HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-06-20 - Newport Harbor Ensign. !H§_CRtJEL SEA-UNFORGIVING FOE 11&pt •N "1&111 rd .. *' _. ..._ J h llalllaati!M u...,.... .. ...,.._ e...,.. ..... ot ... a.~rom•-& IIICII dlltr .. callldNiq: lac COI'Id 111ft OUII'nd b'om mUM oil tbllaludl" wu 1a 11111 -• a1 tllo lUI a1 , .... -tllo .,._ II 1111 -"' -tlloi_.a •--eerlll Ill Ud 1111 wu otnklltc-obll<ttq oo1 ot t11o oloeb't<al .,,.... . tbt ''SI!oottac 8tar" S. ..,_ 011'1'.,... -' t t , II' t.ld ot ,.... YWdl ttom &11 re... tM d1rteUoa c. ltr-etb o1 Commce PfOCedcat tor all .,._ Ul.ro.P f1oodtal. 0r It ~·Io tbe ncilllty tJI" till W- blrt bJ Eulpa ltdf •••'-t:IIN•.-o e ctfoel For port~:, bdt burtiC tbt «~t.. Pl'tnlllll wtadl;, ft ca.da-tHMlJ llllder "Mayday'' (dit-could bl.,. oecarrtdtbrOIIIbthe lands bu ben r...-w u Bob u--...-.--... --.._.. N ,_,, tiU JW'OC .. I UID&tt ftft, .. lbl lbould ban pii.JI till J)l'..oet of wrecllll' tr ... ) clrumtW.Ic:81 ls to keep stlideft nt-IW'&J ot radto 6o.-eaet wor..t~ ..... o1 tbe radio ~.·-·•...--• (I(WI's J'..tiJ.UrtdudalaM, bMD able to t:l.keMdlblbeeo a1Jout J2 mllet Dtllrtlllwtlt of calJ1nc. tiPflltlDC tbemessap aoteaD& IDd/or the entire ;iJ,· aa4 lD t;.d .-..at : :'.~•..: Ale ~--at-llllr ~lai lD IOUDd. ber ..Um&ttd PMitloa at tbe .OYer tDd oYer ...Ul reiii)OD.Ie aupultruc:turt abo'redeek, the nieht, wttbmonatt..tn..-- poftf &ad •lllDc ftaM18, 1 -~ · • yeua All..boae' we ,_,. DO .nut time ot ber eaU f« bl_, U tbe Ia obtalDill. Aaotbtr rea.,. tor oelt wan ftWnc' aDd Sl.nldng stbly ch'ea 10 surri'f&l uu to 1-·o u l 1 -1_ ..,.ll&lftpd ud rtpllr.t, 1M bud latorm&Uoa oa tbe com -ns•l did lD fact meel:dl_.r COGtlauoua dlltress brOldcaat tbe bo&t. Th.ls would e11>latn oa••-•-n, tbe --""'-_... _ _. •ft 1 • p._ wu -Ia tbl ...S.W oiiOlllt -'.-.. .. al -r IDd •ri-cloH to tbe l.aluda. WebreU....e •-...... , -·---•--.. -st-1 -uu ··--.-.....-. V S Ponr Sq----.. •-) -.,._. ........ UA ...... u.-. -the cUscovtr)' ofJuperltr~teture tion could easily blftbtiD tM · · • -:u'............ wbo ...., Mr, ...,. laDctr a ptor, U ls rtpelfted tll&t bOtb that eometbtot bGII111d nd-rtYes lbore statloas aDd shfpt wreckap so far from her re. posiU.oo from which the call 8 ,. 808 MONRAD trlllJ -wwttry boat; ud molt wert well q•WIM. We tbere-dtD)y, &Del bue t~• belief oa a.t sea time to tate 1 radio ported position; 1t JmpUes t.bat carne. Tbt eertaiDIJ DOt ODt to tab 1ato fort ra)e oat the Jtrlkloc of tbe fact ol oalJ two ndlo calls direction ftoder "tlz" IDd plo-wbatever tbe disaster. 1t took The most ·reasonable espla- terrtbly ':tor~~ tbeal '.!'~ tiM 1'1cllit7 ol "laii.J SID Be-a reef or uadeiwtter ptlmacle. tor belp: oae a nrDillc tbat the poi.Dt the eoda.ngered sblp's po-place 32 miles oorthwest of the nation of seq~.Mmte of eYellll error. TbtM few..,.-,___ allot" tabid ••tber at otpt, Wlt!IOut lmowln( tbe dtree-s!Up na tat1nc oa water; tbe slttoo. t.a:laods, and that the reported Is that the "Sbootiog star'" dt- plllulor tbt bu:lc 1.,'; or;;_ U ''lbootiDC star" did DOt bit Uon of resultant drlft due to seeood, about ZO mlDates la~r. This tallure to cootinue call. estimated position of "nve (Cootlnued 00 Page 4) vtftl taapt enry Olt'&l uti.. -·-, -• •. , ·,.-~ • ~ ....... -"'r""• • ' .-.-lf ... tor, coak! Ue at tbe YVJ biUt , · ... • ~"• ' or tbe destructJoo a1 tbrt as foot sblp, ''Sbootlne Star," carrrtnc Soe>emoor "-ld Cupers and 9 albers to probl.ble dll.tb. Tbousuds of wordl baH ' beea 011 press, radio IDd teie- YislOO. speclllatlDc u to nat balli>Oned to the "Sboottn&SIIr" about mldnlP,t 011 TburDY. Juoe 13. The IJIOUtbenlwaterl . l()(. • ·.:a,-.::v• a,..,.-' ~·-·-OiflbCM THE H:A.RaOR 1Nf ONLY L.OCAU't' DWIO, lNDIPeiOfMT ••• MP'IJ"iM nte ~ M!A , 1Ck COSTA MESA otl Baja Callfoorta, tn tllo ri· 26TH YE 'R, uo . •• THURSO e~ of t~t mn• un~ ~~---~~-"--·-·----------~~~A~Y~·.:J.:U~H~E~M=·~19~7~4~~----------~6~7~~.~~~--------~0~F~F~I~C~E~S~1N~CO~RO~N~A~O~E~~~M~A~R~,~C~A~~~IF~O~R~N~I~A gr~ of tslaDds rmowa u "Islas San Benitoe," were PEG JADDEN SUCCUMBS Peg (Wra. Wt.,_.) Jaddea, Long-time work.W b' tbe eou servatlve caaM Ill tbe Newport Harbor Area, dled Taeatay ev- ening ln HunUaatoo Rotpltal, San Marino, at tbe ap ot 78. Services will be cooclucted at ll :30 a.m. Saturday 1n H111- side Chapel, Rose H111a, WbJt . tier, by the ReY. Jolm A. Ltnd- vall of PlymoWh Coogrep- tlonal Church, Newport Beach, where Mrs. Ja~ •as a fowtding member. 3~~ 5 ILLIO FOR SCHOOLS; detatled sequence of enata Mrs. Jaddenmotedberefrom taodlnc tn this d!.....,., But p PERTY T ES ILL GO UP Whittier abooO 15 years agn, .1oe tbtng, lo my oplnloD,. Ia lived on Balboa lslaad I.Dd ln certaio: the loss · or tbe Bay Shores, and for the past "Sbootlog Star" was eaUMd years at the Balbca Bay Club. by ooe, or more Ukely, by Durlng tile laat few weeks of a series of human errnrs t~t her Illness sbe had been wtth could have tnvolved the COD· her daugtlter, Mrs. WUliam dltlon of the ship, judgmeot A $44.5 mllllon budpt for year, as predicted by school owners wlll pay hlgber tans. ''No new programs bavebeeo $1,294,410, ICl tron. this year's preliminary school budget and Cies, ln San Marino. tn ~·· be to .__.A nut scbool year, resulting In oWdals, the new bOOget would Tbe budget for nell school added " •tstrt 1 k 1 1 0 Sunivors also tncltxie a son ......,q r sea._r pre. 1 local 1 , a "' c spo esman 1,11 ,11 . the city government budgets • ft!Ung coadltloos, faulty navt-a ta.J: tncr•se or home-call tor a property tulncrease )'ear is $2.3 miWoo h gtler stressed. A big reduction In the build-now passed or belng consld-Will1a.m Jadden, In Swttz.er- p.tlon, pre-dlsuter surYival oW"Dtrs, was approved T~~esday of ~~ per $100 of assessed than the current year's spend. The budget approved Tues-lng shows only $721,5-46 ear-ered, Newport Beach property land~ 3 grandchildren IJl San action aDd the remote posst-ollht by Newport-Mesa school valuation. However, If the as-ing. School omctals blamed the day Is a preliminary docu-marked for oext year, com-owners would end up with a Martno, Nancy, Thomas and b1Uty of a chance meeting wtth district trustees. sessed values go ~ 8 or 9 Increase on the 9 per cent ment. 1n July, a legal budget pared to $3,092,296 1n the cur-tal ratE: of about $4.80 per $100 Andrew Ctes, and a grand- the "ultimate -wave." U the asselled v'hJatlon of per cent as tbey have In recent school employee pay raise will be otftctally pttlUsbed, and rent schoOl year. of assessed value, and Costa child ln s-wu.zerlaod. You may sa)', as you Ue property lD Ne-wport aDd Costa years, the rate woukl.stayabout granted in Aprtl, and on gen-in August, the final omctal Tu rates cannot be firmly Mesa would have a rate of Mrs. Jadden, a Ute mem- oo the sand or see CatallDa Mesa goes ICJ 5 per cent this tbe same. Ettber ny, property era! lntb.Uooary factors. budget okay will be given by established unUI tbe county as-about $5.27. ber of tbe John Birch Society, llant smor-free day, "I lon Total figures are DOt expect-erty nlue assessments In Sep. visors I'Las the last word on ion Bookstore in Costa Mesa from Newport Beach oo a brU-CASPERS SEARCHERS the scbool board. sessor's ottlce sets oew prop-The County Board of Super . assisted at tbe American Oplo- the ocean!" What you do DOt ed to change, bowever, be -tember. When school budget setting tax rates after the and helped make arnngements lf.now ts tbat tbe sea eveotuaU)' tween DO'fl' and August. ott1ctals started worldng oo the county assessor makes hts val-ror numerous conservative ;.:=::=: .. ~:~vow,' TILL JOB IS DONE' :~:f~;:~~~u:~; ~~r!n:~;.sr.::t~~~-~~~ uac tlon HreporAt inSepMtembeBr. E prRogramsAtn lhes HarKbor As'"· tuul but treacberous eaem)' A prtn.te seerch team seot California, at tbe tnrltatlon or grew to l.oclude the Don Koll der tbe new budget. Thts f\md llmtna.ry budget for the County against which bemustcoo.stant-from Orange Colmty to help Santa ADa poUUcal veteran Co. corporate plane from New-reflects the 1ntla.tlonuy treod, of Orange predicts a 10 per ly dtfeod himseU. the Coast Guard search tor Fred Harber to board Mr. Har-port, and at least 4 other prl-lncludlng pay raises. ..:e~t-~reaoose ttnhatasnS:.~!m,,enthts,. TOURISM FUND Let tbose who new tbe loss County S'"rrlSOI' Ronald Cas-ber's 63-ft. converted Navy vate planes trom Orange The cafeteria fund wtll get ~ ~~o- ol tbe ''Shootlnc Star" as a pers of t:i<lo Isle and 9 others rescqe boat. A leisurely nsh-Cowtty, manned by friends of M t t tragtc cOOMQueoce ol fate or mlsclnc at sea "wtu stay to tnc trtp up the coast was Mr. Casper s. At 10:30 a.m., esa pro es s The city of Newport Beach a.o act of Ciod taD a ookl Mtlieo llltU tiM )lb lJ daM " plaiDed, wtth urtval back lD Nl'fal Resen11t Larry Cham-will be asked Monday to pve ~-~ • .!.._ ~~',w':: :".rc:-,. 1 --.-,.0.. ._. IIIII wwt. Tbo trtp bulolD at West Coftno -bock part ot tlle mooey tt cot. • .._ .,_-ns a Yletcrr di'lltlltloli b 1l'tllt \ooktd Uke the dM:kb\r '*" .., I ~ d leets a.s ··~ tu'' tram vl-\It bnrtMf=• g....uCGD- daJ IIUorf'' taU U0U.W look Jack Gullo, nteiUft ll· Yr. Cupert' JUDI • H-tiec-ftom I )'l.eht, Re 1I'U an cb-are ove rru e sltors so tbe Chamber ol Com-Yelll10DS at"e oorrdJicandwben. '• at tbtlr boats, tbe1r tn.tDIDr, st.taDt to Yr Cupert saJd Uon as 5th district comty sener to a patrol pla.De piloted merce can show the vlltton Tbe elty now collect:; about l.~ause he doesD't toow wl.at we bavt to otter bere. Wt would a'*» l.aaue ~ to their tiP81'1eoceiDd Jldcment. 5 prtrate tw1n:ell(lned Ptanes Jte>trvtsor. Also on the craft by Reservist Conrad Lund of Tbe biggest apartment pro-Pinkley was abseot. where to spend the rest of $340,000 per year tn bed tax Only Ulrou&flthlsaeU.ezam.IDa. erewed mostly by private were S~rvtsor Ralph Clark's Garden Grove, Oytng out ject In Costa Mesa's h.lstory Den Ioper Walter Gayner, the lr m011ey here. from hotel an£! shOrt -time t1on caD such dlsasters as be· Oraoce Colllty citizens had aide Tom Klein and his bro. of Point Mugu. Minutes later, was okayed by City Council accused by some bomeowners Newport Harbor Chamber of apartment dwe!:ers. feU the "Goodw:tb" and the foUDd DO ne-w eYidence durlog tDers Ttm aDd John Klelo of a 5-mlle stretch of debris was Monday night despite a huge or misrepresenting landsca ping Commerce directors agreed The Cham ber of Comm erce "S~ng Star" be reduced. yesterday's search. Radio Utab, bullder Leonard Bashor spotted, lnc ludlng chairs, turoout ot prolestlngllomeown. pla.ns lo earUer Mesa Verde Tuesd.iy to seek 10 pe:r cent proposal, 8 pages loni, W'lll Let 1 start -where 1t aU be-tranamLsstoos between tbe of Anaheim, Mr. Bashor's cushions, Ufe preservers, and ers opposing it. developments, promised to -· about $34 ,000 annually --be cOllSldered Monday after- gins. A bol.t 1s bunt. Io the aearcbtrs -were belog moo-nephew Robert, and Ri chard pieces of the cra.n, UseU. The Couocll voted 3-1 to gra.ot !>pend $1 mtllioo to Jandscap-of the city's bed tu revenues noon by City Counctlmen at case of "Sbootlng star," It ltored 1n the s'"ntsor's Tully, Mr. BashOr's son-sighting was rr.ade 280 miles 1 zone uceptton for Mesa ing the 20-acre aputmeDI: site. to sttJsldlze a conve ntion a.od their semi-monthly study ses- was slowly built of double omce In Santa Ana. In-law. south of San Diego, off San Verde Vtllas a 496-untt de-Coun.:llmen tol d him to sttJmlt visitor s division within the sion. planked mabop.ny to wtthstaod Aide Tom Fuentes Is lo • JUNE 13, the crew took Benito Island. There was no velopment n~ll to Vlsta del drawings wttb landscaping ch.a mbe r . The hotel and r ecre. The Chamber of Commer ce the pounding It bad to take 27 charge of tbe offtce. on fuel while Mr . Caspers sign of Ute. The discovery in-Lago just oorth or the Costa drawn to true scale. The Coun-a lion indllStry here would match directors also acted on the years ago In naval , sen1ce. Mr. Cupers, 43, aod 9 played wlth Mexican children eluded a capsized t3.n. saiUng Mesa GoU and Country Club. ell also required plan changes the fund s. following matters: Later it was converted to a others 1Delo41Dc his 2 sons In Turtle Bay, Baja Cautornla, dlngby from the Shooting A debate rapeS for 3 hours, to provide more pedestrian "We woukt use th.ls money,.. • NATIONAL bl-centennial luxury crutstnc-ftshingbo&tand dl~ed otJ the Baja Cal~ then resumed the trtp. At 11:35 Star. often loterrlC)led by jeers trom walks and re-design of tramc e:q~lains ch.amber assistant observance Ill Newport Beach became a "yacht,'' andlnthls Uornla coast after sending 2 p.m., Mr. Harber, skippering Mr. Caspers, son of the late the cro-wd, be.fore Vice-mayor patterns so that Tanager Dr. manager La rry Miller , "to was sJ4)J)Orted by resolution. cooverslon process sbe lost distress calla Jut 1bursda)' his own Yessel, radioed tllatthe Rudolph Caspers, founder of Jack Hammett successfully would DO( be a through -trafftc print and distribute such things • FEDERAL COUR T estab- some of her deteues ap.tut nl&flt from tbe "Shoot:ln&'Star " "Shoottnc Star ls taldng on Muhal Savings and Loan, round -moved ror approval of the wne street for the pro)ect. as restaurant guides. shopping lishment in Orange ColJDIY was the sea ttlrougb the addltton a yacht on which they we~e -water and needs pumps ." The ed Keystone Savings. He moved change. A petltton opposing the pro-tour guides and other things recommended. of pretty but reb.UYeJy tragUe trueUnc baet to Newport craft was belleYed to be near here trorr. Pasadena 12 yurs Only Councllma.o Dom Ra e itt ject was signed by more tl'la n that would encourage conven-• WOMEN 'S DivtSlON an- ''plelure" windows aDd a hilh-Here ts the chroooloi:Y of Su Beotto Island, ln heavy aeo with his secood wt1e, Ann, opposed. CoUDCUman Alvin 600 residents. tlon visitor s, who spend about nounced a July 14Sunda)'brunch er s~rstr~~eture, botll more events thua be: seas caused by a storm far. alter his nrst wUe ns killed S70 to S75 per day, to spend at the Sherman Foundation gar. vulnerable to a deck-sweeplnc • JUNE 5, Mr. Caspers and ther south. Twenty minutes to a boating colUsioo in 1954 TAX HIKE DuE it here aod help the local econ-dens in Co rona del Mar . sea. sons Kirk, 20, aDd Rick, 18, later, be radioed, "Shooting when bls yacht turned into the omy. We feel that these visl-• PARKING c ommit t ee For years a &ndllll and al-tetted to Cabo sao Lucas, Ba)l Star stnk:I.Dg -·request tmme-path of a Coast Guard cutter. tors, who w111 be comtng In recommend:atlon that the ctty cUate a.ld tram any ships to the He upset long-tlme S~r -IN COSTA MESA increasing numbers In the tu . be urged to lease Hoa.g hospi- DEN IAL CALLED Ylclnlty." A shtp tn tbe area visor Alton Allen in 1970 and -ture to hot~ls being built out ta l's temporary lot was saw oo sip or tbe Shootlng served 2 consecutive terms as around the airport, are much endorsed. Star, and there was no further chairman of the county Board. more valuable to the cf tv than • MARINE DIVISION an- message. He easily defeated 3 oppon-A $17.4 mUUon ctty budget motorcycle patrol to the pollee the beachgoers. no~&nce<: that Us July 10 break. "CAPR·ICIOUS'' • JUNE 14, within ao hour ents to wto re.electioo Jme 4. for Costa Mesa's nscal year department and provides for ··we are not Inter ested iD fast meeting at the Bay Club of tbe Sbootlng Star's last Mr. Casper s' wtfeand2teen-beginning July 1 was approved a para -medic emergency team. using city funds lo go out aDd wtll hear state Department of tnasmlsstoo, the Coast Guard age daugtlters returned Satur-unanlmously Monday night by Repayment of open space get people, to come here, but flsh and Game omculs n - CalllO( a rertonal COisb.l aDd eDYI.roomeot, but ooty to ~· bed a rescue heUcopter day from their ranch near San the City Council. bonds approved by voters last to act as proper hosts once plaln plans for pubU c acqut - Commtsatoa rejeetloo of ttl force a city to take m<easures Sao otego, and a big Diego to the family home at It 'ft'lll trt.aer a mWllcl.pal September was blam(>(f for the th ey .4.!lE here. After all, a sitlon of parts or tipper New - plan.«; tn build 83 eoocSomlotuma rtptdlnc traffte," C turbo-jet search craft Otego to the family home at property tu llike ol about !K higher tax ute. convention visitor com ing from port Bay . The Aug. 14 meet · tn 811( Caoyoo "eaprtetou aad The ~.ppe~l .,., the element from San Franc:tsco. Later that 119 Vb Florence, Lido Isle. per SlOO of assessed n.luatlon The police patrot wUI start back east, or even northern ing will disc uss the propo~ uncoutitutlonal," a Los Aa-of Impact oa trafllc ftllllPllM day, the Coast Guard cutter Aootber son, Greg, 16, ctYlnc the city a new rate of operaUons in Dect>mber • a.c. California, m l~t be Inclined West Side harbor near the Santa pleJ denklper t.s appealed 1o tb1s ease, but DOt in others Veoturous sa.lled from San retiU'tled later from a hiking $1.63 per $100. cording to a pollee department to go into Los Angeles or some A na River mouth. the deelsloa to tbt statewtdt coutdered: b)' lbe SCRCC. Dlt&O, and a crowtng Ust of trtp In the Sierras. Tbe budget adds a 6-nt.an state ment. VolWlteers already other pla ce to eat aDd shop Coutal Commtssloo 111 Sa.n Bec::aue ot wblt Is termed otbtr HI. 1Dd air craft joined on the for~e will man the cycles M" NB d • • F "d Fr:c·~· Dofl.,.,miOt Co. ~~": =~~;: i.": ~.::~~ ~.·~:~.":."' ZBO New parking rules mulled :~,.'.h:· ..:-~~~~;,:.111 re-ISS etiSIOn n ay waall to bulk! lbt project oa ADpiH attorDe)' Jerome • JUNE 15, the search MARIE McMASTERS OF A packed house of almost about 9 p.m. ot the new Miss 7 lr"rtiM Co. aerulD Btc C&a-Sttftrt, AYS Ute de<:ls.loa was spr11d to cover about 8,000 Jammed parting lots IDd _ Mayor Dooald Mclmis told 500 will nu the 3alboa Bl.y Newport Beach. · yoo'a DOttriiiJt caner at Ford ancoasUtutloaaJ. aqare mUes ott the Ba)a coast, tramc problems created by lbe 1ut week ol "a J:&rtlng valet HARBOR VIEW IS DEAD Club ballroom this friday night The winner wtll attend Cham - aDd JamborM roada, ODJ-S, No date las bHa let lor tbe With DO lillllttDP. growtnc number of restluraots try1..Dc to tate 1UJ car from St>rvtcPS werp he~ June IS as the Commodores Club of bel' of Commerce events and tbe .South Cout R.P.,l Coa. appeal bllrS.,. • JUNE 16, the sarcb team ttl Newport has City Hall-wor-me Ill a public:: street." Pacin c \'le•· Chapel, Harbor the Newport Harbor Chamber represent the clty at n.rtous aenatJoa Commtllloo. wtllcb s rled. Tbe result COQ1d be a Mr. Fole)' told tbe En.stgn View Hills, for Marte Me-of Commer c~ picks a Miss social and pllbtic tuocUonsdur - coatroJ. 4eftiol:lm-* Yltllta NEWPORT WANT requirement that tbe eattnr IDd yesterday tlat ll1s omce would Masters, 69, of 1555 S~rtor , Newport Beach to reicn tor inc the nell )'ea:-. 1,000 JV~ of tbe couUI.Dt, drinktoc places prOYtde more either hire a CODSultant or 00 West :iewport Heights, who died the next ye&r. cStaW a permit b' tb141ftl-ott-street puldng. tbe work lo -t.o.. to "cetsome JlJDe 12 at Hoag hOspital. Fi ve nnausts,C)'Dlh1a ErCJr, N. B. CRACKDOWN DUE opmeat. Comml...,_. Rollld STREET ADDRESS Btu Fole)', 8t01or clty plan-actual Grwa oa tow muy She is sur•tved by her sister, Cher)'l KarpeJes, Joyce Me Yay, ON IllEGAL UNITS Cuperl led tM attack c:a a. oer, said yesterday his dlpu't-eua. ud ..,.. IDUJ' ~k! Faye Klrk:;le.trid., and by seY. Martha Romero a..nd Jaun1e A uew part-time la-w Jti- Plu. _,m, It wo.Jd .add 100 meat wUI start a ltudy "as per car an YlsiUDc rtstau. era! nieces u d nephews in RUSh, llfl lu the rUilDlne for deat hired for tbt twniNI' to maell trat11c:: to Cout a,. R....Wt otM.-,ort .. IUd ...,.t1810811:111Jl'O¥ed. IIOCIQ u posslblt'' to I1Dd out rants... Southero CaUfornia. the nooor. They a.re 17-yea.r. help Newport City Attr:JroeJ ud otMr utw..., Wok tlllt111ud't ... Wild • SERVICE STATION at Bt.I-wbat's wroocud what cu be old Coronl del Mar hilb school DetudJ O'Nett trlll 10 1Q work DlqJaptra 111A7 .... 1 n-be a clallllr ....._ t11u boa BlYd. ud ZOOt. Ceotrat doM about 11. CLUB PROftt'T(' EVICTION studec&s. txc..,C. Yla McVay, on what Mr . O'Neil a1d are r'-1 .... -101111 --C-1P1., FtaleyA ... , --Nnpnrt, -bo .... -. "Our oil-street po.rldoc re-'IUIJ 16, •hoatton<lsNowportHarbor .. ,...._ lZ Ud to'' ..... wide._,.. wtlldlilO diQ'L Me-cw Aft, « SID, ... at «b ud a.., commccll.l bullcttq: q81remeata tor restatlfUIU hleb. hOm...._., Wbo ban tc11ar'e4 Lal8 Gild 1M ll!pll.llaat Witt. 1tntt, lalud liar 11 ... 