HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-11-03 - Newport Harbor EnsignESTABLISHED 1948*41ST YEAR *NUMBER 13*(714) 831 -8120* NEWP<?RT BEACH'S ONLY HOME BASED NEWSPAPER•THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 3, 1988 Cox, Agran agree on corridor plan Thecaiman ~ame and went again BY MELINDA KELLER A relative of cartoon character Wally Gator has decided to make his home in the Balboa Cove area of Newport Beach, much to the chagrin of neigh- bors. Residents spotted the three-foot reptile about two months ago when he began sunning himself on the sea wall in the private community that faces Newport Bay. Barbara Garber said she discovered the creature, which Newport Beach Police officials believe is a caiman. eight weeks ago living in her yard. "Everytime I would get close he wo uld scurry back into the thick shrubbery. One day, though. he was asleep and I pushed him off the sea wal l into the water and he swam away." But that was not the last time Garber saw or heard the alligator-type creature About an hour later a neighbor of Garher's saw the large lizard cli mb up the wall and go back to his resting place under the bushes. "I guess he thought he lived here. We couldn't get rid of him. But when we c ut d own the shrubbery, he left," Garber said. Newport Beach Animal Cont rol Officer Bill Lyons said although the caiman has s harp teeth he probably will not attack humans. "When you deal with w1ldhfe they are JUSt as scared of humans as we are of them. But just to be on the safe side, we are asking residents to contact us before they try and approach him, .. Lyons said. While caimans are natives of Central ce1t1 .... -.2 • ; f ••• BY ROGER BLOOM In a surprising move that clears a major obstacle to the proposed San Joaquin Hills Transportation Corridor, Newport Beach Mayor John C. Cox Jr. and his Irvine counterpart, M ayor Larry Agran, announced Tuesday that they had agreed on a conceptual plan for the controversial road. According to Cox, the agreement was reached after six weeks of negotiation between the two mayors, and will be brought before each city's council for ratification. The maJOr poinb of the agreement are: I ) The Corridor will consist of six unrestricted auto lanes. If planned traffic and financial studies indicate a need . two high-occupancy vehicle lanes may be added to the plan. In addition. the center strip will be reserved for a future tracked mass transit route. 2) Through truck traffic will be banned. Local truck traffic will be closely regulated 3) The two c1t1es will lay a maJor role m the location and design of Corridor connect1oni. 1n I rvme and Newport Beach Cox said Tuesday that the agreement is a maJor -;tep toward realizing the CNH .... ,.._ 2 Vote Nov. 81 Next Tuesday, Nov. 8, is Election Day and the polls will open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. to allow all registered voters to cast their ballots. Please see page 4 for The Newport Ensign s voting recommendations and endorsements. On pages 18 and 19 arc articles profiling candidates in the city's second council district. Last week's edition carries profiles of the candidates in the other two council districts up for election this year. Don't forget to vote on Nov. 8! / PAIE !-IGVElllEI J. I• THE NEWPORT ENSIGN Corridor. clltt••~ tr. ""' 1 Corridor plan. • • ·•1 clearly defines the corridor as to what it will be . . in a clear and simple way that is easy for the two cities to support," Cox said. Agran commented , .. , think 1t \ a good agreement. It forms the basis I or resolving our prob- le ms. I think we're finally going to get some of this behind us." The two c1t1e~ have differed sharply in the past over the proposed Corridor, with Irvine favoring a te-.:-.-intense road than Newport Beach officials seemed to be planning for. "We've said all along that it has to be on a human scale, not a mega-freeway," Agran said. He stressed that the agreement has the goal of .. moving as many people as possible in as few · vehicles as possible, .. and that the mass transit featurel ould be built within I 0 years .,• Cox characterized the negoti- ation process as "very, very productive" and added, "New- port Beach really needs the Corridor to get relief for Pacific Coast Highway and our residen- tial streets." Agran credited lhe Irvi ne Company, also. "The Irvine Company was helpful in the process," he said . "They know this road wo uld have to be different, that it couldn't be business-as-usual, paving over massive areas. They were instrumental in moving the talks forward." LEADING EDGE cor.~~~~18 L E s129995 f':IOD EL D? e ' ! ' ) ~I All Computer Systems • Amber or Green Monitor • M.S. 0 .0 .S. 3.2; G. W. Basic •Mono. CGA. Hercules Compatible • 02 Has EGA Graphics •Clock Calendar • Parallel I Serlal Ports • 20 Month Warranty • Keyboard with a Click LEADING EDGE · AUTHORIZED DEALER LEADING EDGE lf00£l o· ltOOll 02· .t.RE REGISTERED TRAOUU,RKS Of LE"°'NG EDGE Pl'IOOUCTS INC WO@~@\({;@~m~ 1...~i!P~~O~~IC)!!j 2087 SAN JOAQUIN HILLS ROAD NEWPORT CEHltR. NEWPORT BEACH 720-9266 Hours Mon ·Sat ~9. Sun 1 1-1 CARPET BAZAAR UPERSALE! SAVE UP TO 50°/o AND MORE! • Berbers• Friezes• Plushes• Cut loops CALL US. We Quote Over The Phone CARPET BAZAAR -Credit Terms Avail~ z IRVINE 2640 Main St, Ste. S M--F 1tMS, Sat. 1o-6 553-1471 • NOW 3 LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU EXCEWIT-lllf 0. Al~1.-.. 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This is a Free Event Sponsored by City of Ncwpon Baich Parks, Bcac~ and llecrtation and Arts and era& Show o( America NB library lets kids cast votes Ne wport Beach Public Library is conducting an election that 1s JUSt a little bit different and a little bit out of the ordi- nary and you do n't have to be 21 to participate' Sch ool-age children are e ncouraged to come t o the ltbrary and vote to r their favorite book c haracter for president, someone who can lead us into the 1990s! Official ballots and ballot boxes are in the c hildren's rooms at the four branch libraries and voting will take place from Oct. 24 through Nov. 8. Results o f the ·election will be posted at each branch Careers ... contllUld from p1g1 1 in the world of work," said Georgiana Mc Leod, director of special projects for the Newport- Mesa District. "We hope that, through this experience, these stude nts will have a much better understanding o f how to survive out there." Caiman. • • Clltlllllll ,..... ,... 1 and South America, they can survive easily in the Southern California climate and were readily available for purchase in pet stores until they became a protected species last January, said John Hoglund , reptile expert for Russo's Pct Store. According to Hoglund, cai- mans feed on fish, small birds and mammals but arc not con- sidered to be dangerous to house pets. .. This one is probably very young if he is only three feet. I'd guess he's three or four years old and at that age he can' cat anything as large as a cat or dog, ... Hopuod said. Cai•nam have a life expec- tancy of more than 20 yean and can grow up to eight feet. • Cl I ~ s e s r c c t· CJ l r I l f " a t s [ c c c e } l • Avoiding pox like the plague The beautiful Indian students at my school sometimes have a little mark on their fo1eheads to show their caste. I, too, sport such a mark. It does not, how- ever, proclaim my proletariat status. It simply serves to remind me that no o ne is exempt from chicken pox . My little fo rehead crater remind'i me of intense itching. I kn ow mother.., who d o not ha\ e to work: some of them almost seem to look 101 ward to their kid-.' houl with l'htckcn po\. "I took Jcrl'mV o"er to /\,hie~\ tod..ty ... the~ 'II tell me "I hope he'll get 11 trnm her" Th i-. lo..1nd ol remark make'> me feel 4ueas}. "Please don't '>ay that -.o loud." I'll whisper. "By the wtJy. what is the incubtJtion period again? And how long tJrc they ho me? .... Ten working dtJys. Every spring, I begin to pl ot and pltJn. J call all the mothers o f my child 's friends . "Do your kids have the chicken pox? Have they been in contact with any known carri- ers? Has this plague penetrated your child 's school? The answer in the spring is invariably "no " Or worse than that "maybe." I brood. If Buffy has been exposed 10 her kindergarten to Clark, wh o was munching on Schuyler\ tofu-burger, then maybe in 11 to 2 1 days, my daughter, who climbed on the dolphin with her at Mariner's Park, will incubate I never was good at math. My "Why did you look at 1t so IO)lg?., she asks. "I thought it might be chicken pox," I say. That night J tell her a story of when I was a little girl. J ex plain how the little itch y places loo k, and how they begin Sue Kauth mind reels. It seem~ that my prelerr~d L·hicken pox period . that of .l une I through June S. 1s not popular with the pox populace. Thi~ afternoon when I pi cked up m~ daugher at her after -;chool daycare, a big sign was on the office window. "The school has been exposed to chicken pox," it proclaims. ''Expect your child to come down wit h it soon. It is vet y contagious." .. Yikes," my daughter yelps," I have an 'ow-ee ' on my elbow." J clutch her arm. Breathing a sigh of relief, I say, "It 's just a scratch where you hit the fence when you were riding yo ur bike." 10 evol\e into pox. I show her m\ little hole in my fore head. 1 regale her with my own moth- er'c; admonn 1ons not to cratch. I-or emphasis I sc ratch my nail Jcros~ her belly lightly. She cringe . "But now they have medici ne that helps a little," l coach her. 1 am setting her up. "It makes yo u itch a little less. That's the good news." "What is the bad news?" she demands, wise to this game. .. This same medicine makes you feel very sleepy, .. I say. "That's good," she mumbles. 'Tm sleepy already."' Please let it wait until June. Sue l\aurh is a counselor at a local high school. REMODELING AND EXPANSION SALE!! .. Final Reductions Our CoJta meJa Showroom iJ Leing expanded /or 'lour • convenience. Wki/e we remodel, all of our fine in JlocL f urnilure i~ on Jale . ALL IN STOCK DREXEL HERIT.~GE 35 r ·~ -40 r ·~ OFF Pfuj our large, excfuji11e hne o/ imported /urnilure emerl nterioa 1595 Newport Blvd. 345 North Coast Hwy. Costa Mesa (714) 642-2050 Laguna Beach (71 4) 494 -6.">52 ---':::;;,, Am1rlcal1lleaet& AllOCiallon V IOYElllEI I. 1111 THE NEWPORT ENSiGN-fME I Paid Political Advertisement JEAN WATT IS OUR CANDIDATE Each of us-Senior Citizens, Un- der 30's, Republicans, Demo- crats , Housewives, Teachers , Businessmen-may disagree on some issues, but we ALL agree on ... JEAN WATT Mr & Mrs. T J Abshier Dr Phyllis Agran Barry Allen Louise D Allen (Mrs. Wm. A.) Edwin W. Amyes. M.D. Helen A. Anderson Maqone B Anderson Debra Allen Patty & Robert E Anderson Betty & Alan V Andrews, M.D. Jack & Julie Ansley Or David Ballantine Russell W . Bangert M1nn1e & David Ballard Gloria & Richard L. Bare Mr & Mrs. Robert M. Barton Don Beatty Helen Ballantine Margaret Bedell & Jean Mr & Mrs. David T Beegan Allan Beek Dorothy ~ Seymour Beek Janet H. Bell Ms Lynne Bennett Joan Sue Betson Stella Chavos Mr & Mrs W.L. Chester Mr & Mrs J W. Christy Marie & Roland Clar1( Dick & Caroline Clucas Renate & Barry Collison Mr & Mrs. R L Conger Georgenia Mae Cooke William Cool Craig & Lorna Cordrey Sally Comgold Pat Cox Sally Corbit Crow Alice Cusick Lars & Lucie OeJounge 8111 & Donna Mayo Gail Demmer lrmeli E. Oesenberg Marion H. Devick Mary & Earl Dexter Ruth Di Giuseppe Frank Oise he Peter Dixon Susan Doane Dick Demmer Mr & Mrs Robert S. Gardner Lavonne Gamer Lance & Nancy Gilbertson Mr & Mrs. Daniel Gilliland Mei & Robert B1ckner Or. & Mrs William Birnbaum Mr & Mrs John C Bixby Mr. & Mrs. John Black Lynne Bloomberg Rudy & Alan L. Blum Virginia E. Booth Dr. David Bunnell Gordon & Carolyn Brittle Mr. & Mrs R L Broaddus Beatrice Brockman Marge & Hans Broenng Kay 8 . Brown Myra Brown Cynnie Bunnell Jay & Doreen Burchett Mr. & Mrs. Donald Burdor1 Mr & Mrs. Eric L. Burton Mr & Mrs David Bloomberg. M.O Fran Bury Mr & Mrs. Bob Butler Mary & George Butler Ernest & Sally Camp Joan F. Campbell & Robin A Brennan Cassidy, M.0 Rhea Dom C.E Dosh Lorraine Dowty James C Doyle. M 0 Robert & Judith Duke Mrs. Jill M. 0ur1(ee Leoo East Harlan Eastman Thomas Cole Edwards Virginia M & Ray Elliott Jr Patricia Estey Gloria & Mar1( Fahey Mel & Grace Farmer Or. & Mrs John Farrer Betty Felllnge Mrs. Joseph M Ferguson Suzy Ficker Esther Fine Donald & Barbara Flamm Trilby H. Ford Tammie Fraser Thomas R. Fredericks Or. & Mrs. David F. Fnest Kathleen Frink Mr. & Mrs. Robert L Fry Marnie Hemstreet Pat Hollander Marilyn Hendrickson Or. & Mrs Franlt Herman Tom & Cindy Houtton continued ... JEAN WATT NEWPORT BEACH CITY COUNCIL AN INDEPENDENT CANDIDATE r ~ tor by JMft Wlft '°' C*'Y CcMloll ·~ ............ ._, PMl4-.wEWl 1•THE.NEWP.ORT,liNS'QN Editorial Ensign ballot recommendations The following are the voting recommenda- tions of the Editorial Board of TM Newport Ensign for next Tuesday's general election. The polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. To save time in voting, we suggest you review your information and mark your sample ballot at home, then carry it to your polling place to refer to there. President/ Vice President: George Bush/Dan Quayle United States Senate: Pete Wilson House of Representatives. 40th District: Christopher Cox State Senate, 35th District: John Seymour State Senate, 31th District: Marian Berreson State Assembly, 10th District: No endonement ~roposition 96 (AIDS): NO Proposition 98 (School Funding): YES Proposition 99 (Tobacco tax): YES Proposition 100 (Insurance): NO Proposition IOI (Insurance): NO Proposition 102 (AIDS): NO Proposition 103 (Insurance): NO Proposition 104 (Insurance): YES Proposition 106 (Insurance): NO City Council, District 2: Sterliaa WOife City CounciL District S: RalplaROdlteim City Council, District 7: Jollll C. Cox Jr. Measure K (Tnft'"ac Phasing Initiative): NO Editorial For council: Cox, Rodheim, Wolfe The voters of Newport Beach are faced with some very clear choices on this year's municipal election ballot. First. Measure K. This initiative is poorly written, containing ambiguities and contradictions that almost certainly will require a court's review if it is passed. It would also impose undue burdens on developers, large and small, who would have to contend with a bloated city bureaucracy. We strongly urge a "no" vote on Measure K. In the fifth council district, the clear choice for the continued economic well-being of the city is Ralph Rodheim. While we do not question the dedication or intelligence of Rodheim's opponent, Jean Watt, we believe that her history of community involvement has been marked by lawsuits and initiatives and divisiveness. which should not be carried over to the council. On the other hand, Rodheim has a history of positive involvement in the community, working with many groups and individuals to bring them together to achieve common goals (most recently, he has chaired the fundraising campaign for the Marian Bergeson Aquatic Center at Corona del Mar High School). Ralph Rodheim will serve the city well on the council, and we urge you to give him your vote. In the seventh district, the choice is stark. Former Mayor Paul Ryckoff was known as a no-growth hardliner with an abrasive, even offensive, style when he was on the council in 1972-80. Incumbent Mayor John C. Cox Jr. has shown a remarkable ability to work with people of differing views to bring about consensus and solutions to the city's problems. He most recently led the effort to rewrite the city's General Plan, which lopped some 20 million sqaure f cct off of the total commercial development that can be allowed in the city. This was done with the participation and agreement of the business commu.nity, a feat that Ryckoff would have been totally incapable of accomplishing. Mayor Cox has done a fine job and deserves your vote. In the second district, we agree with those critics of the incumbent, Ruthclyn Plummer, that she has done little or nothing to improve city facilities and services in her West Newport district . Sterling Wolfe clearly stands above the rest in the second district. A longtime local resident and businessman, he bas a record of civic involvement with the Bicycle Trails and Parks, Beaches and Recreation commissions that has given him an appreciation of citywide issues and a working familiarity with the people afl'a procedures in city government. He is also an .. idea man," beholden to no special interest, who could breathe some fresh air into a sometimes stagnant city bureaucracy. We enthusiasticaJly endorse and urge the election of Sterling Wolfe. Baker Communications AWARD WINNING MEMBER CAllFOUIA HWSPAIU 'UIUSHHS USOCIATION 39 State & National Awaros Smee 1978 '"~ AUDIT AM'UlD fO- C1rculation 25,000 PUBLISHER: Seth Baker EXECUTIVE EDITOR: Roger Bloom ASSOCIATE EDITOR: Melinda Keller SPORTS EDITOR: George Pappas PHOTO EDITOR: Danny Cota PHOTOGRAPHER: Mary DeChirico STAFF WRITER: Cheryl Stehling GENERAL IAIAIER: Leland Pound OlflECTOI OF SALES: Marcus Dietz 901 Dover Drive Newport Beach. CA 92660 (7 14) 631 -8120 Please send mail to P.O Box 9399 Newport Beach. CA 92658-9399 The Newport Ensign 1s published weekly on Thursdays ADV. DllECTOll: Bob Dorman, Barbara Ann Sheppard, Ingrid Pepenella, Sharon Chandler CLAlllRED llflECTOI: Inez Gilbert LEUL ADY. •Eml: John Quigley DllPATCl/Aft. AllT.: Scott Vowell __________ _ Tiii ..,_....._.(USPS 441 -570) was adtudged to be a newspaper of general circulation by cawt deetet dated May 14. 1951. as modified. m case number A 20178. in Soperi« CClu1 for the County o1 Orange. State of California. and by reason thereof is qoaflfied to pubffsh all public notices required by law Subsctiptlon S36 J>ef yetr Editorial Bush, Wilson will do the job Stripped of the charges that the candidates are not addressing the issues, that it is a dirty campaign, that both sides a rc lying, an undeniable truth is apparent: Michael Dukakis, the Democratic standard bearer. and George Bush, the Republican, are talking earnestly about the issues: Which of the two is best qualified to be president of the United States and which is closer to the mainstream of America's ideals. When measured on these terms. Mr. Bush is the clear winner, and the polls which have shown him with a double-digit lead in preference by those likely to vote on Nov. 8 clearly bear out the belief that be is the best. The issues are vital ones-national security, fiscal responsibility, crime, taxes and continuing the economic boom which has been created for this nation under the leadership of the Reagan- Bush Administration. On all counts, George Bush is the clear choice as the candidate we can look to to carry out these mandates. He has-literally-a world of experience in some of the most difficult government assignments, ranging from the United Nations to the CIA, and has compiled a distinguished career of service. His opponent is revealing each day that he has more trouble than he should managing his state-a small part of the responsibilities he is seeking. In his own state, the stories coming out even as.the presidential campaign is closing arc frightening when projected on the national scene. Last week, the State Treasurer's office reported that the state would have to borrow up to $200 mil.Jion to pay its bills. The administration also decided to sell $625 million of the state's short-term notes to its own pension fund to raise money to pay its bills. Now, the state legislature has been called back into session to deal with the fiscal crisis. Do we need more of that kind of management in Washington? We recommend the election of George Bush to succeed Ronald Reagan as president. It is a recommendation made without reservation. We also recommend that Calif ornains re-elect Sen. Pete Wilson to a new term. As president. George Bush will need all the friends he can muster on Capitol Hill, and Republican Pete Wilson can be counted on to man the trenches when it comes time to battle the big spenders from the other side of the aisle. To keep California and the nation strong, vote for George Bush for president and return Pete Wilson to the U.S. Senate. November ballot ha$ plenty to vote for or against Don't turn your back on the election just because you're bored or disgusted with the candidates and issues. It's a big ballot, and there's something there for everyone. It may be just something to bate or vote "no .. on, but if you look hard enough, you'll find something that deserves your judgment. This is no time to stay away from the polls. Some years ago, before he became a hired gun for the GOP, Tom Fuentes and I had a your views on the local city council races. Forget the presi- dential charade; this time you can .. win. If you pick Bush, you get Quayle; if you pick Dukakis, you get Dukakis. So back to the local council race. How I wish Phil Maurer had picked another time to quit. How the city cries o ut for him. In the other races, I still like Mayor John Cox and Council- woman Ruthelyn Plummer. They're not flashy: but they're solid, they do their homework, nors and US senators. I was an editor of Time magazine in New York when Mr. Johnson died, and I wrote the obituary in Time about his death. What a record of reform he left. He single- handedly whipped the Southern Pacific machine and made it impossible to ever again create a political machine in this state, Willy Brown notwithstanding. But yesterday's reforms can become tomorrow's despair. Hiram Johnson also created cross-filing, so a candidate could Time of my Life 1 win both nominations in a primary and avoid a general election fight. That was abused badly and was ultimately out- lawed. friendly argument about voting. I thought there should be some incentive-like a tax break-or the threat of reprisals that would get more people to vote. and Tom said he disagreed. that not voting was an expression in a democracy. I still disagree. A democracy survives on the will of the majority. and you can't have a majority if only the minority votes. It should be a majority of all the people. not just those who vote. All the pollsters say this year will set a new record-a new low in voter turnout. How terribly sad. There are some very vicious propositions on the ballot that could win if their minority s upporters tum out and you don't. You could suffer the consequences for years. a nd it would serve you right if you chose instead to go sailing or to play golf or tennis or whatever. Take a fast look at your sample ballot. and see the iss ues that will definitely affect you. Then. an your own selfi sh interest take l 0 minutes and vote. While you're there, you might also express BY JIM FELTON and they are independent thinkers. They do not represent speciaJ interest groups, nor are they locked into fixed posi tions at a time when flexibility and tolerance are sorely needed. They're quiet, thoughtful and fair. One woman candidate opposing Ruthelyn makes up with bombast what she lacks in brains, and there are times when she reminds me of a female Paul Hummel. And then there are all those special ballot issues. the array of propositio ns-school bonds, AIDS. insurance. tobacco tax and Lord knows what. The initiative and the referendum were introduced in California to bust the Southern Pacific Rail- road machine. A governor by the name of Hiram J o hnso n did it so the voters could do what the legislature refused to do because of the power of the Southern Pacific. How Governor. a nd then Senator. Johnson would recoll today at the abuses in the initiative process. Hiram Johnson was one of California's truly great gover- Now the initiative is being badly abused. With a handful of petition signers. a special interest group can get a proposition on the ballot, and a minority can get it into law on a small voter turnout. Someone with courage and clout needs to lead the fight to end the initiative travesty. Perhaps a greater percentage of voters need to sign petitions to qualify for the ballot. Maybe we sh ould require a higher percentage of all those qualified to vote. whether they arc regis- tered or not. And maybe a winning issue is declared null and void unless a majority of all the voters-registered or no t. voting or not-actually cast ballots in favor of the issue. There is no question but that the majority of the people are fe d up with leezy political campaigns and nefarious schemes put on the ballot by initiatives. Maybe Tom Fuentec; i~ right after all. By not voting. the public is shouting fo r reform. for so me system that take elect ions away from special interests a nd lo bbyists and gives them back to the people. Letters to the Editor Kudos for coverage Dear Editor: l am writing this letter to express my satisfaction with the story Melinda Keller wrote about Office Glen Fisher saving the life of a five-day-old infant on Oct.7. Although police officers do good deeds on a regualr basis, it seems that normally the nega- tive issues receive the media's attention. The incident with Officer Fisher touched the lives of many people and was an event which many of them will remem- ber throughout their lives. I feel this story gave your readers a more realistic per pective of their Police Department. I commend Melinda Keller for an excellent account of this incident, and I look forward to more of this type of positive news coverage. ARB CAMPBELL Clllef of Polke Mailer is untrue Dear Editor: The other night I found a fl yer in my mail box with a screaming headline which said, .. Feces in the Bay ... The pamphlet went on to castigate Mayor John Cox and Councilwoman Ruthelyn Plummer over their alleged failure to install pumpout sta- tions in Newport Bay. As you can guess, the pamphleteer went on to suggest that the election of Paul Ryckoff and Jean Watt to the City Council would ensure the city of Newport Beach that something like this would never occur agam. Yes, this is the silly eason, but this irrcspon ible bit of cam- paigning sponsored by a group which calls itself Newport 2000 went a bit too far. Perbap a review of a few facts is in order. A couple of years ago, sena- tors Bergeson and Presley spon- sored state legislation which transferred responsibility for determining the number of pum- pout stations required in public waters from state to local juris- dictions. They did so on the basis that the job simply wasn,gctting done at the state level. Since that legislation was enacted Newport Beach bas worked closely with the Regional Water Quality Board to install the recom- mended number of pumpout stations for Newport Bay. In addition. our city has a Harbor Quality Committee chaired by Councilman Don Strauss. Both he and Councilman Phil Maurer, who also serves on that committee. along with the seven public citizens. have worked hard to improve the cleanlines of Newport Harbor. The effects of this committee have been truly remarkable. One member. Dr. Jack Skinner. 1s usually given credit for isolating a major source of pollutant to the bay. That source happened to be the fertilizers used by nurseries up stream. As a result of his work, combined with the City Council and cooperation from the state and other juris- dictions the BKk Bay has now been dredged. That alone has I 1 ...... 12 PaJd Polltieal AdvertlMment JEAN WATT 1s ·ouR CANDIDATE Each of us-Senior C itizens, Un- der 30's, Republicans , Demo- crats, Housewives, Teachers , Businessmen-may disagree on some issues, but we ALL agree on ... JEAN WATT Mr & Mrs. Roy Glordano Vrrgene M. Girting Marvin GOOdwyn Louise S. Greetey Joyce Griswold Lllhan Griswold Patnc1a Hadden Mr. & Mrs Richard G. Hal'ln Howard Hall Col Leonard A Hall Mr & Mrs Marcus Hall Adeline L. Halter Ruth & John Kenneth Hamel, M.O. Karen Hamngton Robert Hopkins Don & Patty Harvey Gloria Hassett Gretchen & David Hatfield Roberta & Fon Hazlett Nancy S. & Curt Heaton Brian & Maryann Hemphill Laurie B. Kellogg Dr. & Mrs. Donald E. Kerans Marie Kimball Nancy Kimble Adefaide H. Kingsley John 8 Kingsley Niki Kinkel James F. Kiri( Or. & Mrs. Lawrence Klein Shlrtey & Bob Knutsen Mr. & Mrs. Lane B Koluvek Bever1y Koppe Rena Murphy Koppelman Or. & Mrs. Ernst H. Krause Or & Mrs Richard A. Kredet Lvcille Kuehn Catherine & Tniman Lattin Gary Lovell Col & Mrs Henrv E Lefebvre Or Allen Le Roy Robert Leeper Judith & Willis Longyear Jay P L1chman, M.O. Andrea Lingle Elaine Lmhoff Yohe & H Ross Miller Wiiiiam M Monroe Kent S Moore Jean Morns Jane Mosmann Mr & Mrs Wilham A. Motta Mr & Mrs James E Monroe Martha Newkirk Mr. & Mrs. Charles Hermann William F. Hernngton Patricia Herzog Leota Hill & Hugh Hiii Milltcent Hitchman Nina & Rob Hixson Judith Hodges Dan Hollander Erin N. Houghton Karl & Sally Hufbauer Kay & Bob Hull Mr. & Mrs. Thomes E Hunt Polly & Chuck Hutchins Dottie Hutchison George & Mary Ingles Sybil Jacobson Nancy Jacobus Marjorie Johnson Mike & Dolores Johnson Bunty & Sidney Justin Kleo Karst William G. Livingston Nancy LeRoy Robert Longpre Barbara Lovell Jim & Mary B. Lucas Or Christopher Lyon Mr & Mrs. Austin Mahr Berenice Maltby Adele & Melvin S Mann Joseph Mariscal Barbara H. Martin Doris G Martin Nancy Martin Ken & Rhoda Martyn Or. & Mrs. Wm. A. Mathews Rodman H Maxson Suzanne McBnen Joan McCauley Mr & Mrs. Gilbert McCutchan Marjo rie P McCutchen Larry & Joan McOonell Stuart McKenzie Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mesh1 Cary Jane Miller John A. M iller Dr. & Mrs. Hubert Pirkle Kathleen Powers Frank A. Randall Joan Rowland Jerry Rayl Mr & Mrs Homer Reed Or. & Mra. John W Reeder Dody Reid continued ... JEAN WATT NEWPORT BEACH CITY COUNCIL AN INDEPENDENT CANDIDATE llllld tor b'f JMn Milt fof City C.OUnc14 • HllnMW lelllnd." • _, ' PME 1-Mm•I I, t• THE NEWPORT ENSIGN Spo s Sailors shock Tustin, 17-10 Scheck leads . second-half rally BY GEORGE PAPPAS It may have been Tustin High's homecoming game this past Friday night, but in the end only Newport Harbor was left with something to celebrate. Before an estimated crowd of 800 at Tustin High. the Sailors assumed the role of spoilers for a night and handed the Tillers a stunning 17-10 setback. The win puts Harbor back into the Sea View League playoff ., ..... ,...1 ,..,. 1111111111 .... II..., clll-' I 11·11-ti Tlllll. PHOTO IY STEVE TOWULEY Sea Kings can't break 0-0 stalemate BY MORGAN EVANS AND GEORGE PAPPAS It was the kind of game deci- sion whic h haunts foo tball coaches long afterward. Coach Dave Holland's team, Corona del Mar, had recovered a fumble on their opponents' {Saddlcback) 13-yard-linc in the waning minutes of this past Friday night's game at the Santa Ana Bowl. Two plays earlier, CdM's Jeff Blower took the Roadrunners' quarterback Jeff Blanco out of the game with a jarring sack. Back up quarterback Leonel Lopez entered the game and on his first play fumbled the ball which Cd M's Jerrott Willard fell on at the 13 with I :30 left in the game. Rather than go for the quick field goal attempt, CdM decided to try to run the ball in for the score. Greg Haack made four attempts to punch the ball in for the game winning touchdown but the Roadrunners' defense refused to yield. With ball on the I-yard-line, Corona dcl Mar fumbled and Saddleback recov- ered the loose ball to secure a 0-0 tie with the Sea Kings. Should have the Sea Kings went for the field goal? Well, it's easy to play the "what ir game. But Holland wants no part of it. "It's the kind of game where you can second guess yourself, but when you 're in that kind of situation you make the decision you think is best at the time," Holland said. "Sure, we had some chances to win it but we could do nothing in the game on offense. No matter how good you play on defense, if you can't score, you 're going to break down eventu- ally," he added. The tie with Saddlcback has thrown the Sea View League playoff race into confusion. The Sea Kings lead the league with a l--0-2 record. But four other Cougars win first game this season The Cougars, who play in the I I -year-olds division in the local Jr. All-American Football League, have had a tough season so far. But things could be turning around for the Cougars as they defeated a team from Carson 19- 7 this past week, to notch their first win of the year. J ohn Hylto n ignited the Cou- gars offensive o utburst with two touchdowns in the game. The Cougars' quarterback Lorrin Ellis aJso fired a touchdown strike to Scott Witucki to put the game away. In other games around the league, the Seahawks (10-year- olds) salvaaed a 7-7 tie with a team from ff untinaton Beach. Joe Urban scored the Sea- hawkl only touchdown in the game on his way to rushing for 130 yards. The combined defensive efforts of Jacob Matlin, Jeff Bogdan, Kevin Tucker stuffed Huntingto n Beach's squad and kept them out the end zone for much 'of the contest. The Corsairs ( 13-year-olds) defeated a squad from Hunting- ton Beach. 