HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-09-21 - Newport Harbor EnsignITH A SS-,.U..old Newport Har- bor b1CII oebool erodlale wbo Ia remembered by hla choir teacber u a "Qalet, run-of- tbe-m1U'' JtudaJt, wu cbarpc1 yuterday wUb the murder of I Zl-Jtar-old West I..os Ange- leo llrl In Newport last Sun- clay morldq. Corliu Kay ADkeny, wbo crew tCJ 1n tbe Harbor area, wu arral.,.ed yellerday In Harbor maalefp&1 court for the murder of Dla.De Singleton. Po- llee beUeore he may be the man wbO broQibt Mlsa S!Dgleton, bleecllDc from a guubot wotmd ln tbe bead, to HOI.C Hospital at 1 a.m. SIDday, tbeD dis- appeared 1Dto the night. She died 8 bours later wUbout re- pialDf eoueiousneu. A.oteny, woo pollee say 1s UDemployed, turned himself In to pollee IJ1 Marin County llld wu returDed bare Mooday by Newport Bt&ch pollee sergeant Ed Clbbiu'elll, wbo 1s int'esti- pt!Dg the case. q>orlmeat 11-y. Tboy wouldll't AJ wbat tbey found, but apporetlll)' u ... -to be_, coa'ftnce lbem tba.t a murder cbuge sbould be made. Miss Siocletoo.'s $12,000 Mercedes cu, with tbe per. sooalb.ed lieeqse plates ~~Ptll­ l.ng out "BIZZAR," ns 're- covered b)' pollee io West Los Angeles. A 19?2 Corvette Is registered to Ankeny. Hol.gbos- pltal employees ay tbe m.t.D wbo deU•ered Kiss Singletoa to the hospital was drh'ing a Corvette. As pollee tried to piece to- geUler the Lmtalkat1Ye Ankeny's background, bis choir teaeber at Newport Ha:rbor b1gb. Miss Marte HJebscb, 6161 LarUpur Ave ., Corooa del War, told the Ensign yesterday that abe vaguely remembers Ankeny u a student, "He was a bloode boy, who participated io our cboral mu- sic proc;ram for 2 or 3 years," she recalled, "but 1 doll.'t be- lien be bad a lead role ill any of oar prochtcUoos. UFE Terry Alderette, right, chats with ?-year-old M.lke 8eDDett aDd Mike'• dad a.bout the blgb wues tbat almoM cla.tmed Mike'• ute earlier this month near the eotranee to Newport Harbor. Terry, 21, whO pU(Ks a small Utter -coUectiAe boat tor the 1nioe Co., res.cued Mike after the youopter wu ,...ept from ao east jett}' boulder by hl&b wnes ceoerated by a tropical storm off the coast. Moodly, tbelrTlDe Co. rna.rded Terrywltha$500 scholat- stUp gn.nt to turtber his education. He OO'If attends Santa Aoa coUep. The Bennett family lives i.n Fou.ntatn Valley. MARINAPARK MUS T GO Newport Beach puts com-ma1Dder totheAmertcanLegioo ml5slooers Tuesday nlgbt flatly post. re)ected a propoal to keep The parks departmeot ma.In- Balboa's Martnapark as a rest-talns that tbe eott.reareashould deotlal area for mobllebome be ~ned ~ to pti)llc u.se dW@-Uera. Tbe commtnt.ooers •ltb teani& courts, a city sall- bue recommended to the City ing center, and recreational CouncU tblt: beacbtront. The clty plan would • M.arloapart be developed. alao open a 900-ft. wide view as a pubUc IQtJlUc and teo.nf.s ol tbe bay from Balboll Blvd. center u origi.Dillly proposed Tbe CttyCOUDCJ.I.ln referring by the clty. the matter to tbe Parks, • MobUet.:>me leases oot be Beacbes and Recreation Com- renewed, tbus I(Ying the go-mission last week lor recom- abead to redeYelapmeot wbeo mendatlotL&, asked for a report the k!:ases e.zptre oo June 30, bact DO later thaD Oct. 10. 19?4. Ma.rloapark bomeowners bad • Thieve s hit at Porsches How 8 elpi!DSive Por.c:be cus were striPPed lut FrldiJ night of evel')'thlnc remonble remains a myltery thia weet to Newport Beach and Costa Mesa police. What was appareatly a team of professional car tblevea .tole the cars --6 from Newport and 2 from Costa Mea -· dtD'ing a quick series of ra.lds. Pollee say the cars were strip- ped of engl.oes, tlru aad "everything DOt welded ora." then dumped 1n a.n orance cron In Irvine. The entire operatloD wu o'er ill less tha.D 4 boors. Newport detective Dave El- liott aid at least 4 thieves were involved In the well- planned nld, wblcb Detted equipment valued at about$12,- 000. ln each case, the crooks broke the left tront •eat wiD-• lncluslon of the American. submltted an alteru.te plan, 15 St d-. '"bOI-•tred" ~ .. A car aDd Legtoo post site at t h • wb..leh tbe commJ.ssiooers re. .,_ ~ a.od the bay In the muter plan jected, tbat would bave kept drove It away. There Is speell- tor the p111Uc park when tbe tbe mobUebomes in place, but lation that the cars weredrlvea Legloo lease ezptres Juoe 30, would have added the sa.illll&' lJ'Jto a. truck, where the stripping 19'16. ceut.er IDd some tenm. courts. operation took place. BEAUTY CONTESTANTS 1n this Frlday Dlpt'l ~er BUt eoDt.est wllllnclude these 1 oruce County lmellea. Tbe w1.DDer wW be crOWDed lbortb' after 6 p.m. Friday on the carnlval crOUDdl &t FubioD IJla..Dd. Tbt Bllla Bay LkiDa IPDDIOI' the amual tuo-ftlled wetkeDd, wblcb IDcllldes a 3-day caroln.l, a parade, tbe beauty CODtest and prl!.et. Coote.taata art, from ltft, Carol)'ll Edey ot Aaabelm, l..aDd:ra Newell of Anabeim, coteen Todd of eueoa. Park, Doi1Da euon of TUIUD. CIDdy Mttten of Cypress, Norma Patcbeo of Tustin; aod t.ura Bela of w.-mt...ter. (EDIS.p pboto.) SUlliiDIDftered is tb.e ques- Uoa ot bow Ankeny and Miss Stncleton. both of whom drove expena:h'e cars and apparently lind lavishly, floaoced them- selves. ADkeoy bad a.u .,ut- meot &t the Towers, a plush bayfrool building at 3121 w. Coast Hwy., Mariners Mile. Police sea.rc:bed Aliteny•s "He Plust have been rua-ot- the mill. U be bad been out- staDdJng or a bad actor, I would remember hlm better --I ooly recaU bim as a quiet, bloode boy." Mtss Htebsche, wtm taught at Harbor for :W years before retiring a few years ago, n.s saddeo.ed at tbe news that a Tbe city owns tbe ba}'frOCLt Tbe mobUebome dwellers also Why Porscbes? Other tban from 15th to 18th streets, but sought the 2-yee.r lelse ex-the tact that tbeyareu:pensive, has operated most of the area teosioo. so that their lea.ses Detect1ve E I.UDtt DOted tbat as a mobtleOOme park, leulng would eJl)tre at the same time "Porscbes and Volkswagena: to trailer OWDers. aDd the re-as that of tbe American Legion. have englnea that are very 8UJ New windows for Harbor to remove, a.od the engines of both cars are much in de- mand for other uses, such as racing vehicles and dUDe bug- gies:• Bake starts with beauty contest Fri . · .Pr .. llrlo, o cwlllliid, a ~ I fret CU, ud Qole lot ot -·· on reo47 ID be&ID tbe -_. Llau Clllb •--O!ld Pando at F-lllud IIIla w-Stort!ac -a .,_aty coo- toll Friday rdpt, l!lo woo- wlll coatiDue ..Ulll p.m. SuD- clay, wbea lbo cantftl WIU !old ltl teDtL Proeeedo from l!lo anrrual ..... nt co to be~ tile bUDd lll <>raago Coomly. Tbo lloll>oa Boy Llool Clllb lalbo -· Tbo earllln.l, Wllll .-30 rldet, will open at S p.m. Frt- d&J, at 10 a.m. oa Satllrdly, aDd at DOOQ oa S111dly, JtaJtDc -1111111 aboal 11 each aJa1>L Tbere Ia oo &dm1Aioa to tbe carDlnl P'o.di, bat tlebtt mu.t be1 boactal b tbt r1du. A color TV O!ld olbor prlau wlU bo awuOod. Tbo ....,. prtu Will bt I U?S PlDto a•moblle. W1n.Dirt oeed DOt bepr-. -y·o blc parade ..w start ol l!lo oorUl tDd ot N"- port c-Dr. 111111 -.,. uoaad tbe ctrclt to tbt .oath- eut eatruce ud &om tblre IIIIo lllo F-llllodobciA>lDr eeatw. Fkloll,-ehlocbudo, drW tams, aad IPICI&lattrac. llo1ll will bo lDClalld In lbo 2-boor parade. lfoQJwoocl- JoODJI.romllelllla....,.mar- lbol " lllo parade. Tlelrola m lllo --ll!ld lllo priM drao1op ore an.lllbll from local ana m•· cbuU, LloM: Cllb Mmbln .... olbor ei!Orilllllo - or m&J bo -at t11o euolftl. SCIIEDIJLE OF EVIIITS ---=1,.~~ c:orrdftl ..-,, .... --· • -..., .... u --Pa- ndt, 10 a.m., x...-t Ctllter Drift. Two -.. -. ...... -. drlll- ucl ........ atii'Mti:GM 1:11- -bJ -ftl 0011 ... LCitllw. • _,, ... N -J.crb--·-01111-"-· -c.t' 111 calbsl ......... ... ., ...... lloii'LOTIII' PIOUC .... ~.,. ot .. JlcQOCl _., CIIJ llllilo:= -WID---...... IIIII lolc·ot·--.............. ~ former studem: might be io-Are tbe wlodows all that keep • APPOINTED board mem- volved in a murder. Newport Harbor ldeh sctaool ber Artbar Tbompsoo to suc- "1 still keep La toucb with from talllng? Ttat questloowas ceed board member TOOmas some of my students," she niled, jotlDgly, as Newport-Casey as represeii.attve to the said, "aDd altboagb 1 badu 't Mea school board ot truteea ctlies-acbool district ll&1soo kept In touch wtth Corllss An-awarded a $45 '700 bld Tuesday committee. keQJ, 1 still feel be Wil$ ooe n1&bt to 0 AU..mbn. ann to • APPOINTED former boUd of miDI. •• repace wiDdo'lfa at lbe aeboo\a mem._ DoM.Id Stn.IIU to tbe ~. fto lind OD Ceatnl Pel'* 7 Jl coca.i81kL AYe. lD eo.ta M .. wbeD be 'troaeea raot.d u.t, ewer tbt • Atn'BORIZED tbe stel'tl'- atteoded Harbor lllcb, woult y-.ra, e'ferJ w1Dclow 1D the i.DtltDdeal to apply for flmds bue p-adultted J.o 1958, bat old buiWJl&' must bave beeo UDder tbe cooperative coUece- dropped om of school to 10 replaced at least ooce, aJoGc school acieoce procnm of tbe to work, then came t:ae.k to with Dumerous doors and other Natioaal Scteoce F'ocmdatlon. Pollee records iodlcate that the Porscbe has loog been ooe of tbe favorite kx:al targets of car thieves. Tbe bodies of all 8 stripped Poncbea lave been returned to tbe1r ownera. Hoag pick s new chief graduate in June, 1959. parts of tbe buildfn&. • EXTENDED an agreemeut He was bon tn Salem, Ore., Obe trustee DOted that the wW:l tbe Harbor Area Girls The Haag Hospltal medical &lid Ills tlm.Uy is reported to district is "rebt.d.Jding Harbor CICI to lease their flcllJty to staff elected Dr. Shedrick H.. be Uvlng 1D Oregoo oow. Pollee b.lgh piece by piece." howre tbe scbool-age motben Moore as cb.lef ot staff of the tn Newport Belcb say be lived The trustees, at tbeir regu-procram for tbe scbool year. OOSpltal Monday, succeeding to Costa Ueta, Newport Beach, Jar boUd meeting Tuesday, • TRANSFERRED funds Dr· John D. Gran:.ella.. Huntiogton aeac·b and Laguna also: from the bulldtng flmd to the Dr. Moore is an lnternlst Beacb at ftrlous times. • NAMED the 50-meter pool ceoeral tuod to tmance schOol wltb ottlces LD Costa Mesa and Wben arrested, Ankeny Is at Harbor high the "New'pOrt-operaUoos Ulltil tu refentaes has been on the staff at Hoag reputed to bne given his oc-Mesa Olympic Pool." are recel•ed 1n December. slDce 1964, The Cblet of Staff c•tioo as "studeot-tea.cber," serves a one year term ef- LOOOTER BAKE PARADE nc.t model la admired bJ lim stnaset. presidelt ol the Newport Beacb CltJ EmploJ'" Aao.., aod SliiU Hawley. a city hall worker. The auoclaUOD'I float wUl be ODI of DWl7 matlal alfaDd circle of Newport Center Dr., ltartiDe at 10 LID. th11 S..turdaJ, dlfiDC tbt bl.e BalbOII Bay Lions Club LOOster Bake ud JIU"'M. Jdllter bake acttYtUes Jtart &t S p.m. Frtd&J, &cit . !%, aod continue tmtU SUDclay Dlpt, Sept. Z4. A carolftl midnJ wW bt cpeo Jn Newport Center. but Sgt. c.-relll sold tur-Schmt'tz leader pl'cked feett .. O<tober lofeaobyear. tber iovestiptloo &bowed be Dr. Maclyn B. Somers was ts unemployed. named president elect, and Dr. .. •·-s•-..t..t..... ..__ -~.._. H. Roger Netter was elected ~ w ..... .......,w~uruu.... Dick Dorsett of Costa W.esa, Party at tbe DtsDeyla.Dd meet -new bere ftom Puerto Rico woo beaded a local CaWornla 1 secretary-tJ'easarer. earner t.b1s week, bad been a Republican Assembly gr~ ~)'900 WaU:ins, c~irman On tiM! board of directors, sttdeot at both OCI and OCLA. which bolted to lbe American of tbe American Party's Or-to assume duties Jan. 1, are Santa Ala Jawyer Moses Ber-Party last week. blsbeeDpicted uage CoUDty Ceotn.l Commit-Dr. James c . Doyle, newly COAST INITIATIVE HIT 111011 1s repr.-g Ankeny . to bead the John Scbmtbn .. esl-1 e1ected to serve a 2 year term; ..... ee, ftS appoi.nted Tuesday Dr . Wallace Gerrie, re-e1ected , 8 I • deotial camp&lp~ In Newport a.lctf: to be Southern Call.fornia to serve a ooe year term; Newport Harbor C-ol b<MtiUI m-"-Sept. Z? ~es~•·at ca--• "· Co --~ at lbo 11--=clllb -Tl -u._..gn. ~ ap-elected to serve a 3 yerar "term. .. Zonlnl Bealerda'',·.tbe Enstgo lea.roed yes-ctll!rman ol tbe Schmltz-for-and Dr. K. J. Smallwood. re. mmtrce ~..~~.~ee-• ... Oil ~ ~ -Ea~. d I Mr. Dorsett, 32-yea.r-okl po1Dt.ed. Mr. Scalera to handle The DeW board structure l.s o.wca. 10 u. Not' mber taDot ........_.._ made up of 7 members: from fec«d lloodaJ ap1DI:t Prep-ldck-4 ol lbe uauai Is e aye Reollor, was chOilen bY Pat the --~ ... in the 70th state , • F'UDd campaJ.cn. Scalera, former COUDtJ CRA assembly dlstrlct, and Mr. Sea-the Presbytery, 7 appointed by I.DIUltl'fe tbat WOIIId P'1l cautal • • • Argumem:s O're!' Wbetber or cbatrman, who oow beads United len. pteUd Kr. Dorsett aod the Hoag F'ouOOation, 3 mem- cll'felopmeot IDler ltate COD· aot Balxla Isii.Dl's oew anti-Americans of CaWornla, tbe the Newport Harbor chairman. ben from the medical staff tiol. 1'tHI __, __ Co wtdcb owu d 1e ........ -~·•• 1 1 American Party couoterp&rt to 3 Tba baudoldlteetor Yoted • u-.,_ ., ~ t: ..._.. :zKaNIU restr c CRA. MARIHERS LIONS WILL of the bospttal and from ••ftlmoaslJ to jolD ttl:""'· f .. ~ ..... ~ -~~II :...~a-second UDllt to &SO square feet Asked If he would ace..-the 0 FFER BOOK SALE tbe community at 11rge. Tbe .....,, ... -""" .-ue still auett1ed after a ql\ · 21st is the president of the ~~ CtlJ CO!mCU tD op-Propocttton 10, tbe Noftmbet special P1aDoiQc Commissioo local campalp chairmanship, Marlners Llons Club of New-board A Vlnceot Jorreoseo ..--tbt I'M&M'e. Rlcbard bi.Dot I.D1tlatlte wldcb woa111 meettne Moodi.J D1gbt Mr. Dorsett sa.td yesterday tbat port Beaeb wUl llok1 a book Dr ' Robert A Hinrichs and stertu, pr..,_ ot Cbe 81.1-pal cca*l Welopmea UDder WATCH for the oew Eosigo Commtssiooers 'eoottnoed he lad oot yet received tbe sale Oct. 6 I.Dd 7 at Wedelt.ft' Dr 'r c w ~erhout werf' bel& 81.7 Club. beads u ~ ,bOc Jtate coatrol. feature --a crossword puule, ttMttr pubUc bearlnc 011 tbecoo-call from Mr. Scalera. Ptua sfqlplog center. Pro-.~ted to. titee medical sta1f commltt• wb&eb beaya mut 0. W'IIPOII ltYtDI wtU 1118 startJng nert week. Everyooe tronnLaJ lootag )awlmtiJ Oct "I am booored IJid sur-eted.s: from tbe sale wtll buy uecutlve committee to rtplaoe tdacat. tbe pubUC u to w~ Ll tDODQ. Aa aiiDOIIDc:tmeot wbo senc1s ill a soltJUon "1.U 5. MfiUW'We, 011. Sept. 26, u .. j prlsed. but ( will r.ve to thi.D.k a111Bo-rilal eql.lipmeDt for the tbe out-cotog members, Dr. tlda .taltlatlf't ~,.. ~does. J'MlttrdiJ bJ OOIJ1IM1 eaca-·WlD a prise. See out week a will bold a jolDt •SitOD ...Uh about It, because I'll be 0111. Cbild Gutdaoce Center of Or-J. G. Kidd &Dd Or. T. R. Neb- lit • ...,.. ~tttee ll th'e rice..prt.adlat R&J'IDODd L. EDSign tor the fll'st crossword tbe Newport ctty COUDCU to of towo tor part ol October, •• up coay · reDberg. Other members of .ebldUed to meet i J, Sept. WltloD. dt4 DOt lilt & tlgve. a.od tnlormaUoo about the dleclla popWatioo deutty aDd be sa.id wheo the EDStp LD-flours are 9 to 9 Oct. 6 tbe necattn committee are ll,ID -ltoeo-~.,.wt boll olrlply -lod&od llal prlses. llOW ID c:cotrol -lllro<lcb formed him lllal he bad-ll!ld SID&Oct. 7· Dr. J. D. Gruoolla. Dr. P. tbl Jll'~ ••lauctat ....,art of tbt C&DI• &ODblr CboSeD TboM wt.sbiGc to doalte boots R Kuhn, Or R C Woodruff Dr. Jlolto FrioooU..oCbom-...... ...-··~ zo·· s h I . Tbo .... R-1 5 ... lnlro-Atxxt 150 po<ll)lo ...,.. ..... ..., do .. l:ly leoYID( lbem the 0 R e.;..: o; G t>uTj bor -· ......--11 will bo..... c 0 ars In daeed .., Do ........... cliJ last .... at • CRA meeiiDc ol .., Newpor!Beoob ftre Jla-...; or. ri. A. Pill!. . . woald bo lror<IID •D l!lo pll>lle llr • ---lbll eoomcllmu Paol RJ<:IIoll 1.1111 at the ot.soeylaDd Hotel IW lloa, lhe Newport Beach Post oa local OGII:rol cl cout de· tiiJt PI~ ..,_... po.. • f" I puaed )Ut mc.lh u u ordl. mass re.re&f,Jtn.tioa u oalce 011 Riverside A.-.nue, or SCHOOL IOUMDARIES ..... ---.. ...., ...... -......... -lopmtol semi Ina s ....,. l:ly lllo Cll1 COIOICil, .. : Amerl.:aa poriJ Yolors. at !be bornlsprorldedo!Weat-WILL BE DISCUSSED t!::"boe-~::\'-.. _. .. _,._ otrtelalllellleot-OOI!ls 11081 o1 the 0naco c-'~-· Sebool dlotrlc:t -., ...._,,......-• tla Md teolaef, bit DOt to TYetve Harbor Ani hlP alloWed oo ret:ldeM:Ia.llots. leaderatttp ol CRA. ud tlded IM1 "::'::: ~.:eked problema will bt d.Lic...S at Pr.,..-10-Ill IP -lo Ia lllo iiO!do of -oc:bool --• aomed fiRST ltiWo\MIS fiLiol R-Heau f« Calli>nlaloft = tbe U:.. wtD-c:oUIW u."': 0 CIOCiol-00-Gilbo ....... -to .... Ia -leo..:...--, -11 ttrla noll ao ooml-bUolo In TELLS .t.IOUT fRo\HCE 111<t R~..,UCOD poriJ. lor 1bo • Newport.ll-oetrool board -........ Tiro ----111o lt"IS Nallarol llorll Fnllce 111o RIP lllmalayu. mc.-e coaoorntlft por1J .., CEHTRo\L H. I. o\SSH. out Toooclay oliN, Sept. H, ___ ..._ .... _•s:;:==:r:::SclloluAlpprojnm. lorool, ~a-. O!ld-,_..._bJOnacoC-.Jobll WILL MEET SEPT. :13 :;.111e c;.:~=~~ tn1 -0 ............. .... I -AJooc wllb-15,000otllor Amorlea wW bo pn-1n Sobmlbl. Tbo Clltrol Newport Booeb ..... .... .._ ~ ::.,I*,W-1-ft•llotoplelllodlbroogll-u._.tnftludodteotore Oilier CRA memboro lm-coau•aotiJA_..IIoola--glno...:,.aop.m. .....,.. a.... ..... , .. tW: taltllllllt -.unOIIltbiOIMbJ,tbiJWlUcom-....... _....bJ.tbtNew-medl&tilb' met tn U. coa. t.clts&..t~udeocl&l..-......, ~~~ --..-,. n polo m -1,000 mertt I>OitHarborlttwulaCllll>. sbop of U. Royal loa, alP ..-c~~~~o-.,. Sept U •·-moe "' • 11Ut"l1w 1111 '!""n:" ~ --orrpoelod ID bo Flrll of 111o Ill put _..., bloetl hm Dloooyltlld, to oot Tbo ·-·• • .. ..i..H :.-.: ::•=:.-:: *:; - -.. n-·-dlrr ... lt"IS. ""Tlllt F-of ~" WIU op o 11">-lom ---., _... •-• oflllo ana -CmsO •• "'* • ..._ WID -;,:.~ M..,.. Hartlol' lliP cla1ml be pruntail tllla FYtdiQ ~ aDttl Dn CRA •~ .,... bet ... 1111 l!ldlo& Ud JfeW .. ==--~ ~ C• 2 ... -;~:;=~-:;: llll?lalllloloctl••·-0. U at I p.a. Ia 111o 0...... Mill. pori ....... Pr-o1 111o .._ 1 l• • ... a tna Alai hdrfta, c.:..coua .. A.,...IZELJ?Ol a..t.r Cr•t.J at KtwpDrt ~Ia"-IIJuY. = :..:.. ~ C: = ~ Gltdao;.:•Hdd-FolnloW ..... C..--..__ Botclrlo Ia ~ -Ill T111t -w121 bo trwJ S ID -~ 1 • ;_;;,,;;;;;;~-.., -, Torrtll ,._ -l>o .at -tt* Nowporl-11-Clio\. .... to t ,.._ .... ---I' -_. lltr1,..,... boloc "-' --c ... Cnoly,-olllloCaA-._ -t1 lllr ........ -. ---11101,--''-'..a dl•l-loll-.., .... -. -w11 1>o 11r 111o CHo\llll .. .aiiAKP~ .. It ' .......... 1p6eW C.... ...... k ba ..,ata.~IIWu••, ,ti l lS ' 1&11 I .. tf~C...;~~:~~ a. :,U1 1,;:=k\'!:t:..:.::! "c':;"':u;::;=.,. ""==.·"'~.; ::-.•.,-:, l)r,-: ~ 1111 m rw ~ .. .... ~ .......... •*llzlll ............. --..... ...... . .. c.: ... ::.-: Q,"M..~·~.a.:;:::~-~"= ;-:.1-: ... s;, 't':.l=---- "9 IIIII ........ 1et l'tlr• ...: .......... .:.. t1 Alllll 100 P¢ Ill ........ tl .. -... -,_...... .._, ... -lllo ••• , -d...... • .. I .... ' j • ••••••••-• n•-••••-;w~1 ~EURoPE .BEE 1 LitlE f -11. .e., I, .,.,. · ··. . lp,JAIIIY IIIILS ~~~~~.... -~~1 L•H•rs to1£ditcit. • cur l)()1rl ._.:at taw -*a, ..s -ow u. A1t110 E. HMPA,-M41 '1111allsloor of Ill £otl .. ' 0.. -., - -&1. I-, -,_ f11o •iiir •w• • ..,t THEY'RE SWITCHING TO SCBMITZ •Mr-too lUI. we-. -OIIIO<'od -~!l::Jf:=~~~~~!;~~~~~:::J 1; 1Edllloroftllo8...... ol-., r._a --the wrtttr ~••c.:IDJtlc .. bot......,.IC' oomtt UriC . (8ula -c-II. A. lkw ... lOt .... lo .......... -.. .., llclr fit -: A. dnmattc "nttch to Scbmits" wu ~~or • · w11oe '"'*"•· u 1or lood,-ur1 01 .. _.,... .... ,...,.,,..._ ... ...._ mldt 1ut week at a meeting of leaders nonr-uri--111t --"" •· ,_,-··eo.-.,...,,""''·,,.., 1•1. -lila llrll Ull Fort- (lnl'l Cortl1 'CUGCI<'~ TIOI Blal!o mllltur' alrenll lor dt- pllllro fllol ---.... of-ol Orqe County Republican organi&a-01 --10 -p1c. 11 ,.. allltloaft« 1 o•cloct TELEPHONE: 87:J.:C)6&0 IAtoo ~7141 tloa8, aDd there Were many whO left tur-. ... p~p aM CCJDCerta Wbea we rtaebld a.n., ntE NB~T KAJ\BOil mSJCN b ~. IM\Iy newtPIP" printed and tile Republican o.. ...... to rama+ .. r as mem-;..:.·~uti .... ~ ...... ~ ~!~~wltb ... ~f!'~ ~w.c4 ln ttM, Qt}' of N•wport kach, and-ooly locally o~tn~d ftrllon 1D WWR. . • HAl(l)GVlf STATJSTK:S Wu counMl to tbe llt. Paal £dltor of tbt Eulp, Mants. &Dd I well remember OW JOG kaoW tbtt ... ~-•7 "&PI'_. ,_ -.---w -.. _ ~-P ..-& -•-. ..1 .,....cad Dt_,.,., .. the N"cwpcwt ttubor-Coen~ Me• Area. ber• of the American Independent Party. •lloo!l ud ooold .-pro. tbal "'" a madl99&1 -to ,. .. ....., -"'•· .. .,...,.,.,. '"""" ,..,. ""'" ,. ... """'~ the pubUc rtJoleJ.Dc w~ Air-1. Tbert are l&lfii'OIIm&tely Cal lt&rttd QPtntiDI with tbt 25,000,000 bud,_. Ia the prap-jot Loekhoed Ulfllalap, 'II. S. A. u.-more wU1 be doing the same in _. Clla-Btr-eome-lilt old -••• Wa Jut dd ..... c.ut. ~~ wtlat U the FHDCb do. mta.cl tb1 JtrWq of tbe ntE NltWPOAT HARBOR ENSIGN ... aciJudtecl to be-a Mwtpo~pu of Now enrxoot la mad Ud z. There are&,OOObomleldes W'I.Ota to trHH out tbe jets. per JIU. tbe day8 tO COme. Olr lut tftlillcnbldp1ut .. mfMUtftl Clock. .... 1u u .. pneral dlrc:""-tion 1ty c:ourt dean No. A·20178 dated M.ly 14,1951. 'Jbla fa not being done by hasty whim lid to dial til OW ttot.l'l bea1 .. mored JD&D. •*-fOOiltr,. ln S~o~~Rrior Coun tc.. ttr.e<:ow.ry .ofOnnae •. State:.ofCallf~nl.l . •IMt by Tr~ t1 the air linea lH their S. Sta.t11tlc1 PR'¥t Ulat about own wortt eneD\lea. S/4 of the homicides are by • Wtll c.t1Udelltrtc1 IS1aLDI room due1Dc bean uc1 a DIUl oa a r111uon lb~eof ill qualified to pu.bU.b •II pubh~ noCM:et taquwed by bw. bJt after & tbougbt:fu} and careful reVieW • , , 1M Wbel Allee &ad Fnd • throDt 11JP8U OD tbt boqr ARVO E. HA..APA , . . . . . , Owner and Publbher t can't count the munbel of b&Ddpna:. tlmta I've flown out ot Sa.nta 4. Tbertfore, 4,500 bomt- of tbe record of the past 4 years of the Laemle or ~. AD .. Ie, told ~tu. Berat, 1 llldtratud, PEe HAAPA . . . . . . . . . . .