HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-07-08 - Newport Harbor EnsignTelecommute -A Look At The Future The Visiting Expert lsUSCs Dr. Nilles See Businea And Another Look At The Senate Race Pete Wilson H~ An Answer-Almost See Below THE NEWPORT ENSIGN • ESTABUSHED 1948 • 33RD YEAR • NUMBER 48 • (714) 673-0550 • SERVING ALL OF NEWPORT AND CORONA DEL MAR • WEDNESDAY, JULY 8, 1981 • 25 CENTS Howard Dickerson, president of the fair board, awards Shannon Cleve her crown as Country Girl, 1981 . Staff Photo bv Barry SloOtn Third Time Is A Chann For County Fair Queen Shannon Cleye, 20, who hu been a ch .. rlMder for the Loe Anqelea Ram. and the Cahiornia Surf, can now lead aome ch"n for heneU. The former Newport Beach r .. u:lent, who moved to Tuahn hardly more than a week aqo, hu won the title of Oranqe County Fair Country G1rl, and will reiqn over the fauqround'a kinqdom July 10-19. She exhibited a p1xtesb Nn.ae of humor by observ10g ahe won u • r .. ult of well wah .. 1he Nid 1he receaved lonq d..Wtance from her "pet llama lh.t liv" iJl Nevada." She a1ao captured the con- tnt'• "Niu PhotOQenac" award. "ft'1 qrMI, 11'1 10 eliCit- lnq," Nid a beamlnQ Cleye. Her plan~? "I'm qomq to .tart my eecond year at Oranqe Coaat Colleqe in the arM of communication•." aa.id. "I'd like to work for a luqe public re!.tiou firm in Otan~ County.''. CJ.,e lau been a runner- up ln tM 1ut two annual be.uty c:ont•ta held at the lair. Sbe NJd Mf 9C)&lln We i• to be "a JaeaJth,, uppy per· lOll. 01 8Jie Mid alae doeo't ,.. bow what ahe'U clo with ..... $100 priM--.,. TbJe JM.l'• Couat.ry CCNiiaa ate Ua1rd ruuer•up .. , LM G.aen.TO, 17, of 8u Jua ~uo; aecoad ,.... ... c.nw 1\ari91iattO, 20, ol c,p,..; ... lint ........ p K.rWia Moe, lt, S..taAM. A--. tM 11 ......... ol U..G-t•<•••--oa.. ale ...... AM M "dag aato ................ ~ Cioll l'a A CoU~ry ..,, If ... .,.., Gr .... 11. .. c.. ........ ... .......... a.. ol ··'*" Beach. Kelly Althaua, 19, of Anaheam, another conte1tant, sa1d the Country Gal Paq- eant was not a typical beauty contest an that "it's all per- aonahty, not loob." Lynn Dl4m.ant , 18, of Yor· ba Llnda ~aid the unaqe of the Country G1rl is "the qirl- next-door look. It's freah, not that ambitious or glamor- OUI " The conte1tants were JUdCJ· ed on then appearances 1n IWIDUWU, )eAJU, party dress- es-and on how the 15 final- Ist• responded to qu"tion• a1ked by maater of ceremon- &el Ed Kearney TbneFor Characters To Sign Up Entry forma are available at tbe Newport &rbor Area Cham ber of Commerce offlcee for the 2l.t annual Character Boat Parade 1pon.ored by the chamber'• CoDUDodorea Club. The colorful feltJval, wblch drew .ome 95 boat a lett year, will beqtD at 1 p .m . on Sunday, Auo. 16, tn tJae North IJdo turu- la9 baalo. 'nae tb .. e wiU ceJ• bra a. the city' • 75th u..oivenary. Route of \he ... qoin9 aajari will take II tbrouobout Newport'• l<*e~ bey. T~ .... awarded 6or MY'eral ~ of decor•Uou• a.od craft ..._, but Doe E. hrter, the cla••ber'a .ucuuve ciLNctoz, eaph4t*Md ~to be ...... * .. ~' OO.peti· u. parade ~rUciputa •ut .....allciAI~ lora. 1'M boat pared. U. trooa lD .....-a~~teucl Or..,. eo..u, ........ Ucllt ................. !., ... ~·IDt·fU ewat. Jet Noise Doesn't Cut HoJDeValue Judge RAymond V1ncent baa thrown out the property damaqe haU of a mas1ave law1uat aqaiDit the co11nty over airport noise. Monday's rulinq, which sa1d the county 18 not liable for in- verM condemnation because of commercial jet nOIM , leAves an emotional d1atre11 tuue for the Supenor Co\lrt jury to decide. Supervnor Riley de/endJJ AirCal prioritie.s a. PSA sue.s county: Poge 2. Newport Center Assoclo- llon bocla city's position ~ oirporlexpan6.ion: Page 9. Blue ribbon panel on _ ~~al aJTJ!qJt sU. -..IM:Jion name11 cbOJrmon: Pbge J . Late Tuesday, attorney• ftnt~h­ ed theu final arquments and the emotional distress tasue went to the jury. No one ID court would predict how lonq the JUrors mlCJhl deliberate, but they were unable to reac h a verd1c1 yester- day. One of the plaintif11, Tom Wil11anu, also coorchnator of the A1rport CoaJihon, wid later. ' 1 am not particularly •urpriaed. The whole thnut of airport law u1 QOinQ toward emohonaJ d11tress." Walhams a. attemptmq to Qather 1,000 familiea to sue the a1rport on those cpounda Vmcent made the deterrruna lion alter hearinq arqu.menta wathout the JUry present. He apparently Agreed wtth Robert A. Steele, con1ulhnQ real estate appraiMr, who testihed for the county Jut week that property m Newport .beach and SantA Ana Heiqhta had not been devalued by the a1rport A real estate appratser for the plamhff1 had te1tiJ1ed earher that home• of the hhgants hAd suffered rouqhly 10 percent loaes. N01se does have an •Heel on (Continued on paqe 6) Irvine Co. Plan For Newport Center Under Heavy Attack by Roger Angle Two c1taen1 qroup1 thb wMk announced a ma)Or aaault on the extent of planned Irvine Co. Qrowth m Newport Center and Alonq the Irvine Cout. Jean Watt, prHldena oi SPON (Stop Pollut.lnq Our Newport) and tz.uuportation coord.mator of the newly formed Ca.hbon of C:. c:erued Coa.t.J Citiaen., maO. tAe announcement. Watt Nid SPON will oppoee the planned buildout ot Newport Center, and pl .. d at Caty Coun- cil mMtiDQ Tuelday, July 14, tor a co~pleta deni&J of Geu.w Pl&n A.aendmut 80-3. The company h.d ..qd 1CL. • ~~~,;:~,~~~~~'T wcW •••.o.-~·ar otnce 1pace, 20,000 aqua.re t .. t of San Diego Mavor Pete Wilson (left) •s shown at recent pohttcal gathering with Gavtn Herbert, president of Allergen Pharmaceuttcal of lrvtne. and Timothy Strader (nghtl, vtce president of Ko/1 Co . Newport Beach StaH pMto boy B.tnv Sloou relAll a.nd a 400-room hotel to what a there now and what ~ allowed under the current General Plan. In adchhon, the • Marnott Hotel 11 ... hnQ to •dd 165 hotel rooms and a 5,000- squue foot meehnq room. WDson Panies Questions On Switch To Senate Race The coabhon, Watt sa.Jd , Wl ll oppose, at a Coastal ComlD..ll· s1on meehnQ July 21. pam of the company's planned develop ment along the lrvtne Coa1t, between Corona del Mar and by Butt Sima Would San Diego MAyor Pete Wtlaon, runn109 bard for the Repubhcan nonunahon for qovernor, swttcb to the race for the U.S Senate tf powerful party hqure1 10 requested' "Nobody haa asked me to," W1lson a.nswered th1a newspaper la~t week "WhAt 1f you well! asked'" "1 can't an1wer A hypotbet1cal queshon hlr:e that," he sa1d . 'T m 10 the rAce for governor " One of the worlt-kept pohllcal secrets m the Republican PArty, lhta newspAper baa leArned, 1s the concern that several party hqures hAve reqardmg the Senate norrunation It 11 becom IOQ common koowledqe that some .a·c alled experts feel U S Senator S I . Hayahwa could Laquna Beach. very well \¥1D the GOP prunary The coalthon will sugqest the -but lose th .. qenerAl elect1on company be allowed to bu1ld AQ4Jnlt Jerry Brown 1n the wAke 400 hotel rooms, 1ratead of the of that concern bas come requested 2 000. not be allowed speculahon that the next best to build any off1ce space, m GOP c h01ce m1qbt well be the steAd of 200.000 square feet the personable, J8.year old San company requested, not be allowed to build any caretaker (Conltnued on page 6) or QUest homes along Wlth 1ts 1 2,000 smqle famuy dweUmqs, Brown To Visit and be allowed to budd 660 affordable bousmg unJtl Gov. Jerry Brown wdl VISJI the SPON 1 t t 1 0 C y II a OnQ 1me Crl JC 0 range ounty oung commerc1al growth rn the Area Democrats voter reqtstral1on d rt f ( boo h 0 an was A suppo er o ormer t at the range C ounty f au u . 0 p 1 R k U d \.~-c-_ -PU~Y r au yc o an ~yor ..>olurday, July 11 at about 3 I Pro-Tem Ray Wtlhams, both of P m whom were voted out of office lD He WlH be present to attend Apnl 1980 the qroundbrealunq for the new fatrqrounds amphttheater '1111 (Conhnued on paqe 9} This Money Will Go Into The Sewer by Jim Rochllo The Oranqe County Sanatahon D1atnct will uhh&e part of the revenue qenerated by recently announced rete hUt .. toward a S7 .7 million plan to rehabilitate the Mwer 1yatem ~re dunnQ the next five yMn. fred Harper, qeneral runaqer of the Oren~ County Sultahon Dt.trtct, poilated to the ezploeioo of a MWer line ln front of the Ba1boe a., Clllb MrU.r thJ.a '"' u the f.ctor which prec.iplt•ted Nwer rete iJlcr ..... beN. "W• t .. lwe abould do aom.thlDQ to avoid lkavinQ ..,.~ lD U.e (Beck) ... , a~o,"IU.rper Mid. WWJe the,. .. 6or t.he ft.cal , .. , Jat, 1, liMn to Ju.ne 30, 1812 • $28.40 auMlly lo~ a oae-iac~ water ... ., (co-OG lll uvle taaU, lao..), the rat• will iacri MI lo ..... aaDualJy chaiac;J ... IIIOal ,.., ~Q ,.., 1. leG. ''Ha .... lUI," .,cotdlll9 to llupw, wdl ._ W..e ~ ~tla bar·lac:la ... .. , ..... wt.o. , .... Will "probably be rauHtd" from the pr ... nt $420 annually to $770 annually beQIODIDQ July 1982. Whue the rate luke tot one· inch meten wa• conhnned July 1 by the Sanatahon D11tnct's board of duector1, the 10cr ..... for larQer meteu wtll be aub,ect to approval at the ~tnct'• AuQ 12 budQet m .. bnq. There were lour pubhc hear· lDqa to Newport BMc:.h on ~ U.ue Lll•t month, and Herper noted there was "not much com ment from bu11ne1s ' rt"gA rd&nq the ralM 10 rates "Oiatnct Fave 11 the hr1t dlStnct tn our county (out o f seven d11tncta) to have 1t1 rate• raued About 90 percent of Newport'• populahoo a 10 tha1 d11tnct, but there la a portaon of the c1ty nMr the bluff bordertnq Costa Nna that wul not be (Conhnued on paqe 9) Stepped-Up PoUce Patrol Credited For 'Cluleter' 4th b .. .., .,.... •• wu pleqed •• cutody. hrrtll reponed no aatos lDddeota o~ iDJur1M dv- lDO the ecoTChi.aq fourth of Jaly weekead ''Our ~ oe loot 'patrol are a pro.ea ~a.live -.uu.re ...... on-, .. a.. Mkt. '1t ........... ia -..... • ''We·.-.... prdha• ta.e ..... beioe-ol • a.c.k ol ... . (o. ... .-..... f) INSHORJ' luUcllag ladutry A.odatloa Jay L. Reed, vice preeident for adlltJDlJtratlon of the Fluor Corp., will apeak on "Houain;: Ptoblem of the Hour" at the next mMUD; of ~· Bwldin; Indu.try AIIOOlatlon of Oren;• CoUDty Monday, July 13 at 6 p .m. at the Alrporter Inn. a ... rvationa mull be made by noon Friday, July 10. For in- formation call BIA at S.7-3042. DraJt Boarda The Selective Service Sy1tem 11 now recruitiDQ local citizeu to Nrve on _poeaible future draft bo.rd.a throu;bout the atate. Member• of the five-penon bo.rd.a will be Mlected to be repreNntaUve of the com- muntu .. they Nrve. Accordln; to the director, bo.rda will not actually be Nt up now but the memben will be Nlected and trained to be ready lhould they be needed. For information write to the State Director, Selective Service Syatem for California, PO Boz 15986, Sacramento 95813. Co1111Ditt ... The event will be held at the South Cout Plua Hotel in Cotta Weaa from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p .m. For reMrvaUona at $13 per peraon call (213) 741·4490. Dlal·A·Ride Otal·A·Rlde Mrvlce wu u - tended to Corona del War by the Oren;• CoUDty Tranalt 011trict efJeotive July 1. Dial-A-Ride vehicl .. do not follow a futed route. lnatHd ridera telephone OCTO to r•· quut a vehicle. Service will operate from 7 a .m. to 6 p.m. wMkdaya and 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturdaya for an adult fare of $1. For local Dial-A-Ride aervice call 556-5155. Student PrHentatlon Lealie Tale of Balboa laland, a atudent at the Univer1ity of Southern California, will preaent a Mt of •ix bicentennial coina to a repreMntative of McGraw-Hill in Peru, France, July 13. Ann) .,.,..Aag .. The U.S . Army Corpe of IDQiDMII may OOIUitruct a aoct.l of Newport Bay at Viob· Wf9, Nitl., to t..t an iaveotor'a bay olean-up plan that hu received little official •~port locally. And jot the fact that they mly teet bia invention ta tremen· doualy enoouraQiDQ to Ottie H. (Andy) Andrewa, 65, who haa been tryin; to Mll ofJtolale bia ldH for YHrl. NeuwbUe, Andrewa aaid be la 10 an;ry about the ;overn- ment'a current plan to build d..Utin; buina and dred;e the upper bay that be 11 tbinkinq about fill.n; a lawault ... kin; an injUDctlon to ltop the project. "Their plan tm't ;oin; to atop the ailt, and it'a ;oin; to coat $4 a yard for them to haul it off. "U I didn't think I could NVe the tupayen $15 million over the next 10 yean, I'd quit, and ;o off and enjoy life," be wd. "But I can't quit now." , Fllin; the ault will coat the retired Anaheim truck driver, former aircraft worker and amateur inventor $4,000, he wd, and dependa on the pay- ment of a bualneu debt of $5,000 be bopea w1ll come next WHk. Andrewa received the encour- Andy Andrews pointe to a lilt control installation. aQement from the Corp• of En;lnHn durin; a recent $600 aelf-paid trip to Savannah, Ga., to lhow the corpa bia idea and to ... the only deailtin; opera· lion in the U.S., be 1ay1, that i1 aimilar to bia plan. In Andrewa' concept, the incomin; tide would be chan- neled, throuob UN of two tidal ;atu and a Ma wall, up one •ide of the bay and down the other, theoretically fluabinq the ailt out of the upper bay. St•ff photo by R~ Angle Tb. lower bay would then be cleaned by ocean water that would 90 throu;b a one-way tidal ;ate, be piped under the Balboa Peninaula and then help flu1b the silt out into the ocean. Andrew• aaid Frank H. PoNy I r ., aupervisory civil en;ineer at the corpa' Savannah River installation, had aaid be will 1u;qeat that the corp• build a model of Newport Bay at Vicka- burq to teat Andrewa' idH. Andrewa expect• a copy of Tranaportatlon Forum Bill Royer of the federal O.pertment of Tran~portation will be the featured 1peaker at the July 10 tran1portation forum apon.10red by the Southern California Tranaportation Action She will make the preNntation u part of the USC School of Journalism'• international aum- mer prOQram and u temporary ambUMdor of the city of Loa An;elu. The coin• were minted a• part of the city's 200th birthday celebration. Riley Defends AlrCal Priority But PSA Sues County Over Access Plan by Rog.r Angle Conunlsslons End Work PSA didn't want in he;e UDtil the bualneu wu too Qood to pan up. June 30 marked the end of the 1tate'a liz re;ional coa1tal com- miuiona with the California 1tate Coaatal Commia1ion takin; over the dutiea of the reqional bodiea. BuildinQ permita which were formerly iuued by the re;ional commiuiona will now be handl- ed by the atate commia1ion, but under ;reatly atreamlined pro- cedurea, accordln; to M.ich4el L. Pilcher, executive director. "There will be aome confu· •IOJl. b"t we do not expect either the publlc or me COm.mtl· aion to encounter any major pro- blema with the tran11hon," Mid F11cber. The comm111ion will process permit• for the 48 citiea and countiea wh1ch have. not yet completed then Local Coa1tal Proqrama, which include Oranqe County and local Cities. : 66 NinetHn juriadictiou which have completed their plana are now i11uin9 permit• locally, added Fischer. He Mid that he ezpect1 90 percent of the jurildictiona will take over their own permit work by June of 1982. Lar;e numben of permita will be ban~ on a conMnt calen- dal', UD!Ir which all minor per- mill on the a;enda are handled --nth one vote by the commiuion and no ,..,bUo hHrlnQ. In addition, •"'-tnt.trative perauta fol' ~mall projecta "m be iuued by the uecutive director. The local office for the arH formerly aerved by the South Co.ut Reoional Commiuion will remain open at 666 E. Ocean Blvd., Room 3107, Lon; Beach, to accept applicanta. Nancy Lucut will Nrve u re;ional director. Tbat'a bow Supervisor Tom Riley defended, m an interview with tb1l newapaper, bit airline acceu plan, which baa been cb.Uen;ed by a Pacific Southweat Airlin-.a lawauit. The plan, alated to qo into efJect Oct. 1, ;rant. 23.5 out of 41 avera;• daily departure• from John Wayne Airport to Air· Cal, lHvln; 11.5 for Republic, and two .. cb for PSA, Frontier and w .. tern. It will be PSA'a firat entry here; it wu adopted by •~n a I'AQDtA a;o. The ace ... plan abo allowa for 1• more fii;htl iJ the avera;• daily noiM 11 reduced by 7. 5 declbel.a, a ;oal Riley Nid could happen in two yean. Some of thoae fli;bta could ;o to PSA, Riley Mid. : C0011a del Mar (714) 544-5130 Tustil ! •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Incredible Sound Were $2.100 Pf. NOW *1,511(1mttes~> Mortleltletl • JVC IU77 IOwlch. rte. •IJCIDZT•r•tMIIe • Marafttl.,...ara (3 Wlf) • Hlt.chi 15 wlch. rec. ... .. . 510 ... 441 110 ... 111 250 ... 151 211 ... 141 • SALES • SERVICE •INSTALLATIONS STEREOTYPE SOUND (1JIIK8 NEW MMA80100) 3111 L OMit Nwy. • e.USI . Ch«<ll.n Frkllty MS.Ufdly AieiM M ow ~\Alar"*· <ict tM nut ,.._, n~l lnlk * ~ 17& II'! a wnt mJnl•\'tuclun ~lch .U cl Ut1J11!t (uul'lr)•'\ IICII'k Cklnf luM mlnutn ~-a,· • Obint')'bnd 241 mlnut("' Knl•c·~ lkrr)' Altm 2~ minuet'! ~m Scldiu.m . 1 ~ minuet'S YtiU (lrl a hncurtuw•ltqPIIIry nn11, "f*1dl!llcll)'"1lk "lltd p~tll. fmo IJ'C cl uur ~ tWMt<J lt'nNJ \"CJlUU '*" chr !iUn. lliWf lnd llhiiP' tl MIUIN ~ptWtlk1k11 Jtlin \1!0 "''"" In, • ., c.~ .. ,... ....... For ~haft ~o:aiiiOU 4 U-441"' PSA filed 1u.it in U.S. Oi1tnct Court in Loa An;el•• laat week, sHklnQ to overturn the alloca· lion ay1tem. O.nni1 O'Dell, PSA v1ce preaident for le;al affain, Mid the 1uit alle;•• violations of the Airline Derequlation Act of 1978, the Sherman Anti-Tru1t Act, the Airport and Airway• Development Act, and three con1titution&l prlnciplea, those 1ettin; federal law• above •tate laws, proteotin; inteutate com· merce, and ;rantln; equal pro· tection to corporation•. "It qeta down to the s1mple iuuea of diiCrimulation and anti-comp~titlve prachce1," O'Dell MTcl. A bearln; 11 1cheduled A uq. 10 before Jud;e A. Andrew Hauk. Riley Mid, ''In the early days, PSA turned down thll a1rport. It could've been the ail'line that came in here. In.1ead it wa• Air California (now AirCal). "These QUYI (AirCal) atayed here when buaineas waan't that oood. They developed the buaineu and atuck with it. Now they have an enormou1 inve•t· ment in buildin;a aild a local comm1t.ment, with many employees livinQ in the area. "I don't think it would be qood adrniniatration to open the f11qhts up for bida every six montha (aa PSA i1 IUQQeltinq, 1n 1t1 lawsuit). "How would 1t be poaaible to set up a facility that biq, d 1t was only quaranteed for 11x montba?" O'Dell re~ted ~ claim~ that its compehhon would pro- duce lower fare• for Oran;e Counhana. "Where we both Oy routes-Ontario to San Fran- (Continued on pa;e 5) PoNY• J.tter uy day. ADcllt 11 Dea.rly the fint aooure;ement bebuud. lA bJ.e oampa19Q to clean Newport Bay bil way, ADchewa bu appeared at a City CoUDoU aaMUDo, ud wrlttee to gover· nora, preeidente, ucl enQ!a .. ra. Ron Hein, a wildlife biolOQilt for the ltat• De"partment of Jiab and Game, which mana;•• the upper bay u an eooloqtcal r ... rve, haa eaid the aluicin; operation "would be a blolOQical diaaater," turninQ the bay lnto "a man-made river" and Oulh- in; out much that 11 nec .... ry to the wildlife habitat. Don Simpaon, coordinator of the ;overnment project, bu wd Andrewa' plan is "an overaimpli- floation of a very complez prob- lem." But Andrew• doem't ;ive up. In addition to obtainin; encour· a;ement frotn the corps and contemplatlnq a poasible law- •uit, be hu recently written a letter to Lt. Gov. Mike Curb. "I apolo;ize that all my previoua eUort1 have failed with other politiciana, but I fHl dedicated to thi1 project, and look forward to bein; able to 1ave the tupayer1 $15 million, and at the aame time have a ayatem that wiU do the job ri;bt," Andrew• wrote. Golclwaten ToAppeer A father and aon political team, Senator Bury M. Gold- water of Ari&ona and Con;reu- man Barry M. Goldwater Jr. of California, will attend a Republican Party fund-ra11inQ event July 16 from 6 to 8 p .m. at the Santa Ana Country Club. Goldwater Jr .