HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-07-10 - Newport Harbor EnsignI A A MAJO TRE WAX FIGURE of "that gtrJ.." aetna Ma.rloTboiiiu, appears to be welcoming dad, tbe real Dan.ll}' Tbomas, to the Movieland Wu Museum 1D Bu-Park. At rtcht Is Leslle C. Bruce Jr. of Coroaa del Mar, genenl manager of the museum. The occasion was the visit by Danny Thomaa for a pho!oJrapby and measurement session so that he can join the wu displays 1D a scene from the 1951 Warner Brothers fllm, "The jau stncer ." NB MULLS tJ Nudity on Newport's beaches ls about to be out- lawed, although pollee and the ctty attorney agree that 1t bas never really been a problem. An ordinance banning nudtty for anyone over 10 years of age Is on the Clty CouncU's Monday night a genda. It Is the re at the urging of Vice-Mayor Milan Dostal, Who asked several weeks ago that Newport move s wLnly to ban nudes, after Laguna Beach did the same. "We don't want Newport'· to become a haven for peo. pie who are banned from nude bath1nc lD neart>y cities," explained Mr. Dostal. C tty Attorney Dennis O'NeU drew up an ord1na.nce based on a Los Angeles city law, which he says has been upheld at the Superior Court leul. lt bans nudes from clty parks, plaJCround.s aDd beaches, requlrtnc tbat clothing cover ceottals, publc hair, buttocks, UJUS, anal re(lons, natal cleft, perineum, and brealt&below the upper edge ol tbe aureola. Tbe oatal cleft. which awears to be a term lnVtDted by attorneys, bas beeo deftned as tAte CtDiral area wheNt tbe thighs &Dd upper body meet. The dlctioQJry describes tbe perlneum as tbe area be- tweeo the a.ws and the lower rrootal pel,ic regtoo. Exemptions would be granted to chtldren under 10, and to Uve thee.trtcal performances. The ordloa.Dce maltes a statement tbat may aocmd stnflie to vetenn City Hall watchers: "Tbe CttyCouncU tlnds tt&tt U Ls ln the publlc lnterest aDd oeeeuary to 'J)rotect and promote public health, safety aod well&re, that pa_rts. play(l'OUIIds aDd beac bes be ut1l1r.ed a.od •- joyed by as m&DY penou as possible." The lancuace then goes on to make the polnt tbat nudlty c~ses peo- ple away from beacbes. Laguna Beach, wblch 1».1 had a number of DUde bathers, outlawed ouc:Uty oo tbe beaches earlt.r thb summer. ~ ~ct U.t N~ II about to pass u orcl.ai.Dee baonlng nudity raa... tbe question -11 1t ltpl Dllfl1 "lf 80meorM came OGt to the beacb tDd IUDbatbed lD the nude,I doubt tbat •• coWd do mucb about lt," City At- toi'DIY O'Nell admitted Tuesday. Robber-rapist hunted A rollber-rapJst wbo lallfepolDt, to comiDU u ua- Ylctirolltd S Newport B•cb oatlnJ .. x act. Aftw tU1ac women Tuesday oJrbt aod $S5 trom ber, be ld. •rlJ yesterday 11 be~ At la.m.1tlttrda1,am&D ~GUCbt by pollee. followbll tbt •m• dMcrtp- Ht usa&alted womeo In Uoo cot 1D tuoiiP u •- Coroaa ~tl Mar IDd Be.lboe Jocbd fl'oDt cJDor oftlltiiiOmt at D.ltti)OlDt and waa talbd of 1 Cllltnl lfewport womu lDto J•vtnr by a Ctlltn.l wbo l1YM &laM. Sbt tDid Newport womu. He rotJbld polke 11M awolllt to a.lldm tbe S wom• bt .....at.ct. .._ Oil U. tdp of Mr ......... , .... btd ~ a ladlle. ctttale a W'&l of_... "B• -~ -.... --· Tille -.et ... Wldte -._ --#-- ID&D bltlr .. ll udi'IJ'IU8 old WOCDU tDr IDCIMJ. lid of .,. wttll faltl1 Aart. wbla • tDid llm 1ta1 eMit~ II.DdJ batr Ud I ...,... blft 111ft .. ~ 011 mu~atM •.aclWII ..,._ lllftllr In dl wL' . ...,_ 110 ud i'IS ud 5-t to S-10 port Dlt. Cillt. IQCIIU'd tan .... tDJd .. of .... nt• ~-'*"' ...... , .... .,. t:tu au am• wu ••JerrY' 1M • talldiii iD lllallltll ..., tbat .. ftl .. mp~Gfed .... C:Wf lai6d ..... .... ..... ,... .... " uct-..ome. . A& I~ a .._,_,~ n. ant attaclt came at 1fOI!IIII. wto Jltiee 11011 • 5:10 a.m. 'hnlllJ. ,.. a Canadrli U... II C... ._,., .. .._ lltd. ... llllr, ... ••' rs.., ,_ ....... -. --= ~}·· .............. t .......... ·~~ .. .. ., .......................... ... w ccu t • 11111t ......_, anii &JtD ...... IIIt .................. ~~ ............ .... ward ....... 8elcJa ... cGq~WaiJ .... watw. Molt lla!ftM .... ol .,...., ... eouaJII don tbe SuD Aa Rlnr flood .... OQ tbt eo. ... ltdt, &boat --~1" ol tbt wu.r _, comllc don tbt rlttr be1f ud tbl otbtr qaart.r don tilt ftood plue oa tbt ~Btacbade. Tbe riYer bad brotta it.l bLob lartber qp tbt lJDe 80mewbere. Tbe water could DDt 1et out the moutb of the rt•er lnto tbe oceaD fut tDOIIICb tbraiiP e..t~tnact ..,.,._ pa ~lip .. u.. ftlllod .... .. rtaeiiAal tbl bUll of COiil .... OD .. .. &Dd tile ldll.a ol ....... Bt&ell OD tbt oa.. I waa 1rltb my Did aDd .xne otbtr I*IM. We di'O're 08 ap Cout fllclnray to pi'UIIIl41 Brook.barat Awe .. u. tilt .s ot Bulb- ud st. Tbe wat.r tad oot cro..d Caul 81ctrtraY yet, alODc tben. A N...,ort Pter oceao dory wu belle rowed down the 11tnt1t fu'I'Ud u _..a ... ud .... wtt., niCMd ,.,. tM JIIIUIIIP .... of tile ftW COIDPUJ pJut OD tbt ..til tide ol Hamtttoastnet.,..... of u.. mer, Whkb __...., wat.r to part o1 Coa ..... Here thl ~Ud..qp water wu DOt tra•eJJDc at tbe tN· mendDu apeed lt wu mak1ac aear-er tbe IDOCitb of tbe rittr. We bi'OQC'bt tbe coaple back to Newport B•cb. Witb u 1D tbe car wu Rlcbard (SbOrty) Gunther. ooe or tbe dory tlabermeo. (Cooti!wted 011 P ... I) NE.WPOAT BEACH 10( THI NEWIOIT HARIOI ..... GM. .......... . •• ern .. ••• "' •••• JOe COSTA MESA Newport Beacb ls gettlng ready to cooduct ao optnloo poll stmUar to ooe )sitcom. pw.d Jn .Costa Mesa. Re-•lt• are suppoled to let tbe ctty pernmtDt mow what 1oc:al cWuns tlllnk of tbelr town aod lts go•eromeot. Newport CouocU wU1 dis- cuss tbe poU Idea at Mooday afternoon's lllformal study sesmo. The same ftrm wblch d1d a $7,800 study for Costa Mesa t.s betng coo- sldered. Newport's cost bas been esUmated at $7,900. Resulb turned ln last week by ~truon Research, a Loag Beacb ftrm, sbowed tbat tbe 600 Costa Mesa flmWes polltd bad tbt lollowtna oplDicaa about tbelr toft: • cana 11 u. No. 1 ~ '1):.-t-. MIDncS bJ a IIMt! .rW'Ii!'laP IOIWic tDd build- IDe code eotorcemeat. • TRAFFIC congestJon was rated the tblrd most aer1ous problem, but resi- dents were evenly split oter wbether compleUoo of tbe Newport Freeway is desir- able. • SIGN CLUTTER came lD for beavy c riUctsm, with 66 per cent sayq the city's appearance sbould be lm- proYed, and almost tt.t many favoring the new ban oo bill- boards. • A COMMUNITY CEN- TWO FALL FROM PIER Two people tell off New. port Pier lD ~te ac- cidents SUnday, and were pulled from the sea by Ufe- CQUds. Lavoone Yorrls, 31, of fountat.n Valley toppled &boat %0 tt. off tbe pter at 9:05 p.m. Sbe tater told We(larda sbt bad dJ'OA)ed a pack of clgarets and st.oR*f to plck them up, tbtD lost her balaocetDd feU toto the water. Mikt Tar- dift, a Ri'erside man wtJo saw tbe flU, jamped·ID and btlped Mrs. Morris, wbo cannot swlm, until lltt· guards pulled ber from tbe water. Moutb-to-moutb re- sucitaUoD restored ber breathlllc. lAss tbaD u hoar later, Kart Carr, 18, of Ctn1toc ftll trom tM pltr. tit n'lm to a pt1lDc aDd n1 broaCIIt oat wttboot lA):lrl ... TER, to be Onanced by bieber t:ues, got a b1gb pri- ority oo the list of "wants." Tbe wb)ect of school crouiog guards for da.Dgerous street lntersee- Uons, loog a matter or coo- troversy in Costa Mesa, ns not tocbaded oo tbe 17 -page questionnaire. PATRIOA HAAS OF HARBOR VI EW DIES YeRlortal sentces were held Wooday in st. Andre•' s Presbyterlan Church. ClUf Hueo, for Pat rlc la Hus, 41, of 1421 Outr1crer, Har- bor View HU11, who died July 2 at Hoag hospital. Sbt 11 .amved bJ her hustud RaymcocS. caupter SUD UISIOG~tll ot the bome; her p1rt0ts, Mr. aDd Mrs. David Nafttl; a sister, Joau Berrmu, and a brother. Duld Na.ttel Jr., all of Claremont. THURL RAVENSCROFT 01 the Bluffs ls agalD the oar- rator for the Pageant ot the Masters at the Laguna Beach Festival of Arts, wbichopens this Frlct.iy and cootinues through Aug. 24. Mr. Ravenscroft bas been fea- tured with the Sportsmen Quartet;· Walt Disney pro- ducttoos, both 1n tbe moms and DtiDeyla.Dd attracttoos; ''stud 1IIP &Dd ctaeer•• TV seriu, Tony tbe Ttgercom- meretala, &Dd Bible story albums. He se"ed ln the Air Transport Com ma.od dur~ World War D. 2 year Council term proposed A Newport Beach councU- man wants to change city electioo laws and return to wbat be called "old-ttme tradWooal polltlc king." City CouncUman Jolvl Store ot Corona Highlands wW ask Mooday that New - port Beacb voters be al- lowed to decide If Council terDUI sboold be reduced from f to 2 years, and U COGDCUmeo should be elected by district. UDder present city law, eacb ol tbe 7 CouocU mem- bers must lin lD the dis- trict be represents, but ls elected ~t-large by citywide fot.. Yr. Store also wants to broaden tbe current city campaJcn expenditures law to require tbat all ..ampaign cootrlbutioos -even those below $50 -be reported. Now, all dooatiolls of $50 or more are sqpposed to bt rtpOrted to writing. cbance to evaluate his per- formance more often, aoo give the ca.ndJdate ao op- portunity to declde lt he has the Ume to devote a.oother 2 years to tbe job. I've talked to some former councUmeo who said they might have ruo again lt they only had to commJt them- selves for 2 years. I thiDk we could attract more quali- fied candidates U It ns only a 2-yearcommltment.'' Mr. Store admitted that there are stroog arcumeots aplnst his plan. ElectloD by dl£trlct nl.ses the SJ)ectre of Eastero-style ward poli- tics and the posQbWty of a c&DdJ.date betng elected solely on ao t.ssue ttat coo- cero.s a nry small croup ot people. "All I wtu ask tbe Clty CouGCU to do DOW Ls dis- coss tbt Idea aod pat lt oo the ballot ., tbe people can decide." Moodly's afternoon City COUDCU study aesslon w1ll dl8cus Mr, Ston's ldtu. I Tbe lhorttGIDc of tbe term • I.Dd tbl tleetloo by dtstrtct - woaJd ~ ctaops totbt : clt:y cllart.r, wblch can come OG11 by popular vote. Tbl caq~&Jp nportllle cblap could be made by the COUD- eU. Tbe la.od use plan tor de- velopment of 10,000 acres of prime coastal property between Corooa del Mar aoo Lquua Beach was revealed yest.rdly by the Irvine Co. Major features tnctude: • O• of 30 per cent of tbe laDd (2,930 acres} for high quality r estdentlal, commercial and resort de- velopments. Tbe remain1ng 70 per cent of the land ls d~stgnated tor publlc open space uses, sucb a.s parks and wilcrute preserves. . • DeYtlopmeot or 3 "bill- towns" and other resJdeatial araas clustered along the coastal shelf to accommo- date from 13,000 to 19,000 dwelUDg units. Tbe homes w Ul be buUt over the aut 20 to 30 years. • Establlshmeot of a "re- sort tria.ogle" as the coastal community's key elemeot. Located In tb~ heart of tbe PlaDniDc area, tht trlucl• u proposed wW cou1st ol a prdea bote! complex at lts ~ Wlsbbooe IWl, aod other resort-oriented flclli- ttes --shops, restaun.ots aDd hotels --at either leg, one at Crystal Cove, the otber at Reef Point near El Morro beach. ' A view -oriented road syst.em, wUh extensions of Culver Drlve aDd Sand Can- yoo Road s.k1rtlng bills aoo canyons and winding down toward tbe sborellne resort eoclaves. As proposed, tbe rights of way will ~ able to serve multi-model trans- portation systems. • A total or 1,364 acres of proposed state-owned pari· land, including a pe- destn.Ul wa.IInray the length of the coastlloe, blu.fftop parks, the e~~Ure stretcb ol beacb and a 1.200-acre can. yoo park bebJnd El Morro beach. • OestgnaUoo of a sys- tem l)f traUs along s lgntft- cant rld(es and canyon bot- toms, aod establishment of Ia te raJ llnk:ages b4itweeo CaDYOCS to allow wtldllle movemeot trom area to area. • Accommodation or the "Laguaa greenbelt'' r.oo- cept. This Ls acl\ieved by plans for extremely low resldeotlal densities (oo more tha.o ooe or two units ~n acre) 111 the tillly west. era halt of the coast com- muntty, from Muddy Ca.nyoca to tbe Lacuna city Umlts. ooe-tal.t mUes of unde- veloped coastal lands, the largest piece of privately owned, warm-water ocean shorellne in C aillomla. Yesterday's presentation, a ccordl.og to company plan. ner and TIC WIJI coordinator Lawreoce B. Woore, ls tbe first of ma.oy that will be made before local agencies between now an4 tbe eod of the yar. Tbe tlrst wUl be at next Mooday's Newport C tty CouncU meet log. He said the tentattn schedule tor tbe series culminates wUb bearl.Dgs oo tbe plan before the Orange COUDty Board of SuperYlsors ln No- vember a.Dd December. Dooald c. Cameroo.. the company's dlrettor of urllln destcn, DOted tbat tbe lrv1De Compa.oy plan respoods to a re(lonal throu(h-trafftc re- quirement a.s determlDed by a receot county task force stucty by Pf'OVldlDI for a aew lru.lporat:Soa con1dor across tbe comp&J~,J laDds. Tbe propo..S corridor rana lnla.nd of tbe San Joaquin Hllls rld(e. linltiDg DOD-Ir- vine areas tbat are under- doing development upcoast a.Dd downcoast. The company's 1aDd use plan, Mr. Cameron ex- plalned, renects 3 prtnclpal planoing coocE!pU. One ls the "resort triangle." He aid the two sborelJDes resort enclaYes, taken together wtth de¥elopment oo Wlshbooe Hlll, comprise "tbe center- piece" for tbe whole coastal community. The resort cen- ters, he said, should provide ''the best of Lacuna and Newport Beacb scale& wttb.Ln a ttcbtly cootained area." He added ttat tbe ceoters a.t C rystl.l Con and El Morro wW be lntef"SI)ersed wttb 3 sipiftca.nUy loll( but thln opeo ~~~&ce segments ot the coutal blu:tf. Tbe resort ho- tels at tbe Z centers and at Wlsbbooe Hut wlll be low- rise !ltncbares, from ooe to 3 aort.., aDd wlll ~ide a total ot about 3,000rooms. A MCOad plan.oinc ccmC4P(. be Did, la tbat of p~idlnc opeo ~~~&ce wUh1n a deYelop- meatarea. ''Tbt Newport side of the coutal c:ommaalty, ttom Coroaa del Mar to Moctty C&QOQ. Ll tbe mon taslly dtftlaped,'' be declared. ''So It wW be cbrlracteri&ed by a ftl'ltty ot ali'DOil ccm- • Few, lt a.ny, bulldl.op ttDaaa drfelapmtat 011 U. &a tbe 10,000-acn~ plaoaed coula1 lbelf. plateaus IDd eommunlty, hotels lDcloded, r-.. Otwloc*ia( Los wtU rUle abon thrM lltories, Traeo. CaQ0L Middy Cu. • A deosJty ruae 1n tnt JOD Ud S.Cit C.Uty, wblcb -·billtOWD resideatial wm botb be pei"'D&DtDt 01*' anu of trom Z to 6.5 lllllls ~paou, ae~ thla ana." u acr.. Tbe hllltOWDr'WW TM tJdrc1 major~ lllltt bJcber ct.nstUu. Tatal worb lA tbe NYenre. au. JI"1D&&MMIC resJdtDt papda. CIID.,_ called U dlf'elop. bla ol~coutalcomiDI!a&tJ taelll ....... CJIMIIIIpact. u·. n.o ~ dl'relaped oo.kl nat wtl1 ta.111 place oa U.. ,_ell 50.000, at11Jibil L..-lllde ol u. couta1 -.tJ mkt·ruc• popa"ttoa. co.-..,, trom ~ lftjleUGu Tblt ll abolt c..,. ID -CitJ'I bcMDI-a.Jf of wt.t 11 pro)ldld ll1IIL tw t1111 .... .ttr tllit oar-~ GtMr CIC*• ad- Nil Orup Coaaty ...,U ....S bJ U. """'('I(QJ plu, .... llr. ea... aid. an Ita tntM CompuJ o"'etate W c& _.,..., be llal -pn. ••n.n an ttne •JDr ..-1 btD'e ~ ._......_ IIIDI oa ... •••hrl t1 TIC~. a. ... 'I UIIMIH 1m. c,...., ~ IlioN ....... " ... .... c-.,. .aiS....-:7 • ...,.,... .......... - •• h J JftiiUI ~ .... ....., -----tl· .. .......,. u. ._ 10 ,.,. ,..._.at .. ;Lii* ,.. U.. ..,_ a Pllall .... Ulll a. .. wvtc • ._.: ;r•• ...... II o... ..,... *'tar ., • ...._. --· .., ._ .. I 1_, 1_ • ., , , , 7 1 ..-• ..... ...,.... a a ..... llr .. c.-• ....... 1$1 '11 twa..... 2 &ef~ .. .,......... ... , ................... ... l......_b1o ......... Blllilltltaae...__ .......... W rue .. ln-..... , .... ,~ I. .... II J z•• .... ..a ...a." NAVAL ACADEMY midlltdp- ma.n Joseph Schmitz or Spy- glass Hlll is home oo a brief leave alter tlnlsblal bls first year at the academy. Y ouog Schmitz also gradu. ated recently from tbe Navy's SEAL tralnJDc pro. gram 1n Coronado, tDd La headed for a Medttert't.M&D c ruise aboard a Na~ A.tp. Durt.ng his ftrst year at tbe Naval Academy, be madetbe dean's list and tbe tuper· lnteodent's llst wblle maJA. talnlng a 3.7 gn.de .,....,_, He ls tbe soo of au. ud Mrs. John Scbmltz of Spy. glass Hlll. Mr. Scbmtts ls a former State Seoator, U.S. Coogressmao a.Dd presi- deotlal candidate. (Eulp photo.} Western Fed in CDM robbed A man and a ~ bkmde woman robbed Cona del Mar'• Welten Feden!Saf. lncs ol S1,U4 ~ ~ftei'DODII. E~ees of tbe tJuk. located at %7._. E. Caut Hwy., later told pollee tbey belleYed they tad seen tbe pair 111 the bank earller. At 4 p.m., tbe pair, dt- l crfbed a.s a brown.batred man of medium build, aDd a bloode womu ~bout 5-10 and 150 pounds, strolled toto the t.nk. excbaoged casual greetings wttb 3 womea em. ployees. then herded all 3 1nto a back room wben the ma.n drew a .45 pistol. Tbe bandits gnbbed mooey trom the tellers' mooey dnwers, tben left oo root. Employees said tbe woman •as lD the but several days ago trying to cash a check, aDd the mllD was also teotattnly ldeotuled as'bu- lD( spent se•eral mlmltes 1D tbe bank a few days before tbe rotlbtry. MI LO.EO MA.DY Mrs . Hardy of PO dies The Birch Log ' . . ,., ... 