HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-02-12 - Newport Balboa News Times. Tl SAND CRAB ., SAM - ·:aJG.WIG8. purity offlda!s ' and~notables _,,. guests last y ot Col W. C , C. O.,_ol the Army AJr B&ae. aiid the topic that prqvoked the most thought was whether the army and navy should be coosolidated. ISo varied were the opinions that If was rath- er difficult ~ determine just what was thf right thing to do, but of more Import was the subject I of waste and what could tie done to stop it. Military ~olks said they had to ro11ow1on1ers and that they could xot help them- selves when they were told fo do rertai · things. That resolved it-.c1<ldown to the incompeten who got the supply jobs how they se- Cured the J>C!sts In the first place. As~al it all ended In the th . t that politics had seeped to dll phaoes of civil and military and pub- lic life. + + + The Uttle \MUL Informal dlscusslon foCused on Jend- Jease. on l~ to England, Russia, etc. The jde3 pre- vailed that little man.- the guy at 1 home: the la- borer, business man. educa- tor or what ~ve you, seem generally al!ii-eed 1that loans to foreign -nations are the bunk. but that the leaders. the men w,ho sit on the thrones in ~ashington, ro tight ahead !"'d give billions away on the~remlse tha t the taxpayer Is in full accord. H ow did th rind that out? Al'e the nnaiical m;.;iakes of World W11r_J I of any ,·alue as precedents? Certainly the i;ovemment officials or con- gressmen l!'jt little encour- agement f""1 the vast, inar- ticulate majorlty who just plod along and pay an~ pay and pay., ·j +. + + · ' Where Meet! From · time to time! In the past year 01· so, the k$ee. of n meeting .place of Sl!fflcient siz~ ha.• been b~t forcibly home to our unity. When you get m than 200 peo- ple In the I three or-four buildings In the hn;bor dis- trict, you are stymied by Jack of AJ&ce. Recent ex- ampfes '-ere the Ch;unber of Commerce !Annual session, the Kl~ K!'thering. etc. This community _needs an &uditorium I with adequate facilities to ~rve a growing public ~d, at least from a populati~standpoint, Will the new cl hall provid<? for \ such a hall? Would it not be 1 a good plan~r all the civic · clubs, etc., t appoint a com- mittee tow on the matter ~ore It Is late! J. + + Udo ...., ., 1....ts. Ar- thur Taylo 113 vta Quito, writes: "Y~ columu In the January 31 editiou of the News-nmes made rererence to hearing~ crltlclsm on the way th'1 Udo Isle Com- munity a.ssoClation makes its I OssessIDents.j · Just to keep the record straight. tl1e prin-- , clpal objectj{>n being voiced • by owners <1f both improved nnd unimp ved Jots is not based prim ily upon any 11:lestion ol aimess or in- equality in making the as-. ses.<ments. ''The pri e oouse for di.«- , rntisfaction the ap!Jlln.n.t policy of th present Board to 'tax and tax at1d <pend and spend' hich many lot qwners cons! r ha.> led to a waste of ~ an ex- ample. the j3oord has em- ployed a mal>ager a t a cost ot about S5000 a yellJ' to su- pervise the 'Xpenditure ot a potential i;,: ol approxi- mately 000 annually. The amowit paid the man- mger Is great than the com- penoation ot any otnclal or ID!PloYe or Qty ol New- port Beach ·or aD1 other Cllinmunity aoutliem Or- UI&" coun Including the Oty ot Ana with a ~ of $ 120,000." + + + 'Ila my K Appoint- ~ ot Sta Senator Tom Kuchel as ~· 111 !IS a ~ty cboioe, beca111e the allll- ~ and mind to do a pd job. -• BALBOA • l~TEI .•fflEICE • NEWP012T · ' II L. L COISIDERS . CITY, MESA PROBLEMS f ~vOL~m~111:~~~· x~·~·~nu~j:======~Nswro~~n~=-~"~ce.~~o:a•~iF~'O~UUA.~. ~ftl~-~u~.~·:·:·•:u~ .. ~u~u.~u~~"==~~iE=~' ====~·=,.:o~-=~n~l~·--·~ea of· City, Two Water ~ 259·-·oo,o F · · H · D' · .' ~~t.":!11M:.'=~n=~· As s · , . . · · .. or a r -or J>l?ile 1• ol N~ .~and ol Costa Mesa_ dltoc"r 1 d together laSt '1bur8day by repre!lel'ltatiws Of ~ City, ol the Coutal Munldpal Water district and ol the ---------------~---• • Metrupolltan Water district meeting informally In Los AD- U ~ S.' Representatives . Study ~~=:=~emits rwds fer~ • B'l Includi ng $259,000 ~~-:g~Mast~Coun f r Newport Bay Dr".",. ·1ng ... ~~the-~ ~ar;.i~~~ Highway Pia ~ ... ,.., ..... the dlllrict. Olld a mem-0·1scussed .,... o1 the Ji&tnlpolitan w,t~.c11a- tr1et met to talk matte.rs over in the JIPt ot mutual problems. nt Measure Requues LoCaI Matching of Fund; John Phillips Seeks to Have Bv Placed in Special Category; Measure Soon Poalbllity ot a ·main line down New-t boulevard . from the i* 11ent croalng by the 3G-lnch main &t • the Santa Ana Country Provision of $259.000 for dee'pening the channel In New-duh which _,extends to the ooaat Ba · ~-· th 1945 Ri d Harbo bill at Corona del Mar, was one of the p<>rt Y IS ma.,., m e vers an rs w matten 111ven consider a ti on for ac- IS expec~~ to come befo~ th<;! House of Representatives lion if and when the city and Fair- Appropna tion conuruttee within the next two weeks, acrord-vi..w F.m. lhould decide to pledge ing to wool given out in Santa Ana. Under the present thoimel ... for Metropolitan water arrangements, however. the bill will' require that local or -. °"'U!'SWt of the conference cotmty authorities match the ..,.. to determine what policy the redera1 grant with a similar County Fund dty would take in securing water. t Wben that la settled, the conferees "":;..man John Phillips has Of $1,170,037 could dlaams concrete proposals been working toward having the F B "d fer solving future water sources. matching provision stricken from or . ,. ges " Alter.ate Mala Irvine' Said Inter~ · In Securing Bridi e Location GUESTS AT SMALL HARBOR CONFERENCE ln>m Saa DI. lo Saa F'nDdKO Co .-..S tbe Bal- boa for a look at tlie froDt yard or Newport Harbor. AllD09t \00 attended tbe meet. .pomored by the Calllonda State Qamber of Commerce, and heard Harry Welch, bomt, utd Babb&td Bowe, com- mittee ebalnnan of tile local body deecrtbe how Newport Harbor hu beea bulJt ap. Tbe federal pv· emmea.t bM ml.lUOD9 to apend on harbo,.., a new Riven and .llarbon btll DOW pend.Inc would &I.lot @511,-he..,, II matehed locol!z. (Pholo by Gerhardt.) the bill and provide for this har-While the City has but a short bor separately as of importance to Orange county's highways sod distanoe to go to connec~ with west coast commerce, it is under-bridges program for the praent the Metropolitan ~at.er line at stood. The chances of this being fiscal .._ar calls for an e.,.,._ncti-Corona del Mar, 1t was stated done were considered uncertain. J.. ..._ --'--'-with ffi · als t Benefit to the harbor 'with this lure program of $1,170,037 to be .,. ....... -., 0 0 convenan The county's master ~­ way plan. which It is h<>Pfd will prepare coostal ~ ities like Newport Beach with future access highways to In- telligently handle the huge amowit ot traffic of the fu.. ture, predl'tted a t 6,000,opo cars In the state by 1955, was shown to members of the As- sOciated Chambers of Ccm- inerce of Orange cotmty lllSt week. Herb Kenny, Balbpa postmaster, led the discussion, and helped in preparation ~ the plan_ 20 FISHERMEN FOR 'ATOMIC TEST' spent by the county govermnent with ~ problem that another proVision included wa1 slight be-al()Jle, California Taxpayers' .->-malh down Newport . ~evard came Dl!!lther the county or city ciation said today, making public would be desirable to fill its main have as large a fund on hand for its study of county highway bud-reeervotr-on the west m~. The n this "'Ork, as far as kno\vn. gets in California for the currmt smaller ma.tna woul~ carry water Whi1e no detaiJed outline of the highways for each section 'i'_u shown, it was brought out lbY Ernest East, cltief engineer for the Southern California Auto Qub . that Orange county is the cl:lief bottleneck of the 1tate'1 high"fay • system. He Said that the ~ will share in 1540 square miles pf new highway for the -metropoll Hospital Conclave 'On Looation' Wednes~ay Eve All interests connected with the drive 'tor funds for the Presby- teria n hospital will meet on t he site on the bluffs immediately west of the Arches Overlooking the har- bor tomorrow (Wednesday) eve- ning at 5:30 to hear detail.I ol the &reat project which directors hope will fulfill their plam of a hall· million dollar institution. Following presentation o( the plans on the location, all mem- bers of the board of directors. the county campaign committee. the committees of each town and city, as well as news representatives from every community will then attend a dinner meeting to hear of progress of the drive at the New- port Harbor Yacht dub. The county campaign is being intensified throughoiJt this month. Huntington Beach ha.s accepted a quota of $1~000 for its stiare of the project, and other sections are getting their committef?!i at work raising funds for the inltltutlon which is badly needed in south Orange county . Braden Finch, president of the chamber of corn- merCe here, will represent the local committee, and as vlce chairman under Ret. Scott McFarland of Santa Ana will explain to the 8p- pro.ximately 100 dinen how much has been raised toward the hos- pital. Orange County Assn. To Elect Officers Tuesday Feb. 19 Election of officers v.i ll be held Tue9day, F eb. 19. at the annual meeting of the Orange County Coast association to be held at \Velcome cafe, 2560 Ne"1>0r t Blvd. Costa Mesa. at 6 :30, according to notiC('S mailed this week by Harry \Vetch. secretary. Follo"ing dinner . the nominat- ing commit tce will make its report and directors and officers will be chosen for the corning year. A v.·ards to t he · winners of the Christmas lighting Program con- ducted last season will .also be given. Those pl anning to attend are urged to send ln reM>n·ations im- mediately, according to Mr . Welch. Costa Mesa Quota For Red Cross Drive Set at $5031 Co.ta J1e1a-'• eom•table, Sel- by I. •u..,.. lt.M k!ea ~ pol.at.eel~ of u.e laoa1e to-a.o-.e eo r•lcn for ~ -- """' -er.. ...... ....... Marci 1. fte ••-.-:er=mt '"" -•1 '""P D:,.-Dodp. -"' -er-acUri--a.ta •-'• .-ta ... --..... __ Atom Bombing May Take nem _ Away for 6 Mos. Twenty fishermen from New- por t Harbor volunteered for the historic mission to be performed by the U. S. Navy in l\.1ay when they asked for recruits who are experts in trolli ng to fish in thl! waters before and alter the atomic bombing of fleet remnant.a in a gr oup of atOlts in the far P acific. At the Monday night meet ing of the local branch of Local 36, CIO Fishermen's Union, the gen- er al outline of the plan was un- folded by Charles McLauchlan, secretary. who had been previously approached 'by the U. S . Flsh and Wildlife Service for recruits suit- able for the six months' journey. It was explained t ha t the navy would furnish the boats and fish- ing gear for the tests to determine the effect of the deadly bombing on ocean fish, but. it was said, the me n who are selected must tak'e care of their own personal efrec'-5 to last a posiible six months. Tlie over water bombing is expected to take place in May, but It was an- nounced today that one phase, the under-water expl,,on. wquld be pootponed. Swims for Shore; Phones f Qr Help; Army Rescues Boat 'Pork Barrel' year. This does not inc.luck fed-to Balboa Island and ~rona de1 Local officials see the r0""-5l· e:-al m oney available under tbr Mm' than tllose plaruled to .re- bili ty that the bill would go special federal appropriation lar place the old wooden stave line, through as it is because of the county feeder roads, recently made which iS now leaking badly. popul arity with many sections. be-available bl" congress. A contract entered into last No- ing often referred to as a "pork The county's ~ighways and ftmber for replacing some 7000 barrel measure." However , t his bridges progr&tn is to be financed feet ot. this line east of the bay 'l''S.S not contemplated by harbor $240,000 from the county's share a\Wfug ha been held up due to The air-sea rescue unit of the engineers and by the county har· of gasoline ' tax receipts, $92,000 st:riks In the east. The steel has . . borl commission when they 1ub-fro to hicl f $'-663 not t ...__ -'-'.......,...t f th AAFBU, stationed on the pe":'n· mit ed plans and costs to t he fed-m mo r ve e ees, .....,., ye ~ ~~ or e re- sula at Balboa w~nt into action er al government three years ago from miscellaneous federal, at.ate k.l'c:roed concrete pipe, it was Sunday night to bnng in two boats seeking to have the channel deep-~'!n co: ==· and $709.3'14. ~m;;:_':!t. lllitmain.Wttk. This wu for ln distress off the coast, one rapid-ened. The request ·for funds did --------------------------- ly washing into the surf at Hunt-not carry the implication that the · lngt ~n Beach. and the other just city or county had auffldent funds Fl t H Id 6 I p •d t outside the NE"'\vport Harbor ~ttr· t<l heJp with the work. ec aro raue . rec• en ~:1~fA~~=n~~~~leof~~~ ;>~~:;: ~th;"~o::as~~;;::eetA~:~ ~~eebk~, ~~ { ' . , . _,~ ' ing boat got into trouble when .his and the 1945 provision plaC'i ti t! th(' I M . Ch be f c · engine failed .off the adjoin1~g . work to be done six months i:i.f ff"t".' esa am r 0 . ommerce beach community a t about mid-: t he end of the war was stricken ~ night. Three ml'n were aboard. ~d out. Thl' meuure come-s up again , . · the owne r . fea r ing his craft woUJd Y:ithin f\\•o ~'eeks, It is understoOd. I Costa Mesas Ouunber of o ....... ~ will be headed ~ be broken up In the sur f: jumped vear by Harold K. Grauel, mortician, who was elected pres1- 0\'r rboard and S\\•am several hun-~ --I ~ent of the civic organip.tioo at a meeting held·:last Thursday dred yards to t he shore. Arriving $60 000 Motel evening ifi Firemen's hall. safely: he called the Coast Guard ;.. ' , 0w' 1 ed in Long Bea<:b. 1,,.n Coast H"1way ;F. B . en was re-•_ect~~ · ~ · thl' ixrsition of secretary-tleasWYt The call \\·as also relayed some-N I I d UI for the third str::aight year and re- area If the new urb«n-Miral hilb- way plan of the statewide maJor highway '· committee paaes the next session of the state ~a- ture. -l Charles D iggs, county planning consultant showed the tint ~t · of the . county plan whlc\I he "l'ld was merely to get the ball rotunc, Discussed were variot11 teeher lines to the Hollywood-Santa ..\,na Freeway, now re adv to start I in Los Angeles. One Of these, Kenny said afterwarc;i would be Harf boulevard in Costa Mesa, wh ch (Con!lnued on Page Fivel , ______ _ $75,SSO Permits For 9 Days; Off From January how to the U .. S .. Army .crash boat 1 0 \¥ ..e n er ,.,a'/ tirj.rlg president. R. W. Bartine In Balboa, which is stationed the~e ·,,.as r.aml'd to the second vier-Building permits, b!'i2htr ned by for emergency duty. Although it 1 president post two outstanding homes among the was apparently the place of the Construction started \r!l:t \\·Pek . . · . . 25 applications for construction or Coast Guard to rescue the . boat, on the 566.ooo Miracle 1'1ile motel The ~ition. of first vice-pre.I-all kinds. fell off corudderably dur- the army responded and towed the on Coast highway adjoining the dl'nt will be filled "?" C .. W. Nel-ing the first nJn~ days of Febru- Dickie Boy to saletv in Newport corner of San Bernardino street, son and elected as thtrd _VJoe-p"'Hi- .1 d t J KiJp.tridt.. ary. totaltn~ $75.550 for the period Harbor. The Coast Guard did not and facing it In the rear of the en was ames I and Included many a ddiUona to ., _ homrs or anartment1 over garaPet1 arrive on the scene until after the corner lot for a distance of 325 j On the board of direct.on elected · rescue was made, and were still feet. The 40-unit motel is plan-at a previous meeting ere" ~-,,. in the harbor area. • ~ Oeeeral Meettn.c Expected looking for the boat Monday morn-ned a~ a good clan of develoJj-Anderson, Gus Be a ch, Uoyd Outstanding among ·the pern)ita A general meeting of applicants lng. it was said on the waterfront f'lent to attract permanent resi-I Braddy, Fred Dudley, Howmd' Ger-issued at the city building ctefMlrt- from all parts of the Southland here. dents and fishing parties, and is rish, Harold K. ~f. D!nnia ment were two hornet, one ~<r may be held by the government The other boat, the 27038 was expected to be· completed shortly lHogland, J . C. Uonbarct!r .. Wil-1 $20.000 to be built-for Alice Pa,tty agency in the near future to go towed Into the harbor when it after the season opens. liam Lord. C. M. Nelson~ F . B.1 at 1.Cll Bay avenue, Nt'WP()rt, and over details of the great under-became helples&earlier in the eye-Buil! by Ogden Armstrong, gen-Owen, D. C. MacKenzie, John.. one on Lido hie for w . B. Parker (Continued on Paae F1ve) ning. eral contractor. and to be owned Siegel, Otarles1 · n1'llllkk. -1. .to COit $12,500. 1 !---------------------------and operated by himself and Bertren Smith. Newport, inc1uding t-Zewwrt J. S. Barrett, Contractor New President of Harbor C. of C. R-Obert J . Colcomb. the modem Heights, Lido-h1e and other 9ec- buildinp are to be furnished when tiom: in the western part of. ~ completed and help solve the city led others with 12 pen"lflts housing shortage in this arm . evening (Tuesday) at 8 p.m. in tnued for $46,000. Corona del Mar Armstrong expt"essed gratitude Firemen's hall, aruf & Im-cc t... HAROLD GRAUEL was second Wi th $15,250, and Ral- t o J . B. Webb. street 1u~ri ntend-tout among the 100 members ii: (Jade Unds)ey sketch from boa Island third with $8900. BaJ. ent and to Pete Nelson, building expected Gerhardt photo) boa, wit h no house permits, ca.