HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-07-03 - Newport Harbor Ensign) CLllfBING UP to the acaJroldlnc of tbe 118 toot tops'l schooner Ptlcrlm are Deonfs antt Betty HollaDd ol Cotta Mea and thetr assistant bolt ballder, Kem S'pucler of Corona del Mar. Tbe Holla.Dds, •ho already mate the Pllgrlrn tbelr home --on Santa Ana Ave., abon 23rd st. --are aiming lor a Sept. 28 Jauncblog date tn con)mctloo with a City of Costa Mesa blcenteonJal cele- bration. Next year tbty plan to set san lor tbe east coast, arrtving ln Np York harbor lD time lor the 4th of July obsnvance o! tbe ZOOtb &Dillverary ol our natJon. Little Julle Holland, now ).Jst a year old, wW be sailing wtth tbem, aod the ere• wtll ln<:IIJde Kevin, who ts an Orangt Coast Colletee student and bead of the m.ail1n« crew at tt.e Ensign newspaper. Denots Holland, a carpenter by tn•. became lllterested tn bolt baUd- toe btcause of Ilia boyhood hobby u a boUder of model Knport Beaeb poUe• IDd ftteai•IPMd yutmtay to pay~ of .... lper ceat., tDdtDc a er111J JD city PlJ ...,a&Hou. Wall 4 ol 6 employ" CfOUPI DOW ID qreemeat wUb tbe clty. OlllJ tbt We- IUII'dl aDd AFL-CJJ blae collar worterarema&Ded UD· alped lat. J'nteray. CUJ Ptra:JGDtl Dlreetor FJ'I.Dit lveu aid be eJPeCt.d 1o •r fl'om tboM ~ "at UJ mfMte'' C. tbe Clty#f Jatut olfer. Finmta YOted JtiUrda) m01111ac to accept u t per cllll n.Jat. TbeJ lilld oJ1ctDaUJ IOalfll abcla 1Z perceat. PoUce, wbo bad aaked tor 10-1/Z per ceot, aceepted a 7~/4 per eeat bla. Earu.r, clel'lcaJ &.lid teclalcal workers acned to blkea of 7-1/Z to 7-S/6. llld management perSIOil.Del accepted 6 per ceot. All nlsea are wilhln t.be ..Umates included lA t.be city budcet appf'Ofed last moatb by Clty CocmcU. Tbe C ocmcU 1s expected to g:tve lts oftlclal ok:ay to tbe latest acreements at a July lf meettnr. Aecordlng to City Man- acer Robert Wyoo. a.n aver- are of 7-1/2 per cent 1n ''IF YOU DON'T pay ral&es for the n.caJ year whicb began Tueaday would add $735,000 to tbe Uy IT'' city budget. More tba.n that LIKE IT, B ~~~·~~~= A Corooa ciellhrattoroey Day Carman, 51, of 3?28 show ttQt the city will prob- baa ~lned the fUrore over Oceu Blvd., eauttoos that. ably collect an uoantlclpated Balboa'• sexy Pussycat wbateYer they do, local elti· $361,000 In pr~rty taxes, Tbatre. He sunesta that zeus "sboald thtnk twice be-due to hlgber-tban-expected the clty boy tt a.od turn lt fore tuTillD( over to tbe po-assessments Increases. I.Dto a ch1c tbeatn, or tbat Uce tbelr coastltutiooal rliti Blue collar workers, who IDdlYidual.s who object to the to see, bear or read what belq to an AfL-CIO unton. mOYie bouse baDd together they choose." were said to be asld.ng tor to form a corporatJon and Mr. Carman said pollee an 18 per cent pay ratse. buy Lt. raida oo the theatre at 709 Mr. Ivens would oot dis- B E. Balboa are •·oooseosical, close the clty's latest of-ay tunnel . IDeftectall," and ·•ww re-fer, which the workers were . sult 1o mootbs or years o1 due to dlseuss last oJgbt. court battl•s aod wasted cu. I • eel payer mooey.'' Llfeguards had already P an reYIY Meauwb.lle, attorneys for agreed to all pay terms, ex- the Pusycat cbaln hi.Dted cept for a $SO..per.montb tbU .,.-ttat they wUl co hazardous duty boous wb1ch A lllDDel, IDstead of a to eoort to ... k to stop they sought for divers. brld(e, across Newport Bay? bat tbe u 111 1 1 Tbe question bas beeo w '1 ca " eta mu • The biggest crowd to jlm t1"'1t seilutel" Of CIW\ieS of C tty Hall 1n n1Md and dropped before, .., ...... many years aDd a Harbor Vlew HUlsman ftlma sbown at tbe theatre. tunled out Junt 23 when city 11 about to niH It ap1n. Rewport poll~ raided tbe workers soucht direct City TbomU SGale, 1314 Keel. t.bldre br tbt 5tb time Ia• Council action 00 their pay be-" a ....... _,.,... ..... w-.. Friday, ptctang up copies requests. But, the Council •-.... _ .. uu. ....... of una-Throat" a.od ·•""-· , __ ,.,.__.that fk! otJat to cooYIDee Newport City __ ., •... ~ c ., neg ors Hall tba~a hmllel UDder tbe V.vU in Miss JOHS.'' More and employee representa- bay would.,mau more NOSe nids a~expect.dtblsweek. ttves co back to tbebarpm- tba.n u. S-lue bri41t p~u. Attorney Carmu, •bo lDc table aod work out tbetr ADOIIG lor Dnt Jat'l BJPiorer Scoat •tbal Olympics ia Cona del Mu'a Valerie LewU. Tbe 1? -year-old member ol tbe local La• Enloreemeat EJplorer Post is tbe best lbot oo the poa'a pistol team. (Ensign photo.) SHE'S A REA L ANNI E OAK LEY AnDie OUley Ia aU•e &Dd weD JD Corona del Mar. V alerle lAwis, a pretty 17 -year-old bnaoette, Is tbe modern West's veraloo of tbe straicbt-sboottnc pl who toured tbe world wlt.b Buf- falo BW. Valerie hasn't really b1t tbe big Ume yet, but she's hit everythtng else sbe's sbot at. Valerie, a recent gradu- ate of Corona <lei Mar high school, is the ooly gtrl and the best sbot oo the New- port Beacb Law Enforce- ment Explorer Scout pistol team. Last month, she proved to be tbe best In Oruge County wben she woo t be 1Ddlvldual .Z2 caliber pistol cbamploosbtp in the county Explorer Olympics competiUoo. She was com- petinc against botb boys and girls. For a girl wbo doesn't even own a pistol, she's not doiug badly. ·'I'm st1l1 try~ to coo- vtnee my lJUeDls It's tiM! best UUnc," abe says. Her folkl are M r .aDd Mrs. David Lewis of 505 Begoola. He's ao insurance salesman. "I was never around guns and never really gave them much tbougbt, · • says Valerie, "but when I )>toed the post aod we beard that pistol shooting would be ooe of tbe county Olympic events, we decided 'we've got to get a team together and wt.n tbat tblng' ... So they did. Tbe second Ume she fired the pistol, she made the team. Valerie shoots tbe l'leavy, power1Ul police-style Mag- num .357 weapoo, "It's rul beuy, and you have to bold U out the~ a Joar time, •· sbe .... Does sbe eYer practice "dry tlriDi" or take any exerctses to buUd up ber wrist and arm muscles? "No, I bave to get some- b.)dy to loan me a pistol wben I ro pracUee." sbe explains. ''Betweeo times, I do a few baDd(rlp exer- cises." ··i!M'!oi-~016,_: .... ~ ...... -w.l RVI ~ ud u a --"'cemeat tDr aya be bU DO eoMncUaD d&alftDCea IIDder aatt \ • ..,_ ;t ~ '--tlillt ''IDeCaDd~J" Jaw. r:,. ..... ..., ... ....i ... -.ASS Next summer, she expects to go to the blc sboot-<IUt at the Natlooal Explorer Olympics in Colorado. Be- fore tben, possibly wllhln the next month, Valerie hopes to get Into tbe police cadet traLntng prognm aDd become a tull-Oedced cop wltb the Anabelm PoUCE> [Wp(. Mea.nwh.Ue, sbe's worlttQc for tbat city u a "fla&-lac!J" oo a road cc.- etnetlle erww. 1D compeUtioo, tbe tams fire at a 5-1/2 inch btlllseye at ZS yards, tlrl.og 10 l"'WJds each slow fire. tl med fire aod rapid Qre, A perfect score 1FOUld be 100. Valerie lboota oouilteDtly ill tbe %'70-2110~ COASTAL PLAN A final version of the Ir- vine Company's plans for Us 10,000 acres of coastal property between Laguna Beach and Corona d(-1 Mar wlll be made public July 9, Company pb.nner Larr)' Moore wUl present the plan at the final meetl.og of the TICMAP group, wblrh tQs representatives of 2 doun covernment and private a,encles interested ln tbt> development plans. Th<' TICMAP group bas met wltb companv om clals dur~ the past 18 months to help mold the plan. ThE> final version ls ex- pected to include .. stat. park a JoDi most of tbe beach area, 2 lutury resort en- claves, a public bearh walk., slngle-famUy bomes )Jst t>ast of Cameo Shores, some condominiums and apart- mt>nts, and publlc parktng lots near the beaches. Mr. Moore said the plan wliJ go before the County PlaoDing Commission later this year. The area is 1o lln-i.Dcorponted county ter- ritory. The city of Newport Beach re-affirmed plans this past AprU to eventually an- nex about ha 11 of tbe ter. rltory. The city's "spMre of lnfhteoce" reacr~s from the present dty llmlts at tbf Nstern eod of Corooa del Mar dowucoa.st to C rystal Cove, then lnlaod alq Los Trunc01 Canyon to the top of the Sa.n Joaquin Hills ridge. Dog control change eyed partment. A pollee depart- ment study of the CAC pro- posal agrees that private enterprise could' reUeve po- llee or an onerous t·· sk and free policemen for mort" us.M work. The CAC pound would ~ located oo Warner Ave. aear the Santa ADI-Fountalo Val- ley dty Umifs. N01r, the eUy pouod is at Dr. A. E. Stocttoo's veteriDary fa. c UltJ 1D Corou del War. U t1le City CooeD okaya tht eootract proposal, CAC woald mate lU prollta •- ttnly from llcenM ales ud cJtatJoD tncomea. AADaa.l doc u~eue fHI, DOW $6, wOQld co~ to '10. 1'be 4 clt)' ulmaJ coo- trol _qGleen would be of- feJ'td jQba wttb CAC. At a .r._ IS lntormal da.c...-of tbt propoaJ. tbl eo-en lPI*Md eo ua ......... C:O.Cll.maD Pu1 a,., ... ~ • ··attne-u~" .-Ja1111i1 t11111ot CAC c.ad_..a~•BU.. -~-­BICBflBCCAL HEK He eltea Cbl Wlbtar St. "rote a letter, a• I prt.U. . essments Tube JD San FrucJ.sco Bay cttiull, ur&.tbr the Newport Valerie lint ptcted ap a plstol last September. Local bullseyes haven't beeo the as a Rood tllmple of bow Beach City Council to coo- to do the )ob. Tbe mile-slder bi.s ideas 1D dealing long tuDDel, wbich coonects wltb objfctlons to th~ Alameda 1t1and to Oat1and tbeatre. was completed 1n 1963 at ·'My wile aod I have child- a cost of S17 mUUoo. State rea ranging from 7th (1"8df' engtn"rs tQn estimated up to coUege graduates. •· that U would cost at least be said, '•and tbose under 18 $40 m1Uioo to buDd a much ca.n't get 1n to see X-rated aborter tuOMI under New-moYles, and I'd lUte those port Bay. over 18 to decide lor them- '' ADd lt would cost about selves. $100,000 a y•r, at present-"Mlgaatnes and news- day energy costs, to oper2te ra.cks w1ll be tbe next target, lt, •· Nt>wport Publlc Works 1f we give pollee this dis- Director JoHPb Devlin cretionary power. I am lP· guessed this week. Tbf oost palled at tbe apatbyofpeopl~ would come, be sald, from wbo are appareDlly not stop- the electric tty nMded to con-piDg to think about their sta.otly ct.n«e tM air tn a coostltutional rtgbts:• tunnel. 1D his letter to City Hall, Cost has bHn tbe &tumbl-Wr. Carman sucgests that, inc block 1n attempts. malnly 1f tbe clty buys tbe tbeatre, spoosored bv Dover Sboru 1t coald be used for various bolt owners; to 1et 1 tuoDeJ ctYic ftmctloos, 1Dcludlng le- to replace the brld(e. Latest cttlmate stage plays, or estimate for the 6-l&Dt mlgbt be leased to another brldee ls )Jst over S2 mD-movie operator wbo would lion Scarcity of state bleb-agret> to show nothtng worse way' fUnds tQs made evea than an occasional "R" nted tbat amount dtrftcult to cet. fUm. aDd U could be y•r• before No one ls compelled to construettoo of any kiodcets enter, to pay or to view the under way. X-ftlms, ,be remiDded the ''Tbe best 10lutloo ts oot CouocU. · Tbere appears to oecesarUy tht eta.pest, be ootbiDg OD the exterior Up 12 % l•n NB sa~n~~h~, Valerte was just your averagl! super- Newport Bt-acb propert)· values mcreased 12 per cent during the put year, and Costa Mesa values went up 10.9 per cent, according to figures released tills wt'ek by county assessor Jack Vallerga. The increase, greater than had been anticipated, means both dUes wlll collect more in property taxes tlan had been anUctpated. Newport Beacb, t>r ex- ample, could collect about $361,000 more tban tbe $3,867,000 predicted when ttt. 19'75-76 ~et was okayed ~st roootb, accord- iDe to JobD Burkhart, as- st.st:ant clty f1Dance c11ftctor. "That's a tentative Qgure, based on keep log our cur. r.mt property tax rate of $1.18 per $100 assessed valuation." be explal.Ded. "But, we must still wait for the assessment oo some dls:puted Back Bay Irvine Co. parcels before we know for llllr-!." Mr. Burkhart saJd tbe student, clusltled as a ··mentally gifted cblld.'' She turned out to be gifted 1n ways her teachers never dreamed. "I wanted to be a biologist or work ln tbe forestry field," Slle recalls. "Some- thlng to help the ecology - but theo everybody started dolng ttQt.'' So, Valerie started doing wbat Yery few girls could. Sbe heard about the Law Enforcement Explorer Post sponsored by the Newport Bucb Pollee Dept. Explor- ln« Ls a special seolor dJ - YisJon or the Scouting move- ment. Posts spec Laliu in OOt' field or endeuor and learn as much ~s tbey ca.o about tbat tleld. Otflcer Stan Bres- sler. oow national presldeoat of the polict' explorer ad- visors, Is the advisor of the local post. Valerte joined upandUked tbe outfit ).Jst nne. Sbe has risen throu(ll tbe ranlts to sergeant and, be- cause of ber Explorer acttvt- tles, has decided oa pollee work as a career. WbiD llbe wet to tbt' ce&mty Olympics at tbe Dr-uce Couty sbet11r's range, they wouldo't let V~lerietlre tbe .357, because sbe wasn't 18. So, sbe plcked up a .ZZ aDd woo tbe championship wltb tbat. Sbe wW be 18 in Juty aod that wtll also make her old enoocb for tbe Anaheim Po- lice Dept. tra~ program. That wtu include golng to the pollceacademy wttb men. Why Anaheim') "Newport Isn't lllrln( W\lmen • yet, •· sbe eJI)latns. Girls Uke Valerle Lewis could make them chang'e their minds about women. ED NOONAN, 51, OF COM IS DEAD E~ Noooa.n, 51, of 2420 First AYe., Corona del Mar, wbo dled Sunday, was burled 1'\aesday In Ora.nge. Mr. Noooa.n, an attorney, 1s su"t'ed by his wile, M&rJI.IIO. 100 Sam Nooaan of ADabelm, and a sister, Ftoreoce MacKinnon ofBur- bank. A mass was held Tuesday at St. PbWp Catholic Church lD Fullerton. Burial ns in Holy Sepalcber cemetery. nor the ,...•clteat •• a ..... es of the theatre U.t ls 1n any Mr. Soul;." ID a' l.U;;-he way ofteoslve." said he wUJ maJl to Mayor Mr. Carman said be is Dooa.ld MciDDla. "Tbt belt couiderlDg an liJPelranee ~ 7!!..~~ Von Esch heads planners .olllt.loll lboGJd brlai tbe at tbe Jllly 14 COUDCU meet- most COOd to tbl molt 1111. at wtdcb tbt Pussycat OW»n wW know preclsely Newport Beach Parka, bow muc:b property taus Beacbes and Rt'creatioD tbeJ wtU pay out year. Commlss1oaers beld their Nnport~na SICbool dl.s-mootbly mee«Dg l'Qesclay trtd tun were nJsed by nJcbt and took the follow- people." 11 8Cbeduled for c11scussloD.. vot.n ID a May electloG. I.Dc actioo: Accordlac to tbe oew as-• NEW MEMBERS Guy Bad check warning given Newport pollee diDirt- meot'l cbtck altborft1, De- ltdJYe Ll. Bob 8roc:IEM, waned memben ol 1M Co- rou tMI Mar Cbambtr ot Comme~ 1ut TbllndiJ that the ODI~ of llld eMcU aad*»ra'td kWnaftca· tloDI kJ .,... .. wia till 01*1111 ol tM tiCIUI.It -· rtiJOI'ted. He aaJd t.tat ... ..,.. ftc1ares, dlstrlct LonU aod Per Trebltr were cllucel of tneklnc don praperty ftluea are ~ 10.S sated. tr. crtm.lllal are mocb leu per e• • BILL VON ESC Hot Udo abr tbe cbeck is 60 daya fD ~~~~~ tM budpt Isle, a gas companJ ex- old. for tbt ..n.ca1 ,..r, wbkb ecuttn wbo bas sernd Z He waned mercbuta _, bepll '!'Hay, Newport clty years oo the commts.aoa. ctt IDOI'e pocltlveldeatulca-otllclllb uttmated ta..t local na elected cbalrrMII IDr tloa. U tMJ eaah cbec:b property ftluea woald 10 tbe oew tlscal J•r. Mile lor lb'UC'tn. tiP 5.'7 per OMt. Jotmsoo ot West ftewport • -Get 1 driYtr'a Ueeut Collnitrwtcle, tbe uenp wu elected Ylc.-cllalrmaa. aid OM otber ldiiWka· La 14.1 per «*lt. TbeblcPit • CUFF OR. nw put U..'' .. I4Nid. ··ud o-. -~ &a • •mae. ...... II.IDe&. a.bmm.t bJ blip IMIIId ••• a pktlln • lt. '' ftiMI )I...,.S 11.& per et1t. Sellool ......,,. ftn cc.. .P; ,-., becl.. tile aJdlnd. TM coau•*"*"' p111tll' • w tM tiiW t1 O.MOIGGER DIES IN IUI'OWed tat u..teo•-• _. ........ ...., co.-eo ... T ..... • ..aeR • ~ llllllp pan, 1alud v'" puUlft alls11, .._..,... " "' """""r Dlt'l( put. C.._. fW.IIII't--' 10 .uu. 111111 c~~eea 1ut A-.*"" Btlcb ca.. a~e~-cwr tan. A .. ,.r a c.-.-.. .,.. a ~ wu *-S Mel e1 YIU be pletlllll boll .._ .................. u ......... Mart ..... """•ett-.~--- MO J••·y • .. ,..,.... , ••• .., _,.... • .,._. ~ ---· __.. ...... ..._ r1"""""' .. s;ut ..,. .._ III'VW-..u •• ,....