~uaocilte Editor N ti Ul lt WU I IDID1 coar• Comet fr'om & Germu W'OI'd. SUBSCRIPTION RATEI Aoa 11'1tb Air-Cal jets. I do eldtt ue bJ h&DctiWll. remember the steep ucle ot 5. Tblrefort oat of 15,000,- cUmb. ''G" force 80 p-eat ooe 000 landps OD.l1 4,500 WOUDd cou](!n•t get out of b1s aett up In tbt buds of murdtreu. tt be tried. 6. Only .ou pere..t of tbe tzon admtn1Btratton. The conserva ve meal•tthac~wiDee" Bareo, "'"""" bear• a.t tbt '" twbor Are•= o-yeac, 15.00; 2 yean, , s.oo C&U88 1a Well Stated in the declaratiOD WI dtc:Jdtd Oil ll Uctht rep&lt bear 11 -.d OD tbe cilJ'a coat Out of tWbOI" A.ru.: One year, 16.00; 2 ytan, II 0.00 t f 1D tbt botal P'W. wbere •• of arms TbtJ are td&blJ re.. -----------:---::::-::----:---of principles and state men o reasons 11a4 aeccmpuyln1-. bat oot prdocl ioere,' 1n filet •• •• fr h o I • 1 Uve La the Bluffs, one of haDdguu •ere uaed for murder. the areas of compla.tnt. and 7. 99.i82 perceotofallhud- on countless occasions I have lUllS were oot UMd .6)r murder. seen, but hardly b.eard, jets Let'• be praetlcat ~-Ut.t for the action taken by these concerned ec...., COWMI. We ............. 1 u they 'flere blloe,Lesson om t e ympacs R bli H th 1 t t xt ear)J oo the moi'D of oar "6lb-.. ~to bed." epu cans. ere is e comp e e e day-<>Ut," b<-.tlnccrrocm Our -director Helmut c ~~ of th d lar tl ud -lor " " • BySpoelal orre.,....-ZolourAmerle&Ditlaoedthe!r e 8C a on: ftr'l r a .000 Forst, was moJt tDowledprab1e' OM of tbe e1enrelt tbi.ap ba.ek 011 tbe fla.1 during tbe come 111 for laDdlngs. clttsenrJ ahoelld DOt be dJa- • • • start aboard oar lir eoadl-lo tbe blltory aDd eutoms of to eome old: of the Olrmplcl plaJiot of tbt ~Uooal anthem, tloDid, um-ctwr tour bus to tbe n.rloueoGrleaudplacet t1 tbe aurgeJtloo bJ a "woukt &Del ftYed to the crowd with Locerae. we Yislted ..• u , weU u be'' fema' uplr&Dt for the tbe all-too-fllmll1ar "eleDcbad. Ac I uoderltand It, planes armed becaUJe of tht acta of a.re s~sed to nctor to &O .018 per eeut of the OWDtJ'S out over tile IWtr bay to tbe of handcuoa. Just becaue a ocean. TbeJ aren't dolllg u. few thousand people·ttu tbem- They are going out over our selves and othera 1n auto~ area, wtdeh 1a well over a roUe mobile• Is oo reason tor tatLDc from the ocetui. automobiles away from the rest DECLARATION We, the signers of this statement, have devoted a· combined total In excess of 200 years supporting Republican causes and candidates. Long have we labored in the vineyard of volunteer Republican circles to bring about the goals we seek --that of limited government, expanding individual freedom, keeping the defense of this nation second to none, and restor- ing the traditional American values to our everyday lives. With despair we watched the trend away from our goals accelerate during the Kennedy-Johnson years. Then, joyfully and successfully we marshalled our forces behind Richard M. Nixon and our platform in 1968. Here at last we believed that the tide would begin to turn away from the path toward collectivism. We, the signers of this statement, helped to give Richard M. Nixon his massive plurality in Orange County, which In turn gave him the State of California and the presi- dency of these United States. Now, four years after that effort, it is with great regret and sadness we view the record: 1. The greatest deficits In federal spending of any peacetime presi~nt. 2. A steadily expanding bureaucracy which continues to grind away at the individual freedom of the citizen. 3. A continued weakness in our military defense posture, which has apparently led President Nixon to try and seek some accommodations with our enemies, at the risk of our national security. 4. For the first time in the history of our nation, in peace time, controls over prices, wages and people. 5. A lack of leadership in turning our people away from the morass of a "some- thing for nothing" philosophy. 6. A failure to forthrightly combat mis- guided efforts to forcefully bus our children away from their neighborhood schools. 7. A continuation and expansion of trad- Ing and assisting our enemies, Russia and China, while at the same time per- mitting the "no win" war in Vietnam to continue. 8. A perceptible weakening ofthe philo- sophical differences between the two NOW major political parties, resulting In NO choice for our American voters. 9. The obvious trend toward the moral decay of our society under the two NOW major political parties, In areas 81'~·. as but not limited to: abortion, education, pornography, narcotics, and euthanasia. For these reasons, AND others too numerous to outline within this document, we the signers of this statement do •olemnly declare our resignation from our respective Republican volunteer or- ganisations • • • • • and ..... from the Republican Party. we 'declare that we have not abandoned the principles of the Republican party, but that ~e who control the Republican Party have abandoned us. We herewith etate that the principles ol tbe American Independent Party now · come clOile.t to our own individual pl'ln-ctpJe•, aDd for that reuon, we, the rrliMr• ol th1ll declantton do hereby change our ~ to that of the American In- .Jep •Ckrll'uty. W'e fllrtller at-' to all A.merlcau ol JID p!JIII...,..,., nprdld• ol current Jilli1l ,.,......,.., u llrfttation to jolll with ............. ~rlcaD~t --M 1D ...... Ute to IOUNII-1 I We dron tbrou&tl Dtjoo, COD· bulDJ a seDH of humor· ned OIJmples .... a TusltD 8th Ost" a lute. Unllld oo tbroueb fertile farm-Tttrouch b1mwelelroeda8eee-gn.cter .... tor a Mark Spitz Thaok God we r.d ooeperaoo laads, put Neuebatel LD the d.lctloe Yooutery of st. Leo-doll. You wlnd hlm up &Dd he represuUog this country wbo Freoch-apeaklnl part of the depr, toUDded arouod'lSOA.D., does 211ps IJ'OUDd tbe bathtub! wu proud aod patriotic eoougb couatry and qi.Rht old vtnages. pn a small f1sb1D&: YIUace But the most Important thlag to remember to put his hand I kept wooderlag about t:arm-name aod lmportaoc:e, ftrst to realise about MI.IDich ls that onr hiaheutwbUeatattention. boolea, all buut with the front mentlooed 1o documents of NO competition 1..s oot dead. For Tbls was Dave wottle a dts- eatrance In the middle of tbe A.D., u Loclarla. When the s..,.eral yearsoow parents lave ta.oee runner ' bu1id1DK. flao.k:ed with double Gottbard Pus was opened lD been br&lnwasbed' Into thlaklog But the le~aoo to be learned doors, Ute oldttme garages. tbe 13tb century, Lucerne be· (Yia Dr. GlasNr's pass-taU out of aU of this is that lt tloa.Uy daWMd oo me · · • came an (mportaot port aDd system, where you receive DO patriotism and respect must the tamtl)' Uved La the middle trading town. With the eomlnc D or F grade) th&t to fall a be taught from the nry begin- section, their Un stock wu of the mountaiD-raUways, JOOd student would be to psycho-alng of a child's education, kept on one side, with. equip-higtrnys, tod&J Lucerne ll tbe IoctcaUJ sttmt a studeot's not sometblog be is prompted meat, eraLD storage, etc., on tourist, cultural aocl com-growth, by leavlng a permanent 00 before tbe big eYeoU Tile tbe double door side. AU UDder merclal center of Central scar on his p.ychel louoda.Uon of this COlllltry ns ODII!I root, a very economical Switzerland. Alter watching the Olymplca, built 00 loyalty to the family idea • • • espedallJ lo the We arrived ·tD Lucerne LD and all the poUUes LDYolfed, God and COUDtry and that b winter, Wf1eo DO doubt the time tor dlnoerandourdirector pareot& tell us th&t they DOW what 11 beloc d~oyed In our warmth of the aolmals belped took us "out on the town" 110 reallu just ea.etly what 1s bools today tbe beating ~oblem, besides to speat. to tbe Floraprten, tlappenl.ng in the schOols. sc Students .;.e being robbed to deep-soow-ttme, care of feat1D'lag Alfredo, wbo La: coa-For ln5tanee, U was brought of their wUI to win, because them aJXj mUting of the eows sldered Europe's create5't out that Russia prepared them.. they are being told th.al they was slmputted. comic .•. I eao't •Y how HlYes for many rlctories in must DOt compete aplnst eac h All the houses had earYi.ag true tt is, but he surelJ kept this Olympics many rears ago, otber 1n the schOols. aDd ginprbread trim, but most every011e laug:b!ng from bella-when theJ tested ALL 7 and 9 competition ts healthy and enba.Dclnl were tbe window nl.og to the ead, tJrlndDc a yeu olds In Russla to see common sente should tell you boxes oftlowertngplants.Enry happy Ooa.letoreUevethettred-which ones wouldbeathletleally tt\at not ooe of those young window ~r and lower bad Dell of a lODJ day'a driYe. toeUoed. They pushed those people got to the Olympics by LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL HOTICE particular yo~.mgsters In that dolog tt the "easy way," They ---=.:===:..:.:=:__ ___ __c;cc:_o--"'~-',_""-~--fteld and groomed them to be trained and sweat and prayed, NOTICE OF FlUNG AP-tercommantcattoa Senlee wtaoara. They were '•program. but most or all they competed PLICATION FOR INCRE-ra.tes woaJd be increased. med" to win. every ;tep of tile way. ASES FOR INTRASTATE TelepboDe Aoa:werlagServtce The Interesting thing Is that Not enryone can go to the TELEPHONE RATES cord operated poiiUon rates theJ forgot to teach them how Olympics, but most of us at The Pacific Telepbone and would be loereued. to LOSE. Little Olga.. tbe young-ooe time or anotber are f:lced Telegraph Company ooSeptem-Increues are proposed for ster trom Ruasla, who woo with earning a UYtDg. We all ber 15, 1972, ftled with the Optiooal Residence TelephODe neryooe's heart oothepa.raUel can't be president of tile com .. Publle UUUties Commission of SerTlce. bara, would smile and strut pany because there wtUalwars tbe. State of Callforllla an ap. It Is proposed to introduce aJ'Oih:l the stadium, wnlag to be fttOH lnlll&AS eQo cblefs. pllcation for alttlO!'tty to In-a plan to •leetln}J eliminate her faDs. But tbe ooe time But .,....,_ w.-~ 1fbetbet er ... cert:IJ.D.lntrutate ntH euta1D mesu.ce tm1t aDd ton she dld t.d\y, she iost ber It be a ditch d.lger, a prtl&ge IDd cbarcu: ..,Pbcable to teJe. routes la order to create more composure completely and hung colleetor ot wtatenr J we ean phooe sentee 1\Jrnlsbed witbta uniform klcal calling areu. from the bus l1ke a Ump rag, be the B£ST ONE 1D that trade. the State of Catuornla.. to ren-Certain miscell&Deoos and and 'CK>D learlllc refused to To strife for u cellenee Is eral terms, the proposed to-slC)Plemental equipment rates eno look at the spectators. a trait that ,, must hang on creases are aa follows: would be lDcrtued. The welgbtllfter wbo dropped to tor this ceoeraUoo and aU Baste nchange rates •oukt Tbe rates proposed intbefuU hll wel&hts ttramaUcallJ COT-the rest to come. But we must 1 put Ibis question to a friend of us. ' who wu chief pllo( for and Ulepl use of tandguas .... not now Vice president of one ot owoera:htp ... sboukt be the ob- the major alrlloes: jective, so that the few mur- "ls there any reason yhy derous "mad dop" can be pot these pilots having acbieved away quJckly. sate altitude on 'mu' power Get this messap to your couldn't oose down and throttle Congressmen ll.od Se~tors to- down unUI over the ocean?" day before tney get carried "No reason at aU." awaJ with all the shmtlog and "Tben why don't they do It?" disarm us. "They want to get their Sincerely, 'housekeeping' done." C. c . Moseley "Housekeeping?" Glendale "Yes, get squared away." In other words. these com. panies aDd their pilots are jeopardir.tng themse!Yes into FINANCED BY LAGUNA FEDERAL SAVINGS YOU'LL LOVE LFS HOME LOANS be 1ocreased for both residence appllea.tlon are estimated to ertd his eyes wUh his arm and go by the old detlniUon. 'tll'btch and businen telephooeserYice. produce addltloral&DD\RigroSI m.mbled of! tbe stage, crying attache~ reaponslblllt)'toglory. For residence the moothly to-revenue of $32&,000,000 above "Oh nol" Tbe camera tolknred We must stop holding our baocl Our highly qualified loan aod c!>C row personnel in our crease would be from $1.05 preseat rate Ienis. hla ent u he tnoc:ked every-0~ to TAKE something for three local full service oftiLc~. sland ready to assisl to $1.70 per main telephone, As part ot tta full awuca .. thing out ot his pa.tb, loeludlng notld.Dg, because tlM!n It has Orange County home bvyas. home builders and our except tor ooe .. pa.rty 30 mes-lion tbe Company seekainterlm what was baogiog on the walls, 00 value. real csta le friend<> Be ~urc 10 cunlact rhern ahou t our:- sap service, whereanlocrease rates, wbich it requests be U wu a tragic slgb.t to wtt.. There ta aomelhlng to be LOW of $.75 Is proposed wttb oo put lo effect subject to refund, ness. No one had prepared them learned from Munich. Let us change 1n the message allow-as .sooa uposslbleandbefore for the posslbiUty of loslag. get thU eouotry aotnc In the CIN G INTEREST RATES aoce. An Increase from $1.95 heulop are completed oo the tt n.s a dlscrace tor them to right direction ap.tn, 11'hlle we RED U to $6.00 Is proposed per main full appl1eat1oo. In ceneral return to their country ml.nus still hue the freedom to do s •• o,_l ----" ---.~T bUi!Dess telephone. Forelpex-terms, the proposed lnterlm the medals. Olp. made 14'1 for . - ehanp service rates aod PBX loereoaeaare u lollou her lou the lollo'lliDcdar, bat 1t1 aL-Bib'-LOA N COMM ENTS trtmk ntes woukl be 1Dcreasec:l Resldeoce basic rate 111· the weiJbtlifter looked as 11 ~ r rom Ule le rc ceneraUy 1n the same propor-ereues woukl be $.95 to $1.05 was OOomed. to face the ftrloc (I e6 u6 sp ~akin t; to tA e man S YM PATH ET . tlon u maiD statl.oo ratea. per maLa telellboDe per month aquad. to whom he hod ru tn red FRI EN DLY SERVICE Tbe message ardt eharce for e:rcept for ooe.pa.rty 30 mes.. THE WlLL TO WIN is a . h1..) multi-messace tll.lt messac-All aanict wb.lch would 1n· must 1D eompet1t1011. but to 6'& H E R E WE G RO W AG AIN! would be locreued from $.045 crerue $.45 with oo ch&Dge tD wiD wltbout cUplty &Dd toyalty J esus heard that they had N E W BRANCH IN LAGUNA HILLS _ NOW O PEN! to S.06 per l.lllll Forelp u-the mesace allowance. to cowdry Is an empty prize. c ast him out; and when he ch&age aervlce messare unit Buaioeu taste rate to. To stand aiortt wben you can bad found Mm, he said unto O range County's Largest, cbarps woukt lDereue from creuea 11'0Gid r&JlCIIfrOm$1.10 ha.•e God aDd 'COSlti'J belllod him, Dost thou belie ve on First and Slro ngest mdeptndcnt F eder al $,05 to $.06. to $1.65 per maiD telephone. Jou. 1s a boJJow rtctory. And the Son ot God? It Is proposed to Latroduce Message unit and e~~:tance word bU It that tbere waJ a He answered and s aid. a new tlmtq meuvemeotplan me~ cbarpa for meuured lot of pn.Jiog ID1DC oo beblod Who ts he, Lord, that I might tor excbu.re meaaces placed sen1ce would be Laereued the &eflDI&, believe on him? from m .. ap rate teMpbooea. trom $.045 to $.049 (other thaD Tb11 COUDtrybuahr&Jastood And Jesus said unto b.im, Tile localmeasape.b&rcewoukt foreign excbaop ud colD). for patrkrt:lam aDd (IDOdaports .. 'Thou bast both seen hJm, AND LOAN ASIOCIAT10N be ooe excbaDp mesace unit, Key equipment statioa ra.tea manahlp. Wbo ..-er b-.rd of and it ts he th&t talketh $.06, for each ftYe mi.DIItta of and LastallaUoo charge• would being a poor k>Hr to front ot .. ..~,h thee HOME OFFICE: 260 Otean Avenue· La!11na Beach. Calli. 92652 be baopd t COM PAK biD .. , · Telephone: ~9~-7 ~~ usace. c or Mf· miWona of peoplt watc: ron And he &aid Lord. I ~ , 'GU NA HILLS BRANCH • •GUNA NIGUEL BRANCH SAN CLEMENTE BRANCH I For tntrutate mas•-toll •tees. telertl1oo? It WAS -.beard of • IJ"\ IJ"\ •-Ueve Aod he worshipped 2•038 Galle de Ia Plaia 3 Mona rch Bay Plaza 601 North El Camino Rtal t.l-holl8 -~ce, •• •· pro. The '•l••lm -teo --~ u~1 this 'Ill ~ ' C Ill 92677 '-Cl t '"Ill 92672 ..... -.. .. , " .. w.... •• .,.......,-... 111.1 ... ~ 9 • ••) laQl.lna Hills, Cllif. 92653 Soulh l.agl.lna. a . ~n emen e."'" · pond to totroduce a ooemtnute are estimated to produce ad-l2~bla~ek~~~~~~us~•~boll~~hl~m~.~(~S<~.~J~oh~n~~:3~~~~·~:=,:~~~~::::~;,;:;~~~~:,;=;=.::i'";~:===n i.altlal period day ecbedule for dJUoDal 1.11DIIll croa re•e•uM (j • · -(-"' 1 ::'.::r .. :a:..,..:u.b, :: ~~t!~!~:·ooo a~~cw. preoeot '1,11 E lJ ll I '1,1 S II .t\ ll n (J 0 M I N -• • erator bandied .ta.two and per.. HeartAp OD the ttau appUca- aoa rat.s. A...,..... IChedute tkto ud be:u'lDp oatbelDtertm jfl:..l C ST 'ftl. Z Se:nl' 28 0-4 8 will .. -~-lor cclD ~--· 'IIlli be eel at I lator To Sou " oa r .. a a... •r •• ,_ .,;1. calls. date. Notice of sucb beulDp Wide Area TelepbOaeSerYict~ will bt pablllbtd DOt lila tbu rates woukl bt ebiJtCid Uld ftn DOl' mort tbu thtrty dap lep&rale ac-. -he prl« to tile IDitlal beariDJ. establllhtd tor t.wvd aDd out-Tbe Compuy•s pl'(lpOMd ward •"te., ratea woald become .a.eti.Yt Stntce ~ eblrpt lD t'U'Ioll Callforola COUIIttu woakllDer ... b' ..., aa:1 ad-aDd maatclp&l corpontsou.la- dl-1oemco, -.. ol cu. eladlac the ~ fit 0raDp tomer'a teleO--· certaiD aod the City ol Nnport Boaeb ebupl of c-··-ud ._ .,.... ol alllhorll7 thero-koy te~ .,...,. ..meu, foro br the Calllonda P,a,ne aDd llapiaeeeoa••c:Uooc..,pa. uttUU.. Commf.llloD. Til< <hUll lor -1--A COlli' ol the 11>11llealloo 11oo of a ·-• to.......,. mar be iMI>I<tOd br .., te- 'IIOOid 111-rr-ns.oo •-por-1D 111o ollloe to $1SJJIJ. TM 'til & IM ...... of till PaeUle Tt...,._. ud woold --rr-tii.OO lo TNt ..... ~or at lOIS $15.00. -Malo, -Aaa, Cal., Prl-.... -uri uri 18 tilt-fit tilt-ctue~~~-...ldbl WcrttRd..S ..... c ... ·-ol .. tilt ........ " __ ,. ... - e-M' II. .... c... -uri-...... -~~~lar-llrCOM­PA&, 11 ..... Ulo..,CW I .....,c 'trt ... .... Jill); ......... 9 ,.., •• ... ., a a 11.. ..... AXD ftLI<aUII ,_ ... _ --.. ., .&aftlll C. LAniO, nl., ...... II ..... II •• JDII .. ,... .. It 3 --aiiOIIr-... "'"* it 1¢, P'lfh ... ~:,': .... cDiiU ...................... ....... ' • • GEM tALK TOD.AY l7 J. C. Ho.,,hrl .. CSPEED~ ........,,... FULL PRINTING SERVICE Jt.ROII I;Of'1'10oi G P'Ot..DING COLLATIN G .INDIN G SCORING f'AOOIN G STA,.t..IN G .. Ot..lt .. UNC:HINC". • MA"'V 0TH£11t Sl:lltVIC IE:$ WE DO BIGGER JOBS TOO ! 10 to 10,000 FREE PICKUP AND 'DELIVERY 644-8232 HOUIS• l o 30 TO So lO lltOMD.t.Y THRU Pltt D.U Do so ... Rapidly & Easily Under Medical (!::~.:1~·$t_llfope.-rvllion POUNDS AHD IHCHES GO FASTI lf!!~lo.,;;~CALL 673-5821 Weight Clinic Inc. 1345 E. COAST miGH1,AY, HOl.lll8: LEGAL HDTICE FICTm OUS Bt.SINESS NAME STATEMENT Tbe to11oYt.D1 per.oa Ll do1D.t; buiness u: Da.tua.fe Storace/ lDterJII.tlooal Data Security, 1908 Wllldward LaDe, Newport Beach, Calll, HMO: Goorp Oakt}J H&Uoct Jr., 1908 WtDd. ward Lut, Newport Beaeb, caw. 91180. Thta I:JI•11M11 L1 bliDg coo. ductod bl' ao IDdlYlduol. Sl-: Goorto ll&lloek. Tbit ltatemeot ft.led with tbe ·-elork c1 Oraoto c-oo: Sept, s, lt'FZ, bl' S..ori:J J. Maddox, dtpaty c:oaDty d erk. PllbUab: Stpt, 14, Jl, ta, Oct. !5 , U?!, lD tbe Newport Harbor Eulp. F-IOOS3 OUNG DRIVER MAlE· car 18-c:J. .. " 1<2 A UN,,_,.auwao ,..,.,._,.., ceveaA4 • .1131 ~ ';~" ... ? ? • • • i ••• IIEW'ORT IIARIIOR EIISIGN PUaJ!II ED I EEIILY -PACE 3 ilfURSDAY, SEPT. 2~ 1!72 lXI ROilA DEl MAR. CAL TERRIE SHEATHEH STUDBNT HONORED Bottles? How food fads can fool you We don't tr~CaD thae'taft)'- thinJ wrona with Oldf'll yos:urt and wt..t term and 10 on. 1llC)' 1m1 fino. healthful fooda. But hcrc'a the rub. Advocates or some food fads promise bencfiu that dtet alone can't deliver. Oca.ionaUy, someone with a medical pt"obiem will try to 10IYC tt by livina mostly on cabbqt: juK:e or aome auch thing. Special foods and diets, howew:r, hrlve lim- itation--<:an be h.annful wllen improperly UMid . So if you think there's anythin~ wrona with you, by all means sec your physician. ff,:'-.... \Tij~~~lE Is A BE'M'ER WAY Convenieat More Economical s.re &. Saniwy FREE HOM E TRIAL _ .. __ ., ____ _ -...- Conserving energy is vital. The demand for electricity in Southern California doubled in the past eight years. Whether we like it or not, it will double again in the years ahead. Unless Edison is permitted to build additional power plants and transmission lines. it may become necessary to blackout blocks of customers on a rotational basis within two or three years. Yet permits necessary to build any new major plants have been delayed or blocked for the past four years. That's an immed iate problem. We're working hard to resolve it. The long-range problem requires finding more ways to conserve energy and to use our nation's total energy resources wise!