-:le inspector for their {'()Operation in in Jast 'l''ith $5400: J . s. Barrett, well known oontractor, was elected to head facilita ting the bu.ildi.ng pla ns. j H' J s I . w J II 'K Few como1ete· homes wp-e the Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce for the corning Dirt \Vas bro11pt'i t . '" fro~. !he enry ·1 er e now n among the permits for the period, year. This \Vas done at a special meeting of the board of di-nearby E . J\.1. ~mith sutx!;vision • 1• · .. , ~ but additions were most numerous. h Id M da t White, C ff Sh Balboa t h"ch and from t he unprovernents ht'-• One stor e addition on Balboa Isl-~o~r:anizatlon y f~r 1946 s c.0v~:~;. Irvin :,rg: ~or· 1.~:g~a~e0~e~n:.~~~:~n~::~~ Theater · Man Pass' es Away ~ds;:1~t er:: ~ila;d D~~~~ ~·as perf~ted.. . don and H. E. Kendall. facing o n Avon street, fonn<'rly 1 ' j Newport . Also a $4500 st r e- . Cooperating With Mr. Barrett in 10th street at the foot of the blllff. 1 r housl' is planed in Newport. directing the chamber will be "'!· M I t t d The property was sold by w.1 Death Sunday closed the mlcd10 tier Amu:ae,nent Co., now one of In J a nuary building pcrnlita M. Longmoor . who was elected eSaDS 0 ereS e T. Jefferson. one of the large realty I ear .. r of Henry J. Stier, one at. the lalosist proJecil ol Its kmd In reached th e un precedented · to tal fi rst Vlce-prestdent . A. B. Rous· ( La d U M -holders of this area. who origin.: the first and best known movie tbr SaQtbland. I of $519,000, a ne w record for N w. seUe was elected treasurer. . . n n . se ap ated the. sl~an "Miracle Mile. I exhibitors in Southern eanrorma em friendly manner and kindly ' port Beach. To complete_ the,.J>o&rdb ol1a! For County Area whose faith In the future of the and . founder of tilt .Lido theatre ~-made -far arid I re<ton as provtd~ bY the y-· fron tage has been fulfilled. He He was 64 yeus_old ud death -wide -when he clodded · ta M Plead G 'lty two directon we:r:e e~ected ~1-= A fl'-...; Costa Mes.ans and resi-believes that business will be aid-due to a complication of st•lllW"I\, come to Newport B:each in 1935! e.san 8 W new and added distnct oo . dents from """en other communl-ed by 'the eventual opening or San heart and other ailments. to manage the Balboa theatre. To Manslaughter Island. To fill these vacanoes ties wei-e present at a public: hear-Bernardino street, which will give Funeral services ,... will be t.!!Jd tbm owotd. by the Burlin&ames ' John. Abell and W. J . Cole were ing to discuss the proposed muter residents of Newpo!"t Heighlt ac-\Vednesday at 2 p.m. from the bis ...,.led&e al. the buaiw ai Grovier C..Delaney, who reoe tly a~ted. N ............. district in Jlmd f Or rnunt:v ~ to the business area along the Grauel chapel, Colta Mesa, Re'V. oooe placed tbe theatre on a sue-returned from ~ reci:t:te In the East e .... !,L Grundy and staged~.:·~~~ bf an~ ~tY blgh"'BY· He was «:nthusiastl<: EdWin T. Lewis, EpiscopmJ recbr . 'al ftnwndel buiL i.ter be hoepital to face dual .. ~-rl. wh.id"I ?"· ~ r---Gordon planning oommission 1n the Sant.a a~t the h.igh clas:a improv~rnents of Whittier, otficiatina: and in-S '' d tbe theatre and oper-manalaughtft" and felony ctr;mk Superv1SOI' -'•---u;•' dir<ct beuig made by Smith In his new tennent in RooehiD Memmlld et atal it -_, f>Jlly 1'jlth hla driYlnc pleaded gUllty In s.bta tied for ::; .:;-'ex1:r.. ~tor .':i~ Ant,,~c heuin&' will be tract adjoining. Whittier, where cleceued bad - -M Ana thls week to rosponollJllllJ' far :~ ~ Gnmd;y and Irvin Gc:wdon held in near future, probably in "nte new motel •ill have an of-J?efore C'Ol"Dinc to. Newpcwt Be ' .. Tillm the death ol John H. Saog:lm ot. in that city for the evening it wu said, to enable &oe and 2S-foot entrance on the U yean ago. 8l!Wll: er elcbt yean a&O be bad Irvine lq an auto Cl'l!llb on Klircb ~ seNe cape residen ts that an not ab!< to at-highway. \ r Mr. Slier came to .Callbma S a .-al ,• llne; larp: ~ 11. l!lec · I Hany Welch was ~lected sec-tend day meetinp, to review the · yean ago from hla ~ er -. at Ncwpyrt -flnal!Y• In-Superior Judp Ra,.-IL retllJ)' and the five oflkers -re map.' Prior to 1883 when Standard Qlerryva)e. Kansas. me1 at m ta 11tod Grtfllth Co. In bulldlnc n->pocn approved the~ appointed a commit~ to plan a It was pointed out at the be-TllJ!O ,.. adopted in thia country. -ln-ted In the -'De L1t1t> at • coot al -tr $100,-of the 'drupk clrMnl: '117' • pl'Ol[T1llll ot ccrnml~ cllalrman-&'Inning of the meelift& that the rallro.da operated on more than fo<mc mel 1tnaHnc motloD Pe>-fllL -al mklue "1-8-at the dlltr".ct att«Der',a "olllce ter shipo and suggestions for ,,... ac-'"4P wu not a zon1na map mef 60 different atandordl bued larp-~ IDduatQ. He ~ -fl -WWW •I the Utle al -ol the Delaney ~-CUllQ< to Ille tivities fOC' the comlnc _.., that Its purpooe ....-an --all IY on the time -by ane or the . ftnt tbeeton .with - -I--b& ID.°'-OOUlllJ', -•'•1111118' cbup, . Other new dir<ctors taJdnc their .,-for future C<JUnty drielop. more ol the dtlre through whld! Ject<a' and lllO .feet ol film; Ill -* -• 1 -the bell•••nc A plN far .,..-11m will be ' . • I • • I ' . • . -... .,.. ...... ' ' I • I' ' . ... ~~°"'-.:5:: ~ ~=~ ·=:~· .,::::~ Corona .del Mar Boy 'i · ~--~stria ~=~~~:! F:i:-~.b ... c: o.e 1or_'P•0 •:er' Goes Sl<nng·,Descnbes Peo. ft1e 1 ' Riner on Rei>alr ~ At~Chln1 TSINGTAO,. CHINA. -Poe .... of World Wu leg · 111 offeknc a coune.1n c:---bly line construction of tJI ttwa1 the "-l ~ Aenl<>Autics.. 'lbe aiur.. i. two-way ndlo telephones will "°"" • I H. Hiner, ~ lG ~-Ill =-~= :;«':-..C· =::elf Pagoda Pier i-e. pnmdlnS' ...... village, but dloclmed designed to glvo a -.rey of the begin at Burt Nortop'a now El«> Concern for the unfortunate In the S.S. 'Ibey made blm johr and t t It Ill --· at lmportailt tbpia In tlft'IJIWlllCa to tric and Radio 1ti>re whic:ll he bu the country where he Ill stationed he wu amt up to Saalsburg. From I u-e ii>-m flylnc olU-.. , only recently occupied on Cout fills the letter Mr. and'Mn. Frank thett to Munich. When theY .. -----------•lacttve private~ or• lntelll-!>fc!rway he oald late laat week. Powen, 601 Marguerito avenile. ~trains at ~unlc:h he and , quarten ·for the Senior~ Present Afloat In thlll ' The Juon, a ftpelr _,,. iced •hiPo· of all types duriic - followin& the ....... Some 1af ti. famous Jarse carrien ~ IIiJ th• Juon lndude the. USS~ ·~ Bennlngtoo, e.mm Hiii. ..,_ MP~ON'S eld Station --w ba a ft>liable ,.,,.....Ne· j t o 1 eyoulnall rtooloolllle BepUrlac cent ~un. 1 DetWtratlono ~ ha been UIOlllbllng parts for received from their '°"• S/Sct-anotbor 'kid took off. 'l1ley came and lectun!o wfll darlfy the prin-the devices which he built before Edward Powen, Communications -to Saalfelden and the kid hid ciplea of fltcht. methods of ain-the""'" and sold In many perta of Headquuten, Saalfelden, Austria, up· In the mountains for about a 1trucllng alJ'Cl'al\, prlDclpleo and the COUlltrY-recently. ' ..-th. ~ hito ~ at night operation o! enelms and -1-Norton calls h's set ''Wesrad." P<1wfta enlisted In the Infantry for food from his follcL In April • prise, Frank1iD, ~ - toga. Shancri -La. ~-­Wasp. Ycirktown, ~ ff.... net, ~ Intrepid. Siegel's Son J~ U.S. Coast Gulnl !en, uoe Qf f eniP,ne and fll&bt in-Many yachts and fishing craft in 1942 In the 42rid Rainbow DI-the 36th Division. came Into Auo- 1trumenta. ~~of aerial navi-have been equipped with various vi.lion.. After landing tn France be tria, 80 one night he came to town aatlon, and prindplea of ....,_ !Ibis. H e saw one on a boat as far immediately fought In the battle and found the GJ.1 here and the nautical ~eoroloe>'-ln9otar U away as Borneo which he lnatalled of the .. UtUe Buirie." He was giv-S.S. and Soldato (German for IOJ.ci4 poulble the treatment will be ~ before the recent oonfllct started. en the Silver star for p!Jantry ID fen) bad rone up Into· fJ1e moun- matbematlcal. but where necea.-The small sets can communicate action. After victory a boy tram talnL About a week later be toolc: ouy the ttqOllttd mathematical or -anywhere In the channel oac:ll outfit WU &iven a ....n-doy aomejnfantry up and rounded Up scientific ~ wfll he de-from ablp to shore, he oald. 'lbe leave In London. Powen wu choo-1!10 ~ Hiii fatJier, heln& a . ~;;~t;;;t;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~v~eloped~~;ln;;the;· ;;c;I•;•;;;;;;;;;;;l 25--tt set. have a daytime racli,. en from hJa outfit. It tool< 30 days tanner and the father of oeven of about 250 miles. He Ill complet-to reac:ll London and return to his children. WUll't taken, just lcrced Inc an elaborate set for Vander-base. He writes: ! to work for a labor camp In Sall- I John A. Sieael. -of 14r. Uld Mn. John Howard Slepl of ilwJtiD, joined the u. s. Ooeat I 0- Monday. Just 18 yon old; ' hits ALL M A!R K Greeting Car~s PS• ' • ! · Febnlary 14&1l Distinctive Costume, Indian and Shell jewelry VASES • FIGURINES rt Souvenir and Gift Shop bllt'1 Pioneer which wfll have ,. • fe)jlen. I --all of thll to be -wide range. Dear Mom and uaG-true --I've cbed<ed with an VFW Against Loan to Britain Well, here It Ill 1946, the thll'd InteJHeence omcer, who bu to Clu'llltmu and N ... Year In the Inteuopte all civlllanL Army. One ln U.S., one ln Ftance o.7 9, Wrote o.. DIN'• I'" and thlll one In Auatrla. This Ill One day when I bad· a radlO one of the beat of all for 10Yen1 tlXed by a &UY -mother does _..,.,._ It wfll be the Jut -' SAN FRANGISCO.-'lbe Veter-away from honle. My OC>CUJl'ltional my WUhJns, I ~ tllat he -of F oreign Wars, with a na-duties don't requln muc:ll of my had a lot of Gmnan rllidio equlp- tlm>-wlde membership In excess of time and we have been here ln ment. He had elven rue a lone ~ lafD: U!ll0.000 are wagln& a militant SaaJielden IO Iona I almoot feel line that I bad belleved until then. , . -, . • c1r1ve against eonaresal<><W ap-at honle. For th• put week rve ~t~ ~ s':w ~~ = "'MADON ME 8UT "fHS PIECE GOES TO ....,..i of the Truman admlnlstra, been aolnc •kiln& every day for had even wrltton out h!S~"" -c1111- tlon sponsored $4 bUllon loan to about ab: houn. chtrrae like 80 many of ;;:"Ger-Ti 1£ FAT SAL.\ll"'GE Grat Britaln. Early New Year'a Day I went mans did along about May l9'5. ·-· ' . Thia fact was announced here with a young kid, 16, and hll The people here In Saalf Iden • CORONA DEL MAR NEWS today by Richard H. Newhall. Call-father up In the mountains and e foml. Departmen t Commander of did not return until th1I afternoon are not poor, nor do they 10 hun-(By -· L, Benedlct 1 · gry became they are tafmen who CANE.• ·-' father accompanied them. ='!a:~t~Sant& Anal -: tended Tustin Union Hlsh - Where he WU -t inol- dent, but hill first two ol hlch IChool and . hla .. BINI" achool )'Mn ....... spent Iii -- port Beoc:ll. J Mr. Siepl, now with ....i- neerln& firm of Slepl and\ Raub,. Calta M.... 111 former -t city •ncineer of Newport llHeb.' California's city ......... \,..rry at a later a.re than rural women. a statistical survey revealsJ Cases Cabinets Since 1898 the VFW. Newhall said that the All summer long the farmers are a lot better off than\ city folk& Mr. and Mrs. c . J. Hidy end son National Legislative Committee on aroun~ ~ere harvest the grain and Thelr clothing, though Is worn David, formerly . of Santa Ana, the overseas ve terans organiza-store 1t m small barns built up ~n out. Their shoes show signs of have moved to Forest Grove, Ore. tion met ?"ecently in Wuhington the mountains where the grain being repaired many ti es. Sonie Mrs. Hidy · is the sister of Miss to map a campaign against. the grows. W e went skiing yesterday of the people have to rfll ear .many Lois Ott, owner of the Charlot te granting of loans to foreign na-to bring down some grain for th.ii cl t• .. t k ; Beauty S hop, Coast highway, and ~-, o n o eep w1 arm. ~~;;;;;;;;E;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,: man 1 cows. Wh t r ti t) · h 1 at one time was assistant operator This man's son is the one that 8 m ge~ ng. 8 18 t at at the ·shop. Mr. Hidy was T/~gt . h bee t chi. d th feel that I should do something for as n ea ng me an ano er th. ldd th t . ' ch' k.. in the A.T.C. in the China·Bunna fellow how to ski. I t seems they JS a IS tea ing n:ie ,s ung. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Q. Lewis of Oakland visited. Mrs. George Lewis .304 Marigold avenUe, Tues· day. The Lewises are stopping with their cousins in Long Beach. He is t he nephew of Mrs. G. Lewis. Mr. Lewis h8.s charge of the re. habilitation for the handicapped and the blind for four states, with h is office in San Fr ancisco. DR. COWEN c.-....... FOX Neww Y OW' WORK •• Completed. Alway!I Low Price& Don't pat oil aeeded dental work becaulle you can't atfof'd to P97 C8eh. vou are welcome to avail you.nelf of Dr. Cowea'a UberaJ Credit Plan, whic h enables JOG to have all your DeCM· ury dental wortl e6mpleted BJQHT NOW-pay lat.e r in small week.17 or monthly a.mounta. Not One Penny Addftlona.I Cost.. Take u.y repon· abl• lonctl' ol -"' pay. . But he needs so many things that Theater for 18 months. He has learn how to ~ki before they walk, I don't know where to begin. been in the service for seven years, from about five years on up ~ey When I was trying to get\a pair stationed in the Prilippines before are all good. I never saw anything f kl boots d h Id the war. He recently received his l 'k 't, Th' bo h · t h' o s ma e e wou go t e 1 . ts Y w o 1s eac 1ngj 'th If 't 11 d 't bee 1 hi discharge and plans to \I/Ork on a " all f h ' bo 1 fi wt me. 1 a n n or . s 0 me 1s sm or 1s age, a u 1ve knowing ho~: to talk these shoe-ranch in regon. feet and only 100 pounds, ~ut ~e I makers out of the shoe leather T.W. 3/c Leonard Robeson. 578 can jump over 50 feet on his skis. I th · h di I uld till be Jasmine avenue returned Wednes· This week I'm learning how to _ey are oar ng -wo ~ ·. day from service in the Philip. turn and stop quickly. Before all without. them. During all this ~tme pines: He was ove~('as eight I could do was go up and down of runrµng around 10":"'" there w~ -onths, and r ecently r-,·ved his . . . . not a word out of him about his ,.,. '""'" . hill . an~ if ~yt!'ing got 1n my one and only pair of shoes leak· discharge. Mrs. Robeson 1s the way I either hit tt or had to fall Ing wat~ and keeping his feet wet daughter of Mr. an~ Mrs. Jam('S down to atop. . . all the time. He borrows a . of Whyte. 416 Hazel dr1v~. ~lr. ~J;>e- Now, since going on this over-boots 1 k" , 'thpa.tr son is a lathe mechanic. He 1s 1n· nl ht m. I 1 f b my o go s 11ng WI me. . . . . g p, no onger ear ams. Then there are 50 many little tereated in raising homing pigeons. '.ences nor .sudden drops; I go out things he does to get t hings done. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Brennan, 1n the mornings f or two or three Otops all the wood for oUr billet 421 Begonia avenue left. w .ednes· hours and the aam~ in the alter-and builds ·fires for anyone tha t day for an extended trip in the noon. All I "!'ear ~ my summer asks him to. .east: stopping at Chicago a~d .Bal· underwear, my O.D. s and a sweat-,....:,. .1. dr . t 1 tim ore and then pr~ng to Last night I t k 1 · ..... v1 tans op 1n o our p ace . . .. er . . 00 my I eepmg and drop hints how well off we are Pennsylvania where they ~ill VIStt bag. It you have a map YoU will and how bad off they are and can't Mr. Brennan's folks. Mr. Brennan's see that Saalfelde n ls just below we give them something they are Zell and Zee and we get all of . its ld · kin it 19 degrees so bad off. I guess I will satisfy co air· ma g . m yself with giving some of my be~~). teaching me comes r~tions to the boy and part of ?1Y ( tannin t ·1 b t with cigarettes to the mother to give rom 8 g &ml Y u to his dad winter here there is not much to N' ty tho d ds f ·1 farm. H~ just finished high school w'as U:,~00 ~ po~ 0 lllllld, I Th . h .. h chool equals about two P so mew ere an . etr ig s wondered if th at is why the m1ail years in J .C. in the states. He also . f uled 1 t 1 took three years of E nglish and he 15 50 0 up a e Y · speaks English better than I do Love, Jack. L. A. Food Costs At 22 Yr. High: 51°/o Over Pre-War Mr. Lewis sang in light opera in Washington before coming west: 8.lso in concerts \\;th his wife as accompanist. He Y.i ll sing in the Community church. Congregation- al, Sunday, Feb. 17. The SundaY School Guild of the Community church, held a rum· mage sale in Santa, Ana, Monday, with Mrs. Lueck, 916 Ocean Blvd., as chair man and Mrs. Kopp and Mrs. Powers assisting her. Mrs. Harold Benedict and Mrs. Pleger brought a delicious lunch for them Monday. The committee m ade $108 from the sale. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Carlson and family visited Mr. Carlson's sister . Mrs. Harold Benedict, 427 Narcissus avenue,) ove~ the week end. Since 1886 1 REFRIGERATl9N and Air Conditioning - P<UU:.004i VENETJAN BLIN. WOOD' • STEEL • ALUMINUM j Bdpt Ttt-r Gw.0 .... -ILeD&fN -~ -"'-r..ctnoh 814 Coast Wgb-y Phone Newport 27itW German. ·~~~·;~;~;;Dal;~;;~~~~fi~l~fi~~~~~~~l~l#~a~-~D~9~1.oa~~~tA~n.~~~~~~~Hl~d~h~omo...,,,.... ~ ~ Last wi9ter he w as hiding from Name 23 Students On Honor Roll · At C. M. School I ndica tiorls of soaring living costs were given last week with the announcem en t that living >COStS tn Los Angeles had reached a 22· year high bet~·een November 15 and December 15, reaching 33.7 percent above peacetitne average or 1935-39. IT'S ·YOUR GLANDS! Prostate Backaohe. 11'.oad .. he. him ID.