HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-01-10 - Newport Balboa News Times. II I SA ·N CIA I ' ' , ( • ' ' ... .NEWPODT • -. . . ' BALB-OA· -. -. .. ' . .. .' . . -. vALEITI1E ScllP lltfj .REVl,ED;-SQUATI .. ... .·S 'A. /< FIL£ . 01 TIDELAI .. 1 -----------.---~------'-'-------..:......----,-.~~-~-y-1a,-1Ne--'---~--==---,--'----+"'.:"w=v=-•-_..=-., · . · 11 , voLmu: xxxvm NEWPOBT BEA(JB, CAL1F011N1A. 1'Bull80.t.Y, ~ u-._. Sec. Ickes Refuses Claims · in Seal Beach, But + + so. Clyde Ashen. and his lendid wife who have done ~ch a wonder· _ ful job wi the Balboa USO, is in reeei of a letter from Major Me N . Pheatt of the Air C rpS. wbicli sl!ys: 11We are Usibg a moment to lobk k over ·the past year. and e review a steady parade of people llke your- selves, lo and devoted, faithful in our self-assigned job of ringing pleasure to the at flow of Air Foree bat men passing through ta Ana Army Air Base, It would be use- les5 to at mpt a valuation of wha t y . and those as- -SQC(ated th you, have con- tn'buted. \Viii you accept for you and convey to Chem, our deep appreciation of .immea ble help." Collnty to MaP tJ.pper B ? ==:~:-;~:r~c Newport Harbor Wider the sO-otlled Valentine SCripl ot Request. ~Balb-Oa ·Island Pier · Issue Settlement by f eb· 4 Or Revert to former Status Coun<;il Approves Union Oil Pier Improvement But Asks Inside and Outside Lot Owner Groups Settle. Difference _ Fire Destroys Mesa Home,.·But ' Girl Saves Baby 1872, it Wll!i disclosed after Los Angeles repoljls t<ild the H · b c • • · . . action-o( Secretary of Interior }iai'old Ickes blqcklng 111e ar or omm1ss1on . rvey · ~~~~ ~cfi. a~<U> a'-"}'*". by "squatie"". righ~" Part of the Irvine property just bounds. Although the Seal Beacll Of U -Ba' Se -•bl · north of Harbor Island was staked trial of J. c. Aldrich of Loo An-ppet Y en SSI e,li. out and filed on, It wu understOoc!, geles failed. the rate of other at· -· -· and· 9ome" other property' wai also ~:in~~~·~~~~: 0e·· c·1s·1on May Be M .. ad ·Today =t=,~~==~.: :~~~:;.~usedu.:=.i: tia avenues, Costa Mela. caught . _ . : · it was described by metes &nd the 1.0·.•.year-old hearing on ttjec- fire at noon Monday andlwas com-tion · o( the classification o~ tbe pletely destroyed. It was occupied Seal !Be-ach property as proper for y tne Rountr,. f.,nicy. Mrs. Parallel County Ordinances Studt" Enfo-J p· a -I !pip l()!:ation. because. .. he 11"1'!t-Rountree was ap-oss the street -at • ~ ury ne ed out that the area _is being used a neighbor -. hbuse at the time. Violations in Area Not Gover by City; _ . . for recreationa l JlU'POl"i. and It and her 13-year-old daughter had h [ is held valuable for gas and oil, just put luncheon to 'cook on the No Over-All Control Soug t d b the news dispatch disclooed .• coal oil StO\'e. I • ame . y ' .. 'UM>d' On M:mtnr Cl~ ' The Balboa Island pier controversy shotild be settled be. Th~ girl Stepped .~ut t~e kitchen The county harbor comm.Wion plans _. 'ate steps for . ___., H~·e\'E'r, sever-it.I parcels hB;vej h•--the ins1'de and outside lot owners by Feb. 4, and the door iust .befobre1 thesto11v• explodth-the development of the county area at Ne\ Beach, it is J d f '46 been med on in this area with!~ "~ · ed thro,vtng az1ng o over e-of 0 the p&st few months, i t~ was le-arn-two groups,,,pow incorporated should be ready to report their · -Sh · d to the e~tation of its chairman, Roy N. E<h , range, u ge or ed y·s· terday. The a·ppl•'""-ts hope' &g1'eell1ent tb the city council by _that time, it was stated at ~~!1rf~o~':°;~r a~dr~?ck~o~~ the \vho .toid the ~e,vs-Times ~t noon today th t e expects to . to s:CurQ this land ~e 1872 the meeting of the city council Monday. MaYQr Clyan Hall baby. asleep in its crib, but th~re recommend ~ts anemoon that a co.mpete t ngineer and Valenti9" Scrip act which Jn old declared that it then should be a ma tter for tbe council to de-. was no time to save any belong-personnel be hired by the county to i:nake th s provement. land dealer. in Denver who .dealt cide as the ~e has been allowed to run along \vithout set-ings and thf' family lost everything The. commission is mC'eti ng to-A list of 36 prospective jur-in "lining c-18.ims ·year's ago tJe.. ' tlement since Septerhber. they possessed. .. · day (Thursda_y) i? .whRt may be ve two ordin-ors for tlie city court of Ne\v-scribed "in his t!r.N pamphlet on Councilman Earl Stanley sug-The Mesa fire department sue-one of the h1stor1c steps toward t yet ready to port Beach has been prepared various kinds of governmeiital Latin . America Trip Slated for Sea Cloud gested that they bring in a con-ceeQed in saving .furniture of an-the full realization of the ·extent county super-by City Judge. Bob Gardner scrip as follo\\"S: ''This scrip is one crcte plan by the F ebruary meet-other small hi>use only six feet of all Ne\',rport HarlJ?r . For in r e--visors which alleviate this. as customary at the first of of the clC'ancst and freest from ing or else have the matter rever t from tbe one destroyed, although s~nse to a call relative to a San.~ owever. theY-o not 8-ntictpate then~ year, and the list cer-objeCtion of peMaps any scrip ever to its original status. in which a one wall and the roof of the house A:na news Item last week qtai:r-hiring a county a bor m!15ter for .tified by the countY clerk. issued. lt will successfully pua pier could be constructed on every WE-re burned. mJl-n Ed"'ards told the N"ews.. that purpose, b t outd probably Residents from all parts Gf title to unsurveyedl lands. two bay front Jots. The council nm':5 that the county. 'harbor ~m-use the city offi~ the city ·are among those "It is assignablr, and patent ii· vote. with the exception of a loud Navy ' Commandant missa?.n ~as not tr ying to .run The Orange ban e r did not say named· 00 the panel. sues to the ·assignee. If inter-es~ "no" from Bob Allen. backed him away with the harbor , as · the how much mone the . county is There has seldom been a call In acquiring title to unsurve-yed up. Lauds Cooperation Santa Ana report indi~8:ted, Out-prepared to spen upon the har-fQr a jury trial" in the city court, lands write or wife us (or pricefi The matter arose upon appl.i-was . ready to take d~fintte steps bor in its own are • but said tliat but the jurors must be availa,ble~if and particulars. pur guarantee cation et the Union Oil Company Of Police Dept. _ looking towa~d. cleaning out the they can spend it e sum allotted that ~d ts made. The last will accompany the Scrip." ·' at the previous meE>ting for an . channel and hiring 8 staJf to make from the budget well as levying call was made by a man aCcused ·He fUf~er desc;ribes the scrip In peace as in war. Capt. Harry <'Xtensio n o( their pier into the A special commendation of "the a s~ey of the uppe~ bay. nn the t<lxpayers of the county of drunkenness, the Judge reveal-as resolving out of an act of CoQ... Adams a nd the yacht Sea Cloud, channel on t he island, but restric-loce.I police department for cc:r Since the resignation of R. L. f-0r additional fun if. the super-ed. He asked for a jury ·trjal. but gress In 1872 becanse one Thomu rormerly Portola, now .. in Newport tion of their floats there for co(;;-~t· with the· avy during Patt,erson as harbor "!1ast'er, the visors so decide.' when the trial was set, Gardner Valentine filed ".e (:)aidi to a-rancho O~--"\.: ion · . n rounty _has had no orf1 clal repre· , .. I , , · · ' harbor. appear to be inseparable. mercial purposes. While it was e the \Var \Vas expressed to Chief sentative in an engineering capac-· .The county de Iopment pro:-found him in the county jail. He in Nort hern ~alifornia, and when During the pre-war days while !opinion of the city Attorney that Rowland HodgkinSon by Admiral ity ehgagf"'d in harbor matters. gr_~ has long under consid-Was. already on probation from J1 he presented his claim to the the 84-foot craft was owned by J . granting permit to the oil com-W . L: Friedell, Commander of the They a~ also handicapped by hav-.erat1on a nd maYi dt>cl~ed upon bad check charge when arrested property in a!spute because of its Aforehead of La Jo~la, Capt. pany for ·impr ovement of its fa-Eleventh Naval District in San Ing no companion ordinances in this afternoon. at actu:~n may here, and when Judge Gardnerl grant .under a Mexican governor., Adams was employed as Its skip-cilifies due ro inability of boats Diego. His letter . to the depart-force y..·hich will enable the city be the forer~nn r of_ opening the (Continued on Page Five) anoth'ei '"as prMented by a Mex- per. Then it was takirn over by·1 to maneuver into the present fill-rnent read as follows: harbor master or police to enforce u_p~r . l!~Y w,ith I I _its enor~ ican. Valentine withdrew his claini, the Coast Guard and Adams en-ing station wou ld not Interfer e R. R. Hodgkinson, vioJations of la\\• in ,county terri-poss1bll1tl('S for city. J Rota· r"an's Pia· ce jn~ending to .inten-e~e In the. D~ tered the ser vice as a lieutenant-with settlement of the ex:plosiv'e Chief of Police, I . tr1ct court. 1t explained, but ~ commander. Assigned to duty, he 1 pier issue, oth.ers questioned if Nc\\'port Beach, California. tory. . In New World fore he could, the -_SUpreme couit · found himself sent to his former [the pier problem should not be Dear Chief : "f Contpanlon Ordlnnnrf"S Woman C dn't Find rendere;d -a decision preventing ship as i~s skipper. Wf!r over. the solyed first. The Commander desires to ex-1 Consequently two ordina nces Clof.hesli n Beach·, ·Told by ViS"ltOr him .from as~ert;ing ·title b.y in.ter-' yacht was sol~ to R8:1p~ Hem~hill , I T he mayor was not. impressed 1 press his appreciatiQJl of · the ex-have been co~ied from those of the vent1on. T11e claim of the Mexican' ~ Angeles l~~ustr1ahst. Yester-by the fact that the inland lot cellent cooperation extended to the city and \\'hlch the county may BQOked as runk !-was reject,.ed, and Valentine WU d a Y Hemphill eogagcd Capt. o"'-ners .... ·ere comulted and quoted naval acti\·itic-s of the -Eleventh t later adoot as companion meas-t 'l11e place of the Rotarian in the I out·of court. { , Adams. to skipper the vessel fOf" a as sayilig that rthe oil company 1 Naval DiS:trict by you and officers ures 'to .the same in foret> in the ' S 1 1• ·r international picture was the sub-Then he was supposcdlv given third time. pier impr ovement was all right. of vour df'part1nent. ci ty, on!;.• The county '''ould have (X'CU af ·ion "'~ -~ e amon~a l iect af a talk before some 50 mem-rolief bv r\ct QC April 5. ·1812: F olloWing complete overha4,I. The· council itselr must decide ·rr,. a'"~;sttlnce rende red to no jur isdirtion ovrr city territorv, nPmlx-~ 0 perso_1 s ;, ? sa,w a h ·1 bers of the Newport Harbor "claimant or his legal represente· redecoration and refurnishing, th.e matters of that kind, he said.. Naval intelligence h,:,_s been· par-and vice versa. There i_s no_ P~-1 !:ar 11.o.F.tin 1 ''8 er ing_ on t e•llranch_a t Tuesday night's meetin_g tive' inay select, and may be al-s~ip wt.ll be commissi.oned. some • R. L. Patterson, city engirfeer1 tirularl)· \'nll•able in ' the accom.p-tempt . as the c;:i.nla /!.na 11em int•-:J _h :\. aha.it. a.m. ~~ly at White's Balboa Island cafe by Jo\\•ed patents for a.it C'QURI quaA-- t1me this month a nd "'111 sail on a informed the council that the lirhment ar its missions . Likewise mated, that tt-e County \vants full '":oldtng a sh<'<"t in. on: bahn •• "I Ell.a ·L . Van Dellen. Vf ntura a t· tity of the unoccupied and 'i;'.t two and a half month e•plorato y t f t I t · · h d · h bo l I •· · Ed f:tc"< of clothes p1 s in . t e o u.aer . . ... r \\'R er . ron o O\\'flers a Just your COO(X'rati{>n with the Shore ar r con ro. accoru1ng to -Th . . 1~ h 1. . . ht t orn~y. ~ / . prop1ated public lands or the Uni. cruise to Acapulco and Lau·n 1• co ted d ked f p 1 d h · .1· · hi ,,·ards erl' ''asn t n c cs.inc in s1g 'I 'fb lik bo i .• , -n r pora . an as or a a tro an ot er act1v1 ies 1n t . s .. · . ~ .. f 1 . , lied th e s er was , rn . u1e ed St~tes not m!n!'ral." The ~ America, followed by a summer meetine \vilh the other group oy..rn-district with '-''hich you have had. Tlie city and county have not ~O"l'one port le P.fl -~ 1 ~8 . e-1 Netherla . and was gradunted tar:y of th<" Tnt,..rlor .. the narnphlet trip to Canadian and Alaskan 1 in~ insic!e lols to attempt a solu-cont~ct is si nCT'rely appreciated as taken full advantage or federal po tee. ; ICT'I s t 1 h 8 ~ 1_t. ~ from several American. universi-goes on to say. authorized issuanee · waters. . . . -.. . I tion. -having made a real contribution money \vhich has b<>e.n available a .c~e 0 at eas ne s ee in t e l ~es. incl~ding . S tanford Univer-of 330 for ry:acre rer ttficates Ot The cru1sC'r •s equipped \Vlth The council approved or the air to the successful pr0&reution of e~ch year tor . keeping harbor I \\'ln ·. • s1.ty, He is chairman of the Ven-scrip, "'hi":' has tq this day been five staterooms. thret' baths. a, plication of the oi_I company sub-the \\·ar. . channels clean of sediment. The Off1CT rs Waltz and ·Johnson 1.tura County Pla nr.ing Commis-kno\\-'Jl l\S \'alentine Scrip. stainless steel galley and crew's ject to the approval o't the War I am confidl'nt that the peace-county hopes · to take ·adva ntage I rPs;ionded to the call , and Jound sion, and was district governor of Ed Allen, well known att ney quarters. She has a 150 h.p. diesel D<>par tment. ' time r"lationship bct\VCE'n ·your de-of the $1 0.000 made available an-t~<' \\·on1an full:, ~n~ properly Rotary International during 1942-1 and o\\riler of the Bnll)oa Innfsald motor. and ha's been moored in partn1ent and the Navy will be ~ually for Ne"''J)Ort Harbor dredg-rlres$cd, b!.l t a I ti ~ incc:>herent. •1913. · he wouldn't give a dir.ie a doze'.D the channel at alboa since last l\.fr. and l\.frs. \Villiam Flanagan, c!iara:cterized by the same spirit 1ng: as well as to use countyTnoney I J ust ,,·h~t S~(' ' ~ l~ng . for Van Dellen sketched the part of for the claimants,' cha'\,ces undtt September. Hemphill, the new 2020 Newport boulevard, Costa of cooperation "'hich h~ been So which they h_ave be<'n collreting nt that . time 1n t e .morning was the Rotaria n in the world "of to-t_his out-datf:!(I act, but othe~ ~ owner, anQ head of a large di esel Mesa, are parents of a son, born valuable under wartime con-, but n~t ~pending on the harbor. 11 ncert~1n. so !he ix>?k~ .her. at mOITOw in what was called by lieve it has some land ownt'rs coil· school in Los An~eles. maintains Jan. 4 at Santa Ana Community di lions. As 1t 1s !'ow, l>?at O\\'ners can j the pohce station or 1nt0Xlcati~n. !Dembe:rs_ as an ad~es.s. fiJl.cd \Mit h ~med. Some "keep out" aigrls a home at 109 Diamond, Balboa I hospital. I-le weighed nine pounds. w. L. FRIEDELL. violate a ~ttY , ordinance_ and run S~e \\·.as released th~ next morn-1rrt'ormatiqn and mspiration for have been posted around tideland + + Island ' l SiX'"ounces. . Commandant, for covfr 1n ·county terr-1 tory, Ed-[ Ing, sheet, cloth pins and all--memben ot that body. properties here and·.elsewhere. ; Jt. Rev. Pen-y . wards explain~. They wan~ to ex:cept for a re rted hangover . . ~En· ~~:i 1 POSTAL RECEIPTS REFLECT ~ROWTH 1 lined for placing C D M G G . churi:h cation notices at a ins reatest ~ ~te : ;;r J':!:~: County Preparing .In Newport and ra1r wa,s bat the boys did Master Plan Corona del Mar · :i:;*. 1 -~urc"h7~ For Highways still.'lri t and that he did not"have desk or chair for is cbu study. The up- lhot was that every mem-ber was and the en-tii'e · t, totalling nearly s100; was given Mr. Schrock for his s Local Lion Sain Santa Anans .l!Ublicly f r Perry. + + + Mayor f Yucca. Down at 1 \'hite:s boa Food Em- folium ednesdaY we r e fted St rey and Johnny Vogel. In expansive mood llJOut . r desert· subdi 8 vis 1 - llln be .n Desert o ·_ l()riiigs 29 Palms. They llld that . Anderson. part . °"""" t>een named Mayor · Yucca .. which the ~ will be called and that Al. is · g a portfolio ol 0 without benefit ol ·Such poljtics! .+· ~ + A. hpen. Grape- tliat Santa Ana is · with more tba~ Geo. _Hart wlD llOOll start that the Long 1Jiiilpelidmt is plan-. • IU!ng over the ~--~ • a trl weekly BlriY as editor. the Sand Crab dally In the • Siiiy boys! Af&er local ronferences in var- ious communities throughout t he county, a master plan of highways, possibly including the re-align- mf'nt of the Coast High,vay 101 from Ne"'1>0rt Beach sou t h through Laguna on a higher level 8.!5 suggestE"d by H. F. Kenny, i:>0-5t master~r Balboa and chair- man of the"'hfgh\\•ay committee .ot not only the local C'hamber but1of thC' Associated Chambers of Com- ml'rce of Orange rounty, "ill be prPSE'nled ror coUnty-\\idc consid- eration. !\.·Jany idC'aS are IX'i ng considered in thC' preparation of the plan, Kt>nny said, and the ll}ap may be reftdy to sho"'· b)· the Jan. 29 meet- ing. One thing is certain .. he re- marked, and tha t is the cOast artery is coming into· P'lOf'e' tinport-ance as time goes· on, and 'some- thing must be done. · Reports \\·rre also heard by the boa.rd of directors of ~the chamber group on progress of plann.ing for a scenic route beN--een Riverside Md Orange counties tO be known as Skyline Drh-e along the ridge of the Sant~ Ana inountain.s.:.. Lt~·col. McCano China Bound; Named Asst. Military -Attache . I ' . ' -- ; • '- ' \ , • ' \ ' ? , -. • • , • ' • ' . '-. • •• ·. ( .. \. ,, • j • ............. I • • ' NIEWPDRT-BALBDA . . ..../. ANr& 'f• o-;, v..;... llllwaulu!9 !Wis.l jOurn.i, "N0 1 ,.... _____ ,.;:I..,.. ____ . l:IO .... 