__.......... .... ... Gun~~ .... GilD ........ ~ ...... wiD ... I ......., .. AI" .... 1\ ... ..... CM l..ti&tsa .U It .S .. ,,.., ................. -... " ... -........... ,. ...., •t •2 f a. 1 ...-, ... a ~ft. • ll H ' Ill IFd'ndli till* ...... -......, .............................. .all -... _ ........... ,.,. ..................... ~ ..... • ... are-. cU committee ~ the fUhal'@ of Deart>J MarlDapuk mobllebome park Qnlsbes lts work. • ENCROACHMENT 1Dto tbe pllbllc rlcbt-of-way at 700 Marpertte, Corou c»l Mar, was~. aDd tbe commtaton dlec:tded to let a 16-LDcb·htrb brick pl&Jar. beJ.1t betwMD tbe art> ud tbe Ddwalt, reawa. LEO GOGERTY, '2. OF Q.IFF HAVEH DIES . Leo GocwtJ, a, of uu ctur. cwr Ka..., no cUed .,... n at a., ..,_tal. ... bUied ,.....,. • Or-... ltr. <iclprty,. aoeaJ ,... _ .. -u ,....... CJIWIMd u .. aMp te• 11 Ia Awt II Be le Wt .... b)' .u "' .... ,, -I.An7 ... o..r. t eo • c.n. .,...., ............ j p£111 ?S' ... . ...., ......... .... .... It Olnr '-" lilt. CUWII c:a.rQ. lllrlll ..... ..., ---..,.OJ&QL • ............ Ollila ......... Local gals on Grand Jury A medical ~retary &Dd a hou&ewUe trom Newport Beach are amoq 19 Ora.age Countlans named Monday to tbe county Grand Jury for 1975-76. Rachel Perry, tbe young. est member of the new )Jry at 26, ls a career woman who works as medical sec- retary for a group of doc- tors In HWJtington Beach. She Uves at 203 42nd, West Newport. frances Carver, 47, is a bOUsewl!e with 3 chUdren. She ls married to luiUry car dealer Leroy Caner, and lives at Zl40 Mesa, Back Bay. The new Grud Jun was picked by d:rawiDc names from a group of 30 DIJDH nommated by county Su- perior Court )adres. Mesa to buy 2 part sites Costa Mesa's Ctty Coun- cil voted Tuuday o.lgbt to buy part sites on WU.:~a and Cbarle streets and a new fire station site on Parsoos. The Couocll also accepted a $7,800 opln1oll su"ey re- port from a prtnte tlrm rbich surveyed 600 famWes 1D the city. Pacrk sttes wtll be boug~ at tbe COrDer of WU.:~a aad Fordham and at Cbarle aDd tla.mUtoo for oelctQ)rbood p:ukl. FIID9 come trom put ..... lillllft'ed by etty voeera tA uns. eo. ot tbe Z lites toeaU S1 H,OOO. The city wUl pay $94,700 for a ft.re station slte oo Parsoos, just east of Har- bor Blvd. City Manager Fred Sor- sabal's ofttce ls studylDg the 100-pace report com- plied by Opl.n1oo Research Inc., and wUl make a fUll report later to the Coune ll, In other actlon Tue8dl.y nlfbt, tbe Council postpooed a dedsloo oo aU01rlng Grant Boys store to keep non- conlonnl.og bustness stcns. voted to partlct.pate 1n an audit of the coonty asses. sor's otnce, gave final ap- proval of a.noezatlon of <'OOnty terrttocy north or the west eod of Vtctorta st .• and approved an 8-unlt ap&rt- ment complex, which ex- ce-eds legal density recuJa- tton. at 2153-57 Maple. AERONUTRONIC'S HEAD M.D. DIES Dr. Raphael (Ray) Wetr, hNd physlclan at Aeroou- tronic-Ford ID NeYport, dled Monday. Prtnte tamUyser- vlces will be held t.b15 week. Dr. Weir )>loed Aero.a- tronic in 1959. He ta •r- vlved by his wile, Ma.rUra. 2 daughters and a ~. The famUy home is in Emera.ld Bay. Laguna Beach. CHAS. LEDBETTER OF C.M. DIES AT S. Semces were btld Jae Z7 1D Whittier for Cllarl• Ledbetter, $4. of 141 AYO- cado, Costa Mea. wtm dMd Juoe Z3 ~t Costa .... IDe· mortal hospital. H• Ia •r- •l•ed by ll1.s wile, 1AeUa; .au Jota. Joe tad JQ,aad daaebters Jau, llqlll4ib. J lldy aod Terri. Bl.lti..BerreroD ot COlla Mea wu the dtndor. .... 14jldpd __ ..,. __ ..., ... 1811, ...... , ... c..t JortM c--arl:aulnlo, ud bJ --18 tD 1111>11111 au ~-roqalrod bJ law. SUIIIICRIPTION RATES Ill Harbor Ar• , , , Coo y-.r, $$.00; t 7-0. $ 1.00 Ott ol Harbar Ata OM y.,r. SS.OO; I )'ea;1'11 $10.00 ·Ob·~-60~00000~~~ ~-.l!tlf 'r . .J!e,. ARYO E. HAAPA, o""" and put>Nshlf of tlte Cnllllt •••o0oooeoooeoe04•~mo~ • A PARABLE FOR INDEPENDENCE DAY Tbe parable of ''TANSTAAFL'' is appropriate for tb.Ls time of double cetebratloo --IDdepeodeoee aDd 81. e.tennial. Perhaps It 'Wfll help stir the eprt of lnitu.tln and respoosibUity, and tbus rnh'e the plooeer splrll tblt made our .._Uoo great. 1 t.Ye repeated tbls parable many Umes in my attempt to expose tbe bankruptcy of llben.l, lett-wlng phllosophy, which is leading 011r nation toward disaster. My Yerslon tells of ~be JnOlD.teb wbo calls on his wise men to come up wtth a statement that Is true under all e:ircumst:ances. The answer ls tbe same: "TANSTAAFL.'' They who have eyes to read, let tbem read: • • • * • .-----. ··------. TANSTAAFL Walter J . CampbelL consulting editor of In- dustry Week magazine. had the following as his editorial in the April 28 edition. It comes our way thanks to a reader of ours. R. C. Roohr of Lake Havasu City. TANSTAAFL ... no truer words were ever written. After the War of the Almonds. the Land of Kulumar was the richest and most powerful of all . Its fields were bountiful and its granaries were full. Its flocks were fat and sleek. • The Kulumese were proud and produdive. ~ They worked and they reioiced in the highest .. standard of living known. l Sire. the Generous, surveyed all this plenty , and said : "Surely a country as rich as Kulumar f should provide food and housing and garments ' for our less fortunate. I will ask the Lawmakers l to levy a tax on the workers to provide this." · And the Lawmakers. each of whom hoped one day to become Sire. levied the taxes. They ~ f said: "Let there also be free ci rcuses tor thoSe who do not work. And let there be soft hassocks and free food and wines for those who watch the ~ circuses." And the Lawmakers levied more taxes. When the workers of Kulumar heard of the free circuses, the soff hassocks. and the food and wines. and then fiQured their now monstrous taxes, they said : "That is for us." The farmers leff the fields . The shepherds :; abandoned their flocks. The weavers laid down i their shuttles. The blacksmiths cooled their f~rges. All the Kulumese were watching the free i' ctrcuses. Plenty turned to scarcity. No longer was there abundant food. Garments were hard to come by. The Kulumese did not even have camel chips to heat their tents. " Prices rose and rose. And the Lawmakers I! raised taxes again and again . (It was the only thing they knew how to do.) Misery and gloom replaced ioy ~nd pride. And Sire, the Generous, who was well- in tentioned, went to the Wise Man of the M:>untain and sa id: "Wise Ole, I have tried to give the good life to my people. But they no longer want to work. Food and goods are scarce. Prices are outrageous. Taxes are even more so. Give me a solution." And the Wise M.an of the Mountain replied In Kulumese: "TANSTAAFL." Which means: "There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch." WI SliNG ALL OF OUR FRIItiDS ~ OJSTOIIERS A W'£ AND FUN weac.BIDI -LffiERS- • LOOT LIFT? Dear Editor:: Tbe &ebarin laTe clta- CO'fend a DrtJ.J.ac fact. It Hems au tbllr eomprter. ...., projected pau !aft rooe utn.y because tbey dJdD 't mow medical seteoce wu coiDC to actrance to tbe ...... of . llelpln& . -· to llYe JOacer. It threw into ltQos tbetr 20 or 30 r•r projeetlooa: ror social se. curtty aDd retirement ftmds. 11 matutbelrprojecteddel:l· "tty plans loot foollsb. How cu tbey predict what health care wm do out? People may UYe to be 100. There are great advocates of blrth control to "'keep the world iD balance. but It Is not the young that are locreastnc the population so much as the loogevlty of the old. Nature used to take rue of this problem with pestf. lence and disease, but our great adva.ocement In medi· cal stlence bas oot ooly wiped that out, but hils advanced the knowledge of nutrition and pre,entlve medicine, sa.mower oU use alone could have probably prolonged millions of lives. We tBve been pretty busy, in our great wisdom, plan- ning for fUture generations Instead of seeing what Is al'Ollnd us today. I guess the only way to make the actuaries rlghl :s to put a limit on U!e. Say, everyone sOOt at 50????? Goldie Joseph 515 VIa Lido Soud Lido Isle L!GAL MOTIC! NOTICE Of PUBUC HEARING Notice h;; hereby gh1eo th.lt' the Planning Commission at the CUy of Newport Beach wtll hold a publlc beariog on Amer1ment No, 448 in- Itiated by the City of New- port Beach to consider an amendment to Sectlon 20.- 07.040, Title 20, of the New- port Beach Municipal Code, pertaining to the Open Space Option requirement. Notice Is hareby rurther given that said public hear- log w111 be held on the 17th day or July, 1975, at the hour O( 7:00 P.M. ln the CouncU Chambers of the Newport Beach Clty Hall, at which lime and placP an)' 01.nd all persons interested may appear and be beard thereon. James Parker, Secretary Plannlog Commission City of Newport Beach Publish: July 3, 1975, in the Newport Harbor Eosigll. BIBLE VERSE 1! ye cootinue Ln my word, then are ye my disciples lDdeed; And ye shall k:oow the truth, and the truth Shall mate you ttee. (JobD8:31-2) • ' Paramedic chief named ' ·lkJrrill · buys Newporter Guy BvrtU, _,. "' --ICOCMIA-· poii,Mal>OoCIItiM-7 Mnportar-Mon, 1M 1-lanocllldlwtol. •Ill'. -_,._ TIIUilCIIOICif, ll.OIIIr Y...., f!lllll-. no to~~~ a......,--.w 4n ____ ,_! --,, .... .. .,n . ..,.Jd•e.po~~C. tor .. -tbo -· :;:~;;:~~ :~""!"~ •lolv ---Jaip • .-... a •Jor....., at Ia ..,... e... ltlllril "' cltJ, no t.dtplzd•:•· 4 cllilll'Opk-' wtu ale wiU ... bold ~ .. ' tblltfriee. ~ . • PLYIIOUTII eQJIGRE. ~oli!l!'! GATIONAL CJJ11RCH, Ull 8~ St., Ntwpo~ HtJPt• ta CUff Ha•• la • Froo, -wW be (CIIIIek) F"-a • ,_ ~~topJ~:· old boeboiDr. Ha ...-... lllo B.A. --tbo 10 Lm. StmdaJ .. mee. A UDJwenltJ o1 8oaUI DUD~~. ttb of JoiJ pkole wJU lie mulen Ia mUle-UIC Hid at HeUer Park at DOOII ADd wU1 moa ..,. blldoetot oa ~Day. Tbtre of mulcal uti II elllrcb wW be bomemadelcecre&m, mal1c bo-ll &lid pmeo. ---:·"71~-:::::::==-• THE NEWPORT HA.R-_... BOR CJJ11RCH OF R£. Ll~ -nca .. Lladl BlfdWtll. R.N., bU bMa. leleeted as puamedt.c cOOI'diDator · l!)r Hole bos- pllaJ, .-ol 5 booptiala In Onnee COIID!y deoltaatedu a bue boapltaJ ~r coordiD- atiag acth1Uu 'olpanmedJc t•ms. sernd u lulrTtcecttNCtor at HomtJncbt IIIIa.--. muolty Jloopttal, _,. * allo set ap a s:uamdc base ltatloo. Sbe bu btld tbe pot:1tJau; of bead muw lD loteub'e~rooai'J care aDd tnstructor 1D IJIJUI• aDd crWcal can DllfiiiiC at Onnge COUDty W:tdlcal Ceoter. lk. Ban11J ........... ol 1M N-rt -~ Co, IDe.., a MWIJ-Iormed ._ .. lklo ntcb bo ... 18-byllloSOccou Browtcuttoc, owatr ot KOCM. TIM Newt wu eold bF start Karl, W'bo onecl It lor 1M put y-.r, Ur. BurrW aid tblre wtn DO otber pr1Dclplb: ID· ,..,.. In tbo --Tbe ale prtee was DOt dts· LJGIOIJS SCIENCE, Ml Ceo. FJC1TMOUS BUBUIEIB tu st., COlla Mea. Pu1pJt NAME STATEYilfT c.a lor tbe to a,m, Suo· Tile loUowlll .,..... 18 day lloll"fke .w be Mn.. do1DI tmsta... u: v._.. Jue Kruu. IPitking ol Inn. lZ7 ,MulDe ... ,_... ''Freedom." Tbt cbu.reb Balboa lslud, CaUI:Inll mb:IJ.Iter, Eleanor Jactsoo, 926&2: Robert Palfur II In Cbleqo, portlelpatJnc YaNiey, IS21 Rampoldre u .,.U.r at the 10th an· Clrele, Newport Be&cb. Di'ftrary INT A COIIrfti'US. Calltomia 92560. • ST. ANDREW'S PRES-Tbll buslneut.~ -BYTEIUAN CHURCH, 600St. by an IDdt'fldual. Tbe teams. drawtr from members of local fire de- partmeots and curHD.tly be· In& trained by tile COWity paramedic tntnlng dlftstoa at Orange County iledtcai Center. w111 begia senlng Nnport Beach, Cos.taMesa, Irvioe IDd South County areas oo Sept. 28. Sbe t. teacbloc lCOroMJT care class at Golden We.t College, 1s prelldeaf: of tbe American AasocJatloa of Critical Care Nunes aDd serns oo tbe board of tbe Orange County Amertean Heart Aas:o. Flaal tnntler papen Andrew'1 Road, Cllff Hueo Slpld! Robert P. Ya~IJ. • The sqmmer preachiDc 1'b.ls statemeat wu fl1ld Nurse Baldwin preYiously wen slped TQMdly ud tile .-onorelllp wW Jill>· U.b th1J: wtP:'I edWoa of tbe ptper, wbtcb baa otncu: at 350 N, Newport Blvd., Newport Hef&blo, mllaloa be(tns thla Suod&y wltb 1M Coomly Clerk o!Or· aad wUl coatb:lue tbrou(h auce Cou.oty JUH 1'1', lf75. Auc. 10. -ker at tbe a, PllbU.b: JalJ S, 10, 11, i:SO lDd 11 a.m. lllnicH 24, 1975, lD tbe Newport SaDda7 wru be lbe a.,. Rob-Harbor Euip, F .45Mf ·' " ~-12,1975 ----- Bicycle-&oslllllll Paralle -Jlly 4 A c harming patriotic program · especially for families and children. Starts at 9:30 A.M. with parade around Mariners· Park. Westcliff. with decorated bicycles foiiO'Mng civic dignitaries; music: awards. r~~~~~~oo p~ ;d~!'tt Coast Country Club. Jointly sponsored by Pacific Mutual life Insurance Company and the Bicentennial Committee. Lasts ~ minutes. All aeriafs. no ground displays. ·Pet ~ow -Fas•i•• lslan~ -Jlly 5 Open to all pets on leash {or in cage or box). Many prizes for costumed pets' -1 most original. most patriotic. most humorous. Begins at 11 :00 A.M .. in lawn in front of Russo's, the ~event's sponsor. VllleyUII T1na•a•t -Jllly 5, 12, 11 Corona del Mar State Beach. 9:00A.M.; Ctass B [Novice) July 5: Class A [more experienced) July 12; Open Class. July 19; ·2·peraon team competitions; with trophies and prizea for winners. Sponsored by Park, Beactiea a Recreation Department -City Hall. CIICirt -Falhlll lsi II f -Jlly 1 :n"::>'~~ tC:,!~~~~~= :rg ~~1ar;= Bicenlennial greetings from ¥ayor Donald Mcinnis; Song• by Melodyland SitnctUIIY Choir. Begins at 9:15P.M. Free. ' Lawn Iawing T01mament-J1ly I Invitational tournament involving five other lawn bowling groups in the county. 84 participants in all. competing for Bicentennial awards. preceded by a pancake breakfast at San Joaquin Hills Park. 10:00 A.M. 5-Mile F•n Rlln -.laly 8 Cross-country run through Newport Beach begins in tromt of Corona del Mar High School part<ino lot: entries must arrive by 6:00 P.M.: marathon begins at 6:30: prizes and awards; no entry fee. Pier -tt~ier Swin Cllrtlst -J•ly n Begins at Balboa Pier Lifeguard Tower tM. approximately 2 miles to Newport Pier via stationary buoys: entries due by July 10 at Newport Beach Lifeguard Association. 3300 Newport Boulevard; prizes in au. 7 divisiOI'll. Pliny ClrliYal -.lily 11 Fun and ga·mea lor the small fry : games of skltl and chance for ages 5 through 12 [or older tl you feel that way); price per game: one penny with prizes of like value; Commun~y Youth Center. Corona del Mar. 2:00P.M. • T .. Ttn•1u11t -.111r 12 Annual flatko, B'-a Recreelloo ~rtment tournament wllh Bicentennial emphulo; 12 divitlono lor boyl and glr1o. men and -n "'' _,. doubt•. At San .loltctuin Hlllo Tennis · ~ and Corona de! Mar, High ,Schoof. 8:00 ' '1 5,000 Square Feet o~Siiowroom, t~e .La~est I Oldest Patio furniture Store in Orange County • ·.OPEN ·JULY 1'8l.8StGPE 4th .BROWN JORDAN BUY lOW AIID SAVE DURIIIG I SUMMER SALE TREMENDOUS Sfl.fcnoN AND AVAII.Ail.E Fat ,. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY One of the Largest Redwood Selections in C11unty . TABLES AND BENCHES • LOVE SEATS COFFEE TABLES * B.B.O. TABLES CLUB CHAiRS * CHAISE LOUNGE LOVE SEAT * PADS ,LUS MANY OTHU PIECES Our BBQ Department has everything you..neect . • B.B.Q.'s eGAS e ELECTRIC e CHARCOAL ~ ..... end AcCIIIMea In leoctr 5 Pc. PARTY ... PATIO GROUP 36 in. round tubft & 4 dlaits, available in whitt COmplete Recowr eluding Gardtln Umbrellas • J;'nes. ••• 129.95 SPECIAL 8995 HE BEE LINE :.e .,,Attn ••a• Wllat a ~. ball a.rc..s ,.,_1r0tl* RARICJ • • • ''CAMEO'' bJ Rete 811ft • • • .....,_ llmcMer ...._. tMm..a• .. WID 8bort17 be ~ tat.rmltt.UJ. OYer ua. -.trtala ud ti'IIUaUollt ••• ud Ia tbe Newport Hartlor EUip. Rea.. wtlo taal" Ill ni111C t111e1r c~ • • • ud a. r..UJ ll.rt. Dtu Q. Wldcltll ot Corea taublc u apeeturt IDCJtMr", lrhU.. De- del War, WU a two tlmt IWU'dle ID tbt' SM.Mr. II wu .tor Mr all bad p!Mrtd C&UioraJa Prta Womta ~. 