1 Will ....a.d bJ MUat Potoma ol ODe putto.c ._ce klr tYery Clptntora ot tM Corua del we must be nottned S65 cays The currMI Mta Nwport dty Ol'dlra u.t .., ftCIC. Oa}J 10 ... Mil 1.• act'N ,... .. 11118.,. ......,Com-lf.-purt U ~ea 1& S 1Mla •• lt·butd OD.I.SA'qt· llu T...U Cle M,J tlley art lD acrrt.DCe If we an to bt hacb iJ Deborah Hodti•L llleCal 'OMIII lilt&. o1 tM pr,jlet II W't1D ~~~e· ..... '-!C ... , J-JO, to otaJ'Id,. Uc.tMtuuert.aeolSpeop .. bltDC WtpUJ 8'llctlldtl7on-eYtcted."' Mr. Bur c::bette The u:..l CCIIII .... .,._ ao.tac I ,aciGI:s .._. l,OOO..,vd: ara OOIIIIroUed bJ dil"ccf .._. *-t --Mil • taAFFJ: c::trcllltlalllltbt arriYe 1A •ell c:u, ud we en ol tM _.. sa • .,.., Jan c ll.ims. llOf.:l bJ loc::aJ ~~ bttP oftt •-til .. c1J ..... tlloiCIICC. ,.,. -1111 ""-' Ia-~ plu-bo.-lluoao-tlle.-t'OQ!IIro. oeC-lhry. He ta elabproallll manapr. Aj>rtt 15. Tllo llold wu --oq a1 _..""' 11 ..... 'fttRtwporta.ca ........ ~u~tr•.......... toc:: ..... at..Aft,,._amllltabempio,..putlar.'' A1attonlyl::lrtbeh.._. ••Weslpedourlaatln19&&row.tloSoeApr1IJO.St.cl a.ft lDipJ _... tl ... 1C•·•--... Cltf:C-'1 Aile • ._ ._.._ ... to-pdMr'J to a •n$1"J 1'014, Mr. Fo)ly .ted raJtwc:laJ'. •• lorMrlJ tllltJUtaka r.--wlttl the OWDtfl at tlllt Ume, tMa. U. ftM••• tllft uMa, or .._ 1lllllal .... ...,... tllo ........... tllo allltl"a ' , ... w111aJr -• ... 1 --lor IIIII "10 -..._ -u IOY1I CDII T-Clltl> -· ud tbo -ontrl loplty -II ~--. --..... nt t I tolttt ...... -of .. ICIIOC, ._ t11o -l A'li.u -L ..... lor --......... 1011 Bl-. 1M EllltQ ___.. aar , ... ~11 ....... -toU • a-tbo ,..,. r-... 1-ttuta. a --aof ala lin -· -... O'lloli. IJIOJoct-tolllt~~o'-1 ~a.: , -a'= a1 • POll ZOQ • .._,,._a. .-.-. 11 .tho" ~..,..A~~·~--.. , t>noopt t11o :'*:,~..;:" t r•oot-Slttii'S PIIIDDIIU. = :. -:' l:r= ~ ::.:: • ._a. s II .. :::r ~~ -::..-=:: = '.~--::-re:=a.~ ~::a. .. .W::.'t: :~~ ut•'•• Mr. Bw-,;:_ u. eo...:w ': -ai'I!IU~M_ ns ' dJ ...... -•CAll NA'T & ...... lid ...... wm .. 8trtU lallltllld t1..., Jlltn.., ,.,_....... .. aid a. wt.UlUI:JiwS*It Till C.. lldw 011.11. Ill .•••'1 --., 11e -• ., - -" *srs -Po ,.. ._., .. ,. ""••• • .,...., -• .. -•• -• :a 10 ...,.. -...., -Ill& ~ ..tal-"._ ~£ii_!!!ij ...... .. .... '··-.. IIQd , dpsl 7 U I as 7 ltlli.l ................. 8ilt ....... =t....., eoc¢111& a ~ .... IOiMoe ol ~. CO.INIIKNJ ........... .. ...... 7 .......... -.. -.... 1.., .,. 7 ,.,.. __ .... .,uPotl--,_. ............ __ -· ____ .. __ 711,-.. , .... _ -1711'-.... ,., Dr ...... ,~...... lhe?alolll& -... _._. ____ .__ ,.., ... .. • I - --'c~ .............. h • .,.. ............ --.--..........-.tn.2112 .__.,.. ,,,, . .....,. ... ,. ...... ~-.............. ~ ...... c.Mf. . . 7 .... www.TIIA--.• 2 u-.ttt'¥;f,..._•cl a, • ., :-:-:-c~=-~-::.... ... ~;:::ar.:~~ ....;....., .. .,. .. , .. ,...... ...... ~~a, ,.,~. AI.YO·L HA.UA • • • • • • • O.. ... h4'i;tt '..:llAMA-.........• · ........ t ,, .... SUIICaJPTtoN .AT-II ........... : o-,.., .,.,. 2,... ..... 0.~ ........... : o..,_,....,._J,....Ill.!l o•oooooOQ•ooooooo••••t . . <71. ~tlf " J.,. ARVO E. HAAPA, owner..., publi$11 .. of ... Ellll .. aooooooooooooooooo•••• • NO "THINK TANKS" NEEDED The name Holstein stands as a champ- ion of the free enterprise philosophy in action in the Harbor Area --a builder of homes here and elsewhere in Southern California --making available living quarters for thousands of families. ., . . . .· . •. •' .. ~ REPORT BY REP. RARICK : Ao cworobtlmllle 7U por By REP. JOHH RARICK cealoft--loro_.IOC to my optnton.qatstlon•lrt la.. sued this sprtac Did, "lfo," By a aurow mar&tn of 1 wben asked ttte qautloa: "Do Yotes, tbe House otRIPresen~ yoatuorted•allandu.erecu- tat1vet killed tbe eoatrorerslll latioDS . eonrlDt prln.te prop- federal laDd use plallldDJ act. erty?" The Holsteins, along with the rest of us have a tremendous stake in our tra-' clition of individual initiative, which has FLYING OO'NN trom Sao Franelsco pve Mrs. Frank Bud a double dh1dend; she DOt ollly Ylstted ber GUESTS II the anntal lla-Pbl- cocttaU party were, lett to rlcht, Ra_. hnl.rd ud Betty and Art Svendsen, who only tad to walk a bloc:t. or two from their baytront homes to the bayfrOIIII: borne of the Sheas. (Photos by Elinor Wood.) Alllloun the Jac--Udall bill Our -ie dOll'! Willi tor- .. dead 'ter the rtmalader of tber jobs ID our ar• 1oM be· Uda aessloa. of CODCJ'US 80 far cause of federal bmcllDC &Dd u the Hoa.e Is caDCened, meddling In local matters.Coa- propooents IJIDOUDCed tmmed~ strucUon job sites wlllcb would lately at a press contereDCe: be shut doWn because tbeydiXl't "We'n only bepa to apt." suit some Washlngtm planDer Tbe celabratloD ol the defeat would put many of our labor1Dc of ~ use b)' tboee ol us wbo people employed In tbe bltJdiDC belien tbl.t tbe prlftteproper~ aDd coostrocUon trades out of been a major factor in the building of a great nation. Nowhere else in the world have living accommodations been provided so plentifully for a growing population. p &Oe·la-law ud daugbter, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sbea, btt she also attended tbe Pbllharmonlc eocttall party, beld at the ta,troo.t home o(tbe Shea's. Here abe 1a sbotra wtth Dr. Bob Beauctamp. ;. tJ rjpts of lDdlYid-.1 ctuseu: work. It would also Ue 'C> ii.Dda should come. beb'e tbe de~ used tor agriculture aDd rr.&Dds of 'Wubi.D&tOO social rorrestry producUon wtth ml~ pJa.DDers may be sbOri-Und. of bureaucnttc red tape, Therefore it is disappointing to receive a news release about George M. Holstein ill testifying before a U. S. Senat• •ub- committee in San Francisco, inviting the U. S. government to get more involved in the building industry. Mr. Holstein asked that radical tech- niques for residential dwelling construc- tion must be developed by a jointly spon- sored government-private industry "think tank" or "Americans will no longer be able to afford new houses." He stated, quite correctly, that con- struction costs are rising s o rapidly that single family dwellings are almost now beyond the means of the average citizen. But no mention is made of the basic cause, and therefore no mention is made of the correct solution. JOHH B. PARICER Parker dies on vacation It is inflation that is causing most John B. Puker. 55, promin-ent Dover Shor es builder who of the cost spiral in the building indus-died last Thursday while "ca- try, as in every facet of our economy. uontng In Melico City, was burled yesterday 1n Paelfic No effective solution can be a chieved View memorial park, Harbor if the problem of inflation is not solved. VIew Hills. Mr , Parker, who Uved at The federal government alone, with its lZ44 Polaris, apparently suf- frightful deficit spending, is responsible lered a hear! attack while va- cationing wtth his wlfe, Geor. for the inflation, which is approaching glana. the run-away stage. Drastic reduction Hens presldent of Century (Comm uoJty Developers (tor-in federal spending is the only remedy· merly PBS corp.~ which he What do you suppose would be the rounded in 1966 after leaving " hink tank', d the Maceo Corp. result of government t me -While with Maceo, he was dling in the building industry? Unless prole<:! mana .. r or Mesa del I h f 1 · h Mar development In Costa s ome miracu ous c ange o P O 1cy as Mesa. He became president occurred, the r esult will be the same or Maceo ,. 1963. as it always has been --more govern-Mr. Parter sened as presi-dent of the co1.11ty Balldlng ln-ment bureaus, more red tape, more dustry Assn. He was a graduate spending, mor e inflation and still or Stanlord &lid sened wltb lbe Seabees ln Worki War U. He more rising prices. was born 1n Pomona. Let's get the builders and developers Beside his wU'e, he is sur-. th vlved by sons John Jr. of tr. throughout the natwn working loge er -Uti Jet! o1 Dover Sbores, to convince our legislators in Washington •od ,by a daullltler, Marpret th t f d I d. t b t b k -or Ba-lslaDd, &lid a sister, a e era spen mg mus e cu ac · -'llrl;tnia Parter, ot Pomooa. Thrln let private enterprise get down Ser•lces were held Jester- to the business of providtng lower cost day ,allemooo 11 so. Aodrew•s PreSbyterl.aD Cbureb, wttb Dr. housing without any interference from Cbartes Dlerenfteki offtciatlnc. government think tanks. PROS and KAHNS I IMPEA CH THE INflATO RS lnOa t1on JS an almo~l perfect crime. Everyhody but those JUIII )' gel the hlarn<.. Wile carnrn get blamed when their wrtges nse lo meet costs. Bu~ines.~C!Iget blamed when iu prices rise to meet com . But the politicians. the "liberals·• who have been runmn1 things ever since Roosevelt , whose wildly increased spendtng of public funds have caused the inOation, never Jtt blamed 1n fa ct. th ey play innocent and blame everybody else. ' ESTHER GUST AFSOH OF COM SUCOJMBS AT 76 Either Guslaf-'M, ol 501 Seaard, Coroaa RJplaDds, wbo dJed J1mt 13 at Hoe.& bol- pital, fts entombed Saturday ill Paeitle Vlew memorial put. Hubor VII'W HlU.. She was a Datln of DliDolJ,ud bad UTed bert tor 11 yeul. Sbl ta: SC'Tincl bJ btr bua- bi.Dd, Ja; a_..J .. su- dors of Taco-. WUit.,llltiRae Flyoa ol M•llo Park, Uti bJ a ..-ltlltlroo, 4 croat- p-pdcblJdr•. z brothlr&, ud ·-· Senku were CODducted lD Pacll?e Vloo Cbtpol 11r lito Rft, lA.wre.ce FrabUD( 01 tM t.ltblriD Chal'cb ol tbe ».-. The Birch Log Insulting Our Friends The action oow sw1tcbes to We need more jobs, DOt less. the SeDate side ol Capitol Hill. We cannot economtcaUy ~ce Sen. Henry II. Jackson, 0-the massiYe )osa or jobc wblcb Wasb., wbo maneUYered thepo-would result from the propoeed tenttally destructlYe leglstaUon Land Use re1111aUons. Our peo- throurb theSenatewUbease last pte do oot want zero ecooomla by John F. McManus Hiss, O:lVId Popper was a me mber of the fhsaf .. _ -'ll summer, DOW says ,.-'"" "' growth. Belmont, Manochu~m -The history of diplo-edltonal board of A merosia magazine, which try to attach the same restrlc-Much or the credit ror de- maq Is o ne of intrigue. Diplomats are expected wa s described by the Stnate J udiciary Commit-Uve land ase measure as a featinc 1a.nd use thJ s past week to act as agents of the country they represent tee as a .. Communist-con ~ro lled magazine." He ''rider" to some b111 that the goes to actions by members and they often do so In any manner possible. was affiliated with Commonwealth College, so NlD:In admlDtstraUon oeeds a.Dd of the Carpenters aDd Joiners Consequently, the occasional expulsion of a openly Communist that it displayed the ham-WiD DOt eopose. If this is done, UD.ion, who stood flrm api.Mt diplomat by a host country because of espio-me1 and skkle on its campus. He was also a the members oftheHousewould t~ largest and most powerful nage o r subversive activ ity is not at all unusual. member 'Of the United Office and Professional not hue the opportunity to vote lobby aDd pressure cro~s lD Twenty years ago , for instance, Communist Workers of Am~rka . a labo1 union expelled d~e::: ~selaDdeoaU:' sllde Into ~!:erC:t~~!'!r~~:u: officials were fr equently declared pcnm1a rw11 from the C.I.O. because it was Communist· Jaw by the same tack doot c uts across tradiUooal labor- grata in the United States. And occasionally the dominated. Despite all this, David Popper was metbod often used by tbeSeoate iodastry antapllsm. It Is oot Reds responded by sending some of our diplo-selected to represent the United State s in Chile. to Pass anpopular programs, a simple matter of Uberal matspackmg. On Fcbrua1 y 17. 1974, Secretary Kissinger despite ma):lrtty objection in aplnst coaservatln, arbi.D During the Cold War pe11od , well-founded ag<~m showed hrs hand by appointing Leonard tbe House. The rules or ettdcs aptnst rural, or Demoents suspicion existed between the Unr ted States Unger as Amb:JS.<;;tdor to the Nationalist Chinese for tbe House forbids tbe use ap.t.nst RepubUean.s, and the Commumst natrons. But such rs not the government. Mr. Unger IS at least as p.ro-of this tmderbaoded procedural The eootrOYersy bollS" down t d N t be th C t Co,nmum•t •• o,,,.d Popper. He was ,,·ted as a mueuverlQ&. -TM SC!!D&t~s-&o 1a.-"'Str-le....-Of those wbo case o ay . o cause e ommunrs s are .... rat¥ do-. ,..· WCMi1d Jtlltrlct p.; tn.~l, any less desi1ous of world rul~. but because the · seuous securi ty risk in the late 1950's by the The tfef&i.t oi tbe rule which coutlhltioaaUy.seeured~rt&Ms Government o f the United States is no longer Shte Department's own chief of security, Scott kept lalld 111o1 le&tliltloD from of IDIIIYidtal 4mert·--_s•W anti~ommunist. Thrs development rs easily Mcleod. Neverthe less. he ha s been retained in comtac before Coaaress for those ot w;: who btn.il Ual confirmtd by no ting the calibre of mdrvrduals government servrce. His background includes debate aod a Yote was clearlJ· iDdJYlchal rlgbts aDd }ll'lftte our go~rnment sends as ambassadors nut dues-paying membership in the Washington a Ylctory for tDdJYidual rlpts property rlgbta shouki rema.tn only to the Communrst bloc of natrons. but Book shop Assot·Tat Kln. officially cited as "Com-of all ctttsens. It was detlDJ.tety tbe cornerstone or Uberty. For especially to ;mt1-Communrst counrnes. mumst and subversive" by our own• govern-the wtu of the Sizth Coogres-the Ume be1nc, the todtYidual m•nt. slooal District ol Louisiana. American Is w!nn1ng. Last September. a popular!} supported anti· .. Communist mil itary group m Chile overthrew Le onard Unger and David Popper are just The Rl"chardson Report ' the Communist government of Salv:.dor Allen-two of many career dtplomats who have repeal-· de. In le ss than a year. Clttle ha s re l:overed edly found promotion and advanctment, not in substantially from near wllapse :wd ..:1vrl waf to spite of their pro-Communist le anings, but By SENATOR ll L. RICHARDGON (R -Arcadla) a condition o f rela t1ve stabrlrty and economic because of them. WI.SD't born wtth a sliver wbere the leather met the road, progress. Chile and the Republic of China are two of spoon tn my moatb; to ~ct. 1 tad a bealthy 24 cuat You might expect the Unrted States govern-the few remaining anti -Communist nations in we Rlehardaons were bappy to All-American fear of my ta- ment to !how diplomatic delight by se nding a the world. It is a grave in wit to them for the ban any kind of a 8POOil uaU-tber. One sharp word wu friendly, like-minded emissary to the new an ti-United States to send known pro-Commu-able, as loDg as it tad food us111.Uy eooup, btt tbeuiUmate C . B A b d . . h . . ai Th oo U. My family were worldDc .... teroal rlolenee _., •-·• ommumst government. ut , as m assa or to msts to represent us 1n 1 err ca prt s. ese two -.. _ ~ .. &J people; wbtteYer wort wu tllere, 11 I dared to questloo Chile, Secretary of State Henry K1ssin11er ap-appointments should help the American people _ ...... ie ~-M ·-o a ....... au was r;-.a -au· Y his authority or wtsdom, pointed David H. Popper. a man with an to realize on wttich side their own government father 1F'U, md IUD la, c:me of Durlrlc those early forma- incredible record of pro-Communist activity stands in the struggle between Communism and the cr•t meu I Dow. A proud ttn years, wbere Ufewastoup here in our own country . freedom. mao of wbom I am YWY proud, on my parents, I was always Well·known ilS a prot.!ge' of SoVJet spy Alger CopyriKht 197-4 by ThtJohn Birch Sockty Fe•turn My fatber's format edoca-sbeU:ered. My childhood was . . • • •I , • • ... , ' tton was to complete the ftnt ftlled wttb ):Jyous memories. year of bleb sebool. At 14 Tbe hard years of tbe depres- he ~tatted to work aDd: bas beea Aon nenr touched my s1Jter at 1t eft!' llllee., DvtDc tbe or myself. Dad loomed as a dlprualon, be worked aa 1 day toUCh, protectln ahleki,'cbeer- labol'tr, a faetory bind, a IU tul, stroar. aDd always rtpt • staUoo atteDdiDt. a clothlac 1 eollld oenr UDd.-stud whJ .tore clerk -· JOU aame It, my father wua't tbe president Dad did tt. Not ooce dld be of tbe United St:atet. Wbeoner enr .Uct-out his hud-to·p ~-be was aro11kf, enr)1hfnc was ernmeal:. Oa:r flmlty set up o. K. oar llriDc quarters Ill tbe ._ek Two tb1np IDYited Ida Ire of a tllliDg. statlOD, WILlie Dad . Q)ore uan aoythlAc elle. Dad pumped ps oat troat. We lll'ed bated a cheat and Did bated there Z years. a liar. If aomeoae pn blm too I peas by today's ltudl.rdl, much et.ace, be WOGid Qtdetlr yoa could lw.Ye called • poor, bvt politely correct tbe error; but I wu DIYer aware Df It, He wuted DOtblbc tblt bllllcm't I lw.n alwQs eouldtnd my-arDid. He would 10 out ol bla •1f torhlai.M, .., ... w• I wu way k» Ht matter• ltnicbt. a Child. My fatblr ta~P& me LJ.ars wv••t bls fltorlte tMt r ,.. b .... to be bcx'll fob. Dad's •ord wu IOOd. u AmerlcaD -. IIIII the Uti 11o opocled allioro to koal> worirt wu 111 07,.., U lwoald Uat.-s. For tlda riiUCil, be 11a -bo wtlllllc .. -k Uti -laUa -.. "' .. -the 1nlu llllllbe aood morollu-o<cubl.Fnu. Lord .... • aiL . tr, I laYI alft1o tal II wu 1...,. o1 otMr• wu Dlftl' tbt othtr 1'17 wbo ....., tbe I port ol ..,. _., lralolac. -· »r --_loot.., Ho-to 011 "llll, ,...,. llllllllrd ---1111 to watob oat ior -,.. -IIIIPidi ar --If I -plo." Tltoo bt'd t.11 ..... BILL PAYIIE, Orup CCUI CoRop art II"'ff-Uti pro-Cqlu-o pottory ._t, WU rio-. IOJ --liod Uti pot 111o lnol Ill -· ....... a amplo o1 clof to Kro. C-,.... .... llltl IMr .., Lloyd, b!1llo Callallla •• to llboiJ llllft1 ... '! .... ...., apla. I .._ 111 taot 111 wu -.., -aoa CtD lba --R-T1oo Caludlla lltdluo"""'"" tlllldDJ *-Ill. -,_ bt -• nv raQJ-IIJlllo~ pottory almoot 1 ,_od ,_0 aro Uti ....__., "loot" lbe art. Paroo w!U-ao lo ----IIJ follolr WU, Uti aiiU 111, ume tb1l nrnm• rHttacatlq' titre ...._ ta pottery maktac. Mra. M~rc• ud blr bad .....S. ••Y• Cll be-=· u ........ Glltl•tll a tnl -llold po1o lbtl Mr. P1JM modo, 111oc lbt cliJ-•!be --a-. •-too. lllll, If,.. trr-" pr-., 1111-...0-. Doll II• ... Jatar-Aa -~~-. -.lllr<I- AMIMATION FEATURED AT THE HOME SHOW FROM· THE BI~J: Ian-. -u "•'ot lor ----ll t7rooro Aolmoled !lora! --ll&rr7 KocrH, tloftr -"dl· If JO looo ,.., 111op ar --TJ -I -....... •oot-of Ia oiiD ........ ...,: What beaan with "tax and tax, spe nd and spend, elect and elect" has re~ulted in inflation; because all those added tncs were added to our prices and deducted from our income: because the tuinl had le u support than the spendina, so dollars had to be pri nted to rn~ke up the differ•ncc. And the more doUan they printed, th~ less dollars were worth and to infbdon aet• worn. Polltlc:l.an• 1ay they don't know what Co do aboUt ••doL otd you npeet them to admit they were cauanathe ••tto•1 lui li'Jec they've uked-'ft "n tell them we know _, w kltOW thet they'" 101 to cut down Oft ex,.ftdJtutel _. .., ..... below fair tu coUec:tioM. AM we auot --10 Wo It '"*" we •ote ...,. ..._ wt.Q. ollro u ... u u dlll>ll,. of r-. -..,.,,_. - -IIJ 111 ... ._... I" ·--•ROUSB..' CAST ·---· IIIII -oiU ,. ... -dllpliJO olll -.... ... .. -.. .... --:: .. ..., .... -·-u ~~~~--· -• IJO..IDol ,..., ..... Uti"":. 1.:l: ~ 1111 = ........ . ""' 2 2 ..... -• ... •• ~ lin ..ot ~ Tnu.'••Jor-IIIM--••-•*-rardoo,•cr'lllll O:.'i!'" _.,..,. .. ,.1111111 .,_., .,. ... dl at' PI tl Dr. ·~= lud -·lid QutM-1'-*trarl llrrtt .......... .:. <f ... _, ..., .... -.. lib .. --· Tnu. •""'" ~ • ,_a lllra._,.., 11111111 '','I ....... --. s:.:" .. ~~----..,,,.,...,._"!!!:•• ~ ~ .. ~--......... a Cllllllr. • ..... una r• ... ..... ---............. --· t1 C~==q CoiiiJt' • llf Doll ... --;.,.. ... --:M..::.r:;rtt,:; k IJU .. Ill 11 saw II a. ::.•::.,.~ £~1 c.'.~.,'~, '!•::-., •::;-r:;r::, ... .,.. llo ·:::",.-.,.,.. __ ;;:_..., e:r\"::: _ .. _, .. ....__ ........ -. -·----........... -~.. --·-·~~~~~~~~ --· -,... ,.,,? ....... 1 2 ,.... .... .. -...... ~ .~-. IDoiCI .. ---oo•OZJID -? us•o--2tdi-21J -=~~~ .. ,.-. -.... ,., ' ..... ... .... ,. ... te ...... IDd .otc lor thollc wtlo relly 4o worll: lo --2 ?.... .... ~ -__ ...... , ............... 0 ..... ...... 75?7 .. ., illn.no.;orc•l a1to..,_dll: :.. -·---· -1./C-tc.lr• • • J . ~-~--.--~-~-------- "SEE ROW THET RUN, .. a Brttl~ flrct tmoh1D.r mi.J- t&UD tdelllttJ, lJ pll.ytnc at tbe Lagma· Moultoa play- 'boaet, 1fltll c11rta1D Ume at 8:30 p.m. Here 11 a Jeene ftatta'iDC Jou.ne Wolcott, a teacher, who Una tn Corooa del Kar; Ellsabttb HucMs of Lacuoa Beach, aDd Peter McAIU.ster of Costa Mesa, who Is general manager of PJ.aecreek lDvestmeot Co. Mrs, Hugbes and husbi.Dd Dean pltlllsb the Lagma Beach newspaper, Art Colony News. Tbe play wtu eoatlnue toolgllt, Frlday and Saturday, and r~~~-..;-... ..,--;.