HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-06-10 - Newport Harbor Ensign• • llRD Y!.t.ll. MD. 44 INTERNATIONAL COUNSELOR Lloo Leo Miller of Costa Mesa (lett) ls shown congratulating Jlm Lee Jr. following his Installation as prestdd of the Balboa Bay Lions Club tor 1971.72, The Balbo& Bay Lions held their I.n.stallaUon Tuesday evenJ.ng at Bob Burns Restaurant, Fashion Isla.od. District Governor Homer Briggs present~ perfect at- t.enda.oce awa.rds to several of the members. Lion John Sympson received his pln commemorating his outstandl.n& record of 23 yea.rs of perfect attendance a.t Lions club meettnp:. • .... h OFFICES IN CORD~ A DEl. MAR .. CAl.IFORNIA. get 10.3 mil tax to stay at 1.52 • ' Colt& Mua Clty Manarer "Tbe 1971-'72 budptref\ects con1e from current clty re-Ooe of tbe btgest lncreases Fred Sorsabtl has preaeoted · a conttDllltion ot mo.t ol the aources," he said, There are ln etty e~tutes for the a $10,3 mUUoo buc!pt to the city MI'Vlees at c~areatlevel," presently about $265,000 ln un-comtnc Je&r 1a iD eaplt&l 1m- City CouneU, renecttng a 9.4 he l&ld, "TbetotalrtveDIIeplc-appr~rWed reserves ln the provemeDtJ. Tbe total of per cent hike over 1ut year, tu.re U.Ucates a slow-down Ln blldKtt. $l,e?5,000 for tbe l97l-7Zyear but lJtth a tu rate the same u tbe flscal crowtb of the city He said that salary oegotia-Is an I.Dcreue of $300,000.put talt year's--$1,52 per $100a.s-due to the eeooomlc conditions tloru; would oot be completed of wblcb wtll be used to pay tor HINd va.haUon. The val~attoo tn Oranp County," much before August, and that the widlll1Pcot Fairview Road. of the city durl.ng the upeomlng Tbe preUmlrary budget wtll the budget would nave to be Tnt coM of thllt pro)eet ts ez. ftteal year Is estimated at be preseoted to the Council tor ameoded at that Ume. peeted b be $e51,000. $189.97 mliUoo. a study session June 14. A pub-MIKE MARTIN OF UCI Of the $1.52 tv. rate, $1 Uc bearing oo the document is wUI co for general ruoo pur-set for Jtme 21. . PQMS, 37.3 cents to the park Robert Oman. city tltlaoce ~m::'~~::~~u:s~: :?o~~iulos:1~.:.:u~~·::: WINS YARDLEY TROPHY trlct. posal, however, !lows DOt in-_ Mr. Sorsabal said that al-elude any blanket salary ad-By VIc Opalek thoueb the prelimlna.ry budget justments, wbicb la.st yea.r a-Mlke Martin, the UCJ flasb figures showed an 1Dcrease of mouuted to about 2-1/2 per who sparked UC I to NCAA 9.4 per ceDt over last year, cent of the bud&et. crowns ln both water polo and the 19'10-71 budget did notre-A similar salary adjustment "'tmmlng, wa.s Ramed there- nect salary adjustmezb mad~! this year would amount to a-ciplent of the 1971 George after adoption--brLDciog the bout $330,000. Mr. Oman said, Yardley trophy Tuesday night. true 1Dcrease down to '1 per bow eYer, that this woukl DOt The previous wloner to re- MRS. WALTER PEARSON of Costa Mesa started out her hobby projects Just 5 years ago by taking evening classes 1.n paper mache and has oow taken up stitchery, macrame, ,.81v1ng. on painting, batik and will be entering ln many categories at Onnge CoWIIY Fair. She was a wlnner last year and will be trytng to capture more bl ue ribbons this year. The fair dates are July 13-1 8. PROMONTORY REVISION OK'D cent. a!fect the tu rate, cetve the mammoth trophy wu The Irvine Compa.oy's "lr-p:ans for the 30 acre stte. "Any alary adtustmentsw1U John Vallely of Balboa Isla.od, •lDe by the Sea" aPartment Several property owner or- BOWLING GREEN FUND ASKED ~~~~~t~~~f!¥z~~ ~f:~~,:~~g1;:::ii~J ~~f~~~f§~~ The Newport Beach 'Ctty U4; city m&lllger, $108,945 ; me.ot, $391,615; Ubrary, $381,-Tbe total budcet request for secut1ve conference tOO NCAA lllebt, June 3. that night. Council, not wastlnc any Ume flna.oee, $Z9'1',8'1'5;c1tyattorMY, 455; ~U,btachesi.Dd.recrea-the 1971-12 f1sca1 year ls Utles. SoUl Vallely a.oc1 Martin Tbe action ns a reversal SeUm H. F'rank.Un, an at- aDd mtnua the uaualnttplckinr $85,755; non.deparlmeatal, tlou,$1U4,99S;waterhmd,$1,-$12,708,390 with a proposed are lf&duates of Corona del ot u earlier decision on the toroey and representative of cocmeettd wlth apprOYlni the $&32,455; pollee, $2,115,0'10; 241,6GOj wattr boDd debt Hr-t&x Hle of $1.20 per $100 Mar high school. propoled pro}ecl to be loc&ted the B&lbol. Island Community aruual blldpt, pn preUmln-ftrt, $1,156, 790; mulDe atety, vice, Jl02,5~; and marllla utu.led valultloll, a 2-ceot . usc Trojan coach Bob Boyd at the aouth•est corner of Pa-AssoclaUon, told commiasJon- ary approva.t Monday nleht to SS4'7,460; community develop-park, $43,580, rtducUoa fl'om lut year. waa the featured speaker at the clftc Coast Hwy, a.od Jamboree ers that '·lack of members more U.o halt of the requested awards t.oquet, held at the Ml K e: MARTIN Rd. The propoal now goes to pre,.nt Is not a lack otlnt~ut eJ;>IDditurtl tor the 1971-72 p k" t 0 I Newporter Ina. Chris Horpel, the City CouncU. but a tack of koowledp. Ht tlJcal YMr. a r In g con r thl Newport Harbor wrestllng player ot tht year IJid wu N~t ud Balboi Island Aid his croup wlll problbly The. only real maJor chanp champloa DOW atteDdiD& Stan-aamtd to the Jtatt aU-atar rtaldeats packed tbe Council protHt the action durtnc tbe 1n upeMUure reque1t1 came tord, was ooe of the flna.ll.Jts, pme. cbambers wttert they b-.rd ot Council hearlllc. durlnc: diacu111ons on ~ltal t I k d I yed u were Bruce Gtlker, Robbie Mtkt Martin completed a 4-tbe tntoe Company's revlHd The reriMd plana, wbtcb •1--cw::•,OOOntl ~h!!•tkbta:?uocroct-1 a s e a . Clllntnptm aod CliDII. Cr1pe. Jill' colltp IWimmiDc IJid nayed the YOtt of commll- .._ w _. 1a. Horpel wu UDdtf•t.ct 111 dual water polo career U.t bordlrtd MESA SEW_ lioDII' Gordoo ClaN l.alo YOdDc ..UOO '-"tl m..U &lid woa the li'lO CIF oo tM t.•wttc. Ht ,.. 11 Jtl, e&1l lor a dlllllb' l'ldlle-r PI'>~ • nO ~-~ 1101 ............... ::r.J'" wtfllllow ..., mtelll 1Dr Uti ·NCAA 11011 mtelllalDIWlmmllf • -. .._ at -!Tptr -- no '«1,000 riY"ori&!Dll!f t:omllll-.,llllil•liii'7Cr!U--ell II • II .. .. -wbUe at Newport llu-ud -... mtmbtr"' INDUSTRY tbt oriiiJal pr-L Dtltlloa -.rmarU:S for tbt U7Z-'71 'clam ftom nlldtatl, tutab*t •lltl ailttq ICIIIaa. &Dd bor h11fl1Cbool. . tbe cbamptonahfp oc II'YlDe of ODt larp rlllap.type com- badpt b tM acq..U!ttoo of a coostdeuttoo ot ttl propollld tbat'• the ODly coaehalton I Cripe IJid Cuon1Jl&bam woa water polo aqtad cf"IDC bJ.m plez accounted tor tht majority put lltll.a H&rbor VIew Kills, otf-ltrtet puk.:inc replatlou cu dn.w," Mr. P•• ald. tbt ClF doublu aM O)l.l ttUts a erand total of 17 durtDc bll Nlcbolu Zlener executive of tbe 84 untts eliml.tated. probably tor a aen1or dtlsen& uot11JUDt 17. Ht IUQ .. ttd tiM CommJs-last year whUe at Newport Har-tremendous collep career. mlllll.pr of tbe Costa. Mea Doe of the key ltlllnC points part. Tbe proposed reqWrementl llon lhould "tocourap rt-· bor. Cunn!Debam attended the The cradtate of c oroaa del CbambtrofCommercehasre-totbeprojectwasapubUcvtsta But .. nlor cttuensappeartng desleoe<f to force aU oew du. habiUtattoo rather than Pft'teot UDiversJty of ArlzonaandCrJpe Mar h.J&fl school was oamed slcntd from 2 boards to pro-overloolill( the southern eDd ot at the budpt: hearln& aald they ple18s to pro'ftde at least 3 It, maldnc property owners iJ a member of the UC:I cllamp-athlete of the year at ocr tor mote the lDdustrlal expansion Newport Bay, located Dt&r the •ere aoC so much Interested 1D off-street park:lnc spaces, were mickey mOIIH &I'OtlDd 'tritb lonshlp tennis squad thU year. the Jast 3 years. He was un. In the 1,200 acres zoned for proposed eldensionotJamboree speDdtnc that much money for attacked because they would mlnor tmpronmenta." Gelktr was a valuable mem. defe&ted tn the 500 yard tree-manutacturtog within the ctty Rd. The vista overb:tks a pro- a puk as they were In aettJnr allow slde-ya.rd encroachments Some restdents aid that ber of the Harbor football squad style at the NCAA collect dt. limits posed 1.5-acre park whJch the some Jawn-bowUng ta.cll1Ues, that would block water views. owoers of loti" SO feet wide or that stllred the Sunset 18lgue vision championships for 4 He ·ls resigning as member Irvine Co. has otrered to ifve preferably at Irvine Terrace Francis Horvath,cbairmanol less should bt exempted from title wtlb Anaheim and captured years and won 5 gold medals in of the board ot directors of to the city tn lieu ot about Park. a study committee of the Ne•· the rerulattona, ~po11Uon that STEVE GARVEY, the aluutnc considerable honors, Including each of his last 3 years of the Costa Mesa MunicipQI Golf $85,000 In buildingexclsetues. Councilmen agreed that !JOme port Harbor-Costa Mesa brd the Board of R~ltors com-rookie 3rd baseman for the aU league, aU-Orange county, competttlon. ' Country Club and the board The company valued the park type of taclllty for lawnbowlers of Realtors, objected to a pro-mlttee has suaested. Dodprs, Will be grand marshal of Costa Mesa City Hall and pa.rcel at about $130,000. was needed. vtsioo that would allow ooe-Tbe replatsons for dupleus tor the Jtme 19 Harbor Area Public Safety Fac!Uties tnc. Irvine Co. otnc ~ls proposed Councilman Don Mclnnls story garages to replace most woukt require 1.5 spaces tor Boys Club baseball parade. The ECOLOGY PRIZES GIVEN "More manuticturtng unJ.ts tha.l the entlre pro)f<"l, with the said, "These residents have sldeya.rds. ettlcleocy and ooe-bedroom parade wUl for m at 10 a.m. at within Costa. Mesa to spread the n ceptioo of streets serving the been seeking addltional lawn-"People want to look between units and 1.75 spaces for 2 the Balboa Pier pa.rldng lot and tu base thereby relieving the public vista aDd park, be private bowling greens for more than the buildings," he said. "In bedroom units. will eod at the YOUth Center l.n MESA BEAUTIFICATION pressw-~s for expanding t:ues and closed tothe~neralpubUc. 10 years, and each year we areas that are the most con. Three-bedroom tmlts, de· corooa del Mar. PrLzes wtll be IN on residences a.Dd tbeprovtdlng This proposal, which wasap. tust keep putUng them ott. It's strlcted this Is golng to block tiDed as any room capable of awarded tor Jarlde entries. The of more employment fnr Costa proved by the Commisstoo., Ume we dld something to help the view." belnc used for sleeplDf pur. Oodp:rs wUl conduet a ba.setall Mesa citizens Is mr pr ime brougtlt a number of protests them out." He satd he thought the pro-poses, would need 2 spaces aDd cUnlc from 1 to 4 tbatatteroooo The ''EcolOif Begins at Home 1981 Maple A.,enLHI. interest in budgetmg mor e of trom those In atteodanee who Lawnbowllng club members vision was strange in this time ooe-hall of a covered space at tbtCosta.Mesabasetlallnekl. Committee" presented the first Bernard Felp, 331 East 20th my persooal efi:)rts in the In-said the pr ivate roads were an claim that the membership, oow of great concern for publlc would be required tor •ch M b prizes In the Costa Mesa beau-Street. dustrta.l expansion direction .. lntr1ngement ~n thelr right to 80, would be even higher lfthey accesa: to. the water and dt-bedroom In uceu or S. ore ay t1llca.Uon program Monday night John A. rrtso, 1982 Rose. he said. ' view the bay trom the h.ighva.n. had the tactutles. mand for open aoo "view" Zoning admtnJitrator Jame1 1D the CoUDCU Chambers. mary Place. "In order to be et1'ective in ta.ge polat of the property. space. Hewicker aid that 1f klU: The beauWicatlon committee Mr. and Mrs. Leo Lewan, this area of operaUoo 1 have Irvine Co. offtclals repUed AD(U8 Potter, 71, who has Balbol Island Realtor Harvey smaller than 30 feet 1n width a f occ members .-Joseph Carroll, 2507 Duke Place. accepted assipments ~tth the tt\at 3 additlooal view poln~ a.ttended nery budget session D. P81st called the Commis-were exelllded, tben eYVJ rea or , Claire Nelson, Ga len CotfiJWl. Herbert S. Corti, 133 East Los Anples County and AREA were accessible to thepubUc by for the put 10 yean, again slon'• propoal an attempt tn buUdlnC sltt oa Balboa lllud, Mrs. John Feeley, A!Holllster, 21st Street. Chamber of Commerce as a walkways or &blcycletn.lL The made a plea. tor some city as-Cballp &Oftlnc. We.t Newport and Corona. del Tbt bot.rd of s~rvtaors and Mrs. MaureenlJIDomenJ.co Mr. and Mrs .. Herschel member or Its Industrial de-vistas, hoWever, are adjacent to 1t.taoce in 11tUn1 mort lawn "The requirements would Mar would bt ucl~ed. 'tOted laM WMk to cancel the .•• choH the followln& wtnners Yapr, 202 East 21st Str~~ velopment committee and its the proposed private roada. bOWUnc creen.s. pr~~;IUde the ablllty of someone l.aureoce Wlllon, acttn&as-t.mporarJ u.se permit held by after judgtng the appllcat1ons Ur · Howard C. Palmer • 2 water and power commtttee. The city's eommuntty de¥el- "U we don't ret tome addt-to build 2 units on a piece of slltant director of community tbt Balboa Bay Club on 250 received 1n the past month: ·Westmiuter. Also 1 ..,111 become closely opment depa.rtment, whlch rec- ttonal crttns pretty 1000," bt property," he aid. "It you are development, •ld, "Some fttt or bay frontare adjacent Mr. and Mr s. Howard Rein-Mr. P. E. Roltes, 2005 aUen'ed with the industrial de-om mended appronl ot tht pro. Aid, ''( may DOt be around to COIDC to rezone halt the clty, chanita In tht up&at1001 art to tbe clllb, holt, 238 CamelUa Lane. Paloma DriYt. velopment departments of aU of ject, showed statl.tJca which Ina enjoy them.'' do It torthrt&fi.Uy. Th.is would netdtd u 1000 u poutbll, Tbla action turns the chOice Wallace Pinkley, 42 7 Hamil-Ur,IDd Mrs. WiUtam Huber , the uttUf}' companjes 100 In-dicated the complel waa about Mr. MciMlJ •unelttd that be almolt ca.tastropbJc as tar btc.auH tbt slllaUon wU1 not water froatap back to the con~ ton street. 150 l.oJOia Road, dependent lndl&ltrtal deveq.. one-tatf the density otUid.t1per the $40,000 from the 1912.'7S &J the okitr propertttl are bt lt&tul quo lt •e ltt.,e tht trol ot tbe Coa.t Community Mr. and Mrs. Roy Watktnl, fred Bttlr, 167 Albert Place. meat locatinc firms woo spec-acre as compared to llmll&J' projected budaet bt moYtd .., cooctrQtd." regulltiou uncb&Apd. Collep Dtltrlct, whi ch plalll lall&e ln the fitkl: of r elocation apartment pro)llcta tD the ar•. to 1971·72 wltb tbt tdta of Commt.Mlooor Jolln Watooo "Btatb .-... art btlll( to rtmon tbt old boat sUpo Kentucky Frt'ed Cht'cken of branch unlls of Industrial They allo oatd !bat !be projoct u11D1 1t to htkl prorJde ODI or dented the cbarp, ll1inc the torn down all Oftr tbt ell)' ud aDd flaU1 utiliJt the DtWlY re-plant& a.od tht tlodinc ot IItts calls for 965 puJdAC lb.U&. mort lawn bowl1D1 P'MDI. CommiiiSOD. bad DDtb1J1C de-replaced wltb d"'ltiM wttb e, p1.Dtd footap. Thetr nw1M aDd proper local tn.,tronmentl neetdtq tbt propNtCI olf. Tbl 01111 prob .. m DOW II to riou JD mlDd &Dd '-d bM:I 7 ud 8 bedroom•. U we OGl7 aettntt" procra.m at pre•Dt of otwl)' establlahed com-strett parkin& req\lirtmedl bJ cltlormlot tbt flmdll>& for tbt worklll( 00 tbt rtl"lal-lor rtQUlrt 2 parklll( opat .. , tbt -oalJ' 10 Ito! of wattr-does not rate as store p&Dltl " ·-:10 otalto. mODtJ, a year. llta&doa wtU DOt rema!D tbt troat. ~ptera,tlot.tl · Aetlnc IOG1Dt admlalltrator lt cooldbtfllodtcllapUmaltly "'llaYI>t a•o DOl d-. --oamt, tbt parlllO( ol-..W ul docU wlU bt lllltalllct as IUILDIH G TOT .t.L ,OR Jtm lt ... tcktr told tbt Com- from tile buUd1DCI!~ tu tbat'• 10'11' wwd .... but It' I btcomt mtteb upter." wtU 'Mtdttloal putt.nc ueu, Tht N...-port Beach Pl&aD1Dc Comm'uiMtu tuntddowottte WA. y TOPS S2.l Ml LL ION mtll:iqn that tiM ltafl btl1'"a fll:ad, but Act1oc C h..~ allp• ud boat bolltl. Comm1u1oa Yottd 5-2 lut bl&' bueat HqQtlt alonc wttll W.ay permtta luutd b1 tbt tbt Jntoe Co. rwtatoDJ coa.. ::u:.~Dt= 11 alrtadJ MISS MERMAID CHOSEN •'=•'=~~~.a~ftoa ~ ~::n:J~rf:c:~~~ ~==~!_P=·hls ..-ft~ NnportBelch buJldiDcdeputa =n: :a.:,r:: :.: Oftrkladtd. tilt pr ... $1 per JIU laM Ulllment ftl a rntaurut aad protai)IJ wtU'q..i tiM ~"'m-::~ ~~o!!·~t:::t tiODI tllttd by tht ~) lt pcollobly wlU comt !tom Elaii-·JIUoOid C. C. or-Tbt (fud prt .. at !.-YI•• :..: ::.:... ":.t~.:'~ DOl a -oaa SUQOtttd brIto m-'1 dttloloo to tilt CIIJ to $15,ZU,177. prp=-1~ ~~~~! tbt _.111md, W\tbtbtC:O.-du ... -lilA 11.-IIIOid wu -., lltr11tt ~ ...., owntra. c-u w1tbJo "" rtQidrtd 11 Tllla II moro tb&ll »-1~ • -,__ ell Poly to do IOIIIt tutllll( S-J tbt COOOIIIIlal diJ o1 1101 PtmOroko Lo., WtiiCWI. =; ~-::~:::boo~ Kt-111 frttd Cllltkeo bid $Jio I m1lltoo ..... tbt ll&J lllc4rol ~·u:~-t!:t"'{=-.,j tletwblrt to aecommodate tt. aaotJllti. aueetuflllJoM n.r. Mu. A. H. Tbom.._ lOtt-A to -eo tb!t ptapUtJ _,.,. ttlt eoucM "atort" 1taN1 b' ltl Ja otMr aetioa: tiM Comrn11:a ot lut year, but $4 mtWoe. t,.IJ-;,.n. .. ~. tbl IOIIIIIIrO' llr. -.ourtaldbt-,.,., 18 eo..,_ c.-11., c-11 ... -c c lla 01 propootc~ -bll.ollmtot wblcll otoo -"'"' a -nrlallc• """" tbt a.,.., ., !be ,_ • ._ work co tbt pral>llm btlwtM • llltYIIIIIIII.-cJClt. c-00101-0 P •--~~~allow tl to bt loc:altd at ud -lloo IIIPUtotloo btlort,-tbt au Umtbotkt-Blrll4t Dr.udr~- .,. ud tbt ... budptasn'M •--•-up l.atbt.-lcm.-ID ...-,•, 1:111 puadt. tbl trJ.;:. -:r::-... .,. &\'lila 1007 w. lllboa BIYd., ~ tbt ~ wW aiao. Robert S. tftl rteord wu m&4t. ~:: otS:.~J ::::: (J-Il)to-llbtcoold_. toot. M'YIICU tbt-IDr .,., ........ aftr<!-totllt alllt u ,,_. oltllt-Nowport Plar, wltb --~-at-to -oct Tbt" _.. ..,: • wllll-• --· lilA 11orm1111 .,. ,.. CIV o1 ••bo'm. ltlai<IJ'• ., ~ -~~~ C-• t11t rtllaurut-rtQO!rtd n 4 4e11-,. 4 1o1o at 411-_. :"'t~~t-at':t'- no tolal -· • .,.,_ ~t-, 18, at on...1111 -•-Pvlor ,"' eoa II-W1U ptrall .ortor at 1 tblrtJ parklllf otaU.. Plul 1br tbt 4171. Bar A"• ---SEMI~AR SLJ. TED JMI ~ lllow ...... ID millo prapoood lloillll to-ll&ntll, 11. at II II J -!!'!_,~ro<111~~ ~ t>ot ...... -tor tbt cot-"' ... ~ .,_ellltJ,-=-~ .!: :-,-lit .. ~~_... All ....,.. olllllot.J wtlb tilt ....., tilt lllJ -c.-..,. o ..... Cbt NO 000 """"o1, Bllcb. ._ _ __. ... _ ..... Ud .W ..,.... u a t1Ui1 ...., -._...... -WN .,. ... -Pif. COiliilltldtoa iat\iiaJ 11'1 Ia .. nt It 1 -..... ........ 2.": • ... -~ --· ... -· -· tlltCIVGIOinloo ~ __ , -""" .-.. ·-.. " Ill oct -•Utd .. ·-I....,--.. -... -.. ·-· .... _, .._ ~ -··~·City at-., Tbt IIIPU-aloo ..... a ..... _pr_l) Uoo-_, .... -· .,..... .t A _............., 'ff?Oftl, ._.. • ...., ...,. 0 cna., ..._ trf1flllti: Clr1ll aar181!'-.rdllfl .. l&. .,.. IMilcM ftliuet wll&ca a,.. teL IMr at tM ltoJaJCoadl..._ PIQIIIf~t.._ :'::.-.:.·.:~ :':.:.'"s:.:'ta-' U,l L .. -C ..... ~!ro-IIIJ.IJMIGUDUATIS orooldlllowalorp-lo '1'111 C..e!oolo olio.,_ ~=\~.~~s'"tor'"::~: ,.i:.'~ .. =: f41111011-...._ old$ fl ofllr Ud--., ltr nlftM-1'111 -Pot.-1-lYirl II ltotabontlltpore.c,._a ___ 'lllll-C..,oiiUIL .... .._ I , -. ··--a:-.....::-.._ .... ..,a_.• Jllabia.,c.-,.-. ru rr•., l8111c:a lr .. -atMr.llldlln.Mui .. Jot. au.awa•r,tWIIt•• ._. ••. ..,..,..._. :0 1 •, 1 ...... ..,. diJ .. c-uaa .. lin-:re-., llio II toM--n:-=-~':.""::; ::..·=~;!,':.o:J!:,::"J.":.~:r=:o::ro:,l~~:;-.. Cnt:.----=-.. .-,_ •tE •• .. r' ==::.::~ ....:.'W::.."":" w:.: till! teoll.,IIOIIItr .. l _____ al .. _orl 1 M"'_lo_ .. ,....toowii-W.C.. :::,..:::.~ .. .: :--•.:-.. .:: 6., Ct u, •••.:; ...... .,...a.~-. .,..-•• '11 -~-~ •-Dlloll.•.,...._u':.u":,*'.:llwJ. ot c.-... -.... ._ • :"~aa a ·•""-"'•11'1 ··-·---... 1:4*-_...,.._ lollllllto. ..... lo tilt'* .. f I ~~.. .I!Of ~ .11-,. ARVO E. HAAPA, owntt ind p&.~bl isher of the Ensign ~-o"-'"o:.-c:~ • ATTENTION, NEWPORT HEIGHTS Newport Heights residents who were again11t the Freeway Fighters• initiative election ought to be taking a second look at their position. Their reason for oppo- sition was the fear that any action affect- ing the proposed route along Coast Hwy. might lead to another effort to put the freeway along 15th Street through New- port Heights and Cliff Haven. Now there is indeed some talk of a new route study on the freeway alignment between the Santa Ana River and the Upper Bay. This suggestion comes from ' State Highway Commission Chairman Fred Jennings, who, ·though a Balboa Island resident, is no friend of the Free- way Fighters. HOAG HOSPITAL'S 552 Club Is saying "HauoU la hanau" (happy birthday) to King Ka mehameba at the 2nd aMual "ktng's luau," to be held this Swxlay, June 13, at Don the Beachcomber's In Corona del Mar. The luau Includ es complimentary Mai Tal punch served from 5:30 to 7 p.m., followed by a Polynesian !east and south seas entertainment. Pictured her e, left to right, are Albert J. Aue r. past pres ident of the 552 Club, portraying King Kamehameha; Walter Koch. member ot the luau committee; Mrs . Aue r and Mrs. Koch. The 552 Club Is a men's s~rt group dedicated to the e xpansion of Hoa g Hospital. Each member donates $100 or more each year, and the club is pr ojecting a roster of 552 member s. (Dave Ross photo.) The Manion Foru m THE ENEMY'S UNITED FRONT j OI p:tn iCky-w;:o CliUitJn 'l h:I\C trouhlc sn tl4 l• place' anJ 14 C compromowJ m the l·o.~r L·o~~t . who ch W3S e \,o<.:t!) "'h<tt 'he W<tnh:U. 1r a ..... ..._. _.." ..... "' ~.,.; .. =~~~:;~ ---lald.Tollll-~~~--'hi •• ~ ,..,..._ _, an·~ Bill ._1111 , 1M n. ~~~~-.-...-J _ ...... _,._11110111 afYir ..... "llllllll .. _-............ - ........ fCIMIMti lllr-'1ra1J ofu.t ....... ,....., beiliU ...at of P'roM..,..,. ... lilt tiMir .._ ta .. ....,ild ellniJ a. ewe.. bJ1 a.r IDUibllld ..., ..... ~. --lilt -.... ,.._1 Port, Wlllcll .. --Bolio-. lilt ..... ltlll r1 ··"· tranrllld bf tbe~Ql&Dt Drtn • ..._. 1411, rodt bar• llaQ Oot --. •-111 To lilt -Ia ~~~-v,._ dlrlll( 1110 J11t1>1 ....,, ud .s.. ,....,....., Memortal Day, tbl botH otOtor .. •·••....,. Ufwed a m ... p 'to CoL Yldcb from oar eutiMt ftUI r bi.YI a teeU.c ot r"•~ AlbbJ JacUoa'l canlry lou -a liiP J>OIIi Ill our lor IIIIa ar• u F1111U wu ._.' JoWDr blm ot 1110 JOlrlollc ocbedlllo af llrlllr. 1110 tbo bomo af "Lord Falrtut, to ... ...;.. af tho -.--. IJIIIed Doqlllora af tho Coo-•bom tho ..... _...., Klll(af a-.uor bomo ..... .,.. ...... ilodon<y, aad oilier .. ..-. Eqlud awarded 1110 -ea-at daJ!Ipl. Lller iJI tbo daJ tlo• 1fblcb ... k to perpetalte pi.D1t ol )Ud bltlrHD tbl ... Wbea AI felt l.bat Gtaeral~ 11M -., IDirlt ..CW:b wu aad tho Oblo Rl-. o-p --Willi to -II 1110 nmput beHiboatl a cllltarf Wut!lqloD beiU Ids career JD mi.UtarJ 1ibat1oD bid DDt aco. bold Mnieea lD. the locll tbta eOUDtrJ wbeo be 1tartec1 cbi.Dpd lbe ran &er'08I ~ ce-.tes 1D hoDor of tboee to ..... .,. uJ. tud. Patebn ot. fttkll ~ dell•tred bel' 11\oM-:.rw:: :!~1~f';arter;~"'w'= prlmeYal woodludJttllremalD, ap. Sefenl bullN pteretcl • wltll lr111 ...,..., 10 ctoooly 11er etolblot. aad aa li'UIIorJ chuced to lave -bonl oortll togetbor, tblt oftea I -..,.U barat ..n>y aad ralDed af tho ..._ aad Dlmo LiJio bow 11>1 tmm«tal Georp wu m_.u .-ber Sbo wu mu call 1t tbUIIJ, bat 1 ban able to ma.DeUYer biJ: ueleat tmburt, aDd coaUaueci oa. to cit- come to UDderstaDd somttblnr surveyt.Dc tutrumtDta:. uver the ..,, to the fiDif&L oftbiiOUtherovlewpo~when Nwertbelea tbe weats of '"---IJ t.:IG'"·-edtbe tbey call it "tbe war between ' ._.. ae ..._._ . the states." Certainly, the war the nrbltweeotbelb.tuell..lm towo ot Froat Royal from tbl was DOt "clvi' " and the t\lnda-just recop!Uon. On May ZS, federal tl'<q)s, and P1"eattd .. 1862, tbe Battle of Froat Royal the toemy from barDlDc tbl mtDtal dlffereoees of optnJoo was foucbt, which marked the brldpa aeroa tbe Sbtaandolh whleb caUMd the syrnpathlsers openiDg of stooewau'Jaetson•a River. His tr allo-.wured ot the south to take ~ arms Sbenaodo&h Valley ,. .. __ , ,.~ 000 oopsl :;; __ &Dd to ftre upoo Fort Swnter .-....-.