HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-04-12 - Newport Harbor Ensign''Do JOG meu to ., a. tbt eot«<IC'""" tJI Loe Aile· Alllr tbt dtJ l'tllaMd aut "'I IIIGe&M ,. did &WIJ wtt11: c:booel Wb.leb DIIWIIIlll*'l an pollee adaaUJ toot ..... ucr ... t elll: star at'trlraekl bJ New-weet to IP'IDt 1 MliDIII lie-bcvrtnc ol IIIIIW'IIDIP'I'I wbeD otay for people to re&d. If o11 tbe Jtntt wttlaolltU.on.. part~pollee. euetodlarlbutoraoltbestar. weONttl&ft'KiDcGeorpm,•• tbeJ take ooe ~off tbe WAJUCII BUIE, eampalp secUoo leader, potnts to the er't permluloo? Wby, tblt'l Mr. FlelKbmu'l Grm bu 1oea1 poUceCW!Dftec.tldtbeptp-Mr. Plttlclnnu fWDed. ltreeb:, wbat's to stop tbem tmportut date ol A&:rU IZ, tbe ktek-otr meetinc time for Bikes, zoning on agenda tldft'.,l" bt.a eoetleted bJ Cbl pellJb.. er ud tbe aewa"'"'• Mea-He laid 111.1 tlrm ru IODI from taklnc uotber?" tbl $150,000 bulldlAc campaign tor tbe Newport Beae b Tbat't how Stuley f'let.cb .. era at. tM star, wbo AJ tbeJ day. to the S.•me Court mare He aid attoroey Robert lie-branch o1 tbe Boys Cl~ of tbe Harbor Area, to be con - mu, Lol Aap... atforMr wtu flcllt attempta bJ tbt cltJ Pollee Chtef James GI&YU tbu 10 tlaae. u.J bu beta Danlel of IU flrm wW be taD-atrudtd lD Eut Bluff. Sbowo with htm are Carroll Traris, DOted lJr btl dttMN o( pal)-ot N..,..-t S.Cb to kelp tbltr cont-d• tbat tbe eez:~allJ. ''llldorm.b' .ac.e.Hiftll'' LD de-d11Dc tbe star cue aDd tbat be c&qlalp~ secretary, and RaDdy McCardle, chairman for llabtrt aceu.cs ol pan. H...oritlllted llft'IPIPIJ' oftctty --uett ""'-,.1 •-~--•·• to feDIIIDI PGbii..Uers aee-.J ol "would DOt be surprlAd" 11 tbe Mid rat.sS.ac drl•e. _.__ .._ -......... lB... 11 " n.... Bicyde traill, BI.Jbo& Pea- o .. ....v, reacted,._.. to ltrelta. mtaors IDd lboWd ooi:J be lOki ponocnpllf. r. c.....uel accompanies FUND DRIVE 0 N ln5u1a r.oninc aDd a dereq._ HOT DEB A'JE ON ~ w:-m"::1"!.': tboiD ~~":, "::i,::.J: ~llr~111~1o'::~"":ar~"': ::= !:.'m!la'\'" .:: .:. ... ..; 1-\ be torbiddeD to pure but tbe lD UU couatrJ al '"Tn!plc ot a promt.ae to per.,..UJ 1M the ageoda at tbe N wport Sea b GROWTH CURB ~ba lo • clear Ylolatloo ~=~ :.!."";"_,'""":,:,. :,':.~ back 00 the olreot. FOR BOYS CLUB ~~~ .~~~=~ ~ A cootra.erllal plan b' Hm. lllnc-rroortiiiD N ... - port S.cb camt "'for tddlaw eiiiSioo at llooday ~·· CJty COIDCil meetLD1, ...s na u-a ... oil _, Aprll 23. Tbal'l wbea tbt Counctl 11 stated to d!Kua the mer..aU 11Dd.ae eMIDtllt ol tbt ctty's muter p)U, ud cotmellmeD decided ....... , I!Jal the """""'"'"' crowtb ...s lud ue ld., were too cloeeb' related to be talked ---!elY. !Wort coatiDalne tbt public belrq IOIIIIIbe23rd,llloCOUFI- cll Mud a parade ol blc de- ,..~, pltld U nlued po- pulaUoo ..... ., llalllrr.rdl Ill porta ot Iowa they lllll -lo d"eklp. But, tbaJ al8o belrcl the ·-tlal """"' llmlll plaD praiMd, IDcl tbere wu at loul 0111 ncpiiiOD lllat pop.. olattoD cedro .. be made eYto mort ltriDpnt. Tllo reoldootlal """'" pll.a ts OM ol ll'fvallliiiPif&le ••- miiiU ol tbt cltJ'I muter plllD of cltnlopma, 1op11y -. u tbl ......... plllD." State ... rOQQirn • -' pll.a lorallcltloa.ZDrrlllflanlo ..... lllo plrra -... bo ..--·~1. Tllo ..... ~ "'tilt oll.a, ·-tar 111o Al>ril a .... .., ---~ commercial ud IDdulb1al 1llad u.aes 1n the flture. Alter atudlts lbcrlred tbat N-'lpopulaUoo..W- from tbt pruututlmated 51,. 000 to 11%,000 by 1990 - earrent ba:UdtDc lawa, tbedtf't commaaltJ dnelapmeot de- putmeDt camt ~ wttll resldea.- tlal growtll control Ide& aimed at a popal&Uoa ot 91,000 lD 1990. Goldlo Joaepb, Lido llle real estate ID•estor wbo beaiU tbt Commoo S.... CoaUiioo, u aall-cootrol rrooe> of OE"<li>II"IJ of tbe ftrlt ameoclmeot kl tbe wbic:b bad beta ptt)lllbed ODlJ "If be leans those papers Tbe master pll.o of btcyde COILIUtutloD,'' Mr. Flel8c:hmi.D ill Fruee. 00 tbe street, we would CQD.. Orer SOO JOhmteer cam-The campa.Jp plls $350,-trails for the city, whicb las OWDII'I, 1rVMd COIIIlcl.lmea. told tbt Euip Jlllerdly.''ud "Our bu:te qUHtioa 1a 'does ll.scate them ," said Newport ~peeu are e~peeted toni(bt, ue BtU Peyton UJ1 Bob Bl)'th. been ready for planoerl to loot that "don-soaJDcladown·crt.· I think 80me aote lbooid be tbe ftrtt ameodmlllt meu wb&t pollee U. Ed CtbberelU, wbeo April 12, at tbe Ltncoln mt<ldle The bic g1fts cbairma.o ls Ken at b' about a year wUI prob-dt.DC'' aod u.t bulMIDc tmaUer taken of tiM Immoral act com. tt •Y•. or aot,• ud tblt's tbe Lolormed yesterdly of Mr • Le-scbool a..Utorlum, !101 Pad Ae Fowler. ably get their attention tooi&flt. rooma IDCitewer t.tbrooma w111 mUted by tbt po.U.ce lD tbe aame q...tkla tba.t IIJPUed to tbe cure blootlc's plans, View Dr •• Harbor View Hills, The campaip p.l 1a $350 Howe•er the btke is.ue 1.1 D8U DOt JIHHI'YI tbe qaa.Uty of Ufe of morality. ID tbe1r mlads, of tbe Lol Anceles star, .. Mr. Would be arrest Mr • Le. tor tbe la~mebiDa; of tbe build-ooo Wbieb wlU provide ~ tbe ~m of tbe apDdl aad 1D Nnport Beach. tbey .,.. a aiD belnc eommJt-Fle18c:hmu ald. blon.c? inc camp&.lp tor tbe new Boys' aoY•s ·Club bulldiD&, the tum-could be postponed apJ.n 11 Bob Riel, UOiVbtaBaerta, ted IDd tbey react bf tatlnc "Wt cu't lla'ft it up to "I doll't kDow --1rt would Club ot Newport Beach lD East t:sblDg and two years operat.Lon. heartop 00 other matters tab the Bluffl,remlDdedtbeCoaocll IOIMODI's prq181'ty." pubUc offtciall to ptc:t ud check wUb tbe diatrlet &ttor-Bh1fl' perk. This pi is d.t'fided between too loa.&. ttat "mo.lpeaple.-ttncbefe ney oo tblt ud follow bU ad-Thl.s l.nallfQI'&I cU.nner wtU the bla CUts committee and Balboa Peninsula, tarpt of ._.,.aapeel.aetateruttntbeGARAGE SALE 'fice.''saJdU.ClbbueW. start at 8:30p.m. All Boys' the teams orpalatk:lll tDier cUy planoersrorthepastmootb, pll.a" &lid urpd lllocttrlotbor• MRS. TORRENCE 01 ES Cl"' campalplers, lllolr ...,.._ R-.ltor Rudy McCudlo Tbe w!U be dlsc .. aed llrot. Allsaue to coalid« all ot tbt eltl.,.l. Florence K. Torreoce, l3, es I.Dd frleods are lnYitedtothe teams orcutzatlorl bu ,· p.l l& how to ameod the multi. ''Eweo with tbe coatrolil pro-LAW STu DIED ot 114 2'7tb st .• West Newport. meetltlc. ADJooe lnterest.td lD of $1%3,000. Tbe 118cUoo lead-family zooed areas ot tbe P•-posed, Newport Btacla 1a PDf wu burled April 9 to Padftc ofteri.Dc to help lo th1a com-ers Marion Bule Bill Peytoo, Losula. Earlier attempt.: to to be more Ute Mlam1 Bel.cb," View melnOC'tal perk. Harbor muo.lty servlee project tsuked ud• Sob Blytbe '~awe a pi dcnm-100e tbe area by IIIPlJ- ba ~ Compuy piiADer L&r-A taw aimed atpeap1twboMt &a)' ODt loeltlooto8dlysdurtoa View H1U., foUowLac arequlam ~.:"the eampaipoftlce, &4%-of $41,000 each. Thl• amc:Md inc tbe oew R-1.5 (Umited du. ry Moore poiDted oat tbat bls ~ tlour1ahlAr bald.DeuU to uy 90.day period. mua at Our Lady Queeo ol lb. 1 mont for Is ~tii.UJ dl'fided amoog 1% plu) zone ba.ve ~e.-tr beeo eoq~UJ's dertlapiDIDtl ban COlt& Mea by bold!DC prap Ill lta artct-1 Yarsloo, tbe Ancell eburcb. Sbe dled AprU the ..,.owt;:~~~~p~ dl'fUloo ladera, wl.tb a p.l ac:u~.;.elfte arta plan'' kJr popalatioa dtD.Iitltl below u.ales ..,_, weeteod w1.11 be ordlD&Detwoaldblnrutrieted 7 at Mesa Verdi coon.lesetli Gucmer. Senator~ E. of$10,Z50each. ctty-wlde anrap. He aid bll .tudttd by tbt City Council prap ale operators to ooe boC)U&L Carpenter wlll be tbe ..,..Ur DI•Lstoa leaders LD lbe cam-West Newport's commercial coquy COG1d eomplJ wttletty oat MoDdaJ' ll1cbt. 2-dlJ •• tach iO dlJI. Sbe Ia nrri•ed by ber .:.a, i4semb1yman Robert E. Blad~ paip an Fred Ellis, Wtllard strip betweea Ccut HW)'. ud piaal to red~~ee pllDDecS dtul· Tbe ordt•DNI 1a a new,.,.. Just tbe thrat of tbl ord-Rtehlrd Torrence of Corooa bam aD! Senator Carpenter are Jordon, Roy McCardle, Dennis Newport Sbores wi.U be prqiO- tltl lD fUture lrriDt de'ftlop-aJoa ot all.mUar meuure U.t iDaDCe bU eYI.deatiJ eiD1:alled del Mar; 2 dl.octters, lltcUJ tbe tooonry cbaJrmec ol tbe o •N.t, Del M&Dpll, Pat sed by tbe Plaoo1nc st:a.fl'. Some meota ld uUd for re-.coD· wu ra)eeted by tbe CCMD:U pn.p alelln tb1 elty. Sammera of Newport S.ebud art 810 PeJ1oo, and Robert Krooe, Jau Ritter, Jolm Sem-property OW'Dil!'s ·m tbat .,_ cl~Um of a city •eto oft last Na.tmbtr. At t1at time, "Vibeo tbe ortclDalordl.buce Pat Webr .. y ol Guder&. aDd Bl'ftbe. Tbt blc cUts chairman ple, HoWU'd Wells, Stne Yet-ba.,. been trYinc to cet city pllmlad H0·•1t eaadomiDJun tbt dty tuberl objldtcl to wu 41alcuuad, ma.ay people by 9 II"'.Ddeblldnn. II KeD Fowler , te ll. aa1 Pat Ljpteap. =::oalo to ~ C:n'::.i lD Knport canter ctu'etnl a $%5 Uceue tee b' ware rliiDIDC buiDaUu out of .. ~,~~~~?.':!;.~,JUI~:n~::·dran:a-;;r~~z;~--ofC:C D M BUBBLE BURSTS ~~ PUDt.nc comml ..... wblcb lntDa mtpt be alloftd AttorDQ Ro., Jma, woaJd do CUJ Cour.eU. ''but tbl.l pnct-• • • will abo could.er a r.quut to bal.kl r..SdeoUal tmlll ID &WIY wltll. tbt Uctue .... bit lee ... .,., Yl.rttlllb dlap.. Tbe ~-MvblDt ...... by eo.:t.lmu Jolla Sb:n 1lo na ~ Mactdaa ~ :.;-::: '::. ~0 a:.~ RIWIIIWI Cto1or 111 ....... -roalrlcl --II ,_ncl," oocl oil _, "'PP -. U loan tilt blorlq --tor .-.. -loll a ho --o.-Fl"OIIt tr--=rclal .... _..."II loU-N B PRE --..... -... ..-..~~ .~•'\ lar--..... , ... -Ioii-I (1..-a, ...... "") ol' I_............... n C-lliJ• 0 n -'loloboc---. cloc---Ul1 -liM liD-8ls ~ 1011 lortlltolcltaa--I • 11-cftyCOODCUmMOnal--11 to deny I!Jo-pormll --bin acoompulod New poll"ce '*"' ..., cwr ..... Mr. T ed OD a 1&81 permit, wbldl oetded to MUd tbl fadllty. tbe qcdc• Q.J' wash stncture. 11-. aid blloo_.,-AI RPO RT suI wool lllroup the city Plulllol --of .. ..., .. &lid ab-ID-aclloo _, .. .,., be Wllliar to kM:* at tbe pro-Comm.iuioa wUbout dectsloB, steatloal, clty pluoers fa1Jed &fter ooat111111Dc IIIIW April %3 I I bl d poAL &lid doolod a pormll tor tilt lui -1o reocb a doclsloo. a ,...Uc l>ooriDc oollloresldeo-aw a e TO HOLD City Atttwaey DeoDll O'Netl JDchde breaeb oiCOBtn.ct,pob-BtjJbJe Macllloe, a ear wub V1ctor Sbelleoberg of lrYtDe tlal crowtb element of the ,en. H. H. JAYCEES aDIS Newport Beaeb City com-He nl11saoee, IDnrse coadem-eblJD. to baUd a flt.cllltJ at pleaded the IMilble WacblDa's enl plan, the City C01me ll: Dlacreemebl ol jllSt wb&t ts WTGA GOLF 0. ASSIC cUmen met MoadaJifterooaa.ID oatloo 1M dec1lntoi'J re.U.et. 3601 E. Cout ltwy. cue, showLDg slides at present • UPHELD an appea l onr-meant by ''noo-crtmU.l oon- lrvtDe Ccast COWJtry Club a clo-' Nuloo to talk &boat "A& t p;pla1Ded to the Com· Beec!ln« eomplalots from re. 8(j)ble UacMDes to shoW tr.t turDing PlaDDiDa Commlssloo duct" caused theNewportBea.eb wlU be tbe .ceDe of tbe ftr.st tba city's peDdiac )apl mon ell, 10ma of tbtse Ideas are sldeots of tbe ar• tbat noise, tbey could be attractt,e. Healao awroral ol renbdl,tsloo tbat City Comctl to back aW'I.J Uoa- IDIIUll Newport Rarboi'Juceas aplnlt Ora.Dce Coa:lty Airport man worth pqrsutng tba.D trafllc aDd parking problems promised to abide by a Plan-would lan allowed HUBfl stew. daJ Dicit fromanordlnance tbat w. T.G.A. colt ctasslc to be I.DIS tts noisy jetJ, a.Dd prom. otblrs," atd Mr. O'Neil. would be creat.d by alk:nrlDc ll1nc Com mission r ule that tM ut to bllild 2 t.omes oo a sin-would Ia we spelled om 10me lta.Ctd dWI.oc Euttr week, tsed ac:Uoo within 6 ...a. Tbe CUJ Coonc.U, after Jean tbe ear 1rUb 1lo be buill, com-DOist len I oe•er be allaeed B:M kit oo tbe aoattrwest corner ctty "boUsekeeplnc"' dutiea of A.prU 18 ...s 1'1'. Tbe beDellt "We talked about ftriou1 ~e. of tattllbc to pt )It )d.se aad ctlmea ftrlt turned dona mon to n ceed &5 decibels. of F'ernleat An. and Oeean. the poUee department. will raJ.Je ftmda b' a camp pi Uttmes &Dd caues ofactioa poUutioD. redaced, mared Feb. Blvd., CbJna Cowe. Cotmctlma.o YUa.o Dostal, an lor olol1 clllldroo Ill 0....,. aod I suftUiod Wbal ,._ !8 to lako lepl acUoo apiDII Trustee elecfl'ons Tuesday . REFi:RRED lo lis -· .......... led lbe ft ... apln81 COUQty. would be our moat 1-..tble tbe atrport, which ts operated le,UJat:Joo eomm.tttee u ordl-the ordl.oaoce wble b, be hinted, Tbe toqroameat t. put of courM," 1fr, O'Netl told tbe by the C<Mmty. oaoce tblt woald reca~e dis-might be unconstttutional u.e Westen TOCif1l;&lDtlDt Golt Elllip Jtsterdl.y. Detalluttbe Local nJters wt.U 10 to tbe aptnst for mer Newport-.,.esa trlbutloc of "tbrowanJ" news-"I ea.n't aeree wtth aJIJ' ad- AaloclaUoo (W. T.G.A.) clrcutt, ai8Cut1Ye •Mioo canaot bert-PERMIT IS REQUESTED poU. DUt Tuesday to pick 4 trustee Donald Strauss. papers. Tbe law woald allow rn1n1stratln aceocY beln&ClYeO CD • • leased bacaue of tbepoalbll EW B"uK IH CM. trustees tortbeNewport-Ue:sa Voters will plckooeeaodld-relideolli to rectster wttb the sacbcarte...blaacbealt.botttybJ M Organlzln I mee I Set leplactloa IDYOIYod. FOR H ...., school dlattlcl boord &lid 2 ale trom m h district. and are City Clerk If they do ""'...,. a le ... lalln body .'" Mr. llo.W "I will DOW prtiPIJ'e a formal Tbrt SIUDitom., 8a.ok ol Cal-trllltetl tor tbe Cout c om. oot restrte~ to voting just for suc h mater1aL Ptlbu.bers said. He labelled a list of dalies C!OQ)laJDt for tbt CltJ eo..ctl lfonda. tJttb beedquartars to mUDlty CoU.ce Dlltrtet the candidate from tlletr borne would tben be ootifled and tt submitted by City ManaprRob- to HYtew, eltber at tbtAprllU SaD FnDclleo, bas filed an lDcumbeata: Arttnar Tbomp-district. would be ~mlawful for tbem to ert Wynn as ·•not spec.IJlc Orpalura of a new CorOlla ue about tnmc," Yr. RiU del Mlr community &AOCI&tloD eJPla1Dtcl, "a.od tbe DHd to pt mOYed &bead tb1l week wtth ears oat ol Corooa del Kar." plana to bold an April 24. mee- llll(atCorooadelllarolomoo-He aid lllolelll&lldiD(the lary 10bool to try to ... 1tJe ....,, Z4 mM&L wldcb llarta auoctatJoa atarted. at 8 p.m., wiD be ctrlll fbrms "I"Yt bad calla at borne all to fl1l oat ud w1ll be ubd to wHt from pteple wbo ay tbiJ be_, c:un.u tbltr Dttpborr- waat to bt-orpotse,'' Jerry hooda to cet &lll'ftl's to quu. HW. wbo 1.1 IPIII'*d'nc tbe t1001 about tba Dwnber ol teo. u'Oe11ttoa Jdea, saki ,....,._ a.ats aa1 oners unna ta tbe daJ, ar& ''Somt of u..m. rtlerriD( to "U I M't pt IDJ' respooa pr®Jtmo tiltl they tool DOOd to lids orpoiotor -. I'll .. ~ rlel>t .... ,. aid they -lllo ..... tlllll(, .. llr. Rill ~boo&~" It ml&IEI lie 11>o 1ato 1o oald. or ~&DiM, tQ: we•reteWqtbtm Rod c,.., I.Dd tall plaaalDc lllat tboro wl1l llwu• loa prob.. IIIII uo ft!IIDc lor lllo ,.__ )arq don tbt road IIDd tile..,.. eladoa to lin tbtm .ome k*.s _..,.pttoptllorlolall<-oa w1oot Clllll ..-ftlll lllom, tbo-oii,....Wbo." lloloro aouc .-w1111 .., Tllrtets to -. ..... CDII Mtb1f ldnDced pll•«nr. Tbl J'MI«Wt•t araa ~ eitJ ll required bf .._. •• _ _., --· to lldD1 "'Iran 1 -~-l­aw ...... .., · op~~~~at piiD ut ..sxaa 11.wa Rocl C.., II----wlllllllo plrrab11a1J. meetlnc or tbe flrat meati.D( 1a appUcatioa D a braneh offtce sao, Area !5 ud Roderick Me. Newpori-Mesa llllf1ed scOOOI eoatlooe to distribute to ad-eooup.•• lll1," w:r . O'Neil P~»lai.oed.. LD Costa Mesa. Tbe kx'•Hon Mllllu, A.r~ 1• are uoopposed district opentes pubUe ele-dresses that ta'e rectstered Tbe Ust lDelllded reKUlatloaof "&Dd 1 e-rpec:t to fUa u. com-is aear tbel.DtersectionorBrls-tor Newport-Mea-ts merbry, lotermedlate and ntgb wtUl 1M elerk. parades, tmenl proceuielll&, pla!Dt Ia eoart wttll.ln I weeD." tol street Uld S11»11onr Ate· Costa M .. cUy eom~UDJ.ea-schoo l tn Newporl Beach and • SET ror pubUe hearlog oa athletic e•ents crowds, non- Some of tbe lepl coar•• n•, Uld will be tnowD u tbe Uons director OrTtlle Ambur-Costa Mesa. April ZS a reYUed pluto deY-criminal tram c eotorcement, UDd• CGUideraUoo by tbl eitJ but's South ctJut Ptu.aomce. reY I.Dd LD.nn.oct uectKtn Coast Community Collere elq) tbe Fa Z<* property OD bicycle safety ud rootlDe 11n- Council on hot seat Cbaries Brldces raordDa tor District runsOran~CoastCol-Balboa Pentuula. PreYtouslJ, gerprtntlog, tbe 't'l.ea.ol Are~ z poat rot ep In Costa .. esa and Goldeo the CCHmCU hlrDtd don a pro. Mr. WJ1U1 and Pollee Chief last-m.toute CJIIPOSlttoa • tbla West College in Hmtingtoa. posal bJ Jot. Koawtser to James Gla nswantedthe ctange week from Elllabetb Ully a Beach. build 47 OODdom.IDtam units lD tbe city code so tbat the pollee N" chairs fDr tba Newport Item wu deleted from tbe tlscal former board membtr wbo bu The Atrport Aetlon Assn., lbere. Tbe Dew proposal is for would be lepUy empowered to Btaeb City COUDCU ·-7oftbtm y~ lt?4 badcel lalmebtd a wrUe-iD ~qJR!p.. a new eoalitloo repr eselltlDc S3 lmtts. do some of the thlnp they do at a co.t of $1,995 --,..t tbl M&Jbt llttfDc iDuncomfort-l.a Newport Ilea's Ar• 4 Interests tbat want to cootrol • OKAYED a request that routiDeb, u rn.y. flrlt Uem cbapptd from DIJl &b .. elll.11'8 wtll be u IDceaH.,. locurnbeot no~ C cuaj or stop )tt tra.mc at 0n.oee z tocai o.crtgv boat elubs "RaYe we tad UJ probMms !..e:"'~.~~":t~ to tM CitJ'CoeclliJidtbePII.n.l.s betoc ~ b'1 it-J'tllll-ComtJ airport, saldfr lday that be allowed to .. bel.cb street wttb the police powers ordlo---~ .-D1Dc ComnUuioo to bold sb:lrt· old WariiU'et SetteriiOlm aa1 eudldltes would be asked wbat eadl: at ltttll ud lOth streets anee already ltl ertstenee?" Moadly alteraooa.. er mWtap," com.meatad teacher James K. Scbftn tbeJ wou.k1 do about )tt Oicf'U tor stance ud wor~~Mas. asked Couocllmu Jolla store. couocnm~o Pau1 Ryemtr ud M.Qor eo.ld. Mclu1s. 8oth. lo Cout Comm.tty coU.ce o•er schools In the district. • D£C1D£0 to otrv for sale "No," Mr. W'fJlll "lmllted. 10mt members ofc1tJcomlllla. ~ llaqCQD:tiiCted mtettDp ot.strlet Tl'llltw Ar• 1 wbtch Late TIMisd:aJ, oooe of the cu-or ..._, a amall eity-owoed Attorney Patrle.la Slll.ptro, 11oU, •'-' •mea .,..t DOt tbat llaq .