HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-04-03 - Newport Harbor Ensign• • • BJ JNdDaYia Well, tMn 1DH Da ....... AM ..... Uld CM-. Trt us • 8Mb.-0.. lla. Alld 10,000 •• .,.., ••• To ., ICitiiiiC ol aD crt tboet .......... patrt- oUc pbruM tbat w. t&ee- tlou diJ1DC tbt lMOI. 1 c:aa .un ... la1m ...,., - tbat au rer.ac~o van.,. COIIIIT.-a flolrllc VIet .. IWil ID be1JMt &ld CUierL Tbe wu wu 10 'ftDIItdll, be )Ia lad tiO tlaYt IIU pie- tart tuea wWt "'"van., ..... mill be OOGid dAd. Wbtll be aot back boalt, be bad tbut plctart. rtttued to tbe prea OM or I at a ttme, rtc11t up to tltcdall daJ. Got blm a lot ohot-. He'l lUll ID .............. aJoal "*Ub IIIIDdnd8 ot otbll' J)C)U*tclau wbO 1IMd tiD talk like nenlt.n. ''Oar boJ• bow ....... tbtJ'n ftcMIDI tor ewer t!Wn. We ban a •tSa.~ comllltt1Deat t10 ttcp tbt COlD- maatJta from tulle Soatb- eut Aata. our trt.c~a ID otber couotrltl mutt be •bon that America a.p. Ita word. We can ... tbe IIcht at tbe ead of tbe tuaotl, aDd we mast eee thts thiOC tbi'OQCb." Ob, 1t wu beaatUul. Y oaac Amertcan Mmcem-, lm- batd wtth tb.18 1Plrtt of do1ac tbelr bit for freedom, marched off to war once aptn. ID tbe DOrtberu pro- Ttnca of South Vltta&m, wbtn tbe MIJ1.Des foapt, tbere wu DO doubt ttat "CblrUe" wu cot.oc to 1et btl ears piDDed back eYery Ume be eould be tracked don. IDcUridual berot.sm wu a dally way of lUe. Youag, tresb-flced Americans stomped tJ\roalb tbe )lllclu and b.Ws, wt.o.D1DC battle after battle trom a ftry tqb enemy, theocamebaclt to tbe reu a.nu IDd buut QrpbaDI&•, treated llct- nta, re-blillt .ebool• --aDd posed tor picture~ w1tb Ylatt- lDc~•.wboW'tn almOit u p1.eatUUl u tbe Vlet Cq, aDd a lot euler to ODd. Tbe old P1GP14 Ia V~et----11111W\ ......... ,., bad .... ...,~ ....... come ud p. War b tbtm bad bee-bet)re World War D. u tbeJ IPOftdteally bat- tled wlth t.ht Fr.acb col- ontalllls. TbeD came tbe Japuese, tbeD the Frtoell ap!D, tbe Vletn Mlnb, tbe Vltt Cong, aDd the Amert- CIJll, Tbly're probablJ wooder- lnc now wbo wm be ou:t.. But, the kitU trulttd ua. Lite clll.ld.ren everywhere, tbtJ wen wttboot pUt. The troops and tbe tlds were hoDest wttb eacb other and llttd •cb otber. We Cook them ftsbtDc, pft them COOCU•, toot Polaroid pte- tans for lbtm. Tbe mtcllcal eorpstntll stn.JcbttDtd tbttr teeth. lrelted tbetr fOrtS, aDd patcbed tbt woacts Uat came wblll tbt tm.oc:.t lOt 1n tbt .,., of tbt ftcbtiac. ••wto tbtir bearta ud mJ.Dds u JOG ftllt to wm ttd.l war" ftl a ~ slopA, and otftclal poUey. We tried. Bat, tbl poiUtctau apt CICtlDC 1D the way. Vtltlaa- mHe polalctau .tolt tMlr on people bUDd, ud prt c~-.ftlevt ID cbup of troope. SaJcaq 8Hmtd almOtt •• dettrmiMd u •dc&.•..,..~no M4 11ft ........ Ill llaDot to Ctt awaJ biD com-a-t ....... a. Jolt .... ..,.., ta tbe ftl, pnctkaDJ 1U tbt"'OIIIIl Tbtrt waa w• 1a1t ot ptaetl Some polJUctau weat to Pa.rll *>I' I blr pow-wow Uat would tad U. war. Tbt troops taJtec1 aboat tt Wti'J day. Durtlle tbtTetreur&ou bOllday ot •rly 1968, botb •Ides acntc1 to a ttmJiorary truce, ao flmWes coaldtn-rtl about frHIJ and bt to- Jetbtr a,r a fft clay•, away from war. ...._d, tM commaa.lltl Ytol&t.d tbe tract. Wblle 8cMdJa VJMMJD... mtlltary aJU wen "llalt dowD" tr>r tbe laol.ldly, t:bt VIet Coac ud llortb VW.uee troops attacQd a1mo.t tYery out- post btld by tbe rtpabUc torca. Tbl a.oetat, m.t- je.Ue clty of Hue wu taken. 1D tbe weeb that followed, a lot of Amertcu Marines died retaktag tb.18 lfe&t ceo- ter of colture and I•rnlDg. Durt.oc tbe few days lD wbicb tbe commUDtst.s coatrolled .omt of tbl ~ ud tbt eltf ot Hat, Uaey atcated thou•* of ......... ClYUI&u wbo laid commit- ted tbt crlmt of coopen..t1Dc wtth tbt Amertc:a.u.. Some were cbUdrtG Wbo bad nD er1'11141. lhlDed ~bod aDd accepted rttta. FtoaUJ, u 11D1UJ peace came. The AmtrlCID.I came borne. ~ OD wbom you llsteoed to, we lad ettber sold out our naltooal eom- mttmeot to the VIetnamese or r•lized our borrfble mistake. ADd, after an. tbe eomllniiWU proatatcltD- ftcbUDc. It lll.nld Ollt tiiU tbtlr 1IOrd .... abollt .. loodUGUa. Euter wu a pretty ad day IDr I lot of Amtricau wbo lptllt a &ood cbaDk ot tbetr U?.. defeDCllDc Da Nuc. For the baddte• a.od rtbltlns of tbl men Wbo died lD tlat putoltbeworld, tt wa1 a Wtle slcken~n«. We Wled to look at the old French pWboxes that dotted the VletDameee coun- trya:lde, and wODd.er about tbe French. Tbt beadquar- ttn tw A...ncu cMDID Dft--ta Da Muc 9U IBOtbtr ~tpey ot u.e rawca • a tormv catboat wUia I.Jl ~ t.r,.....,. the UWimtD CC*ld lit ud d rlDlt aDd prtdlet tbe fll1 at Kbe Sub (It DeYtr fell - lt wu tiDally lltudaotcl), t.Od teU eYefJbodJ boW tbeJ would run tbe war. Wo.r ol them Deeded bel)) )lit to put oo a flak tt.etet. We used to woader w~t the Americus would leaYe belllnd. 1 still wODC1er. NEWPORT BEACH JOe THE-N!w,.IORT HARBOR ftla .. PICIAL .... AHa •• •• ern ., ...... T •••ae ,/ 1.0( COSTA MESA .. ., .......... ,..,. .. .............. ,IMOI MO. 31 A moratorium oo all coa- structloo Ill tbe aodeveloped parta ot Newport Beacb will be called for at too.lgbt's meeting ot tbe clty PlanDlDg Com mJsslaD. MaJt1nc tbe re- quest wUl be Jean Watt of Harbor Island, spea k1ag for the Stop Pollatlnc Ov New- port (SPON) orpnizaUon. "UDttl we get aome t1Dd of coatrol over drainage toto the bay, we are acatnst any turtber coostrucUoo that would add to that drainage," Mrs. Watt told the Enslen yesterday. "All oftbe drain- age doesn't come from New- port, bat we are tbe rna jOr reclpleots of tbe damage dooe by the d.rainac• aDd lta pollution, eo we sboold take some n.rm, noticeable actloo to do sometb.lng aboUt lt." Mrs. ~att said SPON w1U also sed city support for a request for, federal Eonroo- mental PtotecUoo Ageocy fUnds for a a.yar study of the bay pollottoo problem. County Supervisors moved Tuesday to uk for $800,000 NEW UBRARY proposed tor Neyport Center would share a park:lng lot with the proposed new borne or the Newport Harbor Art Museum, )1st north of the pollee and ftre stations. Cost studies are betng made by the city, alter a recommeodation from the city Library Board that a new branch library be bullt oo this site. The Irvine Co. bas offered the land for sale, but a price bas not been determined. Also in the sketch are a proposed Rolls-Royce dealership, tactng oo Jam- boree Rd., a.od the existing service station oo the north- west comer of Jamboree and San JoaquiD HUls Rd. Drown victim unidentified ldeoUty of a younc drown- toe victim found Mooday tn the surf off Balboa was still a mystery late yester<lly. CountJ coroner's depu- ties were worttnc 011 the theory tbat the victim mtpt be a 15-y•r-old Norwallt yoqtb wbo disappeared whlle swtmmtng at Sunset Beacb March 19. lnYesttgat.ors hoped dental charta woold aid tn ldtnUty, but were stymied by the fact that nellher the mlslt.ng boy nor the vtctlm ba5 had any dental work dooe. PhWtp M~ 15, was swtmmi.Dg wtth trteDds at Sunset Beach when be d.ts- a~red in the surf. St~ tides slnce March 19 could ban nsbed thedecomposed body ashore here, tnvestl- ptors said. A woman walk- ing aloog Balboa's L St. beacb saw the body, clad 1n blue )e&Ds, floati.Dg tn the surf Mooday moming. AccordJDg to the county corooer•s otrlce, there ts ••some disparity" between tbe way the vlcttm was dres- sed and the clothing belleved to have been worn by the Mapa youth.. in federal mooey for the baJ study. "There Is sutflctent proof now that the bay Ls polluted," Mrs. Watt noted. "Theeouo- ty health department t.s closed the Bact Bay to water sports, and all ktDds of studies hne sbowo that we do have a badly -polluted bay. lt's time for the ell} of Newport Beacb to stand ap on Its h1Dd legs and ay 'Look, we've got to do aome- thlng to get rtd of tbls prob- lem.' Somebody bas to have the courage to take the flrst step toward actton.'' This afternoon, State Water Resources Board members wUI meet In Los Angeles to take testlrncoy on how to Sl)eOd EPA water polluttoo fUnds allocated to Callfornla. The Newport bay coordlD- atlng committee, created by tiM SuD Ala rl"r wa&ar qldlft1l:OKI'Ol bl"d, ll u- peettd to seek authority to act as a jOlnt-i)Owersageocy to spend the federal mooey on a study of bey pollution. "We at SPON are bope- tul that thls committee cao meet the federal re- quirement that an l(en<:Y must exist that can prop- erly admlnlster fUnds and carry out a study,'' Mrs. Watt explained. Mrs. Watt sald SPON wUI not ask that the moratorium be extended to the burned- out Mariners Mlle area, or to any other relatt.ely smtll a rea s of town. "We are Interested," sbe sald, "ln ~tng develop- ment of the big open spMes stUl uod~eloped by tbe lr- vlnt Co." IRVINE RANCH ON TV farm tor and cattle opera- tions oo tbe 1rY1.De Rancb wUl be the subject ol a television report oo Ctan- nel 4 trom Los Anceles at 3 p.m. tbJ.s Saturday. Tbe procram IDdades lD- teniews wttb lnSDt fm- ployees, and a.trlal new1 or orchards, row crops aDd Uvestock operaUou. Tbe show ls I secmat of the Agriculture USA TV ser1es.. HONOR GUARD dressed u B&tman and tbe Cal.Uornla Angels greeted Marine Comma.odlllt Leooard Cbapma.n wbeD tbe geaeral flslted Roa Kalil chUdreo's hospital near Da Nang 1n 1968, Tbe bospltal, boUt by American librtnes and Nary meo, 1s oow In communist bands. Tbe nurse standlDg 1n tbe doorway, mowo as "Gwen," was from Hanol, but came south when Vietnam ns partitlooed, a.od beCame hfad ourse at the hospital. Her tate 1s oow In doubt. The Angels shirts worn by the chlldren were sent to Vietnam in 1966 by Marine Gunnery Sgt. Fred Davls, when tbe Angels moved to Anaheim aDd cootacted the Martne office 1n Los Angeles about disposing of tbe sblrts. Fred Davis, DOW Enslgo news editor, arrived to VIetnam the follow1..D( year to t1Dd some of the shirts bel.og worn oo special occas.ioos at the cblldreo's hospital. Geoenl Chapman 1s oow bead of the U. S. Immtgratloo Service. (ortlcl.al USMC pboto.) Postmaster choice is due soon for CDM Corona del Mar wW cet a new postma..ster wtthlD 60 days, a.od probably 1000er, accordlDc to COUIJtY postal chief Hector Godlne&. Bot, Mr. Goc11ne1 sald this week be wtll not ct•e Ill) oo h1s attempt toeYetaallJdoaway H ld S t h ld wltb tbe postmuter•s pos1-0 up-rape s~ pee e !':.: ;.~ .. c~ ... Lut 'lieadaJ'a rollbel'J tbt coaM7," lfft'POrt De-tb'llll'.-.l-' IS rltt1M b of S elderly CoroDa del Mar tectt•e Ctpt. Rle.bard Ha.mU-till Idea .,......, l 1I0ft residents and the robbery-ton related a.tter tbe sus-dllrlDc tbe put In mooths rape of a Costa Mesa hoase-peel's capture. "Wt bad to eUmlalte tbt poltt1oo aDd wife r.ve been ploned oo a stake-outs all oYer Newport place tbe COM post of!lce 21-Jear~ld El Toro mao. wattt.ac ror hJm wbeo we uDder commud of tbe New- Pollee say Kern Wayne learned he bad been picked port Bacb IIC*muter. Co- Duoagao, 21, an unemployed up tn Laguna." 1'001 del Mar bad been wltb- plomber, went oo a 3-day Laguna B•ch poltce re-out a postmuter slDceGn..at door-to-door crime spree sponded to a cUJ trom a HOWtld retired from tbe ):lb that Included at least 9 rob-dowotown jewelry store when lD Joly of lut year. bertes, 3 rapes and se•eral Dunagan was seen around LiD SbeelJ, wbo bas run burgla.rles, before Laguna the store, acting suspicious-tbe post omee bere since Beach pollee nabbed him last ly. Pollee sald he was carry-then, 1s ooe of 3 candidates Thursday outside a jewelry tnc a coacealed, leaded pls-for tbe postmaster title. store. tol when they arrested hlm. Others are Durell Peter- Neyport Detective Sam soo, station superb:lteodet Ambufiey said Dunagan 1s Mesa acts on of the BristolStatloolDSanta accused of starting the spree Ana, a.od Georce Jenklos. 1n Corooa del War oo Tues-k I wbo lspertJW)fJIItlystatioDed day mornirlg of last week, newsrac aw at the Placentia po8t oftlee, when Mary Kern 73 a but temporarily usiped to widow was fObbe<i at 'zz6 help out In Coroaa del Mar. Po~ttia A rew minutes Costa Mesa's City COUD-"There w111 ancioabt8dlJ later a • man answer~n« ell gave Its okay Tuesday be other caDdicatea," Mr. o.maiu•s descrtptioo rob-night to ordiDlllces aimed Godinez .~1? tbt EDSip yu- bed Mr. and Mrs. Walter at so-called obscene pub-terday. n sa tooc, drawo- Bodgsoo at 544 Haul llcatloos a.Dd people wbo out process to pick a oew According to Di!t: Am-mallcfously accuse pollee-postmaster,'' be ald. "'Tbt burteY, tbe suspect then rob-men of Wf'OCICdolng. The appltca.ots' names aDd bed a home 1n Mission Vlej) CooncU postponed actloo oo resumes go bd)re a •lee- on Tnesday oigtlt, a.od com-a cootronrsW law tt.t tton btard 1C» 1n SaD Fra.n- mttttd 1 rotlbery and rape woqld outlaw billboards 1n ctsco, alq wttb mJ recom- at IDOt.ber home there tbe tbe cltJ. meodatloos. I Ia•• IDr-ame ntcbt. Flnt r•dlng approval warded tile S names and u,: \YedDesday morning, Dun-was gtven the newsrack pect to MOd Ill) .,me more. a.pz~ Is accused of rotlblng ordlna.Dce, whlcta restricts Tbe jObpaysbttwMD $1&,- a.D elderly couple In Tusttn, the number of racks that 700 aDd $%2,000 IIUJII&lly, be aDd raplng the 68-year~ld may be grouped together oo said. wtfe whlle ber 73_year~ld clty streets, and makes it Mr. Goc1lDa repeat.d ll18 butland was tted to the sa.me anlawtul for the n cks to be cblfle tlat detelt o1 1111 bed. OD WedDesday after-wtthlD 5 feet or public pas-attempt to n-orpll.IM tbt DOOa. 1111 Is suspected of sqeways. Also, anyooe wbo local post omce ft.l "bt· rotlb1n( a.od fll)ing a Costa compJatns that a publlca-cause ~ d.rammtd-Qp emo- Mesa boueWUe ln ber borne Uoo Is obscene may cet a tlooallsm." a ear SaDta ADa Country club. warrant for tbe arrest of the R1s recommtDdlttoa 1ut Aaot!aer robbery 1n Mlssioo dlstrtbltor or publtsber. N~ember tD put COM aDder Vltj> 011 WedDesday nlrbt FLDal appronl was Yoted Newport S.cb poat coa- .-ttd tbe crtme spree, ac-tor a law tblt woold allow trol lad bee ob,.cl bJ •- eord!Dc to police. prosecution of people who perk>n bl Los Mp~•, t.t "We ftlt tbat be wu rnak-wroocfUUy accose pollee or wu boaDctd t.ct trom lJIC a .,rt ola circle U'OIIDd other cttJ employees. WashllletOG wttb m.tnc- Motortsts oompbtntog about Uou tD pt mon Joc:al BON IT A PLAN IS tnme ttcats prompted the oplatccs ~ a dtet.D:a oew law, acoordlDC to ctty ooold be !DIM. FAVORED BY NB oftlclala. A poU. ~ Ill ~ DO formal re-Actloa 00 1M bUlboud Febnuy bJ tM h .... qotlt IIU b.-made ton-law ft.l ~ att.r a COM CMc A-. US 1M roatt Corea del Mar trw-lq cl1lcusloD. Becaa• COM Cblmber ot Coli· ,.., doWo BoD.tb c~ Ca.aeumu Robert Wll80D merce • ....,._. IDctJ ....._ noordll at Newport Bead» wW bt oat ol toft lor_._ dtlltl udt , •OtW· CltJ Rail ...,., oat ... ., . tnl ....... t1lle bl&.rtlc w1ll ,... • ...., ....... • tall .. ,.D.J ta1'0n .-e• a bt ~-oa lilt.J 10. nti bJ 'NO tD II. c--. T.. law ll a1Nd at raoo.t~~~ a. ,.u. Mr. GeMnl plu polaeJ ., ... o, ......... DOl-CoG~• 2 ·-IMt •dal*d .. 1.-ry, 1111. ...... ....a ........ ,,, .. Ud a_ •• _. co.c.u DR. WAnoM MMED ..... ._ •u ., ...... r-........_._.._ ..... ,wm .... ~Coala' ..... AIII. Dr. llolwU L ~ lbh .... u I t, .. tm tD .. al tall .. ciiMOIOK ol tilt Ceut .... --Ill ..... , ... ~ ---. •----. C• MJ Ctl .. Delllrtcl. 1111 J 2 *'· .. "tliZII -~;;:. :-,::-:':':.~, .. ~ ;:,.•:,.•:.'.· p .......... ,, .. " .. ~11.·=.-:----:.::a::::. ... a r o. ae OlllltJ ~ ::!!! r .. .. • 'C .. ·=·•rlfiJIII•' ,. 11 1 mr1 ...., ..-. -~arc& ~ .... -•• ... - •• Ph--tiC--....... . ._..c..-.. ~-t11a ., .. , * o.&.. ·• sru. ... a.-rre~a ........ ,._,. GaS --• The Birch Log " IIOPOoiTHAMOII fJIIIGM I'IIIUIIfEDIHJ(LY • PAGE I 1 ~ 0 • t..IGDLa.u& .ur .... -··---........ a.ea.., CL liMO Soviet Debts -Losing Propositihn ·-.-., _., __ '-ac-•IIIOIIIud btJII ¢1: ....... dll tM U. ab)ldtM tl .. bftllp .. ....... ., ___ IN llllll'-ftYalllllt Jt,J ... I'. Mel' 1 SIOO miUoo appr-tely-poo-ol Door AI. IIIM,...-"7~ ud 1nt Amorlcu lfll: IIIII ....... 1M .......... ...... -. I« .. pol old G .... at-..IIPN&Eftr- luliol· ~:;-.. 10 -::.~:~a: ll4lln<Hit, A'ru_._m -A friend .....,uy lhoiOialdebi. . Blllrol.. 