7-0 for their fourth consecutive win this season. If the Corsairs can defeat Para- mount in this Saturday's match up. they head into the playoffs. The Cowboys (12-year.olds) fell to Orange 42-0. If the Cow- boys can rebound to defeat Cerritos this Saturday then they will go to the playoffs. The Cheyennet (8-and-9-ycar· olds) also lost to La Mirada, J9- 0. teams are breathing down their necks with identical 1-1-1 league marks including University, Estancia, Saddleback and Tus- tin. Newport Harbor with a 1- 2-0 league mark is also not out of the playoff running. Tomorrow night at 7:30 p.m . at Orange Coast College's LcBard Stadium, Cd M faces Tustin in what amounts to a must win game for both squads. Tustin is coming off a disheartening loss to Newport Harbor last week. "We expect Tustin to come after us hard, .. Holland said. 06Neither one of us can afford to lose." Holland said his team needs improve their passing game (the Sea Kings finished with 98 yards passing against Saddleback), if they are going to stand a chance against Tustin. "In recent games, we haven't done a great job of throwing the football. We need to get some drives going on offense against Tustin. We're allowing our opponents to control the foot- ball for most of the game," he added. Standouts on Tustin 's squad include Monte Jones at quarter- back, running backs Visko Ancicb, sophomore Ron Goods and tailback Casey Mazzotta. · "Tustin can run the ball. They have some pretty good runners like Ancicb." "But we have to move the ball against their defense. If we don't we're going to have a tough time just like we did against Saddleback," be said. This past Friday's night game, was mostly a defensive battle. Jn the first half, Saddlebaclc controlled the ball for much of the time but they couldn't score. The second half was more of the same. The Sea Kings were halted on five scoring drives, while the Roadrunners never made it past mid-field. But in the final two minutes of the game, Cd M had their first of two chances to break the stalemate. CdM's quarterback Ty Price connected with John Katovsich on a 43-yard passing play which brought the Sea Kings to the Saddleback 27. But on the next play, Saddlc- back countered with a sack of Price. After several plays, the Sea Kings failed to pick up a first down and Pat Callaghan had to attempt a field goal from 46 yards out. The kick sailed wide to the left and game remained a scoreless. MZll-C...Mllf'd di a.ti ... ? I 1 l1PC1t1d i 1ta llllllf ... Ill .... I flli ... •amr Anljlllll '55*-l Pll ' ........ frWr ..... • II llill .......... • 1111 ....... II IM I 2 I .... IT ITM 1lla£Y Team is ~or Shryock BY GEORGE PAPPAS Corona del Mar High 's Greg Shryock is used to being No. 2. When you run on same cross country team as Eddie Lavelle (one of the top long distance runnen in the state), it's easy to become overlooked. But Shryock docsn 't mind . .. Eddie deserves all the atten- tion he gets," stressed Shryock, who is in fourth year as member of CdM's cross country team. "I'm not jealous of him receiv- ing a lot of the press. He's a great runner and I'm glad he's on our team. Still, I try to keep up with him at the meets and in prac- tice." "Usually in the races Eddie takes off and we hang back at fint and then we try to catch him. He's the leader on this team," said Shryock, who bas been competing as a runner in local events since he was 9. But Shryock is one the best runners on CdM's team this season. He has consistently placed higher in meets than any other runner on the team except for Lavelle. Corona del Mar Coach Bill Sumner said of Shryock, "99 percent of the time he is our No. 2 runner. Sure, he can improve but he's very good runner right now ... Still, Shryock is not satisfied with his recent performances. At the Orange County Invi- tational last month, Shryock ran Sa ilors • • • Cllll ... """ .... 6 bunt with a 1-2-0 league mark. The league race is virtually up for grabs with four teams. (Estancia, University, Tustin and Saddleback). with 1-1 -1 records. Corona del Mar leads the league with a 1-0-2 league record. For three quarters in the Tustin game, the Sailors appeared to be playing out a familiar scenario as they spotted the Tillers a I 0 point lead in the first half because of turnovers. But through the efforts of junior quarterback Steve Scheck (in only his second start in the position) and the defense, Har- Newport Harbor 17, Tustin 10 Score bJ Quarten Newport Harbor 0 0 8 9-17 Tustin 3 7 0 0-10 bor wrote a different ending to what bad recently been only a losing story. Scheck had the hot band in the second half as he completed 7 passes in 9 attempts for 58 yards. During one stretch in third quarter be completed 7 straight passes.(Scheck finished the contest with t l -for-15 for 105 yards). "At halftime the coach told us the whole season is on the line,., remarked Scheck after the win. .. We talked a little about University•s defense at the half. Their corners we're hanging back and were not flying up on us. So in the second half we d"ided to throw underneath aod it worked, .. Scheck added. Harbor Coach Jeff Brinkley remarked, "Scheck threw the ball really well. He 'I a smart guy. He reads opposing defenses pretty well." llUNlllB IAll -Pictlnl la 8"1 IWylct. • If 1111 ... ,_. • C.. '91 .. lllfl•1 er.a cllllry .... IWylct Is 11 Ml fllra yar If rlllill •llllS.lllp' .... one his strongest races this year as he completed the three-mile course in 15:48 for 11th place. But in recent meets he has struggled. At the Mt. San Antonio Col- .. In the second half. we started getting off the ball quicker on offense and we didn't make any turnovers," Brinkley continued. .. Our players have gone through so much adversity this year. But they bung in and played a great game anyway.•• The Sailors face league rivals Estancia tomorrow night at 7:30 p.m. at Davidson Field. The Eagles arc on a roll as they won their first league game since 1985 last week with a 14-9 defeat of University. (Two weeks ago, University defeated the Sailors 28-14). "Estancia has a good team. We've got to stop their offense like we did Tustin 's if we 're going to have a chance,"' Brinkley said. Harbor will need to watch for the Eagles' potent backfield combination of Josh Wojtkie- wicz (97 yards rushing against University) and Gary Burrows. The Eagles also have a solid defensive line up which did a credible job of bottling up U niveTSity's explosive offense last week. All season the Sailors have struggled on offense. In several close games which they lost this season, Harbor turned the ball over on crucial late game drives. Still~ they seemed an adjustment or two away from working out their offensive problems. · In the third quarter of the Tustin game, Harbor's offensive line up finally seemed to click as they marched 64 yards (in 12 yards), for a touchdown with 1:55 left. Scheck. superbly orchestrated the scoring drive as be completed key passing plays to running back Tom Walker (11 ,7, and 9 yards), and Jim Stanley (7,10 and 4 yards). Walker capped the drive witb his I yard yud plunge. But early in the fourth quar- ter. Tustin took over on their own 21 and proceeded to PHOTO IY IARY DECNllUCO lcge Invitational, Shryock fin - ished 21st with a time of 16:06. In CdM 's last two league mee ts agai nst Estancia and Saddle back, Shryock has turned Cllti ... '" plll 8 advance deep into Sailors' ter- ritory. On a second-down-and-I 0 pJay at the Sailors' J 8-yard line, Tustin's Casey Mazzotta attempted to run the ball but he was met in the backfield by Harbor defensive lineman Scan Ellis and thro wn for a 9-yard loss. Harbor linebacker Wayne Fraser ended the Tillers drive on the following play as he broke through and sacked Monte Jones for a 10-yard loss. Harbor took over on their own 14-yard-line and went on the move again .. Walker broke loose for a 32-yard run to bring the Sailors to the Tustin 34. But the Sailors couldn't net a first down in three plays at the Tillers' 17. Josh Klein then booted a 34- yard field goal to give Harbor their first lead of the game 11- t O with 3:22 left in the game. Harbor's defense secured the win as they forced Tustin to cough up the ball deep in their own territory. (Ernie Rein- hardt's sack of Jones at the Harbor 18-yard-line was key play in Harbor's halting of the Tillers in game's waning min- utes). The Sailors regained posses- sion on the Tillers' 24-yard-linc and handed the ball over to Walker who put the game away as he picked up gains of 4 and t 5 yards before busting in for a touchdown from five yards out with 21 seconds left. The Sailors running game (a source off rustration for Harbor this season), was effective in the game•s second balf as Harbor finished with 154 yards on 31 carries. Walker led the way with 70 yards (be bad only 7 yards in the first half) and Robbie Power bad 67 yarda oo 13 carries~ Stanley caupt 6 ~for 43 yards in the aame. '\ m&ID I. I• THE NEWPORT; ENSIGN--lm 1 Paid Potttic.1 Advef11tement .JEAN WATT IS OUR CANDIDATE Each of us-Senior Citizens, Un- der 30's, Republicans, Demo- crats, Housewives, Teachers, Businessmen-may disagree on some issues, but we ALL agree on ... JEAN WATT Dick & Sandy Nichols Marcia Y. Nordlund Dennis & Becky O'Hern Jean O'Skea Katie & Francis Odefl Emily P. Ogden Mrs. Brent Ogden Elizabeth Olsen Betty Ort>ach Lester & Shirley Packard Marian Parks Mrs Lucile S. Patterson Fern Pirkle Madge Perkel Joan S. Petty Arthur PiantadoSt Cecil Piantadosi Lydia B. Sharp Janet K. Shaw John W. & Marjorie A. Shea Dr. & Mrs. James Shetbume Miki & Steve Sholkoff, M.D. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Short Calvin Siegle Nancy D. Simpson Susan Simpson Jill Sinclair Dr. John F Skinner Carolyn Slayback Dr. & Mrs. David Smiley Alice G. Smith Dr & Mrs. Maclyn 8 . Somers Dick Spearman & Phyllis Okrand D1ck Spehn Dorothy Strauss Wiiiiam A. Spencer Barbara Stabler Dr rs James Stanley rs. Richard Steele Nancy Skinner Mr. & Mrs. Theodore M. Steinmetz Prof. Grover & Ann Doyle Stephens Roger Vandegrift Jan D. Vandersloot. M.D Mrs. Dolores Virtue Bill & Virginia Vosburg Sharon E. Walters Mr & Mrs. Robert Warner Loma Watt Tamara Watt Robert & Gloria Weber Paul Webster Mrs. Jean Wegener Patrtcla Welsh Ruth C. Wheeler Angela Ficker White Trudi Rogers Joe Rosener Or. & Mrs. John L. Reynolds Virginia Ailey Fran & Frank Robinson Judy 8 . Rosener Dr. r=. Shef'Wood Rowland Paul & Margaret Ryckotf Marian Rayl Terry Nobte Sanders Jane & Ken Sands Robert & Nancy Sattler V1v1ane Schultz Lou Scott & Phylhs Valerie S. Scudder Susan B Seifert Len & Joan Seltzer Haskell Shapiro Harry Stickler. M O. Betty Storch Pat Strang Margo & John Stuart Bruce W. Sumner Stantey M. Swiatek Katherine R. Swigart Don Strauss Mr. & Mrs. Robert L Taube (Penelope) Mr. & Mrs. H.B. Taylor Zada Taylor Harry E. Terrell. Jr. Anne Thomas Neva Thomas Jolene & Roger H Thomas. M D William L Thompson V1v1an Thorp Marianne & Brian T owersey Bruce Trotter Mr & Mrs Earl Trudeau Snoozy Ullman Nancy Van Lmgen Cheryl Vandersloot Mr. & Mrs Frank Van Winkle Alma Vanasse Betty M. & James H White Corki & Ralph Wh1t1ord Marlana Wiggins Don Williams Mr. & Mrs. Edward H. Willits Margaret Joyce Wilson Roberta Wilson Oolol'M M Witte Lola Wolf Isobel L. Wood JMnWrloht Robert W. Zant Wally & Sharon Ziglar JEAN WATT NEWPORT BEACH CITY COUNCIL AN IN DEPENDENT CANDIDATE i ) . ,_ 1-1 ~·--·I. I• THE NEWPORT ENSIGN • Pirates fall apart in loss to Fullerton The Orange Coast College football team, thrashed by unde- feated and top-ranked Fullerton College, 37-3, takes its battered offense into the 36tb annual Homecoming Game Saturday (Nov. 5) against Riverside at 7 p.m. at LcBard Stadium. Coach Bill Workman's Pirates (3-4 overall, 2-4 in Mission Conference), whose beleaguered offense has been looking for answers all season long, just about quit searching in its lop- sided Joss to the Hornets in Fullerton Saturday (Oct. 29). OCC hopes it can tum things around against Central Division rival Riverside (4-3, 3-3), which like the Bucs, bas lost three in a row after a strong start. The Tigers were blown out by Sad- dleback, 24-0, Saturday. But even if the P~es rebound, Workman acknowledges, 1988 has been a tough season. .. All of the hopes we had for the defense this year materal- Scoreboard CORONA DEL MAR FootbaU: tied Saddleback 0-0. The Sea Kings face Tustin at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow at Orange Coast College's LcBard Stadium. Girls Volleyball: defeated Saddleback 3-0. face Tustin at 3 p.m. tOday in an away match. Water Polo: The Sea Kings face Newpot Harbor this week. Crou Country: The Sea Kings will participate in the Sea View League finals tomorrow at 2 p.m. at Tustin High. Girls Tennis: faces Tustin at 3 p.m. in an away match. NEWPORT HARBOR Football: downed Tustin, J 7-IO. The Sailors play Estancia tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. in a home game. Girls Volleyball: defeated Estancia, 3-0. The Sailors face Saddle back at 7 p. m. in an away game. Water Polo: The Sailors face El Toro at 3 p.m. tomorrow in a home game. Cross Country: The Sailors will participate in league finals at 2 p.m. tomorrow at Tustin. Girls Tennis Harbor faces Saddleback at 3 p.m. today in an away meet. iud, but none of the hopes we had for the offense did,., he said. Mlnjuries were a part of it, but it's hard to put my finger on exactly what's gone wroi:ig. Wc11 just keep practicing and maybe one of these weeks we 11 wake up." Workman is 0-2 lif etimc against Riverside and Coach Barry Meier, who ended OCC's 4-0 start last year, 28-14. With the current Pirates play- ing very well def cnsively in every outing going into the Fullerton contest-yet losing three games by a combined 10 points-the potential for a blowout was never greater than against Ful- leton, which is undoubtedly the best team in the state despite its second-place ranking. Rather than get into a def en- Shryock. • • Cllll••• rr.,... 7 in times of 16:31 and 16:04. "You don't just give up and settle for No. 2 or something," he said ... Right now I probably have the most room to improve of anybody on this team. I think l 'm capable of improving my times 15 or 20 seconds. I've just got to realize that it's time to get goihg." No matter how well one indi- vid ual performs in cross coun- try, it is still a team sport. Depth and experience can make or break a team's chances. Cd M has one of the best cross country teams in Orange County mainly because in addition to Amertcan lleart. Assoclallon v sive struggle with the Pirates, the Hornets moved for scores in each of their first two posses- sions, biting off chuncks of yardage in little pieces on a J 3- play, 69-yard drive to open the game with a touchdown, then burning the Bucs on a SO-yard Victor Williams-to-Nick-John Haiduc bomb to set up the second touchdown. The Pirate defense settled down after that, giving up only a field goal the rest of the first half, but the Pirate offense was at its worst on this night. As usual, the Bucs dido 't move the ball, but even worse, coughed it up to the Hornet defense five times in OCC territory. With quarterback Steve Cal- houn injured and back-up Mike Lavelle, the Sea Kings have five or six other runners who can consistently place in the top 20 spots in meets. Shryock along with several others on the team including Paul Scott, Jay Lightburn, Hun- ter Pierce, Mike Marumoto, Chris Cannon, have been signif- icant factors in the Sea Kings success this year. "This team has a heck of a lot of depth. I think that's why we have a good chance of doing weU in CIF. We've had good teams in the past couple of years but they never have come together at the right moment," Shryock said . .. I think this team wiU. Our goal is to reach the CIF finals." Crowe calling the signals, OCC dido 't get its initial first down until late in the first half-that coming on a Fullerton personal foul-and fullback Jason McGehee fumbled the next play away to the Hornets at midfield, anyway. That was it in for the Bue offense in the first half-eight possessions for 20 plays, five ended by punts, two by lost fumbles and one by the gun signifying intermission. Things improved a little in the seoond half-the Pirates ended up with eight total first downs (four via Fullerton penalties) and 86 yards total offense-but it wasn't until the final play of the night, when Kevin McKelvie booted a 27-yard field goal, that they got on the scoreboard. Recently, Sumner said the Orange County Coaches Asso- . ciation contacted him about a · · list they were compiling of the best prep runners in the area. "They had Lavelle on the list but not Greg,., Sumner recalled. .. I told them Greg could beat half the runners they had on the list. They were surprised. They said they hadn't though of Greg," Sumner said. "You sec when most people think of Cd M's running pro- gram they only focus on Eddie Lavelle. But we \ie got two good reaJ good runners." Shryock said he plans to continue to run in college and he has spoke to several schools including Stanford so far. 2™ W. Coast Hl&bway, Suite 200 Newport BHcll, CA 92663 (71.f~.W.7090 KENNEDY CHIRO + MEDICAL IN COSTA MESA'S 11AR80lt/llAKER CENTER IMMEDIATa RELIEF OF •HEADACHES •WHIPLASH • PAINFUL JOINTS • LOW 8A(;f( PAI~ • BACK I NECt< PAIN • MUSClE St>ASMS • SCIATICA • SPORT INJURIES • PHY5'CAL THERAPY AVAILABLE DA MARK KENNEDY 545-5556 Popcorn Place Visit Us At Irvine Ranch Market in Atrium Court fashion Island JUST SOUTH OF THE 405 FREE WA 'f ON HARBOR BOULEVARD Lut Week's WlDner wu: (/ 'CAROLEE STEVENS/ ofCoaMaa ,wtth 15 Coned ~ Goal Line Gold Pick the teams you t hinll: will win dtis -.ett \ pma. aod mail them &o to Baker Communr· cationa. P.O. Boll 9)99, Newport 8cacb 926SI, or brift1lbembyowotrica11 901 Dowr Dr. Entries mlllt be ~kcd or br'oupt in by Friday. Contestant with moat comet chotca comina in fint winl the week .. graod prizie. 0 0 0 0 FRIDA\', NOYEMaEll 4 S-..7, No•••• 6 N91 ... Corona dcl Mar vs. Tustin 0 0 Tamp. Bay ll Oaicqo Ncwpon Harbor VI. Estancia 0 0 O.llu at NY Oiantl 0 Detroit I t MiMCIOl.I SATURDAY. NOVEAQER 5 0 San Francilco at Pllioe:nb OR ANOE CC VI. Rivenide City 0 0 New Oran• 1t Wubinston Oolden West va. Sadd&ebedt 0 0 NY Jett at lndianapoliJ UCLA vs. <lft1on 0 0 Kantat City at Denver USC v1. California 0 0 PiUtbtlrab at Cinclnnad 0 Buffalo at Seattle SUNDAY, NOVEMaU 6 0 Miami ll New En&Jand Raiden 11 San Die10 0 MONDA\', NOVEM9lR 7 Rama at Philadelphia 0 0 Green Bay at Atlanta 0 Cleveland at tloutton TIUR!Ak!R: Predkt tbe final total number of potntl ift tbe Monday niaht pine; YOUR NAM..._ ________ _ ADDRESS ----------..... CITY~~~~~~~~~--"'IP~~~·, TELEPHONE~---------___.~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Exclusively Model Rallroadlng Sales -Service -Detall Part• All Scaln Largnt Selection of UDNEL ~~~~~~lWO LGCAnoM~~~~~~- 211W ....... ......... 714/91.ao2 ON ATHANS lOll .... c...-. n415ff.1SM (714) 584-4992 tJOE 17th Street #15 Costa Mesa, CA 92627 Got An Event Coming Up? Lat Us Know ... 63·1-8120 -.r'ElllEI I, 1• THE NEWPORT EN8IGN-Nm I FOR CITY COUNCIL_ Mr. & Mrs. Bill Adams Mr. Don R. Adkinson Mr. Hank Adler Mr. & Mrs. Dick Allen Mr. & Mrs. Tony Allen Mr. & Mrs. Steve Askew Mr. & Mrs. Albert J. Auer Mrs. Barbara Aune Mr. Don Ayers, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Badham Ms. Betty Jo Bailey Mr. & Mrs. Sid Ball Mr. Hancock Banning Ill Mr. & Mrs. Rudy Baron Mr. Tom Bay Mr. & Mrs. Edward Benson Mr. & Mrs. Brooke Bentley Mrs. Marcia Bents Mr. & Mrs. David Blankenhom Mr. Mrs. William Blurock Mr. Harry M. Boon Mr. & Mrs. Fred Brooks Mr. & Mrs. Dave Carmichael Mr. Ken Carpenter Mr. Tom Casey Mrs. Jan Cassel Mr. Doug Cavenaugh Mr. & Mrs. Don Christenson Mr. Jon Christenson Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Cobb Ms. Martha Connelly Mr. John Coombe Mr. & Mrs. William D'Angelo Mr. & Mrs. Jim Dale Ms. Jan Oebay Mr. Hobart Denny Mr. & Mrs. Donovan Dorsey Mr. & Mrs. Robert Duke Mr. & Mrs. James Emmi Mr. Ernest Evans Mr. Tom Evans Mr & Mrs. Barry Faber Mr. Jeff Farwell Mr. J. Robert Fluor Mr. & Mrs. Oouatas Ford Ms. Judy Franco Mr. Steven Gabriel Mr. Michael Gering Mr. & Mrs. Phil Glasgow Mrs. BeBee Gomberg Or. Mike Gooing Or. Tim Gooina Join the people who support managed gr0-wth, property rights, positive solutions for ground and air transportation, and an improved quality of life for teens, seniors and all Newport . :..-: ......... Beach residents. Mr. & Mrs. Clark Graves Ms. Debbie Gray Mr. & Mrs. John Gray Mr. & Mrs. Art Gronsky Mr. & Mrs. William Grundy Ms. Bonnie Hamilton Or. Bill Hardy Dr. Carolyn Hardy Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Harrington Mr. & Mrs. William Harris Mr. & Mrs. Russ Hardt Mr. Mark Hart Mr. & Mrs. Terry Hartman Mr. Dennis Harwood Or. & Mrs. Loren Heather Mr. John Hefferman Mr. Doy Henley Mr. & Mrs. Gavin Herbert Mr. & Mrs. Jack Hochadel Mr. Hat Holleman Mr. & Mrs. Grant Howald Mr. Walter Howald Mr. Bill Hughes Ms. Linda Hughes Mr. Ted Inouye Mr. & Mrs. Scott Jackson Mr. & Mrs. Richard Jaffe Mr. William Buck Johns Ms. Gotdie Joseph Mr. & Mrs. Ron Jurgensen Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kane Mr. Bryan Karcher Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Kerr Mr. & Mrs. James Kerrigan Mr. & Mrs. Morris Kirk Mr. & Mrs. Ray Kovacs Mr. John Kubas Mr. David 8. Kuhn. Jr Mr. John C. Kuhn Mr. & Mrs. Bob Lake Mr. Richard Lawrence Mr. & Mrs. Richard Leek • Mr. Scott Parks Letellier Mr. Robert Levin Mr. Norman Loats Mr. & Mrs. Gerry Long Mr. Richard Luehrs Mr. & Mrs. William Lusk Mr. Thomas Mallos Ms. Jackie Manion Mr. & Mrs. Dick Marowitz Join the people who support Ralph Rodheim for city council. Following is a partial list of our supporters. Mrs. Doreen Marshall Mr. & Mrs. Frank Marshall Ms. Leah Marshall Mr. & Mrs. Robert Marshall Or. David Martyn Mr & Mrs. Phil Maurer Mr. & Mrs. Bill Maxwell Mr. Robert Mccurdy Mr. Robert McCaffrey Mr. Bill McCullough Ms. Lestye McRae Mr. & Mrs. Ron Merriman Mr. & Mrs. Paul Michalckzyk Mr. Edwin Meserve Mr. & Mrs. E.O. Morgan Mrs. Patricia Morse Mrs. Patricia Munger Mr. & Mrs. James Muzzy Mr. Gary L. Myers Mr. & Mrs. Carl Neisser Mr. & Mrs. Peter Ochs Mr. & Mrs. Robert Oeding Mr. Josh Oocak1r Mr. Tom Orlando Mr. Dennis O'Neil Mr. & Mrs. James Palda, Jr. Mr. Tom Peckenpaugh Or. Ross Peters Ms. Dayna Pettrt Mr. Gary Pemeroy Mr. & Mrs. John Porter Mr & Mrs. Stephen Prough Mr. & Mrs. Dave Quisling Mr. Jack Raub Mr. & Mrs. Walkie Ray Mr. & Mrs. Don Rayner Mr. & Mrs. Jay Reed Mr. Ronald Regan Mr. & Mrs. R.T. Reinhold Ms. Linda R1chley Mr. & Mrs. David Riley Mr. & Mrs. Tom Riley Mr. & Mrs. William Ring Mr. Brett Rodheim Ms. Nedra 8. Rodheim Mr. Melton Rodheim Mr. & Mrs. Dan Rogers Or. Tom Rogers Mr. & Mrs. Michael Rombold Ms. Carolyn Roquet Mr. Dennis Rosene Mr. & Mrs. Alan Ryp1nsk1 Mr. & Mrs.. Paul Salata Mr. & Mrs. Steve Sandland Mr. & Mrs. Cary Sarnoff Mr. & Mrs. Jim Schober Mr. & Mrs. Tom Schock Mr. & Mrs. Deck Schroeder Mr. & Mrs. Jack Seelhorst Mr. & Mrs. Robert Shackleton Mr. & Mrs. Frank Smith Mr. Raymond Smith Mr. Robert B. Smrth Mr. Robert Smith Mr. & Mrs. Tom Spa~s Or. & Mrs. Les Starnes Ms. Carolyn Starr Mr. Marshall Steele Mr. Michael Stephens Mr. Tom Stephenson Ms. Mary Petropoulos Stewart Mr. & Mrs. Tom Stilley Mr. Gten Stillwell Or. David Stone Mr. Jeff Stone Mr. & Mrs. Tim Strader Mr. & Mrs. James Straw Mr. & Mrs. Tom Sutton Mr. A.Z. Taft Ms. Kathryn Thompson Mr. Arvid Tillmar Mr. & Mrs. Phil Tozer Mr. & Mrs. Jim Tucker Ms. Jill Tyter Mr. & Mrs. Ted Tyler Mr & Mrs. Dave Ullman Mr. & Mrs. Doug Wall Mr. Dick Wandrocke Mr. & Mrs Michael Watkins Mr. & Mrs. Loren Weiss Mr. & Mrs. Keith Welputt Mr. & Mrs. John Wertin Mr. Gordon West Ms. Lucy Whipple Mr. & Mrs. Robert Wilcox Mr. Tom Wilek Ms. Janet Winterhalder Mr. Jim Wood Mr. William Wren Mr. & Mrs. Dick Wriaht Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Wynkop Or. Nick C. Yaru Newport 8uch Police Emptoyees Auoci.tlon. Inc. Newport a.ch Fire f1chters Associabe>n, Inc. Newport Harbor Aru Chamber of CommeR:e Newport Hartlor Costa MeM Board °' Reeltors VOTE TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 8 RALPH RODHEIM FOR CITY COUNCIL Campaian 10 #881345 Paid for by Citizens for Ralph Rodhe1m PME If •H IHI I, 1• THE NEWPORT ENSIGN Andersen's Kovac lauded for contributions BY BONNIE ENGSTROM When you first meet this petite, quiet and unassuming lady, you arc unaware of her energy and drive. It's the laugh that gives it away with its spar- kling spontaneity and the elfin grin that accompanies it. Though Karen Kovac has many special gifts: writing, organizing, implementing programs. the one that means the most to Andersen School parents is her ability to give self-confidence to their children with learning disabili- tics. Karen ·s ability to instill self- worth and a sense of accom- plishment as a resource specialist teacher has earned her a spot in the limelight this morning as she l>ecomes a recipient of the Orange County Board of Edu- cation Outstanding Contribu- tion to Education Award. Work- ing with children who have minor disabilities such as mar- ginal auditory processing prob- lems to major dyslexsia, she has developed teaching techniques geared especially for them. Understanding their frustration and disappointment in not being able to work at a normal class- room pace, she motivates them with a reward system based on specific accomplishments. Each child has daily sessions with Karen during which they learn responsibility by tracking their individual progress on charts in tandem with a "chip earning" system. Not only do children feel a sense of pride in their daily growth, but they earn fun excur- !CONS R CRITICS HA.VE SPOON ••• ''¥""' ''t • THUMBS DOWN ON PROPOSITION 106 ··~AS1Y LlITLE MEASURE ... ·· "'"an l·xampk 1lr -.pill' m .A\.'tion a nasry littk mt:asurt> hy insuren. ... \\ ould not rl·dun· IO'lur.inc.T ratt.·~ lhn~cr ... < ul .. '>ff c.:oun at·u-ss for middle: inl·ome Californian~ \ le: no on to6." I.\ ii\!~• riJllORIAI o, I t ~ i'>HH "AN 18-KARAT TIJRKEY ... ,, "Proposition I 06 is Jn I :-<-,ur.u tur1cl·y. ;md you'll tx-st not h11y it " "' .. \ ('t 111 l•JKH "A REAL DISASTER ... " "106 wa.' wrilll'n h~· and for insur.uic.:c c.:ompanies. It won'r lower in~ur.mc.:c r.ttt~ ll ~ r.ai~.: insurJnn· \.:ompany profits. II'~ a real disa.~ter ... \\ Jhl r /.dman. <.<>~MON< Al , .. "NO ON 106 ... ,, llm·~ "'~J~:r. < .ON~t 'Mf.M ' NIO"ll "The Wot'St insurance: company initiative of all. .. Wrecb current system allowing Amerkans to pay lawyers onty if they win ... No ~ctions on Insurance Company Lawyers ... OnJy the consumer lawyers are restricted." RALPH NADER FACTS *Insurance spokesman l'Om:cdes I 06 will not reduce rates. * EJfcctivcty forn-s * Consumer and c.:onsumers and smaJI • environmental law· San Oit'go Union, ()-l·AA * I 06 lcavc~ the insur· ann.· industry free to cJo whatever tht."}' want to. while· it d~ your rights! businessmen to pay huge suits vinually eliminiued. hourly rates they can't :dfonl. * Prop. I 06 ~ricts only the 5 or I O'X1 of California lawyers willing to take: contingency ft'l.' CiL'i<.-S Dcx.-sn 't touch the I nsu r.&m ~ Co. lawyers. * lnsuram.·t· C.ompanics spending over $43 mllllon on propositions I 0 I, I 04 ;,nd I 06. sions to Raging Waters, roller skating parties and McDonald's. There is no stigma attached to leaving the regular classroom to go to Mrs. Kovac's. There is, in fact, a bit of envy displayed by the other students who are not in her special program. When those who are part of this unique situation return to the formal classroom setting, their hidden talents are comfortably expressed. and their self-esteem is so enhanced that they assim- ilate quite naturally. Many other Andersen students view these .. special needs" children as "lucky" to be able to go to Mrs. Kovac's classroom. Karen has made a great impact on Andersen School and Newport Mesa education in general. She wrote the AB803 Grant for $8,000 to improve its computer program and establish a lab with a full-time instructor. She has been a PT A faculty liaison for two years and a school site alternate. She is a member of the NMUSD's Citi- zens• Advisory Committee and the NMUSD Citizens' Budget Committee. She has been a fund- raiser for the United Way and the Council for Exceptional Children Research, and spear- headed the development of the Environmental Nature Center, having served as an officer, contributing member and four- year docent. As a Junior League art docent, she solicited paint, organized work parties and appeared in her jeans and sweat- shirt· to help paint the interior of the Mardan Center of Edu- cational Therapy in Costa Mesa. She has taught Junior Ebell Art workshops and Girl Scout babysitting clinics. as well as volunteering at Costa Mesa Well-baby and Immunization Clinics. Her involvement in these programs reflects the emphasis she places on safety and prevention. She imple- mented the first .. safe homes" program for children in the Eastbluff and the Harbor View Homes areas, and she organized a drive to install stop signs at a dangerous four-way intersec- tion at East bluff Drive and Bixia where school children crossed. This particular project included making it a safety priority with city officials by attending coun- cil meetings and working with traffic engineers. and organizing mothers to act as crossing guards temporarily. Karen's most recent involve- ment has been extremely unique. She was invited by Andersen Principal Bruce Crockard to be a member of the four-~rson application writing committee for the California Distinguished School Award and lent her abilities to writing the applica- tion for the National Exemplary School Award. Her input and writing talenls helped the school quaJify for and win both distinc- tions. Last month she and her husband were part of a group that traveUed to Washington DC with Bruce Crockard and NMUSD Trustee Judy Franco to meet President Ronald Rea- gan and receive the national award. A memorable experience for a memorable teacher! As a member of Junior Ebell. Karen has received the Citizen of the Year Award. the Woman of the Year Award and the Chairman of the Year Award. She has been listed in the J 974 Outstanding Women of Amer- ica. and during the same year received the Disneyland Com- munity Service Award for her instrumental work with the Environmental Nature Center. -----1 BEYOND THE BASICS What is really special to me about mentioning all of the above is that these are little known facts and facets of Kar- en's personality and involve- ment. 1 had a child who was fortunate to be instructed and influenced by Karen for three years at Andersen. While always grateful for the "'gift" of her expertise and innovative tech- niques. 1 never was aware that she had extended herself so far into so many lives. Karen has been an active member of PTA for what my grandmother called .. upteen" years. Knowing this. and now know- ing all of her involvement for children everywhere, I consider her a true advocate of all chil- dren, just like the PT A motto. Her volunteerism, and what she brings to her prof cssional arena, contributes in some way to the well-being of all children. Her special gift is making children believe in themselves! Eat:h m onth the Orange County Department of Educa- tion grants several Outstanding Contribution to Education A wards to professionals. volun- teers and county and district employees who have extended themselves beyond the guide- lines of their commirments to enhance the well-being of Orange County students. All school districts and organiza- 1 ions are invited to submit nominees. Contact Phyllis Ber- enbeim, Orange County Depart- ment of Education. P. 0 . Box 9050. Costa Mesa. 92628-9050 or call 966-4 I 28. ••• Bonnie Engstrom is a memhe: of the Corona de/ Mar High School PTA , the Harb or Coun- cil PT A and st>rves as a chairman on Fourth Disrrirt PTA . rnE AMERICAN HEART ASSCCIATivN MEMORIAL PR<ERAM \NfRE FIGHl I ~ ('n 'OJRUFf ~~ c ti a l 4 \ s I \ s (. l t ( ' ' c ( s ! ( l j ' Police Blotter The Poltee Btotter 1s presented as a public serv1Ce from the Newport Ensign deta1lm1 crimes and arrests in Newport Beach. It should be noted that crimes listed are only those wt11ch are reported to the Newport Beach Police Depart~nt and arrests made are only those SU$pected of cmnes and not those convicted MONDAY, OCT. 17 CRIMES 0940 -Computer equipment valued at $2,450 was reported stolen from Pacesetter Homes located at 4540 Campus. 1230 - A leather jacket valued at $500 and miscellaneous items valued at $60 were reported stolen from a residence in the 4000 block of Seashore. 2205 -A prowler was reported in the 1600 block of West Bal- boa. ARRESTS 0130-Laura Ann Kirstein. 26. of Newport Beach was arrested on suspicion of drunk driving. 0250 -Fernando Toledo Comaparan. 21 , of Santa Ana was arrested on suspicion of carrying a concealed weapon in a vehicle. 0410-Laurra Lynn Ruehl. 25, of Costa Mesa was arrested on suspicion of drunk driving. 0700 -Michael Wayne Lester, 18, of Mira Loma was arrested on suspicion of receiving known stolen property. 