• who hu Mrved in the Houae aince 1969, ia an announced candidate to unaeat S. I. Hayakawa in the Senate primary race next June. Unannounced GOP cancil- datu ln that race include MaurHn Reaqan, the preai· dent'• dauqhter, and Rep. Pete McClo1key. The event Wlll benefit the OrAnqe County Republican Party. It 11 not a benefit for Goldwater Jr Ticket• are $100 and are available by callinq 547-8006 or by wnhn(l to the Republican Party of Oranqe County, 717 S. Main St., No. 200, Oranqe, CA 92668. TWFNTY CLASS A CIGARETIES More ._ 11 ...... .,. JV, I, 1111 ~ llewport 'mtp . On J~ly ~4, the Newport Beach C1ty Council w1ll begin to consider our plan for completing Newport Center. No one can say precisely, or even generally, what the final out- come of these deliberations will be. But some things are predict- able. This is one of them: In the end, whether we like the de?ision or not,. a majority of Council members will take an action which they honestly believe to be in the best i.nterests of a majority of the communtty. Another prediction: After the decision is made, and . whichever way it goes, a good many ·of the people who had addressed the c.ouncil about the plan will be very dtsgruntled, to say the least. . .. That's how it is with any big . d~ctston made by this or any other Ctty Council. It is guaranteed to leave some people unhappy. And they will grumble mightily about it. One more prediction: The Council's decision on our plan for completing Newport C~nter-whether yes, no or maybe- will not cause the city's roads to ~c<?me one great big parking lot. Nor wtlltt cause the sun to be blocked p~t by massive jet convoys, nor the ctty to go broke, nor the polar ice caps to melt. It will do none of these monumental things. What it will do, however, is ~ubstantial enough. For it wilLhave an tml?act, one way or another, on some maJor. needs of Newport Center and, more tmportant, of Newport Beach. A better road system is one such need. Having an economically ~ealthy, well~kept, well~served city ts another. . We think our plan does a good JOb of meeting such needs. We think it serves the best inter- ests of a majority of the community. · It meets, in other words the ultimate requirement for appr~vaL That's our opinion. Here are some of our reasons for having it: Newport needs the road improvements that come with the plan. The 20 percent increase in office space and new hotel we pro- ~se for Newport Center will neces- Sitat~, ~cc~rd.ing to city studies, some S3 mtlhon 1n public road improve- ments. Under our plan, we will pay not .only for these improvements ( wh1ch would be fair), but we will also pay for SS million in additional road amprovements (which would be unprecedented). This $8.2 million "11te CouncU's cledslon oa our plan wiD have an Impact, one way w another, OD some major neech of Newport Center and, more lmpo11Mt of Newport Be8cb!' , p~oram will help complete the c1ty s masterplan for roadways .. At no public cost .. . An important point: The extra road Improvements we're going to provide will serve regional traffic which will increase whether or n~t Newport Center is completed and whether or not the road system is upgraded. So the work really has to be.done. The only question is, who's gomg to pay for it? We're willing. Another point: In addition to these road improvements (mostly along MacArthur Boulevard and Jamboree Road), our plan calls for a transportation management pro- gr~m for Newport Center employees. It Involves staggered work hours van pooling, bus subsidy progra~s and other incentives to reduce peak- ho~r commuter traffic. Transpor- tation experts tell us the program should keep Newport Center's future employee traffic volumes eithet at or below current General Plan levels. - Our plaa wiU provide mllUons of doUars In crldcally needed city revenues. Newport Beach, everyone will surely agree, is a pretty nice town. ~t takes money-tax money-to keep 1t that way. A lot of it. And that is precisely one of the principal city-wide benefits of our Newport Center plan The additional developments wiiJ · provide the city with more than $1 mil- lion yearly in surplus tax revenues. In all , between now and 1990, if New- port. Center is built-out as we propose, 1t w11l generate S25 million in net city income. This means after the cost of city services has been deducted. In summary, while most cities are facing severe revenue cutbacks (and consequent slashes in services), N.e~port Beach can soon enjoy sig- nlftcant revenue increases. That's one of the promises of our Newport Center plan. 11te new hotel will eabance Newport Center wbUe havlag minimal traffic or airport Impact. The hotel we have in mind is a 400-~m, low-key, low-scale, luxury hoteltn a garden setting. It will be the finest in Orange County. We think it belongs in Newport Beach-and at Newport Center, where it will con- tribute markedly to the prosperity of local merchants. Equally important, it will have little effect on local automobile traffic .. fur one thing, it will have no convention facilities. fur ~r .. all studi~ show that car trips by hotel guests aren't concentrated d~ ing peak hours .. They occur at differ- ~nt hours throughout the day, so the Impact on traffic volumes when eve~ one else is going to and from work is very minimal. As far as the airport is con- cerned, there is no question that a number of guests at the new hotel will be arriving and departing from J?hn Wayne .. They would use the ~rpon no matter where they stayed an <?range ~ounty. This ~ happen un!•l there ts another, larger airport built somewhere else .. (We're work- ing wit~ variol!S agencies to help find a new atrport Site, a need that every- one recogniz~.) In ~y case, the proposed new hotel wtlJ not cause a big increase in local air passenger traffic .. It will be minimal .. Our studies show that a daily average of about 35 of the boters guests will arrive or depart by air. That .adds ~p. to about one percent of the auport s current daily total of ~nger trips, either coming or gotng. These hotel visitor trips, of course, would be made wherever the hotel is built .. And we happen to be!ieve strongly that it should be bwlt here, where it will match the beauty a~d proud elegance of the surrounding community .. There you have it. Some of the reasons we think our plan for New- port C7nter deserves to be approved .. There ts one more reason. It encom- passes all of the others .. It is this: Eventually, Newport Cen- ter will be completed. One way or another. No one denies that.. It ,s only a matter of when, and which plan. ~ur plan, today, offers some very Important community benefits .. We have mention~ them i~ this ad .. They are made posstble by thts particular plan at this particular time .. They are n~ed now .. We can begin to pro- VIde them now .. But only if our plan for Newport C~nter is approved now .. Otherw1se, all of the benefits and the fu~ure of Newport Center, must rema1n unpredictable .. . Thank you for letting us share With you our thoughts about Newport Center, ~ City Council, and the communtty they both serve . • SNnnon a..,. of Tuatin. who ha ~a ct......., b tht Los Angelea Awns .nc:t the California Sui,-~ rwned the 1981 Or-. ~tv Fw Country Girl .net wa ,. ... nt the fW during ita run hm ~ 10.19, s.tt llhoto bv a..rv Slobln 1M .. .,_. ....... Weds • .,. J~ I. 1•1 ,_ II • I Let's Go \ \ • \ To The \ \ \ , I I ) Fair! The Professional Rodeo Cowboys' Association Championship Rodeo w111 be held July 17· 19 at the Orange County Fair Performances are scheduled tor 8 p m. on Friday, July 17. and 3 and 8 p m Saturday and Sunday, July 18 and 19 in the fatr's grandstand. Adm1s.s1on to the rodeo 1s $3 for .cjults and $1 for chtldren Cost for entrance to the fatr is $3 for adults, $1 for chijdren ages 6 through 12. and under 5 are free Parking IS $1 . Gene Boose. 8 plays engmeer at the Model Rael· road dtsplay at the Orange County Fatr Th1s IS the last year for fairgoers to v~ew the d1splay It's "Touch of Country" time again at the Orange County Fair, and several "good ol' boys" have been lined up to entertain at this year's eztravaganza, scheduled July 10-19. Boisterous guitarist Elvin Bishop, folk singer Don McLean, and new country music stars Dav1d Fnzzell and Shelly West, alonq with sinqer Rick Nelson, and Dick Clark, represent- ing the '50s rock 'n roll era, are just a few of the musicians scheduled to perform. "Run for Health" wall kick off the fair, startinq Friday, July 10 at the fair grandstand. And for the youngsters, a c:haper derby is planned. Tots 6 to 12 months old will toddle to the fuUah line. A champ1onship rodeo, featuring lots of buckinq broncos, will be held July 17-19 in the fair's grand- stand for the eztra admis- sion pnce of $3 for adults and S 1 for ltids . Carryanq on an old country faar tradition, a vanety of cuhnary and Versat1le performer R1ck Nelson Will appear ScHurdav. July 11 81 the Orange County Fa~r amph•· theatre at 7 anc1 9 p m Nelson who fUSt released a new album. "Ptaymg to W1n." works .n a vanety o~ muSical genres from blues to raw rockab1lly Pte-eaung, hay buck1ng, egg toss1ng and other contests Will be held 1n the livestock bar nyard area dunng the Barnyard Otymptcs at the Orange County Fair. Contestants will v11 for blue nbbons on ctosang day, Su~y. July 19 at 4 p m Fair mascot Orchico hkes to associate with winners. such as this young tyke who tust got h1mseff a blue ribbon at the fair crafts ezhtbats by resadents from all over the county will be on display at the Home Arts Gourmet Gal- lery and in the new Crafts Theater. Other apecial ez- hibits will include a fUm festival every day, an observahon hHh1ve and honey-makmq contest, a hfe-s1zed butter cow, and award-winnang wanes from a commercaal wine compehtion. Trad1honal ndes wall 1 Staff photo bv Ron Stone keep the kids busy, and refreshments, including beer, will be on sale. An old-fashioned pie-eating contest and a horseshoe pitching competition will reml.nd fair-goen ol laira put. S1x-montr--otd Kate Emma Rumph of Costa Mesa practices her crawhng 1n preparatiOn for the Orange County Fatr D1aper Derby July 18 Boys and q~rls ages 6 to 12 months are 1nv1ted to enter the race For more 1nformat1on call Spec1al Events D~rector June W1mer at 751 FAIR 4fd ~ 14 W.U..tay. JuJy 1. 1111 The Newport Eulp The 15th annual S.wdust fine ::Ait8 and Craft. r .. tival opens Tuelday, July l<t and will ru.n , •throuqh Aug. 30 at 935 Laguna Canyon Road in Laquna Beach. The event features aome 200 a.rtilb and craftapeople from Laquna Beach, who exhibit item.a ranqing from jewelry, Mlbercrafts, paintinqs, Toasbnasters Have Officer Installation The local Toastmasters Club, founded in 1924 by Ralph Smedley, hu installed its new officers, who will service for sill months. Leadino the club will be Mike Raabe, president; Mary Ander- son, educational vice president; Nancy Gall, adminiatrative vice president; Flavio Moura, secretary; Lora Ward, treasurer; John Kelley, serqeant at arms; and Ron Bero, officer at larqe Perfo(I'Tlance Set At Art Museum "Soldier of Fortune," an inno- vative dramatic performance by Los Anqeles artist Rachel Rosen- thal, will be presented at the Newport Harbor Art Museum Friday, July 10 at 9 p.m. The performance is autobioqraphical, coDtainino material reflective of her life experience. Admission is $4 for museum members, S<t .SO for students, and $5 for non-members. For reservations call the museum at 759-1122. sculpture, quilt. and much more. Houn are 10 a.m. to 11 p.m. every day. Admiaion charqe is $1 for adults and no charge for chUdren accompanied by adults. 8tnoUghs Gets OCCHonors Walter Burrouqha of Newport Beach, foundeJ' and former owner-publisher of the Orange Coo.! Daily Pilot, has been named the Orange Coast Col- leqe Outatanclino Citizen of 1981. Burrouohs received a cer- tificate from Dr. Norman I . Wat- aon, chancellor of the Cout Community Colleqe District, durillo commenC.ment exercises at the colleqe. Co-founder of Bantam Boob, Burrough• purchased contJ'ol of the Costa Me•a Globe-Herald, which was the predecesaor of the Daily Pilot. He retired as prMident and publisher of the paper in 196-4, and retiQned as chail'man of the boal'd in 1968. Concerts To Begin At Fashion Island Lee Brown and hU Band of Renown will lead off the 13th 4llnual summer concert series at the Fashion ltland Shoppinq Center Thurtday, July 16 beQin- ninq at 9 p .m. The public is invited to the performance, Mt for the center court in the Newport Beach ahoppinq center. Award-winning chefs prt!pare the famous Khvber North Indian Tandoori Cuisine ... ··Be,t H,.,ttwran" uf tlw rear · TUllt' Out \lu~a.wlt'-London Tlte finest Dinners serued daily Lunch-Monday thru F'nday Closed Saturday for Lunch Champagne brunch unday 11·30.2:30 ROYAL KHYBER CV!Sit* Of ...OOA RESERVATIONS f71 417~2-a200 1000 8rlatol Str"t North • Newport Beach lONE ILOCI( NO"TH 0' .IAM.ci"E() Hanquet F'acalitit' • Catt>nn~ A' ailablt.> ... Art·A.fa*Opens In L8gurill Beach The Art-A-fa.lr f..Uval will nm from Tueeday, July 14 to Auq. 30 at th• corner of Canyon Acre~ and l.aquna Canyoa Road in Laquna Beach. A tot&l of 130 artist. willex- hlbit thelt worb at this yea.r's event, Mlected from over 300 applicantt. Grounds are open Sunday to Thunday hom 10 a .m. to 11 p .m. and Friday and Saturday from 10 a .m. to midni9ht. Ad- miuion is $1 for adultt with children under 12 free. Charity League Honors SCR Auction Set A wMkend in San francltco or Palm Detert or a vacation in Atpen or Snowmua are amo.oo item• up for bids at South Cout Repertory'• 3rd Annual Auction and Variety Show on July 11 at the SCR 4th Step Theatre Com· plex in Costa Weaa . Proceeds from the event will oo to SCR to help cover the DOD-profit theatre's annual deficit. Saks WDI Present . Hayes Colection s.b Ji.fth Avenue will pr ... nt David Hay" Fall 1981 collection for the CaliJornia woman in the d•Jqner salon at the South Cout Plaza ttore Monday and Tuesday, July 13 and l<t from 10 a .m. to 6 p.m . Members of the National Charity League Ticktockers honored fOf volunteering 100 hours of community service are, from left, Karin Lecki&, Joan Uechty, Cyndy Stoughton, Lori Gustafson and Jana Liechty. NormaJiy 30 to 40 hours are required of members. The evenino beQins at 6:30 with a lile.nt auction and dinner aerved around the fountain patio. Acton, moen and dancert from SCR't 1980-81 seaton will pr ... nt a variety show on the ~instaqe which will be followed by the 200 item auction. For more information call SCR at 957-2602. Informal modeUnq will take place from noon to 3 p.m. Sakt will be the first ttore to pr ... nt the collection. City Of Hope Plans Night At Race Track The Newport Harbor Chapter of the City of Hope will hold a oala n.ioht at the Los Alamitos Race Track Thurtday, Auo. 6 at 6:30p.m. The $15 donation provides admission to the clubhouse, a full courM roast beef dinner, cocktails and chances to win many prizes. For reservations calllrvino at (213) 596-1<t10 or Sylvia at 540-1338. lli/ory lmes A..S./. D. Hilary l.es A associateS 41~31st Street Newport Beach 675-43'U Opens June 16th! CfSftR ·<ROM fRO s 1 flRRiflG 1n 1r1-i MAX ft CQ\fDT bT IWKT vablrol ~ WDT SPOirn requires the lowest minimum balance of any 5~% checking account in Southern California. And that's probably why we rate so high with our customers. You see. while our competition is demanding as much as $2,000 for interest-earning checking, we're delighted to offer you the same 5~% account for just a $100 minimum. With no service charges . Plus. 150 free personalized checks. And even though we have the minimum minimum. we don't short change you on setvice. Check & Save is available with Overdraft Protection to save you the worry of being overdrawn. You get an instant duplicate check system that auto- matically records every check you write. When you· re 62 or older: the service and all your checks are free no matter what balance you maintain. We'U even save you the trouble of storing cancelled checks by keeping them safely for you. Or: if you prefer: your checks can be returned when you maintain just $500 in your account. So before you sink the maximum balance into a check- ing account somewhere else. think about how much you can get for so little at Pacific Federal. It should be obvious who has yoUI best interest in mind. MCIFIC ................ 2710 ~ ~ lOSWIIhftltld ... -c;..., lOti BrOedw:J l5144Vuc~ C('frWr of Avmld.t --.._,......,._ leedl. CA ~ 1M= CAtooiO J4100~Rd Nreclc• CA l6J YloK.-.CA de ko ~~ ilnd El bdn ...... c.-. 121315463455 C2llt ll?t ~CA 1714) l26 4561 (7141 ~' ll9l To~ If\ I I '1611 s.n \ltarltl ~ 12135~~ .... ~ 4714l'M 2521 • 1 S lucfld~ ...... c..., ....... c..., 1.011:-=CA~ 1M~ CA toOee ~-·~-1604l HWMnd ""-01\IMO CA9116l 1431 C.mM cMI .,.., 68127~ Ill • uw ·oeo& (Jtl) 11211 ~CA8ll04 Sen~ CA92404 t7141QI6 6771 0. Mer. CA t2014 C•t~~CA W34 l.U~It\id nos \MicOin .. l1a4) .,.....,., C114t ... 02Jl 3JO N DS. C714t 7SS Olll t7l41 324•1 ....._CAet436 S..ltloNca.CAI0405 U.Wl-..n-. ,., 40itl ,._ Sen lalwdlno CA e2405 78e0~1M 4e~~SI (21J) •·illl (llJ)--~ ANMIIft. CA __,. s.n ........ CA 82404 C7\4l-Q2JI t..Jola e2037 Indio CA 82201 m•~-ll711 .......... (714) m. JI40 (114) .. 0ZJI lOl ...... llo.G (714)454 ~· (7141 )47,pet a. Ill'• CAttlOe SNID QJy CA 11.:>4 D4 l ,,. s.ill 701 NUl ....... CAW73 C~ho~l 1lMHw¥ HI C2WMI·U· (213)-0111 C........_CAU!l7 S.lliNcl .. ., CA fa40l (714) 1311 14301~0f 1t11m DINit CA U60 -·=lid ... lll,.._ m.uea.-» (714)-.QUl .)Oil!: Unt 17t4t::. !Sll s.n~ N129 .......CAtatos .., ..... Sl 1080~-IWJo. IU" 11l4t !flO lOO s Mwl CMyon "' t~ CA10031 C2l»-~ :t:ftrtJ~rCA'*' ... 'I; CAtl"-1 41Ma 114-cMII lfmefdo c.n ... DuM Nm~CAOll62 (l 4a41 ,...-.,_ ............. t7141 1-1021 l4nO~It .,...,........! ,,... 'JJ a..~CAtoarr '-~--=-~:.:; ~lNa.touN~ \,_.= CA lll8l .. Cit*' In-WS~CMtDf ClllJ IW «JW t.n......._CA~l (114) "" ........ $2!07 (114}-0UJ (714fll1 .., .., Supervt.or Harriett W/eqer, M , coJh 'Surprille' /o her sidelciclc Riley a. birtbday party h~ Debbie Groy, right, smiles approval. In bociground are Newport Beoch Mayor Jackie Heotber and Riley aJde Peter Herman. SIGH p/tolo by leon Halliburton Jean Haliburton·s HARBORUTES Last w .. k we mentioned a bit of news oJ our own. It is that we hne resiqned from The Eruign and will depart from the paqea the qd of this month. Our editorial duties will be divided amooo other staff members and there will be a new aocial column with a new columnist to replace Harborlites. Just to be auapeoaeful, we will withhold the name of the new writer until neltt w .. k-and maybe even run a photo the followino w .. k. Doe. this sound like one of the old maoazine .. ria..la? Remember? Well. why not! Ia it a bird, a plane or Super- m.an? Maybe even a woman. Tune in oezt week for the thrillioo answer! The popularity of Supervisor Tom Riley wu never more in evidence than on July 5, when he became the "victim" of a aur- priae birthday party at the Dover Shores home of Debbie and Ralph Gray. Tiua beat-kept secret in the county to date was m the custody of what orew mto more than 100 people over a period of w.eb, and not one inklino managed to rMch Tom! With the inevitable aheoanioana that 90 on while UyinQ to Jr .. p • .ecret and oet the birthday peraoA to the him late for their 'appointment. Thinos oot ao tight that Deb- bie Gray had to oo out to hia car, double-parked in front of her house with the motor run- nino, and cajole him into com- ino inside for "just a quick minute." He first refused, mutterinq, "She lcnows we're late!" but orudgingly gave in and entered to shouts of "Surprise!" Wu it ever! • It's always pre-election tune for someone, is 1t not? It only oeta cloeer from tune to time. Gavin Herbert makes no secret of the fact that be ~a bac k- ioo Pete Wilson for the Cahfor- ma governorship, and lut week be was sparkplug for a spec1al fund-raiser for the candidate. Tim and Susan Strader loaned their oreat CdM canyon home for the occasion and borrowed all the city's llags to decorate their cascading lawn. You can bet they brouqht out a c rowd-and raised a ntce stack of money! What's 1n a name? you aak. An incredibly great amount ~a the answer and juat to ahow they aqr .. , members oJ the lrvUle Muter Chorale have chan9ed the name of their famous Qroup to the Pacific Chorale. Committe. apozuors Bruce and CecllJa Nott Bonk gue•ts lean and John /(Jug at the lund-raiser lor Pete Wihon.Sta/1 pbolo by Sorry Slobm (I hope the board of the (That's how those lad1es make so Newport Harbor Art Mu .. um is much money, m cue you d1dn't readmo this!) know.) • • Amooo the underwnters are While the wonderful word the Barton Beans, Marllyn "Pacific" is under diacuuion, Bidwell, Mrs. Ronald Call. Bar· know that the PaciJic Symphony bara Campbell, the Georqe Orchestra of Oran9e County Chamia, John Sullivan'for (that says it all, doesn't it?) has Cloverly Drywall, the Tom elected 6 new president for its Elliaooa, George Mefferd for board: Dr. James R. Baroffio, Fluor Corp., Dr. and Mrs. Cynl president of Chevron Oil Field Reseazch Co. of La Habra. This was announced recently at a Sunday recephon at the Newport home of Waltraut Jechart qtveo m honor cd &rof- ho and Mustcal Director Or. Ketth Clark. Noted too for tbeu ~ontnhu­ hona to the PSO were Ernst Jechart and George Hauser. Recetvmg with Mrs, Jechart was Flou Schumacher, and the ma9mhc ent buflet was catered by Chanteclau restaurant. AU musical roada lead to the OC Music Center these days! • Two of those famous OC Music Center chapters have JOined forces to put on a biq fund-raiser on Sept. 26 in the Marriott Hotel in Anaheuo. Camelot, headed by Jean Lucu, and Sound of Music, whose president is Marilyn Bean, will be the two oroupa 9atherin9 the latnt harvest of wherewithal. A 1'0061 pig was the order oJ the day of the Fourth o/ July wllea the Longe brothers, Bill, Jell, and Bob and lhttJr !other put on o big weslttm party lor Harbor FUdge neJghbors and frjendll . 