HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-02-07 - Newport Balboa News Times.-.OU.IJO Ea st er " -week at has been more or less ot a headache for quite a .few years. Now comes 1beo. Mac) McEl- roy with a ·811d colorful Idea-to have a Collegiate style show d · Easter week. That is the time of year when . d manufac- turers ] present their styles for the comln season, and why not hold a ow. at Bal- lxljl with the land, New- port and other parts of the harbor distri participat- ing• $Ugges places are Bob Murphy's Rendezvous. Ed. Allen's Baf Inn, Paul Lorentien's P vilion. Dis- plav of style f m the vari-ou.<i dress sbo , aided and abetted by t e designers, could bring ~ousands ot girls from th~ schools' and ladies from $c?Uthem Cali- fornia. There.f is logic and glamour in the plan that should call foQ1 a meeting of local merchants and civic leaders at once. + ..f -+ Hospital wor;k. In all the fervor and a~laim .over the Presbyterian !>ospital cam- paign, one gt"j>UP or work- ers stands 00.l on achieve· metlt ---ttje Assistance League, Mrs. !Walton Hub- bard. hospit_~l committee chairman. Wl)cn you get 25 or more womer started on a project you ~ rest assured so m e t h i n happens, and right now the Leaguers are -preparing a ouse-to-house drive for moire funds. As Mrs. HubbarP says, the Le,;gue's efforts have always been directed ~or the good or the communitt and the hos- pital idea meims just that. while a vast amount or effort will stiO be j-equired after constru"*on i~ completed on fitting rooms, furnishing equipment, etc!. We doff our ha:y~I=~ ~a1~~~king of hats this pen~her is look- ing for a tell? blue Stetson chapeau he 1'jft somewhere in the vicini t}!. Some years ago he lost a 'hat and when he caught up<with it founrl the owner 0f the house wherein he lief! same had converted" it linto a beany. Hope the fe ow who finds the present e will be nice el\ough to it. Sure I'll give a re ard--Of sorts. • • 1"'1<~· Hate to ·make Big · B Bonelli feel badly, bul ' as wondering why he wai four or five years to " ver" the black market in 1 .nses, which, some repo.rts y, amount to $15,000 and $20,000 for a transfer. If · takes an offi- cial that l~ to find out what is goiilg on in hi' field, he should hi a newspaper- man to keep · m posted. + ,. + Fred Ro~ns. Glad to note that F Rolens, \\·ho .celebrated h. 50 years in the game. sold s South Pasa- dena Review o George Sav- age. Fred wns properly at Corona d Mar and his threat to buil ·here will now come to frul ·on no doubt. so he can s nd more or-hi.< time \\ith hiJI charming wife lis::i:k:·;:.\~~d" \::: a boatman t · ay with a wild gleam in hi . eye. Sez he: Why not have the city buy up ·all the water front. the piers and an4f:!ors to \\1hich boa ts a re tiEf<!. and Install parking meter.; on them! To steal Fred Jen's shouter's phrase: "'Tha 's a joke, son!" + + + His many friends wili grieved to ·learn that "S~' Siler is quite ill. This p of movie !heater me whose Lido theater idea · d its way al- most rrom e start, has been sick roil many months and his one desire was that be keep Thi! Lido running WJtiJ Son Mason retume<I from the ~ Mason and his mother h ve our since.re' sympathy. I { l ' • • NEWPORT ' . . • • l , BALBOA I ' ..._ IMPROVE CAMP GROii FOR FllE TOILER PAR CALIFOUfJAJ 'blVUDAI; l"Ellll11AaY 1, .... MV•e•e u , Work to Be Done by Cit.Y at Ciost of $6000; H b D I · c f Stipe Recommended Later for Each · ar or ev(e opers · rt er_;_~;~~;;~~ Council Again In Tiff Over New City 1Hall Stanley Agai)lst Clos- ;ng of Street, Prop- erty Exchange A short but stormy discus- sion on the city hall site punc- tuated an othel'\vise calm af- ternoon at the council cham- ber Monday after the Balboa Island pier situation was post- poned for another month, and observers sat down to wait out the four and one-half hour session. Councilman Earl Stanley arose to disappr ove or the abandonment of a street in the Lido businC'ss area which \\'ould stop at th,e t\\'O churches. one of which is being built no\v on Via Maida. The coun- cilman wanted this street run through city ha ll grounds, although other members and Paul A. Pal- mer. representing Griffith Com- pany said it had been ironed out with both architects for the city and the development company meeting wit h the city hall com- miltee on the site weeks ago. Stanley contended that the city should not abandon the sl:re('t, but was ovc>r·ridden by the others who pointed out that his point should have be('n brought up '''eeks ago when he was present. at the con- ference on the ground. The mayor said i t was customary, if a str eet is abandoned for the ben€'fit of privatl' interests to compensate the city \vith an equal amount of ground. Palmer explained that the com.-iy is paying for removal or all utilities to compensate for the gain, and that the change is mcire- ly to facilitate the bet ter place- • I. SURSE C . .\.PTAIN DOROTHY L. l\tcCANN, captured on CorreKf· dor-and who carried on her duties '4.·hlle Imprisoned at Santa Tomas,. I.!. one of the 11 oversea.<1 nu~ at Santa Ana. J\rmy Air Bue. soon to clo8e. She and 65 othe r nuneA cared for 5000 Americans con· fined at the prtM>n camp, and "'as &\\'&rded tbe Bronze Star medal for her de\'Otlon to duty. L&..llit \\'ffk nurses obsen·ed the 4.Stb annl· ,·ersary of the Anny Nune CO!p!L: ' · AAF Photo. War Imprisoned Nurse Still Serves At SAAAB on 45t h Anniversary Of '.Corps; 571000 Were in Service ment of their building program, SANT A AN A. -F ifty -seven.I · ------- and no,t to add to their holdings. nurses at the Santa Ana Arm~ Air Parki'ng Meters Exchaace of Property Base observed the 45th ann1 v(>r· ~ Thed the exchange of properties sary or the Army Nurse Cor ps one Bring in $240 between the city and Griffith day last week. tenderly and effic-D · J Company came up for approval. iently caring for the sick and llflng anuary deeds ha,,.;ng been drawn by both wounded still r('turning from'no\v ··--- parties for the exchange. which silent battlefields. P;t:-ki n ~ violations ih Januar y Stanley contended "'as unfair · to .. The wa r is over for a lot of nt"'~tC'd the city 8240.50 as against the city. He asked R. L. Patt..erson, people," said head nurse l\1ajor SSO last January, according to a city engineer, if he would ex-Kathleen L . McNulty, "but every report or city cour~ revenues for change the proposed piece, sup-day \\'e see grim reminders and the month. Total fines collected posing he \Vere the owner instead r ealize that things won't be the \\'ere $1209.50. • 1ng ~granite tq all Jots 1n the 960 reet of be.y mlnt-SAAAB B -age and ronnecting all lots with electrical outlet£ which are ec.......... s 11 · H bo not DOW ,Belved so that the city can fill up the camp with Inactive Mar. 31 ma ar rs dflllrable tenants even befo...-the advent or the summer Army A1aouaces c i Ne" Grdina. nee : ~~h study or the camp . on erence ground situation was made and ne ••e -~ Aaa Army Air · ; Sets 600 Sq. Fl recommendatlona ot R. L. Patter-son, dty engineer. followed by the ::. :' ~..-••• ~t ::u.:~-Held He' re .Ho•se MinilQUAI ' .council which will cost In the aoaaced by Col. Wllllam c. Pu· neighborhood of $6000 ror lts tm- •11111, It• new commaad••c of· 'Ibe city· council finally passed provement, which the rePort ~t- ftom yeet.erday. The bue wlll the new minimum area building ed out should produce the great-est amount of revenue uooerl the aol be enUrely abut dowa. be Arm Off' W Jch onUnanoe at ita final reading Mon-circumstances for the next 1 five llldloated, bot fir• guard, --y leers, e • oky -had been started lty UJd emerc•ocy operation Hubbard Howe Ad-through~ than a month ago.as years. \\ill be maJ.atalned alt.houch the ·. • the building department of the ctly RECOMMENDATIONS .ep&ratloa, redlatrtbuttoa, and dress Gathenng had been confronted: with several Patterson's suggestion$ were as most boApltal actl\1tles wUl be propouJs for issulng permits to follows: dlsooatinued. From San' Francisco to San builders wishing to er ect less than 1. Install electrical conduit to• This informa tion brought to a Diego came more than 1 00 =·aqua.re feet in a single dwel-all lots not now served. head rwnors for the past sevetal promm· ent men m· e eh m' 2 months that the base would be · a co · -Whether the verbal threat of · Surface all trailer sites with closed \Vhich once housed some munity interested in harbor one property owner to take legal decompos'ed granite. 30,000 cadet-:! :~d through which delevopment which the Cali-action to test the ordinance made 3. Ne\\' (>ntrance to the grounds several hundrir& of thousands of fomia State'ChamberofCom-any difference was uncertain, but be made at 17th street. · men passed to and frOm action in merce, recognizing the great the council members decided. upon 4. ~Iove custodian's building. the army air forces. strides made at Ne"\vport Har-Lester Iabell's recommendation. to 5. Construct 14 boat sliPI at Speaker Hue La.It Week bor, brought into conference give the lnspector and building east and \vest end or prowt)', Only last Thursday night Col-at the Newport Harbor Yadtt superintendent backing in turning leaving the center 500 reet for: use onel Farnum was gu~st speaker at club Wednesday to discuss down plans for unall shacks or or thl' trailcir park. Also r.ve the Nl'wport Harbor Yacht club problems · of mutual interest apartment homes. barge Lottie Carson from chrubet. at the annual chamber or com· to develop recreation in the fa One concern, the Pre·Fab ~anu-Patterson explained that ] the merce dinner, and his talk on the. post-\var era. cturing COD).pany or .. 1:'<>5 ~ngeles, boat slips .should be undertak at disposition or the a ir base did not One of the Jiinci 'al reasons for ~t plans and specifications for a later dilte \\'hen labor and ma- gtve any hint of yesterday's action. the conference. pr ided over by erecting 8 numbe: of 't_wo and terials 1.1.•ere more plentiful. He He said only that he hoped the airman Willis arncr of the three-room houses in the city, most placed a talue on the 960 ·eet base would be continued. County shard of s of which ~Id have been less than of bay rr'dntage of $282,000 and The base could be put back into the schectuting of t~ now nunlmurn area. Some of~mprovements at $18 ()()() A f · operation within 30 days during its I. Robert ,C. H ter. new dis-too.e had only one combined. living retllrn at 5 percent ~n lms ~ inactive status if nct'd l,>e. the itrict engin,eer, and I. l\.forton c and bedroom. ba1!1 ~d kitchen. \vould be ~1 5,000 per year, he tatement pointed out. No mention 'collins, pi'incipal e ginecr of the Rued~ thia application and oth-noted, but computing a ,lease on was made of disposition of the acific Division, U. S . Anny with en, which the de partment wanted a rental basis of $1.50 per front eouipml'nt or personnel in the eadquarters in n Franci.scn ;: deny. Eug,ene Fene!on an~ Pete foot per month would total $11,280 1300-acre post. It was opened in ey both .talked n steps to be .elson were back~ By the coun-a year, or double the ~nt in- k cil~ who forthwith passed the come .., ---l942, almost exactly four years a en to secure f eral aid Cor ontinance hi h · ago. as a n aviation cadet classifi-arbor dev~Iopmen . w c passed its. first Plans are complete rQr the ~ork cation ccnter and pre-flight school. In the opening s ion yesterday reading 31!"uary 7· to be done, and Assistant Engineer In all, 120.000 future airmen were ornt,ng, Harry \V lch, secretary 'Ille ordinance would require 600 Webb, who is also street supttin- trained through the base for (Contjnued on ~Five) s:iuare feet In area exclusive of tendent is prepared to go ahead \'arious tasks as crewmen in air-[----7-''--_:F:.::_::_:_~ _ _:_-:garage.::_::~::___ __________ with improving entrance, •P?:act- crll!t. ing new surfa~ng and electtlcal A t the end ot last month 111.557 our Can • ates Said Ready to File conduits. All t he work will be had been separated from the ser v-Co done by the city. Boat &lips,. U ice there. The final disposition of o. r u.n.c. manic Dnce This Sprm· g·, rocommended. will be -~ the base has not been announced. ~..,.: until a later date. 1 nal Filin Date Set for Mar,.9th . Gives Assistance 1 To ·Many Boats I Activities of the harbor dC'flRTt-! mcnt for J anuary were r<'portrd to 1 1 1 the city council by Russell Crai(?. h.9.rbor master, shl'l\'.ring f\\'O f:rr calls answered. assistance to mo:-C' than 50 boats fi. all sizes: 12 ro'''· boats or dinghies found and re- turned to their owner s. while eight 1.1.·ere repor ted lost, but not found. One sailhoat.had been found and , returned. and another found but. not yet returned, t~ report dis~ closed. Five off-shore moorings "·ere installed. Speed or wake warnings were gtven to three boat owners. Political ca ·gns are being planned for the forth- coming city el tion April 9, with two councilmen to be c_hosen. and th far four candidates appear to be in the field with seve , I more in the 'Offing. First filing can be made Fnday, ebnmry S, acromipg to City Clerk Frank Rinehart, fin al ate thirty days a Way or March 9. Filing must be comp! ted thirty days before election. In addition the number of precincts will be increased' from 10 to 13, ue to the la\.lier number of voters a nd the re-arrangemen of districts will be aipwuneed later. It is believed tha ~e registration will fxceed 4000. First man o announce his intetltion of making the race is Col. . Atkinson of Balboa'. Councilm Lester Isbell, who was reluctant to run, has been urg by his many frietlds to again seek the post. . 0 . Z. 'Robe n. prominetlt Corona de! Mar contrac- Hemphill's Sea Cloud Off For Aca~ulco Orf !Of' a month's cruise to ~ca­ pulco and tropical waters, Mr1 and Mrs. Ra lph J.temphiU of Be'ferly H ills sailed from Ne\\'port. Hal-bor early this "'eek aboaDd theit 90- foot diesel yacht St-a Cloud. form- erly the Portola. which has been undergoing PXtensive ov~rh:i':11! and r efwmishing in the local harbbr. of the city. Realizing he was on same for many of our boys." ,\ total of 73 cases were filed; the spot, Patterson said that the Of this 57 nurses stationed at one jail sentence was imposed; plan was not his in "'the first place, SAAAB 11 have served overseas. ei~ht juveniles were cited, the re- but he thought as far as the value Captain Dorothy L. McCann was port of Judg~ Robert Gardner in· of the properties involved were ] captured on CoM"egidor and car· diC"a ted. cont('rned, that they \yere about ried on her duties during her im---------~---------------1 [ equal. I prisonment at Santo Tomas prison. PENCILLED PERSONALITIES tor, and fonn Balboa Islamf grixrr, has also been per: suaded to e a candidate, it was stated today. Accompanying the He~1 ilia were M.r. and Mrs. Frank D es,. Irene Hendry and Roy Hem hlU. At Acapulco the Hemphill• wtlJ have as guests aboard the cht Mr. and Mrs. tnrich Busch, Mr , and Mrs. Earl B. Gilmore, Mr and M.rs. W. B. Malouf, Nina Arider- son, Mrs. Blanche Bagnall, MrJ and Mrs . Ed Anderson, all prom~1 ent in Southern Cafiforaja societ and Senora Louisa Figueroa ot Pi! x.ico By the same split o( 3 to 2. the I She and 65 oth~r nurses cared for ~ council voted to close Vi a Maida 5.000 Americans confined there. -Bv )ACK LINDSLEY, Cowboy Ani.st H. E. Chri tier, Balboa Island merchant, is reported to also be wil g to enter_ the arena .for a councilmanic seat. when no objections were raised by Cap\ain h-1cCann \\'as awarded the the churches concerned (a repre-Bronze Star Medal for her un- sentative of one being on hanci selfish devotion to duty after her who had conferred with the other}. release in February 1945. Then by the same vqte the council It never \\ill be said Ot World agreed to t he exchange of prop-\Var n that the nurses had easy erties. \\'hich amounted to about going. \Vhen 0-Day was 60 hours 16.500 squ~e feet in a triangular old, our nurses sloshed ashore in shape to round out the grounds of France \\ith bare f('(>t and trouser the city hall. This \\'as madl' at the legs rolled up. , previous request of Ralph Fle\\'el-\\i'u At Santo Tomas Ung. city architect on the ·city Captain l\fcC'ann kno,vs what it hall building. \vas like at Santo Tomas. Sh(> says, Earl ~tanlcy moved his real es· 1 "for 33 rrionths '''C' toiled and tate off1C'C' from Coron.a dc l l\lar S\\'catcd and had nothing to eat to thC' rornl"r of D-n tral and 32nd but r ice, somC>times not C'nough of stN"f.'t , Nc,vport. last \VN>k, dircct-that. Conditions \V('r<' so terrible ! ly opposite the nC\\' city hall that many prefcrrC'd death to liv· grounds. !Continued on Page Five) 1 Judge Harry Westover Warns Next War Will Defe~t Victors 1 "l f \\'e do not lellrn to g{'t along . \Vhile Judge '"'esto\·er \\'ho "'as ' \\i th peopll' thcrr will Ix-another introduced by the program ch'a.ir- war \\'1th.in 25 yean, and each sue-man. Rev. E. D. Goodell. empha- ccedin1; "·ar has cost ten timl'S as sized the fact th8.t from 94 to 96 much as the on{' btfore it:· said cents col lect('('{ from each indi\id· Judge Harry \VestO\'er. coll€'Ctor ual \\'ent to the "'ar effor t and of internal re\'enue tor Southern that the next war would spell California. speaking at the Ki-d{'feat ror · the victor because or wanis djnner in the grammar the excessive ('()St. his talk was I ~l cafeteria. primarily of humorous incidents Given as a benefi t tor the Pres-relative to his position and he read b}·terian hospital fund. ladit'S" l>f the Kiu.