HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-09-01 - Newport Harbor Ensign• - I t I ~IL ··+~• iP ""!' CIT.f cw···~=..a•-:.rr:=~"~~~-=~~~=~ --' .... o. ' .... !-llaVIMe fMI HAII OI AliA- JOt' COSTA MESA HUGE AIRPORT SUIT . ' SETTLED BY COU o..,..~~­.,.. 'fOted UIAIIIICUI)' To_, "' 1*1 $175,000 Ia .. .._ "' -allport Jot ..... loo Hurr lltaUr ia MtUemtatoUir.RJDtera ..u. 1rtaJ Ia oe-to bociA Oct 11, wMa M loc:a1 bome ... owaen 10 to court. Tbey a.re part of 8'5& property onera .... ftlecl lalla to 1968, ud wbo bi.Ye bMo ftittac 63r tbe CMitcome of Mr. RlDker's alt, wblcb was fined as a tot eue. Tbe blMorte Httlemeat coald 1tart aa nala.Dcbe of pro.ecaUoDs by more tbi..D. 900 bomeowoers •bo hne Tbe coaoty's settlemeli: wttb Mr. Rlnter came 1D tbe form of a rellsa.J by tbt Board of Qq:ien1sors to --· agalalt lbe airport. The out lit ....., C.C. asks new McNally site Co.t& Mesa Chamber of Commerce directors tw.ve Yoted to urre tbe Newport- Mea Boe.rd of E41cattoo to ftad a oew location for the dlarict's coot:IDuattoa hf&h .cbool. The sctmol Is DOW boaMd 1D the MeNally cam- po at lith aDd Newport ln Colt& Mesa. A clttJeos committee for- med bJ the Board of Educa. tlon bas recommeoded that tbe scbool eJtber be mo'ed to ooe of S preseot elemen- tary aebool 11tes, or that a aew buUdloc be erected OD tbe DOrthern edge of tbe preuat McNaliJ campus. At tbe Aug. 18 meetlol, the Chamber's board urged that one of the S elemeatary aebool all• • lloale VUta, WUaon or Whituer -be cbo-.... Colt& Mea TomorTOW", a dofttowo bu11Dtsa: &Dd pro- pe.rt)' ,owoer'• IJ'CIIIIP. pu. led a 1lmilar resolution at Ita August mHI!ng. Ou ..... 17, the c;o.ta Mesa redt,el- opmellt ageoey deeldtcl to Mad a letter to tbe Board of Educattoo riiLftlrmt.oc tbe aceoey'• staDd tlat the Mc- Nally eaqx~s be aold to private lllterests so that It eao become a put of the pl.l..oDed n4eTtlopmeat or downtown Costa Mesa. Lut Nonrriler, tbe Board of EducaUoo 'fOted to 1100 a oew stte l)r tile CODtlnuatioo high aehoot by September of 1979. Tbe cit1uas: commit- tee was appolnted to study the ma.tter and make sug- gutlou to tbe scbool board. That commtttM 11 opec. lod to bold pd>Uc bearlap on the sebool IUe late this moatb or 1D Oetober. All S or the elemllltar1 school altea r«<aimeaded are oo a Ust of eamptaes tbat may be -..... decllalac ... ,,.~ PINK, READE RESIGNING FROM WATER BOARD Two of tbe best-bxnrn public offlclals ln Costa lie- sa's hlolory --._ L. (PIDk) PIAkley and Nate Reade -. aonoaoced tb1a: week tbat tbey will not seet re-eleetion to tbe Costa Mesa Cocmty Wa- ter Dlstrlct Bolird ot Direc- tors. Tbelr dl&:~cUoo wttb the board'l acceptaoce of feden.l ,_.Ddloc wu seen u tbe ma))r cause of tbetr deellloa.. Kr. PJDtJey, twice mapor of €osta Mua, wu a mem- ber ol tbe City Coaoeu from the dilly ot tbe city'• locor- poralloo uaW be ot_, dowu -llu!t pool last ,.,. after Zl J'81.l'S. Mr. Re&de ns a 10111- Ume member of tbe eft}' P1uaJor Comm-bo- IJre redp•• z reuw aco, &lid t. llO'W' uea~ttn mua- cer ot tbeeo.ta.._Cbam- tMr of ComJpe~. Both men objected last year wbea tbe •ater dis. trtct board accepted $900,- 000 Jn federal t:u: mooer to baUd a DtW dl..strfct bead- quarters tndotberfacWUe~~. Eleettoo ot tflelr sueeea:- aora: on tbe OC.rd wW be beld La NOJember ot tbls , .... LEGION TO PRESENT LAW, OROER AWARDS Tbe 11th &DIIIal law &Dd order alrU'dl lllcbt w1ll be bald Sept, U Ill Lectoo hall by tile Newport Ra.rbor Am- orlcu Locloo Pool 191. TIM! HQP)rt Bel.cb poltce dept., llro otopt_ ud bul>or dept, wtU be boaoNd at lbe dla- aer d:Uiee. Cbdnnaa. i:)r the .. oat Ia Lec-.o Som Aadorooo, 11ro dopt. captaJa, put ftremu ot tlw yeu Ud Pruldeot of the Oraaee CoaDty Flremao•a Assn. Anne Beaupre to run for school board seat "-~·-Aaa Ralc!U -......... ced Ilia -llal abe wtU -o1..-to lla New---~~-..-dlalrlcl'a _., __ 11rw. ~ un.1o T-'-l,ftlcbla- IIPi I.S bJ8..T.Atl••· lln.IMD .. w•lflll"l-lui_ID_IIIon. ... _ .. -llorp- -...... -..... s.r. .... INIII.S a.l--........ -.. _ ..... __ ....,_ ,... ............ ........ .. April, ?fit. ..... --___ .. __ ,._ ,.... ............. i . -• 11M Board ...... . -·---.. ,..,. .... daey. At aJd 5be expects lo-lbe-1?-wortsac • orpatatioDI to .. dlalrlcl, ud to U.- .... -rt lorbercao--,. ARDEM STARBUCK QF COST A MESA lS DEAD Prtfttlt faint ..me. lor-11.~74, 1 .. lOS "· 1?111, eo. ..... IIOn--ata..,.,. -.,., -Aoa. llr. 1~·-.. lla--..... .lo( ..... Boor ~--"' ... ...... r-..., as din, liar-..,. .. ....._?~~-­............... ~., IIIII L•racc::rtt.. ~ .._ r ,, a....._ a .... a;petJ a court <leell::too tbat bad ft.nt anrded tbe Bact Bay mlllfOIIIIre more tbaa $S05,000 ID dlm~CH. Super- lor Court Jqe Fn.nk Do- moataehtnl ,....cod tile )1. ry•s award to $115,000. lo accepting tbt eovt decl- stoo. tbe couuty al10 arreed to pay Mr. R!Dker's attor- oey $81,146 1D court costs. Mr. Rinker, a promlneot real estate deYeloper, suc- cessfully oootellded tblt DOi&t from jetlJ.Ders taklne off • oter h1a SaiD Ana Hel.cbts estate bad reduced the ..alue ot b1s property. ·w:r. Rinker 1s aow al_, em- broUed 'ln a 11111t aga.tut a Nortb Costa W:esa bomeow- !Wtr IJ"'UP. Helstbeproposed buUder of tbe ArDe1 Denl- opmeot Co. project oorth of the San Dt.eco Freeway, west of Soutb Coast PIUL Tbe bomecnmer rroup bas mouated a petition drtn ai- med at downzoninK tbe area to prenllt construcUon of 539 apartmeot unill. Tbe Arnel Co. i.s sutng the ctr- culatora ot tbe ptltl.tloa. Attoney Jerrold Fidem, wbo auceudtlly npNMD- Ied logJO'OOOCI -...... ... se'eral y.,.. aco 1D a maJ- 11-mWioa dollar.._. .. ll -Loa AapiH -r-•Uoaal Alrport, 11 tbt law- yer i>r the 64 bomtoWJMrs due to go to coart oa Oet. 11. He at.o npftNIIla u.. other group of 81 plalntltla: wbo are ·expected to aue lor oolse clamace•. All lin lD Newport ..., tbe normal take-off pattern of eommer- elal jets onr Upper Newport Bay. An eu'firoomerlt:al Impact report On the alrport 1a Q)W under e:rtens:lYe reYtew by tbe couDty, which OWBI &Dd operates tbe field. Tbt alr- port Is operati.Dg aDder a special · nJaDoe wblch al- lows It to teop:~ruily ez. ceed st:ate-matdated mu:- lmum DOlle le't'ela. Some of tbe solutlOQS suc- gested by tbe EIR lDcliKie couaty parcba..se of bomes ln the blgh-aotse area, or NEWPORT DUE TO GET BLDG. PERMIT CONTROL Bulld1og permit control OYer most or the ctty of Newport Beach wt11 be tur- oed onr to the city by the Coutal Commlssloo 1f the city deeldes to aecept the Commlssloll'a terms. UDder termt of a "cate- gorical ucluaioo" deal of- loNd .. 1M cUJ bJ ""' Coa•• ...... 11M .... -.... "CiMrul ., ... "''IIDch· bUy ud cq,1u ccabwe- ttoo oo all bat waterfroat lota. But, IUCh coostnetloa would han to abide by car- rant Coutal Comml.sstoo reltrlctloiUI, A Sept. U pubUc hearlDK before the Nnpo:t Beach City Coooeu 1a opeeted to decide the ISille, The city P1aoo1.ac Comml.asloa bas already (on Aug. 18) urged the CooocU to accept the terms ot tbe exclusion. Tbe Coutal Commission baa bad '•to power o'tr ooutaJ coostnactioo alnce early 1973 , Under terms of the oew state Coa.sta.l Act. It caa delegate some ot that power to local penuneut. Under terms of the uclu- slon offered by the coastal panel, each oew borne would hue to prorlde Z offstreet JIUtinc spaces per unit (4 per duplu). Square tootqe ot duplex•• would be Umlted to 1.5 times bulldablt lot liM, wtrtcb la millis lbe ----to ,.,.,... woal6 ... to be prorided from alltJI, wbere possible. Tan!lem parld.ag .rould be allo•ed ln 10me cases. U tbe City CooocU accepts the coodltloo.s,-the new per- mit proeedure would go 1Dto effect on~-Z3. UnW then, tbe Coasbl Com mlsstoo Is adristng poteotl.a.l buUders to walt unW that date to ap- ply for permits, ttus not- ding tbe red tape of a Coas- W Commission permit pro- cedure. After Sept. ZS, per- mit tppllcaUons would be approud by the city, with- out a Deed for Coastal Com - mission eodorsemeot. Goldie leads tax petition Lido lsta.nder-Goldie Jo- sepb. a busy acUn.t for eonserntln pollUcal caa- -. Is leodloc I local pe. tttlon drive aimed at pattlog a ce111ag oo property tans. Wrs, Josepll. is helptJ:w clrclllate tbe statewide ''people's peUtlon to con- trol tau.tloo." AmcxiK other thiDcs, It 'tJOilld Umtt pro- perty toes to 1 per cem: of proparty 'alue. Tbat'a roocllly baU of tbe ctlfnot tu11 paid by local property cnrueu. A s.tmtfar petition clrtn bu twtee falled to cet tbe reqG!nd 500,000 sJcDilaru of roctaterecl 'fOiora Ill or- der 110 QlllW)' t:tr a state- wldo bollol. Property assessmeuts could be re-enluated ooly IIPOD tbe sale of other trans- fer of property. state Attomey General EnUe YOWller'& offtcW 10mmary of the petition ootea that the state would '•Jose" betwHII $7 bUlloo aod $8 bUUoo aOIUallJ ln property tax reYeDUes If the IDitlatt'e measure becomes ..... Mn. Josepb ma:t be cal- led at 673-5729 ror 1Dior- matloo on wbere pet1tions an anUable. '•If th1s 11 too muc b trou- ble to do,"lbeftl'DI, "doo't complain about yoor taxes." DONAL-D J. L YHCH SUCOJMBS AT 61 purcbaae of air rtp.ts onr tbt take-off corridor. other Ideas LDclllde lqtnelli.al ot the ruway to allow jets to .tart their take..otf cllmb fllftber rrom tbe homes, and a requtremelt that Air Ca - Ufornia au:! Hughes A!r West, the Z commerclal alr- llDn using the airport, to- stall quieter elllgines on their Crall, Suspect held robbery • m A suspect to the July 19 robbery of Wlod)lmmer Ll- qoors to Corooa del Mar wu arr•stad Tuesday by Newport Beach pollee. He tu.roed out to be lbe brother- in-law ot accused ''baseball cap bandit" JamesGaoo, wbo wu arrested bere Aug, Z, CraiB WUllam El.z, 25, was picked up Tuesday af- ternoon at his home In Santa Aoa by detectins Gary Black &Dd Lee Roberts, after a mouth-long lDvesttpUon. He is charged wtth ftlbbt.og a night clerk at the Wlnd- jammer or about $300 ln store receipts. The store is located at 353'7 E. Coast Hwy, Pollee said Elz bas ano- tber robbery case peodlDK to Tuotln. His brother -lu-law, Gaoo, al90 of Sa.ota Ana, faces trW lor more tbao 30 robberies aioae the ooulty coast. He wu arr•ed ben ou All(. 2 wbeD. ~ alert Nnport poUoem.u Dated tbat be waa •able a tile roll ot crllp $10 bWs to pay a trafftc noe )1st a rew hours after a Huotl.ogton Beach bank bad been robbed of a large quu- tuy of $10 bUls. Els ns betog beld yester· day 1.n lieu or $25,000 ball on the liquor stort! robbe.ry charge. J. F. Chavos dead at 62 Fuoen.l sen1ces for James F. Cha.JOS, 62, ot ZO Wlssloo Bay, Spyglass HW, were held yesterday to St. Jotm the BapttatGreek OrtOOdoz Cbarcb o1 AM- helm, preceeded by Trtsa- gloo pnyer sen1ce Tues- day In Westmtnster W:ema- rlal Part mortuary cbapel. Mr. Chuos, a 01.t1n ot Greece, died 1n Newport Beach SUnday. He bad U'ld lo O~e Cowty for 21 years &Dd in Calltornia for S7 years. He ..a a former board member of tbe New. port Center Auoelatioo &Dd fouoder ol tbe Newport Cea- ter Ortbopecttc Compuy. Be was a former member ottbe Aoabelm plaoolnc: eommls- aioo aDd acu,. member of st. Sopbja'aGI'HI<~ Chureb of Los Aaplu. He was a m.mber ottbeGeoeral. S..l'(lcal llodlcal Soppt, Co. for SO yeua. He Is .m,ed bybls..Ue, Stella ud lOG&, Frut ud TOG)', _,_ wu II Pa- elfte VI.. Cemettry wtUt. W'MtmiBiter Memorial Put: Mort8li'J' ia dlreetor. "Enry •cb r.n.re 1a a sipal lor p.nmeat to nile oar tu.acatD. "Ill•. Jo.plll lfi&IDM. • • We malt wort larder to aceomplbb 01.r roeJ tllla UIM, wbk.b ma, be oar Jut elluc:e." Tbe Ualled Tup&Jara "-Ia lbe ....--_ .... 1M ,.._ Memortal cemees lor Doaald J. LJDCh. 61, ot 1560 Plaeutla A ... , Welt "-'· port Holcl>b. wero bold ,_..Y bt Btlta Bert•roa C~CoG--IIr, L,..b, I ....Urul emplofel, died AI(. l"l ID tM v•ru~ Mm•"'•..ntloo 11oot111a1, I.GIJ B .. b-Ho ta 18mnct bf ldl Wile, G .... n.; a brotMr Jerry L,..c:b. sub -. ud 1!1& ..._ lor All* .bdt,._ s.t-u..'waa.....,.altwuta Falrta .. Ml•wl&l hR. -by Balla.....,_ KARL BONAwnz, ORGANIST, DIES <~m•-11a o..,.. c~ Mlhlart.n .. IDiuta~ wMn Vll'(ll ~--rdl· ..-coatJ PIC1 Wt8N'ta. ••'"' bruelilll (lftl"&te __ ........ 'hi lt'rl-" Ull I llllf --Iloilo!_ ... 11 ,.. ........... tf W:-laKbldlledtbrK.arl A. Bo..U.. 15, tu 10 a.m. tomorrow, Sept. I, la O.r LadJ ot ... C&nMI CIIIIO- II<CanS, .... -·Ita. 1001 "· Bar A"• a.-.-- .., Ill l!lo --.., ll.f'"IIOM an ... lilttled k 'I p..•. ok 'aM, ... 1. Rt .. ,....,.,, -All, -, .... -. .. ,mew*'".-• --..CoG .. __ .... u. .,., .... . NI!W UilaAJiy HOURS OCC'o _,....,. =-.::.,, ...... ..... 71. 1'111..:, ~ --.... -.... .. I It .... X IJ ... ... ....... '!p•-· I ..... ,_. .. " ............ . .. -_. 1o • "'"" C.D.IL OIAIIBER TO ..,._.., .. __ . ,_, Air ,. 1111 ta 11M HEAR POLICE OIIEF ........... .-........ • ............ to- • set ..... ..0 a *' ...r. ,. Gr--. wUl ! ........ ......., .... ,, _ .......... '111 -·•nl.. ., .. _.,._ca.. Lelll pz T $ ... •W sf 0r I'V, 1'1111 t I IE $ Ill -tllr •rt• ........ ..::= 1.~,. unot•-.... -• _JW--... I I Oil. ,..,... ...... 1 .... .., l!lo -Karl Jr. ol 1ntoo; I • ,.... lilartDII c.a. Uld-Cot*,-.. -• 1!1111 '-II; ' V' II ¥'-........... ~ ...... 1111& H mlllll Ia aellt- 1...., Ill' Gold • I' t"dC... . _,, _..,_ ..._,_-. c-.-. PUBlJCAnOM c1 a ...,.. book, ''lMun U•t your cblld ..Ul nad, '' wu tbe oc.caakJD lor 1 all'])rtse put)' J.ut Friday. Pletar«< ben, from left are Ray Moss, his au- tbor-wUe, Juett., ud llean1s V11.1glul, a publ15her's repr .. eotattn from Loa Aaceles. Ficker helps traffic study Promtnem architect wu. Uam Ficker bu acnecs to try to help orp..olae a com- mittee to study Newport's tratftc problems. Mr. Ficker is SCheduled to report On ttls progress Sept. 8 at an lo- tormal meetlnc ot tramc study group called toptber by tbe Newport Batbor Area Chamber ol Commerce. Mrs. Wattelpla1nedTues- clay that her group would lna.la:t on a rerlew or the city's ceneral plan, aod a delay iD further major real estate development unW such a revieW" Is complete. "We wUI try to W'Ork with the Cbamber or Commerce committee," she told the Ensign. "but tlrst we must have an uoderstamloc that •e're DOt )ast meetlllg to get roads built, but to renew tbe complete rewtooab.lp between land use I.Dd tramc needs." Local author tells how to teach reading The 150-plus rueat u.t wu a ampllnc from tbe pages of Southern Call~r­ nia's wbo's Wbo ln educa- tion aod buiDesa:. Elemeo- tary aod IUgb scbool pr1De1- pals, PJ.bllsbloc mapatea and auorted otber but1Dtaa leaden:, 1Dclucllar San Die- go's dlr&etor ot elam•atary educatioo. Dr. JlmmleCnia • •• all b.lrned out Fr1dl.y night to hollor the autbor or a Dewly~Usbed.book, '•Ia- sure tbat your chlld wtU read." The only ooe wbo was surprlse<t by all the fuss was the author herself, Ja. nette Moas ot Ba.lboe: lslaDd. That gi'OUp ta.s beld Z meetings, but bU been u.o- able to get orpalted, At its secood meeUDg 011 Wed- oesday nJgbt of 1ut week, some ot the 35-member trat- tlc group asked Mr. Ficker to act as cbatrman. ''I declined to be chair- mao of a committee wbose goals or PJ.rpoees are DOt yet defloed," be e.rpla!Ded later, ''but I did agree to become a sortotcommlttee- or..ooe to try to belp or- gallUe the group, aa:l to see U we could dellne the prob- She bad a:peat receDt weeks CDM CC seeks :: :::u: ::..,~ : ber publlsber, tulbud &Dd rk . n frleDds to accompl.t.tl the Pa mg s e UsuaJIJ-lmposslble and .... the a.tfaJ.r a secret h'om the guest ot booor. lems." The Chamber of Com- merce called the group to- gether Z weeks ago, alter the City Cwoeu debated the issue ot lmposloc a mo- ratorium on l'8l.l estate de- 'elopmeot. Propooeatsottbe moratori.Dm argued tbat no further major deYelopmeot should take place wt1J. traf- fic systems could accom- modate tbe added Impact. Cbamber ollklall: lll'r1ted promiaeot r.ast'Wa, d'ftc &Dd eartromneata.J 1-.ders to dJscuss Ule tn.tnc Issue. At last We9k's meetlng at G leodale federal Sa'fiogs in Newport CeDter, aome mem. bers of the group said they would DOt sern oo a tn.ttlc committee. A clty..owDed lot beh!M tbe United CalUornla Bank in Coro01. del Ma.r sbwld be ~ved, ttus prof1c:U.oc oee- ded off-street puldnc:, says a Ifttertrom tbe CDW:Cbam- ber of Commeree thU: weak to the Newport City Couoell. '•Ooe ot tbe n!COmmeoda- Uoos of tbe recett.ly comple- ted Coro01. del Mar tn.m.c suney ls that then! sbould be more ott-street Pll'ld.oe In o.~r community," writes Chamber prea:idelt WWtam Kull. ".l• a ftnt l&lp lolm- pl.emeatatiaD ol tbla, tbe boUd of ctlrecton ol tbe Corolla del Mar Chamber of Commerce bu appro•ed tbe ron...u. mottoo: Jean Watt, a lea.der of LEAF (I . ..-I Envtroomeo ... ~..... space.'' tal Analysts Ftmd) and SPON ''That the city-oWDed lot on Bay1lde Drtn, between JumlDe Ave. aDd the alley adjaceDt to the Bayside en- trance to Ule UbltedC&Wor- aia Bank, be black-towed to prorlde llktit:looa.l parkiDr( (Stop Polluting Our Newport) objected ., becomlllg -ot such a eommtttee be- cause, she said, U would dUute the efforts of the put 4 years, durl.og which she and her rrteods ban formed a mo,emeDC aimed at slow- lng denlopmeDt. She 1s ooe of the leaders of tbe mO't'e- meot for imposl.ng abutldlng moratorium. ''Tbose wt.:l would lmpose a montortum are probably Ter}' siDcere about wa.attnc to do the best tblng ror the commu.nity, •· Cllamber or Commerce mam.ger Dan Ro- gers commented this •eek, ·'but they are rolng aptn··· the basic teoets of the Co• stltutioo when they try deoy a property owner Ills rf«bts." At a.o Aupst 8 meetiag, tbe Newport City Cou.oeU qT'Nd to postpooe any ftar - tber actioD oo a possible moratortutn electioo 'ote. YeauwbUe. Ute CauocU •- eaanced lbe Cbamber or Commerce to i:)rm U:le stud}' fro.p &Dd oome tMct wttll --Yr. Fteker aid be 5et!S h1l tuk u ''ctefliiUII aome buJ.e pbUoeapbl•, ..eh u wllltt we meu W'lMe nay tMt we nat Newport to be I 'qoallly plooo ID ll .. .' Does tblt Ql&1ltJ We m.ao IIIII lido aiiOold be I placo ID alooc> Uld roUn, or - lllo toe..... ool'ldll ud playtac bere?" Mesa cuts water use Water consumpt:loo Lo Costa Mesa ts OOwo 11 per cent rrom tut year, accor- dtoc 1o nrures released thls week by the Costa Yesa Couoty Water Oisl:rlct. The fteures ri()reseor: a 4-mooth pertod eoding to July. C recUt for much of the cutback ps to the -.ter dlstrtct's top 5 users, ae- cordlDC to water board dis~ reetor A.Jrio Plotley. The ~tty of Costa Wesa reductd ·1sage by ZZ,5 per caDI:, Mr. P1ntley reYealed, aDd tbe Newport-Mesa school dls- trtct cut back by 14.4 per c•Dt, and tbe Orange County Fatrrroull:b: sued ZZ.5 per ceat. But, the top percentage savtncs ftcure roes to 1.11 ageacy tbat Is oft eo mallped by ctty rt!sldeDts; the state Dept. of TratiiiPOrtatloll. (C ALTRANS) cut IISICf: by 49 per cellf: in tts ntertDc ot ml!dlaa strtp5 a1cq state roatea tbrolli(tl tbe dty. Mr. Plalley DOted tb&t tbe 11 per ccat OJer-&11 •rtacs woa..ld ravt beta rr-tu, bat tn a b6c uadef1toad l.U .... moath 1D • 42-I.Dcb ptpe Wider s.. Dotco c ...... bocl. ne 1u was f"MP)..a.t. t:tr tbe lou of mnuc-ol pllou ol water before It .... lpolled ud ._tNd_ Preview at senior center -ISO ,...,II_ ria Wo r-,, llr.-St.tl..rdil.,..l .,..tew ap, 'Ill: ald. All ue tnL .. .. "-rt-Oula I ~ ..... ....-.. -ee~~Mr w 1 n at Fll:ltl bii:J tMir on JSI'Mv wW Uld ...._.uo. c-dol ,-..... _,, -liar, ..-.... 1o r.-'-r Dor. 11 • a.a. o1 0u11 pr 1 1h4Grut 8o-GoU .._ brM¢Id tM --•bMII<Iolwlllllaloald T1My lltf a. OIUtel''l I .....,. 1M Wat11.,_ •• '"-,..._ rlllb:.. (..,... Llllllor Dlt;J) boa 10 __ ......,._folia. .. ..._ .... _ ..... 0,....1 ,, .......... lor a' ..... a-... ..,. anlo!teMF'*JO- --IOiolla.& ¥1EhJ wu .. tlnl*J · '•AIIJ ..... c-...wt~~Jt. o1 &Ill IDr '-cf hC hi lnht MJ )Ill ... r• 'Ill _. ...... Mid • IDr .. e"nn•• Mr. ... .,. ......... ....uti ., ••• , • Mrs. Moss arrtudatbro- tber-in-law Russell Moss's Bayside Dr. borne ln Corooa · d•l Mar, upectlll( a cozy family d1ooer. Judgloe trom appearances throughout the remalnder of the enning, abe oever fully reoonred from the shock. Ooe mo- ment sbe wore a loot of bemused bewilderment aDd, a secood later, she broke 11lto a smile that matcbed ber answer to tbe quellt1oll or bow •• ftlt: "Ltkt Cta.. derellJ.. Let me Qow '1f111• my coachmel:l. tan 1DID mice aDd my dress eba.Qres to rags!" Janette bad meant to re- tire lollowtng a sUnt u a war eorrespoajeal with a news service lMck in 1967, •ben she eonred the Arab- lsra•U sl.J:-day nr and then was sent to seflraJ Com- muDist bloc couor:rtes. Thea •bat':! ''I'm uot certa.ln," she grinDed. ''Pretty soon I was •rtl:inc a weekly Dewspaper column a.nd spendtnc a lot of time at the chlldreo's school." She satd she thought the principal probably dreaded s .. t..oe ber drt•e in but that's ·doubtful stDce her bU!baod, Ray, uplained that she was pruident ot tbe PTA at the time, Dot to mention acttn- lr lnvolfed to; rettJ.ag a tu retereDdum ~ssed. ''Not too much., rea.lly,'' she claJmed. ''I'Ye always been fasc:lnated by the wor- ~s ol chlldren's miDds. J kept maklnc up educatioo- al atorles ju.st 1o mate sure my kids' minds w•re work- l.ng properly. It 'tr0rr1ed me . . . so much talk about reading fa.Uure, e•en 10 years ago." WbtD her 4 90n& coiWs- teDtl.y entered kiDderprten classes readl.og at )mior hi(b lent. Ute DeWs lMked out about tbe ltortes tbey bad been told lDd tbe p.mes tllat bad bMa desi(Ded arowx! tile lalao. Pnll}' oooo, tile :roaoc motber wu recel'riJII laTU:atioal to speak to clus- rooms and audltortams. Tbeo tbe llnutus started a letter-wrltille campe.lp to ptr'IDide J...Ue to patllla:h. Frt-.... ukl .. ber u flltare piau tachlft re- luatloD.. ''Ott JtCI" Jbe l't· plkd ........ tcapy, ud t1tea admitted tbere WOIJd be a sUCM 411a7 beellll ot tare pro---.. toarpl• 5 0)" ller peUeber, llMder"a p._, J...Ue'a book C'" Oil ol tbi telddll( meiiiG dtl .. aood 11 --ocaoc !oar_..-.. .... .W4ol .......... __ ....... _,..._ ftcW'J· TIM ''1$ 'rnt•• . ..,.. -.. -.. --~~~-·J--. ...,. tt ....... a.t,... .... wtllnotl,"_lo_ --ll!o· .. .U" ...... .., ----1'111-lola--·-··-~·!~f .. -:-_-.;,.: • . ' . ; . •• :1 • ~ .· . ,l :- . . ·! ~· . ' . ·. :· . . PVBLISHI:O WEEKLY, OD 'Miurldly. Seeood CIIH ~ paid at C,oroll dtl Mar, Ct.Ut. HewJpaptr orttce ud prtlltiQC plaat lA tnt EUlgD 8ttlldLQr. 2721 E. Coast HWJ,, CorollA del Mar, Caltt. 9%625. PHONE: 6?3-0550. THE NEWPORT HAR · 1977 BOR ENSfGN 'ftl ad)ldced to bt a newllfl&Ptr of a;eo- eral etreuzat.ton by court PIUs'[~~~~: deetH No. A-20178, dated May' 14, 1951, in SUperior Court tor the County of Oranee, StateofCaJUornta, ud by reason thereof ts quallfted to publlshaJIJ~.~b- ltc notices reQUired bylaw. , THE NEWPORT HARBOR ENSIGN Is the legal news- paper for the CUy ot Newpor! Beach and publishes all pubUc notices for the ctty. ARVO E. HAAPA , , , • , , ... Owner and Publisher PEG HAAPA . , , , .. , .. , . . Associate Publisher lt!!pre.ented !'<la!•O<lo!ly by llllf:l ~ LIS SUSUIISANPIIESSINC ....-.: AUDITED B Y ~· SUBSCHIPTION RATES NeWport Harbor..C:ost:~ Mes:a Area ••.. One yea r, $5.00 OUt of tile Local Area . , .••••..••• One year, $6,00 ctl.. .eor; A, .!lop ARVO E. HAAPA, owner and publisher Of the Ensign Peg and I celabrated the beghming of the 3oth year of our Enslin with a vacation trip to Meiico --along with Karin and Bonnie, aOO their friend, Kathi Carothers, We drove to Tijuana to take a 7 a.m . Aero-Mexico fiight to Mexico CUy, where we were to catch the Acapulco plane for our final destination. But the all-night raln aoo resu.Jtf.og fog grounded the morni~ planes (August 18), aDd lt was too late to make the Mexico Ctty connection, so we were routed to Guadalajara. The Oi.ghl schedule sbowed tha.t we could make U from there to the capital city ln Ume to catch that Acapulco ptane. Too tate, agal.n, so Aero-Mexico put us up for the night In Guadalajl.ra ud paid for our meals. And so, as usual, ad versity brought bles smg, for we thoroughly enjoyed this unscheduled visit. We bad time to take some walking tou rs of that bustling, crowded city, visiting the eoormous ~uadalajara cathe- dra.I, the museum, vtewt~ the government buildings and parts,. and cautiously crossing the heavUy trafficked streets. Folts on foot had better be caretul, because the car drl- nrs seemed to be no respecters of pedestrians. F'ortune- ately, there are a nu mber of overpasses for foot tra.Uic Jo the ·beart of the city. Nest day we enjoyed a direct flight to Acapulco aM put up at lovely VIlla Vera, on the hillside, not far from the crescent shoreline of the bay. Acapulco presents a breath- taldng view --a true natural harbor, with towering OOtels aloog the shoreline, and high ttills r ising on all sides. The hotels and condominiums go up as high as 30 stories, and more are under construction. The main business cer- taJnly 1s tourism. For a Yankee whose knowledge of Me%ico comes fro m Ti)la.Da Ylslts, Acap.