HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970-11-26 - Newport Harbor Ensign• ' AMELIA EARHART ALIVE 1 NEWPORT BEAC H JOe TI'IE ~Ll llflil\f'APEII PIIINTEO AIIO Ptii!LISHED IH NEWf>OIIT Bf.t.CH JOe COS TA MESA ~23~R~D~Y!_!EA~R~·C.:H~0~·:_'_'16~~FI~R~S..!_T_:S~E~C~T..!.IO~H~----'T'."H~U~R~S~D~A~Y~, ~H~O~V.:.. ~2~6,c_:.:19~7_::0 ___ P:_H:::O:::H_::E::_'_::6::_73.11::::5::!ll::._~C=O=IW=N=A=D=E=L=M=AR=·:C:A:L:I F=. Ml Ell A U RH ART, JUST B E FORE 1937 FL 1 GH T 0 FREE 10,000 Sl CAPT. CLARENCE WlLUA.MS, editorial pa&e columnist for the Enslen, was employed by uiatrll Amelia Earhart from 1932 until her final fllght ln 1937 to prepare the route cba.rts to KUtde tler on her aerial mlsslons. 1D the story abcwe, Capt. Wtwa.ms com- ments on what may have hap- pened on thit C1nal mission. Y PETITIO Tile co-chairman of the CtU-they're oot atraJd to say so." tens' Coordinating CouncU, A final meeting for turnJng MoU"got Skilling of West New-1n tbe petitions was held yes- port, said yesterday that "at terday morntnc at Bayside VII- least 10,000 signatures" have lag!;. The petitions seek to res- been turDed Ln on the Freeway cind alisting freeway ag:ree- peUUoo drive. ments between the City of New- "lt Is a mandate of the port Beach and the state on the them were oot.YaUd. tiling the petitions wtth the "Since we've got at least city clerk, but It wtU probably 10,000, we ue very cooftdent be during the first wee.k in this will result in an ele<:Uon December, she stated, that wtU eliminate this free -A!ler the city clerk certl!ies way forever,'' Mrs. Skilling the sufficiency of the petitions, said, the City Co uncil must then call A date has oot been set for for an election. people," she said, "Tbey don't coast freeway route, aDd to H 0 h "I want thls treeway here and prevelll the slooJno of future lg cost perl s agreements without a vote of TIDELANDS FEE th~~~kJlling said. "There • • • I were so many pettUons that I CIVIC Site p an ET SuNK couldn't carry them. I had to MAy G ha~~eh~ft~ the work of all the The future of Newport · would approve tne proje-ct •t peUUon clrculator s , 5aY1ng, Beach's nlatuled ctvtc center 10 '--~~· "' that pnce, which does llO( in-This city's Udelaods use fees the c1ty attorney see .. a "They have done a ma&-" .... 1-complex at Newport Center elude the librarY, and uwt the may be on the way out. state attorney general ruling cent );lb." She particularly stands on somewhat shaky voters would scuttle the en- City councllmen directed the on the legality of the fees. singled out the work ol Mr. ground to1ay, following City Ure pro>ect, including the Hat- staff M:mday night to prepare This action came only alter lDd Mrs. Stan Swxierl.an1 and CoWlCil acUoo M>nday, bor JOOJct.al District Court the le&15latioo to repeal the ordi-a motion by Councilman Cui Charles Saltare of Corona del The Couocil directed the sWf city had fought so hard to get. oa.oce which sets ~the fees. Kymla for a resollrt1oo w-ging Mtt. "They have turned ln and the u cb.itect, Welton-Bee-The CouncU asKed duriDg Tbe acUon. followed a letter the county board of Ste)enl-literally huDitteds of signa-k.ett, to come ~ with major Mooday ni&bt's meetiJlg far an from lbe assoctaUon of New-sors to adopt a fee for COWitJ bares," sn. said, "and have rev-Woos of tbe plans 11 lilbt &-day uteD..iJoll of u. Dec. 15 part Harbor Yaelit Club~! •· tldittluld$ DOt touceldt!II:New-COIHII"ed ..-era.J. pne1Det3," ol the a.rctUted's estimates of deadllne the city ns laced.Stb elostn& peWiollS bearlne about port Beach fees fa.lled by a The committee needed ooly costs, wh..ich were placed at in signing a contract on the 1,82, !denatures requestlngre-5-Z vote. All 3 mot1oos were 4,~')0 signatures, but were bop-more than $12 million. court tacillty. That extension consideration oltheusefeesa.nd preceded by unsuccessful mo-i.Dg to get 6,000 to allow lor Councilmen said they did oot was g:ra.nted by County Super - requesting repeal of the ordJ-tions to twle. some leeway In case some of feel that the voters of the city visors Tuesday morning. The DaOCe. OFFICE EQUIPMENT w 1 N rt 1 ,,. contract would commit the city Vice Mayor Howard Rogers es ewpo ra IC to spe:t1 more than $500,000 made the motion, which was WORTH S1,12D TAKEN to oet the court project o!!the followed by considerable debate Burglars escaped with aces-1 d ground, in addition to the $12 by other Council members. A tlmated $l,l20 worth of office proposa s are approve million lor the civi c ce01er it-lllU"row -4-3 vote on the motion machines lrom the office of approved the preparation of the Dr. Morris Fier, 307 Placen-se~.e lton-Beckett representa-legt.slation Ua Ave., WestNeW?Qrt Heights, Representatives of the West R1ver Ave., and ofa ngtlt-turn Council~cn Mlla.n Dostal during the night of Nov. 18_ Newport and Lido Sands home-storage Wle on Coast Hwy,; tive F'rank Moger Informed the Richard Crout and LlndsteY Investigators said the bur-owners' associations, city stat! elimlllation oftree runn1 ngrigl:lt Council of a 12 per cent in- Parsons voted against the mo-glar pined entrance to the. and Councilman D::mald Mcinnis turn on red into Balboa Blvd.; crease in construction costs In tlon. office by prytng open a sUding have come ~ with a series of i.Dstallation of a left turn stor-addition to increases In the Mr Parsons did however glass door. An electric type-solutions lor the trafflc prob-age lane on Superior Ave., squa.re foo_tage es!imues for sue~ 1D Kettlnc Council ap~ writer aDd an addinl m.1ch1oe Ien.s at the 47th St. and Sal-southboUDd at Coast Hwy., and both the c uy hall and pollee proval or a request to direct were among the Items mlsstng_ boa Blvd. i.Dtersectton. the rephaslng of signals tosep-buildmgs. City counc11men appro'ed the arate Balboa Blvd, and S~-F'lgures given to the Council CITY DELAYS DECISION ON RENDEZVOUS SITE report on the problem Mollday erlor Ave. traUic movements; last Ye&r--basedonlnform;Uon night and directed the statf to and the relocation of a palm 4 years ago--estt'?ated~e cost proceed wllh the solutions, tree at the southwest corner of the pro}eCt, ootmcludinglan i Sbort range solutions to the of the Balboa and River inter-costs, at $4,5 million. problem LDclude the removal section. Mr · Moger also pomted out and pruning of std'ubbery and Long ra.nge solutiOns Include that space requiiements were trees ak>no Ute south and oorth periodic trimming of the siU'ub-based on the needs of the cJt}' N_,..,...rt Bellch councUmeo "open the door to other high in 1995 ~",.... side of Balboa Blvd.; lostalla-bery and Installation of a traf-· dela.yed action for 90daysMoo-rise" lo Balbo;,;, tlon of a left tlD'n pocket on lie signal at Balboa, 47th and Couoc1lman Lindsley Par- day night on an appeal by Rolly Mr. Rogers sa.Jd he felt the Balboa Bl d thbouod t River within the next few years. sons suggested, as did other Pulasld. on a Planning Com-project would revlt.aUze the v .; oor a co:JlCllmen, that the Deeds for 5 mtsston.declslon denying a zoo-Balboa business district, but he u d do k d years from now be determined tng amendment and use per-thsaeldarth_:reecoUuoglds00o1trbeest1~rtsedol. n ergroun 1ng 0 aye a.ndth.at,1tnecessary,thebuild- mll appllcatloo for a .W-unlt ca &>... In~~: be cons tr uc ted lnsucha.way apu"tmeot building on the old He stated that a master pWl · 0 .,....., .. 5 to finance the estimated that additions can be built laler, '' In utlloi "tr tad rules on The Ne.......,rt Beach City '"""'" Rendezvous ballroom s e 0 ng on-e w....., $ZOO to $800 cost over a period "There's oo wa}· I can JO l land b ' 1•-t till CollllCII approved the establish-Balboa. the uses o • u , ... s of time. along w1th this, based on these V -'lo s1 tar · Is tl'-mentMoodaynlghto!anWlder-The delay came after tee &.l wed ml pro)eC ae Since that time the utility cost estima tes," Councilman '"" 1 Balboa tht 1n Ill " around ut.Wty district on Ocean that a master p ....... or s one spec c areas, r.• com,.,nies aareed to pay tor Don:ud Mclnrussa.id.":-ioway," ld U ld I ' _,1 Blvd,, Corooa. del M.U", but oot ...---a• be denloped that wou spe wou so ve be Ptvu em. the 1·nstallatlon of utiiJties on The Coun:t12 montnsa&Qhad T bulld,ft_ without some concessions to out specUlc uses lor property he apartment u.,., pro-pubtic right_ of_ way and the approved tile new space re- 00 lbe P~~tnlnsula. posed by the owners of the property owners. Council 'I.N">roved the !Inane-quU"ements prepared bytheclty ' M and M E st Tbe lt.tllty district was --Residents of Balboa were proper Y, r. rs. rne ing of the costs for property stlf!, which increased the pretty well evenly S1)11t on the NeufeJd, would be 72 feet high, brought before Council 2 weeks owners. sqlllre footage lrom U O,OOJ to ~t tth 88 stt .... ~ ago but b.lled to get approval lsslll'! of Ulowing the pro,..._, ., on-e par.. .... g spaces. ,__ The nro--t involves the el-1~,000. However, there were when It was MII&I"Ded that prop-.. r-~ but maay felt that U would erty owners 11P0Uk1 ha.Ye to loot im.i.naUoo of unsightly utility oo ~ted cost e . ..Umates at the blU for lnstallat1oo of tbe poles and would place all ut-ttlat time. tllty services underground on Councilman Parsons said be utlUUes oo public rlctrt-Ot'-ny. 1 The COUDCII also felt that there Oeean Blvd., from Iris Ave, had contemplated "an ~ 1 COLLINS ANNEX OK'D down to the h-cb, and on Break-battle with a $4.5 mtUioo price sbou1d be some ny for property ..._ o1 Newport Beleb City Couocll-11n, that a drlvewa,y apprOll.eh ers Orin. tag. Council approval a p.ro- meo. torrna.Uy approt"ed the an-on the south side of first AYe., teet costing $12 million 1rtMlld oeatioo ot tbe 17'1-acre Col-east of Ca.raatioo At-e., in Co-CATV IS UP FOR SALE brlllg a ctuz.ens ~rislng ttlat uDs Radio Compaoy property rooa del »ar be reiDO'Ied. would sabotage the eotire MoodaJ Dlgbt. .........,. a reso ....,... ap-• •-ted 1·"'1-R scheme," Tbe onlJ oottce ot the action proring tbe aDDeJatloo ~ t.be Newport Beach CableYislon 11 more yeus--untlll995. CouocllmaJl Richa.rd Croul wu a brief comma bY Coun-city of AmuatJoo No. 70 \Har-Is ~lor sale. Tbe company said U was said he was shocked at the esti- eJ.lllwl MUu no.ta1 .,bo aid, bor Ytew HOUB-Pbue m. Amid rumors that the com-seeking the fra.oc:hJse ertensioo mated square foot cost ol the "I am pleued about thb &C-• Appro'ed the recommiD-PRD1 ns bela& sold, Newport -~•bleb Is oooeu:lusive--be-pro)E!Ct--nearly $79· tioD. Jt broadiP.I c. tu. tu. datlOns ol tbe Jot.Dt Harbor Beach city couocllmeo uted eaw;e it would allow them to LEWIS w SA.RCEHT IDd briDp a compu;J w1tb a Committee, ud lllPf'O"ed tbe Wayne Hauser, an olllclal of dtpr"te&a.te tbeJr assets, a cost E CHILD STAR oies •Ucwl rtpiU.Uoa 110 Ht'W'-e.spendlture of $4,400 for lbt tile ~ Uooday nilbt 11 flc:tor tbat was provlngbw"deo-X· • port S.c:b." etty's shire of IUd upltn-tbe rumors •'we bal"t. tome under the pces.ot IJ'an-Lewis Wheeler S&rr-t, 67, Tllo -~ trblell oadod lstnuoot 011 8&lboa lsiiDI. ICr, Ha-r loki 111o Cooocil elllM of Sail FeriiUdo V.U.J, -- moatbl ot CGIItrcwvq,dlepr1-• Adopted a reiOlutklo a-tb&t tbt atatt>a ma~~&pmeat 1.1 ' TY er of COI'OQl del Mar ...Ctrl- mariiJioobjocll<••nalood,ud warliDC a-lo Vltlor -..toe a aumbwol olftn CH RISTMAS PAR aarlaD Dao S&roeot, dlod No.. lot. dz........ bJ tilt lrrlDt LOlld ud CloariDc Co. to lllo -Drms "'""'"'loporcbut """""' l<>d&O will bald a 19 ID Loa AII&Oies. Coalpuf, na _ .. ..,, a.mouat al $6.800 M'demo'ltloa tbt cable te)Kt.doa .,.em, Cbrllbnu puty at 8 p.m. F"rl-M.r Supai wu a b"mer II -adloo lilt e-n, o1 -Air lht -Strott "bol lhll -· lo IIDitllllf Drm da1. Dtc. II, La lht Callft>roia elllld ·-ud otarod tbt out • Mil*d a ....,.n ol lilt wldoaloc tJ<OlteL oo..,. olllM olf«a." Air Nailoool Goard Armorr, of H~ Ftm to tllollrst flu ealef oe. tM COlt ot tale . TS Ht sUd UMrt .._. bMe a 1151 Mewpor1 BmL, Costa l1lllllt mont ,.-AoL Ht i.J aMI-ol-ud-CAIIDYSAL ESTAR crtatdt&lollllltnll-lo ..... -.t...s bJ Ills wllo, Clara; •·--ud r.,IIIW' a. Conlaa dtJ War billa .cbool acqmt.ac tbt .. ~ bll tMt ~ (QIItl wtll lDc:lucM S otb8r br'Otbers., ~ sitters ---ol OIUJt to-.clll~~lalt,l lo • ollorllu,...l>OIO'aceopod. '-J•--"""'-.., ud a daapler, s..dn Far-~-lo -lilt -ol --~~ !Ill--· • IU Ha..r -~-. -La -'C eon. dol •• ~~~-_,. ~-rt 1M .vlool e-oo · --Mar 111,111 -~ udllor lin-,_.. ~--• bold ~ twnrrm-* OD tlllt ~ W ud U. A..S.B. t.d,-. UM Co-eU to att U WIO"l pc:d S.C.. flallr, Mr. ud -J II VaDI&Dl Ce.DIIlarJ, tu rolL ~ b" U tdJFidM ol ita tru~ u --e.--r--ud da.-• -• nq ul "' ,__ nil wiD bo lilt IUI!Wod-nt.o-eatot, wllldl .... ..,.-. w -.. -· ~ .... -a--. Ue -bt ou--Dor-1o1 A.B. B. alt W. ,.r. .... KorL CATCHING FLIES at the command of the evil Kusim are these 3 slave '·boys," from len, Lyon Dow!:)' of Harbor H!ghla..OOs, Ha.rbor high school sophomvre; Kim Sld.lllng o1 Baycrest, 8th gra1er at Ensign school, a.lld Kim Schoon- over of Costa Mes;t, a freshman at M" ;a hlgll school. They are member s of the cast of "AU Baba and the F'orty Thieves," whi ch will De presented by the Children's Theater Guild of Ne·.v:>art Harbor at 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. Nov, 28 and at 1 :i.nd 3 p.m. :o;ov. 29 at Orange Coast College, The musi- cal produ!Uon is tmder the dir ection of William Fuclli:., The musical composer 1s D ~an Bottorf. Information concerning tickets may be ot ,ta.Joed from Mr s. Ale x Schvar z of New- port Beach. (Eu.sign photo.; Street-end boat License fee law o.k . due Newport Be:ich city councU- men. oo • 6-1 vote, approved the intrOduction Monday nlgbt of an ordinance that w(IU]d double the city's business li- cense tai, Councilman Lindsley Parsons cast the only oo vote. The onhnance would raise the ba.Slc license let-from $25 to S50, Tbe action followed a study of several months by the CH")' Ud the Newport Harbor Cham- ber of Commerce. The city staff had r ecommended a.n or- diJlance that would set the basic m~nlmum fee at $40 based oo a gross receipts formula. Busi- nessmen In the city had vigor- ously opposed the gross re- ce!p(s pla.n, sayLDg they did not want aootber level of govern- m-~ot look.lng over their books. The approved ordinance, Ln addiuon to Ule $50 basic fee, would establish a $70 fee for out .. or town buSlnesses; a $70 fee for pet wos: $50 plus $6 per chair, seat or station for amusement mtchlnes; as well as the penn) ucadea.odamuse- men.t businesses tn the Balboa Fun Zooe; $50 lor merry-r:o- muda Alllldi at.aa.Uar de'lk95 s.a:1 h k d $200 for sollcitlng and peddling Ia u nc o. . ue llc~=~;l=o Parsons ""ld he A resolUtion permttting boat launching •t spedf1ed street- ends has been dra.ned b) the Newport Beach Pa.rlts, Beaches and Recrwtion CommissiOn. A public hearing will be tteld by the Comm ission at 7:31J tJ,m. Tuesday, Jan. 19, m the C1ty Hall Council chambers. The r esolutiOn would pr O\"idE' the following: (a ) Between the hours of 8 a..m. and 8p,m,, bOats capable of being launched b~· twld without the ald of tra1ler s, doH1es or othe r mectlanical devices rna} be ha.nd-lauoched Into the har- bor and retrieved ftom the har- bor at the followmg street ends: • BALBO\ PE:~L'<SL"l.A- 8, C, U, E, F', G. H, I, J, a.nd K streets, At1ams, Al- varado, Anade, Corona~:lo. C)- llad second thoughts about press, F'"ernaodo, Lindo, Mon-mer ely doubling th"' fe-e_ tero, ";'th, lith, 12th, 13th, 14th, ··J feel v.·e Jcted tn consld- and 15th streets. erablE' naste," ht' sa!d. "lt • BALBOA ISLA."\0, NORTH : ~sn,'t seem ngtlt that Rob- Balboa Onyr Amethyst Apo. 1nson s dep:utm~nt stor £-pays Ieaa Co;al Sa,.:,.hi.re A~teand $~5,000 10 Bever ly lh!ls aDd ' ' -' Will pay only $50 In ~ewport Garnet Avenues. <>~ h .. h d .,._c , e sa1 . • BALBOA ISLAND, SOUTH: He suggested th.at thE' Cll) Garnet, Pearl, Topaz, Tur-adopt the new structure for quolse, Collins, Ruby, Diamond, one Ye&r wrule a special Coun- Sapphire, Apolena.. Amethyst, cil comm·uee developed a new Onyx, Marine, Abalone, Crys. fee schedule. tal and Jade .-\venues. (b) Boats so launched that are equipped wtth motors will oot operate motors within 200 feet of tbe street-end. Boats &IE' oot allowed to be drawn ~ on the beach at the above toutwns except for the purpo~ of e~P@ditlousl)' launching and retnevmg them. Murder try is suspected Seat of his emotion A 19-year-old Or&nge Coast Colle~ stud ent, StWI.rt Wood- ruU of 2283 PiC'Itl{ Ave., Costa Mesa, r em iwed lll<:ntlcai <'OD - 1.1tton o:~nd m o1 <'om .. with ex- tetl.SI~t-hea•l Lll JUrle5 yester- ..ia) .1.1 Ur<~.nge Count) M.•dic:.l \.l;'nll;'t, !ollowtng what police theonu mto:llt tw.ve been an J.tt emptf'jl murdt•r .1.nd robbery, T. Duncan Stewart, the "poet lariat" of Corona dE>l Mar, r f>- cent.ly saw a longha.irPd youni: man ln Costa Mesa, the se.1.t of whose pants werE> patctt.:-..l with the stars from the l"nl- ted States Flag, and the fol- lowloit "pome'' ..-as the r t?- s ult: • • • The stars 1n theU" fb.g~held that billowed at Wake, Wh.i ch studded thE' ftg~Jters lr4- versrng the Hum;~, The Glorious Emble m :nat char~ lwo Jlma, You dare to displa) on the seat of your rump! Our brave tountn's ga.tur, never defeated, Hailed for two centunes--th€ stgn or the strong. l1t?stroyer of tyrants, avenger of ravaged-- It floated full free untll you came along] Or ts thts your tribute to sUrs tllat we honor" Is 11 a gesture you giVe fro m your heart" Perhaps we're unschOOled in your laoguage of honor: Do these stars cover your most u1el~gent part; Re!!Udless your motive or s lothllll de1neaoor, Of one th.mg we're sure and the tact we've deplored-- You're a tree-loading parasite, unlforth cootempt And which only this glorklus land can atl'otdl il£ v.·J.s !hro.,..,--or fell --from .1. $pel'dini; ve rucle a- boul 6 ~.m. So~.turda1 on the S.a.n lltl;'~ fr~wa} near the Fauvte~· Road overpass. Wit - DE'l>Ses sa1 d the vetw le, trav- ehnl! c~t .l. hl'-'ft r.ltc of spee..1, contmued oorthltouml on the fr"-"'!Wa)". Costa Mes.<~. pot11 ·e s;it d there were somt' "very unusual clr- cum5t.l..nce s" In volved in the UlCident, whi ch led them to believe foul play was Involved, There wa s no money in Ills wallE't when he was touOO, but friends Slid hf had just been pa1d the daY befor e and prob-Bank er Schoepe to retire ::~e::: ;o;:Hw~·: hlm. anp Coast College> adYtsory FOR SOHS OF NORWAY Fred !l Schoepe, vtce presl-committee, put vice presldent Tryre Lit Lodge No. IKl, dent aod ma.o.ager of Ba.nk. of of t.be Kinnis Club, pastpresl-Sons ot Norway, witn alnady America's Newport Belch dent of the Newport Hubor 150 membtrs, wlll ctletrateltl btaoch, wiU completea49-year Cr.Lmber of Commerct, New-secood annlnrsarr wttb a ~ career wtth the statewide bUk port Harbor United Fuod aDd p.m. buffet dlnoer,procramaod when he retires Otoc. 1. H& treuurer ot lbe Udo Sbop A&-7 p.m. da.Dct, Stmdly, Dec. I, wtll be succeeded by Robert liOci iUOG. He also I$ a director at the Ntwporl Hub« ELU A. (Bob) Goodwin, asststaDI of the U<lo Aulo Park No. 3, C Iub, 3456 VIa O!Jort<>, Ntw-m.uacer for lbe past 4 Ytlll'$, tr....,er o1 tbtSlll.re'soiNew-port S.c:h. Sttenoo'soreHI- Brefort comtnc 110 Nt"fPPO'1 part, member ot tbe Commo-era .w plaJ tor duc'nc. Mra. Btacll, Mr. Sehoepe wu mana· don Chlb of Ntwpart aad bas Jdtb Rlllra11J ,..,..alellil1r- CW ol the 11 Oth and M&Sa tra.acn aoac bHD adl.,. la tbl Oruct mu o1 tM ttMl. lD l..o$ AllctleS for 9 J.rl Empire eo-c:u of tbl Boy 1'M .,roiMUAC COIIUA1bl, ud UM Yort aod Avewe U SOOitl o1 Alaw1CL ~ b7 Mra.. E.rmu C..._ br'&.Dc:lli LD Hlelll&Dd Part b" 1t IMI. t.t wu -~ .,._...._ .w prtll 1 a dlllt 5 JIU'S. "Boa ol tM Ttu" bJ tilt o1 Oillk«l ... till Die. U He was bon La Omaha, ~II>-~-Hanor --ud -1-1-wiD lot rui&, au.