HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-04-01 - Newport Harbor Ensign• REJOIClNC ofer tbe s'electtoo of the Newport Harbor SaUor 8aDd ~ march J.n tbe Jan. 1 Touraameat of Roen puadellD Puadtal. are tbue t8Dd. members, from left: dram major ErGle PMse ot Costa Mesa, a jaoior; elarlaetllt Pegy Hamm ot Costa Mesa. a sellior; majorette Katlly KonleUo of Newport HetJhts, a sophomore, and trumpet player Scott FJer ot Ba.ycrest, a freshman. (Ensfp pboto.) TAR BAND IN ROSE PARADE ' r-N_E_W_P_O_R_T_ The OHiclal Newopaper of the City of Newport THE NEW POR T HARB OR TMI ~\" LOC.f4.l\" DWNI!O, ,__....,.., llft"""r• IN TH! M.t.atl)lt M1i BEACH w, Roo tUekmaD or &lboa ts. laod, a 29-Ye&r-Okl u•Army man. said yelterday that be is ltart1oC a peUUoo drtre In the bGpea of fteetngcoalteted Army L~ WUilarn L. Calley Jr. Lt. Calley was coDVicted oo a charge of premedltatect mu:ra der by a jury of 6 MODday in a mlUtary court martial I.Dfolv- tng tbe locldent at My Lal, South Vietnam. Mr. Hickman said, ''BalboA l slazld a.od Newport residents are ~ 1n arms over the ver-Vie tnamese elYilians a.od think dl.ct ln the Calley case. He nothing about It, but take this ahoukl not be guilty of any -ooe man aDd prosecute him It tb.i.Qg--be's gone through e-is wrong, it's Yery wroo.i." DOUgh. Mr. Hickman said he wtll 10c COSTA MESA "Tbey go over with heUcop-beg1c dlstributiD• tbe peUtlona ~--__ .. .. ~~l t \W. s ~ drop napalm on South today and that he r.s the 514>· , , .:. •• :. • port of Coo.cressrna.n Jotm Sehmitz, tbe GOPCeotralCom- miHee, the Democrat Commit- tee and the Or ange Cotny Young RepubUcans, Tile Balboa Islander SllJ.d he hasn't become "n etted about any pubUc I ssue ln my Ute, but I'm n etted about this." He said be has r eceived a lot of sup- port from "people all over the city." He said the petition will be a.o open one to Pr esident Rich- ard Y., NUoo from coocerned cUizeas saying only, "Free Lt. Calley." , I RON HICKMAN PditioPJ circMiato r Fund drive for kidney patient A f\md drive ls IIJider way to ... meet the $50,000 cost of the lddney tnnspl&rl. for Mary Fr eoeh, 18-year -ok1 Corooa del M.ar h1ct school senior. Fellow 4-H members of the Harbor Area "PlDklll& Sbe&rs aDd EOCf,Deers" llan Wl1er- taken the project of sellln&: 1 tickets tor the p-and Pi'l&e ot a VW, contributed by Orange CoWJty VW dealers. Award of the prl&e •ill be atiiiiOUDCed a.t the 4-H ~ April zs at the County Falrgrouods ln Costa Mesa. Tickets may be otQtnect from Mrs. H.eleD.Pott.r otSu&a ..,. Helcbta. ~-:us. Uld ·lin. CbU'Ioo-.. <:Qa ...... · Mary ud bet mother, Mrs. Frank Freneb, are reported progresslog lD satts:fllctory CODd1Uon at tbe Orange CoWJty Medical Center after tbe March 23 tra.nsplant ~tton. Mary had k>st ooe kidney due to a birth defect at a~ 4 and her other orp.n began to deterior ate last year. She had been coof1oed to her borne at 20291 KUoe Dr •• Sa.ata A.aa Helltbts, until March 10, wbeo a sudden lddDey r.ilure forced bospltalb.atlon. She re- ceived a healthy kidney trom her mother. MARY FRENCH The tlmily operates Freocb's Pastry at Ba.lt:er st. and Fair. view Rd. in Costa Mesa, but the years of Intensive medical care and supervision ban de- pleted sa vlngs trom the bakery business. Donations may bf sent to the Mary Freoch benefit ftmd, care of the U, s. Natiooal Bank. 1845 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa. l .• " ~ r· f 1111 Ill' .,aM. ?IIWIPAPII Of' Till an' Of' SIIIFOIT lllltal THE ll.tlfl()fl A•.u•s OFFJET NUgAI'EII. Olftoo _.-lilt,._ lo , .. E.fP IWWJoo, nuL c.-...,.,c-olot,..C.W. -H6SSo TIL.IIC?Ia. 67UYD (A<• C+ 714) ' ., ,_ Allslo .... A Southern farmer wrote the collcaor olboO .. R "I receWed your ltUer about what I owe you. Now be pac:ht.nt . 1 •in'l foraot you, and u 1000 .. folb pi)' me Ml pay you. But if thi• w~ Jedpmmt Day, and you no mor prep&rcd to m«t your God thu I am to meet your account. you abo JOin to Hell." , , , "" I \, r •• , ,-\ , , ( F) 1\ 1 E r , · -'1~-.JLt\"''-l,,t ,, )\1 '4 · -- ..... -. -laoll-__ .. _ .... Ill ltlt"e II 1M am.&~~~ .. ,1_11 __ _ .. _.. .............. -·•-au,.., no -1a 11111 --. ftlelll wu p&ent1 b)' tile *-d- .., -· lo bo .. ----.u-·-la--.o.r -IOliir.a---ootloo, ---lo ••••a.rr•c ,..._ •11 • oiJ-Cllrlll, w'lliO _...,. ... ..,._.._ ... 1111 ... Ia-.. Go!- ,.., ft kaW .... til' ... -. Be ..... Be blUM ..... olaiiM .... TIIIIJIII t.....ta1 altllerl 1ectt• • ....... II M,"l'M t1mt ol ea...ntina .. ,. tlltlpnb. Ollr ............... -ol ~·· ... ~-... ptn ~ ud _,,..., o1 ....,.. ta. ,._. wtltdt WillS --lo -bo _,llod Jar _., IIIII _,, 1011 II llqaOtol!oo, ~ .. ·-~ Ttdo ...... --lor ---· -··'*' lo .... ,.,. ...... Koe.JtdoN .. 1111 ~ lor • ..... .. .. Ill 10 ...... 101 • bo loiPnd .._ ... er111t Nlrd• olllblrt7 bf tiM •uaeMd CUit .... TIE "EWPOIT IIAUIOI ENSICN le 1 ... o.ay ww ,.,. Pfi• .. ..., ,.WI_._ I• •• Cay ol N..,_., a..c~ _. ..._ oaly loeally .-...4 ............... .,., ........... ,.... ~ ... .. And lhat's not a bad idea. The way taJtts are in this country you miJht ., well marry for Jove. The ··Liberals" will never be able to cure poverty. bu t if prices and tues continue aoinc out q,e roof, they'rt' su e to cure wealth. Taxpayen are the only peop~ who doa't have 10 pas.s a civil !ervice teat, be appointed, o: aet elected, to work for the aovernf11ent . IDa llrll .-. loce ....... -Ow •ort ..., .. lUI ID&Y bo doltroyod. wll!cJt .... '"''" "' .. by -Ill' Oar L«d -ll1o --l:>rell.t:be:rl. cnc:Uled Rim, &Dd bl)' tie •· Abraham LlDcoiD bad a 101u.. dimmed: ap..sor tndiDcld at tloa tar W.probllm,&W&Jtack Ktt rNUrrectioa OD ..._, Ill liN, Ho oald Ill his Gettys-_.., Ar-. P_.ll.._. Mekl.r• •• T~. S.Co ... c l ... ,....,... ,.14 • c. ..... 1 .... c.tlf .. no 1--rtlal,tuod- tbo -of Cllflol ... tbo Crou, .... -._ ... 1111' THE NEWPOI.T' HAIBOI ENSIGN ... .dj..e..4 to N a _. •• ,.,_ of .... ~ circ•l•lo• lty co_, 4«=ree l'o. A-IDtll cl.a4 ... y 14, 1951• Ia S.erior Court for 11M Co••r of Or .... , Sa.le o( C.liforal .. ud by ....... thereof i• cpallftecl 10 ,.a.u-. an pllltllc _.ieea rer.ind by taw. Aln'O • HAAPA ................................. o-a.d P•li•W WOOLLEY, Baboa Is· !aDd, of Seolor Glri-Seoot troop 16&4, lftC)eets aome ot tbe 1500 balloons deeorlled by Girl Scouts l.D the area. Tbe bllk»M were giYeo away dllrlDc a day- loag Glr1Seout leatlYa~ "sprlllg gaiety," held Much 27 at tbe Atll.belm CoonotioD Ceuter. Tbe troup 1684 booth was part of the many displaYs and per- torrnuces put oo by the more than sa, ooo Glr 1 Scouts of Or. ""'" Couoty to aeqllllnt tbe pub. llc wtth the atms aod purposes of Girl Seoutlllg. On Black Sund:~y. February 25, 191 3, the Federal Govern· mc:nt was authorized to lev y an income tax: 3% to 7 %. Some alarmist in Congress argued that there should be • p::rmanenl limitation on the perceotaae, otherwise some day ;I could rise as high as 10%. He was lauJhed down. The fi rs· year of tax yielded only $80 miUioo. A per capita loot of 82 cents. In 1913, a sioaJc man makioa $5,000 a year pa id $20 federal income tu. -.... ----ltud out I.a. memory. ODI OC:· CIIIITtd Ia 1801, ........, dtr I ...S blcomeacommne.Dt, Tbt otber wu prOdlteed ID Hoaobthl, 40 Jtu'l aftenard. wbto a aottd clerlc repeated the trac· ec11 ollbt er~~elftDoo, bvr Addrtu: "Let u here Ltt Ul, wbrto we are lafJa- llicftly reiOIYI, that tbue dead tDCICI by HIJ aptrU • .loot lw lh&ll DOt have cllodlllft!D. That &1111 ODjoy tbo bl ....... of 111>- thla 111t1oa. •• God •n 111..,. erty. a .,, 1a u cono,.M a IMW btt1b of freedom." 4:1 '7: "fihere tbe cUU ol tbl Tbls Is a ra.tatemeot of the Lord 1•, tbere Is Uberty." • PEC HAAPA ............................................... .Aeaociaee Edkor .SUa,.c•tP'Tti)N .ATU In H•hOI' Ne•: 0. ye•, 15.00: 2 ,__.., 18.00 Out af U.bor Are-;: Otle ye•, 16.00; 2 ,...., 110.00 ~~ ARVO E. HAAPA, owner and PUblisher of the EnsJgn "GOOD'KIDS OON"T GROW ON TREES" Our guest editorial writer is Lou Yantorn, executive di- r ector ot the Boys Club of the Harbor Area, who has seot In the following article to call attention to the observance of Boys Club week. • • • National, state and locat authoritles tell us that some 96 per eeot or the nation's youth ls made ~of good ldds--kids wbo don't brea.k the law and ne•er get toto trouble. It that's true, then who is making all the noise? Who is causing the almost dally hea.dlloes or instances or youthful crime, drug addiction, vandalism aod other forms or juvenile delinquency? The tact ts that the remainlog 4 per cent of oUr teen-age population still makes ~ a walloping big nUmber--nearly ooe aDd a halt million youths between the ages of 13 and 19, according to U.S. Census Bureau statistics. That's a ctty .. fWl, say the size of Detroit, of "ooisy" young headllne grabbers. Even so, there are some 28-1/2 mllllon youngsters io that same age group who cao be clas~ed as "good ICids." They may be contrary or restive at Urnes. 'ixrt they don't get their Bames llsted on pollee blotters, they don't get photographed with a number, and they don't wtod ~ in some narcotics ward, But, as the Boys Clubs of America point out Jo this year's National Boys Cl ub Week celebrattoo, these "IJO!Od tdds doo't grow on trees." They need to be nurtured aDd cult1- vated and guided in the right directloo to grow Into useful, productive cltir.eos--just as young saplings oeed cultivation to grow into sturdy trees. The Boys Clubs or America well know the adage of the bent twig. As caretaker of more U'Wl 900 &'groves" or Boys ,Clubs with oearty one miWon youngsters "implanted" therein, tbe ~tional youth-guidance organJ.z.atioo emphasizes the posi- tive approacb to the deUBQueocy problem. Through the lead- er. and•£ 1,...,. ... prv'earioMJ,.<Vained J'IN8 WOflkars. Utjei .. boys take part in programs and activities that help •. tbem grow as sturdy as oaks. ;· Boys Club Week, March 28-April 3, puts the spotlight oo such building of juvenile decency, The observance serves to remind us that the good ldds are In the vast majority •.• even though at Urnes It seems the reverse Is true. From President Nixon on down to officials of state and local governments, the tribute to Boys Club Week will be joined. Looking at both tbe trees aod the for est, the Boys Clubs of America say that many more "groves" are needed in hundreds of cities to aid all kids, between the ages of seven aod 18. It can be difficult to dispute statistics. But with a little effort, we can help rewrite predictions ror a steady growth In the future. The Boys Clubs need everyone's support, lf that city-full of troublema.kers Is to be prevented from grow~ lng into the size of Ph.Jlade Jphia by 1975 .•• or Chicago by 1980. Perhaps we can even reduce U to a hamlet, or better still a small clearing In the forest. And our chances of success will be much greater if we keep to mtod the admonition of the Boys Clubs of America ••. "Good kids don't grow on trees!" LfGAL NOTICt NOTICE OF PUB.lJC HEARING Notice is hereby clveo that the Plam.ing Commlssloo or the City of Newport S.cb wtll bold a pubUe bearlng oo the"' .. pUcat1oo of Hamble OU ' Re. ftnlog Company tor a Use Per .. mit No. 1522 oo property Jo .. cated at 2191 Palisades Road, Newport Beach, to permit the raz.tng of an exlstln( gasoline service station aDd the con- struction of a oew psollne service statloo. Notice is bereb)' fUrther giv- en that said publlc bearing trl.ll be held oo the 15th dayoiApril., 1971, at tbe bour of 8:00 P.M. in the CouneU Chambers or tbe Newport Beach City Hall, at whJ.ch time aOO p)aee any and all persons ioterested may ap .. pear and be beard thereon, Doc R. Adkinsoo, Secretary Newport Beach City PlaMlng Commissloo Publish: Aprlll, 1971, In the Newport Harbor En.slgn. At the beginning of World War I, ~ cents of every dollar of ;nc ome went to the tax collector. At the peak of World War II, it ballooned to 27lh cents. It is now 37 centf. Today. th.: Fcdera\Government costs us more than $229 billion a year. and state and local governments cost us SIOO hillion. If not income taxet. what.' Former Commissioner of Internal Revenue T. Cole man Andrews, a great American. thinks 1he Added Value Tax. now widely used in Europe. might be the answer. Under it , every buaine• firm makes a one-p::ge return. showing the total amount of money taken in from sales during the tu year; the total paid out for goods and service5; and slate and local taxca. If reaipts exceed d;sbursements. the difference is the "added value" lo the products and/or services of the company. All businesses. b:g. little. co-op. corporate. or individual, would pay the 5ame rate on the aJdcJ va lue. Mr. Andrews estimatc5 that at 1 3.1 'I, . the tux on :til "added vu lues"' of all businc~s would prOOucc as much revenue as all federal income tales nOVr co'lcctcd from corporations and individuals. Others think a low, llat nue st•ln tal is the fairest and best tax. If the federal income lax is to be n:tained, it should be drasti;:ally changed and made a flat tax rate with no dcduc:· rium . It could h.: progre!isive, from, say, 10% to SO% Or gross income, w th no deductions to anybody for anytbina. And "g·o!OS income" would also apply to co-ops and others who ::re in business but claim the ,r net income: is no profit. ·No deduc:ions" would be hard on the legitimate charities. And the ta.-. si mplific~tion would put many accountants out of bus' ness. Also man y tal l:t wyers and many of the 70,000 IRS bu-e uc•a's. collectors. flunkies and spies. Hu : a.,. Mark Twam said: ··out no. that would be common !> ns~~and out of place in government." Loopholes m .kc the progressive income taJt much Ins pro- gress v.: than !I nught seem . And it is impossible to close a'l :oophoks. Therefore it is probably wrong to put too much depe ndence on thi~ or ;,ny other one tax source. L EG.I.L NOTICE Ev.:ry IRS commi\~ioncr, back to and including T. Cole- man And·cws, is fur abolishing or drastically reformin& the NOTICE Of PUBUC HEARING ·ncome tax law. Notice is hereby glven that the An)•lxldy who ha, ever taken just one smart pill knoWI that Pla.nniog Commission of tte what the l ntt'rm'' Rel't'mlr Dt'partmf'nt is doing is nOI City of Newport Beach rillhDld 1 ighl. but we ceil<~•nly have to hand it to them-except for a pubUe bearlD« oa the~ •th!'l poo.-'an4fhe super-rich. that is : cation of WUI.l.a.m C. Clapet for Form::r Treasury·Stcretary Joseph Barr lays the $7.000 to a varlance 997 oo property lo-S20.U0fl ·ncomc famirits ;~re paying more than baJf of all in-cated at 901 North Bay Front, Balboa Island, to permit a 3- story duplex dwelling to be constructed wttbout the 10'0" separation between tbe main dwelllug and the portioo coo- ta.lnillg the garage or carport. come taxes. The Rich'.1 Whal do the su~r rich care about taxes? Their ,tandard of hv ng 1~ ,tfrected nor a whit. They can put aU of thc1r mon~·y m t;u exempt government bonds and in tu nempt Fn undo~t1uns and ~till ltYe like kings. Now this does nut m,.:;m thai you ca n or ,hnuld livl' off govern~nt bonds. It t:~kcs quth: a few at 6% to live like the Kennedys, the h_•hnl>On!<o an d the Rucl.ddle,...;. \1/ell .. myhuVo . ,..e J1•n't ha\1~· '" wurry any more about I eJJ~ F.vcn th~· l)cm,~o,.·r:~h m ( '<•ngres~ discovered then:'s k" '" hun !lun mc~·h th(' l'}~·.-The American Way My reacUoG from these por- tn.J&}I: wu 10 1ateue tbat I too felt tbe peoetraUAc terror ol tbo nallilthat-lboCbrtat 'to tbe eroaa. 1 leU tbe Impact of tbe tlmbera u tbty came to re.t lA tbt lf'OUDd, 1 felt tbe pi1D wbieb the SaYlor' eDCiured Ill -tooc boors. ccue·wiMAN JOHN G. SCHMITZ TOday, I still am -by c.lilornio 351h !);llricf the dartDeu wbieb desctaded A peniMIIl . ~lJ ot ' puts are made to tbe pullll 14)00 tbe earth betweeDtbes1Jtb educ&Uoa threatens America. for ue by tbt school wblcb b11 IDd D1Dth bours ot U.t tracte MoaopoUes of any k1Dd are children atteDd. day. I lmqloe tbat I eu bear allea to tbe American splrtt Tbe best solutloa Is .tu: the toJces ol tbe eb.ief prlesta, Ud tbe trad.ttloo of our eoaatry. ertdlts tor tuitloapaymeota, By the scribes lUIS elders, as tbey mocked hlm A.Y1Dr. "He saved where compeUUoo has flour-pr~ldiDC such tu: credits, tbe others. Himself be eumot lsbed. ADd stoee aU ebUdreo federal peromeDt would leaYe an." must be educated, a mooopoly more mooey 1D the baDds o1 Tbe ept.ode bas been made of edueatJon • .parttcularly by tbe people who are •YlDc tbelr more real, more terrible, loan perDmeDt •• bears withlD it fellow taJ:paJers tbe coM ofed- the seeds of trraDDY. ueattoc themselYes or tiMtr uUele which appeared oo the Years a,o wbeo our peru-cbildreo by pa-...1.1 .... tode- relleSous page ol the Enaip 111 boola tr 1y ~-• ~--.l)r March 18. It described the me ac were u ......_. peadeot seboola, Tbe threat ol ''dlsco'rery ofpbyslcalnideoce relleeUDc tbe aetuaJ ebaraeter, peromeot lDterlereace would ol the cruclftdon" whl.ch re.. Deeds and re!IOUI'ees of the be reduced to a mil'llmum bJ 1001Yldua.l communities which this arraopment, stnce DO eenUy ns llOell'thed In a cern-built aod a1Dtl1Ded the lh1 etery to the outsldrts or Jer-rn m, s JDODeY wovld actiRUybecomJDc daD&W wu DOt lmmedtately ap.. to the scboola from &DYtl'llmlllt usalem: parent. But 1D our are of a Yet the ctttseo 1I'OtlJd tbea ban "A skeletoo, its beel booes &rowt.ar---ud to many, deeply a oew lDc:eotlf'e to use &Dd to pierced by -.