HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-02-14 - Newport Balboa News TimesII SAND .~. ~ CR A 8·, ., ·. SAM ' . fABllWUSI From the nor- therly llmlts of Costa . . Mesa to the ocean jetty on , '· the Balboa PeninsUla; from the ~Y bluffs overlook- ing the Sant4 Ana river to Corona delJ.:Mar's Buck pulch, lay thousands of acres of dirt . sand. Forty years ago this terrain com- prised wavin& grain fields, acres of sandj and a stab or two of bay ~d sea trickling in and out of beach pockets. In the mem · ry of· man a house· or stol'!' of lowly size came to life-thus Costa Mesa and N~rt Beach• ·, • . The river in flood time over- flowed and dumped its silt into the ba)(. lwhi!e the hills rose serene ~d unsulllied above. Spo~c civic boost-ers and reB!t rs dwelt glow- ingly Oh -w t tomorrow would btmg f"?.rth· with shal- lo\v interest 11" the listless eyes of pJ'OSP!!ctive purchas- ers--<Uld the !sea gulls, her- ons and catbil'ds lofty mon- archS of all tljey surveyed. This week! Bill Wilgus. Charley TeWinkle, P a u 1 Palmer and tile writer, com- prising a loan committee of the local FElderal Savings and Loan, malle a tour of in- spection of tjie, same area. -Impotent wolids cannot de- scribe the rnirilcle, the amaz: ing devl'lopment, the start- ling changes, the incredible prices, the vast amount of ·building I on every hand. Up one street and down another . through I uncharted byways, over hills and into deep ra- vines, new hmpes are spring- ing up. As far away as the head of th¢ upper bay, charming hO!f"S are emerg- ing from the Jlandscape, and a bit of ;dredging and widen- ing arot111d those headwaters could visualize b e a u ti f u 1 homes. Piers, yachts and an unparalleled view of slopes •and sea. + + + Pri~ lump. Money seems to be the cheapest commod- ity everywhere. Houses that formerly cost $1500 to $2500 to builcj n~ bring $5,000, $10,000, 1 $15,000, according to locatibn. Mesa values have doubled and trebled, not only in business · property but residential ~ well. Lots that sold fo~ $150 in 1940 now bring $80Q Ito $1000. Old .building!; lla ye been hauled in and made habitable. And fresh p&int, not so hot to- day, has beautified and en- hanced values. West New- port: shows ~ of revival with many llfW plai:es, while oo down thtj>ugb Balboa to the Peninsula. where the wind used td swirl and pile the strind. jnow has been thwarted by h ouses and more houseS. 'lbere, lots that sold forf$400 now bring from $1500 $2500. When Al Rotissell bought hW>- dreds ol theii:! tor $2!:0 each In the early j ~S, yoo OOuld -tak.e your 'r hoice and no questions asf'ed. •1 + + . Balboa JSlaad. • But the palm goes tO Balboa Island. where higtjer rates have been paid · Jfor realty than elsewhere i,n the district. Why? Demand of the public for that · cular oasis has skyrocketed sales. A house on an insi lot of 5 rooms, se11s · for s .000: one on ,a comer for 525.000: vacant lots $5000 '11d $6000. · The reason? We!J opinions vary. Most plausible is that . the island has ' milder climate . than mGother sections; that peop can wander around in acks or less, can go to ei side in a few minutes ~ jump into the bay for a sr1nL . Some say tts ~ ~ been reached; tJley said ~t two_ years ago, but bull~ and sales still ao tOl'Wlll'd. • + + 0. ud OIL Over on Lido Isle, wi!lch ' rts declare is tbe = t.1:petitor to Bal-~~-~~ climb blgher ~ · r , and that -IOll'le d!aY t Wui take the plum trom neighbor. In-*"' Ii 45 feet) bring from to $5000; bay- lhort $l0, b>$20,000. As .en~~~ • • n.11& 11111 ~ ---~.-- • 1"19& 11111 . . ' 38 yean the · best advertising ~~in . , .NEWPORT .. • ---.. -. KEEP ·1 YtlU'. • ... 'O:~& " f .... Olll el --~ .... , ... lfeB n 7 • 1'eas1• EMBRACl~d .( ), I . • NEWPORT. SEA SHORE q oLONY, LIDO ISLE, NEwroRT HEIGHTS. BAI.BOA ISLAND, COR~A DEL MAR, COSTA_ MqA BALBOA NEWl'OllT m:AOBi OAID'ORNIA,,TBU&8DAf, FD&U~ H , l-· ~ 1 · . Nmliisa Ila. CoSta Mesa Plcins New I . Engi~r Develops Compact · Unit to Distill Salt Water; Will Manufacture It Here Device Size of Small Trunk Distitls 100 Gal. Pure Water in 24 Hours; Fishing Fleet Owners Interested; Also Sm.aller One A simplified •device for disWling salt water, first .of its kind ever developed for use on boats as small as tuna clippers, has been perf\'Cted in Newport Beach and is ready for testing. It will enable hundreds of fishermen to save thciusands of gal- lons of dead j.,eight they must carry in water on long voy- ages, and is so compact it may be placed on deck. if desired, according to Fnld J . Springer, president. of the Newport En- gineering Associates, which has designed and built, t he new device. Hundreds at No larger than a small steam er trunk standing on end is the unit which has been in the course of development for the past year. It consists of four components : a boiler, condenser, circulating a nd feed water pump and a forced draft diesel oll burner . It does the work, on a small scale. of huge and complicated mechanisms placed on transpc;>rts and naval ves- sels during the war: Serv•1ces for LOCALITIES HELP HOSPITAL DRIVE. ~ln.. 0 . L. Andrewa and Braden Finch of Corona del Har. 11eated. selected putillc nJlaUou Ml'11or aad vice chairman rMpectl~ely or the Proe8bytel'tan hospital . fund drive for <>ranee ooontY alter..,.........., •• s plendid .....,.,. at -beach. 8-ls Marlon B. H J S•1 Youel. member of the boaz:d of dJ~tors or the hospital. The drive ID. otlaier puia of t.be oomtli,J _. enry . I er tlvely rt under way last ~ . (Sully and Pierce photo) H arold Grauel's chapel was. fill· $93 ;000 Raised for Presbyterian "Hospital; ~~~~t~1~~E;r~~!:f.~: County Health Officer Describes Its Need One for Yachts, Too Springer, who was a guarantee engineer with C.Onsolidated Steel corporation at the Wilmington y~d. said he g~ned a gOocl wor)<- ing knowledge of high and low press\u'e installations on passenger ships which condensed salt water succeufully during the war. He has simplified th,e device into the recently complet~ unit here which will turn out 100 &allons o! fresh water every ~ houn. He plans e smaller one for yachts, about the size of. a hat box. Specifically, the instrument works by taking. cold salt wate.r and pre-heating it while it is going through the condenser, then it is Jed to a boiler Wher e it is heated to the boiling paint, the steam then being led off to the con- denser and being cooled to pure cold water. It can develop 100 gallons of absolutely pure water while using 12~ galons of cUesel oil, the inventor said. Fishing interests in Wilmington and San Pedro have expressed great interest in his development, he said. The company expects to build them here a'fter further tests. • Volney Hay Buys Earl Lee Motel on Mesa The Earl K. Lee motel at 1662 Newport boulevard. Costa Mesa, was sold yesterd.tj. to Volney H ay. well known harborite, who dis- posed of his Balboa motel hold- ings during the 'past month. it was announced by George Weiss, head of the Coast Properties com- pany of Balboa. ,,.:hich acted as agent for~th parties in the trans- action. Sale price of the mesa propert}' "'as said to be in the neighborhood of $40.000. Hay first sold frontage on Cen- tral avenue. and latt'r added his entire rental project facing both on -Central and ttle ocean for a sum in t'xcess of $100.000. it was reported b}• the News-Times last conducted by Rev. Edwin T. Lewis, Officiant, of WhitJier, wher e in- terment was made, A short verse, contributed by some of his employes, was read by the pastor, as follows : So long, Dear Si, We could never say "Goodbye," Because your kindly smile and kindly ways Are etched forever on our screen ot memories. You played a part The Heavenly writer wrote for you, And ever in each saddened heart This one thought, friend, is true- The show will go on and on, for you. The pallbearers were members of the Newport-Balboa Rotary club, while honorary pallbearers came from Whittler Rotary of which he had been a member for many years. J . Malcolm Reid sang two songs, accompanied by Ethel Briggs, organist. Deceued passed away lut Sun· day at St. J osephs hospital after a lingering illness of more than a year. He was one of the first motion picture operators in South- ern CallfomJa and came to New- port Beach 11 yeari ·ago and oper- ated The Udo and Balboa theaters. month. He then purchased t he 16 Welch G1"ven Token units just south of the Costa Mesa business •edion .c:ross rrom the Of Appreci"ati"on Costa Mesa LumM company. The frontage is •PP">Xi1"•tely 73 feet, ·By Realtors but runs through to Orange . avenue, and is about 700 feet deep. The rental property is to under- go' a general improvt!ment by Hay, who "ill spend several thousand dollars, Weiss said. ' Plans for the Santa Ana Boa.rd of Realty were heard by members of the Newport Harbor Realty board Tuesday noon at a luncheon i;-:ts-,teeming--'-:'.--:-bl--~-,-· ---deve--1_--1 meeting held at White'• cafe on ..,,... Balboa Island with the Santa ments, toward Corona del Ana board's president. Herb Alle- Mar, you wonder why the man. as main speaker. empty .stretch , from the Harry Welch was presented a brjdge to the CDf4 city Jim-token of appreclatlon for many its, and, of cour!;e, the an-yean service .. ......,tary of the swer is Irvine .. But CDM's· local boaid by Lew Wallace, who hundreds ol acres are boom-expressed gratitude for the organi- ing as neYer before. Both · u'tlon. I sides of the highway are grOwing at an amazing pace President Ralph Masl<ey i-- and the same story ol high Rnted James Workman, vke- values pn!Ya)Js, all adding up president of the Santa Ana board to the fact· that the Harbor u auest'. 'lftnty memben and ~Is on Its wa.J. a-ta -.e in ·-· • • .. A firn1 befie."'er la tile de•el:Glfl 1st fll tbe llartlor Area, F. a. Owfla b POW plaaata:; a MW ' 1 r= .. eo.aa llw, .. ... 'b .. wbk-h be ruldes ... ....-u Jee1"1t&17 of. tlle ct est 1 of ·Mm- ~ 8eM; s:rea& ........ ., ............ la ............. -..t -_... (FnJm photo by Gemardt> . ' Forrest B. Owen, Civic Booster I With expecta-for the .ruu.r. ts the I perfect picture <JI a - equaled only by his .mi-iu mud! I.::: buoy'to Nljre. · in the put. Fornet B. ~ dYle Not the ane to lot*.• "I*? d m 1Mda' and bowtn111 -. iOI 12, (0.t!m .... cm~ J'hoti I • • -. State icial Recommends , New Mesa School; Trustees Ask Addition to Both Plan~. All Rooms Filled in Both Costa Mesa Grammar. . ( • Schools; State Survey Indicates Need ~f New School; Additions Will Aid 1 • ' J . - • • I ' • ., • -, • • • ' • -as'* NEW,.DRT-ALBCA • I RISE TO REMARK -• • CHURCH OP CHRl&T ' Santa Ana B-;i.u..