HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970-07-09 - Newport Harbor EnsignAN ESTIMATED 115,000 PERSONS flocked to local beaches Sunday, drawo bert by ideal wuther aDd &.foot breakers tb&t pounded tbe sboreltDe, causing r1pt1des. A 13-year-old Cameo Sbores youtb, Jimmy Baldwln o1450'1 Fa!ttleld Dr., was rescued by surfers after be was ll11rled ooto the rocks of the )etty. He was treated for multiple cuts and bruises at Hoar Hospital. Newport Beach Ufeguarcls rescued 129 S1D'fers aod nlmtn:rs. Here ls a view of the car-packed pa.d:toe lot and a. portloo. of the crowd at the mtiD beach ln Corom. del Mar. {EDBIP photo by Don ~rseo stu-Jios.) WITMER DIES IN AIR CRASH A c~~up "' ru,nt plaos to cet back borne earUer put Ed- gar (Ted) Witmer of ShOre Clitfs on the AJr Canada jet. l1Der tbat crashed Sunday in Toronto. The 48-yea.r ~ld ciflc leader, wbo Uved at 219 EYentng Can- yoo Rd., n.s one of the 108 who died when the Super C D8 plunged down Into a barley d.eld just after take..oft' from Toro:~o­ to interna.tloaal airport. Mr. Wttmer had left on June 29 for a ftshlnc trip abOut 400 mlles aboVe Quebec. Accom~ panylng him were business ac- q\lalataoces trom St. Louis, Mo. Sentce, Los Angeles; Richard, 21, ln the Army, staUooed at Ft. Hood, Teus; and Jack, lZ, wbo will be ln 7th grade at Lincoln intermedWe school in tbe b.ll;a.lsolbrotller, Willlam, of Santa Barbara. The family says tllat memor- ial contributions may be made to tile Hoag Hosptt.al develOp- ment fund. He cut bis vacation trtp shorter tba.o ortptally plaoned., aoo be eba..Dpd Ills return pla.De re- sernUon, thus booktngpusage ., oo tbe jetllDer. He wu t11e owner o1 tbe Doopnle< Cbom!cal Co. Ill Cc •••• -•••• ol Jo.. dlDIIlRdUCt&. He .UIDa.ct1fl puttd,put to eh1e af!a!rs 1D the Harbor Area, sentne u presideot of tbe Balboa PeolD- sula Potot As.sn. aoo later as preaidelt of the Shore CUfts Property Owoers Assn. • EDCAR (TED) Wl Tioi ER - A PACKED CHAMBER greeted Newport Beach cou..oellmen Monday night to rectster pro aDd con argumeots oo 3 m2jor Issues. CO\UloCUmen tabled a proposed utility W ord1oa.oce, accepted more than ZO,OOO signatures on pettt1oos opposing the coast freeway route through the city, a.ad contlDued a heartog. after 4 hours of dlscussioo, on tbe annuatloo of the M-:D>noell Douglas property oear the airport, wbere ArJmuth Equities plans to boJ1M ~ botel and omce complez. (Eoslgo photo by DoD Amerseo StUdios.) Family life course aired JOe COSTA Freeway r foes switched The chairman aDdvtcecha.ir-Ma.rsba.ll Oumekf. cbalrman Tbey polJ:Ud out La their feeted by tbt treeny rout1Dc; taaa ot tbe Harbor Area free-at Ule Freeway Ftctaters., aDd letter to W.r. Kodl tlla.t tbt city aow, tberefon, YaY Ftgbte.rs, to all open letter Paul J, Gruber, vtce ehatrman, ot Hurttupoo Beacb, tbe state "BE rr RESOLVED, lbat tbt to Orange Couoty Roads Com· represent a gr~ which op-Dlri&ioo of Pvlts &Jid Beact.as, state Park Commlsa1oarequest nUssiooer AI Kocb, ba'fe crlti-poses the proposed Paelflc t.be Ca.Worllla Recrel.tioo.Com-tbt State Hlctrn.y Commiuioo cbed him forehangtnghtsstud Coast freeway, which would eut mlu:toa ud the Ora.np Couoty to locate tbe freeway to sucb 011 the Pacltlc Coast tteeway througb the heart of Newport bot.rd ot~sb&nurpd a wa.y that the presed loea.l ~-Beach and Corooa 001 M.ar. adq)tion ol an inland rOI.f.e. road be reta!Ded aDd tllat an t· Tbe letter said: inland route be selected tor Dear Commlss1ooar, the freeway." Ollt ~ wu svprlsed to By resoi\Kioo dated Novem~ neat .)"'U speak out 1n tavor of bttr 12, 1965, the Calllornla tbe a~ ro«efortbePacitk Recreation CommlsskJo op- Cout Scenic Freeway at the posed the c:oastal scellic allen· Assembly Tnnsportatioo Com· mem. May we quote trom tba.t mutee bearlDg lD Sacramento. re!101Woo: May we respec::ttully rem100 "WHEREAS, The recreation you tbat you spoke a« very use of the beaches a..od wa.ter eJoqueotb' &p1nst tllis route trod property tD Newport Bee.cb at a pre'fious bear1nc before woukl be adversely aftected bJ the CaWoro.ia Hlgbway Com. the presently adopted treeny mlsstoa &Dd quoteyouberewith: rout1ng; DDfl, therefore, ''1. Tbe rem9D®u5 YOlllmes ''BE IT RESOLVED, Tbattlle of tramc: Wh.lcb must be anr:i-State Recr&lUoo Commlssioo ctpated 1D tbe eoastaJ area o1 request the State HIJinrayCom- tbls commwd.ty establish tbe mtssioo to select aD lnii.Dd lad. tbaJ a tl'ee'Wa.Y is the ooJy route for the freeway ." pnct1ca..l s:oltrtioll to the tramc Resollt.ion oumbers 1763 au:! problem tbe communtty must 2092 state tbe City ol Hlllt- face. ingloo Bea.eh tavor.:1. u. 1n1aDd \' "2, Because of tbe utreme a.Ugnmeat. Way we quote: 1mportaDee of tbe beach rec-•·WHEREAS, tbe state, reatiooal facilities to the com-COUDty aDd City eoc:meer• mLIQity and to the State of CaU-recommended the ln1aDd roate loroia as a wbole, the u:tstllll wlllcb would, from tbe slud- Pacltlc Coast Hlgbway must be polDt af the taJpayws, r~Jlr'e­ malrQtrwt 1n the future as a sem: a savt.og of approUmately iocal access arouod Wblctl tbese $17,500,000 for coostructioD fac1U.t1es can conti.DUe to grow aDd rtgtlt-of-ny, plus an ad- to serve a most Important pub-dttiooaJ. $1,350,000 per year Uc oeed. cost to users; and COUNCIL DROPS UTILITIES TAX "3. 11 a freeway fae1Uty 1s "WHEREAS, the Couoty of to be constructed tJlrouCb the Orange a.ad the ma)al1ty of area, it must oot &eYer the eWes directlY affected by tbe recreatlooal area trom tbe routtng of tbe Coe..stal Freeway communily, tberelore, ltsboald were lD favor of tbe lnlaD:1 be loc:a.l.ed inlaDd trom tbe elist-route; in&: hiebWaY al a k:locat1oD tbat "NOW, THEREFORE, tbe wtU best suit tbe ecocomieal City Coac:U of the Ctty ol Tbe Newport Beacb City Couocil, 1D Ill uoupect«! mon based 00 Lotor m&Uoa rrom Coooi:Umu Carl K)'ll\la, lll>lod 111r adoplloo ol a 5 per - ut1Uty use tu. ordln&Dte Woo- :ll.so a little conceraed that Deeds oC tbe c:ommiiDI.ty." Huqtloctoo Beacb berebf re. t1>e tu was "boillc ~ocl May " -remllld JOOI t11at .. -1o mu. 101s olllelll thrOUCII wtt1101rt uy cblool u ... Ona&o c....., Board a1 ,..... ., Goto&-Edmw -•Cbpbetlball.J.'' ~..,......,a,..._ ~~C..C.Mwcf.._ ... Newport Mesa Scbool Dlstrlct trustees directed the district sta.tf Mood:ay night to compare extsttnc tlmHy Ufe education classes with the r ecommeoda. lions of the Newport HarOOr Chamber of Commer ce. a possible se1 ectucattoc and day aigtlt. Yost it DOt all ot tiMI re$1. 16:>a 011 l~mt 23, 1965 ~~a~~-f4 c:.a.worma, of tbt appu"lat deots wbo wa.lUd to the Coun-imouly ~ tbe poillioD dllreprd of upedtureottu- cil rostrum to OJ!P05e the tu ol Newport Beach iD its ap-payers• money." The trustees, In discussing familY ute program, aeeepted The Council, whtch had been a staff survey Usting f&mUy coD.Stdertnc the utiUt)' tu fo.r We educaUoo courses atready senral mllDths, ns told by being taug!lt tn the district. Mr. Kyml:l that tile Z basic sa.ld they would prefer ao in-position to tbe adOpted t'OIU, 1'bat left Costa Mesa as tbe crease in property tues rather FIYe S~s, Messrs. Al-oDl.J Orange CoUDty a.,eDCY than be sub}ected to "this in-leo, SUer, Feat.berlJ, Pb1l.Ups tuortna: a eoast.a.l sceo.tc tree- equitable utility tu.," and HlrstelD., agreed the adap-way . Long hassle over annex These courses, u taught by r811.Jii10QS tor levying the oew tbe :listrict and referred to as tu-·th&t of helping to balance related to b.mib' Ule eduea.Uon, tbe budget and state legislature i..Dclude everything from geDeral plaas to levy a similar tal-- business to homernattng, psy • were oo k>nger vaUd. chology, soctalproblems,phys-He sa.ld be had talked to the iology, and ecooom!cs, cOUDty tu assessor earUer to Will1am Hudson. admloistra~ ted route was "detlde!W," rd Jasper c. Womac:t, fbrmer tor at lblg Hospital, also ~~ tbe most eeooomtcaJ and that chl.el Mpway endnHT of the pressed strong opposition to ao "lDla.ad aUgoment would be state of CWorllla, oow retired, the uUllty taz. mote b.vorableandacceptable" aDd the deaD of hlg!lway eQgi- He was president of tbe Or- ange County Wine and Food Society and vice-president o! the 552 Club, a group of fund raiSers for the Hoag Hospital buUdlng program. He served the Clty of Newport Beach tor 4 years as member of the Puts, Beaches and Recreatloo Comm.'..sston. from July, 1964, to June, 1968. Newport Beach City Coun-Finally alter another 3-3vote The general ta.mlly We cate-tbe day am had been assured cu. alter nearly 4 bours ot de-00 a mottoo by Mr. Parsons ~rtes whlch are IDCluded lo tllat Newport Beach's assessed bate Monday Digtlt, tocluding to seod the a.noeuUon proposal tbe range of c lasses taught are vai .. Uoo 1roukl be increased session, tina.Uy decided to coo-to the Local Agency Formation llsted a.s perSOIW tlo:a.nces Ud by at least 15per cenllhlsyear. tin~~e tor 2 weeks tbe questloo Commlssion "without preju-management, budgeting, bank-"Tills 15 per cent Increase of whether o.r oot the city-wants dlee," the Council declded,ooa ing. credU lnstallmi!IW, con-will provide more than enough to anno: the McDonnell Douglas 4-2 vote, to continue tbe matter sumer use of goods and ser -mooey to balance the bOOget.'' prq,e.rty adjacent to the Orange for z weeks. rtces, persooal evaluation, goal Mr. Kymla said, ''and there- County airport. The ~tloo proposal !las setting. dating. courtship, mar-fore ooe of the 2 basic reasons "We presently pay $111,000 a.oo "better meet the tram.c oeers, stated r~tedl,y an:t iD uUUty bills aM lf we "'ve engloeeriDc requirements.'' UDeQu1YocablY that the ~ to pay a 5 per cent tu oo that The State Division of Parks route was Jonpr, more upeo. you can bet hOs;~ital costs are aJX1 Beachespa.ssedaresolutioo s.ive m:t ezcessively damaeln& going to go ~and thepatleots dated FebruaryZ6,196Z,oppos-to tb1s community. He estl· at tbe bospital w1ll be the ones iog tbeselectedrouteandb.Yor-mated a savLDg of about $50,~ Mr. Witmer was born Oct 9, 1921, ID Los Aqeles. The Wltmer tuntt, then ·us 11Ylng 1n PasadeDa., and later mo't'ed to Coroc:a del Mar, U't'lDg on Ba7side Dr. Ted a.tteoded Poly-Ar.lmuth Equities, whO ispur- teeiUll.e e~meotary school in cbaslng tbe property, plans to Puadem, prep school 1n the build a $50 mUlloo hOtel aoo Santa IDez Valley aDd CaUJor-omce com~ lex on lbe site and a1a Inst1tute of fecbmlozy iD •ants to be annezed into the Pasadeal. c ity. Memorial serTices will be The Coancll, following the held at 11 :30 a.m. Thursday, eucutive session, vote:l 3 to 3 J~:y 16, at Ptciflc: VIew Mem-on the anneu.Uon, wtthCouocll- orial Park 1n Harbor View m&D Richard Crout abstainlog. Hills. The Rev. John Davls of CouncUmeo votlog for anno:- St. Mlc:bael's a.od AU Angels' atlon were: Dooald Mclnols, EplSCCJI)Il Cbureb wlllotrlctate. Carl KymlaandH.,ardRogers. Sur'ftrors 1Dclude his wtle, Mayor Ed Hlrthaod CoWK:llmeo Harriette; 3 lOllS, James, 2.3, Mllan Dostal aod Wndsley Par- a oe'Ysman wUb tbe City News 90QS voted apinst annexaUon. Big school tax hike due Newport Mea alfltd acbool of 53.49 cents. Tbe total of dlltriet truteea IRJI'O'ed a the two amouots to a 10 eeat bOlaococl pot>llcatioos budll'll or bib as a result ol tile $<1.5 $!8,1151,55S Tutsctaral&bl Tb1a miWoo ira bobds sold July 1 ts a $!.5 mUUoa tDc.r-.M O't'er tbis year. The dlstrtct tad been lui JtU'S bod!ol ol $14.6mtl-I!Dable lo seU tile boulds UlliU IJoo. voters rec:eatly hiked tbt lnt- Tbt Dtw operatlou bll:tpt erest rate at wbieb tbe boods a.allelllolq a lU nte o1 $4.545 coold be sold. The Umlt oow tor tbt cll.ltrlct u comptl'ld 11 7 per c:eat. to $1.1105 lui ,_.. TOo lllltclpo.ted lU ralo Is Ill llldltloo, _.... "' -.... _ .. lDcr- COita MeA WW bl.ft to tort of 10 per ceat to useued val- .... 88.11 -... --Tbo dlslrtd tJPOCUu ... -.aa~ "-' BoacllliOO-·-"" ~ ., bo "' --• WIIIP&Jat 1bo nte oJCOOI ol .. lJ mtllloo. Fund raiser for baseball to pay," he said, lD.g an inland alignment. May we 000,000 by moVing lnla.D:1. Councilmen had some dt..m-quote: We re5;)eettully ask tbat you cutty at tlrst to deciding "WHEREAS, tbe recreation review these documents. We whetber to table the adoptioo beaches ot Ora.nge County are urge yoo to oow ~t us of the tu lodetlnitely or Wl· ezceptionally fiDe aOO amUillly or ezplaJ.n wnat cba.nps r.n til a specified date. are rtsited by hllfldredsofthou~ occurred that you now ftDI sparked a ootroversy between ria.geablUty, hOWconcepUonoc-lor Implementing the tax is the city and the lrvl.De Co. and etas, a.nd role of parems. oo longer there." lrvlne area r estdems. Trustees didootsetanydel.d-Last year's assessed vaJua. The Irvine Co. and the lrtlne tiDe for completing the com-tloD for the city ns $245,6 area r estdeots oppose tbe an-partsoo report, but It W.lS e1-m1Won. A 15 per cent increase oe.~atlon because they feel It pected U would be completed would bring the city's assessed wtU ta..ke a good ehuok of the wtthln about 30 days. valuation to $282,4 million. The At flrst they were going to sands ot people seeldngrecrea-lhe recreation area sec:anted vote on contlnuiog the matter tiocl, and from the com"T~•mlty aDd re- forZw~. btltagainCtnm':ler "WHEREAS, tine state strict the tull deveiopme!W of President Currey )X)inted 011. beaches could be materially al-these tadUties. 1:a.1 ba.se out of the proposed tn other actioo the trustees: city bad am:tcipated an assessed =~~:~.~ :, ~"': Freeway protest received Some Council members feU city or Irvine. • AWroved a DeW cotase on valuatioo of $268 million. The Irvl.oe Co. claims the ecology. M.r. KymlaalsotoldtheCoun- clty of lrvlne plans are based • Held over to the Dert meet-ell tbat brlsed oo receot con- on Newport Beacb's ind1ca.ted log a hot Idea review panel versattons he "'d with sources tuti.D"e bouodarles setdo'trnsev-report w•U ch included the fol-to Sacramento any plans far eral years ago. lowiog titles: pro.)ect for es-implementing a state~tmposed Some CouncU members do tabllshlng lndJ.vidualiud In-IIUUty use taJ: "'d been scrapped not feel that thOsetuturebl:'luM· strucUoo In readln& In con-at least for thls year. ary deslgn:atlons are llxed. juDctioo with a. multi-media. "Tbe second rea.soo for this u the property 1s aDoel8d to eeAter; development of ISCS city 1mplemeolingthetu1salso the clty 1t woukl bt"IDg an estt-pr-ogram, level m, for the non-oow Lonlld," IJe said. mated iz65 ooo to $268 000 1.o academte student at com Mesa. Tbe Couocll had W"l..l'lted to new rena~s. &Iter e~soC b.igb scbool; senior rnathema-implemem its own tu before prOt"idtDg services to the de-tics; a unit ln emoCJoD.S In tbe the state did to uold pre· nlq)mem. seU and Uterature to be wrtt-emptioo. it shoUJd be tabled only ootil Tbe N£>wport Beach City ao exact determi.JlaUon of the Council accepted petitions wtth assessed va.lua.Uoo was knowu more than ZO,OOO signatures and others tell the matter sbOOkl Monday night r;wostng the pro- come ~ after the assessed posed roote or the Pa.citlc Coa.st va.lua.tioo w u ltoown ab:1 alter frM"way · . the tu rate ns set. The petitons wer£> presented But, It was tlna_lly decided to tbe CO\' :II b)" Gen. JOhn to take CoWKUman Kymia's Condon, a member of tbe exec. word 00 "at )east a 15 per cent Lrt:lve committee of the Harbor locrease " and the Council Ar• freeway Fighters. voted ~moosly to table with The Frpeny Figtters are oo date set to r ecoaslder. se£"k1ng to eUminate from tbe CDM C.C. installs tonight But the lrfiDe Co. told the teo wtUt affective cogn.lti¥8 .n.. AJIOtber b.ctor tbat be~ to COUDCU tbat denlopmeot ot the jecttns; eorlronmenta.l ecol-d1.asulde cou.ocilmen was tbe project eoukl biiJ't l\lrt.b&r de-011--dere~meot ol source commeot by Newport Harbor Onn~t CGUMy 's colorfUl flclals u wll a.s presldetts nklpme.at of Newport cea.er. boot; re&diDg labotatory pro-Cbambar ot Commerte Presi-preSIIDt ..00 n.ture -.tll be re-aDd officers ol m.\111 clty or. .COUDcllma.o Parsoos said be jeet; cvrlculum pacb.ee tJr deot Cbarles Clll'l'ey. COUDted bJ James C. Killings-pnlutioos. Local bu.s:loess- did oot tbiDt 1t would be px1 below anratt oon-c:ollege Y.r. Correy to)d tM COUDell 1rOI1b, editor and publlsbe.r of mR, tbt1r wives t.OO IJII:erested buslDess to trade locome from bou1ld. st\ldtlltS tD EocUsh; crea. U.t tbe etty -.u dolDC D:Jtb1ac 0n.nce Couoty macutoe at resMteots are l.artted 10 the 8 008 ckrt'elapmtnt tor uotbar. Un music perb'muce IW'O-mt;l:'e tba.D ''subst.ltutl..DC a tal-tbe Corola del War Cha~ber p.m. afla.tr, Wr. P1DcbiD said, Tbe eucut1Ye session was cram b' meotaliJiflled miiiOI's d~le t:u i)r a deductible ot Commerce diDber dance and Wuslc: for cocktails IDSpost- bekl oa tbe buts uac lrT1DI am music studeata; lDdi'ftdual~ tu.'' 14tn aan\lll tnsta.llailoo o1 oe~ dllmer dllociQ( wtllbef\lnlsbed Co. Vlee Prtsidetk ~ 1Hd rfMIDC; stDdellt-c:elftred 1'hts commeot raised some Ureers at the lrTtDe Cc».st by Roo ud MutJ' musical duo WaUoo sa1d eomt uttaaUoD ointb era~• EncUsb procram; ~ eytbrowsaadtbey Cocmtry Club this HenlDc, July rtom Balboa ls.aod. CGo111 ,..,.. U tba .-.atloaol ~ pllll lor a ll<OIRDl uUd Ctty A-...y Tolly SeJ-'· It Is -by Hal Pill-DIST. LECIDM 10 IMSTALL lldJiceol Collloa Radloproporty o1 lnd1T1dlallled lllmuetlc>l; mour to YWIII' tba llltorlllllloo. cbta. dllar cbalrm.ao. E-(llrs. K-> 1...._ -wu '""'ed Ot"tr lrTlot co. Wang procrammtnr proJtet; Mr. Seymow told tbeC-.et~ Cut x.c»J, attorDty, will IIOG oltht N..,..-t KU'bor Lt- objoc:tloDa. systams OA>,..cb to ,.1ehlnCitbo11U. Comoy nor~ tbat bo lllstaDod as preside,. by out-ctoo Aulllarf, 111111 1111, wiU Tllo trrlllo Co. Is tba leo -llld <~aut&; 1011 Uo-,._ 15 ""l--.llU 00 tale-PliC pr-Ooo Coot. t>r-bo lNtallod u .,..._ ol treeny system tbat pol'tioo of the proposed freeway '11111cb goes through ~ewport Beach and Corona del Mar. Mayor Ed Hlrth, to aeeapt~ ing tne petitons, told the ~ tile COW)(:il appreciated the ftne worlr. they were doing on the freeway Issue. Subsequently the Couocll voted 111\llUmou.sly to table action on a pr~sed lett.-trial would upl.air. to the State Dl- vlsloo of Klghn, eaglDMrs tn Los AngeJes lbt c lty's stand oo the tr.eway issue. The letter was c2rafted ..,. • era! weeb: aco by Wuor Ed Hirth after a resoll&loa pused oy tbe COWICll IJid -DC tbo present &Up.meat ol tbt free- ny, lwJ Wttred dlM:"ss:ioas between tbt two oo desiiD c:taa- au. CoomcU111111 llonrd .._... at that time, hid a.sMd tb&t tbt matt• .,. '* 0'1'11' bee& .. d. -ol tbo -... 1'bl eo.e.tl's aodOD 1a tllb&- lqtbolllltr-.-. lltl ICI.Id .. ......,no. ,...... -...... tbo rr_, f'OIIIIi u .. ClOIII:lt....S.. -ollboColltDsRadlo--~. -OW. 11 1101 Wlblo, -Mllpcllt llo&cb City.,..._ tilt 111111 Dlalri<Uallfor7- UIJ, ColllDo RadlolluiOJOU'S • Tablod _.,.a! olallr1os tbo IOIUIJ tu >loo-1101 clllnu. Bob --uod Sa-........ Joly U, at loll AMDIUOM DIIS rtrpii'IJ .. OD a 99 Jtu' ....... 1x adJn1D1*'th'e 1*'.-..L be WibM. start Toone .W tab oalct tM ~BI.I'tlca' ....... lillll. A_......., -rololq -· T,.,......s Oo•• 1101 bot tu )Diaocl wUll Aalmultl • OrdoHII lbo llall lo coo-l IU. C...rey Ioiii lbo C-u fln< IJid-~-Allaa aou .. o1 ~wiD Alit --'II, Iff 11.0 I. -lot lilt -----to 11111 1111111 llqol-1o 101 11$ ~ duM:I a llcJHtloo _.,., OD u-eU tbol U 1 uut1llly lU --IJid Boll .....,. u trou-be h*'lod u DlJiricl --Ocou ......... -I"" ball-'urtll '-luoldJoly --<lui7ud-llltpro6-a-IIOdaloo. 1s11o1 tlldltU. fttell-bo •• loM.ll -"!.,...__, -· -I ol ... '141 I .. - 11 till<• u, .........,. 1o oct wiD ooiJ 1>o -l,.sllll -. _,u,. ... r.a lbo -· uu1 11uo -Iff lilt'.,.-. 111 ·-1o lilt Tluo toUow~q w111 .. ._.. lllH. • 1, ••• wtll .,r-loon IIQo ll. .. 1, • c:w-. .......... cUr-... )IAtMI L -. -•<II boll ---.lll---dlllrld u. -----eliJ'• ....--Ud Ia u ciHctoc s; .<eo ...... at 10 ua.loly 11 IIIIo ........... Yo., -.. cxm • uaa. W. ca-. J .....-...,..,a 111111 NIIN m m*lla ecMDII e•..,.ia ta. t.IM"be~Mit Hal 4tlltKW, 0.:. ao.._ lu' l-.tJ Dlltrtot •••• 40 ,_.. • ... • Onliel 11t-tllollll cuulf Will Tluo-Iff 1bo drift 111 ~ c.-, Airport. 111& ~·-••>-.-tu. lflftJ Gof1o, Grut ~ C..,-I -...... ... 11o -IJ _ .... 1011111 lo-"" .,.._1_.,.. en -n•• ~..--• .ljflculll t1uo .. u.,ltol lit-lbol-mmnla-'-". H_........, JOINS liii iiAY'f •-··••- •WV•_,..._..,_ .................. , )of .... 1*i1t tiiiiJI--:'o~QOO.een •eC..,tl.a.ta .a11J.'nllttllll c::IJ WOild ''IGI tab D Bal .... JoMS..'1,U. .fla'l'll•t • -eiMt.MII ,...., ... W t i:A ..... toplo _. .......... lit -1011--u;ID ..... o CIQ Ill--a •o:t; wllll>o -lluo-·~ lo bo hll-I lit--aoullln-T.---llrL -1\ 11 ole;~~~ .. I, l ltlll lll&ldtlllt-.u a a •an ....,_.lldlllw:._...,_ .... ••• ••red•*· udlrd1" ';p ill.-..-..._. u,..._abllloll..._ tit. del...,., eul--."" ..,1 , :a• .. • .. ,• _.. _____ .. -'-t ~udlo .... M port ... l-teulllt Aa!-alllltCoa_lilfl_" .. II IIJ," -1-*-atl1, ............. -.. .._ --IS If¢ -.._ Ia lilt -Iff.. ·-.....,..... ......._ ~It '1>10 ...,.. Tluo a.-.,ro dW -.....,, -ud •llml Iff-UJI. ..., lool-. c..ol. I J!!IIIIOAY, JULY t, l!lQ CONSERVATIVE CORNER t ly Tom Anderoon Official" nowlflapor af tl.o Oty of Howpart Beach. WE IIC~ WHAT WE CONDONE llyCt-.. St-. ,... _ _,alaor_--._......,_ Prior lo ..... -.-.. ~~-... -·--""' 'lllo -..... ""' .. Ill--aol-1 l!oUdoJ'o, I - -11R11c ,._ 1o do---lo nlU-ou u ~ to f> lo -polrlo--. Oil-· t11oJ--Wo-W11011 IIIII Uc a:brt.Dta, tblrt to COII:DI-btiiU •v=ta&tJ IIIII tii 80..UIDIII ooal. WI 1llt 45de- wlll! ll!ei!PitllofAmorka.-lnlllo, wl!lcl! l!od 1o bo -... _ __.. w•lbo< wtlb mt &. c-llwyo, c.-lol ... c.w. -- TilE JI&WP\MT I.U801l EHSICII '-•'-.-, •• 1 •• ptilltM MoN: appallina ~·Y than the noitc: of the ............. Ia ... ca., ., "at ' .... a.-~ .......... , locally bad people Ll I he silence of the JOOd people. I am at -•· I joarOIJ' lo --.,.