HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-05-20 - Newport Harbor EnsignI NEWPORT BEACH 10( 1114-•papor of tho City of NowpOft l·oateh-;:';~;~;::~::=:t THE EWPO ~CIIIULDCAL.U ..... •z&J N RT HARIIOR ,..,.,...."' ""·-- MilS JUDY TIIIGOII, "11101 Eul Blloll" IIIII -0( 11M! 8 prlllc:t--will -.... tbo tltlo of -of HaWIU W,U, rtetlqs UDtber let from CbrlJ HoiJper, MCCDI rtct ~ at tbe Womn's Oiwlsloa of tbe Nnport Harbor Cb&mbtr of Commerce, Mrs. HOW*' 1.t commaaleatiou ebalrmu tor "''ftil week, May u. so. IPOIIOI'td bJ' tbl Clllmbtr of Commerce, Mill Eut Bluff wu ptlllllted at tbt J..acheoo mlltiac of the Nnport Harbor C 0( C baord o1 dlroetoro moet1A(, (Eul.,. photo.) n. DIU,...,.. ,_tiD .-o .......... OiiiUOt c. • I • s P.O. ~ c:.~·OtooO'QO:O~O~ Petitions are belDc elrcull. ders, C*ial &ssl.sta.rd: to reg. dent 'stic, till$ 1s protBiy L, ~ · ~ted 1D Corona del Mar request. iDoal dlreetor Russell James. mosi 1mportut liRe to tlf L · .....Jt..-! lD& ttw: the ftrst class post ''lam ea:remely fond of your before the Cbamber 1a Ms . ..,. ~ otrlce be reta1neCI aDd oot be eommw:dty ud am quite tam. years 1D tbe eomanmtty. , eonsoUda.ted as a station of tbe 1l1ar witb U. and I underst:a.M . "Todayy ••;•,e::.~~~C&II~~de:;·, ARVO E. HAAPA, owntr .. d publiSher of the Enslen Ne-wport Beaob Post Offtee. the feellnp of the residents termlDe ~ ~"==POOooo•oo.ooo"6!0...-o This action resulted trom aDd t..sfneesmen there.'' the oppos1oc illtetesCs yesterda.y's poenl member-He expressed surprise at the lea.rDid tbe1r lel800." • BEWARE OF THE HAND-OUTS slltp meet~Dc. alter Yrs. T. report U.t coooolldatloo otthe Copies or tbo petittoo aro STATE REJECTS th N t Duncan St.wart pve a report Corooa del Mar Post otnce available at tbo C..,ber I have long taken pride tn e ewpor on the post omce stt ... tion. wltb Newport Beach has been Commerce otrlce, 1659£. Harbor and Costa Mesa communities for The memberslltp accepted aod couldered. Hwy., llld at 11M! £1181.,. sell-reliance and 1nd1v1dual1n1t1at1ve and aporoved the report, whtcb "We do 1101 ow 1o m&ke 2721 E. Cout Hwy. 10c COSTA MESA DIL CALif. FREEWAY BAN BJ Doa ADittrllll strongly urged the reteDtloo any cbange, e.lther in CoroDII. determination to tackle our own problems o! the lndepeodent, !lrst class dol War, or lo the Newport AWARDS TO BE "'AO E SERGEANT Timothy G. Basklo, and to solve them as best we can, shying post office In CorOQI del Mar. Beaeh Post otr:Lce," he sa.td. BeautUleatloDawards ..rube son of Mr. and Mrs. WU11am Local coocern had beeD Yr. Sa.Wlders said that postal presented at tbebmcbeoomeet-Buk1D., 4606 Cortland Drive, Jam .. A. Uoe, lltate direc- tor of pubUc worD Mid late yollerday lbll tile llata wtll DOt JDlD lD a bUatera.l reds- too of tbe P&ciAe Coast free. ftJ acr11meat coreri.Dr tbe roate throueh Coroaa del Mar. toad 'ttblcbeuproyldta bu-away from federal hand-outs and the in-roused by the interviews coa.-senices otr.tcers make per-1Dg ot tbe women's dlYiaion Ca.meo Hlgh.lands,basbeendec- Js tor mod1fJ1ac or resei.bding evitable federal controls. 1 recall some ducted with a number of local lodie surveys ill the various of tbe NewportHarborCbamber or•ted with h.is seeooo award of tbe acr .. IDtut we have 00 just-bustoess and civic leaders by communities under their juris-of Com merce Wtd,..,.,J, May the Air Medal at Pope AFB, U!catloD a IJ».ndoolnc and subtle overtures to get Newport Beach Richard LeBaron, postal ser-d.Jctioll as a routine procedure zs, at tbe 1n1ne cout c ouotry N. c. Sergea.nt Ba.sktn, a.n air- caaa:Ur otber publlc and prl-tangled up in federal red tape and bureau-vices otttcer from Santa Aoa. 1A or der co keep ln tou~ wtth Club, craft load master, was cited tor Tate tDUt1es to abudoo this He · 1\ad lDqul.red Ux:Mrt local commw:alty postal Deeds. Everyoo.e atteadlng is io-his m-!tltorious achievement tD"Itmeat. cractic regulations by getting involved opinion coocerning tbe po~ of-Mrs. Stewart, 1.n her report vtted to go HawaU.a.D because whue assigned at . !=tUng Cb..an "PerbiPs toeether we can in the federal urban redevelopment pro-flee aoo had cited the e:qH. ~ted to tbe ChAmber, said that the tbe meetlng comes lD the midst Kanr AB, Taiwan. He ls oow a.t Bamford tFrantlaod, assis-relleMS put declsioos. Tbere savings of $20,000 a yea. 1f curreat effort 1s tbe sa.me ld.OO ot Aloba Week. Pope with a Wlit of the Tactical ta.bl to Mr. Moe, La. ma.kUtc m&J 'U1 well be cbanps 1n gram, but such entanglements have been the coosolldUioo were to be of movement that was defeated There wtU be a Pu Pu coo-Air Comma.Dd. He has also tbe &IUIOGDCemeat oo Mr.Moe's eo•lroameatal or development happily avoided. made . by the Corooa. del War Cham-test preeeed.J.ng tbe meetiDg. served ln the Republic of Viet- decl.sioll, sald, bOWe.-er, tbat p.tswhlebwouldbaveamajor N I d' t bed t that M er~r with the Newport lv:!ri.D195'1. -Gourmet chefs of the area oam. Helsa 1967gra.duateof tbl decl.sioa oot to ))In 1n the effect 00 t:ra.nalportaUoo platm-ow am IS ur 0 see some Beach Post outce would take '•At that ttme pettttoos were wtll serve as judges at 10 a.m. Corona del Mar high scbool. ;:O;:~ -:.ocr::n .,.U: ::;~:.•::~~Y~= Costa Mesa· officials are quite excited ~:ayc~~~~'::r S:~~:. :;~:,t~1~w~~t:~::;~ COUNCIL BACKS coutroetioo of tbat part of lD•olYed, Tbere ls aa obllp-(Continued on Page 2) making 1t a statiob of the main resulting tn the retenttoa of :-::a.::":'~:~ . .r: ~c:~::..:t~~:::BLDG HEIGHT :~~ .. :oou:.:..~~::::..::: :~:::class-o!l!ce ... COPTER PATR. OL •• do DOt feel that a btlatenl eooper&U•eb' lnmeeUncmutsl • er. ''Tbis present ecoaomy moYe r esc!Jtoo Is the best way to do a.eedl!' From San Fra.nelsco came ts only aootber eUort to ac- lt." He aJd u.t tbe preYtous}f BAN EXTENDED assurance yesterday ttJat oo complis.b the same thlog, tba.t Tbe Newport Belcb City ~~ ':erM&~ln~~ dliJcUSMd eaTirODmeatal tae-change Is coatemplated In tbe is, to reduce tbe post otftce CouocU directed tbe pollee de- tort 8tal:l)', eout. perbaps re. t!rst elass status ot the Cor0111 trom tlrst clus toasubstatioo.. partmeat Moadlll. lllJ!K to Mr • Uoe a.td: tT&laall commtlllty pls Ud The Newport S.ch City A teDII.Un tlme·table for del Mar Post Oft!ce. Conaolldltiaa would meiUl tlat J:&re a report~tbe :;; ttw"' U't dtclln1nl to JoiD lD denlopmeat pn>)lctiou wblcb COUDCll, rib Rteha.rd Croul pQbUe btl.ri.Ap aDd dlseuas:Soo "Tbe ldeattty of Corona del Coro .. del Mar would lose ttl lt 1a tak1nc to rMece DOLle r~,: ~ fr~ wouJr1 briDe abcM a cb&Dp 1a ca.ua, tbe kiDedlJ .. Haevote 00 tbe report ea11s tor arevtew t.lar is well estabUabed. dia-ldeDt:lty Loa mictrtY sbort fl.sh. caued by IU z biUeoptera. :':.:..: ft..,.,. ud tr&Diport:atloQ IPPI'Ofed u em.-poey ordl: by tbe PUnin~ Commt.ufoa Unct from the 1delltlty of N..-~ lon.•• Tht order came aa.r e&ehf1 .. 1• Tbl act at ruchwuv DNI!I. DIDCI Moadly Dl&bttiltu:tuds durlZle a INt7 sealoa at ?:SO port Beacb," S&idGeorreSaun-Carl Kelley, Cbamberpres1· tbe OOIIDCllmlo Pft IUs m .. 11>0 _, ..,_ ID 11_ "Tboro ta ao ouy or qalcl: lbo baiiiiiDr -tumiD tllo p.m. -,,YayZO;publlc...,.. LOCA s ' tormol-ol>f:tl>o::~;~: oollllloo, bot 11 Ia '--lDwor Nowpan 1111 tor 10 od-lop 11 tl>o PlalloiDJ Commta-L TUDENTS ELECT (".oourn-IJ ::.. ae:•.:: = ~ lo boliD -lo Mreh lor 1M diU-11111 di)'l. .... ltn! J-1 1111117; !lrot ;;:;~..:.~=~ .... .at~'r!·a= ~-::===· ......... -.·.a~~ ....... -~·7.....:::-:~~~~i~ 10 -II, & rc>ru '&'two~-.. ~ pabUc booriDc • I.., II; Cltf pr-fll tbo -bociJ' loctod nco~ &;; .... _., ~ IIIII ol 1M ~ woUI 111-lo romtet bolldlq bellbll Ill c ..... n pabltc ........ , IIIII II Newpol't llarlwlr bllfJ scbool ria Ricca, IW'elary, ~ ..;,~ 1 11 .=:il; poar -•lbo CoomcU lo-tbo u•.,... 11104o, ODiols tile ldoptloo 0( ..-.eo 011 Jul7 ,~_., ...,. .... t>llowlnc a Othor ollie,.., are Rollort to _. """' u tUIDc to •ttlltrctory a,pproacb to ...._ dtterm!Dt boW' to procede -.rttll utiDiioo ftl II"IJll;ed.aad 10me 26 ; ord1A&Dce ttfectJve date of ruDOff elec.tioo Pltt1nc blm a. YedOOaki• tr-.surer; Valerie cut don Oil tMIIIDlM. 1111" 0 alttnatl IIOiutloo ta u.t aolattoa.. tlDd of coatroltplacedoabuild. Aug, 25. I&1DSt BW Whitford. Cardtero, oomml5slooer ol ••we .-.s aa tbe pollee lq lmm.lnelt ln tbeQIU flltare. Since muy speakers at Moo-Tbe scltool's reJU)ar elec-campua aftalrs; aDd Debbie deputmeat to prtpa.H 1. pro-Mesa Watchdo I asked The oal1llllljor oppooltloo to day lllct>l'smeettnrsouctttopt Uoo wu bold Tuesday bot a Yelott, comm...-.r at larp. enm tor"'-llllbts O<qulet the moratorium and peDdlng evenln, meettnp on tbe dis-near Ue-Yote tor tbe pres!-Tbe elections at both scbools tb.t:H t111ap dow'D," be J&1d. belpt Um1ta.tloo rec:ommead.ed eu.ssloa of the stud)" report, deat's post forced the runoff. are day-long aftlirs and han "l still '*CIPOI1 tbe l:ltltcopter by tbe LowerNewportBayCivte lMtea.ttoas were that add.ttlooa.l Elected viee presideD( was all the ezcltemeot and spoo~ procram, but there ts eocsid· Coota ~~-City COWICil-City AttoriiO)' Roy Jome aatd mu. Jack Hammett urpd tbt he 11: stW lDYeltiptloi bow to formation of a ••watchdoc'' 10 aboat such an aettoa. 1.00 -mltloo lloaday lllcttlolooop tbat tbo moot likely .. , would u e)'e OD Costa Wesa'• JD.. bt tbroultl talttation of a tax . tere.U lD the PaeUle Cout PQ«s' sut.t wttbout direct District Committee ca.me from meetinp by the civic district Rudy La.rsoo and Nancy Wolle tanelty of a ~aa.l poUUcaJ. erable reseatmeat J.Q tJl1s city CouneUmu. Crou1 I.Dd Rlcbard eommJttee would be beld to ad. was elected secretary. conYeotion orterln&: students apinst the aolse. Some people Stevens of tbe Balboa Bay Club. dtttoa. to tbe scheduled publlc Other otftcers are Margaret es:perteo.ce 1D tbe world.ngs ot are urdni" the problem to be Most of the rest of t.be aud-bearl.ogs, Htratl, treastaer; Katie WiD-aaUona.l poUUes. put to a Yote." teooe 'fJho spoke to the issue Tbe etvtc dlstrlet com mittee field, pep commlsstoaer; Tra-COUDCtlma.a Carl Kymla. SUI· tor the Couocu to rea.ttlrm its feeliDp toward tbe pro,ra.m. prior to the tQiget, "1 reallJe there nave beta compll.lots atlout tbe aolM &Dd UII>U boJt tl>o _ .... Ia worklnc oo a oew mdler 1)'1- tem," be a1d. "1 tb1Dk a \"ote ol coaDdiDCI bJ Ute CoaDCU ....... be-. .......... .., tur- tblt pal:lllc CCIMII'Il.'' ... _ ... , ... .., ...... ... ill tbe bu:1pt Ud ... en.hlate tile coot o1 11w1 procram." Both' Vtee Mayor Haward Rocers I.Dd CouoellmaD Rich- arcS Croul said tbey ~ the procram. '•I wouldn't coaslder eUm- lrll.t1D.g the prolflm for a minute," Mr. Roprs said. "Tbe crime rate ls coillc down, U woukl be tough to convince me to get r1d of them," Wr . Crout said. freewa.J aad Jta: f'llhlre. eo.etl lmolYement. Mr. Hammettl&ldtbe.Cowc:U The Costa Mesa Council is should aUoc:ate replar tranl cooc•Ded: OYer tbe impact oo e.q~~ues to e&JTJ tbt Apt to the adopted Newport Fret:ny Saenmea&o so tbat Costa Mea route tbroulfl west Costa Mesa 1r0011t be nprutated •'-"• ud don to S~lor Anoae tbe l8IQI ol. tilt Cout freeny to Cout Hllbfty, plus Its effect ud Its -Clll tbo llowpan oo e..-tra!fte llld coo- .tnewaJ ........ dwlrc lt&fa-stnetSoa Umetablls. u a re- '"-• or b.ICinf&J eoramla:loa sult ol Nnpart S.eb's aetioa Nukes. to bait ooutruetloa ol tbe were 1D fa:t'or of bW.kUnc coo-is composed of Councilman cey Gust, ptj;lllclty commls~ CLEAN UP TIME gested that ,., n.s tbe time trois oo tbe lower bay and Kymla, Councilman Llndsley st.ooer; and Skip Wayne, Cal~ CU.) trasb tru<:ts will be • • further urpd that the com-......... Mayor E. F, Hirth lfornla ASSII, of student Coun-making ...... plck-oo>s this GraduatiOn rules a a red mlttee eoocluct addlt1ooal meet-(u-Offtdo); and Plan.ningCom-cUs' reprecaeot•HJe. week-eDd., May U-23, to Co~ lngs OD tbe subject, but durl..ng mlsslooers Gordon Glass and In an election last Thurs-rona del Mar for the anntal ennl.ac bours 90 they could George Brown, wttll Comm.is-day, Vicki McCarty wu elec-clean-~,~) drive sponsored by Trustees of the Newport. medial eourse for at least one partielptte. sioDer wuuam Mattia as an ted presJdeot of the CorOQp tbe Corona del Mar CRamber Mesa tmltled scbOOl district semester. Tbl CoaDc.U actloo lnedeod-alternate. del Mar hidl scbool stodeot of Commerce and tbe City of were trleted Tuesday D.igbt on The Newport -Mesa tfad- lne the moratorium for u ad-Newport Beach. The Chamber a seeood. draft reoommenda., tlltioo requirements proposal pabUc t.riD,p on tbe com. oear the omce at 265,9 E. Coast meats committee, which sets dated requirements, lncllldi.DC He propoeed wncttncblmMlt, coutal freewl.ybytbe Febrtary Ytet Yayor Willard T. Jorcaa, eloettoo. or Cltfllaa&W Fre<~Sor-., ... act .. tile ftiA:IIdop. dttloa&IIBO.-ysallowsttmetor Dog ban law a"ntroduced has set.., a Dewey trash bin tloo by the rradll&tloe reQUire--sets fortllsomestat.man- mtttee•s HPOI't, "W!dcb ls DOY H"lr)'., tor tbe convenience of minimum levels ofaceomplbh. completion of a one-semester eompWe. An ordlrance that would ban ard Dombro.-, saJ.d be lU::ed Daral'bJ residents and bust. menJ: e.JI)eCted of students re. course alter pde 6 io each ot Tbat report recommends, dogs from the beaches oo a OrdiD&Dce c because u bpt oesses. ceivlo& a diploma. the fol.lowtne; subject areas: Mr. Ha.aunett u.o rutYid tbe -olnlor-tbellatoor .... It}' olllowpanllolcbloro-tr"'" tlle$100,000 ... in- --r0YIIIortlleNowpan _, ... don~ An,. lDitad ol. Newport BlY'd. - fiiLM TO • E SHOWH subject to PluldD,Commlssloo staSIOQill basis between Juoe 15 does orr the beaches dur1og the pIE I FEES l'rustees did oot discuss tb~ £DiUSfl, American history, AaotiJ.-Harbor Area sbcnf. IDd City CocmcU n.utteatioo, and Sept. 15 was introduced by summer. "Tbe heat is btd tor proposal, but set the item for Amertcao pernmeot, mathe- lnl at thl ftJm '•No substl-tbat DO baUc11Qc &ba.ll exceed tbe Newport Beach City Council the dop a.nyw&y,'' he said. di.scusstoo J\lt\e 1. mattes and scleoce. tutl for Yleuri." wltl'l actor JS teet La. belpt, eJC.,t ~ W.ooda.y n.tgbt, followtog a "Just a.at IQY veterinarian." Tbe comrO¥ersial tidelands Sin<:e the lectslature low-The stlte also reqlllres 400 Jobn Wa)'Dta&rratillL 1s scbed-approq1 bJ Ute Pll.aa.IJc: Com-leD&tbY public bearing. Jud;y Wilson of the Balboa use fees started to take on ered the state maodated ml.nJ.-minutes of physical education Gled b" 8 p.m. WtdDuday, mlaaioD am eocmeu oo a spe-Tbe standing-room only aud-Pelllnsula Point Assn. sa.Jd, Yater Mooday IIJ.gbt, tile first mums 2 years a.co, districts tnstrucUoo for each 10 scbool JUDI z et tbe lni.DI Coast cl.fte plu; tllat new corridors tence was about spUt evenly oo "The coodtttoo on tbe beaches step 00 its wa.y to oblivion througbOut Ca.l11brn.La han beeD days, CoutJtrj Clllb. of DOt "" a.a to per c:eDt be tbe subject as to whether dop ts despicable. lt'sa ftltby mess. after 6 of 7 Newpor t Beach em powered to eaact their own Tbe only state requtumeot prorrldld; tmeot"ta'ed pa.rtlac be sbouJd be banned at all times, Tbe laws are not well-wrltteo ctty councilmen voted to ln-requiremeats. lor prov1d1Ja& a stwSalt a dip- N 8 H • • rtceaed to a mJ.DlmiUD ot u sea90DI.lly or Just during cer-aDd are IID8Diorcable. We urce troduce an ordinance to eUm -UOOer tbe proposal. all grad-lorna is eompletloa of 200 units , • goes awauan lllc:belbolowlhoa .. upbelctt lain hours durin&thelllmmer. tile ....... at OrdiD&oee A U.t. the t .. s. Coundlman •tes would II some poll>l al-at.,...,.-· after tlf'de 8, ~ ol tbe tap o1 tbl eurb; that the Leadtnc the q:JpOSWoo to a alllf wtll submit accompa.nylnc l..inds.ley Parsoas cast the lone ter the 8tb p-ade be espected aDd 8th cnde competelley lll lllfti.J. Week .tl.ek...oCf bu 1'bt TUttt•a• wtll be at tbe ..O..Ck froiD tbe street ftootace total bln. aod seemingly eapr ordiUDCes U.t would la..,se d1sseDllng ,ota. to show 8tb crade abiUty 1D math ud rMdiD(. bell ..._ a ? a.m. MoodQ, LI!Jo SbapJ at 11 Lm. b' 1.117 striiCtare slrlll oot be tor a compromise, were the $50 tc $2:50 ftftes oo the owaers Tbe aettoa, with rtrtuaUy 00 reading, wrwac I.Dd math. The district commtttee aMed M1.J J4. wtttla PolJINIU pro.. SatvdiJ. Kay !9 --FUbloo )ea tbu 80 per ceut ot tbe Cooceroed Dol Owners ot New-of docs "WhO Utter oo tbe delate by the Council, comes Studeats r:aiUDr to meet thls prollel•ey La. wrW.C IDd ar-at tbt FUidola lslaad J.lud at 11:30 a.m.; BaJbca bll&tlt ot tbl mala structure; port Beach,wboaskedtheCollD-blaebes." just more than 1 yeu after It staDdard lD tltlller u-. woullt speeeb to the 8th Cf'lde pro • ...,. CCMd. TaJa IIMrlek &.Itt Pa.llbl at li:SO p.m.; bula aM that nter ttoalai" seUaet cU that 11 ao ordinanee mu.st be Tom 8oustoa of tbe Ba.lt.u was first Latroduced. Its t\Jtlu"t fteliDCy nale • .,.. Talllttov will .,._ 1M -at w-wr Ptua II •n bo oot ..,. .,.. to teet. adopted U.t OrdiDaDee c , tho ~~~ ._e....,. Asso. ...., was quesllooable !rom the be-2 CHARGED IN KIDNAP ........,.... to IDU'k tM 1t:vt J p.m. Tbt TabUJaDS wW bl Amoac tbt comm110itJ as -one wbleh wou.kl restrtet does arpd the t~tlon ol bea'l)' g:llln1ar slDce u -.ras a.ppro.-ed ot. 1M ...-.. tHtltJU. at Fuldoll 1llurJ at 8 p.m. .oelatiou 8IQ)Ort1Dc the ex-ooly d~~rtnr the da,Ume boors fiDes. by a arrow 4-3 Yote, followed ..-•MbJtM.N't'WPQr'tllat-Suada7, Illy SO .. A Pu _.... aal wd: of tbe com-tn the summer, would be pre-Vlee Mayor HonrdRo~Us, bJ a eootiouousftglltbyboa.ts-TwoLosAapluCOIIIItJ...,. er .... tarrM poUce tbe su- ._ C-ol Coal-.o ud puty will bo tlolol !rom S:IO --• JwJ! Wllool oft>e !erred. _..,17 oeutnc tMt tbopros ,..o, were arr--.r11 T-, poets plaeod a lmllo at bla IDeal--.... to 7:10p.m. at tbe Nfwpoatw BaJboa P ........ POIIl Assn., Cooc eroed Doc Oners ud C:OU oa tbliiiiUI wwt 11M Vlee Mayor Howard Rorers after bOkllDc g persou cap-tt1r0at, l.ld toot l:lJ.m outPcte 'ne AIDIII. _,._ wJtb .IUa t., ..U. b6t ~·at 1:10. T• R1MII ot U. Ceatnl Ntw-promised the CouocU tbl.t tbeJ PAC 110 comt to 1D1 COGI-bad brOQ&ht the. matter blck u .... a.U ld(tlt ill tbe AreNs tDe tiiU'tiMIIt. ecr.. a llhhnsl •• CI"''P AWU'd tJI tilt lf"Ud PI"IM, a port 111.a C:O.muaitJ Atsn., would laeeh aDd aU-oat drt.-e prom'-' oGIIred a rD0tio1 oa b' dl.ciiSSbl several mooths Motel, 1M N. Nnport Bh'd., W1dJt ~ tM .-rt~ •rwM br AIDIIa Air L11N ru,bt to tfa...U, wtU be Udl ard Mia. ,_... GUll.at ot tile to 111'11 dol OW1WS to Pick. Ordiluee B. bt•«t~ doesdw-qo wtlb the tnteotioo of eon-Nnport llei.&Ms. milt, Grlmlba'ft ud JtJta OW 'a --lice wlltl W-..A!r &I t ..... · CUG Bo-"-too utlor tJI>or tllolr clop Ud lnf tllo ... _ -.. Tbo riac:IDI tho rest of tho COWICil -Dalo -· Jr., U, -Dol ol a ,_ -....._,-.rtll .. Yea-.,wetol JackBII'DIICt.t.-:.tlf"tMA-Co•••••Croulat.d.bedJ.d woallt IIOit..,... at aU •-...Woaltwu_,.._., tMt tbl tees sboUid be ~Um-ofa.lltwtlaPukudaeoepan. udJOIHGedpolk:t. ~ U... ta thtr-ol tbo Mowpon Bortlar 101-lt-llalrttattactty lraaet•IDtbe-oiiiiiiDtbo Ttoo pol>llc ,_,. ca t11o -· 1oo, TtrrJ lAo ..._IS, ...... 1M--- .. -C-, Ia _.--._ -rulrletiYI --pot--~~~~~...,... .. -WU -I 1111111 IIQ ...... darlnf t11ose dtiCU-ol--.-.-Bod 1M -IIMty -·to TlotdQ,IIoi ---lorlllnltWIIILC--u. ....,...,..._.., ... -v ..,_.._do tl>oett:f, IM. -tlliiC-.IlmooPv-•ltldllpcttor-_,.._, ..... .., C-otU:JOa.a, ... Bol. IIIIIIIC iiiiD on lln.Citrlo WWI _____ "Wo -IMtllo--........ IDptsomo-rt!rom N--polloo olo--·-... ----~~·-~ fll --11to1tJ Jn•t• -_,.clop_. -GtLIIRT DIL ACIY DIU .. otalo tor .._01 tho ! .. , toe11ft Daft~-.... -, ... aDo...., II-... ,,,.,, ..., M-n. Cllrt ..._ .,.._~ ''1'" tr'7 Ia illlllct rldlctac __. .... aid llutla ZaMo.. GL111rt DtLeceJ,•.otJCill ullld• uattlarDIJ ceaerat'~ 1 .. Bfll'llllllt • tile..,_ Gr.-diiDIIr ._...,.... ("' 'B'U loobolll IW IU ,_II .. .,_ Co.. ... -II--ty 11J ::.~ ...... :-:-.. ~ Dlaa ~~ .--:fNIIo ,..,,, u to-ltletoos pod --II 4fl 11. llld. II ................. .., l&a a.1 of 0. ......... CO 1Q Pill' etiiC." M tUcL --. ,, IICI -....,. tMid _, 1-. It ... W JM 1, ........ .,.arpermisltfe. M..,... ......... 4iid&,_ A ...-t U.. ~ .,., CMt; ._La. ••w••• ..._, c.a...._ atiQ. hAre .... ., lJIIWtJ ...,.... a. .. liOn Ole.'· a•. • 11a .. 11r ,..,._., sar-oentlld .., ,_. a. a rt • -.. .,., ....,. _. ....... IIZII .. .._---If,-TtPr =·· ........... -IIIIII'"""•••W•mlor~ ... -IDan.Jdm ... ...:.., -ral's ll, ... Dooll 1..: <:.-~ .:t/ ..=..;-:=: : := .::'\\!:: c,:C. c..1 'K,.~a, ::" =~ ~ :.:..•:.. ~. ';"!!:! -._ ": ':.,"!1= ': :'-•;•!;'J~~: 1 711:..-=: a111~!f ,. 'q,JIQn •• -.,_-• eo.. a-., .. elflc-..1 --"'1""--,. .. ,.. -•-..mt•wl , .... -.... ·----•,,....., __ -af ... ,.,.,_ ~ Wt.,_tlod_ .. ~"":.a:.:'.!'.:":=~';:*C:::CIIOil~flltllo_.,. .... --Oolao!M--... -~ .... ~~-........ ..., .._. .._ _,Qs ?' e•••-'ldsd 111 ll&zwwlllbe as~_.., p ,,,. .. ......, If ;. tt;.,,E-1 ... -· .. m·5;·~.: .. ;;: =-'·:== ... w:.-.: ..... \It' I ~~.:.,c.:.~ -.:rr.:-r ... :r~:u:-~-=--=~--= II Will • la!'!()tk ..... 11i1111 ... I 11f I W me. I ..,.., ... ,.. ...... , .. ~ a...,a ~ a ... .....: ... ..... ... -.... ... ....... ..._..,_ .. __ --·· ....... ....,_il , ....... ____ ...... ..., ,; a,.... cwu•,.,. ....... .: .., \,."' .. •-. ::--::•:-..r,,-• ... • ••~:,..:-.--..-.-f:-!~';1! J~ ~IE·....... ::.. ~ -.· .... c::-... .-. ...: ·-~· =-~=--·-: ... ::-r:~:::-::: ' play staged AUco. lllo -· -1, lllo OMI1, wtllllllllo Farrlo u lllo -ol Roarlo llld all lllo wto -1 ud Dtuo DIY!d-coer cr-.turu ot WODderUd -ud Adam ~ u tM will como 1o the IIIII co o1 111o -ud Klorol Hoarto,- Coat& Mea ClYte Playbout tor lf..,Sbem U tbe Due boa:, Catby an performuees bellaDlDI CUt.D u tbt Cbublre Cat, llayl5. BW -11 u the CeiOfl>lllar, Tbe En LeG&Wto-Fiorktl Krts T&mt.WDl &Dc10tbbleED .. LIGAL 110ne1 IACit PIOM VII'IMAIII --====='---..., liiJ.. P-41GI -L c.rt, -olllr.ud CERTil'ICATI OF BI8DIIII llr L COlli L c..,.::. Ull ""''"'~• rar. Na~H c...u !MI. ••.:!:~ ---~ ~ ~rai&WIDIIItllaftl-­•-...... -_ _, U.. 0 M lw c-. Plrt etrtlf)' tllat U.,. ~. MMeut-1707 9 ._ caL. .... a i _.. 1D( a 11ft llllap twt •• ll at 111 IIIPk I 2 lo 1'1lltiYI wa lard St., N-lloacb,Calll~ 11a..J-~-­ -lllo lieU-llrm -talloo-, .. nlap IUid ...... 'l'llllp - llld thllllld llrm lo ..._ood ol Clio ID~por-­ •mel In · tull Ulld pltce 9f ruldeDee are u followa, to- Wit: Robert J. Potter, 1 ?00 Oeeu Froot, "C", NewpQI't BM.eb., Caltix'nla; Terey L. Swauoa, 1700 Ocean Froat, "C", Newport Beach, Calll- or ala. I!I C.AMAn OII CIIITII Olult CIMt CV'IJIIaC.. .. .._._.,.,.ax~ ................. , -----· *•••._ La._.,., old a•••·fJ.•~wllklll lo-llft I -........ ~··· ........ ... _ ...... -., ..... ..,_ .. _ . Frttbu mOII.ce.I Yersion o1 the alp u the Red &Dc1 Wblt. Lewll CuroU flDtuJ' 1s beta&' Cbeu Queell, T1Dl Salvato/u *ted by PaU Tambellinl &Dd tbe plate throwin& Cook, JOUD& Anita Grouman wttb tbeJUAior COCUier a.od Lory Yearctn u Playhouae members aDd tbe Tweedle Dee aM Tweedle Dum, teea dirilioll. Headtag the cut Patty Cbue.s as Humpty Dump .. ol so local yomptera wUI be 1:)', TODI. 8erJDI&Il, Dreoe stn- LnUe Fr"mu ud IC&J L)'U aett, Kay Richey and Soan IAT MACY,OI'"P"ICII OI MMI S a LACilaUIM,JIMMII WALil l l Baqtl U tbl Allc._ tq aad. Kltebeal e&uciJt I.D. the pool of -teara aad SIN Ella Bauch, Karen WITNESS our banda this 14th CHED GRIMSHAW 17 Knlot day of AprtJ. 