~·. That involves all of us. In Edison's fossil-fueled plants. for example, we're now able to produce 30% more electricity from a unit of fuel t han in 1948. That helps. Deonand for electricity here keeps rising every year. Needed new sources of power must be built . Other- wise, blackouts may occur within two or three years . At the San Onohe fluclur Power Plant , fuel pellets which contain uranium are used instead of burnina fossil fuels . This helps conserve oil and na tu ral aas . By using higher-voltage transmission lines, we're also able to deliver electricity more efficiently. To find other energy- saving techniques. we're investing million s researching Geothermal Power. Fuel Cells. Fast Breeder Nuclear Reactors and other advanced generating methods. We're working with industrial and commercial customers to conserl'e electricity in offices and factories. Heat from lights. for if1hli!nce. can be recycled and used for heating systems. Perhaps you can consen·e energy, too. Ha \·e you considered ways to make el'ery kilowatt count at home' We'll be happy to send you a list of practical suggestions. Write: Conservation, Edison. P.O. Box800, Rosemead. California 91770. Southern California Edi8on An EQual Oooonunlty Em~ ... I I ---- • ' • ROTARY SEI!KS SALE ITEMS IIEWPOIT ,HAIIII KIWAIIS,••soos TIIVEL Ill AIVEITUIE 14th Season SEIIES 1972 5 73 ORANGE COAST COLLEGE AUDITORIUM, ·2101 FAIRVIEW ROAD. COSTA MESA CHRIS BORDEN h id•Y. 8 :00P.M. September 22, 1972 "'Faces of Fronce" lt la u1d tbat lt you love llfe, you'll lot• Franee. ADd ot.m" 14th seuon opeoa with a IG.Iq~~e portray:al of Fruc:e as seeo through the Utes of atmt of her owa ~*JPle -a Parts street sweeper, a Freach &J.rllDe stewarMss, a barge family wbo Uns oo the eaaala of France, a coHere stucteat, a tub1oo: pho. tocraPber &Dd b1.8 model on the glamoroua Rltlera. We a:hare 1D the strucgles of the French al Verdun u a WW I veteran recalls the put ln the Htttnr ot todi.J. We feel the strength of the people of Brtttuy who b.rm Us roek:J eoast:Uae aM t1sh Us ltormJ MU. The tiDy village of St. EmiUoo pro- tkles a cllmpse into the 11fe of a rural hOusewife as we follow ller tnrougb. a typical da.J. (Single admission at door (Single admission at door SEASON TICKETS .$2.001 .$1.001 (Good for any six admissions) ADULT .. $10.00 STUDENT .. $ 5.00 AVAILABLE AT: Newport Harbor Kiwanis Club, BoJ: 1501, Newport Beach, 92663, 646-2163 or ao)' member of the Newport Harbor K!wWs Cll4 Forpt Hardware, 220'Y' i : 'l!a1boa1 'Btrct., -neWport BMeb Ll.waon ~' 3416 Via Lido, Newport S.ch. WestcUtf Sbots at WestcUtr Piau .. TEXT OF N.B. HEIGHT LIMIT ORDINANCE ~-IIEMRII, ... h 0 ... ~-llr ........ o.) .. , .......... :a C.. iltPIFCti IDJU'tltll*tcl.ti&C·l'*- AJI 011 Till -i1o11M ttz&' -:::.. ~to~ =--fll sd I p se-I I = -. .. lOll IT I M IUCI em 01 •• JI!Oa'l' I&ACI -.D bt u -.. • .. ''0(... -.... & • .. I. &IN -II .........__. W'Ssl 8eAaM liC"f .a:• r- .tOCDGCtiftDIUITO Delli~ r•*Mr ._ IL"'ftelr ar1 M• ...... ~..._. .... ....,. IIIII P11111' Arta uaat. ftl OIOoltlliiW..,_,.._...._ 1n'LIIOOITDIII!W"'*T ..,..., _,_, ... -U11 _._ fll Ylolo Dol lllo-to r1rztt 7-1o1o1 -IIMt-... .._ llciiOI Codo to FE t'lll to 11.ta IIIIIL1P.U. COlli, -a J1111 ....., lor tala to ...... ~---Is I 7J fll 111 , •' of!-11C lo s-'11, -Ull ,._ _ -·~ IIIITft'1.aD "-t IJII. r ' -. Ia -iloi&Mllll· Tnol .. ,,, -......... ttz ... I ... aol --., ---"10.10-'71 ttl": &IIUDIIIG IICTlCIIW --ttz w!!z• por. orlr Ull -lr alaac a. n.J1 Is •• ' -5 II 11 a-lip a & ....._ dlo to ta Ud Ploor .U. Llall. 10,01.1110 10,•,10111)11 -~~--~n~-~ Ia trf fll-TnoiiHT"'"--111-, 1-1-11111[&01-lolol-ao.-- 010, 10:U.010, iiil.u:oM: ;:-::.;;;."di.i."'d:i.i. Ud _., alaac a.-_,!') .. I~ -lw-ttz--lalood lA Ill ......... 00 a IO,It:OIO, IO,U,GJO, 10,11,. --IMd lA c,..,_ trlr _, fll Tnol ......... ,.._ lo,.-Ia-fll ttz dlo. 11o --1w bolldiAJ dl lA u 11.1 Dlllrld OOOL 10,11,CMO, IUO.CNO, lUI, 1410 to-~--e tzr --porllljlso --..abo lie-...U aol -- -10.-.CNO, IO:Itot!'1 IO,.h,. (a) M/11 Fool RoiPI Um--II' alaacla•'aroo-- -.... oo ttz flllac. ,_ a lir-a. F• dwoJI, lila ........ ara fll ttz dlo: oeo, 10.11.010, .... 10.000, llaMoo z-. 10 111a alllartr .... "' Tnot 11ft .., "'--·-t.":: ._ 111a bollt1 lloi&M 1m11 --· ......... IMI ao. ·10,11,000, IO.St.OIO, AIQl 1D ttz M/IIFoollloiPIUm· lfo. IH1:--ll'alaac-.. aol -· fo all&llba u--II C ... --10 .,.,.,..._ 10:10.110: AIQlllllLBTIIIG 1.._ z-1111 balclll Ulllll oald _., ... &ad .. --_,.,. __ IO.ot.roucmoii'J'bolldllll-a bolldlll a11&11 aolba-· SECTK>N 10,01,110 AIQl tor &IIJ c-. all&ll ba 14 •-II' ......... 10 ME ooadillllii.ttz--plau. lila bolldiAs iloi&M -II bO -lo _.mlaiAJ ttzlolol CILU'TERIO.a IMI: prorldaol, boo;oor, 11&1 lutoald8aclllla7Drlft;-.(o),,._lll_aa_ -(li)IML" . floor ar• &Uowad: &ad JIIO- -· c1N c~tt ., ... c1N a ~..,,_ -·~-~~at~ _., alaac _.., Drtn to a -Comm'""N DU-aCTIOII t • ...,... 10.11.-........ -IMIII ao-o1 '~ &;';b ooE8 oa~ 1111 "t,~ ,..ii;;.=7'11 i::i 101111 _., ... .,_ tr1ct t<llsltS 1101« ;,a,. a~. oso "'»z ~-~~·-~iiiii'.., ~ -~~~~ DAII!u followa, &!lor lila ...,.,...,. fll a PIIDDod I par IIIII> r-clad lA ---fll IIIII -· alcll&l Coda II ·-10 MIPI llmll opoclflod to Cliii>-S!:CTION l.SoctlooiO.OUOO CommliiiiJ Dlltrlcl, 0< &!lor 17, .... I ol -I ....... T&l ba --·Ia accord-rlld: lor 10.1)1." oflba N-rt BMebllualclpol lila a4o1>11oo ola 9110dllc Ar• -• _., alaac oald ...,. dlt ttz----"10,10.050 llallclllll Rolpl IICTIOII 11. -10,11 •• COda to aiDOlldad fo rlld: Plao, or &!lor 1111 -· _., ... fll hnall 10 , lalood -lila PIIDDod Com-aod Floor A(aa Umll, T1lo 010 ollba Nnporl-II._ "20.02.100 Grade. For lba of a lla Pormll. Tldl baiPI 1ba __ ., 11Aa fll Jam-mao113' TPI: .....-, ....,. total.,_ ao. ar•-INII olelpal Codt Ia am-fo P""-o1 m..-loe bel&l>l. Umltalloo ,._ abal1111Pl1 to bona IIGOd; -· --...,, lllol a Ua Pormll IIMD Ia an lodldlap c. a bolldlllc road: lila ~r&da lball beaaturalrnde aU R-1, R-1.5 aad R-! Ills. trll' alooc aid alb ... ., ba r..-.... 1>1 &117 111-t lllo Ia aa R..S Dlltrtct all&ll "IG.II.II50 Floor Araa. T1lo 011leaa lba PlaiiDIDc Commlo-trlcto. 111o o1 lambona llGOd fo ttz •licit --lbo balclll Km-aot _.... -llmaa lbe total ..-floor ar• -IMd Ideo IIIProYel 1 IIJldloc plall (b) 18/!2 Fool Ro!PI Lim ---ol llacldaf llrln; Ita ootahl'oJiad bJ 111111 Cllll>tor, balldable ar• olllll -~ ll'O· ... aU bafMI ... 011 a bolldl'71 0< map, or Ill IIJldloc pormll ltal!OII z-. lbtoet ___ ., alaacoald (d) no -pormiiiiiPIIe&· •ldad, ,.,.....,, lllolao. ar• IIIIo I!IU Y-1-A Dlllrld -II baa baoa ._ '"' or before In 1111 11/SI Foot HelP! LIO\. •-ll!le lo I 11M paralla1 lloo 1M all&ll ba ft!Yocl lor &IIJ -10 Plll!lar wt-a ool _.... lbr• II-tloa tbe .-In dale ollbll ordl-ttalloa z-111e mulmom ..Uh aad 100.00' !MIIN-11' a1a11o lamlll' -. In lbe R-1 balldll!tlai&U aol ba-O..ocl balldablo ar• olllla alto: JIIO- D&Dee, tmder wtdeh circum -belpt Umlt an be !8 feet; (meuared at rtlbti.DIS.)tro.a DiJtrtet Wbleb ta repl&elac. lD dttermtalllc tbl total floor 'fldld., hOW'tl'lr, tlat tloar ar• ttaac.es a:rade lhall be ftntaJMd Pf(J't1decl, boftt"er, thl.t .tr.:-tbt aortlnruterb' 11M d. Jam-lb'uetwe •bleb wu 1D eJUt. ar• allowed; IDdproridtcl, tw .. dlfottd to parklllc wUlU a crade as sbowra oa the plu turn m&J u cted 28 reee ~ bor" Rfad; tbMce IGUtlrwelt-eDCt oa tbe elteeUfl date of tber. tblt 1D DO..,.. lbiU lilY balldiac •biD DOt bteouldwtd or map eo apprond or oa the to a autmWD r1 S2 feet lD er)J '700.00' aJoac -.k1 ...,..U.l tu. Cblpter. baliiUDr uc-.1 tM Wctlt UmJ.t 1D determ1D1Dc tbe total noor plan for wbleb tbe permit trU an ~eel Plazl:led Commtallt)' llM; tbeDee wtltlr)Jlaadlreet 20.09,010 StriiCtural Awar· ~Pttl!ltd lD Clapter JO,ot," ar• allowld;&Ddprorided,fW- 111ued. 1n a ease wbere .. tural Dl.strtet, or after tbe adoption l1Dt to a polat oa a J1.De 150,00 tea~De-. Cbl.moeJa. Oacpole~. SECTION 10. SeeUOD 10.18.-tblr, ttat lAm t'ftal ab&U 1.111 p-ade or ftolsbed ,..... as re-o1 1 Spac:lllc Area Plao, a< IHI _., of 8!&. 19 u eotaJ>. aad -~~ sdiiU ba permlllld MO ol tbe Nawport BMch Yo-boiiiii!IC aeeed lbe belelll Umlt ferred to here !.A Is, in tbe Jodc-l.fter the tppi'OYI.l of a Use U.bec:l per Saputar Court c... tD ezee. ol beipt llmltl, IUb-D1c4l&l Code 1a amiD(Ied to ~PttCUied 1a Cblpter 20..09." meot of the PlaonlJl( Commls-Permit. Tbll helcbt llmllai!Do No. 20011, aJd 11M beiJ!c Pll· jeet 10 1111 -onl ol 1111 road : SECTION 19.-10.14.- ston, inappropriate or unwork-soae sball applJ to aU R-S allel wttb the ceaterllae oiEut PlaaDiq Commluloa, "20.18.050 BuUd1Dg Belpt OSO ol tbe Newport Beaeb Yu- able tor the purposeolmeasur-aDd R-4 Diatrtets. Cout Hlptray; theaceftlttrl:r 20,09.070 Feocu, WaU., I.DI! Floor Area Ltmlt. Tbe lllc)l:lal Code 1a ameaded to tag belgbt, the Plaonlng Com-(c) 26/S5 Foot Hetpt Lim-1),oq Aid IJU'I.Del 11M to 1 PlanUnp. No feoee, nua, total grou floor ueae«AI.Ded read: mlaaloo ohall smt>U.b grade ltatloa Zooe. o&Nral __. 1IDe b& .... an bodp or aer..., Plaollnc ol &117 Ia an balllllllp 011 & bulldiDa: "20,St,OSO Bc!lldl!lc llaiPI ill sucb a WIJ as to insure 1D. tbe 26/35 Foot He1fbt Llm -ele'r&tloo of 25 teet &bore Yeu k1lrJ lbt.U hereafter' bt COD· ette lD an R-4 outrtct llbi.U Llmit -· Site ArM --Yarct.. tbat the latent or purpose of U:atloa zooe tbe btl.ctt Umlt Sea Level; tbeDee w.-..1)' ud ltrueted or c:rown to eJCeed oot tseeed three Urnu tbe But.Jd1De belcbt Umlt., t.lfJdl•r Cbapler 20.09 Is fl!llllled." sball be II loot; proyldod, ....,. ooutherl1 atoac aid -m laal In belelll wt1111o .., buildable .,.. ollbe olio; pro • ..f!!.• u• reqalrecl aad 7U'dl SECTION %.Sectton20.02.ZOS eYer U.t a structure may e:r-Uot bl'f1De U ell'lltloaoiZ5.00 reqatred &Ide JUd lo tbe rear Ylded. bcJft'fer, tbat floor u• reQtdred Alll be U 11*11\td of tbe Newport BeacbMuoicipal eeed• .26 feet ~ to a mu:l.mom feet abort Mtu S. IAnl to of tbe !roat liDe of Ul11nain dmQd to puldle wtthlD a 1D tbe U~e Permit; proridtd, Code t. ameoded to read: of 35 feet alter tbe adoptlon tbe eeote.rllne ol Eut Coast b1111dl.Dc or 1D a.Q1 requtred rear baUdlDc •tall oot be COGildtrtd bowe'rer, tbat 1D r.l ..,a MU "20,02,205 Helgtlt of Balld -of a PluDed CommUDII:J Dls-Hlctaway; tbeoc:e eoaUaatDc JUd oor to uceld. tbree feet la clettrmiDlDC tbe total floor &Df btdldloc t JCeed tbe belpt lng. The height of a structure trlct, or after tbe adoption of IOCber)J aod euteriJ &loDe La btl.pt 1n 1DJ reqalred DSe ar• a.Uowtd;ddprorided. fUr-Um.lt 11)8Clfted la Ctapter 20,. shaU be tbe vertical d1.Aa.nee 1 Speclflc Area PllD, or altar said eoatour 11Dt to tbe ca-prd bthreeo tbe troot prop-tba:r, tbat 1D m e..t an 1.01 09." between grade at a.n.y polnt aDd tbe apprOftl ot 1 UN Permit. terllDe of Jamboree ~; ·•rt:J ll:De and tbe required troat balldiDc ezceed tbt bliebt limit SECTION 20, Cblpter !0.42 the b.lcbest point of the .true-Tbll btlcbt Umttatioozoae lhi.U tbeDce 10uther)J ud euter)J Htblck tiDe or Ja UJ reqlllred ll)tCiSed tD Cbaptc' 20.09." of tbe Newport BeacbM111dc1p1 ture directly above, prO't'lded apptr to an Zoot Dllb'lett:, aklllr tbe eeaterliDt r1 J&m· troat JVd or wtthlll M:eea SECnoN 11. See&o 20.19.-Code 1a hereby ftll*ied. that a roof sbaU be measured otber tbaD R-1, R-1,5, R-Z. borte Road to tbt caderiiDt {15) felt of tbt c::orDer of aD1 040 of the Newport Beach Mu-SECTION 21. Sectioa 20.50.- to the u en.ge belgb.t of tbe R-S aod R-4, wtthlD the area of Bayslde Drhe; tbeoce.,Wb. I.Dtt:neeti.Dc .trett ricflt. of alctpal Code 11 ameoded to 130 of the Newport Belch Y'a- roof. but that oo put of the mcnru u tbe SborellDt Helcbt euterl)' aJoo1 the eeaterllrle ftJ; prwfd«f. bowt'fer, tbl.t r-.d: alelpal Code 1s lmeoded to roof sllaU uteod more thaD LJmlt:atioD Zoot, more pu-of Bayatde DriYe to tbe eeater-Ia cues wbtre tbere 11 a dlf-"20.19.040 Btdldlug Helebt read: ttn (5) feet above the per-UeuJarly described u followt: lloe of S.y81de Place; tbeace fereoce of 111 (a) feet or more IDd Floor Area Ltmlt. Tbe '•ZO.SO.ISO Btdklloe Hetpt. mltted height 1n the height · soutbwuterty ak:log tbt cerhr-t.o elen.tloD behr.a tbe bo1ld· totallfOU Door areaeudlloed Tbe mulmum bul.ldJ.Dc be:lpta Umltatton 100e." BeglDDillg at tbe lnttrsecUoa Uoe of B&ylide Plaee to a. 1111 lites or ~ lots, DO ill au bafJcttnp 011 a buUdior shall be ctesipted lA tbe U• SECTION 3,SectionZ0.08,130 of tbe westerly ell} bowldll'1 oatura.l coatoc Uae ba.TI.Dc an ftoct ftll, bedp or ~ereeo altllll an A-P Dtstrtetlballaot Permit, 1M shall l.a DO eteat of Ute Ne-wport BeachMunJ.etpal of Newport Beaeh ud the ceo-e...,.tloo ot 15.00 feet abo'fe p~ ablll berMJter beCXIl· tiCeed two Urnes lbe buUdable eseeed tbt b!.d.ldlnc bel&bt Jim- Code Is hereby repealed. terUoe of Welt Cout Higtnray Mtl.ll S. Let'el; theoce south-ltrueted or lfO"'I 1D U1 prd area ofsaldstte;pi'O't'lded., bow-lt. 11*1fled In Cr.pter 20,09," SECTION 4, Chapter 20.09 is as eltlbllsbed per ADDexatloa erly aad ea.steriJ aJooc saJd uea of tbe lower Jot ad•ceot ,.,.,., tba.t noor area dt'roted SECTION ZZ, Thll ordlouct added to tb e Newport Beach No. 66 of the City of Nnport eootour lJ.De to tbe ~}J to tbl lot llDe ot tbe bieber lot to partiac Y1tb1D a bu11dlac sbi.U be publ11bed ooce lD tbe Municipal Code to read: Beaeh; theoee northerly, eul· bo\mda.r7 Une ofTn.etNo.l116; to a btlpt I.D ezc., ot tbree 1baD. DOt be eoukief'ed 111 de-offletaJ. oew~ ot tbe CltJ, "CHAPTER 20.09 e.rly and aouthtrlJ a.Jooc the tbe~ SCMilberlJ aklac: said. feet &boTe tbe elefttloo of tbe term1DIDc tbe total fJocw area IDd tbt ame sb&lJ be etr.ctln HEIGHT LIMITS cltybotmdaryofNewportPe&ch botmdarJ 11DeotTn.ctNo.111S boUdlnc lite~ tbt btCbtr lot. allowed; a.odpnwtdlll.turtber, 30 diJI alter tbe date of Ill secuoos to the oortberl)' llDt of AimeD-&DC! aJoog tbt IOGtber)J bocD:t· Wbere loti or balJd.lac lltu tbat !D 110 neat shall UJbu1Jd-~. 20.09.010 l.Dteot and Pur-Uoo No. 25 of satd cu.,. belnc &rJ' l1De ol Tn.ct No. U5'1 ue la1d oat or pliDMd tobartl .. J.Gr eueed tbe btlpt llmttiiPt-Th1l ordbii.Dee wu I.Jitro- pooe, 111t81~~~11De~.we::!'::!~ to lbe euterll' eltf_, w a-...s ,--a etllidtaCIIIIII*IO.Ot. illle<ilala_... mWIIc"" IO.Qii.020 E!fecl o!Ciapler . .., •• y; -oce-er,,.._. ol Nawport 8aach, U--·-· bao4b .., blllll, SECTIOII1Z.-IO.ZO •• Ibe CllY Cooocll ollbe Cltf 80,09.&30 HelctJl Umitatiorl aid IIOI'tberlJ tlne al Welt U.lbld per Aoonatton No. U; fiDeM, wbell. reqalr«j u&pro-040 of tbt: ICnport Beach Mu. of Newport Beach btld • h Zcoes. Cout BtcbwaJ to tbe wetterty tbeace aoattnrtltt:rl)', welterlJ teett.•• dnt.ee tor a ntmmtac D.1clpal Code 1s a.m..sed to loth d&J ot JuiJ. 19?2, ~ 01 20.09.040 P.la.Anlnc Commls-llae ofAooeutlooNo. 55; tbeoce &ad DOI'tbeuteri:J aklac tbeclt)' pool or wbea DMdtd &o prot.ct r-.d: adoptad oo tbe 11th clly fl. 811>- sloll or City couoeu Reflew, oortberly aloof aa.J.d westerly bouDdu7 of Nt'WPOI't Beach to aplut a buardoall or auate "20,20.040 Bui.ldiDc Height tember, 1972, b)' tbe foUowtnr 20.09.050 E J: 1s t 1 o 1 Strue -llDe to a llae parallel wtth and the Polat of BeclJWDc, cooctttloo eJ:i.lt1Df becaue of. &Dd Floor Area Umlt. Tbt tote, lo wit: hD"es and Permit., 250' oortberlJ (masured at (d) 3!/'50 Fnot Helcbt l.Jm -topop'apb)', m&J be permlttld totallf'OU floor atMCOIJtai.Ded AYES, COUNCIUIEN:Y.dDIU, 20.09.0&0 structural Awur-rlcbf: aoclea) from tbe eentar-ltatloo zoae. lll uceu ot tbree(S)fNt, bat lD all bafJdhap oo a balld1Dc Roprs, Crout. KJmli.,RJ<:koft. tBIIIlncea. l1De of West Coast HlctnraJ; In the S2/50 Foot Rttcbt Llm-oot to e~ ll'fe (5) ltet, I.A atte lD a C -N Dlstrtet &ball Store, Z0.09.0'i0 Feoces, Wa 1 ts, theoce ...C:trly aklDc Aid pu. iti.Uoo Zone tbe beJcbt Umlt tb01e front )Vdl J1*14td I.a. aot e1ceed two tlmu the build-NOES, COUNCD..KEN: Noot. Ptaottn.p. alleJ Une to a.o l..otersect1oa for uy .trocture WU be S2 Secttoo 20.08.1150 IUbject to able u-. ot aJd aite;prorided, ABSENT COUNCILMEN: Doe- 8 )1 JaLe W. Pivarorf 20.09.080 Cbureh Ezeeptloo. W"lth the soutbwesterlJ pro. feet; proYtded, bow"eTer, that tint eeeurt.ac 1 _, permit Ill bon'fer, u.tOOorareadeYoted taL 20.09.010 Intent aod Pur. lonpt1oD of tbe eenter11De of a striJCture may e:reeed 32 feet ta.Ch cue. Tbe Plaall1Dc Com. to parld.qwUldD&baUdlD(IhlU Dooald A. MclmU poM. The lDtent ant1 purpote SUt:a Aaa AteniH; . tbeace up to a muimwn r1 50 feet mluloo may, bJ rtiOIUUoo, QOt bt coaaidered 1D determlD-MaJor 2711 Ea.t c-.: H..,. of th1l Cbapter ts to estabUsb oort:bea.ft.erlJ atooc Aid pro-after tbe adcCJt10a of 1 PlaDDed adopt aucb pDtJ'Il Jta..d.rda 1DC tbt total f1oor ueaallowtd; ATTEST: ti7l -6070 Suite 10l reRUI&UoU on the belgbt of loa.p.Uoo a.od a loa&' tbe center-Commlmity Dl*let, or after or eoodltlou tor tt. plduce ud proyWed, ft1rtb1r, tbllt to Lallfl. t...ctos Ay Appointment c-tkl Mu. C.. 02IW buildi.Dp througbout tbe City llae of Santa Alii Ateoue to tbe adoption ot a Spreclftc Arll as 1t ctet:m1 DtCtuU'J' to fA. ao ..,.t 1ball IDJ bal.~ u-Clty Clerk MUSCULAR TENSION lo order to ensure tbat tbe tbe ceoterllDe of Avoo. street; PlaD, ar &Iter tbe appron.l of nre to the ad~ PI'GPirtJ eeed tbt bt~ apeeuted lD Plmlllb: Sept, 21, 1972, lD U an eDrnioatlon Is made valiU'e usually developa. Tbe Wllque eharacter ud IC&lt of tbeoce euterty akJDr tbe ceo-a u .. P•mtt. TbU bttpt 11m-01rDII'a the full ue o1 tbetr c....., zo.ot .. t.bt Nnpoci Harbor Eulp. wblll a ctln'ature of Ute splDe question now arises u to wby Newport Beach Ll pruentd teri1De of A too street to tbt ltaUon aoDt ablD. IIIIPIJ to &U la.Dd. SECTJ)N 1i. StctioD zo.2Z.-· flrat btglns, aoo before lt the muscles on ooe side an dlii'LDg that Ume wbeD the Gal,. ceaterllne at Rlnrsklt Ateoue; ZoDe Dlatrlcta otbtr tbu R-1, 10,09,080 Cbureb EJ:C..,UOll. 040 o1 tbt Newport :leach Mu- bu prolfeased to any coo-lD a state of cootraetloo more en.l Plao Is btl..og dettloped. tbeoee IOutbweater)J Uoac tbe R-l.S, R-2, R-S ud R-4 wbleb Cblll'eb structure• Ol8d tor o1~ Code 1a amended to • atderable elteot, 1t may be prooocmeed than tboae oo the Tbls Chapter cre&tts fl•e eellterUDe of Rinrmde Atenae bate bogltltrles DOt flWoc ebm-ell parpotel sbl.ll be t:r.-read: fomd u.t the musclesandUp . other. (5) belgflt.UmltaUoa.IODUwhleb to the ceoterlloe otA.toastreet; wtth1o the ar• abcwecte.crlbed erupt from tbt natrletlou of ••20.!2.040 .8aiJcllDc .Hetctat meDtl oa one side are coo-Tbe reaaoo 1s almple. E'fery govern bu.Udloe beflbt tQallow lbtGce euterl.J a.loo1 the eea-u the SbotellDe Helcbt LJJnJta-tb1a Cblpttr, ocept ttat &111 and FlOOr' Ar• Um.lt. Tbt tra.eted, eoatfnually pulUng tr.e muscle Js ~Ued by oern dellp Oexlbi.UtJ w1tb CltJ re-terllDe ol AYoa street uda~ ttoo Zoot, or wUb1o tbe Blab ncb aructure exc-t~•c S5 tota.llf'OM lb:lr ar•,.._,,._, teTttbn toward that side, wtllle fibers which CUf'J motor lm· tleW", a llDe IU'alltl wtth IDd '" Rl.st Ht:lr;bt IJmtbtton Zone. feet 111 btlebt aball reqatre 1 lD all baUdlop oa a baJlctlnc tbe muscles of the opposite pulses from the bnlD to the Tbeee reroiatSooa a u be DOrtberlJ (m .. ured at rtlbt (e) RIP Rt.. Btlpl Llmlta.. ue permtt.•• .u. 111 tM c..o Dlltrlet abt.D. : slde do not sbow the sa.me muscle ttss ... NormaUJ, these rttlew«j lDd rn1Md u DeC· a.orJea:) from the eeoterlloe ol lioa. Zooe, DOt eu:etd t.bret Umea tbl ctec;ree of tension. Impulses are bue)J auftleltol euary followlD&: tbe l.doptioQ Welt Cc»at Ripway to &D to-1D tbt 81Cb RIM Bet,cllt IJm. SECTION 5, Stetloa 20.10.-baUdablt u-• ot tbt llte; pro. • Clll'ftture Is the result of a to maintain the toDe of U.l of the General PM tersec:Uoa wUll tbe DOI'tbwelt-ttatJoa Zoae tbe blet&bt Umlt OSO of tbe Newport S.eb Y'o-'filled. u..t floor area : • deftotte aboormal coodltloo of muscle wb1cb ml.ldfelta ltaelf 20.09.0ZO Effect ot Cblpter, erly bclaDdlry llDe of Tn.ct tor uy atructwe Dll DOt e;r. Dlclpal Code 1a alllt:DIItd to d~ wtt.hlD : the muselel aDd Ugameats as a sUgta eootn.ctJoo. All aectJooa of tbll Title shall No, 1221 ; tbeoce iOUthw~o.eec~ 3?'5 fttt. r-.ct: balktl.Da : • whleb are attached to tbe spine. lf anytblog occurs ~~~-be lltJ)ICt .. \0 tbl prOflll()u toutberlJ Ud-.uterlJ&loac ZO,OQ,040 P1ual.Dc Commll~ "Z0.10.0SO Bulld1nc Relebt lD ! M'ormal)J, the muscles on both stlould produce IQ e:rceulve of tbla Cbapter, A1d boaDJarJ l1oe aM eutertJ 110D Cll" CllJ CCXIICil a..tn. Ltmlt. Tbe bW.IdiaC belPl 11m-·u• : lfdea ot. tbe sptae pull equaUy espressloa of thiN motor lm-zo.09.0SO Hetpt Umttatioa aloag the aort.berly bcMIIclarJ Tbt Plua!Dg Commlallloa or 1t an be U apecU1ed tDCMp-tblr tblt ta DO : botb ways, aDd as a result, pulses, the muscle would be zooea. la adiUHoa to tbe de-Uae ol Tract Ho. 1210 to tbt CltJ CCMmell ta IA'I'..mac IDJ ter !0,09." b.udiac ueeed : -tbl JIWM r emaiDB 1o tbe median eJ:cesslni;J cootraettd, 11, oa nlopmeot ltaalkrds utab-ceaterll..oe of Doter Dri'ft; Pla.DDtd CommllltJ Dt*tet, SECTION a Seetlo 20 12 II*Ult:d Ia Clllpter ""·''"·" : u.. the other ha.od, 10meth1ng oe. Ushed lD tbt n.rloua districts: tbeDee oortbtri:J aloar tbt ceo. UJ Sprtedlc Ana PU, or lD NO ol tbe N.Qon S:..eb'M~· ; REASON FOR TE NSION -curs wblch eboukl deer-lbe lhere oball allo be !lYe (S\ terlllo ol DoHr Dr!Ye lo llle put1Dc aa;r U.. Porm1t for olelpal COda II ...,._ .;; BECTJJM 14, Sactloo 10.14.. Keep COOl with • wbeD tbe Jet ot muacles on amount of motor Impulses, the bel&bt llmltatkm r.ooes W"lthlll •elttr)J proloap.tloa a( tbt ltraetares lD tJICIM of tbe r-.d· 040 ol tbt Mnport Bt&.cb Mu- • a14o pall more strongly m u~eleo '"'uld ba eZCHIIYeiJ lila Cllf. Tba -pallou _., lloo ol Lot 1, Tract -· ilalelll Umll 1a 1111' -"eO IZ 030 B1llldiDr R lcbl alclpal Coda Is -ocl 10 ('\ J\ 1\1\ l'AS : 00 tilt 1 cur-relued. (MY.) • No. 1125; lboaeo _., atoac IIMD llodtl&l•eholttzfollolr· Ud ;...;, Ar• Umlt 1 T1lo road: \..Jf'\1 'I VI • ..... ll'OiooJia'"' ...StJooc•kl .., -po1a1a •••-com-total ..-lloor .,. .;...... •IO.Jt:CNO ..,...... llaiPI • -ll'llooiOtloa-al-plladdll· • • Ud Ploor Ar• Llmll. Tba A'WNINGS • .,., 11oo "' twar Nowport 1. no · -balldll!tl Ill --i -Ud lolol-ao. ar• -~,... ,.... • Sal U oRblllbodperS~ balclll -r-1a -. ~a"':.:=. lA.:~-lA all belldlap 00 a ballclalllo Oon'l .. , lht oun "'"" ''"" _ Cowl Cue Ho. lfHM; U.Ct petle n.