1000 -David Chavaria Rodri- guez. 31, a transient was arrested o n suspicion of giving false information to a police officer. TUESDAY, OCT. 18 CRIMES 0820 -A camera valued at $225 was reported stolen from unattended beach possessions in the vicinity of Corona del Mar State Beach. I 005 -Bicycles vaJued at S500 were reported stolen from a garage in the 400 block of Via Lido Nord. 1600 -A ring valued at S500 was reported stolen from a bag at the Newport Beach Sail Club. 1705 -A watch valued at $80. a jacket valued at $350, coins totaling approximately S 120 and a straw bag valued at $6 were reported stolen from a residence in the 3000 block of Clay. ARRESTS 0345 -Lee Matthew Clyde, 20, of Orange was arrested on sus- picion of shooting at an occu- pied dwelling. 0245 -Jeffrey Mideo Okuda. 23, of Irvine was arrested o n suspicion of shooting at an occupied dwelling. 1800 -Mark James Pedicone. 26, of Santa Ana was arrested on suspicion of driving on a suspended license. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 19 CRIMES 0800 -Vandals reportedly caused $500 in damage to a vehicle in the 300 block of East Balboa. 0910 -Jewelry valued at $3,200 was reported stolen from a residence in the 1900 block of Port Bishop. 1300 -An attempted commer- cial burglary was reported in the 3400 block of Via Opporto. 1415 -Currency totaJing $180, a calculator valued at SI 85 , a radio vaJued at SI 80, and clo- thing valued at $260 were reported stolen from a residence in the 400 block of North New- port. 1630 -An attempted auto burglary was reported in the 400 block of Irvine. ARRESTS 0030 -Andrea Marie Harris, 26. of Irvine was arrested on s uspicion of drunk driving. 2210 -Randal Jack Winke- pleck. 40, of Laguna Beach was arrested on suspicion of drunk dnvmg. THURSDAY, OCT. 20 CRIMES Largest S.lectlon of UDNEL on th• West Co•st Laige S.lecllon ol cl CO :I> llosll'#2021D Rea. 1995" Special S69995 1400 -A boat motor valued at SSOO and msicellancous naut- ical supplies valued at S 1,300 were reported stolen from a boat in the 1100 block of Back Bay Drive. 1400 -Vandals reportedly caused $200 in damage to a vehicle in the 300 block of Hospital Road. 2240 -Camera equipment valued at $450 was reported stolen from a vehicle in the 600 block of Irvine. ARRESTS 0130 -Michael Sean Redden, 25. of Newport Beach was arrested on suspicion of disor- derly conduct. 0920-Drew WaJter Noyes. 32, of Irvine was arrested on suspi- cion of commercial burglary. 1845 -Jesus Mario Esparza, 18, of Santa Ana was arrested on suspicion of giving false information to a police officer. 2250 -Jacques Joseph Pellet- ier. 42. a transient was arrested o n suspicion of disorderly con- duct. FRIDAY, OCT. 21 CRIMES 0245 -A case of suspicious circumstances was reported in the 2200 block of Bayside. 1100 -Vandals reportedly caused $200 in damage to a vehicle in the 800 block of Seagull. 1430 -Vandals reportedly caused $300 in damage to a vehicle in the 4500 block of MacArthur. 1615 -Rings valued at SJ 2,500 were reported stolen from a residence in the 3800 block of Inlet Isle Drive. ARRESTS 0030 -Ariel Ernest Colombo. l 8, a transient was arrested on suspicion of trespassing. 2335 -Catherine Parker. 45, of Huntington Beach was arrested on suspicion of drunk driving. SATURDAY. OCT. 22 CRIMES 1330 -A stereo recei\er valued at $500 was repo rted stolen from a residence in the 400 block of East Balboa. • We Build Custom Layouts Call us tor All Your Service and Repair Needs! ---------2 ............... ·-=--------~ ~1W-~ J::-8.::. .... .... 7141149ot .. ' . .al .. I. 1• THE NEWPORT ENSIGN_,. II ARRESTS 0230 -Kenneth Ray Kestle, 21 , of Huntington Beach was arrested on suspicion of contri- buting to the delinquency of a minor. 0305 -Jose Rosario Delgado, 35, of Costa Mesa was arrested on suspicion of misdemeanor- drunk driving. NEWPORT BEACH RF.SIDENTS CALL TO ACTION OIY ~ TI.JIS)AY NOV 8 Here Are the Newport Bach City Council Candidates Recommended by the BUlinat and Community Political Action Committee of The Newport Harbor Area Chamber of Commerce:• District 2 RUTHEL YN PLUMMER As your city councilwom- an since 1980, Ruthelyn re- mains dedicated to her posi- tion and numerous civic bet- terment projects. This prom- inent leader is the director of the Orange County Sanita- tion District and the Orange County Flood Control Dis- trict. and a trustee of the Orange County Vector Agency. Endorsed by Mar- cia Bents, Honorable Jackie Heather. James Roosevelt, Bette & Phil Tozer and Dorothy Yardley. District 5 RALPH RODHEIM A prominent local busi- nessman and upstanding citi- zen. Ralph is the current Chairman of the State Boat- ing and Water Ways Com- mission and Marian Berge- son Aqu~tic Center. He is on the board ofdirecrorsforthe World Trade Center of Orange County and is a past president of the Newport Harbor Arca Chamber of Commerce. Endorsed by Councilman Phil Maurer. Newpo rt Beach Police Employees Association, Newport Beach Firefighters Associa- tion. Congressman Bob Badham, -M Board of Realtors. Honorable Doreen Marshall. Honorable Mayor Jackie Heather and Assemblyman Gil Ferguson. District 7 JOHN C. COX, JR. As an outstanding city ----------. councilman for eight years, Mayor John C. Cox. Jr. remains committed to the Newport Beach business com- munity. Serving his second term as Mayor, John is on the board of directors of the Orange County Transporta- tion Corridor Agency and the Orange County Sanita- tion District. Endorsed by Councilman Phil Maurer. Senator Marian Bergeson. Assemblyman Gil Ferguson. Supervisor Tom Rile). Mayor Dan Young. Mayor John Erskine. Mayor Donn Hall and Councilman Bob Lindberg. These Candidates Oppose the Proposed Traffic Management Initiative -Measure K VOTE NO ON MEASURE K S how Your Ballot Power and Let Your Voice Be Heard! • Caochdates Plummer. Rodhcim and Colli are unafllhatcd in their 1ndi,-ldual btd for election and in no rqatd constitutu '"tickct.•11\ey ha,,.~ "mpt bttn endoned. foUowiQa a careful ~icw of q1&&1ifations. b tbt Business And Commuruty Political Action Committ~ (BAC PAC) of 1ht ewpon Harbor Ara Cbambtt of Commetce. aAC~llencw-....., .. ........., ... llC~endblMI I IJ'l...,..,..,..,....~ •-cw11•!11tt ~,..Al•-"*'....--••P'• 9"""' ,,_, contna tD ~MC~ membert,..._. tNllaWllll....,,....~,.._M ........ tD1M~ ~ -MC""""'"._ en~'* WI~----·-MIOfGt9Y THI ..... AltlD OCWUNm' PO.ITICM.AC'llCJH QWI I IU Of M ~*"80ilt //IM>.~'11 OOIH l[RC(. wuovr IMOM, ~ IOIG11M What to look for in buying utility stocks If you 're wondering where to invest now that so many sectors of the stock market have shot up spectacularly, you should take a close look at electric utility stocks. Select utilities off er investors the advantages of relatively high income, relatively low ris k and-even now-con- side rable po tential for price appreciation. Mo reover. the current outlook fo r the industry is more positive than it has been for some time, according to Shearson Lehman Brothers' Equity Research Department. The good news a bout the util it y ind ustry i~ that it is in a slow-growth ph ase. While slow growth usually s pells trouble for an industry, it is favorable for utilities because it means less spending fo r construction and considerably lowe r external fina ncing requirements. As cap- ital spendi ng 'i lows. utilities generate excess cash. whi ch enables them to st renghen their balance sheets and secure their dividend payouts. It also enables them to diversify into unregu- lated businesses that could enhance their earning power. Utility companies are now diversifying into various busi- nesses including: insurance, other financial sen ice.~. .;c1 n- struction, cable TV and equip- ment leasing. Unlike the regu- lated electric business. these activities are not gove rnment- regulated and therefore repre- se nt a potential supplement to the utilities' regulated earnings base. T he cur rent low-infl ation, low-interest-rate environment in the United States also has a positive impact on utilities. It helps them reduce their older, hi gh-cost de bt and pref erred stock by refinancing with lower- coupon issues. And . of course, lower interest costs help increase earnings a nd ultimately benefit shareholders. The key to investing in sound utilities today is skillful selec- tion, because each utility issue has a different risk/ reward ratio. The best approach is to ask your financial consultant for analyst recommendations that fit your goals and investment style. But before you buy any utility stock. ma ke sure you can answer these questions: • What are the utility's con- struction plans for the ne xt few years? ln general. the less the better. Steer away from a com- pany just embarking on a multi- year, multi-billion-dollar con- struction program. • What are the projections for cash flow, earnings and divi- dends? You want to sec relatively high cash flow expectations and projections of earnings and dividends above the anticipated industry average of about 4 percent. • How is the utility meeting new competition? In some areas of the country, large-scale users (industrial customers) of power can now shop for the lowestcost- energy sources, including inde- pendent power producers or other utilities. Look fo r utilities that use "incentive rate making" to preserve their industrial cus- tomer base. And favor large. efficient compa nies. which are likely to grow even st ronger in the future as they take over sma ll. weaker utilities in their markets. • What does the stock's yield say about its risk? As is true fo r all stocks, lower-risk utility issues yeild less than those with higher risks. In all likelihood . utilities offering the highest yields are the ones still construct- ing nuclear plants or trying to get completed plants approved for operation so they can begin earning income on total assets. To reap the generous yields of such utilities while limiting your exposure to the ri sks, try this tactic: Since many nuclear proj- ects are built by gro ups of utilities, buy the stock of only one of the utilities in construct- ing a particular nuclear plant. • Finally. what is the stock's rating? If rating services li ke Standard & Poor 's. Moody's and Duff & Phelps. rate the stock highly, you can be reason- ably sure that its fina nces are sound , its debt load is manage- able and its d ividends are ecure. Give me a call at (7 14 ) 955- 7567 if you have any question~ o n how to in vest in utilities. directl y or indirectl y. A.'en Tokash is a financial < onsultanr with S hearson Leh- man Hu11on in Newp ort Beach. Fran Foster has joined New- port Pacific Funding Corp. as a loan consultant. Foster has 18 years of real estate experience and will focus her attention on the Huntingto n Beach and Fountain Valley areas. Van Mc Cory has been named general manager of Lynne Valentine Properties, Inc., a Newport Beach real estate firm specializing in upscale proper- ties. McCory will be responsible for overseeing company opera- tions, planning and agent devel- opment. Business Brie__,.....__~ ••• Senio r vice president Robert G. Hill has been promoted to cashie r at Marine National Bank. Hill joined the bank in 1986 after 14 years with Bank of Utah, where he last served as vice president, human resources. ••• ••• General contractor Elliott Corporation reports that it has started construction of the $ J million remodel and facelift of W estcliff Court, a 40,000 square- foot commercial office and retail center in Newport Beach. Located on Westcliff Drive between Dover and Irvine, Westcliff Court consists of 27 retail shops and professional and commercial offices that border two interior courtyards. ••• The Allen Marketinc Group. a full-service public relations firm, has moved to larger offices ELECT THIS MAN! Newport Beach City Council PAUL RYCKOFF has a solid record as COUNCILMAN and MAYOR-and as a principal in Newport 2000-working for low density/less traffic-and with the commitment to push for action on our traffic problems. Mr. & Mrs. Oon Lage Mr. & Mra. J.W. Christy Janet K. Shaw Joseph Sahagen Roger Vandergrift Barry Allen Patricia Emison Co11 George Rushforth Mr. Hugh S. Llvle W.F. Robinson, M O Leon East I A. Brumagln Don Beatty Ken & RhOda Martyn Warren H. White June Atkin H. Seymour Beek C.A. Bogenrlef E.F. Ellison Tom C. Rogers • Jan Va~t. M.O Patty Ann Holl•ndef' Dorothy Strause Biii Mof'tl• Barbera G. Stabler Wiiiiam Lange Ant1'ony 0. Chrttcopher Dr. Chattel I eo,..,, Hamburger Byron J. 81AMll LeoHann1 Mlf'IOrle Ancferlon OonatdF.~ Trudy P. Aogeta JllMI Y. Witt M.O. Endorsed by: (Partial List) Partrlcla Brock Robert M. Batton Richard H. Mazy Francia Odell Celesta Gosline George & Mary lnglea George M. Crall Bob & Shlrtey KnutMn Roland & Marie Cleft! Hubert & Jackie Pirkle B. Blelckman Thoma R. Fredericka Wiiiiam L. Theobald Helen & Jack Reeder Mra. Floyd McKay Robert. R. Longpre Maxine Czlany-Laraon George E. Hewitt Ruth Theis J. Arthur C.ncel K. Coo.te John I Sue Pettenon J.D. Gambill A.Bartow Stu a Ann Rowe Oef'akt a Sendra ErMrtc>n Paul L. Hunwnet LenlJow'I~ CtaudNI H. Mlrtcln John E. Wettie w1n11m L. TOdd ~Powrt F,.,. Roblnlon JeenW• • (Pmid tor br the come• .... to._, PU~ Pttlllp D. Farmar Mr. a Mra. Homer Reed Thomas P. Walker Mr. & Mrs. Robert Underwood Allen L. Blum C.P. Ripley Robert N. De Rienzo George & Mary Butler Brian Toweraey 1 Richard w. Powell Marian Parks Mr. & Mra. Ben Schmid Arthur Goldateen. M.O Elaine Llnhoff S.O. Sholkoff PautE.Lenk Marjorie Van Udeo Jay P. & Judy Cooper W.NoelKey .. H. Rosi & Volle Miiier Neflle A. RMllet JOMph J . Ingraham Mr. & Ml'9. Chaf'1ee M. Hiii Mr. & Mrt. O.K. ~ JottnP.NMI 811 Pertea ""' • .lounge ca.r-aM9ltock =-...... Prett c.otlne A. Clucm ~AOMMr ~ & Tom Howton A*n .... at 4000 dirch Street, Suite 201- B, Newport Beach. The new telephone number is 724-1916 and FAX number is 724-1839. ••• Dayton Larson and Rocer Wud recently joined Newport Pacific Construction, a leading Orange County construction firm, as project supervisors. Larson and Ward , who together have more than 40 years experience in the construction industry, will begin supervising several apartment projects underway in Anaheim. ••• Roclbeim Muketin1 recently announced the addition of J. Ray Construction to its client base. The account will be managed by Michelle Lamp her, marketing director and Leslye HlllRJ 1• M 1111115 MAXWFll.HOUSE' PRIVATE COl.LECTION. FOR THOSE WHO APPRF.CIATE COFREAT ITS FINEST. Our coffees are made from onJy the finest beans. All hand-picked, gently blended and roasted to their peak perfection. Then vacuum-packed for maximum freshness. There are ten other distinctively delicious coffees in the Maxwell Ho~ Private Collection. Also available in naturally decaffeinated. t t ] ) J ( i Mite Farrell from the hit television show MASH will be the special guest at a benefit for Peace Politics '88 on Thursday, Nov. 3 at 7:30 p.m. at 1972 Port Bristol in Newport Beach. A $30 dfonation is suggested. For more information, call S43-19S8. Meetings and events •m B I. t• THE NEWPORT EN8IGN-W II itors at the Festival of AIU. Tbc show will be held Sunday, Nov. 13, DOOD~ p.m. at the l.acb home studio, I SO I Anita Lane in Newport Beach. off Dover and W cstcliff. ••• The Seventh Annual Reach Out Awards and Auction for the Newport-Costa Mesa YMCA will be held on Fri., Nov. 4 at the Newport Beach Marriott Hotel. The theme of this year's black tie event is Up Up and Away. Bob Robins, Kenneth Fowler and Ann Lewis will be honored with a Reach Out award for their years of dedication to Orange County. In keeping with the event's theme, many of the items in both the silent and voice auctions evolve around flight and travel. ••• The First Annual Holiday Craft Fair sponsored by the OASIS Senior Center is sched- uled for Nov. 5 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Current solicitation is taking place for individuals to display and sell their handmade crafts and gift items. Anyone Briefs ... ...... ~tr.,... 14 McRae, public relations coordi- nator. • •• wishing to display and sell items must be a member of OASIS. Membership is SS and to $20 to rent a table. Call Kathy Ready at 644-3244 for more information. ••• The Zonta Club of Newport Harbor will be holding its annual craft fair and gift bazaar on Friday, Nov. 4 from S-9 p.m. and on Saturday, Nov. S from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The Zonta clubhouse is located at 15th and Irvine acFoss from Newport Harbor High School. Proceeds will support local charities. ••• Bullocks Wilshire, long known for its luxurious fashion shows, will have an informal modeling of the fall and holiday collection from British designer Alexon on Sat., Nov. S, 1-3 p.m. at the Newport Beach store. For more information. call Misty Chadwick at 213 / 382-616 J. ••• Learn to create your own delicious tortes and European pastries at a workshop in the Orange Coast College kitchen laboratory on Sat., Nov. 5 at 9:30 a.m. The workshop will be conducted by Livia Siposs. Call 432-5880 for more information. ••• On Sunday, Nov. 6 from J- 2:30 p.m., there will be a tidcpool walk at Crystal Cove Puk. Meet at Reef Point for an informative walk through this natural set- ting. Call 494-3539 for more information. • •• The Coastline Chapter of B'nai B'rith Women will meet at 7:30 p.m., Wed., Nov. 9 at the Irvine Boys and Girls Club at 295 East Yale Loop in Irvine. Lydia Hao of the University Branch Library will review the book written by Nancy friday entitled "My Mother, Myself." Refreshments will be served and all area women are invited to attend. For a ride or mem- bership information, call S44- 4924 or 786-6270. ••• The City of Newport Beach Pub, BeacMI and Recreation Department is hosting a f cw Holiday Arts and Craft Fair at Mariner's Park on Saturday, Nov. 12 and Sunday, Nov. 13, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The fair is full of novelty handmade, handcrafted ornaments, holiday decorations, country crafts, jewelry and local artists display- ing their specialties. Mariner's Park is located on the comer of Irvine and Dover Drive. Food and entertainment will be provided by local enter- tainers and non-profit organiza- tions. ••• A special holiday exhibit will feature works by Mada Leach of Newport Beach, Ernestine Raab Green and Lynda Nichol- son of Laguna Beach, all exhib- ••• The CitJ of Newport 8eacla is now offering programs for scnion at its new West Newport Center, 833 W. lSth Street~ between Monrovia and Placen- tia. Two programs are beginning on Nov. 10, chair exercises, sponsored by the Arthritis Foundation. Classes arc Thurs- days, 10:30-11 :30 a .m. and are free. Personal fitness is the other class on Thursdays. It is offered from 8-9:30 a.m. and the fee is S2.SO for nine weeks. For registration and information, call Celeste or Kathy at OASIS at 644-3244. ••• The Lapm Bach Free Clinic is offering free flue shots for seniors during the month of November. Individuals are asked to call the clinic at 494- 0761. The shots will be given on Monday afternoons, 1-4 p.m. Donations are always accepted. Hornblower Dining Yachts has announced the move of its Newport Beach office to expanded quarters at the new Mariners Mile Marine Center. The Coast Highway location will accommodate all sales person- nel, food and beverage opera- tions, guest parking and docking for two of the three-vessel fleet . OFFERS. •• ••• Newport Beach resident Melanie Cox has joined Wet Seal as director o f product development. In this position, Cox will oversee the design, manufacture and production of Wet Seal's new private label junior clothing collection. She will be instrumental in all aspects of product development. ••• Carol DiGiore has joined Newport Pacific Funding as a loan consultant. DiGiorc will work with commercial and resi- dential loan clients for Newport Pacific. • •• lnterCommunic:ationslnc has been selected by British-based Costain Homes to develop a marketing and advertising pro- gram for its Southern California projects. Costain is developing a 2,000-unit master-planned adult community in Riverside County, eight miles south of the City of Corona. ••• Taylor Woodrow Homes, a Newport Beach-based development firm accomplished a virtual milestone in construc- tion quality, when new owners reported not a single problem in 19 out of 30 newly-built homes at its Monaco community, dur- ing recent walk-through inspec- tions. A zero-item walk-through happens only when the homeowner and the customer service representative arc tho- roughly satisfied with every f acct of the new home . ••• HedleJ Bailden of Newport Beach, bu constructed a S 1.4 million, three-story commercial off ace building for Larry Nelson and Vincent Von Der Abe of NVCU Partners. % • Current Ra1:e * Annual Yield % • CKING •FUNDS FSLIC INSURED FOR SAFETY •EARN A PREMIUM RATE WITH COMPLETE LIQUIDITY -AT ANY TIME •A M1NIMUM BALAN:E OF ONLY $10,000 AND YOU MAY DEPOSIT AS MUCH AS $99,999 •PREMIUM CHECKING AVAaABLE AT MORE TilAN 187 LOCATIONS 1HROUGHOlTf CALIFORNIA •NO PENALTY R:>R FARLY WITHDRAWAL! YOUR RJNDS ARE AVAILABLE WHEN YOU NEED THEM IF YOU HAVE ANY QUFBTIONS REGARDING AMERICAN SAVINGS WE WELCOME YOUR CALL. 1-800-24 7-7197 Mon. -Sat. 8 A.M. to 8 P.M. *c,ertajn ~ODS apply. . Thia rate ii offered for a· limited time ooly and ia aubtec:t to chanp wrt.bout notice. The rate will be ~ if the balance drops ~ 110.000. Annual yield AMERICAN SAVINGS, A FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION•llaA• - - - ,_II ... 191. l•THENEWPORT ENSIGN Socie It was a busy week for Harborlites FundSy proved to be another "grand slam .. winner for United Western Medical Centers. Some 670 guests gathered for the 11th annual black-tic dinner-dance featuring ht!ndreds of auction items. Boullon, James Boyd, Michael Braun, Sandra and Gerald Bro- die, Robert Cooke, Sigrie Dasaro, George DuPont, Mary Lou and Rush Hilborn, Gordon Crystal Court. Later in the afternoon The Great Chefs of Orange County displayed some marvelous cuisine down at the Dana Point Resort Hotel bcne- On Saturday, the Sandpipers hosted their black-tie Harlequin Ball at the Four Seasons; mean- while supporters of the Newport Harbor Art Museum met at South Coast Plaza. Sponsored by The Gold Club, chairs were Corinne Brewster and Dennis Blanchard. Assisting were Zee Allred, Hal Seger- strom, Vicki Hill, Lori Sukoff, Kathy Cheek, Betty Palmer, Kathy Law, Trudy Passo, Karen Van Pelt, Kathy Rodibaugh, Margaret Blower, Dede Black- man, Claire McNair and Roger Bleau. Harborlites Friday, the Assistance League of Newport Beach sponsored their spectacular Treasure Auc- tion at the Registry, while Orange County Philharmonic Ladies gathered at the Irvine Marriott for their annual fashion show and luncheon. Just a few attending were Virginia and Paul Bender, Rob Nelson, Mary Ann and Lon Wells and Randy Taylor. • • • It has been a busy week for Harborlites: Last Sunday, the Cabaret Chapter hosted a cham- pagne and jazz reception at the l* ....... Tiii ,.,_II Ill Anltft 11 l.11111 tllilll. BY DINA VON BURGER fiting the National Kidney Foundation. Later that evening, after the Master Chorale's open- ing performance, Gayle Ander- son and Donna Bunce co- chaired a champagne supper at Birra Poretti's. The Fashionables of Chap- man College enjoyed brunch at Neiman Marcus and were treated to a good-looking fashion show. Soroptimist Inter- national of Newport Harbor A11IP111 • 11, 11U.. .............. honored Marian Bergeson for her many achievements and service to the community. The March of Dimes sponsored "Bid for the Bachelors" was such an overwhelming success that some had to be turned away from Le Meridien ballroom. The Orange County Fairgrounds was jammed to capacity f <Wthe 13th annual Christmas Company sponsored by the Junior League. Michael Hayde was honored with the Good Scout Award by the Orange County Council of the Boy Scouts of America. Las Floristas members were on hand for the opening of a new facility to evaluate handicapped child- ren. Aa1l1l1 [I lllilt m 11• I fl Dim Jem 1111 Aillll O'Ktllty. •£El II ELI I. I• THE NEWPORT EN8ION--f'm 17 IMPORTED CONTEMPORARY FURNITURE & ACCESSORIES 2743 E. Coast Hwy. Corona Del Mar. CA 92625 (714) 875-2413 HOT BUY! Sofa Chaise Sectional Reg. Retail $1,495 . NOW $1,199 Also available in different fabrics LLONGSoF E.WPORT INC. TIPS FOR HOMEOWNERS CHRISTA lz. GERRY LONG MARKET ANAL VSIS - What Should It Contain? If you are getting a market analysis of your home for purposes of refinance, estate evaluation, or for a possi- ble sale, be sure it is a complete analysis. Your market analysis should include a list of recent sales, a description of those homes in terms of condi - tion, location, age and expansion. In addition, the market analysis at this time should take into consideration recent increases in the cost of homes in your neighborhood. Call us at 640-5664. If IEWPOIT 11c. 311 IAN MIGUEL, SUITE 200 NEWPORT BEACH, CA l2llO CA•• 640-LONG '_, , --' ', -' , , , ~ ; , --" • I Ameltcal• 1 .. 01 Aleoctalon I P• 11 •wa Bl l 1• THE NEWPORT EHeaGN Matlock seeks to preserve city's quality Dr. Geneva Matlock stresses the preservation of Newport Beach's fine lifestyle in her race against three other candidates in the city's second council district. Matlock, an anesthesiologist who retired four years ago, told ~ N~wport &uign, "I really feel Newport Beach is the best place in the world." She added, though, that ""there are some problems. The City Council needs leadership. West Newport has certainJy been forgotten." She pointed out that while the city's General Plan calls for 31 acres of park in the arc inland of Pacific Coast Highway in West Newport, 25 of those arc currently tied up in oil opera-· tions and will be for at least 20 years. "That means the park they've promised us is at least 20 years away," she stated. She is quick to cite her expe- rience as a businesswoman and later as a doctor in listing her qualifications for office. "I bring a new perspective - that of a physician -to the issues facing our City," she wrote in a campaign letter. "Hard work, intelligence, caring char- acterize my profession. I shall bring these qualities to public office." She adds that she managed her previous business and was mat ten. Matlock is the second district candidate endorsed by Stop Polluting Our Newport (SPON) and Newport 2000, SPON's political action committee. She stated she is working with those groups to secure more parks and open space in the city, but added, "I don't agree with bringing suits,. against the city to accom- plish that. She spoke in general terms about the San Joaquin Hills Transportation Corridor, say- ing, "I think (it) was originally the perfect bypass around New- port Beach ... (But) I am not in favor of them running offramps into residential areas." She allo said that she believes the county must find a second airport site and that that .. Camp Pendleton is the place. Flights could go right out over the ocean. . . If we don't get an alternative site, Newport Beach has had it." Matlock is a member of the city's Environmental Quality Affairs Committee as well as serving on committees of the Newport Crest Home Owners Association. She is also a member of SPON, the West Newport Beach Association, the 552 Club, Newport Harbor Republican Women, and UCrs Town and Gown. O'Brien will be voice for W. Newport West Newport resident Ninfa O'Brien said she decided to enter the race for the second district seat on the City Council because .. we've tried hard to get things done at City Hall, but we can't get anything done unless we have a petition in our hands. That's not right."' "(want to see changes in West Newport," she added, in an interview with The Newport Ensign. "I want to see the quality of li fe there the same as the rest of the Newport Beach. It's not now. We have no football field. We have no baseball diamond. The basketball court we had, they took away."' In her campaign literature, O'Brien points to her history of involvement in issues local to the second district. including the effort to get a traffic signal at Pacific Coast Highway and Prospect Avenue in the 1970s. the 1984-86 West Newport lease- holders' battle over landlease increases, and the recent drive to change CalTrans plans for a I 0-foot block wall along the ocean side of PC H in West Newport. She blames incumbent Coun- cilwoman Ruthelyn Plummer for the what she sees as the city's neglect over the years, and said that the community associations she works with "never hear from her."' She also send s barbs in the direction of Sterling Wolfe, who is also seeking the second district seat. noting that he chaired the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Nllfl O'lrin Commission that decided to remo-ve the basketball court at 59th Street. "Four people complained," she stated. "The PB&R Com- dollars tQ put basketball courts on the other side of the racquet- ball courts (on PCH). It's lunacy." O'Brien said that the airport and traffic issues are the most pressing for the city. She said she favors a second county airport at Camp Pendleton, with mono- rail connections to park and ride facilities in the Irvine area. On the San Joaquin Hills Transportation Corridor. O'Brien said she favors the corridor but on the matter of street connections. "I'm not sure . . . I don't have all the facts." She is opposed to Measure K on the Nov. 8 city ballot. • t • ·Tm against it," she said. ··1 Be Sure to Tune In. • • -mission held a hearing and nobody else was notified ... They just took it down. Now, they're going to spend thousands of don't think the voters have been informed enough. It's too much; I can't believe those people who signed it read it. People are being asked to vote on something they don't have information on." O'Brien is president of the Newport Shores Community Association. "RESORT PROPERTIES" Highlighting second homes for i nvestments or vacations. Appearing November 10-11 "HOLIDAY RECIPES" Recipes for the sea son from favorite local restaurants. Appearing November 17-18 Two Exciting Special Sections. and Qnly in The Newport..-.........., ... ~ ~ Costa Mesa NeWs • • ,.. , \ ') ' ~ ' . Only one leading coffee is naturally decaffeinared with pure mountainMteJ"and narurn lpldding~ Smooth, satisfying Sranka'.Of ooune. Sanka,absohalynothing but pure taste. I •BIB I, 1• ;rH£ NEWPORT E!!BON PMC 11 Plummer is proud of her achievements Incumbent Councilwoman Ruthelyn Plummer is vigorous in her def ensc against second district rivals who say she has not done much for her district. "I've done a lot, .. she stated emphaticaJly in an interview ·with The Newport Ensign. "Mil- lions of dollars have been spent there; probably more has been spent in the second district that in any other district. The under- ground infrastructure has been redone -water and sewer mains. The streets have bee n repaved fo r proper drainage. Major storm drains were put in. Bulkheads were raised , not just in the second district, but all over the city." "Those are n't real exciting things," she concluded, .. but those are important things." She also pointed out that Balboa Boulevard has bee n reworked from PCH to 32nd Street, and the parks at 38th Street, Newport Island, and West Newport Park have been improved. Rlltletyl Pt111111r '"When Pacific Coast H igh- way is completed on the north side and the d rainage is correct, C hannel Park will be another one," she added. Later in the inter view, Plummer also pointed with pride to the West Newport Commun- ity Center, which was developed on an old private school site. When the PCH improvements now planned by the city and C alTrahs are completed, Plummer said, "I think there will be an incentive for those pro- perty owners (on PC H) to upgrade." On the San J oaquin Hills Transp ortation Corridor. Plumme r said, "The access routes we voted on recognize the need for ingress and egress in and out of the city, but also recognize t he residents' concerns ... S he added that the decision was difficult because "we really don't know what it will be like in 20 years," but predicted that "once the Corridor is in place. the impacts are not going to be that great." S he said that she agrees with the rest of the council on the need for a second county airport to rel ieve pressures o n J ohn Wayne Airport, but was no n- committal on where that second facility could go. "rm not on the (site-selection) committee," she demurred. "I will support whatever they come up with." Plummer is completing her second term on the council, and she said that when she o riginally ran she envisioned only two terms. However, she said, she's running again because "I think I have a very. very good track record -the majority of my efforts have been in my o wn district -and I enjoy being on the council ." Architectu,.I Stone primitive uma. T •rahuma,. pottery, Indian rup, •rtifacts •nd furniture from the four comen of the world. All twndcrafted bf •rtian1 for ... Lacuna Hills °"'' •v-... 24315 ....... c.e... lAllUM Htll. CA .., (714)SU. ... Neapoet&wtt .... ~ JUIE.C....., c....-.