HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-01-24 - Newport Balboa News TimesI •• Tll . SANO CRAB ..,. SAM • • I Palm Spr gs. Quite a t own. shall on say a glori- fied desert to' . where those with golde n pockets a nd • weary minds ke sun baths. promenade the one long busi- ness st.i,iee t an millionaires in soft shirts d sport coats look li!<e any !her human. Visited II'he rt Sun. own-. eel by Carl Bro aw. w ho said he has been ru ning a paper there for 22 ears. despite the fa d tha t ma ny papers ha \·e come and gone and the .. ~test. The Ba acle, tries to eliver funny tte r . while 1e St1 ~ carri~ the ne\vs of e eommuni y ·and still leods in circ a tion .. all of which indicat tha t ha bit is hard to ovc ome so Ieng as one delive the goods, as The Sun is doing. . • • -Accomm tlons. They said that you ould not get a place to y a r Palm Springs, We ived in the evening and ter four or five visits f d the usual high:priced ho I and a place to sleep. An d thing was that 'f1ie. rt Inn, ultra ultra o\ all h telries there, was as reason ble as places ..that tried to ake you be- lieve t!ley we first class hotels Instead ~f what they were. Ran in Jack Wool- ley and his c arming wife, fonnerlr; Flo nee Garfield, while Jack to be assist· ant cit)! engin r here. They like Pajm Sp · gs as well as do several th nd other folks fl'!lffi all er the world and state. ice place to loaf. ilu but do can bu butte , as much as 10 pou ds at a time, but the joker it. that 'tis made of goats ilk. if ou like that kind of 1 tter. e Mexicans are becoming ericaniZed, at least so far as prices are concerned and are charging more and mo for the stuff Californians nej!d from over the border. ~ot inte.rested in dragging thej product they call butter ho:11e and prefer to consume trip marmalade or the ma rine to the Mexican bran • • Sitt! Hits B1 Udlng. Strike of steel worke has slowed ttr lJttil ding in t ese parts. as the S<"nrcity o~ the things n!'<'<led in busi ess blocks is retarding the while new ronstruclion is almost at a standst ill . Ye the entire ha rbor district veals scores of place.. -:oing p wi t h many addition<. \Vh, would it be if materials labor \\·ere plC'ntiful~ • • l'olden Ann.i ·ersal'}·. J\:lr. and Mrs. Ed son. Laguna -Broch printers celebrate 50 • )'t'ars of wed ed ups and • downs this co ng Saturday. The Easons to run Ille Brea · Progrt:SS and for a • time worked th The Cral>- ber when he the San O emente pa Now they live in Lall)Jll Beach and hope to spet1 the rest of their happy µves in that favored spot y the sea. The llood bu absolute IOOd. .,hidt, like nre. turnl ~· thing to its natu:tt. so that JOU cannot do any harm. -- • • . , for 38 .years the medium in the newport harbor district . .; ·' • .,. .. 1 · News .NEWP-0-T.· • • ... ' "•... ---· ..... ..,,,.- -the -· . that ~-1.i-ome=· -=== ....... r ,· .. KF.Elf POSTED! 1 y_. ...... ... tll ()DH tr ss.11 on o1 ~-*' 111:to on.,..., , -~ ........ Neww~N-ji90't - • : '. EMBRACING ~A PENINSULA._ WEST NEWPORT. :;EA SHORE COLONY, L.100 ISLE. NE I -IGH~ BALBOA. IS ; CO~ONA. DEL MAR. COSTA MESA Inventor Starting laboratory Here for Experimental Work On Advanced Boat Designing Developer 9f New Method of Mass Production " of Planes by Geometric Designing Build- ing $25,000 Laboratory federal ,Savings & Loan Gains One-Third in~esources· in '45 I • •• ' ' . 1· ' • SUpervisors Consider Hiring En~neer to Map Upper Bay And Devel9p County Docks / ~ . ' Graduate Engineer, Former Navy Lieutenant, . Suggested by Harbor Com.; County Coun- sel and Engineer to Report on Jobs .. the rount y rounsei and engineer for job classification. They 'A'ill report back to the supervisors. within a "'eek or so. Irvin-George Gordon said yesterday. l • / . ' • . f ' • • • ' \ • .. ~ ' • . , • ' NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS·-TIMES • I No:wrocr •••llO •• ' . ---.el RISE HON. JOH!" PHILLIP• for a talk on the work of the Mar-N •E W S TO REMARK PllONQ: NEWPORT 1% -u How do the people of your home k•tlng Commit~ "' the eonc..... . I of the . . state ttad the ,,....papen? If What I said 'may b&Ve in It .... ·?• Twda7 ~ nur.1a,. u--..... -~~--v.a-~ they a1a.noe tuptlly •t pqe one. IOIDethinc dr the kernel °' u.e C B u·n ',.~ B E c... llhllla ~-....., .... :I Ettt7 Wedlle1 •• 7 v.-.. ~ ari"d. then tum to the funnlel and solution of our post-war agricul-A \j 8ubocrlptJ Payable in Advance:-42.so per yar In ()rap ~ly; burl thett"o the._.. l<dlon. tural problems. We att alreacly l'----------'-+--' $2. per year tp 4th zone; $3.00 per yar to 8th ...ie they'"' probloblJ' from California. talking · about thoee problems. . ----'-.+----·~ --If they lance at the first 'Ibere aHnJ to be only two eolu-OUR LADY OF MT. CARMEL Entered as Second~ matler at tbe Poltottlce in Newport D s=b. and ~ tum i.to the fin= tiom d.ilo.med. generally speak-1423 'Weet c.ntraJ Aven~ Callforrua, W>der Uf Act of ~ 3.. ~ page, they're from New York. If ~I· 1be first solution comprilel Sunday 11•1111 : 8 and 10 a.m. s . A. • PUblGher they're from Brooklyn they read restrictive measures.. We had (ll"O-o:.it~am : Saturd&J11 ff'C'Cl SAM D. General Manqer Clllly the bUeball ...,;.,.! But ii rate Jawo, and marketing ~ 4:00 to ~:SO and from 7:30 to L. B. • F.dftor they start on page one, and rea~ menta, and we killed little pigs, S:SO p.m. W. F . DIX N • • • . • • AdYertislns Manaser It. and then read page two and and plowed under third rows, and 1 Prt6~: t, 3011 W. Central Avenue, Newport Beach. California then page three. right throui-h to we took1oUr oranges out and pour· ST. JOHN VIANNEV CHURCH Oifi iaJ Paper of tJ,e City of NewPort Beada the c;lasallleds. Including tbe birth ed oU on them, and all the while aalboo loland · Dev••f·He Local Z..UtuUoo for .Oftr 11 y..,.. and death notices, folding the there were people who could have Sunday Kw: a :so LID. 1 pages carefully as each one ts used that food. Aa one who hand· Conteatoaai: Saturday. frora Active MembW of turned. why then they're. from led many of these laws, or their 1:30 to· a:ao p.m.. • Pennsylvania, and probably from amendmentJ:, l can only re~at "" Philadelphia. How about your what I said then, admitting the FULL GOaPEL CHURCH home state! emergency, such laws are ad.Jl\is.. 12ntf ,8 ftt1 E.kleft Colta ..... Mrs. Ph.illii-and 1 took 8 five aions of our . own inability to Sunday _.hoot. 't:&l5; mo,n1Dc cllcys' "recesa" !rout the work of handle the problem. wonblp, 11 ; -.-~ the Congressjonal office, and drove The other 10lution ~PriRS 7:!0 p. in.; )(Jd..well prayer meet· over to Atlantic Oty. We had a thoee plans (about which I do tq. on WedMeall7, 1':'6 p. m...; Amerl~ at. the Crossroads few c1ays· rest. and • delightful want to ·~ you; you'll hardly be-,........ _. ••• ~ -time We had not been t.bett for Ueve them .) under which prices on nid&7 7:46 p. m. What th fuk ·-h Ids · sto f Ame · will 1argel · • · shall be determined ahead of time ' e """c o ·m re or . n ca Y ~·than 20 years. Beton! that ("forward pricing'' the alide-rule ------- be detem)lned by America itself. we d go down far a few cllcys every boys call It) and if the --'uoon NILWl'ORT HAR•OR • year uaually around Easter On .-~ LUTHERAN CWURCH It g without saying that t he people of the nation want th ~ay back 1 atopped ov~r in. don't iret those prices. then the that to be happy and prosperous. Btit from most out-~d~phla t:i go to the annual treasury gives them ~hecks for the ward cations they are •~nng bard NOT to niake it so. dinner of my college !raternlly, dlffdo. °"'~w-'!ou don tplbellft:V• me, -. LiJU• r th tin time i 1911 you . ~ a cou e o YoUnl Labor d f!lanagement ·engage in bi~r ~putes w~ ~at'• ~ Jongt time. s!v:': or th~ ~nomists got $5000 and $2500 strikes tring economic recovery. Meanwhile the public nine mem-from m y class were respectlyely in prizes for such tands b hard! liftin · · test ~-•-• · "thout th littl th Ideas, and thla ... rm to be the B ' . y g a voice m pro ' "'~' UUJ.uY WI ere; a e more snow on aolution favored by the ·adminis-exe~ its tremendCMJS influence which would speedily thatches, but not u much change tration. force a~ement in the industrial warfare. u 1 1 ~~rt that Independence What I suggested waa, ~fore What America really needs tcxiay is a dose of the spirit Hall an d the Liberty Bell are still we go off the d eep end on 1deu th · Phil d !phi and ul like tllese, we try one good, old-which · the nation out of the depths of disaster four ""'· m a e a. q te f hi ed Id It •-t"--th · . . . . •. . safe. This was reassuring, after 811 on ea. UJ, pu ~'6 . e years age) and earned 1t t o victory. Tha t spint, it will be re-. three years in W ashington. watch-s~e amount of work, research, memben:ti. was one of cooperation between all elements of ing the maneuvers of the 1llde--rule field and la boratory study in our Grauel Chaplll, eo.t. M- Rw. Herbert Roth, Putor Senlceo: llui>day, 10:30 Lm. BT. JAii£& EPISCOPAL CHURCH 115 WMt C-tral, BalbM (EbOll Clu-) Rev. Ardye T. Dean, Vk:ar I :SO L m., Holy OMnmuloo.. 9 :45 a.m., Sunday Sc:hooL' 11 :00 L m., K oruln&' Pra.,-e, and Sermon. (Flrat Bunda:r.: Holy Comm uni Oil.) : l~al !if . . ff . used boys and girls 1 can also report departments, colle&es and farm our natian e. It msptred great e ort, It ca us to cast · drt J ___ organizations including congres-OORONA DEL MAB . ! . . tha t until you have ven aCIVY . ' . aside OUIJ soft ways of 11vmg and get down to hru:d work. the rountry, or up and down the !Uonal ~mmittees, on dhtribution: COMMUNITY CHUBCR. Soml persons might say, "Tha t's all very g ood, but DOW' East coast, you don't appreciat e that. weve put, ove~.the last gen· CONGREGATIONAL the war as been won and \\·e're entitled to a rest." It seems the road signs of Ca.litornJa, nor er ation , on produc tion. Perry Fr'edulck Scbrock, Mllaltt.er . . . . how gqod a 'Di\rision of Hlghways 111 H eliotrope. Oor olia del !Mar t o .us th , t the pnnc1pal thmg the country has beffi domg we have In the State Department Guest Pastor Speaks Sunday, January TT, 1946" • since V-Day is rest. Now it's tin\e to get back on the job. of Public Works. I suppose they As Rev. Ida Sands Church school meets in two ses- Yes the var has been won. but we've got to win the peace, f;gurc back here that direction Ill at Home sions. All above pri mary depart-, · ' h call h d f f h 'ch signs m ight be confusing! As for eilt at 9:30 a .m. Prim ary and too .. An .t a t . S for t .e same energy an e Ort W I signs '-"'hich tell you/how far you _ ginner departmen ts meet flt 11 brought tlitary victory.. are trom your destination ; they'r e Rev. Ida Sande, pastor of the a .m . Toda America st ands at the. crossroads. The signposts practically non-existent. 1 Asse mbly of God church oJ\ West 11 a .m.-Morning worship, Ser· · · d ·a1 ·r d bl. \Vednl'Sday the 9th, I "'ent back j Ocean F ront bet~veen 22nd and mon by Mr. Schrock: "Som'tthing ~-plain One road-the roa~ of in ustn . stn e an pu JC to Philadelphia, this time to at-23rd streets, is ill at her . home in Good Could l-lappcn." I mdiifere~ce-Jeads to depression. The other road--the path tend the annua l mectint of the Costa Mesa and her· place will be 7 p.m.-Youth meeting.1 of coopefation a nd ha rd \\•O rk-\\i ll bring us to prosperity . National League of Fresh F r uit I taken Sunday by Rev. Rhodes of Whi h "a Am · ? and Vegetable Distributors. It was P asadenla . The guest pastor will CHR IST CHURCH BY THE SEA c \\ y, enca · a wor king convention , with wor th-/ speak at both morning_ and eve. Commun tty Methodist 1 while ideas. I was on t he program. ning ser\ices. 1420 West ~ntral Avenlft! Th-e First Test Ro v. E. o. Gooc1e11, P•st•r The principal purpose for which the United Nations or- ganization was fou nded \Vas "t o ma intain international peace and secuhty." So declares its charter. As a /rieans of achieving this aim t he charter provides that the UN C1 is "to take effective collective measures for the pre- vention d removal of threats to the peace, and for the sup- pression f acts of aggressioR or other breaches of the peace, and to b ·ng about by peaceful means, and in conformity with thi> prin iples of juStice and international law. adjustment or sehleme t of international disputes or situations which mig ht lead to breach of the peace." j Just bout seven months ago 50 na tions subscribed to this purpose d prcx.'edure. Now. in London the ~viet-Iran dis- pute co · ronts them with the first test not onfy of their a bil- ity. but rheir will ingness to back up their lofty words with 8~100. Of tj,urse. the "action" of the UNO is limited .in this case t ~Ions a nd recommendations for a peaceful settlement o the !fOblem. But the efforts tha t were made to prevent ~ disp\Jte from coming before .the assembly indicate a great tan.jy even to discuss it. · Issti which are not faced sq uarely in the UNO assembly y y have to be faced on the battlefi eld some other day. du . which t he delegates in Lorld on must fulfill , there- f , Is yery Qbvious .. -· NATIONALLY ADVERTISED WHICH ARB Sold With Thia UnU.naf Guarantee It'• ' .RING.I 315 llORTH .MAllfST. PHONE 42~ VT•Oall.ID ltllPIAltl i DIA.LI& • r------------------,,------.. Church School, 9:60 a. m. CROSSWORD Pll%%1£ Momlng Worebtp, 11 a...m Youth Fe.ilowabip, 6 p. m. I Evening Woratltp, 7 p. m. Mid-week prayer eervlce, W ed- ACllOSll I Stylish 5 Nobleman D Carriage 10 More infre- quent. 12 Coin <lnd.) IS Eat aw ay 14 Goddess ot harvests 15 Guided 17 Dry. a s wine 18 P ronoun ID Overwhelm· tng fright 21 Inlet by sea I Eng.) 22 Music note 23 Gets away (lla.ng) 25 Boxes scleI\: tift~all)' 28 Concise 29 Fur·beartng marsupial .. .,.,...,._ measure 32 A t home 33 Pry MLike 37 Cut oft' • 3SI Beard of rye 40 Open Cpoet.> 4.1 Splendor ·43 Tree ~Beach 46 Mandate 47 Fills with solemn wonder '8 Carry DOWN 1 Kind of car I Be1alls I Diamond <.W..l DIL CO\\'EN """" -- 4 P incerlike claw 5 Foretell 6 Organ ot hearing 1 God ol love 8 Gets back 9 Bird 11 To case agai.n 16 Hall ems 19 Fragments 20 Crawl 22 Distant 24 FortilJ' 2.5 Gries broad17 -GWyQoaW iald'••ta (;qeiQ 656i51 ~:m HFOX \Vorld-\\'We ,. .... • p. .... Dally l•l•U•• I• Hin hi••· No. !I 26 Coarse Mex. ican sugar 1:1 Lea:islative bodies 30 At lhe present time 34 Be1innln1 35 Swiftl.1' 36 Denornina· Uon 38 Fann lmple· ment 40 Lesve out <l2 Part o1 "to be" \ 44 Shrub CJ ap.) Answer .. P•11I• H•••tr ti neaday; .covered diah dinner!· 6 :30 p.m. . ' . BALBOA ISLAND CHAPf.L. 218 Agate Avenue R#v. Harry W. WtWte, AMOCl•t• Pastor Cburc.h School, 9 :30 a . m . j Morning Wonhlp, 11 L m. SEVENTH DAY ADVE~TISTS Corner Walnut and Church Sta. Costa Meu Sabbath sch ool, Sat urday. m orn- ing, 9:30 o'clock. j Preaching aer vice, 11 a. ml . ' C_H_U_R_C_H_O_F_C_H_R-18-TI Church and Wa lnut ·street. L.. Duane Canby, Mlnl•tor. Servicea: Sunday, JO a. m.,, Bible Study ; 11 a. m., M'ornillg worsb.Jp. • . I FIRST FOURSQUARE CHURCH OF COSTA MESA I Rev. and Mra. -G. Wiiiard S~e•rn~ Pasto,.. \ Phone 2611 I Sunday Sehool '8 :30 a.m. f Morning worship service 0: .. 