HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-01-29 - Newport Balboa News Times• .. 11. -~SAND CRAB' • MESA .BOPM! \Vho is there to deny that a full-fledged ' boom is expand· mg the Me5a froin north to south and j!ast to west. If anyone doubts that h e or she . . .. , • • . ) I . for 38 yean the ·best adYertising mediom in the newpo~ harbor ·district • --·. • ~ newspaper that ·goes , home, •,. ' • Jl'lnt .. Ad"'er..+it.llDgW.• •·First ID Cln:ulatloa NEWPOnT BALBOA ' I EMBRACING BALBO~ PENINSULA.. WEST NEWPORT. SEA SHORE COLONY, LIDO ISLE. NE VOLUME XXln'IO • .. Thirteen Business Licenses Issued · in ~s Many 1Days Here for Various New Enterprises . ·. I I Cost ! • ' • 7 N1ilOIBa. Report ' . MeSa and Harbor Residents Hear C. M. Incorporation Talk At Annual Election, Dinner . • should have attended the an- nual meeting of the Cham· her of eorltmerce Monday, where a perusal.of the crowd would have read like a chap- ter from the Blue Book har- bor's 400. It was· the first such session in three years and Bart Bartine. president all tha t time. has stood up un- der the punishment of a · gTO\\·inf~ tot\11 a nd its pro~ !ems with good-l)atured abil· ' itv. CmmlY P la nner Diggs Refrigera,tor Business Leads iri Number; Boat Chas. Diggs, Plaqning Consultant, Reveals s3nx1 the gathering from Service, Garage, Venetian Blinds, Radios, Mesa Will Have Major Industry Soqn; too m u•·h ahcient lore by re-• • L' d M t I ta t D J t A citing "hatj is ha ppening to-Even a New Phys1c1an 1cense ~ os mpor n eve opmen rea d av ancl p1troicting that the • h ai·bor are:j. will be the larg-Thirteen new business lice1,1ses were granted by' the of· I N early 200 H arborites h eard Charles Diggs. Orange est de\"lo pmcnt ·in Orange fice of the city clerk in about as many days. records revealed County Planning consultant. teh the m 111oliday night at the countv. O f course al! of us a t the citv hall yesterday. Among the new firms deciding o n armual c hamber of commerce banq.,et that Costa Mesa was ' in the5e paqts agree with him ' the harbOr region . three want lo engage in the refrigeration considered the m ost Important spot in the county •for future 100 per cerlt. · business; one physician asked for a license; garage and used develo pme nt and that a majo r indust<ry, n a·me of which could + +-, + car businesses are projected n o t yet be disclosed, would locate in that area. Then the din· • ' Bridges. r This pro[X>Sed R. \V. BARTINE a nd o the r lines planned. Appra"ser . AR:\lY RECREATION. •i MJng off Ne\.\~~=rbor ln the power ers went home Qefore the balloting! foedr 1946 di.rector.; was • bridge over the upper bay \\'ell known Costa l\te§a fl~re R. G. ~lob<>'"" and J. s . ~1cCart-I crulser maintained by the S~B ror reha. . on or many recu~ comp et , as the foUO\Vi.ng ln d ·--·----' b --'ded the I di .... J eraUon cues as \.\·ell u well re 'me'es awalUn.g discharge. · 15 1-~~ that is . be g 1~~ y who P•.:31 a t ~-1 annua .n· Je r took out a pc'rmit _for th~ sa~e 1 -Photo by courtesy or the AAJ'. B lb M t' I \Vere se ~~: the stat e lhighVi.•ay depart-ner of the Costa M esa Cham· of elc>ctrical merchandise: \V1lley s a oa 0 e Leroy P. Anderson, Gus Beach. ........_ ber of Commerce Monday nl1"ht. H s ment-' what will it BC· Refriger ation Service was another t t Braden F1"nch Named· V1"ce Cha1"rman · Lloyd Braddy, Fred Dudley. How- $ complish d \Vhere \vill it which is to locate on Coast boule-I ere on a e ard Gerrish, Harold Grauel, Den- go • !Such l a span will cost Woman Rescued vard ; while John M. Babcock ls x· H • IF d c . . c ..+vs Id b H nis H ogland. J. c. Lionbarger, millions ar/ci the thought in eexrspeocntinFlg 0'.?,emr asktreeehti,s shpecacdtaql~z":'ntg· e , osp1ta un 1 ampa1gn 1n 0 0 U1.L•J' 0 y ay I William Lord. C. M. Nelson. F . B. mind is·wi'.tthe r such a pro-After Slipping Off " p k p J t $70 000 c h R rted Ra sed Owen,. D. c. MacKenzie, John Jed is beihg con siderj!d in Deck into Ocean in ::~g~rnadio~t~~:~i~r~rc estab-ar ro ec s , as epo I fo·r s· 65 000 t·:.~~n ~~~~· TeWinkle, and conn~tion I With the· upper lishing a machine shop on Lafay-. ., · Mr. Diggs invitOO the group to bay. its· d rfdgtng and its de-. I ette drive; The Lido electric re~ I As pla~s \Vere l~1d for the .cou~-tion. because already \\•ell known f att':'nd the formal hearing F ebf 7 velopment. 1 Many feel that _Slipping on the deck or. th(•1r ceived a permit to sell el<'Ctric . . t)I campa1~n to ra1.se funds for 1!"e physicians have asked.to be tram. -at 2 p.m. in the court house, Saata that area will be the , h ar-sport fishing boat. Elba Nar1e last appliances on Coast high\\'ay, near Another step toward r!'al1zing a 1 Presbyterian hospital. to be b~t (erred here if lt ls builL ) Ana. on consideration of the land bor of tomOn"O\\'. \Vill the y,;('('k ''"hile out for a day's pleas-thl• Arches. state park at Corona del Mar "'as l immediately west of the Archfs One of tfie biggest N'al _estate use map, but assured his audience UpnPr ha ...fl.,.r be '~ for urc, ~Irs. Richard Nelson or 2700 In Corona del Mar Robert taken yesterday when a committee on the bluffs overlooking Ne\vport March of Dimes deals to take place in Balboa was that nothin1o; would be done to-,~ '!'-"' ill Silverlake boule\,.ilrd. fell over -?l:f ikels and Robt . MC'ade plan ·a , from the Newport Har~r Cham-I Harbor. Rev. S_cott ~icFarl~d. the sale Monday of the Balboa_, ward its approval without giving sma ll crarr o r large; \\·~ a board into th£' OC<'Bn but \\·as I garage and used car businc-ss on ber or. Commerce met Wtth Stat.e pastor of the First Presbyterian I Honors FDR on Motel; 315 East Central avC'nue,I the people a n opportunity to pre- rock botti make. tlrede.!ng prorriptly rescued and brought to the high\\'ay. Dr. A. v. Andre\\"S App:ruser· Hennessey or t_he. Cali-Ch~ch of Santa ~na \\'as namro 65th Birthday by Volney L. Hay to J . E. Rags-sent their vie"'"S- tht' inner r bor costly? Will shore by her husband. son and a is loCating his medical suite on \ f~rn1a s.tatc Par~ ~omm1ss1on to ~airman of the drive. and Brade.n 1 dale of Pasadena and Santa Ana I-le stressed t he fact that the de- such a -bri ge benefit Costa friend '"ho accompanied her . Balboa Island. discuss .1n a preliminary way the 1 Finch of Corona del l\·lar, pr~-S<-hools. postofflcfll and uUI-a t a price of $65,000. The propert)' velopment of the l\fesa should not 1t1esa or he thousands of ~lrs. Nelson "'·as in the ,,·ater Yacht maintainanre and s~rvice , P. roperties propos<'d to be taken dtnt of the chamber · of commerl'P · consists of six Jots, of which three be permitted to go forward helter· ' h th C dcl M St r-lty companies ,,111 act -d~ a c res tributary to tts s ores, only a short time, but suffered anoat is thC' idC'a of Charles Ull-into e orona ar ate here was given the post of vie,e I ~ cx:ean frontage and three are skelter. but business. housing, in- J . b · p k h · h S A posltarl~ tor the March · al d-pite ·the fact that 1rn from shock and slight ruisc-s. it ma n and Richard I. Ste'"·art on ar . c airman, a t t. e anta na moot-on Central avenue. with 25 apart-dustr'-' should all be allocated to "!;""' • Dimes ca:mpalgn starting to-" Irvine O'W11S most of it? Why v•as reported. Ao ambulance met the bay front. Marine boat and The appraiser had also be-en en-ing of tpe directors ~1onday nig9t. morro\\' (Wednesday) 1 00 the mcnt units and the o)"ller's mod-definite J reas. thus keeping taxes not let tl)e public discuss the boat af Balb;<>a Yac~t basin gasoline sales is to be the business gaged to look over the land be-Finch pr!'sided in the absence pf G6t h blrthday of the l•te Prell-em tw~1tory apartment and gar-from going higher.~ He declared.' such an overhead, rather ~nd rushed her to the family home of Ii' ne\v concern a t the Union Oil t\\•een this city and Huntlngton the pastor, and Mrs. Is~bel .~-dl'nt Franklin D. ~ lt &ge on 1he ooean· front. the community needed setbacks to f · d m Los Angeles. Later reports company dock on Balboa Island. B PRch fnr i:1clus;on of !hat strand drews wtlo had l>N>n 1dent1f1Erd ""'.11' statrd tocl~y by H erb Hay purchased the property a enable better parking, ,long a dlf. •than a li'"V engineers an said that she was ·tecovering. J . K. Bro'''" will handle r adio sales antl 1~ . .o;-riblv ::i-<1 acr"s nor1~1 of 1 with _ the drive for funds in tile year and a half ago from Sam firul1 nroh'rm in rPD"'t of the cornmitteeS., I I ed f l':(nny, l'haJ.tman or tll,e drive . ·+ + , + and maintainance on Coast high-thi; high\\"~~· into anoth":-park h~r area, .'fas sc eel ~r t~e here. \....... Stiefel, who had developed it and to\vns of the county. ~--'-•-IM ,_ Sat . Arcade Bldg way. project. He \\·as on an explorafor y pos.ltion of director or public r e-Any amou nt ,,.111 be &ccept-ran ft for many years. A f ew smor.-Nul8.lill"e raraJ-U.I -:.-:_~th Ind y a · • Pottery and mould m aking "'ill mi"sion only. it \Vas explained, nnd l lations. The county members con· s.ble to t he fu nd to ·ralse moDP.y .weeks ago he sold two lqts \vit~ That "SmoP.." R smo~e nuisance barber sh~ uit" O er a . Costing $30 000 be undertaken by Arthur Ve tch the various sites \\'ere talked over gratulated the t,wo on the splen-r 1 1 1 hild vtrll f 12· apartments across the strc-ct th:it i!' tr,ikinr, living in Los An- and listened to some inter· . ' il) Corona del !tiar. Also In that in(ormally which \\'Ould be includ-did job done here in assuring the l:~a':tfa~. ;a~al\·s~:."the s':~a froril this prop!'rty ?t a price of f!:('ICS co:•nty sections som~at estingl corqments on the new For Cor. del Mar area ~"Ir. and Mrs. J. L. Stamps ed in Coro na del !\'tar. Those to be si.te 1a nd approaches to the h~-Postmut~r sa.id. $28..000. a record pr1ce. fo 8 r frontf·i unpleasant. \votild not be pe t· parkii)g meters. Said o ne 1 will open a store for display of bollght by thc-state as well as p ita. 'I ag~ on Central aven~e; uyl'.'r o tr-d in thi!' .ronntv. was a n 1 u:r-... trorl · -,Tl h ear Balboa furniture. ceramics and gifts. those \Vhi ch n1ight be offered by! R&l8ed $10.000 N M .G this was f.{rs. Chad\\'lC'< of Glen-anC'f' ~iv1·n hv the sp<"akrr ; w ho ~ ~· 1·J; 'em one of t,pe Corona del Mar's first arcade Venetian blinds will shortly be the city to match the state pur-·To date. it was Jc-arned carliQr. ame f$. race d.'\Je. The combined deals t otal drcl:::rrd t hri t tvhile the ~1esa was bF hotsl 1 ~ t 'letter w hic h building for stores a nd m~ical-sold by l\lary M. Tapicott in New-chase W<'fe gon<" over by Hennes-the hospita l fund has S70.0CXl ln ~ A · • H d S\09,cn:>. e~jo)•ing a rapiq industrial ~ g S ~~ab th COltn-dental offices in the rear is well I port Beach . sey together with Ral ph J.'laske)·. cash, and is driving toward S500,-1-I 0 gain ea Since Hay has been In possession peo~I<' nrl the \vrong impressiOll was just Y e -under ,,..·ay at 411 Coast high\,·ay, -+ Lt. Col. F . c. \'enn'. Gerald Ritchi<'. ·ooo. Other Orange county co!Ji-1 Red CrOSS D•i"ye he has modernized most of the cotr that esa industries would be·""of cil". "Wf! l, ~~t \Vas better near the eastern end of the com· r'iongmoor ~aves Braden Finch. and R. L. Patter-munities, eve1:1 as far a"'ay as Or-m, . tages, 1nstalling" showers in eilch, tha ature, Ht'.' sta1ed the. county than putting It in the waste--munity. The.modern style struc· • • son. ange. are starting their campaign ] ___ painting " them a nd a dding some pla nning commission was not in basket," ~marked the ~-ture. designed foc Faye tte Birt· For Atlantic City ' Thr state appraiser ao;~ed for durin~ .the month of February.1 .I\1rs. Victor Grace. \vho has new furnit ure, and he Y.'ili com-1 fa\"or of such plants but wanted ber "as fOr me," he rontin-cher. by Ri char<L P~cger. a r!'si-further study 10 be made of the 1 Huntington Ile~~h. Lagcn3 and headed the American P..cd Cross plete the work before the new the right typc-to come hrre. He •. ~· ''I J.J __ t drive m y car, drnt or Coronll. del ~far. is be-\V 1 f h pcoblem, •nd he \\·i ll return at a other coastal c1t1es ha\"C already drive in Ncv.rport Har.bor district owner takes possession on July 1. I completed his talk by compliment- """· ""~ · d · b 'It by H ' hl ~ C t c 8 1cr Longmoor, Ont'.' 0 t e l t d f' d L.--Rapdale was recent nurchaser "t 1n g the l\1 esans for bein~ reason-d O\.Vfl in e morning an in~ ui ig anu o ns r u -partners in \Vestern Canners of later dat('. Then tl~c specific prop-re~r e proif!'SS. 'for the past 1vc years. an 1wc. ~ . •• ·then take it home and leave tion company. \vi th completio_? Nev•port left Saturday for New erties under consideration will tx-1 Architects ~1~on Hunt aod been actively engagc-d in its work the Windsor apartments, Balboa. able and hoping that they appre... •t . 'th garage and \Valk stated for about March 15. York aty and Atlantic City, N. J. put up to the board from .the com-I Chambers \\•ill bring elevation ~d for nine. is again s_la ted to srrru:-formerly owned by Hay. ' IContlnued on PaJZ"e 41 l lfl r• eC:b id 'tron · 0 l 'Ve The attractive group of stores At the latter city t he well known mission. who may make the trip, fleor plans to the head,quarte;s 1n head thc mercy dr1\le for ~94G, L\J 1 -, _ down. r .a ~ th .t ma and offices are entirely rented. busine~s man will attend the an-hPre to. look over the project as a Santa Ana Tl\urs<!ay ntght, Wlth 8 '\\·as learned yesterda~'"·· Ext ~ . I t s ' put tWo vi::-fl!lle5, Ul a -Men's and women's apparel sh9 ps nua1 convent.ion of the packers, \~:hole. At sllch a tim£: hearing . bre~kdown in cost 'of varlo}D t lnsetad of the ~!6.198 quota ens1ve mprovemen s een <;})ine and.~t lS still in the red. are to be operated by Jack Han-broker s and buyers of canned fish, would likely be held before final I roonlS. a ~d depar~me.nts, so th~t assigned by the rounty, the Jocal . . But that ~ the \Vay stlot m 3;: son and Nina •espectively of Bal-Y.'h,i ch...starts February 2. action is taken. or_garuzat1ons or individuals w~o 1 chaptei: ha& accepted one of Sit.-. , c hines aljVays trea. ~e-,, boa Islapd. ~George Stamps will wish to donate .rooms or "'ards 698. or $500 less, it was aru.:iunced On M c · d c tk• · l:e "What!s we use o f kicking. open the third shop (acing the may know what they will cost. IA l{J.rger home·service.need·is m -. ac ur y a ins ase said another, "some smart high\\'ay for custom designed f • • F t p t•t• -Dr. Paul Cliver of Laguna Beach,· dent here with three large mill-• boy sOld the council on the furniture. and is to' call .it the a1rv1ew arm" 0 e I ion retired •urgeon &aid that the hOS· 1 tary bases In this region. it WU ·d di \Ve h ave them Lanru Shop. His wife will dis-J. pital, if fully endowed, could be: explained. The drfv-e ~ts under . _ I eath, ~th people \r-Oted for play hl'.'r o\vn ceramics in the WO f M I w one or thl'.' famous on:'..'s in the nu_-.way March 1. ( A major improvement t• ('n-tures may also be added t \Vhe et .,.e., . same store. t •t t -o com- them or no+ + + u s sec1:':i n ~~iza:li~~·.tl~ ~g~~~ I~~~; or e ropo I an a er Flar~ Called Out I County' Planners ' ~~ ~;.!~;. ~t~~gth;i.~~·.cd I r;~::;~gefill on lhe 200 feet of ''Amazing'' Help._ . . is to be occupied by Dr. A. v . • With the lease or 113 feet rr.ont_age The entire 200 feet frontage Treasury )1oney-RaiSe_r Geo. Andrews. He will share a com-' ' ' ' Army Rescue Boat Approve 18. Acres lo Max Schach\ner of Wt!nung-' may be full y improved. also by Little \\•ho \\inds up hlS gov-mon reception room \\tth a dentist. . 