--bo -.so. · e~~:lrcrM terms: "I know thy works. that thou Kaott's Berl)' Fum IDd llJ-olllrtd for Pll'*'" tbltr &Dta-We ..,.tr pn tboUbt to an neither cold nor hot. I would thou were ten 'll'bUt Mpl'kbnl YOI.ca &W CI'OPIL lDdlutll ,.e Pl'll-nat may ••e bMD led'IQI"te cold or hot. So bccauM: thou art neither cold ..UII t.rom tbt p.om .-:t lilt. "'''Nttme1 frtelldty, Clftta. J.a our UflDc coadttttw, b' nor hot, I will ~pew thee out of my mouth." dr&m&tt.H tbt 11I!IIAI of tbl llrodoua. we too, bid a 'fUdoD o1 bltta' .-.-4 ... .,....M .. ,.,.,., .. Ute Na pllft .... Ce-• ..._ We b«ome F»~rt of what we c:ondone. An.. P .. l~ -....,. •• ~.,.. S.OO.... e1-,ar.-,.S4 The God·klllert are alto killina our country. • c.. .. •1 -· t.f.lf. The morals of our kadcn are low bec:auae tht TilE HEWPOin' IIAIIBOI ENSIGN ... -~ ~ .. • _. •• morals of our people arc low. The vavcyards ,.., ol ,...._. clre..J•Iu lty co_. IeetH r...,. A.-.,l:rt ,._...~ of history prove that nations Jt:f what the lilly 14, lKl. ~~ ,.._Me-Co., lw the Co.ay of arra..., be •f d F 'f • y C.lllcwaJ .. Ul4 by reeeow tb.reof Ia q.allfled lo pabU.i aU palllkl eserve. ew, I ~ny, nahom have ever been The Bible i!l not tole.nant. it' a "narrow· 06ellratloa ot ~e. 0... o1 tbe ptctur11 wb1cb Wap. U mat bt tb&t tbt "re- --~· recttUr.-1 lty l'ltw. conquered from W!lhour unlcas they were rot- suaJCIII'TION ••TIS ten within. Our nation w" foundrd by nl('h minded." And w II the compau. nadar, tht nu Ytu', I ,.. li.r froDl I bD:S ... tolu.me • ol "Tbt caldtn.at" ~ oltDd&JdoDOt mulliplication table, the bOiling and frcczina Freedom Hall lA !NIIa Park. PqiMat f1 Amerlca" llbcJ'nd ban UU vtaSoD. Perblpa tile pom11 of wate-r, nature, and the Kin&<Jom aM 10 1 weot 10 tM Samuela a bluU.fb.l J'OWIC W'OmU Oil d&JI 1.D wblcb n "han DtfW of Heaven. The gah~• of Hell are br~d-Lttnry l.rl Froot Royal, Vtr-ber kDMI btgtq A:Jr mtr'CJ', bad 1t 10 .,ad*' have beta much minded. God, the Biblr, sm. and Jesus Christ pnia, ud took from UltlbtlM8 Two llld1au Mood by. ODe bid too .,ad b today'•)IOWlllterl. are unchanaing. Hebrews I J:8 :u.ys: "Jesus & DUmber ol books dft.l1Jlc wttb ~ bar k»nc b&1r ud wu M&Jbt lf tbey bad to su£fer C hrist. the stm.: yesten.lay, tot.lay and tomor-the earl)' bistory of lbll1DJ.ted pu11l.ac bel' be&d -.ct. Tbt .ome or, perhaps mlD1 prl- row." T~ Ten Cnmandments are forever the Stat ... I weot tack IDto tbl other, wltb a tomahawk lD b1s Tadou, tbty wD'I)d bave lea: ume. A true Chnstian has an unchanging reco-rds of tbe years btfort ~ bUd, wu threaten-tllnt for riotl.oc. I• H•"'-Nea:: 0... ,. •• $t..OO; 2 ,.. .. , 17.00 who belit'vcd in God, in individual freedom, 0\M of ~ Area: 0.• ,..., 15.00: 2 ,.. ..... 00 in hiah moral values and in personal reapon- sibilily. W~ther we survive as free men or slaves depends upon whether we can resurrect our moral and spiritual strenatt\. The time could be approaching whc,, the question will be not whether Amt:rica can bt stan\lar\1, there wu the couatr'J wtak:b lQc to kill her. Thl ar•lD whteb I am tru- The "moUc:rnist"" prt'achers have llecreed we see today--back~ c:oloa1a.l Tbat p&lnttAI illustrated a scrtbf.n( these thouCblt: ls ARVO E. HAAPA, owner and publisher ot the Ensign saved but whether America is wonh saving. • ...,,...,...,...,.....,...,...,....,....,...,-o...,...,...,0000 ... ,......,.,. Sodom and Gomorrah were not. Only the that (..od ia JcaJ: that Christian1t y has failed: tlmea. l aou.pt toDDdtbtpotloa problem tb&t tbe earty Mttlera ~teepee~ 1n tr&dlUOn. Georp th~t they will cre-ate j$ t\CN rehg•on "suitable to that men drank ln tboH daft, fleed. but wbteb mtrcttull)' bu Wa••natoo labored hen. He our complu ume, ... (,oc.J is eternal, of course. to get streD(tb to earn th1a bleD aYed f.tomtbepreteDiday i!ll)lllt b.l.llater years at Yount Chrislianity ha ~ not f:•ilell-il ho•sn"t been nation out from tbe wtkieroeu, Hipptea and Ytpplea. Tbtfor-Vernoo. lOme 10 mUll away, triell. There must h&Ye been aome-etU, wbleb would han dawbd: ID between 1a tbe eltJ of PUr-• LETTER TO THE ffiVINE COMPANY Attention, Wllllam Mason, President: In reply to the Irvine Company's let- ter to state Senator Randolph Collier, chairman of the Senate transportation committee, claiming that Newport Beach needs a freeway along the coastal route, I am presenting reasons why an over- whelming majority of local residents op- pose the coast freeway route through the heart of Newport Beach and Corona del Mar. These reasons far outweigh the sup- posed benefit of a freeway that would cut a devastating swath through one of the most magnificent residential areas In the nation. • The only reason offered for routing the freeway through our city Is that we need it to solve our traffic congestion problem. Complete refutation for this reasoning comes from William Hashimoto, State Highway Division engineer In the Los Angeles office, who Is directly In- volved in this coast freeway study, ln testimony before the Newport Beach City Council, at a study session on March 26, 1970, he stated that the traffic volume on Coast Hwy. through our city would NOT be reduced if the freeway is con- structed on the adopted coast route here. In other words, we would not only get no relief from traffic congestion, but we would suffer the tragic loss of hundreds of homes and businesses that would be wiped out by the freeway, and we would also have the added noise and pollution caused by the thousands of additional cars going through our city on the free- way. • In this day of increasing concern over the mounting problems concerning ecology and pollution, it would be tragic to route the freeway through the resi- dential areas of Newport Beach and Corona del Mar, where the State Highway Div- ision estimates that the freeway would generate new traffic up to 170 THOUSAND CARS PER DAY. This would all be ad- ditional traffic and pollution since Coast Hwy, traffic would not be decreased at all. • Our neighboring cities up-coast and down-coast both have succeeded In keep- mg the freeway out of the heart of the city. The adopted route goes Inland of Huntington Beach and Laguna Beach, but In-between it takes a surprising swing to a coastal alignment. It is a matter of consistency and fair play that Newport Beach be accorded the same consider- ation that Huntington Beach and Laguna Beach have received. • Most important reason of all Is the human consideration. The State Highway Division engineers estimate that the adop- ted coast route would take out more than 700 homes and about 30 businesses 1n Newport Beach and Corona del Mar, This means that about 2-1/2 THOUSAND people would be driven out of their homes, many of whom have lived here for a long time, as I have, and have planned to make this our permanent home, There w1ll be compensation, of course, for the loss of homes, but new home sites are not available here at comparable prices, U at all, so most of us would have to leave this area. This would be a human tragedy at frtgbttul proportions. I appeal to your dedication to the city 1n wblcb you make your bome and ult that you do not bring upon our city the bard8.blp ud d18.11!Mlon and suffering t11at a freeway would cause. 8locerely, ARVO B. BAAPA, Publllber moral deserve to be fr~. The Apostle Paul said: "'Where the spirit of the Lord is, there:: i~ Liberty:· (II Cor. J: 17) We cannot oppose ev11 hy compromising with evil. We cannot ao forth into all the world and spread the gospel of Jesus Christ if we deny Jesus Christ in the United Nations. In our schools and in our daily lives. Jesus Christ was not "'a modentle." He was an ''extremist." The '"modernists" amongll us today proclaim that there is no black and white: that sin is imaginary. non-existent: that we are to he "'moderate" and "tolerant" in all thmas. including evil. An agnostic is a moderate. Moderation is not a vi rtur when one is moderately wrong or m<Xleralely s•nful. Christ had thiS I<' s;ty ahout moJerate<;-a religious I)'~ Hr lknounCl·ll m BROTHERHOOD One of these young ··mtxJerMI" preachers thing ~natural lD tbat early a race leu barely tbu OCD' fu, where Lord Fairfax, tbe accepted a call t•• ;• l1ttlc country church in environment to enable men to twee.thera, Ut DO ... oblem tor O'lt'DQ' of tbe vut terrUory Alabama. Afll'r a tcw Sundays he announced rlse above their surrOUDdinp tbe Youth of today. They nay atretchlng westward, Uved. that henceforth the memhen. would rcfnin and to lay the foumtatton tor eDeOWJter 1.0 "upbalt jungle," As a YOURC man, WuJttncton from such out-moded hehaviour as saying this country ol ours. I cootrU-but OD the other hand they have cot 1 lOb to survey a 11De "Amen!" and "'halh:luJIIh !"" Juring the sermon. ted Utls with the complaJ.la paved streets wtth curbs and tbrougtt the forests and over The very nc't Su!\lllly tl hntr old lady got made by modern Hippies who sidewalts, btgttways and free-the mou.ntatns so u to pve carried away and llludl) c~datmed ''Amen! say that this natton ls to be ways. The earty settlers e&l'· IUs etq)k>yer a.n idea. of the Pr:usc the Lord'" tdeatl.fted ln nega.Uve ~-rled wattr from De!U'by vutoess ot bla empire. When Two ushe r~ ha~te ncd .tnwn the al!.le. lihed lattves asbelngtbeworstamoor ltre&ms, whUe U'Je younpters Jn thenea.rbyeltyot'Wlnehester, the nations of the earth. today have hot and eold water 1 saw aome of the equipment her gently hut firmly out of her seal and half The men and women wbo piped lD tbttr homes. that 1fe may have used. carried her tlown the ~.:~·n~o,>r a•sle came to our shores LD UIOse l crew IC) under cooditioos The country hereaboutJ 15 She waved her h<tn.tkcrchid To the congre-early days followed 1 Yildoo DOt as prlmltiYe 1.1 thoae en-sparsely settled. Patches of g<~lion all the wll\. cry1ng: "Jesus rode one tnwl\ieh wa.sdepietedtbellture dured. ln pn-revolutiooary Umber still rematn. aDd the into Jerus01lem and 11 take~ two to carry me greatness ot this country ot days, bUt JUU tar beknv tbe trees are as thick u they uut!"'-Amenc.m w,,\ Fl·aturc, ours. They tlrst saw bleak aDd modern sta.odu'ds. We carried may bave been wben Wub.I.Dg- By Usa Llnda.hl, age 12, Corona del M.ar 1 opened the wllldow's curtains. BEHAVIORAL OBJECTIVES DISCUSSED ~Ld=r~:~~w.~:. The sun's golden rays gleamed tn, With colours that cast shadows Ln the dark. The leaves by the windows AU looked ~and said hello ln golden brown and sun Ughted green. Again 1 was dazed as !he leaves danced In the golden sun And ttle sun wa.s tla.ppy In Its grace. I coukl teU by the way It shone, I thOught a.pln about mank:IOO. Wby can't we be like the leaves and sun~' Look arouOO at them and llllnk. There are brown, bellow, rE'd and green leaves, AU Uvlng togeth~r happily and when a child picks them, They don't tight. They are part of na.tute , , , so are we. They are d11ferent colors ••• so are we. They are beauUiul .•. so are we. ADd when any one person calls this world ugly, 1 hope they get my message, And look around ••• au around. For you ca.o be sad when you wa.nl, Depressed when you wan.t, And of course blue wheD you want. B; SpeeLal Correspondefts "Ptoject objecUres will be tM ct.arteulum at the same The ezperteoce ga.J.oedontlut The Newport Mesa Unlf1ed evaluated in termsofCHANGES tlme to protect Us internal trip helped 111m when be en- School District was represented IN STUDENT PERFORMANCE consistency: gaged ln the Wa.t apinst the OD lelevlsion last saturday by and CHANGES IN TEACHERS. "l . To lmplemeDt, evaluate French andl.nd.ta.ns,yea.rsla.ter. Fay Ha.rblson, project director Instruments to enlua.te st\XSeat and revt.se lZ spe.c:Laliz.ed pro-It pve bJm a perspective on tor the space science ptogn.m. performance 1n t.ocUvldual acu. grams. wbJch to Jay the lou.ndatlon tor Interesting was the t.lct that viUes are continually belng re. •·z. To establtsb according tbe new nation that later was BEHAVIORAL OBJECTIVES Oned and new measures added, to a three year plan tbe acu. to be formed. were trouW!t ~. when tlle an-However, they tall lnto two viUes of a scteoee ceoter by A ptcture of "W.lshitlgtoa ootmeer asked lt EVALUATION categories: (1) The Teacher-orptd.&ing 3 semi.Dars, by crossing the Delaware" ftS was part of the space sdence made tests for pre aod post-equtpplng to a district space-shown 1D the "Pageant of Am. program. To the questioD about testing of BEHAVIORAL OB-m~le. by establlsh1ng an in-erlea," and another of Wash- evaluation, Mrs. Hublson an-JECTIVES; (Z) standardl.r.ed formation retrieval system tor lngton at Valley Forge, enter- swered: ··we are In the midst tests. the space science Ubrary a00 inga tent lrlwi\Jchla.yaYt'Oundecl of EVALUATION. Ooe thing ln "Results trom testing wtllbe by deve~l.ng short courses soidler. The I.Djured man ....as eval!W.Ioo Is the lntrodueUon cllarted and a.nal)'ted for SIG-tor tt~~.ebers. U.llable to rise, but with 1\ts of new courses. lt's very dll-NlFlCANCE of CHANGE, De-"3, To reftoe the EYEBAI .L last rema.lnlng strenrttt he ncult to introduce new courses tailed records will be kept. to EYEBALL PROGRAM. (Sen-n.l..sed his flaM to salute llis oo a secot:dary level, but from ··w th th I~·-1 ,., sltlvlty'?) general. We would do well to this program alone, we have 1 e ass _....e 0 ev .... -"4 To deY "'-addfU 1 follow hls example today . uatioo coorulta.nt, Dr, Verdun • e...., JGII T already Introduced 4 new Trlooe of Southern Nevada Unt-procra.m to meetldtatiiiedcLU'-he Jlu,IOUs words of Admiral courses into the secondary cur-verstty lnforma.Uooa.lretrleval rlc u.lwn oeeds. (Note: ldentl-John Paul Jones: ••We have DOt riculum. One of these Is COM-doeum~nts tlave been coo.strue-lied usually meao.s they have betun to tlaht.'' were made the PUTER MATHEMATICS at the a.Lr.-dy en.luated, or lt wouki subject ot a whole chapter in junior high school. We !lave ted to measure t,be Impact ot DOt be ID£NnnED,) "Tbe Com~ct History ot the discovered that the stooents the mc:tile laboratory progam CtvU War" by ~y. lt ebou1d who completed computer math-. &Dd lN~ERVICE propm lot ''EVALUA'fiON: Types of be the 1DJtto ot aU tboee WhO emattcs scored ZO per eent TEACHERS. The PATA RE-enJ••Hoa will be stat1stle&l, bold true to tbe vlsioll ot Am- 1\lgfler on an. algebra prognostic THIEVED wiU 1001cate trems dOcumentary, eJ;>erlmeDta.l a.u1 ertea which lnspt.red our test than students of com par_ or cha.oges ln practice or use cUOicaJ according to the needs revered torefllthers. This able ablllty who had not taken o~ tesources, teachers' r e-ot tbe Individual untt. A re-Fourth of July It shoukt be the For It takes ooe Inner soullnstde you to do wh.atever you wish, the courses 1n computer m.'lth-actton to workshOps,lmplct and sea.reb C:OmpiDJ llketbe Amerl-a.n1maUng b.ctor 1n renewing And II takes one person to make you happy ••. you, ematics. survival .. of Impact, tnlerest ca..o lnsUt~e of Researeb Yilt the battle to restore and to For you have God's wtsh to think, and love, and be curious. ''By the way, the computer changes, achievement p.lns, be asted to uslst Jn the dep maiDtaio the United States ac. iD mathemaUcs Is very tmpor-content analysis and slg:nUl-ve)opmeot ot en.lua.Uoomea.s-cordlaa: to the pattern of George R J h S h "I rl tant 1n our space program be-ea.nce ot treods, changes lrlper-uremeDt.s, docununta.Uoo. of the Washlneton's dr'eam. ep. 0 n c m1 z repo s cause we wouldn't be expl~rlng ceptions and problem solving.'' program operations and the de.. President Nlmn sounded the the moon today lt tt weren't (Emphasis by writers. Refer-velopmeot of anetfectlve report keynote of the effort to restore My election June 30 to the agtna.t.tvely, and sometimes by tor computers 'and computer ence: Newport Mesa boUd b&&ed ~n OBJECTlVE IN-the American tradiUon when United States Congress for the surrendering key positlonswtth mathematics." agenda dated 2-1?.70,) TERPRETATION OF DATA." be said tbat U ls UmiJ to speat 35th District of cawornla. (ln~· no real battle a.t aU. Never-•·Do you find enougfl students To go further back into the (Reference: Board agendadated on "What's right with Am- eluding parts of Orange and theless I beUeve that, ezpeclally are interested In this part!-records, the space scteoce 6. 1'-67.) erlca." san Diego Counties) beings to ln the la.sl Z years, we have cular· course?" asked the an. l~arni.Dg program offered the Rem9mber to attend your Let us with pos1Uve ~- an end nearlY 6 years of ser-been able to slow down slg. oouncer? following points of Interest: local bolrd meeUn&:s, the tlnt laUves .say over andover ap.Jn: vice tn the California. state nW.caotly what often seemed, Mrs. Harbison answered: "PROCEDURES: The follow-three Tuesdays of every month •· America ls the best, the kind- senate. This wlll therefore be In the terrible year ol 1968, ''Oh yes we noo more stu-lng a.ctlviUes have been de-at Costa Mesa high scbool at Uest, the Doblest, the grandest the last of these newsletters to be a. bead]ong plunge toward dents ar~ interested than we vised to enrich and Improve 7:SO p.m. nation ln the world!" trom Sacramento. either tyranny or ebaos. But can ofler the course. Another '""''"'tale my much the wehaveootreversedthetreod. EVALUATION Is louod In lbe LeHers to the Ed.ltor opportunity the \'otersofOrange We have only glven good m"!D numbets of students and teach- Count)' have gtven me to serve a. Uttle more Ume. ers who are a.sJd.og for ser- ln the sb.te senate during a The Z accomplishments tn vlces. ln Its first semester o1 • LETTER TO COUNCIL \oss a.t $55,000. The clty atM were tr•ted at the bosplt.al period of great importance am which I tue most pride ue the operation, the space science Ctty Council Corney elted a Cautornia cue wtu sutler fUture attacb:? rapid change ln the history ot pusa.ge last year of the bill mobile l.aboratory visits more Newport Beach, a.s ftmg the UmJt& of recovery Mueh of the rock music is our state and nation. 1 have on wb.lcb Assemblyman Burke than lO,OOOstudents. Ttu'ough-Gentlemen: in damaps otbu&.lneaslesseea. deslgned to turn tdds on, and done my best to represent them and 1 coopented, to preserve out the entire program WE This memorandum Is written These respected pntlemen. many performers are already talt.htully and to speU a.nd vote the people's right to vote on HAVE BEHAVIORAL osJEC-for the purpose ot stroogty however, are oot uod.erwrlttnr turoad on. It's a sad commtn- a.s most of them would have me scbool tax locreases, and the TIVES which are beiDg care-urging reconsideraUoo of the or usumln( potential 1\ture tary U the adminlslraUon ot do, so Joog as this was com. passage of my bill gh1ng tully measured and DATA rs resolution a.pproring the ap-dlmaps. Tl\ectti..HnearebelDJ All&beim ls wtlliog to put the patlble vrtlh my own conscience, parents tbe absolute rlgtlt to BEING COLLECTED, so that pllcaUon tor tnt Promootory uted to do tnatl ltldlum oo a ptont basis {a It would seem, trom this m05t k~ their clllldren out of seJ: we can measure the Impact of Bay development ot the Irvine But aput from thls I\1JPO-aewtpaper statedthecttymana. r ecent manifestaHon of their educatloo classes lD the public the program as a whole on the Corporation. 11Uoo, there ls abeolutel)' DO cer said the esperlmenta.l eon. confidence, that I have sue. scr.ools and to be oot1fled ln district " The protest rests prlmartlJ rtuOG wby a eont1Dpbl: Allllre cert wu an attempt to helP ceeded tn that endeavor. advance ot such classes. Mrs.· Harbison Usted tbe upon Umttlng the l.l.a.btuty ot loa from tbe lrTlDI C«;;or-the .WUum rennue•s plctt.ae) Communications with m:' Neither victory could ever have major ob)ectives for the course the corporation to-r any f\ture al.iOa'l bui1018S veoture lboVkS at the upeue of enUeiDC thou- constituents througb eorres-been won wltbout ma..oy hOUrsot as being: damages arlsiDg out ot law-be trauftrred to tbl biCU of sands ot our youth towar<ll a. pondeoee, telepbone calls, am devoted work by "gr-ass roots" ''1. The writing ot new cur-suits by owners: and ltSHeS of tbe t..upayer. Thtrell oomer-bopeie.sa and crlm fUture. the distribution of this Dews-ciUiellS llll over CaWornia, rtcular units, K-12 grades, prq)llty affected by the pro-rldtnc public Interest to )ustlty Citizens IDI:ettsled 1n the letter and my dl.st:rlct-wlde re-For tbe future, the trend to-written by iodlvidua.l teactlers posed abandonment of Bayllide sucb aetloa by the CoaoeiL The weltare ot thelr youtb may be ports am questionnaires nave -.a.rd t)TannJ or anarchy can.nX a.oo teams ot teacbers. Tbey Drlre. cootl.rl.par UabWtJ of tbe City forced to IMk lepl advice to been e.xceUent, and most he~-be l'UllJ reversed until, at the J.nc.IOOed units of science as To t1x a mu:tmum Jo&s of and. ot tb1 t:up&yer1 lboWd be Pft'leat uotbtr sueb eatu- tul to me 1n performing my very mtnimum, we bri.Dg a.n well as matl\ema.ttcs because $55,000, tncludlDC attontys eUmllatld. troph.le roc:.k eooeert. duUes. Thiscommuoicationwtu end to dlsr~oa and •tolence our prouam stresses the fact tees, wtllch tMcorpora«oomay fbi COtmCU 1B urpd tore-Sllleerely, be matntaloed trom my coo-on our state campuses and tbat ma.n a.OO science are lnter-sUit&I.D tmmtt1l&tely creates a venetts deelsloL Sblrley Smith gressiotllll oUlces 1.r1 Wa.sb-sharply restrict the powe-r of depeoderi.. coottncect Oblla;atioo 1.11011 tbe R~ttully Abmltted, Eut Bluff lngtoo and In the 35tb Dlstrlet.. the courts tooverridedeel.slons ''Z. The tmplemuntaUon, re. Newport Beleh tupayers for Haney D. P•ee • STOP FOREIGN AID ETeryooe now 00 the ma.tllng o~ the •cts1ature and tbe people. vtstoo aa:.1 evalua.Uon of the Dew the nest 17 years. That fOUCbJ SO. Colllna Aft,, Editor o1. tbt ED11p, Ust .lor this oewsletter Ylll Many ot us b&ve worked k:IDe curricula unit&, and this yiU, out to bt a lou ol ootJ $!,000 Bilbo& lllaod Oar periWDtltt lboulcl stop also receive my WasMn&ton a.od ba..rd to eurb these two we art ltrtss1tt1 IN ..SERVICE total per year for Ht'.