HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-01-15 - Newport Balboa News Times) • • Tl SAND C1RA B ll9J SAM· BOLl'D First rumblings r ·of the · · g city elec- tion next ril came to the surface at Balboa (oday when it learned that riigged Col. T. P. Atkinson • had shied cap into the ring for ci1man. Those of you who .not lmow the , forceful offl r will say that • he was one f the. 1J1en who · built the ta Ana ·Army Air base · its early days. H~ was ful , ener- getic and s y, and it was his work t · won him his stripes. F the beginning he lived at Balboa, finally buying a h e--0n the Pen· insula and t n at once took ' -~ active in rest in civic af. " fairs and me ide11tified I I with the lif of the cemmun· .ity. Since his retirement from the se 'ce the Colonel has continu to make this harbor' his iding place ana now that 's friends have persuaded h to run for the council, he · n easily prove a valuable sset to an offi. cial group at is alwa)IS harrasses· · a growing city like Newpo Beach. + + 1 Chutth . wlers. Best news of the week is the an- nouncement by Rev. Ed. Goodell th t his church folks have rted a bowling league at Joyce's empor- ium of slick leys. Perhaps Al's announ ment of no Ji. quor Tnay h ye inspired Ed's workers. b t nevert)leless, this is the irst attempt to bring chu bowlers from all pa rts o the county to &~lboa. \V en the h a rd ooll pushe get going in ear- nest it \vill resent an ardent aggregation of young men and ·women 4tg healthful reereation · a g+iind sport. + + . te. From Ma- ore evidence 9f · y method of Uniforms, etc. rator route. At hearing a ser- geant told ff a roomful of generals. e of whom con- tended that the shoes; blan- J<ets and fi Id jackets were burned use the;,: had mildewed ' rotted beyond salvage. at is just an- other indi ent of he care- less lu\n · of goods. Why let It rot in the first place• The ease p led in the News- case print in the News-nmes last week. can be multiplied, II wager. in al- most every army· camp m the nation. Instead Qf h old- . ing hearin · whv not issue an ordeJ; 'tQ stop such prac- 6ces and ·ts sale to ci- vilians! , • ' . ' • .. ' • . ' ' • ' ' • ' ' . • REALTORS' oLIEc110ls TO 49 Ac.:· AilEQJ. OVERRIDE.I · BY c0UICIL1 . ~vo~L~ma~~.J<XX~~~~m~·=====~====,;NEWPO;;;;;;;;· ,;;;&T;,;B,;;;EA;;ce.;;;;,;0;;";;1.IF;;,;0;;&N1A,;:;,~TU=a=u=A=Y=, J=AN1l==AB=:=Y=i11.=·1-=--===~=i:!5':==,=======:N1lllm==='= 1 Vote ·.Aruiexation Ordinance to Seoond ~- LJaw· E' stab.11·s· he-d· ing;LocalMenSayCitySettingNew t"'. ' New Harbor eedent by EXtending Utilities , · • Passing to a second reading a proposed new ordinance which would permit annexation of the more than 49 a~ Il- vine Country Oub ~tes subdivision immediately ,..,µ~ ot · REV. PERRY F. SCKltOC K En.t .. ring Ji'('(_•ond .year a!l lradt>r of Corona del Mar Community chwch, Congregational. 1Permits at $400,000 Month Rate, Include 21 New Homes., $60 ,000 Motel in 15 Days I . . New Harbor Ordinance · 4t 1s Passed· Cauoa del Mar, members of the city council. Monday ~ noon found .an entirely new lineup of votes in· another three-- to-two split. The vote was not taken, howe~er, until a Con- siderable discussion had preceded the motiod and"b6]ecti0ns raised to the annexation by Lew Wallace, Ra'lph Maskey jBnd P , A. Palmer, all weJl..ia)own ~ty developers and Pr<lPf'lY Mesa Postofflce ~~~ Jed o,., objecti°"' to R~ Galli allowing . th~ elaborate n~·lract ....,... ·~ · -lo come into the city \\itbout For Year 1945 agreeing to saddle its share o1 ProVl.des Annual . In-the past bonded indebtedpessi He pointed out that the city .has Av~rage Home Values Rise A. ho ve $4000 .As ~-~-pection Fee•, To Aid Mcney orders to the amount or about $l!ll.OOO payments yet to d C t $267,052.26 were written by tbe make on its main line sewer. ~'hile P ermits fssued for Rest ences OS 1ng axes Costa . Mesa -t office during tbe new property would not share $20 000 Al $14 000 1945, according to an annual re-fn carrying tltis load. He sajd Uiat \ ' ; SO ' port just compiled by :P.liss Hazel "rith exet>pfion of llarbor Island. A hew city ordinance coiD-Gill, postmistress. Gross· receipts all othe r annexations in the past I. Home building boomed along at a g.reat i:at~ ~'ith the bining and replacing all prev-for the year in stamp sales and had agreed to pay their part ot start of the 11ew year, even though tli.e city buil_dmg depart--ious ones for control of har-box rentals showed a gradual in· the funded debt. rnent has a number of large ne\v projects un~er dlS~lon but bOr matters \Vas passed at the crease. she said. LC'st('r Isbell and · Bob Allen not ready for permits because of the. material shortage. For city council meeting Monday Gross receipts for the year "'ere agree that it wasn't fair tt> ~ the past 15 days. however. a total of $211.850_ worth of per-afternoon. The ·ordinance, 20 $28.829.22. as against 527.W.44 rest or the residents to allow an ()()() I ed by Eugene for the Year befon:. This.was for enu·-1)' n-" a' rea ,. on th dollar mits including oae for a $60, mote \\1ere 1smi . . . DAl~· .McM", .,N pages in length, establishes a ... -.:-~ n, e --~---.-=--------F I t th city building ~.. ~ stamps and box rentals alon~. r.nd tax rate plus certain. set ch .. -. ene on a e 1 new m' itial inspection fee of r bou 8 -··-. department. · One of nve grandsons of pion eer . ]' I f d showed an increase o a t \Vh C'n. as \V8.llace argued. it costs Costa. Mesa Boys A'.t the rate permits are being to meet tn reunion. Another' ll 20 cents per 1nea oot an per cent over 1944. more than that to Cft.M1' the serv· ·1tlll In iser\ice. a yearly m· s.......+lon fee df the Mrs. Gill th8nked thl' patrons 1'~ provi'ded. is. sued, Ne"1>0rt B(!ach will hit a .P"""-" .. , '-"" R turn to Home.S same. amount It passed with for thoir patience and coopera-City B·~--'\'aur e · stride of 5400.000 monthly, or eas-. •· • d ~-' al p· I R t ' bl" d. ..to ... ...-tlon during the year. She sai R. L. Patterson. city engineer, F Se • ily twiet> last year's record tot I an e.un•1on· OU pu IC rea In g Or ~~ that with a limited personn~l they exJ)lained that it is good business Ch h El rom rv1ce of more than 52.000,000. remark-sion. and talces effect within were doing the best ~ible. She for the city to E:-xtend water lines Ure ects able ror a city of this size. 30 days. asked that residents · advise their because it "''ould get that money Among sevefal Costa Mesa boys Most of the permits[ wereS20fo r Of 5 M M II The . comprehensive ordinance,' friends or sources of their mail . back over a peri9d or time. ·How-- recently discharged from the serv-homes. One was issued or a ,-• Which was worked out by Oty At-theii-correct: addfess in -order to ever. upon qUestioning, he did Off f ice "'as Lt. John Shirley, son or 000 two-story residence to Alice . c I an tornev R oland'Thompson and Har-facilitate the mail arrival. admit that the city is buying . •1cers or i\1r and Mrs. \V.ill Shirley or Ir-K. Patty, 1415 B_ay av~nue : a~-. bor' Master Russell Craig after' The posuitlstress urged all to water from Laguna. and that the • . I vin~ avenue. He is the holder of other for S14.'000 to_ MaJOr David G several con(erences and combining observe closely the mailing ad-water situation is deplorable. the BrQnzc Star. the Sjlvcr Star, .Cairns, 132 Vta Wa.ners far a one--ra· ndso s other ordinances previously iv dress which is proper for them, Water extension to the new. high E Y I Purple Heart and other awards_. story. home and garages. Other n force, ·defines the. h~bot: ,ar ea. because of the changes no\V tak-claRS subdivison across Buck nsu .1ng . ear I Prior to joining the service he \Vas permits ranged from thr~-room . . ·8.nchorftges. m~rtn~. turning ing place in .street numbering. gulley rrom Corona d('l Mar graduated rrom Newport Harbor bungalo\vs to $8500 resdtences. · . . . basins. Vessels and clarifies other Mli ny are still giving an obsolete ·"'ould cost about $1300, he estim- Unlon High school and later at-The averag_es w~e well above . . · : matters not pre1ously made cer-box . number or rural route, she ated. SewPr extension ¥-'OUld cost First annual meeting and dinner tended California_ Polytechnic Col-S4.000 not 1nclud1ng garage per~ Flying horn~ last w~k from tftln. It likewis~ lgiv.es the duties said. and cautioned them to about $2700. . in the ne\v social hall of Corona le e. m1ts. New York, Pfc. pan A1:cMi1;lan, ~n and po\"\'ers of t?harbor master, check with her to determine if It \VRS finally agN>ed. however. del Ma r .Community churc'h, Con-1 ~gt . John Shilling, son qf i\·lr. Th~C'e small <;<>ncrete block of Mr. and ~In. John Mc14iUan JI'., giving him wide discretiori under their address is oorrectly u sed. that if a pumJ)in.i station we~ lcr grl'gational. serv('tl . t~ a cap8city and ~1rs. Herbert Shilling, resid-d\velilngs are .to be oonstructed by ,51~ Redlands avenue. .Newport .jurl~~iction of t e council to set cated by the city opposite thel pJ'C)- CTO'-''d -of IOQ and presided -OVC'r by · g on M8nzani.ta street in Costa Jackson Turner near the west en4 l-Ieights. a nd grandson of the moorings and os ance df law In perty, it would likewise serve--C~ l\iloderator PC'rry F . SchroCk. elect-~esa, has been disch~rged after of the city. They are to be erected found_cr of Ne\~rt 's \\'ate~ sys-the city portion f the bay. Lull:erans .. Set rona de.I Mar, and thus might save ed .. the follo,ving -officers ror the three years service in the ar my. at ~· 211 and 213 43rd street, tern. is "0"':' a civilian a nd Wlll get . The neW ordin nee sets a speed the city a J>06Sible $18CX>. 1The ensuing year: Sgt. Shilling served 22 months costing $2500 each.. d . ed f togethe~ ~th ~evJerhal :cMherlgrl an~· limit-.of five mile .per hour. JJ th;-lnstalla. tion Of pumping station will be needed r-e- Clerk, Mrs. Ard.re": Densmor('; overseas in .the army air rorces. A $12,000 home 15 esign or sons an . in ° .0 n 1 ·an s •. scribes what co prises i:ecklea gardless, th~ engit)eer pointed out. financial secre tary, Mrs. G. D. Raymond SmitH has been t-ion-L. H . Pa}mer at 1704 Park ave-a,t a family reunio~ Jan. 20 when driving, and req res vessel nmn-YODDg Pastor ')"h e question of precedent Gi:upe; treasurer, S. A. l\if('yer ; 'bl d' hargcd from the Navy nue, Balb6a lslartd ; Joe S. Stuard All but one of the f!ve who entered bering as prescri by the harbor . plagued the Council, because it auditor. A. A. Kemper; deacon, ~~:erys~~g .action in lhe South P!.ans .to 1 spend '$10,~-at 4~ t~t! se~ice.\~;11 be united for the master. unless a ocumented ves-. tCont!nu~d on ~ge 'Flve) Carl C. Sarcy; deaconess, Mrs. \V. Pacific. He \vill assist his father,, River in Ne.wport. E. N1e1sncr took first ~me since .the war .began.· se1. Under tts pr visions .f!lOOrlng Rev .. Herbert C. Roth will be. in----~. ----- R. Swig('.r; board of religious eduto. R. Smith, in bu$iness here. .. out a pc'rn11t !or a 88~!)() home at I D~niel A1cMtllan . "'. 0 n t ~ e permiJs are need ' and al1ows' tlle stall('d"on Sunday, Jan. 20 as pas-c 1·t.v Turn s Down cation, Mrs. Harold E. Wilson Charles Smith of Virginia Place z.25 l\'1ar_guer1te. and Mc;-le l-~. Bro.nze s.tar r9r mer1tor1ous acti.on l (Continued o Page Five) tor of the Newport H arbor Lut~- trustee three yeai:s John Sad-h 00 lei:tsed lfron the Coast VC'rbcr~ 1<: tn ~:-c !:'"t " SSOOO res1 -dur1nr. hLc; xe¥ and n half service f"ran church. The services wtll $'>OOO Off f 'teir: tr~tee, one yea~. o. z. Rob-G~ard .('nH:(' served 16 months in dence at 605 Poppy, in Corpna ~el \Vit_h Cc>n. George Patton·s famous Th . H. ho Bo I tue place at 10:~ a.m. i~ thl' ': f) er or eruon : board of benevolences, ~rs. the South Paciric. ~~r. J, E. ~cCready also was Third Ar~Y-In the sweep across. ree .. a r vs K Grauel <"1la prl. 110 Qr~ad \\'a G • c . ' s. A. -Meyer; c,tiurch school· super-Jack Skiles, former T/5 in the g1\en a per1n1t f?r a S6000 home Fran:e. Luxe~bottrg, Gerrr:iany r 0 'G Id St t ' C.OSt.a M~n. \\'..~"'r_e tt-.r congre&a· 1 am1ng as1no intendent. 1\-trs. Frances Cox. I ~rmy , has been relC'ased from I there at 210 Heliotrope. a~d 1nt9 Austr1~, young McMillan. . n 0 e . a e . tion'has been hotd1ng Tf';1.,1\ar \\'~i· I -- G.D. Grupe, chairman of the\ service and is home with hiiJ Mo.tel . \"\as .freque~tly in tough spots apd .Tr • • • ship at th<' present time. Rev Ne"'port RC'(tCh is not gc;ilng to ~ board of trustees. is holdover aS parents. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Skiles 'f.he $60,000 motel_ \Vas descrtb-'"'Dn the high ?'ward for ?rave:y a1n1ng ru1se George Busdiecker Of Sain~ Peter's ; open the \l.'R" for a gamblir.g club is Mr. Rea. \l.'hile. Rev .. ~1r .I of Placvitia street. ~ l\\'O "'eeks ago in _ the N~ws-un~er eni:my fire many t_im~ tn Lt1theran church in Sant~. Ana in it ~ c it_y lin1its. . Schrock. \\"ho has been serving as f T1n1cs before the permit was g1ven \Vh1ch h~ 1n~tall~ and maintained Thr~ ,,..iC::··; ... en from New-RJtd 8 150 speaker for the Luth·! This mi·rh scf'med ct'~ln at ihc churc~·s ~stor since .its C ty A (o Ogden Armstrong a?d Robert commun1cat1on hnes. port and. Ba~bop no\V attendinc eran Radio ·~i§Sion .. '''i.11 pr('ach I ~1onday r ftcrnoon'!'l ~un~il mcet- founding "'111 again.serve as min-OUn pp~oy~s Col<?mb at .706 State Highway'. It . All of the gT_andso~s. of t.he the Cali(ornta tate -Maritimf?Jon the occasion anrl perfor m \h!> ing \\·t~:-n i:i;flr.r n brief d1scussiol'.I ister, it was stated. ·5-Acr e S ubdtVISIOil Is to cons1s~. of ~O motel units. pionE'Cr Nev.'PO~t1an will be in-iAcadE'mY at. Vall jo, were a~ installatiOn rites. The public is I on th(' tabled letter fro'll a ·syi'ldlr R eports on the construction or . : . m ost of wh,1ch "'111 be one-room inclu~ed at_ a dinner at the John t'he· school's train ng vessel "Gold-·cordially invi ted ~o Attenrt . catE' pr.op6sing a cnrd r~eatio~ the church . buildings revealed The prange County Plann,ing and bath. It lS to be cons~ructeq McM~Uan Jr. home except Huey en State" when 1 dep'arted Thurs-Pastor Roth ts a native of Pi tts-' cluh to be ·knowrt as the Ncwpor} total cost· was· in excess or S25,000. Comn1ission has approv~ . pla'_"S of frame and stucco, and wall face McM1l~an, a nephew. S/Sgt. Tate l day. Jan. 10 for exico and South burgh, Penn. He received hrs .. tJ,. I3 I Recreation Casino the council de-. An indebtedness or Sl.500, it .\vas for a .new fi\'e-acre subchv1s1on 1n on San Bernardino a\•e nue. I H~~ is b11ck. ~nd the get-together America on its fi t training~ degree from Capital Univers1t v 1n , cided to return tht' checks o[ reported today by l\1rs . Grupe.\ Costa Mesa at the corner of o:-------. ''·111 in~de him. as well as Mr. since the er.id of ostilities. Colmnbus, Ohio, aild \\'111~-t:alled to S3000 for the privilege of opening has nearlY Sl,400 raised and that ange a,nd Rochester avenues, it f• h• B ts I anti M ~ Irwin. Mr. and Mrs.I They are~Milt Edward Bacon, Newport Harbor upon his gradu-the club at an unnamed loca•ion it will be wiped Out by another I "'a~ rl'ported in Santa Ana last IS 1ng oa I Ralph n, Capt. and .Mrs. Wal-! 2009 E. Bay Fron • Balboa; JOS~P~.i.j'ation kom the Evangelicol Luth and $150 fje~it o n the monthly week. The ci'{urch still owes the we~k. t 1"r Kelly'. Wa lt~r McMtllart from A. Beek jr., 528 Bay Front, ~~I eran Seminary in Columbus. HE! "take" of some 10 •tables. Congregational Building Sooiety 1 'the property _is owned i:?Y ~· • Palm Springs Airport, Mrs; J . Ells-1 boa, and Samuel Franklin Fogle-, has served fOlf' one year .as an· :>s-·J The proposal which had bP.en $6.500. first-payment on which i$ and M:->. ~ames Arthur Harris, B k L worth, Mr: and Mrs. ~· J . Oohl~, man, 1501 West entral, Newp>r t sistant -pastot -~t Grace Luther{l-n , held over from a previous meeting not due until 1948. who will tnstall concrete ~ rea oose Joh? McMillan sr., and Mrs. Sadie Beach. . church in Washington, D. C. met·wtth unanimous refusal of the Ladies of the church served a I and gu~ters, as well ~ lmpro~e lrwm. During the .3 month voyage, Pastor Roth arrjved in Califnr-councilmeq yesterday upon . Bob splendid dinner -after which re-the tract with flowenng acacia the ship will 'st p at Acapu1co, nia and began his work in October Allen's motion lo refund ttie ports of the various departmerits tr~s. It is to be restricted to rest-' Inside Wf Owners Mexico; BalOOa; Panama Canal of ~t ye~-Although only a little money to 4 the gaming syn~icat~. \Vere read and approved. ~ dences. Zone; Callao, P u; and v .alper-over two months old, the Ne'rP°rt As a me~ber of the council 1a1d Seven fishing boats br oke loose Ready to DiSCUSS also, Chile. · Harbor Lutheran church is ,Prgan-after the meeting, "This is a resi· .lncor,po' rat·1on su·b-Com . to ~odm ~~ir sr::.:~i°!~i~t~~n ~~:Island Pier Issu· e em~epr;~~;n;o ~~ri~!e!"