1\\·o JX't1t1ons arc soon to be 1---· . H" h Sch l ton.. an ag:e~t for ~neral l\~ot~rs Brown and company, who have· emmdnt work. pra.ised ne\\'S-L. H. Vierling. both o r \vhom are c1r~ul~tcd among s t~kholdC"rs ?r Phebus \UOUnded 1FQr Ig 00 die9el who 15 pl~ing a building leased the center portion, a nd rs f their a mazing no''' residents of Corona del 1\tar.1 Fa1r\·t('\,. Farms \~ale>r Co .. 1n · ' t""I A flare repor ted off th~ jetly I to cover 102 feet of the pr~perty l\iacC'u rdy and Calkins. \\'ho· hold pape ·m t .o.r to the \\'a r ef-and ha,·e bl'.'t>n recently discharged Costa !\lPsa :C'Qucst1ng (ormat1on 1 In France Back Sunday nig tit at about 10 o'cioqk A survey!map or the pn._"S('n1 fa-at _l215 ·~t highway for display the master lease. The \ViJm;ng-. contn l io n . fi ance and from the Sl'r\'ict". 11ieir patients o~ tl~C' arC"a into a c~unty water ' . brought thc-army rt':iCUe crafl into cilit ics ·.of r the NC'\\'port HBrbor flld. serVice of the fa:mous boat ton diC'scl agC'nt said that he pro-f~rt in llelping 1~\~ar in all ,,;u ha\·(' ac:c<'ss to the r eception t d1str1ct and. ~nnf':xat1on t.o ~he On Police force· instant action. Drawing up along Union H.igh school ground pJan lengJ.nes as -:veil asc.naVIga1:fon a nd poses to build on about 102 feet. \\'Ul the tnugh e:;t room from a rC'ar par king yard. 1 C'o;:is1al 1\·tun1c1pa\ \Vater D1str1ct, sidl· or 1he ·rhree Scotts a s hort toge ther ,vith addit ion of the 18 control eQWPfn:E!nt. Other ~true-, wl~h buildings of two stories in his t o ry. He said th~ papers as \\·<'11 as fr.om the strr<'t. according lo a pr!nted statement •. . distance from t he end of th12 J-i l• acres lo be purchas~ from Jamcs . . height nl each "?d· a nd '?n~ story· ga\'e 318;5-13_.~ lines ~f Thl' arcadl' builclin~ is. tx-iric tf'lcas~d .br the board of dircct:-.rs 1 \·ir.l!il Phebus, rcC'f'~t~:o: discha.J""g-~t waii learned that the boat had Ir"'·ine h as bee"n compll'tcd by thC' Paragon Home• . in the ~ter. Nl"'xt }; ,him, J. K- nc \VS a nd ed1to1ia l s uppo1t C'TC'<'IC'd opposite th<' Baltz mor-l of Fa1rv1e\v Farms. 1!'d frnm thP 79th D1\"1~1on. U. s .l dl'Vc loped motor trouble. enginet>r ing firm of ·Siegel ·and · . ' Bro"'" is pla nning a :lS-.oot struc- ancl more tha n Sll 0.~.900 111ary, nf•ar thC' C'asti:'rn boundary As C'xplai ned in the oompanv·s Arni ~· Infantry ~rps .. hns retu'rned 1 .. Operated ~)' _E. K. Wilkinson. R aub. i nd submitted to the archi~/Got Bananas -tu~c for rnarin~ clec~rical and _\\·orth of>· bond ad\,.e rt1s1ng linf.' of th<' city. and also near .. Statcmf'nt of Progrf'ss a nd Pro-to his fornil'r 'A!J \V1th the Nl'\V· 1he 33-foot fishing· boat ~ O\\·n~ tectura l firm of Marsh. Smith and.i sh1p--tcr1'h:ir<' r.tdto CQlUpment. contri,btited or sold to spon-thf' J)roposC'd 49-acrc annC'xation to posed Fur ther Action." in order port RC'ach Poli<'e Department. b~· F. J . Drdlet of 5922 Carleton P owell ro~ further de,:elo•mcnt And Hardwood 'fhC' ~····c>1·lv 4fl f!'l't ma.Y not (0~ this N e\\:S·Times the cit:.·. Thf' building utilizes the for the ar('a or the F air\ie\\1 F arms Ph!'bus left about f\\·o years ~nd , Way. Los Angeles .. She was rr -into a m~e r plan for uJti0tate be develoj)t.~d at once. dt>ClllJ"'ef! M. 50r:"· ,0200 1· es· 51500 d o-fl10St of thf' insid€' lot to a hig:h 1\\.ater Co. to join the l\Ietropc.ili-Sl'Vcn months ago for the ser\-1ce. ported to have ~ever8:1 pen:ons usea gc of c new acrea~,'it was E . Ni('(jr>eker , new associate of ga"\e t ·-d . 1!1 . ' ) Little dl'&r<"E'. It is cxp<>ctC'.(l to cos~ in tan \\'ater District, it. \\'il l be and spent 14 ".'onths overseas. H e aboard, \\·ho w ere 1n no unm~a~e declared b Sidney Davidson. prin-The Paragon came back to port MecCufdy and Cakins, who has na tecl a 'erttsing ·1d k the nci.,.hl>orhood of S30 000 I necessary for the area to Join the \Vas '"01 1ryled 1n France. and was dang<'r . The r escue boat . ,,..·h1ch 'ts cipal. Friday· morning with 3000 Stems of purchased one-third interest in Sc'lid: •• · · · sh otl m_a e '"'· ·• ' · Coastal Municipal Water Dlstr.ict.. hospit&Jlizl'.'d for s£>Veral months.I h e ld ror ,e rher gency duty onJN, P.urch~ o( the l(lnd has not bananas and hundreds of hoard their boat yard. The y are at C'\-ei::· nr\\'Sfk"lJ?E'.'nnan proudd S S Annexed Land which action v.'ould automatically H e r!'sumed his dutl~ as patrol· ne\·erth~less to\\·~• the Three been completed although the coun-feet of red cedar and ·Spe.nish present improving the yard for of htS profess1on -.-protl · ay take the ar<'a into the l\ietropoli-man last ~a.t urday nig ht. and has Scotts 1.nto port. t'' plilnning ·commission has ap-hmdwood. which they: exc>ect to ·m ore efficient repair and repaint· -- t oo. or the leadership and pa-Sh Id p t Bo d tan district. Other areas in the be-en r~1v1 n~ a '':elrome hand . proved. according to Mr. Davidson,. be taecl' in boat mnst:ruction. as Ing facilitieA, and ·are soon to tr\otism of his associates. but OU OS n immediate ,;cinit.Y are .•t. the from friends' &1nce h>S return. I Two Tea·chers I who also sought the endm I tun; and _'trim. The ftave the lot back of the propooed m ost o f all. proud the glon-F J t present tame t aking pr~hmmary . of the State Departmen obtained !.n a three building with black top. They ()US wa r record that newspa· or 'mprovemen _ s st~ps. to join the co .. tal W~ler Fined $150· License Return to H s cation. Department of Sch ong 1;he west C0811t expect to install new bulkhead and rs made w hich \\ill go a Bel1e\1ng that any subdiVlS1on D1strtct, and the areas ly1ng "'1th· S ded f' Dri . • • Planning which has not a point well. below special equipment which will fadU-j t >\'8.rd furthering should P..'\..V for bringing in utili-in the Ne\vport ~iesa Irrigation USpeD Of Vtng Lieutenant Wendell Pickens bf J received.· The board of trus tate handling of boaU ui> to 55 t~ng way ~ a free press ties to th• eruting ~mes 'of th Dis.trict and. the NewP<?rt Height> While Intoxicated the u. s. Nayy. physical educatibn the. school voted to P\'rch ther wu encountered feet In length. . . , e cause th ld ,, city, Ralph 1ttaskey said yesterday lrrigati?n District are :81ready m~ officer of the Beeville. T e 1 , added land ·for $22,!:. home from Ma.nzanlllo, Nledecker sa..ld that _._/their throur hout e wor · that he was_ in favor of . the an-eluded in the l\.ietropol1tan Water A~ehcnded by the state high· naval station has returnod to ci 1-~lready on hand. _ akJpper said upon imPl'QVements are comPie~ tbiey' + + + nexation of the proposed h1gfl. class District. way trot aft cddent on ian life and his former posi · Ter. new 1tudents re Tbe1" wathered a bJow wU1 have an office and • toclr.-Matthru:f DlllM!A. Whethe r property immediately south of According-to an engineer ·s re--N ~t bouJ er S:: aGeorge G of ph)'Sical health tnsb:uctor yesterday· and .eight Jut Wftlr near the cu1f · · • you llkeq the late President Corona del Mar, if they .joined por t to the company. Fairview A~msr of ru.!:01~ appeared ~ the high school. . the new semeSter began wlllcll tb07 heard bad =.::::.the hlghWlly, a 111*'1'!: Roosevelt or not.. his ann?1al the a ty watl'r and 5e\Ver system. Farms "present wells ahould be Judge D. J . Dodge's court Mon-J oining him in his old job cator said. 'Ibir total eriroDnwrt nc .craft from San transvene "':: in~UO.:~ March Dimes campa.tStn and ~t.ed OOnds at the ti~ the abandoned as they are net suit-day morning and pleaded guilty at th~ school wu Lt. Roy O. is now 635 OJ' 50 ahee. , ! kr bandlinr .. ~ u . b1199'.ai' for vi~· of infantile par-map IS filed for the compleuon of able for domestic or agrlculfural to a charge of drunken drlvJnil. donon. ai.o a lieutenant ~ ,ear. They have e><ee<d<d fw,...-11' attadled lo -ts. M .. t ot It, With ~. . alysls, saved thousands the street impro»ements. us.. due to Incursion of salt water. Adams was fined $150 and SUS-grade Jn the naval air -· j>linned capedty of tM -Stein, Alvin al the ~ om.,.. , oi Ii I • t asking too The tract map allould be !lied and drilling of new wells In the pension of his license for 30 days :ivu sfationed at Memphls, T ' 8ncl . haye MCenUy completed '-' al 1!'11baa; Earl re.dy b -~ will be · uch~ .... , 15 no dime or before the final annexation of uy vicinity of present wel~ to great-was invoked. , He hu returned to instruct 90Cf.al survey to 'indicate f\lture Clll"ona del Kar: Bf1I Y • m WI P your . new tract to t~ dty, the re~tor er depth is not advisable u an atudils. · . I emv11me1rt · fnwn papllll p; Prandl Snyder'· ten times~t many into the argued He pouited to the Sn'llth geological studies lndlcate that A sign on a rood ,_. repair UeuL Ashby Powell II' tbe <".'il)' grades who anticipate 1dm -ten al·Hew· "-""'" of the Mat One ~ coffei;s ol 1;he Georgia Foun· ~ back of <;oast highway any lo""'° watez strata will even-In oortbem Japan ,_ "Drivo teacher still In aonlce, who ft a<hooIDtg beft.-'That poinU e-.b ai, ...S 1111re other dub-wett1enterialned Jeot datloi;i into the channels pooung $3900 to ~ cu nm •lnlo iually be affected by salt water C&ref1Jlly-Hld> Point JI.en at Newport Harbor 1o --.cl fllCill-bebll; '*' 1-Btz+, •-wee1< at tilt ._ al Mn. WaIW • =:IT it will do ! the most their project, whlcb Is ~ over (Continued "" Pap FourJ Work.. , country. winds-I altL. ~ Cuca -. _ . _ 1 Aimil!! \ io, >"an. l '1 . r • t RD>etil weD .. fumi t of Edu· cargo· ....... oolhoule •aka trip al ,,.,t -of Mola> lo tees of the pH: -,~~ Raaiib-en route ' . --'Slloln. . enrolled .mftl. ' '"""" ' ---In the , Ille .. enb-+, Alum • ...... d, of -a..., ........ the Tlw ..._, ., ..... tbeVamvD, D .. ----• • ~ :--:o. -~ 2 I 11441,.,.. fll Oldmio; toadtl-prt. I _' let Pj., -... fll . - ' ' • • • '(. • I • ' ' . . • , • NEWPORT-BALBOA Nt;WS,,.-TIMES PHONES: NEWPORT U aad U Active Member of Pati~ce Please • Servicemen stationed in the Pacific may have reason to think ltfY aren't being treated right but men who served in other wrrs had their troubles, too. Back in 1898 some America n soldiers who served in the Philipp'*es were discharged out there be<:ause ships were un- availa ble. 1t was a couple of months before they could get transporta tion home. which they had to pay for out of their own J>O<ikets, a nd 4n the meantime they had to feed them- selves. When they got h ome they tried to coll ect from Uncle Sam. ' Uncle fi nally kicked in-47 years la ter-December 5, 1945, to I be exact. . . GORDON B. FINDLA .Y -j CONTRACTOR and BfilLD ltR ornce l 3410 Coaat Bl\'tl. -. Pho ne 'l! l CABINET SHOP SERVICE' • - CABINETS a nd MILL\VORK' T. C. J ollnson, 401 30th SL Supt. NA TIOtfALL Y ADVERTISID F rom 162.50 up WHICH ARB 8'*f W"ttb Thia U1niin11I ~ In, 311 lllORTllJIAllll IT. PHONB 42~ T•Oall:ID allPIAlll . I . . > • • • • ". NRWHMf BALBOA N&WA· n $ - Ir.I A olulll -· ' . •. • . v.hicle. (Section 528(&) Ve-Donald Burns, l<lll of Mr .... <lode). "Mn. Edward Bums, 2lllO oe... o. 'WheneYtt .OJIY whlde Front. hu r<eeiftd his -... bu atbi>i>eci at a marked croa-clbchars• lri>m the · arlilY &nd ,,. I walk! or atJ any unmarked en..-enrolled at the .JJnivenl.ty al walk at an intersectlolJ to pennlt Southern California. · a "'*"lrian to cross the roadway, ver of any other vehicle ~ . .. ~~~· from the rear shall not ,,,. e and ~ such stopped ROOF.S APPLUD oa _.. ..... F'n!e Elttmats A I~ l Paint care- lessly 2 Walk slowly S R iver llt.) 4 Old measure ot length Prostate Backache. Headache, Palm In lep and rroln-Acbee and pains and "'dracl'fld·out" feeling In .women.. Lo. of Vitality -"Always Ttred .. feellng-Sllpplnc and Growtnc Old befon!I your time. Anemia-Rich and Low Blood Pl'euUl'&-BroncblaJ Asthma-Eczema--Palortu l._Kld.ney and Hearl CondJtlon•, re· •pond 1eucceutu1Jy to our ExclUAl\'f! Gland TechoJque developed thru 18 'Yea.rs' eq»erlence. • NO PAIN-NO DRUOS-NO SuRGERY-NO INJECTIONS. CO NSULTATION •'"REE BY APPOINTMENT. PHONE l lM Thomas Price and his mother , Mrs. Bessie Sutherland, 221 35th street, returned Fr iday from Reno . Mrs. Sutherland had been visiting r elatives there for seven or •e1¥ht months a nd Mr. Price wen t there alter ;r ece1ving his honor able dis- ,,..,,....,, -'*°""""'' both tailed, aorf>rl • ... · • ·o•ll ioor.t. ' Pboue 111 Auto obile · • Fire Ac dent • Life . Dr. E. F. Bell, D. C., Ph.(:. Charge. He served 22 months with resentoflwle II the Military P olice in Pan ama and I 107 22nd St. Newport Beach. Calli. held the rank of T-5. He eipects w-, GEOBQE Houn: 9 :30 to '7 :30 Mondan and Thundaya to return to his fohner wor k at I US 8tb St. • DR.r .,,.... -- ........ ~ .. -.. .•.• r;:;t.. 656lil $uttiA HFOX Worldl-''1de . N .,.. ... Ill. n.ny The Arches cafe. ~ flnct,on 8eMib M.:\'iE YOUR OWN TERt!.S • •. Wltlill• ....... Yoe are -·-to a\'Gll \'0-'f of Or; eo-·• Uberal CN<lft Pl• for all ......... of detdal worll .-•• Hot o .. PeHy AdditlaHI Cost. Arra- to •••• all yow worll co•ploled rfg•t' MW • • • pay lafor I• 1-11 w ... ly or _ .... , a•oHtt. If II HIJ tti orraoge ,_, crffH at Dr. CowH"s. ALWAYS LOW PRICES! • • B. B. -I I H ve Y. ••ad ~ .. "~,!_!._A~I!,_..,_ • • !UI «>!-,. -. Pl!MO a • ..,hlcle." (S<ction 560(al Vehicle CodOJ ·•.1No. n>e other driver being in · 'D1 • Bm'-- the lntenect.ion first and being .in "· •· ...,.. the I proceu <>f tw'Tling has the 3602 Marcus Pb. Nwpt. ~ rta:ht of w ay over vehicles ap-~-----------'---' proaching from the ~le direc-' tion. (Section 551 Ve hicle Code) .-------------. 5. Yes. "BOth the a~ ror a right turn and a right tum shall be made from that portion of the roa(iway as close u practicable to the1 right-hand curb or edge of the highway." (Section 540(&) Vheicle Code) • O.L. CULLY Clertlft9ll. Tu. O a ••altlat Pwltille AMOWlllU Specta11ztn.r on 1Doome Tu Your patronqe --tod • • us 8piupoa ...... ,.. w .... -· 6. No. "Red indicates no atop- plng,~•,anding or parking,, whether the vehicle is attended or unat- tended. except that a bus may -stop in . a. red zone ·marked or I '----'--------~ siln-posted as a bus loading rone ... (Section 472(a ) Vehicle Code. For office News· Times. supplies, see Quality Lumber and . Buildiq Material• • PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY AOOOUNTANT J, S. WHYTE · INCOllS TAJ: CONIULTA..'"T 4Uthori&N hJ' the Uattad !t1t.ee Tre- Ul'7 Dep&rtmeal .to rftlrffelll cll.enl1 lD ao1 zw..etlo n wttb 19C!Oml!' i.-1: mill.en. AUDS'8 • ffl"l'Sll" llOO&.IK.l:l'()(G a-van 0tn-lMO 8-bm' n1 .. ._, c..sa •-• ,.._ llf,,.pwl -....w AR4 lHITJtCT Armand Monaco ABCIDTEOT 814 W. Bay Ave .• Balboa Newport nu' %7%1 Lakewood Ave. Lao Anca-NOmoandy 84-0a ATTORNEYS BOBEBT GARDNER DONALD D. HARWOOD .6.TTORNEYB AT ~ Tl• K. Ila.la. 8C.., S-ta ~ Olllt. -T&UPllO!lo"K.8- laa&a .__ 6'781; N~ -.-11na D.U 'li<lDooLs .Mortimer School -<Jani . Balboa blud Gndm: Cd' ..... Preparatoq • _DAY fPIOOL l;, &A..~. II.A., Odord Pita...... ' PlloDe - DR. OBED.LUCAS Dentiat • 2202)6 f"· Central, . ·Ph. 1480 NEWPORT llEACH INSURANCE --New York Life Insurance Co1npany DON R. DURANT 4.18 OrdlW ,a.., coaos.& BKL •All HAROLD K. GRAUEL CHAPEi.; '.'We Ounelve1 the Betlt·r Serve By ~ ()the,.. Beol" 19hone Newport ff:1 Coda Mu. ~ California OPTOllETBlllTll . ROBERT A. CRAWFORD Opt., D. . ' OPTOMETAllT ·Er-J>•mtned ... GJ.aaee ,,tted 17"92 J.''!'\Yocrt ·aou•tvan:I fltltone ~.i:JO COSTA MEIA -~IANO TEA{;RER G. V. LINSENBARD • Graduol• ~(11'~•\m ........ • I 15211 11(. 0eeen """1t ' , PllY81CIAN8 a 8URGIEON& IU> R. R. HALL, M. D. Phy.Selan and 8urgeon Hrs.: 2-5. by appointment Telephone 2620 151 Broadway ()oeta Meea • ' .Gordon M.Grundy,,M.D. Pbyllldan and 8arpoll NIDlb aad Oantn.I .