11~ ...... ,.. '·¢irr.-.W.....-. ~Independenc~~o~Interdepend~nce • ,., tan 711-. .._ • -~'·Me" . 1\tpa ha.....,--:-r•::•,..aar-t 7 2 ...... ,.,,-... .... .,., .... ,.,. •• -o..h ,.. ...... ....,..,..,.., ··: ·~ --. ,.._. _..,..,... , .• v~,· ,.....-ou:riDm ,.,......_IICIW ,._.•f'...,' r tm, _. .. w...i. •• rdll'1 .-,..., m•ar-... ... .... •,__ .. _.:c.,._,....,,.,.___..., ·-' w.,_ .... ftLI'ItOII .. (Yl .. ln.ll. 1 --,._ ..._... ~ _,.--Ootb .... -PI " 11 Jl&. -=•ICIAL II x_, ~ :C '-~:...,· w. ...... fl";e lve ~-t~• 'r'ca • ,._~--'"-.......__\.._;-..ol ,,_ ....-, .. _.-•• .. •·-,lA JWI • ,_.,Brfdllt • .Dcllnlrb.,. ... -..-, •k•s•.ciK .,. __ _ OUIII CIT'f: WI JS 31 Ul9 ..... . :;:..:"-"":' tlou.:; -wtlb•_.. .... blood. tllo~•oot Jul)o to collb o itow -lloa ol~ ~ wua.Y, • noo•y. looootl •U. but-lltt ~ , ... ., ... •m-·-...s.-cup<oriDthe ...... 'l'llottbo-._....,llr" ~- ,,..,., pold ol c-tlollllor; Collt, 08loo... ,. .... --·-·~-......._~=-=='-'""· . J--oad~lacll,--tiJ _..- .. ' M I ....... ---lloi'NL 1'1111. CGul ·--.. --_, w ---..... ......_._ " -• r-,._ -... ---to-, .r DW1 J;J.J.A. IDOH by 'P¥ I ,'c'-t J'...,.., ~ •• CCie· ' .......,.c~dtLMar,c.at..a. . ., ·-.. ~-.. ··-u ......... -~~ TD IQI._T BARIII:.,.-al wuo4Jodpd ·~~oD-"_.'TniiM ----•--v•~· .. bo I -II .... ., ~ elrcoloiiiiO "'·-1M -ltl-.-. Tbt-• .........., ........ ., ...... i)oc. oylvula ia Mil)', ...... ""-tllo -ltad -llo, .wotTI dtltod 1101 1 .. 1.1, ....... totllo-olllttiWo,-J tar.lioaol~fft>m....,oad-oomo "10 write a clodonllool ol _...,, •. c-6w IJio eo.t7 o1 ~ 11ato ot ca--. .. .., ... lt&d • elueo ID ......, 1o tho "oolf...-r' Uulb tbat "oU d.,.., ._ ......W. ad all-'"·" Tbto. ud bJ' r--. lblr«::l 11 qaUfled tD .-uA aU ::U ..:=== m• ... .,. ...oo..d by tbtir c,_u. wtt.h oa MQ 77, at a coaf...ce ~ .,..__...,.,.,.. pollllo-rOAOiro4 br low, alloo _,, . -"" nnal-~lo .rtchto." Ill otbOY wordo, ootloao lo Poria, s-tuy ol 8W. KOttoiolow AltVO I . BAAPA ••.... Oncud.P*I••r All made ,perualaert. ... .. aOoclandmu'ebukrflbt;lcotMfrom eallecl for the aame .. in~ •· • HC IIAAPA ............ Auoc:ID14 Etlllor 11-wll1lltc to ~ Him, ad 110..,. oloo. It eloadJ followo tballl ,. .... to oolvo the cc•>lrivod-_-, . · SUBIICRIPTtoll RATES · aUCIP""• to tbolr ooUoo ooeb riPto 00 uto, llbtoty, ad 1*-......,. Tbo eoUo 6w "lo..._. ........ -flvm lllllrtlotr-.·,, 0Doyar,$5.00;Iy-a,$ LOO -Ud rtlllc all,lbra bo -·led.._..,. • .,..,, lb. --t muyq~.Yotlm ....... t~--Oolol Barllor .V• ODe. y.,, $t.OO; I,_. .. $10.00_ · --"' ~ •-·----·----.. -• Witb •-~-• to •-ftltare Ia &D aUDowa co.-~. oumot take &hem awQ". A man .oUd founda· ~. WIIUIIII ,. ""'-".,. .. u. ......... ti6o"'ID,_'farOQ'O'CI:0'6•taW,.,. try. thablt to ...,.0 tbt Uimforhedom'lfOUldbeimJK*ibletoftDd. iDt.trdepmcLmt?Are .. to~U.Dede· ~ IJ, ~ . ..,. !':::. ~.~ !!; TH! ARG!MTOS OM THill 61TH AMMIV!RSAU · Tbt DocW.tioo ea11oc1 att&tioo to oootbtY ratioo'a .....,Utioa ol Gotl.p.e fiPta 10 tho ·~ ....... -. -~ "•lf....ndtnt., truth: ·~t to NC\119 U.. IOdl-United Natkd? MIChl ,_t,....,_ left borne wtlb tlle1r......, lster lD America. an botb marrlld. 1'1111 o1 the Uait.ecl Stat. .t ..W~ . -1 tbetr dnttDitloo -&DeS ...... v~. -. ·-. ··-da-·-·--tu-Ricbta. Govemmenw an iaatitutea am.oa.a 1108 ·•-E. HMPA, o""ot .,d .... ltllsllot of ao fn». ...-~ ---•-~-·· -· •-• M . ·•~-.... .-............,_ .. wtlb Cc>toua-_._ -~ adtlnoa aod oomo ol their wu abl;pocl to Roebooler, A!Yio) ltfalD <II Ba-, on. dorivloo -" juat _. 11om tho ...,. '"--....--,.,_ ••••:0••0000000 •0~0••• •• epouon, rtlattfes or N" York, wttbout bU IU· Violet (Mn. Al'tlat) Durof emt ~the Govemed." Speekm, plainly. th» · « 8ocialWt diet.atonhiPif Mutt .. e""h • PRO-AMERICA PLAN FOR '76 .,frtoodo wriUoo totlabolalllat ow hoJotc told U.t bo aod Newport Boa<b aodllarjorlo m-d>at ..,...,....,, ia tho ..,.IIDI <II the our pndoua boritap ID Older to aatlal'1....,. wen ..a • ..-or IIWed 011 Carm-~ ••-e•'"""'"" (Yrs. Bo....,..,) Gtrtlu ol ..... ==' -..6 .oL...J._ -... , -m-t need~ which could ...U, be met but b ~-Our bicentennial observance can be a ,__. -· ~ --r::-·-·----·-----to tbt1r elott:Jbw, Tbt)' u-aweet.t.rt, wen aec:NUJ · Coat& Mea. Two otbar ow. it. very •Mtenct to the IDtll who erM&ed ment i.atarfennce? year of political education and training rind Urod lDd woory lrom married. llo --0 Job da!llblora, B-r -ol It; ad tbat ....... moat'a ftoi<tion ia 10 oola· f st tl of f t is a SO to 60 ell.)' boat tl1p a.od ooe dt)' be reeelweda com. Mea and fruot~ 11\W'd.and~t.beGod-PV.ricbte~iDd.i-No&Ja......,mdmN,Ba&'rf .. nC :1 or r.e ora on our ree en erpr e, acrou tbe oceu &DdiDmoat letter ttat a. cll.acbter, (Mn. Joba.) MartDo fA Sua viduala. We oil• a re.JUndinc "No!" to the~ coostttutiooal republic. casu peailleu, Jet with Fruc:es, wu bona aflbelr Glbrtel, bue 111Dce pa.ued Strarwe .. it m.ay -m t.o miUl)' who will q~ of"i.Dtardependeoct.Ltl; ue mlllt ..t· The goal for the 1976 election year tallhaodltopetllolpYetbom marrlqe. He -....s to any. --•·•--"--·~-••-•--•e..n•eipl•~ l!nnourDoew.t;onot~.,...pull a elt&lteo to UYe Ia their SteUy lDd -bls Ia-James loot blo Yllo Car. ~ -w-.......,, --~-~ Is to elect pro-American patriots to oew-,. thor's eoueot 1o tbo mar-mela 111 1!1&9 aod loai!iiio Amorieoniam had..._ .,...;....ly formed the •-/Jomthe.....,erim-,omd-""!ol Thfl'/ --o Ill •--eo dll ~-•-' to --.. , _ _.. 1n•--~ Ill •--a WowD.. fouodldoa ol. a natJon:--'Our natiOn -thia unic:G otbtt IID'"ftUD.•ta. Let Am.tice dwt hlr Gin! Public office to protect our liberty. As -=· . . ·-· ---·~ wue ~·-""'• fereat oatloaaUties, dif. &.ad cii.IJCbter to Amertca, out ber. IDstel.d Of wallac ol.lrtdepmdeot and IIDWireip at.te. -wu and coane in the future • the hu doDelD tbl pen. General George Washington ccrnmanded, reraJ.t IIDpaces. The)' but b1a wtle carmela coald to tsave tbe estate probated • unique. • eourM tlult U. ..,....._ thi..U-dn•md,. ''Let none but Americans stand on guard eotool.., tn eerta1Dseetiaos oot co beeaue or a eu.rpry at bJ.s d•th. be d.trided tu epect and admiration~~. of •cb town. TbeJ came operatkla ud ., be eune propertJ aDd .arnodend Bow J'arw n. DeclaradHf '!he INden of thil P'Nl utioa ..em d.t.eor· tooight." to labor ID tbe steel mUla, bactalooe, wt.tb tbeprom.l8e b1s rJabts to b.1a cblldna.. Sucb concepte u.,. round in the Declare· mined to ucrifiee our mapaiftcmt Dtelaration Jolm Rarick, fonner coogressman :r::· ~e~,. ~~j ~':tb~':t!.':r :":.~:~ := ~t~t~tpa:er:' = tioa do POt fare ~u in today'• ~m~ bow-on an unholy altar. U tiM)' an not atoppecl. frc:m. Louisiana, has a plan, which he is became a put or a melting SeYeril mODthl-·-ud: tbat be could DOt uwewt.tt:Dut . ever. Ravtooua b., ,ovemmen~ w .t.eadily de-intmiependebce will iDdeed be our kit. But it _..,._. · ,_ ... , 'd .. -' · b,. ->-•-· o1 can Ollly be interdllplftdence with aerfdoa and prtmotlng In speeches throughout the pot of lllleroaljMalltdadot as tho llthor I)Uied lm-hiJI Ylle, Today, be_,...._~., -nc ·--vuycnm• all desln:lus of bei.Dc Amert-mtcntion lupeetioo at about tryiDc to nod a mme-1 Kin( G.orte -apri.nciDc oow from within our tyraliny · nattm. Two weeks ago he was at the eana w1lliDc to compete aDd Palermo, he became IIBPU-tblng to ftl1 tbe wold 1n bla j nation _ baw mu.med like an ancient' pique. eopy,v~at 1m by ??w.JolviBWitSoeieO F..u.w. Laguna Hills Leisure World, speaking to -rate with cthor oa-atod !rom tho rut of tile life. Oo occasions bo woa1c1 under the sponsorship of Liberty Lobby, Uo•1Utes to earn a llYI.Dc, t.amUy. Because of tbelr come to m)' otllet wWI dream of tomorrow and COD· fallure to obta.lll btrth cer-some problem, ft.ret peertBc asking for the help of all patriotic trlllute oomethlng to their tlfleate lor tho eblld, tile through tho w1odowo to -Conservative comment Am oew bomelaod. boa.t salled "With the fatber 1f I was at my desk. I al-ericans in savtng our COWltry • Here tbey touod tbem. alooe. Later oo brother ways tlDd time to eee blm, Americu C<Gitf'ftUYea or atmo.t S to !, tbiJ His plan is startling in its simplicity, selves a eommuoltyofmiud Harry, the motber, tbe .Ue tq>LDe U.t U 1 should ~b ofteo p1etun tbtmaelYN u • answered "coaaerratln." and can be devastating t o the political up peoples and tancuace• of James and cll.agbter ar. 89 Jears or We u.t·IOIOe YOI.ea tn tbt wUdenest • 1bl r•JOD t.b1J eon-•cb YJ1DC to u eel or out. rtYed lD tbe U.S. ooe mJght UDderatud ud a tin)' mtoorit)' ttat must senatln ma))lity laa DO future of left-wing office holders. Before do tbe otber, eacb 10011 to A tamUJ reWIJoD wu beld &:lYe me a few mJmrtu u baDd toptber to preaeb tbe atroac polWeal folce, rea- outlining the details of his project, be bo P'"' a olet -oame u-IJid brother Alp"""'"' IJid I come to the close of my ,._1 of eoutllotlooll CO'· ...,. Yr. Rubor, IJI tlllt sod atiD.& tbem w1tb tbelr s l.ster Conca, mlsstonartes ioomeJ, emmeat and utloMUsm, tba present American 2. reminded his audience that Coogress preY1ou.s aattYe eoutry, de-1.n Cblna, atteoded, Brother • • • TbeJ form spllDter parties part)' a.llpmeot ofters them is respoosible for the state of the slpatlng their race, creed, AJphoose suffered a brain Natloos rtse and fall, ttllt bne no etaace of elect-DO poUtlealllome. cutoma, or bablts • • • ln)lry durlne the Boler re. peerless ADd powerlul 1Dc anybody to DI.HoDal of-"Tbe Democrats, wltb a nattoo --not the president, or the aomttlmea 1n )est. some. bellioo of 1900 and died leaders eome aDd 110. but n.ce. coorreaiooal spectnlm Supreme Court, or the state department Umes "Wttb a.ft'ectlon. ofteo s llortly alter flnistllzlg b1s somebow we, tbe people,n-All of tb1a • IDclttdiDI racb1Dc trom Roo Oellums h h lD derWoo.. mls&iooai'J work. maiD as tbe bulwark and the "tlny m!Dorlt)'" eom. to Sou)' l&oatcomery, bave d~~CVS," ba claim a. Ht ld.wlea tbt prodDCaa u tho majortty of wontor people, flrmtrl and but- neaamc, &Dd tbe DOD-PlO- dueen u a "llbtra.l ftrtlt.- llat elttt" compn..:l ol tbe edllea.-I oml>u.t>maot, the domJDIDt media, tbt ma- jor bmdltloo.ll &Dd ........reb -aod tho fodonl I.Dd alate banuenelel. CODIIIrialtt'e power wtth· --but the Coogress, whic ~ t e power For ezample, Joi:JD.Dy Bull James weat toto thebuUd -foundaUoo of a better eo-plez • 1.1 Wl'OIII •• ,., WU-atooc1 tlr )1st about IYtrJ- to enact laws and apprOPriate. money, wu tho-"' ED&IIah-lng,arebltoeturataodlaod-elety,Sotot~""""'1 1A1t......,.,b>ootl>o .. -lltlq," Yr. Buhll<.econ- And hat h C . be man. tbe lt:aUa.D ,... a Wop. scaptnc buai.Dess to Ro. tbe mlllloaa·ci atlllr·-tm-··t~o~:~•a -toO couttraU"fe -.,-.. ..... bl)jt "till Raipe- b> tbo R..,ot>UeaoPuty c:oold ~o<MOOP-admUoMr. IWtit'; bit a.!w.n. tlltt the 1Dbedtora of tlll.t cartJ •ouM alaelADbtrU ''tbtllll.ba IIIII ... w as our oogress en tbe ltaDprlu a.s a l:haoty, cbelter, New Tort, tmtll tbe mlpanta wbo 8DIIU.rtd tbe wru.n. Hot oolJ an .coo-1 tcua, ID Oelr ceoerallly, doing to us? Mr. Rarick detailed sane tbe Rusatan .~. BolsbeYlt, the stock crash and depresstoo sco111 ~~ridicule of otbera aernU"~ --ctenDue po-•r• r~ bJ •ad'• of the national tlls that can be laid Swode was u...Uy eaUed of 1929. to 19!2 he came to haYe toii 011 flrbtiDc for a lllfCaJ maJotlfr In Amertea, ilr pra<tfeaUr -·" tbe cJumb Swede, the German Los Angeles wttb hla wife better ftJ of We. Out of but, be tnststa, tbeJ abou1d He would replace lbe Re-at the door of Coogress: the tremendous was a Heinle or a Kraut. and cbtldreo and again went th1a eooclomerate bu come act uu lt b)' ft)rmblr a publlcanl wttll a De• lnde- debt, which iS feeding the flameS of From Ireland 'came the into tbe buildlng of Domes forth a monl and etb1CI.l ma))r poU~ca.l p&rtf, Not ~· Part)', drlYI.a&: tbe Sbanty trlsh and after they aDd apartments. Since 1954, aense for the beoeflt ol aU a tb1rd party, miDd )'OU, Roetetellera, J a"fttses and tnflation; the costly no-win war tn Viet-made a few do llars opent. the tamlly bome bas beell mantl.od. bot a repla.cemeDt for the other RepubUeaa Uberals naffi, with 55,000 American dead, and IDg salooos and bars tbey at 117 3Sthst.,Ceotrai New. • • • Repabllean~rty. lnto tba Democratic eamp. 1st became the lace curtain port. P,S, 111 the prepuatioo Mr. Ruaber's new book, a.Dd attraetiDc all eonaern.-abject surrender to the cc:rnmun s; Irl.sb. Tbe Je•s were In 1965 the Argentoscele-of my articles I ban tried "Tbt MakUIC or tbe New tiYM, botb Republlcu: and financing communist aggresstoo dertal•elJ called "Klkea." bn.ted tbelr 60th wedding to meotioa tbe oames of MajorttJ Part)'," Is astrooc: Democrat. to one blADer. throughout the world through aid and tile Catbollcs ''Mick.s," the anniversary, also the 78th many old·tlmtrawbotDODe af1Ument tor tbat concept. Mr. Ruaber cUestbe bll. Nerro was a "Nigger," tbe blrtbdaJ or Mrs. Arceoto. wa)' or uotber coatr1bated torteal prec~t or the col-trade and detente with our enemy; Chloanwt ns a "Cblolt," All tllelr ehlldreo , the ir to maiiiJtc ""' towD -t Yr. Ruabor, publlsbor <II ~opae ot tho Witt( Party, " ha In " ddln billt t tbe Jq:anese a "Jill," tbe grudeblldren and great~ it 1s todl.)'. Rep.rd1eaa of aNatlool11_, __ oRof ~-buUYo-ID-whieb cllslntlented lD the revenue s r g, a g 008 ° Freoeb a "Froc," aod the gn.ndeblldreD attended, 51 mJ d>rt to meatloo tbtm -... -··-al&Yery eootronr5)' of the the nattooal debt; the welfare scandal, c ... dlan a c aou.ck. to a.u, at a part)' tn the au, 1 mow .,m, oot will flaeoce In tba RepubUcu last cut:a.ry. WbaD u.. po- whlch rewards the Indolent and dis-Yet oot of tbls motley Labwoocl Couotry Club, be mlBood, ., If ""' """' );.,~ =~ ~ UUeal ....,.. elaarod, Ute of mlRd luguagu, customs LODg Beach. Tbe soo.s, Ute oame• of .,me old-nat1oa wu left wttll tbe courages production; ccnfiscattcn of aDd blblts came we, the NleOOla.s of San Gabrleland tlmers a llDt pnlidlae)' ID 1964• He bU Dtmocnt-Republleanallp- prlvate prOPerty through national land people, tho port2ls through OrlaDdo of Rolaod Hel(ltts, to tho Eosl(lt, C1'., ~ ""tllo "-".,... meot. al whieb mea pus lDto posl-&.Dd IIIIP.U tbl.t JOU ~Ill Mr. Rubu aeu Water-planning; violation of our constitution tloos o1 power IJid leader. blm. (Coptoo of IJio book an pte ..., u. rolatotl ,...oJa., rtgbt to bear arms for our own protec-ship. There are man)' re.. The American Way F~atliru on ale at tbe Eutpofftce.) Uou ud rtYerbaratlou u tion. We are bankrolling all these en-~"."'::.~ ':!0:"::.':'!~ TOM ANDERSON .,:...:.,...~':":"9'7sof~ ; .. ::rua~ttC::::=trC: croachments oo our liberty, and our portut tJaD. tnteiUceoc:• and PoU, ID wb1cb Amertc:ua "AD" eeooomlc dJn.loD fo bl h tho le Addf'f!U Corre~rw To were uted tt tbey ..., b> t1t1a -pita tbt ....... .. elected representatives are respooslble. r • e we peop over -... .. the qea atrualed IIDCas. Pit«Jn F~. Tettnus« "17861 tbtfQilfN liberal docera apiut a DtW ud or Wat.erpte, tbe a.a ol. reeeasloa aDd pnelouellttle else." • 'Tbe rtcaat blstory of tbe Repabllean Part)'," be arrues. "ll little more t1a11 a record oftbecomprom18ts made by eouenatln ma,. JoriUes, wbo ...,. lulloe- tlftl)' bow fiCIOI')' OOIIJd be faeblooed to appea• a liberal m1Dor1t)' wboM .ole efttcUn fuctlcJa lal ~ to lDavt tbe def•t of COli• aern.tl.lm. "Ia tt uy woadar tlllt tbe Amert.cu. people bi.Ye rtapi)Dited to ttU etate al. a1laln h)' dUplafiDCapow. lng --· to-p&rtl. .. , &lid &D tDc....UC rellld:IDet to be lcWS"td •ltb titbar? "Tbre Ume Ia .,.. twa on ua))r pe.r'tJ • tM ln. dflP41V"PrA Party -OOD- selooaly dolfpod to rtjolaeo ,J tho ll<ld>ll<ao Party -&1· tocttlltr." Mr. Rarick has a project which be 1oe17 to _.llah. c:ouonaUJt. By a ratio poooorfttl elau <II ...,..pro- calls the 300 Club --organized by tut1~!~ .:r: Q. Wh 11t did Georte to the lhitken. The.e include le·tt' e· rs· . t the Ed-it' or congressional districts. Each participant ID 1188 1Dto tbl llmUJ r1 McGo11ern hope to accomplish strike~.' collep ltudents, ~d . • · , . . · o . has an easy job t o do: Just call 10 Cola Arc.CO, wbo wu ill CLibl1' -E.G. profeato nal con•nttal and m-""" foa.ter IDd keeper 0( tbe A. To help the criminal cun~ble bums. • THE LIDO RUCKUS aame1011a riolallou aU ewer voters each month, ask them a questioo, W..,_,.n Ul.uloo ID Gil'-communist enemy. On return· ~e Oep.rtment of Aari-Pabllaber o1 tbe Rnclp, tile lalud. n.t aDapd and ask each of the 10 to call 10 more c..U. steJl)', lbe uc1lat in& from his visit to his idol cullure even UKI your tax IIJ eu.ta, T. Uftrd D111Dtroalt1olatiauwenu I • ..-...-m of Gneco-C••t•o •·natoo M ~-em mon""" to 11d11trllst the ~ B-•-' C'-1-D-......... n 1uiM to be tr1ed ..