HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970-04-23 - Newport Harbor EnsignJOe COSTA MESA ham, mitz ·uto ill • B. freeway ;~5~: Is 1D tbe mW 1D acreec~ to eo-autbor tbe a.. Uoa ot tbe eovt.ronmeft that ted to President Rlct.rd y to ellmtblle the mended btll. U would eause. That ptcturt.za-NW:Jo; Secretary JobDA. Yo~: S.Cb section of tbe Amemmeota are DOW betnc tioG la ·--ted to be otr the u s ~-of--~--tro lbe ~-.. ...,...t.,... ··-· .. ...,way m state drafted to apell out tbe detaJ.Is preu before April 30. That u btU was tn- 31 aa ai!IIIOt bill Robert E. tb&t tlme, State JOlul SebmltJ: l:lu ,_ taUoa; . s. Seoatora Georp: -reiDOYiDc from tbe tr_..y neo~.P~ at 1:30 tbe Freeway Murphy and Alb en.ut:a.; system au of tbe oout free. Flebters trill bold amasa city. Gov. Rorald Reap.o.; 9ble way rotU DOW La tbe City of wide meet1n( designed to "kefll Senator Jobn G. Sebmtts, As. Newport Beach, locludl.bc C.O.. tbe eoutal freeway out otNew-semblymao Robert B. Bedlwm; ro• del '4&1'. port Beach." Tbe meettnc will members ot the Calllxaia.State THE FIRST OFFICIAL PII)T() of tho -City Coa:U of N.wport Beach lboWI tbe DIW mayor, Ed H1rtb. alltet to rap lor order' tritb bb: pYtl, a.ad ..ted blade h1m 1a tbl ...., nee-mayor, Howard Rotera. Stanctt•L 1Ift to~ &re iDcumbeat COUDcllmao Doaald W:c:hmla; DeWI.y .a.ct.ICOtm- cllmen CUI Kymla, Diet Croul and IO..Iu eo.tal, ud la. ewnbeot CotmeUmaD 1..1DdaleJ Pueou. (Eutp pboto.) The Harbor Area Freeway be held In tbe auditorium at LectsJature, cba1rma.D IDI1 Fl&ttters ._.,., Joar aoucbt to Newport Harbor high school. members of tbe Callt.onda etlmhate tbe eout freeway Freeway Fighter Chairman Hicttwa.y Comrnissioll ud &om tbe city. The CfO'C) fee~ Yarshall Oumeld told a.D est.J. mayor ud memberaoltbeNft'- tbat tbe fteeway woaJd "~ m&ted 100 persoos at lbe Fri-port Beach City COUDclL Newport Beach lD two ud des-day me«ing that the Pl.cillc The petlt1oD. reads: troy our ma.riDe-orlented eo.-Coast Freeway route as oow "Wbersa, tbe Pa.ciflc Cout riroomtat." pr~ constttutes noth1ne Free1r1y (Route 1) as •dopted HIRTH MAYOR, ROGERS NO.2 The FrKWay Fiptera Mid a. more Ulan a freeway "'from May 22, 1963, ud pr'(lpCIMd meetlng last friday to dis-oowhere to nowhere." for constroctioo, ¥iol&teJ tbt tribtte petitioD.S qainJt tbe He saJd, "The freeway starts enrironme*l qtallty ot tbe treeqy tor resldmts to sip. ~. skirts HWitlngtoo Bea.ch., c ley ot Newport Be&eb, caw., City PlaiiDlDc Dt.netor Larry Seal Beach and all the other destroys large porUou ot Its Wilsoo ooce ap1D ~bowed tbe coastal clties and then comes htstort~l am ma.rltlJ:neatmos.. ftl'ious llflecta tbe frenay rlgb.t tbrougll the ceDt• of tbe phen, eocroa.cbes ~ -.rb)' would bue oa tbe city t!u"oucb most valtable part ot Newport beracb areu, adds reta1Dt.DC lt toot a. tie-breaker Yote Toelda,J afterOOOll to elect tbe oew mayor of Newport Beach, a.Dd the choiee went to Ed Htrtb, who ts be&irming tli.s 3rd year on the Couocll. ballot, AISI..... C!tJ · Clort Dorlt Georp d!mibuted the ballots, Ud at 5:04 p.m. CU:y Clerk Lapo. UDOUDeed a. Ue .... Yote. Tbe tallJ WU 1-3-1, Tbe r oa.mes were oot IUIDOUDCed, td tbe use c1 maps and adopted Beach aaf stops at tbe eod of walls ud embankmeab wb1cb y route plans. Corom del Mar . Tbe apparent enae beautifUl D&blnl aueta. The &rat.V DOW 1a 1D tbe prO-urreocy to get thJs freeway severs alld ~ate& water«- , ceu cl pnpu1Dc a p6c:tqrfu... sbot'ed down our throats lsa ut-tented port1oos ot tbe eom- tion of nat tbe freenJ wlU cia tle ridiculous." munlty from IUoceaufrootbel.- to tbe city, tile property tuea: Tile Freeway flgbters d1.s-clles, emits tou of ooa- U would tate I'QJ' trom tbe trlbtlted petlt1ons OAJOS.ing tbe ta.mtDI.tel da.Uy uct completely ecbool syttem I.Dd tbe ciestrue-freeway. Tbe petutloa la dlree. d!Yides tbe e1ty lDto two Tbe f'Otlng took place alter City Clerk Laura t.a.pos bad sworn 1.D the newly elected eoun- ellmen, Carl Kymla, MUan Dostal a.nd Richard Crout, a.nd the re ... lected 1Dcumbent, Honrd Rogers. Tbe COUDCU membeu, lD eoVJI)lete aceord oa their ftrst motloll, acreed oo a aecret U wu assllJ'Iled tbal: tbe tie ns between lJOOsley PviODI a.Dd Ed Hirth. Ap.ln the ballots were dla-HERE ARE SIX of the floallsts ln the 19'70 "mothu o( the trlbuted, and at 5:06 Mrs, year" essay eontest eooducted by HolgHospltal.lotbe &oot Lapoa anDOUDeed, "Yr. HJrtb row are, from left, Pamela YurreJ ot Harl:u' Htcld•"'•, 1\u been oomlnated tot mayor nrat crader at M.a:rtoers school; i:lo'nrd Engl&Dd of Eut by maP'Uy tOte:• Tbeo abe Blutf, Znd &rader a1 Habor VIew school; a.nd Ashelle ealled tot a roll eaU tOte, &ad Lapoiate ol Costa Mesa, 1st crader at Soaon ICbool; It wu a tmLillmou I'Ote for ba.c~ row, Maureeo Mahon of Harbor View H1lla, bd Cfader eleeUoa of tbe Dn' m&JOI'. at Harbor View school; Dana Dubrow of DoYer Shores, 3rd Nest came tbt oomiDatloofor cra,der at Yatl..oers scbool; a.od Dlctie Kasuya of Costa mayor pro.tem. At 5:08 Mrs. Meta. 3rd grader at PaularlDo school. La&to• said, "Kr. Rorers r.s ::: =~;;..,~. ~·~ NEWPORT POLICE HURT tbe ucru Oaabed a "yet" de- :~~.:..uu:IDot= DURING FREE US MELEE ' -( ., . .U attempt to ftee I '' Fr• Pollee oalcus StaaltJ Bns-...... 0 1 C~ .J W' ... Its tl'ocD poUce U., A.llertDoumUIS.ToMSt... • _ ....... .._ _. tMtDit) ..., at-tbt B St; 1DODWH._tD~ -, r -t II eolll 1'1 II JUt (I --trllb I t>r omtrltOIIC)' tr•tm• ud TBI ariiEII FIIIALI&"IS to tbe "molbor of tile ,_.. -aro Jii-..1 -eleetloa ud aid Ullt t:be poUeemeo burt and 10 persoos later releued. The S oftlcers row, from left. Sba.roo GammW of Sub. Aa Beiebts, 5th ~fader at Bay Vlew .:IIIOol; older membersb&dllntebolee. arrested. . were pu1 ot a coiJtiDCeDt of 15 Rita Crum ot Costa Mesa., 4th crader at Bear Street scbool; ~ 1brJ Forbatb o1 Costa Mr • Par1001 re11Dq111sbed b.U 1'MI: wu the 2nd ra.tly held whO floa.lly cot tbe disturbi.Dce Mesa., 4tb grader at Adama scbool; bl.ckrow, Unda 8a.br ~ Mary Lou Gllbut, both 6th Ylee-mayor•a eba1r to Yr. by tbe ''Free ua" members, Wider eoob"ol. fP'aders at KUlybrooke school, Costa Mesa; ud Howard Seb&tl ol Eut Shaft', SUI ~fader Rocv• IJid mO'f'ed OYer to no bad plbered at the Balboa Vtekt l.)'DD Outs 21 of 4'70 at Hubor Vtew sc:booL UndlSUer !sa tlAa11st tot tbe Zod year 1D a row. The winDer wUI tbe far rleht l8&t Jut Y&C:&ted put Z weeU ago to eomp1&1.n Oeean AYe,, Huntinitoa' BeaCh., be aDOOUDCed at the awuds lwlcbeoo at Hoq eootereoce center Ma y 9, tbe day before bJ COUDeJlmu Paul Grltler. about poUce bal'usmett. Their was tJoob1t oo su.sptclou ot u-Mather's Day. Actor Andy Det1De will be ma.ster ot ceremoDies. COUDCUma.n Doa Mcllmil aid 1ead«t m:IOUDCed tben that tMy sault1nc a peace offtcer and ball D d .,..!:'"" . ...., • ., •.. BOI WILSON be ml&ftt like CO move eloMr to would pact the Newport Beach was set at $6,250. PoUce also octor ct'le tbe mldclle, but be deelded to ComcU chambers at the Aprll arrested Wllllam Hanrood BOB WILSON l1aY l.o bLa: far left 18&t.lfestto 27 meeti.Dg to present tbelr de-Crumpecker, 20; RoprStepbeu • blm came Carl Kymla, OC· mands. Childs, 20; Steven Thomas In arson case Coc>Ytnc the chair Just vacated The B()eUer last SdDday, ar-Greenspoon, 20, llarvlll L&rry eM 0 by Couoctlman Bob Sbeltoa.. Oo rested oo tbe eomplailJtsotctU-Brown. 19, aU of 1352 W, Balboa Dr. Ebbe Hartellus, c orona MAY R the other side of tile ma;yor sat .&ens who said they overheard BIYd,, Robert PM~ Meyer, 3Z, del Mar pbystcl.an, tlas btm Diet Croul and MUID DostaL tUm repeatedly use foul laD-of 1005 E, Oceu Ft., aDd Nlek cbarged wtth 5 le.loay counts Mayor-Hirth offered u ,..re dur1D« hls speech at the l.Jcart, 19, of 1007 E. Baltx:.. stemmloc trom a ttre ap-The Costa Mesa City CouncU elec:ted Robert Wllsoo Tuesdly to serve u mayor. WIUardJor- da.n, re-elected last week totbe eouncu, was elected Yiee- moyor. Mr. Wttsoo, Wbo succeeds Wayo:r AlYiA R. PlnkJeJ, bas sentd oa tbe eounetl s1Dce 1960. Mr. Jordan was ftrst elec. ted lo the coooell poll .. 1963. ,... Coomell r-Ioted !ley June as city attorney lDd IP· polDted EUeeu Pbi.DD&J to sene as elty elert. Mrs. PbioDey bu bteo aeting city clerk s1Dee the d-.tb of Charlie Priest M&.reh. 12. apoiop tor the WbltltllDC wlDI1 put, wu ideotttled by pollee Blvd., Balboa. &11 for each puently set tn tll.sofnceaJ:2U5 outside, 1M: be DOted that tbe u Bury Slmoo Weinberg, 21, was set at $8,250. E c-~ H Couoc:U -~ bo ' ....._.. wy. Wol\ Ye any COD-ot U7Z llesa Drtn Sa.oca Ana He was arrested by poU ce trol orer that elemeDI. lA UDemp)Oyed labo~er. He ~ Allen Jeffrey Salol, ZZ, of U.oaday, booked, :lDd released ''I kD1w lt -·ld ~ a cold 1352 Vi. Balboa BlYd., ... ... .,.. -booked oa ~tcLon of disturb-a.tter pttting ICI $31,500 baH, day WbeD I would eYer be elect. lac tbe peace. booked on susplcloo ot batterJ • IJJd wu ordered to ,.,......, r lor ed mi.JOI'," be Qlllppecl. A lOth arrest occurred later .._,_. •-lbe da he J "·laa arnl-ent ln municipal court He annormced tlll.t tblre wu EL$1E NEWLAND MARKS "' y w n amu ~n April 28. ooe more item a1 oftlct&J tJuR UeMillan, Z4, of135Z W. Balbo& -HEll 89TH BIRTHDA-Y Bt d ~· Dr. Harullus fited a report oeu, appolntmeat at llldtatioll ' ., ~boa. came to the district npre•atattfu. He Mlss EIJ:Ie Newlud, a Harbor pollee stat1oo to loqulre a.bout wllb Costa Mesa pollee AprU said be tad lOt bid t1metocoa.. Ar-. nsJdtDt sJ.oee 1935, W ba.JI for ooe ot tbe arrested 1 c~Umtae tll.s 1970 Yolkswapn Jldolr thla: mattu, aDd Vt~. Jut eelttlnttd her 89th birth-men. Wben lle wu told tblt tbe bad been stolen, akxlg 'lritb his May« Rocw• tDOYed tbat u be da.)' IJIDIYersuy at ber Costa previously quoUid $65 wu a.a medical tag valued at $500. beid. OYer to oat W:~s Mea bOme a! Q1 Victoria St, error, IDd l..bat t:.J.l wu reall7 Oo AprU 9 the tlre <k!part. COUDcll meetiJ1c,. Tbis IIIClltbl Sbt bu beeo ooe of the pU. $6,250, he reiPOIX!ed wttb a .._ meot respoaded to a call to the qa II'PI'O'ed. ud tbe mMtiiC ll:rs ot tbe Cbrlst Churcb by letter word. IDd wu arrested doctor's offlee and discorered na &djoarDICL tbe SM., Commwdty Method1st, oo a char,e of dlsturbtJJc tbe olllpooeellooft'-~--'beenther.:"s~~;::. Lll Ceatn.l MI'WJ)Ort. 11Dee 5be peace. ._ &UU "'" -C.c. backs freeway Stand eamo llore 35 years aeo. Sbe Pollee said z ollleeu were Damap was mloor,llremeo JANICE ELAINE FURTNER, 201?8olearlcDr.,CostaMesa, wu a lllder ln the orp.nlu.-diap&tcbed to tbe par~ alter sUd. but slnee then wu tbe a trestunu at Estucla high schOOl, won flrst place award t1oD ol tile Harbor Area's United receipt oftbecUlun~lal.nts posslbi.Uty of arsoo, Newport iD tbe Amerlcanism essay cootest SWD.901'ed bJ tbe Costa Cburcb Women, serYed as the ud tbat tbe others were ~"~~~~bed Beach pollee were called to ln-Mesa American Lepoo Auxilla.ry, Unit 455. Her essay on Tbe Newport Harbor Chllm-diuerYtee "it tbl cMsnblr ..... _. •o-pto. ,,.._ __ ._._ .. -...~ God" ~u -be ,~ered •-lbe M~let ber of Commer directors take oatrle!lltud ud doM w~ pnGdeat c1 tbe ~.aod to tbe sceDe alter memben of '"" ,_ .-uuu wouer .. , ..... ~ ... 1.11 ~ oted tlDlDtmo lee 1111.-.. to DOt : ~ wltb ......._ --1o tbea blncJJed tbe duties ot pd)-the aud.J.aoce attacked the z A few dt.ys later pollee toUDd competttioG. Janice ls shown here with Mrs. Robert Flaber, " 111 J _, • ._. _......, m ~ Uelt)' ebalrrnu tor many yeus. omcers. the mJsstnc car aod be.gln Lon& ftrst Yle.-presldeol o1 the Legton Auxi.Uan. SecODd plaee U~_. ~.:itJb Couc_!l~! ~..: strueUDir nty, ··-..___.._ Sbe wu eboHD. by the United Ofllcera saJd DOGe o1 tbe ar~ Be&eb. Dr. Hartell LaS had tued anrd nd to Colleeo-Cobis, '796 Shallma:, a 7th cr&der at oa --e rep.r...,. ~ ector ·~e Rotll.al e•·•--~~his lnsur·-e--E <tt R hool -lrd Ia -·d -·-~Jerry prGIIOIIed eout freeway Aid be dldatt tbiDkbe be Cbareb Womea as their ft.rst rested pe:rsoos wulDjured lAd aauu.a wlw --....,.., Yer • sc , ,,, p ce a-.... ·-....... .,, ........ _, "We. tbe UDden1ped et- ttHns, res1deslts and tula.Jer• at ·-Beol:h ud ldjoe ... areas, rell)eCttvny petWoa tbat you lll!ptntely or collect1Yely eome to oar aJd lD saYlDC our eity from tbls perm.aoeat .:at- riD( ud destructloo, by tUioc sueh action u ls BeC4:UU'J a.Dd awroprtate to eaue to bt dekMd from the CaJJ.Ix"DI& FrHn.y System. tboat portk)QI of tbe Paclftc Cout FrWftJ' (Route 1) w1llch art a putoftbt -route tllrOIICII tile C!tJ ol Newport Be&cb and lOeb cOer potUons aa cootrlbute to tbe pn---,&11-.'' -mooUoc will l>o llolll 11>11 PrldoJ ILl a.a. "ll :lloJ -Clllb -til -,-VWace. Tbe U.CCfN COlD• mlttH wUJ report OD tbe Jl'O- gress r1 the treeway !l&tJt.ltJJy. one el.ae Laterested ts ~ to.- vited. W.r. Dumeld sald tbe res- ponse oo tbe petttloos that were passed out last week tw.s beeo ''tremendous.'' "We doo.'t know bow many we've eolled ed yet, but we han be«! flooded wtth pe~ tltioos s:toce Frtday. We think we'N! well oo the way to wiD- tUng our battle," he said. Earle Doane of CDM dies Earle G. Doane , 69, of U6 Poppy Ave., Coro01. del Mat, died April 18 at h.ls restdeoce, He was born Nov . 7, 1900, ln Pasadena, and came to Ora.nee County 29 years ago. He bad been an employee or the City of Newport Beach engineertoc dep&rtment tor 20 years. Survivors toclude his widow, Vera; a daughter Mrs. Carol Ba.sney of Detroit, Wich.; a sister, Mrs. Haney ChrlsteD of Pl.sadena; aDd 2 grand- ehiklren. Services were held T~~esday at Paclftc Vtew Chapel wttb Warreo Howla.D.d, Christian Scleoee rader, offlctatln&. lo- terment wu at Paci.Oc Vtew Memorial Pari.. Tbe COID:tl ....... ~-.... -leb -~ l>o ...:'!1 I..DC ''YOI:Du at tbe year.'' that DO ....apoas tw1 been u.s puy, pollee said, but had DOt Bohld, 1657 Bimlnl Pl., a freshman at EstaDdL (Enslp -•uwr.~ "'aa a~~~~ __.. .. ,.... u•--H ~~ , co"~~uysettlementmooeJ. -) 570 y•~rs e~r•RED -..__._ ·'"'-IIIII• .~ -1o ...... ....__ ..._ ..._ _ __. ~ ew-malnta ns * bJ poUce ln makiactbearrests. ~..-.. • ,.._.. " ~ --.--~ oo._ -~--·-----• ld Dr.Hartellus-•<"·-~ ---~~~~---~ ~~ 1~ M ostlotoeal-'""" Pollee said lbo "Fr• ,... ---•-IIC EHSEN.t.DA. RA.CE i:.:::;. ::=.-:-::;:-..;;t .;·~ ':r ... lllll!!~ allalra. Sbowrlles atloulooce """' .. alllllated with tho ... wtth .... """ ... 0 ... ~rty, Holdup called t'nst'de j'ob ,... Nnport Oeooo Sallloc ---·"' • ......_ a -to 10 or 12 moo to t11o dercrooal mllltut --wbleb -property beloocloc to ..Wtllodallppl<l>ltma--~~--Bartara 1o ~-~~ -· ud burulor pr..,.rty A.-.-'' .. !110-be mtftd. su os..,.•• -·-u a cuture of stft)OI1 publtabes tbe paper ''From Oat mea ban entered the llrd u. 1 wu tbt MCC*f tame tbe Dtnc:tiOr' "o&ufrtaellellid for ow GcWnc men. of SbtnPood Forest.•• wttll tbe lDtent to dt'ffaud u Costa w .. Pollee sa.ld Tlaes-)Ill wt.tbOIIt ball. DUll Newport to Eueaada JA.. lrMft7 IIII1Jt1orl bed OOIM be-tDe CaU1on1a 111ctnra1 C:O.-=ewto:n=u:-: cii..J' tl'l&t tbl Slladi.J'S $5,250• Tbt robber' lad eotend tbe W'a&tical Yacht Race, wtdefl, ullloC_ ........... Lut Ill-Ia "'"""'""' ....... Cheers and tears eor, ud Ills medial tar With ~~-...,....,-u.~ .. J z~• ":. ~ ..... --.. ~-~~·m.:.!.~. ~ -ny ...... Ai><U -·-ftlllrouillltll-' -la."TWtlaa toh'" to <loin'"' t ...---••w --·~·--.,..... tile lf'OIIt, lftP'Mfll a poutbiiiiJ • .._ a Jill'.,. .. .,. an asaruee 1 '7t1a st., wu u ''Luadt ):)b." He ordlnd clerb Lee b-EtcMeeo perpeta1 ~ til' I .... -oa 111o 11"-., IIlii t11o 1rtftQ laial • • • Tlooro -· ru .... u Plalllllllr Comm-. Tbopn.. e_,. 1"1WJ ......,n.d !bat tile u-woll, 17, l c..-llol llor WID 1>o '""dad to !be- HI 4 • -··----fRE•w•y FI~~ERS ~~~ -·--Do-~-' .. h,..., ...... I--~J t• ~~ --Jt'tW .. W..,.. diNcUttaeald.f'~UddDwii ... CIMII: II'IICI .. rem'"...,..•·~-.-wu ~~~a ~;;" vn• -.. -• ._, , ........... .._.:-or,-&mea 11 adlfttion to ~ ~ _... 111o 1rtftQ IU - -1 ltlW' ofoftldaud t-llal ota,.Uoc -"-lllo u-CA.ll t<IA.SS MUTIICG Sllu1>, ~.of 111<10 Hayb"dSl, Bleboll, <10, to-..... , trapb1ta. ......,... act1oo. 'W'bk:lli wu aro.1 .... ~ ..... IIOC!iilt s "4 at U. COUDCU re. di.-ee, t.Dd tbe m&JO' WU 1ll 1'be Harbor Art1 FtMWa7 Nonra.lk, or111all1 lilted as ftll IDd ardlrtd Sbup to bbd TH nee 11 cllTided lllm 4 • ... -a ''ftllca ol .... U11 o1 tM dtJ dll e1 • ... II 1•• IDMtlnc Tleldll ttus &I M ~ tile a-Fl.plu wtU bokla mu1 eltJ-a. of lM robbery 'ftetims, tbeU hUdl bMi8d ttMm wttfl; tiMta:: the OcaD Radii l'1lllll _. .. ra111or till& a a.r.a1 -Jioi-Udla•'*-11111o11o~ BoodiCIIJHoll. oordudtbell9.._· -.. ..u"' at ·uo p.aa. ou on--11 T1oeOIII1 otro. no e e-lliPd -s ,.._ Pldllc --,......._ Wu IIIUJ talllli •tilL" o.--Mlnii&Jl. n,ca1::L1c ~. Aprtl ao, attbeNn-..._ lllfl: r'lbiMd borne. tbe I wD d:ll:he blpe ud cap lt&ea., ,....... I cb 1 i -c,..rt'W• r., ...., 111o _., ...., ul -FarOftll --... part -hill' oe11oo1 oldl--aloo aid u _,_ ptll<>l .......,. -· a-a 11oc111 C&Mwno .U. IIGitMrJ'" ., __ D.J. IOIDILIAU Dill •ladlllrl,...ofCoa:llw-11-bJ Poal -· aloo--....... lip r-111-ll ou--• .,....,Fllol-1.-o;_. W, ........... ,.... •• _o-A ~ ... , '"' ~...... .... • blr ............ oltiiiiCoa-••••• , to'Wbieb&liU. ~--....,G~ ........ f» tbe UTt:tt OPNr.'bll tiJ De ..... -....... Oc.aallldlrl,.... ~~~~--jlllll ....,,. _.......,..,c.. ..... -...... .., ....... cU,4,..raU-,udiiJ --oftbediJartlldld,WKFJQ-MorltbOia,-ll, ... _. __ JcMJliJ, e 7 .._ ••••• ... ,.... ..,. Atrllltll...,......_ w _.a. =•• ,.., Robert....._ • "MdJ~ls wm 1118 ..., m ra111 awwt 14. "111 ••• .. •• ""· t~~~~a e ,, .... .,. ••••ct~a n.n ... • .-... • ,. ,, 1 _,.,,_.._ Bt .... _.., 1,1-.11 u1-""'"' 1;...., s ,..oofc-tlmrleo•-., ~r-.,ow•"'•lpert, a .. _._.,,.., 1a ~,.._.,......,_ ..,.,...,,_ .. .,., ... ... """"' ..... 11111&11'-11, ....... -.... t' ... _ .... _ ...... ..-~~ • .,_ ........... -.. ;to-------... --.. _ ... -of-11111- -IF>¢ .... .., Ia~ c:.o1J I---·~-a .-of :!11 M MIIJ', -·-·· _.._.,_ .. _ ... ------~~~-II tat'&-· ....... ..,......... .. •••• w I I •• -----...,.. _,_ ...... ..,.A.., --... .. _,, ......... __ lal ... 11&•---.-h· T.W¢•1 •·YIIo:O,.••tiJfiV-W -•lnwlll_ ........ .,, •• _of __ ,. .. _ .. ·---·~~~-......,, ....... " .. ....,..._ .. ,., ... _ Jll 'dl' oar.. a flal • ..., Ill' .............. .,,, ••"ni.IMQlnCJtt-·Dlrtal•an•t wa&-.~arc:.• .. •• ._.. .. •etc ...... ,, •---:• .. a& r sn ., .. c •• eu= o~~car ........ , , r 1;t tc' ?11&1.-..tf .. :.;•sa,,lf~ ............................ ,. .... < r a san • e& -. ......... , .. w -~ .... .,-.,.aa-ormoleo 111 of,__,....,. .. ~.::_-,_., ..... -.,.,--~ -'~.!!..-"'"-"''• .... 1...,. 111 w I, .. , z c ,... ••• , 7 .... ..,........ ~~~r.ws·1 .,... ... 1111ll..,YIDNiflJW.----~........,. ........ -_,una....., .. -. • ~Rnion !'!~ I,. ......... ....... ben," ..... P'lltlll...,.._ IOdbJMor.----ol ·~ ....... -Ricllordii.M-IIIIIU pal"*»--.. 1'1lOOP WITHDRAWAL MUST INCLUDE AMIIJCAN I'OW'S ~-Pll-llod~-011 ..Uco, U-POW'owe lly Marilyn Manion -~ oat ttluotd lo • ala-I!Jtd tMI Oft"OAL MIWS,APII . rears :'10: aKyouna A~rtean marine them, they'll calk about rt:iellint the Arncri-~:,; :"..!'.!:: dUe. . • THI an OP MIWPOIT IIAOt WI$ tn IICtiOn In oru . f:I11Jt6cf-t~ricten cans whom they hoJd . tMlr ftlcM fNm .wJJ.. A lD tldaWHl'etdWa.al"coa. father, althouah he had _loft tus own 100, was "Now, that's simply b'kkmlil and that'a cnJIWd ot S,.OOO ,.. f'OCll1D tkM Nrfttln Jttwpobl," Mr. Cot-THE NAJ.IOR Alft'A•s OfFSET NB.SPAPER ~vcd to help the aao•ulCid parents and rami-simply the experience with the Rcd..