HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-01-31 - Newport Balboa News TimesIll SA 1ND CRAB ., SAM • a1 o. w1'1 the ai1nual . banquet of the Newport ~in~.~<;:: ders just hO'f rapid would the growth (If· the district have been had it not been in existence: 'l)hat is some- thing none of us will ever know bu~ we I do believe, aside from the l&Ull number of clackers, tljat no comnum- lty has swunJI ahead as fast as has this f~vored section, and that th Chamber of Commerce h been a vital facto r I in th development. Brade n F ine is completing two y ea rs o f active leader- , . ship : behind im and a d ozen o t h e r p resid nts, st a n· d s H arry \Vc lch whose a bility has n~ver 1*en questioned because his . irtfo. is based on tacts. statistics and acctir- acy-tha t is Wh y you can al- w ays get rejia ble guidance from a commfrcial body tha t maintains adl!qua te files for that purpose 1 1 + + + Don. Dodg~. Those o f us who have knf: this versa- tile gentlem for 20-odd ·y ears w lll n t be surprised to lea~ o f pie ma(ly jobs and a Cl'<l'"Plif hme nts h e pos- sesses. ~ h e is the J us- tice o~~e P 'l"ce (17 years) .. taldng the pbst t o he lp t he count out ·pf a bad h o le, which he ha); plugged w ith quiet dignit y, H e has been a d in:ctor i>f t he Orange County Wat<ir d is tric t : com- mitteem an for Boy Scout Troop 6 on tlhe Orange Em- p ire =cil: secretary of ihe O range county c h apter o f t he Red Cr<JSS and a lso its Mesa chaimian: a m e mber o f t h e M esa park commit t ee, and in later !years a realtor. Any body e lse as many Jobs or do as mui h \vofk ? ) + + + Have We f SUpped! Was talking t o Bj le ading citizen -today on the 49 acres to be anne x<fd to /!he city in the Corona de l .llfar distric t, and h e w anted fa know if any th~ht ha !'I been given to annexing the area to the Hig h school I o r e leme ntary districts. It ~s just as impor- tant tha t sucp areas be m ade a part, offJ school district as joil)ing e city , n o t only from a tion s tandpoint but from a pop u I a t i o n growth as well. Not too la te to go ahead. I + + + ™" ~ment& Been hearing e criticism on the way thel Lido Isle Com- munity ~ation ffiakes Its assessme ts. Current one f'or l~ is , e maximum of one cent pe~, square foot of the oiviter'sl land, with no changes for vacant lots, im-· proved ones 1 or bay frontage. Ol course ~ bylaws permit the tax but bylaws can be chang ed d the p o i n t raised is tha t the money is to be used ( rijport says some , $30,000 annually) for de ve l- opm ent ~. A vacant lot is not~s valuab~e s on e wit h a h o n it or a bay f ron t Is w o m o re an an inside ' horn but the m ain point is th t whe the r pen- alizing va t land would no t ten'c! to b a r folks from buy- ing. Most t x a tion is based on la nd an im provem e n ts and wate r f t com es hig h - er tha n a cent ground. • + ' .. • , for 38 years the best· advertising. .mediuin in the 1newport .hatbO NEWPODT. • ll1nt .. Ad ........ • Flnt .. ~tlaa EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA,_ WEST NEWPORT •. SEA SHORE COLONY. LIDO ISL~. NE VOLUJIE JaXVID • • • district .• - - ;. the AL~ , that goes I home J· KF.F.P POSTEDl 1 y_..;. ..... a.. ... ,. °"'~ . J .,.. °"' ~ _, ' -~....- f:.' N--;n • Nw; '"' ll!i• I ......... J f ' . . ... ) ..... TS. BALBOA ISWo, CORONA DEL MAR, COSTA Mf1SA ~, Permits'Soar; 6 10 New 1 Ho es Predicte Evian Returns from Mexica Thru Three Day 'Chubasco'; Midget Car Excited Interest ( 'Moon' Mullins Sails 80-Ft. Ketch Thru Three· Day Storm on Return; Mexicans Raved About His Own Make . Car Carried Along Although they we re so inte rested in his midget a uto ta ken along on the deck of t he Evia n t hat M exican children s warmed all o ver it when M . C. (Moon ) Mullins docked his ketch · a t Mazatalan, and o fficials as \veU as business m e n raved over his O\VD ma ke of t ransportation. not one of them would risk the ir necks by riding in t h e little one-cylinde r car, the skipper and o wner o f t h e beautiful yacht revealed upon his return t o N ewport H ar- bor Sunday. Moon J\l ull ins left the day after Thanksgiving to carry owner's .freigh t to l\.Yexico, and returned through one of the sea.son's worst storms with the same cargo. He did bring back some sil ver, alli· gator bags and other items. and from t he extensive investigation in J\lexico City. Guadalajara and several lX)rt cities, the well known Balboa Island skipper belie\'<'S t hat l\.1exicans are anxious to trade Architects Plan Church For Lutherans • .. Permits Run Up to S5l9;0 In Greatest Month to Date; · _. $60,000 Motel Boosts Tot~I Ne1\IP()rt Leads Section~ With Bulle of Lafge Contracts; Corona del Mar Had $115, 00 in Home Permits During January . . An all-time high f o r one mooth-$519 ,085 worth Of ing pi:nnits in· January alon.,.___,,xceeds the entire bull total issued chuing the two w a r years of 1942 and 1943 cpm- bined, and sets up anothe r mark for contractors to s h oc;t at during the coming months ,. it was discove red in going ~ver the books at the office of the building department yeste~. More than 110 separate perts 150. C M Lots ~~~ni:s~~e~:ir: ~~=;· ~ . ed. throughout the cit y. Two or the . • • largest permits were for a $60,000 S R -d motel on Coast highway andlSan Oon e' a y Bernardino avenue-; a $25,000 building for St. James cburc~; an $18,000 two-story factory buIJding F , B . •td• ~~~=t~~i~~ C:~t~thEn::~· i~ Or UI · Ing NeWi>ort : 12 concrete ho ' in West ~cwport aggregating $42,- 000; a new s tore building1'for E. M. Smith -on Coast highway a~ning "'ith us. In some of these citil.'.'s l\1ull ins saw ple nty or English goods, in- cluding motorcycles, r ig ht·ha nd drive Austin cars, canned goods, ~~-...:JIM-.:~.~:_.!;~~~;: Residential growth of Costa his recently CQmpleted building to Planned to ta ke a dvantage of Mesa wu evidenced along with the cost approximately $20,000, 1 and · the magnificent view from New. • g'eneral ~on o(, ihe harbor many smaller ones. 1 t..vnt 1nued on Page l-'1\·~ 1 Ask All Interested In Sportfishing to Attend Meeting port H eig hts. first steps toward . area by the number of lots a nd -----------~- the erection o f the Nev.rport Har· {JP subdivisions now under improve· BU ILDING, PERMITS bor Luther an chur ch were taken ment with building slated for t he "·hen the firm of Wildman and ~ near future. 1934 -298 ...................... $ 235,074 Faulkner v.'as chosen as architects THE SO-FOOT KETCH, EVIAN, wbJeh weatlle.red a th.ree·day blo .. off the cout of at the en-Over 150 lots are under develop. 1935" -403 .................... -4~.UO . trance lo the Gulf ol CaJlfomi.a, returned lte owner and lklpper, "Moon" Mullins to Udo Y••ht t t t d th f' 1936 •23 766 osa at the congregational meeting last Anch 1 s cla _, .inen a presen ·an e 1gure -~ ...................... • " orag~ a.st un y. The rough trip cott the b~autlrul ronner .....,, ... Buckeye her Jib and ata-... •-t •--'-·•-bdi · · 1937 ••3 ~• 090 S undav, and at t he same time rvor. •l ulllo __ ,. t beln bl to •-awd"'-' r-#-~ no &UO..:.luuit:' some su visions · -"° ......... ············ ~· • J r-8 -.., no K" a e Wle uar ua'ry po wer becatne the propellor would \'e been out of 38 manent offi cers of the chu rch water much or the time. Mulll~ bt'oucht b&ck some al.Iver and 1aWptor hap fro M~Uaa with for whiefl plans are incomplete. 19 -M 8 ...................... 9l:l,&37 councll were elected. ..owner's rretKht" license. Be ean1ecl bh own hand made mldpti car on dedl. Already surveyed and mapped 1939 -M2 -................. _. ~l,T45 Th h't ts h by tO:".M....i and Raub, surveyors and 1940 -M2 ··--······-----···-· 1,040, ,122 e arc 1 ec c osen are prom-' ~~ inent in the fi eld of church archi· PR ~DICT 600 tEW &I O~E' s· 'TH·. ·"'1 YEAR engineen, of Coota Mesa, who are ~911 -489 ....................... 1,229,CM I I d th I · . 11 1 f., . also -n.A;i-... impro'Vement serv· 1942 -320 ...................... 2AA,93:5i ec ure an e p ann1ng wt avor .-u .. ~'6 -r-fis~~e;yf:eas~:er;;t~e i~e;::~! :r:~~~te; s~ci~~l:~ty:~t~~ ~~~ the trac!B are the fol-1-~::: = ;~ ::::::::::=:::::::::: .~~:= Harbor Sportsfishermen 's associa-open, arched cloister s connecting 1 ~------------I -~ ----· ··---• 10 acre's-for George Holstein at 1 1945 -l 580 · ................... 2·0t•761 lion to meet wi th the or ganization the units. Mr. Faulkner expressro c· w Dutch Bea.cock Ill ~~o 'L s 17th and Orange on which ap-I • Wednesday evening, February 6 at his belief tha t the church "should Ity ater . __ ~"J 0 old proximat.ely 30 houses are being Jan. 1946 -lll '··-......... :$5 B.085 the ci ty ha ll for announcement or open its interior to the beauty Meters Jnsta llcd Dul"t'h Heacock, Ba'bOa 181· .. B "I • contemplatt?d. •: I Ir builders could get th~ma- plans for the coming sea.son, it was which surrounds it," and expects ---nn~t bu..lldJng coalractor. Is Uil ~ .f or . UI 1ng 22 _lo~ on five a cres fpr James terials, this figure woul be announced by Griff Griffis. secre· to pla n something new in t he field l il!S . 71 der the doctor's care at.· hi~ ftg Li"dO Alone r-Iarns on Orange avenue south of doubled, Eu~ene Fe nelOn ob ved. tary, today. or church a rchi.tecture'-With--the 1944 149 home. 125 E. BA)' Front, '''here U 18t~ streeL . , Se\'fral other large con acta P aul Lorentzen wtll annouuce 1 use or picture--windO\\"S framing 1945 S'.?'? be was taken In an un000.9dom Belief that :-. 600 to 8(XJ FJve acres with 18 or 20 lots h.'.'1\'C' nnt been let yet. which ~d some newcomers to the harbor dis· t he sitC''s ma rvelous scenery. This •an. 1 •• 6 -l! condition at 3:30 p. m. \\'ednmj · tor Clyde _E . Sherwood on 18th boost the total above an,thing . r • -~ 1~~ \vould be under construe-and Anahelnl , trict in the sportflshing business, I attractive eature ";11 be blended da~·. He had auttered a cereo-'ion 1his year on lots already sold · yet seen in the harbor. area. and will tell or new bait arrange. I with the stately dignity and rev-Cit~· EnJ::n:'f'r r .. r. .. p 11itr rl!lon 1 bra! hemorrhap and hi• lert ri v-ious oarts Ne"T-'"rt Be~ch of~ large 1,<>ts on the west side Nt>\\-port In .U.a.d mcnts for the season. which was erence or Engl ish·Got hic architec· said thf' a"·crage monthly tn-sid e '"' ~l~h:ty aftoc:ed. but he nd Costa ·Mesa as expressed by cwpwt avenue between Bay Ne"1>0rt led the list with'. per· a subject of consider able discussion ture in the planning or the church. stallntlon 1~ ln :-rro..~lng, and he ~ no\Y ~ttng eaally but will Te" observers as ilding permits and Victoria streets for E . L. C~n -mits of appfoxim a tely $315,335. last year. Ftnt Untt · "x:~ts 500 II "'\'' ln'ltallatlons q uire complete reel ' soared to new he ts for January. nett. . . Even t hough they \vere tab~ated . Abou t 75 gToups are represented The first building to be erected thh~ yl'ar, "'hlch meaas soo ne''' he to:aJ of $51 ,085 was a new A llUbdi~ for W . J. Golden "1th Lido Isle, the hi_ghway sec-- in the association, each having will be the educational unit. It ramllies. Thi• eould Increase u REV. EDWARDS AGAIN econ:!. but ma be doubled if on 19th and i"\Stln streets. tion and Newpor t Heii;tht.s .. their from one to five boats. The value "'iii include an auditorium to seat building re.trlct.ona are .releu-~ .R~\'. \Vesley Ed~•ardc:, r-ltsading naterials and la :-are plentiful, Thi8 list does not include dwcl-otal without those bulky r of the inJlustry her(' is believed to 250 people with individual class-f d. rt poSH a .erlou• problem m1n1s.ter. popped 1n at -'.5lX>rtlaryd ·ources close tot e indus try daim. lings being contemplated and ac· was still large; possibly ah be well above $500,000. Not only rooms ror religious instruction. In ,,·hat may be a dry year. aer· t Do\vl 1ng Alleys last nigh t ~Their estimate are based on the tuall,y under construction by lndi· Corona del Mar which brou are members or th~ association in· 1 Kitchen facil it ies wtll also be pro--lou1ly o\'r rburd.enlng the pres-asked Al Joyce : "Are there following inform tion: a bout 400 viduala WhiCh total would probably a good second with' a reso vited, but all residents who are in· 1 vided. It is hoped that this unit f'flt water 1yste:m. which i• now slof machines in town?'' · lots have been Id · on Lido Isle swell final dwelling figures by al· $115.700, almost entirely in terested in development of the f will be comple ted by spring. Un· buytns from LA«una Beach. 1 "You know there are none." ne,, Paul A . almef, resident 1moo __ t_t_oo_,_•_coordin __ · _g_t_o_r_e_po_ri_s_. ___ <_eon __ t1_n_u_o<1_o_n_Pag_::.e_F1_L_ sportfishing industry here, Griffis til that time. the congregation I -----=----::......;...~.;...;..;_ _ _. :-.nswered. I manager for the riffith company said. I (Continuod on Page F1ve) JJ_.., PENCILLED PERSONALITIE$1 ~1:~1~~:~-.~~~:l\*..; ~nf ormal Water Cont erence Expect Capacity Crowd Bv }AC~ UNOSLEY. Cowbo~~·" i ~~~;:~~~~ ;;:; :12.!~ Next· Wee'' to 0·1scuss M. WDI Ton.1ght at c of c o·n ' H;r;.,~~~~u n i~.th;.~~.:; K I . . I ner , ~~:~~~ ;~ ~o;i~~y ~~:. An informal ~eeting on the sub· wise would save the city a 11arge \Yhere to get ma erials. ject of securing more water for expenditure for replacing possibly The pr~ncipal speaker not an-1 dcnt Br aden F inch, "'ho has served nounced 1n adv~nce. the annual 1 as head of the organization for dinne r and e lection of d ir ectors of the pas t l\\'O years. the Ne\\'PQil Harbor Cla mber of Heading the various tables and Commerce will ~eld tonight a t in charge of seating at each '~ti.II the Newpor t H a r ~acht club. be P . A. P aln1er , L ido table ; S . T . A_ complete sell-o t is assured.1 Dunlap, Balboa Island table: H. F. wit~ a number of res('ryations 1 K enny, county table: Ralph P . h~vmg to be deferred' because ofl Maskey Ne"1:>0r t table · J Leslie the . wid esprea d i nter~t in the Steffen~t.>n, Corona del 'h1~r. and Newport Beach will be held some 1000 fet>t of main along roast Harbor ·Inv ment company time next week to discuss with highway if the upper bay is dredg- has sold about 1 lots for h~ :-epresentatives or the Coastal ed. Pat~erson saic;I. building. and ma y of these own· Municipal Water District and the er.;: Rre ready to go ahead. Their Metropolitair. Water District the affair . George Weiss, Balboa table. Keyno~e of th~ ev~f'.'i~g "'ill be ) Brief talks of local interest wiil coo~~at 1on. \Vh1ch ~ar1ous com· be given by sever al of the pron1 · mui:1t1es representN:I 1n the several inent guests. sections <'ncompassed by t he __ _:. _________ _ , I experience has en duplicated by Cmt. .and requirements sUrround· 'Sharkmobile' 1 other brokEtrs I ou ghout the en· ing poaf.ble useage of Me tropolitan A I tire harborl area In Corona del water in the city mains. nd Inventor. I l\'lar, for e~pl about 100 bw1d· R. L Patterson, city engineer, ~·s ings are in vari s stages of con· one or the local repres~~tiv Sh k p struction. a d. i,t as est-ima ted by who will meet with outSide · water i or ar 0 r:. Lewis 1tz twi~ as many iDtersts. No definite action will j it would be ~·ng , 'up 1 iI ·bw1ders be take · adv f b · could lay h('ir han!:ls on every· · n m . ance 0 su m itting Can anyone spare a sharlq. t}ling they . t . I the water petition to the · Coastal I If sharks were as friendly as "Dutch" 1Hea 1 ~id he ex· group. it was learned at the city Harbor seals appear to ~ the chamber men1bership planning to 1 Glrlll' ... A tteh ded my demonst r~te_ cooperation by com-Mrs Paul Mantz firs~ ~tis'. ~y Wednesda y mun1ty s1ng1ng, comparison of in· • • pects to b~·id hOuscs on the halL .. f problem of Paul Crotteau fo'OUld Balboa pen nsul eight now. ·They Dry Year I seem at an end, and the in.Jentor will have t squa re feet, Pattm said that th:is year of a "sharkmobile" wou1d nbt be unusually targe or beach homes. lookrd De cme ol the driest on I appealing to men, wome~and He is iook"1g f to putting Teoard at tbr ~t time, and strong chlldren to furnis him w hen Gran ugh ter Nan cy terests in other ways. . Lost $1400 EamngS 1n· old Re Col. De F. Barker, commanding w as ,, Y~ · m em-••.neral of •.h• Santa Ana Armv In Laguna Cafe ber :uite well t he fi rst ' A.lr base ""'Ill be represt"nted by bi~ Y an the decade tha t Colonel Farnum. it was stated at has slipped a \\·ay since has the last minute. when it was learn· llrs. P aul Mantz. 