-~ __ .., ... --~::~~ '" E W 5 -T I M E 5 ,N ·E W S Chu--wa1•ut .._.. P---..:on Limited,~· ~ .:;;-ci., tho !Int 'ii: PBONU: Nl:WPO.q u ... u HON. JOHN .. HILLI... •trwnlinJli the Governmont ao L. o-·c.••Yr Mln-r. ......._..... WU lnaWkd. -. • ti' I I 9"r7 'hl'I .... -:r -:.:.. v-mvw <"" .. Qmotea: lbet ~-la.~ "TheQuoclirectiooted' ~ ~ of •fhe ...,s.::-_. ll :L~'--11~-~ ~~i:'"p. L A. Man Declafts . J ' ()M'a~ ·-r I"· I_,. Wrt '! v, o -u-about tho -at Santa ~Giobo.~. ~ ~ .._ ---·-. ~--..._ rlln7° llur~il ii ~-1n ---42.!iO per,_ bl 0r-. 0 --'¥-ClaUf. IDdlana <-10t1on 64> ... C ·u UR C H,E S 1 ·,.IRJT ,.ou-Tu ~RIE cHuRcH Dodarlng that Santa Ana 1a • ~:..~ .52 per_.. to •th-: $3.00 per,... toilllb .._ • tho -t -t ., tho UNO!" First F•nl&aare . o,. coa A 1 .. rt&A ·1>un··-· t ·--.. PbW M. ..,.....,-6_ .... eo..~~·1 -------,, 1 Sam B. Petttnglll. formerly a IW . 11.V. _, Mr&. G. Wiiiard Iba~ ....._,. a ull'IC:" seams. P ~UBR' a. · DI-~ matur at the PostGff!ee bi Newport B I .... Momber., Coocx•• fttim Indlw. s--,.~ d CHRIST CHURCH •Y THE KA . • ........ NortOll, well known Loo "-lea ... 1ca11tom1a. -tho Act ot -3, ~ -11o-wr1t ... syndicated...,,.._ ,.,. ~ .. n1e-~ i' -m1 subdivider and builder told Ro--~~ .... ~ ::' • , ,~ s. A. ----:---:-·· ---Pl.•h!Wwr paper column. On Coast Hiw~J Sunday ScboOI a:io a.m. =-~.tho county oeat yaw, -I &AM D. RTER • • -• -1Gmeral uanger Speaking of the UNO bead--""· L D. 8a1 7 n. Put ... ~ ¥orn1ac wonhlp laerne. '10:'6. that orance ll'OVel cannot be L a MILLARD -------Edit« quuUn, I think tho ~ . °""* -. t:AIO L,.. Cniwler airirlo• f :OO p.m. divided Into ....,.,,..ic lit .. and tho n 0 0 F S w. F. DlllPN --. -- -~ lilanaser were among tho .._t aurpriled Newpmt Beed> .. ~ fllrnllure x...mic w_.., u L .._ -...-vice l:JO P-"'-price of raw land Is "'"chine the ~ 1'rlntllal ~t. 3011 W . Central Avenue, N~t ~ caut....ia people when a lite In OJnnectlcut oto;-e and one to be prOud Or, T-~ I P.a. S..clnc ~ eonice at limit ... " He _fOftll&w a bnft AnLmll ea ur••n · 1caa aper o ...., 1ty o ewport ...,.c ' --_,_ w •loa. w°"' Wodll-y evanilia-pnyv __.. of realty there, thus enhandng, Off .. I p f •L-c· f N I D-h ..... .elected by tho UNO Com-they declare wlU be opened upon ·-· ..... .-ip. T.... T:IO J>.lll-. . Oii the poalbllltles of expansion Froo Ditm.i. .• :t A D11 II 'sH= ........... ca .... , ... Owl'., ........ =::;:e = u: ~are: ::;x:::a:t ~the c:: ~=:~ n..s&7~ &mend ........ 6!IO 1ce· at T:IO p.m. while he did not say 80, the poe.-w. I. • ••• • and --and 1anda wW be L M. Blakesley, ftCentiy dlo-P. IL • I l ' slblllty of buUdlng elsewb.,.. in tho 3IQll lilamlO Pb. NwpL EDITORIAL ActiTell taken. Practlcoll)o eowryone here charged pilot of tho Ail', and D. . COSTA lllE8A COMMUNITY county. SSOCIATION tboueht Hyde Parl< wwld be cboa-Van Hl.)'ft of Whittler, who haw •AUolA ISLAND CHAl'SL C>IURCH N<rton ·.....,..,..i "If aome pro- 1 Member . en, and that this wu pne-anansed chooen the boulovvd locali<>n for 21f ~ A:-Cari •· -....,,, Ml""'°' gram la nof made effedl..,, home I of Haw you thoulht ._ many the lite. 'Ibo buildln& Is ,_ 111>--· *">' w. ~ tat L -SL Ph. Ml'l-11 bulldlnc In, thi> ooau:nunlty will O. L CITT .I ,Yj. ----+----------------_:~~~~ new proll'e•• wm be created b7 tier conatrucdan by Smith. and wW Aiis 210 r•ir Owrdl Mb rK. t :'5 L m.: atop for the very reuon the home "'~ havinS -beadquu1en In tho be tho oeeoncl lllllt at Illa 1arp xw-. 'w~. 11 •'oloclL &eek<l'I wllJ not be able to buy OM-'l'u 0 Md United Statea? Notbins _,... dov«lopnfnt ,._am cm tho north _,,.. Wa J ... U L & · ,,.,_ --~--..,....._ opn-I Ow di •11 \ta La T-D1 ... --.-..1 r-the boulel beca '-Al-...._ .lmm1 so SS OORRAL DUST mountable, but -to tb1a _. aide ot tho 11111-. accon11nc to tao NM, Adult. e:ao p. m. des wlU not be abl<o to make loam .. I,-, noc how en w1141 you S4Y ... ic's w"4t y.qu ~now try. It will be a ao•t1mneut wl1bln Ralph 111.-.,., -t for tho Iii': "~ -· T:IO o'~ ssufftdently hlch to ..Wt In home --=· ......... """"'you're saying.''-JACX i.JN OSLEY. ' our~----manufactunr. I .,., '~-:.Su:::.-AL ~ -ahq> ---ownatblp -la""' very key· no ccmtr'OI. AD l*'OPdb wqab:ed MNred, ot their, Utknall.y w•11i..;, T:IO p.m, atone fl. the nation." I I I by ~ UNO~,_ 1m u •• ~ -~~-11111w•c1 ti........ ' u ----· ~--N · ued ~, I I taxab Stat;~ ":::t-rr.:: ~d ~ ·~"";"' ~ (Dall Ols I' . I L ""-· ,...,_ ---...,.;;"~-=..~or ~ .'.e~ta~ • W. ta -.al. , ~ If a crb'*-1, fw: ex-men an plannlnc to moft tD tho ,;:•· ~.; ~ ~ I f'IRlllT llJETHODllllT CHURCH man to buy this land --be' '=========:::!;;::=! High Time ample,......, tD ent.r tho pUSllA harbor for the rat ol their 11-. La., , , 1 Q.--· ,._ Is not permitted to pay an lnccme 1· • or ~. the State -.Id -They ......, unlllUO)]y fort=ate, t:• LJL, • • ( • Ill EllOHd at' ----tax of 2S per cent on a capital P I B R S 0 L i . to -·• ·~-~ r·~• Ha-.,,. In _...._ "-~ u.-a. a., - ' • n--, l:llO LJIL Cbllrdl --all •aln. H• hu to --••-"· •--• ' The storm of protests against radio hon-or plays -=:.t.~;.;!'1na~ ;:: -~ ,.;.;-;w ~ ._'ll 11!'1 = (-_,.., llf'IY -·-htvea-t .. ~~: ~ ':.'d .... nrtmd n ?., which~ fieen brewing for S<lllle mooths, Wt week ~ dltlon ~ worth ahowlnc to an apisredatlw O --) 11:00 Lill. lilonlllllS Wonlllp: prollto·• earned lncoJ'ne which OH ~ f :Ci :::;;.• a O'l!llCefldO that all but drowned out the most realistic noises 'Ibo UNO community ·could aet cllrntel• such u att buildlnc lil11•p: ''W• T1:Jsa1t ,__. tabulated up to 91 per cent." ,.,_ ..... _ '-T-JI·-"'-" the soWid effect men ha been able to concoct. Paralt-up Ito awn court, • ,... done 1n homos In tbla aectloD. 'Ibey wm A81-,IM or -11:00 L""-Nmw1 tor aa cllll-.. ----,_ -In.-. ve the international eett.lnitmt at hav" furnfture fer t!VftY room. B a 1 ... Ma ._.,, PMt•!f *-.... WTSaa. ,. , r n a •• :;;;::: teacher l'"'.':"ps, educators. physician• and others Interested Shanchal: It oouJd maintain lta from llvinc-room tD be<bom>, kit-- -rr-t. 1<-,.n 1:00 J>.lll---1'.oullo N-Crop pesto ond plant disease In ~ &."llllr'~· In child Welfare joined fottes to ask the radio Industry to pre-own alrporta, lta own rallioad ter-cbcn ond even ou~ fllrnlture to 8UndQ lldlool, 10 a.m. ~ TOWS&' Adult ~ the United Statea cause I-eatl-~ :s! 81!1lt p,.J,,.,.mc of ~ter edu tiooaJ value +n Im . --'-•-mlnala, and IOt up a powtdul, != the rftOrt-mlnsle<l lllomlns -· 11 a.m. . 1:00 P-"'-l:vmins W-.P:-mated to total more than $3.000,-~=-fl %1 youth~_"E-..... &""-ca "Y pressi~ world-wide radio station. RJght now the newcomen are Evm1nc evancellltlc Mr'Yice at Ms ce: "'O::me Te Uve... 000 a .year. V • .~ • 4"' less murderers and~~ the air~ In tho oPlnlom ., experta on busy runnlnc clc:wn rumon of • 7:30 p.ril. RO --to the accompaniment of squeaking hinges, blood-curdling lntensatlonal law, tho UNO com-house or apar1mont rental. and llld-..-.ek aervlce, 'lbunday at FIR8T CHURCH OF CHlll8T, P FESSIONAL DIR£CJORY ~ of -~ and ~tingling situations that leave munlty could have lta own cur-:"i"C: o~~= ~·.~1: 7:80 p.m. lllCllENT18T 1· Ustener; Wlllting for the next episode. -=~ ::ubw!itat= 1"::'':; or foot store about May 1. OUR LADY 0,. MT. CARMEL L~ '"':".!:v~:: Avenue AOCOUNTANT _PBl'lllOJANll&111lIMD:OlflloJLll, Of :fie three great mediums-printing, movies and radio mark that perhapa ·u Is just': 1423 Wool: ~ral A-A branclJ ot Tb• Mother Clnm:b, I . 8 •· WR y T • th tte . "·-·~•n...,.,+ d th ll th th ~--Veteran"' Jnan•ance ' l!unclay ¥••••: I and 10 a.m. ..:. -e 1 r 1S i..m= Juu..11-&.;;""'" an consequently e most n> we at e ~t a:ot It, 1.nltead . e .. -.au.a Oontftlllioo.: Sa.turda.)'8 rmm Tb• Firwl Church of c:::ti.n.t>, Sci-mooKS TAI oonULTAllifT bust. Ih its eegel'IK!SS to gain listener appeal it has tried all of the Wes! Coast. Changes 'Advocated •:oo to •:so and -1 :•• to ODtWt. 111 Boot.on, Mo-cb-tta. •••••ri_,"'""' uo1 ... '""' ,.,_ . ' No, seriously. it should have .., 4~u~ ·"""' Sunday School at 9 :80 a. m. sun-W'J' ni.Partmeat to ~1-t clleat11 In H. R. Hall, M.1 D. 1'11.T*JaD -_....... Hours: 2-5, by Appointment types~ programs, but always with an eager ear for just such gone to the West Coast, for the tu-By Administration 1 '30 p.m. day s.rvlc. at 1 a. m. Wodneaday roM~"~';,,,; 1~"';;..;:., ......... · express ons of public sentiment as was voiced recently by ture problems and hopes of the Millions ot holders of veteram· • Tutimonlal M Ung at 12 o'clock BOOllEIEPlNo aavtcs Telephone 2620 th med -world point to the r.-i t Wh IT. JOHN VIANNEY CHURCH ornee 18" ~ IU'fd:, c.ea 11_ ose ~ . with child welfare. In the past a few out-'-'11en · en insurance can look for some broad Reading m located at 111 ...._ N~ ...,._,., Ul Broadway ~ 11-sta.ndin sta arid f' h bee barred John Steven McGroarty wrote his changes in provisions of their in-B•lboa laland Palm street, B lboa, is open dally I ~-----~------' I L---------~-..! ge screen 1gures ave n pe.n:na-charming and famous poem, about SUTance according to pending bills Sunday M ... : 8 :80 a..m. · ABcHITECT nently from the air lanes because they could n ot forego an California, "down the middle of now in Congress to amen<f"'t.he na-CCXl!c.wetona: Saturday• troN from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m . except. Sun-1 7 80 8 SO days and holi ays nationally ob-Ir------------....,:=---------'.._._--: off-color tnuch to their lines. ·Federal restrictions on radio the world ... he Uttle thought that tlonal service life insurance act. ' to : p.m. served. Arman· d' Monaco Gord M G d D h beco . 