HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-02-05 - Newport Balboa News Times• • I l . Ill SAND CRAB I j . I 117 SAM • 'j ·~AGE! 'jl'lme has a . v-habit ot ~on, so the other ~. after the , beach and M~ Chambers of Commerce h~d elected di- rectors, decided to take a poll of the ages f>f the incom- ing boards and got some sur- prising data." fumd the av- erage age of the beach boys was 55 years ahd the Mesa 50 years. Could ~ a poor Will have eight rooms for his directors are ~t feel the es- timate would rtot vary one or two years /either way. What I am drivpig at is tha t would it not b<j a good idea to 'vork in some new and young blood ~ these civic boards ? With ja few exce1> tions t he sam~ men have been directors or years and not a ~ingle. \VO an h as ever been made a d " r . A sur- vey of busin me n in this area will reveal a surprising number of inerl in their )at e thirties imd forties who are In charge. ~ not more of them in civic ~ork? + • + . I . Parking Meters. A boat· man the other day raised this point onr our hopeful parking mete'i": What will we do next 5""1mer when ocean fishing tarts off the pier's and :wh n fishermen come down to go fishing a ll day-how will they arrange to park their cars in front of a meter I day for a nickel? Doesn't!' the city get s u f f i c i e n t revenue from ya chts. boats. fishermen. etc. to permit their dtomers a little freedom{. Meters are installed ir !'105l communi- ties to corhpel ftore employes to put their <'i':S elsewhere. and while prolifit revenue p r o d u c e r s~ should people seeking recreation be penal- iz.ed for coming to the beach. or are they gomg to spots . that have no ')1eters? + + +. Ce ntral Avehue. From the overhead at ~· e Arches to 30th street. building and sales are jum ·ng. A move- ment is afoot ~o widen Cen- tral from Fin1ey avenue to the Culbertson Auto plant, as the ci ty ?F.:ns the addi- tional 30 feet I for tha t pur- pose. Ralph Mp.ske" is erect- ing a 2-sto~ building for estimator on ~ow old all the wil !have 8~ms for his medical pracf . One report Is to the eff that 200 feet opposite the J...ido entrance has•been purc~ased for $40,· 000. The lat t addition to that Newport area is Earl Stanley's re estate office and while Earl denies all ru- mors. 'tis whiSpered that he Is either on the ground to be near the new City hall. watch its operations' or check pn the activities •of a flock of other realtors in thP same area. Anyway . The News- Times welcomes him to its side of the street. • + • Red er.-. Annual Red Cross drive in Marcil again re.-eals tha t Mrs. Victor Grace is guiding the raising of the thousands of dollars ·requested from this district. A dynamo of action . Mrs. Grace in the past has raised vast sums · for Red Cross work. and while she sta rts out with the belief that it will be bard to raise the quota, never rests until the finish , which show;; that Newport Harbor has again come through. • • • ' '.NEWPORT > • ' • • i I l I RT .. HARBOR-Al ~.1 VITA LY AFFECTED 1~~~~~.-~~~~.~~~~~.~.~~,"~-~~1nrin VOLUMI!! XXXVlll, NEWPORT BEACH. CALIPOaNIA. TUESDAY, n:a&tlilY 6, lMe ... 7 NtJ-l:M le • • Patterson Resigns C"ty P~st City Engin~r Resigns; No Successor Yet Patterson Warne Need For Quick Action on Water and Sewers I . R. L. f>ATTERSON ------------proba bly contributed most to all engineering problems surrounding the de velopment or the bay and its (Continued on Page 4) Fire nreatens CSC Warehouse Early Tuesday It may benefit thf' r est of the city to burn the street li ghts all nig ht, as reported by the Ne\vs- Times fullo\Ving last month's coun- cil m eeting-, but this did not help the r esidC'nts of \Vest Bay avenue bet\\'C'en the Ne,vpor t Harbor Yacht club and Eighth s treet in Balb9a. They have no lights a t all. · So t hey informed the ci ty coun- cil Monday a fternoon by letter . and asked for some relief. Sev- C'ral homes in this area had been pilfered during the past few mon ths, and besides, the letter from a resident '!Xlinted out. ihey could not Sf"C' to step down off a curbing .. The city engineering office was asked to advise the residents of t he probable cost of installing lights in this area so tha t an assessment distr1ct could be form- ed . if they should so desire. Sl 46,46~ Permits on Mesa Include New Toy factory Building pennits tdtaling more -1.han $146.464 for the month of January alone, indidted a new building program, for Costa ~tesa unparalleled in its his-ta.y. Notable among the permits is- sued was the permission to build an S.U.600 toy factory a t 21561 South Harbor boulevard. given to Clyan Hall of Balboa Island. • Amell>& lvgor perml)s issued for the moo.th wett to Boule\"ard Im- provement Co., $25,000 .for five ~;.Otto M. $9000, l\\'o dwelllngit, and two garages. To W. Carl Spencer,-$6800, addi· tion to furnitli.re store: S . r..teUo. $4100, dwellin'g and garage; R. H. Rogers, $4500, d1A·elling; Carl G. Becker, S13.S...'>9, three dwel- lings. To Edgar Oiaplin. $4500, dwel- ling; L. A. Kirchnar, $51!W, duplex d'4-elling; Walter K. Long: $5000, dwelling: E. A. Pedenon, $6000, dwelling. garage and laundry and storaae shed. • C. C. Dinner Great Success; Name Heads. Distinguished Guests Present; Colonel Farnui;n Speaks Los Angeles Paper Saye Ickes Would 'Grab I . AJ.I TideJand~ Including Most of Low- lands Around Bay; Two Furnish Data ' . Study S(>lution for Moving fishing Boats ' • • • • I • • I . ' • ' ., • NSWPOllT 9AUIOA N II\ - • • I M A u L I N G w ·til.g ~I w . eel s b. 'Sel . ted lsTA'l'I: UCS8D - N E"'EWwPsc~-TaAl':-MacAES . I' CGronNaedweslMar t'!8enAnBiutay Lake , ... MAPLES. ,.;VeteransfT~\ vYo ~~~-ecLio-,.,--.1~=.,.to i •-: Real~ ExiJms r' r .. '-4! . "8 I~~::!. ..... ,: _ nwMD: lllliW~U-U ! '(.ByBesaieL. Benedict) Resort Pro -.....;. "===:.,.;;=;.&L;:=;JO~Y==cs=====-1 . .1 ~ SPeWng ntest 1o ..;"""duid;.. w::lldxt11 __ , -nm ' 7 """""' T..._ mw~ 11r. 8ncl Mn. Cart a.apman. 222 . pea~' llALllO& •••a• · SACRAMEN'l'O.-wor ,,., :reera ot age .-pt . - o-la -''m P It 'Fl S\IW7 .... I• , y ~ lftl avenue, spent ten days in San Wlth elaborate plans already <le-uloUBLSS l.&iOUZ c1es1ring 1o take examinations Rrepara.tiom are~ complet-tlombip exists, ~ to-. tile -·l;til; 'Payable ID Adoanoe :~.l!O per JMr 1n10r-OJme:r; ..,.._.,., after 1"; received his veloped to expand and Improve 8-c W L real eotate brokerage or saJ ed fer the fcrtllcomini annual Juvenile ~tlon !"' 15 per l'ffl' to fib zone·· $3.00 per ,.... to 8tb -1 dlac:barsto from the· Navy Jan. 26. lAlle Anowbeod and lta IUr1VUllCi-J-. V•I A. S. Burwell.-... 25 3 men'• U-ore not being ~ !Jons' club public •-kins ...,_ Orange c!bUnty. ---+· ----' ~ He mu.~ Jan. 1844 and· "(&a In Ing propertlft and lmprOWllOmta A. Sutton "-Humphrey_ .. 22 6 quired ·lo wait the cmtomory 60 teot for hll'.h IChool opeaken, Ila-'Second-OW matter at the ~s. ln~jjiJft Bnr· the Ship Repair Unit and WU lal'!Ti Into the l.....,.t and moot extensift v. and J . lilcldennan_ ....... 18 10 U,ys after their application\ Gov. ~ to Howard w. Gealab, .---------r ---. · €allfonua, uDdel: the Act _ tramferred to fel'.UlU' 4 wln!B and summer •ports .centB V. Balley "-L. Wells ...... -.. 18 -10 £.rl Warren was noWled t00ayj ~dent ot the local Uons' ""-P-R O O F S • S "'-ia:tER _ • • --'-' .. Palll' 'er -the U.S.S. Antigone, "-~'!..l and recreational areu In Southern M. l(opl A..E. J~ .. ~ H H Hubert B. Scudder, iatate n.i ter ' · sA.M ~~ -• Gmeal •z 11, ...,,ic:1ng the P-T boata In ~ California. Loo Anples Turf club, D. Toombo .._ E. Lester. __ 12 16 estate oomm;.;.-.1. wa the wait-~ tcr the contest will be A1'1PUmt oa -·- L. B. -- -- --• . PM:lfic atta. He trained In the Inc., throu&:b Executive Vice-R. Leslie A. E. WWcuL ..... 12 16 in& period la »s»•Uy i\equlred· In Judp ·o . J . Dodge, Roy Andenon Free ""'"'"'"'" a ' ,.....,. W. F. DIXON --. - -• Ad>~=:. PblJadelphla Nny yard and at u;;;i president Olarles H. Strub, bu S. and G. Fllh.. ...... -........... 12 ' 16 order to enable thel commiaion ~o and Eddie Moore and the sub W I ••llowj _ Printlac. t, 3011 W. Central AW!lUe, Newpot't Br+, -, p:T Bue, Melville, R. I. He ,..., announced that It bad exereiaed C. Leach A. M. Stanley ____ 11 17 lnvestlg-ate the bacl<ground of the will be ''My Responsibility u a; • ' Paw of d.e Ci"-of New porrt BMcli employed before be enlla~ at the1 the qptlon to pun:hue all the P . Guy A. B. Ogden............ 9 19 applicant. It bu been' waived ltn Young American to LastlJll'. World .a lllarcus I'll. NW)ltj 1llN .--., South COast Boat Works, NeWporj, asaeta of Lake Arrowhead Corp. E. and L. Laµrance ......... 1.. 8 20 the cue of veteniis, ii. oald, be-Peace." I I'---------.. ·;---' •• S lsMe IAelril lmllCIAi'I•• fer onr 87 ~ Bach. .nd plans to resume Work1 'lbe 8'JO..ac:re ArTowbe~ lake E. and R. Broyles... .. -...... !.. 7 21 came .. In ..ne 1mtanbe. It wi.a EJiminations will be conducted! ,..;_ ________ ·I,___...., Active Maaber of there. and. 8200 acns ol mountain land -' i W1ll'kin& . a hardaliip on returnbd ~nc the speakers at the blah Mr. aJld Mn-C. A. Hanbbarger sumiundin& It are Included In the In an lnteresttnir ~t of keir-vetenm Who had. ~ted f\mds scljool ..i the ·Winn!nl'. thrff or Cl!lno. moved Into thelr new ~ deal, whicli hu be<'!I .-. Im-ling at the Sportland alleys, Bal-and nee'ded to gq to W<ll'k bn-four will be presen~ at tJie Llono' at 502 Marigold avenue, recen_tl~·. I provementa and fadlltles are the boa, the hard-hlttlnc cdmbinat1on medlAtely." , ~tlJll'. ·on Feb. 19 where the 111n. Carl --.. wife ot Lt. Lake Water oompony, Lake Ar-of June Voeel and Stan ~ 'lbe rule applies to 1111 veter'l" flni'l -wllfuer will be c:hooen and CGI. Cwt --.. n1 &-rowbead loclp, The Village Inn, maintained the teed In the mixed who me appllcatlon for a license sent to Santa Ana to compete -anlYed -...... ,_tit. North Shore tav~ Laite Shen doubleo league by taidng four within 90 U,ys after dlsch8rge 111'.aimt """"~ entruq. , ,.._ a -• wWo ._ _,.:-,r:J co~ and Arl'owbead village polnta from the combination of from military oervlce. A greater 1 ' · Am Needs Wheels -Mn. a.11. Harl, a.n...i, ~ with Its ahopo, theatn and amuse-Doto Toombo and Dave Roa. DaV. delay la taken to lndlcat~ no emer-e~ --~ 0. -waJi menta. While DO purdwe ~ WU bowling in plaoo of Elra Lei-pncy exlsta, Scuddtt-said. · -----ud tkowi bu been revealed, It la .. ...,.~ ter who wu Ill. 'lbe team of Anne 1 O.L~1=i • o.-'l'u ' -' I 8peclalldac CID ~·• Tu ., ..... ~_ .. t.11 ,I "* m •sea 11 • . a .w.w.4111 --~ Wi only a few cars dribb~ off Deti:oit productkm ... --. • -·---"'i that sevual mllllon dollars are In-Sutton. and G&ll Humphrey, the OPA Office Hdurs lines ~ with more than 3300 automobiles going to the -t. Tiie -keiK Ila ...,._ volved. runner--In the league, . took , il" :IUDkJ>iiJ' dail ·t looks if th sh rtage' will get worse -u.e able drl•l!c ., Oeroi.I Loo Anretes Turf club, Inc., .,._ w..e points from the_ teem of Changed on Feb.J P I E R 8 0 , I ._. y ..'..... as e car o .., • ..., • ..-..i pilot, wllo llopt pectl to~· ~~lonF~·-~ Clara Luch and Maurie Stanley. ...... ... ,, ..... II Pl'OI ·dns! ftp tll • ....,,ore I gets ....,....,r. tM -leblS 1IP u.o --114e ot new pro.,..ues ~~ =-• G&ll .. ta new hlch game for the . we are all keenly-conscious of the scarcity ol auto-----• ud •a-rt bo 1 at the conclusion of the escrow. league by rolllnc a nifty 221 In New houn for OPA pri con-a ""· W ~·=1 '& . · oth ol ch--GahWOJ> ...... a Mc Dade the thlnl pme. The team of VI trol boards throughout them • • M. mobiles we are not so aware that er typesln ma ~ ,,_ • 1 Portland. Orecon. are vilftlng Mr. Balley and Lloyd Wells took four Calil 0 GmlaK. _..,Co"'-~ todaypri -IP ct• n -"IR •·· rr fw T-enlrll' 8Udl as are also badly needed. Yet, many reopecUI, hople wbo .,. u.o -t Mc:Neal'• 11116, Mn. Geo<le polnta from their oPponenta Ruby by • .....,, dlatrlcl ce ft. .. -.. tal • · ··z 1 • , tnlCks more important to our daily Jives than &lJU>. ...., -In • f-_.., ~ Lewls, 304 Marigold avenue for a r.e.11e and Wilbur Kelly, Ke! bowl-control boord executive of the cov-~ H • • --: ... •:=: ·• ~ewe aalcl,. to help tMm. No month. · in• in place of Ed Willcut who wu ernment qmcy. ,, ave r-I . --hart srd tiler...,.. f-Mr. and Mn. David E. Han.on, AWOL. The Bl~, Val and Effective Feb. I, all ,boards will 1 EASY AC .. '"t -..::'r..J• -==- inst&nce, no less than 49 large cities ~ve their -•te to .,..., lorded ,....., u.oy formerly of Riverside, are break-Jim, have once aaatn hit their be open to the publlc (rom 9 a.i:n-'°"'' ~ .. [°,... - -• ..,... -• • :.....-. • y milk supply by trucks. Among these are Long dl<I aa they were mn .. rr.m llabl-Ing ground for their bulldJnc, • stride and took fowr points from to 4 p.m. _ Monday tJirougb ~-1 " Beach. C[)ak]and Sacrame t San Di 0 Los , __ ,_ and --other lluu! thlo !'WI!. Silo four-unit pla"" at 420 Marigold Mildred Vogel and Ed Johlllon. d"!. The new schedule'> Collins ROfESSIONAL DIRECTOR' y -""""'"• , · ' n O, eg ' -.&lfi~ tifJlepapbed her broths la Loac avenue. The Hamons had a fruit Val In particular has not been satd, will give lnereued service p San ?tClSCO. _. who helped set tile car and vegetable stand In Rlvenlde bowling her usual high lln.S the to Southland citizens and will , · I, _ · j Tru are essential to farmers not only for use on their ,....u.d. and now have one In the Sleepy past few weeks. enable the agency to do a better A(J(J()1JNTA!IT . NWlllll•• •-··QllM....., f t for hauling· produce to -markets and canneries. ... .LL Aadnwo ta otatloaed la Hollow Market. !-111'.W'a. The house job. BoanU will not be open on , -~~· ' . . Gum at tbe preHnt, la t.be IOtb will be finished Dy June in tlme for T Off. Saturdays. . . . .. J.. Wrthout truckS the supply of food reaching consumers would Alr Force Heaclquarten. their daughter Joy Dona and her emporary ice The function of the boards .. I. I. '"II y TI: H. R. HALL, l'J. D. be cally cut. More than 50,000 American communities MIM Maxine Hart 10 t•e ...... friends from P omona college t~ Of Revenue Colleetor now limited to price control mat, , -~il wuAll't ~· -a.oar•• -1800 M them in California-depend entirely on trucks for of· Mn. Andrew-, with whom abe enjoy the beach. The Hansom ters and all persons are urged to ::,~ ~ ~:':4 ~":;:-:; ppoJn t . r . . . . Uno while worklnc a• tile Santa other daughter, Mrs. Jett Lang· Planned at c. of c. report overcharges to their boards -·--...... -... --Hn.: 2-5, by a -the rtation of all their suppltes and eqmpment. Alla Alr Bw. MlM Hart ·I• the ford, is in Los Angeles. Her hus~ ' immediately so that investigations ADllW -81WW ' Tel~pbone 2620 So. production speed-up in Detroit is essential not only ·na.eee of Mr. Ecbob, the driver band has entered dental college iod and pi-aper action ma,>: be t a ken. em.'::! -==~= ._ 111 Bl'OM11ra7 Ooeta 11_. to provi e more ca.rs for the nation's convenience, but to of tlle car, who wu trala.inl' u • under the GI educational program. Plans were a nnounced ay by --------'-----, ..._ 11...