-. CAt21125 (114) l?S-MU Wolfe wants action Sterling Wo lfe pulls few punches in describing why he entered the race for the second district City Council seat. "We had reaJ poor represen- tation for our part of the city from Ruthelyn Plummer," Wolfe stated in an interview with The Newport Ensign. "West Newport is an unknown area of the city and I hold Ruthelyn Plummer responsible for that .. . Two terms is enough." Wolfe cited a recent poll that showed that 70 percent of the city's residents don't know who their councilmcmber is. "That's appalling to me,•• Wolfe said. "'I am a commun- icator. I am aggressive ... I've seen the whole city very closely (as a Parks, Beaches and Recrea- tion commissioner). I know a lot of great people rd like to get involved in politics ... I am the best candidate and I know that ... Wolfe points to his experience as a businessman (he owns his own lumber firm, with offices in Newport Beach and Sacra- mento)('president of the West Newp~rt Beach Association , ........ two-term chairman of the PBclR Commission, and past chairman of the Bicycle Trails Committee as examples of his ability to get things done. Part of what he wants to do, he said, is stimulate .. more citizen imput to the council." And, he added ... the city needs a little more homogeneity. Each area needs to know what is going on in the others." On specific issues. Wolfe said he favors the San J oaquin Hills Transportation Corridor, but believes that trucks should be banned from it and it should be only six lanes wide. He said he agrees with the Ford Road and San J oaquin Hills Road connec- tions, but added that the city should look at "'on-ramps but no off-ramps" as an option at those locations. He also termed himself a "'real law-and-order candidate" who supports the job being done by the city Police Department. "This is a tourist town." he stated. "When yo u have a tourist town, you have a lot of people coming in. It makes the j ob twice as hard." Wolfe also stressed that he is an independent candidate, not part of any slate. "The pro blem is, we have special interest groups ... he explained. "We have SPON and we have the pro-business groups. I don't believe that spec ial interest groups s hould run the city, and they do now. I'm going to bust that." Pr.eCision Power PR~oN· . I . 21 Si f I ~ MOTORING SOUND & ACCESSORIES Also lflaiable For Auto and Marine: • Security Systems • Celular Phones • Detali1g • • Wntow Tlltilg • Mon.-Sat. ,,..,, ____ _ alleralion NEW LOCATION 4187 CAMPUS DllY£ In the Market Pf«e Shopplrw Center Across from UCI 856-2344 Custom Alterations For Men & Women 215' HAlllOl llVD. At Harbor & Baker '"the Sa~c..tftr 549-1543 TWO LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU . . . J.. . \• . . . .. The Perfect Gift for Christmas! CD PLAYERS! s399_00 Otte; hmrt~ 111112-2~ 1------------1 Clf RISTMAS SPECIAL I 15°/o OFF I ALL GlfT CERTIFICATES I Gi e the gift of choice and r eceive 15 <.}o off the p urchase price. Expires 12 /31 /88 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. ( .. ) PtCJNrr_n YAMAHA · Pr8Cision Pr:JNer ... Ente • SOUTHERN CALI FORNIA RESTA URAN T WRITE RS SILVER AWAI O WINNER Complete 4 course dinners Tuesday-Fnday 5 30 7 00 nightly • Excellent Wine Liq • ContemoorJry Cuisine • Casual !:1e9ance Sunset Specials S9.95 2640 E Coast H19hway, Corona de1 Mar, CA 92625 014 J 720 9000 Good tor parties ot 8 or less only, please Parkers ' Seafood Grill, Newport Beach's newest bayside restaurant. is featuring succulent Maine lobsters at a pries you'll love. Enjoy a full 1'11 lb. Maine lobster, our delicious rics pilaf and a fresh vegetable for only $19.95. We may occasionally have larger Maine lobsters to offer you -ask the chsf daily. At Parkers · Seafood Grill we serve the freshest Sf18food in our two large din· ing rooms -both wfth outstanding views. We have four bayside patios and our large upstairs Galley for fun, food, drinks and entertain- ment nightly, Thursday through Sunday. Lunch, dinner, Sunday brunch, and entertain- ment .. that's Parkers' SBBfood Grill. ,..,_ ... ftlllil••et• e.-.,_· '-•r a ... ..,, ..... •11 n.-1• 11U1J.114f ent 'Musical Comedy Murders of 1940' an excellent-spoof WMODUllT-Clll ., .... II "DI l•lal C111ft ...... II 1940 .. llrtb • IH•11tu ,_. Fii .. wM "91 lwllll 11111acnll.11111 ..... , ... 1111 llrctal ............. BY CHER YL STEH LING homosexual songwriter, sleazy Take a pinch of mystery, fold chorus girl, phony socialite, in a dash of song and dance, mix foreign spies, ambitious cops, a gently with old one-liners spiced slick director and a comedian up with Broadway com and you that gets the girl as well as the have Laguna Moulton Play-laughs. house's delictable production of As usual, Laguna Moulton "The Musical Comedy Murders has outdone itself on the set, of 1940." designed by Patricia McQuade. But the play is not musical in All action takes place in the the sense of the word, merely study of a mansion in Cbappa- action set in 1940, involving a qua, New York, complete with troupe of musical performers. secret passageways behind This s poof is a laugh a minute, bookshelves. with the eccentric old lady, a It's the dead of December, At Brandon's, I had the Sau teed Jumbo Prawns and Prime Rib Special for only $14.95! Brandon's is featuring aged, mid western c:om-fed prime rib of beef, slowly roasted to pedection ~succulent jumbo prawns sauteed in a uuce of garlic, white wine and butter. Served with your choice of a fresh spinach salad topped with hot bacon dressiJ\g or soup of the day, savory wild rice pilaf, fresh seasonal vegetables and warm sourdough bread. All for$14.95 per person. Offer valid through November 30, 1988 1800 Barber ~ Mtlptaa (408) 432-6.111 3.150 A venue ol the Artl, C.oeta W.. (114) 754-1303 Reervitkll'9 NCOINIM!ftdld. Adjlcent to lhe Bnerty He1blp Hotel. when a group of actors is called to the mansion to audition for "Manhattan Holiday." How- ever, these actors don't know that they are being set up to aid in investigating a murder that was committed two years before on the set of the same play. Police have reopened the case of the Stage Doo r Slasher and have included in the gathered group the same song-writing team and d irector. T he mansion is owned by the odd Elsa Von Grossenknueten (Marthella Randall). It was built by her equally bizarre father, when he came from Germany at the turn of the century. His paranoia came through when he added all of the secret passage- ways, which do not show up o n the blue prints of the house. Elsa's housemaid, Helsa Wen- zel (Punkin Tresselt), is a Ger- man ref ugec, whom Elsa rescued from the Nazis. Sgt. Michael Kelly (Cedrick Hardman) is assigned to the case and he goes undercover as Elsa's butler. The play starts off slowly, but gains momentum in the second act. That is where we learn more about the secret identities of the "actors." A notable performance was given by Jack Gallagher as Edd ie Mccue~ the self-effacing comic. He is always good for a laugh, even as be conks one of the murders over the head with a bottle of cognac. Even though her part was brief, Betsy Hewett excellently portrays Marjorie "simply divoon" Baverstock. Aad Michael Glover Leigh gives his character, Roger Hopewell, just the right amount of swish to be convincing. Other cast members include Robert Kokol as Patrick O~eilly; Jeff rcy B. Schlichter as Ken De La Maize; Jcnnif er Erin Brown as Nikki Crandall and Catherine Rowe as Bernice Roth. 0 Tbe Musical Com-=dy Murders of 1940"' continues through Nov. 20. Call 494--8021 or 494-0743 for ticket informa- tion. Calendar ART "Southern California Printmak- in1: A Survey"will display November 10 thorugh January lS at Laguna Art Museum, 307 Cliff Drive, Laguna Beach. Hours are JI a .m. to S p.m.,, Tuesday through Sunday. Call 494-6531 . "'11 Japanese Photographers" will display at Chapman College's Guggenheim Gallery, 333 North Glasscll in Orange through December 2. Hours are J p .m. to 5 p .m ., Monday through Friday. Admission is free. CaJl 997-6607. "The Hirsh Colledion: Part II" will exhibit through January 8 at the Laguna Art Museum. 307 Cliff Drive, Laguna Beach. Admission is free. Call 662-3366. MUSIC Jazz and re11ae music 1s per- formed every Wednesday through Sunday at Parker's Seafood Grill, 309 Palm Street. Reservations arc suggested. Call 673-3741 . The California Chamber Sin- pn/lrvlne Brass Ensemble will perform November 6 at 8 p.m. in UCJ's Fine Arts Concert Hall. Tickets arc S4-S6. Call 856-SOOO. Events at the Orange County Performinc Arts Center: The Pacific Chorale 2 I st Birthday Gala with John Alexander. conductor, on November 4 at 8 p.m.; The Pacific Symphony Orchestra Family Concert #2 on November 5 at 11 :30 a.m.~ The East Berlin Symphony Orches- tra on November 5 at 8 p.m.; Leontyne Price on November 6 at 2 p.m.; Warren Miller pres- ents ·•Escape to Ski " on November 9 at 7:30 p.m. Call 556-ARTS. STAGE "MacBeth" will play November 3-6 and I 0-1 3 in Orange Coast College's Drama Lab Theatre. Curtain is at 8 p.m. Thursday through Saturdays and 4 p.m. on Sundays. Tickets are $5 in advance, $6 at the door. Call 432-5880. "My Fair Lady" is currently playing at Elizabeth Howard's Curtain Call Dinner Theatre. Reservations required. Ticketc; start at $17.95. Call 838-1540 "Ghosts," by Henrik Ibsen, continues through Nov. 5 at the Alternative Repertory Theater, 1636 S. Grand A venue in Santa Ana. Call 836-7929 for reserva- tions and ticket information. "The Miracle Worker" will be performed at Southern California College, 55 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa on November 11-12 and 17-19 at 8 p.m. Tickets are $6. Call 556- 3610. DANCE Masters of Fine Arts Dance Concertfeaturing works by graduate students at UCI will take place in UCl's Fine Arts Concert Hall on November 3-4 at 8 p.m. and on November 5 at 2 p.m. Tickets are $4-$6. Call 856-5000. MISC. Oktoberfest is currently happen- ing Wednesdays through Sundays at Old World. 7561 Center A venue in Huntington Beach through November 13. Call 897-1470 or 895-8020. Macician Lee Gravel wilJ per- form November 5 at 8 p.m. in Orange Coast CoUcgc's Robert 8. Moore Theatre. Tickets are S6.50 in advance. S8 at the door. Call 432-5880. Richman tabbed for PSO post The Pacific Symphony Orchestra has appointed Lucas Richman as assistant conductor for its 1988-89 Tenth Anniver- sary Season. Richman, age 24, was chosen by the Pacific Symphony Asso- ciation from among candidates who auditioned by conducting the orchestra at a rehearsal service. He recently returned from a tour with West Ger- many's Schleswig-Holstein Music Festival Orchestra, one of four conductors from around the world chosen by Leonard Bernstein to share the maestro's podium for concerts in London and Moscow. He also recently served as John Williams' assist- ant in a series of concerts with the Houston Symphony Orches- tra. "I'm very excited with this appointment... Richman said. "This is the best 'next step' I could have hoped for. I'm really looking forward to the expe- rience of working with such a fine orchestra .... His duties include conducting the first halves of four Pops Series programs and one concert in next year's PSO Summer Series at Irvine Meadows Amphitheatre, as well as assist- ing with the orchestra's outreach programs. Richman was conductor-in- American Heart Alaocklllon ~OOHTIN:;~ ~LIFE training of the Los AngcJes- bascd Young Musicians Foun- dation Debut Orchestra from I 984 to I 987. Richman, a com- poser, is also music director of the Cypress Chamber Orchestra (an ensemble based in Los Angeles) and music advisor for the Brandeis-Bardin Institute in Simi Valley, Calif. He is also a founder of the Lo Cal Compos- ers Ensemble, a Southern Cali- fornia group specializing in the performance of works by con- temporary California compos- ers. Join 11$ this Thursday, Friday, Saturday ~nd Sundll'( for outstanding live entertainment with a fabulous bay view/ Outside on our waterside deck ... or inside ... the music's hot! "DERRICK I THE DIAMONDS" 9,.m.·1 I.II. .. JUDAH STAR" 4 ,.•.-8 '·"· Louted°" ....... ,,.,,;,.,. ... ,.,, t.dlllf, ,...,.,.,, .. Q\ ,., fltf ?Wfioa ,,,.,,. 71"1J.»ft •BIR I. 1• THE NEWPORT ENaGN~ !1 • • • •• • • • • • •• • • F/lJIJ&UA ~J.I ••••• ••••••• • er-• : P~nts CU TAJ!'!CALL-DINNERTHEATRE • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • DINNER u4 SHOW '""" •t795 • • • • • • • • WAITER • SEllVED MEALS : RESERVATIONS (714) 838·1540 r;m;,AR : 690 EL CAMINO REAL. TUSTIN 92680 SERVICE : OUTIQUE Women's Fashions & Accessories at WHOI.FSALE PRICES! GRAND OPENING! Nov. 7th 10 A.M. 2043 Westdiff Dr. • Newport Beach Comer of 17th a Irvine (next to Q>co•s) 642-7878 · • • PUE 22-IOVOllEI I . 1111 THE NEWPORT ENSIGN An insider's look at teenagers, world BY PEGGY DARNELL Will you ever be the age when you want to be it? I always feel wrong with my decisions. I feel pushed between the two people I love the m ost. These are just a few of the comments made by the cast members of a wonderful produc- tion of "A Teenager Is . . . ·• presented by the drama depart- ment of Marina High School in INSIGHTS H untington Bea c h. The ensemble troupe was made up entirely of teenagers, placed in cl usters around the stage. They conveyed the world of the teen- ager today, with their concerns, frustrations, fears, their relation- WE'RE MORE THAN CONTEMPORARY Traditional 7:30 AM Contemporary 9:00 AM Charismatic 10:45 AM Church School 9:00 AM Muic 6r Samoa .. aD duu amccs Orild caK • t.oo .. 6r h.: •• , am ~. Dawld C. ~ Reotor ~" SAINT JAMES EPISCOPAL CHURCH 3209 Via Lido Newport Beac~ CA • 92663 714/675-0210 Pleae caD '°' additiouJ iaJor1Utioe ud ......., ldaedala. ships and f arnily situations. The presentation was under the direction of Steven Schwartz and addressed all feelings from the various actors. For example, one called out, "When I'm alone, I eat." Another responded, "I dance in m y underwear." Another said, "I make up excuses about what really hap- pened to my mom's ca r." And yet another response was, "I just fa ntasize." Many people attended the performance in connection with Red Ribbon Week activities. It was spo nsored by the No Drugs in !:>chools (N O DS) project, alo ng with the Hun tington Be ach Po lice De partment, Huntington Beach U nified School District and Ocean View School District. Local attendees included Mary Ann Ehret, vice principal of Corona del M ar High School, paren ts from Parents Who Care of CdMHS, including Nancy Harrington, president of the organization and Kathy Simpson, who is involved in the Safe Rides program. From the CdMHS student body were Graham Pierce, asso- ciated student body president and Keith Martyn. commis- sioner of assemblies. All agreed that they would like to have the production presented in the Harbor Area, but because of p o pular de ma nd , it will be awhile before arrangements can be made. "This is a sensitive portrayal of all situations of being a teenager," Ehret commented. "The vignettes help you appre- ciate, through entertaining aspects, the thought-provo king issues surrounding our teenag- ers." ~ttlAt\t ""'\L (' 4) 1- (/) c. Loi.I --'° ' ct. ~I j~ f") ~ ~ . Simpson added her impres- sions to those of Ehret. .. The theme of the production seemed to me, to be a sense of loneliness and confusion about growing up in a fragmented society," she commented . "I think the program presented a challenge to parents to truly hear our children and to understand the problems facing them in today's world. We need to see a teenager's world in the cold light of today's reality than in the idealized visio n of the world in which we grew up, one that no longer exists." When the curtain rose, the stage lighting emphasized the world of the many types, sizes and attitudes of the teens. As N icole stepped forward to express herself, there was a feeling that she was talking to St. Mark Presbyterian Church llM Mar Vista Orin (Jambortt and EastblufT South) N~wport Bach, CA• (714) 644-1341 S-..1 Wonlllip ,..lt AM. Tiie an. 0-W H. Gen "'-dUa QM Can ... a.di Sdool I DUCA n o N HOU a:·~ AM. TEMPLE ISAIAH <ea-••> S....... Selvice frtdaw nilf* 1:15 p.m. Rabbi Steuer1 D. SchMz president Joet Abnmsohn MOl .,...AiiM .• .....-llldLue....., • CMIMIP~ , .............. . IEJtllON TOPIC: NOV. 4 . "'Ptlnclplee of JI dl'1m" n Ill' • & ea£.h.lndividual in the audience. The same was true for the other cast members. Nicole recalled her life before high school. "There you are, the product of one night when your parents got wild," she said. "You arc an adorable baby. You crawl, you walk and when you say your first word, they call everyone over to hear you say it again. All these people are looking down at you, waiting for you to perform, so of course, you don't. .. You are wonderful, you get through your early school years, sixth grade, eighth grade, then it's high school and guess what? It is not fun, it is nerve wracking and you find you don't want to be there." Jenny took Nicole's place on the stage. "'Work., work, work,' they all say, 'if you want a car, you have to buy the gas,' but I don' have a job," Jenny said. Various students stepped for- ward and dealt with relation- ships, one resulting in a preg- nancy and decisions about it . And then there's divorced parents. .. It's really hard during the holidays, being pulled between the two people I love the most, .. o ne cast member said. "My dad says, 'Tell your mother merry Christmas.• Yeah, sure." Other parts included a bad trip from a drug overdose, fear of being alone and a recovering Irvine-Newport Church of Rllglous Science .,.NI/~ '3J) 8lrJalg,... Sult JOJ·J 16 hine. CA 92714 (714)~13 ~~ NOVEMBlll .... YowTod9J ,,_of,......._,,. S.Mc8 Tim.: JO:OO am •t the UnlYeralty Community 1'91* Cenetr ftkJ. l Beechtree IMM alcoholic, who is not accepted by friends or family. There are also some lighter moments, when a young girl is trying to decide what she wants to do with her life. "111 be an actress, a nutrition- ist. a farmer or 111 be president of the United States," she said and with a grand gesture, cries, "The nuclear race has just come to a halt! I have a nail appointment ! I guess, though, when I graduate, I'm j ust going to be myself." Another fun moment is the airhead girl and intellectual boy. She ran after him with giggles and a 400 page note to which she expected a response. They had private soliloquies that bo th end in "If only we could co m- municate." There is the student body president with low self-esteem, whose parents want him to be perfect like his brother who passed away. There is Saman- tha, who sees school as a place that can help her attain her place in life in the theater and wntes herself rejection letters before she auditions for parts. The last teen, dissatisfied with her appearance, looked deeply into the mirror in the morning, in hopes something wonderful happened to her during the night and ended the production on a philosophical upnote when she stated, "Being an individual make everybody perfect." .... , .... ~) RAlll IAllK l MILLER lfi.\llAT UIVICll Frl-IJ,& ,.., ..... , .. ,,..., 11-·?alllllldl ....... AMU..T ....... ...... llUC n I• ..... ._.. ... ,, t ilf .... , .. C.tor Alen Welner / Educlltor N G._r St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Sunday, Nowmbtt 6, 1988 8:30and 10:15 A.M. 0 MY PRAYER FOR YOU" (Ephcliarw 3: 14-21) Dt. Jollft A.,......, Jr. ,_... 6:.30 p.m. PnAw -0 Ptaya-Sttvn (JOO St. Andrews Road, Newport Beach, California (71~) 631-2880 (.aa. fram Ntwport tt.rbof HIP School et lrvtnt & tSdl. > YOU All IN DIJ'AULT UNDO A OUD Of non DAT'EO A,_ll 15, ltl7. UNLW YOU TAlE ACTION TO PllOTECT YGUa PIOPUTY, IT MAY IE IOU> AT A PUBLIC IAl.E. tF YOU NE.ED AN EXIUNATION Of THE NATURE Of THE flttOCEEOING AGAINST YOU. YOU SHOULD COHTACT A LAWYEll NOTICt Of TRUSTEE'S SALE T.S. No. 51506 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that on Wednesday, November 9, 1988, at 11:00 o'clock a.m. of said day, In the area set aside tor conducting Trustee's Sales, within the offices of REAL ESTATE SECURITIES SERVICE, located at 1800 North Broadway, Suite 100, 1n the City of Santa AN, County of Orange, State of Calitorma, REAL ESTATE SECURITIES SERVICE, a Cahforma corporation, as duly appotnted Trustee under and pursuant to the power of sale conferred in that certain Deed of Trust executed by LEWIS A. WEISBERG and IRINA WEISBERG, husband and wife as joint tenants, recorded May 14, 1987, m the office of the County Recorder of said County, as Recorder's Instrument No. 87·2724 12, by reason of a breach or default in payment or performance of the obhgations secured thereby, including that breach or default, Notice of which was rec0tded July 14, 1988, as Recorders Instrument No. 88·339874, Will SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH, lawful money of the United States, or a cashier's check drawn on any bank, credit union, or savings and loan association domiciled in this state, all payable at the time of sale, all right, title and interest held by it, as Trustee, in that m l property situated in said County and State, described as follows: A Leasehold interest in and to lot 2 in Block O of Tract 1219, as per Map recorded 1n Book 38 Pages 26 and 27 of Miscellaneous Maps, in the oftice ot the County Recorder of said County. The street address or other common designation of the real property hereinabove described is purported to be 224 Kings Place, Newport Beach, California. The undersigned disclaims all liability for any incor rectness in said street address or other common designation. Said sale will be made without warranty, express or implied. regarding title, possession. or encumbrances. to satisfy the unpaid obhgations secured by said Deed of Trust. with interest and other sums as provided therein. plus advances, 1f any. thereunder and mterest thereon. and plus fees. charges and expenses of the Trustee and of the trusts created by said Deed of Trust The total amount of said obhgat1ons, at the time ot 1n1t1al publication of this Notice. 1s $85,796 51 Dated. October l7. 1988 REAL ESTATE SECURITIES SERVICE. a Cal1fornta c.orporation, as Trustee By. D J Morger. its President. 1800 North Broadway, Suite 100, Santa Ana, CA 92706. Telephone (714) 953 6810 10/20 10/27 1113 1696 YOU Alt£ IN O!FAULT UNDER AN 08UGATION FOR ,AYllENT Of ASSESSMENTS. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO flttOTECT YOUR NOKRTY. IT MAY BE SOLO AT A PUBUC SALE. If YOU NEU> AN EXPl.ANATlOH Of THE NAT\JltE Of TME PltOCEEOtNC ACAINST YOU. YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. NOTICt Of' TRUSTEE'S SALE T.S. No. 51438 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. that on Wednesday, November 16. 1988, at 11:00 o'clock am. of said day, 1n the area set aside for conducting Trustee's Sales. within the offices of Real Estate Secunt.es Service. located at 1800 North Broadway, Suite 100. 1n the City of Santa Ana, County of Orange, State of Cahfom1a, REAL EST ATE SECURITIES SERVICE. a California corporation. as duly appointed Trustee of the Association herein referred to, pursuant to the power of sale conferred on •t by the Civil Code of the State of California, pursuant to the Articles and By·laws of the Association, and pursuant to the provisions of that certain Declaration of Covenants Conditions and Restrictions recorded January 5. 197 3. in the office of the Recorder of said County, in Book 10504 of Off1c1al Records, at page 30, Recorder's Instrument No 4848, which Articles, By·Laws and Declaration (as amended ffom time to time) imposed an obhgation on the owner(s) of the real property herein described to pay assessments, by reason of a breach or default in said obligation, Notice of which was recorded July 19, 1988, of Othcial Records of said County, Recorder's Instrument No. 88-348374, Will SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH, lawful money of the Umted States. or a Cashier's Check drawn any bank, credit umon. or savings and loan association dormciled 1n this state. all payable at the time of sale, all right, title and uiterest held by THE LOMAS & NETILETON COMPANY, or claimed by any other party, in and to that real property situate 1n said County and State. descrtbed as follows. EXHIBIT .. A. A condominium cons1stmg of the following: Parcel l Unit No. 16. located on Lot 1 of Tract No 8094, as shown on a map recorded in Book 316, Pages 31 and 32 of Miscellaneous Maps, Records of Orange County, California, and as shown on the Declaration and Condorninium Plan recorded April 13. 1973 as Instrument No 13388 in Book 10644, Paae 462 of Official Records of Oranae County (the "Condomm•um Plan"), and amendments thereto recorded 1n Book 11552. Page 516 and in Book 11552. Page 526. both of Off1c1al RecOfds Parcel 2: An undivided 1/18 interest m Lot 1 of Tract No 8094, as shown on a map recorded 1n Book 316. Pages 31 and 32 of Miscellaneous Maps, Records of Orange County, California, shown and defined as common area on the 1bove referred to Declaration and Condominium Plan Reservin& therefrom exclusive easements aver the "Rntficted Common Area" (as the same area shown and defined m said Declaration and Condommium Plan as emended) for the u5e5 and purposes set forth ln \aid Oectaration and Condominium Plan Parcel 3 E.llcJUSM easement& 1ppurtenant to the unit described ~. fOf use end occupancy of the restncted ciommon aren shown and defined 1n the at>ove referred to Oec..,...on and Condominium Plan at ere.as tltoclted for eactUIM uM by the owner of tri. unit described abow. betns; Pltlo c 16: Balcony B 16: and PJirttina Spece P 16 Parcel 4: Non-Gd~w ..-ments tot 11ecess. ,,.,us and ..-. ua and ~ment of the common .,_ shoWn • ~ In .,,._ ebolM rtfitrr.d to 0.CtamtOn and ~PIM Exceotina therefrom those portions of the common area shown and defined as restricted common area in said Declaration and Condominium Plan. The street address or other common designation of the real pre>perty hereinabove described 1s purported to be 633 Lido Part< Drive, C·3, Newport Beach, Cahfornta The unders11ned disclaims all liability for any lncor· rectness in said street address or other common designation. Said sale will be made without warranty, express Of implied, regarding title, possession or eneumbranoes, to satisfy the obligations set forth m and created by the Notice of Delinquent Assessment or Notice of Assessment Lien e•ecuted by 621 LIDO PARK DRIVE CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, a Califorma non·profit corporation, .,he Association". recorded June 28, 1988 in the office of the County Recorder of said County, as Recorder's Instrument No. 88·308175, together with costs in connection therewith, plus interest, late charges and attome(s tees (if any) and plus costs, fees and expenses of the Trustee m conductina foreclosure proceedings relative thereto The total amont of said obligations, on the date of 1n1t1al publication of this Notice. is $13,686.00 Dated: October 20, 1988. REAL ESTATE SECURITIES SERVICE. as Trustee By: (SEAL) 0. J. Morger, its President, 1800 North Broadway, Suite 100, Santa Ana, CA 92706, Telephone: (714) 953·6810 10/27 11/3 11/10 1705 K-43603 PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE Of NOHRESPONSfBIUTY TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned, Newport Place Associates, a Cahforma l.Jmited Partner· ship (''Newport Place"), 1s the owner in fee simple of that certain real property situated m the County of Orange, State of California. descnbed as follows_ Parcel No 1 of Parcel Map 83· 705, .,, the City of Newport Beach, County of Orange, State of Caltforn1a. as per map recorded 1n book 183, pages 14 and 15 of Parcel Maps. m the Office of the County Recorder of said County EXCEPTING THEREFROM all minerals. petroleum gas and other hydrocarbon substances existing below 500 feet from the surface of said real prooerty described above. provided. nowever. that grantor hereOy expressly waives the ngnt to enter upon the surlace or the upper 500 feet measured vertically downward from the surface. of said real praperty for the purpose of exp1onng fof. or prOducing the minerals. petroleum, gas and other hydrocarbon sut>stances as reserved 1n the Deed from The Newport Pro,ect recorded April 7, 197~ 1n t>ook 11372, page 283 of Off1c1al Records The name of the tessee of said real property is Continental Insurance W1th1n 10 days last preceding this notice. I the undersigned obtained knowled&e that a work of tenant improvements is being made upon said real property, and the undersigned will not be responsible for the same, nor for the payment of any labor, ser.11ces or materials used or to be used therein or in connection therewith or Which may hereafter be performed, furnished or used upon the land or bu1ldmgs whatsoever Newport Place Associates. a California L1m1ted Partnership By: MIC Newport Place, a California L1m1ted Partnership Its. General Partner By· David W NtJ,, a general partner By· Donald A Sutro. a general partner VERIFICATION Newport Place says that the above and w1tt11n notice is a true co.py of a notice posted 4 14 1 MacArthur Boulevard, Suite 100. m the City of Newport Beach. County of Orange, State of Callfom1a, on the 3rd day of October, 1988, by Lisa Wood and that the facts therein stated are true of her own knowledge I declare under penalty of pequry that the foregoing 1s true and correct and that th•S document was executed at Newport Beach, Cahfom1a on October 3. 1988 Newport Place Associates a California L1m1ted Partnership By· MIC Newport Place, a California l1m1ted Partnership Its Genefal Partner By: David W N11t, a general partner By Donald A Sutro. a general partner 1706 10127 It 43517 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS IUS.NESS NAME STATEMENT TH£ FOLLOWING PER· SONS ARE DOING BUSI· NESS AS CITY CENTRE, 1•20 Bnstol Street North. Suite 100, Newport Beach, CA92660 Wilham K. Davis, 1420 Bristol Street North, Suite 100, Newport Beach, CA 92660. Charles L Buchanan, 1420 Bristol Street North, Suite 100, Newport Beach. CA92660 Robert J Th1ergartner, 1420 Bristol Street North, Suite 100, Newport Beach, CA92660 This Business 1s con- ducted by • aeneral part nersh1p. The registrant com· menced to transact busi· ness under the fictitiO\IS business name °' names listed above on 7126183. Sianed. CITY C£NTRE. 1 California 19Mt't l pertner. ship 8y. William K. Oavis. ~Pllrtnet. This stMltntnt was filed with ttlt County Ctefk of 0...,.. County on Oct. 14. 1918. flit No. F'395 I 82 10/2111/3 ll/10 11117 1746 K-43m PUBUC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are do1n1 business as MIS SION VALLEY CORPORATE CENTER ASSOCIATES. 1420 Bnstol Street North. Suite 100. Newport Beach, CA 92660 Wilham K Davis, 1420 Bristol Street North, Swte 100, Newport Beach, CA 92660 R Fred Walters. 1420 Bnstol Street North, Suite 100. Newport Beach, CA 92660 Robert J Th1er1artner, 1420 Bnstol Street North. Suite 100, Newport Beach. CA92660. This business 1s con ducted by a aenetal ~rt nersh1p. The rea1strant com menced to transact buSi· ness under the fictlti~s business name or names hs1ed 1bowe on May 13. 1987. SCned William I( ~ Genenf Plft1w Thea d.IUmef tC .. f)ted Wlttl the Cou"'1 Cler\ ot Onlnle County on Oct 14. 1988 Rte No. fJ95 l 9 l 10/2111/3 11/10 11117 1137 k43523 PUIUC NOTICE ncn hOUI BUSINESS NAME STATDIENT THE FOLLOWING PER· SONS ARE DOING BUSI· NESS AS: DAVIS MONTE· BELLO DISTRIBUTION CENTER ASSOCIATES, 1420 Bristol Street North, Suite 100, Newport Beach. California 92660 Wilham K Davis, 1420 Bristol Street North, Suite 100, Newport Beach, Cah· fornia 92660 Charles L Buchanan, 1420 Bristol Street North, Suite 100, Newport Beach, California 92660. Richard E. Lucy, 1420 Bristol Street North. Suite 100, Newport Beach, Call· fomia 92660 Robert J. Thiergartner, 1420 Bristol Street North, Suite 100, Newport Beach, California 92660. Alan J Tuntland, 1420 Bristol Street North, Suite 100, Newport Beach, Cah· fomia 92660. This Business is con· ducted by: a general part· nersh1p. The re&1strant com· menced to transact bus•· ness under the fictitious business name or names listed above on October l , 1986 Signed Wilham K Davis. General Partner This statement was filed with the County Clerk of ORANGE County on Oct 14. 1988 File No F395188 10127 11 /3 l l /10 11/17 1740 FICTmous BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as S D INVESTMENT GROUP. 2424 S E Bristol Street, Suite 350, P 0 Box 10479. Newport Beach CA 92658 Rodney F Emery. 2616 Cove Street, Corona del Mar CA 92625 Bertram l Ryan 111 21 41 Mesa Drive. Santa Ana Heights. CA 92707 This business is con ducted by a general part nersh10 The rea1strant com menced to transact bus1 ness under the f1ct1tious t>us1ness name listed atx>ve on9/14/88 (Signed) Rodney F Emery This statement was fifed with the County Clerk of Orange County on Oct 10 1988 File No F 394578 101 13. 10/20,10/27 11/3 1681 I( 43516 PUBLIC NOTICE FlCTTT10US BUSINESS NAME STAT'EMEKf THE FOLLOWING PER SONS ARE DOING BUSI· NESS "5 DAVIS CITY CEN TER II ASSOCIATES. 1420 Bristol Street North. Suite 100. Newport Beach, CA 92660 Witham K Davis. 1420 Bristol Street North. Suite 100, Newport Beach. Cah torn1a 92660. Charles l Buchanan. 1420 Bristol Street North Suite 100, Newport Beach California 92660 Richard E Lucy, 1420 Bristol Street North, Suite l 00. Newport Buch. Cah fom~92660 Robert J Th1ergartner, 1420 Bristol Street North, Suite 100, Newport Be.ch, California 92660. Alan J. Tuntland, 1420 Bnstol Street North. Sc.11tt 100, Newport Beach. Cah fonue 92660 This Business 1s con· ducted by • aenerar part. net$hip The rea•strant com· met ICed to transect ~ nus under the ftctittOUs boslneu name °' names listed~ on 211/86 S.