-bltJII -I to Pn .. ol,.l -· Clll>. Joa. U II lilt l!a lloiL A Loa .......... &lid bl.a CCMr4)Wtd Kr. ScM1 .. 1 1M IU WUt, C..ut.&a putJ .......... •-ol...,_ ..-.. u......, u.. • ._ n •-c-..Walltlot-""' ... --"-lilt Am-Dol .... Wtot~'llloJII&" Doc.Uitor_ ... .- trlc:u. lutitiiQ of~*'~ Or a DUJ1ed dl $H Ul1 two ~ af ..-• .: He 11 a memblr .,.. .--'""'"'*-. IBHoi'T IIAIIIO~ flllftJI AMI 8!!!!!--I'M 2 114URSOAY, IIOV, 2'\ 1910 !»!J!I!A DEL liM CALIF. CONSERVATIVE CORNER Till Of'PICIAL IIIWIPANI Of' Till Q'IY Of' II I W .... T IIIACII 1121 t:. c-lfwy., c.-olel ... c.w. -- ARVO E. HAAPA, owner ~nd pu bllshet of tht Ensl9'1 8y Tom Alulenon UOUOHT TO THE IRINK BY OUI LEADERS The cliche JOe'. "dict1torahip crmpertd by auusintcion." But that iJ c:ercainly a leu reprehensible form of f'O\'ernmcnt than the tyranny of the mob. Cyntc Ambr01e Bierce said: ''An absolute monarchy Is one in v.hich the 10vcrcian doe• u he pleue~ u lona as he pleua lhc auauins. Not m•ny tbsolutc monarchs are left. Moet of chem havina been replaced hy limited monarchic•. where chc aovcrtian's power for evil (and for IJOOd) is arcatly curtailed, and by Republics, which arc aovcmcd by chance." Tile word ''democracy" ia derived from the Greek words "demos" (the people) and "kratOI" (rule ). Aristotle defined democracy at ", .. A tllatc where the freeman and the poor. beina in the majorily, 1m: invested with chc powc1· of the scale . . every department of government being ahke open to all . . !he people are the rnt~joriry, and whal they vote is law ... " So obv,ou:~ly. pun:: democr .. cy i:t mob ru le . Our forefathers dtd not bequc&lh us wllh a democr:.cy, lhank Heaven. Benja- nun Franklm satd: "We have g1vcn you a Republic, 1f you • SALUTE THE FREEWAY FIGHTERS can keop it." Congratulations and commendations to Mos,r people can llland adversity; lew people can mnd power., All governments are bad . Our forefathers gave u~ a the hard-working Citizens' Coordinating consttullonal Republtc {not democracy). And our type o f Committee for the successful campaign free Republic i:t the le(ur rrprrhnuiblr or all forms or govern- to collect signatureS for the petitions t O ment. Most of m. have ndden 1he: Freedom Toun all the way bur never pa~tJ any fare. keep the free way bulldozers out of o ur Many of you so-called "si lent mUJOTity" now rcaltze what city. This is g rass roots citizen action the score IS, But you lack th~: guts to act, You prefer ftl re-read a book. Thai's like the pouena who went 1o th e at Its best, in the cherished American PTA meetmg to take a rdresh~r cour~ rn !e:t educatton. tradition Of l OCal Self gOVernment and Education IS onl )' part of the answer self determination. An acquaintance remarked recentl y that he hel1eves n the •·mode rate" approach to our prohktnl> Acw .. dty, ho.: bi'/r,••·• The Freeway Fighters have not been a!> I do. He opposes thc!k: evil thtngs With evcry fibo:r o( h h~ intimidated by the SCare taCtiCS and the bema:. He JUSt hasn 't got milny flhers . I have the strength of hrs convictions. belittling efforts Of the special interests M:1ny will d1sagrce, but I thinl. tht' gre111 "Srlcnt Sloh" l.u.:ks Tbt IoRI llllltortoc OriAfl County tupayu• are .. biJ'k .. to(' theM days, bUt from tbe Yttwpoi.Dt of thll column, they ue "blrt.tna ~ the wrooc trtt." Wbeo thtY proteJted ap.lnst a 9i i)er cent "pay hllte" by the Ora.nce County supervttou, the board members rtduced their demaDd1 to a 28 per cent in- creaJe, uanung themselves annual salatleJ of $19,ZOO, which Is the salary level ot the meml>ers of the CalUornJaState lepslators. N~twJthstandlog this conces- sion, a grot.CJ ot about ?5 tal'. payers ouiUned plans for a tull~ fledged drtve to oust 3 ot the 5 county supervisor s. W~tether or not the suddton tncrease In Ute salaries of the county sL4>f!rvlsors Is valid, and whether or not the )roposed recall petltlons wtll so~ve the problem, remain to be seen. Nevertheless the ooe great re- sult of the turor will be the awakening of the lUpayers to the need for taklng ellel'pUc action In cases where the ;~ubllt• interests .ue at stake. How. ever, the concentration or pub· ue &tU.UC. oa tbt tupt"llor•' alarr lout bU Nt aPSe a macfl mort teriOUI tru·•t to tbt balth IJid WIUate of the -~~ ol OriAfl COW>ty ··thai Ol tM rteeDt aeuoo of the Graad Jury 1D recommtodlnB tbe compul.ary fluorklatloo ot tht pubUc water ~ly. Last week "The Loc by Hop" reprinted an er:Utot1al from the Jaauar 1, 1968, issue of the £a- lip, entttled: "Fhaorldat1oa Promoters Busy Ap.ta.." This followed a Santa Ana Rects- ter editorial, Which on Tues .. day, New. 17, erJUclHd tbe Gran!! Jury recommea.d&tton. T~ Register related that the Grand Jury said: "The most effective preventer (of dutal ctrJeli!) on a population basis Is a water s""ly with one pa.rt per mJilloo of f1uorlde," To lhls the Conservative Cor- ner tak.es exception. Hop asked lD January nearly 5 years ago: "Has the Grand Jury examined the evidence a~ eainst nuortdatton? Has the Grand Jury eumioed the evt. deoce ap.tnst fJuorldaUon? Has the Gram Jury rea1, for ex- ample, 'Tt.e Grlm Truth About FiuorldaUoo' by Robert Buck':'" COHOI UIMAH JOHN G. SCHMITZ J Cel1f0rnie 35th DiJtrict and their editorial mouthpiece who want the morality and courage to get mVot~cu. Smcc the dcdtCJJ!cd mmonty for .:olle.;ttvr~m ·~ 'lrongcr, hcttcr-,u:eepre,t 1.1nd to force the freeway through our town o.-ner tln . .u..:cJ th.m th<: tkdt\..1\cd 111111or1ty who '-"J"' '" For the f.t.rst time ln the thlt that revealed In the "Ge- and wipe o ut hundreds of dwellings and restor~: the Con!l tiiUIIOn, we Will I!C'Itltii1Ue our <h"l•·•o'Ow;ord history of our nation , a Federal seu Report," a presidential judge ha s Issued a permanent commission r"'""'rt Issued In businesses and drive OUt more than 2,000 dchaclc We mu~r hot .r bunom tlchm: we finJ out whether "t"' injunction against the ;>ubUc 1963 deaUng wtth equal op-,.,l-can bc 'av~d .1nd whether ""e arc w,trlh savmg. Ltke mu!\1 1 In f 1 ll~b citizens from their homes. pr nt go a repor comp "" Y portunlty in the a.rmed forces. o~!cohll!•c,, only .llh:r we hrt bottom~~ 11 m.~n,(est whether we a dulyautnoritedCongresslonal Gerhard Gesell was chalrman The belittlers Of the freeway fight are hJVC wh.1t 1t t<ll.C\ to rChUJid from the,• a,h,:, ( omminee. ot this "dlsUngtdshed panel,'' QUiCk tO Say that they believe in the VOiCe "It C•JUIJn 1 h.•ppen hen•'' hut 11 h.1.t. II\ nt<~ll) "rt Kh l wmg An importance perrormed by Which Included SUCh notab leS c~trl·m"" .. have ht'\'n prcdtcttng lor \eM' and now we bee congr essional investigations Is as Abe Fortas. In my opinion, o f the people and i n the democratic tra-oO\tHICCtllln. lip<' II revnh .inJ re~olutl<lll I h p.ttlcrn of ~tting information to the cltl· the Implementation or the lind· dition of the ballot, but they make a rapid crud dt~ohcdtcn~.oc JnJ Vt•llcn··~ "~mlri:H 10 whal happenl·,J m zens ol the nation, who other -logs of this commission has man} uthcr l'nunrrt~:,, nt•W Conunun"t wise would be forced to rely been one of the moilln factors about face when their special intere sts • .• 1 1-. .,.lmconc ,.~1 .. uni! ag11 ' yr.ont~ Jnn't \.Cttc po .... er. 11 1.., ~lmost ent lrely on the mass In the lncreaslngly poor morale are involved. They pio usly express g rave lhlmt upon thcm · Yc, lh rhc "Stknt M.i/'.•flty"' medla, now controlled to a a.nd growing racial violence in concern that the freeway petition drive l ••me' th~ ~c~oluttun'' l~ Ill) tvngl·r ;~ 1~:,ttng phru'l' large extent by people of ·•rad-our armed rorces. lttlte judge's We .1rl' t .• cmg ltvtl .... ar )Ct mu,r pcorl•·. p11:" .. nd poloto /cal-liberal" lncUnations. This decision In the c.ase uDder dis- lllatolo-Uloiallol a.ddlar nuoridt to pubUe •&ter AWllN lor IDUJ J'tU'I, IDd lut WHII reettnd a letter t.tom Mrs. Ethel DlaoJ.Ac. Sll CooUoA StrMt, SIMUoo, Wub. .. tnctoo. 88584, who It the state cb&.1rman ol tbe National AI~ Uaoee ap..tn.t f'luorld&Uoo. Mrt. Dlnnlnc related that wbeo thi fi\aOrldi.Uoo lssue wu Put ~ to the SlutUoo ¥otvs • years a10, the •ote n.• 1,500 to 800 aplnst nuortc:laltoo, aDd tllat at the rec::eat election the mar~ rtn was lnc.rMNd to 1700to 700. One writer, has IIJ.d tbat AlRMAN Mlctwe l Deutsch, aon flliOrldated water nt Hrfldto of Mr . and Mrs. Joseph Deutsch war prlsontfl Ia Germanydur .. ol 1753 Centella Place, West toe World War u 1n order to Upper Bay, !las eompleted bulc keep them from rebelllq. An-tralnJ.n&: at Lackland AFB, other haa stated tba t f11iDtlde1s Texas. He llu been asa1ped to used as a.o 1n&red1ent 1D rat Lowry AFB, Colo., lor traln~ polson. 1o a letter to the edi-lor In Ule armament JYtlema: tor In the Shelton, Mason Coun -field , He Is a 19'10 £l'lduate ol ty. Journal, Newt TowllSend Corona del Mar hlgtl acOOoJ. Y PLANS ART SHOW wrote that an "lnvuttptton by Dr. Lionel Rappaport of the Uuiveulty of Wlscoosln lndl-The first a.nnual orlgtoal art cates a direct relat1onsh1p be-sllow sponsored by the Orange tween f1oortdated water and the Coast YMCA will be held on the number or m.Jnl'Q!old babies paUo at 2300 UWverslty Drive, born." Back Bay, Saturti'ly, Dec. 5., Inasmuch as f11i0rldes are a from ll a.m. to 5 p.m. and on by ~producl or the manufacture Sunday, ()e{:. 6, from fiOOO to of aluminum, and as the manu-5 p.m. lacturers have great dlfftculty ParUciVoltitlg arttsts lochlde In disposing of the by-product, Lllliana F'rasca, Ruth HyDds, the taxpayers whO are "huttlng Sylvla Moonler, SteveStalllngs, and PuUin::" over the supervJs . and M. Yllescas. Proceeds wlll ors' salary loereases might be used for YoulhServices.Re- we ll save som!! breath so as to treshments will be served. lnYesUgate why the memhers of the Grand Jury recommended the nuortdatton of th e publlc water supply In Orange County. Concerned eltlaeD5 Ia Fountain Valley and In HWltinKton Beach also would do well to as-:erta.in why the Ouorldatlon Issue fo~ official support In tllelr com- munities. From my persona.llnvestig:a- tion, I have learned that oppl~ s!Uon to the fJuorldatlonofpub- Uc water suwlles Is over- whelmin.f. GOES TO SH EP PARD Airman Donald J, Smtth, whose wile, Ute former Montiel Coverston, resides at 218? Po. mona Ave., Costa Mesa, h.as completed basic training at Lacklaod AFB, Texas. He has been assigned to Sheppard AFB, Texas, ror !raining Jn the ctvll engineering structural and pavements field. He Is <1. 1961 graduate or Orange high school nt attended Orange Coa s t Co ll ege, Sensitivity training is called mental suicide Will open the way for similar action on 1:1411' .... vn 't ;odnllt It An,orctH~I) U\lllg the [l'kol l)f lrecthHn is tile congresstonallnvestiga-cussion stands, H will have any number of issues in the future. Just fr.·~: 'Pl'l'lh. !tee m.n.·nwnr .1nd the "frcc prl·""-..~rl· tr\'1111; tory functJOn at whi ch the re~ even graver etrects. By Re-p. John Rarick (D.La.) 1o de,Hu} our free Rcpuhl•c cent federal court deds10n 1\as In finding ilpi.nst the House Sensitivity training, also cal- and goals. For example, Ute lrratlonal Ideas that as a nation we can spend ourselves rich-- that we can bUy law and order by paying off the cr iminal be~ fore he commits a crime--that wars shoulrl not be fougtll for fr eedom but rather tor peace -· that It Is more lmpoctaat to prepare our people as follow- ers tl\an as leaders--that true progress comes tnroug1l vio- lence and confrontation. let them try a petition campaign of their me~ ,,.,.~~111 .Kr1 "~ rh.· c<~tmtry 11 ~c ,parro~.~~, and hurruw struck. Committee on Internal sect!.:-I-led encounter sessions, T. o wn, and they would speedily learn that thclr .... .l} lOIII the framcwor~ of our "'Ciet} ltke termi!C'i Judge Ge rhart! Gesell has ty Judge Gesell SJ.YS l~t the groups, and group therapy, Is I h•·> mouth the ,,~ml' ·~~1r1 >~nd "ng the ~a me <.ong : decreed that whi le the Ust ol p~bllcatlon ot this committee's being introduced 1nto our it is not a deed o f idle whim, They would 11 k 11 h-' 1 schools Industry and ~.ecn \1 rH\I\m 1 he~ m·••·r 1,1d f,,, fumh nor lor cle~er ~·gn' co ege spea er s a ac "" o report willtetld to lnhlbtt "free • , r.... - discover that it calls for extreme effort created h) ma~rcr pulittc:~l C.\pre.s,lvn•st\ Th1s rreawn rna\-revolutionary organizations can speech." The use of the term ment as lf it were a new tech· by many WOrkers tO get the jOb done, and queraJ1ng :t' .1Cadernr(' freedom could he largely .5toppcd h) be prlnted in the Con gressional "free §~>eeCh" ill tills case ls nique Jn education, It's simply mo:rely cnltHcmg prc!>t!nt l<~w~ We nccd not new taws but Record, the price of which re. 50mewhat ironic. One of ttw brainwashing· -a mental sui- therefore it takes extreme cause to gen-office-holder~ anJ admrnr~lr<llort. who Will courageou.sl) en-cently tripled, the pubU c print-major points tbe committee clde. TIM participants are tn. erate such a drive. We do have just such furcr the IJws .... e haw. ers cannot make this tnlorma. wished to make was that a duced aodeocouragedtoremake J hc RL'd\, thc Prnk~. the yellow cducaroh, and lhl' bu· n, lion available lo the general very large amount of money their persooaUty by destroy. a cause before us, and we Freeway hah}. hurn cr•'"l.l ct..~1 m "Amef1c.1 Stmk ~'" and praule .1lxmt ~~db~:ru~~~: A~=~~a:~~; ;:,~e:Slnga~l~n;;tsui~s ~~ ~~~~=~~~=~~~~t~~ ~~~~ Fighters are taking the only avenue left our "\Kk "'-'l'ICI\" ThC) arc SICkt:\t AH you need \U dn to should not have CI.Ccess to this various per sons preaching rev-values but results In tearing open to us t o save our community from get ..... 1· .,.;:.._,, dtng 1" the l.thcral, .... no thctr M.1r~r~t !x'd-much -needed lntorrnaUon elution. Nat Henton, the In-down pride, tnrtn, and honor n\.ile\ " ·~I 'Utrcntkr rhc \ht)~Jown " ncdf nd th Ill to 1st I 11 destruction by freeway. v t/)rough the regular channels divldual represented by the Am -a e w r es mmora • \ c Me un the hrm~ o( dtctahlr~hlp. bankruptcy. ;•na rc h>. which exist ror the dlsseml· erican Civil Liberties Union ty aM lawlessness. In this r e- Let the people decide this crucial issue .!Od \Urtt!'nJcr no.lllll~ tlcc.uN" we wc:re brt~~.tNhl tQ the hrtnk natJoo of material Whi ch thelr In the suit against the Con-ga.rd, it canbeadangerousmts. at the polls in the manner that was so t.\ our k.uJcr' lr th.:~ dtd '' ddth..:r.~td'. the) ,houi•J h..: elected representatives regard gresslonal committee received appllcaUoo of psychiatry. Tech- tiulcJ 01 htm~ 11 thl'} hrllughr 11 .th'llt1 unwttlmgly. thq ,~rc as vitally Important. It Is a $4?00 for the four Ire~ speeches n1ques capable of ma.klng sick wisely written into our city charter, rnnt~ .... h,, ,houli.Jn r he :.Uowcd h• run ,1 <.t"lf.qrv1ce ell·v:~tor cleu case of censorship, he Is listed as having made . minds well can be eJI)lolted to All h I or cour~. hl\tor~ ,h1,.,.,, u~. 11 .,.,, • .,.,111 nn ly look, th .• t mml The rea.sonlng exhibited tn Judge Gesell seems to think make healthy mtOOs sick and Yea r Sc 0 0 Judge Gesell's decision (Hen· tha.t recnnnslble colle=admln-pervert the basic urges of Ufe, • polllrc.ol l,·,,d.:r' ,Ill' fot,ul IIICII not guod men l'hl' llll"n who ...,.... "~ T -• f tot! el al v, RJchard H. lch-lstrators mt...,t, In the u-t ot ;,~ .._.m o the present sen-...._.,.~ ['('"'U .or•· ttl, Hll'll .... hu Jt•n'l d..:....,,~c 11 I h..: 1m:n who ord et al) Is Incredibly twls-the tntormati~~presentedb~tne s!Uvity training craze Is to By Special CorrespoMoat He did state that It was for h'o~rn tu ruk ..rc thc rut·n wh" ,h,,u/J f•r rukJ Ament·;,n ted. 1n ta ct u Is even worse committee, think twice about destroy the wlll and morale The "all-year" school -plan a beaer or advaoced education. V.. o.y Feature~ paying speakers to radlcaU.t.e of American people, so that by was discussed d a recent PTA The areas ot expense would their students. He seems to feel reducing them to the sta.te Of meehng, held at K;,.iser mid . tall In to salary compensation. L H t th Ed •t that this Is unfair to the rev-semi-zombies, they will lack die school Jn Co ita Mesa. The Secretaries receive 5 per cent e e rs 0 e I 0 r olutlonarles. lie seems to tee I Ule moral judgment to resist speaker was Bernard M lura, a mor e sala.ry, while the prlncl-that their rlgttt to Indoctrinate un.Amertcan Ideas, solutions, The reallar~ts are our edu - cated people whO are made to feel that they' sutter a guilt feeUng for involvem~nt or la.ck or Involvement ln the problems of the world. With such feel- ings thet· ue encouraged tore- make their values by throwing off thelr old tradiUons and I- deas and supposedly become more senslUve to others as a group . The disastrous resutt Is that people whO deny their tunda- m~nl:oll Inhibitions end up as lf In orbit, beUevingln not hiD& and having no purpose In Ule. Brain- washed people are made ln. capable of sound judgment. principal from Parlr. School In pals would receive a 7 per celll Ed.itor of the Ensign, galiud roooery via the gov-tnrough recall. This observer young people to hate thelr coun~ tf.iyw&.rd, Ca Ul., ark! also a for-increase. Custodian and cale-U ma.n ts to remain free,~ eroment. Now they would try will watch Orangt County with try and their form of govern. Ne l H m~r ..:olleague of Supt. Wi1Ham terla costs rema.ln the same. mu ;I first understand that free~ legallled murder. No m.tn, no great Interest In the weeks a· ment s taOOs above the rlgttt of WCO JD. e rs a oag Cunningham of the Newport The other salary categories, dom .s oot a gift ot govern-a:overnment haS the r;gnt to head, and make the prediction the citizens of the na.Uon to Mesa schOOl district. such i1S the superintendent, ment but that It Is ordained decide oo the right or life, re~ tha.t you southerners lack t!IE! know who the sowers of hale • MONDAY, NOV. 2 Boy-.Mr, and Mrs. Robert The all • year schOOl starts were not mentioned . by God. He must always remem. prdless of the age of that guts to do the job that needs are, and how much they are Glrl--Mr. and Mrs. Ricll-Miller, 3041 Coolidge, Costa with 5 year olds through the Dr· Cu nningham pointed out ber that government Is an lo-human being. The man who to be done. being pa.td, Ther efore he has ard A, Johnsoo, 944 Joann St., Mesa. Bth grade. Ther e are 3 levels, to Mr · Moura that the Newpo rt strumeot of man. Man Is oot •ould attempt to make abortion Ken Cortner ruled that the Ust voluntarily Costa Mesa. • TUESDAY, NOV. 10 grades 1 ark! 2, grat1c.; 3 and ~esa unJtied school district an Instrument of gQvernmenl. Jegallspolntlngaloadedweapon Stockton, C<~.Uf. suppUed by various colleges Giri··Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Boy •• Mr. and Mrs. Da.vld 4, and grades 5 through B. lS very detlnitely a dilfereot Man lnsUtuteo ,.10vernment to at his own head. While bloody-and UJl.lversitles may not be Arnold lll, ?19-1/Z Orchid, Co-Roberson, 18851 Portonno Dr., The students attend class for type ot ar~ from the Park protect those rlgnts aoo free· ln£ Ills own hands with murder, fROM THE BIBLE distributed through the regular rona del Mar. lrvine. 