-well J:Ut mid-tate• 1o IOIItbwellttn bnap dJdltes cootaeted bJ lbe Eollp laDd p&reel ca S8th st. betweeo 28'1' EweDlD& CuJOD Rd .. Sbon mtatloaed, !adQIIIU'tatiJcoat-atctL Co.mtJ tocambeat Wortbl(eeoa bad recet•edanyquestioas trom Rl•H aa1 Lab UeDUes, West Clllfs, arped tbat "Wllaa J'QU pial* of bl.lDc tiDCOIDbtable Dwtlc Moaday's budpt n. Ia : ~ by 11Mdieal tbe AAA. Newpcn. ca.n demoutntt a real DMd b' Ia tile biP...blektd cbllra ..,.. rift, tM Co.ctl a.llo ob)ectecl e~ CODftltut F'nDcH ~-Hoftwer YarpreC Setter-• DIRECTED the c.ltJ attor-a oew law, you aboulltD'tmaDa U.S 1D coe:ll cbamblra. tlo tbt elty'a pa)1Dr tbl $15 m Tbe colllp dlmk:t'l Ani 5 bolm said ~be would tawor coo-DeY to draw "' & pu:~~J~oal that new law. a-. Ill'. Ryd:otf ftltbtoalJ ..-1 IHmblrlblp 1D tbre Wo-t1odJ 1De.a.bellt Oearte Rodela trolltJic. but not b&ftDLit(tbe jets, woald Umtt eamptlp e~s n. CCMtcll baUJ tab)lld t111t eo-cnmaa to 10 able .,.. mea's DtYtslaa of tbl Newport Jr of COf"'DD del Kar rtmaloc (CootiDIIed oo Pace 4) ud liiiiCla ca~p dDal.tloos ord11uce, tbUI ld..lU.Ic It b PIIJalDc """'"'*ttor, wt11 be ._ to .-l II lllo A!>ril 18 nll"llo llr, RW ald. Alllo latltod to .-l 1ft **' bad&tt'DCk tbe eblira andU. 8artJor CM!:Dber aiCommerct '• ' 1D m•q.Jellctioos. oow, by a 5-J YOte, wtt11 eo-,. C 0 $ I" "t sked · lor Ctty Clerk t.1n ~ M o k'd • SEMT a..U..IDAutmblJ-ellmtnPa•U~ycllofludRawud ampargn 1m1 a .:'.:. .. ~::~~; ore coast projects o :-~.:..~ "-• -.....-.. N .... Clb Ccmd'•n CarllJall., ••J•• IMMtac abolt a limit b6C ......... 18 amy cWIIr-nrp!M ta.1a to N.-partBeach ... --·--an._. c.., plrr l ' --m• .... ao.Y-. "• an !llllt ,.._ ..u, ,._ n ~ro. .,.... no 1ft Ill lilt R-1 c.p ~ ftll--)__,.,_ __ tlloJ -... 1 -lo llulr 111M." lit. lllllllf, -.. lftr I llf_llorl_,. ........ ...,_ .. ..,. ··= ............. . .. lrl8lc ,. "I ,.a 1 Jjrl"l , ...-s.& ::.r I- a ..... r-.. of ern It a••.._" ............. = $ttl W PI ldl tl ar01 a• -to--... -.. -, ...... ............. atlh*Et "---· ....... , •. --··· wlro 11u .....-od , 01111111 ot-10 •-.. ,...._ ---CIIJ .._ N-'• -oolce ...._ ',.,. pormla 1br .. ..,11-o1--1oa ..__., BURGLARS GET DRUGS • 1ocs1 pollllcal ·~ --ooca=..S--.,_,-ptl ,1,--to llolloOI_.IIItllh _...,_octlooofdoplu--10oo-111-"""' AT BUSHARD PHARMACY. ...... lallfWIIIWI-..,1 fF1c urd a lmll ~to .-so 100 .. ,_. ... IU 111181----ot lloopoot 11 II 115 aod II? Sill 5I-, .... ID -· llalo 0011. ~ _. I I tr I I II ,.-..., 11o-a10o •-.. _, ,.._ -~ ,_.., ~ .. ....., c-c-'"': oiiQod _,"" "........_ by -Rolllrlp--- - -• .._ -:ac . ..._ <' no to ""-'P __ .. llr. tll,IIO. ~unai.t-1!-C:: ~ "'"''"' 11 309 tria Aft., MRS.. CJ.UIOUH DIES -to -I* I ' l'll'o -11 ,_..--IOJOI)alllcl. (liCROCCl c ...... , liar ., lie wa FllllllJ ere~--~ 1101 I. c.ut -~ .. I '" •• , Ill .... -CIIJ "'-O'IColllo...,_ BALBOA BAY UOICS 10 111M -lilt -.:w ... by EdWia F. EleN .. L ... -~IIIIa-c-<lol -. Ul ...., P&ld. ""• ... '*-' W<l•oc•-_,..111EIR ZSl1l YEAR-1000 ,.,...., ~~e.,., • A triPIIIE uiOO L Bol-1or-err..._, n • .r• 111tr1o Ill '1 -Wlto *":' ... r• .... taot-,.,..._ --.. _ ...... c;,» wiD ..,, a a., to lie IS -IFf ba BIN.. o.-, IFf -..... _ ~ o..i1 1111~--• .::-:..~.::-=-._ ..., ,., a•• a lllr IJa)a.,.... ......... Cll 7 • I .-GWMI'J .. .::aocc. .... It We L ,....... ....... ...._ 9 -.....: -....,---.-ti. ouro--Afi'IIMo&llllGir--. ..... -........ _ • oa.oa ... ., 1 ....... •• I w •~•• 1 ---• 1 ,.., - IU • J lp 14LUI ..... a $11 .. tdll-• &a W ...... laliiiL,.C.-.1 WI llllln& 1JCIUtllcw· ud OiliWbWC.U. ell ........... ~ :.· .. • ... ~z,sr fill~ : :.:=-~~:= :srco::~':: "o;::t'~ .,1£11 .. -:.t' ,._ .. "'"-~ ":..":r:-O.:W"I: -:r~ ........ -...... ~ ...... ..._ 111 nt•tt ,. ... ...., .,...., tf .. lllll.... C..)leal-dSJIII"'ttdd • • te'z ••• r '? • •nas.,.. IIIli 1M_.. Ac u. Itt • .:::..·:.·:-~::=-........ _ .... ___ ::.=:.=.::""-.... -Jt.:~ .. .: ~ .:..."....::~~=-.............. :r.: ~;;: .. -= ~;:.:a.-:r= .. Cir PMIIIi' p 011.. ..... ........... -! ...... 0... ... a1 t a-.: • Otn&*te rl 1 ...... •s JILl ...._ I .. • , I I W 'till .... -- ·-.:. ,~:.~4!· :.i?~-~..:: :E'S.TC:'ECS. ~~r ..... :.:;.~~::i:t~~ .. A!.':~S:..¥~7~· ::-~-,/ L= .... l I I l'IIE OffiCIAL --~~ 0 .. 1'111 Cll:Y OI',Nnwooitr III!ACH THE HARIOR AREA'I{OFFSET /IIEWsi>N£R 01& • ..d ,..._.;.,..._ ........ I 'Mt'., :nn 1. c... Hwy., c.... .. ~. 611. 92625 TELE~E: ~ (-Codo 7141 11tE NEWPORT HAaM)k ENSIGN It th• only __,.pa printed aad puWWted in tk Oty ol, H..,... Badl, and dtc oaly IooBy ~ aQCI opconced .. _,.,... .. tM frrkwpcw1 ~ta. ,._ Aru. Pv.blilhed -kly. -n.-,. s--1. dall po.iap pUd at eor- det Mar, Calif. THE NEWPORT KAJt..aa, IINSIGNW.. ~to be a new....,pu of pnera.l dfc:W..boa by(~ dKnc No. A·20178 da.ted toby 14, 1951, in Superb Court fot .. C.OU.ry of (Jrraap, St.te of Calibnia, and by re.uon tbacof!. qu.HG.d to pubtidl all public DOCk• requhcl by law. ARVO E. KAAPA . • . . , . . OwDCI' aad Pubtiahcr PEG HA.MA . . ._. . . . . . . . .A.orilote Editor IU.SCRIPTION RATES In Harbor Arel.: Ow o( Harbor At-a: Olroe ye...,l5.00; 2 ,.,ears, S 11.00 OM ,.eat, U .OO; 2 yun, II 0.00 ~~.. .I!OiJ *' .N.,. ARVO E. HA.APA, ownef and publishff of ttle Ensign ~O~G:'O • KEEP SMUT OFF THE NEWSSTA.N'OO The Ensign bas cooststently defeD!Ied: tbe rlebt or lrM expression of eootrary optnloo ~· uoderiJ'OUD(l or otber· wise. But this defense of the freedom ot tbe press does oot ellend to the eYil ot·pornograpl:ty. I ec:deod that we have the rleht to hi.U the smut peddlers aDd to keep las. clvlous nude "art" ott the oewsstanlllln our cit}'. It Is well to heed tbe warning by AntbooJ Harrlpo. ex- ecutive vice-president of tbe Southern statu: IDdustrla.l Couo- cll, published iD Suoday's Register: "H1storlcally, tbe I!IPI'ead of pornography bas been a symptom of a ch1llsa.Uon's weat- l!ning and breakdcnnl. Mass distrtbutioo of printed aDd fiJmed filth Is a tllreat to tfle moral ftber of America." • • • • • • A REMINDER FOR CORONA DEL MAR RESIDENTS Here's your chance to reactivate the Corooa. del Mar Ctvtc Association to serve as a local commllllity ntcbdoc. Jerry Hill, prompted by the efforts to dcrlrD-JGDe reB1deo- tlal lots, has arranpd for a meeting for Tuesday eYeaiD&, April 24, at 8 p.m. ln the Corona del Mar elementary stbool caletorlum. The purpose is to form a local orpnlzatloo, s imilar to the community associatioos In tbe nrlous other areas that made ._, tbe city of Newport Beach. ReiOilln& is just one of many problems tbal Deed loca.l atteottoo; there •111 be a need for community actJoa oo J;Ukin&. tnt- tic, clean-~ and beautU'icatton, and the always potential threat of another freeway effort. Old-timers w111 remember the value of worldng together for a common purpose in Corooa del Mar in the <lays wbeo a strong Civic Association kept an eye oo anytblDc that mlgbt atfect the local scene. Just ooe outstaDdlng e:a.mpht was lbe long and eventually successfUl campaign to presene Inspir- ation Point, ooe of tfle most magnltlcent new sltes along the Callfornl.l coast. Tbe Corona del Mar CiYic Association was at the forefront of that ftght more tban 20 years ago. That victory, Lncldentally, was NOT woo by ret.Onlng, or by do•n-r.onlng, or by land set:ture or coodem~:at1on. Inspiration Potnt was preserved by cltil.eo cooperation. dooatiorl.,.&DCI purchase, and today the trults of tba.t community efforf;are enjoyed by thousands a.s theY drl•e and wa.lk dong Ocean B.h'd. Come lo the meeting oo AprU 24 and 1eDd your taJI:I:Ib to the many services that a c!Yic assoctatioo cu. reiKk!r to the community and to tbe ctty. LAGUNA FEDERAL SA VINGi has broken ground for a.n omce In Elsinore wd thus has broken precedent by planning a branch office outside of Orange County. Shwn at the ground-breald.ng ceremonies are, from left, Dentoo Hilliard, contractor; Larry Cartier, Lake Elsinore coun- cilman; Norman Chalt!.n, mayor pro-tem, and Laguna Federal president Lorna Mills. Grand opening of the oew office Is scheduled for mid-June. Lagma Federal has branches In San Clemente, Laguna Niguel and Leisure World, Laguna Hills. Summer topic is local STEP HEM lolcPAIILAHD GIHGER MARIS Elks give youth awards N-Rarbnr Bib Loclp No. 1 '181 bU preaeated tbe Elb ......t ynalb -ablp aDd ~ scbOiusblp awards to out•Qdlnc b1&b sebOOI sea. tora. W'bo M.Ye been I.D compe~ UtiOD tbroupoat tbe scbool year. WiDDtrs wt.re selected by a ~1 ofeducatorsftomthe locallodp. stephen Timothy McFarli.Dd ot COC'OIII del Mar bleb school, ... of R. Start McFarlaod ta:1 Mrs. E. NeU Jobnloo ot Newport Beach, was awarded top hoaora 1D tbe boys' diYI- sJoa lot' botb leadership and scholarship. G1Dpr ArJene Maris of Es- taneJ.a. hlcb acbool, daugllter ot Mr. lDd Mrs. Eroest F. Mart. of Z'101 Beach Bll'd., H--S.Cb, took tho flrst award tor both IM.dera ship and aeholarabtp. Otber awuda: wvepruented to Debbe Brooer ot Eataocla and Cberl Lactay of Costa Yea bigb sc.bool. Stepben and GIDger 1re11t 011 to dt.ltrlct compeUUoa, IDYoiJ- ing lS So16era Calltornta Elks Lodges. where tbey captured fUrther bonora and earned eu. g!blllty lor state ~tilDe at a later date. Aceordln& to Dick Casad, Newport Elb eba1rmanofyouth activities, seniors at tfle local hlgb. scboola should see tbelr school counselors to enter the competition tor 19'13. Youth leadersb..lp awUcattooa will be anllable ln October and scbolarshtp appUcaUons in Jan- uuy. ACTOR RICHARD CRENNA presents the Daisy atrard to Mrs. Anton Segerstrom of tfle Orange County pioneer family In recognition of the contribution by tbeSegerstroms to the preservation and bea.ut.i.ftc.atioo ot the enYironment. The 1973 Da.isy awards were presented by the Ca.lUornia Landscape Contractors Assn. at a dlnDer dance at tbe Los Angeles Century Plua note I. Mr. Crenoa, who aLso re- cet•ed a special award for hJs artistic achJenment ln the field of entertainment, DOted that the Secerstroms were being recognized for their commercial denklp- meots ln Orange Couoty, LnclucU.og Soutfl Coast P!ua in Costa Mesa. He praised the tamUy's OOnatloo of 5 acres of laod containlng tfle E:sta.octa, as a h..lstoric.al la.Ddmark, to tbe city of Costa Mesa. LeHers to Editor • HOW TO GET PAY RAISE illep.l for the Federal Resene Editor ot the Eastp., Bank to convert goYeramenl: Enrytbincts oow ezpensln. debt (I.e. booda) into curreocy Prices lbd wa .. s are soaring. aDd by probibltinK the Federa.l We call It "tntlatlon." What Resene Bank from usl.ng t!OT· caasea Urls totla.Uon? WeU, ac-eromeot bonds as the be.sl.l cording to C0f11J'easman Wilbur tor bank cred.lt. The cause of Wills, detlctt spelldiDg (over. totla.Uon is the Increase al !IJMW""Inr beyond tu 1Dcome) moaey aDd credit. The cure Ia is the sole baste cause of in-to ski' lncreastng mooey t.DCI nation. credtl:, plus ending extruapnt, POUOO, CIVIC SERVICE, , HARDWARE ••• TOM ANDERSON (huGt.l 8arfttll O"'th- lda utlelo .. .l1 " ..... -_.,.lloldac _,.lit --hla tat uu. ol ·"'l:r. Altii.- A11tbo1 ON;;..,..~VW To -"-· n.-:m6J CGN.") To Protect Your•elf • • • ly fRANCIS HORVATH AI Forpl pur-tho Hury Eotu .._. -. locolod II 1105 W, BolboolliYd., c-.1 NftllOI'I. ...., _,_ ousl7 Owoecl by Jobll Vopl ud Jot FtriQOil. TbeD tbe time came wt.. tbt oer11>1>7 Utile n.~, lbo PlllilUt, tbe merebult, liM far. mer of a famiiJ ruch .-r Till, IUildo .. to lieu 1bo ....S of 111o flpttoc bell apJD uc1 ba11DC ccaqaored bl.o ln- ustmaats I.Dd tlauelal em- pire, be saw Ot to eater till political riDe aDd to 19U wa.a eleeted to tbe CltJ CoooeU. The public still remembers AL FORGIT A not ber ··A merlcan Revolution"? Another '"ci•O war" In our country? Yt~. probably, ual•n the db"ection of current nents can be radically c.hanpd. ltecently, I read Uut an estimated I~ o( American adults are now active or incipient revolutionisu, subversive!, traitors. I think. that pcrcentqe is too hiJb. But unquestionably, many thouaands are n o w preplrina for the take-over by force of our free Republic. The taraet date could well be 19 76 -our 200th ann!Yenary. his ~ 1rn.DI'I1DI wttb. a tel-'1. Tbe remon.l of tent city low counctlman, Dee Cook, I.Dd: from Marina Parle: lDddt,eklp-"Bum, baby. burn!" 11 it wu: commooly aecesJted tbat meal of l trailer park tben. the slopn ol-the anarchists , U ooe ns tor a prapoliitloo 1'be acnppy little flcbter Co mmunists, inlurrec· tbe otber automatically wu: loots back onr tbt y-.ra: ot tionlst• and crimnals intent apinst U. Yet, AI aystbere<:· the battles WOO. but Uke all on destroyin1 our country. ord wtll sbow that be YOtecl With cbaq>loWI, the aeCODd penon If we flee civil war in the Mr. Coole: more often u.a did Ja the rl.q Is always ury val-streets whit can you do to the other co~mcllmeo. uable. Thl.t penoo is hJs wlfe. P •-bl.o tr protect yourself, family , Orer tbe put 40 years, be em ftB w corner om tbe II th led •·193? and home ? (Your loots ~o b!a record lDd h1s me ey marr u• cootrlbutioos to the commtm-afttr they had met oo ooe ot J Ove rnment , usina your tty as follows: tbe neet boats. Tllrougbout the taxes, has throuah the 1. His Qgbt along with Mar-years she worked dally I.D the federal Oft\ce or Economic shl.ll Dut.fteld, Paul Gruber, operations o1 the OshlD.c Oeet, . Opportunity -ca lled the aod other Freeny Ficbters, tbe sporUng gooda stores, the "Po verty Program"' which brought about deletion blrdwarebustnessaodtbepol-financed and tr:J1ned of the coast freeway by vote itical arena. Sbe wa.s lDtherlnJ rcvolutionane~ to take over ot lbe people. He belleYed ooe with blm, a.ntlydng tbe attack our country . So a good ot the orlllDal routes a.loog of tbe oppooeot, Dow to roU c ititen who depends E. 16th St. from Newport BlYd. with tfle puocbea, whell to side- easterly across Itrlne Annue step aoo dance away, when to entirely on government to was the better routeandM)1ord strlk.J lDd follow througb.. protect has mterests Ill being lnlne offered. to J:aY baU the Mrs. "For !It," as she pre-very foolish .) costs of a bridge across tb.e fers to pro~uoce the oame What can you do? The Upper Bay. ratber tbaD Forg:lt with a hard .. American Civilian Defense 2. lutrument.al iD brlngi.Dg "g," Is to be ctnn a IJI'"elt Committee," a private, a tra.fftc stpal u,tJt at Coo.st amount of cred.lt, and I pay patriotic or&anization. tpells Hlgtnray aod Orange Ave., New-tribute to her too tor ber tm-it out for you this way : port Sbores, with left haJ:ld turn tiring etrortsa.oddeYottooflgbt-"Dunn1 riot or revolution. otts into the bus1oess dl.strtct l.ng along with Her Man over police ttave their hands full ontheoortberlysJde.Publlsher tbeyears. to co ntrol and halt Ben Reddick's cootacts wtth As the fight continues, I can tbe state were of great belp see the referee raise the baods co n centrated devastation. 1D getting t1e approval, toge-of both AI and Peg In ytctory and do not have time for tber witb the fencing and the tor their accomplishments and rovina hands of arsonists , trees aloog Side of tbe hlgb-their contributions to the com-sn ipers. and terrorists in way ID that area at no cost munity. o utlaying areas . It 's totheCity. I would Uke to close wtth fantastic, but as any S. Establlshment ot park1ng some of Al's Ideas that may informt'd citizen knows, the meters at tbe Newport Pier. interest the reader: !s1c policy of the people f. Establlsbmeot of parldng 1. Polltical c.andtdates leav-rnttollins. our government lhootlna COW"MI from ~~ pollee. "In aU eountriel l-Iken over by the Rech or OChtr dlctaton, It 11 after law abidina c:ltitens are required to llfe or repter th•ir pn1 so they can be picked up 11 a later date. The crimnals and Commies alway• keep their firearms. How will you pro tect yourself. your family , your property, If you allow this to happen? The U.S . Co nst itution JUarantus your right to protect yourself by bearing arms. but o f l;~te, anl i-Ameoca ns 1n our go vernment are wr itinJ tllepl edi cts, pawned oH as law~. 1n violatiOn of our ConstitutiOn. Any loyal American in these pCTilous limes would be a fool to f:ver list h.is auns and leave his family defenseless. The ci tizens of America own more guns than lht' combined armies of the world, and America can never be taken over unleSJ a central government can find out where they are and take them. (G et I he message ?'' - The real reason wh y !he Reds are so frantically anx ious to put throuah 1un legiSlatiOn ) What Can You Do .. 1 . Start Yo ursdf On . Educating Protectiv( Homr Mcasuru; The Use of Firearms: First Aid , What the real reason IS behind th( riots and revolutiOn; Look at TV and read your mapzmes and newspapers w11h mtclligence -Thmk - Do they lie, di510r1 or leave out Rt'ws? Do they promote f ilth , evd. VIOienc(. dntru~tw n anJ lo wenng o t morals·~ Comm ieS learned long ago to buy up and cont rol opm1on-mouldmg med 1111 and turn them to ~ ~ac!!:t ::nut:e"':r: ~':!u=d~~.f. expenses to "aradually' turn us over eostofcODStructiontotheGrU-!. Prohibit to the (C o mmuni~! the1r own use<~. Are you flth CoDIIJIJI,y ot $7,650 wftboul ~~~~~~~~~;'!"':~ ex.ac&.ll-•'t'~ !hey oal:laJ of fuDds La ad'rpcJ.. w.ftt lo haft you -~ and tfte onrace went I.Dto the bar? p:oeraJ tuDd. R:~te {15 '"2. Inform.: y ou r 5. Establlsbmenl of rest-on ...,_., -eer. wa y _..... -neishbors on the need for a rooms at Balboa Pier,liteguard more property t:J.b11 off tu .around the world protective p oup. Know atations, new sewer u--s with roUs and locreues tazes of ... .. b ' So b · 1 !resh -ter lor the lo-wer--pr-rty owners. r .. m~m er , o 'llous Y your neighbors back ground ... r ... -...,.... you'd better not count on lDsula, the tlrst lmpr~Wement 4. He beUeves pta.on1og and and behds, ht' may b( them ! A nd&hborhood 1D the lines tor onr 50 years. zoning projectioWI tor a pop-mvaluable to help you man defense gro up, cit n~r Also the denlopmeot of the ulatloo to 1990 and later ls emergen cy, but 1f he trained o r at least Bayside pumplng staUoo W'itb gambling With the rigbts of the con~tantly obstructs you. '. I • ~of th .