8cQ.Qpej-nlm. ..._.....Tojo· buncled bla piatGI ' • . :Letter.Re~~ SJrvice Family.Plight lr---N-E--· .,-s,...--.I ' NEW-S-TIME$ .Jn Ho08ing Crisis; Asks Help . . f the '5 ~ "lldd;_ ffe , I .,: ~ '11' :ooa.a.. ~ -. ~-" .....,. wu a str&Jsbt • 0. L-ClJLL.~ • LID... -onaiaC P'n\JW aad ..__-. ; Bea-. lll'lnt I ... Ba11in-'--...,,,-----..._--':, canriaat ~ c · r •I . <>-·-) ROOFS . .....,.. ••••• f'.' Pa0Nq1 !OWN&I JS~ II 0 ...,.} ..... ,, •.......... 'v.,.... v ..... DsYW A hlnt ·of ·tM pllcbt -al ... a rd like you•to chcil! :the cme 'yol c H u·R c"' Es ~ ,, . .., , • , ,a a..,. ~I h , .,. ~~ ~ 1am01a tryinc dmperately to-flpd ~ will bit the eoft apot °' that , n ptloa ID AdY&nce· Fiso --· .. ,,__ Qiat;F· -----fer -In tbla .. Iv extinct bird, the man wltll --IEYENTlf Qf<'r AOVENTllTa $215 · r-~-...,.....,.. • .,_ ""'?• a \tacanc7 ·You know' )'O'lr cm-.1. ~ c,_,.,., Wa1M11 and Chui• • --+.,--'.-Pl!l'>Jftl'to1tll-.e; $3.00_~yartolltbllJ!'&. and other 0011nlUDIU.. lo sraph-. Ulmen, 1 'dool'L !i'l•W opr1nk1e CO~Da.~ ' ~ -. . . u Seaind-Ow matter at the ~ ID Newpdrt B ... lcal1y Illustrated In a 1ett.r re-oome grls-p1o Wilen JOU pull prOof, · OOlfo.amaATIONAL -. th.-.....~. men---C&\lfonila. under ·tbe Ad ot K.,-cll 3, 1879 oelved b'Y the N..,...Tlli>es yater· and ru bum a cencDe before -w h• 9 .., o c1oc~ f ._ _ J'uNlebw ~!>).the~ wlf~ of an army lhrlne. ' ,_ P'W'7 W'l•t---. JC 1 '8r ~~ii "..m. . · • PORTER , General J1anace:r man ~ to the .. h.lchlY wel· Very tnily YoW'S, Ill B1M1tr1''"' C--. ... Jiu -·------- IXON -• • .. •. ~ • ..:_. • ...:..' .. Editor=-~"'"""" oervlc5e ... Balboa MRS. E. w. SHORT. us~~~~~ ot . ·CHURCH OF CHRllT . ---• -. ---~ ssiecW and memorial sifts. Ser-Churoll·and wa.lftut atroib .. Plant. 3011 w, Cenml Aftllue. N,..ptft BHd'I, Ollfomla ~.~w~~:r '!.'~ Jaacha Heifetz mon by Mr. Schrocll:: "our Cloud s!:ri~-~· Ml•-u- ficial P~sier of the City of Newpol'.l S..c:h font neec11 a ~ to llw, and • at WI-." · ceo : --... 16 L m.. A Dor t ... 1-i !Mlllu-tor 0-., i:-lalllne. .. many o\l><n have to Granted Divor~ 3:30 p.m., Service of FeJ1"""11p. ~; 11 .L ~· x...uns wanlllp. ActiYe Member of . !Ind a -!die er apart-In Sal)ta Ana · . Brief_.. of creettnc from · ment. ts ...i-1lslng c:um!lllzy prominent c:leraymm of Southern FIRIT. FOURSQUARE CHURCH for a place. Her letter ts typical callf<l1'111L Marl< Batten Steffen-OF COITA M'EIA of the verbal pleu beln& heard Mental oufferine ca.-by de-· len. -directer. 'Mloo Marsaret Rev. and Mrs. Cl. Wiiiard ltoNme by tbla .,.,.._ and rnlton ai-roptoey remar)a conoernlng b1a L. Scharle, orpnlat. . ...-. most dally for 90QM! solution to must cal ability· were given u Phone 2171 tlleir boosinc .problem. It ts u cause for dlVorce. by. Jucha Rel· CHRllT CHURCH •Y 'THE IEA BWlday 8<-8:80 a.m.. follows : · fetz. noted vtollnlst, who ~ved __.lty M_ .. · XOl'DlD&" ""'*Ip ..mce 10:65. nan...,, Calif .• an Interlocutory deaee lut -k 1-·woot c:.non.1 •-~ ..n:. 1:00 p.m. • Dft.lal oa imPA!PD> Free: £1dmetea A INpecticm · W.l . ...._ \ . . ' 3811'.1 ~ Pb. Nwpt. 1012-J SP.eddz:btl' -lnft•• ,.. t • , . ;:s_• Your pauwacw w« ..... . . . I . •.•z as••• an 1 •w.-....._,~1J Jui. & 1946. trom his wife, the former Florence Rw. a. .o. G11 till, PMter · Berean llerVice ts:IO p.m. Dear Mr. Editor: Vldor., Rudolph Polk. a friend of Obuda -. l :llO L m. llYllllJI&" ......--at An ave:rage i, what tbe hen In the plalnt!tf foc 20 Y"&n, testified M....mc W~ 11 L m. 7 :SO p.m. . ---like the song about June ---Is simply the arithmetic 1ayw an eu a day In bi.I behalf. stating !be remarb TouUl l'ollo1nllllp, • p. m. · w--, nmlD&' Ji!fto1V _,,, Millions of Houses CHRISTIAN'S HUT ·~ Leman! ilanban. "'"-r i ..,_ Ollllfanla u tall over". .,... 'lbat I -· What I dool't were made In Ille ~ of s.-., ~onlllp, T p.a. ... at 7:80 ,p.m. ~ · · · -"•-'"" to know ts our c:6ance of cetlin& a fri<ndl. · Xl6-WMll !lft1W -. WoG-" . hundi'eds of ~ds of war veteralll!l ·~-='6 roof 0-our heD for Feb. 1. The oeparatlon occurred oeveial ~; ......... --· 1:80 c:oaTA MUA MUNITY DE'l..n:IOUS FOOD.· .. COCKTAIL 11.\R tes, and with the birth rate rising, a large part al the 'SJnce ecnton are the next best weeks.ago after 11 yean of·mar-p.m. CHURCH ., ·DINNERS ... ~OUEl'S .. ~ 's 140 mllllon population has DO plaOI! to g<>-nOt even to lather conf--. rm colnr to rled life. The couple have two C:.rl "I. Jo11n1 " Min- -to to · e 'take advantage of 1011r &ood na-cbllclren who live wltll their •ALltO~' llLAN1l9HAPEL 1H L -It. Ph. M75-R go · . · ture and tell you our tale of woe. mother at the family residence. 211 A te A...,.• OlwQ echool, 9:~ L m. Its usual custom official w ashiDgtai Is trying My husband ... otatlooed at the Harbor Island. R ... H•~ ·W. Wlllto, llGl1llDS Wanlllp, 11 o'clock e the problem largely through legislation. The only O-ash ~t Bw dawn on the , ,_,,,,. ... p....,. T<Mllll ' sroupe, mCti oclloOI. r... utlon to the.]>tOblem, of course. is to give the Ameri-Point. and we'd. like to live ck>oe Norman J:.. Barbre and bla bride, Chunlll llcllool, 1,80 L m.. term.Odlate. Adult, e:ao p • .._ · · -....n ...... by; within w•>klnc. diatance of the former Miu Gwendolyn Crea· KOl'Dins Wc:nla!p 11 L-.. 1111 k\s ~ T:ao o'c1oclL q,irlS!:nx~n Industry elbow room SO that It . can •"""' crocerY. market. etc. What we l!"r ot Los Angeles. and Ille lat. ' · ltfld-•-ffllloWmlp 11114 prayv, ction. If government tries to take over construction. really want is an honest-to-gooh ter'o motlier, Mn. Creager, were OUR LADY OF MT. CARMEL W-.clay, 7:30 p. m. .....in~ to have sti1I more rules regulations, directives house witll a fenced-In yanl. But Sunday guesta at Ille home of'Mr. 1423 Woet Cemral A-11 L J!I., Prayer and Sermon. ·a 5 ....... "6 • by .February we'll aettle for a Barbre's mother and sister, Mn. and--!Oelays. But very few houses. . weather,proof or'ange cr8te. Winifred Barbre and Mrs. Charlel SUnday vi ••: 8 and lO LDL [)jiriDg the ·~~ Amen'can industry showed what it could I am enclosing two ads. ot whlch Porter Jr.; flst street. Cont-om: Saturday• from A!ISEMBLIES OF GOD -~· 4:00 '9 5:30 11114 from 7:30 ·to do an emergency. nie present housing shortage is an 8 :30 p.m. Beary ... d Ida Sande, PUton UO!I «>ceaa · Front. N ... 1>0n Sunday school. 10 a.m. \ Morning se~ce. 11 a.m. • M~Hour , Radio 'Seivice B!>llZ. A'C'rO. JIAlll!OI RADIOS &l:P4 'IREI> . I ,. Burt It Norton Newport Be·;, Oallf. eu:"'I1El!!>CY'--l10 less. The real need then is for government ·to gl e· Its full cooperation to all phases o( the building Indus- try lhat tangible results may be obtained. (~OSSWORD PU%%1E IT. JOHN .. ~IANNEY cRURCH BAiboa! taland Sunday Kua: 8 :30 a-.m. Confemlou: Saturday• troro.. 7:30 to 8:SO p.m. Evening evangelistic service atl!...--------------~-------'---::! 7:30 p .m. - Rjiinaway prices for building materials and e<J11ipment must be prevented but it may be necessary to allow ·some • .&C&068 prlOI! adjustnlents to offset rising !abor·costs. Only by get· ting ome construction going on a large scale can the demand and pply for housing eventuaJly be broui:.ht into ~­ can with full government cooperation, however, and construction industry working a t top speed it's g" take several years before the millions of needed homes built. , it's high time we got started! Re amp Congress? gress hasn 't overhauled its legislative JI!achinery since And things ha e changed "quite a bit" since then. The Capitol Hill are 'trying to do business in this dizzy, lyniljnlc age with their old horse and buggy methods. of the biggest faults among the m any in the con-. . g1'~onal proceedure is that congresSmen have too many lhinl!ls to d<>-at the same time. For instance. a senator may be a ember'of three or four important committees. it Is not unusjllll for two of these committees to meet simultaneously. uu~g that hour an important debate may be taking place in senate. As a ~t. he must either divide his time am g the,three meetings and not be fully informed on what Is g:it in any of them, or .else he muSt stick to one and lgno · otherS. Neither arrangement Is desirable. 1 Great tear e Lath• 11 Manila hemp 12 Custom 13 Number 14 Sharp IS Cunning 18 June bu• 18 Apes 19-Jolna 21 Raised to third power MCUt · 28 Particle 29 Minute open in& IO Form of r lddle S2 Mauled S3 Wheel on a IPW- 35 Resort S8 Head " cover ing S9 Constellation 42 Poisonous 44 Klnd ot nut 46 F ruit ot Italy 47 Rappenip;g · 48 River <E ur.) 49 Pauses r DOWN 1 Go cby II "J .. ' 9 Montey 10 Sta ir 17 Ahead 19 Arboreal mammal 20 Part ot a ftower l•l•U•• e. Ht1:t IN••· • No. 19 31 Association football 32 Condiment 34 West A!rlca <abbr.) 35 Pack awi1 36 Stick 7 8 ' .. A•••lr &. P•.1de H•••er lt Micl.·week service, Thursday at ----------~-----------'-'-= 1 = 30 p.m PROFESSIONAL ·, DIRECTORY FIRST METHODIST CHURCH FULL GOSPEL CHURCH G. £dwln Osher, Pastor .AOOOUNTANT . !2nd and Elden~ Costa Meaa. E1:1clld at ~tanford, :Garden Grove.1. ,~------'------.., Sunday Khool, 9 :4.5; momµ>.g 9:30 a.m Cb.u'rcb achool for ·all worahlp, 11; EvangeltsUc .. rvice. •aeo. J. S. W BYTE d k t .._ nroou Til CONIVLTAJ'\"T 7:30 P· m.; M l ·wee prayer mee -·11:00 a .µi_ Momlnc Worabip: .6.othorlM!d bF Lhe On.lied !1a1.ee Trsu-- lng on" Wedne11aay, 7 :4.5 p. m.; Meaage: '1We ThBllk Thee." WT Department '° l'l'IPf'Mle.llt client. lll younc people'• evangelistic 1ervtce 11 ;00 a.rh. Nureery for au chil-eonneetto11 with il>rotne IU m"tera. on Y, : ..... P· dren durin eervtce. . eoo&KEBPIN'G 8&&VICS ' . PllYSIGIANl!l B 1!11JBGll:ON& F ' H. R. .\JALL, M. D. Pllyaldall and Smseon Hrs.: 2·5, by appoil)tment . . T elephone 2620 lSl Broadw'1' Ooeta !lee& . Frida 7 • • m. ~ AtTDITB • ftftSllB 6 :00 p. M ethodiat Y ouU:r F el-otn..·1 ... e...._ a1 ..... ; o-. ._ N~WPORT HARBOR lowahip. Yung Adult .FeUowsbip.1 ~ ___ .._ __ N_..._. __ ..... __ w_. --;'----'----------' LUTHERAN CHURCH 7:00 p .. ~g Worahlp:- Grauel Chapel, Co.ta ·Mesa Meaaage: , me Ye l.Jve." Aev. Herbert Roth, Pastor Servlcee: Sunday, IO:SO· Lm.. FIRST CHURCH OF ·CHRIST, SCl£NT16T Lido Theater, Centr•I A·venue and Via Lido A branc!l of The Mother Church, Tile Flnt Church of, Chrtat, Sci· entllt~ In &.ton. M•e98cbusetta.- Sunday School iLt 9:80 &. m. Sun· ·day Service at 11 a. m . Wednesday Te.1Umon1al ),Jeeting at 12 ~·ctock noon. • Reading Room located at 711 ' Eaat Central Avenut!; Balboa, ii open daily from 1 p. m. to 5 p; m.. except Sunday• aad bollday1 na· · Udnally oti.erved. The public la cordially invited to attend the churCb eervicee and WM! Armand Monaco AJicBITEcr 814 W. Bay Ave., Bal'- Nowport nu 17'!1 Litr.kewood Ave. Loo Ancel.. N0"""""7 MOS ATl'ORNEYS IWBERT GARDNER -ud--r .DONALD D. HARWOOD A:TTORNEY8 AT LAW 1'19 K. ~ 8'., llaata ha. c.ut. · ' -TEL&PBONIC8- DAY S<lBOOL8 Gordon-,.,.Grundy, tdJ). · ~ and ll!ujeoD Nbltll and Oentnl A"8. Otnce Bn. :10-U-a.m.; S·I p.m. hl•i*>ne 11 • Conrad Richter, M.D. · Pbjolctan and llurs- uo i:. 18U. St. . CO.ta Meea, Boan: 10-1! un. aDd l·S p.m. ~·., I' oth r , and more glaring -weakness in congress, is the • &eni · 'ty system which awards mf mberShip on the mosi im- nnriliit' committees and assigns tlie chairmanship of commit- tees ely on the basis of length of service. 2 Brolher·ot Cain ~Ships of a country 4 Frozen water 5 Frank 21 Vehicle 22 'Shoshonea.o Indian 37 Central line 38 IDgbest cards 40 SC:old ~ the Readtng Room.. Christian Science Text is 'Sacrament' Mortimer Scbool IOI' Con1 Bal.,_ b1am DR. G. ~ TOHILL PHYllCIA.N and &URGEON l20I Coa•t ·~Yd., New:port ...... nder this method the elderly congressmen from the Sou- states who are returned to office time after time hold ey positions: Some of these men are competent and piiogj;es:slve, but some of them are not. system of rotation would give younger and sometimes able members an opportunity·to serve in important posts and would do much to rejuvenate many of'.the "creaking" ttees . alone can make changes in its legislative ma- cbi~'Y· But in view of the antiquity of that machinery we the question . should be put to th'e lawmakers: How a thoroiigh streamlining :job:..'....now? abou e Flshe1 '1 Varnish • ln&rrdlent I Touch end to end 23 Cut hair short 25 Promise · 2:6 Before r1 Prim.llJ7 eotor .fl In.s ect1 '# 43 I have <contr.) .. Everun, (poeL) . . MODUfl . MARINE' SERVICE \_/ Tbeae .,.eniee from the Paalma are the Golden T ext in the Sunda7 Leaaon-Sennon on "Sacrament" lo all brancbe1 of Tbe Mothe r Cburcb, The Finl Church of Cbriat. Sclen- Uat. 1n Botton; "Whal aha.II I ren- .der unto the Lord for all bh1 ben~ fit• tow&rd met 1 will take the cup of aalvaUon, ~ call upon lh.e name of the Lord." In hi• Sermon on the Mount.r u g1ven. ln . Ma.ttht!w. J eau.t l f.J•. "Ble11ed. i.r& the meet : tor d:J.ey aba.ll-tnherlt the ea rth." In Luke'• Qoapel tt t. . repOrted. ·that "there SHELL DOCK wu also· a 1trlfe a.moue t,bem. which of them ohould be &0<·ounted the cresteet.:• ~d Jet1U1 1ald, NHe Our countr)C has been papulated that la g-feateat among J OU, tel hlm by pioneers. and therefore It has '=" be u the younger:~ a.nd•he that ta ' . 8 l.LBOA ISLAND chief, u be that doth 1erve ..•• ln it mor e energy, more enterprise. A. And I appoint unto JOU a klnJd«?,m. more expansive power than any u m.rl'Fa.ther bath appointed unto other lri the wide world. me." I - ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;Th~eodo;;;"'~Roooe~~v2e~lt~. ~===~========;;;==========~I In "'Science a.nd Health with Key to the Scrlpturea'" MU,-Baker' Edd7 aa.71, .. ~at we moat need j . .1 R. A N S p A R £ N T . . the prayer of fervent deolre f · • . '- I . Better Appearance •' Extra Comfort The new Transpare nt "Mater i al affords many advantage 1 he tetofore unknown to plate-wearers· . . . brings you' New Eat.inR Plea.sure and Improved Penonal Appearance . . . ~tfuctlve, but 'not expenslve. 11 AKE ENJOY WEARING YOUR YOUR PLAT,ES WHILE PAY.ING 0 W l'i -them on'.Dr. eow.n·s Liberal Credit TERMS Terms . . . Take any reasonable lmgth'" ...,4 tlme to pay. NO INTEREST OR EXTRA COST. --' ALWA:YI LOW l'lllCE8 • I ~ llfE.MIHlllli ~ 219 L.ociist An. " " _, ,.. . growth in grace, expressed ln pa.. Uence, meekneu, love, and good dffda.'' .. Keekneu and cb.&rttJ h&Te dlrlne authority." · IT. JAMES EPISCOPAL CHURCH 5115 Wed Central, Balboa (EMii Clubhou•) • . .. I I t • ,,_ •r ~-p, mfnd aftd a: pf.eC4!1 Of • Ma's m in;:t "' u.siUMl¥ Wu -""• .,_.,..,, !Uloiag&. '""+ , ..... PROTECTI N PIAN " I lt•pr•-otlvli .. . . I B. W. Gll:OBGS us 8t11 at. -u.c-- PIL B. B. -· Have you h1mill ' "EASY ACIS"'? fO-.. --'z+l : Mr .. ~ :.I,... . ' -: OoUoee. l'ropuUorJ< 1 DAY SCHOOL Now ()pM G.A. Mortimer, II.A., Od-1 l'J1nOlpml PlloDe Ill DlliNTIBTs DR. OBED LUCAS . Den ti at •' 2202~ w .. Central, , Ph. 1480 NEWPORT BEACH INSUBANCE New York Lue lnstlranc~ Company ~NB. DURANT ... OfdaW ..... OO~SA.. Ds.L M.U MOBTICIANB HAROLD K. GRAUEL CH,AJ'EL ''We Ounelvea tbe Better Serve By Servin« otberw Boot" · Phone Newport H1 ~ M-. . , Calf'-'la OPTOIU:'IWlii ROBERT A. CRAWFORD ~D. OPTOMETRl.IT 1:79 Demlnett • m..._ J"ltted 1712 N.woort BoulevaN ' -:M30 COaTA MEIA Bll&V&IOU SIEGEL: & RAUB \ 1. -. ... e.n ·a ~· J I ue:a•-..---~, +~ • ., \ -1":-::t.::F'* ~ I -Till1.1,-. . -. .. I i • I . 1 . PIANO · • PIANO TEACBER G. v. LJNSDiBARI> Graduate -.. 01a1 aw ta,. ' ... d Pb. 125> • 15:11 w. 0... n.t -~--' Offloo :zaa.w RM. 281'11 If No Altllw•r Ca.II N9Wpol'\ I ~Id Rauaa, M.D. 2830 Weat c.nn1 Aver. ,ewport 8eaoh Ph. 1028,jNO An~r call 901·M X 1 Ray lvvlol . I llllton M. Hu'well, M. ~ 1101 0out mW.7 I eorona 11e1 111ar I I Ottloo Boan: 10 • 1J I I S. R. Monaco, M. 814 Bay A-. Ba1boit Newport 1 ™. J. "8 IL Bill St., Loo A-.1"11ji TUolier 11U ' Bt .&ppoln-t T. P. Reeder, M.1 ~ & Smileaipl '1Ml Wo8' Chiropractic, ~~ Phyalo II< Colonic . 1no [._~ ........ ,.,.; ..... ,• ' . . • . • .I ' -. · -a.otse "' -1e. ~ .:,:: Well"'Known AathQI' ::·'!.. · -.,;::.;r~ Of 'l)hlti Gueat • . ' . • • ...... M!AfM BSft 4 • 111e Navy _ Separation At hJand Home Cl!lltl!I' •\ """"-' *"· m -. ~ _ __._.,....-+-----'"""' Mr. -anc1-111n. Eai-1-Scbmck anc1 ·ppo•c-·.,.,., ta, 1uu ~ ar.,. -~.,. 1o1, 11f1 r Mr -Mn: Mu DuPont ol · . Tahiti. SQCleb' hwm in the Total ...... ,_ Clerk .. Dz r I• 111&, 1ML . c-·th p-~-n ' -Bal• Recelpta: Gft.etlll. F\lnd-~ .~c. were cueata OD r Kut F . Holt, peyrnent lor damatred Dpt stand -'10.oo -IalaDil _o!.,_Mr. and Mn. Peroe Roy S, Nebon. n!Dt It bonua on pri>qe col_ l,llmOO Marpleo over the holidays. .~ ol u. S, rent on Aquatic Qontel' . - Sd>enck'• latett book, ''Lean -7 r l to 10 -31 :•-··-·--"---~---2,0()0.00 With The Wind" lo a teiectlan for 0~, Pie< pennlta ._, __ _,",_, __ . -' '15.00 . .. ----+------,...l Janllary of ihe Bc>Ok«-the-llonib Oiaat Co. rent Central _AVf!, It dies. 4-5-6_ 332.!!0 club DuPont went to Tal!jtl with a Plannln& Olnunlsslon heanng ----10,00 the ·late ~ ... •--F~~--~ u . s. Govt . ....,t on hay frcntaae -·-·· 920.83 ...... .,.,....-~~ ymn F . L. Rlnehart, 't clalm -- aao, aDjl ruyect Lot 89, 'l'raJ"' 94lL ____ , __ ... ~ .. --·-··-'-·,--··- Neivnnrt-!Jalboa Tourist Bureau All ~des of Travel to Europe, .Mexico, Hawaii Rolm4-the-World 'nips In the near. future. See . . ·Boy 5-Pb. S91, SOI Palm, BN1- I...ot 1, Blk. 4 ------------·-.. ------···-:·--_..,.--· Lot 20;21, Blk. 43, Riv. Sec. , ..