'd beca d' h . . almost before he had left us, Call-Among changes advocated by Tb on -run y, • programs ave me. very ngt use ra 10 reac es into fornia wo uld become the edge of the veterans' administration are CORONA DEL MAB ~ e public cordially !Dl'ltod to ARCBJTECT Pl:yalc:lan ssnd 8m1.lm the h~ and ts most likely to offend the sense of decency of the new world. the following: OOMMIDllTY CRUBOO. ~!en~~~~ cbm"."rvlcea and u.. 814 W. Bay Ave., Balbo& the rank a nd file of listeners. • • • "Bu tter will not retuni to 1. Allow death settlement in a . CONOB.EOATIONAl.. Newport 1'724 lb.cfio P ~m~ be" 'all red big American tables under-pre9ent lump sum. Instead ot monthly Perr1 Ftederlck Schrock. Mlnlater Christian Z'721 Lakewood Ave: , l-~,~·-1 mg commem Y sponso • no price policy. The wholesale prtce payments over long periods. The 811 Heliotrope. Ooroaa 4el Mar Los Anceles NOrmandy-MOS ~t.:cafturer would _dare tum a. deaf ea~ to ~e llrotests celling on huller Is atlll forty-alx Grs have hollered for thi>. Sunday, February 17, 1946 'fopic 'So agams~ programs which tend to mcrease )Uvenile crune by cents a pound. allhouah Ow cre•m 2. ~t anyone be named a bene-Oturch sch~l in two sesaioru. "Soul" will the Sunda7 Le11on· glorifying criminals or encouraging murder. Ne\vspapers used costs sixty to W'Yftlt;y-two ndary, instead ot only close rela-All above pnmary department Sermon subj tn all branches of long ago forsook so-called 04)-·ellow journalism" in favor of :~~~ UY~~e~.!: ~~~ t1ws.3 P .t . f th mp~G!! :~30par~n:e~1:~~tiu;~ 6~~rC~~~h~rh s~u~~~~nu~.9tn ~~ . . . . ~ .. .,_.w:, . emu conversion o e -~ toii. The Go en Text ta from consru;'8-tive news rep:>rting and the presentation of many you lose." Owm IL Rid\ardl, policy to an endowment plan. a.m. and are in session during tsalah: ''The n aball be no more pleasing features which the reader may enjoy or ignore, as it Man~el' of the Amtrican tMlry 4. Allow total dilability bene--church hour. thy l l ~bt by da t neither for bright· suits his lndi "dual tastes One ttend . Association. fttl 11 a.m. Morning worship. Ser-ness shall the oon give light unto ~ , VI • . can a . a movie, or not, OvilJan suppllel ot butter Gen. Omar N. Bradley, veterans' mon by Mr. Schrock: "The One thee:· but the Lord shall be unto de~ upon his in~erest m a certain picture or star. But (whJch includes the ~t but-adminlatrator, has said the ad-Thing Needful-A sense ot What thee an everl ting light. a.nd tb7 radio ls ~ assault Upon the -public consctousness, and ter production plus butter In •tor· mlnbtration aims at provisions 11 Vital." Gori t:fs ~:::!; 'n on the Yount, u ATl'ORl'lrl'EYS ROBERT GARDNER --"1!d- DONALD D. HARWOOD ATI'ORNEYS AT LAW 'J19 N. lllab fl&., S-ta A-. Calif. -Tl:LaPBOND- s.ata ... &119; l'f.wpwl .... 11 ... Ninth and Central ~ve. Office Hrs.: 10-12 ILill.; 3[5 p.m. Telephone 'j1 COJ!l1RAI) RIOHTEB. IL D. Pl>ylliclaD -Sa..-120 E . 18th S L cdSTA MESA Hours: 10-12 a.m.; 3-5 p.m. Phone 133 j whethJr or not its popularity will survive depends 00 how age) far the first quarter ot 1946 "'more cloaely matching commer-7 p.m. Youth meeting. gtven In M tthew, Jesus said, DAY SCHOOL ~ y t k~ its collective ear tuned to the tastes of the than for the last quarter of t9'4: IE.VENTH DAY ADVENTISTS t-loset. and en thou · hut abut 1 D G E. T 1.ill cl I t I . . ' will be thirty million pounds lea dal policies." ·'When thou p ayest. enter tnto thy I :------------~ .pubhc. Radio can become a great force for good or it can go down an average of about s per Its foreign m all more than trip-Corner Walnut and Church eta. thy dooc. pea to thy Fatbec wblcb Mortimer School r. • O.r the way Of the 1dime novel of a generation ago. cent. A wone ahortaee Is ahead of led during the past r,ear, the Vet-Sabbath ~· M... ~bl~~ ,·!:~~e,t ,.':,';~, ;~:u :;,~!~ Sot Ooral Balboa lalaad ~ c!':: ~ Subsidized Peasantry Not Enough us. Butter production is decreuin& erans Administration now must ool, S&turday moro, Grade1: Collece, o---to-rapidly. The December outn•ut was cope with .42 lan.,.,••aes including tnc, l :IO o'clock.. thee openly." He conttnuea, "But • ·~-• ., NEWPOR~CH r-!i-Prt.achln 1 when ye pra use not vain repe-DAY SCHOOL N'•• -PHO the lowest since 1920. . Japanese. It handles more than C .erv ce, ll a.. m. Utlons, u lhe eatl:('n do: fo r tbe7 OP" Office 286·W Res! 28f>.R • • • "'President Tnllnan is 300 letters daily. think that th shall be beltrd for o . Ar Mortimer, M, A,, Oxford It no answer, call !Newport 5 •==::;::;::;:;:::===::;=::;::::::::::::;::;::;::;::::::::;-I FULL GOSPEL CHURCH their much e aklng. Be not r• J LPriD:.:::cl~pal:_ __ _:__Ph<>:_::n:::•:_:61l~IJ J '=----;..;..,----'-;..;..,..J -~f §§.E:?§. r::.~~~ssw~~-~~~~u···] ~~~r~~ ~~~~~~~l ---Dr-.-~-:i-TlS-:-'-ucas_....,, and beyond that, between nations ·as is provided for in the YOUllC peopl•'• ~ 8el'Vlce ter tbt1 man r therefore pra7 ye,' DENTIST 2830 west Central ~ve. NEWPORT BEACH Gerald Rausa, M. D. ' J covers all an needa." "Tb• recognizing the need for cooperation between gov-1 Resona N~W~OAT HAft•OR Lord'• Prayer la the prayer or Soul, HO!!) W. Celltnl Ph. HllO NEWPORT BEACH Ph. l CYlS-No answer call 30l1 M X-Ray Service I ~, er. &Cao&S .... ._ la N•U '-•· on Friday, 1 :"5 P· m. a.nd then be g ve that prayer which e t, farming and industry, Mr. Brinkley was outspoken 5 Pile LUTHEf'IAN CHUf'ICH , not or mater al aenae." .. In order in SI Instruct • to pray arl&h , we muat enter tnto '-----------._..l ~tion to the subsidy racket, He said: to FerWe spot Grauel Chapel, Costa M... the cloaet an abut the door. We INSURANCE .--------,.,,..---: •:;;re has developed at various times in the pa.st a in the desert Rev. Herbert lloth, Pa.tor m111t cJ01e th llpa and 1Uence th• r------------u L. school 12: Prophet Servlcee: 8wklay, 10:30 a.m. material aena a." Milton H. lluwell, IL D~ thought in some circles to the effect that the place cs1b.> -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;·;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;p;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; New York Life ' of the farmer In our modem economy is one of unlimited pro-:! };,~~ r I C 1~10~ 8!.':f ducti~ of food and fiber at low prices, with subsidies making 15 Iron Csym.l • Before Yoa Build or Remodel nsnrance ompany I up the difference between those prices and what someone be: 17 =·ot DON ll-DURANT Otfiet! Hours: 10-12: 2-5 II~ 1~ers should have in the way of total inrorne .... Un>-: ~ house vWt ciar-1d~ co~~~~ ~ N-rt •ojli dee su1'" a condition farmers will inevitably become depend-' :zs ,,,11;• .., ents <>lj government. Such a pre<:edent of subsidization estab-24 Gird!• lanfling~~ des, · MOBT101AN8 lisha r. principle of government that bodes Ill for all of us. 27 J.'.~nrosrt ''l'!tslve stOck ~ Harold K. Grauel Chapel S. R. Monaco, M. D. 814 Bay. Ave., Balbo9 Newport 11!4 ... It 115 the very antithesis of free enterprise, and it totally 29 g;::.':,srn>Und llnOl~carpebln and ~ the fact that the strength of a nation is in direct plant ~on to its agricultural strength. Subsidized peasantry ~~ab month is no~' cultural strength, but fatal weakness. :H Float " the immediate future we must fight inflation and In-so Once more ft Mexican fiati~ forces as vigorously as we fought the war, recog-president nizing that full production is the best weapon against infla· 40 Flnt nota ot acale tion. e must produoe-all. of us, and not/ just some of us. 41 Sick We mi.JS!__ battle the forces of '""•tion ~herever we find .. To make YOld "tu.--. 41 Stan them. Fa..rmen;. have as much to loee as any oth~r group 48 11 ... oran- from dread man-made disease." · · dum-• Cocoa·pJum YOU Friends and Mine hi> parents' new '46 Ford on this , "shakedown" tri . ~-Smith. 135 Eut 18th P a~t. P.-ta Mesa. and bis father Mrs. VI Wells. wi fe ot Uoyd .nd mpther att expected back Wells, owner of the Palm ca!.-. 'Th~ &om Lu Cruoos, N . M., Balboa. Is leaving for a visit with .,here ~ have been on a ten-J her mother in Indiana . Mrs. Wells day V8fation. Fonner bead me-.has appbinted Al Joyce u offtdal clwU<: I of the Ford Motor mm-I chaperone to her husband durtng pany lO Lu Crucu. Smith drove her ai..nce (a=>nlinc tD All. (Sp. Arn.> IO Toward the ... 51 WaJkina: •tick DOWN ll'ruenU, 2 Goat b7 J B1l:bfft card t Stem ot a ........ I lump tSoao ,La._. cooti-1 ICboOse tMandutn ... 11 Obse"• 11 Goddes1 oldawn 180been• 19 OecQ' 20 Cry ot. crow ll Malt be..,... .. ......., Jf Fetiab ~La:rtt ·- x •.• 28 Droop Jn tbe middle 30y.,. SS Not &ood "SQ"-blue 38 Type of architecture S'l Father SI Bumps oo tbebnd • Anaioaoua (abbr.) tl Rualan rWe.r a llrterw•n .. l'lftll .... OflOdlae ~um.tum .., Tubor (So. Am.> ~, .. .._..... lll'••krn , -·· MODEll MAlllE SERICE SHELL DOCK BALBOA ISLAND LUDLUM Ca~t 1 _______ .._ I 111 ........ 1111111 1 II I • IUI i111&1 Modem arid Up-to-· ate Blue Printing fa iii ties • -. Photostating up to 18 in. y 22 in. Pick-Up and Delivery ) Watch for Opening Anno ncement . Blaeprlllt & Si.op "We Ourselves the Better Serve by Se:vlng Oth•rs Best" Plloilo N-rt 581 Coda M'e.. Callfornla OPTOMETRISTS MS s. HID 8t., Loo' ~ TUcker 1m By Appointment Robert A. Crawford T. P. Reeder, M. D. . Pb-1-'--· and ~I ' OpL, D. ,_._. OPTOIO!TBl8T Ey .. Examined -Glasaes Fitted lOOI Wed liq "''r' 1'111 N-rt J1aa1e-rusi TelephODI! New"°180Z -U. ooBTA Ml:ll• 111--------+---' Siegel & Raub ................ ., .... IWN--t-~­ 'rf• 11 t r•1 1111-1 MlTW.~N-­ 'h'!f' IF • di PIANO TEACDER G.V.LINSENBARD Gnduate. . ..,.a CIU t 1 ">• ~ Ph.1252-W , 1526 w. Ooten Front I TOO_ LATZ 1'0W: . i' San Fr•--,--• .-to a bociat ID tho priei 1at A. V. '!:!:'!i D. . -ll11llOl:ON I Tiie»' -!!laf ' ZONE CLINIC • . ' 315 NORTH ,_AIN ST. .- I butter, ewn tbollct! it wW ba eilr v..-- · n · C I ~ 'lbe7 t .. .-ed ni11ms II 1 I Tl k I~~ the J1l"fee. ol meet; Jwaeill!I'. to ft. Ma 'Pnz• • ..,~ .......... -betls _eat8 aveO•hle 1----~:---r-11---.I ' • I • • • • < . I . . : , I\ I - Su · ne lures Yach~; club ~ H y ulllng Banp' race to San Pedro and will join boeL Ftrusllljl& in order named In the Mid-Winter Regatta at Loi were I...aqY .Wf'eel,r, who won for Angeles Yacht club February 22, the third! ;:j.' Hillman, Wilkin-23 and 24. Herb Rlley, chairman IOll, Haines, Giddings, Henley, of the S~l Boats division of the Erickson, S . es, Hendenon, Mac-Southern California !Yacht ~ · ciation. was down Sunday to bring I entry blanks. Also down was l!Ob Kyle of San Marino and a friend • o.r .tore ..w .... .... y,· .. - Small boats in the reg1ltta will race at Cabrillo Beach Yacht club 8nd the Snipe0 and Pacific 14-ft. dinghies will enter. Among the Snipe entrants will be Alan An- drews, captain of the Snipe uso-- datlcn. and Jim Lewis Jr .• who Is oecretary. Bob White. champion. is com.in& down trOm. the univer- sity and Bill Lawhorn. Jack Cash aild Bob Davis will also enter. -;:.~:-w-. New-port llmL OPEN About April 1st FllLLD PAINT8 ~ .......... VEN~E~ NOT OVER n:T • · ~· The Lithuanian Partisan radio REMO AL SALE ha,d recently r eported that men and women by the tpousands had r-*---swarmed into the nation's wood-BURT(j) N PAINT lands to join organized guerrilla RE forces. The move. 1\he radio r e- Mac-otla A: We.tmlmter ported, was in opposition to what ta M.