~at7 ~~~~~~~~~Th: l ::~ti:~uT;ybe n~;;y a~d ~d~~t:::: improperly moored or "'ithou'.t per· I · · and 23. years of e. for careers as beautiful building site along Cliff t for it." , . ·' mission during the "'eek end wind 1 Balboa officers in the . S. Merchant DriVe on the bluff overlooking the \ ·· Ch b storm . Little actual damage was The. . Island !a.xpayers Marine. beach arra In Newport Heights. 1 T •1 p k R t t M er rerortcd ali hough several small Ac:sociatton, the orgaruzation of . An architect will be selected to . f8J er 3 r epor 0 esa a boats ~ere S"'amped by roug.h Inland J?roper~y-owners on Bal~ 145-LB. S GEON draw up building plans at the reg-' M . L t. Be . ' . ' . wpf('r. I Island, lB. a~a1l1ng the .opportunity I L"lrgest fish bser\'ed in the ular ~ational m~tin& on . ay a er come • Seve ral boats broke their moor-to meet "'1th a comm1t!ee of the newly fo~ la e behind Shasta the lut Sunday of· this month. It S tf• h• A · . in s in the channel particularly bay rront 0 "''"ers to discuss the -h · h ' is hoped .that the first unit.or the por JS In g rea Election of ~irectors will take ~m several sub-co~.1ttees ~?'" ne~ the chd of the Pcninlt\lla. The ' pier and beach ~ituati°'! and oth~r I ~~(11 is:n;. it~t ::Seo~:':nig r:! new dlurch will be completed this I , ! . " place on the night· of Jan . 28 at JX>1nted at last Tu~da} s meeting Soliloquy "'as one of several help-problems of g~nPral tnterest in t I h ~ h 1 n spring. .. It rni~ht be possible to m:!ke "'hi<'h t1m(' the Costa l\1csa Cham.I by General Chairman Har?1d ed by the harbor master "'ho to-the hti.rbor al'('a, in the }lopes that 1 ~1nc es o g , i $4000 net to the ~1ty e3ch ~·car bei-of Con1mercJ?" expects reports GrauC'I ror the pu:pose or t.akmg get her \\'ith the South C~t Com-" a satisfactQry conclus1on ~an bf? k s d. B I with 8 high class trail<'r park at up ('\Cr y phase or 1ncorporat1on in panv mo\"ed a t least six crart to rea~hed to the· advantage ?f all c . s·1on As s tu y e '· 't~_edceditybcy~R.mpLgr. Poautntdle:..oitn,wClas,v~.--. M . L d W the mesa a rl·as. . k("(' them rrom dam<>··c 1 residents of the area. according to Omm i .... • , ., .._-.. . esa a on Committeeme n. ~ppointed by the The fishing boats ""~bser\'ed in news from Fred. Stevenson of San I I glncer Jn la Jetttr to the COU nCll . d "·ell-knO\\"O mort1c1.an \~·ere _f?r t_he difricultv \\'('?"P most!v "'ashed Marino. . f Hig'h Leve· 1-·s· ridge . I ~~liton.f"dlo"·,~'-·~acll,jfl tP;c':,::,"°r;:nv:r-oml't'COl'TlfTl~~·d :,.,oe~n'ld:een·,·nhge -Bronze Star an ~purpo!e of ~ather1ng s~flC 1n-1 ashorf> it "·as discovered. J-\llO\V('d In the meantime, a decision was ·M· d' ... . 1 formation and .make ~ef1n1te pro-to set ile in the .!land, some suf-made at a recent ~~ing of the a e . Other Awards posals by ."':ha.ch resident~ may fered ,,·a ter da mage \vhen low tide offfcers1of the assOCJation to pre~ '• . . \15th and 19 street on the bay make a ~ccis1on for or ag~1~t in-left ·them on their side on shore. ~e a brochure which would ~t! . ·. , I front . .. i :l corporation. Tho" e appoint~ Se\'eral smaller boats \Vert:: sunk hne the neeQ for an early ~lution . , , The en'(ineer's long r~nge plan Pfc. l-le rbert LJ:>snick. son of ~'Ir. 'm"carnc : aLegnda~r~ PD~:ye~~:Oh:;.= near l~f e nd of lhe peninsula. one , of btlhe present pier and. beach 1..8.ck of a qu prevented the' alrndy been made. It was felt envisaged boat sli~ and imprpve- and i\lrs J \V Lesnick of 862 \\r. I_ Ci . N 00 chm ' and John an Alba~ross. and another sm:all l pro em. • t Orange County artlior Commls-that in thll procedure interests of ments bac1k of them !Or an .~le.b- l8th. st~~t ·Cbsta l\1esa, was ises. 1."'Fir. e __ n.C \V.,TeWinkle motor boat . They "·ere salvaged:· si'!_n tn;>m ~ . • g. with pl.am the loca1 _communities C:Ould be orate sport fishing, center .. fith • S f tege . nan ... '°, · · • for hiring an gineer and an-more definitely pro\ected than by possible a.Hdition of a fisherman's aYi.rarded the Bronze · tar or chm., and Heinz.Kaiser: Petitions, -. · ---I Help Needed nOuJ{cin definlt plans "for goiftc having to. duplte t!''e htghwl.y att wharf, but JaCk of niatt>rials 'and, heroic ~chie"'.em,ent on Ja_n. 19. James Kilpatrick, chm .. and Glen Balboa Vacan t I a,twad ;.th liar r· improvements a later date.~ qwd<er the studyl labor precluded this at present+ 1M5 "'hile st1ll ,in France, It was Davis; Publicity. R. N . Ludi, clµn.. B . s· 5 By Red Cross in the county a Jast •'X'l:tunda,y is"'* the better for the who~l he said. It. was Ills ·opin!ori ~bat learned on the mesa last week. He and Nell !11urbarger. Lots ring ! 0 In Cloth1·ng ""'-'ve afternoon H ver the matter -lie -- . I eventuallv the. city could mi;.., "·as discharged recently at Fort The legal committee would be · • un rurtber · and act1un No deddon 'bu been i;nade ,·some $17,000 '• year When both a MacArthur. "compensated ror professional work Per Front Foot . ';;~ed at a \er da:te, It .... ---10~ bigl•-Y ll!i1bt.nm.1 trailer perk and looat allpo coul<! Besides the Bronze Star for al'-in connection with tncorporaticm Help ls aeeded b1' tt.e Red learned foll · the meetln&. --a 1 tills waald be up to ~ state be properly placed in the tDOft' tion as a di'i\'el' for an artillery I aCtivities, it was agreed. Cr8-to eel dotltlllc ~ car-1bf' cornmiss n COlderred with etCl!Defsa. and no eotnmlttmept than 900 feet ot bey f:roo~; but liaison seclion during the great Stttet cleaning" will be made tw lato wldci. doaorl are plac-R. L. Patt city etj,cineer al Mil.: 1bel!a made-by the aqte for a h~ present ,n::cptoi~tknl "8;I" drive through France. al which possible throUgh arrangements What is believed to be a new tac tlMla at ICltool9 alMI ... &-N t Beach h ref. · to :1-;r In tbe p eeim.t route but made l rour nei-· time. r.es· ru·c1c· ·re ..... •....w1 a ...-.mmuni-concluded by J·-Kilpatrick. record for vacant nro~ in that olllcN .a.to ... ,.,. .. ·---•. ewpor · erence •· --d • ' -... ~_.._,. -"--..:i_ ~.a. . ..i-to ...---,~... -·~ ·-_....made .:::..'.'."''.,;!,.,, Vol-• -1tudy' of a hlfh level br1dg<! ~ It --, --t:a lf .or yoen L """"" ~~-~-cations witt under heavy enemy chairman ot that cominlltoe. -·-..._, lkt It -7 IMi tpi'n ... _._ the upp,. bijf, dedcled to -txlti. m-e --In -coomty en-·an lots for tniJon. • . fire, he ·was credited with four The Oiota MeS& Ubr'!l'Y, It was ney Hay ~ed that he.bad sold hltr ta ..... ----the dty and -<Wl(J Ill! lie -·at s..ta Ana.. ·2:. ~ an l,l1lller -'Orilll Bronze Battle J,>&rticipation Stan disclcsed at the meedng. must five Iota adjoining his Ba1boe .-A •-• •••' · --al to (-~ i21'!"l tbe ~ !allbor. c:paDmla.--~ ~ I and llron21! s<rvi"" Arrowhead.movetomakeroomrocanewMote101a11Easteentra1a...,... ......... -. .. _._ u..tr--1 to state · o11-11.tw1r1nc m ot.sie to teCC11~ ·a. Set \""f-""lnn!i"I cr1 the Good Condul:l Medal and Vic-building on the cart S~ncer 11"'1>' ror $16,000. · .. ,....... a •-...,. -engineers by , ,.....-Jlar ~ .....,. -•d loMstlal a -""!"Pl , , . t tory Medal. n.1....-•ed 19 months erty. That location bad provided The vacant pioper'ty ~ ...-fer - -of.,.; -• atudy by the • ~ ,, lllllli 1eft111ri4P· -·111e 4. Ccnlt"!Ct --o1fii1 oveneas with u.. 36th Infantry, rent free io the book loven of 150 reet and the prieo paid ls.$105 wlD .... -__.. 'l'lie -.. .. ·-... . • ...... •t. .. _ ... "' -~ ~ I; r T and now ~ to enter the radW a.ta Mesa. but would .oon need a front foot. The location ~ fqr-~ ._~ • ~. n .. ' ,,,.1 :oa ~ mb ~-• J~ arwea? -::, 1'::Atfn.. .-,;,,. COUDCU l creed wttia * businea In WHI Loo Angeles. a new location. the chamlier WU lllft'ly awnod by Sam \Stiefel; wbo . a -of ........ ~ -.,.,. N. Edwlodl : -to lid -7 • e tlle'TI ' I , w '"'C -but clodded to~ -1.~ Bil brother · RaV"""'I Lesnick, informed by Mill. $anh Conant. IOld the !Sopa;t;t to ~-lb7. wbo •· •· t t o.ii -ll9l. er.. • 111.,.ci lalcb wm 1 ~ -.. ~ • ..... --11' tlm r..-a -'< or oo Pi,,_. ls In charp oi the en&:ine room on litrvlan. A oomm1u ...... Ai>" ---i..3Sunltw ID his MoUf. 'an•;:,~._ ..... _ -~ -Pll llBI .. ---... 'I .. RI ~ .. ---"' -.... i..in"!*"' tM 11!'9' a navy tu& runlllns bet•-CUba pcinted to -t her In findlaC a which be lo ,.....,.. e4 N: -_.. • -.._ _ · -.. -. · I 1n"' --1 , aDi1 Florida. . new .-0 to -tbe -_ clecMatmc. ' I , , · · I \ " • • • ' ' I. ' • • ·' -I I I ' . • ' . ,> , . ' • NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS-TI M ·ES PBOMal: NllWPORT D .-U l (DITORIAL.:l S~AT I O N -"'W>'" (;-~Jrumt~ of Dimes Acfrt'e Member of ght little dimes are on the march to brightm the ·e hopes of youngsters and aduljs thr6ughout the nation w . are seeking to be cured of infantile paralysis. The M)i.rch_ .of Dimes campaign, which extends from Janu- ary, 14 to 1; affords every American the opportunity to con- tribute. · bit In this cause. The lllioos of coins that have rolled in during previous drives sh · that the people are not unmindful of the needs of others: .This year the response will be equally spontaneous. This dertaklng is wholly unselfish and serves all per-sons alik . ~ess of their race or creed. Let get behind the campaign. Let us, in the spirit of goodwill, elp to spread happiness and cheer to those in need of help. te your dimes-or.dollars-today. When Life ·Begins at 60! . W}lat if that Russian serum pans out-the one scientists hope ma add half a century to the life span by halting, and even rev ' rsing, the degenerative pt<><;esses of middle age? It's love! to think of losillg that middle-age spread. feeling the old b pressure $Iide down 10 normal. and maybe grow- set of teeth-all from\ few shots in the arm. Still. complications of all Sl:lrtsl lawyers would be getting li(e4enners free on the ground t at the extra 50 years wasn't figured in on,the orig- inal sent nee: It w d b.1 disconcerting to smile at a curvaceous blonde and find your.;elf slapped-by grandma grown girlish! On ' ·at a spot would be the graybeards who alibi life's failures · h the old excuse' "If only 1 were young again and kne\v w at I kno\v nP\V, I'd sho\v the ,,·orld !" And t would take some of us 50 years to get ~ to re· juvenat couples romantically yodeling "When You and I Wetre 01 , Maggie"! ·Sadd t thought of all is that the radio pests who tortw-e ·us with inging commercials would stay in voice till the year 2000! Brig test.thought is tha t .a lot of arg\Jmen ts could be set- tled at I st. Could Jack Dempsey. rejuvenated to his pr,ime, lick Lo. s? Could the California \Yonder Team of the '20's and the Trojans of '30 take the present \Vest Point team? We'd fi out. Mos of us, probably, would de just about as we always ly \~e'd do it longer. And since life is sweet-Pro- nglife;ki, bring on the needle! -=-=--- -I We need absolute honl'Sty in • NI public lire: and "'e shall no t get it ! until \Ve r C'mem ber that truth ien- ing must go hand in hand with it. and t ltat it is quite as important .... not to tell a n untruth about a decent man as it is t.o tell the truth ab<'>ut one wlio is not de. cent.-Theodore Roosevelt. FO .. • B . I • NATIONALLY ADVERTISED WHICH ARE Sold Wrth This Unusual Guarantee It's 315 NORTH.JttAIN ST. RINGS ' ' PHONE 426~ . .. THOa1ztD ~··••&~• ~IALla . . . M&WW •••ao& M&W&· " .. I 'RISE ACROSS · 1 Distres1 signal 4 Mandate 7 Push 9 Heroic poem• 12 l\1ohemme- -dan Bible 13 Country home (Eur.) 14 Still 1 S Therefore 17 Observed 18 Capital ot s~-itzerland 20 Publi~ notice , 21 l\l ass ot ftoatine ice 24 Bath house 27 Firearm 29 Slant 30 Inflwi: 32 Youths 33 Earth as a g(l:_ddess . 34 Not ft.rm 36 Wine receptacles 39 Nickel fsym.) 40 Fetish 43 Trind 45 Slr-ange 47 Ingress 48 Belief 49 Boy's nickname 50 Female fowl DOWN I -Classify 2 Eggs 3 Meaning •Monetary unit <Bull'-) TO REMARK -.... 5 Sacred bull 6 Artifice 7 Firmament 8 Garden tool 10 Freed o1 dirt 11 Shoes 16 Grampus rB Inventor of telephone 19 Seize 21 Boat 22 Meo who repair ~·Ires 23 Away 2.5 Glrdle S•l•IJ•• I• Nest I••••· NO. zt 2tl Topaz hum- m ing bird 28 Goddess o1 dawn 31 Gained r 35 Bird 37 Pilaster 38 Tree of apple family 40 Baking chamber 41 Honey insect 4.2 Old limes (a rchaic) 44 Cereal grain 46 Metallic rock PAY An'ER Yoar ·WORK •• Oompleted A••••r t.. Ps11l• N•••er It I NEWPORT HARBOR ! LUTHERAN ~HURCH . . Grauel Chapel, Co.ta Mesa Rev. Herbert Roth, Pastor Services: Sunday, 10:30 a.m. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST Lido Theater, Centre.I Avenue and V ia Lido A branc!l or The Mother Church, .a'he Flrel Church of Christ, Sci· ntl!Jt. ln Boston. ~1asse.chusetts. Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. Sun- d Service at 11 a. m. Wednesday Testlmonia.l ~1eeting at 12 o'c!ock noon. Reading Room located at 711 East Cenlt~ Avenue, Ba,lboa, ·11 open daily from l p. m. to. :S p. m. except Sundays a.ad holidays na- tionally observed. The public Ls cordially lnvit ed to attend the church services and uee the Re ading Room. ST. JAMES EPISCOPAL CHlfRCH 515 West Centr01!, Balboa · (E~ell Clubhouse) · Rev. Ardys T . Dean, Vicar 8 :30 a. m ., Holy Communioo. 9 :45 a .m .,. Sunday School. 11:00 a. m ., Morplng P r ayer and Sermon. (First Sundays: ·Holy Communlon.>) SEVENTH OA"f ADVENTISTS Corner Walnut and Ch-urch StL Costa Mesa Sabbath school, 'Satur~y morn- ing, .9:30 o'clock. Preach:1ng service, 11 a. m. CHURCH OF CtfRIST Church and Walhui Streets L, Duane Citnby, Mlnlater •. Services: Sunday, 10 a. m.;Blble Study : 11 a 'm ., Morning w orahip. FIRST FOURSQUARE CHURCH OF COSTA MESA Rev. arid Mrs. G. Wiiiard Steama Pastora Phone 2671 &inday School s:3o ··~· Morning worship 11ervl.c:e lO:t:S: Crusader service 6:00 p.m. Berean aer'\'lce 6:30 p.r:D.: I Evening evangelistic aerVtce at 7:30 p.m . AIWa,)"S . ll .. u '" p..i.1 Ot.I Deeded d elll .&A WOnl U...'"CM.~ )'OU ·can't afford to pa,. ca.all.. Yop a.re welcome to avail yourwlf of . Dr. ()owea'1 Liberal-Credit Ptaa. wWc.b eoablol you to bave all your ~­ ..,,. deat.J work completed IUGH'I; NOW-j,ay lakr ln unaD weekly or monthly amoaata. Not Cne Penny AddJdonal Co.&. Tall:e ..,. reuoa- &blti lencth ol time to pay. Low Prlceo• • 1 l .. • . , • , • ta .... ., public· commlUlon •CW<dinS ~ o.nnouncement by Franli: II.I r~ li&n. ~tary o1. Stale. ' I ' ' ROOFiS l - APPLD:D oa aai•mm . Free &tlmatoo It '"'I"'- . I I W.I . ..._ ~ 3602 Marois . .Pl>. ~-~ • . I t . '" ' . . l O.LCULLY . • o...tl!leil TK 01 •.itp • ...._., &o:ca•a.& ' . ' Sped•ltzina cm. loCI ""' 'JU Your pa--&IJlll'Odat.S · m ·1;m11• ... ..._ -w.--la.ba 24-Hour Radio Service BOID, A1lTO, llA&Dm Burt R.· Norton e1a eoui mw..y Pl>oae wi Newport Bx'*, OalJf. -Released Friday from Fort.M1aC-____ _'._ ____________________ ~- Arthur were Sgt. John M. l;lamil· PROFESSIONAL DIRE. CTODY ton of f:orona del Mar and Sgt. il' . Robert L. Moore, 9l8 East Central avenue, Balboa. AOOGUNTANT PBYSIVIAN!I & BUBGJ:ONll, 11.D Wednesday evening prayec serv- ice at 7 :30 p.m. COSTA 'MESA COMMUNITY ·CHURCH Carl B. Johnson, Minister 124 E:. 20th S~. Ph:247~-R Cburcb achool, 9 :45 a. m. -I : S. WHYTE INOOJOt Til CONSULTA...W Autborl~ bT·tbe Unlted StalN TreM- tlrJ' Department t.o reprHe.llt cl~nt1 In cozmtictloi:i "'1lh ioc:onie ias matten. .&tmlT8 -8YltTZ)f8 8(H)gs::JtgPIS0 Sll:a\'ICJI Offkoe t .. e llsr'-° Bl't'L, 0-&a·K- Piluras N~ au•W H. R. HALL, M. D. l'llyolclan and sarxeoa H,'.s.: 2~s. by appointment TelephOne 2620 1.Sl br:oa.dway· Cost.a Meu ·. Morning Worahlp. 11 o'clock. ABCBITECI' Youth groups, High school, ~·I ,--------------, Ir------------, termodiate, Adult, 6 ,30 p. m.. Armand Monaco Cordon·M;Grundy,MJ>. Evening .ervice, 7 :30 o'clock. PhyaiclMl aDd I~ Mid-week fellowahip a~rayer, ~BITECT Wednesday, 7 ,30 p. m. ;.ln,. · 814 W. Bay Ave., Balboa , Nlatb ODd CcmtJal A ... 11 a. m., Prayer and Se, on. Newport t'7%4, Ortlce Jin. clO·U a.m.; S·~ p.m. ASSEMBLIES OF GOD Hen.ry and lda Sande, Patton 2306 cicean Front, Newport Sunday schQOI , 10 a.m. Morning service, 11 a.m . Evening evangelistic service at 7:3Q p.m. Mid-week service, Thursday at 7:30 p.m. ------- . FIRST METHODIST CHURCH %'721 l&kewood Ava. , Telephone S'7 Loe Anpleo NGrmand;J' 8'08 ATJ'ORNEYS ROBERT GABD!'lr.'"ER . ~d- DONALD D. HARWOOD ATTORNEYS AT.LAW '119 M. KaJn 8'., 8-&a .U.. V.W. -TELEPRO~'"ES- Conrad Richter, ·M.D •. Phyalclall and surr<(o. 1%0 E. J8tb· SL CMtaMeu Boan: 10-1% a.m. and 1:.5 ,.... PhoDe llS G. Edwin Osher, Pa!tor · Euclid at Stanford, Garden Grove. I'------~~----~-' I . ·• 9!30 a.m. Church sch90l t or all DAY ~OOL8 ,-------------...., ages. 11 :00 a.m. MornlnK" Worship: Message: "We Thank 'Mlee." i'l:OO a.m. Nunery tor all chil- dren during 8trvice. 6 :00 p.m. Methodist Youth Fel- low!lblp. Young Adult Fellowship. 7 :00 p.i:n. Evening Worahtp:- Meuage: "Come Y e Uv'e." PIER S'O L'S Prof"""'onal Pharmaey HI FOB.l:llT" AVENllE LA•VNA BEAOB •"In Bumusr fot Tour Health" ... ' 0 " ....... Prwl..U.