HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-01-08 - Newport Balboa News Times• .• I : . Tll SA .Nb -C R.lB ~ • ., • -SAM ' . • • .. • - • ; . ~ • Qty .Hall .. -Ready to Proceed As· Council · O.K.s Exchange And Floor · Plan A~rangement Isbell Repl~ces Stanley o" Builamg Committee As Cotlncilman Asks to Be Relieved; Ar- chitect Given 'Go Ahead' • , ' I I• Intensify. County Drive as Harbor Nears Its Goal . I ... • I • . I • .-. ... ( .. . .. • • • ' l .. • • •. '. . • I NEWPORT-BALBOA I EWS-TIMES1 .. ~ . )l'BOKD•. ' u - u .... n... , 7 ·.U:.. 1 .;;:;:-;v~=~m:O:;;,;;win • "?'rs PAi" ., I DwJ' W1h I •iv Yee-. D \ .. wa:0.1 "'8QA I I Sobel 1::.t~· .· r.. .. t:~: J,Olaa . . ~~ r.111·,; alqs_":~l,' ••;f _,. eod, '----·-... --... " • • , • l .. 25 YEARS AGo . I . -4'ROM cu~ F1t.u' ' Booklore Notes · . 1 'lbe New:port Paddnc •'UW'tl4"1 ''9"'**1 waa reedy to open for ..,. '. Estrellita .. • • .-. . ' ; I : To tbooO ~ ... t1M,·-1 ... -----:---..oj-.r,- lna lnllnlte. toda7 . ill 'blc wltll 0. 1..' • IWTI' W' • ~-U..,, Balter ~-"'uwa 'ou1sm 1 nm ·a f I > • p· It I (0 5 ~\In Allvance:-'2.SO II!"' yeer In ~ ~; .. ' J2. . perj1SZ' to 4"th zone; $3.00 1'"I' yeer.to ~ ' •LONG AGO I beard a W11i m Uno for dole. 'l'o -Illa • i:::: ~~ ~ ·~~~ . ~matter a.t the Postoftlce In Newport Brz± ut a drunk' man with • _. lultinc Me'f7 ~-favorite and Wif,..vorite ~ ; IJolli-with equl-t 'lmtalled to -· 25 -at !lllh • dq, and producta """' to •Include llal ·, .. _ -· aalt . .. Dl'l.ai> oa U.••m nee. J'>tlmetel 6 Impection' . ' W. I. lliDbow · ~I a:d7- I, Tour pat>••~:z ~d~ aa 111• S PT ii · 0 ' ~ 36112 ~ Pia. Nwpt;_ 1012-J ........ ..i ----""",'-'· . under the Act ot Mardi 3, lB19 · , 1 .a . 'II probably wu not ·trna tloD ·tana -00 _., •---• ool .:J. >~;::;.~-~-~-~...-.. ba ft ,,,u thoucht provok-ins. la U., discouraged tnYe1 ta"---. u-.. ur.:m.ts are .l.UQ~ I · -. Pub!-· .. d!ort to be<k oul of hlo home !Urtber nt.ardlar PJOd-fore -on a platter or truth. 'lbe l~---~---------4----'--~-~-...!.--i--RFt -.· .-. . ~ WW--c •re. .. the atory -ha ll•llJ. . -.. ·-book Is "Molden or OJ¥nloo" by ~!Y:~ --- --p bed · over a heighbor'• fence _ . · _ ! _ . ' David Bulman. ~. _ I· _: and Alt battacuda. • ·Dr. John K. Sucoow had com- pleted hla. pier on Balbdk Ial&od N · · c -~ ---~ 1laniipr and aan& nail• In three t1m. I-WITH Jobe ...,.. ml John Gunther hu tUrned to ftc:- 30ll. W. Cenmi Aftl1ue, ewport Beedi, caJlfornla · U1lnc an axe . to dlaen~ the Bew.-pporly, paid, people • "on In his ·lateat book "The and received blch p-alae r.,.. Ila orn&mftltal ~. With the barbcx-dredelnl:. sand debris he ba•hed. in ·a fend<r until / · i/Overamenl nlief :t 1'roub1ea Midnight." ·The book lo. ~ial P, a-of the Ci>-of Newnnrt Beach it prened againat Ma cmly n· 1t....i ~ than "'-117 wbo pe t In Cons••·"-'· Lo --• ..-., · .--••tn•'•• t i-·•-• h·u air._ · ,,·,~In ~r t:o _.ic;; an ho se · ..-...\~· ve .uM.I 81; I ' Me J.-ocal 1.-llta .. for 0.. n Ieuw · -·-~~ ~.. uu _,. ....u;., • t ti ·"·-pl hand in had beeri depoalted On the Balboa ocean front unW ~ beach ex· tended to the end·of the pier, leav- Acme .Member I of . Uvin . ~ Goon.bl•· work. ... ~ m erna OntuUU.11 ay . U~ble ·to make • the maimed l autoruticaU7 di.coura&ed th~t hand for ,a .gooa yarn, with a w run, the lnebriat> rot uncieT 1 and· elllclenq. It retarded llackdrop or lend·l•IU!'· "Mr. Gun. it wit1t. • wre-ftclt. -and flattened accq,il.ulation of penonal weal ther .is a better reporter than a the l"*tolint li'n• to · the . onsine and t-J1ndend tM atartine of nepr, novelist. COul •. .f' almost no fuel; also 1 d' "!.--'I ed ••-riM ,... th n '""""-... 7 own en....... L "Beneath· the Stone" by· Georse Ing fishermen high and dry. J J. ,A Beek made tOP. news story or the past week. wib. hla mar- ria.ge to Mia Carroll GallJ.ow at the family home 1n Berkeley, and ..... ound. Fin.ii• he )oat hia tera. • .n--11-----''J .. p;r_..-_nd asu..ii.d, the 'body with uao.v--... -u •· mans 'after the w~ Ls problem we a ~ until ti WU DO )oncer a . T)tt . cue WU"'" mon -1 have not U yet IQ.ved. The title they _.... to spend the winier In Sacnimento. . Harold H. Finl< ol Balboa r.land cmpc.i the brake fluid oa • PeoP~ with oddl apiutJ:_ , Tabori, what to do with the Ger-- . _ · • cloaed car. ~ter that he dis-· ~ than remed¥-ECo-here ii •uaestive ot that which 1 • N t Pri t Fi ht '< • touraed loudlt _and eloqaenU7 on nomf4 Untenn In ~ ofl:. we find beneath the atone--«:or-CHRISTIAN'S ·HOT 0 a Va e g the miltakes of the enpneer .who thon .... rol a ta1to of -.. p1-· It ,.. the story of two men, · ~ ,_~. . dalped it. L drani"ot it too deepb. 'Tb.n 1 • ~and an Englishnian. ~or I. ~rd·'f. &L vr-~r Th ..... la a teru:M:ncy on the part of 18,bor and management u-ad HOW lib•thlo atorf lo qall illlntins •:I. EKil Mir -who p<efer a poychologlcal · · • · ' • ' spent hia vacation l:n L&Vel"De via- ltlna hla Older brothen and their ramillea. Mn: W. D. Merld<el and dill- : ' -. ' . • •, 7 •.. ~ l . ;.. \ . - ~ ... •. I . ) dlen spent the O!rlalmu bolldayo h.,,., comlna trom their i..,_ 1n Loi ADceles. · . in an industrial '"-·te ro _ .... it as strictly Economy the blotory' of, our raid I on tho' na ••• -i1 theme this is just thelr dish. Mr. . DELICIPUS JOOD• •.• COCltTAJL BAR ...... t. And they carry~: this fig. h. t~ wi uth 'ntt1e con-{ <OU~t.'J .f fdorln. tbethllut :!'b~~t. ag:d~I: = Taborl, an Hungarian by birth. DINNmlS • . BANOaln8 > I· .. ~,_. _.l decade. •lnste•u o o ll np ple wen beina becpred bJ wu employed-u a watter at the for the public welfare, iilmough it Is the public to improve productive acl!Yity, and Merlan buln-pt AdtOll In Berlin where ho had a · I ;::==I=:'.:===============:±::=:; ca• ught in th. e nu"ddle and -·"e. ~ -~t. m<D 01 authority vie,..ed every-by IUaa. • · ~ perfect place to watch the -Nazi I :,w..i• i:> ...__..._ thin1t aucctslful with 1uaplcion , J , • d R big-wigs. . . t romobile. strike&-and there have been many of and orated on iu fanlu .. Well· ~ opl7 honorable -1 Ou of On Hit an un ..,, __ B-'-•-h . ~-I U.:Bour ; . · .. Hold Lagunan . ' . ral ot. ti p-ha ... tablisbed pnnclpla of trood an "ad o' f ·intoxication is to . ...,.~, ·-... aa no peer ~·~ rec:j!n·tJy Ip 'addition to the Gene M ors . e-u .ve basin ... we...-dloregard.td. lfadl-lier~ Deotrncti.. atrattn Ch D 24 · 1t conies· to delineation or ·the ·Radio_ Sem• ,.e .· the nation of hundreds of thousands of urgently cal idea• were aMd, like holdinc :'ill i.,:/: food aftd do~ !or . arges .· ec.. American Family. "You and r• lo . " . Now if the threat af strikes by the steel .and ~.:, ~~.:: production to iiooal nobqc!Jo1~· • ILettlnSca" s_~mo!,lae1 b•~dala A criminal complaint has been th~ell'!..~r Clanaired givanesd~Eri,rescwnWhl· e ot·t . " I Workers .'• carn"ed ~·t the coun· try will be S[et back no arm nr. -• ,.,, ,. . ·~--~ vu r Shorteninr CTOps raised pricts, no ctories and mat.ea· no ~bl. iaued against Hugh ·Jensen of ~y froni childhood in the South· BOQ, ·.a.tJTO, ~ 'atlt4er in efforts to achieve PQStwar economic recovery. to be aare, bat It-made .,. Idle, The mool helpful thine our ~· 1037 Gleneyre. -~ Beach by westem·Uniled ·states '\o the final &ADIOll llll:Pill•d . . t . ls that the sitUation. in the United "'tiltes has u well •• fond. The landownen emD1~nl can do thll J~ is w~rk I Vlrgtnla,.Rodrlcuez or Corona de! meettng In New York. Eric and • j ~ set compensation from the n~· to t.1]11 end: ptTiae '"' 11f'1 1~11 . Mar on a charge ·of hit and run Oaire were raised as brother and •· -...___ , stage where, µnless something.is done tofotre both tional treasury [or <ropa theyd1d ,,, .~, ·~n , .... ~ -:n..,. driving, lnvofvtng ·• violation of sister by roster parents. Inevitably B. uri· R._-No~..:.nl .I·.· management to work out their differences in.stead oot-raiH and idle work.en .•t.o9d maticallJ cure the pa * j sec__!lon 481. of the ~hlcle cOde. -they came ·together to find a great 1·wa9j sittlng~ck and shooting at each other, pie nat100· , . ) The accl~nt OC<:lllTed ?" De-love. . . : . · . . , · · llJI Ooaat a..., . ~, INiil · · V f Phili• • cernber 24, when the car driven Julie Haydon has written a ~ Newport 8!•~ .o.111. sul~, such a g . econorruc blow,. ~at ~ Local youth eteran 0 ppmes, by Jensen struck that bf Mn. Whimsie81 tale of h_er ilog Maxim. T • • I . lnay prove to be a myth. .-Ii J ' GJ d H y nk Rodriguer: causing ~determined Every dog lover and owner will L---------~------..,....-----f~---"' .lt.Jne~ca has the greatest productive capacity of any JJ4· Be eves aps a to ave .a s '. damage. The complain\ re'!.ds: laugh at' the tale or this wire-------'-----~. --..,...._ ---=----:.--:-.:i.,f-:.-,.::-, = . -. ..... 1'~1 ... un) ··a . . ' . l . ' "HughJensen ... didwU!~Uy 'and hairedpup.'Thetitle"EveryDog PR'OFESSIONAL Dl'RECTORY . world. But the. capac1,, means 1 .. .., ess i,, . · I • · . • serit or unlawfWly ran. neglect "and re-Has His Day.'.' . .-. e best advantage. And that certainly':~'t ~big J= ~ ~ncy" ksARffh~N :!i :~.~te:=a~~ to a ruse · to immediately stop his ve--'Men Who Have Walked With 1 . ' r -~ - done n · -., ;. , T ·~. Y keedooPr . 0t F _eset , ·. · · at the scene of the accident.'' God'' by Sheldon Cheney is the Aobo~ANT · ~saSuaoso 11;1)' If labor and management 'Ji!n.'.'on -...apanese, . rem.ar iva e irs For over. a week Bishop an,11 th Jensen was rirst arrested ' bY" story of the many men "'ho have '':---"'----------;I ' Tim is. ~g put. ~ ~tl:· C!ass Lowe Bishop, son or.'?· ?;t-surviving members of his unft en· Laguna police on a charge of known ·God through the mystic H R. H" ALL, U--·n kicking md~eir go{den •opportunity for a ~t ptos-Bi:'hop of Newport Beach, you d gag':? the enemy ·in a close-in drunk driving and was rined SlOO, philosog_bies of the ag~s. Lao-Tse · l. S. W _11 I' ..TE • "'t-I" perlty . ey will wake up some day t6 find thcit tJ:ieY, ~liv' ... ~ost think they were ov~tjoyed to battle. Although grenades.I and tp which count he pleaded guilty. to William Blake. For the lay J.u~b!!t':,.~ Ti:: u':'~'":= ~ Ph)"l1elaa and SW'ffOD !7' , hav_e US .here. I gu~s it "'!ust be blocks of T_N.T . blasted the ~arth 1 He was later arraigned in the reader ~ well as students. How 1117 Deovtmeat io repreeent cueac.. iD Hrs 2-5 b mJnent it by de anJt. l '\ ( " their relief ~i1knowmg we re not all around him, killing many of his Cost~ Mesa court· on the misde-these men lived and ]earned is a coooeclloa "'"'!I ln?om& '--111.ai.ier.. -.: , y appo ~- And ot only they but the entire nation will pay the cost going to abuSe them." .' buddies, the Californian held fast meanor complaint or Virginia Rod-fascinating. tale. =~D.-o~~:_ Telephone 2620 1 · of .their oily. So, I~iJ9r-management disputes are ~ private . As part of General WaJter to his position . hurling hiS own Mi;uez, t o which he ~1so plead P earl Buck has a new novel and om. 1 .... e.rMr ........ c..aa .._ .... ls1 Broactwa,-Oot ~· dispu It is .time lhe public used the full weight of its in· Krueger's S ixth Army occupation·· gr·enades into the enemy's midst. gu.ilty 'and was fined $100 a· second it is riot on the Chinese side. The • no. If~ .... w. , _-. . ~ forces, Bishop r~ntly arrived In the service siiiee Jwt 15, time. title ''P6rtrait or ti Marriage." o force a jliSt-and qwck settlem~nt of these fights:. in Kyushu, Japan, Wlth th~ ~d 1944, Bishop c;teparted for overseas Just as the title suggest!i the story )., ~--~"~RA~~:U~l~'.1~'.ilCT~'.:....---, I r----~~""" ____ ...__.., (Red Arrow) Infantry D1vis1on. duty in December, 1944. H~lholds Thelre is no mel;Ul W?r~. save is about the marriage of two wide--Co d M Grund M.D de on British Loan now commanded by Brigadier the Combat Infantryman &dge, that which is sordidly 'se1'sh ~ no ly different people. William a sen· A.rmand Monaco ~ ~ am!!.oa ' • ~neral Ro~rt. B. McBride Jr. the Asiatic·Pacific Ribbon and the irreligious. work, s~ve th~~ which sitive artis"t and SQll or rich par-:ABCBITECr The Califomian;s located at.pres-Philippine Ll.beration Meda\-His is moral,ly ... wrong; in everyrsphere ents. Ruth an unlettered farmer:s BUbba Nlat.lt aad Oeatnl .& ... allup poll, ln a recent survey, reveals that the-ma-~nt near F\lkuoka. 