__" 1e of toda kn owledgeable as to what to e grea e.., e u_. •aY-peop y. do not include h1m in your or Paul J. Gruber ootbeSa.tl· 5. He bellnes the city is do in an emergency 1s most plan~. Organize your lt:J.tlon District No. 5 Commit-over.staffed for our population co mforting. What is more tee. and In spite of recent articles fnghtenina than a band o f ddense or patrol group with only good dtlz(ns whom &. The wtdenlog of 3Zod st. his desire is oot to remove murderers and rap1sts and between Newport Blvd. and the tbe city manager but feels ttw.t No Polict who can be you trust. If you ca n'IJel a demoUUon of some 20 sub-tbe CoUDctl aboukl direct bim dozen neighbors now, try 4. called? You are on your sta.ndard buUdings. to mate staff reducUOIIB. or 3. or 1, don't give up' own ! Ouringlhe Walls non. (Just remember, lht'y.ll all roving bands ranged out nock to you whtn the over SO miles hom the not center. Th1s is ~n old .Commie tenor tacttc -but -if you are oraanited, they ·will very likely move on to less prepared vtctims. The Watts nou stopped , whtn the decent Cit izens beca me armed to defend lhemsclvts and thctr property. In Florida the crime ratr dropped almost 1n half when lo cal housewivc~ by the hundreds took target Gerards give trouble starts.) .. As I have wnllcn many l imes before , our greatest menace is not fallout . but sellout. If our free Repubhc 11 destro yt'd , 11 wil l probably br from w1thin . not fr om w1thou1. The enemy wants our real estate and our chtldren. 1ntac1. Wh y destroy them when 11 i~ winning w1thout "' -Th~ mcrit:an K.uy Fca1urcs gift How cao we stop It? It can reckless pernment IIP8DdJ.DC. be dooe by Coogress making It It's u simple u that! Ask TRE NEWLY ELECTED I8COIIS Ylce-et.trmu ofRepubtle-... dnrof. ':!..'!!..'·vfta}plJiew 81~._ c;:,- your represeotatlna in Coa· an Auoclatea, Jay Reed of Newport Beach, at '-It, reTiews ..... _._ ._ For the ftrst time In the schOol, Costa Mesa, w1.ll cent~ gresa why they don't 0011 lbd tbe year's piau W'itll the DeW chairman, James Beam. made a $700,000 gilt tbl.t will history of the Newport-Mesa er arowd the followtnc areu L.IGAL NOTICI stop th1& rllioous lDllatloo. PlanDIDc, patrlotlam aod poUUes are part of tbe wod: of be used to toater a brc.d ra.ace portlDc reMI.I'eh 01' eltablllb- lllg tetknrshlpa for taclllty ea- ppd lD this area ot -· Dr. lDd lira. Gerard's cttt unltled school district, a scOOol of community illstriJCtioo: pre. SUPERIOR COURT OF THE Wttll tbe deerease In I.Dtla-the Oru.ce COUii} JOI!IDtHr RepubUcao action P'~· of eflx'ta limed at lqworillc will gear Its entire summer historic aDd historical perloda t1oo, your Locome wtU at.o be teacldDc mt .ebOllrsbtp at tbe provam around studies of the (!Jldlan, Wntcan, ruelllnL STATE OF CAUFORNIA FOR IDcr....., proport!ooateiJ. LIGAL MOTICl LI!GAL MOTICI! Unltvo:!IJ of Cblea&~>. Costa Mesa -Newport Beach farm1D&:); 1Ddustry aDd bus-THE COUKTY OF ORANGE SiDe I Dr. Gerard W'U proleaot area. lnHs; tbe ocea.o aDd boW' tt . No. A-'76096 ere Y, NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING N<mcE OF PUBLK: REARING of pbylloloc:J at tbe llllY8ralty ThJ s special otferlng, to be attects ute in the Harbor Area, NOT1CE OF HEARING OF PE-g~a::leleJ, NOTICE IS HERJBY avEM NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN from 1911 to U5Z tad jlllt held at Canyon elementary recreational aDd cultun.l op. TrriOff FOR PROBATE OF U..t tbe Ctty Co.etl ol tbe tblt tbe Ctty ComieU of tbeCit)' rteeDtlJ retlrtd u -.. ot --:-=-:--,.,c==--iportun!Ueo: uc1 tbe lllturo ot WILL AIID FOR LETTERS LI••L NOTICI City of N-Beocb wlllbol<l of N-S.Cb will bol<l a tho ~ ell-II uc LEGAL NO TIC I! jour commanlty. TESTAMENTARY -a t>UI>llc btulDcreptdlD( ro-poj)lc boarlD( roprd(oc Or-1n110 llolb be ud lU w11o NOTICE OF INTENTION TO CommiDllt)' and tmdpesa: Estate of ADELINE M. R<SSI, Y"bed Uee P•mU 15tl ~-dt•nce !to. 14M, bei.Dc, AN tbe bmer 1Aooa Blcbrat:ra: ENGAGE IN THE SALE OF leaders wt11 bt coataeted with-allo lc:aowD as ADELINE Roost, NOTICE OF lNTENTION TO water CoodomiDiama) to per-.ORDUfANCE OF THE cmOF are llamD1 of thl UDIYerlltJ ot loclatiet $100,000 to eltabtlsh a Mooad t-.:t to be kDowD as tbe Leooa Baebneb Gerard ...,..ment tiDd lOr mule. n ..W tlllb&e tbt Un1Yerllty 11. braJ1el to add to Ita collect. ioa r:A boob, reeordi.Dp, aDd otber materials 1D tbe Oeld ol mule. LIGAL NOTICI lD the out net, ID an efbt Dec-...d!. ENGAGE IN THE SA.I..E OF mJt l Ua111Jt COIIdomlalwn 41· MEWPC:mT BEACH AMENDING ClaicaCD ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES to onu.t tholr ·-to tho NOTICE .. HEREBY GIVEN Al.COOOLIC BEVERAGES YO-to a C-1 Dlllrlcl. A P0RT11:11 OF DJSTRICTING ~ B. t.m, pr-NOI'K:E OF POBUC HEARDIG 4-i-'13 areu ot flel<l tripe, _.-. !bat LENORE T. DE IIARIA 4-4,'13 loealod 11100 But £4lnaloi' MAP NO, II, PlaalllDr Com-of tho Uol-o:!ty aJd tballft NOTICE II REIIBBY GIVEN TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: wes bebt tbe stOOnU to bU flied MreiD a petttioo. for TO WHOM IT YAY CONCEM: Aft-bltw ... Palmllnetllld mlalioD Amtadmut r.o. S87, wiU eltabUA ~ IMDnt.t tllat tbt Ctb CGaDCU fll tMClty Subject to ,....,.. ot the rOCO<IIII ponooal OJPOrteocu p..-., ot will IDd tor letter• Subleel to lauaDCo of lbo ..,,,.,..... Slroot, IDd oo 1bo .-llllllDc .,_ 111ot -11a1 wb!cb coo111 be ...W ot N_. S.Cb will bol<l a ~:,.~ !':.!!edthl'f' ihe 00::..~ in the det'elopmeat ot u.e ara, teltameatary, reference to Ueeose IIJPlild tor, DOUet t. aut lldt ol Palm ltrNt be,. JUd 11C1Jacb OD tbl-..tlide to ltll'acllat oatDadi"'ICbOl ... DUblte Mlrl.Df nprdiAc Lud -• •• uc1 tho poutbte -ot arU-•bleb lo made tor-pu. borobJ ~~-tllll !be --two. But -Baa1otvd of Lola t, 14 ud It ud oo an u rillllD(r _., to lbe 11• Elo-ot tho 11- olp>ed PlOI>O... to •11 aloo-taeta, eldl1ll4to ud memon-ttcataro, ud lllat tho time ud o:!p>ed ,.__ to •ll aloo-ud EUI11o7 A-. tho '"" -of Lola 10 ud 15 -IIIJ lbr ~ loc(laoo --.1 Plu. llo1lc .,.,..,.. .. , ot tho prom-bU1o w!dcb ,.jcht lood lllom-p-ot bearlD( tho a010 ... boUe bot'onpa II tho pro11-lfOTrE II IIERBBY F~ lD -Boy. or OOWM luluet!oo, ..s..,_ NOTICE II HIRIBY FUR- l-dooerlbed u lollowa: C50 00-1o tho --oot tor Wu 8, 11'11, at '---ulollowr. 1500 TRBR G1VU tlllllbe aldpob-1101'1::1 II HEREBY FUR-TRBR G1VEJ1 lbellbealdpob- W..ua.te Way, llewpo<t SE Sl ED· t:OO a.m., to tho -boom ot "· Coul IQPI'nr. ~ le -.tor will be llolll oolbe TRER GIVI1I tlllllbe aldpol>-fROM n£ Ml f Ue ....,. wiD be 11o111 •lbe Baell. LEA S GH ~ llo, nro. ot _,., S.CII. lin! cltiJ ot April, lt'IJ llllbe lie ...... wiD be llllkl•lbe · UN c1t1J ot April, It'll, llllbe -.. to ncb ,_,.., -..-Roolly c... ot ...t, 111100C..,eCoatorllrtM -lo --1-.., -ot 'l:tO P••· Ia ~~oot:-n Urd c1t1J ot April, 11'11 llllllo Tboo •'""'111 Ill• !"'d, irbeo -el '1'.10 p.a.la lbe~ lllo -llpod le IIA>b'IDC to M-S.CII, a -•'7 Wool, Ill t11o City ot-Aa lllo ......... Ia """""' lo'Cin'lro el lbe CIIJ llall el -o1 7:10 p,•. llllbet-u be oboU boYO delo•ond "P Ck='•• e1 1be CQJ llall ot lbe ~ of Al<obolc ot lbe -"-"'• ud 5 Co!lanlo. lbe ~ ol •-lie lbe CIIJ ot Ro-t -. Ct1 1 11 o1 111o CIIJ 11a11 o1 tile tilli4-to Ood, .. .., lllo CIIJ ot Ro-t _, Bonn~~ ~~ lor ..__ .... _,. llllft ....... -~ o\p<U t, lt'IJ. • Bonnll C-..t lbr to•-C'olll' .. II - -Ui1 1be CIIJ ot ··-· -. "" P'atller: wbon lOa ol>aU C•" .. Ill - -atld otoo.-111-.1'-Jorom..-lalbeiOI-lJ.&.ITIOIIII,C..,Ciorl. otooo_....__,_ _, -.1 all por-(II.. c.-.. at--uo1 .... Pl'1 dowo oil nalo, tad ,_ ""'Uil allporuxll-(orlc-)lbr-~ Dr!ftW .. .,llo_l-, IIARWOOD' AlliUJIII(If, 150 (ariV•m)lbr_,._ lor---11011" .-urioolllllpor••--alludloril!' ao4 ...,..,. 1oc z!t4 - -uo1 be ~0.~-~ -by Q>11111Ullla._., ··-~::::..llrlft,llo-1 u ~ IB IAU ~.· -~~·-------,!.~ .. ..,.li l rtiiO, 1111,~ -C.. ox. ,~ F'ldo ~~ 1a1Jor r.d &. no__,......_ -. -Allar-lJIIII F'ldo --I-. L411oo c..-. -w (Nl II •-leo .,.., I-. L411oo •-) dl t.. -. -•· ,_ .,.lbr -· ' 1ar ._) CJtr C1ol1t 1-. c..,.. blo r .. t. acr c-Qoo•u-.~~e. ....,,_ ·C.IIIf,--: AprlliJ, II n -·oc.~~or.,~. CIIJellluoroot-, ~Ciort TIMIMl-•atoboU CftJIIRRoo-'IIIOI•rtrt- P•r+ olp<U ~=·II lbe t.. --.1 Pna ol. Olio lt'IJ, Ia 1be """"'"' lbrt.or ·-April II, It'll, Ia lbe , •••• April 1J, 1m, II 1be C1CJ II .. _.-be dotliOJ..S io deaL Q -.11r11, 1J, It'll, II 1be ~--. ....... ......,.. -•..... ,._. _,.,... -AprlliJ, 1m, CGilortllloao 15:14-li.) ._.--• ,, .. ,~M~~~INew~m~ua-. • TtaDAY, IUIICI t'l Hats oH to poppies ""'lllrlo-lit,....... Girl-lit, ........ -"* 1'. an,w, .n lrtdlll• I. Clllcu,t•tDIIxlnlllMI, ...,............ -~ ......... Olrl-llt,IMIIta.l .... Olrl '-,..,udllra.I- Q I t ; -~A-I , eor..u. Ill Tollp ~ Colla "-WCMMa'• C111t wiDiafoi!IMete,_,_a "Mb ,_ 10 D$1ht" t.U- -.. $'57 .. Alll1l • at tM e.., ••, 110 w. 1-. at., c--.-wtnbo trc-'-. eo.-. •.W....DDAY, 1LU1C8 at • TBWT, IUitCB b Qlrl _ lit, ud lira. I-· Girl •• llr, ud tin, Cral& II. -u. Nl •-llrool, Pilar , 11141owallnot,AI>I. eo.-. IF, C..ll--... ..-............ LIKE TO TRAVEL? HAVE TO TRAVEL? ~ HARBOR TRAVEL 3442 VIA LIDO NEWPORT BEACH 67$·1311 Paul Ryckoff n.-are onr 600 llltna IIIOdenl HrYicellays Cllld 100,000 ....,,. feet of fectory .,..,. fad1ltles 011 Costa MeN's Harllor lolle._d of C.-.. Friendly • Convenient • Reliable .., .. lit. IIIII lira. -· CIIOJ ,.,_..., .. 1 -8""-, Alii-11-1, eo. -Qlrl .. llr.llllltln.CIIIrloo Do¥111, 41'11 llocMllo A-, --• P1UDAY, IURCB 10 Girl .. llr, IIIII lira. Paul J..._ 1M8 Alalamt Ctrele, C-li-lloJ .. llr. IIIII IIra, Jlu, lot Colo, Ul Dol llor street. CoD MeL lloJ .. llr, IIIII llrL lfooFo Pol, UN liC>lo 9trMt, Ajll, C,Ca.t&Mta. -..... u u oldllc .... c.-...r--ofwo-.,... c .... JIIO)O<t, .,...., .. I:Jr ,.,, .... ff -,,.,,p • CaliiDrola ldlloldoo IOd lloldo. llrL Willi.,. Xo<-wtU ----RIIID· ort·a---.udVle-tarta'• ,.., ..... 1111*"1 abiJp. Mn. lftlUI IWII wW ~­ rido lbo ............... -. Cle memblrl wtU modeL NEWLYWEr1; lk. allll Mrs, B&try Edwtn Lowe w:n no. puticlpiUican llmtl. feted at a reeepttoD at tbe Bltdll bome of tbt lfOODl'• WllUam Gooctlrla. a.,.. Little- mother', Mn. DototbJ Lowe, oa S..turdi.J, Yareb 17. Tbl lleld, Allred Sc...U,IbdeliDII brtdt t. tbe former IUu Karela LoQbe ere ... dl.actar WllbelmJ., Cleft Se!otb, EcllrlA of Mn. ElamM Gr .... of H.Unctoo Beach. Tbe ~le llutw.,, RUTJ Cook, H. E. were married ill Lu: Vecu Feb. 15 wttb member• ~ tbt Spratt ud Carl lfumu. immediate famll1ea pr-nt. , W.,-a ud mea. ebl.irmu Thursday Club sets election :OS..i":!":~~"':'..::: Tbt lztl:l m::ua.IIPI'lnl fuh. of Newport Belch at tbe .8&1--.et bJ llmu. N. C. NnUn, ion 11bow ud. elec:tioll of oftl. boa Bay Club, 1!%1 W, Cout Floyd Lytle, Brad)ly Sebwart&, cera w1ll Y1e 6:Jr tGp bUilDC HIPfty, at ll:SO a.m. Ray~ RuaeU. WllllamK.-- at tbe AprlllJ brUDCII m..unc Sprt.ac stylee w111 be model. modt, Beary SmJtb, ArlblD'GU- of the Tburd.J Morlllnc Club led by club membera. Mule le.,C.e, Rlebud IDanm, IUld • , , w l1l be pro'ftdad by MU'J' QlllDa.. Le 1aDd B. C UDP Sr • Knstln B run lng Firs. Jolla R, Edoo, ebalr-Re-may be made mu of the tn1.11D81luln aeettoo.. by ea11lDc Mu. Gretchen Olsoo, troth is told ... ""· neraFd Staadetor, ... aa.aaoe,"' "'"· ..... ,war-cba.trma.o, are·eoordtD&tiDc tbe wlct. $48.13'76. llro. Karoo Florllfela Wood tubFoo obo•. Fin. Eldoo Fl. \Slll BIRTliDAY PARTY of Corcma del Mar tuanoomc-Miller ud ltrs. F. E. Webb ed tbe eoppm.tot'berdaugb-are La cbarp o1 the decora. Tbe Kewport S.cb Ntpt ter Mt.a Xr1lt1.D Kl)' Bruntnc. tl.oDa 0.111 wiD m•t at Z p.m. thla to 'er, Weldoa. E. Bartol Jr. Wt.mberl wbo wU1 be mod· Sl.mdly, AprtllS, ID tbe Betbtl J. CUJUC 8()()1'11, a commer. Tbe nppfbeot wu madep~ eUar are Mrs. Hoftrd A. Jltt. Tower• IOClal eeo.ter, 661 W. et.al Pf'(ll)er1:J llllsmu. wttbtbe lie ate tracttttonalDIDllbdlnDe:r ebtll, Bayside vwa .. ; llrs. 19tb st., com Yea. Nnpor1 C.ter oftlee ol Cold-party beld at tilt Hotel Lap.a. Wu Dum:l, Westellff; Mrs. Vic-Bud deeon.tec1 Easter boa- well, Buker 6 Co., bu beaJ Wtu BrWarlaaCf&du&teot tor Calln, Newport HetiiU: Deb will fie for prlJea:at tbis Cl'f8D tbe sppotbtln ti.Ue of u-the Comeat of tbe Sacred Heart u:rs. James c. stamper, a.y. lStiJ blrtbday party. Mrs. SteYe metatl Ttee~llldeat by tbe ID Yllllo P&rk aDd recelYed blr crest; Mrs. Oortbll L. Oyler, {F1or1Dik) ltletehtt of Costa board of dlrtetors. He aad z taebelor of ec:teoce decree 1D Anabtlm; lrrlrs. Altr.et J. M-. tbe Sopble Ttteter oiOr- otber alMmiD ,.., 11lected aurae at tbe UbiYerllty ot. verme, B&Jiide Vtlll.p; Mra. &All C<MitJ, .W t.aecoqli.Do- from more tbu 850 l&lel per .. Calttorn1a. Sbe 1.1 DOW COOI'diD· U:arll.a Kropr, Jlrl, JOIID R. ltd at tbe pluo by Wra. Flof- 80GD1lbl. more tbaD '70 comp&D.J a tor of tn-aente .. at ttae Lol Ecke aDC! lira. Rltoid studt· eoee MaeGlalUe. .., .. _. 10ea11001 111.,.. wut. Alll.mUotl Geoor&lllooplt&L lor, Horbor vr-B!Uo. SEUY HOLLYWOOD He 11 a lf'&d'llate of C)UetrJC:d Dr. Haria lnduatld from "Tbt .-my ldde ot BollJ- Fioo'o ColloiO. Pr5or to jollllll( Bowl!llll Gny Sebool ofFiedl-BURCHMAH DISPLAY wood" r. t7>o tbomo of 0 111m ColllwoU -Ill IMZ, be etbe Ill North Corollna and Ill COMIHG TO MUSEUM teltl .. t this 9-alcF>I. . ..,.od 111 Uoo u. 9. Army, at-Jolll aeporaUnt trom tbe U.S. Tbo Newport Horbor Artllu-April 14, 11 tbe ara.,... CouP talDlar tbe nu or first ueu-Nuy, Tbt ~le are PllnD1Ac: stu01 toUowlqlD Us trad1Uoa Colle .. lorum at ? p.m. Ad- tlaut. to be marrted Wa.y 18 t.Did will of ~rUDe 101111 Callb'1lla mlulon 1a 99 ct!DI.a. 11M ace UPPER BAY O.EAHUP relldeiiiWutwood,wbereDr. ortlaU wtnpreoootaouFdl>l-FFlm Cl.., wtu aenoo a ... Rutns w1ll be a resideot pby. oi J ld Bur MQ'er's "Biyoad the Ya1ley SET FOR SATURDAY otela.ll II tile Jur.s Stelll Eye uoo Loo ~ ... ,.::";.,: ot tbe doUa," Bill> Wt-•a Tbl peue is 1Df1ted to par. IDstltute, OCLA. ~ tbe put MYeral "S~ BIYd.,"ltarr1.qGkJrla ttelpate in a jolDtly JPODIOl'ed ,..ua SY&DIOII, Wllllam Roldeo ud ..... .., ot ~t Nnport Bay LIBRARY FRI EHD5 PLAN boon -tiDe wll7l pt:,aal Ill· B1111ot ttatoo, ud adoeumeo. thiiiSaturllay, A!D'Ill4. AHHUAL 5PRIHG COFFEE :~::: ::r.rtu.a= tory.-111110 FlaJIIIIoFd. u:= g:~.~ be T=~~~~_'~1~ ~-.,_'"· Colora oro BE~ B. LUHOIEOH LAVII!:NDER FLU Your pandfalher probably knew tltll cure. Flowers of lavender quilted in a hat were suppoted to ward olf"stutfcd-up" noses and head colds. Pkas.ant treat- ment-but certainly not a sure cure. Today, thanks to ~K:al M:tenoe, we ha'le numerous effective vac- cines . . , ap.inst ftu. whoopine couah and other respiratory diseases ... to immunize and protcc1 us from the ditcomforu or iofections. So, why suffer ncc:dk:uly, Ask your physician about them. Let h•m prmetibc the medication that is most effective for your I'IICCds, lben come to us ror pl"CCCription servioc. Christensen Plw ••IICICJ .a .. COMT -1'. cc.:-a ..., ... OI7IOUl ,_ ANTIQUES WHOLESALER New(J Opeaed to U.e Public CJRCA IMPORTS I INDIVIDUALLY SELECTED ITEMS I UNUSUAL ITEMS FOR DEC08ATING I PERIOD FURNITURE, GLASS~ MISC . We ena han t.be Bull of ScoUand laleriorl Come la aad ae e our qaalllY mercbandtae- Co•pare our prtcee! DI&ECTLY ACROSS FROM THE NEW RALPB"S CIRCA IMPORTS 645-1201 Feel Great Again Ruth Byhower C,Licooud Proreuiooal \1ane~oue) l001( FVR THt Elw4BlEirr.A A F CCI)TA M£SA OEALn S O N HARBOR Bl'VO BETWEEN SAN DIEGO fAHWAY AND HEWPOP T BlYO of Newport Booeb, and Fri..S.· by tile Mowport Boaeb Frtellllo ==.:::; .:':" -r::; )Db 1 Ducfltora, -~ SIS of ~ 1'1-t Bo1, lnaeb of 1M lJbrary at lbo bomo of Iuten --..:--., of llowpart lloo9, ...ut ~ ud .... will bo proridod tbr llrl. Eilftrd RamiOJ ol 41111 = a modoro -a --ll • U LID. tbe eleu-.. RozbQrJ Rold Cameo Stmea. 1 ob miiC.b :r.t J.cllltoa meettatlbb~J. Tbt effort will 1t1rt at 9 Mrs. wtru&m s. Lee w1U u:m;~,:: are ··= AprU 14, II tlle a.lt.rt.Dc Ma-675-.410' Mentfnt• By Appointmen t a.m. ParUelpaJU sbou1d meet talk OD pkmeer Newport Beach. bytnttn ' wldcb baDe Ytt1IOat ..te TempJe, 1401 1stll St., 6.t.S-7S01 Aften~eon & E ... nlnt• oaly at tbt LaterHCUoo of Eut-She la tbe alltbor ol "0k! New pa etc p C!lfr Hann. A doDatJoD at $1 ~-"'!!!!!""'--""!!'----..;---..;,---' blaft' Dr • lDd Back BlJ Dr • port; tbe seaport Jtarl," ..;;. atrTbe ~D~~ will bt blld w111 biDtftt the ed.:I.Hoal.l aDd Further trdormatioo maybeob-account of enry day H.te oo the La tbt eatnDee p.11ery April promoUoDal bmd. ~million goes to winners each day. Get your share. Ho.~ Park. 1972 Averare Dally Winners' Tickets $2.3 Million NOW THROUGH JULY 23 FIRST RACE 2 P. M. SATURDAYS AND HOUDAYS 1:30 Between the Harbor and San Diego Freeways. A few minutes from Los Angeles International Airport on Century Boulevard, ta1nad by cautr&c Ray WUllams, Newport-Ban.. Peoinsula lD 10 throqt:IMQ'lS. TbeMutiD 844..&145. tbe 1890's, La at ZZll w. Baa. B!Yd., MEALS 0H WHEELS AasFsllll& Firs. WalFerWbFte, Coolnl Nn;>ort. Tbe Amertcu Auoclatioa of President, as bostesaes, w1ll .... EW COMMAND DUTY Retired Persoas (AARP). New-be Mmes. J. Peter Dobbs, Rob-" port O.ch Chapter 1!1, wtll ert L. T. Smith, Beary Ul.lma.n. Captalo WlWsmE. ADder.:m. meet at 1 p.m. Thurdy, Aprtl R, L. Rlcb.mood, Bayard Ryder, 80D-La-law of retired Lt. CoL 26, La the recreation room of Jobn Hensley, and Tbomaa G. B. K. Wtll1amsoa, 1522 Y1r- tbt Newport Harbor; Lutblran Lumsdon. Represeotlllr the 11. ama.r Dr., 8&Dxa, U tnlYed Cbureh '798 Do•er Drl'tt New. bn.ry board ol trua:t81s will at Lowry AFB, Colo., toauure port ee:.cb ' be Mrs. Bertrum C. Coffey eomllWid of tbe MS!:Dd Stodeat After a ~ bul.Disa: mee~ aDd Mrs. stanley LeLieYTe. SquadrOQ. Re la a member ol t1ac a prtNDtatioD wt11 be made Reserntloos may be made tbl Air Tra.bdDr Commaacl.. oo .,_.. oo -Ia," a pro. by e&UlD( 642-8650 by ,o\jD'IIZS. wbFeb proridu tl1IIIL loelldc:ol cnm to proridol-aporllay ud -· military lniAIAI fo< tbr --lui. TN projoet 1u 'IHfO '73' AT UCI fOR J.lr Foreo por-L Prior to -_..sl>JiboCo.ll"'";-fUTUR! STUO!HTS :=t,11tbo~I!I~=P:; D1a Fedntioa ol WOIDIII I "lntDI IDfo "73," a cil1· Trami WIDe at Jll&tMr A~ ct ... and wu roeaall>' aetlft· loll( IDioriDalloo proptl'lm lod CalFI or ted La ADI.bllm. ti.Uftl for bleb .cbool ~ A.iu.uUcallJ rated a •Dior LIOAL MOnel c:ommoalty c:ollo(o--Ybo ooytplor, .... -..... aro ....-..., altaod7Jic oc~ plolod se ...