5. Cruaadei service 6 :00 p.m. Be re an service 6 :30 p.m. Evenlnc evangellatJC ~ce at 7 :30 p.m. Wednellday evening prayer serv· K Ice at 7 :30 p.m. C08TA MESA COMMUNITY CHURCH Ca rl 8 . :Johnson, Mfn lster 124 E.. 20th •t. Ph. 2475"-R Olurch ec.hool, 9:45 a.. m. Morning Worahlp, ll o'clock. Youth groupa, H igh achool, I n· -----MATERIAL----- DE NT AL PLAT'ES EXTRA COMFORT . . . W1D not warp or shrink . . . beJps.,elimJnate clicking, wobbllng, lrrltatloll. The combmatlon of Transparent Material and Ne~· Hue Translucent Trubyte Teeth is acclaimed the closest resemblance to Nahire'a Own Teeth· ~ Gwm.. It ls light weight. which gives Extra Com· tort . . . yetr it is ·durable e nough to serve the hardest bires. Recommended for peno119 la pa.blle llf&. • , • &rn.p ,_ enolll at Dr. c ........ s . Ider tr ... . Mt '? !!"•all· p0... x.u,. .... -· ... _! ...... I• rl'al -. o f - • • • . -• ' ,· • .. termedlate. Adult. & :SO p. m. Ewllln&' oe • ."7 :SO o'Cloolr, , follow anoU-cm: II - -Mid-w fellowsib:ip and P"")'V, Wedneed_, T:30 p[ m. · corona del Mar ' News tenctb ror Mdl 10 mlieo ,. 14 nL An the National SafetJ OU sd ' ll ._ m.. yer and Sennori. (By -L. Benedict) Mr .. anc! Mn. Carl J ones, Po- mona. moved into their new hoUle at 310 Orchid a\-enue Monday. Mr J.,,_, """ of ~ J . Dutter. 308 Ocean boulevard, will ha.ve the at me-at market in the new SU.pe!' market being erected at the corner Thurad&y at 'of Coast bjghway and Marigold ' a venue, which ~-be open March L Mr. Jones wali cllief petty Of- FIRIT M THODlaT CHURCH. ttCer in the navy 8.nd has recently ~lved his discharge.. He saw action on an aircraft carrier in the Pacific. Mn. E. B. Olson, wife of Major ace&. · · Olson, 213 Dahlia a venue, hu re- 11 :00 llomlnc Wonbip: ~ived wU<d that he embarked K-~· • • Thank.I Thee.'! from Seattle for either Tokyo or 11:00 Nunery for· all . chll-Yokohama H t>.Was for four yean dren .mo.. stationed at the Santa Ana Air 1:00 p. Methodist Youth Fel· bue as enlisted men's personne ~-Y C Adult Fellowohlp. offioer. I 7 :00 p EVeolD&' Wonblp:- Ke-,p: m e Ye U ve." Flfll&T C URCH OF CHRIST, CIENTl&T Lido Tit tu, Central A.v.nue nd Via Lido 'A bra.n<l>j ot The Kother Cb\m:h. The ll'lnt urcb of Cbrlot, Sci· enu.t. la ~ "•-cb-tta. 'Ibe driver's visiotl wu obscured in one out of every five fatal ac!9- dent. In 1944, according to the Na- tional Safety Council APP<OXI· mately 40 per cent ot these visual obstructions w ere caused by anoW • alfft or rain. · I At 30 mlles an hour, far 7•1 0 b the sale "foll<>Wint(' --...... be three CU'-lenCtbL . S ix per cent ot. all mf4 ... -m!. volved in fatal tramc ro lrWta ~ 1944 were. yowipten -ll yean of age, tbe National ~ Coundl i-eparts.. t . . ROOFS ·i Al'P1DD oa _,._., Free-llltlmateo., ~ w. '· ..... ' 36C:Q Marcuo 1'tl. Nwpt., JOl:N . I . O.LCULL'{ Ow_ TUC I • • . -Al~• I I • Spec:ializinaJ cin 1ra:J1n1 nz Your patroaap ..-w .. ·m 8P•1•m• • n•s IOI W. - _.._ Sunday School at 9 :30 L m. Sun- day Service' at 11 L m . Wedne9day Testh:nonlal Meeting at 12 o'clock· Doon. Reading Room located at 711 Eut Central A~mue, Balboa., LI open daily trom 1 p. m. to 5 p. m. except Sunday. u d bolldaya na- µonally ot.erved. MODERI MARllE SERVICE The public t. cordially invited to at tend the church .ervtce. and UR the Reading Room: Christian Science Lesson To.pic"Truth' "'The Lord Is good; b1s meroy Is everlaa.tlng; and bis truth endureth to all generlitlons." Thia -verse from the Psalms will be the Golden Tut In the Supday I ... esson-Sermon on "T ruth" In s ll bran·ches of The Mother Church. The J.'lrst Church ot Christ. Scientist. In Dosti>n. A Scriptural 1iassage from John r elates: ''Thei n said J eeut1 unto ·them, }\'hen ye have lifted up the Son of mac, then shall ye lo)ow that I am be, acd that J do nothing ot myself; but 1.11 my Father bath taught me, t epcak these tli'l.ngs. And he that eent me Is ""I.th me: tbe Father hath cot left me alone: for [ do always those t hings th&t pl ease him .... Then 'Said J esl!s to those Jews which bellevf'd lln hlm, lt 7e conl lcue In my "·ord. then a.re 7e my dl!!l clples Indeed: And 1e aball know the t ruth. and the truth ab.all make you tree." • In "Science and l:ealtb with Ke1 to the Scriptures .. 1.:ary Baker .. EddJ. aaya, "_Ch rist. Truth, "·as demon· •lrated through J eeu11 to prove the power of Spirit O\'er the nesh.-to 11bo~ yiat Truth 18 made manifest by Its effects upon the human mind and bod)·, h eal ing sickness and d& 11troylng sin." Judge Corrects Impression Given On 'Firearms' Use Judge D . J . Dodge wis"hes to cortect the m eaning of an article in Tuesday's Ne~·s·Ti,mes headed "Judge Urges Use or Firearms in County Be Outlawed." The judge .. appearing beforr the board of supervisors in a r~nt meeting, s uggested to the board that they 'should out law use ot fireanns in buil(-up areas such u Costa Mesa a nd areas that would ·sHELL DOCK BALBOA ISLAND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY · AOOOUNTANT I. S. WllY'fE INOOXS 'l'A:S. (l0N8t11.TA.NT Authorised b7 Use OD!ted St&tel ziir-.. IU7 De11utment 1.0 •repNll@nt clleht1 lD COOOO("\IO.O wtih IDcome tu maiten. .&UDIT8 • 1Yft'Dl8 BOO~ISO 9DVJCS -ottlM lMG 8-.,_ 81•._, C.... ... no. N-..wt ...._,, Armand Monaco ARCHITECT , 814 W. Bay Ave., Bal~ . Newport 1'1%, !121 Lakewood Ave. Loo ,\Dp!O. No-,. M01 ATTORNEYS ROBERT' GARDNER DONALD D. HARWOOD A T TORNEYS A T LAW 719 l'f. Kala 88., ._ta ~ C.W. -TELEPllONU-. a-ta AM •1ot1 Newpmi ._. uwa DAY 8CBOOU! Mortimer School -Conl -.......... bland -· Collep,_ ~ .... DAY SOBOOL Now ~ Q.A. lllorllms, MA., ()>:ford Prlllolpal Plloao llllJ Dlf.N'iuTs . R,. R, HALL, M, D. Pb,yoletan and lllUpOll Hrs.: 2-5, by appointment T elephone 2620 ISi Broadw&J' Oolta Meea Gordon M.Grundy; M.D. . ~clan -Sca...- Nlnth and flentnl ·- omce Bra. :-10-u a.m.: 1·11 p.a. Tel•'*-l'I Conrad Richter, M.D. PbJoldaa and ~ ·, 1%0 IS. 18th SL CJoota 11- H .... : 10·1% a.m. and 1·1 pa. -Plaoae 111 • DR G. E. TOHILL I .. PHYl lCIAN and BURG.EON l20I Coaat Blvd .• rMWport ...... -ID'hbne -, Office 286-W R .. 2#-• ff No An-...r C.11 rMw~ • -~ 'f : endanger residents, but not io out.I r-----------~ Gerald Rau.a, r.to. law fir~ms in \he county in ge n- er al. 1 I I ------ Watch the Claa.ltled columns. . PIERSOL'S ProfeMlonal ~cy HZ P'OBJl8T AVSNUJl LAGUNA BEAOB "In BusiMu foT i ouT HeaJrh" •• ';%' ... l°NMrtPU.. OO•ri.rr• mOl.6oKlAL a D&1JO ITOC& • Pa'PMn • ....._. ..._ m.u.. •. b ..... c...... er--. ·-".t •. •' P"-1 • =-• ., ,..,_, ...... Your ltw.., Law• PROTECTION . PLAN ·-\. Repre .. ntaf"'• lo ... W. GEORGE 42S at• 8~ BunUnctoa ~ Pll. ~ B. 4ol0t Have you hem4 ".:~SY ACES.., ~·· ............. BALil · I . ' MORTUARY -.t - Lady Attendant -.t -: • 410 Coast BIYd. I c;x>RONA DU: MAR -c</•lspfa>,.• ~.2 DAY >'.ND NIGlrT -.. • DR. OBED LUCAS Dentist • 2202~ W. Central, Ph. 1480 NEWPORT BEACH INS URANCE ' . ·New York Life Insurance Company .DON B . DURANT ~ .. OrellW .a .... ~ OO&ON'A. BrL HA.a llOB'l:ICIANB HAROLD K. GRAUEL CHAPEL "We OUnelvea the Better Serve By Serv!nc Otberw· _ .. Phona Newport 511 ea.ta Meaa Callfornl• OPl'OMETBlllTI! HOBERT A. CRAWFORD Opt., D. . 0 .P T 0 MET RI ST ~-?"·~med . oiaa... :rittec1 1712 NewOort IBoule"ar"d Phona. a.&30 COST A MESA llUBVEYOBll SIEGEL & RAUB l!acfaeen a Im teton •. 111111 Npwport Bm1. Coota - 1'e1ep11oao !151·1 · zen w. CO.tn1 New..,.,_ ~tu . , I ,l'IANQ 'IZACllSa. 1PIANO TEACHER G. V.LINSENBARD .• Gnduate _...,...Cs 11na....,., 1 r'I• Ph. 1252-W 1528 W. Ocean Front" l l . I , ,. ~ Weat C•ntral AY6. Newport ,lkach • Ph. 1D2:1··NO An1wer calt-I01-M X·Jby k,.vlce •· I . Milton II. lluwel, IL D. 1801 c-t f?t .. CorotJ& de l '' -· . omoe eom.: 11 -ts t :• Plllom Newport 1 ~1 . S. R, Monaco, M. D. 814 Bay Ave., Balboa . N-rt l'IU "8 8. mD St.. Loe •as ·• I • TUeker Tflt 1 , By Appolll~ T. P. Reeder, M. D. Phywtdui II 11m,._ 1001 .w .. ~ llq .&.., TelepbOM Newport' 80t Waper Drugi• ._,,,Me •• Dr.wm..rc.w- Chlropractlc, ~ Physio &: Colonic. TheraPy 19!0 °"""' ~ ~ .r...-e.en-..,ft.-. .. ZONE TIIEJiApy CLINIC ---. .... _ -........ = , .. _ ,...,.. ........ • . . • • • . ' .; "'• • ' • • I .. -' I NEWPOICT BALaOA. If 0nr..,... • N-tha i;roclucta ot -are P.mc. bock on the mmtret. pu a metal ub can on your-lhoK"nc t. SUCP1ta the Qty Again nests State Slow WHRT nEHT.· Traf fie Through Corona del Mar ~ .. . NatlcGal !lofeb to avoid l!>t daD&ft ot a in the hue-Fotl-.i& up a· tour-UXJDth-old When the new ~ clel Mar • umil . req\lelt ot Ollef ot Polloe Rowlar\d school -nod last September, the Hodil<iN<>n that the 1taje hlch-coundl hired a crouing cuard to way engineer e9tablish a ~mile protect children in the city, but per hour zone throu.&h Corona del could do nothing to slow down Mar. Cot John Sallon, uaistant the speeders becauoe the route to Cky Engineer R. L Patterson was· a1 state thoroughfare. it wu early this week wrote a more declared. The letter from the chief I ' strongly worded· letter to S. V. waa unanswered. . • Cortel . division engineer of the DiKulsing' the m«tter ag:ain at • ____ _..;_4 _____ J 1 te youbi hway in Loi AJ\&eles. the , council meeting when the city 1 -----~--+------...:•:._ta_~_:g:._________ had been asked to seek, a loca· ;_------t.-----------------il tlon for a high bridge aa"OU the S k.ippers =~ Sail Boat Hardware Sail Track and Slides Stop Watches Yacht Timers rt Marine Supply Co. Phone 2'780-J upper bay, Lester Isbell, council- man, thought that in the lett .should go a request for some kind of action qn slowing do'W!'l traffic there. Several casualties have been suffered in recent months. At_t..;ntion is call~ to a -new · •• dllW.na _. aiwa 1 aDe · provunon in the revised motor ve • am , .... _. meam Jllee :,• ..a hlcle codes paued at the lut ..,,.llL c-.iete --... session of the legislature which tlanMI u well u llilb .._. Ille pro\rides for a reduction to 45 or sin• .S ea.a M t1eoNated ta UJ" even 35 miles per hour on a state •••wr ~ Waha ... oeler- hlghway within a city if the high-tal, tbae 119"9 are a oertala ~ way department finds that such ner 1• btri.Wan -.I U.. ....._,. seatoa. ~re mMle ot warm speeds appropriate to fadlltate acrl-Ute wWcll IMb ..a , .. )Ike orde rly movement of tz:atllc and tw. · · it is reasonable and safe. I Chief Hodgkinson said he Had A t R T k State Eyes Land 1ttutt CJ•~ Start ' Betw 'H · B Reh. 4 'at FuDerfon Atid :~1. .i~:~~o,L·ru- Il ~ money· is available to l<t'Oll District Junior col1-will the atate park commission, It may ~ the oecoc>d .term ot the cur- clecldo to double Its putthase of ~' t school yeu ·on M~ ~ land back of the Hunt!ncton . Fe~ 4. Many ,_ Beach-Newport strand, or a total cl, . will be a.dded to the lid . ot .250 acres north of the state o~ thole otfettd during the finlt hlchway and west of the Santa tenn. • • Ant river ln connection with the j:Mr. Eal;:l Dyl:lnger will otter a pn>ilosed state park along the class in phot<>l!'aphy on M~ beach. A recent ooinion of the arid Wednesday ,evenings from 1 attorney generfl is that the ·word-~ 9. ·a.uses in correct Engliab inc of the . measure u It 1tands ~· public speech, physical ftt .. iJ; .ambiguous, but this was aut.e--™T'8 and citizenship are among the quenUy ironed out in Sacramento clfL':S" to be offered. Subjects lt is understood. ' ttlat were offered durin~ the tint Col. Edwin C. Kelton, state terin wtll be ottettd the ·oecoc>d erosion expert has asked the ' tehn are machine shop, wtJOdw01 k. county board ~f supervtson for gas a.n4 electric welding, sewing maps of areas proposed to be in-84d tailoring, beginning and ad- cluded in the park behind \he vance typing, beginning and ad- atrand Thia originally was to v~ced sh?rthand, office practice, have been 125 acres. . mathematics, convenational s~- Under the preRnt state act lsh. jewelry, metalcraft and lcera-; passed at the last sessJon of the mies. • legislature, wording of the meas-• . ure to purchase the balance of ~hen pla,nning "your new _home, ocean frontage between HUhting-remember t<_> place your kitchen ton Beach and Newport together 1r~ge 50 that the open name is with·l25 acres inland is amblgioll!, 12 to 18 inches from _the kitchen • •• AltboaP 7 per cent of the Paul and John Md·a dMr..., _.iat1aa g· United States pn!bonalol) that. u mortal ...i la ...... QI . ot -· 6' per ochlevel.Do ~ honaro ew14Pt oont of tlle of foils ...., ·~.by laCIUlce, ao he amst pin tbla --......nnc to the ' bff.wnly ..-by foruldns all Natlaml ~ Council · t worldlln<a.-Mary Bak« Ed!IF. 1 · -' FLUORESCEIT'W!~ , Medernize Your Store,, Offic~hop <>r Residence wit-h New Fluorescent Fixtures Avallahle Now at ETS-HOKIN &JGALVAI -· .sJm: ,-11.t. 19.!0 ; 1 "'IJ1 1000 ec-t lllway . Phone NewpOrt ISM ,Aloo la Hoa -·wtlmlnctoD-Stodrton·Su D._·OMl•M ELECTRICIANS . C-0-Twa Fire Equipment TINY . TOTS LAUNDRY been informed that chec.kers have u 0 ace rac been seen on the highway recently, Up for Final Hearing possibly forecasting. some action. N t T esd ex u ay according to the state attorney windo~·· says the National Safety general. THis fact has held up ~Cou~~ncil~·===:::====~~~=======================~ purchase of .the land Attorney General Robert Kenny gave as his opinion that it is ques-I 48-Hou Diaper Service $1.50 Per Week ' Comp le e Infant Service . • $2.00 Per Weejc one Newport 45 I (Ask for Pick-Up and Delivery) One Billion DoIJars in New Corporations Locate in California At its first January meeting in tionable if the state cQ.n buy the Santa Ana next Tuesday members 125 acres north of the 101 state of the O.ange county traffic com-highway to go with the beach ' mittee will consider the proposed P~fhase, •for ~hich the bill pro- " automobile race track planned for vides. It was the opinion of stat~ SACRAMENTO. Cal-Corpora-t Or b Ar. th wes ern ange county y ur Senator Thomas KuchJ,"I and tions having an aggregate author-F . Lanthier, Long Beach business Chairman . Willis \Varner of the ized capitalization in excess o! one man. and Kelly Petrillo, famQus board o! supervisors that this land billion dollars were granted per-r acing driver. is needed t o complete the state mission to operate in California A li t' r 1 PP ca ion or a and use per-park, because it is to be UiC>d for during 1945, it \\•as disclosed to-mit for the race track was ap-parking . day by Franj< M. Jordan. secretary ed b th I of statC'. pro':' Y e county P &Ming A subsequent discussion in commission December 14 by a sp1it Sacramento has caused t he park The exact amount of authorized t d b · ed vo e an su m itt to the board commission to r everse its stand, capital was Sl,113,969,'>'ln. f vi t r· 1 .. .,v o super sors or 1na action. The according ti:t word in San ta A·na, The 1945 grand total o! incor -boa d decided t · " Id r o Wttuho action and consider purchase of 250 acres porations of 4683 was the highest pcndJng a report on what •effect instea d or 125 as contemplated, if yearly figure since 1931 and 1856 th t bl' h e es a 1s ment would have on the money and la nd are available more than for 1944-an increase traffic problems. r to the state. of 65.7 J>Cl" cent. Lanthier and Petrilfo have ' Southern Califol"nia was credit-d t · • ·. • General BnDding Contractor Phone 83 ed 'th 681 agr~ o pay the San ~. oaquin News-nmes adv••ti.""m•nt•. -~ \\'l . per cent_, of the new Fruit d I t t C $84 ooo .. -. = ... .... ... ~::::::::::::t::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;::::::;i corporations for the y•ar and wi'th an nves men °·' · "yo~~gu~ido~~to; ~e~ff~ld~e~n~t~s;><~n=di~·-~_,_11F=:~=F=:==~~~~~~~iiii~~~~~~~~~;;~~~~;;~~~~~ I "' for the proposed site .. a 160-acre __ _ ..... · 67.3 per cent of the California of-tr ·t h f G d l · I ~~esth~e.thi::oZ:f.1~0~~~~o;~: ~~;:h:;~';~,~~~~~1~~~~ .. ':,';,~ ~-{ ~~l.b~.lft.f .$,,t1.'