•anis club and the \VSCS some .of the amo;;ing letters receiv- o! Christ Oiurch By-the-Sea join· ed from tax payers. ed in serving the turkey dinner to Arter the program came the nearly 200 citizens. fines, with a J>Oun<! of butter col- Pres.ident Fayette Blower intro-Jected from President Blov.•er auc-- duced guests. including William tioned (or SlO to Sam Kinsfather, Gallienne. secretary of the HUnt- ington Beadl Clamber of Com-while ~tr. Wilson found himseU merce; Supervisor Irvin George assessed $5 for selling o\·er ceil- Gordon. John Upson. Howard Gcr-ing jrlce. Many others added their rish. president of the Uons club, donation to the hospital fund, for Mn. Westover and Ruuell Bar-. ttne. lieutenant governor ol Di• which they received the thanks of vision Four ot Kiwanis. Polttnuter Herb Kenny. , . • ' , l City. • LNewportl Bef: M . w· Exnect 75 Boats I oca I ermen ay .1tness In Sports fishin g_]_ Historic tonic ·Bomb Test Fleet by March ~ Mayor Cl n Hall has definitely refused to be a can- didate as he pl ns to return to the WOfk he loves, that of manufacturin while he feels he Is entitled to some time for yachting. ter four years ot sei::ving the public of In Far P C·,1·1c Atoll Gro· up ~i~~ ,~~-;~:~:~~r:~h:L!~,~~; . . ~~c t ~~~~i=t~o;i"i 1.~:~~";{ s;~ --------~ up "'" n1rnlfx>rs for the c~in:: · ~e\\'(JOl1 H r commercial ~ have an oppor-year. P: 1.•I l..or("nt 1P!'1 nrtti'e"'t. tumty to volunt r to participate with the U. S. Navy in the prosid"'L . atom· hn. b t t' be h Id rnA11 f ll la \Vhi l" R number of ~to~ JC ~m es O e amoog a S--~ group O ato s t.e \\';~h a .;Jn .. le boat ·apiece cnme . this s pring. Tl1 s surprising fact was Clisclosed by Charles intl"I thf' R""'ocia tion for the first I M cLatig'1Jin. tary of the ~'s Union here, \Vho time. s::·roups or boats Were \Vas appro~ch by men of a United States govecnment broug-ht in by Port Orange, t.vith agency. 1 --12. th{' R1lboa Sport F1s.ttin.g Ftrr t l\<1 cLaugh1i:i 1.1.rill xplain the un-City to Escr Lots with three. Ray Kimbrul at th usual request of e government OW . 19th Street landing with four, ·and to fishermen when they mee( wtth With Gas Tax Money a few others "1th mon' than enc. him ~'fonday nig at the local No d~fin1te word wa.~ available as union headquart , 218 20th ,to whether the Hamiltou int~ts strl?<'t. The brief information he The eity ii ready to open an of Be\IC"rly Hills wouJd COf!le' l into . gave the News-was that casmw for the purchase of lots the harbor . with a reported 20 fishermen ~·he \'O teered would 1 to 14 and par11 ot two others yachts (or charter purposes. ~ acilities to .c... oo Coat boulevard to pay for About 75 bo:8t~ '"111 be rea~· to company the na on the historie widemng-of this main entrance to take o the fishinc1banks ~the bombing of man t~ of war-the db from the west with the harbor when the seuon reallyjgets shipo. They woul fish before and llllPuU--t the lots wtll be under >n,y. Pl4M W<Te -'al<! for alter the tests in aters adjacent '*'ct zll bun ltat.e gas tax publicity and ~ falj ~ to the test ·to see what effect the ,....._ It ._ acreed by members cominc year, A splendid • 1°'! world's greatest apon has an al ta.e -~'JDdl to joining wu eYtdent.. tr. ..., •-h · Gri!lls. secretary. said. 1 ·~ qver a certB.1 area. -a fo the body from Amon tJoni ubd by~ II It has been that the 1111'1)' ..... __ cl -Iola ubd for ac.. !i:i;: eouJd be · A =dual<! of U-8.C.. -alter eipt ,,_,, ;.t practice, ,...,.. la is concerned with how fish will lie --.. ---.plated PD"-:::r""by dty oftldall and ..., claarso of optomdr7 for fin: .n47 fteld. la ~·--tllle pmlal pn-affected ~ the rt , tlle dQ' atta1'De7 a4v18ed ~ ~UR ~ ODe" ~: f:en'oaal ._ _.. ._ )m&n.4u_. to take ...... ,.actlce .. o-&a P' ' a to apea tbe acrow wttb thorlty wu pr imt, wu lloW Meoahua _ _,, ___ i______ V ..._._ ~ " · ., . fllh" for -•-7 of fWelp h I pa. -tnim photo by G<ri>ardt. au .. _......, -; P"KQI -t the Iota ormen """1d fatt Who .,_ to • 1 t , BaJb. Jo.. __, .. lie 1 ""'-"'l -state Newport Q> So llrhlna tlulmf 1M Doc.--Crawford, Optometrist 1an.t..., ~ ooacr•tu1a----be ..-«>mine, --· .... find ~ The Greelca had -a word rar It_: lr.ri_ cm the birth al • jaaiocllter Feb. I ~ -•EP 11 •l lloe <IQ'• ~~°':cs ue ..:.":;:! optlkoa -many ~tea ·haw To .._ 'Wluit lJOU'tt _..,. at" In St. JOl<pb Sbe •• ~ -.it -ellocalell penltne qi-lcpw -nleft'ed to the another word far ·It-Doc craw-. ((ltm-m Pip :rift) llbt PD'-, two ~ cltf. • • • , - • ' • • • • ·~ ~ f "'''' ' -· •• r • I . I ' •. • Wanl bao -.-~~im •. t ans Ed11-ti·on, Home E':-...... ; .. g . -: Archie De L&,'V er-ne lister, Mn. Cedric~ -NEWP.DRT-BALSO,. • r on.-•. J rUlcuR.UI NE w s . 11 :00 Liii. M-W'!'9"1P· ~tm:ns from K ... jxrt11•1D11.tbllt~.-;-~·ClifL • fll&bL 1 r I RdOFS I APPi.DD--........ --· ~.!:!, ~;!.! ~ ! ~ mt ,roved by New State Legislation of the ~,~ ~ ~ -~ Wu in Typhoon orea, :;!· :,:•·:;:-~~"' , 8l: -----1--I y .. ~. • I wwwwll<ft In the PhDIPP'!>-'nle ., r •• ~ ~y ... TlmndaJ' ~ Volw X.XX\"UJ 'f\\·o bills dealliig with veteran c· B u R.C B E ~-p.m. OUw ·-capt.am ii a frequmt vW~ ...... 0... .._ ... ,. PUoa __ '!_, "s' • EVW7 We' 1 7 1 '°·o1w U legislation. one ~Med and the ,Raise Ch .--7-...:00 .pY.m. Adlllt ~p. TfSct. Arch.le B. De La Verpe. ownirc a home on NetiP'*1 ,.. ... -II anges Wcnlalp:-who -ill months, 26 at wbldl I ~~ • -a•~!P..va!>le In Advance:-$2.50 per year J.a Orang• Oiuncy. oth<!r recommended by the~ '1' u· M-: Te U w." ....., ipent o........., recd-blo and Is a noted na=--·- $2.'if po.. :rear to 4th zooe; _$3.00 per )'e&1' to 8th """° =~t~ came..="' a.:;, In Police Dept. OOOOllONA D~ . ,,_ -++----honorable diocllarse .. Fcrt Mac-cbarted Amelia • ----'---+ · ·~ ~--In N rt ~-~ ----·-~ _,_ .... ··-· >JP(1JJQTY w e>w--or ·GOD Arthur on J anuary 2t. He is the Entered .. $e<ond-CW. matter at u~ C~<UU~ ewpo ~-Warren ~u~~ be -·-u~ ,l.__ 'L eel oONcasoATIONAL buabond ol Mrs. 'F -Holeman ~ J c.Iltomla. ,under the Act ot March 3, lB19 _ bill to perm11 ve-to ,ta1te ad-dre .approv ' ~.., ,1_ -..ir. · u-rj 1.a v"P<. 817 Orange 0row 8. A. MEYER - - ---- -Publisher v.anta,ge both of the state a educa-~ , . m llellotNpe. 0... .. tt.• UM avenue, and wu a er-actuate of llAM D~PO • . • • •. • GenenU Manacu tional benefits and farm or home A leave of absence for K. .W. Sunday, Februar)I 10, 19t6. . Suriclay Colton Hl&h fCboo1 in the clau ol L. s. · · · · · · . · Editor finandna. Gorton. !slant Police chief wu Oturcb echool In two .....i Momin& 1936. • w. I. Sntzw· . 3ll(Jrl .._ .......... lilllN W. F. DIXO • · · · • -~rtlslnc .Mar•-.er '!be bill removea a provision cranted for two weeks, a nJae ol above prun,ory c1epu?f' i Eveninc Bet 1 · the servl J!rlntlal p • t, 3011 W. Cen~ Avenue, Newport:_~· California making a veteran who occepll one salary for~flcer Geo. England, All t t 9.30 a.m.·PrimarY and 7 :30 p.m. c:e, Thurlday at An:hl:!.. ~~ u a pl~ ·' Officlal Paper of tfte City of N~rt Beach :,'fi&i~ ~U: 0~~ti<ally In· :;,':;'.,,. ~v11 l ....e::"':or ~ ::,~ ~ .clepertmenll meet at 7 ,:~k on eowtiunen t construction jollo A. D au ..... Loa&I i.e,1au.. I• O.V 11 Teen Pwed by both houses and now ment wu ·~v_. and the t'em-11 a .m. P,rior to the war. He served with • . . . O.LCULLf, ·OW-Tu 0 F ' t ,..,..:::::4 .,.~ y-...-.. 1111 ....... ... · ··* IMW.4 .. -j'- PIERS~ Pl1l1W1T I •ro= I.A • ••!ILIA •,am t "f,. ........ 1w T-.f:·hh~ R SS?g~• ' le --:111.K ·• t. .~,:.,· '&::o'b-7 .._ •·a• ,..., • I · emor' dNk · th bill ~~-...., 11 a.m. Momin& wonhlp. ti!• army construction battalion. EDn:o ftlA' , on the gov, I a e ~employment of another of. """' by Mr Sdlrock:f' · FIRaT CH OF CHRllT, &<>inc oveneu In l9". He help. \!NAl1l1SOCIATION :cti:r :.r~ .. a ~1~'t.:i :.-.. '::i~ l::.""':~1~ f::-,,::i: ~ = =·.! God . Make ' Lldo.·n...,W,.J, 1 :::; ,._,.. ~':.~~~~':.:::: --"• ~ /16 .. I.. em a California veteran can .obtain cllmen at their r.gular meetins 7 p.m. Youth meettna. a le Ude AirU. 19'5, lan<jecl at Okinawa. _,,..,,.,,..._ of financing from the veteran• we!· Monday afternoon. A --Cit-. Lately he bu been stationed a fare board. from $7500 on hornet At. the sl.me time the city lath-CHRIST CHUilcH av THE UA 'nle rint ., Clar1ot, Bpi-the Sixth Station boapiW In and $13,500 on forms to $15,000 en appv-the recommendatlon · -. a. llC >l·-cl>-K<>tta, In ""·-• of pl. umb'--and --, on homes and $20,000 on farms. of Otlet Rnwland Hodgkinson fer OOnm ,,.,. ~-·All 8uada7 8'm-..... _.. ...,. Fwy Footwork '!be bill a1so makea the pro-retmtat_.t or Offic:er Virgil 1-...-c7~ A-c1a,. B•ntoe 11'!. ~ao ;-.:;e.dl1 "=:'~ September typhoon There i18s been a great deal ot diplomatic shadow boxing vision for f'lfl8JlClng a home or Phebus at hi.I former 1tatua held ,-. m; r;.: ::.. '::'" ~ tine at U 'o'olock hi.I LST wu blown w Fonnooa by In LondonJ f urn Im: a veteran holclln& a before he went Into the oervlce, 0 -.·, the force of the .wind. . 1 · oma11 amount of iroperty, provkl-arid the elevation of the pooltion ol _,... W• , !<t-11 L m. located at Tll It seems that most everyone has been throwing lefts and Inc hi.I wtal holding, lncludll!ll the OtarJeo llrieat from cruet clerk ~~ r 1 ".:: P.a. ... ..., Bal-la A ks City Re I righta butJ1 all have been careful not to hit anybod~. You P'Operty w be$~-= to desk .ttseant. at an ~ ~:!,kw;..,.;.:;::;, ._ -~-~"":·=~1 p.m. to G p.m. 8 P ~ . &ee If one got hit he might get mad and go hOIDe--<IDd take ~.L•xceed the • or ' In salary. 'All asreed. that Oiarlle _,.. -.,.;i dlolo -,. a.cepti ud bolldaye na· 7000 Ft. Cable ' , . . ~ Priest hi doing a cood Job. and ' ' t tlollally 1 ·bis count..y s UNO membership along Wlth him. And that · • should . have the ...i.e. p.a. . TH pu cmdlall7 l...u.l to A Jett.,. t<> the d ty council from would spoil the party VFW W uJd Lik attad u. MrV1 and -Carl Woodmanaee, city electrician So . 'tt f di 1' ti . bs, hooks and t drop 0 e Youncr Men to 21 8ALllOA J&LAND CHAN tbe ' • .,.. declared It necessary to replace m sp e o P qma C Ja crosses no 11 T M t H • ,.. 115 Aeate ,._ about 7000 lineal feet of stree .of blood tUls been spilled, and not a hair has been mussed. 0 ee ere lil s llev ....... , w. -.. Chriiiti ' enee llghtlJts cable on Balboa b land. Iran ruls complained about Russia's interference qi Azler-N c1·ty Hall tart Navy V-5 AUi Na ... _ Lesson me 'Spirit" He u ked authority to buy cab .. _ .. __ r± d R . t """"'--to be the <inly one ew Trainin. g Mar. 1 Claunlt 111·=~ .,. L& wblcll hi priced i.t $1.30 per foo UCIJ.IO.'I ce an ussta, n o 'f't'U>i~£6 Konli:Dc Wonlllp 11 La. -ni; Sp_JLt ... zclteth all thtap.· The matter wu ~o con charged hitting below the belt. has complained about The first application for 1110 of ' 1ea. Ille d.., 6:~n~l~-.:i;r'i!! ll~ation by the council. '\_ -.. .,.. British actMties in Indonesia and Greece. the council chamben or the new On Marcil 1. 1946, young men aT. JAME• E .. JM:OPAL l:'O!:'d!:... or th• 8Ulld07 1-1r~ipi1•o~FriE~SriS"1'oiilNiAAiLllD~1i1iiE~c~~~o~iliyi#"-Eadl of\ the ccused ed "Who me?" attitude and dty hall, when built o~ Central trom all over the country wUl re--CHURCH aon·Sermon "Spirit'" to all • ' a assum a ' · avenue, by any other than the of-brancties o e Mother . Chu.rcb.. looked quite shocked and pained.. But they're not worried. fldal city body waa made Mon· port to one of our leading univer. 511 w ... Ceoltl'll, Bal1-The F!rot u h of Christ. Sci .... J.w.c... sities to be given ~P t1;> four semes-(Etaell ClllM'IOUM) The UNO dr.-""':'_.'t carry a wallop in either hand. In .fact, just day afternoon by the Veterans of ten of college training under Navy Rev. Arctye T. Dean, Vicar tlst. ln Bo.It n. ' to be sure of this the "heavyweights" at the San Francisco Foreign Wars post in Costa M~a. V-5, the Naval Aviation Prepare-l :SO a.tm.., Holy Comraunkm. Tb~ ~~0~ ae , "And It came to . , . . The group of veter~. meetibg n.. Th hi s ~-~ · conference 1 iti ed both of the UNO s hands behmd its back. now In the American Legion hall fory ,.--,ogram. ese men are gh 9:o&5 Liil., unday .............,. pus. a.a w w nt to prayer, a ae~ · school graduates 17 to 21 years of 11:00 a. m., Moruill.I' Prayer and tatn damse,I eessed with a •Plrlt And that's where they're going~ stay-unless it has oc-there, said it was only a temporary age and are Apprentice Seamen. Sermon.. (J'lrat SW14&)'1: Holy or dtvtnatla et ua, which brought casion to smack some little 14fl ight" country that gets a.rr~gement, and~ked to have U. S. Naval Reserve. Comm unioa.) her m'ute uch gain by soolb· 1 • thetr request con~dered. A per-aaJin&1 Th a e followed Paul an d sa.s.5y. TheE"t can have both han,, free. It will show these sonaJ appearance was made by an At the same time. another group SEVENTH <CAY ADVENTl,T8 wi, ada c , eaylng, Thel'le men little guys here to get off! \ officer of the new organization of of young men who have already Corner Walnut and Church Sta. are the ae a ts of the moet high · H t Id th t completed two years of college Y.ill Cotta MM. , fJod . wble.b ab w unto U!I the wa7 All this · an interesting resemblance to the ring tech-that .community. .e was 0 a be reporting to Navy Pre--Flt'ght ot ealfatlo d this did she manJ 1 it might be some time before the Sabbath echool, Saturday orn· I 1 1 ed nique that was once so prevalent at Geneva. bu'•lding 1-9 fi'ru'shed. but was as-schools throughout the United days. But P nt. be n~ ~re"'. . Ing, 9 :30 o'clock. turn~ and ld to the spirit, Maybe if the delegates would get in there and throw some Stp'ed his group were the first to Stat('S. These men take in those Preaching s ervice, 11 a. m. 1 commang ee in the name ot , I f · -1 d .. between• the ages of 18 and 23, • t h clean, hani diplomatic punches right "on the button" there ask or ~at prtVl ~e. an pro':"" JesW!t Cbrt t .o come out ·o er. . . th . dif ably get first attenuon upon their and are tQe AVCAD's, U .S. Naval CHURCtt OF CHRIST And ti,e ca e ut the same hour." would be I detJlger of the nations havtng to settle ell" • request. Reserve. In the C~fs an Science textbook, ferences \'ti h bombs and bullets later on. Our great peacetime Navy has ~u::.:~::,':U:.~t::! "Science d ealth with Key to set up the finest aviation triµning tbe Seript e " Mary Baker Eddy Alien Patents in the world. As a result. our Serviee.: Sund&y, 10 a. m., Bible 8ay11. !'Sptr Ing God. there la but ACCOUNTANT I. 8. WllYTE ..... ~ OUlllOLT.&lft' ... ......_. b7 Ille OlllW awi. TNM>- ~ Dle1rtn1 t \0 ,... t eb. .. ts. ~•1"rt6oll wit.al ~ lU •MW.. Al1M'n • It Am MHM•••rmo mm OUIMlMe...._...._,.o.t..._ ....... ..,.. ...... ARCHITECT Armand Monaco ARClllTBCT 814 W. Bay Ave., Balboa Newport 1714 ITZl._A.., Loo~ NO~MOI PHYSICIANS a 81Ull:GE~Nll, JU>. H. R. Hall, M .. D. ~-~ Hour'" 2·5. by ~anent Telephone ~.f l it Broadway eo.ta M- Gordon M., Grundy,! M. D. Phyalclaa and !lurleon Ninth and Central ve. Office Hrs.: 10-12 a.m.; ·5 p.m. Telephone 37 A1TORNEVS Pr• f D' "t · N A 'I bl -aviators Jn experience and train-Study; 11 a. m ., MoroinJ;" worship. one Spirit. o there can be but one tCe O J_SUill y . . ow va1 a e 1n11n1te • hereeore on• God. F M uf tur ing stand second to none. Their Tbere are Jlel er spirits many nor Throug~ five years O[ impending War and actual conflict Or 81:1 aC e careers in the ·•xpanding field of F IRST FOURSQUARE .CHURCH rods ·man>1~ "God controls ma11, , the Americ~ people stood shoulder to shoulder m the com· The alien property custodian is aviation p.re assured. And e nlist· OF COST A MESA and aoo, Js t"' only SplrlL•• ROBERT GARDNER CONRAD RfCHTElf,, M. D. thousands of u . S. patents seized being taken f?r those young men Patton -+-!-----DON ALD I). HARWOOD . 120 E. l8th St moo effort . to· defend their country. But in the past five licensing to American citizens m~nts for these programs are now Rev. and Mrs. G. Wiiiard Steama ~ ~ Pbyslclan and s~' months anp seem determined to contit'\Ue their division, from' enemy alieps during the war who can ~ualify and who have a 1 Phone 2671 FULL 8PEL CHURCH ATTORNEY• AT LAW COSTA MESA America a.rti the world may fall. · That fall will be into a des-with the nominal fee of $1 5 ror strong desu:e to fly.. . Sun~ School 8:30 a.m. . !2nd an Iden, Costa Meaa 118 N • ...,.;E_ .._ c.ar. I · h h 1 t licensed Further information about this Mornlng worahlp service 10:46. Sunday ool, 9:46; morning _ NU-Hours: 10-12 a.m.; 3-5 p.m. perate economic c aos. . . eac pa en -tst di · . h ' h ,_ 1 6 00 r -•J 1 -•tatic eervtce Phone 133 ,, _ I Patents covering mechanical and ou an ng opportunity w 1c UI Crusader serv ce : p.m. wo.