-of d1IIJ r. FICTn'IOUI 81111KESB !fAKE ·wtU bo boFd oo campu ,o\jD'U Vteam. STATEMENT 14. Tbe cost, lD.chldtnr hme11w --------- Tbo lbUowtar per.., ladoFJI( Ill $2. UGAL MOnCI baiiDea u : Sir Speedy lutl.lll Tbt prOif'lm will commeoe• --!F=t:::=:.=:..::~:....­ Prt.atiDr Ctoter, 1140 E. Cout 1P Crawford Hall at 9 a.m. With FICTmOtB BtBINESS NAME H..,.,, Cortlll Del Mar tiSIS: a w•lcome from CbaDC•~ STATEIIEJCT James A. Wblte, SMS WUDer DID1el G. Aldrtcb Jr. otber Tbe folk:JolrtAc per.aolJdolnc AYe., HwH1JiiCtoa Belcb i:ll49. campu: admlDistratora wtU buslDUII U : ID?eatmeatReatty, Tb5o lmll-Ia ---IDiormAltoo tbro-S!SO E. 1'1171 Slroet, Salt• 114, bJ ulDdlnt.l tbe morDlD&' oo sucb ltams ol COIItl. Mesa. Callt. IIUZ?: SF-: IIIIIM A. 'Wblla, !JIIoroot as ...... t tlllaoelaF TboiDU Godw711Bolllla111r,I8S8 Tbla: ltltemut wu 4Jechr1tbaida:, boaslllc. admlulons, a:hl-N. OUYe ~,Suti.AIIa,C.W­ tbe Coaat:J Clark of ()rurl-._ Ol'palatiolls, edocatloral onJa 91'KII, Coaty oa Mar, n, 1971, WU-OIIPC*tcaa1tJ' proanm, Yeterau Tbil ....., ... , 1a belac eoo- llam E. 8t Joba, CGGy Clert_procrama: ud academic Jli"'-dDCttd bJ u IBdtTtda&L bJ ,_ .. M. WU'd. dlp:af.lfl.ma. Tbert wU1 &1m be a Slpel!: T'bl)oaa GodwtD:Boft- PubUab: )l(anb H, Apr1l 5, .nes ol eunpua to.s. Vlst. paatr. u, 19, 19?S, ta till lfewpxttora wtn rw.n lw.cb lD eampua ThU ltatemeat wu Dledwitb I~========::;::;;::::::;;:::~·B~or::bor:.:E~ul:!!p.:;.._~,~.I!4ZI; I .rt from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. tbe Co.t:J Clert ot 0ra.ap ·•~·L Non•• co,.q oo .. ....., a:r, 19'11, wu. -_.,;•:.::.•=A::...:=="~..; Ulm E. !5t lor.. <:000117 elott, EXPERT SERVICE REPAIRS We remove black aJcae, repair eraclar, aeld wash and reflnl.ab pool, We &lao repair pool equipment. We bave malnteiWlce men trained to lt:eep your pool tbe wa;r you want 1t all tbe ttme. LI'T US SIT UP A SCIIIOULI POl YOU LIC-------PUJ1 IITIIU.TD IIIVIIIG THI MIWPOIT MAIIOI·COSTA IIISA AliA Manley Pool Service Phone 141 • 0113 ....IMMCT IIIVICI by TFior-11. ll'ard, --FFCTmOlB Btl'llFm:S lfA.IIE hbllU: lloreb H, Aj)rll S, STATEFIENT 11, It, It'll, Ia 1M !fowport TN II>Uowtar porOOOI oro H-1...... F-141!50 dotllc --u : ,...... . -Fallb, :1001 Rod But A"• LIGAL MOnCI ·--Ill, -I01, C.. FICTI'l'IOUI BlliUFESS NAFIE ~~-(c.-) tlll'l: Pno-STU'IliElft' loa 111ar F-IIIMI VIctory no.,,.._._-11_,_ WoA, ..._ Booc:ll (Callb'--·-. -1.11.) ..... 1fade Ra .... lJal: "t'Ptll U:: 1~01 Sec:rt- 111, Snlfarala ""....__._ IU'Ill A Cn•,.._ s.ntce, ""; --llk'll= Drift, ...... (CIIItroto) 11'101, c~o~rtoo c-·~ -, __ u. ~~--..... ~ :~--~~~...}= o't -:~~~=-Tirll to ...... -,.._, 'hlttt, Colli * , -IFf I_....-. ftl. lollll ...... .... u-Uaol ..... a. ... ~-...... UllloiiK.-'1'1111 __ .. '1'1111 •• ,. __ _ ....,.-.. a.-o.o 1111...., ... -~ • -· n, 1fll, 1flaa L ~a-· .. 11'11, 'lfB. •-....., e1tft, IFf nor. :""nor!' A, •,:::r.::: -.:.=~~ Fiiii . , ,., ... ' 11,11, .. ... 11, 11'11, .. 1111 11'11, .......... t -......... , .... . ..... ~lo!..1H.na~~~(Q/~ Promises 10 Pay You A Guaranteed Income On Certificate Accounts At Their Highest Interest Rates In 38 Years! Right now, while current high interest rat~ prevaiL select t he c-ertificate account that beet suits your needs! Start makin~ the mo!'t nf your money at Orange County's largest, first and strongf'St mdepcnrlent Federal .. where your personal welcome is wann. your financiAl .;ecurity iR sure, and your eRming growth is guaranteed for the full tenn of your &<'count. $.2500 rn6nlmum 1 tiO 5 ,.." • INTEREST ON ALL ACCOUNTS IS COMPOUNDED DAILY. PAIDQUARTBRLY •to day intuelt forfeitu"' far enly withdnw•l HOFdOFPICS: :ta-A-~ -.Co*.ftf.IF ._ __ ,-~ .... _..__Coli __ , ~"-... ...... :JJI ... .., ............ a .~,.., s..aa s .._.~•tN.a~--. ... a a OsiM.tMn ...... , ., • ....._..:_._.~_.L, a 1 .WATOIP~C:..~:Coaiiiuiallallritle . SCHOOL OA D .LooiEIJII. (Ooa ..... -p ... 1) ....... ., .. Ill ~ -....:;"-.!.....;;.__..;;.___________ 1111 -Llllr-*-I --"' -lo .. DoD't Botber Tile can Value of Your Llfe Insurance Policies went I Today. I will gladly discuss your insur&nce and e•'-te program with your attorney, accountant or trust otlicer. Please write or phone, today-there ia no obligation. 2152 DUPONT DRIVE NEWPORT BEACH, CALIF. 92bb4 (114) 833-84q4 ~TRETORN ... ~ TENNIS & CASUAL SHOES Prices From 15.95 AND Th .. doro Rol»lu Is THE pEST PLACE TO BUYI $inn 1921 Southern CollforAIG Ford owners han found THEODORE ROBIN'$ lntogrlty _____ .. __ .. .,," .... -. ...... -.. ,........ n. .......... 'P' ••. I .. -_, ............... -"' ..... .. {tn. CJruet ' Cei'JII .._ tllll "ll .., --tlilllllt •onllc. Allrll IJ, llllltiA& II ...... Pf'CICJUoltlte ....... lla.a. • • • NEWPORT -MESA SCHOOL DISTRICT • EUZABETH ULLY, Costa Mesa, former sebool board member, a write-In eardidate, does DOt &wear on blUot. Ser- •ed oo local board trom Area Z ln 1965-69. EDtered at last minute "to ,t:•e U. peopa. a better choice of c&Ddtttatea and to otter my eJI)trteuce." ........ joo ·-·· These with the signature and •• titles ot per10111 oo bebalt ot tbe bidder. For corponttou, the llpaturu of the Prtlident or VIce Pres- ideot and Secretary or Asslstud: Secretary are required and tbe Corporate Seal lhl.ll be afftJ:ed to &.11 documeots rtQ.u1rtnc slpturu. lD tbt cue o1 a Part:Derahlp, the sipature ot at 1eut ooe poertl partDer 11 reqalred. No bids wtU bl acctpted from eoatractott tmlta lhl)' baYe beeD preq...u.tled 1D accordi.Dcl Yltb Sect1oa Z-1.11 "Competeocy ot Bidders., aDd hetloa 7-l.OlE 7;, C~=~~~ or'• Uceu:tnc Laws," ot tbl State of CaUbDia, Speelflcatlou. Form• to be ft*! art anJ.lable from City of Newport Bach, PubUc Woru o.-. Tho \ shall DOt furn11h pnJpOal torm1 for blddiDc IDJ penon who Ia required to aubmU IDd bu a queJUODDIJre and flD&Delll Jtatemellt b' to tbe state of C&11fon1a at 1eut FIVE Where to JO for all the information you need about your new com· miiJiity. bu DrawiDp, Coptu of tbue are anllable at the Publle Works Department at a colt of $3.00 per Jet. In aec:ordance with tbe pro't'laJooa of Article z, Cbaptc' 1, Part 7 or t11o CaUforllla Labor Code (Socttooa 1 '7'lO et seq.), !be City CoWICU or !be City ol Newport Beach bu ueert&lood !be PMral pronl!IDr rllo ol per diem -Ia t11o loc&llty Ia wblcb tho work u lo be P0<6:1rmld m 01011 cn11, clull!lcatloo, 01' tJpe of workmu 01' meebu1c DHd.:l to eucute tbe contract ud hu Itt fortb tbtH 1t1m1 tD Re101Ldol. No. 7718, .,._., JUDI 12,197!, A capy ol. aid rHOlutlollli&Yailable lD tbe ofllce of !be City Clerk. Allport!oo la till -oblll be porold b)' Ill prorillou ol tbo Ca1Jb'Dll LoiJor Code roiatla( to pro- ftlllllc np rlloa (S.Ctlooa 17'70-1 '181 lllcliii1Ye). The etty rtMI't'el the rtPt to reject lllJ or all bid• &lid to watn any lnformallty 111 neb bids. and fair buslnou mothoda on unbootoblo combination In IM#ylng and drivl119 aot:hfoctlon. ••••••••••••••••••••••••• to tbe data 11xed fbr pubUcty opentnc sealed ~::;~~i;ii~~~~~ prequalUlld by the State of C&Uiorllla for at 1eut ONE ~ d&J prior to that date. Plaos aDd Cootnct Documeota. in- cluding Sp4,c1al Provlalons and Propollll may be nllt•tnect at tbe PubUc Works Department, City Hall, Nnport Beach, CaUforn.la. It Ia req~~ested U.t the Plans lDd Contract Ooca.. meW be returned within Z weeks after the bid openlna:. em Or NEWPORT BEACH, CAUFORNIA Laura Lapo., City Clerk PubUsb: Apr !liZ, U'll, Ia till Nnport Rubor Euip. OYER STOCK CLIARANCII OYEIACT1W. DUUR COni hw....., fO/'fl of ffandord fodory .q11ipped pkkut» fO choo.. hom .. While O¥entocb Jatt tako your pick at $35 O'NI' ovr coN. ~~--....... aod -holdboct.l • THOMAS C. CASEY, Cor~ oDa del Mar, toeumbeDt. Has 3-1/2 years oo tbe beard. Slop.a: "accentuate lbe poe;i- ti'fe." Has 8 ettlldrenwttb com~ biDed atteDdance of 68 y-.ra lD k>c:al schools. FiDI.oelal ex- perleoce. The City of Newport Beach bereby DOWJ.es all bidders that It will af'1'lrmath'ely lnsure lbat tn aoy coatract ent~ ered Lato pursuant to this adrertiHmeot, mtllorlty bu. Loess eaterprlses will be afforded fUll opportunity to attl- mlt bids ID respoose to this ln't'ltattoa I.Dd Yt.U DOt be discriminated apinst oo the crOUDdl of nee, eo lor, or ~».tiooaJ origin 1n conslderattoa for an award. The City reserns tbe rlebt to rt)tet 1DJ llld all btdl and to nln any tntormaUty 1a such bidl. In aceord&Dce with tbe proYisi001 of Article Z, Cttapter NOTICE or INTENTION TO 1, Part 7 of the CalllorDi.a Labor Code (Seetioall7?0 II: ENGAGE IN THE SALE OF seq.), tho City Council of !be City o1 Newport Bacb bu ALCOOOLIC BEVERAGES ueertalned the ,.oeral pren.llln& rate o1 per ds.m np1 4-Z-73 1.11 the loca.Uty in wllteb tbe wort II to be performed for TO WHOM IT IUY CONCERN : .. cb craft, classtfte&ti008, or type ol wortmu or mecb- Sabject to lanaace of the anic Deeded to ezeeli:e tbe eootract I.Dd bU eat forth t.bue UceDR applied for, notice ls items 1D R.,olatioo No. 7W adopted 11Q' 17, 1971. A CC1pJ' Mrtby ,t:t'ea tbat tbe UOOer -o1 a.ld resoluUoo 11 an.J.Iable lD tbe ofllc• o1 tbe City Clerk. 1iped prapoee1 to Mll alco-All ~·· to tbe contract shall be perDid bJ au prori- boUc be•eraps at tbt prem~ stons of the CallfotDla Labor Code rtlat1Dc Co prtn111Dr tAS, de.cribed u follows: On wap rate1 (Seetlou 1770-1781 lncludt'e). )beArthur 8t.d, 100' North of The rate of COIJII)ellatioa tor UJ elluUICit&OD DOt lllted It.£. eoner of Voa KarmtD 111 tbt .cbedule, tQ: wblcb m&J be re;.lnd to tue1de tiM A MacArtbu:r BJYd., Nnport propoHCS COQI:raet, lball be eomm....U. ud ta accord Beach. wttb tbe .-eUltd rat .. for a1m11ar or COIIIpUible claat- Puraaaot to aueb latemtoa, aeattc:m~ or Jor u... pertormtar atmllar or colllpU'Ible tbo _ .. IIJOCS u ""IJIDr .. -· till Doputmeat ol AICCOOHc T1U poojeel will be portl&IIJ llDIDcod with Fodoral fluldo Bet"era .. Coa.trol for liStii.DCe IIIKI• tb1 TOPICS IJI'Oif&DJ, otualcobOUe.,_.....,.Ucta.H Iltblre ta a dllfereoce betwen tbt mlaima:m Fedlnl, (or uc .... )tor tbH1 premt.t• Statt, 01' CltJ ...,. ntn for 11m11u e"alflc:tHcu ot u fol1ow1: ONSALEGiNERAL llbOr, the coatn.ctor &Dd bla ~ lllaU 1117 DOt <-Fide PubUc ElllDc toN -tbo bl&illll -roto, Ploco~ T1lo lmpr ... m•t -.,..lottd Ill till porlcrmuoo ol Ruty Pellcu Jtortb, IDe. UU ccMn.et t. a TOPICS lqii'OftiDIIit onr -*• tM hl>lllll: April II, 19'11, Ia tbo sto1o o1 Cllllonll .... u •-etoo -' _-, 1111, ftooporl -Eulp. till Slolo ol Cllllnlo till..-o Qoll -till rlllt lo PRIDE AWARD GIVEII -• IIIli IIIII direct-~-IIU-wtrt•a till Slolo ol Cllllonll, II lU •to --. Jllll1 -· U.S All' PGHt Atrlllll Wa1.-mlDI t111t ita t-I'P'Niltf to tale tlllelll .... •uc• ... tor <l. T.-llr=l, -oiMr. II--till-Collnd 4c1 Wlll-. ud Mro. W .... <l. -t:nd 11P1C1AL IMI'R!X:TIOIII TO BlllllUI< -·--.. "' ... C«-llrl ... c-. IIIIJ --'IIJ ,._1 ........ "' ll'<ottoa "' .. .._ 1111 w.-1111 0111 II propoon1 -· ud 11J -- -u .., _, ..-CIIUt ArB, '~I __.. w111 Dt u to tile ICha1 ; ; I'._ Mid ra Q5 hI Pt f1 .. ,..., -.l PBlDI \61Ul II .._ n-lid lillllJ 8lt II ..., tiM ... M IM• af .. tiM 4 J[' I -.. .., -)-.--dt'-IIIII a--"" .. , ..... , li no ..._ • .-to~.._ rottorflo ao-.,-.,_ •• ...., . .,._ .. t'le1 .. 1111 1M 0111, """UIId IIJ Go CIIJ C-ell Ill tllo Cllr Ill Ill""" --. .. -....., •• -....... .,~ ...... ~-., Alrll,lt'll. cltod ... -.... ... fl. 1.-. ...... CIIJ Clortt ..... II 1110 ftiDI ~ _, Allr!l. U, U'lll, lo 1110 11-' ............. RAm POitO ASSII'I!D ADS 1910 MUSTANG otsc: Power Bnkel, steeriAC, nceu.at $!,ZSO. 144-11%8. SEE TillS BEFCIIE YOU We're oa IT._ 2T-J ·Tt.oo Ui uo s.ao 4.110 .UO SAO •• .15 _;:.I -Priced -·~~~~~ ' I I. I I I 'I ' ' I ' \ ' I \' I Explore campus life ·"'···· fe i.AUN..., Aqpmusplm -liKWJORT II.&CB- -Ilay-Dr, ... ,.., .. 11, fiPvtft-' ~Apia. ft. ~.lpla.l. PHARMACY PHACTS by From Westem Gennany HURRY I limited Supply CHARLESIULLIW<OT<OW·-- Btkes are lnl You han no doubt noticed the nstly 1Dcreal8d number of people, adulta u nll as ktdt, wbo move about on bicycles. Some cWea are dosing e.rtain meeta to motorcars, n .. Hl't'lnl them for week ..end cyeUJll. BJcydeJ make oo aolae, emit no ftlme1 am prmtde a crattf')inr aense of well-belne to tbtir hlppJ rlden. MID)' doctor• eodorst lbt tread. Adultl turntnc to btcyclea after yean away U'l eaiiUoned ap.m.t O'f'er-doiar. 1t Is best to Jt&rt tknrly, uotd lencthJ or strenuous ~ uatll mueles an CODdlttooed. Wben your doctor dna you a pruerJptlon, ride your btke to 01D' eompleteiJ-Itoeked pbarmaey ror the uiUmatt 1a persooaUsed semee. Or, W tbt doetot to pbone us azxl we'll delJt'tr at 1110 ntn cbarp. We stoc• a complete 11ne ol tiabJ'• ·-· !Jicludlac tllfto IDd """· • • • HANDY HINT: Lemou c:tn more jaice U bteted la warm water Just bttore IQUMI.Inr. BIRI Alii I cl lbo Emplro d-too to bo prelllllocl to aoclol7 ot tho J-u -boll. ill tho m..,.-to lllaDo _, -oa ollbor oldo cl Dlllle IJ'I Dtrtoo Smllb, ot loft, IDd Doborall H-, IDd dlrOctiJ bth1Dd DtaDt 11 AnD lllcbtte Vaanata. lD the aut 't11fl are Mary Rella Bobo, It left, &lid SblrOD Harwood. lD tilt top row are CbrUUaa Slllbtt, at left, IDd LHUe ADD Bar .. rt~e~~. ICJmbtrty Grana 11 ltii.Mtnc at rtatat. Empire debs selected Tb:1rtela YOUIII lad!es wbo Mlu Deborab LouiN Htm- ba" been Mltcted as 1973 sUer, Mr. IDd Mrs, Rldaard Empire debututeJ and tbelr Clark Hunsaker. motbenwtrtlDtrodueed at tbt M!J:s Roc:beUeMupntRu- motber-daupter IDDOtmeemeot del. Gtrbud Rlcbard Rudel lurtebeoo oa Saturday, April 7, and Mrs. Gerda Scbwn&cber by Mr1. JobD. F. Vlttr~. bill Rudel. ebalrman. Mn. rn.o w. St1D'-Mia Cbrlltl&n LouiM Stla- 111 ClPtMd btr Nnport Beach bet, Mr. aDd Mn. Gerald Sal- bomt tor tilt fYtDt, toutaU SIJ.bM. Aa IIJT&DCimtal: of p1Dk ud Jliu Dtr1H Cutance Smltb, red e&raatloDI ftlltd wtth U, CoL IDd Mra. Dl.rid Mc- II'MM<7 IDd 1111>7'1 broatl> Cradle Smith, cncld tbe madelrt. .11Dta cor-Ilia A1Ul IUcbt .. Yuatta, ered bt.dltt table. Tblpi.DkUDa:l Mr. ud Mrt, Willlam Ricblrd l,otbloa tablu wee c-.rld v-•· \illll mlol ftiOI c1 Pljlk lUll! Ylll Belllor Mlebollo 11'1114- rocl OlniOllou, IDd llii·plaee worlll, Cborloo -11'141- eard bolcl•a ntt tiDy &U. wort1t uri Wr1, Nltallt 111W- fUbiODICI of rid niYtt. ceot Wadnortb. Gueltl•ertrtctiYedbfllrs, Mtu Patrice "'•""'• Kr. Normu Clrtle, prtlideat of a.ad Ura. WlWam BeDrJ Harbor lttJ, W.n, Vtttnp, and Weuer. Mll. W'llUam H. W•Yer, pre-Tbt bolte ... l Wtrt aultt- NDtatlool cbalrmaa. ed by otbtr membtl'l ol tlae Tbl ltll 1111:1al E~t deb-ball commlttM, Mmea. &to•- -bill, to bo bold J11111 U, m!JI C. Browa, Jolla E. Dlclloy, at tlll Newporter IDa. Ia IPOD· LHter P. Elmore, Jobo Nft- aortd bJ Harbor Key of tbe brou.Jb. Anthoo.y U:. otttnc, JobD Clltld Gtdduc:t Center of Sberldan. JobD Y01.111c, &Dd Orull'e Cotmty, JQHPb P. Zlcaro. ot the u preoenteoa, 7 ore PANHEL WILL HEAR ~:n-:;; ~ =-~.:."'+:. INTERIOR DECORATOR Clltld Guldlnct CtDter ot Cblrlottt Ktmea, 1Dttrior Orup Couoly to a low coot decorator, 1rlll bo tho fealurod pQ"elllatr1c ellnlc for emotioa-ll*lr:er at Nnport Harbor al.ly dlltu:rbtd cllUdrea ace• z PaabeUtolc Auoelatloa'aAprll to 18. 18 metUDc at 10:30 a.m. 1r1 Two po1t d..,...ntu ftft tbe bomeofMrs.CarlG. Moore, pre..m to model preMlfiHon 1701 GU&tta Ter.,lrYlDI Ter- IO"'U· Tbey were Ktq U:erJe raee. &o.ttuta autsttng Mrs. Allll Parriab aDd MiA U:lcbtllt Moore with tbt salad ltmch- We&ftl', 1belr motbera. Mrs. taD lDei.S. U:mes. BnDda T. Rteblrd PUTI.ab aDd u:r .. WU-8al'eb. Ja&Dtll Elliott, RCXIII.., U&m H. w ... ~. modtleddres-Gac:Uuo, Georp Gutbrte, 111 from Lido Fublou. 0.0. R1111vd, Arthur Kn.m- Tbo li7S --IDdtholr or, G«wrt E. N-R. F. pattDtl an: Mia Mary He._ Olf:l:ln. F. U:llllrOt Redm&rl, Bobo, Mr. &DI! U:rt, Sudll KIDDitb C. Slougb., Ptn"J W, L&wreoce Bobo, Soow IDd Jolla P. Wrl(bt. U:em- Hut fi"Oftl cold: Huitt' lkp. .. lb u# natu,.J ••~ haYc t.-cn Ji~·uyc~ tn place-hkc Albka. Notthwc:o.t Canada and the Canadian An.'lt.: l•lanJ• We: (In brinJI .o~ u( it hcrc-In tankt ~-·~umc thmuah ~ pipeline AnJ ~c bcocn ll\¥nJYC\ltn CIIICThiVc A Kill: rc':W:'ItCh U> flnJ !NI tho: ~t WI)' tn buihlthat ptpcltnc wuhout harm•n11 the cnvtmn~nt -------------Mtoo DlllleEUoabotbllodooo, bon ore lDYltocl to otay tor Mr. ud t.ln, DeW. wtltoa br.ldp lD tbe &fttrDOCil. ~=· KlmboriJ Tlllolooa AUDITIONS SUNDAY Qra._, Ill', &Dd Mn. ~ur AWW:I<111 tor ... nctlctttet lor Milar GraYN Jr. Padflo ~ Tbll.ter'J tth lllu LooUo Allll Harrlooo, odlo( ... ._ 1r!U bo bold Mr. aDd Mn, lAallt Joatpb at 1 p.m. tbla SWday, •n Barn... 15, at wortabap btl.dq\artera Yloo Sbaroo Lootlo 111.-, lJI tho Borba< ~DC c-, -- /---------------- ,-' , , , Mr. ..:1 U:rt. Cllrtlt'*'-Ca.t& Mea, aeeordlDC to R. Browollarwood. Eutmu Dow, produc:lDcdlroc- 11111 c-11ar1o a .... to<. -.. ""· ... lfn.-c-... -...... ._ LooUo BllltfiiHJL wtll bo _.,llod lJI 1 1-woot 11o11J ........, cl actlll( aloct- rlcl, a .,...m wbldi-IM--cl -ftc me--dll tbo cnaltfll)' ., __ tro uta. ''!'" ,;.__ Ttti, Pft*'C'I up IO(IM btlllnfl n. ......... technlcpo of the .... Emotion clvllutio..~ out w.t.lcllr.-of tholr ....... _,.,,_ ktw!L Wlrr -·· .._.. ......... tN!dt.._ .... , ··=-. ~-*:::;;j' ..... -• ---==-..... -----·· 71 --........ i ..... . CDI~ ... • POETRY CONTEST SET ·.--·~ "'" t::.,.,' nt "''"''''" 'he .-1 N.wpan S.C. 1he U~i=-~-~ ,._ c( .. LDlnry ..... . 1M......, ftlllac _ .... _ ... wtll lldnd-IIIIJ. ....,.._ -It --aiJ,. ,__ ,_.,..p.a.no .... o' ... -wlllclo ..,. ._sehr1a1,.._0fW ---wtllh nod. 'Nl ,..., ,... Wllllll -•-noccr,"wtll-_ .. _ SOIOUR COMf'I!T!S t 10_ ........... ..._,_:=:1'\ :..:'.:.:c.. -c:; A. nor., --..!:t =--...:=· /-- LNC "-A..,.,..u., In •hc Palm Valle-y hciJ nl C('l'lu~l ...... ~rail• 1ht"' m•y bC' •~ much ... Ill trilllnn cuhtc ~ nf n11n.ual 11•• If tho: 1"' pnwn. In til' 1hc:-"'. and Ike AuMrlhan and U.~ ~mnw:nt~ approve:. tht• ~u~' coukt til' ODriW'n~ 111 llqukl fmm •nd •hlpptd home "'-"P«IIily cnnlllrunrcf 1.-nk,.. IIEWi'OI!T HARIO R 001 Gil I'IIIUlltED IUXLY • PAGES LOS£ WEIGHT! .......... & lotaly , UndH Mo •.a Supe"'lolon ,,....,., & ...._ Ge FAS11 CALL 673-5121 WOIIIT et•ICS IIIC, E. COAJri BlGBW.