-t ..... i . · • bomber pilot ln o c 8 F1ortda. T /Sgt. Myron Way returned the Bureau of Internal Revenue, ,~ make a ailable more tn.lcks ' for its necessities. and wu r eady to 1~ ~;,. u tbe from overseas Saturday. He was tor the ope~ing of nine tempo~ary To C rb "Little Caesar''? war ended. Ria · home "'u ln with the AAF in the Pacifi~ ar~a revenue off1~s in O_range county Tbatcller, Arlwna. He wtU enter for a year. He r~.ived his dis-to assis~ residents wtth their J.945 s. c. Unlvenlty to take a courlMI charge Tuesday. H e 1s the. son-in-fe<;l 1 eral 1ncome .tax re~urns. u an aeoountanL law of Mr. and Mrs. Srruth, 621 .. ~ese locations will be i1jl ad· Mr. and Mrs. R. E. McNeal of Acacia avenue. dition to the ~rm~en~ of~I~ al- ready functioning in this district," WELCOME HOME! Newpjlrt Harbor Post 291 AMERICAN L,EGION A bi~ .has been introdu~ in Congre10S aimed at curb- ing. the wer of "Piccolo Pete" Petrillo, the "Little Caesar" of tt.e merican Federation of Musicians, whose latest dic- tate to e ·radio stations of the nation virtually prohibits the brcc casting of musical programs originating in foreign countri . The measure \~as presented by Congressman Lea of Cali~rnla, who is ch a irman of the Commerce committee. Lea d ared that Pe trillo's demands on broadcasters are CROSSWORD PllZZ1£ sta ted Chief Deputy Vance, who '--------.....,,,.----~ gave the temporary location for -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;I I Newport Harbor as the chamber I ACB.088 somethi g which "a self-respecting government cannot afford l Threw ' ) 4 • ' • of wmmerce in BalbOa. '7'.ll offices., will be open ,from 8 a. m. to 4:30 p . m., MQnday through Friday. including 1 Lin- coln's Birthday, but Will be dtosed on Washington's birthday." 1 • AR41Blrlt0'1' Armand Monaco ABClllTBC1' 814 W. Bay Ave~ Balboa Newport ITU !721 Lakewood Ave. 11.oo ~ . NO.....,iy MOS ATTORNEYS ROBIEBT O&BDNEB .........._: DONALD D. llABWOOD ATTORNEY• AT LAW 111 II ..... IL, ... ha. c.111. Gordon M.Grund~ M.D. Pbyrldu ud au..- JrilllGl and Oenbal Aft. om.. Rn. :10-lJ ...... , 1·5 ..... TW.-11 Conrad lilicbter, M.1); - PIQwlalaa Md I 11 • • uoa.1• a ~-lllMlrl: 10-U ...,_ ud H ..-. .....1. to pe~· •t." Well, it's about time that some action was taken _ ; t\':i~ boat tQ f Petrillo's 11abdication" as self-appointed 11czar'' of. .j 10 Masculine di .-' 1 name ra O. ·~ 12 Coin (Swed .) • , .13 Bone on aide " Milk Rates Highly! As Pre11entive I For Pellagra ' I ..... ha Q•1 N~ ~11--11'-------------- DAJ' IKlllOOUI New tars on-the Flag? ,~~d: .. U eih.er Hawaii o r Alaska comes into the Urtion it will 1 18 ;Jf.~i. mean uJ..t a 49th star will have to be added to "Old Glory". Reix}rts from Washington indicate it.at there is consid- erable . ~ as to where that star would be placed. The present '18 stars could be rearranged in rows of 7 each way. What hJ.ppens, though, if both Hawaii and Alaska come in? How wrd we arrange 50 stars? Tim was when the flag wa{ changed so often that flag designe had plenty of practise. But it has now been 34 y~ ce the last "remodeling" and the designers have I grown f-ther rusty. Of <ft" thing we can be sure, however, that if and wben we havt_ 49 or 50 states we'll have that many slars--<!ven though ~tsy Roos won't be on hand to lend her assistance in · them. • ' . I FOR NATIONALLY ADYIRTllm " Sold Wiiia ,,.. U.1 mel ·9 rwi 111 .... . ' ...... &••[ ••&~•· groove JO Good con. ductor o1 beat '4 Epoch 28 Astoa.i£b- ment Z7 Transform· able S2 ()pen (poel) S3 Vehitle S4 Full of oew1 S7 Squeeze l1 Disease o1 chicle.ens 1.1 Certain 44 Go ba ck ti Narrow inlet 49 Inner satel· lle of Uranus 50 ReUeved 52 Bamboo--like crass 53 Feat D-OWN 1 Proofread· er's mark I Close to (poet.) SThu 4 Evenlng sun &od S Plump and rosy tA.scend '1 Nothini 8 Jell.ity 9 Policemen C1lan1> 11 Mus ic oote 14 Like 16 City, NW Ukraine 19 Part ot' .. to be" 21 Flap 22 Hole--borlng tool 23 Sheltered side 25 Port.ion ot'. curved line 27 Peruse Ne. Z1 28 Open (poeL) 29 Novel 30 Spi&ot 31 Flower SS Frolic S6 Produce 38 Care t'or 39 Wept 40 Chief 42 Father 44 Sun 1od 145 Blunde• 46 Fasten 47 Spread erau to dry 51 Symbol in Llovd's ~glo!u Aa•w•r 1.-••nl• N••IMr '4 .......... IT'S 'YOUR GLANDS! Pro.tate ............. Bw1 ¥be, Palaa ta 1ep and potn-Aca- ud pains aad "<ln1ae4-out" feellnc In w-. 1-of Vltallb' -•Al_,. 'Dred" feelll!c-8Upplma lll!d Orowlnc Old befoN roar u-Al!emla-lllcb aad Low. Jllood ...__l'Ollcldal . .,bt1rma ~' PliortuT IUdne7 and Heart Vondltlou. re--ad -"'1ly to oar Exclnl.., GlaDd Teehnlq11e doftloped ...,,. 18 ,...... upertew.. N O PAIN-NO DRUGS-NO 8UKGEBY-NO INHlCTIONS. OON8ULT&TION FBliE BY APPOINTMENT. PHONE 11.M Dr. E. F. Bell, D. C., Ph.C. lt'I Had St. Newport Bet'h. Oallf. ao.n: t:tt to 'l:JI ii__,., ud ftw IJp J ct U.1 5c11d 1/ru 5amplc.~ of this Clean, Family Nnspoper THE ~ 8aENcE MONll'Oll -----···--····, .. .......... •e:-.:a W' wr• A .......... ,_ ......... .._. .. _ ........ -.. ..... • IJfs 5 ... ~.-.............. I •• ,.. ... _,.......,. ____ ....,...., .... , .. .......... ' .-r:·~=;;;;:";:; .. ~.;.;.~:..;;:s,;;;;-~on;;-;_;.::-~a.;:~:;;;;;~;,;i -... ·-·-····----. -·-----·-···'···-:--O ......... _ • ~ t bt ... .... . . I - R;·······---········.-..····· ........ ···- Milk is an excellent prevttntive for pellagra, a disease long asso-- ciated with one-sided or J nbal- anced diets. Recent research by Dr. C. A. Elvehjem ot the University ot\ Wis- consin to determine the pellagra- pieventloti action of certain foods, notably corn and milk, have pt oved that milk rates very high1 the National Dairy Council haJ an- nounced. 1 It ham been known since 11925, Dr. Elvehjem said, that pellagra was due td the deficiency of an unknown dietary factor . .In 1937, Dr. Elvehjem and associates, dem- onstrated that th.ii llnknown fac- tor was nlcotinic acid or niacin, one of the B-vitami.ns. "IF I BAN THE r -DRUG STORE ... " •'If I ran the drag store." MIM B · , ·; a ateDograpber, -.Id yMt.erday noon, "I'd d e- vote more space to the soda fountaln." . We think we bve tbe best aoda lountaln you'll find any ,.place. It's always buay~whlch muat' mean 501q;Ctbl.ng. But j we'll be blamed 111 we'll cOn· oentrate on It to the detrt· ment of our cl.nlc bU9lnesa.. _Newport Beach Pharmacy _, ' ' • Before You Build or R .... odel I I• vlllt oar bi~ -pla' I d di.play ~f~ar gu[deS; pla~ I aids, cOm· ~ve stock of ' ........... and lilll:B. ,-.... -llnoleuin. I , ~~ ~-. 05••51.i . ~uDLuM ca...,et i·w~ks lat--a ..__.._~ UMT&il& ' ' -..... ! .. "" T ""-tr ....... Modern , -.id lJp-to-Date Blue Printing · ~aT~lis Photos,.tinJ up to 18 iJ . by~~ in. I " 'i ' ' I Watch for 0 nin~ Aiuibunccbtent I Blueprint Mortimer Sdtool •Oonl __ ....,. -· Oollop, -~ DAY ISClllOOL Now . I DR. G. E. TOH~LL PHVIPCTAN an• aUJIQllO .. l20I Coa1t llivlll., NrlltW'4rt .._. -P'holl• - Office 286-W 1111, 1181-11 If No Anll!Wer CUI ,..._"" I G.A.·~ • ...:~ .. IPrlaolpol .,,... -I'-----------' D&NTJllT8 DR. OBED LUCAS Dentiat I 220tio w . ee.: .• ,, Ph. 1480 NEW·PORT BEACH . INSURANCIC New York Life Insurance Company I DON IL DURANT I 1HAROLD K. GRAUEL CHAPEL "We UunekYN U1e Better Serve By llervin« O...era Beot" • ~~ Newport &11 Costa MeM Californl• Gerald Rauaa, M.D. 2a> Weal CHaraJ /!I.Ye. New,.rt 8eaoh Ph. 1028-~No Antwer oaU I01·M X·Ray &ef'IV .... lllHoe IL ~ im. ll 1901 Cout1 r, · t ·• Ooroea del oaleea.m.t ll · I.:.: - S. R. Monaco, M. J?· 81' Ba7 Ave., na!i- Nowport nu Ml a. Biii It... Lee M11'1 a ~111J Br &w'h;tm•, I 1;,,.-------·11 T. P. Reeder, M. D. BOBm ~ ~WFOBD J?iyUdul & Sar~- O PTO M ET'R 7 st 1001 Wen 11117 A-.,.. •a•ined -GI••• nttecl 1 1 - ·-.. __ BouEevaNf Teleph-Nlf6WlrDjlOmrtPll eoz --COSTA Mt:IA SIEGEL & RAUB ... . .... ., .. u. Jfwport .... °'*--Tst spr •• Ille-I llllf "· o-tnl J(.._t -n1;t799 111 I A, V. Andrews, M.D. PllY!DCI"'! -8'0IMJICON j N1pt a·e 12 . ' .I I 11r: an11 Mn.~ J ........ "11 1,-ZO-NE-. ___ ,_,.._ __ ~ Neb., -"""" -CLINIC ' ~ at the heme of llr. and ~ H9roid K. ~ael, I ~ ...... ,fttlt two ........ plu tp ..... I ... ............. . -9!"-•· -1-· .,._ -·---a..----"':"'--t--":""--'!-""'"i-~---~· Jnlber" ' ' 1·!1-dzi!"-... -7 ..... 11 ...... Iii 1 . . \ . . • • • . . •• • • • . . . . / • ~·:=:=:::;::=:===;-__,.~~~:-:-~-:;-:-"--~~ I Ford Marine En~e County A'proves Stores, Boat Shop, Booklore Moler Now: Dfltuty ~ · noDOOrB1 OOMPA11Y Division to H&ndle . LumL-r ard m· ,.,_,..._ Mesa No•-Tax "-"--'"'-~ . . llOUDll' 11111Umfo m :&ND ,, ... En . d Parts 11t: '-"'DYi ..,., '-41~"1£ .,_ • "' or,,. ., • •=. -._... •-~es an 1'7 For the-'f,oun wALn:a i.. KLINE. Pl_,_ • On January B, the Induotrlal and Nine land-,_ a ppllcatlcila for Estrellfta ~t Lacalild, at- Marlne Engine division of the Coota Mesa have bttn recom-Miracle Mile Frontage . . A 1lfelonc ex-1encle r.th -IW Nwpwt -. ~ -' F~ Motor com~•y waa tet up mended.tothe board ofaupervlson $8500 both -·~ --~ -~11---;---------------------+-' ~ ~· r al b the -p1an-Se11-for ·--~---~·~-" 1n -.., --· ~· ~ to •--••-.... sale of Ford -~nes or approv y OOWlv wt "~ ~ ~--~ B. F ~-•-_,.. ~ ·~ and "";rt. ut';;' all usen In th:' In-ninC commlak>n In a -beld farm la tun ol IDleftatlnc ewni>:: j.;;;' ~ ~.,,.,~-~ • • w FO ORANG DIESEli dustrial and marine lleld. . . Jut week. Earl Tibbetts, _one of the best Jf you tried to read"the ne•--i tead.. He bU bttn led F ord bu already IOld thoulandl The commlasion clenled Ila a!>' known boat ownen a)flas the excerpta you have -hapa formed depu~ tax collec:tor ' ~ of cylinder aaemblies and parts proval to an application by Wood· Coast highway strip. has just pur-the Idea that. It la a ""-<!.up ooun,Y IP"""l'IC hill tlml. •lltallr to marine engine converters and ford Royce, who applied for the chued ~ feet on the Miracle Mlle treatise. In It 1 entirety thil will ID the ._il)g of boaU In 'New- boat bullden d uring the past years erection of a boat bulldlnc shop on from Andrew Dunidler for $8,!IOO, not be the cue. Some ol hill state-port H'arbor. ~ and feels thAt with Its expanded Santa Ana avenue near 18th 1treet aald to be the highest price yet menta att wry lll'OPhetic-· Moler recently wu of line of ·eng1nes they can render a in Coota Mesa. pald for Inside ~ ID that '"The Cl'ulllnc Yacht" by Morley the awud of ihe Men:!> lllmtae valuable oervice to the Industry. Applications approved were: vlclnlty. The piece adjolno the Cooper ll'a book for the •old aa1r• Service Medal, havlnc been .,..,. Theo. Robins. local F ord dealer. E . IL York, boat ~ullcling shop. Gonion drug •l<Jre. as well u the .,... yacljtaman. vlooaly -. Ii_, the sir-Stm' will handle these parts and acces-northeut comer of Harbor Blvd. The author takes YoU ~h for hil eerv:lce ln the b.c:hant sorieo when they at<! available and WUaon SL Work Clothes, Pleaae? choosing the boat to the llpa1 marine in the early ?t:of ti. tater this spring, he l&ld ~ter-Barr Lumber C.0.\ retail yard factors ot Nie c:ndslnc war. He was on one qt tbe first day. aod building materials 11<Jre, New-Reliet•wrirken in all the bomb-Rudolf Fleoch -'!The :Art of steamen torpedoed by ·.J- NO K OBE RINO To prevent that big nuisance-a "ring" . around the 1 bathtub -a Westinghouse h o me ~t suggesu sprinkling ebout a couple of tablespoons of water IOftener in the bath water. port Blvd. and Bay SL ed. mined, burned-over countries P lain Talk" II a book on ,..,-ltln&. cm Dec. 20, 19il, to be ...,i. wbeq Fraok P. Johnaon, real estate report • desperate need for work It II a book for any author, U-. hill ahlp wu •unk off! Eureb. office, Newport mvd.. near 17th clothes and &hoes. that have arrived and thoee that Calif., before it coulc;f fftdl: tbe SL Ma.t acutely lacking are over-~ Just 'hew at the game. It i9 mainland bun a trip to1 Bawd. Dennis HoagJand store for rent-alls bootl work shirts jeans and al8o an Ideal handbook for the Moler. wu active in-traf\dnl Sea al, Newport Ave. near Harbor rou&tJ, w~ clothing ~uitab\~ for speech maker' too. Many well Scouts while a ?ne91~ ol tile Blvd. farmers who must work in the ,chooen examples of the value of nlght patrol force I>m. bane a fields and barns in all we ather, or limpUclty. commodore of the Boy Seciat er-- for their families who muat trudge •nose Other People" by Mary 1~~!~1 ls t ~~-:: Fred Finch, store for rental, Harbor Blvd. near Balboa St. long distances to market, school, King O'Donnell ls a book of the de~t. , e * or church. search for a sailor by a girl. The Now Have Sweet, Juicy L. R . Daughenba ugh, store for rental, Harbor Blvd. near Balboa St . Keep in mind the serious pllg:ht locale, a eouthern town; the time, J h • ot farm families the world over the present ; the coverage, twenty-0 n Upson Back, Dean W. Pope, mattress factory, k l f h Leah th gi l pt k Still • A Newpor t Blvd. near 21st St. when you ransac your c osets, our ~ ' . e r' c s up tn l mty I attics, chests for the Victory the sailor J oe; J oe go:es back to ' NAVE ~S -·-THILL BELT FRUIT DISTRIBUTORS 805 E. Center St. ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA Phone 4965 •. INJECTION • ' _.,_ SERVICE I Free Nozzle Tests Cordon p _ Maloche, bicycle mo-Clothing Collection for overseas his outfit. Leah begins to search tor shop, Harbor Blvd. near 19th relief. In a large measure the well-tor him and tn he r search she un-Lie ut. John L. Upson, wbo serv- St. bein g ot any country depends on covers all t he other incidents in ed on. the Newport Bea¢h police J K McCarth ed car lot _ _. th t deJ)artment for several vDars until · · y, us . the farmer 's ability to .......... uce e s ory. J ... Ne~1>0rt Blvd. near Walnut St. food. He must have clothing to "Washington T apestry" by Olive he went into the service, returned CLOTHES FOR MEN AND BOYS en able h im to carry on his work. Swing Clapper. wife of Raymond in "uniform yesterday t o gr-eet Ida C1othlac may be-. left at alty Clapper the well known columnist. many old fr ie'nds. Upson, stiD in nre hall In the ~tty, the hleb Our nation's capitol from 1933 to the army , is attached to the Army l'Chool and at any pammar scb¥1. 