8th largest ·ci~ wife, the former Hazel Simmons, of life the· JX>St of hono~ is th1e daughter . He came to her· mode 814 W. Bay Ave., · ~Rn. :t~U &.m.; •·•·.-. the-American people apparently are not enthuSiastic '"i}1=· the Luzon engagement, ~~h . onHis Ro~;~~;,· t2un'£g~ post of duty.-E. H. Chapin. ' ~.!~;n~r th:h~~ve;~~ t~~~nt~~ i-~:c:;~ MOS . To1..,i.-fl I 1 e. $4.4 billion loan to Britain, wtllch pow needs only Bishop t~k part in one ·of the Bishpp, lives on Route 1, Nef"(>Or t For quick results use News• gether over a PE:riod of 50 years. · • I · '':l'~ional approval. More than half the persons ,inter-most savage batUes or th• war In Beac;h. Tunes cluallled columna. I '------------~ ·o th• Pacific. In a drive along the · • Fi h d S . · A'.ITOR~S d that they do not believe the British n~ the winding Villa Verde Tl'aib in the • nc an On8' · · ~. li:. get back on their feet. There is a _widespread· feel-mil<-high Caraballo Mountain;, . Enjoy Holidays \' . BOBEK~ GARDNER Conrad Richter, lliLU. Mr. Gallup, that any money loaned to them wµi not his company had·taken an Import-CROSS o' RD PllZZ1. E . At Grand Canyon ~ ~ -.... , ... . This belief stems from the fact that Britain still ~~~ h~~-~n~ ~e~~~et~f Do~~N~~s~~2°·o uec!t.t~lll St.\ O\\~ several billions of dollars from World i·War I. The A hcilida y tiip to the Grand 711 If. lhlD si.. e-ta &-. c.ur. ~: 10-11 LID.=.,, S.I ...... poll-tak r also found that 49 per cent of the people think that Newspaper Thanked , Canyon was enjoyed by Braden ,-nLEl'eo~~ -111 · "d •ACROSS ~l•U•• t• M•s.• ...... Finch and his two sons. George, a-te. ....._ 4.7691 Newi-1 ~lift& we will not get any benefit fl'Qm the loan ot.U'Selves. as1 e For Space Donated 18, a senior in high school, and '----.--'-' ------~ fJ'Olll th interest. while Qnly 31 per cent think we will. It In W-• Drive 1 Stylish Cabell, 1~. who round snow and DAI llCll09L8 appears that if Wash1ngton offici3.ls W!lflt the loan to B .ritain 41 5 Eflrontery cold wea1her at the south rim of I ~--------,,,-,,---,,-, 1 .o Corridor the cany n. · Mortimer ScllO:ol to hav popular sanction they will have to make C earer to To Newport Balboa News· Times: 10 On the ' The pr sident of the chamber of -Oonl ...,.._ hlaad' tfie peo le the reasons, which caused them to approve the The time has f"mally arrived to ocean commer left with his two sons ..,,,...._, .,___...,, 11 Fireal'm GnMlee: ~..,.. .. ·"1--ir credit. say "thanks" for the ou..tstanding 12 Garden tool the day fter spending Otristmas DA" SCHOOL ~ sµpport of the War Financing Pro-14 Insect at their home, 314 Hazel Drive, ,. ...,....,.. gram. Your, editorial cooperation 15C1ose to Corona el Mar. They stayed at G.A. llortlmer, II.A., OdOJd Is More lmportabt? · and the work of your advertising 11 Level El Tovar H otel at the canyon, and Prlloolpal PIM> 9'111 .LYJ, _ 1 • department in obtaining sponsors 18 Therefore· enjoyed •trip ·to the canyon fto6r 119 In ery direction we are fact'd with the seeming in· for War Bond advertisements have l 9 ~~;of a ... I by mule ok, re turnipg Dec. 31. DmNTlllT8 , ,..,;.,_h , been vital factors in the succesa. 21 Fleahy .truit evil!lbili ot increased government control, alu.'1"6 we or the e_·ight war loan drives. ' 23 DecaJ._ ta!~ of ess control. We .resemble a person looking liack at Will you please express fo your 24 Firmament some he wants as he \valks away from it. The answer staff, the appredation1 of ·the 25 Cry of a ---· th t I t Treasury Department tor a big crow~ to such 8 paradox ·must be -at we wan ess gov~mrnen job well done. Without your ~· : ~::e y control dly, but not as badly as wepWUrt other things. triotic; assistance, financing the 30 Leave out For xampJe .while \Ve dislike t.l\f( drift toward autocratic war Would have been infinitely !1 Type ot gove · ent, we '_dislike the .danger of· inflation _m6~, and i:e-~1~~f~~~t also my personhl u ~~~ti~~nd• ~to vemment control m the ho!"' of averting it. Again, !hanks for your help which con· reol¥ t.dso arb. 35 P~apple w · dislike the same trend evident in comp ry 1-tributed so much to th-e succes5 38 River <Chin.> on. f labor disputes we 'dislike the disputes n\ore than °1 our Southern Calilornla prci,. 37 Past ' • ' • gram. 38 Solar disks di!Jilc•e to be governed by decree. Sincerely yaun, 40 Ventured ·we teei that stopping the drift toward dictarorlal ELWOOD J . ROBINSON. 42 Therefore Vi a:. · 43 l'Jway1 etit Is more important than ·anything else,~drlft ce amnan 44 wom War Finance Comm.Jttee ot be stopped,· neither will inflation nor labor ble. For Southe,m Calilornla ., :':.~~· DOWN t Dips out \ 11 Grate• 13 Ty.,. measure No. 11 27TbOM wbo •Ing PIERSOL'S Prof ' p~ 191 Jl'ORl:llT A V&NtJi: IJUNA Bll:AOB "In B ·...,. fo• T ou• Health"' . -,;;t:; .. ~-......... "•• c moi.Ooto&a. A.DU10 ftOOl ............ ,. CL a.....,~ ... ..... .. -u- DR OBED LUCAS Dentist • 2202'6 w •. Centrat, Ph. 1480 NEWPORT BE~CH INSURANCE New York Life Insurance. Company · DON B. DURANT 4.11 OrebW ........ OO&ON.t. DEL llA& MOBTIOIANa • DR. G. E. TOHILL PH.YSICIAN•Md 8U.RGJSON llCJt Cout Btvd., NeWport S...--P--Offloa 'zae..w . Rao, :!M-R It' No A.,.._ Call N9WPOrt t • • Gerald Rauaa.. t.J.~. Z8IO Wut ~-. .I.I .... N~port BMolt r Ph. 1a.za.~No Aaswer cal IOI .. x-Rv 1arv1ea I llllton H. llannill, M. D. , I . reo1 Ooaat m"!'1 0o-.a1...., Qtt1oo -., io · u ~ • •. -llf-.-t l-· . . f ! " TRANSPARENT MAT.ERIAL · b•'11L piaffS • 1 Am erican Indian ' 11 ~!!~8n1!!7 li"Pr~~l. Elder~a br.> 20 At the pr I· ent time 28 Resied uprleht 29 Jllm for 11ret11lh «I Bone 31 Falconold birds. R pre_at,,,_ la W. GltOROIC UI ltb 8t. HAROLD K. GRAUEi,. CHAPEL ,· . I S. R. Moflaco, 1' D. ' 814 Bay A-,.e-IJil. :. N~rt l'l'M I I ' Mla.BID,1.,~ .. • W•rW·- N ... , ..... n.117 • 'Better Appearance • Extra Comfort The new Tra11spa-rent Material affords many If d van t a g ts beretO!ore unknown.. to plate:-we&T&S . . . briftgll -New EB.tin¥ PleasUtt and lriiproved Personal Appearance _ i _ distmctlv.e, but not expensive., MAKE ENJOY WEARING YOUR ~owuJ' PLATES WHILE PAYIN(j TERMS ~-.-~.mi°';'it1~1~~11 time to pay. NO INTEREST· R ~ COST: i . ALWAYS LOW ftUGEI! " " . . -· , • ,, I • ' . ' . . ' ' ' l 2 Hilt~. ltnl1• S Sick 4 Dt1Unct s Fuel I At>peattnee T Permission 1 . I ·- ' • 22 Belon tome 25 Feline 28 P~rt of "'tobe" .. ' ' ' , . ,. ·~ I \ . . 32 Inanimate 33 FloaU 35 Fit.her 37 Relfoo 39 Fernal.e Pll 41 Balli • . . ' Uacto• -Pb. IL B. 4801 ve you lua4 AS.Y ACll.., ' ... ,..,,.. .... ~ ....... I .. I ' ' ''We-om.elve1 th.t Better Serve ~ llervlna'. Otlion Beot" Pho .. Newport N1 . eo.ta Meea Calltorhla oPro.Uzwn ·ROBERT A. CB&WPoBD ·Opt.. D. OPTOMETRIST --J>•m*%ed 'I' QI• • ntted t7U N-nort tl0a11¥anl. · PhOftit 2480 . ·C:,OITA LEIA SU&Y&IOU • • I • SIEGEL & RAUB I .. ,; ....... .., •• IW lfwpwt m.'1. Oooia ._ , . T1l1plleee '1111.j -' . . , . . tcl.1W.0--N---:_ T1l11.,•, Iii ,·. . . .. PUJr~ n&e •e• , . I PIANO TEACnEa G. v. LlNSENBARD ' -. ar.duate ~ _.." fkl&r;,, l&•'lljoldll Pb. lZD-W ' ' • llllll w. ~ ...._ , TUCbr 1111 I . .By ·Appo111 . • .. • . .., .. WWWWIGSI •.. ;.,. r-';___...,.--1--. -~• Y0ar friends aitd • 'Fantasy of Life' '· ' I N G . · . . At Laguna H. S. ! HollclaY .-.. at the home al Fri..:i . N. ht ~ Volma Barber, ·Bal~ 'ftre • <JR)' JI' ' -· bfr fro~ & lllaten and lh<ir The ·"Fantasy ot Ufe." a play by ~ and ,..... oon and daucl>-a Ruman actw Wbldl be portrtl)'S .._--~--+-----·--·-·__,,ten. and !Dcl\lded Mr. and ~ himself U faillnc to ~cbieve IUC-~ Mannine Barber and ION Merritt O!U u a i.;nc>tkm picbn'e actor, . ....,.,. . ....... )J. Eltiite . .,, ... ,..._ 111•e.1.A.a I - 11• • • • 'FRIDA :s1ata and Mannina" Jr 0regon· Mn. r.. will be llhown Friday nldit at the • . ' ' .. 1. Laguna Beach H1&h achool audl- • I,. Newman and "°" Do•n~tt. torlum. 'lbU la 'the .latcot worlt al -Sierra Madr:e; ;Mn. Mary Love EUa 1..a2a:otf. ""'° b<can hla 1 Coon. and son Dou&).u. Pua~; carttr in the MOla.>'W Art 'l'bn.tft' Co.. Jnc. ·Mr. 8nd Mrs. Harry M. PQDO~Jr. 30 yean ago, and . hu played u . _.._ Pasadena; Mr. and .:Mn. well u .-ttm maey which have Mil 4 , , R. · Ball, San Diego, ~· Mr. ' ~ ahown tbrouahout the wcrid. Mn. Jack Larson, Balboa. Leading lady In the Lazaroff '. produc:tlon . b Gal• NNI«. Sbe 1 • . and other-atart lr\ the play haw EVENING, JANUARY 11 =:.:~u.:""::-i:. d~ . HI""'" SchooJ ·A1ditorium author ree1a, in Illa work. that 1511 smaller dt;ies lhould have an .- K•T ll&UD .• ~ PAUl CZIHll,'R -· . ni :r·''*'l:.l llllllltillll s11r II Iii r~ ~ 11 nis Cllr > .. .. ' . f • j • . ' · . • ' -• leven·: CIMses~ ~1-·•--;;;;;;;~~~~~~=~ ~ .. lr .. .. ' .... . . ·~~if .··~x . eonwn ao~ ..,ai 1n.:: mas ~ ~ ~· U-~ ..:.~ R • . : ·the moot "1 · od f""" "' Ille egatta onnual Nelf' Year (potboil d zzfc · held at for the 30th time. F .. ~ wu the lint.- • between eut we .. t tba th Utile Wind at the best, and Loom11 ~ or WUhlJICt<ta' a d calm port of the time wtn-State agalhst wn 'Unl~ll'. ' 'the races la the ~tmaa heipjng to lwin f the ..,. 'tel-• l!fllatta ~Id •t '.the New ..... t Har. by·• """"'1ol. . .' aclit club ... a matter of ~la !II' said tO have ~ derable ...ulng aliUL Eleven under handicap In tha.t 18!"< w.ir were out, and the 'encl of back In 1916 due. to preoiba ID-t holldoy wu the New Year'• Jurieo. I · · dlnn... dance whet'i! Commo---_i-1 --+----'- Da ....i,;,,,. ..,._ ud lead . Henry, Grandin welcomed Bank An¥~ Llf.,. ...._. 200 men-y-maktng members p1-1 ...... *-.. --...-. abd thelr c-a.· .. ces Ull,.,_,, = =:,' !~ 11A:i;= · l?Jegler wqpq flnt place in' the Back Q .. Jo on.• 7 '•• bora drNnMU.t Me R,hodes 33. ~. With Convene . ....,... la ·-,.,....,. ...,... unlemann iecxJi>d and Gillies Bank of Amer! Harbor i'_. Eqlflfpmed .Co. r"· Ill Ap'e -=1~ • -.•·· ~ I 'I'& l'IU.J . " ' j ;· . , :~. Agents for . '· . SHEPPARD DIESELS · 1 ' • ' Osco FOfll • Gscq ... Jeep~ . Mari• Motors . ~_. : . 1 .. -·-Fteah Water (:®ling Sy~.,...-l{eat ·, Exchangers for anY. siie m0~; . · .. r •-·. . .... . -. . I . ~· In.Stock: 10 h. p. Falcon. Water Cooled ""· · Matine ~otors equipped, with;Parqon ;; ·. Reverse Gears. , · · , · ~ • • ' portunlty· to view artlatlc and cul- tural creationi, and since tennln- atiori. of his contract w1tb Para- mount, hu shown bow limple It ii to live a good life lnterestln1ly. -.. well .. W. .... ID Othen l'flnlShllig In eo<ler p<lt 1000 of lta "Brok• WIDp,. "Tloe Volee of ere C. Staafi BJU! Boyce, Lone staff members ha ,to ""'f!:.;::::J , . , _ ~-ote. . d Dick ATlert. Wheeler WU flnt their retum from . tarJ-1-•luej rr--------,------------"""''"' • ' • N V t . . the PC race,_ Wllkinlon aeaxul. and In addition ·11u made..J1IUIY ' ' egro e eran . ckson-thin! and Hillman fourth. new empl<!Ymenta ,,..,... tile .-- lrf N.UTIPI V . • 0 \ Refused Service Tho'm))l!Ons Turn. Over or the Star boat&, Nooth WU of . other veteranS, acconllng to In Dramatic Incident Market to .Daughter ahdt,il:1~ct;o=oo. Koontz ™".' ~~· Giannini, rdej al the . And Son-m-Law I In t~e -Albatross ra man .. Additions to the istatf friJm both ,, It was noon and a cafe counter • . ~a.s first, :Mi?ager nd categories of ve~ans since VJ w;IJ, JC!L ·ASH&.ey .:. ·in Balboa was lined with peoplec Mr. and Mrs: A. S. 'Thompson unpoon third .. Par er took [Int ~ave ~xceed 300 per ·m<mth. and th• o;i~in•I Hew Ycwi Gtd. -Way' down at the far end ~at a are retiring after 17 years in the acenrltar r~ ~ikin~~~.grai:n he vealed, ~d ls rate la es- • · ~ ',U~ly ~Sed, ~lean ·.looking Red and "Jhi~e.m~et n~t to the ~Up ac:rne 0in ~t fo~ t~e ::-a~ pect tot continu~ , Ticke. ts n 'Sal S ta Ana Book Store' . Negro boy wearing -~ service. but-Newport PoOt offlce and are rum-rl!ic Intemation••• Brown's Cli l.. . · e an · wn in the 1ape1 ot rus coa~ When 1ng the b.usiness over to/ their ~r second and ~ third in ~ Parking Me rs Take 208 W. 4th S $L20, $1.80, $2.40, '3.00, .$3:60, Tax Incl the proprietor, takJng orders, son-In-law and daughter. 'Cu~ and l~nder. In the <!:;-foot class Stew-Coins Sund~ys AS t.....