& ... Offtoe Rn. :lO·H a.m.; 1 ·5 p.m. Tel ....... H Conrad Richter, M.D. Pitpl8aa and Sarpoa uo IC. 18111 •'- Cott& 111-.a Boan: 1~1% a.m. a.ad 1·5 p.m. Pltooe I.JI ·DR. G. E. TOHILL PHYSICIAN and SURGEON 22ot Co11t Blvd., ~port Beac:b -Phon• - Office 286-W Ru. 286·11 • Gerald Rauea, -M.D. 2830 West Ceftlral Ave. Newport Beach Ph. 1028--No Anawer call S01 ·M X-Ray &uvice Miiton M. lllu'"'8, M. D l 1801 CoaAt f • - Corona dt<I om.o Boan: IO -I t PboDe Newport I ,.~ S. R. Monaco, M. D. 814 Bay A'l'e,, Bal1- Nowport l'IU "' 8. Biii ..... Loe .... ,.b. Tllel<or TIU 87 Appola- T. P. Reeder, ~· D. . Physlclan " Sari- 1001 Weot 11&7 A"' Telephoae Newport sot Wagner DnigJw Ll.atate Dr. WUbw C. Wapw Chlropral'fk, Die.~ Physlo & G:olonlc Tberapy me-o.J,a.,..,_.., .....-........ ... ZONE TRERAP\" ~c . .............. ~.-­·-.,_!"'-" -• ' --ft. -., -""" ..._ •· • l . I ' ' \ • • ' • • I • . , . r • ,. ' -~~...:.~...J.~~~~....:~~~~~~~~~..l~....:•:....~~....!N~a!W!!J;POS:!!!!~l'...!llA:!!,'MO~~A:..,!!N!&~W~S!;;' ._~N!!!!1!!~!!1!!!!!r,~Oz!!!!!S!'92~As!!...~--:~.!'!!!!!!!f.~!!!!!!l~~-.!!~~~41~~~~~~.:...~~..:......:.~~~~~....:~~.:_~~~~~.!!!le.1!:~~ ~ ··-. -" Nf.:.~ ltt the O~ uxia&A'l'ION Ded bl I • 194'5 Mifk Co tio Red H AtteNlna the r-..t Elb La, ~ ablp .ha a l-m-s '-" .. ----------AND OUIDANoa NE&l>ID> ucti . e terns 1n JISUDlp n . . --JinxnlllbtetSantaAnaW<ft "'! lto'bull ~ --ID S I '·S ed °": . .C::::ty :i-i:a::; . Now Ov~ Pin~~ Play B. . !:i =-~= !i~n!';: !!:i.":.r~t =...be~'~ ~ R 0 ~ proerom not controlled I Li t.;.J b T · • One of u;. moot signif'icant H ~ mrd. an o1. -blarid. called the Pllmooll line. LtS.U 0 ~yr~ =.:~?·!'E:~ ncome s cu y. reasllry· ::::ln!~£~E Aey:M°_ !Qbffe-. • , • ~ -., ~ -proper direction or their youth, cording to the u. s. ~nt ma1. huk•tboll oyen w111 .... R.a c I • g S k I p p e r s : -· a 1 t TDWIQ' according to county juvenile auth-lteQU whidl are deductible or cabaret taxes ;federal tax on club of Apiculturi! the averaae oon--vade Harbor court Feb. 6 ori.ties. non-dedUctible tor federal lDeome duer; special 1sv+111riitJ: apinst IWnption ot milk and cream per to meet a hand-eked lf'OUP ol KLINE CONCRm'E PRODUCTS COMPANY tax purpo5eS were outlined today real or per~ prop!! ti; ~ penon in tl)e United Sattel dur-,alwnrii a to Jlla:m arr by Collector or Internal Revenue coot or Ille inlurence, endownlel\t, Ina. the decade from 1930 to 1939 ,~ this ,... W the ochool. Harry c. Westover ror tbe be~fjt or annuity pteJniuma; expense. « WU ·~ than 325 plnta per per-I 'lbe women. pJaY rDen·· 1 e:qLLOW BUILDING TD..E AI-w-o .BJllCK of more than 2,~,000 Sout~ern depredation of · automobiles oper-aon, or lea than .&9 ot a ~t ;teama through t · the country nae or AD TypM ol BllUdlq and Pado Walla CallfornJans who will be required ated for personal me: expense of per day for each individual. I 'under men's ru.Je1 · travel with the . Sail Boat Hardware Sail Track 3nd. Slides . Stop Watches Yacht Timers -Plant Located at-''Texpayen have th• choice or bu.In ... ; purchase price or clean-sumptlon reached' 374 pinto, the Red Heads and Mid to be • . Mewport Mar1·ne Supply co.· 1511 N--.n ..... A' Coeta Metia filing the standard Form 1040 in fog cost.I of ordinary u.nifonm and lint time the American people tough proposition fer any team to 1~ '------1----·-'-~---------------'l either of two ways," Westover work clothes; or the loss on the had ever ·comumed more than a handle , WALTER L. KLINE, Proprietor t o file 1945 returns by March 5. travel bet•een home and place of · By 1943 milk and cream coo-icognomen_qf OJ.so!'• All-American ..id. ''They may use the tax table Nie or a personal residence." pint per day each. The next ~ar H eded by Ge Lo 6 root 4 1114 ea.it JDcb-y ~ nB0-1 on page 4 which gives the m c:reeil this consumption climbed to 392 . che t ~itr ~ outfit '----------------------..+-J ror 10 percent or their Income to Base n1·scharges pinto, or 1.07 pinto dally. The .:::,..te cen ':i.i .~ ties ----""'-----------'-' ''--------4-cover such Items as charitable latest Department of Aciculture aev I -.. ~ •< cu .. Will Photograph You con tributions and interest pa.id, or 20 000 Enlisted ~Umates are that milk and cream who hi ~:m the baek~ta and they may itemize their allowable ' comumption will reach another are g · C ·~· e are deduct.ions on page 3. Men m· 4 Mon· ths high In 1945 with 4ll pints ror the •OD Ml,• and Ott 50 and '75 (l!Dto. "Unless the .allowable deductions ~ar per penon, or 1.10 pints ~-----------.1 1 c:onstltute mor e than 10 percent of per person daily. the adjUS"ted gross inc:ome, item-SANTA ANA. c.a.Jif.-Santa ------ !zing them will be a waste of time, Ana Army Air base discharged Its COUNTY PROBATION DEPT. and the tax table on page 4 should 20,000th enlilted man today just ~ IOI INVESTIGATIONS be ~ ... Westover painted out . fout mont~ alter. It became a One hundred and three special "Employees who use their with-temporary separa tion center to investigations were made last year holding· receipts as ta."" retUrns are speed demobilization. by the Orange county ijl"Ob&tion : INCOME TAX SERVICE Fedenl-Stale . GEORGE D. BASSETI • General Accounting Fishermen's Bookkeeping INCOME TAX SERVICE . 2602 W. Central Ave. Gia orously -Different 118 Utb St. Newport· Beacla not permit ted to itemize deduc-T echnical Sergeant Alfred ·R. department in m a tters pertaining tiona. ln computing taxes for Sa nchez. 29, of 121 W est 47th to neglect or .mistreatment of the m, we automatically give them street, Los Angeles, 8 veteran ~f minors and in 75 percent of these credit for 10 percent of their in-39 mont hs of Servi ~, w as the m a n referra ls, eliminated necessity for come to rover deductions. "'.ho m arked the milestone for \he court action. .!:-----------~ •----+.,-_ -.....,.----------------1-.J DEDUCTIBLE ITEMS which air base. . . I ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;+;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1; may be entered on page 3 of Form Before entering the service. San-j • . . Our Laguna Beach and Santa Ana Studios are open the Y l!ar 'Round 1040 include: Contributions to re-c~ez worked for the &:verly Hills li gious. charitable. or educational flre .departmen t. He 1nlends re- l institutions organized . in th'e tur ning to his former job. The United States· interest paid on l Los Angeles veteran was in a mortgages or 0 other debts: state gToup of 200 Gl 's w.ho at tended incomC' tax paid in 1945; state I the cer emony held dwly. Lt. Col. sales tax· state unemplo}7nent i n· K: O. Desser.t opened the ceremony surance t~ken from paychecks; the ~th a few light rem.arks and then full· cost of automobile license =~~oduced the r~ad1 ng of a fare- plates · rC'al prope•tY taxes· per-address written by General · . ' Marshall. sonal property taxes : medical l't<· Santa Ana Laguna Beach pense ;n excess or ·5 percent or the adjus.ted gross income; union Grand Jury Asks Business Manager Fj>r County Hospital ... penses away from home; per iodic Ph e 3029 Phone 4343 alimony pa)'Tllt'nts; losses from fire. theft. storm or other casual· Excelsior' s'j Reason's : tor not meet- ing the union request for ' closed shop. contract 31 ~ +·4th s_ t. 365 so. Coast Blvd. I dues; non-reimbursed.. travel ex· ._ ____ ..... ________________ __.'ties: and .a special deduction of . A business managct,and medical I S500 allowed under ~rtain cir· director arc recommended. by the • TO ur New 548 Pine Ave. .WNGBEACH Pb. L B. SH-<11 • cumstanccs to blind persons. Grand Jury of Orange county, and .. NON-DEDUCTIBLE ITEMS for do not take sides for or against which crC'dit may not be ta ken in-any candidate to head the county ~lude the so-call~ luxury taxes on 1 hospita l. ~ccording to the next of Je,,·elr~·. cosmetics, furs and lug-a resolution sent out from the gage; privilege taxes suc}J, as county jury last \veek. as follo,vs: hunting, fishing .. or dog liC'<'nses; RESOLlITION gasoline taxes paid in California ; The Oran~C' County Grand federal social security and r ail-Jtll'Y \\•ishes to go o n record ru; road r C'tir ement taxes or ci\•i\ I not sponsoring a coordinator for ser vict' taxi;s taken from pay· the Orange County hospital chC'cks: f€'dC'ra l income taxes for 1 We r ecommend only a busi· prior years : passport fees; federal ness manager a nd medical di- a uto tax stamps; federal t ele-r ector. phone, felC'graph, or transpartation And furthl'r the said ci-and taxes: redC'r.011 a dmission and Jury wish<'s definitely to state 24-Hour Tow.Service Complete automobtle re(J9lr and malnUn&nce service BATll'ERIES e TIRES TUBES e A CCESSORIES Newport Auto Works Earl Mitchem, l'Pop. 124 SOth at Cout BITd. Phone (day or nls;ht) lUO t~~t it is not sponsoring a spe- c1!1c candidatC' \\'herC' a change of n1:i n:tr,cn1 cnt or •ldditional P<'rsonncl is rccomn1ended. Dated J <inuary 17, 1946. E lmC'r L. Cra\\rford, Foreman. Costa Mesa Above Fat Collection Quota; ~e,vport Only 87 ~; Total collection figures for ho us~ho ld f:.ts in Southern Cali-[ rornia ror rx-ct•mber reOPCt a de- cli ne from November reports, but Cqsta Mesa housewives turned in pounds enough to almost double their quota and Nev.:port collected 87 per cent of their allotted am- ount . • According to the depar tment 'of agriculture, Costa Mesa collected 440 pounds of fat with a quota of 234 pounds, and Newport, with a quota of 789. turned in 690 pounds. Mrs. Coane of Balboa Island had t he misfor tune· to slice oft the end of her little fi nger wheri oper at- ing a meat slicer this week. FROZEN at the FOOD LOCKER Newport Ice HOLDERS Co. Locker Plant Will Be Ready February 1st Kin · y call at your convenience and arrange for your I_.. THIS IS IMPORTANT new locker. As Out of the We Must Have Present Location the Old Loc.kers by Friday, February ROBERT H.REED • 426 30th st. ·HARBOR COLD .STORAGE FIRSr BUll.DING EAST .OF NEWPORT ICE CO. t Ist Phone 448 • I· I. Over ninety percent of our employes advise (ls that they do not wish to join any uni on ; that they do not wish to be qictated to as to 'their hours of working, the nature of their work or their salaries; they tell us that they believe in their right to wo ~k when and where they wish to , and they ·db not desire to pay dues for such dictation,by any outside boss. • II. These employees to gether with the management believe in fr ee enterprise and as there is no 1 dissatisfaction in their pay or working conditions that no union or other co erciv~ body has any fnoral right to take their personal liberty away fr om them . · ' III. Excel sio r Creamery Company is strictly an Orange County concern. It was started about thirty years ago by Orange County men with Orange Cou nty mo ney and its sal es are strictly Orange County' sales. All of tr.e milk t r a t su pplies the. company is produced by Orange County Dairymen. These dai rymen, tci the last man, are definitely behinp our stand to keep Orange, County f ro m· beco ming dominated by Loj An gel_es union bosses. , IV. Seven dollars ou~of every ten dollars that are spent in Orari ge County for clothing, groceri~s , milk, rent and savings originates from Orange County agri- culture such as oranges, beans, vegetables, sugar beets, alfalfa, beef, pork and dairy products: The prod~cers of this seven o~t of every ten doJlars defil]itely believe in free enterprise a11d are very much opl!losed to the effort that is being ' . made to force everyone to pay tribute for the right to work thereby doing away with our right of' free enterprise. r I V. ~e understahd from s•atistics gathered by others that th ere are about eight hundred stores apd markets in Orange County that handle .milk for resale and out of the eight hundred about seven hundred and fifty are still . free from union domination and ~esir~ to stay that way. Theref~re we believe that if_ we should sign a closed shoJ? contract 'that prsssure would soon be put on these markets or, , their milk supplylwould be cut off as the suppl}! that comes from Los Angeles, comes from uniot dominated plants. We have iother local distributors that are still open-shop w o are Stllnding with us now ~µt no doubt could not remain open -shop if we nd the ifiarkets should be organized. VI. The dollars l hat origi~~te through 0 (ange\Ceunty agricultu~e together with the business men ·and women and thousands 0£1 housew ives of Orange County, and the best and most .loyal bunch of emp(oyess that eve~ worked in one group, are what made Excelsior Creamery what i~ is_today. Therefore, we feel that it " is our duty to suBport to the fullest e~tent of our ability this group of citizens which we feel represents approximately ninefy pe~cent of tlie population of Orange County. · EXCEi.SI CREAMERY COMPANY ' • LET US STAND R \ PRESER~ FRE ENIERPRISE N ORANGE COUNTY -. • • • " ; / • . --I Yardley Leads Harbor I High ~~:.:&8r88 To Close Win Over Anaheim T~!.~~ ~-One) I or oil well brines ... Harbor Hlgh ls clinging, albeit I the outfit and led the Tan from 'The statement al5o explained SOmew'haf precariously, to the l~ad the wiong end of the ICOT'e at that in order to obtain water trom in the Sunset League's turbulent I half time to a nip-and-tuck win the !oletropolitan Water Di.strict . basketball race, after knocking off with 13 points. Freitag with 8 lines as they are now laid. the one of the tint-place challengers, points, Fowler with 5, Ward and company would have to construct i' last Friday by ~other two-point\ Lind ,with 3 digits apteoe mm--a pipe line at considerable cost. m~i.p.. . pleted the scoring. However, there is a piosslbility ~By defeatJng Anaheim 32 to 30 Santa Ana. who nipped the that by working with other areas on the Z.:~t hardwoods, the locals in a cloaely-fought overtime in the locality which are interested Tars ... nowi share top rung with game in the first league encounter. in obtaining water from Me tropoli-I Huntington Beach, a team that will meet the Tars on home ground tan a line may be constructed to ~ was tripped by the locals a few Friday night and quite a second Fakview Farms at much less cost I ; weeks back 4()..37. r ound battle ia expected because to the company. the statement!' Yardley, lanky, pivot' man for I Harbor coul~ use the. wtn. to put said. j Coach RaJph Reeds stalwarts, was it mildly. The FairView Farms Water Co. • once again high point man. for The Baby Tan are aitt:lnc ca is a mutual water company &nd 1' • --------------l and sharing with no one, thank u such has no power of raJslnc N E W L I N E you, the league's pinnacle· for B money except through usessments \ Craft Greetincr ,... __ .. _ squads by virtu"' of their latst on stock which is appurtenant to e '-'iUUll win over Anaheim 20 to 19. the land. but the board of direc· 8taac.ery The little locall evidently thrive tors has deemed it advisable. ac· B i..; __ V . ......._ on close games,'keeping them busy cording to the report, to form the .. rc~f".~8 c-8111.:'';.". but n0Detbel.et11 victorious in area into a county water district, L~-~~··~·~·~·~-=..!et~ca~n~'~•=::'~"=· ·~•:,• J skirmishes as prelbninarie9 to var~ which would be a palitical subs 1 sity ga.meL' · ... division with the power to levy ---------------------------taxes and take any other required legal steps to .raise sufficient funds to construct required pipe • L ~··,.. . I Tiara the Looking Glcua •Anet 1 felt juet. ll ke A.Hoe. too.• Nici MJ'& Harry Weir, 0 .1. Wife, •eh• lletcrlbed ,..,. recent ehopplnt tour. l"All the lovelr plaet1c appoln,mente _ I want for my d,_lngp bl• were 9Pf'Ud.ln front of me, but I couldn't ! tak·• tll•• home wtth me.. .. There Ju.I ann.'t manr plaetlc lt•""9 avall- llbl• now but there wlll be 11nol"'9 If all houi1ewlvee coneclentloUaly a~ve MCI cum' In tv•rr drop Of ue.ct fat. UaH f at helpe make p laat1,J •• CE P.A,PALMER LIDO ISLE PWPERIIES ----·~-~-w. 0 . BUCK-Insurance Counselor .t%-1soo ~.f.o{ 3333 VIA·LIDO CALIFORNIA lines and provide adequate dis· trlbution systems and perform other functions essential for the pn:Mding of an adequate water suppJ'y for the area. Chase Follows Crash When Driver Leaves Car Atty. General Kenny Def ends California's Tideland Rights I • • Mesa Industry -L . al Man . D!sdJosed at~· of C. . Dirulaer MeetinS? GhJ f 1 !eoOtinued from Page 'BneJ u1 ggers , ci~ vt.