1945 is her time. Many of the tacts Air Corps a t the SAAAB. ,_u \\•ell u In collection barreb a t she h as used are taken frQm her During his overseas service the each post office. husband's diaries . Ma ny she has lieutenant was 'on the military experienced hersel~It is witty police assignment of the air COrps. and a t t he same time sticks to He h as no t yet been released. be /;;, NOT ES of the Balboa Yacht Club • • • facts. Some of them rather alarm-told Chief Hodgkinson. ing. Both mc>n and women will en- joy !his book. Don't miss t he best novel of the decade -'The F ountainhead" by Ayn Rand. Alvino Rey Orchestra· At Rendezvous- Saturday Night Cl.,...lng, Adjusting and Repairing Natur alists a nd desert fa ns will be glad to know that J aeger's "Deser t Flowers" has been com -Alvino Rey, king of the guitar, pletely r evised and is r eady for the and his or chestra \vill be a t the tint season of wild fl owers since R ende zvous Ballroom, Balboa, Sat- • -·- £ T ·EAKS -- Oli'R SPECIALT G'l!l NU IN l!l HOT • B U TTERMILK CAKES • C.-plet.i ~ • Open7to7 -~8to5 Kids ' Ca f .e .. -N-pon llhd. ~ ·-Jim and Rae Keller, Props. Does Your C ~eed Repairs • Harbor Engine & Equipment Co. g~ SpMi Slwp !0'7 Marine A ve. Balboa Island A Valentine dance, "Cupid's Frolic," will focus the atten tion of festive.minded m embers of Bal· boa Yacht club Saturday evening, February 9 and a good orchestra and plenty of door prizes are promised by the new entertain- m en t chairma n, M. Sgt. Dean C. Bradford of Corona, "''ho is with the Ma riiie Air Corps at El Toro. f urday night, F eb. 9. gas went 0 f r ationin g. Alvino first gained considerable Bill Anderson, 21, East Wilson loc~l fame ~n San F r ancisc;o as a street. Costa Mesa, was se riouslv guitar soloist and leade r of the Injured Sunday when he fell fro,.;, NBC SJ~ff band. He ":85 later_ t ea - the rear or a sm all t:ruck driven t~ ~th Hor ace ~e1dt. ThiS was by Kenrieth Madison 20 1925 Alvtno s turning pcnnt profession- Manzanita st;eet. C~ta , P..1esa. I ally and pers~nally, as there . N? The accident occurred on High-n:iet and married one of the King 111 Apte Ave. DR. COWl:N c.MM -- • ' Ph. 112S·.I Balboa lslAnd Phone 518 TRANSPARENT • Better Appearance • Extra Comfort The new Trans parent Mat er i a I affords many advantages heretofore unknown to plate-wearers . . . brings you New Ea~g Pleasure aQd Improved Personal Appearance ... distinctive, but not expensive. Y O UR OW N TE RM S • • • \Vlthln ENJOY WE ARING YO U R PLATES WHILE PA Y ING Purchase them on Dr. Co~·c>n's Liberal Credit Terms . . . Take any reasonable length of time to pay. NO INTEREST OR EXTRA COST. AL\\'AYS LO\\' PRICES Need a 6oocl lllchlarator? , SEARS HAS 'EMI \EARS · ROEBU(K AND CO A•nlca ~ ML Pal P,ss PL 1a1 6'7-11 • 211 "'ibf ~ I 1a•1 19 t :IS P. M. ' The PC fl eet was out Sunday, and coming in in orde r named were Amentp Gidings. \Vilkinson, Jones. Henley, Hillman, Hender- son. Mc.Farland, Erickson, Haines, Wheeler a nd Caward. Neither .,,r.he PlC's nor the Rhodes raced, and tht' next event will be the r egatta at the Los Angeles Yacht club on February 17, according to Velma Barber, publicity dir ector . Emmett l\f rlnnes, New Santa Fe V.-P., Known Here \\'ay 101 t\vo miles south or San StSters. _ Juan Capistr ano shor t ly after noon ~~erall mftont~s later th~ girls and the injured man was taken to an ey e. Hc1~t and AIVlno be-- Santa Ana Community hospital, cam~ mus1ca~ director of radio Capt. and Mrs. Lucius Caval-~tat1on KHJ in Los Angeles, and lero, 209 Topaz avenue, Balboa s~bsequently formed his own dance Island. are pa rents of 11 son. bom ~ chestra. T?<1ay the band's Vte- January 24 at St. Jos<'ph's hos-· or Blue B:rd recor ds are stfil pita!. Jnp ~oney mAkers on e·\'ery juke I box 1n t he count r y, RC> faithful O\'er horn<' relntions · Scot h t · · · Appointn1rr.1 or Emett E. Mc-th('y lead to hi~her joys: obey th~l salC" ate th a~. ,va;;ous sizes, on Innis as vice> prf'Sident a nd g('n-~old.en Rule for human life, and e 1 ev. s-mes · era! counsel for the San~a Fe Rail:\ it \VJJI spare you much bitterness. way System and appointment of ---- Jona than C Gi~n as genera~ solicitor for the system at Chicago T H 0 M P S 0 N'S were announCT"d today by Fred G . Ourley. president or the ra ilroad. Richfield Station Mclnni.'; has frC<luently visited ,. 1778 Ne\\·port Boulevard here. Simulta neously it \\"as officially -•- announet'd that Leo E .. S ievl!rt.' I w h I , e ave a re iable mecha nic graduate of the University o f Cali·· fornia Sc.hool of Law and attorney for the Santa Fe .since 1926. has been appoin ted to succeed Gibso n as gener al attorney ror the rail- road for the state of California with h'eadquarters at Los Angeles. to sc-rve you in al l Automobile Repairing LubrlcaUoa DEFEND YOUR HEALTH WITH ORANGE rs / OWll co ~ l ~S U RA Nf E SEE HowRr d W . Gerri•h CO~.·\ \fY.SA Pbnnf' lfll Automobile ° F ire .Acc ident • Lif e Llcenee and Cnntract Bonda Written PA IN If NG 1% l'ean 8en1oe In Newport Harbor Are. HARRY HALL ' PAINTING eftSTa..t.CTM U your automobile needs repairing now . and you need some ready cash to pay for the job, come into the First National Bank and • ~ yoor fi nancial needs with us. You can borrow the money from us, pay cash for your I ..;ork and take. up to a year to repay, if ne- 1 . ~ry. But don't keep putting off nces- ·sary repair jobs because of lack of cash. Bor- row the low cost way from the F irst Na- tional Bank in Santa Ana. Complete Loian SerVlce for Every Purpose l'T• s. lyM. ~ ..... ~-· . ~~ Smoothly ~shed - - -Sturdill' Built F.resh Dai(v • · ..... ·-. ~ ~ rlOR MEN F!SH ON CENTRAL AV.ENU E, NEWPORT BEACH ~ ~-·······························~ "''f'WYm *Yff!~~A~ •Ttt!lttYYC• ALL MARK VU.uliae Day • February 14th Distinctive Costume, Indian and Shell Jewelry LAMPS• VASES. e FIGURINES .. I Newport So•ua•ir alld Gift S•op WeW,..Olftl n•-.-.. -' BRIDGE SETS This Set is -Santa An \ .. e a "Grand Slam" With Your Gpests Complete Set ('Fa ble and 4 Chairs) s299s TABLE Table is all birch With tesn- pered masonite (not card- board) top, stainproof, Ii- . quor lproot; 800le with In- laid~' top, 800le In 90lld coloni. BLOND. Olt ·w FINISH. . I . 599'' ' Furnitu e Co. • • _ 1 I S.ntaw • ' .j ' ' • • • ' ' I • ' .. . ' , • • " ' ' " did -llmllF a e a Patterson Resigns tallley Asks · -1 Navy to Move Mem r of Legion, ~~~ ~ -...::: ;:: ::i_ Affected by Suit leV . e 0 City Engineer Post; ~ity to ••ex Crash Boats ·P~ at Ventura ~~':rw::u::::intheboopital Ori Tidelands . Hunti•n'gto~ Beach Stran· d No Successor Yet ' Mi'w~j Property ' The navy will move ta c:rub I -On Saturday lhe left the -(Continued from Page 1) . r. . boats from the Opal • t land- Cather1ill' Isabell Summen, 61, pita! and returnod to her --· (C-~ from hae One) ' Another 1.11Jlel\4tlan, of "properly Ing on Balboa ~ to the a1y -wife of J~ Stpnmef'I. 3208 Coast home, where &be ~ to a Purchase of 9400 feet. of a ~ter. eewas and Streets he de-to the dty wu started 00 its way Dock Number 4, which now un. boUlevard; I member or the. local .heart attack. Mn. Sw•D•W5S a near towns; the lnd.lviduala to Mtween Newport Beach and Ch .. ~ Dinn ' dared that he WU aot leaving be--&t der lease by the Cout polloe f""'f', died Saturday at the survived by N!r husband, John ;::u ~::it ~n~':.'n25t~: HWltington Beach can be acaim-Bmut:r er ca-of any ,ll1ctlon nn the part day~~""':'!.,~~~ Company, It -was ~' by tbe h«M of l b.-other. Jerry Young, Summers; her mother, Kn. IJfar.. pllshed within 60 days •<X<lr'dlnc G t S of the counc:!I. His letter of ""'lt· and his wit f bout 2 % members of the city -.. Ventura. garet Young, 'fentura; cne lllota", ::,C:t:'F:i.!~r h~eno~=~a;: to John A. Henneaey, newly-rea UCCess; nation 18.YS in par\: . acres on ~7=; a I day afternoon. . A nativ or Bmton, Mass., Mrs. Min May Young, Flown' street. land. and for nothing if they had appointed acqllb:ltion officer for N n· t .. In looldna ba~ over my per-§olning With the Coastay~:ar: As the Un.ion 00 Com y neoed Summen u an overseu nurse In Costa Mesa; two b.-othen, lllark 'lbe City of Newport Beaeh was th~ state park ctJmrnlalon. ame ll'e;C 0r8 . lod of ""1""ice with, the dty I have uked that it be brought' into the the dock facilltieo now occupied World W• I and was the first Young of Oregon and J~ Young. incorporated in 1906. His itatement WU mt.de after I (O.U.•ill ffolD P-.p l) seen and had a part in the growth lnunicipal boundaries. Stanley!• by the navy craft,~ WU woman ~btt of Newport Har-Ventura, and several rueces.. conferrlnc with representa~ves of of the city and have gained some Petition sped.fied that . h secured to use the city until bor Amer~ Legion Post 291. Funeral services were held at 2 8urve1 Made a. 1185 owners of property a1orig t.ht' tidal fam.Uy.'1'...... Yer)' val~ble experience, for, after Sewer and water service ~ ~ the South Coast Jeue She wu Abo a mem.ber of the p.m. today (TUetday), at Ventura Surveys were made of the strand where the atate expecta to Braden Finch ttad the telegram all the ot;y does have ·IOme very 1city, but not assume 1 expIJ:es May t, and to apPly for a -Legion Auld.liary and of the Po-and interment wu ln the family swamp and overOow land in New-spend 1399,500 under authority of of f'eCl'et from Governor Warren complex problems tor it.I size. 'lbe ;bonded indeb tedness any pu rene\\•al if they desire. tbe com. !loo AuxlliUy. plot in that dly. Attending were prt Harbor in 1885 and patents a 1945 legislature bill providing u being Wlable to appoar and rapid growth of ~ dty will con-.. , · pony agreed to the ~' True toj her ideals of service. Commander Don Durant ot the ~ issued to such land lylnc tor. a new atate beach park. thfin Hft'b Kenny Balboa ~post-tinue for the next five yean, and ~the petition the _city coun-Some lm.provemmts will be Mn. Summers had worked for American Legion -t. a.let al m N~rt Harbor bayward ot AC<!Ol"din& to Henneuey the brouch in , tel there will be many public Im· ICi requested a zoning change made to the --fa ties. It many ye~-at Orange CountY hos-Police Rowland HodgJrhw:n, Fire the ordinary high tide line along county muat appraile the ~perty ~ irom a ~Bl' ~ provements which wtU require full to G-2 because a motel is about was stated by • tatlve, • . pita!, be<!allse "they need me so." · the northerly shore of the bay. u well u the state and the fie· Guardfa !, New y.:i' 0 -time services of the city enelneer. to be built there, he said, and in which would proba inclucle u she rnCnY t:lmes told her hus· Chief Frank Vrocker, Ralph RaJ>-(1be old patent of the Irvine ures then compered to aee If the w in. the h - -wu N Wate. &,.-,the fllture the bay frontage would piling and a Ooat. de~ Gus Tamplls; from the Le-ranch, or Rancho de Santlaao, bud&et will fcxammodate the pur-Be~ ewport "In my opinion the most 1mprt. ::: be developed .wl\h boat alips gion ~wdliary were Preiddt:nt went to the ordinary high tide line cbw. Find. read the list bf new di-ant problem to the city now is the PoSSlbly a cafe. · . Matie Rolllnc. Mn. Irvine a-.,. of N<WP,Ol"t Bay, the dty engineer Aaother move to .. tabllab the .-on elected. whlch att given w.ater system. Frankly, I cannot . UIJ(Xl hla ... urance to the coun-late CllSS. Ads Gonion Mn ~ Stanley and explotned. proposed state beach park at Cm-· eloewller<. take any pnde In th_e system u cil that no industrial. development ----- . · The ordinary high tide line of ona del Mar wu also made lut I No attempt wu made to Im-It 11 todsy. Not only 11 the IO\ll'a! 11 planned, and sew..-lines beJag LOST _ OWtese anti<lue 1;!>14 Mn. Randel. u well a 8'W!'al Newport Bay was established by a week with inapl'c&n of the atte by l~c and weiahty speeche9 on the of supply. and production fad.lilies a1ong the front of the property, bracelt_t with ereen ~ lnse~ B!~~lilll:I memben of the PoUce A•txiU.ry. decree of the Superior Court ln Mr. Hennessey who abo conftt· l4J'l'e crowd of merrymaken and inadequate for the future erowtb the council unanimously approved. Reward. Phone l7l8. l l0..2tf 1 ,& 1928 and conftrmed by an act ot ~ with chamber of commerce, thetr wives who overflowed the of th~ city, but th~ city is faced of referring the ~tition to the ~ty t " --.,. -For office supplies, ..., tbe the state legislature, the tint time civic and city officials. main dlnlng room and filled moot wit\> a large expenditure to replace planning. commtssion as the proper Electric Heat.Ors L~~~~~!_!~~~~!..,J News-nmesJ It was ever legally eatabllahed, and Plana call for purchase ot. the of the amall dintnc room. It was the wood-stave pipe line from the ~ for annexation. Fan, Radiant and ~iavy • CE • W. 0. BUCK -Insurance Couz..eelor ~1500 ~R-.( 3333 VI.A. LIDO CALIFORNIA .. ewport-Balboa Tourist Bureau Modes of Travel to Europe, Mexico, Hawail RFd·th~World Trips in the near future. See Mn. Roy Keene. Pb. S91. SOI Palm, Bal'- Hoon:. 10 a. m.. te 8 p. m . ONCE AGAIN S M'S SEA FOOD SPA l' ·§j I~' Offers You the Finest Place to Dine In Orange County: • All New - - - Even the Location ... On~ Half Mile East of Old Location on Coast Highway. Beautiful New r Cocktail Bar ei.Lead Sol\thern California in the Serving of -SEAFOODS- ALSO YOUR kind of STEA.KS . -VISIT OUR KITCHEN - Spa Sam's Sea Food and Fish Market . (N•ar Ilea! -) t.301 ()out lll&hway mnce then the lines u establlahed property, worth aPIW'OXimately an evening given over more to re-main reservoir to Balboa b land. It was brought out by R. L. duty type have been used in determinlna $300,000, "°'t of which will be newing old acqualnlane<shlps and The war hu caused a -tpone. Patterson. dty engineer, that Jin Lid El tri. C public and private ownership, he matched by the Oty ot New-convtvallty. Reports were heard, ment of certain improvements and mem~ cities of the Orange Cou:n-0 ec C 1 O. aakl · port's grant to tbe at.ate of it.a however on various drives in recently delays have occurred due ty Joint Outfall ftewer system but 516 State Hlghway-Phbne 1264 Patterson admitted that if Ickes municipally owned trontq:e. which the chamber took part dur-to.the-labor and materi~ markeL one had approved of Newport I 10-lt . win:I his suit, that a "slia:ht cloud" Meeting with Hennessey were lng the year, includ.lng the always 'The question ot secunng a per;-Beach Hrvi~ appro~tely 62 .. _______ ..; __ _ mi ht exist against all tidelands Ralph P . Maskey, prea.ident of the over·aubscrtbed War Oiest., the ma.nent ~ter supply has been acres of additional tenrtory. That ~ty in ,the lowlands around realty ~ and put president ti:ttala during the° war being given ~dete~. Wbether the city one city has ye~ t~ meet on the R 0 $ $ I 'J $ the bay. He recalled.that the dty Gordon RitchJe; Col. F. V. Venn, at,$60,boo. An emergency fund of will CODtinue to depend on its proposal later this week. The "11- has entered into a contrac:t for associated wtth realtor A. J. Twist sro.soo hu been establb.hed for ~t source ot supply or secure nexatlons covered ·were t he _49 Li·a:uor Stnre the whi t k drillin for oil un-at ~na del Mar; R. L. Patter· emergency dJsuter reUet, tt was unported_ water should be defin-, acres south of Corona del Mar, 1_ der the ~d~ands und~ the ocean son, dty engineer; Braden Finc:h, ced, and a board of trus-itely decided u~-one way _or the1 the proposed 2* acres of Stanley, l Coast Rhliay t f 57th street in Newport president of the cham~ of com. ~ soon be set up to admin· oth~r. as econorrucal planning of and" apJrOXfmately 13 acres of the 5-i JIDe ._.. of u;.;·!A...