£0. ......,, worth o comm._, b&ve kmc been forcotten. It 1s After tbe puap ofl09 years, stores, whlcb 1Deluded WIIODI, the apbode baa dlminlafled to ba.rDUS clothiDc, toola &DIS just U well to ~11 the acttvt. the poi.Dt where It may bave even 86 'twrela of noar. ' Ues ol the 1860 5 as a war been Uttle more tbaD a sklr-At a patrl6Uc diDDir Jut ideotUJ.ed by geography rather mlsh wben compared with the week. sketebes of hout1 wtd.cb tbaD by poUtical dfver19nc1es. lon-r confrootatioos of tbe bad ~ ed ••· ~-••· Froot Royal Vlrg1o1a may II>"' 1\D'uV unrftll'laua;.e- weU be c.aued the cradle 1n war. Ch11 War were sbowD. Belle LETTERS TO EDITOR -- Geoiral McClellan at that Boyd's bome was tllere amoar time wu movlng Ms army of the relit. It does oot baYe tbe 120,000 men ~ the peolnsulJ. elrum that ooce 1t po1se1~ to attack Rlc hmood, Vlrg1.nia, but her romantic career fiii'OW'I • FOREIGN ERS' AID &Dd by StWIYing us with rna-the Cootederate capitol The more clamorous with the years. Editor or the Ensign, terJals andtechn1queswhichare Sheoaodoah Valley had been len A local restaurant beUs ber The president has requested oot antlable to us, they will open to attack, when Geoeral oame, ao11 features ICM&bern $3.3 biiUon be appropriated by rebalkl our war lndustry which James Shields was ordered to tried clltcken Whi ch perhapl Congress !or foreign ald. We is essential to our flllure at-reinforce General McDowell, may have aided ber to ob1aJD don't nave this money and Will tacks oo our own StC~Pllers. ln who was located at Fredericks-military tntormaUoo trom tbe have to borrow It, This Will other WOI'ds, they will belabor-burg. oortberoers. raise oor taxes a.nd hurt our lng to prepare their own sui- Col. John R, Kenley was left Two other newsworthy Item• ba lanc e or payments and the clde • • • • at Front Royal wUh 1,000 fed-were offered at thls dlDuer: dollar. ' '•Tbe 'cultured class ' of the eral troopstoprotecttheRiver-One was that a ptlgrlmace to The U. S. has already pveo capltall.st countries of Western ton brldps, therallroadaodthe the Gettysburg battle tlekl Is foreigner s $138 bllUon In for-Europe and Amerlea; I. e., the mllltary stores which had ac-to be made 00 Juoe 19. The This new deve lopment should impress upon Newport Heights residents that their only assured safeguard is the election triumph of March 9, which g ives the final ' say-so on freeway r outing through New- port Beach up t o the voters. A continuing and determined united front among all the areas of our city will keep the fr ee- -way bulldoze rs away from our doors. For better o r for wo~. Amcncan in- volvcrnen t m the lnJoctu - na war will end 1n thl' elgn aldl There is $24 mllUon rullng classes, the tloanclal cumulated here. He had alne soutb did DOt emerp victor- a lready appropriated and un-aristocracy, the bc:Mapoisle, companies ot the First Mary. iously from thebattleatGettys- spent. Congress has the power and the Idealistic democrats land Volunteer regiment, and burg, as tt dld at Front Royal. to "freeze" such funds and re-should be reprded as deaf-had stationed two of these south possibly because Geoeral turn them to the treasury, as mutes and treated accordingly or the town to establish a picket Stonewall Jackson was DOt tbere was done In the Res clss1on Act • • . • They Will cnnt us Uoe aod to pve warning It to attack the enemy when Gea- of 1946 . These tunds can then credits which Will till the cot-General StooewaUJaetsoowere era I Lee wanted to assume the be utillzed to help balance the fers ofthecommunistCI'pnlsa-to attack from the direction of offeDSive. ··Ru'l>'a h." n" m1crc~1 111 ••---•A their ---~1 1 pr oposed detlc lt budget. uuu:o "' CUWIU-es, whi e New Market, VIrginia. The second Item was that an • • • ... THIS PING PONG DIPLOMACY WORKS "Review of the News" magazine points out that while the Nixon administration pre sses for r ecognition of Red China, there is a constant increase in the num- ber of r efugees fle eing the communist- held mainland t o Hong Kong . A majority of those who risked their lives to escape during the month of the ping pong matches in Red China we r e students who com- / noH oo-<liS· lanl fut ure. l For bel· ....-.! '" Ameci- can boys will nu1 he Uym~ on lndoch1 nesc h:.ltkfidJ~. For 14 orse. untCJ>s VoeiOitnHzation succeeds, the Communiltb woll take over South Voe tnam. lhU\ wea kening thl' ra•,ugc and power of the wholt: lrl"C world. 1-ur .,.,Or"'-'· the ( ommunists h.o\1.' ,1,or1o.:d m;on~ more w:.n; m lhctr J.oy The Ked, c:oll the ~hoi\ KorC.l . Voctn:.m . The Moddk I ,1\1 No mt~rt er ho.,., nlolrl} r:tl'lli\1\ m:.rch In the ltlrccl. ('ommunist-instit ated war' "•II conlomJ<' un til \om- l:.~kmg over ls_.od Wh<~l RtMo:o Wr ite to your congressman they enlarge and Improve our By making forced marcbes, effort ls beinl made to have wan t~ 10 J,, 1' create enough a nd as k: "Why Not?" armam.ts lDdulltry by St.tJPlY-tbey reached a point about 10 the citizenship of Geoeral Lee panic rq;ardmg lh<' MoJ<ll<' Ea~t Sincerely, log ~1 ldnds of wares. whi ch miles trom Front Royal, and posthumously restored to him to Ioree us tn ..:omprt•mo-.c m C, C, Moseley we shall Deed for future at-then by taking a rough aDd tittle as a tribute to his po&t-war ~nu t heasl A .. ,,~. ., ho, ,.. the Glendale ta.cks ap.!nst our S~.~JPllers." used approach known as tile activities as Presldeot ot the numht:r one targl·t Now the Wbo LD America today would "Snake Road," they surprised Washington and Lee University • war m the fo.·lu.JJic E."' .. 1-.o ha' • LEN[N'S PROPHECY aot be forced lo admit that a.. vuy bad . cffl.'ct m lh!! -.c nM-Ectltor of the EasiCD.f' •1 .. 'ntiL'a 5 s' 11Jhu DOC come that h tttms all ol the Arab LD 1921, Nlkol1 l...eUD. 1-.der trae, .... ....,. bear our own world acainst the L:noh.'J St::n~. of tbe oommunill n+olatloD lD Pl'illllde.t-~Oftlllt Ot1ted States and this is 1"1 colon a I th ing-Soviet Rassla, said ' of tbeir talkiA1 aboullnde, opnlDgdis- morc th an 1111 mol!1on Arah~ in "hated capitalists": cusslons with, aDd looaeaingot 1hc Middk f:::o,1 Wl· c.onnlll af-"They wUI furnish credits restricUoDS oo our reatloas rord 10 kt th:n h.op1>cn which will serve as a means to with ooe of the most m&Di&cai .. By alienating the Ara b s upport the communist parties, and dlaboUeal teOdlfs the world. m regard to the Israel-•:,:st ~rw!:~r lalown --com- Arah w,or. \\\' arc l•;ohlc to lo'<' LEGAL NOTICE m Of . t .. t ls nd lhc northern hall ol Atric:1• course, over a NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEAR-above tbe already-existln&: Freedoms ·chapter e l eds::~ . A chapter year to be hlgfl- llehted by presentation or a gradtate credit workshop for Oraore County teachers begins with Jtme 81Ditallatlon luncheon ceremonies tor Orange County Women's Chapter, Freedoms FouadaUoo at V~ley Forge, The worUilop will be c0Gdtl¢t1 tor sir Thursday nights betw._ Nov. 4 aod Dec. 16 at theCiwp- man College campus. ODe unit of graduate credit wUl be givea tor the workshop, which Is eo- Utled "Preservatioa ot the Prloctples of Freedom." Other 1Dc0mtnc omcers are: plained of starvation meals and ill treat-rnrorll'nl " .. topped ment i n the commune s. Free China We ek-Fo~lha nan,el I.~ on, made a rt•turn vt"l tn the M<lnlllll For- anJ lho ~ ·~ e\lrcmdy \<i'flou' ·m e only thmg we c<~n do is, by pUlling r re\\Url.' hltlh tlrl K tJ.~~I oJ ~tnJ on !,rae!. force :, pt::rm:t- nenl cca~·-tire m the Middle ING TO BE HE LD BY THE AmerlcaD poUc y of tradi.Dg ez- BOARO OF SUPERVISORS tenslvaly with and aldlOC: It- OF ORANGE COUNTY,CAL-DaJJClaUy ln astronomical sums IFORNlA, ON CERTAIN other communl.st countries PROPOSED PLANS DESIG-throtllhOut the workl, lnchadi.Dg Mrs. Henry C. Cole of New ~ port Beach heads the slate of officers to be installed at Roy~ Coach lnn. Anaheim. Speaker wtu be Gen. VIctor H. Krulak, San Dle£0, president of Copley News Service and recent re- cipient of a Freedoms Foun - dation award. Mrs. Edpr R. HUt. Newport Beach, vice president, awards; Mrs. Bert Coffey Jr., Newport Beach, vice president, com- munications; Mrs. Louis Cur- Us, ADallelm. vice prutdent, education; Mrs. Melt Bartoli, Balboa, flee president, mem- bershlp; Mrs. Aan Terrtu Sig- nor, santa Aoa, Yice president proP"ams; Mrs. Richard Haw. klns, Santa Aoa, vicepresldent, yollth procrama; Mrs. Arthur C. Sc hick Jr •• Santa Ana, recordlnc secretary; and Mrs. JOhn A. Prescott, Sa.ota Aaa, treasurer. ly reporte d that s ome of the refugees ru11 m,cn,phon{· not too long c r ossed the 5-mile waters t o Hong Kong "~" 10 uo~cu~' •h ... 'ubJect of ( nrnnwn•,l ·c:w~ed ~<ars. Fllt hcr by SWimming and floating aCrOSS With " the FdoiM nf Twin Cirde. the help of plastic bags filled with ping rhl· ..... llonal ( <llhot ic "'cw!tpll· per HI.' ho~' hcen on 1he 'pot m pong balls. \ ll.'ln .• m. Camhodia :tnd Laos SLOGAN AWARDS GIVEN SchOlars hip checks tota lUng Newport Harbor high school $550 and 6 citations for pa-senior, for the bumper sticker trlolic service we re awarded slogan, printed tn r ed, white J une 4 to winners ot Am er -a nd blue with an American flag, ican!s m EducaUonal League's "Show Your True Color s!" An patriotic slogan contest for Or-honorable mention award went ange County high schOol to Nona Heckma n of Corona seniors. del Mar lUgh, with ''Right on, First place prize of $250 Unc le Sam!" went to Werner w. Weiss, a Harry von Z ell, noted broad- LEGAL NOTICE llntl '' (•n·: t)f the lew re:.l ex· pcrh .. n th~· ~<:tr there He th•nk ' lh<' croloc;l l quc-;110n of rn1.J:Jy ho'ol~ Jo,..n ro Cnmmu- nr~m v~ l·rccJom Here ~~ wh;ot he tniJ the Forum o~uJocncc-; .. f hcrc 1\ gltllntl \l ratcgy com- rn!l out from he lwccn Mo<oeow :ond Pck·n~ They ~<-ork tngcthcr '"~·v ~<dl .•gam'l u' They work ltl'lCi her to help Hanoo . fnr cl(. a..,nlc. E.o~l AnJ lhc lJnllcd Sl:dc~ ha, rhe power lo Jo 11 All .,.,c have 10 do 1\ get !Ou ~h "Russra ..... milt \CVC fitl thongs. Shl· Jc pcnd~ L•n u~. She need:. our tratk Shl· need, crcd11 and unronun:•tcly 'h~· ,, l!elling huth. She Wllnt' 111 oren the Suc1 Can.tl. If ~"l' !hrt:a tcn hy cutlmg do"'n em cn·J tl to Ro\· "a .md her cn lnnml~. Wl' can get peace Wl· :oh•• mu~r pUI pre"ure on l\r,ocl ,ond gd a cca.\l' fir<' 1h:11 '' rcrm:oncnl 111 the M odUle Ea'l · lt u~\la and ( hona "'ork to- gl.'lhl.'r ag11o n~1 thl· \Jf!ltl·J Sl:•le' 111 nther part \ nt lhl.' wnrld a~ well \Vc know. for cot<~mplc . lh:tl R ll~\la 1\ go vmg .1 mdloon dn!l:'" It day to l uh.t 10 for- mcm revolution O ver '1011 Amerocan~ have gone down It• \uh:t to he tr:uncd lhcrc In he NAT ED "ZON lNG DISTRICT Soviet Russia. MAPS 5, 6, 8, 9, 16, 21, We th1nk tt tstlmeour Prest- 22 and 24-8-8, 31 -7-8, dent Issued eucutlve orders to 30-8-7, ms 131A, 131B, stop au aid and trade ot any l64A , 1648 and 184 (Case ld.nd wltb commlll11st cotmtrles No. ZC 71-16)'" PROPailNG arouDd the world. With America THE AM ENDMENT OF THE s(j)s1d1zlnl workl-wide com. ZONING CODE mWllsm, who is to say Ull.t the Pursua nt to the Plannlllg and out country to fill Into the Zoning Law, as amended, notice communist bloc wtll oot be the Is hereby given that a public United States of America? That hearing will be he ld by the said was another of Lealn's pro. Board of Super visors on cer tain pr.eties. Spectllc Plans designated Yours truly, "Zoning District Maps 5, 6, Richard£. Woodi.o The major event ot Mrs. Cole's term as president •Ill be the fall workshop, wlltch will bring to Orange County the type of gradtate c redit semloarstor teachers oft'erec:l each summer on tile Freedoms Foundation campus in Valley Forge, Pa. LE GAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTIC! 8, 9, 16, 21, 22 and Z4-8-8, SU Gabriel NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING wtth and IOUthwesterty 3&.00 31 ~7-8, 30~8-7, IRS l31A, (Vacation ot PubUc feet from the northe&IMertyUae 1318 , 164A, 164B a nd 184 Utility Eaaement) of Aid 1f.foot alley; tbtaee (Case No . ZC 71-16Y' of Sec-L!GAL M011C! NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN S. 50"22" E. 25.80 fool aJooc Uon 78.023 of the Codltted Or-,. ... 2011 that the City COUDCII of the aid parallel 11De to a u.e dlnances ot the County of Or-CERTIFICATE OF BfBINESS Ctty ot Newport Bach on May parallel wtth aDd euterlJ 14.00 ange, to apply the BRD "Beach FtcUUous Firm Name Z4, 1971, adopt.S Ruoltllioo of feet fl'om aid wuterlJ l1DI Recreation aOO Oeve~meot"· Tbe ~rslped do hereby lnteatioa No. 74S8 declarlnc: Ita Of llld Parcell; tbeace N, 17 NOTICE TO CREDrTORS No. A-69247 SUPERIOR COURT OF T HE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE COUNTY OF ORANGE Estate of Dora PankeyGUnes, Deceased. cast persooallty, emceed the pr esentation event. The nve top.wtno1ng slogans have been printed ID bumper sticker form, and copies of the pr ize winning slopns are available at Amer- Icanism EducaUo nal League's Freedom Center headquarter s at Koott's Berry Farm, Buena Park, "1 here '' ;o l(loh,ol ~l r:orei!Y· Jl''l '" "' I'IJ9 "'hen Russia want••d I<~ make u' compromiltl.' •n Ch•n,, H:"'"·' w:onle(l 10 t:~k e ov"r r IPtl.o u.J (he crc:ttcd :o hoi! cr"" m lkrlrn Fve ryhndy revnlllloOn;oric' 11ntl -Marilyn Manion District to all the unJocorpor-cert:U)' that they are cooduetin& 1Dteatioa to order tbe vacatloa allel Une beiDa the ealterty a ted coastal area lylng from a mari.De inttrumeata buslneu of a pubUc uttUty ... meat 111 l1De of tbe lud described lD )!ucnlb~. the center line ofPaclt1c Coast at 118 Via Udo Nord, New-Bloct D, Tract Wudapor .. llJd Parcel 1; thtDCe N. 17 Highway to th e shoreUoe el.-port Beach, Calif., UD1ier the doo of Lot 14. Bloct UZ, Co-30'51" W, 15&.37 teet aloar lut tending from the southerly city Acttttoua arm name of TUJer roo& dtl Mar Tract, Ia, Ot"er aid puallel UDe to a poUt Umlts of Newport Beach to the Master ud that aid arm 11 aDd ur.der U.t certa.La rtl.l oa aid DOI'tbe&ltet)J J1Dt ~ •esterly ctty Umlts of SanCle-compotold ot tbe followlac per-property dMcrlbed. u toUows: llkl 14-loot alltJ; a1d poUt mente. 1001 whose .. mel ln Ml aDd Tlat porUoQ of tbe 14-toot btln& tht mOlt ""*-11 COl'· COURT GRANTS VISA TO COMMUNIST M o~t ol our ( hro"~<loa n Conltervaltve rc-adershtp remember when Mo1sc: T!thotmhc of Katanga and Pnme M1n 1,:te r l<m Sm1 1h of Rhodc'\ia were denied adm!Mion to o ur country to present their 5idc of I he l!l~ue . Said public hearing on the placea of r..S.deoee ue u lot-alliJ ad))lAIDc Bloct Dol Tract Dtr ol. Lot S, Bloct 0, Tnd abo¥e proposed plans wm be Iowa, to-•lt: NaDC)' K. Hutch-323 pc map rtc<Jr'NJ 1D Boot SIS; tbeace aloec aid aartb- held 1n the Chambers of the tniiOil. ue Via UdoHord,New .. 14, "*'" 40 ant! 41 of Mia-euterly liDt N. 50•11• w. Board of Supervisors ln the port Beacb, CaUl.; Jobll 11. s. eel"'*"" Mapt LD tbl omce 10.54 teet lo tbe potat o1. be- Orange County AdmlnlstraUon Hutcb.I.IIIMII, 118 VLa Lido Mord, ot tb1 Co.ty Rtc:Otder ol Or-,SM4•~ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the creditors of the above oamed deeedeot thatallpersons llaflng c laims against the said decedent are required to ltle them, with the Decusary voachers, ID the otttce ot the clerk ofthe above entitled court, or to preHot them, with the MCnary •ouchers, to the uad«slptd at c/o Thomu E. HefterGI.D, Attorney at Law, SSO E. SnlntMIIth Street, Suite 110, CoCa MeA, CaWornla ezsn, wblcb •• the place of r.mMfl of tbe IIDderllped In all matt.• perta1DiDf to the tltatt of aid decedent, wtthln --after ,..llutpub. _., ..... -... Dalodl-4, U71. AUIIRBY L. GLINES AlllnJ L. G-. E--af 11M liiD "' tilt -·-..... no a·t:. Jh6iaa, Attar- ., ., Law, 110 £. ....... "' 11.. -110,~111-.CII. ., ..... 10. .. ,.., ........ . tlllrt:-lt,l7, ... . .. ..,.. • Till .. .,...-..... Otl DEAN"S LIST Midshipman Russell H. Erickson, son or Mr. aoo Mrs. Russell J. Erlctsoo of 5319 Bruce Crescent, West Newport. has beeo selected to the dean's aod Sl4)er1Dteodent's Ust for academic ercelleoce at the U.S. Naval Academy, A~m&polls, Md. He Ls a 1967 fP'ad-.te of Es~ tancta hlP scboOI. From the Bible For when ye were the Se f" vanu of sin. ye were free from riahteous neu. What fruit had ye then in tho•e thinas whereof ye are now ashamed? for lhe end or thou thina• il death. But no w beina made free from s in, and become ur~ vantl to Qod, ye have your frui t unto holineu , and the everlutin1 life. For the waaes of s in is dcadl; but the Jih of God i• tllmal. life throuah Jetul Oui•t our Lord. (Rom~n• 6:20-:13.) Now, however. a thrce·JUc.lge panel m the New York Federal Court hi!!> vnteJ two to one to overrule Allorney John MJtchclrJ refusal lo grant an entry VISa to Ernt:::st Mandel, a Dd gian Commun•tt. Mandel i:~ he.st rcmcmhered fo r h1' rhcton c 111 the Socoah11t Schola r, Confere nces fr om year IO yea r, In 1968 he !iaiJ, "St udents are the dclonaton in the fo:m ula tor triggerm111 off a Soc:i:1l1st cx plosoon c reating a revolutionary tiiUation ... One year later he said, "As a revolutionary Marxist, you muJt know that you cannot OOtroy capitalism piecemeal. You can a bol1sh the ,tructurc onl y by overthrowina it , hut no t by re· forming ot. ·· Tht two JUdges who ruled in M•ndel'' favor actually based their case on vtolation of tt\e first Amendment's frtt speech auar11 ntee. Thi' mea ns that foreianetl are to be protected under Otl r American auarant«:~ of free speech. Under this ruling. eve ~y Commun iS! dictator in the world can pre.~el'll the Jlori~ of the sh•ve state . Where were these two judgr~ when tan Smith desipell entry to p~~nl hd side: of the ~tory1 -Christian Crusade: Weekly "IF I DON'T GO, I DON'T GET" In the South ~ •n old man with a rowbo1t who ferri~ pat· sen,crs across a mile-wide river for 10 cents . Atk:d, "How many times t day do you do this?", he 11id . ··As many timea 1!1 I can becau1e 1he more I JO. the more I ,et . And if I do11 't 10. I don't ,,, ... Thaf'.t all you n«d to know -all there Is co know -1bout business. economies, prosperity-und ,,1/·us(Hfel.-The W•mcr i Swucy Co . ' BuiJdlnL 515 North Sycamore Newport Beach, CaUl. &DI" COlBy, Callbaia, to-REFERENCE 11 berlbJ lllldt Street. iJ1 Saota Ana. Orange WHnoaa --· ttlla 15111 ptber wtlll lllot por11oo af Lot to a -abowtllf tile pobllc County. C.Uiorota oo the Z3rd day af llay, 1871. IWcy K. 14 Ja Bloelt W af tho c-lllllly -to be -· day or JIIDe, 1971, at the boar Hut~, loM M, s. Hutcb. del Ku Tract IMI' IDII)ncard .. OMd. R putlelllr• u:t cit-- of 9:45 o 'clock A.M., at which la.:Ml. ed 1a Boot J, .,. .. 41 ud 41 tllla, .sd m&l), ..UUid "PlO- tt me and place aU poraooa et. STATE OF CALIFORIIIK) af aid Mtaeolll-....... POllED VACATIQI OF ALLn Iller l.,or!Jir or ~'>C ll1d ) aa. --u utoollulDilon: AIID P. U.E. IN BLOCK AI, plans will be b-d. COUIITY OF OIWIG£ ) Boct•tar at 1110 ._...,. ,COROllA IIBL MAR TR.", Ia Said piau propootnc -b oo Jill& 111111 1117 af U&J, -af --IJ liDo <I oa 1111 Ia t11o om.. af 11M CIIJ amendmoota of tile Zooiii(Codt It'll,-· mt, a -.,.P,._ DW1a A-c.-., llat Cllrk af 1111 CIIJ af 11- u e oo ftlt IJIIIIOOiilqofiiiO It laud w aid_, 1111 A-) u-oa 1111-~ u.....,. oo 11111.111 Couoty Clerk of tho. CIMIIJ af alato, r••ar --. daiJ <1 aid c.._ dol 11or Tno1 daJ <I April, It'll, bJ R- Ort.Dp ••• aid lllotOMd c•W rrn tS ud...., per .. dll .... .._ 11 1J .. o1 lll:iDalfo. 'JJII. piau are ualllblt w pobUe -a, _..,. -, K. aid "--a.lla7;-8. IIOTICI rt r .. TRU GIV- -· RM<'I t U11 ,_ II. I. lrW W. 1A.OO --aid Ill IIIII a .. lie ........ ..W Datod tbll 18tb day ot M&y, Hllo"zr -to -to be • .,_ It ., liDo It 1111 -· be -oa 1111 1a daJ af 1971. . 1111 ,..o;;. --are _., .. of -a.lla7l ~-It'll, &I lilt-af ,._. BY ORDER OF THE BOARD ...................... -..-..ww•ssJiulr p.a. 18 .. Co dl Qamhlr• OFSIIPERVIIORIOFORAIIGE •tot. 1011 -t>1t .... IDM Ill 1. Wir L MAl 1111 of .. Cllr 11&11 of till CIJaf COVMTY, CALIFORifiA. alii .., tiii'1Ef ...... It a.t ......._ ......... •ewput ~ er,·' ... It (SEAL) W.I.ITIOD I ... Ill .-.......... IIUUIIU ........ 1 ~ ......... -...... ... C-Clark 1111 -.-L 111rJ A. ..... _,-It .. CIJ of ..._. all,__' I Ill ·-· Ctort afllloa.rdoi .... -It lid ... -c.-,-lltlllltllt ..... Jill, ,.., 1011 Ill -b L ria• ol 0ra11t1 C..V, _. ~ IIJC r 'srtn ... ,... • 11 .. ,.. r•t-* 11 1.-.'W' CaDWn1l .... -II, It'll. .. -tl -c.-, ... Cllr C1ari 81 -1 L. c-, .,...,. 'ISS -I, 10, It, ... -, -1. It...... CSr tl IUITEI -P.CIIUt_t_ .... lfll, It .. 1&-...t _L_Ionl ___ fl'rt IWI,M.llft,lt 1-10, 1171 .... ... ......................... ........ .. their home • IS MOTICI R£80Ll1l'ION 33-S-71 R!80Ll11'JON OF THE BOARD OF EDOCATION OF IIEWPORT-IIESA VNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT OF OIWIGE COUNTY, CALIF- ORIIIA JUDe 1,1971 On mOuoa ol Member Straua, duly HCOOdedaDdear- rlld, tbe following Resolutioll ... adapted: . WHEREAS1 this District has cll'ta!n fl.e:llltles at the East- blutf Elementary School which will DOt be needed tor school pt,U"p088S durllac the period July 1, 1971 to and tneludlng August 13, 1971; aDd WHEREAS, the City of Ne'tf- port Beach deslres to lease ~d flelUtiea to proTide Ubn.ry Hnlce to the residents of the area durtnc saJd period; and WHEREAS, the terms of ~d leaH are set forth loan Agree. meat attached hereto a.od made a part hereof by refereoee as if Mt out lD tun herein; a.od WHEREAS, the City of New. port Belch h&a agreed to pay tlle COlt ofpubUshlnglhJsReso. lutloo ID a onspaper published In tbe District; Uld WHEREAS, authority Is pro- vided ID the Education Code of the state of California., com- mene.Jnc wtth SeetJoo 16201, tor IDttrtna lDI.o such an agreement oo tbe terms attached hereto; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT REOOL VED that tbJs Board autborl&es the leasing ot the atoredescrlbed facility to tbe City of Newport Beach lor the alorodtscrlbejl purpose. BE tr.FIIITIIERRESOLVED.. toaU.awi~.U..!If pabl1J:bed 1n a oewtp~per pub- UJMd iD tbe District at l•st ODCe a week lor three weeks prJor to the execution of the L ... by the repreeentattve of tlllo Boord. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Secretary ot this Beard HeDrJ 0, ,.,_. r .. Bta.eb. Tbe Ret'.RJcbard Dunlap per. formed tbe doUble ring eere. · mooy In a church decorated wlth eaodleabra lDd wlltte roses, mums and P.,dJoll. ... -~ Will Spar man cbose a white NEWLY lMSTALLED OFFICERS of thewom•'seommlttees peau de sole 10ft made with of the 0rup County Philharmonic Society include from a chapel tralo aDd an emplre left, Mrs. J. Donald Ferguson, cbalrman; Mrs. Rtchard bodice of reembroldered lace Marttn. ways and means, aad Mrs. WUUam L. Pickens Jr., deta.Ued wltb beadlDC. Tbe &OWn potters other omeers are Mrs James Sawyers vice~ Mel loa.g sleeves aPd a stand- , . "' ~-• ' up collar. Lace aDd pearls dec· chairman, rs. John .. wre, treasurer; Mrs. Matthew D. ted lh band h1 h held he Schuster, recording secretary; Mrs. Tom Key, corres-ora e w c r poDding secretary; Mrs. A, Bayard Dod Jr., paruamentary chapel ve iL She carried a bou. advisor; Mrs. David Tingler and Mrs. Abe Klshloef!, q,uet ot ~blte roses, cardenlas bulletin; Mrs. Allen Katz &nd Mrs. Rlclw'd H. Lee, eoo· and baby s breath. ttnuanee •fund; Mrs. Lyell Evans and Mrs. Carol artery, AtteDdine her as bridesmaids hospltaUty; Mrs. Allan S. Johnson, ptevtews; Mfs. John were Theresa ~ller' Janice Wyman, program•; Mrs. John Applegate, publlctty; Mrs. Herndoo &00 Sandra Tua.k, a,ll John L. Allen, rosters; Mrs. Robert LeFevre, telephone; of Costa Mesa, aDd the groom s Mrs Michael Brlek and Mrs. Les van Dyke youth eon~ slater-In-law, Mra. Robert cert~; Mrs. Theodore Tafe, volunteers. (Jac~ West photo.) '{;1~~.5 :~st=~=~~~~~ 0'[e': (Bemle A/Jete ph oto) Susan Keeler is bride of Kenneth M. Ross of Balboa, was matroo of OOnor. The matroa of booor wore a. deep pink satill gown with an empire waist, trlffimed In a Ugbter plnk ribbon. She wore a cluster of baby's breath a..OO plak rosebuds 1n her llalr aOO earrled oDe pink long-stemmed rose. Tbe brldesma.lds wore matching fioor.Jength gowns ln Ugbter pinl<. Carl Sevlln of Costa Mesa served u best man. Ushers locluded the bride's brother- in--law , Peter Drew of Balboa; the groom's brother, Robert Tegel ot Westminster; the groom's cousin, Da.vld Sander. son of and Roger Jones bl and Is hereby authorized at A candlellgtrt wedding cere-stster-tn.Jaw of the bride; MLss the eJl)lr&Uoo o'f IILid period to mooy at St. Andrew's Pres. Judy Ros.s, sister of the groom, lxtcut.l the Lease Agreement byterta.n Church was the setting aDd Mrs. Dav-ld-Tllatcher and oa b~M.U ol this Board, for the exchange of matrlace Mrs. Mteh&el Corn, both of L&ara J..acios vows by Mlss Susan Keeler, Santa Ana. City Clerk dauct~ter of Mr.and.Mrs.James Les Ktnnle, a friend ftom of Newport Beach Keeler of Costa Mesa, aodKen-Estes Park, Colorado, was the Pabllah: JUDI 10, 17, 1971. oetb. M. Ross, SOD of Mr. lild p-oom'l belt man. Ushers lD· ~~bori~~~ Mrs. Kenneth S. Ross of Welt· eluded Chrla Foreh&n&DdChrLI cwr. Woodward, trleoda of the croom Dr. Charles oterenftekl, from Newport Bal.cb, the church pastor, ottlcla.ted at the bride's tx'other, Scott Keeler, Mu. Rlcbud Brace wu .aiot..t, accomputed by Loretta H.u-y at the orcan. A reeeptJoo followed tbe ceremooy la tbe aoc1a1 ball ot the churcb, wbere tablel were decorated wltb pink lace bow• aod white flowers. Helpiuc wUb tbe receptjoa were Mrs. R1&b Barnett, Mrs. Jack Kayklr ud Mrs, DorlsCharter,alloteo.ta ..... The new Mrs. Teetl 11 a. grad~ate of Newport Harbc.- htp school and ol Calllonda Professlooal Sebool, wbere abe Vadlllted u a deatal usiltaat. Her husband at.o graduated rrom Newport Harbor hlP school and ts ln tbe U. S. Nan! Reserves statiooed at PE&rl Harbor. I I MRS. ROGER BROWN, at left, turoed over the president's pvel to Mrs. Frank Weier at the annual Installation meet- Ing of the Lido Isle Woman's Club TrJesday, Jtme 8, at the Ll~ Is le Clubhouse. Forgettl.ng the annual hats in bloom for a change, the hmcheoo meeUng lnchJded lnstaUatlon cer emonies cooducted by Yrs. Lloyd McC ulley and a mustcal play written tor the occasion. other oew om cer s of U WC are Mrs. Earl Hardage, first vice-president In charge of programs; Mrs. William Whyte, second vice- president 111 charge of ways and means; Mrs. John Franco, thlrd vice-president ln charge of membership; Mrs. Del- bert Van Ornum, recording secretary; Dorothy DePuydt, corresponding secretary, and Mrs. Hobart Batson, treas- urer. (Ensign phOto.) BLOODMOBILE TODAY The Presbyter ian Church of the Covenant, Costa Mesa, Is JPODSOring a Red Cross Blood- mobile today, June 10, at Hoa.g Hospital, from 2:30 to 7 p.m. Pastor Br uce Kurrle Is asking lDdivld!Ris to donate their bklod to help the U1 a.nd Injured. SEAMAN GRADUATES NaYJ Seama.o Appreatlce J. Blackmu, SOD of Mt . a.nd Mrs. 1. L. Blackman of 3356 Ala- bl.ma Circle, Costa Mesa, has erUuated from basic tra..lnfng a.t the Recruit Tra.lning Center,· S&n Diego. "TO LIDO WITH LOVE,'' a spukllnc coat~J two- act musical written by Pru (Mrs. Ralph) Holden with musk by Jean (Mrs. Ralph) Tandowsky, was the program for the flnal meeting of the 19'10-71 club year of the Lido Isle Woman's Club, held Tuesday, June 8. The musical starred two Lido Isle professionals, Val Mailander u Gloria and Joe Charles as Eric, and a cast of 13 other men, women and chtldren of Lido, Shown here are authors and stan, standing left to r ight, Mrs. T:miowsk:y, Mr. Charles and Mrs. Holden, and Mrs. Mallander seated !a froot. (Ensign photo.) How the Ch inese do it Legend has 11 that Chinese doctors used 10 bt: paid only while their pattents ~o~o-ere healthy, 101 no fee dunng 11lness. It o/nJ(HI sounds reason.11ble . In fact, there arc phy· sic1am today who spc::c1aliLe m kecpma ll\e1r pat1ent~ healthy. Pn·~t>n/11'<' mcd1c1 nc, 1t's called. All Joc10rs prac11ce it as much as they can. If you gc-1 regular checkups, your doctor has a chance 10 -.ecp you from geHing s1ck. Modern drugs play a large part 1n 1h1s practJCC. and that's where we pharmaCJsts·comc in. But only you can m::ake pre\·entJ"e mcd1cme work-by cettin& into the h<~bLt of regular checkups. It's a very &ood idea. -Clristensen 2Qal E. COAST IIWT .. C080JIA DEL N.U OBlOLE S-15.50 LOVE CLOTHES STORY dOUble ring servtcebeklThurs-aod the groom's brother, steve day, June 2. Mr. Keeler IS· Ross. ,VRS . LARRY tEE TEGEL (8e"'h A.lJua pbotoJ corted his daughter to tbe altar. Mrs. Robert Peanol and her The bride wore an orleiml dau&tter, Je&n. of Santa Aoa, rown ot wblte silk organza with awi aDd couslD ot the bride, BE A 0000 NEIGHBOR a bodice of Alencon b.ce. The atteoded tbe 4-Uered ea.ke a.t If you an, newcomer, or dress was made wtth a tuU the reeeptioo held at the home know or a newcomer to skirt banded with lace which of the bride's parents. ADotber the Hubor ArN who has swept to a full Cathedral train. cousin, Mrs. Devon DeBusk of not been welcomed; do It had a cameo neckline a.nd fUll Costa Mesa, attended the guest a favor by calling the bishop s leeves. She carried a book. Harbor ViJito r between a bouquet of white roses aOOwore The DeW Mrs. Ross is a 10 a.m. mel she will a shoulder length veU. grad~ate of Newport Harbor on your friend with Miss Jud.y Ferrell of Newport Mgt! school and Oraop Coast Jl••!!