~lco Is a ~y Indeed. Everywhere we were greeted with politeness, friendliness aod hOspitality. was no evidence of rowdies or hippies. I saw DO policemen patrolll.ng the streets. It didD't take appreciate the alternoon siesta Uine, because the m>d-<laY and early afternoon sun is a convincing incentive It easy. The huge pool at th£> VUla Vera provided a comforti.llg respite from the heat of the sun. A bus tour Is the best way to get a quick over -view of the area. Our bus, with Ernesto at the wheel, took us fi rst to the fabul ous Princess hotel, a majo r tourist at- tractloo and convention center. Howartl Hughes had spent his last days ln a suite on the top Door of the hotel. En route we passed the swamps where the movte, '• African Queen," was fil med. On ou r journey to the other side of Acapulco bay, we were pointed ou t many homes formerly owned and occupied by ramous movie stars·-John Wayne, Dean Martin, F'tank Sinatra, Merle Oberon, Joan Crawford, Hedy Lamar. We drove past beaches crowrfed with swim· mers, watched water skiers in the bay, and looked on wtth some awrehension as paractrutist s towed by speed:>oats went up hl.gh Into the air, 1 left the girls tn Acapulco to «lntinue thei r vacation, and I took off for home Sunday afternoon (Aug, 21) to get back to newspaper publishing. This turned out to be mucll more of an ordeal than I hart bargained for, because I missed my 4:45 plane out or Acapulco. I had been directed to the wro~ boa rd!~ ga te, ar.d realized the error too late. The Aero-Mertco supervisor awreclated my anguish and went oot or his way w help, He got me a seat on a 5:45 fiight, whl r.h would get me to Mes:lco City In plenty of time to catch the 8 o'clock plane back to Tijuana. But that 5:45 plane dlrln'l arrive, so the supervlsor made ooe last effort. There was a 7:15 plane; n ight ti me was 45 mlootes. He got ,me on that plane, also a young Ti;n.n,a eoople ln the same fix as I was. The plane landed a few minutes early, and we three brok.e speed recol'1:ls rushing to the Aero.Mextco desk at the Mexico City aii"J)Ort . I got there first, and was told, '•Sorry, that plane has )Jst left." The T\)Jana couple qu lclrJy e.xplalned our plight to tbe Aero-Mexico supervisor, and we were told to hurry to the Joadl~ gate. The plane was still there, 15 minutes late I We liad to walt until everyone else was aboard, because our tarcllDess cancelled our reservations. An attractive Mexican stewardess s tarted cou:ntl.og the boardl~ passes to see ll there were any spaces an.Uable. Just 2 seats leftl ADd the Tl)lana couple were motioned to the plane. Tbere was DO biding my despair, aOO the stewardess told me, '•Go on ln. all the way to the back of the plane." Tbere wa.s ll small seat, oo doubt for a stewardes:;:, at Ute eod of the aisle, aod it wu a most miraculous con- clulon to ttlla lncredlbte ordeal of the Acapulco Olght. Tbe plane arrhed in TI)Jaoa on schedule, at 10:50. I aJd COOCf..bye to my new friends, the TI)J .. couple, tM•kJnc· tbem for their help, ooth~ that without thtlr illtereeuioa, I'd still be In Mdlco City, waiting tor the i o'cloc:t ru,ht the next mornt,.-. Off at 11 p.m. Jn my eu, ud l&felJ borne it Z:Z5, th&nlctnC the Lord t.r my pod 6:>rtuDI, ipln turDlng adJerslty J.mo triumph. :ij f PROS and KARNS '• ,, .. ;. .. · ... ,. ~~~ ~:: ::: ·. .•. :;: ... jjj ••• •.. ... TODAY'S DISSENTERS Tile real diaenters 10 Arnerlcil today art 'the Patriot~. tupporte.rt of the American Rtpuhllc. opho\Jers or The Constitution, th~ pro·Ametlc:an~. the anti·S(XIaliJU and the 1nii-Communista ~ the bellcvtu 1n thoJt Trulht kl(.nident abel •II ,,. equally crutcd wif h inalienable Rilflts endowed to ...,yone by their Creator. leUeYinl in the frudom of the people ft om IOvt:rnmcnt; .,..mment •ttbliJhed to form a more pcrfeC1 union amona 11M people, a:t1blilh •nd maintain justiet:, huute dom~lic: tdnqt.tWty, pro'rich~ for tha common ntliontl •net lntemal ..,._.. lUke •Qlte the. ble.lnaa of liberty: at sud\ th.y ...._. lfll.ln• eowm•nr polkia •nd the trend or nenu. nat tbey aR clilllmlllfl ..... recosnlud .. tuch • borne a.~ bf the tact thai they ars CllUed "fir out,'' ''ulua· .. lhll or tMt. *'cofttrO""'ftlll t"' ..en ·-..mlt\ktt.'' 1-1. Kurttr Kalt11 ' • D&n:rrl.utaa lcllor "' ........... ,_c.-.,._ Bttt I..Moe'l ON4rd It ... ol ftkll .._ .... p-wum ....... by LW.'I otliltt "tpN''I lD tbo --u Looc:o ,.., • ...., iate~at oa tM otblr ~ttpo. slto W.U~ lor tbo amCNat ot tbiOftrdratl(l.e .. ll tbe but pUd I.Oientlt to Wee oo moaey Wblct& the baolr -Uad lo blm loltr· est fret.\ tbt matter 11 c.ly made wone' UD6:1rta&tei.J, whether or not be loot IUCh --... -'-'" ...... ........ __ .... kt 'Medii_, M ....... .__.,.,u.s......- dlndor, tbt objecttft -bolO __ _ -"-.--tal clollclt ...,. .. llld--DOt-· ... --..... -• JIOIItlon to tbt dttrltnG of Ida em. plofer (butor--). Eurtbtrmon,Jbt fad tbat ot.bers do •bat IADce did Ia 110 Clol-. A U.S. pno~. -rulpod -· tllroat TOM ANDEf'SON "Wh31 have you done secret , but the Le&islatures for us la t tly?•' is the of 33 states have already dcmeilnlnj! d ema nd and passed resolutions callin1 plainove pl ea 'of the for a Co ns t i tutio na l so-ca lled .. Third World " co nvention. Do n 't be beggars. The United States s urprised H dedi cated of Amnll·a. the most patriots kup some of these generous nallo n in the things fr o m happening. history of the world , has H is t o ry i s made by §in~;e 1 Q4b alone , given fo reign ai d 10 134 nations and 8 territories. totaling apprOX1matdy SJOO billion. That ino,;lud rs e~;onomic an d m1lllary IISSISiancc plus mteu~st we'vt had to pay on the fu nds provided . Mueh of that a1d hu gone to the roa r . ovtr·ro rulatrd , hungry nations. and most of them arr now worse off than ever Perhaps tht best thing wr .:ould du for them "lately" is tu sugges t th¥1 tht·y srend more time pJ o uj(h1ng and Jess time prU LTCa!Ulg What r1jl.hl h~s ~ny pt·r~un [WI t o product duhlrrn he LJn't feed? Tht: fHe c.nterprise ~y~t•·m uf ttn· Unlled St al e~ rtow rrnvidt·.~ thrce-fourlh:'t nf all !lit' t'~por1cd foods 1n the wmld AI! hough our ro rul~tH>n 1s static, the Th11d World's 1S boommjt , and the h8vc·nols an: now demanding th:it we 111'1' them more-and rn on: o f our l"'f OdUt ll l>n World famiOC' IS beln)l w1del:l predtcted . With them foodless. but not homhte~ ... 3nd u~ further we'll doubtless ·'share .. A nil unless you want to ach1~v.: equahty w1lh rht• f't:(l!"'it: of lnd1a , who 1o1kl: ht:lltl l.':trt' of tht'U "holy .. I.'O WS lh~n they Ll 1• lht:tr ,hlldr.:n. you'll ~torr dcllydrJt~d rood. basr~· ... '' Ill ro n d l I 1 ,. s . a n d ,mnc gold and !o!lvt•r Loi nS Somr rt·m··•tt··tr nm·lh;.· .... ·~ty land . wh t·l~ you can havt' 11 ~.trJt""n .md a ludt-aw~y from th~ ramragmg Slft""et gangs, IS tughly desuable And guns funreg•stcred t wllh plenty o l ~mmuntt1on "BE PREPARED". A GOOD MOTTO 11 ~~ tntucly possihle rhal 1n nnly a lew years the tJmtt""tl States of America untl c rl("l'~ a desperate tlrplt"~\lO n . fam1ne. ll'VIIIUI IIHI , o1 m1\J 11ry coup, .1 nd Jtclatnrshlp . There would prohllbly be a great nuu.iu" !lorn the cities, and ~••1nt' t:xudus frorn America 11~clf. hcfmt and during !h e tmnunl Tittre arc alresdy ma ny mtllwm of al iens hye an c\llmated II million arc llle~;,J and in 1 civil war nm~l would be t ncmies . Tht·rc arc 2 ,000 terronsls in 1111 ~ co untry r~ady to aci!Villc (tn any si&na1. And 1hcrt art many tho tWnds of Ru~~1an K .G.8 . spies here: to help ou r native traitors ovc.rl hr(lw o ur country , DON'T BE S\JR PRISEO llo n'l be surptised if we 1t1 •nother ConSiilulion. which we need like Billy Outer needs another beer The new Conllitution hiS ahetdy been prepared by the Center For I he Study or Democratic lnslitutlon•. whi ch wo uld be more properly tiUed The Center for I he Promo lion o f anti ·A rneric:an lnttlt utlons. These pto •Nttx h t one·worldtn procbiim tbel o ur Co11atltution h out-dated and uMuitable for fod•Y'• work!. come the reW»IutiOn, It will be up to IOCHf patriotic Amntc:utaAo pr o•• thai th••• eati·Atnaiean do-badden are o ut-d1ted. It It • Yir1ual ,. ( dedicated minoritieS. Even by ind ividuals. How \ona sin ce you took an active part in the political party of your choice'~ Or contacted your Mayor, State le&islator, Governor , Congressman , or Senators? Or wrote a letter to the editor ? Kno~ledge without action is unavailing. These thoughts arc not mtanl to be doomsday declara1 10ns but. r1ther. surviVa l suggestions wh ich can help prcpart you fo r what may bt! ahead And a f a r better suggestion than any I arn ca pable of rendering is aYJilabl c to us all , in If Chronicles . 7 :14. Yes , w t: sho uld be praying for our country . Which reminds me of a tragedy at sea the ship was ~tnlung fast and the captam nervously hilnded out hfe.t>ehs. Suddenly ht: called out : "Docs anyone here know how 10 pray'" ··t dn 1 '' eagerly •ol unl ecrcd a prc1cher among the pasacngcrs . .. Thank Joodneu for you'" sighed the ca ptain. We're short one lifc~elt." f'ncnds we need plenty ot prayer~ and plenty of hfe.helts. And more pullers at the oa rs! A men ton Way Fea.turu R eaders· comm~nll and qll t:H ionJ are w~ll:omt . Pleasf' M~nte uJ at "Th~ A m ~rican Way Fearurtl ·· . P.O. Bo:c 990, Pigeon For1t, Ttnnf'uu 37863. ••• "At the center or the Co mmunist Conspiracy wu hatched an inaenious ruse persuade Americans to combat the sptcad of world Comm unism by strewing our fut-diminishina food su pplits around tlte giobe , and by squa.nderint our mhcritance and wullh in notous f,JVina and livin11 ." Dan P. Yon Gmdn ••• ''Wherever is found what is called paternal aovernment . there is found stale education." -Benjamin DUratli ••• "Our greatest al ory i1 not in never faUina, but in risina every time we fall ." -Olit~er Goldlmlrh ••• Four thinp wh ich are in thy treasury , I lay before lh", Lord with thi• per ilion; My nothinanen. my wlnts, My lint, ud my contrition. -Sauthry ••• "God loftS lo help him who at r lvet t o help tumaetf." • •• "lh will ne.nr hn·e l.rue friend• who It tfnld of ma._l.n& ent:miu." -WIIWm H.tllll ••• '-rhe WI)' 10 llln lilood ft11Uitdon it 10 etMNI'IOf lo h wltat 10U ..... IO a,...r." • -Socnlt~ -Anti-litter drive set ....... -... -·~·-· The Birch Log . iwY: ~bsidized ·Stibversion . . . .,,.A,. II. llldl .. c~ ...t • hoot r1 oohot .,u. llelt ..,...., lJIIItri1PI.I'W• &tmont Moaac/wHth -The ot world C.O.ID_._. • -waoll ,..._,.._~ Unitod Natlooo bopn !WI& by A4 put Ill hlo -lributlon, It wW-' oa IMirOaJ, ... proclalminc ln&ernational Wom· Prte,ident rn UIDed • Nadoa· 1~, 1fD tile .-1 ''world'• tn't Year (IWY). A r .. de,y. ,at Comm_.,. on IWV, all ol Ia,._ u.tlerl ... D&ltf'~ m later, on January 8, 1976, Pre.-wboet memben wen blatantly ,......,. Pan. n.., pan, ident Gerald Ford i..uecl an H · pro-ERA. Then, Coaft;:w ~ wW btc1llde ~upa'ftl'(la ecut.ive order commiUinc the the S.Ua AbaUf bUI, which IU· · to tbl bett tad wont oe&cb~ United StatH to torm•l ob· tboriJtd the ..,.ac:llnc ol t6 mil· boJ'IIOOda lD ton, .. ,.,lnce of thlt Mme /1\'0rtd lk>ft ol t.u;paym' IDOIM)' to fi. 0 IIIP THE CAliAL l dllor Gl til& loalp: EIICk»Md 11 tbf test o( & lttltr I illY& )lot malted to our •aatora aDd COIIII'MI· moo: n. city Utter coab'oJ cl~ projtet or womtn'tlibtrat.lon. n,.nee lWY conf-.nctt in each U.... ild'fboi'J comi'Dlhe Nalther the UnHed Nationa in ot the M~ ttatee .. The ttate IPOUOH tbe alllll&1 e-.. Ita proclemation nor Prnident IWY meetmp were to "ltct tP 'IDI:I awudl pf()Jnm. Ford In hit ofder bothered to del.aatn to attend • national DlrtDc tbe.,.._ member1of trace the ori&i na of JWY. How-IWY conference, now Itt for ~~ cUy Plam\1JII Comm'-· ever, Communl•t and Socialilt November 18·2lln Houtton. a!oo WiU tour reddeatlaJ. pubJicationt heN and abroad . I am firmly oppoHdtoaay cbe..away ol the Puama CUll. Wt OWD tt. we baYI certa.lDly paid tor It, aad our ''elected*' repreleab.· Utel bl." ao rtcfll to cJYt away JOmetb.i.al whJeb be· 10011 to ALL Amertcaa Cl- tlzeoa. I.PI! commercl&l areu. made it quite clear that IWV had IWY Subvenlo• Tbtil' liedalODa wUl decide been their baby allalona:, datinr Many of the atlte confer· whteh netr~rhootla retaw. back at least to t9t0 wben the encee h•ve already b.-n held. &rdl for cleaoest, molt Lm-Red• ~t~lected M41irch s aa Inter-Thew federally fin~ meet· protet1 aod cl.rUHt. national Women'• Day. Accord· inp have, without e:acqtion, SLDcerely, RaJ N. Gibbs Newport Beacb The Sepc. lOpartylucbe. inl to 7llf1 Guardian (r.eM-de· promoted homOHXUIIIly, the ctultd tor 3 to 5 p.m, It sc:ribed 81 an "independent rad· Equal ltithta Amendment, abor· wW lnchtde he hOt docS. ic.al newa weekly"), the celebre· tion on demand, aovemment IOftdi'Uib aDd eaterta1D· t ion of International Women'• child care c:enten, end whatever meet. Day hal for decades "been a elae the women'a lib moorement focua for <:omrnu· haA IOUjJht. In each 1t.ate, the C. M. Ha!]>er tlte eosin )tesn eoHHCC!iOH all land11." In ~ent agenda, ground rul•. end lead· yean. the date hu nffic:ially erthip have been telec:ted in •d· replaced Mother's Day on the vance with the help of 42 COm · Cominuni1t calendar. miMioners appointed by Jimmy As the wave of women'• lib· Carter. PINK AND NATE Between them, ''Pint" Plnkley and Nate Reade have given more or their time to tbe ctty of Costa Mesa than just about any z other guys you can think or. OYer the years, they've both been ladepeOOen.t, hard-beaded con- servatives who beUeve that tbe best way to sen e the people Is to stay ott people's backs. Now, both of these old-timers are about to make their eration •wept &cf'081 the globe, its Reporu on the variOUI meet· promoter& decided to adopt the inge indicate that virtually •ny· substit ute for Mother'11 Day and thing goes itt IWV conference•. to ex tend it to An entire year. The Communi1t filma and literature t'JN ond the U.S. government were prominent at the Minne· dutifully fell into line. In the sota meeting; twelve workahnpe United States, Congress e\·en-on lesbianiam were held in Colo· tually extended the IWY beyond rado: .. Two, four, ais. ei&ht. a ain,!fle year. and even fueled the amash the family, amaah the project with 11 S5 n1illion appro· state!" was the banla cry at priation . Wisconsin'a lWY 1atherin1; and Colorado'• openin1 HMion hurd Mr.. Mildred Persin&er, one of the federal commiuionert, de· dare; "Thi• it the firtt fedt:ral· ly funded revolution!" ez:its trom ptl)ltc llfe. Botb anoouoced tbls week that Goal• or rWY tbey will oot seek re-electioD to Costa Mesa Cow:&ty Wa. If you uk one or its pat· ter Dlstrtct Board of Directors/Nate Reade sened 8 tiun11. the goals of IWY are years oo the Boud, plus 16 years on the city PJ.a.nn1.Dr peace. freedom, and equality ~ommisstoo. Ftnk sened on the Board from Its begfn-for women. But at a world IWV ll1ng in 1960, and OD the City Councll for Z2 years • Conrerence in Mexico in June twice as mayor. 1975, more 1pecific and 'more "I stuted the water district," Pint boasted this week, indicative goel• hit the headlintl and that's problbly true. Hell, Pt.llk, you practically star--Auch u IWY's inr.ietence on ted the city of Costa Mesa. You were elected to the ftrst Man: ill redistribution of Clty CouncU and re-elected u loag u YOU chose to keep we1111th. family.supplanting gov· runntog. emment child carr centen. and Nate and Pink both opposed last year's 3-Z declston BOVereignty-dntroying interde· by the Water Board to accept $900,000 lD federal tuods, pendence. Other resolution• at Despite the attempt by aub· versivn to use IWY and federal fund• to overturn traditional American values and mores, an influ.z of determined, family· oriented women aim ply outvoted and outnumbered the libben in at least a dozen tt1t111 . Th~ patriotic •omen are now plan· nin11 determined oppo&ition at the Houston meeting. The auh· •idized 1ubversion ia no longer uncontested. '• AU It got us was a fancy fence arouod our equipment the Mexico meeting called for yard, plus a new board room. We already had Z board complete dil8rmament under in· rooms: Mainly what lt got us was strtngs that reach back ternational control, t.he ending to WuhiJ:Ict:oo, ll the Board wants to be run from Wasbl~-of U.S. rights over the Panama too,. I ftot oo part of It," 'CI N~n 71of Jl)hn h•rf h &!<•"Y Frt~ru.~o Nate Reade Is )Jst as adamant on the matter of feden.l tuods a.nd strt~s. "That 's not the main reasoo I'm quttti,.- the Board," he said tht.s week, ''but I defin1tely oppose the use of federal moDey by the Water District." Nate says hJ.a job as e:recutfve muager of the Costa Mesa Chamber of Com merce takes up too much of his time tc allow-blm to continue on the Water Board. "Besides,'' Nate says, "the Board needs a lot of nf'l',. youog blood." Tbe Charrber hU our 1.000 membtn ud Ia Hlf- SIIPPOrtilll, wtthout asid.ol for city mooey. u some Clam- bers of Commerce do. '•We believe in pajU!g our o•n way,'' says Nate. Tbe Water Dtm.rlct paid its own ny tor years, too. '•We dug 4 or our own wells, and wW soon open a 5th,'' rec.alls Pink. "We put enougb money into a trust ftlrrt to pay oft our boOOs. It's there where nobody caD steal lt. AM, we have managed to get along without tares all these yers. '' When the city of Costa Mesa trted to take over the in· depeodenl water district, Nate and Pink fought them Uke tigers, and they won. Now, there is a dlnger that DeW candidates wm be promoted by city politicians and that, eventually, City Hall may get control of the Water Dlstr1ct. Let's keeP ou r eye on the situation to be sure this doesn't -· "1 thtnk Nate aM I did a pretty good job over the years," Plnk said this week. We couldn't agree more. P U"BL tC N OTICE LEGAL NOTICE Notice to Public of Request for Release of Funds City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach. CA 92663 (714) &40-226 1 TO ALL lNTERESTEO AGENCIES, GROUPS AND PERSONS: Oo or about September 8, 1971 the a.bcrre-rw.med City wW requellt the U.S. t>ep.rt. ment of Housi.Dg and Urbao Dnelopmeat to release Fe. dent fUnds under TlUe I or the HouaLQg aoo Commu .. olty Denlopment Act of 1974 (P.L. 95-383) lor the lol- lowlar projaet: Projaet: l..aDd Acqalaltloa ud Eltabllahment of • Sen- lor ClliHD Ceoter, I'll-: AcqaisltiOO of approximately Iii acres of laDd wllll tllrtaexlltlarbuU- d.Laca aud mlmr reoontioa pJ.• multl~rpoee tacWty coutnacUoa tor ....uor eiU- HDceat..r .... Pro)eet 1.4catkla: N••- port Baeb, Calilorota. .Proltd Cool: »48,000. Ao E..-Ro\'ltw Raconl -• 111o wttll· to projael bU --b7 tilt -a-amad City of llnport IIM9b Wllldl cloca- .... tbe tDfti'ODIDtllfl.l ,. ... "" "' .... ""'ltd· Ttlla ·--.... -1.1 .. Ill• allloo ---............. plbUe -··--oopf'· .......... , .... nt CIIJ 111"-1._. WID -to._ lloo pnJoel dUCrtld ...,. ... 8~ G---llooU.B. . ~ol&as••• Ulllu DINt¢ .. (IUD~ -Tlllt I Ill lloo llotoolii = c:":'~., ...... lb~i"";•: ~-·II II llliD .. eo Cllr Ill • ,port ....... -L. ' P UBLIC N OTIC E Wynn in hls otrlclal capacity as Ctty Manager, coosent to accept tbe ~rbdlctioo of the Feden.l courts lf an action Js bl"'Ught to enforce responsibWUes ln relation to en'ftronmeotal r eYiews, deelsloa-ma\dllc, and action; and that theN responslb111- ttes lla.-e been satlsfted. The lepl erteet of the certtftca- Uon ls tbat upon Its awro- nl. tbe City of NeW'p)rt Beech may use the Block Grant tuncls, ud HUO wtll bave satlsfled ttl rtspoclll- blllties under the NattOM.l Emtronmeotal Polley Act of 1989. HUO wW acceptuob- jaetlon to II# app"""l of the release ol Jbnda Ud accep. tuce of the certlfteatloa.oa. Jy lf It Is oa o~e of tilt lollowtar -: (a) Tbat tilt certtncatloa wu not lD fact u ecated by tbe chltl ezee. uUn ofllc•r or otberafftcer of apptleut app,..td by HUD; or (b) tbtl tbo appll. cut'l taYtroameatal """" ,_.., lor tilt ""'Ja<t ld· eata: omlufod ot & ftllllNI dee'•too ,.__ or •-• .._., ...... appll<&bla .. til& ""'ltd Ia tbe tanroDrneltaJ rettew ---01>~ mul be propond llld III>ID-Ill lCOOrdtDct wUb tht rtqflll.nd proctdart (II CFR Put 51~ llld maybe-lo IIIJD at tbo Loo ............ Ollkt, 2500 ·-.. ~ -Loo ~ CA iOiii7. Ol>jo<U .. Io til& ... -~~~~-------WID Mt IN! easdd1NI bJ IIVD.. .... .....,. __ ...... n, 1m YW" e a 1 d kNd "' IIUO. -~...,. C., Ms ,.., aao -.....rt ladM'Ud Jktejiilt ..... CA- Ptlh+t ... 1. 1m, II ..Jsspwt...._' y, ' Fed fund transfer is ok' d rn a routloe action Tues- day, the county Board of Su- pervll!lors formally ln.u· ferred controL 'Of tedeJ:al. 1 f\100& to tbe -elf •ewport .. Beact& lot UM kt. "-feloPII the city's sen1ord¥JeDCH· ter at Flftb aDd Marguerite In Corona del Mar. Tied to the admlnistnttve transfer Is a pl'O'f'tsion that, no later than D@xt June 30, the city must termloate Its lease acr eemeot Witb Car • den school, a prlYlte school wbich oow occupies tbebuU- dlng. The city has already told Carden's open.torsthey mus t be out by that date. More than $328,000 In fe. deral tu fUnds, granted dur- ing the past 2 tlscal years, are Involved In the adminl· P.UBL IC NOT IC E stnUve tnasler. The COUD· ty had administered the fUD4s because. prior to tala Jelr, Hr.--•rttend to ·---lyto of(liitllly-lilt tbo ..Hooatar lllll,!ji(IM DtWo1011· meot (HUD)....._Yot\lboD $500.000 In addWoaa1 HUD luodlnt! te upoetad lor tbo senior ceoter. wblcb DOWop- en.tea out of the aorth W1Dc of the school bulldtQC. l'fnt year, tbe eoUtt buUdlaC Ia due for rtmodel'-111. Cost of tbt project tn. eludes $450,000 the city It p&Jirc the· state llr the lot on wblcb the buDding lllo- cated. Tbe .We boucbt tbe propert)' n •tnl Jea.ra ago as part ot the now..deftaoet Pacific: Cout fHetrt)' route. PUBLiC NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE port Bea.cb and Robtrt L. Notice to PWUc: of Request WJDQ ln b11 olJlcl&l capaeJty for Release of FuMs u CtlJ ..._..r • coaeat City of Newport Beach to acce~~t tbe ~rtdc:tiDa 3300 Newport Boct.lenrd of the federal coartl 1t ao Newport Beach, CA 9'!663 action 1a bf'OUCbt to .torce (714) 640-Zhl reapoulbWUet 1a reli.Uoa TO ALL l.NTERESTEO to eoYtl'OQJDental re ..... a. AGENCIES, GROUPS AND dedtioG-mtkt ... Ut1&ction; PERSONS: and tbat theM reiPQUIIill. On or about Stpteri>er «. Uu ban breto •Uafted. The 19'71 the above-oamed CUy lep.l eft«t o1 tbe certiftc:a. wW request the U.S. Dtlpart-Uoo Ia thlt upoo ttiiWI'O· ment of HouaiDc aod Urtlao n.l, the City of NtwDOrt Denlopmenl to releue Fe. Beach may use u.e Block deral fUDds aDder TIUe 1 Grot hlodl, aDd HUO "wll..l of the Houatac ud Comma.. hne t&tl.lft.ed Ita r.ipOGit· olty De'f'tlopment Aetot1974 bWU11 oDtttr tht N&dDaal (P. L. 93-3113) lor tile lol· EDYI...,..alal PoUey "--I of towlar prolo<t 1969. HUD wtn !IC<optaok>- Pro jeet: Laoll Acqalaltloo jaetloo to u. &1111-.1 o1 1oo lor a Stalor CltlleG CttMr r..,_ ot au.s. Mlfaeeep- plul &D 01-tOilcCltlsea.pu. ta.Dct of tbe c.erWieatioaO.. ttclpaUoa. prarnm. ly U U ll oa ODt o1 t1te PorpoM: Tbe ,..._ of 1o1Jowtor -(a) T1tot tilt 11111 oroloel Ia to -Ira eorttft<:atlon wu DOt to 11oc:t ~'au..,.., r1 -ad by 11oo eblfll-· bad l.a Coftlll dtl Mar tlr utlt'e omc.r or OU.rOCIJoer • _, ,_-.. plaa of &fll)tlcaot -td bJ otall Ull lll&lortal -rt HUD; or (l>) tao! t11a 1111011· lor lila el-participation eaot•o -rt'lltW p,..ram. .._... lor lloo ""')let lldt-P"')Iet 1-tloo: Nnport eatao 0,.._ f11 a~ B-b, c.woma. .... ~ -... ,. ~~op Pro)let Cool: .17 .. 