~·=·~~~~-=k~:;;~::=:~SattD'da)'. BLUE H Club ready Po O·LS . ~~G~~~~~~bor WORLD'S LARGEST: PUT IH A BLUE HAVEN POOL OR SPA· FREE ESTIMATE! CALL NOW OR DROP IH .... We're Clou By And Open 7 Days A Week. 12222 Harbor Btvd., Garden Grove ~:~~ St•to Llc:u .. 19:UJ7 n2-3401 or 649-5094 Ye••• Ill Or•n1• Co .. nty Area has anoo~mced Us Une-~ of acUviUes for the summer. Sign-~ for pre-registered classes began Jtme 17, with classes beginning June 24. In- cluded on the schedule are classes ln ballet, jazz, tap, HawaJJ.an, acrobatics, guitar, stngtng, oil painting, leatber work and machlne sewing. Karate will also be offered. Besides these pre-registered classes, there will be a dally program for all members of cooking, crafts, music, sports aDd games, sewing, drama and special events. Mini -excur- sions w1U be taken to Prentiss Park, Tucker Blrd Sanctuary, Sea World, the tide pools. Each week a special event will set th.e theme, such as a Meldcan rtesla week, pirates week wttb a day at the Dunes, Oriental week, "It's not Dice to fool mother nature" ecology week, aDd others. VINCENT FARRELL of Laguna Beach will be presented in bls tlrst 1-man show in this area at the Clyde Zulch Galleries 1a Corona del Mar, Forty-five recent canvass- es of this modern lmpresstonlstic artlst will be shown durl.ng June and the first Z weeks of July. Although largely seU taugbt, Mr. Farrell has been a student of Sergi Booprd 1a bla Santa MonJ.ca school. HE'S HONOR GRADUATE Airman Tlmotby W, Kelly Jr., son of Mrs. Mary L. Silas of 2124 Pomoaa St., Costa Mesa, has graduated with hon- ors at Chanute AFB, m ., ttom the U. S. Air Force n.re pro- tection speclaUst COIU'se con- ducted by the Air Tra.Jning Comma.od, Alrma.n Kelly, now trained to flgbt structural aDd aJrcraft fires and repair ftre fighting equJpment, is being assigned to Reese AFB, Tens, for duty wtth a unit of ATC. 20% SAYINGS on CASH & CARRY The wort d's largest dnpery senoict totelly dediuted to PfOWide you witt! 1()()% guaranteed drap- ery de8ning Mtisf.c:tion. ilf cluntblel When it IIEWI'OIIT HARIIOR EIISIGN lltURSMY, JUNE lD. 1174 PUILIIH EO IEEJCLT -~AGE 3 CIIIIJIIA Ofl.IIAIP, 'CAL. PRIVATE MORIARITY IN VOLUNTEU I'IIJGIIAil "'"'' Prl-!)>ap. lt .... --~ ...... MorllriiJ, Zl, -ol Mra. Pa-(Arr) '* u ·-U..-trtcill. YoriarttJ otlrYIM, liU prop'IJI, __..., ,. 1111t m eomplttecl tbe ftrat pllue ot tM --.. ncttMe aAir ~- lraloUc -... -· 1101-Plallor louie. -Army ........ at Ft. PYI. -111'• -Jllllll, Orct. CaUl. u,. at IN Va~ Colla Tbt procram comtUu bl.llc Mea. LAVENDER FLU Your arandfather probably k~w this cure. Flowers of lavender quilted m a hat were supposed to ward off",tutfed-up" noses and head colds. Plu.sant treat· ment-but certainly not a sure cure. Today, thanks to medical JC;er.cc, we ha\'C nu~rous dfect1 ve vac- cines ... against flu, whooping cough and other respirat• ;y diseases ... to immun1u and protect us from the discomforts of infect1ons. So. why suffer needlessly. Ask your physician about them . Let him prucribe the medication that is most effeCt ive for y our needs. Tnen comt: to us for prescriptiOn service. Christensen Pharmacy 1111 &. COAST IIWT .. C:OIIOII'A DD. MU OtiOLE S·ISII FREE LOAN DRAPfRIES The Girls C lub, a United Way member agency, Is open to any girl In the area from the ages of 6 tl\rougb high school. Membership fei ts $3 for girls ages 6 through 12 aod $4 for teenagers. The main center Is located at 1815 Ana- helm Annue, and Grace cottage branch is at Z032 Orange AYenue, both In Costa Mea. El.SIE DEETER, who teaches hard-of-hearing children at Wilson school tn Costa Mesa, accepts the book of golden deeds award from Dick Hodge, newly-elected pre- sident ot the E1.change Club of Newport Harbor, during tRe club's meeting last Thursday at tiM! Bahia Corinthian Yachl 3vh. The annual award recognizes a local person woo~ work fh tbe community has had a strong beneficial soctalimpact. (Excn:a.ee Club photo.) comes to ctr.pery cleaning or new dfapenu, be auured that we will •ways have yoor ._,, in•nt in ""nd. FREE ESTIMATES. NO OBL fGA TION. TERMS, OF COURSE. 1&16 '1•1••411 HeiiH~' .... .,. ... ,_ ,.,.,, ... Doall31 •r••·"'· Call ln•> .n-sus ~ Jla•ru.lle.u, •ae. Oft IN "TIL I.M ..... ..PIIDAYJ SUBSCRIPTION ORDER SIHD.IH TOUR SUISCRIPTIOH 01101R TO DATI OMl.T SS,OO I'OR OHE -TIAR -----------------NAME •.••••••••• , ••• , ••• · · • • • • •. • • · • • · • ADDRESS •••••.. , , •. • • · • • • · • • • • · • · • • • • • cm ......................... ziP .... . SIMD IM THIS DROll WITH $5.00 TO. MIWI'ORT HARIOR IM51GM :rn1 I. COAST HWT ., CDRDMA DIL MAlt Judy Davison, execuUve di- rector, aMouaced the blrlng of a new program director, Susan Diane LeBard, who will be In cbarge of the main center. Slle has a BA degree ln recreation from Calilornla state, Long Beach, and was previously a member of the park and recrea- tion staff of Hermosa Beach and Los Alamitos. Readers go sleuthing Newport Beach children can Library, that will be open to · anticipate a "s~-d..,er all boys and girls whO join the sleutlllng summer" !n the read-library summer reading dill. tng program at the branches of the Newport Beach publlc Ubrary. Any elementary school age chJid may registeratthe Balboa branch, 100 E:. Balboa Blvd.; the Corona del Mar branch, 420 Mar1,old Ave.; Mariners JOHH SCHMITZ TEACHES branch, 2005 Dover Drive, and CONSERVATISM COURSE West Newport children's u. Former Congressman John brary, 6000 W. Coast Hwy. The G. Sehm1U, presidential can-Eastblutf scbool Ubrarywlllal- cUdate ol the American lode-so be open for th.ts event. pendent · Party In 1972, will All participants will ha•e a teacb a course on "Tbe coo-puule to solve each week, as sernt1ve tnAmerlcanpoUUcs•· well as a variety of weekly at UC Irvine this summer. activities at the dltfereat bran- The class, eu.mlnlng the clles. The chtldren will be en- cooservaUve movement 1n re-couraged to read books of their cent American poUUcs, w111 own choosing a.Dd will receive renew and a.nalyu conserva-a certtncate at the end of the Un publications, organlu.-summer, There will be a special Uons, personallUes aDd va.r-tum party, sponsored by the .lations and disputes Yithln the Newport Beach Friends of tbe m~:em:U:Cse ts ooe of severa' AWARE CLUB GIVEN SSOO oUerlngs on "'"rnment w BY THURSDAY CLUB poUtlcs during OCJ•s ftrstsum-The Thursday Werning Club er-sesston, scheduled Jtlle of Newport Beach bas dollated 17 tbrouct July 24. A secood more than $500 toOrangeCoast summer session will be coo-Collep's AWARE Club (Asso- ducted July 25 througb August elation of Women's Active Re- 30. turn to EducaUon) to be used FT. ORO. TRAIHIHG Private Job.Q L. Walls, 17, soo of Byron II. Walls, '722 Baker, Costa Mesa, has com- pleted B weeks ol basic traln- lq at the U, S. Army Train1ng Ceater,lnfa.otry, Ft.Ord,Callf. as a revotvtna: fuDd to assist adult women ln returning to school. The nmds were preseDted by Mrs. Jeanne Westbrook, chairman of community ser- vices for the Thursday Morn- Ing Clot>. .. LOCAL ... TO SERVE YOU ~------------------~ 6U~---•••••••••••••••••1 · Need a Helping Hand? 1 "Tbls unique contribution wm make occ ooe of the nrst tnsttttttoos of blgher education to t.n a .,.cla.l flDlnelalts- slstaDce procram for ltM! re- tUJ1liDC woman studem.' • sUd U:r. Lynn Hllhmeo, faculty ad- .-l&or to the AWARE CJWI. YOU 'LL LOVE SAVING .2_ WAYS AT YOUR LOCAL LFS Jt!ts BRUSH .& HAMMER i 673-5333 or 894·3130 1 LAWN & GARDEN CARE CAIIPIMTRT I I • Gnonl Rapalra c •om CabtDita. bolt boMa. lite. Cabllllt • cloelt rtPIIln ,_.......,.c_ae_ llardftr:e 'blf*IJIU. GB...COAT, RESIN WORK kAMUfA4~'RIRI"G ·RIP AIR· RlfiMISHIMG Save at your local Laguna Federal Savings, where our first concern is you, our friends and neighbors ... where your savings are reinvested to improve the quality of life- where you llvel ... Where every important decision is made locally and promptly. Open your account now and start earning the nation's highest interest on Insured savings. coupled with many exclusive beneflls from LFS -the LARGEST, FIRST and STRONGEST lnde· pendent Federal In the resort and coastal area we aerve . 1. FLEXIBLE PASSBOOK ACCOUNTS EARN a.c~ of ~ -~~-~>~-d ..... ................ O.P0-'11 ... d •11"· "' .... ,"' .,, u-. 2. BIG MONEY TERM CERTIFICATES EARN ...~ 11 .000,. ~ .. of ..... . a..lllltllll ....._, ~ ... - llfiUio ~1111 ......_ ..... ""ty, J.C. ~---..,. « IIU3 Nt 1111,. •twt ,_ ..._ • CO#Qt ,.., ,.,.,..,. ftw ,.,. ttwt 21 YHt'C. it., .urhMlfY on ,.,.. MJd J.-l(y. G!M PR ICES AND P'R ID! Alll..,_""' me« to name tbe ''bJ& tour" pr•~ clous pma 'UIS bii'U u.t dtamoad, r d:ly, emerald IDd sappblre. Ask the a.meper- son to state tbt eoa ottbtae gems, aDd be' II lal'.l••te•rm''l of buoclreds or thousands of dollars. As far as be goes, be'll be rlgbt; but the nerage man ln the street usuaUy ts DOt aware of two important facts. First, ther e are modestly priced dlamoacls, rutlfes, sapphires and emeralds, or jewelry deslped arowld these getns, aod they sell for less than $100. Seeoad, there ls a world of fl.De jewelry set wlth such beau- tifUl stooes u ametbyst and tourmaliDe, all priced to nt almost anyooe's budget. To most people, the thrill and pride of cern and jewelry ownership comes more from q,.Uty and beauty than sise or price. Peace of Mind with 2, 4 or 12 month Redi -Reserve Food Units ( 11/!lf''"' ( 1>/1;.'<"111!'1/l \1/{1/1/11/f\ PJ-.Il ,\1 ,\·S I OK I·OOIJS !.'It"' ll.•rl •ur H<~ul~·•anl I "'I ..I ,\h·,,, For Men Blouses For Women Collar Cuff I n Htoflind t'•!fr•lt• llcMJ.,r 333 ·-· 17 .. lt. c--. 64J.a711 I'll.... of~-··--llln' .r 011111a -.. 7 n s ruutr. t.U. ..... ,... ... --......-. --tllo ..... ~--oi .. C-Ca · J CJsa ·--.., ,.... lbll to pru.t • -of $1,000 "!'! lbo _, of lilt . ~ c.-a-liclol)'.-coo... Tlot -ud ..... -- ............ "' J--· -ralalll( rll!l'nr tttYe, 'at t. ~ ,......,, J-4. Merlo-ud WAGS PH-. Mn.Siuloe Ka.a, -e aloo at B,. -lor lbe prur '•tioa. Pat allo .c:ltatlealiJ' llfarms m•, tleJ' tan 04plau la tbe bapper" wblch DO cto.M wtl1 m.u "moaey ill tbe UU,"" l>e-llrloclar ..,.. .. , ·--e ,U. ...... --IIJ _, Edtth Head will "do" a ...,... ot IIIUJ ol bel 1r0Ddert'tll ereatloU ud eoet..w lbe deliped for tlMI """te loll< ud llllu. All to be modeled tJr WAGS m•mbers. Orate aOt set Jet, but "proeeeds to be; lhartd betweea Edith Head'l pet CI.IIH, care of call, aDd WAGS, wbose cause ls care of he_,less, homeless aotmai..J. Don't Dow about blppoa • . • but diDosaurs will lM oo problem. Anyway we are bappy for tbe laterest: Jbowll ID animal care. • • • Ll "--' ..,.e -. ... lllo -M~Cleoo, llle·- ard <Pot> --Iori .. ..,... 1olll- -· ·-ud--.&- ud .uu. strock, ~--· ud ... B!Mtu, Grace 'hllll", 1M Doe T\IP<IIa, Cra ...... d WeoWJac, ud M•eo. Allllar c-. H-r Colo u11 J-~-Olbor• trom Newport lloacb -e llarJ .__, Alll.oa Lo'•laad, nt.bM. ud G .. Tllomu ud Mrs. Claa ·Pollor-(VI~ Tile C- lio! Mar toll< Joel-1M c-BratJru, Gu BrtllDI, Cttfb'd H .... Harold P.ar. C)'s, Edward P•llllp'la., C*ie Roberts, Lou1l Turner, Loaale YlDc..ta, ud Mn. Dean Waddell wttb O.Ual N~ Schramm, also Dorothy Yardley ud JaeUoa HoebH. Otbers JolnlD& tbe party wert tbe Robert BardiDs, Ednrd Ktarq1diU, Lt.r-Douett, lbe R ... rl Hlllo, Marpretl.oYejoJ, lilt Rltb- ard Marshalls I.Dd tM WUUam MorrliJes ... Need I say "a COOd tlmt ftB bad by all" ... eYeryoae but neryooe, ays sol • • • Helene and Bert Coffey, Doris &Dd John Lawson and Mary aDd Ropr Turner shOuld be home soon. Card trom Heleo says their World Arf.a.trs tour to Russia, r.s beeD stmply fabulous! . THURSMY, JUNE a. 1114 COII<*A DEL 11M, C£. Becky .Byrne of COM to summer In Sweden lleeiiJ a,ne, 11---old s-at eo._ 11o1 Mar 111a11 oclloo~ bu -MJeclocl 1>J '· ID lDteru.tlOMl COCDmlU.. to reprt~eat tM ~Jttd Stat.. lD tu Yo.th For U11dent11dhac Am.-teau Abra.d JII'OCflln tbta aummer. • Stw. will lea•• fbr Europe .oa and wlU apeDd: 10 wHta u ao eJCM!Ip stu- dent Uvtnr wltb a tamlly ln Sweden. I!CKY IYRM! . .AI.J..I' AIIIL Y INT!IIT AIMII ENT No, It wasn't tbe Ktnpleys' &Qidell anni · Y.rsary . . . oor ANY special date ... Adelaide asS1D'.S me, She I.Dd Kenneth just cMelded to han a summer party a.od chose Juoe 5 eve and Newport Harbor Yacht Club as the best Ume and place to entertain the trleods made through the years 1n Newport B•cb. Some could not atteDd, but most of the trlends ol tone stu<ttng .were there. • • • There was much to tell at tbe Tale of tbe Whale restaurant, Balboa, wheo tbe Women's A uxlllary, Orange County Arthritis FolJlda. tioo, held the aMual meetlq and installation or officers on Mooc.1ay, June 10. Becky applied for enrollmeD.t lD the Y.F .U. prO&f&m after leara.J.nc of tbe opport.mtty trom DoUI Wallace, another Corooa del Mar student, wbo Ia ~Qlng to France tb.ls summer with Y,F,U. Although Becky has studied French for two years, she chose to go to SWeden because of a particular lnter. est In the Scandlnavtan eouo. tries and a desire to learn more about the Swedish cotmtry aod people. She Isn't worried about the language because most Swedish people speak some English and she's looking for . ward to learning some Swedis h, too. year in tbe Harbor Area wltb the Pat CUoe fam.JlyiDd&Ueod- lng Newport Rubor bleb eebooL They discussed some of the sw~~ cu~ms tmt ~ mteht tlnd dl1ferent from oars and she learned bow to say, "hello" In Swedish, BeciiJ's Feature: "BRO·THER OF TH WINO" hoti)y Is phOtography and she'll ·r.~~~~~~5~I~~~~~~~~~~~~ Aloog wlth Adelaide and Kenneth, who greet- ed the guests, were the grandchildren, who rave tbe ·arrinls their table arranpments. Their graodchlklren au Jeff, Jana and Jil ... children ot Janie and Jerry Kingsley, Dover Shores; also LJII and Dnld, whose parents are Kay and Jlm Truesdell, Corona del Mar. David, the youngest, took pictures . , . sorry I didn't think to ret one. Lyn Is just home from Puget SoUI!od College, loves lt there but Is glad to be home for the s~mny weather. Coctta.Jls were served in the JOunce ... the cub..r bllnls were quite a h.ltl New Idea was the organ music cturinc the cocktails and dinner. The orp.nlst played the well lmo1m and old Um€. '2 vorites; most of them bad been selected by Mr. Kingsley. They seemed it.lso to be "all time" favorites, everyone enjoyed them so. Following the soetal bola, guests moYed to the ballroom, wbere a aourmet dJ.DDer witb approprb.te wiDes was served. The secood course, poached salmon and tbe dessert . . . strawberries Romaootr, deUgbted everyone. The table linens were s ummer ye'llow, whJie tangerine aod yellow were used 1n the floral arrange. ments. Very summery for a summer party, Peg and Cllallen l...aJijers eame In from the desert, and from Laguna Hills wer e ou,e Latbam, Vella. l.Dd Jack Hesnault, LU- llan and Spence Hoolg and Lucille Suhr; from the Granville were the Chester Hortons, Ray Lavelles and Jennie and Dick Richard; the Theodor e "l'r...StUs,• Bil"'eiilyoo; the Reid Wassons, ~st. Bluft~aDd BtU ux1 Doro. thy Ouimette; Rtle~Ha:~ Doa stutJne, Do'er Shores, the William Stallfters aDd Mrs. Harry Ma.rcb, Balboa; Lldo frtends included the Doo Ayres, Ira Frlsbees, Albert Brlttinghams, Thayer Crlsplns, Neill Davlses, Robert Hayes, Edgar H1Us, VIncent Healys and John Mrs. Belty Elias of Anaheim, president, ad,lsory committee or the Orange County Chapter or the Foundation, ser ved as instal- ling orncer when Mr s. Ray Elliott Jr., pre. sldent, surrendered the gavel to Mrs. Alfred E. Gallade, Incoming president. other oftlcers installed were: Mrs. Richard Fuller, treas- urer; Mr s. Rudy Gallegos and Mrs. S. Lance BrinUe, recording aM corresponding secre- taries; Mrs. Roland Perron. membership chairman; Mr s. Theodore Maravtch, pal-Lia- mentartan. Mrs. Elllott, who remained ..-tth the board as vice-president this year, was presented with a beautiful scrapbook record· lng the year 's work. Standing co mmittee chairmen are Mrs. Arthur Brandl, hospitality; Mr s. Grant Allan, press; Mrs. George Sabra, telephone; Mrs. Randolph UoU, courtesy; Mrs. Richard Fuller, volunteers, and Mrs . R. B. Pegram, h.lstorlan. Highlight of the meeting was the presen- tation to Mrs. Elb.s b) Mrs. E!Uott, assisted by Mrs. Ga llade aDd. Mrs. Fred Carter, this year's fund raising chairman and treasurer respecU,ely, or a cheek for $8,650, proceeds of l'ubd raising events and other donations throughout the past year. The funds wiU be used ezcluslvely in Orance County to help n.aintaln the Arthritis c linlcs or the County. They 00pe to do even better next year! • • • I beUeve the "First Nlghter s" have mor e tun that one can Imagine. On June 11 they were hosted by the Andrew Morthtands, Moss Potnt, at Victor Hugos for dinner "before curtain tim e" for .. See how they run." At. tending were Wn. Wut Ward, ln1ne Cove; Mr, and M.rs. Fr.Mirtck Hughes, Mrs. Edward Currier and Mrs. Dean Waddell. The play Is ver y enjoyable, I hear. Lived ..., to the title . . . as the player s were ever on the move. And I had better be too, or Bee Line will miss the deadllt._ tn a recent Youth For Uoder - stallding meeting, Becky met Jan Oloffson, from Gothenburg, Sweden, who Is spendlnJ" the have plenty of chance to prac- u~e It tak.lng pictures of tbe beaut.Uul SWedish countryside, Becky U'es with ber sister Susan and her mother, Mrs. Sa Uy Byrne, who Is a teacher, in Harbor VIew Hills. CORONA DEL MAR res ident Leonard T. Barter, left, a ssistant vtce.presldent and manager of Fidelity Savings & Loan Association's Costa Mesa r egional omce, stands beside Fidelity's Executive 'vice. President Gerald D. Bar- rone at t he June 12 grand opening reception of the newly constructed facility located at Harbor Blvd. and Center St. near Newport Blvd. Foun4ed ln 193~. ~ half-btuioo dollar company has 13 branChes and 'Urv'JS "mO re than 1ZO,OOO per sons throughout Southern California. The new office will provide complete savlngs servtces, including tree collection service, free notary service, free truelers checks and free safe deposit bol"es. The grand opening wlll continue through June 28. (Ensign photo.) SEA IS UNFORGIVING OF HUMAN ERROR (Continued trom page 1) veloped a leak througb failure ot plaDidng or thru-hull eoonec. Uoos somewhere between the islands and the position ol the wreeU.ce, eootloued oo while figflttoc the leak, sank ever lower loto the water, was sub- jected to one massive wue which tore away her s~r· structure and then sank as she was nned by a sueceedtnc sea. Some, while recognJsing the swells resulttn& trom tbe two hurTIC&.D8S to tbe south, diS· miss these swells as a possible cause ot disaster, clUng re. ports of a 35 knot southwest wind whlcb would commonly bring seas ot 20 foot height. We belleve tbl.t the eomblna- Uon of bea't')' swell& combined wltb sDCb cross seas could so torture tbe bull ol u old wooden ab.lp tbl.t her planking could &in, wt&lle tbe same hull might have withstood the SW seas only . Pre.dlsaster survival action (a ssuming radio contact is lost) bol Is down to seeing to It that all hands na ve life ja ckets and surviva l equipment on. It a lso involves a plan or acu on. We can only assume that both wer e implemented, and that whatever took place haPPened so suddenly that there was either no tim e to carry out the plan of action or that conditions made It im - possible to take such action, which would include the launch. lng of Ufeboats. Imagine, if you can, a wave 100 teet high. A hurricane wave photographed by the United States Air Foree was esti mated at ttat beleflt. Maximum heights of wans from trough to cr est are dtft'lcult to estimate, but the general oplnlon seems to be that the usaal ma:dmum Is 50 feet. ln any stretch of ocean ,....,T,.,.H'"A.,..,_N.,.....,. there Is a st .. dy prouessloo ol wues. At regular lntervals, SHOP often called tbe "nint h wa,.," an unusually la.rio!waveoccurs . When a cross-sea Is present, the periodic hlgb wan will at ~ ways be iUgtter than usual, and .It 11 probable that "ShootJDr Star" was satung in such seas. To ctve you an e'en better idea of what this stricken vessel and its crew faced, you need lmow only a, tew facts about these "i,~~U c1aot waves. c an tt aortl'linC o;; you like: "cllaaster nv•," "freak sea," or "ultimate wave" -· all are visible In da.yllgbt, much higher tha.Dsur- rotmd:lng seas, have a forward speed ot about 30 knots, and are literally a vertical wall of water wttb a coostantlytoamlng crest. reeognl.te the relentless and sis In that short span of time. i mpersonal power ot the sea The ocean Is beautiful, and even tn local waters . Some our s to enjoy. U you avoid of our love for the sea must human error you need oot fear. be transferred to love of our But a great deal ol re~P&Ct boats . Annual Inspections are for tbe power of the sea mllflt not enough. T hrough.hull eon. save your boat or your We. Stories have been told, and books have been written by skippers of boats which have encountered these waves and survived. The latest of these books, "Once Is enough," by Miles Smeeton, describes the head...oo meetlng ot a 42 toot i:etch-ri~ sallboat wtth such a wave. It was flipped com- pletely onr, 11pltcb .poled," 360 decrees, coming 14> with- out malts but wttb the hull tntacl. lD bl• MCODd such meet- Inc, Smeetoo took tbe wan brO&dslde, aDd wu rolled com- pletely O'fer, S60de&fees, a pin toslDe both masts and every- n e c tlon s, eleetrolytleally anected shafts and propellor s, planking and rastenings, should be checked routinely, as often as possible. Electrolysis works rast, particularly In sucb harbors as Dana PolDt, whtcb Is often ter med "Just one big tn.ttery lllled with boats." A shOrt time ago a sail boat less than 2 years old sank at Its moo ring. A metal througt~. hull connection had been eaten away by eleetroly. LIDO ••~•or ' !Ht.CH f'ftl!,1 .... !1011"<. ~L ' 1] ~ J .c thlDC on dec:t. It II quite N EMENT possible tbat tbe complete diJ-RETUR ENGAG . """r. appearuce at sea ot mltlysuch DJCDS-oHo\IDIEISJOfS bc:ats bu resulttd from similar ~ ws ~ ~ 8!l<OIUIIero, aDd U 1J: DOt at all ~~ beycod lbo r•lm of pooslbiUty ~ -~j(_G(t tblt "Sbootlac Star'' met a .,., ..,....