•"b!• information and Beaeh :was ma.ld of hooor.She CoUece. Herhusbt.Ddalsocrad· from friendly busi· wore a laveoder cotton print uated from Harbor HlJb. He has firms which stand II ptl made Wltbanemplre wa.Jst siDCe gradtated from tbe VDJ. lll::~to~ih:•:lp her become of wbite satin. Her hea"'teee verslty of Colorado, wbere be with her wa.s a white satin bow with was aJDUated wltb Delta Upelloo laY.tef nettJ.nc. She carried Fraternity and Amerlcu So- a boaq.t ol laveoder stock, clety of Mecbanical Enetoeers. wblte mums aDd baby's breath. The J'OUDC ~le YIU Un 1n THE HARBOR VISITOR PHQNE' Br~ l.Deluded Mrs. Tuatla alter the)' return from a lamte D. Keeler of CottaM .. , bc»eJIDOOD 1D Hawall. LEGAL MOT ICE F. 7908 FICTlTIOili Bl.SINESS NAME STATEMENT The foUowlng person Is doing business a.s: Scenic Properties, 2915 E. Coast Ht gtlwa.y, Corona del Mar, Call1.·-Richard A. Hilliard, 327 Poinsettia, Corona del Mar, CaUl. Tbls business Is being con- ducted by a.n Individual. Siped: R. A. Hilliard. This statement filed with the courty clerlt of Orange County oo: May 28, l 9n, by Bever ly J. Maddox, deputy county clerk. P~Usb: June 10, 17, 24,July 19n, ln The Newport Ka.rbor a -re ou LlGAL MOTICI FICTITIOtE BUSlNESS NAME STATEMENT Tbe toUowing person is doing business as; West Coast Curio Co., 1940 Maple Ave., Costa Mesa, CaW. 92627: Bessie N. Lounsberry, 1940 Maple Av-e., Costa Mesa, CaUf. 92627. Tll.is business Is being con. ducted by an lndivldual. Signed: Nell Murbarrer, marager. This statement filed with tbe County Clerk of Orange Couoty on: May 19, 1971, by Benrly J . Maddox, deputy county clerk. PtJbllstl: June 10, 17, 24, July 1, 1971, 1D tbe Newport Harbor EuiiD. Lovin!_! prt·H~ d.,tht'" 1" havin ~ 10 never ... a~ ~,,u·rc S<lrry ... especially \\hl'n ~·'u\t• -.ehxted lhem from . Lorraine Sutherland FASHIONS AT THE BEACH JAMBOREE FlO "T BAYSIDE DA NEWPORT BE..-.CM 875·3113 Mourt g 30·5 30 • Sund•,..: 11 -4 ALL WAREHOUSE MERCHANDISE MUST GO! LINE OF MENIS FINE CLOTHING AND ACCKSSO"IKS 3565 E. COAST HWY (AT O"CHIO) CORONA DEL M • ~::. ;., -~ :; .. :· ~~ ·: ·-fu ... .... • -:· -. FIFTEEN GmL SCOtTI'S from Cadet Troop 6241, Costa Mesa, bave received thel.r God and community awards tor putting 1n at least 90 hours of church service and partlcjpatloo In a religious Instruction class. Pictured abon are, trout row, lett to right, Charlene Rakhshan.l, WeDCiy Hermes aod Paula Mahon; back row, EUU.beth Ft.c'*r, Gay Spies, Marilyn Stoddard and Donna Kirk- patrick. EMIL HELLIIIERS OF WEST NEWPORT DIES EmU D. Hellmers, 67, of 4719 River Ave., West New- port, died June 4 at Costa W:esa Memorial Hospital. He •u born July 28, 1903, in Germany, and came to Orange COODty 14 years ago. He was a painting cootractor for 12 years 1n tbe Harbor Area. Surv:IYOI"s include his wire, Gnyce.; a daughter, Mrs . Bev- erly Jourdan of Costa Mesa; 2 sons, Robert of Thousand Oaks and Don of Long Beach; a brother, Henry of Newport Beach; 2 sisters, both in Ger- many; and 7 grandchildren. Funeral services were held June 8 at Pacific View Chapel. Baltz Mortuary of Costa Mesa was in charge of arrangements. CHA "\CE TO SF.E ··LOVE ATTHEMOSTBI·. \1/Tif'UL t H EATRE IN WORLD. POSITI\"Fl.Y I 'n;; T lJ FSf>A Y. llJNE !2 t.n J,t,-:1 • ' ' . -'ll£<i'4 MtYJ'Jil"-.'"1 :;xrAL. err "f Ali MacGraw Ryan O'Neal N<.~POit::On meets Well1ngton ... at ~ ·n,c baulcthilt - Zonta girls of the year named no-Clll>olll---1-olocllllltron ..._.-.~-~ ... -·..w -... -.. _ llrl ...... ,... .. ..,. .... U.B. 110-- llool"" llodlr. 1-IO,IIlllo -11a11ot. T11t llrll &laoC 1----Lao,_,._ =--~u:=-...;.:,~:.: ::1 u:.r:~':af«.:'.!; =·~·:-.:. ::..-:: I ... -bioi, .... -. ....... ,_, Silo --a C.J.r. 11o Tbl-.cbiOII.._..• tbtwia-Tbl WiiDtra lor 11'71 &H: member, ,. tilt ... II O&rl ol lllo -llrll ollbo C...-del Mu blp....Ol--A-ca IDr I ..... - Jill' a warda for 1171, &liS tbe WlliiDI)' Terey, !Mmblr ot tbe A .. wu ....sor due ..,.. &wardlllc o1 lllo Z.. Cl..,-1 -ooclety ud roe~~~teat ol tary, a m-bor of G.A.A., .. Oruco CMa Colloco a-1 llle OrcOull "111011 llllpln-Club Uld lbelitll'..,.. tam. $1$0 ocllolarllblp b)' lbe --tlo•l" award tor 19'10ud 19?1, She will ~~~&lrlcolato 11 ... rice committee eba.lrmu. Mra. Site wu seDioc-bomeoomtnr Dtqo Slalt, majorlDCIDE....,. DoiU:I Sc:boiDmehl. priDcess &0!1 t-.1 beea a.ecepted &Del the tbeater art.. Tbe ZOCIIIa prta ol the year at Brlpam Younc Unlnralty Harbor Htch--ChriiUDI Ko- • reeet.e a $50 savlnp boo:l. at Prcwo, utah. She ww major pllzte, the tap 4-rar llrl Ia Tbe Zoata ClJ'l propm was in hl.story a.od bumantUes. serYice po1Db, ...,_. bodJ bee-iD 1953 to recopile COlt& Mesa--Beth&Qy Brown. treasurer, C. S. F. .._ .... J<Mml women who "do thiDp" aalttta&orla.P at graduaUoo ex-bearer" We member, But ot t. their IC:bool, tbtlr com-ereiMs, is C,S.F. president America award 1D EDCUa. Dt •lllltJ, while keeplar-tbelr aDd was awarded a C.S.F. also receiYed tbe .,... .... ol ltdea aad scboilltic achieve-Kholarsb.J,p. Her major Is CaUlorllla ICbOkr aftl'd u1 •eata. A Zoata girl of the physical therapy with special· the N...rport Harbor facdJ mODtb Lt cbosen •ch mouth l&atloo lD lnbaJaUoa tberapy. scholarsblp. Sbe w111 blatt.l- at •ch ot tbe 41 bleb schools She also won the BanltofAmer-tog OCI, major1Dr La Eqlla from October to Yay of •ch tea EagUsb a•ard, the C.S.F. tor a career 1D the field ~ scbool year. Tbe 8 Kifls from "lOki sealbearer," outstanding commtmicattoas. WIIIT!IIY TI .. Y ' IITHANY IROWN THE REMAINDER ofTroop624 receiving God and community awards are pictured here; front row, ten to right, Karen Kirkpatrick, PauleHe Mahon, Stacey Lothian and Debbie Greenwood; back row, Dori Krumwiede, Debbie Stoddard, Gena M111er and Ja.olce Wassmuth. The awards were pre. sented at Christ Lutheran Church, Costa Mesa, by Pastor Lothar Tornow. (Ensign photos.) OFFICER SAVES TED IN APARTIIIENT FIRE Awards are announced Graduatlnr studtntl ot tbe c local high schools hi.Ye re. ceived cash awards of mer:lt through the JPQDeorsbJp oltbe Soroptlmlst Club. of Newport Harbor, according to Krs. Joan (Alan) Williams, cha!rma.a of 1 __ .,;;::;,:;:::,.:;,:~~::""::" youth clt11eoshJp a warda. To quallf)' for tbo award otu-ON P'IHINIIILA deots are Judpd for """Ice, I!X~:LUISI\fE<.Y AT PHOHE,6134o.tl deoendablllty, laderahlp, ud l-----------~-----­c 1-.r sense or purpoare. Tbt ;~r~mc:s,0~~~o:-:fu:=,~ ''PATTON'' (GP) START$ AT 7 :00P.M. world was "peace,. aDd tbt! Ml'llJN' majority saw tbemaelYes al-. ready as "citizens or tbe world." Here are lbe award I winDers: • Newport Harbor hlp SChool --StepbaDie YamashJta, 12Z1 Devon LaDe, WntcUff; majorl.ng in/medicine; secuoa. editor of school oewapaper; member of Scieoce Clob, Yatb c tub; tutored tn Freoch and math; winner of Amertcaniam ltiiCTfltiiiiM,_,~ItiM.tnlft'IIIU.TIMA•I""'IIT. Newport Beach pollee ofncer essay contest; muy awards ln "Thrftllit~ __ .. Mike Su!Uvan has been credited Mathematics; KNOB racHo with possibly saving the Uves speech award wtnoer. lloii)WOOII -....,. ............ ~nMflillll .. IUbiOiiiWflrt:" '"-" .. ''- ,·hanged the face of the \\'orkl. J DO SI"EIO'R C:HRIS10PIIf.R )f 2 apartment occ!4)ants durlog • EstaDcla high school -- a fire early Monday at the .Jean! Lyoette Miller, 2909 P I• B I tt Oakwood apartments, 1890 16th Ellesmere, Costa M .. ; maJ-0 Ice 0 . er St., Ne-rt Helgllls. orlng In music; member o1 Fireman said that offtcer Spanish Club, Sympbooy Or- 111JMMER l·p """ \1 1; lL£5< t 1•)\Jt'j •• The and the · ROCK HUDSON -"~Maids · all in a row" JAIIES-IIIISIT EMWU! A.IroiE DlcmfSOll 11l.LY SA V ALAS • MONDA Y, MA Y 24 Wayne Charles Taylor, Z5, ot '705.1/2 Goldenrod, Corona del Mar, was arrested at 8 p.m. at 26th St. and the Rhine on a charge of boat burglarf . . . A bicycle valued at $50 was burglarized from a ga- rage at the Richard Deaver residence, 3906 Inlet lsle Dr ., Harbor VIew Hills, between May 5 and 22 • • . An estimated $25 In cash was stolen from the cash register at the Stag Liquor, 125 McFadden PI., Cen- tral Newport,_ while the clerk was busy with a customer about 7 p.m .••• Auto accessories valued at $35 were stolen from a car belonging to David J. Oder, 110-A <15th St., West Newport, while It was parked at 45th St. and Seashore Dr., during the night •.. Cash tot- aling $-40 was stolen from Rus- sell w. Jessee ot 1614 Warwick., Westclif1, after he had put H In his gym locker at Newport Harbor high school between 1:30 aDd 3:30 p.m. May 20. • TUESDAY, MAY 25 Kenton Boyd Schoff, 18, of 510 E. Balboa 81Yd,, Balboa, was arrested at 10:30 p.m. at his residence on a charge of possession of dangerous drogs for sale ••• A car cover valued at $40 was stolen from a car belonging to Kathy Hubbard, 1818 Galaxy Dr., Dover Shores, while U was parked at her resi- dence during the olgttt .•• Clothl.ng that was on display in the home economics class at . Newport HUbor b.igh school, valued at $75, was stolen be- tween May 21 and 24; the cloth- ing was owDed by Kim Mloer ••• A car seat nlued at $150 was stol«~ from a car belong- log to Wllllam Bemus, Z631 Bay Shores, wh.Jle it at his rest- 673-6260 HOW SHOWING - ''YOIJIIG GRADUATES" Jfll6 PATRICIA WYMBR D MARLY ROLL/DAY 7:00 P' .M. AND 10:17 c•, --ALSO-- "llfE VIRGIM ~D llfE GYPSY'' ., . JOAHHA s•tMI<US AHD I'.AHCO HBRO AT8:450NLY • dertce during the night .•• A SolUvan had to breU Into the chestra, Orange County Youth tromboDe, mock141 of a human apartment and arouse steven Philharmonic Orchestra, all- skull, waste basket and various Harmon and Jerry Garcia. state hooor bud of 19'70. and chemicals, total value $26Z, The blaze 1\ad jut started .t8 lt:dl ••"€ 9'9 I oo.r were stolen rrom the Newport and damage was limited to $400. bud of 11?1, .. ~ Harbor hlgh school between May No immediate cause wu Usted. • Colla II--'JeMol ..::.. 12 and 21 .•. Liquor valued at Fire Capt. R. E. Blackman Ted D. To~, ID SoDora, $77 was burglarized trom the and tlreman A. J. LaFranco Costa Mesa; majorlDf lD law; Reubens restaurant, 4647 Me-s uffered minor smoke !nhala. associated studeat body presl. Arthur Blvd., Airport Area, Uon. dent; Lettermans Clob member durlng the night .•• A stereo 3 years; Orange County Youtb record player and radio, valued ARSON INVESTIGATED Cooncll member, "ootstaDdlllr at $50, were burglarlz.ed from teenager of America" award. the apartment of Joyce Palmer, Newport Beach flre oUiclals • Corona del Mar Mgh 2206 w Oc Ft Central are LnvesUgatlnga caseofarson school __ Janet Elaine Sta.Dioa, · ean ·• 1 In which $200 damage was 639 c Hl~la~-Dr! Newport, during the ntgtlt o cauSE!d to a restroom at Ma.r. ameo roo• ...... ve, May 17 ••• Two mag wheels 200 Cameo Highlands; maj)riAc 1n nd ti lued t $240 were iners Library, 5 Dover Dr., foreign languages; member ol a res, va a • during the weekend. •--Fede stolen from the Charlotte J, A library employee told of-CaWornla Scho~&~shlp ra. Crowell residence, 535 Rlv-flcl.als that the restroom was tion, American fleJd Sem<:e erside Ave,, Newport Heights, secure at 5 P m June 4 but Club, 10 years of Girl Seoul- during the night • · ·A stereo when he checked. the bu.tidtng ~?:·:.sse.;tt!r t'::':.~c:'Hia;! tape deck and tapes valued at Sunday he found th ton t Schools." $180 were stolen from a car • e e belonging to Steven A. Macres, buned and the walls ot the The winners each received a 305 35th st., West Ne"J))rt, restroom charred. Fireman $100 cash merit award to be while it was parked at 35th St. said the r oom s melled or gas used in the college of tbe1r and ~e. during the nlgttt. or lighter fluid. choice. • .... lVI. SHOW STAITH P.M. CONTINUOUS SHOW SUNDAHIOM 2P.M. al • I (WORT HARBJR EIISIGII fiRST SECllOII --Pill 5 lltUIISOAY, JUII E 10, 1!11 CO IIlii A OEl MAR, CAU F. From the Police Blotter • WEDMEIDAY MAY 26 tOO lnlMAft.,ea.aac4l .... Ectwvd O..r,U ,ot'ltsSiber. Benefit for marine fund Mo<-LOo ' WI-. Sl, ol utiiiiOiod II $110; tbo -· ...... Pl., Alot. 8-IOf, --Ut ~ 81., Colla lie•, boloopd to tbo J. Rat Coo-port H.C.,.U, .... .,..._ at urn•., 1t 1 a.m. at tM ttr~ Co., ud ••• to be 4:35 •·•· at ltftM ud BQ- ol Ultt'•lltJ Or .. Bact ued In tilt remodeUDI ot tbt ernt, 011 a eb&r,. ol loriW'f oa a ebarll ot c:oatribUI.· acbool; tbe 1Dc:lddt took place •.• Harry Jay K&atmu, ll, to 111o de-Y " a --llay tt IJid u . . . of 90? ltth st., c-11-, •• : A bicycle nllMd CloCtliDc vahltd at $50 'W'U Jto-wu arrnt.d at lZ:SO a.m. at wu burllariMd from leo from a car belonciDr to Placeatla Ud SupttLOr M t., MR S. DONALD W. PO,fLL. (C•••o Hou• ,llolo) Miss Susan Charamza bride of Don Powell Judge Walter Charamu. pve h1a da.u~t~ter, Suao OlaDe, ID maniap to Doaald Wayae Powell JD a doable rlDg cere- moay beldatst. Aoctrew's Pres- bfteria.D Church oo Saturday JutS. Tbe eroom is the soo. of Mr. aad Mrs. D. W. Powell of Casa Grude, Arl.zooa. )lflss Char- amu's parents, Jwtpaod M.rs. Ch&ramaa, tormerlyofNewport Beach, DOW llve ln HUDtlDctoa B•eh. Tbe bride gradtated from """""""" a.e• bill> oc:bool and Golden West JwllorCollep before atteadlng the UaiYersll}' of Arlsoaa., wbere sbe receiYed her BS decree. She beloDp to Gamma Pl\1 Beta Sorority, Judp Chanmu. wu term. er ly etty attoroey of Newport Beaeb. P.._..ue ...... _ lllrboo'• PaY!Iloo oil tile ftr.C Studies lutttate'l bealftt 8 p.m. Friday, J.e 18. Nearly 500 elvlc &Pd"::o':~~~-onlenl:ed IOUthJud C( recelnnc lDY:ttaUoos the beDirlt, wblcb wlU lldtlate $S m1Woo ftmdn.lltocprocram lor the •Uon's fJ,rst DOD..proiU apocy dedlcat#a' to the marlot edueatloa of school studeata aod the lay pabUe, Tbe Marlne StUIUes lnsUtute WUI be coo.structed OD a 3.lf! acre laod-ftlled site at the west IIDd ol Dana Pollll's $20 mllUoa harbOr. Tbia summer, Or. Do-.ld A. MacLean, sta1f eoorcn..tor tor KAY AND HO WA R D POLSO,\( thelutitute:,udtbelostitute·s KAY M KEY WEDS boord of trustees will be com-, pletlae the' oegoUatlons of an :m::' ~~~~·~~; 6: HOWARD FOLSOM t)''1 real property services tor the use of the site, aOO wUl Romantic wlnds wattlng baclt after the cer emony. Th.e c~le begib flnallzlog building plans trom lbe HawallanlalaDdsbrltlg len ln the early afternoon tor tor the t.lelllty. The 5 year news of the wedding of Kay M. Tahiti, where they will spepd buikllni prop-am Includes the Key a.nd Howard T. Folsom, a 2 weelt llooeymoon. construction ot marloe labora-Coroaa del M:u photoerapher. Before settUn g down in their tortes, aqiiU'la, a museum, Tbey were married Saturday home Ln North Bl uffs, Newport simulated tidepools, semi.Dar morntnc. May 29 , at PUgrtm Beach, the couple plan to drive aDd lecture halls and doclting. Chapel of Central UnJoo Cburch. to Idaho, where the groom hasa. The bride Is the daugbter of r ecreation cabin. They will also A'M'ENOO u.s. DIN NER Mr. a.nd Mrs. Harold Key of vtstt the bride's pareats ln Wtlllam L. O'Bryon, 26'12 oakland, Oregoc. The groom Is Oregon. Circle Drive, Bay Shores, a the sonotthe late Mr.a.ndMrs. Mr . folsom Is owoer of Mar- member of the executive com-Lloyd T. Folsom of Corora del bor PhOto Lab ln Corooa del mlttee of the Parents' Associa-Mar. Mar and has been a Harbor ttoa at tbe Uninrsltyof Bridge-AtteDdants at the weddlng in-Ar ea phOtographer for U yea.rs. port lD Bridgeport, Conn., at-eluded the bride's mother and Hls tdde, for mer ly of Dana teoded tbe a.n.ntal4lnoer meet-ber Younc son, Kelly, ace 7. Point:, has been employed by in& held May 15 OD tbe UB Tbe groom's brother-in-laW Wll ll.am Pereira and Associ- campus. and sister, Mr . and Mrs. Elmer ates, architects, ln Newport Kempf of l£(1111A HUls, were Beach, and was sent to their also atteada.ats. Honolulu office last Augu st. prap at tbe Terry Clark Robert W, Fio1ay, US! White West Newport Helpta, OD t relideoee, 151! Htpllod Dr., SalLs, Harbor VIew HUla, while cbar .. ol p .. tq falM lAfor. Harbor Hl&blaad.l, tbe llllht ot U n s puked al 3049 E. Cout matioa to a pollee otl'leer ••• MaJ U , , , • , Foar pairs of Hwy,, ~ 6:30 p.m., May 8, Bany Robert Loud, &1, of uled •DCJ&lli nkMd at$%0were • THURSDAY, MAY Z7 304-1/2 38th St., WutNewport, burclulsecl from the ADdrew Jack Allan Kruse 37 otzOlS wu urested at 9:50 p.m. at Jl.o,Mpll BI'OWD re•ldeaee, -t&Ol Charle St., Costa 'Me~. was his residence on a elsarce or Brttee Cruceat, WestNriporl, arrested at 4.:l0 p.m. at 455 assauiUna: a pollee otrleer ••• betw'eeo 1:45 aDd S:45 p.m ...• N, Newport Blvd., Newport Electrical equipment valued at Vadll smutted wbldows at Helctts, 011 a char ge ot belog J20 wu buralarlr.ed ft'om a Newport Harbor bleb school. dru.U. lD publle .. , Joseph (CONTrN'lJE D ON PAGE 8) r--------------------. 1 SUPPORT YOUR i 1 Home owned · : COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER I I -N~~~~ I ! NSJGN i I Official newspaper of the C ity of Newport Beach. I I 27 21 E . COAST HWY •• CORONA OEL MAR. CALif . I I Send 1n : I YOUR Subscription TODAY 1 •1 SUBSCRIPTION RATE : Only SS.OO o yeor. 11 MAlL. IN nus ORDER and YOUR CHE~I( or C o\SH TOOo\Y I N~E I I I ~~~ I lan~o~ nP I ------..1 Dr. Charles DiereDfteld, cbllfeh putor, oftlcla.ted at the t p.m. servlce.Muslcwasf\lro- labed by Robert Huestis at lbe orp11 aad Paul Berpn, vocal- Ist. Tbe bride wore a white Hawallan style &O"D with a Plkaki tlower Uara.Sheearried gardeDias ..... plkalds. The groom wore a while Hawaita.n shirt and matchtnc slacks with a tradlUooa.l Maile lellnlertwi.Ded with wh.ite plkakl flowers. MANY THANKS! The bride chOse an original cown ot white pea.u de sole made wltb a high bodice inset wltb re..embl'oldered lace which allo formed the sleeves. TlD)'emer- ed t..ttou adoroed tbe tack cd tbe dress, wblcb ended lD a -¥ -· HerllDpr Up mantJ1lai Jlyled Yell ,.. edpd wtth tbe re-emboldered lace. Sbe carried a bouquetot~­ny orchids aod Ulles of tbe nUey. Mrs. Robert Neubausen ot Mlsaloo Viejo served a matrOD ot hoaor. Tbe bridesmaidaw«e E llAbeth A 1D M lms and Saa:lra Kay Mlms, cousins otlbe brkte. from Hawthorne; Dlaoe Powell, .A.Iter or the eroom, and PeaY Ra1rn aM Mrs. Brad Whitted of Sants Moalea. Tyler Keot of PhoerliJ., Art- lOla, sened as best man. Usbers lDcluded Mite Tall of Hnport BM.cb, JohD Trott ot Saa Die&O, Mr. Neubl.useo aad Ruty Chlet ud Kerry Me- Dooald ol Ar-. FoUowloc the eeremoo.y a ree..,UOO was held at tbe SaJJta Aa ColmtrJ Club, wbere an- -......, of tile ll<kle, lila Patrlete Lone Mlma, ua.ted. Special puto IDcl-llrs. Sam11tl MeKaboo ot Las Cru- ces, New Melico, lf&Ddmothlr ot tbe groom, IDd Lt. Col. Lloyd C. Mimi of Saata Barbl.ra, creat-IIDCII or tbe bride. TIM JOUDC co~le are hooeJ- mooatDc lD sao Fruc'-to a.ad will make tbtlrhomtlnTuceoo. ArliODI.. Tbe croom ls 1D hls third yi&J' ot law .cbOol at the UDI•eraltJ of Arlloa& at Tuc- 1011. He took "" bacbelol' of sc.leDee def;l'ee at tbe Uninrslty of Art.olll, where be afllllated will! tbo Slpa AlptW. Epolloa htmdty. Close trlends' and relaUves were present at a recepUoo held lD the patio of tbe bride's home NEWPORT EXCJi·ANGE GOING TO MEETING ReprescAttres ol the Ex. cba.age Clab ot Newport Harbor wlll atteod the 41th ann .. l coo· notion of the CaWorota Dis- trict Excbance Club. The ot- flelal delegates to the event, to be lleld tn Oakland, June 24, 25 a.Dd 26, wtll be president- elect Jack Klng and tbe o~­ cotng president, Blll Wittman. A l.so atteodlng will be club treasurer Matt Arko • Prilletpat speaker wtn be Arturo L. CarrtonJr.,SanJtan. Puerto Rico, rational prisldeot ot tbe National Exchange Club, It was announced by district president Lee R. Warren, Burl- lDpme. MRS. TIMOTHY f . F O DO R. 'FIDDLER 01'1 ROOF' d IS SET FOR AUG.4-7 Carol Oglesbee we s be .. ~ .. ~~::.::::r:~~~ , h J h F d .... Coast College, scheduled r.mot y osep 0 or ~~:~~ ·-· l.o the ace Director J.B. Fersa.eea. said Timothy Josepb Fodor am tbe borne of the bride's parents, that audiUoos for slngers, act~ Carol Oglesbee became man and SSB Walnut An., Costa Mesa. ors dancers and muslelaas wlle Ia a double rtac ceremoay Mrs. Alberta Meyers a.od Mrs. wu.i be beld JUDe tl, zz aDd 23 .tbeld at 2 p.m. Saturday, JuneS, Rla!IJ Wamtler of Costa Mesa at 6:30p.m. lD the auditorium. at Bleued Sacrameot CathoUe and a eousi.D, Mrs. OonDI Zarb, Music a.nd aa accompa.nlst will Cbureb lD Wesimtnster . am.ted with the receptklo. be provtded. Tbe Ru. Thomas Dume ot~ Tbe bride &Pd groom are Technical Director Peter flci&lld at Ute ceremoay wbleb booeymooalnlla San Fruclseo Scarpello said tbat be needs Wl1ted tbe daapter of Jlr. aod a~ wtu Uve 1D Santa. AM.. The ~le tor all pbases of pro- Mrs. Rleba.rd OclesbMofColta DtW Wrs. Fodor ls a cradtate ductlon; p&interso set bul.lders, Me• IDd the soo of Mr, ud ot Newport Harbor blltJ Jebool props UCf'ltl.D&, SOUDd make· Mrs. Joeepb Fodor of West-a.od att..S.S OnDp CoutCol-•• ~aDd a11other ~. mlalter. lep. Her llusbud, wbo is cur. Tr. bride ebose a wbUe tat-rHtlJ attedDc OCC,tu &r&d· feCa ..-., ...,.wttoaoyloa alooiLaUwoodbl ... oc:hool,a IRVINE GROUP EL•~n or...-O'ftr'dresa, wblcb c:raMte of Ute U. s . Army 'JOIIIl 8tlrtoa of Utbo~~~=~ lormed a eblpellraiA. Tb .. m-AnatloD ScbOOl aacl bU 11e0S Part c ommi&DUJ A pire boiUce wu tallied wttb J.u'l tenletwltbtbtmiU.tvy. lrYioe, ns returl*l V-lace dWia. Her MR~ IUCXIriASTER Dl ES olllce ol e-mu ol :•--.-.,"":~~~u~ ... ~~:"'~lle~ldudbJ Dar.. Allee BacJrmnter, eU ot0 tbo .... -·-1 51, otlDB s-erest Dr., H&r-(CC by acclamation ... carrlod a -olclalsl• w VIew llllla, .... J-3 ular _, or the "co;;.;eu ceat•ld wb a wbUe orcldd. at Roar JIOCl&tal. Sbe was ben bekl J._ s. lleo -· IIIII ill>arc» Or· J IJ 1.1 UU Ia A-..a, IJid Otbor oil!.,.., are: W. lllbet, WU maid of Mlaor. 11 ' ' Fry o1 'f.-t)l Rock RlU.. B-alds w ... tbo -ol ..... II> Orup COUIIIJ I,._,., c-IDU; J-BaU a.t ~· MU. ltaUIJ FodOr; ac:;....ttora iDcl.cle ..,. bUI· s.rc.dmaor Tartlt Roet. tbo-a--Colla -, lllrold· bor oar-. 11r relarY, ud Lyodoo ~. ~~--IC&r• Pa1a1eJ ud ud lin J0... J Hardie .,j UCI A-latad st-.-- I( .. KolloJIIaobaJ,udL,_ • ~~. • -·R a~--lJ Jclr olluta Aa. •DI--o • U. -• -·---.--..... -.... Ia-........... ..... ., .. ____ Hl-.aDolltl(llod. or ... ,,.-.,....., ..... e. 1 ~ • ..mSt. ~ .. .:;:, ':~ ot ... , ........... -.. llAIIJt C. WITIIAII, -olllr. S-1J ...... -ao Aoltlo' l:pj-1 Cllor<:IL lla- . Ud llln. ......._ C. WM •, I'D ., .... e1 tM ~ ••• wu at P&cUk Vlft 1001 ..... ..,. tJIWe. ..... *II' h OIJI ltJJ.a.CIU'rW ........ Put. Bds~ , ... lllllo, .. -ol _.,.-., ...... Cl(p.&a-ofc-dol ___ ...., '100-1a ... _..u.a. --~'~~~~-· .,..,. a ••· Air -,_, potl"or -T. --u PUMD IAIIIHG '"OW ·-ao•_,., ..... ,. ...... --•--. .. ,...., --., ................. -....., ...... -c-. -....... il'art ....... . ·-uubr--___ ,._.,_ JUtofCI*_Att.._.. DRAPERY SERVICE ....... ... .. -c- -New Draperies -Drapery Alterotions Hardware Repair and Instaiiation 540-136& • 6f2-0270 1-t. 81 :r.=............. I ' ••• ,. W't I llliiiW ... td • .. -~ .. -.. J! __ .......,,_ --... a,•- ao -,, -•-"''' a ··••-aftLISI--.-_,, r •••• ?,;:•· II ... ,. a art. ,..c-.,. ....... ., .. ... 11' I I Ill' ...._ Fd stw .. • -a Jill rt wta • llr ...... .1702 NEWPORT BLVD. COSTA MESA. CALIF. .. .. Oil ,. ..... ...... -~·---· 2 b.,, J • tops in nation Cll' ••• ..... _. -----· __ .......... ... ,..,mr•• .., ru•• ........ .., .... _a.lo II UCLA. ""'~ N<• ardlwn~UIIJ•Nm1 nec:wcll ... brcJ'op, , ... , .... ··-.... ~ ~...., .... Of. '*' ... tldt .. I ••$ .. -·-...... ollll .. ICllool• -"' .,. 1-1/ ... ~ AI-... --a. ll'lllncl< --... m •• .,." ct•• s· ...., -. 111o tam-._;--• 1111: 1 *' •rae• ,.,... &a .. olldl tqp.t ......_, 11o _. Ia 111o Jrt-100. Ud,._T....,.·wtllbl-- N~ llutlal''l ''DJaak Duo" ol T•rJ ~ ud llart -llpHd to - lllo M' U/•" -l'r*J "'""' '10' -roar. ,u ••• ..., ..... , ncord -Mark .., ... nrpr'-1 tiM bJ IUD waa.otDaUu, T-... "tiPtftl:" bJ tat1Dc ftrtl u M w.