10 weeks, with the teachers School area, bec.iluse of the doms granted by his Creato~ •• eventually history wtU prove he channels. Boy-.Mr. and Mrs. Jaclr. R. Boy --Mr. and M .. ·s. John working 11 weeks and then many dUferenl types of enter-Ute and property. Liberty Is has attempted s•J\ctde. These wordsspakeJesus,and Ex.istlng legal precedent Is Holland, 606 Verano Place, Ir-Curren, 2743 Gannet Dr.,Costa they are ott tor 3 w'eeks. Woen talnment for studellts of all not a rigflt. Liberty is the ab. Yours truly, uned 14) h.Js eyes to heaven. and fla.tl)' cootrarytoJudgeGesell's viae. Mesa. the enUre schOol year has been ages. lUty to lise ooe's lite and prop-Richard E. Woodin said, F'ather, the hOur Is conte; opinion. In 1956,apanelofthree Glrl~-Mr. and Mr s. David • WEDNESDAY, NOV. 11 scheduled, the parentsmay tllen Pa.rlr. School Is sUuated in erty as he sees fit, wllhtn San Gabriel. glorify lhy Son, that thy Son federal fudges decidedlnaslm-W, Coulter, 1518 Lincoln Lane, Boy-.Mt, and Mr s. Robert arrange for their own vacation a.n area that has 20 per ceat God's law. The rtght to life also may gJortty thee: Har case that "wehaveoomor e Harbor Hllf\lands, R. Peterson, 1535 Superior Ume or schedule thelr Ume a-M-utcan, ? per cent Negro lDd and property are as old as m1.o • Tti£Y GOT THE MESSAGE As thOu hast given him power authority to prevent Congress, • TUESDAY, NOV. 3 Ave,, West Newport Heights. way from home. Mr . M·.1ra the balan~arewhJtestudtttls. hJmsell, and the protection ol Ed.ltorottheEnslgn. over all flesh, that he should or a. commUteeorapubUc of. Boy •• Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Glri ~-Mr, and Mrs. Howard stated that many parent s Uke Hayward Is an area that OOes these rights wu fir st codilled Tbey Aid 1t couldn't be done. gtve eternal Ute to as many as fl eer a.ctlng at the express dl-JohllSOII, 682 VlctorlaSt.,Costa H. Wendel, 1601 w, Wllson, this Idea because It allowed not have too many divers\fled into law w.,en God gave Moses They said lt llad betn tried be~ thOu hast gtve11 him. recuoo of Congress, from pub~ M ·~sa. No, 4, Costa M~sa. them to )lao a vacation when Interests for student' ln the the Ten Commndnw.nts. fore. aDd f:Uled. They said It And thJs is Ute eternal, that Ushinr a document than to pre~ Glri~·Mr. and Mrs. Charles Giri-.Mr. and Mrs. Raymond the cam;>lng and reereauon summertime. Rtrttts granted by God are would dlrlde the communlty and they mldtt toow thee the only vent them from pubU5hing the H. Wright, 159 Rochester St., Riddell, 3Z1.G E. Z1st St., Costa areas were not so crowde:1. Tbe real quesUoolorthecJU. DOt subject to revision by man. Ierne wouoda UW W'.)uid oever trueGod,andJesus Chrlst,whom CoDifesslonal Record." Ex. Costa. Mesa. Mesa. There was a chOice for pa. uns oftheNewportMesa5ebool Otlr Fouodint: Fathers knew heal. They sa.td U was too thou hast seot.(St.John17:1-3,) actly. Girl--Or. and Mrs. F'red w. Boy.-Mr. and Mu. AoU.ooy rents who did ool Uke the all-district to consider Is Whether this, and thai is why they spoke severe and tal11e&l an action. u Gesell's deCision is ~· Ten Eyck, 5123 River Ave .• Alcola, 2817 Drake, Costa year sChOOl plan in Hayward, they could handle the additional or "certainunaUeoablertgtlts." Tbey Aid a lot of thlngs. BACK TO CLASSROOM held, there ts oo tetlin&: oow West Newport, Mesa. aDd that chOice was for the1r tu burden tbat the aU-year Tbey knew very well that tbe BUT THEY WERE WHO~G. Capta.tn Michael L. Freela.Dd, far u may lead. For the put • W!!:O:vESOAY, NOV. 4 Girl-~Mr. and Mrs. Michael cntldren to be "bussed out'' to scnoot pla.n would require of only function of government wu lt could be done, and IT WAS son ot Cblu'les E. Freeland, several years J, Edgar Hoover Boy.-Mr. Uld Mrs. Taylor L, Grella, 408-1/2 Poi.n.letUa, a more tradJUonaJ schoool, but them. to protect tne rights c:rutld DONE. Tbe action was riK'tt 2?38 Fremoot Lane, Costa haS been testJI)'lnc to the bur-W. BaUey, 5019 Bruce Cre•-Corona del Mar. the flr.t year only 3 students The people M!JO are for thls to ltW) by God. WbeoeYer 10'· a.od proper ln the American Mesa, Is attefld,1ng the Atr Unt-if0111Dg tnlluz of communist cent, West Ne-.port. • F'RlDA Y, NO '/, l3 wert bll.ised out. plan •Ul tell you that II Ia ernment ceases toprotectthtse •ay. There a.re scars, but the verslty's IIQUid,ron ottlcer speakers 011 the college cam-• THURSDAY, NOV. 5 Glrl--Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ttlts type of plan requires 50 per cent state fUnded . Bttt rlchls, oo matter under •hat woundJ hue healed. For a. tlme schoOl at Manrelt AFB, Ala. puses. His amtal teStimony ts Boy •• Mr. and Mrs. Keith R, L, Dennis, 5042 Beret.o lADe, volunteer work by motheu,~. where does the Rate get 1~ pretense, man factshlseranst at least, tbe poUUclans GOT He w1U receive 14 •Hts of printed at publle e-.ptnse anc1 Keppler, 2501 Crestnew Or ., Inlne. per elas1 1tldeDCJ &Ad com-money, U not from the people . danc:er; and •beoeYer man re. THE MESSAGE. tnstructtoo In communleaU'e dlstrt.buted to lrttrtlted cltt-Bay Sborn. Glri--Mr. andMu. Th4,r!odore mwUty •oltUteers to help with mores the nstnlnll of 10'-Herein 1111 a parallel to the !ikUII,letaderahJp,JDter naUoaal &eras. UoclertheGuelldeclsloa, Glri~-W.r. and Mu. Ken A. W, Ba.odarulc, ?ZOO w. Oc:-.., lDdtf1chaLaed 1 nJ t r u c t 1 on. 0 CC DE &ATE RS WIH ument, pernment bteomes need flet.ac tlle'*l)leofOra.ogoe nlaliou, ud respontJibiUUes Jt 1.J qu.lte poutble that tbl.s Oobeoo, 820 JOI.Dll St., Costa Ft., West Newport, TeacbJJIC e~rlenet varies Oranp Cout Colle" dtba~· man's muter. County lodly. that preputs junior omeera eould AO lonpr be dooe. Meta. GlrJ •• Mr. lDd wu. Joou from s ,.,., to !8 year• per ers woo tM blchat bonon of For many years Amerlca.ns The mJ.H:rlblt admiD1&tra-for eomm&Dd -ltal:f duties. He The tnterelllat qMstion hU • FRIDAY, rrov. 6 Sehult&. 2101 Arbutu., Eut tueber Lo tht Park SchOOl of any junior ooUep entrtnts In han bteo Jtow'ly bUt JUJ'el)' Uoo of a power~era.bbtoc:, die-wa• commla•k>oed 1.1100 end~ ari.Ho aa to wbetber Jlldce Gtrl--Wr, aod. Uu. Wry Bhatt. Hayward. Tbe.re are 3 rnanda-the Lqyola-lBC debate tourney. reUaquJsb.1D.C their cootrol of tatorlal mayor came to a. uaUoo 1n 1163 from tbe u.s. GeseU 1hould haft disqtaHfled SOOOtr, 3M E. 16th Ptaee, Co-Girl--Me. IUid Wrs. Darryl tory pueot-tacbtr eonter-OCC dtbltert BtU 14ocleraot ptromeat. Tbly blYe allO'wtd JC.reeelllDr bal: lD tbt Clty of Alr Foree Ac&demy, where he MmMU trom tMe1dloc ttallpu-.sta MtR. B. Drew, 2680 saaea Ata Aft,, eDeel 3 ttme• a year. Costa Me• and MIU Mlklau rournmeat to do those tblDp Stocldoa, CaWorDl& (popu.J:t. recet•td b1l as. deCfM. Uealu cue, rdDet tlts au., Boy--Yr. Ud Un. Albert Colt& MtA. Some ot tbt dra'ltbaeks to ol Huottnctoo Btaeh look lrd Wb.Jeb tbeJ tbtm•1Yts bad DO UoD 100,000). a ift JUU baek Aroold GKI.U, wu ooce u..d Ella.ad, t119..C Paclnc AYe., • SATURD~Y, NOV. U tbl.s pl&D o1 all-Jeu achaol p)aee 09tr-a11 ln oompetttSoa rlCbt to do, 1UC11 u tal1nc wbto bt wu rteaUed bJ tbt WELF ARE D!P T. AJ DED iDaprnlotalreportbylbt•mt Costa Mea. Boy~ .. Mf. &lid Mrs. Art.hl- uo dUWoal t11U """'' peoplo ..U. both -colltpo ud ooe mu'l -rty ud ctrlllf "d•mb poi>U.." 1'lllt polllteal William F, Blllll, 31l'll.ltllh -mlttft ..-.._rt be to • 11.\TURDAY, 110'1, 1 bald B. Alouclw, UU Port ~ tmapoo, 111 -ra~ f. you unlrerllliN fa lilt lllC II lo -· Muy Amort...,.• .. 11 ID llllotl>'• <lotbloc Jut St., Colt& u-, N dlld n· 1rJ10C to--. u • .-&· Glrl-·llr, ud ltro, JoOIJI M. Woyl>rfdp, Horl>or View Hilla. pecplt wbo.,.. b' tbe all-yar tourDty, TbtylaltacloH•mJ-pul!pldiYM llll\'1 blta _,. dll-cSid ld btU... tblt tbl caJllble teatl.J at tbe lp ol 66, bu bt· If at a CODictDC4 orcaats«t Coombe. 5104 N ... An., 8oy-llr. UCIIUt.. £ch111t H. KbOOl lrill UCUI 1-.1 U ~ llaol rouod lo -, "bleb tortod tllal tilly _,iarlJ -· pol>li<: ~ .,_ to -Q..u>od U.. ..., ol fli,OOO by 1 -O!lldl tbo At!crOIJ Wtolllnport. Hut, 101 Tllllla Are,, llowpoo1 be ,.__ 1o -J t11o ... nadlod 1111 llllllo. beU..o UJ111111r & ma)llrll7 llltll. WIIAT A SURPRiil£ HE to tiM O.IAfl Coooly Wolllln GoMral 11o4 oltclarod Commo. • SUIIDAY, IIOV. I IWIIQ. pout;;<bOOI t>dfdtop au OCC'o--ot lloroCby wutola ri111t. '1'11o)olaro.,n-IIAD. Dtllartmoal. lo 1111 ..W, Ill lUI ud -•lin. 'l'wlo boy .. -Mr. ud ltro. Glri··Mr. ud Mr1o Br- ,.., ._ ot ...... !MOl U.elllllu ol C-II-ud ,_--IIIII llllM-1'lllt lo tllo amo ldod ot atld fllll Ill ,... IIYIDI tiM II uytfllq cu •-Coo. Albott I. ~ 1M CuMJ.. II. Po:J, 401 E. I till St., CoR -.lrdtWiorlllt--.-CIIIIJ 11arn1t ot c.._ clol tliii-J Ullyuooltcfdllleno -lie t11a1 --• 1o _,to tile WoUUo ~ cr-. to call • ball to u.. •· II& LUo,cOMall'oa. "•· 1111 _.,.to-. 111 -. liar IWIIII tllniP tlloprollal-... , • ..._ 1o an ud no tlllllllro..., .,_.._. •• "' till &ld a llo4 ...--ot 111 -ll'llldl 1a1 • llOIIDAY, IIOV, I ~~oy .• o., ud ltro. L&ft- -tltol "M 11 IOl .;.... .. lli'J--•IooiiiCJolbo IIIOJ' 1K11 Ill &llo!rod to Un. olllruliO C..,., no-lo 1111 potiiD, ltr, ud Mr1. -I!DIOIID-IIU,lt..W Bo!'··Mr.udllto. Bill IIIII-0, lloum 01, lilt - aro dollul." --Aallto ,._.Colltp, Amorlcuo llan &t<4111od II· au be 1W1111 I'I'IJ IJDDI-lJ Wllll&m C, Blw. be UU --tram, QO VJclorla, CoR II-. Drtn, -V .... IIWo. • Amelia's last flight reca·lled (Conlin!-lod rrom Ptac n "lt mut bl _...l&ood tba.t thtc:o. .. JIU' be prepared tbl cbartl &Dd a:anp .. UaU«< stat .. , &Dd tblt tbey wen flrtr" wbk.h I liiJ,d oC lor Miu Eartart were Uoo dab. tor tbt Ha.rl'}' Rtcbmu-Olck a JPeClall1 ~ LoetbMd pl&DI tbat '""'""'-coarNI, lad U.t lbl or Yr . Mt.rrlU rouod-trlp from M" York to WU dt&lped for I IIJJiDI mtuloD. Mooau WOIId e.IIUp from them dtpud. Croydoll. Alrport DIU Londoa, EaciUd. Tbe otber ~apbtr, FrtdAU&DGotr-toe 8DOII tbt w1Dd &Dd •eatbtr, 1o 19S6-37 be PttiJIU'td tbt .. nptJooal ntr ol Su FrucJ.Ico, dlaeloHd that tu. ••J abmU tt.t tbt atutude of Mu. di.ta for Mist E&rbart'a UOWid~-workl illte.UpUou ladJ.eatecl tbat botb MI.M Am)· OU.£arb.u1, AmeUa'1 mother ,lftdcb tu,n1. Earhart ud Mr. MOODU may b&" la.ocSed 1 obM"td MiDI tbt mtiDI)r1al procram Capt. WtlUams woo r eeoiPUUOn tor b1l lD Sa.lp&D, ac lalud lD the rielfl1b of oa Oct. '7, 1N 9, woukllDd.lute to a Cftll IJII.I)'Iil of rarlows nt&htl, llart1DC wttb Guam, a.ad that thty may bi.Yt d1td thert. u teat wbetber lhl biU.t'f'ed that Amtlta a story enUtled, "What happtlled to Ulm," Mr, Goeroer 1J the author of 001 boOk bad returned to the United Stll.ea aUn. whJeh was prl!Ud in the SUAI:ily maplint relatlnc to the career of Miss Earhart "I do DOt cbal.lftct IDJ altattmeoiJ ot lbe Los Anples Times. WntDDft'lftl aDd of aoothtr book oow bttnc PJ'tPU'ed aw:lt b)' tbe attbora ot the new boot, recel•ed tbatldlssEarha.rllwl aotr-.;bld u a sequel. wbJeb 1111r ta tblt Amelia ls aU¥t. Were. Howl.a.Dd lsla.Dd on htr rupt trom L&t, Capt. Wllllams teJtilled that be flew ly do I teiW'y u to wbat I saw a OO beard. New Guinea, be ant.l)ltd what mlctd have eut aDd wu tbe prloclpll speater at tbe I 1-.u It to the readen to make thel.r tlippened to ller. To lllua:trate b.ll dlduc- Earhart memorial proiJ'&m at tbe SmUh-.owa ~edueUOu." tiona, he laid down on the chart the but aoD.La..D lnaUtutloa In Wublnctoo. D.C., Capt. Williams, who wu 1. Navy Ueu-course between the 2 poi.nta, l.Dd deter- on Oet. 7, 1949, On that oceul«l, ht saw teu.nt comm&Dder durlnrttlttnter-bellum mined that navigator fred Noonan would the charts that he had pr epared for W:las per iod, r etired &om tbe u.s. Nanl se.r-have obtained a dritt anrle JOOD after Eartw't 's ~oWlS-the -world rugnt placed ¥let In 1950 with the rank of Captain, the take-oft'. Ttus was determlaed to bue on uiUbltlOn In a special ebart cabinet, USNR, alter havlnc served lor oearly been 11 degrees, which would hue to be and lle met: aDd spoke to Mrs. Amy OUs 35 ye&ra. He IP8C1all&ed In oavlpUon, laid otl toto the wl.Dd, or to UW!I r tpt of Earlw't, Amelia's mother . He stated tha.t H r ¥lnr unavlptor durlnctralninccruis-the.course. The prolonptloa of this track Mrs . Earhart n s grief stricken onr 11, on board several dutroyers, and passed 140 mlles to the aoutn ol HawlaM her daughter's dlsappearaoce, but pn acted as tle&d of the aavtptlon depart-IslaM, Miss Earhart's destioation. oo eYideDCe of betnr awue that Amella ment ot the USNR Mldatllpml!o's Schoo l, Capt. Williams then a.ssumed that the might 1\ave spent the period ol the war Northwestern Unt vera:Uy,·.C h.lcaeo. After opposUe assumption might alao be tr~. J.D. Japan. that she m:lflt have returned Wor)d War I. lle stJ"ted as chief mate of as the trade wtnds do oot a1nys b""' to the U. S. lD 1945. or that she may s. S. Bell Brook, a mer chant ship, and from the southeast, a Dd ao De drew aD- have been aUve as claimed by the authors raised Ills Ucen.se to that of master of other track Une 11 delfe e& to ttte left of the newly publls hed book. steam a.o1 mlltor vessels of any gross of the base course, wh.lc h passed 140 Drawt.or oo hls own personal knowledge loDS, upon the waters of a.ny ocean. For miles to the oorth of Howland. These 2 of the days lmmedtately preeedlng the a Urn~ be served as navtptor on board Unes formed a cone, whlch be calle.1 the fateful rught , c .._pl. Wllllams told the a privately owned PBY, a Navy seaplane. '•cone of posslbt UUes." A sta!tartlst of Ensign; .... , B'!twHJI wus he taught air navlg;dion. the Los Angeles Tim~; laid out the cone "1 can only relate wtla.t I saw or heard.. compeosat.ed airplane compasses, a.nd ;uJll it was sent by wl.r e photo to many I w.u In the pllot's compartment of the la.Jd ~ the courses for many fa mous of the larger da.llles to the country. The Earhut Electra on at least 2 occasions flyers, some of wbom set ru(ht recor ds, Navy cooducted a sear ch In th.ls area, when 1 was compensating the com}lss. H.1s first ac h.levemt?nt was In 1928, when us ing an aircn .tt carrier and planes, I saw oothlng that sugcested to me that Roscoe Tuner set an ea.st-'N'i!st fllgtll At last week's meetinr to l..os Allg'eles MRS. J AMES l . CARRETT. f B tnu't Aid~" pbotoJ DOROTHY FRERICHS WEDS JIM GARRETT AltelXUng the br ide were !1er NEWPORT HARBOR EWgGN ARST SECTION--Pille 3 ntURSOAY, NOV. 26, 1!70 CORO NA OEL MA l!, CALIF. ' INSTANT TONIC wa~ a favonte remc:d) f~r .ilrilu't o~nyth1n~ lh .. t "'le-d you (heap. tOO Y~u tuuk ,, cup m11Jt· of hlltcr .,.ood al!dcd hoot "·•lrr 1~111 ~lccp I hr:n. "'htn bii!C'r, )OU Jr.1nt. II ~omplt' 'YC' ruu b:n\ !I doJn I do an) good 'I '"·Hl.o>~ .... ,cfi(l· grLc\ u' moue rri1Jhlc mc:d1ca t1um. ~il. plo~~ \.olk V. hen HlU ur" m~:mbc1 uf your fam1l~ " rll. "L'"C' pr,)fc"um;~J ~.n.: 'tee )Utrr phys.c1an fvr 1l1J)o:O'"'IIJ,! .. nd rrr..,i:rttlln~ ~ .• It U\ l'ur prt'"lrlf\IH.Ir"l -.cr'•~t: Christensen Pharmacy .... E. COAST Jntt .. COIIO•A DKL M.U OaJ.OLE J.UJI there had been an Inter change of planes, r ecord ustna hls navlpUon. ~apt. Wllllams told the biographers thai or that there was any e:;utpmeDI 1D the He bepn a 5-year period of service while Miss Earhart may not phy.s!cally be plane which mt(ht have been used oo a with Miss Earhart in 1932, plotting 2 aUve, her spirit Uves "still brave and spylni mission. I heud DOthlllg and saw tra.ns-cootlnental r ecord breaking cours-true, as the deithle:;s .symbol of modern oothln& to indicate that MUs Earhart in-u--her Los Anples to MeXico CUy to filgflt." He had expressed this vtew In tended to fiy any course d.Uferent from New York· flilflt, and tier (ll(tlt from 2 poems that b~ had written alter Amelia thai which 1 laid out for her to fiy. Honolulu to Callfo:ala in 1935. The same Earhart's disawearance. lioneymooning lu Acapulco, Mex1co, are Mr . and Mr s. Jam•!S L. Garrett, who we re married Saturday m?r nlng, Nov, 14, at St .. John the Bap - tist Ca!tlO!IC Church In Costa M ·s:.a . sister, Miss Ba.rtr.r aFren chs, ~~===================~ o~.s ono~ ·d or nooor and the groom's sister, M ·s. LeRoy M;tw1s or Huntington Beach, as her brldesm.iild. JacQuellDe K'l- tows~. nJec(o of the br ide, WiS Jaul'& Jflofuer& and gift& ~ (fo rm e rly Frederi k's Fl o rist~ ORDER YOU R Thanksgiving Flowers CF.,"W TP.RPf F.CF.S, PLANTS. CUT PL O WERS. ETC. Free estimot es-Delivery Servi ce OPEN SEVEN Do\ YS -644-8990 2626 E. COAST HWY ., ...MJ CORONA DEL MAR DANISH ""NITUU U IDAL IIGISTRT M1\\ IWIDISH c•nu.L CHINA & miL I t:HIJRCHES I FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 2101 CLI , DR., HIW~IT IU.CM A NEW CHURCH WELCOMES YOU Dr. W•lter P-vg, P .. tor S.UHDAY ICHOOl. ••••• fr 4S .t..M. lliL..! nuDY WOIUHII" ••• , 11 A.M, -4 7 I".M. 7•l0 I",M. W!D. Central Bible Church ORANGE AVENUE at 23RD STREET COSTA MESA PHONE' Soll-5303 Sunday Schbol & Worship •.. 9:00 and 10 :30 a .m. Sunday E vening Wonhlp •...•.•... 7 :00p.m. Wednesday Bible Study &l Prayer ..... 7:00 p.m. NURSlAY I'OR Al.L. SIII:VICU P tiSior FRED R. MO RSE Y o•th Pfl s lo' RICHARD REED An independen t c hurch with Bible teach1ng m.tnJstry The bride . Miss Dorot11y J. U1e flower girl. h h N Frerichs ot Costa Mesa, ts the C U rc ews daughter of Mr,aMMrs.James FrPrlchs of St. Chules, Ill. John G-urell was his br c.ther's best m<~n. LeRoy Manns, lhe groom's brother . In-law, served as ust1er. The Fl.r st Baptist Church of Newport Beach , 2501 CUff lr.., Newport Heights--Or . Walter Peu wlll preach a l l1 a.m. SUIJ(!ay oo the topic, ''Wher e ther e Is no vislo1." At 7 p.m. he will give the 2nd ser moo in a ser ies on I John, spea..k.ing on "Profession and perfor m- ance.'' • • • The Plymout hCongrep.tlonal Church, 3262 Broad St., Ne-w - port Heights--'' A season of ex- pectatioa" w;u bt the ser moo topic of the Rev, Nor man Brown for the 10 a.m . Sunday ser vice. • • • The LIJlheran Church of th~ M.lster , 2900 PacUic View Dr., Har bor Vi ew HIUs--N ew mem- bers wtu be received at the 11 a.m. sen1ce this sway, and an Infor mal r eception •~U fo llow. Dr. Wllllam Eller wtu deUYer a message on '·God's plan r e·1aaled" at both the 9 and 11 a.m. services. The sen- lor hlgfl yout h will ruld a pray. er and Bible stooy session at 6:30p.m. The groo m Is the son of M.·. Clu'l.stla.n ScleDce Churches and Mrs. Henry Garrell of 178~ --Divine help ls always a,t !Wld, aanam.1 Pl., Costa Me:oa. liCCOr dlng to this .~unday s les-The br lt1e's tathu presented son ser moo on Aoclent and his daughter at th p ch•Jrchaltar m•:.de:o tlecromancy, Ul.as for tile t1out..ie ru1g cE'r t>rnuny. mesmer ism and hypootlsm,de· She wore noor leogth gown of noW>c1ed1 ·" Servin ~es ar~ ~ 9 ;~5. iTnf• •rt€'<.1 .... ~tnt e Swiss nwttelas- and a.m. ewpor 9.i.c • se m o1t" with a train, She car- I t a.m. In Costa Mesa, and 10 rled a round b..luque t of yellow a .m. tn .Ha.r bor • View Hllls. and 'Mhite roses, m :1.;t<~ w!lh , mlni roses bctby's bre .. th and The church was adorned wllll ru;l and yellow porn pom mums <t.nd the sam.~ color SCheme was carried out in Oo:-oi.l arranre· ments al the wedding break- fast for 40 guests, held at the M"sa Verde Country Club. Tne br ide auended schools in the ell s!. The groom is a g:r<~.d~..