8ctll ~n . at Mr1. Ted • .._.. •• bomt oe Gr&IIYUle, ber awudl wen pntlllttd bJ Su Fru-OYerJooldlc tMbtl..ttfwJlrYIMCoutCoaatry Cllc»'s MaJOr Alioto. lltarty nlcome to Cblb colf P'NU •• • an .,_,. beartac you, fltleol ftJ1ou ud IUdrJ 4ellctU tor tbe already • • • Oftl'flowtac .rterJ. Mdilc tiD tbe M "WU OYer tbe yean OladJt ud Arthur Bum tbt -.etuDe pme S'l'()BKO, pay.S GD cards of Paadeaa aDd L&ttle BaJboe laJaacS ••• eomewtat 11M BIDcO. ~ OM wu able proered a host of fti'ID IDd loyal fritDds. to IMn tome o1 U. ..., ttnu aDd ltems Last weet approllmate}J 160 accepted Dn ID ue 1 dlda't tria. Ia cue you are Gladys• lnrttatloo to A.rtllur'a blrtbdayputy. •OGdertllc .' •• b.t 1 ltUMd I.Dd lauebedl Tbe black Ue llt-doWD dluer wu held FoUo.rt~~· the c1eUck1a bmcheoll, ruts at tbe Aonandlle Coaatry Club, Paad-. were ~ • • • t1aere wu ... ooe When we arr1Ytd, tbe bur(e Joace wu from tbe apeda.Dt father, Larry. He, by fWed with frieods aDd COOd 1FtsbM, wttb tbt -.ay, worb lA tbe Luer beam procram Gladys aod Artllrr stW reeeiYinc late a.r-lQd left YOGdly lor IGDdcJD., where tbe rlftls. The UQQllitt d1nDer •• H"td DtSbaMn 1r111 be UYIDc ID tbe aear More In the dJJlJnc room Ulat opeotd 011 to a • • • macb to paDdrnoCMr GaJDA Ha.n'i- dance area. 1'be tablea looUd beautiful, JDU's tmbapploess ••• Bowenr she Y1ll centerec: with tan. tall stately candelabra be come Oftr to be)p tbem ctt Httled. aod bouquets of mlud fJowers . • • red Gr«cbeD (Mn. Cul) Moore a.Dd Victoria roses o.ostly ••• GladJs' rowo ns printed (Yra. RaytDODd) BtJer •ere a.t.o boatesses s11k, bordered wltb rtd rosas. aDd beJped welcome tbe roesb1 GaJDA (Mrs. .JACK GEARING • NEW OWIIER _,, L COAST HWY. a:IIIONA .. M \It • CA¥ Ulloa u ~-• .,..... s a We're a ONE STOP CENTER For everything you need for FUN IN THE SUN! I'IOCK UP ..... NEEDS BEACH CHAIRS· TOWELS· UMBRELLAS· SANTMLS BEACH TOTE!.S • ICE CHESTS SURF RAFTS· SAND PAILS SUN T ~ PREPS· SUN GLASSES· Fll-'4 STRAW b CLOTH BEAql H_ATS . .. and much much more! r•LIL..Ku 7 DAYS A WIIK .. 7 n l almost lost m1 breath Ybc raesu w. Peytoo)Ra.rrlmaa.. Vt.rpnia\Mra.Edftrd) stood up to tout Artlm OD b1a NINETIETH YaJO. Elberta (llrs. WeDdell) Jooes, Arleof blrtbdayl Forever JOQDII ADd to bt there {Mrs. Lymu) Bets, Mary {lin. Charles, l~iiiiiiiijijiijiiji;ijijiijijiiiii' wltb tbem was a fery rreat tbrW tor all Sterpbeu, HeleD (lin. Albert) KiasiDcer I of us. From our art1 and l...quDa HUla IDd Patty Spielman. Yore were Fran Mathes were Vella and Jack Hemault, LU11an and from IOtstr.n Viejo: from PacUlc Pallsades, Spence Hoal.g and Wtoltred Coulter, alto Suan (Mrs. Alex) Cross. llellssa's sister- the Ed Pellegrtns, Mosely Jooeaes IJid the 1D law. SUIID oltd to mte for the Sunset Berlses. As ooe card read ''Very 1Dterest1D' mapz!De. AJJO present wu tooc time frleod ••• another year sUpped by, without l•v-Evelyn Boycetoo of San Marioo aDd Lido 20% off •o• '"' """•'" CAL\ 645-1313 tng any evideoce" ••• and that's the ny Isle. lt was, not even an extra wrtnklel 540-6011 ,........,.,, -~ .. -~1 Jr. clubwoman named. LICW.MOnCI NOTICE OF PUBUC HEARING Notice 11 bereby given that tbe Pl.anDJ.Dc Com m lssl.oa of tbe City ol Newport Beach wUI bold a pubUc hearing oo Ameodmeot No. 447 ln- lU.ted by the Clty of New- ---...__ The Ebell Club of New- port Beach bas named Mrs. Larry Thayer as )lnlor club- woman of the year. Mrs. Thayer, out(olng 1974-75 presldeot of the Junior Ebell Club, was hoo- ored for the u.nlty she brought between the Junior and Senior clubs and tor her contributions to JunJor Ebell. She was preseoted with a sUver Revere bowl. At the membersblp lunch- eoo of Junlor Ebell, 9 new provlslooals were 1Dtro- duced by Mrs. Robert Scott, membership chairman, and Mrs. James Muuy, co- cbalrman. The provtslonals are Mmes. Joe Carl, Gerry LEGAL MOTlC! Noi'Jce ts bereby given of the sale for mooles due tbe Uenitlders Mr. aDd Mrs. WJ.Qm Maaoo(WWIU!Ma- • ad U. Jlasoa) of a SZ foot Cruls:aloog vessel: Reglstratloo number CF 0827 AY, at 10:00 A.M. July 18, 1975. Place of sale shall be at 406 38th St., Newport Be1ctt_ Couoty of Orange, California. WUU.am Mason Edna M.asoo Publish: July 3, 1975, 1D the Newport Harbor Ensign. GEM ALK IY J. C. HUM,HRlU J.C. Humplv.a. who. norw •t 1823 NrNPOrt BIIICI. ,_ bwn • Con• Aha l•ndm•tc for morw thMI 21 YNrl. IS •n ~tltortty Of' ,.,.,, •nd iWMiry. JEWELRY INSURANCE TO INSURE- OR NOT TO IN SU RE Wltb steadUy 1Dcreasln& vt.lues of tine jewelry a.Dd gems, many more people today are consldertng in- surance a.Dd asking )lit wbat steps must be taken. Whether to 1Dsure ls really depeodeot upoo the importance of tbe gem or jeWelry and wbetber U ls tr.queoUy nrn. wttb ta- . creased rislls. Oou you declde to ID- sun. yoar tlrst step Is tbe lnsunace required IP- pra.tal. to be submitted to your acent • Wt do a laqt amolllll of appn..LsaJ nrk tor ID- Al'IDCe pafPOMS. ud wW tladlJ d.J.Jicass wttb you tbt a~Wty of IDartncaDJ puttca.11.r p&ece for wlllcJa ,_ an COILilder1Dc &Ueb prot.cta. Coon.c:t. BW 0U. DtctFyke, Rudy Mal.lk. O.Yld Yue, John MWloo, Tom Mltcbell and Larry ZlrUU. OR. ITEN OF CM WINS port Beach to coostder an STEINHAUS AWARD ameodment to tbe Newport Beacb Municipal Code so Tbe $200 Edward A. StelD-as .to require Use Permits haus outstanding teacblng or some form of project assistant award at UC lrTine renew for any proposed use has been presented to Laurie or bu1ld1nc ln areas desJc- E. lteo of Costa Mesa. A oated by tbe General Plan sprlng doctoral graduate of for the denlopment of Spe- UCI, sbe was honored for elftc Area Plans to Insure her exceptioaal perform-· tbat tbe project cootorms ance as a teacblng assist-to the objectives of the Gen- ant dUring sevew academic eral Plan. quarters. She earned a Notice ts hereby further bachelor's degree at UCI 1D given that said public hear- 1971. 1og wW be beld 011 tbe 17th Durl.og her graduate day of July, 1975, at the studies 1D tbe department bour of 7:00 P.M. ln t.be of denlopmenta.l and cell Couoctl Cb:ambers of tbe blolocy Dr· Ueo performed Newport Beacb Clty Hall, resarcb 011 tbe processes at which ttme and place any \lD:itrlytoc l'fleDeriUoa of and all penons lnter~sted Umbs tn Defts. upectally may appear aDd be beaN cell determiDI.ttoD and dlf-thereoo. fereotl.atiocl. Sbe Y1ll ta.te a James Parter, Secretary full-Ume faculty pos1Hoo at Planning Commlssloo ARINERS CHURC THE TEACHING JS CENTERED ON JESUS CHRJS'T AND THE BIBLE, WITH EMPH.ASIS ON PRACTICAL CHRISTIAN UVING. ALL AGES ARE WELCOME CounseUng aDd rtsltin« uall&ble. SUNDAY SERVICES: WORSHIP SERVICES AND SUNDAY SCHOOL 8·30, 9·45 and 11:00 a.m. PHONE: 675-4550 Brooklyn College, New Yor~ City of Newport Btach thls fllll~-------~Pub~Us~b:~J~a~ly~3~,!_1~97~5=. ~-~================~;;;;;;, 2ZOO E Coast Hwy., Newport Beactl, oea.r MacArthur up • Every morning, daily interest is added to every Los Angeles Federal Savings Account. Passbook Savings -Certificates of Deposit - Investment Certificates All at highest rates LOS ANGELES FEDERAL SAVINGS Savin gs tnsured to $40.000 Safe deposit boxes and the most wanted savings services Newport Beach Office 3201 Newport Btvd. • 675-4500 (Across from City HaJI) HeacfOffice DoWntown: Los Angeles Federal Savings and Loan As8odation One Wilshire. Los AngttleS 90017 Other offices throughQUt the area ' 'IN.,-.. • , 1 ~-­ • teeDid " ....... ···---.. II. Allli )r .. Petlblt Belctt. Cllll.,.lllo---rt 1 ~~utt.WA.atrlou uo111o11., r ... eo..- " laollllm:ollectlle ~ -Mr. Grut ... ·-3 --tiU ,... lDd Ia ooly tile lbiJt well oc.tt m&rbllr ..., IUIIlllod IIIIo tile Hall ot F.ame. AltllooP "' .. -"!>Is e~·· mo.a IIICCeadll Cl'ft' coaebls, be wuplaced ta tbt HaU for h1l "aeU.ve puttelpotlml Ill tile 1110n of atuac as a you.acster, ... _... salllD( trperl- tDCU ud b1s coatlDut.ac cc:~~­ lrbrtlon to tbe sport.'' ac- co~ to Mr. Allan. U:r. Gnot ns U Eagle Scout u a youth ln Newport Beaca., foctlsiDg hJ.s stUls oa tbe sport of saUlDc. In 1972, cllrLDc a abbiUeal ltln, be !IIUed a 28-toot sloop to HawaU, Fiji, Samoa and Noumea, New Caledonia BANK OF COSTA MESA The Directors and the Manage- ment o f the Bank of Costa Mesa are pleased to announce official approval of our new corporate name-CITIZENS BANK OF COSTA MESA. However. while we have changed our name-slightly- everything else remains the same. Management, Directors, stockholders and employees ... the same people are running your bank. That phrase, "your bank", is largely responsible for the name c hange. We felt thai inas- much as the citizens •. of our area had been mainly respon- sible for our success and growth, then we ought to recognize that source and announce it to everyone. We will be changing our signs. our chec ks , our stationery and many other things t hat carry our name. But we will never change the poli- cies and philosophy of banking that . :1 ~··,, , ___ .... . I I . ,.. f have made us so popular with the businessmen, housewives. executives, educators and just about every citizen in our town. We know you like that picture. that image. And we're not about to change it. Wh ile we 're talking about changes we'd like to point out that our banking hours have been extended. We are now open 45 hours every week, more than any bank in the area. Visit us when '£2ll can. Monday through Thurs.: 9:00 to 5 :00 Friday: 9:00to6:00 a great place to do business. And remember, it's a bank with a slightly different name, but everything else remains the same. ft 's your bank. CITIZENS BANK 0 OF COSTA MEsA HARBOR & BAKER • Co5ta Mesa Cal•lornut 92626 • 1714! 979·4200 • Member FDIC F ITEMS PUACHASEO SEPARATELY. AN 111.10 VALUE-------- • ' sUUcll'l 1. w-.t u•s really all about --to be, lbl.t 1.1. 2, Geol'(t WaalllJICbl d1cl thls for blJ: eoldltn. 3. Al Fof(lt ruu a cood one, .f. A catcher's san to hate ooe, 5, Teat-folder. 6, Surnoder. 7. Amerteau ca.a coat rlrlt. for , • .,.ottally •totr.,ll•i co,~ · piE FOR lO Till IMIIGII • ·• ' t ONLY ,U • ., A YIIAR I CALL,, .... on these. 8. Wet aDd lOftY· 9, All yours. Tloo octuol I ott .. of o Ci.tl War soldlor 11. Ctv.a a mHI, 12. Entratles. 13. Cbem. symbol for Ute '"''" element caesium, 15. A tale of adf•tare, ch!n.lry or the llb • 16. Shop alan&: tor a cold- plater. 17' Adajllod to • -· 19. ColOD1&1 ctrl'• alek- wrttt .. to hi a brido. CONf'H.EO AND I:DIT•D •v ..L.Ofii!:NCE MAN I: ANKENY " N . J G d" one atton unuer o ***************************~*********************** "Ytlr ........ ,.,_., Sllrl'' PHONE 673-2800 3107 E. COASJ HIGHWAY CORONA DEL MAR • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • .. • SPECIAL17.1HG IH COHTRIIPORAII.Y CHIUS'l'JAN MUSIC ON 8 TRACK AND CAS.SBTTB . MARANATHA VILlAGE :!400 SUNfL~ SANTA ANA.. CA 82104 -(1'14) t7M710 ·* * * ** * * ****** ** **** *** * ··~·· * * * * * * *** * * * * *. * * *. * * * 0 IDII YOU I DITIA • "'IIMMIMITOM "Jt"' PLAII • MOW .. POi JAIILII(T DILIVIIYI It .,' ' . . .. . AmerlcM --........ • • • • .. SO. N. Newport. Boulevard, StJI!e.IOII . ... . ' NewJica.~nqrh, CtiWorida 8t880 •• • IV!RVTMe• Y' Q.AH '' IQY -'1$.., 1J . . . _. • a.a•••a•aw. ..... .. ...._ -1 ......... • : .I ··-•• ,, .. ........ -DA>·JA~ fi.,IWOUJ : ..... ..,. ............... ' •••• i) •• * * * *. * * * * * **. ** * * * * * * * * .. ~IIT.C.fvt(l,C,l.U.•. fiMiHI .. I ~ attilillt...,ca•-•• . •• • I. oft:~~!:' .. ' 3.424 Via Lido ....... ,. • Caftlt..., ... I lrHkf.•t I Lu"oh· I Diener lh Sfledlllizl ir1 0rrulf61~rs t W. Collll ""'*IY NMIIrDOrt a.dl Tfte Rubol'lJtu' Cbapter of Sweet AdeUDea will lklstea a regtonal meeting July 11-13 at the Lacuna · Hllls RUton Hotel. Member.s from ArtJ.aaa, Hw Medco, Soatbern Cali. fotnta. Ud'portioDofTt..,s wdl af'Umdtbe m.eeUac. Craft clasau willbt~ctedand a counell metttnr . wW be held. On July 12 i. doable quartet eootest will be beld at 8:00p.m. Council members atteod- tng tbe meet!Dg t:rom Har- THEY'RE 'THE TOPSilt't a rarity wheo any (iJ'l reaches tbe hlcbett ICOGt!Qc boaor, tbe rank of Ftnt Clu.s, which ta comparable to a boy's Eack Scout awrd. But this mooth 11 members of tbe Girl Scout Cadette Troop 1ZZ3 were recoptled u baYIDc met all the requirements for a Firat Class Seoat. Shown bere as tbey appeared at tbe Court of Hooor beld JWle 9 at St. Andrew's'Presby- tertan Cbarch are, left to rtcbt, Kathy Keodrlck, Barbie Moore, CI.Dc!y Dostal, Mary Allen, Belinda Blanchard, Stepba.Dle Foreman. Diane Smith (In back), Mary Andrews, (troot), and Carolyn Leith. Not shown are otane Hosldns and Ltnda Hutcblaoo. All the girls are studentsat Newport Haltor bleb sehool and have completed 8 years ln the acouUoc procram. Eicbt of tbe girls also received the God and Cou.atry award ln Febnaary. Mrs. Roger Blanch- ard ~ Wutcwr hu been the I•der for tne past 3 years • whlle the Cadettes were working on their 4 challenges aod 6 dttferent badges necessary to pass the First Class requirement.. Emblem meets July 8 borlltes Cbapter art Mrs. Mrs. James Carr, preai- Jerry (SbuQo) Kinman aod deilt ot Newport Harbor Mrs. Gary (Bobbie) Bott. Emblem Club 394, aaalste : Three double quartets trom by the past presidents and the Harborlltes Chapter wtll members, will honor Mrs. M A T T R E S e-E S compete In tbe contest. Louise Enns, state prelt- -Q The Harborlltes C"""~'"'r deot of the c-m-rnJa State on tbe noat were the King, Queen and I<Jlave of Hearts, represented by Mmes. Rob- ert Ransa, James Carr and Kenneth Westman, respec- tively. JfEW -HaVJU)DfC ._.... c.u.w Irreeular Shapes meets eveey MoDday at 7:30 Assoclatloo or Emblem ~ _ Cett• p.m. at the College Park Clqbs and Nenda-HawaU elementary sr.bool, o•r Clubs, her marshal, Mrs. COSTA MI!SA MATTitUS CO. Falr and Fairview, ln Colt& Ruth Lefler, and other State 2150 ...... ,. .,.,. . 54·1303 -.::=::E::;::::~M~e:sa:.;· .... ------• Assoclat.loo offtcers at the • July 8 bualnus meeting of 6'6 CHURCHES ' ~ tbt club at the NewportHar-11 ~ _. bor Elks Lodge, 3-456 Via ;:::::::::================~ ()porto, Newport Beach. • ...,.KAAIOitBIIICII · ntURSOAY,JULY 3, lt75 lluiUIMID ftEKLY ,-I' ME 5 CX!!!A DEL !A' CAL. Town-Gown Jrs .. ·install Wra. Jame1 KoUeoda wu lutalled aa prn1Mat of tbe Ora.oce County cra,ter f/1 usc•a Towa aodGonJu.Aor AUWI ry duri.D& a JUDe lGDcbeoo ln the Newport Beach home l)f Un. Brian Zen&. Mrt. Josepb Rote, outcol.oc prealdeot and par- UBRARY THEME: U. S. BIRTHDAY Tbe Newport Beach li- brary has selected ''Happy blrttmy to u.s." as a bl- centeonlal tbeme for this year's summer readlngpro- ~ram . Ally elementary school age chUd ls welcome to partici- liaqltDt$1'ta.D lw Ult comJiir JIU, autalled lM Dn of. ttc.n. Tbe ...., aJate lacbldH Yra. Garry Sbort, Mrs. Ray FtnkM, Mra. Cbrla W.l- cbolr, aDd Mrs. E. C. Burna, Ylce...pre.sdeDU; Mrs. Jobn Ertb~ ncordioc MC- retary; Ml'l. Pal Jobuxl, eornapoodLQc aeeretary; a.Dd Mn. Kay Bvs. ttea- aurer. Cbalrmeo IDclude Mrs. Brian Zeos, meettoca; Mrt. William Huewtnkel, mem- bersbJp, Yrt. Ralpb Balfour, new members; Mra. Grecory Butcber, publicity, "'.Dd Mrs. Joaepb RoM. perllame- tartan. pate ln the program, which FT. POLK TR"I .... I .... G runs Crom June 16 through ~ " " August 2Z. Even pre-Army Prtnte Joe D. schoolers whose pareots Stncletary, 8011 of Yrs. Lora read to them are encouraged Buckmaster. 1 San Mateo to JOln this year. Way, SpJelus HW, has com- Registration Is open now pleted tbe DeW "ooe station at the Balboa branch ll-unit tnln.1Dc" program al brary, 100 East Balboa Ft. Polk, La. The p~ram Blvd.; the Co rona del Mar provides bulc and adftneed branch, 420 Marigold Ave.; tralnlng wtth tbe same unit, Mariners branch, 2005 on the same post. Dover Drive, and the West ..,.. _______ ..,.. Newport ~hildren's llbrary, 6000 W. Coast Highway. Participants wlll receive a United States map on which to log the books they have read, and a parchment cer- tificate wUl be awarded when they have completedthepro- gram. A film party, spon- sored by the Friend~ or the Newport Beach Library, wut conclude the summer a ctlvl- tles. Newpo rt Prinle rs TOTAL PRINTING FACILITIES 640·4444 sao N«W/JO rt Cnrt«r Dr. SMit« 001 N «utPorl B«tJch BLUE H POOLS WOILD'S UIIUT: PUT lM A ILUE HAVIM POOL OR SPA· fRII ISTIMATII CALL MOW OR DROP IM ••• We're Cl .. e ly ARd o, ... 