--tbt '10' -k hu -botbtrtd wltb -· to UM oo Alii<-U a )odor llqwo, OIIIUid GG, lor -tnl 1t'MU, He UMd oo)J I ~~~ • of blo prtUml.oary -frl. dU to qoaW) IUid lbto wa!Ytd otbtr1 to Mt the stap tor Ml dn.matle1 saturday afttroooo. SC..IU had I trtmtDdouJ 81rMI off!'li-1/Z", 11'0-1/4", l'r Z .. l/4", M' S-1/2", &4'1", &loul bll.ft over 60' &DdanbU biUI oiN'S",Aibrlllon- ltet' .. 1D&o ILia state une wtttl a record shatterlDc heave of 15' 5" that wu the new Jatlooal muk pl111 a 64' 8", 81' 5" and ... 9-1/2". Tbe amarJ.Dg shot put per- tormuce wun•t Just restricted to sttYelll and Albrlttoa as R&Ddf Cross ot Crupi grabbed 4 3rd w:ltb 82' 9-1/Z", whicb was NEWPORT HARBOR'S "dynamic duo," Terry Albrlttoo. at lett, aDd Mark Stevens, took top hooors wtth record shattering tosses ln shot put eompetltloo Saturday Ln the state flnala at UCLA. Stevens set a state record with a tremeoclous ttlrow of 67' 2-1/2" and Is DOW the national prep leader. He will be competing In the rational h.lgh school lnYltaUooal AU-American track aM fteld meet at Hinsdale, llliDols, this Saturday. Albritton set a new na.Uoral record for 16-year..old preps Friday and broke U aga.J.n Saturday with a heave of 65' 5". (VIc Opalek photo.) bta belt of the sasoo. Another JUD1or, Bret Manoon of Los C.tos, was 4tb at 61' 9-1/4" Ud Larry David of Camarillo edpd out Centennial's Carlos McCan wUh hls best of 61'· 4-1/Z", This exhibition of shot putUoa will probably go down as lbe best ever. We seriously doubt that any ooe school will ever enter aDd match the ex- ploits of the Ha:rbor palr throuebOut the season, the CIF aDd state preUms aDd finals. Newport Harbor's 2-man track squad with 10 points, tlnlshed 1n a 3 way Ue for 3rd 1n the battle for team llonors. "'""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Hamlltoo Is the probable 1st NEWPORT-MESA SPORTS SCENE place winner, but lAJmpoe looked Ute they had a wlnoer in the 180 low hurdles so a reeOUDI: a.nd cheek ottheotJ'IcW photos would flnallze the top 2 fJnishers. WITH VIC OPAL EK Tony Krzyr.oslakgaveOrange •===================• County another state champion • ill tt ~ 440 with a courageous OGLE WINS NET CROWN While Newport Ha:rbor track stars Mark Stevens and Terry A !britton were capturlng state and national hooors Saturday at UC LA In the 1971 state meet, Bob Ogle added a lot ol frosting to the Ha:rbor sports scene with dramatic series of tennis matches that saw him anoexthe C IF singles title at the Balboa Bay Club the same afterDOOO. Ogle scored a decisive rout of lAJog Beach's Joe Edles In the seml-flnals 6-0 and 6-1 to set the stage for hU tourtt tlnals match with Randy EYett of Mira- teste. Ogle won the tlnals In a real battle 6-4 and 6.3 to wlod up as the 197llndivldualchamp. He concluded a tabulous hllh school career as he !PUked coach Pat WILson's Harbor ten- nis team to the 1971 CIF team title and ·s unset tearue cn.amp- to,~~~~:~He also relped 4 con-54 as the SunAt The singles victory for Ogle along with the record matching performance.i by SteYens and Albritton tor Harbor for the track gquad, cllmued a tre- meodous athletic season for the S&Uors. The local scbool won titles in football, water polo, track and teDDis and r.u: just b&.rely edpd out of a buk.etball champloDShJp during the 19'70- 71-ooo. Sten Mallott, Estancia's top player, advaocedtothequarter- llnals wttb a win over Harvard's Chrta: Lewis. It took tlnallst Randy Evett to ellmlnate the Eacle nasb ln aoother donney- brook, 6.3 and 7-5. OK~e won his openinc match aplnst Harvard's Martin Sha- ler 6-0 and 6-2. He crushed Craodall Edwards ofSantaBar- bara 6-1, 6-1 to set the sta~ tor h11 '4)set wln over Joe E dles and tJJ.a alncles 1 Ti,.,.. 2 TiMes 3 Ti~r~•s 20 words or less uo 2.,50 3.00 21 words to 30 words 2.00 5.00 4.00 31 words to.«) ..-ords 3.00 4.00 5.00 Each word a .... , «) wOf'ds . .05 . 10 . 15 --~---.-aa .... IIORK U I'HED stretch flnlsh that saw him overtake Blair's Ray Johnson and Joe OeOora trom Santa Rosa. Tony "K" saved his best race for the tJnalsas helinlshed with a blistering 46.7, just 1· tenth of a fie®Qd .oti the state record set 2 year s ago by Lemoore's Larance Jones. The 440 race was probably the most n etting ot the day and rivalled the tOO y.~.rd dash that saw Geoz:ge Reddick of Hamilton's city ,championship team get ott to a rollln&: start. The protests resulted in a 2Dd runn.Lng that saw Reddick repeat his wtn 111 a tine 9.6 Umlng. The 880saw CoronadeiMar's ace ruooer, Nick Rose, post a WeUme best of 1:52.7, whi ch was good for a 6th place flntsh. Rose found himself in a soJJd pocket of strong runners go111g toto the stretch and couldn't ttnd room to make his move but Ni ck's race wa s a typical example of the super perform· ances turned ln by the new track breed. Mornlnpide's Percell KDttllD&ram won with ablaslng IT WAS a real photo Qnlsh lD the 75 yard duh at the jllllor bleb tchool quad city tlJal.s 1ut week at DI.Yidloa fteld OD the Harbor Hlefl camptll. Gary Parter or Eutcn tcbool, Don Fukumoto of Ka.Jaer, Steve Leoore or K&l8er lDd Todd Hwder of TeWlnkle, left to rllflt, all eroued the tJnJ.sb lLne I.Dcbes apart. The judps called lt Fukumoto, first; Lenore 2nd· Parter 3rd, and. P.unter , 4th. From the Enslen' tlnlsh' camera 'anglll, It appears that Parker came in 2nd with IAoore and Huoter pra.cttcally to a Ue for 3rd, • NEWPORT HAROOR EN~GI FIRST SECTION --Poae 6 niURSDAY, JUNE 10, 1971 CORONA DEL MAR, CALIF. Hawse wins OCC award (PHOTO BY RON LOMEAU) ' First taseman Jim Ha.wee a. the tlrstreelplentoltheWeodell JUNIOR TRACK ROUNDUP ~~~:E~:.;= education at a four-year school, The finals of the junior high tine, Dwyer, 5th. Tbe w1m1nc had hiS name lnserlbed on a track and ft.eld events saw time was Z6.8. permanent trophy which wiU be Kaiser sweep the A, B, aDd D Darrel Thorne ...-et Mike kept at the school, and re. divisions with Enslen the C Reynosa in the 300 wtth a U. 7 cetved a certl.t1cate. champion. docldng that didn't match Rey-The 1·9-yea.r-old sophomore Ensign arme:xed the 19n C nosa's 37.6 record lD the pre-hit .352 1D ~l8 pmes, drove 1D title with an over-all point total Urns. Sal Lujan pve Dwyer a 13 rUDJ to lead the sqlad, aM ot 47. Kaiser was 2od with 21 2Dd with Reynosa 3rd lor En-made only one error. aDd Dwyer 3rd wtth 19. TraU. sign; Greg Vaccero, Euten. The award was orlglrated b)' lng were Rea, 14, am Gisler, 4th, aod Valentine, Davis, 5th. Newport Beach Attorney Geoe 13, Fukumoto was another double Cra.t.n, who has had a lone u- Tom Baz.acas paced the En. winner 1n the tlnals a.s be cap-.:xlation with OCC baseball. sign Sea Bees tothelrCctwnp-tured the 600 with a blu.ing He aamed the award for OCC's loost\Jp lD the Newport-Mesa, 1.28. 7 Umlng In tbe dJstLDce Jonc-ttme bueball c.c.cb, Weo- Huntington Beach, Corona del race to complete the Kaiser dell L. Pickens, who retired Mar quad city track and Geld Sweep. Colen McConnell eS-recently alter taking 2 state meet. Baz.acas finished a close tabUsJled a oew schOol r ecord champioa.stltps. Pickens LsetD'- Zod to Brla.n Kawaguchi ot for Gisler as Ule speedy 7th rently athletic director atOCC. Dwyer tn the 75 asbothrl8UI8ls p-ader was on Fukumoto's heels N h were clocked ol asparkUng8.8. all lhe ny and !lnlsbed In ew coac Ron Shadowen got a 3rd place 1.30.4. Rick Labeda, Rea, was for Rea, Steve Powell, Gisler. 3rd; Mike MeN~se, Ensign, Vern Wagner, from Fountain took 4th, and Jim Witter wa.s 4th, ard Dave SmJth, Davis, Valley hl&fl school, Is the new 5th !or Lincoln 111 a virtual was Sth. wrestllng coachatOrangeCoast blanket llnlsh. Fukumoto, Thorne, Lenore College. He r~lacesJack_Fatr, and lao Foster won the td.m who wtlfdevotehlstUUeoachlnc relay tor Kaiser with Gisler time to football In . the fall. Bazacas came back to post a first ror Ensign ln the 300 and the long jump and anchOred the relay team to another 1st as Rea, Dwyer, Gisler and Te. Winkle tlnished in that order. ZDd; Ensign, 3rd, TeWinkle, Wagner usisted coach Dick 4th, and Llocoln, 5th. Tucker and bls stall with the M&rk Jackson, Ensign, won football team last b.lL He will the shot put as he got on his bfrn hls tun att_eDtion this year aea3011 's best of 37'1/2".Steve to tbe wrestllne#Whta school Gonsolbez, Kaiser, was Znd; opeo~. Grec WlJ.aoo. Ltoc:olo. 3rd; Sal He reeelved his be.chekn"a Lujan. Dwyer, 4th, and Terry decree 1D physh:al eclueatloll Peterson. Rea, was Sth, from Pepperdine CoUep aod Gary Parker recorded a great b.1l masters degree 1D eduea. 16' 8-1/4" In the toog jump ttoa from Chapman Cotlep. lD as be just edged the Kaiser 10 years as a wrestuac ccaeh, trio of Lenore, Foster and bl.l teams lave won 98 matches, Tboroe whO flnJ.shed 2-3.4. Jeff lost only 35. Kroeateldl &<>I Slhplacepolnu GR'EG THOMAS PI RAT! lorToWinldelnlhoeveol. OF TH! Y!AR IH CR!W Tom MUler of Davll p.vethe , Colts their only ttrst 1D the 0 Varsity cox n Gnc Thomu competlU.on wtth ao even 5• of Costa Mea was named ptr. clearuce 1n the hl&fl jump. ate of the year ln crew May Yo ... llllltr ftnlabed &bald o1 U In 111<1 ft•l oprtnr IPO'IJI a taleated P'~withErlcCam-award buquet at occ. . Slllarl s.UIUid IUid wrr lniti, Gt.ater, ZDd,CAorpPack· M of Newport a. b wwe wood, Gisler, 3rd; McBride, D&= tro.b aDd IOPb -lilA Kailer' 4th, aDd Douc Adami, ~nly • Held coach oaft Ka.IMr, 5th. G , 1.., lOit .-lv Younpttra eompetinc In tbe rt.Dt s YVI ~~ V~M.~ ODe ft.nall wtu be represeottDc tbe race durlDC the reautar--., Corooa del liar, Eslancla, bllnc tdpd oul br 1.3 MCCDdo Coata Mea Harbor Edlaoo by OCLA. The frnhm• wen aod Huollnitoa a..'ch b!il> Wldtl•led durlnc ll>e rocular schools ln tbetr fresbmen aem-....-. JCOtiDe their btgMt eiters next year. wln OYW UCLA. Reverse Argosy race set • 50 YEARS OF SERVICE UNDER SAME OWNERSHIP PANTASTIC DISCOUNTS ON EVERY NEW & USED CAR & TRUCK Pl. US SO GALLONS FRII GAS SAYINGS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT • pa•n MPAitTHINT •lOOT IMO' • IINfAL U.UtNe • DIAOHOttiC CINtfl: • eGODTI ... tlal (llffl. FR "-·-- 4 WEEKEND CAMI'ER TRII'S I'LUS $50 CASH SI'ENDING MONEY GOODYEAR IUMI' RIDES 50 VALUAILE I'RIZES IN AU C•m• In ,., •••l•ter - H~'"'"• f • hy-No OWI .. tf.,. mONlNG. Years of e:rperJence on all types of ck>th111g & Uta. eo. Specialty, men's shirts. $1 .50 per hr. Mable Whitman, 607 Marguerite An., Coroaa del Mar. Phone 6'73.Z774. 531 (llllr St. (1111 .. SECRETAR IAL WORK, graphing, oota.ry. aDd bookkeepLDc account.. 673-4050 alterooons. FOR SALE 1;&-f OOOGE -- rood Urea, 3 77'7. SIAl( ESE KJTTENS with PIP«fl for ale. Call 52S-16U. FOR REI'n LADY past middle ace wanted to reti room and share lo¥ely Corooa del Ma.r home wUh compa..nJOIIlble wo. ma.n. M5 per moath. Tele- pbooe 6'75-5728 lor particu- lars. lasellall Sllles ' ' l.ltllllelpe Sllles Gilles • • • • • . •. U5 1121.15 ••• ' 5.45 &1.15 • , ' 5.15 tl 42.15 C.S-IIts Ills-Sa ln~mUI'Is Salibi' lllse Mllb- CIIat Pntlcllrs .•.. ,. .. • • 3111 CO IJIITRY CLUB DRIVE. A-..e 5-3/fl .... Lur.o trrecular a1u tot wltn fruit 41 shade trees. A beautifUl aduH occaples 3 br ., 3 bl.. home wlth bolt or trailer storage. Price reduced for Immediate sale to $41,500. Call 545-8424. (Open eves.) COUNTRY SIZE KITCHEN ---aDd cO~mtry size Jot. Beatltlt'UI 4 br ., 2 story custom hOme· with all the e:rtru including 3 ear garage, OWner transferred to France -- miJIII lelfe th.ls month. Priced for Immediate sale at an unbeUevable $44,500. Call 545-84%-4. (Open eves.) TWO STORY --POOL. A must to see with formal dining, COl)' den, bup Uvlne room overlooking sparkling POOL. All bullUns &Dd separate kitchenette, Unbellevable at $47,950. Call 545-8424, (Open eves.) SO UNt.eUAL -IT'S FANTASTIC. This Is not just a home, Lt's a .S.Ctal way of Uvtnc. Eaecuttve type enter talnment hOme Wltb four lui'! bedrooms, 3 baths, formal dining, wet bar, aU cwer kJoking exquJstte water taU & pool. Staggerlng 4,000 IQ, ft. the Ukes of wh.lcb you have never se-en before. --t79t950. Call 545-8424. (Open eves.) SOUTH COAST REA L ESTATE 1500 AdoMs Av •• Costo Me.. 5.45-842-4 140' x 182 ' corner , major highway. CoUee shop leased. $350 a month. Assume existing $80,000 first T.D. $2 0,000 down . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • A PUBLIC SERVICE AS A PUBLIC SERVICE THE NEWPORT HAR- BOR ., COSTA MESA BOARD OF REAL TORS HAS DEVELOPED A HEW AND UP-TO-DATE MM' OF THE ENTIRE AREA. COH T ACT TO- DAY A REAL TOR IN YOUR AREA AND RE- CEIVE FREE A COPY OF THIS BEAU TIFUL MAP. FREE FREE I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PRESTIGE WATERFRONT HOMES SHOWN IY AI'I'OINTMINT S LlnU lolo D<W. ,Just completed 4 BR., S'h N . home w/fam. rm. & study. Magnificent 31 ft. waterfront l1v. rm . w/frpl. & wet bar. 1155,000 24 Lind• Isle Drive Dcc•Jralor furnished. 5 Br. 5 bath home fa<:- ms.: llarbor Island. JacU7..li & Siluna. Ready for unmed. occupancy. Wtdock S'lOO,OOO SJ Lind• l1le Drive Jlomc un lagoon. 5 BR , 4 lf.~ ba .. w -4 frplc~, PH UZ1.1 tuh. hdwd. rJrs .. ~ep. lrv. rm , dm. rm , fam. rm. & brklsl. rm ...... 517~.000 9l l ind• hie Drive Beour . 5 BR , -4 ha. home w/formal d.i n. rm. & family rm . 3 Frplc!~i. OUtside &laJrway. Rtult.in ~un cabinet &: bookshelves. $145,~ 'F .. c..,..etolnfonMtlonerioll..,_, ..... ,._ ... ~ BILL GRUNDY, .llcal&or 133 ~v•r Or., Suite 3, N.l . 64'1-4620 •••••••oooo•••• SEMPLE REAL ESTATE IU!SIDI!NTI AL AN D BVS IHE!.U PltOP E!«Tfl!S ···PO R INTBil BSlBD, P-.OI'E!S110HA.L CON SID BI ATION Stl! 'BII'LI UAL llTATI lS15 f . C..otH-.., c.-• olol- R .. 210l Pick the IINATID OH Till Act" SPACIOUS I A I •• .,._ ~.vtu•m •-• """""' ,,.. :s\60 ' • P,inte Patios • Fiteplacn • POOLS e 9 Hole Puttin a Gut . • Tennis • Separ ate F~mily Section e Adj. 1o Sc:booll Md Pl&y 1Jound 900 ho Looe, C~ MecArth.r • .., C.est lfwy. cleH .. Fe ... I• ld•~ R . 1 BEST ON COAST , Very large 3 BR. wt view. Pier & Open house Sat. & Sun. 2501 Ocean Blvd. at Carnation in Corona del Mar. BIG COIOIIA BEACH And the point are an easy stroll from the newe1t. nicest warm & spac. 3 BR. Avail. in beaut "Old Corona." Open Sunday 1·5 228 Goldenrod. CdM HOM E SHOW REALTORS 3.';3.) t:.-t f:O..C Hi~a:h w•y c:an.n. ckl rnan1:er •• THINK ING Of SE LLI NG ' ,\l,,rhEr YOl:r. 110.\II:: II IT/I I ,\IQla; 110.\I E.~ 11 1~Y r:~. 'I H~. IIOTfl-.~f l lfTII"t. 1.'1 Tfl\\''' ,.,.,. 111.,1 \ nutllf" ""''' •~•I j!l•l ·t o~(' Jl.o olll<'~ • !Ill'\ MARKET THEM! r·,,,ru·· m .. ,~.-.. ,,..r ·· 1 ~ r .\fl.() I'W'JO ,, r"~"•l R .... r ,.,_ ,.,,. 11'1 iho• 111,1 :'.11 11-..-. IJNIOOr' 00-'U'S """ bllaM, ·~ 1111 l . C..V t+.,y, c;.,_. -..... t.llf. lth•• 1ft y.., Or4er t.r • Swlucrt-"1-~ Coll 673- Curt Dtsh . Pt ~A L.TOfl 642-6472 .... '"--,,,oW. COAS HWY. II.B. square ~ bnents ANNOUNCES THE AVAILABILITY OF TWO AND THREE BEDROOM UNITS FOR ADULTS DESIRING TO LIVE AMIDST BEAUTY BY THE SEA IN THE PRESTIGIOUS WESTCLIFF AREA OF NEWPORT BEACH .......• FROM $230 For Information telephone Mr. Robert M. Bucllter. Manager at (714) 845-0252 or write to Tile Office Of The Manager, Merlner lqllare Apartment•, 1244 Irvine A••-· Newport BNctl, Celllomla 12114 a A Realtor" is a real estate expert of recognized competence and skill. Because of this public confi- dence in him, he has the widest variety of sales listings from which you may choose the home to meet your needs. c.l Yow 1...,_ TODAY! llewport .. 2401 VIA MARINA , NEWPORT BEACH T WO BEDROOM AND CONVERTIBLE DEN llANCH STYLE HOME ON LARGE LOT. PERFECT F'OR EN. TERTA.INING. VIEW OF BAY. ROOM FOR POOL • ••• • OPEN SATURDAY 1-5 1106 GOLDENROD , HARBOR VIEW HILLS POOL VIEW [MMACULATE HOME WITH BEAUTIFUL GARDEN. WORTH A TRIP TO SEE THIS ONEl!l!l! •••• THREE FULL LOTS COIIPL£TE WITH HOWE. C'LooE TO BEACH . A Buy to Improve! ON PLACENTIA AVE. COSTA MESA 86' x 474'. $65,000. Best ter ms. Income $500, with much r oom lor more buildings. ROY R. McCARD LE REALTOR • E A L T D • I Price Slashed $1,500 ESTATE LIVING VACANT---IIOVE ltiGHT INI· s ........ , ..... s c. c ... .. u._..,, ................. . ............. _ .... ell_ .... C.,lta-.4. ea. ' ~ CALL "0" A""'tNT'trltDT TO ••• no "VYI wmr eo..-.-=MIINij • flf1II'OIIT IIA_,.. Ullll Fti!ST llC!!C! --..... STIR COITROVERSY LIQUOR STORE HELD Dr, ..,_ z.-... ... ..., • t'l••-.s ~ aulc •• •, c r at•: ~~r••• '-tM .cta~ Ki-ll•---. .,.IIIII ......... -• '-> -.-a! pbo. .......... ,...,.. ..... coald ··-ud tDYtrca.atlllal-.- allooro_lo....,_ ..... -11 be .... --* kJ ~ u .... bu1c ...... "' 1-pcto lofol toot ID ma111 or ood -oclolloo a1 w.rat.o, rM&(. ftlm, lolofloloo, ~ IOd II'N Dr, Lollt -.td tlllt II t11o IIIMitr. . -dldiiOI lllow ul-cndt 1'1111 p-aduotlqtl --prollc-y ID matb or roodtoa. IW olio IUQUiod IIIII Mdl bo 1RIIIId, bow.,or, bo loreod bl(ll ocbool ID tilt dlotrlcl oot to tab a 11mtltlr remtdial liP IC. owa objlcU"' to JMet eourtt. But, be l&id, 1t woaii:J lb ... IQilJ, It at.o ttae. tblt mab DO di..Uweoce wbetbc or ''lllllul otbertr.LM ltated. I&Cb 1101 tllll COII1'1t brouCIJI ttlo objoctiYO U lo bo judfld J-·· ~ ...... "" £, Cauti!WJ •• c.._ dol liar, -bylor-Nnport Bood> ccwct'nu ON Coot, wurob- bod al $410 S,_y al(lll by I MMJts, Po11ct .. d tbt fobberl .... torod 111o -o oborUy -o 10 p.m., oao ot l!lom towar clork loyd llanu Jr. tbol bo Mel ooc. worked 111 a Kalla• Ucuor ltore aod '"' job-bUilt-loa. llr. lla-IDid a. llolr tboro ..... ,. ~ .... Aat:M ...,.eta IIIU'tadtt._" -al 111n> wlllrlod ,.- wllb a .II c:allbor ptotol lll lla -· Aller tusac tllo -tllo bolldlta loreod llr, HaYOOO I* a ftlll-ID rC!pnl<r. Tbo -.... tllo loloot ID a -bor ot 'bold..,. at tilt Uq--0. Police BloHer 1t11c1a. to tbe 8-P'&de leYel, q•te b)' a qau.a.d tl&eblr, (Ce:.~UDUid 1rom Pap 5) Sbop1 Ar•, wu ureetld at he IUU would au.t)" cnctua-Ud aba.U taU place at mrae EVANGELBI'S DoDD& ud WJ.Dn Cirttft.D. fr'Dm Wldttier, will p.rap at the T. Hotd Seely 1 a.m. at CblnDel Rd. Ud E. tJoD reqlllremeots 1n those Ume after pde 1." ~ &Dd J:lnr &OIPfl IOOCI at ? p.m . tbis Suaday, Jae lS, relideDce, 130? £, Balboa Oceu Ft., oa a caarp ofeuW- Boud members, how..,er, at the First Aasembly of God Cbureh, 141 E. !ZDCI st., BlYd,, Balboa, between ?:SOaod Yatilll mart,_.oa ••• Vudalll u;,:. proposed gradllltloo re-have objected to tbl Pf'CIPOAl. Costa Mesa. Mr. Grittln, ort,many trom Florida, Is a 5:45p.m .•.. FishiJ11S141PlleS broke a younc Euc:al~,tree qulrements emphasize minimal I&Yilll that they did not btUtve andlllte of Southern Ca.Ulornla Collep, Costa Mesa. Mrs, aod equlpment valued at $200 at Newport Harbor hllb ICbool requirements, placing import-Jt was strict eDOulb and UW.t It GrUflll ls the daughter of misslorary pueats a.od bas apeot were burglarl.zed from the New-betwHD 10:30 a.m. May Zl aoce Oll studeDt performance left too mueb up to tbepviQDI.l most ot ber lite lD Hawall. Tbe co""le served 4 years as port-Balboa Pier eoncell81oo. at aDd 8:30 a.m. May 29, e&uiJl&' rather tba.n completion of a set asMssm8Jit made by tbe t•eh-mlnlsters of youth and music in WhltUer. the south eod ot Newport Pier, a $30 lou ... A tape deck DUmber of courses. ers. during the Dl&ht ••• Jewelry aod tapes valued at $1 '14 were The proposal stems from Trust~ Beverly l...aJiptoo valued at $100 was burglar-staleD from a car beloo&tDc to State Senate btu 1, passed 1.a said She thinks there are too Ch h N it.ed from the Geraldllle Anne Stephen Robert Thomas, 1 '101 1967, which was deslped to many "Joopboles wblcb allow a . u rc ews Kavanach residence, 2551 VIs. Galatea Ter ., lrYioe Terruce, allow local districts to dt'lelop studalt to graduate wltb leal ta Dr., Bay Shores, durlng the while 1t was parQd at b1s gracNaUob proerams to nt the than we would Uke to see." n.lgbt •.. Plumbing tools val-resldeace durlnc the Dlcbt. needs otlta OWD P1411ll, rather Other trust~s bne pro-st. Andrew's Presbyterian Loreo Flletlnrer will preach ued at $150 were stolen trom a • SUNDAY, MAY 30 than fol.Jowillc tbe curreotprac-tested the eooeept of lod.IY1dtal Cbureb, 600 St. Andrew's Rd., at 10 a.nd 11 :15 a.m. on ''How ear beloDKinr to William Fish-A surfboard valued at 450 Uee ot us1ne stateYideertterfa. obje<:tives being set"" at eacb Cwt Haven --Baccalaureate to get close to God." er, 122 Agate Ave., Balboa Is-was stolen from the patio at A district committee ot 21 high scOOOl, rather than dis-SUDday honorlnggraduatinghigfl • • • land, while u was parked at the Terry Wayne Beat real- teachers aDd school adminJs. trtct-maDdated objectives. school seniors wm be observed The Lutheran Church of the the alley behind his resideoee. deDct, 4706-A Nepttme, West tratorspre1eoted its flnaldraft The graduation committee Is at the 8, 9:30 aDd 11 a.m. Master, 2900 Pacutc View Dr., • FRIDAY, MAY 28 Newport, durtnr the nlP,t ... ot Dew gradtat1oorequlrements expected to return to the board services tbts Sunday, Dr. Harbor View Hills •• A gr~ Charles Keith Hynes, 22, ot An estimated $90 ill CUb 'ft'U to the schOol board 2weeksago. wtth a mod!flcatlon proposal at Charles Dierenfteld wtupreach ot boys 111m be Installed lntothe 162 Monte Vista Coata, Costa burglarized from Dillman's The board Is sttn.diseussingthe Its June 15 meeting, on the topic, "I doo't want to acolyte program of the congre-Mesa, was arrested at 9 a.m. restaurant, 801 E. BaJbo& Blvd., draft aod bas suaested that In line with that, a com -gradlllte!" Graduates are In· ptlon this Sunday. Dr. wuuam at the pollee station on charges Balbo&, durtnc the Dlgbt • • • the gradua.Uon standards be mtUlity review committee of vited to a luncheon at 1 p.m. E Eller will deliver a mes-.ge of petty theft, .. Arthur Clrus Auto englne puts nlued at raised. h.Jgb: school gradua.Uoo require-at the Dlerenftekl home. 0~ "The diamonds of llfe" at Beard, '49, ot 2418 Hollday Rd., $15 were, burtb clarR_t'_~ ~lmlllatl!e Mr. Loafs saJd that ln spite meats has complained to the the 9 and 11 a.m. services. Baycrest, was arrestedat11:45 garage a e ~u.r m ot the relrued requirements on board that It's recommenda-• • • • • • p.m. at Balboa and 45tb st., Davis residence, 112-4 Pesca. math and r eading, a student tlons were DOt even given to the The Plymouth Congregational A tamlly night program will West Newport, on a charge ot dor, Westclitf, between May still may not be able to meet beard as requested. Church, 3262 Broad St ., New-be held SWlday, June 20, on Intoxication in an auto .•. Rob-28 and 30. the other goals aDd objectives Mrs. Carol Duffy, ill a letter port Heights ·-'•One solitary the patio of St. Mark Presby. ert Lee Latham, 28, ot 3010 MA RJORI E PORTER OF set up In the new requirement s. to trustees, said, "It Is ap-lite'' will be the sermon topic terian Church, 2100 Mar Vista, W. Ocean Ft., West Newport, These goals require that each parant that you were not giYen ot the Rev , Nor man Brown for East Bhatt. Following a 5 p.m. was arrested at 31st St . and HA RBOR ISLAND Dl es student: a copy ot our reeommeodations the 10 a.m. Sunday service. barbecue, there wlll be a pro-Balboa Blvd., at 8:15 p.m. OD Marjorie B. Porter, 53, ot • Be aware ot himself as a . • . It isn't ofteo tbat the • • • gram on the camps and con-a charge ot possession otdang. 1& Harbor IslaDd: died Juoe 8 unique, valuable human betn1• commun.lty has an opportunity to The Newport Unity Church, fereoce opportunlUes offered erous drugs ..• James Pat-at hertf'esldeoce. Sbe wU born· • Learn competitive skills make suggestions or even ex-meetllle at 15tb St. and Irvine by the church during tile rick Broyles, 31, ot 2304 Fair-Apr.ll U, 1918, 111 Colorado, alld pursue physical ntness. press an opildon, before adop-Ave., Clltf Haven -· The Rev, summer, hill, West Upper Bay, was ar-aDd came to 0ranp CO\mty U • Prepare himself tor a self-UoD aod tmplemeJJtatlon of a rested at 2:30 a.m., at 632 years aco. supporttnr. produetive llte. prorram W"d preserve sought 31st st., West Ne-.port, OD a Survivors IDelude her bUI-• Reeorntze creative Ulink -"Tber~tore, it would be un-I er charge ot lntoxtcaUon 1D pub-bii.Dd, John; 2 IOnl, John m ine sldllB, developself-npres-fair for you DOt to kDow and Uc ... Jewelry valued at ot saunders, R.L, aDd Larry ot s1on and appreciate the bastes COMider the recommendations ASHmblyman Robert E. Bad· ...., · 11 1 th Ir $32 was stolen from the Apro. Newport Beacb; a dau&ftter,Su- ot the t1ne arts. ot some ot the people who put ham (R.Newport Bel.ch) a.Jd ~~~ow~' :d: 0~s ebee~ pos Inc., 29 Fllhion Island, san Murphy ot Coroc». del Mar; • Understand basic con-you In otflce.'' this WHk tllat he wtu push tor ldtoWied ''as& valtable natural while on display between 7:00 3 lf&DCk:llUdrto; a brotbtr, 1umer economics for theainllt The major recommeDdatloo ltJlii&Uve action this HHloa retource which should be pre-p.m. May 2'? and 9:SO a.m. lrlay Routt Brya.at Jf. 'of Sin J081; b.mUy unit. made by the community review on the creation ot a 3-mtle-Z8 ••• A stereo valued at aod a slster, Ele&.Dor Folk of • Understand r oles In the committee wu that the only tonr marine preserve on the llrv~ aDd enba.Deed tor the $175 was bur(larlzed from the HOUltOn, Tua1• tamlly unit. chanre that Should be made 1n Irvine coutllne between L&cura public s enjoyment and educa. James D. McGauy realdence, Funeral M"ietl wert prl- • Learn principles of maill-tbe present graduation require-Beach aod Corona del Mar. Uon as an underseas prden 111 S'7th St West Newport vate. Baltz Mortuary otCOI'ODl ~·-·-"" u ho ments is that a 5-unJ.t math He -'d be Is actlnc In re. park and marine laboratory." between Aprti'25 aDd May 1 .. : del .... -· 1D c ..... _ o1 ar. wwwl a wera ng a me. -.J He warned that marina flora $ 7 , 0 .a.