• OOllu.sTS 810LOOICl.U. a DaCO 8TOO& ........................ .... le''*' a.-.~ ....... . . . ..._ .. Ca tSWWJ ..._: II.el .,_,_"'-'• PROTECTION PL.4N llepresentotlYe lo B. W. GEORG& · as etb SL Buau,..toa. Beach Pb. B. B. -· . Ha've you ·h1a4 "EASY ACIS""t • I~ M"."lf'Ol"f .... ~ ........ !Wortinter Scbopl IOI Oonl Bal-hlODd Gndeo: Qollep, .._..,17 DAYSCHOOL = a.A. llfo~. 11.A., Odord PrlDdpol Pl>one 116' D~ DR. OBED. LUCAS Dentist • 2202)6·W. Centr-al, Ph. 1480 NEWPORT BEACH INSURANCE New York Life . ' Insurance company DON R . DURA.~ , .. Oft.t.J• ....... COSOSA DEL KA& MORTICIAN• HAROLD K. GRAUEL CHAPEL . · "lf e OUnelvee the Better Se"e '· By Servlnl< OtheN Best" \ ~hone Newport· 51,1 Colla M~ Callfornla OPTOHETIUllTll HOBERT A. CRAWFORD .Opt., D. Ol'TOMETRllT EJ• l:Y • .,tned • m..... wted DR. G. E. TOHILL PHYSICIAN and IURQEO_N 220t Co•1t 81\ld., NeWPOrt"a..dl -Phone - 0 !:1=0 2!;!r Call ==~2!'; ". I Gerald ·Ra,uaa, '1.D •. 2830 Wul. Cent ... r ~­ Newport Beach ·Ph. 10l.8--No Anewer cal~ SO'l·M X-Ray Bervlc:., Miiton M. MuweD, k D leoi Cout m-7 Corona del Mar I Ofllee Boan: 10 • D fte I s. R. Monaco, M. D. 814 Bay ·Ave~ Bal1ioa Newport nu · -1 "' a. mu st.. 'Lo. ~·11 TU-=1~ llJ' APIJC¥ \ \ T. P. Reeder, M: A Different Healing . Science 1792 "'ewoort Boutevard After elabteea y.,.... expo-Pl\-:M30 : COSTA MESA ODd deoel.....,.•t of oar "ltl:· II;~~~~~~~~~.;...~-.! .FLEXOP.\TB 8Y8'1'.EM" (Ex· :· ,_ · ~VEJOll!I .. Ph,.......nASmpow 1001 'weo& llay A1- Telepho111,. Newpor1 . I I J'h191ftly oar own) dmlnc·- ID&DJ' eo-ea!W blemahle eoDdl- tton. .. "' been eo11quered, we tlaeeftly bellne we· eaa ltelp ,.... NI--of lea ..... feel aa lmproveme11t alter tlle ftnt ·--t. • No 4nap -N• IJUPPJ' -No --N•·reacll-tm..t. 18 Gem~ Yoa Caa. 11:fieP.• It .;,oto _....., to -~ ..,, O'ftr wtU. u 1r,r appolat· -'-So __ nu. • Dr. £. F. Bell. D.C •. 1'11.C. ,., ................. t ..... Olm. ..... f ...... T~ ....... n.., AD ...... &ew •ed \o adlot s Gt I . • Waper l)rugl •_ lllfllll · SIEGEL & RAUB 0r. --o. " ~ a !I•'"'"'" Chiropractic, pt.~6 UM 11-rt BmL ~ -Physlo & Colonic_ ··Te~Ull-J . . • -1ftO ~ 111'4- NIT W. ~~ -IJ!-~I~Al!•~M~ll~M~dn~. ,:_~ft.~~ \ PIANO'ftl&CBER 1 1PL\NO .TEACHER G.V.~ Graduate I lle7al ~ ~~··' '5 SJ . • 15211 W. Ocean. n-ont ' . - • l 1 • . " . - ' ( . ' VFW's in Drive DUCJll ~lfn:No Good ...._ted at -private duba. A ,,.,.. For New Me,mJien fllsbt of spric Widseoo arriV· ed the !lnt ·of week. Shooting m lnlne0 1.oke arou ·open to . Growing more ra y with the the public la return of young ve ans from leJ"Vice, the Veterans of F oreign Wars, ~08t 3536 whiCh meets at the AmerJCan Legion 1f,AIJ in Calta ?ttesa each first and tfrlrd friday, hu undestaken a dri(iie for mem- Afewduclca Baldwin L&lte ----1---- In this world. I -up, but that makes ua ls not what we t we give up, bership. . I 1 I FOR • Gerrish OOllTA""SA --111 Recently indUcted into member- ship \11.'as James H. Benedict of Corona del ?.tar. who9e wife .also joined the VFW Auxiliary. Bene- dict has recen tly r et'11"ned from spending 10 . month$ .as a t~et gunner in a B-24 in the Italian sector., He plans t'o return. to col- lege. · Autom0b1 • Fire Life Tribble Selected Service Manager At Culbertson's Accident • 'Contract ritt... C. F . Tribble of Lakewood Vil- lage was selected new setviee manager for the Culbertson Chev- rolet comp<t,ny in Newport, it was announced this week. He will have charge or repair of all ·cars in the shop as well as servicing new cars. Sam McGill, \vho sp0nds pai't of his time here and in Huntington Beach, as sales manager; is dis- cussing a new show room for dis- play of Che\ TOie ts here. it is · un- dcntood. laternatlo Harvester D UCKS AN, °irTITioRACTOB8 F ABM E< MDIT Miiiciiii M. Eltiste Co., Inc. , 00 8anLa An.a .... Anabolm JANUARY 1'·31 Th• NotioftOI klwttdolio• i.,. l11fgftlil• ,orollMI N e"·,,.~rt -Balboa Tourist Bureau of Travel t o EutOpe, Mexico, Hawaii e-Wo.rld Trips in the near future. See y Keene. Ph. 891. !!(11 Palm, Balboa a Oun: 10 L m. te I:' p. m. J • ,, ill ·Photograph Y. ou .-Gia orously Different • Our, Laguna Beach • s and Santa Ana Studios 1 are open the Year 'Round • 4th SL Laguna Beach S65 So. Coast Blvd. Pb ne· S029 --"' · ·""·' . . Phone 4MS ., YO DREAM HOME - T~e H me You Want . ' Mar e Advertised _ 01 T ar's Classified Page . --.:' ' . '· If 1 • • er Qassification Number 47 to Own Your <?n Home ' rt lalMI lews-Ti-.es ftizs~D I .. I • I Mawroar aa•.ao• Nswa - Corona d~i Mar News (87 ..... llenedlet) Dr. Georce i'formaa Peue. llll Paclfte Drive, left b7 plaae for Portl-d, Oi-e., ~ w.._ t.t!I ~ celved a tdepam ofJds motllere UlneM.. Mrs. P eue r esided oa Iris .,.enUe for a time Wt year. AJ... thoucb 14 'yean old •be ua bee9 very aettve. -' as rt ., MPY f,' • h11lt "'· ' Between-Meai Snri I . I I ' . -' •. 1.P eo p I e • • • • "'"· Evalyn Rider. Balboa Ja. land _Urils,,_. who hu been on 1he job at the popular lal.and ' • . ,. WELCOME ~eo~ .Newport Barllcir .._ 19l i AMERICAN 'LEGION 1. ~ .a •••1 . ..wr e· . WI -.:• _ .. t. VWt ........... ·~ a. .... I .,. ·---bf ..... ~.,.~ . ' Mr, and Mrs. Richard Markell and son' Dickie, 602 Begonia ave-. nue, spent the holidays in Palm Springs. This is the time of year Mr. Markell gets his vacation and they wett fortunate to find ac- commodations for the week at the Miramar. Apartments. I t seemed odd. Mrs. ·Maikell said, to be tak- ing sun baths on Christmas day: ga!herinc point for the put 12 <W 13 years, has seen the ottlce grow' l'roin a fourth to 9'!COOCI cl-and · not the lowest rung In that c1aa either. Every year hu aeen an advart<>I In reeelpts. -and tl>• com- munity is no l~nger a resort. she 1 aven. , . . . . . ' ~ Newp0rt Beach Is blessed with many a famous personage. some of whom are not well known, but tiave served their term in the whirlwind of activity in the na - tion's business or political spene, and haVe come here to take things easy: Others, like the · M.cCa.nf! boys, som of Mr: and Mrs. Jas. H. l\fcCa:nn. They were both born. in Chiita, and Lt . Col. Jbhn McCann is enro\,lte there nOw' to become assistant military ·attache under I 1. .-~~.::..~.:...~~.:...~~....:..i...' ' ' j· A couple of days of rain when at Box Springs did n~t spoil their holida~. as the r"-in en hanced the beauty of Thqultz Fall!. Andre Canyon. where ol d Indian caveS are round was an interesting spot they also ,visited. Mr. -and Mrs. G. Algers, 506 Marguerite avenue, visited· Mrs. Alger 's sister, Mrs. R. ·A. Team.es in San Fernando Valley over the holidays. Mr. and ~frs. R. Johnson. 715 l\ilarguerite avenue. had a joyous. holiday as their three sons, Paul, Robert and Richard and daughter Peggy "'ere home tO enjoy it with them. Paul Johnson received his discharge in September. ha\ring been a sergeant in the Signal Corps. Richard r eceived his d,is- charge in Novem1>e-r. He \vas ·B.M. 1/c. Robert was· a Corporal in fhe Infantry. He a nd his family live in North Hollyv.1ood. Paul and Richard Will .stay at home. Mr. and Mrs. Ne\vtop Cox jr., Los Angeles. are visiting with l\ir. Cox's parents l\·lr. and Mrs. N . Cox sr .. Blue Haven. Larkspur avenue, this week. N; Cox jr., for- mer Sergeant irt the Coast Arin: Jery received his discharge the second week in January. WHEN JV11 an-tlNd afteri..J. 11VCU.to ~-.boon~. o1 work. thl!N'1 not.hins lDOl'fl Here S. the redpe for Kot.au.. nf,..binc than to lli.t down with I• Coffee Dnrp Cooldeo. lt'a tooted, of delicioU cup of coffee and a bite 1:C? ~ , eat. The felt will :io you good. ~d · 11~1 ~ .... C.-... eo will the cotr-. It '1.v~ you U • • ._ ~ new eern a.nd that needed "Pickup 1 ~POOa _. ~ ea.p .w···• ... yoa ~ the balance of . 1% '-POO• l en · day And vou1U &be> enjoJ' mun~-ebm.-'1'. np nt •t -• • ,_fl ft ed ki -1% i..poou dll.l"tt l W..poo~ _. tng these co ee-avor coo es. 'iS ftlllhortalq ~eu»bot eofr• lf you are one of those wom~ . . 11 1 d "Who seldom takee time out fot 1.• ~ix and sift the uour •. u. t ~n proper lunch, you're a~t to feel I._., spices. Mea11ure shortening into down and tired by :m.id-a.f.terno<>fl. bowl. ad~ sdgar and molasses and This ii the. moment to'Jeacb for yotar beat until ,thorougbl;v ~!ended. Add coffee maker and bre a rich, fl.avofi'~ egg and mu: well. Stir in nut meat.a. f ul cu of coffee. And with it trY Add soda to. hot coft'ee an_d add th se~olaues Coffee Drop Cookies. alternately with: the fl.our m1xt~re. e y dertull rood The coth-Drop by tablespooafuls on baking ii~~tl~ ':fn coffee ~OlU;ea apicf!s 1heet and bake in moderately. hot and auta· give& ihem ;a d~licio~• oven (4Z5• !·> 1.0 minute;s. Yield: • n-1--ww,;,._ one-half rip S dozen medium-s1i:ed cook1e1 •. ~&VOi', v~ ·----, 1 . • I . Weste9 Bred Hor~es Domi~ate First 1'1ve Days ~t anta Anita . . Clearly indicating the domi11-1 virtue of his smashing three-way ence of Western-owned horses cit triumph in the $25.00) Breeders the current 55-day r~ce meetin_~ Cham~ion. Stakes, ~ut. also due ~o Gen. GeOtge Marshall. l'tobert.,th• Se. veral Service Men older · son, has Just· returned to _ W ashington after maldng -1111-18-Receive Discharges months survey for the FEA. Their parl-nts live at 180 . Broadway, Costa Mesa. • • • B~boa has its own . All-Ameri- can. George Capr on, resident · of the peninsula earned that right, a telephone call informed us, but didn't say ·where and when. • • • Frank Rine hart, city clerk, is temporari~y on the injured list. He injured his hip last week, and was unable to take h is regu,lar place at the council meeting last Monday or assume his duties at the city hall during the past week. • • • Johanna Sailors, wife of the new assistant to R. L. Patt.erson at the city hall was home this v.•eek a'fter an eriiergfncy operation at St. J oseph's hospital. She underwent an em;rg~ncY oper ation, her af- fable husband reported. Ainong service men honorably discharged from Fort MacArthur in the past few weeks, P.FC Den-· wood M. Sha nnon, 115 23rd street, N_eWport, and Pvt. George E. Meurs, 321 •Lindo avenue. Balboa, were inCluded in a list 9r 34 names at' county veterans separated. [ Also Cpl. Herman J .· Hansen of 12i 24th street was discharged during the past 10 · days, . and f S/Sgt.· · Walter A. ·Hebert, 703 1 Heliotrope, CorOna . deJ ~ar was I in a nother grou p. ~. 1 . . . STAND-BY RADIO. FOi\ S ALE I Stand-by radio which has bern owned by th·e city sinCT' early in j the war but not used .was qfrered for sale for $35 by the city .police , d e p a rtm e nt when comment brought out at t:Jie Monday coun- cil meeting, that there is no more civic need for the radio. A tech- nician reported it worth about $35 for re-sale, and the city 'agreed to take that for the radio. .Francis J. Bo"ath · INCOME.T,\X SERVICE Fede.nl a.ad. State 111 S6tb St. Pb. Ulft·• l 24-Hour Tow Service Complete auiomobtle repU.r ( and maintenance wen1ee BA 'ITER.IES e TlllES . TUBES • AOOEl>SORIES J Newport Auto Works , Earl ~flt.chem, Prop. . 12-1 Soth .at Co~t 81\'d. Ph<!ne · (~ay or DJtht) lUO Judge a nd Mrs. Harry \Vest- over. Los Angeles, expect to re- possess thei r beach home. 1615 Pa- cific Drive. Friday. v.•here they v.rill SlX'nd their week ends. at Santa Anita P.ark 1s the star,-the consistent v.•1nn1ng of his Mr. and Mrs: Jorn Boyd, 1607 ling fact that, of the 40 races coii-home-breds i.n open competition. Second !IVenuq, Corona del Mar. t ested during the first five-da~ C. S. HO\\'ard ra nks second, H . N. are parents of /a son, born Jan .. 10 23 of thl'm \\·.ere 'von by Califorttl~-Isenberg third. a nd Ed,vin J.anss at St. JosePh Hospital. He wi ighed _____ .,;._ ___ --'---------~,-------- breds alone. These horses garnered fourt h in tbe long list of Cali-four pounds, thirteen ounces. All pt'rson.!J lnter f"tftl'd In supply-k total or 589,905 in first moniels 1Jorpians \\•ho have sent out win- ing clotblntr ror thf' Roundtref' for the home state division, Fi" 1 ne:rs a t the meeting. Beau Pere family of tl-n chlldrf'n '''ho lost ~9.520.50 u·ls gi,·e n out 1n aw is listf'd as the leading Wtostern all t heir elothlnK In thf' nre tha t to the breeders of this sta'te. I sire, his get ha,·ing earne<j $24,140 df'stroyrd their homt" In. Costa majority of the o lher 17 rac~ in,,. first monies, and Seab1scuit ' l'tfesa, l\t onday. may phone l\fr!I. \\'ere annexed by \Vestern-owne<t I comes second '''itti three v.inncrs ltarry S tau('h, l O'?S·R \\'ho \\i ll see thoroughbreds. who have totalled SS.415. that they a re dellvrred. ThP chll-L. B. Mayer tops ·the Californi dren r ange In age from a baby to owners and br&>ders, not only b 16 years old. -----Santa Ana Will Get Islander Awarded New Afternoon Pape Highway & Bridge The Daily Globe · Contract by State • Of the 218 s tables registered at 'the Arcadia plant. 202 or· them a r e \\1estern·o\vned. lca\·ing but 16 rrom the East. :There are 1.506 horses hous{'d at the track and or ' t,.h i" n•1n-~r .. only 195 ·head are from the ·~ast . This means that 1,311 thoroi'tghhrrrls :; r" rcgis• "r~d. in the nu.mc-s of \Vestt>rn Q\\·ncrs. Quality Lun;>ber • . . ' and B!1il di n1r Materiala • • COSTA. MESA LUMBER CO. R. E. ~OSTETLE R -....------~- INSIF~CE P. A:-PALMER LIOO ISLE PPDPElU'IES • • W. 0 . BUCK-Insurance Counselor ·~ 1500 . . . ~.f.ot 3333 VIA LIDO _., CALIFORNIA · ' \, --· . ' ' Publication of a nev,r nftC'rnoo~ ne"·srar f'r in S<.?nta Ana. the Daily --------------------~-- / l Fred D. Kyle, local contractor Globe, v.•ill b"~in in late March. ~1 of 1~3 Opal avenue, Balboa ·Island. was annOunCT'd •last \\'('('k by c.."d has J:>c:e~. a\varded . a cont~act by Publishers John \V. _(Skyl Dunlap the Dl\'ls1on of .H1gh\vays. State and GeOr:~e E. Hart, longt in1e Or-I of California, for the construction angc county n(>v,os papermcn. 11 of a structural steel ovef'P.ass ov~r Hart. who .'"ill be edjt6r, v.•ds the tracks or the S8:nta Fe Rail-on the Sarita · Ana Register ne\vr 1 road 8:bout. one mile north of staff 17 years a nd also \Vas editor Oceanside. 1n an a.mount of $87.-of the Orange Daily Nfws a nd 886.00. K~l e also has .a con t:J:act other county papers. ije is p. for a considerable portion of Pav~ brothe r of the late \Viiliam· q. Ing be~wee,,S San Clemente and Har t: publisher of the Or~ngj ' . Ocea~s1?e. . Da ily Nev.•s. . I i:i1s 1s .. part o.f a State proJect Dunlap, "'ho will be general \lo'htch \\'lll proVlde a high speed manager. was born in Santa An,, rour·line divided highway betWeen anrl \vorked seven yeaJ;S on the . Angel~ and Sa:n Diego, at an news staff of the Santa Ana Reg. ultl!Tlate cost of $220.000.000. ister . Coast As8ociation Golf Team Wants Companion Foursome The Orange County Coast Asso- ciation Golf club is looking for Qnothe r foursome from Newport Be(l:ch to join the play, which meets twice a month on every sec- ond Wednesday. Heading the present team is Harry \ViJliamson, with Capt, C. V, McCattY. Hugh Estus, and Char1es Way making up the four - some. They have invited partici- pation or a nother group who can Si'CUrC' information from the cham- be.J' of commerc!"!. i\lr. and J\.1rs . Ralph Rattdel. 210 Sapphire av(l.nue. Ba lboa Island , are preparing to move into their new home which is being com- pletC'd a t 518 Dahlia avenue, Co- rona dcl l\.-1ar. • ONCE The new ..paper will be printed at the Santa Ana Printing corrl-pany. . I Beer Wines Liquers \Vhiskey ~~~~~ @~~rn: C) Jloots and Roy Keene ., Palm and Bay, Balboa Phone 891 AGAIN SAM'S SEA FOOD .SPA Offers y Ou the Ftnest ri- ~·-to Dine In .Orange County: All New~ - - Even the Location . , .. One-Half Mile East of Old Location on CoeSt, ~way. . .. Beautiful New I Cocktail Bar We Leed Souihem c&nromla 1nlU.:. ~ ot -SBA FOODS . ...:.... AUiC> YOVB ldmd al. STl:AQ -VlS?T OUR X1'1UIEN -' Sam's Sea Food . Spa · and Flab Market ~l OlirMil ·ns'•*i •(lf ___ , ' I _. ' • p.;...;;;;;:.i.....f , i' : -· .. ·"'~ ·c:-:. J 1 ' . ' ' MODIRN •• : • • lmcigl,...._a kih 1-IO delighlful you'U~ven want to ,~lertain in it! The wboleGu induscrY is-~. designing scoia of . ' "New FrCedom Gu K.i• lwlll"-&11 ultta-mooern and practical, coo! ' . . . "en1ilically designed IO cm oat .anPea: rsuy ·~unwanted lwat ~ • , ' • ' • • • I • -• kiu:lwn odors.~ Of.,__.., ki•d-.will be jlilC . : ·- . righr ror yom a W-, ,_,•:&milj.. Jc-_Di; pune., .. JOll'UbeJW,-walMl~id . • • -C..-W ,.'t cs 10UU111N co1111• * co1111i1• . I ! • ., . .1 l I 1 " • • • l I I ~ I ' 11 r. h· • • ' ' .. • '• • •• •• . . • -· • -. " I f Coon Pays S. 'AO,GOQ Boat · For ower St. Lot Now B•l~lllC for coun\y supervhon ,... King, Hag~ $5000 for a 30-foot . , · plupa ty on Newport C.ostlng about 1[00.CKX>. ~ _.,.. 65-- and ~ street, foot sport f!slllliC ·boat will be A minimum road-ready: for Kin~ I and· Hqen at way now · ts in that section and King's .Landin& ta, April, aC<lll'dinc the . acq .. strip wru enable to Darrel KJ.ng. Wf U known sporU- • .... .., .. thettt to ' and improve' tt. fisherman of Newport. 