-the Lithuanians consider a soviet L---=i:=....:::=:..._ ___ JI campaign of tyranny. P.A. PALMER . LIDO ISI.e PllDPBRl1ES ---· W. 0. BUCK-Insurance Counselor ~1500 ~~ 3 3 V I.A. LIDO CALIFORNIA Or,nge County Trucking Co; TRUCKS FOR JURE (knerpi l Trucking, Hauling, Transfer ~ Long and Short Hauls 229 W. Wilson St. -Costa Mesa I PHONF."I Nwi>t. 260, Days--or-Nwpt. 512-M, Nlghta Ne~rt Engineering Associates Deelping, Manufaeturing and Sales Englneen ---§,--- ·ne and Industrial Machinery Instruments Handling Equipment --§--- 1215 Cj-t lllgbway Newport Beach Phoae2462 Charter Preston Still Difficult to Obtain We a tew In lltock for Immediate lnstallatioo Dllmll-'te sweeting windows and moisture oo walls .. _ ,_ - -llleallla. Oar·\---1ln.-t1lp a total of '8 yean la .. , - ~eating and Ventilating Field . wllJ -:roar pool>lems N CJBA&GE roa l!IUBVEY AND ESTIMATE C ARIER & PRESTON 280 Forest Ave. -Laguna Beach AGAIN Offen Yo. tile Jllamt Place to Dine Ill Onmp Ooaa~: All New - - - Even the Loeation ... One-Half Mlle Eul "' Old Location on Coast ~- Beautiful New Cocktail Bar ' ljellll Soutbenl California ill ~ Servin& et -SBA Jl'OODi -. AL80 YOUS ldmd al. lft'SAW.:8 -VJS1r OUR Kl'iUiZN - •'s Se• Food .Spa and Filla Market I ...... . cm-- -) I ..... ' ' . . 1 .. 'Spider' Yardley is Candidate for All Sou.· Cal. B.B. Te~ Georse.H. (Spicier) Yardley III. running for the championship tie. i.,.Jcy pivot man for Newpo<t .9'1'-Yardley. who 1tanda 6 feet 2 bor buketball !Iv._ Is curTmtl7 lncbn and Is a aenlor. hu been leadinp all Sunset Leaaue ICQr'ett consistent u a high acorer in mcmt and provin& to be the malnataY ot ot the Tar ga,mes and In iellgu!' a Sailor qulntet that wu expected contests, hal Men a backseat tO to wind up in the cellar and ln· no one in any department of the stead Is mathematically in· the game. He Is beln& boomed by many Sunset League Col.lowers as a po- Doctor Asks Parents Help Medical Service Stop Rheumatic Fever te.atial member of lh'e CIF All· Southern Callfornla team which Is picked annually by the Helms foundation, and Is almoot a cinch for a first team berth on the alJ. league quintet to be cbole.n at the ''1be medical profealon cannot end of the 1euon. succnstully conttol meumatic ~" Pol.ate Per Oam& fever ,lt it must work alone. Tbe In tbe first 15 a:ames this sea· need for early dlagnooil demands aon, Gallopin' Gesqe has plunked that cue9 be searched for by Ul<:J\le 219 points into opposition hoopa who usodate with children eVerl for a nifty 14 plus points per day," stated Dr. John J. MontanUI game. This scoring ability ·pl&ced in an Interview r~tly with Mn. him on the all·tournament squad Cal M. Gilbert. health chairman at Huntington Beach held ear!y In of the Fourth District Parent· the season in the Oilers' lnvita· Teacher Association, over KVOE tior\al tourney and in which New· '°"'--ima---a.L .. -. --Wte. 11 ot the . :m -t oil ~ --Omdnl ·-.-. .iHn.d In C.-... ID -flnt -reoil•llC cqoipatula-cm njiw ·moatlil al llM5 lfl1ICllaoed oil. ---al a ... Fetwuary 8 at ltfajor oi-aton did 44 per omt st.~ "-'tal 11e· •«ISl><d "Olntertlold -• ~ Strike -bo fOu.d Old Gold cllu!n' .ltth. bll Pall lbll - PhlWp lll~t_tbey an T' up In unoke W1--" . . tbe wOdc&t drilllnc-...... P"'' ... --Jack IJ""aley Doa."t pat on wded *-tal wortr; •••e eaa."t alford to paJ" ICMla. Yoa are wele1w: avail younelt of, Dr. Cowea.. Ubenl c....1 · Pl&Dt wblclt. e n•bles yoa te Mw 1111 1Gm' ___..I 8&ry -tal -............ IUGBT Now_,., later In unall weekly or 1D011al7 .....at.. No& One PMQ AddlUonal ·Coe&. Take .._,. ~-· able IMCtJa of time lo -· at 10:10 o'clock. port copped the consolation title. ' Doctor Montanus, who is 1946 On the evidence, it would appear ( ~,S:fl~3 '• •• ;;r..mm ~.ui · HFOX I I· president of the Orange County that Yardley ts. going to make Medical Association. said, "Far· some college happy because George ents, teachers and public health is a good scholar as well as a nurses must be aware of early handy man to have around a bas- manifestations of rheumatic fever ketball court. · .. J In order to refer thefll for propel;' Young Yardley is the son of Mr. rpcdical attentton. The special and Mrs. George H . Ya.r:dley jr. or skills required _in arriving at a Balboa Island. Mr. Yardley is man- diagnosis ma ke it necessary that a~ge~r~o~l~Ll=·=d~o~l=•l;e~Co~mm~~un~i;ty~asso-::::~~~~~~6~~~m~.;D;al;l:y ;;;;.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"""'"""'"""""""'"""'~ w e provide expert diagnostic and da t.ion. 1 consultative services, laboratory equipment. hospital beds and con- valescent bei:ls. In addition, we cannot over emphasize the import- ance of a school health program in providing protection from t h e danger to the child from upper respiratory infections and unregu· lated activity if he is a rheumatic ''susceptible." GEORGE V ARDLEY Ill I -- What All Drivers Should Know Directions : These quc>stions are Official and the same you are askrd \\'hen you apply for your driver 's license. Test your knowl- edge by marking yes or no in the space at the end of the line. Correct answers printed belo\v. 1. If you have an accident that causes proper ty damage or per- sonal injury and you fa il to stop, m ay you be charged with hit-and- run? ............. . 2. l\1ay you legally stop at a red curb long enough to get out a nd mail a lett£'r? ... 3. Must your car have two head- lights and o ne tail light lighted whenever you drive at night? ......... . 4. ~'lay you cross to the left side o f the high....,·ay to pass an- other car if there is plenty or clear straight road ahead and no double line divides the high- way-? ............... . Gibs0n Services Wednesday at Baltz Mortuary Mrs. Maude C. Gibson, 73, for many years a residect of 507 Car· nation avenue , Corona del Mar, died Sunday in a Santa Ana hos- pital after an extended illness. She is survived by her widower. Hugh G. Gibson, a nd a sister, Mrs. Julia A.His of Indiana . . Funeral services were conducted a t 1 p.m. Wednesday in the Baltz chapel, Corona del Mar, with Rev. Perry SchroCk. pastor of the Co- rona del Mar Congregational church, officiating. Interment was private. V.F.W. Leader Warns Of Red Plot 5. Must you signal "your turns even when there are no cars be-SAN FRANC.ISCO.-V. R. Mor- hind you, if cars are coming gan. of Bak('rs'F.eld. California De- toward you from the sides or in pa.rtm<'nt P.atriotic Instructor and front?............... ,I Chairman of the Americanism 6. Are you br eaking the law Committee of the Veterans or For-1 and making an accident possible eign \Vars of the U . .S .. charged if you cut the corners on your today that Con:imllnists are plot - left turns?................ ' ting a revolution in the United I ANS\VERS States. l . Yes. The driver of any ve-Morgan. in a signed article in hicle Involved in such accident the currf nt issue of the ''Calif or·-1 must stop immediately at the nia Veteran." official VFW publi- scene of the accident and fulfill cation, identified communist lead· the requirements of Section 482 ers. schools and newspapers by by giving full information and name. and warned war vete.rans rendering aid If neceuary. Faflure that the Reds are "plotting a vio- to do so is a serious violation of lent class struggle, revolution and law punishable by severe penal· seizure of power in the United ties. (Section 480, 481 Vehicle States." --------Code). --- 2. No. This is governed by local nearest the center line and after parking regulations and red tn-entering OM intersection you may dicates no stopping, standina or proceed to tum u directed and parking whether the vehicle lJ at-required by markers, buttons or tended or unattended. (Section signs. (Section 540 Vehicle Code). 472, (a) Vehicle Code). 3. Yes. Also the same regulation appU6 at any other time when there ls not sufficient light to clearly see any person or vehicle on the highway at a distance of 200 feet. (Section 618, 619, 621 Vehicle Code). 4. Yes. But in every event f'ou must return to the right-hand side of_ t.!'1~ . roadway befo!-e coming BALil MORTUARY wtth.in 100 fl"et of any '<,thicle air proaching from the opposite dl- rection. (S(.'('tion 528. S30 Vehicle Code). 5. Yes. You must alwtys signal your turns during thE> last 50 feet before turning. in the <'Vent any ether vehicle may be affected by such turn. (Sectio n 544 Ve- hicle Code). 6. Yes. Approach for .a left turn must be made · in that ,portion of !'- Lad y Attertdant -!- 410 Coast Blvd. CORONA DEL MAR ~.J.pl.011• 1/.2 DAY AND NIGHT the right half of the roadway ·-::..-- KLINE CONCH.En!: PRODUCTS OOMl'ANY BOU.OW 0 llUU.OINO TU.Ill AND lllUOK nM for All Type. of llllllda.s aad hUo wan. WALTER L. KLINE. Proprietor --Plant Located at--u• N-pwt ..... ()Na ·- Radio SeI'viee At Reasonable Prices Pal•r Radio & Elecbic r . ' • 1' ' I I TYPIW SAFIWAY SAVlllGS Cherub Milk 2 ... 1 .. -fvoporotwd. 4 amall cor11, 1 Bc. Libby's Pickles HorM·modit style. Sweet Potatoes T-'T"lfto ot llue Plot•~. Mackerel Fillets '14;"" 21• ·--Natural Sardines 1~ .. Tr...,..lrond. · Spaghetti Sauee •.:· 1 .. Owf toy Ar O.. lrond.. ~ flovcnd. Canterbury Tea ·~ r V...oz.. pockoge, llc. ~··· pcK;tQ19,t4k . I -lb. podi.Ofe, ISc. Black Tea Bags ::-J:. II' Cane.tMy lraNL ~ of ... bogs, J6c.. Orange Marmalade•:» Treot ..._ . :Knox Gelatin ~ 1es Pancake Flour "::" 1• • ' ......... »oz..~. 9c. . €ampbell'1 Soup ,.!.. ... lt-Chkbn--. Gainee Dog Meal Dog F~. '':;.,. •,: _. €omplete Dog Food , ... 17-11:....,, lfond.. .... ' • c ~.,...,...•••••a .,..,. ,. .... .....,, f9icT..., ..-.._._ ................ ~~ ............. , .... Ill. ., y,....,.. ,_,. .... s' d r .... daicU. ........ Select .... ... ... . • ,... w ••• , -at: •• STEWlll& HEIS c T..._,,_, ...... , ................. y-I f •• , ... w"- t .. •• ' ........ ........ ClllDEIS FOi 1WIEYS SllU • PlACID AT IWT _TW'O DAYS • ADVAICI. · .. / • I • ~~~-~~~GE~ 39- ~'i~-~!53· ................... .. COD film ..... ., ..... c-4. "' ... .......................... •• I· ZIC I SAFIWAY SAVINGS -Joy Popover Mix '!;· 21 • f Pancake Flour • ":.:" 25• I · ~ Jamimo 8rond.. 20--oz. package, I 3c. I 100% Bran '=° ::;· a= : 16-oz. pock.age, 16<. Quaker Muffets ""~ i• ' ... '"llie Round Stu ddwd Wt.tot!' Flapjack Flour ":.:" 229 ~ lrond. tCob Timw fr• whefol trox taC1 Is mol*f lo Aa..n. s.ottt., WOlhin;t~ ,.