•-and poin-~ aad pains and "draned.q,t" feellna ID womea. Lo. of Vl-.Uty -"Alwaya 'l'lr"'1" 1..uac-81lpp1nc and G~ 014 bWore yuur Ume. Anemia-mp and Low Blood Ptri!Jemr&-8,..,..., Aatbm· Ecaema-Palorl••h Kidney and Be&rt Ooadl.Uom, re- opoad ..._fully to oor Exdaolve' Gland 'l'odudq ... deftloped Utru 18 yean' experience. ANY MAKE CAR MPLETE SERVICE I NE DAY SERVICE lOU'loJCREDIT I ' (ALL WORK GUARANTEED) ' • HARRISON PON'i'IAC CO. ' • Phone 6036 I crrner Secon~ and ~y:j I Santa Ana • Food prices have reached 51 'percent above the prewar level and clothing 47 percent above, accord· Ten seventh grade rs· and 23 ing to economists from the bureau eighth graders made the honor of laboi-statistics. roll for Costa Mesa elementary During the whoie of 1945 aver· school for the second quarter . age prices rose 3.6 percent over Seventh grade: Marlene Ander· the prevtous year compared with , son, Jack. Allanach, J oe Breet, two percent rises in 1944 and 1943 Gene Cratn, ·Beulah Hensen, Pa-and ten percent in 1942 and 1941. tricla Huffman. Carolyn J ohnson, Rudolph Kasper , Eddie Paull, Lois Strallng. Eighth grade: Mooneen Allen, Charles Covey, Joanne Cox, Robin Ann Cron, pevra Dodd, Joan Drummond, Shirley Griffin, M.ar· Jen J acobsen, Wanda Hiatt, M&r-vit:l Johnson, W anda Kuper, Daisy Urie, LoMae Laurie, Dorothy Leal, Barbara Long. Jimmy Mc- Vey, Lewann Meuing, Barbara Moore, Lucy Pinckley, Velma PrJd· ham. Ralph Rea. Faith Smith, Phillip Stafford. In the 11 Western states from 1940 to 1944, there was an .. in- crease in in<ome from 19.500.· 000.000 to $22.000,000.000. President Truman Lau,ds Bof Soouts On 36th ·~ niversary President an, in a message to the Boy ts of America on its 36th anniv rsary last Friday openi ng' a natl n·wide obserVance of Boy Scout eek, F eb. 8 to 14, said that the " eme for the year, 'Scouts of the orld-Bulldlng To- gether " ia ti ly, refreshing and appropriate." In his mess e to the 1,977,463 m embers of t e Boy SCoutll of America, of w ·ch he ls Honorary President, Mr. an said , "Your i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;• J record for w time services ac~ c:Ornplished ls viable." 90•-'J"Clll NOW ON UU: IN~: TITALlll °"' ..... lllUVllfO. LOl'ION W'Q.1.IAMll . lllUVllfO <WE"' -AQtlA VELVA v .&J...,Sllll'I' az•n Ila Qs 1''" IP.ANA • Vll!ICS • DllSNli Newpod Beach Pharmaey . Deny Pe it to Serve Trailer : freshmentB A request Loula Koblick of 1650 Newport boulevard. eo.ta Meaa for a t to lef'Ve re- freshments. In his trailer at the camp i groundl WU made to I the dty eoundl. upon -af the city a tllat no pn>Vlalon bad -. tar thll ~. the offer .... down by the city 00\IDCil t Monday. _TR~rIJIS )"Mn and Ulf ., CUI walk and ~ tllat I wlD l!at- wrltlnc me/ tor NO PAIN-NO D&tld-NO SUBGICllY-NO INn:cTION& CONSULTATION F1U!:E Bl' APPOINTMENT. PHONE 11.H Dr. E. F. Bell, D. C., Ph.C. 10'7 ·Had St. Nwpoot ~ Calif. Houn: 9:SO to 1 :H MODlllQw _. Tlulndan . Look_ in g for a H om e or a ' . ' Vacant · Lot? . . .... e Read tl\e offer- ings of the Harb r's Leading Realtors ad- vertised in the . :. . News -Tim News -Times Want W'dl Solve Your Problems Ads 1.·, READ . USE . THEM THEM FOR FOR PROFIT RESU ITS ' N~wwrt Harbor ~ublishi · 1111--_, €ompany "DOIA IVES. , ........ m.d.ur. .... ----~--------""'!"--~----~----1 .... 1·...rr....i ~ thankful ii.at aplnwl-ly.-_. ... ~tlon. P.0.-UB, .. • j • • I 1. I I I - • -= . • • . I • I lboa's .....,~ I . ' I. ' • G~N.Wells Real Estate ._ N-rt 111 11M wpon ~ -Oollf. Dr. hobe~ ~Crawford i O~MEI'RIST nn !'!-rt BITIL-Coota M-. Oalll. . ......,USG • :t :t :t Curt N. Bowman The i Bohman Company freleplloaeo Z088 and !089 tot «JoMt mpway-Newport Beach, Calli. :t :t :t 0. Z. Robertson General Contractor lSll CoMt JDcltway-Corona del Mar, Calif. N-rt llS :t :t :t Baroid K. -Grauel CHAPEL 110 Broadway ea.ta Meaa, Callfomla :t :t :t A. E. Groty -. J. A. Groty Groty Appliance Co. l"'rlpsaire and Maytac Dealer-Phone 15'1~ 1191 Newport Blvd.-COSta Meu., Calif. :t :t :t John E. Sadleir Real Estate -Insurance · ~Phone : !OM 90S Main 'Stn.et-Bol-Calll. • :t :t :t F. B. Owen Newport Souvenir & Gift Shop GIFrS OF ALL KINDS ........ !ll!·l 1111 ()ceaa Fl'Ollt-Newport Be1ch, eant. :t :t :t L. H. Ewen -Proprietor Mesa Radio & Electronics Co. ---l'IM N-rt Blft.--Ooola M-. Calll. :t :t :t HUBBARD HOWE · , Pree. Hubbard's SouUt Coast Company nu w. o-tn1-N-rt z- :t :t :t HEINZ KAISER, Owner Bay Shore Camp and~~g 1'1'111 .... ()out I : NwpL U!8 ;!; ;!; ;!; Lew H. Wallace Real Estate and Insurance Broker .,_, omee J-Reo. u11 ll!ft W. 0-tnl Aft.-N_,.,rt -.· Oalll. ;!; ;!; :t COYE. WATTS · Balboa Liquor Store 19' E. OMI~ Ave.; Bal-Callf, Pio. U1H "'l1le Home of Conllallty" -O. B. Bndor, Mp. ;!; ;!; :t Lou is Verwey, Prop. , Casino Cafe & COcktail Lounge . m T s~; ;~;-n. ,,.. \ ,·r.J; M. Miller ESTATE BROKER -uu · o.& 0-tnl-Newport -+on Your Wt.:'/ to. BeU.." :t :t ;!; W ter J. Gerhardt _ n.. .. -· Photographer .., ...... ~ ... ~ ... -· c.llt. Nw,..._nt·W ;!; ;!; ;!; Ne Engineerins Asaoclates ~~.!~ ~=_;i~t mav.-~- • ' . • • • ' I • B's--boating, bat ' • Balboa Offers. 3 R's---3 B's So Necessary For Good • •• ' ' · <q3y AL JOYCE • To l!llCh and every -of m, the Three K'• +no1 oat u Thne ~ for ....,.,_ ID Ufe. ThMe Three K's to lll08t of • .. ve . been lmown to ...,..,._.., "R<wll•', BIUll' ..... ~. -"'ncM to m ID our ocholUUc y.,.... and to tbls the writer ClOllelln, ....,.111- voeally. But tblslettertU..·oa added mmehp to th-ol• wllo - have glvm thouglit to the reqalremealll of Bfe tt.elf. "KMt, .,... · denee ud Recftation", Thne R'• llO DeCE ry to lleaHh, M(ilill: - and the pursuit of living, take on added, lmportaaee. . . • B.....,.,., Balboa bu 1111 Three B's - --Boating, Bathing ud Bowlblg. dlllly ..,..eataoa. We have -. aad take11 Id!, ............ ...,. oa a cuetn.e mood ID Blllboa's ' Zwr la a ' ' " i I J'.eci!ll& -·--.--;. ot flillle ;1'llO ~ the 'llWTY • fllit1lll ............... ~ fadllUes, It ill -.. -...... ..._ • .._..._ •I' '" I I ' - _ _,.. ...... ~r the Yl!unpfen ta-. I . w.....e=~ •·u.-1-spo~d 9:11eys, d..;... +a .. at the ~. tidroom, ~ them disporting ~·l rhw •IAe '-ch and you will be -vlliced that Balboa hi Ae 'Dine R'• llO -.: I -,, for good ltrlng. Let m who ...., ort11nle ma p to live tere'slioot fnml 'tM rOoftops so that all ....... '-Y ..... The Balboa section of Newport Harbor ......, the playpoancl of the Pacific, by an act of God bu th-Three K'• ID alJaadMce. Medical science bu proved the ~ty of th-last three, esp&- that IWboa, 'the Playgroud of th~ Pacific, mils d te - and' be a Ide! again. ' ' I I ' ' .. .. .. HOUSE OF HOSPITALITY • ' ' • • ' .. • ' Coy E. Watts Coy E. Watts, owner of the retail liquor store at 704 East Central avenue, Balboa, has spent 34 of his 39 years in Cali- fomit and considers himself a native, although he was born in Oklahoma. Raised in Orange county, he attended gram- mar school and high schools in Santa Ana and married a Tustin girl, Ha7.el Storm. The couple have two sons, Frank and Robert. From the time he was in school, Coy has worked, and spent 15 years in the cafe business. After doing war work at · Hubbard's South Goast company he opened the store in Bal- boa which he calls "The House of Hospitality". Believing that every man has a civic duty to perform, Coy gives some of his time to community affairs. Re is a l!Jember of the chamber of commerce and of the Elks club. Interested in IJll sorts of sports, his favorite is football, which he played U! school, and his sons share his interest. . . G. H. (Dad) Brader helps run the store and once in a while Mrs. Watts helps out, although her family and home at 912 East Surf keep her busy. - CASINO, POPULAR Louis Verwey · Louis Verwey, owner of El Casino cafe a Baliow, came here from Holbnct by wa y of Battle Creek, lfielr-35 years ago and while in th1t sta te was· in the d"iry sirtess, taking time out fo r serv'.ce wit~ Uie 339U1 l.lac!1ine Unit of the 85th Division in World War I. He later opened a :::etc and cocktail bar in en osha, Wis.. until he came 1o;:::;.:Jt c:: in 194l 'cnd deci to stay. He took over the Casino and soon made many, fri ds, especially men in the armed services, hundreds Df who ha'1e visited his place. · I • A bachelor until lhst y1 r , it was Eva raderson who changed his mind and they were man;!e:I in Yuma, Louis' br6ther Andrew of Mount Pleasant, Mich .. co · g on for the ceremony. Other members of the family and Louis'~ live' in Holland and no word was ·hear:! from em for three years during the war. A member of the Elks and Kiwanis clulis.. eiwey's hob- bies. outside of givin~ friendly and cheerful ndce to the public, are baseball and outdoor sports; Paul Lorentzen Balboa Sportfishing Fleet JOSEPH L. MARSHALL i T. Pltone SSl--Balboa Pavilion • ANITA SEXTON Prop. Balboa Market and Delicatessen 1tll E. Ceatnl-l'lo. !'l'H :t :t :t DON NORMAN Norman's Meat Market net O..b"al An. .,.._, W I :t ;!; ;!; ·uoward J. Gerrish BASTFOmD nu: INS1JllAIHJI: 00. -111 1818 Nwport ~ -Oollf. ' "Fraaeola" • 11.._,er Christian's Hut Balboa .t ;!; :t Thomas F. Norton Prop. BAY SHORE CAFE Pbone !344-l'ltb a 'eout mpway SERVING 12 NOON TILL 9 P. M. ;!; ;!; :t Geo. Weiss &'Dick Othmer Plastic Watercraft Co. --,.. E. O.tnl ..,,, •• ;!; ;!; :t· Bob Allen COUNCILMAN Prop. BAUIOA lllL&ND VASIS'l'I' llTOU SPORTLAND-BOWLING-PAVIUON • "Frenchie's" arbecue & Delicatef;lsen 107 M.Aln St..-Balboa Robert L. S horey-Reco iog Engineer Davis &'~ay usic Co. ll!O'I Newport, Bl..t.--Ooo H__..._ .Die . I 4lt Walaat St.-11 a Be1 + Theodore jFORD DE .... !8 bins LER !u•w.o-~ BradenL. . m Prft: C. of C. . Gm Mir l Finch CeramiaJ I I , ' ' ' l • bowling • • • Dennis H land . PLYMOmfl ...._It.I O' t1 Mvs t•~ _.,_ ;!; ;!; ;!; Milton M. MmeP, M. D. -1~~---111 .. .-.- ;!; ;!; ;!; Burt R. Norton RADIO ELECTRICIAN · -i&n lW o..& ~ .,._ Qdf. ;!; ;!; ;!; AL ANDERSON Fun 1A>ne ---· • :t :t :t Bob Callis Dlotrlbator GENEB.AL J;'ETE (FLYING BORllEPOWEll) m z-st.7 111-n---. m :t ;!; ;!; ROBERT H. REED Harbor Cold Storage Phone WI 4%8 SOtb SL-Newport Beach, Calli. • ·. :t:t:t Capt. B. J. McN111ly McNa117'• Balboa .Boat Livery '705 E. Bay Ave ....... Phone f08 1 :t i Dr. Conrad Richter CoolaM- Pllone: Ottlce lSS -....,,..,' ;!; :t :t Herbert F. Kenny POSTMASTER BALBOA Callf. :t :t :t Geo. Weiss L. EI8ine Weiss i Coast Properties Co. Rea1tors 'IOI E. Centnl--8alboa-Pbone 8111 ;!; :t :t W. B.Rowe - Starck's Cafe !lit Place-Newport . Fritz Goossens -Gus Vander Linde Balboa Mark~t · ' Ph.one Newport 85--SOJ Main St.· :t :t :t jack Hamilton -Frank Bla ck Beacon Sea Foods .Pboiae %08t-W INl Cout lllch,..y-N_,.,rt Beach, Calif. ·;!; ;!; ;!; ALLAN DARTFORD The Blue Sails -Static>_,-, Carib, Art 'supplleo.' 111 llbla 8t.-IW"'-PIL Newport 1'78 ;!; ;!; ;!; ·Robeft E. Arvin'~ .Jew.,. and Watchmaken 119 Twoaty·Secoed Street N-rt Beach, Calll. . ;!; ;!; ;!; William MacCuidy W. H. (Skip) Calkins MacCur.dy & Calkins, Inc.- NAVAL ARCHI'l'l'X:TS M. E . Niedecker, Sec. & Treas. Ul5 (lout Bwy.--Newport Bch.--Ph. Nwpt. 11186 " ;!; ;!; ;!; Stanley James Barden MASI'ER MARINER ._. ~ Broker--Yacb t. and Ship Broiler 801 Cout. Bwy.-Ph. 886·M I . . ;!; ;!; ;!; C. F. Dennison . "->dated with A. -SANDY" STEINER -BeaJt.or eat Coan Blcbway-Phone u~s ;!; ·;!; ;!; MAC PELLETIER . New-Port Pharmacy ·'1• Oci-. ....._, Pita• I ;!; :t ;!; ANTON HERSHEY ~~t · .. .... , ......... ...... :t ' ' DonaldJ. Harmon BALBOA HORSE RACES ~--. .............. . ' • = = = = -• = = = = = = = = = = = J ; L .. = = • = = = = = = . . -= j . . • . • " = = = = ·• • - c • • ' • We Si>ecialize .. ouble Shooting -·- • 8aldloe • Applh•1"'8 SALES. AND SERVICE arbor Radio & Electrlc • eet p;iitnl Newporl Beedl .Ar two New y Mechanics • Us Will aad l'iwdom. ~y Cu ~elp You Ketp Your Car · t Class 24-HQlJK TO SEKVICE Nl.ll'llqNAL AV'l'O CUJB !Xl!RGENClil S'l'ADON N~wport A.to Works[ .· Earl Mltcbem. Prop. • ~·~-.-<...,. .... *> ·-· ' • • I DIESEL (Iii ' , • • . ' • ... . . , INJECTION SERVICE --f. Free Nozile Tests •"'& AdJw" I aad .,...... . --· Harbor Uci• .& Eqmip1se1t Co. ..... ~ ........... h ' , . . LEGAL FORM~ FOR EVERY l TRANSACTIOI • I We haft made It ~ for you ID · Jmure mnpllenm with all reqlibmwwwta ol. tile law by Clll'l)'lllc a n wrqiMe llt.odt ot. an tu ma and papen nee W tor tile -Coltipletkii ol. eva y tnrmctlan. ll•1-t1r, tlila; ...... •1112&77& la _, ......... ..,~ .. --. ,. .............. , •• r.... •........... . ............ ", ... ..,-.. ,, ,,,. ,, .... i ,._ ....... 11UMl•t I Ill .. Na cs ~ n.w "',,.... ..,!l",,1, • Me 1nre..,1n . wlfl ................. ,._. ........ .... _., __ . NEWS-TIMES . . • ·. • • . ' • r • • I j • • ' • ~ ( Po.u/arino} ___________ !_1 ~------- ' • I • 8ANNIN8 6 • • • • ,, ' Official first Wing 'of Street· Nos. . ~~:::-ir. .. Seen By Ad:jmnt : And 0. 1 . ·ncts 1·1n .C . Mesa· .. ReKtl .. -al.~'.'j-rt tlonal Guard • a fwt' ' I A t r ce t. A S W a , state mDltarT b'.ce: .. -:.r _., ' .. ___ H '· J 'Sil I ed to ........... w. . ... -.. -·---enry • er:, thla,..,. ... Mrb' In lK'I, a1p- . --• -General Vldar R. ' -,utP'Z I ... ---Th ' te B-...:---., .. _ ,_ _ ea r ww11er, -oiljutut sroll'll. __ .... cfo.ta-p A ~ID .... __.al. -·~ .. ...._. Wu ciei--t PiU!deo lllls -.,.. ·--:.-; .... .. -~ ray to tho pootwv Nal;ti-i::;i:"~~ 'RllC11"-' nml ... I d'•ta (Continued trQm Pap One) ~-... _. --'E:l'.:.L,_ , ....:...a .. al. --..... f u.at ...... ._ j .-.-. ...... ._,, -- 'en of ••&1 emftW: WU~ lqt son.. Muon. wu Oorana del Mar ~ llr. ud]lln.. ...... -....,.. --" ----' J.-pb De Temple -_. --""'-1 _._ )lo& -When• the war came -tho al.._ OllJo1ed a dq p!cnN*"c .... _ aewl ,.,,,. younc man c::alled to the colon, the at La Jolla lut Wll!k. ~ · -.,. ' health al. the IOJlior Si1or becan · I .. .. ., --'7 -., '1aat ~ -falllnl, but be reoolutely eon-,...._,,...,,.. ____ ..__-""_" -= _'7 .,.. •• :_ = i:.~ ... = :'! :;u.: Jii.oTTE--its~ -- - to unW -could come bome. tr-om wtla to ..... , Slnce .then he liu been manrwt ....... .. -· -• r •J: to bla bome ~tan"tl al..._ ' •'...-a'1 I cf . •• ss• IJllW"9 llllllle..-ltll ,. • ~ WJ tell!."'"'11 -.-,, -.,..,,_ .. --IJlac l!yhlalovin&beljopate~the D1111K--·· ·- t -N llmL. -lo ~ 'I'M> -qo be -....,&~1 -. wi,D to SL J.-pb'I llcopltal, but -11 11 -, -•. -. ' .. -. ·-.. -n. aaeee. wta:e~at to never . ._ 17 .P •a· -tllweot wltll N-..i-t Belldoa the irloving :wife and --.. IW - -..-, .. ...-. • ... 1a -son. ooe brotbOr, A. J. suer ot .,.,_. • , , -• - --~M•t. Viola 11_. .!-m Anleleo, aurv1...,, ID oddltlcm r . ••· -te Viola t. IW to .two alaten, Mn. Clara Jt(ll1er. ' !f-'q II -• • ~ 11•· ,._ 11ot to nu, ~ Ku., Mn. Louise Earl. "",.....--•l:reet.a.~· ftom l'rtlt IOatll ~lei. ~e WU a member I .;. _ _!:C~m~•!!:""!!:.:~!!.!·!!l!•L\_-' tG N-pon , -11,111 ot R0tary club, Whittler. , :.. lltreeta ....... t to ;.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:; IOUu.e.t a wttla 1 ... at New· t r J • ' "' /, / pun _..._., .. ._ -to' ·-,.-.. -Tiie lilelVJ ud aom' l!ln an votlllc "".:~t. TIMI --..-W• t tllo ---.. 0-'7 Santi W, IL ~ • I • I OCCIDENTAL Ll'FE INSURANCE Cpl\4PANY Of' CALIF'DRNIA I j '. A.NNOUNCIJ:a THIE A""DINTMIENT D,. I I RAv N1ELSEN I ....... IECIAL ACICNT IN IOlltA~llC COUNTY '-. T1:Lir .. Hoti1• Nrw .. a•T abCH ........ •. . 215 11.. aAY AVE., •AL•DA, CALI,.. ' I • ' . . .,., / ""' Pa11e One) the county Yb to lmprow, - is now studyt g its terminus in the mesa so at traffic can be routed aro~the · bottleneck af the Newport boulevard, Harl!or boulevard inte ectlon. . lrvhl 1a1er .. tet1 '-------------------------' ~ It was osed for the tint ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; time that a cJ erence with James --0,,. I,rvine found cooperative in uking for establishment of the new high 1 vel bridge location. He is reported' o have told a com- mittee on ' ways that if the state did not ake up iU mind where a bigh el bridie and ap. proaches to it ts to go, hi would I\' go ahead wt development plans t',,, ~--· ' ot his own, an let them condemn ~O ._.. ~~,... land afterw t6 suit their need. ~ Ii -. -Kenny und£tands that the .. ~ · ,-~ state highway ngineer has finally · -~ ill ordered a s _ ey ot the high "'-;:=::: ---= , t' '1 bridge and ghway relocation, · ".':-;-~ ....,__..._ C' If which might affect the . future .... ~ ~ growth of coutl!ne. One ot -.!::===f::=============:;:==================·=-==--::::;; ~===~;::::::=========~=~~=::::'..... the suggested eu along thil Une ls the re-rou of the coast high· ''Prealden• Truman 1s on the M te m h 954 Institutions way 1n the v1 ni!y of nth •treet right track-ration our food qaln as r g way City Library Lists· New Books; Many where N boulevard be!Pns . I if YoU must, ~t save some lives Plan DISC" ussed . . . Fi . w k In I d d In State Help to dip. offe;l, a natural bridge abroad."-Ja~· Lindsley. Exc1tmg ction or s c u e To Educate Vets site acroa th n~aouth route, and at the e · e offering a Lido .... _atl'e . (Continued from Paae l) New books are constantly a~ er; Nathan, The Theatre Book of good approach 0 e new hospital I In:: . . \ pearlng on the shelves of the dt:y the Year, 1944--1945; Fmter, The site. ... n..e Ill , _ p._ Pull:btc taking, and at that time, it ls be-library; non-fiction for those who Islanders; Carmer , The ~esse SACRAMENTO.--Gov. Earl W~ Kenny di.scl~ that the Sant~ _ L • ..,._'... lieved by 'McLauchlan, the govern· • h been in James of the Java Sea ; 'WWisan, ren was notified by the Depart· Ana junior arjd senior chambers 'nlM. "'-ment ma uire a phylical ex-wish to ~w what u go g Saint.a and Stranger; Martin, A me~t ot Education today that 954 of commerce..(l.ave sponsored the Gau •.!'