'Ibe new the COit of giading that de luxe boat will pe a triple ocr.... ·The annual dinner moetinc and portion g $200. attonllng to cabin type boutlng tru... 275 b.p. election of dittctars of the cham- the I couqt;y · superintendent of CUmmlns diesels, which should ber of """'°"'""' bu been oet for •• ., - • t Crm r • 6 Tr , '1. I I'J , • '. 100 Menibm-Help Dedica - ._ . ~ .. ·.ommu~1ty -. : u : Secoad of the dedication oerV··~------.;._-~!!---- lca. ot <::crOna clel Mar Commun-· · ' monies at the momlnc hour and a :a. aH ~ of Fe11°"""11'. to the after- road!. gl\'e the ·large dtt a good lpeed Thunday, Jan. 31 at the Newpwt Owner the'property was Mn. in the coming season.. Rartxr Yacht club. A spedal com-- llY ctiun:h. ConcrecaUon.ar, .... Army Men Bra . · held SW><lay with 1mp<as1..,. cere-Sto,-.,. Bring • p . noon with · -t"" of .ot'h•r Cruiser from •· ·ch~ u .special guest&. , ·' M innie Reld 1846 Newport King ls looking forward to a mlttee on ari-angements baa been boulev who sold the north JO good season for the ~ named with t,able chairmen for feet on Flower street i!lide of industry, and . hopes to be ready each part, d \he dty. Principal her prop,jrt;y, thereby rendeijng with both feet. 'The large new boat s peaker for the evening was not the lot uiahle for residence will have a;alley and lounge, and decided late lut week. It will be purposes. She Is llOW looking for be used dally In tripa fTOm their the 39th annual affair slnre-the another I atJon to which to move landing to the fi&hing ~ off cha.rnbn' ~ Orpnind here .. -IS1n1Dgo fUllS llll°'Si•i!fmtw• ""'----'-'iltll•• Cooi \41 Oipp..s her home shore. I t will havf. a ~foot beam. A nominatin& committee hu ......... AdddsNDed,.. .,., "'J•eupa brMd Wt-.. · •• SNff hUlb. Wrap -----. She Is being buDt now of a wood begun comlderatlon of names for A ~1 good example will hull. King said, by Manual Gou!-the din!ctarate ·for 1946, and elab- usl.st the tem pted C"hlld in solving arti ot Wilmington, who .a19o de--orate preparations are under· way his own lems. sigoed her. She Will be added to for the oubltanding event of the I ~ -« I ~ "'·I ~ La C---· the s.a 1<1n1. his s100.ooo -chamber durln& the ca1en11ar yeor. ioLOGNA Oil scr=a1111S 1 CllS ~-cmalE t lass. Ads clipper completed !pt year, and A ballot Will be malled to every SUMMa SAUSAGE ,,_ •• ... .. ,.. ol -a ... bo= '""'" S/16" ....._ ..;o;.~ .... the Valencia, a.a. Well u other fa-member of the chamber thla week. ~--j :;;~=cC: :*"~_.11~1~~~ ~ ~:.::, LOST DOG -REWARD cilitiei at the King landln&. upon which ·mmiben may mt.rk I SW.Add.~--..Om · '"c:upe-..._ AnUq. oa chop tbea.2aapmuplloek.2bilat.a BroWn e Dachshund, lost in Plans for buildiq the l&r1e Dew their selection for the 1946 direc-':, . ~-•-u•br;i-,.,.. __ r~~-~~~-. plaf• i.nd 14£ with CTfflDJ ..._ s.-. ""-ill 9f...t n__ di --•-_ ~ .....,.... ---. ~ 9Cl"&ablff -.iigs; it clelllred. ~ .a a1 350' F _, .....u.ta esa Mon. p. m . Liberal ca!e at the Jan ng have ....,_,.. .. pm~ i.uu;a. a-...d potatr:>e miauta · reward Phone 222'7 Newport. poned unW fall, be said, beca.-Governor Earl Warren had been ' 4-2tc of the uncerU.inty of gett ine 90ll Invited to come but b(ocau.e of the 'Samqe m akiq i9 011111 of our' limited ~biliti.-to the home-family .,.iJ~ Above are _h-t a pipe. Designs had been drawn and special aeulon l t wu believed he oldest arla. Fully u old, of ooar-., maker' wbo ii inte:r.ted. in !~ few ideaa /:pr ~ a few of ~ llO!-.J estimates secured on the enlarged oould not accepL The importance ia the art ofpnparina •-.for her m a and ii alwaym .~ the •-... TbeyahoWwbat can . -n,tch Heacock BUILDER building but unless it could be ot the event merited a letter of the table. Then an mut1' typm for id.-&ha~ are clift'~t and, at be a~ with a little inpnuity completed by April 1, when_ the revel from the ~ef executive of 1ofeaua,_ They o6era.lmonun.~ .the a.me tame. pirumc to th. in.the ti~ . season gets under way, King felt the state ln which he expressed -'--------~-----'------------~-----1--------- it would be better to wait until the the desire to retqrn later 1n the h n· h! .m & T6' -bland season Is over. year. • Say' 70 'fo of Vets Telegrap er, 63, ISC g~ y ets , Table Cllairmen have been •P-Cfaim Service D" . . N Must uy Licenses - For s.tter Printing Call 12 or :i.a. pointed with G<!orge Weis and H. c ted D" b"lity 1es ID ewport; To Fi h.'or Hunt -~-+------------------f F. Kenny in charge of the Balboa Onnec 188 I .----1------------------.1 table, Ralph P . Mu key in charge I Born in Canada . Fl ST FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION \ OF SANTA ANA S ATEME NT OF CONDITION DECEMBER 31, 1945 F.irst liens on real est~e5.~~~-S-.... -~----$~.55 Loan on passbooks and certificates 8,168.49 Pn:K>ll.rties sold on contnict ....... ................... 1,218.99 Inv en t and securities .......... . .. .... ..... 358.585.70 Cash on hand and .in banks . ........ .............. 310.356.11 Offi building and equipment, les.5 reciation . . ..................... , .. . Defe red charges'. and other assets ........... .. 1.135.25 1,051.96 TOTALS , .................................. 52,449,660.05 L IABJL·ITIES rs' share accounts .: ............... __ ....... $1,936.006.68 ~ from Federal Hom'e Loan Bank.. · 150,000.00 L<>i"'l' lh process . . ................. . .................... 280.967.12 Othe liabilities ...................... ........ .... ........ 6,526.76 Sped ic reserves . . ..... -·. .. .. . ..... .... .. 7.038.49 Gene • I reserves ....... : ..................... _.......... 68,726.32 Ungi ided profits .. ------<.. · ... . . . ....... 50.394.68 • o C Safe TOTALS . .................. $2,449,660.05 • ered an d l'U(>rO-bed b)' U.e UnJted States Go\·ernment. on your lnvestment ln5u.ttd up ~-0 $5000.00 by the Federal . . aad Lean Insurance Corporation, an lmtrumeoteJJt.y of ted St a tes Go\·~nient.' Buy United S tates Wa.r Bonds and S tampS Home Loans • I lo.sured Sa\i np • SANTA ANA. <;ALIFORSIA 1i:s \\'est f1fth St. Tel~phone %901 ot the Newport table, Weston J ay, California. veterans, under the . , When I J oe becomes just plain U do Isle, S . T . Dunlap, Balboa terms ot a contract.just completed Charles Percival Dickson. 63 J ohn Doe he is on .a strictly cash I.stand, and J . Leslie Steffensen in in \Vashington between General since last September a t eleg'raphe} basis again with the State DiVis- charge of Corona del Mar table. Omar N. Bradley, Veteran:s Ad-at the Western Union office in ion of Fish and Game-in other A special table will. be held for rliinist:rator. and California Physi-the P_acific Electric depot at New-wordS,.di arged servicemen wlio county representation and Dr. G. cian's Service, today were assured ~rt. died early Friday morning wish to nglQ. ,for s~rt tist'r 'in M. Grundy and Braden 'Finch will of prompt, hom~town medical of a heart· ailment. California must purchase $2.00 be" in charge· of this table a nd the care at govem menf expense for For 15 years, Dickson had bceo angling Ii nses like" any other. ci- table for speakers; ·. service-connected d i·S ab, i l i t i es in charge of all telegraph offices vilian. · which do not require hospitalizt-in Yellowstone park during sum · Shor tly afte r the start or · the OUt•Of•State tton, with the right to choose their mer seasons, and in the winter war the lirornia F1sh apd Game own d.pctors· from the 6000 pro· worked for . the Western \Jn.ion. commissi decided to allow serv-MOtOrl"Sts Warn· ed fessional merpbers of CPS. r He was considered most efficient icemen t fish in California with- The far-reac'hing veter.ans' med· and reliable,' and \\'hile a resident out lict'ns s. To Get License~ ical care progranf, desigrted to of· California for the past 25 )'Cars, ' The i ression exists, Dunbar . ·~: eliminate delays and rro tape by had lived at the ·MidY:ay a~-said. that this privilege continues "' enabling setvi~ men wtro need men\s: 123 15th street. whe:ri-he for <tll ve rans. He suggests that Approximately 100,000 'motor-treatment. but not hospitalization, su~umbed. He \\'Orked the day disc!ilrg obtain licenses if they ists in Southern California. whose to be cared for in their 0 ,vn com· before, and according to asso-are going ishing rather than have motor vehjcle~ were registered in munities. wilJ be available to Cali· ciat.es at the stalion, did not ap· .some fish a nd game warden dis· other states in 1945, ritust now fomia service meh of World War pea r ill. cover ·1hei mistak e. obtain 1946 California 1-tc e n s e· 1 and the SpaniSh·American war. Dickson was born in La Prairie, plates.' according to a statement as well as thc$e of World \Var 11. QUebec province. Canada. He M ' issued today by the Autcimobile California has approximate!). ~ved in the .Un)ted States for 53 · .·an M. Places club 01 Southern California. i .31~.000 veterans or the thr(.'(' years. . . Thous nds of Vets Registerf.d owners of automo-wars, it was announced, :.arlt!. .The deceased 1s sur.v1ved by a biles. trucks and trailers bearing nearly 70 per cent of 'curTentl)' ~dow. Grace .. and 011e son. Cla.rk out-of-state license plates must discharged veterans are claiming Dickson. ~ho 1s enfl>Ute here from make immediate a pplication for a service-connected disabilities. 'The ~ansa:s Ci~Y., _Mo. The son has california license if they are now new plan will be RUt in operation ~ust. returnC'd from o~erseas serv- employed in this state or have ~ February 1. aCcOrding to Calif or-ice 1n. _the U. S. Mannes. come residents of California. nia Physicians Se rvice. . Services ·were held rroni the ( Grauel Chapel at 1 p, m. Mpnday with the Christian Scielice service being read by Mr.s. Alice Barrett of Bal~. B~ria1 v.·as held at the ramny plot in Inglewood Park cemetery. S/S gt. Ed Angell Enroute Home State Senator and Mrs. Thomas H. Kuechel, who l\ave been living on Balboa Island SiDce the seri - ·a tor's release from the· Navy, have moved to Orange and are at 532 East Chapman avenue. S/Sgt. Edisqn M. Angell. resiQ· -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; J ing at 610~. ClubhOuse Dr., Ne'-"· : port Beach. is among the late!t R 0 S S I J S 1 groups to be released from the Naval Staging Center at Pearl LI• Q ll Or st Ore . Harbor. Honolulu. Angell is at- tached to the U. S . Marine COfl>S. . Inven t.s Gadget To Count Silverware At Army Air Base 1003 po&st mway a nd according to word from the SANTA ANA,. Calif. -The Y, Mlle Sout.b •I the Arcbee island headquarters, would be en· '-r'om Edison" or the Santa Ana Cloeed oa Tue.day route home as soon as transports-Army· Air base, Robert W. Over- ":~~~~~~~~~~~~~u~·o~n:i~s~a~v~a~ll~a~b~le~.:·::::. :::::::::::::; bolser, 316 South F1ower street, ~ Santa Ana. has invented a ne\\'. gadget that counts and ties knives. forks and spoons. ' · WELCOME CAFE 2560 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa ' ' Phone 488-M Finest P lace to Dine· Famous Complete Dinner SPECIAL Open 11 a. m .. to 2 a. m. ARRANGEMENT FOR PARTIF.s OUK IDTCBEN, O P EN FOR INSPECTl'ON WM.E. LUDEWIG, Prop. ACE · Refrigeration Service Domestic Commercial -Marine • Pb. H. B. -S 1015 Orange Ave. • HUNTINGTON BEACH • (Repair Work on All Household Electrical Equipment) . BATTERIES CHARGED i1 30 Minutes ~ o.r ,,_, ......... ,.. N ew .... Qdcll CIMl.rpr., • LUBRICATION Employed in the clothing and equipment de.pa.ttrnent at the air base. Overholser has invented' a number of devices which hav~ net· ted him extra cash in add.it.ion to the appr;eciation or those whose work has been streamlined. The latest invention · of the Santa ATian compresses knives, forks and spoons in bund1es. of ,,10 each so that they may be sect.Jrely bound together . with ~ater. speed. llle gadget was made out or a n old, bottle capPer. Over- holser maintains. through a~tual use of the device, that it will make a saving of 50 per cen t in tying the bundles and that the count is always correct. Other invent.ions Of O\lerholser were a deviee for measuring the militan• overseas cap and another for cleallsing mess kit gear by use of a buffer. Wat~ the Classltied cofumns. -t'IF I RAN • ,. THE DRUG STOKE" .. Am'claa Cot ta.at ..... _.po llalr dye," --plalnttn!IJ-""If I .a. Uols ' "-otore, I'd "'"' llave It." -. ' ~ Estima g that there are 80,- 000 jobs open in Los Angeles county, t h Merchants and Manu- fa cturers ssociation havE! placed thousands of veterans ·of the re- cently ro eluded \\-'ar in paying jobs. acco 'ng to ·a ,report ffum Carl Ove k , manager of their rree empt en t service. --World a r TI veterans consti- tute more than 60 .per cent of job; plact>men , h"e said. {llthough they rorn1 a t 85 per cent or job seekers. Gertrud A. Cantt'rbury has filed suit t divorce from R~x R . Canterbur . They \Yere marr~ed Nov. 22 at hoenix, Ariz., and seir aratC'd last! Nov. 20, she stated .. ""--~1 .:-'f()<J ...... HtT I'"' "'~"' ......... .,..u .. , ........ -"!L~--. . .. -· .... ~ ,. A ~1.ttinUt sees £h' hole 111 th' d.ough11U t--an' a skeptic turn1 tt aroMn d to su if th' h4le r~lli v oes aU th· wa11 th rouah. · I ' . F. IG.ffT'•FamLE 'PAUL!SIS 1111111,:~';.lf DlllS OrJ;uilzed ·to. ·Sei'tember, l,9U, ·Proving that nothtoc ta ll>e 'the chun:h -completed, laat fall army, e:ven • b1-~ke(lt under th<> supervision <;If the build-many sailors in port, Lt. Ju. Ing committee, Gust.ave Grupe, B. Rankin and his fa~ CbL -; Cllarley Kyte, superin-. Olas. H. Rankin who ha~ )tit tendent ·of construction, and mem-bought a home to Coron& ciel ·11ar ~ of ·.the ~ttee, Eugenf braved the "'Orst offshoft. 1rind tn K001<. t.t. M111'V111 Lueck, Mrtl. many, a day to su~ 'brills George Lewis, Mrtl. France< Cox, a 26-foot powe• cruiser rr-Sia N. Haugness and Robert O. Rea. Diego to Newp(art Harboi-. 1 ' Dedication of the building took The Intrepid pair left ~ Dloao place Jan, 6 ' and Included the ao-.any Friday In their -~. ""1ld> ceptance of lt communicants. &'iv· was entirely new to them With tM Inf :a membership of.an even one parting WOl'd U..t It was~ to huriclzt.d'. -· be a bee.utitul day. ~I t""7 · ~ubday morning gifts of ·church got up about u far ~ :'.fl . Ce-., pews and fUrnlshlnga . were ack-mente in the aft.,.,,_ ~' wiJx1 nowledi;ed. both from church or-had set In with a ~· anti ganJzations and individuals, The ~ey found thelr little crift bat- Church bell was the gift of Mia Uing ~aves 1? to 15 feet bJ&b-· Glyde Mayn&Pd and Mr. and Mrtl. 1'oomg their hatch cov.r, -~ H: C.· Sloan gave the pulpit. while decided ~ retum -to Oceanside for· th"e communion set · was froth the_ night, and they put !i behind . Ft-anklln. W&nler of OattmonL' J their sm.all harbor ~ter. 1'aen . . · Saturday. th~ navy~rt 1"a for Othen coi:itr1buting' ~ere Mr_s. anothe r fine day, arid out they set G<!orge LewiS, Mr. and Mrs. Harry for NeWporl Hari>or. Ab(Jut two Stauch. Mw Margaret Gibson, hours Iat~r the b'low retunled with Mrs. Ida Wa~q, Rev. John Buus renewed. fury. Decldinli to keif and the Panapla. Calif. Congre-after it this. time, father and IMXl. •· gational church, Mrs. -L. A. War-even with little · se~ be- ner , William H. Short, Mr. and hind them. kept their craft from Mrs. E . B. DeVoe, Mrs. May V. shipping WB.ter, and h eade,d right Cutting, Rev. J . H . Batten, Mr. into Newport Harbor. They U"' and Mrs. Ho\vard Allen , Mr. a nd rived at 12 :30 Saturda,y, "~ little-, Mn. Braden Finch. Mr. and Mrs. damp. but none t he worse for Robert Rea, the childrcn -.of Lulu wear. · · 1 West Todd. Mr. and Mrs. F_. ,A. &th .&.re residing pt t~e new • Rombeau; Mrs. J . S : Fluor-jr., Mr. Rankin home. 503 Goldenrod f Ye- ahd. M·rs. Gustave Grupe, ·Mrs. nue. Corona del Mar. . I · Fr~nces Cox, Rev. and f\.irs. Perry The father was a full ¥onel In Schrock , Albert S . Goode, Mr. and France during .the first World l\irs. J . E . Morrie, T. H. Harrod War. The son returned ~ the LiQns' club of Santa Ana and cember rrorO Italy where 1' ;Was a. ·: ma,ty Congregational churches. lieutenant col9nel i_n the Ji )d &?'"" At 3 :30 p.m. greC'tings from -t illery in World War JI.· 1 ' • other dhurches were brought b)' Rev. Stua r t ·L . Anderson. Long For quirk . results US!' I News- ~ach : Rev. E. D. Goodi>ll, Nev.•. Times classified columns. port Beac'h; Rev. Raymond I. I============= Br ahams, Laguna Be8.Ch ; Rev. Peter J a nsen, Los Angele'.s; Rev. J esse F . Perrin, Glen4a1e, and.Rev. H arry Owings, Santa Ana. After- ward tl'lere wa:s a social· hoUr with tea served by ladies of fhe church. Cases Cabinet.s' Since 1898' · Nex~ Stinday afternoon the service of the dedication of the , pipe org811 will be held at 3:30 p.m. \i.ri th ·Alexander Rt' illy as guest organist am! Dr. Lawrence WORTHINGTON A. Wilsol\. pastor of the First Con- gregational church, Pasadena as speaker. Miss Margaret Scharie Is church organist ·and Mary Ba tteii S teffensen is diPector of the choir. Since 1886 REFRIGERATION ..... . .OP A Says Butter . Will Remain Scarce' Air Coriditio~ing .. The smart housewife would h<'lp the butter fat situation by buy· ing only what she needs in the way or .butter, rats or oits, ac- cording .to a relea<re from the OPA. which goes on to say that butter will continue to be Mort~ and supplies of other rats and oil~ are ·hard to find. Butter supplies will not. increase much until spring. -the oUicial bulletin of the .a~ricy explained. 