~ wave oa tMt order. Moat .-m• wtll payer He rril(lUawlll-. _..~ tbe "UlUmat• Wan" 1D a IU•-1!!J l.aJ time of IIIIIDc. Wo b&Ye oe•er _ SUI$ U JIIIIS fOWMS UJODt wttb u auwer 1,;._,;;,;;;..;::=.=:=.:;;....1 as to bow to IIIDCI1tnchan.ve. All anal defeatet, socb u .. aaebon, tnJ.llDI 11De1 or ot1 ar• tiOtallJ JDDefi«UYe 1D sucb .-. Tile oal7 possible ft1 1o _,.,..-.u-- lllp, .. be ... ud lot lilt boot tat:e eare ot -.rMif. Tlot ..... of lbe .. _, .. -,_ "'- aod -bearlo. Wt &liD 110111 ... ..... .... ber ...... AI IM-ftbeU ... IIII !K ioo -ooll Plus IIlAH ONA G&JobJ 1:50 oal7 Nftinu•• Law 7:05 • -Aioo- DUAL GHOUL CHILL SHOW! Third Smash "MILL IROOKS" INIAHI TAKI-OFP ON THI CLASSIC WlmRN ••• LAUGHS MIAIUU 10 ON THE RICH11R ICALI" Rated K --.... - 8:49 7;10 " 10 :26 7:15 • 8:59 -10:43 Ho. 2 (PG) .pL{JS. ---,.,. -- 7:05 -10:39 A Great Frontier Adventure! OLD 2 .... -...... ..... llrN-... , .......... ··-(II)_ e • TABLES $35 STARTING JUNE 18 U4 Day -Ennlnt -Weekend 557-003 MRS. RONALD METZG!R. Judy Ann New bride of Ronald Metzger Saint James Episcopal school and Is presently attend- Chur ch In Newport Beach was tnc the University of Nevada the setting tor the nrst of at Reno. She was a 1971 Chll-.., ________ lllil June weddlng of Miss Judy Ann dren's Home Society debUtante. ~ New and Ronald W. Metzger. Her husband Is a ll'ad~ate of Tile afternoon double ring ser-the University of Nenda 1n vice was conducted by the Rev. clvU eogioeerlng. He beloogs :uarlan Coy Kendall. to the Strma Nu Fraternity. For all !he •nformatron you need aboul your new com- mu nrty . call The bride Is 1ne daugllter of HERNANDEZ IS N '"ED Mr. and Mrs. Don E. New of ""' Costa Mesa . Mr . and Mrs. wu. BY UNIVERSAL OAT A ll.am Metzger of R.:no, Nevada, are the groom's par t:ots. Attenr1ln g the bride wer e Miss Jody Schwarz as maid of hooor aDd the Misses Kathie New, I Sandra Thorr.as and Karen Gibbs as bridesmUds. The bride wore a white taffeta aDd lace gown made In the nostalgic fashion with a lace cap holding a fingertip veil. She ca.rrled a bouquet of white and zortna roses and babies breath. Fred R. Hernandez of New- port Beach has been named vice-president and chief ttnan- cial and administrative omcer of Universal Data Corporation (UNIDAC ). The computer and management Information sys- tems rtrm has otnces in New York, C hteago, HollStoo and At- lanta and Is represented In Europe by Teledale Ltd. Cor- porate headquarterS were moved recently, from Costa Mesa to new ta ctUttes at 4023 Birch Street, Airport Area. Her attendants were dre.sed In peach cr epe gowns with bou- quets of zorlna roses, babies breath and straw flowers. ?-......:-~ Mike F"laherty served as the A 1{.--Jili'tlf.\ groom 's best man. Ushers in - Pr ior to hlsnewappotntmeot, Mr. Hernandez was controller for Data Systems and Installa- Uon Corp. to Santa Ana. He is president of the BalboA Sti Club. ME Ill: eluded Bruce Mace, Tell Bro....n -~ and Alan Barthuly. Miss Jane ~ ~ dended: ibe guest book. 4•! ~·,· ,_ .. .l(-.• "IW~oa ROY CARVER TO BUILD \""l~ I! was held at tbe borne ot Elinor "\\.~,!'1-,c'f ' ~'~~:stReeiDI~"!'. Mesa Dr .• Santa ROLLS HEADQUARTERS ·~Trr..r · ... ~...... Roy Carver, a Rolls-R&yce 646-1234 s.d).1777 The new Mr s. Metz ger grad -dealer tor 13 yeu1, 'tftll build '---------r1 uated from NewportHirbor high an auto sales eomplez1n New-port Center, between the fire statioo and the standard service station oo Jamboree Road. Groundbreaking wtll be held this summer for a low'-proftle 25,000 square foot building, which wlll house all ears aod service operaUons. No cars will be displayed oWSoots. Pla.tls call for perimeter land- scaping Instead ot walls or fences. The dealership wtll also Include BMW sa1esaodsen1ce. R SALE STARTS FRIDAY 9:30A.M. UP TO .70% PANT SUITS .,m ........ S1911 • LONG from .. S19" CAPRIS ~n~m ........ S911 ... AID' 3424 VIAUDO, Nlw;c)IT IIACH • ----~--~-,.....,.---- i • 0 ! • 1 I l . FREE The "GUINNESS BOOK OF WORLD RECORDS"" The new, stupendous, more-amazing-than- fiction compendium ol /acts, ligures and photographs. Come get your free copy early, while supply lasts. One per family, and adults only please . • ~ffi\[L[L(JC)[fl]~~ '· FOR THE KIDS! (HEUUM ·FILLED) LET'S GET ACQUAINTED atour"GRAND OPENING" Discover for yourself a really great place to save. Fast, friendly and efficient service. No long lines or long waiting. You will earn the nation's highest interest rates on insured savings-nobody pays you more! So please come In, and bring your savings passbook- we'll be pleased to C!JMtR or transfer your account at no cost or embarrassment. .. fOOITIIII? • • I • ' SA¥1 .. 8 &Me lOA,. AUOCIAfiOM COSTA MESA-NEWPORT BEACH 1855 H"RBOR BOULEVARD COSTA IESA &45 4420 (NEAR NEWPORT e()(JLEVAIIfDI MAIN OFFICE -225 Eut Broadway, Glendale OPEN TO SERVE YOU Mondays !:'~ru Thursdays 8-4 FrldaysH Other regional ollices in Bellflower, FuHerton, Long BeliCh North Hollywood . San Pedro, Santa Ana-Or.nge, Sherman Oaks, Stantoo-Garden Grove. Van NuyS- •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• .. •• ASSETS OVER HALF A BILLION DOLLARS • RESERVES f,f()RE THAN TWICE REQUIRED AJIOI.MT ' \ ... ..,. ............. -, ... '-,. ....... ,. J ....... tt74 * ******************** NAMES MAKE NEWS ********************** M-. Jllaf 1• al......,. Mra. Mariiiii.U., 1 Jill -K.-.,-. of UCLA ud ........... -l. -·11, a ci-JNINI' llld ..... , ... ,.., .... ..,""*' u ...,, z • "' Silo 0nqo coa, Gruel ,.,, nee.c.urmu of tbt lifeowpori Bel.eb PluzUc CommWS.O, proal-o1 Silo Newport ot Amerleaa Field Seniee, t# U.. Woman's Ctric Leapt Dr. Painter, a tor mer miDlster, was selected by Jtudtat "f's&ilo~N;..;.;raeeiYed a $1,500 graot from the Fouodatloa. For the third eoo.- seeut1Yt tear occ r.s been named bJ the FOQDdattoo as ooe ot the top 15 eollectate lutttattons l.D· the natioo for lts Slllerlor teachlq tecMJques. • • • MELANIE . HOOLE, daugbter of Mr. and Urs. Glen flocle, 1?01 AnUgw. Way, Donr a Jmior anthropoloCJ ma)Jr at Nor- Untnrslty in Flaptaff, ns Col1ege's Work! Campus -Afloet for sprtnr semester at sea. She reeeotty parttclpated In a Japanese tea cere- ID TAYLOR TIIIOY VAN VALKIMIUIG mony wbUe the S, S. Universe ftS docked Student photoiJ'aphers han been bonored tn Tokyo. otber stops are at Hoog Kong, by United Way ot Orange Couoty for creaUYe Taiwan, IDdoaesla, Ceylon, IDdta, Kenya, Mo- depletloo of United Way sponsored agencies. zamblque, South Atrtca and Seoepl. Tbe To qualif'Y, a photo had to show senlces stlldy YO)'Ip terminated on May Z6th at Port provided to the community. Third place hoo-Everclades, Fla. ors In the r ecreational and character btdld- lng services category went to ED TAYLOR of Estancia high school for his photo of TROY VAN VALKENBURG at the Harber Area Boys C tub. • • • Summa cum laude graduates at tbe Juoe 15 commencement exercises at UC lrvloe Inc ludes one student from Newport Beach-- SUSAN JANET McC ARTHY, who majored in comparative culture. Magna cum laude graduates Included VIRGINIA BALDWIN of Newport Bea.:h, KENNETH HAYES and HEIDI · HECKMAN of Balboa Island, MELISSA LEN- TRICCHIA and RICHARD RANDOLPH SOGN of Corona del Mar, and DA VID ROBSON of Costa Mesa . M!LAMI! HOIL! G!ORG! HOAG II A nltflt wtth ''BlG GEORGE" HOAG U was held !.i.st ntpt at Disneyland bote! to honor tt.e president of the board of directors of Hoag Memorial Hospital. The event was co- ordinated by the Orange County &y Scout Council, the &ys and Girls Clubs ot the Harbor Area, Hoag Hospital, Associated 1o Donor GrolC), Girl Scouts, South Orange County United Way and the City of Hope, all of which have beneftted from Mr. Hoag's many years of community service. • • • • ,.. • • • OOR£1EH llU.RSHio..LL AL I"R£0 P AIMTI:R DR. A. BRADLEY ASKIN of Ne1rp0rt Beach, assistant professor ot admlnlstratton at OC lrvlne, 1f1ll serve as a federal faculty fellow and ecooomlst with the federal energy offtce ln Washincton, D. C. He will tlelp build econ- omic modgls of energy and deYelop natlooal eoergy policies during his 14 month tenure in the capital. Dr. Askin, who wlll be oo leave from the UCJ graduate school of admin1stra- UoD. durinc tbe 1974-75 academic y-.ra, U oae or 20 persons selerte1 to participate ID the 1974 federai raculty fellow5hlp procram, whi ch Is hmded through a grant from the Sears-Roebuck Foundation. The prognm is designated to make private sector talent a vallable to the federal government. Outstanding citizen of 1974, announced at the June 13 commencement exercises at Orange Coast College, is DOREEN MAR- SHALL of Lido Isle. former mayor or New- port Beach, and the outstanding OCC instruc- tor Is DR. ALFRED W. PAINTER of Costa New Fairiiew fire chief • 1710 MIWPO RT COST t. Ml!lt. ... ,..,., PAINT & t DECORATING t PROBLEMS?i Let us help you solve tbem -We are a hU seiTice paint ud decorating store. 412 -32ad. St . i i i Harry Potts, 53, a veteran of almost a quarter of a cen- tury or varied tire protection and prevention, has been named Fairview State Hospital's new fire chief. He assumed that post this month alter transferring from a similar position at the Cal- ifornia Department of Y outb Authority's Southern CaWornia youth center in Cbioo. He suc- ceeds Jay Morpn, wbo recent- ly transferred to Stocttolil state Hospital. Before assuming respoosl- blllty for tlre protection and preYentlon at the lZO -acre fairview State Hospital, Mr. Potts was for 10 years with the Southern CaWornia Youth Cen- ter. There be concurrently served as both safety ottlcer and n.re chief. His previous experience lnch.tes Z years in the t.badan. South Iran, tire service as marine t1re mas- ter; 3 years oo tbe City of Anaheim Ore department, 13 years In civilian levels through assistant tire chief In the U. S. Na.y r>wartment, al¥1 2 years as volunteer captain oftbe Mid - way City tire deJiarl.ment. ln addition, he served as a boUer technician for 6 years In the u. S. Nuy al¥1 chief flre ftgbt - er spectaltst ...Uh the U. s. Coast Guard Reserve for 7 years. GERALD POAR01 Nt.MEO AS GRt.HD CONDUCTOR Gerald Poarch, a member ot Costa Mesa Lodge Z9, !las been appointed lfand conductor of tbe Grand Lodge of Cautor- nla, lndependent Order of Odd fe!Jows. Installation ceremon- Ies took _place at the close of Grand Lodge sessions May ZS at Bakersft eld. Mrs. Gerald (Judy) Poarch and District Deputy GrandMas- ter Wesley Jones toot part ln the ceremony. Captain Gerald Poarch of tbe Costa Mesa tlre deparlmeDt 1s actin in many commlllil} projects, lnclad1nc Boy Scouts, E.cplorer Post 400, the reey- eiJ.nc committee, Miss Amer- Ica soft bi.U. aod Costa Mea bolpltal Yohmteers. A speelal Interest Is the work of tbe Tri-CowiiJ CoUSICII Ytlh Aslpl ' VIe• Hospital tor Crtppl6d Chlldr,. at Deeert HotSprlllp. ~H=owp>rt==Boo=c=•·:6;75~-=4040=~=::::::::::.~ BALBOA TO AV ALOH r. SERVICE AMMOUH CED Tbt "t.lud Holktlr" 11 ocnr P<Ofldlar da!IJ -... --Bal>oo IS7d Anklo at Cllllla Joldd, Tribal art is exhibited -........ . GRAND OPENING eeletntloa tor tbe periQI.MIIlt Nft- port Beach taclllty of Los Aaples Ftdlnl S.YIOp wtn be otuned aut weet. J ... 25 ~ 11, at UOl NIWI)Ort BlYd., across tt-om Ctty Hall. A nanr and 1Ddoor pllllt fe.Unl •tll be belli all tour d&JI. Bat ..wac aatbora Lynn. and Joel Rlpp wtllautocnPb frte eoplea ol "Motber An elblbiUoo at tbe art ot earth's M.ssle-ftoee 1Ddoor piiDt boOt." Local florist. 'Will the Me!lde tribe of Sierra create floral arrancemeata, ud aa artiaD will ablpe Leooe, Wett Africa, opeoecJ at bowla and planters ora a potter•s wbHI. Eaeb day there tbe Newport Harbor Art Mu-•Ill be drawll'lgs for tbe flonl ~P~Ctacular ot U.t clay seum on Jtme 19 aod 'Ifill coo-and tor one of tbe pots ereatecl by ceramu.t Paul Major. tiuue througfl July Zl. Tbe eJ:-Gardening books also •Ill be PHD daliJ u ·ctft.t. Ua.D- hlbltloo was orp.Dlud by tbe apr of the ortlce Is Nancy Nour•. Bob Suda Is afiDp University of Maryla.Dd UDder Slt)UYisor; Cathy Brooks and Laurie RUI, DYlnp ttllei's; a grant from tbe tnterprettn Sbarorl AnD Goldberg. new accomt.s eotmaelor. J. K. Balllle exhibition prognm of the Na-ls chairman of the board ot Los Angeles Federal SaYings. i,~~;i~;;;~;~ Antidote for mediOcrity ~;;;;~;;; gr~ in Sierra Leooe, Uve Dr. Robert Peterson, re-Cbureb, 2046 Mar Vista Orin, I in the southeru part · of the elected this month as Orange East Bluff.Resern.Uoosmaybe • .Ia. country but are Ungulstleally County s1C)erlnteodent of made for the 7 p.m. dinner by • ..~-'-D~~~.; L .,.. related to the Mande-spe&ktng schools, will speak to the calllnr the Bookstore at 646-__ " __ ~ peoples of Guinea aDd Mall. Friends or the American Opin-0645 or Mrs. Laura McClellan Tbey are ruled by a hlerarchy lon Bookstore at their monthly at 548-3020. Those Yho are SOMETHING TO lltr.K ABOUT ot chiefs having a paramollDt potluck supper meeting Friday, uD&ble to attend tbe pot-luck chief as head ot each district. June za. His topic •Ill be "An s~ are inTited to atteDd the TOU PAY $f.A PER POmm rc. QUALITY Their ecooomy Is based on antidote for mediocrity." 8 p.m. pro~tam and meet Dr. M T 8'1'1.0: • WI: WILL .an. TOP QUALITY rice farming. Dr . Peterson has served as Peter&OD. A dooation or $2 .00 .0 Oz. Jf.T. ITEAIC iolucMP F't8 YOU-THIS A 25 minute ftlm, s.~lllg county S\CM!rlntendent since will go to sustain the Amer-U.:LimEI IOUP -SALAD, AU GRATIIf the carving of masks and tbe 1967 and prior to that was teau Opinioo Bookstore. POTATOII • GAJILE TOA81'. WI SET TOUR ceremoolal dances in which principal of Monte Vista Scbool TA&u _Gift 'lOP a:RVICI-WASH UiiiiS. they are used •Ill be scr eened In Santa Ana and ba.s taugbt • oo Saturday, and Sunday" June at Orange Coast College, Loor BOB COLE PROMOTED yo•-Lr HO F1ESI 22, Z3, 29, 30 and July 6, 7, Beach State Colle ..... , and Santa ALL YOU DO. EJUOI --.~ Robert B. Cote, 1 nz Port 13, 14, 20, 21 at 2 p.m. Ana CoHere. His philo90PhY of Cbarles Place, Harbor Vie• education includes tbeadYocacy Homes, bas been promoted to of local control of schools, in-man2-r-materlal, fabrication USC GROUP ELECTS U:>u Cecchi of Orange, a USC alumnas, is the new president of Commerce Associates, a SIC)part group tor the USC school of business administra- tion. Rick Geller of Corona del Mar Is first vice-president. The board includes Mike Lanni or Newport Beach and Bob 0'- Donnell of Corona del Mar. eluding te:rtbook seleCtion; -~ more Intensive readlngtnstruc-diYI&ion, at ITT Canooo Elec- tion; more effective patrlotlc trlc, Santa Ana, a division of lnterna.Uonal Telephone a.od instruction, and promptp~mlsh-Telegraph Corp. He Is a grad- ment of students or teachers uat.e of Ca.Utornla State College who deliberately break laws at Los Angeles and ~lnec:l ITT or campus rules. Cannon Electric 1n 1959. He The pot luck. s!Q)er will a pin be held in the parish hall and nts wtfe, Dorothy Ann, have of Our Lady QueeooftheAn(els 4 soos. -WE RA YE THE DOW HOW - KEU.Y'S '" ••• Tbe IS toot, 14t s-111 cW boll loa-Ilia Bo-Pofla.. ...., ...or all a.m. ud' arr--at 7 p.m. no •-~ flra 1o P.SO ... ada .. ud $4,75 lor--II. (I'\. US ne rp1 THI OIAHGI COUNTY ·r11.1M0 rill . .. Ylll -Cort "' -lllo lllllr ud 1lnt ; OPWI" II 101 11811 w tbe I OGPt• at tbl Pk'Wt• I Jure !lad •••••It, GOld a.t ... .... ..... .~ •• ~ •• ., ..... llr ... or,.._ -!!IIIIo -.-IDIIIIaot .. --. .. ,....,..... ,. lnt • CeAJT IIWYt. C8-A HL •AI. u.&.•r• n~o~ .. ,.....,.. • MITOIB.L ~I'OIHTED --0 "'eo. _lila __ _ ....... , .... 1 Mnlt .. or._ ...... If Co75 .. -17ii , I Doa Clll.. :::c:·...: : ... ..: J&: ..... ,, b' tra • .... 4 •• ---......,,rc; ••• --;;;;;;-------------------. ,_,--"'!L Wt'ft au llllrd ...,se1uo - -Mel<· -.ord, "lbncadalln." Did ,. ... ... ... won coatM from u old llei:INw ,...... ''AbrU-ta..dUn," ......... "l , .... u. deed. .. IDd tt wu c.ce a Yei'J popcdar c .. lor ._..... lllllo&NI? Dllrblc the boJ-claJ ot .... Roawl lmplrt, tiu word wu wrttta oe 1111*', U. rnrtU. bllow bol wU• tilt 1ut 1ot1or OOIItloll. Tlmt after Ume tbl word wu wrttta, ..0 blkJw tbe prtcecllar YVdoa ud llleb tliM wtUI uatber letter omttted from tbe -.. Tbe lut ftl'tiol&, of ~-. wu mlhlJ' tbt t.ltlal, "A.,,. Tile renltaat "h•cQ clann" wu tied .ttla nu IDd wora aroaad tbl aeck IDr aDt di.Ja. It ..... 't eaetiJ 1D aMibloUC bat U WU prob- abiJ as tfrtcUYe tor tbe eommoe cold u UJ· thlDc ••••• todQ. • Make as your bel.ltb care blldQiaJ'te:f•· You're lDT1ted. to apply ror your owa ctlll'ce accotd wttb us. • • • IWIIlY IIINT' To -lilt or lard from 1!>11-ttrlDc, sprloltle a litUI Alt ID tbe frJiDI pu. B4,VSII>Eil>HA.RMA~ WITH CARD 'II PARTY IOU~ t.ylidl dr. ~ oewport: btacb -eallfonl&, tiM% and U}fj,n,e~11 WINERY CAFE Now Serving PIZZA LUIICHEON SUNDAY CHAMPAGNE BRUNCH Our Featured ITALIAN DINNERS inc lude glass of wine Party Trays Modt to Order NEW I GAS SAVER ELECTRONIC CRUISE CONTROL SAVE UP TO 40% ON GAS HOLDS ANY SPEED ELECTRON !CALLY FROM DASH 541-lJIO COIIIIE!tCEMENT EXERCISES for tbe crad~aUD.c 8th cradl ella of Harbor Dl.y School were held JUDI! 1 oo tb1 ICbool campus ln Harbor VIew HiU.. He&dmuter JoiiD Mutter preseotecf diplomas to the followtnc 22 Jl'ad- uates: bact row, left to rlgbt, Darby Lewis, Lisa Van Mourlclr., Ted Keyes, Kenny Kntgflt, Greg Wtlaon, Davtd Foell, Skip AuiUl, Klrf'l Beckwith, Gregg Headeuon, Bill Sbarp, sten Reid, Warren Kramer, Claudia Maradudln, Lylbtth Trauz; frool row, Beeki t:Jraoc, Tracey Gaede, KarlD L&De, Zayda Worrlson, Dana Myenon, Terri Me- MDllea, Susanna TriiU, Heather Doo.J.gul.an. Mtct.el L. Grella, assistant beadmaster, gave the eommeDcement addreu, 1D whlcb he spoke of the need for yot.~:~g people to r ecoplse that We Is full of dlnrslty and dlfterence. Ht urpd the craduates to resist the presstD'es toward wbl.t be called "homogenlu.tlon" ln society and to choose unique abd. slnrular models for their Uvea. Anthony R. Mollo, president of the boar d of trustees, presetltedawards tor academic excellence to David Foell ol Newport Beach, Research in ice fields 8rowD ba.tred, browo eyed, 10ft spoken Lant Barton, a grad- llal:IDC senior at Newport Har- bar bleb school, is one of 10 Dttionwldt hleh scllool students pleked by the National Science Fotmdi.Uon Programs to do neld reset.rcb lor 9 weeks Ill tbe tee ftelds of J~meau, Alaska, ud Its adjacent lowland areas. Luli's experience ln back- pile~ wtth ber father, Don C. Barton, and brother Don, aloDC wttb her swnmer flekis studies class last year, han belped her to cope wttll harsh envtronmeDts and sense of 11Yiog off the land and adapting to tts cycles. Bob House, chairman of the seleoce department at HarbOr , bad told the stOOeots about the NSF program and Wormed h1a classes tbat there remained on.!;)' a lew lD which to nn out au wrIte the MATTRE WEW -U8VILDDfC lfftlular Sh.apn l•p ..... -c.tt.. WESA WATJWS CO. N. U'-trl-llOl LAHI IARTOH its July 4th "SPIRIT OF H"SPECIAL. To .