HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-01-17 - Newport Balboa News Times' ,. Tl SAN~ CRAB .,. -1 SAM • HA.KISOR GES. Con- siderable I comment is preilalent .._q,oog fishermen over the~ ordinance reg- ulating harlior -traffic and which is re~ to be a companion t one the county will pas& , e rommer- • dal-boatmen contend that an .,,. effort is be!ili made to ex- clude that type of fisher- man from I-these waters. Whether such is the case or not, is beside he point. ·Wl!at is pregnant is lack of dis- cussion on ordinance and the apparen effort to '.'rail- road" it th ugh before the public had a opportunity to study <uc h 1 lengthy docu- ment. No do bt county, har- bor and oth r officials con- ferred on t e subject. but after all th officials are · supposed to be servants of the people. ·vho should be given a n op rtunity to be heard under our ·democratic form of govrrnment. • • • What H9p ed to--The wa ter petition that was in circulation and to be sub · ted to the city council; · -- -the orona dcl Ma r state park mbroglio_ at the foot of the bluffs and the land under ater; , --the rest and ob.iP.c- tions to the operator of the Show Boat who had no li- cense: 1 • - - -the proposed ferry around th · bav that has been a t,.,pi of d~isct1s.~ion for several yea ? • • Surplus oods. 'Tis said veterans o the hunt for surplus y goods a re shoved und almost as much as ose who trv to buy them. Remembe r -'·hat Washingto promised in giv- ing Little tLc;iness a chance to buy e? This CralJ- ber's expe~ence is unique. The Surpl office in Los Angeles ha about 50 auto- matic p .for sale. I clmsed th*' from ·pillar to post and it was then discov- ered that b ds would only be taken on tlje entire lot with the result · at Small B usi- ness had t back ouf of the picture an the entire group was sold o one big firm. who. may Small Business from the ashington an I'( le, but is ce~ly not from the Little Fell?w's viewpoint Great life. •in't it! • • Dog . All is woe in the house of W. T. J effer- son at Co na del Mar. U you see a 'ttle dog shaped like a sa . bow-legged in front and ow down in the rear wan ering disconsol- ately over the terrain. it is probably ''II'rlstan ." the val- ued Da und of "Jeff's''. It Is b with soft. plead- ing eyes. f Qii; m"!e per- suasion an seeking his mas- ter. Pie pbone Newport 'JZZ1 for j:;ird and info. • + School . ubles. Talking to Princi Everett Rea of the Mesa ~chools the other day and fpund .that Costa Mesa distril't has an assessed value of~.000.000. which was upped 5300.000 by the county; t its borrowu:ig credit is S~85.000. but that Costa M~ needs S275.()(1() · worth or._ flew bttildinl'(S to care for i~ _nearly 11 00 "r.- rollmetlt. µ\fr. Rea belien-s that the ehtire a rea should be made into one large school dist ·ct. thus provid- ing suffid t f acilities, which sh Cl incl ude a Jun- ior High ool. The time is . not far dis t when this en- tire harbor from OJSta Mesa to Newpo will grow to- gether, no tter what civic leaders on ln<!orpora- tioci or xation. You can't ftlbt , ent ,'gen-· tlemen-• or • Fin& Ill (Jrmle tic19 Quarantine Dogs in Newport ~~ · -·:~.~~~7"·~:<(~ -~---~:~.~, ·H. S. Board Votes f:o Buy · As Cocker Dies of Rabies; ~ :., ~~ ·~ .. ·, .... 18 Acres East of Lotatton No· Report of Anyone Bitten ·.. :· '. , for future · E-xpanslon • -" -rJ Ii 't • ' --' --- t ' -:~, -" ---,·,.,·· • -- . . To Pay James Irvine $1250 Pfr Acre for Tract Adjoining School; No Bond Issue Pro- jected Now, But. Eventual Gr owth Seen ' Dog ~came I ll J an. 11, Died at El Monte Vet-' i~~rary's; Test Showed Animal Hal Ra- bies; Might Have Infected Others Dogs in Newport between McFadden Place an . 28th , Looking (OlW!ll'd to eventmd expansion of the facilities of street. and' between Ocean Front and the north islan? chan-the: Newport Harbor Unii>n High school, the board of trus- nel were quarantined this morning after E . E . Frisby. county tees voted Monday night to purchase approximately 18 acres health inspector, reported a dog owned by John Shull of 120 from the Irvine Land company immediately east of the pres.- 28th street died over the past I FIRST e oMPLETE BUSINESS BLOCK lN CORONA DEL MAR, .,, • ..,. trom the com er of eoa.t ent school grounds for a price of about $22,500. The price Week-end Or rabies. E "h s· highway at Mar.,.erite loo.king ... -toward Marigold. The bull Ing In ..... ,._ ... ground .. being • agreed upon by James Irvine and the school board was $l""n_ erected. by Earl Stanley for a dru.r •tore, and will al80 contain offl for an architect, comtructii»n ~ I nspector Frisby issued 8 warn-I nou g 1gn oompany, a nd his own real estat~ concern. Next d oor a new blllldlhr will soon start for Fitzpatrick·• per acre l ing to all residents in the n\!igh-Department •tore. J1te exbtlnc bWldlaC owned by B. z. McKlnneY cont&lns the . postoffloe, variety R c· J;>urch~e of the1' ground-will be borhood of the Shull home to re-• store and real estate office. On the ootner of 1'1artpld, McKinncY, ls bulldlnr a market, barber llhQp, eason 1ty entered into a t once with mo~y :::i;~i!:' .. ~:ic~h.orf~l~ii;:.~f i:~ Water Pet·1t·1on· c··dOlarR •• OuaN ...... A, •• theDvuleEL ... "MAR BUSI. ESS· 'e'roml·····o"'""c··""_K., :.~~.~"!:::w'.!'·bo:ig~...:. ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~U~~~~tth~c!~: s~~~j , M E d ~~~c-~~ ~:::~. ~1l~:S~: o n J an . 11. Sometimes symptoms If ' El t• -' ay ._ xten . clear .in the announeement by of rabies .do. not appear immediate-or · ec ion Judge D. J. Dodge, preside nt of ly. he-pomted out. Sh • C t COM Se • -the board. . • -The Shull dog.acted pecuiiarlyl Ex-Arm y Co lonel opp1ng en er· New Building : wers The engineet'ing firm of Siegel on Jan. 11. the O\\rner said. refus-B "Id" A d and Raub or Costa. Mesa has ~ Ing lo eat and y•t biting its own Wo'.d '.eeeived just be_fore press I Depl ores Press ure UI 1ng • .roun For Fitzpatrick making a survey of the present legs. Shull had previously had ex· time 1nd1catcs that pct1t1ons cir-p t Off plot plan of the school grounds perience with other pets having cu la tC'd by the \Yater commit tee o r To Get Bo ys Home OS ice In COrona del Mar I The sewer discussion precipi: which are being submitted to the r abies: a nd took the cocker to an tht" cha mber of commerce to de-I , ..., -r-origina\ school architects, March. El 1'1onte vcterinAry, \Vhere it tr rn1i ne '''hcther rrsidents of the · Th f b tated by the proposal of the Irvine Srriith iind Powell for future use .. died. A test o f its head sho,ved harbo'r wish t o vote on entering Don't bring pressO.re to :ar on of b~si~~~ c::~:~:!~ i~il~:.:~ Fitzpatrick's Departrrient stare ~~htry ~ub ttar ~;~~~;;"~ The land purchase. was seen as pOsitiVC' reaction to rabies yester-the. rvtctr or:olitan \VatC'r D!strict congr~~men to get your ys out del Mar. will i;oon take their place will occupy a n entirely new build-y e ne n .the first step in eventual enlarge- "·;·, l\lr. Frishy said. 1 ha\'C sufficient names to• 1nsurel or se_ rVlce a nd home as soon as 1 . 1 Ing soon to be built for them in bring their tract of some 49 acres men! of the ·school si·n~ it was Ut& a ong tl:Je Co:i.st Highway bet\veen c d 1 M · d' t rd · t th · ·1 f N t B h -f " , He was crincemcd particularly calling an election. possible, asked ColonC'l Downs. ;re--'t or~na e u . accor 1ng o wo J.n o e c1 Y o ewpor eac 1 b .11 f 600 d t . because the dog had been knO\\'ll R. l ... PattC'rson. city C'nginecr. C("ntly or the United States Army, rtlarguerite a nd Margiold avenue frarn Lorne HuyckC', manager of .the municipality will, within six ui ~· · stu :n: many ye:: to have 'run loose on occasions .. he has reCT'ived the JX'titions from I \\1ho sa\v service ii'I the European in the "crO\\'ll colony" of the city theABalboa br anch. who is to have 'm'Onths from the t ime sewers are ago. ll JS year bo us ~s saw cl Said. but did not know "'hether it Louis Everding, chairman of the theater . He believes that Amer-Both corners are now being buil chalrge of the new store. A 60-exten'ded to the eastern end of Co-enro ment go 8 ve t e ca~ . ty upon, and the only remaining in f t b -1d -. 1 be t "• de! M . t h "'hen 660 attended The addition had bitten ari;· other dogs. No re-\vatcr committC'e, and is having from Lorne Huyck. manager of oo u1 1ng ts o e rec ..-u on rona ar C8JTY mains o t ~ . · . . . •--h side lot, o~Ticd by Albert Bo"'en th Al be t J Bo ty d ~--of their property, brought thel of 18 acr es will take care of their po:ts were pn file or any .occur-the names chC'CkC'd no"'· There UJ? to its govern~ent ~ause t e will soon be improved with a c r · wen proper a -ICUI>~ . expansion for many years to come, renct>. H ow£'ver as soon as the fact ar e mor£' than, the 10 per cent of I Wldespread hyster ia to bring back foot department store. ~ning the ~t office on_ Coast entire ~atter of sewers in that! it was estima ted by the judge: was determined that the dog had last t"lcetion"s voters. i;>at terson the troops f;·or1 occtipiM ~untries Th t rt· b .1di •bi h1gh_way between Marguerite ~ oontmun1ty into _fbcus. Or igi nally the site \\'as purch• contracted r abirs members of thl> said: The petitions may be submit-1 lo\vers o•tr prl"!lt!gc ar.i:::ing foreign .. __ he posed 0 IC'l". UJ ng , " c. 1 ri-t~r1J.:01d p·--~ue :o hC'usr fhe .,.,_ The first section of Corona de\ d f •·~ Thi • . . 1 1wa;:1 ous a v1;1nety stor e .. JacK! , .. ,1· ...... h .11 b th th"rd M 1 . tit' f t..,' . 1 e or ,"'VVV per acre. s wu health department came down to ted to the city council who would pc op es. Twl I . tl s 1 u ion. \, .. 1c wt " e t I ar o pe ion or .. s improve-bo t 16 Th . Newport a nd made a brie-f sur vey! thC'n turn them over to the Coastal Thf' former officer spoke to 50 ~ tr s t rca t.~ ?tfl~ a~d the rc:·1 Unit in tt-c F itzpatr!cl; ch3!n at 1 nrent has recently found this \VOrk a u t:earsr~~lo. e ,n;~pnce of the neighborhood. They imposed Municipal \Vatcr District. That membc>rs nnd guests of the New-1 ~c1~~· was J.~11 '· in 1 1. by ·. 2 i the> harbor. . corhpletC'd. That district is be-1 :~r\c~~~anC: i~ p~l:;ver per the quarantine today and planned ' body then can call for an election pc:rt Harbor Rotary club Tues-th · nney. f eM ts. noldw 1.mhprovin~· Under ron-:tructioA, soon af ter t"'een Hrliotropc and Avocado,.!· 'T'\., • t h 01~· f th · I · . . . . , e corner o ar1go \Vl t a nC\\ F b 1 th b ·id· -11 •-' ast nd • 1_ d be C 11us ees w o v ..-u or e ac-a door-to-door canvass of the through the city council here to dav evening :tT \Vh1tc s Ralboa , . d b be e · . e nC\V u1 1ng w1 -·~I e e \A.C'S • an tween oast . it' (th 1 d ., d I . · . . rrar <c t. variety' stor e an a r ri 1 -• 1 t k f h f ~ h d B 'd d . h qu1s ion o e an 1•·1on ay were: nC'ighborhood. votC' on i he t matter , as the city Island cafe. He described concli-..... ,.. r 1 be ,.11 . P ann.._-... o a e care o t e ast ..,,,~ way an ays1 _e rive, nort 0 J Dod 'd t · A H Fitz . . . . . . ... :1C'l. \-f'O .•• n~ e r t \\1 operatC' · · di , d th Th h ct· . . ge, pres1 en , . . -This is the first case of rabies would ftr t ·have to J01n t hat dis-t1nns 1n Germany and other nearby it-.., 1 t .th r 1 J h h d gTO\\'lng commun1~~'. ~ccor ng to ~ &OU : . en two ot er is-patrick Clerk · J Beek Willard reP?rted since dogs were Quar-1 trict in order to get ~etropolitan countries. !i n~ ~h~ <e~E'';: co~~er 0 a~d ~~Ii: Hu~;c k~. They \\fl.II stock a co~-r~ ..... ., pet1t1on~d, ~nd the .'hird. f\1.cl\ott'. anrl Bra:n Fin~h. a.ntined on Balboa Island t'"·o water. Fo ur ne'A' ntC'm bC'rs \\·ere ad-11 . pletc line of mens and womens seeing sewers 1mm1nent. asl;.r d to . . . I . . r~tcssen. ..rrs. F . C. Brookings . I h • d , oods d be i I d d Co 1 h · ye~rs ago, according to Charhe ~a.tterson said t~at legally the m itted. Th£'y '''('r e J . L. ~lunson. "·ill move her Variety store intd apf'.alte .' s OC'5'. r)t gd an , _nc u .c . d nscqtmuent yht e c;ty Co mm1·ss1·on Meets . Priest. desk sergeant at the police pct1t1on does not first need to go \\'ho tr ansferred membership from th b .1d_ d main a1n a separa e epar1ment C'ngineenng e par cnt as com-1ru.11 A d . b · e ne\Y u1 1ng ·an a nother f I tr' I 1· -b' d II th · t ' department. before ttie council. but may be rca 1a ; Ro t. L . Gardner, city . k ' • I nr c ec 1ca api:i 1ances. 1.nc a ree 1n o a new SC'\\"f'r submitted informally. The Coastal judge: Alfred Jorgensen, Balboa .te';,8:"t ts,,.to ta e her .space. Thf' oririna 1 Fitzpatrick, store assessment district'. Th"'L("ltv ~nn ln ~ t"'nmml891on Portrait of The Wee k ( Pbom-b:r Dernu ,1 ot ;ifollywooJ) t-\nn Sultora lo,·es &\\'lmmii1 bQl\'ling a nd dancing, but ·Sh Is a ll!W a .:ood <'OOk and Ilk to keep hou§f'. Sht-Uk et: Lo nort" ~Jpn ~tiller's orchestra., and prt'f.,r!lo mf'n "of thP \'an .io hn.!IOn trJW-. o,·".r slx fttt, l(fll, hair and a lot of penM>nallty. She pla,yf'(t baseball &ad hu k etbAll at ~e,,-port &a.cb JUgh. One of htt btc thrllls '''hen !lhe !l&\'t'd a strt trom dro."nioc. ADii LI the d .. gbter of Frank SuttOra. and b one of a family of three clrb aad oae boy • Owners Will Build Bulkhead in N.e)ivi>ort; City to Vacate Strip • I Owners ot se\'eral lots on Club- house ·Prive will build· a bulkhead Ut the fron I of their lpts just be- hind c.entral &\.-enue if the city will vacate a 14 foot strip along the channel on Rivo Alto in West Newport, a letter from the owner ol one of them off~ the city Monday_ afte""l°" tbroo&h the city coundl. : .-J Meml>t'rs ol the couhci! •w the matter• in the same, Hahl and azreecI lo _1• T "' u.. ltriplnretum. . • I .. district will' "certif y the authen-Marine Hard\\'are. an\} Sam D. is ne struc ture \VIII oomplC'tc• in Nc,vport wa~ opened in an old I Ne,,· Pumping .Plant mt'lt'ls at th .. <'ou n-ll <'hamben-. ticity of names on the petition , he Porter, manager of the News-the :s~ one-~~f of the block. all fT"amC' building a t · Ocean Front Pla.ps arc now being dra\\'n far of thl' <'lty '!all t onig ht to con- said. Times. I 0'vn Y Mc .1n ney. E~rl StanlC'.y, and IM:cFaddcn p1ace in August, I this entire area, excepting that !ilder finally the r ecoinmenda- rcaltor and city oounc1Jma':1 , will 1"114. an.d wfl s n!'xt moved to the 1 first portion' already sewe red. As-tton of that body u a <"ommlt;.. Annual Meeting of Savings· and Loan ·R e-Elects Officers At the annual m eeting Tuesday of the Newport Balboa Federal Savings & Loan association two diirctors were re-elected to suc- ceed themselves: P . A. P almtt and Chas. W . T eWinkle. The annual report read by President Palmer revealed the organization ha d the best year in its history with re- sources or $1 ,500,000. Council Defers Pier Decisipn; New One -Asked S<>ttlement of the Balboa Island pier proposal could not be errected in t ime fni-. the council meeting ~1ondny \\rhen a member or the B:t lboa Island Taxpayl"rs Associ- ation \\Tote to the official body requesfing a conference \vith an- o thC'r c:roup represl'nting the bay front lot O\\'ners on various ideas or compromising the issue \\'hich the council has asked be settled by Feb. 4. Clarrnce Stanyer. representing the inside lot1 0\\'1Crs \\Tote' that his group is ready for a settlement of the controversy ov~r how many more piers can be built on the water front lots. Another letter was read from one of the pioneer builde-rs on the front who has n€'ver owned a pier s ince he built in 1932. although he wrote that several neighbors not owning boa.ta have piers in front of their prop- erties. This second letter from M. F. Scribner of 319 E . Bay Front requested a pifl' penn~t tOr a newi sport fishing boat he Is dickerinr for. Both matters cou1d ·not be-de- cided due to the pre\iOUI depsion of the councU to attempt wttle-. ment or the en~ pier laue' be- tween the two llirtergent groupo before the first Monday In Febru- ary. Then if the issue is not Ironed out. it is to revert to the ori.K1mJ status l/efore .E! •. 11=0-9 ~· •ccordinc to the vote> ot a m.Jority ol th<! at tblO meetlQC IMt -' First P ublic2tion Of New Har bor Control Ordinance In ·today's N e\\·s-Tlmes la t.he offi l'lal not"lc~ of the new city ordln&nt'e on harbor control It rf'('llacf'5 all pre\ious ordJnances. and c-larlfie11 many r~lation.s In r~:.rd to moorlnp, dockioit. numhfortng, e tc. Thi• Is the only printed c-opy r eady for ceraeral d,5trlbutlon at this tlme. Don't fall t o r ead th .. legal notlC4" of Oi-d inance M S on page S. Keep It for rt'f~renct'! 1hav<' 8 ne\\' dru.~ store on his cor-pr~ent location of Pet~rson's ~th 1 sista~t City Engineer J . B;. \Vebb tee of the \\'hole t.o leue u.e ' I nC'r of. Marguerite now under con-dry.. J:oods and grocertcs. and the PXpTa1nf."d. Plans _for a new, pump-!000 feet of bay fron~e oe struc~ion ~or W:alter Hampton ?f present location at 7120 Ocean ing plant necessary to handle the Coast Hlshway for yacbtla& aad l .onnie Vi nce~t s Drug sto~e . in Fro:1! r esulted from q:iombining now of IE!wage in the lo\ver part acceMOry uses. The pubUc l• la- 1.S.?lboa. A:lso Jn the new bu1ld1n~ t\VQ stor es -which had been occu-of the city at its eastern boun-vtted to "appear aod voice any· r'''ll be Ric ha rd Pleger. archit~t, pied by a drug store a nd pop-Com 1dari• wjll now probably bc .ccr <0bjectlon11 to t he proposal made the South . Coast Construcuo.~ stand about l:l years ago. The (Contliiued on Pa~ Five) tut week. "' Company ~ff1ce and Eru:I St~eys Balboa Snort Shop "'as opened in -~--------=-----------------­ rea;ty office. Completion is ex· 1943,, \vith .rHuycke as nlanag1!:r. pee ed F eb. 15. With the completion of the mod- ,Mr .. McK inney is. doubli~ ~e ern ne w store for Fitzpatrick. the space an the post office by building ! first complete block of business ~n t he r~ar or the original bu~ld-1 structUres in Corona del Mar wm 1ng. He ts also to have a parking ' be a reality. lot in the rear of the building, 60 I by 120 feet for the use of tenan ts. · They can e nter th~. market and ' Son ·Of Balboa Better Homes-.lncluded in Mesa Permits Totaling $51 ,000 barber shop rrom th•s 1ot. Pion-eer cited by ~Sta-_ -te-s -C-ity-'--Po-li-. c-y _, 1 Replace Eight -· Sec y. Fori:estar On Annexat ions Light Standards O~ Private Tracts On OceBn Front • • f ' ' , • • / ' ' 1 • I • -;' ... .,. ..•.. I - . ~ • NEWPoRT-aALaoA 1 •II RISE TO REMARK --• 1• ' l . 