1 _.. a WI to tlla t IIIIIMt tbat 'W'biD JOIIttl directed our attutbt. co an •tOIIilhina rtate-Jn 1912, an aptepnc wu tbWI~ left')' ........ Tile ..._ to .,..._ AYe. 1001 -meoi mode lD Juot 1974 by a hllfl oiBclel o1 whe,.by the Krerild ~d t9 .722 to • ._ 1o 11010. lllud ... 11< 1110 bib -1110 our State llepaotJMolt. In pre pored remoob m8lloo of 0.. S II biUioa 1ft poymtnll AU -Cilftlr)' meolalow -tao:AIDIIIDdlllllo btell ot a~ army mile. I t111M J'OII. .. ,, 1101 told old Goorp lllo ....... ..,.., ,...rdlor U>o Amert. cu be .a YCI"J' iltertlltU!c: C4»t..tfttkle ot can taap-contained In a Houle aabeomml:ttee bellini tna ·O'f'ef thirty ytm aD · tht way &o Yt&r e..,..-. Ooe eu -.-m.: -•roatoc wer enUtlod "DollolquentlntemaUonal Dobu Owed 201!1. But .... thla C<111CC01ioo-tJod to U.S. at -·· edle Ud -tile brldp u Jut,.. an to lho United Starea," Mr. Sidney Welfttraub pantlnato tho U.S.S.R. ol_,.f..,.,."""'uon oat ~ tba t.y ud day.. ap.tD 011 tbiiDI.lDiaact~ 'ran-dedued: "The record of the U.S.S.R. in trade statUI, which caDI for us to loftr lmport dram • .._ Waldo £mer.. lat rlcflt oa Bulkte om. meetina u1 oblftiUOftl hM been a ~1'1'04 one." tariffs and mate eredlt e..Uy avaflablt. ......... .._ ...... ~ .... ;.--.= -'!:. -IOitr. tbe 01111 ,..... ... for YOII are tD rout. to Corea. A -·'-'k look at .lb.e record or nen recount h should come u no surprile to leam "that llle --~~~~-e-del lfar, Tllla Ia IMIIIor ·-0 oL •-dl A •. .e., ., -11¥ meat tD tbll COIIItry 11 u. of tbe mort leftl.c rldu to 1 mediocre memory, would certatnly augat we acx:eptcd me ~let c:on dons. -,-d. won- IIOO'a, _,....c 1110 art oa IIIJo, my ll"'rllo route. odtcrwtoe. Could Mr. Weintnoub be totally dor cl wondon, the Soriet ropmo aetioelly did ......... -. T1le Clly IU a -r of dla-..mr, clatmlrl( n....., bib rldlDC. lpor1nt of tho ....,Wn of bad do btl plied up poy S36 mllllon of IU debt while nt.,U.dono tbQ mltbod wa1 a teeo Bob GbJCUtrt by the Soritt Union? Ia he such 1 neophyte were underway about the full tnde aareenwnt. ARW E: HMPA, o""tf ... (IOIIIIMtf of ... EAII• ....................... -· (tile Slate Lula CommiMkJnl Aa JOG II:Dow, aoarc:e ol NIU:Itiola. Port Butler Sbcp that he knows nothina of brobn prombes and But eady in 1975, the Soviet Union cancdled • TAKES COURAGE TOENDTHEHOAX Crue I hoaxes are being perpetrated by politicians throughout .the· land -- all done In tbe name of helping . the taxpayer and booettng the nation's economy --all guaranteed to do pre- cisely the ~postte. Take a look at these examples, and weep for the future of our country: • Right here at home we bave the spectacle of a City Council !tlajortty, both In Newport Beach and Costa Mesa, reaching out begging bands for tbat "free" federal !tloney for local housing and other com!tluplty develop!tlent pro- jects. The result: A frightful Increase In the feder:H debt of some $20 billion dollars as .thousands of other cities and . counties j otn In the raid on the federal treasury to pay for projects that local taxpayers would turn down cold. 'tbt Amerteu J..,epxa 1•• 11 • .tate Ude~ bald lD trail ., 1110 ctly 0 Tbe tnlt Btu U..t tben wt.n ~ ao pnfehlltial treat .. meat UowD &aJOOt, wt.. yoa deay tbe pmue use ot their laads, you moot ,.lily compen•te them or you ...W be ta •lolatton or the cUt cla .. e Ia tbe TldeJudJ Act. Jalt eompeoatioo for t1111 purpose k 6\ of tbe tahll of tbt property or a eom- bi.Dation ot publlc use &01! eompeuaUon, We trt.U be pa)1Ds: about $29,000 as It stands. Al, 1n the days wheo old Georre was yoaog, a dollar a yar leue was sumcleot t.Dd '-.rd to eome by as they bad DO Income. I thlDk we should tell old George nat we blYe $100,000 a year IDcome trom our leased land aDd we can better a.fford $29,000 thaD George and td.s buddies could aftord the dollar. BOB SANDi, at left, manacer of tbe . Newport Beach oftlce of Los ADKeles Federal Sa"t'togs, i alld Ste't'CI Krtkl., expreasiOillst artllt ud jeweler, prepare for" a special shOwing or Mr. Kritl's works. The utlfbtt Y1ll be held tn the lobby of the Auoctatlon's Newport Beach otnce, 3201 Newport Bl"t'd,, across trom City Hall, from April 14 to 25, between the boors or 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. M.ooday throoc:h Thursday and uoW 6 p.m. on Friday. locluded Ln tbe coUecUoo of IJDusual works on paper wtu be ''Tauromaquta.," tbe abstract bull flghter, viewed above bJ Mr. Sandi: and Mr. KrW.. arropnt refuula to honor aareements? Or does the whole dell, auppotedly becau1e of 1 pro¥1- aometh.lna-ebe cbtve him, and othen like him. lion which required them to pennlt Jewa and to i.nlilt that black is white when deallna wtth others to emipte. What appeared to be a Communists? rather foolish move on their part -throwlna away m01t-favored-nalion status ¥td e.xpc.Jna W Debet ltJI't From Tile SIUC thenelves to c:harp of oppreuioa -tumt out In 1933, when Soviet ForeiJR Minitter Mu:-also to be a c:anc:eUalion of their ple:dfl to.pey 1m UtvinOY accepted President R~vdt's in-even the ricUculoully low amount ofle.ncWtaae· vitation to come to WuhinJ(on to estabU&h Indebtedness agreed to In 1912. It II tNliiLry formal d6plon.tic: relations between our two that any further payments will be rec:.hfd. countries, the U.S.S.R.. alretdy owed our nation $628 million. Prelident ltooeevelt chole not to America De•nsletter l..aden . make this debt an Issue durina the talks, but Mr. Wetntnub's stater(lent precede• this plun,ed ahead and 1ranted full diplomatic: latest deYe.lopmtnt to be sure. Blat IIi our recoanttion. considered opinion, he knew the true 'JiOIIIet Sub.equent dllcusaions about the debt pro-record when he m~de it. He and Hent)I'1JOD. duc:ed nothina but rap from Litvtnc:w. Our inpr and a lana parade of tppcintees whd haw State Department then asreed to 'setUe for $90 dealt with CommunbtJ do not conduct IUc:h million, but the Soviet G<Wemment rejected neaoUations u an ordinary American mi!lht. even this propoal. By the end of 1934, These men are committed to a ·•pobal out· RooteTelt Ad.mlniltntlon officllls conceded look" which allows for no American national that the ~n~tter wu a l01t cause and qutedy Interests, which ln&ists that supportJna ~orry:nu­ for,ot about it. nist tyranny il delinble, and wbJc:h can 1e> curately be clusifted u an .. America-Lut" Le:od-Leue IDdebtedaaa point of view. Du.rtns World War IJ, the United States Our country deserves better ~adership than supplied ewer S 11 bUll on worth or lend-leue It hu received for a I on a time. And 10 do the a.id to the Soviet Un.loo. Two attempts to vic: tin of Communist tyraMy whose masters rec:O'\'er paymmt, in 1947-48 and in 1951-52, are continuaJ1y defended, supported, and proved to be utter failures In aplte of the fact fawned over by America'sleaden. that we had acaled the indebtedneu down to Copyrlfltt 197j by ne Jolvt 8tTd! SocWty h•rttHJ * A tax "rebate" of $24.8 billion just signed Into law by a "reluctant" President Jerry Ford --which means that many more billions added t o the debt, because the federal government Is busted flat and has no funds to "rebate." Tbat $24.8 billion can come only In tbe form of added federal borrow- Ing, because there Is no talk of cutting down on tbat awesome federal budget; Indeed, new spending schemes a re about to be enacted. I thlnt It's a keeo com. m11111ty project for tbe American Legloo to be able to glve the clty $29,000 per year to help support the parts and *ches. I sincerely bope George aod all td.s budd.tes can see we hive a good partDer In Conservative comment L!GAL NOTIC! LIGAL HCinCI· * BlDl'mfl voted or "released'·' by the federal government to "create" new jobs --perhaps the cruelest hoax of all, because all that the government can do Is to shift Income fran one segment of the population to another, depriving private enterprise of funds needed for developing new Industries and hiring additional employees. All these three hoaxes aggravate our basic problem --Inflation. There is now speculation that the Increase In the federal debt this fiscal year of "frugal" Ford may go as high as $100 billion. This Is going t o be printing press money further eroding the value of our dollar and Increasing the cost of the goods we buy In our stores. We're In trouble,andgettlnglndeeper, because our politicians, and most of the citizenry, do not have the guts t:J do what has to be done: get out of the public trough, cut down that ruinous federal spending, and start paying back tbat federal debt. There would be ' 'with- drawal" pain, of course, during the adjustment period of austerity and self- denial, but it has t o be done, because tbe only alternative is national bank- ruptcy -the same fate tbat o·1ertook Germany In the run-away Inflation era following World War I. Do we still have American patriots with the courage to tackle the problem? Take heart from this report quoted In tbe VIsta News: Last summer Jack Kemp, conservative Republican congressman of Buffalo, N.Y., launched his campaign for a tblrd term with these words: "When government 11penda more than It takes In, It Is forced to borrow from the fUture, and the reJIUlt Ill tnnatlon. We bave borrowed from the fUture for too many year11, and It ball caught up wtth u.1. We are now paying the price we can no lqer afford.'' Tbts con- ll'•Nman (the ame Jack Ke,np wbo quuterbecll:ed the ChaJ'Ien a few years beclt) won ·re•electlon by over 72% at tbe votes, Jll'cwlnc .,.m u.t people Ub a c--.-. c•IIM•e with ca~- Mnaltve bel'•• w11o -·· ftnD 1a Ida -•~~ctlcr·, llr. 1ft v• courap •mM pr-a lrr•• _. a belacma tiD cArr c ... , 111 .:. _. ~. · the City ot Newport Beach for another 25 years as we have l:lll.d for the past 50 Yllln. George rest 1Dpeece; we are 1D rood shape. Well, AJ, I wlll be tn to see you at tt»e store aod buy some or your tun ttmeEaster supplies. Your World War D Buddy Doll~ .... Pr•kleat. Baud ot Dl- ree&ors The Amertcu Legion p .s. AJ, don't st2.Dd belllnd any old army mules, tt could be fatal. John M. Snyder, editor or Point Blant, respon·1ed to a.ntt-gun editorials ap- pearlng In the CbrlstlanScl- ence Mooltor and the New York Times and tras pu'J- Ushed by both newspapers. In the Chrlstta.n Science Monitor for Ja.n, 28, Mr. Snyder wrote: On behaU of America •s 50 mtllloll. llw ... btdlllg, CUD· OWDIDc cltizeb.s, I prOtest your blatantly one-sided ed- itorial, "Gun Cootrol, 19?5." lnelttng nrlou'l statistics, • FA VORlTE BlKE ROUTE you flU to point out that Editor or the Ensign, less than ooe-haU of one It ts 1 brtlla.nl day _ clear per cent or all handguns In skies, no wtod and the air the UoUed States are used Is n.Iled wtth the Dll.tun.l tbe tDe perpetration of crt- aromas or •rly sprtng. The mtna.l acts. temperature Is 78. 1 mount You fli.U to point out that my Varsity Scbwino tO speed lep.Uy O'lfD8d t».ndguos and aDd the t~k ts uDder n y. llreums ln generalareused redllciDI crtme. In fact, aU they do ts penaltz.e or tn. convenience the 50 mi!Uoo law ablding clttz.en.s who pos- sess nrearms to protect themselns from crlmt.nal acth·ity or to parttcq.te tn ........ lD the New York Times for Jan, 31, Mr. Snyder wrote: "In what may ru1: as tbe e¢1Dme of aulalnlty, your Ja.n. 3 editorial, '<iun$ AJalost Society,' titer .to- dlcating t,.t a more thaD threefold increase 1n homi- cides hll followed enactment or tbe fedenl guu cootrol act or 1968, thereby admit- ting tbe lneffecti•eoessof tbe run-eootrol law In prenot- lng homicides, ea.Hs, DOt for repeal of the act In order to reduce tt»e financial bur- den on the pubUc: or admlnt- stnuoo of an lnetfecttn law during these times of re- cession, but tor mort federal gu.n. control taws, 'f'fbls Is 1 elelll' eumple of Inverted r-...rua, at Its worst. OppooeGts of gun coo- trot said U would not be effecUYe as crime cootrol but would ,.,.e 1 salutary effect. Ttme •• sbown who was correct. ''To be etrecUYe 1n re- ducing crime, laws ,..,.e to be directed agt:ID.st erlmlllal aet1Ttb per • ud tbey mwi be adeQuately .rorced aM adjadlcated. Tbe proper re- sponee to rtstnc bomtckle nte ls pWUc action ap.LD.st klllers, aueh as mandatory peoaiUes for tbe use or firearms 1n crime, IDd not more rid.lcuJous J.ectsii&D ap.lost lnlnJ.mate objects." Potnt Bl.aok 1s the otnclal publlcattc:a of "ClUseoa Committee For the RJcht to Keep and Bear Arma,"1801- 114tb, S.E., Suite 151, Belle- Yue, Wublocf.oo, D.C. 20036, Wrtte tor lotormaUoa IDd leod 1 tud 1o teep our guns Directly across U:le street often by J.aw-abtdtng Amerl- ls Newport Harbor hllt"h ca.n guo noeu to ,revent sctool's football fleld. This tbe perpetration of crlmloa.l tiDe day one can obsene acts. Would you abrogate tbe tecnis players, Joggers, this sttu1ttoo by prom.:>tlng and track eott11stasts goiDc leglslatton maklng It more throogh their scheduled diltlcult for law-abldfnl citl- workouts, When 1 reached zens to obtUD nrearms, w!1G, 16tb and I"tne, 1 turn left by det1nltJoa would abide by onto lrYIDeand conUnuedown the la•, whlle law-breaking hlll to tbe beach. people, wbo, by deflnJtion, NeBe BUILDING PERMIJS Wheei.Lng down I"Lne, the would break the Jaw, would beauty or nature 1s eYldeot obta.Ln or make nt•rms tor --Cbtnese elms, pooderoa crlmlnal purposes reprd- pllles. and oomerous other less or the law"? trees a.nd aners sny 1n You refer to passage in tbe Ught breese. 1 tum rfcbt 1968 of ''Cqress's last on CUff Drt"t'e. Tbe puo-ma)tr gun lectslaUon" but ramie Y"lew of Newport t.y JOU taJ.l to IDdJcate that pas- and tbe toi1DJ.ty or tbt oceu ACe or tbe federal run con- Is seen ciMrly. J)ooq CUff trol act of 1968 r..s a.p. DriYe to Cout Hfcbny. pareotly ~lied to reduce Here 1 1n1te oae of my crime. ma.ny ~tops. Caatloal Safety While you refer to Sberltr mast be ~~~Plied at aDUmes. Plter Pl.tchea of Los Ange- Walk J'OQr cycle acrou lea Coanty ldYOCitlng tur- Coe.st HtctnraY; th1l are~ La tber restricU"t't nrearms wben the alltomobllu are lt(111aUoa, Joa DellKt to the tbtctest. meatloo the opJnloD or law- IDclct.tally, my pre-eDf'Orcemeot utboriti• whO terred bike 1'011* ..,. Katbl tate tbl ClppOIII.te posttioa. of I•Jt ne1.,...::.. I tl"t"Or Lut Y•r, wbea Sblr111 ro.tes wblrt tbere an a Jobll J. BockleJ, ot Middle- mlDJmwm «a compt.te ab-... Coa:Dty, Wua,, allbd seoce alean.lprocMda:ilbt Echrud M. Outs, pollee oo c-IJICirnY Ud -<blot of the ell)' of Loo left .., N..,.ot Bml. to 1511> Aacol-. C&Jif,, ID lolD 111m St., a1a1c -IJt.IDJI&Dq lD ltrDIIrl( a-~ or- 81 d uri "' •tot St p•1•atloD ol law-tatorce .. ... .. . . . To-. u 1u1, u. -•· meal CIGJelllor dedicated to •o.U. ---•• 80 Ia--el .. -n>l lapllas te--...-, ttoo, Clilot Dl•ta rrlaJod, ''TOI wiD. -or •~ ••-tba -111 .... fr.-11 u .._. _, ........ tbt mont~~ deW, 1:111 u. m.on • ..,,.. to J10U stud eban:D ot ..,. 1a bin oa •vuw a. 1117..U.'' .. trpt'IIJ.. ~ ,_..,.. lbrtrtfl Fn>ao IIIII St. I tua Jill Jlocllloy IIIII 1M -Yor' oo 1o fila 0... FI'OII -..._ law Clad ao -opr....,..,. 'hl8 4 aiW oa rt._c._ e.J11Drt *"". -· ol NO I 7 1 IOJ• Cllaf Dmrr ......... _ ~~~~-... Ia .................. _ ... .. ..... ,. .... ,.. -.•• ,... ...tldi&JII " ,.... tn.a. ._.._ trtt • ..._ IWr as •...-. w -_. Wnpal rA ---117 ltfal 1M ,...llrr .... NOillll)-.-............ .,.~~ ...... «'*..., r FIIIC Jl' BIBLE VERSE -, ...... -• * u •EIII•srs , 011 ........ :t:i-.... --~==-= :•,'!"';=-~=-" .,..._ .............. 1 ...... ., -... -.......... :=. ...... -..... -..... ~-_.,7.1 1111tJ . .. _._ .. ' March buDding permltlln Newport Bea.cb totalled Ollly $1,344,896, brtQgt..Dc the 19?5 record to $7,f47,~1 at tbe eDd of the tlrst quarter. This compares wttb $11,048,409 for tbe tlrst 3 months or last year, and $22,806,899 for the year before. Tbe tollowtnc permits, In the tmouot of $5,000 aDd oYer, were l.aaued by tbe Newport Beach buUdlnc de- partmeot during tlle Jut 2 weeD or March: • EAST UPPER BAY Addltlon at %461 Bunya St.,-'1!1,352, • WEST UPPER BAY Repairs at 1%18 Polarla, $'1,000, &Dd l!S! Polarll, $6,500, WWiam Baltedo, remodel at 11!'7 Su-1, $ZZ,OOO. • NEWPORT HEIGHTS Vei"DCXX IWts, carace at 4U Rt"t'er~. $6,100. HtmCI . OF PUBUC HEARING NOTICE Ill HEREBY GIVEN bat U. Cit)' eo.eu of tile CIIJ ot Nnport Beacb •W ?old a torfJUe llaartrrc ........ U--IoiiiO Lido JaloBoaelleol.ouewllll lllo Lido laloCota~ Aa-.odatiol: ud OouSjenb of a lltpttto Docllftlloo •~•aeU.taltl'tW.._ ,=:r:.."'~: -........... Will ... -.-.. *'"'"-"'-11'11, al .. -.. ~,,. •.11. aa • e-ra C&lrtua t1 .. C1J •1 ,ot .. CIIrlf...._ .... c ...... al ..... -................ -·1 711--.......... .,, .. 1-.&-.· CPra.i' Cllrlf ........ . liMO .......... . ............ ,-• • NEWPORT W. Potoma, new market, 1900 W. Ba..ll:u, $54,000. Rlcblrd Galbrattb, 162:2 w. Oeeu Ft., z story c!u- plex, $25,000. uca. bank ftlbtre at tem- porary traUer blDt, Z'712 W. Coe.Jtlhry .. $'7.000. Two story tilples at 181! W. Ocean Ft .. t7S,IZ4. • BACK BAY Dr. Jotm CMo, add, alter, 21%8 Mesa Dr., $12,000. • BAY SHORES R, W. Baodhetm, ldd, al- ter, Z'lU Bl.ysbOre,$21,800. • BALBOA L.. C. Small, Z story, 1 omtt do'elllrl(, 31M E. Be- BI"t'd.~1U,OOO, aDd carace, $8,000. • AIRPORT AREA Westen Groien AND., ft.tlt floor ac:WUoa at 1111 Qaall, $«1,000. • UDO ISLE Freet llaellooald, 116 VIa Meotoae,Jiton',1..U do'eiiJal. h?,tiiO. • SPYGLASII IJILL T •rl'f Ltli1, addlUoo at I ,.......,. Clftlo, ns,BOO, BADHAM TO RECEIVE LEGISLATOR AWARD A II "'«I 7 IICibtlt &, __ (LII _ __, liU .... cniHII. liD 8- ORDlNANCE NO. 1596 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ESTABLISHING A PLAN .. NED CO MMUNITY DEVEL- OPMENT PLAN AND DE- VELOPMENT ST ANDARilS FOR THE CORPORATE PLAZA PLANNED COM- MUNITY IN NEWPORT CENTER Tbe City Council of the C lty of Newport Beach DOES ORDAIN U followr. SECTION I. The lollcnr- lng described real property located 1n tbe City or New- port Beach, County of Or- ange, State or Callfomla, to wit: That portion of Block 93, Inlne's Subd.l"t'lsloa tn the City of Newport Beach, Co- unty of Ori.Dge, State oiCal- itomta, as per map flied 1n Book 1, taee 88, Miscel- laneous Record Maps, ree- ordJ of said County, des- cribed u follOW"s: Beg1nnt.ag at the Westerly terminus of that certain course In tbe SouthtrlJ rtgbt of ny Uoe of "Proposed Civic Ceoter Drlu" shown 11 N. 77 00' IS" E. 3.96' " on 1 map died ln Book '1:1, pace 1'1. Parcel Maps, rec- ords of saJd County; theoc:e •tone ..:td r1gbt or wa' HDe the followtnc dllcrlbed courM: Kortb '1'1 00' S3'' East 3.96 feet; Euterly S14,1S feet along 1 461.50 toot radius eune tta.t ls COIICIYe Southerly throaJb aD qle of S9 00' 00''; Soutb 83 59' Z'l'' EaaUlO ... 06 feet: Ealterly ZZO.i!i feet tiCIDI • 538.50 loot radlu cune tlllll.t 1s coacanHorth- trlf thr'oalb u ucte or n so• SS"; Soutb 1'7 SO" 00" Eut SIS.159 f•t; Eut. erlJ 211.50 feet &kite a 411,50 loot ndl:l1 ewne 1 .. 1 le oooc:a•e Soo1Mrl1 IO .... b 1D ..... ofn SO' 00"; Solatb &0 00' 00" Ellt 41:91! fotl: Boortllerly SU? feet aJorrc a 15.00 loot n- dtlli\ ewrq tlat II a.ca.q ·-rly lbn>otP ....... of 10 00' 011'; u..e. 8oatb SO 00' 00" WHI ISI,!JO!oet ID tile t>opolrl( ol a earn lbaiJa-. .. --••11 uri ...... - of I,NUO fool; --·11 15?,1'1 ,... ..... -..... tuoorp .. ..... ot 10 II' II": -aa.o • az• II"" •• ut,OO iaat lo U.locl I 1 ot Cllrft llllt Ia a•r;ut lloofiolb Mil lilY~~~~ a .... -fif SJ.AIO..., ... -w-.y .. I Jo ... ........ lloattl 121 I) .._., ___ _ c.---· --• i deed recorded 1D Book esu, page 1118, om.ctal Records ot said Coanty; thence North 43 44' 49" West 301 ,!10 feet atoae sald bocmdary to an qte poLnt theretn; theoce Nortb 49 Z'l' 27" Wut8!1,89 feet atoac l&ld boundlry 1o the beclDnlDc of 1 cane thereto cooca•e Euterty aod hulnc a radius of 100.00 feet; tbenee Northerly 157,08 feet sloiic said eune aod botmdary IDd tbe baunda,., ot aid Traet No. f015 throucb u &DCle ot 90 oo• oo••; tbeoce tkiDf'm(18md- af'J of aid Tract tbslollow- lng descrtbed coorau: Hortll 40 sz· S'l" East 109.'11 feet; Northerly 801.20 lett aloag an 865,00 loot ra4tu cune tba.t ta; coocate Wut- erly throuCb an &Dfle ot 53 32' 00"; Nortb 12 58' 27" West 151.86 feet to tbe beclnniDc of eune ooocan. SoutbeUterly and ,..tnc a radius ol 25.00 feet; thence Northellterly 39.!7 feet a-lone sald cu"e throucb an arcle of 90 oo• 00'' to tbl point of be(tnnlQc. wtateh t. IOOed P-C,ls hereby a mead .. ed to establ.l..sb a PlanMd CommUDUy Dnelopnumt Plao UM1 lleY~eol St:lDdudl kDowa u tMCor- porate Plau. Pla-.:1 Com- manlty 1D Newport Ctllttr. SECTION Z. Coptuofald Denlopmtot P1aD IDd De- telopment studards art oo nte lD tbe Office of the CttJ Clerk for tbe City 01 New- port S.cb aDd are made 1 put .. ..., ., w. ,.,.,_ eace. SECTION S. TbeCommu.- lty" DeYeklpmeat Director of tbe City of Newport .Beach Ia , benbJ tlla:tneted aDd dlnetect "' ...... -am.wttGt aa Slid proper .. I)' UMI P.C Dlalrtel, aa lla- scrlbtd btnlaabcwe; &Dd, 11 aafdP.CiltalrlelaiiiUIIIn -...... -.~ ...... aOoU bo ta 1111 lOree Ud elleet UMt bo a put of Tltln SO of lllo Nnport Beach M!llleiJial Code. SICTIOII 4, Tlda o,.._ uce *II be pll:llt•ad o.c. ta lllo--"' llo CIIJ, Ullllla -llloall ... -·· llilrtJ (10) 1111#. ........ -., .. ~· u.. . nu ... ,. ,.. m... -... ,...... __ IIC ol Dot CIIJ t•co .c 1M CIIJ ol -._1 .... ........... ., .. _ arr. ""· ..... s "''• .... -., .......... / 11'11, "' ... --.-; towll: • ..... W''W7*2F?h •• •• MOW A CHAPTII OP lHI AMG!LS IOOSTII CLUB. ALL TICKBT INPORMATIOI'f ,01 AMGILS HOMI MMIS AV..UL.ABLB HBRBI . --Fe1turtn~:--.... CHAMPAGNE Ia STEAK (FOR 2) ·s7.95 ..... 6:30 '·"· 4:30 .. 11:00 , .... S!AfOOD KA ... 101 ·-· 2.95 P!R. ,IL IT MIGMOM -· 2.f5 tte• 20t Pel• Ave. (At tile fenyl ....... , ........... " •• ,.,. i.;.c.. 675-sn~ Where the Elite Meet to Eat! , •• .. n,oo P.M .• ce ••• .-..._. HOUIUt Tv ... •Prt. 12 .. 7 ~t.M. IN COSTA MESA IT:S . BURT HIXSON, owner and operator of the new Warehvuse restaurant, Newport Beach, greets Newport Beach A!s- alltaDce League members Mrs. West Roblnsoo (left) &Dd Mra. Jack Licht. The League's Junior Auxlllary and Vtrctnta Castle AuDltary are sponsoring a beDetlt 1D co-ordinatloo with the opening of the Warehouse 1D Lldo VUJ:ace AprU 8, from 7 to 9 p.m. Proceeds will be used to fund a cllUdren's dental center and cbUd day care center. Marina legislation likely Coogresstooal leglslatton of the Santa ADa River from to get the Army Corps or the river mouth lD West New- Enctneers to look at plans port inland to a point about for a oew 3,000-sllp marina even with Joann St., near 1D West Side Newport and Estancia !Ugh school. Costa Mesa ls expected to Army engtneers would be be Introduced nert month, asked to develop the harbor according to information re-entrance and to dredge the celYed here this week. main channel along the river Colooel Marvin Rees, dl-bed. rector of clvtl works for the A private Long Beach Corps of Engineers, has al-firm, hired jointly by New- ready recommended that the port and Costa Mesa, com- Corps cooduct a feaslblllty pleted a study last year that study. That recommendation shows the project is feasible is due to be acted upon and could be buUt with pub- durtng May by the House llc funds. publlc workaandtransportl-In a letter last month to Uon committee. Col. Rees House Publtc Works and eltimated that the study Transportation Committee would take 4 years, and cost C halrman Robert Jones, Col. about $280,000 in federal Rees noted that "stuC11es funds. completed in November, Newport Beach and Costa 1970, indicate a need tor Mesa have both given or-17,500 additional boat berths DePAftTMIENT 8TQft.E ficlal support to the plan-1n the area by the yearZOOO. op~" Q:JO A.M. to ~:00 P.M. Daily ned marlna, which would The Newport BeachandDa.na CloHti SN,t/ays stretch along the east side Polnt harbors will provide . about 50 per cent of this 1116 NEWPORT BOULEVARD. COSTA MESA need., ~=========OLD GRADS s. ~THRIFT STORE ~ To GATHER OPENED BY MORMONS Desert Industries, a ART LOVER'S GAI.I.ERY Santa Ana High School's classes of 1928 through 1931 wUl hold a reunion May Z4 at the Sheraton Newport Hotel near Orange County Airport. Dazzling Paintings at Giveaway Prices "QeC8ttS!e SAilS was t lw only bi&la eebooJ 1D tbls area at the tlme, many old gnds are from lbe Hadlor Area," 2143 E. COA$T HWY. CHARL!S RADOfF CORONA DEL MAR • .;~::::;;~=======~::;~ Wylle Carlisle of Corona del War, one ofthe reunion's IT REALLY Jrga.nizus, said this week. The group held one pre-. WORKS vlous reunton, 5 years ago, at the Newporter inn, Mr. COMPLETE OR ISAVE Carlisle said. A malllng llst complled at that reunion Is PARTIAL $5.00 being used to contact class- CARPET CLEANING mates, and Mr.Carllsle said branch of the welfare pro- gram :>f the Church of Jesus C hrlst of Latter -D<'Y Saints (Mormon), t~--opened a processing a .. u sales fa cUlty at 505 N. Main St., Santa Ana. The thrl.ft store wlll op- e rate u a retall outlet for donations of osed, recondl- tloned clothing, accessories and appliances, according to Bishop Howard K. Barlow, chairman oft he local operat- Ing committee. The plant wLII be staffed by Orange County Mormons who have been unable to obtain em- ployment In private Industry. Curious savage on stage · ••Wily 11 -. IDI1Dbtr tJI tbt Saftp flmJJy evlolla?" Tbb 11 tbe ta.em. nplortd bJ tbt Stu l>rn• ,.,.,. wbell tbeJ pr.-''CViou •n.c•" bJ JobD Patrkk at St. Aoc1rn'a Prllbytertu Cboreb AprU 8, 9, 10, 11, and lZ. Tlc:tet. are $1 for na- dtllta, $2 lor adult. and $5 for any size ft.mlly. Seoior c:tttzeu may atteod for $1. "Curious saftge" ls de- scribed u a serious comedy aDd was wrttteo by the author of "Teahouse of tbe August mooo." Bubln Wyman has tbe leadlDc rol.e of Etbel SaY- aae. Other membeu of ber ramn, taelllde Jtm Dowty, Pete Foa., B. J. St1111-c. otbera ID tbe cut are: K1m SktlJ.IDc, 8t1l Hleb, Marp PhlllJpe, Bob ADder-, Dolly Ron. Molly Ban1.l aoct Herb Mtlc:bell. Tbe director .. BtU Fuelk, wbo las betDa~latedwttb local tbeater IJ'OUP8 tn the past zo yeara. He Ia work- l.Dc YUh tbe Leisun World workshops and Yttb tbe p~cbo~Uy ~­ capped, He las beeD a coach a.Dd d1aJ.ocue director in Holl)'YOOd aDd ls listed 1n Warqata "Wbo's wbo to tbe west." HEALTH NEWS: AURICULOTHERAPY I ACUPUNCTURE COMES TO THE WEST ay Dlt. GARY COUTUitl. D.C. Most people would say therapy tor tbe treatmeot or ears are strictly for hear-pain totally unrelated to set- log, but are they? Accord-attca and reeelYed positive 1ng to recent studies and results. concluslons published by Dr. In the yeus that followed, Paul F. M. Nogter of Ly-aurieulotberapy tasgooebe- ons, France, your ears may yond the simple relletofpain be more important lo your via acupaocture. Tbe use total body function than you of mlcrocurreots, ttny elec- th1Dkl trtcal curreots that are 1m - Dr. Nogler learned from perelptlble to tbe patient, hls patients that they had has largely replaced tbe had their ears cauterized needle. Aurlculotberapy bas to relleve the pain of set-been employed to stimulate attca. Even more tntr1guing, the vital organs, thus allow- they aU claJmed the treat-log tbe body to correct func- ment had worked! tlooal disorders naturally, Dr . Nogier's interest now without use of druu. turned from Idle curiosity If that last statement to serious study. Altboogtl sounds famUtar. lt 1s be- the treatment seemed to be cause lt 1s the baste pllll- Just another instance of" folk osopby of Chiropractic! And medicine," he could not fault 1t follows that Chiropractic the results. He sooo learned and aorlcnlotherapy are oa- tbat the ancient Egyptians tural partners in the heal- bad practiced a form ofacu-1ng arts. puncture oo the ear and tbat (Note: Dr. Couture ls a Hippocrates had advocated Palmer Chiropractic Col- cautertutloo of the ear ror lege graduate, and bas doae certain afntctloos. post-graduate study. He has Choosing a select group studied extensively in of patients, Dr. Nogier be-France as well as the Aurl- gan careful experiments with culotherapy Center in Phoe- acupuncture on the ear, and nix, Arizona. He lsoneofthe aurlculotherapy wa s born! West's leading autbor ltles The human ear bore a on Meridia.n Therapy and is marked resemblance to the a member of the AcU"pUDcture human tetusl Society of America and the What llttw cauterized area Acupuncture Society ofCall- correspooded to the sacro-fornia. He maintains ottiees lumbar jolnt, the source of at 2043 Westclt.rrDrtYe, Suite paiD of sciatica? Would 1t 1(17, ... wport &act., .C.W. not follow thatotherporticns 92660. Tel: 645:5300.) or the ear correspooded to the same area of the human body? Using this similarity as a guideline, Dr. Nogler drew a prellmlnary diagram or the ear and body. He began ex- perlmenttnc wltb aur lculo- • • • You are cordially Invited to attend a free lecture 011 aurtculotherapy by Dr. Cou- ture -next Tuesday, AprU 8, from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the above address. .JACK GEARING • NEW OWNER 1021 L COAST HWY. CIOIIC*A Da MM • CAu. us~ a ...c:&t· •7a-UM "DorothY. Gray" ----SALE____.. SATURA M01$JURE CREAM WIth Honaones & Vlto•ln A 4 oa .• (Reg. $6.50)--··-·U .OO -- - -I oa. -(Reg. S 10.00)-·--'6.50 SATURA MOISTURE CREAM With VltOIIlift A (Mo Ho•ettes) Reg . $6.50 • Now $4.00 ~ "Tussy" Roll-on deodoroRt • 1-3/4 oa • 69f c, ... d•odor•t • • 2 oz. -69f PltiSCittPTIONI PIWD 7 DAYS A WIIK M-DAYI • .. 7IUieAn <~>~!<~>'LARRY'S 0 Tennis Shoes J AND Sportswear Keels Pebble ro-Kecls Beach Fun Facls of Palm Springs Teaal• Slaoe• Fer tile Wlaele Family 122 Agate Ave. Balboa lslancl Ope a 7 Day• A Week 10 • S .............. Kut·a HYDRA CLRAN ....... s., ..... COM!S TO YOUR HOIIl! lth•"• e ...... , •• '740 l"perlor Avenue CN..:;._rt l l7th St.i c-~ ... EK(>iru response has been good thus NJril 15, far. JQ? 5 A social hour, rollowed by S«J-60 11 or 645-1313 a dinner ts planned, he said. Further information about tbe reunion may be had by caUJng Mr. Carllsle at the county recorder's otrlce, 834-2527. MARINERS SAVINGS BRINGS YOU A REX BRANDT EXCLUSIVE! COME TO OUR EXCLUSIVE Orange County Thurs.·FRI.·Sat.-Sun . PREMIER SHOWING April 3-~-5 ·6 This nationally famous "Feature Car" took 7 yean to build! It is a perfect replica of an 1885 Concord Stage Coach with 650 horses of Ford Power. It's an excitin1 experienc•· don't mlu ltJ PINTO FlOl 133 2 DOOR CUST. ORANGE /5W I uoo cc IV STYLES IDE 4-cJl.Ddr. qlot, Catu. PICKUP tmlalou eqaJpmat, u,, -liiiiii!iOI'Ii1iPf'lr;A~ 81&Xll •w, bumpr pard.~, 1t'751PA cert. ~l'ftd •• Jpttd. IJtMf Btoclr Mo. 0'7M MUSTANG II HARDTOP BRIGHT YELLOW, /8£/ 1.1 liter IV 4-cyltDcMr IDC'IH. piD ttrtpu, CaUl. emluloU IQII1pm.t, ftYt ltttl btlttd ndllll, power raet a piDica Jltnl, Pft Jroll& dl~ brai!M, taittd&a-. um ItA eut. rec..,.._ AM radio, 8toc) .... FREE LIMITED OFFER-APRIL 1 THRU 10TH. WATERCOLOR PRINTS Nationally known artist Rex Brandt has provided Mariners with an axclualve watercolor of Newport Harbor. It's a brand new painting never before dlaplayed. 1M beautiful watercolor haa been reproduced and a limited number of prlnta are available In our Main Office at Dover and W•tctltf In Newport a..ch and at Bayalde Center, at the entrance to Balboa Island. lt'a Marlnera' wey of iaylng thank you for letting ua be your pi8Ce to uve tor mor. than 20 ~I TNIII eiiMI ... offw, • .... by tw ,._.tree pmt .....,. AL.O-AN EXCLU .. Ve SHOWING OF REX 81tANDT ORIGINALIIN OUR MAIN OPFICII I Keep cool with lllWoiT IWIOJ OlllllM 11tU~Y. APRil" lf75 fi&.UIIEflllY -~AQ£ 4. · COIOIA OIL JIM, CAL., Blk8-a-thon April -20 wa a ... ol ti,OOO a "• :r t CJOIIIt. Riden . •1111, ~ c-. Co!· wW-•11·--Iop'a -• _.,_ ....-...II I.,.~ 1111 llolwW_III_U• wWIIa_IO._ .. _ .U bUlle-a...._ a.diJ, oM ot t dUIINII cr.ct .\prl1 10, 10 111111 ocllolar-...-, . --1>r -... at-FoUowtac tilt rldt, par-IIOdtoc occ. c-10ts,ooo tlclluU ..m foul ,..., r waa colltctld lllt ,..,, to ' p.m. at a tree 41uer .,._,.. o1 tile com-1.1 eoa Ilea Park. Tilt · muntty are 1Dftted to eitlltr rider wbo collect. tbl mOlt tate put Jn tbt eYeot or mc.tJ wW,recelYe a ...., 10 MEN'S DAY AT UDO LUNCHEON ..