-1 apea ~ad a 1 Dlltr1ct *llld ac.:: ate Ia a C ... l DUtrlct llll.D peUotun .St~adewith cokM'fut : • _., Ud _., aloac otawa llz;a Ia ......... 1>f ttz ..;. llaaa 1111 bafl!loblo aot ---ttz bll.lil-co"'u "" cool comlort. C.OH : oald 1100 ol q,pw "'"""' bule balclll llmll lA.., -· fll ttz lllo llo -• -ar..;: 111111 -fll Ilia dl: --· ., como by,.._..,,.,.,... : Sal 10 ~~~a. 11 par s...artor --·-*~~ ba 11_-.., ... ba ... -........... ---SAIIA IIi. • eo.t ea. No. 104M; t-. cttoo 10 1111 Ia al'oo fll ttz ,_ a llrlcla F• -11-to lPIIIIC -a bolldlor -' &' : _., 10 a llhn!-. "'-• 00 ttz 1a1, ttz por • ._ ttz ........;· .. ,..-*II aol ba., dtand Ia do-•'!Ill•. A . .... ..... u ·-flll5.00 ..... ol ..--Ud -lrmlaiAJ ... lola1 -... U!ooi.. . • DUNLOI'-WILSOM·DAVIS 11.-.II-S.Looo~-1 tloa --fll all ..it.et =~::-:-:..c:-~ ... --.-. ·~Z 'SOUTH MAIN • BOYS'' -ll'alaacoald-IIM Ull-uau. .c "' Ill, -·•-dTIIIUOfbolld• #U!al/ll1 ; BANCROfT 10 lambor"• IIGOd; 111a1Ca a.no-lodldlacl:'l~~beiJMIIIolldTIIIIC-ttzliiiiN--~...., :_ T!NMIS -ll'alaacJ.-IIGOd,iloi&M-.-lA a Ilion olllodiAC ........ ii,Ot.'' • JACK ru IICILL • TIMMII SIIOPI " to Ia-DriYa: -~-...-a -._ IIIC'I1oll 1, ...... IG.ll.. IICIIDII 1l -IO..h -·~-II' a1aac --aaot ., rz ......,. ... a 010 "' a. llnportBaacl ..._ 000 ., »z ..,;,..1-...;: Drift tD Baetlllr Drift U dl· ltrvpr Ud ..-. ........ akltpt.l Code Ia INtdd ID ~ Code II •mrt't to ...-lA 1ba -,.....clad floal -fll ME •ea rMd: .... Ia -1101, .,.._ 10'1 ol ot. -11 NOj4Hd lor ME -•10.11.010 1110!1'71 lldll!l •IUIAO ==--, lloi&IR-flloruco c-i1o11M amt1 llllf -· Nd Ploor-LlaoiL 'nololal ~IV bol"ll - lr. __ ., ......... '·---............. '!-.... loalllzll¥-···71-lss BaclllrJ Drtn: __ ., =·· aol-to - -., -.. --...... " Ull -II' alizl _, or .. a&lo ,._ Sl'aS:tlllaaiiWIP r llrln U _,.... Ia ... -ll!dlsJ or t1 1 ._ a a dlo Ia MllaU ;;~~:::~=~~ s-eiad Ia -1011, ----• 1 owd-loa -tii ao1 -~~~~ •ttt08lclll ...... ol~-.................. _ .. .,.,,,, .. , .. ~lfll -Coor1J to a. aiMsd-,.., ., 11 > dEll M -.. ----orlr !IIIIo I r,. fiiME-.... to ME lolol-fll a. --1117 2 2 2 ..... :::.::~"':=.~=:.a:. :~1~·.-r:-: \imi~ .. -~;!!!:!!~~~~~9 wlr ._ "'-~ to a. 4. 'liz o lao -..0 •,. II ~ = -Nl lr-f11 1M 11-lloer-_..,.. IEICXQ -.;w;o;.5 • .,_Tnot; ____ r•lo,. .... a. ~..,....., .. --atosc'ME 7 5 d --• -' oriJ Flo fll-1M •to ......... ,_,. I • S. ..... IUf.. -lloafll'ftoloDIP~ut...... ... ..... ._. ... ... • I 4PORT I ~_:] AND "!be l11t Dl Th hi Hal toms " !!!!! Flrlt Sbow Staru 7:00 LOS ANGELES~ POMONA • OCT.1'72 A LOTOF EVERYTHING! FREE GRANDSTAND SHOWS • HOME ARTS • ARliN ACTION • FLOWER & GARDEN SHOW •LIVESTOCK !o JUNIO R FAIR • INTERIQ/1 DESIGN SHOWCASE • DECORATORS & ANTIQUE SHOW • ANTIQUE FARM EQUIPMENT GIANT FUN ZONE ond much, much morel LIGAI. MOTICI -------IIOTICB OF PUBLIC HEARIJIG I!Citieo It btro1JJ ill''" 1111t tile Pll.tudlf Com-o c1 liMo CIIJ' cl Nowport Beocb will bold a paNic blartol oa llle Qllltealloo ot Lido ltlo Wo-m&D'• Club tor a UM Permit last oo property kac&tedat tbe l,c:ooroor ot VIa Jucar lDd VIa N._rt lo lora will 010 clay Oe- tobtr, 1971, at tbt hour d. ?:80 P.M. In tht COUDCUCtam- ben of tbe Newport S.ch City Ha.U. at wb!eh Ume IDd p..,ee &D1 &Dd all periODS Interested may appear Ud bt baUd there .. ... Jackie Heather, Secretary Newport Beach City Plannlnc Commlsafon Publlab: Sept. 21, 1972, In the N~ Harbor ED01111. WOODY ALLEN Is ltUa.rtous ln ! WINNER Of )0 ACAliEift AWARDS• .. GONE WITH THE WIND' 1!!1 POLISHING UP THE SILVER ln prepi.ratlon of a real EncU•h tea hooorlng oew members ot the Tbunday Club are tl\e club president, Mrs. John Morrls of Eut Bluff, right; Mu. Robert Anderson of the Back B&y, 3rd vlce- prealdent, spec\1.1 events, lDd Mrs. WUUam McFa.rlaM of West Newport, center, 2Dd Y'lce..president, membership. Thls first put} of tbe year wm bt truly authentic becaute the English shortbread wtu be baked by Mrs. Morris, whO Ia EngUah born. (Ensign photo.) LIGAL MOTICI NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice 1s hereby glven ~t the P1Anrl1D& Commission of the Ctty of Newport Beach wUl bold a publlc ball'inr on the awllcatloo of Stark Uland Ya cht Club tor a Use Permit 1829 oo property loeated at 1099 Bayside Drive, Newport Beach, to permlt tbe ale of alcob:lllc benrare• wlthlD 200 feet o1 a residential diltrlet aDd for the UH of Un enter. tainment ln eoDDtCttoo 'Wltb tbe coottructioo 0( a yacbC elub ln tbe c.l District. NoUft is hereby ftlrther g:lnn lbal atd pui>Uc heulllc will be blld on the 5th day of Oc .. tober, 19'72, at the hour of 7:SO P.M. to the COWK:UCbam. bera ol Ute Ne-.port Beacb Clb Hall, at whtcb time and place any and an peraou tntensted may appear and be blud tber•· ••• Jackie Hettller, Secretary Newport S.cb City PJI.nDitl& Comm.ta.sioo PubUab: Socii. Zl, I 912, lA the Newport Harbor Eaatp. PHARMACY ~PHACTS uat.IIUIIUII AIID DIMLES BIIWIICrnlll SALES l SERVO 420 ~. 17TH ST . COSTA MfiA '"-7706-646-4111 MAliNE ELECTRONICS SALE SERVICE SPECIALS Shop NING • VHF RADIOTELEPHONES • DIRECTION FINDERS • DEPTH SOUNDERS .. VAPOR DETECTORS • AUTO-PILOTS .. AND MOREl I I INSTALLATION OF CRYSTALS IN YOUR MARINE UHF/FM RADIOTELEPHONES • DEPTH SOUNDERS •.• AM RADIOTELEPHONES ALIGNMENT. ADJUSTMENT. PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE AND BENCH-CHECKOUT • On Your Boat·· • AM UOIOT!L~PHOME TUMED TO YOUR BOAT ANTENNA •••• $7 .50 •,~O ST MARIN E BRANDS HAL AEBISCHER ~!. PtOC* Fi«int ~ :MOIE.c-...... Ccwono "" ... 175-3113 • Decor•tors Dl•-' ... ,., _..1 ..... .. ,... .-. ........... . ..... ..... -,_ '" ........... Call Chri•U•her 1M 4067 .. D7-41M a.IIDttiMII.lMTA~ SHOE SERVICE leo••'"''"' .. "' ....... . . .. "······ ..... . &401 1. eo ... 111-- eo-.u•u P-o: ln·4140 Ottn L.oe.,l•••: • 1411¥1A LlltO, MIWPOIT ... ...... ... ....... , ,_,·:-..= ., ••• I r -PAGU ,. .. , •u~ wn OIIDA DILIIM, CAL. 41 FALL REGISTRA.TION 0 ~lmMS wrrB 'A !IUD roa ~ UAL .lTTEKTICif " 0 lri'VDEIITII liORXIIIG IJJIDEil TUlR PO- TUTIAL 0 STUDEJITS IIBEDING SIIALL CLABIIES BRICKER-WARD PREPARATORY II FAIR DR., COSTA M!SA, CALl F. PHONE 540-0420 SINC8 1961 UCI Town and Gown will meet oct 'hn Ud Goft'l Arlit ... ,. ol tiM flU w111 be • _. ..-w. II lllo .... at Clucelloo Ud lire. llulel G. Aldrleb 1r ., 1381 c.JuJ tDrlft, Donr -..... --claJ, 8tpt. ZS, &t 10 LID. ' Cllluletlloo Aldrleb wtU la- lrocloeeiM_ed....,..,IM • .._ -at tile OClllt.euiiJ. Aloo -to ·-.. tllelr .... ,.... wtU ....... . ~== .,.,. ellalrmoa. Ia-• < lfr1. hal Fri-- ._..,., art; Un. Walt• Grit I· .. ,.., blaclnraltlac; Mrs. Jummer. llaek W-, -etreolll1q: GOING TO UCSB Mrs. Diet Sotb, book dWc•· Tbl UD1Yerllty ot C&lltornia ~ lkiD; Kra. Warrea Wblte, a. at Suta BarbaralbDOIIDeestbat etp. luclaae: Mn. Roderick tbe foi.Jow1Dc ltadeata baYe be«a MRS. GEORGE S. HICKS fBBTH KOCH PHOTO) Wbeelor, aolt; lfra. llaJmood ace'llled tor admluloa to tile I b d FlaDders, lDtera&tloaal Jtu-800-aere IM.slde campu thtl Ka ro Dean l"s ff' e deab aomee; lfrs. Wllllom llt.U' Edward Merriman, 524 Muoa, mule; Kra. Dleboa De Au& Dr., Coroaa Riib]a.nds; k Sbalet • madera duee, Mn. Lau:rte Desiree Lezmey 859 Of George S. Hl'c 5 Edward Ca!Ytr,-••••· Saodcastle Dr 11art>or'v1ew and Mra. Jan Seberllr, terud•. Ri'"U. ud Atbid Marie Store Mrs. Lymu Perter, prest-1 ' ' George stewart Hicks toot daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Joho deat w11.l be aullted this year 44 Isabella Ter .,Coro111. Rleb- lUas Karol Margaret Dean to Dea..n of Baycrest. Dr. Dan by i..r1• Rlcbard Wall11, lit :11~00;";,· ""'""'""'~""'""'"';'! wUe lD a candleUgti was formerly ln charge of cur-vtee-pru:ldea.t; Mrs. WesliiJ ( eeremcoQJ he~ at 8 p.m. Satur-rtculum for the Newport-W.esa FroeUcb, Ylee..prealdent-TAX runm? 9, at st. Andrew's schools. He is oow chairman membership; lira. Robert An-..u, • Pre;sbytertan Church, of the department of educatloa der100, recordlrac eecretary· Dr . Charles H. Dterenfteld, at Whittier College. Mrs. Geoe Kawamura, corres~ IIJTIJN ~I church pastor, Ued the wedding The bride wore a white lace pood1llg tecretar}'; Mn. Jack • koot which united the son of gown made wlthatuckedshadow Curley, treuurer; Mrs. Nell U.MI .. , ..... .. ~ .......... . .... , ...... , c...., Orange County District At~ scooped oeckllne aod Camelot Bersbad, Town Crter; Mrs. Ed- torney Cedi Hicks and Mrs. collar. Her Uered veU feU to ward Can.naugb.. ptmUctty; Hicks of Santa Ana, and tbe a chapel train. Mrs. Robert Weed, put prest-~~------------7.::7:'"'\ Sernng as m&ld of hooor dent; Mrs. Daniel G. Aldrich .ol NEW was Miss Anne Foss of Santa Jr., ex-otllclo, Ud Mro. Ed-(Jt•) &J~ tUM .................... + .,., ......... Ana. Bridesmaids tncluded 'ward stelnlw.us and Mrs. Bruce • .nrtiri; H 0 U R S Mrs. David Watson of Santa• :S~u~moer~:_UC~l~-~~-~:__ _ _..1:;,.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; "EDDL£ Clara, Miss Jan Fitzgerald of 1 ' • tM J" R 7 0 0 Newport, Mrs . John Roblnsoo l.--;::1."~;;;::.::.:: __ _:::::::::,,.. : of GreeleJ, Colorado, Mlos ...,. lrPrltot;011 T Q CarOl Elkerma.nn of Vista., aDd TO GOOD fATING the groom's sister, Mlss C. J. 9 0 Hicks. BREAKFAST FROM 7 TO 11 : 0 The groom's brother, Ran- dall Hicks, was his best man. Ushers were David Fuller and Riclla.rd Moore of Forest Falls, Keith Ehrensing of Portland, • DOC OBEDIENCE SCHOOL . ..., ... lliN UtPify MEN'S -WOMEN'S -CHILDREN'S ALL' TENNIS CLOTHES WITH THIS AD .- 25% OFF • EXCEPT SHOES, SOCKS.- PANTS, BALLS, AND ACCESSORY ITEMS, Ham & Eggs •••••• 1.59 Hot Cakes & Syrup , • .59 Hall Cantaloupe. . • . .39 A.lliD MORE! WNCH Boxt:s 10 go or eat in u~ Of'l our patio. Steak Sandwich, , , , • 1.39 Roast Beef Sandwich, 1.09 Pastrami SaDdwich. , 1.()9 A .. Nti MOREI Ore .• George Spaulding of Cor- valUs, Ore., and the bride's brother, Brla.n Dean of Bay~ cr est. Dr . Jonah Kliewer was solo~ lst at the wedding, accompanied by Robert Huestis at the organ. A reception was held 1n the flreside room of the church folknrtng the ceremony. Tbe bride's allOts, Mrs. James Dean alld Mrs. Jack Nolden, assisted at the reception. Her cousin, Mary Nolden, passed the guest book. The new M.ra, Bleb ls a On one maj~r Californ.i~ hi!nk pays -·on saYings ~ EATJN OR TAKEOUT 679-43~ I DINNER New York Steak •• , . 3.49 Peddlers Seafood Plate .. , .•..... 2.49 Oysters , , •• , • , .. 1.79 Chicken, F'lsh, Ribs and Shrimp, with Chips. I 024 BA YSIOE OR. BA YSIOE CENTER 111[ Rrrzit:ST LINE IN THE U.S.A. WE ARt: SHOWING ANNE KLEIN ~tnt\1 .,. ..... _ .......... ....... , (!)NEHOUR CLEANERS COIIONA JI€L MAR 2939 E. COAST HIGHWAY AT IRIS 675-ll06 1969 graduate of Newport Har- bor high school a.od also gradu- ated trom Orange Cout Col- lege. She attended Oregoo. State University and will complete 1 her studies at the UnJnrstty 1 of Ca lifornia, Santa Barbara. The groom graduated from Foothill high school in Santa Ana, attended Saddlebad: Col- lege ~ graduated from Oregon State University, where he wu active with the rally committee. LIDO ISL ::O COMMITT~E TO PRESENT AUCTION The Lldo Isle Worldag Com- mlttee of the Orange County Philharmonic Society wUl pre- sent the annual glamour auc- tion Oetober 9 1D the bayfroot home of the Thayer Crisptns. Articles handcrafted by members wtU be auctiooed by Robert Guggenheim. other blgtlUgtrts will be a silent auc- tion and the "grab bap." All proceeds wtll benetu the PhiJ- harmooJc Society. Mu. Jolul Farrer, chairman of the committee, Is assisted by her eo-chairman, Mn. Henry Cole, and the auct1oo co-ordinator, Mrs, Cllntoo Eastman. Other committee chairmen Include Mrs. Don Metzger, food ; Mrs. Dana Latham, r efreshments; Mrs. Earl Sawyer, tloance; Mrs. Richard McC lure, properties; Mrs. James Bradesoo, crab bags; and Mrs. Paul Elmquist, silent auction. lD preparaUoo tor the eTeDt, tummer workshops ban been cooducted by Mrs. Neill Dl'f11, Mrs. Martin Lockney lDd Mn. Robert Vordlle. MY PARENTS ARE BOTH DECEASED AND IT IS QUITE IMPORTANT THAT I ESTABLISH THEIR BIRTH, MARRIAGE .ANO DEATH RECORDS. CAN YOU HELP ME DO THIS? by EUGENE 0 . BERGERON ,...,. II .. ._... ...... y hi tile UMtM ................ • 1'1~ .t Wrtll, w;lcp • ............ w ..... -., , ........ ef _.., ..... Mtlttk.e ,..,.,., ........... ...... .., ................... . .... ..... •••llihal ........ ........,, ....,. ..... lfM: ._ ..-•...., w , •• I I ...................... .., ...... ..,.,. .................. ,..,..,., .. -..... " Wif' II ......... tt II ll s•1-,_.... t. t.ute ... ...,.. ef tt. .............. ,,. .......... c-...,.., ... ~ ......... --... -Ida aulw ...... '' M t·u .................. ,_ ..... ._ ..W ....... .. _...,siUIIlllkafw,... .. ,. ................................................ ........ . ... ........... . every month. At UCB we flgure the money your savings earn shou b e yours to use when yo u need it Or want 1t Not on JUSt the 4 days out of the year when the o thers pay o ff Aher all, your bills savmgs acco u11t a t UCB It works three ways We will s end your m on th ly savmgs interes t check by mail . Or we can depos1t it to your checking account if you have one come m, relentl essly, every mon th . Why shouldn't you collect You get your 'second income" from savings JUSt as often? eYery month, don't you? w1th us Or you can elect to leave it m savmgs to pile You can, if you have a regular UNITED CAlifORNIA BANK up more interest. Savings at UCB. It's like an extra pay day every month. NE-.oRT HARBOR Ell SIGN I'IIIUIIIEO IEENLY -. PAGE 7 THURSDAY, SEPT. 2~ lin OOIIJIIA DEL liAR, CAL. 1 Col.!!,c:.!{r:~.!tem L I.AUR~NC~ DA..KIN "La•ueo lloldJI, Ill hll jult pub~-. 'Tbo Swu ol Leo,' 10 omderiii>.DdlllciJ -7• !be IIIA>I- .... Of llllba&lpJQtll ln the Ufe ot Dow.oa, wboM poem• are bllnc wtdtly read 1M quot.d today!' --Jaaey Ber la, Eftllcn. ''I wu tDthralltd with 'Tbe Swu. of Lee,' It II wrltt.l 11 oaly a poet of creat senai.Utlty could write, Throup the mactc of JOta wrWoa, Doweon bill: been t81urreeted. '' --Director Natto.l Writer'• Club, ' "A work of creat mertt." --Ntee-Martla News- PIPit, France. "A collecton'ltem." --Book ReYltwt. "Hal form, dlchiiJ and II deop]J ftl." -• S, W, R, ~. P'AI'ER BA<X -$2.25 at RICIWIIl'S GIFT SHOP, at llllra.Dee to Lido, 11-Boacb KIMSMAN"S, LeiatD'e Warkt Center, Lagubl lf11ll SUPPLEMENT, !...- MARINERS CHURCH Dr. lot Aldrlell, -..-.... 1111 ft. D. dtlfoo ,_ DlDu TllloJDcbl lt-'"'J, lliiJiu. T .... 1o 111t _ .. puew, no ..... WUllaJD Aam 1.1 ....... .....,.. ud. 18 aftillble lot rt•tt•Hc:m ud --SUNDAY SCHOOL •.. , , , , 9o00 A.U. WORSHIP SERVICES •. 9o00 ' IH5 A.U. EVEIIIIIG SERVICE. , • ·,. , 1o00 P.U. 2:100 I. COAST HWY ., COltON A D!L UU MRS, WALTER WHITE of Bayerelt, new pretldeDt of the Nnport Beach Frleodt: of the Library, right, Ia golng over the prop-am for the &.pt. zg meeting of the club with Terry Shanoon. eeoter, the autbor wbo will present the procram. Cbecti.Dg some of her book• oo tba UDder-sea work! with her 1.11 Charles PayiiJit, Mlu Shanoon's co- worker aDCl tllllltrator. The meetiD( will be held at the community elubhouA, Newport Sborea. MIA S,_mmn Will dllcuss ''The sea: b'om the 1tJ aboYelDd. tbt deptU bekrw." HE BEE LINE By,JAN!Y B!RL5 Tbe date •.• Friday, Sept, aDd those 00,,u, ... the luc'"' designed. Among others we AW .:.l>leo~>~ly warm and ~ .. , and talked wtth were Llllla.D Mrs number took bomt the colorful aod Spence Honig. 011 the Mojo; s.ulle'•s • Baya: centerpieces • • • terra cotta Vlckt Malotd of COM, aod Mr. dere wttb pa.oo-bowls ftlled with dried IJower Fleming ••• delightful Patty ramie ~lew of Newport Harbor. arrangements. Tblsi.Dvltatlonal Hostler, woose hlliband, Clll.r- Tbe purpose , • , enlargement ~ir was hosted by the Au:z-les, did so much work on this (of the membership) of the Wo-iUa.ry otflceu --Mrs. Joseph afbJr, also Mrs. Thurman men'• Auxtlia.ry to The Arth-Shutt, president; Mrs. Charles Clarke and V1 (Mrs. Claude) rltls Foundation, wblcb is dedi-Hostler, vice-president; Mrs. Patterson, Park Newport. It cated to the ezplln.sion of the Ed Dray, correspoodlng sec-was quite an ezperience .•• research aod care of arthritis reta.ry; Mrs. Norman Clrk.le, aod what a pa.radel •.• Our by Increasing the knowledge recording secretary; Mrs. Ed-appreciation to the Hausman's aod tmderstaodi.Dg of the pub-ward Carter • treaaurer • and for ma..klng our part so very U Mrs. Lance Bri.ntle, pubUc re-pleasant! c. tattoos Following the social hour, Mrs.' Ray Elliott Introduced • • • auelts were M"ed bncheoo Mrs. Isabel Thornqulst of the Harbor Day Sc hool was 00 tbe terrace and 1n the patio, Orange County branch o.mce, founded in the fall of 1960 Santa Ana, who told of the aa a co-educaUooal elementary work of the foundation . . • school b'om kindergarten informed the gro.., that arth-througfl ei&ht grade. Thescbool rttis is found 1D cbHdren a.s was originally located at Fifth young as 2-1/2 years, as wen and Marguerite ln Corona del as older people. Question and Mar, but wben the lll.ghway de- ans-wer period showed the 1D-partment purchased the prop- tere&i of these lll.gtl-powered erty for the freeway, it was women, most of whom re-neceuary for the schOol to spooded to challenge and ac. move. A vigorous moooy-ral$- cepted membership. TOOse at-ing campaign was carried on teodtng from East Blutf, were by members of the board of Mmes. Edgar Hirth, Jose de trustees and parents. So suc- la Civer va and her slster,Dor-ce&&tul was this drive that the othy Johnson, also Betty Kir-new school, k»cated at 3443 cher; others were Mmes. Pact..ftc View Drive, Harbor Chester Nugent, Charles Patch , View Hills, will be ~ned this Ref{nak! Pegram, Rock Ouit. month with an enrollment of mao, Dale Ravens and Jack 214. Torre; trom COM were Mrs. To celebrate the completion WUllam Weaver and Mrs. Rlcb-of the &ehool building (result ard Coleman. Harbor Vt ... Ud of ddeatioa, perse~era:aoe Mrs. Ronald Perron, Cameo and t.ilthl) the board of trus- Shores; b'om Dover Shores tees OOsted a reception at tbe were limes. Allred Gallade, school on Frtday,Sept.15, trom John Geiger, Joyce Coonell, 6 to 8 p.m. Anthooy Moise, George ElKourl, Tbeadore chairman of the board, and Maravich and Thomas Otting; John Marder, headmaster, representing N.B. were Mmes . greeted the gue5ts. Serving oo R, C. Fuller, KeDdaU Lock..hart the committee for the pa.rty JWle Marthens, Tom O'Sullivan, were board members, Mrs. Denver Treadway and Robert John Lusi: (Nancy~ Mrs. Gn- Webb, also Mrs.JoJmSheradon. ham Jones (Rosie~ and Mrs. Park Newport. others were Charles S, Thomas(Julla} They Mrs. William C. F'arley, lr-were assisted by the president .. -----------------------------., vtne; Mrs. Harry Balter, Tus. of the Parent COWJcll, Mrs. tln (her husband 1l; manarer Preotlce Taylor (Jan) and vice- of the Angels), Mrs. Howard president, Mrs. John Curci Matheny, Huntington Beach ••. (Nancy l WEATHER -WISE UIBIC and more .•. with work ahead! The school Is a dream come • • • true . . • designed by Bill During 26 yea.rs of residency Blurock (master school de- on Balboa Island, we have seeo -signer) ••. aoo It 1s the boat pa.radesolaU kinds. Among most modern, deUghtfully tnvit- the llrst was the Tournament lng learning environment I rtave of Lights, originated by Joseph ever seen ... open classrooms Seek, and for a time was an • . . carpeted througbout • . • annual a.ttatr •.• then there wu windowed oriental garden ••. tbe "Floating Ctlristmu yet educatiori wtll be tradit1ona.l. 1Tref!,." One lone feature, the Among those attending were 1tan tree, traditloo:llly Ughted Bev and Sam Baroes (he wa.s &m surrollllded by local car-first board chair man and both loJers, whose voices wafted of their children are graduates through the &tillness of the of the schOOl); former board 'otpts preceding Christmas day member Joseph Carver and wtfe , • • DOW the C hrlstmas boat Edith were oo !lam • • , they parade, bright and glamorous have just returned b'om quite with band music ••• Yetwtthal, an experiencing trip to Russia. ne'fer lla.Ye the waters of New-Talked wtth Hyla and Richard port Harbor been u full of Bertea, whO have 3 children bolts, 1D fact they were almost enrolled this year; met S~­ ,s~~::l~~·~~ all sises ... ~tsor Ron Caspers aDd klYe}J !a decoraUonsofsome W'Ut Ann, chatted with Jean carrying out the whim and Ed s•rp ••. Jea.o by the of the owner • • • lor way bas been oo of tile eo- presidential boat parade. tbus.lasUc ~rters of Harbor Balboa, with a tuge nag Day School ••• as she sald, a papter-mache elepbaDt. "It surelJ bu been worth tbe prize for the best eurybody's effort." decon.tlo~L II wu wooder!ul to ... ll>e Old Glory colors FOREST HOME WOMEN M4$4 WINDSOI 11oa11ag Ill tbe brHIO from SET ANNUAL RE TRU T tbe sboreliDe, u well as the Memben o1. the Forest Home boats. We were Lntrtped by Womeo's AutUary will bo\d tbe motor drlYeo 8-toot "Ttny this y.,.•s retreat 011 Sept, Yot" piloted by loot-a-Ukea !9, SO, ud Oct. 1 at Fortlt Karpret Wets and Ingrid Ja-Home, For..t Falls, 1.n tbt cobeea.. San BerDI.l'dlllo JMII!h 1 ns. 114 It LUll'S EDGE llpeterofwtterproof. we! look nylon . wUbdiJtlnctlveaceentlf1m on pocket welts. MatchinG QUill llnlna. Slonn eurtt. JO"" IUTCOII of Haywanf SChUller lw:urloos wool /mohair plakt. Indy 11ned wllh Wamsuna Acrllane heath· er pile. SIZBS 1.0, 42, 44 GOLD PLAID •• $35.00 We were aboard the FeUce-1 Tbemt 1.1 "Tbt pdoua wo- OWDttl &Dd bolt$, the mu --throacfl commttmtat. '' uddellcMful. •• l:es eutw.U ol floutoe, Ttaa, ltl;~i~olt~ETeDliiiStar LaDt. Sp-Un YU1 bt Mrs. CbU'. •~eo .. m a tray aDd Mrs. Cal Ra.rnb o1 vu Fend off those chilly days and nights in a right to ''Alls WeD" Nuys. u:ra. eutwu t. tbt handsome outercoat. The style you wont is tbt Harry .U.O., nriOUI aatbar ola boot for t...C'II'a. here at the right price too. M8DIVItf, LARGB, BXTRA LARGB IUIGIIIIDY AND NAVY ILU!