-Iarge-troo aan, dlsturbtog---samen:ess in the cootl.Due -to use ~adent 'lf'&S foiJDd • • • EYideoce to-curriculum, muoer of to-seboola. cllcates that the 'tetlm was strucUoo and products of schOol 0n Feb. 4, c~...,... between 24 I.Dd Z8 years or st thr ........,., the 1 ..... t It ace, aDd of averare heiKflt. sy ems ou..,--. Lawrence Douebl1o -Pellll.) caD 00 longer be Ignored. introduced H. R. 3612, to pro. "CooclusJ~ reveal • , • tbat the crucll1.Uon vlcUm was Tbe ttgbt to san our publle vide a tax credit o1 100 per aailed to a cross iD a twisted schOols from tbo8e wbo would cent oo the ft.nt $ZOO apeDt oa. slttlDc positloo b.ts lees to' take tbem onr to use tbem b.1Cfler edueatioa, 25 per ceat pthlr wttb a ~ peoetraua; as aceDts of "social cba.Dge" oo expenses from $!00 to $500 tbe h~l booes ••• , The arms and Ideological acltaUoo should for this purpose, aDd 5 per were stretched out aDd appar CO on. But, nlJant as are tbe eeot of npeoses from $500 to ently pierced. wtth • catls 1D th; cootenders for tbe teachlDC of $1,500. 1 a.m ooe of many eo- forearms and not 1D the morality, patrlotl.a:m and last-spouors ofthta blU. 0o March Tbe skel~tal remalns also toe values l.D the public scboola, l5 I l.Dtroduced H.R. 60&1 to a sharp fracture of •e dare not rest all our bopes. prvride the same tu crectlta boots pfoduced by 1.1100 the success ot their W mooey ~of. bJ -parfDI:s 00 blow .; efforts. The force~ arrayed J)l'lmuy &Dd ltC)(WIIf1u'y a .. This Is what arcbeotocY tellS apiDSt tbem are too stroa&o eaUoo tor tbe1r eblldr•ln 1111- ol the· borror ot tbe cross. It ls esaeatlal to keep aliYe depeacSeat tcbools. LEGAL NOTICE Howenr the flDdlngs do zrx ao alter-.Uve to pernlneat reweal lbe eweots wtdeb the scboo~, to• tall bact t.p)D lo Blb}e relatesrep.rdlngtheres-any ea bere the flebt t)r ~arectlon of Jesus, His uceot a decent publlc scbool ls lost. CHANGE OF ZONE into heaven. &Del the opentog to That meaos sa.vlng our iD-NOTICE OF PUBUC HEAR--·-~·· of t-~•-• t dependeDt scbools----ketplnc lNG TO BE HELD BY THE nJ&UU~a.~ the ee--.. pes. them •··-~·nt. Thl 1 thlnl< lA t ~~-ORANGE COUNTY PLAN-s year • . 0 mer ca A.D lDdepeodeot schOol may be NING COM.usslON ON PRO- which. 1t was hoped, wouldtring chu-cb conoecled or DOD sec POSED • ·~ ·-DISTRICT Uberty &1111 the blesslllgs ot • • • -w -• fr'eedom to the people of this tarl.an. It may share the eYlls CHANGES AHDCONSIDERA- 'If'otld. Our couWy Is being :0~ or~ tt":~~e= ~ONT~: ~SO~~ND:.:i Notice is bereby rur'lber giv .. en that said pubUe hearing wiU be held on the 15tb day of ApriL, 1971, at the bour of 8:00P.M. in the CouoeU Chambers of the Newport Beach City Hall, at wllieh time and place any and all persons lnterested may ap. pear and be oeard thereon. Schools used as change agent ketp them oat, It does DOt RANCH GENERAL PLAN" cuarutee a IOOd educaUon. But Pursua.ot to the PlaJID1Dc and Don R. Adkinson, Secretary Newport Beach City it does guarantee the eodurtnc Zoo.iDc Law, aa ameaded, and TtUs Is a cootinuattoa of the affected eduction. tbe mO.emeat aDd the ma.n wbo OPPORTUNITY to pro,tde a IX'der o1 the Ora.Dce COWit)' Planning Commission Publish: Aprill. 1971, in the Newport Harbor Ensign. LeHers to the Editor Watch 9 speech glveo at the A oew scbool of psJebolocJ, ...med tbe lhillt1De or b.1s col-good edgcatfoa In barmooy wttb PAnDlnc Commiujon. ootteets Harbor Forum meetiog by Dr. called the TbJrd FtXce, hu llapes 1a Abrabarn Muknr, tbe wt.abes of tbe pueot5wbose bereb)' pyeo tbat a public bear- Joseph Bea.a, former member emer('ed ud Is b&Yla& a mucb wbo wu cbalrmao of tbe de-chlklrea atteod tbe schooL i.Dg wtll be beld by aJd Com- of the GleOO:a.le uoiJled school &realer IDfh~eDCe oa edueatloo partmeDt of psyebolop at lDdepeodent acbools ot all m1ss1on 00 a plu pr~g to district board. He is descrlb-tbaJl tbe fJrst two scboob. In Brudell Uolvers:Hy. Wbeo he tlDds are oow In serious ameoci SECTIONAL DISTRICT lng tbe program of John Dewey filet, tor maay edllcat.ors tod&)', died lui: Jaoe at 82, the Los troabM. Tbe huce iDereue11D MAPS IRS-59 AND IRS~ of aDd b1s colleagues to use publlc the pnetlce ot tb.l.s Third Foree AopJes Times reported that budpts: ud salaries in pero-tbe Orup Coaaty ZODlD.cCode, schools to change 90Ciety a.Dd psycboioo In tbe clusroom 1s Mulow's psycboloiJ formed meot 8Cbools ban made It all as &meaded, 0raace CoUDt)', • PURPOSE IS LEARNING tioues to challenge the admioi- Editor of the Ensign stratton and make demands for I am concerned wltb the salary locreases, right-to- epochal events which seem to strike prO'Iisions and unioo prevail oo college campuses powers. The most ootable a- lately. It seems the ultimate mong public employee gro~s purpose students are at scOOol seeking to control public pollcy Is to cause disturbances rather are the social workers. Tbeas .. than to learn. sociatioo tails to meotioo. that F'or centuries the purpose of state employees can't be dis- schOols hasbeeotolea.rn. Thost" charged because or thelr ctvll people who had the inltJatbe aBC service status. were able to eOOIU'e the re-Lockheed just r eleased 6500 strlctioos made ~n them d1d employees • -some after 20 ftne. The students today seem years servieewiththecompaoyl to be compelled towards rev-Wby shouldo'tthegoveroorhave oluUooar y acUons, trytog to the same power as Lockbeed regeDerate barb&rianism which es:ecuttves in order to teeo the w!ll lead to the destruction of state sol,ent and lower taxes bJ our country 1l we let it go uo. reducing: the vast number of touched by the haods or law, state employees? PE!q)ie must be ratiooal. U Sincerely, change Is needed, bring Uabout c . C. Moseley, by the peaceful means I(UaJ'-Gleadale aDteed to us by the CoostJtu- Today we are constantly being tbe ecooomle system lnto col-wbat ed:ucatioo Ia all about. tbe touodaUoa tor tbe NatloDal but lmposslble tor molt !Jade-Calllora.ia toptbtr 'fJI.tb u made aware or the attack oa lecttvtsm. Tbe Tlllrd Foree scbool, or TralDiDc LaboratortesotWasb-peocteat scboob to compete fta.. Amfllldmeat to Ute "SOtri'H IR- ota local pollee by aU Ienis • • • Hnnwalst:lc Psyebolop, as IUs t.natoa, D. C., aow called tbe uc.lally. M«eud montoftbem VINE RANCH GENERAL of government, by all forces By DR. JOSEPH BEAN at.> ean.d, bolds ttal: mu ta IDitlb&e tor Applied BebaYioral are ClosiAc' tbelr doora. AM PLAN ... of the te n, and by all Ienis A few words about the hJ.s .. DOt cJua:lfied wttb the lower Scl,oee, u well u tor Esaleo acl oaetbateloeestmmedlat.-Said plaD Is deslpatld CASE of our judiciary ~ystem. Just torieal development of Uds oew aolmats, that be lsslpl.fteutl)' ud Sp&DOO. Some or Kulow's 11 stllfts almo.t tbe eottre bur-NO. ZC n-11 (SECTIONAL recently the attorney geoeral mowement wtu sllfftce. Stgmw.l dltlertat. &Dd tba.t be 11 capable t.Uow locmders of this JDOYe-dell of edoeatiDc ltatormer stu-DETRICT IIAPS IRS-59 AND or the United States Jotu:l Fre..t, wtr) died 1n 1939, had oii(IOdbeb&rioruwellubad.. meat lA PQcboDp are Carl deDta to tbe bad!: of tbe much IRS.,eG)a.adptelpOelstoebucl Mitchell, and the JusUce De-deYe)oped the first creatschool lutlld of DllAc the meat&UJ Rocw• of tbl Weltero Be -belM.pered tuallrer. frOm tbl A1 11Gaeral Acrt- partment todlcted ftve Los lD psycboloty ud bts theories W 1D Us atudlu, bealthy Ill· MYkJral Seinces IDstltate at · Some still resud tbl lDde-cultural" Dtltr1ct to U. RS Aogeles policemen because or ot human bebarior coottoue to dl'fiduals are studied, tbe best La Joll&; Willard Ma.I.DOI'd. a pudtGt ecbool U a lUDII'Y pat-"Aputmeat" DtltrJct. certa1D the role they play.t to ap-domi.D&te the ftekl of psycbol· of tbe tpeeiH. FuiiJ matwe PIJclloloclJt no beU•n tbe rODiald lor reuouotnupoa propd'ty located: oa tM .autll- prehe.oding crimu.ts. U lbere oo. He beU.,.ed that mao Ia people are cboeea., people Qo patllat mlllt be made r..,. .. belltl or pruU11, wbltb c:oald clJIIde of ttteS&DDieiD Fril- ls a.ny 1odlcatloo that these an animal aDd only au aolmaL b&Ye &cbieYed 11lf-actalia-tlble &lid prod8ctlwe u tbe "' dllpeiiMCI trl.tb at DO rill ftJ l&lf.erlJ ol tbe Su OS.CO pollee ofneers acted improp .. He empb&alzed the lnflueoce of tloo.. TbeM PtOPll are latel-mtUS to rid bim ot btl meatal .loss. Bat If Ul oartadtpeadeat CrHk flood eoatrol cbuallla erly tncarryingouttbelrduties, the uoeouclous miDd oa bumu Upat. crMUYe, DOOOCerDid dllltlrbuce; '1/tWam Gl.l.alr, ICbooll were to ck»e don 1D tbe welt UDt•erl1tJ Park ana. the City or Los Aaples bas bebaYkJr. His work was wtth wWI CCJDiormlty It l.a:tpQr1ul a ptyebJalrt.l w11o dn'eklptd tbe ~ ,._,, tb1a l.acreUid Rtqua .. ect by : 'I'M trn. tbe sole respoosibilit)' of rnak-the meatally disturbed, and be prtadp&el art lllfol'Y.t, Jtnac realltJ tbtnpy&DdW'boblllef• colt to tbe taJ~~aycs---al tbl CompuJ. !De that determlllati<ol. 1'hll did oot ollldy the .Or mat, hoalti>J borood cerlaiD -·· -lo tbo ..-t paUoal 10 -.uy teOO &1111 mon per 1111' It Said pGI>Ue beor1J1r oo tbo actioa on bebaU of the federal bama.n betna. yet normously Otllble, ta•e rupoaalble twILls dM1Ut be-C01U to tldacatt: a cbUd ID abcrre propoeed pi&DwWblblkt peroment lsaeleu'IDdlcaHon The IICODd fcc'ee In pay .. aU. .... ol.r ... &Ddwroec, ~~a.-Ud cu catJ be c.-eel CaJIIDnd& Pllibi1C ldaooll today at 1:JO p.m., or u aoao ttMrt- ttrat tM "state's rtcth'" or ebolop ls retened to u tbe ban a lOw clelrM ol. .. u .. n. be IIMIIDIII~ ••ttJ tDr quaplt---ftllkl bl IIIC-aft• u poulble, 011 TINIIIJ. CaUJorola han "" moulo(. U _, of --lam. W&o1 -.t, aro td.-., -....., lor '"IIIIllac Ida ~ ud ......_ Aj>rll 11, lt'!l, Ill 1111 11oar1ac ts a direct attack ocaU..eoocept mea were ueoel&ttcl wttb tM lid laft tn probleaq f/1 tMlr Herbert otto, ~ ~ otllerl, con.,..IDC tlda la. aDd mMUac room ottMOra.ap ot loca1l)' COIIU'ollld pollee. It deYelopmlllt of tllislnO'temut. owa. T-,. ftl't. to _,. tM 4lnMaa Low, _,1o1M. ud ,., an ltW """'"' old n-CCNMy PIUidal Coat•luiaa., Uon. Students must tolerate the SJstems which our put gen- eratioas bawe proYen to be as .....,. perfeet as J)OHlble. The collqe campus Is not the place tG make lrrat1ooal dectsioas oo C'WftCIDC tbl trtrld. Tbe aebool -bo Up! lor looroln( &1111 1111 a plac' to brtnr abOut ea!u- tropbol. 1a merob' aoolbor ...., to toe!-'"" nrat Ia lbo namo of Jollo ...-ol -· or-. -a. •••-• alao-IIIIo* nro. 'nl7 -P· Eacl-tar llo1ldlaL 400Clne • ATTACK ON POUCE erallA oar local pollee, WabOa. wbo 4*1 ID 1951. The •U-actall.al.lcpeaple an ... ; ... ildlde a.r.. _,..,, a&..t iiiWOlt of cMrellp. C .... DriYe WNt. Room 1M, Editor ol the EnslP', Sboald this .. -by tbelod· ----... umeroiJ t1oo1 ....... ---irlell rn.., I,~..,... ... Ill tloo ..... ""--, Ia 8aata AM, Ca-.11- AA obr~ stop lhoold bo·pal 10 1M 't'Udt.Usm aa:t uUilile -oo tbo eampq, u.,....,lapattolbooo -. tloo_lo......,tbom --.eo lo-t1oo lawo __ .. __, .. -.... ---.. at' ,s wtD .,... a tntf.c. •• .... ....,,.. .. ------ For years the tlemeot Ill eralporamoat.,_ -typooludmaludom-perellll oltllo-lllloo, ud -olGoolollpoJc'...., 1!111 111011110 .,._ wllltama ud pllco au per- America that wnuld destroy our by lbo nat majority ol Amorl. p!wolu -oat, --aro --u t1oo """'""' ud -II ..-.I -_. tbo dopla ol U1 -•..a.ar_.ac_.. Republleau form of pernmeat eao~. a. ltdlraJ peramw taltll'l tacesll.,. ........ tip'' oltlle .._.. C*J•• n. =l'k't. ce.~ .,. ._. P•••'• ........ piUwtUbtlllllrd..lll rw acted 1a coocert with the ww tUa r.n Ud lll*d _. blbaflor. 1"lleJ' are lln4ced PQdlo......,,., _.., ,.._ 'O'W' 11 -ftllll) bUJ MIS biPif paid...,..,_ rll'flntd tMt UIJ ~n- radleat left wtoc. Ill order lo Its clr1,.1o-.aattbo~ by tbo -t ol tbo R-Ia - --to do nat ' II --·•• wW•· -to au pOblk oollea 11o dHtroy t.be etr.ecUweoess of the of tllll coa~t~J. Yo. eua bl ~ea..a•. Pukw. n.&r re-1J -.or caal1d4nd 111M ud _.._. ud dlriCru1 aD elM.--..,...._to tM Pla8ltlceoi. ... )oc.aJ pollee. Whether Amert .. .ure tblt tlllt.....,. ....,u ... e~~ 11 *leUr objtctlfe, ,._...., • .., ftal., frem the Bible -.fttA .. ~h••UidJI'1GUoe .. ,... ,.. ... to a...,.., .... rot roauoa 11 or oot, the ()(etod lbo LA.PD Jar tdutloet ..... tloo oe-e ---11 ---lartpt. . . -Ia • lnm1 '!lie-. -. ~ poUeo aro lbo last lutl'"' boea-of lbo ~ -Ia 11 1111 -ol -. -II no 11tlrll , .... -11101 Thor~'!'' bollll jullfiod ~ ~ 1011 ~-Poir- of o. RepubUcaa form of p .. wbJc:h tb&t dt~JU1a111l ta Mid a.lr ........ baft t.. ... ant ...U. ld8.., JIIDC· by fU.., •• M'lt peace ol.,_, ....,......_...,_..... aid oramllll, II wo allow our toca1 all o•or lbo -ld. 11 t1oo at-wtl1l .... ,11, -IoliJ l'lll·loal -Jar -. -· •1111 God ·~ -Lon! -1D -ttdo •-11 11J pollco to -... -u ... 1or111y -al'o ..-1a 1111 1011 _,.. •-1&14, ...... llo. 0tt1r • -J•u Cl(lot -· WMtber Ute ct ... of tbe lD-ntract.d Jt wU1 .... IGdce ''T'IIe ~lllt:Yiclrillt 1J-llflll' ..... IN Mt .. M.... 81 ~·1110'" ha•e IC• Alii .... of ... .. 6etl,_.. la lbt cont"••ll 011 all PGisee a 1 'but Sa Glat ..., '11 .U c.u't) ...a.. • • 1111111 ... ...-.---. ceea 1ty taith iato t.bl1 .,.... tl _, .. ' CIJ&lllil tal8e c:Mr,.. alpollct bntal-tiMJ' bl•eiiUIIIIiql1ltft:Mbllt,...,.. .u a .elllllll: .. ~ Ak 1111 11M 111•11t ....... arac• wberoia "• ttaad,Md ltknll. ....... tal 1 , 117, 1111 -1-lllllr-1ato ta -_, -11o -1lo -'1 eon nat -II a lit --to-Ill 8llf ,.l<>l•• io llotle a1 tllo ti"'Y .,..... .,.. II -~II -411, lacal pollee.., ....... ..cb ···-=·'\'· ... .. .. ~~.... .. .... ... ... --o(Qod 1111 • • ••• ·-~ ....... ,uu-... Ill u .. F.._...CoNa ...... or EYWJ~ac..ntl.,._tlle rr•a tiJI'I&Ctllla... -...... llllllr Ill I AM;..,. oaiJ ao but we _ _._..,............ .......... ......... ~. tloo c "'I I r-ol--.., _.t, c 1 rt1-'II -... ao .,._ ID -Ill -llf -. ' -alii ..... ftlo ' .-crll"'•lo to-· 1111 111m.,. lllo-'nl7--• .-• * or us • 11 -.. -11orJ •• trlllalatlono aloo; ._ 1o -••• -w. =:..:;. d:: =;;:: ~ ~·s;:---=-··.:: .... ;:r•.; = = ,n:,~-: :::'.: ... ~;trllllllall .. u: ':: .t::::: ..,._ u ...... N 11Pnr.. y_.. • ..a .IEtl--1 011 P4 I I Jr ........ _ Mit pad11101:, tJPIIri•ce; ,•:•-=· • .. -::. I~ • aiM. Qltt-a'tb' .-WID ~ &. ._.. II .. at? klle .......... ., ., ....... ~... ... npedteoe Mpe. (Ro-'i& •; _ .. _., ... ,. • .,., ... atlil -.---.... • no-..-•-•-•"loo4J ,........, •= •- ' 0 • 'Spring into Summer' AIIUI"tl C .... ol llooc tiiO ---~~~-­llolpltaJ Aauar, 1a MJtl.ac a ''llll'tac • • r•," lbr -ol 1110 -· 'lr to ..W.Mro.-~11 ''•Ia& iMo -me" oe Wed ... ns.-. • ~.Gear .. Lopa liitdoy, A&>tlll4, 1111<10...,,, II M4.-, nta tbeJ prepare llr u IU"Iy , , --wtlb a,_llr(ol-. 'AMOS M AMDY STAR ......... _llorllo.,., OM l'o\IIIMGIR LIST ......... -t110 dlroetloo Mro, nor-a,._ o1 al tbe hiDeiMIOD ebalrmu, Mu. COI"CCG& dtl liar rtOIIIIti:J r._ Paul llaclltW.. 'liD pro-tu.lld from 1 Car_ or_ tbolr la'IOl'lto l&lld -rota. w111c11 lllcl-Mr. Wllr., FUhloD abow ctalrmao, Mrs, Cbar'" Correll &~DC:.CtMpu .. Jam11 Bllzt, will dtreetmOdeb .._.,,,Mr. C«reUpiQtdU. """""" • tothoo lor all oce&· role ol AMI to 1110 O<lciMJ llou while CUOsla eojo, lbolr "Amoa Uld Alldf'' ndlo ..... 111Dtbeoa. Asatstmc the Atru... Mr•. Rypluld wu oee ot u. l.ula prelldeot, Mrs. Paul ll)eC.l&1 peltl at a .-tDc KUftD. wW be Mrs, Lee MJtt ... brw.eb pyea S-*J, Marcb!l, maa &lid Mrs, J, CratrCombs. bJ Mr. ud.Mn. Cblt Umbtr- LIGAL MOTIC! NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Some light on AIIIU..to art strt•lll( to ..,. o1 Corou del Mar, Tho r&i.le tuocb tor the purchase ot pcuty feted Mr. aad Mu. Dick a lnfllat care center. locludlog Worrllow of Los Aaplet be; a complete MJ'PD system, cause U ft& tbe btr'ttnay ot warmer system, a.oo Yltalslps ReleD (Mrs. W.:>rrllow). HeleD ~~~,!_:.._..,.,.;,~!!:~ IDOII.J.tor •bich Is deslped. ape-aJrl ber late tw'otber, Milton _ <lllcaUy to Olllbte pbysletauto Charleotoo, llltrodi<Odlbotam-L~G.4L MOTICE perlorm special procedures ous Cbol.rlutoa diDee. __ ,=.:~=..::.:c.:.:::..:. Notice is hereby etven that Ute PlaDDIDg Commissioo of tbe City of Newport Beach wtll bold a public hearing on theap- pUcatioa of lob. aod Mrs. frank Be.Dtcbe for a Use Permit Nq. 1524 QD property located at 211 Oruge Street, NeWpOrt Beach, to permit a diC)lex to be coostructed in a C-1-H Dis- trict. a dark subject •WI nnbora w.nts Whlle on 0~ pests ol tbe put} ORDlNANCE NO. 1377 tbe mater.Dtty floor. iDcluded Mrs. MUtqa Charles-AN ORDINANCE OF THE Attlllaota:, 'tfho l!ill0090r the ton of tbe Newporter apart-CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH hospital's moalbly maternitY meats, Mrs. Lucy Casey llld AMENDING SECTION 17.28.- tea tor new pareota, staff tbe Les Yard of Coroaa"del Mar, 010 OF THE NEWPORT Yia:ltor's desk on the maternity Rebecca Stutoa of Balboa Is-BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE, floor, and malntaln arld.taplays land a.od Ver& Mucb of North ENTITLED "MAINTEN- iD the Dospltal Jotj)y, encourage Hollywood. ANCE OF PUBUC PIERS - LUCILLE'S of Co ren• de l M•r FANTASTIC KNIT CO-ORDINATES STRETCH BUDGETS J""' '' '-io~•· '' '• .,. ' ~~~ I DQ :.. '0'.n~·:::t FOl WASH.A~ .J"( th,. ..... ~.