7 ~ 8'aJ · o Sessions Planned ..... »:A...,_ r. Tc..,; NEWS-11M.ES ., itoN.JOH~PHILLIP8 lntheMndoottheapeakerand N'EWS Sales .41 fOf1ChafthSehool ' . :::.~-=~ i-aom1 :NlrWrOlrr u -o· 'lbe Pr-t -• .:.Ot at t11e -ionty: 0oor leadi!r, botll o· f the · In Ne . R..~ .. h .., __ na del Mar . wen -in.it0 .1z~ r.= • -~ts al 00Ul'9e who •decide r---"' '<ARJI be ---Dr T -I Twi1111~..a'DmrfUJ'Atta s11{ v...-.mtm the Ccmc:a91• Oft!' the ndlo. • wheD it aball be ~t up tor · •-"' . ....awairea- ••-p lWFI s_,. w .. ., f '6 j l' D at leut he .. ......i to think ,tllat actldn. wi-It to •-~HU RC HES Total Chris !Seal &ales' dur- 7 • 7 ~ m-t<F al'tllt '1rC 0. • • I • ... what .. 1'U doinc-I wander. • ~ • vo-. \:I . ing tbe pMt' hO ~· aeuon ream-. ' Two lmportant annoiw••-,ta srecatiaDal cburdl al 1> , I Pa¥able In AdYance:--$2.llO per :raz; la~ 0-CJ<; 'lbe Preddent Aid. "1946 11 ·our there ""'· u ol now, 241 ~11-----------....J ed • toMI of S2j!63735 In the!'.-"" been mode by tlltlll?v.,~ will be the-•· 'lbe du'dl ---+·75_ per :yur to'4th zone; $3.00 per ,...rjto 8tb W ,...... al -·· '. With tllat I erode members aDd 1~ !le~ CHRIST CHURCH •• y THr e&A county, It wu • .bY,. the Or-:~· Sc:brock, mlniater of .the~ choir under the tilrec:-Cll lllM7 Socoail -· • l'ldJy lW said. • the llcaD memben. 2 from nunor ---• .... County TdbercuJoais and .oel Mu Olmmunlty church, con-Batten Stefl_,, will 111111-lllla ~ matter ~I the Pootolflce la Newpwt Pm..,, ._. · · · ties and two vacancies. com-. alty Mothodlat H-~~;L =""': on. .-·-_ 'cernlnc aervlces at that cb~ "·-are. t I. Scbarie, • 11 t11e -di caufonua. under'tbi! Act of March ;I. 1879 · · leglllatlw branch · · · bal clone 'lbe -'-· other -· to t w ~-· =~ ~ ·~ --~-.,,........ -.. ::::--:--=±=--'----'-----------+' '-'------Its run wmre In carrying out Ito ~.., .. _ ~ a 1420 loot -tral A-..o aents an lncre of apjrOX!mately neXt ~-· · arcanllt. · 7 $. A. PnhJW... nspcwmibllitle9 bt forelp attain." bill ou; of -umunittee ii to ~ ' Rn. L D. Goo~ll. P~or $1000 Over. the previous year. The first is :that ~ next -------'------- SAM D. General M•MP"' 'J'ha·t la an undentatement· 1 It out, and that takes 218 sign&· ... Church 8r.bool. 9.riG L ~ Newport Be ch ftsidents pur-Swxla,y, theR.lVill be tr'O·•"eazs.1<v.1iittia h•----------,;--, I. B. •, . • -...,.times think do u. tuns, 18 mott slgnen than there .K-. Wanhlp, 11 .. m. chased $2509, worth of ···--lcif the ' church achool. All puplla 'R 0 o' F s W. F. D ON Advertlllnc ..__ • u 0 er are ~blican memben ln tt>e Youtll -p. 6 p. m. L which. _ ted· about 25........-per !above the -'---"-~twill Prta.tlnc · Jant. 3011· w. Central Avenue, Newport Be•::b Callfomla memben. that we have done ~re en••-"·t-of th Co · ... t-.... ._1 ~..-... u...,.. ----+---?----------'--• . -than . ah.are "'"-.;:ma w.r e ngress, IO ~ WONhtp, 7 p.a. !.'' cent more t.agun8' BeaCh. meet-at'the \llUal hopr, 9130 a.m. Of icial Paper of t!ie City of Newport Beach JW ~ In the· lap al the Con-1 ~ told, only one slJDed-<>Ut bW Kldzwfflt prayer oarvlce, W~-The beginners and pr1mvy .de- 'APPLD:D oa ........ ~ llpbnota A Tn.,..clail . A a1t 1 We 1.--l latlAIUoa for O.W-11' Ieen ·IP"f!SI practlcally all desponslbillty ha; ~n ~will think f tb needay; ccnered dJalt. dinna', t~so Y~tll l'fOU , mp _.ool. In· !partme".'t will ~meet at ll a.m. at : for the domestic cOn.tustons and ope o e P· m. tenndat.e, A t.. t :30 p. m. ,the same time that the momln& · W. I. B•'UW - Acme M4!111ber of aald In effect that It WU ~-r-!dent'a recent radio talk with ~ , T:SO o'~. church Hl'Vice Is belng·beld. llDI llamas ~ Nwpt. 10IW ..., hadn't puR.i certain bills these figures In mind. I rise to BALBOA ISLAND CHAPEL Kld-w-p and ~.1 The purpose of the two'seaionll'--------..;..---,. Well """'· let's ... , We uoed t~ =: that 1tt'!:"'~1: the :i;:f.i 218 A•ta A_._ I °9Vedn-y, 7: · p. m. Is to make doobliUie of the clall-1------------- have a Ooosdtudon In the United h v ~ b~ a we L--f llev. Harry W .· Wlllto, 11 L m., and Sermon. rooms 8¢ the IChool equipment. I r---------..--"'I Statee, ~ under that Constitu-·a e more · pu ~ men:'ut:nt. 0 Aeeoclate Put.or ! Hav.in.c the little folks meet at l · tioli tbe Ieglslattw arm of the the Cangresa, althou&b this could Cblll'Cll ec-. 1:18 L m. OF GOD that hour will enable their perenta 0. L :C"TT Tl·:y· ,.,.., lllll!'nt wu ouppuaed to make ~ a oonclualon, from the allow Momin&' Wonblp. 11 Lill. e...,. -I sUclo, Paaton to brin& them and attend·· the \J......, the laws and the executive arm 1 t:lstics. There la only one other llOI Oceu Froat, Newport church aervice while the children ' Oedlfle4 ''l'u ~=! '1~ ~ I Demobilimtion -~to admlnlater them. ;us1.::::;..:ai:,ethia~.!r::!~a: OUR LAOY OF MT; CAllMEL Sunday sch 1,-l.O a.m. . attend church achoo!. ~ .1&4••••·•-oi-·-~ F~l<frts from Washington ·indicate that some ~ess ln r.ct. the executive wu not aup-wlllch It should be f In· 1423 w..t Control Avonuol Mornilj& ce, 11 a.m. . The second announcement Is ..__. .......... cm ·----. · ~ pmed. tedmlcally to have an,y cue 0 no Evenifta ev t1 servl. t th t t 3 30 .,,~ ""-.1.a ' ' men h ted to go home for the holidays because they didn't blila al bll own. b~t we'll let that terest to a Republican, and cer-Sunday M._: 8 and lO Lm. 7 :30 p.~·-c 00 a •• ~ "wru : be phe.m.ld. nethext !._~ud-Y-""· ~ --~ ' · talnly not a little country boy Conteaiic-.1: a. .......... _ fTc'llD u-......::: ... -uuu. want to face the complaints that demobili2ation Is not being = ~~tto..::,v~:F from California! ,,oo to G:SO and-rr:;;-7:,SO to MidzWtek ... Thunday at Ing service In the ieries of .dedlz -.. I ' ~ cllrried t fast ~· even .th~h-more than a millim tlon..""f' of the jobo of the 1eca: 8:30 p.m. 7 :30 p.m. • :;-~"" _;:;;1':.vt':t..ii'iav~i: M 'II'. &a -.a.. men a onth are returning to civilian life. !alive um .... to prevent b,ad or Ci+.. I eases Lido IT. JOHN VIANNEY CHURCH FIRIT MET 00191' CHURCH the pipe crpn.' This service will 11..--'----i------" , •• nn 1 This intense desire to get fathers, brothers and sons-back .......-ary or premature er un, •7 --i -1 o. Etlwl aa-. P~oto< I ;:===::'.:::==::::===============~ home Is quite understandable yet it has a deeper sig-comlden!d legislation, Juat .. an-Lot for . Parki-Bunda ~tio," ;~·~m. Euclid at It• Ord, GardM Gr<>Yo.11 nlfi than . I '-•~the swift W .._ othor Job wu to pua the gooc1 and ~Q·;-a:__-t~~·~~~ aa~·~-. tro-9:30 t ocbao1 for a11 can mere emotion. t rev= men ...-the timely and th• n0ceuary bllla. TO Grifftth • '~-ya •• _.. ! mOb' · on that is going on in America today .. We want to U '°" rftd the Constitution Catt.. T:SO to S:llQ p.m. ., 21 :00 Lm. Kornlns wOnblp: forget . It's hard to blame people for feeling this way, :1:;;.:'!. ~e ~-th and Th dt greed t t In FULL GOIPIEL CHUllC!l.' K-..: "We Thank 'n>ee." but th ttltud, . rth I dan Wh • W II this • Y.OU re at pre-. e Y a o en er lbd ••d IE'"-~~-M 11 :00 Lm. uroery for aD cllil· e e IS neve e ess gerous. Y. e , vendon. to the writers. was about ~-on a year-to-year basis -. - used d social dis) ti Im ·Sunday odiooJ. 9 :611; momln&' 4ren during rvlce. ' war ca political, economic an · oca ons as portant u pauage. • rlffith Company for P"fklng -p. ll; .~ oerTice. e:oo p.m. K thodlllt Youtli. 11'el· tnrotigr1put the world, especially in conquered eotmtries. of'l'hlo however Is odaynot the point dpooesel only,. permitting the lar 7lso p. m . ·, Kid-week prayer u!eetz -Ip. Y "-dult FellO!"'ab!P· , my conunents t : What I ev opment company to use a lo ) 7 oo onlb1 us_t be corrected. . want to a~ to the President's backing .up to the north channel .mg on Wedne9alY T:'6 pJ m. · : p.m. en.mg W p.:- If W are too anxious to forget the war, we are not likely speech is something which he no ih the Lido area. Lut wee~ an of J'OUlll' people'• ~lstlc .tt.i~ K~e : "Co e Ye Live." ', to be · a frame of mind that will spur us to stay with these doubt fcrgot for the momenL He fer had been' made by the Har on Friday, 7:'0 P. m. rob) ti) real · d toward th · solu' blamed the Congress, and the ccm-Investment Company for $100 ~ un some progress lS ma e ell" • mitten. year for the same purpose, it tion. orklng them out may take years, but unless they al,"e The House of Representatives was withheld until the Griffith Lido Theate , Central AVenue ' and Via Lido F!RST CHU cH OF CHRIS~, SC ENTIST · 24-Hour Radio Service. I I .BOllIC, AtlTO, ~ UD.108 DP.A•SD . B~ R. Norton · 115 Cout m...., """"" WT Newport: ne9• Oallt. solved ey remain as possible causes of a future war. has 48 committees. Every one or Company could be consulted. • the 48 committees has a Demer Under terms of the lease the NlWPORT HARBOR I LUTH r.AN CHURCH Grauel C apel, Costa M ... Rev. Herbert Roth, Pastor Servicer. Sunday; 10:30 .t.m. A brane!l ot e Mother Church, • The Flrllt Cb h of Cbrlot, Sele ---'---------'----'----------,..;: ust remqrnber t~t peat'e does .not come automati-ttat as Its chairman and d company can pave the lot and use en,.the guns cease firing . If \Ve are to have reaJ peace our system the chai~an de't:r:a~ it "for parking purposes, but the of a cessation of hostilities then the political, eco-ines which ~ills shall be consid-city w\,11 have a 30-day cancella- . d social maladjustments created by the war ffiust ered, and has control of his com-tion clause, pro.viding it pay for ST. JA'MES EPISCOP.AL CHURCH I ··~~ :~t ~ .~~~u:t~,;,,F PROFESSIONAL DiR~CTORY ~ day Se.rvlce at 11 a. m . We&tetday . . . · • . . mittee. Every one of. the 48 has improvements made on the prem- just as effectively as the e nmf anrues. Until this a Democratic majority. .Of these, lses. Grif-fitll Company in tum 515 West Central, Balboa (Ebell Clul)house) should resist mental demobilization. · we .. can take, say 20 as import-would De willing to let the Harbor ant committees, or as initiating Investment people rent parking bills in· which the President might s pace there for a proJX>Sed sport be interested. fi.&hing venture in lh eir new prop- Rev. Ardy1 T. Dean, V icar 8 :30 a. m., H oly CommunJoo. 9 :4'5 a .m .. Sunday School. Alas a1---<149th State? Four of them, the committees Not since February 14. 1912, \Vhe.n Arizona became-tlle on labor, education, civti" service, 4sib s le in t he Union, has. t11ere been' an addition to the and executive expenditur~s. have family f states. Now the question is being asked: Will Democratic majorities of -13 to 8 ; three have 12 to 9 ; and three have Alaska me state nwnber 49? There is a bill in Congress 15 to 11 :' two have 16 to 11, and to give er that status. .. two have 15 to 12 : one has 7 to A ngressiona l investigating committee h as indicated, 4;· one has 25 to 18; one (irriga-. _ . . Uon and reclamation) has 11 to 10· howeve , that Alaska has not attained sufficient econormc one has 15 to IO, and the com'. stahilit and political maturity to qualify for statehood. Presi-mittee on agriculture has 16 to dent · and Secretary of the Interior Ickes disa~ 12 and .~ about the least politir with th conclusion. .cally-mmded of any. I ~11 speak _ . of the rules committee m a mo- erty next door . CHRISTIAN SCIENCE LECTURE RADIOCAST ll:(li() a. m., Morning Prayer and Sermon. (First Sund&y1: · Holy Communion.) CORONA DEL· MAR COMMUNITY CHURCH CONOREG~TIONAL Residents-of this vicinity may hear a lecture . on the Subject p "Christian Science and the P ower erry •Tederlck Schrock, Ml ster 811 H eliotrope, Corona del Mar o f Love" \vhich 'will be radiqcast Sunday, Jan. 20, 1946: :'lurch over s ta tion KFWB <980 kc). school meets· in two sessions, , 9 :30 Thursday evening. January 24, at a .m .-Juniors, Interinediates, S en-8 p.m.: from · Thirty-second Church . iors. a nd SJ!ults; 11 a.m., beginners of Christ, Scientist, Los Angeles. and primary departments; 11 &.m., The lecturer , Dr. J ohn M . Tutt of Kans . morning worsh ip, sermon by Mr. Teslµnon,tal etlng at 12 o'clock noon.' -------------- Reading R m located at 711 E ast Central Avenue, Balboa, i8 open daily tr 1 p. m . to 5 p. m . except S da s a.ad holidays na- tionally o e ed - Tb"A publ l cordially invited to attend tbe c cb services and u.96 the Rea<ilng I Christi cience Lesso n-Su ject 'Life'. "Lire" "·ill e•the subject of the Sunday Lesa n·Sermon t n a 11 branches of be f\lother Church , .J. S. WHYTE ~ L"'COHS TAX <'ONSULT~"T . I .A.utboriaed bJ' tbe United State. Treu- UTJ' Depar1ment to repl"Ml!nt clioenu la roooectlon witb lllco1D41 t1u~ iui.t\en. .&UDIT8 -IY8TDIJ SOOllllEEl'~O Sita VICE ottb llMO Barbot Bit" ... c .. ta 11- \ Mio• l'fewp9r't •¥•W · Armand Monaco ARCHITECT ' 814 w. Bay ~ ... Balboa ·. Newpc)rt 11!4 ·. %121 Lakewood Ave. Loo Anpleo NO"""""" IMOI ATTOR1''EYS PBY81ClANll a !IlJBOEONll.11.D .. H. R. HALL, M. D. · · Phyalclaa and 8UrPm Hrs.: 2z5,' by appointment T elephone 2620 lSl Broadway ()oeta Meea . . I_ Gordon M.Grundy,M.D. -·P1iy11o1aa """ 11.....- Nlntb. &Dd Ventral Aft.. Offloa Rn. :10-U a.in.; ... p.a. - -~., . We for sta of the Tlie on't ·argue the question, but if Alaska is not ready m~nt. , ood due to economic reasons it is largely the fault Any bill can therefore be voted . 8:' City, is a member of The iSchrock. '"The Art of Worship"; Chr1st~an Science Board of Lee-3:30 p.m., dedication of pipe or· tureship. gan, Mr. Alexander Reilly, guest The First Ch h of ·c hrtat, Scien- tist. to Boston The Golden Text•ta from Galatlan : "He-that 1oweth to bis flesh shall f the nesh reap cor- ruption; but that sowetb to the Spirit 11ha1l o the Spirit reap Ufa I r-------~----., 11 Conrad Richter, M.D. everJa·st log." ROBERT GARD NER nited States. ,. ~t of any C?mmittee without a smgle Republican vote. The bill t hen goes to the rules committee, has been too much exploitation of Alaskan re- and too little effort toward helping that territory If up on a permanent basis. Too many American concerns and individuals have made a pra<;tise .of OFFICERS ELECTED . or ganist a nd Alice Andrews Reilly, _ guest contralto soloist. A selection from Luke ren1t.rts ·-_.,.,_ that "a certal centurlon·s servant, DONALD D. HARWOOD' .... was sick, d ready to die." The which has a Democratic majority Officers of l\1elrose Abbey, Inc, Ot 8 to 4.' i. nd }Vhose chairman of Santa Ana were elected at a breathes lll when the Preside nt meeting or the board of directors breathes in, 81\d out when he ·last w eek . Elected for the coming as much as they can in Alaska and leaving as little breathes out. This committee not year \~:ere Bob Fernandez. pr:esi· le. The federal'government's tendency to treat that only d etermines which bills shall dent; w . A. Mills. vice president . .._ . be reported to the Congress but and"secretary: E . R . McCoy, tfeas- stepchild 11as not helped much either. sets the rule for action. F or ex. urer. and E . F enton Dean, asslst- a is much m ore than a frpzen \vilderness. There is ample: the committee can decide a nt secretary and general man· extensi e acreage of fertile la nd that is wonderfully produc-that no amendments at all are to ager. _ . . _ . be allo wed to the bill. and durlhg 'J1le new bulld!ng and expansion tive m . e swnmer. Bemg situated on the shortest route to the early and patmy days of the program, ·which is already in prog· ~e Ori nt, Alaska has great possibilities as an air center in New Deal, this w&3 the common r ess, of from $50,000 to $100.000 the · g age of; flight. J 1 · rule. . was approved by the board. This • · . · . From the rules committee the will include several new wings r servmg an a pprenticesh1 .for more than .three quar-bill goes to the noor. 'It is then a nd buildings. ters of century All!ska is at least morally entitled to state- hood if e wants it. ' ' NATIONALLY ADVERTISED WHICH.ARB Sold W'tth ThUi Unusual GuarantM It'• RINGS . . • MODERN MARINE SERVICE ' SHELL DOCK . BALBOA ISLAND eldera ca lled esus and be "went ATTORNEYS AT LAW SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISTS with them. A ~•hen betwp.s now '711 N. -;alft 8\., 8a.ata A-. c.ut. Corner walnut and Church Sta. not far from the house. ttle cen--TELEPBON'ES-- 1 turlon sent fr ndS to h1o:i-. 1u11ing 9-ta A-•780; ,arewpon .e...a lJM& Costa Mesa unto blm, Lor , trouble not thyself: l'-----'---------.J Sabbath echool, Sat urday °torn· tor I am not worthy that thou DAY sdeoou ing, 9:30 o·clock. 11bouldest ent under my roof: .. ·. Preaching service, 11 a . m . I but say In a ord, and my servant shall be he&le ."And Jesus said. "I CHURCH OF CHRIST fl have not fou .so great faith, no, not 1n Israel. And the1 that were Church and Walnut Street• 1ent. returnln to the house. found L. Duane Canby; Mlnl1te'r the 1ervant bole that bad been Servlce1: Sunday, 10 a. m., f3,1ble tick." ' Study; 11 a. m., M.orning wonblp. Mary Bake Eddy writes Jn."Sct- 1 ence &nd He th 'with Key to the orfuner ~liool Ill CJeral •P;a• laland -· OoDoca. ~ . DAY llCBOOL Now . Ope• GA. llorH=t«, MA, Oa:fwd Pit•... l'lloM -' FIRST FOURSQUARE CHURCH Scrtpturea:" 'ln 1nfln.tte Life and Love there It no sickness, sin, nor JlENTl8T8 OF COSTA MESA I death. and Scriptures declare 1.-------------. Pastors betng 1D .the I finite God." Rev. and M,... G. W iiiard Stl arns that we U've, move, &nd have onr Phone 2671 . ----==t=====----Sunday School 8:SO a.m. DR. OBED LUCAS Dentist Morning worship ee.vlc:e 1 :<>. -----+-8--0-L-,-S-~ Crusader service 6 :00 p .m. -· 220i'6r W. CentrSil1 Ph. 1480 Berean aervlce 6:30 p.m. nal Pbarmaey · Eventnr evangeliB~c servt at T .A VSNtJJ: 7:SO p.m. A BEACH ' We:dneaday evening prayer Ice at ,7 :80 p.m _ for 'Your Health" ...... ""l~-~ ............. COSTA MESA COMMUNI ~Om~aw. CHUR1CH , • a..-. .... Carl 8 . Johnaon, Mlnlst:ef ........ '!. ~-~ 124 E.. 20th St.! Ph. 2475-.... I , .... Olurcb 11Chool. 9:451a . m. !.1ornlng Worship, 11 o'cloc r-•-&owa PROTE TION PLAN Mntatllre lo • OEOBGS ltll st.' ...... -e. & MOI you hied Y ACIS"T _ .......... 0NtWPORT BEACH New York Lif~ lriszurance Company ·' ' 'DON B. DURANT ..... Orelllll .t.Te. OOltONA Dl:L MA& .llOBTICIANB , HAROLD K. GRAUEL CHAPEL "We OU:nelvea the Better Ser't'e1 ~ By 8ervinl< Othe,. Beot" Phone Newport 111 . ~ eo.ta MNa • 'CallfOf'ftla I OPTOllSTIWITll HOBERT A. CRAWFORD °"'"' D . OPTOMETRl8T • PAV AFTES Voar WOBll .. L, __ • ,,_ .. caa't · afford to ·pay eula. l'oo ityt19 'CJ•mined ~ GJI 1111 J'\t:ted 1792 NewoOrt Boulevard . - 315 NORTH.JWN ST. • PH0NB 42Q ' I - 1tltPeA1tl DIALla • •• \ ...... OlodlvQoalod J ,--_ •Mann Ci:iiid656i51 ~~ HFOX w---N-' .,.. ... _,,. • Completed ~ Low..,_ avail you.nett of Dr. Cowea,1 be.rat Plaa, wblcb enablea 70• to M•e all 7oor aary dental work completed RIGHT NOW later in ?man weekly or · moa.W7 amount.. Ooe Penl>y Addi..._. Coat. Tab ..,. ol>le letlct• •• -to pay. . ' -· 4: Attendant ~ '..._ 41 Coast Bmt ·COR NA'DEL MAR i ~.