-.bowiq: tbeir ........ ol wek:omt Bow:..• to ~utbennltallda Ofnc. _, ,..t•"-,,.., I• 1~ E•lp 81111111-s. l•es or t~e priaoncn o~ war in Kora. t~at if you de •• we did in the Koreao loitu. a.J cMirtd ud ,..fed ~ ricted aw a ..uoa wide I'ICio receat low o1 tM oo.atry Iiiii 2'721 E. C... l:tlry •• C.O.. del..., CaUL -9262S-Capt a•'! E~,ene Gu11d (USA Rd.) fouaded hon and take aw.1y aJI of our troopt aDd taw OMI•ttteaiJ:F u tile two ..._ .,.._ oa tM.U.U.II.Vltt-"'tblrt .. cwenrbelallll .n.. TILIPMOMIEI 67S.OS. (.,_ CMe 714) an orpn·~~~·o:n cal~ ''The Piahtina Home the prisooen of war there , without any bar-cred fllttan IIDtl'pdfram AJz I&.ID at 1 p.a. MoldQ udlor deDcf trat •our t1Dd oiJ)IICip.Lt' THE NEWPORT HAIDOR ENSICN i• 1._ oaly ....,.,_printed Folks of f•&hllnJ ~e~," and he btaan his cru-J ainina force behind thr:m, tben the Commu-FCII'a 0.., tbt JlftlldW"I IU.Idlipltt1lntlrWa1Nactca• ue aot f)I.Dc: to llbmtttoUJ _. p~H.._. i• ,._ Cky of N•wpon BeKlt • ..., tbe oaly locelly sadc_ to locate, pubiiC IU ~nd rescue those held nists are JOin& to Jt:l what they can in • pJue. Tlltltt&l. form of ~. Wt reooplu o-..4 •ad OfM"l.d .. ..,.,., Ia the Newpon ~C....• w.-capt_IVe by the Comm~msts. h has beta an blaekm•il way out of those prUooen of war. AJhr teDC'Itoc. tbt $1ttlldtat TMrt ar• maQJ wtto ftllld u.t thla 1a ovcoelbt,udUat .A.n.. P•UeiiM -,.kly. •• T~ay. S.C... e l ... po•-.. JN!Id uph1ll bailie for Capeam Guild ever SillCie. In . "Now. there are in Vietnam IOday btnn:ea wa.JUd OftrtoU.buTIIrwUeb l1U to Mn tbl preGdllt rb.1 Olf t.llcttd fCWII11b:tiMI • c-. .. •1 W.. CaUf. a recent appearance on the Manion Porum SOO and 1.000 POW's who were &bot down lteld thl crowd 1D 'Cbeca ..s. 11 Orup eo.ty at 1tut Ioiii baft ID nwntt to dtltroy tbt THE NEWPOIT HARBOR ENSICN ... .dj~ to be • •w•· radio network , Guild recalled some of the or ca ptured, who are bel ie ved to be still alive. apoq brilllttoJaii:.,.UWUblra ..,... to..,._., tbe tr...S ol R~Uc. Tbl wU1 to~.,. ,._. of ...... c irc:u~•lon by court deena Plo. ~20178 d•ed roadblod.s which have reprutedly interrupted We know 400 by name, but the rest we don't u bt nt..ted a ~l..s~Jbl.t. CCIDNf"'aUft tldflldD( 00 two W'UI CIIU'IY III.Ulfe •• " Mey ••• 1951. I• S.,enot Cowt fot the CovMy of Or•:r• State of n 1 k bo I h ref h d to..,_ 01_ ......._. •---......... --.•~ ..J • THE GENOCm£ TRBATY C.Hior.t .. •Del by ree-aa thereof ie quelifiecl 1o p.hli all public 1~ qucs : now . a ut. n Ol er wo s, I e paren~s an eapecll11y uta ehtldrta. m. .--... ~ -.._ ... _,_..- _..,_. reqU-ecl by t.w. • · Of course. there were also men who the Wives do not know whether their k.in are plct.,..wtn lbow'IODtblfl'olt wttbdrawtac from Vlttalm. A4tr watttq-b' tweaty ARVO [. BAAPA .................... ·-·······-·Owaer ..,d Publilher had bo:cn shot down by the Soviets-34 planes alive or dead. pap of tbt Yc.:kJ ti:IOr1di.J wUIIout fir. wt.D&1Iar tbl ftl'1 ,..,.,, U Fr&M Captll bU (lb.. Pf.C HAAPA ............................................... .A.-ci•e Editor "-tlh over a hundred men . in fact. In I 9S6, the ""Our organization h:n proposed to the Preai-edtt.k!D ~ tbt RetUter, a.ld &Dd leCOildtbeGeoocldtTreatJ. Ml'Yed., "b' tblellm•Wal,._ SUISCitP'TIOM •• uu State Department said that thty were com-dent, by lettN, that as a pan of the withdraw•! tbe .. OD tbe C111Ptf left liUd We of Oruc-Couat7 woald llc ~ 1D tbe Ulllted states Oae ~·· 14.00; 2 re-. 17.00 pell~·d to hdieve that thl· Soviet government of American troops. that all of the troops be COI'I*' IM"I u lmpreutoocm 11M Co lmpr111 .,._ him tllllt to become radtcalt'*\." tbl One ye•. 15.00; 2 ye••• 1~.00 w a.~ hollling those mt·n . They gaw chapter and withdrawn , lftdudlna the prisonen of war, me tbat I lbaU Dt'f&r forpt. tbe ..atlmeat of tbecoualrtbu Geaodde TreatyapJ.abuOODM I• Hwbor Nee: DIM of H.-bor Ant-,; ARVO E. HAAPA, owner and publisher of the Ensign VIEWS POLITICAL, AND OTHERWISE Publisher Bill Moses of the Tustin News has the right slant on the congres- sional candidacy of WilHam Wilcoxen of Laguna Beach: a liberal Republ1can ploy to down-shoot Tustin's conservative John Schmitz, also a candidate for the U.S. Congress seat of the late James B. Utt. Says Bill Moses: "Being a Republican Party member, we wish to express our distaste for Wilcoxen's questionable ethics in his unwarranted character assassina- tion of Schmitz. We hope the voters wUI allow WUcoxen to remain an attorney in Laguna, where the folks there probably are more to his liking ." It Is said that in pol1tics anything ·goes, but the WUcoxen diatribe Is approa ching the legal realm of slander and libel. • • • News & Views, a weekly newspaper in Vista, seems t o have the right perspective on the Norton Simon candidacy against Senat'l'" George Murphy: This move Is said to be part of a concerted effort to replace conservative Republicans with 11berals !liuch as Rockefeller, Lindsay, Javtts, -"Percy, Scott, etc .•.. Is he a ringer, sent ,..._ln by stlpra-party politicians to m•Jddy conservative GOP waters? Judge for your- self: According t o Human Events, "Sim•1n was not only De m oc rat Governor Pat Brown's appointee t o the UC board of r egents, but Simon admits that he con- tributed t o the anti-Murphy senate cam- paign of Democ rat representative John Tunney, befor e he decided to go after Murphy's s eat himself" (as a suppos ed Republican ). • • • U you are not s ·Jfficiently fe d up on the p3litic al a.1tics of governor candidate J ess Unruh, you might put this Item '.n your m emory fil e for recall If there com es a time wh en you have to choos e between him and Go vernor Reagan: Mr. Unruh last week announc ed his support of legislation which would drastically liberalize the state's abortion laws, de- lining as illegal only those abortions not performed by a physician or surgeon. Such a law Is advocating murder, because it would allow the t ermination of human !tie without due process or law for the victim. ver'ii: ami prison camp and so forth about who are part of our u oops. We can't withdraw It portrays "OIIr Dick" lD ail cranc-J u lbctwD. bJ tbe to tbe attelltloa of the U.S. th.•sc rm·n anJ Jemr.ndcd that they be ac-our troops unless we withdraw our priaooen. moat macoetic, frttlldb', aml. pttiiDCe 00 Aprt14lD WubJ.DC-Seoate. counted for or rdcalocd Of COUrk, the Soviet We are Jeltrng into 1~ same situatKm that we l1Jic mood U be P'UI*I the toD ol. 100,000 people, maaJ' ol AccorcU.ae totbe"'eseoCCoo- government dt·n reJ atn kn owledge whatsoever had in Korea . l:&aDd of I llttle cbtld aDd U· Wbom partlctpde 1D tbe "Ylc-Tt!Otlon, "Geooctde." Wb.lch 111 <rbout thl' ~!luat10n :..nd we quietly let th11t "We must wi thdraw the pri!Oners aJong with ebabced p••atrlu Wltb ber tory m&reb." Tbey demanded teaerally understood to maa drop. our troops ·and we must do it now, before it ts motber. Heoctfortbllballtrea-tbat we &hlncloo the "DO WID" the kiWag of members of a ··Ttll· Stall' DcpMtmcnt has written Senator too late "The prisoners be long with our troopt aure tbat picture. ll 18 pollct, am &0 ahead 1D I pur-P'Olll. lw.s beea eUIDded to lA- H ltrt. of t'-'i •chigan . a kllcr m whrch they state and the~ should be brought home with them. prteeleu. poseM eUort to wt.D the war elude ~·causrr meota.l ~~':.o that the Chmcse Rl·d~ h .• w told them that they To leave thl·m for blac kmail bait is a treuon-AIDOII( hll Drst remartswu aDd to &ebll't"e ~Dlterlctory mem r~ ~ ~r.·. ~ w11l not even diS<: Us~ the release or the_ Ameri-ous srt uation. It •s absolutely failin& to Jive the a messap troU: ~::am ~au: =~~~. w our mea ~ migh~· mea:n.suc~ ap- c,ms tht:y hold m Kurt:a unkss the Ta1wan, o r loyJity from the top down that they are c:n -A, LonU.-or ~od Rl·•·-d Cot! added ~•ently trl~-1 acls u ••re-• bl I • h · 1 · 1 d A · fi h · •• A . astroaaub: were -,..... eo urgency _.. .... ormosa. ~ro em 1s ~cu eu tu t ctr ~ails ac-It t c: lo as mem:an g tmg men. -men-es1dellt wheo be _ to these demiJJds wbea be tu.siq to hlre 1 person, Cl' re. tiun. ~k;,nlflg, tf Wl" ,.,IJ ahandnn Tatwan to can W:1y Fc:.rurl·~ ~ f:. .. medaloflt~" asserted tbat we sbould DOC di-tustac to permU 1 per90D to become a member ol a club 01" orpnl:qttoo.'' Per&OOS accused ol geooclde could be tried anywbere in tbe By Speclai Corre.spoDdeDla PREPARATORY, to be I1S8d Dr. Brandwei.D coottnues:"lti world and would be dented the Thls is a coot1nuatJoo ot last dlflereotJ.t tor cbildrea with somnbat slmpllstic terms this rllflts aod prlrtleps DOW eo. week's report on the educatioD 'IU'JiDc p1ls l.lld destt•Uooa. means tba! a cbUd would pro-joyed by Amertca.a ettt&eo.s. proposals of Dr . Paul Braud-And based oa llis earlier 15 cress at speeds coocom.Jta.ot On Feb. 19, 1970, President wetn of tbe Untnrslty ol Pitts-years of work, but only a.fter with bis ltltellectual and per-Nixon asked the u.s. Sellllte to burgfl, director oltheoeoter l:)r well chosen periods ofCOfni».S· soaa.l de"'dopmeat." He adds, ratt.ty tbe Genocide Cooveottoo. the study of 1nstroet1oo lD tbe stooate testin&. the studeat "Tbere are already schools of but on Feb.UtbeAmerlc.uBu sdeoces aod sodal scteoees. would be able to choose •oca-this type lll e.JisteDCe. AssoetaUoa Yoted apinst n. He proposes ellmioatiob of tbe Uooal train1ng, studies related ''ID style,'' says Dr. Bra.tld· ReeenUy, bowever, It wu r e- autbority Uld respoostbtllty ot to a semi-stUled oec~oo. welD, "cblldren would do the ported that tbe Black Pa.rltber s the parent O'ter the child aDd to or colleciate work tortheoe:rt4 work of learning (present are n.ltJ.og for the raWieatioa give flna..l authority &Ddrespoa-years, with one year Jt(veooter S)'liODym: INQUIRY), but there of the treaty so as to brln& s:JbUtty to tbe stlte, or to so-to ptmllc senice. It ls: sell would be safep.rds aplnst cbatcea ot ceooeide apinst tbe ealled society. EDOCATJON nideU tbat the good doctor their belDg crushed by overload people of the Ullited States tor RESEARCH, Vol. 1, No.1, re-pr~ compulsory pubUc aod compettttnoess. Rather, tatl.Dr actioo to repress tbe al- ports as follows: serriee." by allow1Dg cbiktren to pro-leged reYohltlooary acUrit:lef ot "Paul Brandwein's oew EDUCATION AS A HEAUNG ceed at their own pace they the Panthers. MORE ON 'SANATIVE' EDUCATION schOol structure would maiD-PROCESS -"Etaborattnr oo would crow as t.lst aDd as well For the se reasons, conser- ta.J.n eorttDtdty over some 19 THE PRIYARY YEARS, Dr . as tbey could ; aDd this mui-ntlve YOters 1D Ora!lp COUDtt years, wtth3cuefu.lltarUeuJa-Branctwelll states:primaryedu-mum, :s:uatlve development implore the presideDt torecoo- ted periods of schoollag a.s fol. eattoo with tbe parent as tea. Would be tbe s~ordinate stder the 1\a'ther wltbdra'ftl ot lows: 1. PRIMARY, wUh tbe cber bas tbe aim of mat:1D( the coaJ." American tr...ops trom Vletbam, first 4 or 5 years .ln tbe bome Dome a healthy aod beal.lng The editor of EducaUon Re· and to take steps, ttrst to wiJl wtth INFORM EOpareQtsutea. eovtroomeat, search bas thls to say: the nr a.Dd to get back cbers; 2, SECONDARY, w:tth "Dr. Brudwe.ln sees cbil-"SANATI VE? Ap.ln, this our POW's. We also asli:; bim to parents as teacher a.lds; 3. drea as be1.ng CR lEHED BY curk:>us reference to edueaUOII reconsider his staM oo tbe ----------THE INORDINATE OEMANII:: a.od lts curatln,orbea.llngpro-Geoodde Treaty and to ~ C. WADE ROBERTS, left, maoagor ol liiiOCimeo plalll LIGAL MOTIC! OF PARENTS , •• lrapneolod cess. Ani we to USlllllelbaltlle -Its fllSS&P by the U.S. by beJoc liNd by too maoy pot-ed..,...r& coasldor ALL S..... acqtdslUon, M. ll Sherman fouodatloo, 2647 E.Coastn.,:. CIWINANCE NO. tau soas ormacbtDes(TVlDclatled); chJklren by nature mub.llJW? --:-:::::-:-:-===--ac~ award for best ezterlor Ul'bttnctrom HaJMbl~eber, AN ORDlNAHCE OF THE em tbey may become ;usiTe Obnoualt, tbe coK.lnUa1 em-LEGAL HOTICI member ol t.be Juddng committee ol. tbe CorODa. dtl Mar OF NEWPORT BEACH ..__ tbrou&tl k:DellDess Tbe p.1 p1a.s1s 00 the HEALING powers --===:.::..::::~=-- Cbamber of Commerce Christmas Ught!Jtg oontest. otber MENDING SECTION 5.0B.llO, would be an euriroomeat 1D o1 educa.tioo. indicates that th1s NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING winner s were: Carl's Flowers, bestorigtaal wtDdcnr; Harbor CHAPTER 5,08 OF THE NEW-wbicb We and work eombloe to Is the tmpllcatlonl Are we }Aotlp~: .... ~w berCo eby1_'!.~!' ..J~~ View Hills, best cooperative oeighborhood. Winners ln tbe PORT HEACH MUNICIPAL uoid these Ws " seeinl a deltberate attempt to uw -....... mm a.wu ~ Ullll r esldeoU.al area were James E. Fulton aod JOhD A. Miller, CODE, RELATING TO SOL!-COMPULSOR•Y INSTRUC-UDder-educate our chtldren Yla City ot Newport Beach w:tUbold 506 Poinsettia, Corona del Mar, aDd the F. M. Brussau's, CITING AND PEDDLJNG. TION FOR PARENTS _ "Em. tbe INQUIRY method oll.n.struc· a publlc bearlDg oo theappllca-~~~.fbtt.lde Road, Harbor View Hills, (Howard Folsom Tbe Ctty Couocll of tbe City pbastzlng the role ol the tloG? A deliberate attempt to ;:oa ot ~r~· M'::kll:! of Newport Beach does ordaJD puet:ts, be says: PareotswoWd redoce the child's academic P erm::-;4,.s at ty'~-w d Zo I rt f I d as follows · reeeiTe tnstructloo 1D boW to workload? A deliberate attempt erm oo proper -...-a e In a ea ure SECTION. 1. Section 5.08.110 make the· most of tbe bome's to eUm.lnate competition ltom ~att810 E. ~~Btv~ of the Newport BeacbMuaiclpal amu1.D.gpoteotlal for the fUllest tbt classroom? Do cblldrea • 0 perm "'en The work of Newport Beach Club on AprU 26. The selec:Uoo Code Is ameOOed to read: flowertne of the cblld. 1 REALLY lfO" as tLSt am u ment 1.D CODjtmcUon '4rtth a be« artist Wade Zillt wt.ll be tea-will I.Dclude boat sceoes, la.Dd-''5.08.ll0 SoUcltlnc' am Ptd-vt.sualile a m1.D1mum of an bour weU as they could 1D a !:; =etzoo feetofaresldeD- tured at a speelal art hmcheoo seapes and people, both por. dllitg. Tbe Ucense fee shall be a day of such tnstruetioa na CUNICAL ATMOOPHERE ? Is NoUc 1 r.:ueb turtbe c:l at the Newport Beach Tennis traJts and nudes. One Huodred Dolla.rs ($100)an-telertsloo, oo reasoD&.biy good, Dr. Bn.Ddw"etn sayiPg care that ~ s ubU Y 1D r u•eo I WADE ZIHT Mr • Zlnt began serious pain-nua.Uy for eacb .lndtrtdual wbo: ll DOt J:C"lme Ume.'' would be taken JJOt to cfn too P c beu r wt be ling ln 1964 after oearly (a) Sollclts eltber by sample UFE ADJLSTMENT AND MOCH l.e&rDill. lD this DOD-beldontbe ?tbdayofMay,19'10, 25 years working as acommer-or otbenrtse the purchase ot THE NON-GRADED CliRRJCU-compeUUTe atmosphere? ~t lbeil~ of 8:00 p,m.lll the clal artist 1D the motlonplcture good baDd18e LUll "According to Dr "Dr Brandwei.De.ooJlrmsnta ouoe bambers ol the New. industry. 'l..ugely seU-ta.ught, serv~~es.":::~~:c perlodi: Bl'htweia. THE SECONDARY susplciooa wbeo be aetuaUy ~rt =c~ City ~ at 0 whlch be bas p..loed widespread re-cats IX" other pubUC&tloos or YEARS becfJII.lll&: w1.tb kinder-states that crades (marta. me P ce any a per. cogoltlon tor tbe bumu quality subscrlptloos for the sam~; or carteo.' -'ODCero ttselt wttb the scores) u we kDow them would :OS ~t;r'=ed may appear Uld and mood reflected in blswork. (b) Dl.strlbutes &OOd.s wares. coocepts aod still required b" DOt be used, but there would be DoD R ~ Sec He 30W works in a Uny studio mercba.od:t.se or aerTtc~ or aoy effec:ttve J:Vttctpa.tJoo iD our reports to tbe pueats of a N ' D., retary at the Costa Mesa Art Center, kiM trom bouse to boose or soc1. ...... Here be comes l.D ...... I.., cbJ..Id's procress, slmllar to .~A~ Beac cb Ctty 1 H , ... ,. ~ .........._g ommtss: oo 117 E. Wilson. owever, this ~a.oystreet.lddewalk.,alley, coDII.ct witlt tbeboysaodctrll: wbat some schools are dotDi; Publlsh· April 23 1970 lDthe summer he am Ills wife, or in any park or publlc place au1 adults wbo wiU be J:&rt of DOW, Wlll the cbUd, pareot, or N ..pori Rarbo E'nst • Gertrude, a stage actress aod 1n the City; or b1a eartroomeDt on this ever for lba.t matter, eveo tbe t... e r gn. temls playtng erandmotber, (c) Offers to u.y persoo., or smaller pla.oet. Hm:e, tbe cber, "er really kDow exactly L tt w1Umo¥elntoaoewhomeover-distributes to a.ay P8lSOO.I.DJ REAL AIM Of THE NEW wllal.thePI'OIJ'essoltbeatudU e ers looktae the Pacif'lc Ocean 1D c~ certtncate, Uetet or SCHOOL SYSTEM OF THE is? otwiouaty, evu a PASS- Lagwa Beach . The hnuse was card wtlieb is redeemable lD FUTURE becomes to reallty, FAIL mark Wl.U be an lmpos-• MAYOR SAYS THANKS designed by the artist and lll-goods, wueJ, mercbandlse or UFE A.W1BTMENT -edtiCI.-stbWty 1D sucb a system, Ooe Mr. Ano Raapa. clude.s a good slJed studio. senlces ot aay kiDd. UoD u a bealllll process, NOT eu well lmaJine a fHlln( of Publisber ot. tbe EDSip. Tickets tor the lrmeheon, be· Tbe forecotDc lluuio« re-edat::atioG u a process de-complete trustraUoo brteomlllg Dl&r fiq): ctnn1Dc at 11 :30 a.m., are $%.50 quiremeat lball DOt be applic-siped ot lmport koowledJt ud tbe lot of student, parent mS 0a bebt.U of tbe ~ for members aDd their guests. able to per..aa eappct 1.n the tute att.Ua. te&ebar 1P the determ.JD&Cion ot NeYilOri Belcb Ctty COUDCIJ, SeTeral art works wtll be gt•en acUYt.Uea of 10lleJ.UDc sub-••m stroctiD'e, tbe curriculum the eaac:t PI'Ocress of tbe stu-1 wish to th&U all of you at tbt as prizes. Top prize will be an scrtptloo.s for, aelUDr. or dlJ-mllflt well be orp.DIIed lD deal: lD the abseoce ol p-ades Easlp fer yourfllctlll.l,tWaH•d oll portn.tt by Wade Zlnt valued trtbutlq reCQ.Ja.rly publlsbed terma ot coatlDuou &Dd pro. (Juell of cluses aDd academic ud coodsteot reporttac o1. at $150. IMYCIIPG'I, 01' to U1f periOD lfl!ldte apert.ee.•• ($JDD-ICOI'H, or mark&.'!' Couoc:U meeti.Dp &ad actioa8 AliO oo view will be tbe enppd iD., oracUDcuuapat Dtma: lOG-ended currtclllum, EDOCATION RESEARCH This 11u prmtded Ul ul.qKJr~ receat)J completed bronzepor-for, 1.111 buloeu eaUtJed to u c:oatt,.,... PI'OifUS.) m&J bt obCaiDed by wrtttac to tutt meiDI ot ketOLDc our trail 1x1st of Ea-l"yor Doreeo ... -from ~ tuatloo LIGAL -TICI 1210 Luterb<oote StrHI, clllseas lllformed &boat lllolr Marlball by sculptor Gloria by ,.._ ol Its beJoc -pd -PW:..aa, Calli. 926?0. PI-City IV'•DIDtat. Terry Pupley of East Blllff. lD illllrltate commerce. NO'nCE OF PUBLIC HEARING lJICbdt altamped,seU-adclres-For t:H,lt ... bHDap-..... No --· lle--tll1s Notko lo btrtbJ !IYOIIIollbe IOd -lopo. 1o -k wWl J'I)U, Poe lllllllo FORUM PUBLICATION Seetloo sllall llo ._ to &111 Plalldac comm'-ol 111o L!GAL MOTICE Eulp -dartoc Ill!' J'O&H WIMSSTATEAWARDS per.., -lao DOIIIratob-CIIJollfewportillaellwlllllold ol uooelalloo Willi-M"- Tbe Newport-Mesa Ec:tuca-ta1Md u kJIIIW!cab card a pabU.C beM'iDC 011 tbtQUca-XOTICE OF PUBUC REARING port &e.eb CitJ P••ant UoD .u-lotloo's publlcallcD, par_. lo C-5.09." lloo ol KalllryD T. -lllr lloll<o 1o borol>y !IYoo 111&1 the We -l>nrard lo lllo FORUM, Ja w1DDer ottwottate. S£CTIOtf L TbU orcll:uce a Vartuee t90 oa. lii"'PPltt .PluMir Commluioa ot tbe BMip'a ,.,.. ...... ...nee to wide U"lO A11bur F. Cony ... u bo paiJuaed oeet lo lllo loc:alod aiiOliS. ...... llr!ye CIIJolMt"'IQQ't S.UwtUIIold City llall Ult lllo-'" ot Cblplor -miiDiea-a-olllelal -ol ... City, 1o pwmll lllo &MIIIoo ol a a pmue 11oar1oc 00 llloii>PUca-Newport Beadl. wvcls from lllo 1?0.000-mem-&lid lllo-sllallllo--_,. .,._--11oa ol City ol Newport -v..., ltwly ,_., bor Caltforola Teaehtro Ao-SO days lfttr lilt -ol 118 lo u tllatlac dwoW., oo a lal 111r a u.. Porm1114'M 00 pro. Oor- ooeloa.o ~A). .......... lloYIDc 1610 oq. ft. ol tnt. Dtr1J loealod 00 111o a11o 11c1s DOllED 11AR81W.L 0ao award ....... lbo poD-Tblo-•-WUIIU-....... lllo -•aee .......... ol----d-llaJOr Uealloo lllr lloloc 011-'lf ala rtplar -·olllloctty ICIOO oq. 1L &lid lo ponUI u ~ 100 11. -.i ,.....,_,ltllorolllrcboplors CoODeiJ ar lllo Cll)"olNewport -ata1nray 1o _. I-Road, loponUI-o\IITI$T Of Til! MONTH wttll maro tllaD !500 m-.