~<~.te of l..oyol<l. Umverslty 1n Lns An~les, wt.ere he re- celvej his BBA degree m bu st- fK'SS. He is associated wllh his lather, owner of G.trrelt FurrutW"t> in Cost... mesa. The 1f!Miyweds wlll UvP In Costa M ~sa. St. AadreN s Presbyterla.n steph ... ootis' blossoms He r 11- Church, 600 St. Andrew's Rd., Juslon veil was he td wlt!i a CW1 Haven--Or. Raymon1 1L lace and p~rl deml-cap. Her Brahams, assistant pastor ,w.U dress lind thOse or <t.ll toe r at- pr each on "The Messiah, an lendants was madt-by her SIS · interpretation," at the 8, 9:30 ter, Mrs. Denms Kotows lu ot ;m:1 11 a.m. Sunday ser vices. Fullerton. Deacons will co'l1uct a tour d 1 1. h · , ot the church p-ounds and b-c t tea tl me clUtles ~·r ea~h ser•l;e. a n e I g fhe women of st. Mark will Members of the Tuesday Club the door by a rold "anetl" mnet tor a reUowshlp coffee of Newport Haroor are ma.r ldng arranged tram 1Wm !roods. trom 10 to noon Tb·..ltsday, Dec. U1elr calendars for Dec. 10 Past presidents of ttle Tuesday 3, in the sanctuary at st. Marl as they lLre rE-ce Jving red and Club wlll bt /)QO()r ed ind take Presbyterta.n Church in East white invitations bidding them their places pouring <t.l the tea Bluff Mrs Guy Hamilton vice-com., lO the annual candlelight table. mll,:·ator.oftheSyoodofSouth-tea. II will be held 1n the J.r. Mr s. LoiW"ence Wnght, past er'n C.wor nla wlll speak on vine Terrace hom ·>(Mrs. W1l-president, wtll o~.ga.ln play the • Woman power'." llam Davison, 1621 Bayadere pl•no for c • .uo\ s1ng:mg. Terrace, trom 2 to 5 p.m. W I I b f d This !!V<!:JIIs trc(\ltloll31 with CIVITAN CLUBS HOLD oman S C U or me the Tmday Cloh aoo Is S])On-WOR KSHOP SES SION . sored by file tine arts section. The Calilornu. South Dis-Dec . 15 Is the date set tor Lee, specs l>lstaprlfo.tec ts ,lMirs. E,l· or wh ich Mrs. F rank LQng is tricl Civlt.an Interna tional held the oert meeting of the newly mer !gt~r soc a evens hal till M orpniled Irvine Woman's Club, and sections; Mr;, Her bert Mll-~na:l•;:~ewey\s r:~·n.u::~ a dt~~t coun::hll mBa"7boatlng :,_oo M Alvin S llh Pr ld t ler Press M " Lloda Py .. ot · wor .. s."""' at e Y ~s. m , es en , • ; '"'· • with Mrs. Fred H. Summer s co-Club t\ov 14 hosted by tile will hostess ;~. hO liday ge t.to-histor ian, aDd Mrs. Arthur Sll-c .. " irma". 0 · ' C Cl 1-. 8 ....__ ~ft.. ,,. local range oast v ....., ptber at p,m, In her home _.r,, ways o1.1a.1 means. Mrs. floyd Buell is c:r eaUng Club. ='eW)XIrl Beach Miyor Ed at 18661 Vla Palatlno, Turtle T,11s club aM also the Ju. unusual decor 111 he r capacity Hlrth addressed the member s Roc k Hills, Irvloe. AU lnter -nior Woma.n's Club, with Mr s. as decorauons eha1rnun. The with a Wo!lcome -to !he city, "!sted women In the Irvine ar ea. Lee Pendleton as preside~t, table centerpiece-will oold white f rank J. BulgareUa, tnter- u e !Dvtted to atteDd a.nd to are the outcome of Mrs. Sm ttll birds In boughs of everi!:feen, na.uoaal assist.ant eJ:<>CuUvead- j)tn as charter m'!mbers W!til >Penlng he r home oo the even-and guests wUJ t,oe welcomed at mlnlst.rator · Dr Oron Kirkby Jan. 1. lng or Sept. 15 to women In the . • • . • ServLoc wt th Mrs. Sm:th are area to hear several offi cers distn ct cl ub bul~ng chatrma~ Mrs. Joel Spellacy, •tee presi-of CaUtor nt.a. federation of Wo-LEGAL HOT ICE .tad Bud Khtder • district dlre..:- M • Cl b Or C nt-... --------tor of member ship and r E'ten-deot; rs. Martin Belu'ens, mDisentrsl t u s, a.nre ou ... , CITY OF SEWPORT BEACH lion, pa.r ttclpated In a dis- secretary, and Mr s. Geor ge c, POLICE DEPARTM E~T cussion of club building. T. Clark, treasurer. Mrs. Her -DEAN'S LIST HAMED POLICE PUBLIC A UCTlO~ Du.ncanStewart,CoJron.ade l ~r UTH •••w OIIIIICH bert Miller wa..s appointed Pat-, t -~ph 1o h Christian Science L 5~t.An Uamentartua. Mrs . W.·.lla.ce The deans llst for the sum-;o;QTICE OF" SALE builder, poe ...... I SlOP &r, Services OP THI ~TIR Ba&ley pres ldl!!nt ot the Or-mer Quarter at Cal State, Los Notice is hereby given that was the luncheon speaker. FIH.STCHUH.Ct-I OF L ...... C .. NIIII•A-etlc• a.nge ritstrict CFWC the In-Ange les, Includes Jane Leite, pursuant to the proviscons of OAHCE PROGRAM S ET CHRIST . .SCIENTIST 1100 P1.c18e Y11W Dr. stalll.ng oftlc:e~, prese~ted each &21 ·1/2 Iris Ave., Corona del Cha pter 1.20, See ~on 1.20.06 The E:~ecutives' Dinner c lub JJOJ VIOl L1do ~ dalllar, ca»L officer with ''angel" pins In Mu; EdW'.ud Glasgow, 2395 of the Muni cipal Code of the of Orange Co1.st will meet Mon- Nc-wpou 1\c.:.cl. lteepinc with their soclal and for dha m Dr .• and Robert Gr een City of Newport Be!Ach, 1 will day evenl.ng, Nov. 30, In the SUNDAY SCHOOL mLlftUJAM R.ILLilt philanthropic efforts In the Jr., 2981 Bim ini Pl., Costa sell at publlc au~.:tlon, lo the Monte CarLo room at the :.i~N- 9 ; 15 .1.m . .:.nd II a.m. ~ M4. •• community. Mesa. They are In the 141Per h.lghest bidder for cash, on porter lnn The pro~otTam will be SUNtlA Y SER VU.:ES Commtttte chairmen are 5 per cent of students and Satur:tay, Oe<:ernber 12, 1971J presented· by GraciE'Ie Tap~, 9 :15 11 a.m. i :OOA.W: ... FIAIIJ .... IIIIP Wrs ,RobtriF.Brownell,mem~ earned a mlnlm•Jm grade poinl. .~t 10:00 A.M. at the Cor pora.-dir ector and leadlng dancer of WEI>NESOA Y EVEN lN(; lO:OO A.M. .c._. .-1 bershl.p; Mrs. Lans:tnc Eber-average of 3.4 in at least 12 lion Yo~.rds of the Cit} of New-the Ballet Folklorico Mexlcano MEETIN (; R p.m. 11:00 A.M. .. Ftlllft ww ?II Unr, yearbook; Mrs. Jospeh units or wor k. port Bea('h, located at 592 Su-of l..os Ang-eles and Rtcardo REAUtNG ROOM JlltltiERT PRO\'IDCO ;;:::...:;::,:::::,...:;;~~==:..~---------, perlor Avenue, the following Pei.nado, asslsta~l director a.nd Wctl.. d.:.y,: 9 a.m.· 5 p.m. IL....:;.::;==.:..:..:;;.;.....;;;.:..;. _ _. described propaty: male dance lead, Wc-dnuday ; 9 a.m .· 7;45 p.m. Boys ilond girls bicycles Joe Long, VJ ce-prestdenl of Tutul.:.y aud Friday: DO YOU KNOW? Auto arcessones the club wtU pr eside 10 thE'ab- 9 a.m.· 5 p.m.: 7·9 p.m. 'I uutfa Spor ting goods seoce ~~ president Syd Bart- Sunday: 1 p.m. 4 p.m. •1 II. , tl; wl HousehOld Items -other mls-lett who is on a tour In Europfl. SECOND CHURCH OF cellaneous Items ' CHRIST. SCIENT IST CJt-dt THAT YOU GET Boats uJ m;scellaneousma. EAST AFRICA FIL" N<wport 8uch at 8 rine equipm mt John Goddard wtU pr esent 3JIJ Broad &ntl r -. bo Corona dd Mar An ltemiud Us1 0 ,,.., a ¥e n tm oa "Keeya aM East J I OO Pacific Vie-w J)r. Ne-wport ReiPia THE BEST FOR LESS articles ts avalla.bleatthebus:i -ca'' at 8 p.m. Friday, Dec. 4. SUNDAY SCHOOL 10 ~.m. A Pru ,,.tl ,,.tl.puJul ness oHice of the Pollee ~-lD the 0~ Coast Collere VOLUME IS OUR ANSWER TO BETTER BUYS! YOU BRAND NEW 1971 $250 $63 TOTAL DO WN "OHTH (36 .. 0 .) $250 is thE' total down payment a.OO $63 ts the total mooth)y paymelll including ta.x., '70 Ucense and all ti.nuce ctwges on approved credit tor 36 mJoths. Deterred payment pr ice-ls S2'518.00 lochadinr all nna.oce ctJa.rges, ta..xes, '70 Ucense or if you pre- fer to pay cash, the full r;a.sh pric@ Is ooly $2172.87 i!lc.ludlng sales tu, '70 license. Order Your Favor. 11e Color Toda), ASNt:AL PERCE~TAG E RATE 1 1 .0~{ See Our TREMENDOUS DISPLAY of 1971 FORDS! W lot WE $ SAVE MORE! PUT A LI T TLE KICK IN YOUR LIFEI RENT A PINTO! 4 DO LL o\RS " 4 CENTS A "ILE FINEST SELECTION OF LATE MODEL USED CUS SUNDAVSERVICE IOa.m. Co•tr•t"'1"""1 partmeot of theC ityof Newport u dltorlum as the 3rd in the WEDNESDAY EVENIN G Chri1tln Ch rd Bear h located at 425 -32.00 travel and adYeoture series ipiiiiiiiiiiiiii~!!~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiill•••• MEETING R E V. NO&MAN BROWN AT Street, Newport Beach. the Newport HarbOr Kiwanis Rfl!'ading Room: Murual Bld~o ltHNfSTB R B. Jam•!S G\nas Club. The nlm Inc ludes Mt. Mon.·Fri.: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. SUNDAY SERVICE Chief of PoUce Ktuma.n)aro, the 400 toot cat- Thunday ,.,.;T' 7co 9 AND CHURC H SCHOOL BUCCANEER JOHN'S Nowport Ueoch, CaWol'llla ancts nl VIctoria Falls, lhe Sat.l 10 a.m . foil p.m. d AT 10:00 A.M. plO'!Usllln' Nt~· N~t~·rborlO, !lyeiDO tmeBnlbUol lHarldnu :.V, utJ the( You are cordia y invice co •v, ,.,. ,.,._.. ""' ue ea ca ..... ms o d Ch h S . d N•n•-c•n ,rouiJt~J E··•-['"-Ia atten urc crviCCI an ·' ..... ,.... w.._ . to u~ the Reading Room. P_-ONE: tU•I1 .. FIRST BAPTIST ClltJBCJI "THI! CBNT I!R !'OR 818LICAL STUDI8S" Dl. ,, G. HI!UMAHH PASTORS Dl. JMIIS -· 9:<5 o\.11. -II bi t Sdlool, wllll our u lluu s u rvln11 Sau lt OrMIII Countr u :oo A.M. -llomlne ..,rslllp 7:00 P.ll. -Ev•l•l Scfvl ce 101M .. ••II• l t. H .. • ef r .. G.. M ... ••• (ttl l•t• A•• A ~o~•.J. Clulttklli l ... t COlT A MilA «U.i•,l•'t•• -''' G,..,. '~•• ta-17SI '"•• ...... fHr fllllrEs 1NN RESTAURANT JUST UHIHD 'Ill! 'DRT THUT!R IH COIIOHA D!L IIU PHONE 675-2051 MARINER·S CHURCH Dr. Glean O'N-.1, protauor at T'a.lbat Theolottcal Semirary, La Mirada.. la tM P"l_,.t ml•t•r tlor tbt 10 a.m. ud 7:00 p.m. s.tl7 JOer'riceL T11e Ret. WUI!am Actoa 11 cburcb sutor ud la afl11a!J .. tor n.ttaUoa ud c:cNa.Uac. SUJIDAY SCHOOL .•• , .. UIO A.ll. WOIISHIP SERVIC E , •••• 10,00 A. II. EVENII<C SERVICE ,.,,, 7:00 P,ll. 1200 !.COAST HWY., CDIIOHA D!L Mt.ll FOR ALL OF YOUR INSURANCE NEEDS ROBERTSON-SADLEIR Insurance W3 E. c... ""'' c.-• 4.1 Mer -T .. •h•• 67).Jl. . . - • IICTIOM 1. P AOI 4 MOVIMI U M. 1f70 Eagles move up to 2nd round A J UBILAN r GROUP of Ctwgers and Cans rally aroUDd a sign that says they are the county Jr. Pee Wee cbamptoos. The players pictured here are, trom left, Scott Merry (l.n. jacket), Jeff Tomei, No. 11 ; Glry Seal, No. 45; Mark Hap- peny, No. 64; IAI.My Olswang, No. -46; Dave Molllca, No. 20; Pete Leuck, No. 55; Art Ot.swa.ng, No. -44, and Mike Gilbert, No. 23. {Ensign photo bY Vic Opalek.) The Estancia's ''big red ma. chlne" wlll slue-lt out wlth Bo. Alta., the No. 1 ranked 3-A team, at Orange Coast Collep at 8 p.m. this Saturday. The 2nd rou.od of the ClF play-Offs wUJ ctve Orlllge County and Es- tancia boosters an opportunity to see 2 of U\e p-eatest 3-A high scllool grid machines 1Jl action, Eagle quarterback Curt Thomas, io addition to gu:Jdiog Estancia to the runnerte> spot ln the tougtJlrvlne league race, was named player of the year. Coach Phil Brown was awarded coach of the yea.r honors on the strength of the Eagles' fine season, wlontng 8 and losing a narrow 14-12 battle to league champ Edison. Allen Carter has been the blg l'1ll lor Bonita and carried 31 times for 208 yards and 3 TO's In their win over Chargers are county champs CHARGER COACH Bob Gilbert Is accepting the Orange County Jr. Pee Wee championship plaque from Jim Me· Ginnis of Westminster, the Jr. AU American president ror the county. Coach Gilbert was nam~ Jr. Pee Wee coach ol the year. (Ensign photo by Vic Opalek.) Buc cagers at El Camino Orange COiil.st College will take the wraps ott Its 1970-71 basketball team thls friday, No~ v~;n) .. lr 27, when the Plrates travel to Torraoce to tackle the El Camino W.u-rlor s in an 8 p.m. contest. The followlnt evening OCC wtU play district rival Golden West Co llege In the OCC gym. Coach Herb L1vsey has pen- ciled 4 definite starters . •\, The Newport M•!Sl Chargers wlll travel to San Padro this Saturday and wJII try to ride herd over the Rolling Hills Pintos in the Southern C~l Fed- er~tton semi-finals at D.lniels lie.d in San Pedro. Game time ts :l r r::. The Pintos won the S·lllth Bay cr ... mplonshlp with an up set win over Garden Satur- rJay, while Coll ch Bob Gilbert's Super Char gers were taking the measure of the Tt.~stin A'"lte- lopes 28-0 at San Clemente. Th~ ..,in gave the Ch.a.rgers the Orange County championship, • and a berth ln th; :;em l-!lnals. The Ctwgers got a big bOOst from Dave Mo!Uca, who scor ed J touc hdowns on runs of 65, 66 aod 75 yards. He rushed for .& gr.&nd total of 269 yuds, <1. new Orange county play-o!! retor1J, ln paci ng the Newport M :sa gang to their llUJ straight win of ttl'! season and their 11 til s tratght blanking of their OD· ponents, The defense matched the offensive rlispl.ay by stopping the Tustin attack on the Char g- e r 2 late In the 2Dd quarter to preserve ti"K! unscored 14>0D re- cord. Tuslin's e q;tloslve back, B'>bbie Christensen, was shut out by the hard ·:urging Charg- er defense <tS Wey limited the Antelopes to 87 net yar ds. Dtv£: Moil!(;.a started his Paul Hl)\m••s, the 6-l Pirate captain and letterman from last year's squad, will Q?en at one of ttle guard slots. "Tony Cate. a 6-6 freshman trom Ht.~nUng­ to1 se ... ch , will start at center. Steve McLendon, a 6-6 fresh. man from Westminster, Alld Larry Goswlller, a 6.5 fresh. man from Orange hlgtl school, Will start at forwards. st:or wg s:p~ec by taking an An-DAVE MOLLICA of the C!Ja.rg. telope pt.~nt on his own 35 and Tim Conroy, a 6-loot fresh-11 •.• 1 1 r, ers won 1e 111uiVI• ua range r ipping tllrol.ll{tl the Tustin de-mao from :orona del Mar, and c t J All A (•0 t o•n Y r. mer ..;...n ro. feOOer s for a 6~.yard Tll rt.~n. Chn s Lacher, a 6-foot tres'l-phy for h1s Ol.ltsla!Yhn~ per. D.n Dudtlrldge kicked the 2 man fro m Yllla Park, are bat-lor mance as C..harger bad. lie poinltr to make 1t 8-0 with 6:32 tllng it out lor the other gurard set a new cot.~nt} pl..i} -off re-lefl 1n the f!rst qJJarter. Later s lot. cora 10 rushin g in the za.o in tt1e same peno1 ~.J Klrk Co.'l:::h Livsey a.lso upects 10 ww over the Tus t1n Antelopes, L4ngdale broke off tackl e fo :- bring o:c itltermen Duar.e Oil-gaining 269 yo~.rds, lru..ludwg 3 4 23 yard run and a 14 o lead Ue, a 6-4 forward, and Boo hd t 6' 86 -·• -· tol.lc own rltfls o :.~, a.,... La ter In the 2nd period U1e Adelson, • 5-10 guard, off the 75 yards. (VIc (Jpalek ~/I•Jto.) Ct w.r ge r rl<lfense halter1 a Tus- bench to see action. i~iiiioiiiiiiliiiiiiiil•••!"'••••••••••l Un drive on the NeW;lo:-t M.:sa 2 yam lwe arYl o:1. penalty on th~ HE l ln.URIOUS "o•• o• 10<1 '"0 '"•11 100u A:"lteiopes placed the pigskin on NEW IAli.A f IO'J [ASl B~t BO-mo the Charger 14, wher e they took "-BAlBO~ Pt:II IIISlllA · 6/l tOC8 over .t!ter the Antelope attack THEATRE stalled. o, :tv~ CL.rst ptay from -• O,lMS MIGMTLT l rO SCtimTilaf,'l! lhve M·)l tica broke o HOW SHOWI NG -ENDS 1\J ES DAY o ~ow<~ ...... \lnwt nil.-...,...,-~., , PA.\AVlSK)\ • TICHSJCOI.<X!" A I'AA\MOLNT ~AI' ~ o SECOH D FEATURE ''.....!..***HIGHEST Jl{ RATING ! A.tt.1rs:~ OSCAR IN TOP DRAMA" 1:.--• -DA!l 'f NEWS .... llllllo"ll!lll robert moore ONCE MORE WE PAUSE TO GIVE THANKS FOR ALL OUR looS(! ttJrOl.lgtl the cente: of the rust10 tine for 86 yan1s on iL'l- ot/Jer .s~.:orlng jaunt. Tile PAT w<~.s m ssed and the C har~~;ers ie1l 20.0 with ':tj seconds left 111 the hrst hall. Mik~ Vtlbert, Pete Leuck and Chris Viloria. stalled the Tustin drive when th -?y dropped Christensen tor a big lo.;o; ~ck to the Antelope 40 as the hall eflded . The Ch.a.rgers took the 2nd ttaU kick-off and Terry Peter~ son return~ II to the Mesa -49. A fumble pve the Antelopes the ball OD the Charger -4 7. The Antelopes ttrove to the Charger 25, where Mike Irvin broke ~ a Tustin pass on a 3rd and 4 sitWltiOn. Forrest Metcall then stopped Chrlsteno;en for no gain and the Chargers took over. On the next play, Dave Mo!Uca d1d It aga.ln, breaking loose 14) the m:ddle behirxj near perfect blockJng lor another daZzling Raocho Alamitos. TO p.llop, this tlme for 75 Bonita outlasted Rancho Ala- yards. Dan Duddrldge converted mttos Z7. 14, Edison got by the Z pointer, and the Cha.rgers Suony Hills 20-7 and EsWK:La took a 28-0 lead with 6:13 left raWed twtce to IJdge Crestview In '.1\e 3rd period. League champion Orange at Ei Jell Tomei took over the QB Modena Friday night 19-14. The ~~ and did a good job tor the "big red" had to survive a rem.\lnder of the garne,lland.J.ng determined Orange drive in the oU to w ·te Teregts, Brian Pette last few secondsoflhe game that and Ben R~ya.n to control the saw Orange with a 4th down and gllme tem:>O, wUh the eatlre one foot to go with 19 secorv:!s Charger bench seeing acllo"l. remaining. The gutty Eagle de- Ap.in it was a tremendous tense stacked 14) the attempted team effort tha.t enabled the wedge by Tom Nation inches Cha.r gers to zip through their short of tne goal line and took 11th toe and record their 11th over on their own 15 alter a.n straight shut-out, another Jr. Ora.nge penalty. Curt Thoml.s Pee Wee r ecord. Defensive controlled the snap with time stalw.uts Chris Yllorla, For-running out to gtve the Eagles rest M elcoill, Bobby Brant, Kirk Langdale, Pete Leuck, Steve C llssold, Terry Peterson, Art Olswang, Rlch Tomllo, Mike Gilbert and l>ave Mollica came throt.~gh with another awesome perform.t 1·;e, keeping the goal Une uncrossed. The Cha.rge~ secondary stopped th e Antelope passing attack cold, ano·¥i.ng only one completion out of 12. Terry Peterson was the top defensin player aM racked 1.4) 17 tackles, a~Jty asllste<l by Bobtly Brant, Pete ~uct, Mike Gilbert, Klrk I...a.ngdale and Ben Rhyan on defense. Dan Duddrldge .;ontributed some power runs to comi)lement his kicking talents, and Rick TomUn ripped oU a <:.0!4)le of nice gains, once on an end a- round tfl.at got good yardage tn a key situation In the lsi hall. The Tustin Rams topple-1 the Santa Ana Cougars 26-0 to en- ter tt1e Pee Wee semi's. The Garden Grove Cojotes edged the Placentia. Yorba Linda Sting Rays Z4 -12 to take the Jr. Mid- get Orange County champion. ship an/1 m:~ve Into UJe Feder- ation sem 's also. CURT THOMAS, quarterback for the Estancia Eagles, has beeo named Irvine league back of the year lor offens~. and also was named on the defen- sive llrst team all star squad. {Vic OJalek phOto.) BRlAN PETTE, No. ZZ, crashes throup for 14 yards ln the 3rd quarter ot the Chargers Jr. Pee Wee game with the Tustin Antelopes, The Chargers won Z8-0 for the Orange County championship. No. &4 at left Is Mark Happeny , and No. 45 nelt to him Is Gary Seal. (Enslen photo by ~~k.) Pirates end in 2nd spot 0:-ange CO&.St CoUe,e bowled from the ooe In the same q~G.rt­ over San Ole eo City 35-0 last er. lD tbe 4th period reserve Saturday to eod the seasoo with quarterback Bill Sbedd hit ttpt a 5 p.me wlo streak and 2od tAd Gary steele with a 16~yard place ln the tougn South Corut strlU for 35.0. Conference. The Bues' MUOn recor d 1a 6~3. and 5 ~1 LD the coolereoce, Tbey dr-their CJPOniDcpolr ol pme~, tbea tocM: e of 7. Craie Zal!Osk>', S-8 lreab- m.u., •bo Hts recorda l'ftry pmo, plborod ID a Sao CUy plll1t oo 11'-O'IJR 40 .. lbo bel quart• &Dtl 1111 ... , ""'-tllO .:ttad to ICOrt qp, Bob Ryder ltlckod the cl s -· polalo .... • 7.4 tood. '011111 (IIJI<.;I Ll:l: III.&&VUI W.&J.••• MANY BLESSINGS -bad< Gory va-1111 llooiQr Dou1 v...,, wltb a IS-yard ........ lOA. Koo plebolmor .. ._ U AftMWI 0 A lA lilo lrd quulor lor &Dtl Brot lhrriU pl...., ID '--------•• • '"" PHIL BRDWH JO)" RANDALL of the Corairs, No. Z!, pts away for a 53 yard touchdown rllll ap.lost tbe Gatuea. GrO'ft Coyotes u the first ha.lf eDds. (Time ran outdurin(the touchdown run.) No. 27 ts Mike RoletU, aod No, 60 at rlgtlt ls R\WJ Uets ... enpr. TbJs action took place 2 weeks ago 1o tM tlrst round ot tbe Jr. Mtdget semt-noata. It was the nrst defeat of the sea10n tor the Corsairs, who went down 28 to IS to the Garden Grove Coyotes. (Enstp photo by VIc ~lek.) REDLANDS STOPS TARS Newport's Clf play-off as--4 :26 remaining In the period. ptratlons were blitzed by Red-White's kick was wide and that lands 28-6 last Frtday night ln end&J the socrtoa: at 28-6. the open.lna: round of the post The HarbOr backs !lad rouef:l season at Redtaoos university. going agalost the hupRedl..a.llcH Coach of th,. )"f'4r A huge crowd of Newport defensive unit, whlch ffi iJSt be Beach s~rters sat through one of the most physlcall.D hJcfl their llrst CIF play -ott win the crisp 50 degree weather sclk>ol circles. MtkeEasterUne ever. and Witched the physically sup-led both teams gettl.D&: n yarda Orange surprtse1 Estancia erlor Redlands use their 1a 7 carries. Whi te cot 36 lD wttll an on-side kick onthettrst "mtss.match" to perfection to 11 carries, and Seals 12 1.n 2 play of the game and took a 7-0 )ump to a ZS-0 half-time lead. tries. lead on "Tom Nation's 35-ya.rd The Terriers took the open~ Newport got 5 first downs run. TheEaglescamerlgtltback ing kick-ott and went 60 yuds rushing to Redlands' 13 Uldrt~ as Thomas dl.rectedthe66-yard ln 10 plays as Marty Htil swept corded 7 vta the aerial route drive and connected OD passes the fttul 5 yards around right to the Terrien' 9, Redland• to Bob Kaiser. ThOmas and Jim end at '1:58. Redt.ancls got 3 more had the edge Ia net yuds plned, Schultz alternated on runs, with scores lnthe2ndquuter.Quar-382 to 204. Thomas going over from the 2. terback Dave Dykstra ;>assed to The season ended on a sad RJ.