7 o • .,. A w ••lr. 12222 Htlrbor Blvd., Garden Grove ~~~ Stete Lice,..• 192237 n2·3401 or 849-&0M 1e Y•••• '" o,.,.,. c • .,,.,, XEROX C Dial ~ 546-2693 J 3400 Irvine Ave. Newport leedt (Near lriatel You could be in field radar. Or you could be in electronics. Or data processing. Or meteorology. Or policework. You could be in Alaska, Panama, Hawaii, Korea, or Europe. ;t ' Ccaual Bible · Olan:b ltOalltT M. aiMGSTOM -ftASTOit 2310 ST. et ORANGE, COSTA MESA-645-5050 SUDdlJ mondq woratp -10:30 a.m. Sud&J SchoOl s.-, n..UC ....... .. t:ao p.~ 9:00a.m. WldDetldly Bible atlldy aDd praJer •••••• 7:00 p.m. Mrs. · Evans wt11 omctate at thi lAI.tlalton of 10 new members tc; the Newport Harbor Club. At the receot' ~coo­ v•uoo 1o Palo AI~ IUs. H~~ .._teas, put presi- dent of Newport Harbor Emblem C tub, was elected suprem•l dlstrtct asabtant organist for the 6th district. Mrs. Heleo TrautwelD, also a past waa elected Nice work and you can get it. Or any number of places in the U.S.A. And you could be in better shape physically and mentally, than you've ever been before. Today's Army has over 200 job-training courses for you to choose from . And each one comes with a good salary, in-service educational opportunities, as well as a chance to meet new people and see more of the world. AA lDdtpt .... ebllfch wttll Bible teaciUDc mlDlJitrJ FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH CLiff DR., NEWPORT lEACH -6_.2·74U .,SCIENCB RELIGIOUS SC1!MCJ 0 F MIND" ILIAMOit C. JACKSON, MIMIITIIt SuDdaf Service ........ 10:00 a.m. aaodal School ..•..•.. 10:00 a.m. 1 CI!MTI!It ST., COSTA MUA 64 .. 1012 GRACE BIBLE CHURCH Veteuns' Memorial Bldg. 565 W. I ~th . Costa Mtsa REV. TOM TYREE. Pasto r SUNDAY SI-RV I(ES· I 0 30 A M & 7 00 P M Sunday SchOll!, all agts. Q JO HOM I: BIBLl:. CLASSES (all 552..()()92 •Teachmg Bthle Dnctnne• ATTEND THE CHURCH Of YOUR CHOICE REGULARLY We tnvitt you to worshtp LUTHERAN CHURCH Of THE MASTER 2900 PacifiC View OT. Corona del Mar, Calif. LAWRENCE 0 FRUHLJNC Pastor Phone 644-2664 SUMMER SC HEDULE Suoday worship: 9:30 a.m. Nursery and Coffee Hour Christian Science Services FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 3303 Via Lido N~wport Beach SUNOA V SCHOOL 9 & 10:30 a.m. SUNDAY SERVICES 9 & lO:SO a.m. WEDNESDAY EVENI~G MEETING 8 p.m. READING ROOM ~~~k day': 9 a.m. · 5 p.m. Wednuday:9 a.m.-7:45p.m Tu~sday 9 a.m.· 5 p.m.; 7-9 p.m. SECOND CHURCH OF CHRIST. SCIENTIST N~wport Such at Corona del Mar 3100 Pacific View Or. SU NOAY SCHOOL 10 a.m SUNDAY SERVICE10 a.m WEDNf.SDAY ll:OO P .M. Reading Roortt: ssoo-B E. Co .. tBwy. [~atNace oa Nerc:i•••• Mon.-Fri.: lOa.m. to 5 p.m Saaday afteraooa: 1 to S ~t.: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Yo u are cordially invired to attend Church Se"icet and to Ute Rudin Room. THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH" nti CENTER FOR IIILICAL "TUDIES ts4J A.M. alaLI CLASIII 1 hOO A.M. WO RIHIP HOUR 7s00 P.M. IVAG.LIITIC MOUlt D.Jt. JU~MY COMIS, PAS TOR Highway Hou5e of Prayer 2411 E. COAST HWY •• CORONA DEL "'AR l.OWI" LIVIL -"lA" • • ' INTERDENOMINATIONAL, FULL G,OII'6L lUNDAY ICHOO'-: lr4e IVMOILITIITtC MRVICI1 a:• PttAYIR AND -LIITUDV: 'I:. P.M. W1LLIAM T. KROAH, PHONE:-~-· by ber co-ebaJ.rtn.u, " Mn. ~tu~eY Panek. a put p~ The locaJelubPartictpated • In the IJUII&l Ltou Club fish fry ~rade and for the third year ln a row woo a trophy !or the noat entered. The noat featured a lar&e revolvtnc heart, posters 'Wttb nursery rhymea, and r1.d1.Dg HOSPITAL OK'D BY BLOOD BANK The American Asaoelatloo of Blood Baw (.UBB) an- nounces tt.lt Cotta Mea me- mortal hospital t.s been ac- credited by the Asroel.at1oa under the AABB's tnspee- tlon and accredttaUoo pro- gram. This certtnu t!at the 'evel of tectmtctl and admlnistratln performance wlthlJl the hospital meet& or exceeds tbe standa.rds establlsbed by the AABB. HURT ADO PROMOTED James C. Hurtado, 100 of Mra. Ma.rpret Felder, ZlOJ Coottoental AYe., Cotta Mesa. was promoted to Army specialist 4 nlle aefTtDc as a recoo.oalasance .-clal- l.t wlth tbe Ftrat Cavalry DtYlsioo at Ft. Hood, Texas. Hll tither, Walter A. HQa ... ado, Una at UOt Valley Clrele. For more information about opportunities in today's Army, see your local Army representative. IICOMDtOO AIMT OPPOITUMtT11S OPPOITUMIT\IS Call 01Dec1b ('U., 'fa .-all Call_...... ('tl4) ._,., -lf. llld A..._ ... -M1 I. IIID .._. , ..... ct. ... • 01 'h. Ca. ... OIM·~-Y. OPP011U ITIIS Ctl .. 't.l ('n4)1ft~ ,.,. .. ,..... ..... <lrllle. Ca. _, -.~ ,, .57 .. . ... ,.. .......... ·-----11. AlloHr., Polil>lo Booell, Coiii.,.!Mnot_. __ .• e "" mut-AJJ.Amertou -lfoD Cl FoaoCOIB-11 1M lolereoDepote So1l1oc -Mr. Gnat wu c-. ol S MIDtd ttda J•r ucfll OGiy U. lbO west ooalt martDer ................. lbe Hall of Fame • ...._be lsooeoltbla cOGDtry's most 111ecessftd ern ~cbes, be wu placed 11. t.bl Hall tor b.1l "active -·-In tbe ... rt of aJl.lac as a )'OWll'ster, ... _... ....... , ..... rt. eoces ud blscoatlnui..Dccoo- trlbatlw to tbe sport," ac- eordlal to Mr. Allan. Mr. Gnat was a.a Eagle Scout U I )'outb 1n Newport S.cb. focas!Dg his skills on tbe sport of saUlD(, In 197Z, dUrloc a a.bbiUcal lt&Ye, be •Dec! a 28-foot sloop to Hawaii, FIJi, Samoa aDd Noumea, New Caledonia Of '~. ItS a ~bUt~ plcbft c:rn<trvs BANK OF COSTA MESA • ------. The Directors and the Manage- ment of the Bank of Costa Mesa are pleased to announce official approval of our new corporate name -CITIZENS BANK OF COSTA MESA. However, while we have changed our name-slightly- everything else remains the same. Management, Directors. stockholders and employees ... the same people are running your bank. That phrase, "your bank", is largely responsible for the name change. We felt that inas- much as the citizens of our area had been mainly respon- sible for our success and growth, then we ought to recognize that source and announce it to everyone. We wi ll be changing our signs, our checks, our stationery and many other things that carry our name. But we will never change the poli- cies and ph ilosophy of banking that ,.· • '~ :j ,, :f~ · f"have made us so popular with 1 the businessmen, housewives, executives, educators and just about every citizen in our town. We know you like that picture. _1 that image. And we're not about to change it. '. While we're talking about changes we'd like to point out that our banking hours have been extended. We are now open 45 hours every week, more than any bank in the area. Visit us when }!2!! can. Monday through Thurs.: 9:00to5:00 Friday: 9:00 to6:00 I 1:00 July marks· the beginning of another interest period. Savings deposits made by the 1Oth earn The tizens an o osta esa IS a great place to do business. And remember, it's a bank with a slightly different name, but everything else remains the same. It's your bank. CITIZENS BANK 0 OF COSTA MEsA HARBOR & BAKER • Costa Mesa Cahlorrua 92626 • J71 4) 979-4200 • Member FDIC 1. WM.t U'a really all about --to be, tblt la:, 2. G.:>rge Was!llJictoa did this for bls soldten. 3. AI Forpt nuu a pod one. 4. A catcher's san to han ooe, 5. Tent-folder. 6, Surrender. 7. Amertean.s can COWJt Write for '•r•o••ll'Y atotr'flllc• co,., JOSIE FOR siiilcllltl to Till IMIIGM ONLY·,.~ A y·B.AR I CALL,,, .... . on these. 8. Wet aDd SOCCY· 9, All yours. Tho actuol lett .. of a Ci.tl War solclior II. Given a meal, 12. Entreaties. 13. Chern. Qmbol tor tbe ~-_,­ element caesium. 15. A tale of adY•tari, chivalry or tbt llb, 16. Shop s1lnc for a IOld- plater. 17. Adapted to a purpose. 19 •. Coloolal rtrl'a llict- wrtttM to his bride. none Nation under God" ***************************~*********************** • • • .. • • • .. SPECIALIZING IH PHONE 673-2100 • • • • •• • • • • • .. COHTBMPORA.RY CHRtn:IAH MVSIC ON 8 TRACK AND CASSl!TTl! . 3107 E. COASJ HIGHWAY CORONA DEL MAR MAfV.NATHA V1LLAGE 2400 SUNfLOWER SANTA ANA. CA 92704 -(l'M) 11H1t0 • *************************~************************ OIDII YOUI DITIA • "altiUUMOTOM '7•'' PLA81 •. •ow • POi: tAIU..III.T DILtVIIYI • ' ' AIMrtcM Op(nlon ... ...,.. • • .. • • .. .. .. • IV!IYTM •• W'f!.Af' t,T !QtPII$~1; _. ._... .. · . . .. . • -• uo•aVD. MOUH 4 • .'•II•' • ': ........ .... u............ , ............. \ . .. ·ea•••••• .. ..... .,. ·~··~···~························· .. • • ' . open on Sundays 3.424 Via Lido Newport Beach ' -.nnt& Col"' .IMp .... t lr..Jcfetf .t Lvnoh · I Dlllfttr We SfJedllliu ;, Orul•l~n AdeUnes ·in r~ion .meet Tbe HuborJltes Cbapter of Sw~t AdeUnes will bostess a rectonaJ meetin« July 11-13 at t1le I..quna HWs Hilton Hotel. Members rrocn Artl.ooa, Nw Mtltco, Southern Call- ·fotma, Ud a portl.ooofTtiU will afteodthemeeUDi.Cntt clas~ will be conducted aDd a cow.cU meettng . w1lJ be held. Oo July 1Z a cloable quartet contest wlU be held at 8:00p.m. Council members lltteod- ing the meett.Dg trom Har- THEY'RE 'THE TOPSI It's 1 rartty Ybeo any cirl reaches tbe h1cbest 8COCltLQI boaor, tbt rant of Ftnt Class, wtUch la compuable to 1 boy's Eagle Scout award. But this mooth 11 members of the Girl Scout Cadette Troop 1223 were recocutled u biYlDc met all the requirements for 1 Fint Class Scoot. Shown bere 1s they appeared at tbe Court of Hooor beld June 9 at St. ADdrew'sPresby- terlan Ct.arcb are, left to ri(bt, Kathy Kendrick. Barblt> Moore, ClDdy Dostal, Mary Allen, Bellnda Blanchard, Stepban.Je Foreman. Diane Smitll (in bact), Mary Andre"s, (froot), and Carolyn Leith. Not shown are Diane Hoskins a.od LlDda Hutcbi8oo. All the girls are studentsat Newport Harbor bleb school and have completed 8 years tn the scoutmc procram. Etgbt of the girls also received the God and COUDtry award lD February. Mrs. Roger Blanch- ard ol Westcutr bas been the 1•<1er for tne past 3 years • while the Cadettes were worldng on their 4 challenges aDd 8 <11fferent badges necessary to pass the First Class requirement.. Emblem meets July B borlltes Chaptu are Mrs. Mrs. Jamea Carr, preal- Jerry (Sbai'QQ} Ktoman aDd deot of Newport Harbor Mrs. Gary (Bobbie) Bott. Emblem Club 394, ustste: Three double quartets from by tbt past preatdents and the Harborlltes Chapter will members, will hooor Mrs. M A T T R E s s ·E s compete 1n the contest. Louise Enns, state prelt- REW _ u:avn.DIIfC The HarborUtes Chapter dent of the CaWorota State on tbe noat were the King, Queen and Knave of Hearts, represented by Mmes. Rob- ert Ransa, James Carr and Kenneth Westman, respec. tlvely. Irreeular Shaprs meets every Monday at 7:30 Assoclatioo of Emblem ,...,...... _ c.tt.a p.m. at the College Park Clubs and Nevada-RawaU COSTA MESA MATTRESS co. elementary sr.bool, o•r Clubs, her marshal. Mrs. 2150 "•..,..,. ll¥4.. 541303 Falr aDd Fairview, In Costa Ruth Lener, and other State ~====~::=::::::!.!M~e;:sa:_; • .., _______ AssoctatJoo offtcers at the • July 8 busllleas meetinc of _,.. CHURCHES ' ~ tbe clubattbeNt1rportHar-li ~ ~ bor Elks l..od(e, 3456 Via r===================~ Oporto, Newport Beach. -.rT*'-'tEJm(ll · TliURSMY, JULY 3, 1!75 "'IUIMID IUKLY .-'*! 5 c:ogA DEL !A!t, CAL Town-Gown Jrs .. ·install Mra. James KoU.c!a wu luealled u prn:ldftt of tbe Ora..ace County clapttr ol , USC's Towu &Dd Gon JI.Dior AuxWary durinc a June lt&Dcbeocl to the Newport Beach home \)f Mrs. Brian Zen1. Mra. Joseph Ros., outcot.nr president and par. UBRARY THEME: U. S. BIRTHDAY The Newport Beach 11 - bnry has selected ''Hawy birthday to u.s." as a bi- centennial tbeme for this year's summer readlngpro- ~tram. Arty elementary school are chUd Is welcome to partici- Uam.....aaa a. U.. comilc y•r, llullalled tbt..., of-ncen. Tbe Dn alate LKIDdel Mrs. Garry Sbort, Mrs. Ray Finkle, Mra. Clu't. MeJ. cbolr, aDd Mrs. E. C. Burns, Ylce..prelldelh; Mrs. John Ertksmo., reeor<11ng sec. retary; Mn. Pul Jor...oo, COmt..,.,.,lnc leCretary; aDd Mn. Kay BvJ, trea- surer. Cblirmeo lDclude Mrs. Brlao Zenz, meeUncs; Mrs. WWtam Huewlllkel, mem- bersbJp; Mrs. Ralpb Balfour, new members; Mrs. Grecory Butcher, publ.Jdty, 'and Mrs. Jo8el)b Rose, parUameo- tartan. pate In the program, whicb FT. POLK TR "'I ~I ~c runs from June 16 through "' n n August 22. Even pre-Army Pr1nte Joe D. schooler s whose parents Sfncletary, 8011 ot Mrs. Lora read to them are encouraged Buckmaster, 1 Sao Mateo to JOin this year. Way, SpyglassHW,hlscom- Reglstratlon is open now pleted tbe new ''ooe statloo at the Balboa branch ll-unit tratniDc" program at brary, 100 East Balboa Ft. Polk, La. The proenm Blvd.; the Corona del Mar provides basic and a<tn.oced branrh, 420 Marigold Ave.; train1ng wtth the same unit, Mariners branch, 2005 on the same post. Dover Drive, and the West ..---------.. Newport '!hlldren's library, 6000 W. Coast Highway. Participants wUl receive a United States map on which to log the books they have read, and a parchment cer- Uilcate wUI be awarded when they have completed the pro- gram. A tum party, spon- Newpo rt Prinlers TOTAL PRINTING FACILITIES (,40·4444 sored by the Friend~ of the 500 N~1uport Cmtrr Dr. Newport Beach Library, wUI s.,;1~ 001 conclude the summer actlvl-N ~wf'ort Brach ties. .._ __ _... ____ __. WOILD'S LAIC£ST: PUT IM A ILU! HAV!M ,OOL OR S,A ·fill ISTIMATII CALL MOW OR DROP IN • . . We're Cle .. lr Ancl o,._. 7 Doys A Week. 12222 Hwbor Btvd., Garden Grove ~~~ Stat• Lice" .. 192237 n2-3401 or 84&-60M 1f Ye•n 111 o, • .,,. c.""'' XEROX C u .... COPY CENTEI 3400 Irvine A ... Newport Beach (HHr lria .. l You could be in field radar. Or you could be in electronics. Or data processing. Or meteorology. Or policework. .. You could be in Alaska, Panama, Hawaii, Korea, or Europe. Ccaual Bible· Cllan:b R081!RT M. 81!NGSTOH -'ASTOR 23RD ST. etORANGE, COSTA MESA-641-5050 SaDdly monlq worlblp -lO:SO a .m. Slmd&J SeboOI SataJ t'fllllq ... ._, .. S:SO p.m.-9:00a.m. WedDeedlJ Bible study &Dd pr&Jtl' •••••• 7:00 p.m. Mrs. E'ftba wtU oMclate at tht 1Dlttatlon of 10 new members M the Newport Harbor Club. At the recent'~ coo. v\lntioll lD Palo A.tt.t; fan. H~~Q )lateas, past presi- dent ot Newport Harbor Emblem Club. was elected supremq district asal.stl.nt organist for the 6th district. Mrs. Helen Traatwet.D, also a past waa elected Nice work and you can get it. Or any number of places in the U.S.A. And you could be in better shape physically and mentally, than you've ever been before. Today's Army has over 200 job-training courses for you to choose from. And each one comes with a good salary, in-service educational opportunities, as well as a chance to meet new people and see more of the world. AD IDdtpeDdem ebarcb wttll Btble t.chtnc m1D1JtrJ FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH CLifF DR. MEWPORT lEACH -642-7443 T HARBOR CHURCH OF •ELIGIOUS SC1EMCJ 0 F MIN D .. IEL IANOR C. UCICSON, MINIStER Suocla)' Service ........ 10:00 a.m. SUDda1 Sobool •••..•.. 10:00 a.m. 541 CI!NTI!R ST., COSTA MUA .4 .. 1012 GRACE BIBLE CHURCH Veterans' Memorial Bldg. 565 W. I ~th. Costa Mesa REV. TOM TYREE. Pastor SUNDAY Sf· RVICF.S· IOJOA.M.&700 PM Sunday School. all ages. Q 30 HOME: RIBLl: CLASSES Call 552.()()92 •Teachtng Btblt> Doclrtne• ATIEND THE CHURCH Of YOUR CHOICE REGULARLY We tnvite you to worshtp LUTHERAN CHURCH Of THE MASTER 2900 Pacif.c View Dr. Corona del Mar, Calif. LAWRENCE D. FRUHLING Pastor Ph one 644-2664 SUMMER SCHEDULE Sunday worshlp: 9:30 a.m. Nursery and Coffee Hour Christian Science Services FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST. SC1ENTIST JJOJ Via Lido Nt'wpon Beach SUNDAY SCHOOL 9 & 10:30 a.m. SUNDAY SERVICES 9 & 10:3() LID. WEDNESDAY EVENI~G MEETING 8 e.m. READING ROOM Wrck days: 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Wcdncsday:9 a.m .