-cs blcyele, Per ... lllteru:ted ID rtd- tac ta tbe .,..t. or IIJIDIU)r- tnc a• rtdtr, abolld eaU 556- 5154. . I lAGUE 1P0N10R1 ART IN PARK .otiiiUUdeiOIIIUdut tSwGMinU.• pr~e-..a., 1111 •• -. ., 1111 c-.. _ An Loopo .... 011 ........ --of otberut ........... ol tllltDiiiuiiiUudci'IIIO wUI -1111 An '-'• ocbo,....._ . eN# AS AWNINGS Oon• ,.. .,. ..... -· ,.... 'PiMo fun. She6t wtti't co1ottW Clmu for cool comfdot. Cell 01 COme bv for1r" nttlftl.tM. Tuesday, AprU 8, 11 ••meo's day" at the Lido Isle Wornu's Club luncheon. ·•security and protectloo" wW be explored by Elmer F. Llndberg, special ateot 1D charge or the FBI's crtmlD-• al d.l't'tsloo. Duties aDd re- sponslbllitles ot each arm or the law wm be turtber u:- pb.toed by Bra.<tGates,sber- lff-coroner ol Orange Couo- ty, and by James Glans, c hief of pollee ot Newport Beach. THIS KIND of ~P«taeular aeUoa will bt ..-. tJds Sa.la.r- day and Suaday at the Faltpoqadt In Costa llea,at a rodeo beDetU tQr dltf children. Tbll Pho40 lbowa rodlo star Raymoud Lewte beillC tossed by Herbte, a Brabma bull. JMIAMl .,, .. rAZIWf Refreshments start at 11:15 a.m., followed by a "walking lostac2a" buffet luncheon at the Lido Isle clubhouse. RODro TO A tull-fiedled weltel'll rodeo wtu be stared Sttur .. da)' aDd Suoday at the Or- ange County Fairground!i lD Costa Mesa to raise f\mds for a recreational camp for deaf children. The rodeo, sponsored by the Newport Harbor Jay- cees, is sanctioned by the ofrtcial Rodeo CoWboys Assn., and wtll Inc lude some top professional rodeo cow- boys, including Larry Ma- han, the only man In history to wln the all-around cham- pionship cowboy UUe 6 times. DEAF WHILE QUANTITIES LAST NOW 199 MIKE Et60N, 8th grade student at St. John the Baptist School, celebrated his birthday in San Franclsco, whe re be received a 1st place award for hts essay on "A patriot of tbe Amet1can ReYolutioo" at the DAR State Conference. Mite, standing ln rear, wa s also a 1st place winner at the Newport Harbor competition spon- sored by the Colonel wuuam Cabell Chapter or OAR. other loeal nrst Place 'ttinners, sta.ndln g ln front of Mike, are, left to right, Cindy Kendall, 5th grade, Har- bor VIew ScOOol; Karen McCormish, 6th grade, St. John the Baptist; Darlene Pabolon, 7th grade, St. John the Baptist. Mike received a bond In San Francisco, Saturday and Sunday, ' ' . , 4f •,c ·" •• ... MATTRESSES WEW -U:•171LDIWG Irregular Shapes --"""-COSTA 141!SA MATTRIU CO. 21.$0 " ...... 11¥41. , .... uu WINTER RATES t ~· $i'j~· ...... fOIJl--;~~ .... ARINERS THE TEACHING IS CENTERED ON JESUS CHRIST AND THE BIBLE, WITH EMPHASIS ON PRACTICAL C HR ISTIAN LIVING. ALL AGES ARE WE LCO ME. Counseling and visiting available. SUNDAY SERVYCES: WORSHIP SERVYCES AND SUNDAY SC HOOL 8:30, 9:45 and 11 :00 a.m. PHONE : 615-4550 2200 E. Coast Hvy., Newport Beach, near MacArthur Publl1h Your FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT l POll ALL CITIU I~ l%-joo .. ~",coum ONLY $25.00 . (,LUS 110 POll THI OltAMGI COUNTY PILING Pl.) We wt11 tate care ol botb the ftltDr aDd tbe pubUcatloo II you 111111 u tbo S coplu of tile Fletttlou: BllllHA Name stateme.X, ftlled oat IIIII llpod, llld ae-ad by a clleck br $H. Or J0U caa eomt to tbt Ea~lp offtce to ftll out tH farma, NotarWDcla DOt aeceiJIU)', 2721 •• COAST MWY., CO.OMA OIL lUll, CALl Po TILI,MOMI tU•OJSO · and all first place winners were awarded a book on American history from the local DAR. Second place winners, wOO received honor certificates, are Ma ry Whittier, 5th grade, Harbor VIew school; Ru ssell Hollen- beck, 6th grade, Newport elementary; Martha McAdams, 7th grade, St. John Uie Baptist; a!Kl Jeanne Wolfe, 8th grade, Horace Ensign. Thlrty-nlne schools and 300 students participated In the contest, according to Mrs. Stanley Statia,' Am P.rlc.an hlstory month chairman for DAR. :::--------, EBELL BENEFIT SET FOR APR. 16 starting at 10 a.m., ta.lr- "rouods will have anoutOOor sport and recreation eltllbi- tlon, country and western mu s ic, ·anc~ entertalnment, The "Larry Mahan all ..pro rodeo" starts at 2 p.m. each day. The rodeo wlll benefit the Children's Hear-More In- stitute, Newport-basM non- profit aroup that helps bird- Ebell Club or New~rt Beach wUI present Its ver-,._,nd sion of a r.anners ma rket at 11 a.rri, April 't6 as its spring beoefit, lunr heon and cards at tt.e rluhhOUse, 515 1 J.C. Humphrill, who• '!'0,. •t 1823 N.-..,orr Bllld. ,.. bHn • Cort• M•u l•ndm•k for more riYn 21 ye•rt. i1 •n eurhortry on """'' •nd j-lry. ROYAL JEWELS REAPPEAR Many famed gem and jewelry colleclioos have disappeared, but oc.cas- lonally "surface" Intact. A $5,800,000 British royal family collection, hidden tor over forty years, had beeo trlll@d to tbe Duke of WiDctsor by Queen Ale.r:- andra when he was Prince of Wales. Tbe Duke, later K 1.ng Edward VIII, abdi- cated to marry the Duchess ot Windsor, woo has re- tained possessioo of the colledloo sJoce his death. The lilchess recently wore a Nl:tynecltlace, from this collectioBt at the Paris Opera, providtnc the first clue tt.t she stlll owns thll da&ZlinC (roup Of gems aod jewels. The royal tam~ Uy las bepa negotiations wlth her to ea111.1re that the collectloa wm come to W. BaltJoa Blvd., Balboa. EDWARD T. STEPHENSON Funds will benefit the ec1-has been appointed to the ucatlonal sc OOla rshlps pre-position of vice president, sented annually to Oranp:e lending olflcer, at the Bank Coast Coll ege. of Newport, He was formerly Planning the affa ir are with the Wells fargo Bank Mrs. James W. i...aws, gen -as a cor~rate banklng spec. eral chairman, Mrs. Jotm ia hst. He is a Stanford grad- B. Lamar, president, and uate and received his m:ts- Mrs. Clayton Thompson, ter s tn bus iness admlnlstra- treasurer. tlon from the University of Booths will feature plant s California Berkley, He Is with e.r:oUc containers, )ew-active In the Kiw;.nts T -shirt elry, white elepha nt Items ba seball program, the Boy and a new coocept In ve~et-Scoots of America, He aDd able arrangements. his wlfe, Michele, are par- IIIATERNITY FASHION SHOW SET FOR APR. 4 Prospective mothers en- rolled ln childbirth classes at Hoag hospital wtu model maternity Ci.shions at a c hampagne fashion showing a t 7:30 p.m. Friday, April 4, ln the Lido buffet of Rob- Inson 's Fashion Island Stor e, Tickets are $2 ,50 each, wit h proceeds to go toward the purchase or Intensive care equipment for Hoag's ne·.v- born nursery. Husbands are invited to this preview of spring and sum mer f!ashlons. ents of 3 chlll!ren, ages 12, 10 and 8. FOLK ARCHITECTlmE IS THEilE OF SHOW "Misstsstppl folk archi- tecture" wtll be on dlspla)' April 4 through May 4 ln the Orange Coast College llbnry. Folt archileeture Is the study or traditional struc - tures buill by craftsmen with no formtl trainiO!t In archi- tecture. Prlllct Cb&rles alter her POISON IS TOPIC AT death. L--------' LIBRARY IIIEETING Tl)e Orange County Ll- DID YOU KNOW ABOUT bnry Assoclatl.oR wlll hold Us spring dinoer meetlng Tuesday, April 8, at the Sbart Island Yacht Club, 1099 Bayside Drive, New- port Beacy. I lr .. kfo•t I L•nch DINNER SPECIALS? -Mo'*Y lin Tllll...., (FrWoy It_..., 'dIP.) dinnm induduoup or IOI.,J,-•fw.l ,_or nco H .. .-... RED SNAPPER .....••••••••••.•••... 2.26 MAHI MAHI ••••••••••••••••••••••••. 2.46 GRILLED SEA BASS ••..•..•...••....•. 2.• Ttw SIRLOIN ••••••••.••..••.••..•..• 3.26 NEW YOf!K $'tEAK" .•••••...•. ' ......•• 3.711 Lc:.sTER TAIL ..• '. • • • . • • •.• • • • • •.• . . . • 4.. Mrs. Cor riDe Ray, di- rector ofthepoWoo IDtonna- tloo ceoter, CbUdren's Hos- pital of Loe Anceles, wlll d!KUSII the topic, ''CID lt ~ in my borne?" No .. holt eocttaU boor be .. rtu at 6:30p.m. wlthdillntr II 7:80, I Dhn••t We Spedllllu ~ .. 0•~'·"·· LARRY MAHAH of-hearing children. Tbe In- stitute ls trying to nlse eoougb ftlDds to build a per- manent recreation camp In Orange COUDty for tbechUd- ren. Thls weeteod's rodeo wUI i,p clude the entire range o1 cowboy competition, lnclud- lng brooc and b\111 rldlng, calf roplng, bulldogging and comlc acts by rodeo elowns. Tickets wtu be oo sale a.t the fairgrounds bol office, or may be bought tn advance, at a cut rate, from Jaycees and others. More ttci.et in- formation ls available by calling the institute at &45- 1624. NOW AT SHEPPARO . ,A.ir(Du Jullto D .. A\t- jandro, SOD of U. s. Anny Co¥onel 'and Mrs. L, D. Ale-, jandro of 547 Traverse Dr., Costa Mesa, has been se- lected for technical train- Ing In the U.S. Air Foree medical services field at Sheppard AFB, Tells, He has eompleted basic train- ing at La.ckland AFB, Teus. He is a 1968 gnduate of St. Lawrence Academy in the Philippines and attended Orange Coast Coliege. EMPIRE 14" GARAGE & PATIO BROOM 3.99 VALUE Designed to sweep heavy dirt (even mud) from rough surfaces. Non-matting, mois· ture-resistant bristles are flexible, long-lasting. Long handle makes sweeping easy. SHO'InMG POll YOUR 'LIASUitE ALL THE MEW CHIN .... ~EWTIII. COUMTIIY LINENS AHO POTTIIIY. SHINING AND GLOWING WITH WARM COLO ItS ANO TEXTUIIU. THIEY AWAIT YOU It CHOOSING. YOU WANT JUST TH. RIGHT THING • LIKE THI TAIL I SITTING SMOWM I •LOW- BIUD.tl. ltOSB T••r• b --•*"' of "•lmlc I• cucry M'O••· Nctc~ IJrUIIl ··~·· •*•• ,.,, fc.lbtt" .... ,.., )IO•r wftltll•• I• .dttt ,l.,.ctl or I• ,_,of,.. ,,.,..,.11 , .. , . A,.,..,. ofcl.c,•c•, No"''""• ••• r•fllt~•ll• oltl 1rtUIIII011. Lowly flou/J 1 ,I.e• ''•e• •• ,,..,. o•ly l lJ. U • IIUIS f'OTTIII PIUDAY. A ... IIIL ... 1975 "THE? KINGDOM OP THB NBTHRRLAHDS .. ADULT ADMISSION AT DOOR ••••• $2.50 STUD!MT ADMISS,QM AT .D~R ••• $1.00 SEASON T1CKETS (Good for ony six adrnissions) ADULT.·. S12.50 STUDENT •• ·$5.00 AVAILABLE AT:' Newport HarbOr Kiftlda Cle, Box I50l, Rnport Beach, 92&61, MS-2lSS « aay member ol U. Newport Harbor IU1ruWI Clilb. COFFEE SHOP ACROSS FROM FASHION ISLAND BREAKFAST-fro• .IS. LUHCH fr0111 1.50 DIHH E RS-bo• 2.95 UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT .. tht belt Botlby Fl.acber ~ beatmc bU elders Ia tbt Newport Btaeb Cbeu Cblb oa Wtclrle.:lay ldcbU7 Dr.nd Gllksman, 14. elllms be donll't really ex- pect to etrilleace tbt world's etlamp, bat be's sore mop- PIDc ~ tbt compettttoa 1D Soathern Callforuta. Dartd, Wbole lttp-dad, Bob Gbtcll- ert, rana Bob's Barber Sbop tD Corooa del Mar, alnl.dJ eJatma tbe bfcbest aatloaal raDklac of any b1gb school player tn Oruce County. .. • Dand mOfed ap nceotly to Clua B ratllc bJ tbe U.S. Cbeu FederaUoa. B .. coal 11 &D "npert'' J"'d. wbleb be hopei to get YllhtD tbe nen z years. Tbe qatet, lnteue JOUDC- ster is sbl.rpeQ1Dc 1118 urn. by playblc _.ery Wedllesday nJgbt WbeD the Newport Beacb Cbeu Club meets at Enstp scbool, aDd· by play- lng ln as muy toumameat. &Dd read1Dg u muy top c be88 boots as be Ca.n. "He's even bec1DDtDc to CHAIRUAN DUNCAN MciNTOSH, at tbe belm o1 tbe Newport Harbor In-the-water· boat sboW, 1s assisted by sbow bos't• Mary Peten, wbo plays tbt rolt of IUD' .. AbJ,t' ,OA ·~...-., TM blc ablnr, beiDC bUd at Lido V111ap, opened yesterday IDd wtD coatJDue throOgb tbla Saodly, Aprn .&. In addttloD to $9 millloD wortb of bof.ta. tbete an displays of tbe latest In martne budftrt, ln-water eatertatn.meot, sa1l1ng school and regatta. Hoars are 4 to 10 p.m. tbrouCb Friday, 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Saturday, 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sunday. It's liGHT II SAN fl.UICISCO matt a fn clollars at tt," aya b1l mom, Elbabetb Gb1c1W1. "He ,.. mo ID tbe Amtrteu opeo toua- m•t 1D Suta MoDica OfeJ' lut Tbi.DklpYiDc wee~ and bu added 80me more w1Da1Dgs IIDee tbeD.'' CALL MOW 01 DROP IM • • • We',. Clese 1y A ... o, .. 7 o.,. A w .. k. AIRMAJf Brt&D tc. Sallng, 101t of Mr. &Del Mrs. Jotm E. Sa1J11c ot zm Clabbou• Drt•e. Colla Mea, bas beeo Mlected for tecbDtcaJ train- iDe to tbe U. S. A1r Force armameot syltema fteld at Keesler AFB, Mtss. Tbeair- mu, wOO receatly completed bulc tnJDlDC at Lackland AFB, Teas, ~ted from Bola Grude b1(b school, GU'deo GroYe. 12222 H.bor Btvd., G.-den Grove 530-1142 871-8020 n2-3401 or l4e-fiOM St••• La •• , ... 1f22J7 1 I Yeen I• Or••t• Cev•tr Dand cot lDteresttd to chess wbeo be wua, plaJIDc ap1ut older brothers Sam a.ad Steft, Whom be DOW beats rtplarlJ. THE I£SOIT MOm II THE MOlT Gf Jolt OYer I JIU &CO, at 13, be etertd bllft.rsttoar- oament, 1D Areadla, aod woo a eoaple of matcbutromol- der, more e~pert.aeedplay­ ers. Be's btea oo tbe toar- aameot trat1 slnee. ~!A\~ ~!A\~@0~©® COURT IS MOVING The Harbor district mu- olctpa.l cout wtll close at 0 nooo tb1s Friday, AprU f. . at 4201 Jamboree Rd., and , will re-CJpeD for baalness at I tbe oew locatloo, 4601 Jam- boree BIYd., Airport Area, at I a.m. Maadly, Aprtl 7. The telepbooe DUmber re-0 lNIIICi IIOQtlt iWIIOOII 001181MIIOIIS IAIW IIOOMS MID DUPUl SUITES WITH fW Y [QUI, 'fD lliTCHOIS. P'lUS OIIUIICi IIOOM MD COCtl l Ail UUIC£ OVEilOOIIIIIC HEATED SWIMIIIIICi POOL IAOWif MEA T£0 PA 110 1V RADIO C0t1 I'UT£ MOTU S£mct: Alii riH liAIIAQ 'A11tt "He stuc11es chess Z boars every day, rada boob oa tbe labjeet a.od stW kMps scbool (l"'des at Edlloo Mcb ln Hatmcton Beaeb ai'OUDd tbe B and C lenl," aya b1s mom. * Ria u.s. Cbess Ftdentioll ratlnc of 1'72! puts b1m ~.lad of all Oruce COUDty .ebool kids IDd wtll oa b1a way to &D "A" n.tmc (1800-2000), )Jst ooe rank abort of tbe "npert" eJaas be seeks. matu IS3-0C11. ........---~--.;...;....~------------' If be follows past patterns be wUl probably gtn up ebess 80mtday aDd takt up sometblac el•, b1s mother thinks. "Whatever be gets lnto, be gives 1t all be's got." abe ays. '' Wbeo he was lnterested In music, be was on tbe county boDor band whlle atteodlnc bothBaJT{ew aDd Dwyer schools here and ln Honttactoo Beacb. Then, be got IDto Seoatq, IDd achleYfd a Star rank, be- ton 1DOf1DC oa to chess." Wbat'l Dat7 Dantt lall't sure. He t.h1Dks maybe he wW eno sUck to cbess. Loot oat. BOOby Ftsc._r. still time for · tax • at no You can st1ll make an appo1ntment at Los Angeles Federal Savmgs to let a profess1onal prepare your personal Federal and Cal1fornta Tax returns at no cost. m pnvateo w1th all mformat•on held tn stnctest confidence A $5.000 depos1t qual1f1es Appotntments are llmtted. however. and ttme tS runmng out. so please come 1n and make your appotntment now! If you have a c~:11f1cate of depos1t wtth another sav1ngs mst1 tutton. we w ill arrange your tax appomtment now and transfer your account at matunty w1th no loss of 1nterest also no d,lage Sate Depos1 t Boxes · Informed Buyers Bureau · Personal Check1ng Account at a cooperatmg statew1de commerc1al bank • Travelers Checks-and 20 m ore most wanted serv1ces (Som e serv1ces requ1re a_ mm1mum balance ) Always the h1ghest return on Savmgs Accounts Cef1tftcates of De- posit and Investment Cert1f1cates LOS ANGELES FEDERAL SAYINGS IICCOUftll .......... now doubled to MO,OOO j TOO SFIAll~ lliVE! • • PIOM -c:M .. IftAM cet.LI .. IIWOOD. N. 1. ••eft, ~ s.,e '_4,, .. > • ' _.,,... ..... Ada fl the Apcttallll ..... ···" :Gold-Tat: "Bft<twd,-I,_.,. fill 111/grou 10 -"' ...... -·•f , .. ,......,. ~~ it .., Jt~Hfwl ftw ., '' .,;, Wo ,o.f, -#llwl )ION IAol ,. "-"4 ,.,..lily ,.,.;,. f., "'' filii~ ..w.• --· 4<1;n01d -,., ..Mil' (Jude 3). llrc!oiPt llof«o doe ....... ... 10 BEN .-ODCillil.._ l llnloc ---• iD } ........... and 10 TTl of lil~eru-witb "''" the · of 1- . Cbriol. ....,. -= "We. -"< to obey God ·-- our God into "lucivioutdell, aDd dcoy· ill( 'the ooly Lord God, and OUr Lord ]CIUI Chriat." Thil mt:anl apootaay, wbide ;. ttucbery and the work of traiton to CbNt by pre--te..r..r lrit<ldo. lofiiNIIw of &IJ THE GRANOST ANilS were tuU at tbe Easter sunrise ·senk:e held at Davldsoo Field oo the Newport Harbor high school campus, and many sat on tbe gf'OUDd listening to the music and tbe Easter mesaage of )oy Ud hope, THE SERMON was given by Pastor Cbuck Smith of Calnry Chapel, aod music wu provided by tne CtUldren of the Day and by a 400 voice youtb and adUlt choir, under the direcUoa of Merle Valdez. men. The God Of CNt fatben niled In war, wbea all army can make up J-. wbom ye dew 0DC1 ......., .,., pr-by direct and vioihle at· on a tree. . • • Aod we are hil wit· tack, the leader wiD tend choleo men -of thac thinp: and oo ;. oleo to diJiuile themodva and thea, ,.. the Holy Gboa~ wbom God hath pen cretly, 611<r thtouch the liDa of the to them that obey him" (Ada 5:29--.