-~ 0 d di h t th' merce and Secretary George tst' It addiUons and rep'8.cements to the,,;H~ar~bo~r~I~nv~es~tm;e~n~t~com~~pan;~y~n~or~t~h~~;;~Ol4~~11~1~1 ~~~~1~-~~ 2348 Newport Blvd. with Ute un erstan ng t a e ' er · t • t · t "bl with f th Arch • • derrl. ks be 1 -• ts"d th 't Weiss of the rea1ty board. -A f d f $3000 will be turned wa er sys em 1S no poss1 e -o e es. -c P a ... ~ ou 1 e e Cl Y un ° out a definite program for the fu· limits in that area. The city has over to the local corn.rpunity chest ture 1 cannot scape my share an ordinance prohibiting dril11ng Resident of Calif. to go tnto operation ~thin a or critictsm of C:Owt.ions ras they' within ~h~ city, except for 'the For 55 Years Di"es,· month., A veterans' sel'Vlce fund exist, but 1 wiSh to impress you slant drilling tr. certain a reas. has also been created, _and a com-with the necessity of inunedlate u the contentions of Secretary Lived on Mesa rftlttee l r~ntly authortz~ _by t~e action upon improvements to the Ickes are sustained, it would aJ-clty council will soon adm1n1ster 1t. water system. · feet all the tidelands, filled tide-Mrs. Lula Virginia Neff, T7, died ~Colonel Farnum. when a~ked to "The problem of sewage disposal lands and submerged lands con-t 11_ of the future of the air base is next to domestic water supply voyed to the city by the state as Thursday, Jan. 31 at he r home hich_ he 0 0 ''' heads. said that in imPortance to the corrtmunity. 375 Wilson s treet. She \VBS a na-h Id be k f to its miner al righfs. All cities n_ot ing w_ ou. nown .or some The present sewahe disposal plant tive of Conne<:ticut and had lived t I f I d I I d • a nd C()Unti es title companies along . . . · time un 1 ina ec son is ma e "'as built in 1937 with a capacity . 1.n Cal1fonua for 55 years, and was I on the s"1ze of the army and 0 'r · · the coast have furnished data to ..... to serve tile city for 15 years. The the state to establish the fact that a membe~ of Rebecca lodge. force needed. a nd whether this present rate of growth, the in- the U S Government has recog-Wasco,_ C?ali!-. should be kept _for that p\IrJX)Se. Cf'C'ase in permanent residents and Radio Service At Reasonable Prices Palmer Radio & Electric · -SUT\'lvtng are her widower Ir II f · d t · · · ' nized thC' title to tidelands con-· -e persona Y a\ore re a irung a n annexations to the citv requires veyed by the state to local gov-01arles E. Neff. _Cost~ 1'i esa: one j air base there for training Oyers. that plans be made to C.:nlarce the. ~~~~=============~~~~~~~~ son, F1oyd Stocking df Charlotte, 1 he said. d. posa1 I t emmen ts. . r M Eff" 1s p an . M~.;. three sisters. rs. ~e A highlight of thE' evening was "The· effluent from the sewage ShiUmg. Los Angeles: Mrs. Rosie the rapid-fire jokester and singing disposal plant is di1'charged into Goble. Otarter Oak, and Mrs. Jen· leader "'ho kept the crov.od in con-. I the Orange Countv Joint Ouifall nie Kroutze. Laguna Beac:h; aJso ~!an t laughter. He led the diners I sev.•er under a ref.ta) agreement. two brothers, Shenna~ Goff, in a group of well-known songs. The enlargement and extension Q.f FOR BE'lTER MAKE-UP 01arter Oak. and Onnie Goff. Braden thanked the city council the outfall sewer is vital to O r-- Glendor a . . fo r thC'ir constant coopera tion, and ange county as well as Newport ·ro see yourself as others will, Miss Myrtle Fahsbender. director of Home Lighting for \Vesting- house, recommends twin dressing table ]amps, high enough to bring the shades on a level "'.ith each side of the face. A bathroom mir- ror should also be flanked by F uneral sel'Vlces "'85 held praised Harry Welch, who made Beach and the city 1'hould encour-- Saturday at 1 P· m . at the Har-most of the preparations, as '"the age the formation of , a· county ol d Grauel c:hapel. best secretary a ny chamber ever sanitary district or districts to ligh ts, one at each side and shield-TASTY TRICK ,.o ed to prevent glare. This will pro-PLA y ON CARROTS had." · carry out this pro~t. if ~he public '-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~j~~~ Charles H . Diggs, county plan-beaches are to be prote<:ted from i . ning consultant. gave a brief but contamination. vide adequate illumination 'for For the benetit of those who close shaves and perfect make-up. , don't "go'' for carrots, Westing· house home economists come up ~-----------•I Y.ith this tasty trick to play on Carr 's Feed Store thorn. Brown three slices of chop. I pcd bacon and r emoVe from skil-H a y and Grain 1et. The n brown chopped onion in Quarty Feeds the bacon fat. Add carrots and 1 cook for ten minutes. (If c:anned, -§- Da.l.ly DeU\·ery-Pbone 6!7 1827 Newport Blvd. COSTA MESA this is all the cooking carrots will r equire, but if fresh, pre-cook to within ten minutes of "doneness"). Ser ve in a hot vegetable dish and garnish with the chopped bacon. signifi cant talk on planning · along "Ordinarily a le,tter of resigna- thc coastline. He doclared that this tion should be brief. This is an could logically be the heart of the exception, as I desire to impress great south coa!!t settlement. He yOu as well as my successor with P•id tribute t o good planning as these two important problems fac- an· evidence of good will. and men-ifig the-c ity. , t ioned the -Nol-rlian Nursery in Respectfully submitted, Corona del Mar as an example of R. L. PATTERSON, that good Y.rill expression for the . Oty Engineer . benefit of a community. Served on Dauphin, Bringing Vets Home State Would Allow City Change Name To Newport Harbor ?n. the U .S.S. Dauphin 1 Jack The State of C&lifornia has no ' . • LAGUNA FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION Gr1ff1ths, coxswatn, U.S.N., New-objections to the proposal of the port Beach. Calif .. served or:i this .Newport Harbor Chamber of Com· ~~ault troop transport dunng a merce to change the name of the ~fr1,t of her war a-uise in the Pa-city to Newport Harbor from CONDENSED STATEMENT OF CONDITION DECEMBER 3.1, 1945 I . ASSETS fl1ist Mortgage Loans ···············-···········$8,895,25'7.70 nJ. amount represents first liens. Loans ma~e for the financing and construction of horhes fn Laguna Beach and vicinity. These 1±, are repaid to the Association in monthly installments ot. principal a nd 1nterest. {4n ·OD Pwboob and Certificates.... '7,050.00 ~porary loans to our stockholders, secured by the a.ss:ignment of their accounts to the ia;tion. sifck In f"ederal Home Loan Bank........ 45,000.00 investmen~ makes available to the Asso-- on such long and short tenn credits as its n65 requires in accordance with pro\ri· of the Federal Home Loan Ban1c Act. ' U'f1:'~'7.=~~~ ~~-an_~ l,J<K,s.19.1!6 Cub OD Bud and In Banb ...... -·-·-·... Z6J,Jli6.30 ' . woridng capital on hand and deposted in Banks. ~ funds are available to worthy borrowen in need ot money to acquire home ownenhlp. • ZS,SIS.00 7S5.00 AL A8SE'l'S . ·-····························$4,84%,S5%.ll6 LIABILITIES ,Members' Share Accounts .......... _ ..... -... $S,S59,66'7.'19 This item represents the funds invested in this Association. Each investor and saver shares equally in the f.esources and the earn- ings of the Association and each account is insured up to $5000.00-by the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation. Advan-Federal Home Loan Bank ... 48'7,500.00 This Association maintains and has imme-- diately available a tine of credit with the Bank to meet any normal or em ergency needs. ._,,,, In ProoM8 ...................................... 692,lSl.1!9 Balance of Loans made by tht. Association, and on which all funds have not been dis· bursedjto~ Ot.b<r UalJllltios -·-··-·· .. -··-············ z, '74%. '19 • Spedfte Btem-. ... ___ ....... -.. -········-l2,8SlUO ' .. • General a-rv... ----·-····-----·-·· 116,4'18.!9 Undivided Prolltll ·:·--·······----··-·-·· 1'7o,998.llO OFFICZ118-DlllECTOR8 Sec' M L. F . M,\LLO.W. President WM. A. WOLF.1 Vice Pros. ANDREW S. HALL. Y" II'· • c. PETERSON, Direct, or GEORGE E. Git.un', Dlrect<lr DR. B . B. MASON. Director . ~ • n•nVEY Attorney LORNA MIIJS._ Aa't. Sec'y. JOHN ~ ~ • ISSUING AGENT FOR ·UNIT ED ST ATES SAVINGS BQNDS • 1 1 c. Newpor t Beach, said Braden Finch .J ~~e Dauphin h~ been enga~ed at the annual clinder of the lcham-lfl Magic Carpet duty-bringmg ber last Thursday night. veterans home from overseas The often suggested c:hange to a bases. Previously, she participated name including the harbor which" i~ . the Okinawa """'operation, and is unique to this locality as agaimt VlS1ted Japan at Sasebo, Hlro Wan the appelation of beach, which is' and Yokohama. used by Huntington, Long and La~ guna beaches is favored by many Try worldn& toda.y'1 ™wOro people, including memben of the puzzle_ chamber of commerce. ~HEUMATISM: and ARTHRITIS I suffered for Years and am so thankful that r can walk and work aka1n without pain, that I~ glad· ly answer anyone writing ~ tor information. MRS. EMMA IVES, P .O. Box 189, Los Angeles 52,:Callf. NO.PROLONGED SOAKING Comparativefy few washables need soaking and then not for more than 20 minutes. Extei;Wve lalDldering research at the w .. t. inghouse Home Economics Insti- tute indicat .. that prolonaed ooak· ing opens the fiben and permits the soil to become deeply lodged, thus making it more difficult to remOve. I GEORGE D. B ~ General Accountin r . I Fishermen's 2602 W. Central A e. ' ,. ' " RECOVER ~-Outdoor . ~ NOW • Lawn ~ 1 Sl 'f9" Becnen ·-- F.as}' to 1.l.t~n 1 ·S8nta Ana Teat lall!o.llalaS&. . '790 Oau& BmL '~ ' . I Ing Co. i&uta A•· 1....-B•ell ;. ' There are 'oar rules for safe kire By· ing. If you follow them, you will have more nlri. you will be. safer and so will your kire. Here ~ the rules. Remember to follow .tf.I.L of meiln: I. Fly kiteS in an o~ field, away from power Jes and other overhead obsttuctio,:.11~ J 2. Never use wire, timcl, or · suing." l 3. Be sure the strin& is perfectly dry. "· · 4. If the kitr caiches in a power ·line, let go · diatt.ly. Don't pull! Pbooe the company owning die line, and a lineman will come m set your kiie I« r9a. j REDDY Jal.OW.MT Yo ... •karie i'"1""1 ll!J.11¢11 CILD"Ollll EDW ,_,d, J. 11.'ESTIS , GENERAL Ef,F.CJ'RJC DWW*M'*' • P'DICW. Nwpwt-1111 . o· , • •• • • • • • • • • ~ • ' •. . . . . I .. , C sta Mesa Now---and ·Its I . . I 'uil ing Fut'1.re Ne rt Engineering Associates ERIC J . SINGER. President llfaetaren a Salee Enct• e en 15 c-t mp...,.-PIL NCI • ;!;;!;;!; Otto Boyd Boyd's Service Station UM W. '()oa.._N_rt ---1111 I ;!;;!;;!; .. ( Volney Hay I Balboa Motel Ill -~ OoJlt. I TelfJ'Mae l!8 . ;!; ;!; ;!; G. N. WellS. · 1 Real Estate I.. noae M-.,on ns l-r -rt Bmi.--co.t& M-Oollf. I ttt Dr.1 Ro~~awford 1'1'91 rN_rt llml.-CO.ta M-Oallf. ..,.._USO ;!;;!;;!; , Curt H . Bowman ~e !°!!!'~! S!>1!~any tOt cout Hl&1lway-Newport Beach. caru • • ;!;;!;;!; 0. ·Z. Robertson General Contractor 1219 d>ut HJgh'-'·ay~orona 1del Mar, Calli. I Newport 8S. I ;f; ;f; ;f; .I 'Harold K. Grauel CHAPEL I 110 Broadway Cotta M6a. California • ;!; ;!; ;!; A) E. Groty -J. A. Groty Groty Appliance Co. ' Frtlkiatre and Mayta& Dealer-Phone , 15'74 l '79t/ Newport Blvd.--Co~ta Meu. CaW. I ;!;!! ~ John E. Sadleir Real Estate -Insurance j Office Phone: !OM '10Z Main. Street-Balboa. Calli. ;!; ;!; ;!; F. B. Owen Ne rt Souvenir & Gift Shop GIFI'S OF ALL KINDS 1 Phone 21S2·J Zl~ Ocean Front-Newport Beach. Calif. ;!; ;!; ;!; L . H. Ewen -Proprietor Mesia Radio & Electronics Co. I P!M>DOMO J . im Newport 11mi.-eo.ta M-Oallf. I . ;!; ;!; .t I HUBBARD HOWE Pn!s. Hubbard's · uth Coast Qompany U W. Centnl-Newport %800 ;!; ;!; ;!; HEINZ KAISER; Owner [ Bay Shore Camp and Boat La,nding 11111 .i... ()out Wpway-l'b<HM>: Nwpt. 11%8 . : ;t;t;t i Lew H. W~ace RJi E:state and Insurance Broker I .rt.irN: ·()fftce S BeL 1511 1111 W. C-lnl Aft.-Newport Beodl. Calif. ~ CX)Y ~ ;l;W~~ 7M L ~!!!°!. Lij!!f~~~ MTW -no t of 'Oo-fto!!\;r" -G. B. 11...-, Jl&T. ! ;!; ;ti . Louis Verwey, P_rop. C~o !Cafe & ~ktail Lounge 1 .... 8i:toM ... ",. .... '7,...11 ;!; 4; ~ J.M. Miller I REAL ESTATE BROKER .... uu . »~N~­ "On Your Way to Balboa'" . ;!; ;!; ;!; alter J. Gerhardt Our Photographer ..,_ A•=• Ooroea del llar, o.Bf. Nw,wt-m·w • . ' The Booming Spot on· the Face of .Newport Harbon 6.By F. B. OWEN -, I I . I .