~ ,.. ••. \, ,,..,.) •. ol ,.:. '~''~I ~"' "'•I M ,~; H "' ,•,,. ;,. l~"'<l" y,, ~ .... US-111111 U'l I .c • .,., ~ .. y. Cer•IMI ,.'If lroiH ''A FUN PLACE TO SHOP" REGULATIONS" RELATING TO A TWO-HOUR TIME LIM- IT ON THE 29TH STREET PIER AND FLOAT Tfle City Council of the City of Newport Beach does orda.ln as follows: SECTION l.Sectlon 17.28.010 o1. the Newport Beach MunicQ)al Code Is amended to read: "17.28,010 Ma.lfienance of PubUc Plers-Regulatioos. Pub- Uc piers and other llarbor fa- ctllttes may be maintaloed by the City tor tbe purpose of badtng and llllloadJ.Dc pusen. rers, suppUes, and boating gear aDd tor similar purposes. It is the poUcy of the City to maintain such tactlltles 1n a manner that .tll permit the greatest pubUc use and uoid conUnoous OCCICI&DCY, conges- tion or blocking lbereot. Wbere Deeessary to achieve pubUc use and avoid uteoded occ~y. congestion or blocldng thereof, the City Manager Is authorized aDd directed to pose sips Urn- lUng the Ume during which a vessel may be docked or ~­ pUes or gear may be placed at or on a.ny such pier or taclllty to twenty (20) minutes except the 29th street pier and flol.t wtlJch •Ill ban a time Umit of two (Z) hours. Wbeo sueb sign Is tn plaee cl'YlDg aotlce ot such time Umtt, no person sha.ll dock a nssel at a.ny such taciUty for a period of Ume longer than tweuty (20) minutes, nr two (2) hours 1n the case ot the 29th Street pier aDd floe.t, or permit any S14JPUes or gear to remain oo sLJCh faciUty for a period of time longer than twenty (20) minutes or two (2) hours In the case of the 29th street pier and float.'. SECTION 2. Tbis ordinance shall be published ooce 1n the otnclal ne•spaper of tbe City, and the same shall be elfectlYe 30 days alter the date of Us -·· TbJs ordlnaDce was Intro- duced at a rqular meeHDc of the City CouocU ot the City of Ne'tfPOI't Beaeb held oo the 8th day of llarcb, 19n, and was adopted oo the 2200 day of March, 19n, by tbe tollo1rlng Yote, to wtt: AY&s:, COUNCILMEN: Mclnnts, Kymla, Rocers, Hirth, CroW, Dostal, Parsou. NOES, COUNClUIEN: Nooe. ABSE"T COUNCIUlEN: Noae. ATTEST: E. F. Hirth Mayor Laura IAI!Ios Ctty Clerk Publllh' April I, 19n , In tho N011)>0rt Harbor EUitpL You've Come A Long Wey B11by I For lt\e llral llme In hlatory, fashion 0.- llgnera fal'-d to dictate to ,.. .•. You're on 1t1e rlgllt tnck · now-eo - -In 1111n&114 rou f111hlona tMI rou dun Lorraine lulbarland FASHIONS AT THE lEACH . ' ..IIMOMI: fiiO AT IAYIIOI OR ..,, OM IIACM .,._,111 ............. :a .... ..,.:11-t THE WONDERFUL CHARA CTERS of ma.ke beUeYe as- torlish Utile DooDy Carr when his mother, Mrs. Donald Carr of Costa Mesa, dresses IC) as Allee ln WoDderland.. Mrs. FraotUD Goodeoough or Hootington Beach becomes a rabbit and Mrs. Marty Josephs of Sa.nta Ana Heigbts portrays a cat. Tile make beUeYe Is in the production of "HaU Past Late lD Wonderland," wbich will be staged by the CbUdreo's Theater Guild of Ne'tfPOrt Harbor In a truellng manner designed to take the theater to hospitals, children's homes and other places where lwldlcapped children may see the play. Requests for performances may be made to the booking chairman, Mrs. Allen Rosen- berg of Newport Beach, phone M2-3540. (Eostgo pboto.) Art scholarship given Notice Is hereby further giv - en that said pubUc hearing will be Oeld on the 15th day of April, 1971, at the hour of 8:00P.M. in the Council Chambers of the Ne"tJpOrt Beilch City Hall, at whicb time and place any a.nd aU persons interested may ap. pear and be heard t~ereon. Doo R. Adkinson, Secretary Newport Beach City Pla.nnl.ag Commission PubUsh: Aprll1, 1971 , In the NeWpOrt Harbor Ensign. Mrs. Paul(Doona)Frieberts-partmeot. She plans to attend LEGAL NOTICE bauser of Costa Mesa bas re-the summer sessioo ot the celYed the 19TI arts and crafts workshop, wbich .tll be beld NOTICE Of P UBLIC HEARlNG scholarship award from South at Arrow mont, Gatlinburg, Tea. NoUce is hereby given th:at Coast Aium.Dt Club; Pi Beta oessee. the Planning Commission of the Ph! She •as oominated by the DuriDg April, she 'lri.ll be City of Newport Beach will hold co&ta Mesa Reereation De-featured artist at Mut~al Sav-a public hearing on the awU- ings and LoanAssoela.tloo.2867 cation of Mr . and Mr s. S. Ben- E, Coast HW'}'., CorooadeiMar. iche tor a Use Permit No. 1S2S YouR CAR Donna bas taught arts and on property located at 207 Or- crafts at Costa Mesa recrea-an&e Street, Newport Beach, B 'I DOH L E E tion department for several to permit a duplex to be coo- years. She bas been scheduled structed 1n a C-1 -H District. • DAIHATSU KOGYD of Ja. to teach a class for OCI Town Notice is hereby further gi v- wtu market Us flrst mass and Gown Art Club beginning en that said public hearing will produced elec-April 16. be held on the 15th day of April, trlc cars In Ja-As s~vtsor of cratts and 1971 at the hour of 8:00 P.M. pan. In february hobbies d.tvislon at the forth-in the Council Chamber s of the a 3-wheeler at comiDg Orange . County fair, Newport Balch City Hall, at $1000 was laun-July 13-18, she will begin her which time and place a.ny aDd ctHld, with a two-4th year as coordinator ofdem-aU persons Interested may ap- passenger mini-onstration d.tscussloos between pear and be heard thereon. wagon wtth four guest artists and aootences. Don R. Adkinson, Secretary _ wheels set to Sbe tlas been a recipient ot Newport Beach Ctty start selllDg tn June. ThJ.s ooe ford Motor Company's out-Plannlng Commission sells for about $2,CYXI, uses si.l standing community serYlce a-Publish: April 1, 1971, 1D lead-acid batteries,. with top ward, 1967 and 1968. tbe Newport Harbor Ensign. speed of 40 mph and 80 mile range, • LET YOUR WIFE drive when you~ slet"C~Y· Tests have sbown that women get bebiul the wheel slower men. In tests ~us~t~og~m:~;~~::l coootUons, meo b taster and more often tba.n wo. mea. So, when you get sleepy, let your wtte drive! Ever-wonder why some pills come in clear, tranlparent bottles., while othcn: hide be- hind brownordarlt-aremala•? It's no accident, but by dcaiJn. Why ... ~ Simple dayliahl can reduce the potency or some medication1. Consider how sunshine fades a rayon print, ror instance. Thus, where needed, we use dark bo!Ues, n01 to hidC: anYthing. but to preserve the medical etrcc- tivel'le!l!i o r the drug your ph)'1ician prescribed for you. This is but one of many precautionary measures that are taken 10 provide you with the btst in pharmaceutical service. Christensen Jill L COAIT .. '1 .. OC.WOW& DG. IIAI! omoua-- ~~Jaul'a ~lofnrr: ·· -~go with Easter we SPECIALIZE/~ PARTIE!S AND •eOOIHGS F,.. e"athu ..... Wtre •41 Deli....-y $er'flee ~ DPEH SEV!M Dt.YS :16:16 E. COAST HWY ., ~ CORDMA DIL llo\ • OON 'T PliT TAP WAT ER 1n your car's engine. Unless tbe tap water is distilled (none ever is) don't put it In your car's radiator. Tap water, us- ually loaded with all types chemicals and "minerals", w111 rust, clog and corrode your radiator in a r ush. Put only d1stilled water and engine "coo,iant" (primarily anU- freese solution) in yo ur radiator for trouble tree radiator cool- ln.g. Fl11Sh out the old, use dis- tilled and sin oo mor e! ILcax~lliillooo and 've love it! • DUNLOP RADlAL PLY tires give you better corner- iDg and cootrol of your car. Wby? Most tires are buut Ln ooe piece like a 2 I 4 on eod. Wbeo you lean the 2 I 4, part ot the eod comes off the noor Same with regular tire but Duo- lop, 2 piece built, hugs the rOQd. Get them at CORONA DEL MAR TIRE, 3601 East Coast Highway. • WHERE I COME fROM we allow 14-Year-olds to drive. We eoos1der them far too youne: to try to make It a.s a pedestrlanl • IF YOUR CAR isn't timed correctly, you could be wasting 15 to ZO t;\ of your psoUDe. Tbe ~It must occur at the precise iostaDt for top results ol smooth, eYen burniD( of tbe tbel-&ir miJ:ture, ud tbedown- ward tbrust on the plston Dead. L!Go\L MOTICI F-409& FICTrriOW BtmNESS NAME STATEMENT The lollo'llll( ... -Is ckllll( baslDess as: Matteo•s Restau- -11 W5 E. Cc>ut Ht ..... ,, c..-dot Mar, ca~~~c>r ... . G 6 H R-III'VIIa, loc:, 2W E. Cout wpway, c~ ct.~ Mar, C&lllorDia. TN a ~a Ia coaducted br • Corpontioa, G A H -....... loc:. Slpod By -A, J-., Pr-nu ...... llllwutlltdwWI lilt c_, Clert ol ~ c~ ......... 11, 1111 . c:ao. B. ... -.. _, U Law,' tlO .... Br.......,, Loo top .... <:.-IOOit. T•IIP"• lila 1-1111 • T-'11111 ....... clll' ••• u 1, ' am, • a. .. ,.,... ~~art." ..... Join us in celebrating our 36th ANNIVERSARY April I through April9 · Refrei'hment> >erYed fr0m 1 P.;\l. to 3 P.M. daily Get \"OUr Soun,nir Gift of Old Laguna · . · · f II 1 · f ··1 •1"1111·1 19·)&!"' IJ\' renownt>O 1\l'tist ,\ t 5x?O" frame-s1ze L"epht•a 111 u l"•"~••l •1 ~,... · · -v . . .. J n~eph ·.zleitsch is \·ours (,,1• the :il'klng-at :1l l :\ l ,a}!"llllfl FPderal oflice~. l ou a1·e Ln~'Lted 10 view this ori~i-nal oil. \Oj!'t.'tla•1· with ttw tllnl}'le~e L"1).!Una Federal art eolleet1on in our celebrated l ..:L~LLII:L Hea1 h mam ofhce rotunda ,::-allen e.". ~UAa7~3~ AND LD"N "IIDCt ... TION • • MARK STEVENS AWARDED ATHLETE OF MEET TITLE Tbe local tnclr. teams llave a fUll schedule today Yith Loan lDfadlng Newport Harbor, Es- taDcia at Santa Ani. Valley, Corooa del Mar 1s at Mapolla aod Fountain Valley aod Costa Mesa are matched IC> at the Mustang borne fteld. All of the higb schools warmed 141 for their regular league schedules at the mammoth,. Beach Cities track meet at Harbor's Davld- soo field last SatiD'<Dy. Newport's premium shot put- ter, Mark Stevens, won "ath- lete of the meet" honors with hls super performances 1n racking up new records lD both the shot and the discus. Ma.rlr. tossed the shot 61-4 and the discus 167-1 to break the pre- vious soot mark of 55-11 set by Jones ol Westminster 1n 1966 and the discus record of 15Z-6 which w.ss hP.Id jolntly by Lourelr. o! Estancia set in 1969 and by Baroett of Corona del Mar in 1970. Practically un-ooticed by many, Terry Allbritton o~ Har- bor uncorked a throw of 57- 0.;3/4 that also eclipsed the old record aDd it gave the Sailors the 1-2 spots. Craig Dennis of Estancia took the 3rd positlon with a SZ' throw. The 61'10- LEGAL HOTti:E 1/2" throw that is SteYen's best of the season so far not ooly 1s the best mark 1n CJF compeUUoo 1n the state but is also the top mar It in the oa.Uon by any bigb school wetgbt man. Wblle steven's was setting his new records and getting the top athlete trophy in the A -var. stty ~lass, Bruce Girasole or Estancia was a one man demo- Ution squad as be broke 3 in- dividual records in the 100 with a lO.Z cloclt.lng against the wlod, that broke IUs old meet record of 10.3 set last year. Girasole set a new Cee record 1n the 180 with a 17.9 and took the long jump with a Z0-6 effort and anchored the Eagle «0 relay team to a new 45.1 meet standard. Esta.ncia won the C title with 53 points, Edison was 2nd with 38, Marina Zl, Laguna Beach 12 and Cor- ona del M.ar 8. Corona del Mar captured the varsity title with Carlo Tosti sparlt!ng the team victory by l.t)setting Ph.il Maas in the 100 1n 10.2 and anchoring the Sea King 440 relay team to another upset win over Marina and Fouotaln Valley. Corona's Nick Rose toured the 880 in 1:55.8 1n near record time to he_, provide the Sea Kings with vital polnts to help clinch the varsity F _3982 crown. FICTITIOUS BlEINESS NAME Other performances that STATEMENT stood out included John Kazmer Tbe following persons are in the lligtJ jump with a 6'2.2" doin& buslnessas:WARDLEAS-tbat took a 1st but he bas dooe lNG GROUP 11 1707 Westclitr better. thls season. Griff Amies Drive, Newport 'Beach, Calif.--took the Bee 100 -wttb a 10.4 Dooald R Ward 1 '107 WestclW clocking and Ued the Beach DriYe N.ewpori Beach c aw . Cities 220 mark with his 23.0 Lloyd' Crella 2210 w~mer~ effort. Jim Hill clloched a 1st Circle, La Habra, Call!.; AI for Corona. in the shot with a warrington. 1706 Terrapin heave of ~'1-5-1/2 aod Honey- Way , Newport Beach, CaW.; well placed with his toss of BUI Boyer 1695-1 /2 Irvine 44-9-3/4. Toshi Tochikuba was Avenue, c o;ta Mesa, Call!. the top pole vaulter and gave This business Is being con-Costa Mesa a 1st in the B ducted by a Limited Partner-division with his 11-6.5 vault. sblp Tim Hayes gave the Estancia stinoo· Donald R Ward Cees a 1st in pole vault with This siatement riled wiih the hl s 12-2-1/2 blast off.Estaocla County Clerk of Orang1! County annexed the C title on the on: Match 12, 19TI. By Beverly strength of the ~ r ecord shat- J. Maddox, deputy county clerk. tering events Girasole com- PubUsh: March 18, 25, April peted In and it wu Estancia 1, 8, 1971, in the Newport Har-38 with M~lna Zl and Laguna bor Ensiii:D. · Beach a distant 3rd with 12 • . · ......... -.......... -~-.. -~-·-·-... ~-. ·---........... ...... THE ESTANCIA C TEAll set a oew 440 relay record at the 6th aDDua.l S.cb Cities track meet last Saturday. Tbe team members a.re, from left, steve Adams, Bruce Gtruole, Art Liddle aDd Craig Johnston. Picturedwtththetrack stars are the trophy award priDcesses !rom Newport Harbor high school: Marlyn Niemeyer (between Art and Craig), Sue Black. Kathy Eccles, Jody Schwarz, Judy New and Terl Dunlap. (Enslp. photo by Vic Opalek.) DOM RACIT l president of the Costa Mesa-Newport Harbor Lions Club, is presenting Estanct.a 's ace sprinter, Bruce Glrasole wUh one of the 4 plaques won during the Beach Cities t;ack meet at Davidson rteld. Bruce set new meilt records in the C 100 yard dash, the 220, and the long jump, and anchOred the Estancia. 440 relay team to a new record. (Ensign photo bY Vic Opalek.) BRIAN THERIOT or Kaiser School is shown winning the 300 yard feature race at the Kaiser Invitational track meet Thursday, Much 25. Rlcllard Zook of TeW!nkle, at left, placed 2nd in a driving finish, and Alan Liddle, also of TeWlnk.le, came in 3rd. Brian was clocked at 36.0 and O!.ck Zook at 36.1. (E nsign phOto by Vic Opalek.) ------- NEWPORT· MESA SPO RTS SCENE WITit VIC OPAL lit A..,....n..U.hiDfti&IU cSdllta tiiiM ooeld bl ...... -... ..,,._ .. ..., _.,--· -..... ttatl-lflo -·... .. 111 ud ............. to o.eii'Md ,..uclloalo Ia ttoo 11'11-1 --.., ttoo lloJ• ..,_u ..._.. --o1 ttoo ... 11M. lo41o do---Ullt ttoo ........ to ... loe&l cap tile bOJ• ~loAr-. Ao ttoo N._t-111--B..t-Dear Vtc ....., -~ jolllo< btp coo-Tbla Ill jllll a ..,..t -lo --toe~ .. ...-. -,.. for ,.... -..u .. Ullt ,.U lltb lfldtr• aro to--ud partlelpotU to tho eluded til tho loealbtpoeboola, -Bora Bu-U Aa- tbe ..., rallDc e&....:l .,me .....,t&on's Klcbt at tbt F&b- CODfUioo udacompWeeb&Dp llou Fore. It tbl bOJ• JOU ol plaoa. Tbo NBBA Or-..,_lottoopre~-· COUDty board ot dlr.etors de-1n UJ lDdlcatioa ol tbe f\Qre cldtcl to rtlld)IM ud allow ol America, 1 ua aa:r• bat n Dts Flood, tbe A!abelm ud b&ve DOWDr to worrJ about. GudeD Gron ""'*' eoaeb," Tbey prueatecltbemaeiYesboth to aq:meat bis Yeteru. c~ oo aDd ott tbe oourt in a ny tbat bu woo oumerou toaru-uemplary ol J0UD1 meo. ies tb1l year torepreeeotOr-Mr. Hupa alld Dr. VaDde- anae eOUDty wttb a prooreo team wepe sbould also be compU- ralber thaD &ttempt a lut m.ta.-meoted oo tbe terrlfte job tbey ate chaop tbat would result ba.Ye doDe lD coord1aat1oC tbJs 1n aa lDterior team from a. proeram. Mr. Scbl.us, IDd my- competlU.n ~lDt. Hlf tb&nlt you apia tor makinC Cc;acb Fklod'a team bas beeD 1t easy to do our job. We are eomiDC ~ &piast the Tustin bopeful that In tbe ~ure we club that bas WOD Its sbartt of might ap.ln use your gr<q) at the Southern CallforD1a clamp-tbe Forum for soeh an ennt. .,. ionsblps &Del more thaD beld 1t1 I can assure you tbat the Forum own. They woo the Covin&, Gar-wW cooperate with you ln any den Gron hwlta.lionlll, ud were way we can. rWIDers-gp In the 29 Palms Best Regards Marine Base touraameot and Bill Eller tbe local Kiwanis cootest. Fklod Gro~ Sales Deparlmut was g1ven tbe names of the out-Fred Scba.u.s .Urxth:'l playerstnthisareaa.od General Marager, 1f1ll cootaet tbe ooes he coo-La.kers slders ca.odidates for the Pboe- nil: World Series but due to the tim•11.clol, itlswillkelybewW be able to work many 8tb end- ers loto bis starting llDe-IC). ~ The Estancia specia.l awards dimer at the Costa Mesa cow:a- try club a ~le weeU aco was hosted by tile Eagle t:uketball and wrestllnc: boosters c lubs. Special basketball awards went to tile follow1J:Ic: Varsity ~. C~t T~mu; moa valuable, Gary Orpll; most tm .. proved, Hank Moore; juD1ol' varsity captain, Tom MeGrec· or; most valuable, Jeff Ford; most tmproYed, DaveRoDqut.Uo; sophomore capta1n, Todd Cot .. Uns; most vallable, Scott De Vries; trosh captain, Roy Butte- lln; most valuable, Jeff Keeb.a; m·)SI: lmproYtd, Jeff SUkey, Wrestllq: awards weat to tbe lollowtDC. Varstl)' co-eapta.laa, Gary Galley aod st"e S117der; most valuable, Cb&rlM ~~ most tmprcmct. Dollllla llollu; JV capCala, Keo Voct; -nlable, Mare lobuoa; frosb .. Qbom.ore capta1D. Brad Phll-------l'- pott; most nloablo, llark Ouc- ger. t . MARK STEVENS, Harbor Hill> Tbe ·following wter from track star, received tbe "alb- General Manager Fred Scbl.us lete of tbe meet" trophy after aDd Blll Eller of tbe Lakers sett1nl Dew shot aocl discus was received by lbe Ensign records at the 6th a.ooual Beach newspaper and typlfles tbe re-ClUes tr&ck meet eo-spoosored sponse to the Boys Basketball by the Costa Mesa-Newport night at the Forum. For a Harbor Lions Club. Here be 1s first ever promotloD tbe re-tossloe the sbot for the record suits were well rec'etved by 61'4". He ~lds top state CIF most of tbe scbools parttcl-mark of 61'10-1/2". (Vic Op- pattng with a few m1Dor iJl.. alelt pboto.) NEIII'ORT HARI!OR Eltf!Jt ·fiRST S£C'r101j --P• 4 114URSOAY, N'NL l,,ltll , !XIROIIA Ml. tiAI, CAI.Jf. A 8 c 0 E • 11 1\,l.LOW~ StBvVv adtt Ott\IJtiU EASTER GREETIN GS BOX •.. . • . 