>y and be ....s1 10 attack them 32). Tilat wu the mtn,.,. in wbic:b frcm the reu. It 11 tbe 1tntqy of the Holy Spirit acted throop the "infiltntioo. .. wbea .. wol v'a iD lhetp'a apostlea. Our 1 ..... today c:allo c:looe clothinc" tum and filbt u wolva. attention to the terrible fact that in Jude uya that, in the creat conftict of our time there· an m&Dy croups of the a,es between Satan and God, the persons who call tbem.selves Chril-adveraary, Satan. now usa t:beae ame tians who listen to and obey men tac:tict. Have )'011 aoticed bow people rather than God. lbae are called of pleuilJr pereooality, ..u.n;., man· "apostates," and jude wu inspired by nen, much ability, but with uncod.Jy God to write a warrUnc apinlt them spiritual cbanctc:r, creep into tbe and all of their kind. We ahoukl church of CbriJt iD such ways that atudy it ~ith ~t care _beau• ~ the faithful rnrmhen do not become ~pos~tes m sheep • clDlhmc are nd-IUipicious until tbae eoania of tng !Ugh today. When, I wu a boy Chrilt have actuallJ made much pn>- there wa.s a ~ ~(IOUI map11nc . JftU iA UDdami.zDnc the faith, even named, Tit• CltnsiWJ• 01 Wod, but coin~' to the ex~eat of denyinc the today many church popen could aptly dety of 1 .... and oleo~ clen~ be called, TM Afoslal•l Dl Wor•. God 1.1 Lorcl? Such uauatly .. ' "iH Judo, Cltrilfs Samnet hold important positiotu tn the .,.. dllnery of the cbutt:h and oooo domi· ....., and eonlrol it. . A.ctsoltllo ........... PANEL DISCUSSIONS THIS PHOTO, with Pastor CtJJck Smith at the pulpit, shows the completely nlled south stands at the Ha · .... High football field. Pastor Smith told of the joy for all ....elievers ln the r isen Christ --"because He Uves, we too shall live, ll we acknowledge Him as our Lorn and our Saviour." The an1J113...1 observance was sponsored by the Newport Harbor Kiwanis Club. Participating with Pastor Chuck Smith ln the service were Dr. George Wood, pastor of Newport-Mesa Christian Center, and Pastor John Lfndv:illl of the Plymouth Congre - gational Church of Newport Harbor. (E nsign photos.) There has been much historical dis- -cussion concuninc the identity of the person caUed "Jude." He wrote that he was the brother of "James,'' but did not specify Which "Jamea" it wu.. Some say James and Jude were half- brothers of jesus (Mark 6:3}, and aome say James wa.s the disciple who was the: son of Alnlv-us, a cousin of Jesus, and called f.j"~ the Leu." But, while either of these opinion• may be true, the important relation- ship claimed by Jude ia that he waa "the servant of Jesus Christ." Phyt- ic:al ancestry is unimr:!rtant when compared with being a 'child of God" (John I :IZ; Rom. 8:14-17), ...r a servant of Jesus ChriaL Then Jude briefly re-..iewed the apostasy of a.ncds and mm from the beginning and reminded the loyal members of Christ's church of the: damage which had h«n committed and the puni&hment which had been sustained through this apostasy. Jud~ for.tified his warninc by remindi~ his readera that the a~loo of Olrilt had propllaied UU. very kiDd of fall< teafh!:t.aod its resulta. ''How that they you there lllould be mockers in the Jut time, who abould walk after their .... uncodl7 ........ n-&p>S· From the BIOLA BROADCASTER La Mirada, CaW. Q. Hillsborou(h, Kan.-"Could you comment specificaUy on Matthew 16:19 as to u;hat is m earat by 'keys to the kingdom of heaven?' Also, what about 'binding and loosing in hea ven?" A. This is a very important verse. It docs not indicate in an y sense that Peter had all the authp rity over be- lievers to the end of time. Ofu en- trance tnt(} Mavtm doet 'llQt. ~ ,. •• on him. but upon Christ. Read the Bible carefully. The text says, ''the keys of the kingdom of hea ven,"' not uheaven" itse lf. Matthew 13 shows us the coming rejection of the Mes- siah. There will be a sphere of pro- fession while the King is gone. A key is a sign of authority. This is the way it is used in the Old T estame nt, as well as in the book of Hevelation. In Acts two we sec Peter opening the d oor of profession when he preached at Pe ntc<.'m t to the Jews. Then, in the tenth chapter of Acts, he opcnt·d the door to the Gentiles in the home of Corne lius. The Bible docs not teach. or even intimate. that he had authority in any other realm. T o them tlll'y wt.·re normal terms. \\'e talk ahou t a person Nhound"' to d o something. It is an obligation or req uir<'ment. Loming si mp ly meant 1ust the opposite. freedom from the rt.·!>pnn!llhility. The apostles told the people, "'You art.· bound to keep the l.tw of Cod . But you cannot keep it. I! you will trust Chmt who d id it for you, you are looSt..--d from the ob- ligation. \\'c can dn the same today as we seck to make Christ known. Then, too, many nf us recognize that in former times we were hound to Satan, oblig:•tcd to do his will. Yt'L through the infinite love of Cod, we found the Lord Jesus C hrist as our Saviour. Now He has set us free. Q. Chula Vista, Calif.-''Please tell me where I can find in the Bible that vinegar i$ called soldiers' wine." A. While there are a number of men~ tions of this substance in the Bible, none of them carries the d escription you have given. When they ciuci6ed our Lord the soldiers gave Him vin- egar to drink which was mingled with gall. The purpose was to dead- en the pain. When C hrist tasted it, He would not drink it. He wanted to be in full po55ession of His pow- ers so that He might taste death for every man. Q. "Do you feel it i.t wrong to pray dov after day for the sa171e thing? I have remembered my son'.t need of .ttdoation in thL~ manner, and won- der if U. is plea.rir~g to tl1e Lord." A. Keep in mind this first important ancl Scriptural principle, "'Cod is not wJ.JlJng that any (not one) should pe;rish... As Jong as the burden of prayer is on our hearts we should c:ertoJnly pray most dUiS~""tly. M<n>- Jca, tho mOther of AuguJtlne, prayed for her -8,'1. yean. The cblld lutd beeo _,.-to tho Lord before he -ban .• died stll1 praying r. hllil. IIi -.teoh abe -..... blm -to a ....... .._loclgo oi Clwlst. s...aJ ,..,. later he wu &lor-'Y bowlao tod tluoulb faith. ,.._ &&w• ... ~II CoCI't own -n..w.-..ato...ue _., . .._ ___ ~ 1 "*'r ,_ * OII'JI s'fi We DR. SAMUEL SUTHERLAND know, however. that in the salvation of a soul tlwrt· i~ glory fm the Lord. Do not giw up! Thl' Lord hl'ar'i and H t· answt-r\ pr.rn·r. lie i.~ tht• Cod of IO\"P and mOrl' .m~iou.~ In 't't' your boy '""'ed th.m .u1~rm1' £•1,t•. E n tn 1~t his h·~·p in_;: to t hl' Lord\ hanck Q. Coffeeville, Ore. -··v ocs Cud har;e a book u.:ith all of vur actions mul dt.'Cds n ·nm /cd irr it? Is it like a p11bhc n.•cunl.; C od krruu;s my in- TIL"m lfJst tlwugllts and I certainly u . .-ould rwt trtml to be marked for all that I hat:e thouj!ht." A. Cod's mind is in finite. f-I e n•mem- hcr!> t.•\"C'r} lll!>t;.~nt·c of each of us. Hn ·cla tion 20:12 docs indicate a re- cording !>pkm. This has to do with tiH..· Uuuk of Life and the 'ct·nc i.s at tht· grea t White Throne Judg ment. hdua• which no hclievcr w ill stand. T ht" Book of Lile will be opened , not to 't.'t.' wht.'lht•r the unrt•dcemed h.n·(· thl"ir llilriU'S rt't-ordccl in it, but to ,how tht·m that their names were not t lwrl'i n. They, therefore, stand ab- solutl'ly c.ldense.less before almighty Cod. If you are a Chris tian, C hrist prOnll~t..'~ you, ··1 will reme mber sins agaimt you no more-forever. As far a.~ tlw <·as l is from the w;:>sl, so far are ) 1111r transgressions removed from you. Your sin s have been blotted out a~ a thiek cloud." God wills to for- get t he sins of C hristians. He rather l>t:C~ us as be ing righteous in Jesus C hrist. We have now I.M:comc heirs o! Cod and joint-he irs with Jesus Christ. Q. S.ac.,..,..,.,., C1llf. -"My jnh rf'· '1'"'""" m( tn wnrk n11 Sundn /J . Y r>t, n l 11111 flt/r, I rn11 hnrdly tonk fnr rr n- nth••r pn.•ilinn. I'm rrfrnid I'd '""" "l'f'l")lf hintl nud nnt ktiOif' 1rhrrt to dn" A. P1•oplf' are Mmetime.-Vt>ry int'o n- ~i.~t~>nt TherE' a n-110 mt> fiO-"'ition!l whic h rio rr qu i re Sunday Pmplor- mf'nt. Go in.ll" for n rlrivt> on thf' {.(\rd'!l day ma_\' cau!lf' a !le rvice Illation at- tendant to wo1·k . F.ntinJl out in a res- tatnnnt will caul\e a number to h:we to hf' on t hf' j ob. Oo that nect>ll.'lllry work 8!1 unto thf' Lord. Take other time off for re11 t nnd Bible 11tudy. The Lo rrl kno w!! all nbout your 11ft11at1on. Ht> unrlHJ~t and!l the predicament in whic h )'OU f\nd you"'f.lf. P eople who crit icir.e mny bt doinlf thinK• far mon> otren,.ivt in the t~laht of the Lo rd. TJVO MINIITES Tleo Noad ofT-Faille 1111N IJIIJL£ Being a Krvant of Jesus Christ, Jude ldt impeUcd to ...,;,. to' all IT (OINIUUl I . lfAM PUS. IIIIAM IIIU IOC"II.n ~CA80, IUJHOtl ~ THE DEATH OF THE CROSS -:·. ;:o Q:arilbam n.ef'Tt'here and exhort them that they "should earnatly <Oil· tmd for the faith which wu onc::c delivered unto the aainta." This il the identical "faith" to wh.ith Jesus Thl!tl! are lour words wh1ch ewry ooe of us should cons1det on con neclton W1th Chr1st's death al Cal var y 1! we would ful!y appreciate ~at our Sav10u' d1d for us I here 1. CRUCIFIXION It IS doubl· lui whether man has ever c:once1ved a more cruel and humthat1ng way IO e~tecule even the vilest cromm~h The phys1cal agony alone musl have been hofflble 10 even conlemplale. The cnmmal was naoled to a ttee Mid left to han.g there. wnth1ng 1n the mosl mtense pam unt1l. felfi!rs wrack1ng h1s body, he d1ed And lhen lh1nk of tht.' hum1l1a11 on as he was nailed there, Slflpped and naked. to sutler shame and d•!-Qtace befote the pubhc g.ate L•nle wonder Ph1l 1pt)oans 2:8 says that Chnst HUM· BLED Htmsetf to become obl!od•ent "UNTO DEATH. EVEN THE DEATH OF THE CROSS .. 2. SUBSTITUTION We hillfi! no1 e\fi!n begun to ·understand lhe cross 1f we do not u.1dersrand that 0 11 1U d1ed there on our Suh~t•lule. paying fo r our sms. "CHRIST DIED FOR OUR SINS" (I Cor. 15 31 ""Hos own set! BARE QUA SINS 1n Hos own body oo the ttee" II Pet. 2:24). 3. R E PRESEN TATIO N: Chr1s1 wu more th;m our Substitute; But referred in ~ 18 :8, when He aaid, "When the Soo of man "cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?" lt ia incomparably the most important element in human life, becauae, wbea )aua cornea to receive Hia l.hurda, He wiU teceift only thotc memben who have this inditpemable "faith." Notbinc else will be couaidcred to be of any value whataoncr. Faith in Cbriat ia our token of idcotificatioD u a child of God; it it our ticket into Heaven ; our badce of autborit:' u ~ tuvant of Chri•. So, it i.a vitally oecniU)' th.a.t we know juat what thi• ..faith" is. Dr. Scofield poinU out that it is a be.licf in the whole body of revealed truth which God hu pvco to the human race throueb the tsible. Paul said, "Watch yc, ata.nd faa in the faith, quit you like mm. be: ltrOn(" (I Cor. 16 :13 ). He was our volunt;u y Represent•- love at Calvary . He hotd taken on H•msetl human form thai He m ight represenT man before God and d ie dS a Man for men. "As 11 IS appomted unto men ::once 10 d 1e but after this the iudg· men. SO CHRIST WAS ONCE OFFERED TO BEAR THE SI NS OF MANV ... (Heb. 9:27 ,28l. "(HE) WM m~ . . tower than lhe angels ... THAT HE BV THE GRACE O F GOD SHOULD TASTE DEATH FOR EVERY MAN'' {2:9). 4. /DE NT/F ICA TIO N : It tol· lows fro m thl5 lhat it Ouitt repre- l-llnted me It Calvary. He beume odetH1 f1ed With me there, and I 1m •deoldoed with Him • I accept this by laoth Hence P1ul u cl1irm: "I AM CRUCIFIED WITH CHRIST. nevertheten I l1ve; vet not I, but Chnst ltveth m me: and the life wh1ch I oow hve in the flesh , I live by the fatth of the 'Son of God, WHO LOVED ME AND GAVE HIMSELF FOR ME" (Gal. 2:20). Paul also urges Chriatiaa.a: ··&· amine-younelvh, whether yc be io the faith; prove your own .Uvea. Know ,. ... IOUI" ...... otl---J-Oirili Ia iii you, <.apt ,. bo ~ a LOOB tiT TQe OOOB bela (opoeatoo)~~-13:5.1 Ha oleo ·--. • -bo "rooiod and 6uilt up lD him JO>riatl. and -blilbed ift the faith' (Col Z :7). Faith of tbil kind itlcbideo tbe belief ift tbe .,...tloo of Adom by God. tbe laD of Aclom by elD, tbe ~ demplioo of .,... by tbe aaifioe of God'a oolr itepteD Soo, Jeiua tbe Christ, Hu raurrodioll ODCI tile witb God in He .. m" u the Mediator lor tho ,_nben of Hi> holy llqdy (I Tim. 2:4-6), Poul-tlea& tbeno ;. oo od>er """ "-' which Ia doe beaiJ of ov ... iDe faith. N:J.y -..aria--- tloo from this laifto _.lei pervert tho BY DR. BOB JONES BOll JONES Uni~BrBftU c•u .. ..-•u• •ou r" c.,1 ol•,._. lM'" "-' of Chriat, and aay -""" p<eecba a penerlld Goepd will bo O<CUned (Gel. 1:6-9). ~ ..... ......... plain, definite _.., and limit tbe meuait:w of the "faith" I:IMD<- tloood by Jude, to faith ift J-.. tbe ooly ~ Soo of God u ·~ deemer and Sa'DiOur ODCI lArd. tala can be diatiapjaited """' true cbild...., of God lirca111< they walk after tht-thincs of the: flesh aDd not of the spirit. They are pruent today in creat numhnt.. in the. cburdlu of pra,;lic.JU all~-~ Tb< ... ~Jill ..... ~~ .ram.{ ~ ·-. . brldc:e benefits, inter-faith movements, false evanceiism, fetes, pageants, dances, so-c:aUed uplift social 101pd, and humanitarian progtam5, but care-- fully omit all references to t~ aalva - tioo of soula by faith in the •hed blood of Jesus Olrist. Now they have e\en gone to far as to rewrite tht: Biblt: to suit tht:ir heresies and dt:nials ol the faith. ...,....,.T_..,. To these apostate teachers, minis- leu, and churth offict:rs th~ true sal- vation of souls is visionary and im - practical. Every person. particularly young Christiana. must be contim:!Z on the walcb (Matt. 7 :IS) lor apostate teachen and avoid than aa far as . p:lUible, and have no feUow- ahip with them, f« they are the .. \Ill_ fruitful works of darluteso" (Epl>. 5:11}. ,..,. lor ..... , ...... But Jude endJ his letter with words of comfon and auunnce, "But ye, belond, buildiaa up your~elvet oo your lDOit hol~aith, prayi111 in the H~y G~ yound-lD ~ love ol G;;d, I · lor the mercy of our Lord Jaua C · unto eternal life." He also points out that with patience we mu.at try to u.Ye theae apostates and must not compromise at aU. .. ha.tinc even the aarment spottecf by the fta.h ." We mutt keep' our tes-- timony pure aDd poa.iti, e. Then cocna tt."" comfortinc benediction ''Now unto him that ,_. able to Ieee; you from falltnJ, and to preiialt 70'- faultleu before tbe praenee ol bia alory with ex......Sinc joy, to the ortiy wise God our Saviour, be ~~ and majaty, "clomiDioo and power~ both now and e~er. Amen.'" . .. 00-dlotlaoa lor Us Evel"J'" Chrhtian thould have not allnr themnlv11 to ~ t.hrH desire. in life. Fint, he turned back by theM t.hiq1: should dui~ to run well the but by God's a-nee •• can en- race that it set before him. The dure all of tMH thine•-. • Apoatle Pauls•ld, "Let us lay Finally, eTe1'Y Chrlltian ••ide every weight, and the 1hould want to attain unto the sin which doth 10 eaaily beaet likene•• of Cllritt. The .,tri- us. and let Ul run with patience tual li fe of a Chrb1t lan can be the raC':e th•t is set before ua, judf'ld by. ho..-C!uiRU .. 1M Looki nl( unt.o Je1u1 the author haa becom•. BalfttiOII i& ),y and fin1sher of our f•it.h ... " crace throu1h faith Ill tiM (Hebrew• 12 :1,2). There are work of Chtltlt.-on thf! Crou. manyditcouraclnct.hinrsabout But .. err ehlld of God itk»vW the n ee of life: but if one looks de1lre tlult. hit Ufe ~( ~ at Chri1t and feel• upon hlrw Lord Je1ua ChJ"I•t. Seripta.J:t! the eye• of Christ, h• will not MJI tlult m11'1 "took knowl- hold t.o any be1ettln1 1in. edae" that. t.he dlldplu t W Whatevf!r hinders your dolnl bftn with JeiPt. TM final your bett for the Lord 1houl ~orr of every Chrl11t'-n ahall be Nekoned witt~: It thould k to ~"" IDto H~ IUI.Deu '-ld aaide. w en H• IMU appen, '"*.