--p, van.... . ._.. ._ ,.,., ..,_. ._.. u•a HO\V cap it be that after seeing the great benefits to be electrical articles and devices as open to high school graduates ~ Berean eervtce 8:30 p.m. 1 7:10 R· m.; d-weelr. pra.yer meet· /I..-'---....:.---'-----' I"------------· derived frotn unity they have so quickly fallen into dlsunity? well as chemical products and tween t~e ages of 17 and 2~ may Eveninl' evangeliatJc eerviqe &t inc on · ~e eada.7, 7 :4G P· m.; DAY SCROOL It is certa·;.1 y not because they haven't been warned against processes suitable for manufacture be obtained from the off1~ ot 7:30 p.m. young e ev&ne"eliltlc aerv1ce th CaJ"f · ' bl Attorney or use by plants of a ny size are Na"C"al Officer Procurement, ROom Wednelday evening prayer IVY· on Fl'lday, 7 6 p. m. division. most four mon s ago l orma s a e ail bl cording to the cu.sto-524 , 1. N. van Nuys .Bldg., 210 1Ce at 7:SO p.m. General +rt W. Kenny called for continued cooperation ~v a e ac West 7th street, Los Angeles ~4. --------:NE P RT HARBOR and unders nding a mong individuals and groups within and ~ose interested may write or or ~he nearest Navy recrUiting COSTA ME.SA COMMUNITY LUT J.-AN CHURCH uJ station G~aue l 1!C apel, Cotta Me.a \vithout ~country. visit the-technical cons tant at · CHURCH In a Francisco speech he dedared, HW e are in the Los Angeles public library, 530 So. For office supplies, see the Carl 8 . Jeaw. .. n, ,,Mlnlater Rev. f19r Roth, Pastor Hope street, information at the 124 E. 20th at. Ph. Z'47$-R Servlcee· unday, 10:30 a.m. midst of sllarp. abrupt changes. In the minds of many we local cllamber. News· Times. Cllurdl ..aoo1, 9 ,.,. L m. face an ujicertain future and uncertainty generates fear lfontlnr; Wonblp, 11 o'clock. =.~:§1;s~?~r;~!BE 1..: :c~~s,s~~~~:~u~~~~:::::i ~~~ the war y~ars." ACROSS ........ t• H•at h•••· FlftST METHODIST CHUftCH 3 • ' • •• OUR LA 1t23 "1 Sunday Conte •:oo u, J 8:30. !'.m. . ' IT. JOH , OF MT. CARMEL Central Avenue : 8 and 10 a..m. Saturdays frnm and from 7:30 to IANNEY CHURCH '~ boa I IJ and ' Mortimer School 1 SO'l Coral Balboa Island GnMle9' Collece, Preparatory DAY SCHOOL .= G. A. Mo.rUmer, M. A., Oxford PrlDclpal Phone 65% D ENTISTS DR. OBEo LUCAS Den~iat • 2202}i W. Central, Ph. 1480 'N£WPO,RT BEACH It woulil be well for America if these words were broad- cast th~hout the land and then were heeded. Certainly the people [of our country must awake to the tragedy of in· temal disSension. They must reconcile t heir differences, wipe out division and go foiward together to win the peace. I Abs\aim !tom food 9 CombillatiOll 11 At right angle to ahJp's keel 12 Tutt OD " G. li4twln Olhw, Putor Euctld at Manford, Garden Grove. 9 :30 a.m.. Church Kheol t all Sunday ~ : A:SO a..m. Conteul : Saturdaye 7:30 to 8 : p.m. INSURANCE fro"' Ir--~---------.., FOR. NATION.ALLY .ADYERTISm / WHICH ARI! 0-···2· up ~-- ........ • bird'• wtn1 IS Beast of burden (So. A.m.1 14 Cloth 15 Permit JIS Stripped othusb 18 Ring la ·hannon1 19 F ish 22 Halt kn em 23 Openln1s 26 CompUes 28 Couples 39 Tablet 31 Tantalum (#ym.> ' 33 Mental faculties 34 Bay window !6 Forestall · !9 Enemy scout 42 Wein! 43 Potato (colloq.) 45 CanonizPd. person 46 Climbing vine 47 Woody per· ennials 48 Borders OOWN I Drop 2 Oatuou. S Ch ai r 4 Hat 5 Break a Slander ,, 7 Glrl'a name 8 Bed on sh1pboard 9 Toward the lee 10 Dlsembarll: 17 Hasten 18 Weep 19 Small uploaion 20 Sleeveless ia:armftll 21 Color 23 Supernatural IAm. Ind.• ff Soap l!lax 25 Donke)' 77 Roads n Night bird 32 lllh Hebrew letter 34 Sheeplike 3$ Endeavor CSc:ot.) 39 Obnox:tou. bue<:l '"Bind 38 One t1 the Great l..a.kes 39 Male deer 40 Tree 4.l AftlnnaUve votal 44 Help A•-•J: '9 P•sal• N .. hr • MODERI MAlllE SERVICE ' ' I SHELL DOCK ' ' • • Before Y _,. Build Remodel LUDLUM [ Carpet or ks lln --II&. 1"1---:a.. llAJ!ITA Alf A ' New York Life Insurance Company DONR.D~ di eir..w ...... • CO&ONA •m. 114& MORTICIANS HAROLD IC. GRAUEL CHAPl:L "We UUr.elve1 tlle Better Serve By Servin~ Others Best" ""8ne Newport 111 Co.ta ,Miu CallfOrnla OPTOMETRISTS ROBERTA. CRAWFORD . Op&., D. DPTOMETRIST llr• Rn.mined ~ .Glaau Fit ted 1712 Newoort Boutevard Phone MlO COITA MEIA 81J)JVEYOB8 1111111111111111nt111111111u1111u1a1111 Modem I and up...,,.,. I Blue Printing·· f cilities Photostating1 up to 18 in by 22 ' . in. I I ' Pick-Up and Delive ,s.nce I . Watch for Opening Ann uncement Bl1eprlnt ~ Phot~ Shop SIEGEL & RAUB -. --.... 1W H-pon mft. II- T911,·aaa MIT W' • .,.._ 1'I I PIANf-~CRU. •. '·----'---'----; PIANO TEACHER' G.V.LINSENBARD Graduate -- . ..,.. 0nJ ta""70 I .. d Ph. 1252-W .• 15211 w. Ocea. Front Mn. Kenneth Quarry, Senta Ana avenue, C<lota Maa, enter- tained ......,tly •-be· the - day ennlwnary "' Jin. ar- Dr. G. E. To.hill • PbyliclUI and SU..- 2209 Coast Blvd. NEWPORT BEApi -PHONES-1 Office 286·W ~· 286-R IJ no answer, call 'Ne"fPOrt 5 Gerald Rausa, M. D. _ 2830 West Central /Aye. NEWPORT BEACH Ph. 1028-No answer er 301-M X-Ray Servi~ Millon M. Ma.xweU, M, D. 1601 Cout BJw&y Corou del Mar I Office Hours : 10-12j 2-5 ~ Newport Lll8%. • • S. R. Monaco, M. D. 814 Bay Ave., BAiboa Newport n %4j 44S S. Hill St. Loo Amcoleo . T Ucker 181% • By Appointment ' T. P. Reeder, ~· D. Phy9l~lt-!I~ 1001 Weol ~ ~­ TeJepbOlle Newpuri 80I A. V. Andrews, M.D. • PBISJCIAN . -8IJJIGllON ' Tel11t -II~ I c.. .. licbmidt. Elchlftsl cueota atten6-~...;--.............. rr~.:----.... ----~-'------~--· l ~;.;:,.::::;,ir..:""'.:-a:~.:.~~--~+'e~.·--~-:-~~;...;...-+-~~.J I BALBOA ISLAND ll ........ . ~ • -·1 • 7 • • ' ( • I ' ' I . - ' . ' • • • Jf&WPOlitl Puauc N TICE Puauc N "oTicE Puauc..:NOTicES -Correapondence lfOIKS ~1111111 . '!be above mentlmed d>edi lllall osaTD'J()Aft or r..uttl'I-. Of ~ J...1-be given u a cuatantee that the 8BIP 'llLUlllACl'llfO lltllll· ...,,.., ,......, Nana: IS GIVEN bidder will enter blto the contract -mwsa ncnnom Becomes Problem that the Ot;y ~ of the Qt;y If awarded to him. and will be NAiii:. · · I 1be 1treet deportmmt at the of ,.ewport Beliljh, Collfornla. Will declared forfeited If the"""' Dfll1 Qty Judce Bob Gudner 1iM dt;y will try to flnCI -on loll 1'ffelve IOolod for the pavtnc bidder ref.-to enter Into Wd ROY WINDELL and RALPH bad 10 much ~ late, owned by tlle munldp.ilt;y Oil of the Qty Pork with d&-C<J11tract after bein& requeotecl IO WEST do ~certify that they ly with vlolaton at the ~ LafQette •treet to replace thole ...,._.i sranl In OCCCll'dance to do by the Qty Oiwldl of the are ~ an airplane oervtce meter an11nance tba~ be bu lilftd IOld reoently on the ocean front 'With piano and· •IJLOdfieatlom on Qty of N--1 Beach. and any bUllnea incidental thett-a police otflce<'1 wife to mall Ollt· In Newport. Ille In the of the Qty En-,'!be Oty Counclf of the Qty of to or In connection therewlt,h, notices for rftldenis to ._.... be A letter of protest from mem- iimeer. Newport Beach ~es the right with Ill principal place of-.,.._ declared In a letter' to the dty berl of an outdoor lawn bowline E.ch bid be acmm~ to ttject any and all bldl, ar to at 1905 Fullerton avellue Ccota coundl. . teem that their reaeatlon orea by a cert1fled cuhler'• check waive any infonnality In a bid. Mela. County of Orange, State of Judse Gordner uked the oouncil bad been deprived them wlthi>ut for ten per ce t 00%) of the FRANKL. RlNEHART, California under the flctltlOUI to reimburae him for the put-tt* substitute brought action at the amount of the .· made payable City Clerk. name of · oervlces of the young lady and to dty oouncll last Monday. The to the order of ~ Qty of 'New-l!>ated February 6th, _1946, at PIONEER PACIFIC AIR LINE take the expense off hll bands matter, wu "'f~ to the street port Beach. B lllall be sealed Newport Beach. Callforrua. and that said firm Is compooed of In the future. . department. and filed with City Clerk at Pub.-Feb. 7. 12. 1946. the following penons, whole names -'-------- the City Hall Newport Beach. and addr ..... are u follows: Mesa Resident Dies ?ohn Coyle, who has been living California, on Of before February Twins arrived on Feb. 3 at St. ROY WINDELL. Partner at the E. 11. Goodell home, 3000 18th, 1946 at 4IOO o'clocl< P. M. Joseph h<lopital to Mr. and Mn. 1905 Fullerton Avenue John H. ,..__ 4!1, m u W5t Ocean Front, and attending • -Ask New. Location For La~ Bowline and wlll be ""'ned and publicly Warren Tait, 2225 Harbor boule-Costa M .... California. ~=·' ~ ICbool tie... alnce the !Int ol Sep. read aloud at orlabout 4:00lo'clock vard,. Costa Mesa. They were a RALPH WEST Flowe!' street, O:ista M~esa, died tember. hu gone to Orange where .._..,~ P . M. of that clay in the Cound.l son. weight five pounds, nine "543 East 58th Street last Wednesday at the -he is.living on a ranch.. _ • ,._.7 Ownber In~ Oty Hall, New-ounC"eS, and a daughter, who Maywood. California. lty hospital. Santa Ana. He ------------~~ ....... UCXI Port Beach. onUa.. weighed six pounds, four ounces. . WITNFSS our hands this 29th born in Ballenter, Texas, and had I r------------~ ... -llJlllUI day of January, 1946. lived in California for 25 years. HANSEN'S ! 00 0.-0 Front Newport RA y \VlNDELL, He leaves a wile, Geraldine, and Fran RALPH WEST. one son. John Jr .• of Costa Mesa: cis J, Ho"ath t:T •• _. ia ST A TE OF CALIFORNIA. two daughten<, Mrs. Margaret JIU'(. ..... COUNTY OF ORANGE-a. Reed and Mrs. Thelma Busbee. INCOME 'TAX Sl!ZVICE H Fox On this the 29th day or January, both of Abilene, Texas; two broth- 1946. before me. FRED J . DUD-ers. J . Thoinas Osteen, Los An- LEY, a Notary Public in and for geles. and George Osteen. Wichita Federal and State ' Wflr1d:Wlde said County and State, personally Falls, Texas; three' sisters, Mrs. New. . \ • • T 1RANSPARENT -l M A T E RI A L · ! , 'lllAL P . -- ' I ~tte.!,_ '\~~t ~t e~~!:~ I ad v an t a & es heretofore unknown to plate-weettn . . . brings you New Eatbu< Pleasure and lmproyed I Penonal Appearance . • . dlstliictive, but not ~-' [ , Yo v a ENJOY WEARING YOUR T~'::s PLATES WHILE PA YING Purchase them on Dr. Cowen's Liberal a.edit ••• -Tetms . . . Tak• any ......,.,able len2th of -• 1a time to~-?iO INTERlST OR EXTRA~; ALWA'.1'8 LOW PIUCEB NOW OPS EVENINGS MALTS • SAND\VICHES • HAMBURGER8 lee ere..., w Take Out appeared ROY WINDELL, known Julia ·McKenzie, Claud, Texas: Ill S5Ut St. Pb.. lH!-B fo me to be the person whose name Mrs. Pearl Gaut. Dennison. Texas. 8 P. m. f!allY FREE 11• 1tUl'"'(i It 219 LOcust Aft. is subscribed to the ..vtthin instru-and Mrs. Jf?S.Sie Reesby, Sherman, '-------------.!1~jiii~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l'l~'JIUl~g,n~in~,~~~~~;~~~~~~~~ Texas. ment. and acknowledged to me that he executed the same. Funeral a rrangements are in , Orange County Trucking Co. TRUCKS FOR HIRE Trucking, Hauling, Long and Short Hauls Transfer I n8 W. Wilson St. -Costa Mesa I PHONES Nwptj_ !60, Da)'ll--Or-Nwpt. 512-M, Nlgbta \\je Now Have Sweet, Juicy F OIO TH I LL N AVE LS . l . -·- ORANdE BELT FRUIT DISTRIBUTORS ! 805 E. Center St. ' I ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA Phone 4965 .SO"IJT 11' ArE• from your own faucet BOT er €0"1.11 • Sen>• 50% to 90 'f. Soap • Sa... l.aandry 'r.- • Sen>.. Dloll_.Jiing nme • No -lllringy. Stic:lcy· hair C-iD ..,.t "* about II TODAYI Lido Electric Co. Phone 1264 IU.INlll OONCREl'E PBODUOl'S COJllPANY Bl1_LLOW lltJILDINO TILIC AND llJUOK Ft. for All Type. ol BulJdlnc aad Patio Wall• ST _ WALTER L. KLINE, Proprietor --Plant Located at-- lMO N cwpor1: Boad., Co.ta lleaa AKS-- ouR SPECIALTY . -GENUINE HOT • BUTTERMILK CAKES • • Complet.i Luncbeon-55c •• Open 7 to 7 -Sundays 8 to 5 .Kids' c·afe HM ewport Bl'fd. Coeta. Meaa Jim and Rae Keller, Props. N 0 W WW: CAN OBTAIN NECESSAll'.1' lllATERIAl,8 OO)Q'LETE llUll.DING llERVICE D . r Oft.rYM ti!B OOP .,_..._ llat beea __ '.:\.... "BlllLD G Brx-OONSTBUcrED H0llll!2S .. DUTCH -HEAC.OCK P. 0. Box 42 NeWl"'rt Beac!i , --50! --'718 · \ WITNESS my hand· and official charge of the Harold Grauel I cha pel. sea. FRED J . DUDLEY. Not ary Public in and for said County and State. My com- mission expires June 4, 1949. !No t a rial Seal.) STATE OF CALIFORNIA, Verweys Move Into Harding Hotel; Busy ~modeling Apts. COUNTY OF LOS A.NGELFS-ss. Mr. and l\.lrs. Louis Verwey of On this the 4th day of February, the Casino cafe. who recently pur- 1946, before me 1\.1. D. Sheets, a chtsed the Harding hote.1 at 421 Notary Public in and for said Harding street, Balboa. moved in County and State, personally ap-this month and a.re busy renovat- peared RALPH WEST, known to lng and remodeling th& place. They me to be the person whose name have reserved the ground floor is subscribed to the within instru-apartment for their own use and -ment, a nd acknowledged to me upstairs have three double and that he executed the same. three single apartments which will WITNESS my hand and official be rented to employed couples and seal. single men. M .. D. SHEETS, ------- Notary Public in and for said County and State. My com- miss.ion expires Sept. 17, 1949. (Notarial Seal.) Pub. Feb. 7, 14, 21 . 28, 1946. Newport and Mesa Residents Involved In Car Accidents Leatrice Joy No Longer Guardian Of Dapghter , l\lrs. Arthur K. Westermark, the former Leatrice Joy of film fame tn the twenties, paid a \i sit to probate court last week to be dis- cha rged of her guardianship of her daughter , LeatriCe J'Oy Gilbert, 21 . Involved in a utomobile accidents The retired actress now lives on over the week end. according to the Lady ~atricf', a 50-foot yawl state highway patrolm<'n were anchored in Newport Bay. Lloyd Crieg of Lo Be 'h h Her daughter. she said. has been ng ac w o \VAC . , t f h was seriously injured when he fell a . pr1~ ~ c or t e past year asleep w.hile driv" d hed and ts stationed at Fort Des 1ng an eras M . M" G"lbe • . . into a nother automobile driven by 01nes. 1~s 1 ~t 1s her child Kenneth E. Armstrong of Newport b)" J?hn Gilbert. film lover who Beach. The crash occurred at died 1n 1937. Highway 101 and Coast hi ·hwa . . 1-1<' lefl an cst:"'te o~ $10.000 to Albert W. King of cosfa M~a I his d~ughter wh1_ch Mtss Joy has failed to make a turn and we nt held in trusteeship. through a barricade at a dead-end street in Tustin crashing 60 feet in to a lemon grove and knocking over a tree and injured two pas- sengers from Irvine. For office supplies, see the News-Times. International 11.aJ'Vester TSU<JQ AND TIU.O'l'O&ll I" AIU( llQUIPJONT M. Eltiste & Co .• Inc. WI E. ttai PIL -llula Am 112 No.LA-SL ft. Im. ••st '• I BALn - MORTUARY -~­ Lady Attenda~t -~- 410 Coast Bhd. CORONA DEL MAR ~-pl.-.. ~.2 DAY AND NlCIHT • A marriage license was issued this week to Joseph Kojali, 22. Costa Mesa. and ?ttary Jean Kad- ing, 16, Huntington Beach. Phone 87 FOR SIGNS BENEDICT The Slan Man • BO,A T LETl'ERING A· SPECIALTY ... llARINS WA1f8 QEN"J:RAI, adA.JR8 lllAl.NTSNANCS • ~Ir. 8~lila11 e-P""''I 901 Cout Hl&~way Phones 2088 . and 2089 eommercw :ff efrigerafiQn Domesti c (New and Uaed) · Newport · Electric Appliance Co. EstabU,Shed 1944 n-z133 !505 Cou.t. Blvd.-. Newport llMell,, Calli. SERVICE Fo.,,..rly ·SERVICE • Boltl Mid'"" kfr\g1>rallon • B,...._ We are now opea 1.a • Bap oar new ~tloa and f'Nd.J" to 1enice YOW' eYel'J' meed ln your ap-- plluc:e dllna&1ttcs. e tf• -la II• wllti UH' •••·~~ M ,_I.-.. -............... t~ An! re-~'.'• .... , ... -,... nAM'IO.NA.L R. P. •.OTOa sanes •New E1ee•11ca1 Appl•eacee Per:faco~d I ~ ~ . RefrigeratiQn, Now .1.vAn .... i,., AUTHORIZED DEALl:ll To make it euier for you to' bake ihai t'ake •• , or pie, or cookie. yOar family ha1 been wanting, Saf'e;way is featuring depen(lahle baking mppliea 1hi. wttk, Select from our-wide auortmepl of loun, baking powder, 8avorings; •pit'es and other fng~ienta. You get more for your money at Safew3 y. KITCHEN ~RAR Fl9 U~ Fo r I::_ ~1 t, veJ,·e1y e.:iJ.:.e.s. IQ.lb. sa<"k, 57<". 25-lh. ~a:rk\ 1.3~ Vanillq Extract I _,, Sc:tiilllng'• !rand. 2·oz. boltl•. sic. Large Grade A F.ggs •L 49- "·oz. bottl•, 60c. ' Imitation Vanilla ..... -ereokfost Gema ltand. !Baking Powder 25-oz. jar, 19c. LC. 1-. .. -.. Weslog EJduXt. -'lemon Extract ""'""' ..... Ir · Baking Powder 2 .::;:-15• -.. Bronclj WN Allspice x••11...-• ..... r · · Brand .-• Cl~ Giii Brand.. 2-lb.. Cllft. llc. Morton's Salt :::_: '::" ,. GiD:ger ";;:;;i·· >;::-12-.• Sno-Wbite Salt ':;:-r PSoin Or Iodized. h'-'r('1i.yM ,._ .... ..., ...... OU 'rtlL Al ...... , ..... c ... ..,.... ~ ..... . AVOCADOS BUENO .GRADE Try sli«:ed avocado in r•1plterry gel.itin aal•d molt1. DESERT·· GftAPEFRU IT Grapefruit with 1li!'etl avO(!ado·makes c!:licious salad • FIPPIN APPLES Serve fried apple ring• with pork ~u~ge. 11°1 F"'"d ! TYPIW WIWAY VAUIES Canterbury Tea i;:-23-· 1 ~-OL PQdi.C91, lc. 1,\-lb. ~OQe, 4lc. 1-lb.~.•Sc. Tealklgs ~ Podl00t of ~ bDgl. .He.. Libby Pupipkin Prun Galifomio lrcnd . es ,..., ... -1 .. ., -. ••35.! -. Calimyma F•qs . I :;:-23-,...... ~ . , N~iscoShreddi1I ):;: Ir. _..._ r Peanut Buttw --X:eJJl Peach Jc:m • .... _ ' ...... ~ .c-......i roa DELIVEll'.1' ._ ___________________ .;;;~..,: ._ ... lfoia;s & •s&, Ozst; llslll i · I . { . , , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l I I I I I I ' ~ It's Easy lo Bake a Cake -·• . .. Here's HoW-. . . 