-the with the same questloo. Here is a samp e: R:n":aC1au1ce &Dd lbe aa. summed ';;' up by '-"';,;~n1: snm""., thet more bum~ ri1 tan ..; m~.; ;;tt;; trial. bat after tDYIItl&a· "Should our tax mooey be used to I u .. II.Dd or poet aDd pbll-.. Let's play ball with the Corn-pt on the JOVemnwnt te..t. J'OI caacenllrl tiM ...... n-tloD It 11 ,...., eiiU' tlllt with food o-Empodoc:les. · Co po-Ia -• --• ~r J-Ilion IU'O 1101-.-a no-subsidize able bodied workers Jamoo .vr-wuloreod m•••••" ·The Joint Econonac ,.. 1:• 1v;5-, .:;;;;;,;,.. tbo Iatfou, uct If 111oro wore st Ike?" 1 to ,._ oat of boolln tbe NB C's Barbara Walten mittee of tbe COftiNII b.u ""' 1t Ia to be _._ tlllt stainps if they g o 011 r ... .., te went with him to Cub• and predicted tbat the number or PftlPII'tJ at 110 Via 0.0.. ....-- The answer would almost certainly I :rtb .. ~ e ~-:; she too had nothinl but aood American• on food lb.lnpi Lido tale, Mnport Btaeb, :~=a:-trlll.-..ld...:: all ·-r 11 c~. be "no." Then the telephcne c er well at tbl prtoetpll'a rat to report . Have you n er teen may jump rom the c\lfT'IDt You utlele ld tM liD· ot lp"MMIc to IDOfttll!tft..D. can comment: "Our senator, John ~e~~a .... dlebutuce to an lniKommunilt Pfotram million IO so~mUtion b)' the PI 110 tiiAt Mr........... To .... a.I1M, .... do eat uuo -.... on NBC? Or CBS. or ABC? end of 1976. Th•t woulll mean ..., ftl bMDc elllrlJ ... 1•1 I 11 talr In JUI to Tunney, does not agree wtth you. He At tbe ace ot 14 be liDded Mly r .uaest th•t you •Y one-fourth of the total u.s . wa ndtr tbe ~-portnJ tM Bn'Ru u •- voted agatnst an amendment by Senator a bk7C1t e&on Uld _.want towrttethe F.C.C.,I919 pop\llatioJL It wouW ~ CUMeudou~-.n re..e&e ..._ Ratblr, bepJt tDf.ldltc ·--M St 1 NW W •hi It moon accol .. ted b>flation, ......, -ll lllolt lltof -"' --J to Jesse Hehns t o deny food stamps to ""' -eanoot1 fltl'lllllmt, · ,.. • ' ' " on. ---•·, and ,_..,table bonk· ~. tllot 1111 Doolan· -JodiCitl -ro- t lk ,, ODe dllJ a lady came JIIID D.C. 20S4 and deiDind that UVM .. , tloD of Protec:Uft Bllb1c ... oC tiJie niM ud ftCI}atlau 8 r ers. tile alon .ub ber dl=="!tr .,me American p-.triot be aiv· ruptey and dlctttonblp; --tall -a. 1J11o lale a .. _ A new question each month could lo pore-..... ..-..... equal time to ••• the INih Hadenouflhf ~ ";,=:., ·-;.;:....., ...... 11> ltto. '-·- zero In on the appalling spenc1thrut ""' Jamoa blotl blmoolf to about kllk• Cut•• ••d the utltlo liDo ID • ,._ tltll y-., ""' b!IIIY Be at '"' wUb tbl l2 rear old Communilt COftJpirecy? I Q. I ..., lit MlulllltlttHt tall ,_.a or:-.. wll .. Dlllel B. and lett-wing voting record ol n or da.,....r D.c. ,..,..111 MJJ _....., -.IOILYll N be of 1""6 F .:... -5 -Q. How coN yau ""10 til I t II<.,__, ... & ot ID F-~•IIIIO:LII, J o1tn Tunney, and by ovem r • • ot "!.;;.:; ~~ .,..-d 10 ••• Food s"""' ,., • ,:...,~t' ,;."":t .... -~ b7 1111 .......,. ~ "' oo.m.;" we can elect a true patrtot to the :'.w 111o1r ""--,.....,.,., Cfo•'r , .. ,.,.t ... kll<ll..,, ..... --.. ~~.=:;,. ": = .. .,.,, Callt. U. B. Senate. of u.tr tr)'lta. II • t11D1t lwH .,. oblttetk>,. ro ""' "o,.,.IOf'" ,,._,,. ,..., -.. .... two p;;kM • • • •-b -"til to help can wrtte to -• 1111 •• •ro tll .. ,,,u /orrv .. tcl -C.J. wrtyl ... ,. ,._ Jti.,_ •f· -nlll , • Mr. Door Mr.~ .nuyone ., 0 ft-· _J ___ O -..... .. I--._,. .... __ to J o1m Rarick In CJLre of. tbe wellt cout ... to .. __ 11 u... ' A. CbariiY lhoukl bo ""' ~-"'1 ..c... 1 -Itt ,._ oUIIr a. 1 Will ,.._ 1 u otrtce ot Ltberty Lobby BCIII ·38132, 1111UIIIol -::a-....,. --bianotebodiY A. notoa_,, • .,. __ ""_.._. ·-• .. -· ' , fUIII ..,, .. ·-· ltJ ol bot ..,..,......, no · Food pal4 11)00,0011, .. M~ oa to __ p to -r Mr t .... .....,.,.,, __ • Lo1 Anlelel, CalU, GOOS6, ~v:=:io: 11a.O, a-o-_,.t .. •• .. "'•-•;a Itt-.. ltn, ...... --to- ----..:... -y-... wftll 117·--..... •• II o It Itt =--~ .. -, !11{1 It .....;,_ LO .:...__., lk Ia dodlad-.IOIJaaiY; -It -... to -• ..,.., _ _. 0 toal LOII .. orta ....... .. .. -Itt -d 8 II ;;;:::-;o.;;;;;=- ·----Ho ··-........ --of 131--••or•••* a =11 .. lla llo IDID Ill., • ._-~··-••I• '--, *"-•'-• (.-, --~ tt-'fttll-I' I& .1M t I 11-~-.· -.--M ,~. ----II.....__ - ON DUTY IN JAPAN l.eo Coyponl Tollla J, VuGiatol, -ol Yr, aod Yn. Wtllor -o1 1011 h•Wm An., Colla llea, IIU ._ted lbr ..., at ... -~Air­lloa, ....-. _... Bo Ia • 19'71 ..-.. ., - 8aet !ILfl-. -AIL '. liME I · .,.. .. -.,.. -...... 'l*!llo--loota•~•·,~1 'fUIII U.cJ:I &JWil ••••lrn 2,000 . f .. ooal .,.... r lth rl .... Itt -.=· llllldl~~- -_.. ._,..,.._. __ A£' 51_,...,. --1111 ..... - --··--------------·-., lo-lllllloa-.,. -...u-. ,.,... •••,••· "'' ...... ;& tr· II ,.. .......... . .... .._ .... ___ ...J '.Co-':...:.· ..:·-'·...:·.;.·-. -"-~ • ' • • • • • • • . ' -··-----I \ t • -· . . ' . . . ' . ..:·;.,· ..:·-.:.. -· --·--' • " .. I of N• a II< ... ol yo •• •• WI or . fie f~ c. rt WI .. In IX •• bJ .. St s~ ·~ o. .. "' bo "' Cl M, lo PI Ut M ., MRS. CURTIS L!KAY, Bert CoUty &lid Pilar w_,.. an lhDwtDr I ot Mn.IAMar'• palotmca dtllplayed at tbt ncm puty bolted by Pat Hue. (ftoto by 8etb Koch.) la'TH·E BEE LINE :.C I lr JAMft IIRLI Pat Hue's recent party IDtrodllcel! aue.U From our town were Jesste and Howard of booor Joyce and Frel! Hameetman to Daum, Claire and Wally Cnrttaadeo, Adelle Newport Beach. Frel! 11 the new owner of &Dd A1 Gallade, Heleo &Dd Bert CoUey ••• a ltrlk1Dc offtce ba1ld1ng In Newport Ceoter. Their soo Duocan helped wUb tbt .. me- Beautttul Mrs. Hameetman told me of tbetr plates, beaut1fully &ucrlbed by Nancy Grant. home 1D RoU!IIf HWs tbat they would leave More were Marlena Fox ••• don't let ber sbortly to moTt to Newport Beach. This gorgeous feml.ntn1ty fool you ••• she's a YOUDI couple and tbetr two chlldreo, Jobo brUIJant gal • • • Jan &Dd Tool VItti, Lynn aDd Cbria, wUl be an aaet to oar towo. and Jim Bo1fyer, Fran aDd Bapud Ryder, TboQgb we arrtvel! fairly Mrly, musicians Bernadine and Henry UUDWI just home from were playiDg and the garden-me atrtum a few days• respite at Late San Mareus. was busy wltb guests viewtnc the display others were young WUUam Berta, Charles of Heleo (Mrs. Curtis E.) LeMay's palottngs Lehman, Gloria Getty, Dr. Robert Spunem, ••• some of ber seascapes as well as her Nancy and Roger DeYouocer, Sue and fiorals. One seascape looked Ulte a view Dan Guggenheim, Dr. and Mrs. Ray Os- trom Stephanie and Alex Robertson's Irvine brlot, Ceecee and RaDdy Prealey, Dorothy CoYe bome.AnotherboouswasPUJarWayoe•s and Jack Reichle, Dr. Jerrell Rlct».rds, reodertngs of ber home's exciting loterlor Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Leichty, Pat Hurley, which abe "did." Betb Koch's photo(raphic Thelma and Glen Thomas, EWe and Earl art was another boaus. We were attracted Sawyer, General and Mrs. Gaye Thrash, to a study of a very alert, almost aUYe Supenlsor Tom RUey (Emma Jaoe was poodle, "Mr." W!nd)lmmer; beaming proud unable to atteod); still more, Gloria and owners Doris and Jotm Lawsoo were close Mel Ztper, Chuck Matbew100 (wUe Link byl Peoningtol) was there with his gourmet ns "btrtbda)'iDg witb ber mom"IDChicago), arts. Carolyn Muoo, M.ary VoaGeldern, Barbara Boals for VlyJao and Rolaod Perron, Cameo F redertcks and husband, Nancy aod Bob Shore8, was reoewal of long standlog friend-Hedlotr, their big 4th of July affair 1s "by ship with Rollle (Mrs. Lew) Landers, Palm boat"; Mary (Mrs. James) Roosenlt (Jim SprlDp, editor of Sea to Sand maga.f.l.ne 1s 1n Loodon on buslDess), Coy Hirsch, ••• daqghter Gloria Greer was also present. Morey MerltlDs, also EUeo Carter, Dr. aoct Dee &1¥1 Dub Esstnger new oat from the Mrs. Nolan FrtzzeUe, the Duncan Stewarts, east especially for tbe party. Barbara and Jean and Ed Sharp ••• )1st home from Bob Grant new up from San Diego, and HawaU; Catberloe TeonWe, wbowasbubbllDg back to see the docltlDg of their new boat, ••• daughter and lllellaod of CDM, Captain Boblra, which they bad brought through the and TenoUle's record, ''Love WW Keep Us clDal. M.Udred Moore, Betty Letteau and Together," has not only made the Natlooa.l Mertdttb DuDcan were doWn from Los Ange-Albums Ust, but was ftrst oo the natiooal les, and Gretcbeo PleclDer from Hancock stngles and 3rd of local stngles, the latter Park. CUtf Roberta, a vice president of compiled by KHJI others attend!Dg . were United CalUornJa Bank, also Henry (Hank) Sharon and Bob Lynch, Teddy aod Harry MofiiD jolDed his mother, Mrs. Marshall .Uene, Jackie and bob Eaton aod COUDcU- down over the Fourth. woman LucWe Koebn. Cameos--- Dmd ............ ~ Uedlld ........ ol tbl boal'd ol trut..eottbl lf~­ polt But»or Art Mar •n tDr alte(lld litrm, ••• '* ... .a.euc. of • ..., boucl member« llucoc' Bewtac m, PI'HidiM of a..co Ltd., Balboa; c;~aa.riM W. Belter, pruideat ota..ter DeftkJp. meat Co.. "-"Polt Beaeb; · Daa [ApJt)erc. uU1t IDCI u.etate proteaor ol ut. CautonaJa Slat. Ullt•tnltJ, F1111erbl; JobD 8bea, pftli,. cleat ot Beacoll S.y Eat.r- PriHe, Newport Bea.cb; G.- R. Sammen. ptWS«Wt, RldctnJ Ltd., 1..,w». B•cb: ud Mrs. c. Tbomu WUet, Newport Bea.cb. Mew oftleera !Delude Geo11e Jeftrlea, Mn. Job&Do Joou, Yiee.prest- deots, aDd Mrs. c. Tbomu WUct_ MCI'tlary, all of wbom Un 1D NewportBeacb. Re-elected offtcera an BeD C. Dtue aDd LeaD Ly-, vlce.presideats, and Oweo Metzler, tra.arer. Mrs. Dea1a E. SulllftD, prestdct of tbe A.bma.uoo Foood&Uoo, was named boo- orary trustee. BOAT SHOW SLATED FOR SEPT. 10 -14 Tbe George Colourts recreatlooa.l vehicle, van aDd boat show, a spectacle (,le- Yoted to outdoor eotbustasts, wUl be preseoted Sept. 10- 14 at Anaheim Stadium. More than 20 acres w1ll be devote~! to tbe display of the latest lo vehicles and boats and mon than 100 booths wW be used to ex- b.lblt sporttng goods, acces- sorlea, SCUBA gear, !lsh- lng and buoti.og equtpmeot and resort displays. MAPE ON BOARD Vance C. Mape m of New- port Beach, vice-president of denlopment for Mape to- dustrtes, ts ooe of 7 new members elected to the Chapma.o College board of governors for 5 year term. LAGUNA FEDERAL CELEBRATES 40th ANNIVERSARY . ~ 'WitH HIGHEST YIELDS SWEET MYSTERY OF DOVE I .. IFE " IJ IJ • • .. 40 YEARS INSURED SAFE UP TO $40,000 Stlrt urning the nation's hijlest interest now at the prestigious savings and loan association which has loally and loyally served coastal Orange County 1nd southltnd areas for 4G years. Individual accounu insured up to $40,000 -multiple accounts for much more. Interest is .,.,lllt•d for the full term of certificate accounts, subject to substantial interest penalties for withdrawals before maturity. .. . . ly HELEM HUFf One brfef sum mer Lana Turner lived near me oo Lido Isle. That was the year sbe was Yoted the mother of the year to tbe rum colony. What I know about Lana's personal We you could put 1n a thimble, but I am post. tive sbe could never have competed with Mother DQmb Dove's materoal manners. I ftrst met Dumb Dove after returnlog trom a few days at the Beverly WU- shlre Hotel. When I went out to 1rater one of my hug- log baskets, sbe new out of lt like a Jack-out-of-a- box. I don't mow whlcb of us was the more alarmel!. '·~t," I suggested, clap- p!Dg my bands, "I doo't want all}' dumb dove ruJnt.ng my ; lOYelJ flowers." , Sbe scatted. But abe wu ·back lo a lluh. We bad a dael of this type for a wbile. Sbe woo. Any bird tbat abowed sucb coun.ge aDd aucb devotion desened to •ID. After all, tbeJ were only Qowers. lnadferteat17 (sbaU we put It tbat wa(?) I dis- covered two eggs amid tbe nowers. They were qalte a slse, about talf as large as tbe coner grocer sells you .. chiclteD errs. Day after day, sWl u a statue, sbe sat 1D tbat Dell. Enotocs, )lat before u aatbortlaUve. dusk fell, abe YOUid utter ~ looc, MdQe. Uve coo. This was tbt slpa1 tor Mister to tab over. Tbeo Dumb Don ftUid ..,. aocl IWOOP &boat tor Marly u boar wblle be carctecS tbl eaa. She was na117 pnuy f111D1. btr breutwu a 80ft er.m color tad btl wtap a milk chOcolate bJon. AltbouP I coald loot stnJ&tat at tbt Dtlt tbtoiCb my dla1lr room 9lDdow, CIDl'J a brtattl aftJ, I ..,. d- .....S U. aetalc.._... ol tM pard. EJetllt 11w-. 111M wa.. I ,. •• ~ to tbl eutalD to ..,..., tlll-tDdtbiNiaeWU. ..... tbltdpoltlle tat.r tbq ntb:W ftiDU.,IaltMaJt •.. , .......... a Pll'llct cndlt u 1..,.. ~--.......-­*· TlltllowenJft11 ILl -.ullltMitled• .... ...,...._ _ ............ . ., --. .. --a tdll .,.., ........ -r.=:--... ... .. ,.. ... . ................... • ... JERRY and IOHHIE SHIRAR (Carruo Ho11u photo) Mosier-Shirar rites unite local families . . ntURSDAY,JULY 10. 1975 !!!!A DEL 1!"$ CAL.. JACK GEARING • NEW OWNER' -1021 L COAST MWY. ~ Da MM. iiilii Ul .at 0 Mal. 67a-2SJO Myadec. Parke-Davis For active people. On the jo~ High Potency On the go. Vitamin Formula with Minerals 130 Day Vitamin Supply 130 Capsules Parke-Davis R•v· $7 .79 Now··-$4.95 (1 00 I A P H ' I r 'i · 30 F R F P ) PRESC81PTIONI flUID 7 DAYS A WEEK M WIIKDAYI • .. , lUNDA YS WIIUOII U PIICIS M ... urn on to c~lrfoRnlt.. conc£Pt~ 2901 E. COAST HIGHWAY CORONA DEL MAR 673·5153 PORT THEATRE BUI LDING . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. .. . . ..... . * --.....-.....----------- FOR ANY EMERGENCY DF.HYDRATF.D FOOD POR LONG TER1ff S7UR:~GE BEAUTIFUL KEROSENE L AMPS Converf to el e ct ricity In ••conch II HOUR encf 1 DAY CA .. DLES OIL LAMPS, WlCICS ltftcf SCEMTED OILS .. . • Troth told at party A birthday party for Mrs. Robert Palmer Yardley at her OOme oolhmpsbireCir- cle, Dover Shores, turned out to be a special anoounce- ment party for the engage- ment of her daughter, Miss Vlrglnla Claire Howell, to Capt. Ralph Merryman Thrash, U.S. Marine Corps. The bride-to-be Is also' the daughter of Richard Dean. Howell of Santa Ana, sales representative for Lldo ln- ternational. Retired Lt,Gen, and Mrs. WUUam Gaye Thrash of Spyglass Hill art> the parents of her tfa.nce. Gen. Thrash was command- ing general of El Torn Ma- rtne Corps air station arid is now a vi ce -President or the Presley Co., Ne wport Beach, Boll Hope hithlglds Onlp en tr'• hl.r -htdo7 ll!r a IO_.y -ll lllo c.. .... lllr-11 ' I. 'nto lllr win lllcl ... .. •• JDOCI Gad daft:" -GIIul,_r: ,... IUra-(D. •-llo!> llopo,ac,...,..,. ..,.,,_,..,.k,~rll!d COIIIIItrJ mUle, IDd *111 ~ . .Bob llopo wWIIJpou,- L• Broft'• bri.Dd. at lp.m, _, Ill 11tt rn-ttd. OJIEIQIIG li!GHT' wW ID· ... TUIIIDAY lflCiltT,b11U11 , Bob ao,o, 1M . Kick M . Bloo'a -&ad lllo'K......, • GvloJ FaD Bllld will lit ' f•blrid.· ~ WIDICESOAY NJ:illf, ........ budowtll--ooldlllt-....... THURSDAY, JldJ IT, t-. •...... L-:liooi..J~.:.:I;... ..... .;.._I •-~rfortllltteea " by .-, llttrer Dootc Ker- U. S. -F!q PactOilt ww lit bold at 5 p.m. ud 8 p.m., ud -....,.. a'ftl'dl wtU be made, ' FRIDAY, ilo!J 18, BW, Arm.troar. CbMr • Youog Life Sl.acera and the motot, .. c'ycle nces are ecbedlll.t.. PROMOTED lA> Mrcoulllhla moatb was Newport · Beacb policeman Doo Cb&Ddter, a veten.o of 5 years oo tbe local force. Sgt. CbaDdler reoenUy earned h1l muter's degree 1D publlcadmlblstn.· Uon from USC. He has sened as tntnJng ottl~. a ptltol team member, member of the local special weapons team, and ts a past presi- dent of the Newport Beacb Pollee EmPloyees Assn. He is a graduate or tbe Los Angeles Pollee Academy. and was picked as t!le local department's first crime anailyst. He was reassigned this mootb to the patrol di- vision. (Pollee dept, photo) IRVINE COMPANY scholarship reelpleoll (lrom left) Sanford Smith of Balbca Is1aDd iDd James Fnus of Corona del llar, Cflduatlnc seniors at Coroaa del Mar hlgb school. Bert Knges D of l"lrle's SELF school, and Jeffrey Davis and Scott Adams or lnlne'a UnJYeratty high scbOOI stutty a topocrapbic model of the trnne Company's coastal plan with Dollald C. Clmeroo, di- r ector of urban design. Tbe studeots t.Ye beea awarded $1.000 college scbollrships by the lrvlrle Company tor study of architecture and urban pl•nntng. Church News • PLYMOUTH CONGRE- GATIONAL CHURCH, 3262 Broad St., Newport Heights -Pastor John Lindvall will speak at 10 a.m. Sunday on "Our reason for being." A congregational meetlngatter the service w111 discuss the c hurch's part In theVletDam refugee problem and near the pastor's plans for the future. a.m. on "The joy or for- giveness." Dr. Collins ls minister at large ot the Forest Home ChrtstlanCon- ference Center. Prior to 1968 he was minister ot Tent Hall, Glasgow. • "The gospel road" tllm, tbe story of Jesus sung a.od told by Jotmny Casb, 'Wtll be shown at 5:45 p.m. this Sunday at Harbor Trinity Baptist Church, 1230 Baker St., Costa Mesa. sbaw &Dd tbe Moatellma's Reveap rock boocl, uc1 motoreyele nciuc. SATURDAY NIGHT tbe SATURDAY, July 19, a rodeo wW bec1a at 7:30p.m. Hawa.11an reYU8, mlnl-blb in tbe rruclst:ud ..,., races aad a red-beads coo- V arlous mustc croups and a • test are ora b.p. • mactc sbow wW appear 011 SUNDAY. July 20, the Ha- ditrereot stages. wauan. revue wUJ be re- SUNDA Y. tbe rodeo coo-pea ted. a fashJoo s..,.. wtn tinues at 2 p.m •• and MoDte-be held. aad several baDds zuma•s Rev~~t~e, Kers!aw, wUl play. aDd the Cheer group will Eihlblts, demonstrations, perform at night. parades, a carnival mtd ... MONDAY NIGHT, tbe way and coatests wW be held rodeo concludes and a dally. ' COUNCIL SUMMARY On the agenda for Monday night's regulat meeting of the Newport Beach City Council are: Tbe city attorney wUI report on ways to take legal action against the tbeatre, which sho'ws X-rated rums. A Co· rooa del Mar attorney wtll suggest that the city or a ctttzens group buy tbe FIRE SET TO ,·KILL? • PUBUC NUDITY, which would be banned by an ordi- nance that wJIJ be up for adoption. theatre. Netgbbors saved a West • PUSSYCAT THEATRE In Balboa will be discussed. * GENERAL PLAN Newport man from a fiery Miss Howell graduated from Nt>wport Harbor high school and attended Orange Coast College anr! Cal Western before grar!uati.ng from San Diego St<~te. She was a Children's Home So - ciety debutante. Capt. Thrash attended the Uni- versity of Arizona and is now Oylng the F' -4 Phantoms out or El Toro. • THE NEWPORT HAR- BOR CHURCH 0 7 RE- LIGIOU3 SC IENCE, 54! Cen- ter St., Costa Mesa -Lay- man's Sunday will be ob- served at the 10 a.m. ser. vice ttlis Su nda y. Gevrge Ousley 1riiJ deliver the ser- mon, "Without ceas!ng.'' Lewd arrests in theater amendments, wblcb would deatb early Sundaywbeo tbey change planned land uses extLDcuished tires that pollee north of PacWc View me-believe weredellbe.rately set morlal park, and along the to WI him. south edge of Newport Ceo-Bernard John Hottman. 