~· .. _ ,..., ... • Learn skills for tunctlon-course requlrement be added. spout to requests from the and fauna 1D the Udepools "are Otttce s~C~PUes valued at 1 "' raapmeota. lnc u a responsible member Mrs, Duffy llld that the dll-Oranp County Boa.rd of S~ • DOW bei.Qa carried aW'IJ I.Dd were ltoltn trom Adelphi In- of .tOCiety. trlct's plto.oph)' Is lhl.t tvery Ylsors and trom oftlctals ot dettroytd by IOUVenlr hunters terlors, 122 Apte, Balboa Is- • Ltarn and appreciate tht studeot who lfadllltts shOuld L&cwa Beach and Newport a.od the curious." land, about S p.m. historical backeround ot human have a saleable skill. Beach. Assemblyman Badbam said culture. "With these watered down S\C)J)Ort tor creation of the he will seek to create the Irvine • SATURDAY, MAY 29 _,duatlon requirements, the Irvine marine preserve was ,_A b b lttln JtJd.ltll Ann DetweUer, 18, ot Phone In Yow ONe r for o Su-.tcrlptl4ft ~ Call 673-0550. .. -maru. preserve Y su m I 3 2 0po t 103 Lido ltudents who did eboose to take generated recently by Irvine an amendment to his new bUl, 4 4 Vla rto, Ap • , ODly m1Dimum requiremellts Executive VIce President Ray. AB 3091, which calls for a • c d • would bequa.lltledtor suchtnen-moOO L. Watson, Who sent marine anctuary at Salt Creek Tony RoSSI of M leS By DOH LEE tal jobs as nshlng dlahes, letters to local aDd state rop-a ..,.1yntabllobedpubllc beach • REALIZE YOU RIDE oo wuhlnc Yfiodows or in a car resentattves urgtnr protective south ot Lacuna Beach. Oraolllll; 3 IOnl, Albert IDd: YOUR CAR tour Ure "footprints" each wash," She said. action. He noted that the largely Anthony Rossi, '?7, ot 696 AleD.Dder, both ot New York, about tive by seven lncbu? "The amount ot money spent Hamilton St., Costa Mesa, died and Raymond of CoJta Me•; That's oot much area to grip in thls dlstrtct entitles our stu-E • I 0 l"k I June 3 at Costa Mesa Mem-2 ststers, Mary Thomu1D1 of the road, so be sure your Ures dents to a better quality edu-XCISe ax rtse I e y orlal Hospital. He was born New York, and Plti.Da Seran- have good tread on them, tor ea~~n, oot~ ~~sser q~ty, Nov, 17, 1893, 1n Italy, a.oo tetto of Moranco Valley; '? ~lng and stopping! we a t ese req e. ActlDg City Ma.nag1!r Pl\ill!p much ot a hike would be nee-came to Orange County 18years graJidchildreD and ooe erst- • WANT A SNACK whUe m~~s ;~ ~!~t ;~mwe~f"~ Bettencourt told the Newport essary, but e.zpected to hue ago. gra.odchikl. driving? Soon to be avaUable 111 e , Beach City Council MoDday some kiDd of an answer lDa.bout Mr. Rossi was a member ot Rosary was recited Jtme 7 are special heat and eat ean.ned crade, they woo 1 learn any ~s days. the Veterans of Foreign w~rs, A_ .. """"'"' ns ce ' .. -..ted JUlie more later anvway " nl....,t that this city ean look " 4.lN .. __. _,..., foods wtth the heat element • 3 ~ • to;.:;.ard nert year to either an He said about 66 per cent or Costa Mesa American Leglon, 8 at St. Joachim's Catholic right tnstde the can. SALARY TALKS BEGIN increase in the bu.Udlng exclse all funds trom the building ex~ the New Mesa World War 1 Church. 1Jitermeot was at Good • LOOK FOR U.S. car mak-IN NEWPORT BEACH tu or a reduction In services ctse ta.x:es have so far gone Veterans, aDd a 50-year mem-Shepherd Cemetery. Sell- ers to go slow on changes in Newport Beach city ottl.ela.ls tuDded by the tax. into fire stations and 'fire-ber ot the Eagles Lodge. Broadway Mortuary was 111 body shapes un-and employes bepn formal He said that the present fi ghting equipment. Survivors includ e his wife, charge ot arranrements. til they tlnd out negotiations tor a 1971-72 bullding ex.clse tax tund "ls "Libraries aoo parks have v "II "f • d more !tom co•-salary cootract Monday. just simply overloaded; tl!ere sort o! taken a bock seat," e·rsal es perm I s ISSUe ernment safety Acting City Mana.rer Phlllp Ls not enou&fl mooey comtng he said. "Either we raise the requirements. F. Bettencourt said bets hOpe-trom the tund to pay tor aU tax., or l'lDa.Jice some of the They wm make fu l a new agreement can be the facilities allotted to u." factuttes from aoother fUnd, bodies reached in about 3 weeks, ill Tbe buJ.ldlng excise tu, de-which Is aplnst the present tor two years time to include any salary rived trom new construction city pollcy." leastulltll sat. hikes 1n the new budpt DOW 1.n the etty, pays tor such things CouocUman Carl Kymla, woo tty t1rm. Makers beinr considered by the Coun-u parks, fire taclllties and has beea IJl outspoken critic ot don't want to come out with a ell. The budget must be adopted Ubrary taclllties. the COlt of tlre ltat1ons, par. brand new body one year, and by June 30. Uno contract is Mr. Bettencourt said the UcuJarly the proposed Newport tlDd they must scraD It before necotlated by that ttme, the tuture 1dentWed oeeds, U they Center flrt Jtatlon, s uggested the next year due to new toup. Counetl would hue to "amend are DOt eha.Dged, w111 require that ''maybe we should just try er body safety regulations by the budpt when an aereemeot a. buildlllr excise tax hike. He aDd buUd more economical lire Uoclt Sam. Is reached. aid he did oot know Just how st:at1oo.J.'" • DO YOU KA VE irrecular The "VersaUies on the Bluffs" development aboYe the Arches ill Ne-.port Beach Is under way with the Issuance ot the lnl.tlal permits by the New- port Beach buUd1DrdepartmeDt. Tbe locatloo II the bluff J&Dd above Coaat Hwy. wuterty of Newport BIYd., adjacenttoHO&I Hospital. Donald J. Scboll: of Costa Me• bu tueD out 4 pormtu lor lo-t~®~ lor 1- stor}' apartment complUH, oae wltl! m uotu, 111o ot11or 1 w1lh 42 ual.ta M.cb. Total val111ottM to.-ttoo pormlu Ia ssss,ooo. Tho pormlta lor tl!o aput.. meDt bWJdlDp, wltb a total ot 255 uatta, ww boolmoot$5-1/1 NEW OFFICERS tOr the Nnport UJ:dty Women•s Gro~ were tutalltd at a deseert aod coffee meettnc JUDe 1 at the bland floUM, Fashloo bland. Tht new president, Mrs. Dorothy Saltl of Hunttnctoo S.ch, is pictured here at left with tbt outcot~~g president, Mrs. Justin Baletka, also ot HWltJ.Jicton Beach. TIMme tor thelnstallatloa was "challenge, cboice aDd COlll'age," 111tng tbe Bible as the "key to ure." First vice-president Ls Miss Marton DeForest ot Santa Alii; tr11surer, Mrs. Charles HallotWestclltf; secretaries, Mrs. Farel Walker and Mrs. Alarls Bradshaw, both of C-Mosa. (EOSli!D photo.) N.B. OKAY IS SOUGHT FOR TAXING DISTRICT The Costa Mesa City Coun-from any ot the cities except cU r etused Monday to torm an where the campuses are toca- usesament district of the Or-ted. aoge Coast College campus un-"U we went to the city of Ul Newport Beach gives its al)-Newport Beach lor a resolu- pron.l. Uon, then 1 feel that we would Trustees ot the Coast Corn-hue to go to aU cities in the mwdty College Dtstrlct(CCCD) district aod that would CIUit were asktn( the city to act u coaa1derabJe time delay," Mr. a eooducUJII areocr to torm an WatJOD said. ,,..sanent district ot the ace Eiabt communities served by ca.mpu~ a.nd lssue5-yearboodJ, the ecce district are Costa. TIM reeultllll bond sales would Melli, Newport Beach, Hunttnc- thtn be UHdtoprovide$'701,000 ton Beach, Fountaln Valley, worth of lmprovemellts atOCC, Westmlnlter, Seal Bach, Sun. and would In effect levy a 2-Ht S.eh a.od Hunttneton Har· e erat tax per $100 aueslildval-bour. u&Uoa on all homeownenlnthe Although: the dlstrlct 11 diltrlct. formed by the Golden Welt Durtnc Monday nlcht'• meet-Colltp aDd Oranp Coast col- lllc. tbe Council refused to ap-ltp ca.mpuses, the majority Pl'O"t IUch a meuure, •rtnc ot ltudems at OCC are trom tbey would be tutnc bomtoWD-the Nnporl Beach and Costa au In Newport Beach for lm-Mea u11s. pro .. menta at ace . t..Jt mootb, the Hunttn.ctoa Tbe Councn thanubcl CbaQ. BeaCh City Cou.oell approved ceUOr Norman Watton to •-ltrmlftr a aJmUar ueeeemeat cure tome type of approval dl.ltrtet at Golden Welt Col- from tbe Newport BMch C1t7 lep tor $98'?,000 worth or ree . Council ftrst. r11Uoa tmprovementl. Due to Mr. Wataoo Aid be would that aeUon, the CCCD may now talk to Newport Beach Mayor tax a.n addJUooal 2 cellts per Ed H1rth tbls week. but aid the $100 a.ueued valllltion to au district's trustees did not ler-dlltrlct bomeowoers. ally rave to get a retolutiDII INDIVIDUALIZED INSTRUCTION THR U 8TH GRA DE e CORR!LATED P BMPHA.SI S ON ACADEMICS e SMALL CLASSES e QUALIFI ED TEACHERS e F ULL DAY PFtOG RAM e EXTENDED DAY CAR E CALL 548-21<10 OR C OME VI SIT .G.NEUMANN CHRISTIAN SCHOO FIRST BAP T IST CH U RCH CORNER SANTA ANA & MAGNOLIA. COSTA MESA MARINERS CHURCH Dr. Joe Aldrich, who nceiYtd his Th. D. decree from Dallu Tbtotocical Seminary, DUlas, Texas, ll tbt ehareh putor. Tbe Rtv. William Actoo Is uJOCI&te putor and U antlablt for Yllitation and eocm.lb:lr. IUIID.\ Y SCHOOL • , , • • . 1,00 Ul. 'MlRSJIIll SERVICE •• 1:00 A. II. •to:oo A. II. EVZIIJIIG SERVICE •• , • • 7:00 P,ll. 2200 I. COAST HIIY CO IlONA DIL III AA tront tire wear? Does one side ot the tread weu more th&JI tbe other.? Are there spot, ot ft&tbers on the tread? TMt't a stcn ot somtthlDc wroar ll your front eoo, either aUp- mnt, bi.U jOints, Idler arma or Ue rodJ. BLANKO CLEANING * DRIVING WITH a traU- v ? Get ftDdcr mowQd mtr. rors. Bt Art J'Oll cu "' be· hiDd tl!o traitor, 1101 Jolt oJoor oldo lt. Pvk a c:&r My loot -,_ lnllor ... odJIIot mirrors au JOU C&D .. Jt ct.rl7 !tom --· yoo'U bo -1)' 110<1 ,.. did. • DUIILOP !WliALpi1- yoo 1"1 boro II COROII.I. DEL liAR TDIIIIHJOO--.... -0 ., __ .,. ay tlltY 1"1 -11-c. tiro mtloop u oo-- altlno._yoo_wlll --IIIIa. •o....-,.wu .. lOON •''"•· .. --• CAR CARE: 1 ..... _. .. .,_ -.,.,, ~ ... -~ ............ . .. .... .... ... ,. .... . Cllea* ............... .._ Tell _ ...... .......,.._ .. JIU'W Twt ,.. .... . .. ... .......... .... . a.at ...... , .. ... ••• • June --· ------ I Rcald D. Blake r4. Harbor Vltw HIU. has beelll appoUUd El Toro district maoapr 6x' tbe ~n Callforlda EdiiOil Compuy, accordtnc to R. B. Beet. diYllloo manapr. Mr. Blake formerly ftl 11Clt"t.or ot Planning tor Edi- IOn'l customer serYlce depart- meat, and served l.D 1968-89 u nwapr of Edison's Newport S.ch oftlee. He Ia a srad~ate of San Jolt State Collep wtth a bachelor of seleoee degree ln busiDeas ln- dultrlal ~n~~~&pment•, and also hold• a lnasten decree ln bus- QU AL.tTY OCIO LUR PINISHIN BY EA.ST,'4 A.N I(OD • 1780 HEWPORT CO$TA MUA 6<16-9383 BALTZ MOR.IVARIES 1741 IUP'IIIOI AVI. COSTA liliSA Mldwar ... 2424 -I. CDioiT IIWAY CDac!MA DIL MAl ORiole ,_..50 s•c• 1942 ' CAL:.L......OZU 1---from liiC. He btp.DbUEfboocueeru a. )m!« comm•etal •••• iltlowlac blo cr-from eoUtp ill 1110. He wu DUDid a commercial proceduruuat. yst tbe t:JUowtnc ,., I wu IP- potutld dlltrtct llrt'lee ...,.... Y1.eor 1.a taneuter 1.a ltU, ud later Mn'ld u d11trtet repre- seatat1Yt IDd eutomer Mn1ee plalllor Ill Alllambn. Wblle 1.a Albambra, he waa a member of the city PlaDatac eommtulorl. City ot AlbambrL He baa a1.a eerftd u dltector ot tbe Hl.rbor Ar• Ual.tld FUDd aDd dlreetor ol tho N- llezbor Cbamber of Commerce. Mr. Blake a.ad hla wife, Sbe.lll, ud tbelr 4..eblldrenUn at N8 S.ndeutle Drtn. • Fl RE • AUTO • BOAT • HOME • BUSIIIESS CA~~ET CONSULTANT WHO 'MLL COME TO 'I'OU~ HOMI: WITH SAM,.Lal wtTMOUT AN'I' Oa.IOATIOM TO ·YOUI H.l GlfflTI fU~~ 2211 ~ &'VIL -aM-posr• .... QMII. lrl JPICIALIZI.JN I'AIITIIS.AIID .. DDINei ,,.. ................. tU!J .... .. ... 1111 OPIIIII'f~DAU 1P1 L CO"'T M,.., ., .MJ COIOIIA OIL ' • FRIDAY, W:AY 14 Qlrt •• Mr, alld Mrs. Do•Jd Watts, 4495 Sudburr Way, tr-ruo, Qirl.-Mr. aDd Mrs. Dl.ftd H. LilAC. 100 Tulue Plica, Colt& Mea. Eloctrlclty Ia vital to your way of lifo. SoIa a hoallhy environment. We're working to bring you both. To generate electricity, Edison has harnessed the spring thaws in a part of the High Sierra of Central Cali- fornia. Over the years it meant build- ing 15 major dams and six lakes in an area r1bw known as "Big Creek.'' Today Big Creek is one of America's largest hydroe lectric power developments. It provides low-cost electricity, fl ood co ntrol and water conservation. It's a lso a \·ast recreation area open to the public. Every year the man-made lakes attract boaters, water·skier s. fishermen, swimmers and e\·en skin-divers. At Camp Edison- Shaver Lake, campgrounds with electric outlets offer campers many of the com forts of home. To protect the natural resources • I ,. 1()( COSTA MESA • ROBERT B. BECK of Huntington Beach 1\a.s been appointed South- ern Ca utorlll.a Edison Com- J)Uly's southeastern division manager with headquuters in Santa Ana. He succeeds Jack H. Ktme, woo has been transferred to the company's northern di- vision. Mr . Beck, 4Z,prevlousiy was manager of the southern dlvtston ln Long Bea.ch, He has been associated llfith the in- vestor-owned eiectrtc utillty since 1948, when he began his career in the distribution con. struction division. • ISOn SIX A CAM laA. SHOP" ~AIPJON:T ~HOTOI ~UB~ICIT.Y ~HOTOI COPY k•rllor ....... of the area, Edison launched an extensive conservation program. This includes scientific management of thousands of acres of timber on Edison-owned land. timber; eliminate wasteful and indis- criminate cutting ; help pre,·ent soil erosion and protect the watershed. Edison"s forestry program has earned an award fr·om the \Vestern Pine Association designating the Company's timber·lands as a Certified \\"t>~ter·n Pine Tree Farm. Special protective measures are taken against damage by fire, insects and plant diseases. Selective cutting and thinning pre\"ent some trees from ·becoming overgr own giants and others from dl~ 916 being crushed and stunted. Trees for reforestation are raised at Edison":;; nursery where seedlings of nati,·t· [rees are under constant pn"~ctuct inn . These practices pro\"ide an annual yi eld of health)· --. In the yean; ahead, Edison will con- tinue to control the flow of water in surrounding stream:-. tn help assure good trout fish in~. \\"e also plan. w lth the COfl perat ion of tht· l ". S. F'orest Sen ice. to add mnr£-hiking trails and impron•d roads. togt-ther with a boat-launchinJ! station. a Yisiwr informat ion ct>nter and hundreds of new m·f·r niJ!ht camp:-and day-u ~P facilitie:'. Pr£·sen·ing-thf natural resources at Big CrE-rk is one of the many ways we art" working-to protect the t>m·iron n1rnt we share .• !::;~:IE: s'E [;::;uthern California Edison •Da. ---........ ,., .. ,.,-on~ of '"' ,.... lW ,..... aAMd Me Co ..... ..,.,.. .... Co ~Mt~Q ,oM ..... • . Y '* toiJIIfd W. U COIIW tiOC be ~ tAo:l CN Noc:k ,.,&8 of tM 100tl4 detoncied from Ham. Jht 4/ 11'01' Will COtlnU CUI)' f100d ~ ......... _, -""" ,... .... "-1001"4 Ham come. ('roM n • ..,.,. wont •JCem:• ~ .. Block." Attd Ht ~ ~. vtt- U. ....odena tiofta, *'"'" Md ...... h... So t.\«1 'IOOrld'• block ,...,.. A4w tllwa~ ben cornJCUy Ollllltd "Ham\&." nu ia 1M .Biblicol boria tor tM cloc,.,..,.. of f'OCial ~gregotiott. Q.ex.. Ma 10:!1 priaM!)' .ap, "T-Wa~ are t.\e tomUW ot tNt aou o/ NoaA (Mem, Ham atld JapMt./t.J a/tet" t~WW ~. ill t~r RatWM: Gtld bw tl&eee Wl!Te' toW wo.ttou, DTVIDIID (wlticlt meou the aome t1hllg oa aegregatedJ i11 the earth afklr tM flood." The BIWe word for ''roctr'' ia ol\OO)'a wattoll. 7'.\c Bible o/tn l'peolca of .Atnca a. "'tl\e laM o/ Hom" IPs. lllS : ~2'1; 1015 :21, 22). It i.t STILL the ~ ltom.eload of tM Negro race. T'M Bibk vrO;PM•ie• tAut · tMN wUl be IYgnBrol repatria.tioll of ALL race. to t.WW ttative home. ~eMU (iwclvdH.g tl\e I#JtD« to Pole11· tiN oNd the Negroa to A/rica) Ht tltue kut doya before Jtttu' rehlra. l.atala l.J:9-1~ aap, "Be- lloW, tM da)' O/ tl&.e lArd ( CJr.riat'a ~1 cometlt . . . they ah.all I!!'V8'r'y """" tw.na to .\is OWN peo- pls, ORd f'-6'WTy OM i11t0 hi.a OWft lafld.N ANBWER: Th~ above Jetter was written by Rev. CBTt'y Daniel, pas- tor ol the First Baptist Church of Dallas West. Dallas, Texas. Al- though I have never had the pleas- ure of meeting Brother Daniel. he wrote m e a couple of years ago to say that he and I are second cousins. He is president of the Cltizenlf Council of America for Segregation, an organization that believes in "racial purity and seg- regation as a Bible doctrine." In the pledge taken by members of that org~ization is the statement. "I understand that the-re is a~ lutely no place in this Council for a N~hater, and that whatever we do must be done in the inter- est of both races. I also under- stand that this Council has a strict rule that any member who !0 miXh as llfta a finM;er to start vW)lence, or even threaten. vW)Ience , aa:atnat a Nqro or anyone else automat- ically ceases to be a membrr of this Council." The Necro Preacher Not everyone of course, would agree with our brother in believing that Ham was the father of the black race. When I was a boy a Negro preacher named Brother Brooks was pllstor of the Negro Baptist church In Decatur, Texas. Brother Brooks was loved and re- spected by everyone, white and black, in our little town. When we had reviva, meetings in the First Baptist Church of Decatur this splendid man usually attended moat services. Apd when he had an evangelist in his church he always invited the whlle pt>ople to attend. As a rule he would come to our house and visit with my father In our living room. telling him about _the plans !or the com~ revival and urging my dad to attend the services. We. usually went several times. One summer a Negro pastor from Fort Worth came to ~atur to conduct the revival m~tings. This man was an outstanding Bible preacher and a spectacular preach. cr. He was dynam1c and colorful (no pun ln\('ndedl preacher. His use of illustrations was sen!'IBUonal. Crowds became so larg(' that the revlvaJ was moved into the church yard. I think every N('gro In De- catur attended the services and several hundred white people. In preaching about Noah one night the prf'stc her told of the sin of Ham and then said, "Noah cuued that wicked ni1ger and turned him white-and that's wMft ~ white folks came from~" The congJ"eption bunt Into hearty lauchter and I have always au.pected that the Nepoo preacher intended that the people take Jt u a joke. There certatnly q DOt one vene In the Bible that would mall:~ &n)'OI'Ie believe that Ham wu the fatbu ot the whJte race. On the other hand, don h Hble teach that Ham wu h faiMr ot tM N't'&f'O race! Let's tab a look al tM evSdence and thm I wtn c;lve my frank oplnjon. Doa "Ha•" ar ... "Biaek"7 I dotekled to take the writer's advice to "oon.ult at1Y cood nO- able Bible cUctionat7#' and tee U the WfiOI'd "Ham" does come btlm .. ~--­·~ .. J"urtbeor', t dtclded to bt-...._w hill •taterMnt that ....... 1n ... tlmH. "had ~ .. Btroc'• esheultlve OIIDCXII'danee cl .... Bible JaY~ that ''Ham" -"Hoi ~-dw ...... ol -1). a oot1 oC -: -(aa a .. tnln) b6e cletoeDdantt or .. ouuntl7·'' YOIIIIa'l ~ ~Ill fl PI . .. .... ...,. .,._ .. --.... ....,.,. dlrtl I ... ,_..,... ... _.. .............. .. _ .................... ..._ .. _., __ -• I ....... .. "-.... '• Die......,. .. dw lllblo ~. C~C~DCaaiall "Ham, "-"ra.~ inl-:us.mou..-d&rlr..ftl:nned. or, perba.pl better, hot." <X thHe four boob, three ol them btlleve that toO'Mft or ~ best deteribes the meani• ot "Ham." Youna:'s Is the on))< one to &fve "Swarthy, dark colored" u the tint meantnc ol the word. But this concord&.nee, ol recocnbred worth, says that the word can mean either black or 'M.JOrM. . So, I doubt if it ll accurate to say that "any good reliable Bible dictionary" says that the word "Ham" means black. What About the Mean.i•l of Bible N'a•n 7 Ia it true that .In Bible times children were given names that we~ of special slgniflcanee! Were they given names that would de- scribe their physical characteris- tics! Or, perbaps, names of pro- phetic significance! WeU, some times they were and some times they weft not. 1be word Enoch me&nl coue-. crated and he certainly was a man of ooMecratlon. The word EABu means Mtf')' and he may have bet!n given that name becauae he had more h.l.ir on hll body than most babies. We lmow that when he was an adult he had more hair on his body than rno.t men. Methuselah, on the other hand, means mo• of tl&.e javeli11. Mark comes from a Latin word meaning o Zorge MnunM. Matthew Is a Greek tran&lation of a Heb,._ word meaning gtft of JeltoutJA. Abel means bnJotlt, oopor. . Cain means /abrtcotiml, forged rJ~atn1mnt, nnitlt. Esther m eans lftor. Phllip means fOfld of Mraea. PauJ means little. Timothy means vnerati"((' or wora11ipit~Q God. Judu means object of JW04HI Mary is Greek for the Hebrew word tranalated Miriam and means obstH~Qcy, rebeDima. Rachel means ewe, a mother !!h£>fp ! Abraham means t~zalt4d folAeT'. David means beloued. Daniel means God u my ~. I selected the above names ~en- tirely at random by Just thumbJ.nc through a Bible dJctionary. Surely the names mentioned above clearly show that it would not be wise to try to bau a doctrine 011. An¥ nf them ! Mort:OVer, many, many men In the Bible had the .N.me name. A number of men "N"ere named James, a translation ot the: Greek word /akobof and th~ Eng- lish fonn of Jacob, translated trom a Ht-brew word mefllling tvpplaRter. Now. Jacob the brother ot Eaau was a supplanter. Were each of the men named Jamet altO su~ planters'! And what about the Phil- ips in the Bible'! Was each or them a "lover of horses"! Doubtless some names were pro- phetic and some babies may have been nl:lmed, like Esau, for physic&] characteristics. My own name, Inc identally, is "William" and. according to the dictionary, comes from a mineral that is greenish-yellow in color. Now. when I was born and my parents got their first look at me it just may be that my dad turned green and my mother turned yel- low! But I seriously doubt that I was named ''William" as a re- sull ~ And, in my judgment, there is not enough Biblical proof that the word "Ham" means black for u.s to base a Bible doctrine on It Wbat About the Land of Ham? Does the Bible spealc of Africa as the land of Ham! Yes. it does . Egypt Is part of Africa and EIO'Pt ill rdet 1 ed 10 u the "land of Ham." "lnael ol.ao come iliA) •WPC. a'lllt Jacob ao:loemled "' a. bid of Hom." -Paalm 1015 :2&. "He ant JIOMU, We Mrt~~Mt, '* Aorow, Wtltom M Tkld cAoNII. ne,. •l&otoed "' ~ OfnOIIg tNM, '* ~ M tAct bM of Boa.'"- Psalm 105 :~,27. "TU, forgot Ood, tAe6r IeMar, ........ _.._,_ .. •WJI(. Wmw:trou worb • tU Jmwi 0/ HOM, 0114 .,..,.... ~ ..... """_._....,. roe ,:n. 22. In thHe vnws, £opt W Jwleiied to .. tM "land: ol Ham. .. Notice that PaaJm 71 :51 a110 ,._ ten 10 £opt u the "~ ol Ham." "~-~ aD • ,.,....,.,.,. .. ._.,.., .... ""' ciWt of ..,. -JtJQ "''IICidw of RO!Wl." Surely Jt ..,... DOt be ~ to ..., that aU ol .. l'.cJpciu. were ol the NfCi'O nee 1 Ill tact. ..... -.... Illc:tloour ..... Ulhed. by ZOhdl••• ..,. e.t "Ham" Ia a Blbiww ....... tbat ..__ ... -__ on to •· . .,.. ,..,. cut -ot...,. ... ------.... ,_, __ ., .. ~ ... -........... ~ Bt bee r .. 11 a Ike ........ ~ ....... w. but .. Eolit'tn. M fal' , lao ,_ ..s 0 •• cansr II: 140). I&' IIC 17', .._ 1111 ... ..._._..,, .,.at••- ..-Onn fd••* l:»-2h/" n_.,_..,_ .. _____ ., .. .. , '5 I Jl IS E'W -.. .-..... __ ... __.., ___ . _ .. ......,_ The Bible-Its Clearness and Completeness ....... CIIIUI'IUJIIIEW, Mow a...., Ill>. THE DEITY OF I JESUS CHRIST Br the late Dr. C. L Scofield, Edltor Scofield Rei. Bible FROM ''SWORD OF THE LORD" W!IRFREt;'$80RO, TENN. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." -John 1 :1. (Continued from last week) SUppoae I Wf!ft try1ne to describe to )'OU the beauty ol the aunaet. and :rou bad De"ftT IHf1 a .unen. I might pD~ words upon words and rw them wtth ooJor, yet I .tlould give a very imperfect idea ot a sunset. But It I could take you to .arne western slope, and let you stand there while the sun sank behind the cloud-palaces ot the sky, tusln&' their dull greys into purple and scarlet and &'Old, and tbe &'lory and beaut)' of the sunset 1ave themselves to you, you would no longer need my words, you would know for younelf. Now there la God, Infinitely tender and beautiful and glorious, and here are we, finite and atupld and earthly-can you think of any way by which It would be poasible for God reaUy to make Himself known to us, ex- cept to ~ter lnto a human Ute and translate delt)' in its PD'NU and perfection, Its light and its Jove, into the terms of buman ex- perience! That this il the only perfect di- vine manifestation ls felt dJmly by all races: and there is no false relip:m (I!Xcept Mohammedanism) which hu not the thou&:ht of In- carnation in it, the thought that the God they seek and whom they serve and worship, has at 10me tim!! incarnated hlm~U in a human ute. Incarnation inheres in the very necessity of the case; and when you think of God adopting this e~'])edient and really clothing Him- self with human nesh for the rev- elation of that which He ll. through the 1treu and trial ot a human ure, you hav~ a motive which Is at once God-Jlli:e and adequate. U God had never been maaifested ln the fiesh, It no prophet had ever prf'dlcted It, ~uon would Compel WI to anticipate the IDcamation. Now thll very thiac Is declared to have bem the purpoeeo ol the lncamation. Jci'ln u.ya: "No ,,... ~ -... Ood at a.)' UtrM~; tM ota~r ~ .SO., ~It " "' tA4 ~ of tAe I'Gilwr, M "cat.\~ :WM..•-.Jotm 1:1& u )'OU tldDII: of JftUI am.t ln th1a "V'o lf JC1U 10 beck ID the tour Goopdo and --.. ....... thoucht of Jetu~ avtlt as God maJdnc Hl~Melt known to man, you lind lhat lhe lltanlr.tation &at:i61 e'YI!I')' tlemul!d ol JOUr heart and al )'OUr ........ ,. God revft1ed in J-. Oarilt il the God who ...wen ID ew17 l"ftPeCt to human need. He It teat to W at ODCe a God-ct-.. -•. He .. Mt tD bt • God of IIC"ftT and • God of ....... ud • Cod oe----· No oat .... .wr CJODtremplated u. ehaneter of ~-a.tlt .. tiM m 'f ;.,.,_ of God ..t ._ fwtt ........ --... -- -----col God "' ~-q......., ...... .... r.at 1ft II U e fill God ..... wrl ... ...... ..,. ... ,, ..... ..... ........... Gol-d ... ~-Clootol, ... -... - lllla.hillll *··--. ....... , ............ .. ...,.. r•: ft' ...... ..., •• ., ....... 0 -oflMM;I•II•-.... for ~ to weary mm., bwt will ye weary m)' God alao1 TMrefore tM; Lard lltm~Jelf •hall give )'011 a aig11 ; Behold, a virgi11 •llall co.- cetoo, tUirJ beaT G smt, Ulld alwWI C«JI lli.l ""me /mm<.~"..et''-Iu. 7 : 13, u. "/i'or ..-to "" a c11ild ia bo,.,., u•to '" a •m~ M Q'iuea: o'lld tM gover'llmellt •laaU be VJIOII .Ilia •hotilder: a 'lilt liM .a me •llall be oall&l WO?tder{vl. Cowtt..tellor, Tlte mighty God, TM everla.!ltWg Fa- tiler. TM Priace of Peace" -Isa.. 9 :6. Thus beyond all quesUon, hun- dred~ of yean before Jesus wu born In Bethlehem, a prediction wu uttered that there should be bam into the family ot David, one who in some my5terious way should 11.1sO be God. We may or may not tM>II eve that the propheey was ful- filled, but that 11 is there no one can dij!;pute. Now when we invoke pl'ophetlc testimony, ~Y friends, we bring Into court a witness never yet dls<:redited. We have not on1y this prophecy that the Messiah Ux>uld be In .orne mysterious way The ml&"hty God, The everlutina; Fatht>r, The Prince of Peace, but we have literaUy hundred.~~ of otMr predictions. minute and ap!Citie, relating to nations, to countries and to individuals; and theae predic- tions Invariably hav~ been Uter&Uy and precisely fulfilled The prophets foretold the place • ot the Meulah' • birth and no one ev,e-r questioned that Jesua was born in Bethlehem. They foretold the family in which He should be born. the family of David, and no one ever disputed that He was hom in the family of David. lbey fore- told the tribe ol which He ahou.Jd come, the tribto of Judah, and no one ever denied that Jesua came from the tribe of Judah. If in the Ulctime of Jeaua Olrbt, or In the years of tbe first proclamation of the Gospel, while the records were stnl in existence, the Jews had shown that Jesus was not bom in Bethlehem, that He was not of the tribe of Judah, and not of the family of David, every dhclple would instantly have fonaken Him. 'They were not able to do it; they never disputed It-never. Of the many prophetic dctaila concerning Jesus, 1 have c&Ued a ttentJon to three particulars wbJch were literally fulfilled, and there- fore reuon compels us to Kfve great weight to the prediction con- cern.in&' His Deity. U a witness has always testified truthfully, the pre- awnption Is that &U of his teats- mony is true. FIND THE BIBLE CITIES AND TOWNS IN THE ruZZ:LE ................... CAN" YOU? NINEVEH PETRA PHILIPPI SIDON SODOM TARSUS TYRE AI ANTIOCH BABYLON BETHLEHEM CAESAREI\ EKRON c;.&.TH GI\ZA HAZOR JEBUS JEIUCOO JERllSALEM JOPPA LYSTRA NAZARETH NEAIOLIS TREYAJEKRONPCJJERUSA ATRSODOMHAZHAEOLYSTP NEAPEAICBABNEAPOLISE TN PGANOHCBETSSODADOT I .AALYINEAERIANATIOCR CZAGTJEBUSASRJOPPNIA AABNATYERNIMELASUREJ BRAORLANTIOBABYLOTRE NEAPOLATEBPHILIPPIPH ETANRABBBTBLBBBMCAEA ABAOJBRUSSIDOROZAVRP I GAZO~AZARBLAHTAGBTBI TARSOSR~TLISTRANSB~R BAZTYRBPRAFGTBIYUSNO AJBRICBOABPBTNLASTAR ----.... 1JWJ, MINUTES ,, rr COli ........ nMI NK. --........ CMtC...O, ..... CMI 606M "THE SECRET OF SPIRITUAL VICTORY" Believers m Christ have been made "free from sin .. by gr.:e (Rom. 5: 14. 181 1n the senu 11'111 they need not, 1ndeed. should not, yield 10 sin when temptiUoon ar1ses (Rom. 6:12.13 1. Be· hevers h~e •lso been mad!! "free from ltle ''"' of s•n and death" (Rom. 8:2) lor Chnsl. 1n grace. bore the deertt~ltv for them. Bul no believer •s free frOI'I'I wh" P•ul CIIIS "the 1-of Sin Wh iCh IS my members .·· th,. is. tne old Ada"'c n;uure . w1!h •IS mherenl tendency 10 dn MOI19. Nor IS ne free from the conllicl w1th the fll!w n~1ure Much thiS 1nvolves. If !he Chnsuan would be truly sptntu~l and dell m 1 Scnp· !~.WII ... .,y w•th 1ne s in !hal tndwelts htm. he must clearly r«:ognoze its ptesence: he must f•ce the ftct that while. thank God he is no 101191"' "1n Sin,·· s1n os still in l'lirn. Bul 1t'11s conllicl should not (liS· COUfaQe ul. fOf II IS Otle Ol the flUe StQilS o/ Ul•dtiOn. II tS unkno....., I(! lhe unbel1ever. lor (l(l!y the ltdd1t•on· il ptesence of tile new n"ure. ••ono Wllh tile old. c11uses th•S confhct, tor the B•ble savs about these 1\frro natures: "these •e contrtrv the one 10 the olher. .. Bu! not only •s !h11 confl•ct wtthin the behever 1 I~.We s•g~ ol ulv•hon: 11 1lso creates Wllhm h•m • deep~ neceu.,..,. sense of o..-1nw11rd ,,.. perfection 111d d lhe •nf1n•te gnce of • holy God •n 11111119 us and rntn- •ster•l19 10 us tt-••v 1n llelp•ng us to OYerCOI'III son And rh11 1n t~.Wn g111es us • mare undetstMIId•fiQ 'CPrO.:h 11 -proclaun 10 !he 1011 "the ppel of the 9"8Ce of God · • Paul's ep111le1 show cl~ly thl1 there •s noth1ng INn w1U so help Ul 10 OYetcome 11n &l1d 11ve ple"il19 to God as en Ul10el'ltlndlf'Q .,d an liP' prectlhon ol whal He hu donft tor US In ChriS! As -Ire OCC'-C)Ied woth the1e "thlfl(ll of the Sptnt"- f1nd our~etves "w•11t1ng •n the Spirot," 1nd Gal 5:16 says: "Walk In the !ipltit. and VI $1\IJII not fulfil the lusts of the llttlh " How much beller to have our !tve1 lrenslormed bv OCCUpl!1on wo !h Chnll (II C~ 3:18) •nd o•• po11toon 1Jncl ble11•119s '" ll'le helvttnhes woth Him (Col. J:t.Jl titan to naume the llopfl leal !ask of 1rv111g to 1mptove tile "old nctTure ". •1w1ys eng~~ged 111 •ntro· tpeCIIOn, ''*'VI OCCIJPled Wltr\ !hf! fle1hl ro lJ®®~ ro~tiD:l@l})®®~ ly Dr. lob Jones ' SALVATION'S MIRACLE If you heard that a man with a altam ahovel had excavated a city bkK:k for the {OUDdalion o{ a peat buildiq, you would have no reuoa. to doubt the truth ol tbe ~t. Such a task would be relatively aimp6e. {or an dlkieot open- tor witb lhe proper machinery. U aomeooe sold you. how- eva. that a 12-year4d boy bad done tbe aame tuk witb .tua toy ,_I, you -oot bo Wtdy 10 botino il; I« ... job would be beyond lbe _., of lbe lad aad lbe capaciiJ of hil tool. 'So it " with the mi.~. u tbe God you. bc1ine io is bic enoup.. you bave oo trouble ac:coptiaa tbe IDiradel recounttd in tho Word o( God. lf, bowtver, your CClCICipdon Ot God dwarfa Hlm iolO a puoy c:nature .. weak • you younell, you will -ly .,._.... aver lbe -.,. Wby llhould .... God Wbo ... -.. -""" ...... lllh aDd m_., _.,. Joaab ...._ ~ ill lbo bolly ol a le& c:rutwc7 Why lboukl DOt lbe Ood wa.o loeb .. -b tba-"'tba ......... ---.......... _., ____ ... __ 10 -.... --ol Elijalo? w..,.·--.. God Wbo c....-:1 1M ,._, II ...t •aH'¢ II 8tl lnl ol .. uniwne ...., a IOod to OD'lJW die _... eudlf -., ....,.. ootHaWbo_Hil_ .... , ,.,._., ........ _. ....._ _.,_ ~ ...... *c;psd -.o _,.oobrioi-•' .--,._ .... 1 cl , ..... ,,OOOwillooloo--... ----olalad! ' ~ ...... I ;ocl._iollllo,6o1God- ll '•11• a ....., _. a -iiiD a .... _. a cStld c1 IIIII -J1111L Tlolo io a.., do -lo ,.,,.. I - --..,, Tloo 0011-........ -"' .... _.._ ...... ····--·--... .. • <W ,... il llle as • • .. we, a.-n. lt 1117 War ' ' UWORT HAR80R Ellll (JI SECOIIIO IICTIOII --..... 3 LIGAL MOTICI TliURlo.t.Y1JU"E 10, 1!71 COROllA llEL flAil CAUF. LIGAI. MOnet R180Lt1rJJif MO. ?OS A UIOI.t111DII OF TD CITY CIOIIMCIL or TD ern or D._r BUCK AICDTAJIIIIIG TD ClUDAI. I'U· YADJIIG IUTI OP Pill DIZK WAGES TO S PAID ._ PUIIUC WOUI JIIIOI&CTS .,..cu. ••~tlol tm •. et -.... tJI. tM Labar Code aUM -Ill~ ............. bodJ ........ --... ,... -.. -... ~· ... ...war .... fllpoo -_ ...... ~ -r• u.o -kiiiDIIopooa-.,. ...., cna. •lullaea~~oo, • IJPO o1 ---to IDC ... tbt CDIItrld; ur1 WIIIJt&AI, II II --l.o declare ald ~ Jli"O· ftllloc .... "' ... 1_, IIOW, TIIEIIBPORE, BE IT RESOLVED bJ ... CIIJ Coaotll ollbo <;;IIJ al Newport Boaeb: SICTIOII I. Por-1.o -1713 ol lbo IAI>or COde Ill u.o ..,. a1 Collllrllla, too CIIJ eoo.cu .... ..., -.-tato. --. Ulll declare tile pMHI prOfalUDC nto al poo ..... -Ulll lllo _.t pr...utac nlo lor 111DLI4o1 Ulll .. ortlmo -1:, lllclda( too _..,.., .,.,.......lor boollll &lid ni!On, ........, ..,..ttoo, Ullllllmllar -. lor -b erall, etull- .... ..._ O<IJI)O al-t..-ID lboouculbl otlbo COIIIracll llr polllle -k ID lbo toc&Uty allbo Clly olll-Boodl, lo llo u oot lortl> ID Ulo allacbod 19'10 "Wap Scalol lo< lllo SIS 8u1e r,...,..-' utt 1970 '~SUb-Trades HotalJ wace RatM ol ... "'"' Ulll ~""tloll Tradea ·Uolou", ,.,_ bJ 111o OIUit ~ ......... &lid Coomuetloo Trade• eoo.cu, wllldl --oe-w borOI>J are lncorpontec! ID ud -a part ot -. n.olltiOa, to rtPlac• the rate& beretoJore '*CI'*' ud ~ bJ RHDlatioo No. 6982 dated May lZ, 1969. SICTIOII i , Tbt Cll)' Clerk II a-rtsed ud dlroctec! ID certll) to tbt •dQptloo ot WI: rteOliiUoo aod ft.le a c.-uftld CC>Pl' _.., w1lh lllo Dlnclor•ol -lal Ro-oltl>o -.· ol CIJII>nla, pw...t lo Socu.a 177U of lboiAI>or Code. Tllo CIIJ Clerk Ia lllrtbor dlroctec! l.o ca ... a CC>Pl' ol tllla ruoblboD ud tbl attacbed ICbldtales to be pd)l15bld ooee lD lbo olaclal --of tile CIIJ. AOOPTED this 17th day of May, 1971. ATTEST: /1/ Laura Lagios Cit)' Clerk /s/ E. F. HIRTH Mayor Publish: June 10, 1971, In the Newport Harbor Ensign. 19-1-70) 1970 WAGE SCALES FOil THE SIX BASIC TRADES The waxe n tes listed below are in accordance with the ten:n1 of the Southern California Mut~:r Labor Agrc1·m~:nt for the Construction Industry aDd CO¥er the following countk~. Los Anst(·les. Oransee, Riverside, San Bernardino, Imperial, Ventura, SPnta 8:11hara, Snn Luu Ohi5t>O, Kem, Jnyo and Mooo. ADDITIONAL COST ITEMS: For Subshtence Al1owaDCe, Tnntportadoa mel Travel Time Allow;.n«, O vertime, Apprentice Propam ContnDutionf, lodUJtJy Promotional Fundf, Administrative Funds, Cuh Bond Depo..io, etc., CDDtM.t tt.. Local Union or It• DiJtri<:t Council havln1 jurisdiction. IUCCEJ\S and WELDERS FOR m E SIX BASIC TRADES: SAme wa.., ICalee M enltl to whkh ri11in1 and wcldinc are incidenta1. CAIPINTIU He.lth 6t Wellare-5lt per hour Penslon-651 per hour V~Uoa Savings-Holidoy-45t per hour Forem&D: Receives not leu than OOt ~r hour more than the hourly rate ol tiM! hi«hat Cal'1'f"ller classification over whk h he haa IUpoMibilit;y. u:clud1ng "PnewnaUc NaUer or Power Stapler". stt(lt 111/fl' t 11nr s11m· C.rpe-nter ---· Shmtler .... - .... $5.98 $6.58 .7 ..28 $8.13 .. 6.11 6.71 7.41 8.28 Hardwood Floor Worker . Willwriaht --------· .. . 6.18 6.78 7.48 8.33 -6.18 6.78 7.48 8.33 Saw F iler ..... 6.06 6.66 7.36 8..21 Table Power Saw e>Perator Pneumatic Nailer or l'owt·r Stapln Wood fence BuiJder on Residential 6.08 6.68 7.38 8.23 0.23 6.83 7 . .5J 8.38 Protects ................................ ----·--·· -----· 4.91 Roof Lo.lder of Shingles ................... _ ......... 4.65 Pile Driver F oreman ........................ --· ...... 6.71 Pfle Driver Man-BrldJI:e or Dock Carpenter and Cable Splicer .... . .... 6.11 Pile Driver Man-Derrick Bargcmun ....... 6.11 Head Rodulinger ........ , .. ,_.,_ ........... ---·---··· 6.21 Rocblin~tr .................. -........ --··--···--· ......... 6.07 Rock Bar,eman or Srowman ..................... 5.97 !5.51 . ..,. 7.31 6.71 6.71 6.81 6.69 6.59 6.21 o ... 8.01 7.41 7.41 1.51 7.41 7.31 7.00 6.80 8.86 .... 8.26 8.36 8.26 8.16 rrhe Union may elect 111 iu option 11pon at least sixty days· written bOtice prior to May 1 1971, 1972 11nd 1973, to allocate up to a rouunum of ten cents (lOt ) per bour'of the above lilted amounts to each or aU oi the fringe beneSt ...... Men •or\ing from a bos'n's chair, swi11~int:t $Ca!Told, or suspended from a rope or cable, ahall receive 25t per hour above the applicable joumeymau or apprentice rate. CIMIHT MASONS ALLOCATIONS-4.5C ptr hoon-5/ln l ; 45t per },our-5/ln2. 011tion to allocate a maximum of lOt out of these IUJlountJ; to eaC'h or 1111 of the fringe bt-n<'6t plans. Health &-Welfare-70t per hour Pemion-75t per hour VaeaUon-SOt per hour When three nr n10il' Cf'mrnt Mascuu are emplo)'f'd on a job, oDe Ulall be employed 1U 1 Foreman and shall receive not less than 60t per hour more th11n th~ hourly rate of the highest Cem,.nt Mason Clusifieat;on over which he has responsibility. "'"' Cement Muon Journeyman; includ!nJC but not rettrk:t(.-d to the follow· iniC: 01ippin~~:, patC'hin~~:; settit~K c:urb form and plank, settina: or linet, ataJrea 11nd ;rade'; settinl( screcds, which iDdudtt acreed pUu ; cuttin,ll, IK'Orln • and now!nt:t new concTete: pluJl&inK. tllllnl( Shee-Bolt hulet; dry packinl( (.'OJ)Ctete and EmllFo: lenclia.c material bole on slat., lonn and dtt\t: tendlna: mixer-truC'k chute, slabl, loon and decbil· bush hammering; patchin~ and 16C•ln1; roddlng. tampin£ bit we roddinJ, macblne and llmUar t~•. bull Boatin.l --·---·---· .. . ... .. .... t5.48 ~Muon (MAR'ftelite, magnetite-Terrano u.d mutk: compoaitkm. Epo.()', De•.Q.Tex) .................... ~---···--·--···----··--------------··-·-------"· ............. s.eo Cftnent MUON Ji'loatina ~ TroWflllng Maehino Opentor .. 5.73 Curb ~ Cutter Madlloe Open.tor (Otmbll oo.Jy) ...... .. Clary &-Similar Type of Screed Opentor ..... .. Crindina Machine Operator (all types) ...... .. J.cboo Vtbnlo.-y & Slm11at Type Sc:reed Operator --... $cottrlr M~ Operator .. ·--···· ··-........... ..... . ... 8 ... , >.48 >.48 .......... .5.48 Ccmertt Muons on a JWtn~~:lnl( 1ta~, bos'n'• chair, or ~ IC.Sfokt, whc4her twln~~tinjl_ or rilkl, above or be\ow ground, JhaU recaf'ft 25f: per hour owr tM applicable rtlt.. 110M WOUIIS HotJth &: Welfare---381; 4Jt ,....l/l8/'7l ,.,...,_:mw; .... ,.._1/UI/71 v-.......so. FOI'ftOU: ~ not lea than 75f per hour mont tha .. laoalt7: ,_ ol the h~ claWhdcm cwet whkh t.. ._ IUI*¥Wo& wt... two or IMN 11'011 Wod.*".are ~ 0111& llbaD lllli •luAu! br tM ~ to lid u l'o,....._ Jl • 'ordlll .IJOII w-. -------. """' " .. _..... ...., w-_ ............. -·-· .. ___ .......... T.31 Ul CJI ., ... ,vort.---..... .. .................... .. ~·--------------" 7.31t .... r .. ~ ...... -..... -... ..:__ .... 1.11 ,_. UGAL IIOTICI LION. ICITICI LIGAI. MOTICI I.IGAL MOTICI Blotter LAIOIII:I Hooltll f< Wolt.....IU poo boor, -1011/70: ~111l1 sa.-6/VII; lll<-ll!tn3 ~-... hour, IIOf-10/1/10: IS.-1/lnt; I1.1G-li/111S: 11.:15-4/lrr.J V~ct.tioD--2-U pu hom; 301-8/1n1; 31f-1/l/13 Poret:a&Al Noc )ell thaa 501 pe-r hour mon tbu the llout\y .,. .. ,.., of the IUtbnt d aailca&o oYeT wbk:ll be bM ~tp. on"" ~~~: .. ~~--~--"-155 A.phalt Shov-eler .................... 4.K!Ii 8'-terl Powderman-all woric: of loadln• hole~ pladnt ud blu tlnr of ail i>owder •nd expl01iva of whatnoer type, reprdleu of method uted fot •ucb lo.dic& and ...................................... 4.900 Buu:ymobtle Mao ......... Cement Dumper (on 1 Yllfd or 4..755 lar!fer mh~:er and baftdlin1 bulk cemeot) -------------·---· 4.755 Cdspool Dlger and Installer.. 4.725 C!aucltte-oder ............ ........ .. •.. 4.895 CJeaninK and Handlin.~~; of Pa.Dtl FonnJ .................. -· 4.:545 Coocrete Core Cutter, Crind- er or Sander ........ ---······ ..... 4.755 Conc:rete Curer -[mperv!OUI Membrane ~tnd Form Oller.. 4.7l5 Coocrete Saw M•n. CuttinR, Sc:orina Old or New Coo- crete ................................. 4.755 Concrete Scn~edinll for RouJlh Strike Off (In accordance with Memorandum of Un- dentandina: with Cement Muons dated 7/19/48J ..... 4.5415 Concrete, Water Curing ....... 4.545 Crihher, Shorer. Laa:jl in«, aheetimt. and trench brac:- "'"" KIIOII .... 4..605 .f.TT!S 4.745 4.605 4.785 4.605 4 .... 4 .... '"'" 5.4.55• 5.505 5.205 5.205 5.175 5.1 45 ..... '-25!! ..... fU9S 5.00 5 . .306• 5.355 5.l8S 5.306• 5.355 4 .... 4 .... 0.00 ..... """ 11.705 5.705 5.675 ..... 5.(95 0.605 ...... •. ..,. 5.(95 5.495 I """ 8.155 8.15:5 8.125 6.0011 . ..... 6.W 6.135 ...... ...... 0.94> lnst, hand-a:uided lall(inl hammer ...... -· .... .. ..... 4.00S 4 .... 5.45,5• s.sos 6.005% CuttlnR Totc:h (Demolition) .. Operato r Demolition Laborer the deanina of brick 1nJ. lum- ber ....... .. Orill~r: All power drills, ,..-.;. cludin( Ja c:k·hlmme r, whethe r C'o re, diamond, wa f~:OD, trnck, mul tiple unit, and any iin.-11111 oth~r typef of meciJaoical drl\ls with- out reseanl to the fonn of rnotive powt'r and l'!ll:clud- ina only that work other- 4 .... 4.!545 ..... 0.00> 0.!545 o .... ..... 4 .... 0.04.5 5.49.5 5.945 wise awarded in the Mem- orandum of Understanding between L1horen and Op- emtinst Engineers dated ln Miami. Florida, 2/3/54 ... $4.995 $5.045 .5.545' $5.595 $6.145• S6.59!5 Driller, JaC'khammer, 2111 ft. drill steel or longer ............ 4.8J5 Dry PacJri nst of Concrf!te, Plu~tstinst, Filhnl( vf Shcl'!· Bolt Holes .......................... 4.M:S Fine Crader, lllghway and ~~r~et Pavlnjt, Airporll, a...a)'t. aad Jilaii&r type heavy CI)QStN«ian -----·-·--- Fire Watcher, Limbers, Brlllh Loaders, Pilen: and Debris Handlers ...... -------------·---·-- 4 ..... 4 .... flag:m:tn ...... ----------·---·-,. .... 4.545 Cas &:-Oil Pipeline LAhort:r .. 4.545 Cu & 0 1l Pipt-lioe Wrapper- Pot Tender am.! Fonn Man .. 4.75.5 Cas & Oil Pipeline Wrappe-r- 6 inch pll>fl and over ........ 4.885 Cuir~ea Chaser ..... Head Rock Slinger .. ----·--------5.065 Impact WrtllC'h, Multi-Plate . 4.755 Kettlemen, Potmen and men applyinK uphalt, l11y-kold1 creosol~. lime caustic ana Jimilar type ntRteria[s r·ap-- p\yinst" meam applylnjt, dippina: brushma:, or han- d!inst ol such materials for pipe wrappina and water- proofing) ............................ 4.885 Laborer, General or Construe- lion ______ ,_,: ................. ---···--4.545 Laborer, Tempon.ry Wa~r 6t Air Lines ............................. 4.545 Laborrr Packir~g Rod Steel lr P11ns _, .................................... 4.1f1 Landscape Canl~ner &-Nur- sery M ~n (h1.1 knowledl(t of plant material• and how to plant them. Lays out ..... ..... 4 ..... 4 .... ..... 4 .... ~""' 4.93> 4.1f15 5.115 4.805 ...... 4 .... 4 .... 4.72 5.385· 5 . .(35 4.995 0.09!5 4.995 4.995 4.995 5.205 5.335 5.145 ...... 5.045 ..... ..... 5.38:> 5.175. 5.225 5.515 ..... 5.305• 5.35.5 0.335 ··= 4 .... 5.045 4 .... 0.00 5.12 5.17 ..... 5.495 >.595 5.495 S.-495 5.495 5.705 5.835 5.6'15 6.015 5.6M 5.835 5.495 5.495 5.62 6.335 5.945 6.00 0.94> 5.945 5.94!5 6.155 6.28S 6.125 6.46!5 ··= 6 ..... 5JJ.t5 5.94!5 6.07 r.lant arranll:~menb to fol- ow the landsc•pe plan) .... 14.645 $-UIM t$.095 $5.143 15.!59.5 $6.045 Material HOKman (Walb, Slabs, Floon and Decll) .... .(_.sc;: Mi•u-Trud:; Chute Man (W•IIs, Slabs. Decks1 F\oon , Foundations lnd :-~~~~~-~--~~~~--~--4-~ Operator of Pnc-wnaUc, Cu. Electric Tools, Vibn.tinjl MaC'hinet 6t limilar ~ chankal tool• not sepa- rately class!Bed herein ........ 4.m Pipelayn-perfonnlnt; 111 It,._ k:el tn the layiDJI: 6: instal· lation of pipe f-rom the ~{nt of ft<::'eivtn~~: pipe ill the ditch until oompletloa or operat~ IDclndinJII any and all fonns or tubular material wMther pipe, me- tallic or DOMtetallk; roo- dun, and any other •tkJo- ary type of tubu.ko r deYtce ,lJI'!'d for the t:oftveyin• ol •"Y l\1bataaoe or eJ.emeDI whi!!thet water, JeWaJ(e. tolid, •a•, air, or other product whattoPYft' and without T"tPrd to .......... ture of material from whim the tubular ~n&tett&l • fab- ricated ~---------·---------..ass Ptpe .... ,....., 8ckup Meo. t!Oitinl, _.-ovttnr. .,...faa "-loin"· walmo. "'ulkmo. -*~· • tnd.tm. tvb-................... -net u y a.t .U otMr .,._. lett --~----------4..135 .,_,.,. <:co<.-v-~· 10 ....,... ...... ..... 4.605 .'""-' •roo• s ..... n 11-1) -----.. 'IIIII ..... ...,.bik:t*d M•t ah Ia-- 4 .... ..,., 5.495 5.94!5 ..... 0.04.5 5.4.9-5 5.945 5.3()5• 5.-3$5 0 ..... 5.7M 11.1105 1.1:511 1.0011 U.IOIIRS tCa "luall IUUfnl and SipNll .. ··--·--4..lWIS Rlprap Stonepa""'• pllda1 1tone or wet ..cbd co. ~ ----···-··-------·--··--· 4.131S ""'" 4.5116 ''"" ''"" 5.405 • MONDAY, MA1l1 5.085 Rock Silo.., .... -....... -M.IIOII •. 785 .. .85!! ..... 5.045 4.785 ...... 5.18$ tii.I.!Sll U 05 5...0 IUSIS ..... tll.301! .... 75!! 8.135 ...... 8.J:RS 0.395 8.135 5 .... G&r7 Davie w.-, 10, o1 112-B 31110 st., Woot K-wu arr .. ed at 1!:10 p.IJ'I. II tbe poUei staUoa oo a cbarfl ol paUy lllell • . • ....... nloodat $10 was_....., a car .. """"" lo,.,._Coot of 215 ()QyJ A.-e., Bllboa ts~ laDd, wbUe lt na par ted at Penoey's puiWlc lot, Fub1oll (ala.DCS, a.t S:40 p.m •• , • Ciotti· Lac n loed at $35 was stoleo from a ar btlOqlng to Pat- rtcla Domeeq or 3!8 Prospect Ave •• Newport Shores, W"hile It n s parked at her residence durtnc ttl~ night . • • An a..ao stereo valued at $50 wu stol- en trom a car be1ooctn& t.o David P. Myers, 204 Coral Ave., Balboa. Island,_ wtUJe 11 was parked at hls residence during the nigtlt , , , A tur coat valoed at $300 was bUrg- larll.ed trom the Donna Marl~ Battoclettl residence, 310-/2 Marine Ave., Balboa Is land, between Ma y 15 and 17 , • , Buslness machines valued at $1445 were burglarlz.ed from Uni versal Systems, 3100 New- port Btvd., West Newport, be. tween May 15 and 17. &to Sc:r-.per ad TOJa --4.1SS s..odbl"*'r (Noat.Mn> --··-4.WIS Sudbluter (Pot Teoderl ---· 4.735 ...... __ .. ______ ... ~~~~-~ ..... 95 Sltp Form Raiaetl ....... .... --4.U:S Steel H~ Mu ac: ' CukkliM 5ctteT ---·--4!i1 .., .. 4,,... 5.02 0.42 5.15<1 ..... 5.!30 5.000 5.19.'5 0.04.5 5.47 5.7015 ...... 5.08:1 ..... 0.92 0.09!5 0.94> 0.37 Tun~ Barko, w .ebr &-olmllu typo __ ................... 4.m Tank Scaler &: Cleaner .......... tAT Tannen and Mortannal'l .. ---4..595 Tree Climbet-, Faller, Cbala 4.605 4.72 ..... 5.355 t 5.805 5.17 15,82 5.09S s.:s-t5 o.w ...,, 0.995 Saw Open tof, Pittsbut&b ~~Sh~m·i-~~~--~:-~. 4.755 Trenchlnll Machlae, Hand Propelled ----------------·-·-----4.75$ U~rC La~~~-~-~-.(.675 Watchman -·-·-·----·-·--------------3.885 Weldtn~t in coaoeetiOD with Laboren' work -------·--·------·· 4.855 Window CluDer 4..545 4.605 4.605 4.72.5 3.Y3.5 4.905 ..... 5.205 0.205 !5.12.5 4.335 5.405• 4 .... ..... ·= 5.175 4.385 5.4-5!5 0.045 5.705 5.705 0.62!5 4.835 6.1!55 6.15!5 6.a7!5 0.285 6.oos• 6.455 •loodie-teo.,. up.,.dilla ol lOt' peo-!lour .eo.,. tlw .....,.w ~>CJOII•t.d incftuo<, tlndk:lot" • ., ~p.,-.dlna olllot per.....,_, abov" the ....,,..1 nesutlot.-1. ID.,..ue. t tndiOIJ:• an u-p.,.dina ol S# ""' "-oar •bo-o-• the ....,...-~ ...,..,u.t..S in---. TUHNIL CLASSIFICATIONS Health & Welfare---2-S t ; 3St-10/l/70 Pension-3Sf; eo•-10/1170 Vacation-25f: NOTE: Seven consecutive houn, e•ludin~~: meal period to he~tan at 7 00. 7.30, or 8:00a.m. 1hall c-onstitute a rr,11ular day's •or'k for wh1'h e1s;:ht t1me5 the srtaiR"ht-tlme hourly r.te lhall be pajd oa all shifts. Sm11lt' shJ1 pn:mium lhall not apply on tunnels leu than 200 feet. The d anification "ShiftrrH r~ives JS t per hour dUfrn!nt1al o-.-er thr highest d a.uifiu tion over which he bas leaden.h1p. Batch Pl•nt Labo"'r ---··-------·------Biuter, Driller, Powdennan Bull C.ng f"orem<~n ---· ......... . Bull Gang Muc.-ker, Trac kman Chan~~:ehouseman --------- Chemical Crout Jetrnan Cherry Pic::kenn~n ...... Chud.tender, C.b!etender . Concrete C~w. tncludes Rodden & Spll'.utlf· Diamond Drill~r -------------Dumpman ............... .. Dumpman, Ouu ide Crout Cunm11n Cr"llt Pumpman Hdper for Strel Form Ra1se r tr Setter 1Nnte; H~IJM'r fnr St~l f orm Rai~r & Sett~r may be uwd on a one-fnr-rl" basis w1th the Steel Fonn Ra!Jer or Setter) Jackleg MiM"r .... ------·-· j umho Man Kempf'r tr Other Pnrumatte: Concrete Plaa-r Upl:-rottur ~tin1·r-T•mnel (hand or m.ehine) Nipper -------------···-------.. Powdennan-Primer Bouse ·-·-·-· Pnmer Man .. Shd't a-nd Ra~~e MiDn -------- Shotcrete Man ................. .. Steel Fonn ~r and Setter . . Swamper (Brakeman 6: Switchman on Tunnel Wor!..) Timberman, Retlmbc-rman-wood or Jterl --------·--. Tool t.tan .............................. . Tunnel Concrrle Finisher .. Tunnel !>.bterials HandllnR Man -------· .. Vibratonn;an, Jack 1-iammf'r, Pnewnahc Tools (ex.cept dn!JerJ OPU.ATIHG IHGIHllRS Thr fcl\l('>wmv: n~t:ntintf'd inc-n-urs t-Il' to he allocaU:d: SSt -7/1'71 85«-7/t/n. Hea!th & \\'clfarr---45« per hour Pcnston-SOt per bour \-.u:~tlon-llnliday Fund-.lOc per hom Fon-man SOt per hnur O>'!'r the ra tf' nf thr hl.dtest JUid ~upt'JVlliOn. C ROUP 1 ..... Bnk~an r .(lmpreuor Oper:ator Deck Hand Enl(ioe-er Oiler Ge-nerator Operator Hn.vy Duty Rep;airman Hei()C'r Pump Operator Sip alman Switchman GROUP 2 .. Buildin~t: Construction l nJpector Concrete Mixer Operator. Skap T)lJf' . Conveyor Operator Fimnan 1/ltrl 11/!nl S6 13 $5 ':'8 6,38 6 OJ . 6.38 603 6 13 5 78 6 13 5 78 638 60J 6.38 603 6;!.] ,o;. R8 6 13 5 78 663 6 28 613 !578 6 .13 5-:'8 6 :vi G OJ 6.38 6.0.1 023 -6.l8 -6.38 638 6.38 6.23 . 6.JS 638 6.113 . 638 . e 38 . 0.13 ... 6 . .18 . 8.13 . 6 . .38 .. 0.13 ... 6.~1 . ... 6 03 6,03 603 603 .... 