~~ .. _.. , Y req on In th4:_ world, both of today and Picture History of R~a; Den· California institutions of learnJnc 0~ of !tl street through llert*n ---... arninaUon of the ~men to be se-yesterday ; the newest of fiction, nen, Trouble Zone ; King1 Canada have been accredited under the the t e'nd f that city to con- leOl 111.C-· lected. · exciting and intriguing, and that and the Fl&ht For Fr<edbm: Pot· Federal "GI Bill of Rlghto." . nect th N rt road thwo af • ..... UN~ Other interesting news wu dis-other popular section, the myatery ter, Trail to CaUtornia: Sclcletnger, A '"veterans' adviser" hu been fordinl anottaer feed~ route __ _J • Pd. • SM. cussed by the fishermen at their books, read by great th1nken for 'The Age of JaclOon; Freyre, designated at every public teCOOd-through Santa na . .a~ ,..._, nieeting at 218 20th i treet last relaxation and by leaer people for Brazil; Slobodkin, Fo"cutle Waltz; ~ school in ~he State, Roy E. The Balboa tnlalter explain· T NEXT night. That ii the urllon'• progres· the sheer tun of it. Rajchman, Europe, An Atlas of ·Sunpaon, 1uperihtendent of public ed that the m ter plan wu mere. OOllPO llA&OBOVE" slve thinking along• Unea of de-Among the new mysteries are Human Geography:. BullOck, My JN1truct1on, told the Governor.,,, ly brought ou for study and aµg-j~~~~=~~~~~=l""loplng fish speclallleo to broad· these: Armstrong. The Unsuspect· H ?ad and My Heart; Brolvn. Rud· .. ~pt'ogram. Slmpoon-declared. gestlons at •taae. and after --en . the market for\ their catcb. ed.; Bagby, Dead On Arrival ; Bent· yard Kipling: Miller, J~ Louis, hu ,oecome & vital part of the thorough goln over; lt would be Oregon canners haft' taken a cue ley, Tre!lt's Lut Case; n<>nner, American; Graham, Ali Smith, State~ service to the returning paned on by county planning B I._. The tr from the army eXperimentl in The Shapes That Creep; Boyd, American. : war veteran." · 1 .. , cemmission then adopted by 8 "'VI"" a e frozen foods with pacb of fish Murder Wean Muliluks; Bram· , The junior colleges also are the aupe . u the county mu, • • cakes McLauchlan underltands a hall. Tl'qecly In Blue; Burton. Ae: Ed to De 1 'b making every effOl't to aid the ter plan. At ~t time It would be ~ wnrni,,gton concern hu a delle: d dento Do Happen; Campbell, llC8 f SCtl es ".etnaleran In his prob!~ of. educa· preued for in~on l\lto the state • Wei. ioua new mackerel ft.l et pecked tn Crime In Crystal; Coles, The Ftfth B-f"t f N 1 tl~ readjustment. S1mpt0n highway plan with their foie---i!" MM»-•M ~anut oil, which created' a COil· MBll: CUnnlngham, Murder Before 'ut:De I 0 ew SBJd. ;:ey are helping the ve~ knowledge and cooperation. N~ .-.....,. stderable amount °' tntereat. Midnight; Daly, Nothing Can Res--B • La t? m e up high ~l defio en· ~l;i -· H. A. McKittrick and Gilbert cue Me; Disney, Dark Rood; as1c nguage oea. and are offenng --profes-F . c . ~ I Frt. I ii.a, Zafran represented the various Footner, Orchids to Murder; GU' _1 Siona! CO\II'lel preparatory to col-onn~ ·~. an w.,.. branches of_ the local union at the ber t. The Scarlet Button; Hol· The value of bulc Ei:lgllah in 1~ e~~~ Regain lllllll88IOD8 • .__..,. Seattle conference wblch dloc\med brook. Crime Wind: HUghea, Dread workln& toward an International GI ~ also ~vlll:.::,:'f ~ J;ly Marc 1 lleeil the fish productl and other mat-Journey; Lawrence, A 1,"lme· to languq:e wu illustrated at ~ vete bau ~ Richard G •'"t'"'*"''ryv WSU: ten. 1 Die : Lockridge, Murder Within last Weclneoclay meeting of the ~';:' Sim~ :es:' atr..et. · ~~~~~~~~AJU.r'~~~~~I ' Murder. Rotary club a t White's :8aJGoa Is· the ~truction offered m~ army last wee for 11. two year en· Scrip~ eon-N.,. fiction includes that exclt· land Ca!e when Carl + Bowman, approved by the State before the llstment, a ng to the recrUit.' lt"f -e-Ing novel of Arizona by Clarence employed by the Callfornla Teach· Veteram Aclmlnlftratlon will Ing sulHtatlpn In Sa ta Ana Offers l~holarships Budlniiton Kelland. LaJ\d of the en' Aaoclatlon u ...,.tant execu-tract for the tuition of veter.;:n· It wu also n ·th t r . JUST RECEIVED hll 8apply ol PAP R CLIPS 1 -· Torreones: Davia, The Stars m. tlve secretary appeared before 50 · · a or . cllne; De Sherblnln, The Challeng· memben of ·the service club. o•---"---'---mer aln~ ~ who desire to Two 1ped&} schol~p funds at ed Land: Hlchena. The Woman In Bowman w:u introduced by Hor· 1:8"''. ~· n..-.::a . !:vtoe muat ve thetrf°::C:.~ Scripps College .... ..-rved for the House: Howard. Before the ace Ensl&n. 1uperlntendeflt of the Held m Los Angeles; tlonl in the ' . tant general'• of, uaduates of Callfomla blcb Sun Goes Down; Johnson, WUd-NewportHorborGramnwjia-la. Retired Only D---tly flee In 'IN ' not later than IChools u 'are meW!l'al local IChol· wood; Jones,' Hl&h Bonnet; Mar· Tile guest educator wu biltructor ..n.e:ia:.11 March L arshlpa. fol' atudenb from Red· quand, ~pent In Haste: Meeker. ot speech, drama, English. and lit· , Theft wu a . lands. La J olla and Loo AngeJea. It The Far-Away Mualc; Odium, The erature in public schools; and he-Funeral aervtcn fOI' Henry II. ...U.tmento 1 lOo plr llDz ol 100 lilpe wu ~ to b .. c1a ot can-Mirabllla Diamond: O'Donnell, Ueves that an lntematlcinal Ian-. Olsm, 57, ot 3501 FlnWy aTI!Due, fomla cllatrl.,i Ne~ • 11•"""S fornia hlch schoolaj thla week by Other "."'>Pl•: Remarque, ~. so ldmple that he said. New-t Beach. -.. held Satur, also 1011 llled. -.,..-the office ot aclm!alona. CallfOl'nla The Ardi ot Triumpb; Sel<ln, The Chlneoe ~ learned rudlmento dA7. Feb. 9, at Pl....., 11roL chapel, • i' ;;;~· l;iri~;---hlgb school p-aduAtes may also Turquoloe; 'Iblr!WI. Mia Buntlnc: ol It In 10 ~ and all 0,..... Loo Ansela. with IDtemmit fol-Ci..:u.__ ~t11'nf lfcapwt: 11 compete for one of' fourteen na· Bardoulaldl, Gold In•tbe Streeta:; t~ed oould c:onVU'le witb,Amer· lowing In Jnclewood. Park ,c.eme-YIUllll ""w! <Jow•aa •-t1oona11Cbolarshlpa1at Scripps. the Wa\1111. Brlde9bead Rnlolted: 1cana within 30 ~ 1>)'. thla tery. Mr. oi-.. who ...,-the To :.·!bim~ '---~--+--------'l dlrectOI' ae -1-Mid. Wilder, Written In the Wind; method. lhould be wldeq tauchL Heine AutomobUe Salea Oimpa..,, "' "--------+----------~· --------Yerby, The Fouo ot Hanvw. In U. A.,.-. had ,_llJ' re-.aO 'lJUUll New non-~ boob odded to Islander Earned tiftd. He wu a ,,_,._ ot Pala-, the !lat are: White. The Road I tine Lodp, F. A A. II., tbe Scottlah a.Dian In °'--ty ic-; w-. Producttft Seven Battle Stan; Rite a6d Al Malalkah Slaine. s.m will ....,. aialn ....,.· IDID iu ·dwn Thlnklnll: Caimi. All God's Olll-I ID Nebrul<a. be bad -ID with tho • al. °'-muDt;y clren; Wil8on. Adftntwe In --W11Uam 'I'. BaU.., -t.: Southern c.Jlfaftda 4f ,..,.._ Re alrprt. whk:b . -·by the .-; Dean. The Four Cone• land, bu just 1-D rel•••d fnma IN ... b1a -· SU.. two m, lll'llQ' air dm1nc tho .... ·-al. """"' croilcb. c.Jlfcr:-tho nA"Y after a.er ~ ~ --Llo1d Olson, -.... _.. -aviation wlD 1-nla Go>a-t: U. S. Qowrn.. aervtce that eanied latm ...m bat; dauet>ter, ~ Darla Simm. Ute llokl . · J ment Manual; Bwb; A Price F"!' tie atan cm flw ~ *"""6: . Floyd ,with Joe H.,pr _, Deecrlptlcm ·a1. u, s. Poot. 1na to 1nt ...... t1cm rr.m the -FOi mer B. s. Student -Leo · will _. ... ~ -Sta-. 19'!5 Edltilm; Illar'-aratlcm oenter cm Tfl'llllDal ._ o..:,..,_,_ in .t.--. -at -fanw - -lhall. Santa Fe; Bartlour, A Nat-In San hdro. .:.nwllB .n&Ul,J' ~ ai1*t tbo -la---~ Spe~ attmtlan gM!n to ballroPm de)\t.wtment urallot In Cuba: Gould. Pronounc>-llauS\ who -""' .-tho fleld witb the""•• ot tho s.mta . 0 -t -TllMdt;y. ~ -Ina -1 Ilic-.,.; Raper. deoin,,e' USS Prltebett ----Re-. wbo .... 111eo at .......... --IL I . · ·. J .. • Kao ..-i Pain; H-' ''· ~ tldpated In Tr\11<, Marlana, Palm, 1• 23r4 otnet, Ooota -. ., r,,~----- blw tl11 Olli S. .. AM Z8IO v11i1c ho!lie: Gore, 101 Wqm to Pt>mR••W. Odaa -. -,...,,. ---la tho -, Bo Ajlp0rl-~ 15& PH t al. Grate shipman 11 . Be Your Own -; 1-. ,,,. rUd, I..,~ -~--It a ,_ at• , t al. ·Ka•pud boltll, - --- -la -ot Homa; hter Hmftl pdpa plam ID -at -Hartlar mp-·--·-tie m •fwbft al. tbo -I 811 .. AM Wm-: µ. S. CUma, 1911; -· atat. lzr ollew c ill 11&. llt .., .. at tbo -AM air __ --b I n I 611JM .;......:.....;.-+~-------....:-!---i--~--·I Oibuw, Tiie 0•19Mw c.d Plq-.. a fwwww 1• ' ? at ta:. kfure llll A , p .... <>• illa MdM4a. • • • • • • OFFIC ·E SUPPLIES For ~II Business Re11uire••ls. ••• Let .Us Supply Your -.~s Add. Machine Rolls, aastd. sizes 15-30c A vallabUlty Certltlcat. Binder, 3:ring 81,i x 11 lheets $1.25 Cash Register Ro~; all makes Celudex. %-Inch clear Index tabs ~ alp and Arch Boards, all sizes 90c and up alps, Bulldog and paper, asstd sizes 0oJumnar and ACCOllllting Pads, all sizes Camter Oledal Credit and Debtt Pads 250 nifteren'f\ Ledger ·Sheets an~ Forms ' . I . Suitable for Every 'Busine.. · ·. and Income Tax . >-·Requirement Dally Analysis Sheets, 500 for $15,50 Dilly Cash $lieets, 500 tor $4.25 Elrtllpattng SbeetS Desk Flies, 1etten or 1ep1 me Envelopes Colmnhla Oasp, all sizes to 10 x 1!5 I· . l ManDa, white, all 111z1;s. pllln or printed I BIJDw.dl, Ruled plsln or printed 8"' x 7 to 14 J. Daters, 75c .., ne Folders. llUU!na, all cut8, Jetter and _1ep1 --. $3.00 to $4.00 per 100 ~ GmD, Typewriter Ink and Pencil me Guldl!a. prestbo'ud, Jetter me, '2.25 · Flllera. notebook, puncheil, nded or pllln • SCOTCH TA,PE Large.and Small Sizes YJeeel•• Bllp Q;nnniei! I 4be19 ·( " I . I • • • I • -. • I . Puauc No-rlc:.. PuaLlc Ncmc:D -~~ M'oN:.. -~-c ~.OTICE J Meet f 11m·· · ···~ J1!1111&&1im\'· ~~-~O~'l'l; .. ~~~=~-~;i.i.,;;-lco-. I .. r Data! -'nb clQ al. FDW7. -.. "'wit: 1010 ~ ,,_...,. ~Ill' 1:. on 1911. • • -B. IAWlo, ~· 'haw ..,. ----.. -UI;) a ,__ Fifth -El .. -wfll ble t<r the poad "' al. . FRANKL RINEHART. HlslnraY. Newpawt Bei ob, ~ tal .......,. al. the Ualtal Staum !!!" . . . I ' Blrtlott al. U8 -~ the -onl,)' -,.in --Cll)r Oerk "' the Cll)r of ----al. -· .. pmrt .... Toda • Hedi' ~ M l R part Beoch, WU ....... d 9 tllt Panuant to al. Ille the lot -tile ....... la -Jo. Neorpart Ben::!•, CllllfaralL wrna:ss...,. _ -4tll llQ' al. --er-« ~ a -y '" c oop . ace .._ at Fart . ~ ·-aq (lomd! .the Cll)r ol N--caled. S.au , M ~ -re-Pub-Feb. T, 12.19415. • Feliouary, 1911. -.by a --cm the I -. . I , • part -. DOtic:e la ---u... I" 111_,.t · NO'l'WS ll<VftllfO -FRANK B. Ll!W1S. -"" ., IOld. Ten pe<eent al. lmeblr II-. tlQs -.led -locatlcm within . t'"7-tlioe (45) State al Callfanda ) -t bid to be clepaolted wltll · t _.. '« -tar _...... of a ~ att.r u.* bid 1' awarded. m;i!.EBY GIVEN Ooml7 al °'-l -. 11111; ' • av-LS4Gt1S 111'.&!IDl!fGa Newpurt .......-a """'~ c L 0 TH E flft (5) ,-. cnlJ', Jo. Each bid .b.Ji bf oceompa-_N0'11CE IS OIUDdl ol 1bO 0'71 Qi -4th da.J ol f'"""-7 1lldo « al.ten to bo In writlns W . L PtL Opp. in tht ~ by takins Oniice Into catal cm tile f.t ~~-by a oertlfled or ~· died< :"~~~ Collfonda. will A.D., llN&. bofGn w Nara S. '!114 will 'be re<el?ed at tile "'-Huntin&ton Beach 6 l 265 :206 camp lut Friday 31-20. ,Yardley ot tloo to tile ~ far ten per-_t U°"l ol Ille recel -1ed blcll far the pa.tnc llarparth &Notary Publlc In and -aftlce at &IQ' time after tile ~ .. ---·----6 S 330 .271 wu opln bicb sc:crer Uli by nal>- amount of tile bld,~Y payable ot : Cll)r TnDel-1farl< wltll .. for Nld CJounV and State, --publlc:atlon -and -Newpurt ~ .. s 3 2'l5 274 bin&-16 pointa. -Owt' IHcue P A I T I N G to tile order of' Clt7 ol New-oompoeed sranlte in ~ inC tbero!n ~ comm•-and a&te of. ~ _ ' Santa Ana. ............. I 4 232 245 llllOl'lnc hcmon while Ccmho, hls purl Beadl. Blda be -with 1)1.m and apedtlca-on awom. -117 appeved Frank DATED. Jan. 22nd. 1911. Fullertm --·---~· I 5 :El 274 1"dina mmpetitar wu fCJl'C<d to U 'I'-~ la N.wpd and tiled with tJ\eJbt;y Cork at --in the oftlce of. the Cll7 En-B. Lewla -n to me to the per-GER11\UDE PALINE WATSON, 0r0np ···--.. --0 T 1'17 258 Ille -aldelinea f~ the acd· .... 'the City Hall in Ni!'Wpurl Beacb, un; . .... -name la lllboQ:lbe'd to A•Hlnlalratrtzoltile9tateal ~ -dent. HAR HALL California, m or W«< P'ellruay ~-ahall be l&aied the within Imtrument, a\>d ao-, -61qedent. · · Santa Ana at CJr8nte; Fullerton The Baby Tan won their came it•l •=1-18th, 1lM6 at 4:00 P'clodc P. M., .._ Eocb ~~ ar .,.=.~ ~.c.. to me that beJoxe-RICCARDI, WEBSIERA at New'"*t Harbor; Huntlncton aver tile little ar....., in a pre--a -a ft. -..... and will be ~ and publicly u1 a =~ c~-~ ll&l2IO. DONAHUE, • Beach at ·Anaheim. HmlrW'y tl-24. '-----+------'J..ad aloud at ar aboUt 4:00 o'dock far tm per cent (10",) ol the IN wrrNESS WHERE0 I By LEONARD L RICCARDI, A couple ot eve11ta occurring the P. K. ot that dq In the Coandl albO'Ult ol tile bid, made payable have hereu'nto Mt my lwld and0 at-Attameya for -A I "" ·po.at .-combined to pve the Clw A 'llneupa: ,----,.._ -T+-----....,1a..mi.. tn'lhe ofy Hall, N--to tile order ot tile Cll;)' ot New-flud my·-·· oeal the day and tratrix, au ~ Truat Newport Harbor quintet, wtio had Newp't-(II) (II) o~ l'OJI INSUJIANCE SEE purl Beach, Collfornl&. purl Beech. Blda lhall be wled year in thlO ce1ltlcate tint abcM! Bids. PMJe-0 Calif. all but slftrl up._ far a chance Fowler 14). F .......... ((1)) Faber JIOa.' MEN AND BOYS 1a,.,, •• 1 Spa;J g"-l H --::E ,. __,..._ Tiie abow men-check and tiled· with tile a17 Clerk at written. Oii ~ ' ' . at' the Sunaet leaclal title, a maO-Ward (f) ... _ ... .F......... HWebrecht VWllnl ' uarrua ahall be ~ u a Sutrantee that the 017 Hall in Newport Beach, . NORA S. KARGW JJl'IH. -Pub. 'Jan. 29; Feb. 5 and 12, l9t6. matlcal ~ to at leaat a Yardley (16) .... <:. ........... Ill Krase .. ·. ........ the bidder will enter into the con-Calif~ on or bet~ F~ Notary Pu.bllc In and For SaJd , tie for tJle eonfolon. Fftitaa (4) ........ G ........ (1) Uerman WI' Me llii .... I tract If awarded to jhlm, anii will 18th, ~9'6 at 4:00 ° clock P. Count;y and ~tate. )(y Com-ommc.&n oll' DOINO Huntincton Beach Oilera, vtrtu-Und. .. --. .,. ....... G .............. 15) Kratt •"• 11 - 009rA -· be decltred forfeit«! If ~ """" and_ will be opened and001"','>J.: mlalon Eqilrea Jan. 29, l!llO. BDBJNi:aa mma ll'lvtltl0118 &14' conceded' the crown by the Scorine subaUtutea: Newport -~-ft°'9 lll ceaful biddor ,.,,_.to mtt!r into ..ad aloud at ar about 4: 0 (Notarial Seal) K.UO:. league after deteattnc the Sailors Herber-Horrell 11). :....---------~.....J said Cl"'lract after being t.queoted P . M. of that day in the C<Jundl Pub.-Feb. 5, 12, 19, 211. 1946. • • on ,thelr own oourt ,lut week, •uf---:;:::==:::;=======:;:======::;;:i- Airtomob Accid • Fire • Life to do eo by the City Council of the Chamber in the City Hall, New-No. •-Pue-• Dept A. The undenlgned. certlflea that ,_ a cruel blow when three of . City of Newport Beach. _, Beach, Calllornla. NOTIOS OJI' SAU: OJI' UAL he II OMduc:llne a bua1nea ...-. their jllayors w.,. involved 'in an The City Council /,{, the City of . Tiie above mentioned check shall PROl'l:B'n' AT PBIV ATI: !IA.LI: the name of ''The Rod and Reel automobile accident that claimed N""eWtx,ri Beach re:terVet the rt&ht be c,iven u a guarantee that the -Shop" at No 210 Marine Avenue the life Or Vem Seltzer and reault- to reject any ot all bids and io bidder will enter into the contract la l1le llapertor c-t of llle State Balboa 111....d, California. That ~ ed In lnjurl<1 to their star forward waive any lnformallty in a bid not if awarded, to him, and will be of Callfon.la la .-: Fw u.e · ls the 10le owner thereof and and sparkplug, Earl Combs. The effected by law. j declared forfeited If the su""""'fUI dounty of Loe ~ \hat hJs ..aldence 11 11 aet forth crippled Oilers must face a tough -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; bidder refuses ~o Ol\ler Into said bel Anaheim outfit today (Tueaday) • . contract after ~ requested so IN THE MA'ITER OF THE JC:~ 12, 1946. and may not, in thelr condition. be to do fb~ the Cit ~di of the ESTATE OF PRESS LUCAS FRANK WISHON! able to sltop the powerful ColOnists Ci~: Ot~:ncll aof the Oty or Deceased: ReStd.ing at 200 &,: who are ri~ in second place. C.mplete Fountain Service at I HANSEN'S Newport Beath reserves the right Notice L9 hereby given that the Lorraine, 1fMI Angeles. Th Tan PJa:r Today this to reject any and all bids, or to undersigned will . sell at private Callfom.Ja. e Tars meet .Fullert~n ;---------'--------------+--. waive lnfonnalit in 8 bid. sale to the highest and ~t bidder, State of California ) afternoor:i and with a win, the "Cf 0.-Fro11t • Newpon \NOW OPEN EVENINGS MALTS • 1 SANDWJCHJl'.S • HAMBURGERS Ice Cream to Take Out any FRANJC t! RINEHART subject to confirmation of said County of Orange ) 11. locals Will probably play Orange Qty aerk ' Superior Court. on or after the On the 16th day of January, tn ~ ~ame that wu PoStponed Dated February Sth 1946 at 15th day of February, 1946, at the 1946, before me personally ap. earli~r in .the season. In the event Newport Beach, Califo;rua. ' offices of rucc~,1 W~bster a: peared Frank Wishon, known to of ~clones over both Fullerton IPub -F b 1 12 1946 Donahue, attorneys. 311 · First me to be the penoo whOle name and Orange, the Tan may be · e · · · · Trust Building Pasadena 1 Call-15 subscribed to the foregoing in-thrown into a three-way tie for CERTIFICATE OF BUSINESS rornla, all the 'rtght, title a'nd in-strument &rtd he acknowledged to the championship-all this 1n the Fictitious Finn Naipe terest of said deceased at the time me that he executed the aame. event that Anaheim bests the Oil- of his death, and all the right. Witness my hand and seal at en in their crucial i:natch this af-· The undersigned does hereby title and interest that the estate my 'office this 16th day of Janu-te_rnoon . If Huntmgton Bea~ certify that he ii condU.cting a of said deceased has acquired by ary, 1946. Wlbena, chances are that they will D. 1 . d 1 b . operation of law or otherwise ANN RAETZ -strong enough to ha ndle the teae repair an sa es. usmess at • N t Publi i d f ' two remaining g th · 1301 Coast Highway Oty of New-other than or in addition to that o ary c n an or the ames on elr 24-Hour Radio Service BOID:, A.trl'O, llAIUNll . I RADIOS a;uaraw:o 1 Burt R. Norton·1 915 Coaot m-r ._ MU New-port llttm, Oalll. port Beach, Coun~ of Orange, ot said deceased at the time of _ County of Orange, State ot schedule. State Or CallfornJa under the fie-death, in and fo all that certain California. ------------·l'--------.,.