&.Y, CORONA DEL (ll-ll&eArthur B!Td.) iHcltli<S, 9 to I, t to 5, 11-y lbru Frlda7 LIVE BUNNIES end tht E .. ter Bunny too -Carousel Court 5outh Cout ?lau • Stone~: Wt-•wn.·,t~a) tl'l unJn JlniUnJ •tt>IIJit ftclt.l• tn thr •umiTI('f '"'ynu H ha\'C cn"u11h for tM WlntCI • • I 0 . ' ' . '~ ~ ~~ ....... <., + '• -'"'•-,.<fHHEift) SuhMituk a• fl'1)ftl 1\M'Ural -rcn: c .... ,ll••tftuttnn t• •tml'lh· thc tca.:to"l'l "' cn11l ... uh Ull l'ltt'l\ anJ hYt.lr!l'ICC'I\ fmm •IC:Onl tn 1 •uttlftllt• rca•·mr. Tho: rc-uh " mt'tharw 1'1' t-tlwn p\uth\~ r" pnll.lun· d.,.n ·hurnuta •uh--tttulc 11•• Ca• fmm cual Wuh .•llrhc rrnpo·nt<·• nf MJIIH~I IIil' C• t.... C•nuel and S...ttl 1\!Mrice: Ahh11u,11h "''mcwh1u 1"'' fu alnna th•n o'llhtr !OOUn.-n. laun Amcrtc:an Jtl' I~ ~till~ w-ry rul """"'"'luy Out plan• ~11 f.,, Jrllltnll tt'!ll wtll~ in Panama 1nJ C1>lnmbl~ ....,.,.. . • --. --- ---• . --• -• -- :I -------3 • -! • • -• : STOP THIEF! • DO YOU HAVE FIRE A 1·HHT INSURANCE ON YOUR PERSONAL BELONGINGS? 548-5554 Our tall! Year. RABBITT INSURANCE AGENCY ltfJ.t Hu.er llul.. f.e,.le .lr,.• Progressive Costa Mesa Motor Car dealers have reduced shop- PIHJ time from clays to haurs on Costa Mesa's Harbor Boulevard af Cars. Friendly • Convenient • Reliable LOOK FOR THi EMBLE~ AT COSTA MESA DEAL!AS ON H ARBOR BLVD BETWEEN SAN ll!EGO FREEWAY AND NEWPORT BLVC . LAW ENFORCEMENT . . .)(JU i•·l• ·1\'olli,t!ll• [LJ Yll<l <1 V• "• <.II ,.,lo ll{ lo)o 1<<\.J;t\'' Vo.J •Ill• • 1 /..tii•Y N<no 1 • .JI ··n ·· ·+1•1>1" ,1111~ '' o·.l I·· I I .·l . •· .olt• 1 ;-: :'1. ,, • .,I. 542 W. 19TH STREET COST A MESA PHONE .645-1163 Today·s Army wants to JOin you. IIEifOif MAIIIOA IISI I'UIIJitfDIUXLY -rMtl plans for ""' ~~~ -.., art ....... -... _. '""- comiiiiiiM -.. IIIII b'. I. -lr-11, ""*- -at a. lt'llllk-'ol ~>oct;-·'""-, ....,..ud -mmtttoo lo--0<t----;•IB•Palll! ··-lor 1M IOOib --wu.., --.. AI'J ol tbl AmtrieaD btohl-(!43. ··~ Uoa aad tl!o -...,._.,. ,_,_ ... Ill """ - of tile et)J"' ~~~ -... ---1M ..._..... Tile oommtiiM will Nlab1181! R ... JIUoo Blcw•efll Com. m.Uctpal plau aDit wtU o&r mi..,. 1a W'ubtDctoD. D.C., a I'Qid&Det 11rY1ee to aD eal-acocrdlac tO Mt. Per,.mu.r. hnl orpotulloo!! wtll!l!! a. Rtrlllp ''II wtu toe• .. ...... . • ll!o ld!!lory 11!11 -cai-- Gorl!lrdt H. Folp-bu trlb!aou of Newport Bael!· AJIIII.U Tl!omu 11. Ktar, - .... --el!llr!!!lll at tile P-U.S.A. wtU eo loin~ ot IIi ,11!11 lin, R-1 F. HJcs I b • ,.__ lbtoap oell .. '01 IIIII Ratcore Lue, C-c U topiC feiiiiYIIINJIIorlsou ''le 1ooU Ilea, bu -oatpod 1o loftrd Ult JD H~ -b Lowry AFB, Colo.; aftor DO!D· • k • aad Ita -·· Ploti!!J Al1' FOl'<t bule trala· DR. AND YRS. LES 0. STARNES ot Nnport Bll.cb were tbe llrlt buyers to cloae escrow 1n the IrriDe Company's Dtw Proii!OIIIory Bay project. A 11ft II b1iDC pre-.d to them bJ JobD Macnab, president of lfacrllb-ln'lDe Co., exelusln broker tor tbe 61-lot watertroat deYeJopment. Dan Kuhn, at rl&bf:, Promootory Bl}' projtct m~.~~~pr for the lnlDe Compaay, is about to ~e-.1 tbe co"'le wttb the company's "welcome aboud" book. IS COO lng BASKET DECORATING m:.;! ~:...~Teom. Tbe lrviDe womu'oCitt>wtU CONTEST ANNOUNCED ;'be O:.mu bu -,,..-;:; bold the mootb}J meettnc at Some l,ZOO boJI ud Clrll, to tbe Teermtc&l TraiD1DC C•-' ldadorprtu ll!ro!!Cb Mb 1er o1 Lowry lor _.._ 8 p.m. Tuesday, April 11• at P'ldl, baYI reeeh'ed eatry t:raiDiDr 1D. tbt mWl1t1ou and the bome ot tbe pres.ldent, Yu. forlnl tor tbl kdUDual Euler --'~-•-ld a. Byron Talbot 1 '1951 Ancell. W't8PCIW u..-...::DlDCe aw • ~ Un.lverslty P.;k,lrTtDe.Aabort tuut ~ua, eootest eo-la a 197S lf&du&te of Bricker busloess mettin'" eooc~uct«~-IPOUOHd br tbe NewporUlesa Ward preparatory bleb eebooL PROMONTORY BAY LOTS ARE ALREADY ALL SOLD AU 61 custom home sites ject ma.nacer tor the IrviDe on Promootory BQ', tbe $6.5 Company, Anraglo.g 12 teet 1n million man-made waterway depth, the bay will open lnto project fllNitW'pOrt Harbor, have the main barbor tbrougbachan- been aold during the tlrst 6 net at Lts south end. All of weeta after being offered Promontory Bay's 61 reslden- . Mac.nab-IrYine Co,, exclustv~ Ual Jots troot on the waterway arents tor the denlopment,an-and permit indJrtdual docks and nounced this week. sUps to accommodate boats ~ Jotm Macnab, president of up to 55 feet. Macnab-lrYibe Co., saJd the Completion of the project, SICJPly of 1ots, sold oo an In-inciOOlDg harbor cbanneJ.. bulk- dlrtd~al basis along Promoo-heads, uttlltles, street UgtlUng tory Bay's one-mUe frontage, aOO creation of ptmllc vtew was tar ezeeeded by the number and picnic areu ls scbeduled ber of prospective buyers. for late May, A $150,000 lud- a '"7 .ebool m.trlct and llariDers W:ra. Talbot wtll precede a Sulop I.Dd Li:lu ill Nnport Procram arranged for bJ Mrs. Beacb. Tbe eoate~t eods oa. Francis Dave. April 16, wben tile eotrtes are Tbe demonstration leeture dot at Martneu wlll be given by Mrs. l&rry Tbree tropbl.e~ lD eacb end• Krogh, who teaches courmet CfO'IJ wW be preeeof:ed at s foods at Orange Coast Collep, p.m. Good Frtday lD Martneu' works for M. J. Brock and Soil lobby. Contest rules speelty as a home economist and bas tbat tbe butc basket may be bad 5 years with the Gu Co, pta"chued; bow'eter, al1 decor. and a year as teacher at Gol-attoos must be custom designed den West College,Sbewtlldem. and tbe buket must measure onstrate making crepes, of such less titan S6 iDcbes hllh and !6 Yartety to reach from br-.k-tncbes wtde fast, to lunch, brunctl, awe-Fouowtni the awards pre. Users, main dish, or desserts. seotattOD. the pris and boys Election of oew otftcers will will decide 11 tbey want to keep take place during the evening. tbelr entry or tw.n u deUYtr· Mrs. Edward 0, Dow and Mrs, ed bJ Mariners to a local coo- Canum MacLeod will sene u nlescent hospital tor elderty hostesses. The April glrl oftbe patients to enjoy, ' mooth from University Higb · will be introduced by Mrs. Dow. PARTY FOR BURGENER ConJtesamu Cla.lr W. Burr- ener CR-Rancbo Salda Ji'e) wtU be bcmred at a 41.rmer party Tbe teardrop-shaped, 26-scaplng program lDYolring acre waterfront denlopment, planting of 30 large coral trees whJch Includes 10,5 acres of and 135 C~ evergreens tbe bayttselt,istbertrststngle-from througllout CallfornJa w111 family reaidenUal project lD be complete this summer, whJcb tbe Intne Company ts ~ While relocattng Bayside both denloper and. builder. Drive to allow construction of Located adjacent to Bayside the channe l between Promon- DriYe west of Jamboree Road, tory Bay and Newport Harbor, 'Know the Back Bay' at the Balbcn Bay Club Thurs. J.-..o; day ennl.nr, April 26, tbe complez tocllldes a IIWD'y the Irvtoe Company replaced Fran Robinson, ooe of the apartment stte aDd a restaurant an existing Orange County san-original 6 Newport Beacbrest- loca!Jon. The Irvine Company's ltaUon District llne with alar-dents who fougflt the land trade Promontory Point apartment ger 36-incb main at a cost of that would have ldven thelrvtne project OYer looks the Promon-$160,000. Tbe tor mer Bayside Co. control of Upper Newport tory Bay deYelopment. Drive, renamed Harbor Island Bay, w111 address tbe April Frank E. Hugbes, Irvine Drive, remains a pubUc street 17 meeting of tbe Wom&D's Company Ylceprestdentofresi-eodlng in a view park. Civic League of Newport Har- lnYitatJons -.ve been ma11ed reqaestlng help ln starting a poutical party --the "Keep Burgener ln Congress Party." Resern.tlons tor the $50aplate dinDer may be made by call.lng Mrs, Glen StliJwell at 646- 2348, deotial deYelopment and mu-A prtnte beacb wtllbeavaJI-bor. aaement, noted that Promon-able to residents. Publlc areas "Know the Back Bay" will tory Bay represents tbe last will include Promontory Bay be the subject of the meeti.Dg. land an.ilable tor stngle-tamHy Plaza, a neighborhood park at wh.tch starts at 9:30 a.m. lD waterfront denJopmeDt to ~ the tiQ'a northWest extremity. the m,u~~;~~::.:~~·~~~ Newport Harbor area. Eastward along Bayside Orin tneJ:'s Library, "M such, It ls immensely a blcyele path wUl wind oear M.rs. Robinson, who las tae .. • •J, t ld ·'I 1 desirable and can ooly locrease the water's edge atoor a reYet-tured extensively on the Beet 1n nlue," he sa.ld, Promon-meot of large boulders below .Bay, was a coo.sulta.ot to the tory BJY lots, mostly 5,000 cokn'tul coral trees. From D~ment of the Interior task SQlllre feet with some ~ to there, viewers may pze force that studied tbe area. 7,600 9Quue feet, sold fnJt-through the entrance chanoel After the study, tbe department la.Uy for an average of more lnto the harbor. On both sides liJPf'OYed plans for turningtbe than $100,000, of thecha.nnelentraoceboup.tn-Upper Bay Into a game pre- The lrvtoe/Pacltlc Develop-villea, the otflcla.l Newport serve, Last week, the lrTiDe ment Co., a home building wtlt Beach city nower, wtu cascade Co. agreed to turn tbe area of the lrYine Company, pur_ over the concrete bulkbead. over to publlc agencies •. chased 18 lots for development CITY ARTS CO""ITTEE "Her experience and ablllty of lurury homes tn the $200 _ "'"' to share her knowledge ts a.p-OOO.plos range. ' DISPLAYS AT LIBRARY prec!aled by lheCJncLeaJIUO," The bay, created through er-The Corooa del Mar UbTary the league president, Mrs.Jobo cavatton of approximately 500,-Is presenting an elhiblt arrang-Gustafson, said yesterday. 000 cubic yards of earth and ed by the Newport Beach city Also on oen Tuesday's pro. rock, •Ill be opened to New-arts committee. gram wtu be a presentation ' . ·Zl lish tDie~ (not at Coil) '-tal ..._, ...... lftt to "'-t INC •lleett. leeooe lown, -• l11to a "" ....... ,.. .. -~~~~~ .,.ac.'-t .C:• COI!oftl jont litadvN .,... ,..... to how. .,..... lllro,...'-• •'-""· Colt -·t ·--laM• .,.... f¥a.fl If .,... lift l11 a 1la11 hewN ~ will ...... ".la .... ly .. ~. ~· .,_ wltfl ''" lao11 Ill,.,.., ... lllwlftt tfla d .. lllftt 11111111 ralnttoll 'tOW ~­ '-• wJftlevl .,..., a•,...-laftclllf VII· _ _, lftc-lllaftca . c.M will port Harbor in May, accord-Mary Allee Kier, a phOto-on stroke Ylcttm therapy and ';=============:::.;:.:.::.:.::.:.::.:.::;::;:!_.::'":::•_:':"_:Da::::_•t:::d:_B:·_:K~u:bo~J~r.::., ~pro-grapher arttst Uvt.ng In Corooa. resocl.aHzaUon. with a short ..l del Mar, has collected a series ftlm, "stroke and counter of her prtots taken on 3 trips stroke," featuring actress Pat- to Greece. She is a tulltime rlcl.a Neal. ,...*' ,..... ...,..,.,. .............. ~· -ndottl.al--'-1100111-- .,... •' ,..-ittdiN ............... ., ... .. 100% ,...._.._., ...... .. These Community Leaders ARE SUPPORTING DONALD STRAUSS for COAn COMMUNITY OOLLEGE TRUSTEE IDISTRICT #Sl Daniel G. Aldrich Jr. Arnold 0. Beckman Ted Bartlett John F. Bishop Agnes Blomquist Chisolm Brown 110 Frisbee Chari.J Godshall Ralph Kl.., b.nnl• Mangen Paul A. Palmer Louonne & Bill Peyton Mrs. Alvin Pinkley Joe & Judy Rosener Leonard Shone Robert Shelton Ron Shenkman Arthur F. Thompson, M.D. Jean & Don Ulander YOTI ON APRIL 17th !reelaoee photographer and GETS COXSWAIN RATING continues to compete ln pboto-grapby competition 1n the United Coast Guard seaman Randy States and abroad D. l...oYic, 800 of Mr. Jack The American ·Field Service D. LoYir of 1417 Martners Dr., program has collected a show-Harbor Htcblands, W'ls award- case eihlblt of pictures aDd ed his boat conra1n tnslgnla objects from students nr-w at-aboard lbe Coast Guard Cutter tending corona del Mar hJgtl Red Birch, home..ported to San school. These pa.rtlclpants lD FtlDCisco, He now ls q...ulled the program are from AtiStral-to go oo small boat search aDd ta Germany Thailand and Ug-rescue missions. A 1969 end· a~ ' ate of Newport Harbor tdlh Eihtblts wu1 oe snown Aprll scbool. he jolDed tbe Coast Guard lD February, 1973, .... .._ .. ~ ,_. ~ ....... •• -!Mr ''"' ,_. '"C..,.... Ore.,..., c-c-.. ... .,.,.., --... Calh 20"" ...,... ,... _... all4 ~ ..,_.,. c'-tolllf. "Worlc:fs largest exclusive guaranteed drapery service" eDIT draparyclaanara 540·1366 and aarvlca 642-0270 Serving All Orange Covnty I 1702 NewQOrt Blvd. At 17th St. Coet•M•u DV-aaoo IN AWAIID8 AND ~Ill .. I Ia ... ,. .... roMdl• ..... All'r8 AND GilA~ .:=·-. AT ... W.'Gi3 I ••••• OITY MALL• ~~: = .......... £ ,.. • ........ . 'fOTM• ·IV-O ... f.WIS~~Ai' .,.,. MAY '. I"' I - lltu. LAYDRA DIES Aslro II • • "II WWOIITfiAMDRaiiGII Qru-............. AIU IWIA IS I , Ml!..~.~v ~~L r.A!.! AtrUIOUIIPidlleYIMo-b o ' ""'~ .~~ .., 00• Strock oriil ... t, _,....,lllllo, su slilufe ._..., .. na-.;~ COIIIIIADB.IIM,CN.... -llroclr,·-trlal :n'tf~t A. t..._ a, ~VI IIIVU .. ..,...-~lui-- --~·~ ..... -r s, ... ,. ot....., • .,,.,,_..,1 .... CRUSADE da11DIIotw-"'"ot1111Udo IIM&ldw ~-~:: IW»-"r'n pr: ..... afJ!=·rt•• M IIIII to__.. ..cl•a· IIlii Com• 'tJ .U.. (LICA) 011c11 1 -. •• &lt.,li.., wt11 t. ,.... oea.t • tl)a • 11111rt .x-a a.. 1111t ~. ... ...:::::..~:-.... -w lldl ,....., ........ *·" .................... PLANNED ea:...w .. ~~·=:;:r; ldn, t..o .... .,.., aoll,. of Alll1111, .... l?liiiiiiPtotllll-... -ofiiiiC~ ~~~~--WiilclLICA .... lilt iSM IOd llsd Und ._, Nnpori llolc:b c...-1fo-·-· Cllllot~. Ill', -of II 111-- b' 1111 -··,_ .. Silo ........ Cllll ot 1111 .......... ,_ ............ -FOR KIDS :. .. ..: ......... ':.. ... ... IW'flnd bJ 11or _,., AI olllll Alrportar IlL ..... au u nD 11 a liDo Iaiii. IHd· a.._ 11,.U. • ..:......:: c-'h<> -.., 11o orO.... c;,;,. IOdZ,_ llr.I_NP_At>ollo wullll-od-walllll Tile Flrll -C .... cb, LuiSolvdaJ's_.....,_ clllldr '• P'Ud-15 -IIJIItllnilol, or--·· -bredlul 1a SOl ....,..~~~,Colla lloot, ..w boroblp liiMIIDr tloc: -. lctoallJ ecbeduled to .,.u at Arbo~L" IIJCIQIIOt a Jptelal ucbUdrn't • ADOPTED a $111,100 bad,.. r---------, the IYIDloC mt~ttDL to wllleb "tcMbu TI&ID " a m.a.cal ctuadl" Dtll ...... bq1D.alq' pt b' tbt com IDe Jtll, 1P GEM TALK ·TODAY I . ;"DH;..o;;, ... ··-..... ... • IAflllll-'* bulhlndt ud ,...U ban bela woeaJ. ~~ ..u{ fUrDllb tbe ~ SlDiay monWac at 1:45 about $2,000 OYW Ute aut I:JQd; .. I loYitld. Alti'<IBI.IIl 1rw1a, 0, m.-e.J put o1 ttlil procn.m. Lm. IJid CODUaalDc each t'fen-~· ' o-ld tbolrtlllacl<lul-Tie-oro a'lllltblo from lor t11rouP Tburod?J, DEFEATED a -lo-t wblle plaJiDI buiii&U lD Ual J•rwefte 8w11, &M...Cl 10, 01 Frut WelUDctoa., veatrllo-~ ~-·..,MPiac lclaldolt -uoa. llro, ._.,., ~--q11111, -· muolclu, IOd •·--~~~~lcloclport-.. ~.~ ..... -·-11-tf _ ... _ .... 011 ..... .._ u.JS, ...., ··-·-8 ._. • TURNED DOWN a propotal ary, will retiSl"D to Flnt Blp-to mab all of tbe laUd'l A.RTHUR STROCK U.t tor tbt ftut time 1.11 two meets ODe·ftJ, Church N·ews JIU'I. • ELECTED Cbaet Ovoell tliii.Ad aDd lbe elty,"Mr.stroek THE PLYUOllrB CONGRE-Cbltlu Dlertaftel4"1 Palm Eaeb evenl.Dc Yr. WeJ.l.lnctoo as UCA yteeoo9fuldeat Lewis said Tuelday. "Loss of the GATIONAL CHURCH, SUI SCIDdQ lftmoa at tbe a, 9:SO will prneot a procram tor BJiDctoo as treuurer ai-l Judy beaeb prtncy would be YUJ Broad st., Newport BelJIU --ud 11 a.m. eerrtees wtll be boys IDd 11J'la aDd adttlta, tea-Franco, secretary. destructive to tbe Island and Tbe ReT; Job.n A. LIDdftll will "ID. a lfa.t idea." }'art 4 lD tu.rtng hU dummies, a liPD-• ELECTED DeY board of its people and the resulting preacb at tbe 10 a.m. Saoday tbe llriel OD "Lifepotrer." A tic flanDelp'apb board wttb llfe dlreetors members Georp knrend n.luaUoo and bu: rate serTlce oo lbe topic, "Let'l ~PeCial dfiPQtattoo oftertDc .W me ftpres, and fllU muaieal BlaaeU.. James Skeltoa IDd would barm the city." go to ton wtth Juua." be t:aao to Ul1lt .. mlnarJ orebestraUoo. Colored sUdes, Bruce Ttttoo. lD addltkG toMr. Tbe 13 street-end beaches • • • ltcdlatJ and JO'ml pqle ooa-mcmea, aDd 'lrtde n.rtety or Stroet. There are 5 bokkrter proride aecesa: to the beach GRACE BIBLE CHURCH, 585 stdertnc profeulooal Cbrt.Uan props I.Dd demoastn.Uoos are board memberS. for Ulud resldents who do not - Easter parade benefit 8cDi&J'I ''£ ... parade,'' I 1'lllt IIW'Jr .... t.SJuTa ... _ ... br-bllllboa...--·-..... Goer" IDI.D r,..tsoo Gardrs eor ... w..a. 111...,...; Mn. triJ... -dol liar, .. 1111 eHt--.. 1111, -.. -ra1tlac afla1r ot tbe .... .,. llH. 1'. ~ aa..v:. ..... toriMd 8nlJle rutbtll ............................. JMa lllarJ of llnpori llolc:b. Till llllciiiD, a 1 ._ Ul,lln. .t.. DOOD to I p.m.part)'wtntatare WWiam c:-.m.y, CIOI'flll_... ra-1>1 T. Ooacu 111ewut -*<J; lilA Dor<QJ Do- 1111 b1s eombo, u .. n u l:lod hfdt. f'tCCII'«<rC ..crCuf; ot yellow bodoc:lrocl III>IM IOd III'L William ,_.. IHU- priiiJ --·aU..-. Pro-c. """ Wllllalll, coodooftbtporty..WIDIO lll'o.J. tbe Alllbelm Braille CYRANO LOUNGE l'or !h• C.ci!tall H0t1r R-rdlng Arflot DAVE FRIUI!LE llli'l'IIICT(YK ~Rf,M.Q COtmliEiftA.L c- Ltntee • DnnfER SUPPER AlfD DANCING &00 Newport Ceater 0r1Yt Nnporta.clo ., ·--,. ,..,... .. ... •llllerltJO •" r••• oiUII -..,. w. 18th St., Costa Mea •• Tbe HrTtce. lncladed In tbe ooe aDd a batt About 150 '*"'" attended own waterfront lots. The water- series oo Pbtl..lppta.u wW bt • • • bour preMDtaUon. the meeting frollt lots each bave their own ~~~~ cootinued by the ReT, Tom TJ· MARINERS CHURCH, Z:ZOO Mr. WelUngtoo will speak at Mr. Str~k, a Chicago aatln ptlnte beacbea. r ree at the 10 a.m. SlataJIMd'-E. Caul HWJ., Corooa del Mar the 11 a.m. HTYice thia Sunday wOO has UYed 1D Cal1fonda Robert Wri.gtlt, a Lldo rest-MARIN You. u buyer ot a wide vice. At tbe 7 p.m. ller'Tlce, -· To a.ecommodate tbt over-and tbere •W be a.speelaJfam-most of hUi: We, bu beea. a dent, bas opposed conUnLJed ERS CHURCH rup of lDernalDcly so-he wlll preacb oo "Reversion nowtnr attendenee at tbtmorn-ily service at 1 p.m. Lido IaJe ruldeat slnce 1957. UCA cootrol of the tiny city-. J!W!LRY S!RVICE pb.t.ttcated prod~~ets, are magnifies sufterlDc,'' hued oo lDC Hl'ricn, a aew aeblduJe of Uooday throup Thursday After pttlng a B.S. degree 01med beaces. better ldueatld, more aftlu-Psalm 17. 