\..1: Can lou ho,ntltly join in this btne- diction . Do you avoid apottate 57acbera I A.. you boldine to the faith I Aze ''"' ready and eapr to have thriat -~ Are ,..., tl'Jinc to ltoep and ~ you,..ll ~ ... 1011 • •'• ADd ooml-ble i'n God'a or-vii· 1 c:r.tit I<Upinc throucb doe faith ooce . and -lor fill clall-ol to tbe aalnlll Do Nest. the Chriatlan •Muld 4ftln now tltoukl M to want to endure couraiiOUIIy, for t.h•t. Ilk._.• Mn In .,... Vny fn people will' fate that otbu tn•n MJcbt bea. .. - dlttounaaement,. t.emdtatlfa1 to the Ona Wlf ~-.. trouble, and ,._r-~«Utloft aMI , ' Ro..._..4 h lito O'!JI'I r.a.-.-tloo, ,Now] ... -.r33 ,_.a{..,. doe 1W obey God dthor thao -I ·Are ·...., -.1 •-•don ol 1-ioa .... , · • wroce lo tt. arW4" Oari d ·, -............. .,. ... !.iii~ ill Qolot ... • ..... Wltoo -................ .. ( 1'3 .,, ~ Get, .. Hill '~' ........... J 0' ·, pau•,. ..e.._ POll .. .. 51 ,o., ...... 2 W II 111ft ... = :I .. s-:l .. liiiJI I .... ......, •. -.;... . .. o1 nonol ... ... Wl!l I ... .. Oorlll = ......... -.. 'I .. ... , ":" ..:-: =-.:,.~·-... • -.DM .... I_..,,u I J11i1 ... ,_.n.tlailll I le !llr ..... .,-.li Aw .... ... :l""'-~-~~ -· a·-........ ~ ....... .. .. • be .... ,.. ..... ._..._,. ~·= r •. -s-111 's • .,... ...-::~·--:.=-' .. i , ~ j i 1 I t 1 1 , r c) 1~ l • t ~ 1 ( ) t t , : , -~L~.~.M-~!!!=1tCI=~";!'!· • ft~Y. IU8C8 It fJtli I ~ 11uet. 17 .. ~ ·-· ,. ..... •• .. ........... u ... · FICTrTIQB--ot ~1/J .._ Bll'd.. A 110111J ... cl"*e' 1 1 tn I~ tl Ul McJ:..-. C411· 8Alll ft'ATIMU'r ~ ... UN.td It 44'11J II.Nd ,_ ........ a. tnl ........ WU U'l'tiiW n. ti-.., ,..... u llriO p.m •. Ill U. JIIU'Idll e&.a ,...._ It till ..._ at 1M llllllile at •.o p.a. c1o11c ••• ._ lll.no.r IOt·of Bdlml' v.-..~a.. Minor .._, 1110 afM...: &111diiiii*JwDpa••••,.. Kollbfe!'ftl, 1* IIUtiO.r laid ...,.. • u .,. ... ,..... Altau, lla*l '*' IUIII, Coa ~ Cal. _,:..: ~ tnale WlnUit • • • ben.. 5:10 p.m. liluU r ..,.,.._Bu • • • Rdbtrt ~ Ala aort, -..... ~~50Bomda ft!POl6d tbat u -. 8:46 a.m. Maftta 10 ~ r-~2.!· .. '! ~ c.-MMa.cat • ....,. !..:.!. ._.elect.,.. •• . . . A '**-cu. wtlldDw ....; wu ~-;a -Tllb(e:.IIDMiuCODdlcCIId .. _ 1111 tnck ._ It wu ftiDid at taoO wu .,.._ --. p.m. by u ~1. PIIW at ILII boiM at 1U4 at tiM Lido lilt c...._ at poUce .__.rten c. stcMd: Rebtcca ADDSbort W, Balboa BIYd.,. Balboa. 701 VIa LSdo load. .,.,.. ftnUt e.,._ llllll wD TJU .eattm•t wu lAid . , z ts s:u--< 5 p.m. Maret, lt &ad 1:10 =·:: = ;.,· oi •ltb U.. Coay Cltn ot . LIGAL MOTIC. · a .m. Mare• !0. 108-P OUIIood Oruce CoaatJ Mar. 11, , FIC11TIOCJ8 iiilmas • TfiURSDAY, MARCH to ,.. ....... --~~ 1t'7S. CAME STATIIIIlfT JOiul Clll.rla Cooot., 10, .._..... .... MU.b: ~h 1'1, ...... n 1'be i»llowlllc .,..._ 1a of 1718 W~~tcwr, .,.. ar-...._ U. WJ••c• ol ar. • 10 1 ...,. .. _,_ '==ct•• ... T-a•-. rQttd at 1:10 p.m. at W. coM~ 11 1:10 LID. at aotll •• , 7, 1t75, 1D U. lf11f. ......,. .,.. ___ -.,. nu O Ud W Balboa BJ-...... port Rubor Eutp. F .. .a101 torlea.l AatomobUe Com-ceu Fraat &ad 0rup, • '"'.. - IUJ, 1878 Slpertor AYe Welt MI'WpOit, ud cbarpd ~: si: oi r~~ --........... ~ LIG~NOnCI co.ca ..... Calllonk •tth PNMISioa ol lt.oleo ~alboa lalad, ,.. ll'iuMd 91817: Alu Clet•aa 1_. ~roputy • • • AD tlttmated at 1:41 Lm. at Part ud FICTI110US BustNESs TuUD AYt., Colta Una. . 315 worth of IDdlu Jnelry Ptul, BaJbc1a falaDd, ud M,.AII! STATEMENt Ca~Ji)'* taen. W'U ltoleo from a dtlplay cblrpd 'Wttll drlnDc -.r Tbe toUowtac per-1a 1'b1l bumeuiacoadlaeted cOUDter at IDdlaD Traders tbe tDtlaeoee of aleobol af. do1Dc baltnese u: Newport bJ u IDdtYidaal. Intei'Ditloaal lbop, 1106 t Wall UD.tta, ISZ8 E. Cout S1ped: Alaa Cleacteneo. Park, Balboa t.la.Dd, behreeo er poUce IDYISUpted a mt. H1f)'., Col'OIIa del Mar, Ca. TbU .eat.meot 1fal ft1ed Z p.m. &ad S p.m •••• AD DOr tntllc aceideot there t!US: WUtoD Holt, 417-1/1 •ltb tbe c-.-CJera. of employee •bo opeoed up Al-• • • A I1Dc and eurnacy, .. _..._, • tr--• • .._ -· A totaJJ.tor a $188 loa, ••re narclalla, Corooa del Mar, Oraap County Oa Marcb 10, s:U:,: --· eQV• Martoe, ltoleo trom tbe anlockecl Ca. 92&25. 1975. lslaDd, at 7 a.m., born f • ,....._ w Tb1a busiDealaCODdacted Publlab: Marcb 13, 20,27 fotaDd a trout 1riDdcnr brolr8D e 0 u-. ood, Z14 by u IDdlftdal. Apru a, 19'75, ID the Ne-ri and pried open. and about Opal. Balboa 18laDd, bet1reeo Slped: WUtoo Holt. Rubor EDiip F fU?7 $6,415 in IDd1u jewelry 1 p.m. and S:SO p.m. THE TIURD ANNUAL City of Hope teuu toar.meot oo AprU 13 wt11 feature I'QIDd.robtD mil8d doables oo 80 priftte and clab coarts throacboat Orup CoaDty. Informatloo Oil regtst.ertnr caD be obtaiPed by ClllJ.ac CUJ or Hope's apeclal Onnce COUDty line, &CO-HOPE. Amoog the participants are, trom left, lad! o.Rosa of Harbor Vie• Homes, Val Gclc)cl)octy of Corona del Mar &Dd teDD.is gr•ts Rod Laver of Hutlor Vln Hills and Roy EmertJOO or tbe Bluffs. A "come as you plaJed" party wt11 be held In tbe carousel room of tbe New- porter lDD foU01Flng tbe tropby preseotations. Top pros and celebrities wtll be tbere. T'ht. lb.temeot wu rued -----· --·-·-stolen rrom the sbop, 1rblcb • TUESDAY, KARCH 25 •lth tbe Coaoty Clerk ofOr-· lr.IGAL .MOTICI had been closed at 8 p.m. · Tlmotby Jo.epb Palmer, aace County Mar. 21, 1t75. FICT11100S BUSINESS tbe preYJous DJ&ht ••• RtciDt)' 22, of 20459 Alden, Costa PabUih: Mareb 27, AprU NAME STATEMENT Gene MUler, 319 Fero&Ddo, u .. , 1rU clarged lrith Paper pickup tops million S, 10, 1'1, 19'15, tn tbe New-Tbe toUowtnc periOD ts Balboa, reported tlat eome-mut)la.Da posseslklo at 1 olc7":~w~~~ :~ port ltutlorEnltp.F-42102 dolllc buSDus ac Tbe Old one pried open a w1Dd1ftDc a.m. at VIa 1Jdo and New-bUDdled by Ne......,.rt resi- Cbtc:aro GuUcbter, 8SO-B of b1s Cll'1fbUelt1fasputed port BlYd., LJdo Shops • , • -- LIGA&: MOnca Newport Ceoter Drtn.Ne•-at b1s bome trom 8:30p.m. NeUI Karle GnmdJ, 85, ot ~:s t~ear:!serym:e:e to~ .. ~ __ _.;,...;.....;..;..;..;;:;..;~.::..-port Beeeb: Harbor Hosts, Uareb 19 unW 6:30 a.m. 9Z4 W. Ocean Frant, Bal-"' F1CTI110US BUSINESS. Inc., 630-8 Newport Center Mareb 20, and took toola boa, wu Cbured 'Wttb drfv. port's special collection NA.Jtt STATE ME NT DrtYe, Newport S.eb. valued at $470. Inc aDder tbe IDflaeaee ot dri.-e started last Sep- Tbe follcmoc peraoo Ia Tb1s bustoess Is bet. ... • FRIDAY u .. oc alcobol,l.Dd EYelJDPauleoo, tember . dolng bUsiness as: General conducted by a Corpora~ • ~ H 21 51, of 811 Lido Park Dr., Jacob Yynderse, whose Bamess Sem~es, sou St-...e: Jeffrey R. u........ James Patrick UeCoy,24, Lido P•tnsula, 1fUCbal'fed general sen ieesdepartment Warren Lane, c osta Mea, ........ -. or 122 ~ West Ne1rport, •ttll-a..ue aleoboltntos1ea collects the papers and sells President. •as c._..., .... -'•b N•bUe •·-)OW"' • th to C a: 92628: John A. Moore, .. .... ... .,.., •" -Ul-tloa •hen paUce stCIIIPed em a re-cycltnc plant, sozs Warren Lane, Costa This statement rued •itb toxteatioo atBalboaand25tb, tbem at t:SO p.m. at V11la an.oounced yesterday thatl,- Mesa. ca. 92626• the county clerk of On.nge Central Ne1rport, at 10::15 and Zatb, West Newport 024,000 Ibs. (512 toos) bave Tblsbuatnessiseoodueted County Oil Mar. 10, 1975. p.m .•• George Douclas James Aasttn Raymood ·u· been soldfor$12,826,repre- by u lndlt'tdllal. Publlsh: Mareb 13, ZO, 27, Hanley, 24, of 4270 Park or 1598 Riverside -Cosb senting a $10,000 proftt ror Sipect Jotm A. Moore AprU S, 1975, lnlbeNe1rport Ne1rp0rt, was cbarred ..ttb Uea,,.. ebarged,rltbpub. the ctty. Tbla ~Atement was fUed Ha.rbor ~DSlgn. F -41676 drlYtng UDder tbe 1Dtllleoce uc aleobol tntoxteatloo at Separate newspaper eol- 1f1tb tbe County Clerk of LEG "'L ... OTIC! or aleobol at Z:20 a.m. at 8:20 p.m. at 810 E. Ba.lboe. lection days for AprU are Orance County Mar. 21, "' ... Larkspur and S.Yin, Co-BlYd., Balboa ••• Tbomu tbe 14tb, 15th and 16th tor 19'15. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS rona del Mar ••• A caJeu. Lee Potts, 29, of 423 E. areas east or the bay, and P\lbllab: Mare b 27, AprU NAME STATEMENT lator and pocket watcb, val-Balboa BlYd,, Balboa, •a.s tbe 21st, 22Dd and 23rd west 3, 10, 17, 19'15, 1D the Ne•-Tbe follo1f1q person 1s ued at $719, were burglar-ebarged 1fitb dr1Ytnc UDder or the bay, depending oo Mr. M'!llderse pointed out, ''besides sanae trees tbat would be cut doYD to make more Dewsprtnt." A Pomona tlrm re-cycles tbe oewsprt.o( bought from tbe city. GETS WINGS OF GOLD Mar1De U . Michael W. Morris, soo of Mrs. Eloise Morris of 287 Sherwood, Co- sta Mesa, was designated a naval aViator aDd received hls "Wtncs or Gold" at tbe Nanl ·Air Statton, Kings- vOle, Tea s. He has com- pleted more than a year of lnteosive grouod and tnrught lnstrvcUoo and •W now be assigoed to spec iallted ad- Yanced traJnJDg. port fluborEutp. F -42104 doing bustness as: Cable ited trom tbe borne or How-the tnnuenee or alcohol at whether a resident's ftrst ard Richards, 611 KiDgsRd., 2 15 a t CbaJmel and regular retusecollectlonday S LIGAL NOnCI . Ne•s and WireSentee,Z801. CUff Haven, bettreeo oooo B:_,.___ .mPe· -~-·Ia P tnt or eacb week Is Monday, ECURITlES GRAD ----.;;...;..~.;.,;.;;;..;.._ Hubor Vte• Drtn, Corooa ILWUII, u..t.WtU o ••• FICTITIOUS BUSINESS · del Mar, Callfornia 92625: a.~ \~~·E· ·B=wBDos-SheUa Lucme Olsen, 27, or Tuesday or Wednesday, John l McLaugbUn m, NAME STATEMENT ~~~ Cl~ord ~.,rn, 2801 ~~!boa. reported tbat b.!:·: !~~7 e:C::r;,.~e~r~!~ ~=~=:~xed s~:gg~ ~~-:~ ot cr:..~e;;:~ Tbe lol101f1Dc pereons are a r ew lve, Corooa ulars, a ndio direction ttn-under the 1n11uence or a.l-Mr. Mynderse said, and set don II Co., Newport Center dolDc busiDese 11: lslaDd del Mar, CaiUomJa 92625. der and a tape player, ruued cobol at Balboa and Coast out by 7 a.m. on the collec~ brancb omce, gr&Uted Flo.ers, 211 Mar1De An., Th1s business is eooducted a t $300, •ere stolen from b1s R w N t too day. rrom the 19'15 Seeortttes lo-B~.~ ~~ MJlQ by an lndtYldual. M.t at ''0" St ~the be'! "'~•• est e1rp0rt, at l :SO Further lnlormation about dustry Institute aDd wa.s a- , A Luelire Mc'taila6d, 'b.cot •• 'Sipid: Jack Cutford Qs.. ~ • About $ZZ01'Yb stol.n a .m. • • • John Pellam, 60• eollecttoo schedules ls wa rded a certt.neate of merit WUU&ms. ~~. 1)~~ bon. • · ',.. .. ·'"frOm a bedroelft•~sser-:; of 114 VIa Lorea, Ltoo lsle, aftllable by ea111""' 613-at ceremoales March. 14. 9!680, Tbla &tatemet •as ftled tbe borne of S&Jirc icer: told pollee t.bat 3 JOIIDC me 2110. .._ The Institute ls spoosored Thil bustneseiseoodueted •ttb tbe Coaoty Clerk ot 1141 Pembroke ·WestelUf' ::::a~~ ~ked~~k: "Every too of newsprint by the Secarttles Industry by a pberal partnersblp. Orug~ COQDty oa Mar. 19, between 6 p.m.~ 11 p.m.: stop botbertog b.ls ..ue In we collect saves about 3 Association in coopenUon Sfped: Ullo M. Me-1t75. by a tbiet •bo appareaUy tb 100 bl k r M Fadd cubic yards of ever -dt-with. tbe Wbarton school or Farla.nd Pabllsb: March U , zo. 27, cot 1n through an unlocked e oc 0 c en, th unt tty ot p AmMAN Kathryn P. Morri- son, daughter ot Mrs. Flor- ence C. Kelly ot 236 Cata- lina Drive, N19-.,c>rt Heights, has been a.ssigned to Yeb.lcle opentor duty at Mather AFB, Caill., after complet- ing Air Force baste tntn- log at Laekland AFB, Teas. She is a 19'14 gnduate of Newport Harbor high school and attended Orange Coast College. Her father is re~ tired Air Foree Lt. Col. Robert B. Kelly of 1603 Tu.s~ ttn Costa M~sa. MEN, WOM~M ~CHILDREN Cen NaiMrtU Hair Ct~tdnt ......... , lty .. , ........ _, 03.5153 BOB'S o,.' 1o 6 Tues. tbra Sat. PORT BARBER HJP 290·1 8. "Co•st Hwy. C.oro.• lUI M•r l'orl Th ••In ..... s.rvice \ S..1653] I CHURCHES ltOataT a&. atMGSTOM -f'ASTOR DID ST. etORAMG!, COSTA MESA-645-5050 s.daJ IDCII'IUc .... -10:10 a.m. s.-, School s....., ~Yeallc wwllllp -t;JO p.m. 9:00a.m. Wtdlilltt&Y Bible lhdJ ud pn,.. •..... 7:00 p.m. Aa ~ ~b 'Wttll Bible tacblnc m.1Diltr"! FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 2111 CLiff DL, MIWPOIT ~IACH -6.(2-7 443 oa. '· ~tOM ........ PASTOI SUM DAY SCHOOL ••••• t.JI A.M. ataL I STUDY ftalltlf' •• • • 1•11 A.M. & 7 fi.L 7•11 ...... WID. Tbla statement n s rued Apr. S, 1975, 1D tbe Newport sltdlng glass ttoor ••• WbeD Central Newport, at 8:20 ::s~tbe ':!!~Y = v:ua. vers eonsyl- .. ~~C~Chrt~Or-H~rE~ F-Um ~~~~W~~.~o~~~-~-------------~-~----------~ aace County Mar. 21, l9'l5. L!GAL MOTI":-! Oakwood a,partmeats, left Publish: March 2?, April .., -b1s car parked at SeacaU 3, 10, 1'1, 19'15, lD the New-FICTI110US BUSINESS and 16th trom 6:30 p.m. port HarborEnsiCD.F-42101 NAME STATEMENT Ma.reb 21 anW 8:30 a.m. 1-IGAL. MOnCI The tollO'IrtDg pereon 1s March zz, eomeooe stole doing business u: VI.Deensa a kayak paddle, skateboards, FICTITIOUS BUSINESS OrtctnaJs by Joyce Pema a helmet a.Dd luggage, valued NAME STATEMENT RinD, 7110 Weat Ocean at $207. The foli.O'trtDc periOD Is F t N .-a-c dolDg busbless u: Mioenls roa • e1rpon ~cb, aiJ. • SATURDAY, MARCH 22 I fom1a 9U60: Joyce Peraa Susan Elaine Collins, 18, IDYestors, 2027 Altun, Co-RtDD. 7110 W. Oceao Front, of 3159 Sharoo, Costa ue,.._ rooa del Mar, CaiUorala: Ne-wport Beacb, CalU. 92660. was eba.rged ..ttb sbopltft- Douclas Wllaao, ZOZ'7 Al-TIU buiDesslsCCIDClleted tng at 1:S5 p.m. at 24 Faah-tan, Coroaa del Mar, Call-b• &D bld1Y1dual. i 1 •·-.. Ti ,.h., ~ rnJa , on Saauu • • • m"'-~ 0 nb buliDeutscooduct-Stpect: Joyce Pema RinD. Ryan KtDoey, 26, or S0'7 E. "" Tb1a ttat.ment was ftled Bay Froot, &lboa Island, by a Umtted partnersbJp. •Uh the CoaDty Clerk of •as ebarged ..ttb pubUc ID- Siped: Ooaclu WUsoca. o-~ c-u.~ lo' TbU statemeot -· rued ...... ,__, oa •a.nb 10, toxteatloG at !:b a.m. at .. _ 1975. "C'' a.nd Balboa BlYd., Bal- 1FUb t~:~.!.~ler5t afOr-Publlab: March IS,~. 27, boa ••• Elllabetb ADD Horn, a.nce ........_, -.&. Z , 18'75. AprilS, 1975, 1DtbeNewport 32, ot 1514 DoYer, Harbor Pllblllb: April I, 10, 1'1, Hutlor En.stp. F -U710 HlcblaDc11, 1rU arrested at !4, 1975, ID tbe Ne-wport her bome at 9a.m. aDd char- Harbor Enstp. F -4218'7 LIGAL MOTICI geeS ..ttb uaalt •iU.adelld- LIGAL MOiiCI ly •eapoo ••• Roaald Mor-FICTITIOUS BUSINESS ton Vall&Dee and b1a .Ue re- FlCTlTtOUB BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT KAME STATEMENT turDed bome toS506Uarcus, Tbe tilowi.Qc per80D is West Ne1rp0rt, at 1:20 a.m. dot.al boliDes• u tbe Dry, aDd bmd tbetr bome looted GaU.,, 19'70 Port Daole1cb. of $3,850 ID penooal pos. !f.-port Bach neeo: BeY-aesstou, mute ecaaiPmet. erty ADD WUtte, 19'70 Port sUnr and jewelry, and DaJelab. Kewport Beacb, tbelr color TV Itt sttt'-c .. u• ............ ~ aua. __, near a door of UM pnp CELEBRATING OUR ~@thANNIVERSARY A MAGNIFICENT PICTURE-GIFT FOR YOUI The *»Jlow11c per80D il <Soble ........ u: A.rala Matnt.uce Co., S07 lstb St., Apt. IZ. H11DtiJIItDD Bacb 91646: Gu7 PbWp DeLlal.e, S07 15t.b St.. Apt. 11, K~ Btacb. cau. follllla taMe. Tld.t bolfMtt 1.8 coadact-~ lett tbtre neo eel by Ul llldiYidlal. Stped: tbey .arprtsed the buqlar. _ BeYeriJ ADD ww.. "BOAT CANYON -LAGUNA BEACH" At 1 treawred 40th Anniversary memento, Lavt.ma Federal will g•ve every vesitor a full-color. frame-size lithograph of an Of'iginat oil seascape by C.lifornia's illustrious marine .,-tist, BENNETT BRADBURY. Tb1t bllbatalaCCIDdlctecl byuiDdiYidlll. SJped: Gu7 P. DeiJale. TbU .......... ftl m.d •Ill U. CoatJ .Clerk ofOr-uc-0., Mar. 111 lt'7S. P1bU.1b: April I, 10, 11, u, tm, 11 u. lftJOit 11anor Jtrlp.· r..am ~ ., ,. +. LIGAL MOTICI • Tb1t llatemeat .... t1led 1Fttll tbt COIIIIJ CI.O ol Or- up COIIII:J Mar. 17, 19'75. MU..: Mareb 10, n, Afrtl a, to,tr7s, • tM lfft- port Harbor Eutp. r•tMO .C -I ·-P'IC'IJ1 lOW BUSIHISS JUMI 8TATIII&tn' ,. ...... .,. ... Ia NAME STATIIID'I' _.., h&tw -:~l)Mat 'he~,. ... are ~~~ (I) ltucb da6lc h&tw .. IMJ 111-c-. 