•.... _, ____ , .. ", Lot H, Blk. 431. Lancaster ··-·-.,-.. _ .. _,_ Lot 24, Blk. 8. Sec. No. 3---···-,···----.. -· Portion Blk. F , Tract 919 -----·· .. -·.,-- Lot 4, Blk. 49, Ocean Front --.. -... ···---·---,-Lot 3, Blk. 733, Corona de! Mar , ..• "_, ____ _ Prlsmo Oillf. Co., ·s-ga1. Steel paint ldts -·-·-' So. Calif. Tel . .CO., pay station collection ---·- Geo. Vanderbilt, rent on Dk. No. 2 It ~ -~ · L. ·H. Eckell. Cl>. Auditor foc lifeguard.~ R. L Patterson, sewer 1upt., sewer cUmectiom: Office ol Strategic Ser., rent on parcels A &: B .. Loren I. Hillman Inc., oil lease 93 acres ···-····· R. R. Hodgkinsor, lie. col., busin@sS licenses ··-·· Boan: 10 L m. t. I p. m. '------1----------------._--'. Robt. Gardner. r.;;,uce judge, fines collected ... _ 85.79 17.97 . 35.60 176.56 -932,45 '18.01 9552 15&14 6.00 17.98. lll,00 2,520.00 420.00 650,00 930.60 '160.00 425.00 • • • ' ( • \ I IDM I ::__ ADToG.m nam:a .. .. .. •• ai •• ...__v-1n..• .. -... --.111111aa-. .................... .,_ -............. ... Dfttt tf 'llb:I • ~ft I ;cllllf:' ftlo it tloo .... 'I If a - • • :I . I -t-.... ~lallola ~. llJ Clooirso • "'J' . ol .DolQ!os TRI: ..... • A....._, • · LMtiw ere•••' w ._ ~ted A.oefatioL -AblriF?a He deeJand ~ 08 •<Get Ot "'-"111; (l) ' lnozltt a *8 =~u...r-~'= ~=-:a II -~~ 'll0,000 -can wUl bO llOld wwwl mt, (I) .,..._. ,_ -,..., ·l60 ·-'1pUarw -.. , -"" oatl!it. 1•> mo!M1 1pont for can -rou. m"bic~?ta o11o., ~:'; Can on the ro..t are a 99lbol of \'Ohtm9 f motleJ' la drnlalloa. .llotolt, oD = ·modo W.ll~ll:= mtlono and 1hoJ>i! an hoYhic l>a1lne. lumod a~ fnlm them P "' b diapatea. . The demand for autornobihe le Delayed STRIKES, durin1 the such-today· that r pr!oduttto. Victory war actuall7 reta1'ded1 per worker micht u.edl llll ne-. . , 11 I I I I ' I ' ,. • • -~ I Francia J:Bor tadh 11NOOD Tllf8B8VICS ' ' 1'1lanl a.I .J. t , Ill .... 8'. . ' P.,l.P.ALMER LIDO ISL!! PPOmUl!S . ·;,;.,;,== W 0 BIXX-Ins..ran:ie Counselor tL. isdo ~Ji..( ·I 3333 VIA UDO cALI~! · I ' " .. • A. ~;ufJ,,~p.i:ft. S\JP'::::: ... ,, .... -.-· .. --·-,---. ~~~~ =::1~ ~::::::::::::::::~::::::::::::::::::_·~::=: Pl~stering pe~ts : ......... ·-·--······--·-····---···: ....... . • Olimney perrruts ............. -···········-· .. ---···········---· 810.00 151.50 143.35, 18.00 5.00 2.25 8.00 . 111ttitar7 production. ords and •till not t~y the,.._ Our ceneralt .. 1d theJ hindtted· lk •rpo~ for • romnc -. .-.---~--.., , 1 ~~lo~~i;,~ei: :':.~~~. •nn:ht'fn~ -~;~io:~~~ !~ 1:•,!rf ma:! ! 1J111111tntu1 1 11111111M111111u1u1111111111llWll9n1111111119111111U••·"'· ---• men win ~ttles. · And now they ble limit to the int r.weT of • ~ an fnterferlnc with the c:hri~ a ~killed auto e wor er. Bui .-Mod · d U to-D te . . n1e permits _____ ................ : .................... ---····-·-··· Sale of copies Zoning Ordinance ................... -- R. R. Hodgkinson, tax collector- Taxes and assessments-eurrent .. -······---···---· . Redemptions · ................. ~ ................................... _. 1915 Aet full pa.id assessments ....................... . F . L: Rinehart Assessor- Unattached personal taxes .............................. .. Dorothea Wils6n, librarian, re.nts & fines ........... . .------l------------------"I Robt. Gardner, police judge, traffic tine$·······-··-- .. • 1 P.E . & Laguna Bus Lines rent on park. spaces .. G D B tt Police Dept .. receipts Balboa parking lot .......... .. · eorge_ , asse . Collection o! ~er payments. ·---------·--·····--··--·--··· J. S. Barrett. engineer expenses on COM sewer enera' -nd Tax Accounting Sale oe city property· in December ·----·-·----··---··-··-J.-CI R. L. Patterson water supt., rev. water dept .... . Fishermen's Bookkeeping Total .............................................................. . --Disbursements: 2602 W. Central Ave. Newport Beach . ' one 18al-J NoUlry Public current ExJlense F\Jnd ................................ , .......• $23.924.22 Park Expense Fund .................................................. 383.43 Water Expense Fund -·········---····-··-·-······-··············: 7,879.99 Advertising Thnd ···--·········-········-·-····---········---·· .. ·· 838.58 Library FUnd ............................................................ !Jfn.07 Special FUnd .............................................................. 3,438.91 Unapportioned Fund ................................................ 193.04 · Property .. ,................. .............................................. 150.50 '------!-------------------' General City Bond Redemption .............................. 11,312.50 Retirement ..................................................... ,..:....... 1,327.40 of these ..,.. men fo• getting . the strike hu ..... broke .. j . e"l. an p-~ steady jobs at good pay after production1 • .- they have flnished winnintr the i Bl p F 122,303.27 ~~-Thia .. tbe road to economic 10011ni":-;,1~r.·u i~:3 s .. t!~~ :: i ue . r"1n·t"1ng ac"1l"1t1·es· 1•1~M Speedy ....,, •• ,.. la moro Im, ;~~.!ct ~h~ Cn~o ~~~:i~"!':,j'~ ~ · ' . : ' · portant to the .American people 11 down. The ol sition"a squa\... ~ 309.84 tn.ow than \~n1 1 monef7 rleodnsi~~ra-bJe--play can de us. A m"rica ~ 162.01 ion or an,. r. nt o p e ~inc hna evecythinrr it kes to win-bat 1 ~ 707.00 contended. am a man of n:la-teamwork. Why ot produoe now ! 50 00 tively amall earning and ~ be-to meet Ole needs Ot a desi>erate =· 197~ lieve I can 1peak .for milliona· of public and aettle iapute1 later! 5 1.107.26 1---------.--------ie------~ ri--------''-------------. 2.Til.31 Thr Loeal M · I ladies' night din r meeting. • Pick-Up and Delivery Service I 1,300.00 ee . -~ Findlay and 'nsfather-. past ~ ~--------------------...J • 7·304·19 Elected Directors presidents or • ·organization i 12,984.05 Photostating up to 18 in . by 22 in. $640,084.97 Of BUI"lders' Exchange were re-e!ecteq. . ectors. Hootet-~~~ . Ier is serving his · t term. ~ Watch for .Opening Announcement . ' I i Sam Kins.father,, Gortlon !o~ind­ lay, and Ross Hostetle.r;;promlnent contractors ,,.,ere elec\ed to · the board or directors of . the Orange County Builders Exchange at their anrlhe.l election of officers just be. What is most ecessary· is that i every man sho d realize tllje ~ necessity Of fa.i ul and boneSt ~ work, every aft oon.-Theodore ~ Roosevelt. ! Blueprint & Photostat SJtop I • • • = ' ' ' , Camp ..................................... ·-'·-·-···-·-···---····--····--····· 384.50 50,820.14 $589,264 .83 216.51 tore 'lhe hoUdays. Walter' Geldert It is J:lard to fa ; but it is worse was named president, installation never to have tr to succeed- to take place Jan. 10 at the annual Theodore Roosev lL ~ ' ~ Costa MM& • I ' . i . ----••111111111111111n1u•n1u11111,!111n111111"u111111rir11111ri1~n1ii1u11r11~111u1u1U9HlllPlllllllll-­Engine \Equipment Co. Balboa Island 1_11 Tel. 1723-J Agents for HEPPARD DIESELS Ford & Osco "Jeep" Marine Motors -·-. ' Fresh Water COOiing Systems -Heat ·changers for any size motor. -·- \ • In St · k: 10 h. p. Falcon Water Cooled · Mar· e Motors equipped with Paragon Rev se Gears. Total Funds per aerk / ............... ~-----···--·· Outstan<ting Warrants ... -.......................... . Total Funds per. Treuurer ................. :........ 589,'81.M -Respectfully submitted · 92 Fires Listed By Fire Dept. During Year 1945 January 5. 1946. To the Honorable 1.Iayor and Council, Gentlemen: ' · F ollowing is the Annual Report of the fire depat5tment for the year 1945: Flreo Public alartnS ................................ 22 StUI "1arms ................................... 70 J. A. GANT, Cily Treburer. "POP" CORM By Realow Harril ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~=~~~I Repor,ted fH:es ................................ 3 -.Rescue serVlce. etc ........................ 11 ~----l'------------------. Investigations ................................ 9 ·YO R DREAM HOME Squad calls .................................... 38 ---Total fires ............. _ ................. 92 In buildings .................................... 19 ~ . Soda Crackers ,_,._ 17• ... BU$Y Bak ... Brond. l -lb. boJc, 30c. ., . lle-1•1e1 -are(aUy oelect quality 'meata;. and properly -sie ..._., we ma gaanntee them lender and juicy every time •• •' • )'OW money back. .4.nd 'becau9!' ·they are ·trfmmell ~ree .. d .901d .•t Safeway'• regular low prieeuJ we ...9" Mire yoa"ll agree that in meats, •• in all lciodo.'1-.I"' inore and ......,_more at Saf-ay. • 3_90 lb. C RIED BEEf , · I A llei~~that1Joe,wlwlef~ywW cnjoy. . RClmD 1=1F ,· ·=~ • j ' ' ' Others .............................................. 73 T de~, jnlcy, qaall~. Fme f or meat loaf. HF .· ROA~S · .. "-. SEfD .HIE. lb. 27" lb. 2ac: •. 1sc: c .. -"'!. - • ' . .. The' You Want -May ldvertisetl On To ay's Classifi~ Page , - er Classification Number 47 · to Own Your Own Home J! you t have sufficient money for the down pay- ment concSqlt 'the Real Estate Loans classification Num- 00, 55 for who will help you finance your property . . this dlean,·Fomlly Newspaper , _'OIRIS'ltAN 8aENcE M<>Nilal ' ~~· trucks, etc ........ -............ -..;·12 A.n old Jh}&ermcm cail·Cll1DC1r1 catch s ·-·-.......... _ ............................... lJ a tnooer Jt•h than ci 11owno /tile Dwellings ................... : .................... 12 °" accoanc o/ Mota' J<moer Private garages ................... _ ....... 2 ann.t Mercantile ...................................... 5 · Electric motors ···········--······-···----5 ----------- Electric equlp"!ent ...................... 11 r----------.. 1 Grass, weeds ···•···-··-··-·-·-··-···--.21 l'ruh, refuse ....... _ ......................... 4 Unclassified ................................... 8 Smoke scares ................................ 4 Chimneys ... -....... : ............. ·-·--······-· 1 False alarms ..................... : ......... 4 c • ._ Srriokers-cigarets, etc. .............. 18 Ind. Careleuneu .................... + .... 26 Electrical origins .......................... 15 Explosions ................................. ____ 7 Heating, cooking .......................... 6 Child and .matches ........ ·---··-··-.. -· 3 .\Velding operations ....... :_ .. __ ....... 3 Hot ashes 1J1 box ...................... _.. 2 Set , ................. ····-··--'······-····----····-··· 1 Fll"e Lola ' Ch b • Beer Wines Liquers ·Whiskey Non,chargeable .............. 12.847.00 Boots and Roy Keene argea le lou ................ $ 6. 770.50 I • Total ...................... l.$19,617.50 Palm and Bay, Balboa Respectfully subrpitted, . Phone S91 F . \V. Crocker,jChief·End. - , PNCE AGAIN SAM'S I SEA FOOD SPA . ' . Offen You the nn..t PIMe to Dine ID Orang,; Coaaty: All · New -~ - Even the l.c>eation ..• One-Halt Mae East Ot Old LoCatioo on Coast Hlgbway. Beautiful New · · Cocktail Bar We .1-1 Soutbent California In Ille Sat' g ~ ~ SEA Ji'(j()DS -. AUlO . YOva 11i.ct 'o1 :~ -VJBIT OUR IU'l\!HDI - Sam's Sea . Food Spa and Fish Market c-..... d). • ' '~I "-. lWD.181£ Se eoaeohheoellllo~ch~loei"3'· 'i Canterbury Te::x 'h-lb. poc;koge, 43c:. Cleanser• ""'";""' . Brand ,,,... .. -<~ Peaches ca.11•~;::, ,,~ ~ 23- Highway Com v,:: '!:"· 13~ EEF PLATE MEAT lleat bolllas ....,. "-lo'tr priee. BELL PEPPERS ' . ~. fnoh picked. Try baked ttaffed bell pepperl. . . .. 25~. WHITE TURNIPS FBall FUJI .. r.. -7" . I . ' . Sweet, len<jer ~h)te me.L Sen• them . ..---d. TENDER PARSNIPS -~ 1·2°· Smooth,.finn, right liae £o•eookl111-ca-.. 1.:..t. . A.VIVA. DOS . FUEil';&: . ,.... ff PE ~40F · Rlch·tooliag taJ.d fraiL Nlttfor aand~eo, too. f -. --· ------------- llEVBtA6ES No~~~ff~~ Inst;it Coffee G. WOINlt0for1 8rond. ..... 239 - Malted Mille ·-17--.. lor4ien'• lrond. o.c.oldt• ftoww. ' . . Tootsie V-M °" '"" u-. .,,_ •·=ed .. VttorNnClnd .............. . AppleJuiee '~-'."-,JI• DOI NOii • n....·rooc1 -·" ' llOUSlllOID •• , ' Bo .. r 20-T------~-· . •""-.... Toilet Socij;) : z_ 11-.... ,......,, . 1- Aluminum Cleaneir '.!:"' I• . _......_ '--~t .. Drano . "'=:" ~I .. Wkxter Softener = :·• . "-N RubWm...,--.. -I ' .... ... ........ ·"' SAlll'AIT..,_ t b . ·-· ex ..o. •.;,11 . ., a --· •. as' 0 .... """"" . -~DogFood ..._....., --=-·: -·· r ~da• --. SAFEWAY VALUES TomatoSoup = Tomatoes Go~ ... BabyFood = __._. ...... • Plum Jam """ """"' '!:I.I• ~.:L It• ·•: ?- Noodles Gold"'"''"'.°"" '""' ..... -M«f""'1 Ot wids. ..... A-. Noodles """"A·• "'°""· •~ 13-. 1 • Me<t"'"' wMfth.. \ ... Dried Peaches-"".:='"~· r19 White Rice w~:::;:"' ~:_-l°I • ROUI AND CIRIAl.S Enriched Flour !;!' 29" Kitdwn Croft. 10-lb. IOdt, 55c:. . . Flo\lr _, ·-•• .... tr ....... . ... ' . ! lconomicol lS·lb. bola. 97c:.. FlQur .. 1".::.. ..._ • :: 21" 10-lb. boo. 55c. • · Bu(:hrheat Flour ':.:' I,. ' !1 AArtt ,..,... ..... 40-u. s*o.. Jlc. ' W Offle Mix ,, Duff'.• ''-· tza ·1 ......, ...... Potato Meal ~....., ::: 119 BaJring Powder '!:'° U• 11 ... ,.,_. - Ru'likela M • ... ·-119 ·I!. -a.. ...... . Ch••• . ·~·. \~ .. ~ .......... " -, .... ..,_ ·-. -r.-.=:. ~ r--~-.. ,_n+=.Meal -. -.. .......... ... ..... ~ • ' ' : I I · • .· ' r ' ~! 1 · ,J Pog Food -•,;.-l!i..• 119· . I ·';Fl&':: .... : ;7w::::01:1;::n:-=•~-~"j5~~~t:::·=,:,::--1 1 Eb : . ... . :--·---·-... ..... ;11tB &.0 '" 1 . . .... a.,._.-•. 2 \; -·· . ' . t • ( .. • . • • /, • J ' - /• • " • -• I. r .. • .. --· -' I ' Spo , J errler of Guadalcanal, ·'f 1Si • ng in · Corona del Mar 0: L BENEDICT him, and took hiin to the police fields and ocean were Who put him on a plane and he of Spotty'• supply of was "'!'elcomed back by his buddies and fish, so he ha.4 no at the·next stop . desire f the G.l . rations of his S potty is fond of all the ·pets Captors. t took quite a time after arOund the Talley farm. four dogs his capt ~. Olristmas: 1944, from of ~aried pedigrees and the latest the Japs n Guadalcana1 before ~e addition, a pet deer called Baby, enjoyed good Steak. who was given to Mr. Deal re-- Later, potty, a llttle white ter-cently ~hen he and his.wife were rier, a good aolclier saving on a fishing trip lo the Eel River. the lives of Americans in foxholes, Oregon. ' for he ved the Purple Heart. Friends of the Deals had found He was made Sergeant Major the fawn and railed It UDtil at five Spotty t the Marine COrps. He mOnths she was adopted by Spotty. was demoted lattt when he was She follo\\"S Mr. Deal around as a courtinaftialed for ~-I under the dog Would and Spotty follows her. influence of intoxi · g liQ!¥>r With dignity Spotty comented to . and was fined ten s . He has have his picture ta.ken with her a medal of Crou Bodes and Steak afterward giving hex a kill: In elusier. a Purple Heart with one fact all the dogs and the deer are star in · it, rates the Asiatic· Rilr the best or friends, llvtns under bon wi two at.an. He is slightly ll'\e gentle influe'nce of their mu· deaf belnc bluted out of ter. "Two lambe 1have been added foxholes to thf? pe_t!. i He ri on top of t he car when 1Mr. Deal has ~bffn ln tbe Ma· he ts w{ ~ master, ~~t R. rinea · 1s years. While the Deals Deal, W ant Officer of the Ma· live in Carlsbad. they come here rlnes. o with his wife has been often to attend their stand on the vi.siting er parents, Mr. and Mrs. highway where he sells smoked L Talle , State l)lghway. Spotty fish. The stand has been closed Was trai ed to ride o.n careening 1t.his winter but will be open soon. Jees» ao. findl 'it easy to·rtde on Spotty knows where he can get the car top. ·He went A.W.O.L. fish.· from train on· hi& way here '°m t!:61t. A little boy tound Dairymen Ask :;:;::t;:O;;i;;;S;;;;;;S;;;;;l;;;;;;';;;;;;S;;;;;;;, I Bottle Return; · Shortage Exists uor-Store I . I .. •• s Coast Hiway Soutll of the Arcbea Tueoday Miss J ean Reed, 928 Via Lido Nord. will.spend the. coming week end in , Beverly Hills with her grandmother, Mrs. Isabelle Reed. Mrs. Carl J ohnson, 420 W. 19th street. Costa ~'Iesa. who has been ill for the past month. is now able to be up for a few hours each day. reetlng Carda and a Gr-eat Variety of Unusual Gln.,.r- "WE INV1TE YOU ·TO BROWSE AROUND" C. E. LOUCKS JEWELFtY and STATIONERY Dlamonda • Watohea • F ine Repairing . Pbone Newport: 1511·B ·1797.99 Newport 81-Vd.,' Costa Meu, Callf. ELCOME CAFE 2560 Newport Blvd~, Costa Mesa Plione 433-M Finest Place to Dine Famous Com pie ti Dinner · • PECIAL Open 11 a. m, to 2 a. m. . ARRANGEMENT. FOR PARTIES OIJB KITCHL'I OPES FOR INSPEcrJON WM. E. LUDEW<G. Prop. A E. Refrigeration Service . Domestic '-"""'mercial -Marine ( . . . • ' I .. pair Wori< on All.f;lousehold Electrical· Equipmenl) · --..J .• rtERIES CHARGED 30 Minab;!s ....... ov lat·-lneteDe4 -~Cllarpr. BRICATION ' PECIALIST . _,;;;;r ,._, . . ......... ..,, ned7 -Pie io ...... ,... ............ -. ~ .. -...:-~:p=·=•~•::t Job ot srer"wc aad ~ M A twoe of Espert: Keet rlm .ow wve J'08 VIRG'S GARAGE T!iUOO PSODIJCl'B '• QA8 8T.&-'l'ION MIJlj '!eet Oeatnl A;e1-. NewpoK·a-dl • t Jns1it17 'IUI 1 ~ ft arr ut _. llM-W f , • . . -1 \ • l ~ • " , • • MCWH'.91 BAI.BOA MEWW • ii 1 I • . ... ., ' l • Udo ·\le_ · ~~:;~t~ ~ai:::=m...a'11r SHIP n.&NSAcriNo a11u-~ aa1c1 Oiun<y -s~ • Improvements ~ ~7 -1~01JB ~~~-~~)ii. 24 .. 31. ~" ' ~ NOTJCJE OF ANN1J4 ·contem· 'plat·ed· ~::'1.: ii~ J;;;d~;' i: ~ lllElt'rDIG O~ •c-ryi, .. . do . hereby certify that they are Tile Annual MoetJna ot -. . :;::..a r.,:;~1·~~ ~~ ;!,~ ~ s:.=.:ea. · At a December meeting of tile buslll<SS Incidental tljfr"fo or m will be held at ,the ~ ,board of.d;.rectors ot the Lldo Isle con~~tion th~~~ With lts ,office, 3333 Via ·uoo. Ne~ Assodat1o!J-various lmptovetnents Pi~¥pa'J place of busihess llt Post ~. California, r. on Jan~ on tile ~land were announced. and Offl.'