603 6.03 6.23 603 6.03 >78 603 5 78 603 5.78 .... J '1 .,, $6.03 Generator, Pump or ComprMSOr (2--S indusive) Portal Unib----o-ou 5 units, lOt ptr hour for each additional unit to nine units: tatlc Pump ()per:~tor Crusher (Asphalt or Coucn:te Pfantl Plant Operator, Ccaen.torf Pump or Compressor Rotary Drill Helper (oil&e d) SkipiCNO<:kr-Whee-l t)>"pe up to % yd. withnut attachnM-nt Soils FM:Jd Teehniclan Tar Pot Fireman Temporary HeatinJI: P1ant ~rator Trenchinl MaC'hiDe Oller Truck Cnne OileT CROUP 3 ...... ~651 • TUESDAY, M AY 18 KLU't Herrmann, 18, of 1352 W. Balboa Blvd., Balboa, was arrested at 11:50 p.m. at hls residence on a charge of pos- session of marijuana; also ar- r ested on the same cfla.rge were: Edward Allen Labate, 25, and Jerald Michae l Willis, 25, both of the Sil.me address ; James Richard Petty, 28, ot the same address; Marsna AM Ward, 18, of 2632 Fairwa)' Dr ., Costa Mesa, and Russell O'Neal Cra- ver , 28, or 211 Danll.a, Corona del Mat , . , GreKor y Robert Marek, 21, of 1334 w. Balboa Blvd., Balboa, was arrested at ll p.m. at his residence on a char ge ot cu!Uvaling m1rljuatla , , , A bicyc le valued at $60 was bur gtuh.ed ttom a garage at the David K. Buttis resi- dence, Z23 Grand Canal, bal- boa tsla.nd, during the night , • - A bicycle valued at 420 was bur glarized from a guage at Ule Joh.n Bromley residence, 2015 Seadrift, Lrvlne Terrace, between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. April 31 , • , A televis ion set valued at $329 was burg- larized !rom the Rehbock Lew- is residence, 1401 Bayside Dr ., Newport Beach, between 2 and 7 p,m .. May 18 . . • WEDNESDAY , MAY 19 Daniel Louis Schwandt, ZO, of 838 Sonora Rd., Costa Mesa, was arrested at 1:30 p.m. at the Newport Pier , on a charge of burglary ..• William Dex- tu Heitz, 18, of 202 34th Sr., West Newpor t, was arrested at his residence on a charge of possession of marijuana •.• Vlrgli\U Gea-ry Torres, 39, of 214 Crystal Ave., Balboa Is land, wa s arrested at 9:45 a.m. at Ba lboa and Abalone on a charge of possession of dangerous drugs; a lso arreste<: .-as Henry Torres, same ad- dress , on a charge of contrib- uting to t he deUnquency of a minor _ , , Wynrwll Ernest Jr .. 45, of 266 1 Ba 1sh0re Dr., Bay Shores, wa s J.rrested at 2:20 •.m. at tt1e pollee sta.- tion, on a charge of assault on a police otnrer . _ . A purse vaiiJed at $-49 was stolen !rom a c:u belonpng to Ann (.Ham- Ill, 612 Hil-ranar, West New- port Heights, while II was park- ed at Channel PI,, and E. Ocean Ft., Balboa., between noon a.nd 12:30 p.m. May 16 .. , Stereo equipment alld a radio va.lued at $75 wer e burglarized from the JIU Eileen Johnson r esi- dence, 5205 River Ave., West ~ewport, betW'et>tl 2 and -4:45 p.m .... Sporting goods valued a\ S1 74 were burgl.a.r lzed Ctom the Stacy Morgan residence, SO l Carnation, Corona del Mar. dur ing the nlgllt .. , A tel€'- 'lslon set valued at $1 00 ""'as burglarized from tht Lr-avel- lodge Motel, 6208 W. C a:~.st H•'J ., West NeWf,lOrt, between May IS 1nd 19. • THURSDA Y, MA'' 20 Harmon Lester Moore, 43, of mooring F .27, Central New· port, was arrested at 19th and w, Bay st., Central New-port, at 9:10 p.m . on a charp of child endangertnc •• , Dtane Warle Yates, 40, of 171! Hieb - ll.nd Dr., Harbor tu,tllaDcls, WI.S a.rrested at 8 p.m. a1 Sln- d&CO Dr. aoo HoltdaJ, on a char.. of drtvlna: whUe Wider ttlt bllllt"aet of 1-lcohol &ad dnp . • .• Wart:ill Borlto, t I, o< 101-C ~-)0. lrvloe, ... arrdtd at tO:SO a.m. at tM poUce Jtattoa a. a clllrp: ol peUJ-tbtJI ••• lAU V•-Otw.., .lr .. 12, ol U0-8 4PO- Cido, eo.ea Me-. ,., ar- ...-al 1:15 ..... al ..... port Bml. Ulll VIa Uolo • a ........ ---··-··· .. ··-· .... 1 .-.. .,,_.._ .. ..... llc --.... ,...., ... ••*-....... .u..t • "' ---0...1&1 ............................ III.Jlf ......... ll ... ,...,..._ .. __ . ... , .. -·-· .. -c.-. I II • .. ,. Ult-. Lilt-........... I W"l iiii1ICII LHALMOTICI LIGAI. MOTICI LIIIAL MOTICI ~flii'OIIT HARIIOtt ENI!Jf SECOIID SEt'nOII --Ptwo 4 , ... PIICI .. Itl PAl.) _....,.. •••n tcr s' • u ,,.,. 0 I 1:.,..,1. OJ; 11 (c...J-.d...,t:Jpt) ~";iktt~::., ="'E~(Iocl .... _wollo) ~ OS •<• ~--> --~ ~ 11> ............. -Opor...,(omw ..... .,_, ,.., rnt •• w..-Tood 0oon1oo W-1.-.-1 Full Slob V-W.cl.aal Bmn, curb or pu.r (;>cooo;,.,,,. ... t• or uphalt) ~ Fiailbe:r Opentor (oooc~Jo.b.olt·.Bktwell or ........ , Pll......at Bred:11r Operator (truck mounted, 0Qe,..J0W'Q8)'1Da!l-tn!Dee Uod) a:.l'oo "'..,. Mochlbe 0poro ... ...,.... """""' (uohalt .. llnim) Rubber 'l1red Eartft Movtor Equfpmeat (•JDP en,me, up 110 aDd trt-c:I~Miint: ~ yd. •truck) Sell-Propelled Tu Plpelloina Machine Opentot SlJp Fonn Pl.l,mp Operator (power.-driveD hydraulic llfttDc device for ooocrete fonns) T\lper Hoist ( 1 drum) Tunnel Locomotive Operator (over 10 aDd u11 to ud iDcludma JO lonl) SUnaer Crane (AUJtlo·Wettem or 1imilar type) Sldploadet Operator (Crawler aDd Wheel Type over *' yd. lllld up to aDd including 1 'I\ )'(is.) Tractor Operator-Bulldozer, Tamper Scnoper (11t11le engine, up to 100 h.p., ftywbeel and aimll~r typs, up to and including 0 ·5 and aimilar typel) Welder-Oencnal CROUP 6 .................. . Asphalt or Concrete Spreading Operator (tamping or &nishlog) "Asphalt Pavlng Machine Operator (Buber Creeu or almilu type-- .2 acreedmen required) BHL Uma Road Pactor, Wagner factor or slmilu, Operator Brida;e Crane Operator Cut in Place Pipe Laying Machine Ooerator Combination Mixer and Compressor Operator (Gunfte Work) Concrete Pump Operator (truck mounted) Oiler required Concrete Mixer Operator-Paving (Oiler or Journeyman-trainee required) Crane Operator (up to and including 2.5 ton eap,acity) (Oiler or Journey- man-trainee required) (Long Boom pay applicable) Crushing Plant Operator (Oiler or Joumeyrnan-tr.tinee required) (Where commercial power II oot wed, no Jeu than one 1enerator operator iJ required) Drill Doctor ElevatinJI Crader Operator Forklift Operator (over 5 tons) Crade Checker C radall Operv.tor (Oiler or Joumeyrnao-tTainee required) Grouting Machine Operator Headln11 ShieiJ Operator Hca\')' Duty Repainnan Hoist Operator (Chicn11o Boom and similar typt.o) Kolmnn Belt Loader and similar type (Oiler or Journeyman-trainee rf'quired) I...t-Toumt>au Blob Compactor nr similar type Lift Slab Mad1ine Operntor (\'agtburg and 1imilar types) Lift Mobile Operator tOiler nr Joume)•man-trinee required) Loader Operator (Athey, F.uclid, Sierra nnd similar type-Oiler or Joumrymnn-train~ requir('d) Materinl !--Joist 0pt"rnl or M uddn~t Madune O~rator lilt )'•!.-Oiler or Joumeyman-tniDee re- quirctl-n!bbcr-tired rail or track type) Pneumatic Concrete Placing Mal·hine Operator (Hackley·Preuwell or similar type) Pneumatic Hearli n~t Shield (tunnel) PumpcrPte Gun Operator Rot:~ry Drill Operator (excluding Caisson type) (Oiler or Journeyman- trainee required) Rubhfo r-Tired Earth Movincr: Equipment Oot-rator (sin~~:le engine-Catcr- pillnr, Euclid, A!!wy Wa ~~:nn, and $imilar type$ with any and all attat·hments over 25 yds. and up to and includin~~: SO cu. yds. struek) Ruhbf.>r-Tirf'd Sc rapN Operator (self-lnadin11:-Paddle wheel type--John Deer!". 1040 an•l similar sin11:le unit) Skiplnacler ()per.~tflr (Crawlt>r :~nd Wheel type-over I\>\ yds., up to and incl urlmll: 6~ yds.) Surfnce Heaters nnrl Planer Operators Ruhht-r.Tirrd Earth ~lnvinq Equipment Operator, multiple engine 'IP tn nnrl induJm!l ::?.5 yds. ltmck) Trl!'nchmlt ~hch inc Operator (over 6ft. clepth capacity. manulacturen ratml!) !Oiler or Jnuml!'}ma n-traince requi red) Tower \.rane 0pt"talor ftwn Operaton rl!'q uired at all times) Tractor Compressor Drill Combination Operator T ractor Opo:-rt~.tnr (any type larger than 0 -5--100 Flywheel h.p. and over. or similar) (Bull Dozer, Tamper, Scraper and Push Tnctor, sin!llt> enl!ine) T ractor Operator (Boom attachments) Travelintt Pipe Wn ppmp:, Clt>anmiZ and Bt>ndinll Machine Operator TnnMl L<)Comntive Opcrutor (O\"t>r 30 ton) Sh rwt>l , Bacl hrw-. Drnl(line, Clam§hell Openltor, over ~ yd. and up to 5 cu. yd. ~I A C 1 (Oiler In Jnume)'lllan-tninee required) (Loot Boom pay applicable) . .. 1491 CROt'P 7 ·-..... .. ....................................... $7.01 Cr;~ne Operl\tor-Ovn 25 tnn up ro and tncluding 100 tons (Long Boom pa v anphcable) (Oiler. j oumeyman-traLnt:e or two operators re- q LurerH Derml Bar~!:~ Oprrator (Lnncr: 13oom pay flpplicable) On~! Drum \ln•·r !Ollf'r nr !nn rn,.yman-train~e rl!quired) Mronnfflll Locmnntov!.' OpN.llnr rDiese!, ~~:as or electric) \lhtf>T Patrnl-fl1 :1dr Operator lsi n11le rn~~:ine) ,\l nl11plc Fn:!:ne Trat tor Operator (Euclid and similar type, ezcept: Qun-1 C) Cat) Pnrr y Clw:•f Rul >ht•r·Tilrd Earth '-lovinK Equipmerit Operator, single engine over fifty 1501 yd~. ~ln1ck Auhbrr-T1Tf'•l Earth ~lnvin~:t Equipment Operator (Multiple cnl(ine. Euclirl. Catrrp1l!a r and Similar) lOver 25 yds. and up to 50 cu. yds. strulkl T ractor Loader 0p('rator (Crawler and wheel type over 6\>\ yds.) Tower Crana Repairman Shovel. Backhoe, Dra~~:line, Clamshell Operator (over 5 cu. yd., M.R.C.) (Oiler or Jnumeyman-trv.inee required) (Lon~~: Boom pay applicable) Welder-~rtifted Woods Mixer Operator and similar Pui13Tilll Equipment Heavy Duty Repairman-Wt>lder combination CROUP 8 Auto Crader Operator (2 Crade Ch«lle~ and 1 additional employ~ required) Automatic Slip Fonn Operator (Crade Checker, Screedman, Oiler ('r joumeymnn-trainee required) Crane Operator-ever 100 toru (Oiler, Joomeyrnan-tnJnee or two (.2) operators required) ll..on11 Boom pay appUcable) Hoist Operator. Stiff Legs, Cuy Derric!U or similar types (capable of hoistin11 100 tont or more) (Oiler or Joumeyman-tr•lnee required) Mass Excavator Openotor (2 operaton ana otler or Joume)'Dla.D-tn.inee required/ Mech11nica Finishin.c Machine Operator Mobile Fonn Traveler Operator Motor Patrol Openotor (Multl-ent[ine) Pipe Mohile Machine Operator f2 opera! on required) Rubbcr-Tlrt>d Earth Mnvinll Equipment Ooerator (multiple aalfor., ' Euclid, Caterpi1111r and sim ilar type nvcr 50 cu. yds . .rtTuc.k) Ruhber-Tircd Self Loadin11: Scraper Operator (Paddle Wbeei-Aup:r type self-loaclin~~:-2 or more unlb) RuhhPr-Tirffl Scraper ()pentor-pushin~~: one another Puah Cat. Pulh- Pull (.50t per hour additional to bue rate) Tandm-. Equipment Operator (2 unlb only) T1nd1m Tractor Oper1tor (Quad 9 or •imilar type) Tunnel Mole 8orinJ Machiae Operator $7 ],0:, CROUP 9 ···-·-·-······· ·-· .............................. t7.60 Canal Liner Operator (not lesa than 4 employees: Opentor, Oiler, Welder-Mechanic, Grade Checker required) Ca.naJ Trimmer Operator (Operator, Oiler and two other emp~ cavered by thil agreeme:Dt required) HeUcopter Pilot Hithllne Cableway Operator Remote Controlled Earth Movtq Equipment Openotor (DO ODI!I Open.tor ahall Dpente more than t'Wo (2) pie«~ of earth moviDI 4quipNet at one Ume) (11.00 per hour additional to bue rate) Wheel £•cavat0f Operator (over 750 cu. yd.. per hour-2 Open~ton and 1 Oiler 01' JourtJe)'DMD-tnlnee and 2 Heavy O..ty R.palrmu .-qtdred) TIAMSTIIIS HWIII II< W-per..._ hJQ• 454! PIT bou.r v .......... Holidoy IWod-55f ... - ' ... _ FONIMo: Wbm a CoDtnletor emp\o)'J Ott b ~ 8 Of 1D0111 T rtt 1 TIAMITIU' .. (COMTIMUID) et.AZIII 1-1·7'0 &l • .s., -···-·~··--.. -· .... -..... $1.0) , operatina oqWpmeDt urider the ~. of the TuMt1 it •· clud.loa. l.ny eq~t '-thu &Ia toot ud ..tat r m 41q..ap.. mnt. the Conu.ctol' sballo.Jp,aw 01111 T--aer • entt r- ood he dWl ......., 35' ,.. """' .,... thaa lbo hJPoot T-cta.ilctdoD OYtt whkb be il Fo~ !..admen -·------···-•-..... _)5 1b0111• Jour,.yman ScaUoldl'l, Oliff' "!h fiO.:)t ~· .. ~... .SO per l!r. ebov. JOiolf'M'f"''" Hae!th • elfer• ~-·-··-···-·· .. -.JO .,,. A·Fr&IOII or SwedJah Crane or •JmOa.r type eq,ll(pme:ot driver -···-··············M.135 ........ ······-·---···········-··············-··-···················-·-······-····---····-··-·-II.J3 Ceaxat Diltributor Truck ···-·····--················-··-·····-···········--·-················· &J3 ,,,..;Oft pt,ft --··· . ' • • ,)() Vac:atiOft I HO:rday ··--· __ . 10'% Apptantlc•,hlp Trutf ---··-.... JH LATHEI fOII:AH&I COUNTY AliA) 10.1·70 Lather -·-·· .................... _ .. ___ $7,)2 Drivu of Dump Truck of 1m tha.a: 4 yard. water level .' .............................................. -·-···--········· .. ·-·-···-·· 5.05 F!Yem•n ................ ·-·-··-···· ··-_ 10,.. aboYa th• Jour1'141'f"'lll'l role ' yardl but 11!11 than 8 yarcb water leW!I ......................................... _ 5.08 8 ya.rcb but leu than 12 yard. wtlte:r leW) -··-·····--·························· 5.13 12 yards but leu than 16 yard. water lnel ·-············•······-················· 5.21 16 yarcb but leu than 2.5 yardl Willet level ....................•................... 5.43 25 yarcb but le. than 40 yards water level ················-···--·················· 5.8G to yan;b or more water level (tins:le unit or oomblnatlon Driver of Ta:u::~~C:I PaYi~~rc.pa~itY;···· .. ··································· ·········· 6,015 H••lih & W•lf.,, .. _..................... .JS PantiOft Plan •··-·············-· .. -·· .... .50 v.c.tion 1'1an ... -.. -........ -·-·-.. .so T red• Promotion -·--·--········-··· .QI Apprantice~hi p Treini"9 -·-···-.. Jll LATHER llON6 tEACH AIEAJ 10-1.70 L•th ar ......... ·-···-·-··---········-· .•. $6.77 Lc!:u than 6 tons• ·····················-······················-·-···-····························· 5.05 6 tons to 10 tons ·····-····--···· ............ . .........•.•.................................. 5.08 Foraman . ·-···-·-··-··-·-··---·-····· .J75 per hr. •bov• Journ•ym en 10 tons to US ton~ ···-~······-·-···· ............................................................. 5.13 15 ION to 20 Ions ·······-·············-······ .. ·················································· 5.il 20 tons or more ···········-···· ..................................................................... 5.43 Driver If. Dumpster or Dumpster Truck .... .. ·························-·····-.·········· 5.43 Driver of Road Oil Spreader Truck ................................... _ ..................... 5..23 Driver o£ Transit-Mi.l Truck-under 3 yar<b ............................................ 5.19 Driver o£ Transit-Mi. Truck-3 yards or more .......................................... 5.43 Dumpcrete Truck leas than 6\>\. yarciJ water level ··············-······· ............... 5.29 Dumpcrete Truck, 6\;. yards water level and over ......... _ ........................... 5,43 OW 10 and OW .2{1 Euclid-type Equipment, LeTourneau Pulls, Terra Cobru and aimilar types of equipment; also PB aod aimil•r type trucka when perfonninfC work within the Teamster juri-.dictioo :!\!1'~kof~J:: -~~--~-~~~hm~-~~ .. ~.~~--~-~~n··~-~~-~-~~-·~-~-~-~~--~~~ ... . Fork Lilt Driver ..... ........ . ................................................................. . Fuel Truck ·--··········'" ...... _ .............. ······················-··············-···················· 6.615 S.735 . .., PiDdioe and Uti.lity Working Tn.1rk Driver includin1( Winch Truck, "hut limited to trucks applicable to pipeline and utility work, where a compoaite crew ill used .......................... ·-......................................... 5.23 Rou Canier Driver-Highway .................................................................... 5.73.5 Tnoffic-Control Pilot Car, c:~~:cludina; moving heavy equipment, permit loaW ····························-··························· ···················-·····-··········· 5.05 T~ktj~~::; :~v/~~rr:h ~~Fdia~0c~~r)~~!.'.~~.1 ... -:h.~-~-~-~-~~~··-· s.38 Truck Mounted Power Broom ..... ,. .................. 5.11 Truck Repainnan ................ .............. .............. 6.015 Truck Repairman Helper ... . ....................................................... 5.~ Truck Repairman-Welder .... . .................................. -......... . ............. 6.115 Warehou5e1Tian and T eAmster .... ..... . ........................................ 4.97 Warehouseman-Clerk -················-································································· 5.11 Water or Tan!.;-Type Truck Drivrr-under 2500 ~~:allons ............. 5.11 Water or TAnk-Type Trude Driver-2500 galloru to 4000 ~~:allon5 ..... 5.23 Wain or Tank-Type TnH~k Driver-4000 gallons and over ...................... 5.35 Welder ······································-· ................... ····················-··········-··-······· 6.01.5 W ineh Truck Driver-12'ht per hour additional when operating power winch, or similar special attachments. 1970 Sub-Trades HOURLY WAGE RATES OF NOVEMIER BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION TRADES UNIONS Building and Construction Trades Council of Orange County AFL-C IO S1nl1 Ant, C.liforni• ADDITIONAL COST ITE MS: F.::r S Ybsi1ta~ce Ailowe nc.. Tron1porto!io~ o ~d Travel Time All o..,.a nc e. Apprentico Program Con lri b~I•Ml. ole., contact tho Loco l Union or it1 Oi1trict Council hoving 1uri1di ction. RIGGERS I WELDERS: Some .. ago see'• 01 croftt to which they are oncodento l. ASBESTOS General Foreme n .50 .,bove J.M. F orem o~ .25 above Jowrneymen AibeiiOI Wor~111 Health & Welfa•e 1-1-71 Heelth & W•lf•r• -··-···-. .. .• Pent.ion Plen .... ... . •.. . . ., .. , .. v.cetion Plan -·· -· Trade Promr-lion ···-·--...... _ ·-·· Apprenlice1hip Tre1n;n9 _ . MAUlE MASONS #24 Marbla Setter .................•........... Heolth & Wolf••• ................... . Pan~ion ...................................... , .. Vocation .............................. . ·" .50 .50 .00 .OJ 1-1-70 $6.015 .1 .. 5 .25 .JO H•elih & W•lfate lnsur•ne• .04 [deducted from w•ge•) MAitllE HEl,ERS #11 Ma rbla Helper~ . ····-·············· .. 6-1-10 6-1·11 $4.715 $5.005 l ila ln~urence ···········-····· ...... . . l 45 [employ•• P•Y' .04 ) R•tir•m•nl ........................... . .14 .40 Voc•Tion .............................. . ,)0 .)0 Oi1ability ....... . ............... . .10 .10 Chridmes Savings ......... .. .15 .. w PAINTElS 7·1·70 Foremen (4 men or !an) .. Foreman (5 men or more) ........... . .50 •bove Journ•ymen .75 •bov• Journeymen Bru1h ...................... -·······-···· Br~s~. Swin 9 Sto9• ............. . Iron. Steel & Bridga ............. . Iron, Sleel & Bridge. Swing Stege Iron. Staal & Bridga Sproy ........ .. Iron. S1,.1 & Bridge Spray Swing Stag& .............•..•...... Sandbluter ........ .. Sandblaster Swing Sta')!l Pt~intar, Burner . ·-·-·. Pap<~rhengtr -······ Sheet Rod Toper ··-···-.............. . Sh oat Rod (U•ing Batoo~er) Sheet Rod [ U1ing Slim Bo•) Steeplejad Wor ler Joyrneyman Spray . Journ•ymen Spr•y. s ... ;,.g Stage .. Ri9<}1t1 Climbing Steal . .. Journeym an Brush. C:i'Tibinq 'iteel Jo~rneymen Spray, Climbin9 Steel Health & W•lfare ···-··· ........ .. Penoion ......... -··-··-·-· L·f• Insure nee ......... . Va(elion -·-··-······--··-········ ...... . Ad mi ni1tr ative ···-··-· .. .. ... Appren!ic eship f" und SIG N PAINTER$ {COMM EAC!Al $6.49 . 6.74 b)4 .... 6.99 7.14 6.'19 7.24 6.49 .... . ... 7.49 7.49 7.89 6.74 6.1i? 1:>.99 6.99 7.24 .H .H .•o '"' .05 .02 10-1 .10 4-1·11 10-1 -71 Leodman [Construction) ·······--···$5.27 SS ... 7 $5.67 Journeyman IConslruclionl _ ...... 5.02 S.22 5.42 Journoytnan Sign Peinl•r ......... 6.02 6.42 6.82 Helper Paint & Conti. ___ ............. 4.15 5.02 5.25 SIGN PAINTER {COMMERCIAl DECOllATOR) 4-1 -n $5.17 5.62 7.22 5.45 1-n.1o 1-16-71 t-1 4-n 2-lt-JJ Journ•yman .................................. $5.50 $6.00 $6.50 $6.10 SIGN ,AiNTER (ADVERTISIN6) 4-1 .70 4-1-71 4-1-72 A.rtid ... -··············---.................... $6.56 $7.56 $1.56 Si9n Painter ... _ .. _ .......................... 6.02 6.82 7.62 Helper ···-··--····-··-··-·······-·-··· .. ·· 5.02 5.42 5.12 Health & Welfare ......................... .15 .20 P1n1ion ............... -........................... . I 5 .25 Vec•tion ···----·-··-··-···················.. 41. Peid Ho!iday1: ....................... -...... ." ].2,.. "'E TUDES 7-1-70 1-1·7l Plumber I Steamfitter Gen'l. 10.1 ·12 $6.07 5.81 7.62 5.65 Pen1ion ~ _, Sevi~g1 ..... ., Oec,.potio~al Hoe '" App•entice•~•P Tre ,;ng . $8.10 " .ll " . 0' $9.1 0 ... .lS .67 .07 011 Foremen ···-······-.. ····-·····-···-XI~ grou Journ•ymen rtl• Plu,.,ber & Stu mfitter Foreman.. tO,.. abov• qrou Journaym1 n rete ,02~ IIOILE RMAKER I IILACKSMJTH 10-1 ·70 F-:.•e,.,on -'u•1•ent Foreman Bo.'orme<e r & Blar;lt"i•h He11 ·~ & We 1are Pe'I·On . Vacatoon App'""'''"" ip BRJCKLAYE II: $770 7.45 7.20 .30 .10 .40 (4.1·71 .45) 02 ;!J•ema~-f..-p ':lt 1 i "'"'·· rot less the~ .50 par hr. 11be"'o Journeyman f ·re..,e•~{ .... p'l:f 1' li oer ro1 •~• than .75 pe r hr. above Jo~rneyman F • .,..,,.~~E..,o ~, c~er !1 ..-e~. rot len th11n $1.00 par hr. &hov e Jc.~rr a1,.,an Br :1 "I"' & S•c-e MHO~ He11lth & We fe1 e f'e•1io• V&ca• o~ Trade Pr~m::>l pn Appr entice•~> p BRIC KTENDERS (L•bor••~J le•de•1 M&e ·~ & We fa•011 Pa·~·c.· Ve~a• or 8·1-70 Sb 45 JS .11 JO .20 .05 10-1·70 $5.20 .JS "' .25 CARPET, LI NOL EUM & SOFT TilE LAYER s.1.11 $1.20 <0 ·" .lO .20 .05 5-1·71 $5.70 JS .60 ·" 11 -1·11 $7.70 ,<0 JO .20 .05 1-1-71 $5.85 ·'' .BS .JO J-1.70 2-1-71 1-1-71 2-1-72 1-1-72 2-1·71 Cerpe1 l •o, & Soft T,le lay•• Carpet St~~oo•ers Health & Welfare Pe n1ion $6.29 t .2b $6.79 '"' ·" .2l S7 .29 $1.6-4 ... 94 ... 94 5.71:> ·" .2l ·" Vat.a'•o" " .015 ·" .015 .19 .44 ... ... ... A.ppe•'•Celn p lro'n•nq Cerp•f. Uno. Apprentice R•te1 l1• b ,..,c~t~1 2nd b mo~·n~ Jrd b '"'""'~\ 4 10, 6 '"1P"'~I ·--· .. $3.48 -·-··-·· 3.80 4.13 Str 6 '"'"~'~' bl~ b mp"lhl 11 ~ b mc;n t~, .. -4.40 4.78 5.22 5.70 ELECTR ICIAN Gerttel For•,.,•~ Foreman ...... ·-····"·" Sub Forern 11n _ ............. -... . Cab!. Spli cer .. ··-············· Cable Splicer Foremen ······-······· Journe~mtn Wir•m•n .. - Jou•neym en Line,.,•n • Journeyman T.chnicion Cert if•ed Welder .. Groundmen ht yr .. Groundmon 2nd yr. ELECTRICAL STORUEEPU 9-1·70 $9.99 9.07 8.1:>1 8.51 9.48 1.15 a.n 8,15 1.1 5 Ul 7.0) l1t y111r . ....................... ).21:> 2nd yeer _ .... ,_ .. _ .... ·-···················•· 4.01 )rd y•at ~··-·-··· .. ·--··· ·"'-···· 4.19 "th ~·., I th,ereefter ···-··-·-· 5.71 APPRENTICE WIREMAN U .7b 4.10 4,46 4.75 5.16 .... 6.15 l -1-71 $10.48 9,52 9.01 8.9 .. 9.95 8.55 8.55 8.55 1.55 6.96 7.)8 ).42 4.21 5.1) '·" I d 6 mns ........ ·-····-···-·······-······-·· $4.01 SUI 2nd 6 mot. ···-·-·-···-·······-·-·-· ht 6 m01 ........ ·-·····-··-··-··--·-··· 21\d 6 I'I'IDI. --··-···-··-·····-·-···- 111 6 IOIOi. -·····-··-··· ·-· .. •·•••-••••--••• 2fld 6 n'!OI. ••••··-··-· .. -•••••••·-··--- I If 6 IOI(K. -·····--···-·-·--··· 21"d 6 mns. ---·-·-·--- ~•alth I 'WeJf,.,. ·-----· P.ft~Otl ·------··-·---· Aw•ntica Tru1t Fulld ·---·- 4.19 5.1) 5.10 S.S6 5.71 S.f'i 6.1\ U1 6.52 .... 6.93 7.27 7.}4 7.70 .25 11. 2Ul0 annuelly $4.04 '·"' 4.79 5.10 S.S4 '·" '·"' $4.23 4.61 5.01 5.15 5.81 6.)5 6.92 9·1-71 s 1 1.46 10.41 9.87 9.71 10.19 9.15 9.)5 us us 7.61 1.07 l .H 4.61 5.61 6.55 su o 5.12 B8 5.95 6.46 7.06 7.69 ...... 5.61 .... us 7.01 Ill Veer 2nd y,., '·" Jtd v ... 7.95 -ttt. y, •• 1.42 Plumb.r ............... _ ...... _ ...... _ ......•.. $7.45 $1.]0 Stu mfitter ···········-··········-·········-·· $7.45 Sl.lO Lud Burner ···-··-'"········-··-······-··· $7.4S U .lO H•ellh & W•lfare ·······-··············· 10% of 9rou peyrotl Pen~ion Plan ..... ·-···-········-......... 16'% of gron payroll Vocation & Holidays ................... 11"/. of 9ron peyroll Apf.:~~~~~~· ~ . .!.~u:.~.:.~.~-~······-····· I"/. 10.1 -70 10-1·11 Utility Pipeline Foremen .......•...... 17.04 $7.78 Utility Pipelin• Jovrneym•n ....... . 6.79 7.5) Journeyman Trainee ···-···· Hu lth & Welfare .. 4.00 ... ()() (no fringe b•~efill 101. 10"/. for h eine•) Pen•ion . ··················-·-·· u.-;. 16"/. v_,cetion & Holi dey .•.. 10% 101. 10-15-70 lnduitrial Pi p•filler Forem•n .. lndu 1tri al Pipafilter Journeymefl .• Health & W•lfar• ""·-·······-········· 10°/0 obove Journeym an role $H5 Pension .............. ·-··-··-·--··-·· .. ··· Vacetion & Holidays ···---··-······ Journ•ym1n Treinin9 ·-····-···-······· 101. 161. !l1. 1 1. 7-1-70 7·1·71 lrrig•lion & lewn Sprinkl•r~ . Sewer & S1orm Q,.in Pipel•yer .... Healih I Welft~re ···-··················· Pen1io n _ ·-···-·---.. ····-Vacation & Holid&yl ···-·. Treininq & Promotiot1 . $6.15 $6.50 4.75 5:00 Sprinkler Fitter Foremen I We gas includ•1 $1 .40 par hr . Vocalion l _ .......... . Spr inkler Filter Journeymen [Weqa1 includes $1.40 per 10"/. 16"/. n•;. 1 "/. . $10.6] hr, Vacation~ .................... ·--· 9.88 Health & W•l are .......... ·-····-... .1'1 F'ero10on ···-···· .... ······-··-······-·-·-.25 Appret~lice Tr1 ining ............. ·-·-·· .02 $11 .63 10.88 9·1-70 9·1-71 A/C & Relriger•tion G•neral Fore,.,e~ -·········-··-······-··-·-·-·· $8.94 $9.96 A/C & Rafri9er •lion Fitter Foreman ·······-··············-··-··-····· 8.20 9.13 A/C & llefri9er1tio n FiHer ··-····· 7.45 1.]0 Health & Wallar• ·······-··-·········· .75 .82 P•n1ion ............... -.............. -.......... 1.20 1,J.O V•cetion ····-·············-·-······-·-··-· .8S .100 Promotion .... ·············-······-······-··· .0) .0) T r1inin9 ·····---···· .. ········-··-··-·-···-· .15 , 17 PLASTUEIIt 7.-1-70 Foremon ........ _ ... ···-·· ................... . Pla1lerer -··------······-·-··--~•o!th & Walfara ·········-·-··-··-··-· S .175 Abo¥, Journ,ym •n 6.8 .. 5 en~ton -·········-··-......................... . Vocation .............. ·-··················-····· Trede Promotion ........... _ ...... -.. - Apprenticaship ·······-··-······-··-····· PlASTER TENDER leborar~) Pl"ter Tandar ···········-·-········-····· H•alth & Welfer1 ···•······-······-··· Pen1ion .......... ··-·····-········--··-··· Vec•tion ~ .. -····-······-···· ·-·-·· lOOFIIIt ·" .55 .l5 . OS .0<5 10-1-70 $6.475 .l5 1.05 .55 t-li-10 for•man ·-····-··-··-·····-·····--··-$6.64 Su b.forem•n -· .. ···········-·····-·-··-O.S4 Journeym•n ···~··-·-··-·····--·-6.29 ,ITCH AOOf a DAM,, WATIIPaOOf Foreman --··---$7,14 Sub-For•m•n --· 7.04 Jouttll)'t'llft -6.79 Cl•n C-M•n -4.75 H•alth l Walfe,. ~ .JJ Rati,.ll'lltli .JS v.c.tion ----.25 o~.~ .. Ch•d ·off -·---.1o AP9f"ticWL1p a r,.,llli119 Futtd..-.o2 • .-..mlnld ratiOfl ----.--02 1-1·11 $7.02 .35 1.05 .55 1-1 -71 $7.175 ... uo .60 SHill' MUAL F~'" --"----6entfel forMI•n '"·······--·-Sk.at Mata/ 'Wor .... __ _ 7·h11 1-1-n 1-1-n II"· •boot. JOIIrfteynl•l'l rate 11% • .,.,.. J-~ , ... ... 