-• ........... K. o.vl$. G9nwll Plrtner. Th4s .... neM -fitld ..... the County ~ of °'--County °" Oct. 14, ·-Ale No, F39518 l 10/27 11/l ll/lO 1.a7 ll/17 11' 1(431514 PU&IC NOTICl F1CTt110US .... us NAME STATEMDrr THE FOLLOWING PER· SONS ARE DOING BUSI· NESS AS: OAVIS SADDLE· BAC)( BUSINESS CENTER ASSOCIATES, 1420 Bristol Street North, Suite 100, Newport Beach, CA 92660 William K. Davis, 1420 Bnstol Street Notth, Suite 100, Newport Beach, Cah· fomia 92660. Charle$ l. Buchanan, 1420 Bristol Street North, Suite 100, Newport Beach, California 92660. Richard E. Lucy, 1420 Bristol St'*!t North, Suite 100, Newport Belch, Cali· fomia 92660. Robert J. Thierprtner. 1420 Bristol Street North, Suite 100, Newport Buch, California 92660. Alan J. Tuntland, 1420 Bnstol Street North, Suite 100, Newport Beach. Cali· fomia 92660. This Business 1s con· ducted by: a general part· nership. The registrant com· menced to traMlct busi· ness undef the fictitious busmess name or names hsted above on March l , 1987. Signed Wilham K Davis, General Partner This statement was filed with the County Clertt of ORANGE County on Oct 14 1988 File No. F395179 10/27 11 13 11/10 11/17 1749 K-43531 PU8UC l'tOTICE FlCTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are domg business as AL TOt-. BUSINESS CENTER ASSO CIATt:S. 1420 Bnstol Street North. Suite 100. Newoort Beach. Cahtom1a 92660 Wilham K Davis. 1420 Bristol Street North. Surte 100, Newport Beach. Cah· forma 92660 Charles L Buchanan. 1420 Bnstol Street North. Suite 100, Newport Beach. Cahforma 92660 Richard E Lucy, 1420 Bnstol Street North. Suite l 00. Newport Beach Cali· fornia 92660 Robert J Th1ergartner l 420 Bristol Street North Sutte l 00. Newpon Beach Cahtorn1a 92660 Alan J Tuntland, 1420 Bristol Street North. Suite I 00. Newport Beach, Cali fornta 92660 This business is con ducted by a gen~ol part nersh1p The ree1strant com menced to transact bus•· ness under the fictitious busmess name ltsled above on March l 1987 (Signed) Wilham K Davis General Partner This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Orange County on Oct 14 1988 ftl~ No f .395197 10/27 . 11 /3, 11 110. ll/17 1732 F1CT1TIOUS 8USIN£$S NAME STATEMENT The followln1 ~~s an! dome busioes.s as HIGH· LAND FIFTH INVESTMENT GROUP, 2424 SE. Bristol st #350, PO Box 10479 New· port Beach CA 92658 Rodney F Emery, 2616 Cove Street, Corona del Mar CA9262S Bertram l Ryan 111, 2141 Mesa Drtve. Santa Ana Heights. CA 92707 Dinesh Oa11er, 27261 Via San Pedro. M1sst0n V1eJO CA 92692·2434 Michael L Toarae. 235 C•mat1on Street. Corona ~ Mar CA 92625 Tt"'s business is con ducted by a general part nersh1p. The re11str1nt com· menced to trenwt bus;· M$S 1.&nder the hcbt'°"s business Nme listed aboW on 9/28/88 <Scnect'l RodMy r. Emery Thi$~-~ -'th the County Qetk "' ~ County on Oct. 10. 1918 f .)94576 10/ll, 10/20, 10/27 l l /l 1682 la515 PU9lJC NOTICE f1C1mOUI 8UllNUS HAM£ STATDtOn THE FOLLOWING PER· SONS ARE OOING BUSi· NESS AS: DAVIS SAOOLE· BACK II ASSOCIATES, • California eer«al partner· ship, 1420 Bristol Street North, Suite 100, Newport Beach, CA 92660. William K Davis, 1420 Bnstol Street Notth, Suite 100, Newport Beach, Cali· fom11 92660. Charles L. Buchanan, 1420 Bristol Street North, Suite 100, Newport Buch, California 92660. Richard E. Lucy, as Trust· ee of the Lucy Living Trust u/d /t dated October 8, 1979, 1420 Bristol Street North, Suite 100, Newpof1 Beach, California 92660. Robert J . Thiergartner, 1420 Bristol Stn9et Nottti, Suite 100, Newport Beach, California 92660. James 0 . Buckinaham, 1420 Bristol Street North, Suite 100. Newport Beach, California 92660. Alan J. Tuntland, 1420 Bristol Street North, Suite 100, Ne~ Beach, Cah· fomia 92660. This Business is con ducted by. a ceneral pert· ne~hip The registrant com menoed to transact bus1 ness under the fictitious buStness name or names listed above on May l , 1988 Signed DAVIS SADDLE BACK II ASSOCIATES a Cahfomia general partner ship. By William K Davis, Its General Partner This statement was tiled with the County Cter11 of Oranee County on Oct 14 1988 File No F395180 10127 11/311/10 l l/17 1748 1-43525 fltJ-..C NOTICE F1CTf110US SUSlflfESS NAME STATEMENT The fol!OW!na persons are doing business as D~VIS ANAHEIM DISTRIBUTION CENTER ASSOCIATES, 1420 Bnstol Street North, Su rte 100, Newport Beach, CA9660 Wilham K Davis. 1420 Bristol Street North, Suite 100. Newport Beach CA 92660 Richard t Lucy, l 420 Bristol Street North. Suite 100. Newport Beach CA 92660 Charles l Buchanan 1420 Brtstol Street North Suite 100, Newport Beach CA 92660 Robert J Th1ergartner 1420 Bnstol Street North. Suite 100. Newport Beach CA 92660 Andrew J Ball 1420 Bns tol St~ North. Suite 100 Newport 8eacr •. CA 92660 This business is con ducted by a general Pitrt nersh1p The registrant com menced to transact bust ness under the hct1hous bu5'ness name or names hsted above on Fet>ruary l , 1986 Signed. Wilham K Davis. General Partner This statemem was filed with the County Clerk of Orance County on Oct 14. 1988 File No F395 l 90 10/27 11 /3 11/10 11/17 1738 ncnnous BUSINESS NAiil STATEMENT The folk>wtng person 1s dom1 business as NATIONAL VEHICLE PLACEM ENT SERVICE. 4'00 ~r 8tvd., 5th Floor. Newport Beach. Ca 92660 Mlch••I Scott Greia. 31462 .,...., Del ..... Lil· UN N .... CA 92697 This business 11 con· ducted b1 ., indMdwl (Si.,ned) M1ChMI Scott Gnee Thtl ......... -fia.d wtch the ~ ~ ot e>r.,. eoun.y on Oct 10. 1-. .... No.. f ·lM575 10/ll. 10/20" 10127 l l /) lf1'1 ) I .. • ' I 14S$1t PUalC NOTICE ncnnous 1Y1 .. us NAME ITATEMINT common law (See Section 14400 et seq. business and professions code.) THE FOLLOWING PER· SONS ARE DOING BUSI· NESS AS: DAVIS YORBA LINDA BUSINESS CENTER ASSOCIATES, a California aener-f partnership, 1420 Bristol Street North, Suite 100, Newport Beach, CA 92660. This business is con· ducted by a co-partnership. The re1istrant com· menced to transact busi- ness under the fictitious business name listed above on Sept. 30, 1988. (SIGNED) Brian J. Kasbar This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Oran&e County on Oct. 11. 1988. William K. Davis, 1420 Bristol Street North, Suite 100, Newport Beach. Cali· fornia 92660. File No. F-393986. 10/13, 10/20, 10/27 Charles L. Buchanan, 1420 Bristol Street Nofth, Suite 100, Newport Beach, California 92660. Richard E. Lucy, as Trust· ee of the Lucy Livi"8 Trust, u/d/t dated October 8, 1979, 1420 Bristol Street North, Suite 100, Newport Beach. California 92660. Robert J. Thiergartner, 1420 Bristol Street North, Suite 100, Newport Beach, California 92660. James 0. Buckineham, 1420 Bristol Street North, Suite 100, Newport Beach, California 92660. Alan J. Tuntland, 1420 Bristol Street North, Suite 100, Newport Beach, Cali· fomia 92660. This Business 1s con· ducted by: a general part- nership. The registrant com- menced to transact bus•· ness under the fictitious business name or names listed above on December 1, 1987. Signed: William K. Davis, General Partner This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Orange County on Oct. 14. 1988. File No. F395184 10127 11 /3 11110 11/17 1744 K43520 PUBUC NOTICE flCTTTIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT THE FOLLOWING PER· SONS ARE DOING BUSI- NESS AS: DAVIS PARTNERS ONE. A California general partnership, 1420 Bristol Street North, Suite 100, Newport Beach, CA 92660. William K. Davis, 1420 Bristol Street North, Suite 100, Newport Beach, Cali· fornia 92660. Charles l. Buchanan, 1420 Bristol Street North, Suite l 00, Newport Beach California 92660. ' Richard E. Lucy, as Trust· ee of the Lucy Living Trust, u/d /t dated October 8. 1979, 1420 Bristol Street North. Suite 100, Newport Beach, California 92660. Robert J Th1ergartner. 1420 Bristol Street North, Suite 100. Newport Beach. Cahtom1a 92660. James 0. Buckingham, 1420 Bristol Street North, Suite 100, Newport Beach, California 92660. Alan J Tuntland. 1420 Bnstol Street North. Suite 100. Newport Beach, Cali· fornia 92660 This Business is con- ducted by: a general part. nership The registrant com- menced to transact busi· ness under the fictitious business name or names listed above on January 4. 1988. Signed Wilham K. Davis, General Partner This statement was flied with the County Clerk of Orange County on Oct 14, 1988. File No. F395185 10/27 11/3 11/10 • 11 /17 ~ ~.d The followi"I persons 1t9 doln1 business as ADVANCE MARKETING, 333 Weymouth Pt lquna BNch. CA 92651. Brian .JOMph Kasblr. 333 Weymouth, '-'lune Beach. CA92651. 11/3 1678 1-43530 PUBLIC NOTICE flCTITIOUI IUllNUS NAM£ STATDIENT The following person is doin1 business as DAVIS DEVELOPMENTS. 1420 Bristol Street North, Suite 100, Newport Beach, Cali· fornia 92660. William K. Davis, 1420 Bristol Street North, Suite 100: Newport Beach, Cali· forn1a 92660. This business 1s con· ducted by an individual. The registrant com- menced to transact busi- ness under the fictitious business name listed above on 1977. (Signed) William K. Davis This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Orange County on Oct 14. 1988. File No. F-395195 10/27, 11/3, 11/10, 11/17 1733 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as BRAKE EXPRESS# 1, 375 So Bristol Suite 100, Costa Mesa CA 92626 Tor·Con Industries, Calif 2211 E. 69th St . Long Beach. CA 90805. Brake Express Inter national. 17691 Mitchell North, Irvine, CA 92714 Th is business 1s con· ducted by a general part nersh1p (Signed) F.W. Sparks Brake Express International F.W. Sparks President This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Orange County on Oct. 10. 1988. File No.-394579 10/13, 10/20, 10/27 11/3 1679 I 43521 PUBUC NOTICE FlClTTIOUI BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT THE FOLLOWING PER· SONS ARE DOING BUSI· NESS AS. DAVIS/WEST COVINA PARTNERS, A Cali· fornia General Partnership, 1420 Bristol Street North. Suite 100, Newport Beach. CA92660. Wilham K. Davis, 1420 Bristol Street North, Suite 100, Newport Beach, Cali· fomia 92660 Charles L. Buchanan 14~0 Bristol Street North: Suite 100. Newport Beach, California 92660. Richard E. Lucy, as Trust· ee of the Lucy Living Trust, u/d/t dated October 8, 1979, 1420 Bristol Street North, Su ite 100, Newport Beach, California 92660 Robert J. Thiergartner, 1420 Bristol Street North Suite 100, Newport Beach. California 92660 ' James 0 . Buckingham, 1420 Bristol Street North Suite 100, Newport Beach' California 92660. • Alan J. Tuntland, 1420 Bristol Street North, Suite 100: Newport Beach, Cali· forn1a 92660. This Business is con. ducted by: a ceneral part· ner"$hip. The re1istr•nt com· meoced to transact busl· ness under the fictitious business name °' names listed abotle on 1/27188. Sifned: DAVIS/WEST CO· VINA PARTNERS, a Clhfor nia ~partnership By Will~m K. Davis. General Partner Laura Mana Matland. 333 Weymouth, U,una Beech. CA 92651. This stltement does not of 1tsetf IUthonze the use in th•• state of a fictit ious business name in ViOlattol1 of the rlfhts of another under feder•I, st ate. or This llltement ws filed with the County Clerk of Ontnp County on Oct 14, 1988.. fife No. F395186 10/27 11/3 11/10 ll/J7 1742 FlCTmOUS BUllNUS NAME STATIMENr ncnnous.,...m fWlt ITAl"UllHT The followi,. persons are doifll business as KA TH· ERINE'S CATERING, 9 Bar- una Ct., Newport ~c:1 CA 92663. • The followina person Is dolna business as AUTO- TECH 2000, 2500 Joaquin Hills Rd. Corona det Mar. Ca 92625! 5650£. La Palma, Anaheim Hills. Ca 92807. Bo~ra Jernigan, 9 Bar- una Ct, Newport Beach CA 92663. • Katherine Lotan, 9 Bar- una Ct .. Newport Beach CA 92663. . This business is con· ducted by a general part- nership. The reaistrant com- menced to transact busi- ness under the fictitious business name listed above on 9·1·88. (Sienecf) Barbara Jemipn This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Orange County on Oct. 10 1988. • File No. F-394577 10/13, 10/20,10/17 11/Je 1675 flC1lTIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATDIENT The following persons are doing business as A STY· LISH AFFAIR, 1548-D Adams Ave., Costa Mesa. CA 92626. Victoria Phillipy, 18851 Dodge Ave .. Santa Ana, Ca 92905. Martin D. Dosdoll. 904 T annan, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Sheila M. Ratcliff, 2357 Wyando He. #A, Placentia Ca. 92690. This business is con· ducted by a &eneral part· nership. The registrant com· menced to transact bus1· ness under the fictitious business name listed above 00 10.1.88 (SIGNED) Victoria Phillipy This statement was filed with the County Clerk of -Ofange County on Sept. 27, 1988. File No. F-393351. 10/13, 10/20, 10/27 11/3 1677 1-43351 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATOIENT The followina person is doing business as: NEW· PORT RESOURCE MAN· AGEMENT, 115 · 22nd Street, Newport Beach, CA 92663. Telesis Service Indus· tries, a Califol"nia corpota· lion. 115 · 22nd Street, Newport Beach, CA 92663. This business is con· ducted by a corporation. The registrant com- menced to transact busi· ness under the fictitious business name or names listed above on August 1. 1985. Si1ned: Telesis Ser- vice Industries, Rush N Hill, 11, President. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Orange County on Oct l O 1988. I Fite No. F394636 10/20 10127 11 /3 11 /10 1697 PUBUC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as: HAIR DESIGNS BY FRANCINE, 751 Schenley Bay, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Francine Ann Brendel. 751 Schenley Bay, Costa Mesa. CA 92626. The filina of this state· ment does not of Itself auth· orize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the riahts of another under federal, state. or eommon i.. (see Section 14-400 et MQ. &s· iness and Professions Code.) This business is con· ducted by an individual. The reaistrant com menced to transact busi· ness under the fictitious busJnes.5 name or names listed ·~ on 10·7·88. S41ned· Franeir'9 A. Bren· del This statement was flied with the County Clerk of Oranae County on Oct. 7, 1988. filleNo.f3~ 10127 11/3 1 l /10 11/17 1750 Naval Malik, 4 Salerno Irvine, Ca. 92714. ' This business is con· ducted by an Individual , (Sifned) Naval Malik This statement was filed with the County Clerk of <>ranee County on Oct .. 10. 1988. File No. F-394574. 10/13,10/20,10/27 11/3 1686 PUaJC NOTICE ACll llOUS WESS Miil ITATUllJfr The folklwf "I person is dotn1 business as NEW· PORT CHECK CASHING, 1882 H•rbor Bhld., Costa Mesa, CA 92627. Yvonne Watters, 926 Coronado Dr .. Costa Mesa, CA 92626. The filina of this state- ment does not of itsetf auth· orize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law (see Section 14400 et seq. Busi· ness and Professions Code.) This business is con- ducted by an individual. The registrant com- menced to transact busi- ness under t he fictitious businns name or names listed above on 1982. Signed: Yvonne Watters This statement was filed with the County Cler1< of Orange County on Oct. 11. 1988. File No. F394 719 10/20 10127 11 /3 11/10 1695 PU-..C NOTICE FICTITIOUS 8USINESS NAM£ ITATUIEHT The followlna persons are doing business as: SIX· PENSE INNS OF CALIFOR· NIA, 1751 E. Garry Avenue, Santa Ana. CA 92705. Sixpence Inns of Amer- ica, Inc .. California. 1751 E. Gany Avenue, Santa Ana, CA92705. The Donald E. Sodaro & Felicity A. Sodaro Revoca- ble Trust. 1751 E. Garry Avenue, Santa Ana, CA 92705. The William A. Caine, Jr. & Temmy L Caine Revoca- ble Trust, 1751 E. Garry Avenue, Santa Ana, CA 92705. This business is con ducted by a general part· nership. The registrant com- menced to transact busi· ness under the fictitious business name or names listed above on 12-31-77. Si1ned: Sixpence Inns of America, Inc .. W.A. Came, Jr.. Executive Vice Presi· dent This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Orange County on Oct. 21, 1988. File No F395902 10/27 11/3 11/10 11/17 1704 K-43541 PUIUC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAiii ITATDIENT The follow1n1 person is doing business ts: COM- MONWEAL TH PARK, 1420 Bristol Street Nofth, Suite 100. Newport Beach, CA 92660. Willi•m K. Davis, 1420 Brl5tot Strwt North, Suite 100, Newport Beach. CA 92660. This business is con- ducted by en individual. The reaistrent com· menced to tr•nSKt buti· ness under tri. fictJtious business name or names listed ebove on 3/16/88. Sicnect: William K. Davis. This statement was f11eO with the County Clerk of 0ra1'181 County on Oct. 14, 1988 File No. F395214 10/27 11/3 11/10 11/17 • 1708 • ...... , PU-..C NOTICI ncnnous...,.as NAME ITATEllDfT The followina pet'IOl .s are doln1 business as: CARLS· BAO COMMERCIAL CEN· T£R, 1420 Bristol Street North, Suite 100, Newport Beach, CA 92660. William K Davis, 1420 Bristof Street North, Suite 100, Newport Beach, CA 92660. Wells Fargo Realty and Equity Trust, 330 Washing· ton Street. Marina del Rey, CA90030. This business Is con- ducted by a aeneral part· nership. The re1istrant com - met ltCed to transact busi· ness under the fictitious business name °' names listed above on 11112/81. Sianed: Cartsbed Commer· cial Center, a California General Partnership, Wil· liam K. Davis, General Partner. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Orange County on Oct. 14, 1988. File No. F395213 10/27 11/3 11/10 11/17 1709 l.4J539 ncrmous BUSINESS NAME STATDIENT The followma persons are doing business as WOOD- BRIDGE Pl.AZ.A. 1420 Bris- tol Street North, Suite 100, Newport Beach, California 92660. Wiliam K. Davis, 1420 Bristol Street North, Suite 100, Newport Beach, Cali- fornia 92660. GLEN OAKS INVEST· MENT CO. 1943 East 17th Street, Santa Ana, California 92701. This business is con- ducted by a general part· netsh1p. The registrant com- menced to transact bus1· ness under the fictitioos business name listed above on 11/211983. (Sienecf) William K. Davis General Partner This statement was filed with the County Cler1< of Orange County on Oct. 14, 1988. File No. F-395205 10/27, 11/3, 11 /10 11/17 1717 l"UBUC NOTICE ncnnous BUSINESS NAiil STATDIOIT The followil'\g persons are doin1 business as: ELLESSE, 401 Newport Center Dr .• Suite 212, New· port Beach, CA 92660. Colleen Espinosa. Scheuer-Espo Corp, Califor· nia, 21712 Wesley Dr .. La· euna Beach. CA 92660. Cristy Scheuer, Scheuer· Espo Corp., California, 4 1 ~illsdale, Newport Beach, CA 92660. This business is con· ducted by a corporation. The registrant com· menced to transact bus1 . ness under the fictitious business name or names listed above on Nov. 1 1985. S1grlect Colieen Espi: nosa, Cnsty Scheuer This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Oranae County on Oct 21. 1988. file No. F395903 10127 ll/3 11/10 11/17 1703 P'UIUC NOTICE ncnnous 9USINaS NAiil ITATUIENT The followi,. person is doina business as: EN'TER· TEK. 1822~ Newport Boulevard, Costa Mesa, CA 92627. Robert T. Walker. 3305 Cl8y St, Newport Buch. CA 92663. This business is con ducted by an individual The re1i1trant com- menced to tr~ busi· MSI under the ftetlhOUS business name ot namn fisted above on 9-15·88. Sianect· Robert WaJker. This~ WM filed with the County Ct.erk of Ontnae Caunly an s.ot 14. 1918. File No. F391817 J0/2010/27l1/3 11/10 1693 IC..usM PUBUC NOTICI flCiiilOUS.,... NAME ITATl.mJfT The followina persont 819 doiiic business n LA JOU.A PROPERTIES, 1420 ,Bristol StrMt North, Suite 100, Newport Beach, California 92660. William K. Davis, 1420 Bris1ol Street North, Suite 100, Newport Beach, Call· fomla 92660. Charles L. Buchanan, 1420 Bris1ol Street North, Suite 100, Newport Beach, California 92660. This business Is con- ducted by a pneral part. nershlp. The reaistrant com· menced to transact busJ. ness under the fictitious business name listed abcM on 8/24/1981. (Siened) William K. Davis General Partner This statement was filed with the County Clertc of Orange County on Oct. 14, 1988. File No. F-395200 10/27, 11/3, 11/10, 11/17 1729 K-43334 PUBUC NOTlCE FlCTITIOUS IUSINUS NAME STATUllNT The followina persons are doing business as: KAMI· NARI BUILDING PARTNERS, 4665 MacAr· thur Court, Suite 275, New· port Beach. CA 92660. Anthony M. Vitti, 19 Nar· bonne, Newport Beach, CA 92660. Ernest C. Wilson. Jr .. 731 Via Lido Soud, Newport Beach, CA 92663. Erik Cutter, 1575 Blu- ebird Canyon Drive, Laguna Beach, CA 92651 This business is con· ducted by a general part· nership. The reaistrant com- menced to transact busi· ness under the fictitious business name or names hsted above on Oct. 5. 1988 S1aned: Anthony M. V1tt1. Emest C. Wilson, Jr .. Erik Cutter. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Orange County on Oct. 10, 1988. File No. F394600 10/20 10/27 11/3 11/10 1698 l-4.33A PUBLIC NOTICE STATWENT Of AllANDOHMENT Of USE Of ncnnous llUSINW NAME The follo•ing persons have abandoned the use of the fictitious business name: A-M HOMES -RAN- CHO N1GUEL, 4 100 Cam- pus Drive, Suite 230, New- port Beach, CA 92660. The fictitious business name referred to above was filed on April 14, 1986inthe County of Orange. Original File No. F306354. A·M Homes (Formerly Known as A·M Company), 4100 Campus Drive, Suite 230, Newport Beach CA 92660. ' Security Pacific State Bank, 14222 Culver Drive, Irvine, CA 92714. This business was con· ducted by a general part. nersh1p. By: A·M Homes, tnc. By: Title: Assisblnt Secre- tary, A·M Homes. This statement was flied with the County Clerk of Or1nae County on Oct. 10 1988. . 10/20 10127 11/3 11/10 1699 PUIUCNOTa ITATllllNT Of AaMDONlllNT OI UM Of FlCTITIOUI .,.... .. NAME The followint pen.on has abendontd the UM of the Fictitious Bu11neu Name: NEWPORT FINA.NCIAL UNLIMTED. 2808 N L•fHtte #202, Newport Beach, CA 92663. TM fk:tltlOUI &us.ness Name,....,*' to aboww was filed in en,,.. County on Aus. 25. 1986. Fii• No F'317916 . s Daryt A.G. Recor, 12232 F•ye, Garden Grove, CA 92640. This business was con· ducted by an Individual. Sianed: Oalyt A.G. Recor. This sttement was filed with the County Cler1< on Oct. 17. 1988. 10/20 10/27 11/3 11/10 1694 1-41524 PUalC llOTICI llCllllOUS ........ NAMI ITATIMUIT The~ Plf'IOnS•re doi"I busineu 8S: OAVtS MISSION VIEJO ASSO- CIATES. 14.20 Brislot Str8et North, Suite 100, Newport Belch, CA 92660. Wiiiiam K. Divis, 1420 Bristol Street North, Suite 100, Newport Beech, Cali· tomla 92660. Ch•rles l . Buchanan. 1420 8ristd Street North, Suite 100. Newport Beach, California 92660. Robert J. Thiergartner, 1420 Bristol Street North, Suite 100, Newport Beach. California 92660. This business Is con- ducted by a general part- nership. The re1istrant com- menced to transact busi- ness under the fictitious business name or names listed •bove on July 14, 1986. Sianed: William K. Davis, General Partner. This statement was filed with the County Cler1< of Orange County on Oct. 14, 1988. File No. F395189 10/27 11/3 11/10 11/17 1739 flCTITIOUS 8USfNESS NAME STATtMENT The followifll person is doin1 business as BOO· MERS 224 .Merine Ave .. Balboa Is. 92662. Susan Margaret Hoffman, 550 S. 8ayfront, Balboa Is. 92662. The filina of this state· ment does not of itself auth· or1ze the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the riahts of another under federal, state, or common law (see Section 14400 et seq, bus· iness and professional code.) . This business is con· ducted by an individual. (Si&ned) Susan Hoffman This statement was filed with the County Clerk of e>ranae County on Sept. 21. 1988. File No. F-392781 10/13. 10/20, 10/27 11 /3 1674 lt-43529 PU9UC NOTICE FlCiiilOUS llUllNUS NAME STATEMENT The followina persons ere doing business as: MONTE· BEUO COMMERCE CEN - TER, 1420 Bristol Street North, Suite 100, Newport Beach, CA 92660. William K. Davis. 1420 Bristol Street Nofth, Suite 100, Newport Beach, CA 92660. Richard E. Lucy, 1420 Bristol SMet North, Suite 100, Newport Beach, CA 92660. Robert J. Thi.r1artft4tr, 1420 8'tstol Street North, Su!M 100, Newport Beach. CA92660. Andrew J. 8811, 1420 Btis- 1°' Street North, Sult• 100. Newport 8elch, CA 92660. Charles L. Buchanan, 1420 9ristot Street North Suite 100, Newpo.1 8eed\1 CA92660. I This buslnesa is con· ducted by a ..,,.,., '*1· nenhip. The re1i1tr•nt com- menced to transact busl· neu under the fictitloul business neme "' names list.d aboYt on October 3 1985. Sianed: WiMaam K' o..ris, Genw.1 P8rtner. · This R*t1ient wn flied wtth the Covrity Cledl of ~ County °" Ort 14. Fi .. No. F'395194 10/27 1113 11/10 11/17 1734 C a 1' 1 , t .... at Cn = ': Of NlWOllT" at MWPOIT IUCH. OU-C...,. _, D• a•c 2•t1tllm ..... tM ... tf llutn 111 ••I* 8FUI0.1MI. ....... ..._lMe AmTa Dollar Amounts In ThouW1ds k c..... end due from~ .•........••......•. 2 •••••••••••••••••• 18,303 . 3 ::n,~les..(MarM!tvalue$7.094) ...•...•.•............ 7,281 4'. Ttd11 eccount leCUritils ...........•.. , ..............•.......... 2.120 ~ ........................................ none 5. Federll funds sold Ind llCUrities purcila$ed under 6 ~T to reMll in domestic off.ees .....•..................... 9,750 · a. ~·•· otal (excludint unearned income) 145,243 b. t;:s: Altowance for possible loan losses .................. 1, 786 c. ns. net .................................................. 1•3,457 i :-nr premises, F.F. & E. etc. (includina $none capital lease) ........ 6,965 N estate owned other than bank premises .•.•................••. 2,660 9. tnvestments in unconsolidated subsidiaries and associated COfTipanles .••......•.•••.•............•.•.......•. none 10. Customets liability to this bank on acceptances outstanding ••.•..•. none l l. Other assets (including $none intangibles} ...........•......•.•... 4,681 ~~SSETS (sum of items 1 thru 11) ..•.•.•...•.......•...•. 195.217 11. a. TOTAL DEPOSITS IN DOMESTIC OFFICES ......•....... 170,449 (1) Total demand deposits ............................. 45,624 (2) Total time and savinas deposits ................... 124,825 b. TOTAL DEPOSITS IN FOREIGN OFFICES ......................... none c. TOTAL DEPOSITS IN DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN OFFICES (sum of items lla & b) .....•....................... 170,449 14. federal funds purchased and securities $0ld under aareements to repurchase in domestic offices ............•........ 2,500 15. Other 1i.bilities for borrowed money, includin& note balances of U.S. Treasury .•.•.•...•.•.................•....•.. 627 16. Mortqe Indebtedness (includina $none capital leases) ............. none 17. Acceptances executed by 0t for account ot this bank and outstandin1 .......•.......................................... none 18. Other liabilities • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . • . • . . . . . . • . . . . 5,898 19. TOTAL LIABILITIES (excludin& subordinated notes ind debentures) ........................................ 179,474 20. Subordinated notes and debentures •............................. 1,275 SHAREHCM.O£IS EQUrn 21. Ptefemld Stock .............. . a. No. shares outstanding 22. Common stock .............. . none Amount none a. No. shares authorized 25,000,000 b. No. shares outstanding 8,003,889 Amount 3,362 23. Surplus ..............................................•... 3,530 24. TOTAL CONTRIBUTED CAPITAL (sum of items 21, 22 & 23) ........ 6,892 25. Retained earnings ................•...•••...•.................... 7,576 26. Resente tor contingencies and other capital reserves ................ none 27. TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS EQUITY (sum of items 24, 25 & 26) ...... 14,468 28. TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS EQUITY K-43527 PUBUC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT AND SHAREHOLDERS EQUITY (sum of items 19, 20 & 27} .•..... 195,217 Standby Letters of Credit ..................................... 2,168 The undersigned, RONALD L RODGERS, PRESIDENT and RICHARD P RITTER, EXECUTIVE VICE PRES of the above-named bank, each declares. for himself alone and not for the other. I have personal knowledge of the matters contained in this report and I believe that each statement in said report 1s true. Each of the undersigned, for himself alone and not for the other, certifies under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct The following person is doing business as: SADDLE· BACK BUSINESS PARK, 1420 Bristol Street North, Suite 100. Newport Beach, CA 92660 Executed on OCTOBER 25, 1988, at NEWPORT BEACH, California Signed Davis Saddleback Busi ness Center Associates. a Cahfom1a general partner ship, 1420 Bnstol Street Ronald L ROdgers, Richard P Ritter 11·3 KJ>43735 NOTICE OF DEA TH AND OF PETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE OF: DIANA JANE O'AVIRRO CASE NO. A145152 To an Mlts, beneflclaries, creditors, conlin~nt creditors, and ~ns who may be otherwise interested In 1he will or estate. or both. of: DIANA JANE O'AVIRAO A PETITION has been filed by LINDA J. D'AVlRRO in the Superior Court of Califom d , County of ORANGE requesting that LINDA J. D'AVIRRO be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent. THE PETITION requests authori~ to administer the es1ate under the Independent Administralk>n or Estates Act. {This aulhority allows the personal representative to taJ(e many actions without obtai'ling court approval. Befo(e taki!'lO certain actions, however, the personal representative is required to give notice to interested persons unless lhey have wawed notice or consented lo the proposed action.) The independent adninistration arthority wiQ 6e granted unless an Interested person fl~ an objection to this petition and shows good cau99 why the oourt should not grant the au1hof'llV. A HEARING on the ~lition wlll be held on December 1, 1988 at 1:45 P.M. In Dept 3 located at 700 Civic Center [)(Ive West. Santa Ana, CA 92701. IF YOU OBJECT TO the granting of the petition, you · should ei1het ap~ar at the heanng and state v:our ob~tk>ns or file written objections with the court before the heating. 'f 04.lr appearance may be in person or by YoU! attorney. IF YOU ARE A CREOOOR °' a eonti~t aeclt0t of lwt deoeaaed, you ~t file your daim w11h the court and mail a copy to the pettOnal representative appoti1ed by fl9 00011 wftNn fOuf months from the date Of 'lrst Issuance of letters as~ in section 9100 of the caJlfomia Probate C6de. The lime for filing dain-e witl not expire Pfior to four months from the date of f\e hearing no6oec1 above. YOU MAY-EXAMINE tie me kepi by the court. 11 you .. a person interested in the estate, ~u ~ file wilti the oourt a b1NI Request for Spec.al NotiCe of the filing of an lnvenk>fy and appraisement of estate assets or of any pel:!lion "' account as ~ in section 1250 of the Califomla Probate COde. A Request '°' Soecial Notice fom1 Is availab69 from the coon clefk. Attorney for P.tttfon«: LINDA J . O'AVIRAO 1701 P«t M.,99te Place tMwpotl Beech J.. CA 92660 Newport Harbor t:nslgn 11 13 Nov.3, 10, 17, 1988 ' K CM36~3 NOTICE OF DEATH ANO OF PE11T10N TO ADMINISTER ESTATE OF: MARCIA ROGERS LIER CASE NO. A 143033 1765 To all heirs. beneflclar1es. creditors. contingent Ct'edltors, and person$ who may be otherwi59 Interested In the will or estate, Ot both, of: MARCIA ROGERS LIER A PETITION h as been filed by MAACIA KATHLEEN LIER DE BENEDETIE in ttie Superior Cour1 of California. Courity of ORANGE reque~ing that MARCIA KATHLEEN LIER OE BENEOETTE be appointed as personal representatiw to administer the estate of Iha decedent. . THE PETITION ~ests authofity to ad'rinlster the est.ate under the lndePendent Ad"ninislra~n of Esta~es Act. {Thill authority allows the personal representatNe lo &BM many actions without obtaining court approvat Belote tlllcJrig certain actions, hoWever, the personal repraeenlattve II reqcJlred to give notice to lriterested PerlOn9 unle9I f\ey have waived notloe 0t C011S9nted ao. ... propo9!iid action.) The Independent ~ au~ will 6o ~~'8d unless an ir...-ct person flies en obfecilOI'\ 10 this petition and ~ cau• why lhe court shoukf not grant the ., A • ING on the pedOon will ~ . held on 1760 December 1, 1988 at 1:45 PM in Dept J 1oca1ed at 700 Civic Center Drive West. Santa Ana. CA 92701 . IF YOU OBJECT TO the granting of the petition. you should either appear al too heanng and state Y.OUr objections or file written objections w11h the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR or a oontinqent creditor or rhe deceased. you must file your daim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative ap~inted by the court within four months from the date of first issuance of letters as provided in section 9100 of the California Probate Code. The lime for filing claims will not expfra prior to four months from the dale of the hearing nolk:ecf above. YOU MAY EXAMINE tie file kept by the court. If you are a person interested In the estate, you may file with lhe court a formal Request for Speaal NotlCe of the filing of an invC'ntory and appraisement of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in section 1250 or the Caiitomla Probate COde. A Request for Special Nolioe form is available from the court clerk. AttorMY.fOf P9tltloner~ REIO & HELL YEA A PROFESSIONAL CORP. 599 No. Arrowhead Ave P .o. Box 6086 Sen 8ern1rdlno_, CA 92412 Newport Hatbof t:nsign • Nov.3, 10. 