11.10 FRUIT AND NUT EGG .. . ·n.55· cHdCOiJT£' tillM EGG . • 75e ASSORTED CHOCOLATES !lb. bo•II.!IS, 11b. bo1 $3.85 PURPLE FOIL EASTER BASKET .... : .. suo 1021 L Coaet Hwy., eo.-Dol _. "IONI 67a-2550 ' _:.; . ., .J ~At''" ?' ~ service at . ' 1 ~' , ' ~ ' utual - Tho Big M Ia big onough (ovor $400,000.000) to pay tho nation's hlgheat lntoroot on lnaured aavlnga ... Slli to 8%. But ~ly lmpodllll.t -car• enough to gift you very ~I aorvlce. Coraftllclel ....... .-7 .... ~ flel:ee; ,..,...., Other oflcelk'l COW. W.. Aroedla. Pll•••• n Gelltdlta I .· ; THE CORONA DEL llAR JV TEAM -lllo lrriM - cb&mpioublp aDd aim tbe Saata All. Optimllt toa'a&m..t. Tbe tam record wult.!§lortbe~ 11-S lD tbe Jeacue, Studlac left to rtebt are Sten BaldwtJl, Mark Lower .. , Mike W'JUI, Jeff 'flbu1:oo. Kea CarJ.oa. Bob Clll't. Dan Grlpby, Gordoo Stewart, Rudy Nettln, Tom McCorkle aad Bill Cooroy. KDeell.Dc are eoach Bob Werley a.Dd Brad Dietl. Jttf Wbartoo was 1eadlnC ICOI'er wttb 11 polots, Ken Cart.oo the leadlDc rebouDdet with 10, aod Bill Conroy tbe outsla.Ddiag player ln tbe SaDta ADl Optimist touJ'1WDeD1. ATTENTION LONG-TIME RESIDENTS AND USERS OF -l'HE BEACH BETWEEN LAGUNA BEACH AND CORONA DEL MAR HELP! ORANGE COUNTY is INVESTIGATING whether there has been public I)Se of the beach between laguna Beach and Corona Del Mar, from Pacific .Coast Highway to the ocean, without charge or permission of the landowner. T~e purpose of this investigation is to find out if any public prescr iptive rights exist in this area. Any persons who can testify to use of this beach area in years past please contact : OFFICE OF TH£ COUNTY C()UNSEL 51 S. N. S1(amore, P .0. Box 1379 Santi Ana, California 92702 or pholt 834·3300 FOR SALE UII'OIIT HAIIIIOR EMICJI AIIST IECIIOI --.... 5 THURSDAY, .APRIL I, 1971 COROllA DEl liAR, CAU F Jr. track in full swing FOR RENT: Large profes- sioo&l offtce. Suite of 4 big rooms, oo coroer opposite Hc.c HO§Pital. Former of- nces of established attor-2000 ft. OOUBLES CHAMPS Tbe Ora.oge Coast YMCA Class A doubles haodball tourn- ament YaS woo by Don Luttrell of Irrtoe i.Dd George Geroosln at Nnport Beach, wbo defeated Stet"e Herman and Bill Hansea at ftnport Beacb Zl-4, 12 -Zl ud 11-lf. HOYEWORKERS badlY Deeded: Addrea lllfeklpel lD .,are time. YlDlmam ot $14 per 1,000. SeDdo -~ ..... ope lor lmll'ledl&te free de· lalla to l .. Uco, 140 Joaos street, sate 17, su Fn.D- d.ICO, Ca..Uioi'W MlCIZ. IIISCELUJ'IIEOUS EXPERT btcyeM r..-ttliiC Oil aU ..... Ttrn ud a11.r•-P-porta_ At Bl-Mercuttllr, 100 w,JD StrMt, Balboo. -575-1112. YOUR CHOICE! PLAStiC TRASH OR ClUI·UP Bl&S ChOC'"'' pacv ot 20 twentv·gatlon size plastic trash can liner~ to keep your cans sarutary, your hands cl ean ... or pack _o1 12 ftve- bushel stze t lt>an up bags for easy dt!,posal of leaf raklftJS. &rass chppmgs ga tage or workshop sweeprng~. et c. Both m ~ndy drspenser tlOJ FRtE ASTER SEED TAP£ with purchase of erthtf. Tape cooiams 96 seeds pet1ectly spaud tor _healthy ~­ Cut tiJC)@ to dec;ned len(th tnd plillt; ta,e d1u.olves 1ft .,. __ Each Priced . Regularly At Sl.89 now only Clfl un llltfltJ ~c••• •• •N. A .... ""~· ••nnut tell 11 '"" ,.. • ,...._. flillt •••fltr u oal II a real '"""· llltw Is till HIM lot hit '~ t '•IV for IPU SATINTONE LATEX WA Ll PAINT A trul~ bea utiful finish. and completely scrubbable. Easy application fast d ry ing, no pa rnty odor ar,d water wash up. You will like the differ· ence. ..._ 30 MINUTE ENAMEL S6.9S $7.go lT. S2 .69 s3'"'io SATINTONE LATEX SAnN ENAMEL Our favorite enamel. It roes on easily. dries in minutes and looks really wonderful 0~ wa lis or wood'N'Ortc:. Elsy to keep clean, never yellows. Water wash up, of course. ,. S OUTH COHST EXCLUSIVE filion Gould Don Sutherland MorcJo ltodd ''TilE llllftl BLOWER Of ALL TIME!" Atl:l s.c .. ,,. Sll••l•t• •• -Ti• MII:Uilll lt&ll .. x OHkH 0,.. J:IS Rated (R) "THE LimE MURDERS" Rated <Rl 2ad Pucure "The Ballad of Cable '" Ali lllac&raw Ry~n O'lleal WILD ---· --· "'-L·"YMM · ~· CC* .... . '" -~ .... _,. __ 'ii Walter Matthau El~lne ttay Anecotear Jack weston ·--,_ '-.-.... ll"l'd ........... ~:_.: ...... .., LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBUC HEARING AMENDMENT NO. 287 Notice is hereby gfno that tbe Newport Beach City Plan- ning Commissloa will bold a public hearlng oo the appli- cation ol The lrvioe Company on Amendment No. 287 which prqx~ses to ameod tbe BlgCan- yoo Pla.nDed CommUDJ.ty De- velopmeot Pian located on the oorlberly side of San Joaquin Hills Road between Jamboree Road and MacArthur BouleYard, in Big Canyon. Proposed changes loclOOe adjustments 1.n the residential densities of Areas 4 and 5 aod miDor re. visions to the statistical sum- maries and development stand- ards as set forth in the s!C)- plemental text. Notice Is hereby further ~ven that said public hearing will be held · oo the 15th day of AprU, 1971, at the bour of 8:00P.M. ln the CouncUCbam- bers of the Newport Beach City Hall, at wllich time and place any and all persoos interested may appear and be heu'd tbere- on. Don R. Adl:lriioo, setretary Newport Beaeb City PlazWng Comml.ssJoo Publlsb: April 1, to the Glendale Federal Savings has moved to Harbor Center. lock, stock and safe. People too. Save or great new low rates on home loans, look no further. We're now right on the corner of Harbor Boulevard and Wilson, sa if you're looking for Glendale's famous friendly serv- ice, escrows, Umpteen Ways To ....... ,..... CJF lflztulld Glendale Federal/Costa tv\esa is just as nice as it ever was. And lots more convenient. Mon.-Thur. 9-4; Fri. 9~. • Beauty Salons !tla.wi.o6'~ BEAUTY NOOK 2732 E. Coast Hwy. Corona del Mar Phon e 644·7336 • Bicycles -sea~ ~wbm • SALES • SERVICE •211 E. ·17TH, COSTA MESA 6-16-7106 -646-6855 MAL COLM(BUO} CU TLER DISCOUNT PRICES ON CARPET CLE.~NING Tustin Carpet Cleaners 544-5481 SHIRTS VILLE CUSTOM SHilTS Cas1111.1 Shirts for ALL the Family ... Fabulous Colors aod Dlacew .. t ••~-~ ..til futfll&h ,.,., ,...,, he"'e •• efflce "' lewert ,.,ICHo For lnform•tion C•ll Christopher 136--4067 or 527-6506 1405 f.. I!DIMGI!R. 54NTA ANA. • Delicatessen :WO POIMSITTIA -67).fUS COitONA DEL MAIIl DIMMITT (Jit!!= Pinout qualily dry deanina on the premiae& • Sel£-.en-ice laundry All n•w -lace,. mockl Fripdaire wuhcn 3l00 E. C-llwy., CDM ,._, 67).9605 •FiorNts FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS DfM•rl Tosh FI.OIUSTS PHO•I:.......,. a.Mupst .... -- K!!LI!R GIWIUATE --~.. .... _ " llr ......... -Alloo" ~ ........ c.-....... ~ ot ,_ APB, ,_llloU.I.AirP- ectet14tMJMtft ... ~ ..... .......................... -"' Air ,._-JII¢1Ect Ud , ...... Be 11: a 11'10 ..-"'"-111u---- Call these merchants for the best in service Health Resorts • Nurseries ~&Jiciqt ')i_ HWTBSPA FREE VISIT INClUDES - • M.ner1l sPA Whirlpool • Finm5h S.unl Steam Roonu • Desert Dry Hell Rooms • PrtVIIItl To led Stall Showers • Ultr8·Viole! Sun Tan Rooms • lnYigoratmg E leoctric;al Mnt.11911 • Allla>tln'IJMechantcal Mas18ge • Person11 SupeNotoon •COSTA MESA 549-3368 • HUNTINGTON BEACH 842-1451 • ORANGE • ANAHEIM 639·24ot1 826-0381 • WESTMINSTER 19.·3317 HAL AEBISCHER 2MtiJI: _!.. ~Nii·a.o. Proper Fitting Assured 3409 E. Coast Hwy, Corona del Mar 675·3833 • Kennels K. 9 KENNELS a!i.St .. 4 WILCOX -CRITTENDEN HARDWARE Shrubs, lnlerior Plan Is TropicaJ & TrttS lnseclidde-s and Fertilizer Mader Cbu&• .. Banll.ameriurd FREE DEUVERY Corona del Mar Nursery 2744 E. Coasl Uw y. 675·0160 A. R. MARSAC" PLUMBER 700 Carn allon Ave Corona dt'l MM • Plumbina Rep•irs DAY&. NIGHT WATER HEATERS 673-4130 PLUMBING & HEATING REPAIRS A REMOOEUNC NO JOB TOO SMALL Call rour Nei&hbofhood Plumber 24 Hr. Servi~ 833·2030 NEWSPAPERS AND NI!WS L.ETTI!RS CALL Ul POl IITUUTII .,. ..... IMIIGM I'IIIUiiiMG CO. FACTORY-DIRECT Magn·avox DEALER ''Where ser&~ice ••ie.J it " bdler b11y'" • Color Stereo Theatres • Color TV Consoles and Portables • Monochrome TV • Stereo Consoles and Component Systems • Tape Recorders • Port- able and Table Radios I 1829 HEW PORT BLVD. COSTA t.IESA 6·6···88 • TV Service SERVING ALL OF ORANGE COUNTY 8 a.m. to 11 p.m.-7 days! S,JJ/rbult 'lJ,/1,, 9rleuision Service 830-5890 BAN I( OF AMER IC A MASTER C HARG£ SoatL Coa•t TENNIS ... tar ALL yow -- N"it~tion .. c~ Book• 2700 W. COMt Hwy., N. 8 . 648-9331 Z.sPAR,AINTS 2721 E. C..at Hlolo_, ~~~~~~~~= Cot•e del Mer, C.llfo,.le NG 81 (By Euro/)IHn CT»ftsmt~n} . REMODEL 2 PC . set Cali "Berny"' • FOR LOCAL HEWS SUBSCRIBE TO .THf Th• Of/ld.J H•w•,•P•r of li• City of Hew~rt B••d 27211. COAST HWY ••• 7MJ50 COIIOMA DIL MU ONLY U.OO ~ YBAR CALL 67J·OHO It Yrt. Tot•l S.thf•ctie11l ..................... SINCIIII SIWING MACHINE 1171 Ha--·· C.M. ANTHONY'S SNOB S81VIC8 COMPLI Tl SHOI. LU,OOI .. I AMD MAIIDeAe 11,.4111 1401 E. Ooaot HlpWaJ eo ........ ... p, .... , ., ... .., o,...,. WcMio••t ........ , - 21!i MAIN. H.B. -U.MOI FREE DEliVERY a ~KUP J&J IIIIasTEIY I I 5 &.ria ..... ·d•• lilt till .... ol .. alllll' I ............... sl ... -.... ~a dtved. .,. .._..___ no _, -- NEWORTHMIIQJI ENIGII RRST SUTIOII --Pw 7 " ........ ... , •• .., ..... --~loiiiiW- dl' · 'r .., ...__..a. .. pm ...... ...,_ •a-~--==~iij~-;;;~;~~~;;~ ....... .,.., ..... 1-a ·-·-DBIIillldCC*:Iil --- 111...-t_.....,-. ai~C'oDo10. -..... -. ...... _ -.......... ~~~~~~.Ilea CALL US TO . SEE y· H--ES·· -E 111D....,. ondh-.d. A roe-IAII--Ibtl l'•loloa -••z1olloo -11o -II N II t-lol,...a.Dir-' :-~.:~:-~·:: r.-rr.:;;:-.:: SELECT PROPERTIES --IIIIO'IIa b1p -· llo loll lllll"'o -lbt --li<GI<II,Bai>Lar-.... _ .. .....,. .......... <( --blp Ia NWftlk II CaiPoiJ, p._ I)IOOIIIoo ud CocU II~<( 1bt Vol-Wllldl 1Ft --· Be lu ..-llty of .trbcx. 1H &moDI ... IMid I daiH tiO rttln 10 -...... -~~~ .... aid On-. eo.,-, aod ... aid 1Ft "'ft blnDtt ,.......,., at tbLI t. '""* 10 I'Jt a bead caeeb-paiii&IIJJ>r--.oe-... lllr Job--nor a,.... tbt c6lt 0" He woUI DOt p,. u u ........ Cannery to .be eatery? Tilt Newporl Beacb P- Commluloo wtU bold a pubjlc beulac loalo!ll, April I, oo a PI'Qjlc:t to rebuild tbe WesterD c-. balldlllc .. ..,._ An. iD Old Newport 1.11to a ........... Tbe project, bow ... ' .. tttt t -,. Tbe elty ltalr ... r~- ... Culom!"" Pl1'kiDc- Carroal p-caU 1M lbe mHI 1o be -from zo lo M teet. Wr. Hsw!W. aid, "Wbilo It may be pooslble 1o redDce t.b1l widtb, It 1a H· Umated tJat U maD)' 'U 24 -wtU be loot b)'tbowldeo-tac project.'' --wllllboldlllc_.,.al at11 addi.Uoaal ar .. to put eulomero' can cao .. -.AEROSPACE MEETING WllUam UDpr, a partDer ID tbe 11Dpr-PacUlc Detelopmeat Co,, said he wl1.1 atteod tbe bearlDc to press tor IPPf'OftL James Hewtcker, elb JODlDc admlll1strator. said tbe ltaJI eoocurs with tbe coocept ot tbe pr-... a.od _ ... tile eftort of tbe awllcaM to pre. .... ,. aDd eDit&Dce tbt ar-. But, be asked that IIJPI'on.l aboald be wttllbeld au the Pl1'killc problem lo .,trod. Rt sald !bel part ol tile prob- lem reAltl from clt:J plus to -Ldlytltt st., tile rood rUDDlDC behreto tbe canDerJ ud a lot that would be UAd lJDtmployed &erOJI)&Ce Pl'O· teseJoDlll, tbeir wives, and all otbera eooceroed about tmem- ploymtat may ttad eome a.o- ners to flluela.l and otber problema at a ooe-dll.y 'WOJ'k- sbop pluoedtlrS.turday,AprU 3, lD tbe cafeteria at Coroaa. del Mar blllf> ocboc~ bo£hmlog at 9 Lm, The aJlernooD pro- lf&DI, from 12:30 to S p.m., wW eoos1st ot a Dllmber of small cr~ dlaenuiou. There wtlJ be Db luoeb t.lcWtles. but eoaee azx~ SOieU: w1 u be pro- Yided. The wortstq, 1s spoo- IOnd by tbe Amertcaa Eoc- !Deers a.od Set-...._ More beds for hospital Ra~ Caatletoo, adm.iD1sb'a..-to open a medical otn.ce com- tor o1 tbe CoAl Mea. Memorial ple:r on the property adjl.ceDI Hotpltal. hU &lliiCifmCed tbat to the bosplta.l. Tbe ccutructtoo auother 80 beds w111 be added pbase ol the doctors' offtces is to thl medical facWQ, wtth e~ted to bepn in the fall. coostrucUou lo be&ID bolore MRS. McCUY Dl ES tbe ead Or"the y-.r · · Gertrude V. M cGuy, 1556 He l&ld tbe project ls 1o Us Miramar, BalJ:Ioa, died Yarch beliiiUDc staces, &Ddesthnated 30 at South coast commuoity tbo -1 ccsl lor 80 addllloaal Hosplta~ Lag~a Beach. Sbe beds &00 reswuac remodellnc wu born Lo IllJDo1a, aDd came at betweeo $1.5 &Dd $Z mil-to Oruce COWilJ 2 years arc. Uon. Surri901's ioclude 2 sons, Tbe hotplta.l, which apeoed Jam .. ot Hewpcrt a.eb llld Ill lllll, lo -~ 111-~f!t fa-1'-_..r <C .. lllla,Pollll; a.od ' ewty, uttlial.Dc tbe Mn'kes ol. pudc:hildrtD, abaC ZOO doctors &Dd a aurs-Hoary wtll be reeJ.ted at ill& staff of 100. It 1s ruo by 7 p.m. today, AprU 1, at Bait& Be.,.rly Enterprtaes, whlcb COfe8. del War Cbapel and also owu: I.Dd operates eeYenl mus trUJ be celetn.ted at 9 otber boaplt:ala throucbCM lbe . a.m. tomorrow at Our Lady 1JD1tecS Sb.tes, Queeu ot Angels Cathollc Tweoty doctors wbo fre-Cburcb, Jaermeot w111 be at queatly use the hospital ptlo Paclft.c VIew Memorial Park. HAWAIIAN PROGRAM AT JUDITII BAILEY DIES EBELL Q.UBHOUSE Jodllb J. Bailey, 33• or 2905 Paper l...ane, Bact Bay, d.led The Nnport Bach Ebell March 25, at Hoac M.emorla.l Clubbouse wiU be transformed" no.pit.al. Sbe wa.s born Od. Tbura.y .11000, AprU 8, J.ato 1Z 1937 lJl L.()QI Rach, and a Ha'ftllaD pandlse, WarUar .;. beeD ~ resldeot or tbeNew- mumUI aad crua: stlrts, mem-port Bel.eb area siDCe tUtb. t,rs and tbelr ....._. wtllp.tb-Sun1fOI's lDclude ber bus- rr at lab ... deccll'"atld wttb bl-baDd, PaW; a 100. Scott; and blleus lDd orchid& to eojoy a duCbter Teresa all of tbe uaortod dlabeo or PciJDftlao family ....... ; .... raiber. ~ld­ deUc&ctea. 1DC B. Eutman of Newport lo ketc>1Dc wUb tbe tbeme Beacb· 2 stJters, Usa aad o1 tbe day, lhe Kaba s.r... su.su 'Eastman &ad a tftthtr, dtn, beaded br Trudy Kaloa, SU&Oy an of NeWPOrt Beach. will lllterpret tbe clucu of yuzMnl sentces were bekl Hawaii. Tbe ~Ole> w!Ualoo&lllc Marcb Z7 at PaeUicYttw CIIop- lalalad aMaCS to tbe accompa-eL lDttrmeat wu at Paclftc Dlmtat ol electric rut.tara and View UetDOrlal Part. ..... lira. Waklo NJbtrc, 67S- 7'791, a.od wrs. Dat.y llorru. PROGRAMS SET FOR 6'1J-90H, are laklllc lucbeoo BOYS Q.UB WEEK re8U"ftUou. W'ltb tbe tbeme, "Good t1ds WUS!UW TRIP PLAHH !D doo'l f1<1W oo lr_, .. tbo Har- Newporl B e a c b J 11 a I o r bor At• Boya' club ls Jo.lD.lnc Frletods or tbo Ulnry wiD ·mort lbu 100 Boys Ctul>o or -kd lbroqll 1111 II'I'IV• A.,.lca to tiM co-.u.. o1 oo a bus ~lp April 7 lo tbo Nai-l Boyocte-.llorcb Soa Beraard!DO eo.,-Wu-11-AJ>rU S. , MIIDI, kM:atld lA ~loomiDctoA. MU. M••bln, prte:ldtat, Z BEDROOM, I BATII, REDECORATED, FEE lAND, R-l $37,900 Z BEDROOM, 1 BATH, A OOLL HOUSE, FEE LAND, R-Z $38,750 3 BEDROOY, 1-1/Z BATH, FEE LAND, R-1 $41,900 S BEDROOM, Z BATH, FEE LAND, R-1 3 BEDROOM, Z UlTS $42,500 BATH, FEE LAND, $42,950 R-Z, 1-1/2 3 BEDROOM, 2 BATH, TIP TOP SHAPE, LEASE- HOLD, R-1 (THIS tK>ME OPEN 1 TO 5 EASTER WEEK) $47,500 3 BEDROOM, 2 LEASEHOLD BATH, FAMILY ROOM, VIEW, Z BEDROOM, 2 SHORECLIFFS $57,500 BATH, PLI.S DEN, $69,500 FEE LAND, 4 BEDROOM, 3 BATH, PLlS FAMILY ROOM, VIEW, LEASEHOLD $84,500 3 BEDROOM, 3 BATH, PLUS fAMILY ROOM, VIEW, SHORECLifFS, R-1 $84,500 3 BEDROOM, 3 BATH, PLOO DEN, VIEW AND POOL, LEASE HOLD $89,500 • • • • DUPLEXES 2 BEDROOM, PLlS 2 BEDROOM GOOD INCOME, F~E LAND $55,000 3 BEDROOM, PLlB 2 BEDROOM SOUTH OF HIGHWAY, FEE LAND $71,500 APARTMENT. APARTMENT. 3 BEDROOM PLOO DEN, PLUS 2 BEDROOM APART- MENT. SOtli'H OF fDGHWAY; FEE LAND $83.,500 • ••• WE ALSO HAVE A VIEW LOT IN SHORECLIFFS-- 'lHI•·bAST t.01' AVAILABLE. COM.P-LETE WITH FANTASTIC HOME PLANS. ~.,. 011.,.. ACI8 ·-I & i 1• 3" AI'AIIT.-nl .... & I' ..... ,_ 11. • Pl.i ,. ... Patio• • Pii"Plactl • POOLS • t Hole '-"lli•l ()e• • T-i• • ....... P•ily S.ctioa • Adj ... -~· .... Pl.,p_ ,.._L_CM C:.ut M..., .... • ~-hl•-4 Tilt m-m '•""'• -raid tllat a faD !IO'OCf'&lll oC OF~IC! H!LP HEEDED oC Soorlbtn Cr.lltnla, u eulJ' .,_ lo 11t111c llaJod 11 tbo IDU ltd• ceater, a lu .. Bora Clm, SM c .... St. ud Tbe Volute« Bar•u re-,._ .. T.l.., bU'd-.4a cou.etloa, a -.bn.l lUI T..U. Aft., Cola Me-. por1.l that F&.l"tew state Has-t. • lA ........ , .:W.:. c..ar, u well u &.. to toe11 atteeam oa, baUdirac pMal La Coati Una Deeds •ol-.. _. • ..._ ...-. piiJI ol eulJ ........ , Ia ••jllnWUe dtctDCJ." ..._. oftlce bt., to us1st tbe ...., -....._.- lbt .,.._ ~~-.., law cay 1o lltlol _... dlreetoro by laklllc J-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ A ... w!U_..Iromllarl--•od lo*J, AJ>rlll, Ud .. ~ m-.... r.>rliD&JI •• UJnrr a1 t ..... a.od a-nN a1cto1 1o ApnJ a. Ael-• .-.., maD, IWDc. ln>IAc ,_, a1 1 p.m. Y-pl«• 1.-a1 1M lJjppor lla11nDclo ._-te. rOCOI'<IIq c:oafueace -..:1 brllc a .ct 1..:111 ud &aclldl a .._, a.t -1 ..., Ud otber more TeJIIOG- IOc-••""-· ,...UdiFOU'OOIIollloll-• llble luU, d-Q( oo tile Sl,:IOO I(.IRGI..ARY Frldlr ......._ ApnJ 1, aod a qooi!Jcollo .. or tlleool-s.• ....., _, -...,, AJ>rU Too ..., .