~~~~~ ... h .. been Co1 nfess·1on pres~den'f for th':"" years and who · . . re to permit his name to be • voted far director, did a splen· -- did as chairman .. He in~ 'the man who.broke the mystery duced rover. Walters, Fullerton. of(ti;te Arthur R. Eggers murder who ga,\re a history of thfi value of mystery in the Lake Arrowhead water from the ancients down tQ woods la.st Saturday was Robert the ~-t, and E. M. Lembke, .Z. J100.es, retired captain of the Anahei • a meml'?E!r of the Outfall shetjfrs office in Los Angeles. and Sewer ttee, who also gave a friend of the confessed· clerk of 'hist of sew!rs from B. C. to the Temple Qty station, Jones re- and concluded' by statMlg side$ at 325 Orchid avf;!nue, Co-- county .WU &ivlng '6'loua rona del Mar, and assists at the oonsidet:ation to a proper sanita· Baltz mortuary when needed. tion diltriCt. -. Before leaving to intJ?IView Eg- Gra~. ~rh gers, who was being held by sher- . Rev, <?tas· ~and gave the bless· itrs officers for dismembering his mg ~e Gmgharn restaurant wile's body in one ot the most served a splendid repast. Harol~ gruesome events in the annals of Graue as· Chairman of the incot"· 'the 1southland, Jones .is sai"l:I to porati committee, laid that an have told friends here that he be- honest report would be presented lieved Eggers waS guilty, and he in duel course and that no effort proceeded to prove it. ~ w~uld ever be m ade to put any. ACcording to L06 Angeles news thing over on anybody· As so:on repqrts the retired captain of the as the committee on boundaries sheriffs office approached Eggers, repor ted, something would be a friend of many ye&rs, with the rea~ for publication. ~rt.ion that he believed Eggers . Earl St~nley, beach-city coun-killed his wife. and asked why the olman, said a far grea~t future 52·year-old clerk did npt confess, was in store on the Mesa than The'. baffling composure of the...ac- anyone imagined and that the cused man ~·as broken suddenly ?tfesa and h arbot: should be one. when Eggers then turned to Jones Hospital Bene 1t By Kiwanis~ F~r Friday Eve LendilJll its h&n4 in a'~ way to the establishment or tbe Presbyterian hoopitaJ. ' New- port Har!>or Klwanis cl plans a dinner znee..ting Frid8y even.in&, open to the general blic for which five dollars per pla will be charged, the proceeds to to the ho.5pital fund. 9fficers and directors look for a large cro~·d at the sp d which is to be ready a t the l;l'am""U' school auditorium at 7: P-m. e local by Rev .• Fay BIOv.'er, president of chapter will preside. aid Ed Goodell. H. M. H o r, man- ager of the Balboa Bran of the Bank of America. Is ;,· ~""1!1! ol ticket sales . Judge H&rry \Vestover, collector of internal revenue, . be the guest speaker . Costa Mesa Bow!ers . In 3-Way Tie Intense interest was nileited ~tonday night when te , in the Costa' Mesa boWling lea e ended up in a three.tie score for first -place. The fives were avis-Oay, Pinkley Drug and tlie Sympon. Nadar groui-:. The pl will be Wednesday of this weej!t at the rtfesa Recreational Centet. ' Supervisor Geo. Gordon believed and said: . · that the Mesa" must h ave sewers "t\.11 right. ru conf~ that I did For office supplies. , oee and ~hould plan to go ahea~ witl;i it."· Then Eggers told a series of News.nmes. them. }\orrible details about the sordid :;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;+;;;;;;;;~ the ' Jan. 31st Deadline sheriffs office together "1th the confessed murderer to the scene COMPANY A. P . Cooper, El Nido Auto In a legal battle of the greatest court, Costa Mesa. posted $250 importance to California, Attorney bail with the sheriffs office and General Kenny of the state opened ,_ _____ ;,_ ___________________ "II will it.ppear Friday morning in jus· his fight in Washington this week a ffafr which sent deputies of the 'LIDO ELEC~'RIC 0 U I t of the crime. Capt. Wm. Banning n n~mp oymen Appliances and Sei:yicing Dies in ,L. A.; Insurance Reports sa~t~~h!a~~w:~::i'::'s ~iZes, on 516 State u..y, Pii112&l ALL MARK tice court on a misdemeanor to prove the state·s right to its charge of failure to stop alter an tidelands, \Vhich arc being sought accident. by the federal QOVE'rrunent through The collision, which r esulted in Secretary of the IntC'rior l·larold minor injuries .to t\\'O Costa Mesa le~~ fiery attorney general rrom residents (\nd entailed a chase of California is the principal combat· o ne o f the co\Lidi ng cars, occw:ed Big Holdings Here Donovan v. Brown. au<titor in ~~~~~~===~======t==~ charge of the San,ta Ana Depart· N t B lb T ' t B .. , ..... t ................................. .. Greeting Cards I t t I I I I Distinctiv e Cos tume, Indian and Shell Jewelry ' I I I I I I • VASES • FIGURINES Ne port Souvenir and Gift Shop \\'e \\'~ p Gilts l 2102 Ocean Front tant beca use thi:-!'tate has b<'en last TuesdAy o n N('wport boule· vard and 16th street. singled out by l ckt's to deprive of The chase ended v.·hen the driv-its rig hts to tidelands. . \.\thich . . \.VOUld . SlXJrt aut horitit'" clain1. in· er of a car abandoned hts vehicle I d 1 II 1 .00 , n.1h·in ll•e · E N 'd ·i r 1 c u e nrar y a la1 rs ". •1n ~he hi 1 0 .dt"utcr ~thurtGI 0 · coastal rf'g:ion of the continental ov.•mg t e acc1 en "'' cn· J . _, S cxx1 ·E .l f 2223 Old S t A Unit ... " tatC's. w l ts o an 8 na Kenn ~· lXJinted out tha t al· roa~e driver of thC' other car though the action . is d i rect~ against C~1lifomia to obtain its failed to stop after the collision. submrrgC'd oil deposits. that 1he police said and was chased by "federa l romplaint denies: thal any Eilts to the trailer court where he states-including· the 13 original d.isapJX>ared into the camp: states-have ever :!'held fit\'.' tn Owner or the car was listed as th<:'ir submerged or reclaimed /\. P . CooJX>r of the El Nido tr aill'r coastal lands''. He asked the su· court. preme court to appoint a special Frances Wilcox of 2031 Orange master to investigate the situa· avenue, Costa Mesa, passenger in tjon. the Eilts car. was taken home Hearings before the senate judf· -;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;s : with minor injuries. ciary commit tee hre scheduled on • Feb. 5. but the matterJlas aroused Csmplete F ountain Service at HANSEN'S %100 Ocean Front Newport NO\V OPEN EVfil'o'lNGS • MALTS • S~\\'ICHES • HAMBURGERS Ice Cream to Take Out For office supplies, sec the widespread interest because of ~J:e News-TimC's . ract that all coastal states are 1n· valved. THO M P S O N'S R ichfield Station 1178 Ne\\lJOrt Boulevud -·- Advance 14 Scouts; Plan for Banquet Of Father and Sons We have a reliable m echanic Fourtren Boy Scouts of Costa ~1esa 's Troop 6 were awarded to serve YOU in all• advancement in rating and Life ~ ... u'"'"'"' ,,,,,1111rt,1111•11,,111,.1,111,1,.1u111,,111 1111~11 .. 1111•"'"''''"''''i•1111u1u1n1H1n1111u1111w1rie111111u911.i1~ Automobile 1'epalring and Star awards were made to ! ~ Lubrication David Chambers and Roger Gor· ii Ii don, respectively, in a meeting \\'ith the death of·Capt. William Ba nning in Los Angeles Saturday, another JJlCmbe r of the pioneer fan1ily pa..;:.scd into history,, "'ho ,,·as identiried with much of the de\·elopml'nt of \Vilmingtoh and Los Angele!' harbor, as w ell as o\vnership of huge tracts of land, including 649 acres northwest of Nc,vport Beach. Captain Banning, who died at 87 ypcir,r;:. wns one of the three sons of Phine>as Banning. who came to the fl C'dgling port of Los Angeles before the Qvil ·war. a nd they !'Ubsequently became among the most innuential families in Sou· them California. .1-lancock Ban· ning. another brother of the re-- cently de-ceased. frequently came to Newport Harbor and discussed the futuN' of this area with Lew \VRllace and other pioneers. The Bannings owned Santa Ca· talina Island, and after disposing of this to the. \Vm'. Wrigley inti'r· ests in 1919. retained the t rans· portation business. They pur-- ch a.s«."d the Ha rvard and Yale. which plied up a nd down the coast as w ell as engaging in other mari· time affairs. operatin g the Avalon to a nd from the i~land. The .Banning family .stiU owns the large acreage east of the river both on the bluft and below on the Oat lands, just outside the city limits of Newport Beach. Police Pick U p • Three More Dogs For Observation ment of Employment office an-ewpor - a Oa OUrIS ureaU nounCed today that contributions1 All M-odes of Travel to Europe, Mexico, Ha\va i required und('r the California Uri-Rowid·ilie-World Trips in the n ear future. employment Insur ance act for the fourth quarter of 1945 'vc re due I Mrs. Ro~t K een e. Ph. 391. 301 Palm, Bal January 1, 1946, and will be de--Bou.rs: 10 a. m. t 9 8 p. ru. · linqucnt and subject to penaltie.s I'-----,,.------------------+-----' and interest if not paid prior to -=======================t:==:; m idnight. J a nuary 31, 19'16. r · Erhployers subject to the Fed· /') ___ ---• J. VENETIAN BLINDS era! unemployment insurance /"~ taxes arC''cautionf'd tl'lat contrihu· WOOD • STE L • ALUMINUM I tions paid after January 31, 1946, :.t;] cannot be certified to the Federal Budn t Tf'rm• -GRan.ote-rd -gfµ.1,.. -1\#nol'atlq -f'tN ·Etd...ate1 govi>rnmcnt as beiilg tim!'ly for , · • h Ph N rt 21180 W the purpose of securing tax crcdil 814 Coast Big way -one ewpo - offset against taxes due under the l '--'-~---------------------f_----' Federal Act. -;;.:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;~ Contributions are considered r paid \Yhen mailC'd on the da te shov.'Jl on the post office c~ella· tion mark. , Effective January l ,. 1946. ever:Y employer of one or more \Vari(. ers will. under the new provisions of the act, become subject to the tax a nd other provisions of th~ act. Agricultural labor and serv1· 1 ices in cer tain '(lon·profit rellgiouS. educational and charitable organi· zations are exempt. · , Employers subject to t he act ar~ Radio Service At Reasonable P rices ' Pa lmer Radio & Electri,c 2348 •Newport Blvd. Costa M the wages paid their employees required to deduct 1 )'.>C'rcent fron?-1 1~=~=====;============~~~~~~ and to file and pay quarter ly pay~ roll taxes required by the actl EffiployFs in doubt as to their liabilityjj t under the new provisions of the act 1should contact the auditor at t e local office or the Department of Employment. at 216 Commer iat Bldg., 5141,.2 No. h1ain street, Santa Ana, Calif. ! Modern and Up-to-Date .I ;::::::an::•::;n::re=~=====~l he~. 1~.t ~~t scoutmaster. also ! • announced that R. G . Chambers , ===; __ ""_ Blue Pr·1nt1·ng Fac·11·1t·1es ;··-.·.=: ands. E'. Stron g were ad<titions Clyde Sherwood of 12~ 24th ATISM ~~~~~~$~ C L 0 T H E S to t he troop committee wloich in-street, Newport. was bitten by a ARTHRITIS ~ eludes Chairman Woody Cooper, I chov.· dog sale! to have been own· del Judge D. J . Dodge and Chester ed by L. L. P atch of (tl.7 El M<>-I suffered or1 years and a m so 1 • Before You Build or Remo ~ ; Fisher. . , den a, according to a report late thankful tha r can walk and work J RHEU " Ph · t 18 b 22 • !'OR f' The troop will attend a Sons last week made to the police de-. will 1 d . · visit ODJ' lnl•g ~ . otosta ting up 0 in. y 1n. i M E N and Dads banquet of the Harbor partment. The dog was quaran· again withou paJ.n, that I . g a a -~ • ii d N Jy answer a one writing me 'or sample and · 1 ~ ~--district to be. thel in chew81>0~t tined. m· formation MRS EMMA IVES • roomL Color des,· ~ ii grammar school on Mar • 11 Less than a week alter the · · • :_:_ I Pick-U p and Delivery Service !___ AND was announced ~.::~f ~=~~~ ~1~.:~.~~:t~ .. ~ =P=.o=.=Bo=x=,1=89=,:t==An=g=e=les=52=,=Cal=i::f. g~~'~v:i~~ocf~t B 0 y s NO ADEQUATE FACILITIES Ne~rt alter a cocker spaniel rugs, ca.rpetS and i i Or&nge county does not have owned by George· Shull, 120 28th linoleum. ~ ! adequate detention facilities for street. died, police here took a -i s~.1.1.U..OAJL juveniles either at the county jail springer spaniel into protective ~ , Watch fo r Opening Announcement ~ ---r--or at the juvenile home. says the custody which was reported by its ·.! -,: p'piui ~1.op Oran_ge county probation d epart· I owner. L. I . Smith at 115 29th ~ CJ • C>1 ment. 1 street as frothing at the mouth. ~ ~ Human e Officer Vincent O.Uu· ~ Bluepr1"nt & Photostat Shop ~ %01 Marlrre A-No lin<ting under the juvenile m ano, who has worked with dogs ~ f i Balboa bland cort law is a conviction of crime, ·for many years, picked up the • • Phone 511 according to county juvenile au· spaniel and two other dogs at the -i Cost.a Mesa : thorities. same address for obse~vation. They i .; i w ere a female terrier and a collie. 3 .... ! 1'Jo definite indication of whether j!111~n1111111,,,,,,11111,111u1,,11,1,.1111111111ntnt111u11111111•1n1111n1111111nt•t1111111n11,.n11•111111Jte111111u1 =• 1 ·1....: DIESEL INJECTOR SERVICE ';:e~~a~-:n~:bles could be learned •• Charter & Preston GAS -FURNACES Still · Difficult to Obtain \Ve have a few in stock for immediate installation Eliminate sweating windows and 111oisture on walls Proteet your lilomie aad ti.eall h. Our CIOIDIND~ k:Dowiedp---4 t.otaJ-of " , ..... ln UM Heating and Ventilating Field will IOlve your problems NO CHAAGE roa SURVEY AND l!:STDIATl!l CHARIER & PRESTON Beatboe IDStaD&Uom --Wanu Fne-. I • ~ -~-------I e We have just installed the latest ~ of Diesel injec, Try working today's crciMword tion testing equipment and are equipped to test, adjust puzzle. • [' and service all types of Diesel nozzles. Reasonable rates. PHONE 1723-J Harbor Engine & Equipment Co. lll Agate Ave. Newport Engineering Associates Designing. Manufacturillg ud Sales Engineers ' . ---§1--- Marine and Industrial-Machinery Instruments - Material Handling Equipment ---§-- . . .LUDLUM ' Carpet I ' llU 8oatb Mala 8t. .,..,.., S-ta AA& %808 RANT A • ' -~ • • - ~ -= . . -• ~ ; -' -• -~. • . • , . . ' . • ~ . • 1· • I ' • ~ ; ; ; • ~ • • • • • ~ = • ' . . . • -= = = = = = = = = = -' = • j • • ~ • • ' • • • • ' • ! . = = • = = = = = > = - = Four • I Our Photographer . lWalter J. Gerhardt '51 ernleal Avenoe-Coroaa del Mar, Calif. Newport Beach HZ-W .t .t .t l Otto Boyd ~ Boyd's Service Station 11 W. Ce.nu.I-Newport -.i-l'tlo11e ~ .t .t .t. Volney Hay Balboa Motel 315 Eaat Central-Bal-Callt. , Telepbooe SZ8 .t .t .t G. N. Wells Real Estate Pbone Newport S1S' 190 N~wport Blvd......CO.ta M-Callt. .t.t.t · I ' Ji)r. Robert A. Crawford I OPTOMETIUST 1792 Newport Blvd.~osta Mesa, Calli. I Phone %4-SO I h, Curt H . Bow man -r.the T~?.~"1!1~o'! ~?~~any Dti Coa~t HJghW8.)'-:~ e,,vport Beach, eaw. .t .t .t 0. Z. Robertson General Contractor 1 19 Coast Hlg h"'•J·-Coro na del 1'l a r , Calli . :Se "'port 83 I .t .t .t Harold K. Grauel CHAPEL 11 0 Broad"·ay C<t!'ta 1'1esa, CaUforn.la .t .t .t A . E . Groty -J. A. Groty Groty Appliance Co. Fiiaidalre and J\taytaa:c Dealer-Phone 1574 ,791 Ne"1>0rt 81\•d .--Co§ta l.\t esa, CalU, I '\ John E. Sadleir Real Estate -In surance Office Phone: 203-l 302 l\t aln St reet-Balboa. Calif. F. B. Owen • I .t.t.t . N wport Souvenir & Gift Shop GIFTS OF ALL KINDS Phone 2132·.J 2102 Ocean Front-Newport Beach. Callf. .t .t .t L. H. Ewen -Proprietor Mesa Radio & Electronics Co. Phone M.5 1'79" Newport Blvd.--Costa Mesa. Calll'. .t .t .t HUBBARD HOWE Pres. Hubbard's 1South Coast Company !21.