• ;. wlt•t 1111• ioo.t '• MJ ""o•'· Sold .. ltry•'•. "THB GULAG ARCHIPBL,.4GO .. Rea~H~~e Howl HIINIIJo••li 111.91 • Pq'"IJo•tl fl,, American Opinion Bookstore J04 N. H•wporl ftltuL, S•lt• 201 N•Wflort Ba•cb Plnnu 646-064' Ho•r•: 10:00-J:OO "''"""' O~t OIJ MARINERS CHURCH .TD TI.ICIIIJI<4 B CEI<TIII&D I* Jlllll C-T· Aim Till: IDLE, WfrR EMPIIAIB I* I'UC'nC.U. CBRIITWI UYIIIG. ALL 4GU AU WILCOIIIl. eo .. u., w n.at~~c .,..ttlt. StmDAY SERYICJI, WORSHIP SERVICES AND SUNDAY SCHOOL 8:30, 9:45 aDd 11:00 A.M . wbo received the headmaster 's award lor tbe ~r sebool EVENING SERVICE .......... ?:00 P.M. aod the mathe matics prize. Claudla Manduc!ID. allo of PHONE: 8'75-4550 Newport Beach, received bOth th~:·~-:: .. ::ar:t:s~p:r:lse:.l~:D;o-~r.~E.~C~•;•~~~W~'Y~··~"~-;pao;rt~-;~·~-~~·;~;~~ aDd the art award. .. ·N.B. FESTIVAL SET SEPT . 21 LadlBiaw Reday, chairman of the Newport Beach City Arts Commission, announcesthat tbe 7th annual city arts festival will take place Saturday, Sept. 21. It will be a day and evening ennt. There w1ll be displays of crafts, palnUngs tn otl aod watercolor, as well as photo- graphy. Tbere will be many cash awards for artists ln bOt h pro- fessiooal and amateur categor- Ies. A special youth anrdsec- tlon Is pla.nnec:l, sponsored by the Dolphins, the Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce Women 's iJivls1on. The city purchase award will be S500 for the purchase of one work of art selected by the judges to be tbe most ootst.aDd- lng, and which wtu become the permanent property oltbeCivlc Center Galler y. AD added feature w1ll be an enDing coocert UDder the stars oo tbe Newport Beach City Hall la.W'n. The performing arts will also be represented by the Children's Theatre Gui ld and the ballet. Two More Reasons why Richard's serves you better RI CHARD'S MARKETS NOW A CCEPT MASTER CHARGE AND BANKAMERICARD ON ANY PURCHASE LIDOCENTER 3433 VIA LIDO · HARBOR VIEW 1660 MAC ARTHUR Before we build a pipeline, we'll know as much about tile Arctic as they do. If ynu thou,Aht thl~ Arcttc ft:3 ' pq"tCinu• w.1 ... tU!>t a drcttm, \'1-'t'\'l' ~~~~ news fm )'lUI. The hr,.t :tpphc:Hlllll' h•r approv:tl have be-en fdcJ. And If all ~oc' we ll, n.Hur.ll gu from the Arctu: will he:.· wumingour home~ hv tlw l·nd of the ·70s. But before: we ever ,1.."'->t 1h1" far, we hod :.lo. olttmuo~w11rk lr-lr;:J-r-t~--L"\ to do. Namdy, bow do we tnul~ a $5.7 btltlon pipeline (the Jar~'' c:onsuuction proJeCt in the h'""Y' of privatt industry! whhout harmina the l•.nd\ Or the rcoplc livins off the land. We've bcc:n tt-tdng thMC ans wers. vc.r 5 yean. Arctic: n:.turch facil· too-pipeUoe innallation - hove been '113 the •ffixt or pipdlne on per ros<. There, • I thuu,:mJ ~ ,,f hlt ru..'\.1-.c nMlT' hooked hHiliHJ'UICt~ h:~Vl' IX'l 'l1 )o:tVIO}: u.., :m l ,nJcr• ~o;t•'unJ ''ll''' m·,·ct rcvcnh.-J bcforc.Sclwt•'ll L. nc '"' c 't( .u.:tl' '' h:lt wc'tl' ~cttlll)ltntn. 1\\'!tiVl' )o:WUnJ , :lCtC!o t'lf IC!Ot p\nt~ h:tVC hN.·n tt·lhn)t "'what kind!> nf grnssc~ jlrow fn,tc't in the A relit climntc. So we'll know whnttn plnnt tlftcr we burld. Field tcnm .. h11VC been b11ndinR fish and wn tcrCowl. Plnncs have been trackin.A caribou, mApping miAfAtory route~ thai C"vcn 1hc nativC~ don't know about. So we'll know whctc and when not totNHd. The Ca.s Company and other com,.._ have alrtady spent ewer 150 mUUoa M 1 hctc and othcr ~~rc~::-;=r;::l Bc:c;au~ whatever it to keep up the aaad .niar h<re 41 home, E..,.lf In•• I us totMcnd•ofdleeenll. I ••'4 •tlk s•.e ., .waD w. .,...,, DJI. • TM• CHAIITIAM e•ACON, 'YN HAOD•N"·8T,0 C:Oa..LtNGJWOOD, N,J, '-• de .. Plair Sf tl Mlw Ti-:-::~,Wo, ... 11s , ·~· JIZt WJ', D1i111 ...... rt! Duaiel lD the Uoa'a 1 ~ J HE ttory of "Daniel in I thr Don of Liotu" ([)an;rl 6) is familiar to rea~• of tho Bible. H<R b u appeopdate to note the oblervations of a faithful mlnl>tu of the Goopel: "Danid dort not Jive ·a conrin~ hittory of the reirn• 1n which he lived, nor of the tCate-ift'ain of .tllt kinadoml of Chaldea and Pn-sia, chouef\ he wu himlflf a crcat man in thole affain; for what an: .thole to ua ? But he '-Cicc:tt tuch particular ~es of ttory u serve for the confinnine. of onr faidt in God and the enc:ouragtng of our obedience co him, for the: things written aforetime were written for our In.min1-It is a very ob.t;rvab~e improvable ttory that we ha.ve m thlJ chapter [6), how Danirl by faith 'Jt~ the mouthl of lions.' and 10 'obtauwl ~ cood nport' (Hrb. II :33). The three child~ were cast into the fiery futnaee for not CDm- mitt.ing a known sin, Daniel ~~ cast into the liom' dm for not omac.ung a known duty, and God's miraculously ckliveri"ng ~th them and him is left ugon record for t'he encouragement of his servants in all ap to be: reso- lute" and constant both in thei r ab- horrern:e of t:h~ which is eV'il and in thtir ad~rm~ to that which is good, wha~vtr it cost them" (d. ~a.tthtw Hrnry , "Daniel" in A11 Expot1ti.Dn of tl1e Old and N rw Trslamrftt, 17()8...10, Vol. IV. p. 1061 ). Moreover, it is helpful to absent the following su mrnary ~f chaptt:r 6 according 10 a dt \'Out B1ble teacher : ''When the kingdom [ uf Babylon I waJ organized undtr the rule of . the :\l tdts and Ptniam, O;,niel was gtven ;\ high ~it:ion , an~ hi-. prt-en·i?em ability wa'J rt cogmzeo.l by · ( K m::: I Dari us (vv. l-3 J Tim arousrrl the iealousy nf the other CJfficers of ~tat t , ;rvl they planned the do.,.,·rdall of DanieL Knowing that thL")' could fmJ no occasion aga:nst him c x c~pt thro ugh hi~ piety, the)' got the km~; tr, !>ign a decree that for thirry d.ays I'll) pctirion !>hould he as~d (If C.od ro r 111an except of the kmg (vv. 4-9 ). Thi~ requc:"!t of tht.."lr">, which wa' ln· tcnl\c!l t0 natrer the kin_g, !.hl.1WS that l>anirl'o;, h_.,l,it r,,i 11rayn was well· LIIDWn. I-Ii~ \oy~it} !U r,.-.~1! OC\er I'" wa m ed II< continue<! h» a<> "' t p~yrr-at:~d prni<.r th rrt tim~ <1 r\ar a~ l,efore, with hm windo". ·~~ toward Jrrusal~m. and th1 f;~e• wa~ repon:rl trJ the king. D-.n ius Wit~ grt~tly d!~­ rJrht:r!. a:l<l .. bower! hi~ 1">1('•·::r ::tnd af· f~·..;tirm fr,r Danif"\ by the prolnn~r-I •·fiu rt lw marie. ,,, ri·lnrr him Bur ;rc.-r,rdin" tu the !.'\\\ r,f the :\terles and P~ans ke could not chan.ct-hi.t own· decree (vv. 1().15). The lrinor ra.ve the command, and his loyal KrY&nt, the &(ed J::>aniel, who mu.t have been nearly ninery by this thne, wn• ClJOt into the den of Iiana. "Dariut committed him to hit God, and tp<!lt the nit!>< in fooli'J and mourn ing, Early in the monunr he hurried <o thr don, and found to bit great joy that Daniel wu unh&rmed. J n the mic:bt of -1:ht lions he wu un· hurt, 'becau.e he had tru.ated in his God' (vv. 16-ZJ ). Then thr Iring contigned Daniel'• a«UJerS and their familiet to tM doom they had in- tended for him, and Wued a decree that all people under M dominion should honor dte God of Donid, 'for he is the livina God, and tteadfut for evt:r, and his dominion shall be evefl unto the end' ( vv. 24-28). Thus Daniel's ateadfut piety brought Dari-~ into dle ~eht o( the k'nowlcdg~ of 't~ living God'" ,(cf. Joh? MeN•c:ol , T hiding Thro149h th~ Bibl,, n.d., Vol. II, PI'· 195, 196). n.. C:O..plrocy Ageloost Dooiol V...,... 4-9 of [)an;rl 6 dcocribr tho plo~aga.inst Darael. '"Thor enemiea of Danitl were dttenni'ned to bring him r1own . But how to do oir, that was the que$tion. Daniel a.dminiatered the ex· ch ecp.loe'r of the t;n:at empin. POJIIIibly tl~ey mighl: find so~ ir.rqularity ~r ptculation in the d1scharge of h1s !Otewa.rdshlp. But when thty looke.d into the ma tter rlu:y were unable .<o <li,co·.er a.nyt hing ~ch ev~n mahct f.r ha.te could distort mto dasho.ntsty. 'He .,.,..,..,. 1t is written, 'f;uthful. neither , .1<1 there any error or fault found in hi m' {v. 4 ]. That is the wa_y a man fJUght tO live, ~ that when hi s ent•n1e. would Lring him down they c.1n lind 11o uccas:un against _hi m .. The<'' 1At:otters against Dame\ kn~w t\!:1t n ,,r,ultl b:-imfX>S~Sible to trap htm or J,ril oc him into any dishonesty or di~!rJ}<Jlty 1 r irregularity. Da niel. thev knew, was beyond all th.at. ~he •Jn(y way they could l.H)pt -to. bnn~-: h1m rlown was to ruin hmt by h!A very loyalty to GCJI\_ Therefore they per- :marlrrl '->anus tfl issue a cltcree that . upon pain • r..t' heing thrown to t~ lion", no mhabitant of Babylon wa.s 1r, pray fnr thirty days to any ~ but to Dal"ius. [);u\.ir:l's enemies kntW that he was a man of prayer. They ~. too that he fe a red God rather than rna~, and tha.t Daniel would never .,1)1!'\' such a d~cree, and the mom~nt the· r!ecree wa.• st:a.rnped wi th the s1 g· net ring of the king they sai~ to.them· o;,.e\vr-s, ·~ow w~ have Dame\ m our power' 00 canney, "0..,.;.1-' Moot lnftu<n- tial ~n Old T-...no" in s~ "" T•s'"'"'"' H,ou: 1935, pp. 40, V..-16-24 nlale the wdl·ln>wn ....,. of Dome! in tile 1iooo' dm. Since Donie! bad not rep.rdod t1>e cloerce of KJ"' Dori .. (cf •• .._ 7, 12, 13). "DaDld .... --ol hich -· bea'• he cc::diAued u befOR in pray« to Gad. and wu c:oademned to br -ioto tile den of U0111. Tbr kin( found Ilia --he pm>tiYfd the advantact: that wu taken of hi• enactment; but to maintain inviolate .... ~ ct.naer of the Mec»Per- oian lqWarion. which wu pt'.-.1 by tho advenoriro of Daniel, he allowrd t1ic judpent to ~ -!~opine that deliwranct mtiht IOfnehow come to Daniel from & tnJher aource. Nor wu he [Dari,.] diJ&ppointcd. The faithful «tVant o( Jehovah was mi- raculowly pruervtd from the mouths of the liont; he came up again un- scat:fled ; while d.. who had IOUght his destruction, when the judgment they extorted api111t him wu meted out to them&elvn, fell a prey to the ferocity of the IKms the moment they wtre cast into the den. Thus, under tht new dynasty, (1n Babylon]. a.s Wldtr the old, dl.is chosen representa- tive of tht cause of Heaven continued to jN<Ige the heathen, and c:o present a Jiving c:xhibltion of the invincible m1 ght and glory of Jehovah" ( cf. Patrick Fairbairn, "Daniel'' in Thr lmperiDJ Bible Dictioftary, n .d., Vol. II, p. 108). Verses 25-27 11tt forth tht edict of King Darius foUowioz the marvelous preservation of Daniel in the dm of lions. "Hi.s proclamation is addressetl to all the people. nations, and la n- guages that dwell in all the earrlt. He {the King J was caiming more than he had a rit;ttt to geographically ; but morally and provide:ntially he Y.'<l.S the ea rth 's monarch, and the ~uprerne gov- ernor of c:he 11t:C0nd wmld-power. It was thus the homage paid by the ha- bitablt world through its king to the Jehovah of lsrul, and it acknov.·\- edged Him as a Beint: of higher and more divine attributes than any of the gods of ~ heathen nations. There \VU in tb.it mon: than a ca.mpensarion for the loas of na.tional indtpmdena and military achievement. 'The Jew began to learn that hi• God was his strength, and alawly and surely they were formed into a people of mis- sionaries, whose offict it was to bear far and wide God'• truth" (d . R. Payne Smitft, Dar.Ul/.-VI. A" Ex- .. """ 3 • pontWJft, 1~ p. 30). TWO M/Ntrr£5 We pray Thy blessing Mrs. Lucy Kerr, at age 91, Is a dedicated Bible stOOent and an active member of her church In Washington, 0 . C. The prayer below tsannample or her tove for the Lord. She composed thls prayer for de- votl.ons that she pveataCLrcle meetlnJ at chur ch, Lucy (Mrs. Rector ) Kerr Is the eldest sis- ter or J. B. Whitney, long time resident of Corona del Mar. Tbe Kerr familY, which Lochldes S surviving sisters and Z bro- thers, grew up In lndepeodence, Missouri, home of the late Pre· 1HE IJIIJL£ ll' ~OaJUUUI I . tt.t... , .... .......... ...... IOCMif'l' CHIC.t.OO. llL*Otl .o•U THE ONE TRUE CHURCH RelogiOU\ pe(lple evf!n •,onr.l!t•· Chfl\loil n peopll: mo~v rlowfl" 1t"''" ..elve' on ro Wif'O<.I\ Oo!nnrnmo~tt•J"'• o• churr.ho:\, tJu r !here 1\ no on<J ... ar•'l" on the Bolli" that Gorl <eV~(jllll~'. the..e '''"'\'on~ l mi~:"<:l Grvl "!.o~.,-. or di)V nfto~ntl~ cltil< th.ol "'rl '''<'11 fhet~< <\hut "'"" ClhHth. '-""•UOJ\"d o t .ol! wtlo 1rulv UU\! "' "'' l "''I .k\u~ Ch,\1 ;I\ !I'll! I< S.ov•O• I• I r,,,, t2 12.13 !I'll! A!'JO'!II! PIPul rJHI.,f"'· bv (lowone on\poroti•Ofl ·•f I)<~ 1he t>Od•1 ,, o•w ··•··I ' ·•'' m•nv m"mhl!•\. ""'' "" lh• ',_,, t~n o t rn.rl or>~: hodv I"''' , '' •" I ,,~onehoo l, \~ot1\r)J\t.1" "FOR bY ONE SPI/1 11 flki WE A Ll BAPT1 ZEO INlfJ 1J!Jl BOD Y " "" '"' •n Roman\ 1 2 ~ '•· ·• 1 · ·;,, WE . BEING MM~ ( fll•1 ON E BODY IN C HA I'~I Md1 EVERY ONE MEMBERC. IJllf (JI ANOTHER .. ltJdel!d, ol ot on 11'1~ b"'IO\ ''' 11 ~ fiC t th•l!her• ''but "01•~ '""'1" '" God'\ ,,.,, thJl H~ .... non~ "' ''' ~~~ek 10 "k••P the uno~v ut '"" s,,,,, .. "ENDEAVORING TO KEEP !Hi; UNIT Y OF THE SPIRIT IN THE BOND Of PEACE ·THE Fit IS ONE BODY ![pi 4 J,41 H,,...., r .. n w•! lli:!:Ul'"' fl'\t'mbeoi ol m,,, "ot•P. Bodv." !hi' H ue Chu!!;h' LrJ""'·'""\ 1 e •pi~on\ how Chro'l ,,, .. ~~ h,o "!1 . .H:w ~n•l Genhle al•ke, IHAf HE MIGHT RECON CILE BOTH UNTO GOD IN ONE BODY flY THE CROSS "IVe• 161 lr• •1<-•·oJ u," EptiiiP\ of St Paul \hOw ~,,,,. G'lll ··n;uh conclunl!ll otll •n ur, ,,..~.,.t !hilt He m•qhl h~~·· mercy '*'I" .1!!, .. ~nd olte< to !hem <I'<..Ofl , olodlu')n anfl l~l~ill oOrl hv II'¥;" ro ,.,,,qh la11h on Ch"\1 who d"!fl tm '"" ~"" Th•· rwe~1oon, then," not, "WI'I"r •.hu•cl'l flo you hl!lonq ,,,,.. Bul, "Do vou belong 10 THE CHURCH. THE BODY OF CHRIST .comPO\ea "' o~ll who h;~lo'e ..::knowledged lhtm '>l!lv"' to bot s•nrwrt m the ''gh' o l VI'JO o~nd hiYI! HUlled rn Chf1\t.~l'\d Ho\ hno~hed work lor u lvatton? tl LOOB tiT Tt¥--3 OOOE BY OA . BOB JONES BOB JONES Uni~BrBirU '•''''"v'''' •r)u t" t ~•D<O"A 19114 It i• •oMerlu\ that God u ~~e1 God mede you, and He alona b human ln1trumentA to do Hi• ablt t.l) UM you to th• full work . Altboua'h we njolu pnt.oentlll litlell He hu loeked that He permit.a Ul\ to h11ve • wit.Mn yo u. Only HI• hand on r.art In HI• work. It ill not the t.he keyboard of your 1\te can natnlmtnt that matten, but call Into 10unri th• rk:h muak the Maar.r Who uM~ the nt which the lm•trumant \1 lnatrumenc.. capable. A.n orpn ~an not make mualc: God made you for HI• rtor1 of itMlf. TheN mu•t be the and to 10untl forth a hpmn for ora'an with lh ptp .. , Ita cham· Hh1 pra ie~. Not evuybod1 ean berl, it. pumpa, IU manuala, play an ortfan, but all af ua and it. el«trk power. But can btl in.atrument.A upon wh.kh .. k fro God can makl muak t.o Ria theft Cllfti'IOt mut m f,lort and to the l&lntlon of u.. orpn uatJI .omeone who rid ••· ,_ .__.,. •llilk alta at the key-Ott 1011la In a wo -' "' , ...... UMII .... out of \he m.tlftd bJ Ule dl~e:ordaM note ~ tM mwde that 11 f1f aln. tMrt ,u.t ft II oniF the man 'lphtllaM 1:10 NJ'S thae. •• wlllo • ....... or baU• an are Oocl'a JIOUII• faNiciM .. I God wllo ~a, ud ha.a WI'IUen a poe. a ,. :~ ..... --~ ="' .. ~\;;~=-= ~ -,.,_... --· ~ .. .:.. ·:.= ·= =· r:r=.,.:r:,;:. w:-' .... \1,.. ...... .,...,.. ,.,._..,A,.,...- sldent Harry S. Truman. LUCY KERR • • • On a day like thl5, wtth the sun shlnlng, the blrds singing, the nowers blooming, we are conscious or how richlY the Lord has blessed us by glvtng us so much beauty to enjoy , We can all say wit h the poet Brownin g: "The year's at tt>'! spring, And day's at the morn: Morning's at seYen; The hlllmde0a deW -pearled; The lark's oo the wtnc; The snail's on the thorn: God's tn His Heano -· All's rl(ht with the workl. '' 1 han choaeo. "Prayer" tor our devotions this morning. Thomas Carlyle Aid "Pnyer Is the native and deepest Jmpulae of the 10t.1l (I( man." lll the Old Testament, Oav1d, the psalm lit, baa P•tn us many bealflful pnyers. Palm 61 It ooe of my taYorltes : "Hear my cry, 0 God; attend ooto my prayer. from the end of the euth wtll I cry 1.11.to thee, when my heart Is overwhelmed: lead me to the rock that Is higher tt.n t, for thou but been a sbtlter for me, and a stronc tower from tba eoemy. 1 will abide Ill thy tabernacle tortYer ; 1 wtll trut In tbe covert ot thy wtnp." Another poet btl said: "Praysr Is Ule tool's tlDcere destre, uttered or ~m- espreued: IM motloa of I hldden ftrt, trtmbllnJ ln the buaat, Pr&yer 11 the burden of a sllfl, the fllllnc of a tear, Tbe upwud turntnc ot aa eye, whiG nooe bUt God lJ ....... WMn ,0.,, but Cod la IMIU mOta u r11Uu hOW oftea Christ praytd alooe. lD tbs Gardea of Getlt,.tnlftl Ht tWd 1D Hto cll.oelplel, "SU yo bon •bill IIJO ODd pny ,..-," Tlltn •hiD Ho aid, "8o DOt u till ptlbllcu .,bo lib• to be h?Ud pnJiDc lll the ltrMtJ, bit wbta you pny ootor 1oto your c-ODd pny to,.... FolboT, wlllcb 1i Ia MCI'It lad He lblll r.nrd JOU apealJ." Wt Ut told tbat Wt IDWil blllen wbiD ft pr&J, ''Wbat tlllllp ..,..... ,. dMIJ't ftla Jt pn.J, btUett Uat Jt rt· ctlfl tbem, Ud Jt -.n ••• tMm.'' So IJWI1 Umes wt 1act ttllt fdb, . ID " no ........ aid .. J-: "LGrd. tacll .. .,.,, U.S Be ll" -tat Lortl'o ~'Ifill· We.,. IDid 1D...., lor -...... do41JOIIIII'• ,. .......... ,._ .... _., ..... ,. .......... --.. _....,. .. -.. -·--"-1111111' artol'o IMI-_. • -: .,_, _..,. ______ .., ..... ... Jol II-· Olr 'h If,_, ft P!"!• ..._-.... u· 111 .... ..., W I -.. _ ........ __ ......... -- ' • The Christian and Patriotism ·• A .. •bJDR.ILC.~ .. -- Prudlod 1a s...u Street..., Cllaldl. T-en• Saday E-a.,. Soptaober 10, •m (COIIITUfUID PROM LUT Will~ Ill. • • 0 lu>1ly, we lhall c:onsldcr THE NATURE OF OUillU!- SPONSIUILITY. The lll<t thll .,...,...... is 10 on1or or Vod ought to be tuffideet to conviaec aay Cllriltiu or hi" duty t.o 1upport it. ~ow. kt me lpcak bricftf' 10 you about the nature of our rctpC)DiibUhy; Altboup k IS true we are not of the world, llill we are ta tbc wOfld. u.nd while here in the matter pi ~ tbc hllbcsc wedarc And aood of oil our fellowbeiop '" -""' IIDdor v..:ry heavy o61ipdon. Look apia II~= .. ,t.Dd teak the pcoa: ol the city wltither I have .,... to bo earned away captive•. aod pray unto lhe LOtd for It: for in the peace thereof ·shall ye have peace." The t.cc ia that aovcrnmcat of any city or country wbln .,. may rclidc surtly hal a claim on us t.o obey 111 $"' Yes, there is such a thins UAdcr cattin n _ u havirtJ: a clailf'l ~Cu i another. Are you t hW"k-.,. "* wife h:u a claim on {(iu. Arc!'}:OU 1 wife? :YOer buiMDd in the very n.uture o .the: sacred relatioaship bfrmam.,t hus a cluim on you. Children, ~:,-:au have a dalm oa. you. You also have s claim on I and hl¥e ewry riabt to expc:ct somethina from them. Muten., you hive a claim on your aervanu. Servanta have a dalm oa their motstcrs. i hc Word of God lives expHcit tcachin& in these matlers. Above all. of course, there is 0. in beavea. who sees all and before whom we all s;omt day must Sland and give lA account. He hu the: hi&hat claim of uny, and upon us all. We are tauaht, .. Reackr lherefore to ull their dues. n ibute to whom tribute is doc, custom to whom custom . fear to whom fear, hooor to whom honor. Owe no man anything but to love one another for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the l&w'' (Romant 13 :7 atKJ 8). I would remind you that our Lord Jeaus Christ Himself paid tribute to the Roman aovemment: thus 10 Caesar. The spirit of disloyalty and lawltuneu is somcthin& unthinkable with a Christian. There can only be one exception to the rule, and that is when and where laws may Lt.· adopted which run <:ontrary to the lnws of God. For example , if the time ever came when we would be forbidckn to preach the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, with the early apostlts our one answer would have to be, "We ou_dlt to obey God rather than men. The One who said, •Aft authority in heaven and in earth is pven unto me .. go ye therefore and disciple all nations has fi rst claim and must be obeyed." But laws which are nti.b- lishcd on the principles of the Word of God are just and Bood and are to be by us strictly obeyed. Thete is no mconsistcncy whatever between being a patriot and a true Chri~tian. I can think of three great Christian ge ntle- men within my acquaintance from three different coun- tries of the world with whom I have rejoiced extremely in Christian fellowship who ue or were greatly to be admired as ou1standin1 patriots. I am thinkinp: of Dr. Dubarry of France . Dr. Mcintire of the United State! and, of coursc:, Or. Shields whom you knew io this place nw • : r...-ot .,.,_, • ,.,..., ... o1 """""· lhe -on , .... ,. ~ u;d,.. 11 11o1>r1oe _.1 ....,_ 1D •. , , oat dto pc-o( ille dtJ wllhhcr (0.)-... to bo ...... -·--pray .-o .. Lord for 11 .. ,• (J•u l'tlt 29.~1). ..:-.~::~~~...:, ~ .. ~ :tl\ '; •"~-.---Wor raboriUt,.._ M wiiiD Ldrd wmtwl Abn•am .. line kial of..,. .. rr=-'•drotoloo!Cllwof-. T1to ~I 1o God'o ::::::z: ol -10 tbo wolld. ,_ on dllp ,..,...., ltr tbo body pol Ide: which ....a,..tbo o..pct <111 lil:ol. ApooCooy u o dork c1oud In ... -o( iodol -.utY. cloonatlc: vko. -1< llljuolloo, ...... -IFIId ,.,.., ....,.. ,,_ bclftl uolrrod to It -ciruobll-IFIId f .... JOacflloa. 