322 Apolena been j frnug ~ with \VOrld-ed that he could not at tend. Cot street, Balboa Island lost a pair shakirjg eve. ts. But it was Rufus Putnam. retirinl" district or ruby a.nd di8".mond earrings a joy~o wa dl the antics Of en gineer or the U. S. Army Engi· valued at $1400 while dining at I those ers, no differ-neers, who has long taken an ac-a Laguna Beach cafe recently, ac· ent th of adults. ex-ti'-·e interest in the developmen t of cording to a report from tha t city cept. perha , a slight bit the harbor, will be prnented He made when insurance officials more vodfe . And when is soon to be replaced by Colonel listed th~ loss with the police. Nancy.I was· asked If she H 0 fu5ntterock, """'ton. ntly resident engineer Mrs. Mantz is the wife-of Col. Paul Mantz, aviator in \Vorld \\ram want~ h party in the PromJa-• o .... t• I and II. who is tecltnical advbo" nown,y pa r replied·, that Many prominent citizens froin on airplanes tor motion pi ctures other communities will be present. and "'ho used to run the "Honey. none of r girl friends Harry Welch has been extremely moon Express." flying motloo plc- would see I or kne\\1 who busy during the put few days ture stars to Reno or Yuma to be i llhe was. p pted the Crab-with the many details, which will marrierd, and '°""'times Dying ber to write . and wish include an annual rePort , election them back for a divorce. He Is CllA&U:8 r. DENNJllOl<, A llELP-llADE JIAN • ' piece · of directors followina the ballot-authorine a book on his exper-· ber ba for heaps of In& by mall, and a review of •U&-lences, which has already "mode"' To be a oelf-inade ,,,_ born la ! book IMmlns once •• rwl to •other -lions for future effort by l'rfti-Hedda Hoppers· column. a lac coblll, with _,. little formal (~ cm Pip .,.., .. • 12 on Balboa and. six on Lido may nq.lire definite' actlo9 before with a healthy,. vigorous ark and at least e in Corona del tbe peil.k. of tbe summer season. specimen. ' Mar. He said t materials ~ 0 •.·'de+ atiw ia bein&~ giv.en to a It seems 1hat Mr. Crot u of loosening up a li tl'e, possibly from mmn · fl'um the Metropoliµ.n line Ocean Front Hotel. N , bu pressure, to get homes going. down Newpwt boulevard from its devised a new means ot an N pccw:at a•+4rc at the Santa Ana locomotion that every spotj•ian Besides Tetu homes planned. O,...IJ71 dub. 'Ibe Newp0n-M ... coulcl do wt~ at subdivisions bei g, 'lald out and Wat<r~ ~ · joined the little skiff that lo de nrcparod ·will ff er 500 to &JO ~ and the Fa!...-nothine more or lea than • more toU for ding within com· = . be m"e-900ll to petltien to be used u • ""'* In& monu.s:· Y ....,;, abc><\t 100 . enabllnc the hook1'ia the shark on the ttom In a ....,. add! to Iiay>hore Col-•. "' ·a IUillll7 for Its reser-o! the craft In a maimer 1h4t cui any; 150 In !Ive en!nt !!Ubdlvis: "'* at u;--~ al the dty, be worked out onlY ,by oi>eda1 to... la C<iota · 140 In a new • -n ._ un.d7 -ting In acr...,,...t between Mr. Critteeu Irvine O>un1-Y cJ,;b estate sub-=-del ID~\ to the an<;! a shark. the 'mobile ~ be -' Corona dol Ila,.. -ailo ... • h ' propelled by the dmben'I tlll -'!J In a H tract al Butior _, · _ r<; If the people slftftd by a aileron-type r .lmeibDellt 1JMY 10D11 tt-~ --·-dlnJpJl!tan Wa...-, --' . peo!lecl to to the dty on Old the~ - -.'-Imp ma1n1 '!be PC-1, u the craft mi; bem' O>unty 11a94; t 60 In a.·-1D -., <p 'M 1_.i.. labeled. 1o -"-!"-ICa -tnctlnN u-Uu-·1 · -I ~ --rar pullllc an--l9 De OaMa --or eeptm tat at EVim'• i-. la ---....... Tldl -Gill llaJboo hJoM ·}-' • • ( ' ' • • ., I .. M&WHMI ••1 aoa Co•• I -h Tl • , ... ,. eeuz n, ,... 4 EY""1q I ....... elliltlc: ..rvk. at c.J . , &otch tape, vartouo liJ90 - sale •I the N-Ttmea . · j • e I RISE NEWPCRT-BALBCA NEWS-TIMES 1 ~: ..... y ~pray~ ..Jv-• ~ Coast Guard Ice at '1 :30 p.m. I ~;\;!Jared Selling TO REMARK··· HON. JOHN PHILLIPS wen, there were veterans' bene-N E W S PHONES NEWPORT 11 -11 flll, er an ~ agricultUral of th . : . In the early clan of this govern: --... JIOmethln'g elte. The . e , 'hmday ....i Tlnlnday ~;:---;V;:ol:;:•:,:.:-;;llllll;;:;;;W;;;m;;.1 ment. the President used to make Preoldont'1 only reference to loclo-C H U R C H E ' !Fire »--~ ROOFS .cOITA llEaA COMMUNITY CHUIJCH pwhllohed z_,. W"'n 1 hy V-D a apeecll ~ly .to the Conjpua, lotion which would deal directly when it assembled. In 1801 Pres!-with the pttSent atrlke sltuatlon !.-----------"'-~ • SUbncripdQ9 able in Advance:-..$2.50 per Y"'1' In Qr._ Cbunl}': dent Jefferwxi diacolltlnued this wu a ~lion which is · Cearl ,a. Jobntoft, Minister , 1.24 L IOtb SL Pl!. 2'l'S-J' Church acbool, 9:~ a.. m. MomLnc Worabtp. 11 o'clock. Youth PouPF. Hl&h ochool. ln- ~ .DUDUI APPLIED oa asf'•AJlll:D I n-ee i'R!ma-a:· mll*i:tlo• · e iargest fireboat fleet fVer assembled is being disposed to part W. I. lleabow ____ $2_.75_ +.-'Y'-~ ~~ 200_.!: $3.00 per year to 8th .:me '· custom, and sent his annual mel6 not accoeptable either, to labor or to Entered u -Qua matter at the Poltottlce In Newport Brr+. sage "in writing." In 1913 Prft:I~ indultry. ¢allfornia. under the Act ot Marth 3, 1879 dent WUaon re-a:tabllahed the The message suggested that the • MEYER -------Publlaher practice of deliYtting the menaace budget would be balanced: yet to ~~ D. POR General Manqer In per90IL ~ adopt """" a part ot .the ''pro-L. B. ~ 1 • Editor Monday the Cong:reu listened to gram'" which accompanied the w. F. DIXO Advertlsln&' Vanacer the annual message on the .. State message, the taxpayers would have Prlntll!lc Plaa , 3011 W. Central Avenue, Newport B00cb, Califomla of the Union." With it the Pres!-a •taaerinii burden of additional : • , • -, dent combined .ru. yearly budget Oll81a. The budget will not be bal· Offt Pape!' of the City of Newport Beach message. He did not bring it up anced if the Federal go~ernment A. Local 1-tfcat:loa for 0..-n y..,.. · and read it himself. 'Ibere wu a keeps on picking up the check far t • Active Member of Margin ~f Saefy - Recent ~ indicate that many individuals with small . savingj; are playing the stock market in the hope ol getting rtch I quick. -• · The ~ market is a normal and necessary part of the Ameri business structure but it is no place for per- 80llS 'of ' means to try for a quick "killing." Usually, smatj "in rs" stand a greater chance ot losing than ol galnJng sin they are too often inclined to put their .funds Into highly speculative stocks or to act on rumors and ''tips." The prirr)e need. of those who have accumulated a little "nest egg" it safety and there is no substitute for the safety of· govequnbt savings bonds or 1!ank savings accounts. Here in California these savings facilities are virtually brought to bur door by state-wide branch banking which rea<;hes no~ only scores of the smallest communities but many outlyjng districts of the larger cities as well. It should not be forgotten that the "easy" way of making ·money a!sol is the easy way of losing it. Common sense tells us tha~ persons of small means should be conservative. And~ we ho common sense prevails. UNO a d the Atomic Age In its fi t formal session in London the United Nations Assembly '1 undertaking the task of solving some of the world pi · 0lt "L which the old League of Nations . fail ed to cope w: ': a~2'.."1tely-a failure that led to 'the disintegra- tion •: •· ,, ! 'a"1Je and the build-up of World War II. l . , : il itt,resting coi ncidence that the very da y tile UNO · ·,1v "let· for the first time happened to be the same date n which the Versailles Peace Treaty and League of Nations]covcnant went into effect 26 years ago. The ne\' world organization is much better equipPect, techni.cally peaking. than was the League. to combat aggres- sive politic and economic ideologies, still undestroyed, which Jed the na~ons into war. '· But it s ould be emphasized that the difference between the ne\v 8l1 the old international body is larg<!ly technical. The Leagu of Nations even with all its faults of organiza- tion could ~ave been successful if its member countries had been dete ' incd to make it succeed. The UNO was de- signed to iffiin ate at 'least some of the weaknesses of its prede<;esso and it is a much stronger organization-on paper. But it will no more successful than the sincerity and ro- ·operation f its member ,;ations make it. There ;' , however, a VljSt difference in world conditions which fa the diplomats of 26 years ago and those of te>- day. That difference can best be sununed up in two words -atomic t:pmb. And that difference makes it imperative that the na- tions of tllj. world work together as never before to estab- lish a real (leace and to keep it. good reason. eve~. The message was 75 pages long, The President omitted many and had 27,000 words. Three items. Our income is to be about clerks read lt in the house, alter-31 billions and our expenditures nating, and it took them aJmmt about 35 billions, io he said H e three hours. The call bells brought counted the money we hope to get mort ot the members to the Floor from selling our ,•Ul'Plus supplHs a t the start of the reading; but u if it were income. Expenses listenen melted away, and it took were understated. The PrHident the call bells to cet • quorum spoke of 600 millions for UNRRA. back. They melted awax a.gain. for example, but the requ~t he this time more quickly. Moet merns .ent to the Hill tailed for twice ben .felt it was long, and that lt that amount? The loans to foreign would be easJer to read the mes:-countries were not included, flid Sage, and undentand the figures if you think thO&e will be paid and the recommendations, than to back in full, you're more optim.is- try and grup the detalla by listen-Ile than I am. · lng to the clerks. The tolka at home are entitled I wu lnvtted to be on a weekly to know more than wu in the program called "Congress Speaks," message; even if it went to 27,000 and to comment on the meaa.ge. I words. I think the y are entitled will . repeat here, aome of the to know what is to become of our thinga I said 1w-plussea aboard; and what be- .Admittina: all the cood th1np comes o f lhe fooda and supplies we in the message, and there wtte give UNRRA. which we don't many, it was a political docwnent know now. And why OPA is per- famlliar to professional polltida.nl mitted to r e tard production ; and since the beginning ot the world; con tinually to deceive the people since Adam tint ran for a dty And just what promises have been ACROSS 1 Resorts 5 Parts of loc9m0Uve1 VGame 10 J.1anila hemp 12 A maxim 13 Pleasure boat 14 Bitter vetch 15 Aloft 17 Torrid 18 Prono un 19 Fool !alang) 22 Old English (abbr.) 23 Cry of pain 24 Boring instrumenla 26 Short-billed raU. 29 City, N. W. France 30 Longs tor 32 River <Chin.) S3 Sun god 34 Rejoice exceedingly 38 Neuter pronoun SB Devoured 40 Mu.!!ic note 41 Epoch 42 Fleers 45 Citadel 47 Variety of sor ghum 48 Occurrence 49 Wooden pins 50 Infrequent DOWN l Primitive reproductive body 2 Kettles S Skill 4 Holy water basin <Eccl.> S Island in Gull' of h1exico 6 Sleeveless garment 7 Compo1er tGer.) 8 Institute• of learning 9 h1erganser lJ To bear ~ witness 16 Seed vessel 19 Cut loosely, as whiskers 2'0 Sphere 21 Initial 23 Opening• (anat .) l•l•LI•• I• N••l I••••· No. U .25 Wreath o! flowers 26 Lean necks of muttoo 71 Address 28 l\.1asculine or feminine SI Total 35 Measure 36 Goddess of peace 37 Open pie 39 River <Eur.) 41 Pitcher 43 Size ol coal 44 Dislreu 1Jgnal 46 E11s b1w1r M P•1l1 N•m••r t3 l er1n F..U Thi$ Wl~l be done if the UNO delegates and their govern- ments real e and fulfill the solemn responsibility which the -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; atomic ag has thrust upon them. r FOR NATIONALLY ADYERTISID MODERN MARINE SERVICE SHELL DOCK ISLAND ~--r-k eepsa e I BALBOA WHICH ARB ST. JAMES EPISCOPAL • CHURCH $1$ West Centr11I, Balboa cities IJ>r<><.lghout lite nation by 36Q'l )lalQll l'b. Nwpt, l0li2-..I the U. S. Coast Guard through (L---------+--' ti\•· Surplus Property Board. ac- conime to Washington dlsPa-. The boall were built d~ the war f~ use of the Coast Guard's Port ~ty Organization. stated Rear Admiral Lyndon Spencer, u - sistan~ chief of operations. (£bell Clubl"fOUM) ~ ' Rev. Arclya T. Oun, IVlcar ' I :ao a. m .. Holy CommWlioa. / 9 :46 &.m.., Sunday $chool. 11 :00 L m., Morninc Prayer and Sermon. (i"lrst Sundaya: Holy Communion.) . ~ OOBONA DEL KAii COMMUNITY CHUJICll, OONGBEGATIONAL Perr)' Frederlek 8cllroek, Jl!•- •11 --c........ del -Sunday, February 3, l!M6 auirch tchool meell In two ...,, &Ions. All above prlmary dei>lrt· ment meet at 9 :30 a.m. Beginners and primary departmenll meet at 11 a.m. 11 a.m.-Mornlng wonhlp. Ser-- mon by Mr.~: '"The.Parable of the Doctor's OffiCe." 7 p.m.-Youth meetlnc. CHlll6T CHURCH av 'THE ~EA cemm ... ity ,.._ I tenned:i&te·, Adult, $:30 p. m. Evenmc eenlce, 7 :30 o'clock. M.id·week fellow11hlp and prayer, Wedne.eda.y, 7 :30 p. m. 11 L m., Prayer acd Sermon. ' ,ASSSMJIJ.Jl:8 OF GOD Rea17 ucl Ida Saade. Puton J3ee 0.-. Fraat. Newp«t Sunday school, 10 a .m. Morning service, 11 a .m. E\•ening evangelistic aervtce The prtianization had the job of gu~ships, doCks and Instal- lations throughout the country b\ part d · againat fire and ..oo. I tage. The officer disclosed that at approximately 250 ot these boats ' a.re being sold, and they are re.. 7:30 p.m. . Mid-week ae<vioe, Thursday 7 :30 p.m. ' at tainlng a small number for pro-~ecUon of their ·own proj>erty in repair yards, air 1ations and other peacetime installations. Fl~ST METHODIST CHUllCH G. E4'wln Osher, Partor Euclld at Stanford, c..nten Grove. 9:30 Lm. Chw:ch .ICheol for all acu. 11 :00 a.m. Kornlq Wonhlp: K-ce: ''We Thank nee." 11:00 Lm. Nunery for all chil- dren d.urtn,. •rvlce. e :OO p.m .. M.etbodlst YouUl Fel- -ahlp. Young-Adult Fel-ahlp. T :00 p"'1. Evenlpg Wonlilp:- Mearace: "Come Ye t.Jve." NEWV. P. OF UN10¥ PACIFIC W~ H. Guild. executive =~1t ~the ~~P~c; electe<I vicespresldent by the board of. dlttftora and will take over his new pool In Omaha !"' February 1. "-'-'-" 1420 Weet Central A~l.ll Rev. E. D. GoecleM, llMt.or Church 8cbool, 9:00 L la. M-mnc Wonb!p, 11 L m. Youth Fmlow.b.Jp. 8 p. m. Evenlq Wonhlp, 7 p. m. MJd-week prayer 8ervloe, 't'{ed· FIRIT CHURCH OF CHRllT, I PROTlCTION PLAN p IE R s 0 L '1 s SCIENTIST ~aepres• ltafhie II Profzsdo··I 111..---nMday; covered ~ dlnDer, e :ao p.m. .. Lldo Theater, Central A~tinue a --1 and Via L.ldo · r B. W . OEOBQE -l'Oaml' .AV&NlJS . A branc!l of The Mother C'hurch. UI l&la 8L L&.e'CJN.& 11&.&0B The Flnt Church ot Chrlat. Sci· -u.r--. "In Bu.:,.... f1r1 T°"' Hoollll" BALBOA ISLAND CHAPEL 211 A .. te Avehue entlat, ill Beaton, M.uachueett.a. 1 Pit. B. a. .,.1 It• , r • 1 .. Pcwww•••• Sunday School at 9 :30 a. m . Sun· l: H h .. 90MPLSTa moLOOIO.u. "ev. Harry W. White, A..oclate Putor Church School, 9 :30 a. m. Morning Worship , 11 a. m. da}r Servlce at 11 a. m . Wednesday ave you1 • Dane noca "EASY ACE·... PwkOMs I ........ ~ TeaUmonial b-feetlng at 12 o'clock • • --.. •• ,. • o.-a t noon. ~:::"'°':_'_!.~_·_:,:>:o':':' =-=-=:-=::::.(__J.:==·~-~-~' ~·~·~·~~-~-~' ;'a~i == Rea.ding Room located at 711 _ / h s 1 ftw.I 11 1 ~i:; d~~y"!:·,··p~:, 1::1~o;· :. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY $EVE.NTH DA'Y ADVENTISTS Corner Walnut and Church Sl•· Costa Mesa j except Sundays asd holidays D&· , - t ionally observed. ACCOUNTANT ---P-R-l'SICIANS fl: 8URGIX>J& M.D Sabbath ~hool, Saturday m m- ing. 9:30 o'cloc k. Preaching se rvice, 11 a . m. CHURCH OF CHRIST Church and Waln ut Streets L. Duane Canby, Minister. Services: Sunday. 10 a. m., Bible Study; 11 a. m., Morning worship. I FIRST FOURSQUARE CHU,CH OF COSTA MESA Rev. and Mrs. G. Willard Stearns The public is cordially Invited to attend the church M"rvlc es and nsti the R~ading Room. Christian Science Lesson Text 'Love' The Gold en Text of the Sund&7 Lcssou.$ermon on "Love''. tn all hrnnrhes of The ~!oth er Church. The F'irst Churrli of Christ. Sclen· tlst. in Boston. le from Eiektet and reads. "I v.·ill feed my flock. and I Pastors ,,,.ill eause them to lie down, ea.I th Phone 2671 the l..ord God . 1 y,•111 .seek that which Sunday School 8 :30 a .m . y,·aa ·lost, and bring agaln that wh!Cb Morning worship service 11:45. was dr\,·en away. and wl ll bind up Cl"Usader service 6:00 p.m. that which y,·as broken. and will strengthen that wb l£'b \\'&a J11lck." Berean service 6:30 p.m. j According to [:;uk e'e Gospel J eau. J. s. WHYTE I INOOX_. TAX COSSUl.TA!'n' Aulbort~~ b:r lbe Olllled Stateot Tl'e .. Ur]' ~Dartment l.O J?Dre&e.Pl client1 1111 COPDe<tlion wi\b lDCOmt' ua:r matt.en.. AUJ)JT'S • 8V~TP.M 8 BOO"lll'!kP[S'O 8 P.:S\'ICS OfflN J840 Rarl>Or a1 ..... , C•C. 11- f'tloo_. 