% \V. Central-Newport 2800 .t .t .t HEINZ KAISER. Owner · · Bay Shore Camp J and Boat Landing 17 and C.Oast mghway-Pbone: Nwpt. W8 .t .t .t •. Lew H. Wallace Real Estate-and Insurance Broker PboDe9: Offtce s-Ret. 1589 .., ti W . Ceatral A''e.-1'\ewport Beaeh. OllH. .t· .t .t COYE. WATI'S · Balboa Liquor Store 1 E. Central Ave..· Balboa. Callt. PIL U .,..., R-of Co..itall~ -G. R. Brader, Mp. .t .t .t Louis Verwey, Prop. C sino Cafe & Cocktail Lounge -llbla 8-t Bal--PIL 7N-M .t ;t ..t J.M. Miller REAL ~ATE BROKER ftloae l!-4% 15tll at ~•tnl-Newport _. "On Your Way to Balboa" • • • • ' ' •&WW - J • ' . ·our :Oistrict---A 1\i;agnet, Drawing Valued · Folks From 'Round The Gl~b · · GJ3y Paul Lorentzen HEAL TH -PLEASURE -PROFIT -key- words in the rapid expansion of Newport Harbor and its "Four Plus' More" wonder spots -Corona de! Mar, Newport Beach, Balboa and its island and Costa Mesa-all with distinctiveness of their own and all with a definite appeal to the most discerning. I ~e.rprise,"-and overlooking ~re arbor and-the sea, the "City pn th€ Hill," Costa 'Tes . . Corona de! Mar and its beach, oftimes referred to as "the Waikiki of California," could also be known as "Homes ·Beautiful-Balboa, the , year 'round Playground-Newport, "lf1dustry with En- Attractions of the HarbGr ea are numeroul;l but r~reational features, w(th. a natural setting of unsurpassed beauty, are. witrou equal-<leep sea ancl. ·sport fishing, yachting, mot r boating, sailing, swimming in the sea or placid b y, bowling, danc- ing, sunbathing, carnival joysi wi h games and com- petitive activities-all encompas ed by a growing and ambitious Jlarbor area. ' . ' BALBOA'S GREY MOTEL " I [ ' ~ f ·1 j ' , . ... .. ., . \'olney L. Hay-MQt..I ~Ian \'olney L. Ha y, O\~tner or the B.:1lboa l\19 tel, was bo~ in 1897 at Battle Creek, l\.1 ich . After the dc>ath of his father he left school a~ the age of 11 and workt'd at Chicago clubs and the Battle Creek Sanitar- ium. A t the age of 16 he "'e nt to Gary, Ind. and became an elef!trical helper a t the American Shee t and Tin Pla te Co. He ma rried Ruby Oxley and join ing the Army in \Vo rld War I came to California as ch ief electrician at the Arca dia Balloon school. They returned East bul after two years again came to California and lo- cated at Covina "'here Hay .... ~as dist rict refrigera tion nd electrical en· gineer ror the Edison company. Being by na ture a build er . he began constructing homes in his spa.re time, la ter hiring the work done. and built many in Covina. His fir'!t investment at fit ewport Beach was a v.·eek·end cottage a t Corona del :ti.tar. but he ha d soon built a store 8.nd apartments on lots he owned a t the City camp ground and came here t o Live. In the years he has beetl • here he has b uilt about 20 houses and has remcxleled about 50, including the 35 units or the mote l. which he plans to e xpand by the addition of 15 more. The Hays have one son, and are also grandparents. r KNOWS WORLD' PORTS • I ........ -..... ·r· .. -~-.... -~-~"""'"--'!::!"'~~ '.'.I . ' . -.... . . '' I ' • , -'· ,. ' -~ • '" , .• • Capt. Stanley J. Barden Stanley James Barden · was bom in ' 1897 at . Hampstead, London, Eng., and at the age of 14 left Upton college to talce up a life at ~a. The ship was wrecked and, he signed up with F argrove. S . N . Co .. then with lndo--China S . N . Co .. I and in tl;leir s ' ·ps sailed .every ocean on the globe. I • . [n 1917 he entered Jdng Edward Nhut1caJ schodl a nd afterward served in World War I as ihirdj fficer on a m erehantman, for which he wat awarded two medals.I ..At the age of 2'2 he received his master's certificate. In 1925 he aided in the rescue of British subjects trapped at Chunking and was offit r in cOarge of refugees a t the port of Suifu. Late r he Jc>ined the Briti Naval expedftion to Wahsien, on the HMS ManW . ~ \Vhen Hong Kong w~ evacua ted he took his wife and t~·o children to Australia, th'n set out I for Canada. The ship dock ed at San Pedro and the Bardens came to Balboa. where they determined to make their home . The Captain retu?iect to the Fat East where he was in comi- mand of a fleet ship, but .:ias invalided out in 1943. He came here, t~ out citi~enship papers anl served as ~istant ,embarkation officer and shipbuilding inspector, thep opened his own Wing Sang~boa.t yard he re in the harbor, which he t.hJ.nks is one of the loveliest in the world. ' I • DON NORMAN Norman's Meat Market Geo. Weiss & Dick Othmer Plastic Watercraft Co. Theodore RobinS ·FORD DEALER HOO Central A~-Pbone 608 .t .t .t Howard J. Gerrish R.'lBTFOIID f'lRI: INSUBANCE CO. Phone 111 1808 N-rt Blvd.---O>ota M-Ca1lt. • .t .t .t Paul LOrentzen Balboa Sportfishing Fleet Pboqe SSl-Balboa Pavtlloa .t.t.t ' ANITA SEXTON Prop. Balboa Market and Delicatessen 108 E. Cealnl-l"IL %tt11 • Pbone 68S (07 E. Centnl-Balboa .t .t .t Bob Allen COUNCILMAN ' Prop. BALBOA l8lAND VABIETY STORE .t .t .t JOSEPH L. MARSHALL ~.--Christian's Hut -.t ;t .t ' Thomas F. Norton ' Prop. . . BAY SHORE CAFE .,,,_ %1'4 1 'ltll • c.-mpway SERVING 12 NOON TILL 9 P . M. 1 • l PIL ii %116W. C-tral .t .t .t I . ~raden L. Finch Pres. C. of C. · • Gen Mgr. Finch Ceramics L I .t .t'lt \ f· LEFEVRE I "Frenchie's"· Barbecue 1 & Delieatessen 101 .... ..:-.... Betel Areade . .t .t .t Robert 1.. Sbotty-Jlecordini: EnKJneer ·Davis & Gay Music Co. 8"I N_..j Jlhd,...(Joota -ft. lllt I n• w-at. -*sloe -I I • • I l ... -·, ANTON HERSHEY Prop. Hershey's Mar.ket Spot . Phone -iooo Balboa b1aad. .t .t .t Donald J. Harmon BALBOA HORSE RACES WO.. W-. Won Mala Street-Ballloa .t .t .t Dennis· Hostland PLYMOUTH Pllone 143-Costa M_.nao Newport Blft. .t .t .t Milton M. Maxwell, M.-D. 1801 Cout Blchway-Corona dol Mar Phone Newport 1082 .t .t . .t Burt R. Norton RADIO. ELECTRICIAN Pbo11eUn 1111 Coast mp.way-Newport Beaeb., Oallf. .t .t .t AL ANOERSON Fun Zone Balboa a Phone 6 .t .t .t Bob Callis • Dl11trlbutor GENERAL PETE (t'LYlNG HORSEPOWER) %27 ZOth St.-Ne"1>0rt-Phone 797 ·.t .t .t ROBERT H. REED Harbor Cold Storage Phone 448 426 SOtb St.-N'~1>0rt Beach, Calif. .t ;t .t Capt. B. J. McNally McNally's Balboa Boat Livery 705 E. Bay A\-e.-PhOne 408 .t.t.t I • Dr. Conrad Richter Cftsta ~feta Phone: ortlce· 133 Residence 74·.J .t .t .t Herbert F. Kenny POSTMASTER B.UBO . .\. Calif. .t .t .t Geo. Weiss L. Elaine Weiss Coast Properties Co. Realtors . 'JOS E. Central-Balboa-Phone 68S .t .t .t W. B. Rowe Starck's Cafe 21tt Plaoo-Newport .t .t .t ' Fritz GooSsens • Gus V and er Linde Balboa Market · Phone Newport 85--SOl Main St. .t .t .t Jack Hamilton -Frank Black Beacon Sea Foods Phone 208'-W l.IOl Coast Highway-Newport Beach, Oattt. .t .t .t ALLAN DARTFORD The Blue Sails Books, Stationery, Canta; Art 8oppllem: S08 ~ St.-Balboa-Ph. Newport 878 .t .t .t Robert .E. Arvin's Je~~;!~~~"::!:n Newport Be.ell. Callf. . .t.t.t · Wlillam MacCurdy W. H. (Skip) Calkins MacCurdy & Calkins, Inc. NAVAL ARCHITECI'S UIJI CoMt JIW7,-N-rt Bdl.-PIL NW)IL 1- ..i; ;t .t Stanley James Barden MASTER MARINER -lEo-B..,...,,._Yoellt ODd 8111p -. •1 .<JoMt llW7~ --II :!; ;t .t C.F.Dennison .. __ wllll A. "SANDY" llTEINEll ---OoMt mp.a,. __ 1111 :!; .t ;t MAC PELLETIER Ne~rt Phannacy 'It• ~ rias Pits I • -= = = = • • = = = L = . = = • = • • := • • = • • • = = = • = -= • = = • ' = = = = = I ; . ! = = = = • = c • = = ' • • • ., ' I ' ., • . . • • ' . • • • I ~ =: 1:!'~ Admiral Nfuiitz Felicitates Scouts probatli>D t al tM ooun-g.: ~~~=On 36th Amµversary Week, Feb. 8-14 ...--pending In bia Ol' • .I lier bollall 'IM court cert!-In a m ·m-to UM! Jl9Y Seouts n. that are no adequate of America on their 36th anniver- dtt.ention ties available ei.e.. SIU"V, bPing OOserved nationally wbett. durlnc Boy Scout ,...,k, Feb. 8 to 14. f1eet Admir'al Clester \V. F~ offlc:e Newa..'mmes. I -IL-IUN.,L..A.. • Nimitz. chief of naval operations, supplies, aee the commends "the program establish~ ed by the Boy Scouts" which he said, .. tends to pnM"QOte .better re-- )atlom and enligfatenment be- tween the youth, and therefore the people, of all nations." The theme of Bdy Scout week Ulll year ls "Scouts of the World 1!111 _. .&.. _.Building Together'," and thruout ft. Mil Azs' !1 + es quers the year the oearly two m Ulion members of the Boy Scouts of America will help Scout as.soda· tiom overseas rebuild their or· ganiza.Uons. Whiskey In addition, duirng Boy Scout week and throughout F e bruary, Boy Scouts throug h their "ShJrts· Off-Our Backs" campaign are col· Iecting serviceable Scout uniforms and camping gear from active memben..._ and Carmer Scouts for r;===F=======::;~ 11 shipment overseas. • Admiral Nimitz' message, in part, follou.-c: Boots &¥d Roy Keene Palm aQd Bay, Balboa P one S91 0 Fresh Daily Oelldowi Sea. Foods Or. complete ~ent wtam )'OU want. to ca tch J'OUf' own. RM£N FISH MARKET CS.NT"AL AVENUE, NEWPORT BEACH DEF~ND YOUR HEALTH WITH ORANGE YS due In part to men who recdV<d benefit in youth from the 'Boy Scouts. ''You of today will be the lead- en of the world tomorrow. 1'!lr outdoor acti\'iUes, the opportuni· tfes for community ~ce. and the partldpatlon In world frlmd. s hip move mentS offered bv the Boy Scouts provide a sound basis tor training and deveJopinst t.he youth of Arne,rlca to be individual· ly of sound &dy and mind. and to be collectively the 'leaden of this country and the' world in the future. . '"For the rutu,re we must build togetherj and I am sure that ever Boy Scout will be a builder for b1a country and for the peace and hap- piness of the world." People Andy Hayman. chief clerk of the local draft boa.rd during the e ntire period of the war . was a visitor in our fair city Saturday afternoon. Andy is now zone deputy collector for the internal revenue department, "·ith head· quarters in Long Beach. To ques- tions as to hO\V to beat the in- come tax, Andy would only Sa)" that Uncle Sam catches uf> sooner or later \.\r\th the offender. in some very curious \vays. rr Uncle Sam owes you money on an amount due you. ho"·ev('r. he obliges with six per cent interest. HIGGINS lnduat.rit11, Int., New Orleana ahipbuilden., shut down u.-bl6 plants and boc•n early In No•ember to Mfarm ou.t" forty million dollan worth of post-war buaineaa. In a tilt between two powerful labor uniona, Andrew_ J . Hi'11in.a cut himself in the role of a b)'St.ander. Bia story was that indu.strial diaputn had made It practically impossible for him to operate at a proftt. Mr. Hil'l'ina hu oJf~~ to Hll his planta to the uniona and I think it i1 a aplendid idea. Just think : here atand three modem pla11ta. They shelter acres of de· airable ground with· water fnmt~ a,e. Such buildinp · can tie adapted conveniently to the man· 11lactu~ of many d1ft'erent ttems on a volume product.ion acale. Labor ill abundant ,nd more worken a~ anivinc daily. Pk•t1 WORKING capital is no Mone1 lonaer • problem to workinc people. The unions have f abulous wealth. Senak>r Edward V. Robe.rt.son o1 Wyo ming recently nam~ • doz.en unions whose treasuries, he said, contain more than 160 lftillion dollars all told. W ith men, money and machinery, t.he idea is feas· .ible. One plant might be kept very busy aub-<oatractiog Big· &'ins· own 1&nfilled orders. By going in bUsiness on their own account, unions have much to gain. For exantple: Nearly all labo r organizatiom uphold prin~ ciples upon which they disagree with orthodox buaine.u ezecu .. tlva. The. detaib lndudo plant orp.riiu.tion., retittlMDt plans. vacatlon1 and medical -be-I· a.idn w..-and hoan. Who will1.: af'l'H chat these plabl do not dlf-'. ...... to be tried -rime•lall71J , SomMI 1105'.I' tnd .. trlal lead•~ PoUct o1 today are Hlf-made -. llany of the!'! akated on thin k!e occuionall1 i"i lhe ea..rl_7 beata of their bUJin~ race. TbeJ' had principles and the1 had courap and the,. t90~ cbanc,ea. Their ventureso~ apirita were 1upported by faith 1' their ~lea. Wlt1· 1bould ~f some trade union take over a ~ ah-able plant 'IOmewhere and demonstrate it.a theories t / Quite a few labor leaden adv0<- cate -•Ao economic principle&. They inaiat that their plan•. can't. fail if faithfullr punued. Ao•· now come chances to prove th' value of theae ftew principles tO an eacer world. The1 can. bl tuled independent of convenj.. tional aou.rces of capital. Nearl7 any uilion hJ more cash ruerv' today than most big corporationf had when '"'I started. I If neither Gulf ~ast plant ip, · suitable, one of the eight be in' offered by the 1.rc at Chica~ might be better. Any apot where working men develop a new sy~ tem better than the old, will ~ hallowed ground. America 1tand8 at the crossroads industrially a nd every patriotic citiien hopes -..·e choose the right course. Will the unions now stake th~ir \\'ealtl. on their principle• t Louis Meyer . v;ce president of California PT<'SS association and j northem California l)Ublishec of a Koop Buys Home string . of newspapers. with his Booklore o·f ·Al Joyce m· C.D.~. charming helpspend, spent a week visiting the Sam Meyers. Louis N 0~8 · l sres great possibilities in New-by Ernest.F. Koop. former fir e Cttlef por t Harbor and predicts it wi ll Estrellita 1 of Pasadena is revealed as qie be the largest city tn Orange ! · purchaser of the Corona del Mar county "ithin the next decade. home of AL J oyce co-owner with l.Jk(>S Palm Springs, but wonders . Al Keene ,of the $.portland boo/1- what one does f?r amuseme~t l This wee~ we have some ne'A'. ~ng alleys, \Yhlch \Vas built d1Jr- after a ~a>'. or t \YO. some older . , I ing the war by Carl Ackerman. J . M. Mtller has taken over a "Highball," by Lucius Beebe is The sale price "·as not given chunk of ground a t 15th and Cen-1 the lat.cs! book from ~his author1 for the attractive residence at ·309 tral, o_n a long lease from the1 on !rains. The book ts beautiful Narcissus, which 'llJM.S sold f · [,,_ Catholic c~urch. folks next door . J tn its format and contains n1any I ished. \ff I:Jas est ablished a real estate of-pictur("S. some 190 to be sure. Re----------'----- fire there and is quite happy to I member wh('n the bar-room floors E k" · "Th c · • I • r --. WRA .1'1-...!-g Y.ouf Frierids & Mine At • ....,.,,, •uelbl • "11UBUI · I -I oolcl for s:MOO. Jt - A-s 7001 Evacuees. irra.°"4-ie:= ~ ~1r~ lk ... !lll<d with -· Re • ---te m· Co -. a'"n""r recet~ b1a honorabte p A I N T I N J. ·~ • dlodlatge Fnday from the oe-a-~ t1on <eater at Fort MacArthur. U Y..,. lloo•b· lo Nr ... ..Oit With IM retocatlon of from 700 He arllved home January 8 from 8 • ..., Al9 t6 750 Ja--Ameriains In Or-Kor.ea land bad the mWortune to H ange ~unty. the major -t of looe· hjo·...,,.,,;oe J't!COl"d, neoessltat-ARRY HALL the work of the local Santa Ana ing severai!rtpe to Ft. MacArthur rra :_"'=~ l'O~.., ottice of · the War Relocation aand'.'.'.'.,~llOwin'.'J''.:·~g~clo~wn~~hls~~disch~· ".:'.arge~~, ':_· _'..'.:::==========±= Authority qu been accomplished -1 and the orgce Is scheduled to be .----:------~--------------!--. closed by 1. Accord.in t'o dil'fC'l.or Fr.ank S . Gumble, 1 retltrnees are rema.in- lna: at IM na: project at Or- ange Coun Army Air field wait- ing for em loyment and housing. The project is expected to cl01e some time ).n M~ or April, as soon as the f>ccupants can be evac- uated.. L _ Of 'the l ~ persons evacuated from Orange county, one-third have returned to ta.ke up their ·lives here and approximately one- half of the returnees are employed as farm labor. Jailed ili Los Angeles Mter Asserted Effort To, Pass Checks 24-Hour · -Radio Service. BOllD:. Auro, KAJWO: RADIOS REP AI1Ut.D Burt R. Norton 915 eo...t'-y ._ IU'I Newport: ~wrA. Qaltf. Orange County Trucking.