·7:4S p.m Tut"Sday 9 a.m. -5 p.m.; 7·9 p.m. SECOND CHURCH OF CHRIST. SCIENTIST Newport 8cach at Corona del Mar 3 100 Pacific View Dr. SUNI:tAY SOtOOL 10 a.m SUNDAY SERVlCEJO a.m WEDNESDAY 14:00 P.M. Reading Roortt: SS()()oD F.. CoaatBwy. Eat,.ace oa 'Nardana Mon.-fri.: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m Saaclay afteraooa: 1 to l Sat.: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. You arc ccwdwly invited to attend Church Set'Yicn and to use Reaclin Room. THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH" THE CENTER FOR BIBLICAL .STUDI!S ' tt ~~ A.M. 818L I CLASS IS ·-. 1h" A.M. WO.SHI' HOU• 7tH ,,M. IVAG.LISTIC HOU. " D..R. JI~MY COMBS, ,AS TOR H.ighw2y Hou5e of Prilyer ~ ·. by ber co-c baJ.rrDu, • .~. "" Mr.. SW~~ey PaDek, a past ' prHldent. . The localelubP.rttctptted • In the anaa&l Lloat Club llsh fry pande and for the third year lD a row woo a trophy !or the noat entered. The noat featured a large revolving heart, posters with nursery rhymes, and rtdinc HOSPITAL OK'D BY BLOOD BANf( The American A.ssoctatfon of Blood 8&nU (.UBB) an. oounces U.t Costa Mea me- mortal hospital his bteoac-• credited by the AuoelaUoD uDder the AABB's tospee. Uon and accrtd1taUoo pro- rnm. This certifies t!at the 'evel of tecbnlcal aDd admlntstntln perform&DCe within the hospital m..U or exceeds tbe studU'ds established by tbe AABB. HURTADO PROMOTED James C. Hurtado, soo of Mrs. Marpret Felder, 2103 CcmUDtDfal A¥t., Com Mesa, ns promoted to Army spec:Lallst 4 While atrYtac as a reconnalstanct apeclal- tst wtth tbt First Canlry Divtstoa at Ft. Hood, TeDs. Hll fltber, Walter A. ~ ado, Uns at 1101 Valli)' Circle. For more information about opportunities in today's Army, see your local Army representative. IICOMDtDO AIMY OPPORTUMIT11S OPP011Wit11S OPPOI'NMITtiS Call _. ...... ('rl4) 'Nf .-.or Call Ollllllrlll ('Itt» ... ,.. e• "''llld:l (n4) ... __... -~.WU...Itli.• &mi.BIInlt t•I.'I'IIIIIIIAN.• bcliatMt,. Ca. -I 0111) 0 ,, Ca.... Or'llillll. Ca. _, I l Murb rtr of F.D.t.C. • -• • .. . , ':•'-'.., .t .I ~ ~ ' States .of America ·an·d l tb the Republic for which it stands_, one Nation under God~ indivis~ ible_, with liberty and justice for all. RA Y SIDE DPPICE * ~0~~~ c ·-() ::e 'P' . -. PHONE 5411-3-401 1823 NEWPORT BLVD. COSTA MESA "Be Americans. Lot 1!We be no secti0118lism, no North, South, East or West : You.,. oil depen- dent one on another and lhoukl be one in union. In one word, bl • 'f o notion:/"" of'JJM!r"-' . .ond:be true to yourselVes. ,,v .;; ~ ';"7 PIIUCIIIPT1014 SPICIALISTj PIOIIPT DILI'IfiY a-. .. w ..... ~ 1?-K.&...~.t : .. FOSTER'S PHARMACY markets --111151 Sit W 11TH ST . LIDOCEIITI!II JoD3 VIA LIDO HAII~EW1-MAC_,_ 'ALL Or US WI A It AMERICAN FLAG coat lapel buttons ••• MAVI DIITittaUTID 0'1111 2600 OUatMG THI PAST" Vl YIAitS 1"HE! fOLLY BOYS THVRSDAY Lli.'lCHP.DH CLUB I RVIN I COAST COUNT.T CLU .. -- coo••-'""""" C.Wfi!IIA fiDIRAl !!VIlli "IN GOD WE TRUST" - lOY R. McCARDLE 6p-2350 2205 W . Bolboo Blvd. Beach, Calif_ C. M. WES DORr .......... I.IALTOil tB ... ,. . COSTA MESA LBrs ALL HAVE 'llo 'WONDERfULL JULY 4 HOLIDAY .•• AND REMEMBER WHAT IT MEA"lS. . -1991h Anniversary of the United States DICit IUHI'S Creoti ve Framin g "":'ART GALLERY - CUSTOM PICTURE FRAMING -ARTISTS' SUPPLIES SOUTHf!RN CAUFURNIA FIRST HADOHAL BANK. 270CI MA •• OR .OULI!VARD . CO$TA IIIlA Pit.•• S.oM • Uti ZJD E. Ceat HWJ ., C••• Ml ... -P'IIIH: 111-22. --:.:i.~ l's s ••• Salute To America July4 67s.t610 COllOM A DIL IIAII Bank ci Newpoe t MAIN OFFICE: COfiOHA DEL MAR OFFICE: ' -U~aMiur •,141!,1110 • • • COSTA t.'ISA CHAMNI Of COMMEIICE ,sa W,191h St. ' Catla MMD c.. 92627 • DIMMIIT O!!!_~TE& "SpeciGiiaifJ9 1ft /Cmtweo, OIHI Fine .Apporef' • W lanrlat • 11rJ •PI's•L .. luwb 673-9605 ' ,. FILET MIGNON $3.45 Per ..--Featurin&:--..... CHAMPAGNE & STEAK (FOR 2) S 7.95 4:30 .. 6:30 ..... 4:30 to -11:00 p .... Sea Food-A-Bob -$2.45 Per Steak-A-Bob -$2.45 Per 20t Pol• Ave. \At ttto fe~rr) hi .. • P•lu•l• Mowport l .. ch 675·1774 Where ·the Elite Meet to Eat! o, .. : •• .. l 00 P.M.· Cjoao4 Me•ittr t * *• Let's * •* get back to basic values. Like saving for the future. 'lbday, it's the basic things of life that are really important ... like home, family, and savings. And at Imperial, you get the highest interest rates poadble on your savings. Plus, every account at Imperial is insured up to $40,000. So you're provided with complete sav- ings' security. Imperial also offers more than 30 helpful services, most of them free. Another reason why aavin1 is such a pleasure at Imperial . DISASTER, DAD ? I July 1st 'til July 31st al G'S Newport NanU'J and Garden Center .. noDal Clause .Aeeowa&a a..kAIMIIcud Heeter Cbup .,._ Deltwe17 . ~lila 1120 • by PALE MOON • Princess Pale Moon Is Rita Matoka Thiel~ mann, wile of Henry B. Thlelmann and momer olthree cfll/dren: Michael (Flying Eagle), Rob · ble (Flying Arrow) and John Mark (Towayam). The lamily lives in San Jose, Calllornia. and attends First Baptist Church. Tile Princess gave htJr Christian testimony dur~ng /he 1972 Birmingham, Alabama. Crusade. which at a fa. fer date was shown on international television. This beautiful continent is the hunting ground of my forefathers: the Cherokee, the Chippewa, Nava. jo, Shawnee, Arapahoe, Blackfoot, Cree, Iroquois and many other tribal people. My people. In these moun- tain!! and hills many moons ago they roamed for deer, and on the plains and prairies they hunted the buffalo. They fished the streams for t rout. In these valleys they settled down in their wikiups and wigwams and long houses. They held their powwow festivals and council fires, sang chants, and ate elk steaks, venison stew, corn cereal and acorn soup. Today it is still a beautiful land and a free country; and yet so many thousands of us are not free. But one day I read in the Bible tha t he whom Christ sets free is free i n. deed; and beca use I wanted t o be free, I came to Jesus. Being an In. dian didn't enter into it at all. I knew I was a sinner ju!'lt like the white person who comes to Jesus. We all come on the same level; we a re a ll the same, sinners before him. and we all need a new heart. The 1 color of the skin haR nothing to do I with it. The thing that Jesus gave me that really freed me was love. In my life it did the freeing because tir~t of all I felt unloved. I grew up a shy, timid person. By the time an Indian child is seven or eight years old he is a lready beginning to feel differ. ent and in a position of lack, com- pared with other children. Much of this feeling comes from the home atmosphe re, where the idea, "Oh. you're just an Indian," is con veyed from the time a person is very small. I a lso knew I was a si nner and felt I wa~m't worth whatever God did for me. I felt a great inadequacy in meeting hi! demands. The fact that I was an Indian contributed : Why "hould God notice me when no- body else did? Why Rhould he spe- cially want to love me when no one else loved me? And yet he did. We are descended from the Cher- okees who refused to IP..ave North Carolina when the tribe was ordered to move to Oklahoma. They hid in the Great Smoky Mountains until finally they came out into the open, Now they have a reservation at Qualla, near Asheville, where I grew up. Father left home when I wag young, but Mother brought us up in a churchgoing atmosphere. Mother noticed as my brother and sister and I played in the sandbox that we had musical a bility and abe began teach. ing us ballads. During high school I spent a year at Prairie Bible Institute Academy in Alberta, and finally graduated at Hot Springa, North Carolina, where I 88ng a solo at the baccalaureate service. While I learned to pray at an eai-ly age, I never really felt God's love in those days. Why is it we can't accept the fact t hat God loves us? I think it's because we can't accept ouraelve~~, and if we can't ae- cept ounelves just as we a re, just as he created us, then it's hard to accept him. I compare my life to the lena of a camera. As I've grown older I have managed to open the aperture of my lffe to ac~t more and more of God's light ; and at the same time I have felt more warmth from the fellowohlp of hlo love. And I cer- tainly haven't received It all yet; I itJIJ have an open and a yearnlnr J>eart. But durlnJ high JJ<hool clan I found myeel, more concerned with bolnc accepUd b)' other people and l>tlnc popular. Todo7 I ftnd 70t1nJ -~ ban the .. ...., problem- aDd not Jlllt lndi&IIO ; caucao~ano aDd Mabna and bladla have the .,._ ..........,. lt'o 1\ot a nclal mat- tor, lt'o AD 1Ddlrida&l mol'«'. I -...-... a porW of llliardllaJ. I Woelcf -· "W, ...... Yoa tllonT :An Too rwlf y;. ....... I haft1111 ........ ~ ;~--lo-~se ;;..,.~=~ ..... ,., .... .• ,., t:lldttt ,.,.,., Mlllut~llo, IrK"'',.,. ,.ROM OlCISION MAGAZIN MINNlAPOLtS; MINN. faced Gennan sitting in the audi· ence and smiling, beaming from ear to ear. His name was Henry Thiel. mann. We met and later on he pro- posed marriage; but I wasn•t sure It was God's doing. I took a year to think it over, and went west. In Los Gatos, California, I secured a job as a telephone operator. Despite the' change of scenery I ~ti ll felt out of place, not really ac- cepted. You must understand that as a teen-ager I never identified with bei ng an Indian. I blackened my face and sang AI Jolson style, I played t he boy In Hamel and Gretel and wore a blonde wi g in Cinderella. I would be anything but what I really was. But in California I met a man, Wil Rose, who encouraged me to accept myself as God made me. Then one day wh ile I was driving home from work in my little $130 Studebaker I heard Bev Shea sing. mg on the car radio, "Tenderly he watches over me, every step, every milf' f)f the way." I just pulled over to the side of the road and listened . When he finished I reached out and d icked off t he radio and sat in the silence, afraid to move. I began to weep . God was in t hat car with me. I didn't care whether nnyo ne was walking past. I was ~o overjoyed that God. in his great love and merry, would somehow come down into a car, a little old Studebaker, und te ll a lone girl thousands of mile~ from home. "I love you ." I whispered. "God. You're really hNe. You really love me as I am. not blonde und potle, but with all my pmblem~. my doubtA, and my ques. tion~. That'R ;eal. That's rt'al." Not long after that, Henry and I were married. Today all across America there is a militancy among the young Indi· an~. The old Indians say, "Leave us to li\'C out ou r meager existence in peace until we die. Don't start up any more war or strife. Look at our hi !-llory. We've had it." But the young Indinns say, "How can you talk about peace?" And to me they say, "How can you talk about .love? And freedom? There is no freedom." But I want them to. experience the love of Jesus so that they will be free within . So many of them have such hate in their hearts. I feel a great longi ng for them to be able to look at the white man t hrough the eyes of God. to be able to say, "I'm a new Indian, a free Indian. I have a heart now that can forgive." When that happens, God create!! a sunburst in the heart. We American Indians have always felt we could be compared to the eagle who flies into the stonn and rises above it. But.today a lot of In- dians feel u if they had their wings dipped. We a re put down or dis- criminated against. But I like to say that God has scotch-taped our feath- er~ back onto us, and allows us to fly in a way we never could before. 'BURST I loolleft tlllo Ia true Dol Jaot of lJI.• dlaao bat of poople ""''"'""""' · 0ao DIPt I •ld ,._of .U..O. ~ dl!rial-a cl'fle ~ -ID lluta Rooa, c.It£cinlloL lD tile alldleaN waa u ~ diu, Clll.r VOilDO, from U. waa 8t :ruro old, o.lld atte......,.. he lntroclucocl hlmHif lo me. U. oald he waa aad about the futllre of our people. with all the llt'Owilll miUtanq. He aakod, "Where lo tile hopi :for Amorlca r· Then he ID· viW ._ lo a home of Indian poop'! In Sebaalopol. · ' When Chief Venne and I arrlted we notlcocl the table waa eet with~ authentic Indian potte17. We wen treated lo wild Indian rice and duck; then we listened to some old, olq legends of the creation and of Mani- tou, the Groat Spirit. I notlcocl the chief had dloa:fpeared. In a few mo- ments I hear tom-toms, and real. ized somethJng wae happening. In came Chief Venne In his full regalia. He wasn't as steady on· his feet or with the tom.tom as he had been in yean put, but he did a fine job. Then he eald to me, "Matoka, we &-"! here today to honor you. I ap.- preciate what you are sharing with the people, and your teRtimony ·of faith in Jesus Christ. I would like to give you a place of honor aritona your people and among my people of America." I didn't know what he was talk· ing about, but he said, "[ am much too old to have you as a daughter, but u chief of the Ojibway tribe I would like to make you my grand. dau.-hter." I wu just weak! Every. one wu amiline-u he gave me a beau. tiful eagle feather. I wa.a shocked. I had never even seen an eag1e feather. With special permisaion from the government he had killed the eagle and received the feathers. Then the old chief sang a song to me. It was the highlight of my life. I didn't realize at the time what God wu preparing me for : a nation. wide ministry in the cause of Christ. 01d Chief Venne, blesa his heart, has since gone to the Happy Hunt- ing Ground (our name for heaven). I believe now that he named me "Pale Moon" because the moon has no light of ita own i it's just an o)). ject in the skf, but when. the wor1d moves out o the way, then that moon reftects the light of the sun. And that is what I want to spend my life doing, ae Win~ Y&n·Sa..Hao. Wi, Princess Pale Moon, reflectlnl' the lillht of the Son of God. =o ~ilrle~t~onl .,~,.-.... ...... , ... Tut: q OilY--to-· lot ltiM- NE of tho lfplllcant .,Ish to loam. In -• r.at-of..., Lonl'l joublje prlnc:iple or tho -j ....... wllllld ......,.,. ~ 1111 -...q. · cluol"' of tho oy• to tho tNtlll>ro .... t lloro k lo op)WOplta,_ ·to an Inc...,. ot --But lo tho ob-tho tmwb of I M<Ond ploeo, tO, t).ooo who -~ coneervafM N.w T..un .. u to reeetw tlw truth, the p1pbill" ... ocholar of IIIIo eoatllt)': "Tho t.dtlaj ·modo rJorioutly ploln; .... fltu!atm of Jnus wu earritd on in ¥lrloul WRJ'I. form of tbt t•chfnc only ,..... 'to Somttimu there ntt a.tf:ndA!d drtve the meanJna honW' (d. Joha dbcounoo Uko tho · Sonnon OCI tho G•.Wm Moehen, "Tho flEe of (Jullt Moun! (Mouhew 5·7( .. On the -and tho Dnelopmmt or tho O!wdt In hand, much of tho moot . prtdouo Now Teotomcnl Timeo" Ia A 11M/ Blb/4 te'idtlna of our Lord • OCNltaan.d tn HUtory, 1922, pp. 13, 74). brief •ytnp •hkh were uttered ia Moreow:r, concernfna: tht t.mtna of anawer to 10me objection or 1D .S.W of Jwu: ""'n ~rabies," tht attention of tht 10me spec~ situation. ruder b: directed to the ret..ant ''One other form of teachitw l'eJiilutr.' comments of a de'+'Out ICbolar of the special attention -namely, the puab... Free O.urch of Scotland: ""n. ;moR A panble 11 I namttw tabn from chlracterillk form or speech fla (J .... ) ordinary life, but lnteoded to teach made ute or wu the parable. It wu I some spiritual leuon. Jt ddrera from an combinatiO'\ of the two .qualUJea - aJleaory in that the a~tloD II not to concise, memorable exprtllloai, and a be earried out in wch detad. Ordinarily ftaurative style. It used 111 !Dddeat, a parable teaches limply ONII ·te.oni taktn from common. life and rounded there is only one point of lim11artty into a aem-ute picture, to Nl forth bel weeR the literal maanlna of the 10me correapondins truth in· tb,t,Jr,J&her parable and the deeper 1piritui.l t.ruth . and 'f)lrltual reJion. Jt wu 1 (l't'orite Thus when our lord compared God's Jewilh mode of puttina truth, b~t JeM~a aruwer to prayer with the answer whk:b imparted to it by far ~ rk:helt and an unjust judp &fves to an lmportunlte molt perfect dneloproent. .About widow (Luke 18: 1-8) , the detafb in the one-third of aU fll •)'inli whk:h han two cases are not intended to be timila.r ; been pretei'Yed to · w coDiiiU of God is very different from the unjust parables. judae . But there ll one point of "tie (Jesut) never went far for til llmilarity -trnportunJty does haft iU Wwtntiont. AI I muter or paintJnc will effect in both c:ues. make you , wtth 1 monel of chalk or a "The distinction between a parable burnt stick. 