011~ of my pet cakes (and a (arJOrik with my family, too ) ('Qn. be mixftl in pro.C'tically one operation.- JIPPY (AKI ···- I . I , I I I I ' 1 ~ cups all.pur- pose I.our 2 V2 lsps. b:ti<ing powder 1 cup 1ugar 1 1 I 1-J CU !) milk • Yt cup 1!i ortenir:3 I !4 t•?· salt t •CICI ' I t lap. vanilla I I Sift and rnt>:isure flour; sift again I into large bowl wi th baking powder, I I salt and sugar.Add milk, &l":ortenin&, I unbeaten egg and flavoring. Beat wtth rotary beater for 2 to 3 minutn I or until batter Mi 1mooth. Pour into I well-greased aquari!' cake pa n 18 x 8 x -f 1 2). Bake in moderate oven C375° F.) I ' for 40 minutes or until done. Frost, I if desired. Serve hot or cold. s~rves 6. I I Or Try This Ve.riat ion: I Jlrn CNCCOU.TZ (AKI '-• Add 2 one-ounce c:ikes unsweeter.-.:J chocolate, melted and cooled to cake batter. ~ ~~f-lJiretl~r The Homemakers' Bureau A,,.tJ,n s./tM!llJ Swvic• I I i I I I I , l I I Cl MEET CAROL DRAKE ... By I the way, did you notM:e the new I name for our home economist? The I name ia new, but the aervice isn't any ditrerent. A1 in the past, 1lM I Hom,makera' Bureau ia more than I Jlad to be of 11ervitt to you in help-I m1 10lve household problem•. I I If you're lookin1 ror new and un-I I mu.al -party idea1. if you are .earch· I inr for a particlllar recipe. or if you I I need help in bakinJ bread, ·or cook.-I inc meat, or plann1n1 a church IUP. I I per ... juat write to Carol Drake• I and she will give you a prompt reply. I I Her at.aft" of cooking expert.I a nd the I 1 Bureau'a large library of cookbook• I II is at your command. ' If 1 AAalwaya, The Homemaken' Qureau I will be teai.ing new reef.pea for you to I I try, givintt new ideu and ahortcuta I I to make houM:keeping easier, t'lnd 1-doing everything they can to· bring 1 1 I ·I. tou the late.t new1 about food and I omemaking. 1 1 j -Your Saftwo.y Groctr : • -'rheHomemaken'Bureau,Bos2110, I 1 1 , Dept. A, San Francilco,. California : I 'L-----------------.J .. ............ -...,_. ..... th'• ,.. .......... ....,. tllN ••• ., ,_, _ _,. ...ei:1 V~t ye.,~~ • • . - , .. • • - • I ' • ' (IL&AlQlfO YSlll' I be -apln f'I" ..... .i ---1 Whlll! • no i*Et'mtln& bot put one t•bl&a•oan ot boUlehold fat frotn a t --tterinc ammonia In & ...,.,... Wbi<h .,_ oven ~ a guk;k bic:k for clean-taina one cup~ soapy water. P18oe Ing It the +rn!ng &cter' comeo it in the av... and clooe the door. • tram ' J• Klene, dftctor of Leave It tbeni """'11&1>t. Nert the W;;tingbdwe Home Eoonomlca Wm w1-ott Imtl e At (u&bt-af t..-the oven morning the II'.-~ .ha.i ~&Jf.Y cooled and won't "1th a minim~ ol elbow pede. ,. ' .. • AWWHWI -M Au· LING Huntington Beadl Trips Tars ' -M.A'.PLES . · · By AL JOY~ · In Fast Basketball Tiit , LEAGUE llTANDDIO Welclf AUendirig. Puauc NoTICE Pua1.1c N anc E Riverside Conclave · · . i Of 'C.1of C. M .. n .. _.., Dated um 26th 'day ot January, ..no.., this -!IUn tts''mpr•-m•t . --~ Q 1946. location within forty-llw (45) H...,. Welcb, ...,...tary-manacer ORANGE OOUNTY TITLE clays art ... the bid la a...ns.11. · ot the N .. P<!<t Horbcir O>amller COMPANY, Each bid lhall be. -- ot Commerce 'Jett yesterday after-By GEO. A. PARJC!;!t. by 0 certified at ~·,- noon fo~ the oooference of President. f<r ten porcmt (1°*) ot tbe I Small ~ ttpr<aentatl""° ot (~aie sJii amount ot the* made P!aDble aoa 10 -.,. .,.,,_ Harbor High ran Into • tough point man fat the pme _and the the State Oiamber of CommeNOe By C. '\¥-BAXTER. to the <rd..-ot Ille Qty ol>N.,.._ Won Loot proP<>litloo ~ aftemoon outstandin& man oa the Ooor with here to re-t the body at the • secretary. port Beach. Bids lhall be lMaied J . Vogel and S. Burwell. ... 29 3 when they met Huntington Beach 13 polnta.--1 state-wide meet or chamber man-lat publication, ilan. 3bt, llH6 and ftled with tbO City Cferlt at w. Marb It G. H~y 22 10 ca&er& In the featuie game of the Anaheim loot an overtime ""I'-agers Jin RivenHle. 2nd publication. Feb. 7th, 1946 the Oty Hill in Newport Beach. V. Balley and I.. Wella. ....... 22 10 week and t-a drubbing frotn teat with Santa Ana 'IUHday fl Mr./ and Mrs. Welch will re-'3rd pQbllcatlon, Feb. 14th, 1946 Callfomta, on at bef<re F~ v. and J . Bldderman. ........... 21 ll the championship-bound Oil City the 1"""' reaulta remain abojit inain in Riverside at the Mlsaion . 18th. 1946 at 4:00 o'clodt P. M., M. Vogel and E. Johmm. ... 17 15 five, 41-32. the aame u they did tut week Inn for a few clays during the TIC.E F INTENTION and will be apened and pUbllcly w. Toomt. and A. ForglL 16 16 . The Oilers were about: the hot-with Huntington Beach now safe conferen,:e. which -is to be, held at NO 0 read aloud at w about 4:00 o'cloctl: c. Leach and l\L Stanley_ 14 18 teat prep quintet In captivity on In the lead with Anaheim and the Riverside Miulon Inn. Own-TO ENGAGE IN THE P . M. or tlwot day In the €ounc:ll R. Leslie and E. WillcuL. .... 16 16 their own floor and led by 'their Newport H.arbor followln& In that ber managers are discuaaln& mat-SALE OF ALCOHOL· Chambers 1n the Qty Hall. N.,.- S . and G. Flab. ......... _ .. ___ 12 20 Ill-Southern Cal. forwan!, EJJn..r order. . ters of -common interest to Ill IC BEVERAGES port Beach, Ca!Hornla. • P . GuY and B. Ogden. .. _ .. 10 22 Combo, left no doubt as to their With George Yardley pep_,, California. communities. • The above mentioned checlt .. +< E. and L. Laurence.. .. ___ 9 23 superiority over the valiant locals the basket for 24 paints and tn# ; · ahall br elven u a cuaraM:ee. that E. and R. Broylea ... -............ • 7 25 who juat couldn't find the hoop. dividual acorlng honors. Harbor Delegates from St. James Epis· · February 1, !946. the bidder will enter Into the con- ladhldual A_.. ·George Yardley, high acoring High re"""Ced a prevtOUI def~t copal church who attended the TO WHOM rr MAY OON<;:ERN: tract H awarded to him, .,,a will ~ G. Hdp. Avg. HJgh Sailor center, was kept pretty at the hands of Santa Ana arKI Slst annua1 convocation of the Los Notice 11 hettby etven that flf-be declared forfeited if the suc-- 0 . Toombs. ... 24 33 141 191 much in check all ~. but took the nod. 36-29 on the local Angeles Episcopal diocese held last teen daYI: after the date tated.ll ceafu1 bklder refuses to enter into A. Forg!L._ 3 33 140 153 managed to prner bbl sbatt or naot Jut Friday •venln&. week at Trinity Episcopal church the undersigned P">_.. to ae aald contract after being ~ c r.eam ....... 15 40 ll4 148 points with 12, followed by Frei-The Wt wu · fairly tight and St. Paul'• C&thedral included alcoholic beverages at theoe Pf"ID; to do so by the Qty Council ot the I \'-___ <.,,....,· , I I I OLDSMOBILE OWNERS l We Are F.quipped to Give You ' Factory Service ' on ~II Models I I I Genuine Factory P arts FACTORY TR AINED MECHANICS I t I I Lowest Prices Possible Consistent with Good Work BUDGET TERMS IF DESIRED Cuilbertson Chevrolet Co., Inc. ·· Authorized I . CHEVROLET AND OLDSMOBILE DEALER 8011 d..ntral Ave. Newport Beach Phone 51S M. Stanley.... 6 17 165 197 tal with 8, Fowler with 7 and throughout with the acott tied at the Rev. Ardys T. Dean, vicar of laes, delc:ribed u follows;, City .of Newport Beach. P. Gey ............ 21 40 119 152 Ward with 5. half time, 15-15, -Ive pointa of the chw'cb, and Dixon Smith, both UVE , BAIT BOAT S~~ The Qty Council of the •Oty of B. Ogden. ..... 18 29 146 192 Combo took acortng honon for which Yardley contributed penon· of ~IK!a Wand. a1ao Georae Hol-KING". oft N..._t Beach, ~ Newport Beach reserves the ,right J . VoeeJ. ....... 27 29 14~ 18:5 the game with 16 points. Illy to the Tar cauae. The lanl<y steltl jr. of Lido !ale. 30th St., Newport Beach. Calif. to reject any ,.. Ill bids and to s. Burwell ... Z1 17 164 206 The Baby Ean abo found them· pivot man, who la now leading Pursuant to Juch intention. the waive any informality in a bid not v. Bldderm'n 27 30 145 213 aelvea on the shott end of the Sunset league ·aoorera, a1ao ~ ' undersigned la applying to the effected by law. ._ J . Blclderman 27 40 130 188 score when they !oat the pre!Jm-ped another 12 In the second hia1f Pua1.1c NoTICll!:S State Board of Eqoalizatlon for ta-Dated this 7th day ot ~. E. i..urence .. 27 40 116 170 tnary to the Utile nrtnera 34-29. and sa-the scrappy Sailors, who . suance on original application of l946. L Lawrence 27 29 146 192 Brown, Tar forward, was hJgh were slightly otl their ICOring ere .. NOTJct: OP' SALZ OF QAt. an alcoholic beverage license for FRANK L. ~. V. Balley ... _ 21 32 142 198 PBOPERTF BY TBUSTl!J: th ... pmnbeo as foll°"': Oty Clerk of the Oty of r.. we11a ........ 24 31 144 191 p . . Sta S • D UNDE& DEED OF TRUsr ·o N SALE BEER . Newport Beach. California. w. Marta. ..... 18 40 122 1ss rom1s1ng r ,upemsors eny : Truat No. 1n1 Anyone deairing to proteat mtbe Pub.-Feb. 7; 12, 1941. G. Hwnphr'y 24 18 163 221 Tra k · issuance of such license may e -;;;:;;:;;;,;;;;:;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;:;;~ s . Flab. . ..C .... 24 40 106 -138 Runs 440 yards Race c w HE R E As. ANTI!ONY F. a verified protest wltlo the State t-·-·· M. VoeeJ. ....... 27 40 112 150 \Al CHA=FIELD. husband an d mento, California, :~tingb 1 erounds i · G. Flab. ......... :u 35 138 179 In Fast Time Penru't m' "-unty CHA=FIELD and BETI'YE J . Board or Equalization· at Sacra-• E G G -s E. Jobmon. ... 27 37 135 196 'wtte, by Deed of Trust dated Oc-for denial u prov!= Y aw. The ~ E. Broyles .... Z1 40 110 149 A promising 'young cinder track bl tober 5th, 1944 recorded Novem-prenuses are not now licensed for i R. Broyles. ... 27 40 129 150 star at Harbor High turned ln a au~:U:~ ~~ekes~! !'!te: ber Jnt; 1944 in Book 1ZT3, P8&'e the sale o~ al~h~c ~G ; R. Lnlle ...... -21 32 142 180 good performance in a pre-season Orange county was killed this 595 of Cl>fficial Records of Orange AMB OS · · 5 E. Wlllcul ..... 21 36 136 175 workout yesterday at Davidson week by the board of supervisors County,; California, dJd grant and Pub.-Feb. 7, 1946. ~ FRESH February Rain Ends Dry Month While February was ushered in with Tany ceremony, January bowed out with the doubtful dis- tinction of being the third driest January recorded by the county agricultural office, with a mere .31 inch of rain. According to Dixon W.' Tubbs. agricultural commissioner , al- though this was recorded as the third driest January, the figures for the past ten years reveal that the amount was practically aver- age. If this is ari average year, eight to twelve inches of r aJn might be expected during February, March and April, with the heaviest fall, possibly five or six inches coming this month, with less in ~arch and dwindling to about one inch in April. llV•aY Field He is Hal Young, last year's when it turned thumb& down on 8 convey "the property therein and ; winner of the 100..yard dash and hereinafter described, to the Or-NOTICE INVITING SEAI.l!Q ~ CIDER ";= land use application for the s~rt Tl Co • " record holder in C class for that Seal n-h ange County tle mpany, as PBOPOSALS i center near oeac . i conference In the time ot 10.3 Stated reason for the denial was ~tee, to secure, among other ~ L--J seconds. that establishment of the tr•ck ·obligations, the payment of one ' Pursuant to instructions of the ! . I Yesterday )"oung h.Jt his stride "would create a traffic hazard" note dated .October 5th. 1944 pay-Qty Council of the <?ity of New-! G RO C E R I E' $ i in the 440-yard run. a grµellng dis-1 Coast highway from Orange able to Griffith Company, a cor-port Beach, Califorma, notice is : ,... 1 tance·sprint in the surprising time a ongt . t Lo n -ach poration or order, for the principal hereby given inviting sealed pro-! Cold Meats •,-coun y 1n o ngoe · cr-185000 'h i t · ·= of 55 seconds, less than 10 seconds The re was heavy objection to sum of "' . . wit nterest .a. ~sals or bids for purchase of a i 5 over the world record (OT' this dis-the tracft from several church the r ate of 6 per cent per annum. five (5) room bungalow only, lo-~ Pralta _. Vege~ I tance. 11 ou because Sunday racing was princip~ and interest due in cated on .the bay at 18th Street ! Open Sun. _ CJlo.ed ftun. !ii Other perrorme~ are beginning ~ psed monthly installments or $18.50 at the entrance to \he Oty Camp i ~ to show up well, it ls Understood p ~hU:r Lanthier Long Beach each. on the 1st day or each and Ground. !_:". Button's . Grocerv ~ .. _ from a member of the Bea.con business man and ' Kelly Petrillo, every m onth, beginning on Novem-Bids will be for th~ pur~ase of 1 I staff. Dick Wallace ran the 70-famed r acing car driver have been ber 1st, 1944; and the house only and will-not include ~ Pirone !I ll ' i yard high hurdles in 9 :'7 seconds tt ti to et pc-r~ission f or Whereas, default has occurred the lot where the house is now lo-I_·-· N-.. -.. ~ .... !!.- and low ln 13:9 seconds, especially 0 "veermt~·onmgonthgs to erect the race in that the installment due on said cated. Successful bidder must re---... _. -- good for high schooJ youths .. They track after negotiating purchase of note on January 1st, 1945 has not n ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::=C~":"':"':"':"':"':"':'":"":":'":"~:::::'":'":'":":'':'":"k:•:"~:.::• are getting in shape for the inter-land near Seal Beach and filing a been paid: and . . class meet February 20, before. the land use permit application with WHEREAS, Griffith ~mpany, season officially opens. the county planning comm.i!Sion. O\\'ller and holder of said note Th le. In commission ap-heretofore demanded that said A marriage license was issued this week to William Thomas Phillips, 21. K•ens. Texas. and Beatrtce Marquetta Mick, 18, New. port Beach. e P nn g. . • Tru!t~ sell sald property and on proved the apphcat1on and passed Oct be .. l9th 1945 d 1 r rded it along to the board of super-. .o ~ • u Y eco visors "'ho in turn asked for t:lie in the office. of the County Re- . • ij corder of SaJd County, in Book ~aff1c comnUttee s recommen a-1364, page 15 ot Official Records will pay $84,000 for the land a nd and of its election to cause. saJd .~ WA T C H RE PA IRI NG No Delays • Prompt Service LO UC K S 1797 Newport Blvd Costa Me8& 0~thier and Petrillo say they thereof .. a noti~ of said default ~=======================~ For quick results Ute News· For office supplies, see th~ spend another $70,000 immediately property to be Id and more than nmes classined columns. News-Times. to build a two-mile race track and three mont ave now elapsed ~~~~t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;~~;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;~~~ ~~·-u~pe~-b~-~--Newport -Balboa Tourist Bureau All Modes of Travel to Europe, Mexico, Hawaii Round-the-World Trips In the near future. See _...a. a. gran an . 0 • tlce. The sum of $1833.55 princi- 5;0n_s for racing o~ Sundays and pal and interest thereon from hohdays. January lst. 1945 is no\v due, O\V- ;SHAMROCK GRILL · r 1824 Newport Blvd. • ..... Featuring Noon Lunche s 11 :30 to 2:00 Dining Room Open From 8 a. m. to 12 p. m. FEATURING STEAK DINNERS - COCKTAIL LOUNGE Open Every Day from 8 a. m. to 12 p. m. Tell Your Friends to Meet You at the · SHAMROCK o I 1824 Newport Blvd Costa Mesa • Costa Mesa • ing and unpaid on said note and Mn. Boy Keene. Pb. S91. 801 Palm, Balboa 1 Gen. Pete A warded City Gas Contract . there is also secured by said Deed ~====================~=== of Trust the Trustee's fee and ex-_ penses of sale estimated at S150.00 A t t t • BOUJ"I: 10 ._ m. te: 8 p." m. together with any sums paid st.nd e n I O n General Petrolewn distributors advanced by the owner of said note IP-- won the contract for supplying the in accordance with the provisions • • • • citY with gasoline, oil and grease of said Deed of Trust. with inter- during the coming year on a low est on saJd la.st mentioned sums. bjd of :'1140 cents per gallon for NOW THEREFORE, Notice is MobU gas special and .0990 for Hereby Given that the said Orange regular MObil gas. Three other County Title Company, by virtue bidders also sent ih sealed bids. of the· authority vested in it as Bob Callis is Ge.neral Petrolewn Trustee under silid. Deed of Trust, distributor for the harbor area. ~ill sell at public auction, to thf' highest bidder for cuh, lawful Try woridnc today's crouword money of the United States, on the puz:z.le. 26th day of February, 1946 at the ;;;~~;;;;;;;;~~;;;;,I hour of eleven o'clock A. M., ot said day at the South front door of the Orange County Court House Beer ' Wines Liquers · Whiskey Boot. and Boy Keene Palm and Bay, Balboa Phone S91 tn the Qty of Santa Ana, Cali- fornia, all of the interest conveyed to It by sal~ Deed or Trust In and to all the following described property &it\Jated in the County of Orange, State of cantorn.Ja. de- scribed as .folloW3, to-wit: Lot Five Hundred Fifty-nine (559) and the Southwesterly one-hair of Lot Five Hundred Sixty CSW!y \!o 560) ol Tract No. 907, as per map recorded in iook 28, pages 25 to 36 in- clusive of Miscellaneous Maps, records "of Orange County, California, • or so much at aid PfGl* I)' • shall be necessary to be sold to provide a sum sufficient to pay the total dmount secured by u.ld Deed of Trust. WING SANG BOAT & REPAIR YARD ill Cout Highway 101 ft 1•1 !fbwpwt Ill DIESEL . INJE;CTQR SERVICE • We have )JS! install~ the latest fype of. ~Inlec­ tion testtrog equipment .Ind are equipped to test, adjust and aervlce all types of. Diesel IXD2les Rea9onable rates. I . PBONJ!l'JU-1 . I Harbor r ....irn8 & Eqa'"9e1t Co. -'61' I I 1l.l Apte .,&-. a.illo& hh .. I l - . NEW FROZEN FOOD ' LOCKERS NOW AVAILABLE a1111111rr1 1111111111111111 Only a few choice ones le(t- Better. hurry to • >11111111/lt U 1111 Utl!t!lt . Harbo~ Cold Storage 426 30th Sl ROBERT H. REED Phone 4f8 Fresh-· Lobsters Oysters Shrimp Clams Crabs Smoked Shrimp. Sele elioa ., Good Fresh & Smoked F I S H BEACOI SEA FOO .. .. .Ull c..t~ ft1•1Nwpt. •llf-W . t l ' I -.. • ' • • iia1~it=E::. ~ -~ 2 ~ ~i§E' ""j~Pf M~ga~.'f arnous y aCht t?