~ ipt.;.~~ i ·DA AND I .. • -M30 COeTA MIESA lltlBVErOU · ~·~ ... 1!!.u.11 lfwporl ilmL Ooola - TelepMeeSU.i ''91:' w. Ooelral If••'""" -I r · Tr'•li• -lJI. . I JAlllQ TEACHER c.v,LINSENBARD . Gnlduote ..,.. 0.•I I i&ll171 I 'J '; Ph. IZD-W 1521W.~ ....... ' .. . • Playaldaa """ lklrs"8 UO E. 18tll !It. Ooota-BoR!"I: 10-11 a.m.. aad l·I ..-, ,. .... -111 . DR. G. E. TOHILL PHYSICIAN and .SURGEON l20I Cout Blvd,, Ntiwport .._.. -Ph0nt - Office 286·W RH ..... -f It No Anew•r .C.11 f'Mwport I ' Gerald Rauaa, M.D. 2890 Well Centr~ ~.,.,. Newport . Buoh Ph. 10..-No Antwer catt I01-M 'X-R•y &etvlof Milton M. Ha,zweD; IL D 11101 c-t m ... ,. Coroaadellllu ~eoan110 -u ••• -N-nl- sfR. Monaco, M. D. 814 Bay Ave., Ba!1-.. NewROl1: l'TU Ml .. mu a&.; Loo ~ TUaer m i B7Appoln- T. P. Reeder, M. D • Ph)'lllclaa' ii Smpqa . t.01 w.-Bay Aft. _ Telellh-Newpwt 9DI W"Pfl" Dr,.P. I IJI I . Dr ..... 0. .,.. ...... ·. Ollropractlc, ~ Pbyslo & ~ Tbe,n1111 mt~m.&lau' ........ , ....... _ • ............... * ......,, , ._~ .... _ '-~-• • ·. I . .. 11~wroar a••JIO& 11 'I! a '-· tT .1111 : I -~· Sav • This Harbor ·ord.i~anc.e ~ ."('I-· • ~ ' ere Is ·Th.~ Firs~ Pu .blica~t-~io~~~~i O~f~·T~ .. 'h~e ~-~~-ew Ci!~ _Pu_a_u_c:-+-------,-P-u.:...a_L_1_c:_N-'-o-T-1CE-_+:---Puauc NoT1cu PuaL1c_~oT1cE __ Puei..1c · NoT1cE Noncu Puauc NoT1cu' 1 Puauc: Nonc:a' -~ • 'l'be Oty of and throUCh I ordain as fo _,, the -tenny by u.''1ullc11ng of . It aball be unlawful for the <la.yo" written notice to the °"""' Lengt)l Weight of SizeotOialli petroleum producb -pier or~ at any ttn>o. ·~l\Cbe puplshed b-a llno ~ U10g81 structui'eS, illegal fllllnc or Master or any other penon bav-pant, of said cancellation, and of Boat Mooring Bottom Tap #n lubricatlnc oils. on -. (c) ~utomohiles and Vehicles on . · Tw6 Hundt«I ·anc1 Flftjr ewport Beach. by dumping of material of any -1 inc charge of any vessel to moor upon said permit being cancelled. • . · ~ or piers. u aboYe pro-Piers. ·I . _ . ($250.001 or by im..,_. Into the waterway, or throwing or anchor the aazne in Newporl lt shall be the duty of the owner 20 feet 500 lb. Ii inch " inch tfded. that l\ICh delivery be made' It ahall be unlawful for; aute>-P.""'t In the dty i.u for not - Cty COUnd1. does ove:rboard or tetting adrift pt al· Harbor except within , the area of said mooring to linmediate-Jy re. 25 feet 650 lb. % inch % inch tit sud\ manner as shall be sa~ mobOa. er other vehicles to enter ~~ thrtt montba. c:r by boda lowing to set adrift anything that and at the place or places deslg· m<ive the same, and it be ·aball 30 feet 750 lb. Ii inch " inch factory to, ~ under ..._--a public wharf, pier or land· ~ fine and i~t at U.. IONS: Is or .mi&ht become olJotructive or noted by tM Harbor Malter. Any faif neg)~ or refuse to remove 35 fee( lOQO lb. % Inch "inc:h elf the Harbor Muter. Ing eXQept to diacharge or IOad lliseretlon of th eCoUr:t. , I ' • a ~er II grant-dangerous to navlcatlonj . vessel which Is moored or anchor-the. same, within JO days. •aid : f::,. '~I~ " inch " inch I (e) Storage of Empty Drums freicht or'_.... and It aball -IL II anyl Pnmsion al (al Whenev ~.. 1 1 To kee d f the ed in Newport Harbor at a place mooring may be rOmoved by th• · " inch 'Ai inch ~ Tanks. I · . be .unlawful for any •""I> vehicle thla Ordinance or the app11ca-: ed t4. or 8 du ls tmpooed upon, · & pnda klnrecord of 0 ls not dell~•ted for such vessel by Harbor Master and the 00.ts 50 feet 2000 lb. · % inch Ii Inch Empty drums, tanks. barTels, or to n!D1IW! -any such =an · . thettof to •ftv per'son or .,._ ··-a-~ t-. the-. _. ... nlllnber, &iz.e a 'veue o•-.._ 55'eet ~lb ~ In~ " 1n~ ...i-I -. . .., -:--,..-I u~ ~~ ~ ~·,-·-the Harbor Master llhall, upon the tnereof shall tie paid by .the oc-1 ~ • ~ ~' ~. u• ~ther ooqtalnen. used for the •tor-.-..or wharf except while • stance ls held invalid.~' ~ be exerdaed the duty may be using the harbor; the amount. demand or the Harbor bfuter, be Cupant. of said mooring. place, &J)d 60 feet JOOO lb: %. lncb % ~ch ~ or transportation of ~. dischargtrtg or loadirig, and it shall mainder of .the ordi.n . ar ta.it performed bY deputy, or a.uill· kind and ~~ue ':f .=ter~e forthwith moved to the pJace or the aame may be collected in any 65 feet . 3000 lb. l lnch % inch ~· llate,· lterosene, ar other lft... be unlawtul at all t:lmea to-leave application of 1uch tit . •. ant of the H bor Master, or by freight h .-~ed b thnwn r pla-designated therefor. In the court of oompetent J"uriadiction. 70 feet 3500 lb. 1 incb % ~ch anunable products. shaJJ not _be any mate;riala. ol any" descrt.P.ti, On Other ..... _...... or ~· ta:0'. (' u ;...,_u.anttoofpassengersc(l.L,. Y. e.ves· ......... 75feet 3500lb 11 .. ch %mch kind ~-~ .,.. a ,penon 8 • ~. unless sels using the harbor, and to re--designation of areas and the place Said permit shall further. provide · ~ · .to remain in ~ on any or Upon or on an,)' pier, wbilrf ahall not be affected • J .. Jaw, by the ly provi.des port each month a swp.mary or or places for the mootipg or in effect that the Harbor Master TQP -and bottom chain to be 'ock, wharf, or pier, but must be or landing. Vehicles ready to load 8ecdcm K. Ordinance-. No. 180 ":!:' .. ~~~ce such record to the Oty Cound.J. anchoring of vessels, the Harbor J1UlY in hla di:aaetion pennit ves-shackled. together to fonD one con· F°ved before . twelve o'cJock shall have preference over those of the City of Newpqrt ~ u4 o ... ~--·· Section 5: SPEED REGULA· Master shall be governed t.y the sets to use an unoccupied mooring '®n, standard time, provided they ~adyio ~and-no Vl!hicJe all other ordinanoes-\Of aald Cltr (b) "Person' ans any petson, TIONS. needs of commerce, the utilization for guest vessels. Said permit shall tinuous· lengtb. have. been received. or Unloa4'd ahall ~ the. approach to such inconsistent ·herew1!1/ to the es-.· f Ir m auod on. orcanlzatlon.. Length of mooring chains to-be betw ••-h f · ·~~ 1--~•--·t the ~-d • {a} Rate or Speed: o r turning basins for the turning further Pf"Ovi~ that any mooring determined Dy the Harbor" Master • .,;,. Meen du~1 ho"!"'clocko SIXA. Mo ~and ~qs; or irevth ento &n:.: an tent of such inconsis 1 eney, and a1 partnership, trult, cor-I t shall be unlawful for anv. of ves.wls, the use of channe ls for not used by lne owner for ·a per-~· · an e g · t o -. . easy accesa ere · further, are hereby ~pe·alell. poration or y. -1· -• he being governed by the depth of it · ed uni ded L,.-....,;__ , (c) "Vessel" 1 eludes lftips of owner, operator or person in com· the mbvtng and navigation of ves· iod of time greater than three (3) water in various mooring areas of th receh iv for,, htoa 'clock~A.·~~M." SecU-tt.. SANITATION. SectlO. 18. This Ordinanct'. after all kindl, ate ti, steamship&. mand of any vessel propelled by sels and the econdmy of space. No consecutive months shall become Newport Harbor. r·e ours o .eig O (a) Di5charge of Refuse in Bay. its passage and 8uthentication.and ~ _ canaJ·oo.,u eue1s naptha, g8so1ine or other motive vessels shall be moored or anchor-the property of the City of New-(g) lt shall be the duty of the an~ six o'clock ?. M. they shall It lhall be unlawful for any approval by the Mayoi-, shall b8 ~!'..,8ftd eVer")' ~tru ~ =~~ to ~ power to opera te same or permit ed in any part or any turning part Beach. unless such time has H'arbor Master to require that ~ remov~ ~t later than lfx person to ·throw, discharge, de--published once in the Newport navigated pla&e to place for the same to be operated in any basin or channel unless the same been extended by the Harbor Mas· moorings be Ufted by the owner ~'cJock P . ·1 _Crude all or resi-posit or. leave or cause, suffer or "Balboa News·Times.,_ a lftni,. the transporta . on of merchandise por lion or N ewport Harbor at a shall be· ,securely moored, both ter in writing, provided that any for lnspection-and replaced In ~um which Ml) not n~ below procure to be thrown, discharged, weekly newspaper ot gttaenl r ate of speed in excess of five (51 fore and aft. Every vessel moored mooring not used by the owner for good condition ""hen he deems JlO degrees Fahrenheit may be depasi~ or left, either from out circulation, printed. published and or Ir) .. ~1.. includes · w ha r r, nautical miles per hour. or anC'hored in any part or New· six (6) consecutive months shall 1oaded at any time, but all vessels of any esse1 or fron1 the shore, cirrulated in said City and herebf pier,·quay, or anding. The City Council may, when lt port Harbor outside of any turn· automatically become the prop--~~~:i'e~h~l ~~= ~e=: ~arrying oil for pi.el must store wharf, ufacturing es~&blish-designated.for that purpo11e, ancl (.) Wh.nev ·the word "City" deems the occasion warrants, ing basin or cha nnel shall be so erty of the City of Ne wport Beach. : .. gs to •-lifted by the owner for , e same ini stee or iron tanks. ment mill of any kind, any shall take effect and be in force I h red -• t •--" Id b th H "' ~-~o vessel loaded with any crude ~... tt t d -ti lh;. (JO) d · ·shall be used in this ordinance, grant a specia permit to · old a moo or anchor11.""U as to prevent o ut: remov~ or so Y e ar-inspection at Jeait once in every . . . . re1~ a ~ o any escr1p on, .... ......, ty ays after its ~ th h be construed to boat race, in the course of which. such )"l'SSE'I from swinging or drift-bor Mast~. and if sold by the • il which Will, flash below 110 de-into the navigable waters of New· sage. e same s cnean. the Qt)• of unmuffled engines may be used by ing into any turning basin or Harbor Master. all proceeds of tw~hi~~hall be unlawful to "moor ¥'"~ Fahrenheit, shall be penntt:.. port H , bor, and it shall be Un· The above a~d foregoing ordin· ~~~ds!~al the contestants upon the waters of channel or any part thereof. I such sale are to be paid into the or tie any Vessel having mechani· fe~ to haul alongside of any ves· lawful t discharge. or cause, suf-ance was introduced at a regular ir> Whenevl' the word '"City Nev.rpor t Harbor along and over 1 (c) If any vessel arriving and treasury or the q_ty of Newport cal po'-'·er or any non·power ves-1 fel ':r. s,tructure,_unlen ot.herwile fer or~ to be discharged or meeting of the Qty Council of~ Council" shall ·used in this or-1 certain courses situated ln the anchor ing or being moored or fast· Beach. ·sel of ove~ 17 lineal feet or over· t pecifi~. o!Jh reinafter provided. depos:ite4 material of any_ kind in Qty .of Newport Beach held on thd dinance, the s me shall be con.: waters of said harbor: and provid· enl'd to any wharf o.r olhCf" Vl'sscl (d) Th~ o\vner of every vess~l all 1 th 1 d. d f th . (!) Lights. any pJacF or on the banks bf any 3rd day of December. 1945, and atru.e'.d to rn.e ._and !thall mean, ed ftµ:'ther that such spedaJ per· in Ne<A'J)Ort Har bor shall be so in Newport Harbor ha,ring moor·. h d enf. ' a n 1 ~~ hC: be p;~~ Every v lying alongside a navigable water in .the City of was fi.nally passed and adopted on the City Coun " of th'e City of mit or said City Coundl..shall be moored or placed as to be unsafe ings shall pay to the CitY. or Nev.'· Ucated 's"•, ,es aGois yt l\'harf, or alonC"side a vessel berth· Ne'wport Beach whei:e the same the 14th day.of January, 1946, by " Be b ... I <.. ., f n1 a es vernmen . nor ed' h r hall from . t hall be 1· bl •-hod . th -Newport Beac for a period or time not exceeding or dangerous to a ny other vessel .port ac fl" 1rut1a y.::-nru ee hall .d boat be tied _ at a '"'. ar , s IWlSe s 18 e . to 1,1': was into e Gi t:e. ICouncil at a regular . (g} "Shall'" · nd "May": "Shall" ten (10} days in all of any calen· pre11.i ously lying 'at anchor in said or twenty cents per lineal foot of .~ 1 s~h h 5 1' .hr m~~ v-ntil sunrise, be provided with Newport Harbor, either by or· meeting \hereof. by the following "ma·'' 15-pe._.; ... dar year hereafter, and shall not Harbor. or moored. or fast't'ned as overall leng\h of vessel, payable be ho de s ,ore dijne "1 ctrhe toe proper dights. and shall be I J>n>-di.nary or high tides, 9r by storm vote, to-wit : ' is mandatory; , ~··--• . I . . f rmit d ac an wa er a acen ere 'dcd ti ly .th ch floods th . AYES aio(nh. l "Nouml. exceed eight (8} hours of any cal· ahfeorre-;,syaida. utthhoen_zHedarboanr dM'adi~rt_eecrteds ~/:;ear~S::a~nc:il opay '(he Citya~t a~ customarily! usedh I fort. swim: vp~ianC:~n n~oeus w~yW:,f ganlU -=~ It ah~ obe ei:;~~ul t6 aJlo"" ley rs•-1'1 CRoueedncilmHallen ~len, Stan-.. ~ .....-Harbor" means e ndar day, the entire period of u N Be l l nung, except a sue oca ions as d be ... ~---•-boa . '""" . , , .all that portio or the nevi.gable time for <A'hich such !§:pecial permit f-0rthwith to order and direct the ewport ch a year Y nspec-'be d . ted b th H ho an man-ropes as may , in .the ··~. ts, materials, garbage. NOES: Councilmen None. water comrno known a.s New-is gTanted to fall between the position of .said vessel to be chang· lion fee of enty cents pl?r lineal ~ay f es~~n~ • · y e ar r tpinion or th~ Harbor Master, refuse, timber or waste matter of ABSENT: Councilmen NOne. exist.!' within the hours ot eigh o"clock A. M . and ed in such manner as to obviate foot of ove 11 le ngth or vessel. aster or a purpose. ccessary for lh.e convenience and any description to remain on or The foreg'oing Ordiria.nce.Js Sip· :;-!ri!~Ybo~~ ·es of the Q ty of five o'clock P. M. such insecurity or danger . and the said inSpec on fee to be paid SecHoo IO. MAKING FA~T TO ,afety of persons passing to and upon the ahore lines of the Pacific ed and approved by rile this :f4th Newport Bea Section G: GENERAL REGU· Master or other person having December first of each year. DOCKS AND SLIPS. from such vessel, and every Png-Ocean or on the shore lineS of <lay of J a nuary, 1946. '- ft) "Anchora e Area" means LATIONS. c~arge of such ve~s~l .shall for th· {e) TI?e said permit 1shall fur-i:l s~rise: o~nl~':;~~ t~or~~ {vay fixed for .t he purposed. giv-Newport.Harbor~ within the juris· CLYAN H. HALL. that portion of any channel which (a) Reckless Driv.ing: with cause the pos1t1on of such ther pro'Vide that whf>ft ,he owner a . jng the crew or other persons ac--diction of the Oty of Ne~rt Mayor. , ,has been des!· ated by the City It slialJ be unlawful for any per-vessel to be changed as d irected is in arrears for a period of thirty Master, or any person having ft'SS to the ship or vessel after Beach, and any person, !inn ·or Attest: Council or 8 ederal agency. son to drive or operate a ves'sel I by th~ Harbor Master, a nd upon (30) days, the City may, at its charge· of any vessel. to. make the ~ark shall be ~_ghtly illwnina.ted cm poration• violating ihis 'pro-FRANK L. RINEHART, (j) "M · • upon the waters or ,,Newp.:>rt Har· the failure or refusal of such Mas-option. take over such moorings same f~t to the fro~t of any \>Y the best available means as vision shall be subject to the City Clerk. ooring me a n s a n Y bor 1·n so reckl-... a manner as 101 ter or other person in charge of and convert it· to its own1 uses, and wharf, p1e_ r. or dock in Newport ~ng as such gangway is in com-penalt:Y provided for hereafter in By" R. MAKE LY. ~'"•ty. weight. chain .. rope. float. struc--== H bo h t th t f th ......,,....,... ture. and/or a pllances used by a indicate either a willful or wanton such vessel to change the position that. further, when such owner ar r wit ou e cons~n ~ e unication 'with the shore, and a fhis ordinance; and in addition Pub.-Jan. 17, 1946. vessel 'for ancl1 r ing purpo!M!S a nd dis~gard for the·sarety of persons of said vessel as directed by the h_a$ been in arrears"f"or 8tperiod of ou'ller. agent, or pers~n inc arge fatch ~hall be continuously set thereto, the H~l?<>r Master may ' which is not c ied aboard such or Jlroperty. • .., . J.farbor Maste r. It shall be the six 16l months or more, title to or any such wharf,. P1fr, or dock. pon said gangway. remove the same with or without Calship Selling AJ) vessel as regul equipment when (b1 I t sh'all be unlawful Cor a ny duty of the Harbor Mast er to said mooring shall r evert to Jhe It shall hf unla,vful to make (g) Donkey Engine. notice, at~ option, and the.ex: . under way. person to oi>erate a ny ,·£'SS.cl upon t forthwit~ board such vl'SSel with Oty or Newport Bcac~. pro~d~. fast any ves~el to. a.ny other ves-I t shall be unlawful (or a n.y Per-pense of removing t~e same shall Equipment, Materials (k) ''Turnin Basin"" me a ns the waters of Newport Harbor such assistance as may be neces-however, that any time within sel already ~cupying the fro~t or son to use any donkey eng>.ne or be on the .party liable theretor, · · that portion of· any channel whJch within the jurisdiction of the City j sary .and change the position or said period of six (6l mynths, the any . noat, ~ier or. ~ock .. either Qtht"r steam e~gine on any wharf, and any cost of reqioving the same Boat building concerns may be has been desig ated by the City of Ne"'port Beach "'hile under the such vessel as had previously been ou.'ller shall have the ~·vilege of pu.bI.1c or prt~at~ without first ob-4ock, pier. or vessel within . the may be reoovere<t'bb' the Ci ty of interested in the annOunced sale' Council or Fed ral Agen·cy for the inf1uence of intoxicating liquor. directed by him. and the expense redeeming such moor in by pay-ta1n1n~ permission of the Har:bor fity of Newport Beach in load-Newport Beach agains{ any guilty of all ship building equipment and purpose of pe •tting vessels to (c) IJt is hereby prohibited a nd of changing the position of such' ing the total accrue!d arges. l\'i aster . ipg or unloading vessels or other-piarly, in any court of compet~nt sur plus materials of Calship, o'he turn around or their course or ·di-declared a \'iolation of this Ordin-vessel or of arranging the rigging (fl Any applicant for a permit It shall be unlawful for ~he Wise without ia bonnet or spark jwiMtiction..' ) of the JargeS"t. plants of tts ktod in rection altered therein. arice for a ny person or porsons to thereon may be recovered from shall agree 'vith the O ty of N ew-Master , or an.Y person h~ving arrester attached .to the smoke •(b} Discharge of Inflammable t.he United States. All of the ma - (J) All used . th . operate, or cause to be operated, the l\1aster or o\\'ller of such ves-port Beach that the boat; or vessel charge of any vessel, to penrut the ~tack of such engine so as to pre--M8teriaL · teria.ls. including turbines, gears, lar shall 7n~lu e theinplureal~ln~d at and within Ne<A1>0rt Harbor, sel by a suit in the name of the to be anchored. or moored to said same to .r<'n1ain faste!led to any Ve nt sparks fl"Om coming io ~-It shall be unlawful to .. pump generators, steel plates, shapes, the . plural shat. include the singu-except as provided in Section S. City of Newport Reach in any mooring shall bC' assessed in the wharf, pier or dock tn !"le~rt ~act with Whiµ-r or vessel . or d:icha.rg@ 3 anv vessel. or weldjng tod, oipe. fittings, valves, lar; each gend shall include all paragraph 2, a ny internal com· court of compete nt jurisdiction. City of l"e,11.