thf' increa.'ling &pollla.ay of the nomt- nal Christian church, foretold in &ripture. A prominent Communi.'!t who (a von~ this trend i;, reported to have !llated that while Karl Man called religion the opium of the peo- ple, it ill now becoming the yeut of the Pfflple. In the Bible ye.ut is called ll'aVf'11. Tht' Hebrf'w wnrd for leaven is lt'or. 1.-t'aven dPCompoMs dou5rh to a con- dition when• 1t ft>nnenlll a nd pro- duce!< alcohol and carbon dioJ:ide. Tht' dough becomes acidic and is calh·d ~ou r. It i!'l belit>vPd that in thi!l way ou r word JJOU r camp from the Hob rew '"(lr, l..eRve n wa.-. forbidden in any sac- rifi ce to tht' Lord which wa11 placed upon the altar. l it waa pennitted in offt>rlfll!')l eaten by the prie11ls and not plact'd upon the altar.) The reuon that leaven wu not pennitted in the11e offe rinl{ll to the Lord was be- caulle of the quaJity it poa~s,es to decompo~~e materiala. An attribute of t he Lord is His unchangi n~e and elf'rnal beinll'. Something which ha11 fJualitiell of decompo11ition and cor- ruption waM not 11uitable to bf' in - cluded in 11acr iftces to Him. Leaven wa.'l particularly forbidden in tht> Passover meal. The Pusover wa, all!o called the feut of unleav- ened bread. In the PttMOver the~ ill much 11ymbolil'lm ~lated to the aton- insr death of Ch ri"t. At the l&l'lt sup- per, which occurred at the Pa~~110ve r time. the Lord Jesue Chriat said of thf' bread, "This ia my body." His body did nDt uperience con-uption in the tomb. The instructions wen! Vl'ry eJ:plicit that the bread which represented Hit! body ahould have no leaven in it. On the other hand, otreringB to the Lord were to be seasoned with Wt (Lev. 2 :13 ). In contrut to the srnl- boliAm of corn~ption in leaven, ult tends to prevent corruption and it represenlll a purifying :1nd preserv- ing influencf'. Thf" Lord 11aid to His di.sciplea. "Ye are the salt of the earth." When the Communist& !aid that r-eligion i~t the opium of the people, it was obviou~ that thil't wall a dt!'- rogato ry point of vif'w. {f the new propasranda line proclaims that re- ligion i11 the yeaHt o~ the people, thh'l will aout ho~l t !'.Orne, but it i:-~ a decf'p 10n. It w I d sc ribe the pene- trating rruptio f fal~~e religion. The Lord wamed His disci plea to beware of the leaven of the Phari- !'lf'f'S and Sadducee11 (Matt. 16 :6·12). We net>d to ~ware of the infiltrating and corruptinsr influence of all faiM doctrine~. ? - ,..uld -rr-t ""lrht w11b Iarael. Elijah eaa nprtee11t the nptured aainta and Koaea thoee wbo w1U be In thetr rrave11 when Jeeua comea •rain. 2. The miraele• whteh theN wtt- neue:e wUI perfonn are lUre the miracles performed by God throurb Mo.ea and Elijah when they were upon euth. a. While we know that John the Baptist wu to &ame derrft the ful- t\llment of Malachi 4 :5, It 1eem1 that the eomplet.e fulfillment will be ln thOAe Ume. of tribulation juat be· fore Christ eam" in Hie rlory. SM Matthew 17 :11. POSSESSING PATIENCE Q. Wht i1 tAe m~(Uting o/ t.\e lflroxgr. ~rpr,ution of Lulu !I :11 : "ht wour JX1ti~11.ee JK1118f'U v .. wour IWHIIt"? A. ThE' Lord i!'l !lpE>aking of the tribu- lation which i11 to precede His re- turn in glory to the earth, and isaiv- ing inKtruction to the Jewish rem- nant in ruard to life and conduct in that day. AmonJ{ other thinJ'I, He P:"t hort11 them to be faithful and to ronlinut' in Hi~ Word which will give rest to their souls even in such an hour a11 that. It i~ a IH&On for all of u" to learn to bt patient under t rial in the11e time!\ a11 well. ETERNAL PUNISHMENT Q. I ht1v .. btex told ~ a Jelt01JCilt'• Witneu tllot tit~ refuexee• i" til, Bibll! to ~verlattting JHntitll.meHt, eternal fir~. etc . rroUv m~ax o h'mit- ~d lime. TlttJI evtx va-e Ott Grulc u·ord aionio11 to support tll.i_. flttfl rJI. A. It ifl very euy to check thifl error by commltin.ll' a Gre-ek leJ:icon. The only pol'lllibiE' meanin.ll' for oionio11 is : perpetual, eternal. forever, ever- laAting. This is an eumple of the distortion thia cult practice11. Thill very word is uJK>d in John 3:16, John 3 :36, John 6 :24 , John 12 :50 and other puusres referrinJr to our eternal salvation through Chriet. Eternal puni11hment i11 aa luting, 811 eternal, u i.!l our eternal life:. THE TRINITY AND CHRIST'S DEITY Q. Ca" wou (lit~~ me two or tA.ree Scriptvr~• wlticlt I eax 1Ut witlt tftou w.\o a.tta.t:k tit~ Triwitr utW! tile Dntw of Cll.rUtr I am emutaxtlw ~.ouYitering tlt~u peop"-. A. On the l'rinity : John 14 :16 and Mark I : 10-11 include the Three Per- sone of the Trinity : "And I will pray the Father and he shall Jrive you an· other Comforter that He may abide with you forever"; "And straisrht- way cominJr up out of t he water. he saw the heavE'ns open, and the Spir- it, like a dove, dei!Ct'ndinll' upon him ; And there came a voice from Heav- en sayin~e. Thou art my beloved Son. in whom I am well pi~." On the Deity of Chri!lt : I Timothy 3 :16 : "Great ifl the my!tery of godliness : God wa" manifnt in the fleah , jueti- fiE'd in the Spirit, s-een of angels. preache-d unto the Gentile!, believed on the world, received up into II' lory"; Hebrew11 1 :8, 10 where the Father calla H ill Son "God" and "L-ord"; and J ohn 1 :1-18. St. Thomas Bible Lesson THE TWO SONS Dtlttt: Its H lstorlcal hllltlct R•,t1•t•tlfro• CHRISTIAN NBW.f P. 0. Box 168 N•"' B•ll•"· Mo. a, E. P . &ulle (Coottouod from L.ut Wook) MWOO U partlcularlJ rlch lQ nood tradition~. lb IIJa btalory ot that eountrJ ct..-l.ctr (1'711.171'7), ..,. t1t11 llftle:•• bed a ..._s a.t all taumaott)' pn-1....._. ta a UDtt'U' .. delup,-.... OM maD wbo WU ....... ted atr:lud • P'tllt *'P 'lf'ltb hU WU.. b lah'r bOn llJD m...,-cbDdr-. wbo rtma.IMd c:Nmb .W a ,..__ flew dowa trom a tnt IDt taupt tb-em 1aapiCH, .....,_ bowt .. r, ,.... ., dtHr• that tbey coald aot ....-. .taod OM IIIIOiber aDd tbtrttore dJ.-r.-<1 ovw ... ....... Cl..,lpr pl.dur.ci an old Amertca.ll encraYIAI: .tlowtq a mu aboard a boat 100 the Ma; a man'• b11d aDd a btrd'a bead protnade tmm the water to .tpdty tbe 4e- atrucUon ot all nub; on the aummU ot a mcunta1D nrr<l.mded by water ~re J• a tre• oa a braoch ol wbldl alta a dove with a mau of twt.p 1D tta lldlth, ~J reprueDUnr tbe · .artoua tancuacea. trbUe 15 bumaa ftptru are ~ In potturea Of utoalab- meot, apparently ~ae they were DO loopr abl• to wwt.ut.and ooe I.DOther. Vartoo• MexJcantrtbr!a.uSeyf- farth reporta, had •lmUar pictures, In whiCh the Crutioa. the Dllup and tbe Cont'Utoo of Tongues were ponrayed. Ill tbelr Codex Chlmalpopoca the Aztec:&: eatd thlt U. IOd T1Uoac:.h.ahalan warned a man, Nota, and Ill• wl:te, Nena, to make .110 more pulque but to hOllow wt a larp eypreaa lntO whleh they were to go In the month ToZOUU to eaeape a fiood. ot lbe tradition ot the MlchOaeana Humboldt wrttea.: "CoxcoJ:, wbOm they eall Tezpl, embarked tn a apaetaua .ACALU with bJa wtte, hi• ehJ.ldren, aeveral anlm.S. and crlllta. When the Great Sptrtt ordered the watara to wltbdraw, Teq,t aenl out from hia barlt a vulture. the z.opUote or VULTUR AURA. Thla bird did not return on aCCOilllt ot the eareuea with whlel'l tbe earth 'Wd .trewect_ Te~;>l aent out other blrda, one of wtueh, lbe tl.lmmlnc bird alone, returned, hOidlnC 1n Ita bealt: a br&bdl CQ'fered wllh leavea. Te:r.pt, aeetna: that trelb ...-r&tre covered the earth. CJJitted h.l• bark near lbe moontaio ot COlbuaean,." The Jledean hlJJtortan htlUJ:Oehitl (c. 15e8·1648) aa1d that tbe tu.tortes of the Tolteca report a delup that OOVflred tbe hllbe.et mcuntaint to a deptb Of 1,5 cubtta., A few per.aoa ucaped In a chea. Later, mea buUt • bllfl tow-er, their languapa were coolouDded and they •cattered mer the eanh., The Papa101 ol. oonbweat Muteo tell of a creat Oood ot the c:om1Dc ol wh.leh Montezuma wu awrltted by a eoyote. He then buJlt a boat, the coyote prepared a boat for Itself, and both were aaved. The Great Spirit then f'iiPOPUI&ted the earth. Cla'l'lpr report• that accordJn( to many American hJitortan.s the lnha.bltantt of CUba had a leceDd Of a delup Jn whieh, because Of thetr wlc.ke&wss, all pert. bed except mold man and llla famUy. It: reaponH to a dl.vlne com mud be butlt a great ablp 1n which they were •••ed. The old man releued a crow trom the ahJp; U did rKX return; then he releaaed a plpon. whJc:h came back wttb a JTHnlnC tw-tr, -.:~, df'ddin1 that the Oood wu arer, be left the ahlp. Later be became drunk from wine made of wUd rnpea, fell uleep nude, wu lallcfwd a.t by ooe aoo but decently covered by another; be then c:uraed the Irreverent aoo and bleaMd the ot~r. n. Romaa tndltkJa ta mmUar. and 1D b.U META- MORPHOSES Gaplcta Jupiter pciiQdflrlnc tbe puniahmeal be •baukt tnruct ~ manfdnd for Ita wfctednea. At ftrlt he lhou&N he would deairoy the eiJ"tb by tire, ln ac:<:orda.Dc:e with the ultimate destiny of the unlwrae, but. not W&DU.IIJ to eoda.llpr the beavena, pve up the DOUon aftd Aent the FlOod Instead. Ra.ln bepn to f&JJ.. wate r cuahed out Of the earth, the waters lnerea.aed 1.1ntll they lapped a.t the tope: at the hJcflest mountain&, most peq~le were drowned a.rx:l the rut d\ed of aar. nuon ~ an ~~xc:epc tbe vtrtuOU$ DeucaiJon and h18 &Od· feartnc wt!o!, whO w~re saved in a Uttle bark wtuett. when aJ, other eminence a had be-en Inundated, larwt.d on Mr. Parn.aaaua. Deueallon then brou&'rt an olf.