------------ tlUous firm nam~ of DIESEL real property situate In the Coun-(My Commission Explr .. Aug. 31, Live. Mortar Shell STE l KS --;i • OUR SPECIALTY GENUINE HOT • B UTTERMILK CAKES • • Complete Lnncbeon-55c • Open 7 to 1 -Sundays 8 to 5 Kids' Cafe Hae Newport: Bhd. Costa lleea SERVICE and that .said firtn la ty ot Orange, State of California, 1948.) com~ ot the tollowtne persons, particularly dacribed ., follows' Pub;-Jan. 22, 29: Feb. 5, 12, 1946. No Souvenir; whose names and addreases llJ'e .. Lot 19, Block 11 of Tract • Army Takes Over Francis J. Horvath INCOME TAX SER)'ICE Federal and State 234, In the City of Newport CERTIFICATE OF BUSINESS Beach, County of Orange, • Fictitious Firm Name State of Calllornla, as per map recorded in Book 13., pages 36 end 37 of Miscellane· ous MaJlEi, records of said County and '· Note on the police blotter: "Ted Ponting's Tackle store has live mortar shell picked up on the beach." Now such a thing might ordin- arily-be a thing of curiosity after a war, but not this one. It is one of those deadJy fuses which, if jar=: red just enough, might go off and blow off a hand or a root. A Jarge quantity of them were lost over- R.acing Skippers:- Sail Boat Hardware Sail Track and Slides Stop Watches Yacht Timers .Newport Marine Supply Co. 814 Coast Wghway Phone 27 Jim and Rae Keller, Props. 11 I 34tll. St. Pb. ltn·R Lot 20, Block 11 of Tract 234, in the City of Net.rport Beach, Co\U\ty of Orarige, State Qf California, as per map recorded in Book 13, pages 36 and 37 of Miscellane- ous: Maps, Records of •aid The undersigned do hereby cer· tify that the y are conducting ·a general contracting business at 325 Coral Ave., Balboa Island. Califor- nia, under the fictitious firm hame or Corson and Ray Company and that said firm ' is compised of the following persons, whose names in full and places of resi- dence are as follows, tc:rwit : DAVID CAMBLE CORSON, 1107 * North Bay Front, Balboa Island, California. board somewhere along the coa.stl ~----------------------4--' several lofeeks ago, and the public 1 ·~;;;;:;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;; was warned not to touch them. I ~ This one ·W,U turned over to the U. S. Army crash boat. TH E DEMAND YOU'LL WANT your f'amily tO shatt in the host tbat modem living bas co ofli,, ... above all you11 .....,, your 11CW horn< or ~mod.u.d old OD< IO be in Stt~: wicb ho< water tt11J11t.bl I 11te .... ,. ••1 to provide .an abuo· clan« fOr your family's iomuing nttds -is io1inmll 1 spttdy Aucomatic Gas Water ~cattt ~ith a well insulaccd Star·. ..., Talilc. Just! be SU« ifs ackqua1dy ".~,. . ....... I '••41tj t11e c .. adtt ••••• ....... You a.n 6~ you11 want 1 bester~ to deUve:ilw:x wattt spttdily (and coougb oi it! ~ fOr...., m<mber o( ,our family~ I . fte ...... LI I ,_,. makes U many HO ails fOr 1w:x ....., daily ... fw ~ing up. baths., show~ ft•lng. and shiunpoos ... fOr lalllldry and - bold desiiing, <00. I LltTS OF .HOT WATER •AND IN A HURRY, TOO! • fDI MDNIM ll~IMe y ... ...., .... ~ _°"' __ __ ......... i.a ........... ......... --. INCREASES E· YER Y YEAR ~gb Ho<Wuer is 1 "'must" !Or your New Frttdom Gas Kitchen! What ~m woman doesn't wtnt co be frtt · foiever fiom howdcttping's Aro dreary bca.dacbn.,. with ID Olfflllli<. dish washer ... and a.a MllMNI~ washing machinr! -ta ,_ ...,. ro -atch up" with the mod towards modmi impn>v<mcnt ! um.inly, ... your suodsrd o( living . E-rh h<I w-..wJ ..-,_ •<"'9 ,_,mt-' s.. ,_ """' ... ' SOUTHEltit COUtfTllS OAI COMPANY ' Oedl y ..... ,.,, • I = .... ·~ ••••• " I ' I I I I I ' STOIAGl-TAHIC CAPACIJY GUIDE -........ ...... c."I' ..... . 1 1 .. 2 JO, ' 1 2•4 40 . 2 ·2 .. 2 40 :a ..... IO 2 ) 2 . IO 2•4 4•5 75 w .,,,.,,....c ... c.-1 I. I SPEEDS EllllUGH.HOT WATER ~ FOR MODERN NEEDS • • • • f JAMES DAVID RAY, 325 Coral Avenue, Balboa Island, California. WITNESS our ·hands this 11th d ay of F ebruary, 1946. DAVID C. CO ' JAMES D. RAY. STATE OF CALIFORNI COUNTY OF ORANG Balboa Lawn Bowlers Not Affected by Sale Of'City Frontage On this 11th day of Lawn bowling at 15th and Bay A. D. 1940, before me, ora S. dj h Margwarth, a Notary PUblic in avenue a acent to t e American and for the said C.Ounty aE'd State, Legion hut will not be affected by the sale of a city lot on the residing therein, duly · . -Ocean Front Jn Newport to Hugh sJoned and sworn, perso ly ap-peared David C. Corson a,nd James Estus, It ·was explained, as mem· .-l ben of the Balboa lawn bowlers D. Ray, known to me ti be the wondered it their favorite sport 1J persons whoee names are 'ubecrib-to be h red _, ed to the within 1.nstrume. nt, and ampe cuter the recent transfer. acknowledged to me that 'they ex· An it 1 editl ecuted the same , em n -a recent on of IN WITNF.S8 ~~.nF 1 thb newspaper told of the city have hereunto set ·;m,lb-;;d ~ being ask~ to re-locate the lawn affixed my ottidal 1eal !the day J:>owllnc &nd croquet court u a and year in th1I Certlfl~te fint result of the u.le of the Newport above written. I ocean front lot. The Balboa lawn NORA S. MARGW ARnl, ~len did not U9e the property Notary Public. in and for-Or-'°'\ hen~ they are not affected. I !Ill&• County, State of f!• C to S . torn1a. 1 reves n erv1ces Pub~eb. 12, 19, 26; Marcli 5, 946. Held Saturday Christian Science ' In Costa Mesa Lecture Radiocast Funeral services were held at Residents of this vlci~ty may 10 a.m. Saturday in the Harold ~ear a lecture on the I subject K. Grauel chapel, Costa Mesa, for Chriatian Science: a Rebgion. or Mn. Victoria Creveston 67 who \Yorks" which will be radlocast died Thuhday at her ~' 1817 over statl?n KFWB (98) kc)_. Fri-West Central avenue. S~ had day everung. February 15, at 8 Jjved here for three years and in P·".1·· from Ni11th Olurch of Otrll:t, Calif~ for 26 yean:. Scientist, Los Angeles. The lee· Sundving are her widower turer, J~hn S. Sammons of Oil-Henry Crevelton; two sons, ·GJe~ cago, ~ a 'member of The Ouist· of Riverside and Leonard of New- ian Science Board of Lectureshlp. part Beach; five daughters, Mrs. ------------1Cleo Arnold and Mn. Gloria Gray ..------------ri ot Newport Be8.ch, Mn. EdWard Greenstreet and Mn. Mary Martin of Rivenide, ~ Mrr. Gladys Chti.stenson of Loi Angeles and nine gral>dchildren. IntemYnt waa in Wettminster Memorial park. Carr's Feed Store Hay and Grain Quality Feeds -§-\.. ~ DellffJY__.....I.., lllnN_rt......_ OOllTA. 1llzaA The nylon from which the film· iftt hose are made flnt AW liae day u a aolld atrlp ol Ivory-like l'-------------'j IUbltance. Telephone 1347-J ~I l FIVE-DAY SERVICE .. ' I Cleaning and lfundry CORONA ~~1 .~.LCLEANERS Pick~ Uld Dt":iVBJ Cut ~ Ua"'41!1 • ' Commercial Refrigeration Domestl~ '(N-and Uoed) Newport Electric I Appliance Co. Established 1944 Phone Ul8 I %ao.5 Cout Blvd .. Newport Beacb, Valll. S E R V I C E Formerly S ·E B V I C E l • Belt. Mld ... y Retrlawado• • w"-ll<tl10 • Br9hM We are DOW open Ila ' • Pana '1 • Rap _ ou.r ne" Jocatson and re.d7 t.o eervkle your every need In rou ap- ,,U..... cllfftculUeo. e We -hl u.. wjtto tlte -·~ ........... _ ... ._ .. tlMF -,..... ~'-~~4"--­<ftAOTIOJi'AL B. I'. MOTO& us.- e N..,. -Appl'•"'V l • AUTHORIZED D£At,EB Perfacold '2 ~ , Refrigeration NOW A.VAR.ABU: Commeftlal ll'O& DllUVD'l'1 SAFETY of each account INSURED, ~p to '',000, by th• Federal S1ving1 ancl Loan ln1ur1nc• Corporation I severs and investors save here ...w'here • 11v1ng ' PAYS! ~esources $4,006,000.00 1 -Laguna · federal Savings ~nd 'LoaJl ·AsSodafion. 1 L.. .... ,;, ... c.m. _ .... -• . . " . I • : 1 • I ' • " .II• Os••• T' .. -... u. ..... -·-fa •~wz ...-. . r • ~~ ... nolf :u~~ ~°:,. ~ ::~~ .... N.:':!. lndo-~·~c!'=:c;:"' :u:~ N= "' _ :;:-.t.~::C:.:..cy iro-Pfc. Richard ~tt of Balboa riaW. I Ko. .,. "' tbe 1-;. "' Cllllf......, --· -a o1 -...-2 o1 PARK AVENUE work. anc1 by..., .. ....,. thoroto the pooed to be ...... d -... -Spent Seven-Day F1irl(,. • ..a. on Riviera-. • ~~ tpoowm: , Bii .. Mp di: and ·' betwem the nnt aDe7 WMt ot same are ioculpcaated herein ad and addr IF!I appev on tbe-lut ugu -U11'101' OP 'l'llS crrr DE!(CRIJ'TION OF WORK In Ille llbriDe A-111 an4 tbe l!rlt alley made a ~ benof. . . --11...S roll far dcy ~ all In . OOClfCo. or na:-~ or ..... Li '!bat the public Inter-AU.ml -ol -A-ue. DESCRJPnON OF the .-....... -f-Ill'-far NICE, l"ran<e, J111. 3.-Prtnll Prior to hll IDduetljln -· 11111 ll&WrOsl &&&CB. OALDO ... est and -require, -In -1, .. 10, u. :II. 18, .19, 20 Faurtll: Tbe ---ASSESSMENT DIS'l1UCT --!IO'IO -519t ol First am Rlcbard B Dimmitt. army, be -a-~ Be .. 11111 1'U. Djlam.A!lll(G 119 llln:N· that It II !tie Intention o1 tbe Ot7 11111 21 ol Section 31 ol -Ollllltrul:tlal ol ._t -pipe 8 ,_ a. That tloe uld eon-the llld "lmpooanmt Act ol -lalond; Cal., with Co. 3. -ol Mr.11111 lln. Rill&* B. ~ ftOJf 20 -na: ea•~ CDundli ol jtbe Ocy o1 Newpcst -: -water molm, f!W.. Ull appur-trmplated work and lmp-t, 1911," ol the llld Sbeeta and -Delta BMe Sectloft. mitt. Jlalbm ,..... Bit - JlfG t&lfD PAYJllG,' OON-Beedl, Cllllfomla. to order the fol-Ill die -far au(llllJlril a -tic In the opnlm ol tbe llld Ocy HlchW&10 O>dl. ,.._t1yapmta.........S.vn.stfur--II°""' a- ft'&UCnolf or UD&WAJ.ll ~work to bl clone, to-wit: ALLEY . water oupply, 11111 tbe lnatallatlm Coomdl, 11 o1 mott than local or : . .POS'fiNG OF NC71'ICE lougll In the U. S. R.Mero Rec-ea-J AND Cl1D, -·-OOlilUO-l'lnt· nl. cradlnc and' pavtns l1tac bet•-Joto 1 to • -and -ol fire "1<ftnt11, ordinary publlc beneftt, --OF IMPROVEMENT tlmaJ --at Nice. Houser Withckawal TIOlfll, w AT&ll! .11All18, with ..;p..iuc ....,..~ pa-t lllw, Bloclr ti ol llld Section 3 ol. llttlnp and'_.n-far fire Ob' Cour>dJ bel'eby _... tbe a--a. Tbe Stnet &!plril>-Durtnc b11 a1aY on the f~ B I.... ll'-•--.11 WAT&ll001'10X11'101'11,n&& with a decOnpoeed sranill -·Ba-1o1-: and prut«tlon ID pon11!1 ol the llld work an4 br>--t of the Cey ol Newport Bluo Coat, the "Coll cl'Aml:. e,...,~WIUIU JUDa.&llTll A1fD APPV&))&fl-cement -~ alley app•6Cbea, In tbe PARK AVENUE pou•anent charpebk llpuD a clll-Beach ahaJl cwae to bl cooioplcu-frequented by mllJlonalre c:oam<>-Ch ....., • c:t. I ._ AllT . iwo9& Ill C&ILTAlll vitrified c1ay pipe --ALLEY between the flra..!.iialley -o1 tr1ct, wlllch Ilk! dlltrlct aa1c1 Ocy ooaly pualld alone I/"' llne o1 Mid pOlltes before the war, Pvt. Dim-an._~ m qeftlhc Mll&l!'fii A1'D AJ.J.Srll A1'D -.,. at er c:onnedlom, bins ~ at Joa U to. 16 Marine A_,,.. the first alley Counc:ll hereby -.re. to be tbe contrmplalld ...,..1c,· or ._.,_.... mitt enjoyed the mlllY. vacation I . APPmQACll&ll f&C•N>'F Ill ftttlnp. and appurtmances ID .,... lnclualft, Bloclr U ol llld :iec-weal ol Emerald A-ue. · dlltrlct benofltted by llld work ..,.,,t and . aJoas all open abeeta pleuurea orpnbed by the U. S. OverphadowiJlc other polltlmJ llllUllONll 1 'IO I lllCUllllV& taln a11eyw and appruocbes theft-3 of Ba'-Ialand; and J.l'ltth: Tbe -..n.t1m an4 con-and !Jr.pluo&dlt an4 to be uu11 within the dlltrlct Hable to bl Army to clw !Ill aoldlen a c:bance _..,,._Ill thll woie1i -die or ... l,BOA lllLA1fD AND ol in s.Ctiona 1 to 5 at -In tbe -ol cut Iron pipe ... 1 ... ed to i>"Y a portion ol the eoolll Ul!aed far Mid work, -ol to real, ,and relax. Swlmmlnc. wlthtlrawal ol Lt.~-Fnd-~NO. 1U Ill llAID crrr. laland Cd Tract No. 742. to-wit: . ALLEY malno, llttlnp and appurtenanceo and -tbereof, and which the Pll•aae ol thll --ol crulllnc. blcyclln1 and lilht-eee-ertck F . Houoer :E' the t1nltad "DIWL.UllllG 'Ill& W09& 20 In the Jytnc between lolll 1 to u and :io far 11111>i>Qtnc a domestic water dlltrict includes all that certain · Intentlm, ID the time. farm 11111 Ing are favorite GI activities cm States ..,..torial ....,. 11& 1109Z 'lBA1' J.O(lAL oa · ALLEY5 to 33, Bloclr 14 o1 Mid Wtlon 3 IUIJlllY and for fire poot«llan In real poqe ty o1 the Ocy o1 New-,,......... lll'O•lded by law. · · ' the Riviera. Mot"""'*'-take 'l'lill 111_._.1_ · wao ~ OIU>~A'IY l't!llLIO ll&IU-In Bloclis 1. 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, lO, ll, o1 Ba-Toland; an4 the 11Joeetll and aJleyw In Sectlolia port Beach u -on Plat No. ~ 1.. '!bat the written U . S. aoldlen to C.-, perft!me fa--'>17 r«liwd byJ~-- rrr, AND D&llC&UllNO 'Ill& 12 u and ;14 ol Section 1 of Bal-In tbe 1, 2, 3 and 4 ol Bal-Ialand; 410, lndicatln& by a boondary llne' roport ol tbe Ocy Engineer ol tbe center ol the ..... 1c1. to Vallaurta -c:redlled Houoer actlnl m. ~er TO II& lll&NDTl-oo;. Ialand·r and • 41.r.rr to-wit: · the eitent ol the territory included Cb' ol Newport Bnch on the iro-wbere artllanl make earthon!<ue the belt lntereslll o1 bll party an4 TED BY llAID woaa. AND TO In the • l:yins between Joto :i to 14 -21 In within tbe propoaed Ul!WI poeed ..-trudlon ol the ._.,_.... ,,_ and utenllla, 'and to MJ'Dll by mlllY other ~ .... PAY A POllTION DP TB & to 35, Block 1!1 o1 Mid Section 3 at )IARJNE A VENUE dlltrict, appooved by tbe Oey monlll bereln dlac:rtbed, ~ P'D'· Carlo, famam far .1111 caa-pnne. of 1'9"'Y, """° oon-t OOll'flli AND ll:XP&llll&ll ALLEY -lalancl· and between the alley Jytnc -o1 O.mdJ ol Mid Cty °" the 2nd aulllt to the pruvillona ol tbe Pvt. Dimmitt II now ata-that the Incumbent, 1,Wllllam F mc•so'F, AND Dll:'l'll:IUID'!-!rftJ =-~ ~Ill~~~ . In tbe • lot 21, -u of Mid Section 4 day ol Jqly, l!le, and Oil file In "Special " 11 ..... 1 lnVlatlptlon, in -· .......... Kmw,lllld. .. mald111 [a loud ...,: ING ~T llONDB llBALL ldr: ve, , . ALLEY of Balboa 1a1an4 llld the wtberly the ottlee of the Ccy Oerk of Mid Umltatlom and Majoricy. Prolllt On! and hu receiwd Important t!l81J&D~'IO wmm UN-of Balboa lalancl. llld ly\!ll between 1o111 1 to l!I and 22 termlnua or Ilk! Marine Avaiue· Ocy, attached to and !armlns a Act o1 1931." bllna Dlvlllon 4 ol First Power. Boats ~-1n the ~to 11y bllna PA ID AlllAS•Cil'l!I PO• In the to 36, Bloclr 15 ol llld Section 3 o1 and ' -' of the report llled under the the Stroetll and Hlcbways Code Arriva by Steamer plac«I on the Natlobal Def- 'nl& AND &ILl'&llllCll, ALLEY Bal-Ialand; and In tbe pruvillona at the "Special Al11111 of the State of California. II °" .., Inveatlaatinc Committee (fcumr AND ll!l)ClllG A TOI& A1'D l:yins between Joto 1 to 39 inclu-In the ALLEY ment Inveatlptlon, Umltatlm and Ille with the Ccy Clerk an4 -Fro N y k 1y 'l'nllnan Commltlll' -llwl PLAO& roa HCAa111e oa-live, Block s o1 Mid Section 1 at ALLEY 1:y1ns _,th of loll 18 to 21 lnclu-~ty Prolllt Act of 193L" to public ._.,_ m ew or Ccmm1t111>: ~ o.r.nit- n:crtollfB TO llAID WOlllL Balboa Ialand; and l:yins bl-lolll 1 to l!I -22 live, Block 13 ..... Mid Section 4 Reference II hereby made to the PASSED AND ADOPI'ED 111 ' . Ill; Ccmmlttfto on ~-and In the to 36, Block 17 o! llld Sec:tlm 3 ol of Ba1bM laland; and II.lei Plat No. 410, "° on Ille, !or a the Cty Councll of die Ocy of Believed to be t he first power Reclamation; and In)!nlsra-- The Cey Council of the Cty of ALLEYS Bal-.laland; an4 In the first . fllrtber, tul1 and more complete Newpo.-t Beach, Call!ornla. at'• cnnsen delivered to tbe wat all ln"'1vlftl im~t Jeslllatloa Newpcst Beach. Call!ornla. P'D'· In Blocb 4: 7, 8, 10, and U ol Sec-In the ALLEY cleac:riptlm of the aald m ""'nt ~ moetln& thereof belcl cm oout llnce the wor'1 end, two of vital interest to Clillfamla. · auant to the poovlliono ol the Im-tlon 2 ol Bal-.Ialand; 11111 ALLEYs l:yins -t of Marine Avenue ~ dllb1ct, an4 tile oald plat, IO on the 4th day ol Fobruary, 19'6, I>,· Rlchonllon day boats were 'put ~· provm>en\ Act of 1911. being In tha In Blocb 11, 12, 13 and 14 of tween Park AVll!ue an4 the 'first file, .iwi eovem !or all detalla the !ollowlftl fl\~. to-wit: into the water at the Bo sun Pvta 1, ~·and 3 o! Dlvlllon 7 of ALLEY Section 4 of Bal-lalllld; an4 alley l:yins north of Balboa Ave-u to .the extent di the oald --'AYES: ·Councilmen Stanley, Al· Locker Jut week. The :ZS.foot If I: W LI I: In tha nue, ~ Balboa Avenue at ment dllb1ct. le11, hbe?-Reed llld ,Hall. cruisers. built at Tonawanda, N. Y., "-.., "'-. -l'--1.. ALLEY the lntenec:t! f ·d all . and Sec-~ The oald aty Council NOES. Councilmen None. were shipped around thruu&h the ~' Uitle~ ~ 1yins between lots 7 to 26 incltl In the first on o u.i ey • bu determined and declored, and ABSENT; Coundlmen None. Panama Canal by Luckenbach • Gm J live, Block 2 or oald Section 4 of ALLEY notice ii hereby given that the APPRO : steamer. Bloookill Vui• BalbOa Island; and lying west of Amethyst Avenue, City of Newport Beach, Will Out ot CL ~ H. ~ The Ughthouse 'Yacht Sales ~ 0-.:.. .. -., In the betwttn Park Avenue and Balboa its General Fund. pay the awn of M OI) of the City ot COQJ.pany brought the two craft 0 43 , u.. .. -·s GA ...._ ALLEYS . Avenue· and $15,000.00 toward the OJCtl and Ne J t Beach, cautomia. here on ·consignment. in Blocla 1, 5 and 6 of Section s In ~ llnt ' expenses of said improvement. and I Y RESOLVE that the of Balboa Island; and AU..EY the liability and obligation to pay above and oing Resolution of l r-------------------~----~ In the lying west of C.oral Avenue, be-such sum shall accrue and become Intention ! passed and adopted ALLEY tween the first alley lying south payable upon the date of the con-by the Ci Q>undl of ~e Qty of lying between lot.a 7 to 26 tnclu-of Park Avenue and the first alley firmation of the assessment ~Y the ~ b aqh, California, at tht slve, Block 2 of said Section s of lying ·north of Balboa Avenue, Qty Council of &aid atY. ~e vote above stated Balboa Island; and C!'OU!ng Park Avenue and Balboa OESCRIPrION OF BONDS L. RINEHART, In the Avenue at their intenectiom with SecUoa 5. That serial bonds at ~erk of the Oty !Jf ALLEY said alley: and bearing interest at the rate of six (SEAL)N Beach, California lying between lots 1 to 6 and 23 In the first per cent (6%) per annum shall be to 28, Block 7 of said Section 5 AILEY issued to represent each assess-Pub.