-llold oo *llnl dayol '* 111o nqolrod 11c1s ,.n ... .-ot a ~ Ltollo w.,..., a-a1 &lid edltld bJ a paid aft. Tllo llarcll, ll'lll, Ud wu ~ Ifill '1<. • Pin-1o MtopurtC... llewport -Ufl -. -... lllr .. -1&1 .... lilt Ulll day ol Al>ril.li'IO, -..... ., -.... -'" ... .,-.... flu---u-"' a --' lople. "' lllo llollowlof -. lo wit: till -..... ~ 10 110 tlol -palllle ~ wiD ...... -"' IIIOMowport- F aL-B:LJ-AYIB,~UNCIUIIII:"eW' -•1110'1111-otllat,lt'IO, -•1111'1111-olllatli'IO, ~--·-­rom uu:--.,..., ..._ -...n. at 1110 -" I:GI .... 111110 "' 1111 -., .,. ,.._•11 1111 at a., ,,. ._ ol .trt, r e11ar .. -..... ..,.,..._ .._.. ll1rtli.OM•. ~CliO 'on otiiiO-ca oil ne ••• ., .. ...,_.OUo.ut.,.l"'"" UCU.Loo !lora God, IIIII Go 1...,a l-liOD, COIIICIUml:-111ft -Cltr lla1l, ot-f81t -cttr 11a11, ot-k .. b' All C.., Ia .&a. a,uaQA UCIIT CLUI Will -a 'elf puty Wflllnlo7 fl'oolllc. April It, ... ,.ssrr • * wtD bl u£4rttec &a tlllllrd .-1 w..pan llarbDr to E•rrt tadlt ....., ...... 111n an BTC C:O.•atcre DillY. ~atlllll.ud.Mr.Uilll:ra. 1-..., ..,._ eMtr•& CocHIII -wiD atart alI p.11~ IIIIa- -Wlll'llo -""' -I 1o I p.a, lion-1110 pdll8 art -tid lo 1011 all ..,=, t_llii ______ Aio!IIO.B"fC .. •hr14~ ~ "';.. =::: ..aTowC:O::::-::r..o:,-=::; =•.., r:,-=::. = ~ =:"..:0."': ,.,...udMI" &' I _.._,.,. ...... I I ~o.. ....... Ill L Alt ... Ox'. ..._.. 1111 wardi: be w .... _,.: 0. L 'Nsn' lza&J Dill a. 'tr ._., lin. Daft .... , ... ld8 II -1011 ot --,._ '--LAciOO "-1-Cltr 1!-1-ClJ • tl lllr 1110 --. ...... --all Clly Clft ...._('IJ 1-....... Ciolod 1 1 -. ... , IJ '1110- -.yloc' IIIII -. Pl'lh"""!_U1 11'10,11 fQ"Az.Ailrll 11,1111,111110 =-Ai1r11, ':'111110 11110-ot" II ,_, ... I' 'otiiiO•u:patO...IJIIIIJ"'-. .. ' otlllolllfraca. ~'-14:1-1.) 1110 Me_.--· -·--~ . . --.... 1110-ll.llat • ·-··~-.-· ow • ··- EIIBLEII CLUB 394 ol N....,..t Beocllbu a deloplioo ol seveo atteDdlnc tbe state CODYeDtioD of Ca11ton1a state As- eoclaUon of Emblem Cl'" m:i Nnada-Hawai.l Cllb at tbe Sahara Ta.boe, Stateline, Nevada, this weet. April Z2od tc 26, Pictured here are Mrs. OUa Cardwell, at left, vlce- presideat, and W:rs. Kemeth Westman. presldeot. otbers atteootng are t.be Mmes. Eugeoe Bergeroo, Ooaald Goeller, Herbert Matea.s, Richard Wa.rvtn and Edward Lewis. Mrs.Wright heads Key Ange/itos ball Apr. 25 Till IIIII -hplltol do C-Illo, ud C.. ud lira. Oro boll wtU l>lllold --· R-Crocca. Al>rlliS,ollao~BayCJe. llajor"-"aiudllra.l* ..... WIWalll Holllol.a,pro-·-~···--.. 8ldool, ud llro. <*w11 WOOd. ud 11-. -L. ...,._ lord, boll e~~o~r...., wtiiP"III -Aau s.-. -, polio at UO p.m. Jolalor UUmu ud P. J,._ DoluoJ. tllom Ill lbo roeobq liDo wt11 Tilt Donald W-.rd - l>llbo lim ... Cbarloo Tbomu, WID Ill 1bo -., lor - Spoocer Hoolr ud Jollll r. Por. PlrtJ .,. .... lo-"'lbo 1a11. tor. Dllloor wtD Jollow •Up.m. Tile pool D.o1 loci-Mr. wltb muak: &D4 danelqprorkled ud Mrs. Roblrt KeU. &Ill by Joe Moshay aad tlls 01'· Mr. ut Mrs. Loall Nohl. r... cbestra. Aoplee; Mr. ud Mrs. G. H.. a.r.....ki Roberta ol Detroit, &:ld 111:1. ..,... "' lbe IP'ID& black Ue <*wll Yudloy ol N....,..t event will be a roundofpn-ball Bea.eh ncor1ed by Fruk Mal- parties. ler of' Los A.lples. Mr. aDd Mra.Rl~hardNabers Mrs. Woodford, ball ch&1r,. wW el&ertaiD lo tbelr Sbore man. Is btJ.Dc aaisted by lin .. Cwts boml!, Atteodt•c wru be CWiwd Hatea. deecntloal; the Mears. llDd Mm.!.l. Georp Mrs. Georp JODH aDI1 Kn. Jo»a, Pbelps Merlc.tel, Ed-Rlcbard Nabers, resenatlou; ward Warm1Dctoo. Rlebard Mrs, ScbuU 8oua11. meDII; Bertea, Georp Godfrey, Harry Mrs. Jack Groth, lafttatioU; Rlnker, A lei Robert.Joo. Roaald aM Mrs. Lloyd AtJbert.pal:r'OD• Foell, Bruce Crary, Ward esses. Arts festival at City Hall The NeWl)OJ't Beacb eJty uts art deputmeot aDd P&Wter; committee wtll hold 1t& I.Dilllll Claytoa Gurlaoa. deu o1 floe a.ru festival oo tbe P'QUDds of arts, UCI, &Dd AUDe Tblstle- the City Hall, 3300 W. Newport tbwalte, painter, Tbe jury will Blvd., from 1 to 5 p.m. Sunday, select zo to 25 painliDp for Way 17. display Ill 1be City Hall gotlery 1n addition to the art displays from May 17 to Juoe 30. Tbe on the lawn. tbe billodstromCo-rem&lnder of petNinp will be rooa del Mar and Harbor Hlp shown May 1'7 oo tlle City Hall Schools will pertorm pro~ lawns. Retresbments will be Crystal chandeliers wtnklng Mrs. Wright's new board o1 meoade concerts continually uaUa.ble duriD& lbe d:erDOOO.. OYerhead Ud pl..nk tablecloths directors tDcludes Mrs. WU-throughout the llf'ternooo.. Tbey Entries wt.11 be accepted from centered wtth baskets of sprtnc uam Weaver, first •ice presl-are under the espert dlrectloo 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. May 15. flowers ptovlded the settlnr 1D deot· Mrs. Normu Clrkle, 2:.1 of Harry Corea., aDd he says the Empire Room of the New-vlce'pres1deot; Mrs. M.D. Fla-that they wUI alteru.te eacb TU RH CLOCK AHEAD porter lDD when lnst&llatloo berty, Srd vice president; Mrs. hour 1n order to Jive us You'll be losing a.a. bout of ceremODies took place AprU 14 van R. Parter, 4th vtce presi~ cootitnal music. sleep this Sunday, April 26, for Harbor Key, ChUdGuldaoce deot; Mrs. Antbony ottJ.n&. Stb Eotry blanks are uallabte at u the clocks CO forward a.a Center. Ylce president; Mrs. Charles the Clty Hall a.ad the Ubnttes bour to mark the bepnnlnc of AN OVERSIZE TICKET bodes o .. rstu tun at tbe aprlng salad ltmcbeon and fashioo &bow to be given by the Costa Mesa Women's Club oa AptU 30. Newly re.elected pre. sldent, Mrs. Phillip Hay ol Santa. Ana (right) is selllng the Ucket to Mr s. Ron stenge of Costa Mesa, ~:~ewly elected president ot the Costa Mesa Junior Women's Club. "Spring bouquet" is the theme for the noon event at the cltbbouse, 610 w. 18th St. Resena.tioo.s may be made with Mrs. Karl Jordan, &42-1493. (Ensign pOOto,) $100 AWARDS GIVEN AUXILIARY l<EETS TheSoroptimtst Club of New-The Women's Auxilluytothe port Harbor bas presented $100 Orange County Pharmaceutical cltl..zens.hlp awards for 1970 to Assn. met Apr1115 at the home lb'! following bleb school stu-of Mrs. Anto!l. L..oplJJ.cb, 3058 WEWOIIT !MilliN! fiiiGlll TliURSDAY, Al'lll U. 1111 RRST JlCll!ll--1'w I CIIIIM a W.fiM "· SKIT GIV!N IY H!WI'OIIT JUNIOR IILL ~~'n'POI"t 8eaell J-.&or EbtU'• H1l1, ~tee 'aw'r. lind .._ .. pr-... -.Will pro-.... _...._, __ , -·_...-... ,o ..... udJ ... Trlbolot.IIH.CI&Jtla ,.._, AjlrU II at lao Eboll ,..._,., J-llooD -· cl•illlba ..... PvticJ,plt1ac 11 tbe dlalal', wlU bl..,_.td.,uwll &til: w11l be Mmu. JoUe Cbtp.. u ot1Mr put~·­ lin, Rlcbard Becbl&l, Judi prool-o. O...eber. Blm Ha.,nca. Jerry How food fads can fool you We don't mean ~·sany­ thin& wrona with atins YOJUrt and wheat F"" and so on. lhcy are fine. healthful foods. But httt's the rub. Advocates of some food fads prornde benefits that diet aJone can't deliver. Occasionally, someone with a medical problem will try to solve it by living mostly on cabbasc juice or some such thing. Special foods and diets.. however, have lim- itation---can be harmful when improperly used. So if you think there's anythina wrong with YOU. by all means sec your physician. Mrs. J.O'HaraSm!tbpresen-Hostler 6th Ylce presideut; or call the City Hall at 673-dayUpt saY!Dg time. Ofllclall,y ted ber pnl to Mrs. John P. Mrs. Georce Ray, recording 2110 for additiom.llnformaUon. 1t becf.ns at 1 a.m. SUIId:&y, at Wrl&bt, presJdeot for the 1970~ secretary; Mrs. w. w. Sten-Mrs. wuuam Stabler, cbiUr-wbicb Ume it wlll be 2 a.m. 71 term ofofftce,ln ceremonies 900., eorreC~Qid.nc secretary; ma.o of th'! arts committee, bas COI:Iducted by Mn. Robert B. Mrs. Samuel Down1n&. trea-chosen Paul McMa.nlp.l and dents: Ingrid Rowl.a.nd, Corona Capri LaDe, Costa Mesa. Mr s. del Mar; Nadine Cotsten, Costa Loplzicb wu assisted by Mrs. Mesa; Deborrah Tucker, New-Rooald Water of Costa Mesa, port Harbor, a.odSueJt~odantan Wrs. G. ll Pel.rsol o1 Corom. Estancia. Sue 1s the wt..nMr ~ del Mar, Mrs. Dean Reule ot the Newport Harbor area. and Newport Beach, a.od Mrs. will compete trith 17 other win-Anthoo.y WUUa.ms of Hunt1llgtoo aers 1n tbe Westen Repon. Beacb. ~~~~~~~~~~ THOIIOUDHMED rat:inp now. • atG IliACI& DAILY Tues Thru Set First r-=:e. W...c»ys 1.•5 S•tUf'CirtS&Hohdays 1 15 AdmiSSIOn and reserve-d seats t1ckets available through TICKET RON Dial (213) 878-2211 fOt" your nearest outlet. Hollywood Port.lntllowood CentufY Btvd 8t Pr•.n. surer, IUid.Mrs.CartPearlston, Wrs. Herbert Bern to be LD parua.metU.rta.n. charge of the atfa.1r. Entruts must be 18 years oroveraradbe Noo~ hmcbeoo wu followed residents of the CUy of New- by Mrs. Dottle LudYtpon, of port Beach. There will be a Mary Webb Davis School of m.ulmum of 3 entries per per-Mod~.Ung. speaklng oo ''the new son at Sl.OO per entry. JOO. The fury will consist of Paul Proceeds derived b'om bene. Darrow cl:laJ.rm.w of Scripps tlts sponsored by Harbor Key ' are &i.ven to the CbHd Guidance -LEGAL HOTICE Center of Orance County, a low cost psyctllatrlc clinlctor emo-SUPERIOR COURT OF THE tiooaUy dlsturbed cbildrentrom STATE OF CAUFORNIA aU over Orange County. FOR THE COUNTY LEGAL NOTICE OF ORANGE No. A-65783 NOTICE OF HEARlNG OF PUBLIC HEARIN G NOTICE OF HEARING OF PE- Ls bereby &inn tbatlbe TITION FOR PROBATE OF "Comml.ss1oo of tbe: WlLL AND FOR LETTERS TESTAMENTARY Beacb w11IOOld Estate of CATHERmE DON. 011 theappUca. AL[I)()N Dee sed :=:~:~ Tbeatre Work. NOTicE IS ~R[BY GIVEN Phelps) for an to Use Perm1tlll6 That Oooa.ld Donaldsonhasftled ptq)8l' t) located at Z8lS VU1a. herein a petition for the probate to permit sale of alcoboUc of the WlU of the above~named I ~=~" (beer only) 1n coo-decedeot arad for the l.ssUiDCe tritb an existing of letters testamentary to the pet1Uooer, reference to which Notice 1s hereby fUrther given ls made for further particulars, tbat said public bearing will be aDd that tbe Ume aod place o1 beJd 00 tbe ?tbdayofMay 1970 bearing the same has been set u.e hour of a:oo p.m.' 1n u..; for May 8, 1970, at 9:30a.m •• CoUDCII Chambers of the New. ln the courtroom of Department Beach Ctty Hall at which No. 3 of said court, at 700 am place &n) a.nd all per-Ch1c Center DriYe West, 1.n the lnterested may appear and City of Santa Ana, CallforDJ.a. heard thereon. Dated: April 20, 1970. 0oo. R Adkinson, Secretary GalYln R. Keene, Attorney for H~t Beach City W. E. STJOHN, County Clerk.. Pla.DDJ.Dg c ommlssioo G&.h1n R. Keeoe, Attorney for ·=:~ April Z3 1970 ln tbe Petltiooer, U4 N. Newport H Harbot illSlp.,' Btvd., Newport Beach, CaUl. ..... Publlsb: April 23, 30, May 7, 19'10, In the Newport Harbor EDS1110- UIN\1. NOnCE SUPERICil COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE COUNTY OF ORANGE No. A-657&4 NOTICE OF HEARING Estate of ARTHUR DONALD- SON, Deceased. ...... II 4 IPlld a ........ ., NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Tba.t Doaald Dooaldson has ftled berel.n a petition tor the probate of the WIU of u.e above-named dfM:edeat aDd tor the issuance ot letters testamentary to tbe peti.UoDer, refereoce to wblch 11 made k fUrther parttculafs, ud u.t tbe Ume and place ol biuillc tbe same has beetl set tar May a, U70, at 9:30a.m., Ill tbt eourtroom ofDepartmeot No. S ol ald court, at 'JOO Clt1c C.._ Orin West, 1n lbe CU,. ol Stoia ADa, Calllornla. llatod: AjlrU ZO, 1070. ITALIAN SPEOAL T1ES ••ul our fresh apl•och •••••· MONDAY HIT8S: S,•r••tH -~ •••lklb ... Jl.10 ,...,_...;L;,:;A~T! DIHN!RS 'HI 1 A.ll. W, E. STJOHN, COUIIIyCiert. GaiYtD R. Keeoe, Attor'M) fDr Ptll-, 414 N. Newport Bhod., Nnport Betel>, Calli. Ptblilla; April IS, SO, Yay 7, lA 1bo Nnport Hubor ~ Locked in these fuel pellets, which contain uranium, is an incredible amount of energy. For instance, one cubic foot of Uranium 235 will generate more electricity than 32 billion cubic feet of natural gas. At Edison, we've been using uranium fuel pellels like these for the pas! 1wo years. The e•crgy they release apins the giant turbine that makes electricity at the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station. This peaceful usc of the a rom means a dependable source of low-cost elcclricily for our customen. It also means procreu without adding to Southern California's environincntaJ problems. With nucleat power Plan~s. maintaining clean air ia not a problem. Neither ia radiation. No oae hu ever beallajured by radiation from uy commen:ial nuclear power planlla the Uo.lled Stala. ADd plan Is ba>e Ileal operatio& for 100ft tball I 2 yan.. Aller all, tWII President and Mrs. Nixon live next door to a nuclear plant when they're at the "Western White House .. in San Clemente. It's less than 3 miles from San Onofre. In the years ahead, Edison will build more nuclear power units to meet the crittcal need for more elecrrtcity -now doubling 'about every 8 years. Engineering and design work is underway no w for two additional units at San Onofre. They are scheduled for c:om~rcial operation in 1976 and 1977. Thcroafter.lhcooly major generating facilities Edison will build in the Sou1h Coas1 Basin will be nuclear unilS. We make this commitment as part of our continuing cftorts toward a cleaner. more a«ractive environment for everyone. To us. that's impor1ant. Southern C.liforni11 Edison ~~:id:.~~= BASEBALL ROUNDUP lMUIISDAY, APII L 23, 1910 Br N_, Jr. Noll .. a11o did-~~~~ Jll<k-r~CO~ID~III~A~=DEI.l:~~CAiiiU~Fi;; • ..,, ::=~ ~~ lila lollD IDIIID 1111 ~ a c1oo o1 llilciM ..... -,..;:;: Cor-dtllbr Tim KoU.r 1111 .. ..,q _..; -·-Qhl--lD lllo lop"' .. -""""" HtaterrULc Otber bltt•• UIJ• weN ...,. -maoco IDcilld<ld ao RBI Ted BatooolDJb ud st.r -Ill lilt boltom olllle 5th Baldwti 0 llmlDc. HUUoc..pitcber W.lke • • • ---~-Muullaomadtacrootshow-It toou doubUul lbal Alldy !QI by ptc.uac ~ ! hib In the Smith's Newport butb&IIIQUid bd Uld 5tll frames. In geoenl will ftal.sh out tb1J _..,_ ,_ ....... ., ...... COC'ODl lost the heart-seaBOD with aoythlne more I I I I '- breaker to Estancia In the 7th a headache. The S&llors innlnc wbeD theEaclesma.niged leap leading Westminster by to smub a 1-1 tie tor a !-1 3 pmes, abd are deadlocked victory. Tbe Sea Ktnp failed wtth HuntlD&toa Beach at rock to score in the closing stanza, bottom; both teams are 1 and4. Tomorrow, Aprll Z4, the Co-Last Frldu. AprU 1 'Z,. the rooa nine will host Fountain Tars lost tbelr 3rd stra!pt, Valley High at 3:15 p.m. bowing to Western 3 to 1. Wes~ • • • tern Is oow Ued with Westmtn. CO!'ooa JV bllseballers al30 ster for the league race, fell to Estancia on the Eagle The hitting power ol the Tar vusity dla.mond last Friday, offense dido, go completely The score wu Ued 1 to 1 until unootteed, hOWever. Dave Per- the 5th when the Eagles racked lr.ins drove !lome a rWl ln the 3 tallies. A Sea King break first frame while Roo MarUD. came ln the 3rd frame when Jeft Mal1notf and Gary Foster Malcolm DeMille sprinted a -did thelr best to get on later rouod the bap for a trl.ple, but in the game. his team couldn't talte advantage Tomorrow afternoon. April of the hit. 24, the SaJiors travel to Santa • • • Ana Htgtl. The Corooa frosh tea m closed · • • • the full division shut~ut by sui-NeU Burt suffered a 7-2 loss ferlngalZ-8de!eat.flrstbase-as his NewportJVteamdr~ man Steve Matt made his mark their contest to Western. On ill the Estancia defense by the board, the Tus went 5 in- lobbing out 3 for 3 along with ntngs withOut a hit. They then RBI. Ted Cllntte a.nd Dave picked up a coiC)Ie of tallies In the 6th, but It wasn't eoough. • • • LOOK THE DIAGNOSTIC CENTER SEAL ON THE WINDSHIELD! Western dealt Its linal blow to our hOme teams by squelching the Tar trosh squad 7-4. Jim Holmes homered with a man on in the bottom of the first. He went 3 for 4 for the game. Dan O'Liva took over tbe mound for starting pitcher Dan John- son in the 4th frame. The team came back ap.ln ln the last to- ning but sttll lost to the league leading Pioneers . 101% PliTS .. WOR WIIUITY .,_liES M. DAYS '" --1 "'"' locWiot ....... ---I'WS ..... "· looftory ...... ... An ,.,.r w..t -. bl "" •w• ..mce I Tars stay tops in track a, _II_, Jr. II I I.J 1111 .. tow bordloolll If--btld .... 11.1,•-- 111 ... --~-... lui nil -· -palo l'tldu --ln<t lUI -c-dol Mar IIIIIIIW- -011 II Do-PloiiiD port -ln<t-alll>o 'OIIdl 1M ~1f--M-IlL lu A-Collop !Jwlla-dlolrlcltnc~-. ~--.AifiiU. lolaocla !Up allo - •.U. lll<tioc "' • tblnl "' 11>1 fltlt pJI.c:.., O.er-&11 ..,,. wen Ktwpart Rubor, tl; Et- laaell, '10; c....,. dol Mar, S?; eo.ta Me•. se. "-took llltlr boat ..... wttll .... lD tbt -MO Jd, N '-f ud mUe relay tMtr reJI)Idtvt wl.DaJ.Dg times were «,0 ud I:IM. Cbrla Boallor cUd .IWI cu•r best lo tbe mile with a time ot 4:215.1, a dltlrlet record. Let flayeo and Y&rk SteYens woo tbtlr marta: lD the hlP -llld dlacua -per-rormuces of 8"!"' and 15S'S" EXCLUSIVE ORANG E COUNTY RUN RIGHTFJELOER BILL VOSS ol tbe CaUioraiaAapla, wbols a Harbor fUel~ aad OCC pdtate. 1s pictured btre lllttlni a tJy ball II> rlgllt 11old, maklll( llle 3rd ... lllllle 4111 IDDIDc. as tbe Anctll bowed to tbe Wbtte So• lD tbe1r first pme ol the seuoDat Aaabetm Aprlll4. BUI started tbe aeuon wt.UJ a btc tan&. bJ.tt:iDc 1 for s 1D tbe season opener at Milwaukee AprU 7, drtwlD( 1D 2 ruu and scorlq twtee ill tbe 12.0 Angel victory; tbto bJttiDc an Locredible 4 tor 5 tbe oeli day, driving In 4 runs ill tbe 15-0 Ylctory DYer the Brewers. Then last Saturday he realised tbe dream of all slugcers: a lf'&Dd slam home run. wbteh helped to dump Ka.D.su City 7 to 1. He was ~ only 1 ofO.elal time at bat, but be drot'e ill 5 of tbe 7 runs, including a ftrst 1noiog tally on a saert.tlce ny. Those 5 RBI's gave him a total ot 13 for lhe season a.s of AprU 18, tying tUm for the American League leadership, (Bruee Newbery photo.) Police clash-in sports ."ttpecUYely. Cld Com moo beat teammate Rtct Flemtnr out of secoDd place poi1UOD 1D tbe 2.mue. Commoa's time was 9:57.0, DavW.OO of Esta.Dcla WOb tbll.mUe 1D 9:50,1, Sopbomore Erte Olaoo ol Es- tuela dld his th1nc w1nn1nc tbe 440 yd. run In a r ecord tetUne: time of 49.?. Rleb Wood abo made the UmeUCht fbr Estancia High by w1Dn1Dcthe high bur dies ~ IIEW IAUttA ~,..!HEATII\ - The Newport BeaehaodCosta Coast ClvU.an Club. AU pro- Mesa police basketball teams ceeds will go to the Harbor Area will clash lD a benefit game at Boys Club tobeusedforathlettc 8 p.m. friday, May 1, In the equipment and unltorms. Corona del Mar high school Donatlons are $1 per ticket H-• .t •·c~i"' Cluoit J T. lot" gymnas urn. e honorary but admission ts tree for all 1.n, •• ,,,.I,.