-Co. TRUCKS FOR HIRE (;eneral . Trucking, Hauling, Tran.sf Richard J. Selma, transient. Was reported ir\ Los Angeles jail .. Sat - urday star,ing a 90-day term for Long and Short Hauls asserted petty theft after two 229 \V Wi"--S checks \Vere re'ported stolen from • lll!K.JD t. -Costa Mesa the . Balboa . Bamboo room desk. PHONES Selma was linked ''rit h attempts to pass the checks. but was ap-Nwpt. 260. Days--0r-Nwpt. 512-M, Nights prehendC'd in El ~fonte. '--------------------------i--.J rA, ~ ' wbere everything's arranged for an easy Sow of ....,.._ Vllf I And here you are-aaother "New Freedom Ga J . ~ Kicchen"• designed around the 3 essentials: 1. Automatic G4J Water H~t-tion-a "CP" Gu Ranae · iog. to assure a supply that the besc: feafW'el of dolC:ftl df "oever•tuns-~ry'.' (Remember, _ ranges all built into one! &. you'll need 1ttll _,,..,. bot water . . • j for your new, automatic dish--Servel Gm Rclriaerar1on WJ~ • washer and washing machine!) 10 -year gua.ra.n<ee. No·a:wn'..,s 2. The rops in cooking perfec-pans to wear. Suys croubJe..&elf ~. '"6 ~k• ON b.edcll ~ I be back in his old calling. I t was were paved "ith silver dollars and , Trsh meths, I ~ ?mplC'bete L1fr." ·1 ·11 ,h -• ,_ ·i . e au or c aims 1t to a guide " 1 er '' o US•.:u to lA'. a t1 e man railroad passes \\.'ere ten-dollar t h t • , · r I here and who designed the front of silver plat C'S from Tiffany's Nice o t t e d ac f li·e . en1oyml ~n~ of t!hc I OWN ....-:::: ,, • 1 thf" old building of the Newport book h . d · ar s. an o J\'Ing. t 1s J~st that . to a\C aroun · l'C'C'JjlP for a pcrfC'Ct evening This ~:=:=:=:=~=::==:':•~=~~~~~!!~~:==::==:=:J I Itarbor Publish in ~ company at the "The King·s General ·• by boo. k b" · · · · · I t . "' · d b 5 · . 1g chair a fire 1n the f1re-oca ion no' occup1e v the outh Daphne Du l\1auriC'r "'Rebecca'" I k ' · C t C C I .A • · p acc. ma e a r C'C1pc for a perfect ' oas o. on e~tra ve., near fans "·ill \fx> pleased '''i th this nc,,· evening. the Bank of America. book of one of l::ngland"s leading ============..L of this Clean, Family Newspaper · THE CHRisl1AN SOENCE MONfI'OR p,_ aUne ud .,, •rloaiial ---••• ,,. from poUdal ~.::.. "':;i.i.7"1.:.T..-..:.. ":'l.i:..rid!':e'° .:"...:: ~~~-...i i .. .....u.,, .. ,..,. ::'_T";;:-'= ___ :-_::::':'.'.::::-_ J::. .:::::-?M. L..... D :n:c:.=:-.:= -. .. ·--·····--.......................... ,,. ....... authors. The house and eslatC' i· For offic(' supplies. sec the ri:tenabilly. The girl is a cripp!C' Cases Nc\\'S-Times. d ~ I an i~ in lo,-C' '''it~ Sir Richard -~ ·. · ,------------~ Gren\•1le. To sa\"(' him she l::>t h.in1 C b" ts 'in S ER· HEAR!NG I escape from the castle by the a Ine ,~f· ·f?Ji scrret passage. You _Lake tht-~ .(,h story from there. Since l898 \ 1' REVOLUTION! "The Lofc of the -Hout,· by ·;~,~:/ l Fra ncis Winwar. If you have I 'Id! m1ssC'd this biography gC't 1t soon, . · .,.....,.. --""""no it ceads like fiction and;, a must WORTH.I NGTO .I.New ZeaJtb lladloalc Heula• for any reader. George Sand and 1 Aid.,.. .. ,iasl Tlaoa,.Ddt ol her .era arc .al,,·ays fascinnting ~ w.ftftl c:aa'c be wroql c.om. ta. reading. l-fer influegc~.on Chopin s-.. tor roancJL Pne dt"moftlb'9oo is clearly sholvn here too. I doa. ao .. b.lsb sw-re.. .. We dJ. Eric Remarque has a nfj'w one ,,,_.. oal7 •me. •bo Chi be called .. Arch or Triumph." If for Since 1886 REFRIGERATION and ---.. -~--· ----. ----, __ -'" .i .. • • __ . ..,_ ..._._ --·······················-0 r•~-· -~ .. ~ nothin~ elsC' \\'e are indebted to ' . I • 11!;··· •·····•·•·00·1·--····........... Z,. ;t•........_ I _. ----------- • r Returning Boys ant to Call Home RIS, the w:ir isn 'cover as fuas tclephonecaJhare ncemed. There arc more calls to handle dun evea ill you help handle me mo=di of calls ouz ~umic" g service men arc ma.k..iDg as they arrive ia. uchem California on me way home? Th-is o(ld:""" mese boys """ more than to o:Jophooe e,and we need m= girls to handle their calls. ywbile leaming. Pcanane!t jobs. Goodmniog wimfr<queoc~Thereisprobehlyaoele- oc office ocuyoutbomcwbcrcyou.coWd wodc. "" ask ·me Openroc fo< tho; Olief Opemor. will gi•e you the addr<a ol cn emJ>!o7m- most coo...UearJ<>t you. ApplJ or -Jin. Rahl 100 B. BIQ' ........ -I • Gunderson Drug Main St.-Balboa SN OODLES ADD ISON! 'fOU ALWA'f-:;5...rJl' 6E'T YouR NOSE ~O,.;pLAC.E. (" WKEi:tE , ~ 1,-DON'T: °BEi.ON& l\tr. Ren1arquc for '''aiting until he had something to say to bring out a ne"' book. The selting is I Paris in 1939. The leading nta.n is Ravic, a refugee GC'rman doctor. The girl J oan, a singer a nd suf- fering from fear . Ravic is a ""ell taken character and you \\ilJ find yourself re-reading his philoso-1 phies and innue ndos. The little French boy that loses hi s leg in a traffic accident is one to watch I also. One that is rat her older but that ~iW alwa~·s finct a public' is John 623..SO. Los Angeles St. EMERGENCY PHONE Anaheim '6.'S! • TiNG 111/ ~;~ 1A kitchen that takes'the "Irk" out of work! • Just note the pleasant laundry or ' utility room right oft' the kitchen ... no more '"blue Mondtys" for you t You'll dote on this dual -·o rk -cmrt"r streamlined around ,J;OUt modem gas appliances. No aingy rotners. No dust·cttcbing lcraCks. lf you'tt building or rr- lmodeling'.:..your Gas-Kitchep will 'be fl-·P<ef«ll ' SOUlHfltH ' COU NTl!S 0,AS MODE Rll, •• P RACTICA'L ••• FLAME· PE• FICT . . . GAS By CY Hungerfor:d NICE A D'\ LEE'TLE ~13!;E G1211-10 OFF HIS' NOS~­ rrs NO I Gooo. DOROTHY DARNIT ' -(A glance pro•·es the leadership of •he l\ews-Times) By Charles ~:~:\ianus 'i'OU" ~ISTL". ~Pu!tN'> '1'Y LOVE. ! • 'w£L L, WHY wolt"Y ~ OC Kl\PPV! , .. • \ .1 -• . . '( • I , I \ • • • • ' - • ' ' ' . ' . ,, ---.· -. ' . ~ --- • . .. -• .. - -~ ~· . , r . • • •, . ' . -• I • • • , - •, .. Dr ... . --NEWPORT JIALllOA !'l1CW9 • I 19. UH l;>u eL1c NoT1ces . -: Your friends~d inine Mr. and Mrs. Cla Newton. \. I ~% Dahlia a""nuo Corona del \ Mar, are receiving gratulatlons on the .birth of a 1ghter, bOrn .Jan. 17 at St. Joseph ospital. The )'<l<lng laey Upped e !!CJlles at *!'Yen pounds even. NEWS-TIMES . 'CLAS .l.S:IED~~1 . ' • I 'I ' • MI'S. Kenny Brown , of Costa Mesa returned last Week from Santa Ana Comm ity hospital, for Results ~fu~ai~!.:' h'!·~.!,~::itah~ , ' Read Them for Profit . . l,';ae . - aperation of law or otherwise. , other than or ln addition to that ---U you don't l'lnd what you are looking for adver1l8ed In this Issue Nf'NpOM Besl'h 12 or 13 and pla<:e your own adverll8ement ---! . , ot said deceased at the time or 1 1 • death, in and to all that certain PAINTING 001'\'TKACl'Oi bll"LOTIIENT OFPmD • ~ FOa BALE S! ~ ANNOIDfCDD:NT8 SI 1R~l:~ll~L~~~~~'..__ __ ·---~·!'!1 ~·~s~a~1~,~-~' ~11'.~A~-~'..__---,---~·~ real property situate in the Coun-\ -==+= .. ty of Orange, State of California. PAINTING -PAPER RANGING WANTED--HOTJ;)L MAID. Bal-FoR S.t.i.E-Tavem Table With K E Y S Coast Properties Co. ; F O R S 'ALE particularly described as follows : and DECORATING Inn. PhN>e 9'\0. 8-tk tv..·o benches. Don R . Duran.l. Made While • ou· Walt R'E.AL"ToRS '-Lpt 19. Block 11 of Tract H. E . McDonald 428 Orchid Ave., Corona del 1 VOGE! s I -OCEAN FRONT .LOT 234,-in the·Oty of Newport 4H Old County Rd., Pb! 164-W HELP WANTED -Want refined Mar. 1-tfc , 100 14a1n 'st.· Balboa ' f1eninsula Desirable Location • • I During her absence her mother, Mn. McGW, was · with in!lu- enz.a. l!Jr. and Mn. A. Kemper of ' Beach. County of orange, Coeta JJeaa 85-ttc woman to assist mother ot 2 • 208 Marine Ialand LO 1 3 ~-ho und con chi!~. Room, board and aal· FOR SALE -Double bed. bo>t ' ; ' ve Y """'~... me er -$3500 00 State of California. as per ~~ 9<-tfc structlon ,on Ocean Front. Qc. • . I Corona del A!ar had ~ recent tele- phone conversation ,fith their son, Lt.. (jg) William A. Kemper-, who was talking from : ls office on bbard his shJp now be~ng put in repair tor decomn ssionlng at Henry' Kaiser's Port! c11d yard. PuBLIC NoTI t:s No. f-MSS-PuadJ..a Dept A NOTICE OF SALE\OF BEAL PROPERTY AT PR1 ATE SALE h the Superior Cou.rt pt tbe State of C&llforn,l& In aa• For tbe County of Loo td .. IN THE MATI'ER 0 THE ESTATE OF PRESS UCAS, D<keased. Notice is hereby giv~' n that the undersigned will sell at private aa.Je to the hJghest and t bidder, subject to ton.firmati . of said Superior Co_urt. on or[ alter the 15th day of February, F' at the otnces of RiccardJ, ebster & Donahue, attorneys, · 311 Finl Trust Bullditaa:. Pasad , a 1. Call- fomla, all tile right, tir:e and in· terest of said deceased t the time ot his death. and ail the right, ~~, ~ ii \G-: "!r . ~ '~ }l' !!~--~ l r~ -~~~~ map r..cord~ In Book 13. BUUNalB GUIDI: It ary. Pb: N. B. 2210. S.tfc springs. mattress, $35. Phone -.+-------!-------cupancy March 1st. 2 baths. Telephone (L. A.J Hl)lzic!e 'l80ll pages 36 and 37 of Mlsceliane-"EXCAVATING, GRADING, lot HELP WANTED-WOil\"" to do l34S·M. &-ltp ~arpenters .• vailable Hardwood floors. Dbl. garage. ___________ 7-'_tc ous ?ttaps. records of said plou&rung, eement watla, drives 1..-.--1. • 0 _ board FOR SALE-Sofa with slip cover, for general mllitenance Large side patio with barbecue. n..n,,.,·c_.T-uENT County and house foundations. See light •~eePllllt. ~~ and re~l.tr ,~20 000 ll• • "'° m and Essco Con1<acting. Co,, phone and wages. Doyle. 611 No. Bay SlO; Otina Cabinet. lIS. Phone o. z. R8BE ~TSON "' ' PROPERTIES LOt 2Q, Block 11 of Tract Newport 2353'J'. S.9tp Front, Balboa lslancj. 5-tfc Newport !639-W. &-2tc Call N ,. 88 2-story 3-bedroom home on MJr· t Ulllta. 2 Lota. 234, In the Qty of Newport EARL PHELPS TREE SERVICE HELP WANTED -Housekeeper ·BOAIW. ~ -• U -tfc arnar. 2 bloths. Hardwood floors. ' $16,500 Beach. tounty of Orange. • 20-d bab Sun deck over dbl. garace. . -• State of California. as per Dry Walnut wood for •ale $21 and care of mo1. 01 y, FOR S" ~ •1~ 1•f -~-CU~TOM CABu.""c.. WORK Re-Ocean and Bay·vtew. . S 1 G od ~ cord delivered. 300 No'. LOa 7:30 to 2:30, five days a week. .......,_.. ~. ~ t. •V"-' ., evera 0 map recorded in Book 13, Angeles St., Anaheim. Ph. 2921. Monday through Friday. l32l .W. and steel ,traller. Bolb need 1*r work and re1booeltng of all $15,500 Bay Front Lots pages36 and 37 of Misceliane-.._..... Bay Ave., Newport Beach. Ph: paint.. Pl>: N. B. 2210. 6-4_ tc kinds. CUstom bullt-in fwnl- ous Mapo, Rocord5 of said ~.,. S.2t ture. DOUGI.All BOAT a. AdJo\ning 35-ft. lot County. •G·-_.--RAL--00-N'lllA ___ c _r_Dl_O_, ___ , 107o.J. c FOR SALE-14-foot rOwl>oat, m . C~OE CO., 281.9 W. Central $2,500 Ternu of sale are ca.sh 'in law· P91r and AHMaU... See l'raW< WANTED--411 No. Bay Front, Balboa lo-A~e. Phone Ne"'1>ort 21;34.ttc _ tul money of the United States on Pellkofer, 3406 Finley ave., 11... land. (North end A.gate). Phone I !18-East Newport con!ini,atton of sale, or n.a .. t cash 1261-W. 6-2tp ~, -''--~---+------_.. port Be&cb. Pb.. l.f98-liL 61-Uc Wa1"tress Fry Cook 2-bedroom home. Deep lot. G•-0 e. and balance evidenced by a note ' ' . SUNDAY SCHOO ' GUILD of --secured by a trust deed on the BICYCLES Dishwasher. ' FOR SALE-Beautiful 32-ft. !lac-C: D M. ty Oluttb Sprinklen. · f ing Sloop, Paclflc class. Phone an11 h'ava a R Sale F-~. $7 500 property so sold. Ten peTCent o --2a93-W 8-2t ··r-~ eu 1 , amount bid to be deposited with Sold. Rented or Repaired. BAY SHORE CAFE · c 4th. Any one · to ,con· · VOGEL'S nth It Cout ID ... ..,;v Jii, t cl th ""h t YI t bid. 100 Main St., Balboa •··-~ COVIC DIESEL MOTOl!--2 cyl., u e o ea, ...., et, o , e c., Bids ·or offers to be in writing 208 M&rl.ne, Balboa Ialand. Newport Beach Phone 2344 20 h.p., 3 to 1 reduction. Needs may pall 550-M or led902-fM 8.nd and will be received at the a.fore--Ni-ttc ____________ :i.._tt_c work, $350. Ph. L. B . 801.ot. art!cles wijl be call ori.9tp said office at any time after the -------------HELP WANTED-Stenographer , Pr.2tp first publlt'ation hereof and before TJU.NSPOBTA.TION lt -------------~1 ------a;-+-----date o!·sale, ------------for part-Ume work, shorthand 26-Ft. Monterey type commercial Washing achines In.AL' w ANTED -rude to Fort Mac-and typing, days or evenings. or sport fishing boat. 4-cyl. Star Rep . d DATED: Jan. 22nd, '1"'tQ, Writ Martn Sal In Balboa GERTRUDE PALINE WATSON. Arthur or Long Beach. Must be e e es, c., marine .engine. Paragon 2 to 1 Administratrix of the estate or at Fort at 7 :30 a.m: Can take llland or call 518 evenings reduction gear. With mooring. Part.a u8~d beMakf/11 said decedent. own car alternate days. call at •·tfc Sl950. Ph: Newport 2752. 8-ltp J>ick ~·~very. RDI WEBSTER & 1417 West Bay Ave .. Newport. ~ RICCA · 8-2tp UU: ___ . _HmC1:1.1.AJQ: ______ o_U11 ____ so_ FOR SALE-14-fOot 8-inch 1semi Waahinl' Ma lne Shop DONAHUE. V-bottom boat and tiailer. S ~ 1768 Newport Blv Coeta Meae By LEONARD L. RICCARDI. PARTY would like transportation FOR SALE-1 Buck Stove. ga'>· h.p. outboard motor, !185. 5217 1 , Pbone~22 ~ttc Attorneys for said adminis-daily to Los Angeles. Remune:· electric combination, $:l5. 1100 ?tteridian St., Los Angeles. Ph: _ tratrix, 311 First Trust ation. Phone 871 or contact E . Central, Balboa. 8·1tc . Albany 9624. 8-2tp \V&NT!D TO O Bldg., Pasadena, Calif. M hall 330 Lindo Ave Bal .J.. CR t ~620. , boa~ ' ., 1 ·::?t~ FOR SALE-Baby crib and high BAIT TANK PUMPS 11% ", Briggs. WANTED TO RENµ or lease, UD· Pub. Jan. 29: Feb ... S and.12, 1946. chN air. Reaso97nably priced. 7c;" Stratton powered. New and used I furnished house. j hone 185Q.R. ~ BEAUTY AIDS ta ewport 11 · · tc Centrifugal Pumps. New Star ~ · 5-tfc CER~~i~:!EF?!i B~!'":''ESS , COLD and MACHINELESS FOR SALE-Round dining.table. Manifold. Used Gr~y 4-40 Ma?i-VANT APARTiifE1'rr, any si;e, WAVES electric heater, %; h.p. electric fold. Harbor Engine & Eqwir any price. 0 . Hl. Grigg, 1016 Tinting and ·Manlcurlng , motor. 207 Edgewater, Balboa. ment Co., 111 Agate Ave .. Bal-.Lowell St., Santl:t Ana. Phone Evening Appointments Ph. 179·\\' 8--4tp boa Island. Phone 1~2J.J. 8-2tc Santa Ana 1579. I 6-4tc Vi's Beauty Shop FOR SALE-Ja p rifle. J ap pistol WANTED ro RENT OR LEASE t t03 Coaat H iway, Corona del Mar and Samurai sword. also exquis· 10%·F"T. Light "•eight \Veldwood -Up to 5125 per fmo., furnished Two 30-tt. R-2 lots opposite New· port Harl>or Yacht Cub. $2,375 Each · - New;port Heights Stucco dupfex on large lot. furnbhed. $10,500 Well Modern 6-roOm home. furnishedi Completely $13,500 Lido Isle Cozy I-bedroom stucco. New tile roof. Nicely furnished. Near Clubhouse. - $10,500 I B alb oa Rooming house on Ocean Front. A-1 location. Sleeps 26. Good !n· come. $15,000 Furn. Corner Income Lot El Bayo Tract, $3,250 . Houses $6,500 and up W. L. Jordan 700 -C.Otnl. BalbOll ' Phone 1!53 !>tic 2 Bedroom Home FUmJahed On Uttle bland. Bay View. $9600 Gertrude A. Waldron Wm. W . Sanford Broker Phone 234-R For Sale Balboa I sland !>tfc 2 bedroom furnished. Choice lo- cation, near South Bay CLltUe Island) $10,500. Immediate poa- session. Gertrude 4. W .aldron Wm. W. Sanford Broker Phone 234-R. 'l-tf~ The und('rsigned does hereby certify that \\·c arc conducting an infants' "'ear business at 1211 and 1213 Coast 1-lighway. Corona d('l Mar. California, under the ficti· tious firm name of THF. STORK • 76·tfc ., b 'd _, 'lk ki Skiff. unpainted. Car top car· · 1 e em rot e11.:u st mono. o, r unfur_ nishcd 3.hPilroom house Call Npt. 2201 . 8·4tc rier. S75.00. Call after 5 p.m . v R f C Ph N B 5·bedroom .Bay· Front home. Exe. ------------- Fri., 1-ion. or Wed. 209 Ameth}'!t or equ1 . e eren .. ~~. : . . 1652·J. · 6-4tc St., Balboa Island. 5..ttc PENTHOUSE and that said firm E.