1971, Robert J. ' ' Potter Terry L. SWauoa at Corooa,del Mar MP school, STATE OF CAUFORNIA) has receiYed a tropby hoDorlng ) liE A GOOD NEIGHBOR WII.Uams, S118 Ruasel, LesCar- If you ue a newcomer, or lmow of a newcomer to the Harbor Area who hu not been welcomed, do bet a favor by eaJling the Harbor Visitor between 8 and 10 a.m. and lhe will call on your friend with valuable information and gifts from friendly busi· DISS fums which stand rudy to help her become acquainted with her new surroundings. THE HARBOR VIS ITOR PHONE: 494·9368 or 848-9174 IDOIII., Oom Capello, Tracy Tmmu, suaa Cook, PauJa ClptUo, DeDDis Backstrom aDd l oiN Willer eomplettnc the cut. Perlormaoees w111 be beld at I p.m. Saturday, Kay 15; 2:30 p.m. Swday, May 16; 8 p.m. May Zl; 10:30 a.m . May 22; Z:IO p.m. Kay Z3 at the Com- maDl.ty Reere&l:ioo Center, lo- eated at tbe wst eod of the Oraqo COUIIIy FalrgrOWlds. ABOARD U55 HDEL Navy Seaman Robert W. Or- lauski, son ot Mrs. Nellle T. Orlausld of 265 C Ogle St., Costa· Mesa, 1s serving ln the South China Sal aboard the guided missile destroyer l5S Hoel, wbicbwu recentlyanrd- bim as JUDlOl' Aehlevemeat's COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. salesman of the y-.r. He w1U ON T"~ 1.th cia 1 Ap 11 be hooored wtlb other anrd nao;;~ " 'I 0 r wlnning Achienrs at tbe l7tb 19'11, before me, a Notary Pub- annual JODJor Achtenmeot tu-Uc In atilt for said eouoty ud ture ~.~nllmJted t&Dtoet W:ay 20 state, residlD.g therein. dub' at the Hollywood Palladium. commlsstooed and sworn, per. Ched, son of Mr. and Mrs. soo.al.ly appeared RobertJ, Pot. p. M. Coho lao of Harbor High· ter, Terry L. Swansoa, kDowD lands, ts Ylce preslden.tofman. to me to be the persons wt.:.e ut.lcturln.g for Spicy Industries, uames are subscribed to the a J A company counseled by wtthln instrument, and acknow· aduit ~lsers from Peat Mar. ledged to me tbat they ezecuted wick, Mltchell & Compan)., th~s;,~~ my hand and of- J ET FL IGHT TRAINING ttclal seal. J. N. Valentine, Notary Public in and for said VALET CLEANERS na del Mar' -o!illl.rollll ed the battle elftcleocy "E" lor .... r ••-ucelleoce. Navy Ensign Mark D. Swof-County and State. My Com. ford of 4243 Hilaria. Way, West mission expires September 27 Newport Heights, has reported 1972. ' to Training Sq-.dron 26 at the . Publish: April 22, 29, May 6, Naval Air Station, Chase Field, 13 1971 In the Newport Ha.r- Teu.s, for advanced bo~ Ensi~. training, '"" l HEL.LY VOGEL., OFFICER aLA.CICBUJIN,JOHN SCHNt:IDI!RN Police give bike awards Horace Ensign intermediate school students Jennifer w.~i c .. · and Ray Macy and L!ncoln inter- mediate school sttJ.Jents Shelly a;;====;;;::;:==~ Vogel and John Schneiderman r are rid in~ around oo oew Mtzr-West~"ff Chapel ray bicycles, thankstotheNewM j p.nt Beach Police Employees ~0 Assn. 417 E. IM sT. The 4 students were pre- COSTA MESA sented the bikes during a recent I'HON !o 64~4111 assembly attheschoJls .Otficer Bi.ackburn, community rela- TRAVELERS CHECKS DURING MAY ONLY No service charge on all the First National City Travelers Checks you want .. -up to $5,000 worth 9 CONVENIENT OfFICES SERVING ORANGE COU NTY Airpert Oflim/Midltlson at MacArthurt 8JJ.Jill ~ 0Hict/81ys1d1 11 JambofH/64 2 1141 Coi4111 '"' Oftk:I/Mulwood 11 Commonweallh/871 1'JOO U.cu•• Htllt Office/lfiwrt World, L11un1 Hlll's/&30·3200 Seal ludl Offiu/leisurl World. Seal Bucll/596·2711 S.""' Nih Otfk:e/Hirbor 11 Brta/811 7290 S.,..it>r Dftke/Superior 11 Placenha/642 9511 U11Mraitp Office/En! Chapman at State Colltlt/879-4840 Wntdiff OHke/WtAclifl at Oo'ttir/642 3111 tlons otncer. also presented bicycle licenses to thest!J"tunts, Th! ·1 were selected to re- ceive the bikes because of tm. proved grades, citizenship, and their school and comm.r(ty servic-e. Shelly and Ray are tn the Bth grade. Jennifer aDd John are In the 7th grade. The students at the 2 schOols are presented a bJys and girls bicycle each quarter by the Pollee Assn. The teachers se- lect a boy aM gir I from their classes and the names are pia ~ed in a box from .¥hic11 a 1•·o~w~g decides the winners. L EG AL HOTICE F6175 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The foUowlng peraon lsdolng business as: ROO,rta Uno and Freddie Bell's Inn Place at 2121 East Coast HJgtway, Newport Beach, Callfornl.a: Rotre-Jojac, tnc., a Calllornia corporation, 2121 East Coast Htgtrway, New. port Beach, CaUfornia. This business Is conducted by a Corporation. Signed: Fred D. Bello, Presi- dent. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Orange County on April 21, 1971. J ohn J. Cayer, Attoroey at Law, 10840 Atlantic Avenue, Ly nwood, California 90262. T M 73271 Publish: April 29, May 6, 13, 20, 1971, tn the Newport Harbor Ensign. LEGAL HOTICE F6176 FICTtTIOI.S BI.SINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person ls doln£ business as: The Inn Place at 2121 East Coast Hlgtlway, New- port Beach, Catuornia: Rotre- Jo)ac, Inc., a CaWornla cor- poration, 2121 East Coast High- way, Newport Beact1, Califor- llla. This bustness is conducted by a corporation. Signed: Fred 0. Bello, Presi- dent. This statement was !lied with the County Clerk of Orange County on Aprll21, 1971. John J. Cayer, Attorney at Law, 10840 Atlantic Annue, Lyn•ood, Calilornla 90262, T-73270 Publl.sb: April 29, May 6, 13, 1971, In the Newport Harbor, •••••••• .................. • IS to your of So is a healthy environment. At Edison, we're working to bring you both. Electricity is one energy we cannot do without. Shut it off and most factories would shut down. The impact on all of our lives would be devastating. Electricity is also essential for cleaning up the environment. It is needed to operate systems to purify water, clean the air, recycle usable mate1°ials and dispose of was te. ' Fortunately, electricity is clean, ftameless and odorless and doesn 't create by-products of combustion at its point of usc. On the other hand, when fu el is burned in pow er plants, certain by-products of combustion are released into the atmosphere. This is also true when burning gas in homes, gasoline in autos or gas or oil in industrial plants- Emissions from power plants are one of the things we're working to control. In fact, Edison was among the first companies in the nation to activate extensiYe ai1· pollution research programs. We were a lso one of the first utilities to use a low-sulphut·, low-ash oil. As a result of these prog1·ams, we've been able to make significant reductions in emissions from our fossil-fuel plants. Another step we're taking to improve the environment is generating electricity at nuclear power plants. Since there's no combustion in a nuclear reactor, there are no by-products of combustion released into the atmosphere. We are also making steady headway with other long-range environmental projects. These include improving the appearance of our transmission towers and substations and providing underground electric service. Peaceful use of the atom. Nuclear power plant reactors, such as the one at San Onofre, above, release no by-products of combustion into the air . Two additional units are plz~ned at this site near San Clemente, and are scheduled for commercial operation in 1976and 1977. Emission COIIIIal Emissions from Edlson•s fossil-fuel plonts In the South Coast basin ha .. been substantially rlduced, lncludlna a reduc· lion of more than 50"-In nitroaen oxide emis- sions durina the last two years. ~ ...... In addition to electricity, Edison's "811 Creek" hydr~ eleclrlc projecl In the Hllh Sierra pro- vides flood c:ontto1 and lrriptlon water lor lhe ,,_ allhe Son Joequln Volloy. Conattuction of Bla CtMk oito crulad a voc:«<on por.clile fur lhe public . ..., ...... Lftt ,.., "" o1 111 ,_ -IUbdlvlllona builtin our 14- cotlllly .....tee -... --.., ......,_ ..... In lhe ""'"· Ill -commerclol onc1 lnclullrlll projects wtu .,_ ._..-.-.....tee. r-N-E•W-•P•O-R•T-Tho Offlckol .,.~wtpopor of tho City of Newport THE NEWPORT HARIIOR BEACH 10< nil aJ _.,,. ,_TID NtD "* '7-. . Gil llltOI c. • I DEPE PETIT I IIIIlS JUDY TDIGOII, "lila lui 81oft'' ud 1!110 of tbe 8 • priDcU.U W110 wt.U COIIIpllti tDr Ute UUe ol qoeeo of ~'Ca'OOOOOOO~., PetiUoas are betJ1c clreala-den, .,.elal assistant to reg-deo.t sa1d tllJ.s 1s probably T P.O. Hlwatt w.-, rteeiYM UDtblr w from Cbrla Hopper, ~· ~ ~ · ted in Corona del Mar request-ioDal director Russell James. mosi tmportaat 1sAe to MCCIDd nee prnldtllt of tb1 WomtD'a DtYialOD ol tbe Of J._. ......l!ta-, lag that the tlrst cla.ss post ''I am ntremely fond of your before the Cblmber in Newport fllrbor Cbamber o1 commerce, Mrs. Hopper . .., .,...,. offtee be retalned am DOt be eomm.Sty ud am quite b.m-years ID tbe commamty. la commalcatlou ebl.irmu lor "''ftli week, May 24-. consolidated as a staUon of tbe tUu with 11, &Dd I tmderstand "Today's rnett1IIC ea.o. de- SO, .,..,..td bf tbt CMmbtr ot coauMree. w:t.-Eut ARVO E. HAAPA, owner and pubUJhir of the Ensi9' Newport Be&cb Post omce. tbe feelinp ot the residents terrnille cueaodb'&llwbetber Btaa wu prn1attd at the t.c:biOO m..U.Cof tbe Nnoport •o.~oCVQo•~o,.....ooooo.o~ Tilts actioo resulted from ud r..s:Jnenmen there." tlle ogpos1nc blterests t..Ye Harbor c <11 c board of dlr-• moollllr. (Eul111 -.) • BEWARE OF THE HAND-OUTS yesterday's ..,..ral member-He eJPreued surprise at tlle learuecl 111o1r lu8oo." s.IUp meettnc. alter Mrs. T. report that consolltjation of the Coplta of tbe pett.tloa STATE REJECTS 1 ha l id in th N t Duncan Stewart pve a report Coroaa del Mar Post Otf1ce ava.ilable at tbe Cbamber ve ong taken pr e e ewpor OD tlle post olllce situation. wtth N ....... Beach has beeo Commerceolllce,Z659£.';::!"" Harbor and Costa Mesa communities for The memberShlp accepted and eooslde<od. Hwy., w at 111o EuiiJI self-reliance and Individual Initiative and approved the report, which "We 00 ""' plan to ma>e 2721 E. Cout lhry. lQ( COSTA MESA DIL !;ALif. c FREEWAY BAN strongly urged the retelltion uy change, either In Corona · determination to tackle our own problems or the tndeoeodent, nrst class del Mar, oc to the Newport AWARDS TO BE MADE SERGEANT Timothy G. Baskin, and to solve them as best we can, shying post otf1ce l.n CororadeiMar. Beaeb Post ottl.ce,'' be said. Bea.uWlc:atioo.awardlwt.llbe 1011 of Mr. and Mrs. William 87 Doo A.Ddtlr•o. JamH A. Mot, ll:a.te direc- tor of pubUc workl aJ.d la.te y~ IIIII 1M olats will aot JDtn Jn a bilateral recq.. 10D. of tbt Paclfte Cc:alf: free- way alf'eemeDt eorertnc tbe roate tbroua:b Coroaa del Mar. 1 Local coocern bad been Mr. Sauoders said that postal presented at tbebmebeorl.meet· Baskin. 4606 Cortland Drive, fDaDI1 Whlcb cu prOYide a bas-away from federal hand-outs and the tn.. roused by the Interviews coa.-B81"Yices officers ma.ke per-1ng of the womeo's dl.vl.slon Cameo Highlands, has been dee- 18 1or mocUf'Y1Dc or reaclQding evitable federal controls. 1 recall some ducted with a number of local Jodie surveys In t:be various of the NewportHarbotCtwnber orated with Ills secoad awardol tile acr•meat we ban 110 just-bUsiness aOO civic leaders b)' commllllitles UDder thel.r juris. of Commerce Wedneny, May the Air Medal at Pope AFB, ltleatloa IDr ahlndoolq' and subtle overtures to get Newport Beach Richard LeBaron, postal ser-dtcUoo as a routine procedure 26, at the lrY1De Coast CoUDtry N. c. Sergeant Ba.sldn, an aJ.r- caa.sac Giber pubUc aDd pri. tangled up in federal red tape and bureau-vices olflcer trom Santa Ana. 1n order to keep in touldl with Club. cra.fl: loadmaster, wu clted for fttl eDtWes to a.budon th1s He had lnquired about local community postal needs. Everyooe attending is In-his m3ritortous ach.Jevement 1nYelbuat. cractic regulations by getting involved opln1on concerntna the po-4. of. Mrs. Stnart, In Oer report vtted to go Hawa.Uan because wh.Jie assigoed at Ch.Jng Cbtan "Perblps tocether we can in the federal urban redevelopment pro-flee aoo bad cited the eqK -:ted to the Chamber, said that the the meeting comes in tbe midst Ka.ng AB, Ta.iwa.n. He ts oow at Bemford FnQktaDd, assts. r••-• put dtcisioos. There savings of $20,000 a yea. 11 current eft'ort 1s the same kiDd of Aloha Week. Pope with a wUt of the Tactical tali: to Mr. Moe, Jn rna.t1Dc m&J yery well be ctances In gram, but such entanglements have been the consoUdU..Ioo were to be of movement that ns defeated There ...m be a Pu Pu coo-Air Com matld. He has aLso tbe &DDDaDCemeat oa Mr.Moe's emlromDentat or develq:lmiat happily avoided. made. by the Corona clel Mar Cham -test preeeeding tbe meetiDg. served In the Republlc of Viet. dec.l.sion, saJd, boWenr, tbat pis wb1ch wouJd r.n a major N I d" t bed t that Merger with the Newport hf!.r In 1957. Gourmet chefs of tlle area nam. He is a 1967 grachate of tbe declston DOt to ))in 1D tbe etreet oa tr&!uiportatloo pilum-ow am 18 ur 0 see s ome Beach Post Ottl.ce would take '•At tha.t ttme pet1t1oos were wtu serve as judges at 10 Lm. eorona del Mar h.Jefl school. !::O::~ a:oc:n .,': :::;:::~ ~teu =:::: Costa Mesa· officials are quite excited ~:'Y c~C:!tc ~:r S:~;~ :~:tedw't~w~~~~~;::t~ cou NC 1 L BACKS coutnctioD of tbat part ol iDYolYed. Tbrere ts a.n obllp.-(Continued on Page 2) matJ.ng u a station of the main resulting 1n tbe retention of tbe coutal freeway. "We wut trl 1100 station th tlr .. -·out the problem. bot ~c:,.:~..::=~=BLDG HEIGHT ;'.t.'.:i •• tt.:.:...,."".=: •• ~saJ.r , .... post .mce ... COPTER PATR. OL •• do DOt feel that a bilateral eooptratlYelJ JD. me«lnc muttal • er. ''This present economy mo.e ~t~lsioD Js tbe best way to do Deeds." From San Fructsco came Is oo.Iy a.ootber effort to ac. In 1 letter &DDOWIClDI b1a He Jald tlat tbe prniousl)' BAN EXTENDED assurance yesterday tbat DO compllsh the same thlng, that Tbe Newport Beacb City dee111on to MQor Ed Hirth, 41acaatd IIIYlroameatal fac. change is eootemplated La the is, to reduce the post otr!ce COUDCU directed the pollee de· W: M IIJ.d ton ltudy, eoaJd. perblps re. ftrst class status of tbe Coroaa from first clau toasubrtaUon. partmat Moadl.y nilbt to e- r • oe : enllllh commUD!ty pia &Dd Tbe Newport Beach City A teld:at1ft time-table ror del Mar Post Oftlce. ConaoUdi.Um woukl mean U.t pare a rfll'Orideta.1l1Ac:tbe: 1 We art decllnlDc to jo1D. tn diYtlopmtat rcojlcUODI ,W'Idcb Couactl, w1tb RtehU'd Croul pllbllc belr1np and dlscuasloo ''Tbe idem.lty of Corona del Coroaa del Mar would Jose its u 11 ta.lli1.aC to redace :_ tbe r':.ttaiolt .;' ~ tr=:; 'II'OWd trtac abDat a ebup 1ft eaat1q tbt JoDe ~tt.arvcic:e oo the report calla for a reYl" Mar Is well estabUabed., dis· identitJ Jn a mJibtY short tub-eaued by ttl ! belleopt.era r.:::..: frMWaJ ud tr&DIPOrtat1oll. IIIPfOYIIS AD tmcpacy ord1~ b)' the P11.DD1nc CommJIIIon Unet from the ldeaUty of NIW'-Jon." Tbt orW came after •ebai u1 Tbe act « act!Wit DMI!I, auct Moaday DllflttlaatuttDdl durtnc 1 Jtll:l)' SHSioa at 7:SO port S..cb,"I&JdGeorpSatm-Cul KedeJ, Cbamberpres1· tbt coacUmeD P" h1a JD. :r !:·.:::::C .!t:E .. ;;::· ~ ":t -:r= =~~-.:"::.':::~ r.:~~=':.:.'=: LOCAL STUDENT. S ELECT ""c':!..='"'~~~~~~::-~~: -lo 1M ~~~-al 1111 lo ......... lo oarcb lor 1M dill-litO diJt, a1oa loYII J-I llld 11; llrol .. ,~\ififri¢.:!~;,..._:...~-~ • .,P:~~~~~.,. ..• ..mv ... m\~·=~=="· ·.-. ... )111 •••• mr-" ~~-·-.~!- •• -11 OIII8MriDc ud ., • -.a,.., h""-fllnat8 w U ,:;::. polll'oct pe!lc boorllf ,. JIIIJ II; CIIJ' pr-·of 1M --boi11 loctod neo torlililoot U<r --fl&bi.C ft1 -. 111 <II 1M doil&rtmoal WWIII tp-lo r-'""kloc boltlbb Ill COIIICII pable lloorlllr 1111 at !lowport 11ar1>ar blc!l ocbool ria Ricca. oocrolar7. ilble ~ aleu a :=; PIU' ~~ tbt Coaacu to belt the ar• ,... made, tUilest tbe ~ of ordlMDct oo July y._dl.y marll!Dc t>llowt.nr a Otber ameera art Robert to wtat ._ It •"•ctary IIIPf'O&Cb to..-.. c141tarm1De bow to PI'OCede wttb eJt•llloG wu JZ'UtlidaDC210me 26 ; ordiaanee efltctiYe date of raDOft electloo. PlttiDc b1m a-McdoD&ld, tr-..urer; Valerie cat don OD tbl tile u ~ IOiuUoa 18 tlllt tolatloa.. t1nd ot CODtrol1placedoo bu11d. Auc. 25. p.J.ut 8111 Wbittord. Cardlero, oommisstooer ot "We sbOUf ut tbe pollee lq Jmm..-tn tbeDtartllture. Slnce many speakers at Moo-Tbe scOOol's regular elee-campus atratrs; and Debbie dCIU'tmtat to pr..,-e a pro.. Mes S watchdo I asked The ool!'major -ttoc lo day Dltlbl'smoetlllgooupttopl Uoo was held Tuesday but a Melott, commts.siooer at Jar ... rram lor blrbo<lllct>ts orqulet g the moratorium and peQd1ng tvenlnc: meet:lnp 011 tbe dts. Hill' Ue-Yote for the presi-Tbe election.s at both schools tbese th1Dp dcml." be aid. bel&bt UmJ.taUon reoommeDded cussion of the stOOy report. deal's post tweed the runott. are daY·IonC aftl.irs aod lli.Ye "I .Ull ~ tbe beUcopter by the LowerNewport&yCJvtc lDdJcaUoaswere that addltlooal Elected vice preside~ was all the excitement ~ spon-proeram, tu tbere ts eoosid. COita Meta City Council. City Attoi'DtJ Roy JUDe aid man Jaet Hammett urlfld tbt be 18 stUl llrt'eltiptJnc hcrtr to tormatioll of a· "ntebcio(' co &boat such an acticm, aDd committee Momay lllcbttobtp that tbe most likely way would In eye oo Costa Mesa 'a 1A-bt tbrougb taltlatloa of a tu. terests in the Paclftc Cout p&Jerl' suit without direct District Committee came from meetings by the civic dlstrtd Randy Larsoq and Nancy Wolfe tanetty of a nationa.l polltlcal arable resentmeat to this clty Counetl.man Croul aDd Richard eommJttee would be lleld ln ad-was elec ted secretary. contention ottert.oc students acun-t the nolse. Some people Stenns of the Bllbol Bay Club. dttloo. to the scheduled pubUc Other omcers are Margaret esperlence to the worldnp of are urgiDg the problem to be Most of the rest of the aud. bearlngs. Hirata, treasurer; KaUe Win-national poUUcs. put to a Yote." ieoce who spoke to the Issue The civtc district committee field, pep commissioner; Tri-CouocUman Carl Kymla sug. tor the Couocll to re&ttlrm its feellnp: towvd tbe procram, priM to tile budpt. "I r•li.le there have been compla1lltl about tbe DOtH and lllbts bot tho dtpartmelrt Ill world.Dc oa a new maf!ltr IJI· t.m," be 1&14. ''I lh1l* a YOW ol c:aa&ltDCt by tbt CCMIDcll ~ bolo .. .,. .... .., IUr- llltr publie OICI8C•L" ... cllponmoat lo IDIDC 1o u1< lbr 1a tbt budpt &Dd we enhate tbe eo.t of tbe procnm ••• Botb Vice Mayor Howard Ropra aDd CouoeUmaa RJcb. a.rd Croul aJ.d they ~ the propm. ''I woukln't consfd!T tUm. iDI.ti.Ac the PfOK" m lor a minCe," Mr. Rogers said. "Tbe crime rate Is golna' down, it would be tougtl to coovtnce me to get rid of tllem," Mr. Crout sa.ld. freeway ud Its flaure. Co-ell llwolYement. Mr. HamrnettiUdtbeCoaocU The Cotta llesa Council Is should allocate replar traYel CODC•Ded ewer tbe lmpact oa e~p~1181S to ea.r:ry lbe flcbt to the adapted Newport Freeway Saerameato 10 tbal Coat:a IINI route tbrou.p .. st Costa Mesa WCM~ld t. repruealal lrbeDrr• II.Dd don. to S~ior Menae 1M-of 1M Ccul tr-y loCout Hl.....,y,plusltseltoct ud ltl 6ct.l e11 ttaa Jfnpwt 011 c:routowD tnme and coo. ~ -.. "-toe lolls-lllroctloo -'"· as a re-••• or bl&bfty comm11s1oa nit « Newpxi Bta.ch's action ••rh:ta. to batt conatructlon of tbe were in fa.YOt of btdldlnrcoo-1s composed of Councilman cey Gust, publicity comm1s-CLEAN UP TIME gested that now was the Ume trols on the lower tay aDd Kymla, Councllman LlDdsley siooer; and Sldp Wa.yne, Cat. Cit} trash trucks -.rill be • , IUrtbor urpcl that the com-Par900S, Mayor E. F. Hirth Uornla Assn. of Student Co un-malrlag ulra plck-oc>s tllts Graduation rules aared mutee c:oodtlet lddltioaalmeet. (eJ-Otr!clo); and PlarulingCom. ells' represeotathe. week-eod, liaJ 22-23, La Co- logs oo the subject, but during missioners Gordon Glass and in an election last Thurs-rom del Mar for the unual ennJD.c bours JO tbey could George Brown, wtth Commls-day, Vitti McCarty was elec. clean-1.1) drin spo1130red by Trustees of the Newport. med1al course ror at least one puUclpate. sioner WUllam Martin as an ted president of the Coroor tbe Coroaa del Mar Chamber Mesa unWed schOol dlstrict semester. Tbt CoacU action lnelteod ~ alteroa.te. del Mar Midl school student ol Commerce aM the City of were briefed Tuesday ni&bt oo The Newport-Mesa grad- inr tht montor1um for an ad-Newport Beach. The cr.mber a secODd dra.ft reoommenda. uatloo reqtliremeats proposal pabllc beartDp 00 tbe com. D8IU' the of!l.ee at 2659 E. Coast ment.s committee. wb.icb sets dated requirements, lncluct.lnr He~ MDCt••clll.mstlt', ecutal freeowaybytbe Febrauy VI .. llaJW Willard T. Jordt.o, eloctton. or Cit)' -IV FredSorsabol, .. act u 1M walebdop. dltlollo.IIIOdt.yaallowsUmetor Do I ban law a"ntroduced has set .., a Dewey trash bin tlon by the !IJ'duatlo• require-also sets tortb oomestateman- mlttee's report, wbicb ts DOY BWJ., for the convenience of mlnlmum te•els olaccomplbb-completion ol a ooe-semester complete. An ordiDance that would bu ard Dombrow, said be Uked aearby residents aod busl· meot eqJected ot students re. course after pde 6 la each of Tbat rtp011 reeommeods, dogs from the beaches on a Ord1naDce c because u kept oesses. ceiYing a diploma. the followtD&' subject areas: Mr. HammtttU.OretJYedtbe -"' Illite-tllo ....... 1M ell!' of II--b loro-lrloYt 1111,100,000-lopd lloUil '"' '"""" tbe N ....... -· ..-....... rlor AYI., lalilead ollfewpcrt 81Yd. IIILM TO BE SHOWN Sllbjlct toPtualncCommission seasoaal bu1s between June 15 dop off the beaches during the pIER FEES T'rustees did aot discuss the Engllsh, American history, Aaotbc Harbor Ar• sbow· aDd CUJ CouDcU ntU:lcatioll, and Sept. 15 wa.s Introduced by summer. "Tbe heat is bad for p:oposal, but set the item tor American pen meat. mathe-Jac « lbl 111m, '•No nbstJ. tblt 110 t.lldiQC lbaU exceed the Newport Beach City Council the dogs anyway," he said. discussioo June l. maUcs and science. tate lor Ylctory,•• 1rltll actor J5 teet in belpt, except ~ Monday night, followtnc a "Just ask any Yeterlnarla.n." Tbe CODlrO"ersial tidela.ods Since the legislature low-The state also requires 400 Jobn Wa)'Dt aarraUQL 1s JCbed. ~ by U. Plaaalllc Com. leogthy publlc bearing, Judy Wilson of the Balbca use fees started co ta.lr:e on ered the state mandated mlnJ-minutes ot physical education ulld lor 8 p.m. Weduelday, mlHioa &ad CoaocU oo a spe. Tbe standlng.room only aud-PenJ.nsula Point Assn. satd, ftter Moodly night, the tlrst mums 2 years ago, districts lnstrueUoo lor each 10 school JI.DI ! at tbe lrvtoe Cout clfte plan; blat Y1ew corridors leDCe was about spUt eveWy oo "The coodltion on the beaches step 00 its way to obUvion throughout Ca!Uornia haYe beea days. CovtUj Club. of not INs t11u .eo per ceut be tbe subject as to whether dogs ls despicable. It'saftltbymess, after 6 of 7 Newport Beach empowered co eract their own The only state requirement N_.B. goes Hawa iian protlded; UlleOt'ered puk1DC be shOUld be banned at &11 Urnes, The laws are not well-nltten city couocHmen Yoted to in-requiremeats for prov1dl.nc a studtllt a dip. netued to a mtnlmum of 42 seasooally or just during cer -aDd are ll08ftlorcable. We urce troduce an ordimnce to ellm. Under tbe ~1, alluad· lorna is completioo ol ZOO units lacbea btJDtr tbe uence belght ta1n hours during tbe sam mer. tbe passace of OrdlaDee A late the fees. CouncHman Lllltes woqJd at some polal af. of course wwk &tttr ~fade 8, of tbl tap « lbe e~~rb; tbat the lAadlne the opposJtJon to a aDd wtll submit aceompuJIDI Lindsley Parsons east the lone ter the 8tb p-a.de be eJPe<:(ed and 8th grade competencr in lll....U Week tlct-oG' tu Tbll T•htH•o.