<.6 ;.§ll1@Mll.li!~~--·!l.'~ counted for 85 per cen t. The tr ack Wiil requtre approxi----...liJ. ' "f~ mately S70,000 in-first construe-' Fresh- ·lobsfe s Oysters Shrimp Clams ·crabs I Smoked Shrimp Good. Selection of f I S H . BEA ON SEA FOODS Burglar Took Household Articles; ·No Clues Left tion costs and \Viii seat 15,()(X), --· ..... ~·- Santa Ana Approves Extension of Outfall To 49-Acre Tract Burglarizing of a home at 2806 W. Ocean somC' time bet\vecn Dec. 2• and Jan. 18 \\'as reported to policC' by A: L. Erickson. owner. Sanla AP1 has no objection 1to last \veck. The follou'ing articles the nnn{'x:tiion of 49 acres to tht· "'·ere reported stolen: Radio. elec-city of N1'\Vport Beach, and scrv· Irie clock_. thermos bottle, bed-I ing it ~\'ilh .it s outfall se'4'age sprC'ad ana flashlight. syslE'n1 1n \vh1r h the county seat "fhe burglar apparently entered and all ot!·.rr member cities and by bl"eaking a small piece o! glass l districts h:lvr P n i~terest . it wai.. out of the windO\V and unlocking j learned from San la Ana repor ts it. No fingerpr ints could be found, Tue.sday. Officer Dyson reported, after in-\Vhile the Pxecutive board of the vestigating. , joint outfall systC'm approved o' -t 50 Fathom Nets Taken ext('nding faciliti{'s · to the ne\\' Taken f~m the rear of the R ich-tract south of Corona del l\.1ar it fieJd station.at C€'ntral avenue and is up to a \'Ote of each city "'h 0 ich Via Lido some time last weekend has an interest in the system tQ was a 200-pound shark net, 26-vote on th~ proicCt . Other cities lSOl Coa8 lllgliway Phone· Nwpt. 2084-W mesh deep. The nets were 50 will pass on the proposal bet\vN>n -;;;;;;;;;;;;t;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~I fathoms variety, and are hard to no"'· and Feb. 12. it is undel"stood. ; replace. Duriog the war the government Mary Ellen Haley imported severat hundred thou-Dies in Washington ' Get n Our Preference List for the NEW 1946 GEN RAL E'LECTRIC R f RIGER .ATOR We " ill Make Our First Sale day, February 8th ·IN AND REGISTER NOW her: Friday, February 8th ill Be the Lucky. Day f r the Fortunate Woman n..puf • in the Harbor District -.. J. H. f st us .. ENERAL EI~CTRIC •' llDU~ • WAfR'EM Dm...,.c• • &ADI08 • sand workers from the Bahamas Barbados, Jamaica, Mexico, New: foundla nd and Canada to ease the labor shortage by doi'1g vitally needed farm work, but accidents se riously impaired the efficiency of many of these men. A study ot about 50.000 6f them during the first half of 1945 revealed that they had lost 162 years' time dur- ing this period because of acci- dents. • International Barnitrter Tlll'CK8 AND TllACTOBll FAJUI EQUIPID:NT M. Eltiste & Co.. Inc. 117 I:. •ill Pia. -.... Au SI! No_ L.A. 8&. PIL Ull Am' b rv1 Fy Ellen Haley, wife of OlbCl;-l A. Haley, owner of Haley's Yacht Basin, diC'd Jan. 18 at their r8nch home in Castle Rock, Wash., and funeral services \Vere held Monday in Toledo, Wash., her old home city. · ~~r. H3ley was too ill tclattend the funeral but their son, Hugh W . Haley a nd his wife Margaret attended. The daughter , ?t1rs., Mar- garet l\1eisinger and her husband Herbert, live at the ranch home. ' ~1:r. and l\1rs. Haley made their home 1n Santa Ana for many years before acquiring the yacht basin and l\.tr . Haley was head of the Dodge automobile agency in that city. Artificial Leather TOP DECKING MATERIAL Dupont and Chase' In All Colors SOLD BY THE YARD for I, • SPORT TOP~ TOP DEC~S Seat Covers Made to order or niady lMde Boat Cushions TRIM SHOP • LEI fijj , .. .. :I U. ·S. ~No. 1 GRADE CANNED FOODS Tomatoes ""'.,"::,;"" Tomato Sauce Tent• Tellt lrond. White Corn c;- eoumr, .............. IY't 11-.14· -t\,i.... &• ·- Puree Baby Foods 3 1-19" G«ber'1 lfoncl. Baby Foods 3 _1e- Gftb9f·• 8rond.,(hopped. Vegetable Co.cktail '!:·It• V-8 Brond. 146-oz. con. )Oc..I Campbell's Soup '°~· 1r ,,_ of Sptnoc:ti woriety. I 'n.1a WMk yovr MigllhorDood Sat.war stoN ls leah.lriAg Potatoes . , . bought in die w .. 1·. moet lmportaal potato powiag cenlen. Ow experienced buyen bcae .. Jed9Cf t:be• fOI' ....... flDe '9p-pGde eatla9 qu.alltlH and lhelJ' 5.a}y, flaky lextvre . lalr;e 'em. boll·-. maU. ·-Or by 'em. Any •CIT you Hn"e them wW brlDg ..U.. ot sa1laJadkm fro9.yow '--lly. Take r.om.' cm extra eupply today I ACK. • lbs. (APPROXIMATELY) 100 LI$. . 3.79 ' of lianer, tr, a wedge ol ripe a'"-lo •Ith bakr<f potato. ' , .. 35° Sc '. , •. DE ERT GUPEFRUIT nler loeaklo r.n.i.. Sa .. ii..-cdlelL Fine for oalado. 'l.'S<" ...... ,.,.. • ,..,.... .... "·". ........... Olt THESE VALUES .~ ·~ • , ::ll;,. Enriched Fl.our ~.; 30-• I GIOUID . BEEF ~a=or E_,t.ody h._ _1 lo.f ~th oa l!'•tiol pota K•lcMn (fofl Brend. IO·lb. iOtk", 571;, 2S·lb. ~k, 1.32. Flapjack Flour 40·n .. 22• .... ROASTIIG CHICK IS N. Y. style. Tenda-Wn1o thal ,..w ,_.to peri;ctiloa.l DOVER SQLE FILL s Eopeclally &ne for b1·olll ... or deep fol fr)ing. I . MOIE SAFEWAY SAr 100% Bran "•~ • .. ·~ padloge, 16c. Cream of Wheat 1,r 13- ~.,...... .... pod;O(llt. ~ • I Mol~ -..!:"' ''j:" II-. Sno-White Salt ':!:-• -·--I Penny Match• l ::t:!I .. , stuat • 01-.as liveSoaP ~ ~ · _. . -,_ lia.,2...._,,.... ' poo W1•:. =-- uoy~p •-• --.ScoichClecmsar Stmda Z'!:'.U". ·-:: . -7' -. MDkbeDogFoodJ_ll-___ 8 MuyL:: B'I U le • •. ---. .... l 1 ............ --.c... • • " • ~Brend. 1'4 -lb. bQo, 28c.I Gingerbread Mix ••v ..... 18" . .. . Dromedory Brand. • Peanut Butter ';! 7:19 hwrly Stand. f2·1b. tot. '4Sc.I Peanut Butter bCll Roost lrond . Plum Preserves Libby lrand. Dllu.. . Grapefruit Juice T~ """7. lrancl. . Canter-bury1Tea · ~ ............ 4k. Puritas. Mustard 11 1; .... -... --. Del ~onte Cat.sup 1~ I .. Bed Hill Cat.sup ·~ II- ,,_ . . . .............. .............. . ...................... . ....... _,_, .... ~ SAFEWAY •!brt.G '14g· r • < • • • ' • • • ' ' • .· " • NSWPOllT BA•-.OA N&WW • 'f'ilil&. N ...... ~ -!'a"!!i.-,~>.ne~ ~~~th State Beach Development Urged 1 .... P~ysis Expe Real Prepare Year ement fu New· Jl.O<:ation · -1n ~ =' :{.:'! By California Chamber of Commerce Discharged at B+se For .Goo ,,__.l..lltak!a~ ar:~~ la~ duo-: To Safegu~N atural ResoJII'ees Will Aid Veterans ' Holdinc ~fin-t meetlnc of Naval Aviation Trainees. Hl&h . li r ~ 1946. 261 and guests Ol I~t:~:tr~ Keith F . James, school gnduatel 17 to 23 yun of A far reaclllng poandcy devorelac-1d ... palon the! estimatbee ofbe~a~ SANTA ANA.-Capta!Q-the Newport arbor. Realty board Naval Officer Procure--"tect t.n. mak inquiry quisltion, protection ~ peop e to ....:.utticu, W . Gregory, who has helpel!-convened. noon for a busi· men gelet:, ha.a announced ~~u!'Vlfamed V-5 e pl"OSl'UD ment °?-Calilom!a"s bea~ tor whethtt local or statewide.-•~ouncJed GI's walk a.gain, wu dis-ness and acq tance aeaion at that the !!lee of Naval Office (Naval Aviation Preparatory Pro-rec:reati90 was ~dopted by the Thml.w Tld..._ to Stai.. charred t/om the service ~ at White's ca!e Balboa Island. eme t and the Naval Avi· gram) at the new addreu--Offlce board or directors of the Call· In touch1nc upon a question Sa.nt:f. Ana Army Air B&R, bUt he Expressi confidence in a Ca t Selection ~. has of Naval Officer 1Procurement, fornla StaU: Chamber of €om-pertinent at the moment, the will continue his humanifilrian booming ~ active year bl the to . quarters, the new Room 524 I N V N Bldg merce, m eeting in San Frandlco, recommendation of Mr. Sproul work u a Civilian. . . t , real Ralph p M • addrieu be ng ~ 524.1. N. Van 210 \Vest ·se~enih :.ee~Lol ~~ It was r epordortedSl .. t l week.ldeDrt. "h·u tldhabet titrde-~~~baergkedtolandsthe Gregory, who was in ch=le of ~~ ~iden ~r;1·the organizau:. 1 14 Calif · Robert Go n prou , pres n s ou cul.lllc:-J"n.-u c SAAAB's orthopedic brace hop . aled th t th 12 -ge es. • · f •-U · · ty or Calilornla state (•xcept where -led ,...,,. ' reve a ere were new o t1w: n1versi · • "'" e·an ,..,. I has accepted a Polt as cons'+1tant appliCations f membership to the NEW '1-!,00I HOME presented the ~eport of. the special port development) when _the local for paralysis rehabilita~ at board and re w ere expected. A $12 000 ,_ h _...,, (XC!!l!>lttee. which the directors ao-governing body so desires and e1 ........ 1ngham General hosp>it:a'l He • one-a-, ome ~~ --• and~" _,._,_ --~ •"--h th at t "' -.,-· • ...i.' Meetln~ I be held every sec-be built t 214 Polnsetti , Coroqa proV1:U wu.a &o.;u-.~ ~ ---r-w en e a e can ,.,ve assurance will have full 'responsjblllqr for .,.- d 1 M • ~ W C. Wick~ of tion of necessary legislation to put of early devt-lopment and OPf:l'-planhing coordinating and !;' ecut· opd Tu~day f each month with e ar, or -. it into effect atlon. · 1_,,,.. , _:.__'-llltati f outstancp.ng en of the realty fJeld Pasadena, according to records of · t...._ _ • • Ref . ...'6 a 1·~UUJ on progr or nmml!U'>rd as peaken the city building department. It The ~Uaes follow a tw.o yefr erring. to P"l?tection, the paralysis patients. He also will ,...... -·--r · was the largest home building per-study of \he problems groWUtg out chamber •_aid that to 8:'Sure pro-form a research clinic for t¥. ad- mit of the week.. of lack ar overall authority by any tectlon of beaches agRlflSt poUu-vancement and betterment of ar-PU"'lC ----'!=-----------------------=--one state °" federal agency to pro-lion plans for cooatruction of tificial limbs and braces. I ~ CE tect and safeguard this great nat-sewage outfalls and public w.ork:s Enlisting in the Air ForCes in -----1-------- ural resource. on state--owned beaches be jointly-l942 Gregory devoted ~lf to APPROVING THE ON OF CERTAIN UNINHAB D TEJLRlTORY CONTIGU US TO THE CITY P.APALMER . "In earlier days, there was little apptoved by the State Boa.rd of, ma.king lite worthwhile again for odasion for concern about our Health and State Division of soldiers who returned troM the coaa~e---there ~ room and op. Lands. !hey believe that P_lans for battlefronts shattered in ~ and ~~ for all, Sproul COD-all public works, ~ve~ on tidelands body. By constant experiments and tinued. _"Now, however, with ever gT&nted t~ muni_cipa11ty or county study, he' improved artificial ,limbs increasmg population, the value should be subnutted to the state and braces so that their wearers or our seacoast for scenic beauty in advance to insure against oould have more freedom and not and recreation ls increasingly ap-creation of structures ln one lo-tire easily. OF RT .BEACH LYING G V .EASTERLY OF LIDO ISU! PIWPHKllES • AND ADJ CENT TO OOBONA W. 0 . BUCK-Jnsu,-an&. Counselor ~ 1500 ~Jl.o{ DEL BETWEEN THE COAST GHWAV AND THE PACIFIC • I PUBLIC NOTICES 46 ~. ·~m1n. 40 oec. West 160.06 feel; then<le South ·g dog. 13 min. 30 sec. West 96-66 feet; thence South 63 'deg . .fS min. 40 sec. West 165.95 feet : thence SoutltO deg. 33 mln.30 oec. ,East 165.68 feet; thence South 60 deg .. 39 min. West 66.40 reet; ·thence South 27. deg. 10 min. 10 sec. West 51.!15 .feeti thence South 19 deg. 03 min. \Vest 106:80 feet ~ then~ • South 66 deg. 25· mln. \Vest 156.00 feet, more or less,. to mean high tide line or the Pa- cific Ocean: thence meander- iti.g sai'd high tide line North- . :westerly a distance of 1300 fttt. more or less, to the point o~ beginning, containing 49.32 a.cres, being a portion t>f BJock Ninety-five (95) o(' Irvlhe·s· Subdivtsion of Ranchos. Sana Joaquin and_ Lomas de Santi- ago and F1int and Bixby's Allobnent in RanchO Santiago de Santa Ana, as per map re- conled In Book 1, page 88 of Miscellaneous Maps, records of Orange Pounty, California. n,.e bearings of this; survey are 1 taken from the State ~ Htgtiwa'.y. Therefore 'here is \ an equasidn of courses. Tract No. 673 first course fiorth 21 deg. 23 min. East equals North 21 deg. 24 min. 30 sec. East Puauc · NOT1cu <::allfornla. . - Section 3. That the pr--""ca and annexation hemn ~ a.ce had and taken undor an4 """ suan tto the provisJ.on.s of ah Act • of the ~ture of the State GK O.lilanoi&. deslgn'at<d and re- ferred to as the "Annexation of Uninhabited Ten-ltory. Act . ot 1939." . Section 4. ~ Oty O~rk aball cause this Ordinance to be putr .lished withift fifteen (15) ,days alter its passage, at least once in the Newport Balboa NeoNS-Times, a newspaper of general circulation published and circulated in the Qty or Newport Beach. The foregoing Ordinance wu in- troduced by the Council of the Qty of Ne*port Beach at its recu· tar ftlff'ting of January 7, 1946, and finally adopted at a regular . adjourned meeting of said Council held on the 21st day or Jtp.nuary, 1946. ATTEST, CL YAN H. HALL, Mayor of the Oiy ot Newport Beach. FRANK L. RINEHART, Qty Clerk. By R. MAKELY, Deputy, Pub.-Jan. 24. 1946. 3333 VlA LIDO CALIFOP.NIA predated. Visit one of our beaches cality harmful to another, Gregory feels that too many on a good day an~ )fOU will realize The . major. J>?liC>' of t~e S_t~te soldiers without arms or legs are beach patronage 1S fast approach-Park Commission, they believe, getting this kind of sympathy: in~ C.Oney Island congestion. should be devo~ed to development ''My' poor, dear boy. How awful! ~ with other natural re--of. present publicly owned beaches You know I have a son tn ·-the sources. we must have w1de con-near population centers, and the service too'." The City undl of Newport <ff this-survey. Beach, Calif mia, does ordain as Section 2. That the boundaries Mesa LIQUOR SIJOP .C.mplete Fountain Servic;e at HANSEN'S 2100 Ocean Front Newport • MA~TS • NOW OPEN EVENINGS SANDWICHES • HAMBURGERS I ce Cream to Take Out ~ ,, • 'Hl;ll"ll ,, IUl llllll llllllHl hlltl lll l!llll"I' 111111111111 .. , ll!l rot • l"'"'"'Ull l lll ltllll Ul lll l<t l11111111ui11<1UI J< 111111~ -. !' t ~ Modern and Up-to-Date ~ • • ~ ~ lue Printing Facilities i -~ ~ -i hotostating up to 18 in. by 22 in. ! ~ ~ --i ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ Pick-Up and Delivery Service ~ ~ i . ; : l ~ . -~ 5 ~ atch for Opening Announcement • ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ i lueprint & Photostat Shop i ~ -~ i • Costa Mesa • ~ -~ ~ i ~ --;.I illl l!.. .. lll l> 111 1 · IUll ll ttll!ll 11! rt <l l 11! 111 11 II H 11111 • ll!l l! I • ' " •n•ii •• 111 ' 1111 " IJ ' 111 11111111 ' I W l l!ll 1 1111111111111 11111111111~ Charter & PresJon AS FURNACES Still Difficult to Obtain • We have a few in stock for immediate installation Eli"'1lnate sweating windows and. moisture on walls Protect your home and health. comblned knowled~ total of 48 years ln tlle Heating ' and Ventilating Field wlll M>lve your problems NO CllABGE FOR SUR\'EY• AND ESTIMATE CHARIER &·PRESTON BMUq-lntallations Make \\'arm Friend.a Bu ... _ Phobe MM Re91J1,ence Phone. &18% Or H95 servation and control if our purchasing of only such lands as "People " declared the captain beaches are to be preserved. We lend themselves to public use, sit-"should n:eat the disabled soldi.; have found already from bitter uated near population cen_ters. as they would anyone else.'