~LOYMENT WANTED pier and float. Good corner lo- cation. $32,000 Furn. New 3-Bedroom Homes -• I • 'I i~~ is rompised of th<' following per-. sons. whose names and addresses are as follo\vs. tcr\vit : \VANTED-Position as bookkeep- er and office worker, full or part t ime. Experienced, best of referenefs. Write Box MC, FOR SALE-Set lubrication guns "''1th board. SSO: gasolin·e pump flow meter, $5; 15·lb. boat an· chor, $6. 1321 W . Bay Ave .. New- port Beach. Ph: 1070.J . 8-2tc Higgins Boats io ,,_ to 55 Feet Priority orders taken now. \V ~NT TO RENT-tApartment or ~ouse. furnished qr unfurnished, (veteran, "·ife and child). Phone 1736-J. · ' 8-4tc Balboa I sland Fifteenth ·st. and San Bernardino . If You Had MY JOB K. EEPI~G HOUSE, helplns take care of the ~am.il~)'t:MI would reali.ie that buaine•• sfril a.re not. the only on• who ao~ t imes cet. Headache and Tind Achin~ Muscle.. Wef hom• air1a often work ju&t .. hard and iiaft juat. a• malty Beai'.e•, juat .. many Stouiach U ta and pt j .. t-u Tii<d. · About a ~ear ...,,I [ -mad ALKA-SEllTZER I 4nd tha~ it eua t my .. A= Bead, take1 the kinlal out ot. Achlns 14uocleo and~ wh111:1 l ha" Add lnillpatlon. Tho lomil¥ ""'" I am a ·W . ..ter to u.. ..;th 1::: I 1"'1!11 ......... aboort Alta--· • Ha" yoa tried A08BL'9o ~1 If ~-hJ' cloo't,.... ;.. .. """~ ~i..rs--"~ .... &na1l ........ Iba triaaa M Soda --T Dee Boyd. 1211 Coast Highway, Corona •del l\'lar. Calif. Jan Henderson 713 Jasmine. ----------~-- Corona del Mar. Calif. REGlSTERED NURSE desires Ne\\·s-Times. 74tc \\'itness their hands this 26th • po.sition in doctor's office. Able day of January. 1946. to type. 2T1 J asmine Ave .. ~ DEE BOYD. ron8 del ?.iar. P . 0 . Box 453. JANICF. RARR HEi\'DERSON.' 8-2tp State of California. WI~-L-L_T_A_KE __ C_ARE ___ of_c_h_il_dr_e_n. County of Orange,-ss. 0 h. 28 h d f J Corona del Mar. Phone N. B. n t 1s t ay o anuar y, 2~tfc A. D. 1946, before me, Nora s. 550-M. Margwarth. a ~otary Public in EMPLOYMENT OJITEUD and for said County and State. per son ally appE'arcd D<>e Boyd and J;tn Henderson, kno\vn to me to be thl' persons whose names are sub. scrlbcd to the within Instrument. and acknowledged to me that they executed the same. In witness "'hereof, I have heteunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year in this ccrtificat(' first above written. Pub. Jan. 28; Feb. S, 12. 19. 1946. -----. CERTIFICATE OF DO~G BUSIN"ESS UNDER FICTITIOUS NAME. The undersigned certifies that he is conductinJi!: a business under the name of "The Rod and Ree! Shop" at No. 210 Marine Avenue. Balboa Island, California, That he is the sole O\vner thereof and that his r-esidence .is u set forth below. January 12, 1946. F1tANK WISHON. Residing at 200 So. Lorraine, Los Angeles, California. State of California ) County of Orange ) ss. On the 16th day of January, INTERESTING WORK Pleasant Working Conditions Learn TELEPHONE OPERATING Increased wage rates now in e ffect. Apply Southern California ' T elephone Company lOQ E . Bay Ave .. • Balboa or .5li 'ii North :Main Slrtet Santa A"'8 or , Ask the Ope r&tor for the ChJef Operator 86-tfc 1M5 TIDE TABLES F OR SALE-Jron twin beds, com· plete with pre·war mattresses; used Elec. refriger ator ; ne"' 20- gal. steel jacket Crane hotwater heater in crate; baby bathinette. 1321 W. Bay Ave., Newport Beach. Phone 1010-J: 8-2tc FOR SALE -Restaurant bootlu, tables. refrigerator. reach·in ice box and reach·in butchc: case. Electric Grill. 206 Palm, B atbn;1. 7-2tc FOR SALE -Overcoat, suitable for man going ea.st. New CGor~ don Ferguson) black chenille. heavy satin lining, size 42. Call N. B. 550-M. S.tfc FOR SALE ->-·Man's light·we1ght overcoat, new, herringbone weave, blue, size 42. Call N. B. 550-M. 6·.tfc THOR MANGLE for sale. Radios repaired, 24-hour service. Short Circuit Radio Shop, 305 Palm Ave., Balboa. Phone 1638-W. 3-Uc CIRCULATING Electric Heaters, only !7.95. Health Lamps, Ultra- Violet, Infra-Red. Verdi·Ray. Batteries for Hearing, Aids & Portable Radios. MESA RADIO & ELECTRONICS CO., 1794 Newport Blvd. 3-tfc Fire Place and Kindling WOOD Delivered H. W . \VRIGRT-Ph. 11784 Newport Blvd. " 2030 3-tfc Dale Watts w.A;-:TED by 1esponsib!e Tele· phone Employee. 2 or 3 bedroom 2·bedroom home on 'Little Island. Classy knOtty pine apt. in rear $17,000 Furn., 81 0 Coast Highway l Ph. 1104 . house. P~nnane.att Phone Santa 93-ttc Ana 5829. 1 80-tfc Coast Properties Co. FIRE EQmPMENT TESTS -:ftealtors ·c·O·Two, Pyrene _.Foam refills. WANTED TO R~NT-H'>'-':se no\-., CO• fix~d aystem and Portable• In Corona del 1 Mf"', \\'ht le new 703 E .. Central. Balboa · now available. EiS HOKTN &LI home is beingj built. Cn!l New-Phone 683 7·1tc GALVAN, 1000 Coast Highway. Port 2360-W. , j 7-4tc -----'--------1 Phone 13s~. 1:!.ttc EVA F. RHODEN WANTED TO ~N'f or LEl\Sf:- CONSULT us about MARINE lN· Small house for t~'o adults. Ref. STALLATIONS & REPAIRS. C'rences. Prefer Costa Mesa or Expert technicians, g\iaranteed Ne\\'PQrt. Box "O" c/o News- servicc. The same high quality Times. 7-4tp work on marine radio that has \VANTED TO u:z:ru _ Refined made our other lines of radio couple. husband qarpenter, \Vill service famous throughout the help re-model small quiet apt. o.r Harbor area. 1.{ESA RADIO & cottage for cha,n~o lease same, ELECTRONicS"'co., 1794 New-Harbor distr,fiCt:. Write C. H . port Blvd. 3-tfc Clark, 1001 . obart Blvd., MUSICAL II BADIO u Hollywood 27. I S.2tp GOOD used pianos. Some as low lti':A.L ESTA.Tl: ! 47 as S89. Fine tor practice. Easy BALBbA ISLAl\'UJ on canal, 4- terms. Or will rent. Danz-bedrms., 2 bat.p.s, bit heat, fire- Schmidt Piano Co:, 520 No. Main place. completf?ly furn., $20,000. Santa. Ana. 8-tfc · )Vrite Box W,"'c/j News· Times. BEAUTIFUL Spinet type mirror _ 8-ltp · piano, a bargain. Terms. Danz· J. M. MlliL!';R Schmidt Piano Co., 520 No. ~-1aln I Rfal Estp.te Broker Santa Ana. S.tfc 15th ana Central STEINWAY Grand, like new, one of the world's greatest pianos. Gorgeous tone. Beautiful case. This is," an instrument for the discriminating buyer. Danz· Schmidt Piano Co .. 520 No. Main Santa Ana. 8-tfc ..._ Corona/ del Mar Ocean Front lot. Qwr,er forced to I sell. Call us for price and terms. I 45-IT. LOT. c;oo\l location. $2000 • Balboa Ocean Front home. 6 bedrooms. ' Newport Heights New J..bedrm. homes, now com· pleted in Heights. Ready for oc- cupancy. These homes have large rooms. lots of tile work. pull- man lavatories, many cupboards and linen storage space, etc. Now open for inspection, $8500 -Terms , Vacant 3 bedroom house. Extra large liv- ing room. newly decorated. Tile -sink. Large lot. Close in. Costa • Mesa. $7500-Tenns --· Corona· de!' Mar 2 lots, both have f.ine view above ocean. $4500 each 3-Room H ome On 1 acre. New double garage. On Elden St., €osta Mesa. Posses· sion close of escrow. $4500 See This 1946. before me personally air ~ peared Funk Wishon, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing in· strument and he acknowledged to me that he executed the same" w 30 Th 31 JANUARY High Low High 7:03 12:54 9:00 5.6 2.4 3,6 7 :39 1 :30 9:!5 Low !:2.& ---0.7 Z:M -1.0 CORONADO Electric Range, $178 Immediate Delivery Auto Batteries l~month -S6-4S Ex. - Pennsylvania Oil Gallon. 70c RADIO HOUSE CALLS -'Now that addlUonal competent tech- nicians are available, we are able to make aervice calla on large coD80lea. All work guaranteed. HAROLD I. HAMM.. S. O. S. Radio, 21.5 Marine. Pb: 780. 9<-tfc $18,500 Costa Mesa 2 bedroom hon;ie. Best loCation. ~~R-ad_i_o_R_e-pa-irs--.-i ' $9000 · New 4-room house. Well built, plastered. Coinplete within 2 weeks. On 1 acre of land $4950 -. Terms EVA F. RHODEN 1 Broker Witness my hand and seal at my office this 16th day of Janu- ary, 1946. ANN RAETZ. F 5.9 2.2 3.8 FEBRUARY 8:13 2:05 9:5S 6.1 2.1 3.9 1 Burt Norton, 915 Cout Hiway, S:Z1 W estern Auto Supp Y Newport Beach. 93-tfci I 151b d Central Notllry Public in and for t,he s County '<>f Orange, State of California. " 1 2 8 :50 2:42 lO:ZS 6.01 1.9 4,0 All mak .. ; tubes. etc. Ph. 2'17 .. 1 J. tt' ILLER -1.1 Authori2ed Dealer ! N rt Beach S:58 1836 Newport Blvd, Costa Mesa BPmOIAL ~OUN• AA&• I "On Your Way to B4Jboa" -1,l 3-tfc N D l , Phohe 1242 S.ltc (My Commission Expires Aug. 31. 1948.J Pub.-Jan. 22. 29: Feb,, 5, 12, 1946. CERTIFICATE OF BUSINESS: FICTlT.lOUS FIIUI NA,.'llE ndee ..,.. placed lD Ont.er al ~ -------------' 0 e ay "''----,---+--,:----- Ll .. t n.u-L .. ., .., • ....,.. .. • Used Bicycles ....:...... ' Balboa!Bay Front and Tandems Retlnlsh your kitchen ,bathroom 2 adjolntng JO.ljt. lots. Small beach PUBLIC NOTICES Adult ol.-$lG Up With new tile board. ' house on one. New seawall VOGEL -100 Yaln St., Balboa. -&Cl"OSI en~! ~ft. front. and addreu "' as follows, to-wtt: 92-tfc F . P. Waldron $~1,500 DAVIS S. HATCH, 219 Mag-------------Telephone 234W. 3-4tc Can be purChased sepa;ate. nolia Ave., Costa Mesa. Calif. Just Arrived ' Witness my hand this 7th day FNeb Heutnc Aid RECAP 470 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa ELTON D. BARNE'I:T, Salemnan Ph. Newport 1965-M Balboa Island 2 Unit Modern. Furnllhed. $15,500 Hal! Cash.' S.2tc Gertrude A. Waldron Wm. W. Sanford Broker ,Ave., Newport Heights Hardwood floors-:-Tile bath Tile sink-Double garage $2900 do\vn-$56 per month -<llso-- 12 modern 2-1x"<lrm. Duplexes at Broadway and Santa Ana Ave., C.OSta Mesa ·Ralph P. Maskey 3410 Coe.at Blvd. Newport Be&cb, Callfomla Phone 402 :s.ttc NewPort Heights 14odern. weli·built, 2-bedrm. home. Large living room, mahogany flooring. firPplace: dinnette, tile kitchen and bath. Laundry tray in 2-car garage. Patio. Lot com- pletely fenced and landscaped. Excellent value at $10,SOO. Gertrude A . W aHiron Wm. A. Sanford Broker Phone 234-R 2-tf• BEAL ESTATE EXCllANOI: &l FOR SALE-- CABINEI' SHOP Bldg. 25x72, lot adjoiniJ1g, or main highway, le:ised to Aug 1947. Returns 10 % on invest ment. $10,000. Terms. Phone 1345-M. S.Itii MONEY 1'0 W _AZ< _____ ...,.;llf PRIVATE .party has $3000 to $5000 to loan at six per cen · from 3 to 5 years. Call Newport 2438. S.11 LOANS TO B~. buy, I modemlze or reG.na.nM. Newport Balboa !"ederal kYIDP and LolUl AMOalatica. -j SSl3 Via udo TeJ•pboa• 1eor LOANS $100.00 and Up to $10,000.00 See US if you need money Payments to Fil Your Income Loans on Cars Trucks and Trailers Over 22 Years in Santa , Ana Federal Finance Co. INC. 429 No. Sycamore Phone 6200. Santa Ana, Callt. &1JTOllOtlWS a fl*N S.1~ .. THE UNDERSIGNED does hereby certify that he ls conduct. Ing the manufacture ot plastic to~,-s at 219 Magnolia Ave .. Costa Mesa. California. unde &he fic- titious firm nam«!' of of January, 1946. BATTERIES DAVIS S. HATCH. Gtllldenm DnlS Co. with ycur local recapper. One day service. Corona qel Mar Lots JO.It. LOt SQuth of IDghway. Lea than 2 blocks to Ocean.. Phone,,ZW-R .5-ttc FOR SALE -'42 O>ev?olet O• LOT FGR SALE-BU<. G Ooe Coupe, just overhauled; t!r • "'-" NOVA NOVELTY CO. and th.at said firm is <0mpoeed of the following person whc9e n.ame STA~ OF CALIFORNIA. l l17 K&bl St. Ph. 'l!I COUNTY OF ORANGE ) a. On this 71b day of January, *c"ffc A. D., 1946, before me Nora S. Margwarth a Notary Public 'In and for the said county and state. residing therein, duly commissfon· Floor Furnaces 37,000 B. T. U. Immediate dellvery . $49.40. WING SAJllG BOAT & REP AIR YARD ed and sworn, pOrsonany appeared David S. Hatch known tO me to · be the person whose name ii sub- VOGEL'S 100 Main St., Balboa ' 2-tfc • ' Sll Coaat Highway 101 saibfd to the within instrument.w •-Al'l--._..-f&D,,.,--TU::--:B:-U=1-~---,n:: 1 and acknowledged to me that he ' • • ....._, Newport 1186 ££t executed th@ same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hueunto set my hand and affixed my otftciaJ seal the day W1LL PAY Clum tor YOW' fUl'o Dltwe or what Un you. PboDe NW)>t. 2000. 0 . R. era-. Tl>e l"ood Baal<et. lBU Newport Blvd., eo.ta Meea. •ttc Mooringa, alld 9pMe avalJaNe and year in thb Certlflcate first for ·BaatS filr s.le above written. . FtlJL"'1TUU POil IL&L1I: II · NORA s . MARGW ARTH. ,,.:. __ _c _____ -:--:-- Paddle Boards for Beat (SEAL) Notary Public in and FOR SALE-HoUywood bed. box bJ tlle ...,. or -UL for said County and State. springs, mat"-, twin mo. 202 L--• , __ .j.. _________________ _,IPub.-Jan. S. 15, 22, 29, 19t6. 41.t st.. Newpat BN± S.ltp I J ' .. -.. -~ • J -. - Tires ·and Tubes Complete Lubrication Tltt and battery service. Free plckupo and delivery lle1'Vlce for )'OUI' car. · Costa Mesa Tire Co. and Texaco Service Station H. J . Mltcl!ell. Prop. 1760 Newpc:at Bl,.U., C.0.ta Mesa Phooe N. B. 2342 · 4-tfc ELECI'IUCAL APPUANCES and $ 600 60 It. cl1'"4' to Ocean Hlgb and .rel, Can build 4 Ulllts. 5-In and paid for. $li200 4().ft LOt.1120 ' feet from Ooean !root. Can build 2 units. U,750 Listin~ Wanted BR~E REALTY MOTORS repaJre4 aocording to 1307 C lut Highway fac{ory spedficatlom by DIS-clel Kar ABl,EI> VETERANS. Work l'hme 2048 7-ltc cuaranteed. Ageat: ME s A 11-;;;~=:;-;;l::--::;=;;;;;:;;;-;;;;: I RADIO It ELECTRONICS C0,11 Wbo -~ ..,._lillll&T - 1974 Ncwpat Bhd.. 3-tfc ,.... n -liar lllllr1 ~ •' \,. B!.:;;.\!°°° by owner: E . ~ perfect.. Ph: 1924-J;eyea. s.2 '* N , 195 North Shatter, Try wcal1nc todil;p'a acassald · Or~e, Calif. . -.. h ~,'. A.tJ'l'Oe 1W..&M'IWD J •A1JT09 WAHr:&D ,. . i. l . • ,, \ ' . . .,,, . ' , ' • ' ; ' . ' ·i 1 I ' ' ' -I Costa M';8& ~mmunity Church Ci ficles Hold First Meetings of the New Year . I • • . . Harbor Feminine A ·tiv.ities Mi~lon Work in Fai: East Told by sP.eakcr,at'Meettng of Capilla Circle r il.te.eotmi -of. Ille ...,<q,-':....-----'----t--Clrcle 3 , a.ta --Olm· t Bert M""""'&. WUliam Wamo, DIUllllY dlurdo met 'lbundq at-· Bert Shannon, Fred Finch. Della • temoon with I Mn. ~ RH. 1 Cook, Louil& Myi'ebn and the boo· Phones 13 and 2al • By Wmltred Barbre __ • ~Phone 1637-R ~t.n"rs ~ ~ ~tt; FAC Bridge Party ~ we-e told b7 Mn. .Franklin Draws Good Crow :a:i1 Broedw-f. ..;t'.b :n present. tess. _....:..::::=;:...:::H:..::::=..;C=:;._1 ___________ ~~--"'-----,-- Mrs. lea Carl<• presided at the Orcle 4 mot at the 11ome ot Mrs. Newport ts. ·ire e business moelln& and Mrs. Flor-c. D. Cooper Oil Magnolia avenue s D' Did You Make These. Children Happ)'? Orang Couhty .Board Fede ed Women's Cluqs o Meet Feb. 8 Warner of LidO Isle,. speaker at , the' Wedneoday meeting ol Capill& ....., ~ led in devotionals. with Mrs. Alex 01sen .. co-host· erves inner Mrs. J...m..~ led the group in ess. Mrs. Lioooln Barnett presided Orcle ot Corona del Mar OJmmun... Yell ow daisies and =oooi ity dlurcb.. She wu tntrod~ by green or ivy made a - misllonary st . At the c10l!le of and appointed the following chair-Nowport !