-• $25.00 IDtlblea ud larpr tbu ''Tbt ndlut yoa..•• atn. Rar- Uit, Jolll w.,.... AmoDI ttQe rU. Bib" taeblr ll Vu MIIJI 1.1 ---• Footer 8&1(1111 C"-dd, ud bor •IIIIIJ -ud .,..IJ wllo. He 1.1 -I ,_.. -lilt T-oo lilt -BID C--. 1o< Cl>l111 ___ _ -..... Nt•.ao .....,. ......... -........ ........ ud did • '*II at !be 10 -o1 lilt oaUIIuf •--• """' ..... -a., ~~o~~oru-.AI.Ioaboard lol c:--ll'o ••• WU -'Df o .. ea.,-• WitlJIU 11--·_ ......... ,... --... -··----lw-...... . IIIRM ~ BtQIJtii, ......... 11 1.1" ,... ... .. ... ,. tl .-a.a '" IDr ..._ "a r ;D~·;~~ ... ~~~R~,!~~~.~~~N~T;;;;;; .... ~.:~:::.::!~!I::.:·:~~~~~a..U .. ~N~ ~~~~~==~~~~ ii ........... -........ ' COMETOTHE lOB~TER BA E .. 8 ~AR IVAl 3 BIG DAYS FRIDAY SATURDAY & SUNDAY SEPT . 22 ·23 ·24 AT FASHION ISLAND In Parking Lot NEWPORT CENTER (COOKED b,. LIONS lor PEOPLE) ... aiu:ling hot, & utterly del icious! Choice of LOBSTER or GROUNDS IRLOIH STEAK FULL DIM4U ..• with pl ... t c.l••'··-..u.. a...tt.t -~,~ ..... t c:ett.. -•il~ -...... __, ic.• c,...l BEAUTY CONTEST FRIDAY NIGHT -RIDES f GAMES f THRILLS HOTDOGS -HAMBURGERS -BALLOONS -COTTON CANDY -POPCORN -ETC . BIG PARADE ON SATURDAY 5TARH A T Ia A .... -NEWPORT CENTER DRIVE NOON TO 9 P.M. • Plenty of FREE PARKING GRAND PRI·ZE 19713 PINTO " . Our 22nd annual Lobster Bakel '"AtL proceeds to Or. Co. charities. 11~1 RRINCIPLES OF BIBLE TRUTH ., ... L.-Ua •• C. P 'II' ......... IT' .. : A..._ lqMI CIWs•tt• Is ·~ o1 tM IM'd." Mwtua.-n, T-. HY• /wow ....., IMl OM t.ooc11 )'011 ~" ~<~lliclt be 1/lc lirel pri,.c~p~co o( lite onJI:Ia of God. "-Hob. 5:12. 1. GOD CUATIID MUIN INNOCINCI 2. AU. MIN A.IIINNI•t AI THIY A. I IY NATU•I I . THI LDeT IINNU II TOTAU.Y oer•AveD <0. AU. MIN MAY II IAVID 1. WHAT DO .. rr MIAN TO ll'IAVED! e. JIIUI CHIUU II THI ONLY IUT AU·IUPPICIINT IAVIOUR .. -... 1 . ULVATION "o• THI Lo•o 1 -MAYilNOWTHAT-AU ... VED (CONTIMUID ,10M L.t.IT WIU) There are many ramUlar old 1toriea which are uaed to llluetrate the 1ubetitutionary .. crifice of Chriat. There ia the 1tory of Willie Lear who died in the 1tead ol another man ·in the days of the ruerrilla warfare in 1862. The man erect«! a monument to Willie Lear with thia inscription, "Sacred to the memory ol Willie Lear. Hetookmyplace." There ia the atory of Bron110n Olcott, who had the rulina in hi1 IChool at Concord that the ruilty pupil must tllke the rod and punish him with the-strokes which the pupil deserved. There i• the •tory of Willie Holt, who took the whippinr (or Jim Syke• in the army camp. He just wanted to bear one-of Jim'• 1int to •how how J esu• bore them all. And &.here il the atory o£ the country tchool in the mountain• of We1t Virrinia where no te.cher was ever allowed to complete a full term. The rroup ol rou1h boya drove the teacb•n out one after another. Some they rode on rails, tome they pummeled with rotten etl•. .orne they beat, some they ridiculed out of the community. They had an arreement betwetn themselves that no teacher should ever be allowed to remain for the wholt term of school. One autumn there came a youna collere 1tudent who had permitted to keep hia coat on. At last, loUn1 patience, the teacher demanded that the co.t should be removed. When he was obeyed the boy stood before him with no other 1arrnent upon him NW the trouterw which he wore. Hia naked body aJ)OHd, he stooped patiently , dHPairlnllY, t.o receive the blows. The t•cher'a face went white. He heaitated a moment: and yet the law mul\ be enforced and the penalty must be paid. Ke 1tood up and aaid to the lad. "Why dM:I you do thia thina?'' The litlle fellow answered between his sob., "My (ather died in Auru•t. and hi• la1t wish waa that I should have a 1ood education. My mother .. id that if I came to 1chool ahe would ta.ke in washinp and do the Krubbinl for people in the community that we mirht have a livinr. Mother ha• been •ick now for two weelu and there i1 nothin1left to eat. For two day• we have had only a little IOUP and crust of bread. Ye.terday I had nothin1 to eat, and Mother only had some .oup. Today I wa• 10 hunpy that my hunrer drove meloeat Will'• dinner.'' And now the teacher hesitated, until a bi1 boy from the back of the room cried out, "Wait a minute, mister teacher. 1'11 take Jim's whippinr for him, thou1h I did not violate the law." just rraduated the •ummer The teacher put it to • vote, before and had received hia and the •chool con•ented. The commi11ion to teach thiltchool. bir boy took off hia coat, bent hi• He had been in poor health: he 1houldeu. and bore the was stoop •houlde-red. hollow puniahment. When the teacher cheated. not a 1in1le phy1ical h.S finiahed punishin1 John, he factor indicated hi• ability to looked at tht little fellow and cope with the •ituation. Nicl, .:Now, Jim. come and take Y.OUr puniahment." But the But the tchool rned and on Khool waa u.p in anna, ahouttna. the flnt day he •tOOd calmly and "'You QIMcl not punM.h t.wo a:Mn faced. tha~ ITOUP W~•.'llrkl.lc.'tft -for the ume crime. You the 11tuataon, and qUletly 1aad to co-·· ted · htl to h J h h h d ed ·1 .. Bo • ....-n fll y ave o n t e o~e u~ r . pupa 1· . Y• take Jim'• puni1hment. You a~ ruls, were romr to contmue can't puniah Jim for that which thlJ tchoo,l thr~u1h tht term. Of John hu already 1uC£ered." The courte we re go&nl to have order teacher smiled and 1aid. "I only con1tanlly. We cannot do our wanted t , ou 01 c k · h · " A h' h o prov y . ourte wor Wit out lt. t t w t ere the law haa been vindicated. was an o pen s nee-r of And h.l th 1 · · t 't · 'd · J W I I! e aw II JUI I II contemptuous n 1cu e on many 1 ·f 1 J ' d f of the faces. Then the younr a 110 merct u . tm .oe• ro ~~ teacher continued. "But do not from any fur &.her pun11hment. misunderstand me . I under1tand Jim fell on his lc.neu at John's that I cannot cope with any of feet, and with tean tricklin1 you larger boy1. I cannot make down hia cheeka, he looked up you do anythinil that you do not and said, "John, I will love you wil;.h to do. I do not propose all my life for doinil that for me. to make a single law or to enforce Whatever you want me to do I 1t. You will make the laws. I wiU do. 1 am youn from now propose then that wt write on on." the board here such laws as you And 90 the rreat Son of God. think ou1ht to govern this our Lord Jesut C hri1t, took the school." whippint and puniahment that More in the apirit of bravado was our dut for havinr than anythin1 else one fell ow tran•rrnsed the holy law of God. •aid. "I move, 11ir. that we havt a "He was wounded for our l•w arain•t stealinr ... Another transcreasio ns; he was bruiMd .. id."lmovethatwehavealaw for our iniquitie1 : t he arain1t lying." And then one chaatisement of our peace wa• after anothe-r they made-their upon him; and with hi• stripe• laws until ten had bee:n written we are healed" (be. 53:51. Truly on the board, and the teacher Jehovah hath cauaed to ttrike .. id. "Stop. Ten laws were upon Him the iniquity ofu• all. enourh for God to rovern the Surely we ahoukl believe in world. They were enourh for a Him and receive Him, and love nation to be governed. They will .Him. and fall at Hi• feet to be enourh to lOVern thiaachool. worship Him. exclaiminr with "But law must be maintained. Thomas. "My Lord and my and if violated the violater muat God. •· And 8 ayin1 to Him as Jim be puniahed. Without a radic.l 1aid to John, ··Lord Je1us, I will penalty attached to it1 vtolation, love you all my life lonr for doinr the law would be held in what You did for me. Whatever contempt·. What penalty would You want me to do, I will do. I )'OU aurp•t for the violation of am Yours from now on." )'OUr law1?" The-n one propoeed That ia really the muninr of that anyone-who violtted any of the word BELIF.VE. It mean• to the.e laws 1hould be whipped COMMITyo.:.rtelf. Theooewho with a black rum whip by the really believes on the Lord Juus tucher. Chri1t aa hi11 Saviour, commiu The tchool moved alonr with himHifunto Him. ita tenons. Days paued into w•ka, until perhaps •ix were 10ne: and the achool term w•a one fourth over, when one day one of Lhe lar1er boya came to U.t teacher with the complaint that his dinner bucket had bean stolen and hi• dinner eaten. He earnaatly demanded an immediate invettiption •nd the pwtiahment olthe culprit. The crime wa1100n fixed upon • little fellow who had bean comift.l to 1chool, conspicuoua bKau.. of hit pinched f.ac• and tallow eompl .. ion. It waa eYident thtit bo&h hit CCNit and llb.INn ,.,.re much too larp for ltlm and hlld been cut down from ... olcl oWt of bio "'tJw''L 81-"'rbl· too. be bad alw.,. .... blo-t buttoCiad up U.htly oboul .... lbtooL Tbl a.cbet called him to him ... ,. •• 1 ... wtth &be &heft. ,.,_ .... __ _ ... -. "Y-.1 -IL I• ... .._.,., 't at.lon17 II& rf IJiat ..... ~ IDI.: =EM-•-oaoc . ......,svh_tho -· ......... _ _"_ ....... _ .. , ............. .. ) (CoDtinued next week) Do you want to be likeJ•u•7 Oh. to 1M Wte TMe! blaNd RN4emer, Thit it my COIUIC:tnllOtlfi"4 Gfld PrGY6r; Gladly I 'll forfeit all of eorll'l '• lrn..uree, .1.,..,, Tlty J»rfecl Ullcta ... to w.cv. 011, lo 1M Uh Tlt«loh, to 1M 11/UTh ... BlaMd Rftlft"'cr, PtuW 01 Tllou art: Com• In Thy llllftiMU. co ... lnTII1f•"- S14JMP Tltbw OtM 1....- ~o,..y.....,_ 0 Lonl. lot -., out of ....., with • holy lhlnt. with • holy dlod•ln -.......... "" tUt .... lrep .. -with -illlldkW.Ioolltfal that caD.,..., ""-. lo-_..-...... -. 01 ____ _ .... illY .. IDI••• ...... J , .............. t,.... I Israel's Future Froat .. JEWISH HOPE,~ Bal 'JO?, t.o.Aaplu Sotrllll ~ er-. danr that then lt a future ftlllltoratfoa a.od bk-ias for JNKl, but if God had 110 pllD for larael ln the future. the woWd bave periohod lo"' qo. They were not deltroyed becau~e God mtde them waterproof and ireproofj that i1 why tbc natio111 could not drown nor burn them. "But oow th.ut .. ith. the Lord that created th~ 0 Jacob, a.nd He that formed thee, 0 larae.l, Fear not: for I have redeemed 1hee, I have called thee by thy namo; thou art Mine. When thou pueest through the watera, I will be with clHie; and through the riven they ahall not overflow thee : when thou walke.t through the 6re, thou .halt not be burned; neither 1haiJ the flame .kindle upon thee. For I am the Lord thy God, the Holy One of Janel, thy Saviour'' (h . 43 ,J.3). God will not only gather them, but keep them u a 1hepherd keepe hi• Rock . How un· mistakably God inform~ Ul about the gather· ing of them. "Behold,J will gather them out of all countrie~, whither I hue driven them in Mine anger, and in My fury, and in great wrath ; and I will bring them •gain unto thi1 place, and I will cauae them to dwell ufely: And they shall be My people and I will be their God. And I will give them one heart, and one way , that they may fear Me forever, for the good of thetn, and of their children after them : and I will make an everl81ting covenant with them, that I will not turn away from them. to do them good" (Jer. 32:3740). The above gathering cannot apply to their coming back from Babylon, for then they came back from one country, but here Cod gathers them fr om "all countries." Therefore thia gathering awaita fulfillment. I believe that thi1 is being partially fulfilled before our eyes in larael today, for Jews have returned to the land of hraelaince 1948 from 72 countriet1 of the world. THE THREEFOLD PURPOSE 1. God choae them to be Hi1 witneues. "But thou Israel, art My !lt!rvanl, Jacob whom l have' chosen, th~ ICed of Abraham My friend." "Ye are My witneues, aaith the Lord, and My aervant whom I hne choeen" (h . 41 :8 and 43 :10J. Th~ Apostle Paul says, ''What ad- vant•ge then hath the Jew? ... Much ~very way : chiefly, because that unto them wer~ commit- !~ the oracles of God" (Rom'. 3:1, 2 ). Cod made them the custodian11 of His Word, and so we have the Bible through them. hy whi ch they witnessed to an idolatrous world about the only and true God which is in heaven. 2. Cod chose them to be His instrument• through which the Saviour of the world c1me "For ~~&lvation is of the Jewa'' (John 4:22). "For unto you is born thia day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord" (luke 2:11 ). Paul speaking of hi1 brethren, "My kinsmen according to the flnh : Who are braelite1; to whom pertainetb the adoption, and the glory, and the covenant•. and the giving of the law, and tbc aervice of God , and the promi.~e~; Whoee are the falhert, and of whom as concerning the flesh Christ came, who ia over all, God bleued for ever. Amen" (Rom. 9:3-5 ). 3. God chose them to be a bl euing to the whole world in the future. Paul must have be· lieved that when he said. "If the catting away of them be the reconciling of the world, what shall the receiving of them be. but life from the dead'!" fRom. 11 :15). God'a purpose is to uae them 11 His meaaengers among thf! na · lions of th~ earth when they recognize Chri1t aa their Saviour at His coming "They ahall look upon M~" (Zech. 12 :10 ). TI1at will in· deed be "life for a look" fur them. "He 1hall cause th~m that come of Jacob to take root: Israel shall blossom and bud, and fill the face of the world with fruit" ! Is. 27:6). Or. Chtrles L. Feln~Mr& .,J-.1. ._ W eeldy Bible 'School Leaon Golden Text: "BII~ lA. ,....., 1 .. J :i.i~=-'t"" .. ~ = .,faith it the subltance of thlJICI "-l for, the eri- dence of thiQCJ DOt tea~" (Heb. 11 :1). It odell the aplanation, "Through faith we uo· dentand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, 10 that thinp which are sec~ were not rn.adt: of things which do appear." Faith in God i• the very opposite of materia)jsm. Happy is the person who rally bu faith in God, and then ba.s the c::our- act' of his faith to act u God com- mands. EVEIYDAY FAITH A def!d to property in a far country is "evidence of things un~«n," and the only tangible "substance of things hoped for" until you actually go to that far country and see and claim the property conveyed by the deed. Yet tht property is yours when the deed is gi ven. We daily exercise f.aith in our fellow men and thei r institutions. We. put our money in banks whe.re. we ac- tually have no known friends. We ac- cept from strangers checks in pay- m~nt for goods and services. We take into our systems m«<.i cines, deadly poi sons, because some doctor (and perhaps a stranger) so prescribes for us, and we eat and drink things pre- pared by strangers. \Ve ride on switly moving trains and subways, over bridges and under rivers; we 8y through the air on planes, wf! drive over crowded roads in high spe.ed automobles, and cruist: over the sras in boats, all piloted, managed, and e.nginerred by total strange.n to us. Every day, in every way , we e.xpress our faith in people. and things by trusting them with our mon('y and property and very lives. Our civiliution is based on faith, and the present terrible failurt of civilization is due t o the lack of faith and trust and the growth of suspicion and lack of confidence, combinrd with greed, se.lf- ishness, avarice, and pride. Where there is no faith there is hate, suspicion, distrust, and war. AIEL'S FAITH -CAIN'S HAlt Faith is as old as the human nee. Abel had faith in God, and receivW eternal life. Cain put his faith in his own judgment and lost everything including his own· life and' that of his family and descendants. If men ha- bitually and continually trust cadl other, why should they h6itate, even for an instant, to trust God , who nevu fails not betrays a trust ? Trust is merdy the expression of faith . It is faith in opention. Faith comes through belid and dcxs not requin: a detai led explanation and guaranteed result s. A child believes that it! parents will fe ed and clothe it and asks no questions. It trusts and expects and requiru no bond of security. Encxh, when he was hard pressed by his en~mi~s wh~n he denounctd their ungodlin~ss (Jude 14, 15), wu ~ tnnolli<d 1.-tblt ....-ld 10 • ploce of -GDfort, ..., oocurity, by faith, ..., tbly coafd not find him .. tblt -· fO< God -him, Hio faith and -of tru11 pleoood God and ... bod .. rood tatl- mony, Noolo found cr-In Gocl'o oi(bt boa-he bellned Gocl'o ...,.... inc when aD the ftat af the humla nee derided 1nd deni<d Him. lo the flee of mntinuou.~ ridicule be built a mor>Jt•ouo arlc, and prd>lhly oped~ his Jut cent in 10 dolnr. full beeea~e he had faith lllat God would keep Hio promiseo, and he and bio family ~ uved . IY FAITH AIIAHAM Abram lived in. Ur of the ChaJ- decs, probably near to the Peraian Gulf on the Euphrates River. Ht wu a decendant of Shem, and, ac- cording to the chronology of Geneaia 11, he wu born about 292 yean after the Flood. lnumuch a.s Noe.h lived 350 years after the Flood and Shem lived 502 years after the Flood, it would aeem to be very probablt: that both Noah and Shem were aliv~ when Abram was born. In fact, it would seem that Abram may have been over 50 years old when Noah di~d . But, even if our ~ading of the .chronology of Noah and Shem were alive when Abram and Shrm wert contem~ raries. Abram married his bali sister, Sarah (Gen. 20 :12 ). and was child- less, for, "Sarah was barren." Abram's faTher, Terah, took Abram and Sarah, a:1rl Lot, the son of Haran, a deceaSf!.'d son o>f Terah, and travded northwest frnn-~ '· .. "r the Euphrates River to go mto !h.. land of \..anaan, and, when th£y ~ad traveled about 60) milu, they stopped in Mesopotamia and set- tled down at a place calle-d Haran, This was about 400 mile-s north of Canaan. WALKING IY FAITH There they sojourned until Terah died. God spok~ to Abram, "Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kin- dred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I wiD shew thee." Thus Abram wu to sepa~te himself completely from all of his relatives and his fatht:r'a house and land. He was to padr: up and f'O and follow God's leading in ,all thtf\11. "And bt: wt:nt out, not lmowin« whither he went." He ha~o road -.p-ud. .cfid not know hi• tiuation, but "'lookod for a city hath foundatiom, who~ builder and maker it God." Abram probably lived a haust: in Ur, but thr reat of hi1 lif~ he wu eontmt to dwell in tents because he realized that while he was on this earth he wa.s a stranger and a pilgrim, aeeking God's country and God's rt:ward. But GOd always has had a witness on the earth, and, after Babtl, that witness was Abram who "btlitved God, and it was imputed unto him for right· eomne.ss: and he waa called the friend of God " (Jas. 2 :23). But God could not use him in his old associations and f('ll owships, and so called him to comt: Discussions PltOM THI IIOLA lltOA.CAJTII JM S. MOrin •• LOI AMOILII Q. ,_.,.., C.lit.-"WiU 1fOU plMJill I'Xpla.i ft Hosett 6:!?'' A. In this first o( the minor proph- et~!, we find a tremendous mes&a@'e concerninll the lovf> of God which wa.s ~purned by faithlesa Israel. She ill tymbolically portrayed as the faith- less wife. For a proper bac kgrotmd to your question go back to 5 :15. God the Son wa.~ revealed to Is rael, and thf>n returned to Hit place. They 11aid, "We will not have thit man to reign over u.s." In a coming day, fol- lowinr the Rapture of the Church, thty are going to acknowledge their t ransll'rtNiona. They will be &Orely alnictf'd during tbe Tribulatio n. Many exPQflit.on believe that when lsra.el comes to that place, H08ea 6 :1, 2 are the very words they will utt.er In their confeation. Many peo- ple take the two day~ mentioned here u • thousand yean each. Jt Ia, how- ever. only a symbolic concepL What he means ia that alter a compara- tively abort time God will revin Israel natlonallJ". The third day 11'1 that of rnurreclion. Q. T...,..iloh, W.... -"WiU )'OU 'f)ltM~ nplain Ezekit-l 14 :1-11 . 1 b~­ liev~ it p~rta.iv to thr. Jew O?Uv eu&d 1IJ'IU /vJ./(.lUd wh.en Clt1';11t ea.JM. A /rind of mim, hoVJt~ver, di11a.gru•." Q, Y1ki.ft1, W .. h. -"/01eplt 1(.'(U OM of lo.eob'11 II IIOftl, aM yd It!$ •O?UJ Brl! Uded in the trib«• of lvael ift~ .!t dad of him. Whw i• thi•'" A. TheTe ia a very lntereeting and wonderful r1'!a110n . When Joaeph was only 17 hil connivinr brothers sold him into slavery. Jacob eonsldered h im dead. He waa hurt-broken. The Lord madt up th011e lonl' years of tragedy by allowlnr Jacob to 1'0 dol"n to vieit hill bf'lond 110n and new q andchildren. While h i1 bleuin111 upo n his children are lilted in Genf!- Sil 49 , tht chapter before thl• ftnda J011e ph brlnginl' in hie boys to hia father. Seelnr Ephriam and Jla.naa- aeh J aeob praised the Lord for allow- ing him to ftnd Jouph, u well u two new rrandsona. Heft, he 1ymbolleally adopts the two for hl1 own. So tM Lord ble~~1e11 u• aa we have been adopted Into the family of God . Q. W• V..c.-.w, I .C.-"Some time ngo I reud G'll l'trtielt 11.1.\e~eiK the llt&- tlo~ tt~tplntie<lUv rt4tt d t.\at t.\e~' "'"'' wtn mt!r '" t.\t 'Pltut w.\tr' tAc Hol)' Spirlt ea.~ at Pt1tt,. <O<I. To k<k .,. tlt. oloi.....U A< rc/tTrtl. W tM ·Greek word C. ..tdl 1:1 t~t.\~ M aa.i4 rqrttt1Ue4 ....U..t ORJr. Tltil 10-nu worcl LJ ~e.a•d. i• Ro- 11!1ftU 1:11, .\owner, w.