~.I HoneyComMufmix !:_-'r Honey Brem ?tfnpnix •r r i RiceFeast .,.::!'" ·~ r UdlMAft.... . lnst~t~ee •i.: • mwtant Coffee ';-aze .. & .... 'J i? ..... Borm0 -c._ 1-• ' ----..... . Scotch CJ+11 ssr ':;: •. ,_-. I Oaktte .=-.:.. -:. ..... a111s1r ~ ·=· Qral" 1r ~ ~119 llntt Stwch ~ \ .. , . .. • I ' NWWFWI I • • - PuaL1 NoT1cE Puauc i)ilonca --Puauc N~ca PuaL1c Nonc1: High School Students .Write Letters , . , !f~CE bF SALE . 011' lll<Ai: ber lit, 1M4: l...s 'l'nllltt under -D<ecl ~ Tl'Ult. m-..pr.. S.pt. 17, To F~· €,euntwo;~ . . Clothe$ SOCIETY NOTES ' WI>....,;, ddault .... -·ed Will llOll •~ publk: auction. to the 1llC9. Collec • Vi ~:r· l"ln .... _ • ---------.--------4---' =~~ 01:"'-r: In that ~~t -... -hilMSt . -fw cub, lawtu1 (Notarial S.al.) -. -\ m JC~ry }'W&Ul5 ye Interesting Collectioh of Letters Display . I Tnot !fo. un note on January lat; 19t5 - -.,,._,,of the United Statn. "" the Pub. Feb. 7, 14, 21. 28, 1946. ,_,_., In the ....,...t clollilllll I . ij At Harbo Sta CJ b M . J been pe1c1 · and -daJr ot Febn>ary, 1946 at the c:tJtrlll'ICATJ: or avsJNW dri~ for 11<ec1y Europe concluCted . • ~ r mp u eettng W H E IJ. EA s. ANTHONY F . WHERE<Alli Gritftth ~":; = ~ ~~ o;:;: t;,.,':-;;:. Fictitious Firm Name ~ ~~~ ::O,:S t':: 5 YEARS /( si-!ng of a ran; -;on of Santa. Ana, ~ Mn. Hele6 ~. CHACKSflELD and BETI"YE J_ owner and ljold« ot ~ DO ot the~ QJanty Court Hou9e TIIE UNDERSIGNED do• 1 ,_, • the7 . h!tten owned by Mn. •"rank 514 Eat Wuhlnctoo ._ CRACKS~, husband and heretolore .....,._ that aid 111 the Oty ot•Santa Ana. Call-hen!bycertlfyth>tshellconduct-:" ttobe~~:if~erllf In -F'ROM OUR F'l,.ES -.... ot Newp>rt Be.ch hl&h-Santa Ana. , I wile, by of Trull elated Oo-1 Trustee llel1 lald prvpt!llJ -.i: fomla. all ol the Interest conveyed lng • Real ~late bolli-at S07 u!' ~unity and the uJted I ' • ' llll:hted tl)e _....., at the meet-Next meel!a& of the ·-- toher 5 1944 NCO<cled Novem, October 1?fhl 1lM5 ~"'!:." -to lt by Mld D<ec1 of Trull in El. C-tral Ave .• Oty ol Newi-t States .n.e _.. -WU heedllned lne of the Herbor Stamp club held will be held at the .M-- ber 3rd. 944 in ~ 1273. -in the olllc.I of the · "' and to all the foUowlnc -cle1crlbed Beach/Balboa, County of .~. The· loll . letter by Allee with bql!d!ns permlta Issued 1ince Thunda,y evenlnc at the M ... shop Thunclay evenlnc. I~ 21 . 595 of ~dal P.econll or Oran11:e '.cor<ler or ,~ County, In 8"'! PloPttty situated ln tho County State or Callfomla, under the fie-Klussman. ~ Coota Mesa 11 Jan. 29 •. twe~ of them. and to-Radio ,shod: Coot& ·Meu. with at 7:30 p.m_ and the~~ Colmty, . ornla. did .,..,.t and; 1364, pog~ of Ottldal lle«c of Qranse, State ot Callfoml&. ~ tltlous l1nn name or BEVERLEY typical or· the many mialv.,,. that 'f!'!C $50'15, Vl..,.po'esident Vernon Orr prosld-club will meet. at the -~ conr ey t . property therein and• thereof. a l notice of said dolault ocrlbed u follows. to-wit: REALTY CO .• and that Mld firm accompanied the clothlne in the At the Sinnott home in New-lne· . Saturday, Feb. 23 at 12:30 p.m. heffinattor cleocrlbed. to the Or-l and or l~ :=.:i..-:.::: LotFlveHunclredruty-nlna ls com~ of the followlnc per·t natlonaldrive< =~a r:uiy mm1on;;: The letters were tno1tly ad- ange ty 'ntle Company, u property to ""'"; 1559) and the Southwesterly son. whole name and addrea II u .. ~., Friend. """' n C<llDUlC clN!ued1 to Mrs. Perew's ancestor, G f M . Trustee, to secure, among other I three ~li!' ha•• -~·peed one-ball of Lot Five Hundred foUOWB, to-wit: I "I hope and your ramllY re-far and _... . Mojcr Jooeph Wbeal!>n. who held uests i'om ext co obllgatlo • the. payment of on• ~Ince the !'"""':t1on$lS:55sa1c1pr1nc1"°: Sixt)' (SWly~ 5EC>) Or Tract• Gladys Bevttley, SO? E. C-tral eel"" and :::;,Y the clothlne in the "-~~trick pve bis New; a PoOJtlool equivalent to that of the ~t Roy Keene Home 'note da October 5th. 1944 pay-I !lee. The sum • No. 907 as per map reoorded Ave., Balboa. California. bundle I know how welcome the wrl ~·,•~ 11°"' •-.new coo IJl:""Dt sectttary of the treasury. able to ·mth Company, a cor-pal and interest u.....on 6;:: in Book• 28, poses 25 to 36 ln· WJ,TNESS my hand this 28th day clothlne will be. Everyone In "f .ll"1"L The l•tten included an invitation MiU Alice Malley and Sonat par~tion order. for the prindpo.l Jan~ 11:_~~ 11:::; !: and clUslve of Miloellaneoua Mapo, of January, 1946. • ICbool 11 wrltlne letten(tttb their ~The :!tbp&w~ ~ C.:: to meet Dolly Madison in the year Armando Mendlgacha· oi Mnleo sum of 1850.00, With interest at1 mg an unr" on Deed re<Udl of Qrance c.ourtty,. GLADYS BEVPLEY buDdla rce ewet1 1797, a letter from Lafayette about · Oty are guests for two WeelD at the! rate t 6 per cent per annum: I there II also secuHCl,by Mld cautom1a, STATE OF CALIFORNL\ l "I live ln Coot& Meu. ~a cuaed the' med ol a tunW:'c buin. a loan of ..-ey to the United the home of Mr. and Mn. """ priBcl and interest due ln of Tnlst tl>e Trustee 1 f .. and """ Ol' ., much of aid -l;t • COUNTY OF ORANGE J u . · small town near ~Pai:tfi.; a central """"'7 for handlin&" sum-States, three letters from Jamea Keene. 301 Palm •a.et.: - monthly lnltallmento of $18.50 penses ol lale estimated at $1.50.00 ahall be neceu&rY to b# sold to On this 28th day o1 January' ~t I am a glrl 16 and a sOpbo.. r ~ and plans for • Monroe, a letter from MonticeJlo Senor Mendlgacl>a 11 .-neeted each, on the lat day of each and _tog:::i -:i~Y ""':,:::.:::: provide a sum 1uflldent to pay the A..D., 1946, bef<>tt me Nona S. ""'": at Newport Harbor Hi&h pier to extend 800 ffft into the signed by 'Thomu ·Jefferson and with the Mexico Oty otrlce ot every nth. beginning on Novem-~.~ ~ ~ total amount '°"""" by aald Deed Marparth a Notary Public in and llcbool. I have brown hair and dark ~ Garoelon ot Santa Ana dated Jan. 26, 1812. the Southern Callforma Touriot of said Deed. of TrUat. wtth Inter-of Trull. for aaid Cotlhty and State, resid-brown eyes. l would Uke very gave ~ piano recital at the a.ta Ano~ ·dated 1841 was signed bureau of whlc:h Mr&. Keme'I of· l!.at• Class. Ads est on aald lut mmtioned ....,,.. Dated this 26th day of January, lne therelno,duly """""/D"'ed and much to have you u my pen-pal, M-Methodist cliurch and the by l'N!sident Van Buren and thett fice II also a branch. L. 0 ORANGE COUNTY Tm.I: Bevttley kl"""' to me to be the and tell me what you look like · · soc1af t th home of Mrs Another interesting letter wu atay in California, vlaltlng a· - ,. NOW THEREFORE. N tlce ii 1946. -sworn, ~ appOattd G~ so U you can, please write to me ~-Afternoon club pve a Val· .....,. three letters from hll IOllS. Mils Malley will malt• a kzac< WANTBp -High school boy to1HerebyGlvfnthattbelald0nnse COMPANY. penon -name II subacrlbed and what you do. ~ Quinn.a e . · written .by "Ught-Horse HIJTY" in Hollywood and otberrr.Jatlwo work ': re1taurant week ends.; County TIU. Compeny. by virtue By GEO. A.. PARKER, to the within lnltnunent. and · .. What rubjecu do you take ln ·John Boyd and John Jones went Lee la 1832. ln which he mention-in San Francls<o. ~ -• PboneL2268. J.2..2tc .of the a4thority vested In tt • President. 1. ~clmolwedpd~to me that &he exe. 1c:h09l! I take typing, tuology, huntlrig and came-home with the ed the captw'e of the firtt Brit-stay the visitors from btloW tbe • , (Corporate Seal) cutod the""""'· , Spanish, Englllh, physical educa-blll"'t wildcat ever seen in Or-lib •hip in 1775. Two other in-bonier have enjoyed --lllbt- By C. W. BAXTER. In witness whereof, I have hett-lion and 1eometry. My belt friend I ange county terestlng Items ln this collection seeing trlpo but like Balboa-. • OR DANCE CLASS~ Beg1nnb1g TuMday, Februar)r l?th Iii 7 p. m. Costa Mesa Women's Club "Fox Trot" -"Balboa" -"New Yorker'!' and Swing Combinations 15 r.es..ons s10:00 ial attention given to ballroom deportment No Enrollment after Tuesday, February 26th For Information Call Santa Ana 2840 Grace Shipman School Santa Ana ......... :? ......... ....::.:~ §Fin the put few y~ ,.,.u' home baa become war-jl'Om and nm-down, here's just the treatment it needa : ~ and modernize with en FHA-7, 1 'w loan arranged. at Bank of America. With thia convenient financing yoo. can r&roof, repaint, redecorate,. repair. Yon can give your hou.ae every attention it n-1s to nwtors it to pr&Wlll' h9elth end carrect all the thinp now '!mJDC wiih it. -Ir The 1irat step? Get en• • mnate OD the coet of doing the.... • ' '"--Bank of America! ! fllA·~1 ~ ......... nrw ................. ..... ......... ,,.., .......... .... 1Sunk of .lmtrini NATIONAL ll~'tN•,n ASSOGlATION , ... IP RHIAL llNllT l•l•l.Ull-1 llll'OU.llOll ' tll•lll Rll.&AL 1-1.ld'ft lftTS1I INV.IT IN VICtOIY IONDI AHD HOLD THIM UNTIL MATUllTT . I WILL PAY you Highest Top Cash Price For Your Used TYPEWRITER, I • DDING MACHINE and other neede4 -I office equipment If you ha .. any offlca equiJ.J.,t. ._Jolly a typewritw, thot you .,.., ~. caah it In at top _,, pric>o toclGy, and which w iH g_,ly ,.ii... ":d.i:::lnt cNi1 In icarclty af type-*' t• ~ • whi~, duplicaton, check wil..,.·-a4her units. Pt.-743 n.. ~ ~ P"'.'1-'-.. l - Ira Secretary. unto set my hand and affixed !DY and l have all our clusea to-· were two pieces of paper money, Special dinners were an'anpcl for ht publication, Jan. 3~ 1946 offldal seal the day and year In aether. ' s· I nd R b one valued at two--thirds of a dol-them at. Ouiltlan'a Hut, Sulil 2nd publication, Feb. 7th, 1946 this certificate lint above written. "Last night our school basket-1ege 8 8U lar and dated 1776 and one a $4 Sea Foods and W""'-dalr evomc 3rd publication, Feb. 14th, 1946 NORA S . MARGW ARTH. ball team played against another A'dd TwO Top bill elated 1772. they vlalted Kr. Keene at ~ ommoAD OP' PA&TNE&- SBIP TRANSACTING BVSI· NESS VNDEB FIOTITIOUS NAME. . ROY WINDEU. and RALPH WEST, do hereby certify that they are conducting an airplane service and any business incidental there- to or in connection therewith, with its principa.1 place of business at 1905 FUilerton avenue, Costa Mesa, County of Orange, State of California under the flctitioWI name of PIONEER PACIFIC AIR LINE that said firm is composed of e fGIJowing persons, whoSe names and a~dresscs are as follows: ROY WINDELL. Partner 1905 Fullerton A venue Costa Mesa. California. RALPH WEST 4543 East 58t h Street Maywood, California. WITNESS our hands this 29th day of January. 