1 face at whkb you mutt and an alleJory il not an ablolute lauch, or •eep, or wonder , 10 Jesus dis tinction, and sometimes the I.e> took the commonest objeeU and ~hade into each other. Thw the papble lncidentJ around ffim -the lrWfna of 1 of the Wicked Hutbtndmen (Matt . plecc of cloth on an old prmont, the 21 :33-46; Mtrk 12:1·12; Luke 20:9-19). burttinl; or tn old bottle, the children which Jesus uttered nearly at the dote playina in the market·place, at weddtnp Of hisearthJyminiltry, partakes larpJy of aacJ funerals, or the tumblina Of 1 hut in lht nature of allegory. 11\e detailJ to a 1 atorm -to chanp them into perfect co nsiderable extent are alpifkant -the picture~, and io t:DHe them the. vehicles ~:icked hulbaodmen reprctent the Jews for conveyina to the world immortal and their leaden, the servants who were truth. No wonder the crowds followed first sent represent the prophets, the 10n tim! Ewen the simplest could dtlllht 1n wh o wu tent laat repraentl Jeau IUCh pictures and carry away u 1 himself. But many of Jesus' pvabl• u• Ufe.Jonc Po~~e~aio"ri the · expre..tOft at parables pure and simple; they are not Leut of l:liJ ideas, th ouah It 1 rnilht intended to be prelled in detaU, but require the thouaflt of centuria to Inch, each of them, 10me one leuon." pitrce thetr cryuaJUne deptha. There Also , the u.me scholar writes: "'1he nner wu apeakjna . 10 abnplt yet 10 l""p<lOO ol Jo.,.•ln ·-P,'l'l>leo wu P'Ofoiuld • ...-jllc:!Orlil•ycf'IO'a6oolulely twofold . In the flnl placo .lbt ,~lao ., ,, ......... (cf. J-·~ i,"i ll:_• of ···~·k ~i«Jt i ~Jelr'lto-thdte ~~ &W:t.olT I .. ;,"'!""_h ....._~~ 'l:_·J :O¥' dl"!'l-_~/ I. I 'J,_, ~r. ~an -~· ., ). by Julian Williams -alii .... a. __ • • CHRISTIAJI CRUSADE WEEKLY, T-,"otla. Christians Should Oppose Communism (ConUnlled from last week) And wt would add to this th11 Christians who would come up with the dtmoralizing phil~ophy that com- munism should not be oppostd do not really know what it is. They would have to be in the: shoes or thete peo- ple who are suffering under com- munism and who now have ~lativcs suffering under communism in ordel to be q·u1lif1Cd to mate the pronounce- ments or UnplicationJ they ao glibly put forth that Christiana have no business ti&htin& communism. It is extremely doubtful that one could find a Chrlstiaa .tKJ hu autfered under communism followina the Une th11 this J&Lanie ...... ocy aboald ... bo loupl Cectllwu!.-. P-. ...,..,.._ The penecvtloa of Christiana ln Communiat-n~led nations ha continued unabetrd throua:hodt the yean. A Rei)- Jiooa Newt: Service release ol Mareh ) .1975, reported that the Soviet teo-"'''"-~ ... lice uaed radioactive tr.cen to kx:ate aa andc:rpoand printinJ preu boin1 uood by an uoclupound lbpdll &roup to priat Christian liter~~ture, m.. c:tudina New TettameDta. This news ltom dil<looed tha~ wltli the aid ol boUcopton, "the whole clbttlet ol T ... sis outaide RJaa ., .. cardaDy aearcb-- od lor ....,.1 d.,. Ia O<tobor 1974, until one daJ ·ten~ltive detection ift-. atnlments responded ove-r a farm in Litukalna."' 1'be RNS iteDI contlnoed: "Aboat 200 pollee ...,. onlerod lo llio opot. lo o IOCIOI IOCdoo ot tile baoomeot ...... )'OOIIK lloptiotl wae found ... Oct. :14. 1974, Ia tho - -o1 priatioa ~.ooo !few T- _,. • a 1111 lo the clnlt<boo lor O.riauau.. . '1bo "'ffl!a ... -""" 15,000 -T•1 1a lllld :ZO.OOO · fOUnds of ,..,.. ..,. onekMK. • • ... ~----• lo M•"t10 21 :1,, ~ -lllo1 _,..., ,.. lllo ...... , ""Go ,. .... ~ .......... 1.1" _,.,_ ...... , ., - ......... 1 'p't ...... • .._ ........ ''n..., • -.............. W...tiOod --·--~~-..... ,-... ~ . .., .. ,.., .. .,., AP ... aw.a.. •• .. ~ "Americu miuionary wort ia V'et· nam came to a wirtuaJ hall this week with nearly all of ttl penonDel enco-- al<d and Ill achooio and cnher proj- c:cu left to an uncertain fu.ture. '1'be entire eoterpriae 'b• come eo a llti.DdatiD,' U)'l tbc Rev. Looil Kina: of Nyack N.Y. bead of ovcneu wort of the dtristia~ aod Mialioury ADi- anc:e, wblcb bq worltecl ia Vieuiam lor 64 yean . . . Ualeq P""P'CIO chao&<. bo addo. ~ loob like the ond of = mltaioas in that area for an · "te period. "CoolaJ* ot the lllil:lionary opera. -bocamc: ~ -1 tblo -t. .nth 10001 ol the _..wmately 200 ----tho-try, iacfudiDJ Soadiem lbptiota, Moo. IIDIIita, Wydllre m.,u.,. "'""'· 4 --of Oocl -and otlien. "MOll)' flod. oervecl there lor many yean, ., teldaen., commanJry dc- wlopment adviaert, nunea. youlh counse:lora. apiculturaJ Cocllnldana adminiatraton and .,....,., • • • ' '1bo Rov. W. Eupne Ontbbo a/ RlehiiiOIId, VL, • Soatlimt lloptlot -ol!lciol -ely -aed -... ,.., trip .. v ........ ..,. tho depottlna mioalooorta lelt .,_ -. cliutppoio-t """ doopoit.' • Now whot tlad ol Cltrtod-c:oo blind tl.e.ueiwt ud eot~taM w ifD.. M !hot we obould not flllit I IIIOIIIc ~o~co ....... --..... the opnedlq "' the .... -· -who -tiOC boonlll'l n.e Uolt<d SWea Ia eopodolly Jm. ponutln ,.,. ... to-.... ..... ,. dlo ... l>or•• ll Ia tho ... lor ---tho -"' oaf. mM.II..,....to...,ca'tMt lb.............. .· '-ctlawiUII I 'noflet ... C ..... o-....-r .,., 1' ...... .,. ........... ..,,.. .......... . ....._.."Wild: tor .. t t du ol 6o ta I II oMt-,..,... &I .. ,... • "' ... "' .... ielol .. Owl' 1 ~ JCJ& ... • -II :tl ..,, ........ Uolzo, ·~ 1111 -I I ' ., 6o ..... , _,... . .., .... _ .... 0 =I .., __ ... (11!1 • .,. t ....... .................... • 214 , .... _ ......... Certainly, this operation of the Com- munists atel't"a from Sa11n and should be e~nl•ilkd to churc:h people by their clerrmen. And It It definitely aomcthioa Chriatiana should OPJIOie. Commwdam offers pllible .human beina an animal utopia· on earth pro- vided they Jive un their free~ and submit to whit the Communitfs caD '"the dktatnrahiD ol the oroJecariat." They oromise to Jive somethinl( to. oeo- ple from the production of othe:n. ot c:ourx, mc:.t ot these Jifb and the promiacd utopia never come. Com- munism alwava tuma out to be a ryr. anny ;n •hlch the maue. of the ~ pie live in •bicct poverty while their Communiar slave muten live in rei• live luxury. We aa,ree lbec the main ~rion ol ChriatJana to comrruni:~m should be on the aplritual tevel and in i'ela- doa to Rtd rf7ortt 1o take God •••Y from mankind, H.owewr. in addition 10 oopoaina eommunbm on a spiritual level, lhere it nothlna •"'"• with ~ polinJ them on the material. level. And. eanlruy lo the tblnklnK ol peo. pte wlio hove been duped Into pOcir.a- de ocdntdeo. -• oochlnt wmn, wid! lldlitary oppolldon to Commurt- lot --ro enolave lanoeeat peo. pie. ' l<t .. -tho ....... flveo lw '""' O.rtot --rdl-rk* leaden ol Iliac ......... _ ., u.p him wltlt the -tloo: ""ron .. tliertlore. Wliot """""" -Is h lo"""l lo live tribote .. ,. Cleiar. « 0011" lo His -Oirlst ,__ eel -• cola -a..:..;.. lnlqe ... It and -'lod: "Rendtr ........_ vato Coooot the till.,. wliiCII! "i;o;-eo.. llllr'o: """ -Ood .... Gim.i lliol o,.Ood'L" (llfoalrew 21:11.21) ~~ wlio --« l;,rrly that --.s---•sn•· ICif IIMt oer --~ .,,1-lotJ ·•Ioow ..... k...,......., -.s ... ..., ......... -. .............. ..,_ ...... ... ..... ..... , • 1 ,... ·-.. .. Q kt l)fh&j, ,.., ........ .. A 'f --• -olp -01 ..... .,.. ~...,I ._. ."'-.. rllzft11ol -....... ,, ... -off f( td • • • -j , • W. .._a.t.aa.+t w :":. -., .... ''~= .. ... ell foa:tll IJ?ItM :.:~e.r: UIIC'AI ........ LIGAL M011CI PIC Ill 1008 8U81ME18 JfAMI 8TATRMUT n. fDIJonlc ......... ................ ., .. a.ltJ, 111? laat Cout ......._,, CoroM del Mar liaS: Ctarl• NtU Me- ICIVJI, Ul-1/1 Goldluod ~. Coro11 dtl Mar Ca. "" .......... ~ ..,. .. lldiYidlal. lipid: CMJ'lu NtU Mt- IUieca. 'l'bq ltatemeat wu ftled .U. tbe Coaaty c•rk ofOr-ur• Coaty 1 ... e, 1..,5. PeUib: s .. 11, tt, za, Jaly I, 19'75, ID tM Nnport Butler lutp. F -4el4 LHAL .M01ICa PIC1'11'1008 BUSDfESS NAME STATE WENT nt fDlkJwtac ptl"aOU IH dotDc buctNis u: Herold • Herold tb Holiday HoaM Uqlor, Jtl7 E. Cout Hw, ., CoroM del Mar, Callf. NUS: Jolin T. Herold {Jie11Mnbip), U74Z Bar--.ua, Mlaion Vtej), CalU. IW75; Charita • A. Herold (panDer), l.S7 Hlchlud OriYe, Solaoa Beach, CaiU. 9t075. Thta bualntss ll coodlacted bJ a 1•eral partnership. Slpecl: Jobn T. Herold. Tau ltltemeat was ftlttt with tht COIUity Clerk ofOr-uce Couoty May 30, 19'75. . S46S9 Pwblt.b: .IIIDt 12, 19, Z6, Jaly s, 19'75, lD the Newport Harbor Butp. F -44339 LHALMDnCI .-.:1l110~ BQSIHESS . ,.:.~~=· Ja ~ tllllltDMa u: Waco L.W. -DrUiwood, Co-n. dtl War 92615: lArGJ (LH) Jamt1 Hartltu, Z06 Drttt.rood, Corcm dtl Mar 9W5. Tbi.l bualoe11 la cocdlcted by U &Mivldllll. Slped: L. J. Rarkltl& Tb18 ltat.ment was ftled wttb tbe County Clerk ofOr- •• COUD.ty J110e 11, 19'75. Plbllab: Jt&Dt 19, Z6, July I, 10, 1975, 1a tbe Newport RUbor Eutp. F -44702 LIGAL. MOTICI FICTITIOUS BUSlJifESS NAME STATE ME NT Tbe ft»llowtnc per.aa ls dolllc buiDess u: Secrets, Zlt5 Vtata Entract.., Np-- port B•cb, ca. 9!MO: ~ Hlea'D, Z195 V~ta Ea- tndl. Newport Beach, ca. tiMO. Tll1a buloess la cooducttd by 1 U.mlttd pa rtDerlldp. S1pect Pope Hllbal"'l. nu at.~MM .,., tuld wb tbe Coaly Clerk ofOr- up CoutJ JUM 19, 19'75. PlbUib: Jue Z6, Jaly S, to, 1'7, 1t'75, Ia tbe Newport Jl&ftor ID.II.p. F .t49S3 LICW.IMmCI tJc llTIOOS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT TIM tikwiJII ptTIOII Ia cSollll bu&Mu at: B. X. • L. Ma,..._ CorporalJGI, 1'1101 Qy Park Bltd,, SlUt It, IIYtM, CalltDnJI W70'7: DIJu c~-, MU Dolin Clrdt, flatllltD8 a.e-, C&JdDrUl _.,, nut ••swu....-.clild bJID ......... ...... Dljla CftODricL 111111 .,, ... wulled wD tM c:..Q Cleft t(Or- ~CallltJ,.. "-li'JS, ..... ___ .,__ ,... •;l'IIJ .. 10. 11, 1m, ta .. ~ ..., ....... , ..... LIGM.M011CI riCiihOOi 8USIHS8 NAMIITAftMUT n. toUowiDc .,.,... .. ............ u ........ -lAfl JCb a., ~ 8~ .... ao.teloSata, ltll.._., L8t-D,N..,. port Bt&ell -.eo . nu .,.,.,. a. eoadlet- ect bJ .. IDdlY1dlal. SicMd: ac.te Jo Se1D. Tld.a atatemeM wu ftJed wttb tbe COUIJ Clerk ofOr- uc• CoatJ 1 ... 1s, 1W75. ---L-IG_AL_MO_T1_C_I__ GOLDEN DEED> AW ARO tor tbeir wort lD preMnJnc U~r Newport Bay for pabl1c ue la awarded to Frank aDd Fran Robinson of WestcWf by Newport Harbor Ex. c hange Club President Dick Hodce, at rtcbt. The tD.D&aal award, •bleb cites YOlunteer community senlce, was presented last Tt.arsday at tbe Ettba.Dce Club's meeUnc at the Bahia CorJnthla.n Yacbt Club. (Eutance Club photo) Mlllb: ,fa. 19, H, Jaly s. 10, 1975, 1D the !fewport H&J1)or Eulp. F t4'1'71 LIGALMOnCI FICTITIOUS BUSINESS MA.ME ST ATEIIENT Tbe folJowSac peraoa ls dotoc buslatu as: (1) or. bit Coaaty FaltSnpMeet, (Z) OftiCt COUDty SWap .,..., u ratr om., Costa Mea, Callt. 9I2U6: Ttl Pb1J Ent•rpr1M1, IDe. (Call- torula -State of IDcorpora- Uoa). 11'70 Slllta ADa Awe., Costa Mea, CaUt. 9%6!'7. Tbll bu!MulaCGDductld by a corporatioo. CoJ'I)OraUoo Name: Tel PbJl Enterprt.es, Inc., Tbomas 0. PtillUps, Pres. Thtl statement was rued with the Coaaty Clerk ofOr- IJICt Couaty Jane 5, 19'15. Publlah: Jcme 12, 19, 26, July S, 19'75, Jn the Newport Harbor Ensign. F -44488 LIGAL MDnCI SSOtS SUPERIOR COURT 0~ THE STATE OF CAUFORMlA FOR THE COUNTY OF ORANGE No. Aa.t019 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE • (CCP Secttoo 1277)' lo re K.UO MICHELL£ FORRESTER, 1 II!Dor by JOE EDWARD FORRESTER AlfO MARY ANM FOR- RESTER, Parents, for Cbuce of Nam•. WHEREAS, JOE EDW ARO FORRESTER IDd MARY ANN FORRESTER, Pttttklo- ers as tbt partatl of appli- cant. a peHOG aDder 11 1• rs of ace, bU tlltd a PttWoa wltb the Clerk of tbla Coart for an ordtr cbiD(IDc IP· pUC&Dt's name from KAMI MICHELLE FORRESTER to CAMERON MJCH£LLE FORRESTER: rr IS ORDERED tlat U1 pereoas lDter'tlted ill t~ above-enttlled matter appear before tau Coart at LIGAL MOTICI 10:00 A.M., oa Jaly !1,19'75, 1D tbe c:oortroom of Dtpart- meat a, at tbe CoatyCoart- boue, located at '700 CtTic Ceot.er Drtn Wut, Santa ADa. CalJt)nata, aod lbow caue, 1f &oJ, why the petl- tloo for ctance of u.me lboWd DOt be puted. rr IS FURTHER ORDERED tbat a oopyofthls order to shoW CUM be pat>. llsbld 1D tbe Newport Har- bor EDSip, a HWIIJIPtr of reDtnJ clrcu.latioG prlnted ID Ora.Dct Couuty, Call- fomta, ooee a week for four nc:ceaiwt weeu prior to tbt date set for betrtDc oo tbt petW.oa. DATED: June 11, 19'15. SAMUEL DREIZEN,Jqe of tbe SUperior Court Hurwtts, Hurwlu " Re- mer, attorneys at law, .:to 32Dd Street, Newport Beach, CaWorn.la 92663, (714) 673- 9020. Publt.sh: Juoe 19, 26, July 3, 10, 1975, ill the Newport Harbor Ensign. LEGAL HOTIC! ORDl.NANCt 'kO".' lUi c. Tbt boars of opera-A. Ben, wine, or full ser- AN ORDINANCE OF THE tion. vJe. bar. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH U ~rU. tJae rewtew of tbf> B. Tbe us. of llYe eo- AMEMDING CHAPTER820.. Use ~rmlt, tbe PlaaniA« t~rtalnment. 08, Z0.31 AND Z0.400F THE Commtuloo UMI uy o1 tbe C. Tbt hours of o.,eratloD. NtWPORT BF.Ac.tt.¥Umc;&. , ~ c:CIMidtn.._ a.s U dw'tllc tbt r.Ytew of PALCODEPERT~lNc;i'rt> • lluQ for ~OI'jper-tbe ue pennlf.. tbt PlaJudtc R!I'I'AURA!fTI.J.KI).RES! .... J.ll. a ., .. _,.., . ..,_ Ceaualssioo Ufs uy ol tbe AU!UNT PA.IliONG'tr ANt). rtQQirelMOt, tbf aabstuce preced1nc C'OOSiderattOGS as ARDS OIIIICb couiM ....... IMJI l bub fbr rais1Dc or loW .. Tbe Ctty CouncU of tbt become cod.dou oft be Us. erlJ!j a restaurant's perk- CUy of Newport Belctt00£S Permit ud a cbuce to any lac requlremt>nt, tbe sub- ORDAIN as lollows: of tbtsf r oadtdou wtU re-stance or SU<'b roostden- 'SECTION 1. SecHoo ZO.-quirt ao amtodmtot to tbf Uons shall become coodl- OI.OSO of the NeWfiC)rt Bt&C'h UR Permit. W!\en a.oameod-Uoos of t~ Use Permit and YIDllct.pal Code Is be reb} me:lt to the u,. Permit 1s a cba~e to a.ny ortb-3s~ ·~on- tteleted ~retrom. required, Ole P~aru~MrCom-diUoos •Ul require &!I SECTIO.N 2. S.Ctloo 20.. mlssim m; 1 i.QcrnMordt-amecdm.;nt to the use per. 31.030 of the Newport Beach creeM parkiJII r~Jlrt-mit. Wben ao ameodm•t to Muntctpel Code ls btrtb)' ments wltbiD the l"lllll•• the use permit l.s required, amended by delet!D( ..t>-Dottt1 above.•· tbt Pla.nning Commission paracrapb (d) therefrom and SECTION 3. S.CUoD 20.-mty lllcrt&se or decreaSf addlnc a new sutJparacraph 40.0SO of tiM Newport Btarh parkla« requirements With- ( d) to rt&d as follows: . UWlirlpal Co>1t ls hereby LD tbf ruces noted a.bowt." ''20.38.030 (d) RESTAU -ameDded by dtlttlnc !Db-SECTiON 4. SectioD 20.- RANTS: paJ'ICT'Ipb (c) tbtntrom and 20.020 of tbe Newport 8-acb ODe space for each 40 ad!HD& a new sub~J~ngnptl Mualctpa.J COO. ls herebv IQIJirt feet of ott pablic (c) to reed at follow~: amcoded by deletl.n« sub- area. ··Net Pabll<' Area·· ··zo.40.030 (c) RESTAUR-puqrapb (b) therefrom .11Yt stall be dellDed as tbt tobl ANTS: adc!IDc a oew subparagraph area of tbe nsturant ill-0oe space for t&ch 40 (b) to ra6 u follows; dlldU. paHoa, balcastes, sca-re teet of Ht publlc ''Z0.!0.020. (b) R...Uil aDd any outdoor ar•• CIJ)-ara. ··Net hbllc .u.•· stores aDd per80Dal senirf able of beJ.ac utd tDr tbe sbaU bt dttiDed u tM total Htabllshmets wtth!n a boU- parpoae ot MrYIDc food or ara ot tbt ~atauut IDc:lu-<UDc, ID ~!11d1Dc appltaoce beYtftCH. 