\er• qt&lU o~ .,_., ............ i!Kioukd. Ca•,.,. ,.,.. ... IAio (vr .,.,. A. Wo do not bcU ... that \loon '""' onll' mon ot tho ""' of Pen-. w-.,. oloo roforrad to lo \lie _,.._,..,Acto (Y, 14), Whethar the waa • tpoke {a loll.,.. ,.. M no1 know. The1weto eortolnly then I A. There we re certain eldt>rs or 18- ra.tl who came to Ezekiel realizingo he wu God'11 spokesman. They listened to him with reaped, They had df!- parted from the Lord. They had tak- en idola into their hea~ and had be- come •tumbling blocka of iniquity. God'11 great message then M it i1 to- day wu "Return." The ~pie-had thourhlll above the Lord'111. It doea not seem to refer to Chriat'a com- int. The-meea&g'e of grave warninr it for the day in which it wu wri~ ten. Certa.lnly there are 110me-won- derful tpirituaJ application• which can be made he-re for our chaJlenre and inapiration. Q. s.. ,,._.._, c.lif. -''WJieft Peter pr,oelwt at Ue h.o~e.~e of CO't"Ulillo'l, tlid I&~ wu (l tU! of tltt-ke,• to th Ki1tgdom tltnt h.~ 'J'N"'"'i6ut ltim i?t MoUII«ll' II aM 171" A. Ye11. we believe lh&t he. did. The~te were the ll;eya to \he Meaaianlc Kfna- dom of which we 8ft a phaM MW. It Ia 10metimeA referred tp u , .. The Klnrdom of Heaven In M71tf:1"7 form." The Kln1 il rone. The ad· miDIJt.N\Ion Ia left to Hit l.nllhd aervanta. A key upnuea aat.horlb'. The Lord J eau• Cll rltt JaYt Peter authority to prueh that if UJ'Ont muted the x ... 1a11 b1 ra~u.. ... ,...ld <ntH Into U.. ICinrdom. 0.. or \lie Uya -...., wltll \lie lowo ln AcU 2 at Ptateeo.t. AnotMr W'U whto 11o pr .. cbod to lllo Gototl,_ In the ltolne of CorMUQJ. EYer alact, 1 .... and a...u,_ who t.rvot Cllrlll al"' bom 111-la. ' Q. ,. ..... w.-. -.. I bow t~ aqtl.f .,., ~ i• tlc Bibl«. f)vt do 'Pfop. bflift\'41 "' ll.,. eoMr , •• A. The Bible teaehtt aome wonder- 1ul truth• conctmfnr anrela. ThOle who know and 10ft the Word of God· certalnb' bc.Une In u,.ela. TheM people who 6o aot beliew a..n moat ineonaletent. 11MJ wfll look at a Ut.- Ue c.hild anti ...,., ,.lae't abe Jut u uplt" la•t u tM atht:lat 1flil'llo Mid. "I don't bel,... Ia God. boll God Co.- bid U..t I ohould ... , laarh It -· one who .SO..." s.ea.uae of tiM ....,. of antl· .. pernattlftlt-t.odaJ, U..... .... ......,. a.llfortnatei7 ,.,. u.-. fto do nol bel .... Ia tllo - of anrett, of a.taa ud •••••• Alq eorelol ....... of \lie ..... will ,... a frwUiel • fln1•..,., of , tWI ...,..loao MJocl. rw t11o MJioo.. et, '" eaa l"tJooa I• tUt W'l 1 •N p,_loo, "Bo oUil rift ~lo .... e...,. -tlloo, to ....... llloo .. all 1111 .._. II :26). '"'t from ._ them and be oeporate from them, whoUy trutlnc God for everythi"', ond God would be hlo thitld and ••e:xoeedifll ,.-eat reward.'' Tbe 1pec:ific prornik wu : ( 1) I wi11 make of thee a rnat nation; (~) I will bleso thee; (3) I will make thy name gmt; (4) thou ohtlt b .. bleool"': (5) I will bl.., them lllat bl<oo thee; (6) I will cune him that cuneth thee; and (7) in thee shall aU familiet of the earth ~ bleued (Gm. 12 ,1-3). That wu a ,.... prom; ... FAITH SIVDILY ,.,,b...,tiDm There wu no nidmce iD existeDce of the possibility at that time that any of these lhlnp would ever occur. 1M obatades seemed insuperable (Gen. 13, 15, 17). (1) Abram had no children and was 75 yean old and Sarah was 65 yean, and beyond thf! age of child-. bearing. (2) Abram wu asked to leave his fathf'r's homeland and inheritance to live among strangers, which did not look like a blessing but' real hard- ship. ( 3) Abram would ~ a .strang~r in a strange land very far from fame: and fortune. (4) The world waa under a curse, and huw could Abram provide a ble!lsing? (S) and (6) God promised to fight Abnm's battles and protect him fully and punish his fat:S , all of whieh wu far in the future. (7) This was completely beyond Abram's im ag- ination, for he had no family him- ~lf. Ov~rcoming the powl'!r of Satan was the only possibility of blessing to all the familin on the ~rth, and how could Abram rccon1plish this ? Yet, in ·spite of the apparent impos· sibility of fulfillment from a human viewpoint, Abram hf'lieved, anrl the record tenely says, ''So Ahram d~parted , u the Lord had spoken unto him" (r.en. 12 :4 ) And ytt, 2,()(X) yta rs later, Paul wrote that Abram bclievtd and 3<"11'!<1 through fa it h in God. H~ did not liv1 to seC' all of these promi ses ful- filled. FAITII PROVEN ABUNDANTLY Out M v.. t.ft t>r 4 ,(XX) yean, we can Sf'e the ;..ctual fullilhn~nt of all th~se promises. ( 1) Abram'• posterity, the Hebrrw,;, brae: lites, and Jews ; the children of hhmael, the Edomitt.-and the M(lhammedans, arc in their F,- uatjc;ms "as the dmt of the, earth' ia number (Gen. 13 :16). No 1inele fanu1y ·on e&rth today has been P'•· served 10 continu~s_ly and kept 10 sq>arated durinc 4,(XX) yean as ha~ the family and nation of Abram, but it continues to exist while other nations risr and faU. (2) By being pr~served u God'• choten people, it has bfaen bles- at:d and hu great influt:ncc among aU other nations. Just now it is ~ing puniahed, bec-ause it has not obeyed God in failing to accept His 10n as the M~ssiah, but the family of Abram will yet be nised up by God, and, undrr the Kingship of Jesus Christ, will rule the earth during the millennium. ( 3) Abraham's namt is known all over ~ earth. (4 ) Mankind, gentiles and Jews, has bt:en redeemt"d frnm thf' curse of the Law, through Jesus Christ, the Seed of Abraham (GaL 3:13,14). (5) and (6 ) The history of tht nation is full of the r~sults which came upon the nations that have blessed or cursed the J ews. Egypt, under Pharaoh, persecuted the brul.itea and was terribly plagu~d and punished. World War I I wu started over Hitler's hatred of the Jews, and be surely was terribly £!-~Dished by God. Spain, Ru11ia. and Egypt are other nations that have suffered through perS«Ution ol the Jews. (7) In J~sus Christ all the famile.s of the earth arr blessed, for He is the only Saviour for the sins of the Jews and Gentiles. He i1 the power of God unto salvation fO!' all thOK who belie:vt: on Him (Rom. I :16). Thus Abraham's faith was fully justifll!:d throuch the centuriu. MOSES AND MIRACLES Pert.p. no man liTinc on thit Qltb ever participated in more: and gre:ater mind<o than did M ..... By the lailh of bia mothe:r he wu born and p~­ --' ,..U... the """"'""d of the kine of J::cypt. He woo llduaUy .u...t in the j>ome o( the kine by the kin(• claupftr and y<t W'OO nunod by hio owa mother. He wu trained in all the wiodom of f!typt. But God tauaht • him the ..,... that c:unt,..jla<d lhat ' falot haonan wiodom. He rdaood Ill be > called the -of -.....·. dQrllter • !'f'd fO!'toOic ECYPt. pu«ina hia faith ' an Jaus who wu not born umil about I ,JCX) yeart later. He defied tht: king i alfd led hi1 ~lt: out of Enot. 1• following a pillar of tire by ntgtt: ~ and o cloud by day. He provided no meant to f~. or clot'he h11 croup l of about two million penon•. tru. .. ting God tc. care for them mirac:uJouJiy-11 and He did. MiiKia oocurnd ""'Y ~ day fOf the lut 40 ~ of his life :.• -<he ... bono.,. dry; n>dco bono.,. r oprl... of Wilier, -•PP<&...t "' lUI doya a w«<c, dothinr and ohoa II did aat ..,. oat for 40 1ell'l; lOCI '1 aD rNriel wt'nl Ol'ei'Q)Int wbRe m tblt -t -iiYed without 'lri· ... ......., or aopo for 40 ,_,. on tho ~ of God ""f w-· faith. The .. ,.... of*'ca•" aod 1q ...... """' of fal " ... ldalllool. .~ 1-O"ilt io both Pilot and the w., . NE.WPORT HARBOR fiiSIGII P08USitEO IEEltlY -PAilE I TARS vs. KINGS TOPS OPENERS 1 t.o.1 _,., 1Cloo1 t.oeeU .. ._. troa AMM4• at Dl· tJIPII'~ '"*' • c. re- __ ,....., •-Pior .-Pialll-dlroJPiatl • ......, -" o1ar1or Uld taU Wl('pt WU. .. f11 tilt ..... t. tlll*ttd to a.a. little __.. cd~Ml'ft IJl)l:fl- -· ...,;;:..., 1111 "-" al • .., .... lao ol lllo--. •--~-ell-g IAOpa IIIII ,_, TIIO S.. KiGp boYO a-W..;;d•1 I"T:&U. 1 Con.. Coaeb lAM IU t*'*llteH . ae1IRI of rltwldar ~WeuiYt .. liar ud "-' -Boldcll, -""--..... ..--· .. boll Coaeb lloiiUII •-atlp.m,PrldiJ'Itllt.rid: Rad)'Miell,ullarbar'ulart-wiU llolllaa_lloci_Yo -r1old lao-IIIIi-l'lq-&f'lul ~ 1011,-..,----.Ia 111p0 ollodtop, boll dol ...,, TIIO &allan aro Ia-bOck Joo T..U. -c.!c.auc~.:.p~a, GIRLS FORM LEAGUE II 111o-IAOpa, ud tbo Sip-.... are -'ft1 lor m..U, Yoatb Coalor, or .. KlGp. -.bod .., llt.YO a !lrla' YOIIQIIall 111p0 1o BoAio IUIII park. llurllll •'ltad, 11'1 ,.,.. ttnc etam-be .,....td "' tbe Kewp:tr1 ame boer• T.ue_,.a ol tbe lrrtDt IMp. Btl.cb puU, bllcbel aad TburataJI, art ...... bollo loa(IIO plor ·--1111. boll! at 1111!1 Wlthr' of Oct. 1-7. Glrll lD IreS ttaroacfJ lth Elllllela'• £aclol Joar.., 10 p-adol will plor 1a tbo ~~qae, a. a Prldlr alpt pme wllll ac11oo ollrliJII Stpt. 10. rOIIolnlloo IH of $4 ioelo- tbt twti11 TWirl Tbe AU p.mH wtU be pli.Jtd aa I team jn'MJ, allolrriMLa~ooo-BalardlrmorolllpiDtbollrll' Tbe loa&UI wt11 be .dlfl~ed looilori,-unlll< lulot .,.. at N_.t Hul>or JUp. IDID S elueeo --lor Sro ............... ..... , ...... 0.. .. .. .. I ....... ~ ..... --= • 'I 7 ........ ,.~:::: • ...., .... ~" a w·aw-... .... fin' ... :'%.~:f.JUi611r"M,;;· r:~-::z,: •• _=:....,. ... Cillll ... --:=::-~ ... , ............ ..... ro&r 'l. ' Glrll wloldD& 1o piiJ -~~~ 4111 .,adoro, 5th and 15th y-.......... alp> "' --3:15 and 5:15 .,_,, aDd 1th Uld 8th to llboW tllat tbey"re a lot p.m. 0111 Moodi.JI, W_.NDJI p-aden. tbaD IUt JMI''I ~quad, or Frtdlys at Eut Bllft park, lAIC date for atp!Jlg ~ for JM-1121 (10~L Pill PROM MIWP-OIT HAI801 AliA) POU::E OLYYPICS WillNER, Newport -eh poUeemu lUke U.eEYID)'1 lbowa the 3 &Old meda1l be WOQ lUBer thll mODth at the Calilorn11 Pollee OI.Jmplet lD San Dteao. auu, Umlted to eaterlnc 3 mm.mmc eYeota, !lDlabed tlrtt In the 50-)'U'd baeutroke, lbe 100-JU'd baeut:rote tau ootMalftys-lltroii&'Welt-YariDer1 put, tbe COM Com-1eape piay La Sept. 29. aod tbe 100-yard 1Dd1Yidtal medley, .tUDe a record In the medley. He also bo14• the pollee Olymptca rteOrd for botb the 50 aod 100 yard bacutroke. Tbe !6-year~ld patrolmaD baa been with the local pollee deputmeot tor 5 years. Durlnc that time, be hU accumulated 18 gold medals In ltate and national competition. Jr. gridders win 7 of 8 Newport-Mea teams 88"ed Tbe Comma.odoi(Jr.Peewee) Dotice oo. the rest of theOrance scored 4 toacbdowua, bad 3 of County Jr. All-Amerlcu foot-them oullllled, and .UU man- ball eonfenoee k.at weeteod aged to bM.t tbe F01mta1a Val- that the Harbor area wiU be ley Tlpra 6..0 SUnday alter- the ceoter of power I.D tbe oooo. at Estancia. A rock-bud coot'ereoce tbis year. Local Commudo defeue tept the teams woo ? of 8 openiDc Tlcers trom rettlnc a liDcle gamea. first ckrwJl. Only a 13..0 lou by the Cor-lD aDOtber Stmday afterooon satrs (Junior Mldreta) to tbe came at Estucla, the Peewee Bunttnrtoa Beach Cobru mar-Coyotes bla.Dked the San Cle- red an otberwi.H perfect week-mente Maladors 6..0. end for the tid grldders. Tb.la Saturday, the Com- Tbis weekend, local IQUI.da mandoe travel to Los Alamitos play 11 p.mes. fat a Z p.m. tilt aplut the The "big boys" team, the FlytDg Eagles. Caballos, racked "' the bluest EstaDcla'a ft.eld wW be busy score last weekend. The team, all day, Saturday, ata.rting with wblch plays lD tbe Mldpt dl-a 9:30 a.m. pme between the •lsloo (11-13 r•n) ... mped Coodoro (8 -9 ,_,) and the the Carson Rebels 36-0 SUD-Los Alamitol Bllldop. At day afterooon at Esta..ocla sta-11 :30, the Chlefl (8-9 tears) diUm . tancle wltb the Los Alamitos Also running loW) a big score ·Gremllns. A 10 Lm. pme .plta were tbe Cowboys, who play the Coopra ap.lnst the Saa In tbe Peewee (10-12) yean) ClementelDdbDa. At 12:30, the d1Ytalon, Tbey routed the West~ Cowboya meet tbeTUiti.DRams. mlnlter Tlcera !3-0 at West~ The Coroftal a.ad the San Cle- mlnlter Saturday afterooon. mente Brldnl tl.ct off at oooo, Bobby Relden's 3 long touch-follOwed by tbe Comucbes and down ruoa ~Jarlced the Junior tbe L&I'JM Blach Pbantoma Peewee (9-11 years) Cardinals at 2 p.m. ud tbe Coralra to a. 26..0 wiD onr tbe San Cle-aptnlt the' IJolj Alamttoe: Pu- meate Matadors S~J Dlpt: tbera at 4 p.m. - al Eolaada. ~ had nm.' Sitar .. , m c:irolp, the Colla of 80, 20, and 39 yardil. DaDDy ro aplut Uae Oruce Raider• Bauer aeampered U yards tor ln a 6 p,m, coatell. tht Cud1Dala' other touchdown. Tbe CardlDall joqriM!J to Pta- Friday Digbt in Stanton, the ceoUa lor a Saturday pme Jtmlor Peewee Couprs' Casey with tbe Placelltla-Yort. Llnda HlldOD went 40 yards for a SbarU. score I.D the ft.nt Ql&l'ter, thea. The Coyote• Y1IU the Trl- the Cougars b~mc oo to beat City Raiders Saturday after- the toUCh sta.otoo I.obos 6-0. oooo. Sunday mOI'Dlng at EstaDcla, An 11 :30 a.m. pme at Tustin tbe Junior Peewee Cbarprs will match tbe Tuat1D Cotna turDed 3 tumbles, a biocked ap..lnlt tbe Newport-Mea puot Ud a pus lnterceptioo Cbarcers. toto a ZO-O Yletory orer tbe Ylalting WutmiDAter COW'boys. DEADLINE SET --L-E:-:G~AL~Ho"'=T-IC::-::Ec---. -.FOR SIGN · U P Nell Yoodlr, Sop!, 25, II NOTICE OF PUBUC HEARING lhe deediiDe lor Newport -eh Notice 1a bereby given that boys wbo want to atp "' to the PlaDnlDc Commisaioo of, pity 01.1 football In the city the Ctty of Newport Beac b will part leap. Pity starts Sept. bokl a pubUe bearlnc oa the . 30. applleatlon of Rolly Pulaski & Boys LD cnde• 3 tbJ'ouCh 8 Auoc., IDe . for a Uae Permit· are eUctble, 11 tbeJ are cd 1U4 oo property kleated at playlDe oo Kbool t•m• or 1111 S2? liar iDe Annue, 8aJx:a l1-·other orpnt.., Iackie foot- laDd, to permit two realdeDUal ball Jea.p. UDJ.ta abon a commercial use A rep.tratioD fee o1 $4 Is In tbe C-1 Dlltrlct. ctmpd,aod ttdl ~ys tor tam Nottce 11 bereby further given lllllform jereeys. that IOJd pmUe blaring will Sip>-"" aro being c:oodueted bo bold oo the 5th dly ot Oe-ID tbo ellr parks !rom S:l5 tabtr, 19?!, at tbe bour or ·to 5:15 p.m. U:oocla.J t.broGcb ?:SO P.M. 1D the CouncJI Cblm-Frtday. bera of the Newport Belch City • • • RaU. at wblcb time &DIS place R.,utratioD deldJ1ne tor flU 1.111 &Dd all per.u lDteretted ner.UOD procram1 1D New- m&YIIIPIU IDI1 behMrdtbere-port Beach 1a 8 p.m. toci&J, 00. Sop<. II. Jactte H•ther, Secretary The oal)' repatratloa plact, N_.t -eb Cit)' tbo Youth Ceater at 5th UO PlaaDJIIc Commtuloa lrta 111 coroaa dll Mar, wtU P"'llltl: Stpt. II, 19?2, ID tile e-al 1, -.c 1a11 olp- N-Harbor Eulp. "" tor ..u1D1. -., 1011 --------~-ud otHr aeUnu .. ...,red L!GAL MOTICE •r t11e eltr'• para, .... boo NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING &lid roer•Uoo ....-. Nollee II berebr &I•• IIIIi Ro&IJib'alloo -r&alill 111o l'lluullllr Commt-oltlle tram ff to $10 an -ed Cllrol N_.t a.tb will belli lor ___ ._ a pol>llo llearlai ootlle"''PIIe&-Lui -.y, l ~NC­-or La Seb.., ,.. c-....-waa bollllw ""~ ,..., Sonic• c-1or ao -eti ·-· ootr. nu .._toUIIPtrmUII'II woM,-r-1 ud- ca -IJ -at 3011 ·-U0 boi'IOCC-. ::r~ =-=· .. C.:IHOW AT SH!P,ARD fllll'wdlcw. &Dd apentiGII ol a AlrMD TbODa F. Prace, 11n alta ... .-,.---ol Yr. ud lin.-~-.... .._ . Prlllco "" ... w. -·--· .._ -_ ..... ..,-... . Dol -......, ...... will lit -.. lllo 1111 dol "' Oe- -It'll, at .... -"" iiilc-~ ,.., ~ .... ta 111o c-.c-- llon ol 1110 Ro.,.n ...... Cltr IIIII, at --ud ·-...... au ,.,_.._ullt __ .... _...._ .. . ............ ......., t~§~~~i;~~ ....,.,_c., , ::-r:~-r=-II lilt a aa;al...._ OF '72 ''BLOCK-BUSTER'' S I ALL 1972 Fords in stoc:k MUST BE CLEARED BY CLOSING TIME Thursday, September 21st!!! HERE'S THE USED CAR WARRANTY THAT MEANS SOMETHING And it's Good as Gold from Coost to Coost! Whe~ yo11 buy 1 o,~aetl ur with th ~..-A-I Werrenty. y• lo••• your weniea ~ TMIODOII IO.NS' dMnto,. H .... , why • , . F.r .... ""' 10 .. f'l fW 2,000 ''"'" yeur F-ord o .. t., 9111t111leof I• ,.., I 00 '.(. fw 111y 1111jof rep.eir,._ f.e.r tho Mid 24 1'1'1•nfJ11, ., ... , kfil 0 .. 1 ... f~lflftltll 1 IS 1. d iiC:IM,IIII on rop1ir1 cov....d ullder tlo.e new A-I We!1'enty. You 91! A-1 proled ion wl<ten yot~'u out of low~ t .. t In ... _, State ef tl11 Uni•11 yow'M fi11d periici· ,.,;"9 Fonl ]).,./en .. ~. wi£ promptly 111d c:•urte- Oiollly "--tile 24 111001lh ,....;,;,., •' yo\11' A-I Warl'ertfy. c;.m, •••-n iKiieft .f A-I w,,..,llfl-4 "'" u" todeyl w.· •• A·l Werranty hNdC!NriWI ;,. '"'' .,.. • o • fh1 .feele .. Jotip wJ.er1 yov IIIWI .,_ WOI• ·~ •n-tl-.hp. 2'h ACRES OF ~=~: CARS LOOK FOR THE CARS WITH THE 1968 1969 DODGE FORD 440 4 DOOI LTO. Rocli•, "······ .... ~ 4 Or. H.T. IIIH. •ott... llllfk, ,.... .. ......... P.S.. ,;,, t ood 101ilet. ,;, ~ ... c1 •• , .. c1 ... a, •. !ZSS4 llt IXTLI71 1 STICKER 1965 1966 1969 Mercury COMET s....~. F...ll fector~ -.qllippecl. Good "'''••· ! PIJl7J I PLYM. FORD FUllY CONftllWU l o-. A.,._.tic, ••· -~. ~. ....... t.lly ~~~·,.. G.ei.Jrie 100. VI, UH, ,_!. Good ~r~ilo1. I UJJ. outo., ,-wet d.-i"9o 7401 ,eM ..,;._ ... t.r•lOHI $1296 $1850 $450 $596 $1596 1964 1969 FORD 1964 1968 1966 DATSUN GALAXPE 500 Falcon MERC. SHELBY MONTEGO MX • cyliJMiw uoda~. foe-._, ..,..;,..,, t ••• ..,i\.,, IOSS204 1 2 Or. H.T. ltMi•, ltMt· .,, o~c. ,........ lf-i""J, oir cOfld,, low ..,a.,. IWOTUII Gnso t..lio, h..tw, '""·· ....... MiJn. c-,.... tiH •••1'19•· IOSOAOJ I lOADSm 2 01-. H.T. VI, ,.,.._ 111riic, ••40., lotot• • w-. . .,.... , • w • , tt..n..,. .... , •• j.. ketw. L..w "'il". IHCK.!f! ..,;ln . IZAA7n t $496 $1350 $1196 $650 $896 1965 1969 LINCOLN SHELBY CONTINENTAL GT 500 ... ..,....~ ............. . r-Mie, h..t.... Morel T • FON. II70ASG t 1970 MAV'R'K 1971 1965 FORD I'INTO CLAIIIC 'R ltNie, ~-•• q~;,.. ,.__ ._. lt .. i •. h .. t.,, 4 ••Mill, _,.,...,,... N'ou CM'. cl.,, -~~ 111ile1. IZSJ-"' o._r, L •• ._ ___ ....____ Y--.... ,.. ....... ,,.,.. •• 10,-..._ ... ~-_._ 25 1 I 000 "'''"· IZXA9141 tic, ,..4 111<1 ... 111101'· "'' '950 $225.0 $1250 $1550 $750 ,_ __ _ ·-···-·-···--- Singles paper launched .~;;':C~,.. ,a:;~~~,..:---. ~ -= -......,. ....., . ..,. 01 ITATS or <W.IPIImll4 nta em COCIICU. or ,... --lor -:=..-1o ~ -•IIIII -..... 1o ,. TBI COfllll I OF OL\JIOK em or IIIWIIl&T I&ACII u to loa ...., IEIII•to ._ IIIII ....._ lou-~~~ taiiM•--" liD. 4·-~l.AallfGI'I'IIIf'I'UTitll ._, .. ' ' ~ ~ .r. ' I I taWcapWl.._ ea•""d tiM a &.Ill _,... Mr. llroO'I artle~"TIIe HOr'ICI OP D.umG TO CWICI 'I'D CU.G 1114 porta. ol llad~a. j 1-at JW.t.m I.IWI ~~'nOll AM11U411· IIIII--lo a. t1 n•u• tDc:nUt 1 •• YIPii alJDid at Ute •Jtll"" ~~e.u,, .. 18 llld If 7 or A POiltu' orw. ...... .-.,~iiar.iir- .. -.. I .,.._ """""-,at ..... .. _, Ia fllo arot ocllloe at ~--BY cn111 OF 4 CDTollll ITRIIT -to fllo samo -ilad -..,._4,.,...r~a. llol>udOtaoo---Blocloollt-. float llole •C.-lou lllod IDfOWII 41 OCUIC ~ P._ u U U woro -· •-II.,.._.,_ U, fllal-at'l'nel?ttll, oollllo--atS!..,.. Till-.m--llorlllo a pol-lor prdlalo no C11J Co"'U atflloCIIJ ponlod -lii!IIU. _Y_IIIr.,.,_, 1' -'*f 4.maaN-ll laloelor taot -llrotn lllllr doco -...-, -~~~ o1 Will ud Codicil ud lor o!IIOW(IOI'I-._ por-to · BBCTIOIII. '1'111_....,... at tM .. -IJ-IJaftM loU 111r ollllotamliJ-Iop. --tal om-at '114-D tllo ..._, ho114'r.-tiiiJic ~· ,. __ ., .-.tilt~ ci u.o "fllroot lortlloelolllls'llud•la-· R..., peJ1ieu ~ • •Ill. at 11'7"1 lntM Aft., Wllll IMUmar Dr. lD returo lor a JIIUt rlproGU taCt to wblcb la .de t:1r VaCUioe Act ol lMl'', &Dd 18tM ol tbl d:lnald portl.- ...,_.llllt. IJiplr llaJ, Till tablold.llllo -loa-IDIIIt !rom ~~~~tllolllls tllolr -partie-•, ud t1lll au ... -. -•· bolas 01 sa14 otrlot 11110 '01 llod • Doll-o1 lllo -. 14. 'r-o -ol Trod lwN par-' 1111 P-bJ --&lid~. 1111 Uma ud pllco o1 boarlac 8-SIOOtoiAI,lllol ..... , aod lalioo,udllloCIIJ~I "oto'7,'' .. -'n ol a 7111, -. ZUllaeroa -.lid mtll ud -in DartiDoltll P_,lllblor Co. lo tllo -lou -Ill lor at t11o-6 ~11 Code ol tilt City at Nnpcwl S..ll '"~~~!~-~ •,• .!...! ~ ... 00 taea ..._t_loa ~ ~~~~'?!;: ~ and Loe Aaetln Co.. ~!!'• aame oltbiSbuUf october 1, 11?1, at 1:00 a.m., ot tblltate of Cautota&a.DOES btrtbJ tltcU to procMd _. .-...... ~ w ~ w -., -w·---ud in IAI Vops. Aloo ·...--lo t11o --at W· HEREBY REIOLV£ AND DE-till prodolnu at 1111 .. _ ..--lo lilt lip 4 ... , a1 t11o -11 ood af lllclodod are arU.IN oopmbl-Tllolr od-.. 011 salo II moal No. 1 o1 l&ld ~ at CL411E u lb!IIW" Va-Act of INI", ud -· ~~~-An., Woot N..,rl lllf:-~-"!o ud lllroloc1 &lid ::..-~.!L llqttt -.., &lid 'If)() Clm C-llrl" Will, SECTJON I. Till .,.,lie in· aU -oala tllorol4, -' Dloc-olpoll<lll-. RoJctU; .._-bfllloftob. DOUG WALTERSoiTIIIIlllbu ............... wlthblellolorErlc -·-· in tile City oiSaataAIII,CoU-torlot ....... -oroqolro Soetlou8100toiUI,IllciDII", cerlllDc' riiWWI•I .,.. lD ert 11. Gra.at Corp .. Alabllm. bela. IIJPOlDled. ma.aacer ol tbe M&tlea. toral&. the c~Dmc tl) ud abiDiioameot ot tbt streeta • Htatrnr• Code eom-clal cllltrlcll. 