28, ler, will be discussed; also, was asleep in b1s apartment plans to keep a "greenbelt" at 117-1/2 Z8tb at 1 a.m. on the south side of Ocean S11nday When a neighbor Blvd. between Carnation and spotted the Dames. He was Poppy ln Corona del Mar. joined by other neighbors The couple ar e planning a tall wedding. • ST. AN DREW'S PRES- I:IYTE RIAN CHURCH, 600St. Andrew's Road , CIUf Haven • The summer preaching mission continues this Sun- day, with Dr. Stanley Collins spealdn@ at 8, 9:30 and 11 At least 2 Pussycat- theatre moviegoers have been arrested tor lewd con- duct In tbe sezy movie hOUse, and more arrests are ex- pected, Newport pollee vice Sgt. Robert Gatewood dis- closed this week. A Corona del Mar man and a Balboa Island man, both in their twenties, are charged wttb lewd conduct. Attorante sinks "There have been others that we came close to ar- resting, but barely missed many yea rs to Earl Sawyer catching them in tile act," of Lido lsle. Sgt. Gatewood told tbe En- The ·'Attorante;· a 46. foot wooden sloop built and forme rly own erl In Newport "1 ga ve the vessel to my sign this week, son, Burke,•· Mr. Sawyer ''It's Wt persooa.l relat~ ns~day. ·'H11!tW :Qp~o'1·t~ sa~. ''that tb!S ~)cfit, ·l'bflleve, to a ·reJl ... C.kiall of ttieafreoattracts suCh people and coostitutes a threat to good order and decency In the community." Since the Pussycat chain bought out the old Balboa Theatre at 709 E. Balboa Blvd. in May, local pollee have conducted at least 5 raids, grabbing copies of such X~rated filmsas "Deep Throo.t" and '·The Devil 1n Mlss Jones.' • A U, S, Supreme Court ruling last mooth, which po- llee see as favoring stronger local and stateactlonagalnst sery movies, has apparently prompted a stepping-up of pollee acttoo against the theatres. 1each, went down early yes~ rdaJ'300,;mi!~~-brr ~ .. eaclJ~ 1:..._t V ' I I~ There were oo r eported "ta)lries to t;ne 6 persons aboard, w t}Q w2r e trans- ferred to a nearby boat. The Attorante was ac- companying the Transpac yacht raclng Oeet to Hawail, when she is believed to have been rammed by a whale. The accident ocC'urred just past midnij:ht . T he crew,not Identified late yester day, was transferred to the tlve of Walt Disney," A Lon@ BeachCoa.st Guard spokesman said the name John Sherman o( San Diego had been furnished as the possible present owner. Triangle sparks shooting · ·Swittsure, •· which radioed that all were safe and would be transferred later to an- other boat. · The Attorante, which was not an o!fl.cial entry In the Transpac race, was built at the old South Coast Ship- yard here and belonged for FBI AGENT TO TALK AT JULY 16 MEETING The Orange County Har. bo r Area Legal Secretaries Assn. will meet July 16 at Dillman's , 801 E. Balboo Blvd., Balvoa, at 7 p.m., following a 6:30 social hou r. Mrs. John McKeon, pro- gram chairman, w!JI pre. sent Ralph J. Hampton, FBI special agent. who will talk on ''FBI duties and responsi- bil ities." A romantic triangle ap- parently sparked a brief shooting incident 1n a pos h Spyglass Hill home Tues - day night. A Corona Highlands man wa s charged with assault with intent to commit murder. There were no in- juries. According to pollee, John Alexander Stockwell, 43. a salesman who lives at 423 Rivera Ter., tlrst ldcked, then tired a pistol through the front door ot the hom e of Lavera Burns, 39, at 25 Hall Moon Bay. Miss Burns, a real estate broker, told police the shots were fired while her friend, Michael Schloessman, 38, of 1915 Bayside, Corona del Mar, was vtstting. She said Stock- well left alter shooting a hOle In the door. Policeman Dennis GUman went to the home to take a c rime report, and while he was there. stockwell called Miss Bums. outcer Gilman took the pbOoe and talked the suspect into turning 111m- sell in. Stockwell was booked on the attempted murder charge wttb preliminary ball set at $25,000. !"""'"'.,.,..,'""""'..,.,.."""1!:'-""""'1 Shotgun shooter held ' ' . . . $1.85 per c an A Santa Aoa man was ar- raigned yesterday on an at. tempted murder charge growi.Dg out ot a methodical stalking and wounding of a Costa Mesa parts warehouse worker Monday. Mark Davtsoo. Z5, 1s the m~ pollee say stallred Warren CaltablaDo, 29, of Tustln, through the ware. bouse of Clifford ReseB.rcb aod Developmeot Co., 102 Kalmus Dr., near Orange Coanty Airport. Wttoesses said Davison Upl llrlac an<! re-loadblg hls -an<! bll Caltabi-ano ID both arms. sertou:sly wOIIDd:t.nc blm. The vtcUm is reconrlne from ma)>r surgery to JU sha~nd arms. otber employee• aa1d Davison, wbose elltrulrecl wife worts for tbe compuy. came lD. diiJ1DC tbe luDell FIGHT INFLA1\'ION · . At: E IIATES 1NN In Corona ...................... Th ....... 440 break aod started firing at Caltablaoo, who tried des . p-erately to get away, btd· ing beblod shelves aJlll equipment until be was hit 3 Urnes in the arms. After the assa.Uant was dlsarmed by the plant owner Jack Clifford before be could reload a 4th shell, he left tbe plant. Davison was arrested 30 mlwtes later while calling- his wtle at tbe plant from a pbooe booth near Newport freeway, . Co.workers told pollee that Mr. Caltahtaoo was teaching Mrs. Davison her job at tbe pJa.Dt. MORE$ FOUND IN SCHOOL FUND Nnport .. Mesa scbooldll- trtct oUlclals ba..-e tOUDd .some utra mooey to add to Dell tcbOOl year's cub r8H"I8, Ill pYla( lhelr lllP""'l _, lll&bl to lilt dls- lrlcl'l f4:.1 mU!loo pub. ~ bollpl, achool -. --llal ..... -to ....... lonrollllo ODd Gl lllo 19'14-75 ocll>ol = wW ct .. -lllqot ,000 rnon t11u tbrt ... Uelpalo4 SZ m!Woa lo .-.. ..,. ... .. _ ........ ud- Willl?ltnl ..,.,, .. an .. _., ... ......... ". ... ---_,.... • OWE LLlNG Inspection who put out tbe tlres Wltb rules, for the purpose of garden bases and helped Mr. inspecting suspected buUd-Hottmaa to safety. in~ or r.oning violations, According to pollee, all would be clar1fled by an exits to tbe apartment were ordinance that will be lrltro. on ftre, Including several duced. doors and window' drapes. • RESURFA CING otBirch Damage was estimated at St . lletwl'!en·Rrtstoland Mac--$1,000. Arthur, in tf'le airport area, Mr. Hottman, a store clerk will be put :.ut for bids . whO lives alone, said he • TRAFFIC LIGHT at the knew of oobody who would intersectiOn ot Bristol and want to k1l1 him. Birc h will ~Jed~ Ba: ~~~-~llO!bW-"1~~; EW ~"B~,IJ;t'y, tor public hearblg. A de-SITE-100"GHf veloper would buDd 6 units.' N ;;;d"'"'-Beach • City • ANIMAL CONTROL llbr:ry t~ustees voted contract, turnlng over the unanimously Tuesday to ask c ity's animal control to a tbe city to buy a new library private firm, will be con-site )J.st oorth of the new s idered. Several letters have police and fire stations 1n been received at City Hall Newport Center this week: crltlc1z.ing the A resolution· asking City firm's performance 1n other Council support of the idea o r:nge County cities. wUI be discussed at Mon. CABLEVISION repre~ day DJ&ht's CouncU session. sentatlves wUI tell of future The library board seeks plans to complete their sys-ctty fUnds to have the site te~ in the city, appraised and to conduct the BALBOA ISLAN D requited envtroamentaltm. street-sweeping program t rt Also appoint wlll be looked at, with the :-~nt n::;o ~ ar~hltecturai posslbUlty that the program screening committee ls may be scrapped for the sought to begin pla.Ds for summer. the building. Council meetlngs, The land belongs to tbe """~~·to tbepubllc, Irvine Co. TNI! NOT TOO DIITAMT PUTUIU:, WILL MO LOMGia IXIST, " ~~~~~~~~~~ ~.. .... Ehe/1 to parade Betsy Oo _, lllo ...... CUIU'," ' ............ ,..lit, wW ·--lllo-,. -JUlio._., ·-· .,. -., at-GIIIIO .... Chtb oiHo,poot...._ no -"'lllo --lilt EbolJ Clttl>'a --.y lDt<> !he ~ c-cw- Boat pall4o wW ()o lll'by ........... lhe-"'!he Stuft Shirt will close Tbe Slolt Sblrt, -Gl Newport'• moll prolllciO"• rNtaunnts for tbe put 15 yars, YW cloee ill: cbJn OD Sept. 28, "OUr lase Is' eJPtriiiC. aDd the OWDers lave cbaeea not to · non it," W~reo Roberti, muacer of tbe reslautaDt tor tbe past 10 ye~rs, nplalDed lbts week. DoD Hukell of Corea del Mar. whose Ardell lovest- meot Corp, owos tbe pro.. party. bas oot revaled wlat be loteods to do with It, accordl.DC to a etty com .. mW'Ilty development dept. spokesman. The Stuft Shirt opeoed at 2241 W. Coul Hwy.!n Sop. tember, 1960, uDder the owaership of Norman Goss ot Pasadeoa. Mr. Goss bad aoother ,stun Shirt tn Pasa- deoa. but closed 1t several years ago. "Mr. Goss ls sort of semi- retired DOW," saysMr.Rob- erts, "and 1s manag1ng Ills vineyards n-.r San Luis Oblspo. He bas no plans to open another restaurant, as tar as I know." Rumors that the local Stull: Shirt bad fallen on lllrd ft .. nancial times were dis· couated lhls week by Yr. Roberts, ''We have done better the past couple ot years tban before," be said. IIRS.IIILDRED ROUDOT OF COSTA MESA 01 ES Private funeral services were beJd here this week for MUdred Roudot. 59, who dted Sunday at her home at 281 Costa Mesa st., Costa Mesa. Mrs. Roudot had lived here 35 years. Sbe came (t!)m Oklahoma. Sbe 1s 'IUni+~ .lt,y hlr huA&XI, lotlePI, former OWDer of Rossi's c ate"~m corooa del Mar, and by sisters MulneSIIIlkey ot TeJ:as and Anne Meacham ot Oklahoma. Balb:-Bergeroa fUneral home directed tbe fUneral at Hartlor Relt cemetery. -1tllllo;;....,_ Nil llj IIJ lillr ,__ _... ........... ................ .,. ..,,., .... -. .. ~-.. _ ......... -·!loft w...,.,.~ ._, otlllo ~. . Cltalrmaa Gl • lhe bl- c I a shl actfyWu for tbt clttb lidO ,_.. II Kn. L R. Rflbtlt. SlDce tb1l La a CO• ..,.,._ ellttrt lor I>Oib-Utt lua!ora ud Stolon, projocl eltalrmaD lor lllo IUion Ia Mrs. Bruce Hultp IDIJ tor !he Soalon, 1M e1t11> pros-,wra,W.G..,.._ Ebtll Cll!lt Ia .. Gl .. • ._ lD lht .......... lotatdtcl H yean U.l'·· Jttll S roora after 1M 0U, or Newport lltlclt. T1tOir purpooe ol:b-ohttlal bort- 10111 for wome11. rib aDicf1 iD art, lltenture Ud muic Is oWl belnc carrlld oot lD 1 boot ... lloos, art ud tr&Yel ~eetloas plll otbu tor ..U ud· com ... ... asua llkaft's • L .ts you '-1 fOOd 1 ' wtthout feell119 Mdl CO·HIT "WIIAT DO YOU SAY A"!'''~'!. no COMPLBTE SHOWS 7:00. 9:00 , • r I .. ( MRS. FRED GOOD stands tn the wrought iron gazebo lD tbe beautt.fteatlon award wtnntng home In Spyglass Hill. •••••• .. Rolla~' .... .,. ......... ., .... . Good L •EIJ'OifT HAAIOA ENSICJe nomef\JIUSHEDIEJ!I(LY -PAG~ 5 THURSDAY, JULY 10, 1975 OOROHA DEl ~AR, CAt,., wins award ' Mt .... Mn. Pnd Good of..,..._ am .. ".._ aftNid tM bel..._ta aftl'd b1 U. IWII"'N ot tbe Mewport llaJtlcw Cllam. ber ot Coauauet ax IIIII lucteca&OI ol hllr -.. Tbt rNidtMe &a a. CIPI Cod ltJlt bomt, wttb a wood t.Dd bricll nt.J1or, a trw bay willdow, dlmner wi.Ddowt OD tbt 11JPU CIOor 1 IDd I pWared troat ..uo. Mr. ud Mn. Good, wboll ._, lllll'deiWII, _.., tbt """np!ac UatmMlYtt to empM••M tbe "eoaatry coUqe'' ftel111c · ot tbttJ bome. IArce brtek pluter• bordtrtDc tbt ltrttt ottr- flow wttb roeea, petlmiu, t.Dd mucoa1 cta•t1.,, a.ad tDOrmou bub ot'ytllow, ' plllt lDd Whitt I'DI.I'I"rttt. lbow off the atacty troat portico. MatuaJUtd brtek waltny• ue trtmmtd with onnc• lDd Jtllow punlls. MOTHER'S" KlTCHEN cets lts flnaJ outdoor decorattoo touebes from, left to rlcht, proprietor Steve Connella, waltreM Reeta Bernard, cook Ken Stern aod '•Kathy the tuter.'' Tbe new Corona del Mar oatunl foods restaunnt opened last week at 2721 E. Coast Hwy. Natural foods served .&Dcs.at T oca, IDOdma Ammcu tr.. -.rpra., &Dd eomt old·•......_, eooblc ldeu laYe ~to. rltblr ta CoraM del Mar. Wblt ·~•ld Ll the Motbtr'a Kite'-, a atu.J food8 I"MttuunDt wltb IIIC11 tmtlc cl1tbla u falafela, pcamolt Qll .. tUJ!a, IDd boGey mtJUblhl. Tbe n*urut'• owners b&Yt 1D IDI.al bu&Dtas ph llo help nlN IDOUCtl moaer to buJ eome laDd for a Yop ..ulemeat eome- wbere Ill Soutbero Calt- forola. steYt ConDtlla, 20, who Una HU" t.bt reltaunot. ta tbe proprietor. His putDers IDehadt Kto tbe cook_ beta tbe n..ttreuaod Catby tbe taster. All are In tbelt early tweattea. Tbelr restau.r&Dt la dedi- cated ••to tbe mother lD each of us, of eacb of us a.od or au of us." ''Tbe lmtocmotberuped of God, motber Earth IDd au of our on motbers la wbat you wW t1Dd bere,'• .,. tbt IOft-II)OQD pro- prWor. Wllat roa YOD't ftDd at Motber't KUebeD. prornJ.Iea st.Yt, a.re thSic•Uke mat. flail, 11"0"080'tium clutama.te, wb.lt. brtad. or cbem leal PNMrnttfta. The m.-1Dclllda aDd· wtcbea made of aYOC&doa, IOya pattltl aDd f:lllaltll, which steve detcrtbes u "an Arable taco." The most e1pe01lve din- ner IDtree ta teCPiant par~ meAD at $3.75. other din- Den I.Dchade •ecetable tern- pun, fried nee a.od vecet- ablea, a.od a "Yoctspecla.l." which I.DCllldes steamed veg- etables pUed on a bed or bron rice IDd served with clart.fted butter, aoup or salad I.Dd homemade bread. "We (rind oar own wheat aod bake our own bread," Steve explains. Motber's helpers also make their own lee cream, sweetened wlth hooey, and concoct what Steve calls "IDcredlble ples • )1st outrageous," wlth crusts of nuts and other .--. ud ftWIIp ottr'Mb tn1t. ,..... MotMJ'"• ~ II'OIIP met u ......,, at tbt eo.ta .... Tape-.. ''Tbere are &bolt 10 ot as,'' AJI sq,, CODIIIUa, •• and ou p.1 Ll to n.s. mOMJ 1D bQ 801Dt L·M_ '91. would IPtDd , .. ada OD tbe JaDd, IDII ptn.p. rat. •lll*bJu for tbe restaara.at. •• All of tbe (l'Cq) UYt aloal tbe cout bttweeo Cotta atea Uld LqaDa Bueb. "I bid a Uttle m0011, mJ trleoda ciUIJped ID 101Dt, &Dd I got a lou to belp pt a• started.'' ste•e e~plaiDI. "I bad worked to a aatun.llooda restaurut to l.sla Vlata IDd really eo))ytd ll, IDd our coot used to work at a local natanl foods reataurut 1D Newport." Tbe place tbey plclted tor tbelr business vtoture la the former locatloo ot Mart.oa 's restaurant 1D the Ensign buUdJ.Dc, 2721 E. Cout Hwy. Martna switched last mooth from the r..t- aurant business to a cater- ing enterprise. The baek;Jud of tbt home offers dnmatsc, bJcb Yiewa of tbe sa, moc&Dt&W, IDd tbe ctty ot Newport Bt&cb. To tate fullut advutace of the tltp.Deeottbttttuoc, the GoocSI traas:tormtd the yard IDlo a ~~JaCSoa• nlm- mLDc IDd eote~ area. complete wUb a WI'OUiht 1roo gazebo of thttr on duicJl, aDd a lartt fl.n-sbaped pool aDd apa. ~h·····~~·_.·o~h..--.~·.--..~h ...... ~~ ... .., w ,~ ..~:-~ 0-t <o,., The pool hu a con- tlDIIOUaly cireulatJDc water system fed tllJoucb fowltaiD. like Jets. lutead ot the tn- dlttooal We, tbe lutde qes l d,.a ~ 1Oth ANNIVERSARY ~l; O.c-.c- ··~ •• ••••· C.ll (714) 673•SUS For JlueriHitl•n .. ate. ~·o..JUI of tbt pool are decanted __ wttb used brick_ to rt· empbaliM tbe country cot- ' tage fMI.1Dc. Recttrood pla..Dters, nlled wtth marcoat dailies, paules, PQIIPitt, aDd ~ border tbe pool. ' July 1st 'til July 31st ~ il I P£am,~J SUBSCRIPTION ORDER Tbe llonl deslp bubeeo planned to offer a variety of colors and at.us at all times of tbe yar, a.od the liND lle YOUI IUitiCIIPnOM OI.DII TODA OMLY ss.• ~~ OMI YIAI plaDters arouDd the crouoda are coosta.oUy c bane IDe with the seuooa. The Goods, who Uve to the master planned com- mulllty of Spyclaaa HW with their 3 chUdren, plaDotd the enUre dealp of tbtlr Jud. scapLDc, the pool, lDd the gazebo tbemulves, wttb the aid ot arcb!tecta, brick- workers a.od lroo workers. ------------.