1t11 B"*'l 1tnet. ENJOY PARTY REFRESHMENTS AT OUR 2-0AY OPEN HOUSE Thursday and Friday, April 3 end 4, 1:00 P.M. till dosing,. VIEW THE LAGUNA BEACH GARDEN CLUB•s ANNUAL FLOWER SHOW A prlz•award. floral spectac:uler. on disptey in the Home Offa. lEE ANNIVERSARY FLOWER EXHIItTI IN ALL BRANCH OFFICES • In San Clementi -The s.n Clemente Glfden Club • In L ... M HUh -The Oerclen Club of Laiure Wortd • In L4uM N .... l -Tht South Coat Gen»n Club • In Ub Eltinore -Exhlbh1 by Chief Country and Roxie's. florists • IURI TO PICK UP YOUR COf'V Of OUR 40tlt ANNIVERSARY BROCHURE saluting Legune Ftdlrat•s ~ new building in Leguna Hill" GRACE BIBLE CHURCH Veterans• Memorial Bldg. 565 W. 18th,Cosu Mesa REV. TOM TYREE. Pastor SUNDAY SERVICES: 10:30 A.M. & 7:00P.M Sunday School, aU ages. 9: 30 HOME BIBLE CLASSES. Call 552~2 -Teaching Bible Doctrem·• ATTEND THE CHURCH OF YOU R CHOICE REGUL A R LY We InVIte you to worsh1p LUTHERAN CHURCH OF THE MASTER 2900 hcifiC View Dr. Colona del Mar. Calif. LAWRENCE 0 FRUHLINC Pastor Phone 644-2664 SUNDAY. SCHOOL All Ages. 9.15 to 10 15 a.m. Worship Hour -tO· JO a .m . Nunery and Coffee Hour O~ristion Science Serv ices FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST. SCIENTIST 3303 Via Lido N~wpon lkach SUNDAY SCHOOL 9& !0:30a.m. SUNDAY SERVICES 9& IO:~a.m. WEDNESDAY EVENIN<, MEETING R p.m. REAIJING ROOM w~c:-k dap: 9 a.m. 5 p.m. w~dnt'~av :9 a.m. 7:45p.m Tu('sday Q a.m. · 5 p.m .. 7-9 p.m. SECOND CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST Nt'wport Bnch at Corona del M.lr J 100 Pllciflc Vit"w Or. SUNDAY SCHOOL 10 .t.m. SUNDAY SERVICE10 . .a.m WEDNF.SOAY R:OO P .\L Rnding Room: 350()-8 r ... Co .. tRwy. F.at,.ate oa Narciaeas Mon.-Fri.: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m Saa day aften~.ooD : 1 to 3 Sat.: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. You arc cordially invit~ to attend Oaurch Semccs and to U K Ru din Room. THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. THE C!MTEI FOR BIBLICAL STUDIES t.U A.M. alaLI CLASSIS 11tH A.M. WORSHifl HOUR 7'tM f'.lll. IVAGILISTtC HOUR D.a. JI~MY COt.liS, It AS TOR Hishway Ho~ of Prayer 2411 E. COAST HWY .• CORONA DEL MAR L.OWI" LIVIl. -"EAR INTERDENOMINA TTONAL. FULL GOSPEL ~y ICNOOL: a:• wo•e•K"VICat ,,. IVMeiLI1W11C.twa: a:• f'.M. ~y MAYa ... -.al'nJDY:Tl.f' -D'WIDAY WILLIAM T. KAOAH, 'ASTOR PHONE: 142~12 I 0 • ~ win 3-cilies championships t '" 51 •. -lilt In -... ...,. ·-of U.. Broil ........ U., lllut ln.llod 1>1 I poJoiJ ....,._ : t¥J $1 °\, ... --lUI--O,....S.......WuEutbllll 1111 llaalqariero Ropo1, ; . ...... -.. A llllld _. loo•, -Ius roll1 llltlflfllllol..t ._.., I ...-..,.. .... : lit .IIIIo II 1 _.. -SW.lOollo I .. _. • ........ II lt-IC wl!i Oftr't -rtoaltJ WUk U -=-.:•;:::~-::;, :·::u~-::·;..:ta~la~V:ollo:::::'~•:i~Md;;. •••• •:•:•:.~._:~loo::!I'~,~T:III:.:J:ou. left; tttd lbl 100r1 wttb IIJJ :. ~~~~~ • seeoad. After a ttme--outaod .. l.D labouDt1a ~&I by Santa 0 . . . . . . . • . . . . • . 0 . 0 . • . • • • BLEMS Pick lOur Siu & Saw! ·------··'-'·• -..... __ ...... Gl111-l~ ... Ill> _ .. _ Clli-14 ... u --,,,.,, .... '"' Au, Huebel stole the ball lRd put In the WlnDinc I potntt. Oseood led all Srd cnde scort:ts wttb 19polnll 1D Z games. Tbe Newport HetchtsStuda also came from bebtnd In their 37·21. win o•er Foun· taln Valley tor lbe 7th crade crown, Bruce Coldwell, wbo had 16 points, and John Car. penter, who tallted 10, led a 4th quarter Studs rally. Coldwell led tournament scorers wtlh 36 poi.Dts, Buffalo HUls Ducks beat one Fountain Valley team 4Z-19 to adn.nce to the 5th grade rtnals, bUt lost to a second FV SQUad 41-Z9 ln the Utle game. Oo tbelr way to the cham- ptonshtps, the Eastbluff Jaz!. beat Fountain Valley's 3rd graders 21-lZ, and the New- port Heights Studs ootsbot Santa Ana 47 .25. GEORGE M. HOLSTEIN :Srd., right, 2427 VIsta Noblna, the Blurts, accepts the. Yinller's tropbJ trom Blc Canyon Country Club pnsideat Robert L. Lyoch, 35 LIDda Isle, after winn.lng the 4th aDDUal pruldeot•s cup coU tourna- ment. Holstetn. an 11 baodt~r, defeated Roo Bnd- shaw, 7 Mndlcap, or HuntiJICtoo Beaeb 4 &Dd S 1n the final match of the month.Joog competition. (Rich Bassett photo.) • • • . • 0 . . • • --~~ ..... .... ""'""'"u .... ... ... .,. __ S.""'"lt-,......,,L, ...... .. ... ,... . _ ... _ rAIJ.I~ ... •• OFFER ENDS SAT. HIGHT ,...----Low Spring Service Prices -----. The tournament was foi: ~ grade-levels that wen oot included in the county.wlde tournament earlier last· month • . Lube& BOYS. Gl RLS COMPETE IN AL.L·CITY MEET The Costa Mesa depart- ment of leisure services wUI host the bl.ys and girls all- city track meet on Saturday, April 5, at Costa Mesa high s chool. This year the boys and girls meets w111 be held at separate times. Oil (bange _ ......... ....... -" ·.:,;:;.. d ,!'.J -.,., Boys' registration will be. gin at 7:45 a.m., with the llrst event at 8:45a.m. The girls will reg ister at 12:30 p.m. and their first event is at I p.m. S4" ............... ,_ ... .. ......... -.... -··-·-· ... . .......... . ...... , ... . ... ., ....... .. ~-· -· ..... . • t ,,.,.1,1•·1• . h."~'" luluu:~u"n • "" d'l.oll~•· • llo•lp~ <'100111<' loi\N"C w•••TIIIK I'·'''",. '"'""'h.'"'""' p.-rlotrm.an~·· • l'lo·,l"' j•h•.lll' hot ·•I'I~Hnlnwno • to .. hlllo-~ lil!hl '"" h ...... ,, ............ ~ ,. IJ{IIt~41~ ol ""'!0' t~ln~ .... lll·l fWfOOI .... ..... ........ .. ~-" JIM BROWN WINNER IN JAVELIN THROW Orange Coast College lb}S to P2y Corona del Mar High tossed 5 }aveUn star Jim Brown from -OUR OWH CUSTOM!R CRfDIT ~lA~ the spear 200-5 to Capture •1unu CHARGE--first place at the Southern •CARTE BL.t.NCH~ ·DIHUS CARP. C a!Uornia JC track and field =iiiiii~-llll!l~~···..,.iiiii•li.,.iiilt""iii'licil••jjj""i.••.f relays held March 27 at El ~ Camino College, Coach Jim Mclliwaln's Pirates flnlshed In a lie .,..ith Los Angeles City Col- lege for 5th place in the Division I team stand:tngs with 34 points. Mt. San Antonio College .,..on the DI- vision 1 title wtth 62. HOW IS IF YOU'RE NOT RECEIVING MAXIMUM INTEREST-YOU'RE NOT GffiiNG ENOUGH Web ster describes the word maximum in the following terms: ma.r+mum 1a: the greatest quan- tity or value attainable or attained b: the period of greatest, hlgheat or utmoat development 2: upper llrntt allowed (al by legal authori- ty) 3: the largeat of a set of num- bere. As you see, by pure definition. maximum interest means the greatest ·quantity allowable. And that is just what the Bank of Costa Mesa pays on each and every savings account THE MAXIMUM! Perhaps you now have your savings account with another bank. Is that bank paying you the maximum? Are you receiving the greatest value for your money? I I not. may we suggest you make a change for the better and move over to our bank? Now is the time for quarterly interest to be paid. Chances are. you are probably thinking that if you don't move to our bank now you won't receive interest starting on April 1st. Not so. Bank of Cosla Mesa pays interest on any account opened by the 10th of April-and it pays that interest starting from the 1st of April. Also. in keeping with our policy of paying the maximum . all Certificates of Deposit (COs ) receive the maximum allowable-up to 7'12 percent . (When principal is withdrawn early. Federal regulations require substantial interest penalty. It's really worthwhile to open an account with the Bank of Costa Mesa. You should do it right now-before. you lose Interest JOE OROWA Y, left, of Costa Mesa and Harold Lazerman, 944 Sandcastle, Harbor View Hills, captured the 21st annual hl-lo golf tournament at Irvine Coast Country Club after wtnntng a sudden death playotf wtth Frank Fries Jr., 3818 CIW!ftel Pl., West Newport, and Joe Deutsch, 1753 Centella Pl., West Upper Bay, Both teams carded 124 in the 36 hOle better ball ot partners event, which drew 144. entries. (Rich Bassett photo,) CDM wins to stay on lop --Corona del Mar's Sea Kings, in tlrst place In the Century League baseball race, host Santa Ana Fri- day anernoon. Newport Har- bor, a game out of first tn the Sunset League, is at Marina. Estancia is at Costa Mesa In another Century League contest. All games start at 3:15. Corona del Mar nllied for 2 runs In the bottom of the 8th to top VUla Park 6-5 Tuesday afternoon a.nd take over sole possession o{ first place with a 3-0 record. VIlLa Park had taken a 5-4 lead In the top of the 8th, but the Sea Kings bounced back In the bottom half when VIlla Park'spttch- e r loaded thebasesoowalks, .l run scored on a passed ball, and Craig MacLellD2n got his 3rd hit of the day to drtve ln the winning run. Newport Harbor lost 3-1 to league leading Los Ala- mitos on Tuesday. Harborls in a 4-way tie ror second place. Estancia's Ralph Ron- quillo and Glenn Robertson eac h had 3 hits as the EacJes blasted Tustln 14-3, Despite pulling a triple play, Costa Mesa lost 8-S to Magnolia, The triple WI· l.og came in the 4th oo play that went pitcher to nrst to setood. Nut Tuesday, Co raM. del Mar plays Costa Mesa tn a 7:30 p.m. p.me at Costa Mea's TeWlnllle Part. ln LIGAL MOTICI NOTICE OF INTENTION TO ENGAGE IN THE SALE OF ALCOHOUC BEVERAGES S-11-75 To Wbom It May CODCttD: Subject ... -·of ... Ucenst applled for, DOttee II hlrobJ PYII" tal tiMI •nder.slcMd PI'OIIOMI to .. n alcoholiC beYIJ'IItl at U. premltll, dHcrlbtd u IDl- 1.,11: UCI VII Lklo lrd Floor, Nnport Beac .. Call- fontS&. Pll...ul lo -blllollloa, . .... oidorolposl lo lllfl!'lll ..... --"' Aloo· lloUc ------....... ot•alolata~M· •nee lciMI (or Uc-nd ·*---ulll-....., .. ..,..~0.- GIMnl Lt~tFN (Citb U- -~AJIY'I -., Lea:AL CI,IIIIIIE,, CW ftWMTIIACII day pmes, Fountain Valley Is at Newport Harbor, and Estancia Is at EJ Modena. • SALON !lfot.t.i-I 6 BEI\.UTY NOOK 2732 E. Coast Hwy. Corona del Mar Phone 644·7336 SALES. SERVICE a1..1nHn. con••u. ...._noe -844HI86fi .IIMLCOUII.UOI CUT\.IR ,_ qalll)'..,. d_ ... ........ "er • • PLOatiTI PLOWI!RI FOR . ALL OCCMIOMI . DIM•rl 'r•sh. JI'C .lfrtii,IJII, .. IIt ............... ,. . ' . lei.---=::: I , WEJPORTIIAAIOliiiSIGif TIIUIISMY, N'IIL J, lf75 PUIIUSIIED ftEKLY ~· PA~ I CDI!OIIA DEL MAll, CAL. MARINE SUPPLY DISPLAY AT SHOW tfnport llortM &owiJ oa llortMro Milo, llnport c_,, lldiJ-roooftrod ....... .,., _ ... - from tbt dlaatrw• 11ar. quarten at toO W. Cout _, Milo 11r1 o1 lOlls 11, HICIIWIJ, IOrmoriJ I- ta OM or tM .., tddblton Moton, acrou hom tb1 ot tlli ...... 1111ib1 ofNIJf·. a.-8o7 Cloob, Bob Me. port Harbor la-U.-water CurdJ I.J pn.s.dllt of New- boot ..., --• Lido VII. port llariDo SoppiJ, Jim lqt throulh Sulllr. SwtJa lJ muqer, aullted Foar -.,uen an 11.. by Bob Jtmeon. blbltln( !<om NIWport Mu· tne SolppiJ'I booth 54 II tbo obow: K&JOO-NMu· toe, ltoftl iastrumeot• and ba.rctftrd; GoUito. ·neeee, C&DYU pl"CCduclSj sta-IAibe Products, marine petroleum Ueme: With representaUfes also sbo'W1nl tbe latest ort- ahore foul weather cear, cSeelt shoes, aod hardware • After the maltt-mUlloo dollar tlre leveled the block Newporl Prinlers TOTAL PRINTING FACILITib 100 N•wPorl Cn~ter Dr . St~il• 001 N • orl fj e•cb PARAMOUNr SPORTS WarmuP. Suit Sale! 20-50% off on ALL Warmup ·Suits I'BATUIUNG f7) .U.L TOP BRANDS f C;raramounl Clporls 8ebiDd lbl blterDltical Pucaka ftCNM WI. IJ;Il St., C9"! Mw Ptrpe AM.gM t-1 Sat.• Mon. tt&ra. Tllars.-Frl.to 1:00 p.m.-s-.u.! ............ 0 • "Y()'Rl( Constructicxr.Ca John A. Kosho, President 16 Years;, SoliltiJIIm Cd}ijomia WE SPECIALIZE fN c ...... ,.nl ••• TIL T·UP INOU{TRIA.L CONCRF.Tf BUILDINGS. RMt ... c.n ...... ,1 ... Call M.S obo11.t all tyPes of ,~mod~litrt! (714 ) Sl2·1:U6 1460 N, ILAK! ST., ORANG£, CAI.II'OIIINIA t2U7 o BOATS FOR SALE 40-FT. CHRIS-CRAFT, double . cabin flying bridge, 100 hrs. on new engines. 213-827-0191, 9-5 days. oiURIHE SUPPLIES GMI~r ".sp.c. S.Von" • o.y·, tna;k w•k~d p.Kk~g~r~ mOI"'tt'l Ot yMr'l provisiol'll no f'ffri~firHI ~FREEZE DRIED FOODS 1 m•l in 5 m_,utet 75 ~r'-tiel -POUtha & mon.y ~Wing gill. can• B£VIEf'L Y W ILTSIE 644-1094 Dial 546·2693 SPRINGTIME SPECIALS Duo-Art Player Plano with Rolls •••••.••• $1895 Lowrey Genie Organ • Free Lessons ••...•• $ 795 Bea:ltttul Frenc h Prov.Story & Clark console plaoo ·- oow only •••••• , $1095 Yamaha. B4CR spinet organ, )1st •••••••••• $799 Steinway 6'2" Gnnd Plaoo --Exquisite ••••• $4995 Kimball 692 Swinger Organ, ezcelleot buy at only ••••••.••• $945 SCHMIDT MUSIC CO. Stetnway -Lowrey-Yamaha 1907 N. Main st., Santa AM Est. 1914 PhOne 547-6056 o LDST AND FOUND FOUND: Money cUplnFash· Jon Islaod. Call 673-0553 or, ?:"'i!r 3p.m.,644-880it RY<\ RUOS. browo IDdbolp*-;1111, $100; • I •• tiO.I'IS.AIO, •• I BEST OF BOTH WORLDS BEAtmFUL 4 YEAR OLD CUSTOM HOME ON SECLUDED HARBOR ISLAND. 5 BED- ROOMS. FORMAL DOONG. FAMILY ROOM II STUDY, $450.000. BARBARA AUNE 64!- 8%35.(Ul00) L INDA I SLE BAY,ROMT COUNTRY FRENCH. Magnificent marble entry & ~irculat stairway. 6 bedrooms, de n .-li brary, gourmet kitchen, 4 marble fireplaces, + dark room. P eg & groove wood floors. Pier & s lip. As king $485,000. Lynne Rothell 644·6200. (U39) LET THE REST OF THE WORLD GO BY Crow's Nest retreat overlooking the Harbor, Jetty & Islands. 2 levels. 3 bedrooms. lots of parking. £169.500. Ken/Helen Hartley ti42·8235. <U l8) 901 OOWT Driw 64l·l lU /164~ Mac:Anhur Blvd. 644-6100 Newport Beech, Californtl 92883 o/ nwporl REALTORS 675-5511 #'3 Half M~on Bay OPEN THURSDAY --1 TO 4 P.M. On beautifUl Hall Mooo Bay: The top o' the morning --daytime and eiening tool The ultimate tn vlew property. Includes a beautl.tUl custom decor- ated four bedroom. manelous famUy room; Spy- glass at Its very best • • • and you own the land. Extra Special Call for appolntment to see special ltsttngs in Corooa del Mar --and a ntce new ooe In Shore- cUffs. 3 bedrooms. bmUy room. *m eetllDgs. Fine cooditloo at $120.000. 2515 E. C.ut HI eo ........ CURT. DD.H ... AL .,.~ ....... .,. . MOO.W.aT CO~T !fW\'.1 tt••ct«1'·au-. ... ,....., ..... . OPEN SUNDAY 1-5 . 308 POINSETTIA, CDII WOOD AND BRICK Very ..-1 a.ad outltl,_ boat-Tnel at tbe beacbl -Ema larce UftDc room. flmliJ room. coarmtt kttcbeD. Jarce muter bedroom, plu two otber bedrooma. $112,500 • •••• IRVIN.E TERRACE 1827 SABRINA OPEN SUNDAY 1~5 Spaeloa.s hom! with calmiDc dec:oratJou pia 36 ft. pool plus oJce harbor new. Sally patio plus EQUALS a great boose for tnterta1ablc or reluat:ioo. Obi tt bas nt.oe root ceUtncs tbroagboat and tbrM bedrooms. famUy room and game room. $224,922 •••• BALBOA ISLAND A very special home with 3 bedrooms and tamJJy room with sun deck on 3rd noor aad garage apt. This ls one of B. I.'s finest otferings • •••• IDEAL FAMILY HOME •••ooo•••••••,._. Lo\'cly 4 R R. 3 ba. Well located near tennis t.:ourl & beach. 895.000. LC:Jrge M BR .. ti ba. home on sa.ndy uea<·h : 50 ft. lot. s hore moortng. ~5.000. Wi II con~ider trade. Hrand new 5 udrm. 4 bath. on 30ft. lot. Pier & s lip. ~95.000. Xlnt l>u~. 3 BR. 3 ba. single sty. home on 35ft. ~treet·lo-street lot. 589.000 WATHFitONT LOTS 40x00 1-'t . S2SO.OOO 30xl05 $_165.000 l slondof'S Bl dg. ot Lindo Isle 3~1 BAYSIDE DR., SUI T E 1, M.B. 675-61 6 1 TliiRSDAY. /rill J. JJ75 lnvesfilent Opporllnities 4 Unit Office Bulldtna 1001 leued. Carpeted. draped, a1r ccedltJoned. lo• malnteoane., ample parldac, $$5,900. Executive Home Site 29.000 aq, ft. Pruttp San Jau Cqd.ltruo Joeattoo. BuUd yoar dream home oo tldslot. $45.000. Corona del Mar Duplex Location Wl ocea.o llde of Coast HYJ. I bed- rooms each untt. ft.repJaees. eocloaed cane•. $117.500. BALBOA OCEANFRON'T Funky Beach House What a challqe for the right buynwltblmavu- tloo and gaUoos or paintll Tbree bedrooms plus maid's quarters --oo a 30 ft . lot extendJ.Dc all the way from Balboa BlYd, to the OcMntroot. DRlVE BY 1209 E. BALBOA BLVD. (BALBOA PENINSULA) --THEN CALL US FOR DETAILS. REALTORS 301 E. BALBOA BLVD., BALBO• 673-5410 P.i.&,.u~ Westcliff Area Courtyant eotry -choice 5 bedroom, tamtty room home with tel'Tittc noor plan and prtncy for efuyone. Lo•ely patio for your entertain1Dg I.Dd pleuure. Immaculate In enn· ny and with many ertras. A.st1ng S94.SOO. 675-4060 THitEE OfrFICU TO SEitVE YOU 1605 WESTCLIFF DR ., M EWPORT-4~2-5200 7 14 E. BALBOA BLVD., BAL BOA-675-~60 350 E. 17TM ST., COSTA MESA --6•2-~353 J PEIE BARRETT REALTYm ~ .... -.. ...... , .