000. &llllltcoblt lo .... pnJool to All I~ a.n.., tM Mt'IIWP ' 1 nt'lft -rd .._ .... lila wt6-proc-. 011...--be to Proltd tu--by pl'&Pif&4 Ull -.. lA tbo -··-CIIJ Ill -wtllllloo .......... Nnport ..... -· --p ....... ~ CPII-:A mllltl-..,11~• tP1n .. _...,.,....., rr dlo •ttw Gl lilt ""'jael. nu at 11oo Loo Alplto '-llt'tra•• t•r ..,. a... omc., JIOO ......._......._ cord Y • m. II lite II:IDte n..N, 1A1 AII•J• CA --............ -.011,...., 1 ....... ,.... __ 1 ____ -~~~---- .... ..... ITt. ---.......... -be Cltr el•cepe:t._. .. M 1 "ulll liiJ ..:t. trW e' t? ................ 11 ...... ... ~ ..... .,. lllldt IW'tnt• •, am .... ... .o ___ eou.s., 11 ,.\;" =:~=~~=s~ -o:~. =,... !.."'~ = .._.I ~­Aclt ~ .;:,.. It tt":fsl.._CA_ ........... .... .. ..,, .. ...... ~Qir .... _ ..... , • .l r I GEM TALK THE BEE LINE a, /Aif8Y 88.LI ..... m,.,_. •• talk wttb au 11M a 1ta IIAIQU ..... U. lD tbe W ~~~~ buJ -IT • • • &IDCJII tiMt bul..t an ud .U..J1cu blall)rtCIJ ltory lt ten. Ulroltctt 8 't' J • C • MUM I'M • I II CI.I'OUM Md Bwl., Ala. ol 811 lalt. COI'Dtl•l (IDII'Uiou ot OM familJ'I parU- J. ( ,JiruapJtr/u, "'bO~t' Dilnlr IWf .... ted ftllt la'oo«hlll{&ld Cipaboe lD lt ud U t1Julltftt«11D ''llflQI ''"" 111 1~ 1 t N ""'"ar t L4Molt) tbeJ att-*' tM cellb~ ot color" bJ oooe other tbu be ~•-•mid Ill• d. lttH h., •• , 11 c 0 ,,. elu Campbell ptbertlc. Gleo Tbomu. Me-ult~nd,llr4fv' ,f.J,., B.wi., ..,. boeted I 8 .. 1., ctU.tr. lD ta1t1ac With blm Wt l•rald Ida woru ti!Gn .!'J y ,.11"• , ~ an Carol1ae, aiNidy deep lQ !lmllJ l.LDtlct, LDcluded DOt oDly tbt bteutllal blltorleal .J bad tbe OIIPOI'1UD1ty ud prMlec• to delft ••rle• oo the lntoe Rueb; ICtDN from aut/o,,,;,l un 1< .. ,' an" ..,. ftlrtbtr tmo tbl ..-t. Tbf'OtiCII old, World War I (Which be cUd from bla OWll '" 11 vi rv. ' old letter•, ., .. older ncor.t., ..U1, paJa-oo.tt-.-IPQt •ketches), but aleo OO'f'era for A GOL 0 LIMING UQII, portn1ta, etc., tbt bu bteD able to mapalpea aDd btauttlul portrait& Ill water Beeaut of Ita well-• aatmblt 1 rnott complete reoeatocteal ree-color, even ooe of h11 lonly Wlft Tbtlma. kllowo abWty to wttbltud .ord. It rwcbN back 2,500 , .. ,. to the This colorfUl chart dt~f.raatM lalermar- tlmt IDd tbt tlem-.,I'Oid •rlr HJcb Kt.ac• of EIJI)t down to Dtarmld rt.acea between Campbell of A.r(yll aod Camp- baa *a choetD to plaJ a O'DaJblult, a 6th ctotury HJcb K1llll of Tara, btU of Breadalbane Uoea. rt al.o lodicat .. MW role lD tbt oacl•r ' lrela.Dd, aDd oa to Erpdla (ArtYU) lJl Scot-tbe blood liMe, tbfOGCh marrt.qu. to the qe. A Swedbtl sca.au.t l lalld --and aooo to Carolloe and Be•ley 7th ceatury Norse Pt1ce Kille• of u~. bu dntloped a ~~peelaJ • AlltD. through the stuarts, do'rD tlln)Qcb Kln( rold-lllltd cwatoer t.r tbt I Tbty met many of tbeir ld.umeo they bad James n and later Queen Vtctorta, wltb lesser burytnc ol 111elear power DOt DowD before. Ill faet they bne Jut eo-aDd greater U.O.s bettreen. Vlpetttd Ulus- pla.Dt wut. material. tertalatd Slr Claud ud Ladr Eta!D Aluan-tnUou loclude castles, booses --people, Sbtetl o1 24-lla.rat &'Old. der of ... ebllD, AJrahtre, ScotlaDd~ aod their flrta, even the bectoo1nc of the 18th ceo- )llt f /l()()OtM olu IDeb 1 foar chUclrta. Ktleora, Joa.m., l;laud ud tury British lrdlstrlal rtYoluttoa ln the thlet. are uled u tbt U-BoJd, takiDc tbem to eo tnany placts all cotton splnnlng mills, on dotm to the clan AIDI• for llieul eoata.ln· · dUftrtat from tbelr Scotland home--Knott's Campbell Aliens of LltUe 8aD:Soa Island, era. Nuclear wute. an I Berry Farm, Dlatyla.Dd, Safart Lllld, etc. CalUoroia. buried LD theM ooat•tnera, Caroll.oe waa pleued with the llnea(e I am sure nooe could compare to this one deep lJl tbe eartb. Becaate record, but her irnaglnaUoo took her beyond done lQ the unerring mttleuloua manoer of U take• CIIIPirltl for tbe •a ''btpt aod btcot" lJstiDc to a most color-our French. Welsh and sparkly Glen Tho- oucl•r matertal to loee lta 1 lUI Idea. CoosultatJoo Yitb our town's Glen mu. Carolloe teUs me the chart Yi1J be d1•- radloacUYlty, the COiltaia-Thomas, reDOWDed water-colorist, resulted played through the coming week at Mutual era must be lmpemous to lD a unique Illustrated geo.aJoc1cal chart. Savings and Loan, Corona del Mar. tlme and the tlem..U. Be- cause gold wu toaDd to be TIM McNIFF PROMOTED f ~ -· the ooiJ metal which 'W1ll Timothy R. McNiff, 500 • • 0 SCN:I- reslat di.atntecration from of retired u.s. Air Force water contact, It wu cho-Major and Mrs. WWlam p. sen as the Ideal lin1nc rna-McNlff of 14411 Clarissa terial. Thls aocleot, beautlftll ' Laoe, Tuatlo, las beeo pro- metal co~" to pro.a moted to nrat Ueuteoant ln lt.ell to be one of our the U.S. Air Force. He ls a mlssUe maintenance of. -.rorld's most precious re-fleer, assigned at Lorlog sources. The old aayiDC, AFB, Maine, Yith a unlt '' U .-...4 U aonld," 1a jUst as tb;ly tacky, u ever, of tbe Strategic Air Com- l.D describl.Dg the very high-m~'t; wUe, Joyce, Is the est QUality. Its beauty la 'daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. matched by Its tough.oeu 1 Norman H. Miller of 1406 and YersaWlty. 1 ln!De An., Newport Beach. I'BATUIUHG & ... , • ., ALL 701' a•AJIIDS aramoun.l Come iD for FREE pop com! I Florut Special I S.UabJe iDdool' plant POTHOS H...U. ~-or on a pole :: 11111] 1bru Sept. 6 By PEG HAAPA • • • It $een•ed like old ti mers day to go to the market In Corona del Mar on Mooday tbla •eek. First 1 rao lnto Mabel Gt.(DOO. M.any years aco when Mable was THE waitress at Demit's Cafe (Jo relaUoo to tbe cbaln), SAT. and SUN. SEPT. 3 and 4 Bedctial 1'1Ml8pedal PANSIES Beattiful blooaaa a10111 borden or M P<»'ted plat&. Poay Pak .... 89 HYDROPONIC· Our DeW uDi& ~. JOUU ltuWd ... laydropoelc ....... IDdudill PowiDI &ray ... ... iDd ...... COld .... . ONLY 9.99 note we tea.sed the lUe out of her. The reason wu thllt some- one had PJt an ad ln the En- slgo sta~: '' Attnctlve girl with large brown eyes wi. shes to meet good looking man. •• And slnce Mabel had large brown eyes, she took a rlbbiog. Later Mable was chlef assistant to Myrtle Brookings, who owned Broo- ~s Variety store where AI 's Place Is now. Mable said that Mrs . Brookings' son and his wtle spent a few days with her last week-end. I also ran l.Dto Velma O'Brien, ori(inator of Jhe exclusive dress shop in town named O'Brien's. Velma said she is terribly busy --and it's not all gardening either. Another 1-haveo't-seen- you-for-ages friend was Ina French, wbo has been un- able to negotiate even a vi- s it to the store tor nearly 2 years since back surgery. But she was shoppl.og with Mrs . Rogers, a friend and companion for many or the months slnce she has been UI. Haven't seen the Burt Procters sloce the oJght of the Festival of Arts prntew In June, when I got a cha.oce to peek at a few of Burt's fabulous paintl.ogs ba~l~ near the top of the F estl- Yal grounds. Kathryn Proc- ter related, at the Post Of- flee, that they have had mounds and mounds of com- pany since they arrived home from an e.xteoded sojourn in Hawaii. Their next trip, she hopes, wlll be in the Carib- bean, where they wUl vtslt some of lesser known little Islands . . . just the 2 of them. Outside of the Post Oftlce I fouod Helen Spaoo aDd her mother and pet doggie, who first moved to Corona del Mar about 20 yea rs ago -- maybe more. I remember they first lived oo Seaview and Helen worked for a whUe at the Balboa Yacht Club. She said that her sister, Mary (whom we introduced to her husband. Ray Davis) has had an uoosual type of muscular disorder whlcb bas flna.Jly been diagnosed and Is being helped througb treatment. Talldng to the Spaons was Karl Anater, wbo Informed me that he collects foreign stamps aDd has for years. Across from the market I met Realtor Paul Martin, who has )1st returned from 1 5-1/2 week vacation to the eut coast, where he ud bis 1fite t.ve many relatives and trlends. Paul sa.Jd they locred over 1,00 mUea Ill Ne• EQilaod states, bat had a lelsurtly and enjoyable tr1p. Bf}W Chrtsteuea. former Co rona del Mar drurs1ore owner, beld tbt r.w LD PuJ •a abltDCe. THIS GENEALOGICAL CHART wu researched by des- cendant Caroline (Mrs. Bewley) Allen, pictured here Yith artist Glen Thomu, who Ulustrated tbe chart. 12th Peacock Alley benefit set Sept. 21 The 12th anmal Peacock Mrs. Ralpb Urml, programs; Alley fashion show luncheon Mrs. Alltboay Tellch, hotel ; sponsored by the Holy Fam-Mrs. Ruuell Davis and Mrs. lly Madrecitas Aurlllary wut Arthur Fait. design and de- be held Sept. 21 in the Monte coratloos; Mrs. Frederick Carlo room of the Newport-Huches, bostesses; Mrs. er loo, wlth the social hour Leonard Jenson, consultant: at 11 a.m. and luncheon at and Mrs. Henry Ullman. pub- noon. Mrs. Carl Holmberg llciy. Is chairman. Tickets are $18.00 per Funds raised from this person wltb $10.00 tax de- anooal benefit go to the Holy ductJble. FamUy Adoption Service of llclty. Orange County, a non-profit, non-sectarian organlzaUoo CROSSING DISTRICT which has been offertog tts LINES APPROVED services In chlld placement tor the past 27 years. Amonc the valuable prius will be a ~tural bro•n- shadow m1n.1t and leather sport coat, 100 dollar bills on a money hat; 100 dollar b11ls In the for m of a lal, two $100 gift certt.ncates, jewelry, $100 silk nower ar- rangement, 2 woru of art. Members of Madrecltas who are contrlbutlng many hours of volunteer time to help make this beneftt a success are Mrs. Lory Roehm, reservations; Mrs. Ernest Scanlon and Mrs. Malcolm Patten, patrons; Mrs. Wutlam E.lmhotf, spe- cial dnwlncs; Mrs. Earl J. Bannoo, door prues; Mrs. F. Everett Leek, lDY1taUoos; An agreement has been reached betWeen the Saddle- back aDd Coast Co mmunity College districts allowing residents to cross district boundaries to attend lec- tures or enroU In up to 6 units of course work. Per- mits are oniy required for students taking more than 6 units. NO TRASH PICK-U P MONDAY, SEPT. STH Area of Newport Beach regularly scheduled for re- fuse coUectton on Monday, Sept. 5, will not have refuse collected until the next re- gularly sch~led plckupday for those areas, which will be Ttllrsday, ~. 8. .. NEWPORT HARII>R ENSI<Jf PUBLISHED WEEKLY ·PG. l ntURSOAV. SEPT. J. lt77 CORONA DEL MAR. CAll F'. L MEW LIP AND MAIL COLORS BONNE BELL SPECIAL BLUSHING GEL AND 10-06 LOTION • NEUTROGENA SPECIAL BATH SPECIALS S:95 IMPERIAL SIZ~ ELIZABETH ARDEN SOAP SPECIALS Av a il able For A L im i t•cf Time Only PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED 7 DAYS A WEEK 9 -9 WEEKDAYS e 9-7 SUNDAYS SOZl E. COAST HWY., CORON A DEL MAR \\,airstylJng ~ just for ~ ch1ldran ~OA APPT . -~ARBOR VI[W CH.IH~­ Of'\ S •n Joaquo" ~oils Roed Just Soulh cl McJC Arl .. v• Bl .. cl. G44·0838 cllildrea DAY'S HIGH ST Yl CREMA 0011-BURIAL AT SEA Ttoe Neptune Socoety prov•Oes a Simple O•gnolo~O c remat•on servoce wotl'l dossem•natton at sea Ttoe•e •s no need tor ~mbalm•ng cosmetology casket or g•avf' Your Socoar Secur~ty or Veterans Aon•n•slratoon deartl oen~l•t may cover out complete servtce Our lltpraturf' tells the complete story of our socu!ly Wr~te or call THE NEPTUNE SOCIETY 646-7431 24 HOURS 2400 W. Coaet Hwy, Suite I, Newport Beach Membet Better Bus•ness Bu •ea .... Send FrH PortfoUo to: No Salesman Will Cal NAME --------------------------------- ADDRESS ---------------------------- CITY C EM 8"'"'~ ..... lid I• t I ltJ '1.--,.,(••. 10.6. Sun 1 1-S ., ._,,,I ~ It,,,,,, • 1HDO "1._.,, .. , .• .... "¥ . . ... ....... . ......... ··~ " ... • Y.,.tf •••• AN ••~ 1-.U \t•tf '-••"~• ,., .. ( •"'••~• -, HtOO • ~00 ,. 00 noo • 1St ts 7t 00 , •M OO ·•22100 • I llt 00 7t 00 JtOO fO .. I tO,.... Owl'' .,. .. * .,.,... ,~ ......... .,... ...... I ......,_ ~~ t,.,.• .. . . '•·-........... . .. """, ..... ~ .. ._ '00A•O •• ttlt ll• •• I ., .... "' I ... , . ··~· . . . "" ........ ' •••• p ... . ..... ·-. '"•SHOO \l ••tt ... . ... ~ .. -.. • I' • • ,,... • I eM 00 ' ........... _ ·-. ... . . W EM •a••-.. $15 .. , .. , ....... ~·· r---------:! ~$50 With Purohue CMif • aoo and TlHt Coupon I 011 Any tll6-lf I 1 Bart>eque In Stock I I Wrth Th•a Coupon L.;--------~ Immediate Oell*"f Meny ttema Cash & Cerry 12900 '17~ 00 )" 00 l4t 00 ' llt 00 ..... ,, ~ • ,. 00 IH OO ~·· 00 ... 00 .. .,. 00 lltOO '" 00 • ' ,,, 00 • ' , .. 00 $ ~- ... ..... .... "''-'" -.. ,,,~ .. , .... . ·-. --.......... RATTAN ., .. ,, ......... . ·""" ... ... ., . ...... ·~ ........ WICKER ..... .... .., .. '" ., .. ,, ....... ·~~·· •v• " ._ •w ..... .-. ... ,. • •(~'-""" '··· ... -----------1 iPChalraaCCM:I I se4• l ____________ __ .. , f )011 0< J~t 00 ~·· llCl \II~ U(l '" 00 '" 00 • )1t 00 Jlt 00 , .. 00 •' MOQ 1 ALL ME.-CHANDISE SUaJECT TO,_~ SALE I l l fete IIIII -·--~' -......... ,.., .. __., ...... ll ~0 • SADOLiaACK VAL..LEY flllAZA • U.. II. TCMM> ..OM) • .. -· ''NAUGHTY NAUTICALS" Is tbe theme tor tbe Sept. 10 bruncb be.l.DC ,tven at tbe Balboa Bay Club for mem- bers of the Orange CallA)rnta Coast District of Beta Sigma Pbi, oon-academlc sorority. Committe@ members matiag stuffed toy whales IDCI sea -wortby decorations are Karen Bland of Newport, reserntlons chair~ Betty Bourget of Tustin and Jean Griffin of Irvine (lett to rlgbt). They are members of the Xi Alpha chapter of Beta Sigma Ph.l, hosts for the brunc h. (Ensign photo.) New season for club The Tuesday Club of New~ port Harbor wUJ open Its Zotb seuon Sept, 2'1 at the Balboa Bay Club, Luncheon wUI be served at 11:30 with a sbort business meeting Ebell party Mrs, Robert Pittenger, presld4!ot, wtll gre.t mem- bers and guests Sept. 15 at the tradltiooa.l cotton part}· at tbe Newport Beach Ebell clubbouse, 515 w. B:Liboa 81Yd., Balboa. and program to follow. The new president, Mrs. George Hall, will preside. Tbe program will be in- troduced by Mrs. Robinson Cutts. Tbe .il)ea.ker will be Helen Rose, who for many yea rs designed for musi- cals, MGM, and tbe Ice Fol- lies. She won an Academy award for "The bad and tbe beautiful ,'' sta rri~ Lana Turner, aod '•I'll cry to- mor row,'' with Susan Hay- ward. She designed the wed- ding gown for Grace Kelly. Reservation chairman is Mrs. John Geye r. 4,(0) VIEW ..,. .... -w t.oao .-. __ ... _ .. -oo ... SIJ eyciiJtro .. _,. •• .-eo.. .. -blc,elo pud """ ----· .............. ..-. T.., •• I'M,.... from -lloek .. • bot aJr _ .. ..,. .... Dooold lloek nnd.., IJaclordarttMpn- b1c' WHeJ ra.ct, ftlcb wu ..... , ._,... _ _,. W11.nr. WW stark., 1, wu MCODS, aad Duid Buetl .. , ii4 wu Srd. All are Co8la ea. youllpten. Some of tbe oou.atry•a top ama&Mar bite racers com- peted la tbe IS ma)ol' races. Tbey raced onr a 2-mUe coarse that weat from Ea:- taoela U>roucb reoldeollal oelcbborboodS lD. aortbwea:t co.u. Mea llld retuned to !be bleb scllool. In tbo blc 6tb nee, wl:dcb •eat 38 lapl, Larry Sblelda: of Goleta llo!sbed llrrd, fol- lowed by Rory O'Reoly of Santa Barbara ud Jerry Maaterpool of Camp Pen- dleton. Tbe 1r1BniDg time was 3 houri, 16 mlllltes, 7 se- CODd&. A 40~mlle seniors race was won by Bruce Hartley ot Sierra Madre, with Brooks McKilmey of Del Mar f1n1sh- lng secooo. Phll Guarnacota of Brea won an 11-lapveterans ractt. Local finishers Included Rod Ma.rataa of Costa Mesa, who was 3rd amo~ Orange Coun- ty ttnl&hers in the 4Q.mue senior race, Chris Farrell of Newport Beach, who was top Orange Couaty compe~ Utor tn the 7Z-mUe 6th race. PRIX IU..B-IIIG- don woa tM 11-.U. w.- ::;.c:~\..~ lA lolla ud -.... .., .. _ .. _y_ Gnol F-riii .. Diofo -1M 1-0IIIa ooldpl -l>Uowod ., -..... -Gl-Drmr ud lba Gaolll•· Grc t...tmo.t o1 Cu.. CltJ. NeY., ,_ tbl 50-IDDe )IJ>Ioro nee, l>lJoond bJ Pbll Bubl of Loa Alp!• aDd Scott llembroo ol Up- laad. B.,.,.~ oiC- Meu wu ..coact &IDOIIIOr- up COWIIy llal ... ro In- race. San ot.eco Blcyc.le Clab -.on tbe t11.m ebamploulllp. u Us mtmbera •ma•llldtbe moot polalo <l>..U. tba daJ, The Soutb. Bay WbeelmeD were Zod, aDd the Paadrt• Atblttte Club Srd, Tbe prls blc -nco was won by Jlllllfer start, s, ot cooea .._ lollDwod by Cbriltiaa BtJ'WUII'er, 5, of Et Toro IJid Lysauella.y, 4, of Costa Mesa. T bt Costa Mea city lti· .sure se.TYJ.ees dept. spoo.- sors the aDIJlal ncea. PL YIIOU TH CHURCH "The b.lgh coat of labor'' Is tbe sermon ~le of PU. tor John Llodt'all at the lO:SO a.m. Suoda.y a:e"ice at Ply- mouth CoQ(repUoDil Church, 3Z62 Broad st., Newport Heights. Asaoclate Pastor Cal stenns ia: eon- tloulng the study In the book of Mark at tbe 9 a.m. Bible class. C.C. picks new directors Three oew members were added this week to the Cos - ta Mesa Chamber of Com- merce Board of Directors, and 4 loeumbent members were re-elected. Newly-elected to the - N.B. Assistance League plans Sept. 14 benefit Tbt Assistance League of Newport Beach wtU sponsor a knits fubJoD show ud bnmcb at 11 a.m. Sept. 14 at tbe Newportel' Inn. ac- cordtne to Mrs, Wynett Be- dall Jr .• president. A door prise winDer w:lll reeeln a f:ubioo of ber choice. Proceeds from tbt pt.rty wut be used to refurnish the League semce center, which was coosldenbly da- maged by tlre a ft.re a year ago ud has DOt been ln use siDee. The children's deDta.l health center and the thrift sbop hue carried on wlth "buslness as usual" during tbe eDluged buUd- I.Dc construcUoa and exteo- stn reoontloa period. It la upected that a.ll work wUI be completed this month. I Mrs, Howard Lang Is ctl&lrmaD of the eYenl, as- sisted by her co-chairman. Mrs. Norman McBrtde. W:mes ,' Ray LaogeDheim, Ro- bert Ball aDd Jay Buc bana.n an to cbarge of decorating the new sentce center room. A.ux111ary me~ers worldng wlth Mrs. Lang are the Mrs. JobD Ireland, Juniors; Mrs. HUPIOUAID"' Wilbert Dennts, Vtrglnta Mrs. P. Fluharty, ways and means chairman, says thJ.s ls the Dew season's. first fUOO raiser and will begin wUb an 11 a.m. so- ctal boor. At nooo a gour- met luncheon will be ser- ved, followed by an aPJarel and lOUDRe wear style show . Cards wUl be p12yed in the alterooon. Mrs. Bergeson honored board, and due to take their seats Oct. 1, are auto deal. er Theodore (BOO) Roblu Jr., retlr~ City Attorney Roy June and auto club ex- ecutive otto (Bud) Schroe- der, Re-elected were Joseph Metcalf, Dr. Rooert Moore, Thomas Chandler and Lea. lie Muter. All will se"e 3-yea.r te rms. No. 50 for Mortelettes l4r. and Mrs. Reoe A. Castle; Mrs, llorolhy Gny, ,·p-QRT ?'1.,,.1/i'' · sustatr:ru.. and Mrs. stanley \.!Re,H " Stalla, Las Reinas, Mrs. £~COAST HIGH trAY, CORONA DELMA William Tritt is handling AL llellol.rope Ptloae 673·6260 publtc'rela~t~ton:s·~:o:~<'o::~J~:::::::::=~=r:::=~ Rese"aUons must be ln by Mooday, ~. 12, to Mrs. H. Nyberg, 673-7797, or Mn. E. Smith, 675-4390 . IJj&IOL.~S C. LESH ES AT ACE OF 64 Cremation and burial at sea has been held Cor Nl- cbolu G. Lesh, 64, 1800 16th St., Oakwood apart~ meats, wbo died Aug. Z7, l n f1oa« hospital. Mr. Lesh., a naU.-eof Pen- nsyln.nla, h:ld been an oper- ator for United Carbide Coil). He is survived by a daughter. Christine Shapiro, Arllogton Heights, UUnols, aod a sister, Mrs. Catherine Pabler, of Newport Beach. Arrangements were through the Neptune Society. Marlan Bergeson was ho - nored by her fellow trustees and othe r civic leaders Tuesda y ni ght, her final night as a member of the Newport-Mesa schOOl board, She resigned after 13 years of membership to campaign fo r the ReJ11bllcan oo mlna- tion for the 14t h Assembly District. Commenda tions came from To m Riley, chair man or the Ora~e County Board of Supe rvisor s; Pete Bar- r ett, representing Mayor Milan Dostal or Newport Beach; Mary Smallwood, the City of Costa Mesa; the Or- ange County Board of Edu - cation; Wilson RUes, State Dept. of Edu cation and the C:LIUornia School Board Assn,, of which she has been president. State Senator Dennis Carpenter and Con- gressman Robert Badham aut hored other resolutions, wbich wer e rear!. A geoeral discussion of educatloaal programs fol~ lowed tbe award ceremony in Costa Mesa City Hall. '•We are teaching the ba- s ics, we are teachJ.Q( the 3 R•s," Trustee Thomas W. HendersoD commented. The Chamber board llas 21 elected members, plus executive manager Nate Reade. Cbairtng the election ta- bulatlng committee was Con- rad Scbea!er. Reducing statf OOe to de - clining enrollrneat. closl.ai a school or two Ulfj comtnc to grips w1tb McNally coo-IUOSHIPIIIAN VINCE tlnuauoo h1gtl school relo-TRAINING AT SEA cation were some of the problems facing the trus - tees, Member . Don Small. wood commented. Vincent M. Balderrama, son of M.r. aod Mrs. BruDO B:Liderrama of 1109 Salinas Ave., Costa. Mesa, Is under- going summer traJntrc at sea. He i s a mtdshipmeD at the U.S. Naval Academy ln Annapolis, Md. Mortelette of Newport Beach celebnttd their 5oth wed- dl~ &nDtversary Aucust 23 at tbe borne of their aon- 111-la• and da.ugbter, Mr. aDd W:rs, WUUsm Tlgbe of Corm• del Mar. Tbe Mortelettes married August 23, 192'7, a.t Welllburg, W. Va. Tbiy came to CaiUonU from Plttlllburp, Pa.. &nd Rene oputdU:Ie Lido SbaY1ng-Mug 24 yean ago. He bas been a barber over 50 years and ls DO" semi-retired. Better tncnm as '•Rene or Lido," be b secretary of South Pacl.ftc Coast Bar. ber Assoclatioo and acUve in the Newport Harbor Elks Club. ''Citizens are expecting schools to solve all the ills without the commuoitysbar- lr~g their load." he com- p121oed. '• Parental respoo- s lbtUUes are bei.Dg aban- doned to the schools, In- cludlr~g moraJlty and eth-New members greeted Ics." ''The district ts proTtd- tng a stro~. baste educa- tion program tor )'OUDI!:sters, 11"'••••••••••••••••••-. the kids were the best de-. monstn.Uoo," Mrs. Berge- Twenty.ooe aew members wlll be welcomed Sept. 13 by the Spyglass HUl Wo- men's PhUharmoolc Com- mittee of the Ora.nge County Phllharmonic Society at a luncbeoD at the oomeofMra. Allen Bac ker, 1 Malibu. Cir- cle. bera:blp chairman, Stated that following the oooo luD~ cheon, ao lndoctriDatioo ses- sion wW be coMucted by Mrs. Kula Johuon, aoetety board membersblp chair. Tbe sleek Eur,.anslaclr[ look. Gleno.b·"'· Iallo.,,j II instead of press1ng It on. Tal.lorlno Is Important. Glen t:a.ke: 70 different In puttl.ng together a match, the pockets don't pull, Gl• •bape, Weui~ warlsle. We carry Glen Oab .. -· Pro.: 11.00 II> ZS.OO. ...... ~:=~======--~c~._. son commeoted. "We're doing basically a good job," Rod WacMU- Uan summed up. man, Mrs. LloyC:: Lokb, mem- Glamour auction will raise funds for music Piano musical interlude will bt proTtded OOriQ( the haDCbeoD., urucemeots for whieb bue been to c barge of Mn. Tom Bl.a.ndl, bos- pltaltty ctalrman, lDd Mrs. CUDton Eutman, program cbalrman. OPEN REGISTRATION The amua.l fUod-raistng glamour auction of the Lido Isle WorklDg Committee of the Ora.nce Couoty Pb.llbar- monlc Society will be held at 11 a.m. Sept. 29 at the Lido tale clubhouse. One~f-a-klm, handcraf- ted articles, glamorou.s wear a.od ortgiDal art wW be au c. tlooed by Llno WUUams. Proceeds wiU turtber the Philharmonic Society's oo- merous mu&leal coatrfbu- tlou to oruce Coooty. A f.ture w. JMr wt11 be a rnatlY apended cour-met ____ ......,_ by Mr., lftD &IUifta, wbere _laD, -roJlsboc, )lma IllS frutl eaku may be pare-Olllr1cbt. Grootloc ~ will be Mn. Dpid TJ.acler, cba.lr· man, IWirdOO bJ llro. Rl- cba.rd Pattenoa. co-cbi.Jr-, GIRL , <AGE 9, •BLAMED l FOR C.M. ARSOH FIRE Aa .,..,.... Art, blamed .OD I 9-Je&r...old Chi, dam ... qod a caJ1IOI'I Ud car rd 1011 Bl c-Dr •• rotiJ:rl a.m. ,_,, Arol. II, -c--po~~ .. ,__ lo,.. I. 11111. -.... 'bor Vlow Dr~ ._ Ylolr ' 111118, __ ., ...... . -.4 c:arpod, poUoa --. TIOa•...,e-.. IN -.......... rd-·-· . ..-II lila euport, ftlcll IPf'lld ... ... ?Je4 .... car Ill AI T,...,., lOlt-C II c.