-----• .AD •..•.•.•...•••.•••••.•••.••..•••• ~ ............................. . . c:m ......... • ................ m .... . 31)0 Irvine Ave. 1 Dial 546-269~ COPY CENlU ort leach (Near lria,.l LT. KRUEGER TAKES PENSACOLA COURSE MariDe Lt. Robert P. Krueger, 412 Holmwood Drive, Newport Htlchts, tas gnduated (rom Aviation ln- doctrlDatJoo School at the Naval Alr station, Pena- cola, Fla. Durtnc the 3-wMt course, b3 re::elvtd lutructlon to bulc aerodynamics, uta. tton physlolOCY and en- gtneerLDc. Ht wW proceed to an actvaoced phase of the oaval avtatloo procnm, leadi.Dg toward ht. desipa. tlon u a oual aviator. GRAD GIVEN GRANT A ttnanctal award at Ulll- verstty of the Paclftc,Stoct. too, for tbe 19'75-7& ecbool year bas beto rranted to Tent L. ADdtrsoo, rndU- ate of Costa alta hJcb scbool. Scbolarsb.lpe are awarded to quaWltd ap- plicants oo t.bt balis of aca- demic superlorltyi.Dd need. t oan. Boat financing with low bank Interest rates Ia .. near aa your phone. Ju-' call one of our offk:• ttated belOw: =-()Mce W.tcMOIIIoe = ... GliDe 1 aa~ om. 1601 W.Ctltt au~ Awnue Newpof18Mch Newport e.ch -r. 8each (714)142·1141 (714)642-3111 (714 ....,.,, eo.ta ..... Oflce ..... VIII* CMiee ~EaM17U\8t. 1-~IMl Cotlla Mela . Nnport ..... (714) &42o-UIIO (714) 844-IS11 An otftoM open. 5 pm. ~ 1twougfl ~. anctttMepnon~. ~ tooatkMW "'*' till 1:30 pn\ ....... ,...,_. al l NG'S ,. • • NewportN ..... and Garden Center hnoaat Cbara• ·Aecoua&a '1500 e. coast highway 673-1552 newport beach ~ ~ (next to irvine coast country club and newport center) ~ ~p .•. -::---··-·-f _ ...... _.... ---, --' --.,.._ -, . . ..:..,.:-._ -_-----.,-.___ . r ,_,. ' -:....:.-:-: .....:._ ...... ·....,.... ..... ,.... .... -:_.~ . .....:.:..~ --.. ----""' -/.-~ . ........ .. ......... ......,:--' -~ ... -~ ..... ~:_ ~"' /';'... r::\.__....-.. ;..~0\( .. .,. .... . ~ '. ~:·---J' -. . ~ ~ I. -~· ,.., } • o I' ------4[;;: . ---~ ... ··~-..--~~ ll~~~~~~~~~~ . --.,-t' -"i' . ' ~ -....,. • ) '"' ~ --4 ..... ..,, ~· .. •, ' , ' ALL PLANTS AMI .lNG • nMM In Qllfam&l horticulture Iince 1120 • • TRANSPAC START --The 65 entries In the Z8lb blennlal TraJlSIII.clfle nee to Hoaolulu IPfead out onr a large area within se<"oods of the stan last Frldly off the Palos Verdes bluffs due to IJ«ht, Outy w1Dds and an uncon- trollable spectator beet, wblcb IWmbered in the bundreds. At last report tbe lead yacbta were moYln« nicely about 400 mUes oll'shore. Boats to tbe ~:>reground iD tb1s start Trial held in arson case A Harbor View Homes mu went to trial Tuuctay in Pennsylvanla , on a con- spin.ry charge crowing out of a $6 million 1lre at a factory in Norwich, Pa., lD 1973. Hotlart Icenhower, 40, of 2327 Lerwid: Place ts ch:lrgf'd with conspiracy, perJun and 3 ('Ounts of transportJ.nK explosives across state lines, accord- ing to wire service stories. Icenhower and 2 other men are accused or burning down the Artlstlc WirE' Products Co. factory In Norwirh, John LEC04L NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUS INESS NAME STATEMENT Tbe followlng persons are dolng business as: Blind Made ProdUcts or Orangf' County, 415 Poppy Ave., Co- rona del Mar, Ca.H!. 9262!'.i: .,CecUe ,L. ,Bec,Ul 5 Popp)' Ave ., Corona del Mar, CalU. 9262!'.i; Weldon E. Ber k, 415 Poppy AYe., Corona del Mar, CalH. 92625 . This business Is conduct-...,..,.,.n individual. Darcey Jr. of Hickory, Pa., one of tbe accused, basal- ready pleaded oo contest to a conspiracy charge. Law- rence Gore of Maudlln, S.C., personnel director of American Sales aod Manare- ment Co., of Gartbey, S.C., Is 1lso on trial. American Sales and Managemeot, hl!llded by Icenhower, was the parent nrm of Arttstlc Wire Products Co. A 4th man loYohed ln tht! a rsoo investtgaUon, Merrill Kleln of North Hollywood, pleaded guUty on March 19 to conspiracy and 3 counts or transporting explosives. PATRIOTIC DISPLAY FOR HOME SHOW The Soothland Home & Gardea ShoW, scbeduled for August 15~24 In the Anaheim cooveoUoo center, wUI sa- lute the natloo'sblcentennLal celebralion wUh 12~foot h.igh structural beads of George Wash1Dgtoa, Benjamin FrankUD and JohD Hancock. The heads wUI appear In front of a giant American _fla..!.. and a Wge, gold-leti!!J;f!(i reprOduction of the Decbn- tLon of'l~ence. pboto are PrlmaYen. (puttaUy hidden) from tbe Chapala Yacht Club of Guadllajln., Mexico; Whisper (sail No. 7840), Los Angeles Yacht Clabj Shamrock (No, 7958), Ca.llfornla Yacht Club; SWUbure (No. 47066), San Diego Yacht Club, ud Ballyhoo (No. 357), Cruising Club of Sydney, Austn.IJI, the tlrlt boat around the west end of Catalina. (llocmer -.) •· NEW PRESIDENT Albert Dunlap of the Exchange Club of Newport Harbor gets his badge of office from state Exctange Club Pruideot Bud Edell of Culver City, who installed aew offtcers at the local club last Thursday at the Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club. Mr. Dunlap, an invest- ment executive, lives In Westcltff. (Excllange Club photo.) Brad tries for US team Brad Lewis, a UCI stu. dent from Corona del Mar, lett last weelt for the na~ tiooal rowing team tryouts at Dartmouth College In New Hampshire. Brad, a 20-year-old world chlmplonshlps on the Thames River ln Great Britain later this year, and to the Pan-American games in Mex ico City. Last year, the U.S. 8-ma.n shell won the world cham - pionshlps fOr the first time in 10 years. Brad _Lewis sta,rted row- log In 197 1 on the first and I MAJOR FLOOD ~.,,,_...,u , .... ..,.. .... $ S...lioJor'•M..,_ --·~~-t'totr· ........ .-.-.,. .. , ..... . ..... "' .... _..,..~ ....., ...... -... -111 DodOIIac loMa. • !MD a. ... run old -. ,... ._lodltll ~ ..... ---. ..,....,,. __ ·-bla "*' !" ,... --111M ollllpfop, Aftd tbe 111 t 11111 1Dn & "" liiiPOI'IUt niJ II ofll_.t-... -..... ----d.....-... Cltl ........ ool "' lloWpoot -· tilt ot ~,.. d•tb." Job It wu ftrtt bd1t liD do I doa, 1b1ot lliJ Dod In 1110! Tida daOD IIOOdi It llpreclao,...._.,_ bo pr-•oclbJ'-- bul bt .... _, -Ill pobllc-.. -- tbtt debrUI ...... "' lilt -far II , lllo 0rUp c_,. barbor. ,. t11o rmr-., Flood Cootrol D11b1ct or •·· ~-BltlorPololllul tbo CIIJ al !1--11. ~ ~ baek iolo Ill old u tbol dam ........... od bed 1o1o lbe -a1aoc """·to iporuco, .,.,. 1!1 Rtnr .be •• WNt Hnport. for poulble trollble, ...._ T-.t DJcht after diDDir otber lltenatl•• 1r1 batlt My Dad and HobutO'Howell to bold tbt nter bl.et. MR. AND MRS. WALTER MILLER of CosCa ..... cele- brated tbelr 50th weddlll( &Dnivers:ary with .a eate and all tbl trtmmin'a preaeatid to them bJ the Harbor Stolor Cltlaoa Cbtb. (Gitllll Croft-.) took stm'el& IDd drot'e t.ct wt.t I'm ttd•Jrtnc about 1a up to tbe santa ADa Rl,-er wbeD tilt aeJt too.,.rllood: bridge. At tbll Ume, tbl flOOd bit. tbl Santa Aba Rinr bad r•cbed lb cre.t, but nter-sbed lD Onace, Bitter Point Dam 'ftS bold-RiYenlde ud SaD Benu-~·!'!\:'~=== :a:=~~~= Walter Millers mark started WalkiD« liiP tbe beaeb Slllla ADa RlYerf . h ' 50 h ' toward Huatftlctoo Beacb, t t looklnolora plaenberetbe --~ ~. -bar·ry ... ·~ err . anmversary nood water was closest to -•1 • ••• cutting through tbe tbeD un-SaDtlaco Creek flood cootrol · Mr. and Mrs. Walter c. The round of parties developed Hunttnctcx~. Bfllcb dim did a flit Job nf hlcb-MWer of Costa Mesa re-actually started 3 weeks state part I.Dto the ocaa. lae eapaelty lD the1969Dood: ceolly retuned ·from MID-early when Mrs, Robert They found tht place at about &lid eootblald aUUUcapaelty neapolis, where they COD· · Bertram of Costa Mesap•e present-day NewliDd street. OYer tbe onr-Ouw. ttould a series of celebn-a party oo May 13 tv hooor near the Edlsoa st•mpllnt. Tbe Corps of Engineers Uoos in hooor of their 50th Mrs. Mtller's birthday and They proceeded to die a has dn:n-up n.rlous plans Wlddlnc anniversary tbe goldeo anniversary. narrow ditch tttrougb tbe to cootam Su.ta ADa RJver celebratioGs Ybich began sand. 1 don't mow bow toae flood waters. Hearloga ban wltb a party 1n their honor they dug but they soon had tte.:l .btld and trt.coootJ of. at the Harbor Senior Citt~ RODGERS NAMED BY BANKERS ASSN. a narrow trickle of water nclals· are b'JlnC to 11'0111· zens Club. going through their dltcbcllg oat flood control plans lor Tbe JaYishly decon.ted Henry M, Shine Jr., ex- in the sand. The backed ..up tbe riYer, wldch lDcludes cake, coldeo eandleholders: ecutlve directOr of the Call- water did a fast jobofwtdea-a oew Oood-eoatrol dam oa with matching eandles and fornla Banker's Assn., an- ing the ditcb, eaM')'IDg tbe tbe river oear Redlantts. cold...eolored Oower ar-nounces the elecUon of Roo- sand with lt. Yy Dad said Plus al.a iDe lade lncreu-raapments were a special aid L. Roclgers to a 3-year the cut started wtdealng 10 lDg the capacity of Prado tribute to Mr. Miller, who term on the board of dl- fast he had to )amp back Dam aad the rherbeclltselt. bad bean president of thr rectors of the CaiUornta to keep from droppiDg Into ODee an OYer..all plan is Harbor Senior Cttilens from Banker's Assa. and chair- the fast-moving water. They fiDalked, tbeD come~ baod Hr71-73, and to Mrs.MHler, man of the group's con ~ stayed long enough to mate llsues fortbewortaDdyears wbo ns secretary for 2 sumer relations committee. sure 00 f\arther dl.ntag was of eoastructioo, lf approYed. ye1rs. Tbe party was held Mr. Rodgers was also needOO andwalkedbacttotbe So, w!at do we do In tbe at tbe Senior Clttzens club-elected an alternate mem- car. m~~-me? bouse, bullt by Zonta Club ber or the nomination com- The next d'ly my Dad ""~m lhe Corps of En-ln Clitf' Haven. mlttee for the American brou..tht the famlly back to gtneers nrst started work-Ia Mtnneapolls tbe Mlllers Banker's Assn. He 1s presl- the sceae where he bad been in( on plans, the newspapers ware feted by. their son, dent and one of the found- shoveling the DJcbt before. ran beadi.Jnes about a late Gordon G. MUler of New lng directors of the Bank He was utterly amated at 6 to 8 feet deep beh1Dd Pa-Hope, a Mtnaeapolls sub-of Newport. He has taken what bad happeaed. All of clllc Coast JUcbny, urb, 011 JUDe 7, the day after "'the blnk from 14,3lothpost- the backed-up walu wu Ylsiollld by the qtDeers. tbe actual date. Present for uon among u.s. banks to gone but Ills sbcwel-Yidth , Tbere does DOt need to the party was their daughter, 2,3l4th PJSIUon, surpustng ditch was now about ball a be any such late, wttb a Charlotte (Mrs.John)Rowett 11,976 banks since its open~ bloc k •dde. Coast Hlgbway nooct thr•t Into Newport of Yort:. LlDda, and another 1D&: a Uttle more than three at that time was 1 two-lane Harbor, vii Bitter Point son, Walter M:Uler Jr. from Jelrs ago, Prtor to found- S~: Ceclle L. Beck. T~s" ·statement was filed with lbtl: County Clark of.Or- ange COb.nty July 7, 1 97~. The !lome show will fea- ture hundreds of displays of products for the hom e and will eocompass the eo- tire CoovenUon Center. senior, lives .1t 505 Begonia • He aDd Bruce tbbetsoh 'Of Tustin, boUl r~embers of the UCI varsity crew team, were lnvited to the tryouts. The u.s. na&nal team wUI be picked from tbe Dartmouth tryouts, and will go to the concrete rc.d. Afi Or tbe Dam, l:f''a few Iars wtth St.,J..QuW • .AlJO .presea&~ere ,..lnr -~~saa~ A Newport concrete for tbe halt-block sbOYets staff; dl..trW a nar-5.,c~~rwtfK1:.~.,. ...... __ ,.Zllltllf~t-' was completely gone, washed rOir'1¥tiLizfet ~ HuDt-ous Other relat1vet liYlnc ""=Pre.ldeat-IIWo1 ... dlriHor "; only rowing team ~ver at away by the force of the tnctm Beaeb State Park as in the mld-w,est~ ·tbe former Newpoz1 Natiooal Corona del Mar high schOol, nood. There was about a 10 •. that water app~cbes. st. Paul's Episcopal '<aank Publish: July 10, 17, 2-4, 31, 1975, in the Newpon Harbor Ensign. F -45499 an1 has rowed at UCl for foot drop-of! at tbe eod of BOOTS UNDERHILL Cburch In MIDDeapolls was T~ Bank of Newport 3 years. 0 the undamaged roadway oo the tceoe of an annlfersary headquartered ln Newpori Think JC In Costa Mesa Since 1946 Jewelry Made To Order Omega, Bulova & Accutron Watches Towle & International Sterling ••••••••• Fine Watch Repair Diamond and precious gem sett:ng Fine jewelry care-repa:r ••••••••••••••• e PERSONAL AND ESTATE IEWI!LRY. DIAMONDJ AIID GF.IIUTONES, AND HAVe CUSTOMERS WMnHG POR IMPORTAI'#T PII!CES. either side. DIES AT AGE OF«< tea ctvea by Mr. and Yrs. Beach at Donr and J.6th The ra.llroad trac k. .nth Boots Underhill, 40, of Wilmot CampbeU oo June ties attached, wa.ssuapeOOed 1001 Port Cardltf, Harbor 10. Mrs. CampbeU 1s Mrs. ln alr across the nEw riY'!r VIew Homes, who died July M.Uler's aliter ud Mrs. outlet, tbe road-bed ha.vlnc 2 at Hoac bospUal, was MWer bad been cbureb sec- been W'lShed out to sea. 1 burled Monday In PacUlc reta.ry at st. Paol's tor a have seen pictures of tbls View memorial part. number of years. St., with a f\aU se"iee Co- rcma del Mar offlce, ls oow planlllnc the opeolng of its third offt.ce In the Lido shop- ping area of Newport Beach. scene but do not bue one. Mrs. Uoderblll, who bad C I • h d I b u anrooe r•dlii(W.artlcl~ ~~,:: .. ~ 8 :::·'-:..~: rare ago'" ea s c u LIOAL NOTlCI NOTICE TO CREDITORS OF BULK TRANSFER (Sees. 6101-6107 U.C.C.} Notice l.s hereby civen to creditors ofthewlthlanamed pa.rttes tbat a bulk transfer 15 intended lo be made 011 personal property,' Mretn. after described. Tbe name(1) aDd bulaeu· aitdreu ot tbt tattoded 'trauferor(s) arr. E.II.C. ELECTRONICS CORPORA, t'ION. dojoc buloua aocler tl:te OeUtloas tlrm •me IDd 11Jie ot ORCO ELEC. TRONICS, 'WboN addreu is 2003 Harbor Bollfen.rd, Co- sta Mesa., Califonda .:au. Tbt •ml(a) aDd bu-ll address of tbe blt.cltd transferee(~) are: THE ELECTRONICS STORE. INC., wboM c::arr•t mall- joe addreu II c/o Manta A. Hart-. Attoi'DIIy at Law, 115 Soatb h'rerly DrtYt, Sat.. 509. BtYoriJ HUts, Ca!Uorola 90211. Tilat 1110 praportJ portia, eat beroto II --II ceoenl a~: Mattrlla., IIIP-,u.., mtrt"ed'H, ...... mill, ud II-Ill:-ilullor BoOitYu( eo. .. _. Calllarlla -. nat aid biUI: t1 tr a. llll:-.t to bt o.n • ..., at t110 oCiko at -A. ....... Atlonor ot '-· 115 -· lloYOIIJ ~ -101, 8oYariJ' ~. tolll, • or allv ~._,, 1111. Cbarles; ~ JuUea IDd MulDe Witt, Velma O'Brien daupter Cbruty, all of tbe A cr.rter member of the and Della Stansbury. bome, ud by ber motber, SoroptlmJJt Club of Ute New~ Roberta Carrington or Yrs. J. G. Carpenter, ud port Haztlor Area, wbo ns Pomona, president of Sor. sister, MOdred Carpeuter, presldeot 17 J•rs ago, YIU optimist lnternattooal, wUI botb of Ulasl.tstppl. be 1nstalled as cblef of-be lnstaUlng ofQ cer. ,Senlc• were CODducted fleer apln this Saturday SoropUmlst lnternatiooal LD Padfte View chapel b)' nooa, July IZ, at the Is a service club of women tbe Ref. E. v. Uoderh111, Sbenton-Newport Hotel. ln business and professions. tatber-la~taw of• the df-Realtor Farel WaiDr wtll ot special interest to the ceased. SISK AT FT. HOOD Army Prtftlt Jtft!kl t'. Slst Jr ,, wboH flllber liftS at 11% Dlllbory r..u._ Co.C. Mea, 1.t asslped u u porta -·lilt CaftlrJ Dl- assume the office, assisted club tbls year has been their by ChrlsWI.DJamuDdMagoa support of '·meals on Scbley aa ftrst and eecood wheels," a proieet in co- Yict-Prealdeots; Arm Van operattoo wlth FISH for de- Aaldeln Ud Jean Cooner, Unrtac hot meals to sOOt- u rec:ordlnc and corres-I.DS. Soroptlmlsts also u- poodlnc seeretarles, and slst the Girls Club, Mardan Edle Moore u tra•rer. school and gin scholar. Dlnetora for tbt ~miDc to Harbor Area stu- -.....~-- '"",.,t'" Warmup Butts N~T .. wtth Wbtfe Str1pe only ~ 81--12,85 Men'• Stu•· 12.9$ SUbject to Stock On Band .Tennis Dresses Men's & Boys' Tennis Shorts Men's &Boys' Tennis Shirts • Tennis Raeket8 -Wllsm Dunlop -Bineroft -Y me:::: Dam Tennla B.U. -WUsm • Penn Tennla Shoes Dunlop · Adliles• COD.,...•.1'ret:onlhi;;;;;Ra~~ck~etfillb';~tnc;;;tnc;· iJB;ij; BuatbUIIbosli ftaequeU & Ban. COD~ "' Mkhs ,..,.._!! Glcrres & Balls · a •• ...,, .,.. • a· .. .._ Racqusta • Btrds IIJat 8llt -..... .. ........ AD li'luj.Cill 1111111 Talllll'-11 PMdles & BallB .. • ....... • Dltlt IIOard8 ftlt 1'1118 pr, IU6 =--=- ilL. .. Dress ShoP ••••• Sli,days 3424 V·ia Lido Newport Beach .. 1111&1".11A1lt GUI • lid Mn. 0.- dll a.. m ••· no ,_ -..eo. .... ao,. -· IIIIJII , ...... Ttan • Ball• D7 llia- Oftr ~W .. c.-..... atrl-Mr. ud llra.ta•-,_,. '--'M:: A Jut 18la St.,Coa • lor -Mr. Uid lin. Jtf-tnJ ....... 1015 Port PI'Of.ce, Harbor Vtft Home~. Boy -Mr • .., Mn.. LIIUl Ely-McOr.aw, 5115 IUftr ''.!:t-!