17J.re wat also a roast Jamb. )Uslm case Glaspel and Nora and Charles Hester. Also Or. JcUnes and Jane Lodge. Ann and Robert McLean. France• and Robert Morqan, Helma a.nd Jun NagcUnatsu, Rod G1lllland lor Ponderosa Homes, Oavtd Dahlberg for RB Industnes, Marqaret and Howard Rlchard son, Glona and Georqe Ryan and the Walter Shroeders Floss a.nd Ed Schumacher, StoJ/ pltoto by Dmo Voo .a..uv.~ Doth and Glen Stillwell, C.. and Arthur Straub, the Georve Sulhvana, Nancy Adler rhona- ton, Enc Thonoo (who ..U.O loa.oed h11 boat, the Electro for an underwntera cru.Ue), the Stephen Totha. the Alva Wiltona and Carmen and Or. Richard Kratz The c ru1 .. food wu cetered by La Cu1aine reatau.ranta and chef Byron Gammel came alODQ to supervaae tor perlec::tioel 8CeDe, wife Emma Jane CJC)t to do all the atallioo. E.J . stalled ao well that Tom beoan to (,Jet very anqry and complained that abe wu maldn9 The 8COpe of their per- formance baa broadened con- siderably and they no loo9er wiah to be confined to one city. even in name. A committ .. hom the two chapten, cozw..tino of Nancy Hocbon, Helen &rlon and Ma~- 1ne Gibson, arran9ed a crul.S8 for the Qeneroua music-lovers who are underwnhno the ~. CJJru Hopper celebmled lhtt Fourth by openmg bttr new ntal eslote oHJce HaJT salon owner Kev Bedros joms her to greet Uncle Som /Uta and Re«i Sprm.lceliJ.Jaed their Fowfll ol July party to ~nJOY the hreworb /rom thellot:* IJcry, whtch theu Dover Shores home over/oolcs. & s •• 6 tiasei ........... , ...... """¥ .. CIBIB SIIMGIIOII ~ Sllll. dri£te p~" r o~,,~,,,~ \l._nfront Dtmna • 0\"\tn Bar • Lockta~l' n ll W Pllctlic U.t H&ghv.IY. Newport Bnch Rn«v•IOI\S ~ • M-2·2295 "\ l.t)Mt.OY Ut a; II tct: ~PtRI r A!'I.O I ''C0\1\,U, ~t.~St -\1 ........ ' ... -., , ... 'M\ lt..woo ··~c,\IOUl AI THt fOP t \t ttU JUR\f" _ ... , ...... Clark Kennedy and flowers What a nece arrangement 641 -0810 • Ston~ Mill Business Park 2915 Red Hill Ave. • Costa Mesa WAT ERCOLOR WORKSHOP 417 Fenlleef, Corone cW M., c.lf. ROIIeRT HALLETT, &P.A.-, M.A. . The NOW LOOK featured each week in the fashion pages , ,~" ~c ~~ St5Per~f Great Arizona Escape" Bonus: O ne Free Day for Everv Three Vou Stay or We'll Top OH Vour Tank as Vou Drive Away. Our Great Arizona Es<•~ Bonus ,., "our"'""' ruth .. k•nd "' ••·'<"•'''"" ,,,,,,, • ttiUH1 t.• 'H 'IC f1 \ th"'\ f ~· l"d •t,,tt "nh, ,i ,,,~1 fi •• 'l1tr ,,,t,•d '''''"' '&t1 "t (n1,,, ,,.,, '"-" tw,ou'•'·'' '"''"'mrnQ ~'""'' I() I, r • ' r, ql ••·dl .!. ( h,mruon ... h•r q .. ll • ""''"" md '·'• '· •1 "' • '·""'''", "'''"'" ,md Ht~htl\ dolfll IIIQ let tup \.,til• • '• '' • '"'Itt 11 Ill' ( h<Jf)dfl<11 R,•-,I,H<I<lrll ,tnd lt•utlljl" If you stay thre4.> days. th... lounh '' fret> Or. ,f vuu ha\le to tea\le. we 'II top off vour gas tank twtort> 1,1uu go (S10 maJdmum). lllh,•r v. ·I\ dnn I l,•r thr' '"'"'' • "•th .. ut , • ..., ·•rw14 tu ""'' "' An ,., qr.•dl '"'"''' Make your reser\l•tlon~ nuw Call (602) 948·1700 or to ll frt>4.> 1 (800) 228-9290. ciriid.bGdllnn IU~OMI \"'U(,IH 1-II\ H Stoll piJolo. by 1-.n Holbbuno. JULY SALE t~RANCic~-ORR fine stationery corma del rrnr THE BATH MART "Ttw leading suppli~r of upgr~ plumblng products to ttw construction tndustry" A nnounces a Storewide Sale BATHROOM FIXTURES • Countertop lavatOrieS • Pedestal lavatories • Bar Sinks • Kltchen Sinks • loMeta ·~Tub$ • Oecorottve ~ts • ~Hardware • Mlclclne~ • Mlrrcn • Toilet Seats • VOA ... ..... 11 ..... lhy. July ••••• ,.. ...,._ &..lp THEATER REVIEW I complemented ccmldderahly by Cluiatopher WJJikoop u U.. I ~f·IPCNtiD9, ~; Texas Up 1'be Coast .., ...... Oil fact, the ahow ia a bleideecope of Americ&D conflict, revlonal va . national, Purit&D va. New 'Morality, acceptance va. open- D ... , and media va. whomever it clam weU pl ..... to be avaiD.at. Francie MendaDhaU lMd.t a fine cut in her BanlthMd deliv- ery of Nona'• role, and abe la QOOd quy Sheriff Dodd. Wiaa Weadenhall captu• the auc:ll· •ce with her citJ rough 80Ql aixecl with CO\Ultry girl demean- or. She exemplifi• the ch&Doe in American hJatory from ta.e daya of Dreiaez rea.liam (/e11111e Gerhardt) to the live-&Dd-let-llve apirit of modem ,un ... The ahow ia acheclulecl ta.rough July 12, and will likely be extended. Phone (213) 436-3636. Sa.. .creta ahould not be kept. Uaioltv.Dately, too few of u bow about ~e ma.rvelou Tenace Theater in ~. Lonv leaclla.tert&iluDent &Dd Con- ftlltioll C.Dtez. 1'hM lovely laellity 1a & beautiful th .. trtc&l )loue well worth bowiD9 for any of u on the South Cout the leut bit intere.tecl in prof ... aioDal eatertainment. Sltowa like the current pro- duction oi "The Beat Little WllorellCNM in Texu'' qualify ~. Tenace for a premiere po.i· tiOD em potential plac• to apend your ta. .. ter dollu. The troupe preeeDtly plyi.D9 aucliencea with cowatry charm i.a mo.t enerv•- tlc, cledicatecl and profeaiona.l. Tbe ticbt. eftn come in a .a..de lea ta.&D tho.. ezpectecl from L.A . hoUMe of comperable aiM, &Dd Long Beach i.a a IC&Jlty :ZO m1le. of driving up the cout. CONSUMER CORNER "The a-t Little WhorelloUM in Texu" filled Broadway halla . for a long run, then panned out .croa the eow1try for equally uthuaiutic n.ponae. Buically, u.. ''Chicbll Ranch,, .. ta.r .. veaentiou of Tezu fun-time aiJulen ..... mown it to be call- eel, •• unde-r ta.r .. t of being cloeed dowu by a media hyped bipeer who i.a a combination of DeYid Horowib &Dd Oral Rob- erta. Only in Texu, u they say. NelriD P. Thorpe i.a the N.clia Wan, &Dd he'a bound to teaz down the houe of ain with the power of the teJeviaion tube. He'a up aga.i.Dat a grMt d..J of ltnogth lD Mia Nona Stang ley, the pmprietor of the Chicken Ranch, &Dd Sheriff Ed Earl Dodd, withiD who.. jurisdiction the )l<NM of ill-repute standa. In Dear Consumer leaqua: I hope thi.a atory mak .. your hair curl, even though inina didn't. Lut wMk I paid $50 for a permanent. Thia wMk when I waahed my hair, I had no per- manent. So I want back to the beauty parlor to complain. Pat, you cannot imagine how the manager treated me. The employ ... of the salon actually laughed and made fun of me. They would not taU me when or if the operator who did my perm would be back. The manager toualed my hair with hi.a banda &Dd told me it looked fine to him "now." I waa so humiliated I left lD teen. I want to bght back, but I just cannot go back to that place. Straight and Stringy, Mn.T Dear Readers: Upon receiving t.ba com - plaint, I went in ~rson with Mrs. T to this salon. I wore .my normal co.mplaint-hanc/1Jng out- /it-business suit, hot, brielcose and Consumer League cord. The minute Mrs. T and I walked in, the .manager ru&hed up and ~~~~feAR~.· * Sun Dresses • Covu Ups * Bathing Suits -AJtuations Expertly Done- tJ]J~ J 4U I c...t Bwy. •o 5 Ui. c.-4k1 ._ 11l·UM tao-' .... ._...,..,..., (alone th~ s1~ of Bay Trav«l} The Newport Ensign IS SEEKING BOYS&GIRLS (Ages 11 t o 17) Earn spending money delivering papers in Newport Beach -Corona del Mar Areas IMMEDIATE OPENINGS! Call673·0550 (Ask f or Circulation) began apologimlg lor bU behavior. I asked iJ t.be three of u• might speak privately so as not to disturb ru. ot.ber cu.tom- ers. Mn. Ts hair could not be re~rmed so soon without t.be risk of damage, so we •ttled on Ire. wosb and sets to total $50. Dear comu.mer, do not Jet vendors get away wit.b any ltind of .mistreatment. Call somebody lor help. U it is not the Con- sumer League, coll the Cham- ber of Commerce, t.be Better Businus Bureau, t.be Orange County 01/Jce of Co.o.su.mer AHairs or t.be liceiJJI.ing bureou lor t.bat particular type of bu.t.nea. Know your rights and light lor them. The Consumer League Pot Blow • The CoDIIWiler ~e 11 • 9roup of aaeD &Dd womeu wbo have b&Dded tovetber to better b&ad.l4l theb couwaer eoapl.iol8. The lea9ue M JS 11 otfen eoa pl.iot h&Ddhn9 .nth 9ro11p clout, referral Mrnee, reeeereh •rvic:ea and • DewUetler. th.re ia a GD&1l Ulllual f" I~ a family memberahip. The lea9u• ia a Mrvice 9roup thet -~ il8 own. There are DO m&Ddatory m..tin~ or proJ«Ia. Adclr .. iDquiri• to 4642 Wabuat, lrville, CA 92714, or te&epbone 551-3987. SEVEN OF OUR FULL TIME STAFF MAKE AN AVERAGE OF 500 OUTGOING CALLS every day Inviting our mem bers to play In tennis matches. This is In addition to filling members' Incoming requests. Finding the right match takes more than just hard work . It's tough. Here at the Jo hn Wayne Tennis Club. o ur staff o f seven does it from t he 10 classlflca· lions in our Player Compatibility (P.C.) Call the "1 Ranked Club In California or come b y for membership Information ••• system (Instead of the normal A, IS, C. and D). We will get you better matcMs from a wealth of players at every level , whether you've been playing a few months or a lifetime. And for yo ur con - venience, there are free phones, refrigerated d rink ing fountains, and T.V. monitors with every court. If your club doesn't offer t his, why not choose the one that does?l rtewport lleacb 11 7 1 Ja•boree Roa d (7 1-\)644·6900 The sun's rising , and as it nses so does the demand for electricity. As the day gro\vs hotter, air conditi oners and other appliances click on in hon1es, stc)re s and factories . The electric load soars ... far beyond normal demand . You can help lighten thi load -and del ay building expensive new generating facilities -by clicking off appli ance during afternoons, when demand peak s. COitfomla's Largest Selection of Bridal Fashions C. 8'\~llll lllnOf .............. .s.Gt w.tlw.ttw..., A...,._. • ~MD. Callomio 92'03 ,,~.,, ,.,. ............... '-!""._-~ rwJoMt 8ricW SeNk-e _,._ __ Please. Give ~our appliances tlie afternoon oft•·ctick :' Southern California Edison \ -.. ~ ... ·~-- na. •wpon En"p W.tn sllrq. Jaly I . 1•1 '-17 Grethel's Qua1ity 'Equipment' INIIUioo• cogiiOt' two·~ .,..,.,_,.ll"eftiDD "-· lh•mtie ruiDtN 0(1 tJ. dJogonallront blowe ami o bonl.r at tJte bolloa oJ U.. llld.· · .._ fllladllfkJtt.,. "'** eJ.geal,._._ ctWOied by ~Gr-.Nol u 'o/J by Mlldreclllead lA 19'19 when a new d•icp1er aport.twMr lliae wu introduced by Hemy Grethel for men, it wu called "Equipment," a cat- chy title for clothiDQ with "quali- ty, veraatility and clua" which · Grethel aaya il hia deaiQn philo.ophy. He wu praiMd for many uni· que colorationa and unuaual fabric iDterpretationa and within a Y"r the collection wu a .uc- a.a. So .ucceufu.l was it, that Grethalaaw the demand grow- inQ for an equivalent aportawear collection for women, which he introduced iD 1980. So what il Henry Grethel's next direction? Fall '81 will mark another firat. The new Henry Grethel ClothinQ collec- tion will be launched in major dep&rtment and apecialty ator• acrou the country. Grethel believ• the men and women of today want comfort, quality and value, and hit newest collection refiecta thia philoeophy. There il no doubt that today'a men and women are more cliacerninQ about what they wear than they've ever been before. "Ivery dollat apent today il im· portent. It'a only the very rich that can aHord to indulQe in cheap clothinq," said Grethel. "Everyone il look.inQ for quality but they alJo want aomethinq that's new." Hil meuaQe in the Henry Grethel ClothiDQ, premiering for f&.ll 1981, il that man cannot live by qrey fiannel alone. Hil traditional qrey fiannel suita are updated with tobacco atripea. There are bluera iD new ahadea of burQUDdy, ru.at and cadet blue. All have tpirited com!ort---.oft-ehoulder jacbta FuYIIrnprH&~oM The career·minded man t9qlli,.. quolity Country Cla.~a /rom the FaJJ "81 men• and wo.••• ''&IIJ4P· clollung toJored to /;1 the bu.~ne. IUe 7'h. novy wool chalk menl" coiJ.ct10n by Henry Grethel .tr1pe swl ~ .tyled w1th undenlated el~ and _,-AJDer 1con ht From the new Henry Grethel Clotlu.no CoJJectJon lor Fall '81 wtth a new, softer, more supple construction. And m the Equtpment sport- swear hoes for men and women there's sophiallcation and awaq- ger, plua the apmt of the sporty outdoors. There's sophiahcation in dress and sport ahirta for town and country wear, swagger m crew, v-neck( voeat ad cardiflaD sweaters tn Fau Isfea arqyles, )acquarda and atnpea. For Grethel'• Equtpment woman, there'a a 300-ptece fall line with aopluatication m chalk· atripe, double-breaated blazera with matching trouaers, dtrndle akirta and rutiled blouaea m black aatin and pleated buckers in 80fteat velvet. It 1.1 thlS deatqner'a statement about extreme loou that lD· teresta many, aspect ally th.Lt seaaon when moat of the Euro- pean and American look.a ... m e.xtreme. Henry Grethel Mid "I'm not d .. tqrunq to overdr ... my c ustomer. Extreme loob don't mterest me. 1 beheve m quahty clothea that are com· fort.ahle, veraaW., Ufordable and enJOyable to wear " ~,q~d"~-~~~~~1~~--------------------------------------------~-------------------------------------------------------------------------- We know Rolex like Rolex knows watches. In 1~1. wt' mtrcxJu t>d Rolex to the West Tod<Jv ~'\Nl l>e pl<•cHed tf 1 Introduce Rolex to vou (~&f!f{!OIHVHM ~outlwrn ( .rltfornta' 5<'mur Ro/ex Agenn l);'hO \1\'tl'hlft•IJ/\'d Lo"> Angelt•<, . 21 J·4N-!1!1 11 I .,...hton h/,md. N('\'\ port Reac h · 7 14-644 ')'"'f>..l Yftt\!t•r( .uci "''""· dnd Amt•rtcan fx.pn•.,., GP 3 Jim Felton wrote quite an article in The Ensign last week. It had to do with the Irvine Company's public relations brochure which emphasized the need for water conservation and dealing with road and housing problems. We received the column the same day we received a water conservation-kit. SPON has been talking about these problems for a long time. All three issues will be worse if the Company is given the number and kinds of buildings it wants in its general plan for Newport Center. Halting this inappropriate expansion until problems are solved is necessary. As Jim said in his piece, "I SOMETIMES WONDER ABOUT A MAJOR DEVELOPER COMPLAINING OVER CONDITIONS THE DEVELOPER HELPED TO CREATE ... BEFORE WE PLAN FOR · FUTURE EXPANSION AND GROWTH WE (SHOULD) MAKE SURE THE PRESENT HOUSE IS IN ORDER. THE ROADS PASSABLE. THE HOUSING ADEQUATE.'' ' We hope the City Council gives this some thought. Problems get worse as more people are coming here all the time. office building, or hotel, increases the pressure. Let's stop making them worse. Let's stop building office buildings and hotels. That's just common sense. But although it makes sense, it doesn't make dollars for anyone but the Company. They are making millions while the problems are getting worse. And worse. And worse. Even Jim Fetton sees that the Irvine Company's proposal is creating problems for everyone. Isn't it time you learned aboot SPON's new Growth Plan for Newport Center and then make your voice heard at City Hall? We believe Newport Center can grow and be completed without adding unbearably to already-existing problems. REMINDER City Council Mee~ on QP 80-3, "ewport Center Expan•lon 14, 191 l 7:30 LOVE THE SUN •.• AND SAVE FACE! , Scientific Skin Care for Men and Women • Deep Pore Cleansmg-Steam mLSt and Vacuum • Replenishes M~Mlntmt.,.. Wrtaldel • Sttmulates and Rejuvenate. Skin • Soot tung Mask OOMVEMIENT MEWPOIT IUDt LOCATIOII Off POt wu•oa MS-29n HIIMAII tcicsr~s SUMMER CLEARANCE SALE JULY 1ST-31ST NEWPORT BEACH STORE ONLY ALL FRAMES ONE HALF OFF AT REGULAR PRICE ORDERED hp II W1 lr1 1 • .,. Jali I. 1•1 1'M .. .,... Prip ....... , ......... by Mitford l<wnp will be on displey through July 11 at Imagine Gehry, 611 S. Coast Hwy., Laguna Beach. Information: 494-5004. A new collection of watercolors by Keith Crown through July 17 at the Abraxas Gallery. 2815 Villa Way, New- port Beech, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday. Information: 831-7281. This ... has a new gallery: the Sandstone Gallery. 384 N. Coast Hwy., Laguna Beach. Gallery hours are 10 a.m . to 6 p.m. every day. Information: ¥11-6T15. Wort&a by Dons Scott Nelson. Sallie Pierson. Skip Helling and Hiloah will be on display through August at the Rogues Gallery, Surf and Sand Hotel Shop- ping Village, 1465 S. Coast Hwy., Laguna Beach. Gallery hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p .m. every day except T ues- day. Information: 494-3639. W..tla by Christian V091, Gtaeme Outer- bridge. Klaus Frahm, Wilhelm Schurmann, Simon Marsden. Hitoshi Fugo, Neil Folberg, Claude Batho, Philippe Salaun and Jean Claude Gautrand will be on display July 25 through Sept. 5 at the Susan Spiritus Gallery. 3336 Via Udo. Newport Beach. Gallery hours are 11 a.m. to 5 p .m. Tuesday through Satur- day. Information: 673-5110. COSTA& Sf!E$CiaJS! The Annuel AI M ... Membership Show of the Laguna Beech Museum of Art wilf be held through Sunday, July 19 at 'SJ7 Cliff Drive, corner of Coast Highway, laguna Beach. Gallery hours are 11 :-sJ a.m. to 4:-sJ p.m . every day except Tuesdays and holidays. Information: 494-6631 . Wotka by Brten Con. ley, Gifford Myers and Alan Brodrick will be on display through July 17 at the Orange County Center for Contem- porary Art, 3621 W . MacArthur. Space 111 . Santa Ana. GaJiery hours are Tuesday through Saturday, noon to 6 p.m. Information: 549-4989. Wotka by .tiata from Argentina and Uruguay will be on display at the Elizalde Gallery, Lum- beryard Plaza, 384 Forest Ave .• No. 13-A, laguna Beach. Gallery hours are 11 a.m. to 5 p.m . Wednesday through Sunday. Infor- mation: 497-s:n3. '' BariNwa Spring: Wood Sculpture," through July 12 at the Sullivan Gallery of the Newport Harbor Art Museum. 860 San Clemente Drive. Newport Beach. 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Sunday. Infor- mation: 7~1122. Olta by Raymond Slpoa are on display at the Haggenmaker Gal- leries, 372 N. Coast Hwy., Laguna Beach. lnformaJion: 494-2675. -..a,. •• vmus •II c.l .,_. 217 lllllllJIIfiiU. -·---n••• .., .... ·SMer-il 6/1'7 SlitS·~· 11 . .. IIC1WHUI ..u•..n • ,_ .. cMfll 2 "5 iJIIIn, S~ll I - .us·...,. ._.r_, CMaw••·s ............... ..... -.... ......... .... ,. .. . ·c-. ...... . .......... _ .... . ............ . Eaodclen•c..-by California ertiat Jeae Allen through Aug. 31 at Vorpal Galt.y, 325 Glenneyre, Laguna Beech. Information: 494--9441. MbrediRI ....... by Iris Adem wilt be shown through the end of the month 8t Glen- dele Federal Savings end Loen. Fashion l~d. ....... Out: .. Beyond Uken-." an exhibit of American por- traiture through Juty 12 at the Newport Harbor Art Museum, 860 San Clemente Drive, New- port Beacl\. Artists featured include Andy Warhol, Richard Avedon, George Segal and Chuck Close, 11 . a.m . to 5 p.m . Tuesday through Sunday, Friday until 9 p.m . Informa- tion: 759·1122. Clubs Saturday, July 11 The Newcomen Club of Irvine will meet at 11 a.m. at the Ran- cho Sen Joequin Club-- house, 1 Sandburg Way, Irvine. Reserva-. tions must be made by July 9 by calling 562-8:161 . Sunday, July 12 La Leche L...,. of Orange County and Motherhood Maternity Fashions will sponsor a fund-raising Materni- ty I Nursing Fashion Show at 1 p.m. at the Costa Mesa Gotf and Countrv Club. 1701 Golf Ill I & ., ......... ..... '-l Course Drive, eo.te Mesa. Ttekets ere *8. Information: 532·5864. Monday. July 13 ThelnlneT__.. ....... Ill Oub wll meet at 11 ::1» a.m. at Uttte Joe'. Rel&eurant, 4248 Mertins~* Way, Newport ee.ch. Few more infOf"rNtion call 960-'J!:El. W ... l I dey, .luly 11 TheiiJewpDrt •••ch Christi8n Women's Club will hold a "Picnic Potpourri" luncheon at 11:46 a.m. at the Airporter Inn. Ttekets are M. Reeerva- tions: 544-2921 . Films A ........ .., .... ....m of Saber and Brown's "The War at Home," an anti-war film, will be shown Wednesday and Thurs- day. July 8 and 9, 9 p .m. at the Balboa Cinema, 709 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa. Inform&-- tion: 675-3570. ''The Dl.creet Charm of the Bourgeoisie," by Luis Bunuet, will be shown Saturday, July 11 , 8 p.m. at UC lr- vine's Social Science Hall. Tickets are $2. Information: 833-6922. Lectures A claalnallm c••lne by MicheC Stroot wit be preeented Monday, July 13, 7 p.m . at Fass«o's lntema- t~l Cook~. 