-Dr. man, and the aueUoo coor- dioators, Mrs. Hester WUls and Mrs. KtODeth Lieber. otber committee cba.lr. men include Mrs, Edward D. Edwards, )UDCheon, Mrs. Donald B. Ayres, retreab- melltS, aJded by the Messrs. Earl Sawyer, RJcba.rd Mc- Clure aod Paul ElmQill.t; Mrs. Jotw L. Laun, reHr- vattons, Mrs. JobD llooDey, · decorations, and Mrs. Earl Sawyer. nrwocea. Ooeo rectotnllDo, wltbout appoiDtmtat, rets under way Tueldly, Sept. 5, for fall Mm..ter clas- iltl at On.Qr .. cout Col- leca. c-.. beel• Stpt. 12 &Dd recllllr&tloo con- llrla .. -Sept. 16, Tbe admluloaa oftlce 11 as-Moad&J trrrougb Tbura4ay from 9 a.m. to 1:JO p.m. &DI1 oa Frt. di.JJ:lrom !la,m.toZp.m •. NOW ON SALE! S PC. PLACE IIE'M1N<lfl • tf II> ..... MVI!IIlll : lifll • o..• """llloi ~ Glu•, C.,llill~ -. . • ~- '""' Onee Is Not HA RBOR at ADAMS COST A MESA --- f ; t ' ( t , I '> L ~I 1 , • ..... (PO, ,.~,.,._AND ntE HOL 'f CIRAIL" 646-5025 I 1M STERI!OI'IIOHIC ·-DMD P ee PEG AND ALICE SAY--- ''Thanks, Newport'' . YOtJ'RE LOOKING GOOD! This has been our best summer in history at Forgit Hardware, and all of us want to th&:nk you for your continued support. Our sales of Colony Paint are way up, and we take a lot of pride in looking around at the new paint jobs we see in our town. It's a good feeling to know that Forgit's and Colony are still a very important part of our community's good looks. Is it any wonder that everybody wants to Yisit our beautiful town, and many want to li-ve here? The pride that our people take in their town is con- tagious -just like a smile. Stop in and see us. If you don't buy anything, at least we -----------,... can share a smile. Thanks again. And have a safe Labor Day weekend. · \ t>ah , thank'\" ('hi·C'hl .. ' 110111-CIP.t.L CODE l!g;AWDQOG '*I&IJC11RG P.AIIIaltG 8PACD no ctl}' c-u ot tM Cll}' ol ~ BooebllO!S O&DAIK u tilow1: DCTION 1. Socllaa 11 •• 11.010 oltllo "-" Booeh -<lclol Codo Ia ..._ to ned .. tJilowl: "11,11,010, PERIOT FOR TEMPORARY STREET CLOIURE, No per101 1111.11 temporarUy cloM a.,-portioa ol a pubUe stnet or an.,. to ,,_ lalc.lar or pedeR:rlu tral- ftc for tbt parpoee of CODdlacUoc a ltterM duce, Micbborbood party, com- mercial prorootjoa&J ac:UYI- ty or ~PeCtal utllt, storace of CI()UI:rueUoa mater1ala, .tone• of conQtnen ln- tea:led tor remonl of eon- .tructloa or demolitloo de- brio, otonce ot eoutne. tioD equtpmG or for any otber purpoMS without flrst obt&iD1DI a permit from tbe City Manager u berelDI.fter profided. Tbe reqqtrements of tb18 Cbapter sball oot be appllcable to pernmeiUl ICIDCIU." SECTION Z. Section lZ •• 8Z.050 la added to tbe Ne•- port Beach Wurdclpal Code to r.ad u follows: "12.&%,050 OPENING OF TEMPORARILY CLOSED STREETS. Should any por- tion of a pi:IUc stnet or alley be Improperly closed to nfiJ.calar or pedestrta.o tn.mc wltbout a properly laaald permit or sbould a str.et or alley remaia tern- PUBLiC NOT IC E ORDINANCE NO. 17-47 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CI- TY OF NEWPORT BEACH AUTHORIZING ~ AMEND- WENT TO THE CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE BOARD OF ADMINlSTRATION OF THE CALIFORNIA PUBLlC EMPLOYEES' RETIRE- M.ENT SYSTEM The City CouocU of the of Newport Beach OOES I. Q~~ as follows:. SECTION 1. That a.o ameDdmeot to tbe Cootnct betwl*! the City CouocU of tbe C1t1 of Newport Beach aod the Boa.rd of Admini- stration, CaWornla PubiJc Employees' RetirementSys- tem, is bereby authorized, a oopyofsaidameOOmeotbe· 1.att attached hereto, marked "Emlblt A", and by such refereoee made a part hereof a..s though herein set out ln MI. SECTION Z. The Mayor aDd City Clerk of the City of Newport Beach a.re ben- by authorized, empowered &Dd directed to eaecute said ameodment for a.nd on be- balf of tbe City of Newport Beach. SECTION 3. Tb.is Ordio- uce sball take effect thirty (30) days after the date of Ita adoptloo, aod prior to the uplratioo of Meen (15) days from tbe passage there. of lball be pttbllshed &IIeut. ooee 1o the NeYplrt Harbor Eoalp.. a oew~p~per of ce- oenl cir culation, ~bllsbed ud clrculat-' 1o the Ctty of Newport Beach, and tbeDceforth &Dd thereafter the same shall be in full force aDd eft'ect. This Ordibaoce wu IDtro- dllced at a replar meettac of 1bo City CouaeU ot 1M City of N.-.port Bel.cb beld 00 tbe lth <lay of .......... 1 '17'1, aDd ..... adopted 00 tbe 22Dd day of Aqust, 19'7'7, by tbe followi.Qr .ate, to wit: A YES, COUNCILMEN: Dos- tal. Barrett. Kuelul, Mt:Jnnfs, Roctn, Ryclloft', WUUams. HOES, COUNCILMEN: Nooe. ABSENT, COUNCILMEN: -· liU.U lloMal llayor ATTEST: DortaGeorre CltJ Clerk •• EXHIBIT A" AKEIIDIIEIIT TO COli. TJW:T BETWEEN THE BOAIID OF ADIGIIISTRA- TJCIII PIIBLIC Ill PLOY- 118' RIITJIIliiiiT 1111- TIIf AIID TBIClTYCOUI(- CIL or TBI CITY or nw- I'OilT BUCR no-.... ot Admt,..,.-...., ........ ,.,,_ ... ttr•tlt.,' Z; lllii\ldlld. ............... -... till CMJCa•~lol .. cartt••>,...._ ... ... .....,.,., ...... .... ..... ,.._ 'ed .... --., olflll.!i.J. ...... ~'" ,., .. ._ ..... _ ......, __ ... _ .......... ., .... _ ..... ...... C.,..,i IN .. --........ ..... UW .a bwV1 :. ' 'tlJ. o•t) .... -... ....... ,..,.._ .. 11-.., ...... c .-...ra 12 Tile 00111 II I 7?lil IIIIJ) ... _.., ... _,.._ ....... , ..... _ ...... ...._. .. __ -..... ploood- 1M (IOIIIIe -or .u., .. u .. .. .. _ porvlly -• ,._ -·Prior .. ._.. ofiDJ -~-bJtlloCity, lbe Cll}' abollllltll)" t11o Olr· -of llld tloiD -1M City -II> ,.._. lbe ...,, wllhla -(I) <layo of tbe date ol •n'lce ot DOUce to tbe OWDir Co re- moYe. Tbel"'&fter, tbt Ctty may niDO'fe, or eaue to be NfDO't'ed. uy sucb item wblcb t. improperly placed or left re101tnhll· oa a pub. lie Jtnet or alley Ud blll tbe owoer or peuoD causing tbe placemeal tbenot, la the enat lbe placemeat &Dd storace of IIJ.d Jtem create• an Immediate aDd Dstaa- ttal threat to plbllc bealtb, safety &Dd welfl.re aod 1t is impractical to sene tbe ootice u pro'fided herelo~ &bon, the City may forth- with ca.uae tbe remonl of the same and the OWD- ner thereof shall be liable to pay tbe cost of rerDOYal to the Clty upoo bWI.ng." SECTION 3. Sectioo. 12.- 40.130 of the Newport Beach Municlptl Code ls amended to read u follows: ''12.40,120, OBSTRUCT- ING PARKlNG SPACES. No person sbalJ obstruct a V"e- bicular parki.DC space desig- nated by lines or marks on any street or highway by standi~ 1n such pe.rkinc space or by plac.lng anybar- ler, sawhorse, bicycle, trash can or other obstruction ln sucb par~ space, This Section shall not apply to P U BLIC NOTI C E ded effective March 1, 1948, November 1, 1951, AprU 1, 1956, October 31, 19'70, Sep- tember 18. 19'71, and De- cember 11, 19'71, whicbpro- Yides tor participation of Public Agency to said Sys- tem, BOard ancrPUbuc Agen- cy hereby agree as follows: A. Paragraphs 1 tbroogh 11 are hereby stricken from said contract as executed effective October 1, 19'70., and are bertily replaced by the following par&(rapY numbered 1 through 10 iD- clustn: 1. AU words and terms used herein wbich are de· tioed iD the Public Employ- ees' Retirement Law sha.ll have the mea.oJ.ng a.s deftDed therein unless otherwise specifically proYided. "Nor- mal reUrement ace" shall meao age 60 for mJscell&· oeous members and age 55 for local safety members. z. Publlc Agency shal.l pa.rticipate iD the Publlc Em- ployees' Rettrement System from a.or1 after July 1, 1945, ma.ld.ng Its employees as hentna.tter proYlded, mem- bers or said system 500- ject to all ptoYLiions of the Publtc tmployees' Retin- meot Law ucept such a.s apply only on electtoo of a contractitlc ageocy and are DOt proridat for herein and to all ameodmeah to said Law berealler er.cted u- cept sucb as by espress pl'OYiaioD thereof apply oo- ly on tbe election of con- tncttag aceocles. 3. Employees of PubLic Agency In thefollowt..Dg clu- ses sball become members of said ReUremeDl System except •cb ill eacb such class aa: are uchlded by Ia• or this acrtpmG:: L Local flreimeo (her.ln referred to u kx:al safety members~ b. Local pollcemeo (bere- la referred to u local safe- ty men>enk c. Llf..,a&J"d.. OD ocean *eb• (berelD referred to u 1oea1 safety members). d. Emplo,... otber lbeD loeal flrem• ud loea1 po- Ucem• (benln referred to u ml.ace.U....s memben). Tbe 1o11ow111 elu ... sblll bt eseladtd from m•m- bentdp Ia IIJd Rettnmeat SJIIem: NO ADDITIOIIAL EXCLIISIOIIS 4. Tbe -of lllllll compe .. UoD to bt pi'OYI- d.cl tor each yar of en- dUed prior aa:s c:arrtllt •r- YJce u a DUcei .. NOU 111emblr IIPOD ntlr'eiDtlt at oormaJ nlln-........ be .. JIIOfl<lad .. - 11111.11 "' llld --Low. s. no -"' .,.. co-. sztte .. bepnmdld IDr .a ,.r fll cndllllld ,...... ---.. ll locll ....., • Sbwr .eollllo-lo~­............... .... "' llld -'"-· 't I IVf •· .... •=' 1 0 ,_...,. .. , ........... ...... lllftJt lit .. Clrtr CIWI .... 31 to 0 dbf en hu#M........, or ........ IS'IIIee· u.li.II.Olo.,auc.M." DCTDI 4. T1U ONia- uoe-.Jibe-"'tlt ... t8 ............. fllol tM cae,. u11 a. ... 111111 ... -" tllllty(IO)-aa.ra. .. olbl ....... na.~-­clloeeclatanplar-.. of 1M CltJ CoooeU o1 t11o Cll}' ot 11-rt Booe• bold •• lbo lib day of ......... lrl'l, &Dd WU ldopled OD lbe Zlad d&yof ...... ot,lfl7; by the AJUOWI.Qr YOte, to 'IJ'tt: AYES, COUNCILMEN: lloo- ttJ. Barrott, Kuello, lllclaola, Racers, Rycllloft,. WWJams. NOES, COUNCILPIEN: -· ABSENT, COUNCI LMEN: No.oe. llll&lllloat&l llayor ATTEST: Doris Georre City Clerk WILLIAM E. lliETHRICB of Et Toro bu biiD aamed •leo-prooldeal, louldmiD· totn.tloa, at t11o Book of Newport's mail oftlce at Dotn Dr, ead 16tb St. BW bu beeo a bubr l:lr 22 years, flrst ID A.riJoaa ud later Ia Su Dleco, where he worked with U.S. Nattoo. al Ba.ok (DOW Crocker B&Dk). For the put 2~172 y-.n he worked with tbe Westcllff oUlce of CalUonla First Ban.k iD Newplrt Beach. Dr. tts. Perrin "'nored for OCC senice fteltoutlaltnrf'IJ ..... ONd Dr .... _ ., .... ch-IIJir, ... lln.llutM ......,_.,.,.., ... -·---c.. c..-eou.,. -at u. .... 14 -· .... Dr.W.._ __ Io Eut ll1lllf, lu -elu-<ollorolaeelfiOUII-., IPiolbe--UII 41otnet _ ... _ "' Of'UIIe Cout JaiorCoUere DIM:rtct from 18M. He join- oct o..,.. c.-to 1951 IJid beld a •rt• of J)OIQ, l.eebulloc cleeo of ....... per.ocmet a.ad ot &dlllt .s.. cattoo, and u•fltent super. lDteDdeat iD cbarJe of lhe educaUoae.l prornm. Ma.rian Ptrrt.D. of New- port Helrbta, U., came to the dlltrlct Lo 195Z, flrst diYidlDc her time between the e•.unc coUece &Dd lbe district superioteodett's of- Goe u a cltft. ._1M --u. ....... ., .. _ cntuy .... ·= as , ... patl•h•••• ...,. a · •••· n.n ....... u .... rt• u ..... tDr clt ...... pei'ICII711 ud IMrcM"~ c.Mit. • ,.. •IMII par- <PiulaJ-IDU ... GARDBI LUNCHEON FOR DEBS AND 110M S Tbe WNtcwr home oUir. and W ra. Robert Rlcbmorwt Wurrel wu tile teeae of a prdtolooe'-Allculze lettor tbe N-1 Chorlty lAape dltlutut ... TbU wu tbe lut Ol a .. n .. of Mlm- mer put.IH boDorlcc the ZO ctrls who wUJ. be presen- ted to toelety fD November. NEWPORT HAII80R EHSIGII ' ...CLEAN • IS CERAMIC Dl F \' -MI .. CLEAN • COMPLETE tiEaVICES.._ aRAMIC 1llE CARPET SAW OI!N'£Ill' SAl£5 PAINIING I WAUPAitR UNOI..EUM SAW LM.dRS ClEANING VI ! ~,.~i': MIRACLEAN ® /J'I\'\\' Experts .. .lrom floor to ceil:ng) ( RENTALS AND SALES ROBERT'S TUX ~ LATEST FASHIONS & COLORS For~ Wear it Ou• Ol'lly Bulinett • II J.illn.t"l \ Publish: Sept. 1. 197 '1, ln • . the Newport Harbor Easlgu. High holy day services Hosteaai..QC the motber- daU(hter ennt were Mn. Robert Richmond Murre I &ad Mlts Eltubeth Anll Murret; Mrs, Garth Stewart Berce- soo and M1Q Julie Ana Ber- geson; Mrs. Frank Erwin Keadrick aDd Miss Eliza- beth Ann Keodrick. MON.-THURS. 10,. 6 HOURS:, ••• ·. 10 ,. 1: SAT. t ,. J PUBLIC N.QTI C E FlCTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME ST ATEIIENT The following penoas are dolZ:V busloess as: The lr- rtae Clubhouse Ud., 1'1852 Stypa.rk Blvd., Irvloe, Cal. 92'1lf: Howard T. Melfi, Gen'l Partner, 1 '1C11 Port Sbtffteld. Newport Beach, Cal. 926&0; Daniel L. Cur- Us, Gen'l Partoer,1955 Port Seabourne, Newport Beach, Cal. 92660. This busloeu La coaduct- ed by a llmlted partnership. r Slgoed: Howard T. Melfi. Thll statemem was filed w1lb the county clerk of Or- aage Couaty Aug, 3, 19'7'1. Publlsh: Sept. 1, 8, 15, 22, 197'1, lD the Newport Harbor Enslen. F -'1983'1 P UBLIC NOTI C E 6. PubHc Agency, in ac- cordance wtlh SectionZ0'740, Government Code, shall cease to be a.o ''employer" for purposes or Chapter 6 of the PubUc Employees' Retirement Law effectln as of the eft'ective date of this ameodment to this contract. Accumulated contributions of the Public Ageocy as of the date of such amendment !._ball be~grrn~ • proridliol1o W759. ~ C'.6M; aDd •ch aeeumalatecf coatributJoDS and eontrfbutiaas ben:after made shall be beld bJ the Board as provided loSectioo 20'759, Government Code. 7. The following addtUooal provtsloas of the Public Em- ployees' Retirement Law whlen apply only upon etec. tlon of a contnctlng ageocy shall apply to the Public Agency and Its employees: a. SecUon 20019.3 (pro- vldlfli for inclusion ofiUe- gua.rds on ocean beacbes as local safety members). b. SectJou 20952.5 {pro- viding for age 50 as the mio1mum volurtary retire- ment age for local safety members with beoeftt pay- ments oommeoclng prior to age 55 subject to actuartal discount). c. Section Z1380-21388 (provldlrw for allowances for sunivors of mell'Oers COY. ered under the 1959 Survi- •or's Procn.m upon the member's deeth before re- tirement). d. Seellon Z0930.3 (ptoYt- diag sen:tce credit uDder the pro•tatons of Ctlapter 830, stata. 1976, for up to four years of cooth11ous mi- utary or merct.at mart.oe sentce for peraoos who are membera becaaa• of em- ploymeat by Pabllc Apocy) for mt.scellaneous mem- bers. 8. Public Aceocy sblll contribute to saJd Retire. meat System u l:lllows: a. Wltb rt:Sped: to mts- cen•_..• members, the pubUc actDCY Dll eoatr1- but• the JoliowfJI& percn-taces of moatbly salariea earned u mlac .. l • ..,.. members of aid Syltam: (t) 0 pereool oaW J ... 30, 2000 oa ac:eoaat of tbe Uabwty for prior eei'Ytce -Ilia. (J) 7.0Je pereoal oo ee- -ofiM lllbl1tty lor cor. reat .. mce baMfttL (S) 0.201 pereool oo ee- eooal of 1M llabUII}' lor 1M 1101 •"""" pracn~a. b. Wllb fOOl'Od lo local ..,.., -...... (1!1>-u. ___ .. .... fol1olrll( por' t-of _, ....... _ .. localaJetr wiiiMnolllid a,.._, (l) 0 pereool IIIIIU-10, .. _., .. _., IDr ,.. ~ '·?··· ~)u ... .,. __ _ o...taltllei.IIIFUitlrCIII- 1'111&~-t • (I) 0 pMIIII • M~A .. I• Temple Isaiah of Newport B~cb (Consern.Uve) &.D- nouoces the hich holy day sentces, which will be held at the Harbor Cbrlsttan Cburcb, 2401 lrvlr»e Ave., Back Bay. The servtces wW be con- ducted by Rabbi Garson Goodman. usisted by tbe Temple Cbolr. Tbe Temple wlll obsene tbe tradltloml Rosh Hasba- oab, at 8 p.m. Mooday, Sepc. 12, aDd at 9:30 a.m. Sept, 13 and 14. Kol Ntdre services wut begin at sundown Wednesday nlgbt, Sept, 21, aDd contioue tbrougbout Thursday, Sept. 22, at 9:30a.m. Yizllor me- morW senices wm be held on Thursday, Sept. Z2, at approximately 12:30 p.m. PUBLIC N OTICE of the liabUity for the 1959 su"tvors program. c. A reasonable amount per a.nnum, as fixed by Board to cover the costs of ad- ministering said System as U affects the employees or Public Agency, DOt lncludlDc the costs of special n.luap Uons or the periodical ID- nstlgaUoos aDd nluation required by law, proYI- ded tbat said amouot shall be determl.ned on tbe ba- sis of tbe rwmber of em- ployees of Public Ageocy who are reported u mem- bers of a payroll deslroa- ted by the System oonrtnc one moatb of each year. or with respect to the ft.rst year of partlcl.paUon. on the ettectJve date of said parti- cipation, d, A reuooable amount as fixed by U1e Board, pay- able l.o ooe tutallmeot u the occasions arise, to co. ur costs of specW Yalua- Uons on account ol employ- ees of Publlc Aceocy, aDd costs of the periodical lo- vest:igatloo and nluation re- quired by taw. 9. CorftribuUoos required of PubUc Agency and Its employees sball be subject to ad).lstmeot by Board on account of amendments to the PubUc Employees' Re. Urement Law, and oo ac- couot of ezperteoce under tbe Retirement System, as determined by the periodi- cal inYutlgatlon and valua- tion required by said Retire- ment Law. 10. Cootributioos required of Public Ageocy aDd U.s employees lhall be paid by Public Ageocy to the Re· Uremeot Syatem wttbiothir- ty days after the eDd of tbe pertod to which Aid cootrlbuU.ons refer. ll more or less than I be cornet am. oant of coolriNtton Is paid for any perlod. proper ad- )atltmeo.t sball be malle lD coaoectioo wUb IUbM(Jieot remittuces or adJut- m..t OD account of errors Ja coatribGtiou requiredof&.Dy el'lploy• may be made by dtnc:t cub paymtilb: be- tweeo tbe employ" aDI1 Beard. Paym.-. by Pub- Uc A(eDCy to Boenl may bt made lD the form of war .. ruts. bult checltl, bUll: clra.fts, certified cbeCU, mo- ..., Orden, or cub. B. 1'hll amHdmtat ahlll be atuebed .. aid e<>Mnet aDd thaJI be etrecUte oa tbe Ulb <lay of Soplombn, U'l7. WltDNi oar bUdl Udl 15111 ... "' Alplt, 11'1"1 • BOARD C# ADIIIIIIITU- TW" PUBLIC IIIPLOY- 118" RETIRiliiJIT 1111- TIIII em COUWCIL or TBI em or nwi'OilT BIACH, .y -Doo1o1, Pn•••Cl81ow· -DorlaGoorp,Cl-IJC-._ ... , ..... " lft!,. .... .,., ........ qL Ne•r To Wesutrn Fedet•l S.wongt & Lo.n Attoe A full choir wUI taterpret the aocieat and sacred He- brew llbU"fY. Guest solo· tsts will be Mrs. Kathy Al- len. lyric aopnno; Mrs. Maggie Borda., meu.o sopra. no; Robin Duct., baritone, aDd Barry Galloway, ba.sa. other ml!mbers of the c hoir are Shirley MJsom, Meta HeUman, Peggy Salyer, Ca. rot Cooperman, aDd Cart Strum. Flory van Seek of Newport Beach ls the conductor. BABIES ARRIVE AT 2156 E . COAST HWY., COR:ONA OIL MAlt ST. JOSEPH HOSPITAL ':;;iiiiiiii!i~Phio~n~eii1i4i)iii~~ st. Joseph Hospllallo Or- qe reports the foUowtog babtes born to HU'bor Area couples: Boy -Mr. and Mrs. John Altl, 28'16 La Salle Ave., Apt, 2, Costa Mesa, July zo. made simple. New-tewn dlleMMis •• •Her • wuco• WAGON ull. Girl -Mr. and Mrs. At- dec Armstrong, 633 Plumer, Apt, B. Costa Mesa, July26, Girl -Mr. and Mra. Yo- oehiro Kobara, 21'1 ZOth St., Costa Mesa, July 26. AI yot~r Hottou, It's mr job to help yeu mHo ttlo lnMt of your .,.. nellhbottlood. Ow ... .,.."1 ,,..,, Conwnuntty aPfOftuniUn. S,.Clal attracUons. lob of ftct1 to IIWI JOU tfrfte and IIIOMJ', BAR-MITZVAH SEPT. 16 AT TEMPLE ISAIAH Girl -Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kirby, 18-4 Costa Mesa St., Costa MeS2, '"oust 3. Plua 1 btlbt of fltb tor'""' family. I'll bt llstaiM,._ ICM' YOI.It ull. ~~~ll 640.2193 -S49.321S CLEANING Temple lsaWl of Newport Beach (Cooserntlve) will celebrate the bar.mttzvah of Duld Relsmao at 8:15 p.m. Friday, Sept, 16, at 2..01 lrvloe AYe., Bact Bay. Dr. and Mrs. Elias Rets. man Invite the coocrep.Uon to )oio them for lhe conflr~ mation of their aon, wbowlll be called to tbe Torah, The senlces, coDducted by Rab- bi Garson Goodman. wtll be followed by a reception hos- ted by Dr. a.nd Mn. Reis- man. WITH THI ADDID PROTECTION OP . PIRATES WILL HOST 2 SCRIMMAGES SAT. Coach Dick Tucker will UDYell his 19'J'l Ora.ageCoast , Collece foolbell 8QII&d th1s S..turdey, Sept. 3, whea tbe II Pirates host apaJrofscrlm- maces at OCC'sLeBardSta- dWm. The acrlmmages are free to the pubUc. ..,-,' beauty 10 ~our drapertes . C011 removes and cleans dral)eftes. rehangs them w11h per1ect •eaTs arid even, hems And a C04t cleAnlhg, prolongs drapery life ON CASH I CAft'l' .-.-· . Scatchgard u ._, ...oncrMM HOMES ,.A,.IUI"TfiiiiENTS • M<J.. INlt HOMES • OfFtCES • WAU TO WAU 'C'A'RP£T , FURNITURE I. DftAPERIES ClEANED IN YOUR HOME • DUP SOil EICTRAC -/ TION MAKES YOUR CARPET SANI- TARY ClEAN! The Sues wUI meet Min- Costa College at 4:30·p.m. and Rio Hondo Collece at 7:30 p.m. OCC last met Rio Hoodo 1o 1975, wheo the PI- rates won 38-14 in the Ato- caoo Bowl tor the national JC UUe. QUALITY l SDIVICE. YOU CAN EXPECT FROM ""THE WORLO"S LAN1~ fOil •••• OCC wUl oft'lclally open the season Sept. 10 meettng Cypress College at AI».~ helm's Glonr bdlum at '1:30 p.m. JLISf:iiiT COSTA MESA ..... , '"II .. 11 "' fk''"~' I .A"'"'' 1ADt0 DIWATCHID TIIUCill '· I , • 18 Privet• Pools • 3 Cle~ Tennis Courts • 82 Luxurious Bunplows, SuHes end Rooms with • s.n .. tlonel VIew Shtty·two luxurious bungalows. suites and rooms command a sensational view from a hlll·slope in the most exclusive section of Acapulco. Guests may select unobtrusive privacy of their own cottage and pool, or sunbathe with the "jet set" at the famous Villa Vera pool and bar. where favorite tropical drinks can be ~njoyed, either in or out ot the water. For the tennis buff, three clay courts are available both night and day. For the gourmet. international cuisine and Mexicsn specialties prepared at your request For the romantic, privacy and seclusion For everyone, unforgettable memories ... THE VILLA VERA. ,_ ______ YIIOON PACKAC.. ~----~ 5 D ax.~fr.~ .~J i~.!~H:U·:~~::e!!.19. 10 Air-Conditioned Double Room with Private or Sharing Pool • Welcome Drink on Arrival• Full Breakfut Every Day • One full Dinner (for Two) at ""EL PATIO"" Restaurant•112 HourTennla Lesson Per Person • Two Tickets for ""LE JARDIN'" Night Club Including One Drink Per Person • One Free Dally Hour of Court Time • Gratultlea !XTIIA NIGHT IM-10 ON LP. U.S. Reps. JACK HUGEN INT. and HARRY JARVINEN U.S. Nalional WA ns 1-(800) ~21 ·0767 Write or Phone For Package Rates and Free Color Brochure IO \'t11a\1•ra HOIAA~-... P.O. Box 580. Ac8pytco. Mex. Phone 4-03-33 lo I -~· .. • \ 0 I How MUCH 0,)\N YOU AFFORD TO LOSE IF A BURGLAR DECIDES TO BREAK INTO •toUR HOME QR BUSINESS TONIGHT ? Sea ~coast will plan your home or business security system. Phone 642·3490 ow! SEA COAST AlARM SYSTfMS (A .... .,._C.........._......, ---~ 1651 Plecet~tlo Ave. -Coeto Mea• lAWS • RED TOP PAINTERS USIDINTIAL EXPIRTI flEE DTIMATU G U A fiiANTtltlO WO-.KMANeHt .. a. QUAUTY MATtli'IAI..e ExTtli'IOI' • INT.fiiiOfll 4111 WOOO ~INteH•e tNe U flltlO • ...... flltlNCtl8 10 YIKAA8 IIXfOOA.NC:• e73-4aet ,....,L. au,.NIIrTT 1UALVARAOO BALBOA t2681 CUSTO,., POOLS · and THERAPEUTIC SPAS OPEN 7 DAYS. PIIM 9R YWT 9UR lttOW!!99W IQPAY· ·~22 SO. HARBOR BLVD., GARDEN GROVE 27601 FORBt:S ROAD, LAGUNA NIGUEL ~4oabetm Gardea Gro•e f ullerton ,172-S4Gl' 750-7M5 871-80ZO nAn LICl.NSE Coutal Area MO. 1tDJ7 646-5094 HARBOR FELLOWSHIP BIBLE CHURCH 23RO ST . ot ORA..-GE , COSTA MESA · 645·5050 DR. F. KE ..-TON BESHORE , ,ASTOR Sunday worship .•.•••.••• 10:45 a.m. and 6:30p.m. Sunday school -9:30 a.m. Wednesday service -7 p.m. An lndepeodent church with Blble teaching mln!stry ATTEND THE CHURCH OF YOUR CHOICE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SERVICES flUT C11URCH OF at .. ST. SCIENTIST 3303 Via Lido Newport Beach Sundly School -9 " 10:30 Sundlly Service - 9 & 10:30 WEDNESDAY EVENING MEETING 8:00 p.m. REA DIN (, ROO,'<f Week dayr.' 9 a.m. -5 p.m. Wedneeday: 9 am-7:45pm Tuesday: 9 am -5 pm, 7-9 • • • II:C'OND ('ftUa CH OF' C11..-r, ICIIENTIST ' Newport Belch at Corooa del Mar • SlOO Paelttc VIew Dr . SUDday School -10 a.m. ~, Stmce -10a.m. WtdDudly: 8!00 p.m. RIJ A DI N (, RfW \f S$00-8 E. Coalt Hwy. Eat rue• OD Narct,.• Moa.-Frl.: 10 am to 5 pm 'SudaJ afterooon: 1 to s Satarday: 10 am to 4 pm • • • • You are cordtally lo•Ued to att.d Ctltreh S.rvtoea &Dd to liM Rt~.cUnc Room•. Wt invite~ to wor~ LUtHERAN CHURCH OF THE MASTER , LCA 2900 Pacltlc View Dr. Corona del Mu, c aw. LAWRENCE D. FRUHUNG Putor --Pbone 759-1031 SUNDAY SERVICES! Coatemporary s.ntce 9:15 a.m. LUarrtcal Semce •• 10:SO Commaldoa.11t I& Srd QaQ. Ac•• .. w•••• CoecaMou MST~ ,MITMOIMSTCHUICH 1 ""St. a H~~rt»ot Btvd. ca..lt ....... .u.-...-tlJt ·---··-A.M. CHARLES D. CLARK '"••To,. ,AUL H. ALEXAMDllt ••aociATtr GRACE BilLE CHURCH Veteran~ Memortal Bid(. 565 w. 18th. eo.ta ..... REV. TOM TYREE, ,._or SUNDAY SERVICES: 10:00 a.m. ud 7:00p.m. CHILDREN'S PRIP SCHOOL. 