• wU1 be at tbe NCII&c:k fnatbestn.ttrootap: total ban, aod seemln(ly eapr ordlDUtees U.t would impose disseat.iJl& Yote. to shOW 8th cnde abll1ty In m&th &nd rMdla&:. tt.. lilt a 1 a.m. Moadll, L* Aope: at 11 a.m. b UJ ltnct..re an aot be for a compromise, we.re the $50 to $Z50 fiDes oo Ute owners Tbe action.. with •trtUiilUy 00 re&dtnc. wrt.UD.c &Dd math. The dlstr1.ct eommJtteeadMd Ma1 U. .ut. a Po~ pro.. SatllrdaJ, 11a7 zg •• FUbioD Jus au SO per eeat of tbe Coocerned Doc Owoers of New-of dol$ wbo Utter 011. tlle demte by the Council comes studtDts ta.1lla& to mett UUs ~ollcl•ey JD. wrWDc &Dd ll'8m at tbe Fuii6DD lllud liiUd at 11:30 a.m.; BalbOI. MtcM ol tbe malo structure; port Beactt,wboaskedtheCocm-beaches." jlilSt more tb&n 1 year' after It standard 111 ettber aree. would !P"Cb to the 8tb grade Pt'O-..... cowt. Ta&a ._ldl; Ud PaYWoa at 11:30 p.m.; 1aa1a ud IM.t water' troaeap ..U.ek ell tbat 11 u ordiDuce must be Tom Houston of the BaJ1:a. .-u first lntroduced. Its future fteleDCy rUt. llor To-· wiD llrl Fill tllo -at Wllldlll Plua al *U bo 1101 loss tbo.ll 10 r.et. adq>ted U.t Ordlllallce C, the lei!!Dd ._...,..,. Assn. aloo ,.. q•slloaable !rom the he. 2 CHARGED IN KIDNAP ........._ tct .art tile .eut S p.m. nt TUt*'•" .W 1:1e A1DODI a. eommUidty as. ooe wblcb would restrict OOp •ltd the tq»>SWoa at be&yY g1DnJDc: s1Dce u was liJPrm'ed ol ... ..... ... 1ttttt1t1e1: &t FaMioe llliDd at 2 p.m. JOC:Iatso. AllfOI't1ll tbe ex-oalY d~~rtnc the ciaytime bours flats. by a ~arrow 4-3 •ote, followed · 411 _._. bf till ICtiJI)CWtllar.. s.day, MIJ 30 .. A Pa• ...._ ud wart ollbe com-Ill tbe summer, wou.kl be Pl"t· Vice Mayor Howard Rorers, by a contiDDOUS ftg!lt by boats-Two Los AQceles Couty._ er.... told police tbt su.- ._C....,.. ol C011..-ee a.s 11UtJ wtn brt Mid troca S:JO ..... ._. ld Wllloll of tbe rerred. appu•lJ eevrtac tMttbepros men. w.-e arre.ted eu)1 'helda1 pecta plac«< a ll:allt at b1l l:c:al11•:t••· to 1:10 p.aa. at tM Newtwtw Balboa ,_. ... PaUt Asm., CoDCerved Dog Oners uct oou oa tbe 1llee WWtiOt Vice MaJor Howard Rorers a.fter laoldlD& 9 pertcaS cap. throat. Ud toot blm ouQlde ..,.. AlOIIil. !Ja. wttb Ella Ia. 1fttll b6t diMir at 7:10. TOll m-ota. CtlltRl New· promised tbe Couocll tbat tMJ ..... to come to a.ay OOID· bad brouetJt the maner b&ck Un all a1&M lD tbe Arcba the ~ c.r.. a "'*'lt•l ....-. AWard ol tbl lf'Ud prbe, a port S.C. CoamllllltJ AIID., would ll.eb ud all-wt clrtn ~ Cl8lnd a ~ OD a cUseaa.sioo se•eral months Motel. U4 M. Newport oms.. WbUt OIIUMt tM uut-.,_.td bJ AJo11a Air ...... ft1cllt ID Hlwt.U, ..W bt ...... lira. lol1plil GaUIIIt ol tbe to 111'1' doc OWDII"S to pick .. Ordlluet a, ,.,,ICcJocldv-&CD wttb the lntentiOil of con-NdpCII't fWciU. mtDI, GrlmD.W u:t Jolllw~ II_,.._-w-.,Atr at t p.m. Cllllllo-Ao& 1M Utlor &a. ._ -Uil lllC 1M R•--· Tbo Ylllcl.oc !be rest of the Coolldl er-llll.lt -· Jr., 11, ~ oot of a ,... -U.., W'IDM" a tMir -....tol Jaell: Bt.nelt. e-=-tittMa-Ca•a'lNI CI"Ml aid be did would PGIII ...., al all ta-!Ol* • • wu ...a--.. tbat tbe feu shoo111 bl ellm-of 8Utwta Park ud a 'eomp~~o. ud .ua.d DOlle.. ' _._. Ron 111 - -c 1111 """"" -1101-•--...IIIli !Meliy trucoa 1o t>oboocboaudlll!M no po1111c booriOC ,. 111o ........ loll, TIITJ Loo •••-as, Wboa 111o -dllooY-•-· C-bor, Ill~--._-romlctiYe nr_pot __ ud._oc ._ wu-11 .U Ml1 ·a,.. clllrlll(....., discos-of -._-·-orocl 111o-tboJ -ID ..,,., ltol D--JioJ-IDrlloftU WOIII.C ___ ...,,..._ •~~<~ arouo.-!Mclly, N . -tllaiC.-c!I1111J1Pvsoo.s .. .-,~ -..,.-. ..... ..., C-ltll'*'uo., ... Bat-llllloc W. art llrt. Qrlo -·-----"IJo<lo .......... IM--IIOpiOCio ... oomo_rt....,; M..,.n-po11oo do--·-por--lllo--ottp..•-~ a1 --lloollr, p·.zMM. =-_...,., -~=GI ';:_>I~T,!.~C .. IYJIJ!S1 1M -lbr t...,toc the Ieos, ttctm llll." E-aid 1M 1M-. ud alllriiJIII- -·-· liar It --Tllo Clltt -.,_-._ · •• -Ia-•-lit __ , ..._, w--lbr u .-1111 ...,.ral's 1 ---1o1M --ar---·-.,.... n ••'•••"'"-' r• 11111 ,_ c 1M-c._, .. atoo".., -tr"' .. .,, loti 1M -.__ Dlta t... -11!'11» ' • ..-u..,-""'-part ~ -ot 4G .. a111. IIi ........... ..._.., n.-ol Dll .. ..,._ • .. 11,.. nit,'' Ill-....... .._ ~. tD at •te tM dclc &d MaJltal llll.c"'t J"Mt ,.... ..... "J!Xpermtss1Ye. N..,.-t liN.. , tda.-A .-rt tllllt ~ •a•• c-.U.aiiL&IIatst •• hi~ cat• .,..,. "Ah ._. ., .. ..,., "::'.,. . ._. .... 1 ~~o.e. 1.1=-: 11a tD lfr. Pt.r-·s ,.._ -~ " ._. Gl' c '• -.... ,,.t._.. _. msj ,_. s .... --_, .,, -,..,.. ;fii;".......... ... ~·ao;;;..r"' co.tr 11 ,.:-.: """'" ~~~~ -...... nl'• "· ~~~~-,, c.a-~-c,_l ' CJta; ,. ...... " ... _---. ... -Carl = .,. :;: --.,. ~ -.--u-•""""'" -1o 111o-IIIli a111 •••• "' -111 -.. ~ • ---· ol -......... ,_ 05-,_..IM ------~~~~-twill'.-.. -ftnrc,..,rr.:,.tt ---•c...~ ., .. _ --~~~~~~~--.. ,,,.,_,....._oot•tlrps.,_lllll ... ---~"1,_ota;~;t = '! :r::=~ &.,{'".':":::':.:: :."'.:.-:.:"s!!::":a= ='::*C::,a:"'iz';--:, -.... ps .. --0'::.,-..,.:--': 11e i;)'~m M -·C.. o1 • ;sa ·.,. o1 ••-w·, .... :•.:;• tLF 1-III!Aift,tD:..C.::..~': • ._.., .. ..,.,-... 4---~~-m. ?~ 'j!'f,;'P£10..-•a ;a I aor, .. ,_. a .... ....,. ... a...... .. 81 t , t 0, 0 Ill, ....... -_. ... It ••• • .. ss;r.r•-.,. •• ., 'W no. _..., tLF· ., .. a 1-~..._a ... -.. --. ~ ... _.,... ;r]. I 'll .. -----~----....... --"~~ ... ---.. ---.. _ .. __ 2 .. ft:~:;'i.T:! ~"' .. -::r=: i..''.s.:.:::...!": :,:::;:_::r_~~ t~,:-:~:::.M::Z: -:=.::: ,'.Sii•j•11i ' ' • 1WI 01' PICIAL M..,.o\NI 01' Till an 01' IIIIFOIT IIAGI TRI Rd-AliiiA'S OTFS6T JtirYrA,III Oflloo .................... Lo ........ .... 1711 &. c:-..... c-4oiiWC.W.-- TILIP-Ia 17S.O,_ ~-CMo 71<11 : r 1 ~·J s E I'< v 1"\ T i · ./ c ·. • ,-) f \ r~ t : .: ::.::::::-.. :.=:::. = :',~ .. :: .... ~::.·=·-= lllo-tlllto-llldp lllltlllbJU~-bo-lod_lllol_. M , 1M fll Ylrll*. -.. reart. ow eoa.r 111 •• Jolla Molt ol tbl dlr • tUora 111 ¢id bt' a. AfiU ...,,_ G. kt.•tw pr'GINd t111t M a ..,.. lllan 11ft ... cMJ. t.lllle lilt ... .,....,_ ot llllilrc oatr U a lldlc ......... ..IDCIO' o1 U. •• ....., Ill"-lito-"' lito bolllat bollalaf --: ftldiiiiiJ-IIIllrt .,. ....._ a. bat ,,, ,, ltltftd ... u ..u.. Be MICII'eld a a wu tll'-.eed lilt a total of. • " IIIII ....-. wbicll ban '1.coop" wMa M relllld ttlatat 11,100 ... ....._, ftH U'-occ:ared '* ,...., 5:10 p.m. ,. lito 11111 at lito Hlild dlrtor 1111 ._ .... ~ ., oa -CillO, lilt -rtero llrol utl-wv doiiiOGIIratloo, tbat IDUI' 11'111 carry lo lltolr o1 Dr. Carl lldlltlrt ol tbt S4 U. s. put poUcemea ud p-nta ~nemotiM o1 "dlnace IOtlll CllllwyllttariDiiloa.Hour, ... eral put napra were ftle." T--~ II,\A80il &Na;N Ia t~ ..ay • ; ....... .. _. ,...._ •• ,.,. c_, of "--~ ....... oo~, ...... ,, .ot II lito --IIIlo cap-lorcod to taU refllp laoldtlbo OM U. S. ---llalo ud .-tllatllle Ullltod Walhl-Mooumoot, 'Uid 1<> lllltiiiU1_ .. __ ,...., ltatM lboald "'""''" the war etay Cbere au four o'clockttae. to wort or to .cllool. or nre Ia.--wllb r....,... aell IIIClni1Dc. tor protoct1oo moreiJ _,.., tile -- ..,_, 10 ttat •• could wiD a &pJut tbe UCI"Y mob ot dtm~ ltratioGI, nr• NDmarli.J ar- netory &Ill rtoot"et our pril-. OGIStratol'l who were mlWDc nlted. ......... 3£_. • .,.,.,. Ia tlilol ...... ..._ C01• 1111• ......_ NU '"-':lp, • ,_...,., S.C... Cl'-poe• ,.14 01 C... 4ol IW, c.tll. TBI: N&WHMT IIAIIOI ENSleN Wae Mj..__ to t.. a ..... . ,.-af -..1 c'r.c1liM.ioll tty co-.: ...._ ·L. A.W:U11 .... . GDirl ol nr .., held by the arOWid outside. ADotbu member ot tbe U. S. Mortlll vw.-.... Tbe DWI report furtber n ... Seaate, Sellltor 1M MltCalt, ... ,. 14, 1151, 'Ia S., •'-' C.... I• 1t. eo.., of ar...., bo .« C.Jifwala. ... ~)' reuoe tMHof ie CI'MIIf*l to p.a-1'-' all p .. Uo --.-Mirrlow. TM • ..,...... rose to cres~ llted: ''Tbt mob ns &011'1 o .. Moatao&, ...,-JII'IYIItldfrom eeado IMIIPta oa Apr11 U when because the pule pollee were croatac a polkt 11M. :rbt utt~nr aro.Jvtaded Wash-trJfn&" to protect the AmeriCIJl Mwa story nla.ttdtllatMtbrew 1Dctoe wtU. tbe aYOWtld purpose flap: arourxl the moawnebt ttom a puc:b at tbe 1111*' tor10 ol o1 .._,"C tbe macblnery of destruction by the •peacefUl the ure.ttnc omc:er. tMit wu pen.meot UDt1l the Southeast demoostrators. • As a matter ot released ft'om eustod)' wbea. A.ta.a n.r bid been brought to .tlct, 10 ol the SO fla.p were Capitol Pollet ChMf James. u atr.-t llld. Tbelr reYolu-torn down, and the rema1ntnc Powell arrt•ld oa tb1 eeeoe. tlolary blterlt wu evident, and 40 only were saved because OUr SeDitor, Jolla V. 1WDtJ tM1 would: bavebeensueeessf\11 these men rlstedpbystcalbarm ot Calflonlja, bad tb1l to ay ezcept .lor .ome clever Wider-to safeguard them... of tbe utl~wv ciiiDOOitr&Hoal: AftO·t. BMPA ................................ o ...... P.t.lw.- PEC IIAAPA ............................................... Aa.eoc._o E41tot _SUeSCIIPTIOM IATIS Ia ...._ At.: OM ,. .... 15.0&, 2 r--. tB.OO 0. el ...... Area: O.o yell', 16.00. 2 ,. ... 110.00 ~-..l!tlf " ""¥ ARVO E. HAAPA, owner M\d PUbtisher of the EnsiSJ' (Continued from Page 1) A Ml.SICAL COMEDY, "Where Is the mayor?" will be presented at 8 p.m. this Friday and Saturdly, May 21 and Z2, by the Abraham Uocoln school music department ln the Gerry Graves hall at the school.' Members of the cast include, from left, Julte Howell, Rich Nebb, Sally Jacobus, George Quick and JuUe Lewis. The soogs In- clude "We'r e gonaa jet out," ''Play it cool" and "Let's get happy." The director Is Del Weeks. Tickets may be purchased at the door . CO'ftr work performed by rep-It was reported tbat damage "Tbe actlolll ol tbt dtmoa.- re&eDtatins of the Washi..Qgton 1n aDd around the monwneot strators wee botb abnrd ud poUce departmeat, Tbese men atone came to at least $15,000, trustrattac. Abnrd beeaue taflltrated tbt borde of about and that the cost ot cleanlDg ~ they will DeTer atta1D U7 coa- 10,000 wbo camped out for the the various camp-sUes, aodthe strucUve tad, llld t:t'utralJac allbt in a park along the cost of medical care for hun~ becaue tbey well mllbt hue Potomac River. They then dreds of patteotssufferi.bgfrom ruloed MYer&1 months of hard brou.pt back written evidence over doses of drugs was still work by the real advocates ol about the prospect of getting some of that urban redevelopment cash, after tak- Ing a look at what is being done in Inglewood. Just remember that this is not 11free" money. Federal control al- ways follows federal hand-outs. This in- evitable chain of events is backed by a Supreme Court decision, holding that it is no lack of du e process for the govern- ment to regulate that which it finances. Calling on the federal government (which Is much more broke than we are ) would add painfully to the cost of improvement, would cause drastic delays because of the red tape, and would take our own des- tiny out of our hands and hand it ov~r to the bureaucrats. SENSITIVITY REACHES GIRL SCOUT ·CENTER tbat oo the morrow. the mobs unknown. peace." W9UJd iDv&de the clty streets,. With his usualforesigtlt, Con-Coo&asted wilb the vloleoce By Special Correspondent Other sensitlvityel;)erieoces puttcularly those which eros-gressman Schmitz announced ot the a.ati-war deJJ'lOUtr&tora The "social engineers" have they Ust are: dandelion en-8lld tbe rl•er bridges, and would that he had sponsored leetsla-were tbe peacefUl actlriUes ol been extra busy in Orange counter ; pine cooe feellng; coo-U. .., trafftc to a stabd still. Uon requiring the posting of a the thousands Ybo cooductld a County In the last 2 years, and templatioo shade dreaming; Bariac thus oiJtaiDed a printed substantial hood by any group "much tor victory 1D Vtecnam" from all Indi cations, their hard bllndtold leaf tracing and feel-dl8closare ot the plans, the planning to a de moo~ May 8. They were led by Dr. work has paid off tor them. ing; finger feeliDg ot tree bark poUce acted qutctlyandcleared stratton 1n and that Carl Mcintire ol the !otll Cen- Pareots have sat Idly by while fUr rows, etc. tury Reformattoa Hour, IDd these ''change-agents'' have in-They are blunt enou(h to say, tr i h were orderly and law abldi..Dg. vaded almost every organiza-"We hope that sensltlvlty will S a 0' t They did not resort lov1oleoce. Uon, both loc.allyaodnationally. come Into focus In all day 1::» They carried Bibles a.nd tbey Youth Is their No.1 priority!!! camps, oot only as related to sanr hymns. The Lord was oo It they can change the young nature, but l.n creative e~res-CORONA DEL MAR htgbscbool their side, and so were the people throughOut the nation, sions and/or artistic e~res-senior Kenneth£. Neisser, 2416 score of retired Army poerals they can change the direction sion. We hope that seosltivity 2200 St., West I.%Jper BaJ, re-1 aDd Nny admirals who r ecom- this country will take. You would will permeate in all day damps ceived a $750 cash award tor mended tbat we should t:a.ll:e have to agree that direction has in person to person relation-ftnlsh1Dg 2nd in the scleace steps to win tbewa.r ln Vietnam. taken a radical turn for th e ships. Sensitivity •• to see, to and mathematics category 1D By Tom Anderson They had said thai peace could worst. hear, to feel, to touch, to smell, Bank of America's 1971 be woo 1D from slJ: to etpt A young mother from Costa to taste." achievement awards ftnals tor ''The budaet'" shouJd be balanced, the Treasury should be weeks 1t the r lgtlt mea&IU'es Mesa, who wanted to give some You parents have failed 1n Southern Calltornia Area-4 di-retilJ~, the public debt should be reduced, the arrogance of were taken loc1lldlrl(thecloa1Dg of her time this summer to the your r esponsibility to your vision, coverinrallbtgbscbools otlkJaldom should be tempered and controlled. Assistance to ot the harbor of Haiphong ln co unsellng of Gir l $couts, had children, because to have al-in Santa Barbara, Ventura, Or-foreip lands should be: curtailed leSI (we) become bankrupt. Nortb VIetnam. a rude awakening when she went lowed these mlod-benders to aoge, San Bernardino, I.nyo and The mob should be rorced to work and not depend on govern, Our next step ls to s~t I trust that prudent judgment will pre- vail in Costa Mesa, and that the "do it ourselves" policy will stand. Local im- provement, beautification and economy, just like ecol~Y,, all must .start at home., • • • to take her training at the main "take over" what used to be Mono counUes. SC.4 d1Yis1oo rnent for sublistence." Dr. Mclntire'sslopn: "VIctory Girl Scout Center In Orange. American acUv-tUes. These Is one of 10 separate awards That advice was given to the politicians several years ago-by the fourth of July." She was given a series of projects going on today are not programs held tor htgb school 2,000 years, in fact-by a reJiow named Cicero in Rome. RS printed pa ges relating to nay American-born. They origin-seniors througbout the state The politicians didn't take the advice. Rome fe ll . Our politi-LETTE Camp 70. "Sensitivity training" ated io foreign lands to gain wlth prize mooey this year cians won't take the advice either. Barring a miracle of God, and "awareness" were among control of the people. totalling a record $162,000. · we too will fall . And you too. • MILITANTS AT UCI the goals listed, with exercises ~ ~ war to kno~ the .ruture is to know the past. Editor ot tbe Eutp, ~.i.~~ stnlbook ... st~ o,:ni••.•,:mthioSfs Drugs used for medi .. Cation Since tune lm.memonal, Wctaton -and bureaugats ba.vc ·Bow·-='~ 'I'Ulftlu--. . .._. ~ .......... • ke~ ~ ~P,k .an poverty for ,lhe power and the glory ~?f • ~y.., blYe to~ oafJJn • THE "RUMOR" IS QUITE TRUE Last Thursday the Ensign carried the streamer headline, "CDM Fights to Save P.O." --telling of the renewed effort of the U. S. Post Office Department to consolidate the Cor ona del Mar Post Office with Newport Beach. The next day came another headline in a nearby out- of-town newspaper, "Post Office Rumors False" --saying there was no truth to the reports of plans for such merger. This reminds me of a story: k skep- tical fellow saw a giraffe for the first time and exclaimed, '·There just ain't no such animal!11 I can say for a certainty that the Ensign story, which I wrote myself, was no rumor, and that it was not false. The situation had all the signs of a re-run of 14 years ago, when a cons olidation was attempted. The methods were the same in both cases: inquiry by a postal official, sounding out local opinion, ex- plaining how that there would be no pain, and perchance s ome gain. In both cases the response was the same: A resounding 11no" from local residents and businessmen, who want to retain the ftrst class status of the Corona del Mar Post Office. They have an important stake in preserving the valuable Identity of the "Crown of the Sea" community, and this Identity is all the more vital now In the face of the serious competition provided by nearby Fashion Island and Its glamorous shops. In the 1956-57 fight for the Post Office the Issue was In doubt to the final round. The official order for consolidation was actually Issued, and the date was set, But finally tl}e word or vehement pro- test was heard all the way to Washing- ton, D.C., and the consolidation order was rescinded. subject that are on the market~ rtlitviDJ PCtw.rty. We now have a Poverty Establisbfttent i.o de-sb....., Last weet at:-lJCI To give you a preview ot • h 1 h _ u s this counlry. This is a new, permanent society whose busi, was lledcan Ctllturalw~ what to e2;>eet if }'OU seOO your 10 sc 00 s I ruout ness and soal is Poverty. Presidem Nixon·s Guaranteed An· this Y"ktsblackcultura!wee~~:. children to these camps, here • • nual Poverty would be more accurate. and it is about as sponsored by the mack studeot are excerpts from the instruc-sometimes dema.Dd of scbool necessary as a fence around a cemetery. Union. Tbese two YNks han lions: T1l1l ls a ,.,.,_Hoe ot tbt Wbat is poverty? Mostl y it is a state of mind . Millions of elteoded an opportunlty for a • FEELING GRASS BLIND-llareh t ~ J(na at tbe authorities, are DOW used 00 people are broke but not poor. The "war on pove rty"' is large cootingent ot militants to Fo 0 ( ) u--~ F -~ _ Dr upward of 3 million studeots 11 L ED Page 3 u "Choose u.u._ or. .._.'11 "1 • in schools ln the United States rea Y a war on the American Way or l ife. on c;v>italism. appear on .the belluW'III OCI a partner. Remove your shOes JQRIItl Btu. torm• mttaber for such reasons as problems on freedom, and on Christi:mit y. The more the government campus. There are aU-day and and socks. Blindfold one part-ot tbt GIIDiall .aa.d .cbool wUh learning, over-acUYity, "wan" on poverty. the more poverty increases. evening sessloua featiD'lng ner ,·The Olherpartnerbecomes dlatrtct board.~ 11 ~assumed hyperkinesis minimal After spending untold billions to end poverty, we now black studies, coocerts, a style the first lea der. The leader lAc tbt procr&ID of Joba llrlwtJ brain damage and ~~ achlen have mo~ poverty tban ncr. The Department of Health . sbow, dances, lectures &lid le:ids the blindfolded partner on IDd Ida C011"P" to -pubUc behavioral chance memory Education and Welfare alone has 112.816 "employees." Their dioaer. a 3-minute blind crawl through ..:boOla to cllup 10CJM7 l.lld lengthening and att~Dtlon·spt.D role is as constructive as that of the lillie lady whose hus -It was reported that Huey ~he. ':ass, helpin:; his or her tbt ICCIIIOIDlc IJittm l.ato col-lengthenlng: band was asked if his wife could drive . He replied . ··Onl y Newton, mlntster of defense of bUnd part~er to locate and lieU"-:· The ·number of children 00 in an advisory ca pacity.'' the Black Panthers, caocelled feel !or individual bun<.'hes of • • drugs could grow to 4 mlWcG. Accordina to the defin ition or the bureaucralli , 27.7 mil-his appearance because the stu- grass, grass Oowers, stolons By DR. J'OSEPH BEAN Con·gress was tokJ in Septem-lion Americans are now poor. The war on povc1 ty is even dents couk!n't guarantee his and/or rhizomes, and stem s There are several areas of ber. Ooe scbool district has more of a planned failure than the war in Vietnam. Both regular fee of $1,500. Could wit h sheaths. The blindfolded Interest ln education today reported 35% of its students are no-win by design. this have been an excuse pveo partner may now sit still and whi ch I would Ute to discuss at on such medlcaHoo. Tbe Na~ . Poyerty is now officially defined (the figure goe!l up as to S&Ye face 1n Ugbt of pubUc try to feel the thickness and random. We will tooch ~n Uonal Institute of Health has mftatiOn aoes 00 as a cash income o f SJ.JlS for a four-lndJgnaHoo aod pressure Wbieh texture of the grass with the each area in staccato fashion, given grants to prOYide be-penon, non-farm fami ly. Everywhere else in the world 3 ther~ WU apinst his appear. toes In front , to the r ight, and not attempting to unify them in havlor-modltylng drop a.ocl family iocome or that amount is ei ther middle-class or 'ar-. a.DCC~·---u-A'~l h ~led "I to the left. Nert Ue face down any way. physicians to adminlste~ those ftuent. -~ -. e :u.. • a.nd smell the grass. Touch the One Is the matter of rele-drugs, to local school districts. Jr f . had DO lDiormaUoD whleh in- tips of the grass with the lips--vant educatloo. We touched on Representatl.e Cornelius Gill-. a our,petsOD famii.Y can ge t $3.33~ .rrom the .sovernment dicat.:l U.t Ne'Wtoo who waslo is It posslbl bllndf lded t thi t 1 U 1 Without work ._ who w1ll take the mtlhons of JObs payin&: ~of~•-. e, 0 • 0 s Oil C ear er, and ound lagher of NewJerseybeidbear-$3,500 to $4,500? Who would take. part-time jobs? Who b~ck _ ...... !.' WOIIId rat~ .. -dtstingul sh betweEn grass and that ~involves replacing the lngs ln September to determiDe ould do f 1 bo Tlw: -, -----• a dandelions? Change partner and subjeet matteT wUh discussion the ellent of the praeHce Ybat w arm a r? • soc:i:~list planners' naive answcr is threat to We Umb or prop-r~at." . of social issues whi ch coocern persoos In Washlngton 'were to double the .pay for those ~hs. Then inftation WOllld \!at erty," Tbls 'statement Is 10 (NOTE : ThiS same exerctse our country today. The subjects promottnc the practice, and up all the Jams. We coul<.ln 1 sell an)"'hina lo lhJ.' worlJ absurd that It's an tnsutt to is shown by photograph in the discussed closely pa.ralled the what role the NEA will t:a.ll:e 1n We're havina a hard enough time dotng that now. Without either hiJ owo ll:lteiUcenceorto book, "Sense relaxation --several phases of the protest the turthel'anee of the practice protective tariffs many Amenc11 n industries nnd farm opera· the ceoeral pubUc. below your mind" by Bernard movement which began in 1954 As we iDcrease the use of tions would ao bankrupt overnight. Huey Newtoo stated at tbt Gunther, depictin g an elderly with civil rights. · esperlmeotatloo with drup to As the areal phil050pher Frcderrck Busliat o( France Panthers DRtloall CODYentioll man wat ching a blind-folded Racial equaUty consumed Improve tbe per1100aUt,-ot tbe wrote in ··The law," philanthropy·hy·law subjects workina: that the p&riy'slmmtdlate J0&1 woman "smelllng the grass.") several years and gave way to child a report 1n tht NEA people to leJaliud plunder of the fruits of their labor. As was lateraaUonalreYOiutloD.He • ROCKS {Page 3) ·-"fiod the povertypbase.Afterpoverty Jour:.! states that "tbe buf.c un~ disillusioned proletari an wrote his conaressman, '"Please has oflered North VietDam a a fairly smooth rock small came the free speech, serual role of the teacher will cb&Det don't improve my lot in life any further. 