-rtnc to the coda, and the Deluge bepn to subelde. Tul'U1.ftC to South America, we may note the &tatemeota 01 the Spanla;h ht..torlan Herrera (154V-16Z5) that efta the most barbarous BrutUan abortctnes had -arne knowledp of the Flood and that the Penn'l.an llldlant reported a delup In which all but aU peraot~a were drowned. From Peru comes ttua: A ahepherd found h1a Uam..• kloktnr aad., They told h.lm that a delure wu to eom.• wblc.h Wllt!ld destroy the world.. He te<* Ma famUy and the Uamu to the top of a mountain where Olber arq,mala were already p.thered. The aea r06e and conred the la.nd. Oa the tltth day thE-wateu drOI'Pf'd. &lid the shepherd's po.._erlty eventually replentahed the eartll. (Cootinued Ned Week ) luke 15:1-32 lesson 8, Seriea Ill By Rn·. Rud LyiH Teen-Agers In Revival ""•"' "THf SWORD 01" T1-U: LOA:D" lf'f'~a5'er~ workma-10 mvit{' ~ pf{' lhPI nigh!. ()f)(' team had 134 thrre that they hllrl invited. That wu lhl' hi1kt-lt ~re (or the werk Th{' aeeonrl hhthftt I'COI"e haO bt..-n mad~ by a tlrw Chri1tlan coopiP. So rh .... r two lf>llmJ wt'n' comperllo~ for the cJoslnx IJ<'rvlce. We had 11.nnounced that both mem- ben or the wlnnlnl team would n>ef'ive ntow Scofield Bibles. Thla ia undoubtedly one of the best known ttnd most beloved of all the pttrables of .Jeau!. Because of the dramatic emphasis upon the prodigal who wa!l lost and is found, th e story Is commonly knnwn aa that of the Prodigal Son. It Is called here The Two Sons because th e full weight of meaning is les!ened by losing alghl of the fact tht~t the older son, too, In his own way became lost and waa also receivE'd back into the family by the grace and mercy of the fathe r. The story itself Is fo und only In l.uke, and here It Is the third In a aerlea of parable11 teHchlng us that the return or a single s inner to God through repent· a. nee and faith i11 !O glorious a thing a !I lo blo t oul even the hldeouaneaa of sin. Jeaw; spoke these parables in reply to tht' Pharisees who murmured against him saying.-This ma n rteE'iveth &innerll , and eateth with them. R raas of evolutionary thinking which 1€'11!1 us man discovered (:od, and that the Jews were the first to find hlm and later shared him with the rest o f us. Jeaua teachet no such thing. Hl1 parable presupposes the Ribllcal record which te:lla that Noah fo unded the world'a trut! religion ufter the Flood and that the whole human race recel:ved a knowledge of God from him. The Gentllet simply drifted away. So dki the 10na or Abraham. but they were called back under Mo.ea to bear apedal wttnesa to God and to be a people who ulated to pra.I..M him and to keep the oraclea of God, or rt!JCOrda aa received from the paat. TherP I• 110 much bt-ine written and :.o many Spe4"Ches being made to ~ t'ff~l !hat Am~rlca's )'Olin&' pPOple art' gotna-to pot Ulterallyl. U you twlleve what you rtoad In the pa~rt. you aoon eorrte to think that thll grut country hu no ru- turf". But in my travels in revival work I have found hunclr'e-cU of youn& ~ple who are far from what we mia-ht lM> led to bt-lleve ar. nonnal for tf'w! aae in which we live. It it tf"Ut that 10me youna: peo- ple •moke ITUS and aome are llhootlnc OOrv. Tbere •~ aome who naunt tM Jaw and Mfy con. vent'onl. 'lbere arf' aome who JJve ., thouah Uwy have no mora.1t. and eJidal only to arattfy their de- aim. ~ ar. the onn who m..ltot the-hndUnn. It 1a tbe viti')' fact lhaJ tJwy an dUfermt from the awr .. e that makes them of t. tffftt 110 lhoN who wrl~ thre news •tarin. TM tftfto.Q:en who l111pec:t tbe-tr pueftta. obey tM Jawt, ltv~ dHn and ao on .,. do&nl .what .. npected ol }'OUQI Pf'OPI• 10 me,.. maD hO wav" and man no hNdLIIIft and J'fl no pubUelty. In a reeM f'f'\'fval fltft'dftc we ....... ...,~..,~-hotta .... ..... ........ ftC:f\ nlcht. It wu tt.&r Job to ttwtte .,... 110 oome ............. _.. .... u.. .... ¥lee. •• A1lt a count and .... -Dell .. t -... ~ allftt IM ... liU'ewMW .......... _. .. _ .. _ .. _ ................... t.~ ....... __ ..... ••• .., ......... .,.e:W ... ............. --.. • There wa!l a fine crowd for the closing Rrvl~ Whc!-n we took the count , th.-te-en tum won with a total of 193 goesu whom ttw'y had lnvitl'd to thl' s.t'TVk:e. It wu a gre111 .ervicf' wlth a warm apirtt and rhrllllr'IIC rt'tlponu• 11.1 tM lnrl- l•tkwl time. SometimH youne people aet the kSea that ~ivala are (or •dultll. No. The fact ia that mo-t peopl~ who are IIVNI arr uverl u te-en- aa;ert. There 11 much tNt )'Ol.II'C ~e can do to make a revival • tuet.'ftS. They can pn~y. I haw- often IUUHII'd they let lhlir achool bell be a r.mlnder to them to pray tor the rnt<etlnp at the church, pny for the evanpUat and the putor. pray f« thetr .... h1enda and lc:rved one.. Yoww pc!Opl• can •ntt ahoul4 at.- ~ 1M aervkft. 1bey can taU Ptlrt by tlftliftl' In tht YOiunieer cho6r or provktirc I!Pftla.l m-.k. U hom~ la tw:avy, tMy could ~ t.Mtr book& alone and do -.me ot the ,.edlftl wtille wlttfnl: lor tt. ..-rvlee to bectn or wbUe the C~a~WHPtkw't .. lbwtftl the .. --~ e.n Invite theW ~ ,.,... to tht M-rvtcta. n.q .. tuklt rhtm ., hont Hilt. ...,.. ....,. wW ... alllt .. -and -wtllat ..... lft u. ann.. 'ftlleJ qn ..,., tor fiiiRII aOind7 • .. .......... -......cMi ... .eM ... at&+ ...... ,...._. llf , • ...., ...... ---........ -.. ........... ~ .... . • The main sense of all three of the parableAI& to &how how natural and reasonable it Ia for anyone to rejoice over finding that whk:h waa his and waa lost. f-,irtlt he tells how the shepherd leavea 99 aheep to go Into the wilda to search for one 1heep that was !oat. Then he tells how the hoUH"klfe who Joat a coin turnfil the house upside down ~arching until ahe found it. In each cate there wa11 much n;ok:ing becauae that which waa loat 11 found. And the pol.nt Ia. ·Likewise, I say unto you, there Ia Joy In the presence of the angel• o r God over o ne alnner that repenteth." But the joy of th~ shepherd at 8nding the I oat 1heep, or the woman at ftndlng the I oat coin, palea before th~ joy of the father who recoven a )oat ton. The argument reaches 11.1 roncluaion with the tho01ht advanced In prn-loua pe rabies o n how to pray: "If ye, then. being evil. know how to give aood glfU unto your chUdren, how much more ahall your hea-venly Father JIV~ ... ? •Hert It mlcbt be 1tated. U you thue know how to ~olce at ftndlnc ltO'me- thlng you have loet, how much more will your heavenly Fath~r re:fok:e when one lost alnner repenta? The two tona he~ cleatly,allnlly the two r~IIIJiou• dlvlalona of the human rt.ce-the Jewa and the Gendles. They may algnlfy a more prect.e reftnemtnt In Ierma of thoM who art lalthfulln luatl and alnnera. Or they may be taken k) ttfer to the PharlHet who wen za.loua for the law of God. and the: elnnerw whom Jeau1 wu m,u.lr.ed for recelvlnJ. The ~der aon, who stayed home .00 hetped bil father would be ttw Jew., or the lalthtulln (•raft, or the PhartMea. The younau JOI'I woukl bt the Genttlea. the Mdc1hden or the alnout. In all euet the meanlnt It the •me. •nd the ~aetion1 typtcal. U t. pt:,.. hapt tlmpNat and mott lntb'Uc:tlve to conoect the: 1001 w1th the whole butnan human famUy-the JIWI and tht rat of tbt peopLea, tbt Gmtlln. At onot M appear-a that God a. God, •not of the Jewt only, but ofthl a.nw..e H• .. f'alher of both boya . To II'UP tiM full meaaln• ol tbJiwe muat waatdJ OW'Nfv• out of the mo- • The Gent1Jee, or th~ Nadona, •• they are called, took their patrimony- their arta and wladom they received from God-and built their own syatem of paaanlam. They waated the rich atore of th~ir herltag~ on worldly glorln and pleuuree and, aa alway•, fell lnto dlaa1ter. Theirs waa the common lot of alnoera. Pagani am aa a whole, like Individual alnnen, was almost totally oorrupted by the time of Chrtat. and had aa they could plalnly aee only num- bered daya left. .. - The parable makee It plain that God wanta the p .. an world to repent and come home. He wanta all ainnen to return. Like the father in the atory he wUl run out to meet them when they a~ yet a long way otf. He ha• tent hie on.ly Son Into the world to auft'tr and to die for the alna of aU mankind, and to redeem the aoula that are hla own and have bftn loll. Surely thla 1a thf polgnant and touching upect to moat of ua. Sumy the uaual alnne~ -ldendtla hlmtelf with the procUcal and ht. han Ia warmed by thla bo~Miy but c:onvlndne ... w-ance that bJa •locen repentance .W make him acc.ep~ble to God in ChrtaL And yet we muat bear in mind the condition of the tldrr brother. "Lo, theae many yean do I H'I'Ve thee, neither tranaanued I at any dme thy commandment and yet thou never ravett me a kid, that l mlsht mak.t merry with my frlenda: But •• aoon u thll thy ton wu come. which hath devoured thy Uvtn, with barlou (falH aoda), thou baat ktlled for hlm the fatted calf." The Phadaees are reacntful over J.ue e&Unl wtth atnnen.. Jewry wtu bt. outra.ced when Gtnttln are ncetved In Chrtlt and Mved by tbt srace of C1ltiM and that alone,. e......., u we. e accordl"' to ~er. Jt wu wm Mo .. wbo wamod, "I w1ll provolla you 10 joalouoy by lbom thai an ao -pie, IUid by a loot lob nallon I w111-or JfOU. • 11>• aD. bolh J ... a.od Glllllle, a.