10:00 a.m. HOME BIBLE CLASSES: CaU 552..oota •T•chlDI Bible Doct~ THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH ""THl fiRilMDLilST CHURCH IM TOWN"' W~YNI! P. MU I.LF.N. I'~Sl'OH 1"M A.IL -ADULT WOitiHIP & SUNDAY SCHOOL 6100 ,,M. -IV ANGELICAL HOUR JOI '~OMOLIA AT SANTA ANA AVI •• COSTA IUSA A ,.II AND IMDI'IMDIMT COMOitiDATIOMAL CHRUTIAM CHUitCH THe RBV. JOHN A. IINDV~I.I .• ~lal st•r • t ell A.M. IUMOAYe IIlLI ITUDY IIIII A.L• WOIINIP IIIVICI. IUMDAY ICMOOL J262 IIOAD STIIIT, MIWPOIT HIIQtTS "UitMitY CAitl 'ltOvtDIO 'MOMie U)otUI • ' \ ' ' ' l J r ' -l I ! \ ) I ' I • I . f I .1 I I ( ' ~ . B I 0 t ( 8 t Roosevelt to teach class • M'rii:DAY, ..... WMJe 1'1 I lie .IIDck, ..................... r• tilt '-A It tilt 1100 w.t ., ·-0.. ,..., ........ * waJW IIi ........ CIIItnl •.....-t.. • 1RDifiiDAT, AOC. 10 -.............. ... .,... .......... Mu-... ...,.. ...... , .. .,..., y .. llap.r ........... Ud .&o.~1 Crate Garofalo, 11, ol ...... lddnu, ,.,. .......... tlltn at 10 p.m. Ud C ..... dla tdery OD • polkt omc.r ••• MlebNl ...... So-.., 11. ot ltll BfOid. Knport a-..u, ud 8coet AMbGaJ LJM. 1'718 ,.... AM. Cotta U... were ari'MUd at 1:55 a.m. at tbe Newport iWc*ldltruiiDd eblllpd wstb ~Ud r..alft• pollee ••• Rclbert Monwood Eg.rt, 48, ot !02 'IU., B .... wu ebal'led wttl bNc i.I*)Deated &Dd dUorderlJ at e a.m. at au a... Vtaa. Balboa • • • CbarlN Jo.pi~ Bron, 21, ot &70'7 s...taore. Welt New- port_ wu ebarpd wttll be~ latol1eated &Dd dllorderly at 1:50 a.m. at tbt Arches • • • Gary Btef• GIUU.r, 21, of ua LQcoa1a. Newport Sbores, wu U'J"..t.cS tbere at 11:50 p.m. &Dd cbaqed wttb obttrocUDc &Dd rem. t1DI poUee • • • AA &DUque a&ot mac biDe, ftlaed at $700, 1ftl ltoltD from Carl Cal- Yert's bome at 2800 First Coro• del Mar, between 8 p.m. ud mldldcbt. • SUNDAY, AtKi. 7 AA ea•eJope contatntr~ $1,020 1D cub receipts wu atoleo from tbe oUlee of tbe GuJJcbt Broner, 800 w. Cout HWJ ., Marl.oers MUe, bttweeo 9:40 ud 9:45 p.m. ••• A thief atole tbe garage door opeDtr from Ted Sper- 1.111c'• ear wbUe U wu par- bel outside b1s borne at 6 GoodwW Court, Newport c felt, betweeo mJdDigbt ud 6 a.m., tbeD opeaed tbe p-nce ud ltote tools and a radio wortb $%20 ••• Doug- las Stuart WUidos, 21, ot 218-1/Z 21st, Ceotral New- port, wu arrested at 4:30 a.m. at Port DuDlelcb aDd NtwpOrt HU11 Dr. Eut, Har- bor View P.omea, aDd cbar - Ced with ~~ IJitoxtcated lD u automobUe. • MONDAY, AUG. 8 A radio uttGDa and rear new mirror, n.Iued at$100, were stol• from Keith Wayoe Ban.,.._., tt ... ~..,~·~·at SS1S ~r. Welt -.port, betweeo m1~ Ull 1 a.m. ••• A wood~ ''AIJY- thq Goe1'' sip wu ltoleo from tbe lbop bJ tblt DAme at a26 Ma.rtDe, Balboa lalaod, betweeo 10 p.m. Auc. 8 I.Dd 7 a.m. Aug. 9 •• 4 Three dresses, nlued at $496, were ltoltD from a dl.tplaJ rack at tbt LUly Pullt&er 1bop, UOO VIa ()porto, Lido Shops, between q. 1 aDd Aq. 8 ••• City parkillc meters lD the 26th Sl lot 1D Welt Newport were rob- bed of $846 betweea July 25 &Dd Auc. 8. • TUESD~ AUG. 9 MUJ er, 1936 lrri.De, Watc.Wr, reported a dta- IDODd r~ and pboqrapll recorda, wortb $400, aoleo from ber borne 80meUme betweea 11:15 a.m. ud Z:SO p.m •••• A VHF radio &Dd aateua were stolea from WWJ&m Garcia's bolt, Ued up at Ids borH at S40S Ft.ll- ley, West Newport, betweeo 7 p.m. Aur. 9 and 11 a.m. AQI. 10 • • • A $SIS calcu- lator wu stol• fromtbeof- ftee of Job Zt.meyer, 500 Newport CeoterDr •• bttweeo 4:10 p.m. .Aac. 5 ud 8:SO a .m. Auc. 9 ••• CltJ park- lllc meters OD Newport BlYd • betw...a 23rd and 2eth lt.rMtl were robbed of $165 b«"nta a a.m. Jaly 2"1 and I a.m. AGe. e . • • Doaa1d E..-Broq, M, of 1007 E. Belboa BlYd.., Be11oa. wu ~ tbere at 10:30 a.m. OD a 1r1rrut da1"111c blm wttl wrtt111 cbecu oa lll- ..mete~t !ada • • • Vuce PM1 Coll.lM, a. of 47S Ab- MJ, Colta ..._, wu ebU- pd wttl Clblltnc:t1lc ud ,.._ ai.IUir pollee at 7 p.m. at ,....,.. traot 11 bottl .. ot U.Or. na..ct aa $130 frola ............ ,.ca: WIIOe U ... puW 1D troat ~ ... ... at .. Sea- ward, Cor011 8lp.luda .,.,.... ..... -· i ;;& 7:10 a.m. Aac. 10 •• .SOme- ODe .tole a t700 oatboard motor wbta Clan Motrett !01 E. Cout RwJ. left it oe tbt IMt o1 au uDiocked cocwertale car parked at au a.,.._, between e:so p.m. &Dd 7 p.m •• .A Jewelry bol eo«Dtnl.. ftlalblN wortb $8,145 wu atoleo from U.. bome ot ShOa KlJ Nt~.­ tbtrly, 4 GoodwW Court Newport Cr..t. between 7 a.m. aDd 5:4!5 p.m. • .San- tos Lope&, 32, ot 1115 E. Balboa BIYd., Balboa, was cba.J'cect wtth ~-tmon~ cated &Dd dUiorderly at 2:40 a.m. at E. Oceu Froot tDd "A•• st., BalboL • .Julle ADD Hotfmu, 19, of 1309 Allllord, Wtlt Upper Bay, wu cbarcect wtth petty theft at 5:10 p.m. at Roblnson'a FUbJ.on Island store. • THURSDAY, AUG. 11 Salntore A!tbooy IIQuin- ta, 31, of 2125 Sberi~on Oakwood apartmeats, wa; booked at pollee headQuar- ters at 10:30 a.m. on a warrut cba~ blm wlth usault wttb a deadly wea- poo. • .A mao. described u Latin, about 30, 5-7, wel- gblJ:Ig 130, came Into Ba- con's Airport Photo store 4251-B, MartiDple, a.trport area, at 4 p.m., asked to see a camera tDd lens ntu- ed at $350, cot tbt owoer's ~roluioo to step outside wttb tbe camera to test lt In outdoor Ugbt, then no away wttb tbe camera. . • Plants tDd 2 taod calcu Ia- tors, ftlued at $312, were stolen from the oftlces of WUllam D. Foote Co., 220 Newport Ceoter Dr., between 4:45 p.m. Aui 10 and 8:15 a.m. Aug. 11 •• .stereo sound eQUipment valued at $125 1r1s stolen trom tbe borne ot Georce Garrett, 458 ViaGa- Yiota, the Blutfs, between 7:30 a.m. Auf. 11 and 7:30 a.m. Au~. 12. • FRIDAY, AUG. 12 Patrick Michael Doyle, 34. ot 1560 E. Ocean AYe., Bal- boa, ..was anelted at his residtDce at 4:05 p.m. and cbarpd YUbsellblecoeaJoe. • .Rlcbard IUcbeJ&Dcelo, 30, of 1974 Charle, Costa Me- sa, was booked at pollee headquarters at 2:15 p.m. on a charge of recei•tn& stolen property. • .Gerald Earl Sp.rb, 21, ot 1975 Sberqtoo. Oakwood apart- mtats was charged with grand tbeftwbeoNewportpo- Uce toot blm into custody at Costa Mesa pollee head- quarters at 11:30 p.m •.. Jeao Vtctorta Conner, 64, of 333 w. Bay, Costa Mesa, was cbarcedwttb mlsdemea- oor drunk drfY!ni at 2:30 p.m. at Birch aDd Mesa, Suta Ana Heights. . .Lynn TrueU ste•eos, 21, of 281 2 Broad, Newport Heights, was c barced with misdemeanor drunk drt•l~ at 12:15 a.m. at Tustin and Coast Hwy., Yarloers Mlle. • • Wblle property a.ppn.lser Edward Wolle, 1718Tradewtnda, Do- nr Shores, was awra.istng a borne at 500 Mol"'lin( Star, Do•er Shores, at 9:30 a.m., he left his $1 00 camera set up io troot ot the home, walked arouod back, came back 5 millltes later, aoo lt was gooe. • .A klog size bed, beddq, TV set and stand and a Persian Lamb coat, with a total estimated ftlue ot $2,210, were stolen trom the bome ot Harun BatJ, 1800 Newport Hills Dr. Eut_ Harbor View Homis, between 11 :30 a.m. Auc. 2 and 10:15 a.m. Auc. 12. • SATURDAY, AUG. 13 Kat'-1 Marte Cathcart. zo, ot 13&4 GarllJ:Icford, Com Mea. YU Chal'led wttb mls- decDtUOf drank drt•l~ at 4:30 a.m. at Superior aDd Cout Hwy ., West Newport • • .Eul CbarUe Hlctmu, ENSIGN SUBSCRIPTION ORDER READ ALL THE LOCAL NEWS IIMD IN YOUI SUISCIU•TIOM OlDER TODAY I OMLY ss.• 1101 OM! YlAR ----------------............. : ..................... . AllC8'" • • • • • . • • • . • .......•..... • ... , em ......................... ziP .... . IIMD IM 11111 OIDII WITM u.• TOt MIWOIT MAIIOI IMII .. 2721 L COAST 11ft •• C»IOMA DIL MAl u, ot 141 ... lodJ, co.a Mea, WUCbiJ~edwttJim!a. CSemeuor druAi drt•* at S:SO p.m. at 2507 sttrra ~ ... tt. W..t Upper s11• • • Terry MichatJ Hamlya. 25 ot 2~ Broad, N.-.port Hetcbtl, Alltbony JOM Nuo- cary and Jtllrty WarrtoJa- cd>l, 19, were arrelted at tbelr rutdtoce at 10:15 p.m. aDd ebarged wtth eoatrtbut _ ln& to tbt delilqueocy of a mloor and obstructtac and resist~ arrest ••• A $470 TV set was stolen from the offtces ot Duryea, Raooolph, Malcolm aDd Dalley at 4301 MacArttllr Blvd., airport area, between 10 p.m. Aug. 12 aDd 10 p.m. Auc. 13 • • .A bank bag CODtain1nc $385 was stoleo from the otttce ot the Newport Chao- eel Inn, West Newport, be- tween 9 p.m. Aug. 12 aDd 1 a.m. Aug. 13 •.• A gran- ite ornamental lantern, nlu- ed at $300, was stolen from the yard of the Ann Scb- mltz home, 5409 Bruce Crescent, Lido Sands be- tween 5:30 a.m. July 3o and 2:30p.m. Aug. 13. Jame. aoo.-.u ot ep, • clu.l BW, tnltet ol Cblp- mu ColleetUII -ol to~. mer Pr..adMt r~ D • aoo...elt, wtll t•cb u es- ptrtJneltal el&u oe ''Go· ••J"aaDMt a.t work." oftend Mooday ..... at tbe Col- lee•. au N. GlautU st .• On.ace, ~-.. Sept. 12. Rectatratioa tnlormattoo 11 anlllble at {714) W7-&701 and claM 1Jiformatloo at (714) 99'7 -6611 • '~The elau wW be buut arouDd a re~~otral dgeuMJoo of Coogress and tbe presi- dency u u luWuUoG," says Mr. RooMYelt, wbo a president of b1s owo basi- nus eoiLIIlltaDt ftrm. ••star- tlnc wltb my fatber'• en, I will be foc:uq OD tbe interaction betweo tbe two brancbes of peJ'1lJneat and the images each braneb pro- jects." Mr. Rooa.nlt wlll befre- queltly eommuUnc to Wash- ington. D.C., 1o b1a capacity as a member of Presldeot Carter's reorganJutioo committee. Conlinet~lal Cuisit16 Luncheon • Dinner Brunch • Late Supper . Romantic old world atmosphere in the Capn· Lounge Reservations Honored (7 14} 642-9434 3300 W . Coast Highway at Newport Blvd. Newport Beach Dearth heads S.D. office and the anginal Amelia's on Balboa bland Realtor Tom Dearth has been na mell vice-president by Guy Coats of Coats aDd Wallace Real Estate lnc. aDd ls now heading the firm's Sao Diego facUlty. Mr. o.>arth has served as sales manager for PBS Corp. (now Shay Develop- ment}, was tract manager CHURCH SCHOOL OPENS SEPT. 7TH Clrtlst Lutheran school of Costa Mesa w111 begin its 20th year ofprovlc11ng Chrls- tl.an educatlon to tbe com- munity when It opens Its doors tor th,.. 1 C.J77-7 8 school year Sept. 7. Classes ror rhlldren ln kindergarten through grade 8 wlll be condu cted on the campus at 760 Victoria Street. New teachers ar e Mtss Patty Boortz, a June gradu- ate of Concordia Lutheran Teachers' College, Seward, Nebraska, who wtU teacb Zoo grade, and Mrs. Etloor Cou rvolsler, teaching 6th grade. Arlen G. Ah.le rs, prtocl- pal, Is stlll registering stu- deals for most grades. More information may be obtained by calll~ thP school otnce at 548-6866 between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.rn. U.S.C.G. AUXILI ARY WILL MEET SEPT. 6 The U.S. Coast Guard Au- x.lllary wUI meet at 7:30 p.m. Sept. 6 at Los Angel- es Ff>deral Savings, 3201 Newport Blvd., ar ross from the Newport Beach City Hall. Members may 1ov1te new ~ests to the meetings. F'or additional tntormattoo contact Bernerd G ranicb, (213 ) 440-3720, or Los An- geles Federal Savl~s. (7 14) 675 -4500. and vice-President for Ran- cho Lacuesta Homes 1o Cer- r1tos for Frank Ayers & Soo aDd also broker sales m~er tor Val Vista E:.- tates in Newport Beach. His wlte Beverly, wbo hu both tract and resale uper- teoce, wUl serve as secre- t2 ry for the Sao Diego of- flee. Tom and Beverly have 2 college-age chUdren, a soo ln hls senior year at UC Santa Barba.ra and daughter at Orange Coast College. BEACH PARTY Newport Harbor Church of Rel~ous Sclen<'e wUI hold a beach party at 6:30 p.m. F riday, Sept. 9, on the main beach in Balboa, adJacent to the lett side of the pier. Those atteDd~ are asked to bring table service, be- •erage and a pot-luck dlsh serving 8 to 10 persoos. OP EN POR LUN CH EON AND DINN8R 31 1 Man.ne Ave. (714) 673 -6580 Newport Center Animal Hospital ANNOUN C ES THE ASSOCI ATIO N O F Mary C. Opel , D.V.M. DOGS. C A TS B I ROS SMAL L EXOT•C AN IMAL S PHONE FOR A PPOIN T M ENT O R E M ER G EN CY SER VIC ES 6 44 ·5 460 1333 A VOC ADO , NE WP O RT C E N TER NEWPO R T B EACH C A Lt.F' An Affordable lliDIIOOD HOT TUB ,.,. ...,.. 71~7 14S 25 70S l ' At f. HDf£T. f ~IJF. ~21"3 714-673-015 2 U 1 • :SO.h ST. ~£WPORT BE.U H (AUf'. ~2660 ~ fUN TUUING" WITH ~rendipity CUSTOMER SERVICES AUGMENT HIGH EARNINGS AT LFS Mrs. Jones avails herself of the expert help of Laguna Federal's counselors in planning a profitable savings program. She saves time and money by taking advantage of many other services. including these: A NOT MY PU8UC nolartzes her stg,ature TRAVELERS CHECKS are ISSUed without charge DISNEY FILMS are available tor the uktng THIIAftM Clue otfera many g~up tours Look to your local LFS I ' IEIPOIIT IIA_,R Dill. I'IIIUIIEDIUI(LY•I'I.I THU-Y: III'T. I, 1117 COIDIA on 11M, CAI.J F. •• • BIBLICAL RESEARCH MONTHLY . "In Anorher form" The Two Thlews After Deoth o Pluse expl~in the phruc "in ,another form" whkh •p- peiilrs in ~rk 16:12: "And .1fter these thinphewasm<~nt. fested In ,anothtt form unto two of thtm, .u they Wlllbd, on thtir way into the country," o Where did the two thieves who were c:ruc:tfled with )etus 110 when they dledl • Thi~ inci dent occurred on the: road to Emma us after /esu~· Resurrection, when the l ord appeared to two disc;;i- ple~ there. In order to see the force of th i~ verse it is neces- SJry to look ,u the entire context, .md we suggest that you reJd vs~. 9-14 : Luke 24: 13-35. • They both went to Sheol. However Sheol, Of" H.adei .as it is a iled In the New Testament, consists of two compvt- menh widely separated by a great and impassa.ble JUif; Paradise (or Abraham's Bosom) where the rip!teouJ were, and the section where the lost are still confined (Luke 16,19·31 ). J~·su~ hJd ,l lreJdy 11ppeared in H i~ glorified body to Mary Magdalene Jnd the other M.1ry. White H is body was like wh at it hJd been before Hi~ cru cifixion and resurreCiion, there wJ' J glory ,hining fo rlh Jnd they recogn ized Him in thJt glolified Jorm. But when Chri st joined the two other dtsd ptc~ ,,, they traveled into the country, they 'kl w noth- tng of Hti glory, Jnd did not recognize Him even though they were JCQUJ itlled wi th Him and had known Him before H t~ crucifhion. When jesus died o n the cross He descended into Sheol to deliver all those in Paradise, and then He ascended on hiJh, leading the delivered rishteous ones-includillJ the penitent thief-into heaven where they m.vched in His triumphal procession into Jlory. "Wherefore tle saith, When he u - cended on high, he ted u ptivity captive, and pve sifts unto men." (Eph. 4 ;8) When th ey cJ nlc to Emmau~ He acted a::. if He in tended tu go on l,trlhl'f in to the coumry. But they constrained Him to ,top ,md lodge wtth them for the night, \ti lt think.- mg He W,h tuq J ~zr.mg~:r . A~ they were to begin the eve- rung meJI j e\US returned th.mk~ and imtantly they recog- rl!t ed t-hm ,h !heir Lord, whrrrupon Hr di!>.i~ppeared fr om the ir ~igh t. When Christ reentered the portals of glory He sa.t down on the right hand of the Majesty on high: "Who (ChrinJ being the effulgence of his glory, and the Vt'fY imaac of his substance, and upho ld ing all things by the WOf"d of his power, when he had made purific.uion o f sins, sat down on the right hand o f the Majesty o n high" (Heb, 1 ;3). Su Wo.' '<l.'l' th.Jt on thJt EJ~ter Sund<~y morning Mar y M.lgiJ .tkne ,md thl' other M,Hy beheld H i~ glory Jn d recog- r111rd Him imt.tntly, but H i~ gtor)' WJ ~ veiled when Appea r- Ing to thl"'l' twu di,upll'' '0 thJI they d id not recogniLe H1m. So the penitent thief when he died went to Paradise; then with jesus he went into Heaven, where he is today, And, from the time that Jesus reentered Heaven, any born- again believer upon death has gone directly to Heaven. The other thief is still confined in the other compart· ment of Sheol, where he will remain until the c;;lose of the MillenniUm . Ar th<H time all the lost will be brought before the Great Whit e Throne to be judged ac;;c;;ording to their sins and will then be c.a~t into the lake of fi re (Rev. 20:13, 14). 1HE ~~~L£ n CotltoiiUYS •• St.t.. NU. ••lAM aMM.I lOGin' eHieAOO, IUWollort .0.U WILL GOOD WORKS SAVE? And almost all th1ngs are bV tn e taw purg-ed w1 th blood, and WI rhout shto'dd1ng of blood •s no ren115510r1 " 1 Hebrews 9:221 The aoos rle "s 111gument 1n the above passage •s tllar s.nce ts raet ·s certtmono al taw was tvo•cat of thHlgs ru come •Is c;;onstant shed· do ng of blood pcumed to the neces- SI I'f of Chrt s t·s sacrd1coal death 101 the re~tuss•oo of Stns Certarnlv th e B•ble teaches that 'Chr~st d•ed lor ou r SinS n Cortnth tans 15:3) Those who seek mstead to ma ke themselves acceptable to Goo b'f wor ks should cons1der the lewrlng: Our LOfd never committed s1n He always dtd those th•ngs whtch pleased th e Fat1ler Hts mul· •strv was til ted w11h ac ts of mert:v and k1ndness He heated the stck. cleansed the leper. made I he blind to see . the deaf to hear and the tame to lean tor IOV He preached th" gospel to. the poor tieltverance to the captoves and healed tl"oe brokenhearted . Yet all these good THE BIBLE WOf ks could not avatl to cancel one stn or ease the consctence at 01e gulltv so nner Indeed had He done all these good works and then gone to !leaven w1thout cl\l tng 1n our stead, He would /lave left us H"! a deeper con- de mnattoo than before. fa-Hts holy. spotl ess I tie could ontv emphas11e our Slfl and guilt by contrast. And 1f al l H1s good VIIOfkS could not av ad to erase even one s1n from the black record of human behavtor. how utter ly preposterous for the S!nper to hope to tM"ase a cancel hts s•ns bv h•s own ··good worts ""! Thus .1n contraSI. the Btble Pre1ent1 Ch,.st"s death as the puce of our redemptoon: 'We have redemp!H)(l throu!tJ Hos blood th e forg1 veness of stns . IC· COII"dt ng to the nches of Hos grace .. (Ephes oan s 1·7). 'Be•ng JUS tif ied fr eely bv IGod.s) grace, through the redempt•on 1~1 os on Chrt st .Jesus·• !Romans 3:24) AND EVOLUTION BAPTIST BWLE: TRIBUNE, Sprlngfleld, Missouri by Lawrence Mullinax find, mean1 the gr.tUIII The Bible does not uy one thing about evolution. II does aay much about God creating and therefore, much against evolution. H you are JnterMted some of the passage~ you might read are: Nehemiah 9:6; "Thou, ....., thou, ar1 l.ofd aktne; thou halt made hMwn, the ,....,., of henent, wtth all their holt, the Mrlh, and all thlngt that ar11 therein, tiM ... ,, and aU that It therein, and thou preMf'V•t them all: and 1M Mit of h..ven wonhlppMh thee.'' Job 28 :7; "'He atretcbelh out the nortfl over 1M Mll!pty pl .. , end na...-the eerlh -notlllnv ... PNima 102:5; ••ay ,....... oftM..-etmy....,...•"'' __ .. ,_ ... Acta 14:15; ••Aftd MJinl, Sirs, wi!J dO p -........, w ................ . pru'rne w1tt1 ,eu,.., P'IIFh -,.. -,. -111m ____ ... ...... -.--,...., ............... .. -.-.... -..-- .....,,.... 11 :3 •• ...,.,...... -.. ---... ....... _.. , .... ., .. -.. -.. -...... ------.............. ,, ... " You ,._, .._ ,.... 0.:1111 CMI*R,..,., 2 end I flbi'ewl 1:14. " .,,a ' ID ,. ... Wlhdlftll ........... a r • • •-• • .. " urPJ .., -,_.-. 'rrrt. .......... -uszaiiJ deoveloPfT*'It of a lower type of .. Hfe Into a higher form Of life. Now 1 would like to Mk thole who hold to ~ wolutlonary l)rOC::.M two q uee11on1. Where did lite oome from In the beoglnnlng? Secondly, why can't you produce and prove ., llluttrallon of natural tran&Jtlon from Inorganic matter to organic matter to organk: life to human life? There 11 a po~~Jble gtowth end -~ to a IJmJiod degrM wllhln tpecl•, but never hal there been a tranrmutatlon of lite from one apec::l• to another. Let me cloM wllh thla one llluttratlon. Look at the tn~tch on your arm. If I tried to tell you that It ~ved from 1 lump of metal, you would laugh. The natural law of dellgn uya th«e Ml to be a ctNtor behind tM wetctl. Even 10 doel the ctMtton of men demand tM taw ot deltgn by God. To me It tak• 1 lot more faith to ~lew #the ooolutlonOt)' ~ thon II dooo to bellewo thO Bible wfloo It uya uln hit IJLM ...... ............. Gen•l•1 :1' If )'OU wont to bel-tho! JOUr MOlitOr -• morikey, then 110 -· 1 -IIOfnv 10 bel-111e Bible. ol oouroo, wem.., __ lhol tf .. .WtDAno to-God, .. -lila -otoMion ., lila --.2--5:17 ..,.; u'l'llllzfs •• .,-... a.... ..... _ ., .......... .. ..... ltllfo .. ...... _ -·" Thoughts to ponder as you grow In the Chrlsti•n life DECLSION MAGAZINE MlliDeapoUa:, M1Dil. His Shining Face Ro bert Fleming said of the ministry of Ro bert Bruce: '"Whilst he was in the ministry at Edinburgh he shined as a g reat light through the whole lend, the power and efficacy of the Spirit m o st sensibly ac companying the wo rd he preac hed ... his s~ch and h is preaching was in such evidence and de mons tration of the Spirit thet by the shining of his face, and that s ho wer of divine influence, wherewith the word spoken was ac companied, it was easy for the hearer to perceive that he had been in the mo unt with God ... he preached o rdinarily with s uch life and power. and the wotd spoken by him was ac companied with such a manifest presence, that it was evident to the hearers he was not alone at the work ... -some of the most stout-hearted o f his hearers were ordinarily made to tremble , and by having these doors. whic h fo rmerly had been bolted against Jes us C hrist . as by an ir resistible power broke open, lind the sec rets o f their hearts made manifes t , they went away under con vic tions and carrying with them undeniable proofs o f Christ speaking in him."' How Large the Audience A dear old preacher labored illite one n ight o n 8 sermon to be given ne:J~:t dar, to a handful of parishioners. His wi esaid, "Dear, whydoyouworkso hard on your message? Only a few will hear it.·· "Yo u forget, my delltr," he replied . ""ho w large my lltudit;nce will be!" No thing is trivial here tf heaven looks on. We shall play a bette r game if , "seeing we are . encompllts sed," we remember who IS in the grandstand! (Vance Havner). 1 Submit to God The C hristian , therefore, should not ask the question, "What ought I do?" unles s he has first decided that he will d o the will of God before he knows what that will is. He must be: willing to d o God"s will whether or not he likes It . and whether or not it seems s uitable lind expedient. Indeed, doing the right thing may be costly, and to the c oldly calculating mind it may 8ppear to be the height of foolishness. But the "foolishness" of God is wiser than the wisdom of men, and whllt does not make sense to the world makes a great deal of sense in the Kingdom of God (Harold Lindsell).1 ... From the standpoint of our faith we should take our humble end contrite place in God's plan of the whole, and leave il to him to complete the fragmentation of our life (Reinhold Niebuhr), • ... It Is necessary for me to be humble and spiritual. to seek communion with God, to adorn my profession of the Gospel. and to yield submissively to his disposal. In whatever way, whether of service or suffering, he shall be pleased to call me to glorify him In the world (John Newton).' . . . The will of God lsexactly that- the will of God. It Is not my will. lam not called to be Successful but to be his; not to hove greet results In my life, bull am called to be faithful (Roger C. Palms). • ..