-a.lloac-• CATASTROPHIC bor'rowlJt( moDI)' to ctn to report. prtrne evua, ., tlr to very EDUCATION. Through th.lspro-term liDalltl, lneludt.ac a mar. Editor ot the EDitp, t::rrelplrs. ONriPt(ldlDc(defl- .. Y Orange County consttt-little anu. Ulllesa &ad udU gram We bope to be able to toe Mrttware .tote, cat., boat To wtat .mutap aretbl.,_ cU IPI'"'ad ta a ma)Or e&WJI ueas laterested lD peod.IJll c. every available COOIUtuUooll equip . mote of our own teacb-s.erYteiJIC eompuy aD:I mar1.1a, torts o1 etttMII:' ~. ot lllf'lt'OP. p~ legtai&Uoa· and other power 18 effectively us«< to Ul Yltb new teclualquea aDd and otbert. AU Ul Ubty to aehoOll uti d&_.drH lo ldtl-Fotlll ... aid J110t oll1y maUl prob&ema tDYolrinc state p-Hl them rtpt, •• wtU nma.l.D lalormaboo to otter DeW cur-bt &fkted by HY.-&Dee of the cate oar J01ib Oil tM 411DCVa lDftatb. wor ... bat lt ereatu orametll should oot l>otllal<l to In ,., •• , daoao<. rlcutar 11121erlal wUhln liiOir rood ll!d pra-ooanoloal of dnp -lllo diJ of Aoa-.....,uao <-GoMnl Ae. wort caoHiy With tbt 2 u-AI a coocressmu., I w1U e.lua'oomJ.'' aeCN~ 10 IMU plle• ol but-llelm .,_..,a lloek Flltlta.l ~~~ 0G1ce rtpCJr'ta ktn- sembiJmtD wtao reprelellt t.ve DIW ~· to CIZ1'7 t'1I.U 1a tb1 arne tei...U:IOG Dill. Tbl potaattal loM coold at ttl fablklal ltd•? How dlla). Fcnlp aid promotu neartJ all o1 tM ar• lDc::luded 011 th1a amt ftebt atthlbllhtllt PI'OII'U' that we have rttwnd be smt~t~ntt•IIJ 1ar11. eu tbl ~or elt)" eocamGIIDIDd 1Qdtl1em lo the _.. dl-1 ••• lo>'ol of our ..,.oramool, ll!d to -· to our &rtlc:!oo. tt u 111e '""" c:.rpor.-..-u plaod --u to ~ wbllo r~ rtlll'eoaalld •• A-mblfm• por-In aoc>d Umo to -.. d!lllla wtlll Tlllo m .,...,.,...,., -· to cloY'olop 11a pr-IJ. too --_,.. .... _ ,.., l!U alzooo4)' borr-$111 Rol>ert -m IIIII -Yll'lrelreollllfOIIIYueo. Ud to~ tofo<mallyo, Yoo llno. Ita projoet lo!Po! I-11-allolrl, ___ 1>1111oo 1o p.o 1o ......... Burlu!--ll!dwllbmJ""<" • F he B!I.Je -· ~ wl!al,.. will tllld 8al Wl!7 -~~~1M.._. arloiJ l!U -,..._ U IIIIo lo -.od, It wiD wbaa .... ·-rom t ..., ........ , .. ._. malorlala of c-delMar, ........ -1110 -~~ --... ii80i To .-,.t bDklJ, IDJ &In-Your tadler Abraham ,. preJ I t.S. bat U 11 &lwu•ta-pan or UJ ...,_ Ql Mw-A•l!telet a dtf ~~-~ domlnlllt ~mp<..-toriiYiow-joloed ., -!Ill' d&J : and tonoaac. na -m Utla lo port -bo -wta lla ---~~~~--C C .... lay lAC 1bo put 6 ,_, III*Q of be 00., 1~ .. d wu (lia<l, "CAMPlB PROFILE." II lo ll!ln lacr--1o poJ la!rrool, _, - a -ciod1o ' Colli>nla lo of I .._....,.n Thea oald tile 1 .... uoto -l1 t a.m. s-, _,.. a -"'" ud ...,.. $U,. ---.,000 !!l -'OJ - -~ b" him. ~ are nat Jel Dfty lap 00 -~{.': r.-..s 000? n.10 -oo1J Ia -0 C:O'IIIACII liBIDID .., .,.-tft •-a, -, .... old, aod bul lllou lllo i>llowlllr J aii;IO TIUpr-'lOuaDIM-· ud ,., •• -,.., .... ._ .. ._ Eoota, _l_l.........,udiM -Ahrabam? a.m. -uofal!:lodoflaJICrool!-til-laolntra UA-ffotioU.- .-.. OIOftl ..-o -Je•a oald 10 II> A loot II -Gl 1110-"-· CliiiJ -of a ...., ICC -~ !' Itt_, lo lo 1M ...... -.-1M "tfltkbGIM--WUWJI.n.t y.-..• 1 .. ua em, IC._.r.,.tllfromtiiiiJft'IJ-told •rnJJt aWOJIIIelllrd--••zl p' .. ....., llttw c~•••• ..... pm .... r_...,.nl_l!u __ ._..,,Yell.,., I UJUDlo port-dlolrtdj!utl!lololo-8111Udollorl,ll!al•o .... -··-ltll!!rl!o--llzaJ,IIwlll--__, • c ltJmM l:lrllltllttJ, fOU, Beton Atftbtm wu. _, ._. &VALUATI(If IIIIi& •• u1 .... ..., I« .... will ..... ,._, llf ,..,.,., .. wtto oo..-a doiPdll' ~~~~-I-(IlL Jolul8:1llH8.) _. -1M dlollrld: All --Mer 0 '1M -II' til! law--(Owl t• IPieal) LETIERS TO EDITOR · • (Coalh ... ct from Paaa I) Uld -.u, -1<11001 tau.d 10 let, DOt by tt11 men h1rt1 alllloncomDII..ut. WMa •bo did let. o\Dd e'ftl mea are cW..... ol tblt Jtate ~ dalac an llloy eaa 1o "-oo -wUII coart daal-thl Amerlean tree eaterpr1.ee whicb a.Uowtd tut OOIUIWit Qltlm Ud the repubUeaa ... m 10 teacb at a tu..,._ted ta- ot (O'Itromenl. ltltution a.nd Mart a petltJnn American men are dJtnr 1J1 drln to ban tbl nJIIOUib&l a oo-wtn war 1n wh.lcb 8$ per judps r~e~Ued from tbe1r ol- cent ol the SUIJPUea tlMd by ttces, we llDd more "dtoelll. .. the en.emy comes from Ute m-Amerlcaa.s wbo II)', "I'm wtu. Uons wtth.tnthe communlltbloc. you one biiDI!red per ceDt--W ADd tM United States toY ern-my job." men contln~~es to lesaen tbe Tbe Ume has come tor Amer- restrtcUons oo Untted states leans to start btstnc tbetr de- trade wl.th these very arne ctsloos on prtnctple &lid aot communist countries. Yet there probable reaulta of tbelr are "decent" Americana Who acttona:. If their acttoa Is bued realise wtw.t Is ROin• on but on moral andettdcalprtodples, ref'ltse even to s lrn a petttloo. ts not contrary to the Ten reall.ze what Is cotna: on but Commandments, tbe constt- to congress, as&Jnc that this tution, and the law, then they'd a.dm1nl.strat1on stop atdlng and best act. The Ume Ia c:rowtnc tradlQg with communist coun-late. We Deed men oleoo.ficUoa tries. They are afraid Co sign --men with the courage to .stand a simple petition because their ~ and fl&ttt for rl&flt, rep.rd. covernment or their employer Jess of reS\IUs, Only if aoou&fl mtgtlt t1nd out they signed and of these can be found wtll Am- wlttlbold a possible promot1on ertca be saved. or )ob. Yours truly, F1athermore, while these Richard E, Woodtn youn& Americans die In Vteta San Gabriel oam S\4)p()sedly to stop the ad- vance of communism, a state • FAVORS HAND COUNT Editor of the Ensign, Nfii'ORT Top students at Lin coln --... tllo ... _ .... -·-11 Abnllul Llacola --·to -· lo -\'1ft lllll&. Here are tbe ..,_. oo tbe pr1.Dctpi.J's JUt, wttb 1.5 lf"adl polol .,.,... or -· Uld oo t11o -roll, wUII .,..sa -........ of 1.0 .. 1.5, .. tllo 8111, 1111 Uld ... ..U.: • ara GRADE Barbara Bottc PRlNCPAL.'S Strnoe Boupey LIST Wllllam Bneu WUUam Bury Juia Cbolaser Naacy BeeMel Lila Clarke Patricia BncU Suaa Corry H•t.blr BurDI Rick Couano PaRHla Butta Patricia Creamer J~ CueDtugtl Jobo Creelman AU.OO CbJid Catl)y Crooe OW. Clark Kerry Ctmll.ln.Cbam Adrian Collins Kimberly Da.vt• CarLo Coulter Tbomu De Oooato TDomu Crooe Stan Doro E IUott Crooke Guy Edwards PaW Dodds Barbara Ewell Tammy Fektma.n BtU Ferdi Joh.D FrankUn Betsy Frame Mellsa Gebler SuzJe Friend Ktrk Corrie Sten Fry AviYa Goteman John Fultoo Mark Hinrichs Karen Galloway WIUlam Hoole Marcella GILmore LalD'el Hostetler Dale Greene Kimberly Hutchings Lee Griswold Mary lrwln Robert Gustafson J e.ftery Johnson Arthur Guy CbrlltlDI Wa.l*)l J.,...WWI&mt O...WIIIOD N...U.WIDtarloll Darlele Youoc • TrH GRADE HONOR ROLL Joa B&khrl.a llouc!U Bell&lloll R4bla8ordaa EUea Bowlw' James Ca.rsteoMD Linda Cbue Ellzabetb Crurt PbJUp Crew Rlebard Dale Talll.lH Deem N&DtJ Endert Suoi G111ord KareaGiaqoW Elllabetb Goodau John Greeowood Susan Haas ShanDoo Hayes Randl Helllr Pamela Huot.Jberger I'ARnOPA TE 100" IH AID·UHI T!D GIVIHG Em&>ioJMs of Unioo Bank's $0 eeDU lor t.ery $100.,..._ Soocb Oraaao Coualy oMco, JOIU> F. Gr-. -Z?c E. c out Hwy ., c~ prestdeat ud ma•eer tl. till dal IUr, partl<ljlalod 100 per loeal oMeo~:fnd u a-.vd c..r to the r eeeatly complettd from AID-CdYW .. rep. AID-Uo,U.ed Ct"ra cb&J'Itabl.e rHelltatiYt Jack CoWAIIAree- t.d-rals1ac clriYe, (iYIDC at opa..Woa of tbt lltafl"s CODtr1- AlD's ncrested sta.oaud of bclt:.k)u, STIFF TREATMENT On the afternoon ot Juoe 9 I attended the Vote Systems Task Force meetlnglntbered- s tralion buHding, Santa Ana, Co learn ttrst hand the problems Involved in selecting the perfect tallying system. Karen Koo.t Kareo Hinrichs John Kunze Richard Hubbell Sally Ja-.. MRS. OWEN MICHAEL K.R EZA. (Caruo Ho.s1 pho lo} Cdlulmd collars and cuff~ ~o.e~ worn,,, J pre\cnllve agounst all sons of dt~dSc..~ Of ~.:our~ . .,..c kno~o. btncr no~~o ada ~~ In r~cm )t<~r,, rncJt~o:.il rc~arch has exploded a ~~oholc "-'"c' of ,uch f.allactc~ lAc are nov. ltvmg '" the hc.altt"uc't erd the ""'HIJ h:as ever kno.,..n. l:.\cry d.a) rncJr.:.il ..... ,cncc rndkes ad- vances toward pre\cntmg dtsc.a~ alkvtatmg suffenng ... prolongmg human ltfc When you are til. take advantilit(' of the<.c nc"' ert"ecr"c lre<~tmcms by secrng your ph~~r1.1,1n I hen. !>hl•uld he recom· mt:nd mediC31ton, """c '!l he t:I.JJ ru rill hr, rrc""-'nplton promptly and carefull~ • . c ••• t 111•1 -·· "''()""''" , ... ,o Keep up on current affairs the easy way Read the Pultl7er rnze wmn•ng ChfiSitan Sctence Montfnr Ri'Hcly more than 20 pag""· th•s easy to - read daily newspaper g•ves you a complete grasp of nattonal and world alla•rs .. Plus !ashton, sports, bust- ness, and thf> art s. Read the newspaper that 91% of Congress reads. ---------F"tea.e send me the Monttor lor 0 1 vur $26 ::1 6 mos. $1 3 0 3 mos. $6.50 l Check or monf!y order f!nclosed n Boll mf! "•""e'-------- tolt•-------,--- ll•le ______ 11P - P8 1B THE CHII,.ISfiAN SCIF.Net: MONITOR~ Ftee m-4 nowll'l After several hours of dls- CilSslon, I was given Co under- stand that all machloes submit- ted for consideration were tlultless. Some equtpment had features not found ln other sys- te ms, however . Apparently oDe manub.cturer emerged successful and their system bas been selected lor consideration by the Orance County board of s~rvlsors. There is one vitally Important fact that has been totally over- looked In all this dellberatton, and mark this weU: tbe enUre future of our count:ry Ues ln the hands of the lodiYiduals selected toaccompUsh this pro- gramming. If we select honest, compe- tent programmers woo cannot be pressured or coerced toto favoring one candidate over a.o- othet, then we can loot forward to t.alr and honest elections. By what lnstrument or metbod ca.n we gage the integrUy and strength of character ol these lfl11vtduals? WW lbtl' enet lt pressure 1s awned? These are questions that mut be answered: Who wUI have the authorlt} to select these pr6. grammers? Whoever Is pven this grave responslblllty, be It .n lndivldua.l or a commutee, will hold In their hands the future of our country. Is this chance worth all the risk? 1 say no! For the sake of future gen- erations I wish to go on record as favor ing the hand count at the prec inc t level. Sincerely, R. W, Brewster 12972 Loretta Dr., santa Ana, CaUl. For a lamttt'd lime you can bt"come a Ch.uter Member of Ct'ntinela Bank's new regional o ffice tn Newport Buch, and get a frH. person.1l ch«king •ccount for your enti" life! You'll pven ~f't a free order of personaliud sct'nic checks! C harter Business Accounts get a fr('e order of regular du•cks and t>ndorst'mt'nt stamp. All .Jccounts insured to $20,000 by tht' Fedt>ral Depostl Ins u rance Corporation. Snvkn of Centinel.a B.ank u Drive-in TV Teller Banking Boat -in Banktng at our 65-foot dock Dock-to-Dock Bani.. Customt'r Pickup .and Delivery Servin n 24-Hour loc:.tl Yacht R.1ce Rt'sults .and Oatly Fishing Reports o Extended b.r.nking hours : 6:30-5 pm M onday - Thursday, Until6 pm Fridays o Free Bank-by-M.ail Service Lealy Lane Patty Hunt Tracy Lyoam Sue Jacobus WUUam Macdonald David James Elma Mayer Karen Ji.Sller Julle McCorkell Sarah Jayne Steven Messenger Stacey Johnson Thomas Meyer Michael Judith Bill Moore Brian Kent Robyn Wyers K<lte Ktueter Phoonc Nguyen £Ueo Kiss Chris Palmer Jetfrey Knoz Rita Paterno Nucy La Hue JiU Pernworth Jeffrey Leva.nas Kelley Pope John Lewis George Quick Dorothy Logan Andrea Rawlings Molly Lynch Lora Ricca Robert MacOOnald Eileen Rose Richard MabOll Lynn RusseU Ltoda M.alr.ahn Tamt Sanborn Miriam Mason John Scbneldermao Doont Mayhew Charles Sword Mic hael Messenger Marjotie Taylor Fred Moldenhauer Barbara Thompson Freddy Moore Laurel Travers Constance Muldoon Heather Trent Richard Munroe Diane Valdes Cory O'Conoor Heather Valdes Mark Oderman Bryan Watson Vtcotrta. Pawlik ADdrea Wells Sheryl Peterson J. Widman LalU'eoee Pltllllps Kevin WU100 Stacie Pittman Cba.rles Wlnp.rd Doooa RPichert • 'TI'H GRADE Susan Roberts PRlNClPAL'S Paul Roaoey LIST LawreDee Savap John Jerger Julie Jones Cbarles Klpjrtck John Klug Andrew Ko Susan Kosmata Julle Lewls Denlse Li.Ddenwlllo Ma.rk Manell Scott McAdam JobD Mc Farland Anae Mecke Steven Woore Kimberly Morrisoo W, Moseley Nancy Yqer RnNorma.n Daniel Penntnrtoo Jeftrey PoUmer Douglas Poll.toske James Rukey Pbylll.s Robinson Debra Rodhelm Naocy Rose Wlllla.m Rose Vanessa Rosst Patricia. Rya.n Kuen Schweitzer Lori Smith Jessica Stat& Jobn Terrell J ulleo Underhill Karen Van Puttee Sbt!Uey Vogel Mark Watsoa Grea We!Dberpr Willie WU&oo Arthur Allen Rtcbard Savap Shirley ADdenon Louise Sawyer • 8TH GRADE Aaa Arnold WUllam Schultheis HONOR ROLL Dooakl Arthur Marti Shoemaker Robin Adsit Susan Ashley Suzanne Smtley Ge rry Alker Jim BUdwio Paul Smith Judy Bkldgett Keno Bates Susan Smtth Sandra Bogle Tim Bay less Cynthya Steinhaus Dl.ane Bromley Tnomas Benven!Al Marilyn Stetler Robin Booe Timothy Benvenuti LWla Store David Chase Barb&ra Blodgett Robi:l Swtft Kelly Cooway Marlene Boyd · Sharon Thompson Terry De l....a.ocy Stewart Carpenter JuUe Treat Ka.ralee Dickerson Nina Casey Kathy Underwood Dtane Dolan Kevin Cavanaugh Barl Vaughn James EUades Patricia Clark Cathy Ward Sydoey Everson Katherine Davis Kathy Watson Michael Falsettl Lydia Davis Jay Watt Jim Ga..rn April De Fabr y Diana Werley James Freeman D1anne Dickson Brier Wtllte Brla.n Glasgow Philip DUon Jonl.beth Whitney W!Lllam GLasgo• Merrilee DtlM Deborah WU.soo Sandra Gna.dt E Uen Ebert • 6TH GRADE Carolyn Graney Ellzabeth England HONOR ROLL Linda Gregory Susan Ene1and Lyon Amundson Jetf Harris Jetf Fraass Ronald Anderson Karen Havlk.en Yurlilo Ge.mo Laura Asbury Jack Healey Karin Haa.pl Richard Bell Steve Helllg Nanette Hinson Bruce Cairns Douglas Hibbard Clndy Hughes Deborah Carroll George Higgins Patty Humphreys Victoria Case Jim HHIIard Leslle Johnston Jennifer Chapin Deborah Hodgins Molly Keating Llsa Creamer Mary House Da.rleoe Koster Erln Crowley Peggy Humphreys I>oo-. La Borde Ronald Oorn Mark Jordan 8111 Langsdorf Aspas.ia Driva.s Susan !Ws Cynthia Larson James Elliott Brian Kfoury Christina Umb Morpan Floth Kris Kuster SU&a.DDe Limbeck Leslle Graoey Tim Lotta Ann Loftus Heather Ha.yes Jamie Mann Barbara l..oib Ell&abettl Healey Dawn Marstoo SUI Mac Gowan Judith Hendrick.soo Glenn Meyer Colleen Matt Juditb Hoyt Brad McNamee BLD.b NCU)'ell Joa Hughes Hi.J.a.rie Moor e SIIS&D Oluder Frances Jayne Valerie Weerts Lou1l Raymond COlll'ad Jones Verne Murray Ellen Roaellberc Kasaa:tra Kl&ssy Cyndy Neal Laura Royltlr Pamela Kloss CDerl Or sat JIUDI.e Rcaah Dirk Layer Ctu"ist1Da Peck CtDdy Shl.• PMUp Lebtoblum Lyoo PllUbee Jaa strlctler Curle W:clOnley Susan Plckertnc Brooke ~eoa Mupret McKJilley Kareo Raodall ADDI Vler.-.er Greg M.1Uer Nancy Ra•enscrolt Bruce Vopl Paula McNamee PaW Remer Cout&Dce Wapr Lta Moaaeo Susan Reyoolds 1 Cuolya Wateu Kathu'IDI Moorehead Peter Rollblns lpiJ 'tllnMa••lzfl.I INJ II Jm"""'-~l<t ............... l ........... c .... f'lMO ...... ~ Lor• Watt LJDD Uorrtsoo Kea Sae blr D&llace WIDtltr JOD MONieJ Pau.l Soon llaryZ-c E-Oc<foa J...U..Siooe • lrH GRAD£ Ete. Obma.o Ja.ae Tborn PRINClPAL"S Atua Roache Bruce n e• LIST Lort Rodtws A.actrn Tlcl'll.n JUIIoAodor---Jolla~ Ptet "-lllkl Sdl.llblr Aalta V•mtllld J-Arna• lllellaal sa..,.... .... wan Doni-~.,s_ •~a•-Wulol c,-. ...,.., Ll.lda Smltll B-w-._._ ....,_ R_.W...S --CaaiU.'No ClldyWUllaaa Canllonoy ._ .. Tollmu -W-Ill n----..w~ c-Y- IUWAIIIAIU JOIH HIWI'OaT HARIOR O.UI ll••rrhll•flftMNtwpart till "' Ot tJ Pvk ICJ......._ ...,._. Ktwu&a Cllb 1n aw Mr. lA JICiw, HCin•• nc. --... C_(C....,) pr rt'ort<f(:WWII -ud La ................. ••.-oltM .. MlaiDct. Ill.., 111 ...... llaJUI loaJUiprort'•lfl .. ....,. 111 11 1• ti .. C ¢llll1-NIWIC ... IICDII-. _C» ....... __ Katherine Carol Hill weds Owen M. Kreza Wearing a gown of wllite lace with fitted bodice, f\IU skirt and tradJtional long sleev-es, Mtss Katherine Carol Hill of Costa Mesa became the brlde of Owen Wichael Kreu., also of Costa Mesa, son of Mr . aDd Mrs . Wr . and Mrs. Michael Atthorly Eliza of Detroit, Mictllga.n. at St. Andrew's Presbyterlan church at .f p.m. Saturday,Jtme 27. The brlde is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Kimball Hill of Granada Hills and the granddaughter of Mr . and Mrs. Edgar Rice Hill of Lido Isle. Mr s. Hill is for mer mayor of Ne wport Beach and Mr. Hill Is a prominent banter In the Harbor area. Dr. Charles Dter enlteld of- ficiated at the double r ing wed - JiD.g ceremony, Soloist was Miss Marie Clausen. Miss Barbara Hill was her sister's matd of hOnor. An- other sister, Laura, was bridesmald, al.ocg with Miss Glenda Kay Baker, the bride's cousin from Tuas; Mrs . Shel- don O¥ertoa. sister of the ifOOm, and Mrs. William Chuez. AU of the atteoda!lls wore )ong gowns of lemon yel- low and carried bouquets of shasta daisies, baby's breath and yellow r oses. SlleLdon Overton, brother-in- law of the groom, stood ~as hls best ma.n. Ushers Included Gerald Kret.a, the groom's bro- ther !'rom Michigan; Larry Christensen ..... ClOUT .W'-~· Da. ... ,..., . ....._ Read, Dennis Lor ton and Gr eg ~===================== Sherrill 1 .,;·~ •. ~ .. ~~; r:,·'c~~ American Christian Ktet.a, the groom's nephew. AI lhe reeeplloa held lollow-Schoo l ing the wedding a t the church social hall, Miss CJ.alr Van Hoosen attended lhe ,.,.so..... 172 23rd Street, Costa Mesa Greeting the newlyweds wer e CALL 642-6361 300 trlends and r et.atlves. The co..,oe ,.,. deparloo ror a FOR FALL ENROLLMENT hOoeymoon in San Francisco Phonics_ American heritage-Bible :.~.nd Lake Tahoe. They plan to Uve in Costil. Mesa, where the !~M;•m;be~'!'!;;;!!!A!!'!!soc!!!la!U!!oo;~o~r~~~~!![!! groom Is a member of the po- llc£> department. The Ae'tt' Mr s. Kreu is a graduate of Costa Mesa. tligh schOOl aod Orange Coast Col- and is now attending Long Be-ach State CoUege, where She Will get her degree nut year in recreaUoo admlnistra.Uoo. The groom p-aduated trom Hamtramck lligll schOol ln Michigan and trom Orange Coast Collegt!. He a!tended Callfornia Poly SLO and ls continuing h..ls studies at Long Beach State as a senior. THANK YOU Mrs. ScnmiU and I wish to express our deepest apprecla.Uon to the m..ny thousands of v()(ers in the 35th CoBgresslonal District whose ~ madE my victory p.;nstble in the Juoe 30 speelal ekt-etioo. Sincerely, JOH~ G. SC HMITZ 35th Conness!on.:.~l D1stnc-1 EVERY FRIDAY EVENING -All SUMMER B:SO P.M.-ON THE MALL AT FASHION ISLAND FRIDAY, JULY 10: "Moods of Surfing" Yank ee Sails Across Europe FRIDAY, JULY 17 : ''Ski Outer Limits" Wonderful World of Wheels FRIDAY, JULY 24 : Disney '·Toot, Whistle, Plunk & Boom" FRIDAY, JULY 31 : Disney "Pigeon That Worked a Miracle" 11Niok" and <f Red Balloon" FREE 1 hour "FILM-0-RAMA" sponsored by Fashion Island In cooperation with the Audio-VIsual Department of the Newport Beach Library and the Santiago FUm Circuit. 58 Fine Stor .. end Services • Open Fridey end Mondey nigllta FASHIONJ ISLAND Jfi:WPOaT CJ:JfTJ:a Pec:ltle Coast Hlgllwey-l1tw11n ,_.._ 8lld IIJiec:Art1Nr REWORT HARIIJR EllgGII fiiiST Sf.c'nOII --P"' I lMUIIIDAY, JULY t, ltlll co.DIIA D£1. IIAII. IIA-MIIGII-. you ua a r~awcomer, & fi.WC'OMCif 10 Ar .. who hu wtlcarnd, by ullir~a Vltltot M1woen 10 a.m., lhC' c:all on ~~~i.~~JII .tth valuable -....;::..._ llhd aiha from baaineas firms aland ready 10 bc:come acquainted het ne'<lll surroundin1•· THE HARBOR VISITOR PHOH Eo 4U:t:ut 100% PAllS AND LAIOI WAiliAINTY 4000 MILES 01 90 DAYS .. • a 'ul ,..,. .. Ia I I ........... --.. 1-. ,.. .... PUll ......_ ...._, _. ...._. .,.._. AI ,.· .,....,.._ .. .., ... ....._,,,I ut. LOOK FOR THE DIAGNOSTIC 'COlTER SEAL 8N THE W1NDSHIEI.D! • I "HATS IN BLOOM" winners at the June meetillgof the Lido lale Women's Club included, trom lett, Amelia lockney, who received the award for most bea.utuul bat; Loc:Ule WU-son. winDer tor the most bumW'Ous catecorJ, aDd Karle Vandervort, most orlgioa.l. (Pboto from the Udo Islaoder .) Native of Hong Kong receives Zonta award ..... Ia LAu ot Boor l'4oC II 11>o rtc!piOOt ot tiM IIIII ~ on.p c-Collop tcbolar. ohlp awardocl by Zoola Cllll> ot Nnporl Harbo<. Tile Zoola scbolarllllpo II OCC wve beCUD 1D 1951 IJXl bave beeD ctno a.aa...U, st.oce tblt Ume. Tbe wt.nDtrs may ap- PlY tor and ree.lve tbe sebokr· &h.tp tor a. ZDd year. ANGELA U.U Angela came to tbe UDited States in August, 1968, at the are ot 18. SIM majored iD data processing at OCC aad wUl attend Cal State Fullerton. 'fl'bere she plans to contlnue la business admlntstraUoo, 6\l8C· tall&log inqllllDtltattve methods. date, 276 ikis have received She bas Z brothers atteodlng tbe honol' of beiD( Zoota girls college 1D the United States. ot the moDlh. Her pareotsandaootberbrother This year's girls of the year a.Dd sister are lD Hong Kong. ue: •he re her father ls a teacber. • Bar ban Katz, who repre. Angela .-as ho'lOl'ed guest at sented Corona del Mar ntp the Zolta Club's ttnalluocheon school last February. She wJll for the summer. At that time be studying oceaoogr~y at the Mrs. Waktemar Acker, Zonta Untvers:lty otCaUiorn1aa1Santa president, presented her with Barbara. the $250 sthOlarship award. • Joyce Harada of Costa. The 4 Zonta girls of the year Mesa high school, whO was wer e hOnored at the hmch· chOsen ln November. She will Each glrl received a $50 be attending UCI aDd maJoring sa•llngs bond at the termlnat10n tn foreign languag1!s. school year. • Carol Cappello from Es. Eight Zoota girlsolthemooth ta.ncta, who was selected last are chOsen trom each of the 4 October. She wlll be studying area higtl schools. In drama and the arts. the glrls themselves • Lynn Rosener, wilO repre. BARURA KATZ JOYC! HARADA CAROL CAPPELLO L YNH ROSENER choose the Zonta girl of the seoted Harbor High and was at each schoool. TDe ser. also theAmerlcansAbroadrep-rr=================""::""":l project was begun ln 1953 resentattve to Turkey 1ut year. SUPEa SrECIAl 1969 FORD CU~TOM ou name it-~e do it! tl• ,.