\ experience that we cannot allow They feel that a small ree should erection of unpl_anned shoreline be charged the public for use of structures which seriously affect the stat.e beach facilities, but none 22 Art Students the beache.s and hurt other com-ror use of the ocean. · munities. Finally a state engineering M t t .Fi t No Overall Acmcy board be created to make a com-ee 8 fS "The 1945 legislature appropri-prehensiv• study or .the shoreline. Ev.emn· g H S Clas· s ated $10,000.000 to be matched by and recomme~d e~osion control, as • • , t?Qual local contr ibutions to pur-we.11 8:5 to give final approval of chase beach park areas and ac-shoreline s tructures, above or be- qui:re beach frontage wherever the low high tide. Twenty-two people a ttended the first meeting of the adult educa- tion class in a rt Tuesday evening at Newport Harbor Union High school and exprc-ss~ interest in various brai;ichrs of• the subject. Pencil drawinJ:?;. llrt"Ss drsign, \vatcr colors, pastels, oils and distance between the st ate high--------- WO¥ and shore is under 300 roe t. Range Prices ThC're is no overall administrative agency w ith adequate authority to Set by OP A examine and pass on proposed Same as 1942 shorelhle and St'a~:ard improve- men ts.'' St.al t" B f"nch De\•elopmf"nt Specifically t he state chamber recommC'nded that the state gOV- ernrnent should continqe to ac- quire more littoral lands above high tide \Vb('re necessary a nd n1_-cessary for specific purposes'. They suggest that this acquisition be limited to areas which give real promise of serving an actual public, need. A sufficient amount of upland adjacent should also be aC"Quircd to provide facilities nee· essary to public use-of the beaches. l...Ocal matchin g or f\.lnds , the chamber re.commended, be requir· ed. in beach acquisition, but l.J'ie r atio 'of state to local governmen.t- al money expended be more or PAINTING 1% Yea.rs Service ln Newpprt · cer amics w€'re some of the things New gas and elC'c tric cooking in \\•hich instruction ,,·as desired. sloves, "'hich. no\v are b<>ginning Members of the class are men to reach retail stores, have b~n and \\!Omen or all ages, SOffif \vith !>laced under doll~r-and-cent cC'1~-i previous training and somq with ings at 1942 lc\cls. \Valter e. none. If it is desired. ·another 1-logan. he.ad or the Consumer Du~-1 class will be started on Thiirsday abl e~ secpt1on or_ the So~thern Cali· evenings ror •students '''ho desir e rorn1a 0 A, said !oda). . to attend t'''icc a '''eek. and for 8?th t~s or .stoves \Vill be additional students. Actual \\'Ork available 1n t,,-o s1zcs-thf star:id-,,;11 start at the next session with ard r ange and the apartrqfnt size John "'Nolan as instructor. 1 cooker . Ar h . tr t' 'od Th OPA d 11 d t . ter t e reg1s a ion per1 e . o ar-an -cen pr~ces 1 Mr. Nolan showed color·ed slides v~ry \Vldely, just as stove prices 1 or na tional park scenes. · did before the war. However, a t ypical price for a standard elec- tric range Is $189, and for an apartment si~e electric stove, $157, a typical price for a gas stove is $75 for a small size and $95 for the standard r ange. Signs of Spring Wear Tree Bark And Skin of Fish Barbor Area SACRAMENTO. C31.-Frank 1\1. \Var victims in the Philippines are "'earing garments made of pounded tree bark which . cost about $2.00 each. This ·1s a high price for an uncomfortable gar- ment considering tha t $20.00 is the average mon thly wage there. HARRY HALL J ordan, secretary of state. today a nnounN'd the first day ror candi- n 4 ~f'~L~~ coF~~::n.w dates to file for the forthcoming '------------~I primary election June 4. \vould be March 6 and the last day r>larch 26. • "·1 ------- REPORTED DISCllARGED Repor ted discharged rrom the army at Fort l\1acArthur during the past \Vttk \Vas Staff Sgt. Harvey R . Nelson. Ice a nd snow increase braking distance from 3 to 11 times thai required _. on. dJ:'y pavements. r e- minds thei National Safety Council. The Victory Clothing Collection is asking for r('mnants, draperies, pieces of discarded blaCkoUt' ma- terial: \\'hich \\'ill make mord prac- tical and Comfortable clothing -for ·the Philippine people. In looted Nonvay. shoes are be- ing msde 'of skin of fish sewn to wooden soles. These do not keep ou t the cold, and disint~ate in a few weeks: In Poland.' ragis and scraps or roofing paper are used for shoes. Shoes contributed to the ~ictt>ry Clothing Collection for overseas relief should be tied secur~ly to- gether in pairs. Radio Service' At Reasonable Prices Palmer Radio &, Electric 2M8 Newport Blvd. Co8ta Meil& 280 Forest ~\·e. -Laguna Beach O••rlo••••• ••• or••• ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l~•~••••t l fol lo90•• r , a 11 i, JI 1 UIU Ul ll l!I" Ul !<IHfll !!111111 ul lil l l >tl<<I' 11 ''''"'"l,•I I t f lilt " i u1Jol!1l nt •1i 11i lll!!l l! .. l1Ui11l lll ttllll "l lWl .. \ll H .... flll!!lnllllUll!ll1f~l,,IJ\lllllllUIOI~ . -. ~ 1 BALBOA'S ~ , ! ~­' -• ~ -' • --• ! ' . . . ~ EN'D·EZVOUS ~ • ' BALLROOM • P1 r e•tll FRANKIE STANN I ' and His Orchestra • • ~tarday, JalL 26th I DANCING From 9 Until 1 • ' • • BefO..e 'You Build or Re ._.,.. LUDLUM . Carpet ·Works lat -...... M.1 n.9. -.._ -UlfTA AJIA • follows : • ot the Oty of Newport Beach. lln ~ Newpoiit ...._ Section 1. That the annexation qtlifomia. he. and the sarjie 8.!"e to the City of Newport Beach. hereby altered to inclu~ the California, that certain unin-aq<>ve described territory. the an- habited te itory contiguous to nEptation or which is 11-pproved and Plenfy of Whi8key N• ... t .&e aay or ............ said City, l g generally easterly orµained herein and incorporated ·COllTA llE8A. CALIF. of Corona I Mar. between the in the .city of Newport Beach, ... __ .._ ___ N_•_"".;po;.._rt_M ___ • Coast High ay and the Pacific r---------~----------------~ Ocean, is r eby approved., and that the s e is hereby ordained to be anne and made a ·part of the-Cit of Newpor t Beach, California. at said territory is particularly escri.bed as follows : Beginni g at the point of in· tersection of the mean bigh tide line the P acific Ocean with the utheast crly line of Block "D' of "Tract No. 67.3, Corona de ?\f ar." a s shO\\'ll on a Map r rdcd in Book 20, ·pages 17 d 18 of 1'1iscellane- ous Maps records · of Orange County, alifornia. and r.un- ning then North 21 ti£'g. 24 n:iin . 30 c. East along 11he Easterly I ne or said Tract No. 673, 200 t. more or less to 8.n a ngle point in said line "'hich is uth 7 deg. 4i min. East 289. feet from th(' most Southerly corner or Lot Sev- enty-thr (73) In Block "A" of said act No. 673; thence follo,,•ing th emeander survey or the S uthe~erly side or said Tra t No. '673 North 7 deg. 47 m n . West 289.40 feet : thence N rth 52 deg. 28 min. 30 sec. I East 269.89 feet ; thence sduth 80 dl:'g. 51 min. 30 sec. East 99.96 feet ; thence North 55 deg. 08 min. 30 sec. East 74.00 feet : thence North 2 deg. 08 min. 30 sec. \Vest 80.00 feet ; thence North 58 -deg. 26 min. W est 126.96 feet ; ithence North 1 deg. 45 min. 'East_ 49.10 feet : thenCc Nor th 26 deg. 23 min. East 87.90 1feet; thence North 61 deg. 25 min. 30 sec. East 76.00 feet~ thence. South 79 deg. 21 min. East 199.92 feet ; thence NortlJ. 76 deg. 27 tnin. 30 sec. Easl 63.90 feet : thence North 54 deg. 58 min .. 30 sec. Etlst 171.00 feet; thence North 35 deg. 26 min. Ela.st 126.56 feet to center line of State High- way Corona dt!l Mar to La- guna : thence Sbuth 58 deg. 36 · min. 30 sec. ES.st 1298.37 feet along said cenier line to Sta- ! tion 216 plus ' 63.37 of said h1gh ay; thence South·41 deg. 15 miri. 10 set. West 228.75 feet; thence South 59 deg. 27 min. 20 sec. WfSt 286.27 feet; • thence South 43 deg. 40 min. 40 sec. West 61 134 feet; thence South 84 deg. 26 mnl. 20 sec. West 159.51 feet ; thence South 46 deg. 1s min. 30 sec. West 224.71 feet ; thence South 12 deg. 23 min. 20 sec. Ea.st 142.37 feet : thenCe South Watc;:b the Claaalfled Columns. I Pb~e '87 FOR SIGNS BENHDICT I • The Sien Man • BOA '.I' L,ETI"ERING -,i A SPECIALTY .... I ,• \ Newport-Balboa ·Tourist Bureau All Modes of Travel to Europe, Mexico, Hawaii Round-the-World Trips in the near future. See · Mrs. Roy Keene. Pb. S91. 801 Palm, Balboa Hours: If> a. m. ~ p. m. ~ CHRISTIAN'S HUT Leonard Marshall, Manager Balboa. California DELICIOUS FOOD ... COCKTAii.. BAR DINNERS ... BANQUETS 1 ONCE AGAIN SAM'S SEA_ FOOD SPA I l ~ ... ~ ~ Offers Yoo the F1nest Place to Dine In Orange County: AH ·New --· • Even the · Location ... One-HalfMile East of Old Location on Coast Highway. Beautiful New Cocktail Bar We Lead Southern California in the Serving of· -· SEA FOODS - ALSO .......______ , YOf!R kind of STEAKS '-----._ -·VISIT OUR KITCHEN - • Sam's Sea Food Spa and Fish Market (Near Seal Beaelli) ~ • . ' rff AVORITE. OF I . KEGLERS I •• e~ ... the l>eer with the ~ . h\l...;. high I.QJ•,Q•,.'""» -............ itr--co. . ~ I -ta< $9£il\ftC~,,tsJ 1 t ' ' ' H. R. JIRINKERHOFF . .. • I .t~~a~ ,· .. ~CJlmL: _ ... ' • • • I . , ' • ' M&WP<MT' BAI.BOA.. NSW.. If ''· • . . . . -. . l • • aimer ted Head gS, Loan Pier Questipn Again Raised But Not Settt~ Udo Electri~ Shop Cro'Yd Attending Dedica · o~ ·of Org~ Opens on .Highway ~ Corof!a del Mar Commuruty.Ch~cll The new Lida Electric •hop Disappomted When Power Failed. Harhnr lh-dinance Not~~ate · Fishing CX.f ~ sklitcltng ...S a factor In 3 per Acddenb ldlf men per .... cent "'' all the 4,lll0,000 tnttlc from .2 to 28 _,.. of oee -acddentll In 1944. . the Nationaf any siiigle di>e'aie, roportll .Ille. Safety Council reports. National Safety Cowlc!L ,· 1 Annual el tion of officers of boa Federal Savings p10ciatlon Thunday resulted in e rete.ntion of the en· tire personn headed by President P. A. Palme , whd" has been active head of the ganiza.tion since its foundingtElection of directors had been announced earlier. Other . otrlcen are Walter S. Spicer, "\rice-president: S. A. MeyeT, secretary-treasurer. At the annual meeting last week Mr. Palmer and Chas. •W . TeWlnkle were r e--elect- ed u directors for the three-year term. ln addition to the above other directors are W . A. Wilglll, Wm. ?wtlrams and Jos. A. Beek. Mr. and Mn: Louis l\teyer of Oakdale, Calif., are 1pending a few days 'fit.rt-his brother, the S. A. "l\feyen . The two couples attendf#i the nftWS~r publish~' conven- tion iii. CcJ'>nado, 8.!11 did News-nmes Manager Sain Porter. opened this week in remodeled .. Councilman Bob Allen. who quarters at the Bay District Lum-A large audience which filled to ------------- voted again.st expecting the fu-ber company building. 516 State overflowing the new sanctvarY of. Fed a)· Sa • land and bay· front lot owners to Higtlway, partners in the venture the Coro~ del Mar Commwilty er VID~ come up with a 'solution of their being D. C. l\tcAplln and Otarles church. Congregational last Sun-Re rts B' G • . diffeTences within 30) days from E. Noyell jr. day afternoon waS keenly disap--J>O )~ 8Jfl the uine it was discuued by the On display are General Electric pointed The people had met to J R council on Jan. 7, brOught up an washing machines, refrlgeraton dedicat; t.tte pipe organ and it was 0 eSOUrCeS embarrassing question last Mon-and stoves, as well as smaller ap-to be the concluding service in a (Continued from PRge Qnp) day before the official body. That pliances of the Thermidor line and series of dedication services. The Appraisal J>qlicy, in the light of Was, if the BaJboa Island ~axpay-many othet makes. When the people were dis8ppointed because hfgher and hig~er real estate nlat- ers Association, reprt"Senting the labor situa tion recovers its bal· the organ they came to dedicate ket prices, continues to receive the inside lot ownen . and the Bay ance a large stock of equipment cou1d not be played. greatest and rOost careful atten- Front Property Owners, repre-will be carried. including sink5 Mr. AJexander F. Reilly of t..oe tion of the association's executives. senting the wa ter front lot own-and garbage disposal units. Angeles was the guest organist for directors and apprEtisers. Loans en failed to agree on the date set Re pair work and servicing will the service. He was to open the· are being made within a reason- by .the council, then It one faction be done by McAplin, while Nowell se rvice "'ith a group of four nW!'t--able percentage of loan to BP.- stalled. would it not automatically will be in charge of the store. ben. He played the first one and praised value rather than possibly injure the other? had just started the second num-inflated purchase prlce. This re- The answer given to his ques-N Laboratory ber when the electrical CWTent su1ts tn home purchasers having tion was that the matter should ew was cut ort-. A hurried phone call more or their own money invested wait until the final date set for T D velop Shapes to the Southern California Edi.son in their homes, and giving Jbe settlement. which, according to 0 e Co. brought the information that_ association a greater safety factor. the day the resolution was set, F Boats,' Planes there was line trouble. While wait-Future Favorable· would be 30 days from Jan. 7, or or . lng for the current to come on The outlook for 1946, based upon Feb. 7, to be exact. However, the (Continued troqi Page c:>ne > Rev. Perry F . Schrock told about predictions .of those who should council meets in its next regular company. 1 the special and memorial gifts know, regarding the future of the meeting on Feb. 4, Which waa the Pearce said he will develop with which the sanctuary wu Harbor community, the future of date reported followip.g the m eet-models here of boats, buses and furnished. Then Dr. Lawrence A. Southern •CalifOrnia. and the tu--------------i ing in.January as i.he deadline. planes by which they can show Wilson, minister or First Congre-ture of the West Coast, ts ex- The text of the cou,ncil's min-manufacturers the correct pr~ gatlonal church. P8.sadena, preach-tremely ~timistic. There are utes for Jan. 7 read as follov.-s : cedure for mass production. This ed the sermon. snany unknown factors that may "Councilman Stanley moved that will be irnportarit to firms using When the sermon was finished affect the predicted growth tern- • • ' , committees or the pro~rty own-new materials, such as plywood, I there still was no electricity. Then pora.rfly, may slow·Jt up, but there ers on Balboa Island De notified for-example, for developing cun·ed Mr. Schrock led the congregation sttms to be little question that all that the council request! that surfaces. Unless solids are lai~ tn "The Act of DedicaUon" and of Southern California ·1s destined their report az:id recommendatlons yuf properly the job cannot be ac-gave 'the prayer of dedicali?!1· to enjoy its greatest era of ~ be submitted \\-i thin 30 days." All curately built. he said. Still no electricity. So the offenng in the next five to ten yean. approved except Bob AJlen, who The inventor will develop sur-wu taken and even that did not We continue to' Operate with voted again.st it. . faces and shapes for production bring back' the power that would conservatism, keeping informed of When a letter from the Balboa purposes which will obviate high make the organ capable of being growth trends, and -keeping in Island T8¥J>8.