15. Floal-ol Tract '1817, lrftoo Camp~~~ Bank ol Amer. Till Sllulll's, botll in their OPEH SAlUROAY Datod Stt>lomllu 7 U'l! of a -at a eortaln-ol tho Stalo ol CIUiorllla. Tbe IID&tbJ apadl b' tbe duertbld aboYt.. lea, s~~eceed1Dc Tom Alleo, wbo mld-twlllties, attend markeUDg BetfDili.nc Sept, U tbe Or-WILWU: E. ST J0HH, kDcrn u 0ctu Froat 1D tM SECTlON 3, Tbt Street Su- 7:30 .. -moo~~AC IDe-11. SU rNidlllllal D01ta in lila -appololed I loaCI1nc c ...... al OCLA. Tilly COlD· IIIP Coast CoUep Ullrary ..W c-,. Clerk City o1 Nnport Boaeh ud II parintoodmt ol tho Cltyo1Nt1'· tbe ft)llowt.Dr: c -2 dlstrlct at ZU Ud no offtcer at tbt Sub Aoa MaiD btoed Ideas picked liP there be •n oa SaturdaJ• trom DOOD KEENE 6 DJOH Attoc,..,. Ia tbt tDteaUoo of the City port Be&eb lball caue to t. 1. ReQant of Cb&rlll H1eb lilt St., Ceatral Newport. omee. Mr. Walters jo!DedBuk Yitb Diut.'s ta,ek&roaod 1D to 4 p.m. Llbn.ry boan ve at Ll.w, Sa1te 510 A Yeo Ft-coaac:U o1 tbe Cit}' o1 New-coupleuousl:J posted aJoac tbe to create. two 21.5 b:at W'l.dl 1?. Roooe aboYe site at t2.6 of America ln 1968 ud serYed jourDal1m ·-sbe s workad tor DOW llcolly throu:lll Tburlliay D&neial Ceater UO Nnport port Be&eb to order the follow-Une ottbe portloa. ofllidltreet lots at 30f HeHotrcpt Anaue, and 230 Zlst st. from C-2 to ooe year at the First and New.. senral papers --and went 1Dto &om 7:30 a.m. to 10 p.m., c eater Drt,., Newport Beach. tac d..erfbed porUon ot sa1d propoMd to be ncated DOt more Col'OIIt del U:ar, where wtdtbl: R-S. port offtee in Tustin followlBC buslDeas, Frtday ?:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., CaWOrala gla() Attoroe)'(s) meet LD tbe City of Newport tban SCYI feet aput, bat oat of 25 aad so teet DO'If' ulll. 18. Emli&J reQuest tor u b.ls tnltl&l lntoe asGsnmant. ••we were iDiplrerf hv lee-and Saturday lDd Stmday DOdo for: PetttJoaer. ' s-.eb, CoUDt)' of Orup, state Ius tba.n three 111 an. DOtlc.· 1. TeaAtlte m.q~ ol Tract actrtlttMat lite Ia tlle 1Ddultr1al He YU born Ia Marlon, Oblo, to 4 p.m. Publ1ab: Sept, 14, 11, 28, of Cal1tol'lda, to be ftClted, of the neattoo of aid por1loa 801!, creating 001 pueel 6:Jr s.etioo of Newport P.laee tor aod attended Oltan bigb scbool LIGA.L MOTIC~ 19?1, lD the Newport Harbor e~ ~ aDd abudooed. to of aa1d street. Said aotiees cODdomlnlam deYaklpm.-a1 ao aatomobUe eeoter. · a.nd st. Boaa.venture Utrlverslty, NOTICE TO CRE DITORS LIGI,L. MD'ng Enaip.. wtt: shall atate tbe puap of tbta 5515 RiYer An., W..t:Newport. 19. Reqoelt of Jim Slemou botb 1P Oltao, New York. SUPERIOR COURT OF THE Bectnmnl at the mOlt lOuth· Re10luUoo of lDtenHOII aod tbe 3. Flnll map of Tract 1017, lmporls of Santa ADa !or on STATE OF CAlJFORIIlA FOR FICTIT!Otll Btii!NESS IIA»E L.IGAL IIOTICI erly oor-o1 Lot 1, Block limo and place ol the llolrln& cr•tl.Dr ooe lot tor a 49 11D1t automobile eaoter 1D. Newport L.IGAL MOT1C! THE COt.IN'JY OF ORANGE STATEMENT SUPER!OR COURT a. Seubor'e CoJooy Tract lD of all J,eri!IOU toterelted In cotdorninl.um oortberlJ ol E. Place. · Tbe followtDI pereoola:doi.Dc OF CALIFORNIA the Clt)' of Newport Btaeb, or objactJnc to the propoMd Bay AYe., between Ftna.ado zo. Harbor Day Scbool re-FICTITIOUS BlSINESS NA.UE Estate ~·st~~l~ BALA buslneu u: American Circuit COUNTY OF ORANGE CoWitJ of Ort.np, StateofCaU .. n.cat1on of aid portioo. of Aid Uld Cypress, Ba~rlqUIIIIted quest tor tempor&rJ use of a STATEMENT TON aka HAZEJ.. WEST BAL. Art Compuy, 11242 Blreii.J Cue number foral&,. 18 per map recorded street. Said nottees 1blll be by R. M.. Gi.UoftY 11 Aaoe., reloca.table buildlnc for locker The following penon Is doing ATON aD HAZEL WEST CON: Drln, Garden Grote 92641; AD 9201 to Boot 7, page 25 of Mt.eel .. 10 posted at leut ten days Newport Beach. room aadmalDteDaneeaodstor-busi.Dess as: AtxUology Center , P.O. Box4545, Atabelm 92803: CttATIJN RE AOOPTICIN 1aD80t1l Mapa 1D the oftlee of before the date of said heartn&, 4. Holstein Co. request tor age at 3443 Pacific View Dr., Newport Beach, 307 Plaeent1& LEY, aka HAZEL W. CONlEY, Jack G. La1FJ'eoee, llUZ Bar-IN THE MArTER OF THE the COUDty Recorder of aid atlas required by law. 12 m*-b uteoston for S otr. Hubor VIew H.tlls Ava., Newport Beach: Deo.o1s Deeeued. elay DriYe, Garden Grewe ADOPTION PETn'ION OF AN. Co1111ty; tbeoee DOI'tbwesterly SECTION 4. NotJee II hereby site sl.ps, ooe eDtraoee sip 21. NIDe UDJ.t ~Ddomtnlum. L, Landeam&.D, 4204 Patrice NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN 92641. THONY J. FRANKEN, Adopt-aloog the oortbeuterlJ UDe of g1nn that tbe City COUDCU of &Dd 4 nap tor eaeb model In C-1-Z dlstrlet at the north. Rd., Newport Beach. to the creditors of the above Thls buainess Iii being COO· log pueat. Oceu Froot formerlY tDowD the City of Newport Beach don comples in Northbll.lfts. east eorner of Washincton st. Tb.ls business ts being con-named ~edent ~!.u\:': dueted by liiiDCUvtc:hal. TO: JOHN ROOER EVANS u Ocean Annue, &I sbown on hereby tlx Tue.clay, the lotb 5. A 104 tmlt 881dor eltiaen and Oeeu Froot walk, Balboa. ·ducted by an 1ndh1dual. haYing e ms a.--. Signed: Jack G. Lawrenee. By order Off tb1l Coart you saJd map of Seuhore Colony day of October. 1972, at the retirement borne at SS3 Pia-22. Grant Corp. request tor Sigoed: Dennis L. Landes-decedent are required to tl1e Tllls statemeot flled Yith the are bereby elted &Dd reqlllr.:! Tra.et, to the molt 10utherly hour of 7:30p.m ., 1D the Couo- eenlia An., West Newport a reJoeat:able building for the man. them, withtheneeesaryvoucb-couoty clerk of Ora:qceCOODty to appeu peraoa&ll1 oooeen-eorDtr of Lot 2 of Aid BJoek ell Cbambers of the Newpoc1: Hetgbta. ale o1 resldeDttal units at the Tbis statement ftled with t,he ers, LD the offlee of tbe clerk on: Aug. 28, 1912, Wl111&m E. Inc tbe adopi:JoD of Cbrllt1De B; tbenee aoutbwuterly aloog Beach City Hall, u tbe time 6. Request ot PatrtekO'Coo-Newport crest coo.domtnfums eOUDty eleri: of Orange County of the above entitled eourt, St Jotm, county clerk, by Bett7 EUsa.betb E'f&DI, a mi.Dor, be-the IOutb"Westerty prolooptloa aod place for hea..lnr all par- or to rer.ooe the k)t at 210 In West Newport Heights. oo.: Aug. 28, 1972, by Betty or to present ~· '1oth : J. Bargsten, deputy. fore tbe Jlldp of tb1li Coart of the' aoutbeasterly l1De of sons lDterested In nr objactiPg Grant s t., NewportSbores,fk'om 23. construction of a yacht J. Bargsten, deputy county :::'~ v:C thes, otn.ee of PubUsh: Aue. 31, Sept, 7, 14, ln the Couoty ol Oraa.ge, State aJd Lot 2 to a U.oe parallel to the proposed ncatt.on of C-1-H to R~Z. e lub at 1099 Bayside Dr •• at clerk. his attorneys· KEENE" DION Zl, 197'Z, ln tile Newport Harbor of Ca.UlorDia at tiM Courtroom wlth lDd distant southwesterly said portion of sa.ld street. 7. Request of Dr. RobertNe-tbe entrance to the Balboa ls-Publlsh: Aug. 31, Se~Jt, 7, 14, Suit 510 A C FID&.Delal Ceo~ Enalgn. F -19868 of Dept. 8, 700 CtYie Ceater 15 feet (measured at right aDd the City Counctl at Aid YID to rezooa the lot at 209 land bridge· requested by the 21,1972, ln the Newport Harbor e Y 0 Dr., Santa ADa, Ca11f. oa Ncw. angle~) b-am saJ.d.oortbeuterlJ time and place will bear tbe Fero st Ne_.....rt Sbores &om Sbar"-'-...:Yacbt Club Ensign. F -1986? ter • 620 Newport Center Drive, LICAL MOn(E 16, 1972 at 9:15 a.m. of tblt l1De of Oe-.n Front,-thence evidence offered by any penon '' n-' • UU&4&I • Ne.......,•t Beach Callfornia da and ~-and ~, of C 1 H toR Z 24 R uest t Richard B ft..-• Y ~.~ .. n were llbOW soutbeuterly alon& aid par-interested 1n the neaUoa .8-Reque~, of Robert F Smttb. : T~ for use ot ~ I,.IGAL MOnCI 92660, wb.leb Is lbe place of FICTITIOUS BOOUrtESS NAME cause why, 11 any, atd a.dop. a.llel Une to the IOuthwuterly said portion of sa.ldstreet bere- , . · -business of the undersigned lD. STATEMENT Uon sbould oot be gn.ated ae-prot"""-tion of the soutb-tnbetore described. Holllnpworlb and others tore-relocata.ble bulldlng as a tern-FICTITIOlE BUSINESS NAME au matters perta1nlng to tbe Th rou 1D are ...,.... zone 111, 113, 115, 117, 119, porary sales offtce 1n Btg Can-STATE MENT estate of said decedent. within e ow g persoos eordln( to the peUtioa oa tile euterly 11ne Of sa.J.d Lot 1· SECTION 5. Thls Resolatioo 121, 1!3, 125, 127, 129 E. Bay yon. The following person lsdolng four moottu; after tbe ftrstpub-doi.Dg business as: AU Seal herein. thence oortheUterly aloq sa.Jci of lDteotion shall be pubUsbed Ave., Balboa, from R-3 to R-Z. 25. Request of the Irvine Co. business as: The Cove, 7408 Ucallon 01 this --"ce. Rootintt Co., 8128 Guan AYe.. U JOU wlsb to seek the ad~ soutbwederly proloeption of a.t least once in tb.e official 9 c .lal d )Op nt uuu Buena Park: Gary C. Wolff. Ylee of an attorney 1D. th1a tbe southeasterlY Une of said newspaper of the City and sa1d • ommere en me to change the name or Broad~ N. Coast Hwy., Laguna Beach Dated September 13, 1972. 8128 Guava Ave .• Buena Pari:; matter yoasbou.Jddoaoprompt. J,.ot 1 to the Po1nt of Begl.n-pubUcatlon sba.U be made before on Ule tlrst floor and redden-moor Lane to ~rwood Lane il2651: Linda Mu:lne Smith, Pbilton G, Balaton. Exeettor Joe M. Buc bo, 6835 Drlscol..l. ly 80 thai. you wUl be prop. nina the date set for the beu1n.C Ual I1S8S 011 tbe seeood flo« In Big Canyon. 19tz Anahei m Ave., Costa of tbe Will of the above lllmed Long Beach 90815. erty repre~~eated at that bear-Ail that porttoo of said street of all persoo.s lDterested 111 or at 114 Agate A.-e., Balboa 15-0 F FICE R CAH DID ATE Mesa 92627 decedent This bUsiness Is being coo-log. to be vacated, doMd ~ and objecting to the proposed vaca- tud, r.ohed C-1; requested by This business is being eon~ KEENE &. DION Attorneys ducted by a partnership, Dated Auc. so, 197Z. abudooed 1s more clearly tton. James Read Jr., Seal Baeh. Marine ottlcer eandldate ducted by an individual. at Law, Sllite 510 Avco Ft-Signed: Gary C. Woltf. WILLIAII E. STJOHN sbowu 00 a certain map ap. ADOPTED this 11th day of 10. Rezoniog of406,408,410, Robert P. Krueger , son of Mr. Signed: Linda Maxine Smith. nancl.al Center 620 Newport This statement filed with the COUNTY CLERK proYed and adopted by the City September, 1972. ~oo,nts~ 5~5~, :a~ e:J and "M.rs. John D. Graglla. of This statement filed with the Ceater Drlve, Newport Beach, couaty clerk of Orange Comty By WALTER T. KING Counell of the City of New-Oonak1 A. W:elnP.ts ro . ou • 412 Hdlmwood Orin, Newport county clerk of Orange Couoty Ca.lllornta 92660 Telepbooe· on: Sept. 5, 1972, Willlam E. OEPVI'Y CLERK port Beach for said neatJon Mayor Block 9, Seetlon 1, and Lots Helgtlts, bas gradua.ted trom on: Sept. 5, 1972, by Beverly 644-8181 AttoroeYs forEzeeu~ St Jotlo, cotmty clerk, by Be¥-You are sened as &D IDdl~ cJostnc tCt a..Dd abandonment: ATTEST: 7 thJ"I)ugb 19, Block 'l, Seetlon the senior platoon leaders class J. M.addox. deputy countyelerk. tor ' erl.y J. Maddo:r., deputy. Yidual cltee bere1D. by ReiOiuUoD No. ?625 dated Laura. La.Pos 1• BdKa lalud. ~ ~ ~ be)d &1: tbt MarlDe Corps de-Publish: Sept. 14, !1, 28, Oct. PubUsb· S• 21 28 Oct 5 PWUsh: Sept. 14, Zl, 28, Oct. PUbU.sb: Sept. 7, 14, '11, 28, FebrtarJ 28, Ul'72, and whlch Cit)' Clfl'k east and west side 0 pte ve)Opment aod ediJCation com-s, 1972, In the Newport HarOOr 12 1972 lo the NewPort 1:1arbo; 5, 19'72, 111 the Newport Harbor 1972, .lD. tbe Ne-rt Harbor said -Is 00 !lie in the Publish·. •-. 21, 19'1Z,inthe Ave., south of Pui: be,, &om maDd QtaDtico Va. EosJ..n f -Z002? ' ' 20()•• ·~ ~· C-1 to R-1.5. • ' .-· Ensign. Ensign. F • '" Enslen. omce or the City Clerk of Newpnrt Harbor Enslen. LI!GAL IIOTICE LEGAL NOTICE L.eGAL. MOTICE LI!GAL IIOTICI LI!GAL NOTICE LI!GAL IIOTICI! LECAL NOTICE LEGAL HOTICI ORDINANCE NO. 1-466 mean any perSon employed by be signed and verlfled by the a pbotostatic or certUled C<lPY servtce Is properly organhed, be deemed complete ~ de-The rigbt to appea.l to the mao or llolder of a prln.te AN ORDINANCE OF THE a private patrol service as applicant and sl\a.ll state the of his State of California u. that tbere ts a need for sueh posit 1n the United state• Post City ComcU from the denla~ patrol service permit wbo CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH a un11ormed guard, tmUormed name, address and orga..nir.a-eQQie and bood evidencing that service, and that tbe pubUe omce depolitory. A prlnte suspensloo or revocatloo oiany changes his address shaU flle AMENDING CHAPTER 5.24 watchman or uniformed patrol-tion of the patrol service, Its he has complied wtth the state Interest, safety, necessity and patrolma.a st.ll surrender h1l permU rtQ.lUed bythlaCbapter a written statement of hl.s new OF THE NEWPORT BEACH mao; It shall also include a method of operation, the ter-laws relating to the business convenience wtll be serred by permit to the Chief of PoUee shall termlDate ~ tbe ex-address wltb the CblefofPoUce MUNICIPAL CODE RELAT _ uo.llormed watchman, unl-rttory or toeatloos It proposes ot private patrols. the operation of the prtnte upoo term1.oation ol h1l em-pir&Uoo of tweoty-ooe (21 )days wtthiD flYe (5) days after such lNG TO PRIVATE PATROL formed guard or uniformed to serve, and the names, ad-5.24.080 L.labiUty lnJ:uranee. patrol service described 1rl tbe pJoyment u a prlnte patrol· follow1na the deposit of a reg-ebanl(9. SERVICE REGULATIONS caretaker employed exclusively dresses and physical descrip-Before any permlt to ~ate a.ppllcation, he sba.ll Issue a. mu or ~ reYoeatloo or na-lstered litter 1D. the United 5,24.180 Reports to Pollee. Tbe City Coun.cll of the City by a single emp~yer, sueh tton of Its otncers and em-a private patrol ser'lice shall non-tran.derable permit for pena:lon of his permit. States Post Offtee or peraonal Every prln.te patrol serrlce of Newport Beacb does ordain as an Lndustrlal plant, depart-ployees, and such other ldenti-be issued, the applicant shall such service. U the Cblef of SQtPenJloo or Re-aaniee of aid letter adYtsl.og operator and &?ery prtnt:e as follows : ment store, community as-ltcatlon and information as may tile with the Chief of PoU.ce Pollee determinestba.t the fore. Yoe&tloo.. U at &OJ time 1t aba1l the awUcaot or permittee ot tr 1ma shall 1 ed1al 1 SECTION 1. Chapter 5.24 of soel.atl.on. or prln..te c lub. be deemed necessary by the a pollcy or poUcies of com-going requirements ban oot eome to Ute atteotton ol tbe the aetloo of tbe Cbtef ofPoUee ~ 0 n mm ey the Newport Belch Manlelpll 5.2-4.02{) Private Patrol Ser-Chief of Pollee, lncludl.ng. but prellen.s1fe publlc llabiUl)' ln· been satistled, he may deDJ Chief of PoUee tbat tbe boldc' a.nd of tbe rt&trt to awe&lweb. ~:;!:n:~ :;.1 th~= Code ts amended to read: vice. Permit Required, It shall not UmUed to, nngerprtnts and surance, lnclOOlog eonra.ptor the appUeaUon. U the appllea-of any permit luued dDder a.etlon to tbe Ctt)' Co.mcll. of this Code aDd of &tate or "CHAPTER s.U be tmla.wtul for any penon. r ecent photographs of the a.p-aU motor veblcles operated by tlon is denied, the awllcut this Chapter ..,. rtolattd &117 5.14.130 Prlnte Patrol~ federal law wbl.ch eome to htl PRfVATE PATROL SERVlCE either as priJK:lpal or agent, pllcant and his employees. tbe private patrol sernce, Tbe stlall be adrlsed of saeb deala.l proriDool ol tbla Cblptlr, or men' a Badret and lnalpla. Tbe atteottoo., with the e:reepttoo __ REGULATIONS to enpge la the business ol B. PRIVATE PATROLMAN. insurance WU. as a mln.tmum :ux1 of his rlabt to appeal to rule or AJUlatioa. made par-Chief ot PoUee or b1s aceat of mi.Dor tra.me offenses. De1in1Uoos. malrDJ..ni.Dg or operating any Any person to be employed include corerage to the e:rteot the City Counell, by registered 118Dt to tbli Cblpter, or ottwr sbaU l.upect the badp IDd 5_24.190 Autborlty to Y&b 5.2 •• 020 Private Patrol Ser-private patrol santee without as a private patrolman stall of ODe HUDdred Thousand Dol-or cert11led mall directed to ordtPanee of the City, or &D7 other luipla loteDded to be Rules and Regulation.&. Tbe Ylce Permit Required. first obtainlag a permit as re-file a vertlled a.ppllcatloo wtth lara ($100,000) for the death the address lho'trD 011 tbe ap-1tate or fec1enl law, or -t. wora by tbe ~~JPUcaot. Tbe Chief of Pollee shall ban the 5.24.030 Printe Patrolma.n qutred by this Chapter . A per. the License Dtvtslon of the or inJury of one person In a.ay pUeaUon. or by per.anal Hf· ruflty of mlseooduct wb1le oo badae or lulpia stall DOt be autbority to make rules aDd Permit Required. mit shall DOC be required ol Ftnance Department on forms ooe occiDTeDCe, Two Htmdred Ylce. Service of the letter deny-duty, or bu c-..ed to meet of neb a deslp u 10 be mls-recuii.Uoos not tocooststebt 5.24.040 Exemptions. any eommu..ntty association or supplied by the Ctty, setting TbollSI.nd Dollars($200,000)tor tog the awUcatton sball be the requirements for llllliD'"t: take for a.ny offtelal tadge wttb th1s Chapter eooeeralDg 5.24.050 Appllcattons tor printe club whtchemployslmi-forth such tnformaUon a.s may the d-.th or iajury of two or deemed complete ..,on deposit of a permit oc:mta!Ded 1D th1a or lnltama -.orn b)' a law of. prlnte patrol sentees&Ddprl. Permits -· Fee•. formed private patrolmen, be required by the Chief of more persons in any one oc-lo the United Sta.tea Post Of-Cbaptar, the Chief ot Pollee neer of I.DJ etty, eocmty 01' vate patrolmen. 5.24.060 Surety 80f)(l. watchmen or guards. Police, together with an In-currenee, and property damage nee depository. may suapud or re"fote the ata.te aceDCJ. While enca&*i 5.zt.ZOO Permits Nootri.DIJ. 5.24.070 State Llcen.se a.oo Prlnte Pa.trolman vesttgatlon fee of Fifteen Dol-coverage 1n the amouot of 5.24.100 Issuance of Prtnte permit. in the perfotm&DCe of bis ferable Permtts l.ssued aDder Bond. Permit Reqldred. No person ars ($15l Twent:r-FlYI Tlloosaod dollars Patrolman's Permit --IDveltt-luly permit •b&.ll be deemed datin, a prln.te pUrot.man thil C~er are DOt traaa::fer- 5.24.080 Li.ablllty wurance. shall be employed as a unl-5.Z4.060 Surety DoDd. Tbe ($25,000) Tbe lnsura.nce sball ptlon --AWM~&l. Upon reeeh-to be napeDded or reYOked u sbaU war tba approt'ed badge able Tbls seett.oo aball DOt 5•24•090 issuance of Private formed prtnte patrolman, uni-appllcatloo for a. permit tor coYer a.od apply to aU prlnte tnc an awUcaUoo &om aQ1 of tbe fUtlt day after the Cbief 1n a cleul7 n.ible IJl&DDer. be ~oatrued to proldbJt tbe Patrol Servtee Permit __ rn. formed watchman or uniformed a private patrol service u patrolmen emp1oyed by theprt. penon for a permit to be em-of Pollee lball cauae to be 5,24•140 Ualtorms a..Dd OWDer of a prlnte patrol 881• veatip.tion --Appeal. ruatd by any community as-required by Uds Cllapter r.-•tSt va.te patrol service. Tbe in-ployed as a prl-rate p&trolmall, deposited 1D tbe Ualttd statta Equlpmeat, Tbe Cb.lef of Pollet vtce from aelllnr. aut.p:dnr 5.u.1oo IHuaoee of Prin.te 8oe1atioD or printe club or be accompanied by a sure-.· sura..nee polley or polleleasha.U tbe Chief t1 PoUce sball ca.a Post Oftlee a rectaterld .._ Aall tP8dfY tbl poliet *lutp... or tnuterrtnc Reb.. ..ntee., Patrolman Permit --tnYe.Up-other employer unless such boDCI executed by a cofllOrab prorlde that the Cit)' sha11 be an IDYesUeaUoo to be -.de cb1Dc IIDt1ee ot. ncb rtf'OC:a· meat, I.DcldDC weapou, wbleb but any.., oner, traufei'M, Uoa ·-AweaJ. peuOD stWJ ban first ob-surety, In a form approved b)l ~.,!.an Mineeo (15) day1a• written of the qall.f1eatiODJ ud moral Uoo or ~tYpt~~~lioD aDd ot. tM a prlftl:e patrolmao may carry or autpN shall be requlre4, 5,24,110 Sospenaloo or Re-ta1ned a private patrolman' a the City Attorney, In tbe 5111'0 uuwee ad'lance o any ma-eban.cte.r (l( tb.e appUea.at. Tbe rlcbt to appaal to tbt Clt1wtd.ll oa dot), Ud an pre. before commeocloc operat~ou: Yoeatlou. permit. purstant to Section of Ten ThOusand Dollars tertal alteration or caneella.-Chief of PoUee lball luul a Coaocll, directed to tbe PIJ'· terJbe or JIIPI'O" tbe type aad or carrrtnc 0111 buaiatn u a 5.2-4.120 Apptala to Clty 5.24.050. Unlformet1' "Tinte ($10,000) Tbe condJtioo ofe&eb Uoo ot the lnsuraoee COYerage permit IIJPI'cn1DC tmploymtat mlttM at tbl l&te.t addna cblraetv o1 wd.lorm tobtWOI"D prlnte patrol aentee, 10 qllll- Couoell. potrolmen, oollorm.;., watch-bood must be that the applicant PrOYtded. of the profiOIOCI omp~ '!.~ ~ ~.~ ~ty .!_~ bJ pri-patrolmoo. AU pri-IIJ-11111 c-. 5..Z4..1SO Prtnta Patrol-men or uo.llormed guards em-will ~1thtuUy conform to tb.1l 5,%.4,090 tssuaoee ot Prln.te after be bu detarm-...... or 00 ~ -•-u.. --.. nt4 lllfr'olmlll lbi.U be n-5.24.210 Ueeue1 a.od F .. miD' I BAdge• and Insignia. ployed by community usoeta-Code, ea.ch and aU of the ordl-Patrol Sen1.ce Permtt ·-to-the propoM «~~Pio:tH ll OYtl' 11 per.,.u, ""td ~ tbl Q.IU"td to ...., saeb tiiUanD :Not Eaelulln. Fetl a.od pw- 5.,!4.140 UDlforms and UoDI, prtnte clubs or otber nances of the City and the YeltlpUon -·Appeal qx,ore-Zl J.UI ol a .. ; tbat tbe CQI. ... permlttM. w• oa datJ &rid 1btJ1 lOt mlta required by tb11 Ct.pblr EqllpmeDt. employers lhall be sub)ect to Ia.ws of the State of CaUtorDI.a, eet"flnc an application to op-teDta of the appUeatJoa; ue • 5.J4.UO ~ to Ctt)' ue U1 ~.Hat or WIIIPODI stall be 1D adtUtton. to U1 5.14.150 Motor VehJ.clet. all of tbe requirements of th11 In toree, or whtcb may there-erate a prtntt ~trol ..mce true; that tb8 PfOPOI8d em-Coca:U. B U IA'Illcut or Pll'• otber tblD tbOet .,.e.lflld by UCIDM permit or let reqalnd 5.!4.160 Ftrea.rms IDspee-Cbapter rela.HDg to prlnte after be adopted, relatJAc to tbe Cblef r1 Pollee shall ea~ ployee bu DOt: mlttH £1 &CP1«ed ~ U1 ac-tM Cbltf rA PoUce. ader ~ otbelr Cblpttr o( u... patrolmoo. tbe bustDOS& of the appllclnt. an ... ..Uptlon to be made Col commlllad lllf oct ...,. tloo or ~~~-lo lid -UU!IO If-VollleiM. thll Code." 5.14.1 'Ill Rop>rt ol C...,. of 5,24,040 E•mpllonl. This Tbe prloclj>al IUid ooreUoo ol the -CIItolll and moral ltltutloc -01' bod; 1111 put ol lllo Cblof ol Polloi Till Cblof o1 PoUeolllaU pn. BBCTIOII I. Tbl1 -·- A-. C lllplor shall not llllf>IY to a oamlld in tbe bood, &lid thtlr clllra<Wr ol the IIIPilcanl &lid (b) a 1114 liiOhl c...-' Ill ..W'IIo flll1n& to -. ICrlbo oo: _.... lllo IJpo oo: lbiU be poi>U-ooco lo lllo 5..