~ C·•~ ~1 : ••. ·~··· ~~ ·. -:~ c.~ ... rl"•l ....... , ... ,., honor seolor girls tor leader· Lynn was Zonta glrl tor March. citl.r.enshlp, scholarship She Yt1ll be a student at stan. servi'""' to her school. To lord, taking a general cour se. 68 7 ~..... . ... , .. -.. $1699 MUSTANG _.,.,lof!lolic. rod•o, lle•tor, l i"'o t•••"· •WTUSHl MERCURY '··•••P~-d • I~,_ ·~·1• ....... ~ .; •.. • .. :''? ,,u , •.• COMET r.~.-.... ~. ..~ .. ·"~ ~~•It• I ~M ' I DODGE RT <.o•o~~~ l ci< 11 1 'II •"'a 011~0• tt.u o~q ' h;o''l (H·~ • --•v '~" t /.-' FORD XL J oho• 1-a o.l lo•. VI .• .,,.,., ~ ~·•·' ,.,~, r v ~C.•l &' 'IH '" u •• CORTINA r ... :~ ..... ~ •••• ,j .~d.~ , .. .. VW BUG -.p~e-d ·~-1·-"~"'" IQTVOQ ~ • MAVERICK ~ • .,;<:'. ~.., •• , p~~ l·•· .•.. t't tl71~1l ur ·· 51899 --$499 51799 I ZIPAI I !IJUOt o KNITS BLOCKED o LENGTHENED oo SHORTENED (WHO KNOWS?) o ALTERATIONS OF ALL KINDS 'Dolls' aid Key benefit o CUSTOM FASHIONS FROM ORIGINAL teers to hell) them sew doll Toy shops may have a grea.ter assortment of dolls than ever before, but OranpCountyChUd GuJda.Dce Center's Harbor Key has Its own very Si~Kb.lvarlety . clothes. lnlormation reprdlng rea t •. ve 5 ew ,· n g 645-0321 the project ma.y be obtained by phOning Mrs. McQulstlon at 2630 AVON ST., SUITE E, NEWPORT BEACH 673.6757, or Mr s. Downing at NEAR MAIN POST OF PI 646-5501. ~~~~~iiii:;;i~~~iii THE MURK FAMILY wlllpresent a musical gospel coocert at 7:30 p.m. todaY, July 9, at the Flrst Baptist Ctturch ot Costa Mesa, at Santa Ana Ave. and MagnoU.a St. 1n the front row, left to right, are Beclcy Joy, 12, with 3/4 slze violln; Brenda Jan, 11, with hall size cello, and Barby Jeanne, 9, with half size violin, Standing, left tortgtlt,are Donna Murk, 14-year.old Billy Jim, Beverly Joanne, 15, and Jim Murk.. Live ODeS. They areMmes.PrlceT. Mc- Qulsttoo, Sam•Jel Downing, R, M, Claire aDd H. K. Weimer, who devote their services to reoovatlag :-....., dressing the used toys. They are then sold at tile Harbor Key ThrlA Shop, 1570 Newport Boulenrd, Costa Mesa, with proceeds given to Casino night helps Hoag ~';,.::;~,~~~, .:.":.;:~ ally dlsturbed children aMado- Tom Lee, charter member, lesceDts. The South Coast Chapter ui 20-30 Club held a Las Vegas casioo oJght at the South Bay Club in Newport Heights re- cently, as a bene tit to Hoag Hospital's pediatric depart- ment. Tbe proceeds enabled the club to purchase an ultrasonic was cllalrman of the club's Sales ha'fe been so brisk this beoel11 for Hoag Hospital. summer the 4 helpers ate seo:t-ing 011 a.o S.O.S. tor TOIUD· Church News nebulizer. The Plymouth Congregational .as associate pastor. The COD· The local 20.30 Club has Church, 3262 Broad St., New-grep.Uoo wUl also consider dec lared 1970 ··Hoa.g Hospital port Height s--TheRev.Norma.n building proposals that wtU be year" with special emphasis Brown will preach on the topic, presented to the CouncU on on the pedlatrlcdepartment.All •'Wa.yslde listeners and oth-July 14. fund raising pro)eets durtngthe er s," at 10 a.m. Sunday. year will benefit ctuldren's • • • medical care. The Lutheun Church of the Ninety-eight per cent or the Master, 2900 Pacific VIew Dr., pediatric patients in Hoog Hos-Harbor View Hills-~"lrritaUon pltal oo longer need to undergo or compasstoo'?" will be the tracheostomies, oow that ultra-sermoo topic of Dr. Will1am sonic nebuUzers have been Eller tor the 9 a.nd 11 a.m. made available. This ute sav-Sunday services. tng equipment dispenses a tine, • • • hJgfl~enstty mist to clear the st. Andrew's Presbyterian lungs or children whO suft'er Church, 600 St. Andrew's Rd., Impaired breathing due to bron-CUlt Haven--The Rev. Cecil chJtis, pneumonia, cro\4) or Eanes wtu occupy the pulpit for cystic flbrosis. the 8, 9:30 and 11 a.m. Sunday Chartered a year ago, the services. His ser m::m topic will Harbor Area service club tor be "The dimension of love." young business and profession-• • • al men between the ages ot 20 The Newport Unity Church. and 39 is Interested ln child meeting a.t 15th St. a.nd lrvloe welfare and medical advances. Ave,, Cwt Haven--Pastor Lor- Qfftcers ofthe20-30cluba.re: eo fllcklnger Is on vacaUon David C. Schroeder, pres ident; during July, and his father, Dr. Sandy Hochman, vlce-presl-Max FUcklnger, minister of dent; Stewart Grant, secretary; Christ Church Unity, Riverside, and George Leeper, treasurer. is serving as Interim minister. • • • "Dtscovert.Dg Christ" will be the theme tor vacation Bible school to be held July 13-23 at Centra.l Bible Church, 23rd St. and Orange Ave., Costa Mesa. Children entering taU grades, 1st ttlrougb 6th, are iovtted to attend the classes, which will meet 7 to 9 p.m. The program ot stories, crafts, r ecreation and contests Is being directed by Mrs. J uaree Burn- ham a.Dd the Rev . Richard Reed, d.lrector of CIU'lstianeducatton. • • • The Newport Harbor Luther. an Church, 798 O.:rver Drtn, Newport Beach--Pastor Ronald WbJte will give the sermon at the 8 aM. 10:30 a.m. Sunday services. His topic is "Some. tMng to boast atout?" Sunday scboolls at 9:15a.m. • • • Christian SeAnce Churches Wl!'iOOW and DOOR AWNINGS .. ......., "Y't• , .. tar .. ""'"'f --.... !"". ....... -II m.NIIIG DKOIATOI COlOIS BI JY NOW AND SAVE the NEW LOOK (or 1970 ,\dv11n•'\'J cn :.:.inct"riug ptrmj!s a freedom ,,f Jc..,;;:.,. Clean. smooth ll rnl<'r~lruclun:. ~•u••l,-inttrl•";kin~ , •.• .,rk hui lt-i•l I'<\ in ..::ulll'r 11 ith 11 ~ ·• nlut~n~rn!.r I p••~l m;1~e lor ,I IJ:I\ io I'OHt or mOtlt'rn hea11lv ami ;;rPalcr &la·ngll.. Our Beller Qurrlil y ALIJMINUM SCREEN Pi\TIOS :lJil fillcli l'f' {If SerTtces a.re held at 10 a.m. Su.ooay, wlth Sunday school at 8:45 a.m. While Dr. FUcldnger is here, his wUe, Dr. Frances Flickinger, is carrying on the duties at the Riverside church. • ~' 'Sacramert" ls the title of the lessoo sermon to be read th1s Sunday. SerYlces are held at 9:15 a.Dd 11 a.m. in Ne'trpOrt Beach, 11 a.m. 1D Costa M.tta, and 10 a.m. LD Harbor View Hills. -·-....... a...tHvl In our modem lac- ion 111e m•out~aelurc a c:o~npklf'f !M'krlinn of .eyh to cnmple- ~~ ,.,.,.,. •rrhil,r,. lul'lll deti~n-\Vntt.-• te · ~. urs ~.~- 1543-94441 RESTYLE your outmoded fur into a beautiful pouff cape NOW ... SUMMER $ SPECIAL ONLY ••• -. ....... ~,....... ltiCludes: • RESTYLING • CLEANING • GLAZING • NEW LINING THE!. MAGIC ·TOUCH OF MASTER FUR- Ril!.R CHARLES COHt:.N CAN Clll!ATI!. AN EXCITING, FASHIONABLE STYLE .. JUST l'OR YOU! 1404 NORTH GRAND AVE. • SANTA ANA • • • • The Cent.ra.l Bible Ch urch, 190 Z3rd St., Costa Mesa·~ The "Operation Arl.zona " ev.angel. tstlc team<;, con&tsttng of 16 lllgtl scbool young people from Central Bible Cb11reh, wlll glve their reports a.t the 1 p.m. ser- Ylce oo Sunday. These teams held vacation Bible schools tor migra.nl workers' children 1D 4 Arizona towns and also eoo- ducted teen meetJngs. • • • A coogreptlonal busi.Desa meeting wUl be held a.t 9:15 a.m. Sunday, July 19, at the Prl..nce of Peace Lutheru Chllrcb., 2987 Mesa Verde Dr., Costa Mesa, to act oo tbe re. commeodation of tbe call com- mittee to call tbe Ret'. JDcolt Kro-.s ot YUwa-to .... 4TH OF JULY WEDDIHG 8obb Dellllls Belller toot Mlas Lytm K&y RenteD to be his bride La a Fourth of JulJ •tddine at Grace Luthera.D cbureh 1D Aaabetm. The croom Is tbe IOD ol Mr. and llrs. BoOb Bollier ol Costa Yesa. aM tbe bride's pareats arellr. a.Dd Mra. Herbert Reoken ol A-tm. Tllo llrlde alloaded FatterloD J-CoU.pudbor .... b ... -·-Or .... ~ Collop. Aller a nddlor trip to Su FraOCitt4, tbe DI'W'lJ- wedl will tranlto- ..US, .... tbiJ wUI maD lllolt -· CHURCH Dr. G ... O'llal, Ill ' If al 'W 'ftwttrl•l _ •• ..,., .. lllndo,wllll!o ~ ..... !Oo..m.ud 7:GOp.a. _,_.,-,, SIJ!cNY ICIIOOL"AT t:OO A.lll. WORSIDP SUYICE AT 10:00 A. Ill. BVIIIIIIG 81RYICE AT '7:011 P.M. -IAIT CDAaTIIft,. caM ill-.... _.., .. --..... tt f\tDletlioa lor }'OU t nlu.ble drapn •nd lurnihlrt, 11 S•ola AN Teal and Awn- inf J4MI •l•·•v-ro- eelft .,., utru ... Q.kt: utioa .•• C....-y ... A•d ............ ...,....w.a. ioy ...... 10 ,.., ••ara•&••-.. palaL tblltlll .. f 'St ....... l ... ....._ :-···-!1::. For Jarp or email homN aDd mobi" hoi'I'IM . •. AD ALa••.,., t.rae Doon; Bua Proof. O.flodo .... iod. ORot:R NOW ~. ~ ..... .,. u..-. ......, ,_ NEWPORT HARBOR ENgl}4 ARST SECn~--P!i! 5 TliURSDAY, JULY 9, 1970 CORONA DEL MAR, r~LJF. Ebells fix clubhouse Mra. Ru Nleteeo, Nt"Wpprt &camber. Ia Nottmber, tbue O.eb Eblll Club prt~ideot, wW bt a Cbrlltmu bUaU ud bu -•uporYistor l)&lotlDr, ear<~ party 1D eoojuOCiloo - deeoratiac and rtDO¥at1nc tbe Junior Ebell membtra. Dt- EbtU Clubbou.Je, located &t 51!1 cembtr wW feAture c'hrt.c-w. Balboa Blvd., BaUX.. mu tea. Arouod-tbt-wor1d OrplllaatiollB 1o Orange JaiiiWxl show aJid 1........, .nu County rem the clubhou.H !or be beld 1r1 Febr\IIU'y ud a meetlop: am services. It has nea market project 1n ApriL beeo a popular place for wed-Proceeda from the fuod-rais- dlnp and reception~ as well. tng beoellts are distributed to- The buUdiDil, ln the process ward scbolarsbipl tor stOOents of betnc painted in Its eo-of ourslag at Orange Coast Urety, la to be turRlshed with Collep, law enforcement stu- wall-to-wall earpeUn&:aod ttre-dents atteodinC Golden West proof draperies. The stage ar-College, cootlnui.Dg music stu-ea. a central attraction of the dents and U.ose achlevlng hlgb. clubhouse, Is also undergoing scholastic hoools. tmproYemonts. Members of the ways and lntormaUon reprdlng rental means committee beaded by of tbe EbeU clubhouse may be Mrs. Jack Frank are lD eharre obtaiDed by phoning Mrs. Niel~ ot special events durtng the sen at ~8~8888 or Mrs, Leo year. Moore, house cha..lrman. 673-Mrs. Nielsen bas been a 5805. member ot tbe orpniz.atlon IDr Club activities tor the new 23 yea.rs and ls responsible term wtU begin wtth a tradi-for many .oew l.nDovaUons, in- Uonal cotton card party 1n eluding cultural arts day, art classes, new member &etivl- ttes and homes and gardens. Exhibits set at library "hhe J1l17 eD1btt at tbe Co- rom. del M1Lr lJbnry, 420 W.arttpld AYe., spoosored by b!oe Newport Beacb city arts committee, features the dn.w- lnp ot Walcolm Cameron. most receatly '-lured to "The Am~ erieu ArtiJt" magazJ..oe tor January, 1989, and the seW- lure ol Joan Irving {W.rs. Rer) Brandt, artist and teacher aM resident ot Corona del Mar. While Mr . Cameroo Is oo loopr a reside.-of this area. be is represented here by tbe .eulpture at the entrance to the Corona del Mar Libra.ry. He ts a native Call!ornla.n and was an architect and artist here lor many years. He and his wUe are oow residents ot the San Juan Islands In Washing- ton. wbere De oow coocentra.tes on black and white draw1np. Mrs. Brandt is also a native of Callfornia a.od has studied and taught extensively 1n the state. Sbe ts well known for ber watercolors, wood work, lDd sculpturt!, the latter having been a more recent fleld after ber THE CHOICE MAKE YOU'LL WANT TO SOONER OR LATER DO IT TODAY ... NOT SO M E DAY NABERS~I N C . . . . . ...... . Additional sections ot EbeU Club include 7 book sections, Goren Counters, PM )et gro~. E-Belle Tone Choraleers, tra- vel section, golt section and arts and crafts. Among many philanthropic projeCts the Ebell Club parti- cipates in are Americanism events, lDd.lan affairs, veterans aftalrs, needy area famlUes, Albert Sitton Children's Home, JopUn Boys Ranch, Freedoms Foundation and Am erican Fle)d Service. c ~-~ ~ i; T w il; ~ ~ ff'i ~ p ·:;; e d eu;U;•;'~suc;;.ce:sse;s~W~It~h~pal;;;nl;;;;. ;.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'ii000iiiiiiiiHiiAiiR8iiOiiRiiiiiieoiiuiiciiEiiV'iiRiioii. iiciioii"ii'iiii" EiiSiiA.iiii"iii'iii"iiii'40-•'•'ooiiiiiiiiiiiii to Herbert Eldridge Frigidaire introduces the •• At a candleUg!lt service at the Lutheran Ch ur ch of the Master In Harbor View Hills, Herbert Eldridge took Miss Con.1te Darlene Wilson as his brkle on Saturday, June 20. The bride Is the daughter of Mr. and Mr s. Rtcl\ard Wilson of East Bluff. Mr. and Mrs . Had- ley Eldridge of West Plains, Mo., are the parents of the groom. The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, wore a gown or white peau de sole appllqued with English lace made wtth bracelet length sleeves and a cl\apel tra.ln. A lace JuUet cap held her full length veil. She carried a bou- quet of white roses, orchids and stephanotis. Her sister, Miss Paula Wll- son, served as maid or honor. Brldesm:Uds were Miss Cheri Hoyt of East Bluff and Miss Chrlstlna VUela of Rio de Jan. elro, Argentina. Miss VUe Ia has ~F..0.~"~:~= ;~i::: Skinniest Washer ever made served as best ma n. William Golden of Huntington Beach and George Yunker of Covtna were ushers. Cascades of orchids lined the maio aisle or the church and cascading orchid bouquets were carried by bridaJ atten- dants, complimenting their print gowns or purple orchid, blue and grt>t>n. Orchids wer e also used at the home of the bride's parents In East Blutt, where the r eception was held. Special guests Included the bride's grandmothers, Mrs. J. H. Rlcl\ards and Mr s. H. A. Wilson, both lrom Duncan, Okla. The new Mrs. Eldridge Is a graduate of Corona del Mar high school and attended Orange Coast College . Her hu.sband graduated from Gleodora hig!l school and is assoclated wlth the Haliburton Compllly in Ven- tura. CkAGG, 18, of -Costa Mesa Ukes art and found It in abundance at the Nn-port Harbor Art Museum. Sandt, a Costa Mesa hig!l school grad- uate, Is one ot 19 contestants ID the competition to select Miss Orange County Fair, queen ot the 1970 Orange County Fair and EIPO, slated tor Tuesday, JuJ.y 14, through Sunday, July 19, Queen hopefuls were rt>cent guests at the Newport Harbor Art Museum during an uhlblt trom the collection assembled by the Howard and Jean l..Jpman Foundation and the Whitne y Mu- seum of America n Art. Recite wedding vows - Marriage vows were ex- clwlged between Marie Ellen Clnocco and James F. Leddy 1n a private ceremony at La- guna Niguel. Parents of the bride are Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Vincent Ra - gusa of Costa Mesa. Mr. Ra- gusa Is vice president of Unl- ted California Bank. The bridegroom's mo ther, Mrs. Harold D. Leddy, resides In the Newport Beach area, where Mr. Leddy ~ncl his late ta.ther maintained law ttrm ·lf- ttces. KITCHENS and BATHROOMS rfr~'l"l nl'w 1/!'l~t•l: ..• I ''"· <'Ill• lorf' d1'11pl<'oJ ••• I ""'1><'11111 r r•r,,.,., ... osk about our NU-TREND IMPERIAL FORMICA CA~INfTS THf L£55-CARf CABINET • M00Uld (ASIN£l5 • APPliAN(E5 • I!EMOOW NG • (A!iiNET Al fEI!A HON5 • COUNTEit TOPS Free Conwllol•on ond fs l•mol•s Don't buy until you ch~k our prko• NU-TREND KITCHENS Open door to Safety your personal welcome is warm your financial security is sure your earning growth is guaranteed when you save with the friendly experts at Orange County's Largest, First and Strongest independent Federal- now paying the HIGHEST INTEREST in 35 years on insured savings I 4NOLOAN~noM The best man a.Qd matroo ol honor were Mr . and Mrs. A I bert M, Leddy of Bakers- field. Mr. Leddy, a candidate for district attorney of Kern County, Is the br idegroom's twln brother. The couple will hOneymoon in Europe and make thelr home In t..agun.a Beach, where Mr. Leddy oow has his law firm office. CANDIDATES 1!00111 AT THE COUNTY FAIR The M• sa Verde Republican Women's Club wtll have aRe- publican candidate s booth at the Orange Couoty Fair, July 14. 19, featurin g a voters' regis- tration center In addltloo to ln- tornutlve materLa.l. Monda)', July 20, offl.cersaod cl\airmen will bold an executive board met>ting In the Costa M.•sa hOme of Mrs. Sarah Sc haefer, 2620 -A Peppertree L~ne. Plans w11l be for mulated for the new season's roste r ot guest speakers at mo nthly pro- grams and various fund ralslfll events for the party. Also oa the agenda are volunteer acti- vities at the Rl'publican State Central Committee headQuar- ters, 3916 Campus Drive, near the airport. I I 4 Frigid~re Sldnny Mini. Ftts • (Only 2 feet wide) Install it where the wash is. and save steps and time-anywhere you can get adequate wiring. plumbing and venting. 2-Speed Washer cleans family -size loads at Regular and Delicate settings. • Flowing Heat in Dryer leaves clothes sunshine fresh. • Per· manent Press C.re in Washer and Dryer. In Our 24th Year of Dependable ServiCII 411 .. 17tll St. ••••• c:.t. .... • IRVIE TOURS BRING CANDID LffiERS no_c_.,..,_ moell. -I Wood 1bo-.UOO -I'll ..... lobo of. Wteta. 8olu fll tMII art wu U. iDilrmatloD ~ater ~ a ~•· I'm 1M 1'11 fto oleo. -. of lbom lH oot tllo _.-"'" jlllbollalllol. ald OIJ dOd .,...g 01 l'lllko- llo.. TvUt llodi.....,.M .. t, Tlllrt Ford." AIDQQI tbt DIOit cadd CION WU I qautloa l didn't uk JO'l. "Tbe trl,p WU lUJ a1CI. A. aro --.., -o1 lbo How old Ill that turllo?" trtelld o1 miDI tbluo JOU ore 111[ •t 110V0. Gf Til£ YW-NOW A MOTION PICTUI£! m<ntbaDf,OOOOraqteo.nty .. Dar lira. WaUt, I UUd pretty. Tbe ad putwuftlo lrd .,..SUo -loond lntM .. UJihiDI: we (IOIIOd ..,, o.r y011 oald ollerll Bott4o camo tbtJ put tcbool ,..., u pUt tamUy bas a ncal)'ptu.s tree 1Jl fact to flee wltb 001 ot Flol'tl ot tbtlr ltw:ff Jli'Oiftml. our back yard aod wben ever mto Ull p IUUtd.'' aii)UIIJIIftl,..., .., AIRPORT IURT -. DEAN WCASnR ·MARTIN JEANSEIERG JACOUWKE BISSET GEORGE KENNEDY HELEN JIAYES BRYAN SHAFER, 10, ot 2401 Clay St., Newport HelJbta, has every rlgtlt to be proOO after laOOlnc this 47~pouDd wblte sea bass at Ca.taUna Island. The action took. place from the sportftsher Thuode:rblrd out ot Davey 's Locker ln Newport Beach. ODe ,owpter waat.d to do I look at lt, l wUl always re.. "1 l1Uc1 all tbt tblop at bulDeN wttb tbllnlDI Com-member you.'' lrllDI Ra.Dcb but tbt bulcthlAC Pt.DJ, ADOU:Itr .,.!ned the •·About 100 years &&0 Mr. Ia thl.t Mr. ln'lDI 1.1 a Chl'l8· buard ol •tlllc ...,... pools, lnls>o bought one part ol 3 tl&o DWlo" Inlot"••ll'leuUliH.liUd made Raocbo1, Mr. Irvine bunt a ----------- • lot ol tbtm bWl&f)'.Somtwert mansion. He lived there tUl he bored. But u ooe 1-year-okJ died. About 5 years ago It put It, molt of tbem Wted tbe burned down. About 3 years "bole'' trlp, a co they tore lt OOwn. B\t Here are IOmt comm"!lnta oow lt Is Uke a park. It rep- written by youapter1 to the reseata Mr. James Irvlne." Irvloe Compeny field trlp "Dear Mrs. W.Ute, haU ot ~es, Mrs. Allee Waitt, Mlas us boys Ute the Movie la.bd EUse Smith and Mrs, Claire Museum. There was so much c:.tl lo Y-•-M ,.tlooLo ... .n.GUO 011111 r ons1 a UfWYUI"SAl PIL rtlltt !u;;UHICVI!JII" _.....,....,.,IUOO NJ' lf"!lou.--..•·~ ~-.. --From the P. ol·.ce Blotter sn:!~ ..... Smith, I like :s~~~:.~~~.:,~.~~.~ ·~I"•Nithlly •I 6:4J the orange trees becau.se tbey ''Oeu Mrs. Walle, I enjoyed Sunday. •• 1:4.5 p.m. remtnded me of Orance County the trlp because I had tun. I "MATINEES DAILY" • MOND"-Y, JUNE 15 stolen from theotttceotCotd~ lA TlD "G"ITS fORIVIRTIODYl Two headers for an engine well Banter aDd Co., 550 New- drill, valued at $190, were sto-port Ceoter Dr., Newport Ceo- len from a gara~ at the Fred B. ter .•. About $13 ln cash Goodwin residence, 531 san was taken from the residence Bernardlno Ave., NeWJ'l(lrt of Janice Goadagne, 203-l/2 Heights •.• Twotelevtstonsets 4oth St., West NewPOrt ... valued at $390 and a $100 radio Fred Bates, ZO,adeckhand, satd were stolen from the business a scuba tank and a wet suit ottlce of the Phllco-Ford Corp., wt~re stolen trom a boat at Ford Rd .•• Tools andaboxval-100 E. Coast Hwy., near the A~:~~c ~R;i~:~~~·~ ued at $155 were stolen from a Ower Bay bridge · .. John NEWPORT I garage at the William K. Rich-CuMingham of Los Angeles s:atd C.U .\!I1\ G J' L\ ·1 ardson residence, 1133 High-a $200 dinghy was stolen from r'"' ... ·~·-· land Dr., Harbor Highlands ••• a boat storagt> area at '100Bay- U£ WJ(I' JfJJI A stereo tapes goU clubs side Dr •.• Tom Carson of MAJMN EASTWOOD SfBfRG ski ~. tire 'aoo tool oo~ 1750 Whittier, Costa Mesa, said were stolen trom ~he car of that an electric drill aod bits fl\JNTYOlJR. ~N Dale F'. K.aloyjlan, 605 Orchid, valued at $105 were stolen trom !!!!!!!::~ Corona del Mar while it was his pick~ truck while It was THE LUXURIOUS ' NEW IAllfii!>A THEATRE • OPE~S NICt1TlY 6 ~~ HO W-EXCLUSIVE HARBOR AREA FIRST RUN SHOWING' SIX ACADE~Y AWARDS IHCLUDIHG- R,~ P0'2'~" "'y~~~~l' PRIC/5" '' parked at 3rd A;e, aod Orchid. parked at 930 Vta Lido Nord, .• A palr or binoculars ao::l an Lido Isle ... Douglas ThOmp- electrlc stuver all valued at son of La Mirada said a camera S65 were stole~ from the Ran-and a radio were stolen from dolPh Ceccucct apartment 920 his boat while It was docked Lrvwe Ave ., Newport Helitlls, near the Balboa Bay Club .•• during a party on the night A burglar broke Into the locked of June 13 .. , Duane Lee car of D:ii.nlel M. Hunsaker Ul, Shelton, 19, of 2810 Portola, of 188 Broadway, Costa Mesa, Costa Mesa w4 s arrested on and stole a radio, stereo aod a charge oi driving while ln-tapes worth $195 ... John toxicated following an accident Carnes of 715 W. Wilson, Costa. at 5:10 p.m. d.t 13th s t. and Mesa, said Sl5 w:t.s laken from Balboa Blvd., Balboa; Mr.Shel-his car wh11e It was parked at ton's cu collided with 2 other Ne111port Center. cars , one stopped on Balboa BlvJ. and occuplt'd by Pamela LuciUe Gabert of 1312 w. Bal- boa Bivr1., and aoother carpar- kf'(l at 131 2 w. Balboa Blvd., owned by Elisia Martinez. of 1312 W. B.alboa Blvd. , .A $70 raincoat ,.