1'i_..n ...... w Armand Monaco ARCHITECT 814 W. Bay Ave., Balboa · Newport nu !'721 Lakewood Ave. Loo Aa,.eleo , NO""!'Jl'IY l4GS made to other nations about 1:j,ns. s~ld untp hla (lis£'1ples. "'Consider the rav~ns: for they neither; sow ATl'ORNE\'S The information g iven us in the nor r~ap ; . , . a'.nd God feedeth l r--------·----~1 1 council. The President \Vas ag8inst them: bbw much more are ye bet· raising taxes, but he was for P.rac-ter than 'the fo.,.,·\s? ... Consider the tically all appropriations. 1 lilies how they gro,v : they t-oll not. The message had some thin~ in I they spin not: and yC't I Ray u~to it for everyone. If you didn't like you, that Solomon. In all bis glory . . . . . was not arrayed like one of these the idea of socialized medicine: .... And seek not ~·e y,·bat ye shall then perhaps you want FeQeral eat. or what ye s hitl drink. neither aid to the schools, or sdhool be ye or· doubtful mind .... Dut ROBE.RT, GARDNER .-and- DON ALO D· HARWOOD A.TTORNEYS AT L A.W 71• N. llaJa 8L, tt.ata ..... OalJI. -Tr.:LEPRO!'l"E&- • 1aata A-6769: Se~ ~11 llMa . I H. R. HALL, M. D. Phplclan and Surr;eon Hrs.: 2·5. by appoint~nt Telephone 2620 , . lSl Broadway Costa MM& ' Gordon M.Grundy, M.D. Physician and SU..- Ntnth and ce'atn.I Ave. Otnoe Bn. :10·12 Lrii.; s.,, p.m. Telephone 11 C~nrad Richter, .M,D. Phyalcl•n and Surceea 1%0 l!:. 18th SL Costa Mesa Boan: 10·1! a.m. and S·IJ p..m.. noae tss lunches. If you didn't want ttiem,. rather seek ye tbe kingdom of God; I '----0-... -Y-8CH--OO--LS-----'' past (about the sterling blod for and all these thi ngs shall he added lr------------- example) turned out to be false. unto you." · And why we must have 2 000.000 Mary Baker Eddy writes ln ··set· d r ' ence and,. Health v;ltb Key to the men un er arms, a year rom now. Scriptures·" "Divine Love always And if we are supposed to ~ave baa mett.d alwara will meet everJ another program of contrrlled buman d.:• agriculture. Lots of people, 1 like ----- myself, want to know why the FUL!. GOSPEL CHURCH Administration. with all the ~wer !2nd nd Etden~ Costa. Me~ already given. it by the ·con~ess, Sunda echool, 9 :4~: morning Mortimer School .an Cora1 Balboa bland Gntleo: eon..... rr.pantol:J'· DAY SCHOOL Now Opea O.A. Mortimer, Ill .A., Odon! Princlpnl --- DJ:NTJ8Tll can't stop the strikes which) are worship,• ~l ; Ev&l)gellatte service, breeding discord, unres t and in· 7 :30 p. m:; Jdld·wee k prayer meet· Ir---""---------- Oation. . . ' log on Wedneaoay, 7 :(5 p . m.: DR, OBED LUGAS The Presldeni's message, ana his youog people's evangeli.etlc service recommendations, ~ave In~· em on Friday, 7 :4_6 P· m. :?.. Dentist more inflationar y factory th can • be stopped by the aritl·inflati ary NEWPORT HARBOR suggestions put in to coax a few LUTHERAN CHURCH 2202~ W. Cerdral, Ph. 1480 votes. I rise to remark, if ns 9rauel Chapel, Costa Mesa ~ess needed any r eminder that Rev. Herbert Roth, P altor 1946 is an election ~ar. it h had Services: Sunday, 10:30 a.m. two, one in this message, an In the "Rescission Bill," whi re. OUR LADY OF MT. CARMEL. covered 51 billions previous ap- propriated tO war agencies,! but which the President vetoed t>e... cause it would also have retdrned the USES to 'the supervision of the states. J 1423 West Central Avenue Sunday i t.uses: 8 and 10 a.m. Confeuiona : Saturdays fr<'m 4:00 to :i :30 and trom 7:30 to 8 :30 p.m.. ST. JOHN VIANNEY CHURCH , Balboa Island Sunday l.18..SB: 8 :30 a .m. Conte.Mione: Saturday• froro 1 :30 to ·s :30 p.m .. NEW.PORT ·11£ACH INSURANCE New York Life Insurance Company DON B. l>URANT •.ta Orelll.t ATII. COaONA DEL K£S MOBrJCIANB HAROLD K. GRAUEL CHAPEL "We 0Urael.ve1 the Better Serve By Servin& Othere.Beot" llhone Newport 561 Cotta Meu Callfornl• DR. G. E. TOHILL PHYSICIAN and BURGEON 2205I Coa1t Dlvd .. ~Port BNetli -Phone -1 Off lee 286· W Res. 281· Pl If No Msw.r Call fllewport & I Gerald Rauaa, MD, 2830 West c:.ntraJ l..,. • Newport Bea.oh Ph. 1028--No An.wer call I01·M X·Ray krvlce Hilton'\ M. Manvell, M. u llOl Coast I Corona d~1 Of1loe BOlll'I: le · I :.! PlloDe Newvort 1 S. R. Monaco, 814 'Bay Ave., Bal Newport 11!4 "8 a. .em •L. Loo AJ!l- TUcker 711! By A-1atmoa From $62.liO 'Up t.t:\ICE YOUR OWN TER ~~S ••• '1Jf'tlp ...... y..., .,.. wel~ te avail ya-If of Dr, eo-·• Liberal Credit Plu for pll ltrciach" of ffetal worll,., Not Oa "•••r AddH,.,,ol Cod. Arn1999 to kave' all yaw worll co•plefed ri9ht ... , , , r:' later In small "'"kly or 1M1Wlk y allla••"-If Is easy to arra•g• for credff at Dr. CowH's. I, I OPTOllll:TBl8Tll ROBERT A. CRAWFORD Opt., D. OPTOMETRllT Ey.0 Examined -rn.-1. l!'lttAd 1~ Newoort BouJevard PhOne 2A30 CO&T.t. MEl·A I T. P. Reeder, ~. D. Phywlclaa & Sar&!-. 1001 Weot llq J.. 1 TelephoDe N BM ALWAYS LOW PRICES! _..,q.o.. .... , •• ;a. Grw 656i51 •l•i HFOX 315 NOl\Tll.MAIN ST. PHONB .f28' ' R011ZID I • • ' • "IF I KAN ~ DRUG srou • • " .. Aln'cha aot Oaat DeW Seal po hair dye." -uked . plalnUftly. "If I ran W. · clruc •tore. r .d eun haft It." Tbe dye lD q-.tlon, W'boee re&I trade aame we prefer not to me11Uoa; II daqer- ou If applied . bJ .anyooe otber tlaaa a lldJled beauty eneft, Maybe "" maid -~t--bat --'t. I . ewport Beaeh I Pharmacy 11..)-..---· . . ' I · 8UBVEYOll8 Pil\NO TEACHER JG. V. LINSENBARD Gractuate-C.aeenatM,., r 1'Jd1 P.IL 1252-W 1!1211 w. o..an ~ • ZON~ T tumc ' ' ........ -....... ~~-_ ... 7 l --._..,_ • I ;· • ' General Acc0unting i'isl~men's Bookkeeping OOllE TAX SERVICE W. Central Ave. • • • Newport ne.eb T lephone 1347-J for ,FIVE DAY SERVICE Oil · g and Laundry • ... CORONA DEL MAR CLEANERS • 103'7 Cout mghwa,y Pick-Up and De vecy Carl P hilhart, Manager .. Fresh-I Lobsfe~ Oysters Shrimp Clams Crabs Smoked Shrimp Selection of ' • ., Good ; Fresh·& Smoked f I S H BEAC~" SEA FOODS 1801 Coast mghway Phone Nwpt. 2084-W - ' . I Our Retur11in11 Boys W•t to Call Homo GIRLS, tlje war uo't ovens fu u tclcphooealls.,. coaam;· Thett"" more alls to handle than nu. W-Lll yqu help handle the thousands of alls oat ·f<NtllingEce men are m•kiog u they uiin In South<m Califomia on the ""1 home? Then ii oochiog ese bars ww more than to ttlcph<xM home,..;,,\ we ottd men girls ID bandle their calla. P.y.,. I elcvning Permanent jobs.~SO&Ring ith!fll«jlleotiocrcuel. There is proboblya..i. ce llCUJO"' bomewbcteyouaiuld wed:. the-Op<raroc for the Chief Openrm. give you the adclras of an emplOJlllml coo...Uem for 1""' · 10 CALlfOINIA 1'111PHONI COMPANY FOR • App!T or-MrL 1Whl 100 E. Bay. Balboa v·ouR HEALTH'S SPORT LAND BOWLlf,1G ALLEYS Foot of Ila!-St. -Balboa AL JOYcE • ' ' ROY KEENE ' • ( ' ' M&WPG&I u1.M& M&W& .. The Keith Lee Beauty Salon has opened under new manage- ment at 209 Marine aWnue, Bal- boa Island. In charge are Pat Rhodes, .\\•ho comes here from Santa Ana. and Jan McCutcheon. well known on the island and for- merly employed at Mariska's House or Beauty. The shdp has been completely redecorated and makes an attrac- tive appearance with fresh paint. new chairs and floor covering. Provide Culvert Under Bayside Drive Oty funds have been provided to install a culvert across Bay, side drive at the prolongation of Begonia. "'hich because of the fall to the level of the bay, the water drainage from the area from Avo- cado to Begonia would be better taken care of and protect bay front properties from stonn dam- age. \Vith the installation of the 60- foot drain. rain water will be car- ried ac~s Bayside into the bay instead of being carried along the lower stTeet and through one of the houses. as complajned to the city council several wet-ks ago. Frank Rinehart Reported Better Frank Rinehart, city clerk. who has been ill a t home since early in Janu8.ry. came dO\\'n to thl" city hall for a short time today. and sajd he might spend a few hours there daily until he recovers more fullr from the attack of sciatic neuritis. according to Rosamond Makley, his assistant. who has acted in his place during his ab- senct". Frank has been missed by his many hundreds of friends dur- ing his illness. Reform Group Hopes To Oust Card Games From Gardena Reform forces were said to be planning a campaign to drive the legally penn~ab1e card games out of Gardena. according to word in Los Anteles owr the past week-end._ The games. similar to one said to be operating here. are draw poker and '1ow ball". the re-- verse ot draw poker. which is le- gal in the state under local option, as "a game of skill and chance". The clubs in Gardena. which are in the.county area of Los Angeles. were said to employ 400 people, run from 10 a. m. until 4 a . m .. seven days a v.:eek . . The report claimed that 60 per cent of the customers are women. Get 1946 Licenses Now, Warning First Buytl Tube Superior to Natural; Produced for Civilians A new er a for the Pacific Coast rubber indusb-y was .marked. last week when the first butyl tube to go into mass production for civil~ Ian use was presented. In a cere- mOn y to W illiam Jeffers, war·time rubber director at his home at 4365 Forman avenue, North H olly- wocd. Leaden of the nation's rubber indusb-y took the occasion to honor the retiring Union P acific president for hls work in otganiz- ing it for war. Tubes made with the re markable chemical rubber. which have been found superior to ttie nature.I t)'J>e, are a direct re- sult of the impetus Jeffers gave to scientific· research .according to one official. A Son was born at St. Joseph's hos pi ta.l. January 24 to Mr. and Mrs. Alton Yoder, 287 Bay street, Costa Mesa. . . AJl kinds typewriter ribbons in -;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ stock at the News·Times. I R 0 S'S I, S· Liquor Store 1003 Coast m-y ~ Mlle Soadl of u.. - Clooell Oil~ SAKE BOWL P~oae 87 FOR1. SIGNS BENEDICT The Sign Man • BOAT LETTERING A SPECIALTY . Bo/..1~,,,, • ' , • • • ; ~ • • • • • • ~ • ~ • • • ~ • • • • ~ • • • ~ . . ' • • " ...,.. . . -' ·~--' . " .. ' ---. ' - -A•ttda Catering Se'rvice' Oo tbC --·-• .. 9 ... ----Drop .. can! ~: DI Vlctoda St.. ol.ta .... • .t On hand, a limited · supply of pre -war qualit'f garbage cans, medium size--one to a customer while they last! ' - 23rd & Central ,. GRAND OPENING c Friday, February With a Complete Selection of FOOTWEAR For Evecy Member of the Family . From America's oremost Manufacturers • Good Stock of ildrea's ·Shoes nd Slippe_rs • . . . I . -MATT : ON SHOE STORE - ' . ' ,l • • -· !st •I • .. .. • I I \ i I I ' • .. • • ' • -OIB"", ' Red · ross Course Pheasant ~unting 7500 T In N¥tion Near· YoUNTSVruLE. -smce the · To Core~ Six weetls ~;i:t :E~ .:=; TAKEN .IN 1 4 ·SEASON A COUJ''4: ln vutrition is being out the state. apolJSOf'Odl by the local branch of August Bade, chief al the W.-u Over 15 000 000 _,.:,,. f k • the ReC1 Crwl as a part of the of game farms, dlvilloo or fish and • • t""" ...... o mac nation&l Qroe;ram. Designed more game, reported, that 90 percent of erel were ca\lght ~y Newport H~-portlito appeal to the tam-., these birds were malea. bor c.ornmerci8;1 tishennen dw-mg illes of v terans on 8 lcw.•er bud· He said that the additional co.t the six mon~ seuon just closed. ret. . will feature cooking of holding a large percentage of \ most of w~ch were brought to for chll n with the emphasis Orf male bi:rdl until after the buntina local canner1es to be cooked and low-cc»t all season will be more than paid for I Pllclced into cans. The season, Other€. ves may also reg~ by direct results in rebuilding the which meant employment for over liter for the classes, the first of pheasant population with these 200 at the three .canneries ln New- whic:h be held at 9:30 a.m., good potential breeders in the part, alJ:O · ptoVJded owners and • Friday, ebruary 8 at the Ebell field. crews Wl_th livelihood during the club, 51~ West Central avenue. same period. who were paid at the 1bere-will be six Jessons in the rate of S40 per ton lor the catch. entire ~ with classes meet· tions here, as well a.s at other Although for tome canners, the ing on cpnsecutive Fridays Miss Orange county cities. pack amounted to hardly more Edna Burtchim national n~trition . lnfonnation in recant to tbe tl)an 50 percent of last year, it expert *tu . · d classes may be had by ailing the ranged up to 80 percent ln others • ~ give the emons.p:a· Red Cross office, phone 1.86S, er Some of it was delivered to S~ by ¥1Titing them at Balboa. lt la Pedro canneries. ~ otticial , I!: W L I N I!: expected that • reglstratloo blanb catcll here u reported by th• Call· C~t Greeting Carda will be avallable In poot -foriua Fish and Game laboratory • Statio and markets. Mn. Ralph Randel at San Pedro waa 15,040,053 • IN!rJ • h.os ~ appointed chairman al pounds against 16,255,000 In \he Brookings v aneb' the ~utr1tlon c1 ... i--oeram -It 1945 .. '""". taking the Y•arly .., ~ ...,.. '*-... ._ is being supervised by Mn. Suaan catch as a basis fOf' comparison. o •111'1 u.. ., mn · w'• ._.. Rutherford, Red 0-oa chairman ol. Top production year was re- l special services. corded in 1944 when 22,783,000 pounds were caught, and this was worth $779,600 aa against the 19,· 381,000 pounds in 1943 which P.A. PALMER LIDO ISLE PJIDPBRllES • CE t'eached the all· time·. hla:h value of $915,600, largely due to the fact that ~ that year $185,900 worth of albacore, $134,700 worth of bar- racuda, $90,000 worth of shark aa well u the S384:900 in mackerel were reported. ' 10,171 Fhhermea la State Figures were not yet complete a..dee ~·~ -=== eecend -_ ...... _... lootalllq,1N6 __ _ on Gaam for .....a moaU.. · Be· la the -of 11n. Nellie Coa· ...u of llallta Aaa -, .......... wo..-at die Balboa Yacllt Ile· llha. 1119 wtfei. ll•Dee, Uvee 6* IOI Cla7 SL, Newport BolPt.. wltla tlaelr 9·,_....ld -. hL W. 0. BUCK-Insurance Counselor a-1500 IJl.,p,,,z .f..,( for other catches of fish when a K • f News-Times representative called a Iser• raser the state agency. However it was l D I noted that of tho 3782 v~I• In ease oug as 3333 VI.A LI.DO · CALIFORNIA the commercial fishing fleet in the L 8 8 "Id" ~==t;=::====:..:=============~ I state, 1467 were In the San Pedro • UI 1ngs 1 · area, which includes Newport Har· re.ting Cardi and a Great variety of unusual Gitt. bor, in the 1944-45 year. During Of interest to harborites was .. WE INVITE YOU TO BROWSE AROUNO'' the same year there were 10,871 the news from Long Beach yester· C E LOU 1(5 California fisherme n. or which 4978 day that the Reconstruction Fi· . JtwELRv.and STA~IONERY fished commercially in this area nance l corporation in Washington D from Ne\vport Beach to Santa has glv,' en assurance to the Ka1'ser· lamonds · Watches . F ine Repairing M · Pbnne Sewport 1539·R onica. Fraser"' company of Detroit they 1797·99 Newport Blvd., Cotta Mesa, Callf. 4 iU I l D I N G T 0 WR EC ·K frame Store Building 30 ft. x 45 ft ftn FREE to Party Who Will Remove Quickly and leave premises clean. -·-See Bernard McNally McNaUy's . .Pier-Balhoa G, SANG BOAT & REPAIR YARD 811 Coast Highway 101 Local observers point out the may lease two and possibly three value of commercial fishing from large buildings from Douglas Air· another standpoint. That is the craft corporation at Long Beach fact that so many sportfishing for the manufacture of the new boats are kept he re because they Kaiser and Fraser cars here. , can run during the winter season Engineers or the company are for mackerel, thus keeping boat no\\· making a sun.•ey o( the build· and crew active through most o! ings. it was stated in the news. the y~ar. · The sportfishing sea· J\.1anufacturing would be confined son wtll start again in April or to buildings 1 and 2, while engi· J\.1 ay. neering would be located in the building 18. all of which are at the south end of the huge plant. Douglas is occupying other build· ings. although with sharply r e- duced forces. Wdtch Your Kidn s I • Pres~nt plans Call for eventual 1 employment of about 2500 em· l ploy~ it was stated. 'Bluebeard' Due At L. B. Auditorium On February 7 I on fuauc NoTica CfE*'l'mCAD! 0 F P.utrNI:&-a -•.plOoe el -rty ,.. snw la lo -"'7 J 81DP TllANSACTDfO BUSI-total of $341,438,000 of . s. gov: How Values G,,w ----- Highway! -,_,...Motel -~ lllP•*'I· A< ........ t. -..... NESS UNDEB nCl'ITIOUS ernment b<mda during the eight &lie 11•t1 of ... d'7 WI, l~rt .mat II ...... Oil ()wt NAME. publlc WU loan dri\"'ft.