\" .Box 4_13. Stantpn, Oranae_ 16th, 1946. at 2 oOI) o'clock 11' tbe a list of those accompli&hed were Courity, ~iforrua, 1at ·K._tella aftH'nOOO, for the purpose of ~ • relayed to residents. Plans· tot A~nue and Hansen. Street. un-ing two ~lors, ratifying acta ... further recreational facilities as de' the 1fictitious firm name of of Offtcen and l>lrecton.. ~ yet unanounced, and ·planting of OOX BROS. ~NSjI'R~CTI8N ing. report!. revi~ing Pf~t!M trees on the island were among co.~ and that satd firm lS com-made foe the past year, ~ • the .impto_Vements contemplated.. posed of the folla:wing persons full report of the .A~~'a All vacant lots have been clear-whose ~ ~d addresses are as financial condition, hearl.Dc j &11 ed of weeds, the terraa-in front .follows: _.;..J .outline of a program·for the~ of the clubhouse paved 6.nd a Harold E. Cox, J'r., P ar:_tner, 1~ 19'6, ·and the tra.n14ction ~ lfUitb. metal rail· placed above the bulk-East Bay Front. Balboa. CalifOI'-other business u may ~ head, the patio of the Qubhouse nia. . . • come before the meeting. 1 ·j . paved, for pic'.nicirtg, plant!. and . Alvtn Ji. Cox. Partner, 1695_ Pa· NEWPORT BALBOA FED~ trees in the parkways and aJong cific Avenue, Corona drl Mar, Cal· SAVINGS AND LOr!L.' the Strada have been trimmed. ifornta. ASSOCIA'nQN : and electrolii!:rs .given a coat oI. Roderi~k D. Cox. Partner, P . 0. P. A. P..tmer, . PATIO OF OFFICEBS' MESS. at tM S-ta Ana . A.rm)' A,lr Bue, wlddl. la part .of U.O tremmd.oaa ·aluminum pa.int, according: to the Box 3, Balboa Island. California. Pub.-Jan. 3, 10, 1946. I/ hue w1IJcla trom 8&D&a Alla aad W~ ,._.,rte may IOOD become~--the Sarpl:us Proper*>' report to rRemben. M. A,. Cox, Partner, 1695 Pacific • • ~ Admtn'•tratlon bellevlnc the 900 acre P"IM'ri>' aDd lmprowemeut. to be worth more Ulan Dine rnU· Authorized for the comina year ·Avenue,, Corona del Mar, Callfor-For quick rwulta u. ~, Uoa dollan.. More Jlaaa u,ooe eade&a, oftkien \nd enlllted penonDel were there at the pe&k or • &:r&l.nlng. . . are installation of a ce~nt walk nia; • : T1mes clall1tled ealumm. ll!1!1' Council Approves New Gas Masks For Fire Department Mesa Homemakers • ·wazN Funet1ona1 -N~ To Study Bread_s iiurtur1>aru:eo such u s1 .. .,. " " , -·-Cruldn-l!riltability, -&e.tleunNB or Nervoa• Headache The Homema~ers club of' Costa tnterfen with your work. or 1poil Mesa \\'iU me-et Wedo~sdiJ,y, Jan. 70QJ' eood times..t&k• 1•6 at 9 :30 a.m. a t the Ji,ome of D' l'I I I Mrs. William Hirtler; 415 West . r. I .. erv~•· 19th st"ect ~ The demonstration _(L,lqUd • UerYaceat 1ab1et.a) will be On "Quick Bread''; with N~ .Tendon can mh.. yoa Mrs. F . A. Parsons and ,Mrs. Lil· . Wa.blal. Jitt.wy, lrritablie. Ner- lian Johnston. as project le~ders . · YOUI Tension can C&DM Nen-ou B-d .. IM and, N""-lil,cUc-A marria ge licen~e was issued u.i.. la ttm. lib th--. we an, this week to Etmore H. Lord. 37, _.. llbl1 than a.aal to ·becom• Costa Mesa, afid Maxine WiC.k· MW Wt'OGCht and DG"foaa and '• Two new self -contained gas ham, 32. LOs Angeles. wfah for a eood Mdatin.: fir. masks y..·ere r equested by the fire -;;:::::::::::::::;;;::::::::::::::::::~ XO. N~ la a eood Md&tll'll departme nt at the regular city t --mild. bat tifeetift. council meeting last MOQ'day. M" esa( . It ',.;. do ·• ... Dr. )(Dftl- Chief Frank Crocker explained Xerrim :JOU can"'t kn01!f .w:hat 1ttl that their six old ones-were ot LIQUOR SHOP wlD do .. for 1""-ll ....... fia fr. · · , · 1 • .._... p1 u~ Tahi.t • of Much-Wanted OFFICE SUPPLIES • .. • • • ·• • • • JUST RECEIVED and Now Gi Stock, the Following: • STANDARD STAPLES for. almost any Stapler. MUCILAGE in bottles and tu~ MONEY and RENT RECEIPTS in singles duplicat!'" and triplicates. RED ROPE ENVELOpF.S; also legal size STATEMENT & BILL HEAD·blaµk pads. . . ' RING BINDERS, llx8¥.,; 3-hole sheets. . . ARCH BOARDS, h!_tter 1111d legal sizes. . . \ PHOTO MAILERS to send phQtos to "the . boy.. I .uiT GUM and ERASERS. c ·o_inplete Sloeks in Other Lines Newport Balboa • ! M ost dog• think molt 1 ·at.s are ""· Americall ond vfc4 Jer1er. an' it 1etm.1 like a Lot ~ tAefr owa.- .,., feel th', 1ame war. su 1c1ent pro ectton or men n-. 1;;;:-~ _...11_ 900tll.i_•• io . tering the hold of a boat, a nd so 1822!--l Ne~tt Bl...-d.. _... and. ~~ucbt .;;.,.... -N E W S-T 1· M E S ... had been· severely "smoked up," Plenty of Whiskey WHY ool!l'T YOU TKY -IT T · requiTing resuscitation. No llrott lo 9.ny of · , ' Two new sell · contained air om mercllandbe o.&: It at yoar dras St.on, Out of Eternity the new Day is masks costing 'S300 plus ta.X wer e a'wi~t tablet. l5f ·aed ,T5f, .::>soil w. Central .Ave. Ne·wpo,t ~ - . " ' l ~bo~m~;~~~~~~'."'.1~:'.'.:~~reco~~m~m~en~d~ed~.~Tll~e~m~a~tt:e:r~w:a:s~a:p-:!.!::::~C~O~Ps~.!~A~ME~N~~~~C~A:44;1·;"':·:·;::!J~~~r~·~•:J&f~,~·:""~~:l~.OO~T~· .. ~lleod~rlii~·~~;~~ed~~~'""."'."'.':~""."""."""."""."""."""."~~~~==i:';?ii~~::::~""."~~ Into Eternity at night w:ill r eturn. proveit l?Y· the council. ne e .. , , I I I .. I DOROTHY DARNIT , • WH .. T5 Tij,l\T I 5EE? . ~ -- - • J I -·-· • L~,.S 'IOV ~,. We1G~tP • • • ,.·--. • 'l .. ,. ~ 8 == .· (A glance proves. the ~rshlp of the News-Tln)es) __ _...:B:.:.,y_C;.ha_;_r._.Ie_s_M_c_M-.a_n_us· _· _ _,.I....., . Tl\E -OLD .\,08~TER._,.. •· o;t,--:--_ ~ ; I- .. ' -., I • , '. .. • '· l\E''3 cou..i'.To HA'JE A _. '-----·---.V1':.1ToR, ~IC::llT NOW- , I ' . •• " .. ' • ., ;i • • ..~ 'I .• ~ ' ' '• • . ' '4'• ...... : --- ' • ' • " . . ... ~. , . .. • 1 , • ; ~ \ ' ' .. ~· M&WH>ln' BAL80A • H ~-' 1-1. 1W / t · ·1 -- ~hi~b1e ~:6:l6am "Children · lnS~ .Destroyer·· ~~J~e}udge· · ~!;,1~~-on~:~~~:-.. :. ·· =:~,; .. ~"T~ °::'..~:!~~~:As Reward for Selling Bonds For~~ .. v~!!bt>:-~~g=~a:.. ~·~~~ tcllc>lanhipa ottered the d ty court. conducted by Bob _,...;, hoo\ --. be waived tlK! trial beca.uoe lie had of the 1619 American olfioen and qn Wainwright is along the the -lawn started In the Coot& ttl.ltt.O~Untvenity of Red-Gardner at the dty hall, the · ............. -seven grammar sc ·1 saw~ In_ the county.lnstitutlon, men '!t'ho were lost in one ol.. ~e Gent"tal. George ' Patton type. he. Mea. public ~· The 10· 9Cl'9 · schol hi d youthfUl judge collecting $1132 sludentl,, representi~ those who Stead G th ·tn the meantime been sentenced to~ _tra.gle ~ ot the war 1S recall«!. He was rough and t~h, ·set aside by thef county tor ·puk ~lanhi~ ~ 8t:i. from finet during the month of :1dcts ~-~~ n=ls °!w~·~ . y ro~ ~ Quentin Ol'l the prev10Us a visitor for ' few days attthe and ~e 1men under him loved it. purposes and cared for by· tbat 1. ~ December &Jone Thia contrasted n m 0 · e Sh b · ' Charge. . harbor. HP is Lieut. Comdr. K.. The . fought vali&ntly under department wlll 19000 be 1ln a.- ._. with $15 •during .the month of De-the destzoyer Hale' last Fri'day, OWJl y . The list of juron for 1946 were R . Wheeler, 'tll o with 1~ than these' co . anden even after • ..:.y follo••"•• a-pt•-of ."'£.._ ..;_t n1 will be held tn · and report b. most thoro~h in-p ' · J • 10 perce tort Bataan n uJC "!""""<& ........ ~ T"--U111 ..,.,,. Anaheim, an. 12; In San Di<1!!>, ~~ 1::0 when 22 cases we"' spedlon of the ship. • osta -Receipts _ BJlnounced as JollOWll : -be --n --p soners -knew ~defense of. the ''rock" of ihie<. bids maile by G:i: ff.- Jan. 19;· Loa Angeles. Feb. 9; • They w ere accompanied by Miss , Wayne Harper, Box 676, Balboa P~c~edft theM~ of.ha ":!P Was l{uti . . of s.nt& Ana.. «\ and in ands, Fe~. 16. In the last month of 1940 the 22 Joan Hancock of the school fac-(Continued from Page One) Island: Mrs. DoJvthy H eacock, 1"';Jm . . a ar r At er e Jap sUrrender. a Nip PreViously bids were rejeCted -;::;;;;;;;;;;;t;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;-I cua included 16 general on~ ult)'. W • .H. Hitchman of the South Box 365. Ba1boa lslai1d; Mn. Lil-,.to the .Ja a! land m December. doc,«?r e in to read · the u-by the superviscin whein ~ na· 1 • ~kenness, thievery, and ~-Co<dt Co., Arthur Adair and M n. <Joroaa del Mar lian Dodd, Box 257. Balboa Island; 1944: lived to __ l ter enter the Jap planatio~ or their giving up. the •hove the $5000 maxlml=. ..,. turbing the peace. There w~ Vernon Mathew bus drivers tor ~a del Mar turned in one Everett S. Gardinet, Box 6, Balboa pnson at MoJu on Kyushu island. officer 88.ld .. The e-mperor Was hittfna-as high as $1g,70DJ , . ~ only s.ix traffic fines 1evied. Eig~ the school. ' of the most spectacu.Jar gains in Island; Mrs. Nnna Hyer, Box 395, 8!'d aft~ northern Koree.. credited l ~th wishing .to save his , -~ ' • cases were oommitted to jail, and The group was met and given a Teeelpts l"ith 17~ per cent' more -Balboa Island; Mrs. Eleanor Allen, -Lleut. Comd -Wheeler._ when people 1rom extinction be<:ause the For Beder Pr!DiiUg can µ Gr 1J.. three floa}en sent., on their WAY-t i f "tb sh.I , d by business done in the smaII confines 215 Cryatil, Balboa Island; asked. at the illa Marina or his Americans had dropped an atomic ~-=·=====:::::::=====::::; PboDe 8'7 : • 5111' Man The paat December, 87 c .... t:ry H".ru-,, e La:iJn w~:,,ic•-of that post .offl"" than during -Floyd Greiwe, 216 34th street. eXJ>Orlenre ·w _ reluctant_ to de-bomb· wiuch' the doctor·said had ' fil 35 . . · ' . the year before, Roa King, )X)&t-Newport Beach; Mrs. Ruth P•vno, scnbe th~ mos hohible memonesl ··"~ · . · -ADaaacb were · ed. of which were gen-t1on.i . Office:-. H e explained the master said. He believes that last Bo:l: 9:35. Balboa Island; "M";;. of the da~ du which the ships .. ..........., out a oty of 250,000. The · "'"aterin; g··, e!-_,.:ce' eral but S2 were for traffic vio-m8;1'klfli .~ted on rthe ,shlp, voar added between 400 and 50Q Helen Grace, 321 Alvara' do Pla-, were _constantl ·under Jtttack ·by Japs-then seemed much more. in ~ <Ja'YI lations, Gardner saiQ. Foui weH which shows that the Hale took ,,_ .. ~ FO SIGNS: - B NEDICT Usied ll5 drunk dr!V11lg violatlorul, t in thr bombard.me ts of people to eorona de} Mar's popu-Balboa: \V. L. Jordan,· 121 East ~ncan oo.rn rs, whose ~I character when ' they· returned to • ~ • Bart .... • AT LEITERING bu par ee -n lation. I . Bay avenue, Balboa; Adele Bed· did_ not realiz .that cramptd tn tlK! bowing and scra fo which -~·· ...._ t no thefts and no floaters were Japan proper, five bombardments 'Mle Influx of ·0u1stma1 mailing dome. Udo Soud. Lido Isle·: Harris the1t holds w 1600 ~rican the Ameri . ~ g Drop a can;l to: . :==:':::t::'.::;:::=======' _ ,noted of small .1slandl.' and shot down wu phenomenal, King sai~ Much L: Cottle. 2000 West Central. New-arnzy ~d navy qfficers anO a~t t -cans ~ad becbme a~-411 Vktorta St;. o..ta ..... . . . • • During the year 1944 48'2 gen-three _twin l"ngme bombers and of it was undoubtedly due to t.h,r Port Beath; 20 enlisted m n. J~ .civU1ansi ~om;;ed;;;~~;;bef;;ore;;;th;;;e~, w~ar~.;;;;;;;;;;;;~i~;;;;;;;;~· ~';;;;;;;;;;;;~;;-~ eral cases were heard by Judge ~o fighters. The Hale took par.t residents up and down the coas'1 Albert ,Dtxoo. 201 l9th street we~ passenge on the l1neP Or- 1 • O. A. Jones. m the tint bombardment of Japan stopping In to mail their cards Newport Beach: Mn Elaine East~ ~ku Maro. ti t sunk. by borhb- wilh ~ask Force 58 and also took where it is IO convenient but the man 131-Via Yella ldo Isle· An· 1ng. and the tw other ships which .ANN'OUN-c· EMENT part ~ the pre.in~asiona at~ck fast-growing . section of! gre'ater thonY A. Horvath,. Box 154, New-picked up . the urvivors. ~n O~!da~•·;~lle ~hildre~ :ere;~ Newport Harbor brougtrt most of port! Beach; G. Kent Hitchcock While he wo d only refer to a eres · e s ory o ow their increased saJes. 619 Via Lido Soud Lido Islf!. Mrs' series of articl s which ran in a No'1f Open ship rode out some real typhoons, Newport postoffice was respon-Mary M~allum, 41s San &rnar~ Los Angeles ne paper for details Lawrence Walter Moores, infant ~i!!~:-ly the Vet')' bad one at alble for one of the most ~pectacu-dino, Newport Beach; Arthur of !h~ bombi and con~uent R. Haro· Id Kn1'ghte·n_· -Radi'o s·hop son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. · tar gains of the year, Wm. H . Ra.mbq, 1008 Cliff Drive, Newport ~uffenng, he marked that stol""' --~ Moores 321 Powell street Costa Radar. r adio, and firt1 -control Adams, postmaster disclosed. The Beach; . 1es of the cru I treatment were 477 Costa Mesa Infant Dies in Hospital M..a, died Tuesday night at a equipment espedally fascinated year showed approximately $7000 Harold E. Benedict Box 161 true, and that many of t he priS;-N ewprirt_ Blyd. hospital in Oranie. Besides his' the children and they swarmed more receipts th8!' 1944, with the Corona del Mar: Ray '.M. Alford'. oners who su "ved . the bombings 1 :~===========~===:;::::::::I:::::::::~ parents he is survived by a· sister, over the ship ea,erly, one lad wu December quarter registering at 1018 West Ocean Front, Newport later succu to illness and ex- M!llY Josephine. and four broth-seen crawling out of a torpedo least $1000 gain. The 1944 final. Beach; Mrs. Fiora Beatty, 307 posure f?r la __ of clothing and ers, George William. Victor Jo-tube which he had inspectd . quarter yielded around $9000 in Lindo. Balboa; F . E. Finster, 316 warmth m the n son camp._ B ·u I L D N -0 W WE p.ui· OBTAIN "seph. Olarles Byron and Robert · fil.udents from the f ou rth receipts, but the same quarter in Anade, Balboa, Peter S. Laws, 209 Lo9t Pk:ndia . · NECESSABX MA.DUALS LeRoy. ugh the eifhth grades thus 1945 showed nearly.$10,400, Adams 9th street. Balboa; Mrs. WU-He lost a t 60 pounds in A COMPLETf:_ BJJILDING 'sEBVICE . ; eOllU!J,LI. Funeral seIVices will be .b!!._d" rewarded for their selling effor ts said. t"telmina Nunan. 208 36fh street. weight , and w saved from death For over 20 years our ~ bu b8e. I ,--"''/ Saturday at 10 a. m. at the Har--were: R ichard Melchor. Charles The 'more surprising fact is that Newport Beach: Don Durant, Co-from pneurnon a b)• ao American ''BUILDUIJG BETtER CONSTRUCTED HOMES . ; 901 Coast Highway old K. Grauel chapel. Costa Mesa. Melchor, ~1ary Guthrie, Teddy t~e 1945 sales over. the counter rona del Mar; Emma V. Hughes. doctor in the .. amp. he s:"d. H e DUTCH . HJ:~ 0 CK ': j. 1 Phones 2088 with the Rev. M. C. cronic in Warren, Donald Means, R oger wer e nearly dout>le the 1943 re-701 East Central, Balboa: Sam-could not pnu e .our mi:ruca.1 men . charge. •tntenneht will ·be in Boyvey, Carol Fette~. Charles ceipts, which shO\VS a steady gain uel Steif(,el, 317 East Cent.J'al. Bal-enough. · ~~ were . first Q1;1lir--P . 0. Box 4.2 Ne.wport BeW1i i;;;;;;;;;;j;;;;;;;;an;;d;;;;2089;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;W;;;;es;trninS;.;·;;;;t;e;r;;M;;;;•;;m;;o;ri;;a;;l~p<µ';-;;;k;.-;;;;;;.! Van Der Heide, Le RQY P age, in year-'rou.nd business. boa: Harry H. Williamson 703 E tPred at l\10J11 . ear the coal mmes Karen Warner, Douglas Boyvey, Central, Balboa: ' · of Nagasaki here prisoners J Pati>y Katterick, Spencer Albright.-Mrs. Jenn F . Bc>nnett 1501 w y,•orked and re. later -taken to Seymour Beck, Suzanne Plegcr, East Recommends Central, Newport &-ach ; Robert northern Kore .. whiC'h was on ~he - I VENTO RY SHEETS . for your 1945 inventory , - - . DOW OD hand st Mary Ann Cross, Barbara Eller-11 . · L. Bo}rd, Box 260, Corona del ·Mar: bor<l~rla~d bet 'een the announc,ed broek, Don Steffensen, Marjorie .} 12 Cent Gas .Tax Braden L. Finch. 344 Haw t Drive Russ1an and erican zones. Luers. John Hitchman, l\il ary Ann ik Corona del l\1ar: Mrs. Martha n'. . Lieut. Co r. Wheeler ~ is en-· ~IOl"<'Y. Pat Cox:, Bob J.Ieifetz, H e for Freeways Ho\\'(', 604 AvQCado, Corona dcl joying life to ~ full now; hC ts l\-lary Kay Morris. Jimmy Norek. -· Mar: J. Leslie Stefrensen, Box rully recover . married a Fuller- ' . • e t _. BoS; Pb~ 718 '· -, Anita Grf'er"· .Donald Sullivan. Increasing of the g.is tax-by l 11.i 157, Cor9na dcl Mar: l\frs. Kassa t9n girl. from vhich city he came, Larry Buck. Judith Eastman, ~n ~n ts per ~allon to finAnce a state B. Brig~. Box: 195. Balboa: Fred n.,c'I livcs .. in th . ultimate o f ~ppre­ Cook. Sammy Kauffm~n, Bobbie !'ystcm of fr•eY.'ays ''"~s among ·\V. Briggs, 811 \V. Central, Bal-I ciation for 11 safe> return and F.astman. Barbara • Bird, Patsy recommendations made to ,fhe boa : George Cona,,·ay, Corona del kindnes's sh .,by evenrone for , ' • News -Time$ .Office • Allen, ~ack Raub. Nancy Deaver state chamber or commerce at its Ma r. h im and his b ·de. He is report- 30ll W. Cenb-al and Larry Covert. annual m('E'ting recently by. E. :E . ~~v~ack lvr uty af!cr 90 days· ~===t========"=-~~=====~ East. chief engineer of-the Auto-Consoli'dat d St I C ti Ch h mobile Club of Southern Califor--. . e ee The supply fficer ,,·as interned on nue urc G' when his shi was sunk by the Dedl'cation Serv1·ces nia. He l!,l'edicted_ the hea~ pres-Ives 1945 Income Japs at Mani He was sent to ent use dt the tnghYiays 1n some. Bataan w ith he other men,. and Next Two Sundays areas will double ";t hin the next As $300 000 000 together with ll officers and men I . .. • ur ·Returning Boys ~ - ant to Call Home ' •GI~. the war isn 'r.overas far as telephone calls are . concern~. There' are more calls to,handIC than ever. -w~ you hdp handle the thou>ands of q11s our mumiog service meo are making as they artivc in Southern California on the wsy home? '.Ibcre is nothing these. boys want more than to tdepbooe bOme, and we need more girls to handle their calls. , Pay while learning.Permanent jobs. Good swting mes with frequent incr~ There is probablya rcle- pflooe office near your home where you could work. Just ask the Opcntor for the Chief Open.tor, I who will give you the address of an employment .o11icc most cpovcnicot for you. CAUfOllNIA TIUPHONI COMPANY Appl)' or -lllrs. 