~rs aMociation W&.!11 tooling costs, of extreme import-played. · close touch with the short term read last ·Monday asking for ,more ance in mass production. The The full lime for the service and the long term pictures, par- time in which to reach a decision, basic procedure is to be dev~loped having elapsed, Mr. Schrock asked ticularly in our operating area. the council members felt that the here which he not only appli~ in the people t o stand and sing the Again I wa nt to pay tribute. to two groups could settle the matter war plants. but also taug~t in doxology-without accompaniment the assoctatlon's directors andi to 8 J n at the time set by the council. .. It several universities engaged in -and he dismissed them with the the association's appraisers, Bnd to OIUJIQ,,H. V°"'f2G"'I "'as ilot ·a threat to t hem to get training engineers in war produc-bcnedictlon. the staff. for their fine efforts. together or else," R. L. Patter-tion. They will have several ou~· The people then were invited to All of us exteOd-thanks to· tQe son said today. even though he standing young engineers em-the social hall where the Organ association's many friends Who 901 Coe.st Hlghway Phones 2088 and 2089 recalled the conversation among ployed. Committee was 'Serving tea. contiPi..ue to support this local in· councUmen on the two groups Pear ce and Wight are associated Mr. Reilly, the guest organist, stitutfhn Qy rccommendJng it to ---------------------------with the internationally known and his \ViCe. Alice Andre\\'S Reill y, those \vho seek a safe place for ,..---------------------------,I engineering firm of Vantco. \Vhich contralto soloist. both have offered their investment funds or their There ii 00 ~lion 00 the part of • the city· harbor ~t­ ment to try to eliminate any type of bOat in the new harbor control ordinince, declared Russell Craig, harbor master, yesterda.y in a dis· cuss.ion ot the new city ordinance passe4 last week. The new law ls practicaUj the same as the previo~ one, but brings it up to date. h~ E!xplit,.ined. 1 24-Hour Radio Service HOME, AUTO, MAlllNI; ltADIOS UP~mm j • Burt R. Norton lll5 Cout Wwa,y ....... Wt Newport Be·+, o.llf. The harbor department hopes to elin:Jinate deed wood in the moor- ing I situation in _the harbor, ad- mittedly at a pomt where actlon j'---,-----,:...--------:-----------_. was n~. It ii ~oped te eliminate unused and neglected inoorings. During U;le put .two 1 :~~ ... ~~,.;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~., "'eeks t\e has had to refuse moor-11 ings to '14 new pleasure boats and one fishing craft, thus· indicating he is not prejudiced against any kind of craft. . · The harbor· master wanted toj corr.?ct anY lmPressioP that fish- ing boats are dlscrimlnated against, but With eliminating old and un\lsed moorings, he ho~ to make room tor new pleasure u well as ·fishing boats. The city does not lease unused moorings·, he said in correcting an impression given in the news of the week be- fore. He may assign empty moor- ings to guest boats, but does not lease them, he explained. Craig also empha$:e<t that the new in- spection fee does not _take care of overhauling mobrings, but this must be tak.efi care of as before. The fee. is to~ inspection alone, he said, to corr~t a misunderstand- ing by m~y I owners. Franci ' AX SERVICE and State fro~ct Your ~o~ses~~. "'take them M01HP.ROOF and . I ~G-Mfft.OOF .. ... llUS.S ~J..O•J.ESS J 8'J1AflVl.BS.§ ' FLA and MOTH, the miracle liquid, 111othproofa,· fllame·proof• in ,one applica.ti.on. AU rugs, fabnca, drape11 , upholstery ca-* be protected perm:wently, even through dry cleanmg. '.Materlalo W&ahed Must Be . Retreated quart --gallon • 0 C ty T k"ng CO has rc«ntly moved its headquart-to return on some future date savings, and to those \vho s~ek range oun rue I • crs from Detroit to Los Angeles. "\\'hen the Southern ·California Edi-informed service' in financi ng t he '----,.-+--------' He shov.·C'd thC' News·Times repre-son Co. )s more C'oopcrative. purchasing, building or moderniz· 116 S5th t. Ph. l-9!!-R 95c 3.00 TRUCKS FOR HIRE scntative a photo of a highly ing of hon1 <'s or combination h.omes f 1 str~an1lin<'d ~at _modC'l t~ey had I Only 7 Days Left and business propert ies. or the General Truck:ing, Hauli.ng, Trans er f designed \\"h!Ch IS non-sinkable. • refinancing or C'Xisting Joans. non-capsizable, air conditioned I To Get License Rfspectfully submittC'd. Long and Short Hauls 229 \V. \Vllson St. -Costa Mesa PHONES Nwpt. 260, Days--or-Nwpt. 512-M, Nights B U I L D N-0 w WE CAN OBTADI -NECESSARY MATERIALS A COMPLETE BUILDL"IG SERVICE t~or over ZO yean our· business· has been "BUILDING BETI'ER CONSTRUCTED HOMES" DUTCH HEACOCK . P. ~ Box _42 Newport Beach -· Phone 502 • Bu.. Phone 718 throughout and yet having a ca-Pl t Le Penalty P. A. PAL~1ER~ : pacity of t,,·ice that of the samC' a es SS • PresidC'nt. sized ,·essel. \Vhr n he can find time. In a Only seven "-ays left in \Vhich to year or sd. Pt'arce hop('s to take apply for your 1946 motor Vehicle high 'school graduates into his registration renewal! After that plant. and show them the engi"neer-yo1,1 pay double! ing trade secrets of mathematics This warning came today to so that when they go in to higher Newport Beach motor vehicle Judge Westover Kiwanis Speaker ' .. engineering schools they will have O\vners from Gordon H. Garland, Judge Harry WC'stover. collector the proper foundation for under-Director of Motor Vehicles, of internal reve~ue. "'ill be sJ.>eilk- standing the problems encountered And Garland added that vehicle er .or ~he ~ven1n~ a t t~e dinner ther e. These fundamentals are O\\'ners of this area who Jlave not which 1s being given Friday eve- simple, he asserted, and can be done so should go to the nearest ning, Feb. l a t the Newport Bea:ch I taught a ny young lad in a short office of the Department of Motor I Gram_mar s~h~l cafeteri.a as a time. Vehicles at once before the final benefit for the Presbyterian hos· rush a nd awly for 1946 registra-pital fund. I S · )) O tion rC'newal. To do this they will Members of the WSCS of Christ rene CU pens present the 1945 r egistration card Ch"urch By·the-Sea "'ill prepare I New Beauty Shop (white slip) and the amount of the and serve the dinn('r under the di- fee as shown on the lower ·left rcction of l\·trs. Hill and l\1rs. Ire ne Scull's Beauty shop open· hand corner of the c;ard. Trusty and Ki"·anis ladi('s \viii be RO s s·1,~ Lid'll-Or Store 1003 Coast lliwa Yi ~Ille South of the A hes · . . Closed on-Tuesday ' FOR YOUR , I . HEALTH'S SPORTLAND .. BOWLING -ALLEYS Foot of Main St. -Balboa For ~ations Phone 2402 10 Modern Brunswick Alleys AL J OYCE ROY KEENE BOWL ro thJs \\·eek at 3051f.: Main street, If impossible to r$ke a Jrlp to in charge o( table decorations . Balboa. l\1rs. Scull having just re-the nearest deparfuient office. Rev. E . O. Goodell Is co-chairman turned from a trip to h<'r former registrat ion rene"•al may be h"'a,d v.ith Ki,vanis President Fayette home in \\1ashington. Formerly1 by mail by forA•arding the regis-Blo"•er . Ticl;<ets are S5 each and associated ''ith l\tary's Bay and tration card and a bank, postal or Herbert Holker, manager of the Surf Beauty shop at Balboa, Mrs. express money order or cer tified Balboa branch of the Bank of L--..L..-----------------------1 Scull has not worked since ·she check for the amount of the f~ to America. is in charge of sales. 1.1;-------------------------------.-------- was injured last June. ... Sacramento or the nearest ~r· ----------~-~-----,----------~------:-----~-----------------,.----...;_----------------------;1 tificate issuing office of the de- I , I ur Returning Boys ant to Ce1ll Home GUU.S. the war isn't over u &.ra.s cdephone a.Us~ concerned. Tbctt are more alls to handle dwt ever. Will you help lwldle the th'."""'ds of~"'." reruming service men are mlling u they amve ~ Southern California on the .,,.y home? Tb= 11 nO<bing these boys ...ru more than to tdepbonc home. i.nd we: aecd more girls to handle thcr alls. 'Pa1whilcJeeming.Pmn•ncncjobs.Goodstaning mawi<bC..,-inaeases. There is,probablyatd .. pboocollicieo<ot10Qrbome ... bereyoucculd~ Jusr uk the Opentcr for the aucf Opentcr, wbo will gi.., Y"" the address ol an emplor111e1,. ollice .-_.,.. cooveoicm for J"'1. I U1H11N CAUfOIHIA ~ COMPANY ApplJ> or -lln. Rabi 100 E. Bay. Balboa should get together or else the mat tfr would revert to its original statm. HEARING REVOLUTION! wi .......... a.coa-........... ~ Gunderson Drug Main St.-Balboa partment. Stich applications "i ll be honored if postmarked no later than r'nidnight of Feb . A. Garland urged the ~,toris;ts to delay this matter no l'onger be- cause penalties equal to 100 per cent of the registration fee and 50 per cent of the vehicle license fcC' are pa:yable on all applications received after midnight of Feb. 4. I Beer Wines , Llquers Whiskey Boots and Roy Keen<> Palm and Bay, Balboa 'phone S91 · - KLINE CONCREI'E PRODUCl'S COMPANY HOLLOW BUILDING TILE AND BRIC!\. WALTER L. KLINE, Proprietor --Plant Located at-- 1580 Newport Road. c-ta Mma GEORGE D. BASSET'l' General Accounting Fishermen's Bookkeeping INOOME TM!: SERVICE • 2602 w. Central Ave. Ph. UI05-1 Newport BeMll J • -. -·- llfllUIATll • ILRTllC - , .· ils!S• , ' ~ll;ET THE BRAND-NEW LINE OF -General ·Electric Appliances in Our · Brand ·~New Store! ' I COMPLETE ELECTRICAL REPAIR SER J I CE \ I -·- WIRING - < bJ-.. they -_.,,.,,,,. we w111.-.,. ..... lieM G-1 Appllances I We're mighty proud to have been selected as an Authorized. Dealer in this area for the world's ·finest line of electric appliance>-'- General Electric, of course! We're so proud, in fact, that we've opened a brand new store to serve you ~th all your appliance needs. And It's a store you'll find· it a pleasure to shtJ in. There'll be a complete line of elec- tric' applfanres and a wide llssortmellt of models, all attractively displayed for your · se\ectioti. You'll want to make it your bead· quarters for all of the convenience, 1 comfort, and ecenomy that the. wonderful JXl!!ltwat electric appliances can o~er you. (If you like, we'll be gled to put your name on our . priority-list, for earliest possible dell~. N!» deposit. No obligation.) • LIDO .ELECTR.IC co .. ) 516 State Highw.,_ I • • ··PboDe ·126( • ' • •• 1 • ) : = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = • = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = • • = = = • -• • = = = = = = = = = = = = I = ' = = = = = = = = • • • • -- . • • , ~ " " -• = , . .. .i • • • .. .. 1 . ~~I~ . . • I ·• ~, Playground Motif Sp lls Brosperity · . . arbor ' I ' "Bud" Breithaupt · BOUSE PLANS 'llEllVICll zue Harbor Blvd.. Pltone %084-W--Coeta llMa ---fi ;f; • Walter J. Gearhardt Our Photographer · U'7 Fem.leaf Aftlloe--Corona del Mar, Calif. Newport Beach. m-w ;f; ;f; ;f; . · Otto Boyd . • Boyd's Servi~e Station IMO W. Central-Newport Beach-Phone 985 ' I ;f; ;f; ;f; · Volney Hay Balboa Motel 316 Eaat C.n~-Balboa. Callf, Telephone S%8 ;f; ';f; ;f; G. N. Wells Real Estate Pbone Newport S1S 1190 Newport Bl\·d.--Costa Meu. Calli. ;f; ;f; ;f; Dr. Robert A. CraWf ord ' OPTOMEI1UST · 1192 Newport Blvd.-Costa Meu, Callf. Phone USO ;f; ;f; ;f; Curt H. Bow man l 90~~~~~~~~wg~~:r:,. :t ;f; ;f; 0. Z. Robertson General Contractor · J 1219 Coast Highway-Corona del Mar, Calif. • I Newport 88 ;f; ;f; ;f; Harold K. Grauel CHAPEL 110 Broad\\'llY Costa '.\l eAB, Callfomla ;f; ;f; ;f; 1 A. E. Groty -] . A. Groty · I GrQty Appliance Co. l Frll{ldalre and l\laytaK Dealer-Phone 1~14 l 1191 Newport 81\·d.--Costa ~teu.. CalU~ ' . ;f; ;f; ;f; John E. Sadleir Real Estate --Insurance Otfloe Phone: 20S4 SO'.? Main Street-Balboa. Calll. ' I F . B. Owen . . Newport Souvenir & Gift Shop GIFTS OF ALL KINDS > Phone~2 1 32-J l !102 Ocean Front-Newport Beach, Calli. ' L. H. Ewen -Proprietor Mesa Radio & Electronics Co. p-.,·545 1194 Newport Blvd.~ta Me.a. Calli. ;f; ;f; ;f; HUBBARD HOWE Pres. Hubbard's South Coast Company %%12 W. Centnl--Newport %600 ;f; ;f; ;f; HEINZ KAISER, Owner Bay Shore· Camp and Boat Landing 17th and Coast Blch"'ay-Pboae: Nwpt. 11%8 ;f; ;f; ;f; Lew H. Wallace • Real Estate and lnsUl'llnce Broker Phones: Office S-~ 1569 HO! w. Central AYe.-Ne~-port-Bea.ch., earn. ;f; ;f; ;f; COYE. WATI'S Balboa Liquor Store 'JM E. Ctmtral A\·~ Balboa. Calli. Pb. !.f.19-J -r'be Home ot Cordlallty" -· O. H. BRder. Mc'r· ' Louis Verwey, Prop. Casino Cafe & Cocktail Lounge • !Gt Mal.a Street Balboa Pia. 119-M ;f; ;f; ~ J.M. Miller REAL ESTATE BROKER .-uu llltll ai C-V»-Newport - "On Your Wrcy to BaJhoa" I ' .Pqst War Progres's on Its. Hap y Way! I , ' GJ3y the,, SAND CRAB ' After many _ .... of lntellslve effort, dar- ing which Artist .lack Undsley baa '-8 covering the harbor district In m•k!ng draw- ings of notables, which have \ppeare<t from wed< to week In the News-TlmM, the time baa arrived. to comolldate the returns and .tart preienting a mon> vivid pidun> of thil dvle leaden an a splendid. group of forward, aggu u•ve cltkena who work .together In the development of their favoftid i-tion. U wu not so many years ago when Newport Barbor was a struggling oommnnlty of a few struggling iouJs, bat ~ lnciomltable group of men and women pat their shoulders to tile wb....i and dedded that If Newport . Barbor .... to advance, n must he through Ing and eager 4o step Into the breach and ' produce results! · With U... co of the war arrived the hart.or's first boom with mon> ship- yards, Industrial 18 and wage. eanen to swell tile coffers population of a baily ' . -·· post-.... prosperity pl•!& Httle clfy, which y has jumped to m0re tbail 10,000 souls a permaneat all-year- With this thought In mind the first pre- sentation of the Special F.dltorlal ())ub Roster page Is herewith given to the public, with the Idea In mind of enlarging the space and giving barborltes and outalders a concrete subject on which to base· opinions on how we grow. an earnest, nnlted effort. 'round city. are· the days of 1111mmer I Coordination of variom ~ actlvltl"8 via a Chamber of commerce,' a city oouncll an4 kindred organizations, soon began to produce results and It W1l8 not long hefon> Newport-Balboa began getting notices of progre!!ll and recognition-Whether it was neces8ary to go to W115hlngton, LOs Angeles, San Francisco, or some metropolitan center, then> W1l8 always one or several men will- residents; gone Is tlle 1hree-month ~ during the s~r; gone Is the bot dog -vender. In their places a.re emerging new struc- tures, new ente~ new plants of every desCrlptlon, all In k""ping with the resort, Idea and all b "to S11rvice a . cllentele of discriminating peqple who are making this · • There Is no question that the harbor dis- trict Is destined to become one of the larg"8t cltl"8 in Orange county; its business me~ and • President Cham her of Commerce •. •• J ·j . , . . • Braden Finch, Ceramics Ma.iiufacturer • .• ' Braden Finch, president or the Newport Harbor Clamber or Com- merce, has taken his place as one or the Harbor area's outstanding busi- ness men since coming here five years ago. Born in New York Oty, he went to Memphis, Tenn., where hi's fathe r was connected with the Am- erican'Tobacco company. Attending Vanderbilt university &t Nashville, he 'met the girl who later became Kay Finch, then attending Ward Belmont college. News- paper work called the youni engineering student and he joined the Mero; phis Commercial Appeal as cub reporter. • Coming to California in 1926 Finch worked on the L A.· Evening . ' Hera.Id, then on the Ventura Star and went to the -Santa PaUla piroriicle • as editor. In 1930 he was on the Santa AnJl Journal and just before the 'start of \Vorld War ll he Md Mrs. Finch took a trip aroun~ the world. On their return l\1:rs. Finch began the making of small pottery figures as a hobby, and her cra(t proved so popular the family m'oved to Corona. del Mar and started the Kay Finch Ceramic studio:' now famous tor its products. Besides-being general manager Ot the stud.i~J Mr. Finc;h is vice- president of the Laguna Beach Ceramic society and rurector of the Cali- fornia Art Potters association. Mr. and l\1rs. Fineh have three children. ' God-given res<irt their abiding place. 