2919 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar. Fee is $20. In- formation: 673-2343. Lamue ........ chllcMIIrth classes will be offered beginning Thursday, July 9, 7 p.m. at Turner Hall, Community Presbyterian Church Nursery School. 415 Forest Ave .• Laguna Beach. Informa- tion: 494-5548. l "GrewlneOidVersus Growing," praeented by the Hoeg Hoepital PuiMOI*'y RehebiHta- tion Progrem, wiM be held Wectne.dey, July 8, 1 :'SJ p.m . at the 7th floor of Hoeg Hospital. Both ~ .-ld pey· chologicel alp8CtS of pulmonary dln81e will be diecuaaed. lnforma· tion: 646-8800. ..... .......,.., for Everybody," with Sendfy Sevilte, will be offered on Wednesdays through July 15, 7:-sJ p.m. at Orange Coast Cottage's Science Lee- ture Hall 102. Tickets are $2. Nowel Writing, with Pat Kubis, will be held on Mondays through July 27. 6:-sJ p.m. at Orange Coast College's Fine Arts 119. Tickets are t2. For more infor- mation call 556-5880. .. Piu, .. ng In To Your.......,._. Power," a lecture by Ann Martin, will be held Saturday, July 11, 6 p .m . at the Advanced Heahh Center, 1300 Bristol St. North, New- port Beach. Tickets are $5. Information: 975- 0700. .. llolftntl: The Int.. gretlon of Human Structure" will be givttn by Grant Powers Wed~ nelday, July 8, 7 p.m . at 8 E. 17th St .• Suite 221, Costa Mesa. lnfor- mation: &40-7861 . "A Food ~oceaacw luncheon Especially for Summer," a INOrkshop on food processors, will be held Tuesday, July 14, 11 a.m . at Sherman Library and Gardens, 2647 E. Coast Hwy .• Corona deJ Mar. Tickets ere $20. Information: 673-2261 . ''HowtoF8111R...._ Again," a .-niner on forming leedng relet~ ships, will be held Tue. day, July 14, 7:-sJ p.m. at Orange Coast Cot-- lege's Fine Arts Han 119. Tickets ..., $5. Information: 56&-518>. .. TheG•.ultbpe-ra.nc. ..• by AJyn Bar- tick, will be held Thuft.- day, Juty 9, from 7 to 10 p .m . at Orange Coast College's Counseling and Admis- sions Room 105. Ttekets are $2. M•ielc The John YaftZ.nclt Band will perform Wednesday, July 8 at the Golden Bear, Coast Highway at the Pier, Huntington Beach. In- formation: 563-9600. TheCiar•Mion Playwa will perform classical music Sunday, July 12, 2 p.m. at the Turtle Rock Community Center. 1 Sunnyhill Drive, Irvine. Ttekets are $3 general, $1 for seniors, studerits and military, end children under 12 are free with an adult. Odeaaaa.a.e ... will perform Rusiian music Saturday, July 11 , 8 p.m. at UC lr- vine's Fine Arts Village Theater. TICkets are t5 general. $3 for UC lr- vine students and $4 for UC lrvine·staff, faculty and alumni. lnforma- tion: 833-5433. ,. ......... .... c ..... , wilt perfonn utuww.n ~ Suf'l. ct.y, July 12, 8 p .m . 8t UC Irvine's Fine Arts Vilt.ge Theater. TICkets .,. t6 generel, t3 for UC Irvine 8tudentl, and ... fOf other students and uc Irvine steff. faculty and alumni. .,..,.. ...... brillient new ~ act, will perform Fridey, July 10 8t tM Miramar '"'-ter in San Cle- mente. There will be an 8 p.m. and a 10:-sJ p.m. show. Information: ..a2-7446. T80landtheMift. u....._. wilt perlorm Friday, July 10 at the Cuckoo's Nest. 1714 Phlcentia, Costa Mesa. The Crowd. the Hated and AKA will perform Saturday, July 11 . In- formation: 64!HXJ90. C... Romero con- tinues in his starring role in the comedy. "The Max Factor," at Sebastian's at the Grand Hot.,. Dinner Playhouse in Anaheim. Phone m -n10. Runs indefinitely. ''TM Beet LJttt. ..._,.,.a,.. in • Texas" has bMn ex- t~toJwy12at~ T errKe Theat• in the t.ong s.ch Convention and EntetgM ii'TWlt <Mit•. PhoN 1213) 436-3661 for reserva- tions and further infor- I'Ntion. ;,Guya and Dole," the musical by Frank t Lo 1111 • continuea • Biabelh Hoauur• Cur· Ulin Cal Dinner Ttwater in TU8tin. Price d ._ mi11ion inc~~.-. both tit-down dlnMr and show. Phone SJ8.:1540. Runs indefitoltlly • TM•apM•n•lt Cllw Pwb and A.c:t,.. rion Dept. and Art8 Commillion wil ~t • specie~ perbtt•ICe for young.,... by J .P. Nighteng*and Friends s.turct.y. July 11 at 11 a.m. • m. OASIS Center, 6ch and Marguerite. Corona del Mar. Ston.s, ~. songs end mirMs will be featured. TICbes are $2.50 and .. evlil1t!M at the hrb. BIICMI and Rec:t•tion Office, 3D) Newport BIYd., Newport ae.ch. ~ discounts .,. av1Bible to groUps of 10 or more. lnforrnaticn: 640-2271 . Awll•l&Cats4 IR&tcle .. behu•n Michaa Hoffnwl and Robert the GraM will be hekt Monday. July 13, 8 p.m. at the Robert tM Great Restaurant in Newport a..ch. Trdtets are t60 and .,. limited to 'SJ persons. Reserva- tions: 64().8)68. The Clly of ••111 art B1acft hear.....my begun its suml1'* ten-· nis p.ogr•n. 0 1 wil start fNeiV two weeks through Aug. 22.. Regiatrarion for ~ ment play or II II cw .. for ell ages is now being conducted • the Plrb. Beaches and Recreation Dept. Information: ~2271 . THE BEST ENTERTAINMENT VALUE ANYWHERE AT THE ORANGE COUNTY FAIR Ad1111ufoft Pf'k• o/ f.S.OO Incl.-. -'1 ••••••' aC'CpC ..-orctdc ...... .,. ~..., c.nt...,...... .., ............... 7. '"' DON McLEAN FRlDA Y, JULY 10 RICK NELSON SATURDAY, JULY II RAIN -A TRIBUTE TO THE BEA nES SUNDAY, JULY 12 EL VlN BISHOP MONDAY, JULY 13 DICIC CLARK'S GOOD 'OL lOCk II ROLL witla DICK CLAIK, FREDDIE CANNON, 10 DIOOfEY uld THE COASTERS TUfSDA 'Y. JULY 14 MOTOM:YCLE SPEEDWAY FRIDAY. JULY 10 .......... .vENGE JULY 10.16 IS') aQ.• SURFER STOMP with DICK DALE and the DELTONES fatarias JEANNIE. and the SURFARIS WEDNf.SDAY.JULY 15 ANDRAE CROUCH THURSDAY. JULY 16 mE ASSOCIATION FRIDAY, JULY 17 R08CULL&IId THE CRASS aoo,_.. ... y-s SATURDAY, JULY J8 DA VlD FaiZZELL 6 SHRLYWEST SUNDAY, JULY 19 JIIICA OMJ••••--.o .U..V 17. II, 6 19 1 JlU IDU be aaa m.i• atit be I COl tel' pu• 1 1«* ...• ,.. dUet:tol 01 lalaM "" v.Hoo.r, ~ ot ,.. liDlYendly of Sov"-m OJJ/onJIG, dl•kilag AJ. houn be/welta Mllli:IDg ~ usc tmd Ml•eo~atutilllr bo. AJ. home. I& book, You hDOIW Com- pater: rn.ct or Joe?, ;. a:lteduJed lor pub/Joatlon fbi. ,.,. He...,.,..... ~ 11x1t mYOI~ o wide l'Griety o1 vJewpoiDJJ1 iD h«•hea, «:ience aDd pllblk policy. br lea an.. TeJecoDa. •utmo. The word .. Y not be part of JDo.t pee> p&e·.~ .alariea today f but it probably will be within a few,..n. In f.act, ~ 1990, people won't 1ust be tallriDQ abou1 telecom· mutiDQ. Mmioo.a of people will be doia.q it, lift days a week or more. And thoee who aren't llliC)ht be sporting bumper sticbn pTOCI•iming, "I'd rather be t.lecommuting." Ezpl.iDecl most aimply, tele- com.mutiAq ia the substitution of telecomanmications and com· pulen Jor the commute to work. Two typea of telecommuters wiD evolft. So.. willellmiD.ate the W01'kdaJ COIIUBUle 81lUNJy, tumi.no portiana of their llomea into officee. Otbera, who JLMd face-to-face contAct to do tM r lobe, will morten their c::om- IQUt. by traveling to nearby r-gioul office~ that are bed by telecom.mu.nlcation .,.tema to cuhal headqua.rten many mll• away. THE VISIDNG EXPERT Convertinq a room at home into a telecommwtication. dation will not be particulady e.xpellSlve, since it will requize only the addition of a personal computez tellllinal (costing about tile same as a lligh-quahty electric typewriter) and a siolple tel~hone acceaory to gain access to other computera. Telecommuten most likely to stay home will be specialiat:s who don't usually need face-to-face contact to do theu work- rese.uchers, word processors, accountants, writers, data base researchers,· and lawyers not often mvolved an court pro- ceedinqs. Some workers may combme th. two type. of -.Mc:cmmutiDo, goinQ to a t•OD.&J office for everyday work and .taytno bo_... occaaooally to complete report., corr•po!lcl.nc:e and other .. 801o" work. Scm. famili• m.ay teleeom- mute toqeth.r, 1nth 011e parent lraV8l.ing to a reqlonal office, the other wozking at home 011 a computer connected to the regional office , and the chllchen Ul cha.rqe of proofreadinq and data storaqe tub. Telecommutmq will not become the norm, but at will become a viable work pattern, hued on the prem&ae that tt's easier and cheaper to move Ul· formation than to move people. Telecommuting wtll become feanble for about ha.l.f the labor force-the workers whoee job. deal mamly Wlth anJormation. By 1990, an estunated 47 millton people will have inJor- mabon JOt:. m the United Stat ... Maybe two m.aU1on to hve million of those people will be telecom- muiJJlg to some deqree. Besides having more letsure tune. gained by eliminating or reducing the dally commute, telecommuters will enJOY a substanbal savmgs 1.n fuel costs. In a two-year study funded by the Nahonal Science Fou.nda· LINDA ISLE + Reel Cross is counting 01\ you to help. ww. ct el ..sew ... ~ arditer-- ...... ;: •• 4 ........ s ....... pool .... Slip 1or 1 a.rac boata. st,ftS,-. s~ OCIC...-c1• NEW LISTING BAYCREST Beouhfully kept and ready to move '"· Three bedrooms, country k ttchen and formol d imng room EntOY the mony custom features whtch tnclude used brtck woll, two fireploces. vouhed cetltngs ond custom papers. Eosy core yard. .. 279,500 Call Shtrley M ichelmOte 642-5200 LIDO ISU HOMIS Faa•re.l 011 a_._ Tow tw.lonty tnMIIdollal .--.., ~ J belboo., J b .. la ...,_c, •wiJ tleeonted. Pdee4 to tell ...., a1 M7S,-. M..t .c. --Newly re8041eW l ~. 2 ..... ,._Wac rec:nadoll roo. aM 1 p81loa.. .... eell.p. G,_. to.. ••ata~M~c· Mlll.-. ._. pdcc for t~ae .... ,. PININSULA POINT IIIAOfFIIONT ~ ~J ... oeeua .tew at wed~«, fro• ,._ lllllac lot, 4 llellroo., l INIIIa cw&~ a.o.e. l,M ....,e feet faa ............. 100111 ••• .-. ... NEWPOIIT CIIIST CONDO Two M .. oo•, 4ca, spaclo•• Plaa I , "=Wste. Low .. n•s.-. ~ ...... TRINiDAD ISLAND Boytront in Huntington Harbor. Country French 4-bedroom w1th private dock on 115-foot frontage at boy po1nt Exc ellent ftnonc1ng 51.100.000 ............. OLD COIOU DB.IIAI CDzy CAMUg~. .,..,. ot ,.war. tm.OOO r-. ~ • ....,. HaiR M '*' leac:tL ..,_...,.. tam1J raom and ... ...... .... Largl cotl* •. ....... ancl "*""*' ... Ut5.000 ••. CAll YOU •1111 ................................. ....... ~ ... , .............. Robers A FJiertaea RfAL TOftS IB 644-9060 2t6t SAN JOAQUIN HILLS ROAD NEWPORT BEACH lA YSHORES BA YFRONT-VIEW New on the market in a fabulous loca- tion with unobstructed VIEW of all Baytront activity. Versatile adult- family home with all the charm and quality of Newport. Open and smoothly flowing floor plan with high pitched beam ceilings. teak paneling and privata brick interior patio with gazebo. One level with 5 bedrooms , family room plus deck with large spa on the bay. $1 .J!;O,OOO. lAY AVE. CONTEMPORARY Tlwea year old custom home with VIEW. Wood, glaa and skyftghts • tunny kitchen. Interesting 3 bedroom '*-study Owner will cany First T.O. t315.000- WAT£RFRONTHOM .I -.Al£5TAtt SIS...._ A.._ ........... . , .•.. equal t.h electrical enerVY required to run an averaqe AD.leucan home for a year. diltuc. a.n Jar~ a:utr~ areu wu only ~ 12 peTceot a ... than ill Loe AAoelee, for eumple. tloa, .. found that the 2,000 employ .. of a Iaroe Loe' A.ooel .. bued i.uw'ance com- pany aveTaQed 21.4 mil• per day commuting. For every MVeA employ._ who telecom.aute, the &D.Dllal enerCJY aavbsq WO..Ud freeway.filled Southern Califonua '-not the only plac e where telecommuting will work. We did a .urvey of major cab" to find out bow far people com· muted to work. The average The pr ... ure foT teleooDl· muUng wiD qo up u fuel prk:ee mer ..... Next: Wbal'• in it lor manage· ment? O'Hora Naunecl Pteslclent Of Sutton Herbert W . Sutton, founder and chamnan of Sutton Indua· tries Inc., hu announced the promotiOJl of Joeepll f . O'Hora to preaadent and chlef operallng officer of the Newport Beach pu.blialunq and printinq hrm. JOSEPH O'HORA Paqe1, where be ~ia.lized in strateq1c planninq, merger• and ac qui11hona, financial ad.m.iJUs· trahon and o rganiubonal analysts. O 'Hora rece1ved hla Bachelor of Sctence deqr .. in economic• from Georgetown Univenity in Washington, D.C . He resid• in Newport Beach with his wife and two c hildren. Sutton aaid, "Tbia promotion is a well-earned recoomUon of Joe's role in the developmeAt and rapid qrowth of the com· pany. Thia 1.1 the firat time in 17 yean any penon other than my-.. u has held thil poaition and repr ... nts a significant COIIUDlt · ment on the part of Sutton Industries to continue ita exp&n· siOD in publiahinq, printing and related arta of the commuiucatiollS field." Prior to joming Sutton .u e.xecutive vace prftident m 1978, O'Hora was vice pum · dent·hnance and administrahon, treasurer and chtef financial ofiicer of Collin~ Foocb Inter · nahonallnc . He a.bo served as a vice presa· dent and gene ral mnager of A uerbach Associates Inc., a tecbntcal serv1ces consultmg hrm based m New York Ctty, and was a pnnc1pal of the mter- national management consultmg hrm of CreMp, McCornuck and Sutton Indu.stn .. Inc . t. a multi-division printinq and pub· liahang firm fOUllded by Sutton in 1964. It t. best known for publication of 89 edJhons of "The Petl.Dyaaver," a weekly dlrect ma.il shopping quide del· ivered to nearly a million hom" in the Southern Orano• Cou.nty, San Dieqo and Palm Sprinqs areas. The bnn a.bo operates a commerctal printmg d.avmon headquartered mLaouna Ntguel, and a daatribubon setv1C81 d.JVIIIOn based ID Irvme. ESTATE '-' .................. .,. ._._ .. ..n II PUTAI'IIC ...................... ,...,. ... ... .. " ................. _, .. ... c.., .• -. OVerlookinl the NEWPORT HARBOR ENTRANCE, Cata.hna Island and popular Bil Corona beadl Coastal approved to bUild a sing)~ family residence stretctung oves-125' WIM 2 lots' Can you amagme the finished product., Askmg S1.296.~"'nes-wtU carry and subordinate • 1111 675-6670 m 1111 JACOBS REALTY Newpolf llvd. c-;omer 30th ti()T LliTI~f3\ AN AFFORDABLE DREAM-Remodeled Peninsula Point three bedroom home. One block to beach. Great assumable fina ncing. J.C75.000 Fee A hs ting of Sharon Cor· A TRULY UNIQUE PROPERTY Condo- minium an Old CdM. two blocks fTom the beach. An opporturuty you musl in\"e'lti· gate. 1245,,';00 . A listing of Biff Rosene 810 BEAUTIFUl FAMILY HOME-You elm 't have to be crowded anymore. f ive ~fie bedrooms. lot of baths. space and greet financmg. $450.000 ... A li ting of Rita and T om Boland LUXURY PLUS AN INCOME-Tht new cus tom duplex an Old Corona del Mar has a three bedroom unit. and a two bedroom unit. Best quality on t he market. $449.000 ... A listing of Barbara R.i YOU'LL FAlliN LOVE-Abeolu\.ely dar· lina three bedroom country home, perf t in 8'VW)' ••Y Brickl. beems. Fl'"eDCh doors 1~ at 1225,000 ... A. listing of N•nc:y lAux. DOVER SHORES-~ potJeas 4 bedroom. 4 bAth. overlookin& the Beck Bay. .tlh private belithee. 1510.000 ... A li ting of htMeny. U,._I()IJ ......--cae:---. GEDIBE ELIINS CD . OVER 55 YEARS OF SERVICE HARBOR VIEW HILLS Just ltsted 1n much sought-after Harbor View H1lls. Three bedrooms plus family room on a corner lot. Beautifully main- tained Owners are being transferred. Good f inanci ng Price· $315,000. • 2 Corporate Plaza Drive Newport leach 759-9100 SWISS INVESTMENTS, INC . ._ ... a,u ••··~~~~ ..... .-~. • ..,. ... .., •. ,, ......... .,,.., REST lURA NT FOR SALE e VERY GOOD OC LOCATION e TERMS: OWNER WILL CARRY e SALES PRICE: 5115.000 CAll 851 ·511 7 SWISS INVESTMENTS, I NC. ... M.IIU U ,,.., .. 1114. '--'' t ..... ~-" ttt • • • ._.., INVEsn.NT OPPOITUIITY • 2 BEDROOM. 1 BATH • SOLA R HEATING • 518.500 DOWN NO NEGATIVE CAll955-1661 SWISS INVESTMENTS. INC. .... ..... a ._.,. • • •• ..,. t • ''"""' • to ' • • NEWPOIT 1·1 LOT e 20.000 SQ. FT. VIEW LOT e TERMS: OWNER WILL CARRY • SALES PRICE: $275,500 CALL 8~l 511 · ..... .... .., .• ..,. •.••• n. .... '=dp -====-35' IIOA T DOCK Mae:::::::;11 '1'HER£'S NO PlACE LIKE HOME" I IN You. OWN aACICYA- No slip .... wh4pn you're the owner of thla 3 bedroom condo. BE IT ... MonUon • VWio • Cottage • CI'IOiet • Monot hou$8 • SUmmer Home • or BungalOw .. Hoa 3 batha, great kitchen with electric built-ina, natural cabinets, We're here to Help tile countert and 18 x 25' master bedroom. Assumable financing of $235,000. Full price only $325,000. 3637 E. CoOtt Hwy. • Corona del Mar 8rolrer f714J992~~10 LAKESIDE EXECUTIVE HOME Professionally landscaped backyard allows maximum enjoyment of the water. Master suite with sitting room and view of lake. Lovely two-story home with 3 bedrooms and 2V2 baths. Large family room. Best price. Dorothy Lewis 752-1414. BALBOA ISLAND NEAR BAY Enchanting English bungalow with 3 bedrooms and 2 baths. Only 112 block to south bayfront. Full size lot. Seller assisted financing. $365.000 includes land. Dick Halderman 642-8235. LAGUNA HILLS 25201 P..., de Alida, Sutte 105 156-tMS P9ILIC IKmCI , ........... ._. IIAMRITATDIDrT n.. .......... ,._ .. dooat ......_., YAMAJIOS DrTDn!ID. •ls ..... llo ll!l . ........,, ...., ... CA ..a3 ......, LM W~. •11 ..... No liS. ~, hac:lo CA.-3 n.. ......_ 10 coad.ocllod by u ,. cli•idul, ....... loloen WaU .. ...ec:tl n.. _, ... -..... -· eo...., Clad ef o, .. .., C.•aty oa ...... 1.1 ,.,.. laly 1 I IS. n 1•1 .- n.. llewpotl '--r&NIG PV1UC IIOTICa ...... IJOGI_ ... .,..1..-n lfDI4 Tile ........ -...... &o-• U1f C.U.VDT AR Aaoc~ATII. w o.-. ,.... lll .....,_. ....... CA ,_, ,,_ ... CM.t. 300 .......... ...._, ...-.CA..a n-.._ .. _._... "' .... "'•14ul s ... ad ••••c•• A•• Ca"'-' """' ·-· ... ,..... ........... eo_., Clect ef Oraaqe C...ty • ·--.1·1 ........... J..&y 1. I II 22 1111 •• "'"' .......... '--r l14111 ....CIIOTICZ r L IIIIJOGI- .... .,.A111111n' 111M n.. lollowUtt ,._ .. .... ......_ ., KliT IClUJ'T, lSI c...-. 0.... .......... -.... CA ...... _ ....... ,., C.lallao om. ........... Jaoecll. CA ..a3 Tlolo ........ il ..-4.cMII ~ ..... dt•ida&l ..._.. PotnciA ktaat n. -... ,. ,~ tloa c-t, Clect .. Ot .... c...., ... ••••. 1.1 .......... laly I, I, IS, 22. 1•1 1A Tile,._,_..... , ... PVIUCIK71D nc:IIIIJOGI-....... A,_., ..,.. n........_._ ..... ...__ • PACUIC IICli1ITT I1ITDCI -LA ...... • ~ ._., CA -.t ....._. P ._.. -.-&..~ ............... CA-l n.. ................ "' .... . ........ .._._. ....... ...... ,. ....... _ ....... .. c...., a.. .. a..... c.-, -,_.,I .. ........... Jaly I, I, II, ~. 1•1 1A .,............ ,..., IW:IIIWJW.._. --"·~ JIUia n. ........ ,.._ ....... .......... .a.r 111011. aDO • c....,, c.-........ c. -. ._,.._..._,W71JVal,_ A'"',......,..._ CA tiMt,atta.. ho ..,...... t 71J VoiJ•u A•• • .......... CAII.IIU n.. ................... ................. ~a-,L ........ ........ _ ......... c.-, cra.a .. a..... 0..., -'-a.Uil ,....,. .... , .. D. ..... ............. , .... ... POIUC IKmCI ncnTIOUIIWIIIIU II&IIIIT A Tlllllrf Tile lalloonaq -.,. dol49 b-uiTAJI ATrUCT10NS, ... a.k•r Sc • c-Meu, CA ll26a& 1 .... L Woocl&nl, .. Grud He ... Can:le. c-Meu, CA 12Gt. Cyo· tlloa .. Hotia.ul, 1!1 ftooao&Mla. lr ...... CAII21JS n.. a....-.. .....tiOC1ed b, • -••o.l """""'"""' Sl4aad ·-L Woodatd Tlolo ·-· ... bled wit~ u.. c-.t, O..k of o.-eo~ • ., .,. ....... 1111 ~ laly I, I . IS l2, IMl •• Tloa ........, ._ ,. .... PVaiC IIOTIC& nc:TIT10VIIUimDI II&IIIITAt...-r Nrllil Tile lollctwlaq -• """" -• D I M DrTDHISIS :110 I Op., ...... S.... I. !16ala Au CA 17107 Do&old ll>cloanl ...... , ¥11 ........... r. .. -eo.-...., ..... c. ta2S n... '"'"'-• coed>.cllod by .... d•'""ul S..,aed O....W I M•nay Tluo ... _1 ... Wed ....... 1M C-.~y Clerk el Otaaqe c-., oa I• lyl 1.1 h.Wialo holy I 1!1 22 29, 1111 •• Tloa ........, '-• Fl15414 PVIUC IIOT1C& roe I I liiOW JUIIIIIIU ..U. ITATDIIIIT IIDIO n.. lol6owlat ..... .. ..... b--u •AGS MUD lln'D nlSII, 4Z7 ,_ o.t ... c-. Meu, CA .... ..., Coba Taak1n, 4Z7 ,.__ On ... <=-Meu. CA ... Tluo "-10 C-.-i by U II drood-.1 ~ I C Tea1tatr1 n.. -· ... liW .... lila c-.., O.tk .. Ot-C...ty -...... 1111 ........... l.ty I I 15. 22 1•1 '" Tloa .._, '-"' rl1411:2 PVIUCM>ta ... IIIIJOGI...-.. ........ .,.....,. Nnl4 n.. w-...-.. .._ ~ .. .udTI1 PIIOfiJITIIS .• ~.._. ~ laecll, CA ta111 Qe...,. a., I 0.....1 A" ._....._LCAGIIO n... ......... ~"'-.. ... ... MI...,_ ca..m.a.. n. __ ..,. .. ta.. c-., OaR .. a.-c-.,., -.. "'· llll ~ laly I , IS, 22 29 1•1 ,. ,.......,.._ ,1 .... 1 rw:iliWIJiW---.... "._. 111114 n.. ........ _ ...... ........ .. -.c Of IIIW'ICMIT IUCII. ,. , ............. .....,...., ...... Ca _. Coli ...... ila:.JO .._.,.....,,C.Wtoeol n. .................... "' .... ......,~.c:..t ..... .,... __ ...., ....... e-., Clod .. a.-c-o-Ia ., ...... ...,.., Wr .. 