628 So. Los Angeles St. EMERGENCY PHONE Anaheim 4811% GEORGE ·D. BASSETf Generai Acc~uhting Fishermen's Bookkeepin~ INCOME TAX SERVICE , 2602 W: Central Ave. P h. 1805-J Newport Beach ' . : We Now Have Sweet, Juicy . ' F 0 0 TH I L L N A v E 'L s .'I /· -~,,-• ORANGE BELT FRUIT DISTRIBUTORS . , . 805 I:. Center St. ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA11 , Phone 4965 . .. . J ~-M. M i.l le~r ' I . . REAL ESTATE .BROKER ' • SPECIA 1J IST I .£:_•\~ <l!l•••U:J' ...cty ..... te "" ,.. ........ aed· Tti.e d,.,,Ja q umU0111t •boee "91 tnde name we prefer 110t ~ II dallnr-· -tf ..,.....,.. Annou.nce~ th e Opening. Of Hi ll New Office<)_ . . ' . completed Job of 11 z ,,••s ... om..- A..-z e•ted fo,... of Expel't M•"•'1» .,.. _... 1• al VIRG'S GA RA·G·E TEXAOO raoovcrs • OAS BT,4.TION UM W..t Olllil?' A--No•pon - ()pla Mp~ Tiii 7 o'Clo<* Pin 1%1 ... U#-W M8 Pme,.Ave. LONG (BEACB ft.La Dli-t11 .• \ J ' ,_ • ......... ~ expert. Ma)1Je we ooGad ..a ·~ -"'.'-"-I . Newport Beacti ·Pharmacy n.-i--n.-11 """~- • • ., ,. I ' ., • '.c.: . . . ' . · at 15th 11nd-West Central Ave. . r • . 1 Newport Beach f (On.Your'Wq to Bolbo9) • -· ~ -~ -y -. . -- ~ I• ' • Pt.m for annual c1inn<r o~ Alln!d · Leomxd : 5j;. -.,.. the Costa Ownbor. of Com' «lrivict In -°'!!""' del Mar . ·,,.....,., ...,,.., at the Jan. 7th post ~box ·.,.. f-.a ~- even!»& d that ocpnlu-&ge oonta.inlng a ~ skin coat· lion. It will held Janl "28 tn. the and l>andkerchlef lderltUled u the Friday Aft clubhoule and property of Mn· tjoloni Krobs ~ Bertren Smit ·ii &eMral l:haif'-Cline.._ was dtarged with her mur- man. Secre Forrest B. Owen der· ~ that of anqiher woman Is planning t 'have a promlnellt in a civil suit-filed. Saturday by . speaker and . an4 Mn. Glenn Atty. GeQorge Br'ftli..p,' who has Da.via are in e of.the musi_ca1 been investigating the.case on~ program. half-of 12 nephew3 and nieces ot Di.rectors wt be elected for the Mrs. SlirK>, all residiJlg in Middle ·rng ye-ar the meeting -~ Wmem states, it iva.s learned ill orcanJze t.....ard. Price of !'from Loo Angeles sources Sunday. · tiekeb be S5 foe the ftrSt I The suit charg" ,Cline, after one. whlch udes uaoclate man-ying Mn. Krebs In 1944, in- ·. memberihlp the organization duf!ed her by the use ot "hypnotic tor those.~ not active business. drugs and poisons which deprived and $1.50 foe e secodd licket. her of her mental ,.facuJt:in'' to James Kllpa ck. chairman of put all her property in joint ten-lhe street ttff. reported the ancy and to make ~ will naming "atreeta were i.ng: cle'1led in a hirr\ sole heir, after which he crad- aatisfactoey ner and Charles ually increased the poison ~ TeWiltllle re t.ed for "the Christ-I ~ter · taking her to Dallas. S_he mu lighting tttt. died there under the ~ame or Mrs. Harold Gra 1 presided In the Alice W . Garpenter am:t was ere-. tblence of ident Rmlell Bar-. mated. '1 tine, who sent a letter of appre-Relatives of the wealthy Oii- datlon for: the cooperation he had cago widoW first st.8.fted investi- 1eceived durin hJa three year1 ot gations when her name appeared ~deney. • to be forged-on checks and Cline · _ is now held by San-Francisro po-c L T li E S lice o n Jorgery charges and is •. awaiting extradition to face a Texas murder charge, while au- thorities of five states are Investi- D YS gating the mysteriOus1 deaths of a number of other elder ly women with Whom Cline was associated. Services Wednesday For Roberts Infant Ptivate services will be held Wednesday at the·· HarolP, K. Grauel chapel. Costa Mesa. for Mary ~1argaret Roberts, infa nt I daughtf.'.'r of Mr. a nd Mrs. Jack Ro- berts. 312 East ijay avenue, Bal- boa. \ • • \ -• ' &?'• 3 ') - • --,....,. .... • "~ wife donated all our clothes to the Victory Clothmc Co!· l~t1on, except the baby's diapers." · . !.· Ap(leal for Congressional Help To Pass Tidelands Matter ments are being circulated by these and· other parties which im- ply that this bill was conceived and lobbied. through the House by private interests using the name of the Poi:::t Authorities to obtain their objective. This, we all know is not true." 1 Most of Newport Harbor would revert to the feder al government tf the secretary of the interior were successful under his plal]S to obtain con trol of the tidelands, it was poi ~ted out. · ~yor~ks ·All l C.Ontril;ute Cloth j1 H Not N.eeded ~ 1. ~. , . . ~ ' Lette "-1_:_._ f Sni-L-anc1 ·.....:~-on4r . ~ lit' tllt. ' ~ r '-"'mPmum·o uae r UeB . .iew·11ut llF ---alli< All Emanating from City Dump Op~te· 1111• -.... .s ~ ..u. or i ' ~ ...-.. . . pcoper IJ' Clllllilloonblj. Residential Section of Newport Heights To :tl\at ..n..it ,..,_ ...,,,.....,,,. 1 . penonal,. bQt th<ft' .,..,. • - PROCLAMATION •· 1 other, and I "'mWd think, '9)! llD- .Smoke ~.ru .. pl-the.res!-tilt lut llttl mak .. a ·deflnltetY ~t complaln\a from-the -- dents of N--1 He!ih.ta In . the bad lmlreaion. · . torists who !Ind ·-~ WHEREAS. millions of sell-re-vidnll)' of Newport boulevard. It ' · ed by mnolte on • ..__ . .....,... • spkting people in the war-devns-is the contention ot the ~ter of -For my part. _we boualit our Surely t.bett 'must 1 ~ 'ou_t~O.. !:~hill!~~.~. 11ng' .Chifnoar ~~ a letter to the Newport .Balboa .-<Sl:!Newport Boulevudl .In way wu~ -a\thiilj! 41 ...... ~. ·-. ._. --News-Times who .complalnslof the fune ($8500.001 and. I t this tlnie, this IJ'I!' lhooJd be located.• Jt"a vival against hunger and dise~ unsightly arid ''revolting"~ alcht eqjoyed the location .. :ii.e view .a J'nlltter ot dvic (ride. • -!. and cold, are ln ditt need of clotH-faced: by anyone who, drivel down from the front of our ~ty I l}laak you. for , any atteotlOlp ~ · ing, shoes and bedding, and ere the northerly en trance to ~ city wu a thick grpve of trees. Smee lhls might receive. , :':,~ifeet to death from exposure;, having to pasa close' to the city ~en there. ·have. been. two serious ' Sincerely • dwnp. · fires, burning the trees; (at which MRS: C. J. AI!IZON~ ~. the 25,000,000 of The letter writ ten by Mrs. C. J . time the~ WU no attendant on , .· these destitute peop11!' w)lo bene-Arizona follows : the prelnllJeS,1 we having· ,called_ • $, · filed through the first United 'Na· · ' January 10 1946 the fire department.) We,. lncJud-'.n.t a llanoe proow Nc"9 tional etothing 'Collection are 512 Newport 'slvd., inc my neighbors, are now not 'J'1rnes I..eMenbip1 ~ only a fraction of those in need, --~· and ' Newport Beach, Calif. WHEREAS,"the me.:ung of thjs Dear Sin: · ./ ' . ' . . 'PallCOOd VENETIAN BL~ WOOD • STEEL • ,U.UMIN(JJ( . ...... --_; o ......... -...... ._ ••• ' ... -,.., • ,;. : , 814 Cout Highway Pbone.Newpori·zio-.w- urgent need overseas )¥ill serve In this, Olfte of tbe most beauti- not Only to ·~eve suffering hU-(\ll sections in alf C&llfornia. td manity, but will a.id liberntetl ~ like to ci!ll attention to a revolting pies to revive tbei.r econmnic llfe light. On . a main thoroughfare, and enable their rehabilitated Newpor.t boul.evard, the location of cduntries to contribute 8 full the city dump is regrettable . The share towards' the creation of a approaches to a town are oert&inly lasting peace, and important and this, with Its un-~~~~;;~;;;,;;;;,;,;;;;,;,;;~-;;,;;;;~~~~~;~~;~~·~~~~~~;;;~ WHEREAS, the President of obstructed view (especially ·since i ...... -ei .......... 111--...'*l9!1'"1u1111w.t1•111111u1119ll1111n1M11n111111 .. llfl11111ten1t1• t he UnJted Stat~ hu said that i . , the need is lmPerative and .justir tional goat~of J.00,000,000 garmen ts ! ties ,a second appeal to the Amr in additioi:a to shoes and bedding ~ erican people, and ,.may be reached. Also I urge con-·5 WHEREAS, the Victory Cloth-tributors to.~attaCh good-will mes-~ ing Collection is an e!fo'rt to meet sages to their gifts of clothing.' i the great emergency. IN WITNESS . THEREOF, I i H N..HOWal1, ~REFORE, I, Cl)·an haveofhereunto -tt m y hand andh --~-= . , ,.~ayor of the Q ty of seal the Oty 01 Newport Beac Newport Beach, urge all religious, this 7th day of January, 1946. ! educational_. patriotic, civic, fra· I Cl.YAN H . HALL, i temal, bu~ess and labor grotJ}lS Mayor of the O ty ~ ' . • Moder:n and Up-to-Date Blue· . Printing Facilities Photostating up to 18 in. by 22 in . to cooperate in this collection qf ' of N_ewport Beach. !! clothing, shoes and bedding for frank L. runehart, ~ " 1· overseas relief so lhai the na· City Clerk. . t I Pick-Up and Delivery Service 1· .. ' I Wa.tch fo r Openi ng Announcement i i ! i • i ;;;; -i ~ !! i BIJ1eprint & ·Photostat Shop . ·I ~ i • l Besides her parents the little girl is survived by a · sister, Bar- Rep. John Phillips of Orange, Riverside afid San Bernardino counties has been asked to a ppear at the congressional hearing Feb. 5 to represent interests of J.he Newport Harbor Chamber of Com- merce, together with those of other city and county bodies in the little known but highly con- troversial Resolution 225 up for consider ation of the United States Senate. The bill, already passed by the House of Representatives is tc> "quiet titles of the r espective states. and others. to la nds be- neath tideYlaters and lands be.: neath navigable waters within the bdundaries of su~h sfates and to prevent further clouding of s~ch titles." LEGAL FORMS .FOR EV 'ERY ~ -~ ; ' Costa Mesa ~ .._ ____ _, ______ _. hara J ean. · D YOUR HEALTH . WITH The resolution would prevent ORA 111!'£ YS Secretary of Interior Harold Ickes nvJ from taking over for the federal OMIU government tidelands along 'the rr n roasts of all 20 states \\'hich bor- i=====i~::::~!g~;~~!~=====J! I der on the oceans from which he • 'lieeks to do to recover valuable oil deposits, particularly in Cali- for nia. So imp:>rtant to Californians is the matter, according to the Pa- cific Coast Association of Port Authorities that they have asked all interest:; to join hands in see- ing the resolution passed. In a Jet-of th1$ Cleon, Fomily'Ne..VSPiope~ THE,CHrusnAN SCIENCE MONrroR -&ad .......... 1 _, ••• ,,... &om polJdal from .. .tpllltial m..... o:iaaol ••• ~,... ro ..u..,.,. eorid ...-ns. la pea world-wide a.I of CDffto :~=:t ....... :·~. yoa oa-.p.c -. ud lo w loe ., ,.,. . --6llod -aoiqae ..U-belp -...... ---------·----------- -. .... --····-··················---·· --+---................... __ 0 ,.,_ .-. .. • • , ter received by H.arry Welch. sec- retary of th~ local chamber, they S8.}': "Those in our federal go\'crn- mcnt who have been advocating federal O\vnership of the tidela nds, \vhich incidentally means the ma- jor rx>rtion of every harbor in the United States. ha-ve been most ac- ti\•e in opposing the bill. State- Church Bowlers Trying Out New Harbor Ordin{l~ce Pass ed; Aid s City Taxes rContlnul!d from Page l ) · harbor master to cancel them on five days \\Titten notice. Unoccupied moorings may be leased by the harbor master for guest vessels. If not used by O\\'TI- e rs for three consecutive months moorings may become the prOfr erty of the city unless the time is extended by t he harbor master. An initial fee of 20 cents per lineal foot over all length is provided for and a yearly inspection fee or the same amount for all moored ves- sC'ls. If the o\vner is in 8rrears for 30 days the city may takC his moorini a nd convert it for its own use. 1-Ie may have up to six months to retr ieve, ho\\'e>er . · Applicants for moorings agree. under terms of the new measure, to have their boats assessed by the ~ city of Newport Beach, and pay I such taxes as are assessed while the mooring is maictained. I --- • . . ,, TRANSACJ.f QN , We have made it f'mvenient fer you to insure compliance ·with all orequirements of the law by <!arrying a complete ·Stock of all fonns and i)apers needed for the completion of eveny transaction. . ' I . Remem ber, too, that thla organlntton .. I • ready to handle any and all of your ' prlnt ln.g problem• trom a complete four- c'Olor com pllca.ted w lntlng problem to th• pl a nnlng and publlahlng In the · New.-I . T imes of your advtrtlalng. No obllgatlon ..-111 be attached to your phone call few -lnformit.t lon of any kind. NEWS~ TIMES ·~ . -i ~ -~ . ~ ~1111111n11111•1•.1n1u1111111111111u1111,,11111111!1111H111th1ut111a1111111u11111(1u1u1111111n1u11r1a1111ntntutu1u11•1t1u.! ' Charter & .. Preston - Q.AS FU ·RNA~ES Oifficult to Obtain Still . ' We have a few in stock for immediate installation Eliminate swea ting windows and moisture on walls : -Protect yotir home and health.. oli.r ·cOm,tned knOw1edp--e. tota1 or .a.s ~ears. tn t1ae Heating and Ventilating Field will BQl\'e your pl'Qblems - NO CHARGE FO~ StmVE\' AND ·EsT IM'An: "' . CHA RTER .& PRESTON HeaUn.g 'Installations Make \Vann Friends . . . . Buslneu Phone 6'84 Residence P hoDM 9'82 or 2995 280 Forest ~ve, -Laguna Beach 11!;···· ............ ..a-. .•.... --. ... _ ·~ it'*".d I • '----+-----·---------F.or Mixed Team I t is unlawful to move a ·moor- ing \\ithout the permi.Ssion· of the harbor master . it was stated : transfers &re allo"·ed for a fee of ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:.'.~~;:'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ one dollar. The new la\v provides, t • 0 r Relt1,rning Boys . nt tq Call l/lome the war isn "t o•eras f.ua.s telephone alls are ed. There are more calls ro handle tbaO ever. ill you help handle me thousands of alls our mtifni"ng service m~ are ma.Icing a.s they arrive in Sou"°'m California oo the way homci' There is noo:fii.cig these boys ....,,. more ~ to telephone , ..,cl we ottd mcitt girls ro ba(ldle their alls. ywb.ile lesming.Perm~no:oi jobs. Good swting withfrequentina<ases. Thtteisprobablyatcl .. pb<poeof!icc oesr I""' liomewbereyouaiuld wodc. • uk the Openror fot"lhe Ollef Opentor. will gin J"'I the addttss of an emploJmenr moot coavmiem foe you. ' Aftll7 •. as before, thal all moorings must Ile raised for city inspection at ·SeronQ and qua.J_ifying round of least every two years. a nd kept in bowling by the newly organized good condition. Specifications of bo\\1ling league of Young people of moorings are outlined. and "'here Chr ist Church Byl the Sea took they a~ to be placed under direc- placc on Monday evqning at · the tion of the harbor maste.r. Sportland Bowling alleys and thE' Making fast to docks or wharves best bowlers will fonn a team of is also covered. Public piers are the best five which will rompete described, and obstructions to ,in the Orange Count.}' church them denied. Sanitation ts Cd'Vered Bo"'ling leaguf'. and t here v.ill fully in' another section which also be mixC'd doublei. makes it unlawful to discharge or Expen!!.es are being pai'tl by l\fen allo'v to be thrown in the harbor or the Olurch and the young peo-any refuse from a ny vessel. or any pie will be un.der the supervision matc>rial v.•hich might \\·ash int-0 of Rev. E. D. Goodell and Ros.ci th~ harbor waters. The same s£'c- Ch\•cn. °!le of ~he requisites for lion touches up:>n inflamma ble I membership ls regular church at-materials. tendance. l\1r._ Goodell ~tated. j Construction of !)arbor struc- 1 Those who have reported for tur("S is like\\·ise defined. Appeal bowling are Dot \Vright. Diane from the ha rbor inaster's author- \Va kefield, Eloi1'e Ov.·~n. Richard l itY Is provided t o the city council I \V<.'-lln<'r, J~ \Vakef1eld. PegJQ' if notice is given within 24 hours 1 Trine. Con~1e Shook,. Ruth Anrf from time appeal is desired, and I Thatcher , Btll Kuhlmyer a nd Ross th£>n v.ith \VTitten notice a hearing O"•en. can be held Y.-ithin five days . Pass !nnexation Ordinance to Second Reading · The new ordina nce. known as ( Number 543 will be published in ) full as a legal notice in the next issue Of the News-Times. {Continued froin Page One) I was shown that another 75 to 100 acres may want to join the eity. Patterson had the verbal essu,... ance from the Joint Outfall ~·er dis trict of their.approval of serv- icing the proposed annexed teni~ tories. ~ Stanley pointed out that the"city can still chante theo lot owners in that subdivision ex- tra for ~ ~ tra.~h collec-- tion. He moved to send the ordl· 1 tianao to the second rea ding, after Mll,)'Or Clyan Hall slated it was a question of whether the city j wanted a hlR:h class addition like thiS one. 0 . B. Reed said he would vote for annexation if the oost could be pared dawn .ror Ille ex- terWon of utilities. 