11M oottlrd upon lire ewth. Tlto ~ oil-Cltrlolllooe con Kt thlnp rtpt. Willi tho Aj>oollo !'ott! wo bcllcvu II lo br "IlK· _., of Cod Ul1lo oalvolloo to everyono that believeth." How did OcorF Whitefield ond loha Wrsley brina pgce to Eultnd'l It was by means of the G ... spcl. ChriJ.oo iiaDI an called the llabt of lhe world and IM 11oll of tbo euth. ' lllteekloalhe peace of the city Jeremiah commanded tbe people Of Ood to pray for it. In order that we mi&ht anuluc-this · wonhy enmple 1 shall read to you t6at very sppropriate passap of Sc;ripuuc.)ound iti I Timo~hy, QaptC:r 2, .. , ezhort therefore, that. fint of all, supphca- tiool, prayers, Intercessions, ».nd g.iving of thanks be made foe all men; for kinas a~ for all that are i!' a':l- thority; that we may lud a qu1et and peaceable hfe 1n all &Qdlioess and honesty. For this is good and aecept-ab~ in the siaht of God our Saviour; Who will have all mea to be uved and to come unto the knowledge of the truth." The promise given to Solomon is still true and awaiu· our most earnest appropriation. '"If my people which are called by my name. shall humblt them5elves, and pray snd seek my face and tum fro'!~ thc:i~ wide~ ways then will I hear from heaven and wtll forgtve lhetr sin and will heal their land" (II Corinthians 7 : 14). My dear friends, it is righreousneu that ~xallet~ a nation. Sin is a reproach unto any people. I verily bchevc that if we will earnestly ~eek the face of the One who ever waiu to be pacious He will tum back the tKSe or evil in this country and pour us out a blessing; eve n a flood- tide bleasinJ that there will not be room enough to con- tain it. "Seek ye fint the Kingdom o( God 1nd His right- eousneSs. and all these thinp 1hall be added unto you." We msll sinJ for the Hymnary. Allow vet'let: our closing hymn number !i I 0 in me to quote the tint and the last as bein$ a Britisher to tbe core. Loyalty to our cou!'tl)' lhould mvolve the willingness to fight for it when tt IS engaged in a defensive war. Personally, I could have no respect whatsoever for the zombies who during the sec- ond world war went into hiding instead of tak~· heir pl1«1 as true and responsi~lc _~o~_fm..ll><, ~Rse, of our freedoms. When the Decn~ity·-~: i n the "1 patriarch Abraham went to war against Amraphel of Shioar, Arioch, kin~ of EIJasar, Chedortaomer, king of EJam, and Tidal, kmg of nations. He smote them and pursued them unto Hobah and he brought back all the &oods and the women also and the people. , . .,. ., "From ocran unto ocean Our laDd shaD own Thee lord, And, ftUrd with fnle devotion, Obey Thy sovercip word ; Our prairits and our m®ntains, ,., .Forest ud fertile field/' · -.- Our riven, lskes, and fountains To Tbec shall tribute yield. ''Our Saviour King. defend u1, It our country were invaded by cruel, heartleu and JOCUeu oppressors such as the Communist fmcca of Jluuia snd China, the whole Dation would naturally be involved but there is a sense in which true Christian people ~auld be affected most. Every pusenaer is con-- cerned in the: safety of lhe plane. And guide where we should go, Forth with Thy message send us. Tby love and fisht to ohow. Till. fired with true devotion Enltindlrd by Thy word, From ocean unto ocean Our land shall own Thee Lord." ~: ,~#~ ,p~ .,,. w~·~~--~:g~ilUIIIP!..,..Jidi:!i'i121l~~:w-~- No Second Chane " ... behold. no. t. the accqted time; behold, now iJ th~ day of uJnlion" (l Cor. 6:2). WE hear a great deal of talk nowadays about a chance after death. Tht: false hope is held oat of a second chancc-. It is time to put a stop to this lying to the people. to this holding out of a false hope . I want to present so me arguments today apinst the possibUity or a chanct after death . 1. Wt' don 't dt~servr it. If you had invncd a man to dinner at your home and he had refused-to oome; if yoU--had-repeated lhaJ invitation and ht had refused again; if you had made il a standing invitation and he had refused for twenty, thirty. fort y or 'even fifty years, you would hlld!y feel he deserved any further opportunity to be your P,"'· God said , "All day long hive I stretched for~M my hands unto a disobedient and pinuytna people" (Rom . \0:21). It seems to me th1tlt takes a FoCI deal of nerve to demand a second chance arter de1th If • man hu continued to refuse the thoutind snd onet Invitations which have been extended to him. 1. ~IIJI does 1101 IIUIII'I "fH"IIIII«- 'There Is not one thinJ in the experience o( the world to lndiute that tM .. ,, .. man would repent if pwn ten lhouund years. Tlmt il o t6n pk:ttued wtch a IC)'tht, but never with a mtdiclnt chat. -......w or tho OUiltiono "' tho world today bocamt Oujotiono under tho .. of ftl._. That - If you are not a Ouiltlln aAd owr Ofttm ytat~. than b but one chanco In I!Pt. Tho oldof wt pow tlao looo that c1tanco , bocomoo. If, durina thlo llle, with ""'Y ldvancina year the poellbUII)' ot your "'" bec:omlnl a Ouutlan srow• '"'· by what loll< do yov f!cuto 001 that If your chance Wit e:~~:ttDdtd throushout tttndty thJa IIW would be ,...,_d'f f 1. I'Wtllltmmt doa ,., tift'. Thert ore thooo who dflode then-'YOe ond odton by tllloltlna that o ohon \mil of ,.......... to 1111 WOfld to come ril toiiM tlaom • ,.W 1o NfiMd by the fire, and tMt pUt ol tbt 101 o( PI nlh11t .. ...... o folr flower o1 pn~-..., -· I _. I -"! be11no lhll; I lrillt h ...,. -· lo1 I • oomptDtd to f• dlt r. that thl OMW,r' I I mojority o( ,_ ................. jolla, """ _.._lontt-1:1 , ,,,__.:.· ---·'-· ............... ~-·· altackoiSMI b ............ -...... ,_ ............. ., ..... . = ..... ,.,... :It ....... ., ... ••• llll.lirl;aiSI..,._ ... ,. • I'' ... '· ... ., .--• , a a • • a ... .. • 0 I" litO• THIE CHIItiSTI.t.N ll.t.COH, COLLINGSWOOD, N.J . BY 111E LATE EVANGEUST liLLY SUJ~DIIL The whole mo•mtt<ilt lnsdtutes b bued on the r.ct that, by our of punllhina crtmJnals, we haw been tumlna them out upon society at the end of thdr tell'M wone than when they went ln. Now. our UAiverM il aU one p&ece. t~ lew which optfltel in OM realm optnltl in another. It Is lm~ble for any man who Clft both see strair;ht and think 'stralaht to btU•"' that pwdlhment ln the next world would 'ha"' a redernptiW effect. HrU is not • coUe., where you enter In the freshman d .. o( lin and de.,.talion and JndYatl wtth wtnp In the tenSor year. 4. Y""' -rq. nlldo to -.. a 1M yql1 10 by Mil ro --"""o6otWI ,..y --"' /NIIt ........ - Jllolosy, with jtl lowe or Olropby or WI-Orpll; .. ,.-. wtdl Ia lowe ol '"""""""" lOR» of habit, plud oo n.a or bopo ... , tbo .... of lhe ..,_,, E'f!IYY -low ol -beioa -pllyoicol, MBDI. Met 1110n1 -.. a....._ pt11thtr of the fact tllJI dlo oldor wo pow, tlao '-<we ltfo, tho_. •-It d INo to -IO<IIc:oly --· or ..,..., __ _ s. Do -•"' of • -.,., .. ,. -,.,..,-of* •• •.,.,..,... of* --0 · II -.. t11ot lror lo oot tbo ltllliool ..,.... for • •tr· I m .... • ..... Ills • ....... 10 .. ._ ... hll 1' _.I CIRL2 'Ill'' II II ........... ...,.. ........ :---· ........................... lf ... spr•rr "'.__...._, a A_, .... _.,.,] ... , ...... _ ..... , ........ ., ... .. '-:::::..-........ " .... .. II •••• I .... , ... , , d.mw••-Lii =,___ ,..rzu-.Y ,.., --= z.. liii..W, JU•E., 1174 IIG'rl:l '"'c-~---CM.. IUHU:a C0l8T or TS • ._fi'W'' .. t, IWIE' ...._ ,_ IIIII car ..... a 1111111 -1-11, rrATI ar o.u.aouu , •• -a -...... ..,.., at a_., ... at-,......, aDd._,_. Pm!Ta a -at 1be-Yadlt 110 Lido Park Dr., UdoP-... -1be ear ••• J.u. COU11.;!.1, .• "' _CRA~tG~11 Clll>, 1101 ..,_,C.... dal -· froat I a ••• lo 10:10 r--. 110 Klop lt4., --·~ 11or, aDd -· t1t0 _.,. ot a.m ••• ,,_ Lee Sara., cwr .. _ .._,. a - FIC'iitiOW BLWWW lfAIQ I.W. ol &.U Rtml WU.... .......... bltl' .. 10 U, ot 1150 ICnp:d Btfd., p..,_ Ud tap~~: ~ $110 ITAThiDT LUll-'•~ IU L WJUiuM: t..IL J-1i ud 10 a.a. 1 .. COlt& II .. , WU lliiWed at.,.....,... hiiiU car ftU• Tllo lollo•loiP&r-....... Ua -WIIJUM!J, aa l .a: I ••• A ...... -ft-2:10 a.m. at E. -ud U .,.. JiarW II U.d aDd W, --· IS: Lee C ...... U W!J,IlAIII, --· at 11'10 fta -froat lbe Malo, e.u-, aDd <barlld-0eou rr.ot, C-.1 Nnpori. Auoc:la&M. ns Or~Md An., lf01'E& • II:II:Bf <DD ,..,.. lab at "ftPCII'l . lllrtxW drt'*-mdtr' ~ •ar ct o1 troa 1 , ... ..u 11:10 p.-.•. CorOM dU Mar, C&IU.. tiiUS: to tile er.._. ·., tile ...,.. .. , .... 1tbool. 'JOOintM,bltwtll &kotr)l, ud bta eoq~~Dol, lt.lllt llulib, 120-1/Z 45tb Walt« Let C• .... U. Ill Or. __.., dec I hit tWilD ,..... 4r,m. W:aJ 4 ud 1 a.m. May Darryl faecoa, U, Qor~ st., WNt Newport. parted blr ebld Aq,, c-dtl Jbr, :"otoc-cllllu qoloot tiOo-s. to cl¥1 !do -· ,... ear at 1117 Woot<lllf at. CaW. 9Za5. ~ are r14*td M flit , ebarpd wltb belDC lDtolt-11:10 a.IDd rthrDed at l :SO ThU bMIDtula OOIIAet.d Uae•,-....tbl..ca_,.,..u-• TlftNDAY,JUMEI eatedlDpubUc. to ftDd a ttereo tape deCk b7 anladltld!lll ~':~to tloo -ol lbe elorl 114VT II&AIUJI a.-: a T••-·· WU'J EU.O Fortorilla, Z2, • FRIDAY Jtn<E 1 bod-otoloo from tile ear. s•--w ; __ .... ... abort Wftlld co.t or .-· --, o1 zoeo Prntdalt c.ea M.. • .....,.: · -C...,.,.ll, to Ill'-lbem -tloo ' -cl Wro. Bai;IJ 1,.. lillllllloo aDd s-t. w..oj Corll1n w' Terr7 Ra7 Cllft«d, 3801 ' TUE8DAY, Jtn<E II Tht .. tate-ftaDiod .. ltl ,_, -~ ..... ..:: ol -Fatrllrlft,~-. o1 Sula 411a, nre arr;..d Topolde, llarbol' Vteoo Rllla, E-CraJc Ketctam, 54, F , o 111 t h E: P o I i u ~ B I o t t e r : 'Keep cool With CmJAS 1!"....:;-'""ta Clark ol Oruco ~ attloo-olblo--IIU....-Iod-ncntttrato.. at 10:15 p.m. atlbe ,_ ol ns charpd at LID a.m.trlth 1121 Ptmbrob, Wutewr, .... PObu: aJ zt, lt'lf. !IOJ UEitE DION WAIXIEII lacaltllo Ka...t Tratot.,.C-, 3951 Campoa Dr -ar•· ho!Dc lntoiteat.d Ill u loto· arraolocl at 8:10 p.m. at SaD AWNING$ : J'.,. -~ U/ 2.0, J'r, 1 ~· Prai .. :....J Cor 8u Dileo. Be rtetlttd I ..,..U MLII Port..t.nf' wu eblr,.i mobile In the 300 b»ck a1 ~a.qab BUll! Rd. IDd Mar. DR. LEON NELSON, internl.t oo li"Jf., II tbt Nnpon flullar pant~aa. s.U. :iJO Ateo Fllu: ~.~" lutrctiw 1D -.. wttll ~ of a~-MulDe A~e., Balboa ll.lud perth, Harbor Vlew JUU.,ud the .wt ol Haag ~tal alnee Eulp. F-sa:at cf.al Tonr, 6!0 lfnpart c.&w --· • U, ..all It• f:raiiUc. mJDM tor MJe aar1 Ccrbta wtth · · Jerry Golden, 13?5 Galuy, ctarpd -.ttb drt't'tD&' I.Dder tbe its lDceptloo in 1952, tas beeo ~~,~~-~~:'';,;:~~ --:-:~-::-:-:-r~~_. ...... Drlft Newport Beaeb. CaUfor fln fi&M'Wc. cloet Ol'dlr dr1U, betllr priUII: wiMI't mart,.. DoYer Sbores, riP)rted a $150 tong s et ol aleobol. , • Larry named chairman ot the lniDe t&n~as for tool comktt. CAll LIOAL MOTIC. . 111a DMo, wbleb t. tbl p_; ftrat aid pd M*nl....,.. wu 1lleCI ••• A btcyde n.toed cement statue atolen from b1a s._.. Smll:t, 804 Heliotrope, Natiooal Bank adYisory board. or come bv-fo(lr• ..u.._ . • of bul.ltaa of tbe .S.IIped LIGAL tiOTICI at $100 ns Ito leD from astor_ home between DOOD J~me 7 ud CoroGI. del Mar, reported a He ls ooe or the rouooers aDd ~ ••& Jill FICTITIOUI Bt8tNESS MAME lD aU matters PtrtalDlDc to tbt ace room at the home or Jan 12:30 p.m. June 9 .•• Two eolor TV set, $300 In cash, a current member of Newport ~. STATEMEMT .... 'ol -.kf dee..s.at. wUidD FICTITIOUS BtiJIHESS NAME Nlemlec, 1111 W. Ba!boa, Cen-wrought-iroo bench sea.U, ftl-alld aennl plallh; stoleo from Harbor Es:ehange Club, Work1 -,. ~- Tbe fo1low1ttc peraoaa Itt tow lDCIIItM after tbl Urlt ~ STATEM!lfT • tra.l Newport, betweer:a 8 p.m. ued at $250, were stoleQ trom Ma bomt aometime between Affairs CouneU, a.Dd aLso pro. ,....... dc:llac ...... u: R 6 R Alto-Ueatloa o1 w. IIICitlce. Tbe totlowtoc peucma ue JIIDe 1 ud 5:SO p.m. JIIDf 7 the ~oot porcb of Sbtrley S:l5 p.m. J~mt 11 and 12:30 fe sstonal medical a.ssodations. 2202 sovrH MAIM motltt, 301 E, Cout by., Dated 1 ... 10 1174 dUac t.tDtu u · y A Dllek ••• D1a..De StotNDberr 40 Sattell s OOme at 1118 Somer-a.m. J\me 12 for a total re-He moved to CaUlornla in 1948 rJI5 AJAt Coroaa del Mar, Callf. 1111$: Tlmotby J. Smltb, · Admlnta-co...,., 1045 s. Stat". c'ollep RoJII st. Georp:, Blc'Cao'yoo, set, Westc urr, betweeo 7 a.m. ported lou C:, $109 ... An from NeW York state aDd re-~;;;~~,.~~W~-·~71~-... RlebLrd R. R.oetbuA, lle4 trator with tbl Will A.Daeud BIYd., Aabelm, CA. i2805 :Jay reported eurl..ltp .atoed at Jtme 7 and 7 a.m. Juoe 11 IDY..Uptor ror Robl.nsoo 's de-mained in prln.te ~ctlce ln ~ -- FOIIIt:I.ID W*J W,, COlla~~-. or tbl £.tate o1 tblalx:we Damtd Ena Myers sz7 Calliope st $-tOO stoleD from bet jewelry .•. A vldeo tape recorder, partmeot .tares 41scot'ered at Costa Wesa for 10 years aDd Cat. i!IU; Robtrt L. RUcblt, dec4drallt. Lac-Bta~b CA 92851. y· boJ::: betwHDIS p.m. May 12 a.oo 2 casette reeorcjers, a. micro.. 1:30 p.m. u.t a $14,500 theo to Veterus Hospltalln Lone • Life ~a7L~ Pl., Newport Bel.cb. KEEffE, DJON, MADlEN 6 Todd y 1_.1, '-~ addr'eas: 7 p.m. JllDe 6 •. Melvin Purves, P1:one317 and 6 ta~s, frnlaed at lady's 41amood ring had been Beach for S years, priOr to set- _....,, JEMNINCS, Proftu~or:a1 COl'-Tbll bullDin Ll eoodoeted 2412 WtDctWard, Baycre.t, re. • • were ta.....,n om tbe taa.,.red wU..b and stones tling ln Newport Beach. Rafts' Tbll baltDeu is CCIIducted poratioll, Suite 5SO, Ayeo Flbu-by a poerat partDersblp. ported a $40 carburetor stoleo audJo storage room at Newport n'ltebed so Uat a ratediamood bJ 1 poerat partoerahtp. dal Twer, 120 Nnport cemer Stped: Jay E. Myera. from a motorcycle 1n hls car -Harbor hl(h school betweeo 11 1ootiDc ezaetly Uke the real SEN ATOR AT COLLEGE Slped: Rtetw.rd R.RoNbaab. DrlYt, NewpOrt Beach, CA, · Tblllb.temeat wu ftledwlth are between 8 a.m. am 5 p.m. a.m. June 7 and 2:45 p.m. 001 ftl placed In the ring, Jon E. ChrlsteSOII o1 Irvine TP.rrace was elected recently to serve as a st~nl senator or Lewis and Clark Collete, Portw.d, Oregon, ror 1974.75. He Is the son of Mr. aod Mrs. Donald Burtoo Christeson, 2015 Sabrina Terrace,a..Ddlsworking toward Ills ba.chek>r ot arts degree 1n bust.ness and admin- istrative studies. (Inflatable) Tbls statemeot wu ftledwttb 92&80, Telepbooe: Mf.-ISUil; tbe CoiiDt)' Clerk ot Orure .•. A $500 roto-hammer tool June 10· aomettme after 2 p.m. June 3, the CoUDty Clerk ol Ora.ap Attoroey for Adm1D11tn.tor wltb Co., Oil May 11 1974 beJoD&t.DI to R TIUotsoo of • SA TURDAY JUNE 8 wileD tbe lnestlptor last saw Co~ty 00 May 29, 1974. tbe Will Azmeucs. Pelllh: May i.3 30 ·JWie S 2097 Maple, Co~ Mesa, was Conrad C h~lstlan MatheWs the rlDC 1n place wltb Its gen. "'llsh: Jtme 6, 13, 20, 27, Publlab: Juoe 13, 20, 27, Jaly 13, 19'14, 1n tbeNe~HarOO: -19~ of 700 Lido Park Or. L~ 11M llllttln& • • • Spiller ln-~974• ill the Newport Huboi' 4, 1974, 1A the Newport Harbor Eutp. F-339115 Ll"l MOTICI Penlnsub was cbar-' wttb YeltmeDt Co., 1'703 WeSicWr, r.DII(D. f -M%%1 Eutp • 5...., reported a typewriter and cal-. l.iML 'ftCa FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME driving under the infbMDee of ealltor .a1ued at $900 burglar- LIIGAL IIOTICI Ft~TITIOIS Bti!IHESS HAW£ STATEMENT The roltowlnc periDilladotnc business as: Century 21 , C.O.M., 3030 £ ... Cout HI&!>· W'lJ, Corooa del Mar, Caltf- oraia 92625: Corbin -Martin toe .• a CaWornia corporatioo, 3036 East Coast Hlgbfty, Cor - DDI dE:I Mar, Callfornla 92625. Thls busloess is eooduded by a corpontton. Corporatton Name: Corbin- Martin, toe. Sl.pature .&! Title: LIGAI, MOnel . MD STATEMENT alcohol at 11 :25 p.m. at cwr lMd from lbelr otftee, and Na. NOTICE TOCREDrrORS The folk:nrtnc persons are aud Riverside, Newport Uoaal Tni.DJilg Centers 1707 FICTITIOUS BUJINESS NAME SUPERIOR COURT Of THE doi.D& basme., as: Aladdin _Heights •.. Dalene Kay Glr-Welkllfl', reported a$SJ5 type- STATEMENT STATE OF CAUFORNIA Roue ol Sen1ees, 2984 Red-ton, 24, of 2403 Rtebmood, writer stoleo; both burglaries Tbe rouowlng persons ate FOR THE wood, Costa Mesa, caur. 92626: Costa Mesa, was arrested at were commUted betweeo 6:30 dotnc busloeu u : R G Prod-COUNTY OF ORANGE Norman R. Powell, 2984 Red-9:30 a.m. at tbe Santa Bar-p.m. June 10 aod 7 a.m. J11ne oeta, 1826 Placeotla. Costi. No . A.8CICJ2.t wood, eo.t:a Me81, c aur. 92626; bara County iall Dll a forgery 11 by thle.,es who twisted off Mesa, Callf. 92626: GNrp L. E.tate of PETER PRES-Jane Powell 2984 Redwood charge . . • A $150 retrtc-doortoobs UcCartoey, 1826 Plae.Ua, CO'M', also kDowD as PETER Costa Mea, Caut. 92626. ' erator was bur&larlsed from · Costa Mesa 926%6; Ray Wood, PRESCOTT, SR., Deceased. Tbls bo5tness ts conducted tbe hOme of Wlll1am Braoo. ED PORTMAHN IS HAMED 11120 Pla...U., c-Weoa N<lTJ:£ IS HEREBY GiVEN ll1 an lndlY1d,.l. 111-1/2 31st St., West N<"-IRVINE p R. IIANAGER 9Z626. to tbe creditors or the aboYe Slped: Jue Powell. port, between 3 p.m. Juoe I ' Ttlil business is coodlleted aamtd. decedeat that au per-Tbis statement was nledwltb and 2 p.m. June 9 ..• Rtcbt Ed PortmaDn, 30, •s been by an untDcorporattd. auocia-SOD& bU1DC ela1msap.l.ut tbe the County Clerk of Orange Realty, 3723 Blrcll, Airport !limed pabUcrelationsmanager tlon otber tr..o a putDerabip. said decedent are requlted to CoW~ty oa May 22, 1974. area, reported a typewriter, for tbelntDeCompu.y,aceord- Slped: George McCutDey. ftle tbem, wttb the neeesSIT}' PubUsb : Uay 30, J~me 6, 13, 2 calculators and a cloetndlo, lo.g to WarUn A. Brower,direc- Ttd.a statement was ftledwtth vouchers, lD tbe omce of the tO, 1974, 1n the Newport Har-Yalued at $1,120, stolen from tor of public relations. urer. the CoUDty Clerk of Ora.oce clerk or the aboYe eoUtled bor Enstp. F _34059 thelr om ces between 5:30p.m. .-r. Portmann wtll be prt- This statement was nledwttll Couoty Dll J11111e 6, 1974. court, or to prtleot them, wllh · June 8 and 9:45 a.m. Juoe 9 marlly retpOUible lor pWU e E. R.Corbln,Seeretary .. Treas- the County Clerk ol Oraop Pli>l.lsb: J.me 13, 20, 27, the oteeUIJ'}' YOUCbers to the . t..IGAL MOTICI ... Holly Forrester, 123 39th relaUoa.l procrams for the County oo May 29, 19'14. July f, 1974, LD the Newport IIDderslped at the offices or St., 'Nest Newport, reported compuy•a commerclald.h1sloo PubUsb: JUDe 6, 13, 20, 27, Harbor Eulp. F-M462 RARWOOil .&! ADKINSON 550 FICTITIOlS Bl.SINESS NAME stereo and TV .alued at $599 ·-loelad.lnc Newport Center 197f, in the Newport Harbor --"Lii~:iii1iiCii-"~= Nnport Center Drln, 'Suite STATEMENT burgla.rlzed trom his borne be~ aa:1 the socc-to-be-de't'ekJped Enstcn. f -S4227 L.IOrAL.MDTICI 434, Newport Btaeb Ca.l1fornb. Tbe follatri.Dg persons are tweeD 10 p.m. Jtlle 8 aod 12:10 lrTtae Center ill Irn.oe, and FtcTn'JJW BlSINESS NAME wlllcb 11 the place' o1 bostnes~ dolng buslDeu as: B and H a.m. June 9 ••. After Mtebul tbe trr.ae lndatrlal Complex. LIGAL MOTICI STATEMENT o,f tbe aaderstped 1n all mat-Eote.rprises, 2321 D V1a Puerta, Moses, 4633 Dor chester, Cam. He Jot.oed tbe ln1neCom~y FICTIT101.E BlBINESB NAIIE Tbt loJlollriDc pereau ue ttrs ~ to tbe eltate l..a&'D-lUlls, CaW. 92653: eo Hi(hlands, left the teya ta u a ~Ue rela.I:Soos coor- STATEKEMT' ...., Mib• u· Huda IDd JJf .. dec!edelll: wUidA foar Robert L. aod Cbarlottfl K. bla car at 40th llld Rlnr, Wnt dlaalol' DII.I")J Z Jt&l'S a10 Tbe followtac.-r-lldolnc Flit I'IZ1 !ut cobtBJctrnJ ' mOIIIItU after ~ flt.t pii)U .. BroWD, 2321 D VIa Puerta, Newport, someone stole It altar belAc usoc:tated with business u: ..,_. Pb)'lllcal c orO.. del Mar~: Lole i catsoa ot tilts DOtfee. Lacuna Hills. CaW.; Myron Q. sometime betweea 6:10 p.m. Paclnc 1etepbooe aDd Atlantic Tbenpy, S%1 '•Mrd St., L&,..a KDJ&!It, uo Mc.ttro A..-i. Bel· Date4 Jane 11, 1974. ud Mary Hayhurst, 15502 and 6:25p.m. Rlcllfteld Ill Los An.ples. He Beach 921551: Jerry Kaafmu, bos., CallforDia 92te1; ktirey PETER L. PRESCO'M', Es:-Cberrylee Orin, El Monte, • SUNDAY JUNE 9 bu a..llo btld Jta1f writing PG- 18915 Berry TrN Lue, PatterDI. 100 Scbols Piasa tclltor of the wtll ot the aboYe CaJU. • a!Uou W'!th tbe Santa An.a Orange, CaW. (PtDt~ "Jl Newport Btacb. DI.IDtd deeedeot. This busi.Desa Is being coo-James :tttcbman, 120 Vla Rectater aad the FulleTtm Hews Thts business Ls coodaeted CI.Uf. 92MO. Tb1J balllMu 11 HARWOOD .&! ADKINSON, dacted by a ~ershlp. Tri~~Oe,st Lido ~~e~eported TribaDe. by an indivldw.l. eoadDct«l by a ceoeral pu1 Po.t Of!lee Bos: 190'1 N8'IJI)Ort This statement nled wtth the a ereo ......., k stolen Slcoed: Jerry Kaufnla.D. uublp. -S..efl. CA .g266S, dt4) 644-eouoty clerk of Oranp County ~~0~ hlsbDcar w~lett-;::Utect FAIR PHOTO CONTEST ' This statement was ftltdwltb S1CIId: Lolt K. XAlcbt. 1313, Attorney for Ez.ecttor. 00 J..me 6·_1974· until ::25 :.