1., 22 ••• t•l • "-............. f i..O -- A PICTURE IS WORTH A MILLION WORDS . . . particularly when It's framed wlfh oreot neighbors I VIsit 412-412 V. GOf.DINifOD ' Saturday or Sunday Mtw.~en 1-.5 p.m. and complete this picture. Sunny 2 bedroom home with beoms, bride ond shake plus on exciting near-new 2 bedroom apart- ment. Lovely yord filled with fruit trees and flowers. Only $335.000. fJ.S. Just listed at $24~,000. A story-bookish duplex I •• _aft... ~DtMIG dJ ~ ~ ~,, ~~-~ 8. ~Dad~ (aL fP~) ~otona del~ 92 G2 S POIUC IIOT1C& h;IIIK>WIUII*'IU liAJIIIT A Tlllllrf Tlla lollctwLat ... ..-.. lioiiQ lll•uaen eo WAIDIOII IN V'ISTWGfl'S. 1130 lttll Sr 11303. Naw-pon IMclo, CA 83113 W.rvu ol ToiM.o L ily, 1130 lttll Sr 1303 New-pot~ a..clo, C A 12M3 Tlw bu .. _ Ill cooducted by •• •• d1ndwl S.qaec:t Kotter .. Tob .. lt•l ly n .. ......... .., hlec:t .. tb Ill• Couol'r Clar~ ol O•••va Coualy on lw lyt,l•l Pv.lobalo holy I. 1!1 22 29 IM I •• Tlla Newopon '-va rl 1!147t POIUC M>TIC& .,... nc:IIIK>WIIUIDIIU II&IIIITA TDCDrT NIOIO Tile~-....... ..__ ., DMO UOADCASTDIG COMJAJfT AJil) loc:M rM 57 ru~o.... lalaaoJ .._,..rt C••••• Mowopor~ hac:lo CA laiO W••n ,...._,......., Coapotoy • N•• ..... Doeeotte ewpot-n.. ......_ 10 """"uc• lloy • cor por&t-....... Ge.rqa 0 U.~ar 5ec:l'Maly w-•• l •oedc:-aq eo. potDf <l/lole 1*0 1-*-• Coa ..... n.. ... ..... 1 ... l.&.oc~ •• 111 tao. c-aly Cla•k ol Otu .. Co..aay oa ..... :111.1.1 P""'boll My I 1!1 22. 2t 1•1 •• n. •-n laa9• r 1M 10l IVIUCM>ta I'ICIIIK>WIUIIRU JeAIIIITATDCDrT lfr1M Tlla lollow\aq ,.,_ ••• tlo<av b-• DAVlD IDfTl.IY DfTU PllSU Ill CWI 0.'"· ..._, IMclo, CA tala O.t.W D htt1 &aiM C P.ln, I ll CWf 0.1" NawporiiMclo c..., n.. ......_ .. ........IOC1ed "' • l>aJt-par~aa ...... , ... ~ O.taW 0 , .... n .... _ .... la&.c~ .. tll ,.,. C..a~y Clet• .. Or .... C...~y "" I• ly l 1.1 ....w.a IDly I II 22. 29 1•1 1a n.. ,...,_. ....... rl15482 ..-.:..cmc:a n:tiliOW--- .... ITA~ IIDil n.. ........ ,.._ ...... -.. ll.IICTIC aooru 111 va. ~-,,_.. o.... c- ...... CA ..a n.-.. W.•"' ....... m a g.,.., lu~oo Au CA a:zJOl n. ..._ .. noad~ "' .... ......... .....,.n.-a ... ii.t 1'1111-••IIW .... .. c:-" o..• • o..,... c-., .. •• "'·'·' ,....... ,.,, •· 11. 22. a . 1•1 .. Tile......_........ , ... 101101 PVIUC IIOT1C& ncTmOUIIIIOIIJfl:ll IIAMI ITA TDCDrT n . ~o~~ow.aq ...,._. ••• dooaq b.....,_., WALL ASSOCIATU I • 2ISS I COUI Hwy , llo 200. Corou d.l Nat. Ca t26Z5 Inc D Wal-, :185!1 1 c_.. H.-, . No 200 Corou d•l W.r. C. 92125 n .. -• e<md""...t by • veoMnal potrta.nlup SWJlled I nc D Waltoe Tlw I!Yiaa eal ••• I.J.ocl w>tll 1M COIUity Clar~ ol Oruv• COWity oa ho lyt ,llll hbl..a holy • 15. 22. 29. 1111 •• Tlla Newport I-Fl~$4~~ PVIUCifCma nc:TIT10VIIGIIUIS liAJIIITATDCDrT N1IOI Tile lollowlat ...,,_ .. .. •• -.. aAifCIIOn' DfTUJO&S. 3180 H Au-pori Loop Dn•• C•• Meu CA tal26 ~ "*'k kac"*. 1 con-Wud ~, a..c1o c. tala n......._ .. ~-by ..... d ..... a&l s.p..j Joy.,. ,..,. ... c ... n.. ... _ .... Wed ... ~ .... c-.ty C&.r~ of Or~ e-ly OA '" 1,. 1111 ,......., htly I IS 22 29 1•1 .. TlleMewpon ~ r 1..eo PV1UC lldncl rw:tliiOUI ..... UIIIITATDIDrT NJal2 Tloa Jo0owtat ...,_ 10 ,lio1At ~~--u a) II&AL ISTAn GUlLO LTD . II) DUIOIII&S QUlUl 59 S.. W..d o. .... thwpotl ... clo. C. 93110 Dae.aW s s ... ~o. 11 a.. w...d Dtl•e. Naw-pon IMclo. CA !l2tiO Tluo ............ c:Mda<:-.1 by ID Ia• dJ.W ... I ••ad Dae.aW s s .... Ja n... ...__. ... bled .... lila Cowi'Y Cle•• of o ... .,. c ..... .., -•• 1,1,1111 ""'ball J.ty I IS 22 2t 1•1 1A n.. .._,. ~ riM4tl rv.uc .-one& ,... ........ ~ U.ITATDIDrT Nl* Tile I....._ ,._ .. "-"' ~-•••• •• IQWPOIT CIJfTD POOlAft'f CJIOUP. 1303 Aooc .. . ~ a..dl, CA I3MO .... rl ,..._ ...,.._ DPM D4' Ot cW A", eo.-.... Mat C. DUll n....._ ........ "' .... . ~~-....n l ..... . .,_, DP M n. -· ... w. ...... .. c-., a... .. a.--c....., ... ••· "' 1.1 '-Wiolo lal't a 11. n a . 1111 .. Tile~&-.· ,I .. lQIO) PnUCM>liCZ .... ,.IJOGI~ liAJIIITAtaa:IIT Tloa lollow•.. ...,,_ ... dOUit --., wn.ut1SS IUOUICU. m Oovood eo.n. w..... a..c1o. c. 82tll (P 0 loa 201. ~~~~ lalaad. c. e.2) ,_ " Solow, 211 ...... a.u.o. t.l&ad, C • 92tla. T .. " I Moaroe, 37!1 OocJood CCNII, Lev••• IMclo. c. 82e51 Tlw ,__ .. ........._.... lly • -ro.l ...,na.rolo•~ Savoec:t T•rry I .._. .. Tluo nata•••• wu bled Wit~ Iii• Co.o~y Ct.r• of Otu v• C0<t11't oa lu •••• 1.1 hWoall 1•1., I IS l2. a 1•1 11 n.. .._, ._. riM41la fVIUC IIOT1C& .. ,.. ...... 1001 ...... II&IIIITATDIDrT 111101 n.. lalloonaq ,..._ ... ..... .,__ aa THI INOP ~ IM PAOAU.O. l404 Vt.a O,.rto.........,. 1Mc1o CA 13M3 "-L Put.a~ .. ~ •• , c..-. ......... c. aa2S, Oa-' M ,.._.,, a T.U.. Way, CotOU .... Mar. C. ai2S n-....._ ........... "' .... "''"""' ....... ...._ L '-u n.. IM-1 •• hWII wtllo tlla c-" O.r~ of Otaaqa eo.. • ., -... ly2,1.1 htollalo July I, IS 22 29 1•1 1a n.. "-'-' '-t• , llll47 PnUCIKmCI .. ,.. I'ICIIIIJOGI- II&IIIITA !DIDIT 111101 Tlla lollawllf ,._ ••• dolaq ........_ • f1IOIIITUIII YDITUUI t.TO • 1001 0.... .. . l•11e 140 • ........, Jaoeclo. c. aiiO Lillie ,_ c--.. . c.wo.-... ._-. 1001 0.... .. . ~ .. 140 ~, ....... c.-Tiolo ......_ il ......_. "' • ttoa.W ,.,..,..... ....... l.lato r ... c..-,, .......... 1 a -. ..... I n...--·-w..~ ...... c-., a..k .. Ot-c-..,-•• t,3 1.1 .......... ...., • 11 22.. •• 1111 .. .,.. ......... '-J laliO ..... something to· ~ppreciatel You 'll appreciate us for making your Investment decision so easy. We offer high fixed yield Investments perfect for IRA Keogh and c orporate pension p lans. O nly by securing a greater return than Inflation can your financ ia l Mure be assured. You'll appreciate us because we're Wormington. A Southern Ca liforn ia family helping Southern Ca lifornia businessmen. For additiona l information call Linda at ... WARMINGTON .FINANCIAL CORPORATION 3191A AIRPORT LOOP COSTA M ESA. CALIFORNIA 92626 (7 14) 540· 2635 "A Southem CohfomiO Fom1ly Helping Southem Colltom10ns" 1 om 1nterested 1n Trust Deeds wtth Wor""'•ngton F•no nc•ol. Personally IRA-KEOGH Pens1on/Proflt Shonng Nome ------------------------- Address -----:=---:-----------:----Z•p {SIIeet) (Cttv) Phone Home ------------Wcxk POIUC IIOT1C& .,.. ncnnovs Wlllllll WAIIIITATDIIIIT n. lol"""-v ...,,_ ... · ...,.. ltu.,._ u UKtVDS1TT ATHl.mC CLUI . 1701 Q.ail 5t . "-" a..c~ Co t2MO loloar1 blrao, 22341 W PIIC\bc COUI H.-,. W.lih. CA IIQ2e5, W Clatl Oro••· 1701 Ou•l St Newpon IMclo, CA ea&IO Tluo .,_ ., ooodltc-IM lloy ao IUUaCO<JIOialed _,._ ....... ...... • partaflllllp Soqaed· ....... Ziok•• n.. ........ I ... h1od ...... IW Coo rp Cler~ ol Or.... C:O..al} c.a ..... 29 ,., ""'"-~~ July 8 IS. 22 :Ill 1111 11 Tloa Jlowpotl '-ri- IVIUC IIOTICa h;IIIIJOGI...._ MIIIIUtaa:IIT IIDII n.. ...._._ -... dooa4 ..__ • PAAADISI PIICJIIIaTID .., c....s-...... Co.-. .w ..... c. eaea Calol 11. Malo.~. na ParaolJM Valley Pa•h•" lion~ f t.-a A.-ISa5l w.u ... ,._, h I~ 0... l •tla 5tedl0 Ctty Co. a.., lahnll&. 1~ 0.... l...u ........ c • .., c. n. ......................... by. w...... pana.rolup s .. aec:t Carol ....... , n,,. N--· ... Wed wulo tlla c ..... .-, Clerk of Oraav• C...ty -J,. ,,. 1111 ,........ luly I. IS 22. 29 1111 •• n. .._rt ~aa... r l15415 PnUC iiiOTICII ncnTIOVIIUIIMIII IIAMI tT A 1'IIIID'l liD II Tlla loflowiA9 ...,,_ .. d ..... "-•-• •> NIWPOIT UACH LAWll AJIO OAM>IJI Ill lfiWJOIT UACit LAMDICAPI SUVICU c) IIIWPOI'l IUC N IPIIIfU&II IYITIWI, Ill ..._ A ... .......... a..dl. CA tala Mark A ldl11l .. . .,. Ala. "" ....._. a..elo c. ..., n.. ......... coe4oocteol "' .... .,........, ....... Mat~ A S.ll-.ln n...-... hlatl ....... C••IY a... ol Ot-C..~y • I• ... ,,., ....... Jooty •• lS 22 » ,.1 .• n.. ......_. '-'• " ... IC:IIIWW._.. ....... '-' lfii04 Tile ......... ,.._ ........ ""--• c • • occ:oa. Jl It '-· ._,... IMclo. CA -..... ._.._ .... Ji lt T- .._. leeR C. UMD ho L ewe.... ,. ,., ..... .....,...., .....lo CA ~ n. ..._ ........... _.... "'. .-. .a,.,...,. .. ., s-.4 SoMia I ........ &. o... .. n.. - -~~loot wUio lila c-y CleP o1 O.a-O.....y .. ·-to.t•l ....._. Nlfl, II. U . a. 1•1 11 n.........,..r....,. r1•1• ...... ~t's bAadt ,whttelnd read II overl -·~Wf'OAT ~ • COSTA I1UA NIWS • "'VIHl TODAY PVIUC ltOnc:& Tile Ctly el llewporl ~Nell r ..... al ........ Sloarllf ""dt., tlf $448,110 ,. ••.u.bl.'" ••--•Y lol• lot Pll.bbe ~ --I&• loo..n of I • • 10 S p ........... lhr-lo ''"'-' •• lila ,......,. O....,rt..ol c .... c ... ~-. ollie•. c • .., .........,., oftoe. al U.. Cuy Hall • ....t 01 ,...,.....,.. l tuc:lo Labrary Cotou d.l ..., lraacll l.tlltory a.lboa l reoclo L&arory aed ,..,.pol1 C..ler I ranch Lllorary CUITAL ~t'DUJfT PIIOIECTS PUJDAL iiCYIIfW UIAIUitQ n.o I WICtoftbatav Cuy r.otd.a (!loa dapan•••u•ll 2 c-.... J>roql __ , ....... 1 (Sl (r ........ o....-t. Data ,_aq o ...... _, l l ur-<••-o.,..rua .... Data,,_"" o ......... ) 4 r .... ~ ftoall ....... ,...., •• a CltltiC yatd ............ ... (0.rwtaiS.I'VICM 0.,...-, ... Jd W..al_...,.,. O.v101W1I s a.d "-'lo.dao, .... .., dtlft (Gee.ral s.,..,_ o.,..-·· r..w ............. ..,. o. ........ , t ~loall ,_ .. , (0.Mrol S.I'V~e• O....rl•••• r..w ......... ace 0.•-•> 7 Au _,,_, d.-1 17Scl• (O.••ral S.tv.c• O....n-•• ............... _.,. Dt•-> • '·-· "'-"'".10 _.uj .., _ ...... (O.u raiS.•-~~ r .. w ......_ ... 0.•-l I Tnoc• laed -loa• Willi II cotk .,..,... ... laed..,. _, (a.-ool s.,.,.... 0.,...-......_Ow-) tO Tnock ..., l*'b • .u1o a~,..., ""-~ _, (0.-ro.l a.f1/IC. o....-• a.&.. 0.•-l II h nalole r ..... (Palica O.,..-. Oftoco of lloa C ..... o1 Pcbc• 0...-1 12 S.&. Chloee O.,..rt-• otltc• of tloa C&o..l of Pitt>« 0.•- ll M"'9 c.a-•• (Pcbc. O.,..n-Ada-•••-Dt·-l 14 h'"-~•• (4) (PeAte. 0.,..-. Acl8a-ran•• o...-•> IS T.,.,_-(20) t~a 0..0~ Ada .. .,.,.,,,.. o,.,._, II Pot~aW. ,..._(7)(Jiolaco 0....,,_1 h ttei0.•-1 17 ...... (S}(hbc•O....••-'•lroiDw-) II ~ .. (IS}(Nte.o.....-t Patroi O.• .. -> 11 Ub••" ._._. ,~ ...... 1111 .. Tile ........ ~· 1.1 ... 10.000 1.0110 11!15 101000 100 115 I) 410 n ooo 2 000 I 000 l.., I 300 1000 14 000 1100 UIO 10 000 Someone's lqoking for what you don't need Sell it through our classifieds! ., • NJJIJIWW.._. ....... _, n. ...,_. ,_-..... .....,.. • .,. .. 1'011 CATD • ~,..,. •u .._..,.. .._ ........... c:.a ....... .... ........ _.Ill ..... -. ....._c:.a-a.w. _...._ ..._ -....-. MlJ L.Mw•r• Lu•. ....,.........,c:.a_ ftiJ .._ ............ ...,. .....,.& ,....... ..... ._.,. ..... TWt .,._-IIW wllil .. c.-.. a.n .. Or-c.-ty .. t..lt.ltll .......... ,_ )t, ,.., •••• 1 •• ..._. ....... ......c.::mca #Cftnotll-.... ".,....., n. .......... -........ 1o..--• II IWTUNdll . ., C. • .,._ WM4 On .. , ..._. -...~. CA ._, ...... ,. AM ..._ ... ., C. ._ ...... o.....--.... .... ~.CA ... ,... ---. ~.., .... .. ..-,.~ ........ , ... , . ..._.. ftoo _. -~ ....... c-., ~ .. o. .... c...., ... Jpalt,llll ......... 1-)t, looly I ................. rw:tiikW- .... ITATIIaii'T Tloot ......... -.. 4oioQ .,._ .. LAURA PIOPU'IIb ·-0... ... -....n Ieee~. c. tHIO C••••• '••••· IIMS ~. , __ v...,,c.enoe ,... .._.. . ~ "' .... ~.....,c.,_,._ ftoo -· ... blMI •••• .. c:...tr CIN~ .. o.._ c-••• .,. ,_11,1111 ,..,.,. ,,. .. l4. loly I .. n........,.rtllwe• PVIUC ltOTICI ncnTIOUIIUSIMUS UMIITATDU:In ~ tollo .... e p.roo.o .. ""••o .._ u IAaLD WAIIIIT\Na 1.0 w ·-· c-..._ c. 'ntJ7 v •••• ,_, Ooil.toad 740 w ..... c-w-.CAn&n n.... ~--.. COAd~Md •••• "' do•~v.ol ....... v .... '-•• Odl.ood l1uo o10w-t ... IIHd ••·II oho Ceeaty Cle•• o4 Oroeoo Co•••• oo , ..... 1111 ~ l•h l. Tllo"-rtlu>eo ~~ u ...... rtant, 111716 P1JSUC ltOTICI .onC2~ MIDIK>N TO DOAQI M 1'111 IA1.I ~ .ll.OOitOUC IPDAQD 1• •Me u ... ., C'e6e*" S"~f«l to .--o4 tk IK-oo •PP'-lot ·-· .... ~Qt .. ol.ilottllo .. adot --,,._ IO ooll ekollolt• ......, ... •• tiM pr••.,.. .e.ch.bM .. ..... ,...lC w. ... lac l!OI I) v •• o.o.to ......... ...... c. IQMO ,.,__, .. tW ill ~ateAt-.o. liM .. U.t ~ .. o...,lyiAQ .. U.o 'O.,..rl•"' ot ~ .... ,oeo CCN>ttol too " •v~ of •• akHolK be¥•••9• ltc.a. tor th.we pt••• ... •• toUo-... ST .,_o.J Oo S.l• Go••••l ......... lvl' I t U 1111 oo fl•• 11-rt lou.qo N~ 1'\e lo4Jow>ae ,.,_ &J• d OlO'! ---.. PACifiC WUTIIIN AaOCtA TU L T'D tlte ~Art~•• ..... lotte 105 11-port t.Kao CA 113110 ,._o.J ""''"" hoc • c.w-... ,..,....tto. utt .c-A. ta.... ll.,j llo 105 ,._..,. a...:~ CA 113110 n.. ..__ .. coad..c,... "' • loaotad ,.,, .. ,.~., ''"""" G "-,.~ .......... o.~ a....··-... nu. ... -... I.a. •0 ... c-c.... of 0.·-c...., - J ... IS IIII ...._,. .. 34 ,..,., .. "" ...... "'-" I'VIUC .cmc::l ncnnoo•-u.&tTATDa:WT ~ """"--... """"~ a.-• TMI nnw A Vl:WU• QAOUP LTD tlte W..Artllot ll.,j s-. M ......... ~eet• CA tQMO .._ .... ~-. c.w... .. ~-42ft W.CArtllot II ... S.....P, llo....,rt .... ~ CAntiD n... --.. eo<t<~.~ .., • ~-,.,........ ,,.,.... a.., MaMGe Pr•a1d•M H••"" erad "-'"-n.. ........ ot ••t h.*'l Wl0. ta. c-., c.... ..t o •• _ c ...... ,, .. , .... ,, 1111 "-l>lo.oll ,,... )4 hoi, I .. n..~~.wport'-• • " Llll ...... IIUSO ,.. ~ ,.~-••• dot.., - -Sl'lfiC'nCS .,., • s p_,_ S..ta Au CA 91104 a-A ·-_,., I S ,.,,.,... IMio A.. CA 91104 o.... C Co.Nr 121"'1 looQoaM A .. ..._..,, .._.. CA a.., .. ,.._c c • ..., loll , ....... A" "-"Ieee~ CA ftoo -• ~-"' • _.. ,. .......... ..., .... _ A.,_ ~ ........... h .... -··· ~ c_, Cleo• of o..... c ...... ., ... ...,.,,., ....w..a ,., .. )4 ,.,, .. no.-.... a.-. 'VIUC ltOncl nc:TI'nOVa __.. U.tTAn.IIT ~ ........ --.. .. .... Q -.. T10U GIAPNJCI l4tl IW. A.. No l , c-. W.. CA .... C'll.tloo ...... n.o...-" 141l IWM A.. Ito J c-. w-C• ... TWt ... _ .. ~-"' •••• ..,....I ....,_ C'll.rleo II no-, _, ftoo ... _. -.......... ~ ... c-t., a-• .. Ot·-c-.. .... '-11.1111 ........... ,_,. ......... ··~-- u 1111 ...... " .., .. PUIUC..ofa ,..,.,,,.,..- ..-uaTIIIDI't "'" ......... ,.,_ ... _ "•••-•• TMI ,.OMOTIOII QMliUP 110 ~ c.. ... o. ... .... 1 .......... ,. ._... CA '*-0 ....._....,..u.-. mrt- .., 0.... W , ~ ..... CA -,... ...__ .......... .., .... ~ ............... a.-,._ __ ........... tllo c-, a.. ... Ot-~ .. ...... " 1111 l'loWitoll ,_ )4 ,., I I ...... ~._. •• 1111 Pt146104 ..,. ....,mnc8' ....... -.... ".~ ,. ........ ,_ ...... ....................... 10»1 ..... " .......... ,.,._ V ... CA lnOI An I ,_., a.•A-.~._ ..... e.-....................... ...................... ___ ....... .. c.-. a.. .. o. ... c-., -......... ........ ~ .... ·· ............... lt IAI , .... ..,.. • PVIUC IIOTICI Jll.nl .. ncnnoue._ IIAIU ITATDIIII'f n.. lollow... ,..... ... ..... --·-.. •) lliJCKD CAJITD IIOCHD~V~~b)~ lllAL UTATI UOIWIAGI. 4JO llo4 St .......... a...cb CA 1J1tJ Til• llo.c:llot Co.p • C.Wotll,. coo pou t-4JO 12M So N.wpott ... <,CAntil n .. bw.al ... ..e coedact<ld by a C'Or por••-s..,.-lloMro II ~"­,., .. ...._, n.. llo>ellor c..,. I n ..... -... "*'..,. .._ c •.•••• c .... ol o. .. .,. c ...... -'•••lS 1111 P .. bloolo Jill• I I IS 22 1111 oa n . ,. • .....,, llwo• tltel25 'UIUC liOnel IIS-ft111 ncnTIOIIIIftllllla IIAMitTATDID'T lll1tO n.. loliowl•'l ,.,_ ... ..... •• "•"'•-.. UAMAUA ,DilAWAq) INC USI De-So s..... liS 11.-port leocll CA llaMO lr-.LM (a( 6 0.1.-.•t• COf~fllt06, \117 TowQ• St Toronto Oot.uo c.a..4• W.S ITS Tluo "-•-11 cOftti..C ... l>l I ..,, porol.o• 51'1•-" C I Go1t0oli V~• r ... tdnt J_,•,.•* IAt Tllut .. , .... , ••• hled wttl!t '"'- Co~ooty Cieri ot 0.""010 c-•" "" lono ll 1•1 Polohoh 1 .. 1, I Th•ll•wpottta..• ~ ~ --.,. ""'-'~ -.. nc.u.ou •AJITWIJI SHr. .0.1 .... Artll•• ..... ...... JIO . ....,._ a..c~ CA ilfiO ~ Cot.,. ""-41MI W..CAttat01 ..... Ito ao .......... t.K• CA 810 ..... C ........ S17 V•• LM ..... ......,_ a..e• CA tM.l nu.-• ......_.... ..... . _ ... ,._ ... p loped ..... c Po .... . Tb ...... , .,.. h.W w..a tM eo...,., a... .. o. .... c-., ... ...... 1111 ... ~u.. ,_ a. .... . oolho......,_ ...... . •• la\.1~1 ,~ .. PVIUC ltOTKII f"'Cflnoot-- ~·TA,...... .-n7 n.. I~,_,_ .. ....., a.-•-.. COUOIAH ~ Alfl) D&IIGII 2t01 H.r-v-o.,.. Co-. .._, Not CA ~ z.u-.,. L roll 2t01 H...... v-On•• Cor ... del Moo CA 92GS n.-~-.. --~~or .... ....... ~ I~ __ , .... n... ............ hiM ... 11M c-••• Cia•• .. o..... c--·~-" 1111 ,. ...... , .... ,. ..... . .. ~~~~ ........ . ... 1111 'IMSlS W17» PVaiC IIOTICI N:1111001 ws.- .... ITA'IDIDT n. ......._ ,.._-.... ·-.. 80Clt Aft llM ....... o., .. C... W.. CA taa ........ ..... , .. W..CIMII l.a ._. 0nw C.... .._ CA 9XJI ..._ tollo w ....... a-........ c-. -CoUIV n.-.. ~ .... _ •• aJ,. ....... p w.tca..o ......., ..._. Tk.. --· ... 1\leol .... ... c-.. O.•• .. o.-c:;....a, .. ··-" 1111 , ........ 1.-)t ..... . .. , ......... " ..... . ....... ~~· ...,. JIO&ICMmOI nctn~Ge~..­• .-nAn.atr n..~....--.... a. ... -.. T'MI <aAMI UI A COUOIATI()ile 2'11 A...-1o lie AI C... ..... C.OAJ ..... • ................ c:...-.. ....... . -ltl A_.. .. lie At C... -c • ..., n.....__ ............ ~.-,.,_......., ··-· ........ ,......._ ~ G••,.a... US A 0.. _ .. _ n.. ·-· ... 111M ..... 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""-· CA tmll ,_.._ 1 1oo1o tt v .. ao o.... 11 ..-.cAmtS n.. ·-.. 00tt4..c.-"' • &..a.oj ............ • • .,.... ,.... ....... ..... nu. .. _, .... 111M ....... C....ty Clerla tl Oto-Co•Oir M ,_)t,llll ........... , .. , .. no. ........ ._. rw:iiiiOW....al .... ITAT-....T ~ ~ ,. ..... tlotaQ ---M WOOO WAJJU:U IIJI WW.o Ito 1-11 C.. .._ CA 12127 ... ,.... w.,... '""" .. n.-. II c-w-CA 12127 n,....,._,.., .... .....,.., .... ... ~ ....... lleUoad w "'"' nu. ... ,_, ... 111M ....... c...." Cle•k o1 o. .... '~" c-·•• o• t .... :W.Itll ......... lol, I I TlloMowpo11la"'"" IS 22 1111 •• ,...,., PVIUC IlOTta .. ,., ... Nl7t') ncrmout tusJJeDI IIAJC ITA'f'DUJff T\oo lot._,.. ,.,_ •• dooa4 t.-.. WPfDIAMMD UOUOII nou. lV7 1 c-H..., c .. -.. tlol W.t CA tx2S Wot.d, w.w. .. t•ae Applo c.-H.au•<~•oo ... ., .. CAI:II4t n.. h...._.~ coedwct.d bf .. La <It~ ,. .... WoW o W.W••• nw ......... ••• hL.d witt. ... c--, Cletk "" o....,. c....... ... , .... 1 •. 1111 ...... I~M 24 '"''I .. ~ ......... ,. ..... Q. t IS ltll fliOII N., .. PVIUC !tOne& ncnnouttumn:u 11-'-1 IT ATDIDT ~ tot..._ ,.,_ .. ""'-'~ •-•-oo UIIIAII ST11Anay 101 ""'"" A•• •u.o. t.l..od CA ~ Coral.. S QoputoOM 101 W...-A•• ~elM. lol•od CA ·~ n... b\lt,.._ ~ c-oedwc:t.-4 llt'f •• •• ~......... Sl4o1K1 Co•••-S Go,.. -ft.. ... teM•ftt ••• t1IM Wlt~ .... c..,..., Clerk ot Ooono• Co~••• oo lwM if , ... '"""""' lwa• 24 lwl• •• n.. ... .-port lfteaqa 8 I! Hill ,. ... , .. lfl7)6 Tile JoliowloQ ,.,_ u• clouoq IIi••••••• •• LIAI IIT fHIIIFT SYtTDtS 240 ..._pon C..oo•• Dun s.. ... JOO ..._..,. a..•lo CA 92MCI 0..0. C•flllOI•t.oa • c .t.torn... II --240 ........... c ..... o, ••• S-JOO Mow,.na...clo Co9lMI. 1'\M ~ .. c-o.dv.C1ed ... ., • Ul ,.._ Stoa• a-.ld 0 Non"" C I 0 0...0. c--••-n.. .................... •\dt ... . c_, c ... ~ of o.._ c ....... , .. _It ,., .............. )4 ,,.,, .. ""-.. .. '-• • I' Ill. 1164SI0 IIVn PVILIC IIOTICI ncT'mOUIIUtollll U.tTATDCDT ~ tollo--per-I ••t -.. IAJR)T S WJU)lNG Uo H.-•• c-. .._ CA tl6lt llao 4•11 c~ .. otoplloor I••-'••• l1 1 ..__ .. C-.M ... CAI'aa n. • .._ .. -........ "" ... '""' ..,....I ....... loadt a. • .-. n..... .......... ••• ht.d -~·~ ·~-c-., Cloti ot o. .. 0• Co~••• M~ , .... tt 1111 """"'~ ,.,,.. 24 lui• I •• Tile _,.11 ......,. PUIUC ltOTIC'! -~ IS ltll rt64t0t 1117)1 wona or DEATH or PDaY r. IK>LL.Ail. cdla rart JeOUNL ARD or Pm'T'IOW TO ADIIIIIISTEII .. TAft IK>. AIOID2 Te all bein . bft•t~e .. n .. , C red liOn, COAIIIIq•ol ~n. &lid ~r.oca who .. , be ~,..,.. "'terMed 1a tile will or NUl• of P•rry P Nou... aka P•rry NoU~u. ~-· A ~llhOO h&a ~ Wed a., w., ... u r loU.r IJl tile Su~nor Cout1 of Or~ C01&11ty r~q U.... thybell P NoU.r be ap pobaled u per.onal rep,_ &ati-to ~·r lh• ..... of U. dec:«teat Th• .,.t1U011 ,....._, aut.bonty to ad .-....., tile wia.. ll.od•r lh• ~~ Adml.nnt,.hoa oi~Act A '-eriDq 011 tl\• S*)Uon tf\IJ N b.ad at ~ No 3 at 7'00 CtYIO C.oler OriM Wwt ... .. A ... C A 92701 oa luh lt.l•l•t910• Ill 17 YOU OIJICT to th• V ... &lael .. die pettUOo, you ...W .. Illes appear at tile llaiienae Uld .ca .. ,our obJ«: ..._ Of fUe wntt• ob)«:t1ou tna IJ.e cowt ~or• th• .....,.. . Yovr ap,..raACa .., N til penoe or by your ....., If YOU A CIIDYToa or a -ba9«1• c:nd.ttof .. IJ.e dec: ....... you -....t We yoar c&.t• wtlll Ill• w.rt ol • ._. It to tile per· ..-1 r .. r .. al4111Ye ep ,.._, by ... c:otut WlWA ..., ..... ·~ tile .... of ............... t.tt.rt .. p ........ Ua ~ 700 of .. ~ ProbA• Code ,... -. ler tW., ct.au. will ... ..,... pnor to to.r .,. .............. ~~J· .............. YOU MAY UAIGJQ IN ........ ~ .... c.