~~;dy carpenter's kick made 6'3'' eod McNally lor a ?.yard DOte for the huge ~!wporl fol- U 7-7 in the 1st quarter. ln the TD and the PAT made lt 1-4·0. lowing that travelled to to the 2nd qua.rter, ThOmas W.t Lee A theltofa Newport Harbor pass University neld. They stayed Fridersdorfwttha16-yardpass and a 28-yard ~eturn to the with their team all the way. and ooe lor 42 yards to the Or-Sailor 8 set IC)an 8-yudscreen Few ~~tators left early, d\5- a.nge 10. Thoma.s scored from for another score, and the kick regarding the score. A fltdoc the one, making It 13-7 at hall-made It Zl-0. Redlands then tribute to a gallaot bunch of time. moved 78 yards 1.n 15 plays athletes. For COiil.chErnleJohn- Orange quarterback Mike W"ith Dykstra completing passes son, his coaching stat! of Uoe Ch urchward's TO aod a sue. of 25, 4, 9 and 9 yards to his coach Eul Beyers, backfield cesstul PAT conversion gave big ends. Terrier back Russell coach Bill Piu.Jcaaod end coach the Panthers a H-13 leadlntbe blasted over trom 2 ya.r as out George Spa.ngler It was a very 3rd periOd. Lee Joyce blocked with 19 seconds left in the first successful season. Johnson was a Panther kJck. J.n the Orange hall. voted SW"Jset league coach of the end zone and Estancia gained Tlt! Newporters c:~.mebackin year. The Sailors ·N'lR thelr control on th e 3 yard stripe. the 3rdquartenrhenScottScha-llrst league title since 1942. Thomas scored on a keeper elfer and Grant Gelk.er com~ Grant Gelker was named tine- from~ yards out. An attempted blned to force a Redlaf"lo1s fum-man of the year. Mike Easter- pass for the 2 points !a.lled, but ble and recovered the ball on Ung, 8:11 WhlUord, Ron Tripp, the Eagles ware allt:<~.d to stay. the Terrier H . Mik e Easter-Terry Albritton, Jim Swick. The 19·1-4 margin held up as llng got the Sailors to the ooe Alvin Whlte, Taras Youna:, Ertc last second 1\erolcs by the ln-after a 30 ya.rd sprint. Quar-Stricker and Scott Schaetfer spired Big Red defensive crew terback Alvin White bulldozed received Sunset league all-star preserved the victory. hJs way the flnalllalt yud with berths. Jim Schultz wu the blg: gun r-~;;~~~:-;:;~;;;;~~;~-, in the Eagle ottense carry- ing 12 times and getting 42 yards. Thomas had 38 yards in 21 tries bUt the stubborn Panther r:lefense negated his carries witb 37 yards lost ln the process. Both Ch urchward and ThOmas encountered !lrst rate pass defenders wtth Thom- as completing 5 of H to: 118 yards a.nd Churchward 3 for 11 aoo 92 yards. Orange had the edge tn net yardage, 163 to 250. Bonita lost only to BishOp A mat and have beell ranked No. 1 in the J-A CIF ratings, so It w&ll ta.ke another great ertort by the Big Red Saturday night to stay allve to the play-offs. BARGAIN MATINEE lVlRYWED. AT 1 P.M. FREE REFRESHMENTS ADULTS 1.00 HOLIDAY MATIN EES -IHUR .-SAT .-SUN. "ONE OF THI YUR'S FUNNIUT COM EOIU. f ' .. ,.J.', •· •" 'o J•,t ;>,o , '' •I ., ' .. '' ·. •"'' . ' "· .. ' ' "lti ..... LOVERS AnDcm& STRMGIRJ ·STARS · ..... J 'I GIG f YOUNG . 2nd Exclusive En ga1gement I ANN! JACKSON "aoRsAuNo scoRE s• 2nd MAJOR COMEDY HIT ~ .... ' .... ,. . .. ONE OF THE YEAP S BES T f-tLMSI ·•• • ·~' ····• l •r••' 'GANGLAND fRENCH S TYL(I THE Y KILL AUT TLE, LOVE A LITT LE. FIGHT A UTTLf I -"o·lt• '"' •· ., "f 1 • ., PORT THEATRE PHONE 67 3-6260 CORON A DEL MAR ALSO• MICK JAC:C:U Ill "II AT ltiLLY" NEWPORT · MESA SPORTS SCENE WITH VIC OPALEK Our Jr. Pee Wee s"'*' At lZ:)() tbt Gudea CbUpra from Newport Yesa Putben wlU mftt tbe Ln,._ I w!U be pl&ytnc lo the Soutbero dale Buct, no were tbe CaWorllb. Federation serni-ft-FederaUoo cb&mplou. nalJI th1l Saturday at Danttls At 5:30, alter the Charpu' neki 1n Sao Pedro at 3 p.m. p.me, tbe Pee Weea Utle cla.Jh The Orange County champlooa bu the TutJ.n Rams ursus the wW be meetil'll the RolUDr RoutDC Hills ColU. H1U1 Pllltos, and the wtnner At 8 p.m. the Jr. Bantams wlll meet the San Gabrlel-ln-from Fullerton W1U meet the laDd. Empire seml-ftnal wlllner san Pedro MarlDers. the JoUowotnc Saturday tor the To get to Oulell Ueld take Soutbero CaWornta federa.tioO the San Dit.tO freeway to the cbamplollBhlp. Harbor freeway, go wast oo the The 10 o'clock pme nu tlle Harbor freeway to Ga.ttey, 10 Jr. Midgets of Garden Grove aoutb oo Gaffey to 13th street Coyotes meeting the WllmlD&:-ami turn right oo 13th. Da.nielS ton Plrates. Thase 2 teams met tleld Is about 3 blocks down, last year, and Garden GrO¥e opposite the San Pedro Boys came out the winner aod went Club. ol to take ttle Federation title. (Cout1n ued on P a1e 8) OPEN i l'iG T OUA Y Oubla nd•n~ lJnd ti !-.C and <k·w::n l.;~r~e, h1al.lle OCI\' d ulllt '-' '>uulh of ll1c h 1Lh113V 111 ( oron<l del .\Ia' :! bdnn•. 2 bdth. 1250 ~',l· f! fi 0\.\11~1.~11'~. 3 l)!lrlll. 3 h ... h Jli:,o ~fJ. rt. llt"l.otr.~ ~unn; '!li'L'r} 1 .th ~li d (! carf)Cl.,, ('111 n1n:! \\arc r.w~··~. •t.•!filc;nJin;:: oven•. pt 11 ate !ILJ II tit' k ~ <llld • nnt{·n•por:Jr\' '' oud & ;..In , an !111(•1 lliH' \i .•I \, ov('r a 1l1mer r·"' rr- ,.,1 !r•ul bnri '~C and di'''ll ;, trr'C llnt·d ~l rTt·l I•• the II• ·t, h l'r 1•r·d ,d ro11l1 'liH'J)II 1•1th II l;11 l ilt•·d nl ~~,;j (J{)lJ '" :1' :' '· 2.·, '.I~. ~4'.!~, nliJ. Trl\t" ar" .lppi\J\ 1)12(J{J • r F ;r~t flll llr'J dr· pr('n:IIJOil ;JvaJlahlt l.n• cled ..1\ t!w run1cr flf (;(lldenrod and \~! qn·r·l flee! Estat., 67~. 2«3 E. Coat Highway, Corona Del Mar Calllomia 92615 SITUATID ON TIN ACRIS "ACIOUS I & 2 IIDRM. AI'AITMINTS ~ ....... Unfv,. ,,_ suo • P1ivate Patios • Fi1eplaces • POOLS • Q Hole Puttina Oeen • Tennis • Sepa1 ate Fatn1ly Section • Adj. to Schools and P \ayiJound 900 , .. L••· c~ MecArthvr ""' C.eat ttwy. elue .. Fuhleft lslan4 COAOHA OEL MAR (114) 64+2611 CHOICE LIDO LOCA LARGE 5-BEDROOM HOME ON A STREET-T0.:STREET LOT Shawn by appointment only $9'7,000 ••••••••••••••••••• Bales throulb tile MlllUple uwtt .. Semce ot tile Nwwpolt llaltlor-Calta MeA Board ot Realtorll totaled onr $54 · miJitoa for tbe TWILVJ: lllO!ltM ot lMe. Tbla rwpr-ta l,:&M unlt eaJ.• ud a dollar fthae IDcreue ot 4% OYer tbe ame pertod otlut year, wblela wuancordyear. u.t ,our propntJ-wltb a RMltor I today, ••••••••••••••••••• THURSDAY, NOV. 26. 1970 OOAOMA 0£L MAR . CAUF . Newport Beach Bollloa Real WNER MOST ANXIOUS Open l-5Daily Until Sold fl ..::;::;.~;;i E 1918 SEADRIFT A IRVINE TERRACE L • Three large bedrooms. T • Big 15z30 heated & tutered pool. 0 • Lu.eb landacaplng -designed fpr R euy care. • Outatandlng buy 8 $59,500 Call us for details CoRBIN-MARTINJl t1 ~===&44-7662====:J Wells-McCardle Realtors R1l~l1 S11'11itt SiJoce 190 REAL ESTATE R ESI DENTIAL A.ND BUSINEH PROPfRTIES ···PO ll IHTE!RESTED. PROPESSIO I·~A.L CONSID E RATION SEE S&<PL E REAl. fST ATE 25U f , C.••• H..,., Cerone 4.t Mer 67~2101 cases soc 2 7'7¥7 ·acasce a a$' NEW TRIPLEX UPPER BAY $57,500 :U7 WOOOLAHD PLACE , COSTA MESA (ONE BLOCK. EAST OF 10 1h f? TUSTIN' Sewell Construction Co. 642-4905 MACNAB -IRVINE RNEI HOMES IRVINE TERRACE ESTATE SALE Delightful \'iew home. 3 bedroom .Plus mcud's quarters lor 4 bedroomsl. Sparkl mg bay and ocean \'iew. sheltered pool. recentl\ deco1al· cd. S77 .500. OPEN SAT & St;i'O . 17:.!1 Galatea CAMEO SHORE S Second row with oub!andLng oce.Jn JCity v~w. 4 large bedrooms 1\Llh 4 bt~th~ poY.der room. Lar~~:e fam1lv r()(llll fal'lll(; :-heltered pool Owner t'tllXLOils lo ..,eJI this propert'· OPEN S:<\T. & SLN. 4ti:.!i l'amdcn Ro<~d. 1129.500 THE VERV BEST OF EVERYTHI NG ON LI NDA ISlE The epitome of elegance and gracaous fam1ly living in \his beautiful 6 bedroom. 51•'! bath Higson built to order home. Fabulous Joca· lion! Sl4S,OOO. ' CONVENIENT TURTlE ROC K Delightful 4 bedroom home. Fam1ly roorn. enclosed courtyard. Steps from pooL tenn1!' and park . Close to new hi~hschool and gradescbool. Reflects great pr1de of owner· ship. Owner is utremely anxious . $-\1.500- MACNAiaVINI ... .., C..:,.,.., 1-leyiWo-911-Dr.,-1. ............ ......l!o.,_ .... fw eiJ611J\f1 I WtrMIIJI Curt Dosh "C AL. 1'011t 642-6412 ..... ,,_,.. rno w. cou IIWY . Mo.,.n ...... Ballloa Island Costa Mesa Lido lslt eor-del Mar SHORE CLIFF Or'E:\:\ & JE'ri'Y \'lEW -Inn rond1tion. 3 bedroom .. cnnvert1ble rlen, 3 bat h . d1n1ng room 1\ flrC'ni<H·('. breetkfast fo:~mllv rm w1lh l>et b:~r C <~rdt·n .~eltHH! ('JJI for de~ ail~ 9UALITY & TRAN9UILITY 1'1 'STO M \\.EST(' I .I FF -hilllH.• off rn·rl• hy de!~J~Il!'r lotid drr for llw kno11h•dgcil hlr h11v· r r -4 lwdronm . :1 hnll1 ·. f:JHl!l\' rm (\( rl Jflln Jl rm. lall to learn o[ the many ot her f('ilf u rc~. 1915 MARINERS \\'F.STI l.IH' -1u .. t ~~~··~ted . 3 bedroom . 2 bath, famtly room home. n Par Mannrn SrhnoJ. .~ 1 r e Jncale, Y.t'll planned ramLiy home. 1506 DOLPHIN TERRACE \\ \\T I 11'\11 \1 -.'P.H'I nwrH''"-Ul ~tnm dr;q;:n ilnd ptJJue I•·• :~trnn ~ \1'1l tht' lmelv 3 herlroom hnmr 1n lrl'lnl" Terrace. Wrll pmE'd at $54 150. Ollloo 0,.. .......,. ..... .,. PETE BARRm REALTY& 1605 w-o.. N.l. 642-5200 JlnJa !JJ/e Prestige Waterfront Homes CUSTOM 4 TO 7 BEDROOM -.s FROM SU.I.OOO TO $.1011.000 FURNI.IHIO AND UN~UR,.;ISHID ALSO PRIME BUILDING LOTS FROM $3.1.000 TO $175.000 BILL GRUNDY, .Realtor 133 Dove< 0•.. Suite 3. N.l . 642-4620 SHORE CLIFFS ONLY $7 4 ,500!!!! fOUR BEDROOM, THREE BATH HOME WITH BEAM CEILINGS, lARGE PATI O LARGE LIVING ROOM, TWO Fl REPLACES LOTS OF TR EES. • ••• DUPLEX SO. OF HIWAY NEW CO RN ER BU IL DIN G WITH THREE BED· ROOM UNI T ON GROUND L EVEl AH D TWO BEDROOM UNIT WI TH EXTRA lARGE DECK •••• CORONA HIGHLANDS THREE BEDROOM HOME ON R-2 FEE lOT GOOD TERMS AVAilABlE •••• OPEN 1-4:30 P.M. SAT . & SUN. 260 EV ENING CANYON, SHORECLI FFS lJOX Y. fRJiXl<llX I Re:Jil. TOR \ lBO Em Coast ~.., Corona del .._. C•hlorn•• Pbont b1l-2722 WILL YOU BE "HOME':_ FOR CHRISTMAS? Making families home -happy is our business ... G el in louch wilh you r Reahor. a professional in real estale who subscribe• to a strict Code of Ethics as a member of the local board a nd of the National Association of Real Estale Boards. w otdo lor "* _, ... It ;, ,......., ditplo-,.4 loy ........ .. .,_ --ef .................. tlopoood.Wo .... ~~ THERE ARE STILL 77 HOUSE.HUNnNG OAYS UNnL CHIIIS'NASI ...... ,...;... Call Your Realtor TODAY Newport Harbor Costa Mesa Board of Rea.· · BALBOA W.EMBERS of tbe lrv1ne Chorale r ehearsing for the Cb.rtstmas coocert are Mrs. Thelma Hoke, left, and Mrs. Arlene Root. Dr. Maurice Allard, associate proCessor of music at OCI, wlll conduct the chOrus in religious works tn the 2-part pr ocram, to be presented Dee. 3 and 4, a! the Garden Grove Community Church, 12141 Lewis Street, at 8:30 p.m. The choral selections will occupy about 45 minutes, :lnd there also wtU be a 2S.m1nute original dance created by Eugene Loring, dlrector of t11e Los Angeles Dance Theater, lnterprellng the "Gloria" of the modern French composer, Francis Pouleoc. • - NEWPORT -MESA SPORTS SCENE WITH VIC OP.I.L !K (Continul!d rrom Paae ~~ Th~ C&biUOi have a Satur. contest with the Sun V<Al· ,011otF0a~l.con.s to a Widget en· .., Z p.m. Tbe pmt at Puly h1ch scbOol ~~~~:~;~FerDIUidoVJ.Uey, Gall old alma mater. The their Jr. Pee W•te Pee Wee days wer e the oulhe1co Calllornt.a chlLmploos VaUey awt Los Angeles, l~~~~~~~~··~ll;~sorts ol league, con-aDd federation hOnors ln Tills year W.ilS a year them as they lost couple close ones but stiU through 'N!Ih a tremeD· season. Our k>og time bud- dy AI Opalk, oo relation, is the athletic director for Sun Val. ley aod a good one. Wile Ethel takes care of the pubUclly, bookkeeping and other chores so essential to the su:cess of any youth athletic program. The star of the team Is 13 year old K->n Opalk, who has been the object of some high class re- cru!Uog !rom 1eighbor ln& high OTHER HARBOR AREA MEMBERS singing with the Irvine Chorale ou-e Ken and Jane Eugl.a s of Harbor HlghlaOOs , at left, a,j Helen al'l\'l Chisholm Brown of Costa M lsa. Paper salvage may go on Jacob f. Myoderse, general services director for the city or Newport Beach, sa.1d yes- terday that the city Is nego- tiating wllh the Men-Cal Corp., to continue the newspaper sal- vage pro)ec! through January 1971. M.r . Mynderse sa.ld that in a.ny case the salvage pickte~ wUl continue through the mid- dle of December. He said that if negollations ar e successful that abollf: 1,500 more homes w111 b€ arJded to the collection route for tw,ce a week pickup about mid De - cember. There .ue already 1,~00 homes on the collection r oute. Mr. Mynderse sa1d the ad- ditional tx>mes will '·give us more ell;perience to determ~ U the salvage ol newspapers is economical. He said fle did not lmOw at this time in wnat areas the additional ro·u e roJ. lectlng would take plaee. Alice Schwartz, 49, dies A BalbOa summer resident and Newport Harbor hlgfl school gradu.lte, Mrs. AUce V. Schwartl, 49, of 257 E. Monte· cilo Sl., Sierra Madre, died Nov. 20 following a brief Ill- ness. She was born in Santa Ana, and foUowlng graduation at Newport Harbor h.Jgh attended Santa Ana College . • • ~.· 1' • --.. ~ ... ..._ THE LITTLE WE'RE NEWANOO!fH.RENT! Paintings , pottery, bottles and handmade Christmas gifts. CLASSES MAKI NG NAT!VITY SCENE, TREES AND WtsEMEN. Reasonable and fin! 675-2340 436 Hel iotrope, Corona del Mar -.. . ,;•.,; .•. ' . .....,.... . .... . Survivors include h~r nus- band, Sam; 2 daughter s, K.:ith> and Marian; Z sons, Sam Jr. and Clayton, a.\1 of t/1e fa mdy hOme; and her pa r Pnt:;, Mr . and Mrs. Clayton Thompson of Costa M ~sa; and a s1ster, Mr s. Charles Newman of Visah ... funeral services were held Nov. 24 at the Congregational Church, Sierra Madre. STAN BONE , NATIVE 0 F LON DO_N, Dl ES Stanley H. Bone, -1 5, ol 328 Villanova Rd., Costa Me.sa, died Nov. 22 at Hoag Hospital. He was born June 6, t ns, 1n Lon- don, and came toOra.nge Counly a year ago. He had be4:!n em- ployed as a carpenter, Surv1vors include his wife, Jean; a son, Robert of Cosb Mesa; 2 daughters, Maureen .tOO Kathleen, both of the fam- Ily home; hls parents, Mr. ancf Mrs. Allred Allen of En!!:land; 4 brothers, and 1 sister. funeral serv1res were heltl Nov. 25 at the BeJI.Broarlway Chapel. lnterm ~nt was at Pa. cUlc View Memorial Park. CENTERPIECE CONTEST SL.I. TED FOR DEC. 10 A Christmas table r enter - piece contest aOO holiday lunch· eon will be hostessed by the Costa Mesa aod the Newport Harbor Women's DtvtsiOfiS or the Chamber of Commer ce Dee. 10 at the Balboa Bay Clu b. This is a. beooUt to ra..lse flmds tor lbe oew teachers welcome, whlch 1s held a.nnt.aily In Sep- tember. CAUSE OF DEATH IS INVESTIGATED RIChard J. Ma gro, 19, of 137 Santa ls:.tbel, Costa Mesa, dl£!(1 l"ov. 20 a.t a. Costa M·!Sa motel of wh.oit poiJce believe ·.-as J. •Jru~ dnd /or ako1101 ov. er rlose. Ex.1.ct rause of death ls p·-·rvhng 4 toxology report. !tr-wa s bo r n Jan. 30, 1951, 10 ln,h.ana, a.nd came to Orange County 'J yeu s a~. lie was a metal paneler for California CJ.mper s. Surv1vor s lllCIIJ(Ie !1is par- ents, Mr. J.rvl Mr s. Joseph Ma - i!fO of (ost.:t Mtosa; his wile, ll•·t>tne, a.nd .l SOli, Jason, Of Santa Ana; a brother, Joseph of Barstow; 2 ststers, Sandra ~llert Oli!d neAnn of Costa Mesa. f tmerdl services were held Nov. 24 at Bell-Broadway Chap. el. Interment was at Goorl Shepherd Cemetery. AIDS CLEAN·UP DRIVE Jerry Leitch ot Corona del Mar participated as a member of the W1lderness Club of Ida- ho State Uni versity 1n a recent clean-up project near Pocatel- lo. JOINS IRVINE STAFF USC business professor Jack A. Wlehert has }oined the lr- vLne . Company as marketing services director. Mr . Wichert a Long Beach resident, wa~ most recently senior market- ing sentces consultant for 13arry aoo Company ol Los Angeles. JACK CORN DIES AT 79 540-1366 642-0270 OFFERING QUALITY WITHOUT COMPROMISe ·1702 Newport Costa Mesa m71h sr. TIME TO CLEAN AND DRESS UP FOR THE DAYS AND IF COlT CAN'T GET YDUR DRAPES CLEAN YDU CAN WRING DUR NECKI • No Wlltool -....... ,.1--•No I ....... • Ptrftct htn "-• • Wattr Stain • ......, ·--""' •On,...,-... lootalltll .... R.,.n4 "-.. ''!"" o;.., .......... -.. •. c.ll~ . SCHOOL WITHOUT WALLS OR GRADES D~eattoo of the "sd100l withOut walls"--Eutbluff et~ ementuy school--was held Saturday, Nov. 21. THE BELLS ARE RINGING to a.noounce the Chr istmas fandanKO to be preseftted by tbe Newport Unity Woman's Gro~ at 2 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 6, at th~ Senior CUb.eDS clubhouse at 15th St. and lrvtoe Ave., Clift Haven. P:c tured here, from left, are Mrs. Justin Bal- etia of Huntio.gtoo Beach, president of tne Women's Gt(q); Mrs. Arthur J . Hampson of Huntington Bltac.h, committee chairman, aoo Mrs. Loren FUcklnger, wile of the church pastor. A boutiQue display wtn offer holiday decorations lor sale. There wtn be special- ty booths, lncll.kllng handwriting analysis by June Duncan. A Spanish dinner wtll be aerved from 4 to 6 p.m. Door prizes will be gtven durtng the afternoon. (Ensign photo.) The scbOol, ~~rh.lcb consists of 5 pods buill around a cen- tral muJU-purpose room, ha.s an equally unJque curriCulum, known as "cootitluous progress curriculum." Principal Mike Hill S.lys that the reading and m.1th programs are fully lnd.l- viduallzed -.. each chJld pro- gressing ai his own rate --aut he hopes to have a completely l.ndtvlduallzed curriculum lnall areas by the eod of the year. The school Is not based oo grade levels, but each of tile 5 classroom area.s (pods) oon- 'AMAHL' CAST NAMED Casting has been completed for ''Amah! :lnd the Ntght Visitors," set for 6 perfor- mances at the Laguna Mo ulton Playhouse, at 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. Dec . 5 and 12, and at 2 p.m. 0.~. 6 and 13. David Rufino Huh., of Santa Ana, will play the child, Am.\hl, in the Christmas ope ra by Gian- Carlo Meootti. l!ts mother will be Sharyo :::ase, Costa Mesa; the 3 kings, K.t,sp:.r, l:i.llthazar, and Melcllolr, will be played by Richard Dastrup, San Clemente, Michael G:t ll~. Anaheim, ani LEG•L HOTICE NOTICE TO CREDITORS ~o. A-67378 SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORN IA FUH THE COUNTY OF ORA NGE Estate of HENRY BRAYDT WRIGHT, aka HENRY B. WRIGHT, aka. HENRY WRIGHT, aka H. B, WRIGH T, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the creditors of the above named decedent that all ~r. sons hav ing claims against the said decedent a.re required to file them, with t he necessary voucher s , In the offt ce of the clerk of the above enUtled court, or to present them, with the 1}8{;- essary voucher:., to the urvter. ~lgned at c/o Thomas E. Hef. rernan, Attorney at Law, 350 E. SeventeeDlhStreet, Suite 210, Cosu Mna, Calilornta 9262'7, which Is the plac e or business of the under signed In a II matte rs pertaining to the estate of said decedent, wlthJn four months alter the first publkatlon of thi s ootlce. Dated November 2, 1970. EMMA C, WRIGHT •. Emma C. Wright, Exec utrix of lht> w .u and Codicil of the above named decedent. Thomas E. Heffernan, At- torney at Law, 350 E. Seven- teenth Street, Su1te 210, Cost:l Mesa, C:..tHornl.a 92627, Phone 6-42-3210, Attorney for E.xecu - tri.x. Publish; Nov, 12, 19, 20, Dec . 