1bihl 100 E. Bay, Balboa The secori.d Sunday devoted to dedication or their new church will embrace special services for memoria l gifts Jan. 13. to be fol- Joy,•C<f by jl F~llowship Service In the after7i.oon at 3 :30 p.m . to \\'hich pastors a nd members of other churches will be guests of the Corona del Mar Community Church. Congregation81, proudly shO\\'ing their n~w edifice and or- gan. Dedication of !he organ has been set for 3:30 o'clock on Sun- day, Jan. 20. at which time Alex- ander F . Reilfey has agreed to be 1 guest organist and his \vife, Alice I Andr('~;s Reilley contralto soloist. it \\'a.$ announced by the pastor, Perry F . Schrock. . - Watch the (..'lautned Columna. In the New1-Timesl . "IF I BAN THE DRUG STORE" "What! You d01l't aetl beer at your 90da foantaln," he roared. "I certala.lJ woold. .. There are 'p1enty or plaee9 wbere beer can be boucbt. Some people find It objec- Uonable. We don't tblnk a llOda fountain Uben.lly ~ tronlsed by youapters .. tbe place for I~ 80 that'• °"' avenue of proftt we let roll put oar door. ' 10 to 15 years. , ' ' East told the business men that alike, follow the order '"that all 75 Di:I'" cent of the total highway Gross income of, Consolidated m e n fight" in those crucial days. use daily occurs on about 10 per Steel Corporation on work per--He remember Gen. Douglas Mac- cent of the state's rpads and formed f6r the fiscal year ended Arthur, but S m_Qre of Lt. Gen. streets, and added that· the free-August 31. 1~5 was slii;:htly over Jona~an W nwr1ght who was way system overshadows any $300.000.000. according to Alden j left in · charg \Vhen .Gen .. Mac- other highway need In the state. G. Roach, President in a s t ate-Arthur was rde:r:ed to gJve up The program ad vocated involves ment issued yesterday. This com-1 _h_e_c_o_m_m_a_n:__d-1---~~----I five point!: pares \\-'ith A gross volume of husi-~-----1-------- (1) Establishment or the State-ness for the preceding fiscal yew:: wide system by Jaw. of $379,000.000. (21 Creation of an earmarked The ronsolidnted net income for fund ·for building the system. the past fiscal year ts est.imated at (3) Placing responsibility . f 0 r slightly Jess than ~.500.000. The the d('velopment of the systein in pre\rious year 's ne t income \Vas a single authority: S3.515,000 after pro\riding $1,500,- (4) Apportionment of building 000 for contingencies. funds in various counties on the basis. 'Of motor vehicle registra- tion.!. (5) Increasing the gas tax by l %-cents per gallon to finance the program. Meurs Discharged; • Served in Several European Countries Balboa Officer, Former Pilot, Returns Home Lt. Col. John Guglielmetti, 1130 West Bay aventil!', has ~n hott- orably relieved from active duty with the U. S. Anny Air Forces, ,. , although .he will retain his com- ' , --...:.. .......... ~ Pvl. George Meurs, son of Mr. mjssion and grade and is subject a nd Mrs. John Meurs, 321 Lindo at any time to recall during an avenue, arrived at Burbank Thurs-emergency. He has been in active day and received his honorable service for four years, but has no discharge thai same d ay at Fort plans for-the immediate .future.· G ncl -' D MacArthur. Col. Gugllelmetti. a former com--_ U rson rug He has t>Cen. in Europe for over mereial airlines pilot. was last as-~ St.-Balboa . a year and a half with the truck-signed to Lt. Gen. Barton K. '---'---+-------..!I ing division of the motor pool and Yount's AAF Training Command - during that time serv~ in Eng-he.adquarters in Fort Worth, Tex., land, France, Holland. Cz:ectio--1 \•.'here he ·was attached to the 'slovakia, and Germany-. Last sum• execuU¥e .branch of the trainiilg mer he had a furlough : which was' division. Before going · to F ort spent in Dublin, ~reland. A gradu-Worth he was stationed at MJther ate of the local schools and Santa field, a nd Western F1ying Train- Ana J~nior college. he is returning ing Command headquarters at to his orange ranch at Tustin Santa Ana. · after a visit. with his parents. Prior to entering the 'armed Mrs. Mary Newman, owner ot Mariska's Beauty ~\lop, Balboa Is- land, who has been U11der the doc- tor's care for a month or more forces Col. Gugllelmetti was em- ployed by the Lockheed Aircraft COrp. -- N rt B h has been ordered to take an ex-ewpo eac tended rest and plan•«&" cruise to Nell Murbarger Thanks Council Pharmacy South 'America In March. Lou Ver- !IOI Ooean -a& Pt..me • beck, operator at the shop, is. still f ... u "' absent with the mump9. A .letter from Nell Murbarger, Bey Vlcb:iry Bmrdl P :. I t was a daugtatei: for 1'.1r. and retiring editor of , the Newport-. ':::i==:!:=======================-~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .Mrs. Orris :Funk, R t . · 1. <Asta Bal~ Press ~ankec:t mei;nbers of • • ...J"--+------------------------------------~"tMesa, born Jan. 6 at St. Josepl) the dty council for ~eir tol~­hospital. ·.,_ ~---'"d ~nsldera,tion during the • ' . 3 • • .• . ' ' '. --. : . • • ' more than five years •he had "cov- ered" the council meetings u BALn -editor of that newspaper. Miss Murl>ari:er announced her retirement from tlK! -~per MORTUARY l'l r~-tb_ .. _~ __ ._~_-x_~_y_~_.,._ .. _~_the_ ... _flel;_~ Window Glass Fullen 'Paints , -;t -. Lady Attendant -.t- 410 Coast Bml CORONA DEL 'MAR ~,,,..~ DAY AND NI!lftI' • --·- OJ •M arr rm Ar llTOU - :...._ Burton's Paint Store ... , .... Wewf-4 'I 008'1& ..... -.u~ .. • f OFFICE ---s-uPPLIE -S For All ·Business-Re_quirement* · --.•• let Us -Supply ·Your l~s . . Add. Machine RQlls, asstd. sizes 15-30c Availa bility Certificates - -Binder, 3-rlng 81h x 11 sheets $1.25 Cash Register Rolls, all IJlakes Celudex %-inch clear index tabs Clip and At'ch BOards, all sizes ooC and<up Clips, B!)lldog and paper, asstd sizes Columnar and Accounting Pads, all sizes CoUl)ter Checlra Cfedit and Deoit Pads 250 Different . Ledger ,.Sheets and -Forms ., ' . ' •• ' l " ' ' ' - • Suitable for Every Business and' lncome T~ Requirement • 1 . ' ·, • Daily AnalysLS_ Sheets, 500 for $5 .. 56 Daily Cash Sheets, 500 tor $4.25 .- Estimating-Sheets Desk Files, .letters or legal Siz.e Envelopes Coiwnbis Clasp, all sizes to 10 x 15 Manila, white, all sizes; plain or 'printed BUlheads, ~plain, or printed 81;.2 x 7 to 14 Daters, 75c File.Folders, manila, all cuts, 1etter·and~egal -SIZeS, $3.00 _to $4.00 per 100 Erasers-Art Gum, Typewriter Ink and Pehcll File Guides, prestboard, letter sizl!; $2.25 Fillers, nQtebook, punched, ruled or plain • ' S·C·OTCH .TAPE Large and Small Sizes Glassine Bags f - Gummed Labels • , I' Indexes, rill~ Index Cards, ruled, all s1zes I Index signats , I ~Writing; bottles or qtiarts • I. Quink &: Sheaffers stencil, Indelible, India, stainPi:le Inventory ~ · -. • Saletj ,Tax Not IDcluded - "1 --- ' ~ . ,. . . "r•rt .Balboa __ _, 1 ._ N.ew~Times _j .. • • \ ...... , ' •. • • • ... • .... ' . -, . . ,,_ • . -• !!!!.:.!!!!!!!!!!""1"!!!!!!!!!'-' O,,''• 9 Wute sP.e ii Ho•es Easily..., usei.1 " . -- FURIACES ·. Do 1'Dll . -PIJPili't.tlnc 1n yoor. ~! -·w~d you lib ·to • moi1ture formlnir on the llrindowa .a... ...,,.iYj , . I -.., •• tltb m!Jde W, In cleaebi! Why not call U1 for an estlltillt:e.. We canl.1n1ta11 . a -gas tumaCe ~ two Booklore Notes 'bs'. Elltrelllta "Huntfnc ID the Soutbw..t" by Jld< 0 ·0m-ii oOmetblnc _,, different 1n hunllnt boollL Not ~ c1oes it teu how to bunt. but ,woQ . , elves many lldellchto on tbe anl· wz AU!Oi&VJJ _......,. mo11 that ""' be!nc bunt..i. The ~~-~ .&IB •utbor ii 1 lover ot nature and is · ~ .remember blm for hla book '"Boom · :r tJND8 capable of 'writing tol>. We will Adoqaa• ~ room --. --11 -11a1:1n-. . BOOICS , --... srowins""' Hqpy_ ~-Y-! . 11u o1 u.e un1~ stats -. ma :;t=:tt! '::' ~llM · · • ' I Tba -!tool! lroq._tq, hu' DmvD here In W---Nl'4' Wu. "AD .,..... tbe -.·· tram' tbe rev ot Mt -' :W. ..... ..,.... lr• lf ... I mm. ~ polu llwl Ibo c:ouJc1 qy, "Buoy N_ew Yeor." 'Ibo I tblnk be W -. rNdlnc tbe Drift. Ccrana-del Mar wblda be-IXli' R-'DY J IT ' eoncr-........ d °" 0ec. n. -"'-.._,_Rearcl. _ lonitOcl to -Kay nnci.. -ar r.oJ' J'A> • A'S ~to ••-acldbo._ Jll'illha. ~':'.~ on 30J!. 14. I coWd One of'. the moot dilcloun&lnc ~ f1ncb. -b11 •-!lo ~ . (-°'m1>¥J. 0..-) 1 • --. ve ~-out to Colltornia llDd. thlnca of tbe put f..., daJS boo the ~Finch Cer.mi<s S-bi • wuto -la ·wn ond be-. believe' me, It would hive beeil -the. declllon of the United lhatloommunit;y. 'l'be ..,.,._ tak· -~'::::"..!": ::• .. bind -.._ tr.q._iq con be &ood to -the people · .t home, Not!°"' OrPblzatlon "not lo put en "l"""tlme durinc tbe nlllbl llat -I -:.a-• · *• turned Into -ven1-.-and .......,.. my aajUllnlana!o with the ~ In Weoteni , blit ,... reco>Oled Wed- Cluttenod 1\tl<I. buomonts, IDd the IUD. '\l!e bid RYeD 'Inches" of United Stoles." I put that in ~ m<rninc one mile toulh of Our ·1eWac Ubrory Oontod.,. -lofts .,.,, be tromfonnod anow IDd one of -lleet;y quoi.., becauoe that II just about thelzj ·ttudlo. • · 'lhe·Lateot Bocib · • • , "'I Into spociolJI ~ roon>1 tor Ciristmu do.yo when the 1treeta how It wu stated. Not tjuol It wu · ' . Jiooin:'t:9f .. 1:11 l I • c:blldren. ,u well u better 0.-were too 1cy ..,..t ol the day for to be In the Eut: liut tftat It wu Hippy 1t Jut to be m hla ...., l•ba008llUICI •-I -· 1:11 ..... pnlzed llorll• for ~ be--or·c:an to nm. After weigh-not to be In the West. I lliinlt building at 11101 Cout Hlch~ J7'-"' _______ ..:.,.j....J ' 1.,.._.011 Ing the dilticultles o( tr1v<-1, -thlo is llgnlftcaot; becalJle the • C..W ·cld Mar, Dr.' Mutoii Mox! ' ., the fact that our funlly, ·d!Vided dden mlJlt have felt on the do--...... u, who located. It '30tb Ind Cen· I .:.....:.~-& ....__., Town.'' , ~ rr~w.on "Ever New Engl-" by s.m- ·-~ _..,_., • uel Olamberlaln ii a book. full of --waj ""e Wann P..taa . .i. ,. ,_ nostalgic pictures. Any one plc- Z80 .... A-. IA«Da·BMdl 'ture_wlll ~you mlla 1way., U you have a muaical group of Laguna BeeCh 6484 or 9462 2995 ~ not1>1nc could be nicer . ~··-:·or tbaD have a copy of Ted Cott's ... _. __ -; _______ ...;;;;_ ____ ;;,.. _____ _._ "Victor Book of Mullcoi Flm" lying on )'O,ur coffee table. It ii a riotioua book of "cue-who?" All . by tbe war, ls nearer the Eut fensive wbe!1 the announcement tral avenue ·for .eYeral months . E· G G s .-Wla7 Fumen Eleetrif, than the w .. t. and llE'Yttll com-wu made. Cllna and South .~ while hla cllnio ..,.. ·ID1der Cl>n-. · • .•-' · 1 FR E S-H -· -~,;\, & a!' DA lr . .Or ill• County Truckini -Co. .age groups. Finally Russia has given us a rion-paliticaJ novel. "Days and Nights" by K Simonov . The BU· Laa -&b&D one-half ot the m · mitteet and conferences of Im· tea wanted it ln Western United 1tn.lction, la near the lntenection tlon'a fanm ""' electrillt!d. bul partance to acriculture, -..,,. StateS. of Moln 1frttt with ~t Rish· one ldlowott of elodrlclty will reading I want to do and report It •is OJI" more evtclence of the way_ The new medlcol hulldlng pwnp 1.000 llallons of w1ter from on tater In thlo column, I flnAlly complete lock of undentandlnr, wu built U..... becil-tl,;'c1oc-• tho 1venp · firm well It will decided to put the latter In two not only of the United States, but tor feela that muelt of the fUk.;.,. •• 1·_·_ milk th.irD' cows. beat 6ve 1allona . ..1...-__ L ...... c • of wa!lor; lriDd 100 busbea of brl<'f cues, and go clown to Atlan-In tbll ~ of the future. rm u.ed growth of the dty will be In that llllln. run .-tool srlndei for four tic Oty for five do.yo. That will to bavtnc gqvwrunent 111:ende1 de'-conµnunlt;y.' · !>ours. sbeJI lblrty bushels of corn, 1ie our 'Ou'iltmu mieu." • _ . dde to service the 22nd Olstrlct --, - coroJ ten nllona of milk. 'or cut 1be rest of the time rve been out · of a San Francisco office, Who should pay us a visit but ~ CIDER al TRUCKS FOB BIBE thor is Clvlng WI an inS!ght Into Truck:in ulin. "'---.Jer the new st~two-of ~·· Russian g, Ha . g, .l.l'AIUl.l people •Ince the war. Ruulan5 have learned to be happy and Long and sport Hauis · patriotic too. The story of an of- :ng W. Wlllion St. -Costa Meu fleer and an army nurse. - "Take It Easy" by Arthur G. PHONES Matthews, is the art of conq.uering ~I'\ , your nerves. A book for people __,, Daya-or-Nwpt. 51Z-M, Nights who wish to help themselves. The ~----+----------~----'------..l .author covers every imaginable ikind of nerves and by following his advice you can sleep again. "Friendly Persuasion" by J one ton of ensilage and eleva.ie it here, conferences 00 holpltals, on which is JWlt the ~e. u servicing ~enry Abrams, fonner superin-I G R O C E R I E S. iDto • 30-foot lilo. guayule, ~ng up Policies for .the ~le of Viiginia out of a tendent ot O:icta 'Mesa schOoJ.a. -~ past-war agriculture and IOIOe of Chicago office, or to have a -slideo. Henry is in-ch&tce of Child Wel-•.~ . Cold .~.a.' . Batter Yoar 9re&d..And Like It our forei~ Policies, whJch I find' ru1e attorney deci~ ~~t ~ fare~ the Tulare ~ty schools '" t:GU , it difficult to understand. and gen-meant that all i>:1onty goods had and came dowD from Visalia on.. a i 1'1-alla ad Vcwetabl• , erally getting . this office in &hape to be ildvertised In al_l of ~or-short bUlinea trip. Said the best • A person eats 15,000 Inierna· tional Unita o1 vitamin A while cOnsw:ning • paund of· bu.tter. Sounds like a full meal-.whe:n it's obtainable. But it'S a hard way to e.xplain to peopl~ that when butter is u ple ntiful as it wu before the war, 15 percent of the daily vitamin A allowanc:e r ecommended for normal adultl will be obtained from butter. for what will officially· be the nia when offered for sale in Los thh}g that happened to him ~ ~ Open Sun. -Qoeel Dut.. - "Second Session of the 19th.· Con-Angeles. These things We become whln he WU compelled to lea ye ? o" 11· ; 'ft -• ;· gress." hardened to. the Mesa schools. Daughter, Hu-i u. on s .roe.. ·:I·' This matter of our foreign pol-But can we, or should we, over-riett is ori the New York stage and • icy reminds me of the teacher who look this decision to put the UNO is now in•England on a dramatic ~ Pt.one Hll · ( ked headquarters in New York or Bos-tour. ~lU& N&Wpoit llhllL o.ea .._~, as the student where the cap.. ton (which is the decision ) or 'our -• ,/ ''"'11111111fi11u1u111&11111tu111t1••Wll11t1u•u•i11ii•lllllll8 t present foreign ..:.policy, which· Charley Swafford's dream of his - The Santa Ana Furniture Co. West is ano&e r novel of th~ 1850's. The setting is Indiana The man is Jess Birdwell, red-h~aded and !11USically 1 inclined. H e has a nurse ry. His preacher 'Wife El1za their two sons and an aust~ Quaker background make for the best of r eadini;{- COrona del Mar ¥ems to consist only of a ppelise-own •tatlon l• coming true.· Ch.,... Proper Fall Care ln!oree ment or support for Russia's de-ley has been age_nt of GreyhOund News mands? The problems of the fu-for · many years. He is an old SAMPSON RE NOW ACCEPTING _ .ORDERS -for EARLY 1946 DELIV-ERIES of • Philco Refrigerators • A.B·.c. Electric Washers • Western Holly Gas Ranges • FaritsWorth Radios · • Thermador Eleetric Water Heater -. . ' See Tb""" on Display at No OPA Eviction Pr~ings Required On Room Rentals Home owners who-wish to do their: part in a11eviating the acute housing shortage by renting one or two rooms to veterans or others should not hold back ))e... caus~ of rear that the OPA might r eqwre a len gthy eviction pro- ceeding in case they Wish their tenants to move. Healthy Lawn in Spring ture, for. the United States , look Canadian railroa~er and fWltched Higb nitrogen content tertl-(By Beule ~edlet) to · the qt"ient. The do-gooders of to the bus Ilnes for no reason at lizers, available for the ~ time t he ~ta,.t.e Departme n.t and the all. Mn. ctiarley iS in .the Jurich since the Spring of 1942, should Mr. and Mrs. Jack MacDonald, ~ashington bureaus will und oubt-business in a big way and thel,r be Ube.rally applied this month to Narcissus avenue, returned from a edl~ fet:;l. tha't _I. a m ta~ihg a very formal opening S a turo.y on tbe •lawns w~ch .have been ~eJl.ected. visit with their so(l and wife. Mr. selflSh view. of, 1nte~nati.onal prob-Coast Highway was an epoch at.d Proper clip~ma:. and !e.rtilizin1.of and Mrs J ack MacDonald jr lems; that I am thinking only -or an event the lawn will msure a healthier · ·• at least thinkin fi t f 'th • growth next Sprint. · Approxi-bringing their grandchildren, San-. g 1.rs o e · . mately tw.o inches of grass is dra, the twins Billy and Sally. Ur;uted States as well. and not GIRL SCOUT Allt STUDENTS . 1 needed for protecUon ~urinl the .SallY, the talented seven-year-old Just a .happy New Year for all the: ~ "l winter. Longer ~11 will matt pianist had not" r ecovered from rest ot the w9rld, at the. expense Ni:W YORK. _ Five thoua~d Under the snolf. anJi lawns need the ·ft~. so .;,,aited· to accompany of .the United. States. . young American women -between "D.itro&en. for •ood I' irowth. her parents to the F asadena Rose Woodrow Wilson thought so too, the age;s of 15 8.nd 18 are now en- Can You Answer All These Queries? parade. New Year's Day. They ar-1 recall very well, aftet .the last rolled in Wing Scouting, an organ- rived Tuesday to be wit.tl Jae war, 't' hen cc;rta~n influential ization sponsored by the Girl MacDonald sr. on his birthday. European countries proposed· that C"-.R f Am h Id .;><..vu~ o erica which is in its, Jack MacDQnald jr. received his we s, ou provide the relief for third year. ·discharge Dec. 1 from the Navy, a \l{ar-torn Western world, and "'here 'as lieutenant coinmander that we shou1d simply deliver it M.I.tr. B_U_IL_D_IN_O __ _ 1. Ma¥-a p&.