·port Beach. a nd .t~t Har.bor , or: to be.or remain moor -fh) DefectiYe \Vharvcs. tank into ·thew ters of •Newport flanges. plumbing fixtures. e lec- 'othe:rs; any tle shall Include all bustion engi.ne or other mechanj-(d) Making fast to moored ves· such ~pplica nl shall · ~Y all t~es 1 ed 1mmed1ately tn fro~t . ther~f [ j \\"hen ,the Harbor MaslE'r shall HarbOr. oil,' spiri . or any inflam-trical supplies. machinery arld . t enses. . cal device, ·t~ driving f or ce of sels. on said boat to .the C1ty .«?f New· aft~r such vess~l has finish~ its f arn that any ·""harl, dock or mable liquid, or to deposit any equipme.nt ~uitable for complete (m) \Vhh-ev ill this ordinance "'hich is derived from the explo-I t sha.ll be unla"1'ul to make po_r t Beac~ dunng the ti':"'le !11at business of loa~i ng or unload.in~ a~I f?ier. on Ne,vport Haibor is i~ a , rubbish,-re~use matter , or articles fabricating. shops. such _ as s heet any act or o slon ls made un· sion of alcohol, petroleum prod· fast o; tie any vessel to a mooring sai_d . ma:aring shall be maintained such '"h~r_r. pier or dock, with .~efectiv<' or dangerous condition of any offensive charac.ter thereiri ·metal. are to bC' placed .on sale .by lawful, it sh include causing, ucts or other substances. without occupied by anoth<'r vessel, or to by him in Ne'"'-port Harbor. t out obtaining !he cor.se~t of the ¥> that life or property is en-t or upon 1any wharf. or wharf road, the manaE?ement. • _pennittin&". ai g or abetting first placing over the exhaust or make fast or tie to a vCssel al· lg) Any permit issued .unde r owner, agent. or ~rson in charge dangered thereby, the Harbor or strt>ct 1eading to a \vhar~. I All buildings a nd s~uctures in such act or om ·ion. exhausts of suctl·internal combus· ready occupying a mooring. Ex· the terms of this o{dinan'ce shall of such 'vharf. pier or. dock. \ ~· aster sh8.ll immedjately notify· (c) !Discharge of • P e troleum the $20.000.000 shipyard also are Sectioa !: channels, turn-lion.engine or mechanical deviet>, cept row boats a nd yacht lenders substantially cOntain the pro-1b ) Tying op Vessel. · ·, e o'vner thereof, his agent,1 Products. . going on sa!C immediately, as well ing basins, and nc}lQrage areU in a muffler. so constructed as to regularly us~ by vessels for visioni:: of paragraphs "c'" to "g" J Every vessel lying at a ny w:harf I ssee. or any ct.her person or J No j>erson, firm. asSQciat.ion, or-as e:iuipment used in t he. ya~ Newport 'Har r shall be estab-dead-en the sound of the explosion transportation of persons or prop. incllliive or Section 8 of this ordin-or a ny slip in_ Newport Harbor persons having' charge of the S&h? COi poration shall discharge. or d<'· ~osp1tal. restauranJ ~nd cafe teria, Li&hed by the ·ty. Council from thereof. erty to or from shore may be tied ance. and ari'y {>('rmit shall be per: shall be fastened thereto with , 'i{l writing,· of the de fective and nosit, or shall cause or suffer to it 'vas ann.ounced by Jo~11 A.. ~1c- -tlme to time, d said channels, (d ) It shall be unlawful for any to any sueh mooring or ..-ess.el. son~lly s ii::;nf'd by the applibant. .1 such head and stern lines from 1 dangerous condition .thereof, re-1 be discharged or deposited or ta Cone . president of Calshtp. · turnlhg basl tnd anchorage person to wilfully or carelessly (e) It shall be unlawful to tie th ) It shall hf. t1nlawful for anY-1 both bows and quarters in such cluirlne-such person or persons to pass in or into the waters or New-I ·areas are sh on a map on tile destroy. ·damage, disturb, deface up or a~chor a vessel in Newport, onr t.o .use. a mooring except by R manner as to meet the approval if1mediately repair the same or tol port Harber. any coal tar or fC'· I Watch the Oa.astflc:<I Columns. tn"""'tlre Harbor Master's offiCe at or: i~terfere wtth 'any buoy, float, Harbor tn such @: m a nner to pre* perm1ss1qn of the 1-larbor l\1aster. of the Harbor Master. -put ~p fences or otJier Harriers to .tme or residuary product or coal.] .,, SecUoa S :~ R MASTER other municipal property whatso-other vessels or to volu~tarily or moorings will be permitt~ upon I plosives. ing upon the . same: If the owner. other . carbolia°'°us material or B 0 0 K S aµ· tiir1e5. ' life preserver sign, notice or any vent or obstruct the · passage of lil Transfer or ownership Of (C) Loading or Unloadi,ng Ex-Hr-event _persons from using or go-petroleum, asphalt, bitumen. or 1,-------~---,--- :-. '"The Oty ell shall appoint a ever under the jurisdiction of the carelessly sink or cause to be sunk payment of One Doll8f ($1 .00) It shall be unlawful for any per-1 tee, or oth~r person or pet"IOUS suhstanoe. ~ Harbor Master, who shall hold or-Cit¥ of Ne<A'J)Ort ·Beach. any vessel in any channel or to transfer fee and pr esentation of son to unload gun-powder, giant ving char~e of wharves.-dock:a (d) Dead Animah. ftce at the ple e of the Council (e) It shall be unlawful for any float loose timbers, logs or piles a bona f·ide bill-of sale to the powder, dynamite, or any other piers shall fail or neglect to It . shall be unlawful · for any and sh.ail give such security for vessel to be, at any time, within in any channel, in such a manner Harbor Master , and then only high explosive from any vessel to ~pair or to put up fenoes or Qther petMAl to throw, place or leave the faithful onnance of hil Newport Harbor, whether in or as !o obstruct. impede or injure when the new owner of said mbor· or upon a ny wharf or pier in New-1 ~arriers to prevent persons from any dead ,anfmal or putrefving dµt:y ancf ~l e such compf!ma· out of the '-''ater, without having naVlgatJon, and whe never a· ves-ing is the actual owner of a ves· port Harbor, or to load the same 1 using or going upon such defective matter Into the waters of Ne"'· tiqo u the at Coun.dl may from painted on the bows thereof the sel is wrecked or sunk in Newport set the same size and type and from any wharf or pier upon any or dangeroqs wharves, dodca er prt ·Barbar, or on. or along t he t1me·to time ate. numbers assl.gned to said vessel Harbor. accidentally or otherwise. occupation as the vessel for. which vessel, without firit obtaining a qtets, then the Harbor Master ma;y shore thereof. , 1'11! Harbor ter, acting un· by the Harbor Master . This ex· it shall be. the dl;1lY of the o~er the mooring Was Installed. permit ·so to ?o . from the HarOOr RUt up f.ences or such other bar-~ U. CONSTRUCTION j der µ:te orders d jurladiction of cepts all 1•eu.els ·required by llWo' thereof to unmediately mark 1t by Section 9. MOORING SPEOI-. Master, and pi1.yrng therefor a f ee rtiel"S as he may deem rJCCeAllly OF BARBOR' STRUcnJRES . \\'e Ha'·e What You Need ~TRELLITA'S ()':,;telle Campbell, Owner) · Ph. 8onta "--au Nortli· Mabi •-t . Room 8 -Ar<Sde Balldlas ' . the Oty Cotin ·, ahall have full to cahy a CUstoms House num-a buoy during the day and b'y· a F1C'ATIONS. of Twenty·fi'(e Dollars ($25.00), ~or the protection of tl'le publlc. (a) Nq..person. firm. corporation ·• autbOrity 1n th interpretation and ber, or documented vessels, which lig~ted_ lantern at night, and to It shall be unlawful to e~ect or and otherwise" compl~ with all 4nd charge ~e cost and C1fEW _. ~tion "shall bui~d or ex-Boan: e :IO too G:SO • entOrcement of all regulations al-~hall Bt all times carry. the nl.8'n· mruntain such markings until the conitruct any mooring in Ne.wport the rules and regulations govern· yie same to 1t1eh ~-Jeaee, .tend any privately owned wharf, Es:cept M on .• ! p.m. ~. l5 :IO p.m.• OUr Lending Ubrary Contains the l:.atrst Bookl ... fectlna the , and all orders bers or other identification as re--sunken vessel or obstruction is r e. Harbor unless. the same shall sub· ing the loading and unload!ng of ~ent, person or 'J)ertons having pier, landing, bulkhead, seawall or 1 '---------------' and Inatructl given by hbn in Qui.red by the. United States De-moved, and the n~lect or failure stantially .conform to the follow-.~1gh explosives. charge of suchi wharf. dock QI' pier. structure of any aort whatever, the ptrf of hJs 0duties shall partment of Commerce. of such owner to· do so, shall be ing specifications : (d) Storage and Handling of" iiod It shall be unlawful for anY nor make. or cause, any filling to l•=====::::=======i have the same force u JI issued (f ) All stray vessels, skiffs, row-~lawf~l The owner thereof shall la) All moorings .shall be of Gasoline .and Petrole~m Produ~ts. Person or pe~ns whatsoever to be made of itny desm:ii>tton beyohd I by the City C boats. dinghys. timber or other immediately commence 1 the re-metal. _ . The storage, handling, ·keeping, i.pterfere with' or molest In any (seaward) the ltne of mean high Mesa LIQUOR' SHOP To enable 'Harbor Muter articles !pund ~ithin Newport moval of said obstruction and to jb) Buoys shall be constructed use or sale of gasoline, disWlate, Snanner wha~ver any fence or tide, nor shall any dredging ·Or 1I to keep an a ate record or the Harbor not in the lawful posses· µrosecute the removal diligently of n1etal and shall be so con-or any liquid petroleum proQucts, ~arrier which ~ay have been con--rxcavating be done within the number, llze kind ol vessels slon or control of some person, to completion and any failure to atructed that some por\ion thereof other than lubricating oils, on !tructed for , the p~ ot pre-lim.ita at the Harbor for t.he I ~-}le8%n%Yz . ~0··f~h81•18•kd.ey.' ua1ng the bar , the amount, kind shall be immediately delivered up do so shall constitute an abandon· shall extend out of t he \Valer 8't docks, wharves or pjers.~xcept at enting the use of the wharves, benefi\ or use of ahy private per· f W and value of ater·borne .freight to the Harbor ~1aster and in ment of such vessel. Whenever the leas! ten inches. at all times. such places as may be esl)e:Cially ocks or piers aforesaid. · son, firm, corPoratton, or associa"t llnlt to r handled. and n'urnber of pas-v.·11ose-cuslody they shall r<'main navigation or any navigable water i c) All chains and fastenings designated therefor by the Harbor1 I If any wh~rf. or . any pcrtion tion unlei.s plans showing the pro· ~ merda.a:fi.: sengen: Carri the masters and until claimed by the proper OV+'n· "'ithin the corpor ate limits of the sha ll be of sufficient stZe to stand Master and Fire al.ief, is unla\.\'ffu1 ) ~ereol, or any material on such posed work shall have been Sub-I l I pursers ol all' "·f.ssets· using the C):'11, \vh<>shall pay all expenses in-Oty o'r Newport Beach shall be a brt'aking s trai·n of at. least sbc and strictly prohibited, p'rovided, tharf, shall fall .\iilto the waters milted to t he Cit y Courtctl for ap. · co;h~!e~~e~~A~F. harbor or w es are hereby re-. cur-red b}' t he Harbor l\-laster .. in obsructed or ,<'ndangered by any times the v.·eight of th'e mooring. I however , that any retail Sale or Nc'\'l>Ort Harbor. it sha.11 t>e the provaL an~ permit shall have been ;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;~;;;;~;;:~;;;;;;;;:;~ qUirecf to h . him \\1th the connect.ion therewith, including a I vessel or other obstruction. "'hich ' l dl Mooring buoys shall be delivery of such products in bulk 1 uty of the owner, agent, or lessee issued;_ by t.he Cit,Y .council auth- lnfonnation re to above, and.I charge for keeping and storing the ; obstruction or danger has existed painted white or aluminum in 1 to vessels at ,such places shall be of such wharf to forthwith remove \orizing said work prior to its com- 1! 50' request to allow him to! same, and if said ..-l'ssels, timbers·1 for a period longer than ten (10l color above the water and there I ~ade from a nd by n1eans Qf pipe-f Such materia1 1 from the \\•aters of' m.encement. Any aponcant for. a I examine their papers,. including or other articles. are not claimed 1 dnys, Of" ,,·hene,·er the abandon-shall be painted on said"' buoy gnd hnes and hose , suitablY. equipped Said Harbor, and if they shall 'fail I permit under the provisions o.f~this their m::a.nites v.i thin sixty dtlys and-the charges 1 ml'nt of ~ ~·essel or other obst,ruc. be legible at all times, the number j a nd provided "1th closed connec· to do so. then the Harbor Master section shall pay a n ins~tion fee 1 SectSom; 4: trnES OF TIIE paid as h~ein provided for, the tion can be legally established in allocat<'d to the rpoOrings by the , lions a nd valv('s between pipeline m ay remove or cituse the same to to tb4 afy: or Newport Beach Jn ltARBOR . , .NE\\'PORT Harbor ~taster n1ay ptoceed t~ a IBs space or. time~. the vessel or Hai"bor l\1aster of the City of New·! and hose to be app~oved _by the ~ removed and the cost or such the stlm o~ Twenty.five pouars. . llARBOR: S('ll said property and the pl"(>. other obstruction s all be subject port RC'ac.h, and the Harbor ·Har~r l\faster and Fire Chief, and r <'moval by pie Harbor Master Sec~oa 14... The orders of the {a) To· out the orders of ceeds of such sale shall be_ paid t~ be removed, sol or otherwise !t.~aster has. in.this connection, the pro•:.1ded., further, .that any such" fhall be recoVfl"ed .from the Owner. ~arbor Master ma~e. or give~. the City Coon and to enfol-ce all Into the treasury of the City of disposed of by the City of Newport right and duty or allocating a retail sale br delivery of such agent, or 11esSJ'(' of such wharf ln 1JUrSU8nl to the prov1.S1ons of this Urbor regula and ordinances. Ne"i>ort Beach. ' Beach at its discretion. without number to each mooring in N e\\'· products in bulk ·to vessels may 8. civil action /~rought by the Oty Ordlnaft09'l may be appealed by the (b) To des te the areas with-(g) It ' shall be unlawful to liability for any damage to the port H arbor. be made at such pl aces· by means r Newport ]adt . petlOll affected, to the Citv Coun· Illa wbkb ol cllf.ferent"aizes launch or remove rrom the waters owners of t'.he same. • (e) All moorings shall be kept of pipeline and hose without such Seetlon 11. PUBLIC ~ dl, IJllO"idhtg that wlthin"twcnty- Phone 87 FOR -SIGNS BENEDICT The Sign Man . eBOAT ~G A SPECIALTY and cltzszl be anchoced or of. Newport Harbor Bl)Y vessel Stttioa 8. MOORING PER-ln good and serviceable ·cohdi-closed 00nnect1ons and valves by (a) Floats, 1'rHarves, dock::s, and four ~r ·atttt ~such order shall b>ored.. o,·er a ny 'Se' wall, sidew8lk, street MITS. · ~on at all times. Painten . chains, special permission of the Harbor bther harbotj itacU(ties inay be -.Ve aerwC1 upon a penon_ by (c) To anchOra.ge or end, pub~ or pri\'ate property (al It shall -be unlawtu.1 to fastenings, on buoys shall be so Master and Fire Olief, undei-such ·ntained bf the Cfty of New.: the arbor Muter, such , person B aioori:n8I tO wttbin such within Newport Harbor, excepting pJitce. erect. or' construct moorings arrangE;<f that when dropped they cond:it:ions a.a he shall prescribe, rt Beach, aDd such harbor radu. shall · ve madt written tPPlica· test-tad at such locations malting a reg\ilar in the· waters of Nt!wJ>c!rt Harbor will immediately sink. l t_aball !>e when. i,D bis Judgment, such cl<>-es sbaij be avaiilible tor the load-lion !<> the Oty Council for ·"' (d ) To berths tr landing business of launching and hauling before a permit ah.all have been ~Ible to connect two paint-livery by the ~ of cl06ed con-. and ~~~g of paaengen-, be~. In ~ event ol. such •P"" !9'aces to oonUna: alongside vessels and ha''in& the .tiecessary issued by the HarbOr ?.taster. ers with line having floa.tl attach-nections is impo8a.lbJe or, imprac-upplies and l>oaong gear, and for pNl. pte City C.ou:ncu:ahall lra.nt WAD If wbarWll pkn. equipment to do such -.-·ork, with-(b).No pennit ~ be Luued ed. thereto to keep said llne ~t ticable, and at such places u may ar pui'poles, ln such 11mmer. a hearing1 wt~ five da)'I, at a ~ , (•) To vessel lmprop. out first obtaining pern)inion of by tl>e' Harbor Malter for a moor-at all llmes wben v .... 1 ls otf be ao designated therefor; the will best ..,.... t he publlc uae time and Place to be -.inat&d by ~1• ... ~ _..ed.. moored or bertl><d the Harbor Muter. Ing until plans and specifications mooring. If aame lhall not be bandied, ..00. th..-eof ariCI avoia cnnsntJon and tbe. ~ IO>undl '!be tllaJority IUllftlDIAXCS lo ....__.lb tion to such a · s.et1 .. 1: ANCHORAGE AND for said mooring have been sub. (fl All .boau and v .... ls Uling aold. or cleliWr-ed between sunset bloddng ol sud> fodllllel! 'lbe o1 11.'J" Cfty Counc:ll ahall . ban- -.. u ._ cleolpate, and. in M Q9RiNG ARE;\S. °:!~~'::1.__to him, by the applicant. mtheoorlngsa in Newport Harbor ~ ~ted~ bun1=.,:!:.:t •• ~ . ··~ Mas~-..! ':!:!: ·~a ~-for ~~ ·. -. blo ' . att ,..t complied (a) Lights. Suv-~ ... the ronstructioa of said ty of Newport Boaclr sMll _.. """? Y ~ , u-•ty to cpn1*>) -al,--~ -.tbe ~ ol lllth. to --1 to be .so · AD vessels ahcborlng or mooring propooed mooring, toeether with ho firmly anchored from -and tric lights,· P<°'""ly protected by !dillies u d ~-ID~ a mqa.l!'f of the City ~ •. -..i. ..,. cDUect the «JOl ln N~t Harbor shallf between the location thereof, and said stern in such a manner u to pre-wire ~..,... Nothlns -cca-te the time\ mil manner al iIUI In-a....-..,. at aald iWtluL - '*ionaf --1. or owner IUlllff .nd ounrlse, conform to the plans and specifications, and !OC.:-vent said boau from .tWlnClas talDed lhall -t tbe aale of -for the--of -II4•1c .....,. t"9 IDtal --la -a • <fl To tt!PO"t to the ed States Department of c.om. by the Harbor Muter. pO.ed .,_ dN!pated by tbe aly to ,,_II dlftCt. -buses to be public at ID · I lie tlplll. lio.. --· • ... '· ..... rules and recuJ.atlons of the Unit· lion shall haw been tint •Plll'<>""CI t1!rninc and clritttns . .