&..J/i ~trict Secretary Costa .M .. C. of C. The greatest building program in the history of of the building program now unde a i . this isn't the "City on the Mesa" which overlooks the vast ex-just loose talk-Costa Mesa is krowi g. I , panse of the Pacific ocean is now underway, accord-Situated on a mesa above ttfe coa ta! floor, Costa OT? Mesa is ideally situated. for those hd like their in·g to county records and WHY N · ocean close, but not toP clos~whe e its resjdents LOOK at what development of Costa Mesa may avail themselves of all the facil ties of the har- means! bor area art'tl. yet live in a city of frie dly1 residential More beautiful homes for year 'round residents, atmosphere. merchants and professional families. Costa Mesa has the territory for Greater expansion of a merchandising mart that agricultural and ranch life, long a p xpfnsion. I ts dominant fac- way~ for new kints of town is already proving to be the smartest for the Harbor tor i~ the city's economy, is makin area. homes and subdivisions on the· ou Mesans· are now talking incorporation and will where residence will be ideal. soon be a communi~ of proportions comparable to All in all, the growth of Costa esa is assured the largest in the county. There· is a great deal of and it will join other Flarbor cities in making the talk about 40,000 and 100,000 resi dents in the ·area one of the finest for ev.eryon play, pleasure greater harbor area for the future, and by the looks and profit. .1~ PREDICTS BIG BOOM Harold Grauel -Chapel Born in Harlan, Iowa. H a rold Graue•attended school at Avoca and worked his way through the University of Iowa. He became a mor-- tician and started practice in Council Bluffs. Iowa .. Coming to Cali- fornia "";th the Shriners a s a m ember of Omaha Shrine, he decided to come to California and for three years made Long Beach his home. Then he saw the opportunity offered in Costa Mesa and acquif.ed the chapel at 110 Broadway in 1939 where he is a&.Sisted by his wife, Olga. and a lady attendant. The chapel is modern i~ every re5pect and serves the entire harbor area. He has one daughter, La Noma, who attends the University of Southern California. One ot the most civic-minded men in the district, Mr. Grauel is past commander of the American Legion post; past president of Lions club; past president of Costa Mesa Olamber of Commerce; c,hairman of the War Olesi.. drive for the past three yean; a 32nd degree Mason~, Shriner; member of the Eastern Star, Ella, and member or the-Val cia Funeral Ditectors association and California and Na- tional neral Directors associ8.tlons. ' ' RADIO EXPJ,!::R • , ' • t ..... ' f I " r r ' ·d 'Lawrence (Larry E en Lawrence H. Ewen, known to all his fti nds "Larry", wu born In Beverley, Jorkshire, England and came ·th · parents to Canada, then to Detroit, where his father worked or e Ford Motor com· pany. Early taking an interest in radio, s udied at th·e Detroit Institute and coming to Los Angeles in 1932 he servicing radios. After h!s marriage in • ).940 he openedJ his wn store but .sooo changed his location to Costa Mesa. While · s here was modes\. he soon opened the large nE'W shop at 1 NeWport: boulevard. the Mesa Radio and Electronics store whe he idoes a tremendous amount of maintenanc;e business and c · the largest Stock of re- placements in the area. · In the same building Mrs. Ewen hb h r hobby Shop where &be carries stamp collectors supplies, model ai lanes and where the Jun- ior and senior stamp clubs hold their mee gs. · Associated ...tth Lan-y is Robert Ba~. assodate electronics . engineer who has had lots of experienee 9.tith navy submarine radio work and for two years has 1specialized ~marine installation and r service. Besides his ..,n\dio work ~en has always kept contact with - Boy Scout acdvities"h ich he started in gland. Howard J. Gerrish llABTFOBD FIRE INSURANCE CO. • Plloae 111 1808 Newport Blvd~ta M..._ Callf. Bob Allen COUNCILMAN Prop. Brad ri L. Finch .c.otc. Mgr . Fine · Ceramics ;!; ;!; ;!; Paul Lorentzen Balboa Sportfishing Fleet -Sil-Balboa ,l'a.W... ;!; ;!; ;!; ANITA SEXTON Prop. Balboa Market and Delicatessen , .. 11:.. Cea~ %1H ;!; ;!; ;!; • DON NORMAN Norman's Meat Market -C-lnl A..,._.._ - BALllOA 181.AND VAJUJ:Tl' 8TOBE ;!; ;!; ;!; ! JOSEPH L. MARSHALL ~", ·--.. Christian's Hut 4; ;!; ;!; Thomas F. Norton Prop. BAY SHORE CAFE .._ UH lTtll a eo..t lllali••J' SERVING 12 NOON TILL 9 P . M. ;!; ;!; ;!; 1.Geo. Weis8 & Dick Othmer Pl~: J~~~t Co. SPORTLAND-BOWLING-PAVIUON .. .,;t ;!; ;!; T.~ "Frenchif's" Barbecue & l)tlicatesaen it'! -a*fa--- It t t Robert L. ~-Recordlna Enclneor Davis & ~ay Music Co. 111'1 Nwwpwt ~ M•• ft. 1111 u•w-- ·I Tl.phone ~f,02 . I . ;!; ~ ;!; re Rdbms DEA~ER IPlt.. • I . I w.o.tnl Donald J. Harmon . BA[BOA HORS,E RACES woa. w-. w-11a1a ~-' ...... .;!; 4; ;!; Dennis Hogland · ·PLYMOUTH. -1&&--0oota -l'lllf N~ llhol. ;!; ;!; ;!; Milton M. Maxwell, M. D. 1•1 OoUt ~-oar-dol --N~l-. ;!; ;!; ;!; Burt R. Norton. RADIO ELECTRICIAN ..... w1 11ll OoM& lllata.waJ'-Newpert Bx+, ~ .• ;!; ;!; ;!; AL ANDERSON•L Fun 7A»ne --...... ;!; ;!; ;!; Bob Callis 'DIMributor GENERAL PETE (FLYING 1HOB8l!:POWJ:B) n1 %0th 8t.-Nowpo-.-m ( ;!; ;!; ;!; ROBERT H. REED Harbor Cold Storage Phone 448 428 30tlt St.-Newport Beach, Calif. -;!; ·;t ;!; Capt. B. ]. McNally McNaUy'1 Balboa Boat Livery 705 E. Bay A ve.-Phone 408 ;!; ;!; ;!; . • Dr. Conrad Richter Costa Me... Pbone: Offtoe lSS RMtdence 7•~.J . ' . ;!; ;!; ;!; ' Herbert F. Kenny POSTMASTER BALBOA Callf. ;!; ;!; ;!; Geo. Weiss L . Elaine Welss Coast Properties Co. Realtors 70S E. Oeatral-Ba.lboa--Pbone 881 ;!; ;!; ! W. B. Rowe Starck's Cafe Zl !_t Ptace-Newport 4; ;!; ;!; Fritz Goossens -Gus V ander Linde Balboa Market ~ Newport -l Mala St. ;!; ;!; ;!; . ' jack Hamilton -Frank Black · Beacon Sea Foods . Phone 2011 .. w tael. CoMt Wsflway-Newport -..._ Oallf. ;!; ;!; ;!; ALLAN DARTFORD The mue Sails -StaUoner;y, Cards, Art Supplleo IOI Mahl St.-Ball>c>a-n. N-rt I'll ;!; ;!; ;!; Robert E. Arvin's .Jewelers uad Wafdimak~n IN Twomt;y·8eeoncl Street Newport; ll°!•cla, Calli. ;!; ;!; ;!; William MacCurdy w. H. (Skip) Calldns MacCurdy & Calkins, Inc. . · NAVAL ARCHITECl'S M. E. Niedecker, Sec. 8r Treas. · Ull OoM$ lhr;r.;-N-port 11<11.··Pll. N...,&. t• 4; ;!; 4; Stanley 'James Barden , MASTER MARINER -_ .. _Y ... t -Ill/Ip Ill I IH CoMt lhr;r.-ft. -II ;!; ;!; ;!; C.F.Dennison .......... .A.. "llANDr AIWWWI& -8ee"-ac aw&_.._,. ftm1 UTI 4; 4; ;!; MAC PELLETIER · Newport Pharmacy 11•---r-• •£££1 ANTON HERSHEY ~~t : ............ r ....... • ' • • 0 • • • ,. ~ • • • • • • ~ 0 • • • ' • .. ' • ) ==· • I. I Vi Cl thi' hi. N'~ *7droPlr' I Ca..._._ ......._~ -...... the ....... -£~~~~e?ej=~ _ dory · o ·ng uti•1 ~tt-~1; e;;~t Er~-... & i ~-.1. w. oub.L .::;wthelL r!:!. ~~-: Mav Reach Three Ton .Total s.i:. ~ ~ ;'::c.:.a ~:; rllore-tbe....:....-_·· --~~ ... ----.;..;....:..-----------------, -. ::i =~...iay~~;.;;.,.: A toj bl...-than thrft toi4 -Smith, MonY ~ ~ .... ...,. ~-.: :;.1.:=-:: ;;:ur~~ ~ Fnncls J. er--l f 11 I ll1nea with nu. and In clilcl-1ng of c1oo4c will have been ablp--~. W . H. m her !Im! """t <?' ~t ~ -b = bli Va_.· i...::-.: Alv u moo-... a ..... lsa;v . For • .,. °l" growth of his UIOCiatlon, Aiil ped out Of the Har'-by the end Dorotby em-and Prue Holdf>-only for Ferd V-3 80 b.p. mo-tuc p;;t,t SUr bu ~ .....:: -........ " youth tknew • atage • Id crave L • that a $75.000 building wu now of the Week when the Victory 1 , tor bef~teyout onjthe 1-)<. She the ~ boat 'DDllllY H · -,---· 1 In coune of construction. Mr. Clothln~1 ve clooes,. aooordlnc to N T Free SaJ lo a "74,'' U feet loDc bu ,,_,,,..i it the Jtg.in.fteei e iR•ft. ,.. .Hall, In the course of an Inter-Dr. G. • Pease, driw chairman: 0 .aJ: e with 5 ~ oot beam. Capt. Fl'euhaa will ' have view, declared' Dr. ue ""1ay praised the Or Pro u.,. 1.1 '!be . tr;autlful bla'il' ·bottomed cbUter crui.s !'°"" -: "Indicative or the lncreued work of of bla oommlttee """'1· perty nxCu., speeds~.!'-OD ,One! over at SaPl!hlre street ~i!'"~r~ l •lllPlfJ prosperity of Orange county oom-ben, ~ two ochool prindpela, ·Coll--to State the =boat ~ cm Clout ' ..i craft. ' 00 • munlti .. is the rapid growth of Sidney Davidson and Horace .En· ' ~ r 8 highway, ch Capt. jStanley Bar-IU powei He. Will be re-I the Laguna Federal. With -t lign for the apie.ndld cooperation J don bu Improved sreatJy tdDce , elation hu made a net gain of $1,-schools who have done moot of me sale or exch~ of a per-to build boa$ i,. ready· yO~U , ,. • 621,050 during the year of 1945. the work of gather!nc In the ~reoidenoe."Thiawarning1'Q Ing the autlful , Jab I'> his WOOD • s1"lillL • ':L ___ _ 111 ....... .. t ey'dstart TqDAY:and sp.ve and. • fo yo•r reoourcea of 14,842,352. this ....,. of the tnchen and •tudento 1n the "There is .... •uch thine • ···tax he took~ year .co. Eq"'-4 n . "' VENmAN BLIND 1 .... , •• and takes Ito place u one of the clothes. Abo be!l>ir praised is i.Uec! todoy by Colloctor of In-main while oa11cre~ the · .L AWlllNUll .. .... I leading financial institutions of Larry B~ ahlpplng: chairman. tttDal Revenue Han-y c. WeStove:r entire yVd fOI' ~ and re-...... "---a.. I I ----a ., •• -............ Orange county. · who hu furnished the. packing to counteract the widespread .,.. furblsblnj of yachts p to 100.ton 81i Clout lllgllway , •••••• ,., "Statement of operations shows room, boxes, airing and materials ....-ia lmpreuion that prollto re-displa t. ~===================~=~=~ that loans made during the put and manY fioun of his own time. aultlng from lllch tramactlona are for whom ithe lldmmer SAVE! ' ~ I ....... :!+'# .::.:.-::::. ~. • 3! ~ • ••• -·· ~ ·-~ .. . . ::l :S:l:S VI LI DO . TELl'.PHONC 1500 year numbered 496 and the dollar ~ 0-Motor corp1 mem-not subject to federal Income tu. is being ullt ,expeeto to r ace her &m0unt loaned was $2,106,608. This ben ha,,i,, made twice dally c0l· "One of the lnclucemona being on Sal Sea and at[ Lons 11-ach. • 1s an 1ncreue ot $1,093,526 -. ... r 1ect1o.. trom i1oot offices and offend -ownon "' dispaoe of She .• _,, "' prwent _Ora_ nge County 1 1 _;Tncklng the amount loaned during l!M4, schools and a group of local wo-their property is that I the profit is capolzlng m turns. Her when the loan volume wu $1 ,-men hav~ volunteered to give time not taxable, and need not ~ be can be ltnterc:hanged 013.081. It is very gratifying to to packipg. J ane Calkins of the reported," Westover d e c 1 a r e d. easily, en 18)'1. ~be 11 capable ·note that Z76 homes have been Red Crcu 1taff has chairmaned "Such statement.a are totally 'tn-of 50 mil per hour, and seats two. built or are now being built with the packtng grg,up. correct. funds loaned by the Laguna auo-Packeis havl been Mesdames "Every sale ot a Personal rest- ciation. Irvin George Gordon, .R. K. Or-dence during 1945 must be report- f.:eiteral Long and Short Hauls · ft9 W. Wll9oa St. -Costa 11- .PHONES Nwpt. !60, Day--.r-Nwpt. 51!-lll, Night. NEW IP ORT BA LBOA FE D E R A L S AV I NPI Sand l.O lfN ASSO(/AT /O .'\J .I EWPORT BEACH , CALIFORN IA lnvestrents received before the 11th of the month earn from the 1st of t he mo nth "Total savings invested with the miston, Winifred Young, Ulllan ed on income tax Form 1040 which Laguna Federal show a substantial Lenry, A. J. Gant, G. N . Pease, is due not later than neXt March gain during the past year and they Erwin Spicer , James Mustard, 15," Westover saJd '1t does not are no~ approaching the four mil· Wayne Crowl, Phoebe Mulligan, matter whether the home was sold lion t;lollar mark. More than 1800 Davis, H. G. Hitchman, Bulgar, at a profit or a Joss; tt should be savings accounts are now credited Stewart Dunlap, and Agnes Beh, ree!rted.. . Pavin of alleys · qn Balboa ls· ~====;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;3;;~ on the . bOo~s of the .association. Lois ~och. Vera Rickard and 'The sale or exchange of 8 pri· land wil go ahead the same as All saVJ ngs lnvested WJt the asso-Ruth Simpson. vate residence for cash, other real original} proposed, following ap- ciation share equally in its earn· Red Cross Motor corps drivers property, merchandise securities proval the Monday afternoon lngs and during the past year ap-who have helped were Mesdames or what have you, 1~ a taxabl~ meeting f the city council of a proximately $80,000 wB!I paid to transaction," Westover said,• "re-resolutio of intentif>n and if no these thrifty people. All savings Over $300,000,000 gardlcss of what is done with the protests develop w~en residents accounts are feder ally insured up proceeds. of the · land are notified of the to S5.000 and withdrawal privil-Orange County Share "Profit accruing from the sale planned tprov'emenf by pastcard eges arc arranged and may be Of National Debt or exchange of 8 personal resi-and post notices during the next made without penalty. Dividends dence owned for more than six few wee . . I are paid serni·annually and all • calendar months must be reported Legal otice of lhF paving pro- funds, placed with the association Orange county share of the in., full, but only 50 per cent ot it gram d assessm,ent district · b h lo h f $252,700,000,000 national debt to-ed · t 1 I d. '!!. t e t o any. month earn is ta.~able. The entire amount of cre~t. r 1mprove~~n ~c u 1ng Cemplete Fountain Senrice. at HANSEN'S 2100 Ocean Front Newport NOW OPEN EVENINGS lilALTS • SANDWIClllS • Ice Cream t.o Take Ont d1V1dends from the first. day ranges between $306,SSO,OOO profit is taxable when the prop-addition water mf ins 1n some "Owing to the increased de mand and $394,740.ooo. depending on the erfy was held for less than s~-areas wi be pr inted by the News-fonnula Used to calculate the uo. for home loans, we are again ac· calendar months." ' Times t is week an next. Coun-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~±~~ cepting savings and investment ac· share of the debt Californians owe, • cilman arl St~leyt asked if the - counts in unlimited amounts a nd California Taxpayers' association Whittier CoJ)ege work co Id get und~r way before respectfully inVite you to partici-saJd today. · · the heig t of the supuner season , I r-----~----------------+---. pate in the earnin11B of this fed-On a straight population basis. Offers Scholarships and the •tylengln"o/ said he be-24-Hour .,ally Insured institution." dividing the $252,700,000,000 Mbt To 24 Stude ts lieved It cou d if pi!?" can be ob- by the 140.000.000 people in the n tained i . time. bun this is un-Radio Sem· Consciousness of right. doing briii gs its own reward: but not amid the smoke of tattle is merit nation. the d~bt per capita across cer tain. j ' j Beer the countr)' 1s St,805. For the 9,· \VHI'l7IER, Cal.-1\venty-four 250,000 people estima ted to be in special and r egular scholarships y iJ Cl b IG•· California at Jan. 1. 1946, this ranging In value" from $125 t~ 8C1~t U JVefi seen and appreciated by lookers· amounts to $16,696.250,000. For $1000. are offered to high school R• h'l to H di on.