1 Pioneer Developer an Civic Leader • •• . 'l . . 1 • • • . . Lew Wallace, Civic +"''°'er Lew \Vallace, one or Nfwport· Harbor's ioneer busin°ess men, came from his native Canada wit.h his parents in 1 and first lived in Pasa- deha. .He went to MamJirle university, St. a ul, Minn., a!I did alL,h\s brothers. ± · · In 1898 he served und General Arthur McArthur in \the Spanish- AmeriCfil\ war and was w nded in the capt1re of Manila, receiving the Purple Heart decoration. 1 _ , Marrying Theresa Wa~er in 1902, he ret 'rned to California 8Jld be- came associated. with a ~p of Los Angeles land San Francisco capital- ists. representing them in ¥exico. "'here he sckighl townsite locations for the Southern Pacific raUrdad of Mexico. esttblis'.9~ banks, made loans and deal\ tn real estate. l · Coming to Newport Be h he was one ef e group which Conned the Newport Beach Chamber qr Commerce and '1lS secretary or· it for six years. He started the Sta1e ~k f.'f'leWJ>Oljl. later known as the First NatiOnal bank, and has beeh act~~ civic affaifs dµring the ensuing years. j t . , 306 Anade street. Balboa; d Mr. Wallace res business -intel-ests with tiis hobby, which if goU. 1 , . . . l\1:r. ~d Mrs. Wallac~.f ho are. the paren of three ellil~n, live at ~~....,,..~~~~~~~~~.~ I ANJTA SE>..'TON Prop. Balboa Market and Delicatessen 708 E.. Central-Ph. 2129 ;f; ;f; ;f; DON NORMAN Norman's Meat Market ' I ' %000 Cattnl Ave.-Pbone 80I ;f; ;f; ;f; Howard J. Gerrish , BABTFO&D FIRE INSU&AJ\'Cll CO. • Pllloae 111 1-Newport !llvd.--Oosla Ill-Calif. I Paul Lorentzen Balboa Sportfishing Fleet .-u1 __ Pa_ Thomas F. Norton Prop. BAY SHORE CAFE , Phone 2M4-l 'lth & Coast W&:.h-'4'ay SERVING 12 NOON TILL 9 P. M. ;f; ;f; ;f; Geo . Weiss & Dick Othmer Plastic Watercraft Co. · Pbone 8S3 407 E. Ceatn.! Bal- ;f; ;f; ;f; Bob Allen COUNCILMAN I . Prop. BAlllOA ISLAND V AJllETY STOKE • • ;f; ;f; ;f; JOSEPH L. MARSHALL ~.w==re ChriStian's Hut .... • Robert i.. Shorey-Recording Engineer' Davis & Gay Music Co. · 1801 Nea-port BJ,~ta M~Ph. 2510 "" wa1nr t st.-eunttnKton Beach ;f; ;f; ;f; · The~dore Robin¥ FORD · DEALER . ~ 2116 w. Central ;f; ;f; ;f; ! Bl'J!n ~ ~c~ . , -Ge~ ?tlrr. . I Finch Ceramics . ;t ;f; ;f; T. LEFEVRE 1 "Frenchie's" Barbecu, · & Delicatesaen · 111 .J;•st. ··"'••·BoW ~ . . . . , i t l MAC PELLETIE;. Newport Phann y . ll•~n-s-n- ' ;f; ;t ;f; ANTON HERSHEY Prop. Henhey's Market Spot -·-Balboahlaad ;f; ;f; ;f; Donald J. Hannon BALBOA HORSE RACES • Won, Won. Won Mala 8treetrl'alboe . ;f; ;f; ;f; " Dennis Hostland . PLYMOUTH Pbooe 1'8--Coata Meaa--1180 Ne~rt BIYd. • ;f; ;f; ;f; Milton M. Maxwell, M. D. 1881 Cout Hlcbway---Oorona del :Mar Phone Newport 108% . ;f; ;f; ;f; Burt R. NQrton RADIO ELECTRICIAN . Phone Ul7 1111 ·eout mp"·ay-Se"-port Beach. CaUf. ;f; ;f; ;f; AL ANDERSON Fun 1.one Balboa Phone 8 ;f; ;f; ;f; . Bob Callis Distributor GENERAL PETE (FLYING BORSEOOWEB) Z!1 !oth St.-Newport-Pbone 191 ;f; ;f; ;f; ROBER.T H .. REED Harbor Cold Storage Phone 448 '26 SOth St.-Ne"'J)Ort Beach, Calli. ;f; ;f; ;f; .. Capt: B. J. Mc.Nally ~ · McNally'a · Balboa Boat Livery -· 705 E. Bay Ave.-Phone 406 ;f; ;f; ;f;. Dr. Conrad Richter CQ8ta .Me.a Phone: Office 138 I Ret.lde noe 74·,J ;f; ;f; ;f; Herbert F. Kenny POSTMASTER BALBOA CaJU .. ;f; ;f; ;f; Geo. Weiss Dick Othmer L . Elaine Weiss' ~1rs . Dick Othrner Coast Properties Co. . ' ReaJtors 105 E. Central-Balboa-Phone 8SS ;f; ;f; ;f; W. B. Rowe Starck's Cafe 2ht Place-Newport ;f; ;f; ;f; Fritz Goossel)S -Gus V ander Lihde . 1 Balboa Market Phone 'Newport 86-SO.t Main St. . ;f; ;f; ;f; Jack Hamilton -Frank Black ~ Beacon Sea Foods _ Phbae 2084-W lSOl bJ..~ Wcbway-N ewport Beach, Calli. ;f; ;f; ;f; ALLAN DARTFORD The Blue Sails Books, MapzineO, Canis. Art Gilio 8' Di.play S06 . Main St.-Balboa-Ph. Newport 818 ;f; ;f; ;f; Robert E. Arvin's .Jewelers and Watchmakers 116 h•ent)·-~or.:I S!rcct N-rt .~ Callf, ;f; :t ;f; • • William MacCurdy W . H. (Skip) Calkins . ~cCurdy & Calkins, Inc. ' NAVAL AACHITECI'S Ull !JOM* 11w7.-N-pori --ft. N...,t. t• ' ;f; ;f; ;f; Startley James Barden : · · · 'MASTER MARINER a.I -BlpLr--Y-t -lllllp Br-. •• ~. llw7,--,... -· ;f; ;f; ;f; C. F. Dennison '· · 4 ' ........ BIWWWA -DAL 'Dr.A.ft : ,~__:....;.~•~'~:~-~,~·~·~:~•~·~..,~·~'~"~~~~ = = = " " = = = = = = = = = = = " = " = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = • = = = , = < = = = = = • 0 = = = = = = = = = 0 . • - • .. • " • I .. • • ·' •. . . . < • I .· • . . . . • A M&W&· PuaLIC r OTICU · . PAlNTlNG -pAJ'EI\ HANGING Q;SJ"trlOAT o ·r p~ and D!lCORA1:1NG ' '· ,1 ~-. . • - • . . . . .· -· • . .. 8BlP TILUfUC1'1'.NO BUSI-4H Old ":;.!-M~: 1;._W • .... J . I ' . . NE8s ~ norrnous eo:.la MB* so-ttc ______ :::::_-_-_u_:you_;,· :..don __ 't_tlnd __ w11a __ 1_yuu_.__are"'.'· _1c_dt_bw_r_or_adYertleed ____ 1n_thls_;..· ----~+-.Pbooe ___ N_ew_pu1_t_B_ea_cb __ 12_or-:-l3-:and-i(llaee , __ J011r __ _.. __ *'_•a_11sen __ -,1_· ::"'"·_ ---------:=:': N.UO:. I. . --=--==:------:: . . I ' . lltJ1!llNICll8 OlJIDS I II -----------....,-, ------------,!1,,,.-,,.,,...==:=::---~----:=J --'--+-'----------''-----------~ I Harold E. Cf<. Jr., Alvin S. CoX. . VICE EMPLOYMENT Ott&ILW) • llOAT8, llRll'PUU ' • P08 llmlT · &I. li&.&J. mATS C1 8EAL ·ll(ln'A.TI: '181:A!. l:llr.AD CT ' I Roderick D. qoi< and M. A. Cox, EARL PHELPS, -rRq: SER ' . k . do bettby oeiitlfy tbat \they are Dry Walnut w<>Od for ule, $21 WANTEI>-FOR SALE $100. 16-ft.Jrowboat ROOMS TO RENT~ Balboa FOR SALE....: _Lot. 50x100 ft. . . I cooductlng a ~al "'Jglneering per cord delivered 300 No. Loo and st.lei trailer. ;8'jlh need S!re!t. Costa Mesa. 6-2tp I Water front, Canal ..ct.ion,% fi RBQR INVESTMENT COMPANY ' oonstructlon pustl'"" ~ any Angeles St., Anaheim. Ph. 29'll. Waitress, Fry Cook, paint.. P,h: N. B. 2210. 1 6-o&tc LARGE ROOM. -Separate en-I ~Write Box. J, c/ol-~c--Th · R I · I business ind~tai thereto or In 4-8tp Dishwasher. FOR SAL&-14--foot __.t....t. $75. trance. Close to bath; to •lnel• . • jl . ea tors . . . . I connection th, with Its GENBRAL CONTRACTD<G, Re--411 No. Bay Froni~Btf, boa LI-: m&n. 516 36th St. . 6-2tc F 0 R S A L E -"' I '. principal pla of busJnna at Pblt _, .. and AlteratJool. a.e Frank SHORE ~· = 1 (North end •~ ,,) ---• Offi Box S•--ton Oran~e ..-BAY ~& land. ,..a . n"::'l: 111'.&:a"iltD'l'O a:NT U ND NEW b ' ce · ~· • • P•llkoter. 34-06 Finley a.e., New-HJ h 1 vi I s,,.p · Here is·a selection of BRA omes COWlty, la. at Katella port -ch Pb. Hll8,M. <a-Uc N l7t\ ~ c:'t ~0;:':~ 126 • · · WANTED TO RENT or lease un· OCEAN fRONT LOT · t • d cti Avenue aud Hansen Street, un-ewpor a .3-tlc FOR SALE.-HeaVY duty 49-foot furnW>ed house. Phone ies0.R. Desirable Location either just completed Or Ufl er COnStru 00. c1er the !!ell !!>us firm name of BICYCLES • seagolne cruiser, $6500; also 8-· ;I-tic $35' 00 00 1-Bedroom home within stone's throw of water In New-COX' BROS.' CONSTRUCTION Sold, Ra>ted 00 Repalred. HELP WANTED-Stenographer. meter sli>op in good conditlon. · . · . port Beach (,_,-Udo'lbeetre). Ready to move in. I co .. and Iha said firm ta com-VOGEL'S for part-time work. •borth t Swales Yacht t.andi!\&. 6-2tc WANT APARTMENT, any alze, J Telephone CL. A.l .Hillside ~tc . . . Pn'ce ~=50 posed of tbt following persons 100 Kain St., ~&a and typing days or evenJngs. any pnce. O. H.. Grlft, 1016 ~---------...,--~ whose names And addresses are as ' .208 Marine, Balboa lal&nd. Writ e Maru'.ie ·sales, Inc., Balboa lO*·FT. U&ht weight Weldwood Lowell SL, Santa Ana. 'Phone EVA F RHODEN \ ' . Ph Cash) I fo!lows : · . j Island or call 518 evenings Skltf, Wlpainted. Car top car· Santa Ana 1579. .6-o&tc , . . . § . Harold EF_1X. Jr., Partner, 1905 " .. -SM-Uc 'l'.tfc rler. $15.00. Call after 5 p.m. WANT TO RENT-Small apt. or w --· ' ·~-: • East Bay ' t, Balboa. Calif or-TSA.."i"SPOKTATION 11 Fri., Mon. or Wed. 209 AmethYlt · bouoe for two people 3 or 4 moo. Boulevard Frontage 3-BedJY<>i:n home In new section of . Costa M.,... Hard- nla . . . PARTY would fike transporta tion UU: I08CELLUfl:Ot78 II SL, Balboa Wand. • 5-4tc Call Cttstview 1--034lj Beverly e frontage on Harbor Blvd., wood . floors, floor furnace, tile, double ganige. Alvin S. Col· Partner, 1695 Pa· An el Rem high Hi11:giru! Boats Hills. Revene charges. 6-?tp very 'clooe to center of Costa Ready for occupancy In about 3 weeks. • ! r~!''enue, ~a del Mar, Cal· :SJ! to~ :n es~r co~:~~ F~a:.~~:~.:iycrip~~ Call 1ct'v. to M Feet • WANTED TO RENT OR LEASE =•~ e::ll~~n ~ : Price $8950) Rode!rick. D.jCox• Partner, P. O. Marshall, 330 Undo Ave., Bal· NeWport 1197, 7·2tc Priority ordeq taken now. -Up to $125 per mo., tumished businesses. A~lovely s.rm. home , ii ($3350 down Box 3, Balt>oaj Island, California. boa. i'·:?tc FOR SALE-l Buck Stove, iaa· --or unfurnished 3-bedroom house 1 is included on the property. ~ § . M. A. Cox. i,>artner. 1695 Padllc Bl:AUTY A.D>e u electric combination, $25. 1100 Da!'e Watts or equiv. References. 'Ph: N. B. --2.-~r location in Corona de! Mar. Hard· Avenue. Coro1ia del Mar, Call1or-COLD and lilACHIJO:Lllllll F,;. Central, Balboa. 7-ttc 810 Coast Highway Ph. 1104 , 1652-J. 6-o&tc . Newi}ort Heights wOod floors, floor tumaoe, fireplace, double garage. " nl~ bur hands this 9th WAVES as.Uc W ANTSD by reoponmbla Tele-~-3-bedrm. homes, now com· In$pect1on 'will show best of construction .. Ready In 'Mntlnc and KanlowizlC FOR SALE -.Restaurant booths, l'IJUll 111QUIPJl4ll:NT TSS'l'8 -pllo .. l:mployoe, 2 ~ S bedroom pleted In Heights. Ready for oc--about five weeks. day of Januai ·, .1946. mventng Appointmecta Ph. 178'-W tables, refrigerator, reach-in tL'e' c-.c>Tw•, Pyreoe-• 1l'a.:m. reftU& boo•. Permanent. Pb.one BMta cupancy. These homes have large , HJ · ,OLD E. COX. Jr. box and reach·in butcher case. en. ~ ~ &Dd rortablM Ana 5829_ . SO.tfc rooms, Jots of tile work, pull-1 AL 'IN S. COX Vi's Beautv Shop Electric Grill, 206 Palm. Ba lbno . ...,. ""''bl•. i1T8 ROKIN ,4 mAn lavatories, many' cupboardll • RO :>ERICK D. CX>X 1103 Col.It HJway, -&,rena ditl Mar 7-2tc GALVAN, IOOO QJqt.. m.p.wq, WANTED TO RENT-H ouse no\!,°, and linen storage •pa.OP., etc. M. i\. COX. TG-tfc Pbooe l38&. ?S..tfc in Corona del Mar, while new Now open for inlpectlon. State of California. l FOR SALE -Overeoat, suitable home is being built. Cal! New-$8500 _ Terms County of Or~e. ) .ss. HEALTH A.IDS II for man going eut.' New (Gor-CONSULT us about MARINE IN· port 2360-W. 7-4tc On this Sttt day of January, don Ferguson) black chenille, ~ STALLATIONS &:: REPAIRS. -- 1946. A. D., t!efor• me. Leroy P. Adjustable Crutches heavy satin lining, size 42. Call Expert technldans, guranteed w ANTED TO RENT or LEASE-LOTS Ander¥>n, a ? otary Public in and N . B. 550-M. 6--ttc service. The same' high quality Small house for two adults...Ref· (I'wo lots, 82"'x135, on West side. for said Cou ty and S tate, per· Newport Pharmacy FOR SALE _ Man's light-weight work on marine radio · that has erences. Prefer .. ~ta Mesa or I $650 each ' 1 sonally appee l-ed Harold E. Cox, 2108 Ocean Front ~hon~-~ tc over co a t, n~, herringbone made our other lines of radio N.ewport. Box D c/o News-2 lots, 58x180. Close to Costa Mesa Jr., Alvin S. t ox, Roderick D. Cox / , weave. blue, si 42. Call N. B. sel"Vice famous throughout the Times. 7-4tp $1000 each and 1\1. A. C X. known to me to EMPLOYMENT WANTED !:8 ~M. 6--tfc Harbor area. MESA RADIO & ,,,,,. I be the penorj.t wh01e names are ELECI'RONICS co .. 1794 New· ROOM a BOARD -50x127 ft. lot near High Schoo subscribed tdj ~he within Instru· WANTED-Position as bookkeep-FOR SALE -Used once, pure port Blvd. 3-tfc FOR RENT-Room and board for in Newport'Heights. --!-- Newport Heights • · 3-Bedrm. home oo large lot, 62x120. frluned poss. ---§·--- • Newport Heights · 63x150-ft. Corner on improved street with sewer in. · $1200 Two choice lots on Broad at $1520 each. $8950 Tenns Tenns . $11 ,500 m~nt~ ~d a knowledged tQ me er and offi ce v.·orker. Experienc-Linen, large Dinner Cloth, 8 ------------single "'oman or girl in ex. $1100 that they ex ted the same. ed, best of referneces. Writo Box napkins, $45.00. New linen 54x54 MOT ORS IN STOCK change f 0 r light household One of choicest lots on Cliff Drive. HARBOR INVESTMENT 1 -IN SS WHEREOF, I ?.1C, Ne"'s-Times. ?-4tc cloth, Sl0.00. 124 E. Central, duties. Ph: N . s. 221Q. 7·1tc A corner lot 50x170. It has an un· , have hereuntset my hand and Apt. 2 after 7 p.m. 6-2t p excelled view of the barbOl'. COMPANY affixed by off I seal the day and WILL TAKE CARE of children . ------'-·---..,,.--.,.,.-1 31 h.p. She ppard Diesel REAL ESTA.Tr: 41 $3750 . Cor ona del Mar. Phone N . B. nIOR MANGLE for sale. Radios R It - . '~~t!~. th is rtificate first above 550-M. 2-tfc repaired. 24-hour service. Short 10 h.p. Falcons Coast Properties Co. The $a3djo0" oinoi.ng lot ~~ 30th at Central f~. or~elephone 1600 ~ LERO P. ANDERSON, EMPLOYMl':NT OFFl:RICD H Circuit Radio Shop, 305 Palm . d REAL'.I'ORS 1_.. - 7 ·1tc .._ l- Jllota/y Public In and fo' Ave., Balboa. Phone 16J8..W. 2 h. p. Briggs an -COr. lot 39th & Coast Bl, Newport: ---·--------------------'--"'"-- said •:Ounty and State. INTERESTING 3-tfc Strattons Peninsula $1000 A GOOD BUY -FOR SALF-NewC.peCod house. (Notarial Sei ) CIRCULATING Electric Heaters, Lovely 3 bedroom home under con---J..Bedroom. 2-Story Stucco. 2 bedrms., 265 Broadway, Costa Pub.-Jan. 10 17, 24, 31; 1946. w 0 R K only $7.95. Heallh LamP.. Ultra-Ha rbor Engine & struction on Ocean Front. Oc-See This Large Lot .Mesa. 45 da)" until completed. \'·iolet, Infra-Red , Verdi.Ray. Equipment Co. cupancy ~1arch 1st. 2 'baths. New· ,4:foom hoUi.e. Well built, Newport Heights Lot all fenced. If )'OU buy now Pleasant Working Conditions CERTrrl CA E OF BUSI NESS FlCl'JTlO S FIR~t N . .\ME THE UNO RSIGNEO do here- by certify th t they are conduct- ing a shoe and clothing business a t 305 ~1aripe Avenue. Balboa Island, Qty pt Newport Beach , County of Orange, State of Cali· fornia, under ' the fl c:titious firm n ame of "BE~ADE'ITE'S CAS· UAL WEAR" a nd that said firm ts COmposC'd f the following per· sons, whose · es and addresses are s.s follows to wit : Norman W1 Dulwor th, •1820 S. Garfield, Alhambra, Calif. Bernadc~te ~· Dulworth. 1820 S. Garfield, AJh:lmbra. Calif. Milton V. Gawthrop, 412 N . ~:1c­ Pherrin. 1\1ontrrey Park, Calif. WITNESS our bands this 27th da y of D<-ce"iber. 1945. NORMAN y;. DULWORTH BERNAD I. DULW01t'nJ MILTON \ GAWTHROP Learn TELEPHONE OPERATING Increased wage rates now in effect. Apply Southern California Telephone Company 1bo E. Bay Ave., Balboa or 514 ~ North Main Street Santa Ana or Mk the Opc:rator for the Cb.iet Operator - 88-t!c STATE OF ALIFORNIA l COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ... WANTED-HCYraL HArn. Balboa ON TIIlS : th day or December 1-. Pbooe MO. . e-ttc AD.. 1945. >efore me Tom W. HELP w ANTED -Want refined Batteries for Hearing Aids & B bo 1 d tlardwocxl floors. Dbl. garage. I plastered Complete Within 2 $8 500 00 , you can choose own colors .and Portable Radios. l\fESA RADIO 111 Aga1;h~~!"11~J a Is an Large side patio \vith barbecue. weeks. On 1 ·acre or land. Unfur~hed .