75 $1M ta.Jt Jf ... ... .40 .7S .II Hulth a w.u.,. _ ,.,. .. Cft .II .11 lnt<tn~efiOHI hn .. Ofl Vacation 10% 0, ..... Plvrolt fc»fiTIMUIO OM MilT , A& I ) 1'.2t ... ... ·" FREDDIE MARTIN aDd hJs orchestra wUI play for the summer opeoer party at the Balboa Bay Club Saturday eveo- lng, June 19. The Club's board of roveroors wUI serve as hosts tor the black-tie pia of dining. daDclng aDd entertainment. Museum to move Mrs. Walter D. K. GibsonJr.,presf. dent of the board pf trustees of the Newport Harbor Art Museum , an- nounces that alter 9 years In the Balboa PavtUon the Museum Is moving to 2211 w. Balboa Blvd ., Central New- port, Sc heduled opening Is early Sep- tember . The new factuty wtU house a com- bined museum art rental and sales gallery aod museum shop, where art, artltactsr books and misceUaneous ob- jects of the tllghest quality will be available for purcha se. There will be workshop and stora~ areasandeduca- Uonal flcllltles for classes and lee· lures. The Art Museum opened 1n 1961 under the name of Fine Arts Patrons ol Newport Harbor. In August, 1968, the Flne Arts Patrons ofllclally be· came the Newport Harbor Art Museum, and Thomas H. Guver, formerly as- sistant director or the Rose Art Mu. seum, Brandeis Univ ers ity , Waltham, Massachusetts, was named director. Since that time Mrs. Phy!Us J. Lui - jeans, gallery administrator, and Mrs . Jean Fussell, membership secr etary, have been added to the stall. The current ezhlbition, "New paint- lor ln Los Angeles," contlnues througtl June 20 at the Pavtuon. Wllllam Wllson, assistant art critic ot the Los Angeles Tim es, wtU speak this Friday, June 11, on "The city: an en'ftronrnent for artists u art In itseU." His talk wUI be accompanied by slides and a ftlm whi ch he has recently lln!shed • PLAN S FO R FOSSIL "OIGS" MAD E BY LO CAL Fl RM Plans to coordinate studies ln ar. chaeology, paleontology and related disciplines on Irvine Company lands In Orange County have been disclosed by Roger J. Desautels, president of Ar- chaeological Research lnc., Costa Mesa. He announced all lrvlne Com pany grant has beell awarded to ARI, a non-profit scientific research and con- suWng IJ.rm, UDder terms of the grant, ARI Is designated as consultant to the Irvlae Company and coordinator of all scien- tific studies conducted on the company's undeveloped properties, Including fossil "digs." "All scientific projects, from a va- riety of dlsclpUnes, will be coordinated by AR~" Desautels explained, "We will evaluate each Idea or research proposal Involving any part of lr"flne's 80,000 acres of property, and pass along our recom meoda.Uons to com - pany orttcl.als, who will act Oil the re. qulred permits." BEN EFIT DINNER DANCE ABOARD THE QUE EN MARY Tbe women's board of directors of the Orange County Phllharmontc So· clety has set Aug. 7 for a beaeftt aboard tbe Queen Mary. Mrs. Edward W. Schumacher, bene- tit chairman. stated that Urtttattoas wlU .aoa be In the man to Phll!w'mOGic eommlttees and resern.Uont for the black tit dinoer dance wtll Dteesartly bt oa a tlrst come flrst Hl'l'ed bula, Aullt1BC Mn . Stbumaclter wttl'l tll.ll pr iJI)U'&UoD.a are co-chairman Mra. WtlUam B. Hotatetn; liiYitaUooa. Mrs. Paul Qvlyrel; resernUou, Mmn • Glll7ort T..,.,....,., Jack Edaw-. 111c1 A. BQUd Dod; deeoratwu, Mmtt. LIOD L)'OQ aDd Rlcbatd Ltt: rec:ept.loo, Mmes. J. Doalld Ferruoa. Jamu Sa"ffO"a OlldRa""T-K7;011dpub-Uc.ltJ, llmta. Artbur C"ytoDudRleb- atd lftwtll. APPOIN TE D BY AUTO O.UB 0. W. (Diet) Rlebard, pr-Of a-..ra Udo ll&rkol, 11u -II>-~ <>rueo C-'7 --lo lllo A...,.,. .. Cl.ubofSouebenC&IiJnaaa. Bo wtU ..,. ... lllo 1-1/1-IIIIIIOa -- blr ••"•Hoe • mattwa t'heHIC -ud ....___ IIOn.ap c.-,. BACit AT NEWPORT, fl.l. .... .._.f.--"' llr, ud llrL -~ Gil .... -•••• eo.~ ...... .._. tl» Ml IIIII • .Jilt ol Jtwpart a. L, -lllo h llrOiw ..... ..... -... -....... .. ::._-.... .... o.a.- ,, Ntwf>oRT HA~BOR ENIGII !£!X!IID IEC1!91! - -Paa .1 EXH IIIniiG AT AVCO LEGAL .NO TICE Le GAL I(()TICE (COHTIHUID r•oM P'llt!CIDIMG I'AGI!) TEllAZZO WORKERS 7-1-70 Terreo o Wo•••• ............... ________ ,_ $5.77 H .. lth & Welfere ........... _ .. ________ .15 lleeetion ·······-······-... ·······-······-····· .SO TEllAZZO WOlKUS HEL1US 7-1-70 All llu e Mechine WOt k ···-········· $5.17 lnel~tienced Bole Machine ........ S.MS He!~r & floor Mechine Opr. •... 4.905 Probation ary Me n [90 dey1 ) ...... , 4.055 Heolth & Welfore ..... ................ .IS IJ&eation .45 Promotion .. . .025 TILE LAYER #11 6-1-70 6-1-71 For"'"'" in ekerqe of ]-10 me n, S2.SO per dey mote than iourneymen Foren~e n in ch1191 of 11 or more $5.00 per dey more then io.,.rneymen Tile Layer . ............ ··-···" $5.76 $b.Ob He'alth & Wolf.,ro .145 (Employee pays .0..) Pons:on ····--·· .30 .30 Vocation ·~················· .bO .bO Tile Promotion . .14 .14 Approntiusl-!ip .02 .02 TILE HELrER #11 "-1 -70 1.1.71 "-1·71 Tile Holptor $5.00 $5.10 $5.46 Ce rtified .. .... 5.25 5.35 5.74 l!:oliromont ··············~· .H .H .40 Cl-!ritlmu Savings .15 .15 .20 Vo~;alion Savings _ .30 .30 .30 Tile ln1uranco ...... .145 [Employee pays .04) Tile Promotion .15 .15 .1S Qi,,bility ........... .10 .10 .10 Ed~ce lion ol .08 .08 .08 APPRENTICE SCHEDULE AND RATE Tho Approntlu lola I• ly '"/. Of Tho Jo11rnoymon'• late Interval• ht 2nd lrd 4111 Stl! btl! 7111 lth tth 10th 11th 4 Y"····· oo 10 80 qo Asb.stos Boilormakort 8rid leyors C a rpoMort Co mont b moL. bO b5 70 75 80 85 qo qs 6 mos ..... so bO 70 eo 90 95 6 mot ..... bO bS 70 75 80 85 90 9S Mesons 6 mos .... 75 Glu iort 1000 hn .... 55 Irr igation & lawn Sprklr. S yn ..... 40 Iron W o••••• 6 mot ..... 70 La thers b mot ..... 4S Morblo Meso~• 6 mos... 80 Pointers b mr» ..... bO Poporh onq&FI 6 mr» ..... 60 Plostorort ) mot ..... 45 Plod orora . 6 mot ..... 55 Plumbers 6 mos ..... 60 l!:olriqorolion 10 pch. .. SO l!:oolors 6 mot~ . 65 Shoot Metal b MOt .. 55 Siq~ Pointer 6 MOl... •O Sprin.lor " "' " 8J "' 8J " " 50 "' .. 55 70 "' .. 8J " 70 75 " 8J 87 " .. " .. " 70 75 75 80 " 70 72 " "' " 80 85 " 70 " " " " 80 85 " " " 84 " " " 85 " '10 100 "' 81.) 84 70 75 90 " 71.S 75 .. 70 " " 100 .. " 80 85 71.5 80 " " q).l 100 90 9S 88 q ... Fitter 6 MOl . b() 62 bb 70 H 78 8l 85 88 90 Sower & Storm o,,;,, s .,.,..._ 40 bb 74 83 90 Ta pers 50 b5 8S 100 Terruto l yrs .... 70 80 90 Tile Layer SO bO 6S 70 84 87 91 93 100 CHIJitCHE$ THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH IS FOR YOU 9 :45A.M.-BIBLE SCHOOL HOUR 11 :00 A.M. -MORN ING WORSHIP SER VI CE 7 :00P.M. -EVENING SERV ICE OIL J AMI!S COlliS PASTOR JOl lll•t••ll• St. COSTA llli!SA (AI $fiMI• A•fl A.~o~c.} Ptl~e_"s .... J7)) HOME OF P . G. HEUMAHH CHRISTIAH SCHOOL K.Jrtrl~rtflrlcrr lhroMtb Eithlb Gr11Jc FIRST CHURCH OF lUTHERt-N CHURCH CHRIST. SCIENTIST OF TH ~ MASTEl) 3303 Via Lido lu1heqn Otlilrdl in AmlriCI Newport Beach 2900 hciflc VMw Dr. SUNDAY SCHOOL Corona dill Mlir, Calif. 9:1 S a.m. and 11 DR. WILLIAM R. ELLER SUNDAY SERVICES Ph one: 64-4-l6b4 9:15 -lla.m. WEDNESDAY EVENING II1Jo9,'<00ltl A.M. Family Worship MEETING 8 p.m. A.M.· Church school READING .(lOOM A.M.· Festive Worship Week da ys: 9 a.m. -s p.m. NURSERY PROVIDED Wednesday: 9 a.m.· 7:-45 P·'"·IIL----------..l Tuesday and Friday: 9 a.m.-S p.m.; 1·9 p.m. Sunday: I p .m .. 4 p.m. SECOND OfURCH OF OiRIST, SCIENTIST Newport Beach ac CorOM ckl Mar 3100 Pacific VIew Dr. SUNDAY SOIOOL tO a.m. SUNDAY SERVICE IU a.m. WEDNESDAY EVENING R.e.adint Room: 1 P·•·· .11500-B r.. eo .. , H.,,. E.uaac• oa Nnd••- Mon •• Fri.: I 0 a.lh. to 5 p.m. 11ntnday e¥cninf: 1 •o 9 S.t.: 10 a.m. to p.m. You aft cordially in•hed co auend Ser.icu atwl to •• tiM 3262 SUwt Newpon HoiFU Fru' fiNd "•d•p~Nfllc"t Co ntr•t•tion•l Clni1ti11N Ch.,rch REV. NORMAl' BROWN MINIS7'6ll. SUNDAY SEll VICE AND CHUII.at SCHOOL AT 10!00 A.M. N""n:l c.,_,,_,~ Ceaual Bible Church D I D ST. otOIAMGI!, COSTA 111114-Ml ..ao1 .__ Noll • -. ••.• 11:00 _. II:• a.a. .. .., ............... ; ...... , ..... .-.~utor"IIMe...., • r ... .,. , ... , ..... u ..... , 1 ° ......... ?'. ' • LEGAL NOTI CE ORDINANCE NO. 2501 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 78.023 OF THE CODIFIED ORDINANCES OF THE COUbi'TY OF ORANGE, CAUFORNIA The Board of S~rvtsors of the County of Orange, Califor - nia, 00 orda.J.D u follows: SECTION 1. SeetJoo 78.023 of the Codlfted OrdiB~.nces of the Count)' of Orange Is llereby ameOOed by adding ther eto "Zoning District Maps IRS-59 and IRS-60 (Case No. ZC n -18) .. , ln ~ West University Park area subject to the followt.nc cood.tttons: 1. Prior to the Issuance of any buUd!ng permtts on this property, pubUc r01.d access shall be provided io a manner meetillg the approval of the Couoty Road Commissioner. Z. A landscaped screen wtth a.n average of 50 feet tn depth but 1n oo ease less than 25 feet La depth shall be pro- vided alooc the eDtlre frontage of the btdlding sUe Uong the San Ditto Freeway, Said laDdseaplog shall consist of trees, shrubs aDd crOUDd cover planted so as to form a !JOlid con- Unuoua screea betweeo tbe prl':t)erty aod th e treeway. Laod- scape plana prepared by a licensed landscape architect or ludscape contractor locludlng oecessary irrigation and matnt-aoce faclllttes shall be preseDted to aod approved by the PlawtJ.ng Director prior to lssuanee of uy bulld iog permit, Tbe la.Ddseaptnc shall be lnstalled 1n substantial ccmlorma.nce with the apprOfed plan prtor to the oec~y of any bulldiiJ&S. 3, FeDClD.g or nUs shall be installed a\ong any rlood cootrol ctwmel bordering the btdld.lng site in a manner meettDe the approYal of the Cbtef Engloeer of the Orange Couoty Flood Coatrol District. SECTION 2. Tbl.s Ordinance shall take effect and be In full torce thirty (30) days from and alter tts passa.p, and before the e.a:plraUoa ot fifteen (15 ) days after the passage thereof shall be pubUshed once ln the Newport Harbor Ensign, a DPIPIPir pubU.sbed lD th' County ot Orange, state of c awornla, toeelber with the Dames of the members of the Board of S•nlsors rot1Dg for and aplnst tbe same. (SEAL) ATTEST, W. E. STJOHN R. W. BATTIN Cratrman of the Board of S~nisors of Ora..ote COUDty, California Couoty Clerk ud u-otrlclo Clerk ot tbt OOUd of~· ot 0noco c-. Calllo<ola 87 Malltll L. Cute!> fltiJul1 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) )IS. COUIITY OF ORAIIGE ) 1, W. E, ST JOHN, CooatJ Clerk aod u--omdo C1erk of the Bollrd ol S\c*"fL•on, do hiHb)' eertUY tbl..t at a replar mOOUtJc al lllo Boord al Sllpory,_a al Onaco COIIOIJ, Caldonla, bold oo lllo lad clol' ol J-, 1171, lbo lorocotoc Ordlaac• 'XII'di'''DC two (I) Mdlolla, wu eODiidf'red ~eetioa ..,. -aod lbol lbo aid ar.a-.... -pasaod aod ..,..,... U a WIIOio bJ' tllo l>lloorlof YOlo: AYES: SUPERVJSORS ROIIALD W. CASPERS, DAVID L. B.A.DR,' WD...L1U1 J. PID.LUPS, RALPH B. CLARK AIIO R. W. BAT1111 NOll: SUPERVIBORS ~ A.u"r: SIIPERVI80RS ~ Df wti'Mm WIIPKOF, I llaft .... ....., litll IDJ llud ud -.. -oal of .. Boord "......,_. " ... eo.tJ " onoco. -" Calllnlo, -11t11 ., " J-, tm. •• &. Bf JOBJI c.-, c-..... -cwt ........... ~, <lnlllo eo.IJ. ~ ., ..... L. Ct•ltl --= ..................... l-10, lt'rl. PRECIS( Plll 11 lAID USf SECTIONAL DISTRICT MAP I R S-59 zc 71-18 OII.ANGf COUNTY. CAUKMtNIA l i lT Of OI OI,.A.HC.I NO •••• ' • • AI ~ _ .. '•'"""'''' "'"""' •1 ::::: ............................ . • • 0 ............... -• ..; ..... ... Ml 0 ..... ,..._,.,.. .,.~,., I I 0 .. ~., "'"""' 01 rJ "'' ·-·-· PC CJ .. _ , __ ,.. ..,,.....,, ... .•· A I l l :J -....... ·-· ........ t 2 0 .. -_...., ...... . 120 0 -,_., -· ........ . •J o -....... ., o-·--c· "· ' ··.;.. • l HI O -..t __ _ PO 0 _. __ ._... ..-., ..... ADO>IUI 10 f0 AIO Ql W lfi YI\0 0\ -o o• ., • ...... ' • .• > __.. ., ·, I I ::J ... .-.._, 12 C _,_ .. ....,, . ' - ll ~---.. -· 1• o --...,.. ct o ...-.. --... c2o -"'-·-· ~G 0 --"'--' ...... _ ,.,...,., P C ............ _ .......... . . .... ~-.......... , ... , -, .. _ ........ -........ . _ ...... , .. ,._ ..... _._ ..... --~·--.... 0 -.... -.. --0-H~~-· . _., .. '"""' --.. _ ·-·-"' ______ ............ ·-- ... --..... -.............. _ .. -... ~ ·-;·=;::;:;:;=::;;;;:::::::· I R 5 -59 PifCISf PUI ol lAID USf SECTIONAL DISTRICT MAP I RS -60 zc 71-1 8 OII:ANGI COUNTY CALIFORNIA •oontD t • •t\0•1.1"0" o• '"' o ••,.ct cou.,r• •l• .... ,,.c co•u••n•O" .. II 0 ' OIID"'"'"CI "0 110 - 0 0 .. • ' t • I • A10 __ ._._. ....... A)0 ..... __ .... .... o ..,.._........,......., 11110 .............. ...... 110 ...... ..... 1010 ....... ..... ftC ..._._....., 0 A I '' ; ,, a ......... ....._ ..... •:a a -.... .... t.too _....,_..._ ..... •ao -..... ••a .....-.... ... ...._c .......,. ... _.._ •oo.......,. ..._ ·-· ' .. -'. • " ~ PC _, .. ___ _ -··---------''a .._..... ___ ....,,...._ IJ 0 ............ ---~-----..... ... ---<It# .... .... II c--.... . ........ .--....-.__.., l• a .. _...... . • ._.... ......... .,;::;J., • . __ .....,._ ........ ''c .... .._._., ............. ... c:a a .,........._.... . • ......__.,._, I I L • • = tea _. .. ...,._ .... I fti-R I Estancia scholars Ac '...., cxJ' ri ... GMta .. art., DIIIMI,.._. Zolea llfloltlae,.u-AIM -·•-• owtpt ud Ward -·•ao-_.,... u; -art., ·au.--1M. . aa-., honored •• I 'd • ~~~~ ..-) • ...,. nil; ,.,. ,.,... ---c.... ol ComiD«Ce Jcllle ~-···· ltboilr-... ·~~~·-~~~~~~-Co ;udcwll""'wct •-aaar.-... lull "---Bob.,_.._ &a Co* ...... lllnuttM c""• Md to ••'•• ltJU. MIWfiloL Ooldllalawudb'lOpailt aftl'd.,...•: carw ..._, JtUl MJillr, Ytuboot aftl'd •• H.U.. ,,...,. a 4 ,., .. .__.. C..-Art Loopt a. BrluPWCJ,Pulo .. bO,"-lll1lllonl. Bwr,C--,A-.Loo. ---Aii<U ~ -1M, -IIWL -... Caldanda -ocbOkrolllp "-"1 ·l)wlpt, Ward--WID<, lllarpt C...,.,.U. s-, JCalhlttl Trltlrot1. D&Yid -~-~11'01 -· DloDt trl, Toa1 Wlcklllld Dt11111o Rl- A-Icttl Cbtmlcll Socltly F--., H-1111111on1. Car'-ltllll llllltr, T...-, 1t7. ' owud--811 Fl<l)'te, C.S.F. tcllolorolllp. ·Ward T .. ar. ~ c1 __ ... 10 Glrl of the Jill, fDr Ml"fice Rl•lldlra. V,F.W, &WVdi--Cul Ste-tbt ..._. IMI'U tllt-·Bia w lilt ochoo~ lo&dtrlblp, 111111 Gold E--clut ol U71: Ht&-'""• lillie• r..-, RlclloN Fur Utd U.llcGitbl, b!P, acact.mlc record--Hawu.l tber Hlbbud, llrlbble RU.J, Hurley. Got'tnor'l .cboJuJ .. ..c&rol ll1flpt, Ward 81J-1, 0ootc Wollor, Colllorobl S.YIIIp &lid Lout -· AprU -· IUoUt L1oo1 Club ocholorohlp I<> Paulo .... ; CioN cl U'll: L•l"f oward--ltllll IIIUtr, Wollat, HoUIIUI Dwtpt. outltaMtne sehior )OUI'Dlliltn SIIIUIDI Ceccoet. SJc' Fidy'U, Pbyatcal GtDta aftr'da.-Hoaora at tDtruce--Carol SUIUDI Huboer. Kar«a Bub, Cbr'-1 B~ Karea AmburltY, Sttlla A:r-Wtddlloa. Cal state, Y1111ettaa; 'llliiiSDAY, JUliE II. ltll, COIIl!IAgli,I!M. C8Jf. OuUtandtog aelllevemeot la COllide Holm. buckle, J&Dit Blrtoo, Hlltblr Ala MeGtt, CaWorlll. State DICK MYERS eeater , oflrrlDt Core, accepts the winoer's tDstrumeotal music - -Jeanl Sen'let lllderahlp anrd. • Hlllbud, UlU&D Hnpktn1, Su. Collep; JU.lle Walloe. tBC. 313 7 E, C 0 •at tropby from \Ltoocty Smith, at left, preaideot of lrYine Coast Miller. Paula Sabo. 1UDt HeGer, Aadr• LaDe, E. L Moore Muoaie awvdl u VALET CLEANERS c~ Club, Iller wiDolltc lilt 17tb illlllutl presld•Jt's cup Nallooal Charily Leacue a-PTA ec:holorohlpa-~larlto ltllllllw Lowry, llelodrlllller, •• frOIIImtD, Judr Rol>t, Tim l~~~~a~~d~e~l ~M~~~~~~~~~~ lollrDIJ. The oew ctamptoa defM.ted J im Barry, rlcht. of ward-.-Saody Berg. MU«~a.. Mtlt Kawabre, &.lid Pat-Dorotby Par~em~, ClDdy PlDitJ, Hayu,; IQPbomorH,SberfJ AA· tbe Bbd!l, 3 and 2 I.D the tlDal.s match for the Tbomu W. 0\ltstandlng studeOIIDAV/fV tJ Scott. A~mt Powtl, Joan Pr.Uce, pl &Dd Gu}' WrlJbt; jlldor1,. HeocleriOD perpetual trophy. Mr. Myers, who recently re---Susan Terry. SterUDc silnr bomemaktnc Cuo]1a Roucb, L1a Scott,· Karea BaW &Dd Tom Tbomp. eot"ered from a eoroaary, wu allo the low meda.Ust I.D the Leadership mertt award-· awudi6 -Ma.rela UWar, Carol CaDdy Shipman, Holly Terrio, .aa; een~or1, Sandra Ber& ud q•Uf)'1Dc round of 120 cootestants. (Rieh Bassett photo.) Anne Lee. Rotlbi.DI. Katby Trletett, Detlb1e Wilder. Ctclea: SthilUD&. -----·-----Outstanding business awards Optimtst Chlb award to out-ElU Club o.uancnncstucleat vatedl e tor t an •• HaUDUI. LIGAL MOTIC! LOCAL MA VY M Etot IH --Carol Green, Patti Paton, stand1Dc studeot--CarlsteYtDI. scbolarlblp--Carl stneu. o...tpt, wW atteDd Yale. --==::..:.::.:.::.:.:=--ANTI .SUB EXERCISE Diane Lenke and Kathy Trlc-Thetplall anrd--lolul Chll-Harbor c-llerc-· So1G1o<taD, Jtllll IIWor, P-41954 Aboard the u.t1-submarine ltett. ders. Auoetatloo .eboluUc awards wW att.t U.S. C. aircraft ea.rrler I.SS Ticondet-Costa Mesa Memorial Hos-Rotary scbol&rab.lp -· Maur- CERTIFJCATE or Bt:SINESS op which recently comp1eteda pUal AllXillary award--Tom een Booe. Flctit1oul Firm Name 5 sfttp anti-submarine warfare WtcklaM. IAac Waltoo Couern.Uon THE UNDERSIGNED do here-uerclse 1n the lnd1a.n. Ocean, Betty Crocker homemaker of IM.p a wad-• to the ecoloQ by eert1ty th&t tbey are coa-are the followLnc Navy men: the year--C~ris Combs. committee for tbe"FlrstDay," dDcttDc a dry cleantnr bus1Dess Fireman Richard Arthur, son of Perfect attendance tor 4 Tom TllompiiOD, chairman. at 31S7 E. Coast Hlchway, Co-Mrs Glen Larsen of 310 36th years of h.11fh school--Kathy Spl.n1ab Club merit awards roaa del Mar, Calltornla, under St W81t Newport· seaman Glen Trickett. --J•nl M.Uler, Hnlor; Suz. tbetletUlouaflrmnameofValet R'*'lph, 900 of Mr. and Mrs. Girls Learue scholarship--anne Cecconi, junior. CllaDira &Dd tbat Sllid ftrm ts James Rudolph of 2868 Boa Haum.ni Dwl(ht. Athlete of the year--Curt COIDP)Hd of the following per-VIsta Dr., Costa Mesa; and European Club schOla.rshJps Ttx:lmu. mu wboa names In full and Alrman Cba.rles Palmer, 500 --French, Maureen Booe; Ger. Career Medallion award 1D Call these merchants place• of r eJideoce are as fol· of Mr. aDd Mrs. George Palmer man, Michele Bann. IDdtlstrlal educaUon--DI.n Watt. lows, to-wtt: Helen Rose of 2125 Aster Pl., Costa Mesa. PTA awards--Bill Savage, Or&np CoUDty Freoch com- Cramptoo, 308 Flower St., FoUowtng the exercise, they Alex Goclao.lan, Margie C&mp-test--4th yeu Impromptu Co.ta Mtl&, Calit.; Chase Bur-joined other personnel of Anti-bell, Jim Gt.llade, Joan Pren. speech, Maureeo Boot, Srd toa Crampton, SO& Flower St., Submarine Warfare Group ttce, Carol Berner, Jennifer pla.ce; 3rd year prepued Costa Mea, Calit. Three 1n a memorial servtceat Lowry, Bonnie Ble1, Ra)'IJllle speech, Joyce Antbooy, IDd * WITNESS our hands this 29th the lncUan Ocean approach to Smith, Rosemarie Cox. place; :Srd year prepared Be•uty S•lons ~~~ day ol March, 1971, Chase B. the SuOOa stra.J.ts oonorlng Bausch and Lomb scleDCe ~11, Vtvette Crumpaekar, Cramptoo, Helen R. Cramptoo, American aDd AU5trallan per-award--Tom Wlckla.Dd. 4th pla.ce. STATE OF CAUFORNIA ) sonnel woo lost their uves when Ba.nd of America awards·-Student store award--Dour )ss. the cruisers HMAS Perth and Science and math, Anna Me-Weller. COUNTY OF ORANGE ) llSS Houston were sunk I.D that Most outst:tod.lng Yoca1 stu- ON THIS 29th day of March, area by enemy forces diU'inlf LEGAL NOTICE dent--John Childers. 1971, bel'ore me, a Notary Pub-World war D. Most Improved vocal stud. Uc Ia aDd for sa.Jd county and P-41851 ent __ Debbie Thomu. ltate, rt1Jd.Jnc therein, duly LIGAL MOTICI CERTIFICATE OF BUSINESS D,A.R. gocx1 eltl&ensh4! a. eommJJJtootd and sworn, per. FlcUUous Firm Name wud--HaUD&D.I Dwi(bt. IODI.lly appeared Chase Burton F-7579 THE UNDERSIGNED do here-Rttall Clerlcl Unloo scDol- Crampton and Helen Rose FICTITIOUS Bl5INESS NAME by certlfythatwearecooductlng arlhlp-·Haw.nJ Dwt&ftt. Crampton. known to me to be STATEMENT an Art Service business a.t 230 Music summer camp schol- the persons whOse names are The following person Is doing E. 11th St., Costa Mesa, CalU. arshlp-·AndY Lagerqtdst and ,..,acrlbed to the wtth1ntnstru-business as: Dimmitt Quick 92621 under the fictitious firm Jim Isaacs. mtDt, aDd aclmowledged to me Clean Center, 3200 E. Coast name of Fast Dr aw Art Service Drum major--Carl Stevens. that they eucuted the same. Hl(bway, Corona del Mar: aDd that said firm Is composed ---------- WITNESS my hand andontctal Mahalo Corporation, 3200 E. of the following persons whose LEGAL HOTICI seal. Mary A. Haapa, Notary Coast Higtrway,CoronadelMar, names tn full and places of __ .!:_!~~~~~-- PubUc 1n and for said County CaW. residence are as follows, to-P-41852 aDd State. My Commission ex-This buslness is bel.ng eon. wtt: Clinton G. Ferguson, 19552 pires Dec. 13, 1971 , ducted by A Corporation. Windward Ln., Huntington Publlsh· May 2? June 3 10 Signed: Hazel Dimmitt, Pres. Beach, Calif. 92646, Peter M, 11, 1971, in the Ne~t lf.ai.bo; Thls statement flled with the Outcault, 8792 Elctn Circle, Euip. eotdJ clerk of 0rup Couoty H~mtinrton Beach, Calli. 91&48. oo: May 21, 1971, by Beverly WITNESS our haods thla 12th ---------------------J. Maddox, deputy county clerk. day of Ma y, 1971. Clinton G. PubUsh: May 27, June 3, 10, Ferguson, Peter M. Outcault. 17, 1971, 1n the Newport Harbor STATE OF CALIFORNiA ) 1!1 •Iller ,... Ensign. ) ss. ...... LEGAL HOTtCE F -6355 FICTITI0l5 BlEINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing ~""""""""""=.! business as Warren's Stereo- Vlslon & Magnavox Center,1829 "B" Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa, CaWornla: Warren Deb- rell Sooner, 222 North Shasta St., Orange, CaUfornta. This business Is being conducted by an IDd.lYidual. Signed: W. D. Bonner. This statement tiled with the county clerk ot Orange County on April 26, 1971, by Benrly Publlsh: May 27, June 3, 10, 17, 1971, in the Newport Har- COtr.<TY OF ORANGE ) ON THIS 12th day of May, 1971, befor e me, a NotaryPub- Uc In and for Rid county a.nd state, resldinc therein, duly commissioned and swor n, per- sonally appeared Clinton G. Ferguson and Peter M. Out- cault, known to me to be the persons whose names are sub. scribed tn the within tnstru. ment, and acknowledge to me that they executed the same. WITNESS my hand aDd ol'flclal seal. Mary A. Haapa, Notary PubUc In and tor said County and State. My Commission ex- pires Dec. 13, 1971. Publish: May 20, 27, June 3, 10, 1911, ln the Newport Harbor Ensign. 1~~-~~~~~~~~~~~ J. Maddox, dEl).., county clerk. borEMI~. -------------------MATTRESSES JfEW -HaOJ1.DIIfC lrt"t'cutar Sha~s ·~-Cott­ COSTA MESA Jro4AnlESS CO. 2110Ne•,.,tiMI. LIIMrty i-IJOJ , .••..•. -• • (ln earlier publications of this notice, F .6355, the signa- ture was incorrectly shown as w. F. Bonner ; the correct sig- nature is W. D. Bonner.) LEGAL 140TICE F-7176 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person Is doing business as: J. Mat hews Napa Valley Winery, 4540 Campus Drive, Newport Beach, Ca., 92660: Kenneth E. Nelson, 1319 Antigua Way, Newport Beach, Ca., 92660. Th.is business Is being coo- dueled by an individual. Signed : Kenneth E. Nelson, Th.is statement flied With the county clerk of Orange Couaty oa: May 12, 1971, by Se't'erty J. Maddox, deputy countycierk. Publtsh: May 20, 27, June 3, 1971, in the Newport Harbor BEAUTY NOOK 2732 E. Coast Hwy. Corona de l Mar Phone 644· 7 336 D••-• ... ,...., .. u...,_. ... r::. -· ...... , ........ ...... ,.- FDr In"'"""'*' Coli Chril ....... r .,. 4067 Dr 527-6506 NOS L IDIMOIR.IAHT A ANA •Dellutessen Pin•• ~ flry ch •a ondt.pn.- • Sclf .. m. • ......., All----.... , .... +m l-I . C......,, CDiil _,,.,_ for the best • • m serv1ce l fAll VISIT INCLUOII- • Min., .. $II A Wttlrlpc)o! • Flnnllfl S.uN St_, Aoomt • t>-1 Dry HMI AOCHN . • PrlvMt Til~ Stall Showww. • Ultr•VIohtt Sun Tltl AGOml • lrwlgoratl,.,.!lectrlcMM-e- • Ael•:~~ineM.:Mnlcel ........ • Pwmn•l SuPirvllfoft •COSTA • HUNTINGTON MESA lEACH 54•3318 M2·14111 •ORANGE •ANAHEIM ...... , ..• , .-WISTIIINITIR 194-3317 Proper Flttlnv A•ured 3409 E. Coast Hwy. Carone del M .. 1711-3133 ' .,. •• WILCOX-CRITTENDEN HARDWARE N••••*aw.-IMb l700W. ~ Hwy., N. a. 5q.nJI Z ... ARPAtNTW $TOP THAT THIIf ~ OICTOGAAPH SEC U R ITY SYSTE MS 11'011' HOMr ANO llJitMUS THlMOST PO..ULAit CHOICI 11'11'11 DUOMITIIlATtOM "11'1!1 fiTIMATII c.l 547-4116 Al&.lo\fiAIAIIM • Nunerl" Sluuba, Interior Ptlnb TnlplcoiA y,_ ..__ lllld Fttllll<er .. ... , Cliwlree ......... ,,. .... FREE DELIVERY Corona del Mar Nunery . Cout Hwy. 675.0160 ' HARBOR PAINT .WALLPAPER PITTSBURCH PAINTS Ccmplote Line 13,000/'ATTERNS OF WALLPAPER 111111•. c-H.., • Coronadel- cMKXT TO toaT TH&ATil&) Phoae: 67 3-2033 A. R. MARSAC PLUIIIER 100 C•m•hon Ave. Corona del Mar • Phambtna Re,..lra DAYA HICHT WATER HEATERS 673-4\30 & It y,., , ... , S~Htf••H••I ....... AIM.._ 1171 e ULI$ e SUVIC:I e UPAIRS . PARTS .,_., Yl OLD UIIIMGIUCHINI SIIOPPI 1:._ COaat Hwr .. CDII AHT.OifY'S. 1•o• u•v/Cif leo•"·"''" '"""' u••••• .... " ........ , ... . 1401 &. ;OoUl ...... ., co-a..a•ar ...... ,., .. . Olt"er Lectll .... i <OfllcelqUipmlft! .... 'ftA.LIM, MIW .. T . , .......... . tl-·-IT . • I I '·-· • • I Modernize Your Home Wml A cvn• DaltiiDPOOL . , .................. . • c •• ,. .... "...._ • II I lie • YOUR Magna vox DEALER ""''"' •!rvlc• •••• II • ''"'' .*Y" • Color Stereo Theetr" • Color TV Con•oln encl ltortabln • Monochrome TV • ttereo Coneol" en4 Component SyUem• e Tape "•corder• • ~tort· ebta encl Tebla "actloef ?J);~~~· Jt...u:o\tsDN W• • .,ulu ALL ••Au/ 1129 NIWPO RT ILVD, COlT A MISA 6~64411 e IMPI'IOVI!MENTS e ADDITIONS DON I . ILDIII.•~·-.,,DI LICINSED ...... -- ,,.. ...... CALL' •• Nl IINAT.I ...... ••• I'UILI .... C& 2721 LC.ooM.._ c. .......... c.l ......