_ ~ 'i.-_ .-+-G-E--OR_G_E--D-.-. _B_A_~_F:_r-:-:-·_..:;.., _J.,., D!JUglu Waf<L ~L Palomar. I In the Air Forces D • Pl '( f 1· ' ~ · t SAAAB ~~1! ';~iN,~~: ~ es1gner f ansN~Be·a~ch. 'but~1t111& a""'"d.u.!: ::,:JI ~~~~::-'!!=~~ Fish°:m::1~ A==~Dg able to do just that without a Ut-Small H ho ... ~t'""'.. . ~ ~ .... tie ·help 1rom the glassware de-Sr rs of the wwlcl, ts Jupar Morgan. ~ all the ·time -were INOOlllE TAX SEBVJCB partment and that Is"""""' Costa "~nferenee Hears nationally known yacht --.-,'· thtre. We hlld to wuh I Meu's Dr. Robert A. Crawfonl, '-IV who designed the Vamarie famous uJ bancla&i!o and gauze pie<)os optom•trlo,t. come1 In. Ann £" ~1 I TaJk eut c:oaat racffig sloop whlch wu . t hlld been uoed time and acaln. His prof ... lon Is, according to y '-JU one never beaten in 30000 miles of ~WU no aoap, no disinfectant. P!i. }ll05-I . ' ' 2602 . W. Central Ave. Webster. "the Iden"" which treats (Continued from Page Onel competition and u,,,;, lalling. The just the God-given puritants of I the phya.lology ot the function of 34-foot cruiser sloop which waa 'l'&ter and IUD. .p vision and the physical effect built in 1933 at Bremen, Gennany, Cru1 .. 111-t ,_ _ __. ________________ _:;_ ___ ...J thereon of tenses" -all of which of the local chamber outlined for Vadmln Makroff, caviar king It now can be told that at one -:---------''------'---------brlefiy the various moves taken to f the ed • means that if yoµ want to read o eut coast. ow her succe9 time the removal ot. all nurses f"!"' ______________ ..;,_,;,. _____ _ fine print without wearing a cal-bting about the development ol to tile number of air folll de-l'rmn the Anzlo beochhead hr Italy lolll on your nooe, see an optom-N~ Harbor. It Is now coruold· veloped by her sails ,taking advan-'!'• considered. Yet; after hard I ·ONCB AGAIN etriat. ered the number one rrcreation laie of vacuwn behind the surface. headed conalderatkn, It wu de-SAM'S' SEA. FOO I SP harbor on the Pacific Coast. t •• A Bob Crawford wu born on an Morgan hu developed a new d~ that they lhould remain. - Iowa farm and ~nt his next eight Colonel ~~· ~not offer type of sailing technique based on Had the nurses been r-emoved our · . P.AP.ALMBR yean alternating chores on the lpedflc ai_d to any project, but the airfoil principle. This bu been men would ha~ retlllzed the true Often Y• a. "~ farm and schooling in a one-room outlined the need of having a illustrated not only in hil own pvlty of their P1'.191tioo. By k~ schoolhouae where he received hla worthy and reasonable ~ yacht but in converted old a-aft. Ing the nunem there our Gia were to ... r. <bsp • eighth grade diploma and led him and \hen prep.tt suitable pl.,,; He Is designing a new Catalina fired with determination to fl&ht All N · LIDO ISU PJOJiSIQltS • on to hJgh school in a nearby town. and an outline of the development class sailing sloop whi~ his USO-harder: 1ltey knew that they Weft ew -• • Gndaate of use dellttd . ..l'he1e should then be dates ·tn the Pacific Marine Asao-the thin line between the enemy Even the Location . Following graduation from high tented ti> a congreuJonal re::: dates on Cout highway believe ls and our medlcel lnstallationa, ~ W. Q BUCK-Insw-ance O:iunselor I ..4'ao.w 1500 iJk.-i. Aim( 3333 VIA LIDO c:Ai:f'FCH>..mA school when 16, Bob decided more sentative, he said. Then authoriza-one of the most ideal medium-, Where their buddies who had been • •• ()De.Half Mlle E11t of ~ education wu in order and coming: tion for survey and study would lizrd craft in these waters. · wounded were being cared for. Locaticxl Oil Coalt lflab,wQ'. to Loa Angeles to live with rela-be made, a.nd froim the;tt on It It ts a boat 34 feet by 8 feet The DUl"9e'S paid a price at Anzlo, B tifu1 N ' i;;;;;;;;;t;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;•I Uves, he enrolled at th• Unlvenlty would resolve Into largely a mat-with a 4-foot draft; slee1>1 •Ix and too Six"' them lh!·burled side by eau .., of Southern Callfomta and gradu-ter of perseverance and local co-hu the advantages of mallsall aide with lntant:rymen. tank drlv-Cocktail Bar ., ated five years later wtth the de-operation aa required by the fed-stowed below deck, eliminating the en, artilleiY men and others tn cree of Doetor of Optometry. era! program. fUrllng on the boom. It bu a the American cemetery on the We Leed loutbll1l Callfomla Ill the lltl'Ylllc ~ For the next eight yean, the Hts sentiments were echoed by wishbone r ig, as they explain it, beachhead In all, 17 nunes were SEA FOODS now Dr. crawford practle<!d gen-Colonel Colllns, who gave a few one llWn mut and a jib, utilizing killed In the N!Cent conflict. -- eral optometry and •pedal eye additional details to be followed. the IW' toil princ:rple. Pacific. Ma-Approxbnately 1500 nur1e9 were ALSO correction work aaoctated with a Delegates from Morro Bay stat-rine Associates are 1ponaon of the decorated durinl' the war. 'lbe YOUB ldDcl of llTBAU well-establtahed firm In Long: ed theJr problem, uklng how to new clau, which they will have awards ranp: from the American _ V18IT OUR xrn:::HJ:N _ Beach and then came to Costa sKUre aJd for a pro-posed yacht built b~ Seacraft, acrou the high-Ditttngu.lahed Service Medal-our Mesa.. anchorage. Salinu representatives way m the former Staata boat third highest deooration-to the Saln'S Sea Food Spa It was along about this time of the Monterey penlnaula delall>-building plant. It wJIJ reportedly Rualan a-· of SL Anne that Dr. crawford had an o~-ed plans for expanding their har-sell under $10,000. Of the 57 000 nunres who served ' and Fish Market Radio , Service At Reuonable Prices ••• aimer Radio & Electric ' ~unity to join 8 large outfit that bor. Other localities went into during the ;var 30,000 a.re still on UOl O.-t ....... ..., (lfw .... ._., as e1pedally concerned with their harbor programs, with a Alhambrans Open duty throughout the world ._...; ___ ..., _________ ..;,;,;,;;;;;.;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;:., .... ;~==~~=====::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~I proper . care and maintenance of question being asked as to whether t he vision or the1r personnel. the 111hing 1nterests would be a1towed New Casual Wear ewport Blvd. . rt Engineering Assoc_iates rgnlng, Manufacturing and Sales' Engineers !MLine and lnd~strial Machinery I Instruments Material Handling Equipment I . §i-. . 121;5 <fast Highway Newport' Beach Phone Z462 1 Telephone 1347-J for F ,VE-DA :n SERVICE Army Air Force. The air force was to use req-eation harbots. This Sh • B' Ibo ' particularly strict In Its ~equlre-question was not directly answer-Op In a 8 ments f.or optometry eqwpment, ed, but the matter w as taken into and while Dr. Crawford was In consider ation by the chamber for ~harge of opt?metry for five fi elds fut ure study. A new shop on Balboa Island is in central Arizona, he had nothing The noon luncheon of the 'large lilemadet te's Casual Wear Shop but. the most modern and advanced guest list filling the main dining which has opened at 305 Marine eqwpment at his disposal as well room led to the ' discovery th t avenue a nd will feature casual as t~e Arm~'s vast .background every coast county from San Fr~-wear shoes for women a nd chil- and 1nfor!'".ation of ?pt1cal lor~. cisco to San Diego "'as r epre-dren, and also lingerie. I n add1t1on to his .own pr1vate l sented. The Mission Bay project Owners of the shop are Mr. and l~borator~, where he 1s a~le to d~ of San Diego was an eye-opener Mrs. Nonnan Dulworth who have sign, repair and mak~ ad.1ustments for many of the delegates. Glenn come. h('re fTom Alhambra . ·Mr . on ~I types of eye a1~. ~· Cra~· R ick of the San Dir'to ·Planning Dulwor th has "grown up" in the fords .Costa ~ie~a off1~c> 1s equ1ir Author ity disclosed that It would ~hoe manufacturing business. hav- ped w~th m~ern . eqwpment 8;fld e ntail an expendi ture of about 13 mg been connected wi th Casual, lat~t 1nnovat10.ns !" optometry 1n-million doll ars. The city itself Joyce and other pr ominent firms. el uding Rccept1on1st and Labora- voted 2%: mi111ons for the improve-The family is living at 432%: Avo- tory Assistant Mar y Frances ment. cado avenue and the daughter, l\tyers of Costa Mesa. Howe Speaks Jananne, who is nine years old is TI_ie Doc's hobby is the s tudy ·or Hubbard Howe, president of the attending Corona del Mar sc~l. foreign languages, and by hil own South Coast Company here gave • General Building Contractor Phone 8S admission, he is no slouch with one of the principal talks, review-For office supplies, see the the badminton racket with a bit · · d tail News-Times. '---------------------------'--..: of riding a nd swimming thrown in. tng in e the developmCP.t of .;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;: , Newport Harbor. H e discussed the Somewha t of a joiner, Dr. Craw-d.fficulti ed :,1111111\I UIJll lll UIU lll llllll lll lll tll l\111 II II 11111111111 II 1111111! IL 111 11111111111" II II !I 1111111111111 11111111 11111!! 11 II II II II I( lll U II 1111 u I( II Ullll U ford is a member or the Pacific I. es encounter , a nd prais-~ '"'- Coast club, Elks. Junior Chamber ed the efforts of R. L. Pa tterson. • of Comm('r Ce, Costa Mesa Cham-r etiring city en gineer , whom he be said was largely responsible for • = ' Cleaning and Laundry condNA DEL MAR CLEANERS l 1037 Coast Hlghwar_. Pick-Up !"'d Delivery .Carl l"hilhart, Manager Charter & Preston r of. Commer ce, Amer ican Op-securing federal aid. tometr1c Assn .. and its s tate and He mentioned the local fish ca:n-local chapters. ·Stanley Improvement Of Central Avenue Given Council O.K. Request of Earl Sta nley to im- prove a 4()..foot strip between the property line and· the street a t the corner ot Central avenue and 32nd street, 1ocation ot his new ofttce was approved by other mem· tiers of the city council Monday. neries. and said th at they offered little hindrance to the expansion of .the rcqeational facilities at their presen t number . He traced the grov.:th of the r egion when I boats were permitted in t he har- bor after dredging. as the boats brought home O\\<'ners, as well as SCARCE ITEMS NOW ON SALE lN NEWPORT' ! = . • • = = REND.EZVOU1S BALLROOM GAS FURNACES [ Still Difficult to Obtain We ha\oe a tew In stock tor inlmediate installation ' ~te sweating windows and moisture on walls --,_ -... loeallb. oJ..el9lllbbl1t tm "''• •total or M YMn m u.e Beating and Ventilating Field boat builder s. After the luncheon, t he guests were taken on a boat trip around the bay to "see the fTont yard of Newport H~bor." . Taking out a m arriage license. this week were Lewis LeRoy' Pim· Jott, 37, Costa Mesa, and Thelma Elizabeth Torrence, 21, Hwnting- ton Beach. His understanding, according to a let ter read to t he other mem- bers in his presence, was that this strip was acquired by the city for future widening of Central avenue and as it was not dedicated, h~ wanted pennlssion to improve it Scotch tape, various sizes on with black top, and to landscape sale at the News-Times . ' the border for ?8.rking pw-posea. ---...:c...:...:.::.:...:.:::::.:...:_ ___ If Other mem bers of the body agreed lNI to his request. TIDE TABLES I. w111 ..i .. ,_ ..... ~- No, .~••n-FOK llUB'~ •~ •a~·-W t th Cl FEBRUARY ~.-.-...... .. ... ,,...,.&.O' &.a&&aU:ll.a.,. a ch e aaatfled Co1umna. I ~~~~ ~H_A_Uac~.1-E~~-.. ·~-~!w~~S~N NEW LINB F 8 1 '~ 8i~ !:~ 1i~ --=-_ __ ··-Craft Greeting Cards s 9 2:4!5 lo,2'1 "'° 9,59 .......__ 4.9 0.7 2.8 2.1 -,-S u 10 3:57 11 ,44 1:!8 10"8 a 1 ----l'llow -.. -B~~--v-..:e ... I ,...._ • ...., -• ""' 5.2 0.0 3-l 2.3 280 Fo""" Ave. -Laguna Beach ---· -.. -M 11 5,02 l!'U 7,u u,u i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;;~~~~;~-~~·~·~ .. ~~,.,.~~~ .. ~~ ... ~-~·~-~~~~·~·~·~ .. ~~!I · 5.5 --0.6 3.5 2.3 Tu 12 6 :()12 9,09 1:18 5.8 3.8' -1.1 114• an pJ&4*I ta W"Cim' o6 ~ tJP,t a..... .. lol.: d.-ri; ---..... fYOUR F~RD ~GENC 23 YEARS YOUNG TODAY On F bruary 7th, 1923, We Signed Our First ~ntr et to Sell ~¥. Service Ford Automobiles m th Harbor D1stnet • : . . y IS ' We have enjoye" serving you .during [ the past 23 happy years and desire to thank you for your patronage and good will. I f Onion~ 1st . We wlD oelebtate the Z5tb anaivenary . or ... i~mg oar """'-In the har- bor s I tttzt I ...... 1 ...... l .... --~ ---llertloe • Newport · ...... Q1owhla' llet:&et' SaC!ll Yw Meu LIQUOR SHOP 1m ~ Nwpwt ...._ Pleaty of Whlakey lfo -.. ~ of _. r ' sM12 009'!'.& MM,A, n•ur . .._.JrfwpwtM • Oar More llmlldhs .w . . . .a.ft .... ~ ., De ,. JlwlWlna la 1511 ...._ New- port-. WILL OPEN About April 1st F'ULLEB PAINTS Anm~·­LINOUJVlll ,_ VENEIUN BUND8 $;!;. REMOVAL SALE r-BURT(i)N PAINT lfrou ....... 1••-· n 11 c,..- VITALIS Old Sploe SBAVINO.LOTION WILUAMS SHAVING CREAM and AQUA VELVA VALENTIJ<I: llEABT Box Clloeolate. IPANA • VINCE e DRENE Newport Beach Pharmacy .. 11111 ._ P'nat ' ._ I = = = = = = = = = = = = = • 111111111!111 I AND HIS ORCHESTRA Saturday, February 9 Dand!>g from 9 unW l COMING W_ednesday Night February 2'7th HARRY JAMES And 11111 OrchellVa LAGUNA FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN . ASSOCIATION ' CONDENSED STATEMENT OF COND7T N. DECEMBER 31, 1945 ' ASSETS LIABILITIES • First -~ ._ _______ ,,, .. _ .. $3,S96,257.70 Memben' Sbor'e · Acieomal:e--.-·--------'5,359,86'7.79 -I [._• OD Pwboob ilnd CertifteUM.. 7,050.00 Stock In Federal Boom r:...,... B•nk --· 45,000.00 Ualted S&atee Goven_.t 11....i. ud Acetuod latloreat -·-··---------1,104,339.56 Cub OD flewl and In r-u------~ Ml,lll6.SO • . omee Bulkbg ...r ~ .... Depiediitioa . ___ ; _________ _ ~ Fi&nl Home LoU 1tenk _ Loam In Proo!:• ------·-···--·-- • OtheP ~ I 8pedflc 8-nM Omen! Beil!aww ---------· Undivided ~la __ _;__. ___ ,, __ ·-· ., j 481,500.00 89Z,1Sl.89 !,'JU.'79 12,llSS.IO 118,t'18.!9 170-,988.0& ·-------~%.06 T0rA.L l.IABlllHl2!i ---·---~ ' ' ' onwEmB•DDmCl'OIUI ANDREW S. HALL." \;..,~Mgr. L. F. J'.IALLC!W. P.-t DR B. B. MASOtl, Director A: C. PE'l'ERBON, Director JOHN A. HARVEY. Attomer I j . WM. A. WOl,F, Pl-t GIX>RGE E. GRANT. Jllnctor LORNA Mn>.S. Alo't Sec'y ISSUING t GENT FO~ UNITED STATES SAVINGS BONDS I • • • .. • • ,_ = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ~ = = • i • • .· • ' • . I • -.----1---.-----t~llLJC NoTI~ Pu•uc Nona Pu Nemes · 'P u • N •C ES ""'uau·c· N Pu l N I N T z N G moLll'l'ION o~ 0Huno111 ' BL•c onca -----No-1 z ~ 1110. -. I 111'0. A"' D PAYllllO. CON-.ttdllod ~ Pi-":9~ ~be!•-lots 1 to :. -;;;;;;;;;;;-;;;:;;;:::-;;;;;=:;;:;::-;::::; r--..c '.~4T ..... • •...;.-;:.--' BnA1onGN or &DICWAL& ,...-.., water -· Bloi:I< 2 ot '"'1d Section 4 ot AVENUE Pl~.,.-,_, -.and al the State iJ1 a;• ! ' U:SOL1lTl.ON O~ TBll CITY AJID ~ 8&W. OOJIJOIO. llttlnp ...ii ._--In ..,.. Balboa Wand; and _,. the· tint lying north-.-di-w"7 Mid -lbould l!Je. with the dt1-. Oarl< - HARRY HALL ootmCD. OP ~ CITY OP TIONS. WATS& JIAIJr8, taln ~ Ud -·-tllore-In the -terly al Avenue· ud not be -or curled -Jn..,_ to publlc ~ P*l uwti -!UWPO&T ~ cALll'O-.. WATD OONJrSCl'IO!fB, Pia al In sOd-. 1 to 5 al -ALLEYS , In the -· al ' -with tlUs Reaolutian al PASSED AND lllr -.. -.. ... --JlftA, DaJL.uinil'G IT!'l INTEN· lll"DSA!ITll AJID Ai'l'\JWI--Ialand Tnct No. 742, to-*tt: In -1. 5 and 6 ol -5 ro ~ . Inten-. Proll'sta mull be In the 017 coacu al -Pl7 al TION TO o,aoa TBll GaAD-A!llT WOIU< iilil , CaaTADf In the al Balbw Ialand; and -the llnt blnc -~tlnca ~~ -to Ne•~ B••cb. cam....,, at • llTSIZTll AJrD,ALLSYll AJrD ALLEYS In the euter11·o10po1 -ue· and ~ 17.......,. .--to the time _..iar mfttinc• --'-Id • r--+-----.,.