17, 1988 11 /J T 059013 1764 MOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SA.LE T. S. No. 88-4374 YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST DATED NOVEMBER 30, 1987. UNLESS YOO TAKE ACTION TO PAOTECT YOUR PROPERTY, rT MAY BE SOlD AT A PUM.IC SAl.E. If YOU NEED AN EXPUNATION Of THE NAl\JRE Of THE PROCEEOtNGS AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. On Nowmber 29, 1918, at 10:00 A.M. Wea Pee Reool rveylllCe u the duly ippOinted Trustee under and pursu.nt 10 Deed of Truat. Recolded on January 4, 1988, as CloaJment no. 88-001747 of Offidal Reeotds il the offioe of lht Reoorc»r of Orange County, California. .xecuted by: Dli'e W. WtWlt and 8atbara E. White, hllsblnd end Wif• WILL SEU AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST BlDOER FOR CASH, (payat>i. at bme of sale in 1-"' money of 1M United Swes) at the front entr11nce to Suite C, Wea Pac Reconveyanoe, 4940 campus Or!Ye, Newport 6Mctl, CA all right. tide and interest conwyed to and now held by it unde< said Deed of Trust in the propet1y lituatltd in said County, Califom&a. describing the lw\d th9tein: Lot 36 of Trad 3852 u Per Map Rea>rded 1n 8oolt 181 Pages 5, 8 and 7 of ~ecelaneous Maps, Records of said County. The street llddt... and other common designation, if any, of the rMI ~ desalbed abow ia pu'?Of'led to be:• Hampdltr. Court, Newport Beach, CA 92660 The undersigned Trustee disclaims any labifity for rty ina>frKtneH of the •tr•t addreu and oth« common designation, If eny, shown herein. Said Nie wlll be made, ~I Without cownant orwarranry, expreat 0t lmphed, regarding tide, posses.slOI'\, OI encumbranoea, ID pcy the remaining princi~ sum of the nott(s) HCU<ed by said Deed of Trust, With int«Mt thereon, u PfOvided in Mid noi.(s). adVlnoM, 1f any, under n tttmt of the OMd or Trust. r.es. c:hllrOM and H ptna• of the T n.tAM and of lhe tnms crea'8d by Uld Deed of Trusl. ID -'t $48-,817. 76. The benefici.y under said Deed of TNlt ~ execueed and ~ ID the undersignied a wnflln Otciaratlon of o.taJlt and Demand for Sale, and a wna.n Notice of Dtfeutt ~ Ei.aiori '° s.I. The undtrligned ~Mid Nolico of 0.r.ult and Election ID Sel ID be recoRSed in the county whtfe IN rNI ptoperty it loca!H. WM Pee Aecanwy~. A Cahfomia ~ at TnatN, By: C. L. OuHlmet, Trust .. Siie Oflc:ief, w.sPIC ~vtf,.._, 4940 ~Of., IC, NewpGft 9Md\. CA 02880-2110 (714) 411-1183 Dlll:~ta.1• New. s. 10, 17, , • Nl•l'pOl't....,.. ~ 11/3. 11/10. 111l7 1752 ll/3, 11 /10.11/17 1754 North. Suite 100, Newport Beach, CA 92660 This business 1s con ducted by a general part nership The registrant com · menced to transact bus1· ness under the f1ct1t1ous business name or names listed above on 511/87 Signed Davis Saddleback Business Center Asso c1ates, a California general partnership, W1ll1am K Davis, General Partner This statement was filed with the County Cler\.. of Orange County on Oct 14 1988 File No F395192 10127 11 /3 11 /10 11/17 1736 K 43522 PUBLIC NOTICE flCTfTIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT TH£ FOLLOWING PER SONS ARE DOING BUSI NESS AS DAVIS JERSEY COMMERCE CENTER ASSOCIATES, a Calrfom1a general partnership, 1420 Bn stol Street North. Suite 100, Newport Beach. CA 92660 Wilham K Davis 1420 Bristol Street North. Suite 100, Newport Beach. Call· tornia 92660 Charles L Buchanan, 1420 Bristol Street Norttl, Suite 100, Newport Beach. California 92660 Richard E Lucy. as Trust ee of the Lucy Living Trust. u/d/t dated October 8, 1979. 1420 Bnstol Street North, Suite 100, Newport Beach, Cahfom1a 92660 Robert J Th1ergartner, 1420 Bristol Street North. So1te 100, Newport Beach. Cahfom1a 92660 James 0 Buckingham, 1420 Bnstol Street North, Suite 100, N~ Beach, California 92660 Alan J Tuntland, 1420 Bnstol Street North. Suite 100, Newport Beach. Call· tom1an660 This Business 1s con ducted by 1 general part nersh1p The rea1strant com menced to transact bus1 ness under the f1cttt1ous business name or names hsted above on 2 I I /88 Signed DAVIS/ JERSEY COMMERCE CENTER ASSOCIATES. a Cahforn1a general oartnersh1p By Wilham K Davis, Partner This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Oran~ County on Ocl 14, 1988 F1~ No F395187 10127 11 '3 11 10 11/17 174 1 &! a a.•• THE NEWPORT~ II TOll011 N01"a 011 TMJITU'9 SALi T.S.ND.~ YOU ARE .. ~AULT UN:>ER A oeEO Of TRUST DATED NCM'llER 2. 1.-7. lH..ESS YOO TAICE AC110N TO PAOTECT YOUR PAOPERTY. rT tMY IE SOtD AT A PUN.JC SALE. F YOU NEE> AH EXP\.AHATIOH a: THE NAlUAE Of THE PROCEEDINGS ~ YOU, YOU , SHCU.O CONTACT A LAWYER. On ...,_.,.., 29, 1W, M 10:00 A.M. W.. he ReccJrnw,wa • ._ cUr ~ TNSIM ~ n purau.nt ID Oeed of TNll. on ~ •• 1987, u Oocum.nl no. t7-712SZC of OMd8' Alcoi'tll tn the olllce of ... AlcolcMI of Craige County, c..bi ... exec:ullld by: Dille W. Wt* lt-1 a..t.e E. WN9. husband and .... Wl.t SELL AT PUBUC AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOA CASH, (P1¥1bie •.,,,.of ule In '-"' mc>ner ot the Unitltd Stam) at fw rnw. enttWW» llO &.Ii• c. W• P8C Reconveyanoe, 4040 Campus DrM. Newport Beed\, Co\ Ill right. tltlt 9id intereat a>nwyed to and now held by It under Mid Deed of TNIC _, the Pf'OP9'1Y tltuatild In aa.ld Couniy, caflb'nla, describing lhl land '*eln: Lot 38 of T r.:t 3852 In the City ot Newpon 8ead1 County of Or-. u Per Map Recorded In Book 181 Pa~ s, e. llnd 7 of t.iaceli.n.out Mlps, Recotda of said County. The 1net ~ and octMf common dellgndon. if lf'I, ol lhe ,... ~ deeaibed ebo~ i• purponed ., be: 4 Hwn'**9 Cou1t, ~ BMch, CA 92eeO Tht undMigned True,_ d9dUnl wry MaibffltY tcw wry lllCDrrednMI of lht l!reet addr... and other ClOiiiUOh dellgnadon, if..,,, ~ hefein. Slid .... be n..-. but wl1hout OC>Wnlnt cw-·-. exprM.S or ~. regwcting tide, po11wlon, 0t ena.mbranc:9a, ID ~ the f'Mlllining Pf'lncipll tum of N note(I) Mand ~ Mid Deed of 'rrust, wif'I lnWW thefeon, ae provided In uid no'8(1), ~ If any, ~ the """* of ._ Deed of T rult, teee, cherglla lrld expet\MI of Che TtuatN ~of Iha wsia er-*~ uld Deed of T ruat. _, -'t $24 .878.82. The benefic:iaty llld« said DHd of Trust Mt..,,.. execu'8d and delivieted ID the undersigned a wnmn Oeclaratiorl of o.taJlt ~ Demand f()( Sale, llnd • wriU8n NoliOI ot O.tut ~ Elec:don to Sell. The uodel'1igned caused said Nob of 0.r.Jlt llnd Elec:lion ID Sell ID be recorded ln lhl coun~ W'here the rMI PfOf*1Y la~. w.. Pac ReconwiylllCe, A California Corpotaion. u TrustH, ~: c. l. OuH.mel, TrustM Sal• Offi<»r. WMPec Reoonveyance, 4940 Cwnpus Or .. IC, Newpott Beach, CA ~2119 (71•) 478-1893 Oat4a: Oc2ober 'a. , 988 Nov.3. 10, 17,1988 Newport Hattxw En11gn 11 /3, 11110. 11/17 1753 NOTICE Of TRUSTEE'S SALE YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST DATED ll/24/87 UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY. IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE IF YOU NEED AN EXPl.ANATION Of THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDINGS AGAINST YOU. YOU SHOULD CONT ACT A LAWYER On 12102188 at 11 30 AM CONSOLIDATED RECON VEY ANCE COMPANY as the duly appointed Trust~ under ana pursuant to Deed of Trust Recorded on 1210 l /87 lns1 #87 ·666826 of Off1c1al Records in the office of the Recorder of ORANGE County Cahtorn1a, executed by ROBERT F WALKER ANO KAREN WALKER HUSBAND ANO Wlf'E Will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash. casl'11er's check drawn on a state or national bank, a check drawn by a state or federal credit union or a check drawn by stale or federal sav1nas and loan association Of savings bank specified 1n Section 5102 of the Financial Code and authorized to do business in this state (checks must be payable at rhe time of sale m lawful money ot the United States of America) at The Main North Entrance to the County Courthouse. 700 C1v1c Center Drive West. Santa Ana, CA all nght title and interest conveyed to and now held by it under said Deed of Trust in the property situated in said County California describing the land therein PARCEL l Lot 17 in Block 17 or the East Side Add1t1on to the Balboa Tract, 1n the City ot Newport Beach as shown on a map recorded 1n book 4 page(s) 20 of Miscellaneous Maps •n the office of the County Recorder of said County PARCEL 2. lot 17 1n Block K ot Bay Front Sect1ori of !he Balboa Tract. in the Crty of NewPort Beach. as shown on a map recorded 1n book 6. page(s) 15, of Miscellaneous Maps in the office of the County Recorder of said County EXCEPT any portion thereof lying below the hne of mean high tide of the Pac1f1c Ocean in Newport Bay PARCEL 3 That portion of Bay Avenue in the City of Newport Beach. as shown on a map of East Side Add1t1on to the Balboa Tract. recorded in book 4, paae(s) 2. of Miscellaneous Maps, in the office of the County Recorder of said County, bounded Southeasterly by the Northeas terly prolongation of the Southeasterly line of Lot 17, in Block 17 of said Tract and bounded Northwesterly by the Northeasterly prolongation of the Northwesterly hne of said Lot 17 EXCEPT any portion thereof l)'lng below the line of mean high tide of the Pacific Ocean in Newport Bay PARCEL 4 The Northeasterly 6 00 feet of that portion of Balboa Boulevard (formerly Central Avenue) 1n the City of Newport Beach. as shown ori the map of East Side Addition to Balboa Tract. as shown on a map recorded 1n book 4. page(s) 20. of Miscellaneous Maps, 1n the office of the County Recorder of said County bounded Southeasterly by the Southwesterly prolongatlon of the ~theasterfy line of Lot 17 1n Block 17 of said tract and bounded Northwesterly by the Southwesterly prolongation of the Northwesterly line of said Lot 17 The street address and other common designation. 1f any, of the real ~rty d~ribed above is purported to be 1132 E Balboa Blvd Newpor1 Beach. CA 92661 The undersigned Trustee d1scta1m!> ariy 1tab1l1ty for any incorrectness of the street address and other common des1gnatfOI\. if any, shown herein Said sale will be made, but without covenant or warranty, exp<;ess or 1mpl1ed. regarding title. possession. or encumbrances, to pay the remaining principal sum of the note(s) secured by said Deed of Trust, with interest thereon, as provided in said note(s). advances. 1f any, under the terms of said Deed of Trust te-es charges and expenses of the Trustee and of the trusts created by said Deed of Trust The total amount of tht unpaid balance of the nbhgat1on secured by the property to be sold .nd reasonable estimated costs. expenws and advances ell the llmtt of the initial pubhcat100 of the Notice ot Sa e is $396 004 50 The beneficiary under said Oeeod or Trust ne1etofore ~1'ecuted and delivered to the unders1tJned a written Declarabon ot Default and Demand 101 Sdlt and a written Notice of Default and Electt0n to Sell The unders1Rned caused S11d Nohct of Default and Elf'Ct1on to Sell to be rt!'COtde<l 1n the county where the real propt'rty 1s ~Jttd CONSOLIDATED qf CONVEYANCE COMPANY ll/3. ll/10.11 117 l76l By Ann Simon Trustee Offia-r 21031 Ventur• Blvd , Ste 202 Woodland Hill . CA 91364 (818) 340 "12 ' .. .. .. ,_ Zl!l~••lmlll' l ... THE NEWPORT ENSIGN , .... "*.IC lllOllCI ACiiiiOUI .... lat NAMEITAllmNY The folkJWinl .... IS are doifW business -= WlUS/ VAU£CrTOS A.SSOCtATES. 1420 Bristol Slrelt North, Suite 100, Ne•port e.ch. CA92660. wens Farao Moe"tl48.rld Equity Trust. 330 ~­ ton Slreet. Marina def Rey. CA90292. William K. D1Ms.. 1420 Bristol Street North, Suite l 00, Newport Beactl, CA 92660. This business is con· ducted by a aeneral part- nership. The reaistrant com- menced to tranYd busi· ness under the fictitious business name OI names listed above on 8/26/80. Sianed: William It Davis, General Partner. This sUtement was filed with the County Clef1( of Orange County on Oct 14, 1988. File No. f395193 10/27 11/3 11/10 11/17 1735 K GSll PUklC NOTICE FlCllllOUS .-SS NAME STATmUIT THE FOLLOWING PER- SONS ARE DOING BUSI- NESS AS. DAVIS PARTNERS THREE. a California eeneral partnership, 1420 Bristol Street North, Suite 100, Newport Beach, CA 92660. William K. Davis, 1420 Bristol Street North, Suite 100, Newport Beach, Call fom1a 92660. Charles L. Buchanan, 1420 Bristol Street North. Suite 100, Newport Beach, Cahfom1a 92660. Richard E. Lucy, as Trust ee of the Lucy living Trust. u/d/t dated October 8. 1979, 1420 Bristol Street North, Surte 100, Newport Beach, California 92660 Robert J Th1ergartner, 1420 Bnstol Street North, Suite 100, Newport Beach. California 92660. James 0 . Buckingham, 1420 Bristol Street North, Suite 100. Newport Beach, California 92660 Alan J Tuntland, 1420 Brittof Slrelt North, Suite 100, Newpol1 Beech, Cali· tonw. 92660. This Business is con- dudld by. ......... pert. ns'lhip. The re1istrant com· me11Ced to tr•wt busi· neu under the fictitious business ,.,,. Of l*ne5 lismd abcJ¥e on June 28, 1988. Silned: DAVIS PARTNERS THR[(. a Calitomia ..,_.1 pertnershlp. 8y: William K. Dwis. General Partner. This stMlment was filed with the f.ounty Clertt of Or-. County on Oct. 14, 1988. F.-e No. f395183 10/27 11/3 11/10 11/17 1745 PU9UC NOT1C( F"ICll llOUS WESS fCAM£ ITATElllNT The fdkJwinc persons are doinc business as MORENO GRAHAM INVESTMENT GROUP, 2424 S.E. Bristol St, #350, Newport Beach, CA92658. Rodney F. Emefy, 2616 Co"9 St, Corona def Mar. CA 92625. Bertram L. Ryan, 2141 Mesa Drive, Santa Ana Heights, CA 92707. Michaet Te>erRe, 235 Car- nation St, Corona del Mar. CA92625. Dinesh Oavar, 27261 Via San Pedro, Mission Viejo. CA 92692·2434. This business is con· ducted by a general part- nership. The registrant com· menced to transact busi· ness under the fictitious business name listed above on 10/18/88 (Signed) Rodney F Emery This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Orange County on Oct 31, 1988 File No. F·399672 l l l/3, 11110, ll/17 11/24 1751 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITtOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as BIRO & ASSOCIATES. 17772 ln11ne Avenue, Suite 100. Tustin, CA92660. John Keith Yonkers, 2915 Queci.da. Newport Belch, California 92660. John Wifliam Miller, 254 Chiquita Street, La1una Beach, california 92651. Len J. Mazon, 7018 New· ton Place, Alta Loma, Cali· fomia91701 This business is con- ducted by a pneral part- nership. The reaistrant com· menced to transact busi· ness under the fictitious business name listed above on NcMmber 1988. (Sianed) John It Yonkers This statement was filed with the County Clertc of Oranae County on Oct. 31, 1988. File No. F-396720 11/3, 11 /10, 11/17 11/24 1762 PUBLIC NOTICI STATEMENT Of A8ANOONllEJfT Of USE Of FIC11TIOUI IUSINUS NAME STATUIENT The followin1 persons have abandoned the use of the fictitious business name ISLAND GOURMET CREATORS, 123~ Ame- thyst Avenue, Balboa Island, CA 92662. The fictitious business name refem!d to above was filed in Oranae County on 8- 2 1-88. File No. F.390045. Lynn Ann Reynolds, 123~ Amethyst Ave., Bal- boa Island, CA 92662. Kathryn Rose Waterman, 320 McHenry #2, Glendale, CA 91206. This business was con· ducted by co-partners. (Signed) LYNN ANN REYNOLDS. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Orange County on Oct 17, 1988 11/3, 11110, 11/17 11/24 1759 PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE or APPLICATION FOR CHANGE IN OWNERSHIPOF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE UCENSE To Whom It May Concem KIM, Phuong Mong 1s applying to the Department of Alcoholtc Beverage Con trol to sell alcoholic bever ages at 3901 E Coast Hwy., #3, Con>na del Mar, 92625 with "41" On Sate Beer & Wine Public Eltin& Place llcenle. 11/3, 11/10, 11/17 1763 PU8UC JtOT1Cl flCllllOUI ........ NAM1 lrATIMIHT The followifll person is doina buslnea as INDE· PENDENT EDITING SERVI· CES, 32542 Adriatic Driw, l..quna Niluef, CA 926n. Mquerite H. Aronowitz, 32542 Adriatic Drive, Laa· una Niauef, CA 926n. The fillna of this state- ment does not of itsetf auth· orize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the ri1trts of another under federal, state, « comon law (See Section 14400 et. seq. Bus· iness and Professions Code.) This business is con- ducted by an individual. (Signed) Marauerite H. Aronowitz This statement was filed with the County Clertc of Oranae County on Oct 18, 1988. File No. F-395445 11/3, 11/10, 11/17 11/24 1757 PUllUC NOTICE NOTICE Of APPLICATION TO SEU ALCOHOUC IEYEIAGES To Whom It May Concern: COASTAL HOLDINGS. INC. is applying to the Department of Alcoholic Beverase Control for "47" On Sale General Public Eat· mg Place to sell alcoholic beverages at 2751 W. Pacific Coast Hwy., Newport Beach. CA 92663. 11/3, 1755 PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE Of Am.JCATION TO SEU ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES To Whom It May Concern. CALIFORNIA PIZZA KIT CHEN, INC. 1s applying to the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control for "41" On Sale Beer & Wine Public Eating Place to sell alco- holic beverages at 1151 Newport Center Drive. New port Beach, CA 92660 11/3, 1756 PU&ICNOTa 1..um f1C11TIOUI ...... NAMl lrAllMIJfT The fdlowins '*'°" is dOh'I business as GREAT LINES, 1707 Miramar, Bat· bol, CA 92661. Betty McMlcken, 1707 Miramar, Balboa, Ca . 92661. This business is con- ducted by an individual. The re1istrant com- menced to transact busl· ness under the fictitious business name listed above on 2/1/88 (Sianed) Betty McMicken This sUtement was filed with the County Clerk of Oranae County on Oct 27, 1988. File No. F-396436 ll/3, 11/10, 11/17 11/24 1769 PUBUCNOTICE STATUllNT Of AMNDONMOT Of USE OF ACI 11 iOUI BUSINESS NAiil STATEMENT The followina persons have abandoned the use of the fictitious business name TELSTAR TELE- PHONE REPAIR, 3231-B W. MacArthur Ave., Santa Ana, CA92704. The fictitious business name referred to above was filed in Orange County on 7 · 23-84. File No. F.251156. John L. Smith, Jr., 830 Governor, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Robert E. Miller, 830 Gov· ernor, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. This business was con- ducted by an individual. (Signed) JOHN L. SMITH, JR This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Orange County on Oct. 31, 1988. 11/3, ll/10, ll/17 11/24 1758 PUBLIC NOTICE IC-43714 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as PROFES SIONAL BUSINESS PUBLI CATIONS & SEMINARS. 1300 Dove Street. Suite 200, Newport Beach, CA 92660. Oavtd B. DuWatdt 16882 Bolu Chica Street, Suite 202, HUf1tlnston Belch, CA 92649. Gary L Marsh, 1300 Dove Stre«. Sutt. 200, Newport a.ch. CA 92660. Thomas E. Tucker, 3 Upper Newport Plaza Drtw, Newport Beech, CA 92660. This business is con- ducted by • pneral part- nership. (Sianed) Gary L Marsh GeneralPartner This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Oranae County on Oct. 27, 1988. File No. f -396440 ll/3, 11/10, 11/17 11/24 1767 PU-..C NOTIC£ lt-43113 f'ICTITIOUS -· NAiii STATEMUfT The followinc persons are doing business as SOUTH PAW PARTNERS 20301 Acacia Street, Suite 250. Newport Beach, CA 92707. Mark B. David, 10 Top Of The Wortd Drive, Laguna Beach, California 92651. Harry C. Crowell, 554 Harbor Island Drive, New- port Beach, CA 92660. This business Is con- ducted by a aeneral part- nership. The registrant com- menced to transact busi- ness under the fictitious business name listed above on 6/1/87 (Signed) Marte B. David General Partner This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Orange County on Oct. 24, 1988. File No. f ·396012 11/3, 11 /10.11/17 11/24 17~A PUBUC NOTICE IC-43783 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as HIXSON/ TOLL PARTNERSHIP 829 Production Place. Newport Beach. CA 92663 Robert M Hixon, Jr. 2121 Bayside Drive, Corona del Mar, Cal1forn1a 92625 Sim C Hixson, 1240 Via Coronel, Palos Verdes Estates, CA 90274 Hubert G. Toll, 650 East O 6trMt. Wihninetion. CA 90744. This business is con· duct*' by a lllf*ll part- nership. The reaistrant com- menced lo transect busi· 118$1 under the fictitious business rwme listed above on Aucust 19, 1988. (Sianed) Robert M. Hixson, Jr. ThiJ C'lstatef-wmet .. ,..nt was flied with the f.ounty Clef1( of Oranae f.ounty on Oct. 27. 1988. File No. f .396438 11/3, 11/10. 11/17 11/24 1770 PU~ f'ICTITIOUS IUSINESI NAME STATEMENT The followins persons are doina business as JT RIV- ERSIDE, LTD., a California limited Partnership, 3 Upper Newpott Plaza Drive, Newport Beach, CA 92660. Larry Tucker, 3 Upper Newport Plaza Drive, New- port Beach, CA 92660. Jack J. Jakosky 3 Upper Newport Plaza Drive, New- port Beach, CA 92660. Thomas E. Tucker, 3 Upper Newport Plaza Drive, Newport Beach, CA 92660. This business is con- ducted by a limited partner- ship. (Signed) Larry Tucker General Partner This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Orange County Of1 Oct. 26. 1988. File No. F·396347 11/3, 11/10, 11/17 11/24 1766 Now'• the time to start saving for Chrlatmas. Wrap up the perfect part- tlme employment opportunity by checking classified. ~I. 1• THE NEWPORT £NSIGN PMC r1 Class· Housekeeping Rooms 413 Hotel~ .............. 4 16 Doss & Cats .......... 8~4 Livestock ........ : •... 825 TRANSPORTATION CLASSIFIED INDEX MERCHANDISE SALES & SERVICE Antiques ............. 808 Appliances ........... 806 Birds . . . . 826 REAL ESTATE Industrial . . . . . . . 506 , , •'-v•, .~ Property ...... 509 Lake Shore Property 5 15 Airplanes . . . . . 900 Ant1aue Classic Car , 912 .;utos for Sale . . . . . 910 Autos Wanted . . . . 915 Auto Parts & Tires . . . 907 ANNOUNCEMENTS Announcing .......... 200 Beauty Aids . . . . . . . 213 Card of Thanks .. . 201 Cemetery Lots . . . . . . . 201 Florists.... . . . . . . . .. 207 Funeral Directory ..... 205 Funeral Services . . .. 206 Health Aids . . . .. . .. 214 Legal Notices . . 212 Lodges-Clubs-etc 209 Nurseries . . . . . . . 815 Lost & Found ..•... 210 Personals . . . . . . . . . . 211 BUSINESS Investments .......... 828 Money to Loan ........ 605 Money Wanted ....... 606 Opportunities ........ 700 Opportunities Wtd .... ](V- EMPLOYMENT Agencies ............. 300 Opportunities ......... 305 Employment Wanted 307 Appliances Wanted ... 807 Auctions ............. 814 Building Material ..... 817 Business Equipment 818 Coins/Stamps ........ 813 Furniture ............. 800 Furniture Wanted ..... 805 Garage Sales . . . . . 705 Jewelry . . . . . . . 812 Manne Supplys .. 906 Misc. for Sale . . 809 Misc Wanted .. 810 Musical Instrument 811 Office Equipment 827 Pets & Supplies . . . 823 Sporting Equipment. .. 819 Acreage . . . . 51 1 Apts Furnished . 407 Apts Unfurnished . 408 Bldg to be Moved .. 816 Business Property 500 Business Rentals 421 Condos~rRen1 409 Condos for Sa1e 50 7 Commercial Propf'rty 505 Desert Property 51 3 F dfms & Ranches 512 Garages for Rent 400 Houses for Sate 508 Houses for Rent Fu" 405 Houses 'ur Ren· Unfurn 406 Lots for Sale .......... 510 Mobile Homes 91 7 Mortgage & TD . . 607 Motels .. . . . . . .415 Mountain Cabins . . 422 Office Space 420 Out of State Prop . 51 4 Real Estate Wanted . 518 Rentals to Share 412 Real Estate for Xchg 51 7 Real Estate Loans 600 Rooms for Rent 41 0 RESORT PROPERTY For Sale Rental 4ld .. 4 17 Auto Repair /Dom.. 913 Auto Repair/For . . . 914 Boats 905 Campers 919 Foreign & Sports . . . 911 Mopeds . 909 Motorcycles & Bikes 308 Motor Homes · 916 SERVICES Srhools 608 Situation Wanted . • 308 Dire tory of Business S s •House Cleaning •Painting •Accounting •Child Care NO TIME FOR CHI LD CARE BOOKKEEPING? Let George do it. Profes- s iona 1, c.omputenzed reports tailored to your needs. Small business & individual specialist. Licensed tax return pre· parer: sole proprietors, partnerships & <;:()(JX>f'a- tions. George B1enstadt (714) 964-2002 •Attorney ATTORNEY AT LAW JAMES f . LECK SPECIALIZING IN: •Personal Injury •Auto Injury •Boats, Bikes, Aviation, Etc. •Mal practice: Legal or Medical •Work-Related Injury •Insurance Claims •Product Liability •Wrongful Death •No charge for Legal Consul- tation. No recovery. No attorney fees. 2372 South· East Bristol #B Newport Beac h 852-0808 BUILD A $100,000 lo 1 MU Bus in l year. Must have desire and commit· ment to work proven plan in booming water indus· try. Call Mr. Roldan at 776·1600 -child Care SUNSHINE SITIER SER· VICE, ~ow open. Ba~ s.tter and companion fOr the eldef1y. House/pet sitters. Hourly/vacation Screened & bonded, CPR certified and f1na~r· ~,ed. Call Sue 361· HOUSEKEEPER AVAILABLE Live rn/or out, canng dependable, screened to meet your needs. Domestic ExcellenceA· gency. 714-832-3665 NEWBORN Nurseries, precious bab~ care, near South Coast Plaza. 754- 1079 INFANT DAY CARE Avail· ab1e in my Costa ~esa Home. Full or part time. Mary 650-2864 CHILD CARE / HOUSE- KEEPERS AVAILABLE Live in or out. caring, dependable, screened lo meet your needs. Domestic Excellence Agency 832-3665 NEWBORN Nurseries. precious bab)' care. near South Coast Plaza. 754- 1079 •Credit MASTERCARD. NO ONE REFUSED Regardless of credit history. Also erase bad credit Do it yourself. Call 1-619-565-1522 Ext. 2 102FL 24 hrs. FR EE VISA/ M/C Clean up your credit report and obtain Triple A credit rating. Over 250 banks offering free low interest rate. Visa M/C complete info. Send $4.95 posta~ and han- dhng to U.S. Credit. P.O. Box 2521, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 •Custom Landscaping LANDSCAPING & Tree Service & Clean Ups. Monthly Fee Jim 553- 1554 •Domestic CAROLS CLEANING All supplies furnished. Low rates, reliability referen- ces. We do vacancies. for professional and per· sonal. Call (714) 897· 3930 HOUSEKEEPERS ~ NANNIES AGENCY Has immediate openings for Live In/Out House· keepers. Exp. preferred. Spanish OK. All Jobs 100% Free. (714) 951-6110 LICENSED ANO BONDED __ _ LIVE-IN COMPANION AID, 714·669·1148 HOUSEKEEPERS & NANN IES AGEN CY Earn up to $300 a week Live in/out. Spanish OK. Au-Pairs OK. Positions available now. Call immediately (714) 951 · 6110. L1c. & bonded. FREE TO APPLICANTS • HODMkttpen • HoUMOt~n • Couplft • Al .. +Co..,..._ • eo ......... • N.,..;, • ...t -.dt 90N .,, • F'"c..-.. .. • FrM T,....._ • Ac~ AppliutlMI r.a s.mc. 0o ••• A.., 1000au.a.1190 Newport Bch, CAl2MO 752 .. 771 •Fencing Fencing Specialists Concepts All Types Custo m Wood Fencing. Painting available and Tho mpson Water Seal. Color Photo (714) 557-1572 •Health & Be•uty •Home Repair & Remodeling FREE CONSUMER SERVICE Call for names of competent licensed & bonded tradespeople to remodel, repair. clean and decorate. HOME IMPROVEMENT REFERRALS INC. (714) 631 -7200 CALIFORNIA SWEEP Commercial & res. Lie & bonded. 646-2563. We have ref. •Health & Beauty SKIN CARE Professional Prod ucts, not sold in stores. High quality, custom programs for your skin type. Send name, address and skin type to: SKIN WEAR 24861 Alicia Pkwy, Suite C-2972 Laguna Hills, CA 92653 •Gardening QUALITY LAWN SER VICE. Lawn service avail· able complete to mow & edge Call 631-4535 •Home Repair & Remodeling DYNAMIC ROOF SYSTEM Take pnce 1n yoor home Local contractor 1n roof- ing for 39 years. Custom ~a must. (714)642 4474. ROOM ADDITION Remodeltna. decks. patio cover1. Lie. & bonded. Call for free est S46-S403 •Home Repair & Remodeling PROFESSIONAL HOUSE Cleaning. Excellent Ref Reas rates 723 0994 •House Cleaning CARPET CLEANING SERVICE Shampoo & Steam Cleaning Spothfters, Deoderizer Included 2RMS & HALLWAY $39.95 ROGERS CARPET CLEANING 7 OAYS014) 472·0230 ASK ABOUl HOST ORY CHEMICALS L & B 8"n in Bus Smee 1980 LOCAL MOTH ER/ DAUGHTER TEAM will clean your house or office. Thorou~h. Clean and conscientious. 85 7 8501 " HOUSECLEANING SER· VICE BRITISH Team Affordable rates, reha· ble. Call (714) 623-0493 . •landscaping COMPLETE LANDS~ CAPE SERVICES 21 years exp. Mc Weeney Landscape. General yard cleanup, sprinkler repair, commercial maintenance. (7 14) 645-5124 • •Memberships NACO MEMBERSHIP complete and diversified R.V. & camping facility, Thousand Trails ava1la· ble, $4,000. 722-8236 •Masonry For a dependable dry wall company call Artis· tic Interiors 556· 1160 ... small repairs Room addition. Custom texture CONCRETE PATIOS, Onve-decks. conc rete reserved w/epoxy store Brick·blockwork Lie 966-2 134 •Music Lessons PIANO INSTRUCTION Classic. Jau. Pop. l 5yrs exp, adult. ktds BA 786· 4408 •Musicians DO YOU NEED A BAND For weddings. parties or hohdaysP Book "NIGHT WATCH" p layed recently-Ritz Carlton Laguna Niguel (9wks). currently playing at the Mamott "View"' Loung , Newport Beach fashtOn Island on Mon & Tues nights. (5 p.ece) Maae & female vocalists, key boards. sax & drums We ~ swing, cha chal own. t~ 40 etc ca1 Bob days 631-8120 Ext 13: eves {714) 642·9585 CUSTOM PAINTING I ntenor & Exterior Totally £ustom Craftsmanship. 25 Yrs Exp. Free Est. 646- 0193 •Plumbing DRAINS, CLEAR FROM Sl 7 00 Faucet. dispo- sal, heater. repair any- time. •oDo• 646-9296 •Pool Sena FINEST QUALITY SER· VICE & REPAIRS. 20 yrs. experience. Pre Season Special: 1 month FREE service. Free estimate & pool analysis. Evans Lite Guard Poot Service. 546· 8008 •Roofs DYNAMIC ROOF SYS· TEM Take pride in your home. Local contracter rn Roofing for 39 years. Custom work a must (714) 642-4474 ROOFING LEAKY ROOFS All types repairs & reroofs. Call for free est1 mates 843-5995 RAIN GUTTERS? (714) 964-3662 •Steam Cleaning STEAM CLEANING Newport Power Cleaning •Sidewalks •Driveways •Boats. Docks •Restaurants •Engines {714) 675-2523 •Tile DEAN TH E TILE MAN Leaky showers, ceramic tile; 1nstall/repa1r/ac1d wash/regrout, shower doors. new & repair, & plumbing. Safety bars Lie# 432332. 714·675· 8212 or 846-8526 CERAMIC TILE Custom Tile Work Floors, counters & show· ers Brick or block, con· cme. 15 lf"S eap .c ref, Irvine Construction. (714) 854-1n2 , ... f J I PAI£ ll-mlUllO I. 1 .. THE NEWPORT ENSIGN $1.50 PER DAY That's all you pay fo~ 3 lines 30-day minimum in our SERVICE DIRECTORY call today!! ASK FOR INEZ CALL 631 -8120 EXT 16 211-Personals GARY COOPER STRONG PERSONALITY Creative. Looking for attractive 50's not work- ing flexible social lady to share all these with. Homemaker. Sailing, gardening, charity, art, theatre. music, travel communication, close· ness feelings, 8hoto. Write 69020 xford Drive. Huntington Beach, CA 92649 305-Employment Opportunities CRUISE SHIP JOBS! Immediate openings! Seasonal & refundable. 1-518-459-3535 Ext. P2954 . -------.,..~ "ALL CASH BUSINESS" National Company seek self-motivated person to own and operate their own business. Census reports show average profit of $1,370.63 per month expanding to $3,289.50 due to com- pany's participation. Ser· vice company owned accounts currently han· dling Frito-lay and other name brand food pro- ducts. Requires approx- imately 8 hours per week and investments of $15,000 cash for equip- ment. Call toll free 1-800· 782-1550 Operator 4-S, anytime. GOVERNMENT JOBS $15,400-$72,500 Now Hiring, Excellent benef · its. Call 504-649-7922 Ext. j-8348 GOVERNMENT JOBS $15 400-$72 500 NOW HIRING. Exceitent benef· its, Call 5()4..649· 7922 Ext J 2550 P/T HELP wanted childrens clothing store. 2-3 days a week some sat. 714-857-9095. 50 STATE SEMINARS, a nationwide company, is seeking aynam1c ano motivated individuals to teach no money down seminar. Network in America. You've seen them on TV, now do them in person. $3,000 to $6,000 per month possi· ble p /t $10,000 to $15,000 possible flt. For interviews call (208) 385-0313. EARN $7.75 hr. We need assistance in ewluating and responding to daily work rePof'ts submitted by our aeents throushout the state. No expenence necessary. paid to com- plete training. Work at home. For information send self -addressed, stamped envelope, 9~ inches long to: AWGA, Dept. E Box 49204, Atlanta, GA 30359 PRESTIGE DATA PRO - CESSING AGENCY If Pounding the pave- ment has you down call us for the best jobs in town! 18582 Beach Bl Huntington Beach. (714)964-0570. SECURITY OFFICERS WORK FOR AN EXPANDING COMPANY m ORANGE COUNTY AREA ·11tew.t~· IMMEDIATE OPENINGS! 1 Will train • transportat90n, telephone and a clean back· 1 ·ground mandatory. Uniforms provided. W/exp. • $5.25+ 11 &Mfits lnclud~ • Credit Union • Paid Vacations J RETIREES & COLLEGE STUDENTS WELCOME Call (71'4) 523-8360 ADVOCATE ENTERPRISES, INC. SECURITY OFFICER for N PB market, wanted unarmed. senior citizens OK. $5.25 per hr. coll collect (818)989-0366. Efficiency patrol and guard serv. ,, ----·------------Gerber.Children• Center T•ACH•R•IT.ACH•R• Calllng All Teacheral Fun. T"'-Fun lovtftg AtMCI ........ °"°""'""'" For SucceM. £CE U.. P1 .. INCi. w CHRISTMAS IS COMING! PARITIME FLEX HOURS to $8.42 hr. 3 positions available. Locations Santa Ana, Mission Viejo, Newport Beach. (714) 768-6070 E.0 .E. WE WANT YOU If you are enthusiastic, energetic and hard work mg, Earn extra $CASH$ demonstrating Christmas Items. Work now thru November. • FREE Training • FREE $300 Sample Kit NOW HIRING YOUR AREA. $13.550 to $59,480 Immediate openings. Call 1-315- 733-6062 Ext. #F 369 Position available as store clerk. Benefits include medical. dental/life. Profit Sharing. • No Investment GOVERNMENT JOBS $15,400-$72,500. Now hiring. Excellent benef· its. Call 504-649-7922 Ex J2550 On the spot interviews!Mon-Fri, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. • No Experience Necessary • Work C>Nn Hours • Paid Weekly CALL TODAY! (714) 979-0520 FEDERA L, STATE and civil service jobs. Now hiring. your area. $13,550 to $59,480 immediate openings. Call 1-315-733-6062 ext #F 369. 