1rltb tbe eu.p-diDc p&U.. balcoaiel, &Del stores, bakeries {not wholtt- tloa of kitcbeU, rMtroom1, uy oef4oor araa c:apabt. Ale4 buta, barber shops, offtee1 pertalnblc to U. rea-of btlac .. ed IDr tJat pu-be&llty parlors. book stores, taG'IDt oalJ, Ud loo4 Ud poM o1 tentac laod or be-dlplrtmeat stores, drug btYerqe Mn1c• or ltoract nne-, wttb tbt aa:llltbl stores, foodsbaps, bardlrart of tltcbtM, rtltroom., ol-ato~s. DUrMrles, omces, nee• pertaiDill tl) tbe rea.. ndJo stor.., antiQU~ shops, tallftllt *'· lDd tDod IDd shoe sbops, studios, taUor .,....,.,. Mmct or .tor-abopa, ud otber uses whlcb ace anu. ID tbt oplDJoo of the Plan- Bued oa tbt ~ IWic CommJssloo are of a coolldtnUou, U.. Plunlac abnllar oature." CoiUD...._ may IDe..._ SECTION 5. Section 20 •• or dtcnut tbt par-n-20.030 of tbe Newport Beech qllirftMII& _,r 1 ........,..., MID!e.l Code Ia bertby ~. wWdA tM lUI• .t .. Ill*• 1et.d therefrom aDd a •• tor eac' 10 to 50 ... ,..... Stctto. 20.%0.030 Ia added of ... J1111b1k .,.: to racl u follows: 1. 'nt P\1llk:aJ DH1p "IO.OZ.OSO USES REQUI- c~ tt ta. ,__ lWtG USE P£Rtm'. Thel)l- taa.rut. 1.owt11 ues sbtll be permit· A. •IIO'Uol oiMt Jllb· ted •ject to tbt securlDc lJe ara ...... ted-... of I u .. PormU Ill t&Cb .... cocldiU.. or a.--. ca.-IUQliM •nkt sm- 8. n. •IDbtr ot ..a.. U... ctrlft-la ttciUUu, re- or ..u, ud tllltlr &n'Uit-Ml.uta. Olltdool' rata•r-m-. ............... acu .. (', oa..t ....... tMt....., .... ot " IQiln fMt ......., be ........ IJom Ia .,... ... tJp ...... lieU a. ..... ~.,...... -~t to &DJ per. UclftL . ..... ..... D.·fte..,._ ......... . ..... , .... -.,_ .. car .-e-. ....... Md •--~ ~ •tNMt; 01 ..... ............... L'IIIIMIIMII .. ~ t r r. . A; .. ,,... ... _ ........ a II &hth?.,, .... ,.,, . .....,: .... ., ... OCC offers film watch When you dectde savtng ts better than tak1ng chances constder the reasons to choose Home Savtngs the only savtngs and loan association over SS Y2 Stilton Strong. Number 1 tn the Natton .n both Savtngs and Loans Orange Coast College wlU otter a new public rum series nut tau called ·•the rum watch." The serles wlll pre- sent ten recently produced International rums that deal wtth contemponry issues. Tickets for tht> serif'S wUI be prtced at $10. Tickets ror each fUm wm also ~ sold at the door for Sl.so. Gary Hoffma.o, OCC assist- ant profes.,r or English, ts the st'rles coord.lnator. H.-re ls the schedulE>: Sept. ZO -"Lacombe, Lucten, .. (Freorh). Sept. 27 -"Badlands,'' ( Amttrtcan). Oct. 4 -··The Nal1a Gang," (French). Ort. 11 -"Ali. Fear Eats the Soul," (W. German). LIGAL MOTIC! lots and outdoor restaur- Oct. 18 -'·The MiddlE> of the World, •· (Swiss). Oct. Z5 -· · Ama rcord,' · (Italian). Nov. 1 • '·Day for N~ht,'' (French). Nov. 8 -"La Rapture,'' (Freoch1 Nov. 15 -Le Ptttll Theatre de Jean Renoir,'' (French). Nov. 22 -· Adrtft," tChecz). BICENTENNIAL MOTIF FOR GARDEN SHOW More than $2.5 mlllioo worth of products lor t~ home w1U be oo paradtt August 15-24 wbeo the 21st .w11111 Southland Homtt and Garden Show will be pre. sented tn thealr-cODdttloned Anabelm r ooveotlon center. Geofle Coloorl5_ founder- producer of the bome shov;, sald that the more uan 500 exhibits will gl•e vLs:ttors aD opportunity to SM oot only the latest ln ftarnlsh. tngs aDd applJances, but home eotertaillment eqalp. meot 1Jb stereos, tete. Ylsicu a.Dd btlltal'd tables. Amoac ma j)r attraetioos •UI be the nowerandprdro show. Its dominant f•ture will Include a dlmea.siooal display of 8-Coot high busts or Revolutionary War flgvres 1D keeping with thebtc.ntA'O - ntal celebratioo. LIGAL MOTICI F1CTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following pt>rsoo Is doing business as: Cal. Tn- vel Ciub, 1280 LondondPrry, Costa Mesa., Ca. 92626: Phny C. Hukell' Associates, lnl'. (a Callfomt.a C'Of'PO~ tloo). 1280 Londonderry, Cosb Mesa, Ca. 92626. This business Is ·ondurt- el1 ~Y a rorporatlon. Corp)nUon Name: Plin} C. Haskell ' Asso<'iates; Pllny C. Haskell, Pres. Thls statttment was Cll..-d with tht' County Clerk orOr- ange County June 9, 1975. Publish: June !2, 19, 26, J11ly 3, 19'1 5, ln the Nt>wport Harbor Ensap. F -4-4552 No savmgs tns!ltutton pays more than Home on ensured savtngs Many do not offer as much tn etther tnterest or free servtces Home Savtngs rates start wtth tnterest patd day-tn to day·out at the current annual 5 V4% plus datly compound· tng whtch tS more than any bank pays on ttle same bastc passbook accounts No bank pays 7¥.% on 6 to 10 year term accounts Home d oes wtth JUSt a $1 .000 mtntmum On early wtthdrawals of pnnctpal substanttal tnterest penalttes are requtred legally but leave pnnctpat and mterest and your actual annual return IS over 8o/o Your money doubles 1n less than 9 years "Old Dependable" stnce 1889. Home Savtngs has more for you today than ever before NEWPORT &EACH 190 Newport Center Drive near Fashion Island 640-6100 ~ rE_ot_~ ~ ~· e<"CI oe .... ~ ... , c,wDC)'.......,.,. "<.'"~' ~ liD tAO ooo 'tv ,. ............... we .. SSII80 ooc 'Ot • ..,.._, 01 • -<ftl(~-.--s- ! e G) Ide ~ otice THE 1975-78 EDITION OF YOUR HARBOR AREA '~'•t.•••o•• DJa•ct'OaY "GOING TO BED VERY St«>RTL Y'' II SUII YO II fit• IS AIIQUATU Y IIPIISIIYII II Till OILY CO.Illfl YIUOW • Willi PAll TIUPIOII IIIICtOIY IICliSifll f SIIYIII COSTA .ISA -IIWPOIY IIACI COIOIA Ill aAI I IIYIII D!LIVlll TO nil 75,. I!SIOIMCfS I M•fssu -JIL Y •71 CALL NOW le3a-so3o I 7741- Ll• uu,.. , .... ''TSAI'ITY SH!'S A WHORE" a .• ,~,,.,. R•,"•• Bolt R•t•tl (R) . Sp.ct•l Mld..fght Show J.ly •& 5 "L•••• & G.ntl ...... , n.. Rolllnt Sto•••' (PG) .......... ;; 'rMUIIDAY, JULy I, 1171 •. B· • •• "al I-........ ~ .. •.• •. 80Cl on•..,... "-'--..::. _.;,:a~..,.ArA.' .-__,.-:w~.-~· :=·.:•.mr~:.TIIII Wo CU bo ... _ llllt ,fo bo bomo II --Ia ,_,«<I ol lloo J0oo 10 Mn.lluoldC..ollloolllolr. •talty.,oklb-.llllor. totaloiiUtyar, lood a .....,. lltonto crud· lac lifo WI~ Ulolr e~ Tbo "JJowwac ponolla lD lOtloor. Tho lollort lbat be ud bolll( wltll bor dar8( tJoo •-ol "•000 11114 ,_ to lila brtdo ol •-rr-t triala oo "1110 bome oftt wore -by tbo IIIla I yan willie oo""'i lnooi" IUid at tho ...,.lime llnpott bollldlacdoputmool lo lbe Grand Army ol the 1"1111( a loyalty to b1a dllrtllc tbo lUI I WMII:a ol Repablle durlrtg the ClYll country aod 1 MU1 of.. JUM; War an ot tueb btstorlcat to nmaJD wttb tbe armJ. • BIG CANYON tnterest U.t the Ubnriao Mn. Coz 1u eollec:ttd Mollba Enterprtlta, 17 of lbt 1owa State departmeol: tbiH letters hom her Royal st. GtoiJe, Z ltor'J'. of btstory writes: 1iudfltbtr , •• (Very few 1 untt ftel11DC, $111,5-tO. ''I WU clad to koow Uat of lbe letter. to lbt .aldler • EAST UPPER BAY cbe early letters reflect tbe tram Ma wtte wen pre. B. Vcm Remtrt. additioa, war In the west. This 1s senect because of b.lsmcwe. 2969 Catalpe, $6,000. so particularly a put of meot 1D battle.) 1o tbem we • AIRPORT AREA tbe Iowa ClvU Wa.r history." al8o .. tbe ftJ' nr wu DoD Koll Co., 1801 Dowe, More than uat, these toacbt lD tbose days -· ., tin sprlntlers, $5,0C8. letters wblcb are collected dltlertat trom todly'a me~ Trlple Scoop, teout lm~ ln a oewty published t:loo'; cbiDl&ed nrfl.re. We see proYemeot, 901 Dcwe St., "Kiss Josey for Me," give Lt. Henry Ankeny's lnteue $5,000, an lnUmate picture of tile patriotism, b.Uh lDGod,lon Hopldu Dnelopineat Co,, life or a soldier ••• a of b.is bride aDd feellncs teoant lmpronment al lfOO or r~e~ret during the hard· QuaU St., $6,500, Al>tr ORIOUU.L WEST!RN &-MARIN" ALBERT R; KELCH AJt.& Restoration. 673-9383 sblps of their sepuaUoo, all Golden West Equity Prop. moviDgly portrayed tn hts trUes, ~ittoa.s, 3961Mac. letters home. Artlalr Blvd,, $10,860, In tb.is book you are with Baysr.ore Dewelopment, tile soldier~:> on march with Improvements, 1601 Don, General Sherman through $5,000, Georgia aod you see their • NEWPORT vlewpolnt of their com· E. G. Warmi.Qctoo, add maDders and maneuvers of eotry, 3415 Vla ()porto, $5,- the war. 000. And through It all, the Properties West, Z story Rlelard _.., .... ud alttr, U II&Jtlor lalud Dr., $U,IT1. 0 IRVIIIE TERRACE Galea 811tldty, add, 1001 Dolphta Ter ., $15,000. • CAMEO SHORES s. Tur.r, J. nuter, re- model aod &del, 460'7 C&Jn. den. $25,000. • WEST UPPER SAY Denn1J: O'Htnt. add IDd alter, 19SS Ternlta. $9,100. D. E. Petet80D, lSOO Aa· ttcuaL I otory, I ..UI dnll· lac. ,-,s,ooo. Repairs, 1!26 Pol& ria Dr., $7,000, • CORONA DEL WAR Peter O'Brt-. WS Bay. side, adl:l amdeck, enclose paUo, $5,200, • NEWPORT CENTER W, K. Duls, !80 Newport Center Dr., tenant Improve~ ment, $18,000. • BAY SHORES Dan Evans, add aod alter, 2555 VIsta Dr,, $20,000. Bert Reedy, remodel at 2512 Vista Dr •• $5,500. letters to his wUe speak duplex. 3601 W. Balboa Bl., ?~~~·J.::: .. ~~.:~' .. '· June recycle sets record TWO COMPLETE SHOWS ., :00 & 9: H Ten.month-old Justin A recor1 104.8 tons of old newspapers were col· lected during June by New. port Beacb refuse crews. It was the biggest single mOf;!th's collectlon since the city started the separate col. lectloo of bundled news- papers 10 months ago, "Since the program be- gan, ~r;e have collected aDd sold $19,760 worth ofpapers waved his rattle tn delij[hl as his dadd)', Fre¥1 Olson of Santa Ana Heights, re- ceived his B.A. In math from UC I this summer. Justin's daddy delayed his education whUe he served with the armed forces lo German)', Hi s wlfe, Nan cr Hoffman Olson. Is the daughter of Dr, aod Mrs. Ri chards Hoff~ man of Corona del Mar, ALPHA CHI OMEGA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'I TO INSTALL SLATE '71 DODGE COLT SUPER GAS SAVER '74 MUSTANG MACH I Pow .Strng -Pwr .Brks. COURIER Pickup 4 Speed Transmission LOW MI LES $21 SQUIH.E WAGON 4 Speed Transmission LOW MI LES MALffi U $ GMC SPRINT Pow.Stmg.-Pow.Brks. 931EYG Auto.Trans.-Fact.Alr Pow .Stmg,-Pow .Brks. Auto Trans .• Fact,Air Automatic rransmissiou TAPE DE CK Dick Rtchard, one of the bank's founding directors. is now devoting his talents and energies to Harbor area banking. Dick knows Harbor area blJsiness, having spent 25 wonderful years at the helm of Richard's Markel before joining the bank as vice·president. His Jeputation for helping people Is unexcelled in the Harbor area. Dick's genuine interest in people is one of the reasons you'll find the Bank or Newport different from ordinary bank&. You can find Dick In our Corona del MaJ ottice, COast Highway near MacArthur Boulevard. WAIN OFFICE: 0oWr .. Sbnoenth • ~5·5333 CORONA OEl.,...,. OFFICE: COOII Hljjl1way neo• MKArihut • ... 5--3330 The South Orange County Alumnae Chapter ol Alpha ChJ. Omega wUJ meet at 11 a.m. Thursday, July 10, at the OOme of Mrs. Kenneth Cooling ln University Park. Irvine. There wUJ be swim- ming and potluck salad luncheon at ooon. Mrs. Ronald Gagliano, alumnae chairman or Dls- lrtct XIX South, will install tbe new ofttcers: Mrs. Lee Clark of Haroor Vie...- Homes, presldeut; Mrs. Zai Sanderson of La(lWU, vtce- presldent; Mrs. Carl Moss- berg of Huntington Beach, <"orresponding secretary; Mrs. Stephen Bills of Pla - c~tla. recordlfli secretar}·; Mrs . Harvey Tedrow of Co- sta Mesa, treasurer. Fifty year membership plos wm be presented to Mrs. Rlctl:lrd Castle of Bat. boa, Mrs, Gillette Baile}· of HunUngton Beach and Mrs. Darrell Nordwall or Laguna Hills, pa$t natioll31 president. DR. LOHR TO ADDRESS CHURCH BY THE BAY Dr. Franklin Lohr wUI be guest speaker at 10 a.m. this Sunday, July 6, at the Community Church by the Bay, Newport Beach, ac. cording to Dr. William R. Parker, founder aDd min- ister. Services are Deld at the Lido Theatre. Dr. Lohr, who wUI talk on "Enthusla sllc prayer,'· Is lull time director Gf re- search for the Religious Churrh Fouodatloo of America In c., headquartered at Princeton, New Jersey, In 1950 he became coiled- ate mlnlliler with Dr. James Fl.tleld, First Congrpga. Uonal Church, Los Angeles. During World War D, ht served as Air Force chap. lain. for a profit to the clty of about $16,000," says city General Services Director Jake Mynderse. "It would hate required aboot 11,850 trees to manutacb.Jre the newsprint that was pro- duced from Newport's 790 tons of recycled newspapers. And, by DOt hauling the papers to the dump, we htve saved about 2,370 yards of scarce l&ndtlll space." Newspaper coiJecUondays for July are the 14th, 15th and 16th east of the bay, and the 21st, Z2nd aod 23rd west of the bay. MUSIC, STYLES FOR CHRISTIAN WOMEN MarUyn MebHgofFuller- ton wUI highlight the pro. gram of the mother-daughter luncheon program of the Newport Beach Christian Women's Club on Wednes- day, July 16, at the Air- porter Inn. Also featured will be New- porter Evan WUiiams, form- erly with Phoenix Sunshine group, with a muslf'11 pro- ~tram, and a fashlOn sho'lo' commentated by Florence Smales of Newport Beach. Reservations may be matte with Mrs. Joe Stewart, 675- 2741. GROW GREEN THUMB WORKSHOP OFFERED Beginning Wedne!lday, July 9, the Costa Mesa de. partment of leisure sernces wtll otter a teen workshop entitled "How to grow a lt reefl Uwmb." The workshops wUI be beld oo Wednesdays from 3 to 5 p.m. at the Community Recreation Ceoter, West gate, Oraoce CoUnty FaJr. DIVIMO CXIIIIP!TillON AT ORAMGI! COAST T ' c ". ..... ..... .... """'_.., J .. t- 1111t es"W 1 at tie Onlp A '*"'*"'" djYtnC cu 111CA -1111 *II .,.,. • : ... -boloc •r· ·-" -OIJ""* P"-lbr au ~~arcoop E N S I c; N C LASS I FIE D ADS ---- • MIJ(:ILLAIIIOU& GLEII'8 GARD£11111G • ~ c~tonleo.-- llolo nloL Good rtlono<· & Call 67S-Z007 after 5 p.m. • OIIROPRACTOR --··TV••··THU••· •.• -·· ••-7 ....... 10-a • .,. --~--T ON\.Y ~­•••• c_.,-Co.....,. HW'I". ..,,.,.c Co-o. .. .._ • ., •. .,ao, £ ••• , ... .~, BE,t..UTY NOO~ 2732 E. Cooot Hwy. Corono del Mor Phone~7336 e IIC'i'C:L II$ ·SALES a SE~VICE aL1ritt8T. COIITA .. &A ~M-noe-1148 11615 .IIA&.COI"M C....,) ~.!" ~·~ ~ 6-M-40711 Home of the "Centurion Super Le Mans" 10- • One day repair service • DAILY SUNDAY 9 to 5:30 9 tol 371 OLD NEWPORT BL, HE.WPQ$1 T lEACH "" AC_,U .,.,.. NOAG HOSI'.., •I'LOtii&TI ,LOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS . . Dtlrf•;l Tosh. FLORISTS _,_,. Z.Nee,eet....a, eo-.- o HIA$111MG AIDS HAL .A.EBISCHE R ~-!r ~--~ Fit1ina A"ute9 ~E.Cosn.Hwy. Coronedet Mw VOLKSWAGEN CAMPER TENT unit, conve-rtible, complete, Purchased at flctory lilt West Germany -nenr used. Call before 10 a.m., after 6 p.m. 968· 1440. CABIN CRUISER -!3 foot. TwlP Chrysler engines. Good condition. Quick sale for $9,750, Ca ll Mr. Hand- ren, 675-5?74. o FOR RENT HOUSE • 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. ProtessJonallydec- orated. Private patio. All bullt~lns. Garage. Private laundry room. Choice area ol Corona del Mar. Adults oo.ly, no pets. Terms to be discussed aner lnspec . Uori. Ptw::lne 675.2051. TWO BEDROOM, 2 uath pri- n.te apt. with priYllte patio, private la~ry fac. Ultles, Garage. Afl buUt- lns, Choice Co rona del Mar location. Newly dec- orated, Adults only, no pets, Terms to be dis~ cussed aner lnspectton. Phone 675-2051. '"-NIWI"OifiiT ltACH ~~~";.F•"'i'"" "·y D •CKAt«l I FILU•IMEI ::,. OFFICE SLM.IEI -IITATIOMERY ~~'I =-~·. JIWr O,ICI ....... YtiiiC. 3011 Nnpoet Bl,., Nn'p)Ji S.ch e MARIHI HARDWARI ,=~, c~ . ll.,.uc:eJ 01111 -l!ar--0,.._.,.._ ._,.._ 100 W, COAST HWY., 11.8. '*-... 1'1!1 • WANTED TO RINT LOCAL SWIM Inatructor and young daughter want two bedroom unfurnished house or apartment, Ex- cellent local references, Call before 1 p.m. 675. 4385. FAMILY OF THREE, two adults and one high school girl, needs two bedroom house with garage and ya rd. Costa Mesa or vicinity. Prefer tone- term, reasonable monthly rentaL We do not like to movel Call 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. 673 -0553 days. After 6 p.m. 53 1-6131, o HELP WANTED STUFF ENVELOPES • $25 per 100. Im mediate earn· ings. Beginner's Klt$1.00. P. 0. Box 4447, Dept.TM, lrvlne, ~a. 92664. o DECORATING OJSTOM WILTS DUS"f RUFFtF.S and Plf.LOW ~HAMS by Ju4y 552-0732 •DI.Y Q.UNUS • Wf......tce'?"alty AI----. ............... U00 I. ta. 11w}., Cllll -1'1·-- t~e ~rll <ialltJl ~FREEZE DRIED FOODS • o.,.