• To will whot Cod doth will , tholls the only science that gives us any rest (Chr~fen 0. /0\olesherbes). By Carl Mclntir• What Does the Lan~ing · 1 P"rom Till CIIJU8'TlAJf BE~COH Mars Say A:hout God? eow.c-.H.J. on (Ceet! rd rr.rtiUt werlt) ,... U 'll'leDII tht: Uy 1n which we live. He il the w. ~ ... ~ .. _.,. God o(~ IIIIo. . •TIIo l..tilte .. Niis ~ Ua -dlot God • I God of J-told you dlat tho nply to thJa l .. t of mlne, Do -1)'. flo to 1 God who to ...,., Did you ,.. -wo "-111o -of .,_en7 Yeo, we know lhcm colontl .........., Did you ~ 1bo tol-IIIIo WMkT 11111 God._ ....ted ilwm lo "''" the Blblo. Did )'011 1M lhe -_.,.,., Did you -how IIIey Do Y'* •-r lhc aermons I preoohed lo you aplaiMd chat U... ,... DOt .... llluu p6ctu,. at aD, wben mm ..,...1 to the '*nT We turned back to th«* 111oy "" Hao by llne,llne by 111M • IIIey c-duoo.... .,_t ,_ 1117 1n Jeremiah and In I IIIah, where God 11aan they . ..., the hOrkon II'Jd tMy llld tt w• 1 ... to che Qa.l4ren of Israel concemtns the ordlntnce beautiful dl)', a c:U day on Mad.. T'hlft they lOt tbe of tho moon ud t.,(' ord.tnance of the sun, and llld that odler pktu,., and they be.,n to say, W.O. It w• pl:tk they lhould be chqcd. There wW not be a 101'1 to sit uad m1ybe It wu 1he reOecdon of the earth ln the upon the throne of David. Reme~er th(K sreat text.? hel'lens Uke we lme sornettmu. Whit could It be? He il Every time we look at l.be moon now, etpecillly when a God ofbeeUty. we come to the Pauover tcuon, we see the areal Motel Cod did not make ~nythlq He made for notlUnJ, He never made anythins He: made to be tbJOwn away. Everythina He made, He made for HimaeJf, and He made It to be uted for Hit &fory, Now they teU UJ that Man only hu th'" per Ceftt of -what b this pi? Nitro•a. I au-they aay It Is. Other elements are there. The conditiona are auch that there C:ould be Ufe. WeD. it would not iike lone for the lord to chan• · thrt, If He wanted to. Aoct when I look 1t earth, I realize that we Uve m a beautiful plac:e. When I looked at the colors of Man. aDd l stw It. I thouFt. What is it JOinl to be like when we Ft a chance to Fl closer to the Milky Wry? But our God il a Cod who mikes beautiful thlnp. rnd the meat bewtifuJ thina He wanta to make Ia ICll1leOOe lib Hia Son. Ind. th1t someone Ia you tnd L The beau~• of God. We ouJht to apprecilte our own earth a Uti~ more now, really we ahould. You cannot tum anywhere in ntture ln the aummertime, in the•a,intheah,wherever you tum, here Hit finaerprinU ·are; here il God's handiwork. And We rejok:e in iL I had an interesting experience this week. I bought a box. of cherries, and you ahould have aeen me peddling those cherries around down It Cape May yesterday. "Where did you get the cberrica? .. "Well, take one . ., I was givln& everyone a cherry. You know, I just looked at thOle cherries, a little stem . on them, little purple things -just so juicy -and they tasted good, and I just enjoyed them. And then someone came along and pve me a plum, a nice. beautiful, bJ&, red plum. The peaches are getti~. ·The apples will be slong pretty soon. Just thin'-of it -aU these marvdous things.. If Cod has put 10 many things on this earth, aU the vari•ty of trees and bushes, and all the plants and the flowers and the colon, if He has put this much beauty around us on this liltle earth, what do you think there must be in tho great expense of His universe? We ouJht to thank God that He lovea ys. We ou&Jtt to thank God that He loob down upon ua. We ouaht t~ thank God that He has tokJ us He II aoinJ tQ take us who bear the imap of the earthy, and we ue earth to earth and •hes to uhes.. He is going to tab Ul and make out of us the m011 bea.utiful creatures in the univene, bec.uae we are JOb\& to be like Jeaua, Hit only beJotten Soo. IV. He Is the God of the Bible He ia a Cod or beauty; that nows from the order. ADd finally, u we think of the landin& on t.b.r1, He is the God of the admtilt:L The Iandin& on Man -He is tM God of law aDd order. The landinatOn'l4us -Ue.ts tbe God of bet:uty and of JOQd.nea. The landi.n& on Man -He .. the God or the Bible, and the Bible tells us or til Son. The landing on Nan opens the Book; It &iYes the Book a dJmeruion that bM alwaya been there, but our U.Ddentandin& of it hu *nply been miUJed by the ------BAPTIST BIBLE TRIBUN moon -there Jt is in the heaven -and that moon b not aoinc to mowe out of iu place ; it is not goina to cha.nae Its order It 11 101n1 to stay there until the fullness of God'a ~elation hu come to pass in ~esus Quist, our Saviour. -u Oh, the peatest joy that you and I wiU ever have WI be the opportunity to look into His face, and to see Him, and to know that He is the Son of God, and He came out of the fullnea of eternity and out of the b<*Hn of Heaven down to this little earth, past Man, ~~ Venus, past aU the planets.. put the Milky Way, and He came right down onto this little earth, where man_l~­ He went into the womb of a vi!Jin as the Holy Spmt pve Him life, IPd then He was born. He Uved here for only thirty-three yean., and He proclaimed that He was the Son of God: Everything He did was to tell men that He was the Son of God. He spoke ofbeing.u.p in Heaven and on earth at the same time. He uid. "Befo~e Abraham wu I am." He made these great claims concemlng the works of creation in whk:h His hands were active, ·carrying out the great purposes of God. God was in Quist reconciling the world unto Himsel f. This is the Christ who raised the dead. In this grc<ll passage ·here, God says to Job, Job, have you unlocked the doors of death? Job, have you looked into the shadow of death'! Yes, Jesus said , I have come to give My life a ransom for many. And on that cross He died , satisfied divine justice to bring us back in reconciliation. to restore us into fellowship with God. NO'W, we can talk 10 God and say .. Abba, Father." "Our Father, who an in heaven, hallowed be thy name." The landing on Man! the landing on Mars! II made us look into the heavens and starch into the Bible and thank and biCsa God that down in this place of misery, strugale, trouble, there is a God. He has given us a Book. Do you undersund now why my heart is j\Jst bubbling over with the joy of the Lord, Do you undentand? "In him we Uve and move and havi' uur being." And what is God? God is a Spirit, infi nite, eternal and unchanaeable in His being. wisdom, puwe1 , holineu, justice, goodness, and truth. Blessed be the Ct•d of brae1 from everlasting to everluting! And they l>a 11~ a new song, and it was a song of cru tion· Thuu lt:1s1 created all things by Thy power and for Thy glo •y thr\ were and are created, and unto Thy naute bel ongc tll majesty and dominion and glory and J"IOWCL Th,· Almighty God. . The landing on Mars speaks to w about c;ud, and 11 ought to brtna us to worship Him. It ought to b rmg us to love Him more. It ought to bring us 10 the pb cc where we want to teO everyone about how He loved us down on this e~rth so much that He ~nt Christ '" die form. and on that cross He accomplished and ri ni sh('(l everything necessary for our redemption. Now that we h.,e reached Mars and we can see it and get a weather report, the heavens should be more beautiful to us in Jaus Christ our Lord. e by O~id W. Smith 'TIIings tile Lord Hates' (COMTIMU!D I"•OM L•ST W!U) Society says th1t a 'NOfMO. if •hre 10 dtsirn, befOI"e the binh of hret ~ can have an lbor· tion. God c.ll1 this sin murdlr. Society ays it'• alr)fht not to c.ll the whole truth if you meant "Mil. God calls this lin lying. Society uy1 that two men Of two women living topther .. ~ben of 1 r~ group c.ll.c:i the G1y Lit:.ation Soci- ety. God Qlls this .,-,ibM sin homoMxuallty. God's posiUon on sin is that He twt.s iL He IO'f'ts the linnet, but .,_tft his sln. Our podtlon Jhoutd be thl Nme. Many churches -MMt pertors haw let down ttMr t.rrien. TMv no lon91f prectic. Bfble -.per• don from sin. They no longer pr-=h mauagn •!nat sin. They no kw1ger hna lin. If we s1Md with God, ._ must stand ........ ond hote lin. God hatu wi~ n:ftov.rWa~ -n--r ,.,._, MHI ,.._, -*'"-0-: "rhawfOIW God. O>y God, hetl> -- -"'"' ... oil ., ,..,_ -O>y ,.,_--41:7 By n1tur1 all .. wldtld. '7IN _," -""'-.. ......,. __ . ..,._, flllho CM ltftOW /rr' .MrwmWt 17:1~ Jatus Him•lf Mid, ":.... 'f'lyt tltlhk:h ~ OCit of 1M ,.,, tNt *'"-_, ~ ,..,. For from WlliNn. OCit ol,.. ,._,.,of,.,, ,.~., ......... ..,,.., ,.. ..... ~ ""'"*"'.. .,... Ml-1 I ;. ,II 'c' ...... .. ,.Jt, 'M\'11 'l'u a • ""* .,..., ........ 11.~,.,.,.. fwtAWx ••• "All -M • .,. -__ .., __ _ ---7:»ZZ . .,_ .. __ w.-............. ,, .... ..... .,, •. ±. .,. •• filthy rap: MJd ~ Ml do f~ • 1 luf:Mrd our iniqui ri". lik• rh~ wr"nd h•ve t.kM ua ,..,.y_" lwiatl 64:6- "As i t iJ wri~n. Thwr iJ nont! righteous, no. nor ~: T,_,e '' non~ U..r unc¥rlt.nd- erh. therl if non~ th.t .-ek~rh ~fter God. They .,~ all f/O'H! out of t/1~ IWY, rh!lfY ¥tl togtJ~r M- com~ un(Nofitllbl•} th•rt! iJ non~ tlt•r cJo.th good, no, not ontt ... Rom111s 3:10·12. Som• people seem to have. a diff icult time underuanding the wrcked and unrighteou$ condi· t10n the1r hurt is in. A short time ago I talked with •n elderly IMty, problblv in her 80's or 10, who was VltfV ilt. I ltMted talk· ing about death. tnd nght 1wey she became v•rv upset. I •ikflt her why this upset her so. and with big tears in her eyfl, 1h• uid, "I can't sle.p at ni_,t for ,,., of dyin1:' I began exptein- int to h« how the lord could tllke awey til thtt f .. jul1 by -'tint Him for forgiwnest of lin and truetlng HhTI for Mtvttion. Sha toobd at me jult a IOOefo. t.c.d . • ooukl be. lind Nid, ''Why4"-werend, I've,..,.,. doM anything wront. Wtl, meybe ..,...,. little 1hi'WI, but nothing t.d enor.9't to. tD 10 hill for. ....,._ ....-ory for a · little whUe, but not ...,nrl hill," ,\II Untlthteous lut lhe lrutft it .. .-a COP-~ to .-net hlfl and. -·---1111 of Ul •e bv Mtuft wfc::lwd and -~."And--"' ,. -.... "'"' h My ,.,. *' .,,., IWiflw ••a sa _,.,. ............. , ..... .. .flit,..,--"-"' ... ,.... -, ,.. - ....... lice. 21 :27 ~ ltlsalra•"• .. ttJ law ty ... tat;h •• , ........ . • unless by some m~rade our Wick. edness and unr~ghteou~nes\. which God hates, c.Jn be changed to goodneu. F"trst ol all you mvn ou+t trymg to jun ifv yourself. Paul recogn1led th1s es a barroer 10 the salvation of manv Jew•~ people when he uud. "Brr!thrwn, my ~.,,·~ de$irr! Mid pr•yer to God for Jv.el i1, th•t rh•y migllc bt! uved. For f btMr thfJm record rh•t th~y h•ve • n•f of God, bur not «eording to knowledge. For the y btting ignor.nt of God's rightt!OUsnea. Mid going •bout to ntablilh tltWr OMn dg/JrNua- ness. hw11 not wbmi ttftl them· wlvn unto tn. rigltrrwu.,_ of God." Rom1ns 10: 1-3 • Second, you must repent ol your sins. "/ ~WI you, N•y: but. UCfiPt ye ,.,.nt, Y• .JJMI all likewi• per-ilh." 1M witting to sav to the l ord, "I have sinned. Pt.ase forg•ve me of my sins." Third, be wilting t01M:Cept by fa ith Jesus Christ and Hts right .OUitteSI. "And t. found In him, not ,.,.ing mfM ON't rlfltr.ou,_., which i1 of th~ l•w. but lh,t whk:h ;, through 1M f.!th of O.mt, the rightNu~nn~ t/Jiich .iJ of God by !.;lit;" Philippians . u . After ecceptlng Him • your Saviour. you Cl!" say with me • "Not by work• of rlfh~«~utne .,ich ... ,..., don•. but ltCCord· ing to hi• mercy M ~ ua. by m. ,..,..., of ,.,..don . .,d ,.,....., ol 1M Holy 0'-t: twHdlo Mlh«J on w 16undMI/y ~-Olriot--.. "'"' ,.,., /u#lflod by hit'""· .. fliiould .. -,.;,.- /nt to ... ,_ of·-Hfw. • '"""3:1-7. ........God ...... w.t ""--... -lno of ... Nloo- WIIia.tlft...C ,., ..... but ... .... , ..... 11 I tt • I H I H [ s a [ s I H ' ~ PlMLI C NOT I Cll -=~P~U~B~~~IC~N~O~T~I C~£~=::!P~Ij~B~I..~I~C~N~C>~T~I~C~I!~= P1C 11'1 1001 81BOCIM -FJC1TI'I)UI BWIWia HAIIJ ft'ATKIIIIIIT JC'-rr ·---111' 1-111• PUBLIC NOT1C«. TN llol*rllr-.. -~··-· .A1'UIIIIT or AIWf. 11o111 '"'""'"'.., 111o-Till lollowlll -1o OOIIIIIliT or._ orne. Bar -r ud ~ doill boot--U: '-"· TlTIOOII BW IIAII£ sn Jrto A.. eo.-dol bock 1..._ tOO s. no ~-1ou llor, Cllll:'iUS:"Goorp ~Co.-clolllu·= .......... lloo ~of Die J0141Pb ClnCJII, 511 U1a t:IIIS: W'UUul B. ,..,...,., Bill I is lfaiD« Att .. CoroMIIIIMar,CIIU. 100! .. JA.M. Corola del 'fJf.eJY,''IIOlJlrote.SIItt 810111. llu, Cllll. -· 110, JCnport -.., CA. TbJa bi1I1111Ja~-TIU blefMif&.tcoadllc:t... lUI(), 1'bt ftoiM Lw ....... od ., ....... ~.llpod: od "" .. ~.$~poe~, -.... .-... -Goorp J. c.._ W. H. ltnlld. wu lllod 1o C.., oe- Tbl.o llalomllll wu IIJod TblO --WU lllod !St lilT!. Alu W. Vloln, wUb tat ooulltJ c:lert o1 o,.... wttta tbe eoaDty ettrt of Or-z.ul stern Vllta, Newport Ull Couty ...... 11 1177. .... CooiiiJ ""'· I, 19'17. Bacb, CA 9!ee0. Mlilb: J.ac:, 15, .... 1, MUA: Aac. 11, 11, ~. T1l1t ~ wu coo-a, 15, 19'17, m tbe !ftwPOrt Sept. t, 11'17, Ia ttt.Newport a.ettd bJ an Lall'f1l)al. A1aP Rubor Eaodp. F-8G'III ' Rubor 1-FIOOst W. VIeiro. PUBLI C NO T ICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The foliOWlfl& ,perJOn 11 dot.QI buslness as: Island Martoe, 114 Martoe AYe., BaD:Iot Island, Cal. 92662: GU'J D. Webster, 114 Mu- lDe An., Balboa Island, Cal. 9Z&U; Frances E. Webster, 112 Marfoe AYe., Balboa ts. laDd, Cal. 92662, Thla business Is coOillct- ed by ID lod.IYtduJ.I, Signed: Fruces E. Webster. Tb11 atatement was ftled wtth tbe county eJerk of Or-a.nce County Aug, 12, 19'17. Pub1lsb: Aug. 18, 25,Sept, 1, 8, 1977, ID the Newport Harbor Ensign. F -80372 PUBLI C ~OTICE S-811145 FICTITIOUS BIJSIIIESS NAIIE STATEIIEJCT Tile foiiO'Willc por-lo do1Dg busi.DeSI IS: Hobaet_ 162& Newport BIYd., 110, co.a. Mea, Cal. 91&27: MulDe JobDIOO KDorr, IBM Newport Bl'fd,, f l O, Costa Mtll, Cal. 9Utl. Th1a: buiDea Ll c.ooduct. ed by lG IDIIIY!daal. Slgned: MuiDe J. Koorr. This statemtDI ftl rued wttb the cocmty clerk ot Or· ange CoontJ Auc. 12, 19'11. Publtsb: Aug. 18, 25,8ept. 1, 8, 1!17'7, 1D tiMJ Nnport P.amor Enslen. F .aoss1 PUBLI C NOT I CE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following peraoa t. PUBLIC N 0 TIC E doq business as: Rbash&an s.86132 Music, 710 Feroleat An., FICTITIQUS BUstriESS Corooa del Mar, Calif. NAME S'TATEMENT 92625: Ira J. Ra.lbon, 710 Tbe follow ing person ts Fernleat An., Corona del dolliiJ business as: Canaday Mar, Calli. 92625. & Associates, Inc., 16781 Th.Js busiDeu l.s conduct- MUUken, Irvine, CA . 92714: ed by an 1ndh1dull. S1(ned: Four SaH Properties, Inc., Ira J. Ralboo. CalU. corp., 16781 Milliken. Tbls statemeDI. was rued l"lne, CA. 927 14. wtth the courty clerk of Or- This buslness is conduct. ange County Aut. 8, 1977. ed by a corporation. Publish: Aug. 11, 18, 25, Corporation Name: Four Sept, I, 197?, 1o the New- Sall Properties, In<:., Chris port Harbor Enstgn.. F .80()60 Canaday, Pres. PUB_L IC N O TICE This statement was fUed wltb tbe county cler k of Or. FICTITIOUS BUSlNESS anee Cou nty Aug, 10, 1977, NA ME STATEMENT Publish: Aug, 18, 25,Sept. The tollowl,.-peraoo ts 1, 8, 1977, In the Newport doing business as: TUrldoe- Harbor E nslgn. F' -80208 ton £ustoess Management: 943 Cedar Place, Costa Me- PUBLIC N OTIC E sa 92627: Jaclyn JUI Turk~ S.85839 ington Lee, 943 Cedar PI:,' STATEMENT OF ABAN -Costa Mesa, CA. 92627, OONMENT OF USE OF FIC ~ This business Is c.ordlct- TITJOUS BUSINESS NA.ME ed by an indiYldual, Signed: The toUowtng ~rson has J. Jill Turkington~. abaadooed the use or tht Thls .statern.e:ot was. ftl.M , ftct1ttCIQs business ram~ J. with ~~ COUI:I4Y clerk ol (>r. D. PropertieS, 453!tRoJbury ~e ~Cou~y. ·.Augo.l2, J1l'l •. Road, Corona del Mar, CaJ-Publish: Aug. 18. 25,Sept. Uontla 92625. The FJcttttous 1, 8, 1977, In tbe Newport BusJ.Dess Name referred to Harbor Ensign. F -803'73 above was nled In Orange PU~LI C N O TI CE County on June 27, 1977 . Lee l Bromtley, 4539 Rox~ FICTITIOUS BUSINESS bury Road, Corona del Mar, NAME STATEWENT CalllornJa 92625. The followlng person is Thia: business was con-dollli busioess u: Ms. ducted by an iodiviOOa.J. Mintz' fl..otasy, 114 Ap.te Signed: Lee t Bromlley . Street, Balboa Island. CaJU. Thts statement was filed 92662: Deborah Mae Walt- wltb the county clerk of Or-er s, 1440 N. CallJornla Ave., aace County Aug. 11, 19'77, La Puente, CaJlt. 9174-4. Publish: Aug. 18, 25,Sep«. This business 1s coDdoct. 1, 8, 19?7, In the Newport ed by an IDdtYidual, Signed: Harbor Ensign. F.7806S Deborah M. Walters. This statement wu ftled ~_::.P_::UcoB:_:L:_;IcoC:.:_:N_::O:_:T:_:I_::CcoE:__ with the county clerk of 0r- S.86l40 a..nce County Aug. 10, 19?7. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS Publtsb: Aug, 18, 25,Sept. NAME STATEMENT 1, 8, 1977, ln tbe Newport Tbe following pe rson is Htarbor £:o.sign. F' .80213 do~ busio.e-ss as: RusseU II Aaoclltes Sales Consull- aots, 888 Sandcastle Drh·e, Corooa del Mar, California 921525: Richard F. Russell, loc., California corp., 888 Sandea.atte Dr ive, Corona dtl Mar. Calltornta 92625. This business Is conduct. ed bJ a corporation. Corporation Name: Rich- ard F, Russell, lnc., Rich- ard F. RusselJ, Prestdeot. Thts statemeDt was toed wltb tbe county clerk of OJ'. IDle County Aug. 11, 1977, Pltlll1b: Aug, 18, 25, Sept. 1, 8, 19?7, In the Newport Harbor Ensign. F -80276 PUBLI C NOT ICE S-86139 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT PUBLIC NO T ICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The toUowtoc persons are doln& busloess as: San Joa- quin Management and Leas. ll<! Co., 139ZZ Dol~ Sonia Aoa, Calif, 92705: Bryson E. Hickman. 1947 Port Bishop Place, Newport Beach 92860. Tbls bastoeu is coodact. ed by 1D l.odlYidual. Slped: Bryson E. HlckDWL. This statemeat was D.ltd with tlle cotui:y elerk of Or- .,., CouiiiJ Au(. IZ, lll77. Publish: Aug. 18, Z5, Sept. 1, a, 197?, tn the Newport Harbor Eoslp, F' .803?1 PUBLI C NOTICE S-8111Z3 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEIIENT PUBLI C NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUillNESS NAil£ STATEMENT Till 11011.,.1111 porooo u doll( .,. ...... u : Mnpon e., Prot .. slooll BuUdiDC, Zfll E. Coast HJpway, Co- rollll del liar, Calli. 9:26Z5: DomtoJe Caclo, 146 StQre. cllfl lld., Corona del Mar, Cllll. 92625. Tb11 baiiD&SI 1.1 eoodaet- ed bJ ao Lodl'fldul. SJgoed: DomeDlc Caelo. Tbta atatemeat was ftled w1tb tbe couty clerk of or. uc• CouatJ Aac. 8, 1977. ~bUab: Auc. 11, 18, 25, Sept. 1, 19'17, lo tbe New- port Rubor Eo.sip. F -80055 PU'BLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAil£ STATEMENT Th1t ltltttnlllt .... ftlld wttb tbt eouty clerk of Or- lUll Couty ...... 11, 1177. PubUob: ...... 25, Stpl. 1, a, 1,, U77, 111 u. New- port IWtlor £-F. 775ZI P U BLIC NOTICE 8·815174 FICTITIOUS BOSiliESS HAllE ST ATEIIEJCT The tollowt.ac periiOU are dollol bulloeu u: Flllloa Associates, 1411 Cwt, New· port Beaeb, CA 9U60: Mary Kay Koootal, 538 Wlutoa, Puadeu, CA 111107; st~Ye R. KoDfal, 1411 CUff, New- port Boo<b, CA 92&&0. Tills basloeu 1s c.ol:dJct. ed bJ a CHtnl partDenblp. SlcDed: Mary Kay Kollfal. Partoer. This lta.temlllt was ftltd with tbt coumy clerk of Or. ance County Auc. 15, 19'77. Publlsl" Aug. Z5, Sept. 1, 8, 15, 19'71, 1D tbe New- port Rubor EDBlgD. F --80410 P~;!BL'IC NOTICE; F'ICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The tollowtac per10n is dolog buatoeas as: Ma.rana- thl A(eacy tor Travel, Agen- cy for Truel, 38 Broot- hoUow Drtte, SutaADI.,Ca. llf. 92'705: Tours of the Way Inc., Calltornta corp., De- cember 6, 1973, sa Brook- hollow Drive, Santa Ana, Ca-Ut. 92705, The followt.og persons are Tb.ia bustoess is condl:lct-; doing buslDess as: HarTY ed by a corporation. E. Karsten Jr., Partnership, Corporation Name: Toure 4627 Camden Dr., Corona of the Way Inc., Israel Car-del Mar, Ca. 92625 : HarTY mona, Prealdeot, E. Karsteo Jr., 4627 Cam. TbJs statemem was ftled den Dr., Corona del War, with tbe county clerk of or. Ca, 92625; Andy Karsten, aoce County Aug, 8, 1971. 22841 Costa Bella, Publlsh: Aug. u. 18, 25, El Toro, Ca. 92630; Gary Sept, 1, 1977, 1o the Newport W. Pomery, 2907 Ebbtlde Harbor Eostgn. F -80048 Rd., Ccrona del Mar, Ca. 92625. P1J BL I C N 0 T ICE This busi.oess is coDduct. S.85818 ed by a genenl partraersbip. FlCTITlOUS BUSINESS Slgned: HarTY E. Karsten Jr. NAME ·srA'tE'M£ltf .... · Tbt~ !t2teait"Dt'ltU nted The following person Is wttb tbe couoty clerk of Or~ dolllc busloess, as: AnDie 's anee County Aug. 8, 19'77. Jewelry Shop, 320 MartDe Publlsb: Auc. 11, 18, 25, Ave,, Balboa tsland. Calif. Sept.1, 19?7, 1D the Newport 92662> Thomas ilo,.jlao, Hart>or Eoslgn. . _ F -80057 571$Cbltu:A•e.,frt)tttaHot.. P.UB IC NaT I)"'PP04.1C aUf,'ll&Ol~tl•lt.n'l .n •' 1 h, ., \£'; , ·· Thl.l. buloess f.& c::oDct-FICTITIOUS BUSINESS ed by an ladlvldlal. Sjped: NAME STATE.MENI' Thomas Boyajlaa. Tbe toUo'llrtDg persons are This statement was tued doing bosloess as: Sbor~ with the oouaty clerk of Or. Development, 12 Tribute Ct., ance Couoty July 15, 1977. Ne-wport Beach, Calif. 92663: Publlsb: Juc. 11, 18, 25, l'nld Wm., Shores, 12 Trt- Sept, 1, 19'77,1n tbeNewport bute Ct., Newport Beach, Ha.rbor EnaJcn. F -79011 Calif. 92663; Patricia PUBLIC N OTICE Sbores, 12 TrlbuteCt.,New---.:.::.:::-;:...-:c..!....:.:C--port Bnch, Calif. 92663 ; S~8582Z Caf'J Koeb, 7 S-..tft Court. F'ICTmous BUSINESS Newport Beach. Calif. 92663. NAME STATEMENT This boslDess is conduct- The foUowtac per110o la ed bJ a ceneral partnership. ~ busloess u: Fin Po lot Stcoed: Patricia Shores. CJeaoers, 1864:1 Main st.. This statemeot n s nted HuillJ..I:ICtoo Beach, CL 92647: wltb tbe couli:y clerk or Or - Youac KII)Wbuc.6401 War. at~~e Coaoty Aug. 8, 19'77. Der be., 1564, HuntlDCtoo Publlsb: Aug. 11, 18, 25, Beacb, CL 9264'7. Sept, 1, 1977, in the New- This business Is cooduc-port Harbor Ensign. F .80056 ted by an 1nd1YIIl!ai. Signed: Y ouac Kap Whaoc. This statemeot na tlled wltb the count7 clerk or Or. aace County Au&. 2, 197'7. Publlsh: Auc. 11, l8, 25, Sept, 1, 1977, Ill tbeNewport Harbor Enslen. F -79796 PUBL IC NOTI CE S-85819 FlCTmOUS BUSINESS NAIIE STATEMENT The tollowlac penoo ls cloiJI( bosllooss ..., II. l, IDe .. USOZ Madrop.cta, Ills. sloG VIejo, CIIUorDII !12475: Mtu~ramtth taastrtM - a ClllllorDll c:orooraUaa, zuoz llodnpde, llluloo Vlojo, Clllllornla 92675. This buJ1111 ls ooaduc:t- td by a COJ110n..tioll.. Corpontioa II.JM: Wes- aenmlttl ~rtu, Robert ... _ ..... ~~~, '-· Tbls ltatemllt wu 41ed Wllb lbo _..,clerk"' Or- PUBL IC N OTIC E S~85803 STATEMENT OF ABAN . OONMENT OF USE OF' FIC ~ TmOUS BUSINESS N AM£ The followiogpersoo(per- sons) han abandoned the use of the n cuuous busin- ess name America West Construction. Inc:. at 1201 Don Stl'ftt, Suite 490, New- port Beach, California 92660. The ft ct1Uous busi- ness name referred toabo.-e wa s tiled 1D Cou oty on 8 AprD 19?7. Dese-rt Crest lot., A Calli:>rnla Corpor- atloa,. 1201 Dove St., Suite 490, Newport Beacb, CaJif. 9ZI&O. This busloesswascoU»c- ttd bJ 1 oo rpon.tfon.St(ned: Dnld K. Varoer, Prestdeot. Tbls s taement was rued wltb tbe couot-y clerk of Or- I.JIIe COQQtJ Jul1 28, 197'7. Tbt lo11owl.t:W per80DI art clollll bill .... u : ElDorado R, V, Rtntal5, 10870Kalama Rtftr Road, Fouatain ValltJ, Cllllltmda 928a7: Ptter Bry. 1111, 1106 Well R~J~Mr St-,s .... ...._cA.9Z704; Torrr Bortle«, CZ82SI<Jiart Ar-.. lmae, CA. 11!'714; Bnc:t CQC~Per, 1555 Mea Verde DdYe Eut, f18.G, C-.._ CA. 9ZIU; Paul Dtttor, 11t0Z Gocllobo An .. -, Cerritos, CaJll)nl&a IICJIOI; Rlcllull z_., tr/4 A•-de Lu Flore., y-Ll8dl. CA. 9ZIII; WUIIuo P. Wlolllodl., Jr., 41U toe.ll Af-t, Loac -.-,cA..toiO'I. Tbe tollowilll penoa are ootac bast ..... u: o • o DtYelopmellll: Coa!PIJI1, !?11 E. CC>III IIle-Y. SalloiCII, Coroa& dtl Mu, CA *": 111(0 Couty ...... l , lt77. MUob: ...... II, II, 25, MUab: AQC, 11, 18, !5. Sept, 1, 19'77, LD the Newport Hartlor Eoslco. F .74384 nu teetr1n '-eoadlld ... II b7 I -nl po-llldp. WWIIII P. Wldl· Jr. -~--lllod -.. _..,.daR"' Or. • Cooa1J ""'· I!J. 1m. .......... u ....... :-!.a::.: a. ::: David P. Dt:Laoc:f, 4t01 CamdeD Drift, Corota del Mar, CA. IIU5i Sbella A. DoL&G<y. 4101 c- Drt• .. CoroM del Mar, CA. 9UI5; Olooa- CompuJ", a ~ COII!i~K~Md of WU1.IaJI 8 .... 1!0<11, r-nl ..-. IUC w. .Bor ·-llnport Boacll, CA -. ud Idol 11. llboroct, _nl,._ of -01--Co•· -· IUC W. Bo7 ... _ N-rt -.., CA-.U. nil Vdru &ac 0 ct .. od 117 1 JoUII 1 n,-.- Da.rld P, Pol-. 1'MI ... art ... Slid -Do _, dart "'Or-... c_, ...,.. 4, 1m . -..... ~ ....... t. 1, 1m, 11 a...._. ..,... IE11L f-*t Stell. 1, 1t'l?, Ia tbiHewport Rubor Eoolp. F-7t71Z P U BLIC N O T ICE PUBL.I C NOTICE $.858()4 -FICTITIOUS BUSIHESS 8-11115 HAllE STATEMENT .. FIC""';f"(j,Jifr()08R 8ii&:M:SS Tbe foJJowt.ac penon ls IIAIIS ITA.TKIIDT clolll( boll-u : Amerta 'ntiDI:Iowlzl ,...._ an •• eo.tne~~oac~. dotlc ,_,., 11 u: 1 11hu-1101 llote Sltrelt. S.Jte 410. Ill 1111, I-Bo,O•<ot ICnport Bacb, Cal.