1946. ROY WINDELL. RALPH WEST. STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF ORANG&--.s. On this the-29th day of January, 1946, before me, FRED J . DUD- LEY, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared ROY WINDELL, known fo me to be the penon whose name is subscribed to the 'within instru- ment, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same. WlTNF.SS my hand and official seal. FRED J . DUDLEY. Notary Public in and for said County and State. My com- mission expires June 4, 1949. {Notarial Seal.) STATE OF CALrFORNIA. COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES--<ts. On this t he 4th day of February, 1946, before me M. D. Sheets, a Notary Public in and for said CotyltY and State, personally ap- peared RALPH WEST, known to me to be t he person whose name is subscribed to the within instru- ment, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same. WITNESS my hand and official seal. M. D. SHEETS, Notary Public in and for said County and State. My com- Notary Public in and ffX' aald school team. We won and are now Mrs. Carol Ewen announced that Spinp. Mr.· Keme b.. bem County and State. My com-second from the top ot the league. Fii .... [ngin .. erS her sliop would "°"n have tor sale enjo)'ln& the cleRrt aun fw twG nuulon expires Jan. 28, Our school is very outstandin&: in &.••• fti'. the new Franklin Delano Roose-weeb, but returned Sunday. 1946. sports. velt ~bums which are being· print- CSEAL.) ... Th.e other five girls in our ' "How.we grow," can be no bet-ed foP...Gimbel's department store WHEN 18 AN moo Pub. Jan. 31 ; Feb. 7, 14, 21, 1946. crowd and I have IOts of fun to-'ter illustrated than the firm of in New York Qty. Quite a few Rl!ALLY FalCIUI!' I No. 12575 NOTICE OF GVARDI.AN'S SALE OF REAL PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE In the Superior Court of the State of California In and For the County of Orance. In the M~tter of the Estate and Guardianship of BLANCHE H . HARRISON, Incompetent. gether. In the swnmer time most Siegel and Raub, engineers and countries are issulng . stamps in 6f WI have jobs and go to the surveyors, who in the few months honor of the late president, Greece beach to swim during our spare they have been established at and Uberia being the latest. 'nle time. We also like to go to the Costa M;esa, are doing thousands set from Liberia consists of three movies, as do all boys and girls of dollars worth of business with stamps, two regular and one air in the United States. 20 employes. mail 1 The three-cent regular U there's any doubt ~t the freshness of an egg, Wes~home home economists say the texture will invariably give it away. 'lbe white of a fresh egg ls thiClr: and viscous, and the memb~an@ sur- r ounding the yolk ia t~h. Both become thinner with ti~' . Wblle "When I was in grammar school, They have just added two fine stamp is purpl~ and black and pic- I imagined boys a nd girls in Other technical workers. Fred V. Ben-tures Roosevelt in an army jeep countries, dressed in long, fancy, nett, who has been placed in reviewing troops in Liberia 1n colorful costumes, living in str~nge charge of the offices. was senio.r 1943. It was printed by E. A. houses. But, now, through movies engineer and gener al superintend-Wright Ba nknote company of this change does not interj! with and ne\\'Sreels and actua l photo-ent at the Santa Ana Army Air Philadelphia. - graphs. I kno"' that . you are no Base for three years and prior to djffcrent, excepl. perhaps, in Ian-that was connected with the U. S. guage, than the boys and girls here Army engineers office in Los An- in the United States. 1 sincerely geles in charge of the Santa Maria hope that all of us, the ruture men diStrict. He graduated as a sani- and women of the world, I can tary engineer from the University make it a better place in v.'hich to of Minnesota and lives on Lo\\•ell the food propertie-s of l egg, some dishes-notably angel food cake and omelet-requ.ire 1~ectl,y .i" liVe. street·. Santa Ana. "I wish you lots of happiness Ellias B. Hillyard, nephew of and good luck in the future. \ Cap. W. K . Hillyard, county en- '..'Sincerely, : gineer. is now associated with "ALICE KLUSSMAN." Siegel.and Ra ub. He was assistant Son Born Satu'rday To Daren McGavrens superintendent in charge of build- ings. plumbing and electrical work at the air base, and the firm is proud to announce the addition of these two top-flight engineers. As this was auction night. quite fresh eggs. a few stamps were for sale, includ· ~· •• 0,;;:,.,;;:,.,;;:,.;;,,.~,,,;;,,,~ .. ,;;:,,,;;:,,,;;:,;;:.,,;,,,;;;.,;;:,.,;;:.,;;:,.;;.;;;,.~,;,.;;.,;;,;;;;, ;, ;;11 ing those of the United States, Ii China. the Straits Settlements, ::_:_::_: E G G s iii a nd Mozambique company, which is now discontinued. In March the club will cele-~ • brate its rirst a nniversary. rn :_: F R E 5• H I less than a . year it has listed 31 •· mem~rs . half the number of tha t i E V B a Y D A 1' i of Orange Qoun ty Philatelic so-~ . I ciety. Electio/' of officers will take ;:'. ___ ::"· Cll >ER Ii_ place at th' next meeting and a nominating committee was ap- pointed, members being Mrs. F;d--G R O C [ $ i gar Hill. chai~man : .Mrs. Maxine i E R I; NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that E. D. Goodell, guardian of the person and estate of Blanche H. Harrison, incompetent, will sell at private sale to the highest bidder upon the t•rms and conditions hereinafter mentioned and subject to confirmation by said Superior Court, on March 11 th. 1946, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock A. M., or thereafter within the time allowed by law, all that certain r eal prop. erty belonging to and owned by said incompetent and her said es- tate, being t"e hoWle and lot lo- cated at No. 3208 West Ocean Front, in the City of Newport Beach. Orange County, Califoi-nia. Mr. and Mrs. Leo McGavrcn, 613 and more particularly described as West Bay avenue, are pr~ud grand- follows· ~ parents for the second time, a son r..oT 5 in BLOCK 32. NEW-having been born Saturday to Mr. The first Greek letter sor ority, Kappa Alpha Theta, was founded at De Pauw university in Janu- ary, '1870. Schrepel and J a.mes Howard. -Cold I Eighteen members were present ~.:··"_ Meats ' I and two guests, Mrs. J ames Howard. Balboa. and W. E. Hall Ft-ulla llad Vegebt~IM PORT BEACH, as per ltfap an~ Mrs. Daren M<,'Gavrei:i, ,Ana- thereof r ecorded in Book 3. he1m. The yo~gster arrived at pageo 8. Miscellaneous ~faps, St. Joseph hospital and weighed The Oregon Short Line railroad does not enter Oregon. new member. New members en-• • of Balboa, the latter becoming a ~ Open Saa. -Oloeed. nm.. I ary include Wnllam Reed of La-ii 1 Records of Orange Coun ty, six pounds, twelve and a half California. ounces. TERMS AND CONDmONS He has been named Michael rolled during the month of Janu-:_-~--Dutton's lroce· ... ,I guna Beach, HPrman W. Toedter ! Pllo9e Ml.I · "'-NOTES of the . of Costa Mesa, Capt. Ernest Ev-; nu Newport -~ ".,,,:J Balboa Yacht Club erett of the Lighter-Than-Air base, ;-.u.,111\1111u1M1111111.11 .. 11111 ... ua111••11•~" OF SALE: Cash. in lawful money John. H is material grandmother, of the United States; at least ten Mrs. M. K. Parker, Columbus. 0 ., percent f10%) of bid to be paid is expected Thursday to stay a few on or ~fore time of sale, and bal-months, and it is her first trip to California. Mr. McGavren met his ance thereof to be paid upon con· wife while he was stationed at firma tion of sale by the Court. Bids and offers are invited for Columbus as an athletic instructor said property and must be in and s he a student at Ohio ,state writing. and will be received by college. the said E . D. Goodell . at his home The McGavrens have another at 3000 West Ocean Front, New-grandson, P atrick, fifteen months port Beach, California, (which ad-old, and llVing in Ne"'' Jersey with dress is hereby designated as the h~ parents, Mr. and·Mrs. Lynaugh. place of said sale), or may be filed With the Clerk of the above-named Superior Court. or delivered to Frank L. Bowman, 210 Spurgeon Bldg., Santa Ana, Calilomla, at- Two Costa Mesa Boys Were in a Hurey VALENTINE DANCE Newport· Balboa Tourist Bureau All Modes of Travel to Europe, Mexia>, Ha'll'llll Round-the-\Vorld Trips in the near future. See · '.!llrs. Roy Keene. Ph. Siil. SOl!J'Um, Balboa Soun: JO L m. le 8 p. -. With wonderful weather entic- ing everyone to the beach, t he Valentine dance held Saturday evening at Balboa Yacht club was one of the best yet and drew an attendance of eighty or more couples. Dean Bradford, chairman of the entertainment. commit tee, had 1 arranged gay decorations of -;;;=========-=~=====;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=;;;;=;;;;;• red, white and blue strearnen centered by a big. red heart and interlaced across the ceiling to end in streamers on which were heu;ts and val~ntines, and the music wu super. Door prizes Were won by Mrs. WING SANG BOAT~ REPAIR YARD 811 Cout Highway 101 .-------------• I torney for said guardian, at any Two Costa Meaa boys tried to Imitate members of the fleet last Saturday but Navy shore ~trol officers took the pair in to cusiody on charge of illegally wearing uni- R ichard Fentqn, Mrs. Fred Haiber,1 Mrs. Jack Boyd, Mrs. Byron Os- bOrne, guest of Mr. and Mrs. M. J ,, C~lton, and Dr. Castlemain Smith. . Machine Tool Rebuilding • • Cylinder Head Grinding Marine E1oc1M Pvto Dapliealed Arc and A~-Weldlnc General Machine Work Modern F.qalpment • SAMPSON Machine Works llM N-pon lih'A. • Phone KU COSTA Ml'.8A time after the first publlc:~tion ot this notice and before the making of said sale. Dated: February 11. 1946. E. D. GOODELL, Guardian of the person and estate of Blanche H Harrison, incompetent. Pub.-Feb. 12, 14, 19. 21, 26, 1946. forms of the U. S. Navy. · The boys were picked up at Third and Main streets in Santa Ana and were held for invhtiga- tion by the FBI. ·. NOTICE oF PUBLIC HEARING PuaLJc No1-icEs Among the guests were noted Commodore and Mrs. Don Kemp an<;l son .:Jimmie; Vice-Commodore and Mrs. Bob Boyd with their son Jaqt Boyd and his Wile Elwanda; Rear Commodore and Mrs. Dick Fenton and Secretary-Treasurer and Mrs. Ray Loomis. P ort Cap.. The Newport Beach City Plan--------------•taln Ang\d RJchardson was there. ning Commission will hold a Public NOTICE OF PUBLIC flEARING and Mrs. Ric:hardson, as were Di- Hearing Thursday, February 21. 