·as stolen from tile "'WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17 set of stereo speakers were and u ma.ke me huoery. 1 feU Uked the turtle roek. I Uked stolen from his aputm~nt dur-Uke plckinc a orange ud eat the hole trip. It was tun then lng a party · · • A purse ton-u . I a.1ao Uke turUe rock be-I tell asleep on Mary's shout- tabling $20 ln cuh was bur~ cause u looks Uke a turtle der." glart.zed trom the apartment head. 1 wtsh 1 could 10 and ''Dear M ~s. Waite. I enjoyed ot Cheryl Shattuck. 117-1/2 ride on him. 1 •tsh be could the tour of levine Ranch. I 28th St., West Newport • • • co flster than a turtle could, Ukecl the Movie La.od Air Pl&ne A surfboard valued at $12 was 1 also Uke the Uo.lverslty be-Museum. ADd 1 thl.nk Utsagood stolen from a garage at the cause 1 Uke to sUde down tne Idea to oot use smoke stacks Diane McCardle residence, 117 ralls." on vour ra.ctorys." e MOW SHOWIHC- Horo!d ~obbio1' Sensotioool Dromo "TilE ADVEN TURERS" (R\ Vla Koron, Lido Is le · • • A "1 was glad to go on the fteld "Like l said on the bus, stereo tape player valued at trip. 1 Uked best ot 2.11 tbe ull~ked;~t=be~p~1ao;••;.:•!""~tbe::.~m~l;•-~;======= $120 W"ds stolen from a car airport aM the airptaoes. I 1 belonging to Charles D. Bruner, Uked to go 00 the good, good 4Z9-1/2 lrls, Corona del Mar, trlp and 1 had tun watchlog while It was parked on the the pool and Uked to see the s!reet In front of his residence. trees. 1 enjoyed the blc hole, • THURSDAY JUNE lS but l gol tired and wanted to A . -..... '0 1 .. ~ 1 135 go back to school. That wa.s :;ur, ......... r va ...:u a a.ll .. was stolen from the patio a.tthe ,:Dear Mr Smith It wu apartment of Charles Kelly, 5• • 1926 A w 0c F t c so interesting how you told us -· ean ron ' en~ llow the early Indians used to tral Newpor~ . • · • Jewelry camp and stay there on the and a telev1s1on set, valued mountains. it was tnteresUnc at $140, were burglarized from when the bl.d guy rot away and the home of Arthur MaM, 325 kiUed the sherU aod they botb levine Ave., Newport Heights died on the hill." , .. Vandals threw.., unknown ··Dear Mrs . Waite, 1 Uked ob)eds through a indow In tile gardens they were pretty t~1e traJier of Everett E. Bll-and you are pretty too. Yoor cer, 2940 E. Coast Hwy., Co-.red cntU peppers are nice and rona del Mar, causing an estl~ 1 like them. How are you? mated $100 damage •.• A s urf-Would you Uke to oome to l!oa.rd valued at $120 was stolen my hOuse''" lt.Jilarr1 Gregg r esidence, 112 "Dear ·Mrs Waite r en- 30th St., West Newport • · • ;oyed the field. trip ve;y much. A pa.Uo loWJge cl\all' valued I hOpe you had a good Ume at $25 was stolen from the too, 1 enjoyed Steve too. Most!.) patio of the Henry Hawkl.nson 1 en)oyed eating bec&use 1 wa.s residence, 3507 SeashOre Dr_., so hUD&fY that my stomach West Newport .• , Three patm felt tunny. So eaUng was my chairs, valued at ~36, were favorite thine." ~PORT /'. ' property room at the Newport Harbor lligfl school ... A lawn- MGM MA.Sl~RPIECE REPRINT: L~ESLIE CA.ROH mowervaluedatSlOOwa.sstolen IH "LILI"-SPECIAL SHORT, "33 FA.Tl'iOMS" from a garagt"<~.l U}(> residence Beer ki!e tapping equipm~nt valued at $30 was stolen from the tar of Greg King Henry of 504 Westminster, Newport Heights, while It was parked at 1400 W. Coast Hwy., Mariners Mtle , , . Charles Vincent GebeU of 2208 w. Ocean Front, Central Newport, said a $150 stolen from the a.partmertpa.Uo "Dear Mrs Waite tha.ok you of Richard Lloyd Bloom, 123 IOI' taking ~s uo~od 1n1ae 35th St., West Newport. Raac:b, 1 tnlnk . turtle rock Joot5 Uke a ttoc oomtnc out "LILI" at "1 :00 & 11:00--"OUVfR" at R:l,. of Ho>leoe Bognall, 542 Aliso ~~~;~;$~~~~~=;~;::;;;;;~ Ave., Ne...-port Heigflts. I . F'RIDA. y, J tr.\E 19 Thomas Hille, 22, of 121 46th St., West Newport, wa.s arrested at 1213 Balboa Blvd. at 1:15 a.m. on a ctur ge of driving whlle under tne ln- nueoce of drugs . . .Stereo t.apes aoo h"Jlf clubs were sto-TELE PHON E 541-!552 J BIG SH OWS len from a car belonging to Fred Jensen, 317 E. Wilson St., Costa Mesa, while it was parker! at 2400 E. Coast Hwy •• Corom del Mar .•. A s urfboard valued at $50 wa, stolen from the Greg Thompson residence, .... 352 42nc1 SL, West Newport ... Tools aM a box valued at - $75 were stolen !rom a cat belonglng to John Raym·>nd W . .t- .. son of 3132 Yukon Ave., Costa • Mesa, while it was pa.rke<1 at MORSE IUIIERS SILVERS 7(' ••".I(.()/. ()I'" ~~ 2 Al~OTI I f ACAOf '.W N 1N 'lE R "ITS TOUG H TO BE A BIRD" 3 "TH E RAS CAL" COtJf!NU0 1. 1 DAILY 1-PG ',i l PM the Corona del Mar main beach parking lot. • TUESDAY, JUNE 16 A tire anc1 wheel valued at $70 were stolen from tile trunk of d car owned by Ronald Rickey, 20 13 Irvine Ave., West Upper Bay, Willie it WdS parked ln hls driveway ... An addlng valued at $190 was ~10-SPEED BIKES * SS995 * SJ695 * S8995 DUCK-FEET FINS Regulars S895 Blemish S695 ' HOME ECONOMI CS SUPERVISOR Dee Cox or Huntington Beach, In center, steps In to referee tile competition be- tween Jan Metzger, lett, or Oran~te and Mu. F'isher ot Co- rona del Mar, both entrants ln the preserved foods compe- tition at the Orange County fair and Expo, which will be held July 14 througtl 19 at the fairgrounds in Costa Mesa. The best in )3m s, jellies, pickles, c.tnned fru1l, vegetables and what-have-you wJ\1 deck the halls as top homemakers vie for ribbons and prlz.es. ZULCH GALLERY MOVES l1l (])RONA DEL MAR of a hole." '·Dear Mrs. Waite, I Ute tllat big butldiDg they were bulldlnc. When I saw that crop of oranges, lemons and ava- eados, I was retttnt bungry. "Oeu Mrs. Smith, I have something that I hope you wtU do tore me. Well you seiJCI me some suger and I will send back 25 cents?" ''Dear Mrs. Smith, I Uked the 18-story buUding best. Be- cause I would Uk.e to hwtt fos- sils in it. And I woukl dJg a hole in the cround and play 1.n It. AOO I Uked where the los Angeles sherU was ldlled aB:t 'IFben they chased nares ~ ln the mountains aDd rot hlm. •• "Thank you tor showing u.s arOUDd. We enjoyed It very 1 Ti,.. u o 2.00 1 00 .05 CRECORY PECK RICKARD CI!EMMA DAVID IAMSSEM lAMES FRAMCISCUS C[M[ KACKMAM "'flU: Bt\Tfl .t~ Ot' BIIIT.\1:\" EVE SMOWSTAITS J COJIIT 5UJII fiOM 2 2 Time• 2.:;1) 5.00 ~.00 ,!0 STARTS NEXT WED EXCLUSIVE 3 Ti'" .. 3.00 ~.00 5.00 . 15 •oRK UNTED SPOTS before YOW' eyea - on your oew carpet -remoYe them with Blue Lutre. Rent electric Jba~ l08r $1. CrO'IFa Harctnro, UO?E,Coutllwy., Corooadel Mu. Curt Dosh ,_EAL. TO,_ 642-6.172 .... 613-- 1730 W. COAl HWY. li1ap1rt 111. I l11 1•1• lila.. Cull Newport l"ch PtJ~ BarNH £a/t, pH.UnU Most Home For Small Money Two Story, 4 Bedroom, dining area PLUS brealdast nook and family room. Conveniently located In Back Bay area. Perfect garden for children. $43,950 Ollie:. o,.. _...,.a -.yo PETE BARRm REALTY O 1605 WoolciH Dr. N.l. • JJnJa.JltJ Prestige Waterfront Homes CUSTOM 4 TO 7 IIDIIOOM .-s fltOM SIJS.OOO TO 11011.000 fURNISHID AND UNPURNIIHID ALSO 'RIME BUILDING LOTS FROM IU.OOO TO $17S.OOO BILL GRUNDY, Realtor 133 Dovo< Dr. Svlto J, N.l . 642-4420 APOLLO 11 EXHIBIT AT LAGUNA SAVINGS As a salute to tbe Arst niversa.ry ot the Apollo Landlng, a special the ltmara.bl.lla duc.ed at hobby shoW WUI tbroU&hOUC July the main oftlce oral lilY-'-Ia Compllod by son. &n admlnlstratlve usls.. tant wtth McDon.oell Douglu, this collection ot artlflcts from space fllghts and m~~~::: I locludes posters, photographs, m•.dels, ~~:~1 Uons, medals, Apollo flags, and photos of Oights. Viewers will be vlted to taste the space •~•II consumed by the astronauts their historic tllght. For 3 July 16, 17, and 20, sam,?re I spa.ce food sUcks, the enerp food deve)oped by PULsbury for the U.S. aerospace program, will be passed out to Ylsttors. MRS. RODET DIES Mrs. Carletta Ruth Rodet, 77, ot 163 Walnut st., Costa W:esa., died July 1 at Costa Mesa Memorial HospitaL Sbe was born Jan. 11, 1893, LD Loutsvtue, Ky., and tad U.-ed 1n California sloce 1920 a.nd 1n Orange tor B Survivors ol Costa Mesa ; a brother, by Bobl.len of Ten.oessee; gnndehildreo and one ,...,1-1 grandchild. Funeral services were held July 6 at the Church of Jesus Christ ot Latter-Day Saints, Newport Beach, with Blshop Chad M. Campbell omctatin&o Interment was at WntmlJlster Memorial Park. Bell-Broadway MoJrttar)'WU In cbarl'8 ot ura.ncementa. &.w. BAY FRONT LOT ON MORRO BAY 60 Feet by 175 Feet, South Part. MAGNIFICENT VIEW ACROSS BAY TO GOLF COURSE. Need Cash $17,500 PHONE (714) 675-7778 SITUATID ON TIN ACRU I'ACIOUS I A 2 IIDIIM. UARTMINTS ,.,... A Unfvro. ,_ $160 • Ptivatc Patios • Fireplaces • POOLS • q Hole Puttina Green • Tenn i1 • Sepatate Family Section • Adj. to Schools and Play 110und 900 h-L•n•, C.N MacArthur""' C.•at Hwy . clo .. to FuhiOft 1 ..... CXlRONA tolAR I DILBERT II. LEFIWCII al llowporl Boodl IIU -.._ -.. __ .. lllo~- Call Your Realtor TODAY -CoOIIJ ....... allllo .... eW7 c1 C&JIA:nAa Acoo , rl• Ollllo~--- 01 -c.-c-, Cllll. llr. ~-1'111 .,.. ... ............ -....... MCJ 2 • Ia 1111 llll'tlllf Ana -11110, Harbor-Costa M ...... IOH I lMURSOAY, JULY 9, 1!111 OORONA DEL MAR, CAUF. PERFECTION PLUS IN HARBOR VIEW HILLS Imagine the v1ew of twinkling har- bor lights and the pleasure of your own private walled patio and shim- mering pool, all set in low mainten- ance surroundings. Plus A spacious 2 Bedroom convertible den home that Is spotless. Call us about this outstanding property. Only $67,900. ; : . 0 THI REAL "-£STATERS m 11 .. ~~~.. c.-..,. 111r -61J.I550 OFFICE and HOME (850 sq. ft.) (1100 sq. ft.) Newport Heights . S35,000 with $7,500 down and the balance at $250 per month including 8%interest. Wells-McCardle Realtors ltlli .. le Selllite Sill<e 1941 lilt IIIWPORT M-7729 COSTA IIUA 1111111111111111111 Sales througb the Multiple Listing Service of the Newport Harbor-Costa Mesa Board of Realtors totaled over $54 million for the TWELVE months of 1969. This represents 1,294 unit sales and a dollar value increase of 4% over the same period of last year, wbich was a record year. List your property· with a Realtor today. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Lido Isle LARGE 5-BEDROOM HOME ON A STREET-TQ-STREET LOT Shown by appointment only $97,000 ...... '"' .. .. ••••• h .. c ... .. FINE INCOME PROPERTY I to 4 DUPLEXES •.• WALK TO SHOPS • ••• CASA MAGNIFICA Sweeping view from pool & home EXCITING VIEW HOME FOR THE EXECUTIVE . EXCELLENT ENTERTAINMENT AREA. 4 BEDROOMS, FAMILY ROOM, 3 BATHS. 986 SANDCASTLE, HARBOR VIEW HILLS OPEN SUNDAY I -5 •••• TWO NEW TRIPLEXES IY, ILOCKS TO OCEAN ... TENAHTS WAITING! GOOD INCOME . GOOD BUY . OPEN DAILY I TO 5 320-322 MARGUERITE AVE . CORONA DEL MAR •••• FOR RENT EXCITING 2 & 3 IEDROOM APARTMENTS TO OCEAN, CORONA DEL MARl IJOH Y. f'Rl\XI\l.rX I Rt:.T\1. TOR \ ]2!;0 lui Coes.t H•P-•1 CorOM clei ""· CahiOfl'lll ,...., 673-2222 , ••• , .••••••••••••.•. LET US SHOW YOU • • • SOUND OF ·SURF ! ·SAN CLEMENTE· OCEAN VIEW & P'OOL : r. .. drtlf''''' ~ n..· ,, 1.-• p\it-r llUI\'•111'. J;•r)o•l,o •' "" lhr '"11li'Y ,,,,., ...... ,.,,,;; ,,,... , .. a.••w ,.,,wi Rl.l:l. P \ f"JF\l.' ,\n a1!1111 .. tl r '"l-11 1• ~.,...,..,. • .. , ·I 11\,,~r· tho~ " ''' loc-hllnl nnmr 1"1 r-•r....,.m"fl' t:;r -M WESTCUFF CHARM ONLY S40.000! ,,,,_., -·~·"'"1 't•···· ll(l,Uj 1 ... ~-IP "':: '"'"'' h·~·· ,..._, ' ..... , .... , • "''"" I., "piA• •' .onrl .j.,l, r ".. ; ,, ·I '"' ' 4 , " , • , ,. ,, r·• , .•. 0 1 • '''I' "'J' IV' I;,: hi"" ,.., .. , '""'' • '" Lll;\.1\ I LRt.'l '"·"' •11-1 , ·'" '" Colesworthy ' co. REAL To• 675-4930 IIEWPORT lEACH OF PICE 1021 IAYIIDI DR. l•e•tttotoo··e·t•t•• MACNAB -IRVINE FINEI HOMES IAYFRONT P1r r 4r Lloat for .>5 II booll , complete pn· ,·ac:-· k :o;ecunty behmd eltclncally con· troiiNI auto entry gJlt!-. :\ 3 Bedroom home . l arge livtng room . marble fireplace sps- CIOtJS fam1\v room. :sunnv breakfast room. :\ perfect settmg for I he 'mo~t styil~h furnl· turt.. Call Maxme Wilhams at 54:!-4235 CORONA DEL MAR LIVable home with m1n1mum upkt!'p Sunny p3ho : 2 fireplAce~. :1 bedroomY.. Perfect con· d1tion With the po~!l•b•hty of exceedtnilY IO\l' mtere.st rate. $63.500 .. Jane Frazee lAY FRONT 1-.:aste~ charm. l:::uropea n n atu man5hap. The 11lt1mate m \\&tcrfront V1ew locatton. ! ~rooms. 51!'!. bath:s. den. formal dtnin~. P1er !c float. Shown by app 't $%25,000 LAHO 2\-l Acres with prime: trnnta,e near Hue Hospital. $2110.000. ATTENTION BUILDERS! IAYCRIST S w-•~ b&lbl. ).story -• I• load. ~.oft~)' -....... -,;;: brvtt'l•--. •lnd ""bu • Last R-3 Lot In Corona del Mar, v1cinlty of DabUa IDd Seulew An. $45,000. "• r.. ,_,_ ~ ....... -Poolmo S.thialor-··· ... ·-· ... --------- POOL REQUESTED TM ..,.._ Ana 01» ell ~~aiC•awce, Pool ,_ttoo. • ~ Dr .... .., Leo, 0.,..... Gold _.ttoo, .....,._, al 1'01-Yodallll Boll ll'-, au,., -ciU-,Io-Uorto E4 Hlrib Uld ... _ YaJor 1111 _.,_ at N"""" Dortta .....,.u ot """"" -ud Colla Y•ID bq> Btocb, BoddJ Ebooo, 11or1ao blolld a SO:.m-OIJ!nple-llae Solely Dtrsclor Bob Reed, AU. pool &d)lctat to Daftdaoo ftt.ld Amertcao Steve Farmer, OCl at Newport Harbor bJ&b sebool coach Ed Newl&Dd ud Newport au.• Allbe, cbiJrmu, tx-Beach Pollee Cb.ief James GJa.. piiiDo 1M PNject u t>Uows , ns. "Tbt Harbor Area producea a Coatrlbutlons or pledps, ....... EMUDber of talented swim-wbleb are tu-dedldlble, may men. tu IDl.DJ more could be ad to the Harbor Area be devekved . &Dd tDCOUn.ced Olympia Pool Foundatloo, P.O. Ulrougtl ~ b:a1 facWties. Box 800, Costa Mesa, Ca.llf. A SO.mettr pool woWd offer WATSON 3 times tbe aq~&tlc lnatroc-RaymoOO Watson, lrYibe tloa lD recreational swlmmlDc, Company's senior vice pres!· We l\lll'd tralntB&. water dent, will discuss tbe g1aot land safety, ICubl di'ri.Dr. ntertal-development tlrm's pla.Ds for Jet, competittn swtmmtnc. dl.v-the oe• City of lrvloe before lng. 1.011 water polo. Newport Beach business and "AAU, ClF, stateaadoatlonal community leaders July 15. eveots could be beld at this HewtllpreseDChlstalk.whfch pool. A spectator seating of wUl toclude sl1des, at a geoeral 600 to 1,000 people is planned. membership breakfast meetln&' The proposed location oelt to of tbe Newport Harbor Chamber Davidson ft.eld will atrord a of Commerce. natural "rind break, always ad-Ctlamber manager Jack Bar- vantageous to competitive oett saJd the 7:30 a.m. event swtmmlrlg and divitlg events. will take place at the Balboa The location is also centrally Bay Club. sittated Yithi.ntbecommunity." Mr, Watson, oewly named The project Is already '15 per to the lrvlne Company board cent funded, with tbe Newport of directors, will talk about Mesa scbool district pledged to his company's planning pro. finaDce halt the cost &00 the cess, from the drawing boa.rds City of Newport Beach one to the completion of construe- quarter of the cost. The pro-Uon . ject ls endOrsed by the Newport Bank mangers named Fully Factory Equipped, Including White Side Wall Tirn, WhHI Covers, •tc. 2137!~LIC READY FOR IMMEDIATE DEUVERY HOR ETS RE.BELS JAVELI R e WE NEED USED CARS e e WILL PAY TOP DOLLAR e HIGHEST TRADE-INS OF THE YEAR 19'67 DATSUN UAnON WAHN A11t."'otic tratll""iuiofl, plu1 JIUICit IIIOfO. l.d witt. blnli: i..mior. IUc. UJ$462 1 $1575 1967 PONTIAC 11MPIIT CUSTOM lit "JU" 2 lllloer h.rcHop. A11tolftotic "'""'"'inio11 + lot. of o+hor optioM. Whit. with .. ,.,. i11t.f'ior. I Uc. UVU Jill Aoot 1hift, tho, I roo4y to to• liM with ..... h1terior. CUe, NIC1411 Motors .,.,.._,.NEWPORT HARBOR EII~GN THU.RSIIAY,JULY 9,1910 ARST SECT1011 --P•l CO~ A DEL MAR, CALIF. Troth .is announced 11r, Uld Mro. K-SiouCb lo-bo' I _,., Noll WfiCMUid ot 110 SuMtcutle ~ .. Harbor lira. Wrlcbt, no uer...-. ):::;::::: VI.., IUIIa, ban·-111o at Tuo11D, wort a1oo pre-. .,.,..,,..,r-lr-tDPI'meat of tbetr daqpter, lt ns almolt a farewell patty YIN Jlllllb Marian wrtellt, 1D lor Nell. -Ia -tile U,S. ~~~:;,:tiif Kettb Doalldeon,. 8011 ot Mr, Mar IDes. He wu thiA*' ""t ~ ud Mrs. Br..ce Doa&II:!Dl rA. to Ot1Jawa last week..eod. 1 Seal Beaeb. Tbe enppmeot "~~ U:.':J,;. .: •. ~c::: ' , party was beld Juoe za, 1D Loog Beacb at tbe Cljllalo's Mead, cousins ol tile b<lde from Table H&'W'tboroe. Tbe betrotbed Am~ tbe cuests were Mr. ~le both . attended Mar iDa and Mrs. Cralcllooaldsoa, 11<0-blllt SCbooL HUDIIJl&tOG Beocb. Uer aDd slster-I.D-law of tbe kiss Wrlpt &lao atteoded San lllteDiied groom; Mr. aDd Mrs. otego state, and both ot them Peter Dlos trotMr~lD-law and ban also beeo stwtying at Got- sister ot tbe groom. Tbetrt<le-den West College, Mrs. Lilly leaves board Mrs. Elizabeth Lilly, mem. ber of tbe Newport Mesa unt. Qed school district board ol trustees tor 5 years, resigned Tuesday llllltt. day aigbt trustees elected aDd appolnted the foaow1ng: She said sbe was resigning tor "personal" reasons and thanked the board and clafl' for the association anj :oocero shared ln the sotrlng of prob. lems b.ced by the district. AJl election will be beJd lD 120 days to tl.ll tbe remt.lning 3 years other term. ln other related action Tues- President, Sellm S, Frankll.n; clerk, Thomas C. Casey; board represeota.Uwe to vote for a member of tbe county com- mittee, Roderick H. MacMII- llan; city counclls-scbool dist- rict l.la1son eomnlttee, Mr. Casey and Mr. M.acM.lllian; leg- islative representative, Mrs. MMI.an C. Bergeson; secretary, S ..... Wllltam L. C--m; assistant secretary, Dr. Nor~ man R. L<lats. BOY SCOtrJ' TROOP 17 of Corona del Mar, under the &Uid· ance of Scoutmaster John Jones, Is resporislble for the diS· play ot flags aloog the lligtlway on special holidays. The spoosorl.ng orpnlutiOD Is the Corona del Mar Chamber or Commerce, just recently having Iaten over the program that was Initiated by the Exchange Club. LocaJ merchants Interested 1JI tattng part In this Jllltrlotic project are a.P:ed to COI&act the Corona del Mu Chamber tor lnformatloo. The Scouts pictured here are, from lett, Derek Berg, Bruce a.od Pblllp Hildenbrand, Mark Oberman aiXl Tim Bayless. . DIU A IEIIAV. ACCOIIIT uo BET 01 FREE! Newport Nat1onal pays the highest bank mterest an ywhere on your sav1 ngs. and at the same time. offers a collect1on of exquisite m 1n1atu re reproductions of ongmal oi l pa intmgs. Antique gold framed and set off by ric h ve lvet . they add infin1te charm to you r home. or off ice. or special g1fts Open you r new account today Regularly a $15.00 Value! NEW 1500 ACCOUNT GET ONE NEW 1400 ACCOUNT BUY ONE NEW 1300 ACCOUNT . BUY ONE NEW 1100 ACCOUNT BUY ONE NEW I IIlO ACCOUNT BUY ONE FREE ! $ .95 $1.95 $2.95 $3.95 II URIQII l•m•t of two FREE mmtatures regardless of amount of depos•t over $1000 From the Assembly ... Br ROBERT BADHAM Auemltly,..an 71at Distric t Recently, Jhadooeofthemost very short and sketchy; but, of the Peaples Democratic Re- deYa.stattng eJI)erlenees that I nevertheless, ooe Is received public of North Vietnam to re- ea.n reca.lltn m&nJ, many years. every 2 or 3 months. mind the people of this nation. I bad received letters from The Pylest.a.vea4-1/2-Yea.r-the neutral nations, our allies, some constituents advlsing me old son whO is ooa.rly ready to and the Hanoi regime that the that oo June 23, the League of start kindergarten. and he and Hanoi regim:! did sign the American Famllies would visit his father have never seen each Geneva Convention of 1949 Sacramento on behaU of the other. Young Pyle and his which stipulated that Red Cross POWS and MlAs. These Initials friends are contused as to personoel would be able to In- stand tor "Prl!ilODers of War" whether or not his father ls spect prisons, that the sick a.oo aDd "Missing In Action." I "away," "In jail," ''oot rea.lly wounded would be either re- a.greed to see them when they existerlt," or as it Is occasion-patriated or attorded adequate came to Sacramento. ally explained, ''being held by medical care, and that the POWs Earl)' that afternoon, a the bad men." and MlAs would be able to char min( young lady walked Why are these people ln Sac-communicate with their hOmes. 1nto my otnce. She lntroduced ramento trying to eJPlain their Nooe of these accords h.as been herself as Mrs. Elaine Pyle plight of trustratton. confusions adhered to by Hanoi, from Tustin, and she told me and despair to state legislators? I am writing this column In her story as follow s: Mrs. Pyle expla.ined it this way: the hOpe that decent Americans She was married 7 years ago We Deed help. Weoeedpeople will respond to this need and, to a young man who was oot at aU levels of pWlllc We wbo also, to point out to the apolo- a dlsselller or a consclen-wiU he.tp us build a campalgn gists tor Hanoi lhat It sbc.u1.1 t1ous objector, but a persoo of letter-wriUng to the so-be called to their attention that wru acknowledged his duty and called oetin.l nations who,lo-fWK>l ls oot following even the rapcmalbi.Uty to hU country. eldeotally, welcome our draft most basic ot rules 1.t1 this He lo"d to D.J ud because of to tbe coof11ct. thia, be beeame a pilot 1.t1 the U,S. A1r Foree. In aetlon over North VIetnam, his pl&ne ns shot down aDd he was la.ken prisoner. Accord.I.Dg to Mrs. Pyle, she and her husband are among the "lucky ones" (as regarded by much of the press) because over the past 4 years she has received some 181etters. There ate 1,600 prisoners of war as a result of the Southeast Asian situa.tloo. Only about 385 have beeo allowed to communicate with their loved ones. In the ease of the "lucky ooes'' sucb as Mrs. Pyle, the letters are WITH SAMPLES WITHOUT AN Y OBLIGATION TO YOU! H.J Gl~RJffi fUR.N~ 2215 HAlt lOR ll VO. COST A MESA. CAUF. 0,... MM.. Thura. & Prt. 1.._ ....0275 SERVICE AD MIS QUALITY CAR CARE BY FACTORY TRAINED PEOPLE WHO CARE Z121H~ .. VD. J'ObDSOD• SOD Lli8CILIII ;OIIITiieiEIIIYill. • I&ICl m • IEIIIIY ·laOII&I MMMABDII --.