• Terms. decoratior4. Phone 502. S.2tc & ELECTRONICS co., 1794 • s.2tc $20,000 I $4950 -Terms Newport Blvd. 3-tfc ------------- Fite P lace a nd Kindling WOOD Delivered H . W . WRIGHT-Ph. 1784 Newport Blvd. 2030 3-tlc CORONADO Electric Range, $178 lmmedJate Delivery Auto Batteries 18-mon th -$6.45 Ex. Pennsylvania Oil · Gallon. 70c Western Auto Supply Authorized Dealer 1836 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa 3-tfc Used Bicycles and Tandems Adul t •fzeo-'--$15 Up V(X;EL -100 Main SL, Balboa.. 92·tfc MlJBICAL II RADIO 14 2-story J.bedropm home on Mir-I E·VA F . RHOD.EN ------------amar. 2 bathl. Hardwood floors. RADIO HOUSE CALLS -Now Sun deck over dbl. gar age. that addltion&l competent tech· Ocean and 'Bay vieY{. nlclans are avaUable, we are a'lle $15,500 to make service call& on large conaole&. All work guaranteed. HAROLD L. HAMM., S. O. S. Radio. 215 Marine. Pb: 78(). 9'-tfc Radio Repairs All maltee ; tubes, etc. Ph. 2417. Burt Norton. 91:i Coast Hi way. Newport Beach. 93·tfc 8ProLUl,ANNOUNOBMENTS'l8 No Delay Refinish your kitchen ,b'athroom with ne-w tile board. F . P. Waldron Telephone 234W. 3-4tc RECAP Adjoining 35-ft. lot $2,500 East Newport 2·bedroom home. Deep Jot. Garage. SPt"inklers. $7,500 Two 3Q..ft. R-2 lots opposite New. port Harbor Yacht Club $2,375 Each ·- Newport Heights Stucco duplex on large lot. Well furnished . • $10,500 Modern &-room home . 1 furnished. Completely Broker · 470 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa EL TON D. BARNETI', Salesman ~ Ph. Newport..1965-M 7·2tc J. E. Barnes & Son 1806 Newport Blvd. .. eoeta Mesa. Phone f5i8 llf? At.es or oranges. i emo • grapefruit, avocados, fronti g 198 feet on Newport Bivli:, with large 2 bed- room hduse. double garage, · workshop, chicken equipment. A 'good piece of proputy. Price, Only $15,000. Terms. 2 Bedroom Home On % acre. Close in. Te riant oc- cupied, but a buy if you can ~ait for possession. • INCOME , 3 Units cOnsisting of 1· 2-3-Bedroom Apt§. Furnished Near Granunar Srjlool $12,000.00 Terms , LO'l' Balboa Peninsula 52int Ft. Frorltage oni OCEAN BOULEVARD '$3,150.00 5 ACRES . Irifproved Near 17th aftd Santa Ana Costa ?.-fesa , $8,500.00 See Us For Other Homes, Incomes and Lots JOHN E. SADLEIR REALTOFt For Sale Balboa Island 2 bedroom furnished. Choice le>- cation, near South Bay (Little Island) Sl0,500. Immediate paa-- session. 1 Gertrude A. Waldron Wm. W. Sanford Broker Pho?e 234-R. New 8-Bedroom Homes . 1-tlr Fifteenth St. and San Bernardino Ave., Newport Heights H&rdwood floors-Tile bath • Tile sink~Double gar8.ge $2900 down-$56. per month -also- 12 modern 2·bednn: Duplexes at Broadway and Santa Ana Ave., Costa Mesa H enderson a N'o~ Public In and woman to assist mother of 2 1 · for said Cow ty °'"and State, resid.. children. Room. bo&rd and sal· 1------------- !ng therein d y oomm1 .. 1oned and ary. Ph: N. B. 2210. 6-tfc Just Arrived with your local recapper. One day service. '$4,000 • WitH Gopd Terms. Lido Isle - $13,500 302 Main Street, Balboa Ph~ Newport 2034 Ralph P. Maskey_ 1410 Coe.at Blvd. Newport. Beach, caufonll& Phone 402 • ,b ' • I I :: I 11 11 lo 1 ... ) " It l sworn, pe.no ally aPJ>@ared Nor-------------,-FtMb. Hearing Aid man W. ;:J' orth, Bern•dette I. HELP WANTED-Woman to do BATTERIES Oulworth an Milton V . Gawthrop light housekeeping. Room, board GundelWOD Drug Co. known to m to be the persons and wages. Doyle, 611 No. Bay 117 Mata. St. Pb. Oil~ whose n are subscribed to Front, Balboa Island. S.tfc 00..tfc the wl~· trument, and ac--\V ANTED -Woman for house kaowledged•t me that they 'exe-work and as mother's helper ; cu;;: ~e e. • WHEREOF, 1 live in or out. $100 per month. have hereun set my hand and 100 Marine Ave .. Balboa Island. affixed my ltndal seal the day 6-2tc an_d ~ar in this certificate fint HELP \V ANTED-Male or female. above writt• . Local or traveling in busl..ness I TOM W. HENDERSON, for yourseU. No money required. No~ Public in and For Good ,income. You a.re your own Sal.d l ~unty and State. boss. Apply ?wlr. Van Deren, (!tty Co ion Expires March 7, 508 111 No. Main St., Santa Ana. 1949.) • ~ 7-2tc-Th Pub.-Jan. 3 10, 17. 24. 1946. Floor Furnaces 37,000 B . T . U. Immediate deli\•ery . $49.40. VOGEL'S lQO Main St., Balboa 2-tf c WE HA VE gooa usea p\anos tor s~. $126. $166. $195 up. nne rnO:u:!e $395 up. Terma. Some tor rm:it. ~ara in Orange countJ'. Da.ux.:scruntdt Plano Co .. 620 N. Ma1n. Santa Ana. 6ttC Tires and Tubes Complete Lubrication Cozy 1-bedroom stucco.' New tile 2 Vacant Acres roof. ~icely furnished. Near Near Harbor Bo\llevard Clubhoilse. $1000 each Tire and battery service. Free $10,500 With Ter~ if desired. pickups and delivery , service __ __ for your car. • ' . Balboa . Furnished 1 Bedrm. Home Costa Mesa Tire Co. Rooming house on Ocean Front. Almost new. East side of town. and A·l locrtion. Sleeps 26. Good in-$6950 · Texaco Service Station come. $: ' H. J . MltcheJJ. Prop. ' 15,000 Furn. Vacant Land 1760 Newport Blvd., Coeta ?t1esa S..bedroom Bay Fron.t home. Exe. 100 x 330'. Good location. Phone N. B. 2342 4-tfc pie~ and fl oa t. Good corner le>-$1600 ELECfRICAL APPUANCES and cation . --- MCITORS repaired according to $32,000 Furn. 3 Bedroom Home fac tory specifications by DIS---1 In l'{ewport Heights. Very cleait. A.BLED VETERANS. work Balboa Island Fireplace'. 11> baths, large gar- ,:;;) 7-ltc 2 Unit Modern. Furnished $15;500 Half Cash. " Getitrud~e A'. Waldron Wm. Saniord roker Phone 234·R S.tfc ' . JNvESTMENT .PROPERTIES 9 Unlta. 2 Lots. $16,500 guaranteed. Agent : 111 Es A 2-bedrooip home on Little Island, age. Was $10,000. . Several Go'od WANTED TO BtJY 11 ,, RADIO & ELECTRONICS co., Classy •knotty pine apL In rear! Reduced to $8500 Bay Front Lots ----------1974 Newport Blvd. 3-tlc $17,000 Furn. I -. I - l!Mll TIDE TABLES ·-Help ,0 2 I tll•llL""" ., ....... .. T-~· I ... ,_,. dr ·~ -..... ............... lki , ~ ..... ~-11: -4• IMl4 MI• .._._.,. ,...,.,... :::. -...... ~ i:.:.:. ':a:ii".C: ...... . s -~....._ ...... . '*·1:~ .-..GI. , ' P'U.C .. • ......... . ........ , ....... ~ -~--_ .. ,... .... ~ OtW .......... c. W.W.-~ ..t..,. ~ h .. _.,. ·-- F s 25 26 Sµ Z1 M (28 • Tu 29 ~AJHIA.RY High 3:26 4o4 4:17 4.5 5:02 4.7 5:47 5.0 6:28 5.3 Low 10 :53 1.5 12:00. 1.0 1%:4-S 0.5 12 :12· 2.5 High 4:31 2.7 6:.%0 2.8 ., :!'! 3.0 7:159 3.3 8:H 3.5 WILL f'IA T CASH ror your fur-, • C I Lot mture or wi.at have Y<>U -Pnoo• K E Y S -.Nice 2 Bedroom Home orner · ncome Low Nwpt. 2000. o. R. cnw1ey, The Made Wh!~le You Walt Coa t Properties Co. On Broadway. Stucco, with garage El lJayo Tract, $3,250 9:1S Food Ba.a.Rt, 1812 Newport VOGEL' Realtors ·attached. Tile in kitchen & bath. I 2.1 PJ•"·· eoota Ken. 111>-tte loo Main s . Balboa $7250 House. s $6,500 and up 10 :%0 208 e boa Island 703 F;.. Central, Balboa ~ -I 2.1 IF YOU want to eell ;wur old .,-• 94-tt<: ·•Phone 683 7·1tc J E B & S · - ll:!o piano ... ua. we pay bl_. ' ,. . arnes on W. L. Jordan 2.5 Caah priee. 30 Y""'"' ~-~· Carpenters Available Balboa Bay Front ; ' • 1806 Newport mvd. 700 Eut Central, Balboa I :21 county. Danz...Schmld.t ""..uu Co.. for general maintenance 2 adjo~g 3o-tt. Jots. Small bea~ Costa Mesa. Phone ~18 1 Phone 153 S.tfc • O.O ~ N. Maln.. Santa An&. ~c h~-[on one. New seawall ... ..1-7·1~ __ _._ ________ _ t:M ------------a-o~ z.~.;:~soN ' acroas lentire 60-Yt. fronL 2 •Bedroom Home --0.4 _r _uRJ_N_I_T_uu: __ roa __ SAL&____ can Nowport 83 $31,500 J.M. MILLER Furnished 'Diies.,.. ~ 1D ordM' ol ~--"'"'1-• FOR SALE-Tavern Table with il·tfC C.an be purchased separate. Real Estate Broker On IJttle Island ...... ,..,.,.. .. m.: --.. • two benches. Don R. Durant. ---::----==,,...,.,....,..,.....,.-:=--15th and Central Bay View . ' 3-tlc Newport Heights Modern, wefi-built, 2·bedrm. home.. Large living room, . mahogany flooring, firPplace, dinnette, toe kitChen and bath. Laundry tray ln 2-car garage. Patio. Lot coin. pletely fenced and landscaped. Excellent value at $10.500. Gertrude A. Waldron • Wm. A. Sanford Broker Phone 234-~ 2-tlc FOR SALE-2 lots well located south of highway. Must be sold togethtt. would make fine home- site ot 2 houses ma.y be built on the Pt"Operty. Priced at only $3200. H. CARDOZA SLOAN 503 Coaat Blvd Corona del Mar Phone Newpoif. 4? B1:AL J:8TAD ICll:CllAltfOK, -4S UP TO 1200 ACREs North New Mexico land, S25 a, Good pollf; billties. WW .trade for a 45--ft. cruiser, sloop or schooner. Hu. paylo, 625 W. 9th SL, L. A. OBJ. 6-2tc' • 428 Orchid Ave. Corona del CUSTOM CABINET WORK-Re-Cor na 'def Mar Lots _ $9750 1 f pair work and remodeling of all I -Mar. . -t c 1<1n•·. Custom bull·m· ~-· 36-ft. ' -t South of '"•hway. , Balboa • ~ • "B TO BUILD ---= ~ ·~~ ~ ...... Ge,...rude A. Waldron ~_".:".:_,_ or ~":!.'._..,..._ FOR SALE-4·piece painted bed· ture. DOUGLAS BOAT ·A Less ~an 2 blocJw to Ocean. Peninsula. 52 feet fronage. ~" ~~ ~- ...!!':-~ ~-.1.'.:"'.=-n=: a.-·. -. _ .......... ....... ... tn..k • it ............ lorV ,..,., ni..t7 .... ·~~"'-~ ~ ...... FIGHT~":lll llONft TO LO.Alf ~ ....... Q~~· ;-;~· -. ·Ill WINC ' JllM RI •llCI 'If Dllll • 14·11 i ~ SANG BOAT & REP.i\IR 1YARD .811 Coast Highway 101' • llCICIVl&p ud sp.ee aval!able for Bo&1. for Sale • Paddle·Bauds for Beat . "7 tile ..,... or -th. room set, consists -of vanJty, CANOE CO., 2819 W. Central 1$1600 Best locaUon. Wm. ~nford Nawport Balboa....._ ......... chest, 4-poster ll\in beds, $50. Ave. Phone Newport 2634. 60 . Oce ~ -I and Loan A9o .. l"aa. I Antique mahog&ny 10Xl2 broad-· -, JIB=t!c • fL close to an Costa Mesa Phollf 234-R · :>-tic asss Via' Lido ~ 1f" loom rug and pad. Phone N. B. ---------'-.L...-c I l;llgh "'1d. level. Can build J 2-Bedroom Stucco __. 853 or call at 1120 W. Bay Ave. SUNDAY SCHOOL GUILD al . 4 Unl1 . Sewer In and paid for. On llroa\lway. Ava~ W.&ll-rAJ · •A'UTOll 111'.&NTSD . " 6-2tc C. D. M. Communlcy Oturch $4200 will have a R=ace!Sale Feb. $9000-Terms JANUARY CLEARANCE! . Mc-4th. Any one Wishing to COD· 40-1 Lot. 120 feet from Mahan Furniture Company ls trlbu tt!' clothes. dishes to,-., etc., Ocean front. Can build 2 units: conductin• a noal clearance sale may call 550-M or 1902-111 and $4750 ·~ artlcles will be called for. 1• _ IAith special values in e\·ery de- partment. If you an. In need ofl --=------'-'--l-.91P_1 Ljstings Wanted any u~ing or bedroom furniture Washi M _._. or any other household Items. It _ Rengpaired' a91mes BROSE REALTY \\i ll pay ·)'OU to purchase now CLEARANCE SALE. Lowest P!clt up Uld ~f«l'· Coroaa de! Illar EI Bayo Tract Wdl located lot. $2750 J . M. MIIJ.ER 15th and Central ljeoipcl(t -"On Your Way to Balboa" • Pbone1242 7-ltc during ~ this · big JANUARY Puta For All V9•ee ~ Cout-Hi&hW&Y terms ; Free delivery. McMahan. 8CllULER SJ 2048 · T·l ~ Furniture Company. Second a: W&lb.lns v.,.bhMt 8bop 1 -------------1 Broadway, Santa Ana. Calif. 1718NewportBl'fd.Oiot-~ ' Who~ fara4vw-.? ,.-. Tl7 wodri'lll todQ'1 c"'"=-•,.mdlldl 3 'Ib..:ltc, --... ~ ~--fir limit! ...,. I , WE NEED ·LATE MODEL CARS and Will Pay Top Prices . ' • SEIJ, YOUR CAR NOW ' \ jWldle J>rk8 UI IJlah • . I . · J'bone f1r Ollr' «JUl'tecJlll in.,. wbo wlD eaD and · " · ~ )'OU rw1'111nK OP~ 11'181"•ttmi,I """'c I ~-S~alldNlll . , ' " C UlBJ!RTSON CHEVROtET Co., Inc. OwuaM liid OM •• ')gg' • 1 • -o-llli"'" .. 11 'd-~ .. n •" n • -I ¥ .. ,.£ 0 &Ai; 'Ill - -&1 . . B * ... • ' • ). I ) .. . , - • • ' • • • . . , . •• I . . --.. ..•. . I ' ' • ·~ .. ""~!.. .... • -......... :t :4111 . • inters Meet . rs. J ac~ Cole Fire Chief Crocker Celebrates Birthday An 1n .the mbminc and two That canny Cape Codder. F!tt lC&WW M&W&· Harbor -- • • Fe.mt ·· i·n '1·he Ale. t. i·--v1·t-1~-es • N w-Oturch G1"9up to Elect Officer;;· H r Rev. Brahams at Dinner Meet • Byl!eale L. Benedict ~ NOTES of the •, =to aft:"' mem~ ~ ~e!:ot~~-=h= _..;Pb:..=ones=·=:..1::3:..·;,:and=..;2a!='-------•-----·By...:.._Wlnlfrod.;.;:;==..:Barbre==-'--.+ I ~ 1637-R ~ch=I ~ ~ the N Int club were. enter-·climate for the warm ~·~·h•~ and VFW A ·1· G t A • p f s...,1· f H ts l St f d A' De M · 1 . • tained~t the home of Mrs. J ack calm waten at BaI~"";;i;b°;ated UXI 1ary ree S musing rogram 0 •1 e8 0 a an Or ' . gr<:e • •a P!>t uck dinner Mon- ~alboa Yacht Club' - + + + Oole. 112 avenue. the Jhosl-his birthda Monday evening. Three N.ew Members Presented at Friday Aftemonn Club For Betse Rabbitt ' ~~~N1ewlnlintlte ~':-ch~-~o! eu ae a buffet luncheon a t . 50Y d ' ..... ..,., ::.-_r ~ .... _,, cu.a·11MLJ1 noon. · He IS yean )'OWlg, an u l<I:" Some of the members looked on fcrta ot. -'the Audubon Societ to Eliza.be~ a:committee and Mrs. Gregory A f r member of the club, ~uge birt.bday_thcake! .. ~~eddinnwith cepThtteted i·n"toewthmee Amwciltx:ry __ ~ereof tahc-e with nost aJgic raeFes of the a.ave wijd birds.1:1,Darring their boa was amon 67RaSbbittf ~ ··BaJ-on h~d c~arge of the deC:ora· Mn. Peacock who · Jias re-ice cre81!' at ... e cu•uv-. er, uu-,. past while others c4 the younger as adornment for hats, and ~ , tan Oiu stu-, which were yellow candles turned to Corona del Mar afttt was blazing wtth 50 candles. A Veterans of FOTeign \Vars at the generation were trMkty amused •-n,e Bird on Nellie's Hat," iac-dents who were mmended Jan. ancJ acaci as. an absen of several years, was p~ed. git_t was the Elks r:tn&-civen "Friday evening meeting, held at when fashions of 8 by-gone day compani~ at the piano by IJn:. 11 for the de of hJchelor-of ! +iter the delightful ,dinner the ""·elcomed back as. was Mrs. WU-him by his 50n and daughter . ' the Costa l\1es.a American Legton were presented by Malinda Kay, Robert ~klles, program chainrlan. arts by the A demic Council of net comers were welcomed to the liam Kl er, who dropped out Seated around the dinner tab~e l:lall with 25 members attending . th~ "Lady With the Hat&." at the JU a C:losing exhibit ahe mod~led Stanford Unive ity. ~p. They -~e.: Mr: and Mrs. for a · . One new member was were Mr. and Mrs. Oixker. their Mrs. Otto Dodd presided.1 and meeting of the Friday Afternoon a 1unborinet, emblem of the sturdy. Miss · Rabbitt dau_gh tef of Mr. Lefb: Baltz. Mr .. and Mrs. Rex accepted. . Arlan Moore. daughter Betty and her hl¥iband, welcomed the new memben. who club of Costa Mesa.. pioneer :spirit of America. Mrs D. a nd Mrs.· M. L. bbitt. 310 Buena Brf,..Qdt, Dr. and Mrs. Vierling, ~lr. 1 Mrs. H bert Lott Was .• ~-nt, Joseph de Temple, Pfc. George were Ed.1th Babcock, Anna Nugent c MacKenzJe Won th · f Vista. will r ve an AB degree anA Mrs. Stanley Smith, Mr. and With bright sunshine. and centle breezes promioed for the -kendt sa)lln.g enthusiasts will be. out In force SUnday and at Balboa Yacht club ra<ft will be held for the PIC. • PC and 1lhodes clus<Js. a<iccnllnc to .Velma Barber, publicity di- rector. One ot the neweit PIC owner:s ls Dixon. Smiht, who bu'' bought Bob DunUey'a boa\. Last Sunday the PC's held an informal raoo, tunina up In. - tldpatlon of the corn.i,ng regatta Rl LoS Angeles harbor. Results o(· the race were, finishing in order. Wheeler , (;iddings. NtuDl"llODtl, ~ d p tricl Maloch Tw ts Introduced by Mn. ReUben Day · . · e prize r or ... Sparu'sh. A d ~T H b ut other members present were Crocker. no~ home on a 9<Hiay an a a e. 0 gues • the most beconung ha t and tiJrs. .... · uate of Newport . erbert J enks, Mrs. Rom- Stewart Dunlap., Mrs. -Harold Grace and Weston. George, who Coronado A\1¥iliary and Myra roll-tlon 1 h ts' dressln . mos ongin num r worn y e distinguished h lf scholastically <MXron Way and Mr. and Mra. Holtz and Mrs. Oliver Hoffman. has ~n in Gentl.8;11Y. will report Grove of Santa Ana. 