• JffWport. • TU&BDAY, KAY 10 BoJ -Mr, ud Mra. J'Jo)'d Ldbl..,.r, lflS Wr. Ctr- e1t,Coallua. Gll'l -Mr. &Dd Mrs. Alu Lopa, 14~1 Elm A•e., lr- ftoe. BoJ -Mr. Ud lira. AD- drew KectleJ,l835 Port SUr- -Pl., Harbor Vtn Bomea. Gltl -Ur. IDd Mra. Jola Beeeber, Ml Ross st., Co-sta..._, Girl -Mr. &De! Mrs. Rich- ard VI.I"DDr, ass tt Ceoter, COita ..... • WEDNESDAY, IIAY Zl Girl -Mr. IDd lira. Loas. Alrtllcer, Ill Capual, Co- sta Kea. Boy -Ur. I.Dd lira. WU- lJam lrrio, US Hamtltco, Costa Ilea. Boy -Yr. IDd Ura. Law- rebct llePbllltps, m Af'O· eado St., •u. coa Meta. Boy • Mr. aDd Mra. VIctor Johns, 2165 MIIPle, COlD Mesa. Boy -Mr. I.Dd Mrs. Zaoe Crowley, 144 Rochester, Co- sta Mesa. • THURSDAY, MAY 22 Girl -Mr. a.od Mrs. Roy Englebrecbt, 3ZO Marguer- ite, Coroaa del Mar. Boy -Mr. a.od Mrs. Dell De Revere, 1924 Port Car- diff, Harbor View Homes. Girl-Mr.IDdMrs.James Thompaoo, 1942-A Aoabeim, Costa Mesa. • FRIDAY, MA¥ 23 Gtrl ~ Mr. a.od Mrs. Geo- rge Merritt, 14931 Ra.Debo Cir., lrflne. Girl -Mr. aDd Mrs. Rob- ert Brightman, 9%1 Caroa- Uoo Ave., Costa Mesa. Boy -Mr. aDd Mrs. Daniel Scher, 415 Riverside, New- port Heights. • SUNDAY, MAY 25 Gttf -·wr. &De! •""' lfobn GoocJeU. ~ Wauaa A•e~. Costa Mesa. • TUESDAY, MAY 27 Girl -Mr. and Mrs. Guy Dulgou, 2342 Cornell Dr., Costa Mesa. THE TEACmtG IS CENTEiiED ON JEBtll CIIRST AND THE BIBLE, WITH EMPHASIS ON PRACTI:AL CHRISTIAJI l.JVING. . ALL ACES ARE WELCOII!. CounseUDc ud ristUDg aY&Uable. SUNDAY SERVICES: WORSIDP SERVICES AND SUNDAY SCHOOL I :SO, 9:45 IDd 11:00 a.m. PHONE: 8?5-4550 2200 E. Co;ut Hwy., Newport Beaefle .aear MacArthur He Nearly Put An End To Funerals He was buried immediately efter death without • funeral. A friend offered a cave as a tomb. end he was laid in it with· out a casket. But just three days later some people reported seeing him alarmingly alive and walking around with only a few marks as witness to his death. And the entire city had to admit that hb grave was, in· dted, exceptionally vacant. \ \ -Mi.-... lla Cart e..._..,,..,.,., c .. --., . ., -Mr. ud lin. 0... OJ'P KIM. • FJoRr a., c.a ..... ,. GCrt -111. Uld MIL wu~ lJaiD Mart~~~. 414 Orchid An., Core. delMar. 8oJ -Mr. ud Mrt. Gary ....... I Llldllalt. • WKDIIISD4Y, MAY 21 Girl-Mr. ucUin.Gnc- OI'f Jlolllod, 1'7D A•-• S...Uflo, llnae. Olrl -Mr. ud lin. Jot. B.U.. 15U 8uta AQa Aft., co.eaMua. GtrJ -llr. &Dd llu,JobDDJ Rna, IUS Newport Blfd,, COlt& Ilea. GtrJ -llr. &Dd Mn. Ed- wvctGoaJd.lliE.BaJ,Bal- boa. • TIWRSDAY, MAY 19 Girl ~Mr. &Dd Mrs. Dell- Ilia K.W.. 478S J,ec!wtDcCtr., coa...._ • niDAY, IUT ~ Girl -Ill. ud Mn. Ter-r.ae ~ lMil CMI'- bGIIJ'LlniM. . BoJ • llr. ud lin. Joe H.... WI s.diA, COlli* .. ... • SATURDAY, MAY 11 8oJ -Mr. ud lin. Mare RlebmODd. Sl'll Stlem, lr- fiDe. • IIONDAY,IUNE 2 Girl ~ llr. aDd Mn. Jam• Voce!, 5184 Eltd:)rd Aft., lrfLDe. 8oJ-Mr~Mrs.Jam• Patter..., lW Newport BUll Dr. Eut, Harbor VIew Hom••· • TUESDAY, JUNE S Gtrl -llr. aDd Mrs. Rob- ert Hoq, l'lt& ProYkleace- town, lrfiDe. Boy ~ llr. I.Dd Mrs. Bruce Yamaabita,_26?5Red~ JaDc!s Dr., Costa Mea. Boy -)4r. and Mrs. Bruce. Macbooald, 10 RQJal Saint George Rd., Big Cu- yoo. • WEDNESDAY, JUNE 4 Gtrl -Mr. I.Dd Mrs. Rob- ert Rohrer, 225 23rd st., Costa Mesa. Glrl -Mr. and Mrs. Henry Peterson, 17872 HaDcbester Ave., I"lne. Gtrl -Mr. and Mrs. Kelt.b Baldwin, 941 Camatloo Ate., Costa Mesa. Boy -Mr. &De! Mrs. Roaald Young, 2100 Moorovta, Co- sta Mesa, • THURSDAY, JUNE 5 PA'M'T YOUNG, wbollepboeo Boy-Mr. and Mrs. Takeo wu DOt a-rallable lor tbe Yamamota, 2233 Port Ler- UDOUDctm•t of t.be April wick, Karbor Vtew Homes. Zoaea ctrla, wu tbt re-Boy-Mr. and Mrs. Larry c:IIUD* of tbt boDor at Es-Bramlett, 2351 Azure, Santa tuela h1cb school. DurlDg Ana Heights. latr MO.Ior year sbe te"td Boy -Mr. a.nd Mrs. En- as GAA preaw.t, AS8 tre&-rett Thompson, 963 Post Rd., suer, &De! seaior class trea-Costa Mesa. surer. Sbe was ac:Ufe also Glrl -Mr. and Mrs. Roger In CIF YOlleJball I.Dd soft-Mendes, 432 Colton, Newport ball and ID tbe powder putt Sbores. derby. Sbe received tbeGold * FRIDAY, JUNE 6 E and bome eeooomtcs Boy -Mr. aDd Mrs. Roo- awards aDd was bJCh point ald Adams, Z476 Santa Ana girl In GAA. She plans to Ave., Costa Mesa. attend OCC and Cal Poly Boy -Mr. and Mrs. Rich- at San Luis Obispo, rnaj)r-a.rd Hoppe, 1522 Sea.crest 1ng In pre-school educatloo Dr., Harbor View Hills. and basiDessadmlDJstraUoo. Boy -Mr. and Mrs. Ml- DR. V AH DEN MOORT chael Androsko, 276 E. 15th St., Costa Mesa. IS HONORED AT UO Gtrl-Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Dr. stanley van cleo Noort Currie, 19-40 Moorovta, Co- r ~ Vl u ~Jta M~sa. Q tfJib 'c r ew ,..QIPes_.4-0 . • SATURDAY JUNE 7 r~ uc =~~it ;i "BoJ.• all. 'aDd llrs. Rod seoted a dlstt~ .,r-Opp, 2544 Orange Ave., Co- l b o· sta Mesa. v ce award Y range • SUNDAY JUNE 8 County Hospital Assn. He ' was booored for b1a serrice Boy -Mr. and Mrs. Ml- to tbe cause of eJcelleoce chael McGee, 700 W. 20th In health care tbroagb per-St., Costa Mesa, sooat performance Boy -Mr. aDd Mrs. Jooa- • than Bergmann, 715-l/20r- SUBMARIHE GRAD chid Ave., Corooa del Mar. Navy Macblnlst's Mate Tbtrd Class Stevtll A. Rosan, soo of Mrs. Sally J. Rosan of 1360 Park Newport, has graduated from the basic enlisted course at tbe Nanl Submarine Scbool, Groton, CoDD.. A former stuc:leot of ADabetm hlgb school, be joined tbe Navy tn October, 19'74. Girl -Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ert Versace, 4491 Ranch- grove Dr., Irvine. • MONDAY, JUNE 9 Boy -Mr. and Mrs. Ro- land Showalter, 3500 Surf- view, Harbor View HUis. Girl -Mr. and Mrs. Ml- ct.el Higgins, 3036 KWy- broote Ln., Costa Mesa. • TUESDAY, JUNE 10 Glrl -Mr. and Mrs. Lau- rence Gaertner, 720-A Shaltrnar, Costa Mesa. • WEDNESDAY, JUNE 11 Boy -Mr. and Mrs. Ed- ward Ka.ragoztan, 17795 Batternut Lo., lrri.De. Girl -Mr. and Mrs. Rtcb- ard Bell, 1Z46 Cooway Ave., Cotta Mesa. Tw1D boy and girl -Mr. aDd Mrs. Dooald RJppoo. 113 !7th st .. West NelPJ)Ort. Girl-Mr. &De! Mrs. Ratn- er HauledeD, Z005 Anabetm Avt., Costa Mesa. • FRIDAY, JUNE lS The impect on hit followers was so electrifying that they c.me dote to los- Ing their fear of dying. FOf almo~t thrM centuries . ahtrwtrd, hit fottowen di• dained funerals, Cf*etl, end embatmlng because fOf them dying w• just • step into a new life. • Eventually, howevtr, the pegan burial customs of the ph•IOh• " the Cltlllrs reasserted lhem.tves. tnd by the tnd of the fourth c.= 11M had to be petlltd to prohib4t lng the bUI fof fancy funerals. Semi·~ tuner.ts h-. survived to this day, and h.we n101ntly becomf ewn more tJCtftt,ve. :rhe COMPiet* oott of an ewreg~ funeral fn 18 Wlllbout S.O. By 1073 it had~ to., .. Already J.. over ~ of the .,._., in Southern wlifomla .. now dtoosing cremation over burial and the lower cost is only Pitt of the rta.n. Cremation is usullly fotloMd by a memoria& ...W. centered wound the memory of 1 living penon -wftbout the pre•a of his body. Funet"-have •• Clnttf.,.. a l1t91. dark coffin, wt\ic:h Is not the 10ft of memory thlt muat of us would P.Nfw to tHve with our fr~1 It it no lontlf entintfy ~to do 10, either ......... Coffin Is not the end •t life. ii; end of lift Is with Me ~It me Alphe end the Omega. ttw be- -'nning MWJ the .net. Gtrl -Mr. I.Dd Mrs. BW Muoo, 563 Traverae Dr., Co.ta Mea. Boy • Kr. and M.rs. Wll- Uam Loughery, 2999 Mllbro St., Costa llesa. Boy -Mr. I.Dd Mrs. Carl- ctw.U W1l1011, 1'14i5' Vla Calma, TusUD. SIGH UP FOR SWIM Rectttrattae t>r U. Jllly 14-15 ...... ol On.ap Coltl'v and COfnPie• prKdolt ... .,.. comt commonplacjlt, and a ..,...,,. t... ntt'al now lndudn • mortulfY,....,.. lng, ac:eme•rv plot. • ...,_, n ,_.., "*'Y ••• , .. We of the am. Society~ ... litvt thlt ~ .,~ ... ~ .. '•· Out IOdlty -........ ,. .. .... for .......... lflld ... -.. .. procedure • ona ., • ..,. 1tw ODit Of • ... """"'... ........ ~ Cout CoU•'• ammer 8Wlm propam wUJ be beld lroaa 9 a.m. to DOOa t1a11 SaiiiJ'CII.y Ill u. occ pm. ~UoD for tM Gal ...... .m .. Mid Jaty It, ad tM andm .,.. J.., .......... • DEIRDRE AMD CHRIS GRACI (/ •!frey /'hoto) Deirdre Ann Hayes bride of Chris Grace Mr. a.od Mrs. Cllrlstopber Grace are maklDg tbelr bome 1n Costa Mesa followtD( a honeymooo In San Diego. Tbe young couple were married Saturday, JODe 14, at St. Andrew's Presbyterian cburcb. Dr. Charles Dlerentleld performed the double rtnc ceremooy llllltlng Miss Deirdre Ann Hayes, c!aueb- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Clark Hayes of Harbor VIew HWs. and tbe sooofMrs.Cbarlotte Grace of Lido Park Dr., Newport. Escorted don the cburcb aisle oo the arm of ber Cather, t.bebrlc!ewuc!ressed ln a gon of Wblte orpnza made with lace appliques oo the bodice, sleeves aDd Staoc!..Qp oecklJne. Sbe wore a plcbtre bat trimmed with matcblng lace, and carried a booquet of wbtte, plnk and yellow roses, sweet wiWam and baby'a breath. Att18CHDc tbe bride ,.. her stster, utss Detlb1e Hayes, as maid of booor, a.od Miss Patty Bron of Costa Mesa as bridesmaid. Tbe attendants wore loog wbSte gowu trtmmed wttb putel colors~ They, too, wore pleblre blta~~ rled boeqaeb now era. Ttm Grace was b1s brother's best man. Se"- • u asbers were Clark ~ea, tbe brlde's brother, aDd Randy Gersten. Dr. JOGU Kliewer, min- Ister of music for the c!Jlrch. saac tbe "lord's prayer, .. "W edc1iDc SOOC" and " F ol- low me" In a cblarcb deco- rated wtth white mums a.od earua~, ferns and wbite rlbboos. At t.be reeeptloo In the atrillm of tbe Marriott Hotel, Christian Eric eotertaloed wit.b a cuJtar. The new Mrs. Grace is a grackate of North HoUy- wood 111gb school and at- tended Oraoge Coast Col- lege. Sbe 1s t.be gn.Ddn1ece of t.be ta.moas westen ctar- acter tctor, t.be late '•Gallb,, aa,.._ Tbe croom ls a Corooa del Mar bJcb school (l&du- ate a.od Ls DOY uaoctated •lt.b WWtam Cburcb. en- llneer. CALL MOW OR DROP IM • . . We're Cleee ly ..... o, .. 1 D.,. A w .. tt. 12222 Hwbor Btvd .• G.-den G~ 530-11U .,, ... Stete L I cetue 1t 22J7 772-3401 or •• 10M ,, v •••• '" 0"··· c ........ FILET MIGNON $3.45 Per ..---Featurini:--....: CHAMPAGNE & STEAK (FOR 2) S 7.95 4:30 .. 6:30PM. •30 t. 11:10 P.M. Sea Food-A-Bob · $2.45 Per Steak-A-Bob · $2.45 Per 20t Pel• A,e. (At •• t.ny) hlll.ee P•l.t.tile Mew,.rt IMd. 675·b't· Where the Elite Meet to Eat! ,0, .. : • • p .... • Mea Every morning, daily interest is added to every Los Angeles Federal Savings Account. Passbook Savings -C~rtificates of Deposit- lnvestmenr Gertificates All at highest rates LOS ANGELES FEDERAL SAVINGS Savings insured to $40,000 Safe deposit boxes and the most wanted savings services Newport Beach Office 3201 Newport Blvd. • 615-4500 (Across from CitY, Halt) Head Office Downtown: Los Angeles Federal Savi'91 and tawt AS90Ciati0n One Wilshire. Los ~ 90017 Other offices th~ the area • ' Sot .. e .41,, • . , "....._ ..• ,., .... ..._. .. .._TP I Bealtng of the De'moniac • ,.. •• ,4 rr · ,.. ....... -·rvr,.. ' . Gol4ooo TUI: /lr:wtrtl Jauii</PNd i!llo 1101, btll-"""' -Go-10 tJu1 ~ ..J ... .,.... ,.,.,., lllttp tiN l4r/ -doM"{or tiNo, ..J.Iwtt~ 1 ,W~Jifl d•M ,..,(Made: $;19). liB -I)' mlr>dtl of the Lord Jnua Qvist, 10 clwKI-Jc of Ill -bly mJNitry, were wondJdul manJ/atations of Hk Jon: ond po....,. Coocomlna lho kinds of martelous worb which JCIIUI performed, it 1:1 inltructi"' to note the QbserYtUons of a deYOUt writer of Scotland: "The mirades of c;::tukt are a complete reftalinl of tis powu and nature, so far u everythina known to man is concerned. We find them in.dudinc examples of til power Oftl' nature, fis power over external objects, Its power over man's bodUy frame, His power over man's mind, His power over death and him that hath the power of death, that is, the DtviJ. .. 1. Hil power over external nature'b illustr1tod by His stilling the waves of the sea .... '"2. His power over exteroaJ objects is illustn~ted by the turning of water into wine. It appearS also in that miracle which excited so great a· commotion, and which He [Jesus] made the text of His sermon on the bread of life -The Feedifll of the Five Thousand .... "3. Most of His miracles manifested His power over man 's bodily frame. He healed diseases. Diseases, frequently of repulsive form, were common then in Pltlestine, and the Healer had brought to Him crowds of sufferen. none of whom c.me in vain. So pressing Were the claims of the sick and their importooate friends, that He had often to tell th:ose who were healed not to spread the news abroad. His miracles of healing were often perfonned on leprosy. Leprosy was a type of !in, and it is notable that He never paused when a leper cried to Him . He pve also recovery of sight to them that were blind. Blindness, as now, was sadly. common in Eastern lu.ds. He healed those who ~re sick of the fever, and His healing left them not weak and weary , but strona and vigorous. The main poinu to be noticed in His treatment of disease are such u these : He was no specialist -every class of disease was amenable to His will ; He aever had to uk for time Of for help~; before seeinJ the disuse He undertook to cu re il ; His cures were never gradual recoveries -they were always complete. "4. His power over man 's mind is shown by HiJ kno ... Jedge of what was in man . Prom the beginning He knew who should betray Him. Nathanael was under the. fla-cree He aaw hirnj when Simon wu ch<rllhln& the onclwitable- thouJht ln hJJ Mart, Ho knew what wu Pl.... In hll mind. Naked ..... open were aU mon to the eyes of tim with whom thCy bad to do . "S. lis aoveref&nty OYer death was manifested three times, u well as in His own resurrecdon. He raised Jairua' d a u&hter, the widow's aon, and lnarus .... .. 6. His power is shown abo over him that hath the power of death, that is, the Devil. There were diseases in the time of Quist wftich were solemnly attributed by their Healer to the power of unclean spirits. EvU at that lime was permitted to manifest itself with terrible distinctness, that it might be met by the mi&htiest manifestation of good. He (Jesus) conquered in tvery case where He encountered it. One case, decidedly the most terrible of an, may be referred to. A man who had been long possessed, who wore no clothes, and dwelt in no house, but abode in the tombs, cried out when he 11w Jesus, 'What have I to do ' with Thee, Thou Son of God most high!' There was something in the look of Otrist that was troubling the hidden devil&. He expelled them. and the man out of whom the devils departed sat at the feet of Jesus, clothed and in his right mind . Beautiful in its suffused calm is this picture of the restored man , when it is put in contrut with . the paroxysm of madness and misery from which he had been delivered. He was sitting. lltat was wonderful, for the terrible restlessness of his malady had made him incapable of a moment's rest. Now the tension has collapsed . He is master of himself, sitt ing. He is clothed . Ota.ins could not hold him hefore, but now he ts restored to a consciousness of the decencies of life . And the expla nalion of it all is ttut he !s at the feet of Je~us. Jesus has brought him into quiet, and sanity, and decency ; and the man, in strange contrast with those who prayed that Christ would depart out of their coasts, implores Him that he may be with Him, lest the old evil power should surge over his spirit once more" (cf. W. R. Nicoll . TJJ~ lncamt;l(e Stnoiour, 1882 , pp. 123-126. 128 , 129 , 131 -133). The Encouater of Jt:IUI With The Demoniac;. Verses 1·10 describe the encounter of Jesus with the Gadarene demoniac . See -Mottlmr 1:28, 29' lub 8:26-31. "Atuntloo It c:allod, flrtt of aD, oo: l. A ...... .s.../(1·5). Whata hld-.. lew of.-....... pr-.tod, ond,lt would 1ppeu, hia Utt was dlroc:tly due to hit lin. an .. a I.'JI"'I wretktr. and only Outlt can salwe ill wncb. Mark where thb: man waa.. the Dltun of hil trouble, and hk hopeJal c:ond.itkln . It • a true pictuN of the sinMr under the power of the Dntl, dwellina In death, rcvoltlna apinat restraint, and forever mtlea. And what an illustration of the impotence, apt.rt from the Gospel, of aU endeavor to tame and un the rid and Myward heart of man (3, 4). Uu1oubtedly iii our lord's time there wu such a thina as dernon-posseaion. This incident terriftes us by rtvealini dread forces of C\'iJ workina upon and in men, and tt comforts us by displaying the power of Quist oWJ all the power of the enemy . Demon-poneuion il no fia:urative expression for moral evil, neither b It a description of physical or menta] disea.e. This man wu not a maniac, but a demoniac:. It .may be open to question whether peraons c:an be demon-potseDCd today, but certain it is Uat multitudes are conlroUed by the destructive powen ·of evil appetite and pusion, from which only Ouht can deliver them. .. But the story Joel on to teD of -l. A Mf6hty S..lour (6-10). TIUs man could not help himself, and no one around him could do anythlna for him; but what all the chains of Gadua could not effect, JC$UI accomplished by a word. He (Jesus] did not bepn by clothipa him, but by uvtn& him. The quickest way to _Jet a man out of the slum is to get the slum out of the man. Social reform is aU very weU, but the h~pe of this world is not to be looked for in ch.anaed circumstances but in changed hearts. Distinguish carefully when the man speaks, and when the demoru in him speak; the two are identified, but are distinct. And mark the confeu.ion and feu of the demons (7, cf. I :24), and the cause of lheir cry (B). They knew Jesus, •'nd He knew them; they implore lim, and Ht command• them ; they are creatures, and He is Lord , and the lord , ls more JX>Werful than /qk}ru of demons. However· desperate the condition of the sinner, there is close at hand a miahty Saviour" (cf. W. Graham Scrogle, 7'111! GoJptl of St. Mlzrlc , n.d ., pp . 