-concluded urlllor lin: tha o.ntllo at a J'looollpl. tho Jow arllllho PbaJU. u n<:kad1011b fDV7 aDd mollco. 1lllram!l llmda of 111n. b\11 bolh olD....._ Bul 10 boll> lllo ll'lllhor lo aquall;y ~ a.od _.., ... Rt-outlo 11M olclor -. -at ht -1 011110 matllho yo-. ADd _ ..... him, "ddt U.y bnxhor wulotl. aDd Ia found. • For ddt ..., ht. llkt 111e.....,. 111 -- abould ...., .... DOl ht -... • NE'II'ORT HAR!IOR EU!JI loiOIILE CHI!ST X-lA Y SECOIIO SECTIOII --P ... 3 UNIT COioiiMG HUE T1lUIISDAY, FEB.~ 1910 Junior Ebell actiYilies are outlined Tllo 1-lboU Cllllll <I -., ~ 111o -mttloo .._,, 1'1lo 1-1boU C11b ~ COROfjA OE1. MAR. CAUF. MOWDOrt Blldl --a1oo -u lmmetu-Tlao 1111 ...t _ _., ut MOWDOrt Blldl lo -..., .-:~~,.-~...,..;---, --.... l~lo-cllalo &I-V...,--. '"'''lo r•atua.. -~~~ ~~~e~.-X-ftl'..tlop. I UIOCULAIS arr••-ud --Ud, ........ wtlh tho E..,__ of cblldroo'o art," Wlllbo bold onlld 117 lllo C&lllnll -CLO Cit IADIOS ~~~~---~~~~,_.,C ... --tholddoo7 de-lolucll 1 ud I lo-,._,., """111 Foil, II ud II TAI'E IICOIDIIU ....,..ruo..., projlela, loclloa cllajc &115 ollmoalary wllll 1111 N-.wew aoUiod -I to a p.m. ACOO<dllte lo 'l'tall JIU, Dl...,,_..llll,. 1Cbool8 t.a tbt NfWPOI't-Mea .cbool diltrt.ct. Mra. Uc:.l da SUn., UM!D e..,._ to ct•• tbltr •jar ..._ eebaot dlltric:t. Commutee Cba.l.tmu. tbt Joea .. pori lo-oflkooaom_, IIIII> wu ..... p•ec to 111o OIILY OIIE loiEETIIIG -Will be &I Wui<WIPiua, yootll, belllb, 0< 1111 arlo. N-1 F01• .... Hoo ~~~roup 111o Tho baird ~ -oltlll 1.. st. lDd lrriDe A•e., 00 J.a ~a.o ~ !toto Ia l'llrou&'l till -~ 1111 -1' marcb, w1111 aearly 0rup e4a 1-Collop Feb, II; lDd &I Faallloo lolud fO'C. commut.M, beldM by all membeu puUclpatlnc 1.a ot.trtet Will bold aab'OGI mee6 oo Feb. 12. Mu.lamea 11111"11', tbl Hubal' tb1a drtvt. ~of tbe J:QO. t1Ac duriJIC lllu'd&. Tbl bou'd Sentce 1a ua1labletouyoae •· ••••• Al• bu beta btoeftted thl8 bile Ut fJ1 ~cu.)c)sW de6 oormaUJ m..U tbl Zad aDd 4al 115 ~11 50al aTpbelDdlllmolder ~! 1.1 ,...,, -,_by tho Y-Eq>toy. IAictloo wiU taU place 011 Fol>. W-yo of 11>e .-.. H ~ • • • ~~~~ar~o~r-:=~~~;~;~;~~~; ... ;'";J meat Sentee, t. babJ.utiDI 11 aa1 lZ at Weatcutr Plua A toG01et of data, bnfter, by mtdl.e&J cloetota dlDle tor tbe Gtrl SeeM•, 1M alqlp1nc center am faab1oa 'tftu r..tz'I.Ct Ddt moatb'ucbl-La c~ ..... of tbe chelt, t. doDI.t1oD made to the l8JaDd. dule toY&rebli.K•Uqutart oob' tor tlbtre u.lotsls, bulllmc PhM• In Your Orcler BoJ• Cltal. Al80, ttmdJ: to be Tbrou&t~ lbe year lD· at 8 p.m. 1o tbe occ cueet ud belrteolarpmenta, llMd tor u artlfleial Cbrilt-lormatioo ·0111 dUeues a.'Dd Ill· Adm1Al.ltra1ioa 8aUdiDc. Z70l ud reporf.t are rnaJI,ed wttb1DZ for a Svl»•crlptiOft: mas tree were cfYeD to tbt aeu bu been made t.Yiilable F&ln1n Hoed, COIIIa M-.. ,..... C.ll 6n.4550 GlriScoab, 10 tho ....,Ue at 1 .::~=~ !~=~~~~!;~~====:-·--· Smart. Teeoa, a druc abut CCII'oaa del Mar, Ud .w Pl'ocnm, 11 be1DC IIJOUOf.:j Utnrle• by the hel.ltbcommit- by tbt Jwdor Ebell Club at tee. ApDCie.s, l.Dclud1.Di tbe LiDc:olll Scboot Amertc.a.o Ca.ocer Soelety, Or- CbJldreo•a dotbea baYt beeo anp County Health Department, collected o"r tbe put ...-en.l lDd the American M.edlca.l As- montbs 1M cfYe.o to the Albert aoc1&Uoa, ~Ye coatrlbuted Slttea Home. Allo small tol.let p&mpblets reprdlne UJ.Deues. articles werectveabytbemem-TbtH pamphlets bavebeeodla- bers &Dd dell.-ered to tbt Ju-trlbuted by the Ubrarles. veatle Hall. Tbt Qne art. committee, BALBOA YACHT CLUB'S aouual oftleers's taU wiU booor Commodore aDd Mrs. DooaJd v. Franklin, Vice Commodore aDd Mrs. EdwlnSteenJr., Rear Co mmodore and Mrs. Jack Ba.illte, Fleet Capta.ln and Mrs. Jolln Granath, a.od Port Capt. and Mrs. Geor ge Hoediogbaus. Tbe Frankllns are pictured at left With BUlle and JeH Deaver. Mr. Deaver served as commodore lD 1968. Tile date of the party iB ValenttDe's day, feb. 14. Mrs. Stephen Stewart, decoraUoos chaJrma.o, 1s cooverttng the Clubhouse at Bays1de Drive, into a ValenUne tairyland. The James Rudys are entertaiWneot cha.irmeo. At CbrLstmu Ume, a )Diot uDder the leadership of Mrs. project with the EbiU C lab wu Larry Mitchell aoc1 Mrs. Keltb mat1.ng Chrl5Cmu a lltUe Kf!lll)ler, treated themselves brtgllter tor a DHdy t.mtly, aocllbelr hubbies thls year to a with toys, deeonted tree, &Dd series of 4 courmet dUmers, a gUt certlftcate lor new •ltb proceeds earmarked lor cklthing comi.Dc from the scholarships Juniors. Tbe a.rttat of the month pro- Proceeds rrom a ~ &lid gram has beeo presented cookie booth attbeYoathCarni-throughout the year at the Ma- val •ere preseoted to tbeYoutb riner's library. Nattooal Art Ceoter last summer. Week was observed by me Ju- l AIIt ETBALL Goals & Nels The bealUI committee, lliors W'tth a.a art show at Island 1/2" & 518" B.Y.C. CHAIRMEN APPOINTED LEATHER Commodore Doo V. franldiD Hottse -Ricbard Jenness. of the Balboa Yacht Clutl has Junior Activities -Mr. and anllOW:lC.ed the foUowtog chair-Mrs. Erwlo deMocskooyl. meo for 1970: Ladles luncbeoll-Mrs. Wll- BulleUn aDd art work-Mrs. llam Carl&oo. James Tyler. Program -Mrs. Leonard Challenge c~s. 66 series-South. Staff Commodor e VUan Couch. Master plannJ.ng -Statt Cru.l ses -Speocer Clarke. Commodore WUUam Blurock. Decorations -Mrs. stephen Membership -Sta!fCommo- Stewart. dore Jet! Deaver. Entertai.nmeot -Mr. and Meo's lunch: -Edwlt.ld Mrs . James Rudy. Letben. Finance and Audit -Rlctw-d NomtnatloP -Stat! Com- Flamson. modore CarroU Hudson. Hospltallty -Commodore Port-George Hoedln.ghaus. and Mrs. Don franklin. BYC Catalina lsl.aJ:¥1 Station LEG AL NOT ICE NOTICE TO CREDITORS No, A-64574 SUPERIOR CO URT OF THE STATE Of CA UfORNIA FOR TtiE COUNTY Of ORANGE Estate of l.OUJSE M. BECHTOLD, llo<ouod. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the credUon of the above lllmed decedent that allpersoashavlnc claJms ap.lnst the said decedent are required to file them, with the necessary vouchers, In tbe otrlce of the clerk ot the above eatltled court, or to presaot tbem, wtth the heCessary vouchers, to the lmderslgned at c/o Thomas E. HeUeroaa, At. toroey at Law, 350 East Seveo- t•tih Street, SuJte 210, Costa Mesa, Ca Wornla 9262'1 whtch Is the place of business of the undersigned In aU mattersper- tatntnc to the estate of said de- cedeaf, •Ullin four moolhsatter the flrst pu.bUcatlon of tl\ls ootlce. Dated January 29, 1910. JOE BECHTOLD Joe Bechtold Executor of the will of the abO're aamed. decedeot. Tbomas E. Heflernan. AttorDey at Law, 350 East Seventh Street, Suite 210, Costa Mesa, CaUiornia 92627; &42-3210; Attorney for Executor Publish: Feb. 5,12,19, 2:6,1 970, In the Newport Harbor Eo.aicn. LEGAL IIOTICE CERTIFICATE OF BllllNESS Fictitious Flrm Name THE UNOERSIGNEDdchereby certity that they are eooductin( a poeral marchaodi•log tJuai. Dlss atltl Mekld)' l.&De, Costa Mesa, Calit:lrllia, IIPder tbt ftc- Utious ftrm na.me ol Atbeoa., UmJled ud U.t said firm Is eo-sod of liMt lollowloc per. 1001 WboM umn to hill ud plact; of rtJ.ld~• are u lol- kJWa, to.wtt: Ia mea S. stmakla. 141 llelody Lui, Coola u,.., Callb'Dla; Allllla Slma.tla, 141 llelody Luo,C-11-C.U- IOrala. WITNESS oar budl this 28th day ol JlD&Ill'J. 11'10 JamM s. Simalda Atholl Slllllkll, STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUIITY OF ORANGE !"'· ON THIS IIUt *' ot JatuarJ. lt"'I, bdor• me, a NotuJ Poi>Uolalallorllld-ud ..... .-..-..daly ............. .won. I*'· ...., _..., l.-8. 81w'1, Atllta•wH,-.. lo ... to 1111111 __ _ --an -..-lo 1111 wDia lllltr •· ... .._.. .. ......... u.t..,,..AII ·-· WJJHIW •JaudiMtlllda.