-Feb. of Balboa Island; and lying west of Diamond Avenue, be-ment of Twenty·flve and no/100 -+------ In the tween Park Avenue and Balboa ($25.00) or more; remaining Un-TE OF BUSINESS ALLEY Avenue; and paid for thirty (~) days after the ~ Firm Name lying north of lots 35 to 41 inclu-In the first date of the warrant. Said serial sive of Tract No. 742. ALLEY bonds shall extend over a period The un rslgned does hereby Second: The grading and paving lying southeasterly of Opal Ave-ending nine (9) years from the certify tha we are conducting an '----------~----------+.---''-----' with asphaltic concrete pavement nue, between Park Avenue and second day of January next sues infants' we business at 1211 and a with a decomposed granite hue, Co~Uns Avenue; and ceeding the next October fifteenth 1213 ·Coast Highway, Corona del .---------------------+., ----- cement concrete all~y approache1 In the first followin& their date. Payments on Mitr, Calif ia, under the ftctl-KLINE .CONCRETE PBODUC'fS OOllPANY and appurtenances m certain al-ALLEY the principal of unpaid assess. tlous firm ame of TiiE STORK ROLLOW BUILDING TILi: AND B&JOK I leys . and approaches thereof in lying northwesterly of Opal Ave-ments and interest shall be made PENTIIOU E and that laid firm F1ne for All TJpee of BaOd.litc ud Paao W.U. Sections 1, 2.' 3, 4 ahd 5 of Balboa nue, between the first alley lying by proper-ty owners to the Qty Is compis of the following per-WALTER L. ~ Proprietor PBO"V91a Island, to-wit: southwesterly of Park Avenue and Tre. asurer, and the same shall be sons, wh names and addreues .,.,... I th th n-•• b ' --Plant Located at--n e e •u•t alley lying northeuterly .,u.S uned by him, all as ~ovided are as foll , to-wit: INOOME TAX SER\'l()E P.APALMBR ' UDO ISLE PJDAliUll<! GEORGE D. BASSF:IT • W. 0 . BUCJC-Ins..rance Counselor ~1500 ~&.,( 3333 VI.A LIDO CALIFORNIA . ' General Accounting Fishermen's Bookkeeping .. , 2602 W. Central Ave. Newport Je... Orange County Trucking Co. Ph. 1805-i TBUOKS FOB lllBJl! Trucking, Hmling, General ' Transfer Loo& and Short Hauls Nwpt !80, Days-or-Nwpt 512-M, Nlgblll ALLEY of Park Avenue, croosing Park in the "Improvement Act of 1911," Dee Bo 1211 Coast .lilghway, .___ ______ 1_580 __ N_ewpo __ n ____ ._0oo_ia_.111_-______ _, ·--------------------------'I lying northeuterly of lots 1 to 6 Avenue at the intersection of said being part 5 of Division 7 of said Corona del ar, Calif. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; lnclusive, Block 3 ot said Section 1 alley. Streets and Highways Code. Jan lfe erson, 713 Jasmlite, .-----,-,----------------------:!of Balboa Island; and Sixth: The installation and con-IMPROVEMENT ACT Corona del Mar, Calif. N rt E • i A • t In the struction of fire hydrants, fittings SecUoa 6. That all of the work Witness eir hands this 26th ewpo ng1neer ng $$0Cll e5 ALLEY and appurtenances !or fire protec-herein proposed shall be done and day of Jan ary, 1946. ' _! 1 1 _._..........,_ lying southerly of lots 1 to 6 lnclu· ti~ in the following street.a in carried through in pursilance of DEE YD, £t" P ng, Man ... --..,. and Sales Englnfll!n slve, Block 8 of sald Section 1 of Sec ons 1. 3 and 4 of Balboa an Act of the Legislature o! the JANI BARR HENDERSON. I ---§,---Block 6 of said Section 3 of Balboa Isl d, to-wtt: . State of California, designated the State of · ornia. Island ; and 'i(i the southeasterly side of ''Improvement Act of 1911," being County of ange,.:........sa. Marine ~ Industrial ·Machinery In the \.. GARNET AVENUE Parts 1, 2 and 3 of Division 1 of On this th day of January, r-' ALLEY near '\he first alley 1lying north. the Streets and Highways Code of A. D. 1 , >before me, Nora S. Instrument& lying between lots 1 to 10· and 17 easterly of Park Avenue; and the State of California. Margwarth "° Notary Public in Matena• 1 ·Handling Eqw·pment to 27. Block 12 of oald ·Section 3 In the west side of TIME AND PLACE OF and for d County llld State, , or Balboa hland ; and COLl.INS AVENUE HEARING • personally ppeared Dee Boyd and I In the near the first alley .lying south-Section 'J. NOTICE IS HERE-Jan Hende , known to me to be ---1---ALLEY easterly of OpaJ Avenue; and BY GIVEN, that on· th~ 4th day of the pers,o whose names are sub- lying south of lots 14 to 19 inclu-In the east side 'of March, 1946, at the hour of four scribed to within ·Instrument, sive, ot Block 14 of said Section 3 RUBY AVE?,iUE, o'clock (4:00) P. M., in the Council and ackn ledged to me that they ~--~--------------------~•of Balboa Ialand ; and SAPPHIRE AVENUE and Clamber of the Crty Council of executed e same. In the . ONYX A VENUE the Oty of Newport Beach, any In wt whereof, I have I - Want to C911 Home I t I GlllLS, the wariJD'r .,...,. &ru tdcphooealla ... cooccmcd. Theteaie more alls to handletban enr. Will you h<lp Nndle the t!-oomad. o/ aJla '* recuming KrYicc mm are makina al thcr am.. ia Southem Colifomia Oil the ""1 borne? 1bcn la noochi"I m-boJs --thaa .. tol<ploona -.e, a..d we need -girls 10 !Wncf!e their callL Plywbilel .... i"' ..._ ...... ~Good....m, .... witb&.qucn1u.a..-Tbaela~a .... ~~-JO"'bomcwben,...coald ...... ]'at aok the Opealar for the Oiiof <>pean, ""'°wit gift,.,.. the~°'"" .... .,..,_ .... _ ......... for,_ • • .... --lln.llldll 11111:.Bq, .... ALLEY near the first alley lying north of and all persons having any objec-hereunto t my hand and affixed lying south of Iota 15 to 20 inclu-Balboa Avenue; and tions to the proposed work or 1m-my off.Id seal the day and year sive, Block 15 of said Section 3 In the south side of prov.ement, or to the extent of in this cate first above ot Balboa Island: and BALBOA AVENUE the as.sessment district, or to the written. In the Balboa Island; and proposed grades, may appear and Pub. Jan. i Feb.~. 12, 19, UM. ALLEYS In the show cause why saJd work should ;:;;;;;;;;;;;I;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=::; lying south of lots 16 to 21 inclu· ALLEY not be done or carried out in ac- alve of each of Blocks 16 and 17 of lying north of lots i to 6 inclusive cordance with thLs Re9olutlon of said Section 3 or Balboa bland; Block 3 ot Section 2 of Balboa'. Intention. Protesta must be in and uland; and writing and must be delivered to In the ALLEY In the the Cty Clerk prlor to the time ALLEY set for the hearing. lying north of lots 1 to 6 inclu· lying north of lots 1 to 6 inclusive, PUBLICATION· OF slve, Block 2 of sald Sect.ion 4 near the first alley lying east of RF.SOLUTION OF. INTEN'I10N of Balboa Island: ~d Ruby Avenue, Sapphire Avenue SecUoa. a. The ''Newport Balboa In the Apolena Avenue. News-TimeS." a semi-weekly news- A.U.EY Seventh: The reconstruction of paper published and circulated and Q lity Lum1- and . Buil inc Material• i • C STA MESA L MBER CO. R. E. HOSTETLER P'hon• 41 lying north of lots 1 to 6 inclusive, existing sewer manholes to grade of general circulation ·in the aty Block 2 of said Section 5 ot Balboa in the elleY'I to be graded as shown of Newport Beach, California, is Island. on the· plans and profiles herein-hereby designated u the news-- Third: Remove and reconstruct after referred to. ! paper in w'hlch thlll Resolution of :==:::t======== cement concrete curb and sidewalk PLANS, PROFILES, SECilONS Intention shall be published by the • I Beer Wines Liquers Whiskey . Boolll and Boy "-. Palm and Bay, BaJbcw. PhoDe S91 AND SPECIFICATIONS. Cty Clerk, in the manner and 5 5 I ' $ SecUoa !. All of said work and form provided by law, and for improvement to he clorie lhall bl making all other ·publications In u 0 r st 0 re constructed upon the grades along the proceeding under um Resolu~ the lin6 between the points of the tlon o! Intention. ()out lliway ~emions at the places and in 'Ibe Qty Clerk ls directed to --~:r-._. of -AftlMll the manner shown on the plans, ~~al~l~no~ti~ces~~o~! ~th~e~acfo~op~tltl~onon~~Q/~~;;~~~~-~-~~~7~;;~ profiles and sections for the con-this Resolution of Intention to an I struction of saJd improvements in certain streets and alleys in Sec- tlons l to 5 inclusive o! Balboa ONCB' AG Wand and Tract No. 742,• belftl · ' Plan No. 409, ShereU 1 to 25 in· SAM'S SEA F clUlive, and Standard Plans Noa. ' 1016. and 1061 on Ille In the office o! the Cty Engineer of said dty, and shall be constructed of the materials and in the manner abown in and In a<."COl'1lance with the specillcatiom heretofore ap.. proved by the Cty Council of the oald dty. and rer......O. 11 hereby made lo said piano. profiles', ...,. t1ons and specifications !or the tul1 D SPA w·. •· • Location ~Eutr10ld Cout Highway. New Bar Radio Service At lhsoqable Prices Pal•ter Radio & Electric Spa ZM8 Newpori lllft. <la•.._ Charter & Preston GAS, FURNACES ' Still Difficult to Obtain We have a few In stock for inunediate installation Eliininaw sweating windows and moisture on walls Protect 70ar Mme ~ bealth. Om ... --~ total of '8 :rean la U.. ~• Beating ancJ ;ventilating Field ' . will IOl-.e 70ar probleme NO CHAIWE FOB SUBVllY AND _r;STIMATE CHARIER & PRESTON He.tin&' IDltaUattom Make Warm Frl:enlb Bmlness PIM>ne MM &tdllenee ....__ MG 1or tl9G 280 ·Forellt Avl'. -Ugmla Bach • 11( W. 4th St. SANTA ANA ........ A.._ • • • • ' ·-a-JVt I ' j ·-1 NEWPORT-BALBOA ~EWS-TIME~ • • .. The Parable of the Doct • I: E KEMAkK IW&: •••W II ... u (8 I .. -· ......... tell _,, tne<'J 1h(.> ft ~ r.. r I c an. • • • mv,111 ,. I . "'"" JOHN PHll.LIP9 T ,. t a _..Tj I a ... r 2 .,.,..::a ·r---D .....,,. r t ...... r.lti. .. ...,, .. UM! daily ~, ":1~ obl1ga •.on w ,1 . ' o.m· ... RP'' • 17 a st ...,. W'' • -a f •' ... 0.-....... c 'SJ' oou:rag(' M~ ... ~· -. """''fondn .. fmnlllar· wttb the .. ...,... ID...,.... Sl.50,.. 1WI' ID)OI I OamtJ; &t • Clr•p .... w·•) . • ....... Sr..a.bnl ~ ~ t!?e um:s.·we ••ppen •I lflf15 por ,_..-.., 4tb ...e,.taJJO por ,_. topllll-'?1le -dq I walled In a Another """""!'\• l1CEd Is a •· hA•-.. had ~ -Ill Ill!' ---'---:::::..:.;:.:::; ~--_.:_.:_ • • .. -.. doctCll"\ oflke. I Md an lql!IOln'" wwthl' IJle purpaoe and • ,.... .,...,..rt, and ,....i -but Di...,. u ~ ..,.I.Ur at llw ~~ "!.!!!'*polt B .. ::!\ ment and I wu .., time.. But the l1able standard of rlcht and '!"'OllC· nnt 1111 _.. lib that, ,,... did 1111 -Oi-"'Ailla. -tile Act al ~ 3. >0•• .man waltlnc ,_,, -lull of We ii pretty humdrum If one liYel oft!-ldw the fam>en a malt. S. 'A. llLlt'IER • • • • • • .J L:; f'lllN-~ abeed al me. I bad a lull only to collttt bia -or draw When the p eoent Att<rnoy o.n; SAii 1). l'Olr1'ER . • • • • • Mer Fi hour to walL I -read all the 1 hil aalory. Jeaus gave a ll!e pur-..-al and I _.., a con>lnlttee to L. B. llJLLARD 1 -• • • • • I • Editor n>A&ui-and .., I thou&ht that .,... that i;an be .-by all men-sllJd)I war p\Jblena In 1912, ,... W . F. 1lilXCl'I • • ·• • • .&don~ -•er I would rnd the -le. color<d or white. rich or-· cuJ. oent_a man Into i-USES - l'\iatlns Plmot. IOU W. Central A-N~ ... ~t F ±, callftrida Each ponon -different-In tured or ~--'"Seek -tr1n Loz ~ He..-fir a /Officiial 1f f the c:.-f N ~ Beaclll 1oo11a, In -. In tenperamea.t. In the Kingdom. That can be the job cin a farm; lie wu 1Dlcl he I ~ 0 -: 0 ew ~ty. It II surprlllna """ purpoae beq. of all -·· dolnp. -get better -at the WV A • S •1-* 1.-1 ._. •• tw °"" y~ peop&e will reveal penonallty One may ial9e OHnPS or 9'll planta. He Aid, no, he wu a 'tu- .. "Alrtwly/' he l&id. -..,oi-t:y...ooe out or forty-elcht atatea are !>XD- • • , E.......,.t!ll &L traits as they welt In a doctCJl"s grqcerles or build -or man-_. and wanted to worll .., a IMllz ""''""" " olllce. ace a bank or be a profemlonal farm. Neither USES otnce - petlb& for the tawilt ..... ? •• tb1s I'-----------'-+--' year in their ae&rcli for new 1 .---------~-+-.., .. 'I· ' ~JtTI?N o!":"uof ~=::~~i =k ~t !:.:" ~.:e.:. ~ ~ :,:ictoror_im:;a~th tried to Iii • ~, .... ,,."-1n a bri&ht red -anil Wlth a Klnsdom-Go '*"' be1ond thaL r ... ...., I -------------:_~'------~~~~-red IC&rl on her jet black hair. SUch a Ute purpoae c1-a agricultural workers In C8llflJmla Sile -"f!r1 M"Y to look aL One standard at rlcht and '""'1C· claalfled u ''muaicla11S" a n ii Carbo 13 woman WM dr-d. In a strtpedl Whatever aldl one In -.nrl<lnc far ''tnldl dlhots.'', -they W 0 g"Y ault and ahe had the mlttl .. the Kingdom. 11 npt and what· ...-wwked anywhere but on the A major step in the hunt for the C81llle al cancer has and talked oonatantly .. Thett wu • ..-blnden la ,.,.-. ranches. Undor that cl.-ncatlon been taken In the development of "Carbon 13 " a rare a young woman In a blue-lift)' suit The lntereot of the ~e In l}'Stem the _.ker -to ha~ . , ' with an older woman drelM.'d ln the doctC:ra oftlce centered ln the "suitable employmmt.. and It materlal found to have great value In btocbenlcal research blUt>-<>bvlously mother and daugh-physician. They 1~ to him for wasn't farm _.k. If a truck work. tor. help. With all their cllffettncn driver aald he had drl-. a Mack An oil company has announced plans for ronstruction A younc '""1UlJl who wore a they turned to th1I one doctor. truck, and tbe job offered was · . whJte blouse wttb a short-quite There ls one who can be to the driving a Ford truck. aome otfices al two plants 1" produce Carbon 13 m comparatively sub-abort-blue skirt had very larce people of the world what 'that didn't consider that '"suitable em- stantlal quantities, and states, "In biochetnlcal research, and very N!d ljpa. An attrac1lve physician was to the people In hll ployment." In falrneu to the Carbon 13 is used as a tracer In probing the secrets al young mother, In an old gold offloo. We oometlmea call JeaU. USES, some of !hese ~ ....,.. fUndamentaJ ~ that occur in all livin things as drftl, wrote a letter. '"The Gr<!at Physician." And he b . relief, and not USES. but the 111me -, 1 Pl . . g • . Eleven people u different In He can help the spiritual 1111 we pollcjes applied to both. RA~i: IUo well as metabolic disease processes, of which cancer, d.ia-personality as in their dresl! But have mentioned. He can meet our Do you want aomething recent? betes, hardening 0~ the arteries, and S<>-CalJed 'heart trouble' they .had something In common-spiritual need. Many of hil follow· I have a letter on my desk aaytng are exam~. Indistinguishable chemicall from ordinary they n~. or thought that they ers have had their selfish 1pirltl 8 returned 90]d.Jer applied 'or: a ~ . . . . ! needed, a doctor for their heath. transformed. Multitudes have job at a California USES off1ce. carbon, Carbon 13 IS absorbed m livmg tissue and under-It was the office of an ear, eye, found Uuier strength. He has given The USES said to him. "Why are ~~~~~~~ goes the same metabolic process as does ordinary carbon. throat. and nose 1peclallst. Our purpose to Ute and has provided you looking tor a job! You are ~~~~~~~ But wb re ordinary carbon cannot be traced as it passes ages, from oldest to yoongest. cov-a useable standard of right and entitled ~ unemploymen~ relief -: e . . . . . ered a span of more than half a wron He has done these thin payments .. The soldier said he through these mtricate cherrucal reactions which "'Ti the century. The cultunl r&nge was for o~en and he will do them f: wanted a JOb, not ttllef. He could USO No' t process of life itself Carbon 13 can be detached by the use probably just u wide. But old or you and for me not get It from the USES, so he or an electrical kbuinent . and identified with specific young, cultured or Ignorant, we all . got a job for himself with • taxi· w1·th Mo . . " · · had a common need. • • cab company. A similar case bodily functions. The people 1n the c1octor·1 office Kite FJymg 'Can makes the same ttport. except U til D Up to "°"lo the total_ world production of Carbon 13 had either ear, eye, ncoe or throat he had to aceept the relief cheeks. R ec has been at •he rate. of less than one-half ounre per year. trouble. The nurse sold that the Be Dangerous, Do you 1uppoge somebody 1n f · 'shed le Work 31, 1947 .... r • . • • • common cold brought more people , Waahington thinks the USES· 1 The new plants will be instrumental m mcreasm~ world sup-to the offi"" than any other com-Wheat Declares might be a political asset if con-The USQ will not complete Its plies five hwutred. to a thousand times. plaint. People can catch a social trolled Fe:<terally. until. after the wartime activiti s, such as de- IOUl'Cel ot tncxme to replue lmt war 9Pf!Ddinp, • The All·Year Club, in a cam- paign to nvlve the Southland"• $20,000,000.a-year tourist lndu&try, is tlml"ii· Its first Invitation to visit.on for '"next .summer and fall bn·: when the load of returnin& lerVicemen no longer'will._be heavy on hotels here. · Clyde Hamiltons in iNew Lido ·Home Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Hamilton, who operate the Hamilton Ma- chinln&: Co., have moved into their new home on Ct>rdova street, Lido Isle. Mrs. Hamilton has put many ·months in the planning and con-- struction of the lovely place. "'hich had many unique feature! and in- novations. Cost ls ~tely $15,0!JO. • O.LCULLY o.w Tu c:o••n•••I ..... Ar11aa8 t . Spect.wHzhac ca IN·,, w ~ 'Your ~ --"'1 I ..... , •• •abs lll ·W.&llo --PIERSOL'~ Prof e11las sJ Plau...-j -~--.-... Yml11S I L&MJN.& •s•ca "[,. BuR ..... fOT 'Yo•"·fil" .. e r• ........... ,, p .,.......... -c.orni119-· --p s 'm .......... -·'t' -.... '!' • .._ •• . ..... :U ... PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY I -AOOOUNTANT .i. 8. W-HYTE INCOM:Z Tll 00lli'911LTANT AUthol"lU'Ol b7 tbe-United Stace. 'IW- Ul"7 l)epartft1"nt lO rel)f'Hefll cllt-ftta tn COMM:llon .,..lib inconie lilJC mattt.'nl. AliDIT8 • 81'8TUl8 aDC)l[KCSplNQ USVIC& OfDee lMe ...,_ Bl\ttll., C•t.a ·-Ph-N-.