••"•••U-4041 chairma.o of the game will be youngsters under 12 years of Chil4 Witt. ,.,,,.t Only Les Josephson, the Los Aqeles age. Tickets may be obtal.Ded • o,.. Nithtfov ''"' • Rams famous running back. througto the Newpor t Beach or 1!:========~ I Athletes trom both poUcede-Costa Mesa Chambers of Com- partments promise an action-merce, both pollee deput. MOW SHOWING packed basketball p.me, which ments, and the Harbor Area EHOS TUES., APRIL 28 will be sponsored bytheOra..nge Boys Club, HIQtT\. y 7:00 & 9:«) SAilDRS WIN 8 to 1, STAY Q(fi'Of CELLAR The Newpor t Harbor Sa.!lors stayed out ot the SWISet Lea.pe cellar Tuesday by defeatln.g Huntington Beach 8 to 1 wtth the 3 hit pitching of Al'fln White and Denny Bean. Slx Oiler errors helped the Sailor cause. Harbor Is ln 6thplacewitha2-4 reeord, and theOUersareatthe bottom at 1.4. There Is a 3-way tie for the league lead among West- minster, Western and Aoa.belm, aU 4-2. Anaheim moved !C) to the tie by edctog Western 6 to 5, while Mari.Da was trouncing Westminster 3 to 1. ACADEMY AWARD WINNER! BEST ACTRESS Ql~P'CllllfS• ti.S1MI'IOJ.(l(JI'5- OMAR ·SHARIF Bob "THE -&-YEAR'S BEST COMEDY!" -·>AlUPn.-..y f(V!i ':l WiJUitrtf Sctw.,t~, ._. h• llr. \'"' r.:.tritiu a. "A VERY BRILLIA NT FILM I" -';AtJI If I ~f"IIS Alice ~t'l Slldlty .t m. Critin '!'trtt.n ,... ., AMrtca lo iUt,•CW<.,_,('\'. ·e• ~ Ul'ltlt Vtf/JJ/ROBUIT O.lP , &;6 & r.:J10'. & I[D & :.t t l~U~:: :· .. JI O/OlA~ U'."lQN ~lliJ~l-T!.JI'Ii.&m .... l.. .. •r.Jt.S -·-•t•""'·)· -... ' ..... '\..•'.4 2ND TOP COMEDY [?iJ _._ : : --, •• '"! -•o-l'b<...--'-'"'"'--'"' ... .tbl Jlbilb ......,. __ ~ ~ .,~ Aud•'"'r Aw•.-4 W•"- IIST AC TIISS MAGGIE $MITH "THI N IMI Of -t---• AL.SO e - ACADEMY WI HH IHG SHORT SUIJECT "~;;;;;;;;~;;;i1,;loii:SS JEAN U.00tlH -----:---- FORD F-100 $1999 OVER 150 USED CARS AND TRUCKS IN STOCK SOPHOMORE Carlo To,;ti of Corona del Mar high sclloolwtns a heat In the Beach Cities track mc~t at Ha rbor High. A West- minster sprinter comes tn 2nd, Carlo placed 5th 10 the finals in 10.4 seconds, slower than his schOO l r ecord time of 10 fla.t, whi ch he set the week be- fore. (Rich Kredel photo.) BA DHAM BBQ MAY 2 SkUes and Henderson, na- tionally ta.mous comedy team, w111 be the star entertainment at the Badham bar-b-que to be held in Born m~r Canyon from 1 to 6 p.m. M~ 2. ILUt: OR WII ITI 19'5 WHITE SUC BLUE ONLY 1295 Tile b.mlly party will honor Assemblyman Robert E. Bad-nan. who is seelt!Jig re-election. A trail motorcycle wtll be the door prize. Games wtllln- clade horse shoes, basebliU, wolley ball a.od the llSual kids p.mes. LAD I t:s•725 Mt:H'S ]1S DUCIC m T Fins I I,!MIIH 6fS UGULUS LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE Of PUBLIC HEARING Notice Is hereby given that the Planning Commlssloo ofthe Cit y of Newport Beach w1Uhold a public hearing oo the applica- tion of Harry Alemo for a Use Permit 1476oopropertylocated at 100 Main Street, Balboa, to permit alcoholic beverages to be served in conjunction wtth a restaurant, a.od a waiver of the on-site parldng requlrements lor a 91 seat restaurant. Notice Is hereby further civeo tha.t said public hearing wtll be held oo the 7th day of May, 1970, at the hour of 8:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Newport Beach Clly Hall, at which time and place any and all persons Interested may ap- pear and bE' heard thereon. Don R, Adkinson, Secretary Newport Beach City Planning Commlssloo Publish: April 23, 1970, ln the Newport Harbor Ensign. LEGAL HOTICE 011111 (011'-1 OltiiUL uw WAIIA(I'S IPtC STOIY Of ClOWAOI AND Mini "PEOP LE SOUP" I Ti- 20 word• or lou .............. 1.50 2 Time1 2.~ ~.00 4.00 3 Ti1M1 3.00 4.00 5.00 .15 21 wwd• to ~ word• ...... 2.00 31 wonh to .«) wwds .. .. .. 3. 00 Eoch -d _.., .0 wotd•-· .05 . 10 o AH TJ QUES ANTIQUE SHOW AND SALE. 80 antique dfalers. ADibelm Coonotioo Center 800 W. Katella, ADlhelm May 1, Z, 3 FrldaJ " Saturday • 1 to 10 SWiday -12 to 6 REAL ESTA TE . BEACH LOT. R-Z, S8' troot. Best area. 114 44th Street. Ne-wport Beach. $28,500. Pllooo (ZIS) 788-9939 or wrtle to Grady, 16557 Goklearod Place, EOtiZkl, CaW, 91316, ~~~~~~--------~-------MISCELLANEOUS HIAIIl.l$1 IODY 'CHICAGO t" CAJICIIL WAIHID AIHORI 1'111 filii af S•o•'ilroaftlno llt-1 -Poib llld ''C~ 1'' JIIMPS ... tMsn ,..._, ... _...,_ '-1o&UCt,-au.- tobeabodJ...,......,..._. 7 II-Jill¢¢\ llu e.. aff utnolt. "--le t1no ......_ -lllod, --lo a OCI -..... .-..,.--tlno bo<IJ,--. ...... ____ ..,.. ___ _ ..... ----·:10 a.m. bJ' RGblrt T•, 1111 LA VIEW LOT Colla Dr.. -"""' u bl no -lllnnt llooc 1M COaDMA HIGHLANDS 0111""' Am.,..., UDUCID TO $:13,000 bociJ nol>adlJ ..,. ... _alii I thai "at 1!111 .., • .art It MARK BROWN, I, DI!S Mart A, Bronl, Zlot st., c-11oa, 11 at Cblldrea'• Anplls, Ho 1962, lD He 1.1 Mrs. SaDISra Mesa; blsfl.tber,Stf:, w. BrOWDI Jr. of Marloe Bue; a silter, ~ Cotta Mttsa 101 'Vogel INa. COIIOMA DIL MAR I . liM7 e .. s c..ot Hr .. .., (C.Or. PeroiNf) .......... n.JIJI •114 LAUHDRY1 IUVICI ''WHERE CUSTOMERS SEN0 THEIR FRIIEND5'11 e Quality Cleaning • Complete Alterations Cleaning-Pressing Finished Laundry Service KNITS A SPECI ALTY I DRIVE -IN • PARK,NG IN THE REAR 3512 E. COAST HIGHWAY CORONA DEL MAR CoftlnG del Mar. ACIDU ..... s .. ·• Can ely TELEPHONE 673 • 4920 Whenever we talk, we vibrate the air between pa and the pereon we're talking to. The mouthpiece of )'our telephone changes the air vibrationa mto electrical impulses which travel to the other telephone re- ceiver. There the electrical waves are con- verted back into eound waves which are uniquely your own. Unseen, however, in this process are the billiona of miles of wire and millions of awitcbea which could be uaed to direct your vibrations to the eingle phone, of the more than 200 million telephones in the world, that you selected. With millions of calla a day, tt takes a lot of good awitchin1 to aure get good vibrations. How long does the average American, with a life e_pan of 70 yean, talk on the telephone? According to a recent atudy, he apenda a total of 8760 houra on the phone, which works out to about 125 hours per year or 20 minute. per day. Twenty minutes doesn't aeem like much, but after 70 years it adds up to one full year of your life! lnv.,....ID-Amerlca Week, Apr. 211-May 2 The Invest-in-America Council adviaea "Your aavinca and inveetmente mean money at work for greater economic p-owth." Tlte~~ Why Ia April, tlno-barllol-11 to Sl>rlar c-.7 -roa11y ....,, 111o ........ Ia U IMI>ripl-laoprcll7o or tbt ftrtt flow•• Ia bloom? Rtl!lM- Ituaftbtr•-lllaonl'ilr-lal leellarft aU-· nr oat -to&lldllo'LitC-.,... Tt...... .-.let? Wt lii.Yt tbe l>rl.,.. -· ....... -., .. ol til II' ~ It CaU J011r lf..,.-t • C--afDco, MI-UOI, 'Wt'ro ..... LET • • • Duplex Near Beach 4 I!DROOM AND 2 8 EDROOM AP ARTM EN T5 PROVIDE EXCELLENT INCOME ONLY $42,500 2 Bedroom Charmer LARGE PATIO---EASY CARE YARD MOVE-IN CONDITION •••• Large Ocean Blvd. Home Plus Guest Facilities £) TRA LARGE RD<•MS THROUGHOUT EXPECIALLY THE LIVING ROOM EXCELLENT CONDITION AMPLE PARKING--GOOD FINANCING • lJOii Y. f'RA1iK1.11i I ,!~~t~~.!. ' Corona del Mil', CalifOI'nia P!'IOnt: t)J3.2222 -.,....., . .. f·I·V·E UNITS r-----~rrAM~-----. LOW INTEREST!! Z BEDROOMS EACH WITH GARAGE AND SEPARATE YARD $53,000 n5,000 down. Balance ol $38,000 at $350 per mouth {7-1/2'1> l.olorest IDcluded.) Rcl~lc Sc111ltc Sillcc 190 • Pli .. te Pados • Fireplaces • PCXlLS • t Hole P\attina O:un • Teani• • Sopata&a PIM\ily Section • Adj. kl Sdaoolt Md PJaypounc1 90UooL-C<N MecArfllllr ._ C..st ...,. ~ .. te P•••• 1.1.4 MACNAJ.IIYINE IWTY COMPANY RNEI HOMES LINDA ISLE Beautiful custom built I bedroom 2-story, lamily room home. On HCiude<i Uncia Isle. Hlch ceJUncs • a '"eePtnc alaln:ase add to tbe charm ot tbil water oriented bomL Fireplace in m.a&l:er bedroom; aeparatt maiG'o room: all electric kitchen a. bad: •tab'way included in this araciow, new home. fll8,300 VIEW OverlootJnc Newport Harbor a. ocean. 3 Bodrooma, tare• tn·lllc """"· llreplact; 1arp -with View. A fairyland at aJ&bl. LotJ "' dootll ............. . MAC~ .....,ca:,.,, tii-Dr .. -1. ._ lerJI't DrM Naa,.l ._. ·····" •..•••.. I laa lin. C..._ clinJa Jl~ Prestige Waterfront Homes CUSTOM 4 TO 7 BEDROOM HOMI5 FROM $125.000 TO $500.000 FURNTSHED AND UNFURNISHED A.LJO PRIME BUILDING LOTS FROM $31.000 TO $171.000 BILL GRUNDY, Realtor Ill Dover Dr., Suite 3, N.l . Oh! Give Me a Home W!>ere the family can roam and the KIDS and the PARENTS can play. We Have It ... on a hu,?;e 60 x 190 tee simple lot In luxurious "HARBOR VIEW" homes. 4 bedroom.3, 3 baths, formal dining- room, sunken den with brick tire- place and wet bar. Add a com:n·.mtty (no m:untenance) pool nearby. TO SEE THIS LOVELY HOME CALL 673-8550 0 THE REAL ~£STATERS I'D-RLY OUIIGI COAST 1'-HTY 332 llor,.erite c.-..... -673-8550 Pe~ /Ja,.nH l<ea/ig preunb -VIEW of rolling hills & springtime flowers -from living rm, dining rm & delightful kitch- en area & family room. This well planned 3 Bdrm home is a La Jolla model-Lusk Harbor View Hills. $57,500. Olf'rce Opor. SotuNoys a s..nuy. PETE BARRffi REALTY 1605 W.tdlff Dr. M.a. 642-5200 •••••••••••••••••••• HARD TO BELIEVE! 4-BEDROOM HOME ON LIDO ISLE S69,7SO YES -4 BEDROOMS PLl.S ! BATHS, ON 40FT. STREET. TO-STREET LO'I' WITH A S-CAR GARAGE. .... ~ -AI. •IIT.&'l'• ••••111nAL AIIP 8Uiflflll I'.OP••n•l ·-PO· /IIT••••r•P. PIIOP,iii .. IIAL COIUIP •• Anoll ,. • 181P\.I u.L IITATI lilt .. c...-.,~ c. ...... - tfNIII • ~ .. c. ••• 411 .J Lido Isle Dream Home R Located a few hundredfeettromthe E beach. This lovely contemporary Ia A blended together with Monterey sea L coast atmosphere. T Huge beamed ceiling living room. Graced by the warmth of a tremen-0 dous fireplace. Three charming bed- R rooms and baths, separate studio. 8 Low assumable loan. REDUCED TO $79,500 CALL NOW FOR TERMS CORBIN-MARTINJl lt...:=====675 -166 2=::=::=-.J Home PLUS Apartment e "CAPE COO'' STYLE HOME e ATTRACT IV E •z BEO .. OOM APA"-TNE.NT .. INDIVIDUAL GARAGES e sTORE ROOM ~AUNORY • SHIP-SMA~!: CONDITION U25 JI40NTHLY /NCOWE Of' .... LIVE IN ONE ANO RENT THE OTH ER UlDess o1. out-0!-tt:nm owoer compels sa.leaf tbe low, low prh':e ot $42,000 but casb to muimwn kJu re. quired.. Yes, only S42,000 Stanley A. Smith Realtor 6IS GOLDE ~ RO D A VE .. CO RONA. DEt MAR TELEPHONE 673-2010 n.a del Mar' Best Buys THIS IS "HOUSE SENSE " Over 2200 sq. ft. IIl thts excep11onal Lameo Hi~hJands cuslorn bmlt home. 3 spaciDUS bedrooms. 1-'ormal Dmmg Room l\'estled m a lush garden :-elting alfMdlng com~ plele privacy m frnnt \\ 1lh expan:st\e Ocean Vie\\ fro1n ma~:,n·c L1 vi ng Room. Matched walout panellmg & ar11slic rock fireplace add character and ,·alue. Bu1ll in Bar & 2 Pat1os are added pht:se!l' At $69,500 you are assured of unmatched \·al~ ue. 67$-3000 (Eves. 6i3-13S3 1 BARGAIN HUNTER S BTiDg your check book-this won'l last! CdM Income Buy ~ A 2 --1-1 Bt-droom in- come property on R·2 Zone Ivery scarce) Lot. Low taxes -lo~ price~ 128.750. Ovm- er will carry large 2nd. 675-3000 IEves. 6i5--2986l WANT TO MAKE MONEY??? Move in to this attrac1tve 3 Bedroom Cd~ home on R-2 Income Lot and build anoth- er good rental unit in rear. Owner ha• plans all ready. Price now IS only $35.750 675-3000 (Eves. 541-1861 t lAY & IUCH UALTY, l~~e- ~ c.ll ,., Tlmo ~ ........................ s.l• ~ tM Mg'Uple .,,... S.ntce of tM NewpoRt llaftow...c.la .. _ Boult of ...... • .... ·"'•r . $54 ..,,Jtcw ,_ t11e :' wa.,a ...... ,of .... "* ••• , •••• l,IM 18!lt _.. _. a .wt•• ... . ~ ttl t~-tile_., ... . ofiMt ,_.., At•• ._.,nu ,_, u.t JOUI' pH~ ezt:,-... a •••I .....,. I ••••••••••••••• • ... I lAY AIIID BEACH--::-. REAlTY • • CUNGI CLAMCI CLAJCGI PI tbe trolley u membe.n o1 the Bay and Beacb Realty aiel ltaff board a Su Fruct.sco eable car lor ID.spectioo or oew property listings In tbe ll&rtlor Ar•. Tbt a1Jbl ol tbJs autbe.otic old vehicle tourlng tbe local sceDe ClllSeS IDU1 a dOiiblt taU u bomeoners see a streetca.r ID their drlfeway. Tbe historic cable car la ..,ued thrOulb tbt courtesy of Newport Balbo& Savi.Dp am LoiLD Assn., complete wUb dr1t'll' ud biU clupr. Note: U you are trylq to t1od Bay and Bel.cb Realty's Leoaard Smltll ID ooe ot tboM t.d: seata-you woo't, because be's ta.tlor tbe plcttae. NEWOJIHtARIIOR EJtgQt ~ SECnotl --P ... 5 TltURSIIAY, APRIL 2:1, IIIII CO IOtA> DEL liAR, CAUF. Church News 1'111 llowpwt llarbar Lll- tiMna Cbuteb, %501 Clift Dr., ~ llolllllo-Tblo_, marta tbe 1ut worsbtp 811'Vlce al lbte loc:IUoo ud 14 ,..... ol --moellop lbere. '!'be pr-IJ bu beeo acquired by the lllalellor ~ro.,..y p~1 ud tbe DIW' facWt1es at 1H Donr Dr. wt11 be used tor tbl first time May 3, wlth a ser~ Ylce of entrance ll 10 a.m. Tbls SUDday, Pastor James BlaJ.n w111 preacb oa tbe q,tc, .. It these walls could talk," at the 9 and 11 a.m. sen1ces. • • • The First a.pt1st Church ot Costa Mesa, 301MapoUast.- Dr. James O'Brieo Combs, co-~~~~~=~E1~":G~T~:E p 0 SERVICE TRIMMED :~:·:.u.::":t'~tt.!:::~ KeaMtll P&tll Jotan.tooe, &5, • • full of sap," At 7 p.m. Ills topic :,!!,7 :t::' 1!;:: ~ C:, Newport Beach aDd Corooa by the closing ofw1bli1Yws "The will be "Acict1Uoo, sllbtract1oo flo4lltll He,.. born Dee 7 del Mat post omce service closing includes the main post and mu:tlpucau:ointbe~lble." 1904 1D BurllA&ton. 14o ~ wlD:iows wtll be closed on Sat-otflce, tbeBalbol.lsla.nd,Balboa ~to OraqeCountyZl Years urdays, beginn1ng May z, ac-knd lrvtoe post otnces. Tbe PlymouthCoosrepttonal a.co. cording to allOOUDCemeots by "We will sue thousands of Church, 3262 Broad st., New- Sun1Yors loclude !lis wUe Postmasters H. Payne Thayer dollars of the tupayers' money port Heights-The Rev, Nor- Mary Jaoe; a dau&flter, Marc~ of Newport Beach and Verne a.nd wUI be able to run the post man Brown's sermoo topic a.t IIRS. MATTHEW KE1IIIEY ol CO... del Mar, a! loll, rtceifes the pt'tl of presldeotJ from Mrs. W11Uam E. Langston of Costa Mesa, ret1rtac prelldut ot tbt Hoac Hospital AU%1Uary. other omcera for 19'10.71 are Mrs. William Durldn, Mrs. Jame1 LaFlamme, Mrs. JOHPb Metcalf and Mrs. Wllllam BroniDC. ftce~elldtllb; Mu. Richard Simpson, recordin& sec.retuJ; Mrs. Jam11 WaJ.a. worth, correspoodin( secretary; Mu. H. D. Bour,.ota, treasurer, and Mrs. r.anptm,. ~llamtntar1u. Mra. D. E. Fuller Is coord!Dator of volua.teers ud Mra. Haney RlrP Is In char~! ot publlc relalioDI. Mrs. l..anptoa ID"''mced at the annual lnstallatloo IUDCbeoo that Ute AtlliUary top- ped this year's pledge ot $-45,000 lor bolpltaleJP&QSloG by almost $3,300. (E ns:lp photo.) City service recognized J. ca....-o1 Sao Die-,· 3 -... Watson of Corona del Mar. ottlce 1n a more business like 10 a.m. this Sunday wtU be _, •• ~ Th C M p "h said "Plug in to the """"or." tben &D:t 2 lfUdebJk!ren. e osta. esa ost omce manner, e . • r~ • Dwight Tipping, Newport ley, LaVooe Bullock, wuuam svrices were beld Tuelday took similar cost-cutting ac-Mr. Thayer said that stamp Beach general services em-Burns, Leslle Cbapma.D, Ellie &t tbe Presbyterta.a Cbureb ot Uons last Saturday. vending machines wlll be at the The Lutheran Church of the ployee, received the ooly zo_ Cooaty, Georp Dunipa, Met- the Coareo&m with tM Re• Mr. Thayer said, '•Ttllsmea-following offices 24 hOurs each Master, 2900 Pacltlc View Dr., year award at the 11th &liDtlll vtn Haup, L.oll11 Haeres. Brw:e C11rJe and Ret. J~ sure Is being taken to reduce day for those needing postage: Harbor VIew Hills-Layma.o's employee service awards ban-Dom.kl Jooes, WIWam Jorc:loo. Fer-.d ofllct&t1nr. lnurnmeot operating costs and affects only main offtee, Corolll del Mar SUbday will be observed at both quet last Saturday at the New. Adelle Manell. Rayi'DOrQd Mc- wu at PaeUlc View Memort.al the Umtted service wtllch ha.s office, Balboa lslaOO station, hours of 1r0rship. Walter Boch-porter Inn. Cabe, Dooald Picker , Alleo Put. preYiously been available on and the lrvloe branch. terkl.rchen and Ralph Narum The event, hOsted by the Ctty RusseU. Augusta Russell, WaJ. Mr. Jotmstooe was the owner Saturdays," He said cUy delivery ear-will be in charge at 9 a.m., Council arKt master of cere-ter Speirs, llDCIRobert:Wbeeler. 13r 9 yeanoiYesa Auto wreck-He sa.td the post otftce !las rler servtce wUI be continued and Robert Underwood and AI-montes Harvey L. Hurlburt, ctty Five. year awards weDt to: LDc 011 Pl&eenti& A,e. ''only the Interest or the tax-on Saturdays as W"ell a.s parcel tbur Womer at 11 a.m. Pastor manager, honored employees Vi.ncent ADUsta, ~ 8ooJa. payers In mind and we do not post delivery and special de· WUllam EUer and lay delegates woo have been wtth the city for WUUam Borreco, Jack BrooU, SERVICES I H ITAlY W"lsh to Inconvenience anyone livery service. wtll attend the annual conven-5 or more years and recently DarleDe Browu, Barb&n.CbWIII, Rocllo R. Caftllaro, 58, at tlon of the PacU1c Snyod of the retired employees. Eugeoe Clch, Joe t,.;Oderre, Ly-:~;~u:!l~.~;:e DRUG BOOKLET REISSUED L:::.:":::::. A~:~:: ~~f~~~~~r~:e~=:: ~~;.::~~"':'51 December lZ 1911 ID Italy Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar -and I to .. ~.. Hur~~ E~-K ll R~~ -~ --e to ,..· UaJ!_. ""'-•·s One mootll ago, tbe Orange pany will pay the cost ot prlll-A church work day has been y&ar o emp yme ... , tbe , ... ,,.u, '-~"'w • er, .....,..-, ~ ~ wu ~loll... County sberur d t ent tio.g anoth 25 000 1 ot city, are: Kelly, James Loud:eD. MOlDI 10 Je&rl &co aod to Orance ._.. s epu m er ' copes called tor this saturday to lm-Rober t K. Carter, pollee de-Ya..,jan, Paul u ... ~.. Yield. c--0 y -.-ed the lnlne Compay jo "Users are losers." prove the btdldtng and grounds .---..."'"' ~YOt':"~a:· b1 Ue belp tritb tbe pubUca.Uon of a Mr. M,uondescrlbedthepiJb. Bob Stevens and Lloyd Johnso~ partment, 1953; Helen D. Oberc, JobD Ott, R&ymoOO Peo- Cu mela olltaly ..:. t!ot."t.e • 16..pare, mutU.color ca.rtooo lication and distribution o1 the are 1n clw'"'. Dr,GleonO'Neal Dorris, Ubnry, 1960;Raymood dleton. KeDDeth Perry, Mer- Sam at Coat& ai.sa .. Sentc;; book:letoadrugabuse. 50,000 .~kles as a "joint otTa.lbotTheologtca!Semtnary, K. Lee, pollee department; cedesRobla.ad, LarryShatmu. IDd tmwmeat will be held 1n Tbe Irrlne Company ap-eed. venture between government pulpit m1n1ster, W'Ul bring the 1959; VIncent McMantpJ.. po-Don Stewart, Btlly Stlles,J.rry Italy WHtcllft liOI'tlar 1 the a.ud underwrote the prlntlng of and private eaterprt.se. message at the 10 am and 7 Uce department, 1943; AUeo Strom, Mu TlncleY, Wlllard ,.._,:, __ dlr tor Y • 25,000 copies of the booklet, "There are a lot ot profound p.m. services Sunday: • Russell, Marina Park, 1959; Tra•ers and Tommy Wrlctrt. -----. ec • "Users are losers." social problems that can be • • • Augusta Russell, Marina Park. City Manapr HIU'lburt P.¥1 J I!SSI E LAME Dl ES Sberttrs deputies bave dls. solved through these jOint no~ The Newport Unity Ch h 1959; and Harvey Tourney, g!D-special recoptUoa to rttirlq Mr1. Jes&le L. Laoe, 85, r:4 trlbuted all but 4,000 copies-tures," be said. "We at Irvtne meeting at lSUl St and~~ eral services, 1950. Yayar Doreeo Ua.rab&ll, W110, 413-l&th PL, Costa Mesa, die.l and they're expected to be 1n are as cooceroed about them-Ave., Clift Haven ~-The Re v Those receiving 15-Jear he said, "bu lined tbe elty April 14 at Park Lido c 011• YOUDC people's !lands throughOut and as responsible tor their Loren FUcttngu w!U spea.k awards were: Mar yam CaJD. for many years aDd u mayor YUesceot Hospital. She was the county within a •eet. sol~ion _ as the rest of tbe at 10 a m Sunday on "Ma-n's Roy Clemens, Douglas Detn. hu recei'f'td m&DJ awards for born Sept. 1, 1884, In TeDsalld ''We're runnl.nc out,'' said public.'' domlnlo.;._ ,; AndreW' C4lluzzo, Edgar GreeD. her senice to tbe city." ............ . ...... , ..... • lit WIIMiioMI -C:.Wo ·----5 ""'" , __ ... ,..,lbllanal .. M2-e270 1702 IIIW'fiOI1' Kft. COIYA ..._ CAW. tl6t7 ClE\U w!WVGHT· I RDN S(l; All 3 Pt£CfS OH lY !'f'f9J came to Orup County 13 Yt:ara Fred Tebo, or ttle sherlft's Richard Holland, Edward Jill. ''We all sbaU miu ber very ~.andllllormeot· .... ~r.:=~·::} .. ~~~; More 1 hr parking asked ~';;, .. ~ .:c~·:.:·n:.= m~ocJI,... ...... ~ .. -d~·-~-:-------..:.--...;.----;...-;.;;.;;;;: Mid at Clareadoo, Tel:l.S. Bell-Tbe lnlDe Company respoo~ • son. OOR s" I p Broadwiy Fuaeral Home W"as ded to that demand. President Eztenston ot the 1-00ur pu ~ new request Is lor extension Ten-year awards went to: the kwvdl.oc director. Wllll.am R. Masons:aldthecom-king area and lowering ofthe35 ot Ulls park.lng limit 1o the C-1 James Armstrong. Robert Ba.J~ mi le an hour speed UmU on areas on thesidestreetstopro~ ""~ A~i:\\1 t> I Coast Hw y. are being requested vide more traftte turoover for LEGAL MOTI CE 'E t WE'll HAVIN~ OUI ANN UAL IIG by the Corona delMar Cha mber snappers. BILL OF SALE SAIL A BRATIONI of Commerce dlrectnrs. Mr . Cook sa.ld that lowering 1, the undersicned, RICHARD ... ~ President Dee Cook has been of the speed limit Is belng M. KUHN, owoeroflhebuslness OE.Rt lff)fv • • • authorized to pursue thesepro. asked because the 35 mlleUmlt known as KUHN'S CREATIVE ~- posats with city and slate aJ. was established ""''Y years FRAMING located at Z721 East ~ ...a.........:.&" ficlals. ago, when the population was Coast Highway CoronadelMa.r WI""'~'.J ('I NCO The l -hour parking llmlt Is considerably smaller and ther e CaUtnrnla. for' value received' now In effect from 7 a.m. to was practically no cross traffic and in acc~rdance with tbe docu~ HOT TAMAU SPECIALS! DRESSES $15 00 Will Ur TO Ut THE REA L EPjCHILADAS C. IOU' SHIFTS • DRESSES $5.00 MURY MARGARITAS Crepe $500 Skirts lCHf. I 1HOIT Cocktail Dresses .., .. _ SALTY DOGS •aov, CAPRI SETS de 6 p.m. every day, lncllldtng from the side streets. ment Utled lNSTRUCTIONS Sunday, aloog Coast Hwy. The AND AGREEMENT OF SALE ' M Jl )' 0 c h b I d D dated JanlRr)' l, 1970. and be- . D A Ys am er au s oreen ~~ .. ~~::.~-!".""~':.~~ HURRY! The Newport Harbor Cham- ber of Commerce paid tribute to out-going Mayor Doreen Marshall Monday and presented her with a plaque mak.1.ng her a llteUme honorary member or tlle Chamber. you roUe me feel awfUlly self. sell, convey and tra.nster unto conscious." said Dorothy A. Kuhn, all my She cUed tbe ma.ny Urnes Inter est, of whatsoever D&ture that she and the Council had and k100, in and to the bu.sloess worked with the Chamber 00 known as KUHN'S CREATIVE various city issues aoo said FRAMING. Possession ot said "We haven't al•ays agreed business and the stock and 41.- bot we've always made our tures cootalned herelb shall be points with good wtll." deemed accompllsbed wben the The words of praise and a standing ovation fr om the Chamber's board of directors brought tears to the mayor's eyes a.s she said: "You know this Is Just little old me and Cba.mber President Charles undersigned sball have twly Currey told the gro~ "The complied with Sections 6101. oew mayor Is gotng to 'have to 6107 ot the Unlfo:•m Com. be awfully good to repLace Do-mereta! Code, and Section 3+t0 reen." of the CalUorn.J.a Code or Clftl Procedure. The uadenlped warrants that complJa.Dce W'itb said statutes was accornpllsbed on January 1st, 1970. Mrs. Pinkley honored Mrs. Alvin Pinkley was bon-the sta.Uon's programming ored by the Fr iends or the Ll-pla.o.s tor the tuture. Mr. Soow bruy durl.n g the gr~·s lOth also sbowed a tUrn on the ctUI- annJversary celebratioo April ctren•s sbow, "Sesame street." Richard M. Kuhn RICHARD M. KUHN Publish: Aprll 23, 1970, ln the Newport Harbor EnsiCJL 16 at the Mesa Verde COWJtry New omcers tor the year Cllb. elected at the hmcbeoo. were: JEANNE BANTA DIES Mrs. PlnJdey, .me Is credited presldett, Mrs. Alvlo Plnkley; W"ith louOOI.ng the Frleods olthe flee presideiU, Mrs. Robert Mrs. Jaame L. BaDta, '10, A Library, was president of tbe Flsber, Mrs. Kermit ChUtmu 1806 w. Oceu n., Central Costa Mesa Women's CltilwbeD aad Mrs. w. H. Stainforth· 3rd Newport, died AprtiZl ateo.ta the Ubrary UCXIIWUCI'pnllad Tlce ~eiJdeot, Chris Cr~ly· Mesa Memortal HoiP1tal. She April 16, 1960. treuurer, Rooald Hardy; sec~ wu barn Feb. 19, 1900,1.D WLs- Ora.oge Couoty Llbrvlan n tar1es, Yrs. w, J. Collum eon.stn. aat came to Orarael Harry Rowe pn a bl'lef .tMcll 1111 Mra. Robert Askins· ud COUDty zo Ylllll'l 'CO· ol Mrs. Pinkley'• blltcr'y ao:l mcial cbl1rman,Mrs.J.J.'K1o.-Sen1ces will be bekl atll:JO her acUvtties wlth tbl ~ eaJd. a.m. this Friday at St. James a.nd otber clt'ie orpntuttons. Epl~l Cburcb, Newport The Fr1....U o1 the ~ BANK CONFERENCE Bea<:b, wttb !be RoY. JOba P, aao roc:et•ed a blrtbdo1 card s. R. llerplct, maaaaer ol Asbey D olll~laliJor. lnlermtlll trom the Collta Ut a aDd~~-tbe Coroaa del Mat oftlet ot wiU blat Paclftc YtewMemor. Vtrde Wnr111 w-.u.r t1ot Ualtod Callrorala -. wiU tal Park. -ac:IIYIIIH o1 tbt .,_ -ll>t -·•lrd-durt.ac ... -10 ,...... ..._ .. --al tbo Bert Saow, publle n l&tlcml $pc11Umea'a Lodp ID Hc:rib dlr-!lor KCET-TV, told o1 HollYwood 11-y, AprU 27. MARINERS NEWLANO.PRA TER WEDlliNG IIAY II K-Wllllam NIWlud, 1010 Boy A ... , ll&ll>oa, will IDUT7 CoM-net Au Pra&w ol ,.._ ... Dab ..., 18 at the Em-1 Pr111>111r1aa Cluwellla 'Dan 'lid <lab. IIIIo Pralor I• I ...- ol ... -CoU.,O ol - Dr, G-O'lleol. pr ' o al Tallal 1'Mo1oth1 Somlluy, La lllndl, will llo pq.ll .. _ ...... 10 LID, ud 7:01) p.m,-tllia _,, SUIIDAY acaOOI. AT .;oc, A.lll. W'llRSliiP IIPIYICK AT 10:00 4..111. E YlllbiG 11P1 YICK AT 7:00 P ..11. cUcaJ ud DellaJ ...... . . "=• .... IUd, ...... .. .... 11101 ..... lllar1l ......... .. WT CDAi1' IIIJ., CIDIIIU.-11&11 ---~-·-* lltltiU. -11tlot ... r-. Bo II I .-a. of Tlll1o lilttl> -~ -4 ,_.II Ute Ml'7 Wla lilt l rlli Ill. .. :. ..•. ,. .... o ......... --lri~-~1'10 ' CAROL CAPPELLO SUSAM PAPHLAM TWO OF THE FOUR ftrst place win.Defl 1D the area sem1- flaals of tbe Buk of Amerlcl.'l U?O acbletement awuds program are from local hlcb ecbools. Carol Cappello, at left, 1845 A.oabelm An., Apt. e, Costa Mesa, a student &t EstueLa hicb schOOl, won I.D tbeD.Dta.rts cateaory. Susa.o Paphlam, !713 Lorea&O AYe., a student at Costa Mesa. hJ.gh school, 11 the ttrst place wlooer ID YOCattonal arts. They haYe ea.roed at least $Z50 ea.eb, aod tbe right to compete for cub awards ~ to $1,000 at the Southern Calllornta Area 4 fhala May B. Stevea Slap, WS3Commodore Rd., Baycrest, a Harbor High studeat, WOP 3rd pll£e anrd I.D Uberal arts. JOe COSTA IRVINE CITY ZONING READIED Pl&.DDed commGidty IOidDc of tJm01t 4,000 &CUI'*'"-pluoen, tbe !SI,OOOaere oew Tbe welt..ceDtnl plaJMd riQUIIU tor ODI-twttftb ol tbt tbt Sua Aa u:J Su OletD city -tbe larpst totally plan. community area tblt 11 tbl propoMd oew City of lmDe frHftJI lD tiM wut-eeatnl Did ctty 1D tbe weltero btml-subject of Frlda}''a ftliDc wtU wert Mmltttd FridQ to Cbe area o1 tbt pi'OPOifld c::ttJ. IPbU•-wUJ ba:re u ultlm1te bave a popu1at10D raaclDC from Orup c-, plalullnccloport-A m!JIImum G1 4 rotd-1 -~~-oiUO,OOObyUieyar 00,000 w 00,000, Mr. R- meat. \1.1lacU, plu oomiDII'c:i&l. ZOOO. lt 1a b:ated betwen tbe aJd. Mu:tmom denklpmtJit ot RlcbUd Re~te, lrT1DI Com-achool aad reere~tsoaalldttl, Suttaco footb.Uls and the theareaiai.Dticipl.tedbytbeead puy flee pre.tdeot ofplaMIDC. are IDCOq»•_. bf tblp~ Cout&l area. Newport S.Cb L1 of th1J decade. 1akJ tbe requeltll.DYO!n loac· eommUDJ.ty IOil1Dc reque.U.. oa ltswesterotxMmdary; Lacuoa Tbe 4 000 acres ~ DOW' ruce plans fortbedefeq.me• As eDYtsioaed by eompi.D)' Beach oo tbe eastern boundar)'. llMeYe~ natkod 11 bouDcied S h I d .. Ule -by Je!frey ll<>od.., tate sc o ars name :.~.7.:.:.:=~=; Road cuts throueb tbe beart of tbe area. whlcb ltretebts The atate ~eholarshlp award Doooe Ter ., lrT1ae Tern.ee. Dr., West Newport. wlaDera for 1970·'11 were an-Arthur P~d, 300E.Cout • OCLA llOUDeed tbia week by tbe Call-Hwy., No. I, BayJlde Vlllap. Wllllam Brock, 1520 tonlia State Sebolarsblp and Burtoo Ray, 301 RotltD Hood Ln., Harbor Hlcbland.s. Rutb aorth from Unherllty Park south ot the San Die&O Freeway to Walnut VtUace, Deaf tbeSallta Au. Freeway. Loan CommlsslOa.. Ln., Costa U.eJl. • UC BERKELEY state ~eholars, all wlthiD tbe Sslly Petersen, 17642 Rock- highest 11111 of collep aptitude, COOT A MESA IDGH rose Way, ltYine. lrYlDe's n.st-centra.l uea were se1ected from more thaD Marleoe Baker, 3153 Sharoa • UCI pla.o prOYtdeJ at the eorridor 33,000 appUcants. Awards ue Ln. Kevln Kelly, 2.424 Veraoo Pt., intersection a 70-acre stte tor made to a mulmum of $2,000, David Dtes, 280 Nuau Rd. lt11ne, the new city's ctylc-cu.ltura.l but LD 00 event In excess o1 Kdhryn FUlmore, 3083 Yel-• Tl.STIN ffiGH SCHOOL center, according to James tuition a.ulfees at the college lowstooe. JOb.D Mangels, 18032 Butler, Taylor, the compcu:~y's paera.l or university selected b)' the Rlcbard Haoebett, Ill St. ltYine. plan admlldstrator. He said the award winDer. Scholarships are Cla.lr. • ML'SSlON VIEJO plaJmed community wnlng re- awuded to scademleallY able M.ll'tha Lecutsamoo., 1382 Timothy Vander Fur, 5092 questa also call for : F d Sh lone presented stOOellts WhO are In Deed of Walsoo AYe. Harcum Ln., lrYIDe. • Sites tor a maximum of ree om r ftiiiUICial asslsW>ce at U1e col-Susan Paplham,Z713LoreDJD ' OC RIVERSIDE 30,000 ctweiiiDC units, ""l..ung lege they wtll attend. State An. Neil Aerts, 275 E. 18th St., apartments. The Eubanp Club ofCorooa. riously presented to Harbor scholars are entitled to apply • ESTANDlA ffiGH Costa Mesa.. • A mlll1mum of 76 acres .lor del War presented tbe Freedom Vtew scbool and the Harbor day for ann~~a.l renenlifthey main-Frank Fetter, 1829 Iowa St. • ORANGE COAST COLLEGE at least 15 oel&bbOrbood parks. Sbrioe hlstorlca.l documents school. taln academic and ttna.oclaleU-S Sald'a Gents, 2904 Baker Ro1oee Claybaugh, 2568 Santa The oelcbborbood parks wtll be April 9 to the oew Eut Bluft' The Freedom Sbrlr»: ls a giblUty. t. Ana AYe., Costa. Mesa. built trlthin the reatdeotlal elementary school. mounted collectloo of 28 of the Here are the local winDers, Cl~:'Dr Kersten, 3015 Coootry Br~ !,~que«, 279 Broad-areas. Etcha.nge area KOYeroor Joe most Important and historical listed uo:::ler the schools they Moot..:..mery Lew 1791 !'aHy,UNT!No GTOesaN.BEACH tnGH • Eleven acres for a pro- Green dedicated the shrLDe 1D a American oocumeDts -re~ now attend· "'" • posed community park, to be ceremooy attended by Hal pUcas of original drafts of the • HARBOR tUGH Anaheim Ave. Terry Edwu4s, 400 Marrt. located wtth1D the east-west Pinehln, president of the kleal Oeda.ration of Endependeoee, Deborah Reed, 2137 Cballnel Richard Martin, Z-415 Rich-~··~Rd., Costa. Mesa.. enrtronmew.l corridor, U clai), and AI Dunlap, cna.rter tbe coostttutlon, wash1D&too's Rd Balboa mood Way. MATER DEE fUGH plt!Uc: aceoeies accept lhe re- presideoC and chairman ot the farewell address the tnstru-C'raig A~s 1400 Mariners Beth Newmu, 1 '731 Labrador Hilbert Furness, 340 Aln spooslbilUy for its develop- Freedom Shrine committee. ment of Ja,pane~ surrender Dr Harbor Hli;hlaods Dr· Ln., Costa M•~sa. ment. The gift ••• r-elved at ••-W ldW O -~~•-rs ., ' • POMONA COLLEGE • LA VERNE • ...._eiYe eleme---y """ ull;" ending or ar ..... ""'"" • Bruce Ctarles, 1148Sant1a&O G. Emmett Raitt 4821 Cort-Claoo Kell 3148 Yel'--•• .-.. sc:hool site on Vista del Oro Dr Donr Shores • e Y, ..,... scllools, to be b:atedwt.thlntbe by tuture East Bluff stmeots The euct reproductions are ·• · land Dr., Cameo Higblau1s, stone Costa Mesa, resldeot1al areas Nl.na Tamenwakt, Z647 Bus-made available through the co-Susan Curr ie, 2427 Margaret Mary HamtU, 61Z Hlln.oar, • uc'sANTA BARBARA • Three propo~ junior hlp wood St., and Mitch Molden-operatloo of National Atchins Dr., Newport Heights. East Blatt. Kevin Sba.oooo 1569 Tustin scbools hauer, of 519 Annida Campo. a.lld the Ubnry of Congress. Ricky Cuthbert, z.41l 16thSt., Kathleen Ryan 6503Sea.at:lore AYe Costa Wesa' • ~ n..........,sed lli..., sellool Newport Heigtlts. ' ·• • .---..,.. • Asst. S~t. Nor mao LoiUs re~ Coat of the eJpertly crafted re-Peter DeGratr, 2101 HaYeD presented the Newport-Mesa productf:oos trom the originals school district, and De~ as-is borne by the local Ezcbao.ge PI., Cliff Hnen. s:lsted by Mike HUI, prtoetpa.l Club members, who are also Gary Farber' 31Z Colton St., of the new schOol. responsible for the display of Newport Shores. The presenta.Uoo 1.5 lbe ltd the American flag throughoot JOOitb Payoe, 1401 CUff Dr., by tbe )oea.l eltlb, Mr. PlDellln Corona del Mar oo a.ll oatiooal Clitt Haven. ooted. others ban beeD pre~ bollda.ys. Jeri Peter90n, 1602 Clay St., Cwt Haven. Bru!e Trubo, 4401-8 River AYe., West Newport. Allen Wallace, 145 VIa ........ Wdololo. M•ll.oda Ayres, 430 Etlher St., Costa M•a.. Oeborab Gracey, ZZ6-A Knc.m Pl., Costa Mesa. Kenneth Wc:Naugflton. l86 La Perle Pl., Costa Mesa, a.jlmior eollece reserve winDer, whOse scholarship wtu be hekt 1D re- se"e wW he attends a 4-year college, • CORONA DEL MAR HEGH Erin Blackwell, ?03 Hello- trope Ave., Corooa. del Mar. Arnold Clark, 619-1/Z P~ Ave., Corooa. del Mar. Elaine Be.roard, 609 Po'Jlo. sett1a An., Corooa del Mar. Beoedtc:k Fnas, 1331 Boon1e LEGAL HOTICE CERTIFICATE OF CORPORATION ------- WRS. F'RA.NK HUGHES, at left. ltatt coanntioa eiiiJI'mu. member of the Newport Beacb Ebell Club, 1111 Mn. Thomas Balld:y, president ol Costa Mea Jaalor Womu's Club, are preparln( for tbe Jtate ooarllltloa of tile .cau- foraia Fedentloo of Womu'a Chlbl. Tbe OOGYetltioa wtU be hostessed by the Ora.DCt dlatriet u:t will bt beld Ma.t Zl-23 at the Dlsneyl&Dd Rotelbi.ADabelm.otbcotflcea to bt hekl by Newport Beaeh Jllllior Ebtll lDclude: am.uu-. Mrs. Warren Fll:; publlclty, Mrs. Euceoe Kma.eh; eredea.. tlals and conYention secretary, Mrs. VIDeeDt Wood. (Photo by Karen Kovach.) Scout-o-rama boosters Clarence Waltoo of Sana. Ala H. H. JaebcMI of Santa Alii. Tice will serve u chairOUD of tbe preskiaat of Bank ot America; Orange Empire COUDCII Scola-Joaepll A. Loq, A. J. McFid- 0 -Rama, to be beid May9attbe den aad S'C*'lor Jadct~ Coonty Fa!rgroUDds LD Costa. G. Scoville of Suta Ala; JUc:b. Mesa . ard B. Smltb ot TuliA; ac..t The "scouts-I..D..aetloo" day-W, Weed ol eo.ta.llea; F.,., loog progam wtU I..Dchade the Cbrtsteuea of Westmt,...; replica of an ladtu vUlap with Dr, Jotm L. DarlJ of CM,.NDI' tepees, ScoWl wW demoo~ CoUep, AadJ' o..1at ot strate LDd1a..D crafts a.Dd dances. Newport, 8widJ EbMG of ~ Assl.stl.og W.r. Waltoo are l51&Dd, Jotm Law.oa ud 0. W, George Hoac 0 and William H. Rlebard of Newport Seidl, Leoa Spurgeoo 01, both of Newport KDoeUer &DIS· Waller SeltmJd ot Beach and both Scout C(IIUD(!U Gudeo Gl'ore, Jtrrt Piu.oaot vice presidents, and W. R. Ma-FOUiltlia V....U.J, Fra.ak N, De~ son., presldeot of tbe l.rYIDe Co. uno or H•mHnctoo a.c.a. and a member of tbe Couoell'a Hiram Cl&)'KeUoaSr.otOlh'e, executlYe board; Dr. DudelAl-Carl Hu1bJ ot Su Jl&lccu- drlc:h, UCI eba.oeellol'; Brl&o truo, lll1lo Marebetti Jr. ol Gen. H. W, fUse, comm&DI:Wot La,... Nlpl udJaci'9'npe. El Toro MulDe Air StaUoa; bell ot 1.ApDa S..cb. FOR TRAI'CSACTION OF 8\.61~ NE$ UNDER FICTmOtB NAIIE THE UIIOERSIGNED COR- PORATION does bereby c:ertlf'J that u 1s cooducti..Dc a Bust~ oess k>eated at 359 San )UCU~l Dr1"re, Newport S.cb, CaU~ for nia, UDder tbe tlet1t1ous ft.rm oame ol NEWPORT CEKTER BUILDENG aDd tbat tbe aame ot said eorporaHoo aDI1 its prtD- clpal place ol bullDus Ui u follows: NEWPORT BEACH SWIM ClUB KARAST AN Creates Impossible Color a 0 I>Wiyouev.rM!e• Pickle-Dilley Grt!t!n? How about Flower-Power Blue? lnd.ipGo? Tickled Pink? <h even ForeTer Ember? TheN an~ a few ol the h..pPY a._s uci~inl multi-color combiDIIW.. bt TOUFFEAU, the ma.t ~ ahq yoa'ft '"""'' llefln or touched. Only KarMUin with it. careful and euctinc U.in-dyein1 ol ~ ol the four·ineh nylon yanw eoold a-. the depth and brilliance ol...,_ Yibnnt color c:ombinatioM- TOUJ'FEAU lit a manoeklu Yalu. in ""*""' ol ...U·•••ll bro.dloom otjut $11.95 oq.ycl. A.t • ..-nrc wtlh "'-"'Y-knot~ .. khJAI triJwt. It•• •blolately _ ........... 12'-$180.001 H.J.GA[{I{EfT fURNI]URE NAME OF CORPORATION : AZOollll'll EQUITlES, INC. PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSI~ KESS: 4510 campu Orin - Suite 18, Newport Beach, Call· forllla 9%680. WITNESS Ill balld tbts 15111 daJ or Aprl~ mo. MAllE OF CORPORATKJN, AZOoltrrH EQUITlES, IJ!C. Slpblre UKI tlUII ol autbor- 1sed oftleer or otlleers ot tbe corporatloo: Jamea F .. Crout, See. Tr ... STATE OF CAUFORMlA ) )a. COUIITY OF ORAIIGE ) OM THIS 15tO doJ ot Aprl~ A.D., U 'lO, btb'e me, tbl a. derolpocl, a Molarr - Ill .... .,. -~ .... Slat., ro lldlllc -...., clo)J -mlo- aloMd 1111 ft'OI1lt per100oo aiiJ -laaoo F, Crvo1, --lo ... lo bt "'" --... ,..-.,.., .... _.._ ........ ·-·"'"---.. -· " "'" ____ .... ... ·-lodlod lo ...... -CGIPII'-.. •e_. 1M--.. Df WliMDiWBDIOP,I•n ... q' ... .,. ......... .,-_,..., .. ,.., ............... -wrt _Loo,_,_ .. OOST • --· 1011 .. -c.-,--1211 H.-4.MOlaVD. .. -., em I I '-"',.., 6tU111 UU176 ~:.:.. Alrll a, a, ...., l ____ ..!.":·~·~ll:ll~l:l ... ~ .. ~·=-=-~·~~~~~!.:':;:_ ___ j ~ ..... lo .. lfcQiod . ,. 2101 USTBLUFF DRIVE IEIPDRT BEACH COMPLETE FAMILY MEMBERSHIP OUR MfMBERSHIP INCLUDES THE FOLLOWING FACILITIES ... A~R IL II -e Kfi'T. IS • DL YIPIC SliM PDDL • DIIIIC FACILITIES • CUI SICIAL GATHERINGS • SUIA IATI • SIPEIYISEI CHILDREN'S ACTIYITIES • nis Me1hrs~i,, lert~ S25D.DD Is Auile~le Ill Fir S100.00 PRICE INO...UDES COMPLETE FAMILY LIMITED NUMBER OF MEMBERSHIPS SIGN UP NOW ' THE SPIRIT SAVES lltU RlOAY, A. 'Ill 23, 1910 OOIIlU DEW!AR, Clrllf: BIBLE Says The Sinless One Made Sin "F,.. Ao ..U _. W..,. h M /W til, ..... ..._ • ria; rut •• •'-~1 h _. lAo"'"'-of GH na .w-. "- WORLD PRQPHETIC MINISTRY, INC. HOWAAI> C. lSTEP DRAWER 470 COLTON, CALIFORNIA 92324, QUESTION : HWhy W41..S tJa~ Tribe of Dtm not in· cltultd in the li..sl of the Twelve Tribes of Revelation, chot"er n·· n Cor. &:11. a11 ·-!'J ..... _ 1o -,.. .,.,Dr. B. A.lrr•l... San OC God. ....., Be wu bor'll (Cofftl•ull fro• l•d Wu4) ol a vtrp. ....... wlllwut ... u ....... bow He-llo _,_,Ill __ ,.._ oomp!Od 1o all -lllot u -aol God. -,_ • ....., u -..,.., lf He dkl DOt ........ • ... n.e.:naat. c...c: ... 10 Ht ... f\11 nature, I woWd rem.ladl ,_ wu God lncarMte wu .... ._..., that our flnt ,.,..a .,.. alalett abo¥e .,-ddtc fll 1ht kiM.. II _. wllm temptation lint ...,. fl> "*· .. _ --Hlo ...,.. them. 11wy were tested on thtM tation be ~. tf ....,. WM • -... tho ""'' ot tho -· tho .