{eights Circle spons· I ored a benefit chicken d.innt::- Thursday at Christ Church by the Sea, with 40 attending. In ~ge were Mrs. William Trusty and Mrs. Leon Ferguson. Mrs.I John Sadlelr, program chair· spring theme for deoora When man. . ti;ae bridge section of the ~· Orange _ IY board meeting of tbe meet refreshnlenta of men for the new' year: member-Afternoon club met in ~ pumpkln pie juld Ice croam were ship, Mrs. Clarabell Parsons: ro- served by thej ~C?Steu. cial activity, Mn.. 0 . _ 0 . Bland; ~le 2. ;rttich meets every flower, Mrs. M'ennes: program. week for sewtng. had their sociaJ Mrs. Hutchinson: devotions, Mrs. gathering 'lb~ at the home Spaulding; missiOnary, Mrs. 01· ot Mn. Dall'MUI. Santa Ana i.v~ sen, and publicity, Mrs. mrt.Jer. nue. ~ln. QeJ;la Cook presided at ·Mrs, Martha Ludlow was a spe- a m<>rt bu'siriess session. Mrs. cial guest and members present E. 0 . Porter, 1 missionary work were the Mesdames D. C 1.tacken- chainnan of t:Jle WSCS, and Mrs. zie, Grace WUcox. Alma H oyt, J . Young were special guests. Mem-M. Gallagher , Herbert F\nchAm. bers prosent ,......, t!1e Mesdames 1 o. O. Bland, A. J_ Lupton, Frank the California federation of Wom- e n's clubs will hpve its meeting at the Buep Park Congregational church on Grand avenue, Friday, Feb. 8. st ·ng at 10 a. m. f1•1d In tho dlun:h parlors, the room of the clubhOuse w meetlnc had an attendance of Z7 with Mrs. Henry E;uert &Qol 'Mk. guests and members. Mrs. 0 . Z. G L : Unsenbard. u boat.ell.es Robel:tlon preolded, and Mrs. Etta -It was the larg .. t am' . ol 1 I Parsons. Lincoln Barnett, William I Hii--tler, W. B. Johnson. Alec Ol- sen . H. H. Lleoau and C. D. Cooper. The next meeting will be at the home of Mn. A. J . Lupton Mrs. Henry Harris was chair: man for the day and a guest. Mrs. Stephen Weatherford, Jed ln devotionals. The Circle joined with others in adopting Suzanne . little French girl whose father was killed by the Germans and Whose mother was · so badly In- jured in the bombing of her home that she ls not able to care for the fa mily of five children. A. V; Andrews, M.D. I PllTlllCIA. ... ' 1-8u&GZON ~ !!18-1 • • Harpret L Schute (J[lemll1r M~Twben' A.a ., --) I TEACHEl OP PIANO ~ • Aeoom,,..U.t 11-: IOT ~ A_,ue Ciorou. del Kar , • PHONE: Hl!lWPOBT Ill« I I I I I ' I -' with l\1rs. Lienau as cohostess. A change of meeting date from the fourth Thursday to the fourth Wednesday evening was made by C1rcle 5, which was entertained Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. Monna F\sher. 23rd street. Eighteen members wer<' present. The n('w president, }frs. Florcnre Davey, aooointed Mrs. Irene Smith Two boxes will be &ent each month, containing foods. school necessities and luxuries such ~ tooth paste. shoe polish, thread, pins and need1es as well as cloth- ing. • Next meeting of the Circle will be with atrs. Ed"'·ard Hart, Church str('('t , Costa !\·tesa. ,~,rith Mrs. Fred Woodworth as chairman and Mrs. Trusty as devotional chairman. as missio nary chairman and Mr<. GSCS Girls Pl an _ Ada ~1ohley as m embership chair-. . moo. Mrs. Beatrice Potter gave • Mem bersh Ip Drive brief outline or missionary \\'Ork I for th(' roming year, a nd several . . 'poLISH war-orpb.a.m who ha•e lived without .tielttr or cue for •• hYTTlf'I!"'. wrre sung. Th~ next m('et-' 'J'o,\o n<'\V m<'mbers. Ruth Gr imm Ion« aa they aa iremember, amile happily as an UNRRA repreatn· inm \\'ill be with l\trs. Laura Jon~. and F.lC'anor F<'rguson, ,..,.<'re ac-tatin handa out clothin« donated ~ the P!O~le of the Unit~ States in i\it H B Mcl\1UrtT)· prl'~iclf'd ceptrd b)' the GSCS \\·hen they the nation-wide April clothing collection. Millions of.other cltddrm oVFr- ~1om· session, will feature a talk by let A. J _ ~ohnson. La Habra, on "lUghway Sa(e ty" and "l\1otion ctures in Mex¥:o" to be presented by Mrs. J . A. Henle, chairman of the nionth pictures for the county organization. A p1ay will be given by Lois Rees Auer. chairman ot d.-i-ma. Followir)g the luncheon. pn- sentation of Orange countf son~. special music' and a talk on '"Cali- fornia ' History and Landmarks" \\ill be fe8.tured. Junior! Philatelists Elect Officers Re~ l ed in devotion_als, her SI.lb-the year with 10 tables play ject bolng Faith !"'d Pra,yer. _ al'ter ~ dessert lunch . Two . Mn. Harold Wilson gave a re· tabJes seated guests _ s t po11t on the annual church dinner, Ana and ~trs. Maude Dunft.!110~ , and Mrs. Frar:ik Bates~ Red O-OSS that city captured secon~ prize. ch~~ inVJted. members to an Winner of the tint prize T Mn. all-0.ay session at he!' home on Boyd Roberts. Mrs. Ru Reid Wedneoday, Jan. 30. _\o finish up held honors and Mrs. M. Bold- sewing for,1 hospitallied service man was low. men. 1 ~~-,---~~~~~~~---+~~ Mrs. $ldney Blackbeard an-For Bettor ""'1tlng Call nounced "that a beautiful ant1que l ~=========::t==: quilt "'hich the O.rcle has \\ill be I 1 awarded at the meeting of F eb. 27 and that she has tickets for sale. 1 The board of' directors of the Congregational Conferene@' 0 f So\Jthern California v..ill meet at Corona del Mar on ~·larch 13 and White 1Hoa Cife Phone Sl8% Laguna Beach, it was voted to serve luncheon to James Ste'\vart of Balboa l slarad d.irt'Ctors and their \\ives ~f ;==========E:=~ was elected preside!'t of th~ Junior John Sadleir being appointed ~ Stamp club at theLr ~eeting Sat-1 gene ral chairman . BOOKS at'thr:· me~ti~g of Circle 6. h('ld at met at th<' hom<'. of th('ir l<'ti drr ~·need all the ptatective clo~ing. 1hoet .•nd beddin1 YOU c.a.n a:Pilrc. _____ _J'--------------'--------1\1rs. C'ha rl<'S Rob1nsoi. 2714 West · Gi" them to the Va.ctory Ckrthin.1 Collecbon. ~ · 4 urday at the 1\iesa Ra_d10 ~hop. an~ The musical progra m \\'as b:r J a n1es Stemons 111 1s '\'1cc-pres1-itrs. ''Fuzz'' ltlorris. \\·ho sang a dent. 0ne ~e,,-member '~as ac-1 delightful group of numbers, ac-cc~ted. Eddie Sch afer of Newport companying herself on th,C' piano. I Heights. . Hostess~ at thc -social hour 1 . The quiz games were much C'n - 1 \\'ere i1rs .. Gerald Ritchie· and Mrs. JOyed. O~e of them '''RS atx:iu~ Sidne)' Blackbeard and pouring at 1 "·omen pictured on stamps, 'vhicll the beautifully appoint('() tea table '"~ \\'On by JamPs Ste,vart. The \\'hicti took its colbr theme fro~ prize "'as a group of four stamps. the red carnations and whitC' i , Expert OcPan F'ront, and an invitation is issued to all eirls of seventh a nd eighth grade and high school age~ \\•ho attend Chr ist Church By-the- Sea to join the group. Your Friends and Mine and later . evC'ryone ,,·as presented candles used as decorations '''ere •Our Lending Library wit.h 8 15-cent stamp ~f 1922 on l\1rs. L. ·A. Norman and irn;. Her-the Latest -Books . \Vh1ch the statut(' of Liberty \\•as bert King. pictured, lalso ('ach one received a ne"' Texl:ts stamp. \Vinning t he Watch .the Clh.sslfied Columns. Hours: l :SO tG li:SO Except Mon.. ! p.m. -6: .p.m. Bea uti ci a·ns fo~ Milady Pla ns were made for a sack sup- per to be held at the Robinson home on Feb. 21 and for a m em · bcrship drive. l\1rs . Robinson Or - ganizl"d the club three years ago, I and the girls presented her with a gift In appr eciation for her serv- ic(>s ThirtC'en members were prCs- Rex L<ffler. Seaman l ie. arrived geles recently, ro; an Italian ~n­ in Ne,,·1>0rt Beach last week on ner at Joe P1rr1 s new place and a trn-day leave and on f\Ionda y enjoyed a stroll through Ol~era startC'd th£> drive back to l\1iami, street. • three pri7.es on the U. S . stamp quiz were J a mes Sie\\•art. J ames ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;t,;;;;;;;;;; Slemons •nd Davis Ky1e.- • Permane.~u. Cold W ave, H air Styling. H~j ~ T inting -• • Bleach· ing, Cold vrave. ' RU'TH -~ , CARNIE}.( 1 -§- 0.-"-~•r. All 0.,-~-Ao·u..,.. 'tar r"'-•"= Pit.. 1111 Balboa Inn Beauty Salon Balboa Inn ('rcade • Ocean Front at the Pier • EL.COME w CAFE 2560 NeWllOl't Blvd., Costa Mesa Phone 483-M ' Finest Place to Dine F~mous . Complete Dinner SPECIJU, Open 11 a. m. to 2 a. m. ARRANGEMENT FOR PARTIES (· OUR KITCHEN OPEN FOR INSPECTION WM. E. LUDEWIG. Prop. • Announcing r nt at the meeting. Two Ca kes for Brenda Bl ower F la. \\'i th his wife and small 0. 0. Bland. 1960 Harbor boUle- dAughter Joycf' Ann, who have vard. Costa J\.olesa, has ~n in bed b~cn li vi ng at 3008 Coast buole-. a \\'~k a nd ,a half with a blood vard. : I cl.o t on his leg but is getting n ong First L t. Jon Allen. \vho has nicely. been ,,·ith the Air Corps at \Vill iam Russell of Boise, Idaho, Char leston, s . C.. \\'as rl'!leaSt-d \vho has been a ·guest for a. :re"v through the S AAAB separation days At the home of Mrs. E1lh e1 center January 19 and last week l Stru\'e. 1944 Hari:x>r boul~vp.rd. • itrs. F ayette Blower enter tain-he and his \\'ife. the rorn1er Pa-1 Costa l\.1'esa, r eturned home S8itur· ed. at her home. 1585 Ocean boule-t r icia Palmer. "'ent to Bakers-day. H e came here to take SOmf vard. Balboa, \\'ednesdny honoring fi eld to visit his family. From 1 t•xaminations at U. C. L. A 1 her daughter Brenda .on her fifth th<'re they \viii ~o to \Voodsic:O?. Recent guests a t the home of birthday. Two prettily decor a ted near P alo AJto, to \'isit Mrs. ~-~1r . and itrs \Varren L. Cool:, 160 cakl:'S were served \\'ith ice cream I len·s grandmother, Mrs. Benedict. East 20t h street. Los Angeles, and dainty nut cups were at each Voln('y Hay of the Balboa ~tote! W£'re !\1rs. Coo~·s . cousin, D_r. Otis place. spent the weekend at Baker min-Sharp._eye. SiJ;CCiahst of Burhng'p.n1e Young guests resent included er a! spr ings. beyond Mojave, where and his sister and her husband, Carol Ann Blo\v~. ii.&ter of the 1 hi s wife is .vacationing for two the Elmer Hustons of Clearwater . honoree and her rou . 5 i..;nda j weeks, also his mother, Mrs. Jessie Sunday gul'Sts at the Cook home ' . inn '" L Hay of Redondo. \vere Ma tt Coseb<x>m of Garde n M.rs. M,axine Sch~cpcl and l\1rs. Carol Ewen me t with the group, and me111bers. present \Ver e Dar- lene and James Slemons, Margaret Marshall ~ Bobbie Norman, Betty and Edd~ Schafer . P at Williams. James Stewart and Davis Kyle. Dau gh ter Born to Lt. and Mrs . Torrence ·' Lt. Rifl hard T orrence, former employ·ce at the Ne,,-port post~ office and now head of the Army 1 postoffice ofi Okina\\•a, is a father. although \he doesn't know it yet. A d~ugh er was born Thursday in Los Angeles to Mrs. Torrence. but because of the strike a cable could not be sent to· the lieu- .tenant. and A:nn Blower; T ina a nd John ·New residents of , Ne\\1>0rt Grove and his son Charles land Brunn1ng, Nancy and Tommy Be h M d Mn H Id wife of Washington D c The little girl wa~ named Mau- -rine Ellen. and is the first grand- daughter for Mrs. Flor ence Tor- rence, 27th street. Con<'. Richard and Robert Mc-1 ac are r. an · Rro · · · Donald and Linda Waltze· adults Roundtree Jr. and children. J immv pr£'9E'nl were i he two gra~dmoth-and Arlene. At present li\'ing a t ers. Mrs Blanche Quiggle a nd Mrs. 814 West Ocean Front. Balboa , Mary Blo\\'er, Mrs. Re~inald Mer-they pla n to build a home at 59th rill and Mrs. William McDonald. street and Seashor e drive, and wUl 2Y2 Tons Clothing Contributed . ~ .l . -also build income property in the 1 the home ot Mrs. Van de \Valker, next block. Mr. Roundtree is with Avocado s treet, With 18 present. the CBS Steel and F orge company Appointments included Mrs. Fred of Los Angeles. Finlll, devotional chairman ; Mrs. Miss Bess Joyce of Kansas Oty Phillips, flower. and ~irs. Bert Is a s:uest at the home-of hC'r Mellott. membership chWrman. sister, Mrs. Vern Went\\'O!"th.. Mrs. Ida Naylor Hostess at Dinner Honorin g Mrs . Kaiser Women's White Stag \ with Parka Hood Sizes 12 to 18 Water Rep ellen t Colors: White, Navy Blue, Petrel Blue. at Balboa The Opening by Refreshments of lf)ie, coffee and Cost a Mesa, "''hile buyina tpotta- punch were served by the hostess. wear in Los Angeles tor her store. The next meeting will be with ~ W('n tworth1 have sold their alrs. Phillips, Albert Place. home on 23rd street, jmt off New· 1M.rs. Ida Naylor eriter tained \\ith a dinner Satl,U'day evening a t her horn~ 33 Beacqn Bay, honor- ing Mrs. einz Kaiser, who is leav· J\esidents haye contributed over ing this eek for an extended visit' 1 ~;;;;;;~~~~~;;~~;;;;~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;~;;;~;;;;;;;;~ 2W tom ot used clothing to· the in Engl a d. Vi Ctor y Clothing drive here which Places : were laid for Mt. and · I port boulevard, and plan to visit F or office supplies, see the relatiws ln Texas and Other states, F.-c. VENN enters its final week with schools l Mn. Kai6£i.r. Mr. a nd. Mrs. E. I . and post offices receiving many Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kins· items \\'hich are being asseml>led .father , Mr. and Mrs. C. F . Watts t~gether _by Larry Brown QJ s~op-ot Los -~geieS and the hostess. ping chairman at hla Balboa Ma-After di ·nei: eards occupied the rine Hardware ltore on Coe.st evening ours. News-Times. taking an extended trip before they CL!. Col. U. S . A .. Retired> of his REAL FBTATE OFFICE at 607 Coast Highway f CORONA DEL MAR • Associate in Office of A. J. TWIST Realtor i 'fi;te Keith Lee Beauty Salon I -. Expert Shoe Repairing While You Wait ••• Ray Pagan 51~ East Bay Front Next Door .to Palm Cafe 9a.m.to6p.m. • -. • U nder New Management . _.,,,. • • ' IN A'ITENDANCE Pat Rhodes • Jan McCutcheon AD .BranchM of !Beauty Culture Formerly Mary's Beauty Shop Balbo& Ille'"' • • • Phone !61 P,ecide wl'lere to locate. They will 'be great)y missed by all their Mesa friends. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Anderson and daughter, Mrs. Bill Daynard and Mr. and Mrs. Dutch Heacock of Balboa Island went to Los An- Bani' It on Uae wall or .et It ea the table. W. musical wi.dmlU 19 equally atttacttve. fte ~­arms wind cloctwt.e and ~ Jeued tVrn rncd!llly te -Swtu mus!c ;,es ttaft. Shlrdily ballt .... attnctl•dy deconkd. Utb b a te,. that will ah• pl~ tor -,.... ... highway. Red Cross aides are +------ picking u~ the unneeded clothes Bridn Club Meets for packing and shipment, which S Dr. G. N. P ease. general chair-4't J. . Webster Home man, has characterized as a most determined effort to cement rela-Mrs. j F . Webster entertained lions with \\'at-devastated nations. at bridg last week at her home Students of the high school are ! on Oran e avenue. Mrs. Judy Wil- ' not only helping in collection of cox s3· tituted · for Mrs. Sam R tremendous amount of material Crawfo , who was al!sent ~ause for O\'erseas shipment, but are af illn \\Tiling letters to recipie nts of Those \present v..·ere Mrs. W. J . th~se clothes·to a ttempt an inter-ij;ristol 'nd MrS. Jack Colvin of alhed correspondence and e:icpres--lfuntington Beach, Mrs. Arden sion . of good \\'ill, as asked by' U.Ong, airs. Homer Mellott. Mrs . Pres1~ent -Tru m~n . 'I_'his will be IJ.ay Wallace,J>lrs. M. J . Hostetler. t.he final \\"e<'k 1n which clot hing 1fl,rs. Wilcox and the hostess. \vill be asked. Dr. P ease stated \ 1 Clean. usable clothing or materials c' t• s • ty fro1n \\'hich peoples all over the ooper!11ve oc1e ' world may d~rive SO)'Tle warmth or Meets in Costa Mesa; sat osfacllon, >S the need today. ,., k 200 M b -, · ;,ee ~ em ers - Celebrates Birthday ' Re pr~~('nti ng a presr•l1t member· J\.-tiss Donna Ring, dau~hter o'f ship of atx>ut 80 in Orange county. l\.1r . and Mrs. H. R·. Ring, 306 a group of residents of Costa· Grand Canal. Balboa Islahd. cele-Mesa will meet tonight to attempt bratt'd her 15th birthday anni-expansion of The Consumers· Co- \'ersary last v•eek and en tertained operativ+ of Or"ange county to 200 a group of fr~ends \\-;th a trip to! rpembe!1, it was announced by B. t~e Pike , Long ~ach . followed byj L. HughfS· a resi~ent ot the mesa dinner a t the Hotel Riviera. 1 and one~f the directors. Members of the party "'ere thel ~e perative is one of the I Aiisses Patsy Arnold Joan and national conswner movements Dorothy Dodd, the y~ung hostess which b ys'and sells various goods and her sister Dolores and brother roopera. vely. They are meeting Bill. and Mr. and Mrs. rung. in the FJiiday Afternoon club build-________________________ ::____:_· -until th;y raise funds suf"ficient ,----------------------------to build It.heir own warehouse. At \.11., pr_esent they _ handle household 4J! .\¥1"'"' S04 abrine A•eoue goods a~d tires . Ren Brown of o,li" . Balboa bland -. Phone 1327 Santa Alla)• president. H USE o.- BEAUTY Open Saturdaya UnW May 1st C'lesed on Monday Scotch Tape WHERE .HAIR STYLING IS AN ART ' . ' Our aim is to enhance Milady's beauty and provide the ultimate io beauty care HEAD· TO TOE BEAUTY SERVICE --J ..,-.-. --.. , • ~ow on Hand S~pply Limited I -at- NEWS.,TIMES SANTA ANA Wedding Pictures - Taken in Church , Home or Studio ' l Be Sare to ..... 4 1 Sid ~· • '