(ent teach hls child he was Hea'd Communications Of-to them. an~'-let them pass it TURBINE TUNNEL to drive' a motor vehicle without ficer H e served in Oran and around. Mr. Wilson said some-• Machine Worb 166' Newp:Ort Blvd. CostaMeu • We are now . througJi with war contracts aJ\d open for gi:neral machine worlt. · • . • • All modem machinery. All fypes of machine wqrk. • Mfili!\e engine parts du- plicated. · ~ Arc and acetylene weld, mg. • . CYLINDER .HEADS MII.IXD SA TA · ANA FURNITURE CO. For eviction or such tenants.' the OPA explained, is merely 8 mat- ter for the local courts under state law-a process that has been in force for m any years-and no ap.. proval or action df any kind is required ot the OPA. other than a notice m~iled to the agency. first getting the child an instruc-Sicil~ duri:Tig the invasions. He is thi?g to the effect that lf the BOSTON. -A ne~· labor.story tlon permit? · to be associated in business ~th U n ited .states providep ttle relief, 'With a supersonic ·wind tunnel and 2. Is is leg-al t o drive for sev-a building loan company In Pasa-the .united States would get the facilities "for· research in gas tur-~ral days after your Ca.JlfornJa dena. credit. and not,". he add~, because bines iS being constructed. by the . SAMPSON T FOURTH 6-Tube. TAJlL& MODEL TABU: llODll PHONE 922 RADIO ___ J ... $2().00 RADIO ________ $23.45 Many Other However . such landlords should r~gister 'With the OPA when·r e nt- t1ng rooms and not charge more than legal ceilings. the agency said. drl · II h • 1--we wa nted credit for a good deed M ver 8 cense as expu "d,. until Mr. F . A. Wurster, 500 Poppy but because i hi . . . th • assachusetts Institute of Tech- you can get to the Department to avenue, enter ed business with his good w ·ii h' nh 'uidopibenion~ e nology. Machine Works rene\\' it? father t'n law J A La '[ h -l W IC WO gtner-r--------------------------. . -· · · . · cy o t e ated, WOULD BE VERY HELP- 3. May you park your c"ar tn C~ta l'yf~a . Furniture Co. He re-FUL I N \VORKlNG OUT TifE f ront Of a. private or public drive-ce1ved his discharge i11: November SORT OF PEACE THE UNITED way It you leave the motor run-from the armed guard in the~· S . STA't'ES.WANTED. nlng ? · Merchant . Marine . He served in I rgret to add that: after t.bia Racing s·kl.ppers :- Sail Boat Hardware • Sail Track and ·Slides F rnsworth MODELS 1939 SHARK FlSIDNG moB 4. Mu.st you. give an arm signal ~Jtu, S&l~ and Ja~. ~· war, when the Unit~ States was · and look back before you pull ur.;;ter . said that the,1.r trained asked agai~ to furnish the relief away from a parking space par-ravel), Lucky, has not returned and exactly th E ' allel to the curb ? home alt~ough they have heard nations made !X:dfye th uropean .f5). Are you breaking the law·~ him. occas1pnally abo:---e th~. ho_use. proPosaJ, we did n'ot have· ~rs~~~ 'Stop Wa,tches Model _·OF APPLIANCES RADIO . making an accident po88ibJe If y !he1.r son Ro~ald misses him but so n for pre&ident. I · load up your car so that you c -lS consoled With the parrot,. love not see ahead or to the side&?--birds and can 9.ries a nd Lindy the .Yacht Timers Arriving Daily . < Shark landings by commercial fishermen of California inc:reased f11>m 647,297 pounds ii} 1930 to an a.II-time high of 9.160,249 pounds In 1939. . ANSWERS dog: 1. No. it Is a misdemeanor , pun-Lt. (j.g.~ William A. Kemper, The army and the navy are tlM? l!.hable by heavy fine. tot any per-son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur I{em · sword and shield ~lch this nation son to cause or knowtn·gJy permit per, 900 ~an Blvd., left Dec. 30 must carry, if she ls to do het-duty hls child. wa rd or employee under for Seattle 'filh hJs ship a n L.C.S ., among the nations of the earth~ the age of 21 yean to drive a mb. and Will ~ to China for Theodore Roosevelt. lor vehicle unless and until such duty. Th~s 141i.ip is a new patrol Newport Marine Supply ·co. !''''l1a;;n114 , .... _s_1t_eoast ___ m_g_h_wa_Y __ "-------'""-p-· _&_o_n_e_2780-1 __ ._..!J~ INFANTil£ PARALYSIS . ) :-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;f;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;a;;;;;;i I minor ls properly licensed to drive. rocket ship more heavily armed I (Section 333 Vehicle Code) than a battleship. , 2. No. A driver's license la tn· Mrs . George Lewis. Marigold • JltNUARY 14 )l .. FOR ' D YOUR f.i E ,A L T· H ' S SAKE SPORTLAND \B 0 W LING -ALLEYS Foot of Main St. -Balbo& For ~rfaClono Phone %4-02 IO lll-.., B ..... -A11e7a AL J OyCE ROY KEENE BOWL- 1!!11' 1111 '" :uiu.,.1u1111111u 11 llll.ll lllllS:: BALBOA'S • \' ENDEZVOUS . BALLROOM • NCING 9 Until 1 I ' Prz z•• ANSELL HILL aad His Orcllestra ' • I . - ~y, • Jali. 12tll 8' 19111 • • • • • = = valid after the expiration da~ avenue. entertained friends wfth a ehown thereon, but may be renew-buf(et· lunch after the dedication· ed 90 days prior to such expiration serVices of the Community Church, date. Exception': D rivers' Jlcenaes Congregational, Sunday. Th o s e . ex.plrlng in January may be a.. present were Mrs. \Vatters, La- t.ended 30 day• by the. Department, guna; Mr. and Mrs. Flynn and upon order Of the Director. (Sec-daughter Joan. Orange~ Misses tion 276 Vehicle Code) Kather ine, LeWis and Mar.y ·Bates, 3. No. No ,peraon shall atop, Sap.ta Ana.. · park: or .leave standing any ve-Mr. and Mrs. ,Sherman Nugent, .htcle whether attended oi unat-Santa Ana, formerly r esk!ents of tended tn front ot a public or pri-Corona del M at, 307 Marigold ave- vate driveway, except when necee-nue, announce the birth of a seven Ary to avoid conflict with other pound son, born New Year's Day traffic. a.nd it b . illegal to park a at the St. Joseph l)ospital. vehicle anywhere and leave tt un-Mrs. Harold Scranton, 313 ?tfart- at~ended without flrst ·stopping gold avenue-, who ·has been in the the. motor. tsecUon ~95 V~icle hospital following an automobile . Code) accident Dec. 31· is recovering and 4.. Yes. No person shall start a will come home Sunday. parked vehicle unless and unW Mr. and Mrs. B. Cassen, Mari- sucb movement can b:e made wtth gold avenue. had Mn. Cusen's reaaooable eate.tY.,, and then only daugt}ter, Mrs. Lawrence Holmes after gi~g an appropriate signal and family and her son and !am· in the event any other vehicle may ily Mr. a nd Mrs. Lawrence Meyers be a.tfected by such movement. of ruverside over the holidays: j {~Uon 54.3-.544 Vehicle Code) The group saw the Rose Tourna- 5. Yes. No person eball drive a ment from the home of Mr: Cas-j k vehicle when it Is "° IO&dl!d o r sen 's daughter on Colorado avel:'Ue.-~OTHINO~ oatcrown ".by -JOU!'· \\'hen there are in the front 1tea · 111.J mq, coWd be a8'd by this italian1 such number o.f persona &8 to ot>. as to interfere with-his eontrol boy wboN: entire wardrobe went up str;uct the view of the drlv~r to O\·er the drtVtng ni.ectuuitnn. of tht-ia Same. when bia home wu the trout or sides of the vehicle or vehicle. {Section 596 .Vehlcle Code> bombed. Gin 70ur spare clothing ::;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;~;;;;,;:;,;;;;;~~ \ ~ tbe Victory Clotmnc Collectioa I ~ belp ,,,;1tioa1 o1-6 aof-uo,i e ·Before Yoa · Build or Remodel ' ' . LUDLUM Carpet Works --·-.. ----.......... Alf.a. . - • • • -"We h8.ve" little room among ou.r PE">1~le. for the timid. 'the irreso- lute, al)d the idle; and it is rio 1esa true that there is scant room in the world at large for a nation with mighty thews 1that dares • not· be to greaL.:.The<Jdore ~IL • --·-! ~ .• · G irl Friend: "I tjope you're n0t on· guard tonigbi." I • Soldier : "Nope. fe you!':' . -,.---~ NEW LINE Craft Greeting Carda SC•llD•otJ · BrookiJIP V lll'ietY .. CliliMe. ..,., 0.-.. ...... -.,~ 1' -' _, , . . <Amplete Fountaill \'· Service . at HAN'SEN'S 2100 Oean Froa~ NOW OPEN EVENINGS MALTS • SANDWicloJs _ • HAMBUBOJ!lBS .. . . -. . LEG1''.L FO ·R,MS FOi EVER·Y' · TRA 'l -S·ACTl .01 • We _ have made It convenient for you tO Insure compllance with all requirements at the law by carrYfug a coinPlete sts>ck ot all tonns>,aJld Pl\Pl!l'B needed for tlle completton ot every tranaactlon. -. . \. .. ti EIS-ti MES. . ' . . • . . -. . . > • • ' •' ' -J . I ,. I , . ') I I • ' • 1,~;·' I ~ ,, --• .• . . . ' .............. .....™ • . J . ·Heacock ·. ' .. -·_I J v· • .... " . i " -· . ~ ... ·---·~.-,_,. --· ·'"' ,-.. • • ' .. r-• • " :=;~GINO EVER:Ji IEIS-Tl .MES -CLASSl-fl.ED .AD ·:1:S ·II· -tPPORTUN .1/ry1 .·~. . 41 ; Old ~ty'7t""i:, SM-w • • ·. . · • • Rad Them fqr Profit • • • U1e .Them .tor llesalc. · -. ·: . f : -~ • • . ...... wawmr ~M&W&• om1.io t • •• -. . ' I -•• ~ '!~· ~~~Qlota~~111=-=·~=·=t1c~I·~~·~~~~~· ;~;~~~~=it~yuu~~don~~'t~·;ftnd;~w;.ba;;t~yuu;;;ue:'=lo~<1j/lt~"c~-~foriii_ ~~~~·~e11~~~-~~~lll~tllll~~llme~J.;Pll;~-~;;N;.a;;~~rt::B:a:·:dl=l3=~or;fl3;:-':::::p1Me:::::::":~:lll'=G:::i:wt=u:a;:11l:·=':*='':-;;·;;:-;:'===·===~, !.-----r---~"'T--' I ~ RI! ODUM 111; . I= . . . . .,, -----!------<--I,--~ CONTRACTiifo. Re-EllPLO~ wo:1&0 Ii u.u ~ •rW6CIAL AlDf011llf~ • •s••. mrAni . " n•L mA.m· ft 11&.&L m..&n . . •. ··~-\· ; ........ Puauc· r OTICU pair -AJterau-. -rr-11 WILL TAKE CARE of dd1Clren. H . M d" s . For Your . . J E Barn L So ' ' • . . ----+~-.,.----·--1 · -· UOll FlnloJ •n.. N--c«-. de! Mar. Phone N. B. OSJery en mg erv:Jce NEW ELECI'ROLux a.EANER • • es .,. n . -I ~ ' JrOTICll or ui:m ·or •&.u. port"Bw·~Pb.1d8-lll. -550-M. 2-tfc ~~~-... ~--Sal~~~ a.ta1:800:ewport=.·GU 1 HARBOR INVESTMENT COMPANY , , raoH;1111 .a.1r_ 1"111V.a.n 8ALS . BI~CLES l:JIP,LOTMDIT °''_, • Moy wor1ey, ZM Ot1a Bide-:: AuthoriJ>ecl Aaent . . -__ Realtors · • •. , No 2298815 · .Sold. 11mted .;. Repaired. WANTIID-HOTEL llU.iD. --.4th & ~Santa Ano. Zrltp 4C5 f()th SL, N .; , Beocb · 1 Y2 Acres . -· -· ~ · VOOllL'S lnD. PboDo.O. 6-Ulc WWJ HAW: I°"" _., plOllao 'rar · .;.2-4tc of oranges, lemons, ·gropetrult, NEWPORT BEACH · In the~ -~~~Col=ort of -100 -SL. Bolboa -·-'11111. ·-\IP---REV B ... ,.~ ~--Prl a~ front!n& 198 feet on 2 .,....__ h •--'-lot _...; '"1250 .._ St&teof in and for • 208-lll&rtDe:•BolboalalaDd. WANTED -G ood, depOndable grudo -up. -..io.·-_;,..,::g;w•m · VO~ Nt..._tB!vd.,wlthlU'&"2 bed-· """"""'-"-" omeon-.. ~ -near.............-. ....,.. ... the Ccwity f J.ao Aneeles. · M-tfc housekeeper, two in fomlly. Pb: ,,. ,_L ao ,_.. 1n ~ A,;'."....... · ·~ !;.:!': room house, double canse. · Full pri<:e $4250 ' ot. --·~ ·-, .. 613. . 2-2tc _..tj.. °"""-ldt Pio.Bo Clo.. 'Ph. 4406 for • 1--worksh<ip, cblcken equipment, A IMMEDIATE POSSESSIO. N 2 '-'-. home 111ucco. . In the Motter of the Estate -v•• -J -WANTED-Cleaning woman. One 1111 N. lllolD. eoata·.u.: llUc __,.., eood piece of· property. Price,· ~.,,,..... ~ . _manche T. • Decoped OOLD and 111.ACHINELUll day -week. 330 Montero. Ph: w.u-'IV Jror -• No Delay . Only $15,000. Terms. I Partly"·Fum'ished $6500 •.. . WAVES N. B. 8117.-J. 3-2tp 1 --F. :ACING CAN_ AL 2 story, 5 ..._._ Notice la ~~ slven that the -1 · """"""""'" und<nlcn<d • ll ..u at private Thltlnc and lllonkourlnl' WANTED-Woman to wub and 'WJU. N.Y c•• ..,. --Refinish your kitchen ,bathroom 310 ft: Ocean Front · $9500 " furnished , , tale to the ond best bid-11:..Dlns · Appoin-Ph. ti.W can! for clothes of 8-year-<>ld -• - ----with new tile board. property at Corona de! Mar. Good .....,__..~-mmplet.e redeCoratimi. .. • m.' subject 1 qonflrmatlon of Vi's Beautv Shop c!rl Ck>thel will be delivered -.pt. ~ !»-IL <>a<•r. -· -~ building Jots. · ~ ......... aaJd Superior _ •:. on or otter uoa q.oa m.ai:&rwoa dol Illar and called fer. Phone N. B. -; Jal NwiQud F. P . Waldron -DtiFI..Ex.-2 StQrY stucco--28th ~ti~ the 14th day , January, 1946, at •, Tl-Uc 435-R atter 5. 3-2tc lh<L. ~ -' -T~-:t34W. Mu! · 4-Unit Court Immediate poss ....too with lnoome. ' -. ; I . ' • the ofllce of ' J..-A.yrs. At-ANTEn D' YOU -.. -~ 1111 I on Balboa laland. Good u.oonie ~ . Furnt'shed -ooo torney ot Low 651 Bendix Build-L08T .&1'D ro'UlfD • ~ ~ ,...... -uo. Wo -NIP,,. ELECI'!U=~,CES and i:ros><rtY-. , _ \ . . • "'·' · · . . "Ins. 1206 Ma le Avenue, In the LOST-By tthlrned Veteran Sat-I • . ' -·...-. IO Jwa Ill Q·np MOTO .,_-o,c:airdlns to Pri d t $19 000 . § ' - Oty of Loo 'ln&el .. 1:\. CounQi \ll'!lay nlllbt. lG-ft. Dtn&hY o.w ·Waitress, Fry Cook, • '•·"'"-·..w-o... factory . tlollO by DIS-ce a ' . NEWPORT H ·EIGHTS ' ' ~ Loo Ancel• • State of <;:allfor-flni.h. naturol mohogany :..ats, \. Dishwasbei;:. w K. - -.AM. Mia AID.ED VETERANS. Work 8-R H . .-· ._ 1 • • ¢•.all the 't, title and Interest sreen floor board Reward of .----Mm guaranteed. Acent: MESA . oom. ome ·Modem 2-bedroom home with OCEAN~-• 7 I of aald ~a fed at the time of full price of Dln&hY will be of· BAY SHORE CAFE • u-~-• RADIO ,. ELECI'RONICS CQ., on Balboa Island. Good for home • Canpletely fum!shed. Hardwood floors: ~ · 1 '. -deoth ond all Jw ril:bt. title and fered. Call Newport 229G-M. 17th & Cout Hlgi)way FOR'!iALE -Pre-war matcblnc 1794 Neivi>ort Ave. 3-tfc or Income property. -. . : $10,600 . . ' . lnternt that. :be ~te of aald 2-3tc Newport Beach Phone 2344 couch and, cllalr, excellent con-K E y S $18,500 , ' •· -bu , 1>y ~-__ 3-tfc dltlon,. down filled, all ateel -DUPLEX -Modem stucco C011Structlon, nloeJy ·fumlshed. ' • -t1oa ot law.~-othenrlae, other ll:llPLO~A.Jffa) • aprlnc co111truct1on. Call 1TI3-W. -While You Wolt 2-Bedroom Home ' Lot'7S'xl25' -than« In~ I'\ that of aald WORK wANTri>-Taklng care 2-2tc VO(DCL'll Large corner lot, E. aide of New· -• $10,500 " • ~and utoaed.all•~~~ •~-of -~th. In of chilclruo nights. Call N. B. HELP WANTED-2081~-~. !~;~~-• port mvc1. Double 1arage .. 11ouae -· · • · ~ =~ ~ prap--~ R. ~ FOR SALE-Tavern Table with -~ --~ IMMEDIATE. l'OSSESSION 3 bedroom home. Well located erty aituate in tbe Ccwit:f of Or--·--per hour. 3-2tp ' ' two bencbea. Don R. Durant, · M-ttc nearly .new:(. 6•000--$9650. 2-Bed!'oom home on Santa Ana Ave. - ange, State of :allfornl~' C!l-CAPABLE GlRL will · care for EXPERIENCED 428 Orcbld Ave., Corona de! . · ~JO 500 ' tar~~bed u foll to-wit: chilclruo evenlnp. "Phone N. B. C OOK ' · Mar. .1-tfc Carpenters Available · -· ' . • -"'·· ' g Tr beg ot A 138 2239-M. l-2tp for senerai ............ .,. · 7. · Acres · ,. • • §--- Ros De Santa Ana. th s 36 3/40 WANTED-ffiONING, fancy ahd Must be experienced FOR SALE -O'Keefe & Merritt · ond ~ , With 397-ft. ·,' tage _on N. ' / · LIDO ISLA"'D -LOTS 1: to TDD dll h. th NLY 420.32 plain. in your home. Phone 2724. pastrv man. 4-tt. electric refrigerati>r. 7ll 0-Z. ROBERTSON Blvd. Cotn~ locatlon. $16,000. 2 T ~+. ....,.,. buil1 ": ding--sJ•- ft. th w 200 .r. th s 120 to beg 2-4tp ._, Larkspur Ave,. Corona del Mar. Call K~ 83 $6.,1 "O down . ..,.,....--.;~ ""'" In Lot A ~--.] ~-6 R 10. ' . 3-lip ,-· '" ~ ~· ~"250 h ~ •-v . EMPLOYMENT WANTED Li ht 810 C6ast Highway . . • ·~· --'I"' eac Tenna of " e cash In lawful · g Phone N. B. 1104 JANUARY CLEARANCE' M O O H If •• · · money of the United States on housekeeping by the hour or 2-2tc . c-CUSTOM CABINET WoRK-Re-n n - a n:cre 35-Ft comer lot. confirmaUon o sale-compapton. Can drive car. Phone Mahan Furniture Company is pair work and remodeling of all 2-Bedroom h iJ!le. Double ..gamge, , $5000 Bids or offe"-to be In writing l023-J. ' 2-2tc condu.cting 8 real clearance sale kinds. CUstom built-in furni-immediate _ on. .,, with 'special values in every de. $ O T "" and will be r<>~lved at the afore-partJllent. If you are in need of ture. DOUGLAS BOAT & 70 ~.. e rms . 60 Feet ,01) Via Oivieto sald office at piy time after the ING I N T E R E S T I N G any living or bedroom furniture CANOE CO., 2819 W. Central -' · $7000 · -fint publlcatlo hereof and' before TIDE , TABLES ' W O R k or any other household items. it Ave. · Phone Newport 2634. 2f Acres . • -§ · · date of sale. • will pay Y.OU to purchase now 98-tfc .East Side, Jc~ in, 3-room house, Dated thl5 1 th day of Decem· JANUARY rngh -Pleasant Working during this big 'JANUARY W ashing Machines nearly n~w garage. _. .. ·BALBOA .. ber. 1945. ' -High 'd.ow ~ Low Condit ions CLEARANCE SALE. Lowest Repai'red $9000 half cash El Bayo Tract-m.Qd~m 2-hedroom home, tile roof. SOUDERS. F 11 3 ,42 10:42 4,13 9:41 tenns; Free delivery. McMahan _ Completely furnism!d. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. as~ ~·~of g;; s 12 4 ,~ 11 ~ .,~ 10 ~~ Learn ._ ~:;~~.;. 'i':i.'I~.Seco. c.llrd & ~u:":,.:-Uo!::; J.E. B rnes & Son ." $12,125 . ; ced " SCHULllR'S . 1806 I ewport Blvd. I ' · . • • ·-~ 5.4 0.4 3.2 t .o T E L E p H 0 N E 3 Th.-5tc w -ea.ta .. •• Pb •16 Feninsula-Beautiful 2-sto,.Y. 3-bedroom home. A. J,.,,.,,_, A Su 13 5:22 1%:45 7:05 u:u aahlng lllachlne Sbop -"· one" 1 OCEAN and BAY VIEW. Ai:;t:e~io Be~~ ~~:~I~ M '1• 65.1,82 --0.4 3.4 1 -.1~~ 0 p ER A T'I NG BOA'll!. SUPPLIES • II 1768 Ne~;:.11::; CO.ta M:."ttc . ~lie $21 -,500 1!5 • ........ 8:01 ~ $25 REW ARD offered for accept-. Coast l opertfes Co. , MCallf_aple Av ., Loo Angeles ' 6.3 ........ 