1"'en the ex- DB!t"ipni!tts won bv a vote ot 3 to 2. with Bob Allen and Lester HEARING REVOLUTION I W tt •I ChF lw;t n ,_,CosA Isbell dissenting. a new alijmm<nt ,,. __ .. ____ D ...... of the coundl. ,,,. onlinan<e .. IRICl">V • _., or -llln. 1tahl 100 I:. Ba,J, BalOOa ne.....-d to the secjiod mw!ing .. _,_ a• ............ · L-~---_f----'----:---.,r-----:---•i f expected to be Mid nm .._ __ -__ .... ___ ~ __ _,,,__. r· •. OUR CAR WITH GE N·u 1·N E PRE-WAR PAINT .!. • B t first co in · and take a look at our fine I Bake Oven •• n you'll ·~ why our J«)bs are tos)s! · · . . ·One~Day Se ce - -. Credit ~ B Des.ired ._: . .er-all Wi . rk ·Guaranteed HA a-is -• -. .. I ., ., ' ' • ·• •' ·oo DON B. FINDLAY CONTBACTOB ....L ·B1!8.DEB •• • (lftloe: 141 <loMt' llmL PlaoMW SHOP SERVICE CABINETS and MJLLWOKK -· T. 0. 1-...... 8apt. Ora ge County Trucking. Co. Gener l plUCKS FOR BIR.E Trucking, Hauling, Transfer Long and Short_ Hauls ZZ9 W. Wilson St .. -Costa Mesa PHONES· • Nwp • 260, Dais--<ir-Nwpt. 512-M, Nlghla ' Fresh Daily . DellcloUI Sea FoodJi - .er, complete equlpmeiit when you want to catch your awn. RMEN FISH · MARKET . ' ON Cl.NTRAL.. AVENUE, NEWPORT ISEA~H re You Build or Remodel visit onr Interesting sample ·and display room& Col9r guides, planning a1ds, com- prehensive stock of rugs, carpets and Unolewn. Rap& (Jupotl a--1. ~ Carpet Works. 1-ao.• Mala SL PIM>M Saata AD& ,_ ·BANTA ANA • , P ay Safe During 1946 c e v r o I e t Mo ·t o r econditioned J • ' Here s What You Get: • Va ves Ground • Ne Oil R ings and P ins • N Points • M \n Bc::arings Adjusted • R ker Arms Over.hauled • Cl an .Vent Pipe • E gine TimeQ • N w Spark Plugs • M tor-Flushe.d • 5 uarts Oil • Oi Pump Inspected -· ling System Tested • Badget Terms 'U Six • Factory .. ulbertson Chevtolet Co., Inc; -I\ (lllSVl&OLEf ANDIOUJIPIOBD.I! DUI.BR lft 0 c Ir• ·-B•u.pia lleaeb PIL S18 1111 Om' al·-· Newpwt Beaell PIL 51S . . • • ., f Veterans Asked for · Unwanted Clothing And Equipment \Vorld \Var II veterans through· out the "'·est today were urged by the Ni,Pth Service Command Quar- termaster at Fort Douj::las, Utah, to rE>turn to the Arrrl'y any un- wanted items or Gl clothing and equipment slill in their JX>SSession. Eswcially needed are woolen garments. including blouses. OD shirts and underwear. Colonel n. . F . Bartz, quartermaster, declared. Such issued items are retained by the soldier \vhen discharged from the Army., Veterans desiring to turn in clothing and equipment .may dis- patCh them collect-to the nearest Army installation in care of the prope£ty officer . All clothing returned to the Army \.\'ill be r enovated and ·re- 'pairl?'d prior to i eissue. Col. Bartz emphasized. Telegrapher Returns As Relief Operator Passes Away C. A. Case, the regular tele- graph operator for the Western Union at Ne\\tpOrt Beach returned l'Tiday after a 10-months ijJness. During'\his absence th~ messages had been handled by C. P. Dick- son. "'ho died at his home irr New- port early Friday morning. . Chance to Learn Trade Miller Lea8es Corner 1 Reason Many Enlist On Central & 15th St. In U. S. Navy For Real Estate • $25,000 R Prepares Santa Ani e Jan. 19 ·etd, for Derby ' I . • The · S25,000 ddecf San Felipe Furtherance of {'(1Ucat~~n and a J . M . !\·Jiller, ~ell·kno\vn Ne'l'" i Stak£'s, to .be run this coming "chance to learn a trade are t\\·o port H~rbor real estate broker Saturday, JruiU , l9-, \\•ill top the of the most frequ£'ntly listed :ea-1 a n~ bu~1ness ma~, has opened an third week of cing at beautiful sons for enlistment in the ~n1tC'd of'f1ce_ at 1439 ~\i ~st Central ~ve· Santa Ani ta pai . This week the States Navy today, according to nue 1n the building \vhere Q~n Arcadia plant els back tQ its Argylc \V. Beem, CCS. USN!., Rc-O'Hanlon, F'ullert~n, real tor. ~as regular five-da schedule or op· cruiter H1 charge of the Na~'Y re-. been _located. and is no~ can-y1~g eration. v.ith ni ing Tuesday t.hru cruiting ~ubsta~io~, located tn t he Jon his rc>al estate business from Saturday. · Post Office Bwlding, Santa Ana. I that addre:ss. . -·.The San Feli \vi11· be the ise- One of the best schools in the The entire corner. "''h1ch has a cond of the big hree·year-old rea· country in or out of military serv-1 frontage ·of 110 ·feet on Central tures leading u to the Sl OOOOO ice, the local rej!ruiter asserted, is avenue and 75 ·feet on Fiftecn'h Santa Anita rby to be run' on ttte Navy's Radio Technical school. st :eet, has been leased by l\~r. February 2J. 1 is · exclus ivf.ly ;for \vhich has its headquarters at Chi-M1~ler. J:'le. plans_ t_o re.model the colts and geldin of this division, cago,,. Til . Two branches of the off1~ building, giving. it a mda-a nd is set a t t e six furlong dis- school are in California. em front. There ar.c severpl tance · smalle r buildings on the lot and · ----+---- It is not the fact tha.t a man has riches ~·hich k~ps him from the kingdom of heaven. but the fact that rich& have rum.--Caird. • a gas station. Plans for future • business development of Lhc prO-N Orm.an perty call for changing the loca· 32 .Month in Navy, lion or the gas station and the> construction or other buildin gs. ~eturnin_g to College After serving 32 m9nths in the BOOKS. j We ·11a .. w..& Y .. N ... " '· OORELLITA~ (Estelle Cam~ Ownirl • Pia. ..... Iba' ... 116' Nortll. llala 8t& tat I -·~II ...... Our Lending Ubrary Cmtalm the Latest Boola • . • 1 . Roan: t:IO to 1;111 beopt ·-• p.111.. , ........ r., ... ~E'···a~~·o-~s·- 1 FRESH ' ~ . • ~ I: V I: B Y DAY j CIDER Plali!tic Repairs Holes in Shoes ~ -_l • -l .. GROCERIES I i' 0 Cold Meats I Your Friends & Mine Capt. and Mrs. Donald Hart, 39 Beacon Bay, Me 'receiving con- gratulations on the birth or a daughter .. born Jan. 11 3t St. J osC'ph hospital. She wei.ghed sc\•en pounds, t\\'O ounces. · ~1 rs. Arline Jasper, 108 24th street, \\'as surrounded this . year by her children and four grand- childien when a family dinner part)· '"as held at the home of he r son, Alfred Jat per. 1103 N orth To~er street. Santa Ana. Both \Villi~ H . Jasper, former store- keeper second clas.f;; in 'the Sea- bees. and llis' younger hr.other, rr-:; win J asper, storekeeper second class, USN, who r eceived h is dis- charge .two days before OlristmaS. were present' with their families. Both are now employed in the of· rice of the Bur,eau of Light. and 'Power , Los Angeles. Irwin has been ~employed at t he dry docks, Terin.inal Isl&nd, and William was : I -o ~ ~ Fl'ulta and Veptablee I ~ .Open Sun. • .Oloeed Tltun. j IDutton's Grocery(· ~ · Pbone ·211s · I . , ~nu Newport Bhd. ~ -• ''"'"'"'"''''"'' '·""'''' 11 ti1t 111u11.11 1111ne11e11111• SAMPSO .N Macliine Works 1604 ~ewport ~vd., CoSta Mesa • We. are now through with war contracts and open for general machine \VOrk. • All modern machinery. All types Of machine work. • Marine engine parts du- plica ted. • Arc and acetylene weld- ing. 1 ... CYLINDER Hl:ADS ,. MILLED SAMPSON Machine W orkli in the South Pacific. I=--------------' Cemplet~ Fountain Service at Forfuer Kansans f Ian Lonf Beach Picnic na\ry, 11 of fch were in the · Racing Skippers:- Sail Boat Hardware Sail Tr~ck and Slides Stop Watches· HANSEN'S . ZlOO Ocean Front • Newport NOW OPEN EYENfNGS Southern CaliJornja Kansans will gather for a basket lunch' and aJI day picnic at Bixby Park, Long Beach. January 27th. Program starting at I :00 p. 1'11· HALTS • SANDWICBE.S • HAMBURGERS Duty is carrying o n promptly and faiihfully the affairs now be- fore you. It is to fuJfill the claims of today.-G0ethe. Ice Cream to Take Oat SNOODLES . Go oN 10 'BEV ~ 1\\1 S I \S 01'L'I A I I.OT Of . l>OGGER.E.L. • DOROTHY DARNIT ··--.;;::: NOW ~TAY !?IC.HT ltiE~E ,...,o oo•i"T You ~o "lllC.H "~ "'ov& "'"' E"'E'-"'~" "TIL.I.. I C 6'. T 0 ... C I( r.--r..J"f-.,..__J ' . -• ·' (A glance proves the I VV~IOA ~ l'"Rl,llT C.Al<E .. ,,- • Asiatic-P acific . ecl_or . ·Norman E . Grorud \\'as r ntly d ischarged a t the Terminal jl\land Separation Center , and returned to the har- bor area td rejoin his wife a t 604 S . Bay Front, Balboa Island. Grorud will return to colJege to resume his studies which were interrupted when he went into service alffiOst three years ago. Wa.tcb t he Clusified Cotumn11. In the News-Time ' ershlp of the News-llmes) • ILl M .. w1: M' "''"ii ~Oll\E F .. \T YE:T HERE ' Yacht Timers -New.,ort Marine Supply· Co.· s14 eoast Highway -Phone "2780-.J • • By Charles·McManus , -~ 1 .. . . , • .- I . " I : • -, •. • --•:, ·-r· -~ _:._r-,'t. • • r::1-... r. r e-• ' • • ~ -. .-I . • ' ' . -• ~ _· -" . • '.' ... -. -t .. :'" I -~-. . . ·~ . • ' . '.' _·:: --_,-' • :'" ~ __ .=· ________ .J..:_ ________ :--.f..-::---.----.---:-:~~--.... ----.... -·~-.....:·~·--.... ~"~·~·!!PO:!!l .. ErE..JllAl.BO!!!!!!!JALJN!!!E~W~8!.:,;-" • Q@MIL;.... . • a ~:~-·~,·~•! ...... ~·---·:...·.,+. ................ : ..... .i...·....;~: .... ~,~:-=~"---.::..-· ............................ ·:... .... ______ J:! ...... !ll!i.!·!!!•!L,~ J . t"'~it;U:., . 11~ ~EVERY .. IEWS-TIME§,!~~!.{l~J~!.T! iJ!JI OP~Oi'rQllTY!, ·. T. 0 J>racti~ '11lere w 16 7:44 1:29 •:n · 1:01 -N . r -a.1 2.0 '-0 -i.1 U you don't find what you. are Jocjibqi for~ In this me Pb.~ -pqiit Beacb l2orl3·and 1 place'7fN!rOWll ..t._•er1'1 11•1t,..-•. -. -- . Dr. ~A. /Crawford. a.ta Th 17 8:25 2fg ~t:H S:U ~~~~~;~~==~~~~~~~~~~==~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~-+~~~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~===~·=~ ~ optometristl wu •IO<lted aec-6.7 3 ~ H!,; 4.1zi ~UBLIC NOTICE PATh'TINO OON'm&CTOll L08r_Alffl lll'OUN1) a 8AI.& tJll Ii ~ ANXOIDl:CEllSNTll A UAL ar&n I ·w ~tlon· or°' Or§nle ,counattya ::t. F 18 9~~ 1.9 '-1 -1.!i, ------PAINTING -PAPER lLUlGING LOST-On Xmaa eve, Bal Isl. or I . J·_.,-' rrived -RECAP ---,.--------__ .,.-~. ~ Opt6metrlsta 4 • 1 CEltimCATZ OF BUSINESS: r-A-• M Id bar ... ..... , ' • In& beld TUnclay evenlnc, Jan. 8 S 19 9:54 • 3: 7 11:17 u:t and DEOOIU'.l'JNG t ~vna ~ ar, go ,...,, ' 'Fr<ab H Aid with your local recapper_. . ..... .w ,,;,,R th !6.2 1.9 '-i -1.1 FlC'l'JTIOUS F1D1 NAME JI. E. lll~ , heavy amber-color stooe In cen'. I , ...., ~· One day aervlce. . _ J . .Ill. m.....,.,. , at r:::f ~ ~'"O.:ge Su 20 10:34 4:35 ----·--1:18 --4H Old 9<Junt:y Rd.,-Pb:-1154-W -ter. Rewrad. Phone 1307 or BA.1. J .. RIES· 'Real Elfate ·Brol<er . ' "a ty ~ 5.6 :i.o -------0,6 THE UNDERSIG~ !i'::t' co.ta )I-" 81).ttc News-n.-. 13. .4-2tc G . Dnic Co. . Tires and Tubes . 15th and Central coun . _, ~.,. -• ._ _, hereby certify that he co -----------'·--117 -It. Pb. Ila Co -I Lub · ti , i:>r. 0-awf~ resumm prl-v• -.~ Ing the manufacture of pjutlc B-OVIDS : H REWARD for n!tum of 'gold <ln&, -*ttc mp ete MC8 On • ph.ctlce er three years U...,.. p&Met-.. _.... • ~ toys at 219 Magnolia Ave,. Costa · small ruby in center, ·3. pearls · u Oj)tometrbt th the U. S. """" -L -: --p. • Mesa, California. under the fie-EAAL PHELPS, TREE SERVICE each side, family keepoake; !oat --,FJ~O~O;;r:--J;\,_-;;,~ ua;;:c;::e~S;---Tire and~ service. Free Ocean View Lpt " Army Air Ccl<lJo. e was stationed tltlous firm name of Dry Walnut wood for sale,. SZ1 eve of Ju. 9 In 8"l. Isl._ lhop-1, , · 37,000 B. T . u. pickups deliv.ey """'1ce ' In -Central and served Will Mak D ts NOVA NOVELTY 00. per con! clellvere4. 300 No. Loo ping district. Fhone 1307 or Imm~'-t ~·11· · ••• 40 for Your car. n~e air bales. 1 ctudlns a Royal e onu and that sa1d firm ta ~ of Angeles st., Anaheim. Ph. 2921. N....,;nme., 13. : · 4-2tc ~ ~oo~ · !"'· · Costa Mesa Tire Co. ~ Ceron.a-clel Mar. One of U. last to be bad at tliia price. Air F~ bue "' d a German prls-In Costa Mesa the following penoi1 whole name ~ • 100 Main s~. Balboa and oner of war can P. and addttss ls u follows, !<>-wit : GENllRAL eotrrRACl'DIG, Re-EMPLODllDIT W.IUii'SQ • 20il'Moiflle. Balboa ~d 2-ttc 'r S • Stati Near Ocean Paved Street, $800 To fadlltate t ~ clellvery of pr-e-'lbose typically American break-DAVIS s. HATCH. 219 Mag-pair and Ali.ntl-. a..,.,... WORK wA'.NTED :....Taldn&" care Hosiery Mending Service ex~~ . .:i~~.e .. Prop. on ocrlptiofll, he lnlWllng 'I""' fast and IUl>Cheon items, delect· nolla Ave,, Coot& Mesa. Calif. -·~~ ··-_,_ --Call N B. · ·~·-~--""~ laboratory equl1 """t and will do able doughnut., an! to be manu-Witness my hand this 7th day ~~·. ---. aft., n -of chlJclren-nlghll. . 3-;<la)' lel'Vl"!'· A~·~ on the_, rmo Newpilrt mvd., 'Coot& M-Balboa Peninsula HoniJ 2 stoey. One-of the~~­ seaion at dme of escrow. J( I lhe desi-••g lnd shaping of , ' th ho! 1~• pcot Puc• Pb. 1'1141-lll. etto 2527-R. 50c per. fl9<tt, 3-2tp hosiery to l>UY,. • !Phone N. B. 2342 4-\fc ··-· L -· . factured locally for bo w ... of January, ~. . ~-.. w I 224 o~-WA-" 1.,,... hi..-lf, .,...y the actual --•e and retail trade at a uew shop DAVIS S. HATCH. BICYCLES r•~ · ., will f ......, or ey, --" ' ' -bargain at thil low price. . ..:;:.,,, be'·-< .__ ellewh -~ABLE GIRL C&fO or 4th It MaiD, "••ta Ana. 2-4tp ELEC'ltlJCAL APPUANCES and ,.. • ...;ng -. ,.~ ere. being opened in ~ remodeled STATE OF CALIFORNIA, I chil~n evenings. Phone N . B. • ·r-· . MOTORS nip&ired acconling to Ask Parkii g Lot . -Lease Adj • g - building of the fonner Greener COUNTY OF ORANGE I 11. \!Old. ~~i:":'.·~p&lttd. , 2239-1'1-• l'.2tpl\,q; HATI:~ --to< factory spedficatl0ns by DIS- Furnlture Store. 1761 Newport On this 7th day of January. 100 lllaln St., Balboa -$111. 96, Sl96 up. ,_ ABLED VETERANS w 0 r k ' avenue, O>sta Mesa. A. D,, 19'6, before me NOra S . 208 ll&rlne, Balboa Ialalld. W ANTED-IRONJNG, fancy and ,..-,up. Torma. lloma _ guaranteed. Agent: ' ME s A The shop is being O!l"ned by Mr. Margwarth a Notary Public in ·94-tfo plain, In your home. Phone r.1'-f.w root. 30 yean In -Orazlp RADIO & ELECTRONICS 00., Bay Front Home • Private pitt. 2-story, 5 ~ I "!ooma, 2 baths. Beaut1ttt111 · furnished. See us for price and tenm. Boat L8nd. Ilg . and Mn. S. A. Struz and will be and for the said countf and state, · tp c«nmt;,.. Dan&-Sch:midt Pl&Do Oo.., l79f N~rt Ave. ~uc· known as Fran'.J Dot;t.ut Cottage. residing therein. duly commission-B&A171'Y AID8 ,.J •• _ 18 WUJ... TAKE CARE of children. 1 UO N. Kaan. Santa Ana. 8tfc -----==-o:=-o:o-::-:c-............ _ P lanning to op 1"-te a numbe:r of· Mrs. Stnq; is a former Anaheim ed and nvorn, penonally applared OOLD and MACHINa..IWS Corona del Mar .. Phone N. B. w.&N'Tso TU BOY a K E Y S sports fishing 1 oau from their girl and her husband has recently David S. !latch known to me to WAVES 550-M. , 2.tfc lllado .While You Walt J.M .. MILLER 15th and Centnl newly acquired andln&, formerly received his honorab'e diBcharge be the person whooe name ls sub-nnt1ns and ldulcurlnC ._ ~ • ***" • W A _NT. TO BUY-· VOGEL'S 1 the Califonlia Marine Serv!ce, from the army air corps where he scribed to the within instrument, ww~ OPf----· FLA OP 100 Kaln st., .Balboa Harbor Investm•~t company Man-..,85 a weatl)er observer with two and acknowledged to me that he EvenlDVgi''sApBpoealntm~enuSPb.hopl7D-W W~OTB:L MAID. Bal.;.,. I, OFFICTE 'l'D"'"'K. • 208 Marine, Balboa llland · . Newport Beach • ' "On Your Way to Balboa" day asked the ty coundl for 8 &}ld a halt years in Europe. They executed the. u.me. . £.o.:> M-ttc lease on a 60-~t lot adjoining ~ll have _in the shop. which has IN W'lTNESs WHEREOF , I 1103 Cout Htway, rell& del Mar lllll. Pbooe 980. 6-tfc Phone ,. 4-ltc thetJ' Udo boat andlns. an attzactive cottBge front. a cof-hav.e hereunto set my hand and • 1&-ttc HELP w ANTED _ woman td Newport Beach 839 Carpenters Available Harbor Inv t own lots fee counter where customers may affixed my official seal the day clean 1 day a week. Good wages. 4-2tc t~r genen.l ~ten•nc. .,,, N e;:Rort H~~ 1121 to 1125 elusive, a letter eat fresh doughnuts with their and year .in this Certificate flnt PueLIC NOTICES , Corona de! Mar. Ph : 2626. 4-tfc and repalr Modem,. wel -bullt, 2· home. fronl Tom Hen< rson to the cou:n-natural accomparu.ment. above. wntten. , . WANTED-Two 7:00x19 'nres & -=-o. Z. ROBERTSON Large , living room, mahop.ny cil stated and they aaked for a Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brey. owner:s NORA S. MARGWARnl. · iaid Lot 1183 and the south WANTED-Oeaning woman. bne tubes, ·new or used. 'John D . Call Newport 83 ~· flooring, fif'f'place, dinnett.e, tile lease on the lot d jolning for park-of the building, are to open their (SEAL) . Notary Public in and line of said Lot 1183. and day per week. 330 Montero. Ph: Kelly, General Delivery. Costa '2-Wc kitchen and bath. Laundry tray ing pur po1es. · hley offered $100 furniture store soon. for said County and State. along the south line of Lot N. B. 887-J. 3-2tp Mesa. . 4-ltp ===,.,.--:--=-c:=·-=:-:-:='.'.:""-:=--1n 2-car garage. Patio. Lot CQti1. • per year, wit h six months can-Pub.-Jan. 8, 15, 22, 29, l~. 