1 can't afford it." larp aumbtr ot Black Pantber enough to be htdden, when yoo freedom, aDdaeademlc fl'eedom oottceably. Ten yeus beoce 1t History proves that once a human is put on a diet or Party troops because ••yoar close your 1\ands around tt. Then putsch, then tbeanU-war phase, should be moreaccuratttoterm someone else's money. he soon becomes an addict. They strugle is our strunle torn Und a Quiet place to slt alone, followed by ecoiOID', women's him a learD.lD.r el1nlctaa. This want to be like hens-just lay around and make money. reeopb.e blat our commoa and perform the fo llowing sen. UberaUon, aDd DOW homosexual title is lnteDded to come)' tbe Welfa~rs now riot for more. But most of these bums eDtmJ il tbt Amtrtcu lm- sory experiences: With your UberaUon. As these issues are Idea th.at schools are ~miac are 10 non-violent they won 't even punch a time clock. perlaU.ts." fin gerUps eJplore the total tackled 1D tbe social studies clin1cs Yhost purpoee11topro.. The meaning of •·poor" is now relative. It no tonaer means A map OD tbe troat Pll&'8 ot overall surface of the rock. elassroom, EncUsh class, or Ytdt IJidiY1dtall&ed pqello-that one is without the necessities of life. but that one is leu Dee. 19, 1NO, Btact PUIUMr Intently look at ODe section the art class, the student's educa-social tr•tmtat b tM ._ afthxnt than othcB, or than is convepient. The: "poor" famUy Dft!PII*' IP'Qblcal17 ~ct.d size ot a quarter to see the Uon Is said to be relen.at. Mala, thus!Acr-..tDc' IU.U. often does oot have enouah to eat. but it often dots have tiM nmbtr ol arm.S &ttaeta colors, the Hoes, the ridges Ttaebers did DOt ntt for Or. bOtb to birutlf ud toiOdiC)"."' a ear. TV let and beer plore. The more people are im-carried 0111: bJ tbt Putb.r111 and valleys, aod the pits. Place GlaSMr to eome aloac before nw. ltatemtllll:· wu .-de z poveri.shed, the more peopM: ther~ are to be doled to, and the ~'70. ~-= ~...,~cktac111 the rock ln one hand aod feel they made tbelr elus:rooml years a to. Tbe ltaM of Ran11 more people who arc made wards of aovernment, the more U.. eo iOi~--~ .. • - the weight, ftrst 1D the center r el8YU1t. Relet'a.at lduca.tbl adi:ICUd 1 IIIUter plu Jar Ita vote:a thrtre ~rc for the politicians who aive thc:m your mooey. uoa..' etc -~ Allltl- of your hand, thea OD the Ups bas bMil IDlDc oa. for ...,tnl .cbools Z ,.,.. &II) W'blcllic:alll: Poverty 11 not rne~l y lack of money. Poverty is lack of 11 :nab. WUDdc -,_ of the fingers. Toss It llgbtly years, mot"iDc from the con.p for ita etllldriD to blcOalt tile proper vatucs. Poverty is empcines~ of head and heart. aot -olhlo ,.._ ~ -w up and down In )'Otu halld, Try do"" 10 lito blcJI ICbOOI, lilt oi>Jttll G( -re-I he ach p . -----r squeezing the rock to .tlod how junior bilb ICbool, and DOW Ute MUch. Tht lllftli plaa &110 me~ y ~ atom . ovtrty .~• a diKuc or thc: mind. Pow:r-bOmiUtl Ud ban1lp at tel hard u is. Hold 1t aplost )'OW' elemeotary pades, RelenDcJ IDCIDI: tbl .. of ~teal ty •• 811 Government and httle people. Poverty it havina ltDeceiJ Ups, then tllt Up of your nose, 1n tbe clauroom hu produced mtmorJ tr'UIW..._U.t.eb-Richard Nixon ror ~1; Mn. ...r.., SmUll ear, closed eyellda. and tM several mtllloa 10'ml l*P .. ~ 11 aftlliiJit b'ti'M&r-. 'Mooey 1nd educ.abon cant end poverty. Marxism-take-Hewpart Beacb back of your oeek. !.ocate the nose ...., ot utt aad actioal ta tbt IUt ..., IDCIIItM !rom-t~avts and live.-to-thc-have·nott-ine"¥itably rnulb pulse in the slde of JOUI' DtCk; are dNtrcUq to oar IOC&.ty bd .,-1!1p0116& ..... aa..:: :.:::._everybody equally poor. cxecpt the lnJidcTa and press lhe rock UcJIUJ aplaot Uld II> lilt -.. ..-u. llort llotH b'lllo ,__ <1 a- u. EJI)erleoce tbt dla.reoce tbU 50 prerce~t o1 our popdl... -eo tlloll Z 11 jilt Proof ol our .. pathettc poverty"" is revealed in a U.S. betYetD JOUr Jk1a temperatuH u. 11 IIIOW ....,. 1$ y-.r1 of :_1 Ia beliP 1 ,• Ia a. .,. ceMUa report abowina that only 41 " of Americu familiel ud tbe ttmper&tareottheroct. ace. Tbls Ia IIIGC'I baM 100 oltM*•Jdl,.I ... CfN' ale willl ~lac:oa. r.eclet SJ,OOO even bne eanl The ~ ot Now CioltyoariJMulpna IDIJUGD per-. ftat ..... r ... ltstiDII t.at.-.. IJI'I If-~-~~ OWII an e&n ~aU tbc people oiRweta. yet tM roet UehtlJ a.....-~ lilaft _. ldlaoll: GU'ftd N Jac: tllltel .,_. la -ow '"liblrell" embnce .__ promoee Nan.iam. AI H. C. IJtlkL Watch b" IDOY'I...U., tDr a...,._..PIIPittullilll1 lsllr ........ l'llill.~._ Diaf1' + IIIIIJtl. ·~ ba.,. Q)tnC to be:1Jne that irl :!!•,IUid, .. -.~JOIIp~~ ~ ~---~~~.--_-...... -,,, • ..__., -:"''::-, !:.~o:.:..hey~-rt·--':I« II." ,~ -. -----lllJelodr dtt ptr•ltt:~ • · --.-= Ul A -.... qaollill ,.. palm G( JOIO' --lito -. --· tOr lito llo-.. 11c11 I -_, • ..,..., ~ IO< All Ita--Ia.,.... ol"i" 170, otlllc-.lotlllo _,_ -Ill , ,..... pI .... _. for o1 tile-_..,_ 1o Ita-· 11 0 from the Bible But 'll oar aoopol bo !lid, it i1 hid t.o dM1n that. are loat In ""'"" lilt .... ol IIIIo .....td batll 'lledo4 lbo atiMa a1 -wlllclt Milo" 1101, loot lbo llpt at .. ••- JOOpol ol Chriot, -II lllo ..... o( Ond, ......... ·~­... -. This time also the voice of Corona del Mar 111 being heard, and the word bas gone up the official channels !rom bere to San Franclseo, and on to Wash- Ington. Tbe first class 8tatua of the Cc:rona del Mar Poet Office appeara to n-tn HCure. But there ts a lesson to be re-learned: the need tar eternal ~ to satecuud our community. c•~&~'C colert Ud ...... 1At • laic* ., a. .. crf 18 1 0 .. n. r 1 1 ~ II aulw Ill IIICW ...... U JOII Cilullllto I ... fll _ .... 'j ,, ..... lo -~~~~~·----___ J_dippod..,..inlolllo_af_ -COIIIlttr....,.-.,._ ---....... -..... 117 .. " ••• -..... -.. --....... "' ....... -...... Pot •• prMCia 110t..,. "'"'• • Clwlel JnM .. udl.lcll ,u :-r~•::,.rs•lft ,.,.. .... .. ldot1. a -ar t .... ibn ' II _,. die -""-W•sl .. WI ._. ...._ __,., "-_,Mill,._. Jlnp. at tilt .... nt.._ ... e""*o NIW.¢' "...... wllllt r.· ... .,, MtJ-n. Ams1c. W-r Ltn; .. -·--• .,... .. ,. J•••' ..... ID c.tllllli--4:JoS.) f NEWPORT HARillR 811GI ARST SECllON 7 -P•l lltURSOAV, MAY lll, 1911 COROllA OEI.IIAA, CAul': Mrs. Snow to head Jr. Ebell Mrs. Dl.f't 'S.OW rill be Ill~ llal!Od pre-ot N...,..l Btocb· J-Ebell Club May 11 lA tbe 9N'dlebvk llul, lUG E. Ftrst st., suta U&. "Wt''* Oily ju.tt bepa" la the tbeme Mn.SDowbuchoseo for tbe eomtnc year, and she wlU preseot tach of her ln- eomiAg otneers with a potted .MidllAc. The prt. •lll be eo- eou.rt.pd to nurture Its p-owth. SerriDC with Mrs. Snow will U:rs. Larry Tbayer, first ric. prelideat; Mrs. Larry IUtebell, ZDd vice president; U.rs. A. L. Hasttnp. 3rd Ylce MESA JUNIORS ALL 1'110 c.. »• J- Womea'l Cltm Lublled Mra. Peter A. VfciUo u oew pres1- dotil -y ... "'"" May 10, II -·•. _, tao Orup C....ty .(1rpQ<I. otMr otlleers are Mrs, Rob.- ert 01DomeDloo, flrst nee prelldoal; »n. Robert Radii, lad nee pre:sida; Mrs. Ao- Trow, Std vtce presl- Mis. Doaald Voyer, re- secretary; Mrs. Tom sec- retu'J'; Mn: • .u.t .._.. tr ....... , ud lira. -... Sto.,. .... ll-•••11 ....,_ --are Mra. CMrln I:4IIIMI. ..,_. elal; llrt. llsrk Foil, ._ lUes; lira. MlebUl Moall, DeWiltttet, ud Mra. DI.Yid Sbeldoo.preu. T)ae Club ftlcoiMI .., membtn to tbe orttatudoa. ue bekt 011 tM 4th ol tlcll moatb. .... &ad "W hat can I do about this pain?" A DEBUT ANT BALL GOWN is beiDg displayed here by s1.J: presldeot; Mrs, Vineent Wood, of tbe debutantes who will make their buY to society at recording secretary; Mrs. Leo tile NO't'. Z7 ball of the Natiol'll.l CWtty League, Newport Miller, eorrespoading secre- Cbapter. 11ley are, clockwise trom lower left: Deborah tarJ; Mrs. Eugene Kovach, MAILING INVITATIONS to the Friends of the Orange Coast College Ubrary tor the general membership meetlng are Mrs. Joyce Martin of Mesa Verde, at left, outgoing presi- dent of tne organization, a.nd Mrs. Wllliam St. Clair of Costa Mesa, membership chairman. The meeting: wUI be held from 2 to 4 p.m. this Sunday, May 23, at the college faculty hOuse. The OCC woodwiod trlo wUI provide a musical interlude, and Richard Under of the OCC faculty will read orlg1D&l poetry. The program wUI Include in- stallation of the followt.ng slate otoltlcers: Willlam Bluroc k, president; Mr s. Charles Beecher, rtrst vice-president; Mr s. Alvin Pinkley, 2nd vice-president; Mrs. Barbara Eastman and Mrs. Jack Harris, secretaries; Larry Bennett, treasurer. Elaine Meany, Patricia Ann Tucker, Jamie Lou StyU, treasurer; Mrs. Harlow Rieh- Jana Granzella., Joyce Louise Cak!well auJ Pameb. Puna-ardson. aOOitor; a.od Mrs. wai Cooover. The ball wUI be held at the Newporter Inn. James Barclay, coordinator. (ED.SIIfl photo.) Chairmen are Mrs. Frank Merkel, associate coordinator; N.B . CHARITY LEAGUE ~~:· :::~~.t;::·~::.··~~:~ Thomas and Jenny Agee, con- DEBS INTRODUCED servation and ecology co-chalr- men; Mrs. Richard Figge and Mr s. Richard Canoon, Ameri- ENGAGEMENT of their daugh- ter, Nancy Lee, to DQ.vld Mc- CoooeU has been announced by Mr. and Mrs. E. P. McGovern of 1618 santa Ana Ave., Costa Mesa. Nancy is a Harbor h1gtl school graduate aod attends OCC, Where she Is a member of Epsilon Delta dental sorority. Her ftaDce, son of Mr. and Mrs . Earl McComllll of Costa Mesa, is a gradtate of Mesa High and ls employed at Lido Shipyard In NeyPOrt Beach. A June 19 wedding is planned at St. An- drew's Presbyterian Church. (Cameo Houoe pbolo.) In a Mediterranean garden setting. highllghted by yellow roses and carnations, 15 young womeo who will be presented at tbe Newport Chapter's Na- Uonal Charity League debutante ball, were introduced at the a.nnouncemeot tea Saturday atterooon. May 15, at the home of Mrs. Jobtl DaPnto Grao- zeua. The debutante ball, which will be held Nov.21attheNewporter Inn, is the culmlnatlon of six years of soela~ cultural and phtla.nt1\ropic endeavor in the mott!er-daugbter Tlcktocker program. In recogn.ttion of thelr com- munity service, mothers pre- sented their daughters with a gold and pearl medalUon, which will be worn for the llrst time the evening of the ball. U you want to tlnd out the phone number of someone with a different Area Code from yours, here's the quickest way to get it: just dial ''1" theo that person's Area Code plus 555-1212. A Directory Assistance Operator In that distant area wlll give you the number you want . This service appUes anywhere in the continental U, s. and parts of Canada and is available free of eztra charp. Oebutaotes and tl!.eir paretts cu.tsm co-cl\a.irmen; Mrs. are: Keltb Keppler and Mrs. Brad- Joyce Louise Calchrell, Mr. ley Morton, ways and means and Mrs. Jack Lh:aden Cald-co-cbalrmen; Mrs. Jerry Cole, well, Dover Shores. press; Mrs. frt.nk Hughes, par- Carol Cl!.apma.o Conoally, Mr _. llamen~tan; Mrs. Warren·Fli, ud Mrs. ReaganhulConnaUy, membersllip; Mrs. Jacob OUt- Lido Isle, cher, luncheon; Mrs. Ricllard Pamela Punawal Conover, Preiss, program; and Mrs. John Dr. and Mrs. Wtlllam Arthur Trlbolet, eldtor of Tattler. Conover, Lldo Isle. A h.igbllgbt of the meeting Jana Granzella, Dr. and Mrs. will be the announcement of John DaPrato Gnnzella, Costa tbe woman of the year. Mesa. Karen lreDe Hodges, Mr. and Mrs. Rulon Kimball Hodges, Santa Ana. Anne Alleen Lawrence, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lansing Lawrence, Westcllff. Kathleen Marie Langeobeek, Dr. and Mrs. Russell Reed I..angenbeck, Santa Ana. Jolle Janene LeBoeuf, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Blanton New- com, Rancho Santa Fe. Chloe Mcintyre, Mr. and Mrs. WIWam Charles Mclotyre,. Santa Ana. Deborall Elal.ne Meany, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert John Meany, Lido Isle. Cal:adace Peoe~ Moses, ~Mrs. and Mrs. Wllllam Arm- stroog Moses n, Santa Ana. Tria Newcom, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Blantoo Newcom, Rancho Santa Fe. Mary Loraine steen, Mr. aDd Mrs. Edwin French Steeo Jr., Corona del Mat. Jamie Lou Styl~ Mr . and Mrs . Marshall James Styll, Costa Mesa. 'Back to the forties' "fly bacr-to the forties .. will Mrs. Edward T. Maloney, hav.- be the theme of the Eastbluff opeoed their a.1r museum tor Phllharmonic Assocl.ates fuod~ this cockta.JI-butfet. raising affair, to be held May Mrs. Jack R. Curley, chair- 22 at the Movleworld Planes of man. is a.sslsted by Mrs. Ed- Fame Museum In Buena Part. ward T. Makloey, decorations; Associate members, Mr. and Mrs. Alez McGrecor, tnvlt:a.- ' tlon and ticket design; Mrs. Jobn Tooker, buffet; Mrs. James W. Davies, refresh~ ments·; Mrs. Guy Reily, eoter- ta.J.tunent; Mrs. Paul Bergdah~ door prius; Mrs. Joseph G. Feibig, publicity; aDd Mrs. Rod- ney Jooes, chairman of the Eastblu:tf Philharmo01c As- sociates. The settln&' for thls coclctail- buJfet is a collection of care- f\IUy restored, historic alr- eratt, lncltdng a B-17 Flyt.nc fortress, P-38 U&ntntng, Splt- ttre, Messerschmldtt, and a Japanese Zero. Music from the Forties wUl the atmosphere. Tlc- tet.s ue a....ailable by <:aUiDc Mrs. Wusu.u Jarvte, 6?5. 8343. otOIRS 114 COI4CERT Patricia Ann Tucker, Or.a.nd Mrs. Royal Duane Tucker, Dover Shores. Guests were welcomed by Mrs. Herbert Jolln Meany. chapter president; Mrs. Bern- ard Newell Smith, natlooal ball director; Mrs. Richard Lansing Lawreoce, Loeoming chapter president, and Mrs. Melvtn Daniel KHmer m. t.U director. THE EXCHANGE CLUB of Newport Harbor wtll present a Barber Shop Quartet show at 8 p.m. Saturday, June 19, ln the Harbor high school aud.ltorlum as a beneftt for the Youth Employment Service. Exchange Club me mbers har· moniz.lng In this phOto are (sta.o:Ung) Dr. Don Ziemer, at left, in charge of advertlsl.ng, and Morrl Molt10, In charge of staging; foregroutxl, Doug Lynn, at left, chairman for the show, and Dic k Hodge, In charge of tickets. Christ Lutbera.n Church, 760 VIctoria Street, Costa Mesa, wlll bost 6 fel1ow Lutheran cboirs ot the area tor a coo- cert at 4 p.m. this Sunday, Ma y 23, The theme of the con- cert is "Hear, 0 lord." Par~ tictpating cbolrs atone with the host cbolr are: Abiding Savior Lutheran., El Toro: Faith Luth- eran, Capl..stnoo Beach; faith Lutheran, Huntt.ngtoo Beach; Immanuel Lutheran, Orange; PriDce of Peach Lutheran, Ana- helm; and !)1:, Paul Lutheran, Garden Gro,e. The music of a gold llup added a romantic note as post debutaotes Victoria Carter Showcase for agencies • Customers often ask qlJC:il." tions like this. And every year we sell perhaps a ton of pain reltc:ven. Rl'liuuJ. That's the point. We can sell simple analsesics, but we can't prescribe druas to eliminate the ra11:Je of pain. Diaanosina and prescribing are in your physician's province. We, as professional pharmacists.. v.;ork .,..ith doctors., providing the drugs they order. So, if you have any kind of a persistent pain. see your physieian. We shall be p~d to pro,idc any medication which may bt prescribed. Christensen ODOLK 1·- SERVING THE ENTIRE HARBOR AREA IWt PLUMBING AND HR. EMER6EKCY SERVICE 645-3130 ALL WORK GUARANTEED REPAIR SPECIALISTS ELECTRIC SEWER llo DRAIN CLEAN ING U6 CIMTD $T. CDn'" I7IIA Bryan, Laurie Jean Gage, A tull day otentertaioment -~ In add1Uoo to the entertain- Weod)' Mariana Jordan, Marie ranging from Salvation Army ment, the 60 partictpa.ting ag- Ciaudioe Meany, and Ronda Di-band music to the red, white encles will act out their own a..nne Voc-1, modeled t.ll gDYDS, a.nd blue tunes or the Sing Out volunteer story with !Urns and Pourtnrat the t• table were Young Generation --will ac-demonstratioos. the ~stpresldents. Mmes. Paul company the showcase of ag-SEHT TO L.OWRY AFB Milton Roprs, Wllliam Brew-eocies this Saturday, May 22, uRst.Lr\ '{ 0 Learn to love summer in a wardrobe of bathing and sunning suits. Going on a trip this summer? To avoid the diaappointment and inconvenience of findinJ ' No Vacancy" signs at your des- tination, call ahead for reservations. Whether you're camping or planning to •tay in a motel or hotel, knowing you have a reeervation makes travelling more care· free. 1 think you'll find that an inexpensive phone call can buy a lot of peace of mind. • • • • • • One of the many TelephoDe peqJie actively puUctpaUDc t.n Orance County's 1lrst annual Erplorer Olympics Is Stan KatU, Division Com- mercial Maaacer. Kautz is presently clla.irman ot the 0ra.1ap Empire Area Couoeu of Ezplorer Scouts. Tbt u•'s 233 Explorer Posts have set JUDe 19 u opeo1ng da) ror the county's n.rst EJPiorer OIJmplcs. Fort)'-ODt ladfTidual and team e.-eots are .teiMdaled lor tbe local Olympics which ls ez- peettd to draw mort tban 2,000 )'OWlC men 14-18 r-.r• ot ap. Tap ..-taDtra in Oranp County's program will ~UIJ t1r tbt N&Uoaal E111klrer Olympics to be IMkl at Colorado State Unl.-erslty Ia Juoe, 19'71. Top wt.er• trom the aaUOIW.I eveat will ac- coq~UJ tbt u. s. OJymplc conttnct:at to the ~~ comptttUoD nest year ln MWllcb, --· EJplarw Olymplea enDts include 10 track ao4 leld ....a, no. ud.ptstoteompreUtloa.arcberJ, mmmtar. ciY1Dc, watorpolo, IIIOiorcyclo 11<111, IDif, bo-D, JldO, -.lllDL bollll&. bo-1~ ......_ .., ..... 11 .. croa eoaatrr, eMu, tlbll -Ullllll & ........ docal"too,--.. r-:_. .... -~-·P--.-~r c-,._ E.p.s. -Dtn.-co.-dll....-, • Hl-441l.i ... ..,IU be-·-__ lbtooll' ... llll_,. @PSclllc ster Tritt, Cbester Ferrell Sal-at Fashion Island. Airman John T. DeGeare, SOil isbury, Normu Alexander AcUvltles wUl center around of Mrs. Nancy C. Durkee, '796 Bl.ng, Earl stafl)rd Olrlch, and the sbge court trom 10 a.m. Shall mar Drive, Costa Mesa, Edward Leisy Corlett. to 5 p.m. The Harbor Area tla.s completed basic training at Debuta.otes and their mothers Coordtnating Council is spon-Lack!and AFB, Tens. He has dtscussed t.U proeed~.aes soring the tree community event beeo assigned to Lowry AFB-, Touda.y, Yay 18, atanorlenta-to make the chariUes and ser-Colo., for traUting t.n thestCll)ly Uon s~ at the borne otYrs • .-ices of local volWlteer ag-fteld. He is a 1970 graduate of Lee Putoo Jordan Jr. eocles known to the publlc. Costa Mesa high school. 'HATS OFF' TO NEW BOARD "Hats otr• bas beeD cboseo Mrs. Richard Jordan, member-consulting bo&rd members wbo u Ule lbeme tor tbe Juoe 3 shlp chairman; Mrs. Reginald haTe cootrtbd:ed time and tal- lalbll•tloa meettDc ottbeChil-Beonett, publlelty chairman. ent to 10 years of commlllllty drea.'a Tbl&tre GuUd ot HeY-The members will also hOG-sen·tce by the Children's Tbea- port Hubal'. OattoLDc omcers or tll:eir past presidents and tr_ .:.•.:G::ul::ld::· ______ _ ud. boUd members will pre-- teal lholr _b'..,locled sue· LEGAL NOTICE LEG,t.L 140TICE eet..ra wlthiiJPfOIPI'Iatt.lydec-NOTICE Of PUBLIC HEARmG Ol'l1td "e"-"'u."' flower ttl-NOTICE Of PUBUC HEARING Notice 1s bereb)' linD tbat '-4 bat& wtll ~Wid to tbt fesUn Notice Is hereby gtna that the Pla.DDUII Commlssioe oltbe deeot. tbe PlatiD.Ln& Commlssloo ofthe Clty ot Newport Beaeh wt.Ubo)d Mmn. Fruk Galnes, James Cit)' ot Newport Beaell. will bold a pubUe bearlac oe tbe~.R~Uea­ Ar-&ad KalaaD SpelloUeb & publlc O.ZID( oo 1be llll'llca-lion ot FnaclllM R...,. Iaior- art ptu.IJIIIIIoJ""Shmc._ 11oo o1 a-Id r . &ad Sblrloy atato Corpnlloo .,. • Uso •..U.C 111111 ~~~~-PllYllloo. J. Cottlo lor Ut1 Permit 1533 Permit ISM '"' P<-tr to- All orlciJiol moole&l -will (A.....Smellll lD U.P. 1061) oo catod at '100 Wool c-111&11- opoo 1111 ......... -ID& po-ly -loci tl 4163 Blrcb WU, Nowpon llooell, lD PW• ..,. aCik:•a a.s board mem· strMtt. Newport Beaeb eo per-mlt a Meno.ld•a .. drtft-ia" Mra: mJt a ,....al obldleoct traiD-rest&111'Ul ta a C -l·R Dis- lira. DaYid DllllDL ...,._ 111 -I lor -. trlet • ~ •-to • -N-•ta--11.., Natieo .. __ ,.._ ,.. u '"-' lin. F'rod IIIII otld pobllc beerllll will be that otld ..,..llotdoC wiU be & .... lthlco .. nllool; ll•oo. bold .., 111e llrd d&y ot J-bold oo 1111 llrd <1u ot J- -Kin, .... b I :11111 It'll, 111111 -aii:OO P.ll. lnl, 111111 -ot 1:00 P.M. Ull .... -. bd -s. 1111 c-u c-ber• ot s. 1111 c-u CM·blra " ..1111 IIi lin.--"-1111 llowpon 11o0c11 City llall, lllo N--CltJ loll, II I .,., lin. --. II --&ad place &OJ at wloldl U.. llt1d piMo -•• •;lin.~---udaD .. IIHl*ri·I~MJ udtJll*_ .......... _, ..., JUM a , ~ Mn. ...-r ud bl a.n tMr-. ......, Ulll tit ...,. au-. .... ..,.., Jl, I U• oe-DDa 1. ... a teentarJ 0. R. M! PI'\ lla 11uJ •• trr I; lin. hUUI lc._.ta.CIIIC~tr x,.,...._.CIIr 01 , $, 1111 ,II oe-....... C. .. IFIII fUIIIcC..n' 1 3424 VIA LIDO -NEWPORT BEACH • 7 7 ~~--~~~-..... ..., .. 11'11 .. _, ..., .. !I'll, .. ...... N' ,, liRa .... ,. ...... ~ ....... ,. Jeftllll't .... -. ... L------------------------------~ ... I 80 ROBERSON, ceoter, lbt _,.. OCI tract ud fttld eaaeh, dltc ... s N.we plans wttll OCt eba.Dc:ellor Duie1 G. Aldrleb Jr.. 18ft. ud OCI Athletic Director Ray TborDton. (VIc O!&IH p ..... ) Roberson named coach OCC fakes state titles SO UTJ-t ~.OAST vv ,., ••••• ~" ~ 001: a space odyssey . "''''d< c, -~· •• vr·~, ~ t he ulti mate trip ' Nl W PORT -IIUA SPORTS SCENE WITII ftC OPAL. --------------------~ 21tJW AIID Dl PPIIIII T ACTIDII PICTUIU • - PIIST IUMIMOWIMG - 14 TID (I) -QIILDIIII WITH PAIIIITI OIILY S!COIID IIG flATU Ill "TH! VIRGIN SOLDI!RS" LYNN R!DGRAV!-HYWIL B!NH!TT AND HIG!L I'ATIIQI ' • fnwn 2 P.M. Barp>nMamto (Yory Wod. ".M. Gwenda Watson named for ~-= :;;.,u_:::;,_ top achievement Thrift shop in new site 'no z.. c~e "' ·--1ar 111r -. .. Atr~ea; , ..,._ Mid lU ttat. o1 wom. la lMI, Mrs. NtU M.