-JbilltJ -He -laD!" .. IUIIt ol the .,-e, and the IWt6t ot aniWf!r Ja dNr and *rte .. Ute. ~ are the 0111¥ dwee WI3'S temptafkln wu Mt permitted r. ln which man ean be tnted T~ order to ftnd out It He wauld ANSWER: May I ougeot that you carefully read the toUcm either.,... .. ,.. die ionn ot loll, but to _. tbot Ho - 17th and 18th chapters of the Book of Judges, and yoo fleollly ,...,.Ucm, tho -ptation -. It wu--tod- will see there how tbeTribe of Dan departed from God, ot ~~orih!t :,:~ H;, W:, ~~t!'.'!"!'•;!: and set up a false religion, wbich actually was a sys~ :he IOUJ.: or, 'u appeala to the apln and qatn ot the~ tem of pagan idolatry. I believe this may be the reason mind, the temptation of the IPbit. bw. "It 1t rno.t bob*." How ~ why God excluded the Tribe of Dan from .the list of.the ~=-~tha~~ 1::0.: = = ~m:'S:."~ ~~b sealed servants of Israel, as recorded tn Revelation, ror food-the hut ol the fifth· that pnnred It, and then oa tbe ._, chapter 7. It wu pleuant to the ~the ~ ol Ills cnxUbdoa dilttnct W. ltaat ol the e)'t': that It wu drta1red Umon.y wu ctven four til'tlft liP to make one-wt.e-the pride ot the aame ........trou. tact. 1be 'W'It. Also, if you will carefully read the Book of Gene· llte. She upitulated 011 every pobrt. ot PUate betoupt ber ., ... ..,, sis, chapter 49, verses 16 aod 17, in a prophecy made Adam slt&ted 1n her 11n, and thua "HIIVe thou~~. do wtch tbe by Jacob prior to his death, you'll see that he foresaw V~e,. .,.ra.ee .~ame fallen. To.,.auut :rw~ t:• bud..~!:!" . f D .ud ' b. 1 f th w_.,... """""' wt>l • the Tube o an J gmg JS peop e as one o e bt>utt, Satan &aid, "Make theR "I find no tauJt m him at aU :' Tribes of Israel. (Gen. 49:16.) none. bread." It wu the appeal The penltmt ttUd ,..,..... by Hta to the Nat ot the Oeah. He lhowed aide on the CJ'OU declared, '"lbll our lArd aU the ldnPoma o1 eartb man t1ath dorw nothl.nl: amW." From this prophecy it appe81s that the Tribe of Dan and the ~lory ot them-Che Jut When He at Jut yieiMd LIP Hi• TM. RO"O 0, 'n4K ~0 .. 0 ~ .. ~~...o~. T&MN , 0.. H. A. tronaldo tl'lou earnest IntO thy kirwdom."" 'lbat wu laJth. 1bt' thief could diacftn in thl!t thorn-<:rowned SUI· fner, f'arth's comlrc dor:iO&as Kblc. But Jnua saki, u it 1wn-e, "I wUl do better than that. You do not need to walt tor me to eome In my klna<Som. 'To d.t.y thou lht.Jt be with me ln Paradise.· ·· will be restored during the Millennial Reign of Christ ot the eye. He IL.IftHted His le• 11plrl1 to ttw ~~~thf'r ~~~ Roman on the earth. Thank you for giving me an opportunity inc from thfo ~de ol the tiPm-~::tu:": /~c•'~:,:!· m::."!·~,nlHy• ,.,...., THE ICINGS BUSINESS,. 13100 Blolo A .. .,, lo MI ...... Calif. . . . pJe to be sustained by &nj(el hands · to dtscuss thts matter With you. and thus be accredtted to the peo. 1nww "o .,,,. ·• •• lA•••• Str-•• pfe-the Pride of life. But each :·~,. w.'IV mode,;,._ .. in bt.!h the- Ourtrc t..hose first three-hours. while the sun was lhlnin&: down upon \hal crws, He wu suffering from thP hand of man. But what Jetu.s endured at ttK> t1and of man WOUld never pu• 11way one -"In, '"'en suddt-nly 11 1 011{1"1 noon, Uw• ~un seemf'd •n h. blollf'ft out •1l the heaven.!> Appallilll( t1arknt.~.s spread ovPr 1111 1h1• '""f'rW'. """"' early ~MSI.ilm.11 •IIU'd In .;;ay l}llll f>iony<iJUI lht-i\rf'('IJW~-1(1!>-Will llri· drt'UIIIg •• ··•al'l'i of ~tud.-nb n "'le)l(andria Jl l 1ha 1 •nomt'nJ . when thl.s supemau.&rAI rtarkm·"• spr,..ad over thf' ..,...,rtd .&nd IN' ,.;;uddl:'nly exclaimed, · E1thf.or t1 Kod 11 dying. or U\f' univt'r!k' u •. 1boul 10 fitO :nto dissolution. The purpose of the Spirit's striV · perience to another. The Bible QUESTION: "What is th~ pro per wa )' 10 addr~ss a tt'mptatton failed, eve-n as an ar-one~na.l language~~ m whJch the ing is to save. Paul wrote in says. "But as many as received mini.s trrr B)' th•s 1 mt:an, what t•tlt: s hould hf' bt" ;:t'.iiHet~ wi=t :~. ~/!:~ =:!eT:!:;~w~ ~"::;; ~ his Epistle to Titus, "Not by Him [Christ]. to them gave He givrnr .. ft'red being 1~pted. 1be Vft')' 1in«rertn 1 ; so we may under· works of righteousness which we power to become the sons of God. pr'eS("fttatk»n or temptation to Him At1uld thb t'XPI"'HJ.kJn to m~: "He have done, but according to His even to them that believe on His ANSWER : There is a wide variety of titles given to w~ ~~If;: ~noxious uff~t it ;::, 7n~sa~ ·~~!;:,:· ~ mercy He saved us, by the wash· name: Which were bom not of ministers, such as Pastor, Elder,·, Brother, Bishop,~; is 1ru_.1~ft')' or:;::~: ~~ra1'1Y sh.a.lt make hb .ou(an ottmnc tor inc of regeneration, and renewing blood, nor of the will of flesh , nor Doctor and Reverend. The title of Reverend is the one with us Pet"" tt-lls 111 that "He sin, he ahaU ""' h.is seed, he shaiJ of the Holy Ghost" (Titus 3 :5). Ob· of the will of man. but o f God " which draws the most fire from those folk who strongly :_~ t1a~ .s~Pr.:d_ I~ 5 t_ht'. ~esh ~ ~da~ a.:n::;~~as~ serve the words. ''He saved us, by (John 1:12. 13). The concept of oppose the use of giving titles to ministers. The word eyes ~t'~1un,:"1 t1~~-Pre11";,1t~~ hand.'' the ... renewing of the Holy the New B1rt h of Christians is com· "Reverend" occ urs only one time in the Bible, and in UA as something attractivt" and oo. not~h~'~y"':!nd~c~!~~~ Ghost." Salvation is God's desire mon to the Gospel of Christ , but speak_ing ?f God, the writer says, "Holy and REVER· ~=ultn ~r te~;:~~n~~:S wi~ which our bleued Lord endW"f!d for all men. He "will have a ll men t hat Birth does not come from hu· END IS Has name." Ps. 111 :9. out and wt" have ro suffer in the upon the ci"'O$s that madt' expHiation 1 to be Saved, and to come unto t he man stock. that is. it cannot be n '• . nl . llu ror Iniquity. It wu what e au · es m o er to re1111t. t it 1 ~ . His hoi U -·• I d f h t 'h .. (I r · passed on f om pa ent to ch.ld · "P "wu -·-lh H. H _., e.~ In y, spo f'"lll .......... know e ge o t e ru lm. r r 1 · Personally, I call my pastor by the t1tle astor. • ...... 10 w~ tm. e ...... In Hl..a si.nJeu bt'inr When the h t. E t Ch t k th 1 h · lered when .sm 1n any fonn wu '. 2:4), and it is by I e regene ra 1ng ve ry rue ns •an nows a e To me he 's "pastor", not elder, btshop, overseer, or presc:-nt('(j to Him. ~e-nt that our _ s1n1 dHt'rved power of the Holy Spirit that H1s d oe s not owe hi s salvation to nat· any other of a half a ~ozen different title s. I think the Let me illustratt: this .. suppose ~~ ~W:.Im~;;,;~ a=~ saving work is accomplished. Now ural descent. from physic al or bio-best way to settle this would be to go to your pastor ~at • young _man or. h~ pr1~ crou God HimMit ~m• to havf' h II ·11 t b I · I c b t t the lng . · he d c1pl« 11 u.soc•att'd w1th h1.1 own · we know t at a men WI no e Oglca auses. u o sav and ask him what 1Jtle he wants you to use w n a • fathf'r in the managemt-nt of a divk!ed thf' lime Into two halvn. saved, but those who become saved work of the Holy Spirit. The grace dressing hi m. As far as I'm c oncerned , I'm Howard C. bartk. He love-s •nd honors hU Frornlh . lho 1 third _to 1~1'"'•1hhoulhr. · · f God d t fl · h · · at as rom n.uw o c oc m e do so by experiencing thts savmg o oes no ow 1n uman Estep. I'm swe I've received all the ma11 ever ad-tathM', and _nothing meant mo~ to momin& until hiBh noon acco~ work of the Spirit. veins. Regeneration is accomplished dressed to me when only my name has been used, and~~~~~~~~~ 1i':._~~cy ~ lne 1o our ~~Y of l't'Ctoclrc. the The plan of salvation could not by the Holy Spirit applying the liv· whenever a person called out my name, I've stopped his buaineu IUSOCiate-.s. Bu! sup-sun wu ~rune down upon that be accomplished without the aton · 1ng and powerful Wo rd to the be· and ac knowle dged him , if I heard him call. So I'll stay posto IOfneOt'K' in tiM> bank should ~=·to!:;. :::' isthe ~~ : · k f Ch . t th C lieving heart f he make the 11uggestaon to lhl.s son • · mg wor o n s on e ross · by the name my mother and at r gave me . thai, 11 they wou.ld act t(lifelt\er, til three o'clock In ttM' aftt'niOOn, and His bodily resurrect ion from The Bible speaks of regeneration But mav 1 say that if you're in a c hurch supplying they might rob the bank of thou-a..,IIUr:rnat:::l darkneu l!ftlhf"OUd.. d th d th g e But t he mere I t. I f d th · t • sands of dollars anrl '=<>V<"r up "' Kl!'ne. ea an e rav . a s a trans a ton ou o ea m o in the pulpit and some deacon, or even the pastor or ..__. _._, · · . In thoat' first thrt'f' hours thert" ed d · · ·•v · · 1 ' t .... 1r wrona""V<Jotng temporanly, o.nd fa ct that J esus d• an rose JS life . Jes us sa1 d , enly, venly, the assistant pastor introduces you as Reverend , or be rar out ot the country before .... no I!'Vtdence ol any speoc,,..l not suH1cient "to save any one. Tfte say unto you. He that heareth My Dr so-and-so 1 think it would be polite if you ignored the evil deeod could be discovered. ~..::!...,~)On ... lf_:_wu .Wt~~~~ be · · • ' Ca · ,...~ __ the i-l.--tian --· t nee ~Cave no .::youo=no.·c work of rede mption f!!USt ap-word. ·and believeth on H1m that the introduction and didn't start an lllgumeat about lbe f ~.)'OU Jma ... """ nd u;:·-ot the ~ut seiC.pity. Not orw wont plied to each individual sinner. sent Me. hath e_verlasting l1fe, ~nd title they had just gjveft you.1 Preach the Word , and ~alsu~~th~~ !.owd m:: wu utteM by: thoee holy Upa thaT This is the Spirit's mini stry. He shall not come mto condemnation: pretty soon they won 't know wbether you are a bishop, to think that anyone Would think lndlcar~J~ aH "': ::.!n He-mm th·s ork by bring·ng b · d f d th t 1·1 " · · · · 1 t1im capable of domo anyth•ng 10 wu su ........ e at co ences 1 w 1 ut IS passe rom ea u no 1 e an elder, or JUSt a Holy Spmt·hlled layman. v\Jc, sn low. whe-n tKo was his r ... the foot of the crou and saw Hi* convict ion . And when the heart re· (John 5 :24 ). The unsaved ma n is ther's tru~ted .,n! Ht' wouJd be .mother and John. tht' bekwtd, sponds in faith to the Word o t God. descnbed as bemg "dead in tres· QUES TION : '"Wh o •s the MAN C IIILD m Rev da· humiliated and u.ham<'d to think standl.nc near. HIP saki to bt>r. the Holy Spirit at once regenerates. passe s and sins" (Eph . 2:1). Can tiOn, chaptu J2r " that anyone: woukl dare to pre~ ::Behokl thy son," ~ to John, 5t'-rlt such a temptation to hlm. EWhold thy mothiP'r. John thPn The work of both the Son and the a dead person g1ve l•fe to himself? So in a far higher sense the temp. took her. and led he-r away from Spi rit in sa lvation is prophesied in Hardly! This is where the Holy ANSWER : Some people teach that the MAN CHILD tations of our Lord J~us Otrit:t that awful scene. He ~ •t the Old Te stament . The Son's work S · ., 1 th H · "th · h 144 ()()() J ho re ked by an angel as meant the keenest suffertna:, lor the cre•t throne 11.thered all !'" p1r1 en ers e scene. e IS e 1s t e , ews w we mar ' He was absolutely free from all bout Him, and listened to tbf'll" is pred icted 10 such passages as Isaiah 53. The Spirit 's ministry a p· pears in passages like Joel 2:28-3 2 cf Acts 2:17·2 1. Spint of l1fe'" (Rom. 8:2). More rec orded in Revelation, chapter 7. Personally, 1 can--Inward tendency to sin. crln ol ht.tred and blupbemy: than th•s . "The Sp~rit IS life" (Rom. not accept that teaching, because when we carefully But we may 10 farther: "He "U thou be the Olrl..at, .. vt-~ 8 :10) Thus He o nly can impart observe the MAN CHILD and the woman of the 12~h ~no !in'" in the s.ense that it ~~~~,,:;'eMU~~:!~':-~ li fe. fo r "the Spmt gtveth IJfe" (ll chapter of Revelahon we see that the MAN CHILD ts =d ~~r::b~" !':; c!!; m';;. and pleaded, "Father, ~oq:tve Sa lvat ion is the result of the Cor. 3 :6). Th1s life IS D1v1Me li fe ; Christ and the woman is Israel. Please read that tnt in the nrsh. HC! did not chance ~-lot they know not what they 1t IS Hi s own life which He shares chapter very carefully with this in mind. m. l)orioUI Pf'nona.lily when He do. 'nwn He heard tht pt""Qft' became man. Cod the Son 1 of the d)'inc malft'aetor by His wi th al l who wdl receive it. lf man 's rom side "Lord remember me when Yes ~ Hf' who 11 bcnh God llnd man was dyu'lt God wu tt1f'n en- terh\1[ into iud&mf'nt With Him r-ro- ~tarding our 'iiNi. In tholw> thl'\.>e hours ol darknt"U , darknt>5.s which no human eyr ..-·otdd piPrcP. alone upon tht" crou the juda:mt"nl which our &ins ~rvf'd was v1slted upon Him. 'nlen His :oOUI was made> an offering for run. Tht"n "He wu wounded for our transgrl"'lionl, he wu bndsed for oUr iniqultlt'l : th e chastt.t"ment of our peace was up- on him." Tht>n lit' couJd cry, .:ts in the words ot t~ Psalmist "I:lrH-p eallf'th unto dt"t"P at tht' noise of thy wat("f" o;poutl'~ all thy wavet and thy bilk»ws al""t' tone over me.·· Tht'n 11 was that He wu made to be sin tor us. In some way that our finitf' mind.t cannot now undt'ntand, the pent · up wrath of the ct>nturit'l ff'll upon Him, and He "lank in dH-p m11""t' where then> wu no lta.ndiJw,.. fU He enduf"#:d in Hit lnmo1t beina: ...._, you and I would have had to endurt' throua:;h all erf'mity. had U not bPe-n tor His mi~thty sacri· flee. Then HJs MK~I wu madr "n offering for stn, and at thE" dark· Mil was pasai"lil: 11way. Wf' he"r tht> cry of anguJ.sh prt'dicted in thl:· fW('fUY·~ Psalm, "M y Cod, my God, wn y has t thou for. .saken me~" Do )'OO know th e a~ !M'er"~' In '-'rdt'r that you and 1 might ht~v.o. l'fcrn&l lif r . He the hoJy One, the ){lniHft One. rook our place in jud~tmPnt that wt' mieht be torev,•r MJiv,.rrd from condemnation. Ht' Wf'nt mto dark- neu that light mi&:ht ever shine upon us. Hf' bo,.,. our heavy load of guilt that our sins might be removrd as far as the eut is from the we1t. (Co~ Nut WHk) supernatural act of the Holy Sp~rit. It is a radical change which takes place 1nstant1y, not gradually. The s1nner flfst he a rs the Word of God, actions a re to be changed. the source of his actions must be changed. The heart of the natural man is corrupt (Jer. 17:9). l ike a foul s pring that cannot produce pure water. the heart of the un· saved man cannot produce works sufficient for his salvation . He St. Thomas Bible Lesson L ... o" ;3, s~.; •• m WISE AND FOOLISH VIRGINS wh1ch is 1n rea l•ty the Word ot the Hol y Sp1nt. the Thi rd Person in the Godhead . It 1_s the Word that quick· ens fa ith. for "Fa1th cometh by hea ri ng, a nd hearmg by the Word of God'" (Rom. 10:17). Even thi s quic ken ing of fa1th 1s attnbuted to need s a new hea rt : he needs new t he Spint. Fait h 1S a gift of the life. J esus' para bles told aa hll campaign approached Ita climax at the crou a re pa rabies of his second coming and the last judgement, and the end of the world. These are the themes of thf' Ad vent season. Advent La not a preparation fo r Christmas: Christmas Is the beginning of the mighty acta of God which &n!! to culm inate in the advent or comi ng o f Jetus lo lhe throne of Heaven with hit g lo rified humari. nesh. There hP enthrones his manhood, and from there ad. m iniste rs human do minion over the earth as God had commanded of Adam. His final act of so vtorelgnty will be to hand down the final judgement on the d('e(fs of every man done In the flet h. Spirit (I Cor. 12:4. 9}. Men l1ke The Holy Sp1 rit •s the Aut hor and Stephen a nd Ba rnabas. who were Gi ver of life. We all owe our phys•· full a t the Holy Ghost. we re like· ca l existence to Him. "And the wise full o f fa1 th (Acts 6:5: 11:24). LORD God formed man of the d ust Paul reminded the Galatians that of the g round, and breathed into his they rece•ved t he Hol y S p i r it nostrils the breath of life; and ma n lhrough fai th that was quickened became a ltving soul " (Gen. 2:7). by the Spirit Himself (Ga l. 3:2. 3). The d istinct ive element 1n man's And we all need to be reminded that creation is this "breath of life." tor faith "1s the gift of God " (Eph. 2:8). t he ph ra se is altered to read "the When a believing sinner acknowl· Spirit of life." Or. Lockyer titled his edges for the first time the LOrd · tme book on the Holy Spirit, "The ship of Christ. that confession is Breath of God." The Greek word for bom of the Holy Spirit. for Paul spirit [pneuma] means breath or wrote. "Wherefore l give you to wind. After Christ's res urrection understand . . that no man can He met with the disciples. and John say that Jesus IS the lord. but by wrote. "He breathed on them, and the Holy Ghost" (I Cor. 12:3). saith unto them. Receive ye the The Spirit's work iD salvation Holy Ghost" (John 20:22). The produces a "new man" (Eph. 2:15), Breath of God is His own Holy "a new creation" (ll Cor. 5:17 Spirit. R.V.), because of the impartation All who have not been born of the new nature which is the again of the Spirit of God are un· "Divine nature" (ll Peter 1:4). Sal· saved because they are still dead in vation is not an attempt to improve sins. God 1s not the Father of such the old nature. Jesus said to Nico· persons nor can they claim Him . demus, "Except 1 man be born of "lf any man hao;e not the Spirit of water [the word, cf. Ephesians 5: Christ, he is none of His" (Rom. 26; t Prster 1:23) and or the Spirit, 8:9). No mon can 1» saved without he annot enter into the kingdom recefving the Holy Spirit. tt is not of God •••• Marwl not that I said correct to say that a porson be- unto thM, Yo most be born opln" comes sa.ed, and then It somo (Jolin 3 :5, 7). Thl$ ,_ birth, called tater time !le recelws the Holy ,...,_lion Of' UMIIon, Is the Spirit The rocttlvlfll of the Spirit ll*ioliHd ministry of the Holy rnaltlll one 1 Cl>rllllln. Rocelvtna Spirit. No man ..., .. _ himself ulmion and rocttMnl the Spirit !" eo;p~tio<lca tile New llrth, -occur ~neoully, It -and ..., -,.._ I.-wit IIIIo ex· tile.-time. It is this second comins In judgemenl thai Ia the end of all thing• created. All eyps now look ahead to this end. Thlt Is the end that justifies all means. Every human action that leads lo j1.1stifkation at the throne of Christ It good. Any deed that threatens condemnaUo n at the last Judsement I• a wrong means. Means or methods never in themselves have intrtntic wo rth. They are measured who ll y by the end toward which they a re directed. Such a great end should command all our zeal. Therefore Jesus teJit many para bles to exhort us to put everything in &econd place to preparaUon for Hl.s coming a gain. .. Watch therefore. for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh."' ~Watch"' is the key word. It convey• the whole tpirU of the Chrlttian's life. All the many uses of the word watch apply. There Is the night wallthman, e. pecially he who keep• awake for the dty and patrol• Us street., aJertlor danger o r for news or any public Import. There 11 the utronorner keeping his watch on the 11lan, alert not onJy to keep th~ standard or dme, but to gtve wamina when a COI"net moves into an orb that will shake the earth with Udes and earth- quakes. Then!! I• the aaUor who keeps walleh at nlcht aa hit ship tall• or attamt through the darktlellt, and durln1 the dtty to wam of shoals or tlpal the sight olland. There are the 1hephenb who keep watch over their Ooeb by day and by night; and the shepherd• ollsratl, the derey and teachtn and prophtu who call out the word of God and r~uke for ttna. Every Christta.n t. on wallr:h at all times. "'Watch,"' Ia the command of Jesus. To be on watch "toM awake. to be alert. to have knowledge and under· 1tandLnc of what matten. Above aU it Is to care. "'Care"' II aoother lre&t Chrllttan word ttnd eo C\OM In tta manlna 10 lhe word '"watch"' thalwt cannot havt one without the other. "Care"'" II a de:rlvattve ol the Ladn "carttu• mea.n.101 "'charity"' or "Ion. • To relnloru the meantna whtn theM wo.rd.a,. especially "'low."' become ovedoaded with ee.ntimmtal OOU• •d llddry rom•ntk:l•m, Clu'lltiane ofttn UM the .