-IOIOMIIoc .,.. J ... _. bourl &QJ WMIIidi.J, &.pro ....... wll!l _, " ~ Eald Lalbrq)o at 545.' lbufi,IOOwwiii<Ciooloaod HARCOAIRUTS-,tall. ---II lbt Jorco J.ald ,_..., -.II loc, -II -Blrdo a,, ud Y1c111 -Millar 11' OCC lAND WINS -.... .., .. .,_......_111 ---lbt -., ""-• -. •..; Clnllll c-Collelf ~ •• a 111 Gut .., Ji n , ,. IIMIIIa eo lta lrd .--.. 'ho._...,. •_,r Doopoa 1a11, a;--,_ ... llble-ftlaodllleD .. .... • r" :t. 111' ................................. ltltlf bJ ,. • 110--. ., 111 • a.. -...,._.,. -dorcot- ,... Ufl .. ll • , ..... If,_.. .... '-I Ia till Dtld bJ a . --~·.:. ::::: ~ ~ :.:l-':!':; !]-~*~··~·~·:··· .., " --... -...... ,_ ~ "' .. -. 1 ----I 'J! • _.. ... , I • -11111M Mu'dl M .:I 17. ........... ? 17 ..... -=---· ··.... Cut Dosh ~~~~== _. Do;t • •w r1 . I ~~:·-110 --· .. _, II --·--· -• r•n tf :'"':& !:. t':. :v: b'l h. IIU&.TOII .a-W~ .. -..n..-. .,. •· co.ulin. · ~ ................ . DOWN $t• ""-..... ~ .... , ...... •••• 0 1 • hm • v .... ca.w.-. ...... ... ,_ __ _ ....... ..._ ....... It'• ..... tr. _ ...... b ............. . -!nit.------• ntURSDAY, APRIL~ 1971 fXlMIHA DaMAR, ~(\f ····" ··~~ •.•.. •111 IIIIIMI C..t. ..... liM .. c ............ CAMIO IHORIS l.ar&e OCEAN V1BW home. <*" 1o private community beach. 4 Bodroomo. I llolllo, lor- mal cllnln& room; poneled cleD wllh flraploce. Pool I!Umlunded by -lhru lonce. 119,!500. ONLY ONI LEFT Worry free condominium 1partment with 2 bedrool!l.\ & 2 baths. Welllocaled In pretty parklike setting near Beag Hocpilal. 826,91Ml. RIAL 'lOllS nSINCE 1trW' 673-4400 What A Present For Mother!! HER OWN APARTMENT!! PLUS A SOLID BUlL T, C ~FO RTABLE 2 BEDROOM HOME FOR YOU --- PLUS A NEARLY NEW 2 BEOFtOOM INCOME UNIT EVERYTHING IN IMMACU LATE CON OI TION. Just $50,500 UNIVERSITY REALTY R E A L T 0 R 8 673-6510 to01 E. COAST HWY. CORONA. DEL lrrllA" ' _OWNER MUST SELL! IRVINE TERRACE ONLY $59,500 -POOL - Don't be afraid to make an offer! 1. Huge living room. 2. Large dining area. 3. Big lot. 4. Professional landscaping. 5. Corning range. CORBIN-MARTIND 644-7662 SEMPLE BE.&L ESTATE aaSIDBHTIAL AND 8USINBSS PltOPEaTIBS ·-POa INTBJ1.8S78D, PltOI'IUSIOHA.L COIHIDBUnOH Sl!l l~l liM. llTATI Hill. C:..otM...,, c.-• 4el- Rl-21t1 P-t. /k...u r<.Ji, ,_. .. 16 BAYFRONT INVESTMENTS #3 Balboa Coves-_42' lroala(e-f 59.Y50 #58 Unda Isle -•U' frontage-ll89,500 Balboa Peninsula -52' front.lge-117'9,500 Udo Isle -30' frontage-1187,500 Balboa Peninsula -45' frontage--$22.5,000 Prime Bldg. Sile -75' lroalase-f2~.soo 'lA YCREST-WESTCUFf AREA 3 Bedrm, fam rm. vacant ........ $415,500 3 Bedrm, den, din rm, POOl . . . .. $89,500 3 Bednn, den, din rm. pool, vac . . S69,500 4 Bedrm, din rm, xlnt location . . . . $56,500 4 Bed.rm, lam rm, pool, spotless .. $58,000 4 Bed.rm, pool, gorgeow . . . . . . $65,000 4 Bedrm, lam rm, formal dln rm .. $68,500 4 Bedrm, Jam rm, din rm, patio ... $87,500 4 Bedrm, d in rm, lam rm, view . . S89.SOO 5 Bedrm, din rm, fam rm, lg 2 stry $65,000 WIDE OPEN SPACES Near Vail Lake -apptox 230 acres of view. clean air and sunshine. Owners ... will divide & carry paper or will excbge. Map .in office. Offtc. O,.n Saturdays & SunrUys ~ PET~60~!~~t~~ ... RN~~LTY ~ 642-5200 HORSES ARE O.K.! A-I ZOHE HEAR UCI . 3 BEDROOM HOME OH 26,000 SQ. FT. LOT. Only $37,900 ROY R. McCARDLE REALTOR • • FINER HOMES DOVEil SHOilES LUXURY HOME ... - Superb \'IEW from spaCJOU!II !J\"Jn~ room, family room and gourmet k1lchen. Luxur- IOusly carpeTed and draped. 4 bedroom!!', 4 ba1 hs. Fmest appomtments & eqUipmenT • professional pool table. wet bar. mtt>rcom , ell'ctnc )::a rage doo r and gate. ~ c;n ~ara~e. Furn1.~hed $197.500. l "nfurn1sheO ~18:.! .. ';00. ('all Bert F'ehren 67!>-3210 for appomtmenl. COZY COLONIAL on a buutlful cul-de·!'~c !'tree!. Mo:~n kurf'd lawn and garden. 5 bedroom or 4 hfor!room plus a "whatever room." Panelled !llturl v - fa milv room · dmtnR room. &54.000 Optn Sa turday & Su nday J-5 p m. 2421 Si~rra VIs- ta, .\"t>wport B~ach. MACNAI -lltYINE 675-3210 642-8235 1010 B1yside Drive 901 Dover Dri¥e Newport 8Hch I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Sales through the Multiple Listing Service of the Newport Harbor-Costa Mesa Board of Realtors totalled EIGHT AND ONE-HALF MILLION DOLLARS during the month of Feb- ruary, 1971. This is two and one·half million dollars more than any pre- vious month during the 40 years of service of the Board. List your property with a Realtor today. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ooo~o••••• of4aJa !)~!. Prestige Waterfront Homes == u• ca~Y,.acstr ............ ~ ..... , • lltUMOAY. N'lll. ~ 1171 Uce•se protests ai-.. UTI 'IC*"" ~~~~=~~;:::=::::~~~~!;~~ .... .. ................ Church N.w. ' 1'llo II---· Ill --........ bo· =...-.:: :.::-::-.... 1'llo eo. -..... ·tt Wtl_.as MJ ...... Mj $'ert( .,_ ........ _ .. , ..... ,. .... .,..,.FWnn-CUte••r 11tottM -... ---....... CIIJ-·-.. -~ --.., 1111 II 1Mo po1o1 wMl'"-1 __. 011111oo ,_...,, Aprll_l-1. II - 1'llo Flrll -~ ~-~a. lt'o.,. too-to Harllar ar• 1>11 • D-ill II -~~ot ~---Dr.C,.,Iollllor-, U llow -oudtllll'owllllw~" C-11-111111~--~ ...... 1101 CWI Dr., -..W Jr-11 1, t:IO ,. ...... .-bog" I WID bo -. -· ... )lol -ol -c117 k (1 ... MJ1 ••bol•~ ----Ct~J-hll bln._lldl7 llewpuri ......... "Toc:roora UJ1 11 a... -, 01 "111o or )lol -WIII-llloroe-lllllp,"loo -illr*l ... lo no:!..n-wtDbO ar to cnc!l)?'' wtU be tM hltl!lar bkleU ot tnYirJ ,, omrsst"na, eM .........,, •• from till oat-lar ..-p from 10 -: __ ......,_lito ,,..,.... .... __ ., .. --loplc ol Dr, Wallor part I ol kill-oo .:A ...,..14 lllrlll,_.,dl. ot-ton'-ol-1 I •-..,_ o,m, Plllilrllllllo.m.orrteo_.,. ___ .. nctodllll_to_aw. ~· llowport ~r_, to hdac c~ Jlitbway. 111 J .. , 19'10, ...,.. -.. ._ 1114 tile --"'Ulo _, wu "aNol•IJ M I IC .. J to coa- UIMtld .caoMnlc procr ... &Dd dlrolopa11al wltblo 111o clly," A U'IO ·---bJ lloo C-II-Clly CoiiDCU otalod tbat -. tbt rr .... , eoaatruetloD wu expedited, It woold r...U ill "completely •IIIINp&ble tra.mc COQd1. tioal" 1a Costa Yes. AcUDc aecretary of the com- mittee, BtU Dlloo, wbo also Is the ciiJ's PlaDDIDr dlrtclor, lll1d U. committee called tor a reaeUcb project to deter. mine "just wbat au tbe fa.cts are coacern1ac this problem." Mr. Dumt said the research project prot.biy would be coo. *" ._,, At 1 p.m. bo wtU • • • • tor to 1111 .._ -Pl'tKb oo otA Pl'.-ebir Wbo Ttae Wt&tbertord ~ w111 Cbaaber ot C..m.._ &lldltc .._to clio." """11"1111 ?p,m_-, __ 11 to lloiiJ lloo -.boll u • • • rice II U1o ~ 11-Flrll olJOtllooC_boo_ TIIO P-Coo ... .,t-.. i1opU11 Cbarel, 101 llapoUa 10 loUor, or ILII' .... nlfnlm Cb.-cll, 1181 -1 St., Now-Sl, Tb1o -1 qaartotboo-IIIII>Odl' to ....., Ulo ._, port Btl ... •• 11lo a ... Nor. 00 1D107 TV PfOinmo ud baYO 1'llo "eall" W a lloiiJ WU mu 8rowD wtn .PHICb at 10 IDidl DUIDUOU riCOI'dtap IDidl wMD ec-eumu Llllda- As orlcla&UI' pla.aood 111o Lm. ._, oo 1111 topic Sl>ook.-w 111o .. ....., ..w ~ 111 Par---11 a Newport Fr..,., WOUld tater-••struct,iDfukJD.•'Tbtsacr&~ tbe a ... Colllns putor ot tbl teceDt INd7 ••·• 011 an tbe sect wttb tbt ccuta1 trwny .1ULY WEDDING ~· Mr. ud meat ot bolJ commua1.oa wtll Cah'&ry BtptUt Cacbr1Btu. .. COIIJI)Iallta ot IIDil1 bqe!u••• at a larp· lalorc,.... alooc llrs.Earl TrawotC_II_ bteo-. 11onr udpr-oltbtWoot oolloo "-'foocllarpd S'l*'lor A•e. at tbe border o1 &DDCMmce tbe eaca&emiDl ol • • • Cout 8tpttat B«b .. Fellowlblp. small ._,, ...... La tbt cit)'. tbe J clUes. tbe!r dlqb.ter, CatbtrlDt, ot. The l.AaMru Cburcb of tbe • • • Aboat biJt ot the COIDPJaiDta Costa Mesa oftlclalsfeartbat HUDUAatoo Beach, to Juo• ....._., atoo PaeUlc View Dr., Tbe Nnport Uo.aty Churcb, ~~re81Jt1Dc fr'om tbt ctty•a re- t!M Karcb 9 t'Ote rescl.DdiDgtbe Josepll S'ftDIII: of Dtwbon Harbor Vtew I!IUa--TbeLord's meett.oc at 15th st. llld lrrioe ceat ordtMaee dotlbllll all U- a&rtemeat oo tbe cout:l.l tree-Hetpts, Ulcb. Miss 'frl&1p at-JIIIIIPW Will be oGIInd at tbe 9 An., Cwt Huen·-"Tbe YOI.ce ceue fMS·~ to be from W&J-·Wblch In eUectm81lDStbat tended Newport HarbOr blifl. &ad 11 a.m. Palm SIDi&y eer. ol tbe multitude" wtll be tbe oat-d-town t.'11MI811 wbo do tbe coast b.lp..,. route of tbe school, Unlt'ers1ty ol Valeocla. ~,ces. Dr. WIUiam Eller wtll sermon topic of the Rey. Lor eo bi•"Mas LD Newport Beach. pla.aoed freeway will DOt be 1D Spain, I.Dd Cal state, Loac preach oo tbe topic, "A beauti-FUckiDpr at to and 11:15 a..m. UDder tbt old fee schedule 1181d-.wtu ~set tbe construe-Beacb. She Is a busioessteacb-fill act.'' Worship w1th tbe Suoday. oal«-towDers bad to pay a. ttou schedule of the Newport er at Edlsoo hlgb school IUld Lord's fACIP8I' w111 be held • • • butc Uceue tu ot $15. UDder freeway. Goldeo West CoHere. Her .n. .. Tb~~rJCky weatoc. April v, aDd CbrisUa.o Scleoce Churcbe!. tbe oew ord1auce tbat dpre uce receiYed B.A., M.A. and a teoebrae aem~ w1U be beld ·-Tbe last1Dg value ot all tbl.t WU blbd to $'10. 11a.a.y out- Ph.D. decrees at Wa,yoe State Friday eYeoiDc, Apru 10. God created Yill be 8 lond ol-towoers~.u wen as Joea.1 Universlty In Detroit and 1s • • • • in this Sunday's le liP small bnstDUimea _ • cried employed by tbe Ford Motor St. Andrew's Presbyter.laD 00 "UnreaUty .. =cS:r:: ••fol.ll." Some cootead tbat Qf. Co. July 24 1s the wedding date. Church, 600 St. Mdrew's Rd., a.t 9:15 aDd 11" a.m. SUDday ID teo times tbey doa't matem~~eb Irvine petition , is hailed VALET CLEANERS 3137 ,E. Coast Hiway. Corona dol Mar CAU175-03 MARINERS CHURCH A whirlwind, 2..day petition Irvine (CCI), announced th1s campa.lgn lor lncorporatloo ol week. the City ol IrvlDe bas woo A total oll,S-45 homeowners overwbelmlng mwo.rt from who on their properties LD fee resideotla.l property owoers 1n signed pettUooa 1n the weekend the poeral lrvtDe commt1Dity, drive coachacted by 117 volun. Jolm Burtoo, cbalrma.n of the leers of the City of Inlne Co~meil ol tbe Communities of Now (COIN) cttlaeos' commit- H rk I Newport Beach, 11 a.m.LnCos-more thaD $?0 LD the city but Ome Wo ru es eyed . ta Mesa, and 10 a.m. In Harbor do busloess hero merely as a · Dr. GloM O'Neal, pr9fesaor at Talbol Tlltoloclcal VIew Hills. courtesy tocustomerswhocan't Seminary, La Mirada, ls the puflllt mlnlster l;)r the The N • • • • cat similar MrYices LD New-· 10 a.m. aDd 7:00 p.m. SUDday serYtces. Tbt R .... ewport Beach Pla.Dn1ng order serricea wbere com mod-I)Ort Beach Wli.Uam Acton Is cbtirch pastor aod 1s an.llable Cqmmlssloo wtll cOnsider an tttes are displayed or stored Unioo Good Friday services ur Pa..r"soas DOted tbat the tor nstta.ttou and counseling. ~~. ~prl~, ~u~~u'.~! ooplesln.e premises, except sam. =~~ ~~~~~~=·~~~~~ c15tt!.,;,ru ~~Aoceforlelsts, •Ja•wkblcbf S_UNDAY SCHOOL ...... 9:00A.M. ... vu ..._-. """& _,, -. ..... -..u c WORSHIP SERVICE .. 8:00 A.M. & 10:00 A.M. sooiDg reaulations wb.lcb would "ButldiAC, patnthJC.plumblng ter.laD C)lurch, 600st.ADdrew's sympathy Yith tbe buaine:s EVENING SERVICE ..•.• 7:00P.M. allow some commercW eDI:er. and electrical coatractlng Roac:t, cwr Haven. st. Ma.rt community .. char lY 2 prtses 1D restdeDtlalaooes. where equlpmeat or material Presbyterl&n Church 1D East $l8 75 tor ~ out..ot ::n ~~ L:o-;;;;;;;;;;20;;;0'-oiE .. -~Ci;iOi;iA;;S;.T~H~W~Y~-~·~C~O~RO~M~A~D~E~L~M~A~R~JI tee, be reported. BE A GOOD NEIGHBOR Tbe tlgurerepreseutsS?per-cent of tbt estimated 2, '109 It you are a newcomer, or ellgible fee,..bolders. The curreDt IOOI.Dc regula. 1s displayed or stor.:l · · Blutr a.od the Church of tbe ' • " ttooa: strlct!y torbl4s such com. ''Beauty barber ~s or Conoant, Costa Una, YiU jola =le~ do buJDess LD Los know of a newcomer to '•We're 1f'I.Y oYer tbe top," lhe Harbor Area who has said W:r. Burtoo, not1nc that merctal veotures ln private tailor shoPs I.Dd similar ac. 1n the services. The sermoo "Tr.u:e Is 00 equtty 1n residences, lncltdlngpart.tJme ttYitles. wlU be etven by Chapla.ID Bob cbarelnl $'70 for 1 small : not been welcomed. do state law requires sJptures "her a favor by calling the trom 25 per cent ot the are&'s actlYittes in.Yolflng aceot111Unr ''Prepared food laMUDc of Parry of Hoac Hospttal. oeu to operate here ,. 11 - or even part.tJme shoe sales. a.oy sort. • • • Parsooa aa1d. HeAJd blihou..!; Harbor Visitor betwHn 8 tee-bolders. and 10 a.m. and she will The petiUous request the Or-men. "RMI estat 1 u The Newport C&oter United .,... "City offlcta.ls have beeo lc· 1nrs or~~-O:c:~ st-Methodtst Church of Newport tb&',.so~:C type ol c:radatld or nor lug the restrlcttveorcttnance "Am any occ•tloa ~hlcb Beach (formerly the Balboa [a. :!e 14~:' tu would be and bave Issued some business coastttutes a uutance." 11M Untted Metbodlst Cburcb) Cbambw e~utJ dlrtetor UceDSes for home occ.Uons. The PlamWtc Commlsslou ts ·-The P&lm Sunday sermou of Jack Barnett sa.ld Ye ste day However • cUy tolllnc. admln-e:rpected . to schedule a pubUc the Rev. Don Bassett Yill be "So flr ,. bana•t'e r I eci lstrator Jim Hewtcker said the bearlnc ou the matter during 00 the topic, ''Palm SUoday, any letter trom tbe ;;'" call on your friend with aDre Cotmty Board of s~r- valuable information and Yisors to set au elecUoo date ;ifts from friendly busi-oo tbe 1ocorporat1oo proposal, ness firms which stand which last mouth woo tbe en- ready to help her become dorsement o1 tbecouoty's Local department has recetnd com~ toaigbt's m..UOc polnt of oo return." A palm anyooe elM We'Ye beard or bo: plalols oo such practices as HONOR B'"D.AND processJooal led by chiktren ttbutthat's.aboutall 1 acquainted with her new Agency FOI'matloD Commls· surroundings. sJ.on. THE HARBOR VISITOR ADdrew May, chairman of PHONE: 494-9368 COIN, said b.ls petltJoo teams someooe across the street """ 1f'IU open the senlces. Tbere .. • workiJic on lncome taus to ORO!ESTRA PERFORM wlU be ldeollcal senlces 11 Wbto we wsol Ibis or 64&-p174 were "abSolutely astontshed" '~~~;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;:~ by the enthuslasttc respoue ... THE ol homeowners to the drive, •hlcb got u.nder way Saturday motnlng. "Fully 95 per cent of the fee-holders coatacted slgDed tbe peUtloos," Mr. May reported. Tbe p.erceotqea beld la aU sttlcommUDJ.Ues 1f'lthJJI tbepro. posed DeW ctty,lDclodlngTurtle Rock. University Park, Vlllage Part. Turtle Roct Broac:tmoor, the Rancb, CaWorllla Homes, Culverdale, North Irvine, the Colooy aJkl Sierra Bonita. C:HIJitC:HES FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH IS FOR YOU pJct til some spare cash. More thaD 100 boDor baDd 9:30 a:m. a.t 115 Agate An., The proposed amendment members a.od 45 members ot Balboa Island, and at 11:15a.m. euttUed "borne occ~Uoos,': the hooor orchestra presellted at St. Michael's and AUAocels' woukt set dcnrn specltlc :;roUDd a cooeert SUDday afternoon, Episcopal Church, Harbol' View rules for AYOD ladles and part Yarcb 28, at Newport Harbor Hills. time shoe salesmen. hlgtt IJ<ihool. The program, gtnn • • • It sUpulates that the business by All-District Hooor Gr~s Six young people from Cen~ may employ 110 more tban ooe was coordinated by U:tss A~ _tral Bible Churcb, !3rd Street employe oothepremiMI. UDder BlM!berm, elemeotary music and Orange A.-e., Costa Mesa, tbe curreot ordlDaoce 8't'en teacher tor the Newport.Mesa Yill ltiYe Mooelly to tate IIU't l.ddressLDg enYelopes: Is ~p.J.ost UGilled school district. iu a nek-Joog youth mlsslon- the law. Music from Hl.ndel, Proto. ary camp coaducted by PraC- The DeY law woukt prohibit ~eft and BeetboYea was Inter~ tical Mtsslouary 1'ralnLDc, lo~ the following: $l)ersed wtth b.lcflllgbts trom cated 1n a tiny vUlace 1r1 the "Merchandlr.lng and mail "The UusJ.Dtable Molly Brown" Juans MountaJ.Ds 50 mlleseast ---:-:-:-,--:'::-:::-:-~= mel Aaroo Copla.nd's "Down a of Enseuada. Tbese hicfl school LIGAL MOTICI Coumry LaDe." students, wbo are conslderiJic The elemeutary hooor band tbe mission t1eld, are Janice ORDINANCE NO. 1376 was directed by Harry Corea. Hesse, Jolee Miller, JennUer AN ORDINANCE OF THE The comblnec1 elemeotary and Pittman, Dutd Hanloo, Tim CITY or NEWPORT BEACH middle school hooor orchestra. Quiroz aDd Sam Ramos. REZONING PROPERTY AND was direcled by Clinton Sawin, AMENDING DISTRICT MAP and the middle school booor ROY SWIFT DIES NO. 5 band was directed by Richard Roy R, Swlft, 67, ot 2615 LIBERATED BASKET OF FORTH * POLYESTER Mln1mum care lhaDfl:s to 110 Iroa basket weaw-e of double knit Celanese• Fortet• Po!yester ..• Machlne wash and dryable ••. Jacket-$32.00 ••• stripe shell-$12 · · • ..,.oily PIUIIs -$19.00 ••. stratet>t panls-$18.00 ••• atll,ped nst -$25.00 ••. basic sfl:lrt -$15.00 ••• (No< shown) -pleated stdrl-$18.00 ..• double pleated bluer-$30.00 ••• striped tunic-$22.00. SlZES 8-18. COLORS: White. navy, greeo, lemoo, red. 9 :4.5 A .M.-BIBLE SCHOOL HOUR 11 :00 A .M.