'Ptans were . ...... 0 -~ • g in cos-maker. . at Stanford U versity. She \\'On (:l!pton Sawin. =:----ir------------, F eb. 18 at Ft. MacArthur. m_pde for the sewing meeting. held tumes appropnate to ea~h period. l.trs. w. E. NickelJ. ·d t Lowe-r · Division academic honors J?octor Brahams. ·pastor of H aines, Wllktnaon, Henley. 1.lrs. Olarles Blakely jr., ?.frs. furlough; J lJllllly, Luther, \Don. were present. Anna Redding of th~ f~~e=:gern:: ~o= f'::rnothuse Raymt on_d . Jalames thbe. e one farbt!the Harbor Union High school,, she · • Mis. Doioth)' Gifford, Mrs: On Do Wednesday at the home of Mn:." Among them were a tiny Dolly th b · · ti _presi a in 1943-44 and ng her Stanlord t~Y ·-·-a Beach ~•yte~IU, e of the yoµnger sons, n, V de h t En•"·h . .e usiness mee ng, and an· ~ ..... , ..:-• ~ "' was hit Saturday" afternoon .ip the Minnie Boyd, 23rd street. boar nt wiath, ~. I ..,..mod":'.'urruf ng nounced that returns of $50 had rr..atriculatjon ived scholar-ch • gave an interesting talk on The Burt Russells are living oft Balboa Island at Pf'OSent. Wtille 3000 block on West Central ave-At a previom meeting new nne . Wlmp e, e~ o the been received. from the recent ships i"rom the tanford \Vomcn's o "zing a young mani.ed club nue when riding his bicycle and members who joined were Mrs. Qleen Victoria era, a ~ach basket bazaar a nd food sale. Mrs. H(!len Oqb of Oran County Stanford similar_ t o the MAriners club of received an injUred ankle. He Ruth Benedict of Corona del 1'tar. ha.t and a monstro~ birdcage af-Keeler-was appointed 8 new !m-V..1om en's Club f Los Angeles and the churc:;_h at Laguna. their new home at Beaoon Bay la under cons~ction. Bob Henley is also building a new two-s tory was treated by Dr. Rausa, who Mrs. Edith Peterson and Mrs. ~a;~ that was . anything but be~u-ber of the executive board. the Senior-Cl and Converse 'fhe president of the club, Mrs found no bones broken, but will Marjorie LaPerle. At that session · ~trl. Jack Shearer was in ch ge Scholarships.. Lynn Hughes, appointed a nom. at 1137 \Vest Bay a\'enue, Eut be on crutches for some time. S25 "-'BS donated to the bospital The speaker had brought with of the art corner , . .,.here an I at-~Iiss Rabb. inating committl'E"! of three ----j'--~-=--------------------1 fund of the Santa Ana Anny Air her a melodeon. over a hundred tractive exhibit of •Mexican ar-.student affairs. he IA'as a mernber coqples, itr. and.Mrs. Lo\vell New· Ne\vpor~ base. years old, and convulsed. her 'audi-ticles including Pottery, serJ pes ,o~· Delta J?elt Delta sorority, lin •. 1'tr. and Mrs. Harold Benedict I After the meeting members of encc when she gave an imitation and other handicraft was iar~ Sigma Delta Cap a nd Go\ffl, .8.nd' Mr.· and i1rs. G. KoPp. for Try working today° a tTOSSWOrd Expert ~ af u t i_ c i a n s or Milady • Pt I ancnts. Cold W ave. Hair Stylin Hai r 'Tinting · · · Bleach· 1ng, Id W ave. • A,"i'{ · CARM E;'\ -§- " S.turd•r. All ,,_,. Z ..eolq p'lm'I• tor Perl!MllM'nl•: Pb.. 817 '1 Balboa Inn Dalbo~ Inn Arcade Beauty Salon • Ocean F ront at the Pier the Post and Auxiliary joined in of an old maid acquaintance of her ranged. Executive Co •ttre and Wo-" elebting officers for , the ne\v or· a social hour ''ith refreshments childhood days. sitting at the old At the close of the meeting tea men's Conferen on the campus. ga~ization. The committee wil I served by members of the hostess instrument and singing an anciefit was served at a table cent red meet in the near future at the I committee. ~1rs. Cora Foerster h)mn. "l·lo\v TedJous and Taste-with narcissus and, pale YC' ow Girl Scout Leaclers horhe of Mr. and 11rs. Ne'''lin: and 1\-lrs. Marian Kasser. less.'" She told of the" act of Con-candlC'S. ~1rs. Nickell and ~lrs~ E. T Announcemen t · '"as made for a l gress tha t was passed through ef-A. Spa ulding pauring. ! 0 Elect' fficers Va~entine box · social to be held F · ' A · l ' in ·the hall ?.forida)'. Feb.· 11, A'lrs 1rem e n S U X I 1ary D I E I . I Girl Scout le ders of the Harbor Stuart Diehl. chairman. 11,e Sun- . e e g a t es n joy H e irloom W e dding area are to. met Tuesday, Jan. 29 day.&hoo1 guild regular moc ting . New offa:ers were elected ond l D ist. PTA M e et G own W o rn b y Bridle at 1 p.m. '-" e Boy Scout .hut, ";11 Se held at Mrs. Diehl's home installed ,,·hen members of the / I C~ntral avC'nu , to elect offi cers thi~ corning Monda)'. Jan. 28. Firc>mE'n·s Auxiliary met a t the ,\ttcnding the Four.t h .,District I th , \" vo k , th II -h I for the comin year. "Skipper" Clinton Sawin. h"ad of the mu. home of ~frs. Maxine Connel l. 907 n <' "'e.e "":'r 0 . e ·.eat er, Allen, trained irl Scout Jeoder. ' mec:>ting of California Congress of GI d 1 edd I " sic .departmeiit or' the Ne'''"'""""rt Clay street. Newport H<'ights. en a<'. '' ing VO\\S were re-,,·ho is to assis '"ith th · k · ~ ParC'nls and TPa""h"rS, held at Ful-t~ Tu d . b ~··· (' \\Or in Ha ... 'hnr uru·~ High s h I led . ! Taking office were Mrs. Con-'" ... J)C'a f'S .ay. evening Y iss the future, will be present to m-t ·I"" -· c 00 • in 1e rton. were dei"'ga tes from th• M B Id d ht f ! .... sinMng a group of ·songs h" h nell. re-elected presidf'nt: ll.1rs. " ... ary a \Vin, aug er 0 ~ r . all the leader$ nd their assista" nts "'' · ·' w ic , Costa Mesa Grammar school P.-T. d .. \V p B Id t 1 f · ended a pie••••• e\·en•'ng Lillian Souder. vice-president and an n·irs. · · a ers on o There are no' eleven troop · · ~.... · . · A., Mrs. Helen Mirkovich. 1-Irs. GI d I d 415 B · s in publici ty chairman : l\·lrs. June en a e an egonia avenue, the Harbor di trict, and lead•rs Kenne.th Stew·art. Mrs. Roush and c d J .. d Do Id " ' Kiddie. secretary. . orona c .r...-1ar, an na • ..,.at-are still need I ;>uzzle. . . . ' White House Cafe Phone 8182 ·. Lagnna Beach, Calif. - Expert . Shoe Repairing . While Y Oil Wait Mrs. Paul Norms n. From the h' f " d M F k -;::::;:::;::+====::::::::::::;:::;:::;:::;=========:::::::;I Eileen Inns was presented "'itb t 1eson. son o n1r. an rs. ran '.I a birthday gift from the group Newport BeaCh Gramrq ar school Matthieson of Glendale. Island t;1 Hostess f Delta .Ga Ebell Bridge Postponed •for a week from the regular date, the Ebe.II club bridge par ty ,\\ril l be held Thursday, Jan. 31 with members of the first book secti9n as hostesses. Mrs. Harry Welsh of Coron a del Mar is s<'cL tion leader and \Viii be in char ge • •• ELCOME CAFE 2560 Newport Blvd., Costa !lie..,. Phone 433-M Finest Place to Dine I Famous ComP.lete Dinner f Open 11 a. m. to 2 a. m. SiECIAL ARRA.~GEMENT FOR PARTIES OUR KITCHES OPE S FOR IN'SPECTlON WM. E. LUDEWIG. Prop. Announcing The Opening by F. C. VENN l Lt. Col. U. S. A., ~tired) r and r'eceiving gifts from their P .-T. A. w·as the president, ?.t:1rs. The bride maae a charming Pic- secret pals were. Norma Briscoe, Edgar Hill . . ture, for she wore the hcirl~m Lee Zube, and Geneva Daynard. Delegates enjoyed the special ..£redding g0,,·n of hoovy ivory, s tin June Kiddie won the raffl e prize. Founders' Day program ·and the made fori her great, great gr nd- tron r ma After the busi ness session cootie a~dress of Mrs. Brown, first Stat~ mother a hundrC'd and forty years \\'as played. \\'ith Geneva Daynard vice-p~~sldent, who_ talked· on in· ago: The fitted bodice had Yoke Members o Orange County ,,inning first prize and Lillian ternational education: also the and sleeves of lace and lace fes· Alumnae as ation of National Souder lo"'· At the close of the pl aylet about the founding of the I tooned the hem of the full sJprt . College \\'om "s fraternity or meeting refreshments were served p.-T. A.. lhe violiq music by HC'r fingertip veil \Vas caught Into Delta Gamma ere guests Thurs· by the hostess. !dfSS..,_Jane· Demming and t he sing-a band of orange blossoms. day evening a the home of ~1rs. Those present \vere the 1'-les· ing of the girls" glee club of ~-Aft er the'" wedding the hundred 1 Clem Dlristie 411 North Bay d ames Maxine ConneJl, Lee Zube. lerlon District Junior college. or mor(' guests attended a reCeir J Front, Balboa Island. with Mrs. Gen£'vieve Daynard, Esther John-tion at the Balderston home on Charles Eaton president of the son, Jean ~fcDonald, June Kiddie Court Whist Played Rossmoyne stre'.et. Attending fr..orr1 club. as ~isti g hostess. and Lillian Souder: Newpar\JBeach were 1'-1r. and lyfrs. ?.frs. Eaton resided at a short -. At Balboa .H 6me Carver."1'.r. and Mrs. Sam But-businesssessio and a social hour !er and Dr. and l\·Jrs. 6bed Lubas. followed. Ray Pagan . 515 East Bay Front Next Door to Palm Cate 9 a .. m . to 6 p. m. of arrangements. Greeting Cards and a Great Variety of Unusual Glfte "'WE INVITE YOU TO BROW SE AJ\OUNJ)" C. E. LOUCKS JEWELRY and STATION ERY Diamonds -W at ches -Fine Repairing ~ne Newport 15S9·R i 797-99 Newport Blvd., Costa Meaa, Callf, • Pilo t Class Elects New Officers J\fr. and Mrs. William J\·tcDOnald "-'ere hosts Saturday e\'ening at their home, 1536 Ocean boulevard Balboa. Court whist was th~ Pretty Luncheo n at Montg omery H o me 1 ~fembers pr serit included -the --,----~-------.,-------------­ Mesdames Ch les Ray. Charles Fo)lo\\·ing a pot Juck supper a t Christ Church By-the.Sea Friday amusement of the evening, after evening members of the Pil ot '''hich th~ hoste~ served refresh-- O ass held the\r annual busines!l,. ments. F irst prizes were won by meeting and elected officers for Mrs. Herber t Ford . and Harold the coming year. H arold Glass Is Glass, and booby prizes by Mrs. the ne''' president, Capt. Edward Glass and ~erbert fl.fcDonald. Fruehan of Balboa is vice-presi· Guests included Messrs. and dent and Mrs. Genevieve Barnes ?.fesdames Wesley Fo"•ler, Ross or Costa· ~1esa was re-elected sec-Owen, Leon Ferguson. Herbert retary. ~frs. Mary Stanley is rt'-McDonald, Her bert Ford. Harold tiring pr esident. .Glass. Mrs. ~1ary Stanley and Mrs~ Miss Gertr ude Montg:omcry,1 as- sisted by her sister. Miss Lduise Mont~omery, en ter tained w ith a three-cq,urse luncheon recentlf at her home On East Centr al avenue, Balboa. At the lace-covered table. cen- Eaton, Hal ill Smith, Walter Spicer, ,0 . W. Dutton and Clem Otristie, N rt Beach; J ean Douglas, Lagu a Beach, and Fay Halladay, Sant Ana. Local Po To FAC to Speak ook Section t ered with narcfssus in a crystal l\1rs. Rose K tterhenry of Costa bowl, places were laid for the J\.fesa will be. s aker at the meE"!t- Misses Ann and Christine Seger-ing of the k section of the strom. Miss Mary Wakeham, J.1iss F riday Aftern n club, to be held H USE -..,.._.-OF' B IJiAUTY S04 Marine Avenue Balboa Island -Phone 1827 . Open Saturdays Until ~iay ·1st Closed on !olonday WHERE HAIR STYLING IS AN ART Our aim Is to enliance Milady's beauty and provide the ultimate in beauty care HEAD TO TOE BEAUIY SERVICE of . his., REAL ESTATE OFFICE Mrs. Barnes, who has served as M. C. Mullins. secretary for a number of terms, -------- Matron Honored · On Natal Day Effie Douglas. Miss P auline P ar -in the sun roo at 2 p.m. Friday, _ ••7<-Vld91'7 a... _ sons, Mrs. Carolyn Thompson and Jan. 25. ._ _________ -....:.. _ _,;..:_~""--------~--' the Misses Montgomery. I "With Benef t of Poetry" is thQ I ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;~~~;;;;;;;; • ,. I/ ' at 607 Coast Highway CORONA DEL MAR I was presented \\;th a handsome \vhatnot shelf as a mark of appre- ciation. Afler the business session the members played two' games of galloping checkers. Twenty-five men1bers were present. Mrs. E. G. Walker, 27th street, was kept at home by an unex- -------------! pected guest Friday, an occurrence ;------------~I pla nned with forethoi..ight, for at • Associate in Office of A.. J. TWIST Realtor • ' Margaret L. 8cbarle (Mom-Mmkl TNobOro' AmD of Calltomla) TEAOBER OF PIANO Orpnlat· • Aooompomlst . Studio: S01 Goldeuod A•enae Cotolla dol liar PB01'-:!l: NI~&T IMI eongratulations To Irene Schull On the Opening of Irene Scull's Beauty Shop Above the Florence Bakery In the Balbo a Apartments 305!/i Main Street BALBOA i • noon she found herself honoree at a birthday dinner when her b roth- er and wi fe. Mr. and Mrs. Wal· ter Alvord, Pacific avenue, Costa Mesa, .came in wi th .fried chicken , birthday cake and everything for a festive repast. Others present were Dr. Evelyn Alvord al,ld Mrs. Wa lker's son. Walt er Honeycutt. Balboa Circle Med ts With President Balboa Cirde of Oirist Church By-the-Sea met at the home of the presid.<'nt. ~trs. Stephen \\f'eatherford, ,,·ith 11 members present. ?.1rs. E . D. Goodell led in devotionals in the absence of fl.1rs. Joh n K. Elliott. After the business meeting came the social hour. with l\'lrs. "Grace Small assisting fl.1rs. Weather ford in serving refreshments. "IF I RA...~ TH!:: DRUG STORE , .• " ""If I ran thls •rvc store.~ the ... b-toaped ...,........, sa.kl, 'Td make a ldllhu-OD cboap..,._tlc:o.1 T Not for loq lie w.wct. Tlae •'OIDell who trade bere Jaave eoal'ldence In our mer- che"'-and tlle7 know oar aoemedcs stoell repreeeat. quaUty. Tiiey """ ......... came *My baJ' wit.II. more OOllftdeDDe.. Mr. and Mrs. F.dward Firbank Newport Beach .Ph8111Jacy 11•-~ -6 a.y Vle'-7 - '· I ' subject chosen y the speaker. who [1 N . W d . was poet laur te for the Indiana • o Q o e eWpOrttan e State F eder ati n of Women's clubs O 6 00• \>. • ... Q To Navy Lad •_nd was-<tllte t_ry chairman for 0 0 • o\_? Helen Poll ock, resident of New- port, and employed at Hansen's Confectionery, was wed Friday evening to Fred Lee, Gunner 's Mate 3/c, stationed at San ~ego at the parsonage of Christ ChUrch By·The·Sea. Rev. Ed Goodell of~ ficiated., six years. Sh wi ll be presented • 0 c· C; ::;'anMrs. 0. D. 'ng, section chair--~ • FEB. T he bride was atten~ed j by Mabel Ulve, 11nd Al H anson served as best man. Mr. and !\olrs. Andrew pollack, parents of the bride, and :r.tr. and ~'lrs . 1-lerman Hansen also a-t.tended. Pi Phi M ts Jan. 29 at Wayne rper Home Pi Beta i;:th Alumnae associa- tion meets esday, Jan. 29 a t 12:30 p.m. at th~ home of Mrs. Wayne H arpe 11~ Ab$lone street, Balboa Island Members are to bring 1 sand"i es 1 and salad and desser t will ser,ved by the hos- tess. i J Mr. and M C . M . Bro therho od 426 Sfiort str •1 Harold Rapstead. 't. Costa· Mesa, are aughter , bori;i J an. a Community hos- hed seven pounds, "-/ parents of a The ]l~n·s Brotherhood of Costa 13 at Santa 1\IJE-sa Connnunity church will tneet pital. She·-we Monday evening, Jan. 28 at the I eleven ounces. - home of Charles Beecher. Ne,vport ;-----+----~-- Road. according to ~falcom Reid. I B For Be-tler Printing Call 12 or 13. . \Ve Lido Theatr~ Phonn 211-l ·-Free Parking ' ~ow, Sho"·lnK" tbru .satui:cs~y 'THE H OUSE O~ 9'.!:'.'<rri·D I STREE'r' --edded- "THE Pt\.LES~-f: PRORLE)I" Sunday thru Tut?Mlay Joan Crawford J ack Canon .. MILDRED PIERCE" Starts ".ed. -.Ian Sot,b ~y \\"Eltf: EXPEN DABLE'' Balboa Tile3tr · Now 8how1nl" thru Saturda.J "l'llE FALLEN ANGEL" --eddod- ..A OUN u-~ ms ~'D~ Sanda)' and Moaday "THE SPA1',SB MAIN"1 Tuesday __. Wedmnday "ClllU8TMA8 JN> C0?\9NEC!"IC1JT" (Estelle Ph. Sa ta Ana Sfr.?S 51:ii No h Main Street -Room 8 Arc:idc Bulldlni Our Lendi n Library Contains the test ,Books ... Boon 9:30 to 5:36 Except )Ion 2 p.m. • 5 :SO p.m,. Areade Bldl'. -§- Spare R" Lamb of Beef • r -- - SANTA' ANA WEDD~NGS Taken ~in Chur~~ Holne Studio < - • • ' or ' . ' • ' .. •