-ord "'concan. • To watdt re~~ulroo oan, -... dJafiiY,low. 'l'blo ta tbo .....,.. .. lift o( 1'-•-.,, ........ ft &10 <OW>'!d doed ~,..God. • Faith, bopo &ad clror· lly, wrlteo Ill. Paul, bul tlto ,_, 01-lo dlarlt;y. •aauud an tboee MrYanta. .......,., I.e lord wbtn he co-. lllaJt tlnd ..-...., • • • And II I» oball "'"!" In 1M ........ -11:11, <w-t. tho thll'd waleb. and llnd then 10, b"n11d a,.tharMM'ftDa• MaHhew 25:1 -13 Wha t It mean11 to watch 111 taught by the pa rable of the wiAe a nd fouli!>h virgins. Here we see young girls, some wh o care, o r who a re fill ed with cha rit)" and love: o thers who are careless and negligent, wh o flulter about like bultf.>r· mes In lhe warm sun unmindful of lhe approaching wlnler. No thing 11 of greater importance among the works of Hte in this wo rld tn a girl than marriage. All her growing years are directed toward preparing fur It: all her mother's and father' A plans concerning her rew lve aro und helpinJi: her to a !lultable match: all herllfeafter marriage is dominated by ht"r hus band toward whom, God said, shall be her desire. Her loyalty and df'\•nllnn Ill thi" bridegroom lA required of her when she appears befo re the Se at 11f .J udgl·mcnt. the end that rises above all others. Evto ry girl Is cx pe<:ted to care a bout her marriage then so at to be alert at ali times to do "'hatever she <"a n, takt• ad· vantage of whatever turns 1.1p, to make herM"If ready. The wise virglnA have their Wl'ddlng la mps 1"\"ad y fo r thP l'uminp: nf thl· brk:legroom, whenever that may be. They k~p their la mps trimmed a nd ready a! all times. Their readinesA recalls the dark night of tt•rrur in !::gyp!, the night of the Passover, when every ma n had orders :~ l.t't yo ur loins bto girded about and your lights burning.· They care. They ktlnw wh a t matters and act accordingly. That 11 love. It may call for rebukl'", fo r htt rdness. for weariness. The foolish virgins don't care. They grow tired of wa iting a nd ~thC!y all slumbered and slept. .. "Yet a little sl~p. a little 1lumber, a little folding of thP hand• to sleep ... Calamity, like poverty upon the sluggard. camt• n1 an a rmed man. They had no oil, the shopt were cloaed and I hat for which ali th ei r lin•s on earth we.1 Intended pused them by. The lmpor1 II obvlou.e. Chrlatiant are to care; we are to watch and bt ready for the coming or the Lord at all Urnes. Chrhtlans often hold watch servtca, or vlglls ae tht Latin has it. 1'hnf are Jon1 attvk-es of Plalm t inging, Scripture re.adlfll and praye.r, often tonllnuln& through the whole night. They are speda.l timet of exertJon to Uchten up our habitual readlne ... II thould also be noted that the wlte vlrcJJU do nol ahart their p~red· neu with the rooU1h. They are not expected to be cardeq wUh lhflr own read I· neu ln lhla way either. They haw no antt.poverty procram, no lea1ue lo In- sure the a.IUJI&rd and the fooll.ah ttl&lntl the conaeqUfntft or thetr folly. Care. or charity, beetnawU.b taldnc care for your own. OUTLINE: Of tJw ulf'6llv JtJaib'ftB thw comitW of 1M bndraroom. 30mf' k.ICII:"~ haw CGIY ort:horlly and Or. ready; Ollurt .Jumbcrond 1ft lhd r oU run out·~ 1M bfidcroom comftllttn arw: nol IWJdy. ~ olhtrt wUl fNJI Uto.tY willa lJwm and~ arw tthut out of 1M marri48t. F the-p •• II . NEIPORTHAROORENgGN rom o 1ce oner SECOHDSECTlON--Papl • lHURillAY, APRL 23, IS70 WEDNESDAY, 4PliiL I • Pltlll&Y, APRIL I Ill lllo lroal drl•"'f II H' CORONA oa MAR, CAUF. ~~~ Hacll -.. Bel. G. •--ll" clluo p.m.; II mld•llbf u na .,;.. 'rl1n lftr JfeCitt m•f" ..... BEll. BROADW'-Y MORTUARY 110 Brocdway Uf.MII,.._O.O_ • llalltao 81101., 8ollloo, -Ito aw a blot ~~~ ••• Bolt)' Waeotor, og - ·-lllol a t'U!Ial !loti •NO-&lalllllnleot-Boy, r..,...od uw ._ 1-fool -to dttrtJtc tllo ...... Uti la _, -.. lllo w. Oceu Sabol bod .... -· clurtJtc lllo tllrew PIU« DO lllo walla, 1'1. parlilor lol DMr l!nport lll#ll from lbo boaell a.r bor dooll aad tr1DIIow1 ud broU PW; a-Cit lkliiPid at l!ltb St. borne ••• A apeaker IDd Clbl.alt 10•111'&1 pleeuofqaa!JlY-Uti -B!Td., ea-. &1111 bolooelnl 1o Hubor 11111> for I loa at $'00 ••• c..,._, 00 ....-R4bort II, Em., stud ... lloo&ltl R .... u Eqlar tolallDc $%0 wu t&ltoa 41ttrq U, of 1014 W. So-Blod., lUI Mulu Lc., Hubor Hill': bu~Dea bcMa1 from u UD-8aJboa., &1: 10:%0 p.m. • • . luda, wu tUeo the eli)' btfon loetedbrltteutootbtdllkotJoba Honrd Seruep Jr. trom bi& cl.uaroom ·-..o.,._a,.y..o,w'o'st••·"•..,.,•.,._.. OWOD Ttlleo, 7100 W. Cout lU-1/Z CecU Pt, Costa Mesa' EdWard J R~da. 'u5J ,,., .... ,.,,._.we Hwy., Welt Newport • • • wu arretted at '7:10p.m. o,ea;. Vi& Udo '10 the ~ Sbapl ~ 8C·ACH~ CALI,.OMftA Dorothy VIckrey, too Sea I.A., 2~1 W, Cout Hwy,, Warloers Area, rePorted that a l-foot THE AME"ICAH t..:UTHI:IIIIAN CHUJitCH Apt, 22, Harbor Vlft H1U., I!Ue, 00 a ebarp of felooy bit dlnlfty hldbeeotakeDJOmttime lrOD A.M. TO 10l.:t A.M. -II' AMI LV WOfUHI~ WU bitteD OD tbe 1eft b&DdWbi:D ud ruo., followtnc &D accldett alter W&rc:h Z8 from tbe be&eh e,;., A.M. TO 10t8) A.M. -&IN DAY aotOOL abe picked ~of) bu mtmature whicb cali.Md loju.ry to WlWam across trom2000Baylhore0r 1t1CIO A.M. TO 12t00 NOON -WOfWollll~ •lltYic• poodle tbe ntpt: before; lbtpoo-Wallace, 1 S, of 6511 Seasbor'e Bay Shores. '' ,._ .... ,__ a. _...._ • ...., dle wu qtai'&Dti.Ded fol' 10dQs Or., West Newport, wbo was .--. • ··A cameraa.ad cue, ta.Wed cros~tnc Coa.st Rwy.atOJ"allge GERMAH FILM AT UCI 'l1te ..... •urlt ..... A"'' ,......, at $185, 1I"U takea Ju. 5 or 6 An, ••• RobertHearySteYens, Tbe German Club at UCI ~5;~i;~;;;;==PII=••:•::~I~·~-~=::::=.=::=;::~ from the home of T. DuDcu 19, oU8Z4HlgblandDr., Harbor will preseot tbe Olm "Der 81. f Stewart, 183 Sborecwr Rd., HleblaDda, wu arrested at 9:30 berpell" (Tbe Beuer Fur") a.tatl• Sc'-ce Pl,.t ....... a-• Sbore CUlts •• , Tbe $40 P1l p.m. at .Urd St. a.ndR1Yer An., at Z aM ?:SO p.m. April t5 u ~cea _, C..N .._ saw of carpenter 0, L. Looc. West Newport, OD a cbatee of put of a series o1 set"ea films ,._.. c.v.:. or 2382 Westmluter PL, Costa posw•s1nn of marl )lana • , , based oo DOted Gerrnu literary m-.r, KIDITDI .,.1.1 lt•a. r.t ..... tp Mesa, wu lakeD from bl&-.. SectD'ity otneer WJWe Greer a.nd musical worts "Dor UOl Via Udo ,.~.,.~ .. , -A•ln• ••• LEGAL HOTIC~ LEGAL NOTICE L!GlL HOTIC! locked car at lbe eoom-lttvestl .. ltJ>c sllorlaps 1o .,.; Blberpels" Is 111e Ger~ fl1m Ne..,.rt Boadt -e -& "-'tolte. ORDINANCE NO. l3SZ qua.Wltd by reuoo of tral.alne submJt to tbe H•ltb Officer a sUe at 113 SboreclilfR.J.,Sbore cub recfster iJI tbe lugage version otGerb:lrtHa~'s SJNDAY SCHOOl AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY aDd uperleoce to operate a rtp)l't of tbe totaJ number of CUll's, departm'!Dt at Roblnson's "thlef's.comedy" a.ad lt&rl f : IS •·•· _. II •·•· Dr. p .G. N•• ... ,.,. OF NEWPORT BEACH AD-mobtle z:.ray Wlltlnsucba man-z:.ray Alml taken durln& lbe •, THURSOA Y, APRIL 2 Faabloo laland, arrested Marl: lDge Meisel, Ernst Sebroeder, aJNDAY SERVICES DING CHAPTER 8.15 TO oer as to provide t81.S001lble precedtDc caJenchr month. JobaDDa Carol Woods, 23, lyn L. stevens, ZZ, of 820 lr-WIW Rose, a.od FrUJ Wapu. f t 15 -11 •·•· TITLE 6 OF THE NEWPORT usuraace of protection to (e) Tbe mobUe x-ray opera. of 2214-1/2 W. Ocea.o Ft., Ceo-YlDe, Apt. T-208, Newport The showinc will be 1D the WEDNESDAY EVENING BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE health, We, aod property, tor 1ba11 make r..ra.y rums tral Newport, wu arretted at Helgbts , •• Elgbt holes were Scteoce Lecture HaU.lDforma. WEETING t , ... ESTABLJSHING REGULA: (f) Wbetber tbe appUea.ot'a u&Uable tor use by the noon at2200 W. Ocean Ft. oa a shot by an air rille into -'R. tton and tickets can .. ...,,..., READING ROOM TIONS FOR MOBILE X .. .., W..tt ,..,,, t •·•· -s , .•. -RAY equtpmeot. tacUWes. proposed physician olthepersoox-rayed, etwee of LotoztcaUon ill plbUc dows betweeD March 2? a.od 30 at the door or 1n adYaDce at the .,...,M-r: t •·•· -7:d •·•· UNITS uses andproceduresuesuchu prorided lll1d peraon gives b1s (drugs) •.• A $19?,50 strobo· a.t the otflce of Wllllam Hetl, stw:teot activities otrlee or by '-~ •• '•14.,: The Clty CouocU of the City to ProY 1 tde reaao 11 na.ble usur. constri lnwrltlq. The operator ~a tlowafrs tate 1 hn d~LDc sprln&:of 44 20 • 1 NN. Newport Blvd., Su.lte wrltinc to the German Club at ~;; i :.!:•_:• 4 ~-:!_~··· of Newport Beach does ordain ance o protee oo to health. may make a reasooable cbarge ca n om e c ... ssroom , ewport Heights ••• Ed-the OCI Oec»artmeot of German .:t:OND C8l!K'II or as follows: life and property. tor sucb HfTice. Jotlo Wllllams at Newport Har-ward Thurston Gibbs, 39,of510 a.Dd Russian. ~.JCSIIII"'WW' (g) Such other lnformat1oo u (f) A sten sbaJl be posted 1n a bor high schOo l; the equipment Vla Udo Soud, Lido Isle, was Newport Beach at ~CTJON 1. C~er 6.15 ls shall be required by tbe County prominent locatloD 011 tbe resembles a strobe lipt used arrested at 5:4.5 a.m. on a LESLIE H EH DRY Dt E$ Cotoaa del Ml.r uw:!1~1 ~0:: Ne-wport Beach Healtb omeer. mobile •-raJ unit stat1og es-during psychedelic lilbt sbows c harge of closed account cheek& Leslie Earl Heodry, 71, of 1100 Pac:Ulo Vln Dr. ~ e to read: 6.15.040 Unit Ueense Re-sentlally tbe tollowtng: 'Aebest • .•• Two power saws worth ••.• A burglar pried open. a 3908 Cba.Doel Place, West New-SlJNOAY scHOOL 11- M CHAPTER 6,15 qutred. No license lb&ll be x-raJ ft.lm 1s a usetuJ aid totbe $100 were lakeD durt.oc the window of the car of Thomas port, died AprU 13 at hJ.s rest. SUNDAY SERVICE 11 •• OBILE X-RAY UNITS cruted. reoewed. orreiAStated physician 1n dlagnosiJlc chest afterDOOO from tbe unlocked Purcell, 30? Heliotrope Ave., deoce. He wubornJan.4,1899, WEDNESDAY EVENING Sec.Uoas: unlesstbeCouotyHealtbotftcer disease. u i5 oot 1 complete garage of Robert Emmet Poole, Corooa del Mar, during the In l.l.)s An.,eles aDd came to hEETING I:IOp.•. 6.15,010 Scope ofRecnlauons. determines, t.,oo completine uarnlDalion. See your ta.mUy 301 LugonlaSt.,NewportSbores atternooD of Mueh29andtooka Orange County lo 1963. I•..U..c a-W••at 814• 6.15,020 Deflo1Uons. b1s tmoestiptlon, tbat the doctor tor an enmtoatton at ••.• A Ronda m/ot.traJJer $60 l6C rtnr aoo a $115 radio Survivors loclude his •Ue, 186! E-l C..-t a.,. .. CI*. 6.15.030 Awlica.Uon; lnvestt. moblle •-ray I.IDit 1s, or eu be, 1eut ooee a year.' Tbe County valued at $270 was stolen trom .•. James OffeDhauser, 15, of Leota; a dauehter, Mrs. Delane M-...rrt.: 10 .... • 5 , ... pUon. operated t.o compUaocewtthap. Hea.ltb omcer sb.all ban the the opeD prageofStepbenAllen 532 Vt.a Lido Nord, Lido lsle, Atkins of Baldw1n Park; a ~~:o.,. .. ~-.,:af,?..~ 9 6.15.040 UDit License Re. plicable laws, ordiJIIl.oces and rlpt to determine tbe JocaUon, Smith, 630 Cameo Hic:hlaDds driving a motoreyde 00 Lido brother, Robert of Pasadena; qutrecl. admln1.strat1ve recuJattons', aod slse, andwotdincofallrequlred Dr., Cameo Hlchla.Dds ••• A Soud Dear VIa Koroo at 11 :4.5 a sister, Mrs, Claudl.a Shea Ynu •c cOJdially ieVitcd to 6,15.050 Duration of License, In a tna.nDer oot detrlmeotal to stcns. burglar broke into the locked p.m., ra.o 1Dto tbe left side of o1 Los Angeles; aDd 2 uaM-auud C'tw.rch Stn•cu !Wid 6.15.060 Conditions of Opera-the bealtb ol tbe patrons, em. (g) The mobile x-ray opera-car of Blythe ElleD Shuman. the car driven by James ctltldren. 10 ur the ·Rudu11 Room. Uon. ployees, am tbe generalptj)Ue, tor shall p:re the Couoty HeaJth 201 VIa San Remo, Lldo Isle, Brobeck, 46, of 4.114 Hilaria Graveside services were held 6,15.0?0 Operator to be Lt-and that au operators ofmoblle Officer ootice at least four-OD March 30 and stole a stereo Way, Apt. C., West Newport April 16 at Inglewood MemJrial eensed. x.ray equipment han beeo teeD (14) calendar days in ad-phOoo and 2 spea.ters, nlued Helgtds. Park. Bell-Broadway funeral 6,15.010 Scope ofRegula.Uoos. certtll&d by tbe County Hea.lth vance coocernillg proposed at $145 •.. Collectors stamps • SATURDAY, APRIL 4. Hom~ was ln chargeofarraoge- AU mobile •-ray units shall Ofttcer to operate same. dates, times, and places of use worth $100, wh.lc h had been re. Robert StelDer, 3600 Park meots. comply wtth the requirements 6.15.050 Duration of License of the unit, AU such lnforma. ceivecl and signed for by Bill Lo., West Newport, p.ve a ride ,.----------, BALTZ MOR1VIf.Rl£f 1"1 SU~IIIOR AVf. CD5Tio ltiUA lllct.ar ._2424 LUTHERAH OIUIICH OF THE MASTER L ...... c•rc:t.h.Aaertu noo PaeUie v~ow Dr. c... dalllar 1 Ca.W.. mi. WILUAII R. ELLER '-:M4UM 11rs. wam CllomborU.. -·-9:00 A. II.-FUAUI' -- 10:00 A.ll. -C--~ ll:OOA.II.-F __ _ M!JRSERT PROVIDED SUNDAY IEIIVIC£5 ~:•s ..," luda,. Sc.Moa 1:00 L ... Maaifta ••Ui 6:00 ,..._ Trai•iaa Uai•• l :Ot.l pA. EY4ftina Wor'"' WEDNESDAY 7::10 p.m. Bible.....,. a:oo ,.. .... Prayer Maebaa .UTIIID Till CIIUIICII Of Y-OIOICa IIQLAB.Y -...... ......... a.. ..._ .... ....,._ IU"DAV &CfoiOOL.. A.M. ""''"'*• ---~~. -D ...... ,,.. •••vtc• ''" ~.M. fi&DN&•D"' ••• ._.ST U D~ -0 ·-... ··"'"'" ....... MU-··'r OUitiM. S.IIII,ICt• ......... _ _ .. ____ .. 0:..- P!..stor Fred llone of the RadlaUoo Control Law, Licenses may be uanted at an} Uon will be f.orn.rded by the MacOooa.ld, 912 McKerWe Pl., to a bltchbiter and dropped tum DiYis1on 20, Chapter ?,6, Call-time durt.oc the year. but aU County Health omcer to the Costa Mesa., were taken March l.t 36th St. at 20 minutes alter fornJ.a Health and Safety Code, llcenses shall expire at the City ot Newport Beach. 31 from tbe marking room at mtdntgl:ll; later De DOtlced together with regula.tion.s e. end of me caJeDda.r year. (h) Tbe name and address of RobinsoD's, Fashion Island ..• that his SUD~tlasses were mts. oacted pursuant thereto. 6.15.060 CoodiUoQS of Opera-the mobUe 1.ray ~ator shall Geraldloe Torno, 13. a student s1Di ••. Dlana Schneider, 72, 6.15.0!0 Deft.ntt1on.s. 'Mobile tion. AU moblle :x-ra.y units be pla1o.ly prluted on each side at Horace Ensign schOol, w..s of 1Z6 40tb St •• West Newport, X-Ray Unit' sball meao any :x~ shall be operated so as to com. of the uterlor of the Yehlcle struck by a car driven by Pat-was arrested at 6:15 p.m. at ray reoarator •bleb Is, or can ply with the following con. or traller ta letters at laLsl riek Scott Kelly, 18, of 2250 3100 W, Newport BlYd. oo a. be, used for the purpose of d.!Uons: tllree (S) lnchfos bl&b. Tbe 111.me Channel Rd., Balboa. at Polaris charge oll.Dtolicatloo in public mU:iDc medical dJapost.lc (a ) No persoD under the agreof and addres5 of tbe mobile z. Dr. oear Westwind WaJ, West •• , • .Mlc::ld. Mule C...rter, 48, PbotoflliOI'OP'&Pblc Q.lms o1 flfteeo (15) years Is to be s. r&J opren.tor shall~ ooall cliff, at 5;15 p.m.; GeraldlDe ot 301S FUlmore, No.ll4, Costa P81'SOD.S1 Ud wblch 1s Installed rayed liDless soeh per-lllu: fOI'ma, leU.•, pu:~pbleU, or was ta.teo to Roac Kosltltal by Mua, wu UTtsted at 11:10 •• !. CDiolT IIIWAT co-• Dl1. liAR ORiole l-4450 J1 ~. r 'tl a < u u .. , ~~a ............... ,,'" ...... in or ~ a motor YeiUcle bad a posU:In tuberealln sldn other priJihd matter used 1n her roother ••• Doug1u W&J. Lm. al Pemey's, F&stlioO J•u lt42 or trailer so that It may be test aDd presents a wrltteo coojuDcU.oo w1tll tbe uait. lack, Z4, of 924 E. Ocean Ft., tslaDd., 011 a c*ar&e ol.r ~at~q~~;1 ~=;.~:;:;:;:.=;;;=;~=;;~ tra.JI4lQI'ted tromplacetopJa.ce. stateme.at, sl.gDed by a liceosed Neltber sip oar prtatedmatter Apt, C, Balboa, drl•ln&: oortb liftlnc ••• BB cun. p 'Mobtle X-RaJ ~ator· sb&1l praetiUooer ot tbe heallncarts, shall eootaiiii.DJ statem81Qu. on Newport BlYd, at 1 p.m., hit damaged windows at the home M A mea.o any person, or other en-sbowing the method and the dale pressed or Implied that tbe mo~ the car of Gar It Don Hill, of Geoe w. Ross Jr., 109 Via 1 NEW -BE8UILDDIC Uty, WhO owns or lepl.ly pos-of such posiUve s1t:1n test. A btle 1-ray unit is associated 366-B Avocado, Costa Mesa, Wu.J.ers, Lido lsle, at 4:30 ) lrrerular Shapes sesses, or opera.tes, a moblle sign shall be posted tnapromi. with anJ health departmett or parked Dear 28th St., West New. p.m. , •. J.D. Lance LeMeU., Jaaenpriav-~ J:.ny unU. neat tocaUoo of the moti.le 1-other public or prtnte bealtb port ••• Joho W!IUam Hlnkle, leta'. 612 Poppy · COST~•.,.,.., 6.15.030 AwllcaUon; lnvesti· ray unit statlng thai oo person a~DCJ, 20, of 115-1/2 25th St., West del War, parked liSO"' A FPH~k11 ,_, c.,..,_., a.-a-:• ,.. .......... e-•• ..,_, ........ . .... -..... ~-·•10:00"-'L ,_,60-•• ptton. Any persoD or eDtity under tbe age of ruteen (15) (1) 'Jbe mobtle :x-ray operation Newpor t, drivlDg north on Bal. desiring to operate a mobile years is to be x.rayed unless shall comply with allappllcable boa ~lvd., Central Newport, at :x-ray unit within the City of sucb persoo has had a positive eity ordilances and resoltKtons ll:Zl a.m., hH the left rear of Newport Beach sba.ll mate ap-tuberculin skiD test. wb.ile ~ wlthlo the Cit}' the car of Orville Schlueter, plicatioD to the County Health (b) No pregnant woman shall of Newport Beach. 136 Brookline, Costa Mesa, omcer on forms prescribed by be s-rayed 1n a mobile z.ray 6.15.0?0 Operator to be U-owner of gift shops lo Sl.lboa, him for lssllallee of a license. uDit Wllesssoordered ln wrlt:ing ceDsed. No mobile s-ray unit who •as d(lYing south oo New- The County Health otncer shall by a licensed practitiooer olthe shall be operated unless tbe op.. port Blvd.; the Hinkle car was Save Time And Money-Call An Expert cause to be conducted an healing arts. A stp shall erator thereolhubeeollcensed c'"":_:_:o!d.::..::•_..•a"y_... ___ _ ~~~~--~ ~~~------ • IIIAL Til •110RT -------o 14UiaERT lEGAL NOTICE LDYestlpUoo of &aid appllca.nt be posted in a promiDellt Joca-as berlDbdore proYided. ND tor a UceDSI to determioe, Uon oo the mootle x-ray untt mobile z..r&J llll1t sball be amoar other tlllnp, tbe tot. staliJl& that oo pregua.Dt woman operated bJ I.DJ perDt otber P-3685? lowtn( Items of ld:lrmatioo: shall be :x-rayed, tba.D tbetWlicantorU.permas CERTinCATE f'OR TRA~­ (a) Wb«ber or DOt said UQlt (e) The moblle z-ray opera-Sl)eClfted 1D Ms Ucense." ACTION OF' BUSINESS UNDER l:lu a ftUd state upstration tor shall require all persons, SECTION 2. Thts ordiDaDce nCTmOUS NAME 1.1 Pf'O"Ided by Dlria:lon !0. before being x-rayecl, to com-shall be pubu.r.t CDCt lD tbe THE UNDERSIGNED OOES Cblpter 7.6, Ca.Ultta.La Health plete anJJJfortn2t1on form sbow-oftldaJ Dft'JPIPU' of tbe City, hereby certify lbal he Is coo- aDd Saflty Code. • Log the tollowlng: aDd the same sball bt e.ffeetiyt ducting a mail order~meo's (b) 'iVbettJer or DDt said ap... 1. Name 3J days after tbe date of Its elOtiWlg business Ioc:ated at pllca.at Jw.s oomplled with ap-2. Age adoptloo. POB 1432 (mailing), 886 Sen- plleable laws, ordlauoes, aM 3, Ses: This W"di.ni.Dce wulntroduced ate st., Costa Mesa, Oranee recuJaUou, lDc:hxUar tbosere-4. Address at a re,war meetlnc o1. tbeClty County, CaWornl.a, under the tallll& to tbe reporttnc to 5. Telephone number CouneU ot tbe Cti:J or Newport ftctttious ft.rm name ot COM. lbe CowQ Healtb Offtcer of 6, Physician's name and ad-Beaeb held lXI tbt 2SJ'd dll)' of FORT &00 that said ftrm ls aboormal z.r., ftncllpp pur-dress March, 19'10, aDd .,... adclpt«< composed ol the foUowtnc per- stlllM. lo recuJatklfa ot the state ?. U a female, whetber prec-oo the Utb dilJ of AprtJ. 