-pt In ex'. -lll'Oducb,at rtta11 from i..ces aald f~, ai..o.lile .. ta..ii -....,.dip~ -~ Co...U • ..ii QI). owzd Ylolallon of the meroe regarding anchor lighU In (c) Any ponnlt ltsued by the CouDdl u lincl< -Inc .,._ -at -~ Iii llie Har-(b) Of Pion; . . SJ '"d:, l'BNALTY. . ' ... al tm t..i S~tel lor the inland ,.._ten ol the un1i.;d States Harbor Muter shall provide in for the betltt pro-of -bor ·Mater -II ·1pa1n. It la I~ liboD be -far -Mv -""'C &IQ' GI tllo BJ.• ' I --., lion and the u aet forth in the "!avlcallon ~ that said· permit may be se>a moored Iii ---. I turt,Jlo!r IX"'-a.at until -,..._ to •' bat • INo ... ,..... I ., 11111 a f fl 111111 .,,,.,....._ ~ waten; Lawo ol the United Stat& ai-11ed at an;y time by the Hal'o i ~ folluwbc 'P"1flca~ ~~.,.~~-· -··,.J.i.~-'r,.t~ ii ........... til a ;l1F . .... -" .... -. ... (b) Location.. I bor -... ._ 11v1n1 a ~ -: """'.' .... 1ar - -• __ , .. ••7W. ___.,tr-.,. Jill\"'+.~ .. .__ _ -:-5 "._,...,... ,, ·-...... -~ • . . . . .·r.. ~--. me c . -, . - • • , , ... • ' • ' , .. • . . • l r r. ' •• . . ' I • '· I . . . . . OtM' ~ •IT I.Na ...._ ·---.._High BasketmdI Five IReady · ~_ppn:;;w;-S::i:tk•LJ:~t. ·M~.ttteck Once ·a Reside t :_ . :i·:.~ :~ E. PWal.ic Narcu ge; Toppled Huntington lkh. · Chan.ges; 1 ~Died Of Co!'Ol!a ldel ·M'~, ~r:ites .Gf3p~c ~°!,.~;~.~~ = _:..= ~ i.;.u:!:.t:t': ~ty~.~ De<wn._, By City f,ouncil Description of Filipmos ' and Japs HJa:bWll)'. The attad< WU lhe1 within lnstrumel)t. and-ao-A. D. 19&5, h<ofor-e IJ!e,~ :;· Hl&h bulr.etball oquad wl>en,Santa ll.na ~ ...-d out · , not fatal. He was attended by knqwledged to me that. they ae-~~'da ~~--~- Pusu c NoTicE • &• High llCbool tomor-the -tes after two overttme The many !riendll of Lieut. M"ar-gained hll feet and told aail-Dr. Gerald Rauaa. cutj!d the same. -~ •OI' -~., ._ ....... T row (f'1'11ayl night In the tbfrd .periods. The .rut game at tl>e Three appll<atlona from r<Si· Vln'Lueck of Corona. del Mar, who on to let the Nip ro and t-. IN WlTNES$ WHEREOF, I peT)IOftally appeared • • same ol the IM!81011 with high ex-county oeat severai weeks aro denta for chances In .. tbad< which was conneeted with the Santa ll.na otf. The &uard allot four . and Mr.• and Mri. Robert RolhMll, have h<Teunto set my band and ~poon, known to me to .be tbo pocta .. the local team WOil evoked !he admltatlon of sporta bad been rec:omriiended by the dty Army Air eue. until sent over-hit him ••ch time. n.-. dents 323 Poppy s~t, Corona del Mar, atflxed my offidal seal the !lay --name Iii ~- highly regarded Hunt-writers thett for ltbe fut brak-eommiuion t their !Int seas. wW be glad to read about his are pattnts ri!. a son, born Jan. H and year In this certlflca~ !Int to the. wltbb)_ lnalt.-t, . lncton ach ~ve last week by a ing quintet from ~ ~ '1i; planning w~ a ed travels which apptattd in. a letu!.! at St. Joseph hospital. The young above, written. acknowleclied to me that .. ocorea;f to 37, and the B team Register b~ especial pr . January meeting pprov to his old home town paper in and ft takes 15 yen to eq one man tipped the scales at ei.e:ht 1 TOM W. HENDERSON, executed the aame. • took . In ;,. clua from the the playing of George Yardley, by the city ooundl Jut Monday. &\l(lette, Minn. ~in. Loecl< and dollar. We are paid In Y n. of pounds four ounces. Notary Publlc In and For . • In wit..... whereol, I ba~ - Hunting B team by a score of harbor center, who stands about One was denied. two children sWI reside here. His course and when YoU ge 2000 ? . I Said County.and State. unto set my band -"'\ a!!lnd - 29 to 6 foot 2. Santa Ana won this Th I tlon of W L. S Kil· letter, In part, ial'*: . 1-n In' bUla, all your pock are (~y Commtsalon Expires Mardi 7, olthisfldal tlflaeal ~~t·' ~ -~~ HJ17h beaten once close game 3( to1 32. • e reso u · · .I'"'" p N ~s cer cate 1u~ &uu"""' wn-.-S~~j.•KUO opened, On the team in addition to· patrlcl< for a 2~-foot setback on We reached Manila, P . I., on the ' stuffed to the brim and YOU really UBLIC OTICES l~ .) NORA S ~GWARTH, ·Tot's S.K·A·T E SHOES • Safe •Durable I ~d oors an d Out Phenolic Wheels • Steel Ax les See j ohnny at alboa Island Sporting Goods I'. 222* Marine Balboa Island Ph. Nwpt. Bch. 2641 f ' . lot 3, Bloek C-33 In Corona de! 21st of September and s~ feel rich. Pub.-Jan. 3, 10, 17, 24. 1946. Notary Pubuc In and .tar .MW Mar on Rock street wu recom-there. un~ Oct. Z9. I ~ad a good Prtoe. Reuomable. · CU'l'D'ICATE o F PAJtTNEB. . Ceunty and State. mended with no protest.a. It was opporturuty to see Manila and ter-1 Most items,· such as ~as. SHIP TRANSACl'INO BUSI;. <JElt'i'D'ICATE OF BUSINUS Pub -Dec. TT · Jan 3 10.17 .1948. also passed by the ooundl. rltory cloae around. The dty Itself' silk, cultured ·pearls, jad and l\'E88 UNDER .n CTJTIOUS Fictitious Firm· Name · ' · ' • Relolutioo 248 recommended an still smelled foul from pe.rtlally 1 other precious and semi· ous NA.KE. . . application of Oifford Drake, 3111 buried bodies. The ruins· werej stones are fair!>' reason.able. A . 'Ibe undersigned doeS hereby r---------:-----, Island, Balboa, for a. 50 per cent really something to see. In ,the I match;,.i strliig of pear1' If 1500 Harold E. Cox, J r., Alyin S . Cox. certify that be conducts a paint· p A . l N T J N G rear yard variance to replace an main part of ~ there wasn t • 1 yen whJth is $100 in Arrierl~ Rodertck · D. Cox and M. A. Cox. Ing (Contractin&> ~ at 512 D y..._,~ a. Ne..,..... old frame building with a new complete building left and nothing money. That would be a beButiful do beT'eby certify that they are W. 38tb S t.. Newport BMdi. '-• Al'M a~t. This was also approved had been cleaned up. We were in 1 ibing. Some not so well ~tched ~ a general engineering Calli.. and 221 No. Hill -Ave., • ~1 • • with the recommendatim of the Santo Tomu University .pri.sol;I run .. low as 100 yen, or ore dol-eomtrUCtion business ·Jµld any p .......... Caltfomla, Under the HARRY HAu. . commi!Aion. camp and also Bilibid. The people tar. , · · buslneu · incideqtal \thereto or in ftctltlaus name Of Sym.i-cfh &: •~o ~ Resolution 249 of the commls-in~ in those places must have ·Well, Bill, I tiave ravect on here connectiOn therewith, with its NollU' ·uw1 that said firm ta com-l"f• &. 1* a ft. ..,.._ Cl'?--1' sion permitting LOuiJ.. N. Spiel· expene~ a lot 0~ h~ll. Gen. for 14 pages and I hope yPu get princi place of business at Post posed ot the following penons. I'---------------'., berger for a variance· ln both rear Yamashita was in Billbid, ~~rig 8 little out of this because 11 have Office 63, Stanton, Orange whoee names and addreues ate 1------------- and front yard Rtback on lot 6, wt~ other Japs when ·we Vlltted erijoyed writing it. I wou1d like County, California. at Katella as f~°'"·. to-Wit: International .......... Tract 687. Canal Section of New-thfre. . _ nothing better than to be ir. Call-Av~nu and Hansen Street, un-Johll :T. Sympson, 512 W . 38th TaUOQ AND TIL&Ol"Oml port also got the o.k. of the plan-Practically all the Filipino fornia with· my family rigtlt now, der the fictitious firm name of St., Newport Beach, California F ARM m)QUD'W&NT ~· nlng commission, and was granted people speak English and conse-but as long as Sam says 1 must cox ROS. CONSTRUcnON Witness my hand thia 20th day M. li'ltiste &' Co..'. Inc. by ·the councp. quently it was much easier to stay away from home I'm ~ad for 00., an that saJd firm is com-of Decembet. 1945. "' ~ F. Norwood Yale, however, who carry on a conversation with them my experience to date. I didn't posed the following penoN 'J OHN T. SYMPSON. te'f&.&tll ~... --- appUed tot 8 chinge in setback than with these ~lps. But they write this for publication, but if whose n es ~d addresses are 81 1 :S~t~a=te=of~·~C~a~l~1f~01=rn=ll~a,=:::;====~l=U=N=e.=L.;A.~<IL==ft.==M=&l=l=A=""=·=o1m; from 10 to 5 feet on Lot 1, Block would steal you blind if you were you find parts of it interes9ng use 'follo\VS : ~ A, Tract 518 in Balboa did not find not careful;. As far as I am cxm-It in any way you ·see fit. . , Harol E . Cox, Jr., Partner, 1905 WA 'f C H' R p p A. I R I N G. agreement in the planning com· cei:n:cI MacArthur can have tne Sincerely. , East Front, Balboa, Calif9r-E. h d .ed Phil1ppines. In comparing them VIN K. LUECK nia. mission, and ence was eru ap-wtth the Nips, they are filthy. LT. MAR · Alvin . Cox, Partner, 1695 Pa· proval of ihe change by the dty We were stationed about eight dfic Av nue, Corona del Mar, Ca.1- coundl. miles from the downto':"'TI section Co • t Assoc" ti itornia. -------------1of the former "P earl' of the as Ia on Roder k D. Cox. Partner, P. o. "Yardey are: Forwards, J ohn Fow-OrienL" R k n· h Soan· . Box 3, lboa Island, California. ler and Roy Ward; guards. Roger Then upon reaching Japan on :IC S Jg ' M. A. x. Part ner, 1695 P acific ~~dtu~~h~~r~o!';~i~.phu= :;~~f ~=rN~7ventful trip he· w111 · Elect Officers ~:~nue, Cororia del Mar, Califor- the boys feel that they have a ilun(l'y Jape • WJTN SS our hands this 9th chance to win .the league champ-These people were pretty much The next meetin~ o.r t~e Orange day of . ~ary, 1946. ionship and the entire school is ex-in the dark about the war and of County Coast Association to be HAROLD E . COX, Jr. cited about the game Friday course Hirohito is their _$'.od. so held Feb. 19 \\'i.ll probably consider ALVIN s. COX 1797 PROMPT llEBVJCE No Long Delays L 0 UC K'' S Jewelry .and Station<Ty Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa night to be played at the local when he says "skat" they "skat''!nominees for office in the Co unty RODERICK D. COX ' ~;;;;t;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;~•~ym~~nas~i~um~~-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; J a nd not :'skit." So far we haven't group which arc bC'ing sclecled by M. A. COX. had any stealing on their part and l a nominating C?mmitt~ to be air State of California,) I've seen some pretty hungry Japs. pointed follo,v1ng their Tuesday County f Orange. ) .ss. GEORGE D. BASSEIT Y OU R HEAL T H 'S SAKE BO W L SPORT LAND - ' BOWL t NG ALLEYS 'fhey beg a lot a nd for a while as night meeting at \Vhite's Balboa On t is 9th day of January. soon as \Ve '"''ere throu.gh wi.th cafe. ; . 1946, A D., before me. Leroy P. chow, they '''ould be outside wait· The committee y.·as to be named Anderso a Notary Public in a nd ing for scraps that \VC' did not eat. by President Patch of the associa-for sai 'county and State. per- 1 The r.1. P.s arc kC<"ping them ay.·ay tion \\'ho ,,·as unnble to att~nd . the sonally ppeared Harold E . Cox, nO\V, m('('ting this \VC'C'k. Among various Jr., Alvi s. Cox. Rodc}ick D. Cox r I I wondered , before Y.'e landed, if • ma tters discussed was a request a nd M. A. Cox. knov•n to me to i~ '"ou!tln't be a little dangerous to be madl' of the state· for study be the rsons ·,vhose names are to go tra\'eling around a lone, but or a high level bridge across the subscri to the \Vithin Instr4- so far I haven't heard of any foul upper bay. '"hich the Orange d acknO\.\'lj."dgC"d to me play at any time on this island of County 1-larbor Commission initi-executed the ~same. I-I an.Shu. J'n1 hoping that I don't ated. TNESS \Vl-fERF.OF. I -· General Accoun ting Fishermen's Boo~keepin g · ' INCO~ TAX SERVICE ' 2602 W. Ce ntral Ave. Ph. 1805-J hear or anY. . Se,·eral. other mat ten; of inter-have .b eunto set m,Y hand · and z·m \\Ti ting this in installments. est to the coast in gene ral were affixed v official seal the day and l ~===============;:::===~=====i On the pagC ahead of this I men-ronsidcrcd by the directo~ who -is certificate f~n;t above tioncd no crashes with Japs . but came from all sections of t he 7 yeste rday I had to go to the QM 1 Orange county coast as tdllows: ROY P . ANDERSON. W E L C Q M E C A f E ' Foot of Main St. -Balboa For Rese.i:vations Phone 2402 Newport Beach 10 Modefp. 81UDSM.ick Allep ~:, depot, which is on the bay near R . A . Turnquist, Sunset J3each ; Notary Public in and fO"' AL JOYCE E LSATING with the I"""'" artivilitS o( its )\4 million residents, Los Angeles C.ounty ls indttd the heart or this mi~hty JOUthla.nd empire C'Oa'lpri.<ing San Bernardi.no, Riverside, Onngc and Los Angeles Countia. Jn undrrtll:ing ~ giguitic t1sk of~­ inJ one or the grrarest ('O('ltri.but~n to Amcr1· a ·s victory. it •·u. ainx»t o'·er·n1ght. ch.ang<'d from the. world's foremost '-a!=1tionland to a mighty force or uni~rd people grimly forging the tools or war. Jnd~ry. agriculture and conunera were .mghtc'd •ith the rnporuibility .Of vastl1 ex- tendiftg their production rtfocCS.-That thq were s.uccnsf1.1I ls best cxcmpl16rd. by the fact dat mort th.an $10,)00,000,000 in wu. contracts ..,·ec~ pl.aced with Los Angeles Coun· · ty industry bctWttO June 1940 and January 194>. Tbousa.nds or bocnbe-r tnd 6ghter pl:1ncs lqsly rolled f rorn the uscmbly lio<s of ~\ant ai...J~-r~ctoncs.; while hundrNs our g •r--' . I . •-of great ca.rgo 'tt:SXIS slipped <f\Ud: y mto t ..... .,1.., ol Los A!lgclcs C<Junl)' harbors wuh almost IOOOOIOROOS rtgub.rlty. Unbclin-· :i, .i..rl' aluminwn and sp>dxtic ~ pbnts contributed their products ID TI<t<><J , Tokyo. One of the guards Y.'as Geo. Wheat. Newport Beach; W . said C.Ounty arid State, pounced on by a Jap workman. M . Longmoor, Newport Bereft; F. (Notari 1 Seal ) . · Two sailors happened to see it and W. Hickman. Seal Beaclt~H. F . Pub.-J n. 10. 17, 24, 31, 1946. pulled the· Jap off. The guard re-Kenny, Newport Beach ; or C. G. Kimble , Laguna Beach Willis CERT !CATE OF IftlSI NESS Warner, Chairman Board ,of Su-Fl ITI OUS F IRM NAME ' pervisors. Huntington Beach; \Vil-. ROY KEENE 2560 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa Phone 4SS-M Finest Place ~o Dine Famou s Complete Dinner . Open ·11 a. m. to 2 a. m. SPECIAL ARRANGEMENT FOR PARTIES OUR KITCHEN pPEN FOR INSPECTION WM. E. L UDEWIG, Prop. E. L. Cra\\rford, Laguna ,.BeB.ch : by certi y that they are conduct- R. W. Bartine, C.Osta Mesai; C. G. ing a s oc a nd -clothing business Oigp:s .' county planning d~rector,1 at 305 'Marine Avenue. Balboa Santa Ana ; Ray Smith an~ v .. D. Island, ·ty of Ne"'~rt Beach, Breen. San Clemente: W . tj. King, County f Orange, State of Cali-1 ~=========================~ Laguna Beach. and Harry Welch, fornia, nder the fictitious firm Newport Beach. name 0 "BERNADE'ITE·s CAS· • Service -------.--1UAL AR".a nd 'that said firm ACE Refrigeration • ·\ • \ SAx.BIRNAR.Dt'ko CouNrT · _ ) CovNrr ~ . -'·-·-·-.... -.,_.~· .... ·-· -· --· -·-· .r·- 'an d, neJrby-the tall s.t•\~res o( many re ~· eri('S denoted the proJuct1~( 100-c:ctsn:') 3asoline-the vital fuel whic~~ ou~ .fltVIR.SDM' CoUN T:Y . a.ir offens.ive. · ""-...,J~-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-~J>-·-·--Hu~rNs o( small factories worked day . • . , d · ..u the componmt parts of Pacific Ekdric is proud 10 hive hclpcd an -~· t ~ ~ and tanks which were Los Angeles Counry am.in its pbenometW thr i.111ps. p JRC'S, guns . rd. • part of Los Angdcs Ccun1f1 "l"t.ributioa WU·U~~ ';:.i to lu1·e served and become lo victo<y. h ,_,. li of pl hose had • • this aJl-out l patt ·of I e wuy V<S 2 p<O e W Agriculture, too, its part 10 prod · dfom h.avc rccci·;cd world accWm.' dlort. Los Aogd~ Ccunl)' .f...,,.,. and rand>· ~~::' cnlly conceded thu the pc.er- .., mended· their proclucu .. ~~&<and ••· time ~od hold for Los Angclcs Coomy crnscd production brJond bd.cr ·~ lhis. the • :or brilliant pro~ :and unpanllclcd ri chest asricu!tu ral county tn the tuboa.. Prod· · P2cific Ekfuic ea.gttly looks tO ucts n ised hctt ~pply ."°" only h th: loaJ ~'!;id> the dctctmiru.tion to romribu'f m.ik<t but an: being shlpp<d to ungctU>B · full share to the ronvcnicna: and romfuit lwnunily ·du~•ghoul the wodd and ID .our ~ livin in Los •·-•cs County -as it COO· a.rmtd forces an far·ftuog laods. ·L .• -~g· •"'1"6.... • . . ~ ._ • tnou= its every Bdlind all ol this produeb.,. =Olt "'1 ••· cffi ward the ...... N and ••ricullun: bu btto the uof&iling, on IO r -, ,, _.__.... movcmcnr o n<vcr-ct)<fing job pcrformod..,, the--..-· vital frc:igh~ 1 talion systans. T~ ancl loaJ d ' _,..., wbidi troops 2n r•H lines have~.~·:-" -,< . , ..., .. ,.,,00., bas esl<ndc<I their facilibes ID lbe limi~ "'.hili: ciYilims dur· ,.....,.. 1a...i has eca«ltd. _,. t1rms • the aWaJ ...... th: peak ,.... ia .... ....., ol .,,, ol :! -~ ·the9tarrial. ,_ I r-------------,1 is com ed of the folJoy.•ini per - sons. \.\' osc nariles and~ addresses ''IF·I RAN THE. DRUO STOKE., .. Atn'cha eot that new Seal'° balr d)·e." abe uked · pla.LntlVely. "If I ran 'tbil d ruc 1tore,. .I'd M.1.n1 ba\·e It." . I The dye in queatlon, ~OM real t rade name we ~er not to mention, ls daiipr- ous lf applied by anf one other than a sklllecr befwty expert. Maybe we rd teU It-but we don't. ' ( Newport Beach Pharmacy 1108 Ooean Front. 1'1>""9 5 Boy Victory Bond.9 Fresh;.. Lobsters Oysters Shrimp ' Clams Crabs - ' GoOd Fresh Smok ' are as r llo""S, to "'it : Norm n \V. Dulwo'rth, 1820 S. Gar.field Alhambra: Calif. Berna ette I. Dulwor th, 182tl S. Garfie1d Alhambra, Calif. Milto V. Gawthrop, 412 N. Mc- Pherrin. Monterey P·ark: Calif. our ha nds this 27th day of mber, 1945. NO N W. DULWORTH BE DETfE L DULWORTH Domestic · t ommercial -Marine •• Pia. &. B . 4623 1015 Orange Ave. HUNTINGTON BEACH • I (Repair Woi-k on All HOU:sehold Eiectrical ·Equipment) l MIL NV.GAWTHROP j l..~~~~~~~-"_.~~~~-'-~~~~~;-~~_, ST A TE F CJ, LIF.QRNlA ). CO OF ORANGE ) ss . ON S 27th day or December A.D.. 5, before me Tom W . · Renders n atNotarY PubliC in and for said County and Stat e. r esid- ing ther in duly co~is~loned and sy.