30018 Crown Valley Pkwy Laguna Niguel (714) 495- 5543 (STOP-N .GO MARKETS) oin the crew at CVS. CVS Pharmacy currently has morning, ••' afternoon and evening shifts available for Crew Members. No experience is required. Students, seniors and homemakers are welcome to apply. At CVS we offer: • clean and neat working environment • regular wage reviews ------ GEN OFFICE 1 person, private office, to assist, successful seminar lee· turer must be self mot- ivated, organized and reliable. Good salary, benefits incentive. CdM PCH location. Call Peter Shore (714) 675-1769 HOUSEKEEPERS WANTED for small housekeeping service for coastal area. Must be honest, reliable, energetic. And have own car. Call 213-433-0825. AUTOMOTIVE needs part time telephone sales rep, for follow up, reorder. telephone sales exp pref. Pleasant phone personality required. Air- port area. 756-2054 We Need Management Candidates With Plenty Of Drive It takes lots of energy. ambition and drtYe to suc- ceed as a Pizza Hut Restaurant Manager. "this aoundl h you, keep reading! A8 a clvtslon of PepsiCo, nobody provides a ~ ter envtrorment for success than Pizza Hut. And nobody challenges you Ike Pizza Hut -with person- nel, nwkeling, finance and operations res~ d>llties. H you've go what tt takes, we ofter: • AssJstant Manager Salary range of $17,800- $18,500/year • Aggressive training program wt1h potential to develop Into a Manager position within 6 months to one year. • Manager salary range from $24,000-$27,700/ year. Become a key player In the $163 billon per year food seMoe industry and reap the '8W81d9. Apply In person 9am-4pm Monday tuu Frtday or lend yOOI t'Mlm8 In confidence to: George Terry, Pizza Hut Dl8tr1ct Office, 901 Powell Ave. SW, Renton, WA 98055. An Equal Oppot1unitY EmployerMIF/H. • employee discounts • flexible work schedules cv.s ----------.;~-----m 255-5707 Apply anytime at the CVS in your neighborhood. We also have management positions available. Call 1 (800) 234-1034. pb1rm1cy YOU BELONG WITH THE BEST .. la I. 1• THE NEWPORT~ II GROUND FLOOR OPPORTUNITY 305·Ems>loYmem Opportunities International company taking Calif. by stOf'm. •9596 Untapped market •Up to 60% oommis-LOT ATTENDANTS/SHUTTLE DRIVERS sion eCar program •Expense account •Pt & Full time •Management Oppt. •Local training provided This is a golden oppt. Call for personal interview. M r. Edelmann or Mr. Monrow (714) 776-9035 Growing Car Rental Company has lmmecliate Openin&S For Lot Attendants and Shuttle Drivers. Must Be 18 Years or Older, and Good D MV. Full and Part Time Positions Available Applv In Person at HIRING ASSISTANT Manaaers and staff. If you like working in a p leasant atmosphere and meeting people join Cinnamon Roll Fair. Apply in person. 2201h Marine Ave., Balboa Island DISTRICT MANAGER Full time, full benefits, afternoons. Call Jeff 540- 3008 GET PAID FOR READING BOOKS! $100.00 per title. Write: PASE-C4041 , 161 S. lincolnway, N. Aurora, IL 60542 ATTENTION EXCEL· LENT INCOME fOf' home assembly work. Info call 504 -646-1700 DEPT. P237 • Anaheim • Buena Park • Fullenon • Garden Grove EASY WORK! Excellent pay! Assemble products at home Call fOf' mfor · mat1on. 312-741-8400 Ext. A 2550 • Humington Beach • Orange County Airport • Long Beach Airpon • San Gabriel 421 E. Cerritos Ave., Anaheim (714) 53~·9311 TELEMARKETING Tele- com system dist needs telemarketer for sale leads. PT /Exp pref Salary + comm. Call Mr. Turco at 975-8540 EARN $1,000 A WK PT Phone work. PR no sales Hrs flex AM or PM shift. commission only. Cali Pat 6 75-0031 ® JOIN THE TEAM! THE BURGER KING TEAM • Rapid Advancement • Management Positions Available • Great for Senior Citizens • AU Shifts Available • Full or Part-time Positions STOP BY AND BECOME A TEAM MEMBER Marguerite & La Paz 701 N. Main 16105 Brookburst Mission Viejo Santa Ana Fountain Valley 768-3661 543-5721 531-6443 1236 W. Imperial Hwy. Tustin at Lincoln Lincoln at State College (Across from Fashion Square) (Safeway/Sav-on Center) (East Anaheim Center) La Habra Orange Anaheim (213) 690-4078 993-5820 520-5268 2015 Harbor Blvd. 1766 E. McFadden 23641 Rocktield Blvd. (Harbor Near 19th St.) Santa Ana El Toro Costa Mesa 835-0242 458-2088 642-6154 601 E. Dyer 2403 E . C hapman 19800 Bach Blvd. Santa Ana Fullerton Huntinston Beach .549-3540 871-5131 963-3887 • Pasadena • Beverly Hills • Los Angeles • Wilshi re Area CRUISE SHIPS NOW HIRING All positions. Both skilled and unskilled FOf' informa- tion call (615) 292-6900 Ext. H-473 WE WANT YOU If you are enthusiastic. energetic and hard working. Pos1t1on available as stOf'e clerk Benefits include medical, dental/hfe Profit Shanng. On the spot Mon-Fri 9am-3pm 30018 Crown Valley Pkwy Laguna Niguel (714) 495- 5543 (STOP-N.GO MARKETS) WE WANT YOU If you are enthusiastic. energetic and hard working. Posi- tions available as store clerks Benefits, include medic a I/dental /life. paid training, profit. sharing On the spot interviews! Thurs & Fri- day July 21 and July 22, 9 a .m -3 i:: m. 30018 Crown Valley Pky, Lag- una Niguel 714-495· 5543 Stop-N Go EARN $7 75 hr We need assistance 1n evaluating and responding to daily work reports submitted by our agents throushout the state No experience necessary, work at home. For information send self-addressed stamped envelope 9~ inches long to AWGA Dept. ~A Box 4920( Atlanta, UA ' TYPIST -H undred s weekly at home! Write P 0 . Box 16, Clark. NJ 07066 FLEXIBLE HOURS/VAR- IETY OF JOBS. We have clerical1 receptionist. secretarial & WOfd ~o­ cessina postt;ons availa- ble. $6.00-$10.00 an hour. Call 474-0972 for interview CHILDREN'S GYMNAS- TIC TEACHER. Move· ment educabon 1nstruc - tor San Juan Capistrano/ Dana Point/Tustin/ Newport Beach area. 10 hrs WP.ek aftemoon and/ or evenings. Exp pre- ferred. ean (714> 645- 6357 REAL ESTATE SALES! Top producer seeks 2 honest & experienced residents and/or com- mercial licensed agents 801' commission + leads furnished Call Patrick Tenore & Assoc 721 - 1200 EAR~ $7 75 HR We neeci assistance in eva- luating and responding to daily work reports sub- m itted by our agents throughout the state. No experience riecessary; work at home ;:or infor mat1on send self· addressed. stamped envelope 9'h inches long ORVILLE WANTS YOU ! Looking tOf' fnenr 1 inde pendent people to work at our snack location Newport Fashion Island If 1ntetested v1s1t us at the Irvine Ranch Farmer Market in Theatrium Court Or call (71 4) 640 7701 I NH 11-IMEalEI l t• THE NEWPORT ENSfGN . 406-Hom./Renl/ Unf. .. FIRST AMERICA FINANCIAL CORPORATION WANTED MARKETING REPRESENTATIVE ARE YOU A BETTER • SALESMAN than I am? If so you will make $100,000 the first yr_ in 3 Bil water Industry. Call Mr. Roldan 776-1660 EARN MONEY READING ~WOKS! $3.o,oOO/yr income potentra . Details 805-687-6000 Ext y. 7796 WESTPARK BRAND NEW Beautiful 4 bdr house with view, by J.M. Peters. Near park, pool, school. 2400 sq. ft. upgraded, no pets. TOWNH OUSE APT. $700. 2 Bdr 1 ~ Bath 2 people..t. _rl<! _pets. 755 W. 18t~ \..OSTa Mesa. 646-9501 412-Rentats to Share EARN $230,000+ PER YEAR lndlvldually or $807,500 with 10 associates (est.) with America's most exciting business opportunity. We have attracted CPA·s. lawyers, MBA·s •. management executtves. salespeople, and others who own franchises. • Brand new product • Unllmlted market • CLIENT benefits substantially at no extra cost • YOU allocate your • Product sells Hself when shown own time • Expert training • No Inventory • Mlnlmal overhead • Not a franchise or • No competition MLM Umlted number of Marketing Rights TOTAL INVESTMENT $20,000 For an Information package call {416)368-0464 or {416)941-9922 Retail Newport Stationers. Orange Co's largest ott1ce supply co. is now open 1n Irvine We are accepting applications for the foll0W1ng full time and part·llme positt0ns • Retail Sales •Clerical •Warehouse •Drivers Must have high standards and en1oy dealing with the public Many company benefits/will train Please phone for information Ask for Mary Ann H1lsen NEWPORT STA TtONERS 72 Corporate Par11 ln11ne, CA 927 14 71 4-863·1200 SUNSHINE SITIER SER- VICE now hiring. Exp. babysitters and compan- ions for the elderly. Must have ref, own transporta- tion. Gd-Pay-Flex hrs. Sue 966-1322 $60.00 per bundred remailing letters from home! Details, send self- addressed. stamped envelope. Associates, Box 309-T. Colonial, NJ 07067 TELEMARKETING REPS NEEDED for classic ballet season. At the Per- forming Arts Center. Eve/Hrs. Salary against commission. Have fun making new friends and $. 556-2121 Roxanne GOVERN MENT JOBS $18,037 to $69.405. Immediate hiring! Your area. Call (refundable) l · 518-459-3611 Ext F 2954 for Federal list 24 hrs For exciting new asset evaluation service pro- gram. Great potential and supportive work environment: Draw against commission if you qualify. Contact Pat 675-0030 WHY DOES WORK~ She's financially secure. Why? Helen gives out free samples at exclusive markets near home. She meets people, has fun, and works onty when she wants to. Interested ? Call KOS Marketing 962- 5688. HOME ASSEMBLY CO. $242.10 weekly. You make plant hangers. Start right away. Send long self -addressed envelope to: Amy Robin- son. 743 Mechanic St., Lebanon, PA 17042 307-Employment Wanted Harborview HARBOR VIEW HOME 3 bd. 2 bth ., new crpt. paint. Garden water Pd. $1800 month. 643-2541 or 643-6412 PART TIME EVENING 408-Apartments, Work desired by respon· Unfur. s1ble, organized and experienced Multi Mate Wordprocessing Opera- tor on your computer Call Barbara eve~ or leave message. 121 -I 6701 308-Situation Wanted MATURE GIRL FRIDAY. Exec utive secretar ial skills. In various types of business. 25 years exp. full or pt time. Call eve or weekends. 675-6580. 406-Houses/RenV Unf. '(E ~ EJ~!!ii1~ NEWPORT BEACH 4 ~}~bath on water. J~ a month. 650-1 Irvine NORTHWOOD, 2bdr, 1 bath upgr twnhm on lake steps to pool, ACJ... all amets. $950. 583.7.,,01 PRIVATE roomw/ba, pri- vate entrance, micro· wave & refrig. Utilities paid, non-smoke. $400 ·mo.+ dep. Call 650-2538 ROOM TO SHARE with 2 male professionals. 34th Balboa. $400 + 7 · l Brian 673-3090 417-Resort Rentals Maui .AUl /KAA NAPALI BEACH 1 Bdrm or 2 Bdrm condo. Ocean view fully furn & equip. Ten- nis/pool/beach. Bro- chure. 854-0909 418-Resort For Sale PALM SPRINGS CONDO 2 ~r 2 bath with private patio, pool, jacuzzi sauna and tennis court all included. 714-633- 2562 COAST PROPERTIES OCEAN FRONT Half Moon Bay 25 acre ranch. $4 ,500,000 home. pool, hangor, barn, cottage.t beach. (415) 726-472:> I Newport Ensign/Costa Mesa News Classified Ads CLASSIFIED PRIVATE PARTY LINE RATES 1 l 3 4 ' SAVE TIME Visa or Mastercard orders m ay be completed by pho ne. ~ (714) 631-8120 • USE T HIS FORM TO WRITE YOUR AD. ( f here are approxima tely 20 c ha racters and s paces per line. m inim um 3 lines.) PLEA SE PRIN T: Week Weeks Weeks Weeks 3 Lines 14.20 19.25 23 .72 27.18 4 Lines 17.26 24.02 29.98 34.61 5 Lines 20.34 28.78 36.23 42.01 6 Lines 23.43 33 .54 42.46 49.41 7 Lines 26.49 38.30 48.75 56.83 Over 7 Lines Add per line 3.08 4.76 6.26 7.40 All classified advertisina runs in both papers only. BUY 3 WEEKS, GET 1 FREE! Deadline: Tuesday. 10:00 a.m. All Classified ads must be prepaid by cash, check. money order, Visa or Mastercard. Please schedule my classified ad for weeks. Enclosed Is my check or money order for S ___ _ Name Address _________ _ ---------City _________ Zip ___ _ Phone ________ ~ Newport Ensign/ Costa Mesa News 901 Dover Drive #132, Newport Beach, CA 92660 _. I ' I a:EDSEI 1. 1• THE NEWPORT ENSIGN----ftlE 11 507. Condominiums 508-Hou••• for 511-Acrup Sale RESTAURANT, BAR & MOTEL-38 000 sq.ft. 719·574·6l21 or Box 10328. csc 80932 s1 .2so.ooo. owe --------5'17- Condominiurnt forS.le (S:J~·:W>faW] BUILDERS CLQS~j VACP HI['~ 1 .( 2 bf'0 .... ~luded con' .gnificent set f)anoramiC" v.~ canyon and 1iew. Located • ~ San De Cente goi. urse. North of Rancho Bernardo in San Diego County Estates. 1 ~ hrs from Newport Beach. Totally upgraded with many amenities manefesting in San Vicente Country Club included in . price. $180,000. 650· 7000. Ii::Ji!·!~M)) BRAND NEW COSTA MESA Spacious open floor plan in this newly constructed detached townhouse. Many amen1t1es. Short distance to beach. ()pen Sat·Sun 12·4 . 2192 Pacific. 650· 7000 HAMILTON COVE Catalina condo, 1 bdr t'Olf cart, tennis, pool 1acuzzi, yacht mooring and all rooms have view. (213) 541·2967 508-Houses for Sale LIDO ISLE Charming 3 Bdrm & den, 2 baths1 lovely patio. Close to oeach & tennis. Will exchange for Duplex in COM, Laguna Niguel, Irvine or Laguna Beach. Ask for Carolyn Ross 673-7677. Merrill Lynch Realty. GOVERNMENT HOMES! $1.00 (U-REPAIR) Fore· closures, tax delinquent . Nowselli!'Sthis a refundable) l · 9-3546 Ext. H 2954 for listings. BALBOA ISLAND 3 Bdr 2~ bath. 6 yr old. Large Master Suite w/ fireplace & jacuzzi, lav· ish use of wood & glass make this custom home unique. $659,000. Call Bkr 759·1278 GOVERNMENT HOMES FROM $1.00 (U·REPAIR) Foreclosures, repos, tax delinQuent poperties now selling your area call 1-315·736-7375 Ext. H· CAN2 for current list. 24hr. OCEAN FRONT HALF MOON BAY 25 ACRE RANCH. $4.500,000. Home. pool, apt, airplane hangar, barn, cottage. 415-726-4 725 LIDO ISLE 5 bdr contemporary designed by Richard Neutra. Great location. Ask for Carolyn Ross NEWPORT HEIGHTS BAY/ Ocean view, old home 9600 sq. ft. lot. Liv rm, Dining rm, 3 Bdr 2 Baths Sun rm, Family room' inside patio. Asking $550,000. 2 13.377. 5409 ra:iz-:vni•J BAY FRONT PENTHOUSE European elegance, highly upgraded, bay front penthouse. Ele· vated dining area. 2 bdr+den, 3 baths, possl· bly a boat slip. Asking $595,000. 650· 7000 GOVERNMENT HOMES FROM $1 (U ·REPAIR) Also tax delinquent & foreclosure properties available now. For listing call 1·315-733·6064 Ext. G.369 GOVERNMENT HOMES FROM $1.00 (U REPAIR) foreclosures, repos, tax delmQuent properties Now selling your area Call 1·315·736·7375 Ext. H·CA·N2 tor current list. 24 hrs. Special Offer Free Blessing s11e 72X90, Ano Ct'lo1ce Of Yellow or Blue Raint:>ow Or Brown. Authentic Indian Design Each one Personally Blessed BV wise OWi, Medicine Man Ano Chief Drowning Creek Reserva· tion 51 so value For Only 539. Postpaid satisfaction Guaranteed The Only Blanket Offereo To Public Blessed BV Indian Medicine Man Your Order Provides Help urgently Needed Bv Tribe. Please Print DROWNING CREEK RESERVATION Route 2 -Box 108 MAXTON, NOR'™ CAROllNA 28564 ARIZONA 2.5 acre home site. King_man/Yucca $2,950. $200 down $40.31 monthly horses, RV, OK near Ford Motor Co. No Qualifying owner will carry. Agent 818· 783-7921 511-Acreage UT AH 20 acres recrea- tion. Cedar City and Dixie National Forest. Road trontag_e .. $7,950. $100 dn & $99 monthly 9%. No Qualifying. Owner will carry. Agent 818· 783· 7921 514-0ut of State Prop. ISLAND RETREAT. FLY IN, SAIL AWAY. Fabled Orcas Is. in the San Juans, is a northwoods paradise. 2 Bdr, 2 bath home with garden. Large garage & work·shop + additional 2 Bdr & 1 bath apt for guests or income. 1 block from private air- port & marina, & beach. 1 mile to town. Owner must sell. $138,000/ otter. 415·662-2237 SPIRIT LAKE. IDAHO Home + picturesque wood church. $67,500 full pnce. approx. 7.5 SQ ft possible commercial (415) 726-4725 Widow has money for equity._ loan/tds. $l_opoo up. No Qualify· inv no penatty. Call Den- ison Associates 714· 673·7311. 606-Moner Wanted 50% L.T.V Conditional sales contract secured by UCC· l and improved commercial location. $30,000 @15% 3 yrs, 1109 MO. (TOM 261· 5879) 700-Business Opp't. BUS OPPT!! SELL ADVERTISING SPECIALTY TRADEMASTERS ADV 832·9064 IF YOU DESIRE to earn $350.00 for 8 hours worl< per week, you can dis- tribute Blue Bird 100% pure natural fruit juices, to qualify, you must be bondabfe and have $16,500 cash for equip. ment Service company established accounts. No selling involved. Call toll· free l ·800· 782· 1550 Operator 4-J any· time PAWN. Your Car, Truck or R.V. INSTANT CASH $3,000 to $50,000 In One Hour! -CALL- OAK CABINET and 26-in. Emerson stereo TV with remote control. Call 855- 4160 MOVING SALE L.cweseat Early American wall shelves, table lamps, regrigerator, good cond1· lion 759-0949 SHARP, SOFA, LOVE· SEAT, CHAIR, OTTO· MAN. Never used $250. Call 843-9294 SOFA LOVESEA T. CHAIR. SCOTCH- GUARDED. NEVER USED. $250. 843-9294 OFFICE FURNITURE 2 oak executive desk, $350 each. 1 oak exec credenza $300. 2 match- ing exec c hairs $75 each. Sofa $4 75. Oak coffee table $100. 72(). 0156 824-Dop and Cats MINIATURE SCHNAUZ- ERS AKC PUPS. SIP and Blk. M/F. 760-0946 827-0ffice Equipment MclNTOSH S.E. 8 Mega Bytes formatte hard drive. Image printer II $3600.00 value still in boxes. Asking $3250.00 (714) 832-6712 S99 PER MONTH RENT I BM PC clone. 640K dual dnve, graphics high res monitor. 714-261·2416 828-lnvestments LOOKING for funds need investors with $200,000 All funds federally insured. guaranteed income, secured by TD Serious mquines to Bob 714-638-4 717 En1oy 13-15% return on tds. AJso lend on & buy tds. $10.000 up $1 mil plus Call Denison Asso- ciates 714-673·7311 today 647-2302 CROSSWORD PUZZLE~-----~ '--~---.C-IOS-S -- 9 10 II 12 13 1 Certain collep men 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 14 lS n 18 19 51 5 BeayY hammer 9 Any aUem,pU 14 Important schedules l7 Standpatters 19 Eltle 20 CUJ ln Syria 21 Japanese bay 22 Oriental name is Drtwt.nc wet JS Oreekletter 28 Ma.a' 1 IUdaame 11 8ite ala trial 21 --went) 30 Man· a name meant.nc little bear 31 Enrcreena S2 Newepa,per world 33 St.ate poatu .. 11 S4 Tranllnc eJq>enaea 35 Locale tn GWTW 31 SlannWD 38 Ten.a 40 Deal tt peedlly 43 Scamp: Colloq. 45 Duped .. The plQ 49 lpffclllflH 51 Grand-. S.upltM'abome 52 AAtttoata• 54 MocUcl 5$ Goe• "1"0ftl M RlplaaMu II Tittle• II ..._. ud 11oea1 a c.oantcta a Onr 14 Cadte: .... • Flalal . _ ..... If ...... __.rot : ~=-.,srab Tl Folklen a.ncter ,. ......... ,. Lola 77 Stitched 78 Mald oaU. 79 Per80n of importance· Slans DOWN 1 Needlecase 2 Fealty tn speech only ' Cold 4 Understand 5 Twin crystal 8 French dupat '1 Elktmo knife 8 At.ted 9 Platform l O Sanctlfled 11 Olginp 12 Easer 13 flower petals 15 Retinue ll Pelt 11 Sptrlt• 24 ~" •lnd 2'J n.. prtHnl ll Term.apnt 11 °""r >O Cereal SI .,._, of S. A. 32 CoU...-teacMn . IGr llilcMt S4 Leu ,. • t ... • Tt1t•~ •mu • I$ ... ., DIMwrJ. •h••. 90S-8•• BEAUTIFUL CLIPPER SHIP MODEL (ScNeretgn d the Sea). Great gift for home "' office, scratch built scale ~ inch to the foot. Solid wood Length 38'.4 inch height 25~ inch Authentically rigged. Solid mahogany fra~ _,glass case. $2,lMJ. (714) 472·6344 910..Autos for Sale CAN YOU BUY JEEPS, CARS. 4X4s seized in drug raids for under $100? Call tor facts today 602-837-3401 Ext 457 GOVERNMENT SEIZED VEHICLES FROM $100. Fords, Mercedes. Corvettes. Chevys, sur · Dfus. 8wef's Guide (1) 805·681-6000 Ext. S· 7796 BUY GOVERNMENT SEIZED AND SURPLUS VEHICLES FROM $100. Fords, Chevys, Corvettes. etc. in your area. For info call (602) 842 -1051 Ext 3934 Ford 1973 FORD STATION WAGON. In good mechanical cond1t1on good tires. $600 Call 673-0134 before 9 am '87 928 S4 Carmme Red with gold k!ather Fully loaded hke new Save 20 Koff new poce $54.500. Call Mr. Hunter 303-499 3713 1980 Mercedes Benz 300 SD. AM/FM Cassette, car alarm. mint cond $13,500 Call Paul at (213) 439.5754 42 CltJ ca tM Wabub ... Slalatt 41 ......... 4'1 &Kr\tolre 50 Apportioned S3 ti.her lnto Tatar ~u 5~ Guldonlan notA! 51 Natt" of ~cle 57 Certalft fowl 51 Baltlate>tt baseballer eo &appn 11 8ecoe• 13 Du1deMd M Wtoter ha&ud .. ~ft 17 -Na&ilaOYa It Rlftl' la n.dere 71 Crowllb bird .,, .... '14 lllWale fT'Om W.W. D • • • • . ' ,_Ir IMllB I. 1• THE NEWPORT ENSIGN ~o~ .. in Newport Beach , (Bayview Corporate Center) AND LOAN ASSOCIATION One of America's Highest Rated Our people are the best in the business -We've learned a lot about serving our customers over the put 30 years. Supported by a strong statewide network with t 3.2 billion in iwets and a hard working management team, we' re eager to show you why Downey Savings is rated u one of the top Savings and Loans in America. Here's Downey's Get Acquainted Offer •This rate is effective for a limited time only. Substantial penalty for early withdrawal. Rate subject to change. We Are Here to Serve YotL The success of Downey Savings has been based on the simple, overriding principle of customer service. The quality of our financial services and our dedication to you is a tradition that cannot be overlooked. Visit our new facilities and get acquainted with Downey Savings, its employees and our customers ... It's a successful and winning team. How to Ymd Us ••• We're located at the comer of Jamboree Road and Bristol Street South in the beautiful Bayview complex next to the new Marriott Suite Hotel. There is plenty of convenient, underground parking with an elevator that will take you directly to the branch entrance. [/4tf ~ Glenn P. Fry Manager N~port Beach Branch 0 DOWNEY SAVINGS Member: FSLIC "We last you a lifetime" (714) 854-2250. Letters •.• 11 d , .. ,.I been a major breakthrough for Bay cleanliness. Ten pumpout stations have been recommended for our har- bor. Five of these are in place, operating, and have been for some time. The other five should be in operation within six months. The Harbor Quality Committee recommended to Council that they pass an ordi- nance requiring private sailing clubs to have access to pumpout stations. It also required that chartered boats have access to such facilities. That ordinance was passed and is now in oper- ation. Councilman Cox and Councilwoman Plummer voted in the affirmative for all of the above and should be credited as such. I have known Jean Watt and Paul Ryckoff for many years. Although we may disagree on some issues, I cannot believe that they condone the kind of pol- itical behavior shown by New- port 2000 and their overzealous supporters. In the name of decency they should publicly repudiate the flyer mailed by Newport 2000 and tell the offic- ers of that organization to take a hike for the balance of this campaign. CLARENCEJ.TURNER Newport Beach City Council- man More on the mailer Dear EditOI': As an observer of Newport Beach elections for the past 32 years, I have never seen anything as reprehensible as the campaign mailers from the political action committee calling itself Newport 2000. Their piece titled "Feces on the Bay-Newport Politics, It Stinks., is a new low in ruthless, truthJess campaigning in this community. Bay water is not hazardous to health. Ask the County Health Department. Bay water quality is improving. Ask the Regional Water Quality Control Board. The incumbent city council members have been unanimous and effective in support of clean water measures. Singling out re- election candidates John Cox and Ruthelyn Plummer, as if they should be blamed for a condition that does not exist, is the worst kind of deception. If this political garbage bas the blessings of candidates Paul Ryckoff, the founder of New- port 2000, ask what are his standards of accuracy, decency and f aimess? If it doesn '· how does he excuse his association with its sponsors? IWBERT SHELTON Corona del Mar Thanks lo Plummer Dear Edkor. I would like to add my 'Thank You' to the other residents' Thank Yous to Councilwoman Ruthelyn Plummer for her •~ ceasfuJ motion to delay, if not yet stop~ the confiscation of the worth of their property. Buying property is an invest- ment. Sometimes the bigest in a lifetime. To have the value of that investment cut, even in part, by government fiat is more in keeping with Marxist Doctrine than American Property Rights. And the furtive manner in which the plannen of the general plan amendment planned to accomp- lish this was to raise the require- ment for a duplex lot by a few hundred square feet. Don't the "planners" know that would lower the city's tax base? Perhaps making their "planning" jobs unaffordable to the city? It is no wonder, with the past decades of this down-zoning going on that, not only our children and lower income peo- ple can no longer afford to live in our city, but the middle and upper-income people as well. And it is certainly confiscating the worth and income of our long-time property owners that may need that worth and income to keep up with the inflation caused by these policies. As your article stated, it was a victory for Councilwoman Ruthelyn Plummer. And I hope she is victorious in the coming election to continue protecting the worth of the long-time residents of our city. Goldie Joseph Newport Beach My Prayer Dear God. I had a shock today, ·Twas hard to believe my eyes, Was it the truth they tried to say, Or just a pack of lies? The news I read said there were ten Nay sixty million "Noes" Who said they wouldn 't be voting wf..r.n Election Day arose. Are these the ones who gained through blood. Of those who've gone be/ ore, The freedom earned by those who stood And fought the foes of yore? The "reason" that they make this note Is "Who s the one I choose? They're all so bad I just won 't vote. So what 've I got to lose?" Is this our land? The land we love? Our land of liberty? Please, God, from where you are above. Please help to make them see! Please help them know, deep in each htart, 11ta1 voting ls our strength. And each of us must do our part, No motttr what the length. We ask comptusion from your hand; Pleau bless us all our days. We ask for faith to understand The wisdom of your ways. And so, /Har God, enlighten me; lltlpallopfJrtciatt Our lowly land of li#Hrty, ~/rttdom that:S our fate! _, And whm we get your call 10 go Onto tht othtr Jilk, Wt pray that each of w will knOM' Wt tried /Har God WI' tritd! -Gordow ~°'"'I . . . . . . . . ~ auune I. 1• THE NEWPORT ENSIGN/COSTA MESA NEWS .... 4, 1111 ,. 11 Cover Home Off y Century 21 Inland Pa PUE H-IOVEll1£1I.1HI THE NEWPORT ENSIGN/COSTA MESA NEWS'WIE•IEI 4, 1HI 'Home of the Week · Victorian design makes I Mesa home a landmark BY CHERYL STEHLING It would be interesting to know how many people have driven down Santa Ana Street in Costa Mesa and admired the home on the corner of that street and Cost a Mesa. It has by now become a landmark, with its Vic torian flavor. complete with cupola and scalloped shingles. Well, that eye-catching prop- erty is fo r sal e, and it is sure to delight any potential owner. The address is 191 9 Santa Ana and even though the home is new, it clearly has the feel of the 19th Century. One of the novelties is the bird house in the front, with "air mail" on its side. AMBIENCE GALORE This home is loaded with important features, such a s spacious ve randa that wraps aro und fro m the sid e to the fro nt. A white 'picket fence gives charm and the use of brink adds warmth. A modern touch is the roomy three-car garage. The fr ont door is set in the corner, where the side and front portio n of the veranda meet. It is oak, with beveled , etched and leaded glass. Stained glass side- lights with a peacock motif flank the door. In the living room, a huge , firepl ace with oak mantelpiece gives warmth. Ce ramic tile is used on the front and on the hearth. All of the double-hung windows have ca rved oak sur- rounds. A corner window at the rear of the room has etched glass. Oak is used liberally all through the home as window and door surrounds and deep base boards. An oak staircase leads to the second fl oor game room. To the side of the living room is another set of stairs lead ing down to a basement equipped with a spa set into a lava rock grotto and a shower. The kitchen is open to the living room. White ceramic tile with handpainted spotters tops the counters. The cabinetry is all oak. A center island has an alcove for the stove and a breakfast bar on the other side. A spacious bay window opens to the front of the home, with etched leaded glass. In the dining area, a bowed window with stained glass in a morning glory motif, gets the benefit of afternoon sun. In- direct lighting panels are over- head in the kithcen and dining room. Tile-topped oak counters and cabinets serve the dining room for dish and linen storage. The guest bath also contains colorful stained glass windows, handpainted tile spotters and hand painted basin. A tile shower stall and oak pullman complete the picture. In the little hall is a rear staircase, a door leading to the side of the home and another door to the garage. OOEllTAllHll DELUXE-DI .._., __. IMI la ...._. 11 111111111111. 1111 ,, ...... I lt9'CIB~ aim lllr ....... wn •x •rMI. GRAND PARTY ROOM The whole front portion of the second level is devoted to .an immense rumpus room. Wains- cotting is used in the staircase, and a stained glass window greets visitors at the landing. At one end is a large fireplace fronted with faux marble and an oak mantle. Built-in curio shelves flank the fireplace. At the front corner of the room is the oak-paneled cupola, extending up to a huge dome. An area at the center of the room is set up for a billiard table. At the side are built-in benches and book- shelves near the windows. At the opposite end is a nightclub-sized bar, topped with faux marble and room for plenty of stools. The bar is complete with sinks, back bar, abundant storage, a refrigerator and stu~­ ups for a stove. A locked gun cabinet has stained glass at the top. LUXURIOUS SLEEPING QUARTERS A door in the hallway can be closed off for privacy from the rest of the upper level. Three bedrooms are located here, as well as a bath, laundry room and entry to the attic. The first bedroom is very bright with a huge bay window and stained glass at its top. The windowseat has lift-up doors for storage. A double-sized ward- robe has a built-in desk behind SPllAL ITAllCAIE-1111'*'lllf•,_11111.-·1 ... .._la 11111• m Ill ...-~·• 11• 11J 11111..,.. "*" llllnnr. DI. CIWll' ... ......... 1111 ........ A-. 1111 .... I Cllll -IHf•rk. one door. A separate cupboard is ideal for linen storage. A wood open-beam ceiling opens up the room to an airy feeling. The accompanying bath has ceramic tile and handoainted spotters in a butterfly design. Tile is used in the stall shower, on the counter and around the toilet area. The basin is hand- painted with butterflies. Further down the hall on the right is a smaller bedroom, ideal for an office. It also has an open beam wood ceiling and a bay, stained glass window. A double- sized closet has built-ins. A door gives access to the bathroom, which is also accessible from the hall. The bath has handpainted ceramic tile on the counter. Tile is used in the bathtub. The master bedroom is very unique. It is not everyday that a bedroom has a built-in bed. This one has an interesting wave- shaped oak canopy suspended from the ceiling. The bed is flanked by built-in oak dressers and shelves. Across the room is an oak wet bar with tile counters. In addi- tion, there are built-in book- shelves and a tile-fronted fire- place with wood box. On the side arc stained glass doors leading to a private balcony. An mini- cupola also has stained glass in an interesting red heart pattern. The walk-in wardrobe has an unusual twist; it also is the laundry room. There is abund- ant built-in storage and a carved grill over the ceiling. The bath is accessible either from the closet or bedroom. It has ceramic tile and hand painted spotters on the counters and in the stall shower. All of the cabinets are oak, and a stained glass is used on the windows and on a door, which leads out to a balcony. There is a sitdown vanity next to the sink. An unusual oak spiral stair- case leads up to the third floor attic from the bedroom. The attic extends the entire length of the house, and there is abundant storage there. This is truly a home for those who enjoy entertaining. The second floor rumpus room is ideal for parties or fund-raising casino nights. REALTOR INFORMATION/ FINANCIAL FACTS The home is listed at $600,000 by Century 21 Inland Pacific. The office is located at 2 Cor- porate Place in Newport Beach. For information or viewing, call 650-1121. .vollU I. 1111 THE NEWPORT ENSIGN/COSTA MESA NEWS ..uilU 4, IMI NIE JI . CENTURY 21 INLAND PACIFIC ''WE'RE HERE TO HELP, WE KNOW JUST WHAT TO DO!'' Old World Sophistication P restige, charm, grandeur and ele-niiii!iiiiiiii gancc. Spyglass custom sweeps wide comer lot for the buyer who de- mands style and grace, 5 bedrooms which may ~ --......,; extend to 7 bedrooms.-·-----------------' into a dramatic entry that overlooks pool and spa area. to the right is the living room with conversation area, fireplace. Massive double doors. Priced to sell: $1 ,100,000. Home Plus Income C orona del Mar's best address with unit designed for owner in mind. Second floor unit with commanding view of ocean, two lower units provide an opponunity to have income as well. An unusual opponunity for the special buyer who demands a tremendous propcny, in a community that boasts of picturesque grounds. Walking distance to beach. Call today, $750,000. Truly Paradise L ea e the c rowd behind in thi!