-----...:_ __ _._ _____ I Ai'PSOACllE8 mccaop or In 111ocb • 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10 1l ALLEY In ibe eut of • aet far the bearlnc. the 4th day alFelJruu7, M lllr UXJTION8 I TO I INCLUUVJ: 12, 13 and 14 ol Section 1 ot 'B.i'. Jylnc between lots 1 to 26 lndu-RUBY VENUE. PIJBLJCATION OF Ifie followinc -·· to-wit: I l f 01' llALllOA l8LAl'ID A Jr D boa and al~. ~ 2 ol aald SectiOn 5 ot SAPPHIRE VENUE and RESOLUTION OF INTENTION A YES: oiOJitconwn Staltfe7, Al-,_ __ , For f•f•N UAcr No. ,u IN llAID CITY, 1n the Bal-bland; and I omx VENUE -a. n.e "Newpcrl Balboa 1en. Jobell. Rft\l anc1 11a11. _l .. DllCLABiililG TIO woaa TO ALLEY In the ..... the first •Y lying north ol News-Tlmos." a oeml·i"fMldY...... . ~OES: °"'""'"- ALLEY fi •••. (1.1 OBDiililAJlY · PUBLIC 1IEN£-al~e. 3 of aald 5.cubn ui lying betwttn lob 1 to 6 and 23 In the oouth ot plleral dmdatlon· In the Cty APPROVED: • .I£: youth ~utknew j'Vhat age ouldcrave 1•C'.11rlfy, .4~1., .. , '-1ul••1 , ...... ,., • PIT, AND Dr.scKIBiililG THE of Balboa Ialand· and tol 211. Block 7 of said Sect1ori 5 · BAI.BO ol Newprt Beach, Callfomla. ls CLYAN H. ~ Dt!ITlllcr TO H BEl<El'IT-• or Balboa bland; and Balboa llland· h..-.l>y deaignated u the .,..... • w._ ot Iha OtJ! al TED BY SAID WOil&. AND TO In the In the In the ' paper In which this Resolution of Newpcx t s..m; caJlfoontla. PA't A PORTION OP Te J: ALLEY . J ALLEY Intention shall be publbbed by. the l HEREBY RESOLVE 1'>at tbo 008T8 AJrD J: x r J: Jr 8S11 !yin& betw;een lots 1 to 39 lnc;lu-Jylnc north ot lot> 35 to u lnclu-lying north or 1 1 to 6 lnclusl"" Cty Cerk, In the manner and above and foret!Olne Reiol8ticm ·a1 THCM•.OF, AND DETDIDN· sive, BJoc1'; 8 of said Sectkm 1 of atve al Tract No. 742. Block 3 of on 2 of .Bal~ form prpvt&:d-*by Jaw. and for Intention WU ~TF!d and ~ ING THAT BO~ 8BAl.1, Ill: Balboa LllWI ; and . Second: '!be grading and pavU\c Island; and making an other publlcatjom In by the Cty Count!! ol the 017 al ISSUED TO IU:PmElllT UN· In the with. uphaltlc concrote pa~t In the the proceeding under thla e-lu-Newprt Beac:b. C.U-: at tha PA ID A88J:88llJ:!llTll PO& ALLEYS , with a dec<>mpoled granite t>Ue, lion of Intention. ~ and by the vote .-otated THE COSTS AllfD ElD'J:N!'IJ:!'I, In Blocka 1. 7, 8, 10, and 11 oi Sec-cement «ln<n!teJ alley a_....ches lying north of 1 to 6 inclusive, The Oty Clerk ls directed U> FRANK L.. RlNEl'iAkT. AND FIXING A TOD: AllfD lion 2 of Balbo&Ialand; and and appurtenances In certain la!-near the first ey lying east of mall i:>otlces of the adoption of Oty Cieri< ol the dQ. ol PLACE FOB BEA&INO OB-In the leys and aPJr<)aches thereof in Ruby Avenue, Sapphire ~venue this Resolution of Intention to all Newport Beach. cautornla .IECTIONS TO llAID WOa&. ALLEY Sections 1. 2. 3, 4 and 5 of saJboo Apolena Aven persona owning real p<operty l*O-(SEAL) .. lying between lots 7 to 26 lnclu-bland. ~wit: I Seventh: Tb reconstruction of poe;ed to be assesse4 whoee names Pub.-Feb. 7, 12, 1946 . y'd start ODAYand serve and The Oty Council of the Oty of Newport Beach. California, pt.ir- suant to the provisions of the lm- provement Act of 1911, being Parts V 2 · and 3 of Division 7 of the -stfeets and Highways Code of the Sta te of California, does resolve as follows : sive. Bloc~ 3 of said Section 2 ot In the exitting sewer anholes to grade and a~· appear on the last Balboa laland; and • ALLEY in the alleys to graded 81 shown equalized roll for city taxes, all in • ........ ~# .::.~:::.., ~ •. . . . . ::.=. -.; . SAVE! NE~PORT BALBOA l"EDERAL S<i1•' •V•f Nv,•·GLS 000 and LOAt:J ASSOC/AT/() "1 -TltLl[PHONIE: f!!IOO NEWPORT BEACH, CALll'CRNIA estmenll! ~eel before the I Ith of the month earn from the 1st of the monU1 • l YOUR HEALTH'S SPORTLAND BOWLING ALLEYS Foot of Main St. -Balboa For Reservations Phone 2402 AL J OYCE ROY KEENE DESCRIPTION OF WORK Seetloe I. That the public inter - est a nd convenience require, and that it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Newport Beach, California, to order the fol- lowing work to be done, to-wit : First: The grading and paving with asphaltic concrete Pavemen t \vith a decomposed granite base, cement concrete aJley approaches, SAKE BdWL In the lying northeasterly of lots 1 to 6 on the plans ~ profiles herein-the manner apd form provi_ded for ALLEYS inclusive. Block 3 of said Section 1 after referred under Section 5070 and 5194 of · Bl 8 '"' f Balboa Island and PLANS. PRO SECTIO S the said "Improvement Act ol m ocka 7,, • 10,.,1, 13, 18. 19. 20 ° ; · AND SPE • N 1911,'' o~ the said Streets and ~ 21 of Section 3 of Balboa In the a_-..__ CATIONS. Highways Code. Island; and ALLEY .,,_,--. t. of said work and In tbe lying southerly! of lots 1 to 6 indu-improvement be done shall be POSTING OF NOTICE ·ALLEY sive, Block 8 of said Section 1 of cons~cted u the grades along OF IMPROVEMENT lying between lots 7 to 26 inclu-Block 6 of said Section 3 of Balboa· ~e lines bet.w the points or t he Section 9. The Street Superin- sive! Block 6 or saJd Sectiofi 3 or Island; and dimensions at he places and in tendent or the City of Ne\vport Balboa Island; and In the the manner s wn on the plans, Beach shall cause to fie rconspicu- ln the ALLEY profiles and lions for the con-ousJy PoSled along the line or said ALLEY lying bet\veen lots 1 to 10 and 17 struction of s improvem~ts in contemplated work or improve- Jying southerly of lots 11 to 16 to _2'7, Block 12 of said Section 3 certain streets nd alleys in Sec-ment and along all open streets inclusive. Block 12 of said Section of Balboa Island: and tions 1 to 5 elusive of Balboa within the dist.rict liable to be 3 of Balboa Island ; and In t.he Island and t No. 742. being assesSed for Said work, notices of In the ALLEY Plan No. 409, heets 1 to 25 In-the, passage of this Resolution of ALLEY lyi ng south of lots lA to 19 inclu-elusive. and S ndard Plans Nos. Intention, in the time, form a nd lying between Jots 1 to 13 and 20 sive. of Block 14 of said Section 3 1016. and 106i n file in the office manner provided by Jaw. to 33, Block 14 of said Section 3 of Balboa Island; and of the Oty E ineer of said city, Section IO. That the "Titten of Balboa IsJand; snd In the and shall be hstructed of the report of the City Engineer or the In the ALLE Y -materi8;1s an in the manner City of Newport Beach on the pro- ALLEY lying south of iots 15 to 20 inclu-shown t~ ~d. accordance with posed cor st.r1:1ction of the irnprove- lying between lots 1 to 14 and 21 sive. Block 15 or said Section 3 the specif1cat1 heretofore ap-ments herein described, made pur- to 35, Block 15 or said Section' 3 of of Balboa Island· and proved by the tty Council of t he suant to t~e prov'.sions of the Balboa Island: and In the ' said city, and ference is ' hereby "~~al . .\sseSSJr.~n ?n• cst!gntio:t, Memorial Serivce · For Mrs. Wherry Pioneer of Mesa ?.temoria'.l M:Prices will held Sunday afternoon at Westmlnater Memorial -k for Mn.j J. • W. Wherry, whs, died at her home in Los Angeles. She was th~ wldoW of Dr. Wherry, one ~the first cltl· zens or Costa Mesa and f0r ye..n president or the F airview' :Farms Water company. I Mrs. \Vherry was one of the founders of the Friday Afternoon club and both she and her husband "·ere prominent in civic .affairs. The board of education i:A. Quis1 Chw:ch By-the-Sea met _Moodall evening at the ho~ of Mr. and 1 Mrs. D. \V. Holtby. 1518 Wett Ocean F ront. I In the AU£Y made to said ans, profi1es. sec-Llnutations and Majority Protest ALLEY lying soui h of lots l~ to 21 inc'lu-lions and specif cations for the full ~~t 0S~ 193,1," bcd ir~r ry: .. ::-:on 4 nr For orrice' supplieJ, ~ the lying between lots 1 to 15 and 22 sive of.each of Blocks 16 and 17 of and detailed cription of said ree s an ,--figi1ways Code News-Times. ! to 36, Bl~k 16 of said Section 3 of said Section 3 or Balboa Island; work, and by r erence thereto the :i::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Balboa Is1and; and and same are inco rated herein and ~b ~b -a~h- ALLEY ALLEY DESCR ON OF lying between Jots 1 to 15 and 22 Jyi ng north of Jots 1 to 6 inclu-ASSESS NT DISTRICT to 36, EUock 17 or said Section 3 of siv<', Block 2 of· said Section 4 Section S. at the said con- Balboa U:Jand; and of Balboa Island; and templa.'ted wor and improvement: In the In the in t he opinio of the said City ALLEYS ALLEY Council, is or ore than local or in Blocks 11, 12, 13 and 14 or lying north of Jots 1 to 6 inclusi,'e, ordinary publi benefit, and said Section 4 of Balboa Island· and Block 2 of said Section 5 of Balboa Oty Council h eby makes the ex-In the ' Island. penses or the aid wor k and im- ALLEY Third: Remove a nd reconstrUct provement ch geable Upon a dis- cement concrete curb a nd sidew&lk trict. which sa district said City along t he northerly side or Council hereby declares to be. the 24-Hour Radio ServicJ BOlllJ:, AUTO, lllAIWfS ltADIO!'I BEPAIBED • Burt R. N ortoh . 915 Oout mwa7 Pboae ·~11 Newport......,., a.at. PARK AVENUE district benefi ted by said work between the first alley west of and improvem t and to be assess-~---------"'----------_: Marine Avenue and the first alley ed to pay a rtion of the costs west or Emerald Avenue. ~d expenses her eof, and which Fourth : The installation and district inci ud aU that certain constructioli or cast iron p(pe real pro~rty the City of New- water mains. fittings and apptir-port Be~~h . as hown on Plat No. tenances for supplying 8 domestic 410, indicating y a boundary line water supply, and the installation ·~e ~ent or t territory included and construction of fire hydrants "?th~n the P posed assessment fittings and appurten8nces for fir~ distr1c.t , appr. ed by ~e City Raci 'ng Skippers:-; r protection in Council or S&I City on the 2nd PARK A VENUE day or_ July, 1 5, and on file in Sail Boat Hardware Sail Track and Slides Stop Watches Yacht Timers between the first alley west of ~e off1ce of City Clerk of said Marine Avenue and the first alley City, attached t o and forming a west of Emerald Avenue. part.o.f the re rt filed under the N rt M ' -ft!. I C Fifth: The Installation and co • prOVlSIOOS or t e "Special AJ;sess· ewpo ar1ne ~upp y 0. structlon of cast iron pipe wat~r me~t ~nvestiga ion, Limitation and mains. fittings a nd appurtenances Maionty Prot t Act or 1931." 814 Coast Highway Phoae !'786-J for supplying a domestic water ~ference ts reby ma~ to the i=======================~-L~~-~ aupply and for fire protection in srud Plat No. 0, so on file, for a the streets 'and alle ys in Se<;tions further, full d more complete 1, 2, 3 and 4 of Balboa Island. d~O:Jption or e said assessment to-Wit: · district, and e said plat, so on In file, shall , gov rn for all details as to the exten of the said assess- ment diJ;trict. \ MARINE AVENUE between the alley lying south of lot 21, Block 13 of said Section 4 of ~lboa Island 8.nd the northerly tenrunus of said Marine Avenue· and ' SecUoa '-e said City Council . I ' j ' T•• sac•aT •• PLAV•• The exquisite ease of a ballerina's balance is backed by,.... cl traioiq under the experienced. watchful eye of the mae1tto. And the oootto!W bo1ance cl 8avor Combined .nth natun:'s cuJul, potieot ageing, makes Eutside beer the completely ,.,;,fying bem-age ""' enioJ: IDdar· • ~~~l3EElt . , • ' • ' In the ALLEY lying south of lots 18 to 21 inclu- sive, Block 13 of said Section -4 of Balboa IsJand: and In the tint ALLEY lying west of Marine Avenue be- tween Park Avenue .and the 'tirst alley lying north or Balboa Ave- nue,. crossin~ Balboa Avenue at the m tersect1on of said alley~ and In the first ' ALLEY lying west of Amethyst Avenue between Park A venue and Bal~ Avenue; a nd In the first ALLEY lying west or Cor al Avenue, be-- tween the f'trst alley lying south of. Park Avenue and the first alle·y lying north of Balboa A venue crossing P ark Avenue and Balbo~ A".enue at their intersections with said alley: and In the first ALLEY lying W6t of Diamond Avenue, be- tween Park A venue and .BaJboa Avenue: and . Jn ~e ftnt ALLEY lying southeasterly of Opal Ave- nue._ between Park Avenue and Collins A venue: and In the Jlnt ';1 ALLEY - J,ying northwesterly of Ona.I Ave- nue. bet\\-een the tint alley lying southwesterly of Park Avenue and the tint aUey lying northeasterly of Park Avenue, cn>uiDg Par"' Avmue at the intersection of sajd alley. Sixth: The installation and (!00-- struction ot fire h)'dranb. fittings and a.ppurten.ances for rU'e protec-. lion In the followln& •treets In Sections 1. 3 and 4 of Balboa lllud. to-wl.t: • In the oouu-ter)J' aide ot • has determin and declared. and notice is her y given that the City ot' Ne Beach, will out of its Ge~eral d. pay the suin of $15,000.00 t d the costs and expenses of sai improvement, and the liability obligation to pay such swn shall accrue and become payable upon e date of the con- firmation of th assessment by the City Council 0 "d City. PESCRIPI1 N OF BONDS Sectioo 5. at serial bonds bearing inter at the r~te of six per cent (6%) annum shall be issued to rep sent each ·assess- ment or Twe -five anct no(J.00 ($25.00) or e, remaining un- paid for thirty ~) days after the date o( the ant. Said serial bonds shall e nd over a pericid ending nine ( ) years from the second day of anuary next -suc- ceeding the ne October fifteenth following thei te. Payments on the principal r unpaid assess- ments and int est shall be made by property •ncrs to the "'City Treasurer. an the same shall be disbursed by • all as provided in the "lmpro ent Act of 1911," being part 5 Division 7 of said Streets and ways Code. IMPRO ACT Secttoa 8. at all of the_ work herein pro shall be done and carried throu in pursuance or an Act ot th gisJature of the State of Calif ·a, dea(gnated ·the "lmproveJ;.Dent ct of 1911," being Parts 1, 2 an of1 Division 7 or the Streets an Highways Code of the State of · 1 TIME ~CEOF s.c11 ... 1 .. i~~~G IS HERE- BY GIVEN. on b 4th dliy of March, 1946, • th hour of !tour o'clock (4 :00) M. In the Council Olamber of Qty Coundl of b City or NJ4w!:ttt Beach, any and all peno ng any objec- ,- Our Ret..,rnlng BOys Want to. Call Moine GIRIS,thewarisn'toveras&rutelepbooecallaa concerned. There a.re more alls ro handle tbui eve.· Will you hdp ~mile me rhowaD<h of alls oor retUmiog service men arc m•kiag .. they aaift iA Southern California on the ......,. home? Tbae is oo<hing mcse boys '"''" mO<e than "' tdephoae home,~ we need more girls IO handle lbeir calla. Paywhilelewming..Pmn•nc:nrjobl.Goocl~m"I 11t<1wilh&.q-itina<uea. Tbaeloprobahly~ .... phone office ocaryour homewbere,O..cdald.....ic. Joa ult die Oi-'••or for Ibo Chief or-•.., who will gin 1"" the odd.-cl 14 -pio,- o8ica -oocm:m.. for,_ IOU1'IBN CAUfOlllllA mz not• COl'PAtlT J ' ~ or -Jin. Rllhl lOOE.Bay,·...,._. I: , j • t· ~lons to the p work or! Im- provement, or e exten of _, the ,<esoment ct, ar to( the J!--------..,..--....:...-----,-,-,-.-,--lll _ _I .. • ' • ,, ,, . JI 11 . -,, - . I• ,. •. -. _,. ' ,~ . . " ' • • -' - " ·--. ., .. I t '. l Jt&WVG&I -. l'fSWll • Tl'1•:! .. _ ",. r·-- •AIN'llHG 00 Dlft4Ylli&NT utt4•p• NEWS-TIMES ,_ -' . . CLASS SI j, j • . ~· f-....__ -• P~D~~TIN~GJNG INTERESTING • e:.~. •Dmold W 0 R K 1 ~ >lU Old~: 166-W 1 -~ -· Pleasant Working I .... I II o--ie Conditiorui FOR A " Paint Job on yoor home. ' ~ N-port 10t7 Learn I attor 4:3Q p.n 11).ttc T E L E p H 0 N E --.XCAVATING, GRADING, lot 0 p E RA T IN G llkNlblnl. t -u... drives llead Them for Profit • • .... • Uee U yau don't fin, .. M USICAL • RA rJro "n••·m.&n FOR SALE-Boy'• pre-.war bl· STEINWAY Grand Jj'·( -..n\·, OnE cycle, like new. 1543 0ranc~ of the world's grea t~ pianoe. Ave.~ Ccata Mesa. 1()..2tp Goraeous tone. Dcau ~i ful case ----_ __ This ls an instrumm t ror the . Used Bicycles dlaaimlnating bu_V<'r Danz· c -- rt---- . '' n••. m.a.n .-.... HARBoR INVESTMENT OOMPANY , h Realtors and .-oundatlona. See Increued w~e rate& -Con-Co., phone • ct. New~. S.9t!> now m e e and Tandems Sdunldt Plano Co., 520 No. Main Santa Ana. S.tfe PENINSULA OCEAN FROJI T , ____ _ . ' - EARL jjELP$f TREE SERVICE .t.pply Adult obeo f16 Up VOGEL -100 Kabl SL, BalboL 82·ttc per eord doll 300 No. Loi T J h C ' J ullt Arriffd Dry Walnut For aale, $21 'Southern California AopJeo st.. Ph. 29'21. e e111 one ompany 4-.stp tbO IC. Bay A-. lP'r9b Bearlq Aid Ba._ BATTERIES . BiGYCLF.S .,. a-... -Drue eo. --- Radio Repairing.: · House calla .daily except Sit. and Sun. CompletA! 1tock of tubes 4 factory rrplacement parts. Ph: 345. MESA RADIO 4 ELEC- TRONICS CO., 1N4 Newport Blvd ~tfc Bold. ~or~ 111 xaao -. ~. au V 'II 614\0 North Kain -•ttc RADIO BOUSE CAU.S -N- 100 Kain at... •lbol santa Ana -----------that a.ddltlca&l competent tecb- 20I lolarlM, ' Illlud. "" . Floor Furnaces olclaz>o .,.. available. .... are able M-ttc AU tM Operator for tbe 17,000 B. T . U. to malt• .. .,,,co ca11.t on latp UAU!'I' .&1119 II Ollot Operator ImmedlatA! delivery • $49.40. -·· All work cuuanteed. M-Uc VOGEL'S HAROLD L. BAJOl.. S. 0 . !1- COLD and ~ 100 Main St., BaJboo ~tfc Rodlo, 300 Marine Ave. Ph{l~tft W A(VJ'.8 W.un'1CD--BOTllL MAID. Bal-- nat111c U4 ~ -. --· ' 1-tte --E-le_c_tri_'_c_H_e-ate_rs __ -.. Ai!f' ..so PIL lT•W WANTED-Girl tor l""'!l'al -. Fan, Rodlant and heavy Vi's iif:l. Shop work, Including laundry. S.hr.