3, 1970, in the Newport Har- bor Ensign. harbor hoto Ia K~n McKinney, Santa Ana. DoublinR In brass as the Page, will be William :::urley, play- house technical director. Da ncer s ar e Kelly Davis and K.:~th y Locke, bolll of San Cle- mente, aiX1 Peggy Basset, Costa Mesa. LEGAL HOTICE NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE No. 1222 On Ikcember 17, 1970, ott 11 :00 A.M., Stan-Shaw Corp- oration, a California corpora. lion as duly a~inled Trustee unde r and P\IJ'Suant to Dee-J of Trust dated August 22 , l9l.o6 exe..:uted by Virgirua Lasser, a muried womtn, and Harriet M. Perry, :tn unma.rrted wo- man, each as to an undivld(_'(!. one·'Ltlf interest, and record· ed Septem'Jer 15, 1966 , a.s lnstr, No. 8044, in 'xx:lk 804.8, page 81 of Oftlcla.l Records ln the office of the County Record~r of Or ange County, California, WiLL SELL AT PUBLIC AUC- TION TO HIGHES f BIDDER F'OR CASH (payable at tim ! of sale in lawful money ofthe Unl- te-J s~atesJ at the front entrance of Stan.Shaw Corporation, 1600 East M ty!air Ave., Orange, Call!ornia all rl(.l~, title and interest conveyed to and now held by It under said Deed of Trust In the property situated In the C1ty of Newport Beach, in .said County and State de- 5crlbed as: Lot 6 of Tra~ 4709, as per map reeorded in Book 166 Pa ge 18 of Mis- ce llaneous Maps, r eeords of sairt County. s.tld sale will be m'ide, but without covenant or w·ur&nty, eqJress or Implied, r ega.rdlng title, possession, or encum- bnnc~:s, to p;.y the r emaining prmctp;il sum of the note sec- ured by said D•~ed of Trust, to .. wIt : $11,548.59, w:th Interest from March 15, 1970 as In said note provid<>d, advances, lfany, under tile tPCms of said Dt>ed of Trust, fees, charges and ex- penses of the Trustee and of the trusts cr eate-J by sa.id Deed of Trust. The beneficiary under said D{>f:!{( of Trust, by reason of a br each or default In the obU- g:ttions secured ther eby, here- tofore executed ~ dellvered to the undersigned a written Decla.ratlon of O.!fault and De- mand for Sale, and written no- tice of breach and or elecUon to cause the undersigned toseU said property to satisfy said obllgatloos, aoo thereafter, on •· , ... , July 17, 1970, the undersigned caused said notice of breach and of election to be recorded in book 9349, page 875, of said Offi ci.a\ Recor ds. Date; November 16, 1970. ~ Stan~haw Corporation, a TM California. Corporation as sa..td Sip .. Trus tee. By Maurette Shaw-Secretary. ,..... 673-0150 Publish; Nov. 26, Dec. 3, 10, EM .'¥1 r:TT RAITT, son of Mrs . Ha rriet Raitt, 4821 Cortl;uxt Dr ., Cameo Hi ghlands, has been elected to the Pomona ColleKt" Assoct.ated StUdents' Co llege Council as the communications commissioner. He Is a junior ma)Onng in government. GOOD SAM~RITAN REWARDED BY BITE TherE" Is JUst oo getting a- r ound It, being a good s~m.p'l­ tan Is not always what II Is SU.JPOSed to be. Or so David DeGraUenreld, 21, of 401 39th St., West Newport, found out onNov.9. Mr. DeGra!fenreid saw a stray dog wit h It s foot caugh: In a fence in front of 403 39th St. He reached down and tried to free the doJ. but his. ooty reward ns a btte on the hand. Mr. DeG raffenre id w.:~s treat- ed a t Hoag Hospital for the wound, and the hOme less dog was taken to the J.>g pound. BACK FROM CRUISE The Newport Ha rbor Senior Citiz.ens have just r E"turned from a Caribbean cruise. They new from International air- port in Los Angi!les on Oct. 25 to New Orleans. From there they went to Fneport in the Bahamas, then to Ml.aml. After a tour of the city, they took a cr uise OIL the M/S Skyward arxl. visited Haiti, San Juan and St Th·)mls In the Vir gin Is- . nds, arriving home Nov. 7. BURGLARS GET SS~ Burglars entered the home of George H. Conaway, 2607 Bunya, East Bluff, between ll a.m .and 1:45 p.m,NOY.2a..OO escaped wnh a televis ion set, r evolver and other items valued at $854. LEG~L HOT ICE CE RT IFICA TE OF BUSINESS Fictitious Firm Name tatns an age gr~ of cbJidren. the school. TllJ.s flag was M· "This way we can utlllt.e cured through the effort5 of full teacher strenglh," sa1d Mr. Coogressm.Ln John Schmitt. HJIJ. •·To have ooe teacher In- struct all the chll'i:eo In every subject assumes that the teach- er isequaUysk..llledioallareas. We r ecognlz.e that this Is a rat- lacy am haY~ arranged our school to utilize every teach - er 's areas of streft6(1L." The school llas an ou!door court for assembly as weU as several outdoor teachlngazeas. Thf .~h.ldren eat and assemble in tile central multi-purpose room. At Saturd,y's dedication, a fla g which has flown •1Ver UIE! IVhite House was presented to COOK W!Ttf BLEN DER Home economist Carol of the Edison Company demonstrate ''Christmas cook· ery with a blender " at 10 :30 a.m. Wednesday, Dec. 2, 1D Glendale Federal Savings' New. port office, 500 Newport Center Drive. Tile rec1pes Miss Het~ W111 prepare are trom Edison's Am- ·!ttcan Heritage collection, featW"Ing otd.f.ash.tooed Ameri- can recipes br ought up tt) date by the use ol !floxlern electrical applia.oces. TJUJIITRON up a now world of oolor for TV-who wan\ oolor lldoli\)' a\ ita fiDe.\ SOHY'S LIGHTWEIGHT. LIGHT PRICE PORTABLE . AT DEDICATION CEREMONIES held Saturday, NO¥, Zl, af the new Eastblutf elementary school, a U. s. flag wa.s pre- sented to the school by J . B. (Bill) Murray, commander of Newf.!Ort Harbor American Legion Post 29 1, Anna Harris, music director at the schOOl, Is accepting the flag on be- ha.II of the staJ'f, students and community, The flag, which 1\a.s flown over the White House, was presented to Newport Harbor Post Z91 JOhn G. 35th An Entirely New Concept in Color Reproduct:ion Sony simplified system and got better color and they call it Trinltr on. The Trinitron System has a bigger lens, too. Twice as large as other TV's. With the larger lens you get a sharper, brighter picture. COW 1970, In the Newport Harbor 417 He: • Ensign. WE WANT TO WRITE YOUR PERSOHAL INSURANCE THE UNDERSIGNED does hereby certify that lle is con- dueling a Foreign -Patenting, Llcens lng, Market Research- ing, Subcontractor Finding Ser- vice business at Suite •312, 466 7 MacArthur Blvd., New- port Beach, California, under the tlctttltous firm name of PIERCE ASSOCIATES lNTER- NATIONAL and that said firm is composed of the followlllc person whose name In full a.ad place of residence are as fol- lows, to -wit : Alan ManniDg Pierce 1572 Or chard Orin, Santa Ana Heiifil5, Ca.Ufornt.a. · 92707. It 's light enough ... only a b1t over 9 lbs. Yet 1ts diagonal picture is t ig enough for the entire family ... upstairs, downstairs, kitchen, i>(>rch or oen. The set works on AC, or l2V auto /boat battery (with option-tl acc ~ssories.) Come m and see this popularly priced porta· ble. The TV-710U is the perfecl set for private viewing. Pt·eferred Rates •.• Broad Coverage Homeowners ...•••• Auto GRIFFITH & ASSOCIATES 4500 CAMPUS DR ., SUITE 572 NEWPORT BEACH PHONE POR QUO'fE-H1·9411 CAbL. ....,0171 CA!It~ay CONIUL. TANT WMO 'IIIU .. L CON« TO YOU,_ MOM• '"TH ~U WINOU"' AMY oa.IOATION TO 'f'OUI H.J GlfflTI fU~f}Uf: Dll K•.at &\Ill. aM -C!OIT~ -. C!I&IJ, WlTNESS my haM this 18th da.y of November, 1970, Alaa M. Plerce. STATE OF CAUFORNIA} ) ss. COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ON THIS 18tb day of No. vember, 1~10. before me, a Notary PubUc in aOO for SIJ4 county and stale, resklin& thtnln, duly commlsstooed ud sttora., peuoaany ~td A laD M. Pierce krlowD to me to till the per &lOG 1fboM aa.mt lJ aut.crlbld to tbe wUblD iDitl'll· mtDI, aDd aebowltdced to mt that bt txecuttd thrt tamt. WITNESS IDJ -ud olllcl&l .... L4ta l. Dolab•, Hotar1 PuloUe lll ud Ia< Mid Coo11J ud stale. My Commluloa tl• '"''"Sept. to. ms. P\lbllab: Not. II, Dtc. S, 10, n, mo, 111 tbt Newport Har· l>orEutp. c..teM•• 411 E. 1M St. ... 24th Year of El TDIIO LUA tillS PLAZA 837-3830 Thanksgiv!ng Day, 1621. H arvest ... l nd1an corn and barley ... "after a more special manner, rejoyc{ingJ together" ... venison, succulent eels and leeks . . Chief Mas8asoit and Squanto ... Captain Miles Standish . . contests and military reviews .. p rayer . Thanksgiving Day, 1966. Early paycheck ... sleep in ... church ... "Hey, Pop, Cramma's here" ... relatives ... turkey and trimmings pumpkin pie ... Scrabble ... Cleveland Brown:'! ... prayer. Such is the national holiday to be observed throughout the United States. by fiat of Presidential proc- lamatio n . on the 24th day of No- vember. Thanksgiving Day has weathe red many a season; in our time it has become commercialized a nd televised. yet it re mains essen- tially what it was in the beginning. Of all our ho lidays it has achieved a unique reputation, and has created a sincere. heartwarming place for itself in the body politic. American~ tr<tce t he tradition of Thank:'lgi\'in).! Day to the Pilgrims of Mass;achusetts' Plymouth Colony, but the idea is much older . The or igin of the custom of setting aside a t1me of thanks to God is lo1t in the mis t s o f time. Scripture tells us that 1\'oah. delivered from the ffood. er t:eted an altar to the Lord on the s1de of Ararat (Genesis 8;20). Then: <tre re peated refer- ences to expressions of thanksgiv- ing from the p(l.triarch~. judges and kings of Israel in Old Testament times. I n the :-;ew Testament Cos- pel of R<t lvatio n. thanksgiving ( eu- clwli.<;fia) is a major response of the believe r to the unmerited Grace of God. During the Ch r istian er a it was common for many nations to establish ~pecial days for the acknowledging before God of his hand of blessing upon the people. In Ame rica the tradition IS unique. What better image of Amer- icans than that of a Pilgr im father, clad in black coat and burgher hat, with fowling piece slung over his shoulder , and wife and family trail- ing obediently in his wake. strid- ing ac ros~ the wintry New England landscape? That the Pilgrims ini- tiated l"ncle Sam's concept of Thank~givin~-r Day i~ beyond di~­ pute : but l(etting at the hi~to ri cal data is Jt thorny problem . PEAS NOT WORTH THE GATHERING William Bradford. governor of Plymouth Colony in 1621. in his H istMy nj PlimMit Pli1111n.lion. passes o ve r the event without a mentio n. However. Edward Wins- low. thrice ~-rnvern (l r of the colony between 16:l:l and 1644. wrote an account of the fir~t Thanksgiving to a friend, Georl(e Morton , in Eng- land, o n Dece mber 11. 1621 : "God be praised, we had a good incr ease of Indian corne, and ou r barley indifferent good. But ou r pea..~ not worth th e gathering .... Our harvest being gotten in, our governor sente four men out fowl- ing, t h at so we might, after a more special manner, r ejoyce together .... NINITY GUISTS FOR OINNIIt "These four, in one day, killed as much fowl as, with a little help besides, 8E'rved the company almost a week, at which time, amongst other recreations, we exer cised our armes, many of the Indians roming amongst us, and a mon gst the rest their greatest king, Ma.ssasoit, with some ninety men, whOm, fo r three da,ya we t:ntertained and feasted ; and 'they went out and kiHed five deer, which they brought to the plantatlon. . . . .. And. atthouwh it is not alway• oo plentlful u it wu at thlo tlme with u.o, yet, by the JOQdDHI of God. we are eo farr from wante, that wo wloh you partaken ot our -p]eDUe" . It ,.U appenntJ.r a jubilallt and _,.,ul Ume. The 90 unexpeoeed .... _ miJ' """ pi'OOII'ptad • brief by GARY WARNER flurry among t he <'ooh, but it is likely t he industriou.'l Pil~-rim wom - en were anticipating almost any- thing from Massasoit. Durin~ thf> I ndians' fi rst vi~it to Plymouth. Squanto had called d own from a knoll. "Welcome, F.nJZii s hmPn" w h ich, of course. a ~tounded the Pil- grims. Squanto had lx>f'n capturer! by an Ensrlish raide r ~nen y{'ar:-~ earlier and sold into ~lavery in Spain, escaping t o London and then back to his people in 1619. After that g reeting. nothing the =-tolid Wampanoags said or did :-~urprised the white men. Did they have "turkey and trim- mings"? The lonK-It>gged wild "Tur- kies" amazed the Pilgrim:-; with their speed afont in the wnnd~. lind it is probable (althoul(h, again, t'X- perts disag:ee) that some wt•n· . .;hot and s tuffed with beeC'hnut::o. ('ran - berries? The neighborin~ ]}()J.!S wen· peppe red with the fruit lwt it i:-~ doubtful that the settler:; hnd ('nn- templated eating t hf>m . In the days nf thanksgi,·i ng th£' young colonists and natl\'t•-. t•on- tended in races and feat:-11f ~tn·n~th and agility. Clever ~li le~ StandJsh saw fit to hold se\·eral military re- view~. perhaps to show the lmJian what a formidable foe the Englis h- man could be if provoked. The celebration was a great su('- cess, wa rmly sati.sf.ti ng to body and soul alike. so the P il"rims trif'd it again in 1622. In 1621 the observ- ance began with a ~ubdu('(l tone, f(l r it was a time of drouth . But durin).! a time of prayer the r<tin:'l fell, and turned t he fasting into a festive oc- casion of thanksgiving. Eventually Thanksgiving Day became tradi- tional throughout New Engla nd, and as the adventurous Yankees moved west with the fro ntier they took their holiday with them. It remained a local o r region:.-t l event through the Revolution(l.ry Q. Portland, Ore. "P1111f Ill/.~"~ 111 I ('nn'nthianJI 11 ·1 ~ fhnl mn r ~'"'"/1/ nnf Wf'ar lnttfl hnr'r. I ll'r,·rul• r if "'"' o::an Prplni n lt'hJI Chri.qf 1/i m ~df ,,.,,, Hi,q hair frmq." A. In lhf' first plnt'r, Jh1•n· i~ II•· pla Cf' in the Bihlf' that -indio at•· lhrist wore Hi ~ hair lr.nv. Snm• ;,a· li;1l" h.'tVf' portrayr•d Him I hilt w;1 r. however. that·~ tht>ir own I~''T'~"tl:d conct>ption. Isaiah !i() :fi ;lnd r. rnrli <"at(' that the :-.t f'!-l!lia h. whPn If,. {'am•·. woultl hav~· 11 ht>anl "T Ka\'1' Jll\ cheek .~ tn throm th at t•lurk<~l urT Ill•· hair" II wa.~ th1• ru,,.lnm nf r t1;t1 11:11 Q. Phoenix, Ariz. "J wr.uld 1!4,. '" knnw how lln·r1 tiny.• •Hlol "'"'' m'(lhllf I'IH7lt' 111'/ll'f'f'TI Ft itlny und S!tndrtll in th1• 1'1'111'i/i:rinn 1111tl r'r.IJJP"· ,·rction nf fhr Srrl'fm1r. ftm'f fhiR n dntinl of trutlr nf fir!' Rihl•! f;l /hr' fPrm. 'Good F"ridnu' .~nn,.•thu'lt/ lhul Wf' Rhfoltld ll,,qf' 1" A. The designation. "Good F'ridRy'' ia really an histor ic tern~ ;l la-nifyin)f the traditional day on which our Lord wu suppo~d to havr-been. cru- ci fied . Keep in mind that any portion of a day in Jewish reckoninll' wa;1 considered as • whole day, This i~ t he explanation for the tradition&! view. Other peopk!: hold to Thunday or even to Wednesday as the day of the uueif\xion of our Saviour. Actu- •117, no one knowa just the day of the 'frtoek, but It's tht fact th•t's important. Q. ,....,. a.... -"'Wtl• tAt rn,.u, bf'OIIk,.. .,.,. J 1./ttll toN "' '" to.b , .. A. 'W)Hm our Lord died on the erou, He uied out. "117 God, m7 God, wh7 ..-...----- NEWI'ORT HARI!OR EN~GN SECOND SECllDN --Pace! THURSDAY,ND~~ ~~ ~ COIIOIIA DEL liAR, CALl F. • J The holiday is an American tradition but the idea is as I ancient as humanity R!:PRINTEO I'"ROI!l DECISION loiAGAliNE War period. the governor s of the \'a rious New Englnnd states ap- pointing a special Thanksgiving Day. George Wa8hington proclaimed the fi rM national Day of Thanks- gh·ing in 1789 in honor of the new ('onst itution. New York State pro- mulg-ated an annual Thanksgiving Day starting in 1817, and more :o;tates followed snit. On October 3, 1863, Pre!<ident Lincoln proclaimed the last Th u rl'!- day nf :-;ovember as a national Day of Tha~hgi\'ing. This wa~ brought abuut. m part, by a 30-yea r-ftow of irk from the pen of a gentle eman- <'i pator of the fair sex and the editor of r.()(fpy'.~ IA!dy'.~ Rook, Mr.<~. Sarah .J osepha Hale. Each succeed-in~ Pres idf'nt made similar procla- mations until 1941. when the C:on- J{re~.<~ by joint reJ.~olutinn approved hy the President made the fourth Thursday of Nowmber a national h{)liday. JOIN A PRISONER NAMED JOHN So it has come down to 1966. al- tered and varied in its fo rm of cele- bration but s t ill singular in its sense of thankfulness. One can uncover in his to ry many a poignant tableau of thanksgiving. But we have to journey to the i~land of Patmos and join· a prisoner named J ohn to behold a thanksgiv- ing-st'ene that spans the dimensions o f time and space, to generate hope and new life in the weariest of breasts: "And all the angel:'! stood round about the throne ... and fell before the thrr,ne on their face:~, and wor- shiped God. sayinl(. Amen ; Bless- in).!, and glory, and wisdom, and thanksl{i\'ing, and honor. and pow- er. and might. be unto our God for ever and ever. Amen" (Revelation 7 ']1.]2). Only the bles:'led of God know whnt Thanki'~ivinK Day is really all ~bout . DISCUSSIONS h:1 ~1 th11IJ fnrsak••n nw "" !lr wa ll ~>••:11'inv • 11r ~in~ in H i~ own hody ''ll tf11· lrt'o". F'nr an in-:l.'ln l r,f time. th•· fat•• nf the F'atht•r was turned frr.m th1 • Sn n. Th i:> i:-~ ont • of thf' mn~t ~nh-mn I hough!.'! in all nf S<:-nr- tun· AI that p:1 rticular mnmt·n l, 3.'1 If,. wa~• payin~r lhf' full JWnally for l'nur ~in~ and mlnf', H•• wa~ drinkinl( lhl' cup filled wil h lhf' wint• nf tht' 11r:Jih nf l.nd. We rfn nCit hf']ir\'C that !h1· Trinit.\' ha.~ ('\'f'r ill'l'll hrokf'n. J·'.,]lnw~h ir may hR\'f' het·n int('rrurt- f'fl, whif'h woultl hf' hf>lter In put it Thi '{ Iii what it rn!-ll lhf' l.nrd .ff'~U!-1 ('h rr<;t 111 tliP on lal\'ar~··!\ c ro!\~ I hat \'()(J :'l llt l r mi~tht ha\'e l'lrrna l liff·. Q. L. ,..,..., c:.llf. -"WiU t.lw•~ ,,.Jr.o di~ u'UO.ved .\n.vt IJ bod.JI i" lteU, nr U it t.\eir .,Hrit tml11 tlwt iUlU bP toi'Tite11l.ed t " A. While theN: i/11 no /llpecifk place in &ripture which describea the nature or the unredeemed's eternal body. there is every indication riven that he will have one. There will not be any disembodied spiril8. We believe in a li tflral hell ftrt. Unbelieven1 will have bodiea 1ubject to torture and torment.a thi"'Ughout eternity. They will not be eon/llumed (J ohn &:29). The ~med. of eou rse, will have t heir reaurftCted bodies and forever- more be with t.be Lord~ Then le aome lil"ht on the aubject in tiM a.ceount in Luke 16 of tM rfeh man and IAiaroa. Diva 11 aw&iUar the ftnaJ Lime of Jud,ment. He hu a body even aa I...a.uru.5. tbe7 are. how· ever, ''poi•" .apart. with "a fNAl outt a .. d. • •• ,... ... ._ aiOLA HOAOCA.J.Tia JJI S. H•,. S~o,. LM ...... , .. 17 ·-·-. Great Evuts II tle New ANIWIIITOL.UTWIB'I "The Jud1ment of the Nationa"- Matthew 25:31-46 l'l ~ ~ u r.-r.1 :tJ "' w ·; -om ii'Jillftr:oi•l :rw 4 r:m r·~ -rJ',c • • " • r;,r, I! r.1 r_,r;lf41_1 ·J U D ·:.~~ !1••• '!HI ·: ~~ [~~ ill •. J ' I r.JrJr:lr•: · '-' .• • ···,;. ~~~~ ';,.lf:.J '.,1 :~·' ... P•:I ~ I ~ :, fl '•]'•] ft~ , • r.lJJ rl}o) r,-~r.;.'I'Jr• 10i [1~(;. 1.'.'11••" J 1.11 J:l :Olr'.ll ··~t-'1 J~ ••[l..tlllo4f>• ~1' I(,.,'J'l .111 • ... Ill acn. 5 "'-• ..... U.aU IN p .. .U.. -·--~. a&U .. (Matt. 24a•J) I dl'f et 1\lclft. ____ .ptA~ (JMll. 11=121 7 -... vath.w... -·· w. ~· .... a. ----of Mld.i.n.. (M41tt. 21a27) I .. ----.11ot •ala re,.liliou .. (Malt. 1=7) I -lh •• llicdl ile rail ..... tile ____ .. U llnt~Mor ol M----• (Ea ... •="> II a ... •ea.J.a• ".belo•e4.. .. ___ . *'-{Adll 11=121 17 -..., ••ucrht b1ra •• -____ .. (l.Ue 10r24) II .. 10.. liP tilT ----• aad p -hi tkla. ...... H (Matt. Ill) P-TMIE 1WOitO OP TH! LOitD. a.. ""• .............. T-Z2 ..._ •f G..t (Goa. 41rll) 23 -----•1 ........ 9 tor .._, dUIIIren .. • indica!" wonb which form Iii• keT pluue: U -ret.reac• I. vi"~•l'l. tho cnuw•r .... ually will h• lound L. tlr.e Scriplvnt ......... O•r. 31 =151 2,S "----Mall tl!.•T alao auwot ...... 