--+' ---+-'-------'---------~l came to him. he was refused serv-Frankie LeValley, who 8.N cliang-t's Tantalus first E J es' < ice unless he went In the back ing the n!me of the store ID Le-~ue Jay seeon:i':d rucl,.;..i.0~d well· as w k Days --'--_+-1 ---+-------------...... ---l roo01 to eat by himself .. stan~g Valley's F09<i Mart. Bob Thom~ ~erS tied for third with the Nina · . · \ up; the Negro told ot his service son and his sister, Mrs. Adalee d M · ti eJ Due to a mis rstanding the ·SAM I ONCE AGAIN SEA FOOD SPA Offen Yoa the l"IDest pt..,., to Diiie In Orange County:· All· New - - - ETen the Location • }_ .. One-Half.Mile East of Old . · .Location on Coast Highway. Beautifal ·New Cocktail Bar ' ~o his country, \Vhe~ h~ was will-Looney, "1111 remain at the store. ~Sni~mwer;:~t vinyforcer Wig-announcemerlt th t p&-king ine- 1ng to lay down his life fo~ the . Mr. and \Mrs .. Tho~pson. who iJ;re taking first on points, Bill ters would not ope ate on r5undays !reedom and equ~ity .tor which it live .on Nert·. He!ghts, have Fl~ker second and Danny Elliott and holidays was ot correct. The !tood. a nd ~sked 1f anyone present gone to th; dese~t f~~ two :"'eeks ulird. Russell Craig came. in first newly "'5ta.lled. nny _catchers had any objections to eating with· whe{e. they ~veo ~Chased some for the Dyer dinks, with Daniell will take your coi on those da&" ~lro. No. one o~fer~ arly objec-property and plan fo b\lild a cabin. s~nd and Dick Te rkel third. as well as oh w k days: And if ~i~ns, nci~ht>r ~id they say a ny-. · . D;?ltas finished with Ada.ins fil"St, anyone thinks the can get away thing in his defense arld the young Mr. and Mrs. H. R. ~ng, their B • nson Second and Rafe.rty third with that little k-all-day-for-a# mai:i walked. out into the street, daugh~ers Dolores ~d Donna and M~Gram came in first for the Ba.I~ nickel idea,. just t them try it. tears streanung down hJs fa.ce . son Btll s~t Christ.mas in West ~ clink 'th J . Smith , d ys Chief H:odg ·· n · Los Angelers with Mrs. Ring's :-:r s, .wi 1m . secon • sa · A daughter was born Dec. 18 sister, l\•trs. Robert Webb, where Mf rgan thll'd and S. Whitipg 4th. PAINT ST,ORE 0 to Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wilson,\ places were laid for ,a farhi.ly_ din-·~ . .• 233 Wilson .Place. She ll1'1'ived ·atl ner party or 12 or more. Both Mr. ect Ashby Pres1de_nt EXPECTED HO t SOON A.'" J . Butto'n, w o OJ>¥r8.tes· the s ,. Joseph's hospital and weighed and Mrs. Ring and their chlldr:eu Of Union Pacific . paint stor e a t w tminster and 1 pounds, 12 ounces. are recuperating from illness;; 1 Magnolia avenues, la Mesa. is NEW YORK.-:c.eorge F. Ash-expected· home th l atte~ part ot We Lead Southern Call!om!a in the Serving of ' I • Will Photograph You GlamorOµsly -· · Diff e,re.nt · Our Laguna Beach and · Santa Ana Studios are open the Year '~d .. .. ' Santa Ana • .SIS W. 4th St. Laguna Beach S65 So. Coast Blvd. Phooe 3029. Phone 4MS .. ., ' -SEAFOODS- . YOUJ,t kin~ STEAKS -VISIT OUR'JDTCHEN -~ . Newport· Balboa Touris~ Biireau All Modes of Travel to Europe, Mexico, Hawaii Round-the-World Tri!" in the near future. See " Mrs. Roy Keene. Ph. 891. SOI Palm, Balboa Hoon: 10 L m. _ta 8 p. m. , by, a railroad man since he was this "'eek from , Joseph hol- 20 and in the service of the Union pi tat where he und rwent. an·.oper- P actfic. Railroad company for 34 a ti on two weej:ts-o. During tt>e years, last week \Vas eletted presi-owner 's absence th stor~ is being ~ 9 t of the Union Pacific. H e will kept open by E.·G. tite.~r for tbe1--------------~--------- S m's $ea Food Spa surcero. \Villiam M. J effers. presi-benefit of tfieir pa t '·· 71 l\?0 ____ 11ne111n1111111111111111111111u1111a1111111n1111111111111111u1u1111u1111u11r11r1u1111u1111u1111n1111if deb t of the Union Pacific :;i nce _ ~ .-~ • · · ·;· October 1, 1937, ·on Mr. Jeffer's ! . , .. retirement .February l , 1946. • ~ Modem an, d Up-to-Date , -· ' " . . • • arid Fish Market MJ:. Jeffers will continU E:: as a l · member of the board of directors ~, . ( • . • . : . . - l . > • . ... Ge I cbway (Noar!!eo!lleoeb) Geprge D. Bassett , ~rai ·a~d Tax Accou nting F1shermen's Bookkeeping Notary Public 2602 W. Central ~ve. NeWp<>rt Beach°'\ e 18'.Xi-J I • '-·ou Relumlng Boys W nl. to Cal.• Heme J , , • .t • ' . ' .. P.A. PALMER L rbo ISLE PP.DPERfIEs , • W. 0 . BUCK-lnsuranC:e Counselor /J~JS'oo ~~ 3333 VI.A LIDO ~IFORN~ . .. 1\amlt of AttttriQt • tc4TIONAL )l~\\i'~ ASSOOAnON CALIFOBNIA'B BT.AT·EWID,~ BAN~ ·. Collllnu«I 5,,,_,., o/Cotulition .D'""'bn 31, 194,. a11ouac11 CaU la 'fa.II .... ~ P'.d.r.i BM I t• lank • -• . • • • • • •I Dae lrcm. la:ab • •. • • • • • • • • TOTAL CA1B • • ~ -11.004.59'-ltl.57 W k1tiM Goft,_. Oblvalltw. direct Giid ~r~ ........ . Stat.. C:O-tf. and N:anldpal loed9 -• • • OU.., 8oDd9 Gael ~ • • • • • • • Block la Federal heene lcmk • , • • • l.ocmll and Dlilcoaa• • • • • • • -• .Aec:r1Md laternt and Accomltl Jlec:9lTable • Bank hemlaM. F1Ulllhue. 1bturM. and Saie o.~ v~ ......... · · • OtbN B.al t:.krte Own.cl • • • • • • • • • ' C uatomen· IJabWty oa Accoant of Wtten of Ct.di\.. Acceptanen. and ~ IWa • • • • Oti..r Bwces . , • , •••••••• ITS.7,7.Ml.H Sll.Ml.UUl 1,ISS,741.0SS.SI 114.421.SN.SI ............ l.Dll.741.455-" 17.141.115.lt tU33.211.5S J3Utl.12 H.324.150.15 21u11.n TOTAL tao.Men . • • • • i" • • : • ···•2•,.06a,t2TM . . 1.IAlll.JTIES Capilalo . 111111. Com"'O" Cl.000.000 Shw) ... OO.DOD.000.DO Pnlernd ( f.oUJI..._,. • l,01~.S60.00 larpl• • • • , • • • • • t S..500.000.00 U~ prom. • • • • • • 20.ISS.4.IS.41 • 1111"• , ••••• , • • 4.lllMl..IS ............ ~ ••• ,. r-.1 ll2.0$3.15 TOtAL CAPITAi. PVllD9 • • • • • • • I ............ I>-.. •. • • ., .... :D « • • • • • ~.aoun.Ml.Jf.} D11a1% . · . .,,, 91 cad ~ • l.OM.71f..nt.ll: 1.1a1t111r .;.. i:.... o1 c..e ... • A c npl ~ &rt w.•....,•A a· rs•_. , ........ •"' ............ . .. ·, ... ,, ..... , ....... ....-' .. . . ' ~ a 61 .... 5 I f C ..... .-..11/lttf . .,.-.-.-I • ' . "· • .......... ........... ,. lLi..;.e.&11.1' ·.--- B.lll.87t.IT~ • ..... .MUI 7.ML~.1-. . ' . I . ' • I ~:. ~f~i.on PaQflc a nd active in i Blue Printing ' I f a£ilities ~ ' • ! i I I .Beer ,Wines , . Liq-..ers. · 1 · ""-· . Whi~~ey ~:[~ [N!] ~~~ @~~fg -o a nd ma.lntenance service : , B . .t. in:~IES , TIRES l TUBES e ACCESSORIES .: BOOts ''61 ~y Keene Palm and Bay, Balboa Pho~!' sill I\J·ewport Auto Works Earl Mitchem, Prop. 124. _SOth at Coast Blvd. Phone (day or night) 14...."0 • : FOR SALE OUR TRA ·CT OFFICE · .. • Corona del Mar Located On the Bluff ·Corner Ocean ·Blvd. ' and. Carnation /\vce:, TO BE SOLD "AS IS" • Purchaser to Remove at His Own E>.l"'ruie and Risk Within 10 Days from Date of Purchase Price $350 Cash • ·,' -_PROPERTIES, INt. 786 So., Hill St. .. . "4~7311 .. ... I L.L·M.ARK . • • j_. ; -:! ... ,. __ P_h_o_t_os_t_,.a-ti_n_g_u_p_to_l_8_i..,n_ .. _b--y~~-2-i_n~. ---.' 1 . , ·1 " Pi~-Up and Delivery Service • ~ • • ! Watch for Opening Announcement ~ ; -I i . ~ I ·e1ueprint & Photostat Shop I -~ ? "' ~I ~ • CQsta Mesa ~ !1 I . ~ !:l..:CSS---lllUllllUl!ll~llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!lllll!lllllllUJlllllillil(llll!lll!lllll!-UtulJllUllll...;;1 ~-----------~-----------,'· I J \ . ' - ' , ........ '"9-'2j)() ~ ""'$2.SO reg. $~ i Ii I . . 8och a k""°"" ~. lillirlWll'I . · ,. ' I I • I .... I' ......... "' holp -~ --'1·"""1. . ., b ... , W ..t 1qy . IT l~tl""·tt: • : ' .;, 0' II .... iilgltt -. Ip ..._. ..... 1 _.,.-~ I 'lill..U..ID'"'·..._.Wfl 0 S ' - ' • ...... ~.... ·1 9ifD';•ll!lllflllt~ ...... ~· ••l••-11!'11LP".~~-"'5-l ,. 1, -.,. ' ·: . ..:. . I \ r'. ' •' . ' . • I .. . .. , • r 1 _. ,. ' ' ..: .. '· . • , . . I .. , .. ' I .. ' • . ' .. • ' • • •• ' • • . • • , . • N&wrnt BALBOA H&WA· . Jllcaw:rt •: .,. : : ~ .. " • • • : I . • .---+----------....:...-......:..-1 Building De~nt Made Rim Mad, Wrote Lot. ~er; Wantef:I io Build ·,.· Dwelling With 450 ~-Ft.; Was 'RefUsed PARTY-BOUND :RAYON . DRESSES ' ~ TOtal .. Patrol J~-A~ . I Couty BUildini; ' . ti' No Su~tafi ,. • • d ·we . Are Prouc;l of It1 • finaiacial Sta•11uent- As of December SI, l!M5 / ASSETS ( -. _.,,__, ___ , ___ , __ _. ___ : __________ .: _____ .., 180,818.'78 Boillla Owned -·-···-·-· -·-···--·· S05,000.00 . 8toek --~·-·-··-·-·-···---·-·----45,000.00 -·Beal btate --··-····-~·-·--T·-••• 4.M0.108.'TJ -&le Beal Eatate ··-····----·· l,425.li8 111111 FlxtUres ....................... --S,J&S.M ~... ··········-··-··-·-··-··· 9,906.SS ~ __ __....._ .• AL ASSETS ---·--···-·-··---·---'4,865,ULIO LIABILITIES . . : • One .Roy Stone is peetty • ,_ , L---.,.....,-------+-'----'-..._-~ ~ Mesa Leads 1 : ~J!~ :L . The ~·· buildlDg ID the coom-!llated In the -county .,_ 117 Ille ty MUed to $31538,130, Jt ,.,.. re-aberitt's otnce, oot patnll I ~ -1ed by' the county '""!dine c1e-wW be·!dded lno(Md. It --· porlmont. u ,agalnat $2,0!l'i,D), • ---board "' -lain Ol alnwiat "58 -oecit .,.;..,, ~ ....... uked to oPll'O'!o ll'llS 19'4. The . report ~ that deputy ~ for the_ ·wlJ·-· Coota Mesa again led the vario<ia p>rated ......_ four ot Wliidi will ~trlcts In iullncor'po.-al!'d ·ar-eu, be a.iched Cor patnJI clut7~ .:t the dty building ~.. 0-· · . N G · And . he didn't mind ,..ylJ>g th&tl B w L I •. oomel>ody lied to him. ·oot" he1 • iilu:vrJ'la .. .., ,... cauldn't find out who tt wu. 1 ·I ; a ' It teerm that -Stone, called ap · aaiw Mlsed. 0...'11!1i ~ the building department by lone -W . L ~ distance to cletennine If he cou1.i; J . votieL s. Burwell. ..... 15 l '938 .build a 450 square too~ house on•: w. Marks. ·G. HmlJl'Y .. Ji'• :~ 750 !Ot he h_ad recently purchued In: V. A ,J, Blclderman. ...... .10 ' 8 825 f the River Sectloo of the city. It R. A 'II· Gores. ............. g 7 563 · WU 25x90 feet. he llald, and he 'M. V~, E. Jobnom ;9 7 • 56S wanted to ~d a house t~ere far D. Toombs, E. Leeter _ 9 • 7 563 a veteran. : R. Leslie. E. Wlllcut. ... 8 8 500. He '!U infonned over the phone E . &: L Laurance .. ·-··· 7 · 9 438 his letter to the dty coundl com-v . Balley." L. Wells. ..... 6 io 3'!5 plained about the new o~ance E. 4 1 R. Broy! ..... _ ....... 5 11 ·313 · In preparation which woul it S. A G. Fish. ...... _ ........ 4" 12 25cI blbit -under 600 llCIW\I'!~ "..'.'_• P . Guy, B. Ogden. ......... 2 ~4 125 but if be got his plans rea...., ~ __....;;... ~ · .. fore the ordinance went into ef· The following sc:orei att the re-- feet, he might get it through. IUlts of the bowling: ln the Balboa When· be came down with the-Mixed Doubles league Ftjd&y, Jan. hurried-up plan, for which he hod 4 at the Sport)and alleyt: . aclvllnced $l!0.50. ~w: ~d b( M. Vogel .......... ~ ........ 150 .116 120 : During the lut· 10 days ot' the Buena ·Park, . Cc!!'ta Mea;=s year 12jp.;:.;i{ts werr iaaued In ·the San Juan Capiatruo had · Costa Mela aectloDJ and w.ft the for atatiocia to . ~'the I 1 gttat.St part of the si6,600 per-UP-SWinc ol ~~--~ ·1D mlta. Better type structures Ciom-the cat~es ol burclarios. The, , lnated. They weoe: · aheriff pointeel to <Ille ~,ID Paul Traut 230 Broadway~ aer1ous types of crime ~ a garage on U... eel aide of Har· and fean that It may ""':' include bar Blvd., 600 feet sooth of 19th Oran&• county. • •tr.ft. $7000; to Louis E. Bennett. · · 161 Ced! Place, Coota Mesa, for a ' sa.rs IM roa ~ . dwelllnc and garage .on the '°'1th The dty council voted to iell for aide of ,14_.i1a strfft. 50 feet $&J0 .two lots, 38 and 39 ~ ~ west ol Weltern &venue, $6000. . 444 in Newport Hetcbtl:, ~ R01 r......, hlamt=~t Oet1Uleatell .' ....... :.; .............. $5,405,v ... .50 l1 w:ai sm,-·-···--·····--····-···-····---14,444.66 . mplete Loluis ···-·-·······--·············-·····-· ., 663,5%4.54 . two men ID the g th ~h • E. Johmon ...... : .... :.,. .. 111 113 164 mcmt. his letter d~t onih a ~ Pat Gey ······•····--··----152....-izi .1Z7 could not bull eu an B. Ojtden ·······-····-·:.141 158 '· 96 aqu8re feet. 1 h Ruby Gores ····-·····-105 92 107 To M. i;: McO:sJnick, 340 Vic-Howard., who ~ the l(OCC : 11f\ll "I toria aln!et. Coo!I Mesa, for a bidder for the lll'OPertY -117 dweJJli>g on· the. ... siae ol Old the -bJy. Another bid reeelftd at -Santa Ana Road at Wl!Oon ......,t. the •pedal Wedneodot nl&bt $5380: tO Cartwright ,smith for !l lelalon .ror ~ wu reiaeted. Tbe dwelling on the north aide "or lots ~ not ,,_ -by ·~ Lampoon aln!et, seoOO: to William lm~ts. · ! ce, "F.B:LB. ················'··-··········-··-•·'492,500.00 : r LlablllUes ····-······-···-················--· . 