· duty -. llOI Oout Blw r.-&r.;; clOl Ku --k Ph .,,.. Radio Repairs All makeo; tube&, etc. Ph. 2417. Burt No-91& Oout Hlway, Newport Baach. N-tlc . I . Magnificent ultra modem heme. 2 ; 3 bedrooms; 3'h ba~; study; tiled I den with bar; spedous living room; > leel ' kitchen; 3 fireplaces . . . . . . $35,000 --§i-- COAST PROPERTIES C 0. I day, 5 days week . ..., wee · : Lido Electric Co. _ 71-tto Newport 1758. ll).2tp 516 StatA! Hlghwey-Phone 1264 -.U.DI -~ • HELP w••.;;......Male or female. · 11).lt ••m•· WWW.Al. ANlfOtJJfC ~"~ --·----------I Study at Ho--Real EaL License We cen make nldllln C.poules, Local or traveling In bualneu Guaraotee -2d8 Security Bide. Ointment or Liquid Solution. for ya\IJ"lelf. No money required. Puadeni, caut. 11-lOtc Bring your irHcrtptlon to ua. Good Income. You are your own F 0 R S A L E NEWPORT PHARMACY boos. Apply Mr. van Deren, No Delay 2018 Oc.an F '°nl _ Phon~ 5 508% No. Main St .. Santa Ana. One 200-Amp. Portable. Gasoline 4 11-ltc 10-4tc Electric Combination Welding ------+-----Machine. V-4 Wisconsin engine. L08T AND n>'\JND n WANTED;--Good trailer and tlres-- :-LOST::-::-:::-------:Chln::--te1"--an-ti-q-ue--go-ld Waitrees, Fry Cook, $500.00 bracelet with ~n jade insets. Reward. Pbont ins.. 11).2tt Dishwasher . - LOST-Rhlnes~e earring.Jan. Z1. BAY SHORE C~~ One 105 cu. ft. Portable Air Com- McFadden Place. Reward. Phone 17th &: Coast Hig~y \ pressor. Dodge engine. Nearly Retln1lh your kitchen ,bathroom" with new tile baud.· F. P. Waldron Telepbone 234W. RECAP ' 3'4tc with your local recapper. One day service. . • REALTO R • 703 E . Central Ave. .. • Phone 683 • New 3-Bedroom Homes Fifteenth SL and San Bernardino Ave., Newport Heights l 4 1tc LCYJ' FOR SALE-Blk. G, Ocean Blvd., $3000 by owner. E. L. Neunaber, 195 North Shaffer, Orange, Calif. 8-4~ BROSE REALTY Business Locations for Lease or Rent FOR LEASE--100 feet on waterfront on Newport Bay In Busl.-Zone. A-1 location. FOR RENT--$op Building In Ml Zone. $100 mo. FOR LEASE-Comer location. Site for lll!l'Ylce station. ' 6,SOO . ' 6,500. Facing Oil Canal, Newport -1-bedroom house. CampleteJy fumlshed. Immediate ~J:CasiOIL Nice 2-bedroom house. Oose in, with • do¢.Je garage, partly furn. Immediate ~ssion. TenllS. $10,600. I I 2-Bedroom home; overlooking bay and ocean in Newport Helghts. Excellent condition. Immediate pCJBs esslon. OCEAN FRONT HOME 4-Bedroom near Balboa In A-1 location. Nicely furnished. Immediate poss. $13,500 • BALBOA ISLAND BAY FRONT HOME 4-Bedroom; pier and float. Fully furn. . Double garage. Immediate poss. L .. Hollywood 2315. 10-2tp Newport Beach Phone 2344 new. ~ LOST-Femalef.nnan police dog, 3-Uc . ·z yrs. old. Bo s pet and answers NATIONAL RESEARCH & MFG. t~ name U . Wears collar CO. WANTS Young man inter- With tag. Cal N ewport 1660. es ted in learning laminated plas-Eight 200-Amp. ·horizontal Llncoln 1 , 11 -:?tc tics, work consisting of mixing Welding Machine!: on doUies $800.00 Tires and Tubes Complete Lubrication Tire and battery servi~. Free pickups and delivery service for your car. Hardwood floors-TI.le bath TUe s1nk-n0uble gara&e $2900 down-$56 per month 4 -e.i.o-- 12 modern 2·bedrm. Duplexes at Broadway and Santa Ana AVe., Corona del Mar Lots SPECIAL South of highway-4S..ft. lot on Marigold street, e xcellent lo-- cation, block and a half to Ocean Front. Close 1 to new business center . A J:?eautiful homesite. An Excellent Value, $15,000 dn. BEAUTIFUL PENINSULA HOME . 3-Bedroom; fin:place; hardwood floors, On two lots. Furnished. Open for in- spection. Immediate poss. I . I LOST-Jan. 28i black calf suede plastics and operating impreg· with tongues. E xcellent shape. purge betwee~ Balboa and C.OSt a nating ma chJnes. a lso son1e opcr· Mesa: 11 found keep money and ation of Mws, pla nes, routers. $150.00 each Costa Mesa Tire Co. and Costa Mesa ~ $12,500 dn. return valuables. ~:'Iadella In· e tc. Apply at 1015 Coast Blvd., gram, BaJboa ;cate. opposite Fire Corona del Ma r between 8 a.m. Hall, Balboa. 1 9-4tc and 4:30 p.m. ll·tfc Texaco Service Station H. J. Mitchell, Prop. Ralt>h P. Maskey &410 Cout Blvd. Newport Beoch, cautorula Price $3,250 - FIVE ACRES-Close in. Costa Mesa $45@-J/i Cash Phone 402 ------"-------------------One 2()0..Amp. Portable Gasoline IDIPLO~ WW • SALE lllSCJI:LLANEOU!I IO Welding Machine. Good tires. 1760 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa Phone N. B. 2342 4-tfc 3--tfc I SPECIAL SEE US FOR BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Excellent shape. -----·------WANTE.0-FoJntain girl.Gunder· FOR SALE -Man's bicycle, $20. ELECI'RICAL APPLIANCES and son's Drug. P~one 515. 11-ltc Phone N. B. 1932. 11-2tc $400.00' MOTORS repaired according to factory speciflcaUoni by DIS· WILL DO hous~ork by the hour. FOR SALE-Round dining table, -ABLED VETERANS. Work Phone Newpoft 1843. 114tc electric heater, % h.p. electric fl1aranteed. Agent: MES A motor. 207 Edgewater, Balboa. One 8-gal. Pressure Paint Pot. RADIO & ELECTRONICS co., INVESTMENT PROPERTIES 9 Unlts. 2 Lots. $16,500 North of Highway, JO.ft. lot on Marigold street, level, excellent location, close to new business center. Can bUild 2 units. Pljice $1100 HARBOR INVESTMENT COMPANY Realtors CARPENTER ORK by hour .or 8-4tp Compelte with hose and gun. 1974 Newport Blvd 3-tfc 30th at Central Ave. Telophone 1600 Listings .Wanted ~ltc day. Telepho'f l805-W. ll-tfc FOR SALE-Schwinn cycle truck $85.00 WILL TAKE 1,JJ!E of children. with clf!'rier basket. Like new. Carpenters Available Several Good Bay Front Lots .- BROSE REALTY FOR SALE--4·room house, 2 bed· FOR SALE-In Corona del Mal- roorns. 215 Orange, Newport 2 Jots, 1 on Marguerite, 40xlt8: . Corona de l ar. Phone N. B. Toy Shop, 208 Marine, Balboa -tor general malntenance 55()..M. 2-tfc Island. 1 l·ltp &Ad repaW Comer Income Lot El Bayo Tract, $3,250 · 1307 :eoast. Highway Corona del Mar Phone 2048 Beach. $2500. Will give immed-120 tt. from Ocean, $4.500. Qll.; Apply o . z. RGBER:TSON WANTED-Llg~t housework and FOR SALE--Jap rifle, Jap plst~I Call N ewport 83 Ironing by the :hour. Will care a nd Samurai sword. also exquis· 2616 West Central for children I evenings. Phone ite embrokiered silk kimono. Phone 1564-J Jate possession. Call Los Angeles on Hazel Drive, 50x100. a ·Normandy 5468. 10..2tc P. O. Box 450, Corona del M . Balboa'Island 11• . Houses $6,500 and up 1023-J. 11).tfc Call Npt. 2201. 8·4tc CUSTOM CABINET WORK-Re- S.ltp pair work and r emodeline: of all EMPLO~ OW#* • a FOR SALE -Man's J1ght·weight kinda. Custom built·in furnl· HELP WANTED-situation open. overc o at, ~ew. herringbone -----------ture. DOUGLAS BOAT & Cheryl's. 322 Marine Ave., Bal4 weave. blue, size 42. Call N. B. WA!lnED TV 8tJll' A CANOE co., "2819 w. Central boa hla.nd. ll·tfc 550-M. 6-t!c WILL N.Y CASH tO(_ yw.r 'fur· Ave. Phone Newport 2634.. WANTED _ ugh school boy to HEALTH LAMPS. Ultra· Violet. ~or what have you. Pb.ou.e __________ !ls._tfc work ln rest;turant week ends. Infra·Red, Verdi.Ray. Batteries Nwpt. 2000. 0 . R. Crawley, Tbe K E y S EV A F. RHO DEW W. L . Jordan -'- 100 Eaet Central, Balboa 1 Bedroom House Phone 153 S.tfc On lh acre. East side of Blvd., J. E. Barnes & Son 1808 Newport BlTd. Coeta lieu. PhOll.e ~11 Costa Mesa. Recently built. Fur· nished. · $5000 2 Unit Modern. Furniaheci_ $15,500 . Half Cash. Phone 2'168. l0--2tp tor Hearing Aids and Portable· Food Bullet, 1812 N"'>Ort Made While You Waft Radloo. MESA RADIO & ELEC-lllV<I .. Coot.a M-. -.u. HELP W* VOGEL'S 2 Bedroom House Partly furnished. Near Ne"WPOrt Heights area. Gertrude A . Waldron Wm. W. Sanford Broker Newport Heights Phone 234-R ~tfc New 3-bedrm. homes, now com· ' p D .1.....-Want refined TRONICS ro., 1749 Newport ......_......_...,_.,FOR•••• -. woman to lat mother of 2 Blvd. 9-tfc r "-.n•• vft ~ -100 Ma.tn St., Dalbo& chll--..._ _ _. 208 Marine, Balboa ll1and ~'l;'n. · • uuarn and sal4 FOR SALE-Ta\·ern Table with 9'-ttc pleted in Heights. Ready for oc-Newport Heia:hts cupancy. 'These homes have J.arce Modem, '!~1!J'built, 2.bOOrm. home. rooms, lots of tile work, pull· Lar&e llvihg room, mahQlllDY ma»i lavatories, many cupboards 1 tloorlng, 'fir~place, dlnnette, tile ary, Ph: N. . mo. &.ttc Servel Electrolux , two benches. Don R. Durant, -----------$4,000 ' Are now available. Priceo from 428 Orchid Ave.. Corona del Washing Machines P ~ $156.45 up. John F . Vogel. 100 Mar 1 tfc R · d UBLIC O!ICES Main St .. Balboa. Phone New-. _ -epatre ' and linen atorace space, etc. kitchen and bath. Laundry tray Now o~n for inlpectlon. in 2.car earage. Patio. Lot com· Furnis h ed 2 bedrm. Home part Beach 145. !l-t!c BOATS, llUPPLO:a II Parta 1l'or All Mak .. CERTIPIOAT'.E OF BUSDR:SS Pick ~~ery- On % acre land, Ea.st side of New· JX>rt Blvd. Fruit trees, chicken & rabbit equipment, double gar· age, fruit house. $3,000 down. $8500 -Terms pletely fenced and JandlcapOd. Flctltioui Firm Name FOR SALE-Overcoat, 1uitable WANT TO BUY--Salpe or Snow--Excellent value at $10,500. ~ for man going. eut. New (Gor· bird in A-1 condition. Write 1212 Wuhinr Kacltine Sb.Op THE UNDERSIGNED d 0 e 5 don Ferg1.U1Qn ) ·black chenille, Roanoke Rd, San Marino or 1718 Ne~ Blvd, Coeta Meu hereby cerUty that tihe is conduct· heavy satin lining, size 42. Call phone Sycamore 6-8357. ~tfc Pbone 2283 ~ttc Ing a Real Eal.ate business at sm N. B. SSO.M . &.tic ·Marine Radios FOa B&NT '1 E. Central Av ., C1ty of Newpiort TiiOR MANGLE for sale. Radio. Available immediate delivery, com· Wll.L EXCHANGE .l·bedroom un· Beach/Balboa,ICqunty of Orange, repaired, .24-hour service. Short plete range of sizes. Your in-furnished apartment in Ingle. Full price, $6750 2 Good Building Lots On Hamilton Street. Only $550 each Vacant 3 bedroom "house. Extra larg~ llv4 ing room, newly decorated. rue , sink. Large lot. Cloee in. Costa Mese. $7500-Terms Stat~ ot Califdmta, under the fie-C1rcuit Radio Shop, 305 Palm titious firm n.,,,_ of BEVE~Y Ave., Balboa. Phone 1638-W. spection welcomed. IIlGGINS wood tor furnished or unfurnish· 2 B d -H -Corona del Mar REALTY CO and th t Id firm •tt PLEASURE CR.AFI', 810 Cout ed apt. in Newport or Balboa. e room ome 2 Jo•-, both have fine vi-above ·• · a u · ..,... c Highway. Ph: 1104. 9--tfc Write Box B, c/o News·Times. ua ~ ..... ls composed 0 the following per-On ~ acre. Close in. Tenant ~ ocean son, whoee name and address is as HOUSE TRAILER. 8 x 28. hot FIRE ltQUIPKENT TESTS -94tc cupied, but a buy if you can wait . $4500 h f8Uows. to-wiU: water heater. bUilt·in bath, C·C>T'tPo. Pyrebe le f'oam reftll9. 2 UPSTAIRS office suites, Balboa for piossession. eac Glactys Beverley, sm E. Central toilet. inlaid linoleum floor. CO. ftxed .yr.em and Portableo business section. Suitable pho-$4,000 - A\'e., Balboa, Calilornia. Slee~ 4. Completeb' furnished. now available.. ET8 HOKIN It tographer , bfauty ahop, optician, With Good Terms. 3-Room Home WITNESS m.>{ hand thls 28th day Call at 441 Newport Blvd. Phone GALVAN, loot Coe.at Hlgti.way. dentist, attorney. After alters· -On 1 acre. rew double garage. On ot January, l!f46. . 7SQ.J. ll-4lp Phcn• UIM. 73-tfc tlons. Small apt. available m 2 Vacant Acres Elden St!, <;oota Mesa. Poues- STATE OF RNIA ) y CIRCULATING Elt'Ctiic Heatera, FOR' SALE -CCC Sloop, very rear. Phone 2056--M. 1()..4tc Near Harbor Boulevard $4500 COUNTY O RANGE I ss. only $7.96. Health LamPo. Ultra-clean,$4400. Swales Yacht Land-WANTED TO .-T ta $1000 each _ On thJs 28 ay ot January Violet, Infra-Red, Vecdi-Roy. Ing, Newport Beach. Phone 162. With Terms .if desitt<L See This Gertrude A. Waldron Wm. A. Sanford Broker Phone 234-R 2-tfc BROSE REALTY . Corona del Mar Lots 30 ft. on Poinsettia street, south of highway. Price $1600 30--ft. lot on Dahlia south of highway. $1200 street, 5()..ft. lot <'1 Hazel Drive, north of highway, nice view. . ~S BEVERLE 1ion close of escrow. A.D l~• N S Batteries tor Hearin& Aids 4 11).2tc WANT TO RENT-Apartment or -·· ""°• me ora . h furn.lshed unt · hed, New 4--room house. Well built. Mariwarth a Notary PUblic in and Portable Rodloo. MESA RADIO FOR SALE--s.meter Sloop. Good ouse, or unus Two Bedroom Home plutered. Complete wlthln 2 _ for said eounty and State , resid· &: ELECTRONICS CO., 1794 condition. Swales Yacht Land· (veteran, wife and child ). ~hone with garage attached on MacnoUa. weeb. On 1 acre of land. , ~ft. lot on Poppy St. .. north Price $3,000 inc thoreln duiy commlssloned and Newport Blvd. 3-tfc Ing, Newport Beach. Phone 162. l736-J. s.4tc P •rt l Y furnlihed. Hardwood $4950 _ Terms ' ot highway. Good ocean view. nvorn. I"""'"~ appeared Gladys ·11).2tc WANTKD by reoponolble Tele-noon in Uvtng room 4 dining Price $2100 Be\l't!J'Jey .to me to be the Fire Place and KindUna pbcme Em~yee.. 1 or 3 bedroom room. Enclosed pedo. An attrac- penon whoee 'l10me is subscribed W 0 0 D FOR SALE-Heavy duty sea going ..,_, ~rmanenL Pltone a...ta live home for a ama11 family. f.VA F. RHODEN to the wilt In Instrunlont. and Delivered cruiser, 49 . ft., $6SOO. Swales Ana 5829. 81).tfc $7650 ' .Broker aclmolwedged to me that she exe-H. W. WRIGHT-Ph. 2000 Yacht Landin&. Newport Beach. _ 470 N-putt Blvd., Coota - cuted the &arr je. 1784 Newport Blvd 3-tfc Phone 162. 11).2tc WANTED TO RENT-2 bedloom. Furnished 2-Bednn. home ELTON 0 . BARNETT, SaW!mn In witness ' hereof, I have here-~Ft. ~.nm CRUIS~ SJ 4 clean cottage for lllmmet .. , a-..._..., __ . T ·-lot, -=-"c.-t ~· . Ph. New pert 19e-M Wtto oet my 1'··• and affixed my FOR SALE-1 mot« scooter; 1 ~ ~ ~ eeps ' N bay Wrl Mr M. • _,,.._... -•• ~ ~ 1J-2tc offldal aeal ~,...-:, __ --• year •-Snipe ullboat; 1 O>ampk>n wt-Marine motor. A bargain. G. E. son. ear · te · Broadtelt tJtrouchouL 2 batbo. (-----------_;__-_,, -~ Minney, 201 Onyx. Phone New-Lawrenc•>. 128114 S. Dunsmuir, , ~·......_ Enclooed patio. Im- Listings Wanted - BROSE REALTY . 1307 Coat Hlgbwey Corona del Mar Phone 2048 11-ltc lhll Ctttificat ftnt above written. board: 1 Johnson outboard; 1 port 2760. ll).4tc L. A. 35. WA. 5102. ll).4tc ;;;;n;-.;·P<l•=""" A very con>-Newport Heights NORA j>, MARGW ARTH. Evinrude: I La\llOO alr-<x>oled f.S.ft. Lot. Beot location. -F-or--offl-ce--aupplleo---.----tbe- No'-I Jlbllc in and for aald motor; 1 Wbconoln air-cooled Marine Insurance WANTED -Room · r.,.. rent for fortable home. Only $1700 N.--'lbneo. Balboa Island / 2 units. Furnished. Near Bax Front. $13,500. $5700 Down Costa Mesa Improved 5 acres near and Santa Ana Ave. $8600 Balboa 17th I 2 bedroom hoJt1e, turrpshe+L Dbl. garage, on 2 lots. Iriuned- iate possession. $10,500 -Terms Corona del Mar Just being completed 2 bed- • rooms, near school, rnodern.o . attractive. $8500 From my many listings select- ed as most attractive. JOHN E . SADLEffi I -REALTOR I 302 Main Street, BalbOa Phone Newport 2034 11-ltc • LOANS I $100.00 and Up to $10,000.0D See us if Yoll need money 1 Pa,ymonts to Flt Your Inoomie Loaril ... Con TrucJco and Trallen ' Ovor 22 y.... In Santa Al jl. Federal Finance ~J . INC. • 429No.S- Phone 6200. Santa Ana, . ...... CouJity and State. My com-motor; 1 Briggs Strotton air-1lngle gtrl In Corona del Mar. , Only $9500 _._ Jan. 28 cooled motOI'. Ph: N. B. 2439-J. G. E. Minney Call 292-W. !Mtc -·~ft. LoL N-· G---·· .......... • 11)..ztc -J. E. Barnes & Son · ,~ ochooL 'Ten,;.,--·~ • AIJll'Oll WAHIW l!H& (SEAL.I l .. _ Pub. Jan. 31; 'ol!-1, 14, 21 , 1946. 201 Onyx Ave .. Balboa IsTand. WANTED TO RENT or leaae, un-~Newport-. 11' CORONADO Phone Newport Beach 2760. l'llrnlshed house. Pbone J.850.R. eoota *-Pt>one 6 - ' Electric ;Range, $178 Il).4tc ~tfc 11-ltc Lido Isle ·WE .NEED LATE MODEL cARS imd Will Pay T~p PiiOl.I - ROSSI'S L~2,!1.or .~1re ~---..-•/'h• I y Immedlate Dell-,, 2 BEDRM. APT. or boole oom-f.S.ft. Lot. ~t location. Auto Batten.es llU!UOAL • SABIO ' " pletely turnllbed Adult& ww O F In _. • Only $5000 Mr.I, YOUR QUl NClW • · BEAtrrIFUL Spinet 1ype tnirTor pay up to $150 per month. On pen or spe"'10.11 1l'lllli Pit 11 i -'lat · I XS.month -$&.45 Ek. piano, a bargain. Terms. Danz-ll>Oftth to month buis. Phone Sunday , Co,st4 Mesa -• ' ' Pennsylva~ Oil SchmldtPianoCo.,~No.Maln 1222.Mn.Pantage. ll).2tp Beoutlful 2 bec1nnn Cape Cod "Lovely2' Beottocatlon. ~-~-••' &• ......... ~ c.illori. ·~ Santa Ana. S.tfc home. Rea<ly to move Into In 30 FJ' . . . call ~-~ I • a. OP• I .... ' • ' •• , . S25 REWARD-Wanted 1 or 2-days. Have It finished to IRlit • prm -at I ....... -. W 1-A s I GOOD used pianoo. &>me .. low bednn. tum.-· Perm. Ovl!-your own tutA!o. 'rue noon.-. ·-!t M. •n.l.ER -I estem utp upp Y u $89. F1ne for practice. Easy Ian. Dr, wife and lnfanL -·bath. Y~ fenced and Jam-U>th .. s Central CULBERTSON ~OlJl'f a> ... Autborbed p.aier terms. Or will =L Danz. collect 229t or write Or. B¥tter-llCaped Larp loL A ft&] ~ at : N . --' I n •• -ors = , .. s ., IUlllJll<e, -111e 1836 Newport, Bivd, c.ota w-Schmidt Piano eo.. ~No. Main """11>, 135 cr-t 1.ane. 1.a-t,he llrice -• -•ey. "On 'Your• ey to Bolboo" m •• c ,,.. # , 8 0 •a r •1 ~tte Santa Ana. S.tfc guna Beech. t-31p Coota 11sL ~ 501 ll-ttc -I UG ll·ltc ·~, ---' -· -.' . .. . ' -. •.