-MORN ING WORSHIP SERVICE 7 :00 P .M. -EVENING SERVI CE The Ctty Council ot the City Watts. Santa Am Ave ., Costa Mesa, of Newport Beach does ordain Scbool& parUclpatlng were died Much 22 at hlsresldeoce. t~~;;;:;;t as follows: Darts, Eoslgn, Kaiser, Lincoln, He was born April 3, 1903, SECTION 1. The tollowtnc Ral aDd TeW1Dfl:el, middle LD ldabo, and came to Oranp described real property 111 tbe scbools, I.Dd elem•larJ County 30 years aco. He had City of Newport Beach, County schools Balearic, Bay VIew, beea a b-.Yy equtpmeot op. of Oraup, State ot Calllornla, Coroaa delMar, Eutblatr, Har. erator lor 40 yeus with var~ to wtt: bor View, Harper, K1Uylroote, ious coo.structson computes, DR. JAMES COlliS PASTOR 30111•t••ll• St. COlT A M!SA Lots 1 throup 12, Block 12, L1DIJJerp, W&rtotrs, Newport SIU'l1Yors loclude his wite, Tract 27, 1D the City of New. Heleflts aDd Pomom. r.ni!Ue: a daudlter. Mrs. Dor-Ki,tl~r1artu tbro111b Eitblb Grtul« port Beacb, CoUDty oiOranp, otby Saydar of PtoDMr Towo; r~;:;;;;;;;~;;;~;,;;;;=if==:=::::::::::::==:~=, stac. otCautornla, uper D1lll CRYSTAL WASE DIES J brotbors, Jim ot LyuWOOd, Christian Science dled LD Book 9, PI-P 26 ol C ~rant of Orqoo aDd Wilford ot LUTHERAN CHURCH MJsceUaoeoua Maps 1n th: of~ rystal L. Wue, 83, of~ Idaho; 4 slltera, Clara JamJ. FIRST CHURCH OF flee of the County Recorder of Pa..rk Newport, Newport B-.cb, 900 of Wa.shiDctoa, Bessie Holt CHRIST, SCIENTIST OF THE MASTER aid Cowaty, as sbcnrnoo Dis-died Marcb 20, at ber res!-ot Yoatu&, En ByeeroiNor- JJOJ Vi~ Lido lu1heran QuJrc:tl in America trtct Yap Ho. s, referred to 1n deoce. Sbe wu bora Uarcb 12, walfl: I.Dd Vera. MacMurray of Nrwpou lk~ch 2900 Pacific:.View Or. Section 20.06.030ottheNewport 1888, 1D New Or11lns, IA., I.Dd Ntftda. SUNDAY SCHOOL Coron• del Mllr, c.lif. Beach lohmtclpal Code aod by came to Orup Cocdy -4 Years Sentces were btld March 25 9: 15 a.m. and II sucb retereoce made ~ part of aao. Sbe bad beeD a resJdeut of at tbe Bell-Broadwly ChapeL SUN DAY SERVICES DR. WILLIAM R. ELLER Title 20 of saJd Code, Is hereby CaJUorn1a tor 15yeus. lutermeut wu at lfubor Rest 9: 15 . 11 Phone: 644·2664 rt'IOOed from an R.2 District Sun-lt'O!'s I.Dclade her hus-Cemetery. WEONESDA Y EVENING 9:00A.M. Family Wo rship to an R-1 District and said bud, Edward. MEETING 8p.oojjj iO:()()A .M.·Churchschool District -..., No. 5'ia hereby Mrs. Wue appe&redbotboo HARRY MELLORDII!S READING ROOM I :00 A.M.· Festive Worshi p ameoded to show this IOO!ng the screeo and 111 ma.oy st:ap Harry Mellor Jr., 42, ot S09 Week days: 9 a.m .. 5 p.m. NURSE RY PROVIDED . cbup. plays UDder the Jame ofCrya ... Cedar st., NewportSbores,dlec:I Wednnday : 9 a.m .. 7:45p.m.!'-----------' SECTION z. Tbe Director ot tal WUUams IDdwuueoc.lated Y&rcb 26 of a tart a.ttacfl: at Tuesday and Friday: Commlmlty DeYelopment of the lor mauy years w1tb Rury IJis resideoee. HewutaeOWDer 9 :..m. · 5 p.m.: 7-9 p.m. City of Newport Beach is here Carey I.Dd Jad: McGown in ol Mellor's Martae Pa.JatJ.tJc. Sund~y: 1 p.m .. 4 p.m. b)' instrtkted and directed ~ YVIous PI'Oductlou. wb.lcb operates til tbe La.rsoo SECOND CHURCH OF cbaDp Dtltrlct Map No 5 80U Flm8nl aentcee were beld IDd Mellor Boltyvd, 2'103 W OIRIST, SCIENTIST to show the IOil1Dc c._;cu de· Karcb U,atPae.lllc ViewCbap~ Cout lbry,, We« Hewport R~ Newpou lk:.ch ~i scribed 1a Sectloal bereoii.Dd •L Iatermeot was at Pacidc bad bHa a rflltdeat of tbe Coron~ del Mar 3262 Broad Street a.a: I&Jd Otltrtct Map ftll, bat~ View Memorial Part. Harbor Are& tt llyeus. 3100 P~c.ific. View Dr. Newport Heights bleD 80&meuded tbtamelbi.U 8111't'Jt'OI'a 1Dcla:le btl wlle SUNDAY SCHOOL to •. m. bt ill filii lorce'aod -~ 1111 NOTICE TO MASONS Patricia; I-. Bnlce, Kettb SUNDAY SERVICE •"ta~.m. A Fr~~ and lnd~p~nd~nl be a part ot Title 10 of tbe All Sc«tlab Rite 11110011 o1 Ud Paul ol. tiM llmliJ bome· WEONESDA Y EVENING Congr~g<:~tion<:~l Newport Beaeb M-•.-~-1...-.... t Soultb Orup Coaat Ar• Ue blJ .PUillltt,· Mr. ADd Wra. a: • Cl1risti4n Church -....... o,.vu • ,_...._..to-~tn-K. u-n--8r ~ C Reading Room: p.m. • SECTION 3. Tb1t: Ofdl• ..... -·---mloDIJ. ---• -~ MC)0.8 E. Co .. tHwy. REV. NORMAN BROWN •o be ~ o.et in U.. lad ob~ ~ ol S.C., Ud ......... E•tr••ce oa. N•,cl••u MINISTER oGldal Dft'JIIIPII" of tbt CUJ ... _,. 'J'Iaunda7 oa April 8 F~ •tlow fleW Mon.-Fri.: 10 a.m. to S p.m. SUNDAY SERViCE aDd tbe 111111 Aall be e&ettft 1D tbt Rlt'Sin ciiDilc 1'00111 of MarCb It i8 Blaeb. T1nlnday eveninga: 7 co 9 AND CHURCH SCHOOL 10 dl11 after tbe date o1. Jtt Cite Botti 1..-a ta x.a-_ 1'be Jam1b' Sac.: 10 oa.m. ro 4 p.m. AT 10:00 A.M. ldQptloe. Btaeb,.~ ..::--~-~ ~ ~ -::::~ ._. You ar« cofdially in,.hed to NNrsery care provided 'nil Ofd'• ... WU Jatro. -----• -~ --. •tt~nd Oturch Service• and PHONE! 6o4l-2?<40 dllced at a repJar meeflll o1. a..ll WtJ• ud on.t. oltbe .PWt llu1Mw IIIPIICbooL I~··~-:; .... ;;~~~~;;;:::!::::::::::::::::=~ .... CIIJ c-o ., .... CIIJ"' Rill. rtoldllsilllloo-C.. ;: ll"l*t Boado bold 01 1111 ... Aroo. -..W bt -JU~ITA LOMGLIY Dill ,.. ___ , Bib'-rL. •• ....L da1 otllarcb, It'll ud wu ill p.m. ~-llollel«t'or 11., '-'CIIUilll K '-AIIUUI .. illod oo 11oo u,d daJ of lOY$ CLUI riDGAAM Ill Polu llh 4.... c..a 23RD IT. ol ORAMGI, COSTA IIIlA -S .. ·SJ03 ~~ ,::n __ , bJ 1111.......,.. IMI ,1 r 1 ..w. 110 1111 :.. ~·-~~ ::"'-~ .__-.llonlllp ... t:OO Md 10:10 a.a •• ...., = otlllll-.. ~~-~ • -~• • 00 AYII, COUIICILIWI:K••-•· ---·~---· 1101'11, ta .Jon. UJ1 .. .., •-naiDI -·-· · • •; • · · · · .,: p,a, ltJoola. ._ .. lllrta, ~ --II a--_..,..._~11 ,_1 ~~·~~~~~~~~t~ll'~l~l~al~o~ ... ~·~~·~P~..,~-~-~-~-~-~· ~7~:00~~~ ~Par-UJ1 -Jill oo 11r 1111-...... ,.Ia' I I UIJ-~UIICILIWI:-. :r-..;.-:.:,-:..u~~~~ "i:l1•1 a-,Dr, COUIICIUIIa: -· IWor llat ..U.., ., .. lor'o .., c-. I,F.-Cia ;-•ot ...,.. .&lot -.. ....-..... A1'1DT: 1111 lira I M -:fii.l,... -~ -.. _ .... __ .... DILillnl"' PI I#: .... I lt71, tallll ..... IIIIII'AIIUII-1111 .. -~~~;.!~~~:: O!OIIf ''"' 70 ., .. IIAII.) :!J..:.:. II !~~!!:~---!!!!:!~!!__j llo-1-Wp ~~ -..... -........ -IORIIMFI ,,,. 70 lrH - -.... _ --• •• .. ........ _______ ":" _____ ...;=;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;::;;::~• (AI S•,.t• A~t• An.) lit.•• 54·1733 HOME OF P. G. MEUMAHN CHRISTIAN SCHOOL • .--------THE OFFIOAL NEWSPIU'ER OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT 8EA01 •-:::::;::;;,;:;;::;;;: NEWPORT THE NEWPORT HARBOR ·.::: ........... BEACH JOe THJS LITTLE tNDlAN "OOLL," Dan Michelle, came with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Quis&Qulss, to a recent meett.nc of the lrvloe Woman's Club. Tbe program was a talk by her lather descrlblDg the oeeds of the lDd1&D tam111es wOO come from tbe resenatioos to es- tabUsh a oe• way of ute in the cities. The QulssOuf.ss tamlly are representatives from the Orange County IMlan Center aod came Ln coojlmcUoo with a food and clothing drive sponsored by the IrvlDe Woman's Club. Da•n, who ts almost 3 years okl, ls wearing an authentic Comancbe costume. Table setting shown A CAMUA SIIOP" ... AISP'OIIIT .. HOTOI ... U ..... ICIT-Y ... HOTOS IP'HIOTO COI'T .,arbor lloto Ia BA.L1Z MOR.IUARJES 1741 SUP!IIIOR AVE. COSTA MESA CAL:.L .....OZ71 ,-OR AN EXP'ERT CARP'ET CONSULTANT WHO WILL COMf: TO YOUR HOME WITH SAMP'LES WITHOUT ANY OIII..IOATION TO YOU! ~J~ fU~rp.it: Ull~a."¥11. ---·M- c::osTA WISA, CAliF. - lasebal Sllaes -Spit -~ 9.95 -1i95-19.95 BasbtUII Sllaes -Milas - C.nrse -M Wtlf Tncll Sllees -Pa Spot-BUt T IIIIis Sllles -A +las Clnn-Ja Slcar $Illes -Aiii~IS - ,_ -$pit -Ill . ·lllls·-.. lftl .... bts ·r-lias , .. SIIrt,. , ... a .. r• lar1s I Sitts T .. llln IIIII C.pila Hallllbal Gloves Selaless and Ace ~ils Sp11~1 SWill Suits & Trunks ~ • Wrist Weilhts Pllilll Tillis lilts -Ibis Pill-Pill -Bals DICk Flit Fls Vii llasks -Slnlls Sbtl lila-& Tncb •• Parts . Tils-,. -. Allra ·lllfast 11 ""''. J ---ac.ra•1111 JO( COSTA MESA square apa bne Its ANNOUNCES THE AVAILABILITY OF TWO AND THREE BEDROOM UNITS FOR ADULTS DESIRING TO LIVE AMIDST BEA!JTY BY THE SEA IN THE PRESTIGIOUS WESTCLIFF AREA OF NEWPORT BEACH ........ FROM $230 For Information telephone Mr. Robert M. Buckley, Manager at (714) 645-0252 or write to The Office Of The Manager, Mariner Square Apartments, 1244 Irvine Avenue, Newport Beach, California 92664 I I ill I I I J QUALITY APARTMENTS I This announcc:merv: is neither an olfer to scll.nor a soltcitation ol an offc.-r ro boy the !'totes. The offc.-r is mack on~·~· t he Offering Circular, a\·ailable at any California branch of Bank of Arnc:r~ N.T.&SA. Dated: April I. 1971 • enca Subordinated Capital Notes Duel978 T hi s $100,00QOOO offering is being distributed directly to the public at all California branches of Bank of A merica N.T&SA. It is issued in denominations of $1000 and multi- ples thereof. Interest will be paid semi -annually. The Capital Notes do not constitute deposits and are not insured by the R.:deral Deposit Insurance Corporation. • • 0.1111: BlaVtos'• .,r..rnaticm, Blood A.__ lid .ad.....,.., a.urectlon Ia THE TRUTH Back to 11r ... lalollr. a. P. C .. l -· ......... ., \\II:., ••••• a...... .. " ...... 4'--..... -........ ~-.. · ····-.,_..,.....,..._,I_IA<o_,,.. t.wiA, .-1M li,f•: .. --11 ,..~q the F.U...1 .., h .... "-lob 14 :t. "Au fO aloflli -tAc ,.,.,1, M4 lh• '""1.wl -.to-tru."-lob 8:82. Salvatbl t. nat ~ In a.dinl and chooalnl ••tt. way,'' bu:t fa _..,. ....... -the trutb. Otrttl is u mudl lhe tnlth u He Ia the way. Both are equaJl7 Important. And alnce the way il made plain lor ewn the "WQ'- rariJ'II m~n." It WOUld Jtand to reuon that the trUth b not ., complex and dimeult u JOme would have ua believe. Jesus says: "I am both the way and the truth."" He brines them tocether !~ably l.n H1m: 10 why ahoukl the way be plain and the trUth intricate! Why should a man be able to acc-evt the way by the faith of a little child and have to take an elaht·year coUf!l'f! and Ufti.. verslty c:oune to arrive at the truthr . Here is !ertUe-territory for m~ undentlllldqw. I beUeve wbDle- heartf!dly ln educatiob... I milked COWJ, took care ot llprwn, cut wood., dkl ehores, blacked ahoH, walked the bia roads _.mrc at~ seopic views. all to 1et an educa- tion. My oldest ton spent nlnt yean In collf!&f! and university. My second .,., hu spent ten yean in his educational work. Out of seven children. only one daU&hter feilt.<d to gnduate from coUece. I give you those facta that you may kn;Jw how important I hold an education to be. Ignorance l.a no reeommencbtion to any man. It i• ll)t helpful ln prepvation. for Ule, either here or hereafter. But the truth that Christ lA speakl.na ol does nGt come from human pro. ceue-a. It bekml• to the auper>- natural. It is a revelation or God. Christ Himaell is that truth. You do nor have to co to a laboratory to discover it. No test tubf!s 'are necea..ury. It is not the result ol ktn1 yean ol rnHrch. Once Christ said. ""Bkaed art thou, Simr:ln Bar- jon&: for Of!Sh and blood bath not reveaJed Jt uniO tMe. but my Farb- er which is in heaven." You do nol have to exhauat the library In order to know it. JcsUJ said to ttx:.e Jews whJeh beliPVed on Him, "U )"e continue in my word. then are: ye my ell. dple• indeed: And ye abaJl know the truth." Knowing the truth was not predicated on a college coune, the reading of books, the pa.u.lnl of examinatioN. the speadirc ol years in laboratory research, the findings ot ardlaeololbts, and the coneius\ona of schola.nhip: Know-- ing the truth wu to result" from true di.aciplesbip. "U the Son there- fore shall make you tree, ye shaD be tree indeed," aaya Olriat: whereas He bad onl.,y a few .ec- onds before sa.ld to the same be- lieving Jewa, ""The truth shaD make you fr ee." The Son and the b"Uth aN! one. Surrounding Jesus At this time were not only a fcw believing Jews, but a mob of angry men who sough! His life. They were leaning heavily on Abrah11.m, bouting that he wAs their father, kJoking to him for guidance in matten of truth. JL•sus said to tht-m. "Before Abra· ham was, I am." He declared His right to speak with authority on the truth. Hl' wu the author of the truth. He identified Himself with God and says, '"If Yl' had known me, ye ahould have known my Father also." Wherefore it Is sate to conclude that Jcaua revcala nol only the way· to etcmaJ Jlf~. but the ITUth thai hu to do with el~mal life. Bible [)octrlne 18 Vital There are many teacheNJ today who dedarl' crt'cd unimportant. They say that if you believe on J esus Cllrist as the way. it is not neccsMH)' that you affirm yoUr confidence in the truth that li nk! ltst•lf unto Him. These New Te!lttl· mc>nt truth.~ are but doctrines of m en. they say. Therefore , they dE'- clarf' the virgin birth of J~w a doctrine or sm all Import, They r-vc>n belit~ the doctr ine of the incar· nation. They givt' little importan« to the doctrine of the blood atonf"- m ent. They trl"at the doctrine of U"H: reaurreclion of JE'SUll in the same light manner. They inform Ull that we can believe in Jt>sus Chriat as the way without believing 1.n those truths that have emanated from the New Te!ltament writings concerning Him. More and more they seek to make this cluster of rruths that belong to Hil comlnc. H1s mission, His ucrlflce and His salvation of small importance. But the creed is Important. What a man bellevN to be the truth it: aJJ..Important. lt is Important u to what a man believN to be the · truth eoncnmrw hb own borne. hb own wife, hit own ddld, hiJ own Mlnr.w partner, hit own In- timate trlend. l have newt known a man W fU«;ftd In a bualneU tn wtUc:h he did aot beUeve. Our Cl"ftd is dMI fiouadatlon upon wtUeb ~ buDd our Ul~. ll the Gollptll major 011 the Kua, tbe epiaUtt major on tnltbl dout that II&D I Romani! Ge&IU..I de. We mu.t beUeve .IIIOIM... "'7 ..... h!IJ' be*:we ..e eM WM trl m,..aUJ', n. -., "llotol ........ -... ---.. -·. ........ -.. .r....l ,_ a.Mt. ----·-·---AIJI,.. 8 ...... a UUAQ It ........... .-.--· -·-•llor..II-Oololft'e---·-..._..,. ......... .... ..... tf ~I I :a ... 8t I 0... lob Shu~ taught as never any man had taught! To believe that He enUn- ciated the most perfect philosophy of human conduct and relationship that any man evP r produced~ I certainly believe all of that. But that la not enoogh. The person of Jeaua Ia the Important matter. Did He come from God? Is Hf' ol OM sub11tance with the Father? Ia He UUly God and truly man? Was Hia Godhead and manhood joined together in one person? Waa He vlrgin-bom! Wa.s He the "only be- gottton of the Father"! Did He re- deem us on the ct'Ol\s by dying an aton.ing death? Was Hi.! death sui> stitutiOna.ry? I>oes His shed blood atone for sin? Did He rise bod.Uy from thE' grave! Did Hf! ascend in- to Hraven before the eyes of an a.ssemblf'd multitude? Is He com in& again in like manner? Can )'OU "'believe on the Lord Jesus Otrlat" w:ithout having settled convictions as to the New Testament declara- tions that relate themselves to these queations! Ob, but you say, I believe in Jesus and not about Jesus. I qref! and yet I disagree. It iA not eQOU&b to say. I accept Him but not neo- essa.rily all the New Testament teaches concerning Him. Herein II difficulty trom whJch the wbftt cannot extrieate himaelf. U we de-- cide to whittle the awn · total ot the teachi.bcs concern1ng Jesus down to our liking, where shd we be&in and, mO!'e important adll, where shall we end! U we dedde that the truth shall come in a amaller paek.l.ce, what abal1 ~ leave out! Th~ Vircla Birth of ChriM It E._..Ual to BJble Cbriatluit)' Take, for inalabce, the truth CC)b. cerning the virgin blrth of Jesus. Shall it be set to one 1ide'! Shall It be consldtted unimportant! '!'he prophet laalah thought it important enough to set it do\vn in the an- cient TC!COrd : '"Behold. a virgiD shall conceive. and bear a son, and shall call his name-Imman- uel." In Matthew's Go.pel, we are told that thls very thing happened and that thus prophecy was fu~ fiUed. Luke thinks this truth im- portant enough to teU minutely of the visit ol the ancel Gabriel to Mary and his promise to the vir- gin who was engaged but mt yet married to Jo.eph, of the houae of David, that ahf! ahould ccmcelve o1 the Holy Ghost and should give birth to a son, who lbould be caUed "tbe Soa of God.. .. JobD re- fers to 0\rist as '"the only bf!lot- ten of the Father."' Again. John dedarcs that the love of God prompted Him to give '"his only begoHer1 Son" for the salvation of mankind . Many times John. whose rN:ord is tnJStt>d even by those who are doubtful as to the authen- ticiTy of !he other Go.pf!ls, refers to JC"Sull u the "'only begof·ten Son."" dt'<'Jaring that He had seen tl"tc Father and had come directly from the F'Ather. Surely we lmow the meaning or the exprnsion "only begotten." John further de-- clAre" that men are condemned bttau~e they have '"MI believed in 1tK: name of the only belotten Son of God.'· In Firat John we are told that '"God sent his Olll.y beaot· ten Son into the world, that we might Jlv(' through hJm .'" Over and over, Paul refers to O.riat u the Son of God in the amse !hat He originatf!d with God. WP art' told that immedialf!ly after Paul"·• IJ)f'Ctacu!ar convenkm, he straightway '"preached Chrbt In the aynq:QKUea, that he ia the Son of God."" ln Romans. PAul ny. thai OuUI Ia "'thf! Son ot God with JIO"A'tt." ln Galatians, hf! &a)'ll that he Uvea the Olrb.tlan life "by the faith ot the Son of God." In EpM. lana, he reff!rs to a true and muc:h-t~>be-desired '"unity a( the faith, and ol tbt knowledge of the Son of God." In Hebmn, PaW "fen many t~ to Quilt u 1»-Jrw "the Son or God ... 1n Gaiatlanl, he ,.,.. that "God sent forth h1l Son, mach: of a woman." Cod Hlm- adf in an audible voice reooc;"'""'l a....t u "my bekwed Soft. ID whom 1 am wen plet.Md... ' _,..._ ... __ ............ _ ..... _ .... Clorlot .... -.., .... --....................... " .. .._. .......... thatwem.