-t~ueer, Tile .. U...I C11111tyt...... lt IIU .._ ..... fl alllar ., 111~ , Mooporl c-. Will bold a t11t Loapa 111 -a ..,., • lllmebtoa *' U _. tbe aa a "' c -• 1 rtbboo cllltttDc ee:remo&~J at z ~ a.t cu _... u a Mderlbtp of tbtlr ..., prul. boob; lD JMS, Mrl. A1 F«· p.m. May U to iiii.U(UHte tbe bolD• lor &11 ttl nr ... K· deal, Mr.. JOipb Hamblet, at lit tor ber lln'lee to ZoaD on IOc&tloD tor tbe TlektoeW U'ritif&, ud tldl 11 Ute tint tM ZOita clllbbouM. ID tormlDc aaf ma•••atar Cbt Th.rl.ft s-on w. 19tb Street, otop toward .....,,.,•rlllll-• ZoDtl'• ebolce of womu o1 Zoota FouMttton tor Stmor ._. .,..... acblftotmeot lor 1971 11 lin. Cltuen. u treasurer; lo 1965, Costa Mea, 2 bloeU ott Mew. Tbt T""" Sbap wtl1 bt t1- ••man (Gweeda} Wataoa., Mia Apes Blomqlllat for buf.. port Bltd. across Harbor Blfd. otftee dowDitalra. S40 W, ltD 1• street, &Dd wtU ban a ..._.. pr-ol ~ Harbor Aroa -•: w 196?, Mrs. Jooopll LIG.t.L MOTICI 1>oot1qoe ~ alm-o ud Coordl.Dattag COWICU, wbo wu Beet, for her Jooc: years ot ,,.,... boaortd for ber Yoluateer ser. MrYice to this community, and deeor • Tbe ere&t tar ..... Clllt Ylees IDd leadership. Mrs, ltll919, Mrs. Roy Foa tor Mr· NOTICE OF PUBUC HEARING tbe Th.rlft Shop tu bMa .e.d. Karle Howes made tile prese.a. Ylce to youth, Notice Is bereby gfYeo tblt tor 'lt'tll at. t. there u a.J .. the Pl.amllng CommtssJoD o1 tile ways. ta.t:...e.. ol tbe plaque &.Dd told of An orlllnal play, "The com.. City 1 N Mn. Waboo's senlcei.Ddvery pleat mess," b)' Zootlu Betty 0 ewport Beach will bold Preseotly Mn.Rowludl.ott- J huoo a pubUc heartng oa tbeappllca. man Is 1n charce, a..uted bJ buJ Wettme IGr others. 0 • a writer of eootboob tion of Richard LeJteh ' As-Mrs, Jaek Stmueta:, wbo wUl Slleetal ll*f.s at the luneb-ud rna.ay pubUsbed playa. was sociates, loc. for a VarlaDce s~ulse after Jtme, eoa W'ere former women ot a. presented, sbowlng tbe pro-~ ·--:__ -~ 1006 on property located at Mrs, Speoeer Tracy a.Dd Mr cbleYemeot, Mr1. Tbelma Pad-cress ot women's statu from ------....._ ----.r• ~ Block zoo, Newport Center. daughter Susie will be pr....t Hope told ot the bectnning the early 1800's. The eut tn. Newport Beach, CaUl. to per. 011 the speaker.;; stand tor tile thla anrd ot booor aDd of eluded Betty Joh.DJOO &s Sally GWENDA WATSON mU the parldD( requirements ribboa cutttng,aloog with COita ftrst award ln 1957 to tile Lutes, creat-creat .crand-ot tbe board of they thE for professional, commercial Mesa Mayor Robert Wllmo. He leo Smith, a watercol. mother; Mrs. Yule Howes as ploymeot Senlce, Hari:r Ar:: and retail buildJngs to be com~ Also 00 hand 'Will be Blllldy lD1959,Mrs.EstberDen. Josephine Morris Love, great-As a YOlunteer for the Or-puted oo tile basis of "net Ebsen aad Mrs. Artbur Kim- authoress and most granddaughter, and Mrs. c-·~ •·~· N tlo area" lnstead ot "gross area" bl'ougb .aational presldertt ot lfEW OFFICERS wt1J be l.nstalled at the June 8 ltmebeon mMUAc ol tbt Lldo Isle Woman's Club tbe ft.Dal mee&c ol tM III«JJI. Am6q tbe offteers to' be lnstalled are, Ml.ted, left to rllflt, Mrs. PhlUp WUls, spec:La1 eveats; Mrs. Frull Meier Jr., the oew presideot, am Mrs. WU - Uam Wb,te, 2Dd Ylee.presid•; starvHac, ltl.aa Dorothy De Puydt, eorreapoodtng secretary; Mrs. Earl Hardap, tlrlt Ylce-prealdeot; Mrs. Delbert Van Ornilm, reeordlac: secretary, and Mrs. Hobart Batson. treasurer. Mrs. Jotm Frank 1a 3rd Ylce-presldent. The program wiU loclude an orlllD&l play, "To Lldo with k)Ye," written by Lido's taleoted t•m of Mrs. Ralph Ta.ndowslcy aDd Mrs. Ra)pb Holden. with Mrs. Ladlslaw Reday directing. Tbe cast !Deludes Mrs, Rtchard Mailander, Mrs. Polly Ober, Mrs. E. Terruce Moran. Mr. and Mrs. William Gautscht, Mrs. Robert Wahler, Mrs. W, Cba.MJng Lefebvre, Mrs. Jack Ma.rsball, Mrs. James Hitchman, Mrs. Stuart Swldler, Mel Grau aDI.1 Joe ~ela. Reservatlons may be made with Mrs. Joseph Tra.nkl:.l., 673-6329, or Mrs. Donald Ja~l. 673-6471. LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE George SchooooYer as Vlrgtnta ange -~ c._...,.r, a o-• , Campbell a modern woman. al Foundatioa-March ot Dtmes, Notice lsbereby t\lrtber given the League. The z 'nta "'•Is f tb th Gwenda hlalle~establlshthe that saJd publlc hearlng will be This year's officers will 0 lo"6 ° e moo ";)reDatal elinic vohmteer ser-held oo the 3rd day or Jtme serve u tht' r eception eom-=!tr Mr:~er~.:~e:~by= rice program, aDd served as 1971, at the hOtu' ot 8:00 P.M. mlttee. They are Mrs. Herber~ z ta "'•I ~the Dth hair ebatrma.n of the pla.Ming com-in the Council Cba.mbers ofltea.ny, president; and Wmes. 011 r.u s mo c • mutee which set~theprogram the Newport Beach City HaU. Richard Lawrence, Rowi&Dcl mr~n c beon arrangements lD cooperation W'lth the Dospital at whJ.ch time and place any Lohman, Guy Sm ith, Clnde dooe each mootb by member~ o1ftclals. and all persoru;; interested may Meeks, Llsso Mlms, Holmes ot the zonta club as a service For the past several years appear aod be heard thereon. Mills, Curtis Crooke, and she bu served as chairman of Doo R Adkinson Secretary Richard RawUngs. :::r~~ w;re :!e:t;.halrM~ the Onnge Cotmty March of Ne~rt Beach Ctty The ribbon across the front R~rt i 0~coo Or byHele~ Dtmes a.nn111.1 wine ta.sti.Dgbene-Planning Commission door wtll be cut by Mrs. Tracy Robertso · M ~ Bar llt, ooe ot the major lund raJs-Publish: May 20, 1971, lD and alt visitors W1U be wei- aDd y 0:,._'~ T ger row, log events tor the chapter. The Newport Harbor Ensign. corned tn.slde to refr'eshmeats rs. n&.oO raw. and displays. Gweoda, who Is ttl~ wlfe ot LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOnCE The National CWlty Leacue, Chaocellor Norman atsoo ot . -a mother-daughter serYice Orange Coast Coll~ge,lschalr-NOTICE OF PUBUC HEARING NOTICE OF PUBUC ~EARING OtqJ was organi.&ed 1D 1957 man,ot volunteer senlces tor Notice 1.s bereby given that Notice 1.s bereby gJve.a that ~er' the presidency ot Mu the Orange County chapter ot the Pta.nnlng Commlsslon of the the Planning Commission otthe Ernest Huxt d She was tol' the Natto.aai .FOWldatioo-March City ot NeW'pOrl Beach will Dold City nt Newport Beach wtn Dold lo ed ~ · es r~ ot 01mes, and state volunteer a. pubUc bearlng oo theappUca~ a pubUc haarlng on the awUca-Ar~her ~aul :'oge.rs Dellord advisor tor the naUonattounda-tion ot Charles W. Smytb for a Uon of John P. Hooten for a f'edder~n, Robert B'tackmar, COMMANDER ROBERT WEMPLE takes a ft.x with aseltant tJon, Variance 1005 oo propert>: lo-Variance 1007 oo property lo-WIIU.am Tritt, Chester Salla:- on Newport Harbor Yacht Club, wbere the Balboa Power She was one of the founding cated at Block 200, Newport eated at Block 200, Newport bury Norman Bing. Jobn Rau, NOTICE Of PUBUC HEAR-freeway. Landscape plans pre-Squadroa wtll present Us summer session ot tree basic members ot the South Coast Center, Newport Beach, Call!. Center, Newport Beach, Calif. Eart'OtrlchandEdwardCorlett lNG TO BE HELD BY THE pared by a licensed landscape boating classes begi.Mlng May 31. The class wiU meet for Child Guidance Cllnlc and Is to permit tbe parting require-to permit the parking require-Tbe League has beea able ~ BOARD OF SUPERVISORS architect or landscapecontrac-12 consecutive Mondays, at 7 p.m. Registration wtll be a past-president of that group. ments tor protessloaa.l, com-ments for protessiooal, com-seod hundreds of tbousa.Dds of OF OR'ANGE COUNTY CAL tor lnciUding necessary irrlp.-accepted the evening of the tirst class at the Yacht Club She received the governor's mercia! aM reta.U bulkllngs to merci.al and r eta.ll buildings to dollars to the work of JoM lFORNIA, ON CERTAIN Uon aocl maintenance taciUtles t.actuty, 7ZO W. Bay Ave,, Balboa. U. Cdr.Henry B. Taylor award tor mentalhealthaMwas be computed oo the basis ot be computed on tbe basis o1 Tracy Clink based in Los PROPOSED PLANS DESIG-shall be presented to and ap-(center), executive offtcer, and Lt. Cdr. Albert E. De-named the first "woman of in-"net area" Instead ot "gross "net area" instead ot "gross Angeles. ' NATED "ZONING DISTRICT proved by the Planning Dl-Young, admlolsfhtlve officer, are pictured with Cdr. spiration'' by the students ot area." area:· MAPS IRS-59 AND ms-60 rector prior to issuance ot any Wemple. Orange Coast college. She Is a Notice lshereby further giYen N·~·tce Is hereby further given VI SIT tH G AUSTRAL. I A (CASE NO. ZC 71-18) TO-building permit. The landscap-member otthevtsitatJon team to that said pubUc hea.rlDg will be that said publlc hearing will be Navy Seaman Robert w. Or- GE THER WITH A PROPOSED log shall be installed In sub~ Art goes down under MetropoUtan State Hospital tor held on tbe 3rd day ot June held OR the 3rd day of June l.ausld, son ot Mrs. Nellie T. AMENDMENT TO THE stantlal conformance with the the Mental Health assn. 1971, at tbe hour ot 8:00P.M. 1971, at the hour of 8:00P.M. Orlauski ot 265-C ope St., SOtrrH mVINE RANCH GEN. approved plan prJor to the OC· Gwenda Is a past-president 1D the' CCHmdl Chambers of In the Council Chambers ot Costa Mesa, ts scheduled to ERAL PLAN" PROPOSING cupaney of any buildJ.ngs. "New paintlDg 1D Los Anp-Ill l,()s Angeles tor tbelr large-of the Calllornta General Fed-the Newport Beach City Hall, the Newport Beach City Hall. Ylslt Neweastle, Australia, THE AMENDMENT or THE 3. f'eoeing or walls shall be les," oo view at the Newport scale outdoor palntlngs 1n pub. eration of Women's Clubs, ju-at which time and place any at which time and place any aboard tbe guided mlssUe des- ZONlNG CODE installed along any flood con-Harbor Art Museum ln the Bat. Uc places. In Newport Harbor nJor membership, member of and all per901lS lDierested may a.od all persons Interested may troyer tBS Hoe! for the aaa..J Pursuant to the Planning and trot cha.lloet bordering the boa Pavuton through June 20, just south ot tbe PaYiUoo tbey the boardoftrusteesoftheMar-appear and be heard thereoo. appear and be heard thereon. Coral Sea festlnl After tbe Zoning Law asameoded notice buUdlng site In a ma.uer meet-extends ltsell beyond the Mu-have set ~ a World War n dan School of Educational Tber-Don R. Adk::irlsOil, Secretary Ooo R. Adkinsoo, Secretary 5 da.)' visit, b15: ship wt.n retw'n Is hereby ifYen that a' pubU c lng the approval of the Chief seum's nils. two-man subm.arfDe. The t:loat-apy lDd ns toooding president Newport Beach City Newport Beach City to San Dle&D, completlDca 7 bear log •111 be held by the said Engineer ot the Orange County The Los Angeles flne Art lDg seuJpture/paiottng is ln ot the Las Almas De lbrdan, Pla.Dn1Dg Commission P1aJmlng Commission IOOIIth deployrneat with tbe us. t Speei.ftc PIUI . dM'&Mted ~ _pubUe barlDC oa Ute. ... tor HeDd«son, LeoDil'd Kortn eommeutary am sease of the SebOol. Sbe 1s Wo a member The Mewpprt Harbor Eutp. Tbe Newport Ha.rbar Board ot &uperyt.otsoncertain Flood Cootror District. Squad 1ncludesJ1m Fraz.tn, Vic-keeping with the Sq..ad's witty ;~•:ICl:~~.,~rt~or~....,~~ol~th~e =M=ar=dao=~=P:!O>~Usll=:' =lla~y:zo:··~l9~71=, =ln~~P:ub~Usll='=lla~y==ZO=,~=~in~~~~FI:oet:.~IA:.:tho:.::woot:~ "Zo~ "obtiiet ilaps m5-59 ibo<re" ~ piau 'ifU be aOO Terry Sehoontxwen, known apocalyptic. and IRS-60, (Case No. z c held In the Chambers ot the From the Balboa lsla.Dd 71-18)'• otSeetlon 78.023 otthe Board of S~rvtsors In the LEGAL NOTICE sDorellne the submarine loots Codlfted Ordinaoces ot the Orange Couoty Administration NOTICE OF PUBUC HEARING like a plywood stage set but the County ot Orange, so as to BuUding, 515 North Sycamore Notice is hereby given that work ot art takes on an. acute change from the AI "General Street, in Santa Ana, Orange the Plannln Commlsslon of the reality trom the Museums gal. Agricultural" Dl.strlct to the County, Calllorn1a on tile 2nd Ci ot Ne g rt Be.ach wlUhold lery on the peninsula side. R3 "Apartmeat" District cer day ot June, 1971, at tbe Dour ty wpo U The submarlDe ls40ft>etlong taJ..a property loc&led ~n ttl; of 9:30 o'clock A.M., at whJ.ch :/:b~c;::ing&o~~e~st~ approximately 12 feet high, 2 southerly side of the San Dte time and place all persons 0 0 ge • feet wide and weighs approxl- . Freeway easterly ot San Die: either favoring orC41PQslngsald go. & T~ B~o~t~ge D~elop; ma.tely 1,800 pounds. It toot Creek tlood cootrol channel 1n plans wtll be heard, orp., e u s omeo ners ten men to launch lt. Gregg the West University Park area Said plaDs proposing such ~om~unltyt A~soc~tlon tor a~ Erickson, Newport Beach art- topther with a Proposed amendments ot the Zonl.ngCode 14~; am:: 0 ~ocat~mat ist, constructed the submarine. Amendment CO the South lntne are on file In the otftce ot the 255; East~~~ty Ne rt other artl.sts included in the Ranch General Pian, subject to County Clerk of the County ot B h C W nla ~·· ~ show areJamesBradley,James the toliOW'ln coadltions· Orange where said proposed eac ' a or perm e Ganzer Allan McCollum 1 Prior 'to tbe lss~ce of plans are available for public ~~nstrlld'-uctlloo .;?!,_ aBml·~nteHnance TDoma~ Seidel and Tom Wudl • tnspectloo ..... .. .. g or • •n: u.us orne- any bu11dln&: permits on this Dated this ?th day of May owners Community Associa-GARDEN CLU 8 TO TOUR property, pubUc road access 1971. • Uon. ARBORETUM IN L A shall be PI"'TTded ln a maMer BY ORDER Of THE BOARD NcUce Is hereby further given • • meett.nc the &pprOYal of the OF SUPERVISORS Of ORANGE that said public hearing t;"iU be The f:lDal p.therlltg of the County Road Commissioner. COUNTY CALIFORNIA held on the 3rd day of June season tor the Harbor View 2. A laDd.caped screen With w E s-r JOHN · 1971, at the hour of 8:00P.M. Hllls G&.rden Club will be a an anrage of 50 feet In depth C~ Clerk and ea-In tbe couocU Chambers ot May 26 tour ot the Los Ange- but ln. 00 case less tban Z5 teet otncio Clerk ot the Board the Newport Beach City Hall, les State a.od CoU.Dty Arbore- ln depth stWl be provided along ot S~lsors of Orange at whJcb time and place any tum. Tour cba.lrma.n, Wrs. tbe eatire troatage ot the build-County cautornta and all persons Interested may R. L. Rlcllmood, aDDOUDCes inc lite aJoac tbe San Dteco By Mabel L. CasteU appear and be heard thereon. that members will board a Fneway, Said landscaplngshaU Deputy DOD R Adkinson Secr etary cba.rtered bus for an early eonslst of trees, shrubs and Ne~rt Beach Ctty morD1ng trip to Arcadla, take crOWid COYer planted so as to Pla.nn1ng Commission a guided tram tour ot the pr- torm a soUd eoatlnuous screen P!I>Ush: May 20, 19n, In PubUsh: May 20, 1971, in dens, and see portions of th:J betwHD the property and the the Nnport Harbor Ensign. The NeW'pOft Harbor Ensign. Baldwln estate. They will also um~ SU LEAGUE ALL OM PUII'oseo·-CONVERSE TENMI S SHOES LADIES TEHNI S SHOES GYIINAST SHOES ]tS l1l 1795 !OI'TIAU.S -ll· .. do -12 .... lETHEit IAU.S I POLES lUtE nilS-TUIES -ACCESID•n- TO 6" Ylew a tllm, "Landscaping with trees." aM can vlsJt the Sunset Home demoostrattoo p.rdms a.Dd greenbouees, Eleetloa ot omcers tor tbecomtncJea.ra.Dd reitJlar buslDess tor the month will be coodueted ec route to the Arboretum. GOP WOMEN WILL MEET WAY 261M COSTA MESA Mesa Verde RepubUcu Wo~ men's Club wW bokt a hiDc:heoa meettna: at tbe hom• ot Mrs. William Rorick ol Costa Mea 011 Wtdoesday, lila1 Z6. Follow- iDe a 10 a.m. '""'"'' ••11011,. tbe procram trl11 r.tare Mr1. Nell SecraY ... from CbrUt!u Htrltace Cola.p, Su Oleto, u cuoot -· lfro. Cal-howl Samrlll. Me• Verde'• --pr-,wllldlo- e.R tbl topl.c, "Edoea.Uol&l -Ia !rom our R-Ucu --.r." MAY 23 THROUGH MAY 30.~~ GO NATIVE ! ! ! WHILE THE MERCHANTS OF NEWPORT B.EACH GO HAWAIIAN BIG STREET DANCE, SUNDAY AFT- ERNOON, MAY 23, FROM 3:00 TO 6 :00 P.M. DRESS HAWAUAN, AND DANCE DIXIELAND TO DR. JOE HART 'S OVERSEXTET. AT MAIN ST. AND BALBOA BLVD., BALBOA I I • • WIN TRIPS TO HAWAII VIA WESTERN AIRLINES ISLANDER FLIGHT MANY OTHER PRIZES CDUPONS FREE IN OVER 200 SPONSORING STORES COME IN -JOIN THE FUN Something every day during Hawaii Week ..• Everylxxly dress, think Hawaiian •.. A final PAU PARTY at the Newporter Inn on Sunday, May 30 . • • Reservations a must •.. Call the Newport Harbor Cham- ber of Commerce at 675-6300 for reservations. See spectacular Polynesian enter- tainment all week. The best In Ta- hitian, Hawaiian, . and Samoan spec- tacular entertainment and beautifUl music for your dancing and llatenlng pleasure. • OUTRIGGER CANOE RACE • HAWAllAN BOAT PARADE • HAWAIIAN WEDDING • LUAUS GALA PROGRAMS C0-SI'ONSORED BY MERCHANTS OF NEWPORT BEACH, THE NEWPORT 11ARB0R CILUIBER OF COIOQftCJ:, AliD WJ:81'QN AlRLINJ:S. • .............. Properties 1•1$ t:AST COAST HIGHWAY. CO"ONA OI!L. MA". CAL.l,.. RICHARD C. MOWER ltOIUT 0 . CHAMLEY Bus. (7 U ) 67.5-.5726 R.,. (7 U ) 644-7708 SEIIPLB BEAL ESTATE RBSIDBHTIAL AHD IUSIHBSS PROP!RT/85 ·-POR IHTBRBSTeD, PROPeSSIOHAL COHSIDBRATIOH see 5~1 RIAL 15TATI 2'su 1 . C..otM-.., c.-· u- an..Jltl uOReN U. BliUMQiiRDNeR. C.P.l\'1. BOYD R.EALTY investments 36.29 east coast highway,corona del mar,cal1Jornia92625 (714) 673·6510 University Realty R. L. STRICKLER CHRI S HOPPER 3001 E. COAST HIGHWAY CORONA DEL MAR. CAliF. HOME 673·8494 NOTAAY PU IIL.IC MABEL FITZMORRIS "I:Al. TO .. FITZJ.tO""IS RUL.TY CO. "'' ~ CCI ~·T "'""Wt.V COIID,.,. <>•~ "'""· c•Lo,.. tun KEN BRITTINGHAM REAl. TOR 4 0 2 · 32ND STAIIIET IO~"'O•o'T"IO CoTv MALL) NlfW~OIIT .ILO.C M. CAI.I~. B u •. 171•1 87!1·0123 Rile. 17141 87!1-8!11114 NEWPORT BEACH REALTY SALtS • RENTAL.A BETTY 8TI!!:PH1EN• IIIIAO.TOA •• 11'7 N.w ...... ..-.LVO. NIOW .... II"r .llACII•I. C:A. ••••0 HOME SHOW , .. &u.l;f.J ~-b:Y Uo< - "TIM" THOMAS II&AL'JOil (714) ... •.• .,. •. ,.4. -·~ ..... -o.,. •• For Know-How in Real Estlte-see bJr Realmr · •-a e IICf<TAI..II • U C ... ANQU • IN.U .... NCI CLARK SOMERS "L'LTO .. STEPHENSON &EALTY 306 Morine • klboo ·l•lond. Colifornio 675-AOOO M IDWAY 2•2222 FRASK KlXGAA RD REAL ESTATE "' ....... N&w-•1' ... ,,._,.,. Co•1'.o. ....... 3.3:5 11:. 171'" 8TA'1:1£T 8 o .. •:> O f" llll,.L1'0"• COSTA "''1:8A. CA Lif". C. F. COL ESWORTHY & CO. Realtor 1028 Bayslcle Drive, Newport Beach 675-4930 AllletOCNTIAI. • INYIIIeT"'aNTS • 0CMANOIIe • EDMOND M . PERRON l'llla.o.TOA Rll8. C7141 &42·0888 0-. 1"7141 .42-1771 COeTA MS: .... CAl.! ... •aaa7 GEORGE WILLIAMSON 8100"1• •• R 3109 No.wporl &ov-..ord N&wporl koch, Colifornlo THE VOGEL CO. REAL. ESTATE 21!587 E Cot..•"r H IGHWt..V •T F~RNI.~,. A UII:NUII CORONt.. 01!:1. MAR, Ct..LI,.ORNIA L ots T . V O GII:L 1!573.2020 642-5200 PETE BARRETT PETE BARRETT REALTY rt a .. ch DAVID P. DE LAIICY a 4 14 VteTA Dll. 01110 N~~WrGM •ucM tf"'-l'OMIA 11110 c ......... 644-7270 -LC1 t'llae; A . L.. "'IM"" HAntNOI MANAOIII • IIU.t.TOII •••.••• ,. ...... ~ ........ ,.,M!- • LOUIS W. laiGGS aBALTOR • 714 E. Bollooo 11•4. ,lollooo 673-8110 HARVEY D. PEASE o ..... , .... t & •••••••' c.. 4U Pool. A... 673-0346 BALBOA ISL.o\14 D CORBIN ·MARTIN INC., ' REALTORS MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICB ' .. I:SIOENTIAL -COMMERCIAL -MANAGEMENT 3138 E AST CO AST HWY ., COaONA DELMA& 17:>-1112 SPeCIALIZING IN REALlY NEAT HOMES • .-~ a ,.1· -1 " lJIIIIKltJII: 11()-'tii:S : .-"· .... ·~· ,}.. um~. lr !l"j li .Jl~ • ..... ~. 875-IOQD 2443 E•t Co.st High-y C01on11 0.1 Mar. C.lifornie 92625 PRICE Rrolt, FANNtK PfllltCK. AKALTO" 1711. p_,..ott: AVII • CO.TA, ... II.A. CA. ll:c'lla7 17141 •••-:i:aoe LIDO REALTY, IN C. 3377 VIA LIDO NEWPORT BEACH MRS. RUTH JAYRED IIIIEALTC" (i _, Sales .. ;, Rmcah: . . "' &chanRU ••• ot. a•LeOt. e L-.:n ••'-•at... CALOI'CI II .. 04 caA•T ""d"I:IIIITIII:I co. ""0 .. 1[ • .,,. ••• ,CI II&ALTOII• 1111:e . 0 '7:11 ·"7•:11• RALPH P. MASKEY & DOH BOHLER ReeltDrs -Apprehon 3411 Newport Bl•d., Ho..,.rt Boach 673-6000 •4D'1 ..... ,. oo••" MwY. 00.,.01111" oc" "'"'"' OA'-'"'· 675-3000 •• A .. IITA'fl • ,. ...... .,., ••••••••• " • t,.._. ..... Ct • ' ' N1wpo.1 •••dt .. ._ .... Island Costa Ml11 Lido Isle ~ del Mar ·--BUY HER - A ROSE GARDEN· •• ... With a pool, a view, and an outstanding home at no extra ·cost. It must be seen t o be appreciated. OPEN 1-5 SUNDAY 1106 GOLDENROD, HARBOR VIEw HILLS •••• CAMEO HIGHLANDS ... Which has many special features in its four bedrooms, family r oom, separate dining room, large living r oom, and view kitchen. All very comfortably located on a large cor- ner l ot. BAYCREST-POOL Jl.ST USTEO AND NOT A LEASEHOLD. FOUR BEDROOMS, FAMILY AND FORMAL DINING. COM- PLETELY REDECORATED AND rn SPARKUNG CONDITION. HARD TO BELIEVE AT $69,500 CALL 545-3424 Price Slashed $1,500 R E· f ESTATE LIVING T 0 I I VACANT .•• MOVE RIGHT INI· . 5 I!!!-· • 3 Bootha • ) c.. Goo- . Ooi ..... Mit with·--· lwl-··· pool .......... --·-"" with • ..,.Ia .. 4 4~ ... - P• .&wJJ IGJJ, ,_, .. b SHORECLIFFS OCEAN AND JETI'Y VIEW -Top condi· lion. 3 Bedroom, convertible den and 3 bltiu. Dining room lli th fireplace, break· fut/family room with wet bar. Garden .. tung. U15,000. OPEN HOUSE DAILY 2-5 P.M. 130 SHOREQ.IFF RD. Offlco Open s.tunlayo & SunNyo ~ PET~60~!!!~ ... RN.Ef.'LTY l 642-5200 .Linda .Jl~ PRESTIGE WATERFRONT HOMES 16 LineN Isle Drive Decorator furnished. 5 Br. 5 bath horne fac· inc Harbor Island. Jacuzzi lr Auna: Ready for jmmed. occupancy. W /dock S200,000 Sl Linch Ill• Drive Home on lagoon, 5 BR.. 41h ba ... w '4 frptc_s., jacuzzi tub. hdwd. f1rs .. sep. !Jv. rm .. dm. rm., ram . rm . &: brkfst. rm. . SJ7;).QIJ() 92 Linda hie Drive Beaut. 5 BR .. 4 ba. home w/formal dm. nn. & ramily rm . 3 Frplcli. Outside sta1rwaL Buill-in gun cabinet & books heh·e~. S145.00U 107 Linda hie Drive 5 BR. 3 baths : tam. rm., foQll. din. rm. 2 Fplcs., Rm. lor pool. Dock. By Appt. !145.000 Waterfront Lots No. +t: 101 Ft. on water .. .' ......... $125.000 No. 76 : 3 Car earage. Reduced to ... fl7.000 For compt.to htforrMtion on all homes & loh, pl .. se all: BILL GRUNDY, REAL TOR Ill Dov.r Dr., Suite 3, N.B. 642-4620 THE REALTORS OF THE NEWPORT HARBOR-COSTA MESA BOARD OF REALTORS WISH TO CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO THE CULTURAL, EDUCATIONAL AND RECREATION- AL ADVANTAGES AND OPPORTUN- ITIES THAT ABOUND IN OUR AREA. NElf()RT HARBOR ENgGH AftST SECTlQH --P .. 7 lliURSDAY, MAY 211, 1971 CORONA DEL MAR, CALIF. Curt Dosh •••••••••••••••••• fiiEAL TOfll '-'2-Wl .... ," __ W. COAS MWY.II.B. Bale• tbrougb the Multiple u••• Service ol the Newport Harbor-CoMa Men Board ol Realtore tot•J)ed EIGHT -ANll ONE-IIALP 1111JJ:;LJ()ft I DOLLARS during the mattb of Feb- ruary, 1971. TbiB 1s two and ate·half million dollars more tJian any pre- vious month during tbe 40 years of service of tbe Board. List your property with a Realtor today. -..... ~ BBAL Bll'l'.&TB RIIJIPIIHTIAI. AHP IUJIHBSI PROPI!aTII!S ·-POa IHTIIaBSTIIP, PaOPIIU IOHAI. COHSIPBRATIOII 'SI!II l~Mr\.1 RIAL llTAU :1111 •. c.... c.-• .. -I I I ~ I I I I I I I I I ~ I I I I I Professional. Building 1,800 sq. ff. CORHER LOCATIOH PLEHTY OF EASY, ACCESSIBLE PARKIHG CENTER OF I COSTA MESA S3S,OOO BEST OF TERMS ROY R. McCARDLE REALTOR 546-7729 NEWPORT BLVD. COSTA MESA rnan1:er square apa b I lEi 1ts ANNOUNCES THE AVAILABILITY OF TWO AND THREE BEDROOM UNITS FOR ADULTS DESIRING TO LIVE AMIDST BEAUTY BY THE SEA IN THE PRESTIGIOUS WESTCLIFF AREA OF NEWPORT BEACH ........ FROM $230 For information telephone Mr. Robert M. Buckley, Manager at (714) 645-0252 or write to The Office 01 The Manager, Mariner Square ' Apartments, 1244 Irvine Avenue, Newport Beach, California 92664 lil%!JouALfTY APARTMENTS I A SALUTE WE SALUTE THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA . AT ffiVINE , ORANGE COAST COLLEGE, AND THE NEW- PORT BEACH AND COSTA MESA RECREATION DEPARTMENTS, .AND LIST HERE A FEW OF THEffi MANY OFFERINGS. FREE FREE = Angelitos to install lloopwlot Ia '0111 11o .._ tool, liUIIu IIWor, Jolla r. oollloc ...... -'"*~-·-· ldoordl. -..-t ---., .. -. -. --... Oro, -... ~ J<MI· Bop K. w.taN, -. Mra.llaroloalllllodtcloor, Allo rocolftoc ~ r ... Will tvD tbt pftl Ot"• to opttton WUl bl••'*"1tte mea .. o-11 L. W-d Jr. lion: M-. Jaloo A•-. A pr-of .... llelloororo: s,a, Bortiiii,AU..H.CIVJ, 'OWl-Udl-.-~ v-DodloJ, LJ111U H. Fu-IIJ ..... -_, J-... u, a-.,. ... llol.t.lo, Jotto aDd ber committee. wU1 liD· R. lA.YtUe, CWde L. ....... dtrllllo the --· -Aapa S. Rltblr~ Jo-Tbe alate ot oftleera iochlde, HPb Rtas, Trema!Dt Trill. """ Mrs. Wutrld A. Berla, Ttce LoulJ A. Tur01r, Dtu Q, Wid- Ill's. R. J. stod· diU. Tbomu P. waa.r, Cora CLAnOII THOMPSOII reeordl.Dc seeretary; PtUJ Wallllce &ad Tbomu C. Mra.llay ftle1RD bu paned Friday ot tacb IJIOIIth at EbeU Jostl)h L. Caner, treu. Webster. btr lbe1l Cl1~ P,Ytl to tbt DeW Clubbout. a.od Yrs. WUUam A. Tbis Ytu's proeeed.l ol DEVELOPER GERSON BAKAR, at left, wu OD tud at PI'Nidlat. Mrs. Fred J, Loi.Us Mrs. Charles KeUey t.dl r::::"'r~ oorre_.., sec-US,OOO, preoollled to Blc Bro-Put Nooport lll1a WHt to oftlclate at tile bali-WIY pollll ol NooportBooeb,aadaeUriUtl Ebtll Club Goll Soettoo. Mtm- r' Gold Boolttdltors tber prelldeol William Brool<a to eoutnelloo at llllol,IOI-tal-.,tlllld ..,._ ..__ .. ...,............ btnptayerory luiW~ put ,_, ..w boa-last moolb, made a tolal ol a eommiOIIII' aloo( the ~ NtwPOl'l Bt.y. Carpootoro ue May 11 11 tilt.. dolt tor the ol lllo m-ut llowpwtor too. for tbe1r joUat taltall oa quarter of a mll.Uon ctollars P'ltt1Dc ftotlblq touches OD tbl S50tb 111dt, a z btdroom a.ua1 IIIBIMI' putJ of Book Mr1. Frull: Merkel. ebltr- yeu•s loth UD1Yerar7 raised by the ADpls oo tbe n.., I&JU'tmeat OYtrlclotllaf tbl Bl.r Cuyoo Cotmtry Club SteUoa 1. Plea&e Iaoebeoa at mao ol N.w llt)Dblrl SeeUoD. lditloo. They are Mmea. WU-Gold Book aad &D.Otlll .aprtnc aDd FUhloD lrllad. PreYioul:ly ftnllbed aod about Jdl, aooa Js bt1ac held at tbl NtW'-bu rNti'Ytd thl G&rdeo Room MRS. J. ROBERT LAWSON oJ Balbol.lltud (left) aDd Mrs. fred A. Berls, Albert H. Mal-tall. 1eued Ut a mllturt of M lacDtkll' apartmtot.J, Z?$ ODI· port Btacb bomt of Mrs. L. H. at BtrUbirt'a b' aooa l18Cb· Victor Yack of Newport suney a ball JOW'n of the Douglas btdrooma, !Sl two-bedrooms ud. 71 to.UOUMI. (Pboto McBride. eon M&)' Jl. Falrbuks era 1M u orlll.te abeD comb u tbey make YES NEEDS MORE JOBS b7' 0oo Ander St1dJo ) "LaeQ' Boot Seet1oD 7 'rill pr.,.,.tloos to atteod llle E<lllll HOld "Glamour throuil> 100 1' bold t••tlollao ot oftleera at ITALY IIATIVE DIES tbt years" tuhJoo show to be btld Tuesday, June 1, at tbe Ch h N thl l..ebtoD-IIlHt:tac May u Jo.epb DeFIUIIJpts, 71, ot AD&belm coonlttoo ceoter. Mrs. Yact is the benellt cb&ir-Youtb Employmeat Sentct YES is coopentioc'frtth vol-' u rc ews at Bta Browa'a LI.I'U Bet.eh Z09Z PlactDU& An., COIIt& mu and Mrs. L&waoo islnellargeotreservatloostorthe {YES) ol the Harbor Area. wdarJ cr~ ol Harbor Are& rtltlanat.Yra.RlebudRayJ.J; Ilea, dl~ May 14 at CoG eYeot, wblcb W'iU ioclode destpas ot tamou movie stars ol open 5 da)'l a weet. Moodily by b&YLDC a booth at Faablon . . aem.r., u DIW' eha1rm..a, &Dd lltA MeiDOI'Ial Holpl&al. He tbe put u well as eurreDt tuhlons. The luncbton event ls tbrouab Frl.daJ, from 2 to 5 lllal:ld this Satla'da)', Ma)' ZZ. Tbt CtiDtral Btb1e Cbureb. Hntcea. At 4 p.m. SIIDd&y, Mrs. NeU Wtwam1 ts aeere-wai born Stpt. 11, liM, ID spouored by tbe Las Relnu AU111Ja.ry totbeNewport Beach p.m.. reports tbat the Deed YES wtll tell lts ltoJ'}' and: 2Srd St. at Ort..ap Aft., Colb the JOUtb cbolrs W'IU puttet-tarJ-trtuur•. Italy, &Dd came to 0nap Aulatance Lague. (EDStp photo.) , tor JobS 11 tnmeDdous. Us Deeds. Me• --Tbe Rn. Fred Motif pate tn a cbolr reeopltloacoa-Homei 1M Gardeaa Sectloos CoUDty n Jllll aco. He ftl a G ,amour Show I t d DIG'lac olj)rll YES lilted 1• AIIClEHT MARINER RAC!·"tll Pfll<hal9 aad lO:SOa.m. eerl aad will roeelYO boaor wlU mel! II BorUblre'a Rest-brlek m&IOIIIorSOy-a.Tbtrt S a e bout 100 jobs, but more jobs SUDday on "WalJdoc worthy of cerWicates and ab.lelda for at-aurut, Newport Bet.eb, at IZ:30 are DO nntvors. are Deeded for our d,umlc SCHEDULED JUHE 19TH the Lord." At 7 p.m. hta topic teodance and effort. tor luDcbeoa oo May zs. Cblir-Fuaeral aervt.ets ••e be~ Tuesday, Juoe 1, Is the date 1 Edith Head Is today's leading youth. Tbe Pacltlc Yacht and Bat-wtll be "~bat to do W'ttb Y~ • • • mao is Mrs, J. H. Plefer. May 18 at Bl.tta-Mortuary tor the Miss Edltb Head pro~ m<ltton picture designer. She To ra.tee f\mds tor tbe op-1ooo Club will hold Its aecood problems. · Tbe Newport Unity Cburcb, Goreo COUDttrs, cbLlred by Cbaptl, Costa Mea. IDtllrmllll ducUon, "Glamour ttlrougt:t tbe has been awarded 7 Oscars a.nd entioo ot the YES ot.ftce, tbe aonu&.l AacteDt Mariners p.tt • • • meettnc at 15th st. aDd Irvine Mrs. LesUe Mock, W'lll continue was at Good Sbepberd Ceme- years," sponsored by the Las oomlnated 32 times by the Ezcha.nge Club or Newport. Hat-rig race Jtme 19, star tiDe Ln-Tbe Plymouth CoogrepUon-Aft., Cliff 1!;'-ven •• "An are-meettnc tor brldp the secood tary. . ReJ.nas AIWUary of the Assis-Academy ofMotlon Picture Arts bot is spooaorlnJ a Barber side the Long Beach breakwater al Church, 3Z6ZBroadSt., New-old problem Will be the set· A. • • • d tanee League of Newport Beach, and Sciences. Sbe llas designed Shop Quartet Show for Sat-at DOOD port Heiltflts --"What do the moo topic of the Rev. Loreo •rport ex pan SIOD rejecle accordl.bc to Mrs. Robert L. tor Paramount Studios, MGM, urday eYeniDc, Juoe 19, at Hat-The · course wUl 1Dclude baDd.s renal?" W'IU be the ser ... FUcldncw at 10 and 11 :15 a.m •. La.og. aU11llary chairman. Warner Brothers, Columbia and bor High. Ticket cost ls '$2. circum-naYip.tloo nftbebreak-moo topic of the Rev. Norman SUDday. A sinpplratioo will · The annualtundraislngevent, Twentieth Century roz. She Is Dick Hodge 673-8650 Is Ucket water and the oil Islands Eva Brown for the 10 a.m. Stmday be beld at 7:30p.m. Way 28. Robert McCIJl'dy ot tbe New-was a.lJo tokl t!ll.t Ut~ UDCI1l a luncheon, Is scheduled for now tmder loog term contract chalrmu. ' ' and Emmy. This event is'open servtce. • • • port Harbor Cha mber or Com-Commodore's Ball il slated ooon at the Anaheim Conventioii. with Universal Studios. ' I OTICE to all partial or fUll Ptt i • • • meree told directors of the for Juoe 18 at tbt Balboa Bay Center. An 11 a.m. socl.al hour Master of ceremonies wtu be "-GAL H sallboats in the South c~g Christian Scleoce Ch\IJ'cbes The Lutberao Church Of The Cba.mber at its board meeting Club and that tbt June U All· will precede the luncheon and Harry Babbitt, well known llornla area. Yacht cl~nmem: --"Soul and body" ls the sub-Master, 2~ Paclftc View Monday that a reeommeoda-~tse bull ~Usklcl at tbe Bll- tbe producUoo starts at 1 p.m. singer of famous name bands. CERTIFICATE or Bll>INESS bershlp is not a pre r W.Slte ject ot tbe1Uble les8011 sermoo Drtn. Harbor View HUts •• Uoo by aoOraopCOUDtyCbam-*-Bay Club 'rill be a pre- Miss Head will narrate. In ad-The L)'nn Willls orchestra will Flctltlous Firm Name Dick Brashear ~er 0f for this Sunday. Services are A class ol young people Will ber of Commerce executive seotaUon b)' the Newport Beach dltion to her designs tor motion provide music, and Miss Head THE UNDERSIGNED does "Renegade," Is e~ted to de-at 9;15 a.nd 11 a.m. in New-be presented to the coogrep. committee for e~P&DSioo of the pollee decartmeot on Its bel- picture stars past and present will bring professional models hereby ceruty that be Is con-fend the Ancient MarLoer title port. 11 a.m. Ln Costa Mesa, tioa In tbe order for conftr .. Orange County Allport had !copter procnm. current lastlk,o.s wtll be shown: for the fashlooshoWproduction. ductlng a business at 122 Ap.te • aDd 10 am in Harbor VIew mattoo at 11 a.m. Sunday. Dr. been hlrDid dawn by the Coun-ES Mrs. Victor R. Yack is beoe-The door prl.u will be a ttlree Ave., Baltx:. Island, CaW., whicb he won last year. st1!f Hills . . WtlUam R. Eller W'tll deUYw ty Cba.mber 's board ot 41rec-HARRY JOHNSON 01 tmder the ftcUUous firm oame eompetlttoa 1s eJP&Cted from · • • • tbe messap "Ctlrlst's Ln-•--Harry C. Joima:to Sr •• 72, ol nt chairman. On her commit-day stay for two. dl.bner and tbe yacbts Sea Wtod. Gl1ple llLD :. ! ....,.. 5· 4645 Gorb&m Dr cameo tee are Mrs. J. Rober t Lawson. shOw, at the IniernaUonal Hotel of The Sbell Shed and that said Wlnd J and otb neei St. Andrew's Presbytertao dwe I love, at botb the9and Mr. McCurdy l&ld be bad Sbor died Ma l!i ''t v ftrm Is composed of the fol. a.mmer, er Church, 600 st. Andrew's Rd., 11 a.m. services, A special made a pre...tatloa to the 811• Y a. b.lsretJ-~~V:~ ~~~·. ~~~e ~: ln ~ ~sftelDas AU11llary, lowing persoa whose aame Ln members of the gaff rig fra.-CWf Haven -~ Dr. Cbarlta Hrvice of worsbJp •Ill be held Couaty Cblunbar Ill' liD& 1t to cleoce. He ..., bora Dec. 10, Patterson. luncheon and host~ toiiDded In 1964 by Mrs. Dean full and place of resideoce are te~~i and info t1oo Dlerentleld wtU preach on the at the Park Lido (Flaphlp) re)lct &DJ ncb pollcy. =-LDC ~· and came to eases; Mrs. J. R. Mcintyre, Q. Waddell. acttYely s~rts as fol)ows, to-wtt: Carl E. ~ ohb~!, from :a.~c v:c'J topic, ·•un da.nproua)J," at coan.lesceot bolpltal at 2:30 Tbe Newport Harbor board W'U ~ O::, .. r:~~~: ~~ prlles, and Mrs. Jamts R, the Assistance Lelpe of New-Ack•rman. 1616 Newport &Dd Balloon Club p 0 Box the 8, 9:SO and 11 a.m. Stmday p.m. Dlamood loterllltioo&ICorp tor Barry and Mrs. William B. port Beach 1n aU Us phila.D· ~~'if;· Space 13• Coat&· Mea. 154!, Newport ~cb: 'caw. LAST SI!ASOH COHCI!RT 45 ,..,... ' TrlH, pot>Uelly. Proceeds wtu lllropte prosrams. Members wiTNESS my haad this l'lth LOUIS RBIIHARDT DIES LIGAL NOnCI S6,000 FIRE Ill COM MAY 24 AT UCI HALL sum-• laeludt hll wilt, benefit the Children's Dental belp sta1f the Tbrift Shop, 505 day ot May 1971 Carl E Loa1a H. Reln.blrdt 7? of AD uttms.ttd $e,OOO dam&.. The Ora.np CO!dy PbJlhar. Myrtle; J ..... Harry Jr. of Health Celller, the major phil-32Dd Street, Newport Beacb. Ackermann. ' · · • • ncTITJOts BtmNESS NAME ftl eautd to tbt Coroaa del m:lalc SoclttJ wtUrJ.Dcckmltbe Newport Beacb aDd KeDDitb ol tothropy of the Asslltance Las Rellas d&J, tlrst Tbunda.J Z54 VUll. NOftRd.,eo.ti.MtA, STATEMENT Mar bome of Dualtl Owen 14 eartala 0Clitll'7tb ....aD 111&1 Puad-· a brotb1r Frut. LMCIJI of Nnport Beach. tbe of tbe moDlb., 1a beaded b)' Mn. STATE OF CALIFORNIA~.. ~,.:.a~~ ~m!~~ ~=ta~ The t.olknrlnc penoa lsdolDC of &Of, Ftnllal An t-*i 141Fitb tbl Pblladt~ Oreb-ud a .i.t., Allee 'J'obuoa_ Hat Llao Youth PrabtemCtntor Jull C. Allllao, "UIIIttd bJ COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ' 0 City N J aad • to .,._H u: J. MalbiWI llapa -111r .... a ~ o1 bot -. Du1o1 ll&i-m ---ollu Dllf); lllld 7.,ud. to Costa Mea. Hoac Hospital Mrs. S,dDty P. ButleU and ON THIS 1 '7th dl. ot Ma JtrMY • • •• came Valle)' WtoerJ, •540 campus CUd.. wu ~~;~lodtd 1aeo dact1Dc &Dd b1a wu.,Jacqi;i11Dt eblldrta • .quipmeot and other worthy Mrs. Alnallder Kenaey. 1971, bttore me, a N~y Ptl~ ~ ~'::to!-o .. th.~!:=.; Orin, Newport Beach, ca., nam... du Pre, u cello 10JoUt. Ftmtral III'Ttee. wwe blld projects. Uc LD aDd tor sa1d eouaty &Dd ot Nn Jerll)' tor 22 years. n&40: KeDDeth E, Nelloo. 1S19 Flrtmto llid tbt flre, wbJeb Tbt foUowt.Dc procram bU Ma)' 17 at St. ADdrtw11 Pres-( A R INSTALLS OFF leERS state resl41ng tbtrelD. duly Sun1Yots toclude b.ls W'ife ~11\11 Wa)', Newport Beacb, broke out sbol't)J before 10 bMa ebl»ta by Mr. BuenboJm b)'W1&D Churcb.lDttrmeDtftl com~issloHd and 811'0l'O. per-Yuy· z .ooa Fred ot TultlJi Ca., 92660. a.m., damapd the dto aDd u tor tbt 1:10 p.m. coocert 1n at Pa.cJfte VlnMemortalPark. • • t som~.lly appeared Carl E Aek-ud R'tcbard oi Houston T u.s· TbJs buslnesa Is be tor coo-adjo1D1DJ bedroom, tbepaUoud UCI'a Cnwb'd Hall: OYerture Baits Mort&arJ, Coroaa del The Willlam Bowen Society tal mou.nta.ln schools cooser-ermano. known to me. to ·be the a dauctatw Mary Lo~e Rej ducted by an iDdlvldual. p&Uo t\lrDlture. to ''Euryutbt" b)' Weber; COD· Mar, wu 1n cbarp otarraop- ot C.A.R., sponsored by Col. ration and scrap ~; third person wbose Dame is sub-of l.aJUD&,Nipl; 2 brotbers, Signed: Kenneth E. Nelson. SbJnPH oaan ad•c•tboue ewto ID B mlDor for cello &Dd meDU. William Cabell Chapter DAR )lace patriotic education scribed to the wlthlo tnstru-Fred of Oll City Pa and: This statement filed wttb the at 508 Feroltat'Ave.al8oeaupt orcbeltn, 0\torak, fu.turt.oc ART FESTIVAL SET receotly installed a ne;, slat~ A 'complete Ust of C.A.R. ment, aod aclmowledpd to me John of Taft; am' 12 P-and-co~ty clerk of Orange County fire, but ftl put out Wltb a .JaCQIII.tl.Dt du Pre, &Dd Sym-Tbe Zad aaau:a.l oatwood art of ofrtcers tn the home of Mrs a~ds from the Natiooal Con-that he ezecuted tbe same. children. 00· May 12• 1971 • by Beverly p.rdta bolt. Dl.map at tbllt PboaJ No, 4, Scbumann. t"'UnJ wtU be htkl this W'HkM Dwight M Roberts Inst.alllog venUon have oot been received WITNESS my hand and of-ftmeral services were held J. Maddox, deputy county clerk. address was tlttmated at $50. Tlctets, at $4.50, are on sale end ,.7 Z2 aDd. zs at tbeOik- orticer w~ Kenneth C Malo but Henry Bowen Society placed nctal seal. Mary A, Haapa, May 19 at tbe Pacutc Vlew Publish: May 20• 27• June 3• at the Oranp COWJty Pbtlbar-wood Gardea .\p~J'{meats 1 '700 second vice president~~ Cal~ flrst nationally In pubUelty aod Notary Public Ln and tor said Chapel. Interment at Pacttlc 10• 1971• lJl the Newport Harbor NOTICE or PUBLIC HEARINC mootc of!lce, 201 W. Cout 16tbst., Newport Htllfb:: Uorn.la Sb.te S.A.R. of Fuller-r eceived the Gold Hooor award. County and State. My Com-Vlew Memorial Park. Ensip. Notice Is hereby given that HlgbftJ. Newport Beacb,pbooe Tbere wtn be a total of $850 ton. Both DAR aDd C.A.R. gro!C)s mission ezptres Dec. 13, 1971. the Newport Beach City Plan-648-&4:11. stG:teot tickets are lD purchue prizes for ftrst, The new officers are Robin will participate in Memorial Publish: May 20, 27, June 3, LEGAL NOTICE L!GAL HOTICI nlng Commission will bOld a $Z.OO. Zad aDd 3rd places tnpatnting. Wethe, president; Lynn Dugle, Day services at Pacific View 10,1971, In the Newport Harbor NOTICE OF' PUBUC HEARING -p~b~c h~~~g 0t ~he 3rd ~~ OLLIE CRAHT IN COIIlNA seu.~e, cetamles&Ddenfts. first vice president; Bill Mac-Memorial Park. Ensign, Notice 1s bereby given that NOTICE OF PUBUC HEAR[NG ~.m.u~, the C~~c!l ec:~t!rs OUYer Gnnt. former build· Jldps are Wlllla.m Pa)'M, ~~be sec~ rice presid~t; Doctor pleads ··nnocenl tbe Plannlng Commlssloo of the Notice 1s hereby dno that of the Newport Beach City Hall toe 41r.ctor of lbe City or ::':t'':t.. ~==llar':' a ne mpson, recor -City of Newport Beach will bold the PiannJnr Commtsstoo of the to consider amendment No 281 Newport Beach wbo resl&:Dtd • ' lng secretary; Nancy Buccola, a pubUc bearing oo theawUca-City of Newport Beach will hold whlch proposes to amend 'uue as of 1ut Thur'ld&J, bas been .uiOCiate protes.. of art at corresponding secretary; De-on behalf of his cUect wtth tton of JOhn J. McNaughton tor a a pubUc beartoa: oo theappUca. 20 of the Newport Beach Muni· Hleeted tor the position of OC~ ud ~ G:O'fe:, c:- Ucla Sampson, treasurer; Kim Corona del Mar physician appeals agaJ.nst any ad'rerse VarLance 1008 oo property lo-tion of Paclllc SoutbwestRealty clpal Code pertaining to oU-lllllor bldldioc 1uptctor for JOC pr euor o ar • s Miner , registrar; Robin Miner, Ebbe Hartellus pleaded lnno-rullng. cated at Block zoo, Newport Compaay for a Use Permit street parldng requirements in the City of coroaa. He took Ar:, m:!tce.arts b&ll w1ll be chapla1n, Mark Dugle, hlstor-:ent Tuesday to 14 febuy Dr. HarteUus was IDdlcted c ter N-~ n-h c l1t 1535 oo property ktcated at residential districts. ~ bls DtW duties Woods.)'. · ... Jd a 23 tan and librarian, and Dwight talned 1 ...,_ eo • ., .. _ • .,_c • a • .. ___ .... _ly -oer -" ... A u. • Rober na char ges COD n an VI:• last Ma)' 5 00 ' Ya.rlety of to permit the parkiDg require-...... uu-;,uu ......... Ul. Ulll:\' Notice is hereby furt her given ts, g bearer · Mr s ange County Grand Jury in-charges that 1Dcl11de briber)' ments for professlooal, com-JntersecUoa of San Joaquin Hills tha.t said public hearing will be Geor lt't L. Perlin, a member dictment. and &raod theft ana the sub-e elal lllld retail bulldl to Road and St.nta Rosa street to held on the 3rd ""Y ol J"ne of the DAR chapter has been S~rlor Court Judge Byron mission of fraodulent clatms ~ rcomputed 00 the ba:~ of permit T. v. drhe-'C) un.lts tor "" "' appointed senior president ot K. McMillan ordered him to to insurance companies. "net area" instead of "gross the Security PacWc Natioaa.l ~7~h:t i:eun~ c~~:r~·~ the Henry Bowen Society. stand trial June 30. He also The IDd.lctmeot followed by area." Ba.ot in Newport Center. the Newport Beach CU)· lla.U, State Conferenc e awards lot set June 4 as tbe date for a ooe mCXIth a S141trlor COIIJ't No~lce is hereby further ginn Notice ls berebyturther dYeD at which time and place any the Henry Bowen Society wen hearing on a motion protest-jury decision acq:Btttng Dr. that I&Jd publlc bearlog wtll be that aid p~Uc hearlnc W'ill be and all persons Interested may fir st place ln DAR -C.A.R. par-tng the indictment and allowed HarteUus ol arliiOn and fraud held 00 tbe 3rd day of June held on the 3rd day of JUDe appear and be heard thereon. ttclpation, newsle~er, e:lhlblts, the 50-yea.r.old physician to ctarres. 1971, at tbe bour of 8:00 P.M. 1971, at the bOur of 8:00P.M. Don R. Adkinson, Secretary magazine, Gadsby s Tavern and remain tree on $5,000 bood. Prosectttoo wttDess Jim Ln tbe Couoctl Clambers of In the COtlDCll Cbambers of Newport Beach Cit y endowment tund. Second place Defense attorney Tom Reilly Ble¥tns admitted batt acts Ln the Newport Beacb City Hall, tbe Newport Beaeb Clty Hall, PlaMlng Commission awards were Indians , Amer ican of Laguna Beacb told Judge court a..s tntltled ap,tnst Or at wb.tcb time and place any at wblcb ttme and place &DJ PIJbUsh: May 20, 1971, In music aod American uterature, McMUlao that u..tre woukl be HarteUus, who now Uvts ai &Dd an per.oaa: tmerested m&J and aU per90Gilllttrested m&J r he Newport Harbor Ensign. membership, program mater -further prettral mottons filed 402 Wapolla st., Costa Mesa. 'PPM~' &Dd be beard thereon. awear aDd be t.rd tlttreoo. DOD R. Adk1~ SeeretarJ DooR. Adktoem, Seeretary LOVE CLOTHES STOR LOVING CLOT HE S IS HAVING NEVE R TO SAY YO U'RE SORRY ... ESPECIAI..LY WHEN YOt:'VE SEI..E(:TED THEM fROM OUR WIDE VARIETY Of fA SIIIO NS fOR HAW~ll , THE MAINlAND, OR fOR WORL.D-WJOE TRAVEL.. DROP BY SOON ... YOU WON'T BE SORRY! GET. READY NOW POl MIIPOIT lloiCH HAWAII WEEK ~, I ::W 1110 AT IA'f'IIDII Dfll -ratn' IMCM .,..,.. • ....-.: ....... :ll•lrlll .. e;tt-4 • Newpa<l Booeb City Nowpart -eh Clll' PiulldJic C001m1Nlao Pli.Jiola& CommLI- P.,.,u.tl: Kay 20, 1971. to P~lllb: MI.)' 20, 1971, 1n Tbe Newpa<t Harbor Eootp_ Tbo Newpa<t -Eaalp. LIGAL NOTJCI LIGALMDYICS MARINERS CHURCH Dr. Ci ... O'ft'Ml, pr+;PII P af,..._. ftt:n'i ... l llolldarJ, La lllnltl, .......... 11 ... ... 10 a.a. Ud 7:00p.m._, wilaN. no t.r. WlliiUI A-II -..... Ud II ·-lw CC !Mil... I ...... t:OOA.M. -HIP IERVJCI , • 1:00 A.M. • 10:00 A.M. EVDIIIG SERVICE, ... , 7:00 P,)l, 2200 I. CO AIT HWY COllOM A DIL MAlt Serving All Orange County ••otl~'• L.•tul• ..-:=,.--,.I • r"!"'" ______ THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEAOi NEWPORT THE NEWPORT HARIOR BEACH J()( LINDA fi'RENCH (Ca•uo Ho"u flhoto) Bethel 313 to install New building is planned for Harbor Day School PJ&DJ for a oew Harbor Day School bu.lldi.Dr on Paetnc VIew Dr. ln Harbor VIew Hills will be uovelled at the 4th annual dhmer hosted by the board of trustees and the Parent Coun~ cU. The dtJmer, bonorlng the faculty, wiU be held WedoeS· day enDing, May 26, at the deots to • future crowth teDttal of S60 students to in- clude 2 secttoos of each P'ade level from k1Dderprten tb:rou&fl 8th grade. Expaosiooplanspro- vtde tor 2 sections of grade p.rteo and 2 sections ot P'ade I to begin ID the fall of 1972, Newport Harbor Yacht Ct.m. --,-::-,---:-:-- Tbe proaram wiU include tbe LEGAL NOTICE formal presentatioo of 2 oew members of the board of trus· tees, Eroest A. Bry&Dt aDd Vlncent J. McGuiDDess, as well u a "thank you and job well done" Cor the retiring board members: Mrs, Thomas Flam. lng, Hancock BaNting m, Jo- seph Carver, Dr. Allen 0. Cot- tle and wuu.am w. McDowell. New ottlcer s of the Parent Council board wUI be presented by the outgoing chairman, Mrs. Cindy Sellag. Kellh Gaede, president of the board of trustees; Alan Smith, partner of Blurock & Part- ners, architects, and John f. Marder Jr., headmaster of the f6175 flCTITIOts Bl.EINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person Is doing busloess as: Roberta Lin.o and Freddie Bell's IDn.Placeat Zl21 East Coast Highway, Newport 8-.ch, California: Rofre-Jojac, lnc., a Ca.Utorn.ta corporation, 2121 East Coast Highway, New- port Bach, Callfornia. This busloess Is conducted by a Corporation. Signed: fred D. Bello, Presi- dent. This statement was tiled with the County Clerk of Orange County on Apri!Zl, 19TI . JOHN f . MARDER, JR., at left, headmaster of the Har bor Day School, polots out features o1 the proposed new schOo l facility to Mrs. Charles P. Taylor, president or the Parent Council, aild John Lust. one of the school trustees . Carpets ..,. CAL:.L .....02"71 ,.0 .. AN I!.)(~I!~T CA~~ET CON$ULTANT WHO 'MLL COME TO YOU~ HOM!: wtTM SAM~LES WITHOUT ANY OBL!GATIOH TO YOU! Harbor Day School, will a-John J. Cayer, Attoroey at qua.IDt parents with particulars Law, 108-40 Atlantic Avenue, L • d F h and design concepts of the new Lynwc.od, Call!orn.ta 90262. In a rene as queen HarborDay Sc.hoolfaciUtyaOO T-73271 site. Construction Is to begin Publish, April 29. May 6. 