~ al ~ .,, ... te.ron ~ w ,_,. . Finance James s. · reported 9n.lll I -: .Harold E . Cox, Jr. Alvin S. Cox. today to,Gov. Earl W n-. .. .old It fo Cart A.Mu • f~ Roderick .D. Cole and M. A. Cox. --.,, la ...., .. l -· _ ~ -_..,. -clo. hereby certify .that they are SV'I •·-._._ Psffeld for .._ co d cti al -poopon,. -,_..1 ... d •. 1 .. n u ng a ~ en&ineering _.. .. ..._ J -"! , t "'-P'V co~tru~n business and any · -motel fer S119, .. ti. Tmla 9 WM.a. aeatf bua~ess! indioental thereto or m "'2l&UABY Tile II .,......_ + Milt .,_, 111 1 .' U. feet tro.tap connection thettWith, with its Higti Low , igh Low "7 _.., -... ,_ "i"' . principal place of buslneu at Post F 1 8 :13 2:05 ~:A S:n '::========j===~~:;=1::=======~ ,Office Box 63, Stanton, Orange S 2 8_.~ 2.1 I 3.9 -1.1 -founty. Califorhla. at Katella ~ 2:42 l j:U s:a Tell Exemptions in Income Tax . For Service Men Re =+ u ) d Aven"" and Hansen Street, un· 6.01 1.9 4.0 -1.1 I. en.., ilt ,8 ' cler .tbe fictitious 'firm name of Su 3 9:28 3:211':55 t:• Cap s Man Said gg~ .!R~t· ::?.iNfi:u:;n~ M • 10 :~ .~ ·i '~; S: ' St alin m C pc=-cl of the following persona 5.7 16 43 --0.6 e g s ar whose -and addreases are .. Tu 5 10:53 4 :5s •. :.. ,,., ' Under the present revenue laws, ' follows: ~ 5.1 --0.2 -····· .......Q.2 all actlv• ...-vice pay of men be-T~ It !rum Han-y Berry, Harold E . Cox. Jr., Partner, 1905 ,._ ... -la_,"' ..,...,,_ low the rank ol commiu1oDed of-medWUc employed at the city East Bay Front, Jlalboa. Califor·' LtPt ftprM L t11.: dark nsur-P. • ficers hu been declared bempt yard. Jan -autcmoblle ls worth ita Dla. back to January 1, 1941, accord· wolght In eold. and ls worth de-· :.\.lvin S. Cox. ttner, 1695 Pa· lnl' to Han-y C WeatoveOo, col· fending 'flth ono'a life theoe da,ya. c:lflc A¥enuo, Co a clel .Mar, Cal- lector of Internal revenue. The And that ls just what Berry clld. «~ !int $1!500 of military wacea re-but under ratheT embarrUllDc .Roderick D. <:oij. Partner, P. o. celved by commlulonod atnctta In drcumatancea late Thursday nlahl »ox 3, Balboa Island, California. any yoar beiPnnlna with January l!erTy wu about to r.tlre M.A. Cox. Partner, 1695 Pacific 1, 19'3, ii Ukewiie exempt'.· clrcwflltancet lut Thursd&y nJ.aht. 1~venue, c.orona del Mar, Califor· "In addition to these retroac-at hif home, 514 San Bernardino :pta. (tive exclusions, the new tievenue Heig"'ts when he heard a click 1 . WITNESS our tiands thia 9th act permits . both conuniuioned of a 4oor handle outside, and tlien 1day of January, 1946. · O.L. CULLY ~Tu~­.... Ares., .. Spodallrlnc on I::;n. nix Your patronap liPdiwdai.11 • ao•aa1• I · IOIW.--· officen and ·enliJted tnen,1 under the~d of a starting motor. It · HAROLD E . COX, Jr certain conditions, to defer actual soun so familiar to him that ALVIN S . COX l payment of taxes confrontln& them altho h he had just disrobed, he . RODERICK D. COX '"'11t1n•1111 -• 11 ......,ll•lftbllll .. , 111_,..,_, at the time of th•lr ~e. tatlnjtly leaped for the door M. A. COX •.•.-.. E ·G G s '· ''Comrnluloned officers rele an tslde and found a m~ State of C8lifornia, l from eervice "prior to 1, about> to drive off with h1a car, County of Orange. ) ss. 19'5, may !defer payment Of taxes according to police report. On this 9th day of January ~ ~ on their tm"tary wages U they As iquick as a flash, Berry had l!M6, A. D., before me, Leroy p : ! f R E S H tile a proper. application before the car door open and was grap-An~n, a Notary Public in and ~ May 15, 1946. nto.e released after pling with the asserted thief. He for said County and S tate. Per. i December 1 have until June 15, struck the ln~der with 1uch fury sonally appeared Harold E. Cox, : 1947 to file applications. Such that he either knocked hlm from Jr., Alvin S. Cox, Roderick D. Cox ! deferred taxes may be paid with-the driver's seat onto the ground and M. A. Cox, ~wn to me to ~ out interest in twelve. equal or the two m en, the owner staik be the. persons whose names are ~ . svsaT I D CIDER quarterly installments stre tched naked and the surprised thief fell subscribed to the within Instru-~ ·I over a three year )>eriod.'' West· oUt or,' the ground before the car ment, and acknowledged td me ~ G R 0 C E R I E $ II over declared. got s arted. Around and around that they exetuted ~e same. ! ·~All servicemen, cornrniklioned they oiled, Berry shivering in the IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I. ~ Cold Me ts i or non·commissioned, may upon cold, but detennined to .get his ha~e hereunt~ .!et my hand and ~ I application obtain similar I defer-man. , affLXe:<J my. off1c1al seal the day and ~ ment of taxes attributable to pre-M~. Berry had in th~ meantime ye~ in this certificate first above ~ 1_ sen •ice civilian income learned run across ihe street to summon 'Wl'ltten. ~ i during 1940 or 1941, provided such I Office; v . I . McMantcal, .who liVed LEROY P . ANDERSON, ~ DUHO ' ft • taxes tall due after in4uction. op~lte the m. Fortunately, the No.tary Pl!blic in and for i n:s 'U ' cerfj Taxes on pre-ser;vice earned in· policeman had not retired. "but . said County a nd State.' ~ • come thus deferred may also be was ·in fact entertaining P olice (Notarial Seal) ~ Phone 2618 paid in twelve equal quarterly in· Sgt. C:'harles Priest and tiis wife Pub.-Jan. 10. 17, 24, 31, 1946. :.,~.~~ .. !~:E~,~.~ .. ~·.~~; .. ~:-M=i stallments without interest." at th~1r home. ~1cManigal hurried ,., ..... , ----~.----over, brandishing a Oashlight. 600 Attend Fresno "Turn ott that flashlight," yen-Newport-Balboa Tourist Bure~ ed Berry as he struggled to hold Ki,wanis Conventjon ·, on to'the thief. McManlgal soon All Modes of Travel to Europe, Mexico Ha H bo understood why he didn't want to Round-the-World Trips in the near fut~. ar r Represented be in tbe limelight, although he Mrs Ro K was puffing and groanin•. acc0rd· • y eene. Ph. S91. SOl Palm, Bali R . W. Bartine returned to his ing to the story. The officer took Boun: 10 L m. te 8 p. m.. new home in Newport Heights! the ~tranger, .as a small group [l~===============~=====E==~ Sunday evening after attendance gath~red, and together with at th~ district Kiwanis convention Charµe Priest and the others. re- held tn Fresno Tilursday, Friday turned to his home to call for a and Saturday. poliee car. Berry r etreated into Mr. Barline, Kiwanis district the warmth of his own home to governor and a member of the put on some clothes. , s,tate board of directors, reported As the officer phoned the sta· approximately 600 delegates at· lion, the captured man again tried tended the concla\te. Hugh Jack· to make a break for freedom, but • Radio Service ' At Reasonable Price Phone Newport 866 ;t ;t ;t son or Sta_nford university,1 one of was subdued. When finally book· Pahn_er Radio & Electric Half a doze n murders. an aband· the advisors to the Americati dele-ed at the -police station he said oned .infant. a nd a pas de deux gation or U.N.O., was one of the that he had drank a bottle of1 in which the ballerina rolls forty principal speakers. . vodka during the day, but did not ~ feet downstage and bollnds to her F~y Blower. president of Ki· a?pear intoxicated. He gave as 1 Costa feet cheerfully black and blue: wan1s o'.Balboa, returned with Mr. his na.me Gerald 1.age. H e is now 1 I esa 2348 Newp1>rt Blvd. • • &loorlngs and space avaUable for Boat.. for Sale Paddle Board! for Rent these · are some or the ingredients Bartine. • held 1n the county jail for at· ~~~~==============~~~~~~~~~ which have made the ballet tez:npted grand theft. :·muebeard" one of the most hilar· Artists Invited 1ous experiences of an evening at '£"11111fll•11i11111••1•11•u•n•11••••io•11•u••••111u11r11••11111t1r•'"'•11••·•'''''''''u••••n••ari•i••'"'"ll'Jl'11,,,,,1,u•u"''"lii th~ballet.k . h . To Display Work in • -• . e wor . m t e ~1chest comedy Californ1·a State ~· . .:: • vem of the late Michael F okine, 811' by the week or month. • • RHEUMATISM has become a hit in the repertoire ! Modern and Up-to-Date ~ or the Ballet T ehatre which cornea SACRAMENTO.-With a new • • and ARTHRITIS to the Long Beacll Municipal audi· and spacrous building in -~' hi ch to ~ B ~ torium February 7 display thetr works and w1 h much ~ I p a ta F •1•t• ~ 1 suffered for years and am so -----·---stress being laid on the. f!lS ex·· i;j·-· ue r1n 1ng . ac11 1es '•·:~-: thankful that I can walk and work Look upon every day as the hibit durin·g the 1946 qlifornia again without ·pain, that I will glad-whole of life, not merely as a State Fair August 29 to ~eptem· • • ly answer anyone writing me tor section; and enjoy and improve ber 9, F ._ M. Sand~ky, ~ana~er, ~ ; information. MRS. EMMA IVES the pi-dent without wishing, today lnvtted all Californi" artists, ; Photostating up to 18 in . by 22 in. ~ P.O.Box189,LosAngeles52,caut.' through haste, to rush on to an· photograp1hersthl and acul~ors to i ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;;;;o;t~h;;er~-~Rl~ch~t~e;;r;. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; compete n s year's exposition. j ~ Plans include a compl,te sec-~ ~ tion for display of oil p_a!nting j ! H an~ water colon wtth add~ stress I I Pick-Up and Delivery Service i arbor Radio & Electric Shop this year on prints and aCulpture i ~ ~ ! i Watch for Opening Announcement i j Blueprint & Photostat Shop I I CoetaM-i J'f!tflll '111tlll llflll llt n1111•1f !lf!llJll.<f!lfllllll ••tn)l<111t ul••flll1!'''"lfl•t111n1n9IJ11111•t •t 11ll•lllf!!tt1.,11111111111""'• Charter & Preston GAS FtRNACES 2602 Central Avenue ' Now Open for Service Radios and Electrical Appliances When AvaUable RECOVER Gu. Cluk Your Outdoor FURNITURE Lawn Swing Recovers Easy to Install. NOW ~~-,,., '-1r ~ ~-.:.:,: .9m-.r_ '/ •· ... -;;..- I!!~~~~~~~!! Santa Ana Tent & Awning Co. would ....u.. that ..... ~ J;: an not the only one1 wbO ~ Bartlett Returning Hume for Discharge Still Difficult , to Obtain e have a few in stock for immediate installation IElimihate sweating windows and moisture on walls Protect rou:r home and bra:lth. 1626 So. Main .St. Santa Alla tim.. sot Beeda<IMJ ~ Tlft4 · 790 Coast Blvd • ·-·· D --L Achlns lluaelee. Wa boaio irlrla Oponini: tomorrow, Friday, Mat----&-~ oftan worlt just u ha.J'.d dd &aw toon Shoe 1tore under the owner-i=~=====~============~=====~I jut u Jna111' Be1dachee, ~ u shi9 of WalJa~ C Mattoon, brinJ m•llJ' Stomadl. UpiHta Md ... another busineu to the C.olta Men . jut u TlNd. t , area. Ne ~rt Engineering Assoc. ··ates Al>oat • ,_ -~· ... -Mr. Mattoon attOnded Bolton] ALll A SE• ' £R Unh>enlty and Coburn Clanlcall • 0. OD111blned knowied.p-4 total of 18 J'e&ra .. tlle Jlepalnd ' LUDLUM Carpet Works ten -tit -. SL ....;. s..t. Aaa .-BANTA A.'1A ONCE AGAIN1 SAM'S SEA FOOD S A Offen You lhe Flnf!lit Place . to Dine In Orange ~ty: All New •• I. Even the[ Locatlon ... One-Half Mile Eask of Old Location on Coast ' hway: Beautiful New· Cocktail Bar Designing, Manufacturlag and Sales Engineers ftlll• ~. Institute In Waterville, Maine, and t And that It ...,. •1' rs at one time was' emplo)red byi ---§---B•acl. tak• tho ldnb -elf · Coward Shoe Co. of Bolton. H ei · M · Ach:,i, 11-and l>rinP haa just completed thr.. and a \ We Lead S'outhern California in the Servlli ot arine and Industrial Machinery whoa haft Add~ half years ln,tbe 0-t Guard. I -SEA FOODS-'-- Heating and V enblating }'.ield wW .olve JOU problems 1 trum ts T1Mi f-.07 •P t _ .. a Joi Mr. and Mn. Mattoon have been ns en oultt to u .. with •li>ot/l IIa'!I quite active 1n civic atfaira 1n the · ALSO Material Handling Equipment" 1mowD .-AJb..Sel~ . former home town. Lon& )leach. YOUB klDd .of 8Tl!:Al'8 Ba .. '°" triocl AIJt.Ai.sm:r. '!'bee Mn. Mattoon is auperv1-""7 VlSIT OUR KITCHEN :-=-' ---§---Pllf, U ":'.!:i.wb7 cloD't ,...., ... cf "'11netl'a actlvltlft for the...,. ;rs=;. ~z!-1il: ..... r; reatlon ,.._.11 .. 1nn and -t _.i. Sam's Sea Food Spa •• NO CllAJlGI: FOR SURVEY A.'1D l'lSTJMA'TI: CHARIER & PRESTON e-U.C ia.tanano.. Make \Varm Frieftd5 II• I 711 P1aoae MN Besklenoe PIMYles tMe% 01' !9915 ·' 280 Fonst Ave. -Laguna Beach 1215 Coast Highway Newport Beach .-·siwu&;i;P~ c1ent"' the Lon& -&rop. and ""''-h Market' . • 1 T tom1at duh. Mr. Mattoon lo a r &11 member oaf the M--· L,;,..Jtl:N~li,;C~:*:i!lllP~=·=*'l~--:-----~lN:::-:.!11:1a1~==~~J .I • • • ' • \ I ' ~KT "''·'"" .St;\\l ·'1'1-'IU.. ll<•~•••" -· ...,,,.,... • UM ~u~~---Arc--hi-~--~-ibP7Jan--.~~~~~~~~De~.nmso~.~n,~R~0al~to~r~,.~P~.e~n~n~b~· .. ;k;1;.9~, •. ;.t_~~~~--1 -~-~-~t-1 ·~-B&P to Hold Party a.a;ILl5 A vien Returns · ·~ ILl5 ..,.,..1. ""'-" !".WS.Tunes ~ boctY, it _. for 1...ir.1 . \ News-'l'lma At Cl house Lutheran Qaurch Thro 'Chubasc'o' Had C,olorful Lif ~ In Greatest 1'1on · . 1 ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ti!~ ceontinued hml Page 0ne> From Mexico ~tin~ ~P~~ ~~}!~!!!.gP&g• 0c~.. Smoothly ~ed - --_ Sturdily -Built :~~.::. un~-iE°~~ ~oon~n~~.:, ~~=pe~~::: and (:tin:ls: : l)They the open _.;,.. ~ su=a and ls~ ~ :.,~ ::::::.i~ k~ · B R I n G E S! E ·r S . next mee~. 'lbunda,y. Feb. 7. It The congrega~ also elected were cheaper there than heft. al· the Presidency, and With these did have some;aizeable permits!~ ~ _ will be h$c' at the Udo Isle Com· the following people as permanent though C"UStoms would add to the prerequisites. C. ~· '~ison. at: eluded. For example, on the~~ mlllUty cl hmtse and , ... n ·a· fficen of the church council: coet If one were to buy goods lor though not Ptts(dent, can cer-one house WU &iven permit '! .This Set is Sure to Mare a "Grand Slam" With Your. Gu.esp lions sh d be made through President. Pastor Roth; vice-pt"es.1-im ......... into this country. • ... ,-i .. be deemed aucceuful. $10 500 a1 ~~·-;;. ~ · Bal ;·· t.-;a. ~ • .............., ._,.____. • , : sever a............,,s in Betty H~cly. dent, Richard Hubbell of Newport; The crew on the trip down c;on-Charley Dennison. re~ since coetlng $6600, $61i()O, $5000 ' , I _ ~rding secretary, Mn. Orville wted of Mullins, Bud Stilwell. 1932 and a realtor in Newport several smaller. ' 1 "-mpJete Set Try "·o kin& t.oday'i crossword Brown of Udo Isle; financial Iott-Bill Trusty and Tom Roten of Harbor since then. if one ~ be On Udo Isle several large per '-:JU ruzzte. retary, Richard Haber of Costa Newport Beach; Harold Hennesy termed retired and still be ~ctive I mi ts '"'ere taken out. One $14.bOO (Table aad 4 .Cllain) Mesa: treuurer, Mn. M)Ttle Hub-of Loa Angeles and John Hart, ex-in a boaming.'rtal est.ate bu&in;esl, home iJ being built; i.nother l!Olf bell of Newport: Sunday school service man from Australia. Not was born 10 years ago in Milling· $12.000 wu started; one at s299s superintendent, M. K . Laurie of all stayed through?Ut the two and ton, Mich., about Er> miles north $10,000, another $12.,500 and ~ Costa lrlesa; trustees are Harold one-half months. of DetroiL 1 • at $8500. Some smaller contr-t:ctl Faccou ol Corona del Mar. E . Badal' Yacbt A log cabin was the a:cene ot. were also evident. Not 1~ ••• AY BECOME A AJOR AND EXP NSIVE JOB T MORROWI Grochow of Costa Mesa and E . On board the luxurious yacht, youna Charley's bir.th ~d for in the houSc category was ~ l Schultz of NewPort; deacons, K. which Mullins charten out here the next 17 years, whilt:, his .father fact that the average dwell;in~­ Quarry of Balboa f.sland. D . Wede-for weekend parties, the skipper engaged in wheat rat.mg m the contractt were running higher king of Costa Mesa and A . Wlllcut carried the midget car whJch he summer and logging in the winter, than formerly, with the ave~e of Costa Mesa. lifts orf board with a regular hal· C. F . ~t to a coun~ gram. permit calling for a five--rqom yard and coven on deck with a mar IChool and performed various J):· 'tC a1 a nrice approximay.ng tarpulin. His former racing craft ~d 1undry chores while school-$4500. althouch aome were ODIE Harbor High Drops which was known on the east cout lni· • $3000 to $3500. I t was notic.a ... , as a Cai)e Cod Buckeye carries an COming west with family friends however, that the avera1e Game; Still Mter awrlllary Hall Scott motor. re lrlg· at this time. Charley ·flnlahed the stepped up· gradually during the Ch . . h• eration, a transmitter.and receiver eighth grade in Pasadena. but Wu put a.ix UM>fttha. ~ • amp1ons IP for lhlp-1<>-shore communication; called to Loui51ana to care lor his I The next 90 days or "' may I"'": • vacuum sweeper and other land ail1n& mother who ~en lived ~ one month'• permits go ; Harbor High took a slight skid uae items. The Evtan sleeps 10 that aouthern •t:ate· He stayed m the entire year's total of $657 . in 1eague b4sketball standings and a crew of four. Louiatana for two and a ha!f years in 1944., which was an av Tuesday afteinoon in Anaheim When he arrives at a foreign workin& u a grocer and. at the year's coutruction at the, when they dropPed a 46·32 battle port, the Balboa Islander arranges end of that time retumed to C&ll-from 1935 through 1939. 