-1 i«O-\\' ' PllY81CIAN8 • 81JBQICON8, ILD· H. R. Hall, M. n: l'llywldaa and -.--1 Hours: 2-5, ·bY Appointme+t Telephone 2620 ISi Broadway 0oeta lleea Whlle the layman is hopelessly bewildered by the mys-or ·moral or spiritual cold. lt is . next election? I l . mobilization 8 reconversion ..__,........_.,_ . . . . an infection to which they sue-A fresh spring _breeze can prove The votes today: For rne Dirk-services until l9!is. The peace-~OA•~... 1 tenes of SC1e11ce, he ~ grasp the basic natu:e of such ~-cwnb. There is such a thing as be-an -ill wtnd for kite ru~. accord-set} amendment, changing the date time responsibillf;Y for which it -----------~ I coverles as Carbon 13. He knows that the tireless probing Ing spiritually hard of hearing and Ing to Geo. J . Wheat, district man-from June 30, 1947 to \June 30, was created duryng the war by Armand Monaeo Gordon M. Grundy, M. D. and investigation in laboratories all over the nation by having poor spiritual sight. ager for the Edison company who 1?46· 254 ayes an~ 125 noes. The the end of 1947. and in the mean-ARCHITECT ft.yUelua and SupoD l . . Splrttu.al m. AIM> t~y asked parents to make sure final vote on the bill, as amended, time carry on lh~lr service to sev-_1 • thousands of 4Jllrnown scientistS, may one day save his_ life. Not only do people have common their childre_n know the four safety .263 ayes, 113 noes. The Democratit_ eral millions still in the services. 814 W. Bay Ave., Balboa Ninth and L.:f'ntra1 Ave.! • ~ spir itual Ills but they also have ru~~0s J~. kite flyifng. th. f vbeot1e was almh osCot an exact diViaion Training and morale enter into 2121N~~o!c.~ve. Office Hrs.: 10-12 a.m.; 3-5 p.m.. Bo Sc t W k · certain spiritual needs. They have UM:l vance O ese our ween t e " natitutional Dem-the conduct and become exponents Y 0 ee r the need of developing unseUi.sh-simple rules will help prevent ac-ocrats" and the men and wome n f democracy The USO re-dedi-Lo8 Ance1e8 NOl"lna4d.y MOS T elephooe 37 Boy Scout -Week celebrated from February 8 to 14 is ness . Most of the sorrows and cidents," he said, "and avoid the we should probably call the "lrn::' ~ated itself ·according to ayde !'-------------'IL------------' . ' · , ' heart aches and evils of the world trouble that resuJts when kites .constitutional Democrats." You Ashen to se.;.;e the religious spirl-ATl'OR1'"EY8 an occasion Ywfllen the Amencan people should really stop, can be traced to sel!lshneu. There ~gle wtth power lines. ~des will find. the record vote on page tual, welfare and educ~tional '------------- look and ~ ts little hope for humanity it un-disrupting electrical &el"Vlce, a 562 of the Congressional Record needs of the men and women tn ROBERT GARDNER They shou)d stop to realize just what a great work is selfishness cannot be acquired. I tangled kite may mean d~.ath or for January 29. the armed forces. -and~ : . . . . am not talkigg about "giving up" serious injury to the n ter. I rise to remark that I hope DONALD D llA.RWOOD being done by1 the Boy Scouts of Amenca m building better to other people. I am talking about Here are the safety rules: there is no question in the 22nd 21 ~ Mil L' • character in bur rising generation. They should look at taking that force and drive t hat 1. Fly your kite In !'" open Dl_strlct how Ill Congressmjln New ~-e 1ne . ,,.,,.'J'1'°:!:~T ..!:!u. the results already obtained and they should listen to the Is back or selfish effort and chan-field, away . from power Imes and would vote on such. an issue. My Will Bring Gas . -ncL01r1roNU- pl f J ti d rt f this tst d neling it tnto effort for others. street traffic. regret wu that I could not vote Here from Texas a-a. A.Mo ,.,., M~ .._. 1111a ea ,or grea~er coopera on an ~PIX> 0 OU an -Another common need ls the de-2. Use cotton cord for the kJte again to return the USES to home ing youth tnOf"ement. . veloplng of an Inner strength-a string. Never use wire, tinsel 01' supervision in 100 days, instead of There is always a need for men who have the interests sense of personal adequacy. W e all metallic cord-they are conduct-five months. of Amerl th heart ~ h 1 beg&n life as helpless inf anti. Ver y ort of eleetrldty. -------can YI"' 1lt -to serve as. -~ e p pre-soon we begin to do things for 3. Be sure your cord i. perfect-306 Arrests Made pare the boY5r of today to be good Clti7.ens of tbtnorrow. ourselves, we assert our independ-Jy dry. A we t cord may become nit!' Boy Saiuts of America ls an ideal channel through ence. As we grow older we -a conductor of electricity. During January hlch · 1n~~ te In f 1 th · cover that one may be able to 4. If your ldte does catch In Permission for the construction of a 214-mile pipe line for natural gu from Blythe to Santa Fe Springs at a cost of $12.140,000 was granted last week by the rail- road-commission to Southern Call-w to ~,.ca many o our young peop e e pnn-walk alone and feed himself but a power line, let go! Do not pull dples ·of delJ¥>cracy, tolerance and W1derstandlng. Every not be able to make his own de-It. Telephone the company own- lad who belonlls to the Boy Scouts must be the better for it. clslons wisely or meet the unex-Ing the line and • lineman will But even more extemive and more effective work will be pected demands of lite alone. We come to get your kite down ln The dty police department fornia and Southern Counties Gas arrested 306 persons during J anu... companies. • DAY SCHOOL , Mortimer School SO! Coral Bal-..._ a.-, ClOl1op, ~ DAY SOHOOL Now --O. A. Mortimer, M.. A-. O:dord. PrtnclpM Pllone 162 DENTlil'.1'8 . J . · al must have built up Within us a safety. achieved as tile public i:'ealizes more fully the scope and v ue strength that c&n be depended ------- ary, moet of which were for traf-· The lfnel is designed to bring fie infractions. ot these, 29 wen; natural gu from the rich Texas n9t for traffic violations, and 47 and New Mexico oil fields and I ~-----------~ of the activities now being carried on. upon. We must acquire a sense of Scotch tape, various sizes, on Onl the ~on ot Boy Scout Week the Nation is espe-pe1'10nal adequacy. Then we ~an sale at the News-Times . dally proud at its Boy Scouts-and they are especially proud of thejr Natijn CROSSWORD PUZZLE tratflc cases were not tor Wegal plans call for ~connection of the parking. Three lodgers were ac-lirie at Blythe \,\ltth a . 720-mlle urie commodated. at the city Jail, and to be laid by El Paso Natural property valued at $1605 wu re-Gas Co. 'Total cost of the project covered. Of thll, $1500 wu In II estimated at $66,000,000. three autos, Olief· Hodgkinson re- ported.. Cobalt blue, made of an oxide Dr. Obed Lucas DENTIST not \0 w. (leatraJ Pit. 1480 NEWPORT BEACH of cobalt met~. ls the moat ex-1 l.:.---------~-.J CONRAD RICHTER,~ D. Phy.iclan and s~ j 120·E. 18th St. . OOSTA MESA Hours: l<r 12 a .m.; 3-5 p,. • Phone 133 Dr. G. E. Tohill ~~=-NEWPORT BEACH , -PHONES-- Office 286·W Res. 286-R u i:io answer, call Newpo~ 5 Gerald Rausa, M. p. 2830 West Central Ave. NEWPORT BEACH I Ph. l~::.. """:~:" 30~-M 'Invade' the Moon? Now tba~ be moon has been cartacted by radar, the talk ot ~g rockets to the moon has been ,publicly re- vlvro. Dlscuilsl<ins on this subject have been going on more or less ronstfntly for years among rocket experts and in the newspaper "comics." The president of the U. S. Rocket Soclet~ aays that the recent radar achievements proves that It Is possi:it~ a radio-controlled rocket to our ~ .hMwaly and to bring it beck. Well, we'll "!>ve to take his -jont for it since it's all too ~ for us. There Is one slight tlrawbe.ck about the rocket, however, and that Is the coat.~t would require $10 mllllon to build such a m!ajle · It might be worth ~10 million to find out if the moon Is "table. Just think of the ~ of having a weekepd pial , on' the moon which could be reached by over· For office supplies, see the News-Thne&. pensive color on most artists' IJQ8UILANCE -----------~ nlgbt 1ocket . . ' and Building Mattirials B y District Lumber Co. -UM . -.&Y BTBS I .. _ m .le&Oll8 l Obno.xlou1 chlld 5 Malt bevera1e1 I Mountain 1plnach 10 Plant of net- tle fllmilY t2 A anat African cla n 13 Sha rp 14 Wtltinl ftuld '15 Pronoun 17 Jewish month 18 River 1 Eur ) 20 Sama rium tsym.l 21 Tar1 24 Elf 2'7 Two-whttl~ vehicle IE. Ind.) 29 Foot cover~ ings · • .... u..u. M•d ... ••· •• palettes. • Before You auild or Remodel vlllt ~ lllt.1.-lln« •mple lllld dlolplay rooam. Color gufde&, planning aids, COO!-. prehenslve stock ot rugs, carpets ilnd linoleum. ..... New York Life Insurance Qlmpany DON IL DUKANT 428 Orchid Ave. CORONA DEL MAR , MORTICIANS Harold K. Grauel Chapel "We Ourselves the Better Serve by Serving Othen Best'' Phone Newport NI . eo.ta Mea QalU~mla OPTOMETBl.8'.1'8 , Robert A. Crawford ~D. OPTOMETRIST ~::'~ ... ~ •. ~ .... ~-~"~ .. ~ ... ~ ... ~.;~.~~ .. ~.~ .. ~ ... ~ .. ~,.~,.~ .. ,~ •. ~ ... ~.~~-~.~-~'"~'"~ ... ~ •. ~ •. ~ .• ~ .. ,.~ .. ~.,~ ... ~ ... ~ ... ~ ... ~ .... ~ .. ~ ... ~ ... ~ .... ~.~ ... ~ ... ~ ... ~ .• ~ ... ,~l I Ey~ 79~~ ~=tted Milton M. Muwell,,.. D. Ho1 °"""* m"'&7 f Con>B& de! - Office Hours: 10sl2; 2·5 .-Newportlon -· · S. R. Monaco,~. · • 814 Bay Ave.. Newport; l'7U "' 8. Hill 8t, Loo :I TUcker HU By APPolntment ' T. P. Reeder, M. D. Physician and 8wpoa 1001 Wat Bay Ave. · J 'IWepbone N~ 60! • GO 001 ·1. FINDLAY 30 Comes io 32 Finishes 33 Norse s.od 34 Parrot 1New Zea.) 38 Rall N9. If 3 Division of 21 Devoured j , i Phone UM COSTA MESA i Modem and Up-to.Date ! '----sUB_vi:_v_o_BB_, __ _.1 __ A._V_._An_dr_e_w_s,_M.~-..... ............... ! E ' OONDAoroll -BUILDEll ._m SHOP SERVIbE (JABl,NE1'8 ud MQ.1,WOBll , I T.'"'0. Ir' 1 4 9-&-I ... ,_,, • FreJa Daily' ~--J"oodl 10r ...... ~~ -,.... wut to oztcll -own.. • EN ASH M ~ I J NTllAL AWNUE. N&WPO"f • I CH • S8 Jumbled lype 39 River <Switz) . U Votin1 "Yes·• 4-4 F'ull of news 46 Girl's name 4'7 F ruit .. Dingy 49 Speaks DOWN ~ l Broken coat al cereal anlns IGnde • pl•Y 22 Escorted, 4 F inaer aa ships 5 C.onstf'l1a· 23 Inland * tlon 25 Ostricb-Uke 6 W•Q-llk• . bird fabric 28 Lar(e worm 7 Subst Qnce 28 Chest ln suspeD-31 Weaken sion f photo.> 1 3$ Monarch.I 8 Loc•tt<I 38 .Salt (Chun.) 9 Girdle IJa,.• 37 Girl's name 11 Lampre7 39 Oft 111 Bitter vetch 40 Vipers 111 Border tl Cereal sraln 19 Goddeu of U T•Dc ha rvesta 45 Epocb -· ... ·-"· • L ! Blue Printing ·facilities I 1~$L ~=w i ~ m1 w. Oelltnl: Newport...,.,. '' i_:. Pho~ostating up to 18 in. by 2i in. ·.i '------T.-~•_0_•:.._sr_ ... _ 0 w_m:_. _ __.1 _________ 1 ,__., .-~ ~ -~ Druglt• .,. ..... r Dr.-o.wae-1. !_;;_ j ~ck-Upandbeli~errService PIANO ,TEACHER Ph~~~ -. G. V. LINSENBARD , Gnduate · 1-~ pi..L. -1111 ' l -C1•!11illar. 1 '1 'e DEFEND YOUR HEAL TH WITH . . ~--~.~ Wa~ch for Openil g ~~ouncement 1.526. ~-~wFnmt _ , !.--------~ ORAllGE S °"" Blueprlllt & · SllOp TOO LATE lfOW ZO~ 1' ~ San Fr-anc:isco· boUlzwlww mft' -CIJNIC I-.,,,p.,...i to a Iiooot In tile prloo al • ........... ,.I .. 'lllil TNet , ... ,_ I . l =:=.:~·a. •,L. .... __ -_,...._•_•_•_• _•...:::;~!j~~ ... =z=,;.....,;=_,=!-__ ,i s I , .... . • r .. , . ' ' . '- I • • • ; . J t • ~ -VJCaar CIUD' BOlfOI ·IWUDED l I • - M&WFOWI M'l'O ,., .... .... • ., C :LASSll=IED~~--~ Them for Profit . • ·1· u~ Them for ~Result.a .· . : ----u -· dml't !Ind what ,._ ere lcJWhc for advertll!d In this lmR Phone Newport 811dl 12 or 13 and pliljle Jl'llUI' on adYll"'~1ltl•1 !DN11111t1t.,----1-i • l • ...., TIDE TABLES ·PAINTING -PAPal BANGING rpBUA&Y Uld DmoclftA'ftKG HJch 1-Hieb l"!"' B. 11:. KcDcwwhl · W 13 6 :54 12:4:1 8:H 1:11 •a Old Oouaty 114, Pb: 19'-W 6.1 2.l 4.0 -L' o.a x-- 'Ib u 1 :39 1:34 ''" :1::41 ~~~~~~~~:=:;:~! 6.3 1.8 4.2 -1..5 ..... VOID& • F 15 8:22 2:20 l:M l:H FOR A REi.usu: Paint 'Job m 6-3 1.6 U -1.4 bcme _,.. N 1...;. ~n 11 1:1111 YOUI' • ~ ewpoo.-t ~· s 16 9:02 2.~ 11: -1.l alter 4:30. p.m. •• 1().tfc, 6 :1 L4 4.4 Su 17 9:40 . 3:37 11:.. f.:%1 W.XCAVA'I'll'IG, GRAD~. 1ot DIPLOYllSNT Git*•••• . INTERESTING WORK Pleasant Working Conditiona Learn TELEPHONE OPERATING 5. 7 1.2 '·' --0. 7 lllou&hlns. -t -llmi -._ ... _ .. _ .. __ ... ----s.. In ---.> .tea W llOATS. lllll'Pl.Dll ----w ANT TO BUY-Snipe m' Snow- bh-<j Jn A·l onndl\lon. Write 1.212 Roanoke Rd., San Marino ... 'phone Sycamore 6-83.'17. &.tfc - FOR SAIE :IZ.ft. Cabin Cruller, Star marine motor.1 Will 1ell to hlcheet bidder. O>arlft Haprw!I', 1205 Madi.on Ave., Whittler. 12-4tp I J. M. M I L L 'E R Re6I Estate Broker 15th and Central ' Balboa Finest Full Size Lot In the Very Heart ol Business Directoey Ll&llt .... a. -..: t...11 p. • ~ ~ ... -,._. ..__., .-~ • - ~-...__._......_ ~. ~ ere....,.. w~e ra -----------N""pu<t -.,. _ , g.a.: now m e eel Gov~ Earf arren of Caltfomlii ,,...nta tM Natloral V1ctory ~ -1- • O.N•l IMtlbrte'• ue for contlnYN fe8derahlp durlne ttl• 1MI wlo-p N EARL PHELPS, TREE SBRVUS Apply ALL PLASTIC 12-ft. 11().Jb. TOP. (}.CAR BOAT and CARRIER. """' Oil display. Other modeJo ooon -dtnghlea, lallboats, nm- abouts, a'Uioen' 1£ paddleboardL Plutic Wa~· Co., 703 E . eefttral, Balboa. Phone 683. 12-ltc Lido Isle Balboa Island r ' tory Pi"••..... to C. T. ,., .. , (left), ...... .., of CalHomla ma'" UBLIC OTIC!' ,.._ Walnut -t-ale """ South C-1:1 • • ketl•t .. ocutlve, "'hlle Norvell Qlll""le (rl-~), Pacllc COHt director 1--------~----_, ~ ' :-T' em llllilOml& i .... -c:md --300 No., L<il M ·n Radio •• the •olltute, .., •• hi• ••• , .. tul•tlo•L Thie -th• thl ... etnltht and that a ale, tranafer and .. Anleleo SL, AMlwlni.· Ph. 2921. Tele1>hone Company an e A.U 8 ,..,. the oil oom,., .... tho lnatlt&m'• hlghnt ... rd. slgnment or the ~ will be made 4-8tp lbl z. aa,. Aft., Available lmmedlate: ~very, ccml- . 1 and the axmcleration therefor will · • -plete raQCe ot -Your In· Most . Taxp' yers Can Have Treasury bew~~A~~.1:ii:~ ;;:~;°.;rm.Fz BICYQ..ES • ~~c:omed.. :O~ 00.tt. Lot ' on North Shore very reasonably priced Modem Stucco, Best Loc:atkjn . Near Shopping Center ~~ 9o14. Rated• B11rtz.td. • ..___. u1.-. Ph 1 ~ nu Fi I ' T D d ti ruary, 1946 at the otllce of Tom VOGR.'S au14 North Main ~ ._..way. : ~ -c gure nc me ax e uc ons w. Honc1enon. Atrorney at i..w, 100 _a.;"""'" -Ana P'tRE m~. TlllJTS _ ' 308 Weal 30th Street, In the 01\' Q ll&rlDe, Balboa hlaa4· . ... C-0-1-. Pyrene A ,...,. Nllll& Priced at only $10, -§- More than 2..500 •• wace earn-the other may q<>t use thq with-of Newport Beach. County of Or-,..... OOa fbt ... t)"llMm~ ... ......._. J M M J L L E R en In SoQ\hen C~ornia can We holding receipt u a .,,turn. To ance, State of California. , I • AM tile Operator for Ibo -a.--. JolTll .HOKlN 411 • • their 1945 fedenl l oome tu ,.,_ file Joint withholding "'turns, Dated: February 11.1~. pc FOii.AL ,.. H qi.w Operator GALVAN, 1-Oout Hlpw9J. ·15th and Central • New1«t Beach • Phone U12 turna and have the Revenue Of-married couples should~ all their ROGER s. WATSON, 111-tfe "'-118'. ' n.ttc .. On Your W&¥ to ~" 12-ltli flee c:alc:ulate their ttxea for them. ,.ceipts together, but need fill Vendor To the=~~~ WANTED- accor<ling to an es~te reieued out only the one received from Pub.-Feb. 12. 1946. and of 36-Ft. CABIN CRUISER. Sleepa 4. w•wi• 10 W'I! • Gertrude A. Waldron +today by Collect of Internal their last employer. Couples may aent nowen messages Marine motor. A barp.in. G. £.~,,,,.,-===--:----.---::-:--=.,.,- Revenue Harry C. ·N,,.tover. uae receipts only if the combined 5U sympathy In my recent bereave-Waitrel!ll, Fry Cook, Minney, 201 Onyx. Phone New-WANTE> b:I' ._.,.ible 'hie-Wm. W . Sanford Any employ• ~>1 uae the 1945 income was lesa than $5000 and ORDINANCE NO. ment, I wlah to exp<-my moat Dishwasher. port 2760. 1().4tc p11a1e -ployee, · 2 or 3 --BROKER withholding receiPt recently given then only if their combined out-WHEREAS. many applications grateful apJred,aUon. M . In home. Permanent. PhODe 8llMa 308 Marine Balboa Island him by his emplom .. a tax .re-aide Income 'did not exceed $100." JOHN H. SUMMERS. BAY SHORE CAFE anne surance Ana 5829. 11().tfc Phone 234-R I turn ~ded ·. (1) "· total In-Deadline for filing wtthholdin° are now being made for permits G E M' Y·~.. ·~ • d tru ti -·-AnoN H 17th It Cout mchway . • lnney ' . • • come tor 1945 waa 1'1" than $5000, receipts .is Man:~ 15. the same as for the erection an cons d ~~ ·~--• Newport Beach Phone 2344 WANTED TO RENT-2 ~ Corona del Mar I (2) it was derived in \be main from the dealine !or jhe •eguiar Form of JlTe-fabrlcated houses an 8 WANT RIDE to Long Beach six a-ttc 20l Onyx Ave., Balboa island. clean cottage IQ\' swnmer aea-Small 2 bedroom home and garap, wagea subject to w1\hholding, and 1040. 1 houses containing less than ';°° day> week, from Corona de! Mar. Phone . N~t Beach 2760. son. Near bay. Write .Mr. M. rear of le*. good location, south , (3l that part of t~ total which square feet of Door area or Call Kathleen Edson Npt. SS-.R. \AU ~tJ'll II 10-4tc · Lawrence, 1281 %.1 S. Dunsmuir, of highway. was not subject to ~ithholding did PUBLIC NOTICU ground floor or first story oi 12-4tc roR SALE ..:.. Man's bicycle, $20. L: A. 35. WA. 5102. 1().4tc $68 00 not exceed SlOO. dwelling houses in the City o MUSICAL A LU>IO M ''When 8 r eceipt i filed as a tax Newport Beach; and BltAt1'12' AID8 19 Phone N. B. 1932. 11-2tc WANTED _ Room for rent for . __ , , return," We!ltover aid, "we wi1J No. 12575 WHEREAS, in the opinion and COLD and MACHINELESS FOR SALE _ Lamb's wool coat, BEAUTIFUL Spinet t}'J>e mirror single girl in Corona del Mar. New 2 bedrm. home on good comer compute the tax( Jive credit for NOTICE OF GUARDIAN'S S ALE judgment or the City Council of WA YES slze IO, like new. 34lO% West piano, a bargain. Terms. Danz-Call 292-W. Mtc $7500 tu withheld. and r~·nd a bill for OF REAL PROPl'IRTV AT the City of Newpo•t Beach. a Tinting and M&Dicwing Ocean Front. 