-Mary Baker Eddy. C?ran~e. county's 170,000 popula-seniors by Whittier college for the lg · an e tion, 1t ls S306.850.000. academic year of 1946-47. Two M t MT -• Califomia l!"Y8 8:5 per cent of of these, valued at $1000 each, the em er QOrJilgS federal tax collections. but has Amos and Matilda Hadley Stuart :! HOME, AUTO, MAIUpjrJil BADI08 REPAIRED Burt R. Norto 915 Clout Wway Plloee Newport -· Oellf. Wines Liquers Whiskey a.bout 6.75 per .cent of the pb~ula· scholarships, were established by The N wport Hartf>r Yacht club lion of the nation. On the _basis ~f the late Elbridge Amos Stuart, will again handle mooringss for shar~ .or federal taxes paid, Ca11-~oundcr of the Carnation company, their me.!nbers under1 the new hjir-~orn1a s sha;e of the ~ational debt In memory of his parents. His bor · ordi 'ance \lS the~ have in lhe I ~~==-===========-=================-====-====:::J;=::::; IS $21,479,500,0QO. WhtCh averages mother W QS 8 Sister Of the late past, U n recomrrendation Of I I $2,322 for each of the 9,250,000 Washington Hadley, one of the Harber aster Russell Craig a nd ~pie In t he state. ~ange coun-founders of the Oty of Whittler approval by the cit~ council. The tys sha~e .ot the nat1onal1debt on and for many years a civic leader . club ma ea formaf request for this basJS as $394,740,000. One-half of the total a mount of the supe ision of the moorings In ~~~~'~ @[R<~§ 0 thele two schol¥Ships will be their -a, agreei~1 to collect Paul D. Harris granted for use during the fresh-taxes f~the city. b t not assum· Of LI.do Isle Is man year and the balance will be· ing res siblllty fo non-paymen t divided Into equal parts for use of those taxes. · N a'vy Dischargee dW'lng ti.e rema ining three yean era1g ecommend~ that their Listed among dischargees from out they had in the past obtained of college. reques~1 granted, ps he pointed Boot& and Roy Keene naval service was a resident of Turns Over Sons to the m · um tor the' O)oorlngs un- Racing Skippers:- Sail Boat Hardware Sail Track and.Slides Stop Watches Yacht Timers , Newport Marine Supply Co. Ne\\1>0rt Beach, Paul D. Harris of A th "ti ff • der a fl rate payment, and they Palm and Bay, Balboa 653 Via Lido Soud, according to U On es, Opmg agreed tp have mell)bers sign an Phone 891 a release from the separation cen· ''To Straighten 'em" agreement to pay t!>elr taxes to 814 Cout Highway ~~---~~~~~~:":":":":":";;ter In Great Lakes, Ill. the city lwhen usingl these moor· ~=======:!=============:t=~ • Phone :rnM)..I _ Hoping that their experience ings. 1 with the Jaw will "straighten them Th eveland lndJans have YOUR CAR : ITH GENUINE PRE-WAR PAINT! ) But first come ~n and take a loo~ at our fine Bake ~ven •• then you'll see why our jobs are top_s! One-Day Service - -Credit If Desired All Work tuaranteed ARRISON PO.NTIAC to. ,..-, . .. Salda Alla out," a Costa Mesa mother last . ede k ed 1 s1gn tcher· Bob \Feller for a wee turn . over two young sons ted f S4ll 000 Th • and their cousin to juvenile cu-reporF ary 0 ::""T' · at 5 I one e r thQt d1sn't need a thor ties after teaming they ad rr· d fled from Huntington Beach police -::':en:::;:.:j:::::;:::::j::==== who a~ them of pilfetj..ng ,. from puked cars. . I Police ot the Oil city Questlo~ed the 14-and 12-year old brothers and their 13-year-old cowiin last week but the brothers broke a~ay and fled. The mother . learning of the in- cident, summoned sheriff's med to her Costa Mesa home and Ju,.. rendered her boys and the couSin. All were lodged in juvenile deten- tion home. Watch the Classified columns. Quality Lumber and Building Material• • ' COSTA MESA . LUMBER CO. R. £. HOSTET L ER Pt'lon~ 43 Lumber and 0 uildin M ten Is iu a,._;11 a Bay District Lum er Col -ua I Ill& 00.&llT BJOBWAY ' .&T TBS l'l!(lJIU GORDON .I. F ND AY CABINET ' ~HOP <JABINEISl._ud Mll~lt'O•. ___ .. T.(J.r • • l r---~ Our .. Returning Boys Want to Call Home . G IRl.S, the war isn 'c ovcru faru telephone a.lb ue concerned.. There ue more alls co handle than nu. Will you help handle me mowands of alll our rerumio.g service mCn are making u they uriYe m Soudiern California oa the way homel '1beae ii nocbiag m<$< boys ...... ,...... than "' ulepb<mo home, and we need lllOn! girls., handl.e <heir allL Paywbileleaming.p..l,n.._rjotio.'Good .... ,.......;m&.,-u.a..-. 'lbeaelopa>bobly...i. • pboaeoaY:en<orJOUfbomewberc~mal<lwa& . }'* Ilk lbe 0 Oft>• D Ibo Oii<l op. I ... who wil po JOD die edclz-"'"" 9Df"'., --• ...,. _ oaaftlliem byoa. -.q __ ......... " . lllZ.Ba-y.Ps'•• ' I , I , • -· ~ c I I " ·. ' • . ~-••rr -----~ . -, ~ ' I: I • ' I ' • 'l -. - • .~~~~~~L.. .......... ~ ........................................................................... ~ ................ ll!!!&~W~POKr:!!!!~~ .. !~·!·!ao!2iAL.!N~&!!!W~8~-~~!!j!,-"!!!!!1!!!!...!!!!!!li..!°'~·rr!!!=!~!!!~Tu '·7 ............ I 1..... ' ~~~.,___: L -_-=:1tt-:::::':::=-~:=::.:::=t-~-:--~ ........... ....,""".'"""'"'=',....,:"'"°" p:~:~:n:tuolNo :u::~=-w~ NEWS-T.,rMES CLA SI _, 1 ·~ ~ IW8IN&8ll mm ta ncrrnou11 llO"!bod to the ~thlh Inouurr-t. A ~ , :1rAJ 1. I and .-!edged to me that they i Read Them 1 ur 1 rol 11 • • • L ~ 'f''"elm f~' Rellu.l18 · executed the. same. •• l 'i'be coitlfln that In wt-wi.e.eot. I haw U -· don't find what you are looking tor advertl-1 In this ISIJIJe Phonr "'oe!~1 12 or 13 _ _, -"---~ -_ ... ,_, .. ., ... ~i.· l!Dmt ----. Ile 111 _,,. .oo.ineoo .-heftunto oet my hand and attlud · ,_ 1 • ·• ,. ..,.. ,_.... ,_ --"""' ,,... ,1ent -r- ; · lhe name at -T O Rod and l!ftl my official seal the day and year P&lliTIMO OONl'llAOl'Oa ll&AOTY .um U Mu: IDllCELLANltOU& II' Shop" at No. 21~ MariPe Avenue. in thiS certitlcate ftnt ~ COLD and M.AClll'(IClnJS ----:l IOJlllCAL ta llADIC 81 GOOD -1!ianoa. '*"" u -u S89. 'IM tor , 1'-'\<'tlce. Eu7 '' Balboa I&land, Q Ufom)a. That he 1"11tten. PAINTING -PAPIDR HANGING t FOR SALE-~t. aultab1' 111 the oolo ~ and Pub. Jan. 29 ; Feb. 5, 12, 19, 1946. and Dl!XJORATING __ WAVES . for man solae out. New IGGl!- that hill ~ta .. set forth ff. IL McDonald ·~tiq -K&alclll'll>& cloa Forcuoon> black chenlll•. be-. • I NOTICE OF PUBLIO BEAJUNO Of Old COUDty R4., Ph: 164-W 11: .. otn~ Appoln-ta Pb. l~W heavy aatb> lining, size f2. C11 JonuorY 12, 1 eo.t& K-86-tfc V1'1 Beauty Shop N . B. 55G-M. 6-t WISHON, The Newport Beach City Plan-·-OUIDIC It 1103 Cout Htway, c.,,_ del Mar THOR MANGLE IOI' aalo. R&dlc at 200 So. nlng Commlulon will hold a Pu~ 7&-Uc "'pelred, 24-hour ...-vice. shor!tl Lorraine, Loo Angeln, lie Hearing Thunday, FebruarY 21, FOR A RELIABLE Paint Job on Ca~ 1946 at 7:30 P. M .. In the Council your home, call Newport 1047 L08T .um PoUPm ti Circuit Radio Shop, :.>5 Pa!Jb S ~ ~ .. , ) City Hall N-t Ave., Balboa. Phone 1633-W. I tate w ~, Ownben. . • -~~ after 4:30 p.m. JG-Uc LOST-Rhl.,..tono earTin&Jan. 7:1, s.~ County of Oranc~ > a. Beach. California. McFaddon Place. Reward. Phone ,c On the 16th pay of January, PUBLIC HEARING upon tbe "XCAVATING, GRADING, lot Hollywood 2:!85. lG-2tp CIRCULATING Electric Heaten, 1946, before ~ ~ •P-application of A K. TWl•ten for plou&~. cement W•lka. driv.. · · only $7~ Health Lampo, tntra· polll'«I FraBJ< ")tahon, known to rezoning from R-3 to C-1 of North-and -foundations. See LOST-.:Jan. 28, black call suede Violet, Infra-Red, "Verdl·llaJ' R • Re · · me to be the ~ -·namo 1 west 25 feet ot the Southeaat 60 Euco . contracting co., phone pune, between Balboa and Coota Batter!.. for H .. rin1 Aldi A H a lOclally patp.nt lll'.t. --· ta · IU)Jocrlbod to fl'". foregoing In-feet of tbe North \0 of Lot 3, and Nrwpcxt ™-J. 8-9tp Mesa. If found kffl> money and Portable ltadloa. MESA RADIO .,._ call excep Si ~ tenna. >r will ~t. • Dem- Schmidt Co., 5: 0 No. Kain Santa A .._ 8-tfc • J. M. M·ILLER Real Estate Broker 15th and Central ...... ,_ Newport Beach • Residential, Bay Front Lot. $8000 . Costa Mesa ~~and..:....­ Priced ReasonablJ Bay Front Lots otrument and he1acla>owl<dcecl to tbe Northwest 25 feet at tbe EARL PHELPS TREE SERVICE "'tllrn valuabl ... Madella In-A ELECJ'RONICS CO 1791 Sun. COl~plete stocklof tubes A me that bee~ the a&me. Southeut 60 feet of Lot 4, and Dry Walnut ~ for. aale S21 cram. Balboa Cafe, oPPOOlte Fire N..._t Blvd. ., 3-Uc ~°'."'?'.J:'~•=;6 ':'1'~ In the industrial oection. K&au- Wli-my ~ and .. a1 at the Northwest 25 feet of tbe per cord delivered. 300 No'. Loo Hall, Balboa. Mtc TRONI• S CO., l'l9f Newport facturlnc or Boat Repain. 3 Lots, Central A). On the-· In the ~t ho<ae zone, All 3 far my otnce this 1 th day at Janu-Southeast 60 r .. t of Lot 5, Block All&e1ee st., Anaheim. Ph. 29'll. iDcrt.ont&NT WAl'iieD-a Fire Plw•ce0an0d DKlndlln& Blvd. 9-Uc Price Quoted on Request ary, 1946. 2', Sea Shon! COiony Tract, Now· 4-8tp -_ I ' NN RAETZ. part Beach, California. WILL TAKE CARE of chlldren. DelJveftd RADIO~UlllJ: CALLI! -Now -§ - Notary Pu! ~ and for the By order of tbe Chalnnan of the BICYCLES Corona del Mar. Phone N. B. H . W. WRIGHT-Pb. 2030 that ona1 ccmiletent t.cb· J M M Councy of ge, State of Newport Beach City Planning Bold, Rented or Ropalnd. 55G-M. 2-tfc 1784 Newport l!lvd. 3-Uc Dlcl&na ·avall&llle, iw•.,.. able , • I L L E R Only $6000 • Phone 1242 California. , · Commtallon. · VOOICL'S to make oervlce ~l&rp 15th and Central • Newport Beech • (My Commtaalor Expires A111. 31, JOHN M. ALLEN, WANTED,...-1..l&ht housework and FOR SALE-1 motor scooter; ! OODOC>leo.\ All •. ork taed. • 1~•) ~ ~ J ELLERBROEK 100 Kain lit., Bal-lronln& by the hour. WU1 catt . Snipe aallboat; 1 Cltamplon out· "On Your Way to Bal!::.:" ·•tc ~ r~n . ' -)(-~-e, Bal~-•~--d. ~-~ , IU.ROL • L. HA)()(, 11.0. L ~;AjifTgj~i)jgjii~::._:~~~ii~~-~$;wS:mk:""G;'~;~~ Pub.--Jan. 22 2 · Feb 5 12 1946 Secretary -~~ --for chlldren evenlnp. Phone ~: 1 Johmon outOOarcl; l · • ' . ' • . . . N-tfc 1023-J. l"tfc Evlnrude; 1 Lauaon air-cooled R&dlo, : ,5 K&riile. Pb: TIO. WAl'irm .TO &&NT .. LOT FOR SALF-Blk G, -Pub.-Feb. 5, 1946. v-N-tfc Blvd -.-... ..,~zr~•I"IP'~ICATE OP llU8nn:88 -· -mot.Or ; 1 Wisconsti air--cooled " WANTED -Room Jar . rent for • ~ by owner. I:. L. ~-TB.&N&POSTATION It WANTED-Polltlon u bookk~ tor 1 Br! Neunaber 195 North _,_ nct1tious nrm Name No. p tall Pawl ... Dept A --r mo ; IP tratton air-Jtl diO Repairs 1ln&)e &lrl In Corona del Mar. ' o:>naUOI', NO'l'tClli OF SALE OF SEAL NAVAL OFFICER wiah .. to Join er and offtce _.ker, full or cooled motor. Ph: N. B. ~J. All maklO; tubeo, etc. Pb. HlT. Call 29'2-W. M)c <>ranee. Calif. ~ The underlli ~eel does heffi>y PBOPEBTY AT PBIVATIC SALE dally driving pool to Terminal ~ time. Experienced, best of JG-2ic Burt No~ ti.II Clout Hlway, WANTED TO RENT or leue, un-N I ' Infants' wear -at 1211 and Ia .... Superior Court •• the State 1463-J. lG-ltc News-Times. T-4tc CORONADO 3-Bedroom Homes certify that w~e conductln& an bland or Long Beach. Call rderencea. Write Box MC, Newport Beach N-tfc furntahecl house. Phone 185G-R. SW 1213 Cout HI way, cclrona de! of Callfornla 111 and For the IDIPLOTMICNT OPPJtuo 11 Electric Range, $178 8PllOU.L mrc ' e•w • 5-tfc --f Mar, California under the ftctl-Cc>a11tJ' of Loo Ancel.. RIDERS WANTED -Leave Bal· Immediate Delivery cc1IrINDSOR" MIDDLE AGE COUPLE, man.not nrteenth St. and San Bemaidlno tlous firm nam of THE STORK boa 7 a.m. Return from Los An· WANTED -ID&h school boy to A to B , fT , working, will do painting or any . Ave., N..._t ffelghta l PEN'IHOUSE a'-1 that said firm IN THE MATJ'ER OF THE gelea 5 p.m. 5\0 d&ya. Contact work In restaurant week ends. U attenes SHPWER DOORS needed repair upkeep for rental Ill compbed of he following per-ESTATE OF PRESS LUCAS, LeRoy E . Noble, Plummer COi· Phone 2268. 1G-2tp 18-month ._ S6-45 Ex. GLASS tJ'UB ENCLOSURES Call N . B. 642. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Hardwood fioont-'nle bo.)h oons, wbooe and addresses Deceased. tage No. 9, 406 E. Bay Ave., Pennsylvania Oil lf"'o':' $30.50 lG-ltp 'rue sink-Double 'IT are as follows, o-wlt: Notice w hereby given that the Balboa. lG-ltp INT E RE ST IN G Gallon. 70c Phone Laguna 482 $2900 ~ per mon Dee Boyd. 12 t Coast Hlgttway, undersigned will sell at private W O R K I Rep~ntative Will Call. 2 BEDRM. APT. or house com-. --also-; Corona del Mar. Calif. ·sale to the highest and best bidder . 1~ . -1 l~Tu-tfc pletely furnished. Adults. Will 12 modem 2-bednn. Duplexa at Jan Henden n, 713 Jasmine, subject to confilmaUon" of said TIDE TABLES Western Auto Supply 'f D I pay up to $150 per month. On . Broadway and Santa Ana , !ve., Corona de! M&J • Calif. Superior court. on or after the FEBRUARY Pleasant working . Authorized Dealer 0 ~ ay month to month basis. Phone Costa Mesa Wltneaa . theh hands thw 26th 15th day of February, 1946, at the Low Conditions 1836 Newport Blvd., Costa Mes& 4 1222· Mrs. Pantages. lG-2tp Raloh P. Maske' . day of January 1946. offices of RICc&rdi. Webster & w . 6 1r~h ~ 1 r1~h &:ll 3--tfc Refinish our kit chen ,bathroom $25 REWARD-Wanted 1 or 2-s410 Cout Blvd ... DEE BO~, Donahue, a ttorneys, 311 First Learn wt new tile board. bedrm. furn. house. Pel"Ul. Civil-Newport Beach, Callforn'9· . JANICE B. R HENDERSON. TrUl!,t Building, Pasadena. 1. Cali-Th 1 12 :;~ 7~ u:!·t e?ti! Used Bicycles 1 --. ian. nr:. wi!e and lnfanL Phone . Phone 402 . ~;r f~fo lnla, fornia. all the _right, title and In-4.6 1.4 3.7 1.0 T EL E p H " 0 N E and Tandems T l r· p 2a.i~ aldron 3-4 collect 2294 or write Dr. Butter-3-Uc o ante,--M. terest of said deceased at the time F 8 lt5S S:« !:%5 7:« · O p E RA TIN G Adult 91.z6-$lt5 Up e ep o le · tc worth, 135 Crescent Lane, La-. · A OnD th 194 11 6 28beth day· of JNanuaryS, of his death, and all the right, 4_8 1.2 3.0 l .S VOGEL -100 Main SL, Balboa. RECAP g\ina Beach. 9-3tp FOR SALE2-415 -~-houseN, 2lbed- . , ore me, ~a .. tiUe and interest that the estate g 9 2 :45 l 0:27 4:40 B:59 I d t 92-t!c rooms. v 1a.11ge, re~ Margwarth, a totary Public m of said deceas~ has· acquired by g 2 g 2 ncrease wage ra es with ?!'our local r ecapper. REAL ESTATE 41 Beach. $2500. Will give in:Wned· and for said unll( and State, operation of law or otherwise, Su 10 3:t7 °·1 . 10 :~ now in effect. Just Arrived , Je day service. iate possession. Call Los ADR•les pc:nonally appe ed Dee Boyd and other than or ln addition to that 11 ;ro 1 6 ':.~ ~ He&rlng Aid Balboa Island Normandy 5468. ID.2tc Jan Henderson, ~.nown to me to be o! said deceased at the time of l'ldM ... pl~ In ..... ot ~:3 App)y -BATTERIES Ti s and Tubes 2 Unit EVA F. RHODEN ci•ftUllltlllUl'Jllll:rlltlll ~ltllllllllllllllllll~l-11 dea,th, in and ,10 all _tha ht cecrtatn U1bt ftpru a. ta.: Wt asur-p... Southern California GWldereon Drug Co. Compete Lubrication Modern. Furnished. -- i ~ r ea proper ty s tuate 10 t e oun-T ) h C 117 .Main SL Pb. t5t6 $15 500 i E G G s ' ty of Orange. State of California. e e~ one ompany 80-tfc Tire an• battery service. Free Half 'ca.sh. Newport Heights I I ; particularly described as follows: PUBLIC NOTICES 1 EB..i8:'. AYe., pickups and delivery service __ New 3--bedrm. homes, now_ :com- • • Lot 19. Block 11 of Tract Floor Furnaces for yow car. pletecl In Holghtr. Ready l<f: oco ~ ! 