9S-97). (C O'lTINUED NEXT WEEK) low oiOHIIf CALVIN • Jolm CeMn (~ Cawltl, t50tii·1544J Wit born In Nayon, t>ro.«<y, h.nce. 0onvert«1 10 Jesu.!Chtlala • ~w ltud_,t, he'wa balllahed from PMif fn t5.J9 •nd took tetuge Itt Swltnt· l•nd. There M wrote the IIIII edit/oil o1 hla 'lnstltutM ol the Clttlstlan "-1/glott,' lrom whiCh thl$ ewc.rpt 18 telcen. CefVfn 11 fdoned with Alettln LutiUtt •• one ol the two QIHieSI church te1ormets 01 the 18th century. Few tMfl have hMJ wider lttNUflrlf» on Christ/en thought over the last tour centutfes. The German hi•· tat/an Leopold 11M R•nke once ••ld ot him 'John Calvin is the 11frtua1 k>u~ ol Amerlce.: I n the mind of every human beiq there exieta a senae of Deity. There ie no poiut arguln1 about it; it is there by natural instinct. If' we plead the elt:CUM of iporance we find no help there, for God hhn&elf has plaeed. in the whole universe a num1noua awareneSs of himself. This. awareneu he renewe in our memory from time to time by pour~ ing in fresh drops, u it were, so that one and all might understand that God is, and that he is our Maker. So when people neither honor God nor consecrate their lives to his will, they are condemned by their own testi- mony. Were we to search for evidence that some people are really ignorant of God's existence, we would prob-. ably be more apt to ftnd examples among the backward peoples on the remote fringes of civilization. How,. ever, as Cicero says, there is no na. tion so barbarous, no people 80 savage, that they have not had im • planted in them a persuasion that God exists. This common conception could be said to. inhere in the mind and even in the viscera of man. Never since the beginning of the world has there been any region, any city, or even any home without an object of worship. This in itself amounts to a tacit confession that the sen~ of Deity is inscribed on every heart. The practice of idolatry pro- vi des ample documentation of this truth, for in order to s how reverence to God a man will go even against his natural pride and voluntari1y reduce himself to the lowest depths by wor. shiping wood and stone. It is ridiculous therefore to say, as some do, that worship wa.s invented by the subtlety and cunning of a few individuals for the purpose of keep. ing simple people in subjection. I ad- mit that certain clever.persons have introd\lced a number of ftctioD8 into religi~. by' which they have souglit either to inspire the people with rev- erence or to strike them with terror -thereby rendering them more ob- sequious. But they never would have succeeded in the ft~t place had God not already imbued men's rrunds with a conviction of his existence. ''Redeeming The Ti1ne'' ·- By Cbria BoyD P:ROM BAPTIST 818LE TRIBUNE, SPRIHCHIELD, MO. Our MlnUon 00.. not ju.t indude the m.'-iDc of Hell and t.be Jaillinc of He .. ea. We an •ftd TO .ome&hinc atd lhat 11 ~ for our Lord ,_ .. Cbrilt. Life a. Vtn to Ul that we m.ilbt by the power ..... -· ...... "' God u.. • .,. ... "' ..n.ftot, ...._ ... TDD ..U ... ... .• , ........ ,..,....... ,_,...., .... .. OCll l'rtaet Clltkll c ... ,. ...... ... _, .... l>7 ... """"*'"·-.. -....,. 8t:*ll ... -h a llfe dar~•.. d 1 to ............. ::....:::c--:do TO • ... -·- .. -,. PIOM DICIJIOM MAe.uiMI MfMNI,.,OLIS. MlMM• It 111· ioeoneel•able to aup-that tbooe wbo have tried to im-rell- lrion on their unlearned nef6bbon were themoelveo tocldnr in 1117 knowledl'l of God. For while in the ~t there may have been eome who did not believe that God uiata (u today not a few are emerlin• who deny God's beiq), yet•even the.e people, whether they will or no, eenae from time to time the truth of what they do their beat not to beUeve. The more they try to hide, the more the divine majesty beata on their con~ sciences. They look for a corner where they can hide from the pres- ence of tbe Lord, and try to wipe him out of their minds, but they remain trapped. Their awareneu of God may appear to vanish for a moment, but it keeps coming back with renewed force, so that the relief they get from the anxiety of eonacience ie not greatly different fr.om the sleep of a drunk or a demented person. Such people, while asleep, are troubled by fearful and terrifying dreams. So it is with those who live without God. They are one more illustration of the truth that some notion of God ie alive in the souls of all human beirigs. All people of sound judgment will therefore hold that thil!l sense of Deity is engraved indelibly on the human mind. How do we know that such a persuasion is inborn 7 How do we know that it is lodged deep in the inner marrow of our bones 7 By the pride and contemptuousness of thoae who mock at God! These people alone are a sufficient testimony, for no mat- ter how furiously they wrestle, they are unable to extricate themaelves from the fear of God. The wonn of conscience, sharper than burning steel, keeps gnawinj' at them from within. I do not agree with Cicero that error is gradually disappearing from the world and that religion is spread- ing and becoming better with time. The truth is that the world does ita best to shake oft' all notions of God, and seeks by every known means to corrupt the worship of him. What I do say is that after the hardneBB of heart (which' these stupid · God-" mockers adopt in order to reject him) haa begun to waste away, then the sense of Deity they tried to extin· guish shows up alive and healthier than ever. 1 u 'l 1 From this we CAJ). P. .. th~~tn:at the Bense of Deity'iS not ~ne 'to De learned in school, but one whjch ·we master while still in the womb. It is something that nature herself never allows us to forget, no matter how many of us strive with all our might to do just that. Further, if it be true that all people are born and live for the purpoae of knowin'g God, and that such knowl- edge is unstable ~nd evaneacent, then they have f•iled to fulftl the law of their creation, for they have not suc. ceeded in directing the total scope of their though't8 and actions to the de-- sired end. After aJI, there is b·ut one thing that makes human beinp au-. perior to other fonns of animal life, and that is the worship of God by which alone we can aspire to immor~ tality . To charge the human inteUect with perpetual blindneas, then, and to leave it no intelligence whatever, is repugnant not only to the Word of God but to common M!Me. For we see grafted into the mind of man a desire to investigate truth, which he never would have aspired to if he had not already picked up ita scent. When we read secular writere and find an ad- mirable light of truth in them, it should remind ua that the human mind, fallen and perverted u it is from ita original inteiTity, is still clothed and adorned with God.'e ex~ cellent gifbl. What 1 Shall we say that the phi- losophers were blind in their briJUant obeervationa and akilful descriptiona of nature 7 Shall we say that thoee who molded and developed the art of medicine, laborin1 for our beneftt. have taken leave of their senses 1 And what about matbematiea 1 Wu this all a eenseleu delirium 1 No, we c&D- not read the writings of the ancients without «rut admiration. We reeor- nize that everythin• noble and praiaeworthy comes from God. Hu he not !riven beaut)' to JOid, to allver, to lvoey, to marb .. 7 Hu he not ~ven ua .JD&D3' thinp wblc:b we esteem even thouah they are Dot ._ sential to Ul 1 Can we thiDk that our Lo,rd would have lrfvon to ftcrwwo ouch beaut)' u p.-ata ltaelf to our eyoe If It were not intaudod tb&t we should feel pleuun u we look on them 1 Cair we thlu he would ba ... lrfven them otoeh an attndl .. aroma if It had not. bean bill wlah that,.. ahollld clollrbt ID ,...Uinr-7 lAt ... thea DOt forpt theM -otaadlorNwl-olthedl'fbleSvlrit wbleh hi hu ..,.Dud to wltoiM•• Mwilllfoi'U.a-slllpodot .... 1dJod. n.. -loton ... -l!lfta. the Lard ... loft to h-...-. -.,...It_ IMJ»>)ooo of Ita tna ..... . ..... BJ. ........... 1111 .. Oil 1111 ....... ............. j) ..... ... =lol nlf.Jfwa Ia , ... ... OlfWialllo-'41 I laOif , .wm..-.... ..,_, :.:.,eln ... ~ ... "':=;:Jz lllollttOifW. 01 I I I I GWt back on Buc sked ANTHONY DAVIS {No, ll) aYOldll tacklers at a Soulbln Cal&mla SUD workout at UC IJTtDe. Tbe SUD, wbicb opus Ill repla.r s-..oa Auc. S alter 2 ublbltloo prnea, bolds hrlce.di.Uy worllocrta at the UCI fleld. The local team &lao t•turts former OUiaDd Raider quarterback Daryl Lamontca, USC's pusJnc duo oC ·Pat Hadell aDd Jobll McKay, and seven! returnJne stars from last year's squad. The Suo W'OG Us eztdbttioD opeaer Satur- day ntgtrt.. beatiD&' San Aatoolo 36-31. Former Ol'IJIIe Coast College quarterback Ga.ry Valbueoa was traded to SaD Antonio by the Sun a •eek earller. (EnslgD pboto.) Coacb Hertl L!Y~ey•a Or- ange Coast Collep llUut- ball -a-d wtll ld.cll: ott tbe 1975-78 campa.lp No•. za, bostiDg dlltrtet rtftl Golden . West College 1D Peter.- gym. U marts tbe ttrst Ume the Pirates ban fll.eed the Ru.atlers 1n cace actloo slDce tbe 1973-74 season. Tbe Dues woo tbat cootest 93-85. Ia addltsoo to plaJinc a 12.p.me South Coast Coa- fereoce scbedule tbe Dues wW compete ln 3 touna- ments. Tbey will host the 5th anoual MUes Eatoo tourney, aod will also parttc.lpate lD the Ct.Jtey and Palomar events. Here is tbe schedule: Nov. 28 -Golden West. MATTRESSES WEW -a&aVILDmQ Irrerular ShaPN --...,..,.... co·n.A MHA MATTRESS CO. lUID .,...,..,. ., ...... Sa-IJOJ Nor. 19 -at Los Anceles TndeTecb. Dec. 3-8 • MUes Eaton tounameot. Dec. 10 -Los AncelesClty Collegt:. Dec. 12 • Imperial VaHey. Dec. 13 • at AJltelope Val- ley. Dec. 17-20 Chaftey tournament. Dec. 28-28 Palomar tournament. Jan. 3 -at Imperial Val- ley. Ja.o. 6 -at Biola Frosb. Jan. 10 • San Diego Mesa. Jan. 17 -at Fullerton. Ja.o. 21 -Santa Ana. Jan. 24 -at Cerritos. Jan. 28 • Mt. San AAtonJo. Jan. 31 -at Grossmont. Feb. 7 -at San otego Mesa. Feb. 11 -Fullerton. Feb. 14 -at Santa Ana. Feb. 18 -Cerritos. Feb. 21 -at Mt. San Antooio. Feb. 25 • Grossmoot. Biggest show in U.S. SeYen years ago, the Or- ange County Fairgrounds Stadium was empty most of the year. Today, tr.nks partly to speedway motor- cycle racing, U's a hub of activity, Now, the b.cutty is known only as a weekly race track to many people. The weekly prognm now claims to be the largest motorcycle sOOw In the United States, an•rag- lng 8,000 fans per week. When promoters Harry Oxley &Dd Jack Milne revived speedway raclng, they also opeoed ~ a neW protesslon for aspiring motorcycle riders --a profession tbat can bring a good Income to a YOUDg rider. • 'The 10 top riders at Costa Mesa receive more purse money on a Friday nlght than 4-Ume world c hampions Barry BrlggsaDd Ivan Mauger earn weekly In the British Speedway League," claims Oxley. ENSIGN CLASSIFIED ADS "Tile rider's earntngsare based oo a formula of the total gross Ucket sales or a Friday ntght prognm. The I winners of scntch or hand!-1 cap main events both receive the same amount of mooey. "The farther a rider ad- vances In the prognm, the more money he'll earn. Take, for enmple, the scratch event. A rider earns $15 for winning h.ls heat aDd $20for winning the semi- main event. 1 Time zo words or lesr • . . 2.00 21 to 30 words. . • • . 3.00 31 to fO WOI'ds. , • • • 4.00 Each word over 40 . . .10 Z Times 3.50 4.75 6.50 .ts 3 Ttmes· 4.50 6.00 8.00 .• 20 o MUSICAL FOR $ALl! JuLY SPEciALS Clareodon uprl&'ht plano - has )Jst been antiqued $ 425 Lowrey spinet org:an with erternal Leslie -both • LD$T AHD FDUMD ·LOOT -SUver dollar oo a sUver chain. Probably lost in Corona del Mar. Can lderitlty. Reward. Phone 673 -0552 . • CHIROPRI.CTOR "ou•• ... o ....... u ............... ·-· ~ ••••• .,. ....... 10·· ........ _, ............... ONLY o.o .... c . ll~llll KAOIT C:OAe T HWY. . • ....... c: C:o •o"'"' Del. a...,., • .,. •. .,..o, <t IEAU TY SALDM t7)_ • ' zc>U••-. BE/'..UTY NOOK 2732 E. Coast Hwy. Corona del Mar Phone 644· 7336 • IICTCLU , SALES So SERVICE .. I. 17TH IT. CQnA -lA ..... 7708--.ee&li ......... --..... .... Home of the "Centurion Soper Le Maos" IOSpeod • One day reos-lr ae"tce • DAILY StnmAY 9 to 5:10 9 tol 3710LD NEWPORT IL. HI!WPDRT lEACH AC~IS ,_,.. HOAG HOSP. • PLOtUITI I'LOWIIII FOR . . ALL OCCAIIONI DtM•rl T•sh. rLOalll1' PIIOIII.....,.. ... , ot•~ --" a/iioc7z:s • Alii • PLUMBING & HUTIMG Just Plumbing & Heating · Water Heaters, Disposals, Dntos, Faucets, Copper Re.ptpes. Same reasoaable prices, day, nJgbt or week- ends! ~ 3rf'lf'llli; IUU I'N G TelephOOe: 642-4111 License No, 300948 • FOR $ALE VOLKSWAGEN CAMPER TENT unit, convertlble, complete. Purchased at factory ln West Germany • never used. Call before 10 a.m., after 6 p.m. 968- 1440. • HELP WANTED ST.UFF ENVELOPES • $25 per 100. Immediate earn- ings. Begin:Der's Klt$1,00. P. 0. Box 44-47, Dept. TM, Irvine, Ca. 92664. • FDR REMT for •••••••.••••• $ 595 Henry F. Mlller console plano (new) •••••.• $ 895 Yamaha E-5 console organ & speaker, Save •••. $1500 Hardman Mlnl.plano -ex-· celleRl condition .... $ 595 Lowery TG-44 organ & benc h, yours tor only $1295 Want a beautlflll grand pl- aooL,C~RiroiJlour sel,-c- tton of 3Utho1ce lnstru- ments. SC HMIDT MUSlC CO. Yamaha -Lowrey -Stel.nway 1907 N. Main St., Santa Ana Est. 1914 o WAMT ED TD REM T LOC AL SWIM Instructor and young daughter want two bedroom unfurnished house or apartment. Ex- ceUent local references. Call before 1 p.m. 675- 4385, Ensign Publishing Co. Of/ul Pr;,lars HI~ sp-.d rotary oHset preu 1n1 E. Cout Hw-,. OOUSE -3 bedrooms, 2 CORONA DEL MAR baths. ProfesslooaJlydec-Phone: 673.Q.550 onted. Prtnte patio. All J::::;:=:::~======- bullt-lns. Garage. Prlnte • SERYICIS laundry room.Chotcearea "It be wlns the main event, he'll receive $75 plus a per- centage or the gate. uthere's 8,000 tans In the house, a main event winner wUI get approi!mately $350. ''Mike Bast has woo more money than any other rtder. Last year alone, he won 42 main events. On the open- Ing night of racing this sea- son. he earned $930 and It's not far otr to say tbat I him an averageof$1,000 a week for racing here and at Ventura." Mlke's brother Steve, the reigning national champion, won the title last October before 10,250 fans, the largest cr owd or the season. Steve won more m:mey that nlght than Anders Mlch- anek of Sweden did for win- ning the World Champion- ship," said Oxley. "He won nearly $5,0001npurse money and bonuses while Mlchanek earned 1,100 pounds (ap- proximately $2,750).•• Jetr Seiton, the ruMerup for the U. S. title in 1974, said he earns three times as m·Jc h with a last-place finish in a m3 ln event at the FairgrooDds as with a win at any or the other 3 tncks lnSoutllern CalUornJa that are running weekly pro- gnms. For riders Uie Sexton or tbe Bast brothers, the op. portunlty for big profits are of Corona del Mar. Adlllts only, no pets. Terms to be discussed after inspec. tion. Phone 675-2051. there. But wbat about a third GLEN'S GARDENING • and" dlvtsioo (beginning) rider? Cleanup Se"tce. Reaa:lo-"Every tiUrd division able rates. Good referenc-rider earns $5 a race re- es. Call 67S-!007 after gardless of whether he fa Us TWO BEDROOM, 2 bathprt-5 p.m. on the first lap,"saidOxley. "These are the guys that vale apt. with private 5 C U B A D I V I H G are really bucklng the es- paUo, prlnte laundry fac-BuJc course ••••• $4S tabllsbment. For every 100 UIUes. Gange. All built. AdnDced ••••••• s35 tblrd dlYisioo riders, we lns, Choice Corooa del Re-cerUllca"--••• $10 probably don't get 2 who Mar locaHoo. Newly dec-uuu DI!Rw .• ,T.I!R J!DU~,lURS J become tlrstdiYislonrtders. onted. Adu.lts only, 00 "" "Tbe State Fairgrounds pets. Terms to be dll-5 57 ,.. 0 0 3 5 gets a percentage of tbe eusaed after Inspection. I!::~~~~~~:::== gross pte l.Dd cootrols all Pbooe 675-2051. of tbe concessions," ·says OJ STOll QJILTS Olley, who O,Ures tbat the DUST RUFFLES .. J PILLOrr SHAMS 1la.te receiYes $90,000 to $100,000 a :rear from tbe SO WHts of netng. "U tbe protlt waso't IUb- ltutlal, I WOUldD 't be 1n .....;.