•• ,,. LD REALTOit' Ideal Indoor /Outdoor Living Ciractous three bedroom. dell and famUy room wltb poot_ large garden area., and Yide patio olf the fa.mlly room. U•toc room and muter bedroom. Priced at $99,500. VERY MOTIVATED SELLER---PL EASE SU BMIT OFFER! ................... ~chelle Robers, Realtor . 3333 E. eo. Hipway eon.. del Mar 675-2373 ****** ****·**** HARD TO BELIEVE __ _ WHAT A FINE HOME THIS IS It Has "Hidden " Charm! The pf<'ture is so poor, but, hooestl}. the house is great! It tas three bedrooms, large living room, plus ramuy room overlooking a beautiful rreto- llned green belt. Priced at $69,000 Call 673-8550 THE REAL ESTATERS D2 MAIGUIIlTI, COlOMA OIL MAl '13-aSII •••••••••••••••••••• ''You'll be glad tomorrow that you bougbt ral estate today." ROY R. McCARDLE llEALTOR nJ S..T129 !:!J. 1110 NEWPORT BLVD., COSTA MESA •••••••••••••••••••• ····--------·---------·----- sncws II.L SPECIALS!! SPECIALS!! ''HOME BEAUTIFUL'' IAS1'ILUfllJ Spacious nearly new 3 BR, fam-rm home. Comer lot &Jrivac:y w /low malllt. Prof. aeeorated. deiUKe carpets, drapa. U&bUnl. wallpapen • more. Prleed to tell. $11.510. HAU01t YIIW Palermo noor plaa, 4 BR, 2 Ba l1Dtll'1 bom e w /fatlH'fD • .wt bat,·~aear ·poal• pad&. ..,.. eleu • prt~ to Hilt r .... c.. ..... 5 8-~H-6188 Rea tal. A b a ohat~l y ••DiMUiate. Dtvaree ,...,.. ........ art .. ~~ A boaDJe bome tn tbe be1t of oar Ca.Uiona1a tradJUoo. Seclllded pool in prdeD MttiJII. S bed- rooms. S baths. SUPER KITCHEN! 1932 Altura (IJTlDe Terrace) $85,000 * CHOICE RENTALS I • AVAILABLE For Sale 1679 Placentia Ave., Costa Mesa Cooente biDe-ad tui-IIP wweu. ... ta.ooo -a. a. .Wroaf. Paft:llc lDt a,r 40 can. (biiH r:.. tm St.) too K. w. ' ..... .,..... Tw c.nMe -ae s ... -a. 1 -. t.soo ICio ft. ab' eGIS' 111 .-..~ .-., ....._ Hallld tiiNitCt • Po•noH 01' Pt.Nfr UHt>ea LBAS lffTif 90-IMY CAHCBUAnoH HOne& aBQUiaeD PRICE $325,000 ' ~I PriYIII fill· COisiderld for Pill upkeep in 1.8. C..ad Jeaapcat aft 111!0017 _, ...... ,.,.. -.. lake cart cl Its pub, ID- ttood "' 1"11>1 S9 eltJ worker~ $Ul,.f75 a 7ear to do lllt job? Tlat'l W'bit City Council~ man Howard Rocers of Bal- 00. eJpeets to ask at an April 14 Cooncll atudy ses- alon. "We-'re spendmg an awfUl tot of money -DOt )1st oo salaries, bUt on lnsurance progn.ms, vacations a.od sick leave, retirem~t. aDd otber trtnge beceftts," Mr. Rogers told the Ensign this week, ''and we may t1nd that prlnte enterprise could do the job ,;Jst as well for less money." CaJYln Stewart, city parks, beacbes aod recreation di- rector, told of Mr. Rogers• Idea, admitted that "any city llas some job that could prob- ably be done cheaper by a contractor,'' but said he doubted tllat such big parks as Irvine Terrace or Mar- Iners could be properlyser-· vtced by private landscape gardening companies, "They )1st doo't have the big equipment the city has to do the job on wide ex- panses or blnd," Mr .Stewart said. In the yea r ending this June 30, the c ity will spend .$529,4?0 on park main- 6 A. ca de my A. ward Nomination a! Lenny -"1 .Rated ( R) W · Dustin Hotfman II'LUS Ellat Gould "THE LONG GOODBYE" tiGILDCt. Mr. Sbtwart caJea .. lltod. lo ... ,... •• bodtot. dvt tlor albmlutoo 1000 to tbo Clt1 c-u. bo 11 ul<. t>c lor $50,090. Of tblt•amount, $Ul,4?S would co ._for alarlu, but . tbat doeSD't include f~ beoeftt costs, be said, Ac .. cording to Mr.ste'Wut, most of tbe remalnlng $141,000 '1fould 10 for equtpmalt, sup- plles, fertilizer and so tort h. Tbere are 38 men tak1Dg cart of parkS this year. Nert year's p~sed bUclget calls tor S9. ''WbeD yoo start loo.sng at individual budget Hems such as this and looking for ways to save money, you )lsthave to wonder U private enter- prise cotlldn't do us a better job,'' Mr. Rogers wondered. "l think it's worth our trouble to Und out." Salute to America 0. W. (Dick) Ric hard will speak on "America, I love you/' at an Aprtl 8 meeting of the Irvine Coas t Repub- Ucan Women at the Jasmine Creek Pavilion, 1507 Mar- guerite Ave. Theme of the meeting wtll be "a sa lutt- to the bicentennia l." Mr. Richard, prominent N~wport businessman for many years, won a Freedoms Foundation award in 1970 for a speech on American- Ism. Reservations should be made by Saturday, April 5, with Blanche Danie ls at SS l - 2738, Anne Haase at 5S2- 8878, or lbby McNeely at SS I -5040. THE UTTLE PLACE OI'IISLAI'ID ROBBED A burglar who llroke Into "T he Little Place" oo Bal- boa Island last weekend left a trail of loot as he left, but still got awa y with a haul valued at more than $8,000, Owner Edie Rubin re- ported that her shop at 320 Marine Ave. was broken into sometime between 9 p.m. Friday and 9:45 Saturday morning. Jewelry, china and utens ils we re taken. Pollee said the burglar got in through a patio door at the r ear of the shop. LLOYD ISHAM SR. 0 F COSTA MESA DIES Lloyd H. Isham Sr., 89, a r eti red Northe rn Cali- fornia contractor who died here Monday, will be burled la ter this week In Sa cra- mento, Services were he ld yester day at Bell-Broadway Chapel In Costa Mesa. Mr. Isham had lived for t he past 10 yea r s at 1?41 Costa Mesa. JACI[ LIYPatl -IANCIOn (PO) HOME TOUR sponsored by the Wom~'s ArcbJtecturaJ League and tbe Atnertcaa l.bstltute of Areblteets on AprU 1Z wlll tnc:IIJde the James Skt.oDer home in West~ cWf, being previewed here by W AL "'!..embers JuUe Ball, at lett, and Freda Ransom. The tAr lasts from noon until 5 p.m., and Includes 7 homes aDd studiQs ln Newport aod Laguna Bea.ch. ResenaUons may be made by ca.lllng 833~973 or 552.3280, (Ensign photo.) NB prisoner tries hanging A prisoner wtth a wild west name tried to hold his own one-man necktie party in Newport's hOosegow Sat- ruday morning. Pollee said John Wayne Nickle Jr. was found llanglng by hi s shirt from bars In his cell . He was rus hed to Hoag hOspital, wher e doc tors said he was in good coodltlon. Nickle, who lives at 7204 W. Coast Hw y., West New- port, had been booked ;.st alter midnigh t oo a cha rge of drivtog under the tnnuence of drugs and alcobol. At 9:15 a.m., a )lller found him hanging tn his celt. After treatment at Hoag, he was taken to Orange County Medical Center for further study. Police said he told them he has been uDder methadone drug treatment for the past year, and was despondent over a drug overdose taken by his girl rrteDd. Sunken Westerner sold The sudden sinking of the sportflshlng boat Westerner )Jst outside the entrance to N"ewport Harbor on Wed nes- da y afternoon of last week was still unsolved late yes- terday, And, wUh the 65 -ft. Westerner Quickly brea kinv up at the bottom of the tur- bulent seat the cause may ne ver be lltlOwn, Harbor Pa- trol lnv~stlgators admltt~. Scuba diver Fred Munson, who bought the wreck for SlOO Tuesday, said he ex- pected to noat the remains and salvage the engine and any othe r useable parts. Doug Ferrell owned the boat. All 33 passenger s, in- cluding some ooo-swim- mers, were r escued byHar- NEW NAME IS CITIZENS BANK The Bank of Costa Mesa was rena med the Citizens Bank of Costa Mesa at ttw 3rr1 annual stockholders meeting. President Paige Simpson explained tl"at In order to erpand Into other areas, a modltlcation of the original name would bring more ac. ceptance by other commun i. tie s . Prevloos ratification of the name change had been given by the Banldng Depart- ment of Calitorola. The present boe.rd of di- rectors, wit h TheodOre Robins Sr . as cllalrman or the board, was reelected, a.od the nu mber or directors was Increased from 6 to 9. The 3 addlUooal seats on the board have not yet been filled. bor Patrol and private boats that justhappenedtobenear· by when the boat, returnlDg from a fishing jaunt, sank within seconds )Jst otf the Corona del Mat }etty tnaboul 70 feet of water. MEHTA TO DIRECT CONCERT AT U.C.I, The Los Angeles Phil- harmonic's music dirKtor, Zubin Mehta, bac k from a conducting tour in Europe, will lead the Ora.nge County Phil harmonic Society's 6th concert this Saturday, April 5, at 8:30 p.m. in U. C. Ir- vine's Crawford Hall. OVERDOSE OF PILLS FATAL TO LIOOITE Doroth)' Ellen Davis, 6?, or Lido Isle, died early Mon- da)' at Hoag hOspital after taldn~r an overdose ot s leep- ing pills. Mrs. Dav is, who Hved at 820 Via Lido Nord, was re- ported to be despondentovt>r r ecent lll health, Including eye surge ry. Services are scheduled for 3 p.m. today , April 3, at Pacific View Memorial Park, Harbor VJev.· Hills. SUE FICKER TO TALK ON SAVING THE BAY ··can Nt-wport Bay be saved?" will be the subjt?Ct or a talk at 7:30 p.m. Mon- da}· by Balboa's Sue Ficker at the Lido Isle ClubhOUse. The talk Is j)lntly spon- sored by the Lido Isle Wo- men's Club and the Lido Isle Yacht Club. Ad misstoo is free. AJ.J r esidents of the island DUSTIII HOFFMAN ·· Lrnrn ·· PUS '111 U.S -f' WIIII,ELLIOT,OOULD --- RabbiH please stand up? · . Yoe._ •1. • ... .. Will the real Wllllt'l a Woe. MJaca rta1 ll~ lultl' .,_,.., \ AM-.-(11111:1 ll1l --~ -"'"' boll-• 'IIIIo .... .. Mblldot• ......... -Elllor lottntiW by • Lol Aacel• ndto taD: now •oot. '•How dofll tt feel rrcrir- 1111 up IIIII clol>c buiiDoll wttb a oame Ull Peter ftab.. bltt''7 TM.t was tbl quu. lion put to Mr, Ral>bltl 1111 weekead by DeoDJs Dnckeo, ;; boat of a popular KNX ta.1k ...... The uner, tn u en-· a hell, waa "not bad." Pete, wbo, wltb brother Tuck, ruos a J.ocallllsunDce acency, told bow be takes advantqe ofthequlckldenUoo: ft cattoa such a aame eu bring, Bu" be admitted, the hounds ol misfortune .,me. Urnes ctese theRa.bblttflm- Hy, too. "For lllStance, when I call up a tamUy to discuss tn. surance, and a kid anners the pbooe, they sometimes laugh aDd teng up when I identity myseU," says Pete, I'!TI!III lilA Ill TT ..... """" be ltlended the UlliYerslt)' of Colorado, Pete says be wu "poirlted out at ~rttes like some iibd of freak.'' But. the name tdeD.tl- n'catton WOO him the presi- dency of tbe tre1hman class at U, of C. ")1st because the coUege ldds thougbl tt was cute to vote for a Rab- bitt." Pete's college frleOOs used to win mooey by spread. Church News • LUTHERAN CHURCH OF THE MASTER,2900 Pac. lflc Dr,, Harbor Vlew Hllls - A congregallonal meeting wUI follow the 10:30 a.m. Sunday service. A pancake breakfast, sponsored by the men's group, wUl be held rrom 8 to noon April 12. • THE NEWPORT-MESA CHRISTIAN CE NTER, 148 22nd St., Costa Mesa • The Children of the Day, young musical group, will give a concert at 6 p.m. this Sun- day. Their name enmpu. fles their pull)Ose of telling about the light of the world, J esus Christ. • PLYMOUTH CONGRE- GATIONAL CHURCH, 3262 Broad St., Newport Heli:hls- Pastor John Lindvall w1U continue his series on the book of John at the 10 a.m. Sunday servlc e, preaching on "No Rreater love." • THE NEWPORT HAR- BOR CHURCH OF RELIGI· OUS SCIENCE, 541 Center St., Costa Mesa -Beginning this Suoday, the service wtll be held at 10 a.m. The Rev. Eleaoor Jackson wlU preach on "The taw or oneness." A recent addition to the sta.tr Is Diane Ptlcher, Huntlnl;ton Beach, as a soloist. • THE HARBOR TRINITY BAPTIST CHURCH, 1230 Baker St., Costa Mesa • The study in Da.niel wiU continue at the 8:30 and 11 a.m. Sun- day services. A communion service wiU ~ heldat6p.m. DCC FAOJLTY DIHHER Dr. Earl V. PulUas, pro. lessor of higher education at USC, will speak atOrange Coast College's annual flculty dinner on 10. He will discuss lie lilt ,_ tlllt llo 1114 ·old -_.. ....... lllo oilton It ...,. --r Rll>blll -·t II}' u llopq, Fla!>o1 ud ~ Yoo mtpt. llol .,._ ean, tbla btttllll -'I. ".Aa7 baa1oKimltl wbo .... _., pto to .... DI.IH 11.t. tlllt IYtiT dlJ moot IIIH ·-olhiDr IOIIIr tor blm," flpnd O.U. Droctoo ""-tbo'l:&ar bi'OICic:ul. Bdt, Pete tatu lt all bl his bop -er, strute. ''l ftpre I mJabt as well take a<lftntl(e ottheallme," he ays, wt.U11 a DOt-too· tooth)' crt.D. He IDCI TUck named tbelr 2;4.ft. bol.t "El COMjo,~' which lB Spanish for "tbt rabbltt;~ and U8l tbelr oame lD other nys to create tnterest:lng sltua- sloos. "The tntemew was great -It nsYerywell received,!' a KNX spokesman told the Enslp Ws week. Plu1 ... CIIIIUI.,._.. "MI. MAJEmK" lotio (PG) ' •• IlLS .... D IIEPORT I I • Sales through the Multiple Listing Service of the Newport Harbor-Costa Mesa Board of Realtors totalled $35_2 million for the first 2 months of 1975. This is more than a $174,000.00 INCREASE OVER THE SAME PERIOD IN 1974_ 1,324 ltst- ings were processed, of which 39% were sold. 77% of the sales werE cooperative; List your property with a Realtor I I I I I I I ·I I I I I 1 .1 I I I I SOU TH . c,onsri ' "A WOMAN Ullf,R lllllllDCF' 1:00 & Q:48 (RJ 2-AWIIIIO NO-fA~ ........ GENA ROWlANDS ---JOHN CASSAVETE!I PARK YOUR STOOL, SIR? Hi! I'm Wanda Whitesboes. You know, thewattresshere at the Happy Heartburn. where you have lunch a coople of times during the winter, when you can find a parking spot, And that's what I want to talk to you about , •• parking. Look, I've been sllnglng hash In thls joint for )lsi a few weeks, and I can't BELIEVE the mess you guys have got this town in! First, my boss tells me not to park in the restaurant lot - that's for the customers. So, I try to tlnd something on my own. Well, the first day, I parked ln a lot behind a store and got nailed wlth a $15 ticket. Next day, I tled up my old jalopy at one or your parking meters, fed the darnee thing all day and paid more to park than I made at work. Yesterday, I decided to take my chances on the meter and got a $10 ticket. I can't believe this town. I mean, I only make a couple of bu cks an hour, and the OOss takes ba ck my first 2 bits an hour on Ups, then makes me buy my uniform. So, I got to talking about it with one of my customers th'ts morning - an old guy who's been here so long he remembers when you could see the ocean from Balboa Blvd. Thls guy tells me that City Hall ls to blame for the mess. That ftgures. He says City Hall let a lot of .businesses, including restaurants, get in here without providing any k.lnd of parking, then later on, when they started r~lng some off-street parking, !lased the whole thing on the number of stools or Qhatrs or square feet or some dumb thing. I couldn't believe it. Heck.,;.'. we've ibt 98 people working here and w~ don't even have THAT many parktJw spaces. Where are us W:Jrking stiffs supposed to park? . And there's a joint across the street that doesn't even have ANY parking, 'and has 70 or 80 employees. You know,l'm not too bright, bUt even I can figure out a couple of things here. For tnstan ~e, when a business is sold, why not make the new owner bring his parking situation up to dale? And why couldn't this tow" start ba•lng Its parklng requirements on the number or people an·1 cars, Instead of stools and chairs? I mean, stools and chairs don't park -cars do. Some jerk who was lo here yesterday said, "Rapid transit is the answer?" Are you klddln'? I took that bus one day, and there's nothing rapid about II. 1 was looklng across the street at the bus stop the other day. Three busses pulled up, and there were 3 transit district supervisors, each With his own car, checking on them. Now, look, I pay taxf!a, and 1 know my taxes are support- Ing that transit district operation, and It's a ~ESSI TheJ should fire a couple or those birds anu build some bus stop shelters to protect people from the wind and tbe rain. The old Umer mentioned that a lot or businessmen here ln Old Newport keep promising City Hall they're going to add some parking, but )lsi never cetaround to 11. Kln:la slow. Boy, U I operated like that, I'd ne•er get a tip. Old Umer also -said this town used to close up ln lbe winter and )lsi had a few small sbop8 and botq slands in lbe summer, and in lho8e oays, we didn't need much ott-street parklnf. wen, those days are gone forever, Boster. You goys better get up to date, . Want yoor eorree warmed up? Okay, see you tomorrow. Hope your car didn't cot towed away. · Heyl By the way, can I park ln your driveway wllen I come to work tomorrow'! 1 blocked some goy's drtnway the other oay and he camd tM COI10I on me. A1 Pora:tt I