3.7 1.0 lncreaseli Wage rates able slip for 35-foot Cruiser. Tel. SUNDAY SCHOOL GUILD of RI ALTORS Favorable tenns. ornla. Tu 15 6:57 12·38 8:50 Z:l9 . . ff t GRani ••15 H II ood 2t . traJ partl '-·-'·'--' CK-iu77 · < now 1n e ec . te ~ , o yw -2-c c. D. M. Community Church -5-Bedroom home on E. Cen ; y uuu,_,,,..,.,_ • Dec. Zl; Jan. • 10." 1946. CN.,. ~C::.P• :~--::!_,-1·5 _ Apply Hill'.mns B oats will have a Rummage Sale Feb. B LBOA ' I lmmedi.ate Possession • · . ._ dl.b• 1st. Any one wishing to con· Fine roomin house on Ocean I _ $15 ,000 _ . ,_· ~TIPtOA" -OF BUSINE8S ""-.,..placed 1a orda.r., ~ Southern California tort 1 Iii to M Feet tribute clothes, dishes, toys, etc., Front. Ne"' roof, new exterior. ~~A -~ 1:1o11t "-"""a. .._, dad< "-""" P. m Pr ty ordeni taken now. may caU 550-M or 1902-M &lld Looks gooc Sleeps 26. 5 bed-Lot :..oned.for two.family. Good location on Cen!1'31 :Ave. I FtCTlT101 s FIBM NAME T elephone Company . -. artlcles will be called for, rooms. all i"Juipped with wash T · $3250 ' ' . I I • • I . ' . ' ' . THE UND""'~1GNED do here-PueL1c NOTICES ibo E.BaJ6:;. Ave... Dale Watts -1-9tp . bowls. 2 ·s~p5iri0g0po0rches . " '.c:tn.o:>· • 810 Coast Highway Ph, 1104 ·I §--- by cert1ry th• they ...... conduct--. o 93-ttc "More F o r Your Money'' t' BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES -· tng a shoe ·a d clothing bwiine11 Of December. 1945. r ., I . j• at 305 Marl e Avenue Balboa · JOHN 'f. S'l!MPSON. 51'\4' North Main Sfroet FIRE EQUIPMENT TESTS -We hove )wit 'lnAltalled 3 new t""-' ·LI 0 ·ISLE Beauty shoi>--l;!alboa Island, completely equipped living " ' Island, City k:Jf Newport Beac,h, State of California, Santa Ana C-0-Two, Pyrene •Foam refllle. tory methQd Retread moldm which Attractive 1-roOm stucco over quarters. F~Vorable long .term lease. ~ ~C.Ounty of OWlge. State of Call· County of Orange-ks. or . CO• ttxed .,y1!.em and Port&ble11 . gtve 'a deeper tread than new double gar e. l'Sicely furnished. -, . . ~DSOO . fornia. under the fictitious firm On this 20th da: of December:., now available. ETS HOKm &. Ura, me.iµiln& m ore mll~age. Lots of 1-pcm for additional 4'0 name .of '!Bl NADETI'E'S CAS-A. D . 1945, before me. Nora S. A.alt the Operator for the GALVAN, 1000 Coa.st Hlgbwa)r. Leave tires in the mom.mg and building.. ose ·to Clubhouse. N rt.Blvd: Store an~ liying quarters with income l\llit. UAL WEAR" and "that aaid firm Marpart~. a No. l.ry Public in Chief Operator Phone 1384. 73-ttc h&'{e them recapped or repaired Fine view: . . ell located. ... Is compooed f the following per· and for sald Coun y and State. 86-tlc . . by evening or we pick up your , l O ~OO · hoee . arn'9 and addreues personally appear1 John T. · ' F O R SALE -3()..ft. Sportt.ishing car a.nd deliver ume day. Free ' . ,..,, · 1 $10,000 · =~ ~ollow. . tci wit: Sympson, known to lme to be the SAi.Ji: ~OUS 80 ~iser. Pe~fect oon.d.ition. Com-loaners lt dMlred. Money back . -t . · Norman w Dulworth. 1820 S. person whose name Is subscribed THQR MANGLE for sale. Radloc plet;,ly equipped. Ph: N. B. 86!. guarantee la your aaeuraoce. EAST NEWPORT 'HARBOR INVESTMENT _ Garneld. · ·· hr-. C&llf. · to the within ~ i'ument, and repaired. 24-hour service. Short , 1-4tp Grode A Tnock Ru-2 bedroom home. Deep lot. Garage COMPANY . , Bernadette . Dulworth, 1820 S. acknowledged to ne that he Circuit Radio Shop, 305 Palm BOAT PAINTING and machine Now A"Y•ll••le. , in rear. Sjr ink.1750~•03· _ . ~ · Garfield. Alh "1>bra. Calif: executed pt• same. Ave .. Balboa. Phone 1638-W. . sanding. Can also furnish pull· Caobl M-T J,.. • Retread Shop · ~ Realtors k>-- MlltOn V. I lawthrop, 412 N. Mc· . In, witness whereof I have here--3-tfc outs. Work guaranteed.. Phone our new addrea !0th at Central Ave. Telephone 1600 ~{"~ Pherrin.' Mon ~rey Park. Calif. unto set my hand ., d affixed my • N. B. 1243-R. 1-3tc 1760 Newport B)vd. 2 30--_ R-2 LOTS ir . 3·1tc -;J! ~ WlTNESS bur hands thl5 Zlth official seal-the d8y and year In FOR SALE -Hard-to-get boy's Tel N. B. 28'2 M-tfe OpJ)OSite ~'. H. Yacht CJ'ub. day t ber 1945 this certificate first i bove written. .push pedal toy auto, big, good FOR SALE -Dory, 18' 10'" by . 'f' . N~RMAN W. DUL\VORTII NORA$. MAI GWARTH, condition. Balboa Motel, No-19. 5' 9". large Johnson Outoo,ard FOB BENT ,-'1 $2375 Each BERN.AD .... ~I. DULWORTH Notary Public lr and for said D. H. Porter. 3-ltp motor, A-1 .-shape. Cabin 5. ·Bay ROOM FOR RENT · with the use . · MILTON ', GAWI'HROP County and S ate. CIRCULATING Electric Heaters, Shore Camp, Newport. ~ 3-2tp or whole apt. Prefer woman. .NEWPORT HEIGHTS . CORONA DEL . L-0-T-S MAR • ' STATE 01" . ...,RNIA ) PUb.-Dec. 27; Jan ..• 10, 17, 1946. Only $7.95. Heal.th Lamps, tntra· FOR SA~ft. Cabin -cruiser, Phone N. B. 435-R after 5 Stucco dUpl X. Nicely furnished. COUNTY 01 ORANGE ) u . Violet, Inf1'a-Recl, Verdi-Ray. double ender. LicenSed for 13 ' 3-2tc ' 10,500 60-Fl-south of highway; level, excellent location. Approxi- . ON THis mth day or December o1:0:~~K0~· s:::K Batteries fo• Hearing Alds .. passengers. galley and head. fl . ' ' -niately 90 feet from Sea View :Ave. ·aooq ocean view, . A.D .. 1945, bef0tt •me Tom W. . Portable Rallios. MESA RADIO Sleepe four, $3500. Boyar, 19th 2 UPSTAIRS of ce suites, Balboa C ast rt' C . M750. . . . . ·. I - Henclonon • ~otary PUbUc In and & ELECI'RONICS co., 1794 SL Pier. Newport. Sat. and Sun. business oectl~n-Suitable pho-0 -'rope 1es 0 . Tr . _ for aoJd (Jou ty ond State, resld· Nthotice is h.,,.eby I ~,\"'"'= Newport Ave. 3-lfc 3-ltp tograph~r. beauty shop, optician, ·] eaJtors 30-F,t. lot Oil Poinsettia St., south of hi&h;way; less tllBn hi D • ~~~~-=r N";~ ~~ u.: ~~~ ~ the ;~ate of Light Bulbs , CONSULT us about MARINE IN· ~~~t·s:;.~rn::t. '.';~!:'ia~~er~ 703 E. Ollntral. Balboa blocks to~. $l800. . man W. Dul Bernadette I. <;:aJ!fornla. that"A. S TiiOMPSON STALLATIONS & REPAIRS. rear. Adclreu Box A, c/o News------+:lho-=n_e_683 ___ _;3--=-1'-'-'tc 8(}-F1t.f lot m. Poppy St., south· of hlghwa_y, $6000. Dulworth· Milton V .. Gawtbrop and JULIA M . TI1' lMPSON. in-Exte nsion Cords. Iron Cords, etc. Expert technicians, guaranteed. nmes. 1-4tc· -~ t<I to be the penons tends to s e 11 t G U.Y and NEWPORT PHARMACY service. The same high quallty ~ew · · 30-F:Jt lot on Fernleaf St., south of highway, $1500. -~ .... aubocrlbed ·to FRANKIE LE v . -"~y all that 21Q8 Ocean Front. Phone 5 w~rk on marlne radio that· has WANTa> TO BENT ti 3-Bed oom Ho:qies 30-i;lt_ 1 :t Dahli '-St: th f b ' h 'Cl to the ' within · t. and ac-certain personal pr lperty consist-3-ltc made our other-lines of r adio 14-MO.·OLD BOY wants home for -I 0 -on · a~ ' sou 0 tg ~Y-ose Def" knowledaed me that they exe-.ing generally of.~~ tcnandise of a Fire Place and Kindling service famous throughou~ the self and parents. "Promise5 tO Fifteenth Sit. and San ~o 8fhool, ·$~. . . . . . . . -. J · ", outed the aame. . • ~ 0 c er Y busin~ · known as . W 0 0 D HarboT area. MESA RADIO & keep !hell) toeing the mark. Oc-Ave.. !ewport Heighi. 30-Ft. lot on Marigold St., north of hig hway; very good le>- . IN WITt¢ss WHEREOF. I Thompson'• Marl<• belonging to Delivered ELECI'RONICS co .. 1794 New-cupa:ncy Feb. 1, Balboa "Point Hardw-noor.....:Tlle bath c;atim.; close ton~ business center, $1100. I have h<ttWlfaet 'my hand and said A. S . Thompao and Julia M. 2030 port Ave . 3-tfc Hotel, Apt~ No. 12. Phone N. B. ""VU' • attlxid my' cial seal the day Thompson and loca eel at 112 Mc-H. W. WRIGHT-Ph. = 3-41p Tile sin ~Double garage 50-~ lat on Poppy St .. north of tiJghway; good ocean vii! ·; and year. In this certificate !Int Fadden, atyt,Df Nlowport Beach, 1784 Newport Blvd. 3-tfc COMM;ERCIAL Jj• x 9'6'. double SERviCEMAN j t turned $2350 dov ;,-$56 per month $3000. _ -_ _ above writt . ~ County of Orange,-State of Cali-ender 2~-\o~ ice hold, r~d.io <µ· froril. ove~as. u~h~e small · _ TO~ W. HENDERSON, fornla. arid that the ase price CORONADO -rectlon fmd ... Gray maJ')lle mo-apartment or house for wife and 12 modern >bedmi. Duplexes at . PROSPECTIVE BUYE"RS . • NotA '>' Publlc In 'and F'f t~<reof will be paj . on Wednes· Electric Range, $178 tor, swordflah, shark, elbacore, child. In Costa Mesa or New-Broadway. ~d Santa Ana AV.., [ ' · Sold County and State. day, the 16th d"f ~ January. 1946. Immediate Delivery barracuda, black & rock cod ~ Phone !738-W. 2.2tp ' < bola Mesa ... • _ We now have many listings of choice lots lri Corona del M Ir. IMY Expltta March 7, at SMART. & 1\1. CO. LTD.. -· gear. Boat Carn\ax. foot of 29th Rahjb P . Maskey . · · other~ those listed above. · l9t9.) 1060 E. 1st Street. Qty of Santa Auto Batteries , St .. Newport Beach. · 3-ltp WANTED TO ~ -VeteTan 34io CCut Blvd. . 1 . Pub.-JUL 3, 10,-17. 24. i-. Ana. County of olange, State of 18-month -$6-~-Ex. with steady job In -thl5 area N.Wport OoDforill& I· BROSE REA.L TY • • Callfotnla, at 11 o'clock A. M. p I • Oil MlJ!llOAL 42! RADIO , H wants house or small cottage. · · · -That the address o said vendor Is ennsy Vania · THE RADIO TECHNI. ~ "' .,. as Write Box "B," c/o News-Tunes. p one 402 l307 Coast Highway ' cOrona del Mar t ' . CE&iDJO. ·-or BU8Jlti'E88 Gallon, 70c \...Ut.J.'I . ~tf I . . Flctltlo '" F1rm Name 112 McFadden St. Oty of New· near as Your phone. House calls .. 2-2tp · · c · . "PHONE 2048 3-1 I port Beach, Cow ty of Orange, -· made ;dajly except Sat. & Sun. w ANTED by rwponolble Tole-1N V i>STMENT . The · · • c1oeo hereby State of Californi • and the ad-Western Auto Supply Large •toe!< of tubes & factory pboDe Employee; 2 or s bedroom -.u.. DT.&n: l:l:caDOS p_ , · Cfttlt1 that ~ oonducta a point· dttss of said ..;.;&e is 112 McFad· AuU>orlzed Dealer replacement parts to insure bouoe. PermaneoL Pb""" ... ta . . PRI PERTIES For Sale -LAKE VIEW LOT, --;::r. blc <Con-) -ot 512 den Street. Oty ofrewpoct Beach, 1836 Newport . Blvd., Coot& Meaa quality service. PHONE: :le Ana 5829. 80-Uc • Ul ta. 2 Lota. B Ibo Isl d ~ Wr -~ S • N---+ Beech, Cpunty of Orange State of Cali· 3-tfc MESA RADIO & EI.EcmON-16,·500 a a an ' will exdiange for beocb l!9,P' , .,.,.., ._, ·-.-. _,_ • 2 bedreom furnlahed Chb, 'Ice lo----W"""' s• ~--ta·•-'• Calif., i1nc1 ''" No. HID Ave .. f~,~ _ · !CS 00., 1794 Newport Ave. -.U. ~ IT .-' • Sou tt1 ~" -• ..,.. ~ ~ ,..,... h.--. c llfomla. -""". ~ Dated, .. ....,., ltH. ::'\ Used Bicycles · 3-Uc View Lot-_ $4000 =i ~.l!OO-~~LI~ Calif. · -· 2-2te llctltiom --of $Ym!J901' & A., s. THj)MPSON and Tandems FOR SALE _ Uprlgbt PloDo 1n NewPOrt H~~ _ . -. . . 110Nrr TO LOAR: II' -Mouor a"5 1 '"t aolcl firm la com-JULIA t.f, TIIOlllPSON Adult ...._.Ill Up iood coodltlon, La Gonda. mU1u· Maden), well-built, 2• home. House . '"6500 Up Gertrude A. Willdron· LOJJll TO wtU>. l>uJ, - • posed ot j ti f~ peraom, feoclor VOGEL -100 lllaln BL, Balboa. foctuftd by J-FNnch It Som. Laree living room. mohogany d · -· W W S nf d • --or ,re'hw-' 'llbOioe ond -are ,..._ •~~or 92,tfc ~--si•• -N B. ·i·m.J fl~. flttplace, .dlnnfite. tile W • "' J _m.. . • a or N.• -=rt-~·--.... · • roi-., Ho.it: . , ~v~ ··--· ·-· •'* kltchetl and both. y.mc1ey tr"7 • IL. ordan . Broker ' -~~r..:.....uao~ 1 _. iolm T. ! ""-512 w . 38th LE VALLEY JUBt-Arrived In 2-car rarage. Patio. Lot com-700 .... Centnl. Balboa' ~l"!"'d:.~--~R.~=-==~--'..;'1·--~1-:u~·l_~·=·~ .. ~-~~L~-~·::Tal~;ap;+ .. ;-; .. ~w~... ~-8\i'J"r. S::::· ~=-cloy Pub.-.Jan. 10,'19' • endee . "'-lb Beo.rlns Aid ~0-oc1.:S::1 ~-• ~~ ~~~ ";' $1~ . • 1lll 111-ttc c --+-. . . . . ' -· BATTERIES n1c:1ana are anllable .... ~~ -Bal oa . Island · .1.vrpe w.u•-' • .a.vn. 'l[U'AN~ • . SANG BOAT & ~A-1'1 YARD . ~St.~~ to make -~on ,1arp . Gertrude A. Waldron . For Sah>--3 . completely .-WE NE.ED., LATE MODEL CARS . ] • ' _WIJf . eo-uc ="::o ~ ,.~~ Wm. A. Saliford . · ~. ar 1ou~= and Will p · ·To · Pri ·· ' . . Slt Coast Highway 101 . Floor Furnaces ...-. 213 lllorlne. Ph: .,.;. : . . Broker . ' . ~-cub. at c1-of . I . ay J -: ~ . I { • Plil 1. Newpcw& 888 7 37,000 B. T. u . . '4-* Phone 23C-R •. ~Uc ........... : ~.!~~~~ . I . I j • Immediate delivery . '$49.40. Radi Re . FOR SALE-llrond· _,ildng -Ge. ...... .. e A . Wal' dro' n -...... r~ are ....... . ' ' '· • · -· _._._. · VOGEL'S 0 Pllll'!I "atucoohouoie 1n·0orono dd llor, '"'"' I,,_..:._._ __ ~-,._ ... :.:~~ ...'..n _;JI --, •·. . ....... . ' 100 Main St•. Balboa ' ~ "';:'~~~ ... ~.!"'-..,!!!~· Plutered lnilde; coiner loCallon, · Vf.m. W. Sanford ~= ...--~~ OP_,_ ":~ .... ~ .• I • 2IMI Marine. Balboa Ialand 2-tf ,~·-· -~ ~-~· _beat!n& unlls In living room -. • --·-~ . :A. • r---I · 1 . . ·• ··= .... .... . . . c N-'""' BFT.... --om.. plenty -ta al abelf A>one ;13 R: . .. l•tfc "'~-and an'Ulllll' detlDI . I I for far a.le FOR SALE--1941 edition run aet -c.us • PnB I • """"' ~ tubo. -· -. -I ' . • , I • ' .l :e ....... ·ltoudl for a.& Eneyclopedla llrittainl<a Th.-· · · ·-Hooioe ._. for £niipec. FOR .-. -.Let. Sh:lOO ft. CULBERTSON .CHEVROl-ET CX>. Q. · ._,...__ __..,DI' ..U.111... . . • quarter Violin; 1 pair Jodpun, ~-E:n,IWI ~. obJ -timi-·Iaf....,..tlcm ~CllD ·N. R.' . Wot.r tn t. Cmlal -ffpt. ...._ -0' P• 7>J I ' • • • •1 --me 8. call 1193-J att.r 5 ~ · lllCDtho old. llalo. Pllokoe N . II-ColleJ, 1197 OoMt llhd., --. -· _. J, e/o -J • .,.(! .:; ii & • ~ ag • · -·-. · 'flc ~ 1-.J.. ~lie ,' .~B11cll.Pb.ll!l9-~ .:r--1-111 . · ,\''.2 Sil G .~5 I >.*I . I J· • . " . ' ~· , ~ " . . '' . . ' ' • I• 11 . I . ..1 .J , ."'-r, ,,. \ I I -· , -' .'! --... .· ' • .. . . I ' - ... • ' Lt. an,d ·.0n Bal . Byron MarSball Hon~oon H · b l. F. · • ·· · -· A 1 t; • · •t • · I,sla~d~(!erMin!1esota1 ~eddi~g .. ar 0r -' emI·rllil~ ''. -c· lv ·-.Jes -. . M'ary· King Talks o~iBulgaria : • ) i f • ' ' Thursday ~eetjng of _B&PW ·-.-------· a "'dtalter ol. 1&rden'•, for bet . . + By....,._,..._.~--'--"" 1111-Tal•nd d.a\1&6ter'a .. eddina. _ _:Phones..:==.:.13=-=and=.:2l:;:ll8:;_,_ ________ .,....._,_~_ .......... __ :--""'"'""'----SOC---llaJ7 Kins al LldD 1*. . . ' ,.,.m ~ ~ Mrs. Wesley P,eterkin • "" Lt. IJ.s and Mn. ilyron toaowiAc the/ marriage, • ~ C 'r s .... an1 • --~ding 1unc11eon u aervec1 ~·the FAC Arts and · ra ts took"'"""•• lo a.m. Friday, Dec. home of Major and Mn. Qit1er, Sec Meets Tuesday ·:is In F t, Minn. Mn. Mar-who with Mr. and Mrs. Walle!C • lba11 ..u !ormer "Mia Lar-· Von Ohi~ne Thlepum>. Members of the Arts and Crafts raine Ann . daughter of brother-in-law sister of the section of the Fri....... :Altemoon Mrs. Marie , and the lieu-bride, en · the wecldlng ..., tenant ii the aon ot Capt. Byrcm party and 8 f~ close trtenda of club of Costa Mesa met. ~ hall T.s at the club house and beard re-L Man • • and Mrs. Mar-the new Mn. anhall. sal · h Id all 116 p 1 ~ and ports of the rummage e e ah ' ' avenue. Balboa In honor of 'Jbieman at the club Fri""""' and 'Saturday· IsJand 1 her fiance No an A. Thieman. uo..3 The Rev. J. B. Calhoun read the her brother, w host at the bridal when S8d was cleared. 1 '1'4·enty- aei-vice ln . presence ot the dinner given a Dix Country club one were present. , ' de• • Mrs. J. P. Cooper was general bri 1 t.e family. Attend-'the e\•ening bef e the weddia.g. chainnan and Mrs. Helen Keeler ·Thiema.n'a brother-Lt. and Mrs. l\tarshall spent a was in charge of the bazaal" on ter, Major. and ~-few days in cago, then .took a saturday when fancy work was A. H. Cull (Marcelline Thie-plane West are vis:iting the sold, while Mrs. Pearl Lupton was man~. Major .CUtler ls borne on bridegro0m'• ly. This coming in charge of the cooked fOod sale. tenrunal lea from '\be-Army. week end ~Ian to spend in Some of the unsold clothing was 'The bridr ,-e a street length San Franci.Sco. t.; Ma.rshall has 56 given away and · the balance wu dress or e ll>""OOI, Worn with months civerse •uty-and plans to given for European 'relief. black . es and an orchid. A continue his -c&reer in the Navy. Garden Secttoa corsage of Y white gladioli 'Yas He \\1ll report tr rdassignmJ?nt at Next week there will be a joint worn by · Cutler on k pink San I.Jiego on an. i3. The young meeting o f the Garden section a11d wool dreu ccented with black. couple plan to ake their home on the Arts and Crafts section at 11 Mrs. ~ wore lawnder, wit}\ BaJbo3 Island, a. m. TU6day, in the club house Mr .. and M . Harold Graham, 324 Costi r.-i;sa , street, Costa Mesa, are r e4eivtng congratula- tions on the ~rth of a d._.ughte r who arrived J n. 5 at St. Joseph hOspital. She 'eighed 7 pounds. 15 ounces. ELIA LAZAROFF\ ";.'H,!;:;:-:~:::' In His 0Wn Play Dlred.er a wrHtt F A T A S Y of .' 1\L I F E High - LA Frida luring Gale,Ne,stor, N. Y. Stage Actress ID Three Acta and Epilogue I ~-------~ chQOl Auditorium'.,, ... ., noo. '""°· ..... U N A B E A OH Piii• T as. 1Unkln'1 Drul' 8to""' Pb". 143. DAJ" or PeT· J 11 8.30 c.;.'~-•_•.;.~_. _ .. _,_or_r._. _u_L_m.-' ' an. ' • p.m.-. Exp,ert Be · uticia .ns • Perm. ~ling .· ing. ·eo · RU'TH or . Milady ent.s. Cold W ave. Hair air T inting · · · Blcacb· W ave. altioa . Inn Beauty Salon Balboa I ~rc&de • Ocean l{ront at the Pier ' with •a· pal luck luncheon al noon Instead ,of a speaker there will be a general roundtable discussion on ''What to Plant." Costa Mesa Girl Marries in Yuma Mr. and Mrs. Hennan Ba.mes. 2662 Newport boulevard. ase an· nounci ng the man-iage of .. their daughter , ML--s Betty Lucille Barnes to \V~ley Peterkin. i-on of !vl r . and !\1rs. George P eterkin of ROsedale, former residen ts of Co<:ta l\'fr sa. · The ceremony took plac:e in Yuma. Ariz .. on Dec. 28. For the present the. youhg coup!