-rt If ,.. .......................... ......,....., .... ...... .. .. -.11 .. ...... ......................... ..... " •. " .......... .,...,.._,,.a ' •=--... ~~ ..... ._ .. ... .... .. .. c ..... .... ..... c.laa 1". let liM, N [peT aM ............. J ....... Jl.. •• II p f/1 l.Mr, 1110 C a• ..... PO ... .... ,-1 .... CA -(7&4-I ................... .............. ..,. .-c.onca rTAramr'l~ Will C llffOif _Oif, ,,.,....._ a.u. no. ....... ...-..... ...... ... .-..-.......... _ ........ .. -na OIIJGDfA&. am """" CONPAJfY , .. W...._ A .. 4A c_.._ CAI2G'7 TM ..... ,,_ ...._-, ... ,,_ .. ............... o.-c-." .. Oct 2 am ~ , .._, 2'771 .. , ... o.... .._rl leoell CA tJIG C.,..,• II ....C.IIocll 1411 o.4fo''" Ton-eo,_. t1o1 W.o C. ~. L ... .._. W Co•••- INA Dolp~.. Toor-c., • .,. 4et W.r CA taws , .... --... ~.-.., . .... o1 116tt•••oll•p li9•ttd L...,.,.oa w c. ..... ,.......... ·~·· 11 .14 ... ,, •• Tho llowpotl lfiiiQO P\ltue IIOn(':l nc:TmOUIIIWIIIDI IIAIU tTATDIDrT llltll ''0~~ 11(7)) Tile ioiJoorut9 ... -.. d<u•ll 1>...,_ u ol IAIIOL'S SUMMU CAMP lo) IAJIOL Tlf HJUUTI CltiAnVI AII'TI c) CVLTUIAL Uft UIUCATOIIS. ~~ T'HI DAJICI TIACKD STAnGWDY 7a W IW. It c-.._ CA t:Xn ~.&~of.,. ,.., ... ,. )17 .... _, .. . s.. c.......t::Awm n....:;..... .. ~.., .... ..,.,.._. ....... L....,. a Kertoet1 nu. ---· ............... ... c-.tt Cleo~ of 0.-Co~o•tt "" 1• .. 12 Uill ......... 1 ... 17 a. '"'' l oo Tile 11-n &a.p • 1.1 tl..O.l 11170t Tt.. lotlow1aq ,....,._. •r• dotaq 1>•"'-.. nsow IUAP IHVIST WIHT COW,AifT 1-1 Ponotu•o Dto•• '"'"" Co 92715 TKa.. I T,.... 18811 Portol..o Dt••• l"'oao Co 92715 Woc:aool P H..p I lonyon To .. w .. ltv,.• CA m" Tlu.a bY_.A.... ~ cond .. cted by • qeJ.et•l periPer .. dup S.qaed Thom•• I Tyooa Th~ •••'•,.••• ••• h\.t wuh. the c~et' c .. ,~ of Ou aq• Co"•'• ~ lttoo l2 IIIII P'1111tua lv .. l 4 J..J, •• T'b. N•wporl lae1qD I $ IS 1111 Fl64068 Nr74l rv.uc ltOTlCI a.nu• P1C11'T10VI IOWlJIUI IIAJII ITA TDU:IfT ~ lol...._ ,.._ ••• dooOQ "--•• IJIVI!n IJIWSTIUAL Ill VIST'WDIT CONtAIN 1-o 'o• ...._ Dn" 1-. ... CA 117115 l..- Ke.p la_....-... t Ca.P-&•• • ~.,..,., P4rta•rM•P coa•~'•o ot T\o••• l lyooo ud Wotllool P H..p TK.-. I T~ 1 .. 1 rorfot~o Onv• ln·•n• Co 9771~ W.Cio .. l P H..p ll6•un T ... WM ....... Co !n715 Tlu• ~ .... ., .,. cotld.-n .d bt • q"eul pe11neull1S: S-.qred lb~ mea I Tnun Tha •'•'••••t ..... h a.d wnlil .•. c~ wetv C~r~ ot O•..,..q• Cou~•• ~4 lwoell IIIII '"""'~ ...... l4 •••• "' T'h• Hewpot1 lA•i~a 15 l'<lll fii>4Clf>9 1(!742 PlnUC IIOT1Cl 111-11111 ncnnous tuiiJfUI ""'" eTATDIDfT lbe loUowwo oereo.ft.t •r• 0'-tllQ b .... o-01 SIIOW WMm C AMP GIIOVIID 1000 Q\o•ol St s .. , .. J1KJ N••port a. • .,~ Co 92e60 Orto•d Holod.f V oUoqe lid I 000 CJu•ol S• Sw•l• .190 N•-por1 leocllo C A 92f.611 r-... ~...... ~· eoodv· ... ..., • , e 1ted p.artc••.t.~p S•q•..:l A at_ao.,.. l opp Pt .. od•nl O.y•pw. H~hd•• v.u~. Lt-4 • O.&.e•••• c-t-p , .. ,.o. ··~ .... ···""*'' .... . T .. ~ ., ..... o, wu h~ ••'' •tr.• eo...~ ca..~ "' o.._ c....... -.... u ,., .......... lwM l4 l•h o 8 I~ IIIII ··~"-""'-• r:~ PVauc: liOnel .... ,, .. ncTTriOUa IOIDIDI U. IYATDIDIT tn741 fN ~ ,.,.... ._r-a Jo.e ~ bw••-.. HOLJX)AT VIUAGl IOOC a...~ s. s.. ... lilt:: ..... l'O ..... <. Co 92160 Ort.odo Hol>d.ow V,(,.,._ Ltd ,QOO O...ol S. Sw·•• l'M N-ro a...ca CAi)MO T\..._t bu.M ..... tA ~we' ... .,, • heUed ,.., •• ,.~,P S.W,te4 A,.,lli\v,., K<>JOP p, ..... .,., Oly•poc; Hoo .. h, V .11.-q• L1d • 0.1••••• ~f',.,.,~, .. , .. •. il.,_.,., ""'-•• n... .. .... "'."' ••• h"-'Wlt~ '"• l-Ow•'• C~··· .. f o,.nq• Co~n'• 0, lwn•ll •M I l'•blo.oll 1 ... J• 1•1• I M .~ ,\iii PU.UCNOnct .. ,.., MOneE OF DEATH OF JOHR VUEI.J.Z. AlfD OF PEnnOII TO ADIIIJQSTER EITATEJIK>. Al01227 To •U bean ben.fK:.an .. c red1tora. cootaoq•n• cred.11011 a.Ad ~r.oru who may be otherwwe 1o .. rest.d 1n lh• will or ..UI• of John Vil•U• dec.d•nt A pebttoo baa been lu.d bv Norm• l Grah.m 1.0 th• Supenor Coun ol O ra.oqe Cou.oty r• queelloQ that Norm• I Grah•m be appo1Dt.d •• per eonal r•pr-ntatlYW to ed mtn..ter 111• _..,. of th• dec.d•nl Th• petlhon re qu .. la •uthonty to admm•tt•r the ••••• und•r the Lodepen deot Admuli8trtbon of L tat .. Act A hMnoq on the ~huon wtll be held al Dept No 3 at 700 C&VlC C...ter Dnv• WNf &nta Aoe CA 92701 oo lulv 15 taetat910a m IP YOU OIJICT lo the qrutJ.nq of t.he .,.tahon you ahould etther appear at tb• ..._nao and lUte your ob,ec bOca or hie w rttteG ob)eetiODI wtOI t.he cotu1 belor• th• .._naq Yovr appe.rance ••Y be 1.0 penott or by you• eltoi'Mf lr YO U ARI , CRII>rTOR or a cODh09•n creditor of the deeM_., JO' •ult ft}e JO\II CW• Wlta tht• coul't of pr-1 11 eo th. per toaal repr-atell•e ap polDt.d by t.he co-art w1th1.0 lo11r •oothe fro• tk• dat• of flrwt ~uce of letten u pf'Oftded lA tec:flotl 100 of tM C.ltlo,. .. Probet• Code T\.e b .. lor flhoe c:lauat wtll aot ~.,. pnor 110 lour aoo ~ two. I.M c&e .. o4 , .. t...r ~..uc.d~ YOU MAY ILUmfl tlte W. .... ~ tile _,.,. D you ..,. • ,..,.. •••u'u' 1a ~ ....... you .., ..... rwqV4II wHit 1M OlliU1 .. rec:e~ .... ~&AIIMIIIOe ......... of ....... ...., ........ ..... ............... e.coa .. ...,.....,.... :nWaa.-c· no. UDO _, die Cabfon61 ,.,....CaM n-... A. Lmlt. ~ • a.... l JOftllt A.-, a..,-. a..c.. CA .._l (714)--....... J-. 24, fe.JJ l , I , ••t• n. •·..-.n IMip lmD PUaJC JtCmCI nc; n nout IUIUICM U.ITA'IDIDT "" .......... ,.,_ ........ -a CUI'TD tOJ. OAQANL&A T1C* tN'ICTtVDIUI ItA ... ....,, c-. o.... ...... .104 II ... ,.. .. ~ CA QMO C·-··· .... _ -"-"._ lac: • Cohl..t .... .. -··-., .... ~.... N ... ..,,. ._. .. C.t..o n. .. ..._ .. ..., .............. . -··-......... ' ..... c ........ . ,, rt..ct••• c, .. , . ., ...... 4 .... , A_ .. ,_ nu. ........... ~ ••• f ..., ..... , •• C...ort Clooi ..t Otooo~e Cu .. oy "" 1..-lt ... . ~ .... t ... 24 lvly '-" n. •••'Pf"•' ta~u• • 18 1111 rt64tl2 11171'l 1).• h·UoW1"4 ..,.,..,., •1• 4e••Q .,...,._ .. COW III lNVUTWDIT COMPAHY 700 & wh l>t••• No 114 OlloQO CA t2tM loy ,.....,, .. Cc;Ua• 724 a., w-D~t•• N••ll'•" .._, CA eaeo llwtoen Molooa c o1 .... 700 I wi• Do••• No 114 O.o.oQ• CAtLiM ra.. •~..... ... t '-"'d'u ._. "" • 01 ... ,.; p4..,. .... .., s..,,.... IIY II cou. •• n .. ..,..,...,.., ... *'._. .,..,. ... co .. ~ c.... of o.-c...... .. , ... u 1'1111 p,.w..o I•·• I t I~ ll n. H • .-p-r ,, I.A.•o• ""· . ,,~. t\I.UC ltOTIC'I: ... ,. ... ncrmout t1m11as IIAJIIITATIDlDI'T "'"" n. tol.low'*J pe.-.... ••• iv.t.jJ 11 ... ,._ .. I I Oll LTD lfJ .. •• ,.... c. ... , o..... ..~ 1\J(J ......,pon a...:~ Co 'i2t60 '•••~ I Dtdoa•'O 24111 S.n y,~•••• w~ .. to·r v .. ao CA eltea Ttu. o .... ..._... .. toed~r•.c.t b'f " h••t.d P•ttaerdup !to•.d ''•"' Oullof\•to Th1t n•t•••"' •u 11i-.d .uh th4 Cc, .. ar, Cl••" of OtaoQ• C""wety '•••18 1911 Pvbholl t ... 24 loiJ • 10 T\e N..-pott b•.q• I'U IIJC IIOT1CI fiCTTT10\II IOIDrUI JeAJ(IITATDIPT Tlw t<JII••••~ ,_r-.ne •<• J •• J b••• .... u S 'S UASINC:. '~' Noarer, .• A•• N•-wJI'I r-k• t'l (.A 9264J .... ... ,. ·~ ,, ~·l Wo••o. ... A•• H•..,""•n ... ll C• 9lt6) Hot tel JC P• ~••l ~ ......... l l.d T otreace C A ~ Le .. r 'i Selle. l'i1 l s.~•• Up .. t>d C: A ra.. ~...... • ... d .. u..c~ ""' .. ~···· ,..,, •• , .... p 54o,~t ... s •. ,h" T• • •'•'•••nt '""'' C"-•• ,f ••~"~~• C wf ' lw. .. la'AJ Pvbl .. ._ IvA• ..r4 " 8 ,. r,. ,. ... JKo,~ ""•· u PVIUC IIOnct ncntlOUI IUII.IIUI IIAJft ITA TDIPT T"-l~lowJaQ per_,. s~ '' J bu•'"-.. G AJILAIIO ASS()(' IA U S ZIIUI c.,.,,. ll•wpo•l a-• A 9l6H) ,. o.,,l C..rwno1 '" • Coool,.. N•wl'<'•' k• b CA '4n.tN T~ ... v ... n.u ... Cil'ld w• ~ bw •• 11 1t~Hfto~tl ft.11•M " Oeuy1 Get~• 1 r~s.. ·~t•••o1 •• _. ~.~ "'" .. Cvwarv Cl•r• ot Q,.,.,... t~.~n. ,z I~ I '"'"IIAa\ f J •• ~4 J.,,, I t'll " r ... "••s;,e•~ '-'•-vr: f'UIUC IIOnct ncTmOIII lln!IO:N ll.uft IT A T'DfOI'T f•• holt..,,,_~ J.•r-.,. • if I 0••~....., •• OOUO S TOW IN • • • • A••"'-C••• M..,. CA w ..... ~"-• I. H•••.., t .t '•·•~ II•"'P''•' lo-.~ CA 12tk T•·• ~ .. • ("~~ '' • :i·•·d••• !.Q•ed O.vo ..-l H•-• Tltot ...... trf\, t ...-t _. • '"' C .... .,. C •ll I Ou J• ,,.,, ... ,. '-••• •• I ' ·• ,,._.,. • ..,. rt l ,.._. I'UIUC IIOT1CE nCTTT10UI IUSIWtu IIAiftiTAfDCUfT T • • "q ~·· • • • c.~ •. ,...,.. •• ,A\. (f'l4 • AS't rJ~ OVC'"Tt\.J"f5 ••; ..-!•t•"• A. O.a• P.:.~..at A ,.J..,~ A"1••• G•bb.erd W • :.... "'-•• .. ftf o. •• ,, ,_,, ( • ·~""'" [.leo .... ,fdttiD J .... J ...,.1.-f' W., l1e'• ,,,.,., c. llfll'-4 r~ •• t1 ......... oJIUH ffO.Ott'-' ... .. • , .. ,,,.,.1\ J. " tfl•:i A J .,. t .d.t.tt1 Tl\ • •'• ••• 4lo .. r.•• ' I• ' r• •,. • ,..., .. WI... ... " . ~~ ...... ""' r. ..,.,, "auc 110nct ncTITIOUI l Ull NtH IIAJfE n ATUCurT fltP . -r.r .r Tt-• -. •• , I' 'UILIC JIIOTIC[ ... ,., nCTITIOUS I USJNtU IIAMl tTAfDftln ,,. ... -,.. . .. . . . " .. , , .. "' I.......... • . .. A ill H.. l ,. • <lii\ICfS ~,.,..,._ •r ItA H .... , ,,, ., •• t• ••• N••l , .... • A .,.,.._, ~"fl•• ~fl•"'t w .. t • • IIH II o. .. .,. ..... , ·t' [\• .,. -. •• ~ , e.. a A ,._,.,. ... l •• w t'\ 1 .... ~·~ ... ~ 4rt•••,. •• ; .. ~ n r. • t' • "--• 'h' ...... •Jt60 r .... ~·· .._ ....... ,. •• 14 •• • r • ,._. ........... ...... ,. l .. ' l .. t-e i I ,_, , ...... ··~~· " ''" ._,..,,. , .. ' ''"' • "4 r••--• •· • • u ••.,•-•• I GA"' 101 w ,, 1 ... ,,. • ...._ " ... ,_ Ct 411M • I-•' ~ a.~ ................ ,,.., C:e••~t A ...,.,.ttoa ..,. ~ .. .._,.._, CA9Ml n ............. , ....... ('._. ". :-o• _ .. _ ........ .. ................ ~ ......,.,_ .... "" •.. ,..__.. a..--.IT-.., n ......................... ._ ~ ... . c..... C'loft .. Pt.... c-...... , .... •·-u 1111 ...... . ... ,, .. •• he-,.,. lo•-'•'• I I IIMI " l'l 111 116 .,.,c; iiO'TlQ .,_ ... ,,,;ow..,... ll.Ud If A t'DIDtr 1\oo ..__ .. ..-.....-....... --. ....... "-'-,...._ c.,.. a-.. '-1 1 ...... ,_.,,. .. ............... The Newport Eu:lp Wed:Deeday. Jwyl. lMl Pagell rvauc ltOTICI JllftiM namout IVSIWDI •AJU IT & 1"DlDT file ~o~~oe ... ,.._ .......... a. •-. .. IUCHWOOD COW P'AifY 1101 <.~o;..,. II•>~ C..te-• ~ol We• CA ~ ._.h......,O...-. ••• ....... • C• •iota~ cor.,e••t.r~• ltol 0 ... a&w4 C-..u ..... ••• W.r CA 1/tlS C•••IM A••..a l'JCI') S..114 ~·~' Po.l• l:leoot1 t'A n... t· •. , ~· ... odw<ted ..,. • lf ... t.J ~··'-"••aA•l ,.,, Jlt...-1 J,..t\A A c;, •• ., .,..,,". .... ... OIC.Id o. •• ...., .. .... ttf\4 r••• ... t.,. ... .,.. t.J..ct """_.. .... Cut.anty Ct.•~ ot <J••• ;.. r·o""" \)f '•••lJ 1911 P .tl.Ji•b luh I M '• h I Itt.: ., n••N•w~rtfn••.t' f it:IA71b PV IUC 110 fK.t. ... , .... ncTITIOUI t \ISlMUS IIAJIIl I TA TDCEJCT Th• , •• u •. ,., •• , ~·eo~ .,. j .,, .. l '"'" .. ..,. •• Hlt.CO ,ARTNUIS. ~ ~." -.c~:J"• o,, .;• \ 11 .. H1t "•wr ., a."'~ l A <i.tO>IICI CDA HfHO LTD )6(1 .,.., t.C..,..,. D• -~• !\"'t. IV' If••><>" Ilea o LA •.t-DSL S.• -"·co .... ~. tJCJl 1!1· ., !J4: (. ..... w ... CA ~rut Tllu• t. ...... ...,. • Af 1 .. ..-<1 "' • ,.,..... .,.,, f't\h ~ .. ~ ..... ~ ,. h •• L ("' , • ••II• • ...,.,..., • CtJA Htwn Ttl .. l ,, .. ~.~ Pe"f"•t •"·~ n ....... l~'\h c •. , , ... , .. ..~ .. ',. P lot,,.,. Jw ' TA• N .... ,~ t ,.. I' ••• I .,.i •1•, th• •• .,. C .. rh ""'* .· PVILIC Jt0T1Cl r1CTITIOUI tUIIIfEU IIAJIII ITATDUJIT fh• 1'-~~ WIAQ ~er110• .:IG 1\J 1 ,,,.,_ •• GLOIAL EIICHANGf r,IIOUI' M JJtd So N.,.got1 -· > C A 12M I S••P••• K•ll• H<<;~odd•t lOt J hd ~· "'••'-· t a •• ..-r. C A. UM!l Tt,u tu.1•1ft ... •• ut" dwc tad bv •r if, i .,,,i ..... 1 S·~•·•d S'•J.•h•n M ~~ •dd•a ''-•• •'•'•1'9\•r• ••• f.l•·• •••*' th• t.. 411 '• C'l••• 1 (JrA J• •., I ••·• it 1li8o f'wl•h•~ Jwh Th .... WJ;#•'· t il J• ,UIIJC IIOnCE nCTITIOUI I.UiliiDI !CUlt It A TDfUfT T•· Will~ 5-.,..,. • J .... t•••·• -•• AMf.IIIC AN ADV111tiS IIIG llnWOIII •bO'f l•t· rd w •• p .. ~ ... , A u f .. 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N • ..,.,,. ta • ..,. ,. ... n PUIUCitOTIC& r'1C'TJTIOW IVIDfal II Ala ITATDII:WT 111171\ Th• loUo•"•• ,.,.., It d.o••Q t""'•" •• Altl~A TJOIIS UNL!WrTtD IOf; I 111• So C..-oo M-CA ~I l •oo Do••• 11JI l~b 'It Plowpon ... ,. CA i~J l'loo,. ! o.,.. 1/ll l~t• So II••~><>•• II.. • A 1111>0 • f.lt ~ ..... n ... It OAdYctecf lh *" 1A J•wlod"'•l SIQned H.,.,, C" O.v•• Tb1t ••••••",.' ••• ttiH .ua 1h• (lvn•-. c,.,~ .,, CJr•"q. Cu"•'• m ·~·· lt •lol l ,..,_,h ... '""" n, ..... pq, l nt ~· PVIUC IIOnct ncTlTIOIII tuaOftU IIAU ITATDUirf n,. IC..l •••.J perec..• .t .j •It 'l .... I -u ALL HA.Mt)S )If DIC IC , ,6 ''""_.,._. A•• C ~ro.t d• M•• r A i~l ~ Ao , r ...... ••6 P ._...,,. A·• Cota.• 'j• M•t A u~ T-tot hNII.U t Oftd llj(""ed bV etll f\ s •.d••• ;'\ ~·--1 "•• r ·•11•• n .. .... •••• "' .... ' .,. •. ,,.. .,.. C w.-,. C.,. ot 0••• ..)II' Co .. Att-v. lw .. lf 1 ... 1 , ...... , ... J...... . • J~ ... r,.. ... _,c.. .... PVIUC IIOT1CI: ncTmOUIIUSUf'I:U IIAJa ITA TDIDfT r--. 1·dki•··~ ,.,eo. .,. do••'-' ~~··--.. l UST 1001113 ICIU'Tl ov• l<'41 , •• lA•• s ..... 1 c ..... ..c... r A ;2626 '•"• w •Q•n.e• 1191 8•&.b ~'" ... ._...,. A V2&2t K.,,~ r ..... , '111\l w ,,,h ~ ('.,... - t A 9:1{)77 Thta b .. tu,•• ··~~~-~.,.__, '-'~ • l•f'•••~ s>••'••rt.&.r S..oa<lld ,,., " T • ., , !a ·• We..J•~t•l Th • .. •••••"' ••• htH •1ft\ •h• '""'' C •n t Jt •r•<J• Covttly •• ... ' lA , ,, .... ~ .... ....... , ,, ,,,. Jl PUILIC IlOna ncTmOVIIUIIJtl:ll NAJa n ATDUirf ~, • .,. ••• ,.,~ •• ,. t :q ... ., h• .... lltK.. A~t:O oM '-'••t: , I •1 ~•.,port ..... to CA -~) 0"•"'1-' r.s...... ... i. '· ·•4 t,.lll,.,. 46" • .. ••• ~ ..... Ot·-a.. .. ,,_,. :.J••~ CA. .. , • b .... "' .. , J •""•' ..... f-. _, t-.. • ' ... ~ .. ,.,.. . .., IIi • il ..... ,.. ,. .~ r ........ , ,.r ... " f"'..IUC IIOfiCt ncTmOUI IU'allffll NA ... C IUTDCPT . .-.. , ..... ,. . . I ... ,. t • W(ST HOWSrtJ,.. 'u• k .J ""''• ~ II"' •·• '• •!Ill.,. 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Co_,ot"y C'•'' vi o, • ..,. Couty oa fuoo M il1411 ,\lbht .. lwl\' J Th• N •• ,, ,,., Kn••O•• 'PVILIC IIOnc& ncTITIOOI ...... IIAJIIIf A TDaa'T Tt.. t~waaq PM-•• .Ci461 ., • ..., .... rOSTD • ASSOClA TD ~ a.q .... 111 ... _. .....,. CA .f/WJ H It-•• ,_ lOS a..- n .. ·~--.-~oed~ .,., .. • 1·•· .. ~·· s ..... ~ ... ..... r .................. .,...... _.....,. Cow• .. <'~••• I Or-c-.. • lo~a• .l& 1'48• Pvto••• '•" 8 It l2 1111 •• r ... "••l">•' .......,,, ,1 .... •cno PVIUC ltOTICII ncnT10GI ........ •AJGITAT-....T T ·• '"""'"'"'~ ,.,._ ,. ""-••~•-~ IA!IlJHI ~ COt(PANT •u ~ Por• On- ... .._ ...... CA U4J tl4ool P 0 lot •• 1 "••pon .._, CA Ul&l) loloo Coo<• tit V.. l..4lo .,or4 lll•-1>0" ....... CA tall Tho• butt.._ "' coact~ ..,. .,.. •• d ................. lolla c.- Til.. .,._..,, -t.led ""' .._ c.,...,, Ct.•• .. o ..... C..ety -'"""" ..... , l'>tol••~ ,,.,.. 11 i4 I.U, I t 1•1 'PI' r,.. ,. ......... ~..... l lt404J lfl711 I'I1ILIC IIOTIC'I: r'1C'TJTIOW- lt.UUIT Aftlllln r •• tc .. ~, .. .,.f11110e ...... •••·-•• LA 111.1.1 CVISUQ tn "··••-A.,. ~ loocto CA ,.Jeoe(, W • • .. I s.-.lh XU 1 Y-•'".1• .... ,.,•a..c• CAI*O Ta. • ""-•· _... .. to•chrct«t lh .. • t ... w:t ,. •• --:...q...., W..rat lc..Ut T~·• ,. • ...._~ ... .._. .,._.. ,.._ OOOf'l c ....... 0.-c-.... - I -12 •• 1 ........... .... )4 , ... I I JIIJ a "•-~ •• 10,. lf'l .. ~· rt....oc f"'..IUC IIOT1Cl ..,... ncnnc>UI ~ II.UUHA~ Jn'lOI ............ ~ .,. dot ... t • -•• , A.OCIATIS 41X. I ' tr. 5t s .. •• a\M ~f1 a..c:• .,~ lc;-.n l •--•• I ...... -. •.• r.,, •• c ,. "• ~ ,..., c. •~M' C~• .. I O.•eoA.t 1010 N "'"' Nt.,. N'••fl'.•t• a...r" ( • ,.., r"•• b "' ....... ('lf'dwt..e ...,. • p•r•n•r•h•J: S...,n.d 'f''-' fttN Wtlb , .... o ...... c;,, •• ,, ... J4 ...... • I N & "" ,. ... , I'UIUC IIOnc::& ncT1TIOUIIUSIIIIU IIAJft IT ATDIDIT lfUo• -0 ,..,... ..,. ... "A~AUA 7 •-11-ro .,_., CA s-w~ .....,.. 1 ... ,._,.,...._, Cll • .,.~ m •~ " ;,.. ~J ................ '>• L _.. • tk '"• ........ .,.,.,... J4 ..... ......... t l·~ .. . , ... ' .,.,.. ..-1711 PVIIUC III011CI J'lC'TTTlOW iJQ:AICII II.UIE ITAt"':.DT ·~· .... , ~-... 'o.a• ,, .... ,..-•• t'ltA .. A l ft .... ~,. M •'1 • • M•u C A •iiJ I ,.,_._,.,.. ' ne'M• 1 ,_, ...... A•• Aw No Ill c ..... -c.eaan , r-. .. .,,...,~ ... •• ooti~o~ta.d "• .~ '" 1, ... tMJ ,...... ~, .. , ........ tw. t ~-..... , .. ..,., ... hJ.cf etltk th-e c.... ... ...... _ r ...... -. • ... ,_1'1.. • • • r ... ,._.,.' ....... loot I I ltll ,, .... rv.uc: IM)nct ncTmC)VIIG'IMDI ...ua ITA TDIIIIT Nl'nl r~. ..,......,Y'4 J"tf'Wml .. ~'" .... • ... ., c 11 lW'II rC\IIIm ., (h ~ t ..... CD,... .,..: Met c • ·~ "-. "'-' ,..._ .,., 0. ••A-c.,,..~,.., CA ~ t"l!!N ~ ..... t "'"~ ... e to.....!•• S..,..to4 I 11_.._ .... n ............. t.w •. ,. ,._ .,..... c·~.,.. ... Ot .... c~.. ,.. ....... ~ "•• ,.a l•b I: )4 1111• I e 1 .. 1 . ,.... ........ . "'-"' , .., .. rv-..c JIOTICa , ...... 1001~ ""* rTAftlllln .._.a W.cta•dar· Jvlr •· 1•1 TM Newpon ...... AdlliOVIIC illllilH II lr....a ...... 2 r..MaJ Dllttdon ' c ... ..,. Oypt. ud ..... ~W..Onal s 1\oJ:W. ·~ .. 7 Aooo-t&AII • AltorMJ . ,....,.... 10 Lo.e ud foi&Ad llWut'l'ohf RDTAI.I a.....a.ToAan 113~U~ .. ~ ......... ..... u ......... nH.ou..r......_. Sl eo.doe/T~ fora..J 88 V.c.tioo a..w. 81 lloolu for a-1 82~1&1 13ReiiiHoaM. 1 • ..,... UfDroc& A.AA liOia DOGI l'IADf. DIQ, Wo tr.aa owaer/doo •• I .... , ,..,... eohio9· ---· II GAJlAOB SALES a IIII.P WAIITED StnOG:I JOI8 -Yov cll.rtc6l llldlJ C«a ..,. '" top pof, ...... 11. 187 1303, Ad£a T_po,.., Bon Ieee, 1 r.ao I. <Mny. htto 118, Sat. .... ~ 101 . ..... e .... auw0011 JOI with IMdlao 0<1..... 0011puy. N.od e boollty OOIIftbue., wo troha WID0911t ... potMioD avail able. H.lqhoet OOJ!UidMoD l..o . II MOU'l TO LOAJI I R.A VI WCIIIY to lou -,._,~.~..-............. oppf.a..l. 7 d.o1 ~. oreciJt liD p~. lUI, (714) 1M-31M. LOANS -....... DITD· 1ST. Coaaerclel, ... ,. doatW, laad ucl totat .... t\INI, AJl sw.. Property r~. (714) m-o864. _.OMXOWND LOANS for "':_ so .... *'' •uova 5I YACATIOif BDTAU &.OVI ULLCQII. 5Md IIG IU.I <X*DO. 1 •• ,.. ...... ~ Ill •• ~ pool. ~ 10 WA .. b&llooaa. ~.--2'742 • '-teet tc. ....., occllllce. PAlM IPallfGS -N .. l ,__,_ .. ·-·· • w ....... OT.m.441t ............ I&IJ CICia!ll., fu.Uy ham hb .oou OLD, IAII ud ....... pool, jM:uui, 0\4C.of·pliat. •• hy ucl •• Coutry chab ..U. ~.of·priet boob our .,._~ • ..,.or loao tona. louoaa.ble rate epoolalty." MeUoDwldo Ml-31.,. 54S-7a . S..rcll s.mc., ~ Voult, •• U lclaoola ad lutnactloo 12 ......._ Pwoooala 14 loud ad c..r. es Queqo for ..... •watod'l'oB.at REALD1'ATE 87l..J ..... • QA.aAQI IA1.I -lRVUfl: lotv.rdaylluday, I to 8. WU.\&t ... ,_ Mod, $40. Horouloo 0011ob, $100. &..ape, bib., r1Alt rollor· U.t... a&.c. hou•ehold. 882.()151. lAd~o~~try. see.m4. uy pwpoee. r .... cou.rteoue Nrvtco, Glbraltar Hoao LoaA. (714) 842-2715. 24 3812·A S. JcWol, Suto Au, 54f.III!MI. OfD. W&LLS RACOUI :LUI -1·bed.roo• • pool. 173-2835. flliVATI :IIACII, -.cl ... ,. ou&rdod .-uao, aegaWt. ~ c.-o., v-el oaau ..... 4.000 ... ft ., ... b.droo•, 4·ktla, faallf rooa, loraal cl&alav. Urd· wood floofl, oortlltou earpota, 2 .....a,.~ Ollt.eeucliAO wood ad ...... trMtae!lt, hlqh -..... ooli- I.Dqw, e,pootol ~-. ONO• u.. f~iaq anUablo. $580,000. Don't .-t.hie OMI Brobr, ~ 8385 or 131- 0881. 13 a..aw.o 14,_nd Uvoatoek 15 Gerao• Sol. 18 Healt.la 17 Tro¥.t/V~otJoo 11 llaWrt&UuD.at 11 Gift Slaqqoatjou DIPLOYM!In Z3 Holp w a.at.d 24 llllplo.,.oat Aooncy 2!!1 Couual16q 8oi'Y1Co 28 U.Coaoad Clilldcare 27 Sttlwlt.k>ot Wootod FllfAJICW, 211 Wo..., Waated 2e WoNy To Loon 30 luln-OpportunJIJ .. 31 lDVWI.aOot Opportwlltiol 32 TI\UII Dooda aad WortQ0901 33 Auto Pt.DAncinq :U luur•oce MERCHAHDISE 35 ...... S.l•• 36 SporlliiQ Good• 37 Art 38 Aotaqu" 39 Auctlooa 41 rutllltur• 42 ApplWlCOI 43 TelevwoDIStor- 44 W..wcal lMtJ'WilODII 45 Off~U !qwplllOIII 46 Stomp• a.ad Co1.01 47 Sowi.DQ W.ctu.o .. 48 fabnce 4i ~oocb 4r Jowolry 50 WJ.coll&oeou. I AlfJfOUNCEMENTS PUJUSHD DOIS NOT AC CIPT UABlLJTY lor aneor Net epollmq, qrammeueal 10 eccur.c-. or typooraphaeal onore iA aay edvertl.Mmoota pu.bliahod 111 the Cout Mod~ New. Group OLD TDa RADIO audao ca..tt01, SS PrM cataloo "Noet&lqle Voicoa," 1548·D Ado.uu, c~. w.... 92e26. ,.,_6107 • *I. STUAJIO, 2512 V~.~t• dol Oro, N.wport S..Ch CONGRATULAnONSI You ..... ju woa two bell:.u to "Super f WI " Pl.... call 673-05!10 lor your b.eUta NTED TO IUY ......... •--c•••• SILVH AND GOLD ICIA' .. ,. Coin GeUerlet ft few~t I eo-try 14. Or one• aile H .. RESULTS • Alt£ JUST A PHONE (ALL AWAY' C•l "' yow ad to dawf~d .73-tSSt ID REALTO~· . " ; -~ 0 n el Hou.Ne for s.J.e 88 CoodcW'rowaho-for s..a. 71 Loll ad Aoreeqo 7'l Rooort Property 73 ......._Property 74 lDcoiUICoaaon:~ Ptoporty 75 Property w.-q--· 78 lacoa.n.durtaJ Property T1 Ro.l INt. W utodl lao~ MOilLE HOMES 80WobU. No ... 