234. in the City of Newport property so sold. Ten percent at or Gertrude A. Waldron cupancy. Th.ewe hornet have large ~ f R E S ff i Beach, County or Orange, amount ·bid to be deposited with GHIO North Main Stre<t 1mmec11!:~:~e;; u. $49.40_ Costa Mesa Tire Co. Wm. W. Sanford rooms, lou of tile work, !pull-~ 1 State ot California. as per bid. Santa Ana VOGEL'S and Broker man lavatories, many cupb9arda ; & v IC at T D A y ~." map recorded in Book 13, Bids or of!ers to be in writing Texac• Service Station Phone 234-R 5-tfc and linen storage apace, elc. •. I pages 36 and 37 of Miscellane-and will be r eceived at the afore-or lOO Main St., Balboa H Ml hell Pr Now o--n for lnlpectlon. --2-tfc · · · tc • op. , ,,..... ~ -L !i ous Maps , records of said said office at any time after the Aak the Operator for the 1 1760 Ne\11 port Blvd., Costa Mesa For Sale -$8500 -Terms ii ~ CWER -! County first publication hereof and before Chief Operato• WA.N'DID TU BUY U P one N. B. 2342 4-Uc Balboa Island - ~ !I and date of sale. se-ttc I G Qi(,_£ RI ES ~ Lot 20, Block 11 of Tract DATED: Jan. 22nd, 1946. WILLn1._~_!·AYwhCAtShaH tor your_ tut;· ELECTRI(:;AL APPLIANCES and 2 ::!:'. ~e~:BayChol(~t!re 3 ~~---m hVo .. ~•c_aExnttra '":j liv-~ · ~---234. in the O ty of Newport GERTRUDE PALINE WATSON, WANTED--HOTBIL14AlD. Balboa ""~or a ve you . .-... oae MOTO repaired according to ......:o.uvv ~ """'• I Nwpt. 2000 O ft Crawley The fact pecificatioru: b DIS Island) $10,500. Immediate pc»-tng room, newly decorat 11Je C Id ts ~ Beach. County of Orange, Administratrix of the estate of IM.. Pbc'Ot 6IO. 6-ttc Food Buicet · lsu N~-... ~02. s Y -aesaion. , am· k. Large lot. CJ-· In. ~-ta = 0 ea .• ~ State of California, as per said decedent. I ' ... -......... ABL!:..L VETERANS. Work ..--.. ~ I , -_ map recorded in Book 13, RICCARDI . WEBSTER& HELP WANTED -Want refined Blod., eo.t& K-. 911-~ guarantfed. Agent: MESA Gertrude A. Waldron Me'8. • ll'Nlla Vepbbl• j pages 36 and 37 of Miscellane-DONAHUE. woman to assist mother of 2 FUBNITUU FOK 8AL1i II! RADIO I& ELECrRONICS CO., Wm. W. Sanford $7600--Tenns i OpM a-.. _ Cloeeil. TluuL ! ous l\faps, Records of said By LEONARD L. RICCARDI, children. Room. board and sal-1974 Nt1WJ>Ort Blvd 3-tfc Broker - ! l County. Attorney. !Or said admlnls-ary. Ph: N . B. 2210. b-tfc F OR SALE-Tavern Table with C .....i A ') bl Phone 234-R. 1-tfc Corona de) Mar i Oga& .... t.,_ a-.....: Terms of sale are cash in law-· tratrix. 311 First Trust WANTED-Girl for general house-~ ~~J"·ADon ~ Dµr~~ !~l"l~n~ ma!t!.!.cee Ne~ort He~· hts 2 ocelouan.. both have fine view above ~ llUll t -V9lliil J ! t ul money of the United States on Bldg., Pasadena, Calif. work, inclu'ding laundry. 8-hr.-"·e., na e i t--1118 ~ confirmation of sale, or part cash CR 12820. day, 5 days week. $20 week. Ph : Mar. 1-tfc and repair Modern, we -built, 2-home. $4500 each I UM "*'!~rt· N 0-ta 11eui and balance evidenced by a note Pub. Jan. 29 : Feb. 5 and 12, 1946. Newport 1758. l0-2tp FOR SALE _ Kitchen range; 1 • O. ~~~~l~N Lar&e. living room, maho1any __ .....-r r•li"' •1~"111u11111, ... 1u1111111-.1:••"• secured by a trust deed on the double mattress and spring; . I 42-tfc flooring, firrplace, dinnette, tile 3 Ro H ! , NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING HELP WANTED-Male or female . davenport and ottoman; dinette kitchen and bath. Laundry tr8y -Orn Orne . I Local or traveling in business set· two ch-'-· two benches· CUSTOM CABINET WORK-Re--in 2-car garage. Patio. Lot com-On 1 acre. New double gar&ll· On Newpo '-& Eng1"neer1"ng Assoc1"a·tes The Newport Beach City Plan-for yourself. No money required. tabie. Call a;""m Abalone. Bai'. pair W C k and remodelin1 of all pletely fenced and landscaped. Elden SL, Costa Mesa. Paueo-r l ning Commission will hold a Pulr Good income. You are your own boa Wand,. lO-l~ kinds. CU.tom built-in fumi. Excellent value at $10.500. sion cloee of escrow. · g, Manufacturing and Sales Engineers lie Hearing Thunday, F ebruary 21, boss. Apply Mr. Van Deren, -------------' ture. DOUGLAS BOAT 4 -· $4600 1946 at 7:30 P. M .. In the council 508\0 No. Main St .. Santa Ana. BOA'l'll. llUPPLllC8 a t:ANOI co., 2819 w. ~tral Gertrude A. Waldron ---§ Chambers, City Hall, Newport 10-4tc WANT TO BUY~nlpe or Snow-Ave. ~one Newport 2634. Wm. A. Sanford Beach, California. oatfc Mar Ile and Industrial Machinery Instruments Ma erial Handling Equipment I §1- 1Jl5 Coo~ lllgbway Newport Beach Phone 2462 ctharter & Preston S FURNACES I ~till Difficult to Ob~ 1 PUBLIC HEARING UP<>n the WANTED-bRoanlr.d lnkA-1 condition. Write 1272 ----+------~~--Broker application of H. R. Parshall fOT o e Rd., San Marino or K E Y S Phone 234-R 2-tfe change or .. 1-back variance from waitress Fry Cook phone Sycamore 6-8357. 9-tfc )(II( • While You W&lt 8 feet to 4 feet !or Lot 30, Tract D" h ' h ' Marine Radios VOGEL'S 444, Newport Heights, Newport IS Was er-. 10 Main St., Balboa Beach; California. __ Available immediate delivery, com-208 1 arlne, Balboa hl&n.d By. order of the Oiairman ot the BA y SHORE CAFE plete range of 11..zes. Your in-9t-ttc Newport Beach Qty Planning 17th &. Coast Highway spection welcomed. HIGGII'l(S ---4--------- Commission. Newport Beach Phone 2344 PLEASURE CRAFT, 810 COUt W: ~ing Machines JOHN M. ALLEN, . 3-tfc IDghway. Ph: 1104. 9-tfc . Repaired PHU.MER J. ELLERBROEK, SALE MllKJICLL&NICOUll IO FIRE ICQUIPMENT TESTS -:t For All Kakeo Secretary. C-0-Twe, Pyrene A Foam reftlla. Pl up &Ad DeUYery. Pub:-Feb. 5, 1946. F OR SALE -Boy's pre-war bi-COa ftzed 1~em and Portable. SCHULDt'S cycle. like new. 1543 Orange DOW" avana~e. ET8 BOICIN :• W --.hing llacbl.ne Shop Ave., CO.ta Mesa. 1G-2tp GALVAN, 1000 Cout ffigh~. 17811 N Blod, Coota Mou Phone 1384. TS-tjfe ! ~Phone nu ' s-tte FOR SALE-Round dining table, ' The undersigned does hereby electric heater, % h.p. electric F OR SALE -CCC Sloop, very 61 certify that he is conducting a motor. 207 Edgewater, Balboa. clean, $4400. Swales Yacht Lanid-WILLE CHANGE 1-bedroom un- Diesel repair and sales business at 8-4tp ing, Newport Beach. Phone 1~2. f apartmedt in Ingl~ 1301 Coast Highway, Oty of New· lG-!.jtc wood f ~ furnished or unfurniah- port Beach County of Orange FOR SALE--Jap rifle, Jap pistol 1 ed apt in Newport or Balboa . State of e.alitorrua, under the fj,; and Samurai sword, allo exquls-FOR SAI...E-S-meter Sloop. Gap<! Write l3ox B, c/o News-Times. CERTIFICATE OF BUSTh'ESS Fictitious Firm Name FOR SALE OCEAN FRONT LOT Desirable Location $3500.00 Telephone (L. A.l Hlllidde 7805 7-4tc INVESTMENT PROPERTIES t Unlta. 2 Lota. $16,500 Several Good Bay Front Lots Comer Income Lot · •El Bayo Tract, $3,250 See This New 4-room house. Well ~t, plastered. complete w!U ln 2 weeks. On 1 acre of land. $4960 -Terms EVA F. RHOD Broker 470 Newport Blvd., Coota lie.a ELTON D. BARNETl', Sall • ..., Ph. Newport 1965-M LOANS 8-2tc 0-ltc N .. $100.00 and Up to $10,0 0.00 I , ~ ,• haw!:· a few In stock _f_or Immediate Installation Eliminate aweatlr!g windows and moisture on walls I tltlous firm name of DIESn Jte embroidered silk klmollo. condition. Swaler Yacht Larjd-9-4tc SERVICE and that aald firm ta Call Npt. 2201. . 8-4~ Ing, Newport Beach. Phone 1$2. i ----1----------Houses $6,500 .and up See US lf you need mo< j!y Payment& to Fit Your In<P.oe .. • .. w---- 1 oar b wt1lp atMalol41,w.~tllill eJting and Ventilating Field I -;.._,_..., .. = .;.., ~ ro& 8DAY&i m &&i•••n: c~f.~!~~"n&i~~N ~ ·~ MM •z 'ft ce ft:1ns MCI .,. ~ I ., ,....... Ave.,-:-i:..-cm..,... WING G BOAT & REP.AIR1 TARD $11 Cout Highway· 101 ......... pwt - • .-JI' w1 11 oe an•He. lar8Niiet.rllmle ' ,pa ......... .. .., ....... w I\ i I • I ....... __ ...., ______________ ..,.."!"= ____ ~ ! I I. • compooecl of tbe following perrom lG-~tc 2 UPST&IRS office suites, Balboa W L J wbooe names and addresses are ~ FOR SALE -Man's llgbt-~t .. L _ =llecllon. Suitable pho-, • ordan follOWI , to wit: overcoat, new,~ FOR~ALE-Heavydutysea~ ,beauty shop, optician, 700 IDut Central, Balboa Frank B Lewis 1010 Coast -.ve, blue, size 42. Call '!1 B. cnnser, 49 IL, $6500. Sw.... den attorney. Arter altera-Phone 153 5-tfc IDghway, Newport , Beach, Call-!5!11).M. "ttfc Yacht Landing, N..._t Beaclh-tlona. Sinall apt. ~vallable in --2---------- forn!L Phone 162. JG-~ . rear. 2006-M IG-ftc Bedroom Home Loanll on Carr Trucks and Trallen Over 22 Yean In Santa Ana · HEALm LAMPS, mtra-Vlolet. • Fumllbecl Fedenu Finance 1 :o . ~bruary ~hand thll 4~ day of Infra-Red, Verdi-Ray. Batterieo 3&-Ft. CABIN CRUISER. sleepoi_!. w TO -I • On Little Illaoo . INC. ~ e ' ·tor Hearb1s Aldi and PonabJe Marine motor. A bargain. G. f--• .... I Bay View. FRANK B . LEWIS. Racllol. MESA RADIO A'FiEC-Minney, 201 Onyx. Phone N"l"'-w,.,.., 10 RENT-Apartment or $9600 . Phone ~o~ State of Ca!Uomla ) T1lONICS 00, 1749 Newport part 2760. l~tc ~· ~ or l>nfutntahecl, --. I County of <>ranee ) ,a. Blvd. 9-tfc ~. _ (ve wife and diud): Phone -&-lite On this 4th day of February ALL PLASTIC 12-rt. UG-lb. • 1736-J. I Mtc Gertrude A. Waldron AOl\MOWN • fi • AD .. · 1946, before me Nora S. Fiashll'ghts · ~BOAT and ~ -· , w · W Sanf rd ALE Club Margwarth a Notary Publlc In and now on dlllpgy ()ther __.J,,_; W , --117 '-"1'"'1M ~ , m. , 0 ~ S -'f2 for said County and State. nsld-Llght Cordi. Extemlon C«dl, aoon-dln&hl..,· aa11boab'.'7T:. ,._. ll:a .. orae. 2 qr S -PllcJne ™-~ Coupe, Juot .....-hauled; ::S2tc Ing therein duly commluioned and Iron Cttdl, Etc. abouts, cnn..... A · --t. -5-tfc perfect. Ph: 1824...J • ..._ sworn, personally at>l>C"lred Frank Newport Pharmacy I 'Plastic Watmritt co., 703 ,E Ana i 29· llG-tfc ·•-WDWWW" • A11'1'09 W.r.MWWW B. Lewis known to me to the per-· -tolttc Central, Balboa. Phone 683. W · TO RENT...i..HOUIO "°"' . aon -name is subocribed to l(). tc In··-del Ma,i, while ....; . .., N"EE'"" LATE MO~L CARS the within Instrument. and a.,. Servel Electrolux • home ~ bola& bull can Nw-w .1:. LI ue =·~~-me that he exe-Are now avallabk. Pries trom Marine ·Insurance port $-w. 1-ttc and Will Pay Top Prioaa IN WITNESs WHEREOF $156.45 up. John F . V-1. IOI G. E. Minney w. -1 have hereunto set ~--· • I Main St., Balboa. -Phone ,N---TO RENT ... LEAS&-ms. YOVB a.a NOW ' . fixed my offldal myal ·~.~ -~~ port Beach 145. _ 9-tfc 201 On)'X Ave Balboll I&landJ Small far t~ ildulta. !!et-WI ' Pr' 111 -Sat. se ullC "-3 --.. Phone ·• -----, ?'Tml Prefer ui ilt.-Kesa er · · year In tJils_ certillcate fi?t above FOR SALE-Large ,..,. -. ~; Newport Beach 2760, N Box "D' do New. =--~ I a a ~ :-.. - written. Non. s. ~. n~ARTH 2 lron curtain..-. 7 rt: and I ft. 1'11" TbW. -7-ltp .. ----.:: a .% -~ • .: ' - • ' . ~ ~" , ln •length, With bncketa, $2; ~a UD10 JM . --illl ~ .J. Notary Public In and For Said E1ectriC tea btt1e . $8. P1iGDe . W-• u TO RENT.!.-2 -oom, County and State. My Com-632. •• l i ltp BEAU'HFOL !l;Dot l1pe bdlk -pn,tap for .. llliilft --aJLBERTSON"·OiEVR()f.Jft! oo.:.~~ mlalon Expires Jon. 29, 1950. -...-. • llUpln. Ta-*--. Ir-bay. ,WJ!te Mr. II. I 0 °Ji .... as IP °' I 't- fNotarlal Seal) . "For atllce .......... -the "'"'·~-Oo.,DING.·r -128114 s. Do•-· --c I -• IP •. ao -• I Pub..-Feb. 5, 12, 19, 26, 19M. N .... TbW. , Sat& Aaa. c L A. 5. WA. 51112. . JMtC ci:;7,. h -. ' 1 .,. I ~ -' . , I 'j . • • • -'~_·...._, --"" . _. I • . Li ' . . • j ' ' I ~ : ' ' ' \ ' • . -' • . J . . " \ • -HSPT A !tt o Elect Officers, DIScuss Student Problems Harbor Feminine ' Gaiety Keynotes Annual Banquet of Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce ,_ B7 CATHA"'IS IUSTON without bavlna to rely HURT • Problems and adjllatmenu of Phones 13 and 20'! + By Winifred Barbre student. will be dis<:uued by 1637-R A •-ldiD& ood.i affair wu skirt. to put us ln the moajl. the annual -ot the "Newpwt The protesslobal Jooeph Hamblet, vice-principal of New SS Class 'Holds Mary Lyle Balderston, Descendant of past thirty •-' Newport Harbor Union High F. M ti. t B R W d . H . 1 G ronic th Yea Harbor O>omher of ~ who proved an ex<elletlt attOMlla- held in the ballrOom of Ule New-ner raconteur as wen. aoiDe as port Harbor Yacht dub ,last Thura-' difficulty, wresting - day and attended by 238 loyal the gueslS until he wu en Past r of Me . Church, local and OOQllty bOOoten for this one side by Herb Kenny u¥I on tbe M that ;;;;;;. school. who will .,. speaker ot the 1rst ee ng 1 Ha etsy, oss, e s in, e1r oom own feet are yoo you are a evening at the ""'l'!in& of the.~ E. D. Goode! ome S~ndin~ part of their honey .. ·-------~-+- fairly ~~· so wriU!s School P"'!l't-Teacher ~on moon in COrona del Mar are Mr. Elsie M ln a recent Is-TllHday, F~b. 12 d 7:30 p.m. A grou~ of the younger people and Mn. Donald Ralph Matthie- sue ot Collier' &tter interviewing in the school cafeoteria. of Christ Oturch by the Sea met sen, who6e wedding took place Dr. Dudley J. Morton. Associate All parents of eighth grade s~-Thursday evening at the borne of Jan. 22 at the Wee Kirk o• The Clinical Prbf~. Collpge of dents have been invited 81 specal Rev. and Mrs. E . D. Goodell, 3000 He-at.her; Glendale. Mn. Matthie- Physicians ~ Surgeons, Colum-guests and will thus have a .pr7 West Ocean Front to. form a new sen is the daughter of Mr. and bia University. view of what is ~ store far thetr Sunday school class. Teaqher of Mrs. Walter P . Baldenton, 1341 According t Dr. Morton, who children the conilng year. 'lbe the clus will be Ed Burns. 2700 Rossmoyne aVenue Glendale and has spent av 25 years in study-founding of the National CoJ?gress West Ocean. Front, ":"d. Mr. and 415 BegOnia aven~e. Corona del ing the feet. eptirely wrong Ideas will be commemorated with a Mrs. Bums were 8SS.llting hosts. Mar. Mr. Matthiesen is the son of about feet ~Ve fiouJ¥hed even short talk by Mrs. 0 . Z. Robert-As get-acquainted stunt, eat:h Mr. and Mrs. Frank J . Matthiesen, in the med.i~ profession. Here son and pa.St presidents of the person introduced the guest. n«:xt 653 Norlh Louise street, Glenda.le. is another qstation from the local group will be tn~u~ him. giving a resume of the.Jl' life Mary Lyle Balderston is 8 di· same article mentioned above : Mrs. Corene Boettcher wtU be 1n history (as imagined), and after-rect line great grand-daughter of •-Treatments on these con-·charge of the musical program. ward games were p!ayed. Plans Betsy RoSs, who made the tint cepts have so disappointing Mrs. Gunning Butler will pre-~·ere made to meet in two weeks Americ8f'I flag which she designed that hundreds of doctors lost in-side at the busineSs session. which for a pot-lutjc supper. in· company with Geeorge Wash- tenst in the footsore patients." wUJ feature the report of the nom-Those . present Included .Miss tngton and other Colonial repre. Our feet about the most inating committee and election of Lorna Mills. Mrs. Hugh McMillan, sentatives. She is also the great I abused and n lected part of our officers for 1946-47. Mrs. Grinstead. Mrs. Alma Bl~-grand-daughter of Mary. Thornton whole body. ey are perfectly get. Mr. and Mrs. Burns, W1l-Brown whose wedding gown she marvelous pitfts of machinery lim Barber, Miss Gail Redding, wore. ' and should @;ive us no concern Members Displ ay Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Goodell and In 1806 John Brown built a whatever aftr we have learned Family ijeirlooms at Rev. and Mrs. E. D. Goodell. stone woolen mill on Wissahickon to ;",:1~y giye us no concern p,· Beta Ph 1. Meet creek just outside Philadelphia. wha tsoevej_r, but with several Lido Isle Ho stess The looms v.