1 and relinquished their leadership to use his little car and motor fornla, following his mother's _ _ ...: I to Huntington Beach. scooters which he takes along. death. ~ -Se9Wl tJloQ.. While losing the game, the Tars The midget excites the most at· Arriving in the Golden State, sand DlOl t' ~u..1..i \~. , t~· .. still fielded the best individual tention, great hordes or children young Dennison went to wark far j Celifornia in 1945 than in lthc : take chances ' ' 1 performer on the floor when following it, piling in and out or the Santa Fe railway and became pttVioul year, according to a re-[ your Ford .. back Coach Reed's star pivot man Yard-otherwise making live misera·bJe manager of their boarding campi port made to Go\t. Earl Wanren hom co us for periodic ley, walked a way with scoring for him. Then when Moon ordered from California to New Mexico. by the Department of ~lie impefdom and senice honors with 15 digits. them away from it while he could but left thia after three ye~ .to Health. 11ae department repo~ted ·' Individual Chair TABLE Table is all birch .with tem- pei;pd masonite (not auli- board) top, stainproof, ).i- quor proof; some with& laid pattern top, some 'lOiid colors. BLOND R \VALNUT FINISH. -?.~~--~~:!cf~t;~~ s52s sg9s , ·Santa i A~a~urniture Co. 426 West Fourt~ Street. Free Parking , Phone 922 Santa Ana T.,.._ b• oa r factorw .. uaioed A crucial game will be fought adjust something under the hood join the Bell Telephone Co. m Los marriages increased from 86,6~ to 1 __ &.J._: -,-on the local hardwood tomorrow in back of the sea t (the one· Angeles and Pasadena, and was 93,J.Bllt~.~~-------~·-_J~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ m~cs. night ·(Friday) when Santa Ana cylinder motor ts in the rear), he with them for seve n and a half -- al' senice acten-invades Newport Heights and both felt a pang· of remorse for treat-years. teams w ill be.fighting for their ing the curious youngsters so The San Joaquin valley, where u-.e you mooey mathematical chance at the cham-hanhly. He asked sonte if they he indulged in a little tannin~ a nd long run · · · and pionship. Santa Ana won the first wanted to take a r ide, and to installed farm .telephone lines on keep your ca.r seniog round contest from the Tars but every last one. they stoutly re-the side, and Vancouver, B. C., you i:le"peodably uacil rank one notch below tllem in the fused. \Ver e the next locales for Mr. you ~ new Ford c•a standings. Wouldn't Ride Dennison, b!li t he \Vas called ~·: FolloY.'ing Huntington Beach in Even the police chief of Maz-to P~ad~na tO"take charge O - the standings are Anaheim. New· atlan wouldn't take his invitation1 stalling fare alarms and al_l eLec· port Harbor. Santa Ana, Fullerton to be driven across town, although trical equipmen~ for t~e. fire~ I ~1"'1 and Oran~e. at the Benmar hQte1. the mana~er partment. This pos1t~on as In the B league. the Baby Tars insisted on keeping the cute little I enough to keep lflr. Dennison b~y """· 1" , , . are now tied with Anaheim a fter four-wheeler in the lobby. and on for the next 22 years a.!r which dropping their game to the Ana-Ney,• Year's eve permittl'.'d Moon date he decided to take e easy ' t"" dr"•''• through the da nce noor and re. tire to Newport . Beach .. ht>im squad. 24-18. .....~ I R t t est1ng with a little five.year·old Amer· etirement w~ no I? er r'..JilJ J)_,,.... L 'l:i_~ I . ican girl bo'tA•ing the new year in. e nough for an energetic. nature ~~ 1fYVL_ I I "finy nylon-insulated c?1ls for . Coming home the Evian exper-however-, so C. _F . went into th~ y !~d F:rdC=~r i::rc ater extren:iC's of heat. and cold I of the occasional offshore wind-a definite factor in Harbor-de- 'llaJ'ant1itl fREJ'll, •• ewr'I t!ay. 1·· ' ~~-"iil!IJ! You can feel the tender frelhn-of Mn. Wright's ~ \~~:'"' Bread. Baked under "ju.st riqht" condiliona in a 1"'~w,t:.~ , · modem bakery, and mcl'de of quality fi>qredienll, D .ITED' fRES' H .this loal is guaranteed to please, or your money A back. The whole family will enjoy ill fine eatinq ~ trlephone headsets \Vlthstand ienced 8 prolonged chubasco. one r eal estate busi1:1ess and becam1.: •ewport, Beach \Yithout cracking or : losmg shape t nns that are the concern of velopment. He recently sold th. l~;;;;t::~;;;~~~~th~a~n~a~n~y;o~t~h~e~r~t:ype1·;· ~~;;;I ~~ny a mariner along the south· office he occupied for 13 years t It hit them as it did and is now waiting for the , new ern coas . · . br h t be. built -l L I the Paragon which made port here business est a is men ing :~;;~~~;;~::::::::~~ .-the day before the Evian. bet\veen for rea.i tor "Sandy" Stei~er on _ Aberjos Point and l\1 agdeline Bay. Coast ~1ghway, ":here h~ w1lJ co~- 1-a----L~..,=~!:'.: :~~!~'! goodness. Mra. Wri9~t'a bread ia aV!Jilable in · •:.! ~·~~~ · Wheat. Enriched White, Sandwich Loaf ~White or ••' to11.,•, · Wheat) cind Cracked Wheat. Take home a geu-M....i ,...,.. erous S!.lf:-'lY today! - • -l ~ • • ~ ' i ' > • • ' ~ • ~ > > • > > . • > • • ~· > ~ > > > > F or almost three days, January 20, duct his voluntar11y-modified bust- "" ' 21 and 22, they sailed before this ness. . . .. storm whic.h took away their jib Ac~ve .in many soetal .and ~v1c I I and stays'), but even then it was j organ1zat1ons, Mr .. Dennison is a better than trying to use their 32n~ degree Mason. . auxiliary, because half of the time Like other ~ocal f~·Slghted ~ the propeller was out of water , ple. Mr. Dennison behe~es t~at. ~he Muir ·d na tural setting of th1s district, ins sai · destines it to become one of the One fishing boat was Jost on the largest resort a nd year 'round rocks ~nd the crew flown to San home districts on the P acif ic coast Diego ·in the same storm. The and wiU have over 40,000 residents ketch came through al~ right. but within ·the next 10. years. . during much of tj"le trip they ate At present Charley the father i about .as many meals lying Oat of many of ~ur adva~ced expan- as they di~ sitting up, (l:'le of .th~ sion thoughts, believes that we crew admitted. It was no l1mt' should a'cquire the Southern P a- for land1t_Jbbers, but the crew we~e cific right-of-way a nd make it a all e.xper1enCE"d and none got sic · ne"· artery to our peninsula. he said. Light I Fixtures F~UORESCENT Modernite Your Store Office, Shop or Residence with New Fluorescent Fixtures I Mullins is busy cleaning up his pride and joy for charter erulses out of Newport Harbor. He doesn't anticipate another trip south for 1 some time. although this past one was his fourth. having delivered the yacht Chaser ther e two years ago. He and his family are happy Siegel and Raub Expand Offices .. he is home. Available Now at E· S-HOKIN & GALVAN I Map 100 Lots In Bayshore Tract Mapping by Seigel a nd Raub is being completed for Irvine Co. on another development of the Bay- shore tract immediately 1N1?St of the Ney.rport city limits. 1 SINCE :~ )9 2 0 . Coast IDway Phone Newport 1384 Saa Francl••!,.wumtncton·Stockton·Saa Diep-Oakland According to plans. there will be 95 to 100 lots on the 1and that will be leased under long-term lease agreements. 1 ELECTRICIANS C-O-Two F1l1' Equipment Scotch tape. various sizes. sale at the Ne"'s .. Times . I l!l l!l l .. !ll "ll"111Ml nl >11 •1111,11 I ,,,., l "•I < """'" •ll<ll<l1' Ht H II 'I i IHl~t~I lll U lll lil lltlll lJtill < ( BALBOA'S . . . ENDEZvous· BALLROO'M FRAIKIE STAIN and His Orchestra SatUrday,February 2nd Coming Feb. 9th-Alvino Rey • I ' ? DANCING From 9 Ufttil 1 ~ ' • • • • i • ~ • • > • • Foundation was laid this week for two new large rooms to· be added on the present lOcation of Seigel and Raub in Costa Mesa. The offices, under construction by South Coast Construction Co .• will house the firm's survey crew and provide improved quarters for draftsmen. Calendar pads for your desk at the News-Times office. ' . .. t ,. praxlin:.tely tr '.; · 1 , • tlnam.:lde.. T.1e f (.C 1 r olhfo:r B Complex .. --......... LWL J'el been established. II.any peoJ?le do not I'd ef'ou«h of theM .sential Vitamins.. 00 Y<JU? Why not pby ate by tak.ing ONE-A-DAY vtT•..'\'lt~~.trn racb ONE-A·DA Y Vitamin A and D Tablet corrta.iDI: ZS.,. more of I.he eod li~r oil Titaminl than the mini-m~ 'daily ~ quantiu-. ._ ElliCh ONE -A-DAY Vi~ B Complex Tablet eootam9 full mini-, mum daily requirements ol Vib rni.M,. 1 Bl and B2 and 10.000 Microcr..n'lf ol Nicotinamide '°Sether wi'\h • aab-9tantial amount of otMr B Vitamins. 1 Whee JOU ~ Vita.lklnl., «m~re ~es and pric.., Mote bow ONE.- A • DAY Tableu conform tD lhf' •~ humao. r.qu.L eta 6et' ~-.. lhoc""-Gft lbma at rour dnll' -... • ' BEVERAGp Canterbury Ted ~··· 23• ,ta. . 11.i-1~. packoge. 43c.. I H °""'''" .... s-emo V itamin M ii .. , _,- Drink your vitomins ond ~ike 'em . Malted Milk c,,j,,;~ ..... :laf" Brund .. , Ct'lccolate f1oVOI'. \ Fancy Apple Juice !!;;~ 31• New West Brend. ~HENS or toMS T.ti.,,,wltlt el tM ....._~,It• w1l11•1 tNet tM ., ..... ,...., ..... ,ct .... S.h-..,. ...... ,. ... ..,,, . ,. ........ ..,._ ..... twti..,... • ii •••••••••• tW:. I ORDEIS FOR TURKEY SHOULD IE PLACED AT lWT TWO DAYS. IN ADV1 CANNED FOODS Sliced Beem Snidirr's 8t'"1 "-· 13" "' I I • 1.t--. I·· Bfond -Voe"""" PoCkMI, whole Un.t. I Golden Com . I , Wh~!!.~~~::..crm ·==-1ie Cut Green BeanS '!: It• Cl«ll'noftNVolley~ 1 Scrapple Raviolis Mackerel Sardines Rivieta ......,, Von~ - WHEAT or E~l(iCHED WHITE I , • 16-oz.' 24-oz. LOAF . LOAF CRACkED ! WHEAT BR~D ., .•.. .... 10· ' ·-.. SAFEWAY VALUES Betty Lou Potatoes'!:'· 13• Shoe:trirog variety. ?dt.tshroom Garnish'!. ... zs• . .... ~· .... MKtdowrnere Brand. Sunsweet Prunes Mecl.i""' site. Peanut Butter Beverly Brond. 2-lb. ;or, 48c. Peanut .Butter 'i!· 31• Skippy Brand. Chunk or cream 1tyi.. CEREALS Baby Cereal ~~::.; Clapp's Oatmeal 2 ..... -..... AIT 2 •·••· rr ..... Wheat Cereal , ..... ~ . .... RolsTon Brand. Morning Glory Oats 10·"'· I~ .. •. Quick or f"l'Ol.t lor .. (Quick, '48..oi.. pltg., 26c.) Quaker Oats ciu« .. , ..... 13; t11QUlar .... 48~L pack~, 28'. ,..... .................. .. •• .., •• ..., 2.-, .... .................. ................... I .. Ne. I .... llwt .................... Wlllf"'I --... :1&11 ............................ ....,. .. ,.. ... , 1 rtpsrf • If ,_ ._. Mt......,..._ ......... ef ........ fttift lck••» _. ....,. ,._. -t a ll•t .....,, ....,, . tOO-lb. SACI . . . CAULllOWIR . ........................... --~41 ' ,- . " • I. • • , • . I f I -. • I - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--t~~~~~~~~!N~W~W!t-OW~!ll_SA!~··'-O!!!~A._,?N~W~W!A!.::·I . , .. !!!!:~ .... ~-!!il,L._!-l!!j!!!!!),~!a..~l~~M~ .. ~0~~~~~~~~~~~+-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-i+-- .l.'flil£:Jollil Pu~LIC None~ I Mn. Edwvd P. E111m ai - • Pfc. Storing, 06""" z:::.11 Orange County Paid $1,892,541' N8'18 Ho•or Mrs. R . . ORANGE comin Thu: ~ i::=.~.;: ~ ~ are~s=.:e.: Fla., Fo' r Aid to Needy m· to'.tl:'. Report \ = Sbldelds Well Known He Property ftClOrded In COMP~. . the Flnt T-t-~ "'· _.iinc to """"' _,..vec1 by blo iJ'ltJ, A rbor HLwlo Di . La Canada Santa Ana ty court -By GEO. A. PARKER. the ~ w ....... ·• du!>t -niotba, will go flnt'to Mem-~-~ aid paid lo the ......o-!ln the county• during Ute,. ar 8 1511 e8 Jn show that valuable p<opor'-ProesidenL 'ftek. Mn. Eblen lo a - 'l>ltJa, T , then to North Carolina v~• d . lMs~ ranged from a Jaw total peymjjM · , ties were oold y._ and Mn. (Corj>crate Seal) _...._ ol the club. ! I _PA INT ING and will be _,t overseas. In Orang':..,., county Ot~ Tax· for September of $156,076 to a Sixty-three students ,.;..., ell-Mn. Martha TufU Otis, 69, La ctyao Hall of ewport Jleach for I By C. W. BAJCTER, taled ,$1,..,.,Ml ' 'd high payment for January of gfble tar the National Honor &>-Canada. died Sunday a t her $21,000 and ,!500 respectlw ly. • Secretary. payen auoclallon .., 0~'. '$159,380 the association found dety when grades were releaaed followin& a ahort Ulneas. Sbe as They ......., three U.ted bt publication, Jan. 31st. 19f6 · i:==~~ Bar...ter makingfpublicJ u ~"'::~ December payment was $15!1,ll86. recently by the varlo\13 teachen the widow of Alonzo Beecher • sales at the whld! toW ed 2nd P.,bllcatlon, F eb. 7th, 1946 UTe.n .. ..-tae taN• ... ---~ T AND 'lllACTOU menu _or aJ Throughout the atate, dittct aid at Newport Harbor .Union High former pnsldent ot the Sou ISS.000. 3rd=,P.,Fbli'.:ca=tlon.~=F=el>.=:':14:'.:tb~, 1;;946=.., • r lriQLUiim Califonua COWtti~ Included are paid to the needy during 1945 school. The 63 Included 22 senlan, California Telephone ""'llWIY· d The S&Jlla report gaw the H H M. Eltiate & Co.. Inc. ~e';,~,.i"" de~ntthechll= topped $100.000,000, noachlng 20 junlon. 10 sophomores and 11 had spent much of ll<t thnel at lugtt of the ....,_ IOld ~ r:CATE or BUSINESS .~:t,...~\!J ag~ . $106.044,765 for the four kinds of freshmen who made almolt a Balboa where one son, rows. raa the mayor as . e pz:operty at 306 F1ctitioul Firm Name . , 17• a 1 ... a n. If-.&. ..,_.. MT&..a Pia..... S.:::,"":-and general county relief. relief: Biggest monthly payment straight "A" grade during the sec-a home at 2018 East~ avef Grand c.nal, boa Island. sell· -\L--------..,...+-''-' IU No.. L. k n.. Mil Monthly aid to the needlt paid during the year was in December, ond ...,_er, Another oon, Harold, lives at Ing for $21, to Mr. and Mn. ~ UNDERSIGNED d 0 es 1 ---------_._-~ -===:!:===================11 when aid noached $9,135,632. Low 1 Mn. Roodne Feeley, spomor of rona clel M~. . Walter E. Wa of 655 S. Glu-here!>Y certify that she"la oonililct-BALTZ ,. month for the year was February, the honor society htte plans a Mrs.. .Cass \\'U a leader m chp': sell St., Or . The other was tng a. Real Estate business at 507 S k I•. p per S "•, -with $8.737,465 In direct aid pay-trip for the group Into the city of ity work and at one time she '1td at 401 Seville, on the peni'l"ula, E. ~tntl Ave:, O ty of Newport · I menu. ~ May on, each month Los Angeles to see a concert or her husband raised ove# $30,~.-being · according to the Bea boa. County of Orange, ~ saw an increase in the totaJ play, as a reward to the honor 000 to feed the children of ~ report for S1 .500 by Virginia S ta of California, under ·the nc-Sa il Boat Hardware amount ot aid Efven the needy In students. They were listed as fol-after World War I. Hatch of Loo es. . titi.U. firm name of BEVERLEY MO I TUA y S I T · k \i d Sl 'd CalifornJa. • Jowa: · · · Surviving ~.ten sons and Edward E. alker, 321 S . Bay REALTY CO .. and ' that said firm , ai rac n 1 es "V-E day saw total aid paid Senlors -Ruth Aldridge, Alao daughten, Philip. Frank, "' Front ..... giv . .. the buyer of la c&nposec1 of the following" per-. I . Stop Watches out in California start upward. Ai.drew, Vlrlfnla Bacliman. Alvira Don, Quincy, Harold, ~ohn :rll· a property James E. ~ ...,,r..-name and adclrea la u V-J day saw the upward trend Beck, MarY Carroll, Jean Edick, liam, Robert, and DI:· Alr-2° a;.ss. for $16,500. · follOws, to-.wit: ...:.... C _ -Yacht Ti.mers greatly. lntenaified," the aaoda-Clara Fukuda, Norma Ghere, Mn. Marcia Stewart ~ Mnl · Gladys Beverley, 507 E. Central Lady Attendant ---, -I tion said. . . Joanne Hogan, Hubl>ard Howe, Emily Sanoon. • PUBLIC Ave,. Balboa. California. I C "The cost of &Jd to the needy Herberta Johnson, La Verne Kfn. • / WITNESS my hand this 28th day ewport Marine Supp y 0 la a large factor in the tax bill berg, Rose Kolew, Bruce McGav-Bill Neth Made . . I NOTICE OF ALE OF BEAL of January, 1946. . . • which the people must pay. Relief r en Renato Monaco. Nancy Neice. v· Pr id t SAJO PROPµtTY BY TRUSTEE GLADYS BEYERLEY 814 C.jout Hlgh..,.y Phone 2780-J paid out in California In 1945 took J a,,queline Pache,. Rotier P atter· ICe es en . UNDER D D OF TRUST STATE OF CALIFORNlA,) one-eighth _ot th~ total expendl-son , Na n Ptenon, Ellen Potter, [n Student :Election . '.l'nnt N o. I H T COYNTY OF ORANGE l ss. tures of Califorrua s state and local Josephine Schulte George Yardley I 9'i this 28th day of Janullr)· 410 Coast Bl'Od. ' CORONA DEL MAR i;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~j I governments.'' Juniors--Darlen'e Bryapt. Paul~ Bill Neth, graduate of Newport ~~RE A ·an~ ~: A.D'., 1946, before me ~ora S. Castle, Rober t Cooper. Kathryn Harbor High sthool wM elected CHACKSFIEL h b d d Mar:gwarth a Notary Public in ~d Grand Jury Panel CUnningham: _J a m es Ed~ards, vice president of the student bQdy wife. by Deed ; ~t ".:'ated a 3.,. for 1sald County and State, rend- -JJ.plcow .fr.2 -- O U R SP E C I A LT Y G ENU I NE HOT • B UTTE RMILK CA KES • COmplete Luncbeon-55c • Open 7 to 7 -Sundays 8 to 5 • 1 Kids' Cafe DA'I AND.NIGHT I lln J d Harborites Selim Fr~nkl1n. Ja~es Gibson. organization of Santa Ana J unior tober Sth 1 recorded Novem-mg .therein duly comm1sstoned and • C U es R ussell Gilbert, Prtsolla Godsoe, college, it was learned, foll~g ber Jrd. t944 i Book 1Z73. page sworn. personally appeared gladys I ~--------....,...