\ .... -1141 II. lloCol*, .... ...., ............... _ Colltl 1111 ..... .., ;a .... .. .. ...., .. ulloo.ll'll. • , ••• , .... , 11.11,11. lt?O, ....................... -Oavld LaD&. Power boats -Stalt Com - modore E. H. Riesen. Publlcity -Boatioe:-Mrs. Leooard South and Peter Gales. Ptmllclty -Social -Mrs. Leoaard South. Regatta-E. Cooper John-..._ &6 Mries-W'illlam Tay1or-. Beer eu -Staff Commodore lDd ~u. WUUam Campbell. T'lrlllR,tlt-Vtce Commodor e EdWID steen Jr. Sears, Wallory, Adams, O'Day -Mr. and Mrs. Michael Htlsb. Goveroor•s c~ -Chester Purcell. SCYA juaior reptta -Row- la.OO Lobman. Boat procurement -fleet Capt, JObll Gnnath. Protest-JObll Senou. History of Jews told Joe and Permy Aronson, a folkslngtnc doo, w-Ill sing and na.rnte theil way through sev- eral hundred years of Jewish history, offerloc t.cts, stalls. tlcs, and lnformation, as well as the cuHural aspects of tn- strumeotal and vocal music . Sones will be accompa.nled by guitar, mandolin, &ecordian and Tambourine. The coocer1 will be held at 7:30 p.m. Sunday, feb. 15, at the Costa Mesa high school forum, 26SO Falrvlew Ave. Beginning with an ancient song of Ouid, tbe hustand and wife team from Phllade~la wUl trace the history and customs of tbe Jews Uu"ou.gb the Blble aOO to tba beliNUDc of Jewish emlptioa throughOUt eulefll E..-, pertlcularly In Ruula lDd Gor1JW11. Soap of tbe Warsaw &betto, taJes of tbe Uap•fl, br UDder- """"' army ~ lsru~ the amualJ.al ol retupes to re- -" Paleslloo, lbe portl. tloolae ol Pale-by tbe Uolted Malloos, tholormalloool ... Slate ollsrullDdllllally liMt reUDlftcaUOD ol Jerusalem will IJopr--. --... ot tbe t'Ya Ia tbe Templt Slar<>o SUte<-, 817 W, HamUtoD St., co.ta Mea. Admluloo to ts 1or ldolla, u lor ..-. w1111 ~D. eardl lDd $1.$0 lor eM!dreolllldor 12, lolorolal:lr--beob- ta.t..d from lira. Fealoaat s.&- SIS7 &a. 1:10 P.lll. w Mrs. Dafld Br 7 If ........... BA.LTZ MOR.1VARIES 17~1 1111'11101 AY f . COlTA II ISA ...... W 4l4 •• L COAST IIWAY co••• D&IIAA Olllote ,.... , ....... , ct.ailed by Mrs. I..Jooel da su. House, Fasbloo Island. RegistraUon -Mrs. W. A. va. cootioued tbelr ~r1 For lbe )'OIJilpf art eo- ferris. of the well-baby clinic &Dd the thwdast.s, tbe "tree for aU" Trophy_ James Nu~rent. pre-natal clio.ic spouored by art booth •a.s sta.tf.ed by tbe elba lis RSE Talewind -Mr. aad Wrs. the National FonndltiocJ at. Or-JWlior Ebell members at tbe Deois War render. a.oge COWlty fkN;pttal. f'~ the feattval of Arts 1n Laguoa. Tile l A Sit ET BAL L BA SKETBALL Teenage acUvttles-Mr.aod second year JunJors t.n betm cbUclren of the members Shoes COLLEGIATE 11's Shirts 250 Mrs. Richud flam.son. pr0¥1dlng rldes tor paUeuta to eo~yed a creatiYeartworkshop S~f commodores _ Joh.n treatmeot cerars. aidloc the Wlier the dtledioa of Wrs. Ed· Payne. Amerlcaa Caocer Society. ward WllltehOuse 1n the summer ' AT Dependabe and Sma rt Smart? You bet! II takes young thinking, alert and experienced m1nds to properly serve money saving customers these days. It lakes people who are familiar with all of the various savings plans we have to offer you smart savers-the tax deductible retirement plans, the certificate accounts, the Guaranteed Rate Acc ounts. Monthly Security Accounts, trust accounts and many, many more. Sure , we have them all . We have this type of personnel -dependable, ready , willing and always here to help you with your savings plans -come in, call or write. Smart Savers Save and Eam at Newport Balboa Savings. NEWPORT BALBOA SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION Main Otlico: 3366 Vio Lido . Newport Booch, Colitom" 92663 • Pllone 714/673·3130 Corona dot Mar Otlico: f lnonciol Plua, 550 Newport Center Dnw, Corona dot Mar. Colltomio 92625 • -71,./644-1461 Sox 125 • "'• o..a..._...• eu ..... ..-. w.t H ... A. .... MOW AT .. v.., '"' . • . ... ... .......... ,., ... 17.0 ... p,,.,....,c!:;";;: ~... 6 4 2 ·16 7 7 AM!$ ART SHOWN lUI NEWPOIIT IlL YD. ronA liEU -··-·~ Palattnp ud Jf'llllbl.c• by JtiD A.mta wtU bt oa dllpli.J .. tbo ll ....... llubor- Leapt' a coft'" prdeD flll.I.MrY from FoO, U throop Yareh II, Tile plluJ, ZW E. Coul l' Hwy ., CotOG& del Mar, ta C1P1D ttom lO:SO Lm. to S:30 p.m. Mooci&J tllrou&b Sabarday. · .Damato & Sons L.ICEHSEO C IH$Uit~O • CitHt.AL CONTIU.CTIHG 0..14 Coat.., ol Ezport -blp tr )'CI.I are a newc:omer, know or • newc:omer to the Uatbof A rea who hu not been welc:omed, do her a favor by c:allina tl:ie HarbOJ Vi•itor between S and 10 a.m .. and .tit wi II ull on yean f,iend v.ith Yaluable infotmati(o,, and a•h• from frimdly busincu 6trnt which lland ready w he lp her become uquainled wilh her nev. sunoundin-'•· New manager of tbe l.a&:Wll Htpel tlra.neb 1s Mrs. Corlmle Doru, woo joined Laguaa Fed- eral Sarlnp 1n 1963 as escrow omeer. Tbe motberoltwosoos, Mrs. Duls 1s a member of Eu- tera star and the E:~eeutiveSec~ retaries Assn. 536 CIMTIR n . COSTA IIUA THE HAUOR VISITOR PHONE: 494·9361 OFF1CERS t.nsta.Ued by the Paetflc Yacht ud Balloon Club at a dlmler dance at tbe New- port Harbor Elks t.odce iDclude, from left, Fra.ni: Cleodeoeo, rlce-commodore; \Villlam May, commodore, 1.00 Wllllam Royce, rear commodore. Tbe club SI)Onsors the annual sail of the Sabots 1n the bay aod Is COGS.lderi.Dg a regatta for ptr~rlgged boats. ~~~~"~~l~:~:~~r. Agenda for Planners and Mrs. Hans v. Ogren of The promontory bay develop-residential development oo the permit appUeatloo for retail 428 Newport Blvd., Newport ment ol the lnioeCo. wUlagaln bluff land southerly of Coast sales at service of automobiles. Heights. bas been promoted to come ~ for discussion before Hwy, and westerly ol Jamboree 1000 W. Coast Hwy,, Mariners i~i;~~~~~~;~ ser geant In the U.S. Air Force. the Newport Beach Planning Rd., a.od a lagoon eoclrcled by Mlle. He is a pa.ractlute rigger at Commisslon at Us meeting at dwellings oo the W3wlandsbetow 2. J. H. Richardson Co., use Clark AB, PhiU.Wlnes, with the 8 p.m. today, Feb. 5, in City the bluff. permit awUca.tioo for a yacht 405tb Field Maintenance Squad-HaU. Here tsttleageodatortonlght: aDd sb1p brokerage,U37 Bay~ ron. a unit of the Pacific Alr The Irvine pro}ect Includes I . Subaru of Caillornta, use side Dr., Dear the Marine An. Forces, headquarters for air bridge. operations In Southeas t Asla, LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE 3. Edward La.oc.a.ster and 1 the Far East and the Pacific P-359&4 the pe rsons whose names a.re William C. Neal, use perm1t1 ~ --area. CERTIFICATE OF BUSINE~ subscribed to the wlthlnillstru-appUcation for an automotiYe ------- MATTRESSES JI'EW -Rt&UILDIJfC Irregula r Shapes la.ner.priD9 -Cottoa. COSTA MESA MATTRESS CO. 21SO N.wporlll...d. Liberty t.llOl The sergeant, who has served Fictitious Firm Name meat, and acknowledged to me repair shop in cootunctioo with in Vietnam, Is a 1965 graduate THE UNDERSlGNEDdo hereby UW they uecuted the same. an el18tingservlce statton. 6700 of Newport Harbor High Sc hool certify that they are conducting Witness my hand and official W. Coast Hwy., Weit Newport. and attended Orange Coast Col-a Real Estate l.ovestmeot busi-seal. 4. Peter De Bllt.m, request lege. ness at 665 Park Drive, City of LyDda Cattaneo. My Com-tor a ooe-year eUenstoo of a Costa Mesa, County of Orange, mission explres Jan. 10, 1971. nr1ance for a 10-loot setback State or Calilornla, under tbe at Z520 Sea.view Ave., Corora N.Y. ARTIST FETED fictltioustlrmoameordestgD&-STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) del Wa.r, where tbe code AT BEN TOH HOME tlon which does not show the (ss. requlres 20 teet, Dr. and Mrs. John L. Benton true name or names or tbeper-C 0 0UNDTY OFbeORAN 5 G1 !., 9 ) 5. td.aster plan amendmDrenl of Los Angeles and Corona del sons interested in said busi-n ecem r , "" befor e No. 25, reaUgntng Bayside • Mar neld a r eception at tlle lr Bess , to-wit: Pomona l.ovest-me, the undersigned, a Notary to the base of promoatory point home f eb. 1 hoooring a me nt Group 12, and that said Public in and for said SUte, bluff, from Coast Hwy. to Jam. prominent New York artis t, firm Is composed of the follow-personally ~ared Don boree Rd. at the entrance to Bat- Walter Gaudnek. ing persons whose names and Stoughton and Howard Booe-boa Island. Thlsproposalispa.rt Invited guests included Dr. addres ses are as follows: bra.ke, known to me to be the of tbe irvine Company's pro- aDd Mrs. David Corna.r, Dr. and Donald R. Ward -General persons whose names are sub-memor y bay development. Mr s. James Hel.spar, Dr. and Partner, 1707 Westclitf Drive, scribed to the wUbln lnstru-6. The levine Co., use pernltt Mrs. Norwell Zimmerman, Dr. NeW'pOrt Beach, California; meDl, and acknowledged that application for the promontary aDd Mrs. Jack Masson, Dr . and Lloyd Cr elia. -Limited Part-they e:~ecuted the same. Wtt-bay project, which lncludes sin- Mrs . EdWard Kienholt.z, Dr, and ner, 221 0 Woodmere Cir cle, ness my hand and oUicl.a.l seaL gle b.mlly and multiple dwelling Fri~ndly N~l&'hbortlood Mrs. David Benvenuti of New-La H.a bra, Calilornla; Schuyler Ly oda Cattaneo. My Commls-units, commercial and recrea.