3 IUTiefls wiD co Into etreet ntgbt, tbe Flnt BaptLBt busses from tEe, be euoed a doctor'-"I will try to get together THE TEACHING IS CENTERED ON JESUI CHRJST AND THE BIBLE, WITH EMPHASIS ON PRACTICAL CHRISTIAN UVING. ALL AGES ARE WELCOME. eot, I.Dd more lktptlcaJ than • • • this SUDday. Tbt .,., worsbip W1U roll out over the Costa ate ln jurlaprodeoce from me with Mr. Wright, have ttlm as e'f'tr, uklnrfor much more THE LUTHERAN CHURCH bourl an 8, 9:15 and lO:SO Mesa &Dd Newport areatobrlng law schooL He pract:lces 1.n my guest lor lunch and see IDformtUoa about tbe prod-OF THE MASTER, 2900Pulttc a.m. SUDday scbooll meet at 1D boys and gtrla, Meetlnp BeYerly HUll before coming ll we ca.n 'reason together' IK:tl JOG buy, VIew Dr., Harbor View Hills~-9:15 &Dd 10:50 a.m., and the llooday througb Friday w1U be to Nnporl Beach. oo thl.s problem," Mr. Strock Co~.tt~.sellnr and vtattinc anUable. SUNDAY SERVICES: Wltb tb1s iDereased inter-Pastor Paul RomeW, lntertm tl'lll1al ..me. Ia at 7 p.m. at 7 p.m. A eoo, Arthur v. stroct, is said. ell IDprodQcts, you are more minister, will preach oo tile • • • CaU the First BtpUst.Cburch, a local arcbJtect. Tbe assoclatlon pays the city StlmAY SCIIOOL •• , , •••• 9:15" lO :SO A.M. WORSHIP SERYJ:IS •••• 8:00, 9:15 & 10:SO A.M. EYEimiG SERVK:E •••••••••••• ?,00 P.M. 2200 E. Coast Hwy ., Newport Beach, IMU' MacArthur tU IYer eooceraed. aboi.C theme, "Tbe trtumpbant marcll THE NEWP'CET HARBOR 548-1733, for trauportaUoa "We wtll Mek an eztension· $750 annually oo a 25-year Hfl'icinc, &Ddlttultlmatld cootlnued," at 10 a.m. Stmday, CHURCH OF REUGIOlli SCI-IDd turtbv deWll. Dr. Jlmmy of the beacb lease beeause we beach lease scheduled toes- tbat, by liiO, aemce will There wUI be the blessiDc and ENCE, $41 Ceater st., Costa Combs 1a tb1 1Dcal putor. th1Dk It w1Jl b1oe4t bOC tbe ptre ID 1976. accOltl:i lor 401 of all per-the processlooal of palms In .... ·-"F«ctYel18ourdtbtl'' 80111J elpeadttures, uctu-obsernnce of Palm Swd:ay. will be tbe Mrmoo topic of stYe o1 edueaUoo, reUgion • • • tbe Rl!'t', Eleamr Jacksoo at &Dd IDidlcal cue. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 11 a.m. Suoday, Jewelers, yearsbeforethe OF COOT A MESA,301Mapolla • • • flood of compUcated prod-St. at Santa Ana Ave. --Dr. THE NEWPORT HARBOR IICtl, nre always faced with Jimmy Combs, wbo ls aleo the Ltn'HERAN CHURCH, '198Do- HrY:IeJ.Dc of jewell and n.t-prophecy preacller for "Tbe nr Drtn, Ne'tt'POrl S.c.b -· cbts, aDd are therefore tar hour of Revelation" at 12:30 Putor Rocu Bvc'• meaace ahead of otber lDdustrles in p.m. each Sunday oo Cb&lmel for fi:SO ud 10:50 a.m. Palm serrlce ftmctlona. 30, will discuss the 2Pth cbap-Slmday senices wt.ll be "RJde Twenty-m years ago we ter of Revelattoo at the 9;45 oa." 0o Ma1bly Tburaclay faced this consumer need a.m. Bible class tills SUDday, Aprll19, tbere wiU beaerrlc~ in our IDdustry and have The speaker at 11 a.m. will at & am 7:SO p.m., centered stoee takln ad'faDtage of o\U' be the Rev. Frank Welllngtoo, arOtmd tbe m-.1 1n tbe Upper IDMptldeot pcsltion to make children's evangelist from To-Room. Good F'11daysenteewtll sa fica a pr mary parf of ronto. Cana.dL At the 7 p.m. be at 7:30p.m. our bullneu. We beUeve family sentce, Mr. Welling-• • • tbat It Is a major factor ton wlll play mulcal lnstru-NEWPORT UNITY CHURCH, 1D the cootlnulnc nlstence ments and bring a messaee 15tb st. at lrYine Me., Cllf! of the Independent, and will with huge visual aids. Hal'to --A "stnpplnUon" ro oo ma1Dt.a11ilng and es~ • • • senice of millie w1ll be eoo- pandtnr our sentce 1.n every ST.. ANDREW'S PRESBY-duct.:! at tbe 10 a.m. SUDday Wl7 pout.ble. TERJIJI_CHURCH. &00 st. An-worllllp boar by tbe Re'f'.l.«ea ~;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;;:~~ .. ~·s~R~d~.,~C~Uft~:H•:•:••~--~DT,. Flle~. r • • • Tbe YOmeD'I l'dld ef tbe N npori liar bar Cburcb of Re- U&toa Scleace bu cboseD Frt- d&J tbt lStb r1 AprU at 1:SO p.m. t>r a ,.., porty lDd social evmWtc. Prtses lDcm:le a mohair abawl made and do- uted by Mrs. Howard WU~ brecbt. lolrs. Georp Ouaety 1a 111 cblrp ot retrelllmeot.s, OUR&.~ STOCKS "JJU/IBP ARE IIUL TIPPING! I tfo.,.lty Items For Panorama Eggs t Plos~c Egg lla.lds t Egg Shaped Pans I BunnJ Pans I Easter Novelties t Candy Boxes ' Papers I Dtpplng Chocolate I Summer Coatl.nc Hap Right To THE FROSTING HOtg Cate OecoraUog Instructkm . Complete Home BU.er S~lles Weddlnl Cab Tops, pans and sq~pUes. Guest Books ' InvUaUons 2384 NEWPORT BLVD., COSTA MESA • • • The Rev. PaulRomels, 1Dter- lm pastor of the Lutheran Churcb of the Master, Harbor View Hilla, and tbe lay dele- pte, Elmer Rattnna.n, will at- tend the 12th annual cOOYentioo of tbe Pacl1lc Southwest S}'DOd of the Lutbenn Cburch in America, to be beld AprU 26- 29 at tbe Los AnJt~les lnter- aaliooal Mottl. Tbe tbeme for tlHI COOYeotlon 11 "AU 1D God's flmlly,., with I Cortmhians 12 : 17 u tbe text. MUD A LISTEHIHG !AR? Cbrld is llu •uw#rf Christi• co•,.uli"l CAN IJ~Ip 548-2137 ., 54-1733 R•v. J•u N. HCtlry We're Making Some Easter Offers You . Lorraine lutllarland FASHIONS AT 'tHE BEACH Hourw: 8:~:30 Can't Refuse! l-Our "l~t II up" slyln will lltl you wl1l1 flottery 2-Wo'll .... you • -'" you'll ...., forpt 3,.-..y..,, lrlonds will dlo of ""' '-Como In -and """ • 111111-wlttlfasltlonslhll will -you ..,, of IIIII iiDrldl 5-Unt,._,.,tflo -ion and ..... tilt ... lly "'""' .-..--ot lltyolda Drive Newport8u:h 17W113 Sund,.ya; 11!00-4:00 ' A LETTER TO HARBOR AREA BUSINESSMEN From AI Forgit of Forgit's Hardware We are not giving enough support to our local newspaper, the Newport Harbor Ensign. It is the only locally owned published and printed newspaper in town, and it is consistently on the side of the local businessman and resident. For our paper to serve as a watchdog on City Hall, it must have our support. Then, it will prosper, grow and serve us better. The Ensign's owner and publisher has fought the freeway, fought restrictions on local business, fought the down-zoning of your property. The paper has consistently tried to keep government spending down and has championed the causes that are important to the people of Newport Beach. Readers of this paper pay annual subscription rates to have it delivered by the postman. Because they pay for the paper, you may be sure they read it. Advertisers in the Ensign are paying only for LOCAL circulation, which reaches the readers that LOCAL businessmen want to reach. The Ensign 25 years. has worked hard to serve this community for For better government, and for better information -- think it over twice --let's get together and support our LOCAL newspaperman. He's the only one we've got. AL FORGIT COWl! IH AHD GET A CAN OF WHITE WASH AHD A BRUSH AND $OWE HUTS AHD IOl TS TO PUT IT TOGETHER WITH . TMI -TMLMIIf'l PIMaiT • MAitOWA.al • COLONY PAIMTI • IMM.L Afi'PLIAMCU e ............ ~Ill FO IT ; t1 .. ~,. Hz• IS tNt;,..._ lllli .. fiiPIIUR.WtM One-Till"' IIN.il -o.-. IIUI: 11'111 -tiMb ........ I ,..... 1:11. .,;riil 0. ,W.t I Mw utrltw. lo • ........ ., _,., .... , '"' ... . ............ ,.-,...~ ..... .. ~_..,..II CO.W 6rr t.\otl•• 1Ntl4f {tW ,.,..,,.,,., •o,.. lAM ,,.., wltkll,. ......,.,, I .\au• on~ mor• ountio11 .... In Mau••w 16, COIIHrlt/ttl fit• OIIC •Iol•nt ecrua11t, dOd nof Uft'N U imply til• ,...,. trowllrw lnro o far c»ultff')l II J••• •ntl Itt. ''own Mr&IGIIb'' ore CA,.C,tio, .. r If tltl.r l.r cof"rftt, tlt~n what U "'""' by ~,.. JOr Pl«JH ltdp "'~ ro und~t'ftand. ANSWER: Fl ... t Peter 3:19.20 .. )'1, .. By IUIIOIII ol«J h• Klint ond pnocltH unto tit• ,pirilt in pritofl, Wlto at ont time ~~ dl.obtdNnt, wt\;111 on~ tllf lonpu((erlll6 of God woiiH ira the da)ll of Noah, wlti" lite ori WGI p~IJ4rinM. in wlticlt few. t/tal i., e~hl IIOUZ., ~~ 11avetJ by wot~r." Many people ..em to believe thi11 means that Jeeu1, after Hi• crucifixion, went to Hell and preacht.-d to the people there. Thi• i• not the meanint~. however. Thi1 PBIIa&l(t! 11imply mean• that Je1u11 preached to people throu11h Noah in the days before the llood. When people rejected the preachint~ of Noah, they wen rejectinll God. Today , Chri1t is 1till preachinr to unsaved people throurh Hie tervanta. So, the people who rejected the preachinl of Noah and went to Hell, like the people who reject Chriet today and 110 to Hell, are without e:w:euH. ----T-.. ..,., In MatU.ew 26:lf.80 then il &he parable of "• MM fNWIIQ lttlo • (UCCNtnlrY1 ...,.ocaiW Itt. 0..,,. .,._,. u . .,.. fl.UC~ft"fft .,. to t.km Ill. rood a. .A.nflu11 to ott• M row flw lalerau. ro attot..,_ '"· Gild tO OttollttrOIII, fo ewry MOll G«<rtlinl to Itt. ablllty,· oncf ,,,..,.ltlwoy too• ltY}ourn•y. '.' The JUifllhle ll'on on to •ey th1d the m•n who had five talent• UHtl to m11ke five more talents. Tht• m.11n who h.t rec:eivfod 1 wo w~t~~ 11ble to 1111in two more. Hut the m.11n who had re<-eived onh· one buried hi. in the t~round. When the muter l'tllUf'ned he wu anrry with the fellow who had buriN hit talent ln the eoll. The l'lve-&altnt man and the two-talent man were bath commended equally. But the one-talent man, the unprofitable Mrvant, wu c.,t Into out•r darknett. At a rule, you will have no trouble underetandin1 parabl• if you will remember a •imple truth-a parable teachn Oil~ main lrutlt. It ia an illuetratMJn . It ia riot meant, nece..arily, to teach doctrine. If you try to make every part of a parable fit doctrinal truth -you will quickly find youraelf in troublal For example, take the parable Of the fivl WiN and fivt fooliah virline: do you believe that juet euctly one half of aU the people in the world are tavtd and one half are uneaved7 Or do you believe that exactly one half qf all Chri1tian1 are more dtdicac.d than the other half? Jr you are 1oin1 to teach doctrine from that parable, then h don teach that juet euctly half of tome IP'OUP had oil and exactly one half did not. TtiS I KM7N I do not •raow what nat may com• Acrou my pil6rlm woy; But tht.lbow-my Souiour •no we, AM whoa.ot'•r It be, I do not •now IOmOI'fOw'a road, Nor 1ft beyond today. But tltU I•raow-my Sauiour .ItO Kit Stllll con trut Ht.low to 1iw W..at wtll be bat (or mf'. Tlu pa'lt I CGIIIIO' ..... A11d I can crut Ht. wouratkd ltond To 1uith Olld con (or me. I do not •now what may Hfoll. 0( IUMhiM Or of rain; I do not .,.ow wltol may mine, 0( plc .. un oM of poin; I do not how what may await, Or what tM lftOITOIU lwill61: But with tM 11od tolull o((alth, I hall ill open itt~ wltt~a: For tltt. I iraow-that In my L<ml Shall all my nnd•lw mrt: And I con trwt th~ hNrt of Him bt Wlto htu not foi~d me )'lrf. Notict' I l't'tf'r I:Ju.J J. "0/ wlaieh soluation tlte proplt~r.. laave iraquind orad uorclaM. dilil~ntly, wlao propltrs~d of tit~ ,,..~ tlaat tlaould com~ unto you, &orclain1 what. or whot monn~r of lime tla~ Spirit o/ ClarUt who wcu in them did tilni/y. wlarn he fnti/ied ~fonltond the auff~n·,... of Chritt, and thr 1lory thot thould follow.'' Arain-if the oil ttande for talvation. do you believe that exactly half of the people who are saved will be loet? And do you believe that thOH can be 1aved •rain if they "buy" the oil. the salvation! DISCUSSIONS THE DIFFERENCE ........... l.tO 1 t'lr.CIMIIL,...._. You aee. a parable ie intended to teach one main truth. In the cue of the wile and foolieh vir1int. the ot.e truth ia-you'd better be ready for J nue to return. This i1 plainly taurht in the thirteenth verse (of Matthew '25 ), "Watch. the~fo~: for ~ A:now n'ill"r tit' day nor lhe ho~&r in which tM Son a/ man COMeth. ·• PIOM TMI IIOLA lltOAICAITII From DECISION MAGAZrNE MlnDeapoll•, U:!Jia, You will notice that it wu the "Spirit of Cltrilt who wcu in them " who "tuli/ied ~forehand thr su{frrin1s of Chrilt. ond rite 1lory thot 11tould follow." Make no mittake about it-if 1 preKb. t.o a man about J•u. Chrilt and that man turM away un.-ved-he '-not rejectlnrflle. he is rejectinr Jeeu1 Chri•t. So, the men who turned away from Noah were rejecting the Saviour. Today they are in "prison" but they can never aay that Christ did not preach to them. ~ow. come back to the one- talent aervant. The truth Jeeue wa. illustratina it; 11imply that all of u& had better Ute whatever God ll'ives ue to uH for HimHif. If we don 't , the Lord will take even the 1mall talents away and we willeuffer His diaepproval. so that the man was his natural functions. were amazed. They not understand His power. The Greatest Sentence Q. Lons leach, Calif. "How does an unbeliever become a believer? The only tools I have to work with are the brain find mind with which I was born. If Cod wants me to be a believer, should not He have giv- en me a different brain and mind/" A. What God has given you, no matter who you are, is absolutely all you need to be saved. Our eter- nal destiny is not determined upon how clever o r bnl/iant we may be. It is totally what Christ has done for us, and o ur willingness to ac- cept His free gift by personal faith! God has given you· a free will to make whatever choice you may desire. You are not an automaton butare capable of coming to God, or rejecting His Son. Pharisees immediately attrib- uted His abilities to Siiltan-Beelze- bub--the prince of devils. Christ reasons, "Why would Satan want to cast out hlmseiU He woutd work at cross-purposes." II is ourconvic· lion that the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is ascribing to Satan the works of the Holy Spirit. This is exactly wt'lat the Pt'larisees had done. We do believe tt'lat there is a dispensational aspect to tt'lis pas- sage. Tt'le other in terpretation of tt'lis passage has to do with those who steadfastly refuse to accept the Lord jesus Christ u their personal Saviour. In the final analysis such rejection of God's free gift of love can never be forgiven. When such happens a person literally con- demns himself to eternal perdi· tion. We do not believe that a child of God, regardless of which view is held, could ever commit this sin. Christians may deny the Lord, and even betray Him on oc- casions, but they do not blasphe- me against the Holy Spirit. True salvation is a once-for-all transac· tion. ay Or. R. A. Torrey "Sword of tbe Lord," Murfreesboro, Tenn. (CootiDued b'om Jut week) taid: "I love you . I am roinll' to ''God it lo~. "-1 John 4:8. take you in my carriare to th~ Ill. God ahoWII Hla Love for u. by aympathtalng -u. "In all their affliction M wa. of{licled. "-In. 63:9. That is one of the wonderful ~~entencee or' this book. The prophet it tpeakinr about the children of hrael. Their afflichont were appallinr. and the direct con~equence of their own tin. a jud~ment tent by the hand of God, and yet the prophet .. id God 1uffered with them in their eorrow. h ie true. There ia not a man or woman here who it in trouble but God aympathiu. .-itb you. It may have come in any way, but ir you have any trouble God lympathiu. with you in it. Some or you know what it il to have a chUd tick for a lonr time. At nnt frienda came and eympathiud with you, but their sympathy h•• ITOWft cold: and. .. you have watched day and nicht by that f~inl life you have .. id: "There it no one who eympethiu. with me.'' Vee. there ie. God aympathiz.ee with you. TheN! are men and women who have a eorrow of tuch a char-=t.er that they cannot oonfidt it to any human ear; and ~ NY: "Nobody ltno ... it. Nobody aympathiaee with me." Y-. then it on• who knowt, and He ~Y~DPathl .. with you-God. 1\1.--Hiei.owOy HleOIIIo I c&Dnot d .. U upon tl:.at. J juet want to apeak or one .;.tt. "Be/told, what monnn of lout llv F•th•r ltatla NatoWrtd upo,. ~ tMl "" •ltotdd N tailed lit~ .o11•of0od. "-1 .John 3:1.2. Oh, that wondrou• lirl that God beltowwd upon rou and rM, IJJat ID8ft ud WOIDin Ukt ut -bo .,..lad cblldnn ., Oo41 Olo. wU. lcnool a..-011 lllo eo~a••'-..._, K"'-Kd.111Wd. -.u tbo -----............. W.C*i' ... ol -----to .... a.t ollrdoa. ...S ___ , .................. .. ,, ..... ......,. •••• c ... ... ......, ........... , ' ...... -., ........ _ ..... -............... .. ............ ,-.. ... palace. I am roina to dreu you fit to be a kina'a aon . and you ahall be known aa th~ ton ol Kinl Edward the Seventh." Would it not have been wonderful ? But it would not have been 10 wonderful aa that the inlinitel)' holy God 1hould have looked down upon you and me in our filthineu and rap and depravity, and that He ahould have to loved us that He should have bestowed upon Ul to brr called the 10na of God . Q . follbrook, Colli. "In Matthew 21:43 , Christ is speaking to the Jews . He told them, 'The kingdom of Cod is taken from you, and giv- en to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof.' What and where is this nation?" A. Some people would have us V. Oocf &howe Hit Love by tM believe that there is not going to Sacrifice H• Hat Meet. fOf Ut be any kingdom for Israel. That is Sacrifice; after all that ie the entirely wrong. Again, consider the rreat te11t of love . People tell you context. Christ has been speaking that they love you. but you to the scribes and Pharisees. The cannot tell whether they really love you till the opportunity kingdom of Cod in that sphere cornu for them to make a where genuine faitt'l has been ex~ secrifice Cor you. erclsed. We see that in john 3. God looked down upon thie There Is a sense In which the king- loet world , upon you and me . H• dom of Cod includes all willing as .. w that ther• w .. only one well as unwilling beings. He is the price that could uve ue; and He did not ltop •t that ucrifice. He universal Sovereign in the soteri- "so loved the world thet he 1ave ological sense. One enters the hi. only berotten Son , that kingdom of Cod only by being whoeoever believeth in him born again. The Pharisees were not thould not peri.h. but have in this kingdom. They had rejected everl•tinr li.fe." That ie the moet amuinr thinr in the Bible. Christ. The kingdom was now to You and I sometim" dwell upon be given to the godly in Israel and the love or Chritt, t.o Jive up to godly Gentiles. Neither in the Heaven for ue. We look at Him pre~ent age nor in the future mil- in the courtyard or Pilate. t • i h Kl d f God he fMWned to the whlppln~J)Mt, enn•um s t e ng om o t -.ith Hia ban Nck n.poeed to exclusive possession of either Is~ the 1-.h of tba Roman toldiar. rael Of the Gentiles. Acts 1:6 clear· We Jook at Him • the leah cuw ly shows that there will be a literal Into Hill beck .. aln and .,.aJn restoration of an earthly kingdom and .. am. to Israel. It will be when the Sen Throurh the dutk of thet of man comes biick and sits on the awful day we ... Him on &he cro.. We haar the IMt cry, "Mr throne of His glory. Today, by fJith God, my God. why hut thou In Christ/ both Jew and Gentile are fonallen me?" We ... how He considered a spiritual nation (I Pet. 1oYecl ... But yond«, loolllaa 2:9). dowa rro .. the th1'08e oll)pt and olono. waa Cocl: •d nft1' Q. Deo,.w, Colo. "Whlll II liN! aail that plm:ool Hie lsaada and bl~my qalnlt liN/ Holy Sp/1111 r.t pim:ool tiM ..... ol God. 11 II possible lor 1 born·lflln '*•,.. H• lo...t -. ChtiJtian lo commit lh/1 unr" Wlaat--...... to do wltlo Hlllowf-., It, .. w-It A. This 11 found In the 12th "--uador _,_., Cllrlet, and _...,... ,.. -tim low: ,.jacl tar of Mat-(VII. 1111). Thwe Cluiot, ODd rou tr-tloot are mony pod Bible otudenta who low --. 