•orn, rsonally appeared Nor- man W. Dulwort h, Bernadette I . Dulwor and Milton V. GawthroP. ROSSI'S Li uor S.tote Coast mway e 8oatb. of the Al"ChriN Tuesday BATTERIES ·CHARGED ii 30 .Minutes WHll OV last • Iutalled N -l!uper-Qalok Cbupr. LUBRIC A TION SPE'CIA LIST VI RG'$ GARAGE _.raoo PBqDU Ol'll • OAll ftA!l'IO!f UM Weot O.lnl A-New.,...t -, • Opu N1pt:IJ' '1'111 7 o'Clom Pll1z ss m ... llM-W' . NAGGING BACK.ACliB • 'Franc' • J. Horvath I INOOME TAX SERVICE . Ped<~aad8tale llli 15111 L PIL lttt-a • ' ing year . Ney.r president of ~ club ls B. P . Smith. Newport Beach ; Phillip Hayden Qf Balboa la tint vice- president, W . C. Noltt is second vice-presJdent and William C. Mc- Donald was r e-elected secreta.ry- treasurer. Both Hayden and Noler are back on full-time duty after receiving honorable discharges L-----;--------' I from the aervt.ce. D CHRISTIAN'S HUT ( Leonard Marshall, Manager Balboa, California ICIOUS FOOD ... COCKTAfL BAR DINNERS ... BANQUETS ONCE Offers You the Finest Plaoo to Dine in · Orange County: -All New t - - - Even the Location ... One-Half Mile East of Old ' Location on Coast Highway. Beautiful New Cocktail Bar ' W Lead Southern California in' the Serving ot -SEA FOODS-- . ALSO · YOUR "kind of ~TEAKS -VISIT OUR KITCHEN - Sam's Sea and Fish Food Spa Mar~t \ LT. LEE HOLTON, M•t. Provoet at SAA.AB ,, \ otill cominq back by the thouaanda- thOM hting men from ov9rs8as. America' I rrall~Mjo are doing their part .to get them home rapidly and comfortably aa poosible. p.,..,._ .. Yow Journey "Y ,,.. _. M • hltth epot of your Y••lltlon or .....,, ... .... But travel oonditiona will improve. Take your choice of a Union Pacific Stream- liner ... a Limited .•• or the famoua le>W-<:00! l Challen9en. l I Wore-ong you can hle that trip Uat, to t I 8f of the many acenic areas _...ci bJ Union Pacilic. . . "''""" .. i _.... on• et the netloft'• ~ieo.thoot r~••••· 11..., 10Ul'IM9y .... Union Pacific off en the world' 1 greatest Taca· tion travel baroain;MrV•morew..tam ra0 ic reqiona than any other railroad. ... • ••• ,. .................. acenlc There'• a lll'mple, hJ9hly oatialactmy way lo arrange for oafe, e11loyablelranaportali<m; jllll be •p«:ifJC. ooy "UaiozJ Pac:iJJc. # ( --. ------ 111 ••••••••• ,,. u111011 PAc1~ic aa1LROA• •OA• 0' r"' ~11fN .... r•• C'-"-J ,,.._ • . , Balboa Anglers Call for Election Of New Board . • . A daughter weighing eight pounds, four ounces. arrived J aJ\. 12 at Sf. Joseph hospital to Mr. and Mrs. John Byerly, 181 Abb,rtt PJace, Costa Mesa. / o ... ,. ••••••• , •• ··~·· ......... , .. , ...... . • . ' • \ . . \ Watch for Opening Announcement ' Blueprint & Photostat Shop -• HEARING REVOLUTION I Charter & Preston GAS FURN 'A,CES Wltfl'Nevtral.COlor lar~oMc.Glrtl Difficult · to , Still Obtain We have a few in·stoc;k for immediate installation Eliminate sweatirig windows and moisture on walls Protect yov bome &nd health. Our ccirq;blned. knowl~ total or 48 years tn tbe Heating and Ventilating Field . • • ~ solve your probl~ ii() Cll4RGE FOB SURVEY AND ESTCMATE CHARTER & PRESTON · Heating Installations 1'lake \\1&nn Friends 280 Fore5t 'Ave. -Lagun& llelu>h Gunderson . Drug Buslnds Phone 6484 Residence Phones 9"2 or 2-995 Main St.-Balboa SAFEWAY SAVINGS Instant Coffee · G. Woshit'\Qlon Brond. F• Go 'Cofl~• lC· · substitute \ ·A pi:it<1toble, wholesome drink. Vegetable Juice- Hefe·· Health btat'd cock!taH. Large ~-ox. can, 28c. j Prune Juice '-;;:• Tomato Juice Survly Down Broner. [conomlcal <WS-0 1.. can, .20t. Spaghetti Dinner Superio ltotlon Brond. I Tenderoni v~ """' 8'""f Meat Sauce ' ltitct-. Bouqvef Brand. Del !14onte Catsup "~·· 24• .... ...... , 13• - ... 21·· ••·•a. .. - . 23• ..... ..... g.. .... ...... H.--. ..... ·.11• ....... . Spaghetti Sauce. •.: 10"' Chef .,, A# 0.. Bt-ond. With ~t. Hiqhway Peaches n.=. 21• I ...._, ' pple Sauce · '!!:" II• E. Z dlhydrated brand. vaporated Mille 2 :! I .. -~ Stand. 2 wnoll cans. 9c. egnut Butter .._.ty •anct 2-ab. ;a.-. ~ .... r/W .. eat Hearts ':::, 2:: 21 • PanCake Flour .._ .. . -Sin:CIN'IG lrand. «Mn. pacbfe, 16c. Natuial Sardines ...... .. -T,_...e Brand. Knox.Gelatin rtlter Papers 2 :;;-.. 11• 0.-dlllile brortd. '°' j ic> cott.t. Filter Cloths · 2-:-:-119 D111a ...... brand. f'OI' SH11111c mt1-. . . c;)L 1-Heat temp , ....... - - ' ·C,.._ Ile f.o.d ~ta., , IAIY FOCIDS Pciblum CereC:il ,,. '' .... ClapP'• :::- Junior Foods , . I ·--· .. ~' - - ,. ENJOY PRODUCE AT ITS IEST Make your 1N::ltt1ion• of rre11h rriill• •nd •ecetalt&d rrom the· larse, altnictlwe di1pl•1• at roar S.fewar !tore. Gathered from lmportanl prodacln• .iireaa both. f.:ir and near, the produce ha• bttn ureruUy ~ (or qUality • , • ru1h~ to •tore at peak of •saodneu. '~hen, &a that rou-~n bay the ex.Kt amount tk.t you n eed, pri«":es are baaed on. wclaht ••• the prod11tt i110kt hy the pou.nd. In 1946, set mote fine prodliee •nd &a\'e more mone7 at S.rew•1· GREEN . t.lBBAGI Cabbage with corned beef i1 a "natural". Sen·e eon1c tot1uy. lb. YELLOW RUTABAGAS · Sem oome muhed and combined with mashed po1a1-. lb. HUD . LEnUCE . Crlap, lina hu~· (.,;.,.. and UDder, ~) O.er 9-oL in weight.--' ... . DESERT GRAPEFRUIT Huvy, sweet, thln.oklnned fruit.-Excellenl oource of vitamin "C". Ill. CEREALS AND CRACKERS Wheatena • Break fo11 Cereal Wheat Cereal . Comatton lfond. Quick. u .... zze ..... u~a. II• .... Fisher's Zoom "'~':a":' '!: 20" China Oats Mother'• ....... 3S• Brond .... ' Com Flakes KellOQO , "'°"" Laro-. I a .. x. pcxkoge, 13c. Grahmn Crackers ................. 11 .... .... .. ,,._ 17• .... HOUSEHOLD CUANING N~ Purex Bleach 'h gallon botf'e, 21c. Bleach -·:.:.:-"' . 'h 90Uon Mu, I le. Ammonia Goodwin's . ...... ... .. ... 1r. Bluing ""~;.';;°"" :!;:· I~ Dry Cleaning Fluid ....... N.int S....'1 e,and. Pot Cleaners Chore Glrl 1- "'°"" -· .. -Copoer pat c:,..._• ore bock ogo1n. ,._. ..... Jfsdluis ..... I( I .. ~ ' I I a..'ad SJ • Z~ Ill'~ Z I .... ~ ......................... -·-·· --~Ne~,_, .... f-'-..._ . . ' I . I . ,. • , , ' t .• -. } ' i l • !1 •• ' ' . I I ~ , .- • ' ., I I i • • I ' • -. • > ! l-. - • • • • , • M&Wf'OWI . . . ' . I . • . u.~f:'::;:"5~ ' :..T !..l.t • · •' a-au.:: Eddbition Games . · ~Are Paid Maj.ROMn&....1..--1 ~. . LtiredNurseiaNe'WBam .... L~ Blr~BaalretbaD r .. .W.inNavyV-5 E G lG S A~·~°! Fort Booklore Reads of B~11B1 Need m News-; For ()fange County . To AUend Collete· An--o.m.tiund. _,;. MacArthur last ..... ""'"' TS 4/c Notes ~nds Check to Chamber of Ciomm ~ . . I . . . uncift: Nu)fa V-S <J!ll<:er pilot F R £1 s H od by W. T . Jett....._ 212 0cnn Alfr<d H. '!il.aePllaUof Corona del by ·, . ---of hie~ tra1nin1 prosram. -men 17, ~ 1 , l ~~:-::~Corona clel 1br wu re--Mar and Ma,Jor teo B. Dd.oa Estrellita • · - -bueba11 \wm be ~ for the 18 or 19 are eli11'ble for ~ I • y • a y D A lf iioned last mpt liy the --Rina of 1214 Coat \bJ&booaY. , letter from New I,.,...,, New Havinl: 11ved In c.!lf • f ll tint ~ linee 19C2 In ~ for March l ; 19t6 elm tt . they . kuuwn He Mid that the -. ' . . Hampahlre to the NewP<*t Har-~ years I had c:uunty i"!'1llC . four "'f"PI'"" haw ~duated fzun blcb 'ICbool • ..,- handoome Jooldoc , pet strayed mllla:r~ In the Miracle Mlle The Turquoise by Anya Seton. ~Chamber of 0""meroe .,,_ altm ,,_ -., theft :tt -eb Iii March whe!t sevei:aJ by Fe!>nw'Y 26, l!N6. AppliClOJlts. i CIDER from hla · tn Coat& Meaa Mon.-. portlo~ of the ~t boulevard. author of Dragonwyclc la sure to · • donation from • former the dly ""' ti--' and teams ~ both the national and lhoulcj apply at ill West 5th s t, _: . · daJ' aft at about 5 p,m. and where Mi. J!'ff~ owns prop-go far UP. the best oeJler ,list. real t of thla area for-the thouaht It one of the t Amert~ ·leagues are ICbeduled Loo Angeles. • , . be bu fted a reward for hla erty as well as In Coota Mesa. The Santa Fe Cameron was a beaut!-I byterlan Hoopltal Fund She p1aoea ""' ..nh. before the'bls leacue aeuon starts One of the unique aspects of G R Q C E R I' E $ relutn. 1 dog answers to the name of Tris-ful __girl born to-a Scotch father hu been reedin& of the need In With the very best . for In the <¥t. The games Whlch Will the procram la that cadets recelw , . , nj. ~ was ·a fa-tan. and a Mexican 100!ber. ~ the the.;N....,.Tlmes. lhe _wrote, and the ckvelopnent °'' T" t>rol>ably be played are: four t,enm et an outstanding col-Cold Me&tli .•. • ' CE P.AEALMER U09 ISLB ,PPJJPff#lJ£S W. 0 . BUCK,-Insurarice ~kn: ~ 1500 tJl.,p,;r:t&./t. 3333 VI• LIDO ' CALIFORNIA . C.mplete Fountain Service at -HANSEN'S 2100 O<leaD Front Newport NOW OPEN EVENINGS • SANDWICHES • HAMBURGERS Ice Cream to Take Out , efore Yo1 Build or Remodel visit our lnte"'8tlng oample and display rooms. Color guides, planning aids, com- prehensive stock of rugs, carpets and Unolewn. seventies she went to N~ York enclOled a ~ far $10. taldnc. I am _ , Mrch 3 and 4.---Browns VI Plr-lege pt1or to beginning their fli&ht 1 , , and eventually ended up ihe very ;n)e letter from Miii Sallie Very llne<eiely . ates a't Anaheim; training. Not only are all ex-l'lill .. ll8d VegwbH• rich set. But she tinaDy found W&lie follows: MISS~ W • ~· . March 18----Cube VI LQs Anaelet penaes and maintenance ·pUd fer 0pea 8aL _' Oiiil ·~ happiness in her own Santa Fe, BracJen Finch, Oun.. Angela1 at· Fullerton; by the Navy, but the .~nt· re. _ -. New Mexico. The title of the book Presbyterian Hoapit&I F)md, Children's Bond ' -March! ~White Sox"" Browns cejves • salary ~f $50 • IDO!lth .. ~ D1Hon's "~111·1-rr comes from the amulet she always Newport .Beach, Cal. B 1790 Bed a t Anah8tm; well. Thia ls m ijne 'with the ! gl L.. --II curled Whlch was Elven her by Dear sir: DY S March j 25-Cubo -va Browns at Navy's policy of ~veloping of-i · an lndlan. Seeing In the Newport-Balboo. For wounded v ts Anahellih -!leers .with a well-rounded educa-~ -ICU , The S tone In the Ra.in by Laur-New.-nme. {I\ have read it far , A.¥ifional games will probably tlon, according to Lt. C.omdr. !.~-!:'.!:'.!..~ <-. ._ ette MacDuffie is set in Somerset, many year&) an appeal lac. _._ Complete hospital bed l!"i~ for be scheduled, ao ~t honehlde Kieth James, Director of Naval • - North Carolina. I t ls Louise Luth-tlona to the new propased. boepita1, 1790 wounded and iO celj'len F can ~ some or their favorite Procurement. Lt»1:AnceJea. er's story and her marriage to Hal I arq eliclO&lng .a very small gift averaging in cost s.n:>o per ¥JU~ stars in action. . .Result.I of a ~. ·as wen U Robey. lfow they overcome the tow&f"d that purpoR. UnW re-wtte paid for by sdlool ch1J4ren 1 mount.inc enllatmenta fpr , the. many raCtors or a small town cenur I have been a very ·small of Southetn California through .E-Old lndi Cu to March claa, have told the .Navy marriage and many compllcatlons property <Owner there. 1 never· Bond purchases trom openin' of an . S ffi what It la Interested In -~: ia a good story. the-Ji!u reel that I would like to school Jut September until I De--See Jn E ..A that lta V-5 program ha:s the All lovers or Indian rolklore will help along t~e much-needed cause. ceinber. . ' . n D1·upe enth'*1utlc endorsement and SU~ be delighted with Talking To The I am, .• retired rertstei:-ed nurse Avery J . Gi:8y r eported tha~ the · port of the public. , Moon by. John:J . Mathews. He is of California, but still mterested Southland schools' quota or J650 "Maoy1 blanke~ from American r part Indian hUTllE'lt M:d went to In m~ profession. sponsored hospital un.lt11 was l .ex-homes now walking down the New Watchma~erls , live among t!1e Osage tribe. It ii ceeded by 140. Bonds bbught by rubble-:th..wn streets of Euro' an this home '"th the Indlans that Palmer Insurance studen ts totaled more t~an po.-villages on the backs of ni.n." Shop on Island he dis~es 1n this v.ery clever 250. An aggregate of 1 ttrnts Th.is is the observation of lsgt. book. Good escape reading. -Ma""ager s'ay's·vets were paid for by pupils 0 242 par-Thomas !Brownlie" of New York -Elmer Ransom has a sure fire 11 ticipating schools in th citj of Oty · . :--· W. 1 D. Keith, who teamed the thing for all men readers in his D • Good W k Los Angeles. He super · 1 the N ·ti . l . . at watchmaker's trade at the Elgin little book ~ailed Fishi~g's Just omg Or "Be-8 Buddy. Buy a Bed' hosPital in~ oanoi~.:C:t oi:~o~fy ~eaa:~ Watcli college, Elgin, ID .. opened Luck. The time to go fi shing is ~ canu>aign. fro ..._, ~ k t . Sgt 8 wnliE! . a je welry store last week at 216 "whenever you can" not when the . . m 8 ..,.an e · · ro 1 in-Marine avenue, Balboa Island, and wind is Pight. He has included Effective appl1cation ?f well de-I • quired about them -an~ Ieatned will carry on his trade there. H e some hunting stories too. terIJlined pl~ns for canng for re-Birth Rate Go that the blankets were di.s~buted was formerly employed in th The do!Jble prize winner Before tuthlng service men was made dur· • • by UNRRA y,.·orkers who said that Elgin factory but after comihg The Sun Goes Down by Elizabeth ing the past year.by life an_d fire But Declining they _had been donated by the to C.alifornia 'tast fall decided to HoWard Is the latest hi11torical insurance comparues, according to • Am~l~ peop~e \n the .Unlted Jocatc in \ the Newport Harbor no\'el to hit the field. It will r apid- Wilbur Buck. manager or the P. Co. Of fICer Sar.s f'!at1on8;11 Clothing collec~on of area, believing it to be the coming ly gain its Wav for it is beautifully A. Palmer Insuran~ service. l~t sp~. R~urcerul wives de-community of the Southland. itten and iives us a good pie· Bot~. the co~pan1es and. agents The birth rate in Oran e county oded ;114t their hu~~an~ ne:e<Jed . ?.-1r. and Mrs. Keith and their ture at a smaU town in 1880. Dr. intensified their ~!forts dunng ~e is still twice the death !toll, but ~ts ~~ar to wo ~ win~er dau~ter are living at 121· Grand Dan Field is the catch of the past year . to 1!1lplemen.t thetr is declining slightly, a rding to e en than thell' families Ca"f-1. and plan on buying a home town. But he loves only one pledge to aid serVJce men tn every fi 1 ed. b Dr E L needed warm bed covers. her e., woman and she is ma.-ied Well way JX>SSible to keep their Na-R'gur°'11 re e~st hyl h_. f _war? · ''That's an old Indian custom," Machine Worn · lllO&·Newport M Costa Mi!Jla I • ·we are now thrqugh with ·war COl)tracts Imel open for eeneral macllliie WOf k <o. . •. l\lf modem machlnerf. All types of machine work. • Marine engine parts du- pUcated . . . • Arc and acetyieQe IWld--ing. . CYLINDER lll!ADS MIJJJ!!D SAMPSON Machine Works -· -1-1 S . Lif . -'d usse , coun y ea t o 1cer. D ; p hair worth your time. tona erv1ce e insurance, sai The birth r ate In the unty is comments r .. , . N . ease_. c -Watch the Classitied polumns. ---'------Mr. Buck. h' h th th f th m an of the Vi tory Clothing cdl· i :::::===========;:===:::'.:::==:====::::; As the war came to an ettd, ig er an · e averag or . e lection fOr ove eas relief. "Send I 1 Local Police Watch many new unde~·1t'1ng proble ...... country as 8 whole. H o eve.r, m in your Old bla ketS: folks" ~ ··• """' 1943 it was 22.08 per 1 popu-· · For Assailant · were met, one of which was lhe lation : in 1944 it was 1.40 per ---~i-----+---------of Sho""' Patrol arrival over .. i~ht of world-wide 1000 and last year it s down I c airline travel. The life insuranCe to 20.92. The pre·war ate was companies met this promptly and 16.7, the officer explain . The Newport Beach police were today, according to a recent sur-death rate has been r ly con- warged to be on the lookout for a vey made of 100 companies, about slant ror the past few ye . al>e.r- mou.stached member of the U. S. one-half of those companies are againg 10.79. ~1arine Corps who was suspected already accepting world-wide air Racing I Skippefs:-' I • • Sail Boa-t Hardware Sail Track and)lides., Stop Watches -. - Yacht Timers to be the assailant of an author-travel as a standard risk in th e ... POP".CORN BJ Remlqw Halril D UM C t ized Shore Patrol in Laguna Beach issue of new policies. r----,1!"'"-=· ""==~ ..... --.. LU L ar" \Vednesday morning. The shooting The past year has sef'R Jegisla- . - l'ttone Saata Ana %808 SANTA ANA details were not given in the gen-tion enacted to. meet temporarily '==l~C=l;;;;=•~al~·=B~t.===============~I era! broadcast sent out, but mem-the disturbing situation created by : hers of the local department were the Supreme Court decision hold- .===--~--..,;_ ___________ _;_ ____ _;,_,'(watching cars passing through the ing Insurance to be of inter-state Newport Marine Supply Co. • 814 Coast IDgbway ' • Phone 2780-J B U I L D N 0 W WE CAN OBTAIN' . NECESSARY &IATERIALS ity follO\\ing the altercation. j commerce. It has also seen prog- . c marine "'as said to have ress in the adoption of enabling sought and obtained a ride from !I legislation in the various states, two civilians after the affair in under which the companies hope \vhich the patrol officer wu lhot soon to be able to a dopt a new in the leg. I and more modern. mortality table. " A COMPLETE BmLDINO SER\'lCE For over 20 yean om business h.u been >UIU-.JJING BETfER CONSTRUCTED HOMES" DUTCH H.EACOCK P. O. Box 42 Newport Beach RM. Piiotte 502 Bus. Phone '718 • Newport-Balboa Tourist Bureau All Modes of Travel to ·Europe, Mexico, HawaU Round-the-World Trips in the near future. See Mrs. Roy Keene. Ph. 391. SOI Palm, Balboa Honn: 10 a. m. te 8 p. m. Orange County Trucking Co. TRUCKS FOR HIRE General Trucking,' Hauling, Transfer Long and Short Hauls • 229 W. Wlbon St. -Costa Meaa PHONES Nwpt. 260, Da~r-Nwpt. 512-M, Nlghtll SNOOD LES • When 1·m milkln' I reprtsent OOlt1 labor an' manaaemen t oettfft. th• ma:rfmum output '>Vt 0/ r publJc---G.Y u1u.al. . Nl!:W LINE Craft Greeting Carets !ltMlonery I Brookings Vari~ .... 0.... •'!I'>'· ,,.._ ... .... "-..... ~ .. mqs ... ...M • (Seven out of 10 people~ Nl'JWll-Tlmea tb"'81111ed A4:1.) ~~~~::;r~-r' ~~~ • Light Fixtures Medernize Your Store, dffice; Shop or Residence with New Fluorescent Fixtures A vallable Now at ETS --HOKIN &. GALVAN SINCE I 9Z 0 " . · 1000 Cout filway Phone Newport 1884, _ ',Aloo In Saa Fraaclaco-Wlim1ncton·St.ockton·s.uw>loco·Oaklopd' ELECTRICIANS C-0-Two F1re F.qulpment By Cy Hungerfor~. -. ~cM ~" GATi :!. • • ur Returning Boys ant to Call Home GlRIS, the war Un'tovcr IS fur as telephone allsue ocemcd. There arc more calls to handle than eVer. Will you help handle the thousands of alls our lret:un:u.· g' servi~ men a.re m.t.l:ing as they arri'(e in them Califomis 90 !he ..,.., home? There i1 r ocxhing these boys wt.11t mntt than to telephone bome, and we ·need m!"" girls to handle their oils. Poy•hikloming.Pmn•omtjobs.Gooclsunin& mes with fttquentinaeucs. There i1 p<i>boblyat<le- pbooe office neat JO"" bome•here JOUaiald wed:. . ' Jua alt me Of>-nr for che aua Op<nmr, ""° will gm ""' me oddrm at 111 empa,...- .,.. ....,. CXlllftlliax for JOO- \. ...J.. 1Givr•111 CA'._."' "~·I Nn . - I AftllT __ Jin. .... 100 B. 11117, •R:•• -- \ • \-\ELLO_! t . • . • OANCER ! WHERE'S. 