- Servlce port Beach; Mr ,aodMrs.Perry C. Joyner -Limited Partner, sion explres Jan. 10, 1971. tiona! facilities, ya.chttasinand BELL BROADWAY Nollar, parents of Mrs. Benton, 1530 w. Baker Avenue, co~ &;rATE OF CALIFORNIA ) mulna. MORTUARY also of NeWJ)Ort Beach, Miss Mesa, California; Don Stoughton< (ss. 7. Tbe irvine Co., tentative 110 Broadway .A11te<Leooard and otherek)se. LimitedPartoar,l610N.Har~ r.OUNTY OFORANGE ) map of Tract 3867 tor the U 8-3433. 8-3434 ec.ta MHR friends of the Bentons. bor Blvd., Fullertoo, Cali-STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) promontor y bay project. ';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;io;;;;;;;;::;;;;;;,:.,;..:.;.________ tornla; Robert Francis -(ss. 8. lD.H. (Holstein Co.), use • Limited Partner, 333 W. Bas-COUNTY OF ORANGE ) permit appUcaUoo foraplaDDed INI Cl.l ~~ _,.,. ,.E:wPQRT BEACH, CALIFORNIA THE AMERICAN LUTHERAN CHURCH 1:00 A.M. TO IO:JO A.M. 8::10 A.M. TO 10110 A.M. -FAMILY WORSH IP -SUN CAY SCHOOL 11:00 A.M. TO 12:00 NOON -WORSHIP SERVICE "n• .... ~--G. Jllala.. PuCor taochury, FuUerton,Ca..Wornta; Oo December 2, 1969 before resldeotla.l development ot 40 Howard Bone brake -Limiled me, the undersigned, a Notary resldeotial k>ts and ooe green Partner, 154 Broadway, Costa Public i.n aM for said State, uea Jot at theoorthwestcoroer Mesa, Catilornla; BtU Gr undy, personally appeared Harold of EastbluU Dr. and Vista del Li miled Partner, 120 Via Da.nielson, known to me to be Oro, Northbltlff. Wa..ziers, Newport Beach, Call-ttle person whose name lS sub-9. lD.H. (Holstein Co.), ten- fornia; Racha.rel Danielson _ s cribed to the within instru-Utlve m~ of Tract 7167 for Limited Putner, 1530 w. ment, aDd acknowledged the above development. Baker, Costa Mesa, California; that lle encuted the same. Wit- Harold Danielson _ Limited ness my hand and oUicl.a.l seal. Partner, 1877 N. Hart, Orange, Lyoda Cattaneo. My Commts. Catilornia; Phil Schlegel _ sion expires Jan. 10, 1971. Limited Partner, tOO Newport STATE OF ILLINmS ) Center Dr ive, Newport Beach, (ss. SERVICE ADAMS QUALITY CAR C.I.RE IY fACTORY TRAINED PEOPLE WHO CARE 2126 HARIOR 11. YD. J'OhDSOD•SOD 1!. 0 Ill @ liD 1!. 00 @liD lltl11' 0 li~HH!1 11' 5J 1!. • i'lJ 6.\ ~ IHIIII • Ill IE ~ @ 1!11 ~11 • © ® llD ~£ 1!1 2626 HARIOi: IOULIVAU, COITA MDA 540·5.30 Catilornia; Frans Hansen _ COUNTY OF COOK ) Sa T' A d M Call A E rt ne .... a.llld at&., AM't&Mt PuCor -·=-•a• Christi• Scl•M• J.:yin• ,.,. ...... a., ... ef c.., ...... Llmiled Partner, 1826 Com-On December 19, 1969, before Ve 1me n oney - n xpe modore Road, Newport Beach, me, tbe undersigned, a Notary ~!!~l!)Q~~[==~ ----------- C.Wornl.i; Wllll>.m Boyer -Publlc In aJld tor said Counly !! • HIALTH IISOIT -------• NURSERY Limited Partner, 1695-1/2 [r_ a.Dd State, personally appeared ..£ , )-~ Stwbs, Intenor Plants nan arvaa~ Of' aiMIT, ICIDfnaT 3303 Via Lido Newpott Beac:ft !l!NDA Y SCHOOL f : 15 ...... -· 11 ...... SUNDAY SERVICES f :IS-11•·"'· WEDNESDAY EVENING MEETING I~··· READING ROO.. ._ .... .,,, ' ...... -', ..... ........... .,: 9 •·"'· -7:U •·"'· T-•4ey -· f'r14ey: ' ..... -' ...... 1·' •.•. -.,.,., 1 , ..... -.. , ..... -.cotrfD ca~ace Of' ~. ICIEffTW1' Newport Beach at Corona del Mar 1100 Paclac VIew Or- AINDAY sdiOOL 10 •• SUNDAY SERVICE II•• WEONESOAY EVENING MEETING 1:00 •·•· ....... ao-c ..... t 81~. 1161 Eat C.•• Hwy •• CI*. .._,rrt.t ao ........ s , ... ,.. ... .,. ...... 7 .. 9 S..,: 10 .... ID .. , ... You •• c:ordiall7 ·inVited to ancnd O..,ch Ser.icu and 110 ase the: lludina Room. LISTIII!RAM CMUROI OP THE llMTI!R IL•"'"'••<CiooNiolo AoHrico ltOOPaclllcVIoorDr. c-dal-. CallL ml. WUJJAM R. &LLD -M&-IIro. -Cloulbo<lla, --"-''·-FUIUJ --.UI. -c:a.d! - S.r•i111 Bl'blf' r~llo••~l, l•i•,••~nl -1hlowo.an '-'• '-'• &. ...... II• 5ts. Or. P.G. Ne~o~mann, pucor SUNDAY 'SERVICES ~:45 a.r •· Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morn ina ftorship. 6 :00 p.m. Tra1n1n1 Unions l :o.J p.m. Evenina Wonhip •EDNESOAY 7:10p.m. Bible Study 1:00 p.m. Prayer Meelina A TTEMO TNE CMUWCM Of YOIIR CHOICE REGULAILY aNT&Al -.t CHUIICM •ao...a•o•• •••L.• •Tu o ., AND ~"-AY•"-11M .... , MUIU8"-"" DUIIIt!Ma IC,.YIC •• ............. _ o..•a... ........... c..- ~ilo.T OJt >t, a . JO,..IE&, •~e• ~o~a.••"' ... fJ C!l p _ ' I fit ...... ......, .. ,,,. ......... A,_.,.,,,.., c...,, p' ~ ~..,-a-.:• ........ ....,,..a.l I . ..... .., •• i.,.., .... _.ca._,,. ...... • ... -• " ..... n ne Avenue, Newport Beach, R. Douglas Petrie known to me 0'1\.CIUI& & l California; R. D. Petrie -Limi-to be the person whose name he e'EAUTY NOOK RfAJDIJII Tropical & Trees ted Partner, 542 Brier Street, subscribed to tbe wiUUnlnstru-2112 E. Coast Hwy. 'lEE VI liT IMCLUOIES-lnsectie1des aDd f'ertllizer Keot lworth, Ullnols ; Robert M. ment, a.Dd ackoowledged to me • ....., ... ......., •--••lei._,.. ..._. S &l H Creen Stamps Hauck-Limited Partner, 1465 that he exec~ed the same. Co,ona del Mar · t.E!ii----~--:*i:£'! 41,ST .£.~..:=:-f'REE DELIVERY Ga ta.xy Drive, Newport Beacll, Charla R. Klnnaman.My Com-Phone bn-7Jlb .-. CCMOna del \tar Nuraery Callfornia. mission uplres October 6, ~;..;;ALOiiii~O ---1 • COSTA • ORANGE • AMAH ElM • HUNTING TOM Z144 E. <but Uwy., 61MJ60 WITN ESS our tla.ods: Ha.rold 1973. Danielson, Don Sloughlon, STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) MESA 6:19-2441 126o4311 IEACM 0 SHOf lllPAIR Howard Bonebrake, lloOO'I L. (ss. All OCCASIONS 549-3361 142·1451 ----- Fraocls, Lloyd Crelia, Phil L. COUNTY OF ORANGE ) MABERRY'S Scnle,.l, D.D.S., William ·On De<ember 15, 1!169, before fltMM/ T-o STATIONERY -RETAIL Shoe •-·or Boyer, G. Wtlllam Gruody (Bill me, the uoderslgned, a Notary 'LOIJJTS 0 s ·~,.. c'"""')· scbuyior c . Joyner, Pubuc 1n""" tor .... c oun1y l~ranct"s. rr tata"onery ~~; .. ~.!:.~ Richard w. Danielson, Robert and State, personally appeared PUOHE: 646-4479 ~SI.H ;J,;,s M, Hauck, Frans Hansen, Robert Y. Hauck. known to 2438 Newport Blvd. COlONA Dt:L MAl • lfYU:l'( Hf"+5 ....-ONl DAY SffMCl Donald R. Ward, R. D. Petrie. me to be thepersoowhoseaame COSTA MESA • SOCIAL STATIONERY -COMMERCIAl STATIONERY 1110 H..taor lf...cl. STATE OF CAUFORNlA ) he subscribed to the within in-• WEDDING 6 SOCIAL INVITATIONS CoMe ..... -.. •»11 (ss. strwneot. and ack:txlwledged to e FRESH E • ENGRAVING 6 PRINTING COUNTY OF ORANGE ) me tha.t be eqcut.d the same. .:;_'-"=:.:.:..::."-='-=------;I • Gtm -GRUTING CAROS;:.~==--::":::::'::~:'""'7 On December J5, 1969, before Byrd K. Smith. My Commts-DlRECT FROM RANCH TfU"ffHE 1 / 675 • 1'0.1 '0 7 me, the ullder&igned. a Notary sioo Uilires Oct. 12, 1970, 'IO YOUR HOME • _r .J: PtJbllc in :ux1 for said State, STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) A REOULA&S "BROWNS Ptr so..U.y appeared Frans (ss. 2GJ lAST CQUT KIGHWAY • COlONA DIL MAl Hansen. !mown to me, to be the COUNTY OF ORANGE ) e EXTRA LAROE A JUMBO penon wbose oame Is SIJb.-On December 12 196g before ~ CALL AFTER scrlbed to tbe w1thln LD-me lbe IIDderai,D.s ~Notary 6 P.M. OHLY strumeot, aod a.clllowledged to Public in aDd tor ~ Stale me lbal: be ueciUd the same. personally IPP8Ilfed Richard 541 · 3151 Witness my bud and otflcial Daaielmu a.Dd Schuyler c . Joy- seal. oer, blown to me to be tbe • CAR WASH Lynda Cattan.o. My Com-peraou wbose oames are sub- mtuaon uplres Jan. 10, 1971. scribed to the wtttlin ln-19TH ST. CAR WASH STATE OF CAUFORNIA ) lllrum ... llld ookaowlodpdlll&l 81!8 W. ;lido St. (as. tbeJ ueetted Ult .ame, CX)STA MESA COUNTY OF ORANGE ) WitDsn mJ twxl and otftc.Lal tu ... D _, Blue Qdp Oo December 12, uee, before Mill. , ....... me, tbt u:teralll*l. a Hota.ry Jotm A. Hopwood. MyCommlJ;~ pedegplloD Ceacer) PAINT HA.aBOa P A.INT .. WALLP.\PO:R l'lllohUfllo -Dutdl 8o7 Polala -OOOIIplola Uao 13,000 PATTERNS PLUMIING A. a. IIARUC PLUIIBER 700 C&mall ..... .._ Oo-dolllll • Plumllllll ll4paln OilY lo Nlc:tiT WATU HEATERS Publk 1P aDd lor aJd State, aioa uplr" Ju. 28, 1973, T)• H-"orA,.~• o•ly e HIA.Mii MDI penooall,y appeared Bill STATE OF CAUFORHIA ) /dly .,_.,lc. ut.rlor 1:~~~!!~~[===1 01' WALLPAPER •11 0:. .CHol RWJ. con. ...... (Hul lo Pori T•••ftJ ,._,.,;,.•u Groacly llld ~ R. Word, <••· c• -·• HAL AEIISOIP tllowD CO me, to be tbe Pti'IOU COUNTY OF ORANG£ ) the wWUa lutnlmtat. llllt ~ me, tbe --~ ~ Notat7 1 PI! Q,I.UIII ~!.!_';:'•,':...'':f.'•OIIL•••I')~ ~ wboM aamN art satl«rlbed to Oa December 1 1119 bd:»re LBLii!ijijijij;::: UNOL11"£ ... G ~ J ...,lodao<l 10 DIO Ual tbo1 Pol>Ue 1o ud Jnr IOid S1ato, DIMMITT' --~ -~ - ......... tbo ..... ··-.. , per...U, -od-.._ ~ .... -Coli .. _.. ............ ,, .... -lllld alllclaloal. Fruelo, -lome 1o botbo lit-. L& -1:11 ... ..-• ,.. __ ........_ LJIIidll <'IHIMD. MJ Coal-,__ Wllolit lllliDe ia Rb-~ .,. ...,_-n-r ............... ~ ... ,o,un .......... .., 111o _..... cans r..a..u_.,,.,., eo-~.,..,. sun: Of CAUI'OIUIU l --. lllld ..-lodpd na• qlllill' ., cl••'"• _.. <•· -llo --Uoo -· .... ,..._ COUIITT Of au!IGE ) -•1 -ud allkJ&l Oo noe-hw I, IMI, -· oa1. loolfoorfloe '-67 .... tbo -~ • ...., _, ~~. hloort.ll, eo.-~:AII~~-~-~-~·~·~~~~-~-~~~~~~-~~~~E~~~~ Pelle 1a ud lor -IIUol ••• .., .-• ..., 1~ 11'111. ~......,. por...U, _... ...,.. ...... Ju. fl.'*·, .... '·· -a:. • ., .. a. C"lla, Pllll lct'o"l IOd WU.. U, lt'ID, Ia lllo llc-1 ;. __ ...;;;;o,;-;_~,. -..,.., -·-. ..... _ ...... • ---- -. ••• t r n. ... .. 67M1. -6 WILCIDICoCMt I It ••• HAIDWAII ~· , • .., ., u w. c.. ttwr ..... -· -- QIL..~-· ·-·-·-;Jim· I "E'II'ORT HAiieoR EJIIIGII S£(X)!!O SECllOII • -i'W 5 • lliURSIJAY, fl'B. ~ 1970 COROllA DEL MAR, CAU F, Newcomers at Hoag • TBUIIIDAT, U.JI. I a-. N5 Vld«la, CoG Twill llo7• -lolr, ud lolro, 11oa. MtdMel Hoi•a, lSI Ceetl PL, a-tl __ .. ....,_ •e11 Colea U... ...., -r • ......, ~-•." Girl -lolr. Ud lolro. Ootid-· INO .,.,., PL, A!>L ~-~••• '110-8 ShtlhMriJr 1, eo.ta IIIML c;..-:.. ----'' • SATURDAY, JAlf. 1'1 Girl _ lolr. ud lolro. '0oo-Bor -lolr. &lid lolro.llooald -p-. 1'100 --Klclt. 5al ". WI._ Aot ••• • ., CoG..... C..lol-. &, Kr ud Mra. no.Jd 8oJ -Mr. and Mr.. Fred llamay~ J.U4Ylliallopr,Eut WcSwatAe, 181-D DelMar An., Blaa. COlt& Maaa. • FRIDAY JAJI t 8oJ -Yr. aad Wra. Robert llor _ "' _.;.. lolro. Tbomu Wide, W VIa Eboll, Udolalo. • Boy -Mr. and Mrs. Duane ~~~Dr~ ..... W-lor, 116-B Eut Zlot Girl -Mr. ud Mra. Jolua ~~ .. ;~· 18 :;:rL 4711 Roy~ Rd._ Boy -Yr . .:00 Mrs. David Bor' 1o1r uc1 lolro. J ... Tooll, 4131 llo<cbeoter Rd., - ' CamooHI-. Crall>, 2559 E-A•e., Coola ~_II -~ 14 '" hul MeiL -.-7 r • ....u r s.~c Know your officer lD aMIHoa 1o staD's rti'IIU dutiea u a motor-eye .. oftleer, be ls UloWil 1o lbe ddklr-. ot the eommuaity as a btcyelt oalety ...., .. list. He ......... ...... ITJ leioola tad!~ pear, loetorloc .. -...., Ud 01'17 11E'"C 11011 ~ lor..ei ..... L Slu --ollllo off--u.. putlqoolloc Ia JII'O- II"'JN -fJ .. ,.. tc. -·-.... llUio ........... Udlalbe-- -lor c .. Sooul -""" Ia CoG ...... stu ud bU trUt, Judy, u .. Ia lllo Harbor .v .. orllb lbelr I Cbllllrflll, IliuDy, 10 yea.-. okl. Ra.Dcl)', a, uc1 Jody. s. Orco Block Co. Bun.DJNG BLOCKS -ALL SIZES -ALL TYPES .., __ ! ~~ 'J,JDI l:laLx.t...._._A-. THE FORENSICS TEAM ot 0n.ace Cout Col1ep toot lrd plae•ID tbe Wester'a.State Collep reeemJy, eoq>ettoc apt.ut more u.rr. 50 eollept. SboQ left 1o rlpt are tUck Ylklaus or Huattnctoo Be&eb; Je&D Bbnbnabt,p, Costa Mesa; 8W l...udera, Costa Mesa; Nlek Ca.terl.ao, Suta ADa; ud Erie Samuel.aMl, Garden Grore. Bor -lolr. ucl lolro. Wei-J. llarplly • 979 Sud Culle, ll.ogiOo -Z90l Pebble Harbor VIew Hills, Dr Harbor vU:. HWa. Boy -Mr. aDd Mrs. I:loAaJd Gut .., ud Mr , .A E. Grtwe, 32&4 Mtnoeaota. -• •· ~ Coat& Mesa :::._erow. &40 eo.-. St., coaa Girl-Wr. and Mrs. Albert LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL HOTICE CERTIFICATE OF BUSINESS is subscr ibed to the within LD~ FICTITIOUS FmM NAME strument as the Attorney LD aoj _ lolr, &lid lolro. Gerald ~· 106 E. Bay, Aot. 14, ~~· 17741 Acaei&TretLn., • WONDAY, JAN. 19 Boy·-u:.r. and Mra. OoucJ:u Boy -Mr. aad Mrs. Peter THE UNDERSlGNEDdobereby Fact ot S. JAMES TUFFREE eertll)' thai they are conducting a.ad acknowledged that he sub- a business of owning. mana.Cfna:. scribed the name of S. JAMES selling. ezcba.nglog, leuiDg, TtiF'FREE thereto asprloeip&l, and otherwise dea.lin&: with rea.! a.ad his own oame as Attorney property, at 1101 East Balboa 111 Fact, steele 401 Lapta N~ WIA&, 160 C, Moote VlBta., Costa Sbor~ • Mesa. • S.ATtffiOAY JAN lO Boy-Mr. and Mrs. Jamee Girl-Ml: Uld Mr •. Aurelio =aoa, SOli VetaJ'lO Pl., Battello, 887 Ceuter st., Costa Glri y ...... y n-... ... Mesa -r • ..., rs. ~ Boulevard, Balboa, Calltornia WITNESS my ba.nd and om ctal 92661, under the tlcUUous tlrm seal. &j _Mr. Ud Mn .. WarreD Short, 18M-B Coraway Dr., aa~ 1~ ~mu1 P~e.rc:•:•:•~11:•:a~-~-----------------------------------------------------------------------, Costa Mea. Dllme of TUFFREE ENTER-Shirley Ann Matthews PRIZES, and that said tl.rm 1s Notary PubUc Ln and for composed of tbe following sa.1d Couoty am State. persons who se names In full STATE OF CAUFORNlA ) and places of resJdeoce are as )ss. follows, to wU: CO UNTY OF ORANGE ) Charles Tuttree, 1101 East Ou November '1, 1969 before Balboa. Boulevard, Ba~ me, the underslped, a Notary CaUJornia 92661; S.JamesTtd-Publlc lD and for said County tree, P. 0 . Boz 21, Placent.la, and State, persooa.Uy ~ed CaWornla 92670; Kathleen P. CHARLES TUFFREE !mown to Tllftree, 1101 East Ba.ib:la Bout-me to be the person whose oame eva.rd, Balboa, CaUJornia ts subscribed to the within ln- 92661 ; Joyce Tuttree BeaU. strumeot a.stbeAUoroeyinFact 6717 N. Central Avenij@ , of KATHLEEN P, TUFFREE Phoenix, Arlr.ona 85012. a.oc1 acknowledged that twt sub- WITNESS OW' han4s this ?th scribed theDa.meofKATHLEEN day of November,l969.Chatles P. Tuffree thereto aspriDctpal, Tuffree; S. James Tuffree by aDd his own name as Attorney Charles Tllffree, attorney to ln Fact. fact; Kathleen P. Tuffree, by WITNESS my hand am offtclal Charles Tutf:ree, attorney 1n seal. tact; Joyce TuUree Beall, by Shirley ADD Matthews Charles Tufftee, attorney tn Notary Public ln and tor tact. sa.Jd CowXy and State STATE OF CAUfORNIA ) STATE OF CAUFURNlA } )ss. )ss. COUNTY OF ORANGE ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) Oo November ?, 1969 before Oo November '1, 1969 before WILLIAM H. GARDNER of1906 Suva Circle, Costa Mesa., baa been elected vice pres.ideDt - operations of Thomas Dtstribu- Uog COmpany Inc., 6106 E. Sheila Street, Los Anples, ID. stitutiooa.l CODV'enieoce food systems firm. Mr. Gardner. a Nuy veter~ was previously employed by Sears, Roebuck and Company for 9-1/2 years in Pasadena, fullertoa,Sa.ntaAna, and Los Angeles. He ls married to tbe former Ol.ana.Ktersey aad they hue two soos. Todd a.DCI Keri.D. Girl-M.r. &Dd Mrs. Robart F. Klopard, 4ZZ-1811> st., Cool& ...... Girl-Mr. aod Mta. Ylebael Sallpeek. Z5U SuD Ata AYe •• Apt. D, Costa YelL Boy -liz. &lid lolro. Bill CW.ll, 2Cll6-A W&Uaee, Coo1a ...... Bay -W:r. &Dd Mrs. Eddie IABuoa, 4$6 Elmllurst, CoG ...... • MONDAY, JAN. 12 Girl -llr. and Wrs. John StmmoDS, 1004 au st., Costa ...... Boy -Mr . and Mrs. Earl Bixler, 201 Ulllu PL, Coola ...... Girl -Mr. aad llr•. Clay Stratton, 42:51 SetoaRd.,lrTlDe. • TUESDAY, JAN. 13 Girl-Mr. aad Mrs. Joseph Duoc:an, 5S4 CataliDa Dr., New- port Helgllu. me, the underslped, a Nota.ry me, tbe Wldersiped, a Notary Poo~~---Pobllc-¥ Ull"'" -.~ •TIMOT-JIIOioiP.IOH ,. .. CI!Al!LEs uc1 stli'li 'l>itr~od • '"" =E , t..... 10 me 10 be CHARW TUFFREE t.....IO HOW A SEitGUHT Boy -Yr. and Mra. Gordoo Satorlus, %510 We.tmJ.nlter A.-e._ Costa Mesa. • WEDNESDAY, JAM. 14 Girl-Mr. ud Mra. Law. reoee Tf'O)'I.m, 207'J Wallaee AYe., Costa Mesa.. the persoo whose aame is sub-me to be tbepersoowhosename Timothy G. Thompson. SIOQ scribed to thewlttllnlnstrument is subscribed to tbe within lo-or Mr. and Mrs. Leoaud L. aDd acknowledged that beeueu-strument as the AttorDeY ln Fact Thompsoo or 617 Orchld Ave., ted the sa.me. of JOYCE TUFFREE BEALL Corooa del Mar, has been pro- WITNESS my ba.Dd and omcla.l a.ad acknowledged tha1 he sub-moted to sergea.at ln tbe U.s. seal. scribed tbe oame of JOYCE Alr Force. Helsanadminlstra- • THURSDAY, JAM. 15 GJtl -Mr. &Dd Mrs. Robert White, 3012 Coolldp, Costa ...... Girl -Yr. and Mrs. Isaac Tlptoo, m w. 20tb st., c- Wesa. Sh.lrley Ann Matthews TUFFREE BEALL thereto as Uve specla.llst at George AFB, Notary Public 1n and for princjpa.l I.Dd Ills own oanle as CaW., assigned to tbe 44.52nd sa.td CoWJty and state Attor 'in Fact Combat Crew Trallllng Squad- STATE OF CAUF'ORNlA ) wrr:!'ss my~ and tf1 tal ron, a Wllt of tile Tactical Air Boy -Mr. and Mrs. Dooald E. Bl&e ..... US E, ZOil! st., Costa Mesa. )ss ea.l 0 c Commaad wb.lch Pf'Ot'ides com- COUNTY OF ORANGE ) • s shirley Ann Ma.thews bat units tor air s~ of U.S. Boy -Mr. Uld Mrs. Wllllam Luedtke, 109.A Clearbrook LaDe, Coata Mesa. On November 7, 1969 before Notary Pllbllc LD and for g:r~ for.:!' .. 5~ 1966 _,.