27 .ad 40 down ----1r .. .,. ____ _ Clv.•• Aet"- 1 "oftd .bo e..baU ----th•m oa• lrol!l another" )I -of Sol0111oa. ----booa (Mutt. 1:7) C'\UMd, late ••wlca.tl.119 fir• .. 21 "'llll'twrelor• tii•T coiled. til-37 •• of ShoMI. ____ ., (Goa. da.,.w. ___ _.. (r.tla.. 1:21) 2t "lor ily lh .. I ila•• n&a lhrou9h a -----(II Scaa. 22:30) M123) "7. '21. ':KI "------------into W• •l•mal" JO an ndamatiorro (Job 31:25) J I "thoa ahall ho ----upon th• th.ron•" 31 .ad 4 do.-n "thea .Judi tJte &Ja9 ----v.ato dJ-on til• ----il-.ul- 31 IDOCI•na •Pilling of "graff" (loa. 11 =17) 12 aam• m•a.Uov "beav.•bintr.- ----rciMu. (lo1111.. 11:11) .41. ·•z. '51 ·:11v.1 lb. ritllteoua ----32 •• of Joflb•lll. ____ hal (Goa. ID:2) 14 a tr•• (laG. &4 :14) IS "ail-. co•• dowa ----my clUI4 di•" Uolut. t :•ll 4.:1 M•crt•r~ ol M•---M (JoeL lh5) 45 "'111b. ----· dtie .. ..,. llod.,~ (Matt. 21:21) 33 "ft•n Ill• __ _ _ ol man .a.au co.,• la llU I .. "-... ...., aU ,.._. ilolT ----trltll twa .. 31 aaae .,•aala9 "au..,bly .. (N•IL 41 a -•1 (Deut. U= II. ac:roua· 7:47) ... , II aon of N•r (I Sa,a.. I•:SO) 20 "W"b•a -• •• t.a .. an cmd Jed tU.r 47 • d tr. ___ _._ {Act. %7:1) 41 ao.aa nr;l .... ____ Jb: (Act. 23:24.) 42 -hut Llr.o goats on tile ____ - '-t -•• oupt to ----Go4 Rth« Ur.aa •••" (Acto 5:31) 21 "for witil tho ----man boli•••lh uato ri9bteouan_ .. (Rom. 10:10} 24 a PI"Ophet. ----•d (II Cbron. 15:1) S4 .. ----a M•piJ.ord di'tidetll IU. 41 a Mat of bv.rdea (Lull. 14:5) u. .. p lrom til• ----~ •1 "•all. baq til• ____ , -c-• S3 M1 WCIII ----· -d f• • ...,. m• drink" .... tltlp-(lea. 47:2) 25 hUtiula of IW'O ddcipl .. (John 41 ._ of God. ____ 116 (G•a. 41111) 'Ztl:24; 1:45) CLUES DOW}( 41 "a good r•port •alr:•lil t.._ boa .. ---.. (Pro•. IS=lOJ 21 -.n of Tudail (Gen.. 31:3) 34 a city .... _..n {Go~ 10:12) 35 "tbe LORD hod .but ____ b•r womb" (I SCUD.. 1:1) I "a.t a ----di~ IWi ._PH :l a -•bot of til• body (I Cor. 12:11) 50 citr of tot.cQ, (Nwa. 21 11S) 5::1 a.a.e -.cuda9 "llkWea." ____ JiW (N--. Uh14) 3 -. cu SO ac:ro. J ohn Mc intyre A Physicist Believes A.IOUT TH£ AUfHOJt jHII\ \I> J\i \llf" 1~ a•'"' 1 ~1" tn"f''"l'll of )'h)•l•• ~~ ~ ~I·• F•1nn••rl•. ll1 \lo l nt)l~ "II• 111 • h··~" .. t ,, • .,.a•· h "" 11"· I ""'·" \•, .-!'"'"'"' ar "J~nfnr •l J J',dn \JI<o I Jltf I. "'"'''' lit' lol'o illlll" " I h "•I IJII 1 \1\ TJI a h rt\.11) in our tim(' !fOt'! ..r•tlwthml! hl..o• tl11•. Ba t•k iu lht• pa-.1, lwforr mao ltno l•·r·tnnol lilt' ~omit! lii'IUIId h1m, h•· ··~plainrti rh,. unlnu.,.n in lt·rm• nf !'UII''TIIllturrtl l'll'rll ~. l!ul now, "modo·rn man" ha~ oulg:ro>An lhr' nrt·d for lhe !<Upt·r- nalural. As !!('i l'nr,. ha~ morr and morr nplainrrl lhr phy5ieal world in natural t••rm~. th.-nf'f'rl for 1lw •urwrnalural ha~ rli~apJ)j•ar•·rl . II fnll o ... ,. lht•n. I hal t,,.,.~HJ•I' of ~··wm ,. 1h1• •lljll'ruatural fr•alur('S of r~·li~ion :Ht' t•rrmu·ou•. :m1l thai orthodo, Ll•ri~lian ­ l l~·. fnr ··~amplt'. i~ hopt·l, .. ~ly un~•·irnt iflt'. L'nlil :l fo·w yt·a r" a~o mv ft•t•lin,~r~ ahflul Chril"· lianity 1· ro• \:l j!Ut·ly in arrord "'ith 1iw rn ylh. Bur lhnt r had nppnr1uni1~ tn ~rudy 1h{' Bihl,. in a ..::t•riou~ v.ay . I founJ to rm a~hmil'hnwnt thai a ~·i · •·nl ifir· tra iuio~ ... a ~ nor ll l1lndro1H'f' hut r.:nhr·r au a..::~·l Ill nndo·r•tanollll~ tho• llild1' :.1111 h1•lio•1 in~ .,..hilt 11 ..::aid. I hrt\1' lho•rf•fon• JHil do.,.·n lhr thou~hl ~ anti ;tr)!llllll'lll • thut •w• ur to o"ltl f' !'l'irnl i•t ~~~ hr r'l:aminrd lh•· llibl i<'al t'\ ido•rll'o' fnr lhr d;~im~ of J··~~~~ Christ. L1•l mt• lw!!in hy l>r if'll \" !'latin~ my prr•·ious 1 tl·w~. I fl'it th3t j1·~u~ wa• impnrlanl in hi stoq ·. 1h:11 II•· ha,J pt•'lll !J,.,j and lilt·d arrordin,e lo till' hi r;!hr•t rlhio al "<I :HJdrtnl~ an•l thnl Curl ''llpt"f'h'ri rnt' \o ]j,,. :un.rtlin)..' lo 1lu••1' ~tauolarrk Al ..::t1. in a ~lrJ!If:!O'Iy unnili1a l aaul u pt i mi~ti•· manrwr. I hf'· li••~t•d 1ha1 if I lil •'tl 11 rra~nnahh· ri~htrnu~ lif1• on o•anh. G11ol hati pti'P•~r NI a w(nul1•rful hra1rt1 fnr 1111 fulu n·. I h.vl al-.o lrarnNI that ~oh a lion. n ·· d••mpllllll, ~in. aloui('JIIPnl. and parl irularly thr tlrdl :trill lwll. .,.,,r,. •nnrrpl~ ()f an ~'llrli•·r t·ra which mn1INo 1111111 l1ad oul~ro" 11, I 11111 ~1 l'l>llft·~~ I hal tho• loac i ~ r .. r 1hf' .. •• hrlirl!' W3!1 pur<•ly failh. fo 1r h ir1 !lu·· ,j,., larulrnn~ nf thf' mrn in !hi' pul1 •il ~>horn I Jwartl ~undal' Bhf'r Sunday. CPrlainh· 110 mat•·rit~l 1'\itlt•w'l• t•xi~lrd for DO)' of tlwm. El<'ll 1111' ,J.,, Hmt•nt;u~· 1·1 itl•·nt ,. t..a~ !'lranj!l' -for 1)11' 1\ihl••. th•· <olr pin·•· of tlo<"llllll'll lary t\"i· d•·n{'r. l•a" 'luol!•d "i!h apprn1ol whrn it "f)Okr of J•·~u~· lifr 11nd lt·lll''llin;!~ and alll)ll( ht'll\l'n. whi l1• thr .~lal•·mrul .. .,f lhf' ~am1• Hihlt•. t'\1'11 tho' worrl!! uf J~·~1 1• ll i m~lf. ahnul ~~~·II. 1h1• dl'l'il. l'llll'a!ion, n11 d atonl'llll'llt v.1•rr ron~ido•r1'd rrronr-ou!l. Thu!i ''IPII Ill<' •il)('um,·nla r~ rl iilf'n•·t-fur my ra rlil'r hr· h..(~ "a' f'tJIIIradit·loq. II i~ nnw •iiffir uh for me In unolo•r•lilnd how I •·1rr r o"luld ha\r' ~ull!l('rih!"tl lo ~ueh a ~lran gl' mi):lurr nf \l'uchin~. And llwn. my ry~ wrn• OJWIIt'd. I ~,;an to at· ll•ntl (l horm• Bil•l•• l'la:-~ whrr" lhc Bihlr wa~ sturlirrl ira llw •anw rriliral mnnnl'r lhal I "''&Y. arruslom.-d Jo in m)' tia ily work in ph r~i··~. Th(' l'la!!s B!I!Uiflf'd tlti" Bihl1• In lw r•on"i~ll'll l Bn1l undl'f~tanda bll', ju~l as lhr .OI('it•fllilll t'On~idrrl'! nalurr lo be conAisten l ami utHit•t:o-landahle. \\'c Wrf'1otlec l with portions lh ll Wt"rt• tliffieull 111 undt·r~1an t1 or lo u·concill' wilh othl"t JUtrl<~ of rhc BiLle ami rompon:d lhem u rrfully wilh ot iwr JH'ttint•nt Bible puug~. ~·e I"OnAillt'fl'fl a Scriprural dilfif'uhy a t hAIIenRe lo thr undt-n t&nd· inp; nnd on opportunity to modiry· our ptl"'t4"111 in. ('omplt•h· idroa.'l. rath•·r than "'·idence th&t the Uibk W8!1 in NrOT. Thi!~! approarh to !llu,lyinp: lhr BiMe cloeely pu- allds the ~~e~nti 11fs &ttitude toward naturf'. Hf' f'll:• peels, even wf'komtt dil!kuhit'$. and finch Pf"r"Soe- vering sludy rew&rfkd by dHper undel"'tandin(l. In bri.-f, a Jl'f'"OII •hould invrt~ir;ate Cod'a Word, the Bible, with the KIM metho& ( t"Yf'n f'•clt.-ment) that he would use in invettleatlns Hi• handiwork., I~ phraical wortd &round ua. Such 1 ttudy of the Dible qu;ckly kd me to real· iu th&t the .tnf'MIRe of the Bible dta.lt with man'• n'htlliOn asain-.t Cod (tin ) 1nd God'• nM'Ihod of recnncili•tion with m&n (Chrilt'l atonin'. dtath on lh!' n~.~ L' The dt•alinJ!" of GO(! I• it h man iu lh1· Old Trl'tamf'nt lwilh lh(' rr r urr i 11~ rh,•mr that "!IOmt'Oilf' i! comin~"l . tlw t•lhinal t•·o•·hin~.l of ji'~IJS (~urh as tht' S.·rnHlll 011 lh1· \lnuul I 1>hi1lt art' rff"~ignrd lo rlri1!" ho111·~1 nwn tn dt •..::pair. ttw 1oluntary th•ath of )t•..::u~ anol H i~ n·•urn·t·tiou . H i ~ la~l inslrut lions lo ~li :> tii'f·ipli·~. Pau l'..:: iutt·rprrta- tion or all th i~. and finall~· lh•· ni'\O'I:ll iou 1), Johu. all romhinl:' to T!'\'f'al a ro~mi•· dr.1nHI fmm "hidt on.-{'an not pirk nul pi1•ro·~ nf hi· 0.,. n • IHlll•iu~. To a ph~·!'iri!'t. a tht•on• 1•hio h 11i ll t'om •lat.-'"0 many far!!' in !'0 ma)!nifw,.nl a maunt"r i!l irrf"!!i!'l · ible. II >AilS lhi~ fnlurl" of thr Chrilllian J!'MJ"M ·I. roupll'll 1• ith thr knowl,•riJ!t' of mv wirhrlnt·c.eoo in Gorl'~ ~ipht anti m~· nf'f'li for II n,.d,•t·mrr. lhat ron· 1inrrrl mf' of thf' lnrlh of lhr f.h ri~lian m"""BP:t'; only lhrouth )f'HI:o Chri~l ;ur· r•wn n·r·onrilrtl In r.orl . In Tt'{'allin,e: my t!f't•i~ion to Jru .. r in th1• (.hri .. lian J!n~po·L I am a.,.·art• ll1a1 I ra11 1..-c·rilwiztotl fnr nnl l1111ing ~wrn obju lilf', for ha1in;: Ul'll'rl wichnut lh•· farl~. F'or lhf' onlr nt•.,.. f<t r l !hat ha,t bt•t•n inlro. tlucNI lo t'Xplain my lll'lif'f >A11 ~ an ur t'f'Jli iHlf'f' of thr Oihlto. \r,·f'rlhl'lr~" it <l~·~n·l fnllow 1h a1 lhi~ prorl'riurr is Un!!-C"ienlifir-. Tht• \·,."ronian Jlwon· of ~ra1·itation. for rxamplr. nrt•ou nl•'tl for all 1ht• a1·ailablt" t-xprrimf'nlal clara al 1h1• timt• .,. h1'11 F:in· "lrin inrrorlurf'rl tht· morf' "c·l1·~ar1t" Tho·nn • vf Gc·n· t"ral Af'la1i1 ity. It wa!; a !!t'll!'-0' of "filtH'~ .... nr malh· rmatiral "'l)f'auty"' 1hat rlro"' [ira .. lrin tn prOJ)()~ an apparf'nlly unnrl'tlt•ri !lwnrl'. l.alf'r. mon· •·an·· lui f''CJ'W'Timt•nl~. ~ohi r h IH'Tf' rlf'~i)!UI'tl to rl iffrrc·nti · att· hrt.,. rt'n lhr thl'ori"!' of \,•.,.Inn and F:in ~lrin, a~rft'tl wilh [in!'tf'in's thror r. Similar!~·. I wa.& ron. 1 inct"d of lht' Bi],j,.':> df'!'-I'Ti ption nf Cod an.-1 man. primarily lw<-au!'f' of a .&Iron~ frt>lin ji' of il.• ri,e:hrn~·u on1i filn~. !"lf'fOrf' I harl iuli·~li,l.'•llc••i nlT•·fully llw I ' I itlrnct for its rt·liahilitr. Of ('0UT8t' thr 1'\ idrnct" for lhf' n•liahilit)' of th1· Bihlt' mus1 h(' ron~i df'TI'd. ~I )· 0"11 in11·~ti~ation~ si ne~ lhal 1imr ha1r t:onrinro•d nw lhlll llw llihlit·al rf'rords art• accuratf' anrl tru,.tworthy. For ··xamph·. 1hr rnlirt' :\'f'w T .. slamrnt wa.~ ~orill1'n tlurin)! 1110' lifl'·li me of th~ ~o•ho knl'W )!'l'U~. fl i~tnriro l r tnm1·~ and placf'S whirh can bt' t:hcrkt•tl -anti lht•u• ar,. many-af!:rl'"t' wi th accou nl~ of ~·rulo r >A·rilt'n. A., for th~ Old T~lamrnl. lhou!'ami!' of arrht>olo~ical finds corrobora.t~ lhe Hi blical d()('umrnl!. It is lh~rdore intellt-clually rea!Onable In hdit'l't' lhal ll.t' Biblical rt'('ords or~ acrurall'. Ne\'l:rlhrlt'S@, we must arlmit lhat durinp: our !<k!"p- tiral mQmrnl!~! the Chrislian gospt'l ~ms almmt too fantastic to bt'lir\'e. Did God. thf' Crl"ator of the uni \'f'TSe', enr really fwo.comf: a Man ami dif' on a croe& so that mf'n might be rroronriJ,.d to Him? The bt's1 answrr to th is doubt i!! lo r~all that tl1f' Man who livrd thf' mO!It prrf«l ]i(,. and taup;ht thl"' most gloriou!! prt"Uptl is the Man whD h•s madr I~ elaim to be God. Of cour~~e many oth f'r rea!IOns aiM !<upport bf.l if'f in the Christian gM~l. I wouM likf' to pr~nt hrre four reuons which t'8J>f!C ially •PJM'BI to me just ~· cause I am a ACientiAI. I f~l that thf"8e rea10ns actually make it euin for a Mirntist to beline in lhe gn&pt-l of Christ than for a non-~~eirnti.t, I have already mentionf'd the 6rtt rta80fl which &pptala to a acientist : the Christia n ~OIIfX'I is a hf.au. tiful ~•planation of a great many fart3, r&n8ins from 1M evil n&ture of m&n to thor: 1triking ordf'r in the uniwne. The ~eientifie mind i• r~tkM &bout u.ntflated fa<:tJ. and tvttn Wf'k-omn incompJ('fe tc:i• entifte theories U no beth'r ones ean be found. Thu. a ~~r.imtill it attracttd by the nten•h·(', logiul an1l profound ty'llan 1hat n:pff"!!C'I"'b the Otrlttian vinr o( 1M world. CUWTIMUI. WilT •Ill) ' ., From the Police Blotter NEWPORT HARBOR EN~GN SECOND SECllON --Pare 3 THURSDAY NOV. 26, 1970 N.B. PERMITS • FRIDAY, OCT. :10 •lee to blow .., a mall 1>os al lhr•teoiDc loUor ••• 4 .. CORONA CAU F. Fo~ pormlla, nluj a1 • AIRPOIIT AREA PuJ "*• Ciullud. U, of ua. Robert Warn Mtelat)T• rtcol'dtr n....S at UOO wu $1,000 aad o.er, wtrt luued AJ.u: aot.t-, puUdou at 114 M. Newport BIYd., Hew-rtokleoce, 1206 HltllllaDd Dr., borCIUtsod !rom lhelj>Utmeol ditrlllf the put .... by 1be UOO ~Dr., $li,IIOO. port Hetebtt, wu &rusted at Harbor HighlaDdl:, darlq tbl of AdrlU Lull'), l 'Jt!-A W, Jfewport S.;;.t~ ~ldtol de-• BAL8().t ISl...ANO 11:45 a.m. at hit rtlidtDCe oa Diehl; dlmap nt 11Umatld Oeeu Ft., Central HfiW"PPO"t. pu1mtal; MuiM Slltbtr*. &pU'tlMIII: a cbu .. ol. Mlt &Dd tra.o.spor. at $10 • , • A bicycle nlutd at betwMD No.. 1 &Dd Not, Z,.. • LINDA ISLE ot'tr r,arap !17 Coni Aft tatl.oD ot dlDtVOUI drup .• , $ZO was burClarl&ed from j)l stueo tape~ Y&lued &I $131.50 Georp Sbott, 2-ICOI'J, 1-$8,500, ' .. KtadiU E. Rat.u. 2&, ot 541 prage at tbe RooaJd J. Frt.a-.wert burClart.&ed tromap.ra,. Ullll dweWne. No. 13,$71,000. • BALBOA AU..O, Newport Hell,htJ, and co re~idence, 121-1/2 37th St., at tbe Rick May rt~ldtoet, F. Carr, wall and eaDtUe•er Aatbooy RI.Dl, 4._.1u, !02 E. Patrlell. Sue Eworonaky, 20, of West Newport, between Oct. 15 7308 W. Oeeu Ft., Wut New.. deck, No. 68, $2,000. Balboa B.lYd., $U,OOO. 15St7 Tu.UO, Costa Mflaa, were and Oct. 31. port, durlo& the ntgtrt • , • A • NEWPORT CENTER • NEWPORT arreJt41d at Mtsa Eworonslry's • MONDAY, NOV. z P\ll'M aDd ltJ eoruota, valued Fasb.loo Island, reloea.te nre The lrtlne Co., dtmolllh rHtdloce at 10:53 a.m. on drug Fredrick Eugeoe Carson, 21, at $150, wert bu.rclarlsed from Jprltlk1en at No. 61, 6S ud Vllla Matim rutaurant at DA VlD W WYHRE of Cocta MeM, &t left, the U71 presl· ebarps; Mlq Eworonsky ns of 109 Sonora, Newport Shores, the residence o1 Dorottu' A-15, $1 ,555, 1045 Bayside Dr., $Z,OOO, deJll elect of the Newport Harbor..Costa Mesa Board of ure~tld on an Orange Couoty wa sted 1 9 1 th Chapman, 10'7Z Santlaco, Do· Tbe lrvtae Co., tenant im· A_. ............ m ..... -•to ·-·•" Realtors, a.ncl Glenn Martin, tbe eJeeutiYe officer, met lD harbor •~tctal dls'-lct ""uri 6 arre a a.m. a 8 Sb d I t"-nt~t Nal -~ ..... ·-1 ' Lo •-~.... "" "" Newport Beach pollee station ver ores, ur nc '"' .,, • • • provements, 500 Newport Cea .. $l3,000, s 1\.llgeles recently with Lea.d~u of the California Real warrant ch&rgtog her with sale 00 ao Orange County barbor James B. Fercuson. 47, ol ter Orin East, $30,000. Oaoa H. Smith, Z-story du -Estate Assn. to mai.e plans tor the coming year. The oeect and tra.nsporatlon of restricted judicial district warrant charg-20341 S. Cyprus St., Santa A.DI • EAST UPPER B.A y pies, 118 Z8th st., SM,OOO. to provide hOusln&: that sells ror $25,000 and less and ways daoprous drugs aOO Rains was lng him wUh failW"e to appear Heights, was hospltaliud 1Aer G. M.. Holstein ' SoilS, a • BALBOA COVES of a~compllsb.lng that goal were amonl the topics discussed arrtJted oo a charge of pos~ , •• Daniel Scott Mittelman, the car he wu drlvtnc collldeiS n lmmiog poolu2630-l/Z Vts.. 0oo Swaoco, remodel dwell-at the plannlng session at the B11tmore l'lotel. Ms•lon of marljiJil.na • , • James 21 01 110_112 !St" Sl West wttb another ear driven by Pam .. HICK J. FLORIO, m1.01pr ot ta Ornada, $6,500. 1.n 52 Ba-c $2 500 ------- Auold Buclay Jr., 18, of Z400 N~wport, was arre~ 'i.t 2:30 ela Lloyd B&lact, 18, of 1900 tbe Superior omce of Newport • HARBOR VIEW HILLS g. oves. ' • LEGAL NOTICE E. 2K!nd St., West t.Wer Bay, p.m. at 25th and w. Ocean Ft., lrYtne, Baycrest, S36feet south National Bank, llas been ap.. Dennis Harwood add room ------ aDd Jeth Rog\!r Petros, 18, ol West Newport on a charge of of Francisco St., on lrvioe, pointed a vice president, ac-2729 Harbor View 'r>r,, $7,300: LECA.L MOTICE P-39334 Santa Am., were arrested at interferlng with a poUceo!tleer W.1st Upper Bay, at 5:40p.m. cording to an anoouocement by John T. McManus, swimming p.39233 CERTIFICATE OF BUSINESS 7 p.m. at the Market Basket ••• George D. Rice, 7Z,oflB28 • THURSDAY, NOV, 5 George L. Woodford, presl-pool, 3610 Blue Key, $3,264., CERTIFICATE OF BUSlNESS FlctUious Firm Name store, 3100 W. &lboa Blvd., w. Balboa Blvd., Central New-Jack Allan Kruse, 37, of20'17 dent. Mr. Florio held positions 22R. Hughes, swlmmlng pool, THE UNDERSIGNED do here-~ petty theft cllarres .•• port, was arrested atl:30 a.m. Chute St., Cost& Mesa, wasar-of responslblllty with a bank 194.2 P.,rt Nelson $3 400 FlcUttoos Flrm folame by certify that they arecol\du<:. Fifty.nve bottles of Uquor aDd at 21st Place and Balboa Blvd., r ested at 12:30 p.m. at 2000 lD New Jersey ll>r 4 years, c. Kilpatrick, ~t:nm~gpoot THE UNDERSIGNED do here-tlng a. Marketing business at CLOSED ON FRIDAY The 3 Newport Beach city Ubraries will be closed Fri- day following Th.anltsglvlng, re. placing admission day as a city hollday. The Ubr;ules will re- main open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday iS us ual, ac- cording 10 librarian Dorothea Sheely. 2 pictures were burglarized Central Newport on a Cl\u'Ke w. Ocean Ft., central Newport, prior to coming to CaUfornta. at 3910 Topside Ln., $3,5·?0. ~~c~:;u:r t!'t!.~:t ~~::st. P. ~ ~ 42.~~ ntxv1toe, C~­ trom tiM Dry Dock restaurant, of drunk In publld •.• Burglars 00 a charge of drunk In publlc He subsequently was assocl.ated Jolul Dunzer playroom at 17th S C or • r """" ct Uous firm 2&01 W. Coast Hwy., Mariners entered the Lido Theatre 3459 w u Lee Hall 64 1 •Jth a bani. In Costa Mesa for 1958 Port Lock.sletgh S3 ooo . treet, osta Mesa, Cal-name of Province House, Com. YJle, during the night; value of Via Lido Lido Ships arf!ftJ.' dur 944 Darr~l ~ .• Costa M~sa, ~:S 2 years before atfillatlng with • CORONA DEL Mt il ' ' ' Uorna, UDder tbeftctitious tlrm puter Sign Co., DiVIsions ol r----------, stolen items was estimated at lng th'! e~ly morn!llgho~sand arrested at 12:50 a.m. at E Newport National Bank In 1964. P•ul M. Martin. 620 Mart. name ol Altha AHem SaU Loft. Saramac Enterpnses, and that $585 S lued He has managed the Superior gold new eotry to bedroom and that said tlrm Is composed said firm Is compos@d of the • • . tereo tapes va escaped with $30 In cash .•• Balboa Blvd. and Washington Offi ce since Its opening aod $3 o00 • ol the !ollowiDg persoos, whose following persons whose names at $200 were stolen from a A bicycle valued at sao was St., Billboa, oo a charge of In-wUI continue In that pos1Uoo. Way~e Blackstock, remodel oa.mes In fu.U aod places of ill tuU and place of residenc~ car belo~dng to Randy L. Stab. burglarized from the open ga-toxJ.ca.Uon Jn public ••• Tom He Is married makes hls llOme kitchen 317 Orchid $4 00 residence are as follows, to-a...: .as follows, to-wit: Sara ler, 123 Via Ulldlne, Lido Isle, rage .at the CaroleeGuslck rest-Carson, 25, or 226~1/2 Marine in Costa Mesa,' and enjoys boat-Ralph Robbins, • car'po;t wit: WUUam Alvin Batley, 418 B. Maguire, 1952 Por t Provence while H was parked near New-dence, 716 Heliotrope, Corona Ave., Balboil Island, W4s it· ing a.s Ills hObby. He Is active 223 Poinsettia, $1,500. at Belvue Lane, Balboa, Calltor-PI., Newpor t ~ch, Calif.; por t Harbor high school ..• del Mu, during the night , , • rested at Marine Ave. and N. ln the Costa Mesa Lions Club. nia, Elizabeth L. Batley, 41 8 Walter R. Maguire, 1952 Port A rubber wet suit valued at A statue valued at $60 was Bay Ft., Balboa Island, on a Belvue Lane, Balbora., Ca!Hor. Provence Pl., t-Oewport Beach, $45 was: stolen from the car-stolen from an open counter charge of carrylng a coacealed LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOT1CE nta. CaUL port at the William C. Gerhardt at Robinson's Fashion Island weapon • . • Robert lhnlel WITNESS their hands this WJT:o;Ess our hands this Sth residence, 201 ())at, Balboa be:ween 6 p.:n. and 8:45p.m: Pope, 18, ot 2109 Thurln Ave., ORANGE CO UNTY ROAD DS PARTMENT Z9t.b day of October, 1970, Wll-d.ay of November 1970 Sara Island, between Oct. 2hnd0ct. •. Stereo equipment valued at Costa Mesa, w-..s arrested at ORANGE COUNTY, CA LIFORNIA llam Alvin Batley, Elizabeth L. B. Magulte, walter R: M.a.. 26, $400 was burglarized from the 19th St. and Balboa Blvd., Ceo-NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Bailey, gu~.re. • SATURDAY, OCT. 31 apartment of Franklin Raln-tral Newport, on a charge of Seated proposals will be received at the Ofnce of tl\e Clerk STATE OF CAUFORNIA) .::T ,1, TE or C AUFORN IA ) BALTZ MORIVARIES IHI SU P ERIOR AV E. COSTA ME SA Midway b·2424 3520 E. COAST HI WAY CO RONA DEL lo!AR ORiol e 3·q450 I Sittc~ 1941 Robert Allen Jones, 19, of water, 203 43rd St,, West New-giving false Information to an of the Board of S~rvtsors of the County of Orange, Santa )ss )ss 2204 Meyer Pi., Co'ita Mesa, port, during the night of Oct. officer •.