'Y~uR , M"'t.INERS? T"' KE OFF .. ':'l'ouA H ... "T. ,. Hl!;AE r--:--... -...J ARii'' L ... Olf. s PRe;Sl!;NT " • • l • • -' l7ll ' " , • -.. I ' . ; ' f • • ~ \ • • /, • • • • ' . N&WHl91' .. =A~·· -ts ::;0=0 IN°EV _ERY. IEWS-TIME·S:·CL SSIFIE·D D IS · N· OPP.OR J-Ull ·Tll·· Uy --'uded a m. wcDoliald~ . . Read Tbem f Profit. • • • U m for °=!%' · · · . . . ';;pu17 il( Old Oounty Rd.. Pll: lM-W • · I _._. af·~ ,.. .. *"'i'"'otctlelthe Alberto Ooota »-ttc ---Ir Yllll dall't ftnd wbat Yllll are loolibc for ~ertlRd ID tbl8 &ue Phone Ne~:oit Beadl 12'cr u · JOUr-lill•uik i•d · I aperm-11, ·:i· Sixt!\ 1treet. It aw ut!IDll ( ·I ie ---====--:-. --------=-=--=-=':'-""""':~':'""....-;----------...,...,----+-+-------''•·-:_~_,.:__:.._::_:::.:.:.::..::==:..._-------"" -ncmtly owned b)' Mn. -· • · · EARL PHELPS ~SERVICE QPLODIZNT or1 ••n1 • Ptlm(l'l'tlUI -uu: II ~,ANN, Ot!NCISlll:N'l'll Ii ··~K~AL~~-!lrr!:A~·~-l----~'~' ···~ .Pauline M ~ lhlt addt-, ood lo _-~ft "n••. -·t • and oold to L. Conrad ot San Dry Walnut -or ll&k, S21 HELP WANTED -won!ali to JANUARY CLEARANCEt 11<> Washing Machines EVA · · ~l>Nd of the •O:t =. ~nge":: s't11~ ~0~ ~ :i ~;eei!:;,~ ·= =.i.,~:;: ~ w~ Repaired . 1 · BOR INVESTME.NT OOMPANY . -company. The \consideration I 4-8tp HELP w. ~ w do with 1peda) val-In every de-Parta For All IUJ<• Realtors . I -wu ajlp'OXlma ly '13.000. GENllRAL CC»ITRA&rDiG -· ~ .. .---oman to pertment. U ,.ou are In r....i ot Pick up ud Dell .. ry. Sale of their own home at 316 -•· and At..............i ... i-r.nk Ugh~ -keeplnc. Room. board any living or bedroom tomiture SCHULER'B E. ~--a-and --·~ of .--:-:::=-:< . and wqeo. Doyle, 611 No. Bay or ••• o••-•---•~1d 1•-it w--•-c M~h:-Bbop · ~~ ·-· J 1.-730 .. --~--'Pelllwfer. !l406 Fblh!I> ..... NoW· Front Balboa Island 5-Uc -~ ~ ·~ ,~•. -· a omalJer one at ~an portBHcl> Ph.1'1a-ll. U.tll • 'will i-Y you to~ -UllN~Bl"'1.0o:lt&M-:r a s electio n o f BR ... "''fr NEW h o mes' -art!. on l'!e peninsula, wu I during thla blc JANUARY ......,. 2281 . •t1o: A I "I a1so announced/ by the realtor. · BICYCLES INTER ES T fN G CLEARANCE SALE. i-9t · eith r j u st completed o r u n d r i:onstructio n. ,;_,nd. W O R K terms: Fr.. delivery. McMahan SUNDAY SCHOOL GUILB ot 1-, home within stone's throw ol water In New· Jack Had~n ~d. R~:;g:i-_.31..-Furniture Company, Second • c. o. M. Community Chun:t: Ne l Beach ( Lido ---~1 .,_ .... to •-• · Bro•ufyvay, Santo Ana, Call.f. ' wlU have a R~ Sale Feb. New • . ~ near u•c•u.n:: • • ......, move ..., Pho~ her's Mate,, i~ Malo 8£, Balboa Pleasant W orldng i.t. Any ~ ~ now com-Pri $6950 Returns Duty 208 -· Balboa Jaland. Conditions ~ _,,..... 3 Th.-5tc tribute c1'fEi'-· to~=. ~=.;. ~ ·~a~.!,~ . (:Cash) ---~------·114-_u.,_ • may call Mer 1902-M and rooms, Jo•J o( e work,' pull-· f . '" .. 11&.4.tnT .&Dl8 ·1.1 Learn 10\!o·FT. Light weight Weldwood ar11c1 ... wlU be called for. man lavat°;}ies cupbOardo · 1 • • . • • ~~k ::..~ .·~~~:o~': COLD and llACHINK.-s Skiff, unpainted. Car top c:or-I 1-9tp . and lli>er\ It • e speCI!, etc.. 3-BedrOom home m new section ol Costa: Mesa.. Hard- turned to du """'"Uy at San WAVES T EL E P H 0 N E rler. $7l5.00. Call after 5 p.m. POa llKll'JI 1 ' 41 Now open f lnlpectlorl. wclod floors, floor Mmace, tile, double garage.: , Pedn> $..-ylng two . weeks Tllltmc and ~ 0 PE R A T IN G Fri .• Mon. or Wed. 209 Amethyst I . . $8500 Terms Rl;ady for ocrupaocy In about 3 weeks. at .Jiome with parenu at 111 m...mg Appo1n1m..,!f ~ n•w St., Balboa Island. 5-4tc FOR RENT-t..;rce room, accom-· · 1 Price $8950 vi. Dijon. LI Isle.·. is Beautv p BOAT PAINTING and MACHINE . 1479-R. ' · 4-Uc LO . ($3350 ~) .' V 1 g Increased wfie rates moc1a1es llncl• or double. Phone • Rated as ~-M 2/c, Haddon U03 Cout Blway, to.-dol Mar now in e ect. SANDING. Free .. ~. Extra large 1~:-1n Newport H&hla. §i--- !:i,~;,"~ l~e i;.,~th a;::;~ . 11-uo Apply . work guaranteed. ean a1so ar-wANn:u TO m:NT " ·s12 o , 2 Bedrooms-eorne! locatioo In Corona del Mar. Hard-. tar the ~•t ~o years. He ~ad-lllLU.2B AID9 II • ' range far pUU out. .TeJejlboae . Two lob S2$xl on West lido wNVI fl oors, ·floor furnace, "-1•ce, doubl' e ~-a...· . ~ •. Southern Cal1"forrua· N. B. 12t3-R. 4-:n,, WANTED TO RENT or leue, un-• $"::;0 a' ch· . r-•u~..-·--~ . Ulted from N t Harbor .High w:E CAN MAKE RENICILLIN furnllhed -Ph 1850-R. ...., Inspection will show best of construction. Rady In . ldlool before 'i"ll•tlnir. His lhlp, . C&paules, Ointment or Liquid TeleDhone Company MQTORS-10 "-P· Falcon Marine . . · one 2 lou. 58':180: Cl to eo.11 Mesa about five weeks. he lald WU de<ornmluloned after Solution. Bring your presoip. l°bQ It. Bly An.. , with Paragon Revene Gear; . :1-tfc $1000 each cton50 arrival recenUy j.!t Narfolk, VL lion ·i0 ua. Balboa Sulllble for lallboat. a\IXlllary WANTED-Small apt. or house 50x127 .ft. ·lot n ar High School · ~"' .L _ NEWPORT ~CY ' or or omall fishing boat. Harbor , for clbcbarged oervice !Jllll, wife In N""""°'1 HefChu • Tenna Mn. Joe S'l"""en ond Glen 2018 Ocean front. Phone 5 Engine ·& Equipment Co., 111 and chlld The nOed II ul'gent. : "1~00 . § N~lloh of Loo ..,~eles were week :I-lie 5H\j, North Main -t Agate Ave., Balboa Island Tel. Mn. Joe De Temple, Ph : New· On 1• end gunu at I.he home of Mn. , !!anto Ana 1723-J. 4-2tc port 88. '-2tp e of choicest lo, on Cliff Drive. Prime' location on Broadway, Costa Mesa; modem cape . Florence Torr~, 27th itreet, L08T AND roU)ID n or A corner lot 50xl70. It haa an un-Cod 2-bedroom home. Complete In· e\ll!l'y detail. and other ,. for Sunday WST lXlG _ REw ARD \ Hi2gins Boats 1;4-MO.·OLQ BOY wonu home for exceHed vifw of the harbor. · Large lot completely fenced Ready In four week& breakfast and dinner were Mn. Bl'OWn male Da~und. lost in Alk tile Open.tor for the ltf'14o to 116 Feet self and \pattnu. Prornbes to ~3750 ' . . ct 12,SOO • Betty Francia sons. On Mon-Costa Mesa Mon .. p. m. Liberal Cb.Jet Operat;>r Priority ord.en takeii oow. keep them 'toeing the mark. Oc-The adjoining lot 4' day evening dinner guesu were reward Phone 2227 Newport. 86-Uc cupancy Feb. 1. Balboa Point 3000 (Y., cash) Mr. and "!'"~ ~Y Craig and 4-2tc llALE IDBCELLANZOtlB Dale Watts Hotel, Apt. No. 12. Phone N. B. Cor. lot 39th Coast Bl, Newport. LOT S -' L O TS L O TS • daughter Je . It 810 Coast Highway Ph. 1104 2722· 3-4tp . $1000 . LOST-On Xmas eve, Bal Isl. or FOR SALE-1 Buck Stove, gas-· 93-t!c WANTED by reoponllble Tele-5 acres 0 W t 'd vi ·. Li'do' Island Corona del Mar, &old bar pin, ele<:trlc combination, $25. 1100 FIRE EQUIPMENT TESTS _ phoc.e Employee, 2 of S bedroom . ~ $es50•0• Oe, ocean ew. heavy amber-col6r !stone in cen-E. Central, Balboa. 5-ltc C-0.Twu, ~e ._Foam refill& houae. Permanent. Phone Santa · Two .good building sites at $3250 each. ter. Rt>wrad. Phone 1307 or • ,._ Ana 5829 81).tfc 35-Ft. comer of Lido Nord,' $5000. News-Times, 13. 1 4-2tc FOR SALE-Hoover. Perfect con-. CX>a tlxed ~em -,d Portablet · S Th' diUon, wilh all attachments. Ph: now avaUable. ETS HOKIN .l BEAL l:llTA'IS " ee IS 60 Feet o.n.Orireto, $7000,. · REWARD for retur~ of gold ring, 1583-W. • 5-2tc GALVAN, 1000 Cout H lgbWay: New 4-room house. Well built, North Bay front, $9750; tenns. small ruby in cen~er, 3 pearls . Phone 1384. . 73-tfc Under 47 .......... ~ ......... -········ · .... ;..... plastered. Complete · within 2 each side, family Keepsake: Jost FOR SALE-Irish Setter, male, 2 FOR SALE -Lot, 50 x 100 ft. weeks: On 1 acre of land. . § ) eve of Jan . -9 in Bal. I.st. shop. years old. 206 Walnut, Newport CONSULT us about MARINE IN-Water front , Canal-section, Npt. $4950 _·Terms .. . New.po.rt"He'i·ghts . pinij district. Phone 1307 or Beach. _ 5-2tp STALLATION~ & REP.AIRS. B<;h-Write Box J, c/o Ne~- News-Times, 13. 4-2tc . Expert teclµtlcians. guaranteed Times. · l ·tfc-Th EVA F. RHODEN r 1\vo 50-ft. lot>; at $650 .each. THOR_ MANGLE for sale. RadiOI service. The same lligh. quallty 63 150-ft Co . ved treet EMPLOYMENT WANTED u r~~ed, 24 ~hour service. Short work on marine radio that has J. E. Barnes & Son j Broker , x . mer on lUlPfO s ;::::c-:-=----------'-7. Circuit Radio Shop, 305 Palm made our other Jines of radio 1806 N rt Bl d 470 Ne~rl ·Blvd., Costa Mesa \vith sewer in. $1200 . WA~IRONING . fancy and Ave., Balboa. Phone 1638-W. service faniGus throughout the . Coet.a !r.fesa. ewpo p;~e 516 EL'I'Ql'll D . ~ARNETT, Salesman 1\vo choit'e lots on· Broat at $1520 each. plam, In yolir home. Phone 'f!it4. 3-tfc Harbor area. MESA RADIO & °l'h. NfWjl!lrt 1965-M . H ARBOR INVESTMENT -----------P· CIRCULATING Electric Heaters, · ELECl"RONICS CO., 1794 New-l Y? Acres 5-2tc WILL TAKE CARE QI children. only,$7.95. Health Lamps, tntra-port Blvd # 3-tfc of oranges , l emons, grapefruit, N COMPANY · Corona del· Mar. Phone N. B. Violet, lnfTa·Red, Verdi-Ray. MUSICAL a RADIO M avocadoo, fronting 198 feet 0 3..Bedrooemw Homes R ealtors • ~M. 2-tfc Bat teries for Hearing Aids &: · , Newport Blvd.,-wtth large 2 bed· 30th at' Central Ave. Telephone 1600 Portable Radios. MESA RADIO THE RADIO TECHNICIAN is as room house, double garage, . -· 5- EMPLOYMENT OFFERED ti & ELECTRONICS CO., 1794 near as your phone. Rouse calls workshop. chicken equipment. A F1fteent.H St. and sifu Bernardino ltc . " • • {vANTED-HpttL MAID. BalbOa Newport Blvd. 3-tfc made daily except Sat. &: Sun. good piece of pro~rty. Price, Ave., Newport Heights $6950. fttractive 2 bedroom house Balboa Bay Front lDn. PhN>e 6"0. 8-tfc Fire Place and "'"dling Large stock of tubes "' factory Only $15 000. Ters In Q:tona del Mar. _Ne'!"· school 2 aQjolnlng 3().ft. Iota. Small beach •, ·--• r eplacement parts to insure ' · ' Hardwood floors-Tile bath · _and be~ch. ~as garage, store house on ·one. New ....... ,, WANTED-W 0 0 D quality service. PHONE: 345 -. -Tile sink-Double garage roomr.ll'ep*ce also furnl ~·w-Delivered MESA RADIO & -Er!ECTRON-4-U nit Court . . $2350 down~ per month . ' . some · acroa entire 60-ft. front. , Waitres8, Fry Cook ~ H. w . WRIGHT-Ph. 2030 res co .. 1794 Newport IDvd. on Balboa Islond. Good come -also-~~ .0~~~~ ~9N. R. $31,500 Dishwasher. 1784 Newport Blvd, 3-tfc 3'tfc property." 12 modern 2-bedrm. Duplex .. at I l 4-2tc Can be purch~ separate. Priced at $19,000 Broadway and Santa Aha Ave., 1 . BAY SHORE CAFE 17th &: Coast Highwa y CORONADO 'Electric Range, $178 RADIO HOUSE CALLS.-Now Costa Mesa · 1 2 Unit t.bat addlUonal competent tecb· . • R J h p M k .L Corona de! Mar Duplex Immediate ~livery nlclana are available, we are able 8-Room Home . a p . a s e, r-iooern. Furnished. to makfi aervlce call8 on large on Balboa Island. Good for home 34lO Coe.st Blvd. · $15,500 1 bedroom in each unit, large rooms, extra farge lot. ¥.. block from Ba:y and zoning w1ll Per+ mit· more units. . I Newport Beach Phohe 2344 3-tfc Auto Batteries IS.month -~-45 Ex. consoles. All work guaranteed. ..or income property. Newport Beach, Cali!omJa Ha.lf Cash. HAROLD 1.. HAMM., s . o. s. $18,500 / Phone 402 l&t• TIDE TABLES IANlJARJ! High Low High Low F 18 9:10 '3 :00 lO:M ·4:2! 6.6 1.9 4.1 -1.5 s 19' 9:54 3:47 ll:S1 •:Ol !6.2 1.9 4.1 -1.1 Su 2() 10:34 4:35 ........ •:SS 5.6 2.0 ........ ---0.6 M 21 12 :17 5:27 11 :17 1 :15 4.1 2.0 4.9 0.0 Tu 22 12:58 6:27 lZ:OS 8 :11S 4.1 2.1 4.2 0.6 '""' U'f•• da.7U0t ~ ....., 'DI-..,.. ptao.d m. ~ ol oeaut ' a LJPt n~ .. 1o..;·4N1I ~., • Pennsylvania Oil Gallon, 70c Radio, 215 Marine. Ph: 780. ' 94-t!c Radio Repairs 2-Bedroom Home W estern Auto Supply All malt .. : tube,, etc. Ph. _201. A th l ed Deal Burt Norton, 915 Coaat H 1way, Large corner lot. E. side of New- p:>rt Blvd. Double garage, house nearly new. $6000 u or z er Newport Beach. 93·tfc 1836 Newport Blvd., Cosio Mesa · 3-ttc llPiDouL ANNoUN• **MH'ft • ' 7.91 Acres . ---U-se_d_·_B_i-cy_c_l_es___ . For Your With 397-lt. front•&• on Newport NEW ELECTROLUX CLEANER Blvd. Comer location. $16,000. and Tandems Sales, Service & Supplies $6,000 d.own Adult atze&--$1• Up ~ See R. BABCOCK VOGEL-100 Main St., Dalbo&. Authorized Agent O 92-Uc 405 40th St., Newport Beach ne-Half Acre Just Arrived Freeh Hearing Aid BA 'I'TilRIES 2-4tc 2-Bedroom home. Double garage, ------------1 immediate possession. No .Delay $7000. Terms For Sale Balboa Island a.-ttc 2 bedroom furnished. Choice l<r · · cation, ne.ilr South Bfty (Little Island > Sl0,500. Immewate pos- session. Gertrude A. Waldron Wm. W . Sanford Broker Phone 234-:R. INVESTMENT PROPERTIES 9 UnltS. 2 Lou. $16,500 ' - 1-Uc P~OU.ING VEGETABIJ!.'I Parbol\ vegetables before put-' Gu.de-Dnic Co. 117 )(aln St. 1'11. ... 80-tfc Refinish your kitchen ,ba~ with new tile board. F. P. Waldron · 211 Acres Eut Side, cf<Mse ln, 3-room house, nearly new, garage. $9000, half cash • Several Good · Bay' Ftont Lots ting them into the oven with a ---Fl-0-0-r-Fur--n-a_c_e_s __ roast and, as Westinghouse home economists point out, that will pre--37,000 B. T . U. Telephone 234W. 3-4tc 8PllClAL ANNOqN~ S8 • -Corner Income Lot El Bayo Tract, $3,250 I "·ent a hard ·crust-from forming Immediate delivery . $49.40. as fhey continue cooking tn an · VOGEL'S RECAP J . E. Barnes & Son 1806 NewpOrt mvd. uncovered routln~ pan. 100 Main St., Balboa Cost& Meaa. Pllooe 518 ~ltc $6,500 and up • 2-tfc with your local recap per. One day service. B.eer Wines ·tiquers Whiskey Boob ud lloy Kee... Palm wl Bay, Ba!bcw, n-381' I • Hosiery Mending Service 3-claJ( oervice. Advise on the best hosiery to buy. . May Worley, 224 Olla Bldg., 4th & Main. Santi Ana. 2-4tp WE HA.VE gooa: ueea plUloe· for S96. Sl.25, Ulll, st96 up. riie STandl "9C5 up. TU1DI. Some . for rent. 30 yean tn Orange coun~. Dans:Schmidt ~ eo., 520 N. Kain, l!anto Ana.· Dtfc Tires and Tubes Complete Lubrication Tue and battery service. Free pickups and delivery service tor your car. • 1 Ccrast Properties Co. REALTORS BALBOA , Fine rooming house .on Ocean Front. New r.oof, OfW exterior. Looka good Sleepa 26. 5 bed- Costa Mesa Tire Co. rooms, a11 equipped with wash and bowla. 2 sleeping porches. Texaco Service Station • $15,000 H. J. Mitchell. Prop. 1760 Newport Blvd., Coota Mesa LIDO ISLE W. L. Jordan 700 Central, Balboa One 153 , 5-tfc '2 Bedroom Home 'Furnished 0n·, Little Island .~;~eo. ,_ . WANTED 'IV lltlT R Phoiie N. B. 2342 4-Uc Attractive 1-bedroom 1tucco over Gertru e A . Waldron , Wm W. Sanford W_A_NT __ T_O_B_UY _______ ELECTRICAL APPUANCES and double garage.' Nicely !Urntshed. Phone :5-tfc MOTORS repalre<! according to Lou of room for additional ----!-------FLAT TOP factory l)le<lficatlOJ11 by DIS-building. Clooe . to ·Clubhouse. oa Island OFFICE DESK. ABJJID VETERANS. work ·Fine view. bedrooms, completely Phone guaranteed. Agent: MES A $10,500 fllrnlll>ec!J eieCtrtc ttfilceratlon, NOWJl<lrl Beach 839 RADlO & ELECI'RONICS CO., t-0-ft. lot. e!r South Bay, '9000. 4-~c 1974 N~ Blvd .3-ttc EAST NEWPORT l!o cub. ,..,._a1on at. c1o1e ~ 2 -.,, hoci>e. Deep "lot. Gane< _, __ WILL PIA.Y CABm IW J50W' fUro nlture or wbllt bave ,.,a.. P'bonl N~ IOOO. 0. R. C>a_,., - Food P··i.t, 1IU Newport B!Vd_ Ooota ~ - KEYS Kade WhUe You Watt VOGEL'S 100 lbbi St., Balboa In rear. Sprlnlden. $7600 Gertrude ·A. Waldron . $11,000 rm. A . Sanford . -· ·' Broker Corona de! Mar Lots Pho 234-R S..tfc 60--ft. South of Highway. CJ.oee to jJ M MIL Seaview Avenue. ~al Estate ~!i~er $4 750 11_ 5th and Cen. tral to-ft. lot, .120 feet from Ocean· l Front. Can build 2 unlu. 1 Balboa · $4750 ·3 Lots on c.entral. "" I All f~$5500 - On !toad way, Costa Mesa 2 ~m Stucco,, hardwood nooi;s. Tile. 2%-car garage. Many other fine features. I $9000 Corona de! Mar ,Twe> Lota , $1500 Each • I Oqean Front, Balboa · 6 Bedrooms. 3 Baths. $18,500 . Ocean View Jt Co~~ del-Mar. One of the last r be had at this pric.e. ' tt Near Ocean P ved Street, $800 Bal a Peninsula Home 2 atgrY. One ot the finest. Pc». ~ at close of escrow. A barPln at thla low price. ' ~a; Front Home Prlv~te p1.... 2-story, 5 bed-"'°"'"' 2 ~tbs. BeautlfUIJy tm-nJa-. See ,,. far price' and ' . ' ' BROSE REALTY 1307 co'ut Highway Corona del Mar Phone 20'8 :I-lie · NeWDOrt Hei2hts Modem, weft~bullt, z.t>earm. hpme. Large . living room, mahogany noortng, fin"place, dinnette, tile ldtctien and bath. Laundry ·tr17 ln 2-car garage. Patio. Lot com- pletely fenced and landscaped.. Excellent value at $10,500. Gertrude A. Waldron Wm. A. Sanfoi:d Broker Phone 234-R Z.Uc KONJ:'I' TO l.OAlf ... LO.oUIS TO BUILD, •• - . modemlze or reftn•••· Newport Belboa .-.i •ill:p ' • &Did Loan • ..,....tka. ll3l3 "!& Lido Tel...-·t'lr Atl'l'OKODVll .11 ftW . •• FOR SALE-1939 Mercury. Radio. heater, spotllchL Al (J. CeJllrc.: zn Brollctway, &»11 Mesa. • 4-2tp FOR SALE-'31 cut down Model A roadster. I.Jceme No. 9Uli86. Good body. M<>tor In aood eon-. dltlon. New rev end just ln- J. M. MILLER ~ .. ~.!:._ ~·~~~~·· 15th and Central . -·=-...-. '."" ~- • . Newpurt Beec!J . . Your Wey to -· Tr7 " .... _,-. crJ K 2 lid · 5-ltc p:m'e . WING SANG .BOAT & REP~I YARD rA~~~W:~Alll~~iilD~~=·======·~~A~tl'IQl~~W:~Alll~!DID~~===r\:·::~ .. PIKme 1-Uc • .... NEW Stu ' --In Corona de! WE NEED L A TE M O DEL<ARs ; f 208 -· Balboa Wand 2 30.Ft. R-2 LOTS IF YOU waat lo -'iov ""1 K-tfe Oppoolte N. H. Yacht.Club . · · 811 . Coast Highway 101 "'-_Newpari881 • llfar. : -ear-1o1 ·aad W"' Pay T o p Prices · · · with to build ... ..... ...... . Priced f'!'I le Ille. lll950. !iF:r I, YOCJR CAR NOW For Inf . coll N. R. Cal-• .. · Wb11e Pr1-• Hp ley. 359. 4-2tc - piano .,. .... We p&J" h..,,._ ---~--------1 $2375 Each1 caab J1No. so,_. :....,o.up Carpenters Available :-:.·~.._ ~ .,.,. ~= ... -NEWPORT HEIGHTS O. Z. llOBEllTION Stucco dUplex. Nicely - Call N-port a8 " $10,500fc FOR SAJ.&-2 M.attr-. -.. . . bedllu,~Whi~Knlght. ' '"'--~ Pro!>efti Co FOR . ·= .... .,_ ....... '+: liJ&l>Uy-. $'l5 each. Call s.1:; ~!.:.: ~-=~ """""' Real~ . . 2 --~~. = e Paddle ....... for a..t FOR SALE-Ta-.: Talile wtU. tun.. ~ BOAT A -e . 5-lb: II . __.._ two benches. Don R. ,Dunnt. c.&NOE CO, 21119 W. Omtn1 ----~ - •• Pbane far aar wwwiww tr; a wllo d mil mil ai. ,._ ......... OP.t. •as11zt1tn; ... pt.• ad 7 ,wjiaat ... .,,. • . . """".1~.BERTSON CHEVROLET -00 Joe. · 0 ia llll..S"' '71 D '1 • } • ·~ · ,... 11a1e . / -------~--'-I -CUotGn built.ID -:::~,·~--~-Ooalnl,~~;-~-~~~,~:cA.t~'~ .. ~aD~~~-~~,.,~u~i:~::-~~~-;-~· ....... ~~· ~I ' ------·by-IM-•W•l•l••--·----·--..,----•JI 428 Orchid Ave,. C...... do! ~· -N-p:al ~ Noa1, "'9Mlk 11 .atlop llOl2. ""2"' llfar, lrlf<: -..... "'., I 2 5 •• I: --Olll • -:u.. • ' .. a 1'14, .. e MB • ., 4E'C Cl; Ii.I .. "":"' . .. l I • • • .. . • •• • ' • ·• • ' . ) ·' OgppJ 9 .. 