12,986.62 rv..; Sm-pl• iind -' · 'Ddlvided Profifll .......................... 211,928.18 Gi .... 111tee Stock ........................................ 125,00IUIO AL LIABILlTIES *····················$4,86-5,421.10 • OFPICD8 DUNTON. P'rftUknl 11..AlllDON, Vlce-Preeident JU)"O. MATH.ER. Vke-J>Teeldent R ~. SHER.RT. Vke-Pt'Midea l E W. cdona. Sec.·Kn-. W'BlTSON, A•'t Sec. ,t; ~a&. CROOKSHANK, Attonie7 . ........, .. GEORGE DUNTON C. W. RArRDON W)I(. B . SPUR.GE70N, Jr. C. E.'U'IT HERBERT N. ALL.ElilAlf . ROY V. SHAFER · ~RS. CO'M'ON XATHEB 3 o Paid on Savings for 1945 With ··Improved Earning. Position for 1946 W Are Now'iAccepting In estrnents Which are In uted Up to ....................... . ·-111'141 1 \ When he related the te ep one w . Gores ··············---194. 135 153 conv.,,.,.tfon, both deoled talking v. Bldderman ·····-···167 181 137 to him ·Stone wrote, and aug-J Bldd -• 112 101 113 ' h bee Pt · erm .............. . cested It might ave also nd .:~ R. Uslle .................... 151 172 142 Nel>On. J;le, ~owever. th ~ Ed Willcut ' ............... 1;2 126 175 talking with tone over 181e on~ E . Broyles ......... , ...... 120 ~ 86 according to the ;:mp nt; ~ f R. Broyles ···--·-·······120 140 131 ~m ~i:: h:~d ha5:1:enrell~ S. Fish,, .......... , .......... 86 110 96 bulldin H h t1 W. *ks .................. 134 96 100 to him about d h I gh. e aed G. H(lmphrey ............ 155 167 159 spent $80.50-an k e et er w~t t D . Toombs ·······-·······123 110 132 his mOney bac or a f pe~ o E. Lester -··----~---····-··-146 162 11~ build this ~;square ~ ouse, v . Bailey .: ........ , ....... 112 121 111 as the new ... ~,...n~~a f n~t g~ne L . Wells ············----···122 144 117 into ef.feeL~memS o t e cihtyt E. Laurance .............. 122 99 134 coundl ifdt;:..l£CU, tone wrote, t a L. La 157 127 136 . b d w1th th 'ty urance ............. . Nelso!l was m a e Cl J . Vogel .. : ................. !~ 163 139 council. . k 1. S. Burwell ................ 154 206 171 O. B. Reed too occas on to re-. BOTH -lilt .. are wurinc matd>IDg dreaea of eolorful, ..me.; able spun. nron. They ban contrl,lti.ng :r>.ka ~led with IC&llope. ld·in btlil that tie in back. and circular akirta. Youn1aten' clotpea- whethu ·they're for ICbool or drns-up--lhould be built to .. take it.• Yoar bnt aaurance that children's n70n garments have the n«euaa.. aervi~ taualitin i1·tb look for informativa labela tbat'tell you about the la!orato,iy tnta th• fabric baa puHd for 4urability, color-futnca. ahrink.a10.. etE. W . Guthrie, 108~ · 20th . street. . , l'l<wport Beach, for a -dwelling on" R 0 .S S 1·' $ the west aide of Whittier· ave~. ~r .. t ~"'."'f!' or 17th •treet. · :Liquor Sto~e . . To W. W. Radley, Rt. I. Box 47. , . lOOS CGMt ..._..._., Costa Mesa, for a dwelling .on the ....-'J w6t side of -~West.enr avenue. ~ lmi·Bei.a ~ti..&.-..· $2520: to Terry ·Aton, Box --==~~=:::~=~~~~ C.orona del' Mar, for a dwelllnc -: on the west side of Westminster , st;reet, 690· feet ·west of E.Sther t1treet arid ·Santa Ana avenue. - To H. W. Wright1 1784 Newport Brvd, for a n ... adClitional lumber ·warehouse, $2000; to T. R. Hmar, . mind. fhe council that Nelson was not in bad standing with the coun- cil, and the matter was not acted upon. The letter was filed. New Sugar Stamp Became Valid Jan. 1st 224 Monte Vista · Street, Costa ·Mesa7 for a dwelurig at the same address, S2240 ; to Nathan Varney, 618 Balboa street, Costa Mesa, for ~ a dwelling on the west side of Mrs. Strother Again 1'o SuperYise C. M. Clothing Drive B ' . ' Eb (J CJ b H · N'ewport Blvd., 'one.fourth mile 0 a 't W ·1 s e . e u ears south of 17th street , $1200. ' Story of Crusaders To Gordon G. Sipla;-Newport Southern California housewives i Beach, for a boat shOp and o ffice _ sfarted the new year off with a I · ' 1. on .. the nor theast corner of Orange ne w supply or sug8J,', OPA dis-I Ruth Cornell Fuller '!f Los ~-street and Ne\wport -Blvd ., $1800.; closed when the ~gency announ~ I The K-t.hanga . slee~ ldoking for-gelcs pi:ese nted a very interesting to Lloyd ;E. Schlosser, P . o. Box that stamp 39, good for five mer yacht of T om 'M\Y;which for r eview of the · best-seller The 191, Costa ' M.esa, for 8 garage . ·five 1 pounda would be validated a time v.•as in, service between Black Rose a t the ~Thursd~y meet: dwelling o n the east Side of \Vest- Mrs. Ledia Strothe r will a,sain Janu'ary 1. Stamp 38, currently/ Newport Harber ~d San 4 Cie-ing of the El;>ell clu.b. · -· . minster ·street, north of Flower supervise the collection o! clothing pounds was yalldated J an. 1. The mente Islan~ ha uling personnel Dressed in a costume c)f. the ro-street" S1980. ... for the Victory Clothing drive in new stamp will remain good and matef\'a ls for a navy construe-mantic period ·of the story, the the Costa. Mesa area. scheduled through April 30. tion job, ookS like ?er original time of fhe holy \Vars of the Cru-Mr. a iid Mrs. Ross Peacock Md from Jan. 7 to Jan. 31 under the beautiful Self again JU.St east of sades. Mrs. Fulle r held her audi-thildren, Susan and "·Harry-;-wh- nation8.J direction of UNRRA. A rdaughter was born Jan. 1 to the count~ .~ock .on Coast H igh-ence enthralled ·With~ the adven-have lived in San Gabriel·for sev- Last year Mrs. Strother. with the Mr. a nd Mrs. Carl Yarnani, 1642 "vay. Rumor has it that her Bal-tores of .the 'hero, \Va lter of Gur -era! years, are returning' to the aid of only one helper, packed Placentia street, CoSta Mesa. She boa Island owner is r eadying thf' neY and Ma{yam, t he ·oriental harbor area and will make their and ·sttipped arQund 80 boxes of weighed seven pounds, six ounces. ha ndsome cr a ft for charter "Black Rose." Wrlt ten by Thomas home at 247 Monte ·vista street, O!.•rlo••'•• .t•• cico-.• clothing tor · the destitute peoples · ,. cruises. Costain, owner of Doubleday-Costa ·Mesa. . I•' • •.•., t r f • 1 1.•·• • • • ot Europe. · • ~ • · 111' · 128-foot Seyelyn, former Doran cor:npany a nd foimer ·editor );::::;;::::;;=:;;::::;;::::;;::::;;::::;;::::;;::::;;::::;;::::;;:.:_:;:::::=======::~ Mr: and Mrs. Hugi\ Parshall, ·luxury yac ht of the Canadian Fi-of the-Saturday Evening Post, the ' Or~1d avenu~, mov:ed. -Sunday to nance Minister which was pur-Mrs. James Frost has bef>n ill at her home·on' Clubhouse avenue. the r r h ·Rai bow Valle _ . book required five years' research ne:r F:i~~roo~~ n y, chased from t he u;. S . Shipping to obtain all the neceSaary his- Board by Herber.t Sampson~ Costa torical data . jiiiliijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Mesa mactdne &hop own<'r, is be-. , ing re-painted and furnished for Mrs. V1ctor. Gra~ p~es1ded . at WELCOME CAFE 2560 Newport Blvd., Costa Me8a . • n ·Appeal , ~ Of Orange Courity • I • from ·- MILK _ ,g·ELIVERIES , . THREATENOO . ' ·· Unless Thousands of Missing Milk Bottles Are Returned Immediately! \ ' I· I / .. • long 'distance char ter cruises. She ~he short business s~ss1qn which 'has been moor('fi in the channel foll.owed._ the· des~e~t :luncheon . at for several months while Sampson ~which members of tRe executive got. the Paragon in · shape for boar4 ~r.re l\ost:esses. banan a and other cargo carr~ng r from ?.1exlco. · \._ Lt. Cchtmander Harvey Durkee • ..".' . \Vork ts still going ahe ad on th"e and h.is t ire spent the Christmas Pioneer, Capt. ~art long since week erid ~th the commander's giving 14> trying to figure out how mother~. I da Naylor, 33 Bea- much .it. will ~t to bring th~ con Bay for the first time in five famous VandeT"b1lt yacht back into years. mmander Durkee is sta- tip-top shape after its return from tioned at ·Trehsure _ Island, San service in the navy. The one-time Francis 1 • r acing. schooner may set . out ori -'",------ another expeditioo 'this spring, al-"POP" rnR.N a,. Re.low Hanil though up t'o la11t week the vet-' 'li.r.=7'."'"'r'V!' ..,.,,....,..;.... _____ ; eran sea captain had heard noth-11 " ing definite from George Vandei::- bilt. . 4 Leo Jacobsen Attending University In England . ·· ... -~~ SHRIVENHAM, Eng.-Technic- lan Fifth Gra~ I,..eo . Jacobsen, . son of Mr. Sascha Jacobsen, 1595 Ocea,n Blvd., Ba1boa; and fol-mer student 'a t CQrneltUniversity 'and University of Southern CaliforniL ls now attending. Shrivenhlm American Unlve'i;slty in E ngland where the second two-months term Opened. with an enrollment of morle than 4100. sbldJer~students from all 48 states. T /5 J acobsen ls studying poll- 'Ucs and sociology. He ls a member of the 346th.tSlgnal Company and hu been ovbseu 23· months. He has earned five batUe •tan. I • Phone 433-M Finest Place to Dine , Famous Complete Dinner I , Open 11 a. qt. to 2 a. m. SPECIAL ARRANGEMENT FOR-· PARTIES OUR KITCHEN OPEN FOR "INSPECTION . WM. E. LuDEWIG. Prop. • I • ·. ' ,.,_-.:. .. '· I • • You Can Help A. MOKAINE ELIA LAZAROF '+ . TM ltd8c Uellial ' Blouses -Bemberg Sheers Rayons and .Cotton.· Bags --Ftlts,-Leather €Oats -;;.. 0All Wool . -!'.-':Dres8es -. Silks, Rayons, CottoDs, W oot [ ' Check Cupbo.ni., Cloeeta, Ganps ; •• ~ • • • for Every Milk Bottle. The N-1 Is u..pau ' Please· Leave Bottles With · the • ·MILKMAN • GROCERYMAN . I • -.1 • -• I . I . or Call An~_ of the Following rilk Distrib . , . _ and 1 th~ ~ttles will be called for and d~livered to tJle p per place T~ oa1i-y 1 f-Yellis D_ai.:, ea1~va ~.~.., Ex~l~~_c;; • .., s-ta "-1'198 Pbome A·hda m1 ~ s.ata r-r _ ~ ~ s..ta ~ ~ 1 · · · · -. ~ f I I . -.• I I I. .. . . .. • • Pi-to . ·Jn His Own PjaJL FAN TA ·S Y ·, of - . . . .. Refrigeration ACE· , ·n0m~c . · Commerci -. . Marine .. •. . . . . .. ,- ' . v ................ ~ • Wrtw .,.., LI F·E'- Aetaw . Service . . · Robes -Chenile~ Raybns, All '-W~L 4 ~ ' • \· Sujts ~::-. 3-Pieee Strutter~. . ' • -~· l Sweaten -·All WoqJ. .. . ... ' '' I • ' -~.PRICE .. • . . . ·.VAGABOID · ao·u·s· E:'· , ~ . . . , ' . I ~ . . . . .... • 8luac_ . o.l.T . nt 11:; c w •• ~ -' ' . .. . ., • ' - ... . . • ' , -----. ---- 0 f l·CE SUPPLIES For All Business Requirements • ! ' . • . - • I• • ••• , Let Us Supply Your Needs \ . Ledger Binders, sectional post type -(order only) Legal _Fonns-all kinds · .. Letterhea ds, assorted stocks 1111d ·colors pnnted ; , as per your Instructions LOoiie Leaf Fillers Merchandise Tags -Mucilage . Mimeograph Stencils ~ take 8 \6 x14 sheet > Leu-sbe Pile i..itter-Sbe · Alpballet Manila 1 GUIDES . FOLDERS ~~Board 11 Point; S Oata ...... '2!5 i8et. ... __ {: ___ ~zs • Note Books, memo, et<;., asstd. s12Jeo •. plain or ruled. Paper-bonds, thin papers, colors or white-.r all sires, typewriter ;mimeograph. . /p,Jper'. Cllp6-Payroll Records-P!ISte. . ~lead, colored, china lllllrl<ing, Indelible, _ / . !."~tic, stenographic. ~ Polnts--all kinds . Rady. Master Carbon Forms ~on Cards-prln~ to order ~pts--Roll -Memo Pads-Rulers. SCOTCH TAPE I Large and Small Sizes· . . ~ Statiip Mo~-(chlnal Sales Books -Stamp Pads . 8aleS Taii: Exemption Cards-Form No. 103 sQp. -"For Rent''; ''For Saje", etc. Statlooecy ot all kinds T Statements, 8 ~x5Y., · ~ Roll Labels -Thumb Tacks . ~ Book rulers; lf~xll . Typewriter Ribbons, all makes TYpnrrlter Paper, white tr canary second sheets yr.a TAx Nm IN(JLUDED • · NewpOrt-.Balboa ews-nmes J . .... o.+-wi.A-Pti-12 and u • • -HEARING REVOUJTIOlll ---cr: ... -.1.New :r..-1* ·~,g -. AW.,. aJlall n1 7 1r e6 ....,.. .. ·cMWIOllllC-la. ._ .. ,.. .... ,... . .... ._.. . ... . c::.. .. ·-.--.. • c ,, ai1Cei4 Glllidersoa Ong llala 8t. IP..._•. . . ~ I ; • I • • 1· ' •' ' • • .. ·a ~INVENTORY .. ' , .. S~LE SUIT$ COATS ONE OF A KIND . Special marked, from 1 /3 to more off . $15.95 $32~ 24.195 24!95 . 1~95 2( •. 90 29.95 21.95 ' 29.95 -· 16.90 10.95 i2.00 .. 14.95 21.95 15.95 19.95 . tJ0.95 . I ~l,95 ' . 21.~5 21.95 ·. 14.95 ~6.95 21.95 21.95 34.95 29.95 15 SLACK SUITS Fjrom $10.95 Down Special as Jl'larJ<ed . . I ,. .. • 60 DRESSES . ~ . . I 1 /3 Off or Special as· Marked From $21.95 Down . Subject to prior Sale, Cash 1111d· Lay-Aways. No Returns or Refunds \ ' . National Bank •• In Santa Ana ··First • • .. STATEMENT OF CONDITION AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS DEC. 31, 1945 • \ RESOURCES • LIABILITIES . · Cash and Due from Federal Combined-Capital and • Reserve and other banks ·-· ... --$ 6,0\0,637.85 Surplus __ , ....... ~., .. -.......... _ ......... $ 1!200,000.00 . \ U. S. Govermiient . ·Securities ·-.. -.............. :._ ........ · ......... ~.528.so9.7o . StlLte, Municipal &I Other ' Securities ........................................... . ~7,815.50 ... Federal Reserve Bank Stock -.---36,000.00 1,465,369.82 I. '. Overdralta -- Bank Building ................................. , Fmniture " Fbctures. ...................... . UDCOllected Acerued Interest ........... -......................... __ _ ' Other Besoarees -----.. ··-- 67.81 411,906.00 96.293.68 ll5,2S0-115 . 10,536.19 Total ·----··-·---:. .. _ . ..'34,&p.166.90- .. • • ·-..,L •c••c• ' 1 . ' ... " I • ·' Common .. _ ..... r'-' ...... $600.000.00 . .' """" 000 00 Surplus .. ·--··--__ ... ....,.,, • ' Undivided Profttll ... -....... , ............. .. ' . . \ . . Reserves for: TiurM. JnterMt, etc. -------·----: Ineome Collided Not Earned ........... c .......... -... -......... . Other JJaNUtiM"--------•• ' . . ... _____________ _ Jo ,,,...... ··:··.I 425,727,16 \230,121,115 . 1,474.U ·\ . 14,596. 75 S2,7e0,U7.53 --. Total __________ l.:__.$14.m,188JIO . . • , • • • > • • J ' • • • • • • •• . . • "IA FL0oR ,nRIAcEs· 124 ~· · , ken in.~: =ia:. .... ~·~t;i\!.1:;";,T. =~ie~, ~': ftAe=r::~u: ==-~· Community Church Dedicated ~H~ !!.~ ~ ~ ~~: e~::s.~ --. • . mer camp --lncludlnc -•tbe comtructloil ., .......... ..,,.,,ta owner of tbe 'II.I-Inn, fer 1111 do away mildew In clOileta1 Why not call us for Dedication c~ the new c...,na tbe ~pe iU1<d by Illa pr~~ ot the harbor faclll on Coat HlchwaY. wblch started quorten In tbe Inn ~. ' · -;;;;;;~;;;;;i;;i;:::;;;;;;:::;;~ an e.tbn41te. We can tdst.u .a gas tumaoe, wttbln' two del Mar Comlpunit;y Oiurdl, Ccn-Scborle, ~ .... ~ ... pcm: ~ ~ ,.,!Y ~~ ~~~-J[l'ith • _. -1 -tt 'offl<;e for -~ ~ * oanduotlns • r I I • P"&•tional, s~ before -' .ible for Its IDltallallon, -the ..... --._-, ~1a -~ ~-}.. ''San,lly" St..i-, but .... tom. I ·~~ -.e-aI yeen and ltL.-....... ~ weeks. audlen'ce of 350 ·~two niom1n& ~ !!lnlllnc of ~ cbo!r un-It '""" ......,.._ In Santa Ana tiy elude .-,.,,,. motel m ..._ t¥ at 1111 "Pea tnit ot tbe Weok" lo' -:_...,.11'1 • • services, revealed' e acceptance der pte ~Ille direction. of Mn. co-ordinators of the _..... '!'be 634 Coast Blchway, l.JiO feet front. ol the pcjp!lar featurea of tbe #' I}, · WEAU!OBAVlll'OBcmAIB of 24 oommunican., thus ro1Jnc1. Leall~ Steffomen, wlllle genuine ocouta hope to ralle·$75.000 for lnconthe'b!Khw~.ec>feetdeep, News-Times., · · d·~·F: • 't' -BA8Jl'.IOl!NT 1lNll'8 Ing out the menibenhlp to. an praIR ~cl""" Gustav .. Grupe. the expansion, made neceaary by just west ~ Gordon's drur store. _ . . • 1 even 100, acoordil)g to Rev. Perry Chairman the Board of Truiltees ~bllpc of the ICOUt me~p The cleatj> of the electrician'• ;------------ F . Schrock, pasto•\ln cl\arl:e. Five for ·the-. clft>t task of building In the area. · • father recel'tly :WU followod by ·l!l'-11:.W ,LI If II: . ;I Cha ...... , & Presto·· babies also were baptlaed. . -to CJarl .. Kyte, superintend-The acouta hope to ralle the -~ IUt Friday to Har.I Craft Greeting "-~-COST . ....... ... . } f ~ !91 Completion of the sanctuarY and ~t ot cooatruction. -money througbout the : county vey llllll8, ceneral contractor, '-'llnlll A ~ hstpQeU-Maire Warm F'rieDd9. llOcial hall at a tn'tal cost of m.. Rev. fiecl w. Niedringhaus -which will giv,e recrea~ fa· 'who WU_ """""'Jy C\lt 'In a· crash • .._.... . . LUM. Rll1D .co' •. 000 showed tliat a baltnce of tot of the Santa' Ana ~a-dillies through tbe lummor' R&· near ·NorWalk. Miller . .-ntiy n-.J.:..-v"' .. ..;_... .,.-• Lagm J1eacb $1,:500 remained pl .. an Indebted· tlonal chun:h talked at the .g son. Acldltlonal coriatruction 'and completecP -the reconstruction of .,.....,...._., A&n:::O.• '11. IL MCleTETLEll . 'I • neU of $6,500 "<lue the Gederal o'clock service" on '1'he. House of repair of facilities at Camp JtO. ~ Elecfric Grill in Balboa be{r C 1W• U.. el m·' w"9 ..... ......_ · 41 ~ Pl:ij!mie Laguna Beach 6484 o_r 9462 or 2995 ~gregational Bulldiiig Commit· the I..orcl," commenting on ·the· Kl-LI. A senior scout base . is. 'till fire caused exterial"" damag.,ID -.._. -.. ...._ ., -" · I tee of New York: Mr. Schrock in fact that the new edifice was a in the blueprint •ta.Ce, it was said. the structure. ·-: ;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;2~;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;~;;;~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~] an appeal · lo •the conr:regatioil quiet place to meet away from uie "1th plans fer; completion of a . Miller ls now Jn Cedars of Leb-I , _, asked that the $1,500 be raised busy highway Just below. mQre elaborate set-up to be dedi-tn0n bOlpital In Loo Angele's. but " r---...... -----------......;.--------,1 and it is believed that nearly half Seco.d. SC.wlcie ~ cated as a llvin& war memorial to the plBJll for erection of 30 motel of that sum was subscribed Sun~ At the eleven o'clock ~ces so;>Uts and scouters · who eave units a@ining Steiner's real es-' -Or nee County Trucking Co. TRUCKS FOB BIKE Tru'cking, Hauling, Long and Short Hauls Transfer 229 W. Wilson St. -Costa Mesa ' PHONES day. ReV. Edw,ard D . Gaylord, execu-their lives during the recently tate office are now ·indefinite, Outstanding feature_9f the serv-tive ~tary of Pilcrim Place in compJeted. WllJ'. awaiting the-recovery ot the'con- ices was the fonnal dedication of Claremont and former superin-_ tractor. It ls understood that suf- l!'ndent of the Southttn CallfOl'l\ia your frienda and nUne fi<:lent matertala had been set Coalttence, preS:ched the sermon aside for building the 30-unlt ..------------•! '1'1le 01.Urch -Accountable t~ , mof,el, and leaving 'rciom for 20 God," after which Mr. Schrock Mr. and Mn. Eugme Fenelon. units lalf'1l In the. rear. SAMPSOM and the ~embers read the dedi-Miramar Drive, spent Onistmas Steiner was ronneCt'ed for a cation act. Rev. James H. Batten day with Mr. and Mrs. Morgan short period with E . S. Tubin, retired, of Corona del Mar, gav~ Quill of Inglewood. Art .Silyer and Lou Jablon, Who the Prayet of Dedication_. ~ Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Rud~ Santa purchased ttJe ·Lampert Motel and . ' 605 East Central Avenue,' Balboa .·· . . ' l ' N 260, DayB--Or-Nwpt. 5i2-M, Night& . . . Machine Works ll!M Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa New Delicatessen . For Balboa 1itn Ana avenue, spent Ouistmas day the Electric Grill here but-said he with Mr . .and Mrs.· Harry Tietle, had severed. that relationship, Hollywood. · On Saturday evening planning .to go ahead on his own. they were dinner · guests of Major .and Mrs. Spencer Boyd. Villa Ri· 4 • ~ay Cleaning I ', . .. ' - Santa Ana Furniture Co. RE NOW ACCEPTING ORDERS for EAR.Ly 1946 DELIVERIES of Philoo Refrigerators .A.B.C. Electric Washers Western Holly Gas Ranges FamswQrth Radios · · . . ' Thermador Electric Water Jieater · • • See Tbese on J;>lsplay at SA TA ANA ;fURNITURE CO. ·, PHONE 922 SON T.ULE RADIO .... ~.$20.00 •ODJCL ILCO TABLE RAJ}IO ........ $23.45 ~ •ODEL 6-Tube .Many Other • We are now through with war contracts and open for general machine Work. ~ All modern machinery. All types of machine work. • Marine eng\ne ~ du- plkated. I • Arc and acetylene weld- ing. CYLINDER HEADS MB.I.ED SA 'MPSON Machine Works vfera, Long Beach. Mrs. Boyd is The first complete delicatessen Mrs. Rudd's "sister and the major In Balboa has been opened in the has jus t returned home from sen"• I Balboa Inn arcade by T. Frenchie, ice. High Explosive Fuses W as~ing Ashore Along Coast [who had Frencttle's Coffee shop, A marriage license was taken Central Ave. Ready to serve are out this week by Robert Ha.IVey ... turkey, chickens, lamb and spare-Gani.son of Balboa and ~I High explosive fuses were still r ibs, as well as bE:ef roasts and Genevieve Hietala of Anaheim. ! washing ashore alorlg the coast hot dogs, all barbecued to a turn Mr. and Mrs. Ray Warne-ani:I this past week. which , the navy on the rotary stainJess steel bar-children Mary and Bill. 251 F1owe;r had previously warned would be becue machine. street. Costa Mesa; Mr. and MrS. extremely dangerous · to touch. ' I BOND'S- Cemplete Fountain Service at ' H'NSEN ''S 2100 OceauJ! Front Newport . . NOW 'OPEN EVENINGS ' • Also carried Js a complete stock Dan Evilsize r and William Gould Orie was picked uP in Corona. del of shrimp,· lobsters, oysters. sar-of Long Beach spent the week end Mar over a Week ago, and another dines, anchovies and imported at the Evilsizer·cabi{I at Pinecrest. washed ashore in West NeWJX>r t cheeses as well as all the other Gathering at the Walter HoneY-Thursday. . delectables that go for the cutt honie, Harbor boulevard. Warning of the danger, the makings of midnight snacks · as Costa Mesa on Otristmas day wetje navy did not explain how the 40 well as dainty dinners and lunches. 'Mr. and Mrs. Ed "Walker, N~:.. m11J.. fuses were lost overboard. _ , ~TS • 'SANDWI<JllES • HAMBUBGEBS , I • · port Beach, and daughter, Miss but said that they 'vere very sen-Jee Cream ~ Tak~ Out Drive C&retully-Spare a Ltfe. Edna Walker, Los Angeles; Mt. sitive to touch and might explode ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;~~§~~~~~~ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; and Mrs. Walter Alvord and on handling. They were in cans daughte r, Dr. Ev~lyn Alvord. Pa-about 14 inches long, 8 inchei in cific boulevard, Costa Mesa, and diameter, and each contains 28 . DEFEND YOUR HEALTH WITH Mrs. Honeycutt's nieces, Miss Dol'B fuses. The service explained that · . ' Moulton and ~1rs. ESther Willia$ they should be . notified direct or a nd small son Roger of Reno. wijo t.htough the IOCJtl poll~ depart-a f I , ... are spending the winter at Uie ~nt if seen, as some have washed ~ Honeycutt home while Mrs. Hoh-&Shore all the way bet\\•ccn Palos QIM'N'. eycutt is in Denver visiting h~r Verdes and Oceanside. WJ i:-arents. Little Roger Williams, !!~=====::::~~!!!!!~~=~===! throe months old. is the Walke~·· Start Work on 500 fi rst great·grandchild. I Mr. and Mrs .. William wanle, Frozen Food Lockers . Orange avenue, CO!ta Mesa; :Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wa rne .and Child~n \Vork is being started on 506 • Hear Ye! A nnouncing - Hear Ye-! • .1 The Opening of the Jones and Mr. and Mrs. Hefb:ert Cold Stora~e companay plant on · arnsworth MODELS Table Model OF APPLIANCES Harbor Electric Shoppe Radios, Stoves and Keys Sales and Service Mary and Bill, Mr. a nd Mrs. Joe_ frozen food lockers at the Harbor G 0 RD o· N B FI N'D L' ·a y I Churchman were a)I guests Chnst-30th street which will provide re-· _ . · • . · I mas Day at the home of Mr. and ceptacles for individual storage · · CONTBACl'OR and BUILDER · ... 1 j ' ~frs. Lawrence· Wright of San~a of m eat and vegetables, accordin2 Ana. ~augh~r .of the Warnes. to Bob Reed, owner. T Offtoe: MIO Coai~.Blvd;. Pb.one CU R~DIO Arriving ' ft-.$2430 t;>aily ly Delivery 2602 W. Central Ave. Newport Beaclt • ' ; Plenty of. Free Parking - ' -' " . . Y·ou R CAR ' ' I T H o· E ·N U I N E PR ·E~WAR ·PAINT! I • · But first come in and tak.e a look at our fine . . . . . . . Bake Oven •• then you'll see why our jobs are top~! • ·1 ··One~Day Service --' Credit -.lf Desired BIS ... ' L . I ~~· All Work. Guar°"ntee.d . . . . . . .. . . . . ~ J'O"Til~CJ · . S8nta AU i . I' -. ... • • Oinstmas dinner guests at the Each , compartment will hold ., hl!m• ot M<s. F1orence To?Tence, about 200 pounds, he said, and will CABINET SHOP SERVICE 27th street. included Mrs. Joe be ·a new department, separate · 1 S,timrners of Los A.ngeles. who from the fish storage. . .C~ ~d MILLWORK came down the night before to ____ , ____ - help with preparati4;)ns: Mr. and One of the illusions is · that the --' T. Cl • .Jolmeon. Supi. ~1:S. Paul Farmer and sm{lll son present hour is not the critical 40'7 ,sOU. St. ~-Pb.: 2388·1 Michael, and Glenn Nelson. a1J o! \d:.'.:ecis~· :'.iv".'.e'....'.'h~ou~r~. ~E:'.:m".'