-A- S40·S6~o NEWPORT BEACH THE NEWPORT HARBOR 1MI! OMU lOC .. Llf OIIMID, Nt!WWI't• 1M TH( lfAnDtl' TM£ OMLY MEWSPU'P ,_TtO lllfO I'UIU1Hl0 Ill NqPOitT llbOt 'Know your fireman' to the En1ign 673.0550 is at July 6th to July 10th, we ·re 1ntro· ducmg our new Passport Ac count. Glendale Federal's Umpteenth Way to Save now and play later If the heady scent of Hawa11an ptneapples fresh from the tslan d s ts any clue. follow your nose to your nearest GFS offtce and see all we've planned for r * Newport Beach 500 Newport CAnler Or1ve 10( COSTA MESA PIIONE: 675-45!0 QIROHA DEL MAR, CALIF. LET {}fit CLEAN AND RESTORE YOUR DRAPES TO LOOK LIKE NEW! EXCLUSIVE GUARANTEED DRAPERY CLEANING Drapery Cl~nin;. Perfect regardten of the age of ~r drapery, or 1001. replacement if cleanable . • No WittN KN4• • ftMtt ,,.. .. • h1Utifvl O.Cor•tor • New Draperies writh ,...h Coirs bc.hnin 5 ,..,. GvklntM • No Shrink.,. • Dr1p«i" ...... or • 'trftct ben """' AlttrM • Water Staln lernonl • Draperies .. ,.irH Dr.,.,. Ham.,. k'rstaiiH 1nd lf1Nire4 I.(T COJT tNSTALL NEW DRAPES w. lrlo... 0 , ...... , • .. tectiooo of toiorKt "',._ ...... _, lliKri•iNiiflg taolo DUPERY SERVICE 540-1366 " , ... c.ll Coott.ct 642..()270 1702 NEWPORT BLVD. at 17th, Costa Meso Costa Mesa * your pleasure Look L1sten Entoy. Dtscover the umpteen advantages of stghtseemg wtth 1nterest.. the Glendale Federal Savtngs way' Then 1ust pick up your pmeapple and go: at GFS ' 5% to 6% rates. saving ahead for travel makes good sense ... and there's a whole world waiting 1833_, __ RUSSIA NEWPORT HAR80R EN9ill SEQJ!!O SEC'!lQI! - -Pta 2 lllURSMY, J UL Y91 ltlll COROllA DELMA!!. CAUf. wm a-. ; .... 1..-..11 n...1 ..... ...... Ia the •iHI of IMDJ'· To MRPtr it. I wooold lilte to poi.M ,... 10 l:oeiD<I 38 :8, wilh ha mishty air force •1•inM ).,HI, In nrw~ )5 and 16 of 1M aa.me chapter we find • furthc:J" de.erlplion or the invuion: .. And thou thak tome from thy place out of the north parta (ian't that exactly where Ru.ia ia located pJraphieally), thou, and many people with tMe, all of them ridins upon horws., a JfTII rompany, and a Rlif!hty army: and thou ahah come up asainst my peopl~ hrarl u a cloud, lo cover the land ... Here wt have a picture o( Russia's cavalry. Mili· tary atrattgial.!i recognize that there ia some tf'rrain on which a battle ean beet be waged with cavalry. RuMia ia known to be a be- lif'vf'r in thia type of warfare and to ~ lhf' large!lt c.avalry force in thr world! A LOOK AT THE BOOK ....... ""' Lon!. "' -1 .. Cos. ~ .......,._ ud Tubol, ..,. thai "in lfte liiiO< ,...n · "-.... It ..,.. U.to lfte land llw lo b-roulht b.ck fnMII the aword, a.nd it lathered oul of ma.nr people, apiNt the moun~int of Jar ad ... n .... Yet"'le certa.i.oJy indieatet an in. •uion of ltroel by C.., Mai"So Metboch, and Tuhll, with their &IIi~ But who are the.e nation•? f'rank Boyd, an f!:miMnt Bible teacher, bad thi. to aay about lhete countrie.: "Jf you will refer back to Geneais l0:2, you will find amon8 othen the names of Gomer, MagOf!;, Tubal, and Me.hech, all sons of Japheth, &On of Noah, born art~r the Flood. Students of elhonology (the science of the orisin of nations) say that the des.oendanta o( Masos, Mes.hecb, and Tubal were lhe ancient Cythiaru who occu· pied the resion around the Black and Cupian Seu. and were the forefathers o( the pre.ent Ruteian people." Are you aware of the fact that just before World War II Russia is reported to have shipprd a large quantity of l~ead pencila to Great Britain with rhe names "Gog:" and ''Ma~or;" imprintNi on them ? In l9.'iQ Russia issued a poslage stamp ~owin~ four horsemen coming from the north, where Ru!Jiia is located. A map depictt them as riding toward Pal~int-to the Stat~e of lsrat-1. The Russ.ians lilllr ruli.r.l"d how preci!ely lht"y w~er~ fulfilling Bible propht:cy! How will Rus..~ia invade hrat"'? Ezekiel .18 :9 set>ms to givt" an indication of the .111tack : "Thou shah ascf"nd and come like a ~lorm, thou shalt bt-like a cloud to cover tht" land, thou, and all thy bands. and many 1.oeopl" with thee." Most of t'OU undoublt·dly rf'mf'mbt-r H itlf'r'~; hlit.r.krit"gs in the beginning of World War II. He put his planes into the air in such num- twr! that tht'y almost hladr;:rd out the sun. With prat rapidity thl"se plan«"S. loadrd with men anri t"quiprTM'nt. would swoop down upon a nation h~· :<urprisr. Oftf•n within a mal~r of houno-tht' nation ~ould fall under thr im pact of a blitzkrieg. Tht· H'r""' wr havr quotrd set·ms to indicate --omt·thiug like> that. Ru.'!sia wil l COmt' down The Messiah Thf' last part of verse 15 Mys there will bf' cavalry "and a mighty army." Recently J rrad a newspaper account which claim~ that Ruuia is now abl~e to 6~1d six million men almost immediatrly in the evt-nt ol World War Ill. If she is able to put siv million men into combat almost overnight. then ce rtainly she po~ "a mighty army". Whtn will all this takr plaCf'? Vt-rse 16 idt"nti6H it as "in the lattf'r days"-the c~­ ing days of this age. Evr.n N:ienli!IA and world leadrrs are saying that th,..se: arr the "last days." Also in versr 16 God says, "[ will bring thee against my land." God is going to he the Instigator of this battlf'. Why ? For a numhf.r of y.-a rs. f'SJM"Cially rru ntly, Jewish prople have bet'n returning in grf'at numbns to lsraf'l. But tht'y're not goi ng back l.w-cauSt' thf'y lov.-Christ-it's bt>causr !Omt'thing deep within them is drawing thf"m back to their homeland. Cod is ra u~ing them to rt•turn. Thr patht'tic thing is that tht-y a rr p>inj! hack in unbc>li,.f and athris m. Thrrf'fon•, Cod will instigatf' thi,; hallie "th at the hrathen may know mt", ~·hen I ~hall be sanctified in thee, 0 Gog, hrfou· tht'ir ry~:· Cod will pt"rm it this hattlt: to driv.-Israel to hr r knf'f'~. to cau~ hrr to grt back to Him. Is Coming! By Rev. A. G. Morrto !Pios>hot!e WilD-I "Li!t your lotn.s bl! t,irrled Gboul and your lam.pJ burnin~ and bl! Yl! yourulvn like umo men. look in& for tlt.~ir Lord."-LuU 12 :35-36. The o nt-thin~ that you cannot do with this I ruth of th~ Lo rd's Return is to dismiss it from mur Bible bttause thi~ truth is to~ found in ~\e ry chapter. The Lo rd has empha.sitrd it because it is a prominent and important !lubject. Jesus wanl!l lo tell us lc:M wt-fo rtt:el if thai He is coming back al!;ain . This is the attitude the Lord de- sires of His plt'or!e ; there ..-.hould be an aware· """-"Let your k»ine be «irde-d about,. your lamps buminJ!' and he ye yourseh·rs like unto men lookinfi! for their Lord." \\'he11 ~·f" rrad nu r Old Testament we come across the cry that went up for 4,000 yeaJ'. "Rt-:t.olfl Hr cometh :" .. The MeMiah is com· in ~?," and 1he prophets tell1hat He win be hom in Fk thlrht-m anrf then JW to F.gypt. He would _1!:0 ha<·k to sr:lllt-in Nazareth. Ht-would 10- journ amott_l!:"-t u~<. He ~·ould di~e for us. He ~·ould rise a~~;ain . They predicted His comin« and all these "''onderful prophecies were liter· all)' fulfillrrf anrf we marvt-1 at the Lord Jesus comin_l!: to rarth. til the gra~ of the Lord J~u. i11 that fir "'a~ born in Fkthlehem's man~ter, and "'e thank God that He lived amongst us anri "'t' prai:l-t" Him that He di~d for us. rhat 1-ft-rose a_l!:ain for our ju~ti6c.ation, that He aseeuded up to Cod's rij!ht hand to be:come our Advocate with tht Father. Rut he told us that He ~ u com in~ hack a_2"ain and the angels ,,..~tif,ed to it . llur dantrer today is that of repeating the mistake of th~e Jews in relation to Chris t's fi~t com in_l!:. The Je~s boa ~t ed of their knowledge o f the Scripture>~ written hy their own proph- ets who li\·t-d amonli!' thl"m . yr.t when Jesus came they did not reeo!!nil~e Him. Today the Rook i!i alive bt:cauM: of ~ropheti c fulfillment. The Jt:w is hack in his own la nd ; the nations a~ unitin,l!' in their d~tined allian(%S ; the na· ti onal disasters ar~e inc rea~inp;; the spiritual apostasy ill to be ~n in the la nd and mankind is uking. "What is the wo rld coming to?" But there ill the danJ!,'er or Christians not recog. nitinp; these si,1m s. ft oufi!ht not to be hecau.!e the Master said, .. like unto men lookin~ for their Lord." [very Chri.~tian ought to have thi5 characteristir t:ve ry Chri&tian ought to have this hop.:. In the old dispensation the comin@' of the Lord in the flesh was the hope of the faithful. In the nt'w dispensation thr second coming of the Lord occupies the same province. Fr .m th~e fall of Adam we have tht promi~ .and especially from the days of Ab- raham right down to the Incarnation of our Lord the anitud~ of the faithful remnant ha.s always been that of looking for their Lord. You ~member a.s the days p~dicted by the prophns drew on and the time wa s coming when the hope of Israel should appur and when at last He eame and the aged Simeon hdd i~J:aia anna the: infant Chriat. be prayed to heaven Y ying, "Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace for mine ~eyes havt" seen th.y salvation." He had been loolr.ing for the Lord: the coming of Christ in the Aesh was the consummation of the hope of the old dispensation. Our lord. when He outlined His dt:ath, deda~d His resurrection and in effect to His people Hr. said this, "I will come again, so let your loin1 be girded and your lamps humin~ and be ye yourselves as men looking for their Lord." "Girded loins" undoubtedly spt:alr.s of readi- neu -nothinJ!: to impede movement, and readines~ is not surldenly acquired, it is an at- titude to be steadily maintained, otherwise we shall be cau~ht hy our Lord unprepared for Hi s coming. Nod1inp: must check your move- ments for Chrisl. nothing must hold you back from !>ervin!! Him -loins girded and lamps burning. Was it not said of John the Baptist that he was ••a burning and a shining light?" Was not he the Lord's h :raid ? Is not this our tuk too at this midniji!ht hour? As th~e darlc- neu surrounds us we are to herald His Second Coming. Our lamps of witnH!I must be bum· ing with this Christian hope. It must not be kept to out!W'!Ives. SoH you have the Christian hope you must have this consistent testimony. I a.H you, have you a oot.sistent testimony? Are your loins girded, are you really serving the King. are you really about Hi s work. or are you struck by some vision, some pleaaure, some pos8e!l.llion, some thing? Have you rec· ogni1ed that you are a pilgrim, that each day you must strike you r tent afresh -you are on lhe march. Are you witnt:Ming in the light of His eoming? How important it is to have our lampe burning. THE CITY OF PETRA Fr-TH! J!WtSH MO,!, ••• 7fll. L•• • ..,.t .. Un•· of tlrt• ~n.en ~t·~t cilir-" in ~-~i!ltf"net' is built up likf" ordinaq• hmldinj!~. they ~·<:rt' tht" \Oor)nrlnful pin k rit~ nf Pf"t ra. In ancirnl h~wn downwards from tht• ground lrvf'L tiiTM'~ thi .. flouri~lt inJ! r•t•ntn· nf Ealllt·rn 11plt<n• AlfJ'IOJil complrtf'l) ~urroundinf!' the city art' •lour !.'tno•l n1•;u thr pniut to f intr r!lf'r tion of rO!'of'-colourrd mountain walls. clividt>d into tht> gn·at c.ara\·an rout•·~ frum Palmyra. C.aza, group5 hy p:rral f(apinJ:! rrack_. and linetl with E,ypt, anrl 1hr Pt•r .. iau Gulf, four day11' jour· rock-cut tomb.~ in !he form of towf"f!l. FAITH 01 CONFIDENCE By Dr. Bol> JonM Some people confuse faith and confidence. In one sense, the two tire not identical in their source, nor 111re they founded on a common spiritual basis. Confidence may be born of a nature: that is maturatl y optimistic and hopes for the best. A man may be confident that "things will turn out all right" and 1hlnk hr ha~ faith when he: has only_ conti~nce. Confidence may spring from ;~ tcnowlcdge of the charac1erisr ics and potentiallltes which an~ other po!lsesse'l. A mother m:.ty have con- fidence in the qualities of her son's character and take 11 for granted that bccau!>l' of them he will make a success of h1~ life and think she has faith. Confidence may spring from reliance m one - self. A man may take an cstimatc of his own gifTS and ttll ents <~nd ahililtes and have con - fidence that he wtll be able to accomplish a cerlain task and th ink this i~ faith Faith 1s more than this. F0111h ~~ fi xed in God. F<~tth is nm just an unn:asoning hope nor is it wi~hful 1hinking th ru God will do the thmg we w:~nt Him to Jo. It tS the assur- ,,nce th:u He w1ll kt:ip His Word and hring to • tl'IU".-• p115S thai which He has promiacd to perform. Faith is founded in God Who filrl beeausc He is omnipotent 11nd Who wll/ beeaute He promised. The surren~red Chrtstlan knows that God will lead him because he believes the Word of God which promisca, "Commit thy way unto the l o rd: trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pau" (Psalm 17:~). A aodly mother has faith that her child will live ritht because she has done her best to brinJ him up in the fear of the Lord and because God haa as· sured her in His word. "Train up a child in the way ht' should go: and when he is oki, he will not depart from it " (Proverbs 22:6). Fai th is superior 10 conftden(% u divine mnnipotence is supenor to mortal weakness. Conti(Jc:nce may enable a man to climb a mountam whose loft y peak challenaea his ef- furl.~o. Fai th removes the mountain. Con- fidence helps a mariner to sail his boat u(ely thro ugh a s1ormy sea. bul only faith can enable a m<~n 10 walk on lhe waves. Faith hu this sure foundation-the Word of God-and "the Word ol' GOO standeth sure."-America n Way Fc:~tures MY MOMENT OF DECISION By BILLY GRAftAM ~ ........ ;~"" T•ocl Socl•ty, Orocl,ll, N.J.) I ·LL N!.VU. FolCET my fint year m high school. Babt:-Ruth, !he great king of b.asc:- b.all , ca.mc to my home town To play an C'X· hibition game. :\11 of us wr rt' on the front ~a ts shou1ing and yelli ng .11 the wp of our lungs. My fa ther, who had t:aken us to thr ga rnc-, arrangrd for me to sh;~ke hands with the grrat Babe. I wdl nevrr fo rget thc-thrill of shaking ha.nd~ with the fellow who was thc-cdnl of all our young he:arts . I d•dn't wash my hands for about thrc-t' d:~ys. The next day •t school I wa s thr rnvy of all my friends. During my last yean 111 hrgh SC"hool my lr.ecnest ambitton w;u to be a professional baseball playu. I "atr up" the S?'rtS pages. Whrn I w;u scxtt:"c:n. 01hrr fi nishmg a. ga.mr, I was invurd to a churrh. I wa.s told th.at a ''fighung prr:arhc:r" wa.~ to preach. I wa.s interestc-d, for anythmg abo.~ut :a o;crap or a fight was all I w:anted. I forsook m)· studit's and went to church. To rny am:JZcmem, it was a grt'at evan_grl1st1C ~o.unp:••,cn o~nd "i,OOO ~oplc were ga rherrJ I sat in thr reJr nf dw hue ldmg .• unously wa.tchmg :~lithe str3n_(tc h.cpf>C"Ill ngs. T wasn't quue sure wh.1t Wll uld IJk(' place nrxt. I h;~d alw:~y.s thought nf rd1g11•n .n lllt•n· m leu "sissy stuff," :111d dc.cl .1 fr!luw whr.o was gomg tO ~ an :1TideH· wuul.l h.tiC no 1imr fo r such things. II WJ) all ngln for ukl men and girls, but nor fur re al "he mrn" wuh rrd hlood in thC'It Yrrn• r h:ul w•nc-tO churr h Y.~me, hut tha.t wa• all . 111'1""'"'.' ,., .. ., '"'' 1/vJ~ llibli 1. 1\oonan• 3 23, 2 R•otl\...,_, 3 10, 1 H .. m~••• ~ N 4 P•ahn 11'1 II ~ 11••1"~'" 7 !2.~ A great giant of a man .mod and began to preach in such a way at I had ~cr heard a man pre.ach. Half-way through his mt:ua~ he poimed right in my direction and s.aid, "Young man, you arC' a sinner." I Lhought he was talking to me, so I duck«! behind the person in froot of me and hid my face! The idea of his calling me a sinner! "Why, I'm as good as anybody," I told myself. "I live a good, clean, healthy, moral life-. I'm even a mC'mbcr of a church, though l~eldom go." But then he began to quot.c Kripture. "All,..,~ sinnrd, DruJ come slton of 1Ju tiD? of GoJ."l "T!J"c is none riglllNJNs, ,o, riOt ont'!'S For the fint time in my life I roliud I was a tinner, that my soul w;u bound for hell and that I need«! • S:~viour. Rut when hC' gave the invitation, I rushed out info the mght and made my way home. I'll nc vtr forget the ltruggle that followW. All night long I wrestled and fought. The next day I could hardly Wilit for evening, 10 I eould ~~ back to the $C'rvicc. This night I soat near the from. Whtn the prt:acher got up this time, he set:ml'd to smilr at me. He said in tenderest mnes tlut "G~ tommtndnh ll it love loWftrJ u1, in tlttll, 141lrik we w"c yn sm rur-s, Clrn'tt JicJ for ,....:-a I rhouJ!hr. "This is for me! I'm • sinner. God lovcs me ." When the inviution was given I made my way To the lronr with the others. I gave my hand to tflc pre:~cher and my bean to the Saviour. lmme--- di:ut'ly j11y, pracr and usurance Aooded my ~nul. My Mns. which wcrt' many. I knew wctl' gune. Ft~r 1h(' first timr I had md thr Person who be- r:~nw the Ht'rO of my life, Jesus Christ. I had suught thrills! I found them iu Chm1. I haJ J, ooked for something that would bring per- frd JUY anJ happiness! I found it in C hrist. I had luokl'J for something that would bring pleasure anJ that would satisfy the deepest longin~ of my hrart 1 I found 11 in Christ. "In tlly pusnrrr is f.U- n~JJ of JOy: IJI thy ri1lrt lumJ tA"c llrc plrtuMres for ~~~~rmorr."4 Chrest i> the Ht'ro and Idol of my hear!. Hc- chJIIrngt's. thril lt and satisfies. "WIIntfor~ 4-t" is ah/(' also to Javr th~m to tile MIUrmost tlr111 rom~ ""'fl CoJ hr him. uri"g lr~ n~" lic1rtii.''S ====== ? ? Question Box ? ? F-JIEwtSH HOPE. a..707. L .. NIO-'•• Plea!>!' rX/IIiiitr j ,l,n .J ·.'i. Th .. W<H<I "l'l :th•r" m•·r•tiun••r l in tlfi~ \'''"' n>ff'r" teo tlw \\"m ,l .,f ( .• .,J. ) 1111 10 ill !~uol 1!11' word "wal!'r" n·krr•'rl I•• •i miluth in t:plw- sian~ 5:26. I l'd •·t 1·2 1 nl•o ~t>~lt'!i 1hat til!' nf'w hirth i-. LrPH~,!IIt :d .. •ul t.\ tlw Word nf God. Wluu dor.! it Wl'lllt "' \f,,/l,,•u· l ~'·!fl. "Till h·· J~ruJ ,.,th, Jlldf!.t/!1'/1/ IIIII" ! ll'tllf} . ._,., Thi!i ro>ff'T!I tfl till' juril!nwu t ~ tluJI "'ill t·o mt • up<~n thi~ t'fHth durin ~ tlu• timt• nf th,~ f.r<•lll Trihulatinn , rr~ultinj! in thr n\'l'fthrow nf tht• antirhri.~t anri Bah\'lnn, "iatan al""l t .. •inJ.! cu~t into thr hott omlf""" pil f.,r l .OilO vt•ar~. Thr Lord ]!:"<u:< f':hri"l will tlwn r nmt• fn rth \ ir. toriously from llf'avrn n~Hi tak" up lli:o-rnillt•n- nial r"i~n Qn ra rth. Pl~a5t' f':rplain "hi~ tail dr•'U' t/lf' tlr ird part nf the starJ nf hM1W1 " H••rrluliun 12 :3-4. Do '~ wordJ in Rom. 11 :26 "AM so all luat!l Jhoil b~ Jllvt<f' indicatt" tluu oU tM /l!Ws will be w vrr/? D. F., Sc.rbom, Dill .• Canada. No, for thie rcft"n to thr timr when the Lord Jesus Christ will l'f'!Urn as tht-Deliveft'r to reign 1,000 years. ThO&r of hr.arl wh$ will be waitinf!; for Him and brlieve in Him, will be thr privileged onrs who will be alive on this f"art h at thr comrTM'ncrmt-nt of Chriel'a rn illrnial reign. In John 8 :24 thr Lord JnuJI Christ Matc>d drllnitt-ly. "If ye bt-lieve not th•t I am HI" (that ill, tht" MeASiah tlw-Son of God. th~ Saviour I yr shall die in rou• sin.o;". Th~5. of coursr, applies not only to ewe but ai!!O to Gentilrs. Wluu iJ thl! uplan.MWn of Heb . 6:4? J.HX., Dovl!r, o~r. nry from lh~ ,\frditrrranran and fivt" from tht: Rt-d Sra. \r'!w il i.~ mil,..!! from anywhoeN' •nd ran onl\· lw rrarlwd on hnr.'if•hack with .a ~tronJt: a r~rd r!<C'Orl. Thr ci ty ill rntt•rrd rlown a riark and nar- row ~or~~;r. in plarc·!l ronly t,.n frrt wide, which i~ nnthing mon• than 1 ~rf"at split in the hugr t~~~nd8tonr rflek~. It i~ lilcf" warulrrins along )'ll')mf' mytllf'Mcma paAM~ in Aladdin'• cavt-. until t~ path _.mM,.nly rnd11 in a lNIM of trm1•b. h)m~. anri thf'at rel! of exquisite Y .. t thf' ~tart ling l>f"auty of Prtra is b'( no mf'an! confinrd to rhr ma!l;nifiCI':nce o thr hoildin~!l. N11turf" ha.~ ~uppli;rf it wilh a statt-l y ~!ling. and ~hr giw·!l it the fini.oching touch, which lights it up into a wild liCf'ne of crim. ~n grandeur. As the Jlun ~1.'1 the pink rolouring chang,., lo a myatl"rioul crimson tin~d with miMy blue. The whole" c:ity look.e just aa if il we re on lire, with tlw-st•tt"ly pillara and fine can· inp thawing dim!{. tl)rou@:h the red-hot glow, until u darlcnf'M all• the fire gradually dies OOwn and 1M-city ainks under the pall of death. The "red riragon" rnt•nti onrd in thi& pas- sage refers tn Satan, ~·h1k thf" ~litr.~ of heaYt'n thai he cast!! to tlw r11rth rrrN to prominf"nl lraders who wi ll he in tht• wnrld durin~ th,. Great "Trihulaliton prrir11l. And who will hr ovf"rth mwn hy thr pH~'N of Satan. This pa~Uge contains a very solemn wam· ing to all who have heard the Goapd and by the power of the Holy Spirit been enabled to understand it, neverthele. definitely refute lo accept the Lord Je:su.a Chritt aa thdr Me:a- aiah and Saviour. In Gen. 6:3 Cod MY .. "My Spirit shall not alwaya strive with man." It i1 exceedingly dangeroua for anyone 10 delay accepting the l.ord Je~ua Chrilt u S.Yiour, Tl'luJI. do tll.e wor-d• •for the kllim.oJty of luru U tlw! 1pi.ril o/ pro~ lftHil U. Rn. 19:10? Mr1. E. G. ll., Detr-oll, MicA_ architecturr. II' hal ~ha//1~ fWt.<~on dro li'/i(} /ur.• lh•· mark 11/ tit~ hf'rut? Literalism and Lord's Return . By DR. ROBERT T . KETCHAM National Comuhanl of lfte Gc><nl Aaoociatlon ol Rqul..