-'aate me, the undersigned, a Notary sa.Jd County and State ser&~.a .,._. PubUc lo and for said County Publlsh: Jan, 29, Feb. 5, 12, of Corolla del Mar hlgb. scbool. and State, persooally awe&red 19, 1970, in the Newport has studied at ChapmanColJep CHARLES TUFfREE known to Harbor EDS.tgn. uleostoo at George Alr Force Boy -Mr, and U rs, Ernest Gomn, 20'l llvtmoutb PL, CO&Ia Mesa. me to be thepersonwhoseoa.me Base. • FRIDAY, JAN. 16 Boy -Mr. and Mrs. Job.D LEGAL MOTICE LEGAL HOTICE NOTICE INVITIN G BIDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed bids for the work described bekrw shall be returned to the omce of the Clerk of tbe Board of S~~~trYitors, Room 501, Ora.nge COUDty Admtn- tstratioo Butldlog, 515 NOtth Sycamore, sa.ota Ana, and sha.U be pubUcly opened on the ZDd day of March, 1970 at 2:00P.M. o'clock. PROJE CT ( C ·IZ ) AL.ro BEACH FISHING PIER SOliTH LAGUNA, CAUFORNlA which work is k»cated at: ALro BEACH SOUTH LAGUNA. ORANGE COUNTY, CAUFORNlA AU of sa.1d work and materials, except such materials as are to be furnished by the CoUDty, shall be turnlsbed In ac- cordaoce wtth the plans, speclftcatioos and form of contract to be executed by tbe successful bidder, all oow on tlle in the otnce ot tOO Couaty Clerk, e~:-offtclo Clerk of the Board ot SlCHI"lsors. Plans, Specl.ftcatioaa and other contract document forms wW be an1Jable tot uamtnatioo wtthout charge and coples may be HCurtd at tbl otnce of the Orange Couaty Harbor Dlstr1ct, 1901 Bs.ysidt Drtn, Newport Beach, CaWorDia. ..,a depostt of TWntJ-Fln Dollars ($25.00) per set, wbicb deposlt Ll a prane.. tbl.l: tbt plaos and spectn.caUoos wtll be rellaaod Ia .... c:oulltloD 10 lbo Harbor Eq!Doer ... later tbaD tea (10) dlJ• after blds oo tbe project ta•e been opeotd, &Dd 1s liable to bftiture ll the drawt.np ud C*l.ft- eatloos art DOC ., returDid wttbtD saki time. Tbt pla.DI and opo<lllca-uo lllo property of tbe Orup CoWl!)' Harbor D~tet, aod are kaDtd to the bldders UDtU bids ue due. The ._.I au ... be coaotrood .. be lbe-price"'.., part ot tbese doeUZHDtt. Bidders are r~sted, lbould tbey dacide DOC to .antt 1 bid, to retarD tbt plua PIS Jl)eclft- cattou U FDOO U poa:lb)e afW' ACb dlelliloo 11 made. No bid wtll be accCQd from a CXIIItndor wbo is oat U-eeutd to accorduce wttb tM ._, _.. lbt pron...toas ol DIY1Jloa. 111, c..-I, of tbe 8ut.Dua and Pr(OIIIIou COOle oltbe Slato of Ca- PREYAlLIIIG WAOI!S: Bkldtro art --111ot-lo--of -1'1'10 "' .. ~ Coda olll!oSIUt "'ca-. lbe Boord "'~·"' Oruco ~ I!U --... ........ .... ..-... .. "'-11-lor-crd, wwlw t6 ........... to .-c .. a. CUIIDICt nvded Ill 1110 ---· -...-..-11-IHOO 111o aa 1110 om. "' .,. c-o1111o ~~Boord"' ....,_L UIIU'Oall OVDTIIB ILlTIIl -· ...... -"'_. ....... ., __ I .. IIJI 1Jt, ............. ~::::: ...,,.; '••"• ,, ... ., J..,j_.w ..... ..... -... zl•·---.. ..., -., ... _,...---lloo-ZiriiiiiO ... .._ n11o1 ..... ••a · ,_ .. MII-.,. .. rs I PII t u lllltdiLJa:: • LEGAL HOTIC! LEGAL MOTIC! EYery SWlday in the year, ucept as otbenrtse pror1ded h.erelD, New Year's Day, Decoratloo Day, lnd$@DdeDCe Day, Labor Day, Veteran's Day, Tba.Dksgtrtng Day and Chrlstma.s Day. ll any ot tbe aboYe boUdaya slk:luld fall oo SUDday, tbe Mooda.y followtor shall be COI151dered a lep.l hollday. Worlt: oo such daJ shall be paid for at the Sulday and holiday Ofer- time rate of tbt craft tDYolnd. No work shall be required oo Labor Day ucept to case of eJtreme tii'IUCY when We and prq)etty 1.& lo tmmtneur dupr. It sha.U be m&Dd&tory IC)OD the Contractor to whom the Coo- tract Is awarded am tc>oo any subcoatractor llllder blm to pay oot less than the speeltled rates lathe ueeuttoa ot said contract. The successfUl bidder wtll be requlred to ftlrnlsb a taJthfU.l perform&Dee boDd LD an amouat eqaal to fUtJ per ceat (501) ot tbe eoatract price, and a labor ud material boDd lD. u aP'IOUDt eqtal to 1Uty per cent(SOI)ortbe coatract pr1ce, wtlkb boDd Sllall proYlde tbat U tbe persoo or b15 subeoatr&cllwa fa.ll to pay tor any materials (except suet!. ma.tertab u are turn!SIIed by tbe 0rup Coool)' Harbor OUirlel), pnrn-, proveDder or otber SlCIPlles, or teams, ased Ia, ~ I:Jr, 0t about tbe performaoce of tbe wwk coatracted to be doGe, or tor any wort or labor tbereoa ol. uy tlad, or k amoaols clle uDder tba Uoeq~~ lanraD!e Ad wtth rec-ct lo JIIICil work or labor, lbat tbe nretJ or sur ea. .. wtll pay ror -..-, in an a.rnomJt BOt uetedlnc UMt sum IPI"tfkd LD tba boad; ud alto. la case IIIU: 11 tJroacbt \1)011 tbl boa4. a r....-blll at- torney's fee to be Dad by tbt Coa:rt; Aid boada to be ..e.ed from a 5111'etJ coqJUQ" attmttory to tbe Board of Slplnt. -· o1 0nop Coom~J. Tbe c-.-..w ..., be·-to hlrol.sb a cartUicale that be carrtu COClfMMI.liM l...-..ot coYerLDc bts eq,toyMs 'ClOD tllrl wort 10 be ~ -.r tM coatnct wbteb m&J be ..,.«< 1D&o bltll...., b:lm &Dd tiM Or. ..,.. c-ll&rllorllllll'lellor 111e-"' oald-"' NON.Dl9CRIMllfA TION: Ia the perform&DCt ol. tbt terma of tld1 CoMrad, ......0.::- tor •cr .. tblt 111 wW .ot .._.. m ... perm~~: ..:h ~ tradora u De IDI1 -.loJ ttom '"• lhll la dbcJ1•1•ttae II ·~ ot per-becl-ot tM ~ color, •tkwl orlclo or uc:.-ry, or rellplo of -.,.._ Vlololloo of tbla prot1.lloa _, rwaJ1 ta tM t••""• al II'C ... ,.._. lonod lo .. ~Coda -1'1·. n. Colltndor llall -0111:J o caed • •• rw. pcodllcld Ia t111t UIMed 11atee ud o.l7 w 0 •• ·zt all •• b:taida .. ~..._., •• ..,ann.-- IOrllloJII-IaiiiOtW-.IapeiOo _., .. CiiiiMbiid. ne Balllrd or •• .,. ..... r •• .. I'IIM •,..... Jo<t Uf or aU -Dotod,....., ~.:: liT #WTa IIOAIDOI'I--0/1 Ol.&.ll(il: coc.rr. ~ CSULI W. La IIIII. c.-,~ ... ••·11 ~ "' .. -. "' •• ·-· "' ~c.-,, Cll~·- .,-L. co-. ._., PrtM•· ...... ....._ a.e-. l'!ri ..... a•'JPW I, 1 ... K OF ERICA THE RATES FOR Personal Choice savings plans DOW offer more E... your money. One: you have many plans to choose from. And two: we've raised the interest rates . Of course, we could mention a third: your savings enjoy the protection of the world's largest bank. So let your money go to work at Banlc of America. The pay is good. Regular Savlnga Starting February 1st, your interest will be increased to 41'.% computed daily and compounded quarterly. Deposits made by the tenth of each quarter earn interest from the first. Your funds are immediately available. You can put money in. Tal<e it out. Any time, any amount. Ol Investors Pa .. book lO This is the passbook account that pays you more for leaving your money with us for at least 90 days. 1he 5% interest is compow1ded quarterly. You can withdraw interest during the first I 0 days of any calendar quarter. You can also withdraw principal at that time, providing it's been on deposit a full calendar quarter. A 90-day written notice will also release funds. $500 opens an account. Additional deposits are made in $100 amounts or more. 53lL Ol Certificates of DepoeH 1470 We've lowered the entrance requirements and raised the rate from 5% on maturities of one year or longer. TI.ese Certi6cates are issued for $500 or more. Two year Certi6cates DOW earn 5~% . Let us safeguard your money for one year, and we11 pay you 51'.% quarterly. TI.ese new rates are effective immediately. 7 1 L2ol Ce: tlflcatee of DepoeH "/: 70 Large deposits-UOO,OOCI or -..-... -e-now earn 71'l % if left with us a year. 'The interest l'lltes on these Certi&cates range from 6'4% to 71'l % depending oa their maturity. TI.ese •erx-tt an increase ol ~% to I '4% over previous l'llles- Wbatever Personal Choice Savings plan you choose, Bank ol Arn«iea has your best interest in niind. BANKoFAMERICAifl for the busi1ess d I~ • UIISEST •. .FIRST .• ~nclent Federal In Orange County OFFERS with MAXIMUM SAFETY! a ala 5.2!iala !5. 75a1a BOla .. 7.5ala INT£REST PER ANNUM WITH VARYING MINIMUM BALANCE REQUIREMENTS AND VARYING MATURITIES Contact the nearest Laguna Federal Savings office for full details about the account best suited to your individual needs. AU IIITEREST COMPOUIIOED DAILY ACCOUIIlS INSURED TO S20. 000 Llpu ltatl, CMtftrlll • 260 Ocaatt Aw••• • 414-7S.C 1 ....... lipd ..... 3 1Hun:lll.1)' l'lw. Ql.l2011f4 .. 114(1 E-.Cielluttira~U • 5Gllortltll c.!• tell• 4t2·11~ THE fiRST I.D a series of Harbor Area Delgttborhood coUees was held receotly ID the borne of Mrs. Thomas Coodoo, 1855 So& Vista Clrcle 1n Mesa Verde. Mrs. Condon is pictured here (seated) with Mrs. Seth Oberg, at left, and Mrs. Douglas Burpss. The speaker was the Rev. Raymond Bnbams of St. AJldrew's Presbyterian Church, who discussed tbe 1970.71.72 "reach years," during whicb Hoag Hospital must upand to meet the in- creased demaods of a erowiDc community. Mr . Brahams spearheaded the lnJtial campalgn io 1944 which r esulted in the building of Hoag Hospital. Harbor Area residents interested 1n hosting a '•reach years" coffee can make arraogei"Y"'lts with Isabel Pease, 642-1463, chalrman of Haag's community committee. (Jack West photo.) Dora Hill heads CriHenton EBELL ACTIVITIES LISTED ART MUUUiol DISPLAY ACCLAIIoiiD OM TOUR AD -llllloo oriiiDIU7 or-'"*•'• -· IliaD collte Mn. Yl. R. Duo, _ ... lloo • -Ulo1 -~~-...... &1111 Ill'-"' 1111 brtwlllc al Nnport EbtU Club, lor --~) 7 Ud Prld&J, l'tb. 10, Co--•lllnport-Art 11-11 wltll 111&11)' Ftbr...., ac:ltytttu tllt P.ll. lo1.8tl StcUoo, wtU lloclodo II-.'