81 Wobile Ho ... Watod 12 WoblJo Homo Porb IOA1'8 14 lo&ta a.ad lquipmODt 85 Boot Clla.rt4U ee ao.t SUpe AUTOMOTIVE 87 Auto Upholstery 88 Wotor Homoa 8i RocrMtloo Votucloa 90 S.I'V\Co/Rop&Jr 91 Wotoreyeloa/Nopoda 92 Bicycloa ~ VanMTrucb Por Sale 94 Truc b a.ad Vuaa WODtod 95 Auto Portal Aeeooaonoe 96 AutoffrllCk LouinQ 97 Autoe WODtod SIS Autoe Por Sal. 9i AnllquoiC'-ie C.n Spiritual leotlln• ....... AU.IIAII-''u s. fl Comlno hoi n Clomonre 492-729 tlvtf hcP'tted l2 .,....,.,~Soft C'-""'e",. 46-,M 04\ oH mo...,. f ,. * ,rtJRNI BURT, 14221 W.tlNe, lrvuJo. CONGRAT- ULAnONS! You llavo Ju.l woo two taekn to "Super f \I.Jl " PIMM call 673-()S(A) for your tichtl. liiiEALTH GA.aAGI SAU: Jllly 11. Gida cl..,., e.t4. Flute, ol&ri.Me, 1171 A\ACb lOOLS, •*· 11183 C.... Troo Wu, lmae. -..o74. liHU.LTB WANTID: 100 noru to try ..... MW tlolbeW. autrltiml PI'09raa. fro. w.iqla1 Jo. to akUI cue. for ....... bMlOa O&hually, C.U WioMUo Rutt, NS-5423. SPIRULINA Control ..Stilt, ooha .aerqy. Artk!le lA Nadoul laqu.lror. hy or ..U. (714) .7-4TIS. 9=111G A proeram in smoke de·addiction usine RESPONSE POl NT THERAPY is now beina offered Tilts • 1 •llllplt, "''""· ttfttt.w Md ,_" lrt~ll!llnt For ll)poilltiNIIt • 1~1 iftbm•1011 ,....call CAll (714) 131-2712 WUMMOMCal SUICMlCPTU ~ 1 .... bl ,...., S4Htlt 207 Mlwpert ltatll 92663 DDP WSCLI THERAPY: Aicb cliCWaboJl, rei ..... touo mu.acloe wluc:h holpe ltr-. ~~ttaul.toa tho lymph IY'I•• Tr&.~~~od ill Priamor &ad X..peop method of dMp auole therapy. Call A.L. "8\ICIH Hunt, (714) 857·0117 CILLUUTI: TOXINS 4r FAT dopoait. trapped lA your .y .. om. Rol.uo aad UQhteo, lMtll to ql,. JOuraolJ the body wrop. lhmiD.•t• u.loo ITMIIIleDIII. Sis hill body wrepa, S21.50. froo demoe c.l1 Wlo ROM Product., 842·8331. MI. 01 PAIT .._ ... IIIDAYIS e Mull til ltl«p, '*' and .... joy wor1dnt .. Net...,... 8ttat oppoi1Unly In I*OIOnt Newpon c... oMce. CGICGfot \. 710-0100 The Newport Ensign IS SEEKING 80Y8&GIIlU (Aeei 11 to 11) EMn IOOf'ldii'CI money dellwnnO ~in NfiWP0/1 B-h • CorOM *I MM At., IMMEDIATE OPENING81 Call 673·0550 (Ask ffw Clrculetlon) BEAUTY STYLIST --.ot to lri.UI lor chootele Very bu..y lllon. 837-4250 At.o llau ttyllet With ehootele Beet porcODt•Q•. UCEPTIONIST -Opto- motne offlco 10 Jrvaoo MloimWD uponenco DOC· -ry. 581-6547 altor 7 p.m OVERWEICHn FREE SIX-WEEK PROGRAM CHIROPRACn CI.EIIC/REC. Beautiful, busy clinic, friendly staff. Must be cheerful, good appearance, healthy, outgoing. enthusiastic. Knowledge of insurance billing, peg board, computer is very helpful. Great career potent.ial. lo<'\l r>~ewpon ~•ch HOliSTIC HEAlTH Ctoup '' otter· '"I ' ltH do<tor-,uperv•t.ed , ... ~ IIHAVIOLU MOOIRCA TlON P'llOG4lAM. WITHOUT SHOCK T R [AT MEI'IIT 'l'ou co~n low weaaht •nd ~come he.lth1er •t the '•me t•me Recent chmc.al uudte' •nd•c.ate th.at 8eh.aveor· .al Mod1fec,.ueon " TWIC£ AS EfFE CTIVE u medecal d•el Pf<>ato~m\ TO TAla THIS RUT STir TOWARD TOTAl HWTH-fUf, Ql 55'-'4950 I PERSONALS ABORTION AND PRII proqoaaey IOiti.JlQ: Ponooal a.ad conbdeobal coro. Low fM U1elud01 cowuolmo. lab I NUl, aurqory, mocUceiJOD and po.r ·oper~tlve oum General (uloop} or 1oco1 11101th"~ •v.u..ble. Referral for b1ad-aad atouUa•hoo (female), vueetomy (m.alo), a.od loto abort1on prGCoduroa. w.da-c.J and UU\1.1~ .IC· eopted C •ll Caliloroaa ProquOAey Cowuob.oo S.rv· ICe for usio~llOD or LID· moda•t• appoaotmo.ot Ia Nowport 8oooch, (714) 7S2· 0053, 111 Sa..o~ AAI, (71 4) 1'12·3104 WARRY TODAY -UCINSI , proondod, no INUI looutilul I aDd IDM.DIIICJful coromooy performed lJI yow homo, bMeo, perk. y..cht, ate . S75 complato C.U after 5 wMk· dlyt i60 1722, S188-3197 --DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO With the rNt ol your hJe7 Stuclr 111 • nowhere job? Call mo, Lale Plan.oiAq S.rvic: .. , EU..n Granoelry, W.S CollA· Mlmo. l.aCJUD• Hil.la iSl· 8388 10 LOST 6. FOUJm LOST LA.•'lr BLACI PIWALI DOG, wla.ito -n.. 1 yoer. h loadJJ. Near Hont.eqo Pork. Jm.o lodJJ aiMed Reword 5112-0873 lliCBOOLI• IJIITRVCTIOR TUTOIUfG: Coaputor .......... IUtnactio• .. bMe •••Ia. alqobro, readlaq, IDoiWI. GID; llee•tory· A.chdJ C..t.r to. ~Me ~ Sk1U.. (714} 557- 5714 IWIN I..I&ONS aad coa· .,.uttvo trt.iol.Dq by ha W.t· C1M. Prlvot./.-1-prl• ... &ad fi'OIIp le.ou •••U..W. lor ~ aod odai.D. C&1l ··~ JllAJIO LISIOWS -AJJ ..,_Dr '·rlw••· ...._ of W-.c Toeca.... ~ boa ol ~taw.. Outll Co(. ..... ,.,... 14t-ts4t, 7'S2-CZ22 11 EM tERTAUOCEifT BILL YDAHCI CLASS oUon IUUquo -•rca.. Looe illch ... 119htOD &Ad loDe bodJ Hove hi.Jl u you !Mm thia ODcient d&uco. C•ll Tho S.llydaaeer StlldJO, Corooa dol M•r 731-4574 23 HELP WANTED PJIISTIGIOUS REAL EST A Tl OmCI Ul IIVl.De lookJ.oq lor top qua lity aooDIII Good COmlll~D apUt. No doek 1-851-0828. 752·14~ ORDER DEik CLERk T • .,.,. w "ICftMI Twt ytlll IQ r.,.u. lattn II fMie a 1.000 t1 ,200 ,_ IIIIWICII EXEC. SECRETARY ......... Or .. c.., ... ... f1.200 ,. """'" ............... P•HII Plrsllftnll llrv111 ••o "'~'c ... ,,. D"••t •1 • NIW~f lfAC" C• f;IMQ ,,.,.., •••o uan..,,....IT ... 10, , ............. , .... , ... ................... -' ............... f;t17.400 ~TMTIMWHCI ...... o.u ....... .._ _ ................ ... hill ............. ,.,., lftr .., fWcllfl f-.J,.... ataH a ,___ ........... 11111111 .... ...,. -~ .. ........................ ... ,__ .......... ~ U.ll' ' ..... ,. .... ....., _ ............. ..... au•• &t.I ... LU.~,_. 631·5664 * * SUNMIJI POWERS, 250 N. Quail, OranQo CON- GRATULATIONS! You have Jldl woo two llekell to "Super FWI " PIMM call 673·0550 for your hcltota. 28UCENSED CRILDCARE STAT! LAW RIQUIRES that peoozu who proVIde chtld earo l.D then home bo IJc:oa. od Por usion~~•hon o.o how to obti.UI be-lA Oranqo Co\I.Jlty, call (714) 834·51 Tl. PRI·SCHOOL SUWNIR PROORA.W: Ouality eato lor eluld1n 2·9 YMrt SWUD- minQ uutrueboo 10 011f11 pool Broaklaat, aoaeke, hot III.Jleh oa oarvod Artt ODd craftt, outdoor KliYJb.,, ..u. dlroctod ..c:Uvt11oa. Coola.oo ODd moro. THI LIARNDIG C!HTI.JI. 827 W. Stovone, Sa..ota Ana, !56-2'000 Opoo 6:30 a.m. to 6;00 p m. South Cout Piau vw:anUy BA~YSmiNG -Nlghta ••.u.blo ond full w-ltoodt ftoepoftatble W1th CODMDI IUperYJtlOD, 1pphod Wath Joy. IACJ core for Meh chiJd CulveJ aDd WolDut Call alter 5 p.m , (71 4) 857 802i 'l'l SJTUAnOMS WAJnED TUTORING. l lo•e•t•rJ· JIUUOr IU9b lltud.at.a 10 ,..n· ewporw.oco. Call Suo, e1S-8'101. DUTCH CUANDIG LADY baa ttao avMle.ble. S7 per !lour, •~DI rot.reec• 557-0105, 548-4413. 21 MODY WAin'ED nrvATI PAin lfiii)S ••· .,.... CO]>Itol, w\11 poJ ~ IDieroat guara•t-.d bJ C D.'a Aak lor licl. 141- 4871 II MOifEY TO LOU WOWIYI NaJrfl WCJeiiY1 LOAn b, ,._.., .... ~ .._.. CMII eowl Aar aaoQ&t, .. , .-. Ctecbt liD proWe.. ,... .. .. Jl ,..,.. • ......, ill ...... .................... ............... ,., ..... , .... ,.. ,....,... .,, a.itllle, I' f, .&l Jt. ..... am~. houn. WOULDJII LA WACHJNJ n. $25. Moeolola color por-~ LAJtiS: Luq IAbJ., m . Popcon popper, 2·.bodroo• cODdo, llntploc. • 301USDfESS $3. Wtnt ceq., t4".Jr, ss. IOOIJIIIII, pool, tonal • •• OPPORTUMITlt:S H&bltrall M.rtor, S2. All lla&taq, rid..ID9. MJII.o9. h1i It COimOS/ TOWJOIOUIE8 roJIIALE ltoae qood co.oditioo. STAIT NOW. Local bwar 833-3687. dW.rlbuk>r oUon opporhudty for qood MllliDqw. You pick NKW DILUU QUliN liD, the howw, -troha. for L.otor· S4e5 -ukiaq $311. HOO"Nr vi.w, oa.liSSi-5543. • YICV\UD, S20. Typewriter IXHDLIT SPACI -Tho tablo, S20. S4toe. --·a ll&O Wodd'aGroa.toat f 1mo. Pau. 11, hit.b perforw.aac., paid 833-1017. S180-uki..oq S78. se-.. PUND·RAISING OPPOR-BALLOONS fOR HIGHER TUHlTY -Churchoa, ...o--"R.i. .. to tho occ:Uikm bJ claUozu, qroupe. The World'• •Dd.bao • boov:tilul lcNquot GrMtoat filA ud Ftm-ol II&Uoou. A qreat doli•· Fau, 833-1017. ored tilt ideo.~- LOVILY SHORT AND 32 TRUST DEEDS. LONG SUNWD DRISSIS, MORTGAGES aloeb &Ad j.ckota, ... 10. N•VJ wool ;.ekota, lizo 12. TJtUST DUD fOR SA.L1 -Man'• wmmer i•eltot, 40 roq. 25 + % yield, well HCured by 673.1202. local real Ollato. Call Ga.lo or Betty, U&I Roal r..tate, (714) 52 RENTALS TO 951-1600. SHARE 31ART QUilT NON-SWOJCING WALl, 25-«1, WODtod to O RIGINAl MASIJUA PIIAI· ah&ro 3-bed.room fumiabed IAQ. S3,500 or boat oftor. ltviDo hoUM. Pool, utihtioe, (213) 434-8723. IUJd IACludod. S27Simo.oth. PRIVATI COLLICTOR loo, home 551-8578; work, SELUNG liqood a.ad oum-821 -2936. bored l..D.-...ot .,. by fENALI NON-SNOUJI to Naom•.o, ChaQall. G .R . ah&ro IJ)ACiOUI 2-bodroom, lCotb &ad load.a.og DOW •rti81 2~·bath condo I.Jl Wood--Maehaol II. Wlupple bndqo. Pnvate both, pool. Fremod '"" e.rll Pneed JKUU:i, toUAia. NMr lab below o.U.ry 642· m6 S275 plu.a utibboa. Dan, 975-6839. ""· 41 FURNITURE BIAUTIFUL WOODBJUDGE TWIN NATTRISS aod CONDO, braad now, 2 bod· frame, $40. Hoedboatd, SlO room, 2 bath, den, ltrtUJII Wlute, rOWld coliN table, ODd petlo. lnc:lud .. uaoca.a- SIS. Whtte floor l1111p, SIS. tioo mombonhip with pooll, Yellow wood diniDQ aat, S75 . leke, other roe. •r•••· Provanclol coffM tablo, S30. Fomale, DOD·t.mokor. $425 End tabJ•. SlO. 552-4433. per month. (714) 892-4319. RA'M'AN FURNITURE WALI/fiNALI NON · -SMODJI TO SHARE lwrur· Ouuoq tablo a.ad 4 ch1.1n, coroor ond table. J.paoco lOla 1rvua.a WoodbridQe COD· IOCIIOoal (whJto With ~W do. Pnvate beth, pool, !Ku· cu.haooa). Sl,lSO Wall •U II, aaiJin9, IOIUWI, OMr lo.ke Npar•toJy 552-+433 S275 por mo.oth plu. 1/2 uti!- 1t101. Available UDJDoda.ately 551·9807, Du. 44MUSICAL PRORSSIONAl RNAU to INSTRUMENTS abate 4-bodzoom Newport He19.b111 ho-. S300 moothly FO R ONI·Of-A-IIND ud 112 utWllOI. 631-1549. GRANOS, Stouaw&J IACludod wath boautilul wood.a &Ad clwract•r. Vllllt our 11.000 53 APARTMENTS aq h. ahowroom, An&hotm, URPOJUQSJIED Aude11 Pl&Aoe, 821-3311 RUSTIC A.PA.BTWIHTS and I OWJlh0U801 with cat.hodrol •somCE •:otluaqa, b.replacee, wet bon, EQUIPMENT ..lr coodahooloQ, poole, IBM MAG c.uo.u word M\I.Jlll, 9YJil, IOD.D.Ia CO\Irtl. 1 bodroem, 1 •bodroom p1v.a proc.-ino .y~tom lxoolleot deo/2 bath, 2 bodroom/2 eoodJlloo. $5,500 or beet of. bath tOWDAo\180. 557-8020. lor. Call lC•thy, (714) 780- 0100. NOW RENTING: 1· ODd 2· ---bedroom qardoo ~artmont.a. Cloae to hMway, beac:h &ad 53 APARTMENTS walk to ahopptJlq. HWibAq1.oo UlfFUilHISBED looch aroa. from S395 (714) 847.a4. - NOW RENTING CASA LOMA APARTMENTS Luxury adult living 1 and 2 bedrooms. Newly decorated. New appliances. Carpets and Drapes. Mirrored Wardrobe Doors. Pool. Club Facilities Available. Sorry, No Pets. 25801 Marguerite Parkway Mission Viejo 951-5667 41 DIAMONDS • 51 HOUSES JEWELRY VJmJ100SHED ESTA Tl -SICONDHAHD PUSTIGIOUS TURTLI JIWILJIY AND STIRLING ROCI HONI. 3 bedroom, 2 PLATWARI Coeta much._ betll, tonaal diAUaq, IUD ot loatl.y'i, 220 I 17tla ••• dock, ov.nu.od leacod Jard. C<MU W... NS-&5118 attaciiAMI 2~ qarave, eoa· IIWILRY RIP AIRS a ad •Wllty pool. SI!O por mooth manllfOcturiDO. Ra,ao.od 552..4e03. Jewelry, 388 I . 17th St . No . 16. COita ..... 631 -5105 SYIIOUSES (.ere. lroa Ralpb.t) PUILWI8BED INSTANT CASH· Gold, I.A.I.IOA PDmiSUL.A ell•or, pl•llaam -~rop, ..,..._,! tw.nuelled, dlo•oade ucl ...... ......, pmr ... lDdutrl.al ud oJocrtroalc dock. a-t tor 80D~ of Jv.t, pNeto\.w -...J ac~ wutod ss.ooo. (213) 170-0036. Top S paid. Cal eo.. .... 138-24.12. e~. 18040 s Harbor, f CKlDI&IJI V 00., I» 4000 5I CORDOSITOWit- GUAT SAVINGS -IIOUSEIFOR ~ Wl~ Cu.bic! Zir· RDn' cocJo 1 et Mnt.noa. 14 lrt. ookl. MO S.vo 0t1 Role~. ). JIDIKX)W. 2-JA'I'H tur C.rti4tr, Pl:og4t, ~. etc . ~ --· N.-pot1 lele Gca&d aad dM.ao11da Alao w..u,. SIOO. A,_t, 133- diacOUIIted. 7!2.'1111 2.o, 873-lltl. 2·11DIOOM. 2~·1ATH OOMDO. Att.cMd 9UI9e 10 ICIICIIi I ,.JOX)UI .... ee;rpott. Golf. ...... ....... ........._,m,.. PUJUIJIII oc.IIIOT AC· ...... ,.,...,.., CIPT UAIII.J11 1M !Nor· ......... '" ..... Ia. ~ . .,........., ••AC&nolf .,..,. &8 .., ..... ,, ·--UIITA&.I ,. .. , ......... c.... ..... IJQ .. C... .... .,, ... a...! AIIIWA Y ..:lOUC1I ..,. ..._ *• 3 W..aa. .... 1 a; '!-1· ~ .. ..... .. .... ••• 1 fF'1Ia ..... Oltlf ..... ...., . ........ ....., ........... .................. IIQ, WAWAJI co•oo -1 ........ ...... .... ,. JU_~U A•D foP· l~b.t_IJI:a." I • r I I I • I ~ ........... ... I IJ n .. n 't • ....... ...,.~ ........ -:..~ . .,...; fii!IID-c.a .-.w •• (714) _.... .............. ........ IDq. etc. 545-1304 OV8D1Dq ....nadl, or 979·2731 wook it,.. GJT AWAY rROW IT ALL W....oth T1m.bor Rklqo cou do, 2 bedrooa, 2~ bath n.w. color TV, fJr.plac:o pool, Jocuaai, M\IDO. Tilt • BY OWJfD -ABSUWAILI LOAN ot 8.1~. Uador SlOO,OOO, roclwcod lroa S97 ,ooo -sec.ooo. a..wtifwl 3·bodrooa, f&Jau, roca, 2 botht, fireplace tJl eocludecl -w .,.. ol Ocoellol6de. W.turo l&acbcapi.Do willa IJ)I'iaklen, W&l1bu li.glt.C., :l petloa, j\llt liM • aodel. WiDillo'• d..rt... k) bo.ch. C&1l for iDJona&Uoe. (714) ._ 5868. adwuteqo oJ 0\I.IIUIOr. 50 dbco-t. 780-8113. LAD TAHOI -Oo weter . Sowtll Shore. 4 bodroom, 3 beth, oaocvbvo homo, com pMtolJ 1\amiehod. S650 wook I'JS-0311 after 8. HONOLULU -3-bodroom 2-betll I&1Wo bomo, don Jlllllly room, pelio, pool ja cllUi, 2800 aq. ft . Ront o I 0 oxch&DQo lor 8 mootht t yMr from S.pt. 1981. Writo 4!138 IWoUM Avo., Honolulu H•wlii 96818 or pbooo (808 734-1268. LA It I ARJIO WHEAD CHALET for root. 4 bod room, 3 levol, bra.ad MW boautiiWly doc:oratod. S200 por wookood, $400 lor tho WMk. 851-1723. NORTKWOOD -TRI LAJtiS by owaor. 2 atory, :l bedroom, 2 bath, 1a.koeiclo towuhoUM. AlJ&JDOIIiU... Try 10,. down with CrMitft liJa.ancl..oq. (213) 377-2865. PRIDE Of OWNIRSHJP towohomo, jut et.pe from beach. A hoao for oale.rt&la· l.oq whil. livirl9 bJ tho ocoaa. Owner Jin&Dclaq Je a arouo pooaibUity. Prtc.d at $157,500. Canon Prope.r~Me, 493-8901. **TDI SIDWICJC, 1 250 ORANGITRII W A TJJII. FRONT. 2-bodrooa adalt condo ill U.U... RIU!tic Mt· llDQ, woOd IU.Ddoc:k. air, 2 poole, 2 )KIUDI, 8 pro '-All eourlll, b.lqhly upqraclod, lib ~ throuqhout. 10~~ _. IWIIablo. S94,800. O...r, 552-9t06. Adula A-M , C<MU w... CONGJlATULAnONS! Yo u 0 hi .. JWII WOD two ticUtt t "S uper PWI .. Pl .... e all 673·0550 lor JC)\Ir tic Ireta 81 REAL ESTATE PUBUSKIR DOES NOT AC CEPT UABlUTY lor illco r reel apo1ll..oq, QrOIII.JIIabealm- aeouraci•. or typoorap!Ucal orron t.D a.ay edvorlilemenUI pu.bU.hod l..o tho Cout Woda.a Nowa Group. l-tOUSI' s CORONADO ........ ,........ Comfllet~ 1-"c.tped lot 1 U11140 .,eta ~ed 1.-n Jnd fountain Room f~ pool Custom featllt"et thrOU(N>ut dtoi s bedroom (lflfWO• 4.700 tq fc I lMJe tntry IntO ) I' W"'' room wtdt tnri6e ferepxe FON!W dtnlna. den. farNiy room tun- room butler's Pill try. modern luuhen '-dry room Wid elevllt~ Mllldl QU¥UI"\ In Mpance bu11GnJ B*onled muter suote ov..,-. look"" prdens hcelltnt cond Walle to beach S79S,OOO RENEE WilLIAMS REALTOR (714) .QS..tm BEACH TJtiPLD. Soller ll vory motivated. Try S2S,OOO tiown. Woo't lui 11 $157,000 Cbartor Realty & Invoat mo11111, 496-8122, 831-11811. FIVI·PLU -SOW I OClAN vmw lxeoUODt loeabon GrMI potouta.al Try 25~ doWD S.Uor will h IIIJK:O S315,000 Charter RoaltJ 4r lovoat•oott, 496·8122, 831·8811 ---B!.ACH DUPLEX -Noodl TLC Try 25~ doWD Sol Lor wall lua.a.oco Pricod to ..U a t Sll5,000 Curte r Roalty & loveatmeota, 496-8122, 83l·a&ll ----- II HOUSES FOR SAL£ OWND TRAHSniUW> - lmmodtate pc TOG With credit check. No quoljfyinq .A.auae loao wath Sl l,OOO do1!f11 or 1-opUoo for $5,000 dow.o. Let'• ooqoU.to tiw J.bodroom, 1\'•·bath, 2- .:ar q~raoe IJIIJIIoeul•t• Lake r o,_. homo. Pnncapela ooJy 4i2-0274. BAYJ'IONT 50-POOT P1U- VATI DOCK -4-bodrooiD, 3-botla. tor.al diAJ.nq' tamlly rooa, ~~Nod}, 2 llreplac•. J. Cit 0&1000, prav•to cu.toa .. ud pool I.Jl oocloood ~riJard, Ia~ roo•. boy willdow. qaMd eom.awuty lrobr, (714) s:..sooe UNJQUI fDtA.NCDfG b., owaer. 4-beclrooa, 2~ ·kth, ~· Nee I.D IIVUMI, oaJ, n•.eoo. o.,.. tto- Uk>Sp• .. .,.,c~.e,. hA· ct.,. -.e7'l2 BIACH ARIA GLASS HOUU. Ju • walk to tho ahoro. Opoa ucl ol..,, but willa prlwoc y . lec:ontly ntaod.,.t 3 becbooa, 2 .. ~. , ... Oftf to. wtdloll1 ...... , .. ,. owe • oaly 1148,000. c... Proporu., 48).-1. UPQIADII) J.IIDIO()W, 2·~ leortlawoo4 ll.oao Aid•, • aW:rowo'" O'ND ••eo.ooo. (213) Ill·-.......... LOVILY 2·STOIY, •· ~ .... .._. ..... ,... ..... ..., ~· ... ., . A-. ~c "'" ..... ... ......... ,_ ..... .... Ia ._. Uti.D owe.,... ~;lll!llllt. WAU TO. auc• --'--' ... ........ ..... .... ~ .. J. ........ 1 ... ........ c:w, sm.•. SPECT ACUUR WHITI WATER VIIW. .....,_ to beach. 2-bodrooe, 2·bet.b lUper DICe towollomo. owe II 14.2~. S154,790. c.l1 today!!! Dol Nor Boalty, 498·3700, 831-0460. OCUNFRONT LUXURY STUDIO COifDO. Vw.. fw. !Uahod, aocurity qato, pool . NIIA .• , chahho-. roc. roo• 011 tho aad. Hwati&lqtoo Bo.eh. Adlll.ll, no poll seeo. 951-9541. sa s IBVINI GIIOVI "Aapco" -Try S15.000 do1!f11, Sl35,000 at 14~ ... 3 bod.room, 3 beUa, $8,000 below mubt. Pully lq>fTod· od S149,000. 558-1802. AOODI. FOR f'IBST.TINJ IUTIJl. Cuto CODdo m 5.A JllAII C•pl.-r&AO with 2 •-.. w. lo•n• No qu•hfJiaq. $91 ,000. C&o.oo Propmjoa, 493·8801. BUlLDIRS IN TJtOUILI Complete pecbqee for aalo John, 851-0786, aoat. Sl.OOO DOWN. Telto ov.r 10111, $855 per mouth. 1·bod· roem condo. South Cout Plua azM John, 851~. 559-8917, •q-1 71 LOTS. ACREAGE -OCIAN VIIW LOTSI looutaful Worro lay/C.~ atM. Fto~a Sl. tiO Tonu. Dotat1a &ad boo COM&&1 pro- perty report Aqeot, ?t0- 8180. WORROW BAY -fabu.lo.aa oeoaa ,_ lou from oa.lJ SL2,t80 wb.l.la t.boy 1M. W a1k to boacb. lxcoUoDt fiDuctao ov....Jable CoDtoct Wr. Ta.bb, (714) 641· 7452. 72RESORT PROPERTY NORTH LAD TAHOI, n- homo, l&ko wt.w, 2,700 oq. It , roadJ tor tauaodiate OC· C\lpancy. S270 ,000. $10,000 do1!f11, 11 .. oa be.LaDco. (Ill) 525-7'968. WI ARI LOOIONG tor a 101111 vwahuo pattDer to .a...r. lA ~a. w .......... Tu boubll, prom. C&1l Nar:k S•lth, (113) 443-74115. 78DICOIIEI DmUITIUAL nonan PlJUOfDfG <* JUYDfQ • boao la W.•e«\? Wo a.... lud ucl will hOd lo ,_, ~. a.o •'"-91 Taa .,_.,,. C.U Ciwy, C714 7'51·8181. 'nUALP.ITATE WAJn'ID/ DCIWIOE WILL TU.DI 1'l1m DaD lor ................. ~N wtilll .. .,..... la ao..... Co'~'..,.., Call ...5311. ro ASIII'I' am OMit • ,.,a,....-.._ ....... t3GO.oao • NOO,OOO ..... ............ ....., .. ....... fal.,... ~ ............ ., .... (714} .. 7101 • ...... 1.-. a..-.....; ....... """"" ·~-···1-1 . ' I ( ' t I , E ( 1 \ n G I R II F 2 c • d Cl I J s 1 p T aJ s. ' . v A • ' II • • . • J .. u p • 1 I • • • ' • • I j Be our guest at Mlulon Bay. Scm Diego 10 MOilLE HOMES TWO BUUTIES -Lev1tt modular bo-. MC:h 1.536 1q lt. til chok • II Toro loe•· ho~~.t Pnced 111 $60'e. (1974, •r SA/8603262) um, .. ,. 560Jl27XIU) &.tty aQe.DI, (714) 855-1141 IJtVINI! TH1 GltOV!S! S. et.r eduJt ~rk Huo• clllb· hou.., pool, t•IUUI, bowliao. lecuzn, MWlA &Dd OJ'1D. s.c. L.,.,...._._ .. ..,..._ .... __ ~Iunty!l! A r•lued lll..eyie for the r•hr-and abo th• buy •~tee U you'r• looltiDq for d•lll.Ie fNiurM, COmJ>er• th ... coachH w1th any l0W11· houae or condo in lrvul•! No. 1 ... Impeccabl• 2-bed· room, family, With doubl• Ml I J I • $upll lll91ded liiiCII GoldMI Crest CUJtOI'I swee ~ .... lldl tllpellfll. ,. by ,. 11l'r181f at or, buitt tn bll, tlllnd kncllell. 3 t11 CIIJIOII PrltiCI ngllt 11 S52.000.tMl 140 31750XOI FOREMOST HOME BROKERS 855·2328 oauq• o o o re•nb•lt. $62,500 No 2 Sllver- crnt Mark I, 2 bedroom, 2 beth, lamtl)'. wo• cloeeta, ~---------..JI ov•rloou QrMnbelt. Sn.OOO. 10 MOilLE HOMES No. 3 ... Hallmark l.elllDQ· ton Wttll vauJted c•ilincp &Dd reel wood p&n•lliAo Up· oreded. $78,500 No 4 lfalla&rk Lexmqtoa, Nrtb tonNl Cethedra.J c•ilinqa, 3 akyliobts WI tJua hom• With IIIJWQbt A be.uty. $82,900. No 5 . . From th• cool &haded porch ntl}' to the pro l•aaaonally l&~~decaped patio, th1.1 Royal ChatNu 1.1 a mlll1 -1 2 b.d.room, 2 beth, adorable pet room, Iaroe famUy room. $84,500. No 6 . . . A reel trad.IUoJial hom• on or..-ob.lt with dollbl• at tached ouao•. 2 bedrooma, family, oHace AJid dreem ltitcbeo. Grecaoue hvanol S94,500. No 7 . . LAncer Royal Wonucb with blood IJIIenor Specao111!1 2 bed· :oom, 2 beth. ra.lMd petJo walla BBO Located ecroa Tbe M.wpon !Dalp Wecla11foy. Jv.ty I . 1.1 .... D ITS SEA WORLD, GOOD TIMES AND YOU/ . Sea World's zany new Coca-Cola Seal and Ottor show ·~pooky, !Cooky Cutle" showcues Wally the Walrus who portrays eccentnc millionaire Uncle Schmedley. It's spooktacularl 10 MOilLE HOMES from clubllouae and pool ll•oaotl S98,900 Call Floreoc e , 832-1706 or m _.m , Ev•lyn CopeW!d R..Jton. NIOATS• EQUIPMENT IMMACULATE 28'-34' BOATS 6 1 7 mMih plltll$ Clltllltd hOI'! $ 189 mornh oncludu slip and ltuoos Ma~tne del Rty I] 131 82 3 4064 Newport Bttth 171 41 964 5994 8S BOAT CHARTER 50-FOOT LUXURY YACHT HERE'S HOW TO Wilt: U you lliad yow aame ~ by two lltan ~ la Tile Newport E.n.Jgn. lnJ.nefodoy cmd Cc.to N .. o New. clCdalfled aecticma. you U... won TWO FREE ncu:rs. Call6'73-4SSO to dcrJm yow prln. Send us your name and address on a postcard cmcl you w1ll be eUglble ior a drawing of tr .. tla.ts to warloua entertGln.m.eDt cmd am._.aaeDI ceae.n.. ADDRESS YOUR CARDS TO HSUPER FUN." c/o COAST MEDIA NEWS GROUP. 