-Baptiot O.urd>to • .,._,_., "--Owl•.._ .... _, C•llt_,,_., N.J, The _., or -Lord --~f 10 faD iniO throe diYioiooe, aamdy, Prophet. Prieot, &1111 ro.,. Tbe oflico ol a propbol lo 10 doclan God'• mesuce to ~ the c6c. of • prielt ia tiD ...... God'• preiCDCe for maa; the office of a Dac Ia to rule. Did He come literally in a«orr!!DCe with """"'' «y, or were the prophetical utterances c:ooiernlnc thia event to be intupreted spiritually? Let Ul ......... lhe Scriptureo. Iu.iah 7:1-4, "A viflin shall conceive, lod bar • son, and ab.all c.aJt his name Immanuel." Here i1 a Jtatanent far more ~t~sceptible to "apiritu.ali&inc'" than any other pauage rderril\1' to Hia 11t01fd advent could ever be. Here ;.. • ttuemmt that every law of IWuft, ~ery law of man, and evuy law of acience would at once dedere Wllruc and imponible. Ther~ wu p»itivdy oo way under heaven wbr:reby a Wgira c:ould cive birth to a child. Therefore, ~y cw1d wdl have a.id, ''Thia is to be interpreted u a apiritu&l birth." And yet 101ne seven hundred years later that -.cry evct occutred -a woman pvc birth to a cbilcl and wu stiuam,m. Mic:ah 5 :2 declaru that He wu 110 be bor-n iD Bethlehaa of Jud.._ ThiJ wu lit<rally lu16.Ued. Zechariah 9 9 declares that Zion's king should c:omc unto them riding upon a colt, and "foal of an au." Witness its literal fuUiUmeot ln. the so-c:alltd triumphal entry into jeru.alm~ JCJme five huodrtd ,..,. later • In coanection with this puu.ce, Zechariah 9:9, it might be intereatina-to note its connection with its New Tutament fulfiUmenL It will be recalled that Jesus told His disciples to ro into a certain village whtre they would find a mit tied at the parting of the ways, and to loose bim and brine him to jesus. If anyone interfered, thel were to ~ told that "the Lord hath need of him! W 6 might ask -why did tM Lord have MCd of him? Surely He did not ,,.d him as an ebeo- lute n«-essity to H is entry into Jerusalem. He rowiJ. have walked, or He t~ld h&ve ridden ia coa~ .ve_vances of many kinds. Why, then, this peculiar insistence upon 1M oolt wherein ne'\-·er maJl aat? The logical reason is that the Lord had need of this colt with which to lilnoUy fulfill Zechariah 99. Psalm 41 :9 declares that His own familiar frimd, with whom He had eaten bread, would betray Him. Witness its literal fulfillment in John 13 :18, "Btd lhiJI the sc-ripltu·• tftl.IJ. be fwlfilled, He that eateth bread with me hath hUed up his httl against tnt." Psalm 22 is a glarinc example of prophetic litual- ism. Vcr~ I, ''My God, my God, wfry hast thou forsaken me ?" is the very dictation of Calnry'• cry of rejection. Vers~ 16 ia the pictu1e of pierced hands and fed, and wu cruelly literal ia 1U ful- fillment. Vers.e 17 wu fuJiiUed in Luke 2J;JS. PracticaJly this entire Psalm is a word picture of the erucifucion of our Lord, and thi1, too, before even the empire that in.augunted crucifixioo u the method of inlliaiog lfte de.ath penolty upon criminals wu in existcnoe. No mu. ever li•ed who fills this picture but ChriK. Psalm (iJ :21 ia specific u to what ahould be given Him to drink on the cross. ~ to literal diaturbanca in the H.:avens, we read in Amos 89, "And it ahaU come tv pass in that day, sa.ith the Lord God, thl:t 1 will cause the sun to go down at noon, and 1 will l.larken the earth i..o the clear day." For its fulfill- mt'nt~tt M;~.tthew 0 :45, "Now from the sixth hour thue was darkneu over aJ.I l.hc 1aDd uoto the aimh hour." ln the book of Matthew alone we have enough statements to convi.nre anyom of pr,:,pbctic literal- Ism. Matthew 1 :22, 23 : "Now aJI this wu dooe, flwl it miyht be l"lfilkd which was spoken of the Lon.! Ly lhe prophet, sayiug, Uehold a virgin shall be witH child, and ~hall bring forth a son, and they :.11<411 call bU na.UJe J::.mma.nuc.l, wl:..ich Ueillg in-- lerpreted is, God with us." Matthew 2:14, 15 : "When he aroee, be. took the young child and his mother by night, and departed into Egypt : and was there until the death of Herod: that it might b• fwljilUd which w:u spoken of the Lord Ly the prophet, s.ayinc. Out of .f.cpt have 1 called my .an." Matthew 2:17, 18 : "TMo """f•lfiJud thai which was spoketl by Jeremy the prophet, In Rama was there a vo1ce heard, lamentation, and w«:pin&, and great mournin(, Rachel weepin.r for her cbil- dren, a..nd would not be comforted, bcc.a.UJC they are not." Matthew 2 :23: "And he came and dwelt in a city c:aUed Nazareth: tluU il might be fv.l{llUd. which waa spoken by the prophets, He ahall be eaUcd a. Nuarcne.'' Matthew 8:16, 17: "And (He] healed aU llw were side ; I hot il migllt be fw.lfiJled which wu spoken by &aias the prophet, saying Himself took our infirmities, and bare our akkneasca." Mallhew 13 :34,35 : "All u-1hinp spake Jesua unto the multitude in pan.bles; and without a parable spa~e be not unto them: I hat it Migllt b. f •lfi.Ued which was spoken by the prophet, sayinr, 1 w1ll open my mouth in parablu; I will utter thine• which have been kept .ccrct from the foundetioo of the world." Ma~~Mw 216:54, 56: "Bt11 -lheo ohal1 tho scriptures be fulfilled, that thu.a it must be? . . . Uut all thit wu done, lhtU t~ ltri,l•~•~ of till p,.o,MII ,.iglal b1 fvl{rllH." Malthnr Z79, 10: "Tw """fo/fi/W that whlcb wu apokert by Jerany the propbet, •rnc. And l1xy look lfte thirty pieca ol ailver, lfte Jl<1C< ol him that wu nlued, wbom l1xy ol lfte child.., ol land did value; lllld pve them lor lfte polter'a fidd, u the Lord appointtd me."" Matlbow 'Z1 :35: "And lftey cnadW him, &1111 parted hiJ ~ --. loa: 1/W il ..., .. f oii/U4 -........ by .... po..-. no, putecl""' ..--.. --""'-..... did""'--· . llJt.Jl'. right out in thr "hllN''' and in dw wilcf.Hc UP'f'd of naluN', i1 a treuurf'houw. of the fQ08t ddicale ,..._f'rpi~ of Cm"Ct and Romr.. P..rf~ columm wilh Corinthian :J: tala support the richly carv~ roofa. r. and doorwaya of n:quialk' cbisn atand deeo- Lare in the wil•mea. 'The archit~re or klnp ia UM!'d to pnrride ahdrer for a fe'ff It waa not until 1912 that Petra waa te· di1100¥ered. and il h.u only bf.rn seen by a pri•aeKt<~ few . No one knowJI r·k1u·1h what thf. mark of thfo beut will IN', ~~-~ tlif· Uil.l,.. dflell. not give this information. Howt'vN , lht> mark of thf" beasl will not he u~d until lht> Crrllt Tribulation period. which hfop;in~ artrr thf' Lord Je-su.'l Chri.,t h.a ... retUfn!"ll rur Hi· Church (I Tht'SII, 4: 13-18). Thi• rneana thai the wllole of the Word of God, includins the proph.etie Scriptura, ia aclu•Uy the teseimony of the Lord 1•• Oui.l, Who io God lhe Son, lllld '" He, Hilllle.l~ olalod in John 5:39, "'Seareh tbe Seripeu..-.; for Ia lhem ye lhinlt re ha .. etemal ur.; ad they aft they which teltify of me." KinJ/r uplo/A II C~ SdO. Aloo •I* 19~. J6, 31: "111m-.. 'li Mn,-...... tbo lop oldie lint,-oftllo adler wllidl -cndlod 'lrilll 10& Bat whoa llloy -•J-...t--bo-NMw-..17, !hay lnb liCit Ilia ~: !"" .... of "'"· -. with a ":'J::r' Ilia ... ..t l'"dlwttb-...... _ ..t-.... POJt.,_lloioll_.. wantlutns Bedouin. But dJrr: r110111 aatoni.ahin1 thin1 of •II it thai lb.wt 1...t. and ~ ~re actually he<wn ou1 ol tho aolid n><l<. wh~ bu lfte - JIO<".Ilar dtop pink colourin1-1.-d ol beiq No placr within reach of Jerusalem and the land of Paltostine would be mortt appro- priate for lhe aafe reltut of lv«iliwe and p«"nccuted Jewa than theae rock • hewn eham. hen.. They would krrp their oecaptnla .. re .!rom oe"'l'lane bomba. Man. 24: 15-.18 and jle., U:6-17 ,,. ret •• bo folfi.l.led. fi'Aen vriU rile P"'r""'' b' /ulfollf'd ., •loUd lA II p,,_, 3,7.10. This paMIRe N'(en lo thr d~ruclion of thia earth al 1M end of I~ millf"flnial reign of the Lord ]tt~-uA fhri~ iu•l lwfol1' thfo day of judpwml. Thit .. _ "'en 10 lfte J~1 Seal o( Chria:, bolo,. whieh all born apln bt!Jmon will appear to he mw•rded ac:oordintte to thdr !althrul-10 Him. Thb bu oodli"ll Ia do with the Crul White Throne mmtioned fft Revelatioo 20:11. ..... ..., IIW .....,.,., llwM .. fwi/IIW, A '- oiW. --........... A.t.opio. I J:ot, .... ..... no,.-.-........ ....,. fi•-· • n..,._.. ... &ot_n ...... __ ol_ ....... l"'.t• oiGol- .. 1 • I (COII fiMUID .... , WIIC) F h P I• 11 WIN 2ND AWNfD ~EWPOR THARBOR e~g GH TliURSOAY,JULYt, 1'10 rom t e 0 ICe otter RIIIJ, aa-u -In, ~SE~=D~SE!!.!_CTlO~N!_::-_:_-f'l&e!:!~!..;l~_~ro!!!!RON!!!!;A~DE!!;!L~IIA~R,~CAU~F • • SATURDAY, Jim! IS --(Got-y-Clob ....... lol ol 'IZO M--... -N.B. BUILDING PERMITS Yudlll broto -· o1 ln lll) -of --W, 11oJ AYo,, ~~~-, , • A llrm. 0U rtoCOiftl1 won! IIIII! tllo Homer B. R-rot!. oo ll1 tllo __ ...., ~ _., llld toloY-ftlood II -ot Ito ""'jocla, ''II:IIJ.j}\,' June bodldln g pormlto 111 t11o Tbt lnlllo Coil -!Jo. deoct, 5200 S.Jbote Dr., Wilt tbro ... tbllaJud • • • Doa.. $100 Ud $100 ll CUll _., I $2$-.mtU!oa iiiiU't:JMat COI'Il· CttJ of Newport Beacb totallect Pr'O""*IU. 500 ,.,cdC~ Newport. e&uat.D« morethadS& a.ld J. ~r~ UO'I' W. 1M MIIIUIMd from tile Carloe mllldlJ ...,. S.W., ~.=; $4,00,147, brlqt.ng the 19?0 ter Dr., $10,000 ud ts,ooo, damap, • .A boom 1Jeocb, u ... St., wu tr-eat.d at Hoae Roe-P•n rMkleore, US-1/1 Or ... cetrtd lla ltcoad record at mld-90lDI to $%5 _ aod ome. rtmodtiJir It 550 toot mut &Qd boom, aU Yllald pttal lor mlDor IA)IrltJ abr ebJd, Coroa& del Mar ••• boaor, tbl &ward ol merit'-&&7,012. This 1s Zotl, Wlder the Newport Ctot• Dr., '17,000. at $215, were Jtoleo from a the car be wu drlfi.Dc 1truck ClotbJ.Dc n.luld al $!41 'WU tbe pzdeo aputmot udtowp. bulkltnc pace of last year .-beD • CORONA DEL MAR Ho• •••"•I I• o•r ••• ci~ ... ,. ·,.;c;;;o;~ 7'fl OOYIIt Dltl¥1. AT It TN ITIIIT ... UII}QlltT eEACM# CALIJII'O...tA THI: AMIRICAN L.UTHI:IIIAN CMU.CH •:oo A...W. LIN DAY -EA~Y lff0fll8{1fl' bolt at a P&J'kinC lot at West a power pole oo E. Cout ltwJ,, bur(lar1&1d trom the bome of boule catecarJ 1D tbl amxa1 tne a ll u me tnnual r~rd of Bahia. Corlnth1u Yacbt Club, 1;\ay AYe; the boat btloap to SO teet wst of Ba.Jaidl Dr., YW.)J Ja.aJ.ce Ubtrt,438Itvlnt competltloo *I'd by tbe Am -•sa 268 980 was e•tabU·"ed 1601 Bays ide Dr cocwert tlll •:a A.M. $UN DAY -CH"'ITIAH &DUCATION !lUNDAY 10400LJ t 1 fO er1ca.a lutitute ol Architects ~ • • ;,.o• • •• HaDcock 8antl1n& 01 ot 11'5! a : a.m. Ave., Newport Hetpts ••• &Dd "Moue Ud Homt" maca-A $2 mUHon restOe otlal de-aret. to stort.re, $4,000. 10:10 A.M. SUN OAY -II'I!STIVI! WO .. _.IP E. Ocuo Front, Balboa • , • • SUNDAY JUNE 14 Cyrus Ra.~ Wade, of 110 line veiopment 1n the East Upper PlumbltY, addlt:ioa aU!Blria: 'fte ReY. J .. u G. Bl.ala, Paa&or A stereo deck &ad tlpea n.l-Lyle ~t Pope, 64, oJ' Topu, Balboa lala.ad, saJd be The same project bad been Bay area provided the big boost ~Ye., $5,600. Tbe tt.n. Qoaald DUe, Auia&.Mt Pu&or Ued at $105 were stoliD ftom 307 Palm, Bl.lboa, was t lted ftl wa1kiD( DIU M.arl.oe AYe. selected earUer lor tbe p-arw1 for the monUI'S total. The per-CORONA HIGHI..A.Hil) a car bekmdl:lr to CarlBarots, at U :SO p.m. at A.dlms St. aDd Balboa AYe, wbeo someooe award lll tbe apartmentdl¥'l51on mils for the fina l 2 weeks of DOll Von C.ldero, addltJoa_ 714 -1/2 MarJU8f1te AYe., Co-ud E Bay 00 a c:harce ofbelll& hU 111m ln the face &DeS tried of the kl P. ote8t apon June in the amount of $l 000 528 Seaward Rd., $3,000. '-:ftcn rona del Mu, wbtle u WUPIJ'-lotozi~Uid tn public: ••• to take his wallet; Mr. W~e SO!'ed :.,;~ b ~be Hatiooai and ~ver, lnc ludedtheto liow'i.Q.g: • HAR BOR VIEW HILLS ,_., aw .. or ked at 3&01 E. Coa.st HWJ, •• Crttehea Lotdae Tirrell,. Z1, l&1d Ill tlc:Ud tbe would-be AssocLaUoo tt J~omebUllden' .. EAST UPPER BAY D. L. Bten Co., bonue: room aiMT. laDIIMJ Thieves took $65 lll e&th trom and Blr&tt NtJ81D. both of 1.o1 robber lD the groin and both •·Jouroa.l of Home buildlng." Holstein &. Sons, 71 permits at 1839 Por t Seabouroe WaJ, JJ03 Via Udo a purse at the ntLdeoce ot Anpiea, were arrestedatU:SO raa. far stogie lamlly dwellings 00 $l,SOO. NewpGJt S.adt. K~ E. C.rud, l?OC-1/1 W, a.m. at tbe Newporter lJul oo H VIsta Orllada and Otero rang-Ea.stbluff-Newport loe.,a.ddl-~DAY SCHOOL Oeean Front, Centnl Newport, a cbarp ot prostitution. • • ARIOR HIGH STUDENT$ COMPETE IN CHINESE ing tn amount from $25 MlO to tion. 1527 Sandcastle, $5,000. t :1S •·•· _, n •.•. durl111 the Dl&f:IL ••• V&Dd:tll Darld Georp Perry 55 ot Juice Wh.lttng. 2od year stu~ dents withOUt preYioUS Cllloese $35 000 · total· $2 105 ooQ "'IRVINE TERRACE aJNDAY SEA VICES used wh.lte IPUJ pUnt to ptlrt 1050 w. Balboa 81.-d.: ado., dloll.D a CbioeHlaDeuapclass languap background. • NEwPoRt CENtER ' Mrs. OooaJd Washbta'o,. 411 f: u -11 •·•· "war" on the stop sips at was etted at 5:SO p.m. at lltb &t Newport Harbor high school, Ja.nJ.c:e, wbQ Is the daughter Ar.lmuth Equities, partitions, Avocado Ave., retatnioc n.ll WEDNESDAY EVENJNO Turquoise An. and Park Ate., St. aod w. Bay on a cbarp plaeed Arst 1n a writing con-ol Mr. aDd Mrs. Bernard Whit -359 Sao Miguel, $8,000. on the Bayside slope, $55,1XAJ. MEETING I,. .•. Balboa Island, durtq the Dlgbt; ot bei.Dg drunk 1n ptj)Uc m bJ.s test lor students lf1thout pre. 1ng. 452 Broa.dway,CostaMesa, Tbe lrv ine Co., struc tural • BA LBOA L'il.AND •.-~~~ R~ ... earlier the Y&MalS bad placed nlllcle ••• A Z.C-klot rout, Yloul Cbloes' language back-plans to atteod the UW.Yerslty frame ro r I9-storyottl.cebuUd-Richard War..soo, addttloo a t ......... .,., ...... _ 7:•s., .. nlued at $200 wu stolenfrom lfOUDd at the r ecent contest of Artzooa, majoring lD Chin-ing at 610 Nt>wporl Center Dr., 201 N. Bay Ft., $5,000, r ....... ., -• hill•~ l!G4L HOTIC! a boat beloo~ to Robert AWl beld In San Fnocisco, ese. IWlory is the daughter $200,000, .,_BAY SHORES ~~~; j :.!··_· 111 ~-.~•·•· P-37771 AlleborO, 1924 Tabuoa Ter., ...... ~a ... llorJia'_'_u.<lZuetlld,lntlrst year of Mr. and Mrs. WlntteldC~ Gerson Ba.kar t. Associates, BaGy~: AllDrl"'n$,7 addi500Uon, Z5n ..,.,_ CM.lac8 Of' CERTIFICATE o r BlEINESS Irrtne Terrace; the b:Jat was ;nuu , P """' the Man-quet of 279 Broadway, o::.... walls , 900 san JoaqUin Hills re ., , • • 1 .laEHJWI r tcuuous Flrm Name stored at tbe Newport Harbor dar1JI speech contest for stu-Mesa. ----Rei,, $2,977, Dr~.~.:~: closet, 2652Clrd e = ,:;e~ •t \HE UNDERSIGNED do here-L!GAL IIOTIC! LEGAL IIOTiCE LEGAL ~OTICE LEGAL NOTICE 'NEWPORT HE IGHTS 1100 Poclao Ylow Dr. by ceruty that they are coo-S, Mukai, add.ltton at 635 Ir-Sl.JI'C)AY scHOOL 11 ·- ducting an Investment busioess RESOLt.rriON NO, 7197 pronment, as aforesaid, are the "Improvement Act ofl 9ll" PROPERTY OWNERS vince Ave,, $3,000. Sl.JNOAY SERVICE "•• at 2915 Cassia street, Newport A RESOLUTION OF THE of more than local or ordinary heretna.fter r eferred to. NOT TO TA KE CONTRA CT L. C, Sawtn , r emodel kit~ WEDNESDAY EVENING Beach, California, under the CITY CO UN CIL OF THE Cl~ pubUc: benent and the said City This CttyCouoclldoeshereby SECTION 8: Pursua nt to the chen, 2212 Clltf Or ., $1,000. MEETING ltOO ill·•· f1ct1Uous ft.rm name of Douglas TY OF NEWPORT BEACH, Cowell hereby makes the e:~. elect and determloe to have the pr ovisions and the author ity • WEST UPP ER BAY l...tlac .._ M•••t a••• Investment Co. and that said DECLARING ITS INTENTION peoses of said work and lm-redemption provisions of said granted by Section 5260 of the R. J. Ward, 1-Wlit, 1-story 1161 t-1 eo--. a.., .• CDII. nrm is c omposed ol the fol-TO ORDER THE CONSTR OC-provemeot chargeable 14100 a boods provide a premium of Stree«s and lllgbways COde of dw~lling, 1508 Galuy, $57,000, w ...... rd..: 110 ..._ .. 5 loWing persons whose names TION OF STREET UGHTING district, which said district the nve per cent (5%) of the un-the State of CaUfornia, the City a.od r eUining walls, $2,000. ,.,. .. ,.., ••_..F T • in fUll and place of residence rACILrrlES AND APPUR-City Council hereby dec lares to matured prlnclpal 1n accor -Coun cll of the City of New-R. Sewell, swlmmlng pool, S.~o: 10 ..._to 4p.-. are as follows, to-wit: William TENANCF.S AND APPUR-be the district benefited by said daDCe wtth the provisions of port Beach does hereby deter. 1609 Lincoln, $3,750. You ae conhall, inYiled to Firat &opt ist O.Vr ch of Costa Mesa B•pli•t Bible F'e ll ow•hip lredr,r,.Jnl -A•IOII'o•o•s So.tto Ano & Mogmtllo Sts. Dt. P.G. Neumann, pastor SlJNDA Y SERVICES ~:45 1.11. Sunday School 11 :00 a.m. Mom ina Wonh1p 6:00 p.m. Tram1n1 Unions 7 ;00 p.m. Evcnin& Worship WEDN ESDAY 7:20 p.m. Bible Study 3 :00 p.m. Prayer \tcctm1 A TTEHD THE CHURCH OF YOUR CHOICE REGULARLY CE NTRAL Munce, Willlam Douglas Munce, TENANT WORK IN '' ASSESS-work and Improvement and to Section 6464 of the s treets and mine and declare that, in the Dr. J. R. Betson, swtmminc attend Srn•ccs and 2915 CasslaSt.,NewportBeach, MENT DtsTRICT NO, 52" be assessed to pay the costs Highways Code of the State ot opinion of this City Council, pool, 1311 Ga tuy, $3,584. ~= .. =·~,.~~~:;~~"-~=·=!IJ Cautorrda. IN THE CITY Of NEWPORT and upenses ther eof, lnciOO -Cautornia.. the pub lic inter est IVI.ll not be • !\'E WPORT WITNESS my h.and this 23rd BEACH; DECLARING THE ing lnc:ldenW ell)eDSes aM ESTIMATED COSTS ser ved by allowing the property Ptlil.i.p Rapp, store frOOI at LUTH!IAM OW ROt day ot JuDe, 1970. W1lliam WORK AND IMPROVEMENT costs, aDd wblch district ts de-AND EXPENSES owners to take the contract and 123-125 23rd St., $1,000. OF IIU.STER ltunce, Wtlllam Douglas Munce. TO BE Of M)JRE THAN 1.0-scribed as follows; SECTION 5: Tbat the estl~ the property owner s will 001 be William Mader, add bedroOm, IL• .. ••oCitooodt I• A.eriu STATE or CALifORNIA ) CAL OR ORDINARY P UBU C All that certain territor y sU-mated costs and espenses of allowed or per mitted to take the bath and study, 3410 Ma.r c:us )ss. BENEFIT AND DESCRIBING uated tn the Ctty of Newport said work and tmprovement, contract. The City Council or St., $6,160. hOO Paemc y.,_. Dr. COUNTY OF OR ANGE ) THE DLWRICT TO BE BE ~ Beach, County ol Orange, State toclustve ot the inddeiUI eJ:-said City of Newport Beach does Todd-Ablman. a 1-story, 1-Coroaa. del Mar, Cal1L TM f'o.o~r of th4-Holy Spirit SUNDA Y I CHOOl,. I .......... ON THIS 23d day of June, NEFITEO BY SAID WORK ot CaWornia, iDc:luded within penses ot the proceed.J.ngs W'l -further her eby det er mine and wtit dwelling, 4601 w. Ba.Jboa 1970, befor e me, a Notary AND IMPROVEMENT AND the eJ:tertor boundary lines der .s:a.1d Resolution of lnten-declare that the contractor to Blvd., $1 5,900, Public in a.OO for said county TO PAY THE COSTS AND shown 00 the plat exhtbltlng uon, are as follows: whom the contract is awarded Noel Singer , 2622 Newport and state, residing ther ein, duly EXPENSES THEREOF; AND the property affected or bene~ Estimated costs ol may sign saJd contract immed-Blvd., sliding glass door and commissioned a nd sworn, per-fiXING THE TIM E AND filed by or to be assessed to all incidental et-i.ate ly t4)0n the aY:ar el of the 2 bathrooms, $3,500. sonally appeared Willlam 0PLACE FEOCRT THE HEARING pay the costs and expenses penses: S S,OJO.OO conttact and mus t execute said Gr egorius Investment Co., Munce, WUlla m DouglasMunce, F OBJ IO'iS TO SAID ot sa.Jd work and lmprovem !nt Estimated costs and cootn.ct a.nd file the required strengthen bul.ldlng. 2110 New- known to me to be tne persons WORK AND IMPROVEMENT in said "Assessment Dlsttict upenses of the bonds with said City of Newport port Blvd., $9,000. whose oam·ls a.re s ubscribed THE CITY COUNCIL Or THE No. 52 " In sa.td city, which work and improve-Beach wilhin tw enty-Qve (25) • NE WPORT SHORES to the within Instrument, and CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, sa.td plat Is entitled "Assess-ment, uclud!ngall days after the date of first Lawr ence Whitesides, en~ acknow ledged to me that they pursuant to the provisions of ment District No. 52 1n the Lnc ldental ezpen-publication of notice of award close carpor t, 250 Colton St., e:~ecuted the same. the "Improvement Ac:tof 1911," City of Newport Beach, Orange ses: 35,219,00 ot contract. $1,000. WITNESS my hand and otrlclal being otvts:ion 7 of the Streets County, Callfornl.a, Harbor P UBLICATION OF RESO-• WEST . NEWPORT HEIGHTS sill I. J essie R. HJU, Notary aDd lilgtnrays Code of the State Highlands Street Lighting," and Total estimated LUT ION Of !~TENT ION Ken McC ulloch, 4000 HUarl.a, Public In and tor said County of CalUornl.a does RESOLVE tdentitled as Drawing No. costs and ezpen-SECTION 9~ That THE NEW. automatic fire sprinkler S}'S• and State. My Commission eJ:-as follows: ' 5135-X, dated May 26, 1970. ses: $40,249.00 POR T HARBOR E~SIG~. a te-m for 170 -bed aduh care ptres Oct. 24, 1970, DESCRIPTION OF WORK which sald plat was heretofore Estima ted contrl-newspaper pn nted, published OOme, $38,000. Ia. WUHAN R. ELLER -·"-g,oo A.lol .• Family _.shiP A.II.-Cbordloebool A.M.-r..ure .w.tdp MURSERY PROVIDED MO -ING 0110·-IP • AN D 10< llVI!:N I"'G II!•YICil .,,gg P .M. •IEOIOil i O .. Y .1.1..1! JI T U DY &"1 0 P•A"Il" l oOO P .M. NU "II!.'I' DlJ .. I"'G JIIE.VIC:Ill ..-, full Youth f'rosr.am Cm . of Oro~nsr .and 1lrd. St. Cotto& MK.& Pastor Fr ed Morse tJIFcndlf ~ GI(pzrdf 3262 8'0ocj $tr ... , Newport Hetehta A Frtr -J lrrtirpr"J"t (o,grrgtllio,aJ Cb"stitm Chrcb n.. Rev. Hont~on Browft , pNochl"t Publish: July 2, 9, 16, 23, SECTION 1. That the public approved by the City CouocU bution by City: 2,205.00 and of general c1r culat1on in • HARBOR L'iLA.ND 1970, In the Newport Harbor tmerest and convenience re-at sa.td CUy at the ttme of the City of ~ewport Beach, Guy Earl Ill, addition and 9.1.nday Se rvic~ and Cbu.rch School at lll:OO a.m. Eostgn. quire And u ls tbe tntentloo the awroval of tbe plans, as Total amount to be CaWornla, Is he reby designated alteration. 140 Harbor Wa.od .._,..., ~.,. ,..vi._. ,._.,.: 6G.