1184 and ·along the east line WANTED-Woman to wash and 'WILL N.Y CAi8S tor your fUr· CUSTOM CABINET WORK-Re--p]etely fenced and landscaped. cellation claus after the first Police Ask New ~ of Lot 1195 of $aid Tract No. care for clothes of 8-year-Old : niture or w~ bave you.. P!Loae pair work and remodeling of all Excellent-value at $10.SOO. R ·d. Tr •tte S RESOLUTION NO. S2'74!' 907. girl. Clothes will be delivered ~ 2000. O. R. C..wiey, '\e kinds. Custom built-in furni· year. 'Fhe matter ~las held o er witil the next meetin~. 'Islander, ' eturned. From Ar y, Enters Fertilizer tt'ield lfeber H. Fo~ler or 'Balboa Is- land. recr>ntly 1 .sclaar ged from the Army Air Cor ~. has joined the tast-gro'>';nJit st ff or the Uquinox Company. Ora ge manufacturers and distributor or liquid ferUllz- ers. -Fowler, who ls a well known former Santa l\na r ancher, will serve u Liquin x field man in Or- ange ~wity. a IO ansm1 r All portions or said alleys, and called for. Phone N , B-Food -. 1812 Newport lure, DO)JGLAS BOAT " Gertrude A. Waldron ---· A RESOLUTION OF INTEN-streets and easements to the City 435-R after 5. 3-2tc Blvd., Ooata Meea. 99-tfc CANQE co,.. 2819 W.~Central Wm. A. Sanford The police cars may get new TION OF THE CITY COUNCO.. of Newport Beach ror public litil-Ave. Phone Newport 2634. . radio transmitters because they OF TRE CITY OF'l· NEWPORT tty purposes to be vacated. closed WANTED-IP' YOU want to &ell your Old ~ 98-tfc Broker are having co'Osiderablc trouble BE.o\'CU DECLAR.ING ITS rN-up and abandonoed, a re mor e • piano •ee Ua. We pay higbut --=-:-:----:---:..,----Phone 234-R 2·tfc with some of the present ones TENTION TO ORDER THE clearly sho\vn on a certain ma p Wailress, Fry Cook, ,cub price. 30 years In Orange Washing Machines 1------------- which· have been used on police CLOSING·UP, v Ac AT I 0 N approv<'d and adoptt'd by the City Dis hwas her. ' county. Danz-Schmidt Plali'o Co. Repaired mVESTMENT cars for .the P?St .eight years, A AND ABAN-DONMENT OF Council of thC' City or Newport 520 ~: Main. Santa.t.na. ~ttc P a rta For tJl :Make.· PROPERTIES letter from Chier Rdl.vlaii.d f-lod g-CERT.o\lN ALLEVS, STREETS Beach for said vacation. closing BAY SH_O_R_E CAFE FURNITURE FOR SALE as -·Pick up and Delivery. 9 Units. 2 Lota.. kinson asked for new installations, ANO E .<\SEMENTS FOR PUB· up and abandonment. by tht> ff.e:w--SCHULER'$ $16' 500 and w&.s referred lo Police Com· LIO t!Tll..ITY PURPOSES IN tution dated J anuary 7, 1946 and Ne~~\ ~~~t 'H~~~::~344 FOR SALE-Tavern Table ~th Waahing :M&eh lne Shop ~ missioner Lester Isbell . TRACT ' NO. 90i. P UR SUANT designated Resolution No. 3273. 8 3-tfc two benches. "Don R . Durant, 1768 Ne\VflOrl Blv:d. Costa Meu · ' TO A.~D IN ACf'OROANCE Re.ference is hereby mad!' for fur~ -----------,--J ~28 Orchid Ave., Corotta del Phone 2263 55-tfc \\'ITll TlfE "STR.EET VACA'-ther particulars as to the proposed • 1 Mar. ' , 1-tfc .,,,----:--,--:-c-::--===--c Vie w Lot-$4000 Houses-$6500 Up TION ACT OF !Mt." vacation, closin g up, and abandon-• INTEREST I ?ti G SUNDAY SCHOOL GUILD of ment, to said map, and said map W 0 R K 1 BOATS. SUPPLIES 11 C . D .. M. Community Church HO!\"EY MUF'Fl.SS (DesS<"rt) • a-l cup enriched flour The Cit :r Council of the City of 3 teaspoons all-phospha te bak-NeYlport Beach, pursuant to the ing powder pro11isions ·of the ''Street Vaca tion ~ teaspoon salt ,,.. Act or 1941." approved May 13, % .cup \Yhite cornmeal 1941. Statutes of 1941 . Chapter %. cup chopped" apple 250 and amendments ther eto, be- 1 egg well-beaten ing D\vision 9. Part 3, Strl"C'ts and 1/3 ·lk Highways Code, does hereby Re- cup mi solve and Declare as follows: · % cup honey 3 tablespoons melted shorte n-SNtlon 1. That the public in- ing ~ ter~t and convenience . r~uires Sift flour; measure : add all -the closing-up and a bando.nment phosphate baking poWder and sail ; or cer tain allc-Y,S . streets and ease- sift again. Add cornmeal a nd ml'nts to the City of Newport apple; mix. Combine egg, milk. B<-ach for public utility purposes, honey. shortening: add to dry• ifl( Tract No. 907 in the City of New- gredients. Fill greased mufri.. port Beach. California. a nd it 0 is pans 2/3 full. Bake in hot oven the int('ntion of the City Council (400°F .J about 20 m.ins . Serve hot. of the City ot Neu-1>0rt Beach to r..takes 12 muffins. order~ follo'>'ing described al- leys. ts a.nd easements to the Charging her husband, Edward 'City N ewport Beach for public s. Brunner, desl'rted her here on utility purposes in said city to be their 13th wedding anniv('l"Sary. vacated, closed up and abandoned. Gladys C . Brunnc-r filed suit for to-wtt: - divorce•last week. They were mar-VIA OPORTO ried F eb. 23 at Oakland and se(r All t_hat portion of Via Oporto is made a part of this Resolution , BOAT PAINTING and MACHINE will have a Rummage Sale Feb. W L J. d Isl. Any one wishing to con-. : OT an to the same extent and purpose Pleasant Working SANDING. Fr ee estimates. 700 Ea t Ce traI Balbo 'f th -wer e he•ei"n ,·n-r \" k -·• r -1 tribute clothes, dishes, toys •. etc., s n • a as 1 e sa .... e • . ... .... -Condi'ti'ons .• or guarant'l::',_-u ......... n a so ar-Pb 1•• tt may call 550-M or 1902-M and one ~ 96-c porated in f!ull. · range for pull out. 17061Ai Ocean articles will be called for. Section !.i Tha t the proceedings Front, Ne"'1>0r t Beach. 4-2tc $6950 At t' 2 bedr h for the closing-up and abandon-Learn ..._ =:':' ==:--::::--:----:::;-;--:--:--;--: ____________ 1_-91p_ in eoro~:cd~~e Mar. NC:::~= ment of the aforestid allc-ys, MOTORS-IO h.p. Falcon Ma tine - T E LE P H 0 N E "M F y M ey'' and beach. 'Has garage, ~tore streets and easements o the Qty '>'ith' Paragon Reverse Gear. Ore or Our Ol2 room, fireplace, also some furni- or Newport Beach for 'public Ulil· ' 0 p E RA T IN G Suitable for sailboat, auxiliary We have just installed s .new tac-. F r R. ture. or in qtmation call N. ity purposes, shall be had and or small fishing boat. Harbor tory.melbod Retread mold8 which & "'" · c 111 Gatley, Laguna· Beach 359. taken. a nd the City Council of the Increased wag~ rates Engine .. ~u1pment o., give a deeper tread than new 4-2tc City of Newport Beach elects to • ff t , Agate Ave., Balboa Island. Tel'. tiree..· meantng· more mileage. l ---~,.--•o,-------- proce<'d under the provisions of now in e · ec . 1723-J. 4-2tc Leave Urea ·in the morning &JJ.d NEW St~cro House in Corona del the "Street Vacation Act of 1941.'\ Apply \,.. have them recapped or repaired Mar. Ideal IOcation. Corner lot a pproved May 13. 1941. Statutes Higgins Boats by evenin( Of' we pick up your with room fo 'build on rear. of 1941. Chaptrr 250 and amend-' Southern California 10 ~ to 55 Feet car and denve1" same day. Free Priced for immediate sale, $8950. ments the reto. beine: Division 9. Telephone Company Priority~ orders taken now. loaners if desired, :Money back F or info'rma tion call N. R. Cal- Part 3. Streets and Highway Code. 100 E . Bay Ave., . --guarantee ls your 8rfSun.nce. ley,.Laguna Beach 3.59. 4-Ztc_ Section S. The Street Superin-Balboa Dale Wat£s 1 Grade' A True~ Rubber ; tendent of the City of N£'\\'lX>rt 810 Coast 1:iigh\\'8Y Ph. 1104 NOW A'YaUable. · . Beach shall cause to be conspicu-or 93-tfc Costa Mesa Tire & Re_tread Shop ou.sly posted along the line of the 514 ~ North Main Street F.IRE EQUIPMENT TESTS ·our new address alleys. streets and easements to Santa Ana C-o-~·o, Pyrene &. Foam refllla. 1760 NeWport· Blvd. the City of Ne\\'POrt Beach for or COi. rtxtd •Yt1~em and Portable• Tel N. B. 234:2 M-ttc New 3-B!!droom Homes Fifteenth St. an<i San Bernardi.ho Ave., Newp::irt Heights ' ' ~ public utility purposes proposed now &va.ile.ble; ETS HOJON a:. 0 to be vacated, not lc~s 1ha" 300 Ask the Opera.tor tor the GALVAN, 1000 ~ Hlgti-w~y. _FO_R_RENT ___________ v Hard~ood floors-Tile bath, . , arated F eb. 23. 1944. as shO\.\'ll Upon a map of Tract feet apart. but. not lesS than three Cb.let Operator Phone l38'. , ?S-tfc F OR RENT-I:.arge room, accom· Tiie sink-Double garage in all, notices of the vacation of 86-tfc modates s'ingle or double .. Phone $2350 down-$56. per month • .t D&.•MD• No. 901. recorded in Book 28. pages 25 to 36 inclusive. bf Miscellanoous Maps. Records of Orange County, California, lying between the proJonga- tjon of the southerly line o1 Vi a Lldo across said Via Oporto a nd the south line of ,aid 'I'ract No. 907. VIA MALAGA . ' ·All of Via 1'-falaga, as sho"'Tl upon a map of Tract No. 907 , recanted in Book 28. pages 25 to 36 inclusive of Miscellane- T ous Maps. Records of Orange County, California. • AU.EY • All that certain a11ey. 20 feet in width. as laid out and shown upon a map of Tract No. 907. l"eCOrded in Book 28. pages 25 to 36 inclusive or ?tfisce.Uaneous ~faps. Records of Orange County, CaJifomia, extending between the \\>'est- erly prolongation of a line parallel "ii.th the northerly line of Lot 1183 of said Tract No. 907. said parallel llne be- ing 7.50 f.eet south of the northwest corner of 1'ald Lot 1183 and the westerly pT"o- longatlon of t~ south line of Lot 119'2 of ~d Tract No. 9117. ALLEY All that certafu. alley 20 feet in width. as·' laid out and S~'T\ upon a map of Tract No. 907, re<orded in Book 28. pages 25 to 36 lnclusi\·e of ~Uaneous Maps, Re<Ords of Orange County, California. lying adi&cent to Lots 1201 to 12118 lnclus!V., and Lots 1211 to 1214 inclusive, or said Tract ' No. 907. • said alleys, str:eets an~ easeme nts F OR SALE -30-fi.. Sportfishing . 1479-R:-4-'tfc • -also-· to the Ci ty of Ne"1M;>rt Beach SALi:: MI8CE.LLANEOU8 IO Cruiser. Perteet condition. Com-i 12 modern 2-bedrf'I\ "Duplexes 11.t t or public utility purposes. Said pletely equ'ipp(.d. Ph: N . B. 861. ROO~ F Oi:t RENT. with the ._ uSe Broadway and Sarrta Ana Ave., notices .shall state the passage of FOR SALE-Singer sewing ma-1-4tp of' whpJe· apt. Prefer worpan. . Costa Mesa · this Resolution or. Intention l\nd chine, perfect condition; lady's • -Phone N. :e.. 435-R after 5 Ralph P. Maskey the time and place of the hear ing pre-war bicycle. Phone 2013-W . FOR SALE -Dory, 18' 10" by 3-2tc 4 1 d MIO Clout mvd. of all persons i'nter ested in or ~ tc 5' 9", large Johnson Outboar ~ objecting t o the proposed' ·vaca· motor, A-1 shape. Cabin 5. Bay 2 UPSTAIRS office suites~.~ Ne11Vport Beach, Oll lion or said alleys, •!reels and Flash Lights Shore Camp, Newport. 3-2tp buslliesa section.-Suitable pho-Phone 40 ., easements to the Oty of Newp:>rt Light, Cords, Extension Cords, CONSULT ... about MARINE• IN· tograpt,er, beauty shop, op~clan. 3-tfc r bli ·1· Ir r~-Etc ..... dentist, attorney. After al~a--'11'--·~-------,.-~·--Beach or pu c ut1 1ty purposes, on '-.All~. • STALLATIONS & REPAIRS. 4 • i ed b I N rt Ph tlom. Small apt. available in " all .. rejlU r y aw, . ewpo armacy Expert technicians, guarmt""!1 rear, Address Box A, c/o Ntw11· • For Sale . S@ctloS. 4.. NOTICE IS HERE-4-ltc service. The same. high quality 'nmes. . l-4tc · BY GIVEN that the City Counctl work on -marine radio that has • Balboa Island of the City of Newport 'Beach does THOR MANGLE for sale. R a dios made our other l:ines of radio WANTl:I> TO &DT U 2 bedroom furnishea. Choice lcr hereby fix Monday, the 4th day repaired, 24-hour service. Short service famous throughout the · cation, near South Bay (Uttle of F ebruary, 1946, at the hour of Orcuit Radio Shqp. 305 Paltn Harbor ar~a. MESA RADIO & WANTED-Small &pt. or house Island) $10,500. lmmedlate pm.. 4 o'clock P . M. of said dr..y. in the Ave., Balboa. Phone 1638-W. ELECTRONICS CO .• 1794 New-for m.ctiarged service man. Wife sess.lon, Council Chamber of the City or 3-tfc port Ave. t 3-tfc and child. The need is urgent. Gertrude A. Waldron Newport Beach, located in the FOR ·sALE _ Hard-t<>-get boy's Mrs: Joe De Temple, Ph: New· Wm. W . Sanford O ly• Hall in the •City of N&wport push pedal toy auto, ~ig, gQOd M"US~CAL & &AniIO M port 88. • , 4-2tp V ' Broker Beach. as the time and place for condition . BiUboa Motel, No. 19. CHNICIAN · --~.---~-~---~-hearing all persons Interested in •. THE RADIO TE _is BS 1,4-MO.~OLD BOY wants home for Phone 234-R. 1-ttc or oblPrting to the propoSad vaca-D . H. Porter. .... 3-ltp .. near as ~ phone. House ca11s self and parents. Promises ta =llO=N=-==e=r::-ro=:::-LO::::c:AN=-----:.,:: tlon ~~i . said alleys. streets and CIRCULATING Electric) Heaters', made druly .except Sat. & Sun keep them toeing the mark. Oc-/ easemcnJ,s to the Clty of Newport ogJy-$7.95. Health Lamps, Ultra· Large stock of tubes &: factory cupancy Feb. 1. Balboa Point LOAJ(8 TO BUILD. buy, unpn:ma. ~ach for public .utility purposes. v Violet, lnfl'a·Red, Verdi-Ray. t repl~cement . parts to ~nsure Hotel, Apt. No. 12. Phone N . ~· modernise or reftnan0tt . And the !aid Qty Council at said Batteries for Heari1*-Aids & quality serVlce. PHONE. 345 2722. 3-4tp 'Newport Balboa Federal .. .mp time and place will hea r the e~-Portable Radios. MESA RADIO MES~RAD~ ~ f:LE~ON-WANTED by "l'eeponaible Tele-and Loan"AuodAUon.. dence offered by any person in-& ELECTRONICS CO., 1794 .ICS ·• 1 ewport ~tl · phone .Employee, 2 or S ~m a3sa Vla LldO Telephone leot"' terested irl the vacation of said Newport Ave. 3-tfc c bouee. Permanent. Phone Santa AUTOMOTIV8 ~ TIRS8 • alleys. streets and easements . to Fire Place 8.nd tr'ndling RADIO BOUSE CALLS' -Now Ana 5829. 8:J..tfc FOR SALE-l9l9 Mercury. D.A•-the City of Newport Beach for ~ that additl.onal competent tech· •--......... public utility purpodies heretofore W Q Q D Diclana aie available, we are able M.&:L Ul'~11'E 61 heater, 1poWght. As ii. Celling. ·-~bed -0e1· ered ; Balboa Island 227 Broadway,. O>sta Mesa: •· ~ • , 1v . to make ae?'Vice ~ on large · Section 5. Tifts Resolution or R . W . WRIGHT-Ph. 2030 OOb.o1eS. All work guaranteed. For Sa.Ie--3 t>edroorns, completely . 4-2tp Intention shall be published at 1784 Newport Blvd. 3-tfc JIAROLD L. llAlO<., 8. O, s . turn1ahed, electric refi1a,ntlon, FOR SALE-'31 cut down" Modd leU:t once in the Newport Balboa Radk\, 21~ Karine. Ph: TSO. 4().ft. lot, near South ~ $9000. A roadster. Ucense No. 9Ul986. News-Times. a newspaper of gen-CORONADO ' H-ttc . Iii cuh. ~'?'9""'<>n at ~ of Good body, Motor in good cpn- eral cin:ulatlon printed. published Electric Range, $178 d<tow. dltlon. New rear end jull, ,ti>- and circulated in the-Oty ot New· Immediate Delivery '.Radio Repairs -• stalled. $111!. Pl\. 2457, Ol'-rcill port Beach, and said publication . All~ .. , tuhea; etc. Ph. 2417. Gertrude A. Waldron 439 Heliotrope Cororui deJ Mar shall be made before the date 5e1 AutO Batteries Burt Norton. 91" eoa.t mway, Wm.· W . -S~r-d " _ ' ·c.2k fOf the hearing of all persons ln· l~mooth • -$6..'51 EX. N8wport ~-83-ttc · • terested in or objecting to the pro-Broker Tr7 wcakina today"s ca•, ; cad~ posed vacation. Pennsylvania Oil SPZClAL A°NNOUNa&llENTll • Phone 234-R. • l·tfc puzzle , " ' r • ·, • •• ' .\ ' . ' ' " • " • "·i , · £ASDIENTS lution of In ntion No .. 3774 was . -NEw • ELECI'ROL~ CLEANER A17'1"Cp9 WA::N"i'&D _ • .&UTOe W.&N'1:&01 The abovEd foreeolng Reso-Gallon, 70c · Fbr y •• •• " WING SANG BOAT & REP~ YARD 811 Coast· Highway 101 , • l'll<•1 Newpod 868 · ~ i£i . :!:F=:: .r .,...,... ' • Paddle Baudl for Bent bJU..week•-•b .. All tbo9e certain easements 4 feet tn w\dth, dedicated to the Oty ot Newport Bead\ for 1>Ubllc utility purpooes, u shown upon a map of Tract • No. 9117. ~ed In ltook 28 • pages 25 to 36 inclusive. of Miscellaneous Maps. Re«ll'dl of Orange CounlY, California, extending across Lots U84 to • 1196 inclusive. and Lots 1205 to 1214 incl us!"". and along the westerly side of Lot 1183, m<ndlng between .-11ne parallel with and 7.5 feet south ot the ~ line of passed at • ar meeting of the Western Auto Supply Sales, Service-& Suppllea· ' · • City Council of the "City of New· Authorized Dealer See R. BABCOCK · t WE 'NEED LATE MODEL cARs port Beach. held. on the 7th daY of 1836 Newport Blvd., c..ta Authorized Agent ' -• - January, 19-16, by the following 3'tf 405 40th St,, Newport BeaCh · au,d Will Pay Top Pri.ces vote, to-wit: ~ 2...fitC . • · AYES. Councilmen: Allen. Stan-Used Bicycles , SEJ.I, TOUR -CAR-NOW' . ley, Isbell, Reed. Hall. and Tandems. No l)elay · Wblle P!'ICll!ll ant ffllb. NOES. Councilmen: None. •dlllt st UI U • -Pbqne fir Qm: ~bill .. who will .U lllJd ABSENT, Councilmen: None. = s P Refinish ~ kitchen ,bathroom J _,.,.._ ,_..... · - CLYAN ll. flALL. VOGEL-lOO Kain St., , with~ tile board. '-v-:an&iip..-~ 111111M"lfrr1;· mQlrw A'l"l'ES1': . MaJu. For q,llck ._iu -n.tt · · F. p/ Waidron -; ~ ' · ' ' ~; ~· • . 'l1mea ?-!led oo1u1m..· .~~w.. , MIC .1~LBE~J.~r1 £H~~k!'1: ~ .. Inc. ... By R. MAKELY, Deputy. Tr7 _....., llldQ'a . I .._llllll adl•1'1 • la m -C 'NI, JM .. Iii -ill a ° F $ 11 ._., Pub ' >« •~ le ....._ ,..,~ I ~ • -4 ' • I ' · .. } .. • • . . -. . . . ~ . " -, . --. . .-..an, .... ~ ' PllL • ,......._ ·--i .... • • ' ' -.J -... . ' . • ~:-.-• .::J..~~ •. '.Ji l o:'. ~ -'"" t --~ ~ ~-~-·,.. . -_ ............ ~ ........ ~~ ,• .:-:;.;'! ~:1t.. -~~·.