.e:rs~o~n'.:.. ---~=~~~::::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:'· Los Angeles, whlJe·open house ·as held during the day with m I : friends a nd neighbors dropping "I' BOOKS We Ban What Yoa Need ESTRELLITA'S <Estelle CampbeIL Owner} Ph. Santa Ana ms 5115 North Maha -~treet Room 8 -Arcade Bulldlnc Our Lending µbrary Contallis the Latest Books ... Boan: 8 :30 to 5 :"30 Except Mon., % p.m. • 5:SO p.m. FOR INSURA!"CE SEE Howard W . Gerri1b lW N•pwt .- 008TA llEllA ..-1n Automobile · •.-Fire _Accident • Life • · Uctonse and Contract Bonda Written •, , I ' . -L ~ • '. '· . ' ' ·o ·- WllO@ __ , ' I . niE U.MPLIGHIER • Do yon ttmembtt the poem Robclt Louh 5,....osoo """" many years ago about the little boy who each evcn.iog wa!dl<d · for I.eerie the Lampljgbter ro c:Ome up the street with his Wit= and hiJ ladder, ro.Jigbt the .street lampb "\"" "For we are very lucky with a lamp before the door, · And Leerie sops ro light it u be lights so many J:IJtJ<C." _Edisoa bu .been Soutbcm Califamla's la!npligbtot fot ""'"". than Mer· jars. It is the wade of 3_m l!disoa P"f1e ro mp ' the lomp,ol 650,000 cu•cim<D lighud 1..! lo pm.id< .Uthe 1 • ' L • elearicicy. chef '*" foe _., pmp:w, . . And chef do a good job ol it. Fifty years ol pNSimi•• eloe- trical ,...;a, hu kept the' modem. . -(i'°f*" ' . I o , l'OUTHIRN c 'ALIPORNIA IDllON COMPANY " • · i ' \ • • ,. • • •• ' ·. . ·' • ,_ • • ';,,-. ,-. ' • • \ . ' ' . Two· Orlds Came to ·an End· E"V RY ·.1_E1ws· •. I.I-ES. CLiss~·FIED· o· IS~ ·11 OPJORJ.Ul 'ITY r ~(:,. -. , . I I Rad 'l'lleaa for, Profit • : •. U1e R8lllltl • .. . . ' I . . • ~ . '~S · ew One Must Be , JfJUQdon~ftpdwbatym-Jril•ctor ,8d ua.edlll·tbla~l'ba»'f"' r..l1'1tl)8M:la~~l3and~JOllrOn9d,1Vll1 · ~t--- . • ' · · · Pu c NonCE r.&JM'flife ~ ::U::siiimimii:il&nMiil•I ll'l'Ol!R! years. Pearl H Woke I» LOlft' A1m Jl'l)llJQ) MU • lllJlllC&L & aADIO . Kampf, wrote from tbe world 1tt. lay N OF PUllLIO JmARUl'O PAINTING -p~ HANGING LOST-By retumod Veteraa Sat-==:--=-:-.,,-,:,.-:-:-,.r:---t---: ' . • •_,,.u.q·_ ame to ID end." dre...binc that mlni!ing our own · ODd DllCORATDCGo urda3' nlcht. lMt.·Dlo&by,.new ro~ SALE-U nyl"'; Tot, $5. BATI'E.RIES WA?n' TO RENT-- He ~t *ciur Westem world bualneU wu all ..., bad to do to Tilt ewport Beach City Plan-H. E. KcI>auld • finlali, na~ mahopny -ts, 302 Onyx Ave Balbo9 Island. For W.S and Heulna Alda or _.-t. T-t couple. • . bad--I!' an end. save our familiar encl fortunate nlng will bold a Pub, tU Old °"!"'l ·114.. Pl>! lM-W ll"ftD floor board. Reward of I . 2-lte Aho l&l-p stock of tubea. clllk!nm or pota. .-Dll. , ··• · ~ .-· ~ at tbe put /"'"Y of life. The othl!r world lie arjng Thunday, Janliary 17, . OoOt& -1115-tfe -~ pric:e· of Dlo&by will be of-FOR 8.AlE'-of _911ver fox -3 Da71-:-• . · ' VT-41P' ' I .. n ... ~ ...... bJa' predjctJon came to"" end on August 6 when 1941 •t '1:30 P. ¥..In tbe Coondl ..:..:.+:: . f~ .Ca11 Newport ~Ill. tun. neir~ Sll!O; Radio~ Service . . WANTEQ TO RENT-T'tn> or •. !Qomo' u:;• dteam that very tbe !lnt atomic bomb burst """' Newporl B~ ·01JID9 W Ute Ruoolan wolf, ·length/tur coat, KESA· RAD~O & ELECl'RONIC:S tbne bedroom apt. or-_ Ill'. ' ' neart, came ttue. · Hiroahima-a ·day that the very . California. GENmlAL OONl'RAt'l'DIO, Re-DALDI AIDll • SW. 221M.Jll.. In! Ave., Bal; . 179' Newport mvd. Oofona de! JI» ti:r mp-o1 . ·.Al'rzsdy, i .eema inconceivable exlatence of sovereign nations be-LIC HEARING upon the pa1r· And ~ ·ilee l'n.nk · boll.. , 974tc Phone .U5---0Jllta ~ S.tfe 'cafeteria.. PJ;w.. N. B. in.Wl ' t111t • few f years ago we came &n anamoly and a IUlchm>-~terf of tbe Land Use of tbe -,"Uoli irlnJe:r a..._ M~-~ •:r ... ~~!:, =I-. FOR ~ltletal baby stroller DOOl!I, OATS a.Pm a . . ' '.rt~ were talldn of our Western ism. . __, eet of property on Highway port B17ch ·a. ).08-K. ~tfc r . ._... . ~· l1en ' . , • --c...-..:.o·c;.__.....:. __ ~_.::.:: --'---'-------.:_....;.i -t>esemooy,o Amerlca-flrst,ofour This Is tbe moot challengin&~"""1Mbytbe0cyofNewpurt ' . • ~&'8c:.PbotoRdlectorll'toOc! .. ~~-Wtcondl~on,S7.l50.~ FOR SALE .,...-Nl~ pUpples. re•· M••,m.&n . .. lsolated~c position in all new year any men anywbe<e have ach. · BICYCLES· , pa, SGc. KESA RAPIO ·A · • tp sonable to good -· 602 Be-, BALBoA ISLAND r ( l -· Thole ~ are u ev~ had to f~ce .. we miss th~ ·By order of tbe 0.alrma!' ot.tl)e &ild, Renhd ~-~ . lllLIDCfRONIC:S CO. 116-tft FOR S~ --ard-to-get boy's g0nJa Ave., eo.-& clei Mar. . ~~1 ;n Pearl St. $47SOl Caob. dead u Jut 1 roaes. · point of the hi>torY of the put ewport ,Beach Oty Planning . voom.•a Adjustabl C tch · -<PtJBlt t>MaJ to auto,. big, .1ioo4 2-lte !""-· !i••port ~, Our tlons have not yet Hvedoyearslllf webemake. resolutiOM ~ai:'°JiL ALLEN . , lOO,Ma.f.11 St.. Bol-e ru es condltioft. Bal . Motel, No. 9. llPl!lOIAL,ANNOtJNCl:M:ENTB II 2627. • . l-211j entirely .,..,..,, up With the ra""A. to a ttle tter thil year-; · · • · 208 -., ~ Ialad. Ne rt Ph 2-ltp · ' Icy With ,..,!'."' • world can .,;;; and tben laugh be<aUIO they an PRILMER J . ELLEJU!ROEK. -. wpo annacy For Your Ney I to ut' end broken within a week. We mill' Secn!lary. 1 2108 OeelUl Front-Phone 5 edition full set NEW ELECTROLUX CLEANER 0 • A. . · Yeen eJapoecl be-the point .If we~e.resolu-Pub.-.Jan. 8, 1946. 11&&11'1'1' ~ II 2-ltc "ttalnlca. Three. Salea, Servloe A 'Suppilel e-Bedrocfi Hom~ twft:D iJie ot <>'"-and only to make slight reformaU. ...-u>DOl'l7 1 pair Jodpun, See R. BABCOCK ,-• ~.the of gunpowder ln our familiar habils and qiri: Land use Perinits OOL:o -¥ACHINllLW . WAH'IU) • after 5 p.m. ·Autho~ A&ent -llt. -............ "!nariy yean ter brought another ventlonal patterns ot thought G' f B • WAVES . . CAPABLE GIRL will catt tor 2-2tc 405 40tl) St., Newport Beach OoOt& - world to end· tbe industrial The ch~ge ,we face this !'tar IVen Of Ulllltet18 Ttotfac aDd ~ chll<ltt nln Ph N 2-ttc .,....-~ revoiutklll ~ cleilth knell ol u indlvld and aa the 1'><13' Concerns in C M . . lllffDllas ,Appol~ Pb; 17 .. W 'D39-~ eve p . o'." i::i:; BED DIV~ J!i.~oDoef:,; REV. BARGER, Psychic. Pi'lvate ""••--Tllo - tbe static way ot life politic Is no -than the lflal· • • Vi'B Beautv .Shop WANTED-IRONING, fl!llcy and esa. . 9S-4tp readlrigs. 9(MI w . 4th St, Santa · Tiie. alal\-t>«iato. _. that hacl acterlzed Ille world lenge to inject .our resolltiona UOI Oout ~-;--6.riiU dil JI» plain, ln YoUr. bome. PhonO 2724. . S2aliO dowll llMI par -Iii .tor Its .,, history But th with some moral fiber th~ can Several land use.permits were Te-tt. ~tp ws HAVlll · "f,"./''._ lllr Ana. Ph: (406 for appointment. ~-chanaes ·11owiy°· there ,:: stand the strain and atrea of an granted .tn the Costa Mesa area 1 -. 1126. up. ._, .. · · 1·3tp Duplez. now bulldli:w-l'Md1' time for a -ctv'wz.tton to ato~c age and an intenatlonal ot the county recently for varied Late c·~. .... Ads EMPLOYMENT WANTED. Light c->111 $316 --KE y s .... -. . I , 1 : .,._ up to Ulult Itself to age. · · , lines o' business. They were: to •-housekttptnc by tbe hour or r. -. • la ·Oral'l;o Kado Wbll• You Walt Raloh P. M~ tJiioR .. In-the put. there It is no longer a quetdon of C. w. TeWinkle, ·for hard.ware FOR SALE-Br' d companion. Can drive car. Phone ~-Piano C1D.. / VOGEL'S alto Cout ~Yd. • bu a1wa"· n time for man's making the world a littie nicer warehouse on the alley east of stu-~-···.-lnan,..~clelMn:=', 10'l3-J.-~ (, _ · '2-2tc UON.K.l.ID. AAL ~ ,._/• Nwwpert a1sm, OsMfomta \, . •. -·'"'· Newport boul ard 18th l. .... u 1rvu.M: ......nui&e1 ..... . 100 Kain. SL, Balboa ~._...ation catch up. A man by a few tongue-in-cheek resolu-. ev on •tree•; plutere,d inside, corner location, WILL TAKE CARE of chlldrym. FOR asll·for I Ke-· 208 Marine Balboa bland Phone 402 hu always, the put, bad loriger tions· it ls •either a nul.ti n t -IL real estate office tor Kathryn heatlna: unit. in living room and Corona 'del Mu. Phone N. B. ter boat, per{ t cond.. Trlplept . '· ~ttc n-t11· • .. " r than hJa llfeUme to make the .' -"' o o , McKenzie at the corner of New-tube t.Mter, cellent condlticn. --'---~-'---'----------.,..--------acijuatment. . making_ It nicer than It bu been port boulevard and Albert street; bedrooms, plenty cloeets A shelf 550-M. ~-tfc -- J Bilt two w Jell -have come to an Ip the last 30 years or biding our-an auto court; on· the e .. t side of :11a;'i:':;::t;::;:~ llfO:g:;;.= DIPLOTID:MT OIW• •co · • ~t~ NAB. 1 -:. ~. C: Carpenters Available '• INVESTMENT, end. not In · lifetime, but over selves wi thout any woild to work ~e~r:m boulevard at 18th street lion. Information call N .. R. WANTICP-HOTEL KAID. Balboa Kar aveninp. 8'-tfc for ~ ,..~enanee . ;Ru<?itE~T~J'. .. . , I the brief . of the past five with at alL /. or a Bates. Calley, 1197 Coast Blvd, South O. Z. ROBERTION .t :i. ~Mnites dmanufactivlng es-Laguna Beach Ph 359 2-2tc Inn. -!MIO. 1-11< SKY-SCOPES A real spy.gluo o.li Newport 88 , . $16,50Qj' . a IS n an retail store per-1' • • WANTED _ G oo d , dependable for Iden airplane&. Ueetul ' U-ttc --, '-1.u)!Q_berll and Buildm" g Matena' ,;. mit was granted to Vera L. Seo-housekeeper, two in familY' Ph: al8o at sporta went.s. 69c. MESA =..,-.,..-----c--'----View Lo• ~400. 0 · boulevard and 22nd street; Eagle TlDE TABLES · 2-2tc ===C-::::-:-::±:::::-+----..,.-, ~ Houses-$6500 Up . . : r IB field at the corner ·of N ewPort 1915 613 BOBBY SHO 95-tfc CUSTOM CABINET' WORK-""-v--.p . ay icl ll!Olumber C. 1· .: Oil and Refining company were · WANTED TO n kinpairdsworCusk and rembullodelinin. g furnlof all given a pernlit for an auto s--..1...... JANUARY =Vjiµ:f~f'c~~r.;;-:;;;;;~~j · tom t-• =.... HELP WANTED-WlLL PAY ror Your tur-ture. DOUGLAS BOAT & . au ~48T DGBWAY AT THE ~9 station on the east side of N ew-ffi gh Low ffigh. Low ilttun. or what bave you. Pboo.e ·CANOE co., ·2519 w. i:;enti-al W. L. Jordan \_ ~====¥~;;~~~;;;~;~~~~~,~~~~=~I Port, boulevard~orth of Victoria W 9 1 :59-7 :31 1%:5'7 '7:4:8 Nwpt. 3000. . R. Crawley, Tbe Ave. PhOne Newport 2634. ,, 700 Eut Central, Balboa :......"""'"\... j ,;oWNMWWMWMWM!/ ~~:,t :aani!.!;t .;·:o~r:~.,t~~ Th 10 2 ,~ 9 ~i! ,,~~ ,8 ~ EXB~~~~CED ~~. 6=e' .,::12 N•;:.o,: _ _,_ __ ·~ ______ ss._tt.:..:c ____ ._P_h_o_n_e_1_:is ___ 86-_ttc_ j F .. esh Dar·[y / thorthe east! side of Harbor boulevard 4.5 1.9 . 3.5 1.0 Palmetto lOxlO mwas tent: heavy F. P. 'WALDRON . For Sale , " • ' n ° '16'h street. F 11 3 :42 10:42 4 :15 9:'1 Mus t be e x perienced floor, 2.50 dri side walls.-$37.25 . -Balboa Island I Qe!J cloua Sea Food• Try working t""···'s --ord S 4·9 1·2 3·2 l .5 pastnr Building · P'Urnlahed; 1 Bedroom. Elect.rte > l . ,....., ---12 4,30 11 ,50 s,5'1 10:0 ., man. Auto atterie s R Or. complete equipment puzzle. 5 4 0 4 3.2 1 0 emodeJin<' . Re!rlgeratloo. Small rear cot-'-wp.en you want to catch ~ · · · 810 ·Coast Highway 18--month $6.45 Ex. . p • tq tage for "lncome.. P..oueulon at (Now ..,u,.t • .,.. ...... ' a1n ing l . . ~ your own. na..,.. pkiced la order°' occurremc. -Phone N. B. 1104 Pennsyl ania Oil , --,-c oae Of escrow. H~RMEN flSH.· MAR_K£T L..,.t -·L ... , -...,.._ p. m 2-2tc Gall n, 110c Telephone 234-W. 91-Uc $S~~~ll".._~~~ • Washing, Machines , ' PUBLIC NoTICES1 w t . t s I R ' • d G ..._,d A. w Id ' . CENTRAL ,o.vENUE, NEwi>otT BEACH INTER Es TING es ern u o upp Y epa1re e ... ,; e a rQn , I . W O Authoriz Dealer ; Parta For All Mak.et WJ,f. W . SANFORD CERTIFICATE OF BUSINESS: R K -' 1836 Newport Ivd., Costa Mesa .Pick up and Delivery. Phone 234-W. 86-ttc FIOTITIOUS FIRM NAME 98-'tfc SCHUL&R'S Pleasant Working ' wuhliig M'.al:l!ln• Shop Balboa island ' Rae. ng Skippers:- san Boat ttf rdware Sail Track [~d Slides Stop Watc es YachtTi rs THE 1.J'NDERSIGNED do es hereby certify tha t he is conduct- ing the manufacture of plastlC toys at 719 Magnolia Ave,. Costa Mesa:, California, under the fic- Conditions IF YOU want to ael1 your old 1788 Newport Blvd. Costa Kou piano Me ·U8. We pay b.lgbe9t PbOne 22& ~tie Le cub prloeo 3. y..,. In ~·1-------------arn ' "°"'1ty. Dan&· di Plano Co., SUNDAY. SOIOOL GUll.D ot For Sale--3 bedro0ms, completely" . furnished. electrlc ~tlan. 40-ft. lot, near South Bay, $9000. \. \0 cash .. Posseulon at clooe. af escrow. · · N wport ,..ari Supply Co. ' Phone Z780-J 814 Highway 0 Minutes .ov lad -lwte11ed ~Ollargw. RICATION , E CI A LI S T . .