12-ltp =~i::.ano Co., 520 No.~~~ WANTED TO RENT or lease, un· the balance. This must be paid PRIVATE SALE house containing less than 600 ~eni.D.g Appolntmeata Ph. 17e-.W FOR SALE-Patio furniture, rugs, furnished house. PhOne 18&)..R. Excellent Lots of good Values. ~th'm thirty days. Ir the with-square feet of floor area. exclusive v·· B ~ Sh GOOD ed . So I ~tfc h-o·l~-g -edit t. griater than the In the Superior Court of the State of the area -of g8l'age floor. is 1 S ea Op drapes, doll buggy, paint com-us pianos. me as ow = ·· f Calif 1 1 and Fo• the · 1 t b ·1d· · th c 1·ty 1103 Cout Hlway, rona del Mar pressor and various toys. 314 : as $89. Fine fo.r practice. Easyw __ ANTE ___ D_TO--RE-.,-NT::-cc 0 -R-cLE-=-cAS-=E · Balboa Isl and . •·-. we will send , refund check o . orn a n detr1menta o w ing an e ,....._ 11 0 '-QA Cou.nty of Orange. of Newport Beach and is detri· 76-tfc 0.1ral Ave., Balboa Island.S techrms'dt vp'· WJCo 5 re 20 ntN. Maalnnz. -Furnished house in Ne\vport 2 bedroom home. furn., and incm:ne togeth .. with int .. ,st. 1 mental to owners of prope.ty and JO _ 12-2tc s;.,,'::. An;ano ·• 0 · 8-tfc Beach, Balboa or Balboa Island. Apt. $Little OislandT. About I03 for jDedocU~llS In the Matte• of the Estate and taxpaye.s in the City of Newport ID!ALTB AlD8 HEA LTH LAMPS, Ultra-Violet. . Permanent coupje, employed by 15,0 0-erml!'\ "Our t~ compu,atlon will al-Guardianship of BLANCHE H. Beach; and a house of less d.imcn· SickroOm Sup~ies Inf!ra-Red, Verdi-Ray. Batteries MUSJCAL ·a BADIO N So. Calif. Telephone O>. No chil- low a-oXJ~tely f•n percent of HARRISON. In com~ent. s1'ons than here1·n s~'ied con-f H · Aids d P tab! dr Call 1 .. n "-B·-bet. Fine Lots at $4550 & U.I. the reported 1ncom~ to cover or-r-• . ~ BED PANS and C. or eanng an or e STEINWAY Grand, like ne'w, one en. -v,•lTJ.n!I. °'"'• v A•-·-· ded t ' su h charit NOTICE IS REREBY GIVEN, stitutes a menace to l1!e, property Ra""D!. MESA RADIO &: ELEC-of the world's greatest pi'anos. 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Mon. through 12-tfc ............ 3 uc WM c as -th E D Good IJ gu•--a:an of the · Cit f N t Newport Pharmacy ..,. · 12-4 bl co tribution.s ' medical ex-at . . e , ._,UJ . and health in the Yo ewpor TR.ONICS CO., 1749 Ne'NpOrt Gorgeous tone. Beautiful case. Friday. tc ;_.!.,. a~d interesi l paid. An ad-pe=n and estate of Blanche H. Beach : and it is .further the judg-2108 Ocean Front Phone 5 Blvd. 9·tfc This i. an instrument for the REAL lll8TATlll 8 di.ti naJ allowance Will be made for HarrlSon, 'incompetent. wtl1 sell at ment and opuuon of the Qty 12-ltc S l El ) discriminating buyer . Danz------,.=------~de ndents whoae names are private sale to the highest bidder Council of the City of Newpo•t mm • erve ectro ux Schmidt Piano Co., 520 No. Ma in New. Ila ed pe th f 1· . upon the terms and conditions Beach that no permit should be LOft AND ro Are now available. Prices from 8-tf ~On onall e,.: of m.,ried hereinafter mention"ll ~nd subJeet Issued tor the erection. copstruc-LOST-Female German police dog, $156.45 up. John F . Vogel, 100 Santa Ana. c 3-Bedl'09m Homes couples, whether 1one or both to confirmation by S&Jd Superior tion or moving into the Oty. of 2 yn. old. Boy"s pet and answers Main St., Bal~. Phone New-Radio Repairing worked Jut year, ~e will figure Court. on M.arch .11th. 1946, at the Newport Be~~h of any dwelling to name Unda. Wean collar part Beach 145. 9-tfc House calls daily except Sat. and Fifteenth St. and San BernardJno th tw w I a joint tax )lour of 1_0 .00 o clock A. M., or house containing less than 600 with tag. Call Newport 1660. Ave., Newport Heighti ande taxas twoo aeays-+aaa' te tax-·-d thereafter within the ~ime allowed square feet of floor area insofar as ll-:?tc THOR MANGLE for sale. Radioe Sun. Corpplete stock of tubes &. par ~· i l __ ,_. 24 h -~"'-Short factory replacement parts. Ph: ard fl TU bath 9end bill f thti 1 tax or by law, al.I that certa n rea prop-the fint story or ground n oor of '"'".-....""""• -our M;' vice. H wood oor&-e -a or I esser erty belonging ~to and "'owned by said d welling house is concerned ; LOST-Jan. 28, black calf llUede Clrcuit Radio Shop, 305 Palm 345. MESA RADIO & ELEC-TIJe sink-Double garage the greater refundt .t said incompetent and her said es-NOW THEREFORE the City purse, between Balboa antj Costa Ave., Balboa. Phone 1638-W. TRONICS CO., 1794 Newpul't $2900 dowp--$56 per month ;1'o . P~:ect co:r:-u: ~1!"in tate, being the house and lot lo-of Ne"~rt Beach, by ·a~d through Mesa. lf found keep money and ~tfc Blvd 9-tfc -also- INVESTMENT PROPERTIES 9 Untta. 2 LoU.. $16,500 Several -Good Bay Front Lof.s Corner Income Lot El Bayo Tract, $3,250 , ~~a 'w~arr wie the'fr with-cated a~ No. 32?8 \Vest Ocean its City Council, does i:>rdain as return \'aluables. Madella .In-TRAILER .. 8 x 2S, hot RADIO HOUSE CALLS _ Now 12 modern 2-bednn. Duplexes at boldin recei ts ' returns must F'l"'ont, In the City ' or N_e~rt follows : gram, Balboa Cafe. opposite Fire HOUSE that additional competent tech-Broadway and Santa Ana Ave., Houses $6,500 and up do g JP. t aJ. •. , Separate Beach. Orange County, California, Stttlon 1. I t is hereby declared Hall, Balboa. 9-4tc water heater, built-in bath, Diclana are available, we are.able Costa Mesa I so on a 01n ~1 . t" 1 1 d s 'bed as f" toilet, inlaid linoleum fl oor. R I h p M k W L J d returns are not ~tted except and more par icu ar Y e cr1 unlawful for any person, irm or EMPLOYllBNT WAN'.l'ZD • Sleeps 4. Completely furnished. to make service calla on large a p . 88 ey . . or an on the .standard ~orm l040. u follows: . corporation to cre_ct. construct or Call at 44 1 Newport Blvd. Phone con.soles. All work guaranteed. 3410 Coe.st 8\?_!1 700 Eut Centnl. Balboa ones use files th standard form, LOT 5 in BLOCK 32, NEW-move into the City of Newport WILL DO houseworls: by the hour. 750-J. ll-4tp HAROLD L. HA.Mll., S. O. s . N&¥port Beach, ~oruia P1!one lS3 5-tfc po PORT BEACH. as per Map Beach. or cause to be erected •• Phone Newport 1843. 11-4tc Radio, 300 Marine Ave. Pb: 7ll0. Phone 40'2'" V • Ask p .1 the .. of •ecorded in .Book 3. constructed or moved into the City ClRCULATING Electric Heaters, 11-tfc ~tfc Open For Ins pection et 8 el'ml page 8. Miscellaneous Maps. of Newport Beach any dweiiing CARPENTER WORK by hour or only $7.95. Health Lamps, Ultra· S d To Run Wa~'"'r Taxi· Records of Orange County. houae whlch shall contain less than day. Telephone lBOS-W. ll-tfc Violet, Infra-Red, Verdi-Ray. Radio Repafrs Blk G ~-un ay .., LOT FOR SALE-· • ~~an Beautiful 2 bedroom Cape O>d T C tali ir ) d California. Mn square._ feet of floor area on the Wll..L TAKE CARE of children. Batteries for Hearing Aids cl: AD makes; tubetl, etc. Ph. 2417. Blvd $3000 by owner E L. 0 a .08 ~8 8D TERMS AND . CONDITIONS ~und floor or first Ooor of ~he Corona del Mar. Phone N. B. Portable Rad.i0s. MESA RADIO Burt Norton, 91~ Coe.at H lway, ., . ' home Ready to move into in 30 . OF .SALE_: Cash. in lawful money dwelling house; and in computing 550-M. 2.tfc ' & ELECTRONICS oo., 1794 Newport Beach. 9S-tfc Neunaber, 195 North Shaffer, days .. Have it finllhed to Rft Probably antici~I ting that Cata-of the United States.: at le..,t t~n the area, ga,.ge space shall not Newport BJva. 3-tfc · 11 0.ange, Calif. Mic your own tastes. Tile floors, alnk, Una island woul be opened to percent (1Qo/,,) of -bid to be paid be included therein. EXPERIENCED PAINTING-BPmCa&L .&NM01JNCEllSNT8 N • rt H .. hts bath. Yard fenced an~d land- .the public ·in the e81' fu ture, c . on or before tiJT\C of s.ale, and bal-Stttlon !. No permit shall be Houses, piers and barges. By the Fire Place and K1ndlin& Study at Home-Real Est. License e!N.O ~ tca.ped Large Jot. A real buy at II Williams noatalioned at the ance thereof to be paid upon con-issued by.the Building Inspector or hour or day. Call Orange 11:.µ-w w 0 0 D Guarantee-208 Security Bldg. M~r:~ w~~un:~~ mah~~ the price aaked. 365 B ' N~val Air ~tatiq in San Diego firmation or sal• by the Coun. the City of Newport Beach for any or Fullerton 316-W. 12-2tp Dellvered Pasadena, Calif. : 11-lOtc fl Ti fir 1 ce dtnnette w-e Coata Mesa. Phone_ 502. ·ll-4tc hu asked the Sta Railroad com-Bids and offers are ir:'vited for dwelling house which shall contain H w WRIGHT-Ph 2030 00 ng, *"Pa • • t~ mission for a t to operate a said '1Jl"Operty and µiust be in Jess than 600 square feet of Ooor REPAIR and . REPAINT your 1'784 Newport Blvd. . 3-tfc No Delay ldlnt2c~e~ ang::.abg:~Pa1:o~~:::. FOR SALE-In Corona de~,• water taxi servtcr between Bal-writing-. and will be rece~ved by area on the ground floor or first shingle r oof. For immediate -,.cu -2 lots, 1 on Marguerite, boa and Avalon .. I the said E. O. Goodell!, at his home floor of said .swelling house. service call Newport 1789--J. ORANGE OOUNTY ·i:tefinlsh your kitchen ,bathroom pletely fenced and landscaped. 120 ft. from Ocean, $4500. A round trip, 1:"je permit stateo, at 3000 West Ocea~ Front. New-Sectlon s. Any person. firm, o• 12-4tc UPHOLSTERING CO. with new tile board. Excellent value at Sl0,500. on Hazel Drive, 50x100, · would be $4.50 from Balboa and port Beach, California. (which ad-corporation, whether as principal. EXPERIENCED office clerk de--Manufacturers P. 0 . BoX 450, Corona del : · a-i from Long Be¥h. No dogs or dreos is h~reby designated as·._the agent. employee, or oth~. sires work In ,.al estate office. Of Uphot.tered Furniture F. P. Waldron . Gertrude A. Waldr9n 11 ... tn .. --'cated ~ns would be place of srud salel, or may be fded violating any provisions of th.•• Gen••al office work. Ph: 869-W.. 413 W . 4th St., Santa Ana ~ .. w • 'tc W W Sanford ~ ~·-h th Cl k f th bov-named -d h Telephone -. ~ m . • . LOT BARGAIN -Large 60x'-.5 transported, the ·application was wit e E"r O e 8 . ~-ordinance', shall be guilty of a mis-12-2tc Factory an S owroom B k .u;1 reported to read. A night boat Superior Court. or delivered to demeanor and, l!pon conviction 504 West C.enter St., Anaheim ELECI'RICAL APPLIANCES and 234--R ro er 2 tf ft., facing 15th St. at corner ,of• was propose<1 ·from Long Beach. Frank L. Bowman, 21~ Sp1;1rx:eon thereof, shall be punishable by a WANTED-Light housework and Phone Anaheim 4714 collect MOTORS repaired accord1nc to Phone -c Orange Ave. Be~ween Arches14 ror Better Prfnllijg Oall U Of' U . i'OP'' CORN (1, 1.-Bam I i . I ' I • '' ,_ ... ,, Bldg., Santa Ana. C&hrorn1a, at-fine of not more than three hun-ironing by the hour. Will care 12-tfc . factory speciftcatiom by DIS-LOT FOR SALE-Block G, Ocean Costa Mesa: Three lots for~· torney for said guardian. at any dred dollars ($300.00) or by im-for children evenings. Phone ABI.J:D VETER.ANS. Work . Blvd., $3,000, by owner . ..-E. L. or will sell separately. RestrictFd time after the first publication_ of prisonment In the City Jail for a 1023-J. 12-tfc OORONADO l\llll'&nteed. .Agent; MES A Neunaber, 195 North Shaffer, residential Hub Powers, agent this notice and before the making term not exceeding three 13) Electric Range, $178 RADIO CI"RONlCS CO., 0.ange Calif 12-4"' at J. A. Beek office. Phone N-- of said sale. mont hs, or by both such fine an. d WANTED-.:Ught housework and Immediate Delivery 1974. N Bri 3-tfc ' · 'f'"" part 62-W. · 12-2tc D ed F bro 11 1946. firm ironing by the hour. Will care . at : • uy . imprisonment. Such person. for children evenings. Phone Auto Batteries FOR SALE--4-room, 2 bedroom llOlllSr 'ID JAW E. D. GOODELL. or corporation shall be deemed l02a.J. l().tfc I Carpen vailable houae, newly decorated, near Guat'dian of 'the penon guilty of a separate offen"' fo• 18-month '-$6.45 Ex. fOI' gene ance ocean or bay and stores. 435 LOAJfa TO -.,., _... and estate of Blanche H each and ever)' day during any EMPLOTW&HT oWi B'• • PennfWlvania Oil and repair Goldenrod. Call. Newport 281.M. ••l•ralle ar ~ss 71 Pub F Hbarrtl2soln4 , Jln9co>2ml pe26teln94t.6 portion of which anmmly vlottedlation of HELP WANTED-Situaticm open. Gallon, 70c O. Z. lllOaERTION Immediate pcaeulon. 12-4tc Nc..,..,.t aAtw •••• ••tsc- • .-. e · • • · · • · thi!i ordinance is co , con-, · Bal 0aD Newpoft II ,, Pd I.Ma + El , 7• I tinued or permitted .by such per-Chboa•'i.\!;,,F Manne Ave.il-tf~ Western Auto ·supp.,ly -CORONA DEL MAR -Best lot am 'V1a Udo N9t=1 lW NOTICE OF INTENDED SALE son firm or corporation. and !ihall available on Orchid, half block U.d .. "··tion 3440 Ct.U Oode ot ' h · 'ded Authorized ~ CUSTQ~ CABINET WORK 0 -to ~-front, ~ Owner ----------~-~ be punishable as ere1n provi · HELP WANTED -Want refined 1n -.--uu."&n ..-.-.... , • .... State of Calltornla. -.... .. ThJs o.dlnance shall woman to aaalst mother 'of 2 1836 ·Newport Blvd., Coata -pair wOrk and remoclelinr of all Box 153. Corona del MM. Phone LOANS take eff.ct thlrty (30) days from children. Room, board and aal-3-tfc kinda. CU.tom ·lpullt-ln furm· N. B. 2055 or Terminal 302-13. NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN: and after !ta adoption .and. after uy. Ph: N. B. 2210. 6-tfc J··~ Arrived lw'!o· DOUGJ.A.$ BOAT It ' 1 12-ltp That Roger S. Watson. Vendor, its adoption shall be pubU.hed at """' CANOE CO., 281~ W. Cen"?'1 ----------+--whooe address 1' 611 Coast IDg.h-least once • In Newport Balboa EXPERIENCED CARPENTER-~ Reartos A1d ·Ave. Phone N~rt 2634. At Beautlful Corona de! Mar way, Newport Beach, Callforrua, News-nmes. a semi-weekly news-Steady work. Phone 2007-M. BATI'CIUEI _ _ 118-"c ; New 2 Bedroom Home Intends to sell to A. D .. Kugl.,, paper printed and publlshed In the 12-4tp ~ o,. 0.. $S500 Vendee, whooe addttss IS 1732 Oty of Newport Beach. aaJd pub-HELP WANTED -Janitor. Call UT.-IL .._ •u KEY Olema Stree~ Temple Oty, Call· licatlon to be made not later than Udo Theam, Muon Siler, 2ll4. • • •We Made WJdlo y.., Walt fornia. a one-half Interest In the t ClO) days from lb odoption. l2-2tc VOQJ:L'B · following described penonal prop-·;,., a~ and fattgolng Onfu>. ,,.. • --• 100 -lilt.. -- . $100.00 and Up to $10.000 See US If you -._ Poymento to i;;t Your Loam Oii On Trucb --rr.o.. Qwr 22 Yeon '1n -Ania' ~stock in trade fixtures ma-ance wu tntroduceda at,._~-~ WANTED-Active woman, Pnc--1"LiL PAT C•ID\ tw ,,_,. ,._ 208 llarine, ~-ttc uJ ~ ood will ..-tine of the lY ~= o tlcaJ nune and llcht -keep--or wllat '*" ,.... -~ 110 -· IM • -· '*' -cbtnery, eq .pment g -Oty of Newport Beacb held on Inc cln Qeorse ~ New~ ~ -. 0 . !L Ctilwtor, -..:-----ir----:----,.. :.iA:·.:; :'!!'~~ .;.:i.=·~=; ~ ~ :.;::·::.r:e.i "':. 746.J after 6 evenlnp. 12-4tp . ,__ ... -. .wa Waahing ¥•chine& W. J. Holcomb . 1511 Coast Highway Corona clel lier "Where -FlaD Fly" Federal .Finance ' j INC. ' G9 HQ. SJW•. -I -8200.-Am. ... ::,",... ~ ' .. -Shotll" located at 611 Cout High-the 4th day of February. 1946. by WANTED-Local man 22-35, dnft -. c-ta -. . -1iiiiado~~;i;lior~1i;.;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;way;;;;;;;;;' ;;;N;;;ew;;"'°';;;;;;;;t ;;;Beacb.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Cal;;;;;lf;;;ornl;;;;;"'a. the Oty Council at a regular exempl Neat ._......,., Hieb rtWWWHWWW -llAU • • meeting ~r. by the f~ ochool education. Penn. Pwlt. FOR SALE-Ta"'"' Tallie wttli vote, t1>wlt: Learn retail merchandlatnc and two -. Don R. Dunat, WING G BOAT & REPAIR YARD 11 <:out Highway 101 .... , ....... - I , ::;:: :: ,;,. fll .-.... ...., ........ ,..a-t ., ...... ~ ...... A YES. eoonc:nm.;n: Allen, labell, re!ri-atlon. Clve qualiflcatlom 428 Ordlld An., Corona c1e1 Reed. and wag .. expected. Write Box lier 1-tfc N 0 ES. ~: Stanley, 338, Newport Bead>. 12-:itc . . . Hall. roR SALE -Plano, $150; bich -WI • Cl ABSENT. Ocuncllmen: -· WANTED--HO'IW. KAID. --, cbalr, TQ!or Tot, clay bed. .. . The abow· -forqolng Or-h. --. •• -....S cbalr, wuhlnc ma· WILL EX<:U:t,Cf.!~ un-cllnanC<! i. olgned and approved by chine. 211 Opal A-. BeJhw Io-rumw,.,d In Incle- me this 4th day ol February, 1946. HELP W ~or female. lalld. Pbaoe 826. U-tfc woad tor-run.i.-or tmfllmlab.. CI.YAN H. HALL. Local or traYeJlnc In t.w'·= ed opt. Ja N'eapat.., BoU... "-for -1!. No-...-. PRE-WA& DAVENPORT A Cbair, wrtte [BCll< .t. •c/o .N._.Tlma A'l"l'tSl': FRANK L. RINEHART, Oty CIKlt Pub.-Feb. 12. 1916. • ,Good lnooo1• You are ,....._....,, felr "'*"!ltlon. dub cbalr and j . ., MIA:. -Apply lfr. Va Doren, ottoman. rodrft, di llE -5<8~ No..._. St.. ~ta .ML .,,._,,-•abl• 519 3Dtlll ·St.. PW rwaitll .. w "--' -Nc_uipart. Pb: 1$11-R. ~ n.. .. ~ .... -.. • WE NEED LA TE MODEL CARS and YIU Par Top Prioe1 . . CJ, TOVJt C.. JlOW a~ --...... -na At=afllr:'; um' ••'11• 111111!>Wllllll ... . ,_.. j r p ad+lw )QI r? .. 'r:t ....--I ii' I , 4 C pd .... 'f' • ., 7 • 1 • aJLBEaTION QIEVROl.Bi <X> .. 1111. , qir 111 .... -s 'F D • a mW•Q 7 .... 5 LT I, •O LT 17' ~ • • • ' • - • • n•mn:w. or PIANO For Your Valentine New Albums of the World's Sweetest Songs Both Old and New and Recordings By the World's Famous Singers and Musicians ~ti . .. Ei=yihing in Music cmd Sound" lll07 Newport BmL CoGa 11-Phone 2310 l'tloDe S13 of Quality II _.'..: 7:'11U7.!l&JP.;.~ . I ... j Endure Large Selection Reasonably Priced REPAIRING RESTYIJNG CLEANING at COLD STORAGE VAULT ON PREMISES Zl8 NORTH BROADWAY I COUNTY'S~ ; • • , • If It's a Book we Have It Or Will Order It for You. ESTREIJJTA'S , BOOKS 515 N ortb MalD 8L Boom 8 A"*"' Bide. Miss Patricia Parke Honored at USC ! The Mother-to-Be Will Find Individuality Here Jumpers Dre88e8 • Suits • Slack Suits • Robes • Bed Jackets Donna-Marie Shopj>e . Al't'9de Bldg. • I While You Wait ••• Ray Pagan 515 F.ut Bay Fro~' If----~ ILatolp.m. - • J<;>NNIE JOHNSTON I Has joined our staff of Beauticians, which will enable us to give more prompt service. _ ' HEAD TO TOE BEAUIY SERVICE 1 CAFE . '~'