-hill, H. H rtc41Ylo( blp pubUe ... latm air-PtrklDc. · pr-a procnm.,. "Lift to Prtaa•-Ud Lt111aD Tllol-·-llJ 11 1aadlar .U.IIo OM ol till buttol membtro Alii." <bar. lin. -17. ltlnrtu, lllmllfloullllt l1Dltod-Ud or lilt orp.lllaattoo, llrs. Ra7 -Soettoo 7 wtU mitt wW Pl't-a -riYlow, ta oebodllltd to -£..._. Nla'-lo r_.,olblt lor -.._,, Fob. za, to 1111 ASTROLOCER TALKS art elrolto -11 1D le?l. IIWlJ DIW iDtert.CI 1n tbt: bome ol Mr1. Cbll'lta &addle, "JUit Bttort the Waz," & elob'o sehedulo. Tiley lllelocte Newport Bate11. lin, loiiD TO IPW CLUB TODAY blaet-ud-wbttt pbolo~e Ebell art secUoa, homes IDd M_.mau, cb&lrmu. hU Atltrolo&w BurtoallorMwtU now orpntqct here 1o ktt prdeiUII secUoo aor1 tba Yery UUd lin. Robert AlltD IJICI addr.., awmber1 ot tbe New-1K8, hu alr.ty bteo ftwed recent idea, cultural uta day. Mr1. J, Bert Webb to au1Jt. port Harbor BualDeu ud Pro-by IIYeral hUDdredtbouludart Gertrude (Mrs. D. C.) Mat-PM membera, blldedb)'Mra, l111ioaal Womta'l ClWattbtir patrou on 1t1 tour around the tocU 1s instructor tor the art Cbu ... Ectnrdl, wtU COQYtDII bultDus a.od d1DDer mee-United Statu, accordiDc to mu- section meeting every Tll88day at tbt bome otUra.JobD Htmp-UAc tt&ll eveDJ.ng, Feb, 5, at seum dlrector Thomas H. Gu· at Ebell ClUbhouse, Classes too Smith, Newport S.Cb at eo.ta Mua Country Club, 1701 nr. from 10 a.m. to I p.m. are tor 10 Lm. Thur.t&y. Feb, u.Co. Golt Courae Dr. Currently the museum lafea.- begtDDers or advanced students. ho&teasea uallti.D& with hlocb. Mr. MOI'se Is tbe owner of the turlncan uhJ.bWoo o1 the paiD- Wedoe.sday, Feb. 25, mem-eon are Mr1. R.N. Glasgow &lid Suo Sip Boolr: aod. Gifts~ 1n Unp am sctl)pture by lnter•- bers of homes and gardens wlll Mrs. J. Jacobs. Balboa. UonaUy lr:Down American COD· bear Costa Mesa Art League Cnft secUoo. members wtll Mrs. Jeu Del Gud.ice will be strueUYlat p&.1Qter Uya Bolo- Artist, Mrs. Charles Luebbert, COIIfecate at the Ebell club· cbairmu for tbe evenlnr aod towsty. ThlsemtbWoo Yillrun lecture and demonstrate sut-bouse. Mooday, Feb. 9, to de. W:rs. Helen Cole, BPW presl-throuCfl March 1. Tbe museum cbery at the Newport Beach c:on.te tote bap, Mrs. PbtlUp dem, wtu preside. 1s at 400 Main St., Balboa. home of Mrs. Leon ROOd, Lun-Pllr:e Is ch&lrman. cheoo will be served at 12:30. Mrs. M. L. Rabbitt, headl.Dr t Program for cultural arts Boolr: SecUon 1, llas set fea. day, Wednesday, Feb. 18, is the lured speaker, Mrs. Hirseb Ute story of Pollsh tragedienne Sch rnldt, for the meetJ..or o1 Helen Opld Mod)eska. Mrs. wu. Thursday, Feb. 12. Mrs. t llam Lee w1lladdressmembers Schmidt Is owoer of the Ber- and guests at EbeU Clubhouse, liner Boolr:bindi.Dg Company, 515 w. Balboa Blvd., Balboa. Costa Mesa, A 1 o'clock des-t Dessert aod cotfee will be ser-sert will be served In the borne ved at the event taking place of Mrs. Charles Dewey, Balboa from 1 to 2:30p.m. Isla.Dd. Co-hostesses assisting Mrs. Leslie Mock, beading are Mrs. G. W. RitchleandMr.s. t the Goren Counters, has an-W. V. Hays. nounced that all bridge players Mrs. ClydeJohnsonofCorooa are welcome to attend. The oext del Mar Is hostesslng members1 t meeHng will be held Friday of Book SecUon 3. Mrs. WU- noon, Feb. 13, at the Ebell llam Tbayer, cha.lrma.o. says Clubhouse. Sandwich luncheon Ubrarlan Dorothea. Sbeely will WOULD YOU BELIEVE? ... We offer you . THE BEST CLEANING .... and complete clothes care I ' t t t t Mr s. Edgar R. Hill, 617 Vla UCJ, CaWornla College of Me-Tropical Busch Gardens is 12:30 p.m. wtu be served. gtve a book review. The Ume, t Lido Soud Lido Isle for mer dlclne· Brad!o d Miller New~ scheduled for Travellers of Thursday, Feb.l2,istheda.te at f mayor ot Newport heh, ns port Beach, re~edbuUder ; and Ebell Club and their guests tor for Book SecUon 4 to meet at elected president of the flo-Dr. Wallace A. Raynor, Ana-Wednesday, february 11 . Vlsi-the home of Mrs. Nelson Holm-t renee Crltteotoo Home of heim, assistant s~rloteodent tors will cUmb aboard a Sky. wood, 1018 Emerald Bay, La- Oraoge County a.t u1e orp.nlza-Orance Unllied school district. ra.il, which takes them along-guna, at 12:30 p.m. Cbairma.n uon's third annllll meeting. Also elected to serve three side, througtlalldoverthebrew-Mrs. D. D. On.odowtllpres1de. t VALET CLEANERS f Retirlnc president Richard year terms were Dr. Stanley ery. Members wlll have lunch-Book Sec~? 5 will hear a M Taylor ofOrangetoldtbeZOO Roberts f ullerton surgeon· eon at Century Plaz.a. discussion of Free Cb.lnaver.• lu~heon guests at the Newport Mrs. Ed'ward Slwlbrom, TusH~ A Las Vegas trip for March sus Red Chllla"byWalt8rSDell Harbor Yacht Club tbat more civic leader· MlssZadaTaylor 16 and 17 requiresreservatioos Mrs. J. J. Ja.koslcy, c.hairman, t tM.o a quarter of a million dol Newport B~eh retired Lo~ tar ln advance. further ln-has anoounced that Mrs. Joseph la.rs has been raised toward Anples llbr~y executive· formation regardlog traveller Craleeo Is openlng her Newport CAU. 675-0310 their goal of$700,000 Deeded to Charles Tuftree, Newport section activities may be ob· Beach home tor the event. build and operate an Ora..age Beach lndustrlallst, aDd Mrs. ta1oed by phoning Mrs. Ray. Luncheon Is at noon. t QUALITY LAUNDRY-WE DELIVER County llome to care for unwed Tbomas C. Webster, Newport mood Herms, chaltman,at646. Ebell clubhouse Will be the ••~ ... -~ mother s. Beach civic leader. 362Z. pla.ce for membersofBookSec-• .... ~ 4 Other otflcers elected at the meeting lnclude Mrs. frank Binney, Laguna Beach; Mrs. COSTELLO HONOR EO Pat Mellott, Newport Beach; BY CITY OF HOPE William G. Long, Costa Mesa; N~rt Beachphlla.nthropist a.od Maurice E. Thompson, La-francis A. Costello ls being gum Beach, viee presidents; hooored by the 500 Club, a lea- Richa.rd K. WaLker, treasurer, ding atWlla.ry of the City of and Mrs. lmo Ra.odal.l, Santa Hope, by establishment of a Ana, secretary. Francis A. Costello research Newly elected membersofthe-fel.lo1rsbip at the tree aoo 000• board of directors, I.Dtrodoced sectartao medical ce!Ur. by Maurice E. Tbompsoa, Mr. CosteUo, chalrmanoftbe chairman of the oominaUng board of Chanco Medical aDd committee, are C. Wllll.am ElectroDfcs Industries Santa Courtney, Santa Ana, retired Uonlca was feted by 'the 500 mortgage banker; Dr. James Club at' a social meeting 1n re- H .. McC lure, San Clemente, cognition of his continuing sup- chairman of the department of port of the City of Hope. obstetrics a.oo gyoecology at JOHN CONNILL "NO GIVE:~.WA YS NO G.IMMICKS" Ju•+ ll Y ~•·• ol Ho~et+ Ouh"9· Sr11•"9 C~u,ol.,oo . LARGEST SELECnON IN BRAND NEW t I r----------------'I ' ;;) 1970 MONTE CARLO I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I L AIL-IN WEEK-END . ' I I I I I II SPECIAL FOR A I-YEAR ENSIGN SUBSCRIPTION "HD RECEIVE BLUE STAMPS FREE CHIP Mail in your order with your check or cash 0/licia/ Newll pap<i!r o/ tl.e City o/ Newport Bt~acl. 2 721 E. Coast Highway Corona del Mar, California NAME .................................................................................. . Mailing Address .................................................................. · Cl. ty ................................................................................ .. ..... I I I I I I I I I state ...................................... -................. ziP ........... -....... , .. .JI ___ .....,_. -------- s 08 Ft.llr .. lppM "'" hWtto , a ir cotuUtlon hMJ, power stMfhtt. poweT .tlsc. brill!", power wl,.._,, whtyl roof, radio w/ ,.., Matlf"Ok« p11q mudt, IMdilftOfe. 1131570L1Z70t~l n,t. MID lA Tl! 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L.-.,.; ...... hhl fQll ... , 1Wioto4.11. ~oct. IJTl 10 1 $995 $695 $1395 '69 CHEY. V-8 '68 CADILLAC '67 CHEY. liz TON Yt TON P.U. Dl VILLI CONYUTIILI Cl>\-Ctlt. •td'-& ....... Lot rm• ll'ltll -.. tlr, .... """ lllillf. ..... f (,1. l ..... W11 ..,.W.. tv291'NI ........... 1"-l. (watt IK) $1095 $1795 $4395 '66 CHEVY VAN '67 MONZA 17112' FIBERGLASS ... eu!OMt!lc lf"Ms., ... w .. ...... ,,.. ·CAIIN UUIIII l!ltl1 .. ~., .......... "'-· , ............ U ,e -til """· ITI"L "" a HP ....._ lllc. -l lt'tiW. .1295 '64 RAMBLER 2 DR. , • ., ... ~·~··· "Ill "'ll $195 '67 DATSUN • DR. """'~· """'"'· ~>•~ .. , .. corwl fiHl .k.ll $995 '64 CHEVROLET Ill AIR ITATION WON. .\..... "·-·. ...... , ...... •..:loG. """"· 101-!L ftll $895 '67 CHEVROLET IMPAI.A ITATION WGN. t ... \0, ..... tr..... '"-...... lt.e .. totMI., ttWN •MI $1295 '68 OLDS 442 HAIDTOP •~lt-,rflflt."-Mr APMI~. ..... lilt $2295 '67 CHMOLET IL -CAMINO v.a c-.,, at~~~~ .. ,....,. & ......,. v.rr '"""" {lOW -• .1495