~dlllllllt -........... _ .. _ ........ 1' ···-.... ...,INaaoatfii•I•IL ... .. ._..... ---(CM!n t11011 not) •••n••--HQIDIMAOA,ZNII T ba lltUo ahallop .... Ill ·~ aroomd tha MNioplt from Cluln'o Jolud, lia aiPt oan diDDiu Ia .......... S•W In It wen 18 -IW aiim -.1'1, ,_ brown aDd Lb>eoln aa obion.-attoadind 1111' tho .u-tcan am!Ju. aador,Wa!WH.-...... Uicl..wr-daloo 1111' Jlr. G...-... Whllo tho London PJ'Oil'Ul rdoeUid Brltlall ft~ hlPor lenla, tho PbmMh. -aDd loMi• or a aood place to come cele&taticm diaP1aYed a canal-uhoN. Tbo -wu Pb'mouth harbor, llauo-cbuoolto. but tha limo mlaltt have boot> eltbor · Ul10 or lt'lO. For -~bar 20 tho hlltoric arrinl of tho JloflflinHr waa r&oenaeted b;r -. tu-townopeople on tho 860th annlveraary of tho "Iandi .. of the Pllvlma" at Pl7111outh Rock. In hla add,_ to the Jara-t cro•d ever to overflow the town'a Plymouth Memorial Hall that Sunda:r afternoon, Mr. Graham aald, ''We would do ...,u to look back and ooe what theee sturdy pioneen ean teach ue. "• And that wu what the Plymouth annivenary commJttee had in mind: to celebrate and perhapa to recapture in our day .omethin&' of the Pilcrim spirit that helped to buUd America. That spirit waa beau~ tiful1y communicated at the start by the PiJrrim S50th Annivena.ry choir, directed by Norman E. Clayton, .. it tilled the hall with the music of "Old Hundredth.'~ Soloiat George Beverly Shea acted aa precentor and lined out the venerable paraphra ... of the tOOth Psalm: -tltat -mono cbaraelerlotleab AmerJeaD, Ill tho LoDdoD p...., after 860 7ean, thq wen IIIII clebat!Da' u to whether tho PIIJrima' cle- ciaion to .. n to America wu either DK111t'7 or wlae. In J(uoacbuoetia, bowenr, Indlano of the Wampan.,.. tribe helped celebrate tho faet that tho Pllarlma aad their aacooton .lived to- ptber In peace; and the 18 men from the oballop placed 1 wreath at the bue of a oiatue of Chief M"lllll"ft. Sh<Htt to J•lwvah, all the <arth: On a aunny, cold New England aftenloon some two thousand persona fell into step behlnd the Cambrldae Citadel Salvation Army band, and "-"'rcbed doWJl Plymouth's Water Street put tho 1967 "'plica of the Jla~fltnDcr to the marble portico that eurrounde Plymouth Rock. When they reached the bue of Cole's Hill they paueed for the ~naetment of the ehallop•e landing. Then they bared their heada for a mo- ment and rededicated their lives to the God of their fathers. S.,.,e yo J OhO'I>Gh with gladn• .. ; Bt/Me .\im come tv\tlt. singing mirlh.; K"""' tlwt J eh0110h, he God ill. The ob8ervance had its parallel in a spectacu- lar "Freedom and Faith" obeervaqce on Novem- ber 23 in London'a Royal Albert ltal1. There the sailing of the Pilgrima from Plymouth (in Devon) to the new world was commemorated in It wae hard to reaJize that here a simple people, gentle but stern, had laid the foundation of a mighty nation on the rock of Scripture. As Mr. Graham a.aid, "They had encountered the living Christ and they knew it. And because they belonged to God, they bad a deep faith and con- fidence in tbetn~~elvee." The world could use another Plymouth. t.Lw. Not Under Law But Under Grace By Pastor David A. Noebel "For 1in JltaU not haw dominion OL'f!r you: for ye arf! not ut1der 1he laMJ, but under 8NJCe." (Rom. 6: 14) The themes o£ law and grace have always been a vital part in any discu88ion between judaism and Chris tianity. And even among many Christians thf! two are not alway& pro perl y underatood o r appu.:ciated. Some still ugue, for example , that ChristianA must be subject to the Mouic law inspite of 8Ueh booU all Romans, Galatians and II Corinthians whic h were written, in part, to C:O!T"eCI thls erTOr. f o r example , in RomalUI , Paul states, "For Christ is the end of the law for righteousnetiB to every one that belte.veth." (10:4) In Galatians, "Christ hath redeemed w; from the curae of the law " (3:13) or "For in Jesus Christ n e ither ciHumcision availeth any thinJ, n or uncireumciflio n; but faith which wor\eth by love." (5:6) And i.n U Corinthian& Paul writes, "For if that ( thf: law] which la done away w• ~s, much mo~ that whu:h re.main e th is Jtorious." (3: II) Early in Paul's ministry (11 rniniitry primarily focused on the Gentile•-Ach' 9:15; Act.s 26:17 ; Romans 11 :13) the i&sue. aro« concemi"« the law of Moae. and Gentilf! Christian&. Upon n::tuming from his fint mi11i o narr j o urn ey h e encounte~d ' certain men which came do wn from J udaea" tea ching the brethren. and saying , "E~.c epr-ye b e circumciae.d after the manner of Moaea, ye cannot be aaw:d." (A<u !So I) Cowlcil of J ena..aem This f'.harge was the ~c r eason fo r the Council of j erusakm,'and it'• here that Paul and Barnabas dis pute the propos it io n that Gf!ntile Ch ri s t ians were obligated to keep the law . The conclu&lon of the Council: Gentiles weN! free fro m the law . (Acts 15:24) Paul 's teaching conceminc this matter is quite clear. To l.legin with , Paul himaelf knew rrom pti"!IOnal experience the indfr-ctivenr88 of the law to save. He kept il and ended up killing God 8 d ect. He lound that ~~o~lvation was 1 free gift o f ( ;od to tht"18f! who met and plat·~d faith in j esus Christ_ - and not something earned by kt"rping crrtain rules of conduct. Charactt>r had to be chaRJCd! Th,. hear! needed ~genera bon! And this, !he law was unable to do . t Thr-~uon (or the law wa& nu l to .,.,.,. us, but to show us ju~t ho"'· ~~:uilty we were be.fo~ l;ud . l'aul says, "Now we know that what things soever the l•w sa.ith. it saith to them who an: unrler lhe law: that every mouth ma y be slopped , and aU the. world may become guilty before God." (Rom. 3 : 19) I::J~where he write& that the law was "added " to the promiaes given to Abraham "bf!cauae or tranl'gf!!lllions'" (Gal. 3 :19) and that thf! law "wu o ur !k":hoolmaste r" to bring WI &o ro D®®fu mt5lill:J®LOO:l ®fu By Dr. Bob Jones "FOlLOW THOU ME" ''What shall this man do?'" (Jo hn 2 1 :2 1). This is the question which Peter asked J es us about John. Christ had revealed to Peter that when he became an o ld man he would be led out and put to death for the sake of the Gospel. Peter, turning around, saw John approaching and asked the questio n about the Lord's plan fo r the life of the other and younger di sciple. T he answer wbicb Christ gave to his question is worth o ur altention. "If I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee?" (Jobo 21 :23). Peter's responsibility was not to be coocemCd about John and his relationship with the Lord but about his own personal obedience. It was Peter's duty to follow Christ and preach the Gospel whe rever he might be sent. It was his obligation to live ror his Lord day by day until the time came when he should die for Him. Christ on the other hand had a different plan ·for John. He was to stay in Jerusalem to administer the aflain of the local church there and finally be sent by a Roman order to the Isle of Patm.os where, as an old man, he wu to r~ive the vision of the Revelation. Tbe Master wanted Peter 10 have the thrill of tbc ex~ pcrieocc of a missionary ministry and to preach the Gospel to tbe Gentiles and to go home by way of a martyr'• death. The Master wanted John to catch a. vision of the end times that he mi&ht set it down tor countk:u aeoera- tions yet unborn to read. Peter's respon~ibility ~ eo 10 out and prestth and die. Jo hn's respoosibiJity wu to tarry at Jerunlcm and later to set down tbe R.evebtioa from his e1.i.le at Patmos. The pl.a,n of our Lord is not the tame for evuy lifo. "Follow thou me." The only thina God asks o( Hlo dail- dJOD Is to be willlna day by day to do Hia will. God- 1101 Ilk tbe Christian to be a s.-..ful IIWl or a bdlialll ...... God simply aslrl him to do daily,lo7fully ... al>odl- .....,., tbe thJDi which Jfc p.a hiiD to do -dey. <*JI t q io ........ --Jio».IDII tbe--will ba : .-a .,_ Ia tbe will o( God ~ ,.... en-- Is tbe mae """ lllday li -· to God'• wiU lor lllo life . ID Hldo lhlap-The A-., Woy . ' Christ, "that we might be juotif...J by faith." (Gal. 3:24) The concluUon : "But after that laith is come, we are no longer under a ~ehoolmater." (Gal. 3:25) In other words, we are no lo~r under the. law ! Mapa a..rt. The book o f Roman• haa been rehrred to u the ChristiJn 'A Constitution and Galatians • the Magna Charta of C hri s tian liberty. But II Co rinthian • 3 :6 ·18 s ummarize•· Romans and Galati&nfl and besides makee it abeolutely certain what part ol thf! Mosaic law Paul ·wu 1referring to. "The miniatntion of death," he calli the law, is that which wae "written and e ngraven in atontfl." (11 Cor. 3:7) Thia Moaaic law hu been "done away" (y. 11) and pow we ,..-e. to IW• accordi.c \G the "Miniatration of .the spirit"· (v . 8) (or where "the Spirit o( the Lord is, there ia Hberty ... <•· 17) When the apottk to the Gentiles made the statement that we are no t uhder the law , but uhder the di.apenution of the grace of God (Rom. 6:14; Eph. 3 :1-10), some critics immediately retorted, "shall we sin bf!cause we 8l'f.! not under th~ law , but under grace?" (Rom. 6 : 15) Such an argument Paul finds unthinkabee, for faith in Chriet involve.• a vital union with Him and • 1haring in His righteoue life . Then, too, freedom from the Mouic law docA not f~e us from moral obliptiona, but place& us on • diffe~nt and higher plane of loyalty to do the will of God. Frorn a C hristian's ttandpoint, i( an individual doea not murder limply beea\111!! the law aaza, '"fhOu ahalt not munkr, thil individual ia not realty moral. Law de.U. primarily with .etA or deeds and puniahf!d wanton aeta or miedeeda. Gncf!, on the. other hand, deal• lint with the heart and the motive. of man. Crace eels man into a broader sphere o( morality. Beine under Fit« doe• not mean lawte.w:., but faithfulne.. It mean~ heine "free from lin" and actin& aa "aervantl of ""'---· .. (Rom. 6: 18) 0.,.. Go4'• Will Standinc faet in the liberty wherewith OwUt h• made Ul 1 ... (Gal. Sol), u.. .. t..,, do.. not entail ~"' our dUty. It enbilt the potaibility for the r-time of ..ally "'""s God'• wiii.Olpo tlll"ntaforJiftnand clean heart which Rowt into •ee4h and ac:ll o( true riP~ a~~d c:o~aenea r .. ..,. to u.. p,.y o1 God. Wheftu the .. w of Mote• (•d .U law r.. thol ...,,.,) eould only deal with the o.tw..d leta of •• attd I ...... thoee Kb or dee• • law ul ~ •: tbe ...,. •• , avw _one !*'flwthor .... --... .... ........... -..... .... co•rs••••~ ....... • ~fy -· Now_.. of loll (.....,e) . ",,... .. s.._., .......... '• ••••~ coon41oencc} .......,. 1 10 -1:15: t...e E _)_ .. .,..._ .... ).-.......... osistHTI (u 11111••). ...... li Ia-.., .. .... _-ol .. law ~---.......... .... 211 ····~· ... _. -~· :1:1, I; • EZ 4:~ 'ftnlio 1:1: Gal. J:ll) "llo Flllt II AI" Tile OUIIIIIIIIID& lurprlle )D J .. ,_ trial be!oft Pllale Ia tho otalomellt of tbe Judp: "I !lad ID Him oo fault at aD." JollD lll, 38. In uao. wonlo Pllate, wt-t lt-"'C II, ul-a ~t"t lrUtll. for, •• we med.ltltte OD tb.ll atatemellt ID the ltaht of Scripture, we obaU fiDd lbat lbele worda ""' true both oa earth aDd lA beaven. Tile wonlo "I fiDd ID Him DO loult" ""' true oa earth, bec&UR, thouab Jesus wu led u a ~~::::=a~~~:;..: dOIICe aJIIDII Him; tboull> tho Jews penlaled In their eflorll to mate tho Judp ~Ueve lbat He WU aD evlJdoer by .. ytq "If He Weft DOt a ma1o1actor "" 'trOUid not bavt! delivered Him to you", aDd by IDIIItbt&, wbell FUate would bave dlamlued tbe cue, "It Ia not lawful for us to put anyllWI to -th;" tboulJii tbe Judp ria· orouafy eumJDed JH!II with re&ard to tbe ac- cuaatlon brouebt aaaiDit Him, lbat He had m- Hinuelf a tm.. ln which ~ cbaqe th8t He wu a rebel aDd an eaemy of the eatablllbed aovem· mea.t; aDd tboqb tbe Judae before wbom Jesua wu arrayed wu not at all sympathetic to Jes· uo' ,.,.chiDe aDd dladaiDfuUy aald "Wbat II truth", YET thiJ skeptic aDd uDICI"Upulous Judp, wbo IIDaUy, aeainlt hla conocleoce, •ave the verdict that the people wanted to bear, here l..n the trtal openly decla"rea the lnnoceDey of Jeaua by stattna: "I flad la Rim ao faalt at all." Thua Jesua atood vindicated before HIJ earth- ly Judie. But tbt.s court-scene before Pontius PUate 1s the oDly counterpart of what aoes on continually before the court of world oplD.ion. M Jesus atood before Pilate, so He contlnually stands before the public m1Dd. AA tbere were tboee ~ho auaUed H1m tbeTe, 10 tb@re are those wbo ••· aaU Hlm D<M'". M there were t.oo.e wbo pervert- ed Hla cause end Hta teacbin& tbeD. 10 tbere are thOH wbo pervert Ria cau.e aDd Hll teuhlna now. Tbe truthl that Jesua proclaimed and con· feued are no more popular now than they were then. AA tbe Jews IQUibt to sUeuce aDd destroy JHUS, 10 there aJwaya bave been aDd t.bere alway~ w1U be people tn the wo'rld wbo ~eek to silence aDd dettroy Jesu~ and H1J truth by ll· oorant ma.uce and fal8e accuaatkms. a.& Be wiD INC be •• ..,... No man lD aU t.be loa& yean slDce Jesus stood before P011t1UI Pilate, hu ev· er been ab)e to plD onyt.hJ.Da on Jesus. He comes out of every examlDation tbat men may give Hlm, faultleu, innocent, holy, and Just. All acCUNtio~ and arpments qa.lnst Him and Hb teacblnp by evt1 mlnda and the lqenulty of men, have fallen to 1M rround by tbetr own welabt. All boaest men praise Hts faultless conduct, H1s flow lea character, Hla tDcomparable vir· t~~e~, and Hill perfect love and devotion to God and ·to Hla fellowmen. Tbus Jesus standa fully vin- dicated aDd lllDocent before all tbe world. AU men mUJt admit and confess with PUate: "We tlnd ln Hlm no fault at ali.'' WW II tr. oa eartb Ia alia trDe Ia lleavea. ., ... II tbe Lord fiGIII Ileana. Be It tM eter-- ul s-. of tM EtenaJ Father, of tile eame nb- .ta.oe u tM Fa&lter, a dl"'-penH, wlllo c..W _...,. 117 l4o I'Jiaie: ''¥7 Jdaldam lo .... ,--: 111117...,_,......,.,_ warld, ,.._ wMid M1 •nut: ftPt tlaa&: I a-..d ... be ......... lo tbe l .... ; bioi -.... , ldac· •om aot fNm ltetloe." I•• 11, H. J..-' ldll.-- •-11eo ....,._ tltlo ·-· Be lo lbe eteru1 K.lllc of Bea..-. ..., tllerefon, bqoad aad abne aD pill ud tn liP ! 1lol; Be la .,..... aiiJ' " perfeet, tlaU ev• *M -.ell Ia beavea are aot ,..e Ia 1111 .apt. R11 ri&IIU••••• II e&enal ud lad 'r:adable. a.t J"e.. •• aiM t.W, 11--.. Be ..... a tnle Umaa ..taft frem •• ...,u mettler tae aD of •· . We have alrelldy seet1 Jesus accord.l.nt to Hit humanity ls lnDOCeDt before HIJ human Judae and before aU men. WW heaven live· Hlm tbe aame verdict! WW 1M holy and omnJadent Judie of be8vea alto say of thll Man: "I b.Dd Ill Him no fault lD Him at all"? We know that aU m•nlrlnct b ru.Uty a.nd u.nclean In the •laht ot God. Ia JetUI an e.ceptlon to thll rule? Accord· Inc to Holy Scripture He rilost dettnltely lS the ONE exception. to thts rule. Whereas Hoty Scrl~ ture declaret of aU men that they are con· cetved aDd bora In sin, -the>y say of Him, that He wu c:OD!Ctived by tbe Holy Ghost and born ot the vlralD Mary, wbJch set Him apart and sep- aratel Him tram tbe sta.ln of hereditary sln and euJlt. Whereu Scripture saya of men Ia aen· eral, "tbey are aU JODI! uide, there ll noae that doetb pod, no DOt oDe, •• -tbe Voice ot' Heavea decilreo ol lhll MID J ..... ''Tbll Ia My • loved Son tn wbcm I am weU-pleued." Je- oua accord.l.nt to Hla bwnl.lllcy wu perll!c:Uy boly aDd IDilOCOJII btlore tho H;lcbeot Majealy lD beaven. God aDd beavea JoiD ta the cbonaa ol aU tbe earth: "I !lad ID Him DO lault at all." Wby, tbeD, did JftUI -aDd die IIU ao ovlldoer! Wu lk tho victim at •Db'luDate clr- CUIDI~ aad tbe uprtce of I'DI'JI! Ala Do, t11ere II a -· Acc>oniiiW to Holy ScrJplure He ,... cllllqod wtlll tho JIU)II of tbo world · your aloo IDII my -· '7bo Lord laid .., Him tbe Jo. lqldcy ol "' aD. . .aDd by Hlo ab Jpoo we ore bealod." It wu fllr -JIU)It ODd abanle lbat He wu accaMd, •ad tor .-tr&llrlp..._ tlaat He .... ladlld ----.. dlo u • o1mlDal uct owtcut -ud we ue Nde1naed tJwD au alai, -........ -tbe -ot tbo E¥11 -· by fUI I•• ..... ti~-ud-dL ._,.,..._, ___ _ ...._..,.a,a__.Ntll;, . ...... __ ...... __ OB. _ _,._ ,... ... ._., .... ,raw .._ ................. . ft:a • ... .. on a ... ... ' ._ ............... IIOW OlD ~I YOU? you ll'e .. JO'MI • yo.r faith, -old u ,oar ....., ; u ro-1 • ,our C!fCI6..__, .. oW • ,..., '""'' .. ,_ -,.., ...... -oW .. ,.., -,.lr . • , Police Blotter :r.=L~~;, 2"' .. ~ ............ -~-.lPO~! !!!!!i ..E!'!~ .. PEII~;-;..;.:"AME ' WEDIIIIIDAY IWICH 10 .. -"Iii -Will, --IIOUA ~UR, r.AIJF. tr-1Dr roo' I "o1 lob! t. U. porall -ol Btl\\. oi 11!o -17 eod of II &sn Yilt& dtl Oro, Eul . IT.lftiiUT JOI!I ..... 'C..., II, ol ---10!1 r1l1ool WW -.. IDr a-,._ Uoaor l'lcllle lac. IDr a rN-N-IIUIII Drl•o Woot. Bid, Tl!o IDIIoortol ,.._ lo liD- til Aeada, c-daa ooar1 IIDtiP -, 10 --ol lie 11oor11C I ._., .,.U I, II lurul 111010...,... Aft., I, Flaal -o1 'lnd 6047, 14. Rtsulldl-r-o1 1llc U : -..... WU lrff-II 10:10 p,a. ol •eop WU ~~-' ' ' .l ll!o "-«! .... Pluollic Wool N._,-lo<allooo a lUI ouo ---of 1!1a C!ly ol H-Boacb 1o lU A ... ""-a.-1o11011, 100 BaY-Dr., "-«! -d .., .... .-! ..-Coa••-•r"oc 1D CIIJ olll!o llo-1 a.-lot!--Put~ Ll4.,1aclodlac 1 eroato a parcel h lila Bcyo Clllf.--WUIIua _!.