~ ---_, -. -'• ' --" •...---_,I -··"-. _---,,. __ -. ' • • • Rev·. H: vermale Shows Ancient Relics I .. . At Mee ·ng ofSt .. James Auxiliary ' Hawnnale, Olurdl m-oo practical for deoert -ar .. ol the M<"'1ah. Santa Ana. ad-· '4"-F~ p mnln&ham, Jll'tSi· dhi-the Women'• Awdllary of debt of . the Awdllary, conducted the ' St. J -Epilcopal church .the meetin& with Mrs. Mary Sulll- meetin& t Thunday afternoon van in charge <1! the program. New at the Li · llle home of Mn. memben enjoying the entertain-RolAnd H ldnlon. He talked on ing afternoon were: holme:I. C. L. the manne and customs of the Thom. Arthur! Best. Don McCal· Holy La.id illustrating h.is inter-lum, Merle Matthews, Albert esting lect e with reli& he had Matthews, W . C. Hall, George collected years spent in Gay, S. H. Franklin and H. V. archeoloel research near Pales.-Snodgrass. , . tine. A ch ce dating back to the Other members~nt includ- days of , a ,cry\ng \'BSe "for ed:·Mmes. Anrie M . Luckey,~Harry Collecting t , ancient .oil lamps, Welch, George Yardley jr., S . O. ' M&WHhii Harbor -Phones 13 and 208 'Hats' Top Billing on FAC Program Friday Feminine ·' + By Winifred Barbre .. • • I . . f -· ' ~c ' ; , . Sanson7Morgan Rites ·Read Saturday At-Wedding Bell Chailel, Santa Ana t At 8 o'clock cm s.t:Urda,y ~ ter; · Mr •. and 'Mrs. ~' Putaer, _,..:•~-+-_..:~~~!..!Pb~none!!:!!!..!1~~!!!:7-:!RL Ding in the w-..c -Bell. cbalJ"I, Whittier: Mr. line! Mrs. p..m- Santa Ana, Miss La Donna Marie Hamon. HuntlJictan ee.da; llr. ~. cloucbter ~Mr, Uc! Mrs.. and ~-T. C. NatlaDd, ~ Patrika ol ~. Minn. and Grove; Mr. and Mrs. R. ---. Ernest W . Hanlon. son of Mr. and ~. An,.·· .n; Mr. and "1t. P. ' -Mrs. M. 0 . Hanson. ISM' East 18{h Wilsoo, Balboa: Mr. and' Mn. A.• Craig !nee Alma ·J;u.et. Cblt a Mesa. ~led their Nc!'hepcn, Los An&eles; ~ B. ~ding waa a re-troth. The m&.mue lines were McPherson. Santa Ana; Mt ... ..s w as honored with a -reed by. the Rev. Fred w. Nied· Mrs. C. Olrlstensen, -~; Jllr, shower Sa~ rinj!llaus. pastor of~ First °"'' and Mrs. H. Frandsoo. ~; e hom<>·of her 1ister, cregatlonal church. s8nta Ana. Mr. and Mn. Hamson 'and Mr. "Francis. 106 Zlth _ cathedral tapera,-white chrys· and Mrs. A. 'J'iylor, Newport . · Florence Torrence anthemums and ferns made a Beach. was host and ~· Francis , was lovely setting. Th~ bride-chose assisting tess, while Mrs. J oe 8 Pink. dressma,ker suit with black G T b Cl b articles fro the beauty parlors or Barden, George Devenis!l, Frank the daugh . of Zion were ·ex-CUnningham, rr. W. C1arke, Ed hiblted aJo c with contemporary Rogen, Esth~r Richter, Dixon Arabian ldery and oonversa-· Smith, Mary Sullivan, M . L. 'n\e mo1t variable, eccentric and unpredictable part of a woman's oostmne, her hat, will be the theme of the next pr(>g]"am of the Friday After noon club on :[an. 18 when Malinda Kay. "Lady Wlth the Hats," will displa)'. Some ot the prize numbe11 of her 'historic collection, mode ting them with authen~c costwpes of the period. Not to be enti'rely ovet'lhadowed by designers of the past, &mature milliners will have a part in ~ SWJU11e1'11 as in charge of gamea. accessories and she camed· white et-Oget er U .; 'The t'Un pened with • 8:ame of orchids. •. Mrs. Maxine Harrisolf Meets on Balboa Is]. : . · ~ Poor Puss followed by a limeric\< of !Newport Beach was matron of · · tion bead& Keeler, W. K Hitchman, F . E. Rev. Dean wu pressed .Finster, Mary Blodgett. program, club members being ask- lnto to mode.I the garb of Mrs. Hodgkinson · and 1'.irs. ed to e.nter a ront':5t wearing hats an Ara sheik including bro-Mabel Horn acted as cohoetesses uf their own deslgn with prizes cade coat. h and nov.ing head-with Mrs. Ed Rogers and Mrs. awarded for. the most unusual and George Yardley sr. assisting at most becoming. . . , the tea 'table. Mrs. Yardley was Luncheon meetings will be dis- thf> guest of her da ughter-in-law, continued for ~e remain.~r ~t Mrs. George Yardley jr. the year according . to the pres1- The next. meeting of the Auxil-d~nt, Mrs. W. E . Nickell. a nd tea iary is scheduled for Fe b. 14 at will be served at the c1ose of the the home of Mrs. James Campbell, program .. hostesses being Mrs. E. 200 Magnolia ©riv('. Costa M.esa. A. Spald1ng, ?otrs. H.r B. ?tt cMur- contest Wi Mrs. Engliah winning honor and she ~ ~-~ in ··Tamale pie was featured 00 ~ the prize, and Scr~bl~ E~gs e:ree-n. wt.th black accessones and luncheon menu when Mn. Ed Zube with Mrs. obgood Winning first a ga.rderua corsage. entertained members ot .. tbe Get· pri:e-xtand eanne Rath consoled. 01.~ter Hanson of Htintington Together club at her heme on . th!<! presentation of Beach, se~ his brother as best Onyx avenue Balboa Island. the many vely gifts which ~k man, while th~ bridegroom's uncle, Afterward th~ afternoon w a 1 l nearly two hours for the honoree Oarence Otristenson of 'Orange, s nt i ch ttin • to open .an examine, followed ~Y gave the . bride in rharria'ge. peTwo n me~~· reslcned tut the sel'Vll\ of refreshments from Mrs .. H~bbard of _Santa Ana month, Mrs. Zenobia F'rOgt , and ed buffet l cenu;r_ed played mc1dental ~~.sic be_fo1! the Mrs. ?otary Cote: Mrs. Simgson was one sm l..Aj(Qa Beadi, Calli. _ ~ecorated with lilies f,E!remon~. and sang Because and a guest. and members · ~t and light with_ tall t~pers. Always. . .wei-e Doris JeSko, Nina Wallen, ... Those p~ sent 1ncludl'C! the M~-Af.ter the ceremony a reception Lela htclotillaii, Elizabeth Belmont,, '; .._ U SE ·watch the Classified cOlwnn!. 304 Marine Avenue Balboa Island -Phone 1827 Oped Saturdays Until May l!t Clesed on :fl.tonday RE HAIR STYLING iS AN ART -'im is to enhance Milady's beauty and provide· the ultimate in beauty care TO TOE BEAUTY SERVICE try and Mrs. Bertha Tillotson. Birthdays Obse rved At Circle Meeting Birthdays of members whose an'niversaries fell in the past few mon1hs \\·ere celebrated at the re- cent mN>ting or Balboa Island Circle h<'ld at '.\lar Casa "ith a sack lunch at noon. i\vo or the celebrants, ~f rs. 111a rgaret Dearborn and Mrs. l\1elba Gr is\\'Old. furnished cake a9d ice cream T"(>Spectively tor the dessert. and ot hers honored were the Mesdames Neal Donker, Bode -· . ' dames T. obgood. Dan Poirier was held at the ho.me of Mr. and Mildred Merrill and Helen 'Mir-kcr and John alen, Costa Mesa; B. Mrs. R. Hardcastle. East Seven.th vich.' · ?ot. Ball wney : Walter Craig, street. Santa Ana, where white Whittier; omer Craig and /oe ch~thenluins ai:'d pink, eandy· Summers, Angeles: Miss .Doris tutf made ·chamung Ooral a r-- RoSe Rat • Puente, and rrOm range.men ts.· The bride cu_t the· Newport ach. Miss J eanne Rath, first slice of wedding cake. which l'wliss Betty Bean, ?otrs. R . English. was served ·by Mrs. Clarence Mrs. Le" Cock, Mrs: Hel~n Christen~on . '?ofrs. B .. McPherson of Smith, ?tfrs .Francis and l\.frs. Tor-Santa .Ana poured and 111 rs: :flt . rence. Vlasscf'!aert of Costa ?ofesa, sister of the . bridegroo~ assist cod. The bride received her education Frosh iris -Frolic in MiJm'esota_ and Mr. Hansorf At S!u j "'er Party graduated from the Costa Mesa Y schools and Newport H arbor Un- ion high schOOJ. He received his " i .--· s 1 11.i 1ooe 6-·~,~~ ~1i' ~ '-• ... .,, . .. . • Expert Shoe Repairing , While You Wait _ ..,. v~ 8-od• _ Frietag. E. D. Goodell. Ella Doll. L----+------'=-'-'.C:.---'---~-------' I Nellie Vn.rley, Rach<'l ·\Viley, D. W. -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;t;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; I Ho It by and M 8m ie Foote. A 11 Two oS IJie montry'• leadifts :manufactmen haYe eomWmd tD introduce ltilfl ft.nt po11t war re(riprator"1d froaen food storap 11.ni .. The General Tire a: Rubber companr and The Uquid Cuhoaic ~ ponrion have joined forces in production of Froeter. lntroduc:UW m•nt new rern;eratioo' aevelopmente, the Dew bos hu • refripiatj. •r •ce of 7 t!ubic f eet, with 14.2 l'Clti•re feet of shelf .... ce aml • ~ zero rompartmt!it of 3 ~ cubic feet h91diq aboa.t 130 poa.nU t~ frozen meau, fowl ·or 6.sh. C.Oit. are concealed ill the·w.U.. ihm eli~· na1ina: the defro.tinc nuiu.nce. Two .e;parate eoollq uniu are (:op· tained in the new box, one to maintain aero t~perature and the other Vivian H rvath, daughter Of Mr. honorable discharge in September and Mrs. a rancis Horvath and a after serving 36 months oversea_s freshman lat Newport Harbor \Yilh the U. S. infantry. After a Union Hig school ,. en tertained honeymoon at P,aim Sprin~ the with a s1 ber party at her home you~g couple will make their Satui-day n ht for .her classmates. home in Newport Beach. ••• • were presented with gifts from •R~y .Pagan • ·' LA ALL MARK ,. Gre·eting · Cards cth·e Costume, Indian and S hell J ewelry PS ·• VASES • FIGURINES test ·Burwood, Shell Novelties, Bowls, Book Ends and Smoker Sets °'IIM~YO 1'URSES. INDIAN BLANKETS and Other Gifts ort Souvenir and Gift Shop · 2 102 Ocean Front A PORTRAIT from · . oberts· Studi·o • IS sure to please No appoi ntment needed ~1 5 ~ 7 Vigne.a e -. Proofs shown Portrait • lie Sun> to Inquire About C-0pylng Old Portn.1111 • # oberu l?ortra1u 0. MAIN • • . • . ~ ro WAJQl6 lloan flOm 11 A. II. ~ ~ .!i:_ M. Drily! ONE . 0994-SANTA ANA • ·- members present . . 515 East Bay Front Mrs. Louise Smith presided at a short business meeting and there was group singing. Mrs. Hand Hostess At Desse,rt Bridge IO kttp lhe ffplar Mfri1erator 1pace al a coDllanl 40 dqNa. I Fidelis Class Plans I Me sa Matron Nominee That is .. it waS supposed to be. a Attending the wedding and re- slumber ty but accordipg .to ception were MeSsn;. and Mes- her !8.ther it was decidedly 1 a dam~ M. o: Hanson, Pi.lrs. M. "slumbe'r le " party! Vlasschaert and :flfr. and Mrs. \V. Between the time of the mld-·Cole man; Costa Mesa; Mr. and night lune and Sunday morning Mrs. E . Christenson and daugh· Next Door &o Paln:i Cale 9 a. m. to 6 p. m., Coo ked Foo d Sale ! For Cal. Congress of Parents & Teflchers breakfast t e young guests chat--;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~' ;;;;;;;;~':;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ted, strolle the beach, took 5 a.JTI. r 11-1rs. Charles Hand entertained with a dessert bridge at h<'r home. 1916 Church street. on Wednesday, l\1rs. Jerrold Spangler, who substi- tuted for Mrs. \V. F. Bowlin. held high score. Mrs. W. E. Nickl' II Was low and 111rs. J . P. Cooper Won the traveling prize. r · ~frs. Charles L. Andre~ sub· stituted for Mrs. Homer Mellott and others present were the M<'s· dames . P. V. Parkes: Elm<'r Wrigh t. Charles RJd ley. J . M. Shearer. D: C. McK<'nzie. Sher- ma n Salter and P:JA . Olamberlin. Mr. and Mrs. J . C. Bach of Costa Mesa, who have be<-n living on Palisades Road since they sold their Pome on Birch street.' Santa An a ~eight s. have bought a home on Westm.i ns ter a\'enue and moved last \O'eek. r. and Mrs. Pel Stein, Orange avenue. Costa Mesa, .were dinner guests Friday evening at the home of MP'." and Mrs. John Fraley, near ptive. Frenchie's Delicatessen and ·Barbecue " Balboa Inn Arcade Bids'. -§--.... - Spare ·Ribs • Chicken Lamb • Prime Ribs , of Beef • Hotdogs. • Barbecued on the famous Stainless Steel Du ·All Bar-B-Q Machine. -§~ Complet.. 4!tock of Shrimp • Lobsters Oyst.ers Imported Cbeeee, SardJ.nee l and Ancbovlea Plans fOr a cooked food sale to be held Friday, Jan. 25 at the Costa ~1('S3. Paint and Hardware store \\:er e made at the rQ.eeting of the Fide1is class of Costa Mesa Communi ty chun;Ji, held Wednes- day at the home of ~rs . Virginia Seale, Ne"'POrt Heights with over 30 members present.. Appointed in charge of solicitiiig food for the sale were the mes- dames Bernice Hadley, l\.tonna Fisher and I rene Smith. I t was also voted to send boxes of neces· sities to Polish families, names of which had been supplied by Rev. Carl Johnson. Alter the business meeting at Which Mrs. Virginia Hogland pre- sided, and the social hour. the hos- tess served refreshments of gela- tine salad, avocado sandwiches and nut bread. ' Club Members Honor Hostess on Natal Anniversary Mrs. ruchard 'Hall entertained me mbers of Bay View Bridge club Thursday at her home op Acacia street. play foll owing a delight- ful salad luncheon. I t was the hostess' birthday and Mrs. W. L. Copeland had made a beautifully decorated cake for. the occasion. and guests showered her with 6~!!rsca1~.' decoratiOn were lovely red roses. gift of Mrs. Hall's husband and their daughter Carol. Mrs. Love was a special guest and members present were the MeSdarnes W. L. Copeland, Glen Cramer. Rlchard Hall. Marie Moore. Delmer Stein. Vern Went~ worth and J . C. Bach, ~-------------'! For Better Printing Call 12 or 13. A. Q U A ·y 0 G S Raincoats from America's Leading Manuf acturel'S White Cotton Twill , Sizes 12 -18 Cravenetted for Water Repellency RUG YARN Just arrived • Assorted Colors l'klrelil9 • Mrs. Harry Burdick , sec~tary of the Newport Harbor Union High school P arent-Teacher a so- ciation. Kas been nominated for the office or sixt h vice·presiden of the Fourth District, Califo ia Congress of P atents and Teac ers \Vhich will meet in Fulle on Thursday. J an. 17. .Non1ination and electioo of qffi- cers for t he ensuing two-year tenn will take place and all delegqtes from the Ha rbor area are urgl to attend. Mrs. Burdick is also past-p si- detit of the Costa Mesa Grammar school PTA and of the·Costa Mesa Friday Afternoon club and is ac- tive as home chairman in the Costa Mesa Red Cross 'chapter . Mrs. Hein z Kaiser · Honored at Luncheon , showers, r · ded the tee. box and ~ tried to sl ep curled , up on tP.e Chinese ru in front of the living room firep ce. :fl.frs. Ho ath's sister and. her husband, M . and :fllrs. E. F . Her~ kersman, sta MeSa, were . al~o guests for the night and helpC<i entertain t e young people. En- joying the party were Ann Pol- lins;· Joan nbow. Kathleeri Hill, Janet · Tal tr a, ·Gracie Crocker, Bet ty Hess, Glenna Pollock; Mary Jo Quarry; Carol Schmidt,, Lor - r aine Bref1, Jeanne Ratp, J ean H oward, N cy Ward, Margaret Kipp, Rose ary Woods. ~hara King, Carle e Ragsdale and Dora Eastman. Mesa F remen's Wives Plan A tiv ities i Fo io Co ing Months ---t Mrs. Ha old Eddy entertained Costa M a Firemen's , Wives Mrs. Bertha Tillotson and her Thursday e ening at her home on sistet. Miss Franc~ Da~oth, Thurin 'Slreft, with many interest- Costa 1'-f esa. entertain~ wit~ a ing plans · fQr the year under dis- luncheon , and h~kerchte~ shower cussion. OnJ of the plans is for an Th1;1rsday honon ng Mrs. Heinz e\'en.ing of un provided by money ~8.lser. who expects t.o. leav.e early now in th kitty. A refr6 hrn t 1n F ebruary for a visit with 1her . en family who live in the soutli of 1course of an pie and coffee was England and will stay until e~rly serThved by e hostess. summer. .Sev~ral other · parjties . ose .Pr enJ ':"ere .t he Mes- are being planne<f for Mrs. K8iser dames Ed . ick, Bill Wright; Har- before her departure. · old ' Elm~. . Ogden. G~ Beach, Honors at bridge went t.o Mrs. Glen Da~1s, Gordon Almond, Bert- E. r. Moore and Mrs. H . w . Seager ren Snuth; Harry Anderson ~d won the favor at rummy. Besides the . latter guest, Mrs. Bonnie the hostesSes t hose playing were Mot t of 0 and. the Mesdames Fred Catlin. Ethel Hilmer, H . \V. Seager. E . I. Moore. S. Jtt. Meyer and the guest! of honor. Mn;, Kaiser . Poses as Officer; FBI Arrest.s Him for Theft.s Costa Plans 1347 J • for oa SE -' VICE. Cleanin~ and !Aundry CORONA D MAR . CLEANEis • 181'7 ~-IUp1ra)' ,- Pick-Up abd Delivery ·Cart Pb11bart. Manser . ~ ~ • / OFFl -CE SUPPLIES • For All Business Requirements ' ••• • Let Us Supply Your leeds .. Add. Machine Rolls, asstd. sl2ef 15-30c , Availability Certificates , ' . Binder, 3-r!ng 8¥. x 11 ·sheets $1.25 Cash Register Rolls, all makes Celudex %-inch clear Index tabs Clip arid Arch J3oards, all sizes 90c and up Clips, Bulldog and paper, ru;std sizes Columniu--and Accounting Pads, all sizes Cliunter Chi!cks- Credit and Debit Pads • 250 Different • • Ledge~~eets and Forms SQitable ,for Every Business and 'Income -Tax Requirement Dally Analysis eets, 500 for $5,50 Daily Cash Shee , 500 for $4.25 F.stimatinli Sheets ·. Desk Files, letters' or legal size Envelopes , Columbia Clasp, all Sizes to 10 x 15 Manila, white, all sizes, plain or printed Blllh~ds, Ruled-plain or printed 8 ¥. x 7 to 14 Daters, 75c -- File Folders, manila, all cuts, letter and legal Sl7.es, $3.00 to $4.00 per 100· Ei:asers-Art 'Gum, 'Typewriter Ink and Pencil File'Guides, prestboard, letter size, $2.25 Fillers, notebOok, punched, ruled or plain ' SCO~TCH TAPE ~, Large and Small Sizes ,rilassine &gs GiuriinecJ" Labels • Indexes, ·a11 sl7.es • Index ~. nJled, all sl7.es Index Slgn8lij Inks ·Writing, !>nttles or quarts ' Quink &: Sheaffers ~.,lndellbJe, India, stamptna Inventory Sheeta . . . . . Sales Tax .Not -~ N8wport Balboa : N~wS-Tlmes . ' · .. ft-u .. u . • • • •