--. 'The panel for 1946 county-grand Beverly Grace, Janet Groch, MD-an election of officers last week. 595 t Oft\ 'al ds f Or Beverley known to me to1>e the : .. 1 A dr J . 1 o Cl r o ange ' h b 'bed jUry duty was drawn last w~k dreded 1Gkur eMy, n Meas Miense11. n, Neth was captai~ of 1!1et.r W~t· Coun ty, ea.Iifo ia, did grant and pe~~ .w «;>seinn~e is su scr1 d and included three Balboa rest-Fr er c · ason. ary ing, ern League championship foot~all convey thie pr rty therein and to ;m e wtth instrument, 8.JI dents and one from Costa Mesa. Ma rgaret Nelson, Barbara Sto-team of 1942 and manager of foot· hereiniirtef" de ibed, to the Or-acknolwedged to me that she exe-- Selected from Balboa Wet"e ~frs. val!, Roy ~ard, Nancy Welch, ball a nd basketball this year. ~b ange Coupty 'tie· Company, as cut~ ~he same. F1orencc H. ?\1orris, CUrt W. Boh-Dorothy Wnght. Fletcher or Santa Ana was..eJected Tru t t e am g th In witness whereof, I have here- man and Ralph W . Maas and from Sophomores ..:.-.Eleanore. Adam-president. '\._../' obli:a~~n!~ :; ~~yme~; ofo 0: un~o-set my hand and a ffixed my Costa Mesa "'as Mrs. Mary B. chek, Betty Bean, .W 1 l l I am t d ted Oct be Sth 1944 _ off1C1aJ seal the day and year in Griffin Brownie, Alice Klusunan. Gladys I y · .1 p · kl Anne Rit noble ta G 'tf't ~ ' pay this 'certificate fir\t above written . . . Ko ew, u-g1 1n ey, . -a e . o r1 l mpany, .a c;or-NORA S. ~1:ARGWARTH. ,-----·-------------:--:---::-:'.:=::"::=:--1/ ter, Constance Shook James S~f-poration or ord r , f~r t~e prin~pal Notary Public in a hd for sa.id KLINE CONCRETE PRODUC'rs COMPANY tensen, Helen Wint~rs. sthum ot! $'1 850 6 · · witth interest a~ Cpunty an~ State. My com-hirl e ra e o r cen per annum, . . . J 28 HOLLOW BUILDING TILE AND BRICK . Freshmen-Keo Fisher, S ,eY principal and-interest due in m1ss1on expires an. , nn.e for All TYPM of Bulldlnc and Patio Walls Gehrig, ~1:ary Laurie, Margaret monthly instalments of $18.50 <SE.A{~6· HEARING REVOLUTION I .....,. ... _...,.. __ . .L New' %.-Ida ... u .......... .. AW .,. •11 .. I noe•..t•: el ...,..aa'cbe'Wl'D9ISI C.-... e-r•,.,.it rr.d•....., -----·w.ou.. c::..------.. ' WALTER L. KLINE, Proprietor Lovell, Tenita Manti. Carleton each. on the 1 t day of each and Pub J · 31 . F b 7 14 ~ 1946 -Plant Located at-Mears, Julianne Prentice, Jean every month. ginning on Novem-· an. ' e · · · ' · i 58 Newport Bl,·d. Costa Meu 1580 N___...rt ltoa4, Costa Mee.a Reed. Jeane tte Talstra, Ruth Ann ber Ist , 1944 : nd ' _ !~;;;;~;;;;;;J~im~an~.~d~Ra~e;K~~ell~e~r,~Props~~-;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;-;;;-~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~Th~a~tc~h;er;,;J~e;an;;Z;u;;;be.;;;;;;;;;;·;;;;;~ .Whereas, deaWt has occurred • TTOON SHOE . STORE We appreciate the confidence ·you have manifested in opening your shoe store in • Costa Mesa The Following ·firms and Citizens 'klu1i ~014 Carr's Feed Store Fomierly Abbott~. Alpha Betl-Store -~ Groceries, Mea~. Fruit, Vegetables Boulevard'Feed Store · C. M. Nelson Barrow's Department Store Boulevard Liquor Store 449 Newport lloolevard.-''Top o'_ the Hill" J. E. Barnes & Son Real Est.ate -Insuran'ce Gus Beach Hancock Station Firestone Products and Hancock Gas ' -Braddy's Barber and Beauty Shop D. C. J. Carter Dentist Costa Mesa Furniture New and Used Furniture Costa Mesa Paint & Hardware Mr. and ?-.lrs. F. A. \Valsh Cos(a Mesa Pharmacy A. L. Pinkley • Costa Mesa Tire Shop 24-Hour Reca pping 'Cervice -Robert A. Crawford, Opt. D. 1791 Newport Blvd.-Optometrist-Costa Mesa 'Davis-Gay Music Co. "Even·thing in ~1usic and Sound" Andy's Beauty Shop Mabel AndersoJl>--123 Broadway --.Broadway Cleaners . P . D. Eutman-Ph. 1347-J Western ·Auto Stores Mr. and Mn. W . C. Turner Jay's Radio SerVice 1811 Ne..,,ort Bh'd.-n. 1517·W Katy's Kitchen ld......_r~ TeWinkle Hardware • Dutton1s Grocery Cold Meat-Fruit-Vegetableo Thelma's Malt Shop Thelma Wat.son , S. E. Eaton CeMpool A Septic Tank Service Howard W. Gerrish Insurance of All Kinds A. W. Giboon Real Estate -Insurance Gingham Cafe Cbicken Pie Dinne~ Hi-Way Garage Edwin C. Edick W. T. J efferson l\1iracle l\file A. E. Johnston Real Esta te Stu art H. Price Men's and Boys' Clothing Polly Apparel Gilben and Leah Brown Quality Bakery The Best in Baked Goods Russell Realty Elsie -George -G. N. Sarge's Cafe l8SO Newport Blvd. The Sport Shop Mrs. Fern SmJth Mesa Clean~ A. R. Glngra.s-Phone ~W Mauray Studio Portral~J6th .. <>range. Harry W. Taylor Plumbing Kid's Cafe n5C N--Blft. Loucks • • WALLACE C. MATrOON, Owner Myrehn Bros. Service Station 17th A Newport Blvd.-Costa ~ • • Modem Shoe Repair , tM. L Vaughn Mesa Radio & Electronics "Sattafled Radio Service" Nina's Flower & Gift Shop 2438 Newport Blvd. Orkin's Department Store -Thompson's Richfield Station Lubrication and Goodyear 1'ires Viehle Plumbing & Sheet Metal Mn. Viele Welcome Cafe Dinner Dance Wed. &: S a t. Bastanchury Water Co. Famous Artesian and Super Distilled Drinking \Vater - E va F. Rhoden • Real Estate H. W. Wright 1748 Newport Blvd. Gro.ty Appliance Co. Frigidaire and Maytag Dealer Lowman Boat Builders N . L Lowman, Proprietor Costa Mesa Lumber Co. ' R. E. Hostetler Mesa Recreation . tn that the inst llment due on said note on Janu 1st. 1945 has not been paid; an WHEREAS, Griffith Company, owner antl h der of said note here tofore de anded that said Trustee sell s d property and on Francis J. Horvath INCOME TAX SERVICE F ederai and State October 19th. 945 duly recorded Gunderson Drug in the office f the County Re-118 U tll St. Pb. l92%·R r. I corder of sai County, in Book Main "t.-Balboa 1364, page' 15 t Official Records !..------------' ~---------+---' thereof, a not ce of said default ;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~ and of its el tion to cause said property to be sold and more than three months have now elapsed since the reco dat ion of said no- ' tfce. The sum of $1833.55 prind· pal and inte est thereon from January 1st. 1?45 is now due, ow· ing and unpa1~ on said note and there is also SEtCured by said Deed of Trust the 'Ihlstee's fee and ex· penses of sa,le estimated at $150.00 together with My· sums paid and advanced by the owner of said note C.mplete Fountain Service at HANSEN'S :uoo Ocean Front Newpon NOW Ol'EN EVENINGS MALTS • SANDWIOHES • HAMBUROER8 in accordance with the provisions Joe Cream to Take Out of said Deed of Trust, With inter~ ~=~=================~=~~ est on said last mentioned sums .. NOW THEREFORE, Notice la ~~~~~ ~~~; g;,~~~;·~~ ~~~~: DIESEL INJECTOR SERV. IC_E_ j of the authority vested in It as Trustee undrr said Deed or Trust, e We have just installed the latest type o_f Diesel IDJEf· will sell at public auction, to the tion testing equipment and are equipped to test, adjlist 1 money of the United States, on the and service all types of Diesel nozzles. e ra highest bidder for cash, la'fful Reasonabl r 26th day of February, 1946 at 1the <. ! ' PHONE 1 728-.J hour of eleveri o'clock A. M .. of said day 't the South front door 1 C of the Orapge County Court House Harbor Engine & Equipment o. tn the aw of Santa Ana. Cali-I fomia, all pt the Interest conveyed , l_ 11 AgalA! Ave_. Balboa bland to it by said Deed of Trust tn and to all the following described !:~::::::::::=:::::=::=::::'.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~ property situated in the County _ _;_--------------------;---, of Orange, State ot Califoniia. ct. !"" scribed as follows, to-wit : 1 Lot Five Hundred Fifty-nine (559) and the Southwesterly one-half of Lot Five Hundred Sixty CSWly\> 560! of Tract No. 907, as per map recorded in Book 28, pages 25 to 36 in- . elusive of Miscellaneous Maps, records of drange County, California, • 24-Hour Radio Service I ROHE, AUTO, HAllINll BA.DI08 BE.PARED j Burt R. N ortort 115 Cout BlwaJ' .._ Ul1 Newporl -c.nt. or so much of saJd property as shall be necessary to be sold to provide a 1um sll!ficient to pay the total amo nt secured by said Deed of Trust. · ~======================~ Dated t ,is 26th day of January, I 1946. I Orange Cou.,ty Trucking Co.I , Mesa LIQUOR SHOP l lln'°% Newport Blvd, Plenty of Whiskey No llmlt t.o any et oar men+•nMte COST A 111E6A, CALIF. ~-Netrp9rt U Beer Wines .Liqners Whiskey rn:rn:~@:~ @ ~IJ::!l ~-0 8"'* ud Bo7 ._ hlaudBaJ', .... 1 "-1181 - •, <kneraJ } TRUCKS FOR HIRE . I Trucking, Hauling, Transfer Long .lna Short Hauls %29 W. Willon St. -Costa M- PHONF.S N"Jlt. ~. Days--or-N"Jlt. 61z.M, N'tghta BUILD NOW~-~ A COllPLETE BUIU)INO auvwz .J. -· Feroim'll• ..,....,. z1111Mlleim "B1JJLDING ~ OONSTBVUDID BO I . DUTCH 1HEACOCK . · _ P . o. Box a ' 1 , Newpun A ... I -1' • • • • ' I •• . . ' ., ... ·. ,- l!f " • n ,....., --' -~. --•· . M&weoa:r BALllOA JlfSW8· ====::::-:·:;12±=p;;~;;=---GlNG SAlZ ;:8 .. NE w s-r 1 MES 1 . CLAS 11=1 ED IF~ z~~~ H~McDon&lcl El<tensK>o Corda. Iron Cords. et<:. • . Read Them lor t'rofit • • • Uae 'fhem for ~ult~ ut Old y Rd., "": 1&t-W Newport Pharmacy · 9"ta w... ~ttc 2108 OCean Front. Phone 5 1 ==::;::====::~;;~;;;;=U~you~;::don=::;::'t::'ftnd=:::::;:w;::l\a;=.:t;;you:=;;are=:;;l=;ooldng;:;;~;:;f=o:;r:;e~dvertlsed;::;=;;====ln=thls==IM!~=,·f,1 Pb~llOO!;;:=;:;N:;~""";;:P=ort=Bea==cb=l2=or~1"':3:snd~;=' place';:;~your;;:==own==ac1Yer1l9emen='==:;::;;:;=;;t=,-~-~-;-,-~ -;;;:=-=====~ -o....._ 11 9-lt•;c _ .,. ........ ---------·---:-BOATS. 8UPPL0'.8 l SI SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS II ftKEAL~~~EllT~~A~n:~------·~,~·~W:~A~L:_iill:l!l'.ll!llT~~A~D~-----~·1 &£&L m.&n ., ltEAL UTA.TS L EXCAVATIN . GRADING, lot HEALTII LAMPS. Ultra-Violet. ----·f{.. • ' plouahinlf, t walk" c!Tives Infra-Red. Verdi-Ray. Batteries FOR SAL&-$100. l&-lt. rowboat K E Y S 1 and house-foundations. See for Hearing Aids and PorLabla and steel trailer. Both nee<! Made While You Walt HARBOR INVESTMENT COMPANY Eaco Cont acting Co., phone Raclios. MESA RADIO & ELEC-paint .. Ph: N. B. 2210. 6-4tc VOGEL·s • , . R l Newport 23$3-J. S.9tp TRONICS CO., 1749 Newport WANT TO BUY-Snipe or Snow-100 Malu st.: Balb<la · ' , . • ell tors1 Bl cl. 9 tic 208 Marine, BalboA bland • • EARL . , TREE SERVICE Dry Walnut wood for sale, $21 per cord de verod. 300 No. Loo An&eles SL. Anaheim. Ph. 2921. 4-Stp GEN-.u. ~CI'DIO, I* pair and Alljaratl<Jaa. ... 1l'>ank PeWroter, 34~ F1nley ave., New- port &ca. f'b-ltM-K... '3--Uc BH YCLES . Sold. Rea ~d or Repaired. V >GEL'S 100 Mali> St., Bal- 208 -1 Bal-bland. M-t:fc Y · bird in A·l condition. Write 1Zi2 · 94--tfc Roanoke Rd., San Marino or ---~--==,-----,,= Servel Electrolux phone Sycamore 6-8357. 9-tfc SUNDAY SCHQoL GUILD of C. D. M. Community Church wtll have a Rummage Sa1e F eb. 4th. AJJ.y one wishin& to oon- tribute clothes, di&hes, t.OYI. etc .. may call 550-M or 19Qf!·M and artides will be called for. I Are now avallable. Prices from $156.45 up. John F . Vogel, 100 P.tain St., Balboa. Phone New- port Beac!> 145. 9-tfc FOR SALE -Seneca Falls 1utck change lathe. turret and tail stock; &.ft. bamboo bar, back bar with mirror; 2 rattan stools. 34521> Via Oporto. Phone N. l;I. 1018. ~ltc Marine Radios Available lmmediate delivery, com- plete range of 11-zes. Your in- spection welcomed. HTGGINS PLEASURE CR.AFT, 810 Cout Hlarhway. Ph: 110.. 9-tfc FOR SALE-Qeautlful 32-ft. Rae· log Sloop, Pacific cl.us. Phone 2393-W. 8-2tc covrc DIESEL MOTOR--2 cyl., FOR SALE-9xU Whittall Anglo 20 h.p., 3 to 1 reduction. Needs Persian rug, like new, $150.00. work, $350. Ph. L. B. 801-04. 621 Orchid. Corona de! Mar. S.2tp 1-lllP Washing MachilJes I Repaired Pa.rt.a For All Mak• Piek ..., u<1 DoUvery. • llCHULalR'I Wubln-C M••l!IM &Mp 1711 Newport SI• .. ea.ta Mw PMmenu ~ttc 9-ltp fOR S~27-foot cabin sloop, WANTED -~de to Fort Mac--1--------b-1--1---S-ft. 6-in. beam. Needs work, roa llENT ~• Arthur or 4-t& Be~h. Must be FOR SALE-Set lu r ca~ on guns $350. See Knowlton's Marine FOR RENT-3 doubles, 2 employ- at Fort at 7:30 a.m. Can take with board, $50; gasoline pump Salvage, 3090 West Central Ave., ed couples; 2 singles, employed own car alt~mate days. can at now meter. $5; lS..lb. boat an-Newport Beach. 9--ltp men only. 421 Harding St .. Bal- 1417 W a ... A N rt. chor, $6. 1321 W. Bay Ave., New- est ....., ve., ewpo port Beach. Ph: 107().J. 8-2tc FOR SALE-14·foot 8-ln~h semi boa. ! 9-ltc • i S-2tp V-bottom boat and trailer, 51ioi WILL EXCHANGE 1-bedroom un- •• • IJTY Ame · d FOR SALE-Iton twin beds, com· h board $185 5217 -.p. out motor, . furnlshed apartment ln Ingle- COU> alldfil~· A.VECHL"<ES. Lll88 plete with pre-war mattresses; Meridian St., Loe Angeles. Ph: wood for furnishEid or unfurnish-W1.A used Elec. refrigerator; new 20-Albany 9624. 8-2tp ed. apt. ln Newport or· Balboa. gal. steel jacket Crane hotwater Write Box B, clo, News-Times. 11ntlnc 'rd Ka.nlcurinc heater in Crate; baby bathinette. BAIT TANK PUMPS t in", Briggs-9-4tc Evmtnc APJ>?ftmentl Ph. 179-W l32l w . Bay Ave., Newport Stratton powered. New and used Vi'1 Beauty Shop Beach. Phone 107().J. 8-~ Centrifugal Pumps. New Star WANTED TO RENT U JlOS eout HJtay, Corona del Mar Manifold. Used Gri.y 4-40 Mani-WANTED -Room for rent for . 7S-t1o FOR SALE -Overcoat, suitable fold. Harbor Engine &: Equl~ single girl ln c.orona 4el Mar. for man going east. New (Gor-ment Co., 111 Agate Ave., Bal-Call ~-W. 9-4tc WST AN1l ri>UNn " n don Ferguson) black chenille. boa Island. Phone 1723-J. WANTED TO RENT or lease, un- -LOST---J-an-. -2J!-. -b-la_c_k_cal_r_s_u_ed_e heavy satin lining, size 42. Call 8-2tc furnished house: Phone l~R. purse, between Balboa and Costa N. B. SSO-M. 6-tfc FiRE EQIDPMENT TESTS -5--tfc Mesa. If fol.ind keep money and FOR SALE _ Man's light-weight C-0-Two. PyTene ~Foam retUl11.w __ A_NT __ A_P_AR_:rll'IE __ NT_,_an_y_s_ire-, r eturn valUablcs. Madella In-0 v e r c 0 8 t, new, herringbone 00:1 flx~d •Y•~em and Portable• G 016 any ,Price. 0 . H. rigg, 1 gram, Balboa Cafe , \IPposite Fire weave, blue, size 42. Call N. B. Dow available. E'TS HOKIN &. Lowell St., Santa Ana. Phone Hall. Bal~ 9-4tc 550-M. 6-t!c GALVAN, 1000 Coa.at Hlgb¥..'ay. Santa Ana 1579. 6-4tc •MPw~ .. ~ .. , ... ~Tl:D %8 -Phone 1384. 73-ttc ~ •mr.:+ . ......,._,, TIIOR MANGLE for sale. Radios WANTED·TO RENT OR LEASE \VANTED-Position as bookkeep-repaired. 24-hour service. Shoct CONSULT us about MARINE IN--Up to $125 per mo., furnish'ed er and office· worker. full or Circuit Radio Shop, 305 Palm STALLATIONS & REPAIRS. or unfurnished J:.bedroom house part time. txpericnted. best of· Ave., BalOOa. Phone 1638-W. Expert tl'chnicians, guaranteed or equiv. Rcfer:ences. Ph : N. B . references. \Vrite Box MC. 3-Uc S<'r0re. The same high quali ty 1652-J . · 6-4tc Nev."S·Times 7-4tc \\'Ork on marine radio.that has REGISTEREIJ. N'URSE desire< position in doctor's office. Able to typ<'. 227 Jasmine Ave., CO"" rona dcl rd¥. P . 0 . Box 453. I 8-2tp WILL TAKE ' CARE of children. CIRCULATING Electric H'eate~. made our other lines of radio WANT TO RENT-Apartment pr house, furnished or unfurnished, only $7.95. Health Lamps. Ultra-service famous throughout the (v('teran, wife and child ). Phone Violet, Infra-Red, Vl'rdi-Ray. HarOOr area. 1'1ESA RADIO & 1736-J. 8-4tc Batteries for Hearing Aids & ELECI"RONICS. CO .. 1794 New- Portable Radios. l\fESA RADIO ·port Bl\'d. 3-t!c WANTED by responsible ,Tele- & ELECTRONICS co., 1.794 pbooe Employee. 2 or 3 b~oom Ne\vport Blvd. 3-Uc 1'lUSICAL & RADIO M houae. PermanenL Phone Santa · Corona dcl ~tar. Phone N -B. --F-ir_e_P-la_ce_a_n_d_K_i_nc_llin_g __ 550-M. I 2-tfc W 0 0 D GOOD used pianos. Some as low as S89. Fine for practice. Easy terms. Or will rent. Danz- Schmidt Piano Co., 520 No. r.1ain Santa Ana. 8-tfc Ana 5829. · 80-Uc E'MPLO~Ij! OFFEBED U Delivered , T H. w. WRIGHT -Ph. 2030 INT E R E s T I N G 1784 Newport Blvd. 3-tfc W •ORK Pleasart Working Conditions I • earn CORONADO Electric Range, $178 Immediate Delivery Auto Batteries 18-month -56-45 Ex. BEAUTIFUL Spinet type mirror piano. a bargain. Terms. Oanz- _Schmidt Piano Co .. 