&4.110 RCICI'ta to Pollee. wdformtd prt'f'ltl patrolman, aueeeuors and Uli&nl, lbi.U b1l emploJMt. Alter a btu-IDI:emperate bUUI « a bid ,....,..,or~&Q1PK .. eb&nctllr of JdiDWieatiGD otael&1 ~ ot U.CltJ, S.U.IIIO A-ltJ to MW nnllormed wotchmaD, uot-be jointly and .. nnllJ -IIIIo the Chief ol Pollee IDI1 r-11011 lor trlllll, '-"11 mil -ttdl Clllptor, -marlllap oo: ...,..,.. pllclld • &lid ttJo amo lllall be o!ioetho Ro!N ud lloplltlool, l<><a>Od ,_.d or onllormod nniD the City and -IOJ c1oo7 1 parlllll -lllo ap.. or lnllplty; por--.-I lo 1M CIIJ lllf -YOlllelo -Ia lllo SO daJ• -lllo -ol liD uuoo PariDIII -... carot&Ur ,..,loyld 1>1' • prt. portoo, llrm or ~ pUcul -a_..,. oatil-(e) -"'"'"elecl ol 1111 C~ bJ IIliis -U,. CIIJ .,..._ o1 .., priftll patrol • ...,...... ftrabll. . ntt .l.ldub1al or eomm•eJal aq:rltT.:! or damapd bJ the fletory to tbl Cldet ot Pollee fe._, or UJ crtme lafottlac c•• a ......, ~~~*11111 ..met. lfo ftldcll 8led bf a Tb1a orcl•noa wu l.llb'o-o 5l14.110 Lk-&lid F-hulnou -110, who 1111 brooch of till coodiUou of ttiO tlllt tilt IIIPIIeut. u u in-man! ba'plhtdo; to fllo CIIJ e-ll ...__ ,.-patrol -. 111a11 tia daeod at a r..,.ar -.. at Mot • .,-.. UHio oo: ... co111ac1 with the bcal. Tbe hood ~~~au oot 11e 41.-~, 1u not ... 11 111o (4)--..., made a l1lllo tao -""" --*•• ........... ,.. a nc1 IICIII ... the c111 c-u ., 1110 ¢11J 5.14010 Doll-•-Fot 1110 pti>U. alllrp, •-aellf!U.. oold apoo tho ro....,.y 1101 -IIIPIIoul .. a .-... - -Ill Ill IIIPM-......... lloo -or llllin -of HOW(IOI'I 8oae1o lllld .. 1M p--II IIIII ClJosl<lr, .... uo -oodiOI&lJio...-., be -and r-Id -tlluulldlftdlll, floalliiiDU· Till pariOII llllallllo oarrlod lo act 011110 jiUt IIIMCI!Iof I,JUIO FlrtariDI llMPI<· -'""ol ol.opll, It'll, ud 1&111--lllrota an tlllpriftll!l<-bafllloom-11rotn tlmolo Hm•I>I'IIIYPI<· a.., oodadlatlll-1, at all u-1>1' lloo-ofMoa.TaiCIIJClnlr*ll -llopriftllpoiro~Mallllall-odaDiod,. fllo 11111 daJ ,_ulollon: plo7W, oo: to aporooo _.t. -llrm or eorporalloa &I• cllrO<Iorl ud pariaorl Ill" to .. -IIIII ._udllllall 111110 1M., • ., II.,..,. ....,..., _,. ta tiJipor. at 'ioltt-,11'11, bJ fllo "'· PIUYATS PATROL 1111-IIC U &r-Id car IW'f!CI ll' ... od 01' dlmopd, 111111 fill oot: '01 --I ,. llr oC lloo -ud ,_ Ill lor 110 1101 af Ill -111111 ...... Ya1o. 1o wll: VJCI. no..,_ ......... pa1ro1 tor fllo poo-ol ~ wllolo _., 1o --· II , -· If fill Cflllf af Po-llt&riiR !IJI' ~ no CIIJ -~ 11Joo u: AYU, COOIIC!UIIIItlll.-_ --,.. _..,_ ._, oo: -.. ...-.. ,... till ... 111a1 11oo .IOtal .... (I) --.., lid ---thai 111o .. ,., •• •· ~ at 111 -...,... . a_.., croo~, ~:,.11,.,...,., -~~= wolon•-•=· ~ .,_IJ ..... ,..d. blliiJaftM•---illllottat •• tltr oo: froaotl; ,..,.. -lilt,,.,.,. .... ,... ____ .,. t.no-. ... _..__ tJaa ... 1011,. por. I.M.IliO AppU-lor -lalli-Ta'nol eO (b)a 1oM_,,-. qwBcwl' I Ntjlllnol llr 1111 (J).,._ao_ .. _ ,...... ud IS wod llr 1M ~COIMCIUO:M·- .. 1&. to --.. Pualll -r-. A. PRIVATI DoUirl (JIO,OOO). ................. -. or a 1oM ...... Itt *II *-JI!!" .... --' *II - -C":f .. ll-. • ~~~-4-.,. CO~: llJia. ut ••• PATROL SIRVJCE. A&lfJka .. ...Ut.r~~Ubu.-._. .... r I M11 k tna, ~ ,.,. pu.a., ltlllt .......... II IUIIII..a .. Cire)llt.-• ••'*i_. tal. • -lor ,....111 tor ........ lo loop lllo lloltllliJ ,j lloo .llltpiiJI ---~-"'"'"....:!..~'!-.. :':tiM ~ .. Q l,·loa·C~ .··~~~~~~ ltu lloiiJdA. ..._ piltl'ol~IIIII.Ubetulda•m••otT•'n:D pdOQI. (et ... cw;;...,ofa....., u. -..-... -•--... s•-··-JIIII'f ...,._. rill fllo Uc I I --ol loti ($10 000) or .. -IIIOulllaoi ..at Ill rllltl lo .-I le lloo CIIJ - -.. D .. .,!:]':"! af ~~-A'M'IIl'l 1111 ,_ ~,. S~-~~01111 ud ...,...., C~ llrrt-.,IIIM __ .... == .... __ tlltt .. loaCMoft..a.&IAaiN .. ~ .. =tdaa ~:: ~ a;::l ·.::: .. -.:. ~t!.~.::.-:.t: ==-~ ~:::.~ ~~·~-r..: lr 'd 7 fl Ill :... ...... a Ml ""'II , Cltr Clln no,!' II <111 II trod_,.-. lllo ........ *lllllr· If 1M CIIIof at,.,.._.-,_, ....... -CltllloUele-.uUo.... I,IU'It._.IICIIIpttl P ... , ltllt. 11, It'll, to ::::~ .... (llOOl ftl .. awe• 1111.11 as. a. CIIW o1 follot wa ..._ .a.t ......... ....._ 1 , ..... llfiM,_ lltlll OINia ....... ..._ 4dllrrll, Mil ,.. ............ tM ... s ... t .... 'Mil I Lo Parking ban turned down A traftlc eommlllkancom. -tllal porillof be buMd oa wu.. at. betwMil f&lrtln' Rd. 1101 Collolt A fl • .... tcoocl -· _, al&l>l by 1bo COlla W-CityCoaocll. COIIIICllm .. Ill' pod 11>o1 WI- /&.Tt, does aot CUTJ ..,ap lhroap tnlllc to wvrut 11>o partdq relllrlc:ttoo. A ?-bloC• Jlnlcb of WI-wu llm>IYOd. Minutes tarUer. the COUDCll apprond a llU'klDc bU oo Vle. torl.a st. betweea NnportBtYCt. and Harbor Blvd •• holding tbat LfGAL NOTICE NEII'IlRTHARBORENSIGN lltURSOAY, SEPT. 21,1972 P\Jil.ISHEO I EEI<LY -PAGE II COROllA DEL ~AR, CAL Newport Btach Balboa Balboa lslond Costa Mtsa Lido lslt CorOI)o ·del Mor NEW LISTING BAYCREST ---This 4 bedroom, 3-1/2 batb, dining room and family room home witb all its special fea- tures in and out is just too beautUul to describe. You must see it to be- lieve it! Call for appointment. $87,500 Oflloo Open S.tvnloys & Sundays PETE BARRETT REALTY 1605 w•cl" Dr. N.& 642-5200 MACNAB IRVINE FINER HOMES LIDO ISLE BAYFRONT - U.LTIMATE IN LUXURY reduced for quick sa1e ~ Exqu isite be-- compare. 45' of beach. Private master w /f .p. Additional 2 BR's. look out of Gracious bandcrant>d st<'lirway. Den -'li•oed baths. Terrific kitchen. Unbelievably •• 111 ·~.eoo; !E2d! · BIG CANYON FIRST Evetything you have always wanted. Ver· sames Model. Exqui site view. 4 BR's .. ~tn baths. 1uroriomly carpeted & draped. Bert Fehren 644-6200. (E21) HOLO THAT TIGER You wiTI have to when he hears the prtce of •125.000 for a 3 BR waterfront with ~ie.r & ;~;lip on Harbor Island Rd. Lois Mlller 642-11235. (Ell) [lrvinel---o.-... ~ I ' til~ Drtw. IU•Ibl IIWIIIcAiew 14&-aet Nc..-t IHU 1111/lllf'TIAL AlfD IUSIHBSS PIOP!ATIBf ·-1'01! llfT,.BSTIID, PIOI'IISSIOHAL COifSIDIIA'nO.H fell • S81tft.l IUL PTATI Hit L C..oo M.,., c.-a 4ol - gWMI .... pan ..... T-Ud . •• .,-~Hwy. (7141175-4120 ~I CORBIN • MARTIN INC. Our individual service means more to vou - 5U% of our sales were made thru referralJ, people who were satisfied with our- "SERVICE BEYOND THE CONTRACT"' wouldn't this be the place lor you to lilt your property! ~all US for y.r NO! ootat. .... -WE .......... ., ................ __ . CORBIN-MARTIN REALTORS 644-7662 PRESTIGE WATERFRONT HOMES SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT 3 Lind• Isle Drive-Open Surw:Yy Beautifu l new 5 BR, 4t,;; Ba. bome-. Water-- front living rm. & formal dining. Handsome oak paneled fam. rm .• frpk. -..·e.t bar. l...ar;!c master suite bas frplc. & cozy Jounj!e area. View of Bay &: the mountains. , ... $179.500. 53 Linda Isle Drive Elegant S lxlrm .• 41h baths; on lagoon. New carpets. drapes & wallpaper. Lovely garden & large sUp .. .. .. .. . . . . .. .. $212,000 57 Lind• hle Drive Custom 4 BR, 3¥J ba. home on La~oon. Mstr. BR. has sitting area & frplc. Waterfront family rm w/conve.rsation pit around the !rplc.; lovely garden. lge. slip ..... $189,500. 101 Lind• ls\e Driv• Lovely 5 BR., 4 ba. home with downstairs waterfront rnstr. suite & lge. game. ~-or study. Mexican tile floors, beam cetlmgs, quality construction, slip .. .. .. .. $155,000. fot" Compl... Information On All Homos & Lah, PIM,. C•ll: BILL GRUNDY; Reahor t.aa II ..... etL-..&.1 ... )41 MYSIDI Ill.. tutTI I, IU. UWt61 ••••••••••••••• FrH Rental Services TO LANDLORDS AND TEI1ANTS All prices imd all areas 67S.7225 IT'S A CUTIE! NEW LY PAlNTED 2 BE DROOM HOME ON AN R.Z l.O'I'. NEW ROOF. LOVELY PATIO. PLW IT'S IN CORONA DEL MAR ! OWNER WI LL CONSIDER t ell, ZND TO. Asking $45,000 DOX Y. f"RJlXl< RE:Jll.TOR 3250 Eat eo.t ~ CoroM .. Mat. c.t-.. Phollll, 673-2222 DELUXE ~~ 8 Separate units ON LARGE LOT EAST-SIDE COSTA MESA • TWO BEDROOMS EACH • ALL m A.l CONDITION • 'LOW, w"' ... e~c'l'-l'M:t'O!f -.. - S1J2,000 Financing by owner "You 'll be glad tomorrow that y~u bOught real estate today," ROY R. McCARDLE REALTOR RELIABLE SERVICE SINCE 1941 548-7729 YES! IIT •• CVARE WAITING FOR US TO SHOW THEM A FUTURE HOME I WHY NOT YOURS? .,YOUAII l"lAN.....OON IIUartG-CAll US TOOAY •• EXCLUS IVELY YOUR S •• .. THE IRWIN COMPANY REALTOR S 4415 Unton &.ntl: T~ ~·~~~~·pon Cent:.-()fi\41 ~-· 'CIOrt a.ct'l ~111 ••••••••••••••••• MLS SA~ES REPORT Sales through the Multiple t,u.tt• l!ervice ol. tbe Newport Harbor-Co.ta Mesa Board o1. Realtor• totalled $100.6 million in tbe til'lt 8 mill•• ol. tm. TBJS IS A S'l% INCBI!YK OVBR THE SAME PBRDD OF ll'fll S,1S8_ DIY UJHnp wen proca•••d. o1. wtddl 'I~ nRB 80LDI Ill o1. tilt aalea 'ftre eoopentlft • • -Ll8t JOIII' ... rtJ • ---- 0 • • GIMdal ••te • Church New• ,... ~ -~..,...-_.. ..... u .... llfURSDAY, SEI'T.2~ U7Z CODA ll(LIIAII, CAL. EYERYTHIN IN TENNIS • fEATURING TOP NAME BRANDS ' IIICLIJDING' e e e • PwrJ • 1lod • Head A rn••s IUI"'IM.UKfT • wu-• DuDJop, etc. EXPERT STRIIIGING -PROMPT REPAIR SERVICE .,_ ......... ~ ... :;'1::!: ._, ..... -........ . ---no-..-, -ta • -· .. -... Bvup' :.wW.-...4'1'1111 o1 • .,. .. ._ ftl ,._. peo.. Tilt Boll ftanQo'l oo UtUa ~ -II ... 10:10 pJo c1 ... -Will 11o Ia --bad • llOrtr .. • ... -IIIIa ._,, At ....... ., ... ' .......... -·-cl 84ptombor ta ' p.m. 11o WID -• 1111 • • • -c1 111o ., ..... ..-.,... ......,, "lnf '" ,.. llttof?" Tilt nr• IIIIIIUI CIIRck c1 -111'7 c1 Mrs. RtY!ao'l Ho wiD bottla a -oo 1111 C-11-, ......... 11. aa1 -. Mr. liMI llrl, Jamoo -cl-II 1111 •--.ba Aftl •• 11taa Boar F-ck of HoDJwoocl, Tbe City .a,~~~~~ .... :'oolloco I'-M, mi-"J to Ill- LET Galt OEM AND RESIOIE YOUR ~ TO LOOK IJ(f NEWI IXQ.USIVI OUAIANYIID DllAPRY (li&JftNG • of N._n na a lliiiDc Place Tilt L-c..., c1 111o awta, li1D 111Yt bar -- lo< tba cololintloo boca-111o 2100 hdllc Ylow Dr II II a.m. &.a,. Boar, ca oriiiMI •••111001 toot place Vllw 111111--no ... ~ ._......, 11J lllo 411•1'1, o1 ~~~.;·,:=~ EDWARDPORNELL,amoml>or D.llartlalaoiSI.IIark't :.:-:r·p~ ol 1111 D.f'OINfY Cleoftlllg. Perfect ,..ordfett of the ... ef ,_, • .,,..,,., 100% r.,toc....nt ff de•bWe. II • 1922. Pre10nt tot the local ~~the FrME-.,rlaeSpaakart ~ ~:=-ID~Or~ Dr. -• c.;.llo party were trotbers of tbe artllU. 1r1l1 &ddrea a C*lal tbe 10 ...n tldl a... tbe _.moo at tbe 11 a.:m .... ............ .,....,..~ .... ...,1111111., • NewDt•o•• .... ...... Colt"1lldnha r=====----------------, ·~Ide,•• Jameaaa:IJolu Koott = =~V~ ":oc~ar Tt!;mN~~~~p eeM'Yiet 18 Ylce. At t:U a.•. be WW be of llollywood, aDd the latter'• 100 -1111 Llldp ~ 11 ~-.by s_.,• ..-. ,au. --~8ftOID.,. .. ~....!2..,~ SYwlaMIIe • .. ....... • Dr.,.,.. ..... , ....... __ AltorN IT'S FREE! wUe, also Mr, and Mrs. Duke e 30 Sat•.-.. C!'~ 2S ----. --... Calor! of Newport liMI, of ' p.m. --•· ...,... • Tbe P_C_ .. _. lba 7 -loci-. coarse, the Hanten'• cbildren, at tbe SeatlriDc Maeoalc Cllareb, SZU 8r'Oid st., Mew. • • • o Wotor Slllo ...... • Dr.-too ....... Come and take part In our round-table discussions. EXPLORE the most Im- portant subject In the world ••• YOU. You will benefit from these wtde-open discussions about the activities and vast potential of the mind. You will find an outlet for your thoughts. We're going to discuss how the mind can be used to free us from sickness, emo- tional hangups, fear, financial stress, and conformity to mass opinion. Come take a mental trip with us. Tap Into the Infinite resources of your mind and free yourself, Turn on --without drugs. Come In and chat. IT'S FREE! You are neither too old nor too young to benefit. Jolin, Karen liMI Uta. Tbeboa-Temple, 15th Sl, liMI st. ADd-port Hdlbtl •• Dr. R-D nt Nawpari ~ Cllorcll, oreea were In Newport. Rbode rews Rd., ClUJ Haveo. A prime Spittler, illterlm putor, wtl1 mMtlac' at 1!5tb st. ud 1nt11 llland, thlsaummer,wberelbey rJb dioDer w:tU be MrY.cl, aDd preach at 10 a.m. thb: Sa-An., Cutr HI..,. ·-.. Tbe U bad a pre-anniversary party there wiU be a ll&trlotie .10DC daJ oo tbe topic, "Cu God .ID. Ret..," 1a tbe _._ tap6c _.._, ......... lottoiW 0114 ....... at tbe borne of Mr. aDd Mrs. preHDtaUoo bJ ...,_,of Ea-speat?" of tbe Ref. Lana Fld1•p- Tbomas KDott. taneta Bleb Selmol. The d1Doer • • • b tbe 10 a.m. SurdiJ ...see. • • • Ia tree to So))UI'DII' Muter st. Andrew's Pretbytertao • • • 8H ......... _,.... ...-. .. ., .. lc. .. ,._ .. _, tli~erl•l..t'--... ,.. • Atl oYerflow trom tbe Prest-Muons. otber adults wJU be Cburcb, eoo st. A.oclrew's Ret.. Tbe Cblrcb ~ lloal~-~-, dent's WesterD White House asked. l9 contribute $2.50, The CUff HaYen --Dr. LotH Enu eoCe, Ull £, Co- Party tor mot'le stars bit Cor-eotJre program wtll be dedi-Sr. wlU beCf.D tbe Ullllaal .1em.l-rooa del Waf __ ,_ ...,..., SEIYICE ona del Mar reeeotly. 0o lbe eated to reeopftton ot the u.s. oar bJ the sea bJ preachlDg th1a daJ" ww be tbl eermc. way home, Jimmy Stewart m:1 Coutttutioo. at the 8, 9:SO a.od 11 a.m. q.te of the ReY. Eleuor Jact. CUntEastwoodstoppedlordln-MEET THE CANDIDATES servlcea thlsSIIIldar.Hlalcple IOD lot tbe 10 a.m. -nco 2.0% OFF ~ .. ~~ oer at the Five Crowns rtgbt AT DEMOCRATS H Q Is "Your tbriWq future." Tbe tb1s SIIDday. Tbe womea•s plld here .lD town. With tbem was • · seminar wlll eoatloue througb wlU bold a dlDner daDce Stpt. 1702 llVD. 11 1 Calllornla's owo pouticlan, "Meet the C&DCUdates" wfll Sept, 28, meetf.ag at 7 a.m. 29 at the SaJJta ADa Etb Club. counsellor to the President be the hlgbUgbt of the Harbor for breatmst, 10a,m.tn'dupH- Robert Finch. • Democratic Club meeting at cate lesson ud a eoctinuation • • • 7:30 p.m. Wedtlelday, Sept. Z7, at 7:30p.m. Anyooe seeldng to register to at lbe beadQ11lrters building, • • • Yote -·and It you bann't --ya 1806 Newport Blvd., Costa The UDiversity Baptist oughta --may accompllsb Ud5 Mesa. Church, 2252 s. E. Bristol AYe., by sipdng ~ with Jessie Hill, Tbe following CSDdldates will Santa Ana Hetgbts --Pastoz' ezec~ye secretary at lbeCor-be present: JobD w. Black, Willis Carrico w:tllt:aitoo. "Tbe ona del Mar Cbamber of Com-Congress, 39tb district· Bob merce. U you ban ....... .-:-~ Lowe Con-ess 4200 dlstr' let· MRS. GRUNDY Dl ES Call today. 557-3943 or 552-7713 .. ~. • ., • • EUza.betb Aml GrUDdy 86 pbooe Jess:te at 673-4050. Terry Mosbenko, Assembly, of 2190 Placentia AYe., Cosb. APPLIED METAPHYSICS CENTER ROBERT LANG, 68, OF ?otb district; JtmTbor'pe,As-Mesa, was burled Sept. 18 at IRVINE TERACE DIES sembly, 7lst dlstrlet, There Melrose Abbey cemetery in University Plaza 4500 Campus Drive Suite 660 Newport Beach, Calif, 92660 I (:IIIJRt:IIES , REVELATION VERSE BY VERSE DR. JAMES O'BRIEN COMBS TE!.ACH BR 9,~S A. M, SUNDAY IH SANCTUARY ll.l.\1\TUTID l.I!UOHS1 OIARU, SLIDIS, OUT\.1111!1 THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH THE CENTER FOR BIBUCAL STUDIES 101 MAGNOLIA ST. AT 91-45 A.,.. BIBLE CLASSES SANTA AHA AVE. 11100 A.M. WORSHII• HOUR COSTA MESA 7a 00 P'.M. !VAGt:LIST_IC HOUR Memorlal services were held Tuesday at Paclflc View Me- morial Part, Harbor View Hills, for Robert L. Lang. 68, of 1801 Galatea Ter .• Irvine Terrace, who died Sept, 14 In Hoag hospital. He was a Nebraska na-tive, and had Hved 44 years in CaU- !ornJa, the last 14 years in Orange County. He worked as a mining consultant. Suntvors are his wtfe, EUzabeth; 2 daughters, Eugenia Thompson of Tiburon and Nancy R:illoek of Laguna. Beach; a sister, Oswin Keifer of Ne- braska, and 3 grandchildren. Entombment was ln Pactflc View Memorial Part, wt.tb Pa- cLO.c View mortuary directing. The tlmUy suggests me - morial cootrlbut10115 to the doilor 's favorite charity or in- stitution. wUI be a representattYe for Santa Ana. Sbe died Sept. 15 George McGovern and Sargent at Rtventew Hospital, Santa Shriver. Ana A reglstrir of voters w:tll be ~niees In Baltz-Bergeroo. at tbe meeting. c...,"""'l Colla Mesa were con-·-· . SARAH MARTIN DIES ducted by tbe Rev. Bruce Kur-. Graveside flmeral services rle. were held Sept. 18 1o Brea Survivors are 2 sons; James for Sarah Martin, 68 ·of 1555 J, Gruod}' of Ontario and Jack Stc>erlor Ave., West • Newport Grundy of Mlsstsstppl, 6 grand- Heights, wbo died Sept, 15 at children and 11 great-gra.nd- Hoag Hospital. children. Rev. Bruce K~~rrle orrtclated PAUL ROY SUCCUMBS at tbe serrlces iDMemoryGar. Paul Roy, 26-)'EIIU'-Old col- den memorial p&rt. Baltz-lege student trom Costa Mesa, Bergeron of Corom del Mar dJed Sept. 16 at Orange Col.lll(y was the director· Medical Center alter a Joog Mrs. Martin was a DILUve illness, He Uved at 940 Coro-of IrelaOO. Sbe bad Und 1n Oruco CCHU>tr lot the -""::.-.t~ 11 Paeltlc Vlow 6 months. cbapel, Harbor VIew Hills, were SarvlYors are a daughter, coo.dueted by the Rev, Robert Mrs. Roger Abbott of Newport w. Larsen. Interment was Ln Beach; a son, Frank Martin Paclftc View memor1al put. Jr. of Redondo Beach, aDd 5 He is sun1Yedbyb1spareots, g:raoclchUdren. M M w b-LEGAL NOTICE r, aDd rs, llliam ~r; 2 NOTlCE TO CREDITORS REFUND ON TICKETS brothers, WUUa.m Jr. aDd HOME OF P. G, HEUMANN CHRISTIAN SCHOOL SUPERIOR COURT OF THE Ticket buyers to the Corona Thomas J. Roy; and a slster, FIRST OfUROf OF LUTHERAN CHURCH STATE OF CALIFORNiA FOR del Mar Kiwa.nis Club's annual LlldlsabyRoy, alllldot ~~sta LesMesaU, OF THE M•""'"'R THE COUNTY OF ORANGE pancake breakfast. orlgiD!llly a a seco -er, e OIRIST, SOBP<I"IST ""'' 5 No. A-73937 planned tor Sept, 23, but now Roy, of Huntlngloo Beae!L lJGl Yio U.. u.-.. a... lot All-'• I Estlte ot JOHN M WEB-postpooed because of the big GARDEN TALK SET. ~•pore Beach 2100 PMifte V.... Dr. STER, also known a~ JOHN Lions' lobster bake carnival Joy Wade of Corona del Mar SUNDAYSOtOOL CofoMcllfMw.~tf. McKEE WEBSTER, Deceased, tb.ls weekend, cao get thelr will present a programoober 9 .... ••4 IOriO .... NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN mooey back, a Klwanls otftctal .....-. of--..... ferns at the SUNDAY SERVICES THE REV. PAUL ROMEIS .__,1 ., .... ""'6 9 .... nil 10110 .... Interim Pastor· to the creditors o! the above said this week, ftrst boll meetlng of tbe Oar- named decedent that all persons Ticket holders should call bor View Hilli Gudeo Club WEDNESDAY EVENING SUMMER SCHEDULE barlng claims agat.nst the said Ttm Tbomasat673-8080for re-neJt Wednesday, Sept. 27, Tbe MEETING 8 f'·'"· II:IO-<JO A.M. _Family Worship decedent are required to Ole fund. information. Mr. Tbomas 12:30 p.m. meetiJlg wtll be beld llBADING ROOM u.em, wlththenecessaryvouch-sa.Jd a later date wtll be picked at the home o1 Mu. Bartoo WHk d.a7a: 9 ..... -5 p.m. NURSERY PROVI.DI!D ers, In the o~ce of the clerk for the pancake braatfllst. 1532 Keel We-cine..,.: 9 -.m. · 7: .. 5 P·'"l'~---------' ot the abaTe eotitled court, or T_.J and Fridar: to present them, with the nec- 9 a.rn. · 5 p.M.; 7-9 p.m. essa.ry 'tOUChers, to the Wlder- stgned at the offt.ces ot HAR. SICO.>ND OfUilOI OF WOOD £ADKINSON, 550 New- ODJST, SCENTIST poet Ceoter Drlf'e, Suite 434, Newpw1 Bndi at Newport Beach, CaWornia, c-o.. del Mar 3282 an.d l'tr.c: which is tbe place of business ·3100 r.d8c: View Dr. N•ta1pOI't H1l ... tl of the uoderslped iDall matters lUNDAY SOtOOL 10 a.m. A Pre•' .,.J Irul•p•rt4..,., perta.1n1ac to the estate of said lUNDAY SERVICE to a.m. Co"t'•t•tlo,..J deeedeot, witllfn four months WI!DNBSDAY IV8NING CltrUtJ.,. Clt•rcll after the Orst publication of ltn.ti"' Roo.: I p.a. tbls ootlce, 1100-11'.. C...tllwy. DR. RtEELL SPJ'M'LER Dated September 19, 1972 . ,__.,. .. w.ra;... IDterlm Pastor DOROTHY Rt.rrH WEB- Moa.·Prll 10 a.•. liD 5 p.m. SUNDAY SBJ.VICI STER, ExecttrU, of the Will ,.......,. ......_.1 7 10 9 AND OfUilOt SCJIOOL of the abon named decedent. llt.1 l0a.e.10-ip.a ATIO!OOA.M. HARWOOD & ADKINSON, Y• .. c...,· illttited to NwfW? ~ '"'' 'lrl Post Offtce Box 1907, Newport ..._. Chrdl ~. a.d PHONE: MJ.2?40 Beach, cA 9Z6&3, 644-1313, J ~-;;-~-~-~~~~·~-;~~~--;;=£:=~==:;:==~=~ Attorneys for Exeeutril. ~ PubU.h' Sept, 21, 28, Oct, 5, Ccaual Bible Qan:b li7Z,llltbe!lewporillarbor 23RD ST, ot ORANGE, COSTA MESA-548-53113 Suod&)' MorD1111C Worahtp ••••••••• 10:80 Lq\. SliDd&J Eveotoa WOubtp. • • • • • • • . 1;00 p.m. Woduood&J BlblollOidJ a. P,.,or " , 7:00 p.IJ. N!. IDdopoudout dnlrcb wllll lllblo IOammamiAiaiiJ 2501 I.UIIW.""' ...... or I.Jtlflt"-' ..... ... s.ss ...... ..... .. ;1$11w., ~ r.:::::=:::~;;:;;;.;:;;.-, ~=;:__~ -·· ........, ....... ... . ........... .... ..... ~. BALlO A IIA Y LIONS CLUB G PARADE SATURDAY 10 Llll. LOISTEI lAKE & CARNIVAL Fri. Nlte, Sat., Fashion laland P•rld"l Lot PACIIIC COAST MWT. CHURCH Of IIILIGiOUS SCII!M Of CD IlONA DI!L 'MA. ILIANOI C.. JACIJOM. M!MIIfll • ..., -••••••• 10:00 ..... s.t.; llekool ........ 10,00 Don't be SUlprised If a aecood .. checkbig on 1he 8nt pa . • WI CAll A lOUT YOU -YOU I PML Y 1'HI M-1 • YOU I AUTO • TO, I IM.NIII ~ §..w:::.~~B:.· ---CA.- ln this world whue 10 m•ny thinp don't work rla)lt and breok bdor< they're ptfd 10< where aomonr people doa'tdo their work rltht and breok yw bdorc they're p1ld, it's nftt to know 1001eonc flsdtl interested in doina 1 aood tob. The Cu Company, We woo•c Mnd a Cu~ Serriotm.a.n to ""'' bouto .W.. -loll bo ._..Jill lall ,.,_. wldla aborp <}'< ond a pencil to ~,. •wh. bo--everythin1 the"-'"':'-, Tbm,..tab_bor_N,_, • ...., __ ,.,..,, r _.;._,.. .. ,. _ _._ 1Bolilt8-1111 I •t-athing,Aod J. ,..dlocll., .... ......_ .... .,....,... ........,811111owbot be's .. ch tl>ln ,.u followed up "' a Set floe lri!ftl lor, lmpector, • • Pufoctlon, The llupoc:IDI'I a bard-ID ploaao. I ' Q M I O.CC.:ONatpj ... ., ..... _ ... MS!h .................. , -. .. , <••' :sa •