-.: -'_. -• -• ----·--,_ . .. . . ·-._. -; -. • I • . : c " . ' - ' • I ' ,\ l . ' • • • • • . '' -. '-Balboa uso ?.Jans Special Celebrattoi;i ~~-----:::-f~-4-----;--: F'' • • A · t~: ~t• HoDoring Fifth Anni..,...,,; Pul>lic Inv( Boy stou~Ai:!!:=1:~r~j 0at . H-· arbor · em1n1.n e -c · ~. 1. 1 e_~. F.....,. !::'t':lted~ ~the _.._ ot tbe _ ' ~-rnJ..--led the · -Pb lllll7 R ~.:::Z., ot America. mi the -· 1n the 100 block Eut Coot& . ·BCIY Seouta -a ~ :--;-:--I amuoln& By Whdtred Barbre + -~ . ~USO located at Hain and Otntnl, will be found pho ....... tlon al --at tbe Boyo' Glee~"'!~~... ~ u and DI + --Judy E erson Has Otntnl ' • ..;..u.;· la planninc • ot -actlvltleo ~ In Founclen o.y _ .... o( the aum...... ...---· and . Local· Man Takes Newport Man W~ds t"'-<lq eelel>ntlon f<r -the local USO for the ~t - emta Gramam-School Par-'.'Bia-,~~ Clorcl" Mrs. Kaiser Sans; Brt"de at .Rites in Garden Grov~· Bride Fifth rthday, -. lndut11nc • danoo for and a half yean. ent--:0:,:~=...,~ ~~---t Feted Before Leaving Enterta ns Friends · serv1cemen 'andwuneaonFriday -~ -with fatben .. the -and the cr-..iecs --Chapel by the Sea Honeymooning at NeWport ' with a·--· Sa!Ul<laY and Third Birthday -• H.ra. Kenneth dlti<Jn. Mn. Heinz Kaiser sailed Tues-Beach ""' Mr. and Mn. M•lrojm Two tlonl -the ~ frun noon to 9 p.m., to ' llPOCial ' For the first time ID &.e blllmJ day Feb.' on the Queen Mary f?r Buketa ot beautiful fiow.n and H. T""""'. whose Weddlbg took ftfth annlwnvy ot Jt\dy -tit. public la invited. . For Louise Peters Stewart ot the ocbbol a life mombenblp iiaad whett she will visit her tall candelabra addod to the set· place at the Flnt Baptist chun:b, Diane daughter of Mr. For the dance, which will be ~· : I Boys~ full equiimmt and was awarded. being given to Mrs. En la SUWOL It Will be the ting when Mia Marjorie Ruth Garden Gr<m!. 'The bride was and Mn. ph EmerlOll 3510 highllght ol the celebration. mwu~ Mrs. G. F . Peten, ~ Lido were t In their demon-Clara HcNally, Who bas taucht in ~time the five brothen and Norton, daughter of Mr. and Mn. Miss Isabel F1ores, daughter ot ·west · Front, one oi them will be .turnlahed by Dl<;k Adams Soud, entertained W~ ~ otratims -~ flnandt ~ :::::"::!: the Mesa l<hoolJ. for 21 yearsT. "' two sisten have been together J. Wade Cook, Inglewood, became Mn. Conception Fl<>MI, 120 North being a · f dinner on SunclaY five-piece ex-oervicemen • orches-oring the third birthday llDRI..,._ •tartlns ~ o Put -'<Im" ot the P.-. since 1911 the bride of Lawrence Harry Clay street. Garden Grove, while when loj,e honors with h\,f tra and junlor hostesses will be out sary of her )'OOnler d&ugttter, dtt · tbe direction .ot Aalataat were hoi>ored, ~ being Intro-Leav!nc. here lut 'lbunday, Shields. aon 1ot Mr. and Mn. W. Mr. Towner is the di of Mn. uncle, tt Emerson who also In full force. The Balboa buruiess Louise. A cake' in red a"4 white Soou lUcbard Dodd. Harold duoed and pr""i"ted with a car-Mrs. Kalaer visited Mrs. Frank J . L. Shields, 803 Bayside drive at 2 Edith Towner, Newport Beach. had. a ' men will furnish the huge birthday centered the table wheli 1c1ecor- V. Hall, tmaat6 of Troop!; sage. They were Mn. A. L. Pink-Hardiman in New York before p.m. Sunday, February 3 in the Rev A. Hayman officiated at the Monday ·there wu a cake with five !candles for each atlons carried out the "ialentlne the purpooe ley, J11n. Lee 111ine, Mn. Harry sailing. Before she left she ~ Oiapel by the Sea. Corona del double ring CftemOllY. real party ·th a pretty table set year of USO service. . motif. At each place ~ pin. Burdick, Mn. Cycle Otto and Mrs feted at many dinners and perues, Mar. The ceremony wu perform-The bride wore white satin In-in Valen 1 motif for favors and . Postmaster Herbert Kenny ts wheels and nut cupo ~ fawn, Claude ~ including one at the home ot Mr. ed by the Rev. E. D. Goodell set with laoe and her full-length place·cards Each smau guest bad anniversary chairman .and invites with snappers to amuse ~ small A nomlnating committee was ap-and Mn. Hoff. Glendale.' >¥here M the wedding march was play-veil was caught in a crown of seed an indlvid birthday cake topped the public to personally observe 1 guesta. who also blew bu1les and pOinted, members bpng Mrs. Den-guests included Mr. and Mrs. ed by Mrs. F1orence Anderson, the pearl.. She carried a bouquet of with a e, to accompany the the ~ and accomplishments 1 hunted valentines. nla Hogland. Mrs. Harry Burdick Kaiser, J\fr. and Mn. E. I. Moore, bride came down the aisle on the white orchids and gardenias. Ice aeam. , of their War Fund dollars in ac-~~ Betty and Miss Marian Parsons. Elec-Fred Harmuth. of FUiierton; Mrs. arm of her father, who gave her Mrs. ~alter Allen, matron of Games played after Judy tlon. The USO program will give Guests ~ Susan ..-~ lion of ·otflcers will be at the Goldschmltt and Mr. Gol~t In marriage. She chose for the honor, wore blue marqulaette and opened her many nice gifts, and guesta an on-the-spot .Picture of Cole, Joanne M_errlll, Judy Eut-. March meeting. jr .. of Los Angeles. Dr. an occasion a beige swt with brown carried red roses and sweet peas, pictures taken to make a the. multitude of services which man and Louise s SISier Olra. Un- 'After the business meedng Isador Spier, San ~sco~~ accessones and she carried a white as did the bndesmaids. Mrs. Micky perm'l"ent record for her scrap theu-s~p~ has made poss~ble able to attend ·_,.., Trui!y Ellison ~~~3=========:::==::;::::~~;;:;~;::1 1 and Mrs. George WIStin~ Don Bible on "'.h1ch was . a tawn~ Morales and Miss Dora Ochoa, book. and which is needed for some time and Michele Henry. 1 Hollywood: Mr. and · M Slipper orchid spotted with brown. who were gowned in yellow. Helping e young hostess cele-to come, if the USO ts lo continue ----------i----1 • FOREVER Hilke. Mrs. Ragner Nelson. · r. Miss Louise F<fbes' of Ingle-Walter Allen acted u best m.an. brate. wer pattl Lee Hourr\gan, ~o serve the millions of men still ~---------!----, your Va entme and Mrs. Borgron Carbon. Miss wood was br1deS11181d and she wore and ushers were Raul Gastello and Brenda Bl wer, Jackie Bonnell, m uniform. I a Diamond 'J'llere is no more appropriate fu.'.te fo give her the engagement diam'f"d ---than on SAINT VALENTINE'S DAY. Let J; help you in making your 5*ction .... We have l a size to suit every purse. I LOUCKS Jewelf'y 4nd St4tion,ry 1'19~ Newport Bl..t. I Expert Beauticians I for Milady -::::... ~ • Pemianenta, Co)d Wave.. Hair ~ifl5.\ (~ ; Styling. Hair Tinting • • • Bleach· · ing Cold W ave. V R~'rfl • ANl'{ • CARMEN. ---~ -§-r 1--.All-\ • 1 B":i~~ ""fun'"' Beauty Salon Bal-.+ Ima Anlade • o.-n Front al the Pier Wanda Hoff and Mr. and Mrs. a dark ensemble with. a corsage Gus Garcia. ' Barbara N It, DeAnita and Bev-The Balboa USO's record dis-If It's a Book August Hoff. h e of white orchids. R. H. Stanhope A reception followed the cere-erly Ovitt, ~ Hagon, Gar~ clooes that more than half a mil· • I Another dinner was at the om of Corona del M.ar was best man. mony. held at the home of the Brewer, N cy Shull, Mary Linda lion service men have been in at-I We Have It Or wW of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. d W~ts. After receiving _congratulations bride's sister, Mrs. Frances Garcia, Woods. Ji y Emerson and a for-tendance •Ince its opening in July Order I~. for• You.! Inglewood. with Mr. an rsd. of friends and relatlv_es prese. nt, assisted by another sister, Mrs. mer playm te, Muriel Downey of of 1942. Part of the Varied pro-KaJ·ser. Mr. and Mrs .. Moore an I I f -• I 5 the young coup e e t 1mm0;.-u1ate Y Carmen Vigil. t Anaheipt. gram has been the 'handicraft \vork ESTRELLIT1 'S Miss Elizabeth Wiesmann a for Palm $prings. where they are and through the cooperation of . .•. ts Among others who enter-Th gues . . Mrs spending tlje honeymoon. ey N d Ch . Girls' ague Holds Fitzpatrick's store in Balboa space BOOKS tained for Mrs. Kaiser were A J. ,.;ir make their home on Balboa ote 1nese in their show windows has been I I. c B Rudd Mr. and Mrs. · · b Ed S k F U th t • G, t . Mr . .;.d Mrs. Ralph Maskey Island for the present ut are UCator tO , pea 0 r ee tng used for the display of articles in SIS North Mam S anadn M. r. 8nd Mrs. L. L .. I.sbell. planning to build i.n Corona del T M Cl bwomen alligator, llzzard and other tool-~ l - Ba lb oa ns Hosts At Bridge Party Mar. 0 esa U eir fourth meeting of Ing leathers made into wallets, key Room 8 . Arcade ,Bl_. the year I t Thursday, the Girls' caSe'S, purses, letter carriers and I Santa An= Pb.. SGS Island ers Hos ts At Singing Party Dr. Theodore ffsi·En Chen, League of e\vpori Beach Gram· brief cases. There are also combs, I noted Chinese educator and mar school~· njoyed an interesting I 'b~rooc~~b~e~s;an~dge~arr~in~gs;:~m~a~d~e~o~r~======;::~;==~ author, will speak at the next program. . e president, Di ane meeting of the Friday Aftern\J<>n w~stlake. ed the meeting to · f U • 1 Giit Mr. a nd Mrs. Lew Wallace. 306 Going back to the past for their club. F ebruary 15 at 2 p.m. order and anet Hill led in the C.-eetlng Cardo and• o .. at Varlrt.Y.~ ~O~~r.. ~ Anade avenue. Balboa. e~terta~n· inspiration, Mr. a nd Mrs. J-tarold Former dean of Fukien Christi~n flag salute. Minutes of the prev· "'''E L~\"lTC: YOU TO BRU\~!S!!; ,\ J ed at bridge Saturday evening with Holtz. 306 Apolena avenue. Balboa university in China. he has .been.in ious meet! were read by the C. E. lOUCKS a salad course. tea and coffee Island. entertained a group of con-close touch with the social and secretary nna St ine. JEWELRY and STATIONERY served after the game. Fred gertial friends at an old·fashioned intellectual movement in that Miss 0 a Spelman·s folk-.O l;mond, . watchn -Fin• Repairing Snedecor took first pdze. second singing party Saturday evening. country. . dancing cl s gave two numbers. · Pbnae Newport 15S9-& went to Mrs. C. E. Watts and Mrs. Ross Peacock brought along his Now serving as .head of the de· "The Duke of York" and "Shoo l ~====_,~7~9~7-~9~9~1'j~e~w~po~rt~B~lv~d~.,=Co~s~ta~M~e~sa~,~· Ca~~l~lf=. =~==~ :kaJph Maskey was third. accordian and from the time he partment of Asiatic stud.Jes at the FJ .. A co test was held by seven · Guests included Messrs. and joined in on that old favorite, University of So~thern California, di~ who lked about their fa. M~ames Lester Isbell, J . A. "Meet Me in St. Louis," the eve-Dr. Ch~n h~ wr1tte~ many b<>oks vorite spor , with ribbons award-I Gant. Henry Eggert, E . I. Moore. ning was his. Old songs, waltzes and articles 1n the field of educa-ed as priz by the judges, Mrs. I, /1, S04 Marine Avenue Ralph Maskey. Eugene Fenelon. C. and hymns were included. and tion and mternatlonal relations. ,A Stanley. . Billings and Miss @ .IV"' B. Rudd. c . F . Watts of Ingle-Spanish numbers. The pa,rty en~ed pr00uct of both. Oiinese and Am-Robinson. !first prize went to ,.fl,\.~ ,., Balboa bland "'."" Phone 18!7 wood and Fred Snedecor of Cor-with refreshments at I a.m .. Wlth er1can umvers1t1es .. he has a dlS· Mary Ann orey, second to Diane ..., , l ona. everyone voting it a wonderful tingu1shed--academic record and Dickerson d Mary Barrett re-Open Saturdays Until May lsf . . evening. has received the degrees. of A .B., ceived the~hird award. a.esed on Monday c~e the cer emony of 11g~tang the j Joinirtg in the fun were Mr. and A .M . a nd Ph.D .. while hJs hono~ The girl sang several songs, e EAU TY four candles on the cake m honor Mrs. Ross Peacock, Doc and Betty societies are Phi Beta Kappa. Phi accompani at the piano by Mrs. .JONNIE JOHNSTON or the two found«s.. The candles Brown. Mr. and Mrs. John Grizzle. Kappa Phi and Phi Delta Kappa, Steffensen. fJter which the meet- stand for the child, the home, the Mr. and Mrs. John Mason. Pere Hostesses for the tea will be Ing was adj9urned by the pr~ident Has J·oined our staff of Beauticians, school and the commumty. Mrs. and Irma Marples. Rev Barkus Mrs. Alice Qlsen, Mrs. Albert Mor-and the gitls were di smissed by Ernest McClellan g~":e a reading and Bonnit" Stewart. who was rison, Mrs. J . q. Tallman and ·Mrs. J t Hill. I \Vhich will enable US to give which told of the origin of the or· do'vn from Los Angeles. Josiah. Kirby. i ane -+-----more prompt service. ganization and tea was served by HEAD TO TOE BEAUTY SERVICE the hostesses. Mrs. Trine a nd Mrs. Local People at New Club Formed ' Miss Ci ro! Terry !~~~:;~============~~=~ Pinkley. Earl Carroll's At Corona de! Mar Speaks at Ebell Wed. I: . B lb The tre ca II , . d 1 A io· int f ting of Book Sec-l C 0 M-[ C A f p ===J:===-----,--------'-:-----11 a oa a Rocent visitors at Earl rro s A group or ladies of Corona e ti 1 d or the Ebell will be w E IC. •----· Openm" g .l .:..-ouncement----t Pbon• ZS famous Hollywood Theatre-Res-Mar organized a club \"hich they h;li: w::::.e y Feb. l3 at 2 p. m . M ftlUI taurant were Mr. and Mrs. Gari named Starbnght at the home ?r at the clu h~use. 'This is an 2569 Newport Blvd., Costa esa Sow Showtnc thru Saturday ~Iclntee and Mr. and Mrs. Otartes Mrs. Olarl~s Kyte, 412 Orchid open meet· g for all elub mem· Phone 4SS-M d I "BOUSE ON 9Znd ST." Smith or Newport Beach. avenue. Friday afternoon. The be d s~' aker of the afternoon Finest Place to Dine e t t e S Seated at nearby tables for the aims ot the club are purely socl~. wil1I'bean M' ~ Ten-y of Balboa e r n a Sunday and Monday Carroll "Sketchbook" revue were Mrs. Eva Dutter was made pres1· 155 a . a book F Co lete Dinner t :LEAO ~~~ Sid Grauman, Mr. and Mrs. J en: dent and Mrs. Arthur Kemper sec· lsi!.an~h w~ h~~n::~e~le a pris; amous mp Casual Wear Shop -Colonna. Laurence Tierney. Tur retary and treasurer. a u fer · 'th Philippines Open 11 a. m. to 2 a. m~ Tueoday and Weclneoclay han Bey and Yvonne DcCarlo of Th<>S<' invited who could not at· oner o wf in e . ' R PARTIES Jeanette MacDonald the film colony. J tend Will joln the group at 1!1• I· SPECIAL ARRANGEMENT FO !<•loon Eddy Mr. and Mrs. Mcintee were a.le-next meeting .which will be held at Valentil)e Tea Thui:s. OUR ,KITCHEN OPEN FOR INSPECTION "NAUG!fl:Y MARIETl'A" bratlng their fourth wedding an-the home o? Mrs. F . Bates, 324 At CD School WM. E. LUDEWIG, Prop. --· Olarter members are Mesdames . ' 305 Marine Ave. • ~ATURDAY, FEBRUARY 9 Balboa Island ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:iiij niversary. Orchid, March 15th. ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~r.;;;, Happy are the families ~here Eva Dutter, Ellamae Coffman, Mothers f Brownie Scouts of ..t. Q ll • L"d n tr the government or _parents IS the Essie Kyte. Margaret Wnght, Ul-the Coro del Mar Grammar •• ·o· ~-· I 0 ea e reign or affection, and obedience lian Henneberry, F1orence Ander· school, teac ers of the school and o• .... ·~-tlt4 _ Fr... ParldDf or the children the subrrussion of son, Doris Diehl, Norah Mae mombers of e Girl Scout Council ~ C> Shoe Jove.-Bacon. Bates. Mildred Wilson, Ethel will be iUe\'ts at a Valentine tea r.14~ • ~ Fil C-asual Wear . s Now SbowlDC thni Saturday Stauch and Bessie Benedict. at 2:30 p.rt. Thursday, Feb. 14 Ro9allnd Ruseell with the t~ troops from Corona In all sizes and widths "SHEsl"vo~~.!"'T Margare~ L Scharte Balboans Tell of del Mar. B boa I!sland and ~·w-14" l '}dr •----.. 7c :b a' .&.a EO port Heigh Lido sle each ta ing ·• . For Women & Chi en Sunday lhru Tueoclay ( -"()elSSwola) Christmas Trip at p a part tn. biterestlng and well- 1 "CONFIDENTIAL AGENT" planned ptqgram. A social hour • Wedneod&y onJ,....Fel>. IS TE.tom 01' PIANO Mrs. Susan Rutherford and Mrs. will follo1"f with refreshments Lingerie Joel McCrea . Gall Jtuuetl Qrs..w • .._... Earl Morrow of Balboa gave en-served.. I Herbert 1'1anllall tertaining accounts of their trip .. --+-----For Women & Children "THE UNSEEN" '--· llO'I -A-to Mexico dµring the ChriJtrpas For qui. results uae News-·. I : Start• Thon. . Feb. 14th '"\ 0....... del Har holidays as part of the program Times class led columns . ~~~~~~~~~================f "\\'HAT NEXT, PHONE: NZWPO&T JOd at the Monday meeting of Olapter for Your Valentine New Albums of the orld' s' ·sweetest Songs Both Old -and New and ordings ' By the World's Famous Singers and Musicians • ~~~c~o~RP~O~RA~L~H~AR~~G~R~O~VE~-·~·~===========~I AB. PEO, heh~ at the home of Mrs. G. D. Newcom, Notth Mairt street, Santa Ana. Tlie Mother-to-Be Will Find Individuality Here Dresses • Slack Suits • Suits • Jumpers Robes • Bed Jackets Donna:Marie Shoppe 515 J1i orth Main St. Santa Ana · Arcade Bldg. . CHRISTIAN'S HUT ~rd Manball, Manaaer Bali-, <Wlfonlla DELICIOUS FOOD ..• COCKTAIL SAit DINNDIS ••• BANQUJml • White House Cafe Phone SlS2 Laguna Beach, Calif. Expert .. • • t Shoe Repa1r10g While You Wait ••• Ray Pagan 515 East Bay Front N--.. Palm cate 9Lm.to6p.m. Harbor Radio (& Elecfric .Shop !&OZ Central Avenue Now Open for Service Radios and Electrical Applian.~ Whea A.,.u.Ne ' ' ' Wedding Pictul'eS'.,. 1 Take.n in Church; Home or Stud,10 ... ..... hi I\* •• • '