13, Miss Linda french of Costa vens, Debra stooeman, Kerl early In July, The plans call 20, 1971, in the Newport Harbor Mesa wm be lnstalled as hon-Thompson, and Laura Thotn-for school development from a Ensign. or ed queen of Bethel 313, New-· burgh. current maximum of 180 stu- port Beach, or the Jnternatlona Order of Job's Daughters at li p.m. t his Saturday, May22. The ceremonies will be held at the Seafar ing ' Masonic Temple, 1401 15th St., CUtr Haven. A reception and dance will follow the event. Other outcers Include Gayle Hiles, senior• princess; Lianne Botts, junior princess; Mary Slade, guide; and Merle Par- rish, marshal. Appointive offtcers Inc lude Catherine Helton, recor der; Heidi Shellenbar ger ,treasurer; Deborah Procl\asll:a, chaplain· Karen l:a.rstensen, Ubrarlan; SyOOee Wenrick, Karen Graves, Deborah Albert.on. Jaoelle Watton, and Karen Ashby, mea- senpn; Gail McKinley, senior custodian; Robyn Thornburlfl, junior custodian; Katherine GU- Dilnk. inner guard; and JuUe Walton, outer guard. Other members are Linda Aschenberg, Lori BotU, Lynn Graham, Deborah Hebert, Jen- elle Jeanes, Laurie McKinley, Kim Murray, Patricia O'Neil, Allee Parrish, Karen Potter, Krlste Speer, Catherine Ste- LEGAL HOTICE F -6355 FICTITIOlE Bt.SINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person lsdoiog busi.Dess as Warren's Stereo- VlsiDll ill MapuoxCellter, 1829 "B" Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa, CaWornia: Warren Deb- reU Bormer, 222 North Shasta St., Orange, CaWornia. Tills business is being conducted by an tnd.l'rldual. Signed: W, F. Bonner. Tills statement tiled with the COWJty clerk of Orange County on April 28, 1971, by Benrly J. Maddox, deputy county clerk. Publlsh: May 6, 13, 20, 27, 1971, ID the Newport Harbor En.slp. LEGAL NOTICE f.66Z8 f iCTITIOtE Bt51NESS NAME ST>\TEMENT The loUcrtrloc persoo Is doing bul:iDeSS u : Faoct.tul UnicOI'D at 105 M&ln st •• 1 7, Balboa. CaWornla: Jayne Pedley St Job.D, 1516 Stm&et l...ane, Flll- lertoo, Calif. 92633. Tbls bust. DU4 Ia coaducted by u IDdt- rido&L Siped: Jayoe Pedley st Joba. Thla statemelllt wu ftled wtth uio Couoty Clerk ol Oraoao Couty oa AprU SO, 1971. T. 730111 Publllb: May e. 1S, ZO, Z7, 11'71, 11 the Newport Harbor &ulp. • 1110 Mnron COlT A MilA w.nu Porsche. Audi. Now, For Your Convenience, Chick Iverson Has Centralized All Three Cars At One Modern Facility Because Chick Iverson is one of the largest dealers for Volkswagen. Porsche. and Audi in Soulhern California, he has been able to bring all three lines to one central location -his new, modern headquarters on East Coast Highway al Bayside Drive. Here, the discriminating car buyer can shop at his leisure. matching his choices to his budget Compare the economical Volkswagen with the sport-styled Porsche. Evaluate the sensation of European highways-the Audi. Tesl-drive any of these fine cars, and find the one that feels "just right'" to you. Courteous salesmen and expe- rienced finance experts will make your purchase a real pleasu re. While there. take a tour of the most modern and complete service facilities in California. See the very latest In service and diagnostic equipment and know that any future service re- quirements will be handled by factory-trained experts, using the finest in electronic and mechanical devices. Once again. Chick Iverson has put you. the customer, first! N.w epen S.days 9 .... to 6 P"' n .. w .. t C..st L..._ .. W•• tar .... , ... D.11 • ..., • VALET CLEANERS 3137 E. Coast H iway . Corona del MarCALl175-o3 Volkswagen. C45 E COAST HIGHWAY (•t s..,,~ Drrwl NEWPORT BEACH 673.C)9()() AUDI • • ...... , ... '-nm •••-•• 1-IW• ...... L• ... ...._ Ollll. IAI.VATION OF THE DIICII'lfS Q. Wore the disciplot saYOd before or after Chr~t wa.s cruc:;tted? A. They were saved before Christ died, some throu1h the preachina of John the Baptist when he said of Jesus; ""Bahold the lamb of God who taketh away the sin of the -ld"" (John 1:29). Jesus told them they should rejoice that their names were written in Heaven (luke 10:20). Afterwa rds they were called in , His service. WHY LACK OF COMPREHENSION? Q. Why did the disciples not under· stand and believe that Christ was to dti! and rise again? He told them in ad-..ance of the events many times. A. Jesus explained it in luke 24 :25: ". . . slow of heart to be lieve all that the prophets have spoken ... " Then He pointed out in all the prophets the things con ce r ning Himself (v. 25). The human mind is dull to grasp spiritual things and the disciples were no except ion. They believed part of the prophecy which had to do with His setting up of His kingdom on the ea rth but overlooked the references to the cross such as Isaiah 53. Then, too, they ,shrank from t he conception of His bei ng crucified. They were confused and came to the Lord for information about His coming to set up His kingdom (Matt. 24: 1·3). Af- ter His resu rrection. they remem- bered what He had told them; and on the day of Pentecost. when the Holy Spirit came. the1r eyes were fully opened and theY preached sal - vat ion in His power through Christ's death and resurrection. IS MATIHEW WRONG? Q. It seem s to me that there is a mistake 1n Matthew 27:9 , 10 where Matthew stat es that t he prediction regarding the thirty pteces of silver was spoken by Jeremiah but the prophecy actually appears in Zecha- riah 1 1:12. 13. Can you explain? A. I personally believe that in stat- ing t hat Jerem iah spoke, rather than wrote. the prediction Matthew was not m error. The Holy Spirit knew what the prophets spoke as well as what they wrote. Jude. for mstance. records an utterance of Enoch never before recorded. The Holy Spint knew that Enoch had prophesied and He used it at t he appointed time. The New Scofield Reference Edi- tion· has t h1s explanation of this passage which is worthy of consid- eration: "Matthew 27:9 -10 may be an allus1on to Jeremiah 18:1-4 and 19: 1-3. but the reference is dis· t inctly to Zechariah ll: 12-13. A Tal mudic trad1tion states that the prophetic writ ings were placed in the Canon in this order: Jerem iah . Ezekiel, Isaiah, etc. Many Hebrew manuscri pts follow t~i s order. Thus Matthew cited the passage as from the roll of the prophet s and by t he name of the first book." THE FLOOD AND JONAH Q. Is it t rue that Jesus Himself cor- roborated the fact of the flood, and the identity of Jonah? I have been told it is impossible for a whale to swallow a man. A. Yes, it is. He referred t o the wsign of the p rophet Jonah" as an illustration of His own death and resurrect ion (Matt. 12:38 -42). In Matthew 24 :37-39 Jesus is quoted as referring to Noah: "As the days of Noah were. so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." The Apostles also bore. witness t o the flood: (Heb. 11 :7: II Peter 2:5). As for Jonah's reality. in Mat - t hew 12:41, four historical person- ages beside Jonah are ment ioned. men of Nineveh, queen of SMba. Solomon and Christ Him self. So that any claim t hat Jonah was but a fictional character is stupid. to say the least The American Standard Version translates the wo rd "sea monster" and the New Scofield Bible. "the great f ish." "Li kely it was the whale shark or the rhinodon. the largest of all fish, so it need not have been a whale. However. that is beside the point . since Jonah 1:17 states that God had prepared a great fish to swallow Jonah. The whole event was a m iracle, and the swallowing of Jonah was by no means the greatest m iracle. but the preserva- tion of his life. and many other supernatural features such as the gourd, the worm. the east wind, and the repentance of the city of Nineveh after Jonah finally deliv- ered God's messa ge to them . PURPOSE OF THE LAW Q. If the law cannot save anyone. why wa s it given in the f irst place? A. This is plainly answered by Paul: "Wherefore then servet h the law? It was ad ded because of transgres- sions, t ill the seed (Christ) should come .... Wherefore the law is our schoolmaster to br i ng u s unto Ch rist, that we might be just ified by faith. . . After that faith is come. we are no longer under a sc hoolmaster" (Gal. 3:19, 24 . 25; Eph. 2:8·10) .• atRIST, CAPITAUSM, AND FREEDOM ........... f-OtiiSTIAM ICONOMtCi. JUO w. 1• Ito. L•• A.tt•l• .. C.tlf. toOOS A nationaJ ChriJUan publication has quoted Evanselist Tom Skinner as havin& made the: rol· lowina statement in one or his addresses at the Convention on World Evanselism convened by lnter·Varsity Christian Fellowship at Urbana, II· linois; ""'We ............... Cktst H 1M •al• laiMt ol tiM .. .._ .-. .Inn Orill Is not tiM! ...... fll dM P ........ He Is IMtf the poe l••.toftiMNewYoftStoc .. Exe .. -.. He h .ot lite ....... .-of 1M n,ltalh t .sy., ttiL .•• He II " .-e ld'llsl rhu He i!l rftlltl:tt or ca••n•ll,.e. Heft rile l...ofd from Hea,..._• Aside rrom the racet ious aspects of such a statement (~.g .. wltorver tltouglt r of ChriJr a.( pr~.f­ iikfl t of til~ New York Srock E:xcha,ge?), we fail to see what good is served by it. The stau:menl look ~ too much like an attack on the American svstem. That's fashionable. of course . But ~~ it rea l I~ a worthwhile pursuit for a Christian leadc:r? We: wonder w~ther Tom Skinner had though• the 1ssues throush when he made: th 1~ stau:mc:nt. After all. Christian values underl ie the: wh ole Amc:ncan conce pt of freed om for th e md ivtdual wilhm a framework of opportun 1t~ w fulfill h1' pntc:nual. WhtHc:vc:r e-ls-e: might he: 'aid about Je~u:-Chn'l. H" 11pproach was non-coe rcive. He confron tc:J , men w1th wh at they ought to do. bul Hc: nc:vu forced I hem to do it. H1s •• .m ly u ~ nf fnr\·c wa.' in connc:l'IIOn with dnvi ng the: money ch.mgcr' out r>f the Temple:. and thai mvnlvcd a ca'c ,,f direct VIolation of D1vinc: property. Adm tttedly Chn't does not pre:-1dc: o'er lhc: Stock Eu hange. However. we fai l h • -.cc hu~: the Stock E~tcha nge ~~ in any way •nc:ons1stent With the non.coerci ve principles uf the Sav1ur When and where did He 1ndicate that free uchange nf prope ny. involving mutual benefil h i ht•th par- tie~. is 1n any way 'imful? Where mC"n arc frc:c:. free C'ltchange will take placC'. Of course. if men arc: wnNhippmg a1 the 'hrine of mammon. and if their monc:v-mak1nl!: 1~ not comm111c:d to the scrv1cc: of Gocf the:' ixlrav th e fact that 1hey are in need of new ;p,niU.-i life and perspective. Still. the pn vtlege of legitimate opera tions in the free market i' never w1thheld bv Jesus Chris!. ~ SkmOer's statement that Christ --,~ not 1he de- fender of the capita li~l system" •~ a.~ cunous aJ. il 1s factt1ous. Granted that 1hc: .su temC"nt might be !ru~ HI a. literal ~nsc, it ~e ms to raise at lea\t one eyebrow concerning the virtues of capit ah~m. In the ftrst plaa, genuine capitalism is not.a --~y~· tern ." It is based on the right of individuab. to hold pnvate property-a right clearly upheld Jn the Word of Go4 by the commandmen ts agatns• theft. Rather than being a ··system." iJ is the laclr. of a "system." In other words-rreedom. If America means anyth1 ng. it means that free:· dom 1s more precious than lire itself. Our free- doms were purchased by the blood of ou_r finest people in the: early days of our country. The de- fense: of our freedoms ha~ been maintai ned through lht: sheddin g of more blood. Those who malr.e ligh 1 of capitalism. even in subtle ways. are undermining freedom. Men who do not have: the privilege of free u .change in the marketplace are not rree men. In a very profound and meamngrul ~c:nsc. Jesus Christ died to pu rChase freedom for enslaved men. In fact , the New Testament Greek word which 1s translated "redemption" m our Bible means exactly that-the purchasing of precious human be1ngs out of slavery and ~tt1ng them frc:e. Jesu~ sa1d to ~me of His new follower,, "You shall know the truth. and the 1ru1 h shall make you free ." The sp1ritual freedom wh1ch IS available through a perso nal rc:l at1on'h1p wllh Jesus ChriM is the basis of all freC"dom ~ tn 1he social and economic realm. Evangclka\ Christians. of all people. should understand and appreciate those Ame ncan values which arc based on Christianity and which guar- antee freedom to the individual within the frame· work of moral responsibility. In the Book ru lJ®®fu rutS1SfuG5Thx:§)®fu BAP TIST BIBLE T RIBUNE, Sprit~lfir:ld, Mo. LIGHT Of THE WORLD By Dr. Bob Jones W1th godlike Si mplic ity Jesus Christ a.u erled H1s Dei ty. "1 am the Liaht of the world." "I am lhe Dread wh ich came: down from Heaven." "I and my Father arc one," sa1d He. Beside the well of Samaria He reve aled to the woman or Sychar that He wu the looked-for Messiah , saying, "I that ~peak unto thee am He." He auoc:iat«< Himself w1th the: God of ete rnity when He used the name of the great 1 Am, uyina or Himselr. "Before Abraham wu, I am:· As God He foraavc sina and demonstrated H is riaht to as.,ume the divine preroaative of healing lhe body, saying, "For whether is easier, to say, Thy si ns be foraivcn thee;· or to say, Arise, and walk7' From the croas in the hour of His anau ish He spoke forJivencss to a dyina thief and opened the door nf P~radise for the poor malefactor sulferina beside Him. Hit Deity was .to evidenced even in Hi1 death, in the rend - in~; of the veil of the temple and the eanhquake and dartneu, thai the ce·uurion in charp: of the cruc.ilb.Km was compelled to exclaim. "Truly thit was the Son of God:· Whac of H is resurrection ? So powerful was He that death could not bold Him; .to divine that He could take up aaain the life which He had laid down willinaJy and rttum vK:tori· ow owr the power of death and the tomb. Tbe anve clothes Jyiaa ia their place, the 1tone rolkd bKk, n-kle:Dce but an. OIMr lima the Oelty manifest in the life ol Jeeua Chrilt from rhl IIIOIMDI the Babe was laid in Beihtebem'l maQ,u. Hil ,.,.., ia the lint ot thole wbo have ~ekaowkd~ ,... .Doi1J _, -nodeemod by Hil blood io pruol tJw He --ba ,.. Soa of God. A .....,, --...bey .-;fy .._. Ill IIIIa ._ for them what oaJy God'a S. could do. A - -at twloow .. ,._··· -umy: ... ood boy-. .... ----·tn .-yceoltlr}'_Ha_rod ---- -Hloo lad ...,..., Hlao God. 1ly ._,..,., •• $ba .. ---·-_,... ..... laid • 'r Hil diYiM pet U... 1t1 .,... • ... I I .. Ia .... II Oodi-The A-Way • I THE BIBLE- God's Command to Read lt • l'tO• CllaUTIA.H ,l!fiJ, H•• B•a~••• Mo , arP-IInS' Tbat God waata ua to Ned aDd atucly Hit Won! It ciMr from aucll eommudl u tbla to Joehua: "'TIIll-at tile Law a1lall DOt deport out of your m-. but t11oa allolt -te tbereln clay aDd allbt, tbat tboa liiQftt obMrYe to do accor41q to all that It wrtttell tllefttll ... Joob. 1.8. lD tbe New T•tamnt we bave tbe eommaad of God our S&Wir ... _ tile Sert-.:· Jobll Mil. It It e.IMrly God"• eara.t wfll that we abould read tho Serfpture IUid lfw atteatloe to wbet we read. And tldt abould be doae DOt Ollly oace cw twtce, but apia aDd apia !run covor to.,.,..,. tbouallttully aDd rewrea.Uy. becau.e God il epelldq to ua bore. It It t..,... J-111>01oo tbeae wordl: .. Searcb tbe Sertplure'" to tbe ~ at IDa day, bllt they were mea.at ~ fer tbe people that stood al"OUDII aDd boord 111m IUid lor all people ot all tlmo. Tbla It eco6-by St. Paul wben he wrote to tbe Co&oael••: .. Let the word ot Cbrtat dwell amoaa you rlebly IUid ID all wladom."' COI.'t 3.16. 01 Tlmodly !be apootleo write tbat be -the H04' Sc:rtpturealram •blld-. 2. nm. 3.15. Tbe Clu18tlu coewr1a at Blroo are talled more DO- ble tbaa tbole of nnsn.loalca, because they oearebed .tile Sert_. dally wbetber tboae tblnp were 10 that were toJd tbem by Paul. Acta 17 ,11. A larp portloG ol the N...,. "lfttament consltts of letten wrttten to ChrtltlaD eooareaattons; they were written to be READ. It would be foolL!h to write a letter to tcmeooe, aDd tben tell bJm not to react tt. Letten are wrtttea to be READ a nd some- tlmee atucHed. 1be apoetoUc lettera to congrega· t1ou were written to be READ by and to the whole coaareptiOD, puton, mea aDd women, young and old ,lDcl\aded. ADd not only 1bould tbe congrega. Uon to wbom tbe letter wu addreued read them, but otber conareaaUODI a110. At the close of the eplatle to tbe Coloulanl we read: "And when this ept.tle la READ amona you, cause It to be READ at.o in tbe church of tbt' LaocUceans, and that ye likewise READ the epistle trom Laodlce a." Col. 4.16. St. Paul eloaes htJ ftnt epbtle to the Thes- tallntau with tbe solemn cbarae: "I charge you by tbe Lord that tilt. ePistle be READ unto all the holy brethren." 1. Tbess. 5,27 Tbus It ts certainly clear that It ls God's earnest wtll tbat all people, both YOUDI' and. old, should READ Hb W.ord, writ- ten by His aposUH and prophets, as St. John also reminds his r.eaders: "I write unto you fathers ... I ·write unto you youn.g men ... I write unto you little chlldren." 1. John 2,13. To f orbid the read· lng of the Bible, as some have done, Is directly contrary to the wW of God u expressed In the Bible; It 11 a crime aeatnat His M ajesty. But It 11 no leas an otten.le agalnat God not to read His Word wben one has every opportunity to do so. Tbere was a ttme when the Bible was not found nor read ID the. bouses of Chrtstlans. That was du.rl.nl tbe retcn of the papacy In the Middle Ages, wben the poaesa:~on aDd reading of the Bible was forbidden at the pain of death. But the Reforma- tion chaqed. all that . With the Reform ation came the open Bible and the translation of the Bible In-to t he languages of the people. And with the lnven· tton of the prtnttne press, t he Btble became so cheap,· that Almost anybody couJd afford to own Tile Ntstalgia From CHRISTIAN NEWS, New Ha.ven, Mo. Anton Dvorak, the Bohemian com poser, used th'e music of the American IDdlan and the folk songs of tbe Amertcan Nearo as IDJplratlon for his Sym - phony "From the New World." M ost of the or- chestration tor the Symphony was done at Sptll- vtlle, Iowa, a settlement d. Bohemians, to whic h the compc::.er ned dw1D.I a pertod ot homesickness. Tbe second movement, or "Largo," of the Symphony "From tbe New World" Is celebr ated as one of the moat beautlful pieces of music In all orcbeltral canmun1cat1on. The principal melody expreues a deep and palntuJ longing. It Is wtt h tht. melody tbat the words of the foi.k song, "Go- Ing Heme" have been uiOdated. The MceDJion of our Lord Jesus Christ and the departure of Ria vtstble presence to go to the Father remlnd1 us bellevers of our heavenly home and stirs the lonpng In our hearts to go wbere He hu aone to be wtth our dear Savior . There are Urnes like thll ln the We ot a child of God wben he 1J tuled. wtth an overwhelming hom e- slclmeu for beaven. Tbere are aoocS reasons for the nostalgia or a Chriltlan. There are the ccmmon dtsappolntments and Ub of tbJs life. There Is the struggle to earn a Uvtng and to make Income and expenditures balance. Tbere are tbe lntlrmltles of advancing years. There 11 the atrtte agalDJt stn, the world, aDd the devtl. ADd, tbere II the ridicule and per- aecutSoa whk::b strikes all wbo strive to live godly Uve-a ln Chr1Jt. There 11 aliO the fact to consider that we, Uke Anton Dvorak, are UYina tn a pUIJ1m laDd. Heav- en lJ our bomelaDd a ad our cont1nut.na city. There are our loved ooes wbo tell uleep In Jesus. This 11 tbe dear cowttry of our eternal vacation. '-rbere remalDeth .•. a rest to tbe people of God.·· (-ac:t) Above all, beaven 11 tbe nathoe country of our Redeemer Jetua Chrlat. We •Ina:: Draw u1 to Tbee ... - Wbere Tbou art fiOOO To be wltb ~.dear Sovtor. Heaven Ia bftDa wltb Jeeua. Betna wttb Jesus 18 beawa.. Hnoe we aay wl,tb Paul: "I bave 'a de- lire to depart aDd to be .U. a.tlt, which 11 tar better.'"" (Pbll. 1:23) We have unraace t.bat Jeeua bu m ade our reeervatloll for UJ wbere He baa lODe. for He baa told u : "ID My J'atbw'a boue are muy man- ·-· . .1 flO to ,_.... a ptac:e lor you. And II I flO all4 prwpue a P-!Dr ]IOU, I wfll eomo apia. ud -)'Oil uato Myaoll; that wbere I am. u.r, ye may bo aloo."" (JoblllC:W ) For u..e w11o an Mm•ck tt II: a lftlll com.-. fort to-that It will liCit bo-daya WIW !bey wW tloput aod flO -· Wltb tltll tboulbt ... .--.-u..-boCarey a~ u..-a~~o...-: 0.. ..-v -· fha'llbt c.....ao .. o'•a.edd•,· N..._a17.._~aml n..r•r .. --•: _ _,r..., .. -. ---I bo; " __ ....., .. .,.._-. Naa ... .,..._, -.. -.. .. ...... .......... ..-..; _ .. _ .. llonJ..-; ( ..... ~ ... c-o:=: TltolnMJ, MayJO. 1'1111 ••nan' .-rt ..... IDQ • _. tar a tlooo:1•1r ---.)r-0 ... -"l())D. -· Tbo llfblo -111E-a-all -In the Wfttlono -'d. --~ aod nM tile Bible with peat ........... cammlttlllt w1101t cbapten all4 .,., wbole -to ~· 'l'ltllt Ia true alao ol Uto """""• ,._., aod -of our cb~~reb aDd ot' ow eouatry. =tat p&o. Detn tbe Blbllf WU a put of tbelllald. udl It wat Ned aDd talllod a-'"':"~ ~~­daUy; ft wu t1to1r beart'a ~. ata)r ta adwntcy.ud t1to1r ecmlort Ia ....-. -Utey towel the Bible. tbo wry _, Ali old poaiOr told ...e aot .., maay ,..,.. .., that -at loll parltllloDan c:oulol redte tile -· 1lttlt paallll 1ram memory.-~· -a bed! ~ poo10r wbo u a atudeat ut at tbl teet of Dr. f'ruda ~ er related to me, t.bat, wbn tile ~-­ Doctor wu lecturtDc oa Romua. It wu nwaled tbat t be Doctor c:oulol roc:lte !be--"' Jlo. mau trcm memory Ia ftw dlnlawat ~. Greek. Latin. Gormu. .......,11. aDd I:Jtllllb- qulte ao aCCCIDt)IIIIIDeo~ Of tbe late Dr. C. C. Setmtdt. -at Holy cr-1D St. ~. It It aald that be-practleally tile -· Gnok New Testament by beart. Today poople NOd-•-the Bible all4 Ill ldJido olboler)lrelatl-. lout ollly a few, It Mema to us. ebe1111l. fode, ud IIIIID- ortoe tbe Vft'/ -ol Uto llfble. At St. 11tomM Epltcopal Sebool 1D -tile wbole at-Dt body, more thaD aoo. l&tber, every IDOI'1Ibl( be- for cluaea a.Dt1 every ewabW after d••· lll tiM. ebapel to ctwtt tile paaJmo ban tbo llfble, IUid to follow the leader In reacllq a wbole ctaapter lrcrn tbe Old Teatament to tile 11101111Jt1 aDd !rom tbe New Testament In tbe eveaiq-they Uterally read and stna tbei'Melves hlto lbe ana, retaha· Inc the wordJ aDd aao leamtDC the aea.e; wbat a treasure for life tbey will bave wbea. tbey &rado- uate! The motber ot John Rualdn, tbe areat Eq- Ush w riter and crtt1c, made btm ~"@ad, or read wttb him, a t least a chapter a day of tbe Bible from chUdhood on uaW he went to Oxford. He atates that she made him read everythlna: from cover to cover-"and began agaln at Genesta the next day."