• Henry Braun Nu'!t-Ana, CalUornla, on or before Monda y the 14th day of Decem-COUNTY OF ORANGE ) COUNTY OF ORA NGE ) . Wes~cliff Chapel and Keven Arthur Flowers, 18, 29 •.. A piggy bank contain-zel, 55, ot 1109 E. Balboa ber, 1970 at 2:00 P.M. o'clock, at which time they will be ON THIS 29th day of Octo-ON THIS8thdayofNovefY'ber, of 583 Knowell, Costa Mesa, lng $2tn cash, 30 tradingstamp Blvd., Balboa, was arrested publicly opened and read In the Dftlce of the Clerk of tbe ber, A.D. 19'10, before me, 19i0, befor e me, a Notary Pub-.,.,.0 were arrested at 1:15 a.m. at books valued at $90 and $150 at 12:35 p.m. at E. Balboa Board of S~rvtsors, Room 501, County Admtnistration Oorotby E. Zampino, a Not-uc In aod for Slld county and 427 E. 17th sT. Fern and SeashOre, West New~ In cash were burglarized from Blvd, and G St., oo a charge Building, 515 North SycamJre, Santa Ana, California, for uy Public lD and lor the said state, residing tllereio, duly COSTA WESA port, on char~~:es of possession the Hug Avery Thomas rest-of intoxlcaUon In publlc • . . constructing a highway ln accordance With the plans aDd County and State, residing commissioned and sworn per. P'MOW(a "''"~"' ot mart.tuana •.• steph~nOoug-dence, 424 E. Bay Ave., Bat-Ronnie Mark Webster, 19, ot spec111cations therefor, to whlch speci.al reference is made therein, duly commissioned and sonally appeared Sara a: Ma-;=~::;:=;~~~~~:;:~ las Guest, 18, of 309 Monte boa, during the n.lght. 214 Highland St., Newport as follows : S'tt'oro, personally appeared guLre and Walter R. Magui.rP, MA T T RE g 5 E g VIsta, Costa Mesa, and Mi chael Shores, was arrested at 3 p.m. IN THE COUNTY or 011 ANGE , on Culver Drive from Wllllam Alv':D Batley and Ells-know n to me to be the persons Francis Jackson, 19, of 599 • T UESDAY, NOV. 3 at 7000 W. Coast Hwy., West 1394 feet southerly of University Drive to University Drive. abeth L. Bailey, known to me whose names are subscribed R' EW -BEIOlLDDfC ITT'@'g ular Shal>f'S IJUMnprtog--Colt- COSTA tr.IESA. I-4AniE..SS CO. 21SON•wponii .. G. UIM,..,J.IJDJ Grand Haven Ctrcle, Costa WOOdrow William Payne, 53, Newport, on a charge of lode-BIDS are required for the entire work as described herein: to be the persons whose names to the wtthtn Instrument and Mesa, were arrested at 7 p.m. or 23 18 Newport Blvd., Central cent exposure .•• James Ha.r-Engineer's Estimate ~e subscribed to the within acknowledged to me tllat' they at Westc llfl and Dover, West-Newport, was arrested at 1:30 vey Buffington, 20, of 5403Rtv-Item No. Quantity DescrlpUon of Work w.strument, and acknowledged executed the same. cUff, on charges of being drunk a.m. at Newport Blvd. and er Ave., West Newport, was 1 44 L.F. Remove Downdrain to me tl\at they executed the WITNESS my hand and orne- in pal)UC with drugs, • , Bur g-Hospital Rd ., Newpor t Heights, arrested at his residence at 2 L.S. Clearing &r Grubbing same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, ial seaL Mary A.. Haapa. No. Friendly Nellftbortloud Iars entered the hOme of Bar-on a charge of driving whJle 6.35 p.m. on a superior court 3 48 M.G.a.I Furnish & Apply Water I have hereunto set my hand and tary POOlic in and for said Service bara Ann Bixby, 162 7 Higtl-under the lnfiuence of alcohol warrant charging hlm wUh vto-4 1,870 c. Y. Road Excavation .a.It1ud my omcial seal the day County and State. My Com. BEU BROADWAy laod Dr., Harbor Highlands, · • • Timothy John Phelan, lation of probation •. , An old 5 157 C.Y. Structure Excavation and year in this Certt.ncate mission expires Dec. 13, 1971. MORTUARY during the night and escaped 22, of 41 5 N, Newport Blvd., style diving helm,,t valued at (Retalnlng Wall) first ~bove written. Dorot.t1y E. Publish: Nov . 12 , 19, 26, I>«. with her purse and Its contents Newport Hetghts, was arrested $300 was burglarized from the G 142 C.Y. Structure &ck11ll z_amp1oo. My Commission ex~ 3, 1970, In tne Newport Hat-110 Broadway valued at $175.50 .•. A blanket at 1:45 p.m. at Island and E. Dry Dock restaurant. 2601 w. (Reta.ining Wall) ;lLres Mar. 20, 1973. bor Ensign_ ~--.:;LI;;8~·:M33.ft;;S.;:MM;;~c~ ... ;'"~;"~-;;~ and rug valued at s87 were Balboa Blvd., Balboa, on an Coast Hwy., Mariners M:!c, 7 157 C.Y . Structure Excavation Publish: Nov. 5, 12, 19, 26, stolen from the garden aru Orange County harbor judicial during the night. (Slope Protection) 1~'i0, in the Newport Harbor at the Dol Is E. Russell res!-district court warrant charging • FRIDAY, NOV. 6 8 L.S. Flntsnlng Roadway Ensign. dence, 2741 Ocean Blvd., Co-him with lodging on the beach David Wesley Gardner 22 9 1,925 Ton Aggrep.te Base rona del Mar, during the ntght anj tlUure to appear· •. Char-of 104. lr>th St., Central New~ 10 540 Ton A::>;>ha.tt Concrete A -•te -•-•11111 $7 000 les Raymood Burdick, 29, of nnrt, was arrested at 2:10 Lm. ll 1.5 Ton Ll.quld AliiPha.lt (SC-250) · · · tru r COIU&I g • 108 2200 st Centr I N I ..-worth ol coDOe681oo equipment •• a ewpor • at 21st and Court St., Central 12 1.0 Ton AsphalUc Emulstoc and supplies bekmglng to R·>b-was arrested at 3:10 p.m. at N '"'*',)art on a charge ot tntoxJ. 13 3.2 c. Y. Class "A" Concrete ert David Homu. 3904 River VIa Lidol 100 Newport Blvd., c~tlon ln public ••• Cyril (Minor Structure) Ave., West Newport, was sto-West Newport, on an Orange Sruek 24 of Room 16 Ba.y-(F) 14 50 C.Y. Class "A" Concr ete len while parked at tUs resl-County harbor judicial district clllf ~lotet' Newport Bea~h was (Retaining Wall) dence, during the night •.• :ra:r~~l ~harging h.lm w~th f.allj arret led ;t 12:30 a.m. at '2241 (S-F) 15 4,1 58 Lb. Bar Relntorcing Steel A television set and stereo ppear • · · evera W. COlst Hwy., Mariners Mile, (Retalnlng Wall) equipment valued at $lOO were bottles of liquor aDd a stereo oo a cnarge of Intoxication in 16 16 L.f. 18" RCP (2000-D) burglarized frdtn the Thomas valued at $350 were burglar-publlc Douglas Henry 17 77 Ton Gravel B:anltet Patterson Jr., residence, 4700 lzed fro_m Sid's Blue Beet, 107 Strange." 22, ·aDd Ward Jami"!s (S) 18 184 Lb. Miscellaneous Iron and Steel Neptune Ave., Wes~ Newport, 21st Pl., Central Newport, be-Henry u, 24, both of 822 w. 19 85 C.Y . Rock Slope Protection between Oct. 26 and Oct. 31. tween Oct. 31 and Nov. 3 • • • Balboa B:vd., No. 3, Balboa, (1/4 Ton-Method "B") A man about 20 years old en-were arrested 00 charges of 20 18 C. Y. Grouted Rock Slope ProtecHoo • SUNDAY, NOV. 1 tered the Allee S. Guertin res!-burglary· Henry was arrested (1/4 Ton. Method "8") Jarosla.va Anna Farber, 29, dence, 609 Poppy, Corona del at 2 p.m'. at lll.srestdenceand 21 3.5 C.Y. Concr ete Grout ot 233-B l9:h St., Centra l New-lrh.r, about 7:20p.m., told her S:range w.as arrested at 1 p.m. 22 170 C.Y. Class '"8" Concr ete (Curb, Gutter, port, was arrest@d at 3:30 p.m. he had' a gun and needed mon-at tt.e pollee station ••. Howard Sidewalk, etc.) at 19th and Bay Ave., Central ey; when Mrs.Guertln r efu sed Jay Holla~er, 18, of 1128 w. (S) 23 76 L.F. Chain Link F'cnce (Type CL -6) Newport, on a ch.l..rgeofbattery, the would-be robber left · · . Balboa Blvd., Balboa, was ar-THE FOREGOING quantities are approximate only, being , . A camera valued at $220 A surfboard and si.lndlrlng suit ro!sted at 9:50p.m. at Ill s res\. given as a t:asls for the comparison of bids, and the County was s tolen from Michael R. valued at $185 were burglarized deoce on a char~ of possess ion ot Orange does not, expr essly or by lmpllcation, agree that Buford, 3019 Coolld~, Costa from a ~age at the Tom C...r-of marijuana , .. EJectrontc the actual amount of work will rorrespond therewith but Mesa, while he was .attending ney restdence, 112 34th St., equlp:ntJnt valued at $1,54? was reserves the right to locrease or decrease the amount of a party at 7301 Seashore Dr ., West Newport, during the ooon stolen from 1. car belonging to any class or portio~ o~ the work, nr to omit portions of the w .·.st Newport ... Vandals hour • • • A camera valued at Daniel Zinke, 114·1/2 42nd St., work, as may be deemed necessary or advisable by the En- used an uni.nown explosive de-$170 was burglarized rrom the West Newport while it was g1nee.r. ,..-----------,Thomas James Moore resi-parked at hlsr~stdence between THE CONTRACT IXX:UMENTS shall consist of Notice to d~ilCe, 209 Marguerite, Corona Oct. 26 and Oct. 30 , .. Fish-Contractors, Form of Proposal, Form of Agreement, Plans, del M.lt. between Nov. I and ing equpment valued at $3 10 Special Provisions, and StaDdar d SpecUicatlons, all of which NOW .H 1780NEWPORT 3LVD. Ph. 64~9383 CoJta Mesa Nov· 3, was burglarized (rom a garage are on file In the office of the Orange County Road l)~t· • WEDNE.SD·\ Y, NOV. 4 at the John Llndell resldeoce, meot aDd are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. Larry Everett Harris, 30, 338 Holmwood Dr., Newport PLANS, SPECIA L PROVISIONS AND OTHER CON TRACT of 880 W. 19th St., Costa Mesa, Heights, between Oct, 17 and DOCUMENT FORMS will be available tor examination withOut Calif., was arr ested at 9:25 Nov. 2 •.• A televlson set, charge. Copies of all contract documents may be secured at a.m. at 304 3200 St., West a transistor ra-i1o and 12 ten-tbe otrlce of the Orange County Road Department, 400 Civic Newport, oo a charge of burg. nis balls, total va.lue$325, were Center Drive West, Santa Ana, Callfornta. lary ••• Gregory Robert ~lch-burglarized from the apartment PLANS, SPECIAL PROVISIONS (NOT lNCLUDING STAND- mond, 22, and Ray Jackson of Jacque Grigry, tennis Pro at ARD SPECIFICATIONS OR OTHER OOC:UMENTS INCLUDED Richards, Zl, both of 1101 Bay. Pari Newport Apartments, 900 BY REfERENCE ) AND PROPOSAL FORMS m.:1y be obtained side Dr •• New;>ort Beach, were Sao Joaqulo Hills Rd., Newport by prospective bidders upon payment of a printing and sec- arrested at 1:30 p.m. at the ir Center ••• A tacbometeranda..o vice charge ln the amount of $5.00, which amowi shall not residence on charges of pos. auto a1t coodlUooer valued at be retuoda.ble. All checks shall be made payaNe to 0-:-a..oge session ot dangerous drugs for $260 were buta:larlzed trom a County Treasurer but should be mailed to the Road Oeput- sale ••• Albin Gudls, 44, of car tn a locked garage at the ment, 400 Ch1c Centel Drive West, Santa Ana, CaWornla. 1890 16th St., Newport Heights, Clarence Alfred Roberts rest-COPIES OF THE STANDARD SP2CIFICATIONS may be was arrested at 12:10 at dence 915 w. Balboa Blvd., purch.ased for $1.58 tax l.ncluded D-om the Department of the Newport Beach sta .. Balboa, during the night of Nov. Publlc Works, state of CaWornta, or the Road Department. '--::;;;;;iiiiiiiiiji;iiiiiij;jijjj;. a County of Orange, 400 Civic Center Drl.-e W~tst, Santa Ana, CaWorllia. NO BID wtll be considered unless It Is m•de on a blank form turnlabed by the County Road Commlss1ooer and ls made 1D accordi.Dce with the provisioo.s of the st.aldard Spe-OalllaltW......._ cifications IJXl Specla.l ProvlsLoo.s. THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS of the Cowty of Oranre COitAIII lttm'L A11D IIIIIAL Clllia YU L E TREE SAL E SET Tbe Y's Men's Club of the N nport Harbor Area wtU opea a Cbrlstm.u tre! loC Dec. 5 oert to the S41A Shoe Store on 11th St., west ol the Pan- cake House in Costa Mesa. A 10% discount will be gtven to membershJD card holders. The Y's Menettes wiU have mistle~ toe for sale. .Damato& 842·1877 H ..... .., 17.0 SHOPS and SERVICES Save Time And Money -Call An Expert BEAUTY SAlON BEAUTY NOOK: 27 32 E. Coast Hwv. Corona del Mar Phone 644-7336 DRY ClEANING DIMMITT /J •• ;,J.t&._ ere ENID Fint:SI qu;~~lity dry ckanina on thr prt:misc-s • Sdf-~rvicr laundry All new -btnl mockl Fng"~d;alrr w;~~.~ohers 3200 E. Cout Hwy., COM fhont-: 6 7.3-9605 FLORIST FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS DtMurl ToJh FLORISTS PHONE: ~n 2438 N•port IUwd. Coote - • HEALTH RESORT ~ ~!,~~-SPA t • M onor,..ol sPA Wt11r looo1 • Ull<il Voolel Sun~ • ., l'lootTl$ • F onno.ro Sau nl 51_., Room$ • lnv'90'ill•"ll F lect••till M~ • Dt-w•t D•.,. Hu t Rooms • Rilll••<>gMechilf>otill Mii1Y91!' • P<ivilll!' f oll!'d 5ti111 5howe" • Pe<IO<"Iill SIIPP<V•l •On •COSTA MESA 549-3368 • ORANGE • ANAHEIM • HUNTINGTON BEACH 842·1451 639-2441 826-0381 • OFFICE EQUIPMENT I • • I~ . . : j rEOU I PMl~T I"" N£Wf'O R t 9E-'C .. ~ OJJi<l· Fumuurt' ~ 'I;.P' OESKS. CHAIRS I PLUMBING A R MAR SAC PL UM HER • Plumbmtt Rrpllr\ OAY & NIGHT WATFR HEATERS FILES. SAFES OFFICE SUPP LI ES & STATIONERY Addl"'tt Mildooroa 1----------- ~ ,.,.,..... .... ~ 673-6820 MARINE HARDWARE OFFICE SlW'tl'l.'t ltoe.. 1-----P Ac;.lc;NTc.:_:6::_:Wc;.A:.:l::lc;P A:.:P_:ER:.:.__I W I L CO X .C R I TIE NO EN HARBOR PAINT HARDWARE =:=~1~ resenes tbe rlgbt to reject any or all bids. THE BIDDER'S attention 1s directed to the proYistOilS ill 1----------A. WALLPAPER ,._.~-.. c~Mrts -....._. 7700 W. Ca.t Hwv •• N. a. P1'M'SBURGH PAINTS 5-'8-9331 .... ,_., ataaorill Jark ..._, ...... ilt 0.. B .. ,..,_, lllflll" h I lltllf tl .. tlrill Clltllll = II I 1111 ..... far !'L!)I!I : ....,.IIUIII:Mou caW........._ ... &M .... .., -.,. ... -... .. '!*bbJEII .............. ... • lkdtapll ... IDr, •• _ ...... ..... . ----·:·:·::·~·~-~­, ....... ., .......... sua 111•1121 (10LL Pill PllOM MIWPOaT MAllO I AliA) • Sect.loo z, ''Proposal Requiremems ud Conditions," of the StaiXIatd Sped.tlcaUons for tbe requltemeots and ooodltlolls wbich ht must oblene in the pr~UOD of tile proposal form a.ad tbe tulXnJ.uloll ot the bld. PROVlStONS OF THE STATE CONTRACT ACT art DOC applicable, J.Dd proapteUYe bidclers wtU DOt be reQW.red to be preq~alltled. IN ACCORDA!ICE wtth tile ~ ot SecUoo 17?S ot lbe Lal>o< Co<le ot lbe Stale ot CaJJion>la, the Boot<! ot-- ...... ot <naco ~ ... ._ujllld .,. -· P«-n.lUDc ntt ot watts applicable to tbe work u detalltd 1D 8oud o1 ~~ Rt.:~lutioa No. '10-Ul. BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF SUPERV'OORS OF ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFOftii1A. 0.10<1 : liMe-10, 1970 W. E. ST JOilJI eo-, Cwk aod u.-:to Clork <II U. Boot<! ot~l 0( <naco eo-,, Calllxklla I$&4L) By -1 L. Cooteb, '-JClorl Plrbllab: Newport Harbor Euelp. b •• ud Doc. I, 1110. HUlliNG AI OS HAL AEBISCHER ~!. PfQf* Fittino Aaured 34011 E. Coon Hwy. ea..... dol -I1WaS ON Lr IJ.H A r aA• CALL 17JoOJJO ....__ ____ _ Complete Line 13.000PATTE'RNS OF WALLPAPER 2919 E. Coollt Hwy. Corono del Me< fN&X"T TO I'Oa,. TM&A.Tall Pbono: 673-2033 • WOOOWOA KI NG SI'I:CIAL.tSTS IN NAPUN£ C:A .. t-IINT II'tY • F"INII CA.INCTS • • WOODCitAtrT'S • IITC. Fill£ DUUIJIIINO •••-r •• .,. •• ,.., ••v•• ........... 1 -.<"""ole II A fT LIN I I• 1'141 ttA..cMt MIA • NURSERY ShNb&. InteriM n.nb Tropical A Tftft IMKtk.:Wta '*I Ft'ltli:l.- ....... a.... ............ .. 1'11E£ D£UI'EIIY Corona del Mar Nunery E Co.u Hwy. 67S.0160 UPHOLSTIRIHO (~ Eurat-• 084•••1 MMOI>El2 ""·.,ON\. Y -10 -Cell ....... ¥" lt8 ... H.a.-.. a- HIII.a DIUYI.IIY I fiiiC'ICW • , NEWPORT HARBOR EN$1011 SECOIIO SEC11011 --l"'p 4 TIIURSOAY, NOV, 26,'1910 ll)RONA OEUIAR, CAI.IF. • So is a healthy environment. At Edison we're working to bring you both. Can you picture living without electricity? Shu t 11oft and you shu t down elevators, traffic 11ghts . com puters. radios. TV sets and relrig· era to(s You 'd also shut down most factories ElectriCity IS one energy we canno t do w1th out. Fortunately, electricity is clean. tlameless . odorless and doesn 't create by · products of combustion at 1ts point of use . The product1on and distribution of elec· tr 1C1 ty does have some effect on the envirOn - ment we share Everyth1ng man does has some eflect But 11 we la 1led to supply elec· tnc1ty 'or the fa ctories. farms and homes in the 14-county area we serve in Central and Southern Cal1 forn ia. the impact on all our 11ves would be devastating. At Ed1son two of our major goals are to cont1nue to prov1de a reliable supply of elec - tri Ci ty and to work to 1mprove the environ - ment w1th relat1on to ou r generating plants and other ta crl rties Ed 1son has been doing both srnce the early 1900's One exam ple IS the vast B1g Creek Hydro· el '=ctr 1C ProJect 1n th'= H1gh S1e rra Here Ed1- son bu ilt a network of dams and lakes to trap the melting snows. Th is water now spins the turbines that generate electricity for hun· dreds of thousands of our customers. As well as supplying electricity , "Big Creek" provides a vacation paradise tor the public to en,oy , complete with campgrounds. man-made lakes. and streams well-stocked w 1th trout. Moreover. "B1g Creek " means flood con· trot and irrigation water for the farmlands of the San Joaquin Valley below Water was once the pr1mary source of Emission control. By apply1ng recent developments tn pollut1on contro l. em1SS1ons from Ed1son ·s fossil-fuel plants have been substantially reduced. tnclud1ng a S1Qn1f1cant reduc1 10r, 1n n1trogen ox1des Ocean studies. power used to spin the turbines that gener· ated electricity for Central and Southern California. But after most feasi ble hydroelec· tr 1c power sources for Edison customers had been tapped . we turned to fossil-fuel power plants to meet the growing demand tor elec· tr1c energy Power plants in Southern California have never been the major contributor to air pol· lutJOn , but when fuel is burned in power plants. ce rta in by-products of combustion are released into the atmosphere. Th is is true when burning gas or oil in power plants, gas m homes, or gasoline in autos. To mimmize by-products of combustion from our power plants, Edison has been workmg for many years in many ways. For example. Edison launched extensive air pol· lut1on research programs over t 5 years ago. We were among the first companies in the nat1on to act1vate such programs and have A vacation paradise. succeeded in making sign1ftcant reductions 1n emissions from our power plants. We are working to reduce them even further. We believe generat ing electricity at nuclear power plants is another effective way we can help to improve the environment. In a nuclear reactor there is no combustion, so there are no by -products of combustion Therefore . we plan to build additional nuclear units. Two are scheduled for opera· tion in t 976 and 1977 at the San Onofre Generating Station near San Clemente Thereafter. the only major generating facili· t1es Edison plans to build 1n Southern Cali· forn1a's South Coast basin are nuclear plants. ----- 4 rt -Southern Ca lifornia Edison Edison's B1g Creek Hydroelectnc Protect. located 1n the H1gh S1erra 1n Central Calr lorn ra suppl1es electriCi ty and prov1des a va st rec reat1on area for the publ1c Burying lines. Marine biologist surveys sea life near the San Onofre Nuclear Plant to determine if sea water. used to cool plant condensers, affects the marine environment when the water is returned Peaceful use of the atom. Edison has expanded its continuing program to underground new and exist· ing local low-voltage distribution lines. • to the ocean. Nineteen reports over 7 years have revealed no significant changes . Nuclear power plants are a clean source of electricity. In a nuclear reactor there is no combustion. so there are no by-products of combustion released Into the atmosphere. Although a nuclear plant is a source of miniscule amounts of radiation, they are far below the levels eel by the AEC. Above. San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station, near San Clemente. Two additional units are scheduled at this site.