<....:;.:.:;.:...._,;;.;.~;_;__1 It," ta1d Oaley. "But I caa . . . '. remember after the a.rst two at Costa W:ea,l netted ud tllil.t'l wttboat . . ~ . . . . I ---Ocean Views Very choice North Lacuraa locaUoo.. S1z lovely s;aclous 2 bedroom untts aDd ooe oursize 3 bed- room plan. Close to beacbes, sboppiar and all that Laru• Art Colooy crarm. Top quality coo- structlon. From $54.950, Call 675-7225 Spacious 4 BR., family rm .. din. rm. On 52 ft . Sunny priv. patio. $179,000 Waterfront 4 HH., 5 ba-., rumpus rm. Pier & tloat, sandy beach. $295,000 Beaut. 6 BR, 5 Ba, or 4 BR, 4 Ba, with 2 BR, l bath apt. Sandy be ach, courtyard. shore moonng. S2<J5.000 BILL GRUNDY, Realtor lsluders Bldg. at Lil'lclo hie U1 BAYSIDE DR., $UITE 1, M.B. 675-6161 ··-·•·:-·········· HESTER-BROWN •. -Associates. Inc., Rwalt•s 133-9711 BAY FRONT DOCK & PIER PENINSULA POINT MINUTES TO ENTRANCE I THIS WOIIDERFULLY UVABLI HOllE HAS 4-BIDROOIIS, DEll 11/J BATHS PLIIII'roi!AGE IPACE, TIIB IIASTER BBDROOII HAS IT'I OWIIIliiiiiD'G ROOII AIID BATH. IDCAL POJi 4 L411GI F 41&- ILTOII~T.A&­aur;m Pal£ auu. rAM- ILT TIIAT DIDr .... / l]a,,..lt pnwml~ A REA[ SLEEPER! SWUPIMfi OCIAM YIIW -luxury Balboa adult condominium. 2 Bedrooms. 2 baths, take 6 months op· tion to buy at $500. a month, lh rent will apply on selling price! Call Helen or Bill Gold. 642·5200. BALBOA PENINSULA PANORAMIC VIEW 60-70 Ft. PRIVATE DOCK 4 BE.Dii!)Oll~-4 IIA'OlS--·015~ f,IUIL T Spiral stairway to second noor. Travertine marble fireplace facing In master bedroom. Italian tUe in entry, marble lavatory tops, beavy shake roof, spacious gang?:, low maintenance ert~rto~s. etc. 1202 E. BALBOA BLVD -$289,000 Scarcity of waterfront land and increasing cost of constructlon make this home an attractive buy today. NELSON ROBINSON, Realtor MAIN ST (at Balboa Bl.), BI.L.BOA 675-8120 DANA POINT PUPLEXES Ten Choose $68,950 to $77,950 From $6,950 OOwn Beautlft.d Ocean VIews Deluxe "Owner's" Unit.. Elcellent tor Home or lnvestmaot Compare to C.d.M. l.Dd Newport prices. Westbay Income Homes 341ZI COAST HIGHWAY DANA POINT ltBA&;TOit 2400 W, COAST HIGHWAY NEWPO,RT BCH, .. .....-r2 ••••••••• 10'fWil" ..._., lftV _,....._ _, _ _,,. BOY MCcAIDLE UAI.TOa ai!LIAII.8 nariCII lllfC8 IJfJ • l'HE BANK OF CALIFORNIA TltUIT DPAitT141f!T ' JIICIC ~ • ..-a..u. M7-7tltiDI-71 ., ... • • • • Newpott ·l••di ... Ia ... ,..... c.... Me. LWo o/~if R~ToRs 675-5!SU EAN Great Rental • WEST NEWPORT TWO HOMES IDeated oo 1-1/2 lots! Ooe t.s 2 bedrooms, 2 batbs and large famUy room --newly decorated and ready to mon iD. The other with 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, llreplo<".I- &Dd pa.Uo Is leased at $350 per moothl Call for appointmeot. Priced at $135.000 .; ISICillld IIRCI<ERS RI!A&.:IOR& 2025 W.' IIAIJOA kVD. 67J.JMJ M!W,ORT IUQI. ************** Rtschelle Robers, Re4ltor 3333 E. Cola Highway ~ ~ del Mar 67~2373 **Cff*·* ****'**** The Bluffs JULY SPECIAL. • JUST LISTED -Decorator>• on a bedroom home -Spacious muter sutte -Complete pi11'1.CJ • Pool • ShopplDg nearby. Low m&ioteoance. Priced rea.aooably at $68,500, S-W -E-E-P-1-N-6 CHANNEL VIEW Dine under the stars fn this outstaDdJar cu.tom buut 5 bedroom tmme. Formal dinJAc room llu electrically controlled moftble roof 6 opeas to the sun or the stars. Court )'Ud pool with Jacuul This borne Is Ideal for emeuti're enterta.1D1o&, u well as b.mlly living. Prlmelrvlrr -erracelocaUon. CaU for detaUs. SPYGLASS RIDGE H~hly ~ded 4 bedroom, 3 batti slacle le.,.l hOme. Tills SANDPIPER MODEL has b6eD eutom decorated aod profess. LaD!lse&ped. Mlplflceat patio and Ylewlng deck. Three car prace. ldally located oert to SpyJlaSS Hill. $119,900, YOU OWN THE LAND. Open dallY 1 to 5 n.m, 38600ceao Birch. COM Call 640-6161 Serving the real estate needs of all Americans I I I I I I I I I I Realtors• are serving the real estate needs of all Americans. Providing experl advice in every phase of real estate. • ··- For your eve~al estate need. look for the sy,.,bol of a Realtor• -Realtor· 10.60 ACRES OF GRAPEFRUIT Ooo ol t11o -pr<WWI'II poopolrd -1D &.d""'a. 11 •tares o1 M•toae ...._. Water Co. TldJ: ,,.,.,, baeta ~ to a.,neact. abport Yilb a lot ol SQteDUal lor ta• deYelopm•t. Zoot A-1. <>nor will help ftaaace. $95,000. 91/2 ACRES NAVEL ORANGES Awnwmatety 900 treea of tbe flDnt ••el oraarea. Thta rro•e bu a el-.re4 buildtJic Illite wttb aU utilities to the uea. Tbt bome ttat wu tben burned don. Ready to baJld ac;aiD. ZOI*t A-1, Owner 1r1l.l belp flllaou. $54,000, BETIY -WEST CORONA DEL MAR DUPLEX Drive by 500 Poppy An, and see tbiJJ cbarmLDc 2 bedroom home plus tarnished bachelor apart- ment. Submit your offer. Asking $78,500 VIEW! of •••• VIEW! of VIEW! of ocean bay lights IRVINE TERRACE BEAUTY Large three bedroom borne, Especially weU planDed to eoterta.ln In house, patlo 41 pool. I I • • JUST . REDUCE_D!!!! THE BLUFFS Single le.-el -· end model --Boo.U:al Very light and bright with beam celllng. Close to pool. Vacant and ready tor your oceupiulcy. $72,500 Own Your Own Piece Of Sunny California TEN ACRES ... $5500 $501 DOWN o OWNER WILL CARRY IALANC! o PAY AILE $60 PER loiONTH (lui. 7 .5"' l•t•r••• SEll ER/ AGENT. 552-7362 ... . ............. . Unit sales, through the Multiple Listing Service of the Newport Harbor-Costa Mesa 'Board of Realtors, totalled 3711n May. 3,339 Ustings were pro- cessed durlDg the first 5 · monthS of 1975, of wblcb _ 4d were sold. 78% of ·tbe wen 00-4iJPei~U,~eJ ....... NEED THE ROOM?? FOUR OR FIVE BEDROOMS PLUS FAIIILY R0011. LOVELY 2--STORY IIEDITERRA" NEAN HOME WI'Ill CA'IliEDRAL CEILING, I I RECREA"nON OR BILLIARD ROOM PLUS > GREAT VIEWl JUST REDUCED 16,5ila. WALTER KING 1142-8236. (GIOO) W-DAYISDOME & IYIM-fAIU · come·bome·to elegance -to beauty .. -to .Big Canyon!.. Fabulous Dover model -fashioned inside & out for elite living lc entertaining_· Artfully upgraded thruout! Custom designed pooi.jacuui. 1132.500. Jack Custer 6C2-8235. (J291 L*DA ISLL Complete security! El~gant, warm. yet informal Bayfront wtpier & slip. 3 master suites & a smashing sunset VIEW over Harbor Island. $2U,SOO. Barbara Aune 642·8235. (JIS) SUMSHIHE-.tr. Graceful & cheery 3 bedroom, family room in Upper Bay area close to shopping & schools_ $72,500. Lois Miller 642-823::. (Jl9) 901 Do.a-Driw64J..I2J5 11644 M.cAnhur 111...::1. 64+4-JM ' ' ~ ...... c.titornie 12863 -·-lUXURIOUS , HO~ ---keyed to · . relaxed living 4507 TREMONT, CAMEO SJIORES 3 bedrooms, 3 batba, llmily room, secluded pool and ~ VIEW VIEW VIEW ;;: ~ w > PRICE SLASH 'm7 EBBTIOE, HARBOR VIEW HILLS • Four bedrooms, S batbs. f&mUy room and formal w diAIDC. A deiJchtt.l bome with deluu awotntmer~ts. > View, priftCJ 1D lop-flldat linc:atloo SI42.000 LIDO ISLE rtn bedroom, 4 bath home 0111 "Isle Bea11W'tll." LoU of U•tac wttb a ! ltOry U'fllll room, fAmllY room, formal cJlntac aDd seclucSed "dlM..aut" paUo. 1216 VIA LORCA. UDO ISLE Sl37 ,000 * 6JS..m0 * I I ~~BOYD • 3637 E. C..at ttw1rl c.-.I •• VI Elll -Vi I!WII -Vi EWIII R-2 VACANT LOTS DAINA ._ """'• ............... ...-.... Ill~••*" Ull c.1t Coclml ..... 'JJ 001. CALL ICRI,lftAIUI 41Xl10 Ft. · $18,500 40d00 Ft. · $17.500 CALL POll DEl AILS ' ' ' -- . .I ) '• l Custom ·Radials sare '60 to 59l.perRt of four tires . . -lall! ~'IUILT FOR NEW 1I1S CARS THE TilE THAT KI!PS 1Tt1 FEET EVD .. THE IWN n-. c..~, ............... ...S.Io m .... -· lo hJ th-c. ..... l'olyol .. l ltocli•l ...... dotl ... IJ)-... fwl fJI ............. .U..,..-(t ) ...,.,..t -~-~.,. MOOJ U1t U• uro. Solo ..... ---'-1'\w.'o -· N-loU.. -,nc .. ,....;. lo rlfoc.ll!u""1h S.t•nltJ. --··---.. ------·---... ---.. -- 25"4 OFF WIOftWAU. ,. 110011.1 "" ......... -..... AR78·13 ..... -.--..Coo~~., __ ,.,... ·-$60.85 $45.63 111!78-13 .,._Celt. PM.-·, ...... -.... ·-$65.20 $48.90 DR71·14 -· -..-..... voo..,.,ovu ... ~ $67.85 -..... -. $50.88 ER78·14 -·...,._,-co-···~-o-t. $69.00 __ c..p, ....... $51.75 FR71-14 1--· c.-,OIIIIoou,c-tlt, $74.55 ~--.-.c.... ..... -. $55.91 HR78·14 -w-.~ ...... c-. ....,._w-.eo-..w-&-. $83.75 $62.81 JR78-14 ~ w-.OIItl,.. PM!,. w-. ~ , __ c-..., .. _ $87.80 $65.85 GR78·15 ~-.. G.!·"··-·'""· $79.80 ~·-$59.85 HR78·1!5 =-o.r,w. 0.... •..s. OlOo, $85.75 $64.31 LR78-15 -.~ .... ~ ... -~, --&~t-11_ .. $92.85 $69.63 ,.., 52.0:1 te SlM f.LT.,., In aiHII-'tllin. Save s12 to s41 Per Set POLYIJLAS Sale . NEWLY ELECTED OFFICERS ol tho llowport Jlaeb J Loudon cba.rt.r ~bqlter of tbt Amtrtcu Bva1D.., Woman•a .U. an, from left. Mra. TbomuAabty,pneldeat: Mra.ldn.fd. .e5 Tbeiu, fl.ce-pre.Weot; Mre, Howard Palmer reeordlar ..... t ... ,; w ... a. P. ·-"· .. ,,._. .. • ... , ... ..,, 1"$ dead af 91 aod lin. Robert Flnnepn, treuurer. Mra, Aubty t.a •AIO!nted the followLac ebllrmen: Mra, Thetaa, ~et Mn. Dwlcbt Glffeo, bulletta; Mra, Pat KHl&n, educl~ Mra, Geol'(t Kothe and Mrs. Roland PUn, membenldp: Mra, Artbllr stuekey, hotpltallty; Mra. C. K. Bell, publtc relations; Mrs. Lyle Willard, scrapbook; lin. Ftnoepn waya ud meu.a, and lira, J. J. Lone, prorn.m. James Loadoo, ll,piooeer Sout.be.nt. Calllomll bulinea esecuUYe, d.Jtd JulJ Z at h1a N~rt borne follow11lc a lotiC l.ll.Dtu. CYCLIST EYES OLYMPICS He wu born 1D GJueow, Scotland, and came to Cali- fornia 1D 1906 1D Ume t>r tbe SaD Fruelsco Mrtll- Two years aro. Bob Keane was )1st another teenager enjoying the new 10-speed bike he got tor a blrthday present. Now, he'sthe jmlor state bicycle road n ctna: champion, and has his sights set on lbe 1976 Olympics. At 18, the Balboa youngster also hopes to go to the annual world cham- pionship races next yea r ln Be lgium, Bob lives at 114 E. Oeean Froot, He ls a Newport Har- bor high graduate aDd will start his second year at Orange Coast College In Seplember. His mother, Pat K'!a.De, ls a prominent local Realtor. - "When I got the lO~speed for my birthday, I enjoyed U enough to join a local touring club, the Orange CO<mti Wbeelmen," Bob re- calls . "One thing sort of led to another, and I began racing. Last year, I was second In the state meet and 12th LD the )mlor division of the national champlon- s~ps." Last weekend, he !lnlshed he ootes, ''rtabt behl.ad soccer. But, rtcbt oow, J•m thlDking ooly ottheNattooals and the "1976 Olympics In Montreat." q~ake. Ht .,.., tbt btooer in Loa M&eles 1D 1922 of James Loudon II Co., a let.d- lnc lntematlooal nrm of customhouse brokers, fortlgn freight forwarders &Dd martne insurance brokers. For his cultunl and com- mercial cootrtbutloos be- tween Great Brittan and the United states, of wbtch he wu a aatunllzed citizen, be was made an offtcer of tbe Order of the Brltlsh Emplre (OBE) by Queeo Ellubeth U 1n 1952. It .,.., Zl years later that his 100, James V. Loudon, now presi- dent of the nrm, r.celved his 08£. Mr. Loudon was a founder ' of the st. Andrew's Scottish Society of Los Angeles. founder of the British- American Chamber of Com- merce, Ca.IUoi'Dia repre-, sentattve of the Scottish I Council fOr Development and Industry. He l.s sucvlved by his sons, James v. and William A.; daughters Irene and Mrs. Voler (Catherine) VIles, and crandchlldren James, Rob- ert, Barban, WUJtam, De~ nlse and Mrs. Charles (Vic- toria.) West. FOR ACNE ............ It, (&L. 645-1313 540-60r-:-,.1;;;;1 c=,., \:..::.:-:-\ ~-- 4 For$95 878-13 BLACKWJ.LL first ln ttlls year's state championships at Lancaster, beating dozens of the top riders in the state on the 36-mUe course. "Nezt year, I'll be too 1 L.a·~· .. old for the )ullors, and the state meet 'ft'Ulbavea course ···~ • The fllmUy sugtiests that contrlbutioos may be made to tbt Hoar Ho.Pttal mt- mor1al fWJd or tbt Amtrlc.an Cl SIIIO:\ IJt:l.l I'OL\GI.AS "'\( "'"'''" ~o1r S••t P~o~• 1 to• s '~ ••o•S•tt •torSI!! , •o• s•n I to• Sl '' " ,, " \\11111 \\\II ... S~lt ~. ><~ • '"' ~10, ..... ~"' flo• Sill I l~t \IU llo•\1~~ Our Great Polyester · Cord Tire Helps Hold The Line On Price B78-13BLACKWA~L AII-Mellther7B CoM)••r o AU -Wuohu U _h b111l1 wllh """d-.. lhat wll..., ~~~~ !Ire I• m/llllflil, tiM ,.t}'nl~r ~n•d '"'···· ,,,.., ·-pooretl tft •• .,.. • ............ '"''· nu ~-· •1111 .... ,...., ,._..,.. Coodpo.r •-• ~ .. , 1M cord ol AIMI•Io• ,._,,,. t .. M Hf+l" lo ••11.,.... ... .,'""""' 1t~ltt ..,... ... na. .. r~. Tko wt.IH .,,11 pM.tr of trtelleft HsH to,.,..,.... _.. 11-oerle• treed lo w,, .. ,.. ..,lde.t,w " !ttefl· fl-..,..,_ f11 • .....,. 4et.,l, 1111r AII-Waettlu 111111 .. lloo....w.tl ,,_ •-!W. prMK!Iefl. !10 11 lh•n pw tt-.1 lll••hiJ, 11 1 pr~ tltei'O ,......, ....... lft .. thto -•-• ol the ,,.., •••· 101 otep .-till tiM, .... fKII to oltthlf)· rufK:IIIIII 110 II ........ f,._ ~ .... I. z .. ~,. .,........... ""'' ......... I z ... 'lf'J .. .,..,.~ or about 118 to 120 mlles ." Bob, a slender 6~3 at 165, keeps In shape by rldlng an average of about 51J mUes dally, mostly In the Irvine area. "Newport Is behind other cities In building bike trails," he explains, "and the trafftc Is just too heavy to compete with the auto- mobiles." Bob races lo rtheSchwinn~ Paramount Cycling Cl ub of Paramou nt. He has 2 road bikes built specially for racing. The bik e he rodt> In Lancaster was buUt by 2 Huntington Beac h men who are former employees of an Italian bike frame firm. II Is b-.JIIt of special aluml- laum alloy tubing, with ti- tanium •'!Ompooents tor 'llghtness and durability. Jolnts are llaod-brued. "It sells for about $800" I ' says Bob. i On Saturday nights, he 1 races a dUferent bike ln a dllferent klnd or contest. The Enc lno VeiOOrome, an old-fashioned blk.e track similar to thosew hlchdotted the country 1n the 1920s and 30s, draws crowds that number 1n the thousands. "We n ee single-speed bikes· on a banked track," Bob eJI)Iains, "and the pro- Jftm ends with team relay races.'' bl August, he wUI go to MUwaukee lor the natlonal j road~nclng championships, uDder the spoosorshi;l ot the · ScbwlDD company. Meuwbile, Bob keeps bub La local races. He won Ute HUDUQrtoo Beach Grand Prll 1ut momra lDd expedl to ride JD tbe Co.ta Mta Gn.Dd Prb: on July 20. Alto 01 btl JICbedlalt 11 • 4-day n ee 1D Ut&b. Fa1111tr dci'OII tho 1'014 Is tho of tu~ Ca.ocer Society. A GAY YEAR lt the last hall oll9'75 ts anything !Ike the llrst half, we're tn lor some wtld dotngs. Already, this year, the polltlclans have practically legalized pot and completely legalized homosexuallty. They called that funny tittle lieutenant governor back from T rtnldad just to vote lor the boys wbo like boys. OUr governor, a bachelor who doesn't have much time for the girls, signed the new law right away. So, our legislators have had a gay time In Sacramento thus fa r tn 19'75. Some of them were pushing the mart)Jana law for 7 or 8 years. Are they smokers? wm all ol those elbow benders tn our state capitol give up the juice and switch to the weed" Instead of coming to legislative sessions with eyes that look tlke road maps, will they start sporting dilated pupUs? Where there's smoke, wtll there be no more firewater? OUr lawmakers are oo longer Uvlng In the same real world with the rest of us. It's time lor the people to go to the lni!latlve process, get up a petition and over- rule these gay fools. Let's get something oo the ballot to show them that, 11 there are no morals left tn Sacramento, there 1re sure as hell some lett with the people. And, while we're at It, let's follow tbe lead of Wisconstn and pass a proposition doing away with Inheritance taxes and expensive probates of wills. The lawyers have got enough of our money already. The fact that so many lawyers are maldng the decisions In Sacramento and Washington Is probably why we are seeing such strange laws passecl. Next time I vote, I'm going to check and see II any lawyers are ruMq, I'll vote against ~II of them, I'm also going to vote agatnst the Incumbents. One term, no pensions, and lower pay lor politicians -that should be our aim, The crooy system, the committee system and the peoston system are goq to ballkrupt thlo CO<intry II we don't stop It soon. Spealdng of committees, did you bear about tbe latest local committee farce? The City Coun cil appoints a committee to spend oolne federal money, After City Hall tells tile committee to figure out a way to build a sealor citizens center, the Council, and particularly tbe mayor, shoots the committee out of the saddle, The committee system can get rather embarrasaq, can't It? Well, tighten your aeat belts, lolkt, and Jet read)' lor !be wild ride tllroucb the last hall of 19'15. There's one good thing about not haYing !bose great 111en around now who started this country. They would be ashamed of us. AI Fol'(lt • • • • • • • • New umbrella• are in at the lloro, ADd more creal tennis shoes. Aloo, the new htch-backed beach chairs, Come dowll...d play In lbtt dlrtJ llDd piles,