~ s tates that though he had picked a Uttle f urther knowledge, he counted this reading of the Bible "the most preclob.s, aDd, on the whole, tbe one e'lsentlal part of all my education." We 1bould READ T HE BIBLE with our children and acquaint t hem wi th the very word so that they m ay retain them and have a treasure ln their old aae that wtll be sw eet and precious to them. Psalm 19,10; 11~.12 . What we Jearn In our youth we wtll have to live with In our memory wben we get old. The wise will understand. Abortio1 •cl Law E1force~~•t F'rom CHRISTIAN NEWS , New Hann, Mo. By T. Boben lap'am The abortion controversy 11 rapidly brtqln& to the sw1ace all sorts of seemlnaJy remote aDd secret attitudes wtUch reveal a bulc moral pbil· osophy. It Is forcing more aDd more lndJvtdu.alJ to some m easure of consllteacy In tbelr tbiDklna:. Some who have beld to AD Immoral po&ltlcm oa one particular Issue, but a lawful one on another, tlnd themselves forced by the abortion matter to line up consLiteatly one way or tbe other . Wbat comes out In the ead, bowever , Jeel'll8 ln most cases lf not all to be tbe really root ques· tlon: 1hall we uphold the law, wtth all that er.talla about the whole prtDCiple of law ? or ahall we strive wtth all soclallsm to abollJh law aDd Uve each according to wbat lJ rta:ht tn biJ own eyes? Is the Ideal state of atfairs law and order, or- anarchy? In addresslna ifOUps not only Ln HarrtJ Coun· ty but In other parts of the country, I nearly aJ. ways meet someone who would be horrttted to be party to an aborUon himlelf but wlll make It plain that he ls tlnnly oppoaed to mak:lna: anyooe else conform to his own staodarda. Sucb a po1ltlon, of coune, lJ the famWar oe- trtch-llke hidtn& pl~ of many senstttve and otb- erwtse moral per1ona wbo cannot briq them-- selves to assume respo~btllty for entordna: tbe ccmmon law. Tbe matter ls furtber compUcat.ed by tbe fact t hat mu~fh that 1a Involved In penon.a1 morallty Is not subject to law. F or example, m01t Chrtltlans become very sensiUve to tbetr lADer cblpoaiUou u beiDC tbe seed bed etther tor crlmel « tor rtahteouaDIU. F rom tbe earUest centuries, It b.u been cua· tomary to abhor what are known u tbe .eyen deadly stns -lloth, a:Juttony, lecbery, aqer, mal- Ice. greed and pride. An flldlvtdual wllo eftec:tlve- ly curbs these I IIli may be coaftdent be wtU DOt commit crimes 1ucb u maDila)'lna. robbery, adultery, perJury, or fraud, or any d. tbe areater crimes aeatut rell&iOn aDd aaaiDat God. Yet what law can poufbly puDJ.ab any of tbe seven deadly 1lns? Wbo can be arrnted on a charle d. havta& harbored certata evtl pauioDJ? E very ChrtltlaD therefore must be to 101nt de-- gree lamDfar wltb requlrboc of blmaell maay thlnp '!'bleb be eamtOt mallt bit ._ ID otlt- en. But thla attitude muat DOt carry over 1ato law. Punlabmeot ol OTime It by Ita very aature pu~ ltc bua-. There Ia DO way that olllclall cu by tJtom. &elvtrl admJDiltm' JuCU.. All 4epelldo -!be wm1 at -or tint wit· -= all4 IIObolly but God ... qaallly a ... -to be • wtm-to a c:rtmt. PoUcemea cauot 8tatiDD CbloYIIIwe ., • • ~ praettt at !be ...., at a en-. T11a -- lalla 00 ·-.. -. .. -.. lor .., -baa ....-........ aod --*Y to Wbat be bu -cr .r« tl!olt _, ca lito ertme. 'nwwfoie law ..,..._ .... Ge ._. -. eaDIItlo pultllc: dtiV all RWY -old _., to ..... rlllrt!run-IU a -II'*'!.,_.,_ - -lo -ailt .,._ ...,. caa Ia lllta fit E I Ill Oil ...... are t.._,ntoa a• '"' It, -. ..... .lo .., .... ---_,.._Qajl,.,_~~-·· 1a nul .. .. , .. ~ . =---···· ... .. .. -.. __ .............. .... u•-••• • .,..., __ _ ctun•d' 1 1.•-·•~-:=~=~: ne-• _ .. .., 1 ,_.,. sa to-loll ...... ' ' Agenda for Planners A u lttm •PIIda facte tbt Newport lloaeh PlallOlllc Com. mt.usoo at 111 I p.m. mt«'-c today, May 10, 1D the CUy HaU COUDCJI CbambtrJ, 1. a.., .. ,. or Philip RI1IP tor eoorouhmeat toto alley Mt- baclc at 2108-2UO W. Oceu BE A GOOD NEIGHBOR lr you are a newcomer, or know of a newcomer to the Harbor Area who hu not been welcomed, do her a ravor by caUing the Harbor Vilitor between 8 and 10 a.m. and she will call on your friend with valuable information and gi.fts rrom rriendly buli· ness firms which stand ready to help her become acquainted with her new sunoundings. THE HARBOR VISITOR PHONE : 494-9368 Of 648-011. MLIZ MORWARIES 11•1 $UPUIOR AVE. COST A MESA Midway b-2424 J520 E. COAST HIWAY CORONA DEL MAl ORiole 3-'1450 SP,u 1942 Ft., COOirOI "-f. ot lipJiiuoiU 14. !. T--ot Trod U. --leolloo ot 1409, -fldllc 0.16 ..... DoMidl. -...-........ at DOt ..,_ Dr., c-• .__ ID bllld a dlplol dot liar i111D 6 11q1o fam1)1 at Ill !Ill ... C-.1 IIOW• "fldtalb.t kQ, port, Ga I 1,815 Ill-ft. Jot S. T-YO -ol Traet wboro 1M ..-.. tot -7410, nbdlridtlc o,15, aer .. •• a,ooo -a. a. at 1G6 E. l!lttl St., Newport II. Varluct IJIPII<atloo ot Htllfd;l, 1Dto 5 kJt1 ud oat Jot R. P'. Fu KolUD ol To ... for a prlftte drt~. t.r bldldtac a--a 1,115 4. -ri-r-11 at oq. ft. lot II 1106 Coart Sl., the City o1 Newport Bteeb ID Ceetnl Kewport, -ellle mt. cr.te ooe parcel of 1aDd at Dlmum lot '"llle b Z,OOO IQ, ft. 2555 VIsta del Oro, Eut Bluff 14, Vatluee appllcatloo of ~ u a Boys Cltil atte. ' J. M. ud L. S. OlborDI ol. 5. Use perm.tt appllcatloo.tor Coroaa del Mar, to buUd thrH coutruetlon of a Boys Club at dwtWDI malta oa u R-Z site 1- the above lite. at 3507 Ftllley AYe., West New- e. Request ot Patrick o•coa. port, wh!cb resulted trom tbe aor tor rer.oai.Dc tots at Z07 eombtDI.tioD r1 two R-2 Jott. 209, 210 and zu Oraop St: 15. VarJ.uce appllcatioo of Newport SborH, from C-1-H Paul B. Claytop ot DowDiy to to R-2. bulld a ~le:a: oa 1 l,I'7S IQ, ft. A ""FORCE ACAD~•y C 7. Variance request of Pat Jot at 5109 Serubore Dr., Weat m ~:.a adet rlck o•coaaor to build 1 d~l -Newport, Wbert the mlnlmum First Class (senior ) Muk C. u lot stse ts 1,000 Jq. ft. Witman, son of Mr. and Mrs. at 920 .. E32•30e .. ftFt,, Balboa. 16. Varl&Dce IIIPUc&tion of Robert C. Witman, 1006 Sand- 011 a "• IQ.. • lot wbere Robert s. Jacobi to build 4 castle Dr •• Rubor View Hills, a mlnimum of Z,400 IQ.. ft. 1s d•roleus &I 421, US, U5 aod has received aphotogra.phauto-reqlllted.. ~ 8, lnl.De Co. request to re 4%7 E. Bay A"·· Balla, eacb graphed by President Richard zoDe property at tbe oorther~ Jot haYlnc an area of 2,152 sq. M. Nh:on from Lt. Col. Gen - eDd of Grurille Dr. betw'eeo ft. where tbe minimum lot size era! A. P. Clark:, Academy Santa Barbara Dr. aod New-Is Z.fOO IQ.. ft. superintendent. Cadet Witman port center Dr. from tJDCiassi 17. U.e permJt appUcatiooof Is a member of the "F'irst fled to CO-H-UL; Sailor Boy Auoelates of Bt.l-Circle," a folk singing gro~ 9, lrYloe Co. request to boa lsl&od tor a walk-~ res-made up of 4 cadets. 1n Feb- create ooe parcel at abou site taurut at 101 21st Pl., Central ruary the "First Circle" sang for development as a bote I and Newport, at a mllltary reception at the conveotlon locatioo. 18. Use permit appUcation White House, along with groups ,__ of Dennis aM Janis WoUe for from the U.S. M1Utary Aca- 10' lnuov Co. request !?~ addition of a Z5 seat outdoor demy, U.S . Naval Academy and prezoning of area oorth or .-&I st ( Joaquin Hills Rd. aod west of bar and patio at Chuck's Steak Coa Guard Academy. USAF Spyglass Hill Rd., where a 46 House, 2332 W. Coast Hwy., Academy Photo) acre planoed community, oUow Martoen Mlle. M A T T R E S S E S medium deiiSlty, is ..-sed 19. use permit appllcatioo ---;-:=::-==:::--- NEW -UIUILDIJII'G 11. TtntaUve map of Traci of Doaald ste1nke of Fullerton LEC.Al NOTICE Irregular Shaprs 7432, subdtYldlng 51.3 acres for a Keotucty Fl'lecl Chicken FSI?S .............. -Cottoe Into 120 re!Skl4ntial lots and take-oat restaurant at 2007 W. FICTITIOI..5 Bl.51NESS NAME COSTA lroU:SA WAnlESS CO. one lettered lot, oortherly of Balbca Blvd., Central Newport, STATEMENT L';';10;";•;·;-;;;~;:"';;;· ;":;,_,;;~:";":'~s..!:.~J=ooq~uln~H~t~n:s~R~d~.:a.Dd:::.;out: ZO, Req~~est of the City of The foUowingperson lsdolni: Newport Beach for r ezooing business as: The lnn Place at parcels E, F aDd H. southeast-2121 Ea.st Coast Highway, New-1 (: IIIJ It Cll ES .,.. erly of 32ad st. between New-port Beach, CaUtornia: Rotte- r _______________ .:__~-=--., port 81Yd. and Balboa Blvd., Jojac, Inc., a Cautornla cor - ~·t H Newport, from R-Z to poratlon, 2121 East Coast High- Cost is s2,SOO an hour :;..;::~~~; n. lrT1al Compu)' ~ COIIItf bftlill'-' ... s.ss!bl11d-.,.. c::..,..uu.t-«-tbtiDOIC f&,500 Oflrf -Ia Or .... lrl -&rO ptlllrc IV-·· tJr Mar II AYCO Sarinp a.Dd ~ ~to I••"Dl .....-r.CIIIIlcollolW ... a.Dd LauA-.,IIIOBrletotSireot, lbar-rict pr-. flo.. IDdlto!'lal pluto.'' be raid. Coota Iii-. The dlllila1 ID- uce. "Wt Will people to Dow cladtl ftcures 1D fiDe cbuCOilJ.. ''CompUJAc ltaliJttCI tor tbe tllid 1M In1M C0ft¥11.Dy liD't 1Dk wub aDd oi.L Abstracts art ftaca1 r-.r ..sliC ~11 so, workUc alaaliD ltllaDddeYel-1D watercolor a.nd' otl 18'11, -aecounllnr de!>art· op-. Wt -a lot of bell>. A yearly partlclpul ID meat fouDd tbaf tbe compuy AM •• fill: a lot of U rl&tlt Lacuna Beach Festtn.l ot Art, paid N 10me S%2 mtllloll to bert iD OraDct CouDty. '' tbe aru.t bepn studies at IA.- Oraaco c -llrm• dtlrlnr llr. Ebrrllnr sal• that, with guaa Botch School o1 Art a.Dd 1110-71,'' aJd Mr. EberUac'. coutrac:Uoa. ooattnatng at Us Destcn. Sbe ala)atteDdedCbOu- NEWORT HAIHmR EllS S£00110 SECliOII --... J 111URSOAY, !lAY II, 1171 COIDIA II(L&\11, CAUf. ''Ttw.t tnelacles e~pen..dblrea prNtllll pace, be eJpeels Irvtne lnard Art lnstit_,, stud)1Dc t.r coutructJoo materials ud CoJIICII.IQ' e~ltures In Or-privately with Serp:l BoDprt HrYiees, acrlcuttural ~-anp Couaty to add ~ to eYen of Los Angeles. In Newport 'to ... ..,'" -· meot aDd ~Ues, advertlslDC more tbu $Z,500 an bour dta-~Bta~c!!h0. c~tas~se~s~w=er~e~wtl=h~artt.t=~l =======.-===: aDd crapblcs, protesslooal&DCI iDctbe comtoc year, Cl utter. l*'toaal serviees,otftceeqtdp-STUD!MT ART SHOWH ment and stCJPUes, malllteD· Art YOI'k of Corona del Mar uce, lnsllrl.DCe, tranaporta-h1Cb schOol st\J:Ients is being tlon, equtpmeot reotal. ma.ri.Da dllplayed at the Corona del tnalateDaDCe and StQUes, food, Vat ptii)Uc library by the New- caterl.ng and hotels.'' por1: Bel.ch clty arts commit- An estimated 1,200 Oraoce tee. George Corey, artlnstruc- County firms do buliDeu w1tb tor at the high school, has as- the ltYloe ComJXUIY. be DOted. sembled tbe display. 't'?f 'aul'a ~lofuer~ For all occasion~ we SPE!CIA.LIZE lf!4 PA.RTIE!S AND 'Wf!DDIHGS f,.. •••• .... • WIN •tl O.l.,.ry Senotce He empbutsed that tbe $2Z MarlDers Ubra.ry ts present- million total represenla direct tog a display of art work pr e-~990 ~ine Company eJPfiDditures. pared by many ooted arUsts 0, EM SEY I!M DAY$ It does not !Delude the mll-to be cover Illustrations for E. COAST HWY ., ·~ CORONA DEL Uons or dollars -• IDOrance oranco c-. lllustrated. ~~~~:::;:::;:.:::::::::::::~~::..;::::.:.,;;;;.;:..::;.;.:::..::;:::.::;:::.:J 642-9251 • Beauty Salons ~~~~ BEAUTY NOOK 2732 E. Coast Hwy. Corona del Mar Phone 644-7 336 Call these merchants • for the best o I m serv1ce Nurserin •Swimmin1 Pools Modernize Your Home Willi A CUSTOM DUIIIIIID POOL ., .. , ................ • C•••••••tw rnc.. .......... c.IIT..., Ill Mil THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH ·2i. Request of the City of ~':· Newport Beaoh, Call!or- . IS f 0 R Y 0 U Newport Beaoh to combine the This business iscoodll<ted by 1-:::;::;::::;'c:/;':;:::t::;'t::::::::t::- 9:45 A.M.-BIBLE s c HOoL HOUR aboYe parcels Into larger par. a corporation. eels to be deYeloped or ez-Signed: Fred D. Bello, Presi- SPlt Shrut., lntft'ior Plants Ttopi<II.\T..., 1.-cticid« and Fertilizer M-n Ctwop 6 a&ftll._...lkud FREE DELIVERY Corona del Mar Nursery E. Coi6st Hwy. 675-0 160 • Television 11 :00 A.M.-MORN ING WORSHIP SERVICE 7:00 P .M. -EVENING SERVICE DR. JAMES COM IS PASTOR chanpd for r ight-of-way. dent 22. Amendmeot 284 pertain-rh1s statement was n led with 1n& to regulations lor home oc-the County Clerk of Orange c"'*Uons. 30111oonolto St. COSTA M!SA Z3 A .. I Z.' •-•-County on April 21, 1971. • me men , per~~u-J lui J C Att ing to rear yard setbacks in La:, lOS.CO a~~~ntlc 0!~:~u:: resldeDtlal districts ba•tng al-L;:nwood, Callfornia 90262. (A. I $11,14 A,,, A.u~.} P'-•• 541-1733 HOME OF P. G. HEUMAHH CHRISTIAH SCHOOL Kinriugar'~" lhroMfh l?.ightb Grad~ leys to the rear of lots or T-73270 ~=========~;::========-::: bttlldtng sites. r Z4 A end ent 290 Ill h Publish: April 29, May 6, 13, W"ou.Jd p:..kl: tor City' cC:.:u ~~ 971, in the Newport Harbor FIRST c:t·f URLH OF CHM.Is·r. .SCIENTIST LUTHERAN CHURCH OF THE MASTEA reTiew of use permit requess. gu. 3.\0J Via Lido lu1henn Qlurdt in AIMric8 Newpou Beach 2900 Pacific View Dr. SUNIJA Y SCHOOL Corona cW Mlr, C'fljf· a con- 9: 15 .un. and II a.m. DR. WILLIAM R. ELLER bospttalln West New- SUNDAY SEK VICES Phone: 644_2664 port Heipts helped boost the 9: 15 · II a.m. May bu.lldtng total for Newport WEDNESOA Y F.VENING 9:00A.M. family Worship Beaeh. followlng permits, ln MEETING 8 p.m. 10:00 A.M.· Church school the amount of $1,000 and over, READING ROOM I I :00 A.M.-Ftstive Worship were t.ssued during the rtrst Week day~: 9 :.r..rn.-5 p.m. NURSERY PROVIDED 2 weeb ot May: Wcdnc~day : 9 :.r..m. · 7:45 p-m·l'-----------' • WEST NEWPORT HEIGHTS Tucsd.:ay .:and Frid.:a y: SUurs Brothers, coovales- 9 a .m.· 5 p.m.; 7-9 p.m. WI .a., cent hOspital at 333 Placentia Sunday: 1 p.m .· 4 p.m. ...... Nilli' Ave., $700,000. SECOND CHURCH OF I I.IJ ' ••• • WEST UPPER BAY CHRIST. SCIENTIST 1\raA BID lndes, addition at 1815 Newport Such at It ~ MulDers Dr., $3,000, Coron.:a dd M.:ar 3262 Broad Street Wllllam Hutchison, a swtm- 310.0 Pacific Vitw Dr. N~ Heights miD& pool, 1500 Santtago Dr ., SUNDAY SCHOOL IOa.m. A Fru a"d l"d~p~ndenr $4,776. SUNOAY SERVICE 10 a.m. Congregation.:~l L. F. Etherlnctoo, a 2 story WEDNESDAY EVENING Christitm Cluuch addition, 1901 Dlana Ln., $16,- Ruding Room: 8 p.m. 000. 3500-B F' .. Cout Hwy. REV. NORMAN BROWN Phti.Jp Winsor, addition and t::a.111111c e oa Nudua• MINTSfER remodeUDC. Wl ZZDd Street, Mon .. fri.: 10 a.m . to 5 p.m. SUNDAY SERVICE $!0,000. Thund.:ay tvtnings: 7 ro 9 AND CHURa-t SCHOOL • EAST UPPER BAY S.:ar.: 10 a.m . ro 4 p.m. AT 10:00 A.M. Joe Daates, swimming pool, You arr cordially invited to Nwrsery care prori:kd 900 Cercla:, $),500, ancnd Church Srniccs and PHONE: 6-42-2740 • BIG CANYON l~··~u~K~,h~<~R~<~·~d~in~g~R~oo~m~.==~::::::::::::::::::~ Br~mow Homes, ~~y ~ CIA, 44 Bruburn Ln., $1,800, r-nrral Bible <llurcb .... awtmmlq poot. u Brae-\..o\: burn Ln., $4,000. 23RD ST. at ORAHGE, COSTA MESA -541·5303 Blc Caoyoo CCMIDiry Cl..,, Suo411¥ School • Jloreblp ••• i:OO ud 10:10 L.. par-..., 1/Z Bl& Caayoo Suo !lay Eveol•l Jlorelllp •••••••••• 7:00 •·•· Rd., $6,000. 7 00 • NEWPORT CENTER WeciDeadaJ Bible .... ciJ • P..,or. • • • • : •·•· ln!De co., 110 NewportCeo- Ao lndepeoilelll o-wllll lll1llo ............. ..,. t Dr t-l er ,, mprottmeals, S40, $t,Sll; Illite S50, •:i~~~;nlta S'JO ud corridor, ' 500 Newport Cooter remodel T -118 to 550 .. ............... COWI.III ri:•M ..-••• CM:a ::::-::.1= ........ .• .... .... .......,... llt&J ; .,, PERMITS • ffiVINE TERRACE James Forsyth, a swimming pool, 2015 Chubasco, $3,200. • CORONA HIGHLANDS Don Samis, add room, 444 Serra Dr., $7,200. Clem Garrett, add room, 320 Seaward Rd., $2,500. • HARBOR VIEW HILLS Siglsmund Hau, a swimming pool, 2418 Windward, $5,900. E. f. Curtis, swim,ning pool at 1985 Port Nelson, $3,500. Swimming pool at 1955 Port Cardigan, $7,500. Raymood Derio, add room, 1120 White Salls, $1,500. Robert Ry1.n, swlmmifli pool at 1954 Port Nelson, $2,700. • AffiPORT AREA Emkay, signs at 3851, 4501 MacArthur iUid 3600 Blrch St., $3,000 each. • CLIFF RAVEN Y. E. Gray Jr., swimming pool, 305 Kings Rd., $3,840. • NEWPORT HEIGHTS Richard Allen, alterations at 601 Irvine Ave., $2,000. • BALBOA R. T. Simmons, addition at 200 Ocean Ft., $13,300. · George Hoag. demoUsh, 21 12 E. Balboa Blvd., $1,000. C. L. Peck, alterations at 1411 E. Bay, $6,000. • NEWPORT Far West Services, altera- tloos, 337 Bayside Dr., $5,000. VI. H. McCameny, addition. 4405 Seashore Dr., $2,000. • BA LBOA ISLAND D. B. Lee, 3-story d\4)leJ:, SS7 E. Bay Ft., $48,000 . IIA.IOR ALLAH 5111TH GETS 3RD AIR IIEDAL Major Allan T. Sm ith, 100- lll-la.w otMrs.DaYldCarpeater, SJ87 Ceyloa Rd., Costa Mesa, bu rece1Yed ha third a'ftl'd of tbt atr medal ror aerlal achleYemeat lll ~ietoam. Major Smtlh, a oaYipCOr at Pat• Cat AJt Base, wu cUed m hto oatstalldln& alrmallllllp .Ud coara,. oa sueceast\11 &Dd. l.lapx1ut. mluiool; completed -M&rdoua coodlt-. Bt 10 uslpod to a ..Ut at rn. Padftc A1t Forcet. beld-.-rt•• for a1t coeratloal lD SALES & SE RVICE 420 f . 17TH ST . COSTA MESA U4-n06 -6>14-6155 ~l..COLM (aUO) ~· DISCOUNT PRICES ON CARPET CL EAIIING T•stin Carpet Cleaners 5-14-S481 CUI TOM Casa~.l Sblrts tor ALL tbe Fami]1 •.• F- - CoWrrsaod P&tteras,, Shirts $2.501 ... .U II: 1M IT .. COSTA MilA -641 'U' • Decorators Dt•-' ._ • .-. wtll """''• ,_.,... -· "'"-• ., effl ce • '--t ~~Pic- For Information Crll Chrlstophor 136 4067 or 527-6506 UOS L IIHMGIIIt,SAMTAAMA • Plnc.r quality dry dn±a on theprma-. • Mtf..mc .... ..., All twW -latftl .... Pll 'afd ........ 3MI.c-~ .• CDII _,,,_ .. ldi)~l'il II cr. I "¥wi.P'rrt'" ... ,.,, .......... = I I 3 ..... flrJ? 1" .... u -nllt.!... :..·'!. ..... _..,. ...... .. _ .. .uta, tho Far Eul ~~~~~~====1 ud tilt .,.clllc aroo. Ho ... florilta __ ,_ Ia 1959 ........ ..... -~_.. ... Ell lilA IN! U ......................... .. ,. ...... :::.:r.~·--.......... .. ;,_,_.~ ... --:.:,~ .. ~-=~-~-~ Ut:11U('IOLL Pill P ... MIIIOIT IIADOI AlltAI _..,._, ,•lc:alnttacat FLOWERS FOil -......... ALL OCCASIONS DtMIII'l T1sh FLOAISTS "IDIJI: •• ..,. -· 0 ..... -- FAEE VISIT INCLUDES - • Minerll SPA Wh irlpool • Finnish S.u~ St_, Rooms • c-rt Of"y Hut Roon'll • Pri'IMI Tot lid Still~ • Uttr•Viol.-t Sun Tan ~ooms • ti'Wigor~ingEI.ctricll M-.. • Rel1aingM.c~Qt M....-• P..-.,.,,1 SuPirvt•oon •COSTA MESA so•J368 • HUNTINGTON BEAOI 8t2·1·1 • ORANGE • ANAHE.IM 1131-24ot1 12&-0311 oWESTMtHSTER 19··3317 HAL AEBISCHER Pro per F itting Assured 3409 E. C01st Hwv. Corona del Mlf 675-3133 ..;E§At '" . WILCOX.CAITTENOEN HARDWARE Nllritlt...W CMrta -......_. l700 W. CotiM Hwy .• N. a. 54N33t Z ... A._ PAINTS I I I • I ••• 1 ............... HARBOR PAINT A WALLPAPER PITTSBllRGII P A1NTS Complete LiM ,3,01XJ PATTERNS OF WALL.PAPER 2919 E. c..r& Hwy. Corona del Mar (N&XT TO POitT THEATit&l Pbono: 673-2033 A. R. MARSAC f'LUMIER 700 Camallon Ave Corona del Ma r • Plumbina Rqaain DAY .t. NIGHT WATER HEATERS 673-4130 PLUMBING A HEATING llEI' AIRS 4 ltEMODEUNG NO JOB TOO SMALL Call your '*-iPborhood Plumber 24 Ht. Set'YM::ot 833·2030 I' Yn. Tet•l S~ti•fecti•"l ................ SINCIRI SIWING MACHINE 1171-....... C.M. o SALIS o SIRVICE o REI'AIRS • I'ARTS 675460 Yl OLD SEWIH~ MM:NIHE SIIOf'PI £. Coaol H..,.., COli =·.,· -"" aMftll -- YOUR FACTORY-01 RECT Magna vox DEALER ''Wb~r~ s~ruic~ •••~ i f 11 h~tl~r h•y" • Color Stereo Theatr•• • Color TV Consoln end ttortablea • Monochrome TV • Stereo Consoles •~ Compof'leftt Syateme • Tape "•corders • Port- abt• end T•ble Rediotl ' ?L);;~~;:· •~ s~ruic~ ALL ••Jus/ 1129 HEW PORT BLVD. COSTA I.IESA 646·4411 • Printin1 CALL Ul 1'01 llnMATIJ UJ·IIJI IMSIGN P'UaLlMHG CO. 2 721 E. Coort Hi .. wwr c--. ~ C.li .. ,.l. SoatL Co .. t TENNIS CHECK """"'LJ C!N <.O,<OCI..- FOI't YOU GOLF ---· • c.tl "Berny" J111MMII, tt.a. -~ .. -..... PMI DILIYI"Y. flliCCW ., ... C.cllllllca Coat ..... WHU J ree TRAVELERS CHECKS DURING MAY ONLY No service charge on all the First National City Travelers Checks you want •.. up to $5,000 worth ---->itWPOR:r , .I"" • ~AlJONAL ~·.' ~:. ~"~~/ 9 CONVENIENT OffiCES SERVING ORANGE COUNTY PRE SEASON CAMPER SALE . ALL NEW 1970 s·7 5 OVEa tAMI'IU NOW FACTORY ILASHID TO INVOICE We oN the ORANG£ COUNTY sho-oM c1ealer for n DOIADQ CAMI'ERS FIAT 150 SPYDER ••<Ill•, It•••~•. oHI wiM! lol"~ I••· l•w Mil ... I SOliE.) . ------I'OHTIAC LE MANS H•o4+.,. •~'•"'•tt, ,,S., ••4ie, IN•+•;, IYDSU41 -=-=:::-·-- LE GAL HOTICE CERTIFlCATE OF BUSINESS FlcUttous Firm Name THE UNDERSIGNED do here- by certlt)' tbat weare coodoctlng u Art Seutce business at 230 E. 11th St., Costa Mesa, Calif. iZ6!7 IIDCier the Dctltlooa firm aame of Fut Draw Art Senice aad that •ld ftrm l5 composed ol the follcnrtnr periODS whose names Ia f\JU aod places of resldeace are u follows, to- •rll' Clllltoo G. Fercuoa. msz Wl.odward La.. HUIIlln&too S.cb, Calli. 9Z&t6, Peter M, Oate&llll. 8792 Elpa Circle. HIIIIIIJIP>o Boac .. Calli. 9ZI4a. W'ITNESS oar ra.ta tiU.I lltb daJ a! May. 19'71. CUDioo G. Ferpioa, Ptter M. o.teaatt. STATE OF CAIJFORIIIA ) >••· COUNTY OF ORAIIGE ) ON THIS lltb dllJ of MaJ, • SOME TYPE of ~ssenger restraint must be on 1973 cars, or soon llfter. The deadline was pushed back to allow more time for research. Best bet oow may oot be the air bag, which pops out tn a hUDdreth of a secood after Impact and cush- Ions passengers. Other pla.ns are belngworkedon--hlriously! • BUYING A USED CAR? Look UDder floor mats for stgns of leaks or rust, U rust shows, be cautious. How did U get there? Ask questions. Check for uneven paint surtace. Wa s fender repainted? Has the car been in a crash? Ask salesman for some answers • • WANT TO MAKE $25 mU- Uoa a year? lJJYent a smogless car, ooe U..t produc~s_oo pol- lutaots and patent tbe princi- ples and you should be 1')0(1 for twtoty-ft.Ye millioo a year euUJ. Tbe world ls lookinrfor tome &.Dtt-pollutioo transport ln this ecoJocY tick. • HEAR YOU'RE LOOKING for auto J:&rt.s? We han them. Somelhloc to ru &Dd a. moo1 a.aJ'flllDC In a car. stop by bere at CORONA DEL MAR Atrro PARTS, J&Ol E. Coast Hl&tt- ftJ, aDd klok u.s O'ltr. Tooll, puts, accHIOI'Ies,a.lmo8tl.ll)'- tld.ac tor JOUr car. Set u.siOOIIJ 1111, bltol'e IH, a MqtlrJ hb.. • UKE TO DRIVE F i.ST1 Uc 1a aDd tor llid eo.tJ ud RerutDblr tbe for~ ot lmpact llale. r-., --. dolly IDet-Willi 111o SQUARE ol COIDIDI-Ud ..... por. ,_ apood. II,_---u, _.. c-G. .._ _, ID Jortf ..uoo.,... Ftr-Ud Polar II. o.t. -; --. ... 111o cui. -lo -lo llo 1M Alreo o1 1_. Ia FOUR UIDN ,__ --on .,._ lloOI II twooiJ. AI 10 .... lilt -..... --. ..... "'._. ........... . -. Ud ~ lo .. IIIII II twooiJ. Mil II 10 .... lloOI tlooJ ~ -. 1M-ol t_.t lo ll TOlES WtrMia •1_1011_1 IIIII II 10 11P1L --.... llar7 ........ ~ -..--........ _c_, ...... ..,. c--h .. ll ·-.... Doe. II, ll'ft. -·..., •• 17.1-1, 10. am, it CMJfaQOitllutor ..... • • lam! 1'CIOA Y 10 nu ,_ wdl -~-,_. ... - • • I EGGERS INSURANCE, INC. COIIUTE INSURAII:E SERYICf PMOIII (71., 67UI62 3711 !. c ... , Hwr., S.lto 101 C.u I o.l ,..,, Cal ..... The Glendale Federal "Try Us" account. Isn't ~ lime for o fresh look at where yoo ore ... ond where you really wonllo be? Try us. If yoo can't visit one of our 27 neigf>. borhood offices, just phone. 'We simply transfer yoor savings inlo o ''Try. Us" occount ... ond yoo lry us. Wilh $10 or $10,000. How much and how long ore up lo yoo. The. ''Try Us" occount, our new Umploenth Way To Save, is comfortable. You try us on yoor own lerms. So you bask. with o quor1er of a million others, in the worm security of 01er a billion in ossels. It's a nice feeling. Then when yoo wont yoor .investment bock. we give it bock wilh interest Just remember. Once people know us, !hey usually 510y. So come try us. Then yoo con relax and enjoy the other good lhings In life. ~ Truit Glendale Federal Savings ... ~ yoo can't lose. . Newport Beach 500 Newport Cenler Drive . 6#S300 ~\Meso 2300 Horbor Boulevard • 6<42··4711 •