19'10. sons. whose names ln full and Department of Publlc Health, oaot by lbe tlUowinr tote. to wtt: places of res:iMoce are u fo). (c) W'IJett.' tbl praper pW. 8. U tmder fifteen years o1. A YES, COUNCILMEN: MclDDls. k>ws, to-wit: Henry Rol9fs, lie DOUces, u t*l'llrfdbystate age, whether the person bas tad Sbeltoll, PuSODS, llarsllall, 886_ Seoate St., Costa Mesa. law, rqWalloaa tl!lcted pur-a postU•e tOOereullo sldn test. Rocars, Hlrtb, Gruber. CaW. StiiJit U..eto. udi local or. aDd the date of such test. NOES, COUNCILMEN: Nooe. WITNESS MY hand this 25th IIE:AUTY NOOK 2712 E. Co.ast Hwy. COfon• dtl .. ,, · Phone ttn-H)f) 2431 N ewoport 81 vd. COSTA MESA PUILICATIOtt WORK dlaaDc•, bi.Ye bMDJIC)ItadbiOI' (d.) All :x-ray ftlms sba.U be ABSENT COUNCD...IIEK: NODe. day of M.l.rch, 1970 ~ tb1 ~ lldt. rlltl..loed by tbe operator for at Ooreeo Marsball Stpature: Henry Roprs WE CAN PRINT YOUR (d) Tbo locatloa ud motHnc laut teo (10) years. Eaeb ptt-ll&yor STATE Of CALifORNIA, ) ~~:~~:~~ .. E~~ PAMI•Mt-E1rS.I addras ol. &11 rum ruu m bl u• sball reeein from tbe ATTEST: ) u. I'-LEAFLn'<.r malnbiMd bJ aid IDObUe tat mobile s-ray operator a repon Latin. I....qtos COQDty of Orange } u bl:l'~ PfOYWed. of bts z.ra.y nrwttDp wttld.D Clty Clerk OD: l5 March, 1970, before m1, (o) Wbolbor lbe 11111Uwtt &Dd llllr1J (30) days. E•ery tblrty PuOUsl>: ...,..U zs 18'10 Ill lbe aoderslcoed, • Ncllary Ills -Ulod por-I are (Ill) days, lbe operator abeD tllo l!nport Harbor E;,_.pt. P.bUc Ill &1111 for said Slate, restdlD&: therelD, duly commls- siooed and sworn. persooallJ' appeared HeDrY Ropn kDawD to me to be tbe per90D nose Dl.mt ls subserlt.d to tbe wttlllD Lutrumeot. ud actnowledpd to me tblt be uecuted tbe arne. WITNESS my bud and oftle1al - COWLIJI IUI.AL AMO IUIW. CINia -:::~;~~; F-till . '""" I46J .,mar ill .... SF) Cl 'IC•t ._,!Ita., ill 0.. Bt rl/rtllfa" ...... f 01111111 ....w --= •" h 1a 111e _. Jor o-' .....,lnlfk_Ol ICLOW~;w;;, .. f'licd.m._,_,. ,.,.. opodl .., 111 r rc • -... ...... ..a u 1111 d11pbnloo, II It-• 'lfolploot. -----, •• ·1~ -CII&tta. wal PSIM SSI·i125 (TOLL nru PROW M DPOIT MAllO I AliA) lUI. SEAL Jam•• r. Ruescbeobtrc lloluJ Pl!bUe to &Dd b' said state. AprtJ 9, 1 a, u, so, to tllo Nowport Rubor lo CAM!R.t. SHOP" ~ASS'tOfiiT ~HOTOS ~U8LICITV PHOTO.S COPY N£WSPAPERS ANO NEWS LETTERS CA.LL US ,01 IIT1M ,UU •n· lUI I!IISIGM PUILISIIIHG CO. 2721 E. e-st Hithwoy Cor-• 4•1 Mor, C.liforai• )- II..J!.J.. Stuubs, Iatenor Plants u--1 IIUID$11l t UOI>•cal & Trees ,.11 vntr ,:;L:;U _ IosecocuSes and Fert.slizer !......,.,.. .... ,, ...... ,,._,_...... S&HCreeoSUmps .ii!£..Z:U-: !£!'!J1r'~• 1 FREE DELIVERY Corona del \la.r Nurur)' 1'744 f~ ('OUt ltW)'., 6'7~160 oORAHGE U9-2441 • AHAHEIM lll6-4311 o STATIONERY -RETAIL e HUMT1HGT'Ot4 UAOI U2·1~51 Frdncis -Orr Stdtiont>rv COitONA Dll MA.l • I(VUl T HIW ~ • SOC:I,A.l STAT IOOEII:Y • COMMERCIAL STA.TIOf'ooiERY • WEOOING & S(XIAL INVITATIONS • ENGRAVING & PR INTING • GIFTS • GREETING C;:.AR:!DS::!,~-::--:-:::-":"':::-"...,, nu-l 675·1010 l & WALLPAPER RA.aBOR PAINT • WALLPAPER l'lllol>u,..,. -Dllldl 110)1 Pllaca -CIODip.lete Une 13.000 PA'ITERNS 0!' WALLPAPEII • SHOE MPAIIII ---W.BI'RAV 'S Shoe Repotr Purse ana l"9P98 AeP8•r -0\-e Work SI.HST.....-5 Ofr\ll DAY SMVICE 1110 HMaor .. wd. eo.. ...... -.. •»11 ,z •• r n. ...... ' ,.._ 67MI. "-cla .. a,CDII -.lliJ IISOAV LICIAL MDTICI Olllii'IJIC1: 110. liN lnlloo CaNo. Tbo Llco-s.. UOIIDAIICIOFTBCI'IT ,...-olloll~ldoollllea· OF CW-1' II&ACB AI).. -cordi Ia Ill lllPUcaaP lliiW CJIAPTU I.DI 10 Qo laft Plld 1111 l1eoMt teo TITLI I OF THE IQ!.,_T I'OIIIInd -Seetico1 -..CB IIUIIICIP.U. C::OOC, $.01.110. -1111 Cbllf ~ INTII'LID ''UGIITll.lTJOII PoUce ollollrocommtld ~ OP 80UCITORS AJID PliO.. olllllljlpllellloooo-or rnoro DLIIIS" ot 1111 *>iloorlac -: T1lo City Couocll ol tbot Ctl)' W Tbo II>Pilcul 11U made a ot Newport Beaeb dot1 ordllll. material mllrtprtHata.Uon ol u illlolro: fact Ia b1s lllPUcaltoo; SECTION I. Chajllor 5.09 Ia (b) Tbo lllPUeanlla oot a per. added to tbe lfnport Belch am of cood mot&l cbatacter, D. GUmu u.-• MONDAy, APRlL IS Municipal Code to read: b1.led tJ10D bls record of COQC.era1ora~U-Catby Jue Haney, U, aDd. "CIIAPTER 5.09 erl.m.1alaet1vlties or otber re-4rUDk drlnr ud accJdiQC Kueo Ana Perldu, !5, both RECISTRATION OF Uable eYidence; ·· 3:50 p.m. at thelJdoTrttler of 107 28tb st., Wtlt Ne~t, • TUESDAY, APRIL 7 SOLICITORS AND PEDDLERS (c) Tbe proposed sollcttattoo CAPTAIN WilliamS, Brt.dtord, be arr .. ttd Emma Jean wert arrested at 7·SO p m at Oftleer P, O. Su.Wn.a Jol- •-"-· f M • ~ M 55 · ' • lowed a car tb&t turoed from .,......_; acttrity woukl tend Itself to son o r. .... rs. S. W, Bnd-, of SOO E, Cout tllelr residence oa cbarctl of ZJrd st. Ceotrallf-rt oato :1,09,010 Repstatioo Requ1r-trickery, frau:l or deceit. ford of 7.!5 Via Lido SoiJd, Lido Hwy,, SlS, Btyrtde possesstoo. of m&rlju&Dl • • • • -~-• td. AD}' per1011 whose appUcatioo Isle, is now on tem}Orvy duty VUJace, oa a cbarp ot lleozt-Ck:lthlDc aDd wallet db $158 JJai1:u B~. wtth ICJ'I.:IltAc 5.09,0ZO AppUcatloo Require-tor u J.DdeottftcaUoo card has at a forward base ln the Western catloa ln auto; ber car t.d easb were stolen 1.n the .rty Urtt atz:l a.m., .-clwt.tertJ meob:. been dellied sball be DOtifted 1n Pactnc. Capt&In Bradford, a struck a water heater sbed at moroiog bours from tbe bed-to S'1tb st., made au-taro t.Dd 5.09.0SO Wuuce of Rects-wrttinc ottbtdenialaodtherea-pilot, rues B-52 Strato!ortress N:t. 5 Anu., Lklo Trailer room of Job.D Gallo, 6001 w. stopped at S6tb St.; tbt driYir, trati.Oo Cardl. 1081 therefor by tbe License bombing missions almost daily Park ••. Ennis Pralle, traller Cout HW')'., No, 9, West AileD A~od'Muflekl nl, !Z, 5,09,040 later state Com-s.,..naor, by certifted mall, apinst Viet Coog ta.rrets 1n park manarer, 700 Lido Park Newport, 'Wb.J.le he r.d sJ.eeplDc of SZ9 la: An., Balboa, merce Eumptloa. directed totheaddressshowooo South Vletmm. He is permao-Dr., Udo Peninsula, made a ••.• Four pa)'l'Oil checks were failed the totll'ietJ test aDd wu 5.09,010 Repstr&tloo ReQulr-tbe appllcatlon. Tne appUca.ot eoUy assl(l:.lled to the Strate(l:lc citizen's arrest of Wilmer Ed-stolen lo the morntnr from tbe arrested oa a cbarp of drlriDc ed. AU petiOO.S operat.lo& u sball ban the rleht ot appeal to Alr Commacd's 99th Born~ Wlng wln Flam me, 49, ot &301 desk tn the omces ot Croft IIDder the lnllutoce al. &1- sollcltou, peddlers, hawters, the City Couocll, wbJcb rtctlt at Westover AFB, Mass. He ls Newport Blvd., No. 91, Costa Che.-ron station, 3531 Newport cobol··· RooakiJooCrawtord., salesmen. or nodors, WbO co may be exerclsed by flUng a a 1960 graduate of Fullerton Mesa. on a charge of tattery; Blvd,, West Newport ••• Ned IV, Of l?te W, ueeu Fl., Ceo- from house to house or 14)00 •rltten .ootice of appeal with the high school and received hls she told pollee that she a.-oke Jacoby, 200 w. 7th St., Balboa, tral Newport, "" arrested at uy street,sldewal.k,alley,park City Clerk w1tll1D llfteen (15) B.A. degree In philosophy ln to lind the mu staDdiDC over reported that mall bad been 12:45 p.m. al: biJ reaideoc:eoaa or pW>Uc place to the City of days tollowtog the daJ.e ~n 1964 trom Loyola University of her bed, and that be grabbed ta.keo from the mall boJ in bJs cb&rp of posseqSoa of marl- Newport Beach, for the purpose which the oottce ot the denial Los Angeles. the phone out of her tlandswhen otrlce at 446 N. Newport Blvd., jua.Da for sale • • • Frederick of sollcltloc the purchase of or wu mailed to him. she tried to call pollee; after Newport Heigtlts, tbe:daybetore LeRoy May, 29, of 233? Eldoo distrtbut.J..rag goods, wares, mer-5,09.040 Interstate Com-BLANCHET PAINTINGS they went outside, sbe broke and was strewn aroWJd the of-Ave,, Costa Mea., and DoueJ,u chiodt.ae, services, mapalDes, merce E:~em;rt.ton. Aoy peraoo TO BE ON DISPLAY away, returned to her tnUer, ttce ••• Peggy Grlfftth, owoer Alan Potter, 23, of 419-1/Z ~INI!R DRY CL.I!ANINO AND LAUNDRY ., • fORTH! V!RY I!ST IH WARDR OBE MAIHT!HAHC! SEE VALET CLEANERS 3137 E. Coast Hiw ay. Corona cle l Mar WE DELIVER-675.031 0 periodicals or other publlca-who 1s engaged tn, or acting as Paintings by Bert Blanchet lo :ked thedoortodcalledpollce of the Dotel at 103 Mcfadden Po1nsettia Ave., Corooa del Uona, or subscrlpdoos tor the a..o ageot tor, any business en-head of Blanchet Advertising •.•. Richard Allen Love, 18, Pl., Central Newport, reported M.u, were arrelttd at ip.m.at same, eJ:Cept regularly pub-tltled to an eJ:emptioo from Agency, will be on display at of ll8 Vl.a Mentone, Lido Isle, that som'!ODe threw a cocktail Poppy An. and Cout Hwy., Ushed oewspllpefs, sb&U make local tuation by rea.soo of its Newport Natlooa.l Bank's Bay-was arrested at 1 t a.m. at M2 table doWn the stal.rca.se be-Corona del Mar • oo a cbarre ot awllcatloo to the L1ceoseotY1-beiog enp.ged In tnterstate side omce at BaystdeDriYeand Poppy Ave., Corona del Mu, tween 1 and t:SO a.m. aM belnc preseot where mtrl~ ~~:::=:::::::~::::=:::::::~:::::::::::2:~~=:::::::2::!:~~ sion oftbeCity for ldeoutlcatioo commerce, shall be required to Jamhoree Road during May. on the coarge of posseu:lon of smashed a plate gl.us door ••• wu beln& smoked • • • A table, cards. Such persona, F.1eo so make appUcatloo (or an !dent!-Ht> a.nd hls wUe Barbara marijua.Da ..• Sheldon Appel, Forman Emm!tt Parker ot chair aod bedd.loc, n.haed at operatlog. sball carry tbelt flcation card lnaccordancewtth settled In NeWpOrt' Beach 16 6910 W. O:aa11 Ft., West New-federal Steel Corp., Lon&: $6-4, were ta.k.en tbt morm.oc TRY A HEW Dl'llEHSIOM IH MASTER CRAFTWAMSHIP ldeotiflcatloo carlh oo tbelt the reqlli.remeots ol this Chap-years ago. HI? h.ad studied nne port, reported thateoamelpaint Beach, reported thaUSOO'II"'l"th before from the Arcbes Motel, E rl p H per!JOOS aod shall exhl.btt sucb ter, but shall be e:~empt from art and lllustrationdt?slgnatthe h.ad beeo poured onr his boat, of tools were stolen some time 224 N. Newport Blvd., Nnport xpe a per an 1 1"ng r cards, ICJOO request, to any tbe Uceose fee as provided in Pratt Institute In New York and car and garage noor durlo( tbe alter Aprll 2 from a tool ben Heights ···A cut with a sharp persoo sollclted, or , ..,on de. Section 5.08.110, IC)Oosalisfa.c-he had undergone tnret>yea,;.sof night for a toW damage of$150 at the construction site at 600 instrument "" made 1D the muad. to any peace otncer. No tory evidence being presented to extensive fine arts training at ••.• The car of Ma.looe Holmes, Newport Center Dr. NewPOrt rtgbt rear tire otapollcepatrol Pa l"nfl"n I & Deco ,. person sb&.U engage In any of the the License Supervisor of nts the Art Students League of New 299 M~sa Or., Costa Mesa, was Center ..• Frank Robert Buck, car Ln the M:Fadden Pt. ar-.ot ra 1ng above desc.rlbedaeUrittesW'ith-rl(l:ht to an eum~Uon." York. He worked with lnteroa.-stolen from Newport lmports, 69, of 1330 Palisades Dr., No. Central Newport between oooo out ttrst ba:rtnc obta.1ned said SECTION 2. This ordinance tlooally renowned craftsm~?n, 3100 W, Coast Hwy., Martoers 25, Back Bay, driving west at 2 and 4 p.m. • · • The tO-speed ideatJ.flcaUoo card. shall be publlshed once ln the such as frank Reilly E G Mile; the car thief broke lnto a.m. on Mariners Mile oear green Schwinn bicycle of DaMy 5.09.0ZO Appllcattoo Require-official oewspaper of the City, Trafton and Eugene Ka;lin: · the locked <:a(, droYe over a Riverside Ave., hit a brick nil Shepardson, U, of 1!533 SyJvla menta. Upoo receJvt.og an aod the same sllall be etreetive Bert speclaliz.ed In oils a 6-inch guard raJ! and sped any and store front at2940W.Coasl Lo., Harbor Highlands, wu awllcatioo tor a sollettor'sre-30 days after the da.te of Its medium in whi ch he comhi~s west-bOWld oo Coast flwy, at Hwy., owned by EverettBieger; taken from the prace between gistrattoo card, the License adoption. brush and palette knife appllc.l-6 ld • ? and 9:30p.m •••• Donoa Hu- S!t)ervlsor shall reter the This ordtoance was introduced lions. He particularly en)oys 0 sm lfh comedy sl I d lam, 20• of 127 Urd St., West appllcalloo to the Pollee De-at a regular meeting of the City painting western scapes, his. a e Newport, surprised an lntruder part meat for lnvesttptton. Ap. Council ot the City of Newp:ltt torlcal sites, boats and chi!-ln the house lfheo she returDed pUcants for regl.straUoo cards Beach held on the 23rd day of dren. His gallery e:lhlbits have . Oliver Goldsmith's Restora-Jamlla Myi}1erse and Ancela at 10:10 p.m.; the untlrrited pursuaot to thll Cllapter m.:1y lhrch, 19?0, and was adopted stretched from New York City tion comedy, "She stoops to CoiUns, both of Newport, are VIsitor, a mao abo:Jt Z4 to 2? be required to: oo the 13th day of April. 1970 to Atlanta San rranctsco Palm conquer," wtll be Orange Coast double cast as Miss Hard~astle. years of are, ran out of the (a) Answer all reasonable by !he following vote, to wit; Springs, 'aDd Newport Beach, College's tlnaldramapreseota-Here Is the rest of the cut· rear door, alooi wttb about $?0 questions concerllln& their per-A n:s, COUNCILMEN : Mcinnis, wher e ror the past four years tlon thls spring. Miss Nevt lle -LoulseSayre · Lo cash taken trorn on top of sooal background aod moral Sbeltoo, Parsons, Mar shall, ne h.as held nigtlly success!ul The ShOw, to be directed by Balboa lJI&OO· Lloda wyatt' the bedroom.dresser ••• Ro- cllaracter and proposed rn~ Rogers, Hirtb, Gruber . one-man shOws. He 2.lso In-Jack Holland, wtU run May Newport Beach; Carole C los~ bert A,Smltb, 20, 510'7Seashore of operation, and the product or NOES, COUNCILMf.N: None. structs special cour ses In paJ. 20-23 at 8:15p.m. In the OCC son, Costa Mesa.. Dr., WestNnport,drh1.ocwest merchaodlse to be sold or dis-ABSENT COUNCILMEN: Nooe. ette latife techniques AIJdllortwn, There wW be oo Toc.y Lumpkin_ Kevt.o Bar-oo Seubore Dr. at 8:30 p.m., trlboted; Doreen Mar shall · admlssloo charge. oes, Nnport Beach. sld~ the ear o1 Betty (b) f'uroJsh two :zJ passport-Mayor SPEBSQSA Bl RTH DAY Walt On,ilu of Newport Yr. War low-Toay Wallace DaYey, 3917-1/Z Se~e Dr., stsed photographs ot tbem-ATTEST: Newport Harbor Barbershop-Beach has been cast as Mr. Gcden Grove, ' vted Ol&r .$Otll St. selves; Lau:-a Laglos pers last week joined over Hardcastle, with Doana Soto Mr. Hastings-Doo Wnite, (e) AUow the Pollee Depart-City Clerk 30,000 other harmonizers of Newport Bea ch as his wife. Costa Mesa. ment to take their tlngerprints. Publish: Apr il 23, 1970, ln throughout the u.s. and Canada LEGAL NOTICE Dlggory-Richard Rowla.nd, 5.09.030 Issuance of Regis-the Newport Harbor Ensign. In the celebration of harmony HWltlngb>n Beach. week. The Society tor the Pre-CERTIFICATE OF Roger -Chip Cuthbert, Mew ... :~~~~~~~~~-:;~~~~~ servatton and Encouragt!mcm CORPORATION port Beach. of Barber Shop Quartet Sing-FOR TRANSACTION OF Bl5t. Ptmple -Sean Murphy, Or- Q NVE R SA JIQ N A l ing In A mer loa stutedlnTulsa, NESS UNDER FICTITI0l5 ango. O;<la., on April 11, 1938. NAME Bet -Stephanie Edmonds, RE AND FRENCH The local gro~ has been THE UNDERSIGNED COR-Fountain Valley, E lri al I esson Ell) e 1i en ced teach e1 organb.ed for 15 years and n::~w PORATION does hereby certlt)r E dras -Linda King, HLm- ,..,-.rlvt: o~ souTH •~r~~t:A IC .t. numbers 40 men. They meet at that It is cooductlnga 8u&1ness Ungtoo Beach; Susie Stanford, VICTORIA'S SPANISI1 SOtOOl 8 p.m. Tuesday at College Park located at 14851 Jetttey Road Newport Beach. S..9-1827 School, in Costa Mesa. Addi-Irvine, California, UDder th~ Servant -Tom Newcomb, ttonal infor ma tion m1.y be Ob-fictitious flrm aame o! THE Costa Mesa. ~!JI!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~JU~ln~ed~fr~o~m~J~I~m~G:l~l=eott~i,~4~9~12~ MEAOOWS _ IRVINE and that Lacdlord -Tom McPber~ Seashore Or., West Newport. the name of said coporatlonaoo son, Costa Mesa. tts prlndpal place of business Sir Charles-Mike Tltmua, Is as tonows: Costa Mesa. An invitation to a quiet moment Sit a spell. In the beautiful indoor patio of our new office across from Fashion Island . You'll enjoy our monthly display of fresh flowers from Amllng's NurH!ry. With coffee and orange juice to relax you. Taite a (1111 moltH!nts. NAMEOFCORPVR.\TION : YARH WEAVING CLAS S AZlMln'H EQIJlTIES, INC. The City of Newport S.cll PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSI-parks, beaches and recr-.t&oa ~~: 45?0 Campus Drive-d~lm!IX is otrerlng a 10- ulte •8, Newport Beach, Call~ week decorau98 yarn weariDc f'!!nla 92660. class, taught by Jarmlla Mae- ITNESS Us band this 15th hova a oative of Czeebo- of April, 1970. slov~ who recetYed blr NAME OF CORPORATION : educa~ at the Art aDi IA- AZIMlfl'H EQUITIES, INC. dustry College to Prap. Tbe aDd title of author-class will meet on W:>D:!ap I :,o•rpc?IJoo: or otrlcers of the from 7 to 9:30p.m. at tbe PBR 1: : James F. Crout, o~ftce at 1714 W. Balboa BlYd. Sec. Treas. STA TE OF CALIFORNIA } )ss. U CIAL MOTICI COUNTY OF ORANGE ) CERTIFICATE OF 81.SINES8 ON THIS 15th day of Apri~ FlctttioUII Firm Name A.D., 1970, before me, thE THE UNDERSIGNED doea undersigned, a Notary Public tn hereby certtf)' that lbel1 co.- and for said County aod State. ductlng a CosmttolocY hnciMee resldJ.ne therein. duly com 'fils-at 410 W. Co&Jt Hl&fnrt.r, &.lUI slooed and sworn, peuoaaJJy B., Newport Beach, UDder tal James f. Crout, ttctltlous Arm oameofTbtiiiJr to me to be the seere-' 1 IDd tlat Aid ftrm Ll com. ol the corpora. -"' tbot *'llolrlas por-tbe within in-wOO. ~a me 1D Ml and pll.ct on behalf of the cw-of ttlidtDct an u follow' thereto raamed, and to-wU: MarLaa E, FJeld, A.X.A to me that IIUCb Terry Ftold, ZZ09Z S- necuttd the a.mt, Laoe, H•mttactoo Beaeh. WITNESS WHEREOF, I WITI<ESS mr baad Ibis 14111 ~~or-.. sot mr -dar ot April, mo. Martao 1. a.od afflltd my offtct&l .. t tbe Fltld, Terry Fttk! clay llld JUr to IIIII cortlllcato STATE OF CAUFORIIIA ftrlt abon nltto.. James Lee, Notary Publie In 1>r llld COIIIII)' ud lllalo. CommiSiioa EJI)lree Jaa. PRICED I'ROII Itt• BAS DRYERS 8REAT FOR PERMMm PRESS "FOI' O.tcrlmlnotl"f C...ti'Oo'rl•• Who w .. t If M• A,.,.., .... v.,., O.tt . . . 5.41).. 17 43 c.uu • ...l ;" 642 ·1677 .Damato & Sons LICENSED 4 INSURED • GENERAL CONTRACTING Onr ~ Century of Eq~«t Worlc.mcm1hlp 536 C!HT!R ST. CO STA II!SA Orco Block Co. Bun.DING BLOCJ[S • ALL SIZES • ALL TYPES Te»pbo••l JActa.. 7·12H .U ltatell& lt-toD 1H0 S. Milia. Iaiita ~ GAS! The quiet can w soothing. Hours : Monday -Thut'fdG!I9 w 4, Fridoy9to 6. DAVIS· ill Newport Be«h 1100 -potf a..--(714) tUf-611001- T/111 lfiiii/Ct Cl'MIIDIIIM OIICif/DS, AZALBAS AND 'IIIIMS'