~. ~ Robertpt: DEADLINE IS JUNE 26 the County Clerk of 0rup TbiJ lta&tmtal: wu ftledwttb Pd>Uab: Juoe 20, 2'1, July 4, Pl.i)Ush. June 13• 20• 27• Ashby 26 of 1012 W Balboa JIJDe ·26 Is entry deadllne County OD May 29, 1974. tbe Co-*J' Clerk al 0nDct 11,197f.,lo theNewportHubor July 4, 19'14, In tbe Newport 3lvd.,' Ba.iboa, W'U ~rested tor the p~Y competl- Publlah: June 6, 1!, 20, 27, Co1111ty ooYQ' Zl, U"Jt. Ena1p.. Harbor Ensign. F -34465 at 6:35 p.m. at the Market Uon at the Oruge Couoty Fair, 197f., lD tbe Newport Harbor Pabu.b: May 30, J .. I, 1S, LIG~L MOTIC! LEG•L NOTICE Basket, 3100 Newport, Ceotral accordi.Dg to Fra.nt Kinp.ard, EDJtcn. F-34225 20, 11'1f., 1D tJat Newpcwt Bar-Newport, 00 a petty abopUft-department sl.t)en1sor. LIGA.L MOTICI bor Eutp. F -1«110 ORDINANCE NO. 15&3 Superior beotae as sbown 00 lng ctatp ••• Pollee ebar,.t Eotry forms may be obta.lned AM ORDINANCE OF THE saJd map tiled lD Book 1, page Charles Robert Howard, Sl, ot from any camera store in F"ICTmOts BlBINESS NAME LIGAL MOTICI em OF KEWPORT BEACH 35 of Parcel Maps· thence 200 l6tb St., Costa Mesa, wtlh Ora.Dp County. Eotri~s must STATEMENT FICTn101.8 BtBUfESS MAME REZONIHG PROPERTY AND teulng 11.ld nlsti.Dg bouooary drl'fiDc IDJer tbre laflueoee of be recelnd by Juoe 26 at Cal's Tbt fouowtn& ptriOD Lldoln& STATEMEICT AMENDING DISTRICTING Une and along sa.Jd ceoterline aleobDl at 1:20 p.m. Lo tbe Camera, 17'70 Newport Bl't'd., btallness as : Centur1oo U•le Tbe foiJowtDc peraou ue YAP NOO. 22, 22-A AND of S..,e.rior A't'eotae being also partlnr lot at 2130 W. Coast Costa Mesa . Co., 1300 Mar liD, Newport doinc buiiDeu as: Tbt Trlefl 25 tbe northwesterly line of said Hwy ., Martner'a Mile . . • Tbe photo shOw will Include Beach, Caltf. 921560: Rm:tall ColfCIUJ, 10171 Blretrwood Tbe City COUDCtl or the City Parcel 2 South 39•59'41'' West Donald EmeriOD Raebrs, 50, Kodak's tree sUde presenta- Wolb, 1300 Uari&D, Newport Drln, H•ua.toe Btacb. Cat or Newport Bea.cb does ordain 301.12 f~et to the POINT of of 2348 CJDtbia,.Costa Mesa, ttoo, "C.llery of ftll," whi ch Beach, CaW. 925&0. IU46: Robert Wyatt Frye, 4113 u follows: BEGINNING, as sbown 011 Dis-was cbarrect wtth driYI..Dc ODd« requires 6 automaUc pro}ee- Thls statt ntDt 1s eondoeted cortlaad Dr., Coroaa del Mar,' SECTlON 1. Tbe tollowtnc trict Map Nos. 22, t2-A and the llltlueoee of alcobol at 2:25 tors, 3 dissolve c.ootrols, a by an lndh1d~al. Cal. 9UZ5; FellkAI Pallttlal-cJt~erlbtd r•l property tn the !5 referred to In Section a.m. at UeFaddeo aDd 21.t (1ut paoon.ma serten and Slped: Raodall Wolts. Us, 10171 Btrctnrood Dr., City ot Newport Belch, County 20:06.030 of the Newport Bach St., Ceotral Newport. stereo soabd. Talent agency Tbls atatem .. t wu fU.Swttb HUDt1.alfoa Stach, Cal. 9!:648. of Ora.ap, Sb.te of CaWornll, Muntclpl.l Code, aDd by such • MONDAY, JUNE 10 =ls will pose for camera the CoiXIty Clerk of Oranp 11d.l hnldMU b CCDdaettd to wit: refereoee made a part or Title LorralDe Kay Howvtb, 52, f~lr datu are July 12.21 , Ccxmtyoa May21,19'1f.. bya~J'~Mnlpart:Derlbfp. Tbat po.rtloll of Lot l'721.D 20 Df ll.ld Code, Is llereby otfll Vtsta. Flon,tbe81affl __. da I J I IB Ptmllsh: June 6, 13, ZO, 27, Slped: R. w. Frye. Bloek 1 ol lfl'lDI'sStbUriakxl, ·esooed from the Unclasstfled bar ' a .. camera Y s u Y · 197•-tn --,..--v_. --t-. p-·-~~ase redwU.bdriYlaluader A.D.yooe carrytncaca.merawtll .. , w. .~-., .. _ • .-.......... Tblrattmlat'tru ftlldwtt!r u -.owe oe a miP Dtstrlct 11:1 the A-DIStrict;-the lDtliMIDct ot aleobol aUam-brl admitted free that da y. ~ALE$· SERVICE ~ IH~PECT ·REPAIR § REPACC ~ Pick U•' o.u....,. ~. N.J. RUSSO CO. ~209 Sovtt. Pedlc Ave. f Son P•dre, Ce. 90731 t-~~·UU Highway House of Player 2~11 E. COA~T HWY., CO.OMA OIL MAR L.OWll LI:VIL -IIAI IHTBRDENOMINATIOHA.L, PULL GOSPeL IUMO.t.T SCHOOL• t oO . WOIIMIP JIIYIC .. 1"tt IVAMGILIInC U.IYICRt .... P ••• lUNDAY PIAY.ll AND at&LI STUDY• 7•• p_.lf.. WIDMJIDAY WILLIAM T. JCaOAH, PASTOR PHOMlt UW7&2 A Pru Md loulrpnul-l C.O.,r•t•liflff.J c;Jm.sli• ~ THE REV. JOHN A. LINDVALL, Mllll- S_.y Stnklt : 10:00 &ea. Bible SbldJ: 1:00 La. ue1 "r:OOt~•. ~·• a:-.. S:a2 ROAD ITIWWt,AIIwt'C)IIl9• .... - M.nery cere ,,.vf4e4 ....... 642..27• THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH TilE CI!MTU POa lla&.ICAL STVDIIS Jtl MAGNOLIA IT. AT .... A.M. ...... CLA.IMI SNeTA ldiA A'f'L 111• ...... URIP ltOUI COST A •I SA ,. P.&. IYA.&IIT1C -·· Dl. JlllllY COMa!, P'ASTOa COSTA II EllA COON~LINO CUITEI TO I!MHAMCI DYitAIIIIC LIV,IMG A!<OTB El ii!MtSTltT OF TBE nUT BAPTIST C.VIICII RI!V. JAil IS HII41Y, Dt .. CTOa PAIIILT, PCI«ll.U., CALL MI-1- IUIUT.U. co~ 01 Nl.., LUIIM TO LIVI "Tit\! DYMAIIIIC Ltn" FJRST OIUROI OF OIRIST, SCIEfiiTIST JJOJ Via Ltdo Ne-wport lkat h SUNDAY SOIOOL 9&10:30a.•. SUNDAY SERVICES 9' 10:30 .... WEONESDA Y EVENING MEFilNG lp.m. READING ROOM We-e-k clays: 9 a.m .. S p.m. Wc-dnead.y: 9 a.m .. k4S p .... TUC".daJ and FricbJ: 9 •. m. · S p.m.; 7-9 P·"'· ..... ,. ... 2\ LUTI4ERAN CHUACtt OF TI4E MASTER --v..•. eo.-....... Coltf. LAWREitC£ D. FIIUIIUIIO .....,_,.. ...... • • ......, __ JQ,JOa.a. h:w y ud CGIIM lllsC Proridtd ATTittD Eul(l'l. F-SCZIS the Co_, Clerk a1 OriDtt' rtcarded 1a Boot 1, pap: 88 of and Aid Dtstrk:tlng Map Nos. boree ud Eutbhdht3:30p.m. Co.ty CS1 ~ .. 10, U7f.. IUtcellueou Record Maps, 22, 22-A and 25 are bereby • . • Pollee arrested E... SECOND OfUROf OF UGAL NOTICe P,.,Uoll: J-11, 'IJJ, n, raearcto o1 0rup c-,, Cal-ameode<l to show thts zooiD( DaY1d w7or1, 19, otUIWarel>o, FLOOD IN SURAHCE THI! CHUICH Of YOU I CHOtCI IIGULAILY FICTrrtOIS BUIIIIESS ~AM£ liiiJ 4. 1974, to tllo "-' -· daaulbtd u lollotrs: <lwlce. Coota Wtaa;Dalaaar-Rto. ST\JDY AUTHORIZED OIRIST, SOEN11ST STATEMENT Harta' Euip.. F.:.M5' BEGINMUCG at tbeaor1belst· SECTION 2. Tbe Commllltty t-.s, 18, ot m BordMu, VTN CorporaUoo ol lfl'lne a.o-~"!:"-~~ al The fo1.1owlq periOD 1ado1DC er}f termiD• ol tbat eerta1D Denlopmeot Director or tbe Costa Mea, ucS Mart~ oosces tblt it l'as reeeiYed a 3100 Padfk v-Dr. bualot11 as: S.uldt lAEIIDI LIG4L •tiel ;e:,la .:-~~ =~ City of Newport Belch Is here-PelJacrlnl, 11, ol IS EICIPldt cOiiraet ttom tbe ftden.J ID-SUNDAY SOIOOL tO a.-. ComJIUJ, 4201 RIYU A•••· F'JCTrriOUI Bl81H .. JUKE S.di U tllabllabtd by tbe by l.utncted ud directed to Court, Newport S..e~ at 11:40 aaruee AdmlDJ.stntlc. ol tbt SUNDAY SERVICE 10 .,._ Newport Beleb. Calli. IZMO: STATDdlrl' •••-klr AtM• Roclltal cl:lallee Dtst.rtctln& Map Nos. a.m. lD the 400 bloet ol Nortb Departmtat ot RousiD& aad Ur-WEDNESDAY EVENING Dutll& R. O'Ntll, 4108 Rl"' TIM folJotriiC~ II **'I R;-AIM:aUoa 8o .. 'If.., de-22• Z2-A aDd 25 10 ~5 to sbow Star l...a.-, Dorer Stiorea, ban Dtt'lklpmeot to aceompUsb a.c.e. Room: t,.... AYtDM Newport Btacb CaW ~ u: -· -· • tbe soolDg crac.ps described aDd ebarl"d lbem wttb *"-· a 8ood lllsuruee stud} fOr all ---8,. "-_ -•a-. • • • • ltl'lbld tllertiD as IIIIY1D( a tn Stctloa I bereot', aDd, as •-paltom a cari.DU..aet..a... ---...... -, 92880. . Stmllu1, 11711 ,.,_ Way, .._.._. Md dl•~ al"&rtb said Dlstri ... '-MapashaUhl 8 .._ ... lllllacorpOn.ted ar•s In Oranp r.-ee • Na,.._ Tbll llullllll8 t. billie coa-lrtiM, Ca, ••: PUt~ -, ••• -.1•15., ••• II•-~t " ... ...._ y borbood • • • .._ Jo Alii!. Co.atJ. aad tbe cities of Fuller-Moft .. Fri.: tOa.a. • S ...____ .__. -·-YidlaL c--• .. -. .... ,_ ' btea so amtDdtd., the ame Aetermaa IOZ S. 8Q Froet too IDd c terla --r--diiCwu "' TD....... _,_-, 11'111 1'Jpte W.,, lr-IUd • .,....,IJ termJaaa: shall be ln lUll force aDd effect Balbal.llli.ad left t.•tocted arplll · , • .....,. *' 1 ' '*: 7. • 9 stpcl: Daba.lt. O'lftU. Ylle, Ca. ••· TIU ._ u betic al8o tbt IDOit wtlttriJ aod be a part Df TIUt zo ol car puked oi. u. .er..t .., n. $1St,W acreemeot na Sat.: to L._ eo • .... ltiL! 0111101 Yttwua' Mnl«lal Bklt. Mti ~ltl,TlC~·~·- Tbll lb.t.tDt flied~ the .. oowtwa.t lll • ... ldlal. C«Mr ol Parcel I u ~ lbt Newport S.eh MIID.Ietpal ber bome from Z p.m. J .. 10 lipid bttwMD tbe F1A a.nd tbt Yoa .,.. c.• I 'z ....._. • eouaiJ etork ot ar.,.. c.-, Slpod: PulA. C..lt!. 011 a -tiJad ta-1 , -Codt. VTlt •-n. VTII Cooaolt-~·~'*~ .. ~tlt~-~ .. ~ .. ~~r.t~•~•A_.~~~i=~i~~~~ oD May U , 19'74. TIU *'I 7111 wullldwttlrl IS tJl Plretl lll:trpe, NCCII'da o1 SECTION I TMI ord:IAaDce dated.. accordbc to VTN uecu-10 .. d. •ss t I-. P,.,lloll: J-I, II, 10, 27, 1be eo.1J C-of t:1rup -0rup c.-,. -olloU he p,.,U~ ooet Ito lbe L-..L lll'l'lc:. Un >'Ice Ill'--W. 1974, Ill lila N ....... -c.-, •liar D,li'M. aJaoc -nt .... i.o..n ollle!ol --r ot lila Ctty NOTICE OF IN'ntmOII TO c ar-. 1\o-rudlocfrom ~'-ii!MIII Q I 4 Eutp. p,,_ 10~=.-:. ':i'-'i!.l, lloa,-. aloo lbe -11 a!ld lbeamaotallbt-~ £11GACI!l Ill TIII _IALE OF :.~~==~....:: 'U..--Oil &.MAL 1111JC1 .,.; l"ll· --:~j IMn•e"' ... ~ •• ~.l, .... ~ aiL:!! ak lbe dale ol tta ALCOHOLIC RIVDAGES uea raiN to 1be artU uam. ooaon L -.... ,., , ·--. .N, -.......-5•10.'14 l.l!ld UaD s-T. otOaAMGI, COSTA IIIIIA-Ulr..,.... FICTITIQIS BID .. NAMI U.--11-ol T1llo-.., no lolro-To-.-llllaJ'-= ' . _, ___ ,\ ·1t:lla.a. _,_ STATIWDT LlaM. IAIBu -·a-alod daead at a r,..lar •aottac Strbl&d to~ ot a. "SOUDSHia.D74" _,., 11-1~ ---Mla.a. Tllo touo..tnc-lodaU( Fl: 11110111 Ia -t, -It ol Pareal ol tlla City C.-ell ol tlla Clly tt.-1!11PW ... aattea to .. ., -r«n11 Ctlru'IH -....... -• • .. • -.. u :-Coullloc· .._ -·-• ol -Oruea of N ....... lloaeb btld 011 lila toaraiiJ ~ t11101 il. --w C..lllf -ot Wr Uld Wra. ---le, _,...... 1'11'15 IIIJ no~ ....... c.-,,....,. aloo •...,. lltl dl7 ot llaf. lt7f, aDd IIIIOd 11141111 1o 1011.-a.· p Cftd...u ot IUI-t.. n Btfd., ae..s.~nt.t,clllt t~ ;t ,r u u: L.•••• .-11 .. •< r 1 lJ trr wu ..,.... • a. 1Cb di.J Mile .. .-.... • tile ,..... Wlll4. a.. eo.a •-. ,.. pu- tnO'I':IDIIIIIC ... I~ 1la-' IIIII.... Ill ...... Mil If IIIII CJir 4tl llc ... t oil-. lt,'N, 1IJ' tbttoDowiaC 1.11111. dweaa..utDDI:In: 'IIO "tt-'1 ..... ".olld lltlle1d 14." earporolod. 011* of -., -•=· ... :::::=• -. -. u h rl .II-· -. .. ..U: E. lllJ st., ~ a ,.... -...-c ,__ Calll.l 1'11'11 11IJ P1r1r -.. Ca. -.-. .......... II to tllo CBs ol Ara, COIJIICIUIIEN: lqara. -., c1oa ... _. _.-lbe 811. i, ll"ffoa, c:aJII. tnl'l. 101 ---. -· 1111 I .-. -... ~~-~ lkloota, Pw-to -N • = -~ -. '-t.o. Tldot I 'm lolllllr-· part-.-. .. k . 'J of---IC-.... 1be a•rr-.rollo ·:=• ,_.,a t: llolbelllrAIM-.,.....,._,.... ~ •. a. a. • II,.._ alit .. --.c :-. tM Dt,tr« lilt .,j ae becnZ,;,...,..WIQ.._ -Cou1 J-. 1oo.llr•• .!lint , I II I lt .. of-LGI u.lt'rCOUIIICII_:_. -.,.c Ill.. ·---aD 0. 1. 1o1111 L. .,..._U:tl'' I ;::.:--.. --· '-· a. ......... • .. •-&r _..... ~A. Me"""• ot•al rt ""'tOIL$.._ .... wthlt fttm u•• '**'I IIi& .... -·-.... --.,-(•lit Ill)lll'---lft I A ltD .... IIIOGIITIINl _., t&n of ~Comlr r. ~ \. Clllf,a&,! ~ _,_ -of -Ltl ... ATTIIT: -u loDoa ~ .. --_. -tf-loa • .., .. ,.,., .'! ·-m·-...... ,.. .. '--LIP<o _ ..... ~ .. , , ) _ _ ,, .. , _, &f, lf,n, N •• -&t, ~.. ., ___ c,c-ICIILITT1-L. -Cllll!r-~n:-.· ...... ~=~-"!) .... ;:;iii~{':' .. .:-:':\.": ... ;;::...~ 1:::.: ~a::t~ .. ~ .... _ .. _ ... __ • I I NFLmay~ke for 'freedom' 11,_1 F_.. C..,. Ia io ...... Ita--a Ull. , .. ,... wto otrlb u,a --..,., .... .,.,...,._., "It-" ....,.araooloal--Lorr1 C-ol- tied before praettce 1ttd01at u tlllll ta ... 11t to Ill'.., don. start oeJt moatb. Loa ........ &lid A.tluta'l Bob II.McbtU u Ram liar )ack YOOOCI>Iood told tbo--· Newport Harbor EachiDI!Iel Y-loocl aid IIFLpla,_l last Tb~~rsdly. welcome tile MW World Foot- The blc defensln eod called bl.l1 IAI.-. ''It lftu MOtblr some of the new NFL rule place to tvplD oar ta.11ata cblnres "cruy" IDd llid the ud tbe NFLO"WDer .. aowtJds," adVent of the Newport Beach-be aid • .8otfl Yoqblood IDd based World Football Learue Hatnr10111 aid tbly btllne the creates a new "open market" WFL will surYire. situation for football talent. ''There'l pl•tJ ol talent to Yotm.gblood aod Phllade_,bla ro ar<Mmd, aDd tbere'a a tre- Eagles Unebaeker Dean Hal-mndoal roa.rtet tor pro foot - Ytrson addressed the nooo bi.U." aJd HaiYer--. luncheon meeUng of tbe EJ-Youngblood said ..., NFL chanre Club at the Bab.ta Cor-rules whlcb be DOted were lothian Yacht Club, The 2 wort "st~ldly adopted a mootba.fter together for Bank or America the WFL came out with the during the off-season. Halver-same rules " would mate the son 1s a former Ram. ' 1 Both agreed that 3 basic con-game more de enstve. sessions wlll han to be made "With the gOAl posts moved IRVINE COAST VICTORS -· Jim Lockwood of Balboa by club owners 1f a player back 10 yar.1s, there wtll be lalud at lett and Judp Mark Soden ol Harbor View strike is to be avoided: Re-fewer field goals, and offensive lUlls 'display uie perpetual tropby following their victory ductioo of NFL Commissioner teams w111 hue Nst that much to toe ZOtb a.DDU&I Glfford Teeple member-member goU Pete Rozelle's power, Uber-utra yardage they will have tourney at IrrlDe Coast Coootry Club. Mr. Loclcwood, aUu.tton of the player option to galn to score.'' a 10 handicapper, and Judp Soden, with a 13 handicap, c lause and more pay for pre-He called the new rule that posted a net 1Z5 to top the tield of '12 teams In the 36 seasor: games. holds offensive ll.nemen oo hole better ball ol partners ennt. (Rich Bassett phOto.) "Right now, Pete Rozelle can punts until the bl.ll is kicked Joe B"shop 0 0 d make a rullng and, 1t a player "the craziest thing they've Y I JOins. para e wants to appeal It, he can't done. The receiving team will go to court. b"t m"st ask the form a wall of blockers before Newport Harbor'sann~al safe Oberg wtll coordinate patrol league to abttrate the matter," the punter's linemen get down- boatJ.nc parade sponsored by activities with Coast Guard said Youngblood, "and the ar-field. There wUi be somerook- 3alboa Power SQllldrOD with Auxillary vessels to assure biter Is Pete Rozelle. How can les killed this year," Kicking the cooperation of u. S. Coast orderly progress or all parti-he be falr In maklne decisions and recelvlng teams a.re tra- Guard Auxtllary flotillas 211 ctpating craft. on whether or not his earlier dltionally loaded with rookJes. and 27, will embark on Its Grand marshal of the parade decisions are fa ir · We want He said eUmlnatlon of the harbor cruise at z p.m. JUDe wiU be TV notable Joey Bishop, an outside arbitrator to settle "bump and rWl" tactics for- 30. newly designated an hOoorary such disputes." merly used agaJnst wide re- The parade routewtutakelhe commodore of the United States The University of florida ceivers wiU open 14llhepasslng satety-mlnded armada west-Coast Guard Al1XI.Ua.ry, He Is grad said the other "freedom" game and benefit QUU'terbacks. ward past the shores of Balboa a member of Balboa Power Issue being negotiated calls for Neither player would guess Island and Mariner's Mile to Sqtadroo as well a· an active a changt! in the option clause wllat effect on team morale the turulne basin, then arotmd Auxtllarlst, and Wi ll be seen 1n player contracts. Unde r cur -will be caused by players slgn- bo(h sides ot Lido Isle and oo with his new shoulder -boards rent rules, If a player plays out ing to joln the WF L wtthln to the bl.y slde of the Balboa and scrambled-egg vtsor cap his option for a year after h.is the uert couple of years, but Peninsula eastward to us start-in command ofh.ls oewl2-meter contract expires, he can then pla}1ug out their options wtth log polnt. Ha rbormaster AI Lagtm motoryacht "Sonofa-negotiat~ with aOO(her NFL NFL teams. Pirates get all CIF trio gun," team, but if he signs with the "I think these players will Other persooaUt1eswhoseat-other team, his old team must continue to do their job as pro- tendance Is anticipated Include be compensated wUh a player fessionals, and any coach who Lelt Ericson, prominent TV of equal talent. would bench a Cson.lr.a or Klick personality; Rear Admiral "This Is nothing but forced just because they won't be there James w, WilliAms anc1 Com-trading," said Youngblood. ·•we next year would have to be mander Robert Rounseve lle of II' aD! ttle compensation rule cruy," said Halverson, "but Three first-team AH-CJF the u. s. Coast Guard's 11th dropped, so a player can only time will tell what the football stars trom Temple City Dl..artrlct~ past Chief Command-neeoti.at e fr eely.•· situation Vftll do to team high school will play for coach er Walter F. Cosdoo of the He sal~ NF L players now morale ... Dick Tucker's Orange Coast United States Power Squadrons, get from $350 to $500 for each College Pirates ne:rt season. aDd Newport Beach Vice-Mayor pre-season "exhibition" game. Temple City ~s won the CIF Milan Dostal. A suitable royal "This ls a lot less Uta.n a 2-A championship tor the past barge will convey the uewly-player gets for a regula.r - 4 )'eats in a row . eWcted Miss Newport Beactl season pme," he saJ.d, "but Tbe three sta.rs lnclude run-and ber court. the team owners sttll c barge n.1 blil.ctc Rick Br.own, tbe.ClF Pa.Hde pa.rtlclpants a.ndthelt tfW same admission tor nhi- Z-A player ot the year who guests wlll pther at there-b!Uons as lorregulargames,so i ~ gafned more than 1,600 yards; cently completed home of the they should be willing to give tight end Rich Mueller, and Shark Island Ya cht Club for players more for those games. defensiYe tackle Ross MaUn-rect,t)etatlon aDd refreshment "U these 3 points are won in owskl, after the parade. the negotiations tllat started this Another tormer Temple City The safe boating parade Is week the other 50 or 60 Items running back, Mike Nanko, who a feature or the presidentially-being negoti.ated will fall Into was the CJF 2-A player or the proclaimed sate boating week place. But, u practice season year In 1973, played for the observed throughout the United starts nen month and the own - Pirates last season and will States from June 30 to July 7. ers are not close to gtvlng be back again this campaign. The Balboa Power Squadron, tn on these 3 things, you will Nanko gained close to 600 yards the local unit of I.SPS, has of-see a player strike." tor the Sues and was named fered tree classes for safe Replying to questions from to tbe All-South Coast Confer-boaUD.g practices In Newport the audience, YoungblOOd said eoce team. Beach stncel942.Another class Calvin Hlll of Dallas Is the Brown and Malinowski w111 Is scheduled at the Newport toughest man In the league to play for the North in the J uly Harbor Ya cht Club starting at tackle and Rayfield Wright of 27 Shrine all-star game at the 6:30 p.m. Monday, Sept. 16. St. Louis Is the best blocker Rose Bowl. 53nl Fonl SALE EXOIISM AT 1liEOIIORE -RIIIII ' IIEIFWTIIAIIIOtl.llll I'UkJSIIED IWCI.Y -,AQE 10 A looc-awaJted "tlog of tbe hill'' match race betweea Mike Bast and Sonny Nwter tapa the bill at Friday night's week- ly motorcycle speedway races at the Orangt! Cotmty Falr- grooods. Nutter, who has won every 2-man match race at the local oval this season, wtll lace his nrst match challenge this year from Bast, who is c\D'rently the leading speedway rider In .\merica. The match races are Z -lap eveDts. Sast cootlnues to dom- Inate wee~ly scratch racine here and at other Southern Cal- Uornla tracks . He.appea.rstobe a sure bet to be picked to represent the U.S. ln tbeworld championships In Belgium oext moolh. Complaints from Mesa del Mar residents that noise from tile track bothers them han been worked out between track operator Harry Oxley and elty ofilci.als. A change In the loOO- speaker system Is expected to c lear Lll the problem, About 9,000 are expected to ja m the tiny on. !for th1s week's ZZ-race program beg1Dn1ng at 8:15p.m. liiJIIIIIAY, JU.E •• 174 CDIIOIA DEL MAA. CAL SP EEDO SWIM SUIT S LAGUNA SWIM TRUNKS oa clttd 4 .... II ea.,-. u.t conectllt ... ..,.. P ta s,n-. JI.Y ... _. ... ,. twice~· .... ROOioJ llo!o) ~ .. , .. ~ Ull tatboDal>llaR .. MI BON AIRE SWIM BOARDS TER WONDER BOAR DS Adi dos-T retom Convent WARM UP SU ITS Fred P erry-Jock Purcoll TENN IS SHOES RACKET STRINGING 1 Time 20 words or less •. . . Z.OO 21 to 30 words ••..• 3.00 31 to 40 words, , • • . 4.00 Each word OYer 40 • • .10 ~i-'~ BEAUTY NOOK 2732 E. Coast Hwy. Corona del Mar Phone 644· 7336 SALES & SERVICE ~~~ ~Sl C lothlDc -Nautical Gilts YarlDe Hardware Open seYen dtys a week to te:rve yoo better Z100 W. COAST IIWY ., N. B. PHOIIE 1145-1711 lt'a STEINW A Y Month at Schmidt Music Lowrey splDet orpn ternal LesUe, $1195. Jeo,lle l Frencb spinet plano --eixeel- lent, $645, Hammood Piper or-1 ---------~-' PD. Jut ooel $795. 420 E. 17TH IT. COlT A MEIA 846-7706-640-6866 BeautifUl Chickering Con- sole, current mod. $1Z95 . Or- catron E-Z play wt.thout lea- ...,., i395. Lester oplnet plaoo. elp.r store W'ClOd• lodlao. 