- Ill... F-11 YalloJ, Ctllf. C. G. _...,._ Lid., I trfot: ,._ ···,11101 Coldtr* ~rotloa, UOI Ill. -Ct., '••IIIII lloftltreot,Sallo410,JC .... V1D07, Callt; ....... R. port--, CoL -• .......... Raltert ,.. ....... s ll ~- ~ lall YlllorJ, Calif. . od 117 a--' t II .. 5 kt-Coi'Jontlea MaiM: C. G. od loy I--r1!p, • ..,...... Lid., llarld 111111* ..,.... W. S 1 z .,.,.., PN"Ifrsl .,.. ,~,• ..... ..,. ftlz •••Nm.t -a.~-~~Or--.. _,.-.,ar. -c_, llllJ n. tm. -c_, .,.., u. 1m. NMIIoo ..... II. 11, a, M ''* Aol· U, It, a, ._. 1, tm,• a.-.-. a,.a. 1, 1m, 1111111 ""•port -•·•r ,_,._ ...._ 1 IWL ,_.,.., NE'FORT IIARII!R EJjSICII PUIIUIHED ftEJ(LY ·VG.! THURSOAY, SEPT. I, IJn COIOA DEL liAR, CAUF. PUBLIC N OTICE ·--171 FICTITIOIJS Ma11E8S HAllE ST ATEIIEJCT IRVINE CO. TO PUBL.IC NOTICE ,.. i>llowlaa -· .. dolll--· .. -MASTER PlAN SCHEDULE CP-4110 FICTITIOIJS BClliiOESS MAllE STATEMENT 81!11\11.!1 ....... Ullllfot· . TN lrYIJoo eo_.,, ••· poitf'Bftlil.., ~ .,.._ ~Cil! "''W II DIW onto tlip. re- UorW 92U7: DDa1d S. ma.t. COCIIIDitted ~ Ua nw-w-. 30104. VIa VlciDrta, lor ..... IDr all octlre lr- Palol Vt.f'dt.t, Calllonla Yloe VU1ap1, IDCIDclkc 90Z'74. WOOCI>rldp, Turtle Roell, Th• lollowtar pthOIII are dollolblliotNU: llolldly HooH, 1m E, Cout Hwy,, Corona del Mar, CA ttm: 'Ro•ld F, Vu flee, 1100 Struck, Dra.ace, CA 92&17; llary E. Vu Ha. IISOO st~ck, Oruce, CA 9261'7. Ttlla bu11Dtu Ia CODdaet- ed by 111 uo.Jneorpontld u. aoctatioo otbtr t1a1 a part- .. nlllp. Slpeci: Rolllld F. Van Hee; Mary E. Van H". Tbta baa-11 ooadl:lct-H&ttlor Vt .. Ud tbt Daleb· ld by u LadiYidrlal. SJ,ped.: borboodl ol RaocbO SaoJoa- Dou..ld S. WOOdl. QUiD Ud Heritage Park. ac- Tbl.l ltalnMG& wu ftltd COrdiDC to Fruk E. Hucbes, wt1h tbt COIUitJ cltrk of Or-Ytee..presldeti: of tlle com- qe CoutJ Ataeut 15, tm. puy'a rnidemta.t dtrutoo Publlth: A.Qcust zs, Stp-aDd president of Its home tembtr 1 8 1$ 1m •-bulldlac dlwlaloo, lntoe Pa. ''',will Ute Newport Hutor EDiip. c c, F .. 8041)9 ''lrYIDt President Peter --::=::-:-=-=..,:.,.:;:=. Kremer hU reatnrmed 1.o This statemeDl wu ftletl wttb tbe courty tlerk of Or. uc• COWity Aag. n, 1m. P U BLIc N O TI c E tlle stroocest terms tbe com- Professional E~erow Ser- =·~~A~~.~~ No, 77 -0913--DD, Publish: Auc. zs, s.ot. 1, 8, 15, tm. In tile New. port Harbor EnslgD. F-80586 PUBLIC NOTICE S-86136 S':'ATEMENT OF ABAN- DONMENT OF USE OF FIC- TITIOUS PUSINESS NAWE The following peraoo baa abaodoned lbe use of tbe Fictitious Business Name: •· Alao's Clasatc Cars" at 1601 Don Street, Suite 230, Newport Bea.cb, CA 92660. The ftctttlous busi.Dtssaame referred to above wu filed In County on Jwte 15, 1977. Alan W. VIeira, 2421 Stern S-811104 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The lollo'IJt.lil penou. are dolac bact,... u: CalUor. ala Propert1•, a partner- ·~, 1000 Qua.Ustnet,Sulte 1150, NI'WJ)Ort Btlcb, Ca..U - fornla szsoo, Fnu ltools- cber, 1000QuallStreet:,Sulte 160, Npport Btaeb, Call- forD.la 9%660; RJetard Hoac- laDd, 1000 Quail Street, Suite 160, Newport B•cb, CaJr. lornla 92660. TbJ.s bus!Desa ls codlct~ ed by a ceoeral .-,rtoersh.lp. Slcntd: Frlt& lloelaeber. Tbls statemeot was ftled wttb tbe county clerk of Or~ qe Couaty Aug. 18, 19?7. Publish: Aue. 25, Sept, t, 8, 15, 1977, tn the Newport Harbor Enstca F -80617 Vista, Newport Beach, CA P U B LIC N OTICE 92660, S.86173 This business was con-FICTITIOUS BUSINESS <klcted by an ind..lvt<klal. Alan NAME ST JTEMENT W. Vieira, The tollowt'* person Is 'Tbl& statement was ftled dolnc business as: Ne-wport wltb the coollty clerk of Or. Stutrd Roll, 11 FashJon Is- IJlile County Aug. 11, 19'7 7. J.aod, Newport Ce-nter, New- Publlsb: Aug. 25, Sept. port Beacb, C A 92660: s. 1, 8, 15, 1977 , in tbe New-K ' o loc c' •··Ia • rt Ha E . ., •• 10 • .._ D S po rbor nslgn.. F .77522 Restaurant, 3333 Bristol. PU BLIC N O T ICE Costa.Mesa,CA92626, --""';:'::;-::'-.:.:.=-This bustoeS3 Is conduct- S--86147 e1 by a corponUon. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS Corporation oa.me: S. K. NAME STATEMENT • 0 •·· T ., UK,,Abraham Kaplan, be foUowtne persons are Pres. Cloi.Dg busloess u : l..()rt•a This statement was rued Liquors, 2200 Newport wttb tbe coonty clert of Or - BIYd., Costa Mea., Ctl, a.nge County Aug. 15, 1977, ~2627: Dudley B. Rich, 1867 PDbllsh: Aug . 25, Sept, Ba)'p()rt Way, Newport 1, 8, 15, 1977, In the New. each, Cal.; U,retta Rich, port Harbor Ensign. F -80407 1867 Bayport Way, N'ewport Beach, Cal, ~='U BLI C N.OT IC E This business Is co~ct-FICTITIOUS BUSINESS ed. by a CeCLeral pe.rtoersbl.p. IC.Ul£•S1'ATEMENT s""""' Oodlv ~. Rl<ll. T Th1a SU:Cemeii' ftj .ated be ti1.Jowiait penoos an • · doiJIC ballDeSS as: Newport wttll tlle .Coullt) clerk of Or-Retcbts Travel Sen-tee, 149 qe County Aoe. 11, 19?7• Rlnrslde An., Newport Publlsl)' Aug. Z>, Stpl. 1, B a b Cll -··· J • w 8, 15, 19?7 In the Newpon e c ' • :NO<;Jo.~: o .. n . Harbor ED.S:lgn F _80321 McMaetln, 2'730 Park New- port Dr., Newport Beach., P U BLIC NOT ICE Cal. 92660; Robert Mc Mack- In, 27SO Park Newport Dr., S-86166 Ne-wport Beach, Cal. 92660; FICTITIOUS BUSlNE$ Earl L. Llrxlley, 4072 Ger- NAME STATE WENT ,_,h_ C maiDder, u•wt:, al . 92715. The follow~ pera:>ns are Tbls business Ls coodUe- OOI.ne buslDess as: Metro ted by a geooral outnershtp. News, 700 Civic Ceoter, 8-Stped: EarlL. LiDdley. 292, Santa Am, CA 9%701: Tbi.s statemeot was rued Dl't'ld J. Conca.oaoa, J r., with the county clerk of Or- 1606 Guy, San Diego, CA a.oge Coonty Aug. 15, 1977. 92103; Gerard Corr1gan. Pub11 • A 16 zs •-pt s .. : ug . • • --• t605 Gla cier, Sa.a Diego, CA 1, 8, 1977, 1o the Newpot1 92120. Harbor Ens1gn. F ~80406 This busineas Is cotdlct- ed by a Umtted pa.rt:oer-P U BLIC N OTICE sh.lp. Signed: DaY1.d J. Con- eamon. Jr. Thls statement was ftled with the couDtJ clerk ot Qr. ange Couaty Ana:. 16, 1977. Publlsh: Aug. 25, Sept. 1, 8, 15, 1977, 1n lbe New. port Ha.rbor Enslp. F' -80511 PUBLIC NOTICE; FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NA ME STATE WENT Tbe fotlowtr:w: Pfl'300 is dolnc bu11Dess as: TnTel Network -Newport Arta Trani, loc., 4630 Campus Or., Suitt 101, Nnport Beacb, CA. 92660: Newport Area TnYel toe. Delaware Corp. Tbls bustneas is coaduct. ed by a corporat1011. Colp)ntioa Name: New~ port Area Tn•el, Ioc., Dor- eeo A. Burchett, Vice PreaJ. dent. 1'bl5 statemeat wu ftltd wJtll tbt ooaaty clerk ol Or- IIIJO CouiiiJ ...... 19J lt77. -llob: Alii. 15, -. I. 8, 15, 1m, ID HM ~rt Hubor EMip. F..t0e42 PUBLIC N OTICE FICTITIOIJS BUSIMESS II AilE ST ATEIIENT Tbt fbllowtll .,..._ 1ft dolOJ ...,,_ u: I. JW a Ju •a COIItry Cll&rra, Z. Ju•a Sewtllc ClftM. 3. Prtor'o booon>.. 4. SiPeod looorp., IIOAplO.\ro..llol- bOI lolul, .. _ S.<A, CA -: JID ,_, 1110 Arl'O}O, 9too 'hM., CA tUOt; Ju~ IUtlaolll.,-· port --. CA. -· TlU t. J$17 X il Ollillllllld .. tel bJ a ,...,a~,......, 11, straot JW ll -· ,.... .. ,[[ ........ -... _,dart of Or--e_, ..... a. am. -............ .. I, II, lm, II .. ~ .......... ,...,. FICTITIOUS BUSINE~ NA ME STATEMENT Tbe following person ls dolae business as: Medical Clln.lc For Wei.(ht Counsel~ lDC. 1617 Westcll!f Dri.ve, Newport Beach 926&0: Paul A. Lessler ~edtca.l Corpor .. attoo, C aJUonUa corp., May 12, 19?6, 416 North Bedford DrtYe, Bewerly Hills, CL 90210. Tbts busioess is cooduct- ed by a corporttioll. Corporation Name: Paul A. Lessler Medical Corp., Paul A. Lessler, president. This statement wu nled with tbe ooonty clerk ot Dr- uce County Aug. 15, 1977. Publish' Aug. 18, zs. s.pt. 1, 8, 19'77, In the N~wport Harbor EDSiin. F ~80428 P U BL IC N OTIC ~ S-86146 n c TmOUS BUSINESS NAME STATE. VENT Tbe foUowtDc peraJOS &r"* ttotac blaslotss as:: BuslDeSJ "'-<Uu Plrtllorslllj) Ho. 11. 17140 SkJ Park Boule- raN. lrYIJoo, Cllllon>la 11!'714: L. C. Smoll, 171140 S1<J Put Bird., lnl,.., C II. tr?l4; Jam• A. CbrlsteD- -. 1$$1 o..,....... Dr1••· Vllla Put, CoL; Jolla C. co~~..., arm Slllpolcle Dr~ Dua ...... Cal.; Joloo R. sa..,t.t. sao "• ,..._ ._ hloo Vo .... Cal.; Cloarl• G. Ball, &$SJ liD- -Drlr., Oraap. CoL; Darr111e E. llballorol, 17110 S1<7 Part Bl"'~ 1n1oo. C 1L 91714. "1M Wrt 1• It a...WCt-=~~ b&a 11 ......... -.. ~dartaiOr--c_, ....._ u, 1m. -..... 1 ....... !t a, tm, 11 a. llo.,..t ,._E....._ r.- I pany's loac term commJt- meat to the QUality, mas- ter-planned approach to de. ve)opmeot," Mr. Hugbes poiJlted out. "This means that Ule lnlne geoen.J plan_ wtll ch Is displayed In the V Ulage information center aDd enry li'YtDe V11.1.ace sales om ce, Is u n.J.Id as ever, ~ so are the plans P U BLI C N OT IC E S-86199 FiCTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Tbe toUowiqg person Is dotng business as: Powell Paintl.ng Co., 6100 Edinger Ave., t503, Huntington Beach, Calif. 92647: Rot:er A, Powell, 6100 Edinger AYe., 1503, Huntington Beach., Calif. 92647 . Tl'lis business i.s conduct- ed. by an lDd!Yldual, Sl.gned: Roger A. Powell. Thb statement w:a s ftled -with the coumy clerk of Or. aoge County Aug. 22, 1977. Publlsb: Sept, 1, 8, 15, 22, 19'77, Lo the Newpott Hart>or Ensign. F ·8071 4 P U BLIC N OTICE S-89806 f iCTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Tht foUowl.tlg persons are doi.D.g business as: (1) Daisy VU Assoclates, Ltd., (2)Dai· sy vm Associates, Ltd., (3) Daisy [X Assodates, Ltd., (4) Daisy J: Associates, Ltd., (5) Daisy XI As~l.ates, Ltd., 4120BirchStreet, SUite 1 )4, Newport S.cb. Cal. lforuia 92660: John Koo- riser, 190'7 Bayadere Ter. race, Corooa del War, Call~ forlll& 926!5; Cllarles J. Oi. I mood. 159 S. Bo1rUDg Green Way, Brentwood, CaJ11onU.a 9:x>49. This bo:sioess Is conduct ~ ed by a UmJted partne-rSltip. SlgDed: John Koowi..ser I Charles J. DiamoiXI. This statement n s rued with tbe coumy clerk of Or - all!Je County Aug. 22, 1977. Publish: Sept. 1, 8, 15, 2!, 1977, in the Ne..-port Harbor Ensign. F' ·80695 PU BL IC NOTICE 90189 NOTICE TO PERSONS IN. TERESJ'ED IN THE EST ATE o::-Lorna Northey, (dt- ooased). Notice is hereby gtveo: To au perSIODS interested, -whe· ther as creditors, heirs, le- gatMs, or deYfsees, lii the estate of Lorna Northey,de. ceased, •hose last address •u 1309 P~.ne«"ree AYenue. TreotoQ, New Jersey, that !etten testameatary or of adminlstntloo t.n beeo is· sued to Harold T, Northey aDd LorraiDe Northey Thurm, Co-Executors, by: Mercer Coaoty Surrogate's Court, a court of competent Jurlsdlct1oa of the State of New Jersey. That tbt follow~~~£ per son Is lDdebted to or holding per- sooa.l propt!!rty of the said dec edetlt: I m,. rtaJ. sa v lngs aDd Lou Assn.., 3366 Via Lido, City of: Newport Beactt. Callf., County of: Or ~ a.oce County. The tbe uiXIersigned de- sires to rte1ln the said per!OCII...I property or col- lect tbt claJm(s) and tore ~ mou tbll collected or re. cetYed from the state o1 CaWonaia to tlle Aid lUte where lettua testamental'} OJ' of admlAlstntiiXI han -........ All peno. la'flllc claims apiDit the dtcedlat or an loteJ"tllt In lllld Mtlte aDd wlabtJtc 10 ob)ld to aeb r.-mon.J mut liYI WTtctea act1ce ot •eb ob)tocUoe to lbe pertoo or pe,...bldeb .. led ID, or boldlll( ~ p"'Pift7 ot.. Ole --..... Sloa--bl pro. ... ·--!Mpor • -' _.., ··--... claiJII .. -~~ --uUotod-. -TIIUI MOimiS II· larGnl-ofl>lla -D.&TitD: 1017 1 ... 1m. Lotftlol ......, -UII-T . ......,,ao c...aa , • at a. IIII:Mt of 1-. ........ (lla.. CEEJ'O ..... , ....... 1 .... 11 ............... h 'a• tor .ach ot tblt c.nelll: eoa~;. mllai.Uu, Asl:lualwl)'a-.. tbe eaM, all plaM an ..,_ )oct to pol>lk: "'IPJVV''L .. lllr. HulfMs CICOd Ulat tbt '"* Compuy wW. tor tbl mo« part, lieU laad to tbe buU4tn It Mlects tor pro. jeett 1D l"lDe VUlaps n- Uier tha.D leue 1t. bill then are oo p1aDs to eapp to the a:l.le of wba.t tbe bml<tllll ltd.tstry calls ''nw la.od.'' Tb.la lal.a.Dd with ao tmpron. meota sucb as HWera, roadl ud utilities, am ao p.bltc approval for denlopmeot. He added that the ltTt.oe Company will eootlmae Its role of pi~ aod coatroJ .. li.D.g tlle devel~ment of Its property. BLOOD PRESSURE TESTING OFFERED Free blood pressure test. i.D.g wW be offered by the American Heart Associalioa at Hoag hospital's balttl la.ir, Saturday, Sept, 17, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on the hospital grouod.s. The Heart Assoclatton'a 28-ft . mobile Wlit wW be on baDd at the fair for per. Ucipaots, 1.5 years of age aoo over. Anyone with ele- vated blood pressure wiU be adYised to see his fami- ly physician. The Cystic fo'lbrosis Foun- dation will provide displays, specU.Jit.ed equipment, li- terature and Jive demon . s! :-a:lons used for a.od by chlldren afQict@ld with the disease. P UBLIC N OTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEA.Rl.NG NOT ICE IS HERE BY GI. VEN that the City Councll of the Ci,y ol Nevrpott Beach w lll hold a public Ilea ring regarding the City Council's review of the dec'lsion of the Planning Commisstoo ap- provl.ng Resubd.ivision No. 556 creating two parcels of land for single !amlly resi. dentW lk!velopmem where a portion of one lot oow u ~ ists oo property located at 6-47 lntne Avewe, Ne-wport Beach. NOTICE IS HERE BY F'UR . THE R given that the said public hearing -will be held on t he 19th day of Septem- ber, 1977, at the h0Urof 7:30 P M, Jn the Council Cham. bers of the City Hall of the City of Ne..-pot1 Beach, C a~ liforn1a, at which tJ me and place any a.od all persons truensted may appear and be heard t hereon. Doris Georli!e City Clerk City of Newport Beach Publish: Sept. I, 1977, tn the Newport Harbor Ensign. P U B LIC NOTIC E The F ed~nl Revenue Sha- ring Fund BuQK_et Su mmary is avatlable for public lnspectioo at City Hall, 3300 Ne..-port Boulevard, Newpot1 Beac h, and at the Mariners, Corona del Mar, Balboa and West Ne-wport Bnnc::h Libn- rtes. Tbe budget was amended to Include $364,000 for con. stru ction of the Newport Center Bntoch Ubrary aod $55 ,000 for books whlch am. ended tbe F'edentl Revenue Sl\ui.nr; Fund Budget to a total of $532,405. PubU!'llh: Sept. 1, 1977, in the Newpor1 Harbor Ensign. P U B LIC NOTIC E FICTITIOUS BustN£SS /'OAME ST ATEMENT The followtng pefSOCI; 11 doln@: buslneu as: Watt Brady's FUm Co., tt Puk Newport, Ne-wportBeach.CA 92660: Lorraine Hamer, 2220 Park Newpott, t40S, Newport Beach, CA ~26&0. This business is conduct. ed by an lndtvtctuai. Signed: Lorraine Hamer. This statement wu tutd wttb the coonty clerk of Or- uce Couaty AD&, u, 197'7 Publlsb: Auc. !S, St~Jl. 1, 8, 15, 1977, In the Newport Hamor Erastp F --80810 P U BL I C NOTICE 1'bt ._. ......... port ......... "--M'• .. rn .,..... • •ed pn)ld:a. ..... ......_ .. by tbt .Jcaior '"'"'" ol cMI*'tW• ....... ..... the As.Sitlare ~ o1 tn 1o1ft ... c:llllld dar can Newport S.dl lo -to ·-... -....-.. get uDder way, Tenols c:o-<balnlleo, Mrs, MRS. Mll.I(EN RJchard Sebwetc:kert aad. · M ,.. Richard Nlc,..l, ud Of UDO IS DEAD bridge co-clatrmea, Mn. Prtnt.e lft'ltllide "". kobert Worrt.oa ud Mrs, neu tor JuUett. D. MlJ.U. J ames Casey, larUe tboee keD. 10, of Lklo lale, were interested ln eoterlac el-coodUcttd Moad&J at Fair· I her the bridge or teoni.s ttano MemorJa.l Park wttb tournaments to pick up ap... Dr. DooaJd E. Reiter, First pllcatlons at any 1oca1 ten-· BaptUt ChUrch ot Sub Ana, nls club. AwUcaUoos should outci&Ung. be in by Sept. 8 and the eo-Mrs. Mllllkea, a DRUve of try ree Is $12.50 perperM:~o, Wu.Mnctoo, D.C., 'IJU an whJrh includes an awards interior decorator for 50 luncheon. years am bad Und OD [Jdo ~atches wW be schedUled Isle for 25 years. Sbe na nnC'e a mooth at the cooven-a former resldeDt or San lt!llf;e of the parttclputs, Martoo. Sbe 1s surTived by beginning in October am her son, W. D. MUllkeo of ·onllnui~ through to March. Los Aogeles; a daughter, The Chapter presldeot, Molly 11. Hayes of Fuller- Mrs. Wynnett Bedall Jr., ton, aad 4 gnddaughters. .1 00 Junior AuJiUary cbair· Sbe ns a member of St. •nan, Mrs. Jolul O'Donnell, James Episcopal Cburcb of r(!l--<J rl that money raised by Newport Beach. She died this event will help to sup· Aug. 26 1n Hoag hospital. Pu BLIC N OTI <;::f" fiCTITIOUS BUS FICTITIOUS BUSINESS \AME STATE MENT fl1e following persons are lw lmslness as: Blairs il1l rts, 1162 DOrset, Costa ; •c,a , CA 92626: John L. 1 r , 1162 Dorset, Costa •• 1, C A 92626; John Le- !llalr, 1162 Dorset, '.\t>sa, C A 92626. Lousiness is conduct- Jll individual. Signed: . Bla ir. • 1::. st:~temeat was ru ed ttl! tile county clerk of Or- u r ~"ounty Aug. 29, 1977, • 1!.t1sh: Sept. 1, 8, 15, 1 1~1, In the Newport r• •c Ensign. F -81156 HAIR Jt CUT Jt CURLED Jt COLORED Jt COIP F'U RF.D Jt 'CETERA ~ :r•• H.ur SpeCi alists , * LORRAINE'S BEAU TY NOOK T'"'E BOULEVARD Corona del Mar ?hone 644-7336 ELIZABETH CLARK OF N.B. SUCCUMBS FUDeral senices for EU- zabeth Clark of Newport Beach were beld Sunday with Rabbi Garson Goodman of- ficlatlng. Mrs. Clark. a na- tive of New York City, died Aug. 24. She Is survived by her hus- baod, Walter Clark; 3 daugh- ters, Sylvia Cable, Freder- ick, Marylaod; Victoria For- rest, Avondale Estates, Georgia, and AvtnUI Kaut- ma.n, Chicago, OUools; a step-daughter, Hazel Clark, South Laguna; a step-son. George Ctark, !nine Ter- race, aDd 10 gnrxlchUdren. APPALOOSA Fl Llll AT SCHOOL ON SEPT. 7 The Newport Beach Ubra- ry will present a screening of U:le Walt Disney fU m'' Run, Appaloosa, Run," the story of an lodlan girl and her colt compeU~ tn the death- defying stampede suicide race. This fU m will be shown at 7 p.m. Sept, 7 in the auditorium of Mariners sc hool. KAREN GRADUATES Navy hospltalman Karen A. Mervlsh, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. lrwln Mervts b of 4240 Park Newport, has gn- duated froq~ the Navy's Hos- piW Corps School, Great Lakes, ill. A 1972 graduate of Newport Harbor rdgh school, she joined the Navy in January, 1977. P U BL IC N OTIC E F'IC TITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person ls doing business as: I, Am- con. 2. American ConUnen- W Travel Service, 2411 E. Coast Hwy., Suite A. Corolla del Mar, Cal. 92625: Jo- seph Paul Glblltsco, 262 S. Ave. 51, 1111, Los A~eles, Cal. 90042. This business is cooduct- ed by an indlvtdu.al, Stgned: Joseph P. GibUisco, This statement was nled with the county clerk of Or- a~e Courty Aug. 29, 1977. Publish: Sept. 1, 8, 15, 22, 1977, lD the Newp:;~rt . Harbor Ensip. F'-81155 • f'IIDA y' AUG. J' A tao __ _ -lllo .... " Allae L. UtUkr, '971 ....... ., Dr. ••• A bi<J<Io ... - -AM L. Btsu..t, 771 Slllllmar Dr, , , , A bou1Jar etoa. a TV lit, t)pewrttn, oil pe•ntt., aDd ~ 5 -ol bl-.... r from lilt ... .-ol Jolla R. Dlapau, 59!1 w. wu-st. • . A llllet ..,., $80'7 .!5 cub from u. aareiope In a ruq cabiDet 1D the offtce of an aputmeJJt eompleJ at 778 Scott Pl., Matue L. Mar .. tiD, ma-.ger, reported •• , A reDter falled to reb.lrn a $100 d1ac saDder B.Dd ez- teosioo cord to Ullited Rut All, 710 w. 19th st ..•. Vaugbo E. G,.q, 19, ~ Beacb, driver, am RJckt J. Ptteraon, 18, Welltmiuter, pa&StQRer, were taken to Costa Mesa memorial hos- pital with h. ).tries after their car rolled overwhlle ru.nrd.aK an Academy ol Detensln Drhtng course on tb.e Qr. ange Coonty Fairgrounds, 88 Fair Dr. • SATURDAY, AUG. 20 A pick-up truck with cam. per shell was stolen from John R. GUlum, 2176 Placen- tia Ave, • , • David W. Pow- ers, 21, aoo Toni L. Miller, 35, of 1662 Newport Blvd., were charged with cultiva- tion of mar1)1ana ••• David A. Heck, 22, of 140 W. Wll- son St., was charged with rec kless driving aod evading arrest at 1762 Kenwood Pl., at 2:30 a.m. after ofilcers chased his motorcycle from th e area of Aoahelm Ave. and 18th St., lnvolvq 5 police units and a pollee helicop- ter ••• A Costa. Mesa boy, 14, was cha.rged with petty theft, being apprehended al- ter leaving the Rancho Mar- ket, 2400 Newport Blvd., on his bicycle wtth a bottle of suntan on and a Up olot- ment valued at $2.88 • , . A burglar broke a window in the car of Hertlert A. Hanson, 2376 Newport Blvd. taking a 3-1 /2 horsepower gas operated blower valued at $200 ••• James R. Grant, 19, San Oetgo, was charged with battery on a police of. fleer following a disturbance at Mesa Dr. and Riverside Pl. at 9:15 p.m.; OUlcer Ed Esposito suffered mloor lacerations to hls arms, et. bows and hands am a da- mA~ed IIDIIonn. • SUNDAY, AUG. 21 Ronald L. Curtis, 20, of 2376 Newport Blfd., was charged with challeogtag a tlg:ht alter a disturbance at that address ••. Michael A. Howard, 24, of 739 Paul- artoo Ave,, was charged with drunk drlv~ at 2947 Men- doza Dr ... John N. Bic- c hJeri, 27, Santa Ana., was taken by ambulance to foun- tain valley Hospital o.rtth a leg InJury after hJs car and one driven by Cindy Ann Avnm, 30, lrrine, collided on SunDower Afe., ZOO teet west of F'airvtew Rd., at 10:50 a.m. , , Edward M. Palasld, 23, of 2314 Col- lege Dr,, was charged with assault wUb a deadly wea- pon and possesstoo of a deadly weapoo at 2623 Elden Ave. at 6 p.m.; Joba L. Koox, 21, of that address, suffered cootusloos to his _, ..... 'I 1 1111- .EIPORTHAI!IIOR EHIIQI 10 l'liURSDAY, IEI'T. I, 19n COIIIIIA DEL MAR, CALIF • Ballcla'• Bntee Pteball, --lilt--r1 cycle apeedwi.J d•"'*"'· -1011111--lto ... loll -• DlliJ .... ud---... Dmd B. G-1'1, al ................... pd --dmllr .,_ ttr w. car fill 111to a..troat. al • ear drl-by"'"' J, Arnoa, SJ, of JQI Wallaee An. oo 111111 a.. -al Newport BIYd., at 10:10p.m. ............... ldlor -Udu-ao.. • ,.,. ot ell&r- .... rr._ CIOIII -c•'M ... c .. ud -...... u.r ......... _, -· from a delk liiDnp com- put_ II T, llftardoClo- Temple lists -............. --led lo ..... 1111 lrael< .... lbU -tl lilt Orup C-F~-ra eo.-ao...,.,... .._. WML He -lui ... _, to ...... tbl btwtleap ma1D. fhdebtd .-ID Ills oenteb be<l ud-apiDIDIIIt Jentcb coaeo~a-.. • MONDAY, AUG, Zl A maa, limalat1Ac a wea- poo, obtalDtd $11Scuhlrom lhe Jack ID tbe BozRNtaur-am. 2235 Harbor Blfd., at 1:26 a.m. after ordert.ac food, recetflDI eqe, then detnalll:llrlc tbe mootJ from emploJee Tlmotby P. Ann- stroag, l•fiDI tbe ana on toot ••• Dayle C. Herrlct, 18, of 1102 El Cam.Jm Dr., wu cbarged wttb drwlk dri- Yillc alter bis car bit a mall boz_ cbalD l1Dk faoce and the bouse of WaJDt R. Wladom, 1906 0raap AYe,, at 3:35 a.m ••• A burtlar ldcked· lD a restroom wiDdow to lhlll ...... --Sl, ... •n,oooa~t~eu- "pnyer eo.......,-wu atolea from a .torap room II J 6 H Palal Collnclion, ZH4 R-ll>b Sl, , , PoaJ E. Good, U, ol liSO S. E. Brtstot st., comphiMd of cbelt ~ aDd iDjand tter left biJid w._ ber car bit tbe rM.r of tbe car ot Dow o. IlaDC.aD. 58, of 11 tsl At- laata Way, •bo eo~ ot ptia 1D h1l Mer left lee; botb were tueD to Cos- ta Mea.bolpltalaftertbeac- ctdent oa Baker st .. 114 feet •est of Ceotu.ry Pl ••• Bolt cutten and a set of battery cables •en Colen from tbe car of Norman L. K.un, 840 Center St. PLANNING AGENDA Newport Beach PI~ Commlasioners wW deal with the followlDC acenda wben tbey meet tonlcht, Sept, 1, at 7 p.m. In CltJ Hall. Ageada Items are listed in the order in which they are due to be heard. • BANK OF NEWPORT expansion at 2166 E. Coast; Hwy,, Corona del Mar, ln- cludtng new temporary structures and added park· lng. • DUPLEX to be remod- eled at 926 W. Balboa Blvd,, Balboa, wUI be the sub)ect of an appeal ot a modltlca- tton denial. • DUPLEX proposed at 400 Dahlia, Corona. del Mar, would exeetld allowable PUBLIC N.O T ICE helgbt ltmit and woulu encroach OD rear aad front property Hoes. • PLAN REVIEWofapro- posed one-story commercial building at 2247 E. Coast Hwy., Corora del Mar. • OFFICE bllUdiac at tbe southeast corner of Bayside ud Martne, at the entrance to Balboa Island, 'IJOOld P· ceed the 35-tt. belgb.t Um1t, and requires a use permit. • SIGN LAW ameodment • • CONCE PT PLAN ft>r the CanDery Vlllage-McFacklen Square area. • ALLEY WEST restaUt· ant eJpllll.Sion would Loc:mde a new2-storycocll:taJllowlge wjth eoterta.lnmeot and dan· elng. P UBLIC NOTICE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA NOTICE lNVIT!NG BlOS SEALED BIOO wi.U be reeelnd at the omce of tbe City Clerk, City Hall, Newport Beach, California, untU 2:30 p.m. on the 14th day of October, 1977, at wblcb time they wUI be opened and read, tor performing work u follows: rROPOSED NEWPORT CENTE~ ~RAN~H UBRARY CONTRACT NO. 1861 Bids must be submitted oo the p!"'p)IIILI form attacbed . with tile cootnct ctocumets ~u,labtd by the Public Worts Department. Tbe ~ttoaal copy of the proposal form Is to be reta!Ded by tbe bidder for Ills records. Eac:b bid must be llCCOmpuied by cub., certtfled check or Bidder's Bood. nwM PJf'IPl• to the Cit)' o(Nt'lt'POrt Bach, for an amoaot eQial tD at 1eut tO pertidt of tbe amouat btd. Tbe UUe of the project and U:le words '•SEALED BID" sbJll be clearly m.a.rted oo tbe outside of the etrfelope c:ootaintng the btd. Tbe cODtract docameots that must be completed, eze. cttted, and returDed lD the sealed bid are: .. Proposal B. DeslgDaUOD of Subcoatnctors C. Bidder's Bond D. Noo-collustoa A1ftdi.Tit E. statemtllf: of FLnancLal Responstbutty F. Technical AbWty am Ezpertence Refereoces These documtDts sht.U be atJll:«< -wtth tbe algaature and titles of the per80118 s~ on behalf of the bidder, For corponHons, the stcnatares of tbe PRESIDENT or VICE PRESIDENT aDd SECRETARY or ASSISTANT SEC. RETARY are required ud the CORPORATE SEAL sball • serv1ces .TIJDIIioBIIY_al_· port_, ....... Ito~ boUdlJ Mn-tc. at 11 p.m. llollt. 