1 ....-are divided In oplnlon on lhlo sub- • I oiud -- -or Ject. One had bHn brouiiM 10 • • .. tloolr rltbt -·-Ol<lol ~·ad ol • Nmon. He 1::~ ..._.. -'-' tloo was blind and dumb. The Lord Q. "What is a Christian's responsi- bility in the ecology movement? God gave us dominion over all the earth and many people feel we are abusing this ." A. Without question we certainly have. We are all for the Important preservation of Cod's creation. Few people seem to re•lly care about the environment in which they live. As with anything, however, let us not overlook the Christian's first and primary objective which is the teaching, preaching.. •nd con- sistent living of the Gospel mes- sage. Q. "Were any prophecies fulfilled when Jesus m.t with Moses and Elijah on the Mount ot Tran•fl1ur· ation1" A. This account Is Interestingly found In Matthew, Marte ond luke, which are the oynoptk soopell. John does not reco<d thlo even~ One prophecy definitely fulftlled It this point Is Malachi 4:5. Our Lord Jauo had Indicated that If ,.,.., had -., In a bellevins attJ.. tude towan1 Him a lhfllr -lah, !Mn the comins ol ;ohn lhe hplltl would hlw fulllllad the function of EliJah. A number ol piOphedet -fulflllad ..._ the Lord ,_ with -. ,.,.._.d .. the Uw, ond Elijah, rapr-1linl the ptoph- 111. n.11 • .,. IUbled or lf1elr -'on (l,uloa ,,,., 31). The pelrllfdt ond the ....,. - talkins about the death of Christ which He was to accomplish at Jerusalem (Isaiah 53). Q. Oakland, Calif. "Why is there no mention of fish when God de· strayed the earth by the flood. Are t;sl;, any specJtic lei~ ,ol symbol?" A. Not in Scripture, so much as per· haps in the earfy days of the OlriJ-. tian church. Of course we find fish in astrology and such superficial things today. When God destroyed the earth, He d id not destroy the sea. The fish went on living, ex- cept for any which may have been destroyed by the cataclysmic breaking up of the fountains of the deep. Q. Seattle, Wuh. "Will the Holy Spirit's work be finished at the Rapture as the Father's work was finished at creation and the Son's at the crosJ7" The Gospel say•, HGod will torrtve )'OU in Chriat." The modern world u.ye, 14lndul,e . your weakneues." The Gospel aaya, HYou are dead in treapauu and aina." The world says, "Live it up with tun and ramu." The Gospel .. .,,. "Repent." The world aaya, "Get a lawyer; thi! is a put-on." The Gospel aaya, "Chrtlt will make you whole." The world says, "You can ftnd immedl· ate relief through pllla." The Gospel &a)'ll, "We are Juat!fted by faith." The world aaya, "There is a psycholosrical juati- ftc:ation for everythinr." The Gospel aays, "Christ treee you from your sina at the crou." The world aaya, "Give your- self an out." The Gospel aays, HGive ua this day our daily bread.'' The world says, "Set up a guaranteed annual ware.'' The Gospel aays, "Man does not live by bread alone." The world saya, "Eat, drink and be merry, tor tomorrow we die." The Gospel says, "The Scripture will be tul- ftlled.'' The world aays, "To know what wiH happen, check your horoac:ope." The Gospel I&YJ, "Wben Christ come•. he will straighten thinp out." The world uya, "Once capltallam fo abolfohed, we will otraf~hten It out ourselves." The Gospel says, "Chriat in you, the hope ot glory." The world says, ''Lite is ahort, nature fa hostile, and man is ridiculous." The Gospel says, "After this, heaven." The world aaya, "Aw, hell !" The Goapel says, "Have faith in God." The world says, "Don't be a sucker." The Goapel aaya, "I know whom I have be- lieved." The world u.ya, "Don't insult my tn. telllgenc:e." The Gospel says, "My words aha11 not pau away." The world eays, "We need to re--interpret the Scrt_pturea." The Goapel saya, "Overcome evil with aood." The world aaya, "Get revenre at anr eott." The Gospel aayo, "The lut a hall bo tint." The world aays, "Othere come ftnt-atter me." A. While the work of redemption was finished on the cross, yet there i~ a lot of Christ's work yet to be done. At Calvary He saved us from sin but His ministry is continuing now and will be completed when we are all glorified. It is our under- standing that in the Old Testament times tt'!e Holy Spirit came upon individuals. In this present age He comes into the heart of each be- liever by faith In Christ. His re· straining hand is taken out of the way when the Tribulation begins . However, He once again will come upon individuals even as He did during the Old Testament times. This Is why It Is 10 Important to believe and understand the dlt· pensatlonal aspects of Scripture. The Golrpel u.ya, "Lay up tor youraelvu tnu- ure In heaven." The world says, "Settle for Q. "Could you please expi•Jn the cuh." popular term 'existentialism'?" The Gospel aaya, "Love never talla." The world says, "People will let you down evel'J A. This is a term used In philosophy time." generally which has now come into The Goapet ~aye, "Be ftlled with the Spirit." Christian circles. It reveals how The world uya. "Drown 70ur aorrowa." much of modern theology hu been The Goopel uyo, "Stand fut In tho fHOdom engulfed and enveloped In ouch wherewith Cllrilt IIU oet 1011 t,.. ... Tbo world concepts. Unfortunately, today, oo 11Tio "Tbla Ia • da7 of rapid ~al ehan .. : Kin ua a eontempora17 theolo87 relOYant to modern much Is predicated on tho bulo of man and adaJ>table to hlo needl." experience. Exlotentlallom affirms The Goope( ..,.., ''With man It 11 not -lbi., the octuallty of thlnss u opposed but with God an lhlnp are -lble." 'l'bo worlcl to mere posolblllty or c:oncelvabll· u;ra, "K~ tl'71nr. You won't mab It, but bop lty. It appeal• to the sen1e1 and Is tr;inr." really an Introspective humanism The (lolpel u,....-..-;'Grace." The world ...,., In approach. It •·--an lndl-''WorD. ft ..,.... --= ~-"Pra7." The -rid aa~ vidual'• lntente .warenetl of hl1 ane ~... ....., ,., uq .... _,r .rea•'-... limltatlono. Chrt .. lan oxlstentlallsm '<"'• '·· "' " Tbo ~ ..,.., "'l'ruat." The world ..,.., ...,.._ the subfedlve or the In-"''d bo .. raM If 1 wera JOb." ward aspedl ol a human !Ieins 'l'bo Ooolptl_ ~ ''G,..t Ia 1011r .....n." 'l'bo Cll>nlldered at a crHtuN ol Cod. world 191o "PraDkJT. lt'o DOt 'II'Orlh 1t." ~ fundamental theolotl-The oaop.~ •:rw. '"l'oda'l ta tho da1 at oaln.. .,. ...ulnly II<> not lcnowm.IY tlon." Tile world .,., "Walt-not Jut~" ct.olfy ..... ._ at -~ 'l'bo Goopel-. "We an •...S "'llopa. The 1111. We hold 1o., obleclr..ICind-worlcl_,., "l'haro Ia 110 hoM." .vel whldl 11 111e Yl'lfd o1 Cod. Tllo OOoDel ..,.., "'od 10 1o'N4 tile world tiiN Ewlylhint -do II CIIIICIItloMd "-pw ti.t Oftbo bo..,U. loll, tllal wlooN ,,. 1w the llllllelltldly _, the ....._ bollloilllt Ill 111m abould not DOI'fah.., lNt ...... ol .,. ..... l'tlnllly, .... .-tullq llfL" Tbo world aa7o. "'11M unl- lam, If It lila wry mampll ~~~~.:~~~=•,:; Ill,~ ltMif~~ ,._ will"' alllo to ~-aattafadOtilr lo Ida llfli ' ., than .... ol ..... ~ I*" Q'da." , v11C*Ihe,llbllal IW'fi(Ulm, To wlliell wiU JOil JW.! C><' I Keep cool with CANVftS AWNINGS • 1710 N!W,ORT COSTA MESA ,~_,., Fro1n tile Polic(' Blotter tflnmuut~ O:on\1rt9ntiunnl l!ihurrh · A. Fru tmd I,.Jepnde"J Co"trett~tio,al Cbristi4n Ch•uch TI-lE REV. JOHN A. LINDVALL, Miolster Suod~ Setvtce aod Omrcb Scbool at 10:00 L 111 . ' . ~~~ IUQ,t.D ~TREEJ, HEWPI;>RT IIEICHts . ' Phone: 642-2740 Hu~••rv -~.,. provldecf IUPOIITHAMOR !Ill Gil . I'UII.IIM£0 llfl\l Y • 'AIIU Baseball schools ~A'\JER BUICK e CONNELL CHEVRO- LET e COSTA MESA DATSUN e JOHN· SON & SON LINCOLN MERCURY e MIRACLE MAZD4 e NABORS CADILLAC e DAVE ROSS I'ONTIAC e THEODORE ROBINS FORO e UNIVERSITY OLDSMO- BILE e BUSINESS DIRECTOR Y • BEAUTY SALON ro_ .. _. ' ..z:;.o,..aiiN 4- BEAUTY NOOK 2732 E. Coast Hwy . Corona del Mar Phone 644· 7336 •DRY CLEANERS F inat quality dry c:le.nlnJ on the prnnisn • Sdf-senoict: laundry All new -lalesl modd F rip;bire wash en 3200 E. Coan Hwy., COM Phone: 673·9605 SALES !I SERVICE QO I . 17TH n . COlT.-...... 114&-7706 -846-8866 MALCOLMtaUOI~IR FLOWERS FOR All OCCASIONS DeM11rl Tosh FLORISTS Call these merchants for service • HEARING AIDS HAL AEBISCHE R ~·!. Proper F 1ttmg Assurt'd 3409 E. Cou t Hw~ Coro na del Mar 675-3833 •Marine Hardware .;e~ C\orhin1 No~ul!~,t <·II" Marine-Hardw:ar\" Op<!'n Sncn Day• o1 \lh·d• to s~c You l!.u1u 2700W. Co.t Hwv .. N.B 645-1711 tOftlceEqulpment ·, • • ' ..... _ll.-. . . . .) .. . A.L MAllSAC PLIJIDEII 700 c.r.atlon A ... c ........ liar • • SHOE REPAIR ANTHONY'S SHOE SERVICE COMPLETE SMOI , LUGOAOI AND MAND8AO PIE PAlM 34.01 E. Co.n Hiehw.v Corone~ M•r ~OM .67~0 Od•r Loclllio.,: • J433 VIA UDO, NIEM'OPIT • 74 FASt-410N ISLAND • 1101 IRVINE, NIEWPOPIT • R081N$0N"S DEPT. STOAIE F-'$HIOH ISLAND • ALTERATIONS • LE i THER. • SL'EDE 8 HOUR SERVICE MR.O 548.0146 120 · C TUSTIN AVE . NEWPORT BEACH )14-Jt off Coasr Hwy BrJu.,d Tw"''cr Dn.rs} J&J UPHOLSTERY M2-18'78 148·8011 world series draws more big names ftL IIIII fl lloiiJwM ...... -II JIJ_.a--..... -.---~lotll_. -,....~_.,-Ill -. IJCI '"""• -.,_ -1o ...,._.._,.!leo, AIIJCI• -·- ..... --&1111 aB!td • ..C--..,-.... ..,C ... VP,IU-tort--llldool-. tllo-., ,_ ,..,.... 0..00.~ Dt;jd ot fa "'• . --·liiD ...... ..,,......,_. j4q ....... ·-llr..., lm-prp ...... lliollllc-1007 ..... -~­IWioor, _, "-..,_,_ no ..-ur -~~~ --. 1101 tori:IO p.m.-,, A,.U It, &I tllo lX:IIIl-·-.... Will p!l Uoo mJtlll3' ~ .... &lid ..,enl lDcal '*"It =~~::·=-~ 70lr'l pmo wu -br RUDY IUIUCM ~~1:r=~~ BASEBALL ROUND -UP LOCAL CRAMPS ~com. Mea and third belt 1a Soutbetra 6"11" I d 4llfD w. JMr Uetreta are Costa Meu'• Mutuel wou Frau Yrqoat Apt Coto111 del CallfDrDla 1D tbetr ace lfOlC) are tblae 4th p-ade foot-I IS ea s OQI dollar per per-., Hprd-tba1r ftnt lrTt.DIIM.p pme Mar JJl cbeek. JIYlar .... IOio bollera !rom LIDdberoll Sc:bool Tber woo the cblmploa-ltu ol op, lJd ... be .,.... T•ooll1, secrlllr earl)' lo-homer lo Matt ~ lor tbe •blo 111 the Oronp Countr Manlclpol Athlallc .u... no1 So lh d cor ... del Mar 4-1. Till lou Soa K!Dp' oaly ocon • ._u loaroamelll IDII w011t oa to Lawndalo to the Solllll-u squa SANDPIPERS REMAIN ltft the Set KlDp s !UIIpmaa ElllDcta pltchlll( wublutod on Caltlornta pll)'Olll, wbero theJ Hod lor third. In the AT lOP IN LEAGUE ~'!:L-1 io11JU8-Io&dln& Leo AI-lor 10 blta br the powuiUI ltoat row, trom lett, are Robert ADdersoo, Cbrl1 Tott.rer, Tbe .s.uq,tperseoaUa tbelr amttoe. Lo• Akmlto• Grtftlu u the and BOOby Nettles; blelr. row , from left, Fred Ha.mm..... Tudy Gillis of Corooa del --•-6.1-111 Newport Harbor won Its NC· Leap Jeadtu e-.loded tor 4 n-~ War bJib Kbool aDd ltatella'a ~D of tbe Newport _. ,....rid KtaYitz, Jerry OJswa.ng, Tim Ingle aod K.alllatla T DI.D.Ie ba bee oamed Beacb reer.ttoa Y01leyba.U ODd pme 1n a row, puabinc ruu 1.a tbe flrlt imlln& ud: Kalama, Tbelr coach 1s David Arthur. (Eaalgo pboto.) c~r:bes ~ t:! ,.: lDDual leape u tbe Ieacue 1081 lDto oYer a ruo In the top of the couted to 1.11 ~ 9.Z wtn, LEGAL HOTia _____ L EGAL NOTICE-Orango Couoty hlp acbool all Ita till wool; of actloa tool&fll. 8111 lor 00 utra-lnDJng 3•2 •111 Newport Harbor • Garr Rob- CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH CAUFORNlA ....... bu .. tball -.. ••• -AprU lJ onr Marlna. ert.:JQ stroUd a ruD·ICOI'InC N<Y!'ICE INVITING 'sms :o; J'aoe Z! atp.~C:;;t W~r tbetr third match Estaocla's Eagles lost 9-2 aincJ.t 1D tbt 8th u the Sa1lou SEALED BIDS will be received at the omce ot tbe City CoUece ....W.O. a lou, Sa~1 to Lcs AlamJtos. outlasted Yartu. It na Rob .. Clerk, City Hall, Newport Beach, Calltornta, mUll 11 :00 neP.me,wbichtstbe.ta.te'a do1rDed Dtr Jut Tbura,. 15-Frlday, Corona ~tW:arwtU ertaoo.'• ltCObd Rm of the 3 00~ bl~ sebool all -·· bu. 11, 15-10, 14.18, t.w .... 2 ot s Yt.stt Elt&ncla, Costa Utsa pme. Tbt wiD tor Sailor ptt .. A.M. on tbe 1st day of May, 197 , at which time they wUl k ::._U-tlll t••· ·~ 1 p.mu to wtn tbe ma"te"b joameys to Edlsoo and Newport cber Ente Hoot ..., bis 5tb be opeDtd ud read, for performing work u follows: e\loa auo ,nmmer, M-• Harbor Is an Anaheim. ap.lut a stnrle settact. 19'1!-7! SEAL COAT PROGRAM tures tbe county I tap Hlllors. A !-1 will oorer HtmtiDctoD An error Dennis Delany's Last Frtday Coroaa del ll.ar CONTRACT NO. C-1521 Gillis w1.11 coachtbeSoutbSq'llld Beacb pre Farklu al-lorer ~ trtple aod ainrte by Mart Scb. lost 603 to M~lJ.a, EltaDcJa B1di must be submitted on tbe Proposal form attached wttb and Danley wlllbaDdJetbeNortb aU matcb reeordfortbeiiUOA. rapp pve Costa Mea S ftrst. drOR*Iu 8-5dleUioatoSaDla tbe coatract doc:umeDta turDisbed by the Public Works Depart-chores. The pmea are IPOO· Fartlea WOD 15-8 &D:I 15.10 l.anlnc runt ap.tnst Corooa del Ana Valley Fouata!D Valley mtllt.TbtaddltlooalcopyoftheProposalForml.stoberetained sored by the CoRa Mea KJ .. last Tburldl.y a.ad ~ 1 warattbewtMtr'aftek!Toel-btuted co.b. Uta 8-1, &Dd br the blddor lor bls rocor<lll. wanla Club. 12•15 declldoo. dar oftor110011. Tbl M-.,. Nowpart Harbor blaUod Weat. Eacb btd mu.t bt acoo~ed by CUll, certUl.t cbect or Coacb GUlla, Wbo played for 1Dt1D1t:J aJM) ptcbl! 'II' tllelr added a rUD In tbl third &Dd mi.D.IUr 1..0 Bldllor'• Bood, made payable 1o tho Cttr ot Newport -cb, the UolTOratl)' ol Cllllornta'a 2od mllcb willa-•IIIIICia · tlr ID amount equal to at leut 10 percent ol. tbe amount bld. NCAA cbamplonsbtp ti&D'I 1n lo• bJbiiDki.DcwtDllaSipectra G d I b t UCI Tbo t1111 of the pnjoct IDd tbo worde "SEALED BID" 1baU 1959, led Cor®~ dtl Mar'1 15-', I8-161Dd 15-11. ran s am oos s bt cllarly marked on tbe outside of the erwek:Jpe contatptnr the Sea KJnp to u lrl'iDe Leap TOD!cbt, Dtc mMtl Spectra bid. cbamptoastdp th1J: put MUIXI.. at 7 p,m,, Farttn tuN DD Rod Speoce'a p'lDd slam dolt)., w1n bro~ tbl U::l Tbe Coatract Documents that must be completed, executed, HlJ aquad wu !8~! IJld re~.cb-lnflD1ty at 8 ud: tbe ~· bomer and Ru Hwnpbrlea• ......:m record to zo .. v. &Dd returoed 1n tbe sealed bid are: ed tbe CIF <(.A eemJ-ftDall will try to atay tmbeatenapJut shutout pltclltnr blcftU,rud a Speace tted tbe OCI ......, A. Proposal before Josinc to eYeataal Huat1DCb:J Belch at 9, doublebelder sweep bJ OC Ir-bomer record wtt!l b1a sso .. B. Desipation ol Subcontractors champion Verbum Del, 69..6S. AU pmes are played oo rtoe Saturday over Chaptnlll toot bl&Jt oorer tbe left ft .. S C, Bidder's Bood His <(.year coa ch.lnr record at Tbardy o.Jptnt lJDcoln mid-College tn bueball actloo oo tenee to the 6tb 1nn1nc o1 tbe D, Non..eolluslon Attldavlt Corooa del War lB 79.27. dle ~~eboolam 1o Harbor View tbe OC1 campus fteld. Spence ftrst pme. Jeff K111Doff E. statement of F1nanclal Responalblllty Dr. Tom NeLson of tbe Cos~ Hilla, and Humpbrles combln«< tJIJ. brouelJt his HUOO uenp to F. TechDJ.cal AbWty and EJperleoce References t:a Mesa KJwuls Club ls tbe Tbe Jeague Ia sponsored by eots 1n the opener to post a ,!09 with 5 bill 1n 8 trlpl to THRE IS A FACTORY AUTHOIIJZ. ED DULII FOR MIY I'OPULAI MAKE CAl IN THE WORLD ON COSTA MESA'S HAIIOI IOULE- YAID OF CARS. . friendly • Convenient • Reliahle Tbese docwneota sba.ll be attlxed with the signatures and game cbatrma..n. Coe.cbes Tlm the Newport Bach Parka, 9-0 dectstoo a.ad ln the Dlrht-the plate, lDclDd1Jll a pa1r of titles of the perBODS sf.plng on bebalt ot tbe bidder, For Cor-Tl.tt of UCI and Paul Peak of Beaebes aDd Racrea.t:loo De-cap Gary WbeeJock wa.s tbe doubles. porat.lona, the aiptures ot the Presldenl: or Vlce Presldld Southern Callfornil Collepare partm•••llll.•••••••lli"iiiDDiioriiirioii!.i•io•ii·iii'oidiiecii!aliiiliooii . .iTholiii••••••••••••••••---~~~i;i;i;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;.. I.Dd Secretary or A&sistant Secretary are required and the Cor-ga.me adrlsors. Oranp Coast pora.le Seal shall be &mud to all documents requiring aipatures. Collece basketball coach Herb 0 u R Ill tbe cut of aPart:nersbip, tbeslptureot at leut 001 pDtnl U•stJls pme coordinator aDd LOOk ~OJ! T H ~ h48lE~ A l CC':.TA MfSA OEAlniS OH >iA RBO A BLV C BfTWHN \AN DIEGO FRHW4T AND NEWPORT BlVD -Ia ........ d. -•• --.., Doo Loa.-., "' No btds w1ll be accepted from a Contractor wbo bU DOt been Weatmluter hilb IIChool. Jim Uce.ued 1D accordloce with tbe proristoasolCMptar 9, Dt'fiaioo Carnett, occ sports tntorma. m of ~ BuaiDess aDd ProteasioaB' Code, Tbl Contractor tloo director, w111 handle pub- abl.ll atate l11s Ucense oumbet a.ad clasaUlcatloa In tbe Propoa.l, Uclty, ODe lit ot P.llns IDd Cootraet Document•. loclurtiDI 5pec1al Pro'r1mc:u, may be obtaiDed &t tbe Publle WorU Department. Cltr Hall, Newport a.cb, Caltlornta, at 00 coot 1o Ucaoaod 000• U. C. I. SPIK ERS WIH -a.m taroq-tblt the PlaoaUidCoatnct Documoato 5 TEAM TOURNEY be rM1IrDed wtthtD ! ..., att.r tbe bid opentna. oc Ir't'ine used depth and The City bas adopted the standard SpeelllcaUons tor Publlc 4 IDd.IYidual •tctorles to win a Work& Coostructioo. (1970 Edition and StWlements) as prCJUed 5-t81lm traek and fteld meet by theSoutbernC&l1tn'nlaCha,ptersoftheAmerlcanPubllc Works Saturday on tl'le UCI campiiS As~lation a.nd the Assodated GeoeraJ Contractors o1 America. ftekS UDder oew coacb Bill Olpies may be obta.IDed from BuJ.ldlns News, IDe •• ~5 OverlaDd. Toomey. Are., Los Angeles, CaW. 90034., (213) 870.9871, OCI scored 83 points to 67 The City has adopted staooard SpeclalPrortsionsa.ndStandard for Asusa Pactne, 53.1/2 for Drawings, Copies ot t.bese are avaJla.ble at the Publlc Worts Claremont Mudd, 39 for Blola Department at a cost ol $1.00 pe:r lilt. lDd !1.1,/% for Cbl.pman. lD a.ccorda.Dc.e wttb the provisions of Article z C~ 1 Mark Rafter, a tresbman Put 7 ot the C&lltoraia Labor Code (Sectlou 1770 'tt MQ ) ~ trom W18terD htrb aehool. 