&.._, Booc:b 01 l tloorp ol drtiiDr al noo ... --ll!o HoB all o'elotlt. no-~ lac, lrtlll 1udoal DUtlllc 00• lola, -17 o1 JUiborM Rd. Club otto Ill £ul Blll!f, Ill Ta..... .. ... Bo-. wbfJe '_..,. tM M 11ce tJt &lltSo at ._ MfoNt' L. ...._. 11fH''J 1 " tM cttr, 'WOIIId r•-lite tid u oft-lite IJU1dllc lot. ud IM1Mr)1 o1 tM flt'Mkm laiPd, C&lif. uarcolleo•-....._ oo ,.-,IIIW,a.a.-., Q!dMI--por .U I. T-U .. _ol'fnetNo. o1SuJooqoloo111111Rood. PILOT REASSIGM!D T111o --to-too- cblt" oi t101111roe ot'mul-Bt.lbaa, , •• II ': • a.reo ttr R-l ud R-1 Jata. '7114, I. 10.8 left ~ I t11roqta 11. Ameadmeo.ts U, S. Atr Force Capb.iai WU-~ bJ U Lldl1'k111&1. Juuo. wu Pall DoJioo "loi>n oa1Md at til_.-Bon 1o tbt-apllda of Boo 1loaoe Co. of Hnpo~l aa........., 11!1, -llllllDc li&m H. u.....,-..u., Slpod: William Joia !.& SeMeber 18 ~ 440 K...SOU. ._ froaa a car .,... .... tD tor "*Pt'• m..aac= Beach, lDcldl& a re.,...,._, ..,. reptatlou tot driYe 1n Patrleta, l.s tbe diQCtar o1 ,..._. Ttr c.Wo.l Rllblao¥ Robert E. lt&J, JIM Jillr'uaar 1. AID II~·-Mo. Ul, pl:l'· Iota aDd 5 larwt~ loti, oa tacUtt&M, t.twap ebupd to Mrs, Joyce Bucbui.D of US! 1'1'0 ltatemtat ftllld wttb tbe Jaa;. Rllclllo, 411, o1 .IHS Dr., -·nlllllnaporlood 1D1D111c 1o oii..CMt DUldooc tllo -rly -of BlcCaA-a-r-Ille a_. .... ...,. VIola .. 1 Oro, the Blulto, bU -elork ol 0.U.0 C- 8Mriajia PI. Apt z..aoe at hla "..,_. dllr1aC tbl • requlttmuta lor r.....,...•J JOD Dr. blr a1. ,Uklac ll*t•. bome arrived tor duty at Ellnwtll oo Mar. 11, 19'71, bf Bwerb' Hnport H ..... wu'an....d allbt · ' • kllari'...,.S Iota. 1. Fl.aal map of Tract 'lOU, oe...-tloDI, ud dlDee balta AFB, S. 0. He is a 8.5% J, M"'dd>Y, d., co.tJellrk. at 11:50 Lin. at S5tb st • ..a w. wUb JlftlrJ' ftllld at tl,OU J. ReqQgt al. 11a.rJ Caruo a 11.1& aere IUbdtY1abl of aad tlltabllabmeats wlth liquor. stratotortress heavy bomber hbllA: Mareb U, as. A.prU Bllxla Blfd., "• Nnport. ·!::.. tbl J=:, = N~Ut a a 2. ,..., oteoskw of a ue DouJd L. BreEl Co. ~ 1M U. U• permit a.ppUeaUouof .aircraft pUot, assigned toaiiDlt 1, &, 19711DtbeNeWPQ1'tK&rbor oa a ebarp ot dr1f1Dc: WbUe a... _.... -...,.., b 'oj J· l l)ll'mit to Cll)ll'lte tbe PI&Ct, _A_:ap:.:_le_•:_• _, .. _,"""_'0:'_"_:'.: _ _:_· tbt City ot Newport Be&cb tor of the Stntegl;c A1t Commud. E:llll::""'~---------t11o-of aloollol '_, "· -" 11 0 -porlol', lllOOW, 8al1>oo ••• Cbarloo Ulebool Frooeb, &!Mill. AIIULUI Voro w, Uollao, -Bl'fd., C-al N-rl, wbleh LEGAL MOTIC! UGAL MOTIC! LEGAL NOTICE UGAL NOTIC! 21, oll911 BQGdiDr.,Corola • SATURD4Y, MARCH U c11 Mr. Ud Mrs. V.-DOD L. 1s wUblll 2.00 .fMt of. an R - del Mar, wu united ac 1:10 A 10-loot c:IIJtiiQ' Ttl1lld at Mollu ot uso MlDir st., eo.ta dbl:rtet. a.m. II W-Ul!Dr.&!MIO..ar tall oru ololoe-stoar1 .,_ bll tomDiolod bule 3. ~ of Ropr Cook Dr., DIU W'lltewt,c. aebal .. ·PlM', 1110 Seatt•.,-Dr., .Dot"• traiDJ.DI at l.cetla.t AJ'B, to resooe tbt iot &I 510 s. Bay of drl•lllc w1dlo -lbo lA---. w1dlo II 11U doelood To&l. He bU-ualpood to Ft., Bt.-lolaod, from C-1 fi•cee ol .-1 ... K-at 1014 Pclarto ,_-• • • "'IIDDard AFB, TeDS, lor 1o R-2. Euc-PatW, 41, ol 4.155 Vucllu broA tbl llul cotw-tra1.llla.c u , medlealiiTrices 4. Use Pttmit appUeatioo ol Soloo Rd., lnlao, WU or.-111c 00 a bulldiDc cllroc:lorJ, IDO"Iau.l. Alrmu UollaD to a Big Ca4JCC C.-y Club 1o at 11 p.m., Mareb 9, at 101 tort,. • ..,... olf tiMinltroom Ut71 lfldtat. of EstaDcll. bilb ue Z doable mobile lalts for Newport Blfd., Wnt Mnpxt. wall. brOU wtadowa aad de-ICboot temporary elubbouae ~elUUes oa a cbarp of 'uaalt Oil a llb'oJtd. tbe IMterllc OD 1. clclc oolleoollleer ... l'uti!A-·IIp at lila WooteUlf BulkiO(, LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE TIJompeoG. IS, 0( Ill DlntU .lOa Wllitellff Dr., W..C.C:U st., coa x-. wu arnlt«l eta&er, cau~D1 $4$ damace bl- at 1:15 Lm, &I tbl flU' of 110 ·t'WMD I a.m. ud 5 p.m. , , , 39th St., WNt lfnport, OD a Toola 'f&lued at $1,000 ~re cb&rp of burlillJ; &leo ar-.to• from tbe Bearc1 aDd rested on the Sla\t cbl.l'p wu Crocut CoutructlOD Co,, Or- Michael La Blade, 19, of Hlllll-aqe, a1 a coutrlletloD lite at lngtoo Beach • • . Hub cap• . SI'J Su NJeolu, Newport Co- valued at $50 were stolello tr~ ter, darlA& tbe Dtibt ••• AD a car belooatoc to Jam .. R. estimated $150 In CUll wu Brewster, 518-1/Z D&bUaAYt,, stoleo trom a car beklqlnc Coroaa del Mar, wbUe It wu .&o Jim Cotella,2"nl2ClrdtDr., parked at his res1deoce duriDc Bay Sbores, wb1le ltwupuUd the nlgtlt. at CbarUe's Cb1U, QO E, Lido • THURSDAY, MARCH 11 VaDI:I&ll broke a 1F1Ddatlield I.D the auro of O.lgh D. BoJd, S'IOO Channel Rd., West Newport, causi.Dg $25 damap about 7:30 p.m ••• , Lugap valued at $100 was burglarlled from a cabinet I.D a carport at the Martha L, Heoder1011 rest. deoce, !888 Baysbore Dr., Bay Shores, between Feb. 15 ud Much 11 , •• Clothes valued at $30 were stolen from a dothes line at theM. W.steuns residence, 311 Ma.rguerUe, Co. rona del Mar, duriac the night , • • A m1n1blke valtled at $85 was stolen from the P.· rage at tbe Ida M. Hanson resi- dence, 1826 Commodore Rd., Baycrest, during the mpt ..• A carburetor valued at $ZO was stolen from a car bek>ngiog to Judy P. SUefel, 312 Lul()nla St., Newport Sbores, wtlile It was puked at her resideoce duriq: tn.. Dilbt. Park Dr., L1do PnlDAI&, be- tweea 3 a.ad 4 a.m. • SUNDAY, KARCH 14 A potted plaot •all* at $11 was s&oleo from tbt froliC JVd at tbe ADD $aJder rMideaee, 502 A tealta Latta. tbt Bla:ffl. dur1llc the Dlellt • • • swllo• and tools Yaldld at $47.80 wre burcW'ISed from a coutr11Ctkm site at 325 Sapplllre AYe., 8&1- boa lsla!!d, dqrlllg the olelll; the mercbaodise belooced to John Cooper ot Woodl&D1 Hills • •• S~.WUes ud equlpmHt nt- ued at $295 aod bolo-1o Nordstrom aDd Falkm Coa- structioo Co., Santa ADa. were stolen from a coostrac:Uon site at 567 San Nicolas, Newport Center, duri.Dg the nleflt ••• Stereo tapes nlued at $75 were stolen from a car beJoGci.D.I to Sten S&ekely, 1400 Seubore Dr.. Welt Newport, 1fb1W It 'US parked at Ills relldeDCe bthreea 7:SO ud 1!:30 p.m. • FRIDAY, MARCH 12 • • , A tire nlDed &I $50 wu A bicycle n.lued at $75 was stole from a car beJoocinc to burglartsed from a prap at Robert V. t1hU.t, SU-1/Z Cor- tiM! Brian Holly res1deoce, 436 al, B&Iboa lslaad, Wldle It wu Bolero Wll)', West Newport parad at bis resJdeDCe duriDc Heights, durlnc the night ••• tbe Dlcbt ••• Two bmys n.lued VaDdals broke I.Dto UariDer's at $13 were stolen from tbe school, 2100 MulDers Or., Gillis and Derby Co., 2806 Lal- Harbor Highlands, duriDg the ayette Awe., WtstNewport,dur· night, and wrote obsceoe JaDr-Inc tbe nicbt. LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 2474 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 18.023 Or THE CODIFIED ORDINANCES Or THE ' COUNTY OF ORANGE, CAUFORNlA 1bl Bo&rd ol S~aors of tbe Co~mt)' ol Oranp, CaUfor- ala, do ordltn as follows: SECTION 1. SecUoo 78,023 or tbe Codlfted Ordlnaoces or tbe COtmty of Ora.aee Is bereby amended by adding thereto "Zooll>c Dlstrtet Uopo tRS-99, !RS-1%6 aod !RS-127, (Case No. ZC 71.4)'', to tbe Turtle Rock area. SECTION Z. TbJs Ordl.DaDce sball take efl'ect aod be I.D fUll Ioree lblrly (30) daJ• from aoc1 aftu Ito possa10, aoo before tbl exptrauOn ol fifteen (i5) days after tbe passage thereof JbaU bt publl!lbett ooee 1D tbe Newport Harbor EJUdgn, a news- ptptr publl-'*1 I.D tbe Co\mty of Ora.nce. State of Calltornia, tocetber with tbe 111.mes of the members or tbe Board of s..,...,t.aors •oUoc tor aad a.ga!nst the same. R. W. BATTIN (SEAL) Ctlltrman of tbe Board of S~vi.sors of Oranp County, CaWornta ATTEST: W. E. STJOBH Couaty Clerk aad U..()fftclo Clerk ot tbe Bo&rd of SuperYtsoca of Onop COWIIJ, Calllorota By Mabel L. Cutelx -STATE OF CAUFORNIA) )ss. COUNTY OF ORANGE ) 1. W. E. ST JOHN, County Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the Boud ol S.,-visors, do hereby ceruty that at a recular meetiD&: of tbe Board of St.IN!rvlsors of Oranp County, Call- lornia, held oo the 24th day of Marcb, 19n, tbe foregoing OrdiJance c.ontaininc two (2) sections, wu considered sec- tion by aecUoo. and. that the S31d Ordinance was theEl passed aDd. adopted as a wbole by tbe follow1Dg vote: AYES : SUPERVISORS RONALD W. CASPERS, RALPH B. CLARK, WILUAM J, PHILLIPS All1l R. W. SA TTIN HOES: SUPERVISORS DA V1D L. BAKER ABSENT: SUPI!:RVlSa!S HONE IN WITNESS WHEREOF, 1 hue tlereunto set my hand am aftlsed the ofDclal seal of the Board of S\C)ervtsors of the County of Oru,., state of California.. this 24th day of March, 19'11. W. E. STJOHN County Clerk am ez.otficlo Clerk of the Board or S..,erv1sors of Orange CoUDty, California By Mabel L. Casteb (SEAL) Deputy Publisb: Newport Harbor Ensip, April 1, 1971 Pl£CISE rtll 11 LAID US£ OlAHGI COUNTY. c.t.UfOI:MA SECTIONAL DISTRICT MAP I RS-126 zc 71 -4 400fll0 IT IUOlUII()OI Of !HI ou.HCI CO\Jfolto ,_4NNII'O(; CO-S$o0N •All Of OIDIN4N(I NO "" @- PC ............... -@ \. AI -@ PI£CIS£ PLII 11 LAID US£ zc 71-4 OllAHGI COUNTY. c.AlJKMlMlA SECTIONAL DISTRICT MAP I R S -99 "0()01110 I > UiOlUTI()fol Of !Itt ~~ COUNTY ,_.,_,..c; COM"'1~~1(),. "•'•"' • •• PAll Of OIDIN .. NCI NO •• oo iOL '0T I I • • ... 0 _ .......... -... •2 0 ~_........­Al O·-----MJ Q ~opo-......­•10 .......,_ lOI O ooi -- ~CO ol ......... --... AI / 0 -· _, o ...... -...-- t2 0 _ ........ .,.._ t200 _......, __ t l o --. •• o --..-... -lolf 0 -~--,0 0o1-.,....., PC ..... .._ -.. ·---~ = = = :::=..:; ....-flo --- _ ..... ,..:.,._ ( 2 0 -'--· :.: . .:..:_ ·..:.: ':t,:;; 1:::.:. fl o --..._. .. _ .. ........,...._ __ t . 0 --....... ::. ""::' .. ...:::.. ~ ...=::..=::-.....-Cl 0 loot.,_,-... ,. ...-....... -oJ _......,._,_ - C2 0 _,. -· _.,.. .,. -..... ._ ~'=:::;;:;;:::;:;;:~ sc 0 -""' .. -.... ,.-h_ ..... ..,. ,.. I R S • 99 PR£CIS£ PLAI 11 LUI US£ ~ cou..,..,. U.L.IKMUtKA zc 71-4 SECTIONAL DISTRICT MAP I R S -12 7 •C>O•IID I T 11\0I.UTICI" Of !'WI 01.~ COUNfl' Oi.~"N....c; CO-UIOO< ••U Of OIO!oo~OI(;I NO • •,. PC ' • l ~C>O<TIO I• tol>lO Of lU,I¥1~01\ •••<• '' '"' AI L. I G I M • _ ... ----~ =·:===..~ L I G I M • AIC__. ............ .... AJC._, .......... ..... AIO........, ........ ..... • ,o ........... ..... II C ... ..... 1fMO ...... .... KC,...._,__.,,.... ·, •• a ... .,........_ .... l2 c ........ .... uoc_..,........_. ..... u c..-. u d •• c...... --... o ............ ---POO.,.... ...., •• tiC_,....('- ttO~._..._ uo.-..--.. ••o_._ .... a c ... ..._ .... c1o...-..... .... SGD.._ ....... ....._ ... • _ .. _.......... • ·---.... ::.. ___ .. .... ··-----..--.. ~:;;:;_ . .. _ ............ . .. .... _ .......... _...... - I RS-12§ .... a __......., ..... "'-1:0.._......, .... .. c .................. MIC ._,....,...., "a ... ...... .o ...... ..... teo.._..--. ..... II c..--... ...... ... uo ........ .... lJOO_.,........._...., uo-...., •• o---..-.... ...... lMI0~ .... ---"00...... .... • • ••·r -::• •• • PIN.,o· -MA=~=:~ FOil AMEIICANSI RUNABOUT - - - lrancl New Uttle Car That OpeM New Door To li9 Car LUCJCJOOJe Loads. L·A·R·G LECO.t.L HOTICE P-40904 LECO.t.L MOnCE CERTIFICATE OF 8\BlNESS NOTICE: OF VACATION flctltloQs Firm Name NOTICE OF PROPOOEO VA- THE UNDERSIGNED does CATION, CLOOING UP AND hereby certlf)" tbat be 1s coo-ABANDONMENT OF A CER- ductlng a do& grooming business TAlN WATER LINE EASE-l at 728 W. 19th Street, Costa MENT Mesa, Callforola 92627, UDder NOTICE ~ HEREBY GIVEN the fictitious ftrm name of Tur-that tbe City CouocU ot the City ner 's Poodle Parlour and that ot Newport Beacb, did, on M.arcb said tlrm Is composed of the zz 1971 pass a Resolutloo of following person wbose name ltlt'eDtioo' No. 739Z to n.cate, ln tul.l and pl&ce of resideoce close ICJ &nd abi.DdoD that cer. are as follows, to-wit: Frank ta.to water 1Joe easement de- Humphrey Ttaoer, 1955 Pomona scribed as follow•: . Anoue-Apt, 16, Costa Mesa, Tbat portloo of Block 93 ol ·CaW. 92627. Intoe's Subdtvtaioo as per rnap WITNESS my lwxJ on this 4tb recorded to Boot t, Pace 88 of day of Much, 1971. Frank WJ.scel.la.rleoua Record U.,.iD Humphrey Turoer. tbe offtce or the COUDty Re- ST ATE OF CAUFORNIA ) eorde:r of satd Couatydescrlbed ) ss. as follows: COUNTY OF ORANGE ) T._t portioa o1 tbat ce.rta.J.D ON TH~ 4th day ol Marcb, perpetllLI •semeat tor water 19TI, before me, a Notary P\1b-l1De purposes, thirty (30) feet Uc 1n and lor said COIIltJ ud 111 1rSdtb u described ID Parcel state, resldln&tbereln.dulyoom-1 ill tbe deed to tbe City of missiooed and sworn, P81'80118.ll1 Nnpott Beach recorded De- appeared Frank Humphrey Tur-cember 20tb l9571n Booii:UU, Der, known to me tobetbtper.,.. pace 395 of otfldal Records; whose .._me 1s sub&crlbed to the 1y1.oc oorth-easterly of tbe cen- withl..n lnstrumeot, aad aekoow-tnlly JOUtbwesterly UneofUW ledged to me that be exeeuted eerta1D euemeDt lor pllbUe the same. uttUty purJIIC)aS, 80.00 feet wide WITNESS my haDd &od o4lcW u described 1D Parcel 2 1D tbe seal. Dorotllr L. Paleo. llolary deed tD tho City o1 Newport PubUc 1n I.Dd for aJd Couoty Beach, recorded March !, U66 aDd State, My Commllsloa er-ta Book 7857, 11&1' 568 of Of- plres 2-9-73. ftclal Records aDd b1Dg aouth- Publlsb: Mueb 11, 18, 25, westerlY o1 tbe paerally .1010- 1971, 1n tbe Newport erly l1De or Paclftc VtewDrln, 60.00 feet wide u described 1D Parcel 1 1D tbe deed to tbe City ol. ffnport Beach recorded Warc:b 15, 1911? 1o Booll auo, pap 419 ol Ollldal Reeorclo. Orsrlrlt F I nil o.t 1.-II ........ Retereace ls b«eby made to a map lbowiDC atd nter U.. ._m•t propoeed tobe&bud- CIMd D puttcallra ..:1 de- lalla. Sold ..... Ia .. ll1e .. 1M omct al tilt Cll)' Clolrk at tilt Cll)' at"--' Booc:b. C0WLD1 fiii=Al Allll IIUIIAL CIIUM ~~1~ ..... ,_., Jltmorbil .... l*e i Cl:e••·-~ ......,. ... " 0.. • ..,.. ,.,.. ' . . h ndlef iPI_.._._..~ I I Ill ....... cr::::s ...., traffk • ou au -..,.....,., ... u I .. .., _,..,.-.. .. .,d.,'" .................. . ......... ...., .. _ ...... ,.... ·-----:=::~~ .. ,_..MIS ..... 111-lhlfWU f'illl PIIOM MIWPOIT MAIIOI UIA) IIOTICE Ill F VRTRER GIVEN IIEREBY a.t 1llo Cll)' c-u at tilt City at ~~-a.eb 11U oot AjlrU R, 1171, II Ulo boar OC '7:10P.M., u ._ U.., ud t11t c-u~oottM Cll)' c:-11 ol tM Cll)' at llooport-utMplocolo< tM ...... alaDpor __ _ -.. .. obJodlol lo tM ,_ __ ., __ U..•n=srt, ud .. llldCitJ c-u 11 .-.--ud piKe wiD -..r .. l"'diiU ~--..,--­llltM-I'Pal--.................. -···· ........ It'll =::t: .. CIJ'fiWa.,.l-... Pold* .a.,tl l, I, It'll Ill 1'1111 •-.rt ..,. ,... • • ' IIA•JUAMA II POUMD ~IAI I'OLICI M.tl; _...,...,__ .... -,'r¢1"1d 1111 ,..... .... ---'--· blocktroa .. •s;uta..dl ,polioe .,,. r1al. ............. of .. ---~-... ........ _lUI_ --.. Udlloopaatlibd. llo_loo_, __ trtlltp ___ wlld. or nn 118 OlrW tro. .-.-. at -r....r~J eloarod oil .... o1root -.,pro- Llr!§IELP! EXQUSIVE GlWAN'"I EED-DRAPaY SERVICE o,.,., a..n-.,. ,...,_,,. •• , ..... of ........ yourdrapery,cwiOO% reploc...,..Hdauolllla • .......... _ ·-, ...... . • l111llfwl IUIFIIw a Mtw Dl I$U ... ... ...... c.w ....... . -SY•I•••-•Ne....... • ................ ., ·-~--. ....... s .... •••ill ••• , ..... ..... Dr..-y ........... ...._ ........ .... Have Those Drapes Cleaned, NOW IY THE ''W~S lARGEST" UT COff ""'TAU NIW DIIAN$ We""-• co•,..!'!• •Mette" .t loiH~<• Ill,. ... "'"-·· llll•ou;,.;...,.;..., loot• 540-1366 642-0270 PROFUSIOH.t.L IHST .t.L L.t. TIOH AND R!IIOV.t.L It's a sign of strength 27 OFFICES STATEWIDE liZ ~ Of IIEWPOIT.f'lSAfi[JU. Eotcul'" Ollict· 1366 Yil l!Cio.l'k"'P(JJI BtK~ !11CI 17J.lll0 Mlift OHo:t, 61 Soutlll"-t ~•ti'Ojt, l'audmt 12!ll7¥..-l«l CGr0111 1111 Mil Oflttt 55(1 Nt-.,ort ~~"lrr Df·••. """'~'' 8ra.;ll 171416&4-1461 ll70 Ent footllitl 8outr .. .,d, l'n~Ge"' :1lll 7!15-0447 IH Norl~ (;lfi'Hiorl btolllle, Gl.,doro t2 1JI llS-«143 Clluta ~''" Othn )911 "H'' Str"t, cr...ta Villi, C.hl lll41410·SOIIO II ~JOII OffiCI · 2)4 M11110ht -~, fllo<lll, (I CIID!' Cal•! 0 !41 442.&111 Lemon G<O'It Qlloct 1110 8raad.,ay,lrmon Groot Calli !1141 4UM71 Jht~l City Olloc:t J<r.i £ It~ St . Jhho,tl C•ty. Cflrl. !1141471-1111 ~ Ooq o Othu S!>OI S.OibU A-. S"' Dttp , Ctli1. t7U12JJ.4060 EJcoftdida Ollb Woodli!ICI H+lll Ot!iu I SOD[. ~lllty "'"", (KOIIIIL*. Ctlif 1990':1 v..,t~fl 81od Wood!tl'oCI il•ll•, Ct lrl. IJ 141 1~ Qlll 346-J<JlO Lllollt Ottiu, iueaa•- Of TMl SOUTM Mallo Offlu: UIJI.t 111tu llwl., 1.1 Mal, Ctlil. Git14U-444l [Jtarthol 011itt· 2l20 rlftlrlbe .. s. Diqo, ttl if 17l'I2J4.71SI 7117ll'lllflot Aw . Lt hi!Lt. t .. lf. 171 41 'St-QN 'allit htdl Oltru. 1001 !Otr1111 St , S... O'lfo. Ctl+l l11 41QI.IOLI 11111 a-..u- Of SAWT A IOIAIA Mloft Othtt l868 State Shut. Sitlta 811t..fl, Caltl. (SOSJ 681 Ill! O~t• Ollote 110 Soutll Yentufl 51 . Ot~r. C1hl. (1051 ~6-5521 llontecrto Olf"t JUl [ V .. lty Rd , SMI\1 hrbi<J. CJI1I. 18jY,)I 96!j.l2tl7 iii ,..,... Of TME IIOITM Marti 011itt: 90 S.11 •ou Aft . !Mill.,.. Ctlrl 110n ~ S.\1 .IKI 8rllldl OIIICI. 'IS~ Onw S..ft\1 .MI. Cll+l. 110n ~ Apple I ICSWIII Olh« 119 N M10n St , StbntiCIOI Caht t70TI 12J1411 Hlol)l Off~tt. llOO Jt!ltr,OI\ Strttl, lilflll Caltl. 11011 155-ll\0 """ O!hct 121 Norttl Mdla,.t!l 81..:1 . PtiiiU"'I. Cahl. !J07l1U-6121 .,.,,.,_.ILL_,... Hn•ltJ Ottiu, 121 11illft Sirn1. Br.-ltJ. Clhl 111 '1l4USLO Clleooet Olhu 325 ltn~~er,.l A"11111· Ct lu ow, Cllif. r7141 JS1 ll26 fl CMiro Otfkt 5Ut' Sltlt Slru iJ (I Celllrt, CM1I 17141 JY-nJO WHOUY OWNED SUBSIDIARIES Of $1.5 BIUIOII ll:ftRIM_ CORPORATION Of AMERICA~- I