10 -lloilebol Hr- YI-II lilt T-o. 1011 Cam..,..t (oil ~--~ 11-rtlloacb, All of Temple Bat Yahm'a ldrh-J Mnleoo will bo held at st. A.adtn'a Prea- brlorllo Cblrdl, eoo st. Aa4rew'a Road. CUttHanD. R-llart s. IWlor wW COidlct tbe •men. usia- ted by etzmr Aatta F.,-e of Loe ......... Roa.b HUIJoa&h Mnicea wm be btld Moaclar, Sept. 12, at 8 p.m.; na.daJ,Sept.. 13, at 10 a.m., wtth cw. dna's MZ'Yice at 1:30 p.m. Kol Nidre wU1 be OD Wed- Deadly, Sclt. Z1, at 8 p.m.; Yom KliJpiJ' HJ'Yices oa: Thursday, Sept. 22, at 10 a.m. with cblldreo's semce at J:SO p.m. andYlskor(me. mortal and cloainc)Hntces at 3:30p.m. r HUODlblt, ereac:es. Own --646-41'11 be aftlftd to all docomeots reQUlrinc dpatures. In the I WANT to be your CARD. cue of a Partnership, the signature of at leut ooe genenl ENER. Call '•Ctarlle lbe partner Ls rtQiired, Clipper" at 759-9294, No btds wW be accepted from a coatnc:tor wbo has (LtceDAd.) not been Uceued lD accordance wttll tbe pi'Orisioos of 1--------- lllto But, IIIOIIIer ..., competed ln tbeworldcbam .. plouhlpa:, took the slow way home, retui'DlDc by lbip. lfeUber cpttUfteJd tor the world champloaahlpe, Pen- ball acortd3polntsllldBut, tbe U.S. oatlODIJ speedWay Cbe.mploo. eeortd ODe. Azdber feud looms this Frid&J alter Lut week's ra-etac durtbrtbescntcbmaln. J1m Fllbback, sten Colum-. bo Ud Alan Chri.tlan tell oo lbe first lap. CbrlstlaD appeared to be upset wben he 'IJU di•qn•llfted and pta- cod lui durll>g the haadl· cap maiD event. Cbrlstian 'IJU ciJarged wtth forclng Craig Scbaeter lntD the wall. On tbe 5eCODd .start, Col. umbo and Sten Bast went dcnnl, ap1o oa the first lap, AT CAMP BUCKNER Code! Wllllom B. Cooradj oon of Sel'goaal (USA.Ret aDd Mrs, Jack R. Coond, 3071 Cl~hcAIH Circle, Coa- ta Mesa, la att..UQI •m- mer tn1.nt.Dc at Camp lklck- aer oa tbe rnenaUoo of the v.s. MJlttarr AcademJ, West Poi.Dt, N. Y, Tbt cadet Is a third cluarnan (aopbo- more) at the Milltaf'J Aca- demy. He is a llt76 rnUte of Estucla h1cb .chool. MATTRESSES "*" -auVJ~;.DmG: : lne&ular Shapet; . ..... ..... -.c;.Hea COSTA'Mi:i.C MATTUSS CO. 2UO M • .,..,. ...... s•·IJU Speid Swlno Suit• SwlnoGoggles Handbal Glovoo & Ball llac:qt•tbol ._... & .... .._..,._..__..Tennis Shortt Mons:Boys·W-T-Wrta TemiSDrn- T-IIa!Uto Racket Sl•~9ng BociiMtOfi rtcdlts ......... ............ cii.u tn yOur CLASStnED ADS TO THE -ENSIGN 67 3-0SSO o FOR SALE "'football Yal•rbal• Soccorllalo PSYCHIC CAN (mesmertse) loved oaes, vthers to do your btddlag, WrtteJamU, Box 10154t_£ureoe, Ore- gon. (50S) 342-2210. •M Cbapter 9, Dtvisioo m of the Bus:IOHS and Profeasioos' Code, The ccatractor aball alate h1s ll~ number aod BOOKXEEPING/TAX SER--1952, UDcomprom- VlCES, We are busiDUa 111nc restonuoa $14,500. floe Seled1on --Supert Values --E-Z Terms, PIANOS -Grands, consoles, uprltes, used but creat. Stetmray, Yamata, Cabl•, Everett, Baldwin, Cur. rler, Jans&eo, JOhuoo., and lots mon; prlces from $595. clusltlcatJoa In the proposal. Doe set of plans and eootnct doetlments, lDclltdLAI: spect.al proTlsions, mlJ be obtaiDed at tbe PllbUc Worb Dl!l>lrlm.,l, CIIJ Hall, N._rt S.Cb, Ctlli>n>la, al 1X1 cost to UelllHd Contractors. It Ia rQauted tbat tbe pla.u ud eootract documents be ntaraed 'IJiU:do Z 'lt'etbl after coosultaats wbospeclallze • Pbooe 213/257-6007. lD small aDd noa-pront ~ l--------- bus1Desses, Call for an appoiDtmeat. sttTea R. I Hlads, 557 1 1041. AMW A Y -PeraJnal, heme, car and \Diklatrlal 'pro- duet&, NUTRUJTE -~temeats. Call 64!: OMS tor prompt dellnry. bid-""· f~~~~~~~~· Tha. City has adopted lbe STAJIDARD SPEClFJCATIONI e ES FOR PUBUC WORKS COIISTRUCTION (1976 Edllloo) u J=========-1 pf'II'IUed bJ tbe Soutbera Cal*I'Dla Cballttn of tbl Amer- kao Pabllc Works A.uoc1.atioa aDd the As.ctated G•enl Contractor• of America. Coplea maJ be obtained from BafW1Dc News, IDe., 3055 OnrlaDd AfiDM, Los Aocela. ORGANS • U JOU buy your orpo dellberatelJ, you 'U buy a Y AMAH AI HERE DOW the all DeW (yl&ll abead) • REARINC AIDS Yamaha 1 • fl'Om $695. CIWonla !lOOM, (Z11),870-91'11. Tbe Cllr has adopt., -rd Speelll PniYislou ud Sf:IDIIard Onwqs. Coplu of tbMe an aftl.llble at the Mllc WorD Orepartmeot at a coat o1 $5.00 per Mt. 1 ---~-----1 SPECIAL 1 UMd Yamaha HAL AEBISCHER c:oDOOit plano, $1395, • RENTALS • ~1101 plaool tn>m $15.00/..-.,, SCHMIDT IIUSie CO, st91D'It'ty -y lmlha A .tandard "CerWic:ate ol. &a.ruce .t.tr Coatnct Wort Proper Fitting Assured 1907 N, Malo Suita ... lor City" form bas be.:~ aoo,ttd bJ tbe Clty. Tlda tbrm 3409 E. Coast Hwy. • PLUMBIHG·HEATIHC 1a tbe ooiJ certUleate of iullruc:e ac<:teDble to tbe Clty, SAUS & HRVICt Corona del Mar TJ>t -....m~ ,... bldllor will bo -to -87~·3833 t PI b. lbU lorm -... ard ollllt eoolnd. uo E. 171b Sl., Cosla ..... '1---~-.:....--IJU s u m mg For 1111 roqoalrod-._lllo 646-7706 -646•6855 IUIItiHf HUDWAU & Llbor Ul1 Material 8oDdl, Ud MAL~OLIIII laUD} cunr• Heating &c.da milt be u 1Miruce coq'llllf or eomr»ftJ' tTl! , Ueouocl by lilt S111o a1 Ctlli>mk. Tilt ---• fLORin Wain H'*IOI'S, Disposal>, f,1lo ban a carnal: c .. n1 Poi:ICJ Holden aau. e....,.'! Drains, Faueeta, CQAMr A or bolter; ud a FtouellltltiiOrralllltUtCiaiolt: FLOWERS -... Rt-plpes •... R.._.,le per lbe 1a1oot odltloD ol _., Ker Rt11or Galdt (Prup. ALL OCCASiONS ClolhiDc. Naatlest Gllt.o prleeo · · • Dar, •tc•~ o' ""''*It erty -IJMUtty~ D , 11 / 'T' h MariDt H1rdwlrt •eek-eoclal laieeordoact-lllt~aiAJtleloi,Cbljltorl, t~>JUf lOS Opoo ..... <llrsaweek JUST rLUMjliNG Part 7 alII» Ctlli>-Lobo< Code Qledioosl770 ~~-~ FLORISTS to ·MI'It JOU better Tel-: 642.4111 C-o al lilt al 11-rt ,_ blo .-r. PHON~: -?e 900 W, COAST IIWY., N.B. Llee-No. SOCHa .... nJIIial -al per diem -2---Blwl. PHONE: 845-1711 llloboPttt>..-ltr CGN--:-c ·"'--'of' wwtw or IMCwtc •DRY a.IAI4US :640-7444 u •oua •••YJ'It: · ' . .. ·: • :· . ,. .· ;. ·. :. . • . '• :· .. .. . . .. ~-.1, .· . ~ ·:-'• :·· ,• ·: ,· • .. 1 .. 1 IEWP.OIT HMIOR EJIIU .lMURSMY, SfPT. 1. 1177 Newport Beach Balloa Island MultED I!W.Y • PACE 11 CODA on 11M. CAL. Newport Beach Corona del Mar :ta~~ '-:~~.,_·-....~Real Estate..:-c:...... ... ._ Island Lid~~: •4 DUPLEXES ~ NEWPORT BEACH laeb dllpla Ia frM lbMt.. Mar "'aaiPPIII ud IICboot. Ud bU low neuey rate. Oner ftllb 1DIIutrla1 prope1'lJ. Price Soft $279,000 • NEW LISTING ALMOST ON BEACH Y•, W. 2-atory bome 11 aliDOIIt oa tbe '*-ebl Foar lup, brtpt bedrooms, eecladed muter bed- room, two quiet aled-brtet pitt. ud a l-eu pn,e wttb opeDer. Priced to sell FAST "\.-y ~urflina aaalfJJ -~== "WE CARE ABOUT THE BEST FOR YOU" 548-0066 BeHer Than· Most MIWPOU 11ACH *OCEAN VIIW COtiDO• $113 .... 2 Bedroom+ formal dining room. 2~ baths. built,fns. brick fireplace lc upgrad~ ca~ing It dra~. Oversiad double garage w /elec- tric ... er. Ttm~is-Pool-Sauna-Jacuzzi Et1! JACOBS REALTY 2919 Newport Blvd. 675-6670 IE: 110111 BLIIIS CQ. · :ii_y1;~ 10 YBA~f OF SBRfi C~; Open Sat. & Sun. 1 to S 418 PLAT A .. IN THE BLUFFS" FIRST OFFERING! Maeb deslred E-PiaD lD the '•Froat Bow" w1tb ucWDc "" of tbe oortb bay ud moqntat•. s ..,ac:J.ou bedrooma, flmUy room, Z-1/Z betba uct larp MCluded patio. Many custom 11P(fldu. $179,500 1n fee ample. A "Joy of Newport" Usting -~ ---· r. ... · ..... ,... ;, I • ~ UDO ISLE I &EDROOMS, 3 BATHS •••••••. $715 IDOitfl S IEDROOMS, BAYFRO~, ••• :$2,500 = D1011tb BAYFRONT CONDOS GREAT VIEW TWO I-BEDROOM UNITS I $1,100 per 1DG11Ga TWO 1-BIIRX>M UNITS I $i00 per ~ on I-BEDROOM UNIT FURNJSUD I h.lJS per ...... '• .. Tea 2 bedroom apartmtata 1 ... tlaD 1 Jtu old. Call DOW t»r l.lformatioo oo theM pride of oner- abtp uaua. 640.Cltl. Cali 840-6161 2 GREAT DUPLEXES .Both tn r~ Corona del Mar, one Gii- Iris, ooe on ~gonia. All apts. have 3 bdrms., 2 baths-& enclosed aaraaes . 1'bes4: dupleXes are among the II)OSt modem " best built in the area. Prtetd reaaooably at $179,500 and $1at,500 759-0811 Cido Jsle Foar '*1rooma, two batba, oewly decorated, luge patio, beam ctll1ap, banhrood floors, 48 toot lot. $225,000. PeHiHsula Foar bedroom. thrM betb bome. All amenities, lonly area. $1iS,OOO. PRESTIGE WATERFRONT DOMES FROM $900,000 HOW CAN I DEFER MY GAIN ON MY DEMCE, t F ' SB.L? SERVING' ASK us NEWPO RT BEACH SJNC E 19e0 759-0226 anytime EARLE "BUD" CORBIN. GRI BROKER .. ..... , It REALLY cart a.. .....,.,., or reprodlc:ed at 1DJ prtee. Tbll ...... 6 Ia Coro• del liar · COIDIDI.Dda I ............ ol tile baJ tW 11 D- IUpUMd, Tb.ne bectno1u. la-.1 ud u au11elt floor pla.D Mcaue It wu baJJt to u on.'•.,. eutom ..,.elfleatkMwl Aatto-.lt. ......,.....~,---- Drutleally r~ 1'bne bedloom, Z batb COD- domlalum. Low..t peke ill IDpfts. lmmaealate CODdWoa.. Call qatekly -640-7000, ·-=---=-NEWPORT HEIGHTS Cbarmi.Dc 3-bedloom llome wltb •eliDa• muter bedroom. Llrillc room ud llmfl1 room ana ud Kltcbeo look. oato attraetlftlJ ••~ yard. Ca- tbedral eeWQrs ill IIWhr bedroom Ud lMDr room. Call to see. ---------- • Dtplex 3-BEDROOMS & 2-BEDROOMS 416 Poinsettia Open Sat. & Sun.l-5 'Call Evelyn Slila 673-0822 UHited Brolers ~7~U REPRESENTIN G SELECTED CLIENTS IN R EAI.. ESTATE COUNSELING AND INVESTMEN TS For Sale.~ Owner Old c-.. --~-...... ---"* '--• ~Q ? 9ft 11-1 lot.'··- 714 .... eld OPEl SAT. & SUI . eves. --------------------------~------------------------ Westcliff Beauty SECLUDED Beautlful, better tban oew 4 bedroom home Yitb toblly redecorated all-oew ldtebeD. LoU of brick - FreDCb doors -tndltlooal . cba.rm plus Iota of treu ud secluded street. $169,500. Bubara Auoe, 642-8235. ------~------ t01 DOVER DR., Ul-1235 I 16._. 5AH MIGUEL, ~200 ~5 CAMPUS DR., 752-14)4 Time to Buv .1419 Bonnie Doon~ Terrace, Corona del Mar Compl.tely ftlled, 2 bedroom, 2 bath with den. Beaattfltl f:lm.Uy room with fireplace. Two lumrloos ~ pool aDd )lcuul. $147,500 ~ .... ~~~ Huntington Beach Unusual price S92,000 Two story, 4 bedrooms, neat aDd clean. Pool aDd )lcuui. TillE TO BUYI MAURY STAUFFER·· SEA LION REAL TV Spyglass Hill OCIAN VIEW, OF COURSE, ••• ,._ TIDS aumFUL 4 BEOR(X)M PLUS r.-.Y 8DOM --., POOL AND JACUZZI. ..... dii'VLL'f LAJUIK:A.PED. . FU LAlCD -.. Jt '$298,000 ~-~ JilT MARliN lEAL ESTATE ' . ' CRIME STOPPER· TIPS . - 4 lol"' ........ eoll--... wiD-.. -..... poll follce Crtooo -. pen,, Developer sues petition group NEWPORT HARBOR ENSICN PUIII..Ii!ED WEEKLY ·PG,ll THU RSDAY, SEPT. I, 1917 COROllA DEL MAR, CAU F. tloeOIIIeor -8-'CIIIck-tlotpoiiOe -..,.. 1o --=t t>tm-Oil lllo dill-IJpoo tl -...-...,. ..... Bot ...... .,_. afttlabto lo tbt prob .. ID ta, IDOitottbtm the bome oner. call AFTER tbeJ'Te beea For a&rtbtr adrice, IDd burtlartaed. to &I'I"'IIIP l;)r aa oa-tbe· •• A lot of bu.rclatt's eov:Id IPX HCGrity cbecll ot yoar bt prenoted by lettbl& 1D borne, Oftleer BnultriiiC· toueb wltb 111 before a flmt. gMts you call tltm at 844- ly becomes a rietim," om.. 3662. cer Bressler DOted tbls week. ''Here are someottbe sucgestlons we have tor homeowners." • Have a pollee offteer come to your home aod show you bow to make it more secure. • Arrange tor a pollee- man to speak to your home. owner group or civic organ- tr.atton about burglary pre- vention. PETER SHARKEY OF BALBOA DIES AT 74 Mass for Peter C. Shar- key, 74, of 915-1/2 £. Bal- boa Blvd., Balboa, was cele- brated Tuesday 1D St. Joa - chim C atbollc Church after a rosar y sem ce Monday 1D Bell Broadway Cr.pel, -Dow ........ Co.cl .Cll--tlot-..--... bllftlod-... plaataot __ ....., ataot • Norill c-. -... ..-bJ liOn• c-. _.._.,_ ..... tilt .. _ -u~ _, llrm'o plaoa 1o dtYolop 46 tile dof._aot IIIIo. Tbt aerea aortb of tile Sao Dlo· ,...,,., oroJod Ia pa- ro Frenay. , for 'ID uta holadld b)' tbe Tbe suit, fUed 1ut Tburt -SaD DlfiiO Fr....,,. " tM day, SHU $2.5 mUUoa iD tOUtb, So.lh Cout Dr. oo damages, plus a eourt tn-the aortb, Bear •·· oa. tbe ).aoettoo that would balt a eut &Dd Sao LM.Ddro lADe petition drive. The pettUoo oo tbe wut. 'l'ba plu calls campaign. oow btifll coo-tor 539 apartmeat wdU aDd &acted by tbe hOmeowner 12& aingle-ramtly hom ... group, Is a.lmed at forclag The patitloo campaicn, a r e-zonlng ot the Aroel wb.leh wut Deed lba strna- property, ttiJs stopplDg de-tuns ol 3,700 f't~Utered velopment of apartments, •oters to QQalU)' for the Attorney Robert Bower, local eleeUoa ballot DeXt represent!~ Arnel, said the March, seeks to re-10oe the suit wUI polot out ''numer-entire area to R-1 (s1 .. 1e ous mater ial inaccuracies" famUy bomes) use. U tbe lo a legal oottce of iDteot lllittatlve qualltles for the published by clrculttors of ballot, Costa Mesa Yoters -14 -clocldo tlot-.. -.... _,..nit-... ..... . Alloot,lf ....... ooA.r· ....... 1111-MIIDOr- .... CouiJ ....... r Cottrt. ··w• tba pboaiMt law 1111.lt eYer flled, •• claJmld ll1ke McLucbllD. MOOad YIU· pnlldeot ol the Nortb COlli .,... Hom«>WM~"s Auo.. who .. opearllM®~c lbe .... Uatln drln, ••Some people an ae"ous but others are aQCry and worklag bard- der than eYer, a.ud citizen~ are supporting us 100 per cent." '•Coootrn bas beers ex- prused throupout the re- view of this project repr- dl.llg the extent ot Its lDte- gratlon i.Dto the eommunttJ, which, at the present time, --~~-......... 1, ot 11111'1• ll.mlly bona,., .. -lOt.., ........ do •• .fiU'IaMDI -....,.rt. At --..... , ..... .,.u,Ptu-.... c ............... cu, CobcU bOorlaco proc:ocl<cl tba approY&I of the rtnaJ plan. "1'111 ama&ed; they're tn- terfertac witb our tlrst a.m .. eadmeat rigbtl,'' Mr. llc- Luchlln eommellled, ''The eourta are not cotar to Itt them ctt away wttb It.'' • Borrow an electric en- graver from the near est li- brary aod e~rave your val- uables witb you r driver's license oomber. Few burg- lars want readily tdentiflable property J.o their possession. Mr. Sharkey, a native of Ulinois, was a cook am bad be en tn this ana tor 25 years. He died Aug, 26 in Hoag hospital. He Is sur- Yived by 3 sisters, Elinor Malek. Forest Park. OJ.; Veronica Steward, Saota Ana, and Ellzabeth c . War - lie, Costa Mesa. the petition. He said dama- ges would include t he money last by Arne! in trylag to get favorable financing rates for the 665-unlt hous1Dg de- velopment . Bridge schedule· ouflined Bids could be advertised ill state money and $218,000 Costa M.esa's City Coun- 'X' ·xww· lor Amencan Cars 'zX' ·zx · lor Imported & compact Cars -Complete ctla .. il lubric1tion and oil -Comp&ete aoab'l11 chanae.. -Helpa en~we .,588 -meat eoneet_.., ........ ,. "'"' w..,.lnl porta '"d to lncr-e tire ... , ,._,..__ 1m ooth, quiet per- . and imprcwe _.... rormanc:e -Pleau Precillioa equlpm•t, phone for appointment -· Any u.s. m• u.ed by uperlea~ Up to • qu. o1 lnchJdea lilht tnadtt. car -par•ntnif mltcbaolcl belpl -·'-w~ ,.. Alii: for our Free -"d. IIIII_.. ' ._ -,_..._1 ~ lUre a pr«:illoa •• oU. Banery Power Cbeck -u~~·----~~--------------~--1 ... -4 ql., .......... ·-· _,. . ... Our mechaalu -.e: 'troaically no. ... ,.... ·---...... plqp • CCIGdiiiMr 4 .,. eh•rll•a-1tart111 . .,. ..... u .. -....... Wjut cllrburetor • a.1,. malat.la a _,_,.., __ lachadea DatSa•; ToJOUI , VW 6 lllitt ......... ..... ....- »-Wheel Front Dflle : IMtall ..., rr.t dille ,brakopodo -Ropoek •ood ... poet,_ ...... bearlD11 -liLipec:t rqdralllk 1yMem aad raton Cdoel DOt lnehdt ..... .-, OR •Wboot .,__,.,., laatall aew breb ........ --. -ell, ......... boOrtttp.--..,. __ ... -· I in No• ember or December, 1978, for Coast RJ&bway. Dover Drhe Improvements and upper Newport Bay bridge replacement lll a re- solution apprond by the Newport Beach City Councll las t week. Plans for the $8,180,000 pro)ect would see$3,964,000 in federal fUnds, $3,998,000 Robbers take 37 revolvers Thirty -seven blue s teel revol•ers valued at $4,837 •• 25 wer e stolen from the Grant Boys store,l750 New- port Blvd., Costa Mesa, by 3 black men and a black woman at 6:28a.m. Sunday, Costa Mesa pollee repor- ted. The sporttnc goodstlrm was closed at the Ume. Two of the men ~lied a front door open, causiog the padloc k tO disengage from the door hasp. Tbe suspects then entered, smashed a glass display case and re- moved the firearms. Tbe act triggered an alarm to pollee headquarter s, but the sus - pects had departed in an unknown direction by the time oUicers arrived. A man ud woman wit- nesses 1o a car eastbound on 18th St. had stopped for the stg oal light at Newport Blvd, and ooUced a ear stopped eastbound on Rochester St. adjaceot to the store. T he hood was up and one man was standlog nert to the car with a gas can ln his hand, A bla ck woman was behind the wheel. The witnesses said they saw the other 2 male suspects enter tbe. store. A probable license rJJmber was obtained. All of tbe r evolvers were Rugers wit h brown walwt grips. P U BLIC N O TI C E NOI'lCE OF PUBLJC HEARING Notice is hereby gl•en tbat the Planolag Commission of the City of Newport Beach wm hold a public hearing oo Amend ment No. 486 Ini- tiated by the City of New- port Beach to consider an amendment to Chapters 20.- 11 and 20.15 of the Newport Beach Munlclpll Code rela- ting to Resldentlal Develop- ment Standards and devel- opment standards ill the R-2 District. Consideration shall be given to but not limited to amendillg the Residential Development standards so as to apply to all R-Z Dis- tricts wtthln the CUy,amen- ding the parking require- meW to provide three par. king spaces for R-Z devel- opment with an option for a fourth parking space, allow- lug tbe open space option area to be proYlded anywhere behind the required setback lines and anowq tandem as well as side yard parldng. Nottce Is berebJ Alrtber liven tbat said pilllc bearlnc wUI be held on the l5tb daJ of September, 1977, at the hour of 7:00 P.M. 1n the Council Chambers of tbe Newport Beach City Hall, at wbtcb time 1.111 place aay a.od all persons loterested ma1 appear aod be beard thereon. PAUL L. BALALIS .. ..., P......,Commlooloo CIIJ of 11-rt BooA:• PUBLISH: Sept. 1, lV17, 1D ' tbo .._ Harbor IMtp. trom the City ol Newport Beach used, "The s tate Is oow com. pleting the r igbt...of-n.y ap- praisals and hopes to begln rlght...of-way acqul8it1on lll October,'' Joseph T. DeYllD, pUbllc works director, no- tilled tbe Newport Beach City Council. Tbe state will pre~ pare the plans, speclftca- tlons aod estimates, acquire right-of.way, advertise, aw- ar d and admillister·the pro- ject, Mr. DeYI.Ln pointed out, In October, 19?5, the city authorized an agreement with the state to obtain funds from tbe Federal Aid for Urban Systems Act for the new bridge and road Improvements, MICHAEL MULHERON OF N.B. DIES AT 7 I Ma ss was celebrated Aug. 29 ror Michael Mul heron, 71, of 890 W, 15th St., West Newport Heights, In st. Joa- chim CatholiC Church, fol- lowed by interment at Good Shepherd Cemetery. Rosary was recited Sunday in Bell Broadwa y Chapel, Mr. Mulheron, operatorot a swimml.cg pool service and a Dative of Scotland, died Aug. Z6 in Bev,rly Manor Convalesc81lt Ho~l TMI, He is survived by bis wife, Susanne; a son, Michael Jr., Costa Mesa; 3 daughters, Matilda Mulheron. Newport Beach; Helen Koncz, Laguna Hills, and Patricia Mal- heron, COJJta Mesa; a bro- ther, wuuam Mullleron ot Scotland, and 5 grandchil- dren. lht l"rtc• "'7. 71! 01fect-<Xli.IOied PO-r w•lh Jll lhft orett t<enW()()() leatur" t Nt oerlo..,nance -A ·eest-Buv· S~1em ------------~------------(\/} PIONEER HIGHWA T HI R I 00 PIONEER. IJif .......,. UJ7.tt I HEA.D,HOHES .• I ALL lo!ODEL s lolotlfl-4.1ST-S.UI I U l-U .to-ll.M Stereo TSI6I I l 0S-J5.00-17.H 5 -sta!•O, 40S--U .OO-U.H speakers have IV l ·;~r.-.~~·.:~.~,~~~·'" '"""' sl59'sl magnets .,,d de<:Ofato• O"IIE'~ __. L,..,,, , ~ ... •'•o .. , .. ,, I:D ou .,. ,, "c.• ------------~-------------BLANK TAPE SALE! ALL IIU.HK TAI'fS.CASSETTE. REB-To-tiHL. 1-TUCII. ARE ALWAYS OH SALE, AT COST, 01 IELOW! 1 I SHURE I V-15111 I "" Pric•III.OI WANTED--A CHAMPION Jimmy Carter gets a lot of mUeage out of his talk about hUman rights and his aid to the minority groups. Everyone of these groupa seems to have at least one or two "champions" of tbelr eanae ln Wasblngton and Sacramento. Well, I'd Ute to call somellOOy's attention to a mloority group lmown aJ1 the commercial llahermen. This Is a bunch of IDdependeot, bard-working guys who gu out and flcbt the elements to mate a Uving !rom ftsblng. You make a big IDvestment In a small boat, tb9n hope It stays together uotU It's paid for. You doo't ask lor welfare. AU you expect from llfe or guvernment Is a chance to earn an hooest living In a free enterprise society. But, oowadays the commercial !lsherman Is not gettiql; an honest chance to make It ••• and guvernmeot Is the villain. Tho guvtrnment baa !aUed to protect tho small fisherman from the huge RuS51an super-ships. GoYernment bas also failed to pro- tect the llttle man from the huge canoery ships and their purse seiDa and spotter planes. Our stato Fish and Game ~rtmoni, which should be on our side, Is one of our wont .,.mles. Local guvernmenta In towns Ute Newport Beach baYe made It tougher and tougher on the commercial !lsherman. Their pulley -m• to be: ''get out of town -we don't DHd you anymore.'• Wbat lhlll mloority group neOds Is a cbamploo In Sacramento. Old Ed Mustle, whose home stato of Maine baa a lot of small llahermen, has tried to help us In Wublngton. I - a chance here for somebody like Asaemblyman Ron Cordova or state Senator Dennis Carpenter to really make some !rieDIIs If !boy wUI help out tbe IIOerman. We .-some brutwatera up and doWn the CC».ss to provide safe abelters from 11011thaut winds. Whltl ""' get out there In a small craft and a southeaster comes up, JOU're In big tl'OIIllo, and there's DD place to hide. We need better protectloll from the Ruul•ns. The Coast Guard shoUld spend mono Ume ltlllorclag the law IC"Inat tho RusclaM and los• limo llarUIIIDc oar own people. We .-more room In the bubora. Oae of the .-.ties of our Illata f!O"ornment Is .._led to be to guan.ateo that public bartlors wW be anllable to tile small commercial boWl, The pernmODI Is not doiJiC Ita job. Morse La..a,., ror eu.m- ple, Is lldly In .-of a guod bubor dndc1al and a lew bulc !acWU. that would bq, tbe llsberm-. lllewport Is l'IIDIII .. out of placeo to Ue up a 11""'• bait, Tbls ts u Amerteaa lllllaotry doiJiC u lmportut job of oupp!JIIr tbe Amerleaa dlmer t.ble Wltb llab. Tbe pol1cJ ol our IOferDmlllt -ms to be to Ill G4ller people !lsh our nlen &1111 Mil the !lab -to u lB cu.. How I ult ""' -ciOM Ibis make -? Amertcaa )abe &1111 AmeriC&D ..._. are at llalllo bere. 1'be lllbermaa IBD't a tid,. tor a l»wtoat, Bid, llllB 111in0rUJ pwp B ..... ,. ror a cbance to .nth. Bow aboolt It, Mr. Conloft and Mr. C&rpallter? AI Forpt Down at the Ilion, we're doiiiC oar put to llelp tbe a.bermaa by """"'• lop- 'IPIIMJ Amerioi'Hi*Je IDUIM IIUdftn ud ICIIfr'pt, RGIT HARDW·ARE ••