·s tntck w•kWid CMCkegt~ mon1t1 0< .,..,,.., provi1io1W BEVERLY WILTSE 6441094 ,..,_, ___ ---1_, ..... -- f&;;Q ....... b ... .._ ______ _ -· - I I Ocean Views V,ery cholce Nortb Lacuna locaUoo. stx lovely· sp~.ctous 2 bedroom uolts &ad ooe OYtrslse 3 bed- room plan. Close to belches, abopplDC and all i that La~una Art Colony charm. Top quallty coo- structloo. From $54,950. Call675-7225 SITUATED ON TEN ACRES SPACIOUS 1 & 2 BEDROOM APAR'NEHTS Fu lftlllhed & Unfvml &hed • Pli ••a. Patlot • Pireplecea • POOLI • t Hole Ptaaina 01 .. • T.ait ~~ lePuaa. P•iiJ •ell• • Q[ io Scholl .. ,..,...... •• 900 s .. Lone, CDM MocArthur near Coast Hwy., dose to Fashion Island DEL MAR (714) 6.44-2611 ofiJo J!Jt Spac;ious ~ BR., family rm .. din. rm. On 52 ft. Sunny priv. patio. $179,000 Waterfront 4 BH .. 5 ba .• rumpus rm. Pier & tloal, ::,andy beu<:h. $295,000 Beaut. 6 BH. 5 Ba, or 4 BR. 4 Ba, with 2 HR. 1 hath apl. Sandy beach, courtyard. :.hurt• mnonng. S295.000 BILL GRUNDY, Realtor lslandeu Bldg. at Linda Isle . 3~1 BAYSIDE DR., SUITE 1, M.B. 675-6161 ................ NEWPORT WATERFRONT Pier & 1 Slips Outra~cous waterfront home. Thrc(' s pacious ht·drnom:-.. J baths. :! fll·cplat·t•:,, s umptuous ground:-. :.and g;ll·dc n-.;. L1vc on thl• \\ ah·~ for ''"I,. ;-; t:l:!. ;,uu. < • \ 1.1 •. Open Sunday I to 5 2 lalboa Co•es ~ PR€HIG€ /-+-I HOM€S tt•AL .STAT. BROKERAGE ,.. ................................ ....... 645·6646 ·~ 1 1 .. M' n IIPOIT . 1 •·• Unit sales, through:· ·the Multiple Listing Service of the Newport Harbor~osta Mesa Board of Realtors, tOtalled 371 In May. .. 3,339 lisUQgs were pro- cessed tturlng the first 5 moMbS Of 1975, of wblcb 48% were sold. 781 of {VaAes were co~ratlvel allll•r~ .. HAPPY HOUDAYI A SPARKLER diM FOR THOSE IN THE KNOW!! .507 TREMONT, CAMEO SHORES • • • • the address connotes beaut1ful bomes IDd tbt good We. Protected patio with sparklq pool. Watch the • sunset and check out your favorite boat raee. All tbla for $157,000. A CH VIEW!--PRIVACY! 2907 EBBTIDE, HARBOR VIEW HILLS HERE'S THE HOME TO GIVE ZEST TO YOUR UFE DELUXE APPOINTMENTS A MAGNIFICENT CONTEMPORARY HOME * 675-Sno * 3637 E. Coast Hwy Corou •• Mar na:nab/ ivill rBIIIV FINER HOMES SPECIAl BAYFRONT BUY!! 1·\·p :-;lmpll'' '\,.,, hn111• " Jllt'l' \'\ """' I lh'cllli•H II' l,lllllh J'Utllll :; b.11h-. 0'\1."1 'l'•t;.';uo·· ('al l Iii:~ :l!)(ltl t I' H 1 "litE A THT A KING VIEW" :!·"torn.• .... :.ti ''" Whit•· \\'.llt·r ''"''·' fr()m La$!un.c 1" l.,t J4•1la. :! ~ 1· ..... &,U:W -' ~ rtn1!1· f;t•d'fu.,rn -.Ill It·-. + ramll,· n"'m hhran · ( ll'l'ltiHr ~1,111'\\t·ll tu t.•nlt>l'lainrnt·lll ,,.,··I " wl'l IJ.11 . c·ustom pc·tlt/1 ,'(: lll't'JIII . :-.1>-:'I.UHII. Htden Wood li II li~'"' cll:i'' • 114 YFitOKT -PIEil & SU'. De<-orator's dream. Guest quarters w/fireplacc. Long view of channf'l. Seclusion w •II! patio & beautiful plantings. $165,000. Gladys Russell 642·8235. (Hll) 901 D~r Driw 64l·IJJ5/1644 MacAnhur Blvd. 644-6100 Newport Beedl, Caltforma 92683 FROM MOUNTAINS. •• TO OCEAN •.. OR IN BETWEEN LAKE AllOWHEAD Mountain Home. 3 bedrooms, 2.000 sq. ft. on 3 levels. Close to lake and clubhouse. Enjoy crackling fireplaces. whispering pines, sports and recre~tlon in sm01-free atmosphere. All this and mucb more within 2 hours of Harbor area. Furniture incl. Only SC9l~· with an FHA assumable loan at~% interest. · NIWPOIT lEACH Smack on Ute. beac-h! Prime East Balboa Penlnsula. Charming, weU·maintaincd, older home. 4 bedrooms or 3 and Den. HUJ(e, glassed living room overlooking wide, sandy beach, ocean aDd Catalina. :·a:l ~.suo Lot Zaned R-4 ! Call on these or othet' properties by · ILL tum.IY WISTCLIH IW.n COMPANY 17JJw. ...... : ......... .... .-.nil RED, WHITE & BLUE Our _Fourth of July ----~~ S-P-E-C-1-A-l JUST LISTED -De<:orator's own 3 bedroom home -Spacious master suite -Complete privacy -Pool -Shopping nearby. Low malnteoaoce. Prlced reasonably at $68,500. Call 673-8550 THE REAL ESTATERS D2 MAIGUIII Tl~ CC)IoMA DIL MAl .,,_. •• SECLUDED Estate Home ••• WITH UNUSUAL GROUNilS II POOL. CALL 673-2222 AND LET US SHOW YOU A MEMORABLE HOME. VIEW! of ocean •••• VIEW! of bay VIEW! of lights Large three l)e(iroom home. Especially well planned to entertain ln house, patio ' pool. •••• OPEN HOUSE SUN.l-5 535 VISTA GRANDE T~e Bl••fb.. _ Very ll(ht A. bright Bonita~-(S ~rooms &.. 2 baths) --beam ct'LliDc, eod unit.. close tn pool, vacant, qui<:'k <K'Cupancy. Just reduc~ $72,500 ************** R E Sl DEN T I A l AN 0 IN C 0 M E P R 0 P E R Tl E S ---TO BETTER SERVE YOUR •£EOSI R,chelle Robers, Re4ltor 3333 E. Coast Highway CoroGa del Mar 675-2373 ****** ****·**** P.t-Btul'tltt R-JJ, pre6eniJ MODERN BEACH HOME UASI OPTION ~ SZOOO. -cedar exterior for low maintenance - contemporary design with all new kitchen & new plumbing, etc. On large Jot. 3 Bedrooms & large family room -near beaches! i'iow va{·ant ! . ... ....... , ...... ,. ..,..... ,.., .... .,.,.. i lOY I. McCARDLE : DALTO& II ! ..,.. a8UAM.8 J81tftC8 SIHC8 IUJ ft. c:iit A liSA REALTORS 675-aSU SPECIALS! CAMEO HIGHLANDS Say there, for the young (aod YOUDC at beut), come see oar new otfert.ng; it's cooternporary, lt'a fouT bedroom or three & den It -rtt .. $87,500. • -• )) CORO~A DEL MAR SpartJJnc three bedroom, 1-1/2 baths: c barm- t.og. Try begi.DDer's luc k at $69,500. CAMEO SHORES OCEAN VIEW three bedroom; private beach; • family room, spacious lawns and patios. It's a dellgbl to .... $127.·:~ SHORE CLIFFS lnteresttDc "IPlit-lf'vel" 1titb beam <'eWDcs, paoelt.og; prlnte beach. SllO,OOO. .....OitT auat-cORGNA DilL MAlt RIAL RITATa sr-CWJm · COL£ OF "EWPORT, IEAI.nlll 2515 E. c.... ...... ..,, c. ........ 100 Feel to Beach QutstancUQ& buy Au an iaYei&AL.or a a-- who dea.ira a be&cb home pl.u rental lDcome. This dUplex cout.st.s of oae aoU wltb 4 bedrooms, 2 batba, plu 1 uolt 1ritb 2 bedrooms IDd 1 batb.. ExceUeat summer rtntal scbedllle. Call lor ciltalla. $89,500. S000 SQ. n. of Jamry Uving can ~ yours lD tbls castom boUt slncle story S bedroom, 6 bath home. Located hi&b oo a hill oa oae of the !arrest lots In BJ( Canyoo. Commanding Ylew of the goll course. This is a brand new bome with many extra featuns t.ocludlng aJr coodJtloolng, toter- com, electric front gate, plus much more. Tnaly a quaUty buUt executive bome throughout. Open daUy 1-5 p.m. 49 Royal Saint George. 640-6161. 'ttttl""-....................................................................................................... ~ ·~'+'+'Y+'+~T+P+ Unlimited Potential - MID-IIALBOA Own Your Own Business rDR:A.Tl!D 1'000 POR LONG TBIW SlURAGB &i!AUTIP'UL KIUOSI:N! LAMPS J.~ c .... .n .. ·•••klclty "'' •• "..... o•~~" ,.,. _.,, II HOUR wu• 7 DtY CAMDL!S OIL LAMII'S. WICKS..,,. SCIMTilO,OILS :M l:~rlllfH1StJr . "'" I -FOODS 1111aMoMI' ........... .-.,w·-•"• ......... _., ... J'l•wllt•--lwlllt,..._ .... ll ....... ,71 tat. II bo* lonn, "Beaeb ... ...,.. .. • ,.,_ .....,. .. _., __ ... ~-....­N-rt'l IOOd old 1110111 tiQ's. U la ·11r • MeMIIJt"a --... loCal ..... fnlat _,.,., 1111 ·-ell Rat IIlJa" II IIIII IIOWIC lo bao--IIIII II - ·-... 1111 -· ...., -..... prlllod liln bJ the Ellllp N>llallbl Co: "I bopl tM bclo' c1oe1 a ...., job ollllllllc the ..,,.,., In pteturu, olllle .. lJdays ol sportllabtJI& In N-rt," says tbe aulbor. "It reeoaDts tbe days wb~m we stW eauctrt plenty of blc flab bereabouts --the dlya bd)re tbt bl&: purse HJ.Ds deetmattd tbe oeeao by scooptng up eDtire setlooll aod leaYiD&: DOtblDC. Tbe boot shows l1sh tbe likes of wblch you'll oenr see apln." Hugh ._s seeD 1t all. He was born lD Newport, of u- ~!~lors wbo came to town years ago. aott llfea: ID ~·~P?.rt Hetgbts, wblcbused flsberman'srillage, •• All ol tbe MeMlllaD's beach nts," claims "We lot'ed the beach couldn't leave It for father ran a tackle at Newport Pier for years. Hls grand- John, came here from ~cotlaod about 1881, follow, a brother, James, wbo Lube & Oil Change S488 • Complrlr ~h.•s~'" lullriulioo & oil ..;'Jti!!!"'!!!!"!! chao~e • II~ It•~ ~or;urc longer wuriog paris ~ amoulh, qu•et poerfntmancc • l'l<':lsr phqn" fur appo.ntmenl e Jn - <.ludcs loghl trur.h Upto5qt•of,...,a< ... ..,. -'\t-tf.,..oot Engine Tune-Up . S3295 • W"h •<• ""'"" •qcopmo·m '"' r<>· ~ ft·~i"n~J, f1n e lone your "'"lline, 10· .... · ~ . Sl~llon~ "''""1"""'5. plug, &.r.ondenser ,.,. - Add S4forl(yl, Pn~one fur muomum JlU milo·8go e ln· I 'J'~ • Ho•tp, m~•nlnon a smoolh running , · J]lor"l"CQtld dudes Dnlsun. To~ola. VW 11o lisht 1 ~ BRAKf: OVERHAUL SS69S u_ .... ,.._.,.._ ·-- lrud, Our Great Polyester Cord Tire -Helps Hold The Line On Price AII-MeJither711 Gc>odyur"t i\11-Wulhet 78 }I buill will! pofynter curd thor• llt1\ lllffl~rfll h'l u ••· clulv• Goodyn1 proc:.,.• II so:t !h cord 11 opthtlu101 •H~nlth •nd rnllt•nce. Th• wldt 11-nrlet tu• It .. ,.,.,..,. molcttd," • tecll· nlq\Mt borTOwtd fMM r.u 11,. prodOM:!IOil. '" ..,.,rt-41 ....,tdtna. tht Qlfttout of the ,,.,d .,.,. face II 11t1hlly CDIICIVI U II com .. J111m ! ... !.'!~ I !.'!~ ~t~old -fO lhtl wM th llnr \1 lnflo'-', dw u"d -•" lvll, n.t coniKI wUit tW reeL And til• ntt-tr,. ,,. ... clnlp ito ..u ~ with plmtr of tn.c:tfon fllta to ~ ..... olvt Jr\p, Jn .,...,. dttlll, OIH ""11•\Yt"till' 11 III•H JIN l!ontll qvalit)', tl 1 •riU ........ In otep wltiiiM 11-. • GE1TIIIG rr 'IOGITRER Ia Newport Btocb ..U..r HQCil Mc:MII..... Wbo .. p6ctu-lcl ben UMmbl1Dc tbe IIIIa ol bll 1a1o1t -. ·-cb Rat Pia," 1 oompU•Hm of hla llabiDc IIIII beech -tatea llOWid Newport clur, Inc lll!t put 50 ,_.,., (Eoslp photo) laDded iD Newport In 1875, ''Wbtle tbe C01111trJ 1a ee- lebntiag Us blc...,'•l, tbe MelUllu'a are celebn- Uo&: tbt1r eeu.teaDial bare," ll.fl ffucb. . Mr. MeiiUJaD. wbo prt- •lousiJ worted u ..... re- porter aDd pbot.ornpber l:»r lbe -Au Rectator .., tor tbe Enstp, bu •ned 21 years as a dilpateber tor · the Newport Beach Flre Dtpt, But, before lba~ be cot In pleoty ot !lablac, llld IIIII does wt:leoewer be cu. Flsbermeo may lie, bat pictures dcm"t, aDd ''Beacb Rat PiJ:" is pbOto(rqlble proot tbat oot all of the bfC ooe cot any. . ----.... -..--~ .. -~:.A ........ ---.... , -· .., .;. ....... Check can Yotlr Social be deposited directly Into your Savlnss Account Lasuna Federal by the u.s. Treasury Departnsent Protect yourself from theft or IOf!S. Start earning dally compounded interest at the highest rate In our 40-year history, from the instant your check is received. Come in and fill out the special authorization form at any of our five offices, and be ready to safeguard your Social Security checks with insured, safe, direct deposits to your Laguna Federal savings account. LAGUNA FEDERAL IIAVINOS LAGUNA NIGUEL. California 3 Monarch Bay Plaza HOME OFFICE SUJOIER PLANNING makes for a good clt.lb year--18 the philosophy of Mrs. Walter Bennett of Westellff, rtcbt. oew presideot of Newport's Cinderella GaUd of Cblldrtm'a Hospital of Ora.t~ge County. She ls dtseusstn& pJan.s with Mrs. Jotm Holcomb of Baycrest, past presldeot of tbe Gulld, (Eoslp photo) SAN CllMENTE, California 801 North El Camino Real 260 Ocean Avenue Laguna Beach, California Telephone: 494-7541 LAGUNA HILLS, California 24301 Paaeo de Valencia LAKE ELSINORE, California 600 West Graham Avenue LIGAL MOTICI FICTITIOUS BUSINESS ~AME STATEMENT The foUowlDc per.oo. Is doing business u: Greater Irwine Publishing Co., 155 Rochester, Costa Mesa, Calif. 92627: Ama.Igamated Grapblc Senices "-Calif. Corp,, 155 Rocbelter, Costa Mesa, Calif. 92627. Tbls busiDess is cooducted by a corporation, Corporatloo Name: Amal- gamated Grapble Senices, D. W. Sbores, Pns. This statement was ruect with the County Clerk of Or- ange County Juoe 27, 1975. Publish: July 3, 10, 17, 24, 1975, in tbe Newport Harbor Eo.sJgn. F "45289 LIGAL NOTICE fiCTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The followtng per!iiOo 1s doing business as: TYc Wbecl Transit Authority; Bicycle Baggage Stop; Paul's Pedal Palace; Paul's Parts for Bicycles, 1884 Pla- ceotla, Costa Mesa, Cali- fornia 92627: Paul CaiYID Moore m, 1845 Anaheim, Costa Mesa, Ca. 92627. Thls busioess Is conducted by ao lndiYidua.l. Signed.: Paul c. Moore. This statement was ftlect with the Couoty Clerk of Or- ange County June 27, 1975. Publish: July 3, 10, 17, 24, 1975, 1D tile Newport Harbor Eo•lp. F -45265 LI.GAL. MDlt'CI . . : F'ICTITIOUS BUSIIIESS NAME STATEMENT Tbe tollowiD( per~DG~ are C)otog bu.•Loess as: RIPtal S•nice, 507 Edcenter, Blll>ol, CalU. 9%660: Tim- othy P. Anaold, 667 W..._t St., SaD Jott, CaUL 95110; RlclaN A, Kllactlhofor,lOG llaiD st., Bolllol, CIIU, -TIU ba-ala-11!1 by MONEY AND PEOPLE While the pollee a.od llremen were begging lor a cost-of-IIYing pay raise, I oatlce the bigwigs down at City Hall got their own IDIIU&l pay raises without any argument, whatsoever. U the City Manager Is worth $40,000 a year, then each policeman Is worth $50,000, The players, not the coaches, are the 011es who mate a team click, Seven years ago, the City Mauager got $18,000 a year, It's still the same )lb. One of these <llys, we're going to wise up and put tbal pollee helicopter 011 the ground, where II beloogs, a.od pJt 10 more cops 011 the beat, OUr money would be much better spent, We don't need pdcels. We need policemen. Not ooly Is our "omclal" crtme rate going up, but a lot of people don't bother reporting crimes, because they lmow there aren't OIIOUgb pollee to help them out, One of these <llys, the goYemment boys are going to ldll the goose that lays the golden egg, They keep using our money to buy up property lor parks, thus taltlllg the property off the tu rolls, a.od at the same lime IDcreaslllc all ktncls of benefits lor the world's DOn-producers, When the goYemmeat OWIIS everytblng, and 3,quarters of the people are on welfare, who wt11 pay the tues to .._rt all of this craziness? By the way, I bave a boDe to pick with the Internal Rennue Service, (lloo't we all?) I work several !lours a week for these guys, figurine out payroll tues, business lUes a.od all kinds of red tape, Why don't they pay me lor this? Government workers are gstttngalotofmooeynow,Sboulcln'tl be [Jlld tor the paperwork I do lor Uncle Sam? The problem, of course, Is tl».t I am a IIID&l1 busllleuman, not a big 011e, U I OWII8d a big corporatklo, I would ban an acCOIIIIIant do all of my tu work and write It off u a busln-._se, But, I'm not big eaouct> to eet tl».t kiDd of break, Just Ute I aid last week about the "blgb-clus" tbletes llleallac more lball comm011 thieves, You , bave to be big to get the breake, SmallllallnessmeJI are dlllcrlmlnaled ap1nst, I'll tell you wbat I tblnk 0118 of the big problem• Is -there 1.1 too much money In pollllcs, Taa tbe moaey out of the p.mo a.od JOU'Il -a dltfereot IP'OUP of players, SerYinc your couatry, JOUr llate, JOUr C01111tJ or JOUr town abould be a c!Yic duty wblcb an)'OIIe lbould take 011 lor ONE TERil WbtD yoil llart maldnc poliUcs too tlnanctally attracUYe, · JOU attract m• Wllo are lnterallled In a polllll'&l career, Poi!Uca sbouldll't be a career. Soma tolD araue t1t11 JOU ban to II&J a lot of moaey to attract the rlcbt people, lloo't ~e It, W ........... Jelfe.-. Jackloa, T..scty Roo18nlt &1111 pyalJU U».t were amooc the belt public •nul8 'ft'Ye eter bad, Tbey dollated their MrYices to COftl'llllleal bec&al8 they ooald alllrd to, ud bocaUI they WANTED to, TfJ to fiDd a man -)1111 0118 man -In conrDIIItDt today w11o .,..... up to tboM ~~&all of blltofJ, Mo, my trteao11, bJc DIOII8J doeiD't attract the lllqHT people to polll1cs. tt attncta the WIIOIIG people • the Dalm, the Crumpe, the Bndll71 a.od the Twllleya, 1'hiDt abqtlt It, ' AI Forctt p ,s, It'• J~~Kb time, We taft fill Iaili, IIIKb lalla, ambrallu, mm flu. Be a 4act, take to the 'ftlllr OD the 4111, Ou -. lu a eompWe llllllilf of beaeb podol, · \ . ,.