> cit} e~ta te nestled among ,.._ mature trees. hrubs. park -~ like grounds. spa. firering. "'1th 850 sq . ft. play room which could be convened ·----------i----------' for mother in law quarters of live in. four spacious bedrooms. state of the art cook's kitchen. All this, plus more. reasonably priced. Rural feeling. yet all city conveniences. Call today. $395.000 Plush On the Bluffs A ura of elegant living, ambiance and prestige. security gate offers a way of life much sought in a warm, com- fortable, environment, soaring stairway leads to .._ _______ ....;;;;iii u~st;airs fea_turing spacious master suite, with sitting room, wet bar, enter- tammg family room. wet bar, spa. Unequally decorated. Overlooking New- pon Harbor! Call for private showing. $1 ,195,000. Just Beautiful D iscrim1nating buyers will love this tasteful residence, in superb sect:on just min- utes to the beach and Fashion Island. features four bedrooms, intimate living room, feel the quiet in warm family room, over size lot with well kept grounds, custom built, Room for RV. Security. Entrance. Bike to beach. Truly Mediterranean flavor!! $339,000. Own Your Own B u~tne ' condo. prime center. lo- cated in good prox1mtt~ to freewa) ~ and busmess center . convenient to John Wayne a1rpon An o pportunity t o build equtt} and earn at the ame time Two separate offices. 2000 square feet . wet bar. warehouse storage with floor to ceiling door. An unusual oppo nunit\. Attention investors. 1t · a winner! S 174.900. · 11 PRIME LOCATIONS SERVING ALL ORANGE AND SOUTHERN LOS ANGELES COUNTIES NEWPORT BEACH 2 Corponlte Plaza RELOCATION 1aFORMATIQN COSTA MESA 2214 Newport Blvd (714) 650-1121 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT eenttoe (714) 994-5372 ANAHEIM CERRITOS 400 8. Euclid 20220 State. Ad (714) 956-1501 (714) 521-7210 LA PALMA NORWALK 7002 Moody 12000 FlrWtone (714) 994-5212 (114) 870-8411 800-535-5521 California Inside 800-321-2171 California Outside (714) 646-7 434 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Sen Clemente (714) 498-1980 DANA POINT GARDEN GROVE HUNTINGTON BEACH 24682 Det Pr8do Avenue 12600 Brookhurst 15071 Golden West (714) 493-5585 (114) 636-6300 (714) 893-8570 SAN CLEMENTE CAREER DEVELOPMENT HUNTINGTON BEACH 1402 North El Cemlno Real 202241 .... 01>9nlng Soon (114) 498-0440 (114) 994-0673 9031Adam1 Put Nuinber 1 to work for you -~f!Mf'Ct [~G> ............. ·····~~ .,. :.-:- ndent Owned andO rated ' PMf 41 •am.a I. 1• THE NEWPORT ENSIGN/COSTA MESA NEWS •UllllEI 4. I• Realtor spotlight: Dee Miles of George Elkins Co. Dee Miles is relaxed enough to sell $5 million this year BY CHERYL STEHLING in Orange County in 1971. mission. Dee Miles with George Elkins "We came here and said 'This "I like to feel I have a mission Company is probably the most is it,'" Miles remembered. "I and it is working correctly," relaxed realtor in the business. asked around and people said to Miles said. "I work very hard but "I take one day at a time and move to Laguna or Newport I don't have a lot of stress." concentrate on my clients,.. Beach." In spare time, the Miles' enjoy Miles said. "I like to do a very But the Miles' a lmost wound attending productions at South thorough job and will heavily up in Fullerton, s he said . Coast Repertory Theater and market a property until it is Edward had his heart set on the Orange County Performing sold." residing in that city, so they Arts Center. Edward likes to Miles is very modest about her looked all around that area. Dee restore cars, and Dee takes accomplishments, though. This said she got to know Fullerton classes at home and at Orange year al one, she has sold just so well, she could have sold real Coast College, so she can stay more than $5 million, which estate there instead. But she got informed in the world of finance. boosts her into top producer her way and Newport Beach She is also a member of the category. She credits her success became home. Newport Harbor Art Museum. with an abundance of repeat What Miles likes the most is The Miles' have four grown business. that her office in Fashion Island children, all of whom are very ••Almost every client I have is very close to her Harbor View goal-oriented. Their oldest son now I have worked with before," Hills home and the area in which lives with his wife and two she said . "I really care about she works. children in Washington State. them and they have all become In 1981 , Miles decided to Miles plans to just keep doing my friend s." venture into real estate. She what she does best, selling real Miles originally hails from the underwent training at Walker estate. midwest. She attended the Uni-Lee, which she said had an ''It's a natural progression versity of Chicago. After her excellent training program. She after you have raised four marriage to Edward, a mechan-joined George Elkins Company childrn," she said. "And , you can ical engineer, De laware was two years ago. Her basic philo-never get too involved." home for awhile. But the Miles' sophy is just to be honest and George Elkins Company is have since lived all over the ensure that escrows will go located at 17 Corporate Plaza in country, in the Carolinas and smoothly. She looks at the real Newport Beach. For more infor- Washington State before settling es tate business almost like mation, caJI 759-9100. Dee Miies cpete CBa/l/lett cp/lesents. . . Baylies joins Century 21 Inland Pacific OFFICE-RETAIL BLDG. PALM DESERT Eight retail stores-first floor. Four offices second floor. 7 ,550 sq. ft., 100% rented. Priced at $850,000. Call Paul Belous for details. ((@)) REAL TY WORLD NEWPORT BEACH 642-5200 Pete Barrett, Rltr. Ruth Baylies has joined Cen- tury 21 Inland Pacific's Newport office, located at 2 Corporate Plaza, Newport Center, New- port Beach. Baylies brings with her a very creative marketing background which began in the Los Angeles garment district where she represented many "known'' designers. Her sense of style and taste were great attributes as a lecturer for the Fashion Insti- tute. She was also known for commentating fashion shows. She said, "I have always enjoyed each career; however, real estate is my true love. Baylies brings many experien- ces with her, having maintained homes throughout the United States. Her travels make her outstanding in working with a note from maury Two Good Buys!! Open Daily, 1-5 1412 Nottingham Four bedroom, 2 bath, family area, very clean, ready for immediate occupancy. $485,000. · Ocean & Mountain View Six acres, hilltop, buildable lots. Private commu- nity, utilities in. $2,750,000. clients who are relocating to South'ern California. She relo- cated from Glendale, Calif., where she was an active member of little theater. She began her career there 15 years ago and was an active member of the Glen- dale Board of Realtors and active in Women's Council. She has actively served as a director of one of the primary political parties. Baylies continues to enjoy a love of traveling, her career, and warm relationships with her two adult children, Karen and Paul, who reside in the community. Baylies said she was attracted to real estate because of the challenge and opportunity for creativity. Marie Barnett, our manager is knowledgeable and creative; that's why I associated with Century 21 Inland Pacific. I look forward to this associa- tion and know that it will be beneficial to my career, .. Baylies stated. "Century 21 Inland Pacific is very conscious of upscale marketing of prime properties." Century 21 Inland Pacific is a network of J I offices serving southern Los Angeles and Orange counties with divisions in reaJ estate, property manage- ment, escrow, mortgage, train- ing and career development. For information, call Marie Barnett at (714) 650-J 121. BEVERLY HILLS BRENTWOOD HANCOCK PARK NEWPORT BEACH STUNNING OCEAN/BAY VIEW -Possibly the best view in Villa Balboa! This penthouse unit has two roomy bedroom suites, each with private bath & balcony. Upgraded carpeting & attractive window coverings. There 1s a skylight, fireplace & inside laundry. Why not call now to see this magmhcent view unit. today? $350.000 NEWPORT BEACH PENTHOUSE. OCEAN a BAY VIEW -Popular "La Tour" model in the Versailles w/2 master bdrm suites ea. with its own ba. Beautiful view of ocean, bay & city lights. Very convenient location, walk to ocean or enjoy the lovely pool, spa & million dollar clubhouse. Gated community & security building. Owner will carry 2nd trust deed. Fast possession possible Sl 90.000 WESTCLIFF-CLOSE TO SHOPS a SCHOOL -A best buy for Newport. 3 bdrms. lrg living rm. fireplace, 2 car detached gar .. laundry rm inside. Big enough yard for pool. a haven for vegetable garden. See today. $389,000 NEWPORT NORTH TOWNHOMES. PRICE REDUCTION -Seller anxious and ready to move! Drama. charm. style . . this home has 1t all! The entry flows into an expansive hving and dining area which soars 2 stones in height. The kitchen 1s open to the drm. enhancing the friendly, informal ambiance. The down- stairs mstr ste 1s completely separate from the upstairs bdrm, an ideal arrangement for a teenager. The loft. dramatically overlooking the lrm gives this home special excitement. Price reduced to $270,000. NEWPORT HEIGHTS · Enter this custom home through double doors into spacious ltv ingroom/d1mngroom area. Large kitchen has eating area and flow through to private patio and yard. Great for entertaining. Cathedral ce1hngs tn living room and master bedroom Features 3 bdrms. 2 baths. Only 12 years old Over 1500 sq . ft. REDUCED $34 7.500 BLUFFS. AFFORDABLEI SINGLE LEVEL END UNIT -Freshly painted with new carpet. new p1lotless stove & oven, new lite, counter tops, fixtures & mirrored closet doors. Air conditioned plus air electric cleaner and security system. Spacious & private patio overlooking greenbelt & pool. Very convenient lo cation-walk to Eastblutt shoppmg center. CdM High School, churches, tenms & parks. This property 1s in mint cond1t1on & ready for you to move into. Reduced to $267.300 &LUFF'S "ONE OF A KIND". 180° PAN- ORAMIC VIEW -Expanded. remodeled & upgraded. this property 1s unique & d1tterent from all others in the Bluffs. At the time of original construction, 2 bdrms & bath were added below the main level. Master bdrm ste on main level has an enlarged bath area. 1acuw tub, sky lights. separate shower & walk-in closet. Highly upgraded throughout w/large family rm. & spacious dmmg/hving rm area. New kitchen appliances, inside laundry area & entrance to home from attached garage. This 1s truly a rare beauty! $510,000 Fee. BLUFFS 3 BEDROOM -Easy living m beautiful Newport Beach & convenient to all Sharp. clean, well cared for & affordable. Enclosed private patio with pretty flowers & plants. Walk to community pool. Eastbluft shopping center, tennis, churches. schools & parks Price includes the land. $276.000. #17 Corporate Plaza Suite 101 Newport Beach R E NEWPORT BEACH PALM DESERT SAN DIEGO SAN FRANCISCO SAN MARINO HARBOR VIEW HILLS · Featured tn Sunset Magazine. this home expresses ind1v1duahty and excellent taste m decorating and landscaping. Located on a quiet cul-de·sac it otters 5 BR. 3 BA. family room and pool 1n a spacious garden setting. Expansion and remodeling make this home truly special. complete with ocean and mountain views. Call for other details and viewing of this lovely family home offered at $780.000 EASTBLUFF'S BEST BUY SINGLE LEVEL 4 BEDROOM HOME This lovely home 1s located near Eastbluff's community park & 1s on l of the largest lots in Eastbluff Room for a pool or expansion Mint cond w' many upgrades: French doors. & windows. kitchen w/new tile cabinets. GE microwave oven & garden window. security system & a new roof Great for entertaining with an edra large dining rm & eating nook off kitchen w bay window A beautlf ul family neigh borhood near schools. churches. tennis & parks $449 000 BEAUTIFUL MEDITERRANEAN VILLA Gorgeous "Casa Medrna model single f am1ly home in Newport North Villas Unusually large back yard with lap pool. spa & built •n BBQ Complete downstairs co vered in pavers Add1t1onal built ms 1n kitchen. breakfast nook and garage While wa shed cabinets Washer dryer refrigerator stereo system with 6 speakers included S550 000 MISSION VIEJO COSTA DEL SOL -Retired ? Sold your big home' Come to Costa del Sol. a gated community. Spanish style detached house. Vaulted ceilings. All amenities-;>ool. golf, 2 BR (huge master) + loft. 21' BA. Beautiful view Private location A new way of hfe!~ $275.000 CORONA DEL MAA OCEAN AND JETTY VIEWS · Cozy Corona del Mar cottage on 40 ft. lot Two brm. 2 bath house plus guest quarters over 3 car garage. Two private patios for entertaining Price includes washer. dryer & refrigerator Probate sale. sub1ect to court conf1rmat1on You'll love the location steps to Big Corona Beach S625.000 HOP, SKIP AND JUMP TO THE OCEAN En1oy hving ~ block from the beach 1n this beautifully landscaped 2 BR. 2"'1 BA. home with view from cozy upstairs family room Secluded patio ad101ning living room $625.000 759-9100 A L T 0 R I SAN CLEMENTE SAN CLEMENTE'S "TAJ MAJAL '' ENTERTAINERS' DREAM Situated on a hillside with a commanding view of the Pac1f 1c Ocean and city ot San Clemente. this 5 bdrm custom home is for thP person wanting something uniQue & soectacular Ora mat1c entry w skyhghts. span1sh tile floor and a 1711 Ko pond surrounded by lush & suspended dining area between the 1st and 2nd floor overlooking the rnagn1f1 cent view through 2 story high windows Maid s Quarters over garage and master bdrm has fireplace & separate office. A game rm 1s afso metaded w/pootiable & spa The $495.000 first trust deed is assumable and owner may carry 2nd T.D. Call today for appt to see $599,500 I SANTA ANA I CONDO NEAR SOUTH COAST PLAZA This emting l bdrm lower unit m gate guarded community is perfect for couple or person needing th1er · own' place Neutral colors. large walk in closet attractive kitchen & patio are sure to please Pool spa. tennis. health center are 1ust some of the amenities you wlll en1oy $72.000 includes land I TRABUCO CANYON I WILDERNESS RETREAT If you want to get away from the hustle & bustle of city hie & back to nature. this home 1s for you . It 1s surrounded by mountains. trees. streams. & wild fife Custom built throughout wtth huge master bedroom walk in closet loft. family room. living room. den and double gar age Built m 1985. this 2200 sq. ft retreat is completelv self con tamed and detin1tely "One Of A f(1nd Tr ave I a tew miles past O'Neil Park on an unimproved road S 125 000 on federal lease land HUNTINGTON HARBOR MAGNIFICENT MEDITERRANEAN HOME 68 feet on the wa ter with a 60 ft boat dock Built by Sh1p1ro Pool and spa T11td patio on the water grec1t tor entertaining Bar 1n the lam1ly rm that looks c;tra1~ht down the bay large master suit~ sitting rm and ltreplace Natural sun hte thru out Formal dining rm w a brilliant hght fixture This home is air cond1tloned & located on a pmate street close to beach. restaurants & shopping $900.000 s Newport Beach California 92660 PUE 11-IDVt•IEI 3. 1MI THE NEWPORT ENSIGN/COSTA MESA NEWS IOVOllO 4. IUI Into real estate - Why wait to sell 'till .after the Holidays? BY GERRY AND CHRISTA LONG As the year ends and the holiday season approaches, most sellers and buyers of resi- dential homes postpone their real estate transactions. "Let's let it go til after the holidays" is what reaJtors hear around this time of year. If people don't absolutely HAVE.to sell or buy a home right now, they wait until a couple of months from now. In many ways this is most understandable. Having pros- pective buyers trudge through your home, peak into your closets and cabinets is not the favorite pastime of most people. Besides, at this time of year, the home tends to be filled with decorations, party preparations, gift wrap and so on. So should the sale of a home be postponed at this time? Maybe so. But think again: there are also a number of clear advantages of marketing a home during the holiday season. For one thing, most homes never look prettier than during the holidays. What with festive decorJtions throughout the home and the fragrance of good things baking and cooking, a home never looks homier or more inviting. Also, people looking at your home at this time of the year arc very serious home buyers. Just like you, they wouldn't be involved in a real estate transac- tion this_ time of year if they didn't really want to or have to. Therefore, while showing will be less than during more "normal., marketing periods, these show- ings will be very important ones. for t~e home of your dreams ... see today's real estate section We have sold pro~rties on both Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve in past years. Need- less to say, in these situations both sellers and buyers were extremely motivated and rela- tively easy to work with. They wanted to get things done. Often a buyer in this particular type of situation is a transferee from another part of the country and in immediate need of putting a roof over his family's heads. Similarly, a seller may be mov- ing out of the area and be in need of starting over right after January 1st, in a new job, in a new town. Another important consider- ation is tax liability. Very often it is better to receive your "gains n (formerly called "capital gainsj this year rather than next-or vice versa, of course. If the property involved is an income- producing property, the write- off this year may be larger than it will be next year. It is best to discuss matters pertaining to tax liability with your accountant or tax attorney. Sometimes you may wish to sell a property this year but structure the transaction in such a way that the seller receives the majority of his money the fol- Don't Go to the courthouse. • r lowing year. We arc currently involved in such a transaction where this suited both seller and buyer. The seller, in this case, is carrying a large note for a few months. The note contains a prepayment penalty if paid off before January 1, 1989, since the seller will have lesser tax con- sequenee if he receives the bulk of bis proceeds in 1989 rather than in 1988. So it pays to look at both sides of the picture, to sell and/ or buy during the holidays, or to let it go til after the holidays. Discuss with your favorite real estate agent what their thinking is and bow they view the current market as it pertains to your transaction. Uongs of Newport are inde- pendent brokers with offices in Newport Center. They can be reached at 640-5664. • CHRISTA& GERRY LONG ·File YOUP DBA by ail!! We'll file your OBA with the county, and publish it 4 times <re quired by law>. After the last publication date, we'll forward the affidavits to you. WE DO ALL THE WORK! . DBA . Dlllsolutlon of: Part11eP1111lp · Abandon111ent ot: DBA complete the form below and send it to: Tiie ENSiGN P.O.Box9S99 Newport Beach. CA 9-&SB-9599 A form and instructions will be sent to you. Name _______ Phone No. Street Address, City anct State of Prlnclpal Place of Business In caHfornla &Sl-81110 &SI-BISS ~ 1. t• THE NEWPORT ENStGN/COSTA MESA NEWS Mftll .. 4, l•--NIE 71 WATERFRONT HOMES, INC. Realton® COMING SOONI A 3rd OHice at the Corner of East Coast Highway & Dahlia, Corona del Mar BALBOA PENINSULA Nine exclusive new Cape Cod townhomes with bay views. Each with 2 bdrms, 21h baths, oak cabs, security system & dble garage. Steps to bay, ocean, Ferry & shops. Open house daily. 631 -1400 .............................. 1325.000 I •• BAYSIDE Yll~&E 2 bdrm, 2 bath mobile home. Back bay complex with clubhouse, pool & spa. Airy & bright fresh grey & white color scheme. Corner lot with spacious deck. Available boat slip for up to 25' boat 673-llOO .................................. 150.000 IRVINE lovely 4 bdrm family home with den & charming country kitchen in the Colony. Attractively landscaped low maintenance yard. Walk to all schools & shopping from this quiet neighborhood with community pool & tennis. 831-1480 ................................. 1244.950 NEWPORT CREST Terrific town home with 3 bdrms including master with private sitting room & sunny deck, eat-in kitchen, formal dining room & 2 car attached garage. High ceilinged, spacious & in move- in condition. Community pool, spa & tennis, walk to beach. 631 -1400 .................................. 1265.000 VILLA ' IALIOA very spacious 3 bdrm condo includes master suite with sitting area & walk in closet, huge living room with FP, inside laundry & family & formal dining rooms plus 2 large patios. Sparkling with real "pride of ownership." Bike to the ocean. 131-1411 ................................. 1320.000 IEWPHT beach duplex just steps from sand, walk to everything. Freshly refurbished 2 bdrm cottage with tile floors & new kitchen & bath and 1 bdrm apartment over the double garage. 131-1400 ................................. 1329.000 NEWPORT IEACH in terrific mid peninsula location. Classic 3 bdrm 2 bath cozy cottage with fireplace, front porch & patio. Walk to beaches, Ferry, Balboa pier, restaurants & shops. 831·1 • ................................. 1330.000 IACK IAY with a Newport address. Custom 3 bdrm home with separate large master, family and formal dining rooms on lovely large lot One story with freshly painted and landscaped exterior and R.V. access. 631 -1400 ................................. 1365.000 . IEACH duplex. Just steps to sand & shopping. Remodeled 2 bdrm cottage with tile & berber carpeted floors, Anderson windows & mirrored wardrobe doors plus 2 bdrm apt & 1 bdrm guest qrtrs, roof top sundeck & utility room. 631 -1408 ..............................•.. un.500 BELCOURT TERRACE Elegant "Colonial" 3 bdrm townhome. Beautifully decorated with family & formal dining rooms. 2 fireplaces. hardwood floors, plantation shutters & Fr. doora to brick terrace. Al-1411 ...•....•.............•.......... IHI.• NEWPORT BEACH OFFICE 243' W. COAST HIGHWAY .,,.--- (714) 631-1400 CORONA DEL llAI Brand new contemporary condos near completion. Open & bright with 3 bdrms. fp., family room, •nside laundry & dble garage. Top quality with every amenity, surrounded by patios & landscaping. 631-1400 ................................. 1395.000 TURTLEROCK POINT end unit. Gated J.M. Peters' Mediterranean style complex with tile roofs & community pool & spa. Immaculate 2 bdrm with super loft/den plus very private yard. Air conditioned with security system. 631 -1400 ................................. 1399,000 NEWPORT Duplex at the Beach. Comfortable and spacious 3 bdrm beach home plus a 1 bdrm apt Great ocean view, fireplace, large (over 3000 Sq. Ft) lot, and only 4 doors from sand. Lots of possibilities for expansion on this unique property. 631-1400 ................................. 1«2.000 LIDO ISLE Best value on island for this 3 bdrm home. A great house for entertaining with large living room opening to sunny strada patio with small yard. Recently remodeled kitchen & large sundeck off master, a very bright & open floor plan. 631-1400 ................................. 1595.000 HARIOR VIEW HOMES Two story 3 bdrm 21h bath home with separate bonus/ guest qrtrs with loft & bath. Vaulted ceilings & hardwood floors in entry, kitchen & formal dining area. Bonus room & family room open to the large custom brick patio & secluded yard. Just 1 /2 block to park & comm. pools. 631 -1400 ................................. 1614,500 IALIOA ISLAND Newly remodeled charming 2 story shingled Cape Cod 3 bdrm home with dormer windows, formal dining room & beautiful new kitchen plus a 2 bdrm apt over the double garage. New roof. plumbing, electric. heating & air conditioning. 631-1400 ................................. 1649.000 LIDO ISLE Lovely traditional 3 bdrm home with beamed ceilings, remodeled kitchen & French doors opening to large south patio from living room & master bedroom on large 45' lot Air conditioned & just steps to tennrs & beach. BEST BUY. REDUCED!! 631 ·1400 ................................. 1595.000 HARIOR VIEW MOIES Fabulous 2 story remodel with tile & Berber carpeted floors & vaulted ceilings. The best of everything in this highly customized model perfect home with 4 bdrms, family room open to kitchen & formal dining. Master suite with his/hers baths & cedar closet 631 ·I400 ................................. 1675.000 LIDO ISLE Lovely Country French decor in this attractive 3 bdrm home with 2 separate master suites. one up with adjoining family room & one down, gracious formal dining room & step down living room with handsome built in cabinetry throughout Spacious & private tiled patio. Wide street at quiet end of island. 631 -1400 ................................. 1750.000 NEWPORT HEl&NTS Exciting 4 bdrm home on a wooded hillside with incredible harbor, sunset & Catalina views. There are solarium additions to family room & master bdrm and a separate one bedroom guest cottage plus a secluded pool & spa 831-1400 ................................. 1795.000 SPYILAU Hill Beautiful 5 bdrm with den, family room & formal dining. Clean contemporary styling with white tile throughout grand entry, family & dining rooms & eat-in kitchen. French doors & paned windows, private pool & spa & lovely view of hills. &31 -1400 ................................. 1719.000 LIDO ISLE Fabulous remodel, just completed & like new construction. Open. bright Mediterranean 4 bdrm, 3Yl baths & den with lovely walled courtyard on oversized lot. Oak floors, open beams, custom tile & Cantera stone fireplace & Fr. doors & windows. 831 -1400 ................................. 1119.000 LIDO VILLAIE Sophisticated bayfront living in this charming low profile 4 unit complex w ith the ambience of the French Rivienr. Dock for 80' boat. Courtyard entry to 2nd floor 2 bdrm unit with den. marble fireplace, parquet floors. large sunny terrace & fabulous views of bay, mountains & city lights. 111-1411 ••.••.•••..••••.................. llH.IOO WATEllFRONT HOMES. INC. ......... TIOO Oflca to Set ue You BIG CANYON Sophisticated custom contemporary 5 bdrm estate with oversized living room, formal dining & family rooms, office, exercise & steam rooms plus lush gardens with pool & spa. 831-140G PRICE DIOPPED .................... 11.976.MI DOYER SHORES Newly refurbished bayfront Contempor- ary 3 bdrm with den, family room & fabulous huge master suite. Terraced bayside patios with spa & built- in BBQ adjoin the dock for a large yacht Steps to community beach in a lovely established family neighborhood, walk to schools. 631 -1400 ................................ 11 .250.0GG LINDA ISLE "Manor House" with 4 bdrms, den/guest, 2nd floor gallery, 2 story entry, gourmet kitchen. coz.y family room & elegant formal bayfront dining room. Leaded & stained glass windows & Fr. doors open to the spectacular bay view & to the terrace leading to a dock for 2 large boats. 831 -1400 ................................ 11 .950.000 UDO ISLE Fabulous custom home on huge bayfront lot with parklike, "Rogers" landscaped terraces & lawns leading to the 70' dock with side tie. Totally "today" home with a Mediterranean flair, 4 bdrms. family & formal dining rooms & den. Beamed ceilings, Spanish tile floors, hand troweled walls, elaborate lighting system & extensive built-ins. 631 -1400 ................................ l!.095.• - LIHA ISLE Spectacular remodeted bayfront Every possible amenity in this 3 bdrm Unda Isle home. Coffered copper ceilinged den with full bar, huge wine cellar. elegant formal dining plus a music gallery. Among the quality materials are travertine, onyx, brass & copper. French single light doors and thermopane glass. Terrific bayside patio with pool & spa leads . to the dock for 3 boats. 631 -1400 ................................ S!.1!5.DOO LIDO ISLE Rare opportunity for 60' on the water in fantastic location at quiet end of island with panoramic views of the turning basin boating action & city lights. A spacious 3 bdrm home with den built around an interior patio. otters great potential for a beautiful estate. 631 ·1400 ................................ 12.150.000 LINDA ISLE bayfront with a premier. full harbor view. The epitome of casual elegance is showcased in this fabulous home, 3 complete master suites. banquet sized dining room. several entertaining areas & gracious living room opening to bayfront terraces plus slips for 2 large yachts, (one up to 75') with additional side ties. The finest materials & custom lighting. sound & security systems. 631 -1400 ................................ 13.175 .• LIDO ISLE Lovely traditional baytront with slips for several boats & 77' on the water. Elegant two story with 4 bdrm.a up, maids quarters down plus formal dining, tamily room. library & brick terrace. 131-1411 ...•••.......................... 13 ..... BALBOA ISLAND OFFICE 315 MARINE A VE. C=-EI (714) 673-6900 - -- , ' i i ' NEWPORT BEACH OFFICE CORNER OF COAST HWY. AT AVOCA:DO 644-9060 THE 1 COMPANY IN SO. CALIFORNIA IN SALES & LISTINGS BAYFAONTS MAI KAI $795,000 BEAUTIFUL CONDO WI FABULOUS VIEWS TO JETTY! ENTIRELY REMODELED BY SADDLE- BACK INTERIORS. UPPER UNIT. TILE FLOORS. ALL NEW KITCH + BA's. BEACON BAY Sl.200.000 OUTSTANDING LOCATION OF THIS 6 BR CONTEMPORARY HOME ON 60 FT OF BAY W/WATER VISTAS. PIER AND 3 SLIPS. HOME HAS GREAT POTENTIAL. BEACON BAY LEASE. COLLINS ISLAND S2.200,000 LOCATION, VIEW. LUSH LANDSCAPE, BAY- FRONT. A FABULOUS HOME WITH QUALITY BUILT-INS, GREAT FLOOR PLAN, ENTE~;TAIN­ MENT RM ON BEAUTIFUL PRIVATE ISLAND. LINDA ISLE 12.690,000 SPECTACULAR, CONTEMPORARY, REMOD- ELED. BAYFRONT, EUROPEAN KITCHEN, 4 BR 51h BA. TURNING BASIN, VIEW, LARGE SUP +SOUTH PATIO. LINDA ISLE S3.500,000 ONE OF NEWPORT'S PREMIER BAYFRONT HOMES WITH MORE THAN 80 FT. ON THE BAY. A PIER AND SLIP OF 100 FT. WILL ACCOM - MODATE A VERITABLE FLOTILLA! BY APPT. BAYSHORES BAYS HORES 1649,000 CONTEMPORARY BAYSHORES HOME. WHITE & BRIGHT WITH BLEACHED OAK FLOORS. GARAGE CONVERTED TO BONUS ROOM WITH BATH. STORAGE AND LAUNDRY PLUS CARPORT. HURRY, THIS WON'T LAST. BAYSHORES $825,000 PERFECTION IN A PRIVATE CORNER LOCA - TION! THIS 4 BR.FAMILY HOME BOASTS USED BRICK. & WOOD SHINGLE EXTERIOR, COF - FERED CEILING. BAY WINDOWS & COUNTRY KITCHEN W /BREAKFAST AREA. BAYSHORES $3,250.000 FABULOUS VIEWS OF BOATS BY DAY, LIGHTS OF THE PAVILLION & THE CITY BY NIGHT. 60 FT. BA YFRONT, LARGE DOCK, POOL, SPA- ALL THE AMENITIES! BAYIHORE $3,750.000 70 FT. BAYFRONT-PANOAAMIC VIEW, 3 BOAT SLIPS, BEAMED CEILINGS. EXCLUSIVE BAY- SHORES CAPE COD CHARM. LARGE DECK + LAWN ON BAY. NEWPORT BEACH VILLA BALBOA 1228,000 PENTHOUSE 2 BR, 2 BA BEVELED MIRRORS REFLECT FOREVER FOUNTAIN VIEW. UPGRADES & SKYLIGHTS, PLUS ELEVATOR & PARKING FOR 2 CARS. BAYVIEW $429,000 DESIGNER PERFECT BAY VIEW TERRACE PLAN 3. TURN-KEY THAU-OUT. PROFESSION- ALLY LANDSCAPED. TERRA COTA TILE FLOOR, BEBBER CARPET. IMPECCABLE! PENINSULA PT. $562,000 THIS 2 BR, SEP. DINING ROOM, 3 PATIOS, 3 FIREPLACES, LIBRARY, LOFT, & STUNNING DESIGN MAKE THIS HOME ON PEN PT. EXCEPTIONALLY EXCITING TO SEE. NEWPORT BEACH 1625,000 LARGEST MODEL-5 BR-SUPEABL Y DECORATED-SKY LIGHTS-FRENCH WINDOWS-WOOD FLOORS-COUNTRY FAM- ILY KITCH-ALL SURROUNDED BY POOL- GARDENS & VIEWS! BELCOURT HILL 1640.000 SUNSETS, CITY LIGHTS, FROM THIS BEAU- TIFUL 2 BR 2.5 BA TOWNHOME. FORMAL DINING WITH THE CITY OF NEWPORT SPREAD OUT IN FRONT OF YOU. MODEL PERFECT. BIG CANYON 11.595.000 ENJOY THE SERENITY OF LIVING ON THE GOLF COURSE! 5 BR, FR, FORMAL DR -ALL ROOMSFACETHECOURSE.POOLANDSPA GRACE LUSH GROUNDS. HARBOR RIDGE HARBOR RIDGE 1679,900 4 BA LAUTREMONT WITH LOFT-OFFICE. GORGEOUS DAY & NIGHT VIEW OF MOUN- TAINS & CITY. SPA, GATED COMMUNITY WITH POOLS & TENNIS. HARBOR RIDGE 1750.000 A VERY SPECIAL, HIGHLY UPGRADED 4 BR, 3% BA, CORNEA LOCATION W/LOVELY PATIO, BUILT IN BBQ, EXTRA ROOM OFF GARAGE, LIBRARY PLUS VIEWS! HARBOR RIDGE 1799,500 PANORAMIC VIEW OVERLOOKING NEWPORT BEACH. 4 BR, 3 BA, FORMAL DINING ROOM ' FAMILY ROOM & LIBRARY. WITHIN STEPS OF COMMUNITY POOL/TENNIS COURT. TWO LARGE DECKS W/VIEWS & PRIVATE COURT- YARD. BLUFFS BLUFFS 1269,000 FEE 2-STORY WITH ONE BR. DNSTAIRS. LOVELY PATIO WITH LUSH LANDSCAPE. NEWER KIT. CABINETS & FLOOR. NEAT, CLEAN & WELL DECORATED. BLUFFS 1362,000 EXCEPTIONAL FREE STANDING CONDO IN IDEAL LOCATION ON GAEENBEL T. TWO LOVELY PATIOS -COMPLETELY REMODELED FRESHLY PAINTED. JUST DELIGHTFUL BLUFFS 1365,000 LOVELY SPACIOUS 3 BR, 21h BA. 2 STORY TOWNHOME ON QUIET GRNBLT. MANY UPGRADES. PLANTATION SHUTTERS, SEC. SYS., ATTIC FAN, ADDED WINDOWS + COMM. POOL N.B. BLUFFS 1385,000 POPULAR 3 BEDROOM "DELORES" PLAN ON WIDE GREENBELT. FRESH AS A DAISY, AND READY FOR OCCUPANCY. CUL-DE-SAC LOCATION OFFERS QUIET & PRIVACY. i LIOO LIDO 1595,000. GORGEOUS BAYFRONT 8TH FLOOR PENT - HOUSE. NO BETTER VIEW ANYWHERE IN TOWN! COMPARE THIS EXCELLENT PRICE W/OTHER BAYFT PROPS. OWNER Will CONSIDER TRADE! LIDO PARK 1795,000 ULTIMATE BACHELOR HAVEN. SOPHISTI- CATED 2 BR, 21h BATH WITH A PANORAMIC VIEW ·FROM THE 7th FLOOR. SELLER MAY TRADE. LIDO ISLE 1799,500 CHARMING 3 BR + DEN + OFFICE ON WIDE LOT. MASTER BR OVERLOOKS COURTYARD. EVERY BR HAS A PRIVATE BA. OPEN+ BRIGHT FLOORPLAN WI FRENCH DOORS TO LARGE SUNNY PATIO. LIDO I 1.900,000 2 UNITS ON 5th FLOOR REBUILT INTO ONE LUXURIOUS 4 BO, 5 BA HOME. INCREDIBLE VIEWS OF ALL OF NEWPORT HARBOR ALL THE WAY TO DANA PT. LIDO 14.908.000 THIS 4 BR 7 BA INCLUDES 85 FT OF FRONT - AGE WI LARGE BOAT DOCK -CUSTOM THRU- OUT. LG GOURMET KITCHEN, POOL, FORMAL LR + DR. CALL FOR MORE DETAILS. OVER 100 OFFICES TO SERVL . ,-,,~:IN SOUTHERN c,:1 L It 1 JHN!,'.,