2721 £. COAST HIGHWAY. CORONA DEL MAR. 92625. 19 RECREAnON VEHICLES '¥/AUTOS WANTED USED CAHS WANTED 91 AUTOS FOJl SALE DA TSUH 1976 -85,000 TRAILER. 20 FOOT NEAR NEW KARO US!LL Siaep• 6, .. u cooletoed, tand•m whMla 556 3044 556 6216 90 SERVICE/REPAIR BRITlSH AUTO REPA.lRS laouer l•ns•o H••l•y Tnumph WG Tmunpb Stao and moat other Bnttah •utoa 1995 Hcubor Blvd COSia Up to S500 SHid Ruruuno or not Also wrecks Eve nonoa 968 !t246 mal• St•reo, eu r!MiW "'" S2 100 AYdt f oJt 1975. 85,000 .U.., eu auto , Bleupllnkt ... reo c~ S2 900 675-2417 M•a" 548-6226 HERB S 9281CYCLES GARAGE ,.J OH ~·s i111ff:;o; :.. 8 \ulhuf tlt·•t t ....... t 10 ll 15 SPEEDS CRUISERS MO TOCROSS PARTS & SERVICE All MAKES 'I I QCt-_ 8 .. 98 AUTOS FOR SALE PUBUSHER OOES NOT AC CEPT UABIUTY lor •ncor reel peUtnQ qr•mmattcel tncSccur•ctM or tvp<>qr•ph teal errors tn •ny adv•r t.-m•nla p\lblabed 10 tbe Cout Medu1 N•w• Group IEEPS C ARS PICKUPS lrom S35 Avaolable •I local qov••nmvrll .sue-Ilona For d11r•orv cc&ll Surplu• Oat• Center 1-41'))%4 0544 1972 VO U.SWAGDI S~s s-tle Shup coodataoa IUionaatlo;. treDI.m&A IOD AW FN at•r•o S1,850 731 8478 99ANTIQUEI CLASSIC CARS 1940 FO RD STD COUPE Abaolut.ly on9111a.J. cwr-t r•q._tr.hon S4.500 2967 B•lt•r Co.ta N- Up to 50 people fo r harbor ~ cruteea Alto weelr.end chart•r• RNaonabl• "'" WE PEOOLE THE BEST FOR LESS NEWPORT BLVD AT 17TH COSTA MESA N"t lu A .. OI, 8ro· 645·4120 8 '\ 1977 LINCOLN 4 d oor Townc•r lmmct " 1 ete 611 •• tr.u n•w •ue• lo"' mtl .. ai.je SS SOl. • be~· OIIPr 1>42 97'FJ 1 CJ59 MERCEDES 4-DOOR SEDAN 2205 Sunroof Enl.jtne tr•narru-oo petal be-d~ •tc hire o•w S.U below mark•l b42 m 6 c.u (714) 673-4860 , '.:()C): \ I 01() I I 1 -:_ 1.-0C) t I 0(): '\ DIRECTORY OF BUSINESS SERVICES ACCOUNTING KAJHLIKN FLANAGAN Accounlulo end 81111DN1 S.rvic". Ftnuc~al •I at•· m•oll, ~yroll, quarterly tea retum.a, cuh Row proJection, cOlt accoWlluiCJ, .,.ten~.~ and procedu.r•. ~reona.J ancom• ...... 645--4212. BOOUI.IPING I Acc ollDt· 100 S.rvtc... ltNtonable raiN C.ll Nancy S.•l•y. 631~44. ACOUSnCAL CEU.INGS CJlAJG'S S-PRAYED ACOUS n e AL cm.DfGS R.,.un V•ry ~•able FrM ..,., mates (714)$26.'72GO ·'What· s black/white and read all over~" CLASSIFIED 173-1551 S.Uoa New• Cro•p ADDmONS GERWlC K & SON BUILD ERS nne• l!M7 Add1hona. R•modehn9, Pl&u f'r--'' mat•• lt•..onabl• ret•• FiD.acUlO avallabl• 549 2170 Uc 31<»42 ALTER.AnONS/ DRESSMAmtG CUSTOM CLOTHING . a.Jt•rataoAI, and ,.....,b.oo eod ~qo. for m•o. woiDn , chlldr-(Speca.ehau~q 111 lor m.a.J a.ad bndal -r ) Cell Joan, 675-8243 IEAU'n SERVJCES / nTJO:SS SALLY'S BIAUTY NOOK. 188 I 17th St . Cot~• M- P•rmanectl h om S11 50 up Tultlnq, S8 00 up Sbempoo and .eta, S4 50 FroetlnQ. Sl2.00 up Haorc ulllno. S3. 50 642.7642 BOATS WILCOWI ABO AR D Adveehare by the dey or wMk. Pn•ale MlhDO yacht $300 per cUJ l.llclud• Cap tata "Burna Cbart•u ," 615-2861. IOAT IIAIJn'EIWIICE PIOJUSIOICAJ. YACHT reliall.latao. aeiataaaace, rep&it &ad ~-USCG ~pro 25 ,..n •• pen.aee. De,. 851-6844. .....w.,....., IOAT WA.l.IMG: Hulle. top· lid., Mel ..U. AJ.o a~AIO· ~ ... etlmq. PolM!lmv a.acl ........, &ad la .. non I ,......~ Te~p ..... r· ..... (71•) ....... .. ....... 10()1 '''fiNO IOOIJLID .. Q IDYICI .., ........ u ~ ....... ca..ril ...... ,., .. u. "'*' •rr. uuue .... 0.0 u., •. ...a. CARPDn'RY FltEMCH DOORS-Compl•t• 11111ellehon m a n•w opentnQ or to r•plec• qt.. aUdUIQ doou and • w111dowa Wor~ quaranteed R•ferral•. u c· eneed contractor, 673-7393, Tom Hooper CAHPENTRY WO RK -PatJo cov•ra, decu, oarao• ator· eo• unit., fence repatr All typN of cerpentry. No 10b too amall Tom, 551-2583 CARPEMTER-S.NALL JOB apeca•hat Sh•l•••· wall UOII&, pao•lao9, qera9• ator419•. work beuchN, fenc· tDQ , etc lnaur•d. h- emmetN Mad•r'1 HAndy woru. 642-3789 CWITOIIII WOODWO- • Custom Cabonets • S.S • Book~ wnh Glass/ "lellded" • Doots • Bay and GrMnhouse Wtndows Referrets-All work Ou.ranlecd 531-JUJ CALL PUIIC th• Fillup Wan, •m•ll ca~ter and odd ~~~~~ tob.. R L Per-lnM (Scott/lr~h). 979-9047 s.u. ano 3-b.droom, 2 beth bom• Ateum• 9Ye% lo.n WaD b•lp fan• nee CUSTO M P111UfTTUR£ Dl· SIGNED end bullt to your need welJ Unlb , booJt c u•• ta bl•a. c•bao•ta. atorao• llDIIa, ben, crNIIve td... CeU for Nhm~t• John, 855 8417 or 639-7560 ~~ c.unT a.aD"DD Ttl« name that counts tn own~r ~rated custom quahry ~ cl~antna Detp soal utrec1ron rtvtVe!- color and fr-eshnas 714 157-4507 A'MERICA IS TURNING TO HOST C-CIIII Cll,.l 11181flod IIOW ....... to YOU No sttl'll 110 ~ 110 dfyrng Ttsted IIIII ..,roftCI 11¥ 1111 ~ tl\4tllllltt .,..., c•pet ............... s.. 968-4404 CARPET llfSTALLA noN BILL'S CARPIT SUYICI laatellehoa aad r•pelrt Oua.Jity work, at latr poe. Call Bt.U a.t S ·582fi ..,... 0109& CAt'EIURG PARTT SUVIC E b y Nanu..u Spee..llltUIO I.D ~ llot ud cold bult.t -•· C.Oaot hot aiKl cold hon d'oe\lvr•. WMkcUya, 8 •·•· . I p .a .• S.t!UNy, I • •. 12---S..-4131 YISITDfCl QOUilOT f.-ell Utift ooolt will ca._ IQ .... ,...,. ~ r~. Aaedcu or .. , ~ ...... laoUo dlallol*. fiii..WJ1 CLEANIMG SERVICE HDUTAGE CLEANING & Patntmo Compeny 20 y•ara' ••pen•nc• (714) WI 2020 CONCR.ETE CONCRETE WO RK DIS· COUNTE.D. R•11d•nllal1Com merc1al. Ouehty work ctl low pncN oo ~b0t1, dnv•w•ys, lound•hona •od alaba Specl&la oo m..oory •v•al able FrM Httm•l" at your coov•DJanc• South SborM C o natruclloo Servrc ea, 831 9231 CUSTOM CONCRETI aod bnckwork pool deck q>e ca41Lill 10 yNre oo Oreoo• Co110ty C.U no w lor frM eettmalN 847..s48 CONCRETE REMOVAL REWOVI DRIVEWAYS ~hoe end enyth1119 mctde ol concrete or uphalt At.o concrete aawano end core dnlltno Comm•rct•l and ltHld•nhal w .. u Concr•le ltemoval, 631 2610 CONCRETE BREAKING •nd r•moval, concrete MWIDQ RN»denb&l aod comm•rcaal Paul, 775 3283, ns 8371 - CONSTRUCnON B WILSON & SONS BwJd•n f'rM Mllmat" 30 ,..,. ••pen•oc• Bonded u c No 357487 646 1740 a utLDING CONSTRue TlON R•mod•hno end r• pa1n SpectaltaiDQ on lr•m IJIQ , 11dmo . french d oors bey wtndowe pello cov•n dec:lr.a lobo O.c•k 675 6002 • REWODELJNG • • ADDmO NS • • RESTO RA TlONS • • NEWHOM£5 • f'r•• latunatea Ouahtv Work !•nco Con•truchon Co , (714) 675 604<1 L•c 299374 DRAPEBfl:S NU.D DftAJIEJUts at el fo rdable puc .. ) r or 1ut ••rvtc•. c e ll Ca t•hn• DrapenM ''" HllDUIH lor yo\lr hom•. olftc• or r•nt&l property (714) 898 761 1 FEifCIMG FINCIS. GATES, IHCLOS UlliS, all ~. repelled, replec ed. added h oc• ~lnhao AU worlr c;~u•ren teed 15 ., .. n ••peuenc e Free ._IINI" C•ll Ray 646-2328 FJ.OOIUMO H.AJU)WOOD n ooRs at ....._.,, COlt I work lor In ...U.uoa orlly Compehhve (Wt.U allow wbo._..• c•t ~.) ,_.. lor Tllo&n .. ... .., AMERICAN GARDENE.P -I woll t•lr• p•rtonal c.1re ol your 14wn C leanups cllld all lawn serv1c•s •va1lable Call 631 4535 Ou•hty Lawn Serv oces HANDYMAN PATRIC K'S HO ME Repaor and lmprov•m•nts G•oeral m•ant•n•nce, c a rpentry, •lectrtcal, plwubonq. etc No JOb too amall 24 hour Mrv ac• (714) 646 3793 -HANDYMAN C arpentry p••nllDQ, rooltoo electncal plumb1119, etc Hoob .. t qu•h ty worluJUIJUhap All worlr ouarant••d R•uonab le frM ntunalote Call Rav 646 2328 CARPENTRY PAINTING NNI, careful worlr Ralph 996 0419. ut 10 AL'S HANDYMAN SERVICE Let AI do ot SpeciALatnq on small 10be woth small puces Evenonqa w-lr.enda C•rpt~n try, h<tllhnq, ciNIIUlQ Per son• I erra nd• Ellpeuenc Pd. proleuoonal 551 1813 REPAIRS REMODE LING Plumbong cclrpentrv electroc61 ktlc hen and bathroom remodelllly sb•lv IDQ. CU&tOm boolrCdlleS ancJ c-abonet1 G<\rc11qe d oer apronc;~•. Qclrbaoe daJp0&4ls p•ho doors scr• ens Lacens ed and ••p~n•oc.d Mt>ttcu lous Mor1. 951 6067 HOUSEHOLD RE.PALRS IM PRO VENENTS Plumbang c •rp•ntrv eramtc tole p•rnllnQ r .... Mllmal.. No 10b too bog or too ~mall Reaon•ble •nd r•habl• C•ll D•llu 645 281 I C o•t<t M ... R£PA1RS REMODlllNG c.upentrv •lectroC'al • plumbonq c•1•m•~ tole p•onllnQ ·u,tom bookcases and ca bonels decu pat10~ f rN ••ttm•tes R .. 1den11•l commerco•l anduttraal 24 hour Mrvtc-e Call S.r1 (714! 536 1687 HAUUNG• MOVING HAULING YARD C LEAN U~ Hou• and oar•o• Tr•ah and 11111k removed f••t •IJtca•nl MfVIC• f rM Hhmal• C a ll any1ome e.u eod (Wy 646-2.328 HOUSECLEANlNG HOUSEC LEANING Com plete ho~1..nrno ar at1 &nenta, hom... condoa RN 101\&bl• r•t.. ltel•r•ncn C all ah•r 4 p m 962 2531 Deborah MIAVY DUn CtEANlftlti SUIYICI . ~...-. s-r .. c ..... Soarclllltt • VACAIC1 CUAIUPI 111·4404 PROFISSIONA.L C LIAHING SIAYlCI C u1t0111 IA.tlored to ttle tachvadual worktDq wo-.a'• ....ta Lo-r prk:• ~ Work o-tuleed LJo.eed c.u .,.., ' p •.• 111.fl31 llAitbiiSS IS KA YOlO 1'DG .. , ,_,.u .... "' ..._..,..,c~.-. ..... alll la ~ ..... lt71. n. Wop,etta. --~-Cl UJ.IG UIII.IMfnD, r., • IIIN. MAil ....... I• .. ;r.::·· Ia· PI •• I ................ ttla, ..... 1 t 'h. c.p .. , .. -~~. HOUSECLEANING HE AN D SHE Count or. a dependabl• couple WMklv ba weelc.ly MIIVI' • W"'dow' tncluded bJI 7H78 or 631 2360 RELAX ENJOY YOUR SUMMER Let us du vuur housecle.snonq fr~e uto m•t• Honest ctnd deSHn dahl• I f o•ld• & Auor (714) 552 51~5 HOUSEJtEEPING SUNSHINE HOUSEKEEP lNG G1ve yc. .. r h ~m .. tr. 1 spronq clNn•nq luolt .. 11 YPdl rO\lDd Wtlh qu•IIIY cSOcJ de p l'Oddb(• '~< rlr Fr.... t'S01 mate reltott'OC>' lurno•ll .. d hc•n• ... d 11 J I ondfOd 71 J 952 JOJ.4 HOUSESimNG DON T BE 'Tho"l Lvn .. lv """ w your houS¥ ~••n• • Jnd 1 ••! S.<·u II IV Plu• 63 i !')87 WILL HOUSESIT h I ' ,, 11om Plcl nl onJ ~ "' ,...,. Cle<tn bontfal l•pt>r. t~bl~ Ca. II lennv b4. ;<;( I 1fl01t " p m WHk.-ifi>O w.-lr .. ll j. <tnvhme INTERIOR EXTERIOR DESIGN MO VED' DOROTHY NAY Kl£ INTERIORS "' I ,, YOu 1er tl <Jlt t~eth~r L;()M PL.ETE DECOR1 11 v•11• Wllh W&l :>lt>41.. ~ Qi l!l mt>suQe n-42 ,bQ) JANITORIAL SERV1CES O FFICE CLEANIN< • t I' " •flopped P• J,oht"<l k•l• r 11 0 •• r ..... t j,. 0\1 %4 I '9S LANDSCAPING MICHAEL S OUTDOOR Of. SIG NS Tr-trommor l <·I ttlltno ~rrtnlrl•,. r• '"' r•mov .. 1 •nd .nst•llato~n K>d All met or a·~~·• I l•n•l .c•ptnQ Aft.-r to 1 111 ~C\1 '1196 PLANNING TO PLANTING L.ndao: •pe anatall•ll• n f,,, yo ut n•w hnl'l" r•1••tr r•model ;o " hr...J '"'I O.tton ••1vo•.. •v ... labl• 0 C L•ndac:ar1n~ ILoc JOS7S2) 131 422'5 SlASID[ YARD C Afl£ Sotl pr•p planhnQ IIUd ptunonq c'-nup •nd reQlllar metn lenanc• low p11c.. FrM .. umat .. Relaable S48 10!1 MASSAGE HOUSTlC HIA L TH &DU C AnON Acupr-u r• •nd ReUno1oqy Hucaa.n S.rviCe VoceiiODal TrelaiDQ Pro qr&at IMI•kliU.l or Gro\lp l .... rw:t._ s.... Ll~n..ct lulrlloCtot rv.nhac taforaa Doe, ..u 13l-t377 M.AIOIC'RY WiiiiLOCI_N_A_S_O_N_Il_Y l nolt -. Door d1M.oaa1 ... Ul• ••ll•. MOVING& STORAGE GREG S MOVING r ast au•lul SEIIYICe Ownt>r oper atl'd 7141 848 9094 <tlly11me f rw ~>stom.stes THE STARVING COLLEGE STUDENTS MoVlnq Co ha~ 1rown (L c T 1244J6) Same 10vd ,..,v,c~ Cal1641 8-427 ABC MOVING E•p•nenc .d pr0tesaoonal a. ..... ~ ·ath lr>Mt ••'•m•t.,.. Ouocl< -~relul ,.,.,,c .. s~..z 041 PAINTING EXTERIOR SPECIALIST Res1d ent1a l. com merc1al. endustreal ~I liP Lu 36287b Insured and Bonded 8JS..9585 £XH.RIOR ltHE RtOR Par· • t Q,, ... ~ ,, ,. ,_, R~4> r 1\LI" ; r.c , Rt>t .. rtm t>• C.; l A,,.,., ~ .24! PAUfTlNG lll'fo; I [. .... , • L ,,. -I .1 ft• t !" :'!: ~ ' """'-' ~ "'' l" In 1 1..,. 1 t I ·-u•"r' f '''"' ~••am"'"~ • .~ ~ 'it>t<4 7t4 ,...Jt• .~ .. ::Sli MM Er. PA ': i "'C SPE.CIAI c I I lnr• r 'T\It'flr a.s f , .... , _.-'llrt '!f' F ".,1 .., ,~ <4 '. f'AI N71 !'1G lr '"' ;;a''"'ll I ~~"" itt t l rt ... , • • • t : .. , .. j 4 ... ". lar"• t. • ,•v A d "' r• , , tt ,.,,..,. d R .... ,:. • tt , PI •• tfptoo "''l:tl tl.. (~ •• lioll '-41 , 1,11' M I L H E l A !H , £L 0 I ~ BAC K P1 : • -1 r.,, .. ,., r otnd E•re11ur A•tor 1-Jfo m S4S A J•ll ,., '" 'i-4 SUS Nv IJ-45~, STEV£NS PAINTING ln••r '"' Eateroor A p•mt t ., .. ,., w n I led• wath th• -~ n• f ••• •l•m•ted ethmctt• N,_., 1u•lt•v wo rlJ Nany loc-•• ••I wren<'" 832 1208 546 45bl FRANK KUOIENSKY PAINTING C'~··· •tw l • \llllliC'C' • ~£SIDENT1At • COMMERCIAL •INDUSTRI ~ 7141546 1142 GEORGI a.ANDALL l. TO Palnh~tq Coatraotor lnt•t 10r ••••riOr co• en::..t eDd r~d•ollal ··we ct.U~r what we pro•tN " l4t 3231l. Oreq ---ADD LUI TO YOUR HOUSI willa · lpec:tt •• ...... Ai.eo w cJ)eT ~.04JLA4 (114) 114 4&U ....... PAINTING INTERIOR EXTERIO R HOUSE PAINTING Slu• r drvw<tll 111 '" wallr·a~•r '"mcv~o 1-.un1t..r 1 t nd hberq Hst •~ot re pt<l 897 289'> PAPER HANGING SIO WALLPAPER INSTALL • ED U ~ h l•r.ued .,... I mur•~> to m.stch p•p•u l•bncJ rendeunQ• cvlor boar1• 1-' r•laho• super Jt4s:'hlc• or.•Pd woodow> poctur• ... a.ll lr •m•n 1 We Q4la sho ... d hc0rq tOJI'II\ .. • 839 07~ .t ""'me BY FRANK MACY RfiQ \1 y,,., \, \, f tr ~. ;:,.1,· • \ .. \..0• • .,. C1< , .. S.. 7.4 .,-.;; J.~. M, nd•• f r la> MA"TEH rAf'f:R HA:-< ·rR I\ 'hP WALL DE:CUR Ex p.,,. n I stctd•h o o f •· w(9d ··"v•rtu~~ It> I h, m• tlo ,. U••o!llotv .. r il' ft..,. "'' m ''" Rea' ')t ... • ,,..... "' •• ~ ,..,~ *"" ll!l JRCHARD tN(, ~., .... Ill I te •Jt'' n r ,,,.,. ....... •~1 rn ... ,.... f rr ~• •3. 4'i.~ WAi..LPAP£R f•r ,.,. '"'" PHOTOGRAPHY GEM PO RTRAITS 5.41 .,,. "'•• " '~•· PLASn:RING ,, ... All PHASE!' Of Pl A~TER lNG R• ••u to•~· '""'J "''"' r ••••• r J •• t. .. I t R(lom 1 J,i'''"'H ~n.i , u••· ~r P\ m•' ~ ,... ••••m ''"' l.1 ~714, l hn ~ "M• PLUMBING DRAINS .. LEAR!D t r '" S-4 f ,_. Ml•mo~~••• All w···· I•••• \01-.:l Re.otOnabl• ,., •• N ae rv at• "•II h•1 J• llr.oon """"''"'' '114\ btl ~~· <;ANl An: PlliMI'IN • l•nt ' l'ommerc:o•l !', ...... lollll tr. or pel r•1 p• •nd '"~'"''' l oren-. Net ltJ(~i c .. ll lc I tr .. ·~lim••• b42 n~ PLUMBING RMld•nh•l and Commerc ••I All your rlumhtno n-i• No tob too laro~• or tou amell R .. aonabla ratM Cell631 1056 TOTAL PLUMBING CON P MlY ft•ptpet ••otod •I• tepe•r• Lie~ prof• aaoaeJ dept~adable econoa 1 cal Sl$1 3541, lob 673-ISst REMODELING RENODEL ING Stuc c. plut•r petcbworlt F.- eslliD<tiN No ,ob too &mall 675 4186 RESUME SERVICE LOOKDIG FOft A 108 IS SDIOUS BUSINISS' ADd a well wn tt•n rM\lm• cu 111..0 lh• d1U•r•nc• belw .. n • r• techon t•t1•r •nd a ,ob IIIler voew Call ua lor ~lp W "''DO D•••OD PrtollaQ C rN h¥9 RMura• 833 1585 ROOFlNG QUALITY ROOfiNG lor -.. Old •od o-cona~ruc '1 n LtrPno.ed UISUred and t>Oll.:h•d RelerencM •vetl ~1 '"' c •lA KennY r un.ke u•vtom ~c; 019J ROOr LEAK Roof prob l•m "11 lvpea 1epa1n rer >hnQ new rool dec-lr <'<llhnQ QUMera dowrupo111• "'"""""hi• ouaranaeed tr- .. ,ltmctt• B&R b46 2lltl ROOrJ!IIG ALl TYPES on , udtnQ ··~·•.r~ De<-• Je ••olO f 1-.. hmel..,_ :: .-il e. t ~ 07b'l O RANGE COAST ROOF lNG AU 'Yl"'~ ol roohno 111 1111f Q r•~.a.r• •nd Add• '•c n.' Fer. r•h•tHe and 1\ n-F •-""m"IM CeJJ 011v• S.>' , ~I Cbn• b-46 • liN TILE INST ALLA nON ~liSTOM TILE WO RK AD 'l"fOI ln•••ll•t ons ~ .... '"'"'"0 •n ·emod•hno •11 1 •t .,.,., •ncl(>•uret ~ " ' ~ r •ITIAI <htJ fr .. .... t m., •" H .. t .. r.-n .,., R, n A •• Ctr • •M t'ERAMIC TIL[ W( •RK N,.,. '"mod•• and ,,. '' J r-• •••lm'••• ( ~ ' • !'jl !C20ti TREES N• '.\ lS THE TlNE TO ~·rurte vour tr-• Call Th• r .,,erta 1(1 ,_,. •rv•ce 111 Or•n~• C<>untv 54(1 J2)q ·..: ro• 24 h,,.,,. TYPING BUSINISS SCHOOL afld ~raona.J tvp~no don• 011 ra' IBN S.leclrtc typewn ter Otene SS1 149Q FOR AU YOUII SlCIU TARIAL NEEDS Cell c,.. •••• Ia• 1111ve S.rvlc••· ~71 ~ 2 I Co..a HW'I No i Co.rota• del Mer l ueta-let1era, pro pc>~l· lec:~•l.a ~ 10 .,..,. e.-peneac• -----· WUCDOW CI.EAJURQ WINDOW UPIIT. W•· dow• bltadA c,..... _. mu rore Co•••rci&lf, ... wieaha l J...o-..W. ... cl.peecl.a.bk , .. .,_ .. . ..... o.11~ ... .... a.,." w araa WlMDOWI lrAI&LUICI cu.u -...... J.., Ut ,, .. ,, ......... .... ).lll·h• ..... .. -.--·· 1 .• ~ ... ... ........... ........... irJ.~Ll .. ._ • ..,.... ... AIWI:tfNMa OF MUCI'\.R""'" .... TN$ went pl.,. • ...,.. ... e,..tlng Martt twe.n-. ctassw: s10ry. wtt1 werm 'f()UI "'-'1S Follow the ese..-on ot the ~ tarm bay and~ .-.o~ TomS~~wyw and • runawey sla"~te '*"'*' Jw1\ as "-Citett dDwn ~ Ole W.sStSSQII on • ~ raft Kutt lcll stafS 1n the title rOle ~ · IIU • <lr:$t'l ot ..,_ made IIClCllil C" (TQCIDed wttfl a ... ota~ ... NBC (801ntf~ ....... DM*na. o.c.r and E"""'i ~ WIIMit Qohs lllth- rnen stars .n 1M emottc~~ ~e~ty ~ drama based on a true Story ot a ~ ... tti!Umltle: and "'*"""" ...... tobnnQ '* ~·· t~P'Sf to tr .. l (8=== "OliN AND IIAIUAN Sean Connery stat$ as tt. be"""'tear* Rcbn ~ wno retums trom tM Cr~ lot on. 11$1 hufflh en ~Forest to~ 1M 'Y"IMY ot l'lls ~"' ~ a hnet conllontatton wtth' the Sh•rett ot Nottingham (Robett $1\tow) • W'C2 to ret~~ 1M ardOr ot his lOst 110111 tor the ..._, Marean (Auc:trey Hao«>urn) ThiS ~~-ategencl ..... CBS (701nt~ ,... PaUl' ............ O"N· tagnan 101M the ~lltft en theu ~tures 1n 17th-century Franc. 'The """ "*' t-*'tl tor lt'llf~QU~ and ~ hefOICS lnVONI .. lMI..&~-==-=-== ... =: ~ ,...... 1'hl ....., c.t lnCUM Yarton 8tiiQ). PtiUI ~ Dina ....... Minty Fonda. ODe DrM. OIMa ~ OlltiiM Carrol. Robert CUll>. ~ O...IWII Grlrhtt\. John ~ I"'"' Care. ..,_ Dlf1 and ..,._ Btodlfa ·~AIC (I~ Meetlti\.OOION Pet-' 8oQdleno- ~-. .,.. to the .. , .... ~ "**' Wlttl 811ft ~ JoM Rtu.t and tM O'tMI's. ,.,. ef ,._,. -... NBC (lc.n~ CtWM. AND TMI eMAT ML· lOON o.a Jec::t1 A1bertton and ~ Dnlt stat In a ~ Dlntutl ~bout a ,...., r..ero.ct WOittlt and Nil orllndlon. .no at- *"C)t to tuiNI the okl men's drMm ot er0111n0 tt1e country tn a I'IOWelt ~,...~ .......... "'*'1 \101 end down&-HMg on end toif' "*"In ttlla ·~ .. tor a SUnday...,. ·---.. ~ 1'MI MAnt 0. OCIMt NW MM. 1M .... ....,.,."' ot a ~ hut~ Oft • liMSida ~...-u.. ......... -J lltl-and .,.,. ~ot tw-. ........ aM UIIC:OJ .. IOIId peniC A ~*'· ~ .... Clonnofs. o.n.~ and Yamn........, ·--HaC (9~a.n) 1'MI LM'f CONftln-.a.. .... .... 1M.., .. and .. fOrmtf CQIIea ... ftNt ~ ........ cNf'IIIS "'"*'~ot-~cast ~ '-"Y t( ... Bruce ..... '*· o.bcnh Alllfil\ ~ Alblft ·.,..s..~ron--~~-~ ._.cas te~ 1MI1WO WONDI OF ••• loeNl " eawc .... ot • woman -"0,.... oobedt ~n twne~n • dlee*· ate~ to ctwvt the coura. ot .... and..,. ... -Of hit tf\llto\11 jlilij~roll \ .. ,...cas te~ MAHitl'f hi. Ant" Matt._ ~ Somttt) .. "' IIC)iMg ..,_ tom r.t ,..,. tek~ a eriC« at ,..,. In lei ~ Witt\ "" teenc. ~PW1net(JoM~*') and ~ wfth ... ptrStStlnt <:OUt~ ot en uninhibited. tove·struck ~WHMI\ .,... (~ eo. ..... '*) "Mountaan w.n· ~ out of the Nil witt\ .. lhllggy Gog (Mooll). tn IMfdl ot to\11, trutn and tw hun ........ wond ot c.nol and~ ..... ~«; (eo.ntf~ DIIAI'Ia OM ntl COM1'\IIa. 1M ... of .. netton'l Ya ~ dint • ~ ~ .no .,. ~)~Ked "' ,.,. -'*' • ..._ ~ .. two trelna huftlif\g towefd Md'l 04hW on a ~ of meat dettNCtlon, Stara Wilham Shatnet. l~ ~ Raymond luff and.,.. ...... t.*'ICIS (80entraNountaif\) IIY O&.D IMk A drema foculinO on 1M ~ bet\Men • IP!rl*l 11-yee~ okl and '* ,.... hOf1e. .. ..,. tathlt. Wowing and lldW\8 .. to put1UI8 tel'llf .~.~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!~~~!!!!!!!!!!~ Min¥' Hallett am a..u ~ star Tl'lla tect·ba .. d dram• contn~M tomorrow ...,.,q at the ..,..twnl t.ttPIIAIC (8~~ DNVIIN The action on the~ IS nothinV ton"C)erld to the~ Of. fun.ICMng ~ WhOetupt tor a hOt negtlt on the town Welt\ Qaenn MorshOwlr. Gary c.v.gnaro. liM lemolland &Mty Milliktft. t.nPII NBC (IOintraNountait\1 TMI 01'M(IR 11M OP TMIIIIOUM- TAIM. cPM ,..._ Mantyn Hlillett • . sports llnlel Cllemoftd dMIIc, tNI YMr trom Mun6ctrllt St8dlum In~ The atart of the Nntncan leegue "'"' the atara of the Netlonel lMQUe On hind to report wiH M holt 8tyent C'.Unl:lel and eotr'lf'f*'tetola Joe ow ..... and Tony t(Ubllt ... fie {1 OlntfiNountain) IAI.ALl TODAY Strlle Updlte, toMowld by Spom' Sun'wMr Seaton holtld IW Bruce Jennet. mw. CART M~Ch~Qan soo DNIMw (!Ne) trom lfooktyn. ~. 1M1 rour • Frenc:. Alpcw1 (tepe) encl ~Mel hOlM raclnQ -.. ). , ,.. S.IIOeM ...,., lfflllt II _,tied; ....., l ..... ........ ca. .... , ... Week Houlton AetfOI at Cincinnati Aida ., Pltta~roh Plretea at St loula Cardtneta er Atlanta Brevea at CNc-oo~ .._.A.: (401ntra~Mountaln) -WOM.D a. .ortll. The Eddtl a.tu.tafe.Wuhlmrned·Mk:hHI Splnkt Mght-hleq efelgtlt c~ INp. Flftlln round bout. Kent m Thetastemthe town!~ W.rnmg : The Surgeon General Has Oetarmmed ~~, That Cigarene Smoktng Is Danttrous to Your Htakh. Klf'lli 3 me. "tar:· 0 3 mo. n•cot~ne ev. per ceoatene. FlC Rtpon Jenultv 1110 lOO't~ 5 mt "let.'' 0 I "'I· ncottnt ev. Plf titlttttt tt FTC Mtthod. KENT m