520 No. Main Santa Ana. 8-tfc WANTED TO RENT-H'>'.lSe no\"., in Corona del Mar, while new home is being built. Cn!l New- port 2360-\V. 7-4tc WANTED TO REN:!' or LEASE- Small house for two adults. Ref• erencn. Prefer Costa Mesa or Newport. Box ''O" c/o· News- Timcs. 7-4tp w ANTED :ro RENT -Refined couple. husband carpente'k', will help re-model small quiet -apt. or THIS ONE STANDS OUT I Balboa Penlnsula. i'J'wo.story, three- bedroom borne. Two baths. Hard- wood floors. Doub lei garage. Sun deck. I • $15,poo COAST PROPERTIES CO. 703 E. Central A~. Pbone.68.1 • LOI' FOR SALE-BU<. G, Ocean Blvd., $3000 by owner. E. L. Neunaber, 195 North Shaffer, Orange, Call!. Mtc BROSE REALTY Blflboa I ~ltc Balboa I s land 2 Unit Modern. Funmhed. $15,500 Half Cash. Balboa Bay Front 2 adjoini!lg 30-ft. Jots. Sm.all beach 11 house Qn one. New seawall across entire 60-ft. front. Gertrude A . Waldron Wm. W . Sanford $31 ,500 Can be purchased separate. Corona de! Mar Lots 30-ft. Lot on Poinsettia J\ve. South of Highway, less than 2 blocks to ocean. $1600 45-ft. Lot On Marigold Ave. Block and half from Ocean Front. $3250 45-ft. Lot on Ocean Front. $10,500 60-ft. Lot on Heliotrope Ave .. Close to Seaview Ave .. high and level, • Broker I Phone 234-R · I FOR SALE 5-tfc b~e 200-Amp. Portable Gasoline & Electric CorGbination Welding Machine. V-4 Wisconsin engine. Good trailer and tires- $500.00 . One 105 cu. ft. Portable Air Com- pressor. Dodge engine. Nearly new. f $800.00 can build 4 units. Sewer in and Eight 200-Amp. horizontal Lincoln paid for. Welding Machines on dollies -$4200. 1 with tongues. Excellent shape. -$150.00 each Listings W a nted BROSE REALTY TEL OPE PHONE iATING Pennsylvania Oil Gallon, 70c STEIN\VAY Grand, like ne\v, one of the world's greatest pianos. Gor geous tone. Beautiful case . This is an· instrument for the discrimlnating buyer. Oanz- Schmidt Piano Co., 520 No. Main Santa An·a. 8-tfc cottage for chance to lease same, 1307 Coast Highway l-l ar bor district. Write C. H. Corona del Mar bne 200-Amp. Portable Gasoline Welding Machine. Good tires. Excellent shape. Increas • d wal!"e rates now in effect .. Apply So\lthe n California Teleph~ Company 100 Bay Ave., boa • or 61'1> North Main Str.et s .nta Ana or ' Western Auto Sµpply Authorizrd Dealer Clark, 1001 N. Hobart Blvd., Phone 2048 9-ltc $400.00 1836 Nl'wport Blvd., Costa Mesa 3-ttc Radio Rep.airing I-louse calls daily except Sat. a nd Sun. Complete stock of tubes & factory replacement parts. Ph : 345. MESA RADIO & ELEC· TRONlCS CO., 1794 Newport Blvd. 9-tfc Hollywood zl. S.2tp ------------ $25 REWARD-Wanted l or 2· J. E. Barnes & Son--I - bedrm. furn. house. Perm. Ci\il-1808 Newport Blvd IOne 8-gal. Pressure Paint Pot. · Used Bicycles \an. Dr., ";re and infant. Phone Coata. Meaa. Phone !518 Compelte with hose and gun. collect 2294 or write Dr. Butter· and Tandems - Adult sizes-$1!5 Up VOGEL -lO<LJ:!'&ln SL, Balboa. 92-Uc worth, 135 Crescent Lane, La-l lL A $85.00 guna Beach. 9-3tp 7? cres I RADIO HOUSE CALLS -Now REAL ESTATE tbat additional competeot tech· F O R S A L 'E Just Arrived nlclans are available, WO are able O CEAN FRONT LOT' Freeh Hearlnc Aid 'to make aervtce call11 on large BATTERIES conooles. All work guaranteed. D esirable Location ' D ~ HAROLD L. HAllfld'.., S. O. S. $3500 00 Oundereon 1111< ~. Radio, 215 Marine. Ph: 780. ' of oranges, iemons. grapefruit, avocados, fronting 198 feet on Newport Blvd., with large 2 bed-I room house, double •garage, workshop, chicken equipment. A good piece of property~ Price, Only $15,000. Terms. ' Apply 2616 West Central Phone 1564.J 8-ltp $6,500 l $8,950 $10,600 Nice 2-bedroom house. Close In , with double ~-Partly tum. Inuoo- diate possession. Terms. New home. 3-Bedrm .. Hardwood floors.. Dining room. Double garage. Ready about Mar. 1st Excellent value. Terms. • ' 2-Bedrm. home. Overlooking bay and ocean in Newport Hgts. Excellent condi- tion. Imrned. poss. OCEAN FRONT HOME 4 Bedroom near Balboa In Al location. Nicely furnished. lmmed. poss. · $13;5oo _ . I I BALBOA ISLAND BA y FRONT HOME 4 Bedroom. Pier and floa.t. FUily tum. ' Double ganige. Immed. poss. AN EXCELLENT VALUE AT $26,500. Favorable Tenns ·sEAUTIFtJL PENINSULA HOME 3 ·Bedroom. Fireplace.' Hardwood floors. On two lots Furnished. Open for inspection. Immed. poss. $25,000. T~rms. REAL BUSINESS OPPORTUNirrIES Small cafe in fine location , doing excellent Business. Lunch and dinners. FUily equippeq $7500.00 l 'BUSINESS BUIL~ING -ON CEN'I'RA AVE. I 50 ft.' frontage. Pays $100 per month Only $5000.00 dn. I J . 141 IT. VACANT FRONTAGE ON CENTRAL AVE. • ' Close to bank and stores. $7500.00 'h cash. Real value. HARBOR INVEST·MENT COMPANY Realtors 30th at Central Ave. , Telephone 1600 9-llc EVA F . RHODEN New 3-Bedroom H o mes N ewport Heiglits New 3-bedrm. homes. no\V .com- pleted in Heights. Ready for oc- cupancy. These homes have large rooms, lots of tile work, pull- man lavatories, many cupboards and linen storage spaCP., etc. Fifteenth St. and San Bernardino Ave., Newport Heights Now open for inspection. $8500 -Terms Vacant 3 bedroom house. Extra large liv- ing room, newly decorated. Tile sink. Large lot. Close in. Costa Mesa. $7500-Terms ' Hardwood floors-Tile bath Tile sink-Double garage $2900 dov.rn----$56 per month -alSt>- 12 modern 2-bedrm. Duplexes at Broadway and Santa Ana Ave., Costa Mesa Ralph P. Maskey 3410 Cout BJvd Newport Beach, Califomla Pho ne 402 INCOID!: PROPERTY llO AAk the :tperator for the Cbl t Operator 811-ttc 117 l4atn ~t Pb 616 Telephone (L.A.) Hillside 7805 --r-· 9•-ttc 7-4tc I -Corona de! Mar 80-ttc -------c:---:=---,----i---------=--I 2 B e droo m Home ---'---------- ------------Radio Repairs Beverley Realty Co. On I> acre. Close in. Tenant oc-2 Iota,, both have fine view above FOR SALE-New, modern, com- pletely furnished 2-unit court in Newport, $15.000. Call Newport 1003-W. 9-ltc W~I OTEL MAID. Balboa F loor Furnaces All mu .. ; tubes. etc. Ph. 201. Licensed Broker cupled, but a buy If you can wait I ~'a! MEs~t~!!;~ ocean. 37.000 B. T. U. Burt Norton. 915 Cout H iway, Phone 1788' 5o7 E. Central for possession. (.... $4500 each Immecliate delivery . $49.40. Newport Beacb. 93-ttc -$4,000 15th and Central VOGEL'S • Inn. ""'-IJ30. 11-ttc HELP w·· D Want retl!ied "'oman j to ! assist motper of 2 chUdTel -, board and saJ. ary. Ph: N B. 221D. S.ttc ' 100 Main St., Balboa SPEOIAL ANNOUNOIDlENTll 11 Six Lots With Good Terms. 2-ttc WA.'ITED TU BUY II 110 fe-et on Newport Blvd. No D elay 300 feet on 15th Street. 2 Vacant Acres Near Harbor B<A.llevard • • HELP \VA N IED-\Voman to do WILL PAY CASH ror your fur· light tJuse eeplng, Room, board nlture or what have you. 11 Pbooe Refinish your kitchen ,bathroom with new tile board. "and wages Doyle. 611 No. Bay Nwpt. 2000. 0. R. Cr&'\\'Jey, The Front. jiiaj..,., Island. 5-ttc F ood oBaak•t. 1812 NeW)>Ort " F. P. Waldron HELP \~ANtl"ED -'Housekeeper _nlvd .. COit.a Me.a. ' 99-ttc _T_e_le_p_h_o_ne_2_34_\_V_. _____ 3-4_tc·I and e>fe lit 20-mos. old baby, FURNITURE FOR SALIC S:! RECAP 7 :30 t~ 2 :-YI, fl\'e days a week. Cht,2 li h \\'ith your local recapper. 'r' h Frid 1321 W F OR SALE-Used ,,,. g t green ~Jonda t~ug ay. 1221 w B One day service. Bay AVe., Newport Beach. Ph br.oad1oom rug, $80. · . ay e tc17C>-J1 I ·. . S.2tc _A_'_'e_ .. _N_'"'_""°-r~t _ae_ach...,..."7""'-..,9-_1_tc , Tires and Tubes 1'Et-· FOR SALE-Doors, windows, bat· Complete Lubrication WAN l tens. beds. springs, other items. .-r:-port Beach. 9-ltp pii::kups and delivery service ish_washer. ' for your car. J FOR-SALE-Tavern Table with 110 feet on Orange. Ideal for Business, Courts or Apartments. 1 $1000 each With Terms if desired. Penins ula Lot Two Bedroom Home In R-3 zone. One of the last wtth garage attached on Magnolia. R-3 lots available. par t 1 y furnished. Hardwood Ideal for Apartment or Court. floors in living room & dining $4000 room. Endosed patio. An attrac- -tive home for a small family. B everley Realty Co. $7650 Licensed Broker -- Phone 1788 507 ·E. Central Furnish ed 2-Bedrm. home 9:-ltc Fireplace. Large lOt, excellent soil. _____ F_o_r_S_a_l~e~---Broadfelt throughout. 2 baths. Launc!Ty. E ndosed patio. Im- Balboa Island mecliate possession. A very com- fortable home. Only $9500 WaE 'trA.'l'I, Fry Cook, Saturday. 3605 Lake Ave., New. Tue and battery service. Free . 17th & Coast Jllghway 428 Orchid A,·e., Corona del and cation, near South Bay "(Utile N•wport aeh Pho"" 2344 Mar. l -tfc T exaco Service Station Island) $10,500. Inunediate Poo- A Newport Beach Residential, Bay Front Lot. $8000 In theB:lus!.f~n!.~J:s Manu· facturing or Boat Repairs. Price Quoted on R e quest Costa Mesa Office building and residence. In business section. Priced R e asonable ' 3 Lots, Central Ave. On the corner. In the apartment house wne. All 3 for Only $6000 Lido Isle Best Location. B Y~HORE CAFE · two b<nch<0. Don R. Durant. Costa Me:>a Tire Co. 2 bedroom furnished. ·Choice I<>- ~ttc FOR SALE-Sofa with slip cover. H. J . r.fitchell, Prop. session. HELP \'f ~ -s"t-e-nogra--ph:-e~r-.1 SlO: China . Cabinet, $15. Phone 1760 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa Gertrude A. Waldron Beautifully furnished. Ideal Home Tw<>-story.-uble garage.· Large living room, real fireplace' Price ~-ly $10,500 for part-tjme work, shorthand Newport l~W. 8·2tc Phone N . B. 2342 4-ttc Wm. W. Sanford and typln.i. days or e>,.•enings. JANUARY CLEARANCE! !t{c-ELECI'RICAL APPLIANCES and Broker Island~OI' 518 e\·erun.gs conducting a real clearance sale factory specifications by DIS-1 ---,,'"'=======--c.e-- & , wall heater. Dir\lng room. wu klteh<!n with tile sink. Spacious breakfast nook. 2 lg. bedrooms, J . M . MILLER dea oould be used for om. 3rd· 15th and Central · 3 -Room H o m e On 1 acre. New double garage. On Elden St., Costa Mesa. Posses- sion close of escrow. $4500 • , See This New 4-room house. Well built, plaste:ied. Complete within 2 weeks. On 1 acre of land. i4950 -Terms ' -- EVA F . RHODEN Broke? 470-Newport Blvd., .Costa Meu. ELT6N D. BARNEM", Saleaman Ph. Newport 1965-M S,2tc 2 Bedroom Home Furnished ' On Little Island. Bay View. $9600 Gertrude A. Waldron Wm. W. Sanford Brok ... Phone 234-R 5-Uc MONEY TO WAN .. LOANS TO BUILD, buy, tmpron, modernize or reUn.anc.. Newport Balboa Federal S&W)So and Loan AMocl&ticm. SS33 Via Udo Telephone l.6C)r' LOANS $100.00 a nd Up to $10,000.00 See US if you need money Payments to Flt Your Incoll)e Loans on Cars Trucks and Trailers Ov.,i r 22 Years in Santa Ana I F ederal Finance Co. INC. 429 No. Sycamore Phone 6200. SanLa Ana, Calif. ' S.16tc .. FOR SALE -'42 Chevrolet CJub Coupe, just overhauled; tires perlect. Ph: 11124-.J, eves. 9!2tc FOR SALE-1931 Ford roadster, just overhauled; seal-beams. Ph: Newport• 1145 or call at 1305 E., Central, Balboa. slltc \\'rite ~ta?Sales, Inc.~ Ba..lboa_ Mahan Furniture Company ls ?.tCYfORS repaired. according to Phone 2;}4-R. 1-tf(' 1 7-tfc with special values in every de-ABLED VETERANS. Work INVESTMENT ' HELP WA., _ ~!ale 0< female. partmerit. If you att in need of guaranteed. Agent: MES A PROPERTIES bedrm. Lg. bathroom wtstile NeWport BHclJ tub and 1h0wer. Hanhmocl flrL "On Your Way to Bal-" A11l'Oll WAl!fTED •a.~ WANxm I• Plenty cupbOard spa<:e.· • Phone 1242 9-ltc --,..I ------------Tl ---------t--Local or traveling in business any livtng or bedroom furniture RADIO & ELECTRONlCS CO., 9 UnJta. 2 Lot&. for yaurse . No money N!Qulred. or any other household Items. it 1974 Newport Blvd. 3-tfc $16,500 . Good i.ft001 l'l:e. You are your own ·will pay you to purchase now boss. API lY Mr. van Deren. ·during this bi' JANUARY Carpenters Available sq!I> No. Main St., SanLa Ana. CLEARANCE SALE. Lowest for genenil maintenance • 7-2t.,.Th terms: Free delivery. McMahan and r<palr ':?-t1t' Furniture Company. Second & 0. Z. ROBERTSON SALE LLANEOU!l • Broadway, SanLa Ana. Calif. cau Newport aa FOR SALE 1-ROWld <lining table, ' 3 Th.-5tc •le<trlc h ater, ~ h.p. electric FOR SALE-1 s1na1e innenprlng _CU_S'l'_'O_~-,-CABINET--~~w~o"'""RK.,.,--_,,.... motor. 20' Edgewater, Balboa. mattress and spring; 1 double pair work and remodeling of all M~ mattress and spring; da\"eDport kinds. CUstom built-in furn.I- . FORR:-s$A.1.i:E·;\:::·J.a;jip;-rlflrifi;;e,-:'JJa;jp;lpi5t;i;·;t.01 & ottoman: dinette set; two ture. DOUGLAS BOAT &: and l 1amutaJ sword, also exquis-chairs; tlvo benclJies; table. Call CANOE CO .• 2819 W. Central It< , mbrilclered silk kimono: at 223 Abalone, Balboa Island. Ave. Phone Newport 2634. C&ll p<. 220L · 1H1c 9·ltp ~Uc ~ • j -_, ' .:. • ·-. ~ • ---. . -' . .\. _, Several Good Bay Front 1ots • • Corner Income Lot El Bayp Tract, $3,250 Houses $6,500 and up -I W. L . Jordan 700 Eut Central. BllJma -."3 l>-tfc - ' patio• with lath h<>llle. s1n11 ---------• WE NEED LAVaE MODEL CARS garage. Lot 62xlso. LocatA!CI ~ Newvort Heii::hts and Will ay Top Pn·ces Newpwt ·Heights. ' lloclem, weft-built, 2-biarm. ~· Full price $11,500 I Large living room. mahogany SEIJ, YOUR CAR NOW fl~. !ln!plaoe, clinnette, tll• Wblle Prlcal HJab. Vacant Land . kitchen and batb. Laundry tray are 100 x 330 Good 1oca&a. In 2-car ararage. Patio .. Lot com-Pb<ioe for our couneous blQ'W who will caJJ 11114 . pletely fenced and landocaped. · J _._ $1600 Excellent valor at $10,:500. lldvi.e you ._rdlng OPA ....,, •Hom, ..,._,. -, --.. prices and amiiip aJI cletalls l Gertnide A. Waldron i ....cruLBERTSON Cl{EVROLET CO me. J.E. Barnes & Son 1*»'N ... panBITd. Ooota 11-. ~ in• . e.tt ' I • . Wm. A. Sanford · . awu.M ...i C'h.:.·-De'= ·"' · -~f'7 ~"'--~c 111,Ns;utBn•, f'.011s11or •• '8;~ I • . ' I c ' -· . ~ • .L ~ ---.o I I ·'. . -. . . ~ ' • I < • ' ; • .- I J ' • - • • I . . ' r I I • • .. • • • OeMf617 't __ _ . xaww • •••• ' • Tree Lights Still B1,1rri in T)t b :m~i~n! .• ~n::h:f b:i~ who .... n .ar . or Ac ti ities Cub .Scouts Give Program for.Their Sponsor, Nwpt. Bch. Grammar. School p (\ ,Nowpon llMch Grammar IChool®----------~-­ -Mn. Amon B. Smith Jr, 425 In the o.avy, returned lut wee!<; p~-13 and.,,..., • By Wmifred Barbre __ • _____ Resl~~!.· _!Phone~~J·l~63'~7:!·R!!.._ Ealt 16 atree~ Coat.a Kesa. have· from Seattle and he will receive -~:!"~""!!::""~:?...:~~~~""~-------_ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ ;;;.da,.dJWllY when ..-t Oiriat· hi!; discliarge February 2. • A ·1 · Harbor Hi Students to Take TB Test; Local d Graduate .... ·taken dawn on the But Sgt. .Amon will be "°"'" Police uxt. 1ary Of H d M 1 . Parent-'l'Ncher association, wbich sPonson OJb Scout Packs in the dilrtrict. enjoyed an interestinc iJoeram put m. by the OJbs at F .A .C. Book Section Heari Local Poet ,..,,., .. Twelfth Night ar oven Sunday from North Carolina and Elects New Officers PT A Executive Bd. Nominates Offic~rs . a ar i itary Yean the Chrlstmu on February 4 He too will rea!lve . M · School Friday tree In Smlth home ta atlll his cllacharge, and when they .... At Evening eet1ng "Students of the Newport Harbor~----------,-. L I boldin he center"· of interest.~ all t.ocether onor tDQre and eather Union High school will be given N Members join Robin MqGl_otin Jr., son of Mn. U hta ~ brightly each night around the """I which has been Mn. Bee Lace, Court avenue, the peinleaa patch t .. t for tubei:=-eW , Wayne ~ jJall. 2610 Wea\ Ocean _!.i clfta •till piled about it, not watered and c~ for with th•, wu elected president of tit• Police !ools under the supervision of the Local Philatelists Front, will Jl"aduate from Harvard ' a one ba'f'!lg been opened by any utmost sollcitatlOn, even to the Auxiliary when they met Tu~ Orange county heal.th department, Military ~ool, Loi Angeles, Fri- member of the family. aerg~t·a sugg~tion that it be I evening at the home of Mrs. Eliz.a-aU d~ng the month of February, Three new · memben were ac-day, Jan.Jar\y 10. He is a member The~ .. that Sgt. Anson B. fed vitamins, then the family wUl beth WaJtze. 