-Z7 • LEGAl NOTICE of Ute C1f:J. CO uncil o( tbf ~ity aloresaid, and whic h plat or assessed: $ 38 • 044 • 00 as the newspaper In which this Rd., $10,500, b:::=================== f N .............. Beach to order the diagram Is on tUe In tbe of-Reoo lut.ion of Intention sha.ll NOTICE TO CREDITORS 0 oow-• be publi"ed by t•e Cll>' Clerk, foUowtng work to be doDe to-flee of the City Clerk and a TIM E AND PLACE " No. A-66146 ' In lne """""r and ror m •r o. wit· copy of which Is on nle 1n Of HEARlNG '""' , SUPERIOR COURT Or THE . S 'lded b)' ta•, ·-• ror ~·king The constructtoc and in..stal-the otrlce of the En..,.neer of ECTION 6: NOTIC E I S e.uu ..... STAT E Of CALIFORNIA ~· a ll other publl"a tt·ons In ••-latton ol a street Ug!lting sys Work ol said City, EXCE PTlNG HEREBY GIVEN that on the " "'" f OR THE COUNTY -pr oc eedtn"s under th.ls R£>so- SHOPS and SERVICES OF ORANGE tern, locludi.Q.g both commer-from the area shown wttnln and 27th day of July, 1970, at the lullon of t;;'tent ion, tmlessotiler- Estate of Vernon w. Peter-clal and res.identl.al-typeUghts. delineated IC)On said map or hour of 7:30 o'clock p.m., in wise provided . • II4UTT s.ALON Dec sed using prestressed coocrete plat hereinabove referred to, the Chamber s of the City se~,OTIC~a IS ·HER EBY GIVE N s tandards, color corrected the area of all pubU c streets, Co uncU of said City of Newport The City Clerk is dU"ected • HEALTH RESORT Save Time And Money-Call An Expert mercury npor lam":ls, under-pubUc avenues, public lanes, Beach in the City Hall of said to maJI nottces ol the adoption to the creditor s of the above '"'Ouod electrical distribution public roads, pubUc drives, City ~t 3300 West Newnnrt of this Reoolution of Intention named decedent that all persons -... -.,... 1 11 · 1 having claims against the said and all other appurtenances and publlc courts, pubUc alleys and Boulevard, Newport Beac h, Or-o a personsowmng rea prop- decedect a.re required to rue appurtenant work In connection aU easements and rights-of. ange County, Cautornia, any er t)· proposed to be assessed, them, with the necessary vouch-therewith, in the lollowiDJ lo-way therein contained belonging and a ll persons having any ob-whOse names anel addresses "'• In the ottlce of the d erk cations: to the public, and a ny lot or jec:tions to the proposed wrk appear on the IJst equalized As Shown parcel of land belonging to the or improvement, or to the ex-assessm ~nt roll for Cit y taxes, of the above entitled court, or on Plans, United States, and also u cep-tent of the assessment district or as koown to the Clerk, all to present them, with the neces. Street Sheets Nos. tlng therefrom any Jot or par -m'ly appeu and show ca use lfo'hf in the ma nner ;uxl for m )ro- sary vouchers, to the uOOer -ffiVIN E AVENUE on the eel of land belonging to the said work should oot be done vlded for under Sections 5070, signed at c/o Thomas E. Hel-easterly side between Sta.te of Ca utornl.a, or fo the or carried out tn accor dance 5194 and 5195 of the said · Im- fernan, Attor ney· at Law, 350 Dover Drive and Htgb-County of Orange, or to the with this ResohtJon of lntention. provem·~nl Act of 1911 ,, of said E. Seventeenth Steet, Suite 210• land Drive 1 3 Cily of Newport Beach, or to Protests must be 1n writing Streets and, Hign,.·ay~ COde. Costa Mesa, CaWornla 92627• LIN DA LANE t ' 3 the Orange County Flood Coo-aDd must contain a descr~ion POSTL~G OF :o>;OT ICE which Is the place of business LEILA LANE t ' 3 trol District, which lot or par-of the proper ty ln which each OF 1!'1 PROV£~tE:o>;T olthe WlderstgnedlnaU rnatters DIANA LANE t' 2 3 eel of land is In use lor the sigoer ther eof Is inter ested SECTIOt' 10: That the Su- pertalning to the estate of said VIVlAN L._o\NE 1' 2' perform1oce of any pubUc sufttcient to ldeotit)' the same' perintend ent of Streets of the decedent, within four months PRISC ILLA LANE t' 3 tunctioo and all such property and must be de Uver ed to th~ CUy of ~ewport Beach, Cal- alter the first pubUcatlon of KATHLEEN LAN E t ' 2 3 aboYe ~eotioned and described City Cler k or the said City Uornla, shall cause to be c~n- thls not:lce ' ' 1 1 sted l 11 line ..._ted J • 23 1970 DE BORAH LANE 1, 2, 3 as being e:~cepted from the of Newport Beach prior to the 5P c oous Y po a ong t e ...,.,.. W'le • • SYLVIA LANE I, 3 area shall be omitted from the Urn~ set tor the hea.ring, and or said contem)lated ·.vork or Thomas E, Heffernan, Ad-BERYL LANE l 2 3 assessment nereloafter to be oo other pr otests or objections Improvement and along all open rnlnistrator with WUl Anne:r:ed TERESITA LAN E t ' z' 3 made to cover the costs and will be consider ed. Utl'lesigner streets within the district liable of the above named deced~Dl . PLANS, ORA WINai • ' etpenses of such work aDd tm. oJ' any protest Is oot shown 14)00 to be assessed for sou d wor~, Thomas E. Heffernan, t-AND SPECIFICATIONS provement. Lots or parcels of the last equa.Uzed assessment noticE's of the passage of this ~~::: s~!:'wS~~: iio ~~:; SECTION 2. That all of the land owned by schOol bauds. roll of Orange County as the Resolution of lntent1on In the Mesa. Callfo~nla 92627,• Attor-said work aDd improvement to school districts or other public owner of the property described time, for m mi manner provided for Ad intstr to wtth Will be dooe as described 1n Section or prtv~te educational authort-ln the protest, then such pro-by said Code. "•" ed m a r 1 of this Resolutloo shall be Ues, woether or not devoted test must contain or be ac-FILING MA P Of ASSESS. Me:r: • ed •-'"" u be to pubU hoot uses -~ co---•ed by written evidence M E~T DISTR ICT P bUsh· J I 2 9 16 Z3 coostruc:t ...... , u"' oes, • c or sc &IJU ............ 10 "' T c u · u Y • • • • tweeo tbe pol.nls, of the di-purposes, sha.U DOt be ucepted that such signer is the owner SECT •• 11 . hal the tty E 19ns170• 1n the Newport Harbor mellSioos, at tbe places au;t in or omitted from said district ot the property so described. Cler k Is ctlrt'<"ted to eDdorse g:n.. the manner sbown oo the Plans or b"om said assessment, but IMPROVE MENT ACT on the or iginat aod on at least LEGAL HOTICE and OrawiJlp for the construe-sh&ll be Inc luded In said as-SECTION 7: That all of the one copy of the m.J.p or pl.at Uoo of the said work Uld lm-sessment. Reference Is hereby work berei..n proposed shall be of the asst'ssment (hStrLct as NOTICE o r HEARING ON provemeat to "Assessment made to said plat for fUrther, dooe and carried through i..n r eferred to In Secttoo 3 hereof REPORT AND ASSESS-District No. 5%" lor tbt CllJ fUll and more particulaJ' de-pursuance nl an Act of the her certilic.u e evidencing the MENT FORAB.ATEMENTOF ot Newport Belch. entiUed scriptloo of the said assess-Legislature of the state of date and o~Ooptton of lil ts Reso- WEE£1) AND OTHER NU1S~ "City ol Newport Beach PWllc ment district, aDd the said plat Calllornia, ~si gnaled as the lution of lntent wn, and she is ANCES. WorU Department Assessmeat so oo ftle sball goYeru tor au ''lmpronment Act of 1911," fUrther directed to Qle the NOTICE L'S HEREBY GIVEN District No. 52 street l.Jefltiac-deta.l.ls as to the e:r:teri of sald being ot•fsion 7 ot the Streets ortgtoal of such map or plat BEAUTY NOOK 2712 E. CG'st Hwy . Co,ona del Ma' P h.;,nt bn-7HtJ ~ ~!!~TBSPA t • Wl••ul UA WlWrt-1 • UH.,.·'fioO•I s-'•• "-• ~ ..... -s ..... S•••• •-• • •••'-•".., l<.ctrl,•l w .. ,....,. * o. .. , o..., "-1 ..._ * l•loooi.., W•c"-oolul W••...-111 rn ..... T11Hi St•ll sa.,_.,. 111 ,..,_., 5-•••ol .. o COSTA o OIIAMCll o AMAIIIItl o HUNTlHGTOM ..._ ... .,'--' loi!SA 63N.UI 12.-1 I!AOI ........ -...My l=u=..,.==""========i=====a.:a-::•:•:s:'==:.l c-... a,..,..._ ................. 'UILI,._ wo- ....., •• c -I ~= -·-- h••tM.Ua.DU Stlru bs, lotenor Plants P.o . •• til ~--l'Toplcal & Trees • DH O..loUIUG DIWot!TT /LiJ.tl... ~CBCIW Finest ""ality dry aleaoina: oa the prwntses Self-service l&UDdry All new -latest model Fn&ida.ire Wasbers 3:100 E. COUC. Hwy., C OM FUMIJTS PIIDH e, ~447'9 t4311 N-Bl•d. loseco e~.des an" Fertllu.er ....... o. ... &. ...,._104_1"11 fREE DELI VE RY C'OfOna de-l Mar ~ureef) :n 44 [. ('Dul u...,... 6'l )oG l6G qr. .. :7--·~ ------·---~- WE CAN PRINT YOUR P AMPH L. i! TS ZIHES., L.E'A~L.E'T-S NEWSPAPEIU AND N I!WS LFTTEIItS CAJ..L. Us ,OR IITI1UTU ,., ..... I!MSIGII I'UIILISIIMCl CO. 2721 E. C.." Hiolo-. C.rw~o del Mot, C.ll .. ral• C.ll i"' Yovr W•t 44 to tM Eullft 613.05,50 "'-e I• y_, ~ IN • S.acri .... •: Colt 613455G - IU.t on July 1, 1970, the rtre Harbor Htcbi&Dds," and ideaU-assessment district. and Higtnrays Code ot tbe State ln her om ce, and within fU- Citlef o1 Newport Beach flied fted as Drawiq No. E-5013-S, DESCRIPTION OF 00Nll) ol CaWornia. That prior to the tee-n (15) days alter the adop- wltb tne City Clerk of said con•lsting of 4 Sheets, laUD • SECmN 4: That s er i al ~on of thisre.soll&ioo, the tton of this r esolut ion and in 1 ---~~2.~""'--- Ctty a report aDd asseasmeat bertd 1 to 4 tocballn, aU bonds, bearing Interest at tbe City' CouocU ot the City of oo event later than ruteen (15) • HIA•MG AIDS o PAINT & WALLPAP!R HUIIOR PAINT on al».tement ofweedulllotber ot WbJch plaos ud <lrawtllp r&te of seven per cent (1\) Newport Beacb after proceed. days prior to the date ol taea.r ~ ouisuces w1Udn II.Jd City, a are 00 tlle lD tbt omce of per 1.11111um, shall be issued to tngs duly aDd' ucula.rly beld ine as provided in Section 6 copy ol whtc:h 11 posted oo tbt CttJ Clerk &Dd I.D ttpe ~-repruea& each assessmem ot and beari~oooducted, did adopt bereof. she Is fUr ther directed the bulletin bolrd at the to· n c:e of the EartDMr of Wort. FtftJ Dollars ($50.00) or more Its ResoiWloo No, 6968ooAprll to nte a copy of said map or traoce to tbe City Hall. aDd uc:ept u otblnrlee pro-remaial.ac ~ l.t tbe u-za 1969 UDdw a.od pursllilllt plat, with her endorsemeot HOTlCE lS FURTHER GIVEN fLded oa aid piau ta f11rtber pjn.tioa of tbe la.st date ftud to • tbt authority lf'anled by ther eon, with the County Re- tbat oa JulJ' U, 1910, at the aocordiDee wttb t!rl C*lfttaw 1x p&Jmtal ot assessmeDI Lo S.CUoo 17 ot Article XDI of corder of On.nre County, C&U- hour of 7:30 o'clock p.m., 1111 tiODIIb'tbecoutnclJoll.ofald tM .Uce to property oners t.be CoastttuUoo ot the State o1 forDll., all in the manoer and tbe Couoc::U Cb&mblrt ot Mid wort llld tqwo.,tmtlll, IIJd m.a.Ued pgrnut to tbe pro-CaWornla. ADil1Ac I.Dd detf.r. b'm provided lol' In Sectkln CUy HaJ1. laid rfiiN)lt Ud u-111*'1"'"1,._ bttlf • file 1.11 ,...,_ o1 S.Ctloo 5390 ot U. rollaiQC lba.t pabUc coonolf!JDCe 3111 oltheStreeUlDd HiJb"W&YS MJSf!MM 11lt W'l1l be l'!rlllded tM amc. of tM CttJ C ... k ol. Btt..U uc1 H11JbftJ'I Codt ol ud MCMstiJ reqatn tbe lma Code ~U:o~~G~ Callt>ntla.DAP 1o too City Cooacii ot Aid Cltf -C1tf ~ a OCII>J boiiiC .. 111o 111ato ot CaWDrola. Said _,.,... bOrtll>OIIOYt .,... p ADO , .. ~D AN • tor -udcoollrJDO· 1\lo ta t11o-of 111o £oil-_.-lllll1 -..... -UO 1WtMr !Iodillc illd ROVED by the CIIJ Couoell tloo,llldlllaiUJudliiPW--ot .... It), ud to ftkla-odor o1oo (I)"'" --.......l>altllopro¥1-ol !be Ci!J nl Newport Boocll, --ud ltot'1lll U17 ob-pUo, drtt.'lllop ud ,..cl--tilt -~ ot 1 .... ot tllo ''!l>ee~AI ~-·m• [D. C.UJonla, at a re(Ular mo«-~ lo aJd ,_ ud u-lka-. •-• -GOOd....,. -oooc:odor too -.,..,.,.-, Umltatloo aod lllc !borool hokl tills 9tb ~ IIUlDIIII u.t., Gf to u::r at. br .. CMJCo-dloltaUCAtJ.St~hwtllr 111: ~Dimal tMlr MaiDrttJ' Prot..t Ad ol1t31" otJ .. , 1970. E. F" RI.J'u. tor or ll1ol _._,-..., r I -~~---lor a-. ..,_ 0( tilt IJ<lltd--oot IIRliJ. llld -· 1UJ-alaldtlllloaal -· 1111 ... _..par-Jail(_.... ltaal ---IalaldW.ooo-ATTEST IUJOf placoaalbo---otaldwwk-11 ooiPn-MIIbo--llllllpnc:wlfo..,.,.._ ' llolld: Ja\J 1, 11'10. 1lUaiP11C»> or .., pr-IJ _,to u. CPI:J ._ -t11t ~ aa1 L& .. L&iiOS R. I. 81'1.1Coe, ftrt. OW A-I!MIWT DISTIIJCT ~. Ull ....... JllaU _.. tile Wm1 ud •Wito. CttJ CJ«t; .... , la\J I ud 1, 11'10 SIC'I'IOII 1: nat lllo aid bo • I &M 11J J01t1 C11J of 111o "'-00-Act o1 hltllllt: 1•119, tt'lO, Ill II lllo """"" -I ... -~ -1112 Ia-n-, ll1 u prCH-fo lllL" tllo "-'-&utp. HAl AEBISCHER .. _Fl ............. Ull9 E. Co•Mwr. eo-..... 61WU3 ~ WALLPAPER P1nallll'1b -O.ldl llo7 PIIDta -~ote IIIIo 13.000 PATTERNS Or WA!.LPAPER ... E. eo.& • ., • c... ... _ (Nul 1D Pon T •• .,._~ ,._,.;._ -----l o PLI*aiiG A. L MAUA.C P1WVR 7DD O.o-,..., a.-a .... • P'tr ........ DAY II NICIIT WATII. K&A'IDI ftl·- oUPitOLSTUIIIG DPIIDUTE-U .(lf'J £·~·-c ... ,, .... , _,,..,...ONLY -·-c.u .. _.. 111 ......... _ .. ,_ ....--· .KCIALISTI tN MANNIE CA...,.TWY • ''"'" c,._na • -l"ft • lrTC. ,. ......... . ...,....,..~ . .,_,.. ........... cu'n•• ~ ..... . M,!l Jl!~~ ~~~!!!p f.~!J!S l!'!~!.~-::~=~·~~~~~~;~:~~~~:=~-~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~E~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~lf. ucr n (lttlcM IDr ctwrl'" 1D wort b1 .,.,... wttliiiM tlt.r u.t. actPt b tboea llhdlllta "'8bln'J !...oft datebW of Dl' ,,.......,,......._. .. d IMit'll).'lloellootr.ooratCoo-ollomuradopolllla...-.-lllllbiUI ••• 1114 loUd llto.laa•~R S.ll 101~ BEll. ~"'AnWAY Ia -lllllt"'lloolbolorer•-'l'llollft-•ls-nol<sndllr--olelUI .,..,-. Nllll-A" W~ N~ MORTU•ay aipll( U prllelpal lA> lab a -will otlU bo rtlatold. -. 11>1-_.u, lm· wu -o1 ii -too o1 toO An PDIII ... u UIIIWI _.... Ho -IIIII tlll _..., ...-_ u a r.elt o1 IIIlo -· o1 -lllfat HoUywood 110 Broadway -1o 11M Nonralll-14 Ill-aeu•tty pacaps, wlllcll 1114 lllll~'"'~etat~u~tt~OIIIl~oa.~----~Pr~-~t!!or~llo~_!H~OIIl~lta!!_L~--~u~"~a<=:a~. •:;:-:~o: .. :·~~~::-;J POMII&Y MIUS CNIIUA NOW AT 1110 NEWPORT IlL Vll. PH . 646.J)J83t:o•la 1\'t .. a. BALTZ MORTUARIES 1741 SUPERIOR AVE. COSTA MESA Midway b-2424 3520 E. COAST HIWAY CORONA DEL MAR ORiole J·q450 \ I -MRS. BRYAN T. BOHHA. (8~,.,.;~ Mdu pbotoJ ra4a dtatrtct. -queotloood oaru.r lo tile 11 Hta PI'OPOMll Laelude re· year. bad either bHo rtmOfed otpat•Uop at ldvettl()nll M· or rnlsed durl.oe this year ponm ..... eloator ot 11M eam-and tbat at pr ... ot aod lo tile pus lor all ICIIrieDtl. with the Mure all -.rn1nc paclr:aces poalbiUty of 8IGSor pr1vtleps will be reviewed b)' tbe ad· and prlYlleps b IUCCellsfUl minlstntlve staff of tbe school. -bec:omllll • ooptabte llr • ._. sald tllat bUtcaU7 ltem wltb the Educatlooal De. the same staff wtu remain &t veklpma CouoclL Costa Mesa hl&b scbool next lD adiSltioo_ states W:r. Lopes, year and tbat 2 tea.cbers are tor immature studeutslhlsyea.r transterlng to jwlior eolle~. the uperleDee wl.th the liD· one will be oo sabbatical lean, schedulad. tlme bas been oep.-2 wtll be on leaves of a.bserlU. tin. Next year. required aoo ooe would transfer to classes tor 9tb aad loth graders aootller school district. 'lflll ba.ve an lDcreued.:hedule The resuUs of tbls year's ot time. students whO perform second semester schedlillDgex. well wUl be released part tim~ hlbUed a tantasUc lm;u-O'f'e. on a contnct buls. Scbedules ment. according to Mr. Lopes. tor students w111 be Ugbtened, Improvement occurred 1D both so that da.ss time wi.U ruocoo-sequencing or cl&sses and the seeutiYely throughOUt the da.y ease In sch.edullng of studer:ts. ror most st..Sents. Also. the He stated that the empllasis J S B school day shOuld be less than next year will be on lnteroa.l an'.ce ue urnett the 8:00a.m. lo 4:00p.m. detail. '-;;;;;;;~~~~~~ sclledule oow In process. He cootiDll6<t "We have bum r; d B B h A broadblsed approach to a framework and program this TIDE d.~ we s rya n 0 n a the practical arts areas wtU past yeu:. Next year we'll eon. ~V also be attem .. ed, with oo-centrale oo smoothlog out tJIO g'.:::r., ~~~'\.. ~ A June bride at St . James Her sister, Mtss Nancy Lee the. job training and work with edps." Included in some of -~~ -~'-Episcopal Church of Newport BW"nett, served as m.Ud of local industry as a ma}or pro-this internal smooth.lng out wtU .._,~v S,-..;;;"" Beach was Miss Janice sue honor . She wore a pink lact> gram roroon-collepboundstu-be a reeraminatlon b)' the Eng. Vel Burnett . who became the bride over satin gown made with an deots. More pass, non.pa.ss Ush department of their pro. •of Bryan T. Bohna at a 6:30 empire waist and short putt' grade courses 1n non-college gram. They will be studyt.ng SAI.n p.m. ceremony on Saturday, sleeves. A jeweled lace nower area.s wtll also be offered. Stu-the need tor the teaching of UH'IAU June 20. held her shoulder length. tulle dents will also be able to chOose additional basic skill subjeCts, -r-WVICf The bride is the daugh.ter ol veil, also in pini., and she one of these classes where oo ln the middle of the year Come join the tun bunch tor cookies and champagne punch (every P .M . through July 15th) P.S . Browse through our ''Merry-Go-Round'' rack-¥1 off Lorraine Sutherland FASHIONS AT THE BEACH JAMBOREE ROAD Al IIA'I'S!DE DIWVf Estab!•shed smce July 1966 NEWPORl BEA CH 67~.)183 Mr. am Mrs. Wayne Burnett carried matching flowers. letter grades are given, but students woo were judged UDa.ble 3011 Kewport Sl~ of 3195 Gibraltar Ave., Costa Also dressed tn pink, but with only a pass or oon.pass, as to profit by the neiible pro-~~~=":':'"':po::"~·:-;:• ~;! Mesa. The groom • s puents are pink and while nowers, were the ~an~e~lec~tl!'ve'._ea~c:"_h_l!grO'ad~ln~gC_!pe~riDd~_l!gra~mll._:"_•O:er~e'.Jgl~v~e~n2ad~dli!'l'!<lo~na~li_J(=============================~ the V. L. Bobna's of 2912 N. bridesmaids, Miss Peggy Carol Royal Palm, Costa Mesa. Burnett, a.notber sister • aod MATTRESSES The double rmg ceremony Miss Cecelia Arm Osborne of JfEW -REIOILDING was performed by theRev.John Carmichael. Irregular Shape-s Ashey, pastor at St. James. Anlta WoUen, a little friend IDDer&priJl9-CottOD Mr. Burnett gave hiS daughter !rom Huntington Beach, was COSTA MESA MAnlES5 co. in m.uriage. the !lowar girl, wearing a pinJc. 21§0 N•wport llvd. llb.rty 1-llOl Mlss Burnett wore a whitt> dress and carrying a basket r =----:-:.-----. lac.e over satin wedding gown, of pink and white carnations. which was m.lde with an em. Assisting the groom were We~tclilf Chapel plre waistline and " chapel Keith Douglas Redwine of Costa train. The bodice and long tuU M ~sa as best man aod Mark. ol'lllll~ sleeves were trimmed with Healy and Steve Wolff of New- 427 E. 17th ST. pearls. A crown of pearls held port Beach, usher s. COSTA MESA her fingertip veil. She carried Following th.e ceremony, a L __ ...,:M~I:.,:I!;·!-=---...J a cascade bOuquet of whJiecar-r eception for 200 guests was naUons. held at the Balboa baylront home of Louis Briggs, a friend Ora nee CountY Fair & ExPosition JulY 14·19 of the Bohna 's. Assisting at the reception were Mrs. Harry Osborne of Carmichael, Mrs. Bill Walton of Costa Mesa and Mrs. Chester Vetter and Mrc;. Bill Mays of Santa Ana. Mik.e Ibey of Costa Mesa took charge of the gifts. '" • ...., II ~··· ............ w. \ao, ""' l1 ...... ~ .... ~- 011! Stntle ldmisSIOn ent!Hts you to Jll of llw UtTIIn& f JU lutuf~. W1lt\ lht Ultp\IOn ol 11de~. 1odto. ~nd motorcrck! rKtS. The newlyweds departed for a bOneymXln In Hawa.li, alter WhiCh they will make their homt- ln Ca.rmlchael. Tbe bride is a graduate of Estancia high school, and the groom graduated from 'lewport Harbor hlgh school. The)· both attended Orange Coast College. ATTEHD BOOT CAMP The Orange County Council of the Navy ~gue sponsored a Navy League boot camp at tilt> Marine Corps air station in Santa Ana June 22 -27 for cadets of the ~lavy League- U.S. Naval Sea Cadet Corps. ages 12 to 16 yea.rs. Gates open at 10 a.m _ Oatly Newport Blvd. & Fa1r Dr -Costa Mesa Local boys attending lnclucl· ed William La Plante Ul, ofl\9 Turquoise Ave., Ba lboa lsiaod, and the following trom Costa Mesa: Jay Holt, 554 Pierpoint; Gary Knox, 1112 Corona I...ane; Charles Lewis, 33? Monte Vis. ta; Justin McCarthy, 3121 Roo- sevelt Way; Robert McCarthy, 2477 Montre w.,y; Robert Mor. ra s, 1723 Labrador Dr.; Keith ~_.;.- r Ryan, 3228 I>.ik.ota Ave., and Dav1d Tuck, 543 Pierpoint. Painting & Decorating Dl~:;t,~~~~~g; ~~B:,~.R6.ry CENSEO 4 INSURED * GENERAL UTu,r.ll (Louise) Young will be onex- .Damato&S h.iblt at Costa Mesa library from July 15 to Aug. 15. Sub. }ec t matter includes figures , seascapes alld landscapes. 536 CEMTER ST. COSTAMES.l 642-1677 Orco Block Co. BUILDING BLOCKS • ALL SIZES -ALL TYPES Telepholle: JAcDoa. 1·223! 1042 ltot~lla. Stantoa 2320 S. MolD. Sa:ata Alla Mrs. Young. born in Lima . Peru. worked for the cultiD"al attache in the American em- bassy, where she met her hus. band. Moving to the Uni ted States, she enrolled in art coiD"seS at Orange Coast Col. lege. She is a charter member of Costa Mesa Art League. C011plele Fuaerals Cost Leu AI Wllbnltlllr COMIUTI FUNDAL AND IUIIIAL CINlll <>OtOOo0-?'51~ CDIETERY lOIS MAUS()l.EU)( CRYPTS Fro~~~ 1111 '""" 146, .stmm.attr Sltmnrial • .M•I'Wai'T-~I'Y "E~ ill One~ .P'-" Ilea-tbe fUDall """ liwlal c:mller CX>DOOpt <limieata tbe netd fot JICO(IOSIIooll doroop beaoy traffic ca ()faaoorded higlnraft, &mily inc! frimds alike may DDft 1>&1 tbeit full r. spodl "' attmdins tbe barial .... d, .. ...u u tbe cbapd serod, alia -!JoaatiNI p1aoo, at ... CDOt IIIII tlllft aAIVaieoooo 1•1 -14111 IIACH ILWII~ w-lm'"'MII..,NI"'"'fDn 531-1125 (TOLL I'RI!I I'ROiol M!WI'ORT HARBOR AR!A) • Q. What should a person do who is worried about inflation , the stock market, the future ? A . C ut back on unnecessary spending. Protect your family's future by placing your savings and investment funds in an insured savi ngs account. Q. Does it make any difference where I put my savings? A.Ye s. An insured account with a savings and loan association will pay you more intere st than banks and will be more certain than stocks. Q. Do all savings and loan associations in Southern California pay the sa me interest'l A . Yes. Q. Then why should I put my savings with Mutual Savings and Loan Association '1 A . We asked ou r own account holders for the answer to thi s one. They have confidence in the knowledge of our emp loy ees. They can depend upon receiving accurate information, and are pleased with the efficient and courteous se rv1ce . Q. How big is Mutual Savings'l A . We're called "The Big M" because we have over 440 million dollars in asse ts. Q. Where are your offices? A . Mutual Savings has offices in Pasadena (head office), Glendale, West Arcadia, Covina and Corona del Mar. Robert D. Aston Via Prt'JiJ""' & Mli"I'Jl"' MUTUAL IAVDIII COIIOIO.l 0€1. MAR • 2167 Eoso c-. Hipway