•ere hand operated but "IF's". our_ Jeet should give us H M M Y.'ater power was used in the preir no concern 1!l we wear the proper Mrs. Wayne Harper entertained OnOrS esa atron aration of the wool. He fell in love footwear. Our feet should give memtx-rs of Pi Beta Phi Alumnae with the daughter of a shipowner us no Cencetl IF the shoes we Association last week at her home, l\lrs. Homer Ml"llott of Cost.~ and sea captain, John Thornton , wear are de~igned to meet our 116 Abalone avenue, BalboA Island Mesa was honored guest at a and in that year married ~lary environment ~eeds . with Mrs. Borchsenius as assist-stork shower Thursday evening at Thornton. The captain had brought e,:y envirorymental needs. we ing hostess at l~cheon. the home or Mrs. Jerrold Spang-from Europe a piece of heavy. mean. am. o"g rther thin~. the .1rur-ler. Lido Isle. cha mpagne satin from which •• .,.., l'w'lrs. Sorenson of Beverly Hills. · k face we have to stand on . Many Miniature baby shoes. ptn_ Mary's wedding dress was m ade. president of the Los Angeles Pi Phi d 11 t d M B Id h" people have o v.·ork a nd stand sweet peas an ta apers ma e ary a erston wore t 1s same and walk 0 concrete, ·steel or · an attractive ecora ion or e ress at er w Jng, wit very ~ alwnnae club. was present and told d t" f th d h edd" · Jt of aims of the organization. Mrs. , !O'ITle other' rd surface. HARD bridge tables \vhich were set for little a lteration . The dress is in SURFACE. t at's the big bug-Jatk Frost or Laguna Beach pre-dessert, while a three-foot stork almost per(ect condition. The close bear of foOt qtisery! sided, and plans were discussed for looked down benignly from his vertical pleats around the waist new. Why Sllffelr, ? NeedlMA Annoy-a Fpunders' Day'luncheon in April. perch on the radio. Many lovely and the.inVisible seams bear wit· Mrs. Jo Harper VerBerg, daugh-· ance! Don't llPl.ay. Come In Today. gifts were presented the honoree ness to the great amount or hand We at tile--FOOT REUEF ter of the hostess and a club mem-in a large pink baby basket. .work that "'ent into it. ' her. was preserlted with a small · SHOP are wQ.ling and anxious to Following dessert bridge was tn kttping with the dress was fi r · silver spoon a nd fork in the pat-f h · · h give you the ~ne t o our train-tern of her owri'_ silver service, for the diversion o t e evening wit the nosegay bouquet with a re- Ing and exPfrience to give you the expected heir. .J\trs. Richard Dittmar playing high movable corsage of white orchids foot relief. ) · and honors, Mrs. John Golde n at the center with yellow roses r · An interesting part of the pro-high : Mrs. Ernest McClelland. and stephanotis set in a tulle bor- gram was the 'display of antiques second and Mrs Harry Burdick · l fr No treat ts of any kind. -z · • der. The finger-tip veil fel om brought by various members. in· lo\v. t f bl Only tlftc foot contn>I eluding Early American silver and Others present were the Mes a corone o or ange ossoms. thru shoes, )'l>Ur old or your -In rich contrast "'ere the gowns a pair of draperies that had hung dames Arden Long, John West, in the John Quiiicy Adams house. Durmond CartWTight, Ed Morrill, of the bride's attendants, the ma- ' . Open If> to 5 :30 Daily Satutis, 10 to 9 P. M . Twenty·five members-were pres-aaude Anderson. Kenneth Stew-tron of honor, Mrs. Stewart L. ent, many from Laguna Beach artd art and Mrs. John Rister of Pope. Pomeroy. wearing royal blue silk from the harbor area were Mrs. Ill h t f th h t velvet and carrying yellO\V roses \ ~~! .. tl>~~~Ecf !l!dOP in ~he Window''. UO E. Thi.rd St. Long Beach . I ·· ouse gues 0 e os ess. while the bridesmaids, Jean M ar-Stanley _ Chambers. Mrs. Tom Blake. Mrs. VerBerg. l\1rs . Spence, shall Caldwell, Betsy Haydock and F Su g ar Sweet Prize aeuy u-wis. wore burgundy velvet Mrs. Borchsenius, Mrs. · H . and carried cascades ot blue del- Franklin jr .. and Mrs. Harper. For Ebe/I Bridge phinium . I Chester Matthiesen was bC'St BOVE EVERYTHlnG Some thing special in the way or man and ushers were Robert door prizes was given by t he First Malin, Stewart L. Pomeroy and Bridge Section. hostesses at the Walter P . Balderston jr . Thursday bridge dessert of the Ebel! club when 10 pounds of su· Bishop David H . Cannot of the gar, donated by one of the mem-Church or the Latter Day Saints bers. was divided to give two ex-performed the ceremony a nd the tr a prizes. bride was given in marriage by The party was one of the most her father. Mrs. Harry Le\vis sang successful this year with 25 tables "Beloved It Is Morn" and j'I Love in play. Each table was centered Thee" (Widmung). with a flowering plant which was The bride graduated from Glen- awarded as the table prize and dale High school. a nd' from Po- added to the decorative effecj:, mona college in 1945. He r sorority while acacias massed on the is Phi Beta Kappa _ and she is a mantle brought a touch of spring member of Balboa Yacht club. The sunshine. In charge of the party bridegroom is affiliated with Pi was Mrs. Harry \Vet.sh of Corona Kappa"' Alpha anO is now attending del Mar. chairman of the section. Pomona college. aided by memben. After the reception, held at the home of th(' bride"s parents and at-WSCS Meets Feb. I J; tended by sever al locol guests. the youn~ rouple left for a honeymoon which included stops at Riverside Inn, Big Bear Lake. Palm Springs and Corona del Mar. The bride wor e for going away a plaid wool travelling dress "'ith camel's hair jacket. After Feb. 15 Mr. and Mrs. Matthiesen will be at home at 733 Yale avenue, Claremont. Ne"'ix>rt Beach WSCS will meet Wednesday, F eb. 13 at Olrist 'Church By the Sea with the study class convening at 10:30 a . m. un- der the leadership of Mrs. J. "H. Redstone. Luncheon will be served by the r Balboa Circle and reservations l should be made by calling Mrs. J . K. Elliott. 2137 or Mrs. E. A. Barnett, 1504-W. The business meeting and program will be a t 1:30 p. m . WCTU Meets Wed. Newport Beach WCT1J will meet Wednesday, Feb. 6 at 10:30 a. m . at the home 'of Mrs. Fiora Beatty. 307 Li ndo avenue, Balboa. Mrs. Volney Hay returned last · area. The attendance and enth,... other ·by Doc Brady-iben the NeWJ fficers of tlj! Full Gospel iasm of the guests was a .dand crowd caVe-Yorth with~' . church. 22nd and . flden streets, tribute· to Hazry Welch who, f~ After 8 sbcrt buslnes ting Costa esa.. were ~talled at the so . many yews has successfully when board meinben for oom- Sunday morning ~ce by· Rev. gwded the chamber ~secretary, ing year were ·1n and William Long of P8f8dena, ...,,..,_ and to _Braden Finch, ·up.and~ photographed, short taiJts ""'"' tary-tre un:r _of P'e Sou!bern ing president for the past tv.;o given by Colonel Farnum Od CH. Calif a district of the ASsem-YNl'$. Diggs, County Planning ~· mllDlo- blies of God chur~~s. Many guests gathered in the sioner, both high in the' pr.-S Rev. . C. Croni~ reelected ~ club's famous cocktail lounge be-of the present status cit ewport pastor, as serv~ s1~ years at thts fore dinner was announced by Harbor area and glowing in their pastora • and ,hlS . irpo~ showed ~ding the ship"i bell. The ball-predictions of its future. church bership rad increased room .filled to capacity, was color- nearly hundred wrcent' during fu} with ferns and bright pyra- the pas year. with ~ per_ cent in-canthus berries decorating the y 0 -r F · d & ine crease Sunday school attend~ tables. There were tiny multi-U r1en S uce. T e Church hits more than colored, paper cornucopia hats Mrs. Mary Stanley. 1 Wert doubled its financial budget and trimmed With ridiculous little Central avenue •. spent ~ week the ch h propertyj is being im-feathers for everyone-and every-end in Los Angeles wfth ber proved "th curbs and sidewalks. body wore them with a light-daughter and son-in-law,~· and Othe officers i~stalled were hearted abandonment that only a l\1.rs. Bert Monis..- Mrs. elen Corbin, secretary; world at peace could induce. Fem-l\tr. and Mrs. c. F.' w tts and Matthe buth, tr~asurer ; Mrs. inine as well as masculine attire son Jimmy of Inglew°'*9 were M. c. onic. SundflY school SU· was more predominantly informal "'eek end guests a t the home of perin te dent ; Jam~ Bailey, Iver than for this affair in war years l\'lr. and l\trs. E . I . Moore. Central Anders , and Mrs. ill Durston, which, perhaps, shows we are gay avenue. Mrs. Donald R. Matthl~ daucbt.er of Mr. a.nd Mrs. Wal- ter P. Balclenton ~ of Glendale and Corona del Mar. 'Whose w~­ dlnK took place at the Wee K,lrk o' the Heather, Glendale. "be Is a direct descendant of BeJ.sy Roa, who made the ftnt Ameri- can naa-. t8-nd her 'weddm« co/wn wu the one wom by her i-reat- rc-reat·.rrandmotber. · -Photo by Mackenzie. Greer-Paull Rites At Capilla de Antonio trustee . Dau Wo hter of ~ocal an Heads Wacs I KFURT, Germany. -Ex- pectin redeploymerit in March is 1st Lt Harriet S. Martin df El Campo Texas. now on dufy in Marsei le, France. I Lt'. Martin is comm ding officer or the 1st WAC etachment 1at the head- quarte s, Delto Ba.Se section. Oit.u hter of Mr~ and Mrs. H. M. O en, 3501 lnley avenue, Nev.1>0 t Beach, Ca, if., Lt. Martin enliste in the Women's Army corps n Novembet. 1942. She in the Ewjopean theater t , 1~5. to entering the arm:,:. Lt. Mart· was a student at the Uni- versi of Texas. Wpile the Olsons WE'RE VERY PROUD OF OUR NEW SPRING ' DRESSES NEW JACKEi' DRESSES IN PRINT WITH FREEOOM SWING TO THE SKIRT. LONGER PEPLUM IS NEW. NECKLINE FASHIONS ARE HIGHER. WE INVITE. YOU :ro SEE THEM. ?'ranees Norton Sho 0mrJ • l/xn'lnltdr Second f16or SANTA SECOND" & .. ROADWAY 0 Santa Ana Open 10 a. m. to 6 :00 p. m. A Marriage vo\VS wer~ repeatf'd have I ved in Newi)ort Beach for Thursday, Jan. 31 at Capilla de severa ~ears their perm8:n~t :;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;~;;;;;; San Antonio, . Anaheim. by Miss hom,e _ ~ 1n Texas. I Lt. M8;1't1n .IS • Patricia A. Paull. daughter of Mr: the ·YO ngest of Mrs. Olson s chil· and Mrs. F .. S . Paull, S87 Bay ave-,dren. , -------Harbor . Radio & Electric Shr1 nue, Costa Mesa, and Capt. John , T . Gl'eer, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Local Musicians on A. Greer, Siffims, l\lont. The double ring ceremony was read by Pla ~ers Pro~ra m the Rev. Carl Johnson. p<J.Stor of. the Costa Mesa Community church. Mar:Y Batten Ste~fens<'n and her The br.ide was given in marriage huSband, J. Leslie Steffensen. Co· by her father. Her wedding gown rona d'el Mar. \ver~ featured solo- was heavy white satin, witti a ists at the meetinid of Santa Ana fingertip veiJ and her shower Community Players, held in the 2602 Central A\'enue • l Now Open for Service Radios and Electrical Appliances When Available bouquet was of white orchids and parish llall of the Episcopal church. Gus Clark hyacinths. Mrs. A. Wayne Smith, Mrs. Steffensen, accompanied by l ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~E~~~ sister or the bride. was matron Beulah Parker. sang "The Year's or honor. She was gowned in .blue at the Spring," "The Star," and taffe ta and carried a bouquet of "Shoes." Mr. Steffensen sang white carnations and pink rose -"Green GrO\\' the Lilacs," "Old buds. · Paint1' and "Sam Ji;all," Mrs. Stef- Serving as ~t man was First fensen playi~g t~e ·1 accompani- Lieut. Kenneth C. Solbeck. while men ts. · - F irst Lieut. Hugh E . Kronk v.·as 1· Al.so· on the program was Mrs. usher. · • Robert Horn in a review o~ "I Re- Music was by Don Rose, \vho membe;, Mama·· and a oi'Je-act sang .. Because" a nd "'Ah Sweet play. , If .~en. Play Cards as l\·Iystery of Life." Womep Do. --------~rs. Paull. ~mart in black. \\'ith l Scot'ch , tape,' various sizes, on white ~ccesson~s and a. corsa,ge or sale at the News-Times . gardenias, received guests at the reception, held at the chapel.' She was assisted at the \\•edding buf- fet by Mrs. George Ross. Miss J eanne Greer. Mrs. George Mears and Mrs. Harold K. Grauel. who poured. The bride is Er graduate of .New- port Harbor Union High _sqhool. After !l hone)mloon a t ~a Beach the young couple will o to I Sinups. ~ont., where they pl to make their home. I know indeed that wealth is But lowly roof and simple r , With love that hath no doubt , Are m~re than gold withou~ . ---J. G. Wh :ttier . WELC ·OME CA F 2560 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa Phone 4S3-M Finest Place to Dine ,_ Famous Complete Dinn~r ·· Opeli 11 a. m. to 2 a. m. r SPECIAL ARRANG~ FOR PAR~ OUR KITCHEN OPEN FOR lNSPECTIOl'I . WM. E. LUDEWIG, Prop. . week after spending two weeks at For office supplies, see desert hot spMngs. News· Times. · If It's a Book S04 Marine AvenDfl Balboa Island -Phone 1827 like s~ . . . you'll look like . . iii 'i:fi'Tu charming blouse designed' ith the master touch of GLEAN\ E:AR.. It's "Meackm'lark '·. bcautifuU tailored, "'ith a nattering fagoted tie-as·you-ple3S(' bow. In snow-white and gay colors. S es 32' to 38. 2.70 ~ PaJ-...-Street t'1oor " Fourth and Sycamore Santa Ana • Watchmaker and Jeweler Balboa Islarid • ' • \\'e Ha\·e It Or \VllJ •· Order It for You. ESTRELLITA'S BOOKS tsl6 North !\lain St. Room 8 Arcacle BldK". Santa 1\na--Pb. S623 • ' ' H USE OF BEAUTY Open Saturdays Until ~fay Cl€>sed on l\tonday 1st • WHERE HAIR STY LI1NQ IS AN AR Our aim is to enhance Milady's beauty and provide the ultimate in beauty care HEAD TO TOE BEAtrrY SERVICE ' -..,. . ....,. ..,..., - =~!!:1!!• BOT er CflLll • Sa•• 501'. ... 90"1. Soap • Sa•• J.enmi<try r- • Sen• N I ••airing I Time • Jfo -•IDn· • Stic*T lllllir C-ID aDd '"* aboat It TODAY! Lido Electric Co. 516 State Highway Phone 1264 . I A.men,. the first of the new rain- coat. la this amarl, wn&>-aroandJ Elasff..Gtass c re a t le n • Complete wlth.qiatchlllc rain scarf and wide belt .1'ls ensemble elves complete ~"'"weather protection. Seam!! are stitched and lle1'1Dttlcally sealed. Tbe ' f olon are 1eao-creen aa4 Cr}'Sta White House Cafe l'tione SJ.83 IAgnda Beach, Caat. ,Expert Shoe Repairing While You Wait ••• Ray Pagan 515 .East Bay:.Fronf Kat_to_O... '9LDLto8p.m. • I . • SAN'l'A ANA Wedding Pictu.res : 'Taken in Church, Home or: Studio • '