1 - • • • ' .. . ' ) 0:-inese ~tamps Interest Enthusi~sts H. . arb: lo.r ' rs} P~rter Durkee En'tertains for ' ' f AtMeet~ng orttarborsta'mpauli 1 . FeminiJie ; Actj, itieS lstanceLeagueataa1boa.1s1and .ttom~, SeYen abeeta. of,~ <1'; new-the value of II\• $1000 stamp I!' . ~ Mni -Durkee was _ 1 _tt Gardintt, E . E. BaoMj!not, ·• Jy surcharaedd. 1 ::1ueo .,,_11y U. S. ,currency is only 77 conta, Phones 13. and!~ + By Winifred Barbre + Raloc~ Pbcme 1637-R to.memben of !he N...._t Har-Virginia Castle, VlctM ~ tbatcountry'atflun$20to$1000 for $1.60. More of the members Bon Voyage Luncheon DD.F Elects . ficers, St.James legates .• , m e ~IMcue'l'll...i.yatberWeston-Jay,WUlardKlllion,E.11: bro<liht lromi · ud valued In oo .a complete ... t of them IOld Of De · I\ :· • fro. th bf!r1ranc11 or the Orange County Arthur Best, St&nley a.om-. X. ...... displayed at the meetinc or Ott be<omlng Interested In pre-At E. I. Moore Home Honors Recent ·Bride Attend Diocesan Yacht ·Club ~·<109 0nyx .avenue. Assiat1n1tl m 1"'"Y· Don McCallum. -- the HllrOOr Stamp club, held cancels and quite a few of these K " Co r . L A ' ~· • "!'"--lielped ~ at the Hodgkimon, J. Addison Gurley, R. Thursday at·.t,be Mesa Radio shop, W<;J"e sold at auction. Precancels Honors Mrs. a1ser New offlcen were elected by the n erenc'e at . . . . . . . lft~Y appilnted luncheon 'table, K. Walker, George Yardley, Dbae • ~ Mesa. ~ were brought from Coota Mesa are very .scarce • , they ltnet' One ~..:...i , wu accepted lace covered-and centered with Smith and l'llrter n.a.., I " ~er by one ,of the guests, ~ and club members gave Mrs. Carol lJttle pottery boats floating a ~e ~ ::~~ Patteno~ Bud Franklin and Dixie Smith. :. ~achtdt:S hre:eeSa~ Ba.I· dtme11a1 from the garden' ot the LieuL L. ~. iWU•Y of Balboa U. Ewen a :vote of thanks for en-dainty burden of n&rdMus b!Olo-N~ Island. and PHSlclent for deleptes ot the Young People's . H . ~ iron G Beall. ~ _,_ ......, Mra. Dixon Smith Mrs. R6etnor Re•'n '""S land. who donated some 'Of these velo.pes bea!".rigjthem. soms marked each place at the the Coming year iJ: Mn. Jo.ephine Fellow:shiP of St. James Episco-~ e Jf Balboa.· Island and ~ Mn. Georl\ Yardley. ""¥ ._. 1tamp1 to the auction. V1ce-Pres1den Vernon Orr was 1 oon voyage luncheon this atter-j OquiaL Mn. Harry Baker is the po.I chJU<h· and the Vicar, Rev. OWl1"f i:;nu '311-toot cruiser"Tai-:Mn. Walton Hubbard jr. pre-To Newport Beach . Because of; infiation in Cbina in charge of the ~ting ~ Mn: noon when Mrs. E. I. Mbore~ 1221 retiring president. Ardys Dean.. attended the an--lei. I ~ a~ the afternoon lel&i.on and Friends ~0f Mrs. George Roe, tnor , Ewen acted as secretary m the West ·. Central avenue, honored Other officers are rice-i;resi-nu.al con~ntion of tbe H~ o Angus Ri 'of Richard-to aic:'l m the drive for .funds· for will be'glad to learn th.at I.be and ' Whitt House _ptfe -":~ ~182 . UCtWt lle&ch, CaBf. ab9ence of Mrs!. Edgar Hill. One Mrs,. Heinz Kaiser. who is leaving dent, Mrs. Roger BarTI'..w; secre-Yount. Oturchmen of ~ ~d · son•s Yacht chorage was reap-tJ;te Presbyterian hosp!tal .V.:h.ich her son Michael have returned to \ new enthusiast; William Reed. 616 ._ e~ly in Febrelru~ for .an e:E>rtglendedd tary-treasurer. Mrs. Lewis Cock, Sape.lturdaDiocesey at C:,· ~~~~ P,>inted captain. He also wlthetb ltbeagucbe is ... ~nsof ring JOmtly Newport BeaCh and are now iivln& ~ Valley Drive, Laguna Beach, wbo1 visit with auves •n n .an • and publicity ch&irman. Mn. Ray • · ' served as, t captain, but this e. am~-0 commeree, it 'at 910 Park avmue. ·BaJi.o. . . . . and guests found that the sail of Cr · Mrs C.ock will also t Los Angeles. • pgsitlon~not yet been fille<l was deoded to make a house-t~ Island. came as a ~t .. dectded to JOln ~ boat was a place card Showing th:1~nding. ot flowers and ':t.! Representatltives of all ~ this year. : endell Calkins was house canv~ for smaller indi-Last spring Mr. and Mn. Roei-. the local philatelis~ and became ~here they were to be seated.. of cheer. .. -pal churche: ~th~~ were named urer. vidual . donations. . rn>r sc;>ld their home 00 Nrirprt . a new ·member. · One large table centered with Mn. Craig, tht former Mn. were pres.en · ce · · _ Olairmen of comJ'l\itttts who -~· E. E. Boudinot, head of the Heights and mo~ to . Ncrtb J'l{ext meeting of the chili .will ·be narcissus se•ted the rwmny play-Al Rath ho8e eddi elected for the com.m.g year. Bi were appOinted· were: entertain-Thrift .. Shop cornmitttt:' 'reminded Hollywood. Mr. Roetnor, wbp WM ·-,jl-~· ers and theft! were five tables for a ~nt even' tw ~· .::. ..... tnedg Wl"'.asth shop Stevens opened. theandsessithon ment, Dean Bradford of Comna members that the Thrift s•·-p had own-'-• the ~----• n--t ~ at the Radio Shop on Tb .... ~. '--'d all I .d 'th hite li en ' .... _ ...... ~.. with Holy Cornmumon e .,,~ '""' ..... vt ....._...IUCJ. ~ ..........--;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, ...._, ge, · 8.l WJ w n a rose wool blanket. gift from the . . ak Dr c. Mil· del Mar; library, Doug Rolph of open_ed ·tast week after the winter pa.ny which was tateT sold to Mc--I and set with delicate liaviland club members ~nncipal spe i:r w~ · . Balboa Island and Huntington lloli~ and that there was 8 Q-eady and Calkina, died auddenl7 china. The .gu~st of honor ;{_35 BMdge was. played, with Mrs. ~~~~e ~0~'k!:;5ti!'teth°! Park; trophy, Rear Commodore need -of new ~othing and other in June. Mrs. Roetnor has now presented Wlth a corsage of ue Sheldon Smith taking the honors .. · d th · · • Richard Fenton of Balboa Island articles 1of ho'usehold use. The fully recovered f:rOm. a Jong (J IM" iris and was showered with hand-and at midnight the hostess served atonuc aat;.f anli · e pnmaryth im and San Marino;. publicity, V.elma shop is .open from 2 to 4:30 p.m. which kept her in tied tor six s 515No MATERNITY presses • kSuits • Suits • Robes • Jumpers Bed Jackets k h . f r th 1 als , portance o re gion at e pres-!boa ~ . be~c .1e s, ~me 0 a edgQest 5 ~ retteshments. · The next meeting ent time · Barber. Ba : '-'"''airman· of the ~ach da:Yi except Monda~. when it and1 a half months, and both ate ringing no e paper . n pos car will be February 8 at the home Lu ch . ed t Cathe-power boat diVision regatta com-IS closed while work.ers sort stock. a'nd1 ·~tichael, who is a . jUnior in to be used on the JOUmey. · · n eon was ser:v a . 'tt · W H Balboa . . of Mrs. Craig. draJ House and officers were 1n-mt ee ts 8YJ:le arper. · At the board meeting held high school. wanted to -return here Guest~ betnclud~ Mrs. K;usLoser, • Present were the' Mesdames stalled a t the afternoon session. Island. earlier in the day at the' home of where they both have many Mrs. Ehza th iesmann ° j Josephine Oquist, Roger · Barrow, Dinner was followed by a -dance vntlle some of the Rhodes and the chairman. Mrs. Hubbard, Mr.j friends. Angeles who is a house guest at Lewis Cock Ray Craig Sheldon 1 h d le t PC"s·were out Sunday they did not Fer.,..,u:nn o( Columbi'a Artts' ts had ============= th l\'I h e for the coming · · -Qr t e young e ga es. h d bee I ed b t th .,.,_,_.., I e oore om Smith. Ed Edick. Roy Page, Elmer race as a n--p ann · u e pFesented the propoi.ition of a Do. nna -Mar1·e Shoppe \Veek end ; .l-1rs. Carol. Rosemead ; I Patterson and Walter Nollar. k • Cl b PIC's held three Ntces in the bay series of concerts to be held next Featured By Mrs. A. Holl, Gl endale: Mrs. c. F. Homema er s .u with Fred Schenck tak;n~ ~Fe<' . t d hil , .._ \vatts, Los Angeles: Mrs. Harry L 'd J I G " Y B d f' nf l Velm Ba be '"n er an w e not, sponsoring Main St. Santa Ana Arcade nldg. I 0 s e uests Studies east rea <rsts, acco mg ~ a . r. them, the league was it\ favor of Welsh. Corona del Mar; Mrs. S. publicity director; -f!urt Russell ;~~~~E~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I A. Meyer . Mrs. Bertha Tillotson.I Recent Celebrants took second place and Justin ~fit-' the plan. ' I l\1iss Fra ncies Damoth. Mrs. P. V. Mrs. H . H. Lle nau and Mrs. tier was tflird. This was the first Members present included the A II ParkC'S and Mrs . Charles Hand, Guests for a few days at the ;,i~~ ~~lh~~~~m:::.:ers-h~~~~ race of tHP infonTi al \vinter series Mesdames _Walton Hubbard jr. Ev. ' Costa Mesa. ! home ~f Dr. and Mrs. Stanley Costa Mesa met Wednesday mor'n-and was the fi rst ·race.for Schenck ~:::::::::::::::::::::;::.-::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::; ! Also pres. ent \Vere the Mesdames Chambers. Lido• Isle, .~ '!rs. in three Wars. for •he received his , "''-Jl'. ing at the home or Mrs. William d ' h f th ' Dec ~· 0 RAIT Ethei Hit.mer, HQ\vard . Seager. Chambers' ·pa-nt·., Mr. and •trs. ,._ _ tsc arge rom e navy on . a P RT • "-"' ... Hirtler. 4)5 West Nintr:enth street. "'°'\> I I Fred Catlin. Margaret Niemeyer, w esley L. Nut ten sr .. '-''ho cele-• Project leaClers were Mrs. Frank 23· ,.."'\ , 0 . M. Campbell , Ralph Maskey, bra ted their f_iftieth wedding an-Parsons and Mrs. W .. B. Johnson The PC5s and Rhodes tnay raCe '(ln, I Henry 'EggC'rt, Wheatcroft. ~ n•·versary on Chn'stmas Day. the third and fourth Sundays in S04 Marine Avenue Balboa Island ._ Phone 182'7 from oberts Studio • and after studying the making or b h f I ·11 Wallace, Eugene F enelon, Lester A -pti'on 1.0 thei·r honor was b d January ut t e ormer c ass W1 '"' yeast-raised wheat germ rea · F b 15 bo t 'Isbell. J . A. Gant. Sam Kinsfather , held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. and fruit rolls, members sampled not race m e ruary as as C. B. Rudd. Ida Naylor, H . F . Nutten i'r .. North ~--ent Drive. h are planning to enter the midwin-vi=>L the toothSome dainties at, lune -h Los A I Woldenberg, and T. P . Reeder. Beverly Hills. with Dr. and Mrs. ter regatta at 't e nge es MOA Entertained At Lightner H ome • Chambers as assl·su·ng hosts.'Over eon. . · Yacht club {eb. 22;-~""23 and '24 . . Present at ·the session were -11 c . · h a hundred guests attended. mafly the MesdamE>s Cooper, Earl Trus-They wt no on~ race·in t e _re- of th·m· from Newport Beach.· H . gat ta but will race up and back " heim. Alec Olson . Hen ry am. s. f 'th J k Hillm ~~tual Mrs. Nutt·n· r...,..,.ived· many S Id or e ac an ,...., .... ~ "' ..--...-.--George Teaney. E. A. pau 1ng. t h • Open Saturllays UoW Mru< 1st Closed oh Monday USE BEAU TY WHERE HAIR STYLING IS AN .ART Our aim is to enhance Milady's ljeauty and provide · the ultimate in beauty care , ' ' ' IS sure to please Mrs. Kirk Lightner entertained the Meet-One-Another club at her home on Rochester street last week. Special guests were Mrs. lrei:ie Northern. mother of the hostess. and Mrs. Lettie l)udeck, daughter of J\ilrs. Hulda ~ung. compliments. for she wore her Donald Pridham . Alma Rehme, rop Y_· --------HEAD ro TOE BEAUTY SERVICE -- " wedding gown of heavy white Anna Daschner, Fred Finch. \V. L . Ca i.Ile triinfn('d with seed pearls. Warne. J ack Hirtler and the host- and it still fitted perfectly, with esses and project teaders. no alterations ne<"essary. Hom~ for the \\'inter holiday and in time to attend the reception was a grandson, Van Chambers, now a t- tending Dartmouth university. .. Others present included the l\1esdames Ralph Viele. Hulda Young, Frank Viele, HenrY Davis, Espey Williams, Macintosh, Walter Marchbank and Ir:a Harts- horn. Mrs. 1\1archbank will be ( ~ext host~s for the club. ------ . Newport .Beach PTA Honors Cub Scouts All Cub Scouts of Packs 110 and 105 \\'ill take part in a program 1 Jan. 24 at 7:30 p.m .. according to to be presented l\1onday afternoon ~1rs. Bette Lee, publicity chair-at 2 :30 o'clock for the m"eeting of I man. the Ne\\'port Beach Grammar Junior. CJub . scttool Parent· Teacher Association. The next m~t1ng of the Junior! It will be Cub Scout recognition I Stamp club \\-'Ill be held Satur~ay day on the part· of the P .-T. A., Jan. 26 at. 12:30 p.rn . The Ju~1ors 1 which sponsors the Packs, and 1 have been asked to study United Cubs will lead in .the flag salute States st?-mps frof? 1922 !O 1~6, and give their oath. . as _a series of qwzzes Wlth his-Bob Culbertson. scout executiye, tor1cal backgroun~ .. have . been will show a newly released Cub made out, and prizes Yi'1ll be Scout inotion ~icture and each aYi·arded for the best answers. P ack will give 3. skit. After the program Cubs wiJl be served cook· Balboa Theatre ies by the Den Mothers. ' Garden Sec., A & C, Plan Spring Gardens At Luncheon Meet Beginning to think of spring planting of gardens. members of the Garden section and Arts and Crafts section of the Friday 'Af- ternoon club held a round table discus.'-ion at their joint meeting. held a t the club house Tuesday with 25 present. Subject of their di~cussion was what to plant, and when. A pot luck luncheon was served at noon with ~1rs. White, Mrs. S paulding and Mrs. Grace Wilcox as hostesses. It was planned to have a speaker for the meeting next month, Mesa Club Meets-at Huntington Beach Relatives Guests at Newport Hts. H ome . ' Guests at the home of Mrs. Wil- liam Trusty. 330 Santa Ana Ave .• Newport Heights, thiS week were her brother. Sgt. Arlie D. Kerr, who has• transferred from Topeka Field to ·Hamilton Field, near San FrancisOO, and her brother-in-law, Raymond BurroYi"S, 1A1ho came west Yiith Sgt: Kerr after his discharg~. both arri~lng F"riday. Sgt. Khrr was formerly. sta- tioned at f he Santa Ana Army Air Base and: at Santa Monica. H~ l.e ft W.ednesday f6r San Fran- cisco, while.Mr. Burrows left Mon- day for his home in Glendale . .' Mrs. Trusty also received wbrd this week that the schooner Evion had left Monday and was on her way home · after spenj1ing some time in Mexican waters. Mr. Trusty is' a member of the party on board the Evin. which is own- ed by M . C. Mullins of Balboa Island. " " -· -1111.1 Vlet.c.-y .._. - Early' ·Spring A:r~ Now Arriving :Sport Lines for Street or Dress Orkin's . Department Store COSTA MESA ' , 'Now showlnK thru Saturday Dick Uayme........ieanne Crain "STATE FAIR'' In Technicolor! Newport Hts. Circle Plans Benefit Lunch Pla ns for a benefit luncheon to be held at C.hrist Church by the Sea at 12:30 p.m. Thursday, J an. 24, were made by members of Newport H eights circle. This 1.s the regulai-meeting day of the circle, and it will be an all-day session. The luncheon Will fea- ture creamed chicken on bis'cuits, salad a nd other good thing$, and reservations may be made by call- ing Mrs. William Trusty, 1306, or Mrs. Leon F erguson. 1083-W. They should be in not la ter than Tues- day. Mrs. W . J . Bristol of Hunt· ington Beach entertained members of' the Tuesday Bridge club at her home last week. and next hostess will be Mrs. J . F . Webster. Mem- bers of the club are lhe Mesdames Arden Long, Homer Mellott, J. F . Webster, Ray .\Val]ace. M. J. Hos- tetler, Sam Crawford, \V. J . Bris- tol and Jack Colvin. Mrs. Colvin was high and. Mrs. Crawfor_d was consoled. Bridge Luncheon at Balboda Isl. Residence Mrs. R. Ring entertained !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ with a b dg~uncheon at her home. 306 Grand Canal recently, using yell w . lilies, sma11 orang~ flowers an blue cornflowers in an ~istic gement for decora• No appointment 11eeded 5 x 7 Vignette Portrait Proofs shown ore to Inquire About Copying Oki Portraits oberts Portraits 407 · N . MAIN N&XT TO WARDS S . dio H11urs from. 11 A. M_. to 8 P. M. Daily! PH NE 0994 ...... SANTA ANA Sun. Thru Tues. Betty Hutton ln, "1,XCENDIARV BLOND E'' In TechnJcolor! Expert 1 Shoe Repai~ing While You Wait ••• Ray Pagan 515 ,East Bay Front Next Door to PkJm Cate 9 a. m . to 6 p. m. < l lll ll ul1ll1 lllUFl l!IUI UI • Hllll•lll >!l ltlllllll ll lll Ullll jllulall lhl ••.• ; '1.1 1 .11 l>•l j "''"'' IHIJ!I UILll!ll11 1 llll Ul lll > •••• ''''"'''I• ... ., •• ,,, .. "' 1 11 11.1 1 .. L ' • ~ BALBOA'S E ·NDEZVOUS B ·ALLROOM . ANSE~L HI .LL and His~ Orchestra . . I Saturday, Jan. 19th • DANCING ming . Jan: ,26th-Fran~ Stann .. j . . ~ ~ . . From 9 Until 1 ~ • = • = • Mrs. Betty Francis and sons Robert and \Vayne are spe'nding the \veek in Puente with Mrs. Francis' parents, Mr. and Mrs. J . E. Van Wig. Lido Theatre Phone 211-1--Fl"ee .P.,idng Now showing thru Saturda)' Errol Flynn 4: Alexb Smith "SA....'1' ANTONIO" In Technicolor! Sun. thru TueA. Shirley Temple In .. KISS A.~D TELL" \\'ed. On.ly_.,,an. ts "WILSON" Starts Thun.--.Jan. %4 '"'HOUSE ON 9!nd ST." Frenchie's ' . ' Delicatessen -· Barbetue --Meade Bid&'· -§- Spare Ribs • Chicken Lamb • Prime Ribs ol Beef • Hotdogs. • Bari>ecued on the ·famous Stainless Steel Du -All Bar-B.q Machine . -§- C.-plelb 8tMll .. ~PO,:~ ......... C'!j!ll; ....... ! iilalll·AzbMttM • l I St. James Fellowship To Elect Officers Miss Dolores Ring was hostess Sunday evening ·at her home on Balboa Island -".to niembers ·of the Young PeQPle'.s F ellowship of St. James Episcopal church, with the Rev. Ard)•s Dean leading the meeting and a social hour follow- ing. Next Sunday the gt"Qtlp will elect officers and adopt a consti- tution. Expert ti on. Mrs. Be ty Henderson won both the bridg and travelling prize. Mrs. M Blodgett was a new member others preseqt were the Mesd es Lynn Kepper, Obed t,.ucas. T Henderson,. Spaulding Eastman, · Adrian Tiilotson and Sally Per n. Mrs. Ue. ie Dudeck fell Sunday morning i the yard of her home on Broad ay, Costa Mesa, and broke hei: foot. Shf has it in a cast and i is mending nicely. Beauticians for Milady • Permanents, Cold 1W ave, Hair Styling. H air T inting 1• , • Bleach: ing, Cold W ave. I:'. j RUTH • AJ'{)'{ • CARMEN . \ _. §- 0pN. S.l•tU.)', AU 0.,- ltftllllt&'. AV'llll"' for P--•ll: Pit. 1 1'7 Balboa Inn Bal-Inn Areade • . ' Telephone for . 1 FIVE-DAY . . . s on Cleaning · and ~ ' ' . Salon ~~ Front at the Pler dry .. ~RON1.,-~.!L~~~ .~~ Pick-Up end li.telh'ft'Y fbllllllli, MJmapr ·j YES .... They Are Coming Back We are receiving a limited supply of many articles which you. were .unable to buy during the war. As the supply Will be ,limited for Sofie time we suggest placiJig your reservation now; ·) "' --\, • r .. ' ' ' 1847 Rogers . Wm. Rogers . Silver · Plate Community Plate . Tudor Plate Silvec Service Sheaf (er & Parker }>ens and Pencils Ronson i Cigarette Lighte~ · ! . • Men's 8lld wom...:•e ,. WATCllm . 1 1 Elgin, . WalthiUin, IiuDiltmi Other -·•1"~ I< • • ~ma~ Electric lluon ~. ' " I '