6 feol, -COOdl-tton, $3,000 or b .. t oft'er. Wella Farao boz, tte. Mira Lom1 (714) U5-IZBI . All you "•eel Ia o volicl driver's licen s e to fill out ftle ai~ttple chowi"g tic:lret tl!ot COULD wl" yo~o~ o now onlr $595. c-:::-::=~==:c-::--1----------1 StelnnJ •• West •s larpst QUILTED BEDSPREAD, ldJic· CL I! AN 'E RS seltetlon or modeJs for lmmt. slse, floral, beaYJ. YOYID NEW '74 PINTO · FREE /. CLASS WINN"ER : Newport Harbor Yacht Club'• annual Huntinaton tidelands race Sunday drew a lar1e number of entries. The winp er In I. 0 . R. Class D was the new Ran1er 32 I loop Quadrila. CO•Ikippered by Burlei1h Brewer. Corey Meyer. and Ed Meaerve o f NHYC. (Beckner photo.) I dil.te delivery. Call or comtlol plus drapestomateb(98x145). DIMMITT Scbmldt M111te Co. ExeeUnt eoudttlon •• w:IU • N..._ _ SteiDway -Yama.ba -sell for $Hi• or will Mil ~ 1907 N. Malll st., Santa separately. 644-0387. Est. 1914 Finat quality dry on the pmniset: • ~~~~~~~~~~e i,STAU IAN T !USIM ESS SACRAMENTO liued . 10le ~HOME'~~ proprlataublp tormtac cor-• pontloa. OG , .property l.D C. Mlie 4ef Mer Nnport lleaetl area. Re. e ftUNC:H TH f':U qatred, IDYUtor, &eU't 01' De N M I" m-cttJe m ~mtM,~~;;;;;l;;I;.:Co~o:a:t:H:wy:::., lllab~ IDd _, of proiU IDY-10carec1. B•wl-11 .. •lllllctwlac I •::.._:S::I:::R~Y.:.IC:::I.:S ___ _ pre -c• boiNS. Wrtte to r J. W. Smltll, 711 WOOd-IIN-'iLIP YACHT TEIIDERS i>< La. E, 12, Sl.erameato, Ca. moatb ot Aacut. YOIIIC re-"sn. (911) 9Z7-IMIN. opoclable -~~ wllll ....... ~· Doro, 551-'I'Sit; '"· MEW CORJIOIU.TDI YIU 1-.. -·.I'IM_·--,----= bolld .. tall ..... llock .... uc.. 11r a.uawewtt.lll.u. iocaillnT.W..w;;••• ..... $11,000. Bool-1, --··•'-" ) c/o '"'•· ... , &. c-. ~ .. ..::_-.. :was.• a., .. c._ dlllllr, cat. -.._ M6 • _ ... lltL Ofn' .CkoO ~Aft .IlTie laiJLftl c:,,~•• ,..._.., ... ,...,. ....... ......... .,,..__.,.w --._.,...,. • . - • IWIIM'fludt 11••• ..... hint Celie ... OPEN SAT. & SUN. 1·5 1133 GLENEAGLE TERR., C.M. · Puorlllllc fin "'-au 4 --· llomlly room home. t..oU of Jttuttera. lmmaealate booN. A Bargain at $68,000 •••• OCEAN BLVD. Spectacular new ot Rarbof Eatraaee. Tbrte bed- rooma, den, famll)' room (all larlf~ plus pit ........ $169,500 • • • • CHINA COVE Quiet ·-clo• to small beacb and steps from Btc Cor001.. TbrH bedrooms --oewly decorated.. Will leaoe-Qilllon. $109,5_00 :DO If Y. f'IUXICLIX t!.;:~ F,...m:-1 ROY R. McCARDLE IlEAL TOll 541-7729 Immaculate Belvedere! Larre lot --room tor pooL Larp family room aDd breaktut room cwerloot kwety COYered paUo. S-ear canre with door -optDtr .Immecflate oee1CaDC}I $95,500 /CiJJJJa,. COATS & WAU.ACE IW.TORS ~ 546-4141 1491 BAKER, COSTA MESA F-A-B-U-L-0-U-S New Listing We Ul de---., oGir ail t lMidrl •• t .... pool -Ia !:AIIIO .-a, will u -~ -... ..,. JoiiJ"'-v-. , ... , ud __ ., .. ,_... ... --. ~~-poalo. RIAIJ,Y 1 ' .aJ -10 ....... ,_ _____ ..,. .... A_... lllw& 111n ... 'F 't 7 aa- .. l'l'trtll•an• ............ W. 1 ... -II tlN,III, c:ea-•· •• TWO DOLL em., to all sbopa, llbrar)', post otllce aoo the beach.. TYo llttle bomes oa a R-2 lot, One bedroom troot borne ts lD perfect coodittoa, Two bedroom "charmer" lD back is quaint aDd could stand some more "fllin." Prtnte patios dYe each home separate prtncy. Curre~~Uy leated for $5,460 a year to well screened tenants. Submit YOUR otter --out of state owner wants actioal "ON THE BAY" 115-117 EDGEWATER M-.r Newport Harbor Yaebt Club ... Two IIDits --p&tr ud no.t ... Readily coonrted to slDgle family nlideoc4. *' Lot 45 feet wide, 70 feet detp • • • Double ear prap wttll eatrJ from alley. Two skle yard patios. Rtar lmlt bU ,.. deet. Froat \llit las tlreplaee. All .... carpets, dnpn, ballt-I.D.s --plas elec- troale cw., rt.Dpa, retrtcvaton --lncliiiUnc Jute lDTtDtory ol tul.c ftnlture. Sold dlject to aay .-nmer ... tall. 0.. ol tbl fiDesl new loc:atloos I.D tbe Harbor adjleeDt to BIJ Island. $235,000 INSPECTION liY t\PPOlNTMENT Pllono MR. LEON.t.Ril D. O.OORO or NELSON ROBINSON, Realtors 675-8120 JIG MAIN ST. Lol."'B.ted a. sto~s throw from the ocean. Owner's unit 3 D master bedroom suite N ,;:: I. • CU&tom ·Jivint: in thi• ::844 S<J. tt. unit. Full plice. just sl29,soo. DELIGHTFUL Sun/Eves. 675-7011 DELUXE DUPLEX * CAMEO SHORES.* NEW LISTING I ~~~;r;a,c:.-J:L= I con• WJmM. INC. RUL10111 INN. C1 , ....... \ HELLO II! We hiVe just opened our new office in CORONA DEL MAR SOME OF OUR LISTINGS 408 Jasmine CORONA DEL MAR --oewty redecorated bome wllb reatal tlllt. $89,500 • 2912 Alta Vista EAST BLUFF --blg 4 bedroom family room home. $70,500. lt'E NOW HAVE OPENIN GS FOR REAL ESTATE SALP.SPEOPLE . • •••••••••••• Inquire abo.t our LlcHslnt anllll Sales Tralnlnt Protr-. JOHN COOMBE, MANAGER 640-144 UOO ISL£-579,900 f~>l biiV \Ill L!..iLO I IJZ ,\ 1 f\1,1 11lt-!,l~(t'[Uf· h .-lcl'OJ'illctl. 1\hk(~r .J · <:~ppt~oull'.'~. ~ lure:e iK·d rnmn s ptu.;, tlcn ~ I1Jlh.~ llreplilre & bu lltitl:-. tt:; \· i"' Zu: ich BUilDER'S oq~:d HG~1£ · Unlv :! 'l'<.ll s o:d. I l,t!J. :; i,!l i). hu;·tl\\ t"Korl !lot;rs. (lre<~m ;.nv iL··r ~ ~~Lp,·~ uu ··,,rt i:•;.: ·- 1 Jw u\1 rh·r iu .• ;;~ 11. '.i1.~1 "l : l-:,1.11 ,hit.' t•nly ~:., :; . !L:III A:.pR€HIG€ / --l--tli-HOM€S OPEN SATURDAY & 5\JND.t.Y 1 TO 5 24 HARBOR ISLAND Magnificent main channel view. 6 Bdnn., 5 bath home with formal dining rm. 55 Ft. lot, 4 car garage, pier & slip. S575,000 WATERFRONT LOT You can build the bouse of your dreams on this 57.5 fl lot on the main channel. $400,000 BD.t GRUNDY, Realtor • •• . ................. . "SUMMER rfiME ... and the LIVING IS EASY" Especially wbla. yoar home Is ooe of our "beacb clo•" properties. Come let Obe of our SURf -AND- SAND SPECIALISTS HELP YOU FIND YOUR VERY OWN SAND CASTLE. ~~B OY D - * 67S.St30 * 3637 E. Coast Hwy. CorOM •1 Mar QUilt IUSINIISS IS HILI'INO NOI'I.I LIVI IITTU ' macnab/li'VIna' realty Fr.ER HOMES . I \ BAY FRONT EXCLUSIVE BAYFRONT UvtNG SCARCE &0' SLIP! 100' on BAY! Custom 4 bedroom borne remodelled 1o '71. Louts XV fireplace In Uvlng room. Antique walniJl paoell1nr lDcl. ftreplace ln Ubrary, S~rlatln rlew from master bedroom " most other rooms. $385,000. Walter K1Dc &44-6ZOO. (X63 ) Villa In The Terrace Everythlng ynu'd want In a dream Dome! V~ew property wJp.rden dlni.ng room --two Urtng rooms for entertalnlnc --maplftcent Roman pool w/tt!ed fountain --radiant heat --terrazzo noors --5 bedrooms. $2!5,000. Barbara Aune 642-8235. (A36) tl1 Dowr DrM 142·1235 tM4 M.c:AI1tu loM·UOI, Ne sport~ C..U.nie ~ RfStOENllAI. BllOI<EilAG< CChiPANV EXi:I-P'I'fOIW. CONDOMINIUM Cboice Moaaco 3 bedroom model Big' CaD- yon. ExquisiteJy decoral.ed in toft ·colon. Brick terraces with a view of lOth and 11th fairways. ··Highly upgraded. IUIO.OOO .. AWESOME . BEAUTY .... describes · this ·remarkably detailed and erafled view. property in Dover Shores. 4 8ed.r.ooall. 4lh baths. For l.he discr1minat- ing bqyor, ooly $465,000. KARBOR VIEW HOMES VetY clean Carmel model. 3 ~001'1"· fam- ily. roopl ... 2 ~lhs. One bouse away from part' aild play areas. f/1,000. IE.C*.ntE WATER FOR SUMMER FUN lndoot5 &.outdoors blend to maU·ttus gr. cioW 'home a pLace you want to be. 5 bed- rooiriS " + Maids: laige paneled 4eh. 'forinal dining room. country kitchen + dcd: for largo· ·boa~·. $230;.,. DIAL 644:1766 2161 S•n JMqUin Hills Rd., N.B. A COLDWELL BANKER CO. *************** DUPLEXES -DUPLEXES DUPLEXES! DUPLEXES! ALL IN CORONA DEL MAR m.IIS .... MARCMIIIIIITI~,!IO _,.. ACACIA:-171,951. -.... ACAC:l,._.,,Jit na.n1 .... OIICHlD-m,Jit For opp't to -· pieaJe call: Call 0.. Yalon or Rochollo Rachelle Robers, Redltor 3333 E. Coast Highway Corona del Mar 675-2373 ****** ****·***·** I I I I ' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .LI IALaa ••••• , Salea tllroup tlie. Mult.tplll 1 ....... Santee of tbe Ne"'IQl't "llarbor·Caata ..... Board of RaltGn tatal .... $11. '1 mt!J!OII {,. tbe 'lint I wiAiit of ll'lt. 1"ILW 18 .... ~ A , HI DfCJtaMB ona ,.. ••• R-.> A BAll liDO. l,llt .. u.... wac pneJWJII, of ltlll Ill wwnn••.-.. • "IS -a.a... :aiOIIfi&.WOIIIISIH .'NJ-v,iJ•ElD.nfi ' BUD6EJ f.!t!l£ y l!DMIIMDMMLLOUXOP C)STAWAIICC11118S ............ ~IUILY -'Mit;· 'COIIJIADELIM,'C#4-, ld,. .. MII._, .. ,-, ... -Ida aau .. ..... -- T oAr -C.. Chll i h N ~,. A pobUc blorlo& ud u lao Pw.lol Coalm'"'•· ~~ ::'..!':: ......... ••nt c.-a, s ulaM'oaiiNM.• C Ul ( ' •YJ11 coa.ldlnU. olaallllllllllaa wM ut 111101r IIIP&Id, bit 1tbO 8atwda" 11 hdftc VIeW o 'u T....., 1W 111o 11 111o Jolt .. rl1llll ud---, . •• • • boleollor lllo -I'OUrlut-are-tU&Iblo b'I>IJ-,.._w Pl"lr, - ..... M ........... '.J':.\~ at~~~ IIUI, 0 1T. ~-11-,_;IIDIOp,m.~lllbl ~~ ~ ~C~ !':,"':~-cllaJito Ioibi Hilla. ~ trr 0 -....... ..._ • • a-TIIIWI CI.C .. ..,It Aa, C--.,_., chi>, C u ---• Mol ' _. llo)' to drcldlllc talllo clal --·• pay a1>: -·• -, Cllll a..i, lloali, lira Goorll· Oualty lo • .,. "'-' • 1101111& IIOt!IPI"krtp-Yr, .-. a rollrod aato """'"~ -• 111o lolud -· .. ,. .,. __ .,_,;.; cbalrmu, • -!arU....!: """!-ml""~~·, ta-alia cama lllrt u Cllf•lurllllc-o N~C-. wtn Ill lllo --Iaiii< 11 • TR! NEWPORT l1lllTY ~.-u-~ Q,. ;':: :::., ...... ...:::a=:; w!!:. ~ Ia -lod lei bt Dr, Cblrlla -~~~lor IJoo CHURCH, IIIII st. IIIII lrrtot thll wtn bt tho 1u1 ei..ct • c:~ coe•lttlt oo wtaat baN ._:u:::r ~:.!'l a, t :ao aad u Lm. s-Jay AYe., cwr Ha.---Tbe ReY. tor tbe publle or tht co.en kiad of ta1d&l ...., r•llce • Hl"t'lCII. Suat Rter.rda, .. ck trom. bet to come lt> wttb ngesttd • lilt pr-Ccut Hwy.-. LOCAL ZONTA MEMBERS • LtrrHERAN CHURCH OF 2 weok n..U..tn HowaU, will etaaceo. . Tbe oommtttH IUdt DO rec-. THE MABTIR, 1900 P~eltle be lD tbe palpU b' tbe 10 a.m. Tbe prellmioary budcet sub· omm-00 boiPI Pre ARE GOING TO BOSTON Vlow Dr.,-Vltw HIUo .. otnlct lbla s_,., Sbe will mllled by Ctty Yllllpr Robtrt boaUq illttr ... wut a"brldp Four members ~ tbe loea.l A rultu .olo bJ a., BerDatd Pr:-eb • "Karma ud you." WJDD 1o mtd-Aprtl ealltNS tor at leut S2 feet bleb EDY!rOD Zoota Club lei.Ye tbl& ..... for lDC! a aermoeette tar eldldru HARBOR TRINITY BAP-expeodltur .. otabout$16 imU- mllllall.llo WUII tO kHp ti tho Zcota tntor-1 biOMlal wtu bt laclllltd lD llle 10:30 TIST CHURCH, lUO BOer 11oo durlnl tho comlrlc ;oar •• oear the eurrlat 135 ft. bltP,t eoaYIIItSOD to BoltoD JUDe ZS-a.m. llrtice tbla SUDda.J. Va-s:·• Costa Mea-· PutorCoa-up about$600,000btJowupeoct .. above tbtwater sta~IQCIDtert !7. eatiod Bible scbDol wtU be bekl n e SaUol: wUl pr•eh at lbe ltures tor tbeeurreatyear Be. are 111kf ell, dtstp .. Mra. Verdi Acker, prutdtat fl'om JUDe !4 to July 5 from 8:SO a.m. eenlee. Speaker for pay oecottattou With 3 -- gesttoos nc sue or tbe ZODta Clab ot NtJEPOri 1 to S:SO p.m. tor children ap the 11 a.m. &Del 7 p.m. aentee rate city uo1oas pillS added Ma)'Ol'' Mclo.Dis allo told tbe Harbor, ww be aceompuled S t: ltb crade. •Ill be the Rew. Davtd Morten. projects tacked oG at.Dee bud, Kl'ftldau tbat tbe city faCti by 3 put prealdeltl, Mrl. MJI-THE NEWPORT HARBOR • get bearings bepn, are expect- bud t diftlcultles Ia mettiDJ dred Stuley Petb, Yrs. Vlr-CHURCH OF REUGIOUS SCI-ST. MARK PRESBYTERIAN ed to pusb the tiDal n,ure cltyge worker pay raises p.a1a Lutbar aDd lira. Per For-ENCE, 541 CtDtet st., Costa CHURCH, 2100 Mu Vtsta, East close to $l8 mllUon or $1/Z Tbe budget for tbe ftse.aly~ rtt. Mrs. Acker Tttll be the Mesa. --Tbe Re,.. Eleanor Bluff --'•Cbrlst and those who million more than uds year's starttoc July 1 will beapproYed of1lcial local delepte and Mrs. Jactsoo will Pt"•eb at 10 a.m. feel tbey doa't be•oog" will be spending ftgure. at oezt · Mooday Dicflt'• City Forpt Ute alter•te. Sunday on "Follow thou me." tbe sermon topic ot the Re,.. W:ooday ntgbt's Cotmcll ses- Couocll stoo 'Molt tty ZOIIta members from Tbe Women's Guild wUI bold WUllam MeQuoJd at 9:30 a.m. sion wJII also consider seYeral workers ':~~· bawe ~ throqbout tbeworldwlllexblbtt a Amd nl•lnf dinDer party Stmday. ordinances thatwouldralsefees guaranteed raises averictoe art worts aDd e&eb club wtll y· In . .1 . I . for such etty servtees as street about 8 per ceo! .... llle Otll nod • 111ft typleal "' Hs .~.. II am YISI IS OPIC tree plaotlog, permits, lft\l de- year. The ftre deputmeDt ls to be eold ·~. a IJI)ICl&l ODe velopmenl fees. Tbe revenue upeeted to get about a 9,6 world buu.r. Dr. William J. Roberts, eo-late e'll.c-.Uon of all ttw! Increases are aimed at off- per cent Increase. Pollee, sUD Thelma Paddoet Rope, Cor-foUDder of the Far East Broad-chUdren setting increased costs. negotlatlnc with city perSOilDfll ou del Mar artUit, will emtbtt eaatln( Co. and radio minister QuesU~os to be dealt ltb Also 00 tbe agenda tor the oUlclals, are asklnl: tor about an on lao4seape vtew of the of the Bible Fellowsbtp Hour, In the mornln w . meeting, which begins at 7:SO 16 per cent, but wUl probably Sierras 1n .oortbern CallforoJa. wtu speak OD "VIetnam: ooe 'Nhat happened g :r::e c!~ p.m. 1n City Hall are: end IC) wltb about tbe same FRED LYNN DU P·REE rear later" at tbe Plymouth ftre In Vietnam? Wbere is the • ALLEY IMPROVE- r(llse as firemen, tbe mayor SUCCUMBS AT AGE 67 Congrep.Uooat Church or New-peace-keeping mtssioo? What MENT assessments on prop- said. port Harbor, S26ZBroadStreet, about "peace with honor" erty owners In the Coronado- He brought Klnnlans ~ to Services will be eonduc:Jed Newport Heigbts, at the to a.m. agreements? Wbat has happen-Alvarado-E. Bay area of Bat- date on the general pJ.an. Upper at 2 p.m. today, J111e 20, 1D service tbls SIIDdaJ. pened to the cburcb during the boa for alley paving. EVERYTHING .MUST GO! • 'lippen • ThrHds • Trims • Seam linditlgi • Ribbons • se-Tapn • Buttons • Sewin<J looics PATTERNS VOGUE-SIMPLICITY BUTTERICK-McCALLS ENTIRE FABRIC STOCK Bay open space, the airport PacWc VIew Chapel, Harbor Dr. Roberts and Dr. John war years? ls there any~ • ABANDONED VEWCLE noise problem, tbenewlyadopt-View Hills, tor Fred L}'IUl Du A. LIDdn.ll, pastor ofPlymoutb for Vletoam? agreement with the state which, ed para-medic program, and Pree, 67, of 2453lrvtne, West Cbarcb. both representlag Dr. Robefts was president if ratified, would get a state HARBOR CENTER ta..k .._., 2300 HAUOR city attempt to pin control of Uwer Bay, wbo died Moodily Worldseope Ministries, recent-of the board of directors of subsidy of $15 for each state-owoed right-ot-way along at Hoag hospital. ly returned trom surveying the Southern Callforn.la College abandoned auto the city" tows Coast Hwy. Masonic Lodge 672 of Laguna needs of orphanages and when the sebool moved toCosta away. COST A MESA PH: 549-1834 Store Hours: Mon. thru Sat. I 0 A.M. 'til5:30 Bea.cb w1ll om.clate. mlsstoo activtUes througbout V.esa Ia 1950 • PAY for members of Mr. DuPree was born In South VIetnam. While vts1t1ng ' ' boards aDd ~~~~ 100 · 150 Feet WITH CREW Alabama. He Uved 55 years the BeD Cat orpbaDage, 3(1 1n CalKornl& and 29 ;·t:ars lo-miles north of Salgoo, Dr. cally. Roberts was caught 1D the Must accommodate 13 plus crew. 1 MONTH LEASE He Is sW"vived by a son, Fred battle between tbe Viet Cone Lyon Oa Pree D, of Riverside; abd tbt South Vletnamese gov. a haU-brother, James DuPree ernment forces. Tbe orphlo- of San Otero, aM a haU-silter, age ns struck by a shell trag- Dorothy Leather man of La meot, necessitating the lmmed- Mesa. Between · Nov. 20, 197 4 end Fob. 20, 1975 Champs af water show Costa Rica Olympic dh1ng champJon Pat U.eCormlck's 9th: annual bene- tlJ water sbow wtll be held at 4 p.m. th1s SUDdaJ, Jtme 23, 1n the Los Alamttos htgltsebool OlytrQic sl.r.e pool. treasure sear~ and film project at Cocos lsl..,d. There'll be dl'llng exhlbiUoos by Pat McCormick, two time Olym,lc gold medal w1nber ltftlmr ·t.at, _..._ Greg Sbutf, oatiollal ftaUst Peggy Reoo, Ktt SoiDes, Joe Peooy, aDd to top It ott the clown prtnee ot dlvtag, Orwto Harvey, w111 plummet from a Pl.ue aub•lt IR· forMation ond pl'lc•- P.O. Box 151 SIZf OfSCI'!IPTIOtf A '18-13 Sllv. Vl/W belted f78-14 Sllv. w/w belted blems G78-14 Sllv. vt/w belted blems. HR70 -15 Radial XLIOO blems E78-14 Armstrong steel-belted w/w 600xl2 Yokohama w/w 600115 Yoltollama wj w C60-13 GAtes raised w /1 G60-14 Daytona raised w/1 L60-15 Laramie raised w/1 IIIADI-IM FIOIIIIAL I'IIIICf UCISI ,.. 19.88 1.80 23.88 2.50 23.88 Z.67 39.44 3.42 28.00 Z.47 16.00 1.53 20.00 I.M 28.00 2.45 34.00 2.90 39.00 3.66 B. F. Goodrich Store 2049 HAIIOIILYD, l.t hyl HAVE YOU JOINED THE FIGHT? We In the Common Seue CoiUUoo are wqiDc a ft&fll 11> lil'tnr bock property rll!llll IID!oo rroro us bJ pernmeot, &Dd to protect what fft' rtPb we lUll Mn. We have Jl'lldt tome pror:r--. t.- ea .. we are ..a!ted. Bat, " need tbl added ltrfiiCib of more members to Cite us u ..,... m..- rol<e, Wlll JOG joiD 01 lD IIIII ll&fll II> protoet tho rtcr>t ot Amtrleuo to on pr-IJ'? -- o&IDt ud addrta IIIII '8 to -lilt .... ol mall- tapiD: JIJIAITMLIOAIL'It. .-&10,~~~· 16 foot tower 1Dto 3 feet ot water. otbef performers will in- e lude U.S. gymnasbo KylaGaJ- oor aDd Debbie Flte ot the Southern C.afitornla Acrobatic Team, backstroke cbampiODJ Susie Atwood and L1nda Stimp- son aDd Encllsh Cbarmetreeord ..,_ ""' Coa. -' ... . Hetldersoa will perform tbelr antics poolside. Celebrities plannlnr to be on band include MarUD MeXeenr, Rater Job:D- soo, Ben Apjulao, Fklrence Chadwick and Later COaeb Blll AUDREY EZZELL , 60, OF C.O.M. SUCCUMBS Audrey EueU. 60, of 419 :IeUotrope, Corooa del W:ar, was burle1 Monday In Paet.ne View memorial park, Harbor View Hills. She died Friday at H011g hOspital. Senlces were beld at St. Michael's and AU All Angels' Episcopal Cburch bere. Mrs. Euen Is survtwed by sons Antony c bapman of Santa Bartan, Peter Euell of Los Angeles, IDd Mlcbl.el, Rob &Dd Keot Euell, all ot Corona del Mar. ~~;-:;TO ENGAGE IN THE SALE OF ALCOHOUC BEVERAGES To Wbom It May Cooeern: Subjeel 1D lucaoee o1 tho UceDH applied tor, notice Is bereby rtveo that tbe lmeler- slped propoees to Hll aleo- hoUe blweracu: at tbe prem- iMs, duerlbld ufoUows: 1520 We• Cout Hltttnray, Nooport B•eb, P11ttu&Dt to such lDtentloo, llle uodarllpld lo ljlpl)1or to lilt Dtpor-or ~ue BeYerap Coatrol for luU&DCe •of u alcobolle bneraplleeut (or uc .... ) fol' tbt• prem. liH u lollowo: Oo-8alo Goo- oral, -Eallq Plaet. CIWIT IIIC. Doaola Willi>, Yl!r. PabliA: J .. ao, tt'U, m tiM N~ -IIPIII&D. J GUYS NUTS? Went to a union meeting the other night, and these fellows were jumping up and waving their arms and yelling "vote for Jerry Brown; he's against big, business,'' They must be nuts. The outfit these guys work for hires about 4,000 people, That's big business, Are they trying to cut their own throats? Don't these guys realize that politicians are picking on big oil, big autos and big anything that will win them votes? Where are they going to work when Jerry Brown wipes 9Ut big business? If they want to pick on something big, the unions should pick on big government, The big bureaucracy is a millstone around the neck of the working man, He pays its exorbitant bills through taxes, Big business, on the other hand, PAYS the working man, instead of robbing him of his labor. Business creates jobs, Politicians create nothing. As a small businessman for many years, I can tell you right now that, when the big boys go, we all go. If an individual corporate executive cheats, lies, steals or is otherwise crooked, lock HIM up, don't blame the entire system. The system has proven it works. Don't condemn the stockholders and employees of a big company for the occasional sins of a very few, That's like blaming the American political system for a Haldeman, an Ehrlicqman or an Ells berg. When the workingman puts his money in savings, he expects a good, protected return on his investment. When the stockholder gambles his money by investing in the workingman's company, he, too, expects some kind of return, Incidentally, If taking over the oil companies is Jerry Brown's idea of efficiency, he should go to Mexico, pay $1 per gallon for inferior gasoline and then ask why it isn't better and cheaper, with all that gov- ernment control they have down there, Here at the store, we can boast of good quality, AND reasonable prices. Check us out, Jerry. P. s. I think the government should stop P.Utting so much stock on what a guy's college diploma says he can do, Had an Orange Ceast College student stop by the other day looking for work. Told him he should have to know how to figure 6 per cent sales tax. He said that could be quite a problem. ' ? -AL FORGIT _ tMI IOUTMLMD'I ,.MilT • HMDWARI • COLONY ,AIMT~ • SMALL ArrUANCU • rLUMIIMOIUPPt..IU IT H D IIACH , I •