~ !iv· ing in Anaheim, where rs. Pe· terkin is employed in a beauty shop. M.r. Peterkin rece· ed his honorable discharge m the Navy in October an their fu- ture plans are indefi1\ite . First Ex-Boa rd Meet Of Costa Mesa W$CS Executive board members of the W9men's Society of Service of the Co6ta Mesa 'community church ·t.nd leader s of the various cir cles held their first board meeting of the yl'ar \Vednesd.iy, Jan. 2. at the social hall of the church with a pot luck luncheon at noon. All memtiers. 21 in number, were present. ·Mrs. T. Martin Brauti presided, and programs wer e set up for the coming yeai and various activities disc;ussed. The regular ·w .s .c .s . meeting was held today at the chur~h. Delta Gammas to Meet.January 17 The regular monthly meeting of Orange County Alumnae Asso- ciation of National eollegc Wom- e n·s Fratl'rnity of [)('!ta Gamma 'will be held it the home' of 1'o1ri. Clem Christie. 411 North Bay Front, .Balboa Island o n !Thurs- day, Jan. 17 at 7 p.m. Assisting hostess "'ill ~ l\frs. Charles Eaton, and all Delta Gammas a re urged to a ttend and to bring members \•,rho have not previously been acquainted with t he organization. an mttteati<I& bilk "". w. Honored at . In that country to members al Oie - · and ·Prot-..i wom-Pret_ty Bridal Show s club at -uiei< Thunday .,.,... • ' I ' . •,, I Church en Hear . -Afternoon Cqffee P11rty _· judge l:f Hemenway ~----------------·......,... .......... ·....;.< ..... --'. OfL}'J1w_I ood . '. AN afternoon c~ffee is an ideal way tive.. Even if ;r.ou~ not plan nine to to entertain your friends. It's do any entertaininr, J!Urprise . the easy, inexpensive and e:ioeedingly family with U:iis unusual treat. HerG hospitable. You know, U:iere's noth-ia the reeipe for Coffee Jelly Rine. lray. like a delicious cup of coffee to It's teated, of course. cr.:ate an atmosphere of friendly · cheer. And when in add.it.ion to plen.-c .... .leUy lhlt · ty f ll d ff th J bl>lniloon. 111 cup •usar o we -ma eco eeyou"Serve ts cn8*•ored•ei.u11 1tablftpoo111hooq Coffee Jelly Ring, the party is sure 'ii cup cold ,...tu or or% cup cooi ' to be a great succes!j. It'o one of cold eotfM qrup those desserts you can make ahead 1 cu.,. bot cot!M % C1G1 •b.s7 ot time, too, and have ready a nd Soften gelatin in eold water oi' waiting in the refrigerator. Coffee coffee.· Dissolvef,ith bot coffee Add J elly Ring b well worth trying. . sugai-and bone or com syrup. Stir "Here i• a party dessert. that is \Jntil dissolved and cool by setting in di1tinctly different. The rich. dark cold water. Add, sberTy. Pour into a color of U:ie coft'ee.ftavored r ing and ring mold and set in refrigirator to the light tone of the ice cream con-chill. Yield: 6 servinis. trut sharply with one another git"-Not.e: J elly may be pat Into six 11'11' a moat pleasing effect. And the small molds 8nd served with iC4 eObtrut in tenure is equally attrac~ crea~ on the aide table. Christ Church WSCS Makes Outstanding ' Report on Past Year's Activiti'es Reports of the past year's ac· departments ·from the primary tivities of the \Vomen's Socie ty of grade up, to the subject o1 Afriea. (."hristian Service of Christ Church After the noon ·pot luck lunch by thl' Sea showed an expenditure Mrs. Holt~y pres~dl'd at the after· of $1358.46 on local <J.Ctivities af\,d noon session which was attended foreign missions. [by 40 members. and plans were . · made for the Ftve Dollar banquet Included in th~ .a.mount were "'·hich the \V .S .C.S. and the Ki- local church a~t1v1t1e:s•. :S7 90.96:, "'anis c lub will join in serving on $247.5') to forl'tgn i:russions and Y eh l 85 .a bcn~fit for the Pres- $320 i~ ser\~ce to the church, ':he[ byt~rian hospital. . latter including 52 suppers ser\ ed Announcemei1ts included t h e to a group of 25 to ~ }'oung I World Day of Prayer on the first people each Sunday evening, cak~ Fr.d f Lent MJ°rCh g and of to the Ba.Ibo~ USO and Sl26 in th; ~nf....rence· ~eeti ng f women food to thl' Newport USO. I of t he church on Jan. 1 ·the Rcport<'d ""f're 17 boxes o~ cloth· Wilshire Methodist ~ church, ing sent to Holland _and eight to Ange les. ~ Russia and 50 GoodWlll bags ; 1271 Miss Elle n Suffe rn of Oran e, hours served in Red Cross work. who is a missi'Onary home m 1202 calls made, 607 bouquets ·sent China on furlough, tom .or he ex· and 566 gifts of cheer . perienCt>s duririg six y-ears in Free The first meeting of . the year China. She was locat~ in Fukien was held WC-d'nesday 91.t Mar .Casa province and had · much to, tell of with 14 mt'.'mbers of the study the appreciation of the people r.or group pr('Sent in the morning. education nnd their sacrffices to Mrs. J . H . Redstone led in the obtain it. She told of her escape to study of ··The Cross Ov&r Africa," India , a trip full of difficulties and takinR" up .the part below the danger, as well as military red Sahara desert. ~hich is the home tape. a nd of fi ve weeks' sights~· of outstanding African leaders. ing in India while waiting for Miss Elsie Newland led in the map transportation home. · ~ study of the section. Mrs. Ella Goeldner was devo- . Mrs. D. \V. Holtby stated that tional leader for t_he day and Mrs. ~II Protestant churches are giving A. J . R utter led In singing, with one month of study this year in.all ! ?.-frs. Louise Hansen at the piano. · JtJd&e H . Hemenway Lynwood, officer of the cOui1 of Iha! ·cy, wu speaker at the dinner -ting ol the Men of the Church, Id Tuesday evening at Christ Ot By the ~ 'nte Judge' is the b ther of Mrs. D . w. 'ltoltby and · a parishioner .of the Lynwood church · durlrig the four and a h years ol Rev. E. D. Good.ell's Past te. Liice most . ty. judges Mr. Hem- enway is dee interested in the -~lerns of ng people and his talk WBS on ~ponsibilit_y of ~ts in · · g children so they' do not e· delinquents, a preventive p~ being pJ"'l>fer- able to ~~· ~~rwards. Fri!<! WoodWortli. newly 'elected . president1 w&S' in ~arge of the meeting and of the dinner. assisted by Harold G~ and Ed Fruehan. The 21 m em rs and guests were servf!(l meat , eScalloped ·pola· toes, p'.ineappl and <;ot tage cheese' salad. French bfead, lemon pie- and coffee. . 'tlie group ,decided to sponsor the bowling league of young peo- ple of ·the church. providing funds for league bowling· each · Monday e\•ening. Trained Director T.o Lead Girl Scouts . The Girl Scout A.o:.sociation will have the sen-ices of• a paid pro- fessional director one day a week, beginning January, 22, according to Mrs. Hubbard Howe, president of the local council. M~. Henrietta (Skipper) Allen. who has been coming to Ne"''J)Ort Beach for several months to give training courses has been em- ployed to spend Tuesdays' '1ere from now on. She will assist rtroop leaders-with pn}gram worl{ an~ continue tr.8.ining of leaderS and council members. She wiJ ~ also give a course late this spri,g, to leaders who intend t~ a~t as icarnp counselors. dinner meeting at ;wiute's Mrs. Jake Smith, 528 W-avenue C8fe. odd· (act was that: hi a COW!..: teen th street, Costa llesi.. • at that tlme·onJ,y 30 Y~·out tained with~ a brida,Y ~ f under Tufidsh control-and her home Monday evening bolioof-'"'.. th the old~r women completei.Y Ing Mrs. Wesley Peteridni J. u eclllcatecl, most. of tho; dentists fonner. Miss Bet~ BamK. •1""'• re wumen.. Schools and uni-· · rsitles have been established, marria,ze too}t ace :J . Kin& sal<I, and remarkable Yuma, Ariz. . pf<..,.esil has been made in educat· Yellow and white. , the people, the .wumen aJoo were used for ~ratlqn .. l'..8i'!!'!' · g up nursing, a profession were played. _with: prizes golrllj ·ch had been ·held Irr disrepute. Mrs. Herman Barnes. mothtt' !ltroui~ 'the effOrts ot the late the· honoree. and Mrs. Lee Al een Eleanora. . I Jones. Afterward many ~ob-~ Two beautiful eootumes of the , gifts were broui;ht In and ~'­ nUy .were modeled by Betty ·by Mrs. Pet~rldn. I At ~ ~. tad and Natalie Michatift. Md of the evening refreshrilentsj '+f y articles of liandiwork, In IC<> c_"!am mpulded _IQ the shalJOll.f broidery, weaving, painting and ~d)llg bells and ~ndividual '1f · tte.ry. were. displayed, all decor-ding cakes. iced in pink.. were . ed with Qle typical designs St:'~ on cryst.a1 trays. Wi~ I t ded down fro.in ~neration to and coffee. , eration~ '. Guests included th!? guest ·Cf Mis& Dorott}ea W"tlson~resided honor, Mrs. Peterkin. and. t the business seSsion ·a nd an· mother , Mrs. Herman Barnes: ounced Oie winter conference to Mesa.ames Ju(iy Baldwin. WI held at El centrO Jan. 19 ·• 20 Blue, ruchard Barn , Mick. d which· many Of the officers tone; James Herndon, RayrQ re planning ·t.o attend.' Eastman. Jack Keating, 'E. ! t- ~rtrilde. C01lver wOn the draw.! ~· Eir:ner BB.mes and · ~ \t. , a pair! or pretty f:'arrings. and Mane Smit]\ all of Costa M : nkets drawn went to Mrs. Vic-Mr.s. R C. Owen and Airs. H. D. r Grace:\aXJd Mrs . .Vernon Brit-Cod~'. N~wport Beach;· Mrs. t~n. Miss · Marian McOlesney, Allon Jones, Sanlfl Ana; "lembership chairman. reported 51 Misses Mary Meyers. Edna ?tf p.f..id·-m.embers. The next meeting ers, Bertha Dyer, \Vanda Afo "'~II be a health program in charge Everell Sprinkl~r and · W~da o~ Joan H errick. Marsha ll , Anaheim : Mrs. S. E. \Guests present we re Mrs. King µchlytcr ~r. and Mrs.· Li~ er: d Virginia O'Harra. A new jr., Ontano; also, from ~a: m~r was Edythe Lippincott. were the bride's gnufdmo e_r, er membe~ht were Ferh Mrs. J. M. Erner)',· ?.-1rs. g bs: Elizabeth ~d. Lois Barnes and Miss Grace Rogers. s· mons, Joan Herrlck, Borghild ~-~------ S ephens, AIQa Gorton, Dorothy A sor\'was born Jan. 5 at ~Satit& S therland. .Gertrude C 0 11 v e r. Ana Community hospital te Mr. ~~h~a Wilson. Margaret ~ge. ·and Mrs. Coffman, 117 25th s ' ' t. · nee Brown, camel!e ~ennf'4y, He weighed nine pounds a nd an · Jdred Loc.khart. MaJ!.an Mc+ ounce esney. Katharine Vl\,ughn, Meta ~--· ----------;--chmann, Grayce Se\der, Do~ Ballet· Les8ons w.,ineaday . Advanced ':00 p. m.- t Robinson·. E ileen Hibbits, Dor- ot y Weiner. Marie Hiebsch. Mil· d Stanley, Ma tie Rolling, Agnes e mquist .. Rut.h Hershey, Alice Sl rnons. Mina Hershey and Wini-Mrs. Esl~r Chapman. camp chairman. is now beginnj.ng intens- ive plans for summer camP for Newport Girl Scouts .and an· nounces one generous gift to pro-3 vide the opportunity for· girls to d go to camp who would not ~ able h to afford the tuition, or who; ha~e 1 in some special way earn~ that ; aarbre. t . and Mrs. Johll Simpson, 211 h street, are· parents of a ughter , born Jan. 4 at St. Joseph ·pita!. She weighed six: pounds, ounces. . Ballerina '1 :SO p. m. Thunday Intermediat.e 3 :•5 p. m. Bectnner . • - -C :'5 p. sq. Adult. -. ' 7 :S<> p. m. No. 8 Bay l aland. Pia. !181-11 Margan.t L Scbar1e (M-Mulo 'l'eomero' Alm of'Oliltonla) privi.lege. , l\trs. Robert Killefer has joiued the local council as prcfgram chairman and is now making up a list of program consultants. 1 from among those people· in the area' who have special .skills, such as leather work, music. sports and games, shell coll ections. so lhal they may assist the Girl Scou1s with special badge work. l An international workshop. a special. annual program. is being 8-rranged at Laguna Beach and will be attended lall'r this moiith bv Scouts and leaders ,from the Harbor. Mrs . Miriam Rand· Goes to Del Mar Mrs. Miri3m Rand. 104 Via POP" clfRN ·---BJ R..Jow Ham. I -TEACBQ OF PIANO . Orpnlat • AmcwnpuW Studio:_ I01' Goldarod Awim• ~ Ooroa& dill liar, I PHONE: ,NEWP'DBT JMI . Expert S~oe Repairing While You Wait ••• C · Ch h ' Eb 11 Cl b 8 · d Orvieto. l.Jdo Isle, &eeretary to Fr h. , ommtJn1ty Urt e U fl ge Hubbard Howe. president of South enc 1e S Circle I Meets Jan. J 5 Postponed to Jan. 31 Coast rompanv. has resigned her ·RayP~gan 515 East Bay Front ' I T R _E AT I e Folks Back Home ' · · to a · OBERTS PORTRAIT of you .&Ml1lv and Character Plus Glamour ---our speclalty ·SPEC IA~ .•••• 1!.00 • NO APPOIN"QIENT NECESSARY . I 8Ve to· lloqalre A-t <Jowiac Old PortraHo ' . . i obem Portraiu /· . I .., NP&TB llADI -Nm 'IO •ONTGOJllDIY WMD8 • l . . '» , a... fl'w. 11 A. IL tit I P • ._ D18;:r . I • • Delicatessen position and joined h•r husband. Circle 1 or Costll. Mesa Com-With .fi ve ThursdaYs in the rCapt. Harbld _ Rand who ·has re· Radio Joaa. to1ll never stafve ro long· C11 .t/ieif" corn, ham and Non Door to l'1llm cate ' , "9a.m.to 6p.m. · M"1 month and other socl•l affairs in cently been discharged from serv-BarbeCUe :fa~~i~~~h~c~.t ~;~tt~~:~ the otfine . the Ebell .club bridge ' ice and is now manager of the of hitrs. Arden Long. 196 East party h8J1 been postponed trom the I Del M:rr hotel. Del M~-. Ba.Ibo& Inn Arcade Bldir. Eighteenth street. Assisting Mrs. regular-.;date of Jan. 17 and will be Taking Mrs. Rand s place is -§-Long as luncheon hostess will be held on fhe last Thursday of the Mrs.· 1'.fars?it Sitton at Santa Ana, Spare•Ribs • Chicken M H A d M c D month, Jan. 31. Hostesse5 for the a ·brid" of three wee~s. ~rs. Sit· Lamb • Prime Ribs Kl~P. :e~y ~ni~~ ;~: day will be membe~ of the First 1 toli IRas the former ~ss Margit will conduct the business· mieting, Boo~ section of \vhich Mrs. Harry P etterson. daughter of Mr. an<J of Beef • Hotdogs. the first of the year. Welsh or Corona del ?.-1ar is chair::-1'.~rs. Hans. Pette~on. 8)7 East • Barbecued On the famous • Seventeenth street, Santa Ana. · egg1 hold wt.'· · · ,. H us.£ B~AUTY l SM Mailne AftOlue Balboa w.;,d -I'll_; 182'1 . '. . Open Satunlays Until May 1st Closed on M~ Stainless Steel Du· All man. Her husband is. c;po CheS:ter Sit· Bar-B-Q Machine. A . t L ton. USN. who has retqmed to WHE. E HAI"' STYLING lS AN AR' T -~-ss1s ance eague Pilot Class to his ship, ·the refrigerat ed cargo · "' • Complete Stock or Me ets Tues., Jan. 15 Elect Officers carrier YP 636 after a honr ymoon Shrimp • Lobsters spent in Balboa. Ther plan to Our aim is to enhance Milady's ·beauty and proyide O•-sters k he" r h h ·1 the ultimate in beauty care ' M p 0 k -11 be h N . . d 1 • f f ma e t tr uture ome ere. 1 Imported Chene, SardJnM rs. or~er ur ee '!"1 . osl-orrunat1on an e ection o o -possible. · HEAD '.I'O · TOE BEAUTY. S,._VICE and Anc.ho .. 1es, ess to members of the Harbor ficers will be held at the next I . ,J!Jt ~-----------~!branch of the Assistance League meeting of the Pilot Class of y f · • d d • ~ ~ TIIM7 ._. ~ on Tuesday. Jan. 15 _ot 12 :30 p.m. chris t Chiirch by the Sea, schecl-_;our nen S an mine ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~· ;;~;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;~ ... ------------.1 at her homl', 109 Qnyx avenue. uled to be held at the church Frt-· Assisting hostesses ,,;11 be Mrs. day evening, Jan. 18. A pot luc k Mrs. George Wheat of Ne~rt Lido Deatre Phone 21 l f-• t?ee Parklng NO\\' Thru Saturday '-rHE SPA.'.\ISH MAL'.\" Sunday Thro \\"ec:lnesd&)' Gene. neruey · Cornel Wiide .. LEA\'E HER TO llEA\"'EX"' Starla Tlwnday -Jan. 11 .. SAN A..'.\T0?\"10 .. Balboa -Theatre --.. Now 'l'llnl Saturday "OUR VINES RAVE TENDER GRAPES" plaa ""WALT DISNEY . SHOWCASE 8aa -MoA. ·~aa. lS • l'' FeaDueAttnetioll...i ' __ ,.. .. ~ -W..L laa. 15 • II "BEii WGJINE88 AND m u:•.1.aor Jw AlJ;;poim, • R1•m& WUbr , ll!!lr •·•arr ----11 "'STATS FADr" ,. Dixon Smith' antj Mrs. George dinne r at 6 :30 will precede the Island. chaitman of the Oepart- Yardley. Earlier t'n the day an .business session. ment of Home for t he California .M~TERNITY executive board meeting will be ., Federa tion of Women's Clubs, was held at the~ome of the ch•'r-·n, sneake r at the JanuA.ry 'meeting ii ..... ..... Afr. and Mrs. Floyd Johnson, 140 f Pl · n -d 'T bl I b Mrs. Walton Hubb.ard Jr.. Lido o the acentia n.uun < a e cu , Isle. Cabrillo street, Colta Mesa, are giving an. impiring talk on the parents of a· daughter born Jan. 4 P.la~ of theo"home in the post-war D"resses • • Suits • Slack Sqits • Robes . • ~umpers White House Cafe BLOTTERS!! ~-Beeemd a.,.. ... ,._. of -lhU-'J .. ...... ,.g ... ~-*!'S--•­.,_. ·1· ----N_,, ·a~ Newpwi ..... C 'ml. wr .... f S at Santa Aedna Commundsunity hospital. w:arld. . . he ~eigb 4 po . • 12 ounces. young service men an<t the ii-, Featured By famili~ Who have visited at the ' ~ Bed Jackets Cedric Farnhapt home. NeWpor{ '' n· ' M. • Sh Island, this week iJlclude Lt. and ' • 00D3 • ane 0ppe Mrs. Charles Scanlon and sons 515 NOrth MA.In St. · Santa Ana Arcade Otarl~ jr. and Michael, Bnd Mlj.J I~~~~~~===~============~~= and Mrs .. SCanlon sr., the lieuten- ant ~ing on a stiort leave from his atatioft in Northern California lr-:---------'---------------,+'4 ~i ::ini:i~ ~~:.".~: , · Telephone 1347-J Farnhama oi:c)lpy; Tech. Sgt. and Mn. Vern Brlcleman ~ '"YOUP& aon. Gary Lee, abcl Leon Oise!\, Mo.MM 2/c -USN were iut!sts on · TIJosd.aY, "thi' sergeant being back ' , ... , FIVE;.l>A Y SERViICE . . ~ . • • ~ 00!! .. Ud a· Mlf. }'ear'i heavy 1 • • • I ' 1 t....::... .... -m.....:..;..ooM.i:.l..Wiii..-a • clutY In -·tj\"e · Pad6c -lnvUion '-' ·· ~ · ~ ·· ··· ,. Cl • g ' and. Laun4'1 -. the ~ .Wanda,· ori· llv'ollch· .ftlar·fva. .. ....;.~·,.,...._ Oldna . .--wa to ll)e .nd ol the war. He ' • _.. I I , · 11 •·q;i -,,.:_ .. _· -~-.... ~ In October 'to ~--. . . fer •• ..... ... . a . .• __ _.. ~ ~-,..-·, ........ ~=i:='=-·~~ -CORON4 D1;EL MAR .. : ..... ..: ~ '=... i:F,!: -~ • "homo ' In . La lolla. -· ti '' * P's ... '11 1er .. Leon C>Dm .eerffd on the LSJ1 6 ... -. · " 191Cr~1111'1•--., _ ,, ~~. ::..·-.:,·· ',:--t :•tt •k»1 tbrOuab ibe Pacmc w1· •. 11 ;,-f ~.:·~Pl&~~-~,Up:!~•~nd~~Delt~~~·:u~1~~··..;-LI ~·-~o.~~d~l'llllllJl.ft.~~-~-~~~~~ !# . Inc 1111 JI!"'" -11 l ' <# ... J - • .. ' .. . .