1530 Ocean boule-according to h1rs. Irene San~. cepted at the last meeting of the of the ~I honor society and ls S mith m hun't got ·hom e yeL have their long-delayed Quia;tmu I van!, Balboa, and Mn. Ruth Ge.r-school nurse, who spoke on the 'H~ Stamp club held in the graduatirlg ~th high honors. Fred who wu with the Army Air \ and all the pacita.ges will be open-rish was elected secretary-treas-subject at the executive board Mesa Radio shop wtlh Vernon Young MtGlohn graduated from ~ isl bade:, and so is Ralph, ed in the joy of •. full family urer. Mrs. ~ce was co-hostess meeting of the. hi~h school P~nt-presiding In the absence of the Nc"""JXU"t , Beach Grammar school who wuj with the Coast Guard. ~ and the tedious da.)'I of for ~ evening. Teacher= Association, held Tuesday president. Alex Hertz.. Joining the and the'\ ~ent. to the military Both are lout ot Service and work-wasting. wondering what could ntt-·ee ne w members were ac-at the school. . . ranks of the philatelists were academy wflere be was a lieuten.- in.g iii Lot Angeles. The daughter poaibly be in thil pack.age" that cepted. Mrs. Lorraine Montgom-All stude'!ts des~ to take the w . B. Collins, Mrs. Ftank j C. ant in the jR-0 . T .. c. He plans of the fahilly, Mrs. Leon Vander-one. will be over. ·· ery, Mn. Mary CJSamano and t est must bring a signed 1tateme~t Perew and Herman .'.foedter . to enter tbe University of Call- " J Mrs. Mildred Johnson. It was that they may do so from their Mn. Carol Ewen pve the pre> torriia at Berkeley and will major ---..l.---------...,-,-------------, j' Voted to donate $25 .to the Presby-parents. M~tion pl~· will also gram on commemorative stafnp1 in chemiS~' 1 , for his plans ulU-c H RE p A IR I N G terian hospital tund. I\ be shown m the. campai~ to in-0 f th e American ..Revolution, mately for joining his father T J After the business meeting striiel students ln the pre~entl~n among them "those named f for in Belem Iara. BrAzil, where the Delays • Prompt Service tiearts was played, with first prize and ~.eatment of· the 'white Molly Pitcher. the battle of white e1der man tis an exporter of raw d plague Le · Co cord d rubber trot.n the Amazon region going to Mn. Montgomery, secon I .,_. G In B ti "ded t Plains, xington -n t and also has' a factory for makina to Mn. Cusamano and the booby l~u~. .unn g u. er presi . a Maryland • LOUCKS "-ta Mesa prize to Mrs. Betty Priest. the . buslness sesst~n, at which Present were Mr. and Mrs. . insectlddesj Robin is first server """ 1 . norrunations of officers for the Mrs Paul Schrepel, Mr. and ¥rs. at the schqol chapel and when at L---~~'----------------------::! Members present were the Mes-I romincr year were made. Those · d .,_ E M home acts as server at· St. James d A dr c ttl Ruth Ger • James Howar , uu o:.. wen, rs. . ----1------------------------1 :&mes u ey o e. · nominated were: president , Mrs. Collins Kent Hitchcock M11J. !Ed-Episcopal Cftw:cb· r1sh, Alda Gorton, Mabel Jon~, \Vesley R . Fowler ; vice-preside nt, ward Freuhan, and Mrs. E4,gar M Bee Lace, La Veta Lace, ae.-tY I Mrs. Jerrold Spangler ; treasurer, H ill I al· I s t Priest, Mary ~samano, Lorra1ne 1 l\1 rs. Harry Burdick; secretary, The next meeting will be an 4uc-e~a llf COU Montgomerv. Mildred Johnson and Mrs. George Gay; historian, Mrs. . F b 7 . h th b/ t Leaders to Meet I Elizabeth Wall2e. 1 . • . Uon on e . Wl t e su ec . . ·11 be t h A. L. Pinkley, and par!Jmentan~n . the Erickson stamp, named for Tuesday Feb 5 The next meeting wt a t e t.·trs Murray Rabbitt No nom1n-E . ks · t f th hip ' • home or Mrs. Lace wit h l\frs. La atio~ ,,·as made for audltor. Voting ~c l:;,~· inven or o e i ' I . Veta Lace as hostess and Mrs. 1 on the nominations will take place P pe · Members of t he executive board l\1ontgomery as co-hostess. I at the regular meeting <Jf Feb. 12. d H . and tr~p leaders .or the Costa I Others pr ... nt at the meeting Mrs. Re stone ostess Mesa G>r.l Scouts will meet Tues- BM li e H erb Johnso n were Principal Sidney H .. David-For Newp· Ort Circle I d~clyockevemtnthg. F~bruaryf ~.~ seAveLn son, l\1rs. Cam e ron Thom, l\Irs. o _ a e ome o l•u·o:.. · . Back From Calicoan Charles Andre ws. Mrs. \v. E. Newport Beach Circle me t Pinkley, 158 Broadway. . N. k II d ••-c o Kip ·r-Miss l Nancy Hargrave. Girl 1c e · an 1•uo:.. • · P· last week at the home of lttrs. Scout flfld ~xecutive of Palo Alto Mr. and l\1rs. Herbert J ohnson, J . H . Redstone. 300 Rialto, ~th will ' be j present and also Mrs. 1111 North Bay Front. Balboa Isl-Scout Demonstration Mrs. \V. S . Hunsaker presi~ng. Baker of the Santa Ana office. and. had a telephone call this week F M PT A M t Letters of thanks were read from At this tinle the local group will from their son. Herbert L . J ohn-I Or esa ee Mrs. Gelder's friends and rela-decide whether or not to join the son, boats,vain's mate. fitst class. , tives in H olland, thanking the Santa Ana council, and they will who is in Sea~tle. \Vash. He has Costa Mesa fa~hers are expected Circle for boxes of food and clqlh-also discuss camping for this sum- been stationed for nine months a t to turn out in force for the Tues-1 ing sent them. • r CHRISTIAN'S HUT the navy supply depot at Caliooa~, day evenlr:ig meeting of th~ gram-Mrs:. o . w. Holtby read Je t~ers m~~e new troop has been formed ~ Philippine Islands, and has been 1n mar school Parent-Teacher As~ from former members. Mrs. Ev-with Mrs. Betty H all as leader . Leonard Marshall, mia r the navy for three years. ciation to be held at 7 :~ p.m ._ in erett Funkhouser , iiow tn Ne-Leaders of the other two troops Balboa, CalHo He expects to come to the navy the auditorium of the Mwn build-braska , and Mrs. Ivan Gonser' in are Mrs. Mary Knipp and Mrs. I DELICIOUS FOOD . --COClCTAIL BAR separation center at San Pedro ing. Illinois. Mrs. Gonser reported that Hazel Rassmussen. the two DINNERS ... BANQUETS shor tly. and after his discharge As this ~s th.e first m eetirlg 0~ Major Conser . former chaplain at Brownie troops ·a re led by Mrs. will return to school. the year. it will be a Fo~ders SAAAB, is still in \Vashington but Roberta Shaefe r and Mrs. Eliza- 11 ------: -iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Day program ari past presidents expects his discharge in time1 to beth Schlegel. All troops are !!! will be honored. F eatured on the1 attend the summer conference of takiiig an active 'part In the drive ·1 t Expert lb The tr program will be Boy Scout troops ! his church in Michigan. for infantile paralysis funds, Ba Oa a 6 and 16 under the direction of l Wi"th other Circles or the WSCS B • • Hall d H which will aid them in earning e a U t I C I a n S 1 Scoutmasters H . \7 . ·• an ar-1 the Newport group will join in their community service badges. Saturday Only ol~ Knighten respectiv~ly. They the adoption of a ten-year-old "I DOOD 11· I Wlll give a demonstration of a Frehch girl \vho lives at Orne, B V B d I f M "lad Red Skeltoo-Eleanor P owell f~lly equi~ped stout pa~l In ac--sending tu·o boxe! a month of fpOO ay iew ri ge or I y I .11on. showtnll'""""' of the ir work.' and clothing . This is in place of Plays in Santa Ana • P 1erlts, Cold W ave, H air SUDday thru TueM!ay 1 Rlchard Dodd .~f Tl"oop 6 ~ll the former USO work with whicti B ch Joan Cn."'-ford In emcee the .affair and there will th · ted t N rt C-Hair T inting -· -lea · "MD..J>RED PIERCE" also be a comedy skit. eM .groEu~. asNS>s 1 ad ch~ an.of Bay View Bridge club members tog, Id W ave. . Boe will ass isie ew an • aJrm 1 wer e guests Thursday at the home Wed.·Thun.: "WILSON" Mrs. Correne tcher pre-tAe World Day of Prayer com-. . · ANN · CARMEN -§-ComlftC' Sun. & Mon. Feb. 10 & II "LEAVE HER TO BEAVEN .. sent the Boys' Glee club , in num-. M h 8 . i«th · of Mrs. Mane Moore, South Birch • S rruttee, &Mounced arc as I e street Santa An a The hostess hers an4 Mrs. ~enneth tewart, dat~ on which it will be held. After ed. 1 1 · · d Mr P-ldent and members of the T , ·a1 .i serv a tama e uncheon an s. • ...... • L.. the __....... was a soci nour R D" k ed · 1 c:ocerutive' board will be hostesses ,..,...._... · ay 1c erson se rv a surprise · . with · • eerved by the hostess. dessert of a candle-decorated • :~;;;;;;~~~;:;;;;;;;;~l at the social hour. The-v ti ·11 be F bruary Balboa Inn Beauty Salon -t ng WI e birthday cake honoring Mrs. Ve rn _ ___ 77 at the lliome of Mrs. 0 . W . Wentworth. Bal Illa Arcade • Ocean Front at the Pier Lutheran Women Holtby. Prizes at bridge were awarded ~~i~~~==============~I L"d n atre To Meet Wednesday Mn. Richard Hali and .Mn. Glen • I 0 e Midwinter. Cocert Cramer. Mn. Wentworth's sister , '~ ' l Phone !114 -Free Puti!s" The Women's Mission society of LJ d D · t · Miss Bess Joyce of Kansas City E L C 0 M E C A F E n er 1rec !On was a special guest. Members Now Sbow1na' thru Saturday Newport Harbor Lutheran church f"\I Lo I W , -re:r::v WERE "111 meet Wednesday, February 6 Y> Ca Oman present were Mrs. Del Stein, t.trs. 2560 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa l'XPENDABLE" at the home of Mn. Orville Brown, w . L . Copeland , 1Mrs. Dickerson, l Phone 4SS-M 101 Via Quito, Lido tale. Of6cin The Cecilian Singers, Santa Ane, Mrs. WentW-orth, .Mrs.· Hall, Mrs. I Finest Place to Din' e Sun, thru Tl-. were elected recenuy and Ind--pw their annual m idwinter con-Cramer and Mr.. I Moore. ... Darinr! Exctttna-! oore.reat? .. BEWITCHED" a180 Mrs. Theo Haber, preaidelllt; Mn. cert at t he Ebel! club under the Famous Complete Dinner I "ABBOTT "' COSTELW E . Willcut. vice-president : Mn. E. direction of Mary Ballen Stetfen- IS HOLLY\\'000.. Schultz, 5E:'Cl"etary, and ll"· M. sen. 209 Marigold avenue, f-or-Ope.n 11 a. m . to 2 a. m . K. Laurie, treasurer. ona del Mar. January 22 With EClAL ARRANGEMENT FOR PARTIES I Wed. Only-F• 9 Eather Vogt Gordon, Santa "1ta. OUR KITCHEN OPEN FOR INSPECTION WM. E . LUDEWIG. Prop. Watchmaker and Balboa Island "DANGEROUS y p f S J accompanist. The famous Rusai&Q I -=r:-El.ect: oOff1·tce. -rasmes cellist. Munya Chernfavsky, ,Los · WENT_ WILD" Angeles was the guest artist, ac- Jeweler • Young people or St. James church met Sunday evening at the home of their president, Bud Franklin, Balboa Wand. Officers were elected at t he meeting of Jan. 20, held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Philmer Ellerbroek. Q-ystal avenue, Balboa I.sland. companied by Henry Lampl. After the program supper was served in !he banquet hall. Mrs. George Wheat to Speak at Ebell Club Meeting Feb. 7 Heading the organization is Bud Mrs. George Wheat of Newport Fl-anklin : others are: vice-pres!-Island. vice-president of the Or- dent. Dolores Ring: secretary. d h · Dixie Ann Smith. and treasurer, ange county board an state c 8.11'" man of Jtrnerican Homes. Califor-Bruce Ellerbroek. A constitution nia F edefation of Women's clubs. was adopted and dues were fixed. ~rill be spe,aker a t the meeting of Meetinp are held each Stinday the Ebe.u : club, Thursday, Feb. i . evening at the home.of some mem-.after the 1 p. m . dessert luncheon. 1 ber, and at present Rev. Ardys Taking the women of America j Dean meets with them but it ls from Colonial days down. s.he has planned to select adult ad visors traCect their native humor, which from the church membership. helped carry them through many Mesa Coupl e Observe 44th Anniversary . Mr. and Mrs. Warren L. -Cook, 160 East 20th street, Costa Mesa, celebrated their 4-fth wedding an- niversary Sunday and were gueats of honor at a dinrier at the home of Mr: Cook's brother, J . B. Cook, Glendale. Other guests included Mrs. their meednc In, the crammar "Great ta the ~ty for sChool audlt<Jrium last week. the poeta of democracy, for the Nearly a hundred CUbs were on 'book of klnp la cloaed and the Ille stqe and opened the meeting book of the people ta _.i." bf civinc the flag , salute. CUb a.aid Mn. Rc.e Katterhenry, C.C.ta · prombe and laws. led bf their Mesa, speaker at the meetin& of Dennen. ·Den 6 of Pack 105; of the book section of the Frida)! Af· Which Mn. H. 0 . Boyvey is PT A ternooa club. coordinator. gave a skit on magic, Introduced by the ~ one ol the prize-winning skits of Mrs. O. D. Kin&. the former poet the ,,,...., and Den 4 of Pack 110 of laureate for the Indluu\ State which Mrs. Dutch Heacock ls co-Federation of Women's cl"ibs used of.dinator, gave a skit illustrative as her subject "With Be~t ot of earl)' 'cautomia )i!e. Poetry," and she dlscusied the Robert OJJbertson, county Scout place of poets in the world. MY· leader, gave a motion picture, ing they are to lead ~e in 'The CUb Scout in the Pack". their thinkin&, in the realms of. the showing the boys giving a circus, spiritual and rtereal as wf.ll as in ~d gave a short .talk. te~ how more practical things, 8W1 thSt district are f~ the Cubbingi pro-while this country does nOt have enthusiastic ·the pa'rents ol this the r ich herit'age of the past that grarit. After the OJbs had com-the people of Europe ha•.re, the pleted their part of the program poets have discovered tl\ia coun~ they went outside to play games try a nd are writing abo 't lt. and were served cookies by the What Price Progress, w ich "W&S Den Molhen. awarded the Poets' P nt at Principat H. 0 . Ensign intro-the ~w York World's ir was duced the ne-.v head of the Co-read by the author, as as -So rona del ·Mar school cafeteria at Much Have We, tuned to t.be tlie business meeting, at which theme of the golden jubilee of the Mrs. Edgar Hill presided: After .a Indiana State 'Federation t f Wo- long wait fol-tables. the c!-1etena men's clubs. opened this week \\ith Mrs. ti.tar-After the program and very jotie Romersi in charge. Mrs. short business meeting Mrs. Kin& Romersi i.s a t rained nutritionist I and her daughter, 1-lrs. John Mar· with an MA degree from Colum-tell. ser\•ed tea at a table lace- bia university and is ser.ring a bal-covered and with the coOt green a nced plate lunch for 25 cents . It of ivy making a graceful decora- is hoped to get a government sub-ti\l"e theme. sidy next year so that the m eal ------~ may be served for 15 cents. M T t C 1 At. the close of the meeting esa roop a amp members lookeCI at the interesting Taking advantage of the W{ect displav of handicraft airanged by weather , 41 Bqy ~uts ~ Troop the Cubs. and e njoyed a social 6. Costa Mesa, e!1JOYed ~ee.kend h t which third grade moth-carnporee at lrvtne Park, acoord.-e~r w~re hostesses. At the re-ing to the~ scoutmuter, Harold freshment table Mrs. Jack Raub V: Hall. F~eld games, ga e trap- and A1rs. H . O. Boyvey poured ping. cru:np1ng and a ~ . 6;re in coffee and Mrs. Clase and Mrs. 1 th~ ~ven1ng were part or t:heir ac· Robert Callio; presided over the< JI tlv1lles. I tea, service. i Ch f. Pl n ~ for I A. V. Andrews, r .D. ange 0 a ~. ' . PHYSICIA."1 HEC of Mesa Grange , and , SURO EON Instead or meeting at the home of l\·trs. Mennes on Th<'sday, Feb. Telephone 2%18-1 5 as·pianned. the next meeting of l..-------------l the Home Economics section of ;::::===========:::; the Costa Mesa Grange will be held at the home of the chairman. ~lrs. ~ary Knipp, 253 East 23rd strt!'et. At the recent Grange meeti"'ng . White House Cafe Phone 3182 I Laguna Beach, CajH._ 75 people "'er e in attendance at f the pot luck clinn·er of Pomona Grange, w h i c h includes t h ~ GrangeS or Tustin, Garden Grove, ==========~I ::;-== Anaheim, Westminster. and Costa Mesa. The next event will be the Yalentine party at the Legion hall on Feb. 14 with an l?XChange of valen tines and bingo ~s the game I of the evening. While no t an open meeting, restdents inlerested in becoming members are invited to a ttend. HELPED BY FIRE DEPT. j BOOKS I We' Have What You Need ESTRELLITA'S (Estelle Campbell, Owner) Ph. Santa Ana 1829 516 North Main Street Room 8 -Arcade BuUclinC Our Lending Ubrary Contains the Latest Books . -. • Bonn: 9 :SO to 5:SO Except Mon.., % p.m. -5:IO p.m. Fnr B~tter Uri.nt!ng 0\11 12 O?' 13 Expert Shoe Repairing Ralph Witten, daughtet" of the ! \V arren Cooks, and her son Dalt?. ! -------........... ""'~I U.S. Navy ,who· is home on leave .IOI• TMI aaac• •• •IMll from overseas sen?ce. ' trials and privations. and wq:ve n it into a sparkling talk called "Ladies· Laughter." . The Keith · Lee Beauty Salon · I ' • • • Under New Management IN A 'ITENDANCE • -Pat Rhodes Jan Mccutcheon Formerly Mary's Beauty Shop_ Balboa hlend •• "'-%61 FIGllTaH . While YOU Wait IAllUARY 14-31 ••• n.. Me~ ~1;.. t. l.....,til• 'oralyM1 Ray Pagan 515 East Bay Front Nut.-rtol'almeate 9a.m.to6p.m. • °':JP" !ICM llut.e Aftllae Balboa bland -Phone 1827 USE BEAUTY . . Open Saturdays UntU May lat a-on Monday : ..,v . WHERE HAIR STYLING. IS. A'N ART Our "aim is to enhance MHady'J beauty .and provide the' ultimate In b&uty care ~ HEAD TO TOE BEAUIY SERVICE f, , ____ ,_ • ' UALITY • •BEEF •PORK •VEAL ••• HoUlll lf> L nL &o 6 p. ID.' OPEN 8111ffiAY8 • Balboa Meat M~et and Delltate11en '7Q8 g hlnll ... i;m • • / '