1POCI City CoUDCU ot the City ot Newport BMcb hu ueer~ tbe tbt 100 ID 9.7 IDd WU IICOOd pooral pnvalllq rlla of par dlom wapa 111 the loca1ltJ 111 Ill the no Ill 21.4 alooc w!tll wbJeb the work Ia to be pertormtd tor each eratt cluaUlcation pacJDc tbt Aute&tera' 440 relay or type ot workman or mecban.ic Dteded to uec:X. tbt cootraci tMm to YtctorJ lD .U.S. Senior IDd ._. Mt forth thtae lttma 1n Rt1oluUoD. No, 7111. a6opted Grer Seal woo tbt S-mUt r1m J'unt 12, 197%, A copy o1 aid reaolutlonla a.nU&bl•ln the omce tn 14:47,8 tor tilt onl:J other ot tbe City Clerk, All parties to tbe oootract aball bt IOYtrotd track YictorJ tor tht Anteaters. by all prOTIJloo.s ol the C&Ufornta Labor Code rtlatlnf to pre-Errol Joaea IIIPed 44.-1-1/4 Yaillnc 'ftp rates (Sectioo.s 1770-17811Dc:lualn). to wiD tbt trlplt jumpandCtar. 'ftl ..,. f811in81 tfte .rtcllt .. reject Uf 01 &D. l:l&da lDd lo lei Eulo, another freshman, won wUft Uf lab'mallty iD Acllll&da. tbe pole vaaH with a leap r1 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, CAU FORNlA Laura. Lagios. Cfty Clerk 14-6. OCI'a James Jacksooft.nlsbed 2Dd In tbe 44.0 Intermediate hurdles aDd Srd In tbe hips. Publlsh: Aprtl 12, 1973, In the Newport Harbor £nslp. TEHHIS DUMLOP-WILSOM RacketsDAVIS-BAMCROFT STRINGING SWEAT SOX SWEAT SUITS GYM SHORTS & SHIRTS ALL PURPOSE SHOES BASEBALL SMOU CONVIRII JACK I'URCILL. TRETORN .-.Dto.u LADIES TIN HI$ sox LADIES Tll4f!IIS SHOES NYLON TllloCIC PANTS Track Shoes • II TEAM MEANS • • • NO UNHAPPY 0 ., .... a ---..... __ DEAR FRIENDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, Our fUty years In the automotive business hall shown us that today' s new car buyer wants just a llttle bit more, so we've put together our "Golden Touch" program for just that purpose. Starting with a fair and honest deal, we proceed to do everything humanly possible to dellver that new Lincoln or Mer- cury to you the way It should be • , • tuned to perfec- tion • • • beautltully hand polished • • . extensively road tested and carefully Inspected by our nrvlce management. We know this wll1 makcl for m&Dy mtles of trouble free driving pleuure •. Come in today and see for yourself the difference a Johnaoo and Son Golden Touch car makes. DICK JOHNSON Vtca Prelddent ... or ,. ""' c.r •• , ........ ~~ ........ ··orangi!Ocoufintll'' _p~"'~s~'IIOCI/ fillnt car•~ or,.""' c.r ••• \lL . ... .•••••.• ,. • •• LOIS MILLER Lois Miller, Sales Anociale for the Macna~ lrvtne Realty Corhpany has sold over f800 000 worth of property during the week ending March 31, 1973. A.Js . Miller, who sold approximately 3 mil- han dollars worlb of property in 1072, has al- ready sold well over one million for the first three monlhs of 1973. ---FOR THE YOUNG IN HEART! BAYFRONT OPENSAT& SUN.l . -l~ ~YSIDE DR. CORONA DEL MAR It's new, oo 50' fee lot, slip tor 45 ' boat, 4 bedrooms, 5 baths. Custom design. Fun home . Super value. $235,000, G. Grupe. --Ill NIIWPORT CENTER lilt. C3U11Io THIS TWO STORY HOME ... for the large faMily with a need for many extras. SEPARATE family room. 5 bed- rooms. 3 baths. LARGE kitchen with diDlng · area PLUS a formal dining room, two fire- places (1 in the upstairs master suite). Large fenced yard for the children. $56,500. ' ~-SMIM. ,__ ____ IS RiALTORS ---IIUI-~ .... -.~ 644·7210 THE IRWIN COMPANY REALTORS Peqonal seMce on UCIUIIve reaktentiaJ and eetect Income propet't~M. U!II'OI!TIWIIOIEIIIIGII TltURSDAY, APRIL 11.1973 PIIIUIIIGIUIU.Y -PAGE II COIIOIIA D£1.11AA, CAL. CURT DDSH ofuuk})~ WIIM WAtaFaOMJ · .._ IY -HTMIHT •L-IIIollrlw ---. bdnm., 5'h balhl. =:~v1Dg~~!"$o~ LinN ltlo Woto•i• ""I EIHIDl <Ullom 5 bdrm., famlly room, 5'11 badi ltome. Paooramlc main chBDrlel view. z Slalrways, a llreplacel. Laree huat oUp ........................... ms.ooo. Llnlle ·lste w .... f••t Beau.Uful, new 4 bdrm., 4Y.a ba. borne on 1qooD. with living rm.., famUy rm., lge. pme rm. 0< lith hilrm. . ......... -.000 ,.,.c-'otolnfonnotion ()n All -& ....... -Cal~ BILL GRUNDY., .Realtor ..... ••••••••ooooo• HALF AN ACRE Emerald Bay Fantastic view lot with view o! Do.na Point, Irvine Coves. Excellent, slightly sloping building site. $87,5 00. Offico 0,..-... ..._. PETE BARRm REALTY TAKES HONORS FOR SNUGNESS WHAT A PRESENT FOR MOM! THJS NEAT TWO BEDROOM, TWO BATH BELOW-COAST-HIGHWAY HOME IN CORONA DEL MAR HAS HARDWOOD FLOORS, MODERN KITCHEN AND IS WITHIN WALKING DISTANCE TO BEACH AND SHOPPlNG. SSl,SOO BUYS IT! (This wool<) NKAL TO !It a.o WUT QDAIT HIOHWAY N8WO"T MACH e.a_....,z SES¥ OPEN SUN.l-5 537 VISTA GRANDE THE BLUFFS Three bedroom, ! bath eoodomt.D1u. aU oa lleYel. • • OPEN SAT. & SUN .l-5 606Yz MARIGOLD CORONA DEL MAR Three bedroom rear llllit wtth tlrepkce, deck, etc. Rented two bedroom troat boue. • • OPEN SAT . & SUN .l-5 1412 SANTANELLA IRVINE TERRACE Three bedroom bome w1tb ~ tarre master bedroom; brlgtlt b.m11J room trltb wet bar, Jarp dining uea. Located iD family oeigtlborhood. I E A L T f' I ·" CORBIN • MAlliN INC. GOLF COURSE VIEW Outstanding 5 BR, 3 ha. Calif..COntemp. on Mesa Verde Golf Course. Owner bldg. new home, wants long escrow; buy now at $74,500 FOREVER YEW-DOVER SHORES FJ.ea:anl, la:e. bay view home; 5 BR. 4 ba. Comp. entertainment center around lge. btd. 6: filt'd. pool; locked wrought iron gates. '166,000. Land avail. CARMEL MODEL HARIOR VIEW HOMES 3.Bdrma:., formal dining nn .. family nn.; brick frplc. Only one year young. Owner leaving area. ·$71 ,500 Including the land! MAMMOTH LAKE 0 Near to ski lift :t7 &: 8 & not far from lalce -contemp. styling; 2¥• baths. 6 Bdrms. R (muld sleep 25 people). $57,500. For full lnfpnnation call Georgine Baugbt at Corbin-8 HartiD. Call -US· _. rool ...... --WE __ oi...,. .............. ,..- Msapwt·C:... ....... c.... ... UNIVBR.SITY R.BALTY CoRBIN-MARTIN] -1 a. COAaT HWY. COltON A DI!L MAN, ... II-41:11e[ ~====644-7662====-~ - (P-bYI);Widjl A Real Estate Broker This quJet, thougbttul man Is Bob Holderteth of our Corona del Mar otrlce. He wiU oot try to 0'1'«- wbelm JOG or force you into a buy or sell decU;too you may later reeret. He wut atmply do bis too 1n a tborougb., etfecUve qy and lfve yoa eYery bit of his attention. In b.ct, we at Colwell Properties aU try to do just that. No fr1lls, oo gimmicks, oo rub tmfotmdecl statements --just a hard worklb&: professional cro~ trying ea ch day to do our PI> a little more thoroughly. We are a full serYtcerealestatecompuy, CALL 675-'1225 COLWELL ~nc- 675-7225 .,_..,. C» -cotw.& co. MACNAB IRVINE FINER HOMES GREAT OCEAN VIEWS "6 GREAT BAYFRONTS" NEWPORT'S MOST ELEGANT BAYFRONT Traditional design by Grenzbach. 2'r.~: yrs. old. 73' on Bay, 269' deep. Accommodates large yacht. 3BR, drn, :Maid's room. Over 6000 sq . ft. or livine: space. '790,000. Shown by appt. only. \Kll) BALBOA PENINSULA BAYI'ROHT 2 lots w/older borne. Pier & slip. 2 homes may be built on this property. 55.75' ON hay. f247,000. Tom Queen 1144-6200. (Kl2) "LINDA ISLE LAGOON" EI~anre is U1e theme of lhi!> 1\LW SBR Bayfront. Pier & slip. Dona Chtc hester 642-8235. OPE:'-~ S \T. & !:5V~. 1·5 p.m. .::54 Linda Isle. 0\.13 1 MAGNIFICENT BAYFRONT U00 AT ITS BEST. t BR 31:: baths. !ami· ly biU1ard room. Fully equ1pped bar. Slip for large boat. Pnccd to ... e!l at $265,000. Ron Sherman 642·8235. (Kl4J ! Irvine I· ·· --· .. ··1 HI 0... Drttll MI•IDI ....... IIIJ_IM-._ .... ,.., .... c.lltlnila.,.. * BOYD REAl TORS PIIESOOS * 191S PT. WEY8RIIIGE OPEN SUN. 1-5 A sharp, upgraded Pon ofino model. 3 BR .. 3 ba"s. with a channmg. efftc ent farm kllC'h· en. Easy mainl lJndscapmg & bE'st of a!l . the boous area lS stressed to rode & read y to be your dream stud1o 1537 SERENADE OPEN SAT/SUN. 1-S A pretty spec1al. ::;pcrlal hOU!'f', 2 BR .. 2 ba "!> .• wiU\ a convert. den. The topper -a la rge gleaming pool m a park·ll ke settl.n g. I charm ·· opening to well decorated 3 grac1ous entertain- . pool pal10. 1617 ALISO OPEN SAT/SUN. 1-S Need room? Cape Cod cottage with 2 bdrm!:. &: bath up & 2 bdrms. & bath downstairs. Wonderful for teenagers or in·law~. Dtlight· !~!i,o It a big 3 car garage. Asking only """'f'I'T,~C\0 ~J:1BOYD -· * 67S..SHO * 362fLC..Hwy, , __ .... _ Bales through the Multiple LliiUnc Service ol. the Newport Harbor-Co.ltl Mesa Board o1. Realtor• totalled $45.1 liiUIJ.Oil III the ftrat 3 montlul o1. 11173. TBIS IS A 25% INCREAD OVER THE SAllE PERIOD ~F le'lll 1,241 oew Uatlnca -re ~•rrll. ol. which 6'7% WBRE 80LDI 6'7% cl U.aaln-re~. Lillt J'(IUI' )llr'OpNty • • -- CONTINUOUS PERFORMANCES REDUCED PRICES SHOWTDI£ 7:00 and 9:55 lor Sunday Schedule u.s . DEIIIED FOR CLIFF DRIVE PARK . • • of social notf> IJ PIG .llao -......a, Nllrod ..... 1111t--1 Dr.CIIJCo••''"•--l&llft, 1M c11r-llo oblo ~I-llrtM,DII0- 01! .-o I INI,aolnlll!' p_,-.,........,,._._ ...... ..-~~~-lloiiOollil tal toll z:wW,.-to..., 1111 Ud at lbo ~Car t::• -.:::; .._._ ....! 8laa llo - -oM Au 'I;-.... tor 1M .. Ill •1 -put """::r,.ilra.. .... -* 'IIIOo .. put PIIPllll 1111111 !::: --.... __..._,,---· ...,._ ... __ ao~...._,1CIIIIllrlft-----TIU -u.o =-ID I~---..-.... I rt IMII-·t '7-·~--lloo dl•-lllllftiL at 1 .-,.~of ..... IIIN Ill-~~~-,000 CIII!Dr.llr.~llu---_ ... ,...,boolldiiiC .-,.. na ._,. 1o111 u.o dlJ of "-• .. ,,..~u~-...,. 1o ...... u.o ._,.., ,ooo pold 111o r1mo111 .. • ~a~a. ·-c-dtl-.lls-We ,_ -(-~~~ 1111<11 IIIII $100.000 ellllU IIIII 1111 ~--tor Ill..., lbo olio. "1'10 _, .. _..,~od."' lllorllwu-!F•rJID_.. _, 11o at ~.-)II lo-.1-.-n.c-1111-oiiiiiiiiPiolbo llaJW ._ld llelwdo, m-lin ..... told IMCIIJC-- Io mpr ~o,•U.OIIodc-lfUd I(JII at 1M ... ~ ood 1l_lul_bl'llll._,. eliJ 1o -1M $100,000 u II Plllloloil -f ftJ .,_.-ell _,---"VIfto Ia( ~ IUid ";'~ --lfiD llld 1-pi<* -11. t>r 111o now par~ WU -· mw lit, u looc. U II woal of -1 lllnto ...-IJ .... part of Cod'o aiUIIr PIPI. -.., -ciOOro 1ftl' Swo 'u ll'o 1 ..,_ plleo mullod u pwelato · al 1111 -... --'t1 .,...-Ia< .... lbo b--llo dll-IUid I lqlod WI ooald pi u Ill I MW1J l>olllllolldlllc II Z'IS? to ..... 1 ._ 1111. --IIIIo-._ CIIUrell 1bo Jill:. fteull, pol-0011 llllllbo clil' mliCb al IIIII -.. -IJ ~.:_ C81-R~....;. ·~-:--.. lf,..oro-blrlll<l. -ly lllbewoot ... oflbo Alollorllllt-lramEIIu "mOll Ill .. -lo -If upooolblo." ----• • • • .,._ ..... ~ to Nnpart u....-ot 111o -101-11 .....,. 111 .-... ~~oo _.. Paotllld -11 IInce•-Tbe Sllar~ ltlud YICbtCbi> BeiliU. -·· a111u .._... orty ua part.• 'lOP ATHLETES NAMED Carca dtlllor u lbo place Ill eo-mooll tllat plaao an Tho ell!" bu air-bouC1J1 bor claim. Cll7 parka -Ca!Yio Two 11C 1rY1a0 -..alb- U•olllld_tllolr_boollleu boJDc aw1o tor a -ock z prlftlo loll ldjl>llllnor the Tho olalo boall>llbo church Stonrt lllld the C<Niclllbll loloalla•o-.-lo- l>oca-II ..., moch lib Ban-porly aolll Salwrilll 111c111 at 111o cburell ..-If. G'-Pop. ..-11 ll>r uzo.ooo wboa II corrool .,.._, of lhl I prl. lo lbo U'IS odl-al .. 0111. u. -• lhiJ llld -UriD( A1r1>Q<1er 1m1, whore -p..,Ue par~ adYaealo w1x> Ufts wu""""' aprl&l>l.ol-ftJ lud ftlo loll do DOt wut lo mU -.r eollap alhloloa ol for a aamblr of Jtvl. Moat1 will be aened. Tb1a comlDC aeroa the .treet trom U.Yln for tbl DD'I'~ Pael1le aD4 tr..t & mt1\lmam ~ t1S,-Amerle&." TMJtreiJl-Amer- hadu• -uooc:latod wllb~_: weolt-ood 111o JOelll•-w111 p,_tr, bad .,..-m elll' caoa lr-. U a btU--000 par lot WOI!Id llo -leu ntmmer Tom BauPor ,..! laodloc ---· erldso 1o lhllla"f Ytcltl Clll> ;::~rt:"'~a addltlooal ad· tor -b~-lo buJ lbo I pareola. IUid .,.....u .W..A...,.Ieu Jeff ... tbiJ both bid .... ..., tJer ·with plul tor dJatalr ac nc cwr Earlier t1a11 aster, IDes, 1D opea~Dr 1 "stl-• boaltte stq." tbln. Paul Bruce bad -wttb staodard Oil Co. LD Ha11'1.1.1 until tbe wv broke our. Altboucb be was trltb 1 serrice to military business, he just bad to awt lDto tbe ..,. - nee. He ))IDed the u.s. ud Mned Ytlb the Sea-Bees, the NaY)' couaterpart ot Army ' Engt.oeers. It wasn't loDe alter returDine to ctYIUan Ule tbat tbe Bruces decided to return to , .. nw.lnlalld aDd 10 IJ1to busi- ness tor tbemselns. They ebose Corooa Hillblanda for their borne shortly after the · denJopmeot opened. Although the I!Dprle bwdDess ts coa. stantly etp~DdiDtwltbnew fii.Sb- tou, muy of tbe l:nDd namea which they eokl at tbelropeoiDI · CITY MANAGER- AND BANKER -.--..1 25 years aco are still mak1DC ~ femJ.a!De faahlons aold at tbe I When you deposit your money in a bank, you're care- ful to choose the right bank. And, when you pick a city manager, you should be just as careful in knowing what you're going to pay the man and how he's going to handle your money --and that's just what he does, he handles YOUR money. You try to keep in mind, of course, that the "life" of an average city manager in a California city is 4 years. What business would pay a top salary to a key man knowing such a short average work span exists? UP BARBRATHE SlREISAND WEST COAST PREMIERE Ill BOX Cool. soo. Mat. trom z:ooo ENSIGN SUBSCRIPTION ORDER SEND IN YOUR SUBSCRIPTION ORDER TODAY I ONLY $5.00 FOR ONE YEAR ----------------- ......................... 0 ••••••••••••• 4DD1l181 •••••.••.••••••••••••••••••.•• cm ......................... m .... . diiD til nil I 01011 Wlnl U.OO TO. 111'11'0111 IIAIIIOR IIISIGII 2711 L CIDAIT PY ., CD milA DIL liAR SI-Sbootodar. • • • Prepuatloa.s are feYertsh at tbe Wllllam D. bome 00 ~~~·III=P~Ia~e~e·t:;;,~~~ tile --the .... Lee Ia 800 carter, eoo o1 Mrs. Carter of Costa Yea aDil Law- ~n Carter of Los Aartlles. The JOUill COIC)le, wbo ban betD eop&Od sloee last Iilii, will be married Saturday at Ply- mouth Coo.ereptlooal Church of Newport Harbor. • • • Getting inYOIYed is S~sed to be a lost art these days. Not so with Anchor MulDe, which rues boats aDd thlnp at their Dunes ludtnr. Wben C. B. Sha.Doep and 3 ot hi& employees at Ancllor Wa.rlDe saw the smoke acrosstbenter last week-end, they all kladed onto their wee and made tor the stricken boats ••• even tboup C. B. alrudy bad a broken left wrist trom all ac- cfdeot the week before. Tbe)'*re credited wtth saYing some of the boats, because they UTtnd even before the tlre department. And Mr, Sbannep cot bfs other arm burt Jn the melee wttb a 4-l..nch cut to the booe. • • • Tbe magical klfl&dom of fan- tasy, Dl.sneylaDd, paid tribute to the master mactcl.a.D wbo created U, on SuodayattbetowD ha.ll aQuare at h.lgb oooo at the amusement park, A.IJ of Walt Disney's bmous fJ.TOrUe cbat- acters were oo hand tor tbe dedication, along with bi.Ddlud daocers and a 75 member later- oatlonal Uttle cb.lldren's choir singing "It's a Small World'' In se-.eral different Ja.Dguaces. Tbe soutblaad's press aDCI many moTfe and TV petSOD· aUUes were preseDt tor tbe celebration, held lD tbe 50tb years of Walt DLsDey Produc- tions. A new attracttoo. "The Walt Disney Story," featured In the town square opry bouse, was formally opeoedwttbartlit from Walt Ol.soey's widow, Mrs. JobD Truyens; Mrs. Roy 0. widow ot Wall's brother Ror; Diane Disney Miller, dluctftt of Walt Dtsoe:r, 'lritb ber baa- band, Roo M11Ier, a.ad tbe1r 7 children; SbarObDimeJ 1...-d, another da upter, 'lritb bel' ltUI• baad, WUUam LUDd, IDd tbelr 2 dauotteu; RaJ E. ~. SOD of Roy 0 , Dlaey, aDCI td.l wlte and 4 chiktreu. SlttiDg back of u, lD till crowd ll"''D1 tbe IQ•n, wu Actor KHDID. WJDD wttla mem- bers of bl8 fllmUJ, uc1 .. •• allier .. ~ .............. lbo park, lOC bllilJith"'Mt•• CalJot. Nearbr ..., Clllp Cloar1ol0lllr HIYID ... &Cfoee tlae ftJ WU ~~~~.. Dw .. Don't get me wrong --I don't blame a city manager for getting all he can. But, the people negotiating with him should remember that they're paying him YOUR money to handle YOUR money. That's where the Mayor and City Council come ln. U they don't use good judgment in hiring and negotiating pay and in keeping a tight rein on how the city manager spends your money, THEY'RE AT FAULT . Newport Beach used to be known as a thrifty city. During the period of 1964-68, Newport had the lowest tax rate in its history, yet we got more parks in those 4 years than in any others --and we doubled the pay of policemen. How did we do it? We had a strong Mayor and Council, who held a tight rein on spending. Now, we're faced with a $16.5 million budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1. The city has had its biggest single-year revenue bonanza in years. The building boom, the big jump in assessed valuations and the sale of the old dump site have fllled the coffers. Yet, we can't get a reduced tax rate in the city? Let's cut some costs. The city manager's office used to run on about $30,000 a year. Now, it's up to $92,000 just for salaries. I contend that the assistant city manager should be a part-time college trainee and that the admin- istrative assistant's job should be done away with. Once before, I recommended that the jcbs of harbor and tidelands administrator, assistant police chief and traffic engineer were excess baggage. All 3 of these jobs have since become vacant and nobody has been hired to flll them. Why? Because they WERE excess baggage. Now, let's start on the city manager's administrative staff. Attend the budget hearings coming fathers know how YOU feel. up and let the city AL FORGIT 'YHI tDU'IMLAMD'S PIMaiT e KAaDWARI • COLONY PAIHTie SMALL APPLIAMCU • ~G IU,PLIII IT --