£all.,. I, . y ....iy ud able lo P"' JOG -cj-..t .aaci I oompleteot job of pMalDs IJDd olllDC A ....... W loft8 ol ~ llec••nb· now .ene JOG at GARAGE VI RG'S PllODUorS • GA8 STATION 14111 Weot Oeatnl A_..., N-n 8-b Opt N1Pti7 TW 7 deloc* Pla1c'' U9 Md° llM·W ' .. • -' I WIN . SA.NG BOAT. & REP Am YARD 811 Coast Highway 101 ~ N-pcd'8(16 ''' ~ .• --... ud .............. 'tar&&lstor8Ue • . ...;.u. Baardl tor .Beiai ·lbr ....... Uj_U.. GGING BACKACHE • . j.. . . r ·. . ' -HEADACHE 1• •UCM A BIG .,..m.a ...... , ~ A LL Dr f« a ...... floll ..,._ ---·M8bc---=·"•-~Y-.-r.t ---t-...n. ll..q fer -•• .. "'-.--at:tc. ud .Jo;-rtt-a ~ Jte•dvh.e lalmf--...._,._,.,.. ,..... -~-• nbnt&ee . . ---. CAnti-Palil PllS Unalll' ..um . .. ..... 0the. bat ...... 'j;'_...... ... n1u .............. 1 .... ll..tlol7,........ .. DoJ"IOl-·Dr:-AMI .... Piiia? If llOt .. .., ... , ~ - c<l :i.. -Antl-Psla 1'1111 .. J Om' dru.r It.ore la .. nc?Jn paebp for only a -..... . Pd.Im the -::£',.. ....... c.a-,... ~ .-a 1srhp ;e[!Yoar ..,_ dhedlciMo ... -... - dir<dod. T-·-... re,_ . ~we· ""' atWe4 ~ 'I' ' . ' .. T E L E p H 0 N E 620 N. M.ol.o, ta Alla. &-Uc C. D. M. Community Churcli w;ill ]lave a Rwrunage Sale feb. 0 P E R A T I N G F1J8,Nl'nlBE n J,st. Any one wfshlng · to oon· F---S---+~-.----tribute clothes, dishes, toys. etc., couch irnd ch · , excellent con~ · ' titious ti.rm name of ' NOVA NOVELTY CO. - Gertrude 'A . w ·aJdrort · Wm. W. Sanford • Broker ' . I and that said flrm is composed of the following person whose name and address is as follows, to-wit: DAVIS S. HATCH. 219 Mag- nOiia Ave .. Costa Mesa, Callt. fucreased Waf,· e rates .QR ALE -e-war matching may call 550-M. or 1902-M and now in ef ect. ditiOn, doWO. filled, a1J Steel ' 8.rticles will be Called for. I spring constru Lion. Call 1713-W. . . 1~9tp Apply 2 .,,....-~--+-----·2_tc Typewriters Repaired Phone 234-R. 1-ttr I. . For Sale Witness my hand thfs 7th day of January, I MS. DAVIS S. HATCH. !j'l'A TE OF CALIFORNIA. ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. On this 7th day' of January. Southern' California FOR SALE-M pie finish exten· T Day Service ' Teleohone Company sion top tite fast table and 4 MESA RADIO ~ ELlilCTROlfiCS lbo E. Bay Ave., 1. chairs, blue t pestry, like new, 1794 NeWport mvd Balboa Island , 2 ._bedroom furnished. Choloe lo-, &6-tfc cation, near South Bay (Utpe Island) $10,500. Immediate -Balboa · : $30. 313 Mont ro Sl-, Balboa. lfbctne 3(5.-Coeta ¥eea 2-2tc RUion. -, or A.· D., 1946, ~fore me Nora S. 51 .. ,L No~• "·'-s·~.-t Margwarth a Notary Public in -.-n ..,.u ~ ....-ee FOR SALE-T vern two benches. Don 428 Orchid ve., Mar. Table with R Durant, corona del · 1-tfc "More For Your Money" Gertrude A. Waldron We ha"Ye Jut inltalled 3 new fac- tory methOd'Retread mqldll whleh Wm. W. Sanford and for the said county and state. Santa Ana . • give a · deepei' tread than new Broker r(>Slding therein, duly cornntission-. or tme. meentng more m.Ueap. Phone 234-R ' . 1-ttc ed and sworn, ~nally appe~ David S. Ha tch known to me to Mk the OFtor tor the be the penon whose name is sub-Cb.let tor scribed to the within ln'strument, _____ ·_,_ ____ se-_tt_c •• FOR SALE-12,tt: row boat Wtth oars, $35. 518 fl6th St M~. Leave Uree1 -ln the mornlns and FOR SALE __ ·r.o1,' 50 100 ft. have them recapped or reptlred . x . . by ev~ or we pick up ."!our Water front, Canal section. ~pt. car and: deliver Miile day •• J'ret Bch. Write Box, J ,. c/o Nf!"W'a-and acknowledged to me th&t he executed. the same .• IN WITNESS WHEREOF , I hlfve hereuntO aet my hand and affixed my offi cial seal the day and year in this Certificate first alx>ve writtetl. , NORA S. MARGW ARTH, !SEAL) I Notary Public in and fQJ;" saJd County and State. Pub.-.Jaj>. 8, 15, 22, 29, 1946. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE COMPANY I · 2-11p . , I $25 REW ARD qffered. for accept· able slip for foot Cruiser. T el : GRanite 6516, ollywood. 2-2tc I0811en ti dealrod . Kone)' back Tlmea. · l·ttc-~ _....,tee la your auurance. N rt H · . h•-Grade A Truck Ru-· • eWDO e1g W> · N-MaUable. Modern, weU,bullt, 2-bedrm.1--. COda M ... Tll'9 & Retrft4 lhOp Large li~g -room,. mahoc...,-our .new a.ddl'e9 flooring, firPplace, dinne"tte, We t7IO Newport Blvd. IQtchen and ba~ J~11oc1ry ~ Tot N a 28U -ln 2-car garage. Patio. i<>t com-. pletely fenced1 and lancllcaj>ed. roB a:MT &J Excellent valu;, at $10,500. 8lO Coast Jiig way Ph. 1104 FOR lu:NT~Beautlfully turn.lob· ·Gertrude A. Waldron. DaletWatt& · . I . 93-ttc ed one bed/"OOm apartment. $20 . Wm. A . Sanf'rd . Plwt worktng coodiUou. ~ • per week. Box 823, Balboa. o Opportunity for advancemen~ FIRE . EQ~ Tll:STS -. , • 1-ltp Broker .. , C-0-Two, ~e & Foam ntlll8. ----. ---------'-Phone 234.-R 2-t(41· needs Young Woman tO work in Balboa bu~iness office · Vacatiom with pa.y. 1 CO• tb:ed ~· 1md Portable. 2 UPSTAIRS office aultea, Balboa -----:...-,------'---'- W-increaaeo regul&rly. . , , DOW aV&llahi.j · ll:'I'8-BOXIN & busineu section: Suitable pho-U•I, Cln'ATJI IE[OILUl'G• 41 Apply UG Palm St....et, Balboa GALVAN, 1000 ~ Highway. tographer, beauty shop, optidan, LAKE VIEW LOT, Anowbe9d, Kon.day, Wedneaday, Friday p.m.· PboDe 138'. 75-,ttc ·dentist, attorney. After altera-. will exchange for beach prqp- or call Newport uuo !or Ilona. Small apt. available In • .,.cy, :ies. Wrl&bt St., Santa AM, . , _ _._ l . TS-Bot, Id and Traded rear. ~ Box' A, clp N.,... Calif A --aF,,....tmen . Karine . ud Parla \ ntnea. ' 1..(tc . -•~ . 911-tfc KARlNlll YAGI!: Al'lb,.Ju:NT ~==-AL-.,..-"'EX=CHAN----G-E--'Ibrft.--' SALE lllllCELL&NBOllll IO . Mll'G. co. w ANTED TO lll1T n ' bedroom -on bland frir -------.----.....:.'!. MOO W. Central 1Ave. Pb. W SERVICEMAN, ju 1 t returned room for father and ac!10oi .P Used Bicycles · Newport Beal ch, Cllllt. 2e-"tnim aveneu, wllll8 · amall boy, bo9rd tor ,boy. Call :uru..J \ and Tandems . ' u~ apartment or house for wife and after seven. 2-21': Adult -'15 Up FOR SALE -llCf.tt. Si-tfilhln& chlld, in Costa MeS&. or NewC llONU TO LOAM .1 VOGEI.~100 Jlab,·ilt. Bal-. Cruiser Pei'fect t:ondltion. Com· port Phone 17~W. 2-2tp . , . . ' pl tely. .__. Ph··N B 86 ' . LOAX• TO BUILD, h19', aiija-1--------------• · e eqw...--· · · 1· WANTED TO' RENT -Vetenn _._ or ""'"'",. • I ' ! KEEPING HOUSE, loelplJlC J·_. Arri ed . . 144tp with •Jelldy Job ln thil area '. Now~ Bal-lllsdirwl ••..S tab ean ol tM fam.ilt-~ ~ · V BOAT PAINTING and machine wants house or ~ cottage. · aD4 Lcwl.f"+....,,.. woald ~ ---~ -.Boarins Aid undlng. Can also turnlSb pull· Write Box "B," c/o N.,..nmes, aua~Vla Udo, ........... :uiJr •j an 1!0& tl!e1DlllF-.. wl!o -BATTERIES outs. Work guaranteed Phone · . 2-2tp , t;:.s;;~ =--= _,_ Drac Oo. N. a Ufa.R. · l-3te WANTED-. "7 reMpO!!Olh» rai.. AVIOllM.2Y• • fil'• ~ -.....t:toot aa !JaH iM... "I' JlalD at. PIL 116 . ll1llllCAL a aADIO ' (llJoDe J:mployM, 2 or a bedliJma JIU abaft drl•.l.-Barl.:r.~ Gal:r'.: jut u..mAii:r -.ii-, jut aa I -----------eo-_tte_ N ~ l'wmaDmt. Pl!one Sula U ,000 mne.,I ' O&ll at 10a .-· _.,. :o..-. Mii ... u • M ·di S • POR BAU: -Uprlsllt ·PiaDo, la Alia ~-. ~c ·0n,,., Ba!bo& D'o1'd ·tl'f..ap ;!-* u !l'lra ·~OSiery en ng e!'Vlce good COlldltioll, La Gonda. mmu-· · 'f' . Ai>oG a 7--J ... .... 3-doy JJervice. ,\dvW OD tbe best factui:ed by J-rr-11 6 --•·Atl'IOll WIU!ID!p, • _ALKA~sn1 ZFR ~~~ZlC Otla Bids! Price SH6. -~· a 1= J --I& -.:r· t= 4th • IWn, Santa Ana. 2..(tp • B...i; alJ.aj tl!e kbib af . RADIO HOVSl!l CALUI -N- .Adlbia ·11--lidop Floor Furnaces that -COl!lpetent tach-.-1 baW Adil """I& """' ·:rr,lnl a T. u. ntctana are •...Oable, -·.., al!1e WE NEED 'LATE, MODEL ,~. . . . ·; and Will .Pay·'T'?P Pricet , 1 .... • -l • I • ·· .. · SliJI. YOUR CAR.NOW. 11' . Wblle,Pricm 111'8 Hiib . ~ . ~ . . . -. ~ -•. aa· ~ L..O Immediate lleliver'Y •. $49.40. to JlJab JJt"1c. callll OD ~ ' .,.. ---• • -VOGEL'S .....,iaa. #JI wh siiannteed. ;:.a::A :-;-t~S= l.J-100 Main St., Balboa HAROLD .. L. HAMii B. 0: 8. , ,._ --~ tried "Al••·-" -208 Karine, Balboe &land 2-tfc ~· DI Muma. Ji: 780. gaf If llio=wiJF ..... JWI! ... ' I I • . - Pblm for our CllUr1liClal bJ;w Wbo d .a ..S · , .. 10!I npidllliJ OPA ... ,. I • • ' pd(8 Ud am...-.. +nAI ' • • ,..;: ... ,, ·' '-ft-... "-Far ~ ,.,Jts, -_. --.-Radi-'--'.'--0-.-'-Re-n-.,-, ... ---! ... -· • .... Timm ds 'Nd c:iobm... _. · . r_-u .. .-.. -' I• All"•"-> llllJ:lo. ot.c: ft. IU'f • • 9 'l'f7' .... ariaj •IOdoTI cawww .... d Bmt M.._ tu Oout lllwaJ, ; h . . . .. •=rort. .• ~ -.efe ' ~---------- " .. • • ' COLBER~~--,.Ml-9klfl''.Q} .. 1a1. .. _...._ __ ._\ • h •o 7 •E nu '11\. ., • • ' ' , ' ' • •. . ' . • . • " • • • • I • . -.I • • -• .. i . • 1 A. · •·,..;;i;;t• · Costa Mesa Grange lnstall,s ·Offleera;'. . ct1v1 Ies . MasterB. L. Hughes Appoints ~It• · New olf'I!; a 1 ol. ea.ta 11ma \ _.,_ I · R rt 'crtlt l'llmm llr7-R." ~met~ ewa1as to Fo~ Generations -----+-· --~ ---pl-.""' the nmma,.... • Mesa Scouts Frolic · at which -....-._ ,,_ At al. Isl. Home R. K ' L ' announced. 1n11a11au.. ..... held ." . • At Camp. 0-I-I •t a roconi ._t1na: at Garden Four c ....... tlon'l ..,... •"'f'!: . . · Grow Wheit .the 11-~ tNm oenred at the .family reunion rt.- I ~ -.• } ' ' ' . . . ttyJoog1ewedsN•vy ·M.•n H· -b-·r· ~em1' lill .. ne.· J>tetty Home 'C.Cremony . ' ar' I 0 .JJ' .. .,,_ o Osle. 'llauPter ot n,;. -Mrs. Laurin ia a ~ I · ~ , By 'wimrrm Baibre -. ' J . T. Osle, lllZi 1""te of the Nett14t Ha.-Union. _ _!Pbc:'.!!!;OO!!_!ISl!!!._!13!_.!all!!!a!!!d!:.:· 21!0~18~.--:---+--:--'-'":-~-:£..;:.:..;==::=.==:.::..-llr. and Costa ~ """IBicti -and .... b-..cl ot B h & M ' .=:. uri.., iaa. ot Emat J. the Evetttt Hieb ecbooL 0n ter-Nwpt. ea.c es• 4ur1n, tt, w-., ..._mar-m1na1 1eaw, Mr. 1.a~ i:...i ma:; Social Clubs Meet 1 · -· ried , Dec 28_.t 8 p.m. at inist'a 1J1&te tint ~ • .. . . the -ot the·brlcle'a pannta, been'in the llttVlce 'f<r lllree and Las Costuraa met W~ Rev. E. _jeoocleu ~nc the a half ye....,f He_ expects his ~ .. evening With Mra. Roal Owen. • + double rl cerelllOl>J(. The living chorce rat San ~ thls mon . Weat Central avenue and decided ~~~· ~ated with Present at the ~I were to 'continue their project of mak-e themuma u.I ferna Mr. and Mn. Ocie, llliaa Doria Ing scraP' books tor the Otanae with •bite candlea, Ogle, Mr. and !dn. Harry Eut· councy l)ooJiital this year, alao made a c1' beckcrowid. The man, Mr. and Mn. R . S. Brlgp, making . stutred animala. Jean wu. jPven hr marriage Mr. and Mn. Cbarlea McAlory McDonald is new aecretory·tr'eu- An eilcithlc ~ ""1'il at pu( on the drill ....i. and State ..... beld at thei -of llr . .-A Canip Ro-Kl·IJ .,... the ..,.an! Muter ~She1Jn>1er wu w Mn. Leonard /· Harcrow, I I-& f<r ~· 'Boy Scouts of ~ 6, •tailing -· Gr'and ' Canal. ~-lllml, ... Costa Meoa, 'who _.., .,_,in T.iunc. Ot!il'O we r-e ~!Dey. 'a ,_nt ·date, And wbid> 1-...; ~· the rea!Dt i..-,drlve. :A. caralj.,, HUches ot. Newp:c t Ill•nd;~ter; eel Mr. and 'Mril. 'Harsraw ,. -· or .. -can made .the trip, "llh Flora ~dndco; aea'etary; . Ber---ln·law and dauc!>ter. llr. a« ther, watt a -or and datighter Jane. urer. Tbe holiday 1!81'1Y ..,. .. held . te with hat to match. at tbe home of Lucille MUlllna. · 31 Scouta and. p&renta. Scout Doda nan1 Eldreda•. tttuurer; Harold ~ Forrest wayrl., Hunter ill aet \h" pace fdr the boya ln hild'I, K.yle, oveneer; Fm! Brace, Huntincton Park; t}\elr ~ campfire cameo. snow sports ... ateward; a.r.t>elle Panons, lady In-law and , ll'UICldi<UCbfl!r, Ill'. belnc navy Fire Auxili ary 'l'hO NeedlepOint c 1 u b met e .... ~ Meets at Mesa Home -rl.ursc1ay morning at the 11ome 01 Mn. S. T . Dunlap, Balboa llland, . cettmony the-hf<>. Mrs N.,..,,;,, Briscoe ..;tertalned with aewing m the morninC fol· 'edcllnJ~· caka wu cut, with n\en,~ of the Flren>en'• Awdl· lowed by lund>eon. Mn. J" B. ln ••tine flapjacks, and •nJol"lt uaistant atewanl; 'Harold Knipp, and Mn. Robitt Wllllam Godft•• it ao much they are planning an. gate keepe&; Mina Mitchell, ~ Huntlncton P.rtr, and -Olp& · other trip ln the near tuture. lain· 4Uce Hllehet. ~Mary ·montba' old (l"Ht-cnndclauchtor,' •' , Transportation WU furnlohod b Knlj,p. Pomona; 4lice K1\e,Cen!s; Janke Godfrey, '. • ' . • McA1ary servhlg, while iary with an evening party 'at Franklin of Venezyela Was a spe-aunt, Mn. R. S. Stew-be< home 4SO San Bernardino clal guest. The next meetlnc will art, ~:.i~ The reception table avenue. Gifts were exchanged and be at the home of Mrs. Jack Cole. was .d ted with winter roses. secret ilsten for the pgt year C.OSta Mesa Dessert Bridge met were reve'aled, with namet drawn Tuesday. evening ·with Mn. Ed; for the next yeilr. At the close Ward Morrlll. East 18th 1treet. ot the eveni~g refreshments were Mrs. John GQlden, who subs~tutld served by Ule nosteu. for Mrs. Ernest McClellan, held lte House Cafe R. a. Oiambera, Otto ·Boyd. Rici>-1>orla Gray, .non. · • oihen l*e=t on 11>e Mllllll' • an1 Mobley, Scoutmaater and ¥n. 'Head& of committ... t°'". the ---Mr. u.I 111)1. llml. H. v . Hall, Alliltant Scoutmaster -.n1n.c year are:. agriculture, A. Hargrave and 800 Randy,~·-• Richan! Dodd and Scout Oiorlea l. Mitchell; l~atlon and rtBO-Thomas Harlrave, Lomita; - Depontee: Othen of the party lltioni .. Beriit98 Eldn!dge; pub-Esther Maisch, Huntington Putr. were Mrs. Dodd, ·Miss Devra Dodd, li<lfy, Mn: Mory Knipp; commod-,u.I her -· Rby'a1 Asterl>®t ol s . 'E . Young, David Gardner, Roi>-itl11 and ,<ooperatlve. Hugo .&-tile U. S. Navy, a V-12 ~t 11t , ert Nettles, J amea Nettles, Stan-IU>; credit union, JoseJ:!h Rapier, the Univenity of .calif~ ~; · Iey Yoµng, David Chambers, Leon· and l>uildfng, Hugo Beleau. A. R. keley campus. Attending, were the Mesdam'el high score, Mrs. Jerrold Spangler Lee Zube Jean McDonald;Maxlne had. 100 ho~or and was second an!' . ' ' .. '> •J ard Hall, Roger Gordon, .Kenneth Mlt~Jl ls executive committee-------- Walkei-, Gordon Dye, Leroy Car· m an. · F or Better Printing .~ U c:ir.11. . ..., __ • .,.09 Connel], ' June Kiddie, E.!ther Mrs. Hl_l"'Y Burdick ~as low. · .-uuam ~ Johnson, Helen Randel, Dorothy Miss Lyda Conant was host~ I. Ll1g11"-• lleadi. Vallf. Cockrell, Geneva Daynard and Thursday at bridge at .her home m . ' " .' t& J immy Kimbrough, Jack New publicity .chairman for the -============::::; ~ft, Raymond 'Louvier, Dick .HEC ~·Mrs. 'Doris Gt"ay. The next r Hin~. StephPJl . and Victor Kas~ meeti'I of the section will be Jan. ser Wayne Corbin. Ronald E ngle, 15 at the home of. Mrs. Isabelle El~oo4 Depontee, Richard Mobley, BoudrE!l.u, ·' Flower and Orange Bob Rapcock and Jack Woods. · stree~. The nE!Xt Grange ~tj_ng ::===t=::=:::::::::::::::;'.,~L~i~U~ian~S6uder. Newport Heights .. Miu Frances Damoth who substituted for Mrs. !!••11911111111111911 •u111e11111tu11ie111n1111111111111n1u-u1u1111u1"'"'""''111u1111u11u1111111111to11111 iu1111011l!1u11.1~ J. P. C~per , Won the guest prize ~ • i and Mrs. Grace Wilcox~ who wu ~ • I • substitute for Mrs. C. H. Rid.le)', i ~ was high, while Mrs .. H . H. Llneau ~ • was low. -llllll!IUlllll!IUlntlllJ!ll!lllll<ll'ltl~llllll ~ ~ ;;, ~-~ " i Jack Regan'sd -i Daughter Bri e • I_. I D 'A . N A y L 0 R ' S ~ ,In a surprise wedding Chr~t-J r. ~sfajn p Club _ ~ mas Day, Miss Lillian E . Regan. EnJ s New Ga me ~ 1 j charmJng daughter of Realtor and y · ·_; . BALBOA ' ISLAND ~ Mrs. Jack Regan, becameWthde A new a was inaugurated at Mr. and Mrs. ·E. I. Moore enterd- : . . ;;: bride of Major Robert a e the meeti g of the Junior Stamp tained with a holiday party, an ~ ~ Hampton of Altadena. Maj. Ham~ cl b with' game donated·by·Mrs. bridge recently at their newly dee--.~ i ton ts credited with 36 missions :S:tte which consisted of orated· home on W~st · Central ' 5 over China and Japan and has two guessing e one Japanese stamp avenue. Five tables were in play 1 ~-citations for bravery. in a gro p of Chinese stamps. with Mrs. Henry Eggert holding ~ • will be closed another ~ Rev. R. E . Dixon, pastor of the Paul Dickerson, a .new member, high score and Fred Soedecor i • Baptist church at Alt•.dena, per-won the contest and the cord or or Corona second. ._:·= k t J ~5 ~ formed the ceremony and the Enjoying the hospitality of their ,.-Wee 0 an i lk h . g t stamps. Mr d "-C F . - -• ! young fo s are one>'o:oo~1n a The 16 . menibers present each hosts were . an i•ua. · · ·' ~ Las Vegas. They will llv_e 1n Los received set of U. S. stamps and Watts ot IngleWood, Mr. and Mn. !!· due· 'to . t'he 1"llness Of ~ ~geles where t~e br1degr<>?m Mrs. Ewen gave· a talk on A.us-Fr'ed Snedecor of Coron~. Mr: and I_ ~ will. enter tht!-roo!m~ contracting traila. Afterward there was trad_.-Atrs. Eugene Fenelon, Mr, and & i business. ing and buying Adults present Mrs. Lester Isbell, Mr. and Mrs. -, the entire f Of Ce. • ' ' > •."_ Mr. Jled hganboir'~ aal~t pljJardedi S"!'totar were Mrsc Ewe~ and Mrs' ·p Lew WMallace,dMrMrs. andC 1t:s. RJu. dAd. -Ana an ar r,e or an Schre I The next mttting Gant, r . an . . ., lj. , i= __ • ~ ~ of West Coas~ Real Estate Mar-be s~u'rdaY. Jan. 12 a the ·Mr. 4nd Mrs. Henry Eggert and ' ;;. ket. one of the ·foremost maga-ame will be to guess . anadi&n Mr, and Mrs. R!llph Maskey. ~ zines o! its kind on the West g Hllltlll lll l!l !l-lllUllll Ul !lll!l llllllUlll; i Coast. stamps_·---~--::r--Bal. Busin.ess Woman ' • WCTU Send s Food will ~ 1a:n. 10 with · Past Master Joseph 'lapier honored. Expert ... Sh0e ~pairing.i While You Wait ••• r 0 Hotl aitd Mrs. S.tty' Handy is ill at her Newp<>rt ' Be-ac_h_' m-et Wednesday home on Udo I~le. Ray Pagan morning with Mrs. Ella Goeldner Rod Ma~tillian, seaman second . With Mrs. May U'Ren Presiding class, U.SN., was home troni 515 East Bay Front and · ~fiss Elsie Newland leading Camp Shotmakef for five days N ut: Door to ,Palm Oal9 in devotions. Mrs. U'Ren ttport" ~itir1g his mother, Mrs:. K . A. 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. sending $5 to the He.ith an·d ~M~a=c~M=iU~ian,==S=an~t:a=An=a=:a:v::enu:e:,~===========:; Tuberculosis Association a nd also Costa Mesa. · a 18rge box of food to HOiiand. Mrs. Fiora Beatty reviewed the Washington .letter telling Or legi~ Jat'ron regarding opium and ·other opiates. Former South Coast Worker Visi ts Here .- Mr. and Mrs. Bert Somerhalder [ ~---_,.:''.:.' ---------------....,.----....., of Nebraska were recent guests for several days at the home of lfrs. Peal-I Lupton, 543 Victoria street. Costa Mesa. Mrs .. Somer- halder lived with Mrs. Lupton for a year, ~hile ·she was working at the South Coast company. Her husbind is just out of the service and they are visiting relatives and , friends in San Francisco and Na- vada wruie on a pleasure trip. UI E D 'F" B.EAUl Y WHERE HAIR SOI Me"'e ·A-ae Balboa hh.,j ~ Pltone l~ Open S4turdaya ·llntll May 1st 'f osed on ~onday STY LING IS AN AR.T . Our aim Is to enluce Milady's beiu.ity and provide the ullimate in beauty care ~ Ebefl Book Sections Mar ries Contractor Npt. He ig hts Hostess E MYF Lea ders , Meet This Wee k 1 ~ Atte nd Cam·p Mrs. Lydia M. strain. Balboa Eqtertains Frienqs /~;;:;~;;;;,~;;;~~·~,~·~.....,,~~ .. ~ ... ~~S;;;;;;~~~; ~ ~ Book Section 2 of the Ebell clUI;> business woman. and· F'r.ank Sum-rei11111u111111 ,11111111~1,,,, .. 1111111 n 1 11 1 1 11 1111111111111 •"'"'1""'"fl11111>+1H1111111111u1 1 11n1 11 • 11 • 11 • 11 •" 1 ' 111111'"'''i: Attending the winter camp for will meet Wednesday afternoon ml"l"S, Santa Ana contractor, were •• Mrs. Kenneth Johnson, 430 leadership training of the Meth-of this week at the home of Mrs. married Saturday rriorning at Santa Ana avenue, entertained od.ist Youth Fellowship, held re-s . Heyman. Montero Drive:. with Santa Ana and ~eft immediately with a dessert bridge recently, cently at Camp Seeley in the San Mrs. Killefer reviewing "'The Egg for Gilman Hot Springs for a serving at·daintily appoi~t.ed· card Bernardino mountains weno Rich-and I" and Mrs. Snodgrass a group short honeyinoon. tables. Mrs. Johnspn he d high HEAD TO '!OE BEAUTY .,SERVICE • ~-+----T R E A J-,--~~-i · Folks Back Home . to a ard Wallner. president of the local of the most recent non-fiction The bride wore for the occasion score, Mrs. Golda R~dd was AfYF ; P e·g g y Tr-ine, Dorothy books. 8 dress and hat of powder blue second and Mrs. ·0orts Powers was \Vright and Eloise Owen. From Section t will-meet Thursday at with navy accessories. She has low. the Costa -Mes.8. ,'1YF were Lois the home of Mrs. Eugene Day. 522 OOen ma nager ·ot the Vagabond Guests present · were the Mes- -Strunk, Doris Billin15r-and Jeanne West: Ocean Front with "Higb shop on· East Central avenue, Bal-dames Jean Cottle. Golda Rudd, Edick. Barbery"· as the no v e I and ·t oa. Afr. Summers, is a veteran of. Stella Ross, Peggy Johnson, Isa- "Thomas J e!ferson and His World War I and graduated from bell Otey, Laura Flannagan and Dickinson .a.: Freeman, Seaman Friends" the non-fiction book to the .University of California as a Doris 'Powers. ' first class, son of Lt. and Mrs. fl. be reviewed. .• civil engin~r. They will make E. Freeman. 1726 Miramar Drive, their home at 111 East C.ntral Your . Friends & Mine has been ordered to report to the Sac ramento. Guests avenue, Balboa. Naval Academy preparatory A B lb H -------Mrs. John D. Haigh, 222 Collins school at Camp PeJTy, Va. He has t a oa ome Dinn er for Forty avenue. Balboa Island. •pent the been stationed at 'Kay West, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. Ray, Nielson, 215 hoqday!i with her daughter, Mrs. -===========:;!East.Bay avenue, entertained wi\h At D. K. Blu e Home Harold s. Underhill, Alhambra. ,..; a holiday dinner rftCently. Seated Her two sons, Dr. John S . Haigh about tt'ie table were Mr:. and -·Mr. and Mrs. D. K. Blue hosted and Kenneth D. HaJgh, spent Mrs. Ray Holmstrom of Sacra-a dinner par ty for 41 on ChfiStmas ChristmS:S Eve together at the mento, house g\Jests !or the week day·at their home, 406 £1 Modena doctor's~ !iome in Pasadena for the at the Nielsen home;_ Mr. and Mn. 'avenue, Newpor t Heighta. 'IWo first time in five years. Both haye Art Warner and children of Ful-tui-keys a baked h&m and all that t>een in service and-recently dis- lerton, ~· and Mrs .. H . Warner goes wiih them ·loaded the tables charged_ Another son, Ensign of Anaheim. Stanley ~on ot _Ba1-where members of the f8mlly. and Robert W. Haigh, U.S.N.R ., for - boa ISiand and Miss Shirley friefids gathered for the,first time mer graduate of Harbor Hi, is at Weiher o~ Balboa. in four years, and holly and little present'.at Bianb~dge, Md., where C10THES FOR MEN. • 'AND BOYS Scuwr.,t S~Sl.op 10'7 lll&rlDe A-· llalbo8 Ialaad Pbone G'71 On Christmas ~ay Mr. and Mn. Christmas trees made a festive he is instructing students who Nielsen and family and Afr, and decoration. wish to enter Annapolis. · Mrs. HolmstJ:om were guests of -It was also a celebration !or the . Mrs. J . B. Franklin, who has Mr. ·and Mn. Ed Th~ at Ful: ret!,p"n of Corp. Gaylord Blue, who ~n a guest 'for three weeks at lerton. · -. · has been overseas for 20 montlu the. home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles in the 'E'Uropean theater, an~ his Blakely jr., Ocean boulevilrd, Bal- wife Wilva. boa left Friday for· her home in -~ :. I { flllit tOOP .-., .. ~ . ' \ G~l)JlAZIL Car~cas, Venezuela. ~ _ Mr. and Mrs. Herbert McDonald A ·marriage license was issued tw>sted ·a party for 14 at their last week to 'Robert Z. Jone!? ~d home On Old cOunty Road last Mabel A. Erickson, both of Corona. · week. del Mar. · MA.TERNlTY • Dres8es Slack Suits • Suits • Jumpers Bed Jackets • SMART STE-ER . ' ~I boby calfskin on that wW.·ni_ppi.n~ ~L To cinch a dtw <r<ated to W ~ TcDD tailoring this side of bcavea. . . ADVBTISS> Ill ANOI IA.V..4:1 Jn supetior cayon gabardiOI!, .1 2.95 F ourth a!ld 8- ·Sant~ Ana \ ' . • j .. , ... OBERTS PORTRAIT - • Robes • Featured By . • of YOll ... ud ~-""-~· .. OQJ'~ .$ , . . E~IAL •• a ~ .1.00 ~ NO APPOIN'l'IRNT ~y ... --b, .. -__9op11q qw - obertsf.Portraiu I . •••KUN -:nm 'l'b MolcTooJO:ay WAW ,..,.._ II ---ll&.11.t.IP.11.~ - • ' • Now Ready to Serv . . You • ................... .• .. aak!d mee~a, • j .. • i T. FF.n• .. d'•'r1>.o-!ffawr..llil)I) Pft_ ... ,.. t'l'a .dilllle lllMlp I . Donna -Marie Shoppe 515 North llala !M. Suda Ana Arcade IJ!dg. ' l -~ ....... - ' . l , Telepho.-e . ~347-J ·· I I ·- for I FIVE-DA-Y SE.RV . " . . ' -I ' ,,. • :· Cleaning ·anc1 . La . ' ' . . -' . CORONA . DEL MAR " ....... ' ' . ; • . • I .. '