1 rec:tor and Mrs. Clyde Kemp and 194& at 7:30 P. M .. In the CouncU '!'he Newport Beach Qty Plan-daughter .Lois, and Director and Chambers. Oty" Hall. , Newport ·ning Commission will hold a Pub-Mn. Gerald McFarlin: Beach, California. lie hearing Thursday, February 21, Others present lrlcluded M5sn. PUBLIC HEARING upon the 1946 at 7 :30 P. M .• in the Council and Mesdames C. Lewis Baltz. applic:a ti.on o( John F . Vogel, Bal-Chambers, Oty Hall, N~rt J?ick Stem, Jac:k Greene, Jack Sul- boa, California, for c:ha9ge of zone Beach, California. livan, Bob 'Whlte, George Strom. from R-1 to C-1 (or 11!-S 2 ~ct 3, PUBLIC HEARING upon the Larry Wheeler, Russ HardCastle BloCk P, Balbof. Tract, .m the Oty application of H. Robert Adams, R. R. Hansen and their euetta, nr: of Newport Beach, California. Balboa, CalUornia, reque1tlng a and Mrs. H. S . Winkler and Mr. By order of the Chairman of the change of 10 feet to 5 feet rear and Mrs. Gerald hiberty. Miu Newport Beach Oty Planning yard setback for Lot &, Block A, Barbara Metc:alJ'. wu pttsen1t Paul Commllsion. Tract "518. Balboa, California. · Bennett and a guest, and Heber JOHN M. AU.EN. By onler of the Chalnnan of the Erickson and Mila Domlnua. PHlLMER J. ELLBRBROEK. Newport Beach Oty Planning Others among the younger set s.cn,1ary; Commlsslon. were Robert M. Duntley and LL '-------,.----'I Pub.-Feb. '14, 1946. JOHN M. ALLEN. J .w. Babcock. I PlllLMER J. EU..ERBROEK, Sec;n,tary Pub.-Feb. 14. 1946. of this Clean, Family Newspaper THE OllUmAN S<ma MONlTOll ___ _. --... -.... Ml I -... -,_.._. .. . .. -... _ .. __ .._.._ .. _ ...... _.,_ 111111 _ ..... ~---£.:_....... s' I.,_ ... _,............. .... ........... .., .. ,. .......... . . ,, ___ _ IU'la.G t s• ,.._ -· . -•kn ______ ._,, ___ _ a ......... _ . -•• s ' - _,. --·------·-·····--''"" ' • t INJECTl~N SERVICE --~ Nozzle. Testa ci---mc. .u.Jw'hg wl ~ -- ... lfta:I ......... I .. ,. • • • lffoortap ud llpaee ............. for Boats fw Sale Paddle ~ for Rent by the weell or montb.. J f 111eRECO~D ~ ./J . I IE-r~.-- 1.cpcat ACME bu ban ,.,. largc11-1eUiag W~=I~ achyeubyaaenr ' ..,.i;.· a( leadcahip. ' • I ". ' I , I . I .. the beer I. with .the high J.QJ•'Q•n n . . . 61; I @''f 1(~'911 .. 1 • ; B. B. BRINKERHOFF • ... 2MJ ... • r • , ·. - : - - I ' ' , . ' •• " . . '-. .. • ~.,....,....,....,.....;...,....,....,....,....,....,....,....,...~~.,....,.......;..,....,....,....,....,....,....,....,....,....,....,....,..._;'~t~.\~\~l"C)~ll'f~....l!11AL84>~~0<::!A~'· '\' ..... ,. t:.a... ,v, Peb!!aq _U, I ' H Tars Beat -Fullerton; Forrest Owen Active in Mesa Civic Lile at 73 (Continued fn:m Pap 1) Still C 1 n Tie f.or -Cage ~itle Harbor Hip ha4 a aftght _... in the face without an ac:t~- Tues&ey attemoon on their -own H • • Fund tidpation in tt, the owner f:l-tlie court when a ~erton tive went OSpltaJ Newport SO\J\•enir and Gift Shop over their beaa. and •tarted sink-R.e .... hes 11 $9. 3,!M"l·, "' planning a new -..... tor Ing 1hoU l'r<lm all <7V"" the court. ~ CM.. Costa M.... the community In bUt Yardley and Co. combined G'rou~ CH.--s Site which he resides and In whole tv-tbett collective effort.a just long t.Xe ture he is firmly entrenched u enouch to win 4G-36. (Con ued from Pac• Onel sec:tttary ot the chamber of oom- By virtue of thll win and be-merce fer the third straight year. cauw the leodinc Olien from ot Community Preobyterlan church Mr. Owen currently expects to Huntington Beach were knocked of Laguna, arid campaign chair-erect a . "driv~in'' on the Meu oft by Anaheim. the Tan att 1tlll man tar that dty. Dr. Braham> which will probably be known u veey much in the title race and emphasized the serious need tor Tile Gables, with special food can only hope that the Oilers take more ~pital beds, calllng atten-items, a juice tiaJ:· novelties and another licking from either Santa tion to Jfhe dari.ger to residents of souvenirs. This building, of strik- Ana or Fullerton. in which event. the C!Ot.l{lty lf present cond.ltlonl lna: architectural design, ls plan- -the crown will be shared by Hunt-are not ~ In which hos-ned for an 85-foot (rontace cm · tn11on Beach, Anaheim and New-pit.all in the COQnty are so over-Newport boulevard. port Harbor. crowcled. ~!ting back to the ll>dlvld Coach Ralph Reed ot the Tars s.noao Need Told and l••vinl hil planl tor 'th• mo- baa announced that the locala will Edward Leo Rusaell, M. o .. ment, F. B. Owen wu born In play Orange lD the final came of health office!' o1 Orance county, Oiampaicn county, Ohio, a little the recuJar ee..00. next Tueeday told of federal t government sur-more than 72 years ago on a day on the neighbQrlna dty'a court. veyi which indicate that the mini-that all Americans celebrated-the Althoueh Fullerton never com-mum standard ia 41Ji bedt for 1000 Fourth of July. manded a lead In T\Jnd.ay'1 con-papulation. In early manhood, younc Owen test, tMtt were UmH when they "On t.hil buia of an absolute worked as • farmer in his na!ive threatened to uptet the 'ran, who minimum for public aafety," Dr. state and tn woolen mllll before W"e'J'e having troublr with set-ups R1.11&e11 said. "'Orange county he took up the atudy of ahorthand and cJoee--ln lhots.. Yardley con-· should ' have 7~ general medical and qualified u a public aten- tlnued hUI acarlnl parade with 14 and surgical beds." ographer with manufacturing and · points for honon, but he was ably '"'Jbe total number of ctvtUan law offices as hil main clientele. · .assisted in this department by hospital beds in Orange toUnty is lato Rallrnad BuAm-. . 0. --..... -•w1 I sM •b,... +JJ ti *:!¥. la -rw "'* a ooN. ~ ... 1w•11 tor p 1 lt7" .,. .. p•rte ......... IMm -8AAAB -tb· Uo.a. -II la,_ 1101M ,....,-.__..._off N~ llutlor, ~ • im11 a.ir, ..i pt ~ a .-.ftcl loolil fJ'Olll ....,.. •· t \ )laJor' Zellef · ore,-re .... d.nlee ..... . . Weston .Jay Placed on Executive I C'A>nuitittee . of C'A>unty Scout Lea~~rs; Harbor and Mesa Groups Meet Mond =:a 1tll!:~Bnl . ErstWhile . ·Resident . of City ,~ p~ '!':m=~ Is Center of Pofifical Storm I ~ Magnotta a+.ae, Q?st& lies&. -fl died W-"-7 at "'1lomJn Gen· Edwin W. PaW.,, 1-t of point under ~t TNmd, oral hosptal She waa a natlft ee-1y Hilla and often' -times To further _.,p1m{e tbe "*'" of Pomeroy: Walb.~ and Md u.ed temporary rea14ent of Newport ter. 1~wart DatlOCftta ay .... In OJsta ·M-fGr nine yMrs. S..cb, II the center of a political baa been no -tratillli'1~t- Mn. Holtan! wu a member of storm of the fint _,.. in W-tempt to line up votes tar PauleJ Newport Helshla; Clrde, WSCS, of lncton--The storm appottnlJY. 1,1 which · they mi&ht expect In lE' ' Cu1st Clutch l!Y·the-Sea and of not yet over with the ~lion ot the Pauley-Id< .. aldrmilh · ~ the Ladies' A~, O>utllne or Harold L. Id< .. u sea'etary or rare the Senate. How will It " JUt 3536, .veie,.... of Forel&n the Interior earlier tllil week. · out! Ho-hum; you cu-! JI Wars. . The nomination of the C.U- She IS surviv.d by her -· tOl'lllan, previously national treas-• I Floyd Hoftard, p:.ta M ... ; two uier of the D<mocratic party and I 110r1S, Ivan Lee of O:.ta M-and_ more recently member of the . I O\arles, U. S . j Navy, and one Reparatiooa Cnmmi11ioa ,from th.ls daughter, ;:£; · Jadmon, COWltly In us-Inc tbe ability ot P.ta Mna. both major. eneml .. ot the Allied Thneral will be· held Natloaa to pay war dainaces· Sa~ at 1 p, m. at the Harold ......i a furor In political life at K. Grauel chapel with the Rev. the nation's capital. E. D. Goodell offtclatlnc, MA!m· -~ hen ol the nW Awdllary will be n-1 Truman ·wanted 1>&11 bearen. Intmnent will be In Pauley tor Aalltant Secretary of .w .. 1m1nst ... Memorial puk, the Navy. Man1 think. thls WU Maude Howard Dies at Balboa but a 1tep to hia elevation to head the department. BU:t the nomina· t1on bl'oQcht lmmediat• charces that he had acreed to rai.. $300,- 000 among Callfomia oil men -to fight Ick .. ' tidelands au!L Pauley ' Mn. Maude Howard, ....tdent of denied he bad said thls. Ick .. Rlvenlcle,! died Wedneoday., Feb. clolma he did. President Truman 13, at her summer home, 109 Sev--backed. the oU man. Ickes then .. • Your Nurae " Recognir.es Qu~ty · 1 "'-.... --11311" ..... --a mtlM'Clne laoUle ... D:a M · Ward. who collected 11 and Fre:l-467. This establishes the fact that The railroad buaineu wu· the T. Weston Jay, chalrm&n of the tag wtth 9. our Area needs at lea.st 298 more nut venture for Mr. Owen and he district committee for Boy SCout The Baby Tan collected. another hosPital beds before the situation served ln various capacities u troos-of the harbor area. wu win by taking the preliminary can be considered anything but traveling frei&:ht and passenger named u a member of the execu- trom the junior Fullertons, 32-25, dangerously critical," according to a.gent and chief clerk for such lines Uve committee of the Orange Em- and w1th one more win will lhare Dr. Russell. as the Missouri Pacific, Oi.icago plre Area Council at the annual the league B title with th.e Otlen Braden Finch. county vice-chair-Northwestern and the Southern banquet held Wednesday evening and CoIOnlats, who abo must wtn man for raising funds for the non-Pacific. All in all he served ·tn rail-at Santa Ana Country club. offered hil ~tloa. uoerllng enth street. Balboa. after a ,lin· tt wu a question of ~nfidence rering illness. She WU • member in him. And thil 'r-esi"""•tion -· , o( the firm of M. K sirriona. tun-··---, eral directors, of Rivenide, where accepted. · -~-..... 11.-"c:iarehl. 10 dn._. attee.tao.. Oal:J" Ille flwllt at ........................... _ their remaining games. profit organization which will be road paeltions in var-lous parts of Nearly 300 youth leaders were 1 she had lived for 30 years. She But that was not all. Other ---'1 · For prompt --9ervkle brtac' )'oar ........ Uona to.. • ' ·was a native ot Indiana, and was party memben in the Senate de- well known tn Balboa. clare that they were not comult- Always intt!reSted in civic al-ed. on the nominatlon-.a usual fairs, Mrs. Howard was also ac-procedure. They do not believe tlve in th• First Methodist church the Senate will pa.ss Pauley tor Newport Beach and in the PEO and Zonta club. the job the President picked out Ph F. C. VENN open to all faiths. thanked the the country for approximately 20 present to hear Oscar Kirkham, <!hamber of commerce officers yean. national council officer, noted throughout the county for their . D~ng the fore.going period ol leader il,l church work, who has generaJ and able support. his life, as today, Mr. Owen was represented the Boy Scouts of She is Survived by her brother, for him. And Ickes is out---0ne of IJ'lllACy M. H. Simons, and his family. In-the first "New Dealers," and the 1111 ac-a Fnm& ..... I ·tennent will be in Riverside. io=nl=y=o=n=•~t~o=c=arr==y~th~ro=ug~h~t=o~this~·~~===~~=====~'~' ~ REALTOR N Otaf'J Publlc 80'7 Coaat ID«bway Connia del Mar, Collf. · Anno~men\: ~JENKINS Hair Sty list Experjen~ in all lines of beauty wor;k ... has joined our staff. Evening appointments. Ph. 2428 Fn.11""8 Beauty Shop UIU -· Bl<rd., Coot.a M ... ()p<$1 Mondays ' Mrs. G. L. Andrews. county 1 a member ot · the Fratem31 Order America at four of the great chairman or the public information 1 of Eagles and. held many titles in World Jambo~ees .in Europe and committee, lauded publishers and ~e org~ization. culminating in has been act1~e ~n Scout ..york editors for important service in his election as state president in since its inC<'pt~on in 1910. $1000 Fishing Nets Go Up in Smoke WATCH REPAIRING · No Delays • Prompt Servi-~, Approximately $)000 in ccm· . L .O UC KS I (_\ @) 'f-r I making the public aware of the 1920-21. It was at this time that . Hugh 1\1. Wilcox, Scout execu- scrious shortage of hospital facili · ~e became ,;epresentativc ot the t1ve, reJX>~t~ that CUb and S<-:e>ut ties. which if not corre<:.ted. will be grand area for the state of Cali-~embersh1p 1s at a new all-ttme responsible for deaths that co Id fornla and was in charge of audit· high and that 37 new troops have and should be avoided. u ing, organization and general sU· been formed. Including the Senior pervision for the order. Scout program of Sea and Air Business has pic ked up so much ~ntly on the h ighway that the Bayshore cafe. o~rned and oper· ated by Tom NOrton has decided to stay open until 9 p.m. every day except 1"1onday. said the res- taurant man over on Coast high- way at the edge of the upper bay. In 1921. the Eagles initiated a Scouting. Membership is now over movement for old age pensions 2500 locally, he said. Among local social security and stabilization 0 [ representatives was John Abell, employment with the expressed new scoutmaster ~f Troop 17 of mf'rcial fishing nets went up In 1797 Newport Blyd. Co8ta Mesa smoke yesterday morning before i :====================~~~~~E~ f.iremen quelled a bla~ze near ihe Neville.Croft landing on Newport Fishermen's a nchorage. I . T. WESTON lAY purpose of preventing depression , Balboa Island. . . and submitted legislation to con-On Monday everung, Feb. 18, a _.,..._.,... ________ _ gress. portions of which are now meeting '>'-i ll be held at 7 :30 in the embraced in our social reform laws Newport Beach American( Legion Annual Sea Scout Rendezvous May Attract 1000 Boys and benefits. hall for Scout leaders of Cost.a Sees Coutal Meu Mesa a nd Newport Beach, accord· The nets. which belonged to Marine Upholstery Nooks and Booths \.Vally Yer gan of Costa Mesa and Darrell Forman or Long Beach. A SPECIALTY were being dipped in a solution of ~ copper napthanate when a care- lessly thrown c\garette, it is be- lieved, ignited ~e solution·soaked n~ts. I The nets wer~ not insured. Annual El~tion of CommunitY Chest On Febru 21 I Shaw's Upholstery Tufting) Flirnll.me. Uploollterlnc ...i 8-irlag Pickup and Delivery ,Service • Free Estimates Over wi,,.. 8aag Boat Repair 811 Cout lllchway "101" After coming to Costa Mesa in ing to T . Weston Jay. Troop com- 1934, Mr . Owen soon became Jn-mitteemen. members of the organ- terested in the harbor's develop-i"za.tion eKtension, camping actiV· ment a nd after watching the ities. advancement, health and growth of California in general safety, leade~hip training and fi· for the pas t 40 years. believes that nance committees are asked to be thi~ area should embrace a popu-~resent to m ake plans for the com- lat1on or 75,000 ""'i thln the next ten 1ng year. years and · with. its facilities, be-------- come a coastal mecca. AMVETS Ask 250,000-Low <A>st Homes in State Word has been received at the Newport · Harbor Chamber ot Commerce that the Annual Sea Scout Rendezvous may be' held at Newport Harbor. providM facili· ties at the camp ground are avail- able and an invitation is extend- ed jointly on behalf of the city a nd the chamber .of commerce. NOTIOE OF A AL MEETING :=======================·~~:I=. Thi> annual m ting of the New- port Harbor Co munity Chest will be held on Th day afternoon, F e bruary 21. at fl p.m. at the Am- erican Legion HOt. 15th street and Mrs ... Owen, better known as Johanna, is quite active with Mr. Owen in their store in Newport. Mrs. Owen's son, 1st Lieut. John W. White and his family have re- sided with the couple · while the lieutenant, a 8·17 pilot, has been in the service. A r equest to the ci ty will be addressed by the chamber in the next f ew ddys with a view to ascertaining if the camp ground SACRAMENTO.-Establishment will be available.,.. of a Sta te Housing Authority with The attendance in 1946 prom- the power and resources to build ises to reach well over 1000 Sea and sell a miuimum of 250,000 low Scouts, who will come from the cost. single-family dwellings in five southwestern states which are Calirornia within the next two included in the area served by years was proposed to Gov. Earl the rendezvous. Bay. I All members~nd others inter- ested are invit to attend. This is the ·o y and the official notice. NEWPORT HARBOR COM· MUNlTY ST I Inc.) P . A. Palmer, Acting Chairman." Harry Welch, Acting Secretary. W..pren here today by the Amer-Local Scout officials will play a lean Veterans of Worltt War I1 , prominent part in coopera}ing with Department of California. the officials appointed by; the Na-1 lall'The !strength f a nation, espec- tl al Seo bod . y o a repu ican nation, is in The governor was requested to on ut Y to habdle the' th · t lli t WE OAN OBTAIN NECESSARY MATEBIALll• A COMPLETE Bun.DING llEllVUJE BUILD NOW For over !O yean· our bualneu ~been ''BUILDING BEI'l'ER CONSTBU•.a·""1 DOMES" . DUTCH HEACOCK . P. 0. Box 42 Newport BMcll --502 -.._ 718 ' In addition to being secretary of the Costa 1"1esa Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Owen is president of the board of F air.view Farms \Vater Co., secretary of the Costa l\lesa Sanitary district, a member of lhe Eagles, Elks, Modern \Vood- men of the \Vorld, Llons Inter - natlonaJ, and during the war. serv- ed on the war price and ration board. ture for consideration and action. · I omes of the ple. I ' refer the proposal to the Legisla-event. t I h e in e gen &nd well-ordered In pr ... ntlng it. Warren Olney III. Pier Applicat1• n I -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~M~ra~.~S~lspurn~~ey~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Glad to get home from 10 days chairman of the A.MVETS legil-r in the east, during which he laUve committee, told the gover-From Balboa I I I '' A STIN STUDIOS I We aref.ityecrulppeclto b porftofts ._ Ho-'w Chura • Al ltlMlm •P•• 12 .. 6 P.M. e,iery l•d!IY twoerm1re•ll••~we1k I ~ r ..... 8'. • . Pb.-1465 Suta .ha D Y HOURS: 9 a. m. to 6 p. m: j . Fri<laY "' Saturdays 'ti! 9 p. m. N·T 12-H visited New York on business, T . nor that "this proposal seeks to i Weston Jay said Newport Beach solve the basic housing problem never_ looked ~tter to him. Jay of t.he California veteran as well TO WHOM IT MAY CO CERN:. \\'as 1n the big city just as the as the citizenry at large." Application has been made ·by ··bro"·n-out"' started. due to the The homes would be sold, as ~-J . P . Greeley and Alma T. fuel shortage. "And it was plC'nty they are completed, at an average Greeley, 901 East Bay avenue, cold. too," the well known resi-cost of $5,000, to veterans and the Balboa, for War Dcpar'Eent per- dent of Lido declared. citizenry at large. under standard ~t to construct a pier d land- Lido Theatre .._ ZU4 -Free Parldas ~mmmmmmmmmmmiiltl government or .private financing tng float , the fl oat to xtend 24 ; proceedures. Actual construction feet bayward of the U. ~Pierhead would be by private industry to Llne. an~ moored to concrete the fullest possible extent under anchor ptles at the ba ard end contract with the housing author., The structure will be ocated in tty. front of Lot 1, Block "I ·, Eut.lde Under the AMVETS "Qf'Oposal. Addition to the Balbba Tract, the housing authority wOuld be Newport Beach. Now Showln& tbru Saturday Robert Walkfll' la "WHAT NE."tT CORPORAL BABOROVE• s.......,. ... .-,. 'FOR ,, YOUR HEALTH'S SAKE SPGRTLAND BOWLING ALLEYS Foot of Main St. -Balboa For llMervallom Phone 2402 1t 1(-Br-ADop AL JOYCE ROY KEENE BOWL Bette Davlo ... "J'llE <JOKN 18 GBDN" ,.._,.,,. aad W-y ~ -..--Robert Hatton la vested with broad powers, includ-Drawing showi~& loca_t..lon of the ing ~the right of eminent domain proposed work ll on IP:le at the "for securing building· sites at the U. S. E ngineer's office. ;Interested right pltices,"' the power to 8.ssert perso_ns are Invited to ijtspect this the highest priorities in the ac-draw:ing and to submit lin writing, quisitlon of materials, the power in triplicate, on or befol-e 11 a.m. l i~~~~i~~i~ii~~ii~~~~~~~~ii~~~~~~~i~~iii~~ /donday, Feb. 18, an;.! objectlo~ based on navigation tn~a that ,.. • u u 11 u 1111 Balboa they may have to sai~ lfork. ~ < , • "TOO YOUNG TO KNOW" Start. Tloanday, Feb. Zl llettJ' Gnllle ta "THE DOLLY 818'1'&&8" Now-~~ a.•ert Moatswry ... ,_w_,_m: *'l'Hl!Y"Wm EXP'l:l<DABLE" --111-.. ••m"M 8 atU ... Lee Bow • m "SBJ: WOULDN'T SAY n:s• TDMlkT ... Wet! •ct (Jkrteo._ ..... l.aGGH 8wll 1z • -C01''FIDEJ'o"DAL AGJCl<T' -n.,.ia,y, ~ n ---"SAN Al<TOl<IO" . • M ·t M k t ·In .bus1nesa and 1n wl.rk. 11 you ~ B A L B 0 A ' S ea ar e . let O>rlstianlty 1top u you 10 out ~ ' • .. .,,,:!:~-~:=~ R NDEzvous ~ e live !in&ndng through lauance of ~LAMB =t~~u.::t~~ln~: BA·LLROOM • POR,K • BtE 1 F lA<Jll- ~·•=·,_ • If you can't CCllDe I~ your ordtt" to Jack. • a ....... 1oa.a.'te•p..a. OPEN' SVNDAD Expert Shoe Repairing While You Wait -••• Ray Pagan . 515 Eut Bay Front --.. -~ IL-.tolp.& Pa I ... HIS ORCHFM'RA ' Saturday, February 16tb • • OOlllNG W.edneeday Night . ~ 27111 , HARRY JAMES · .bil Bii Or• SI lm , • • , (· • -, I • ' NWWW ' i • f'!I · Pu N 'Li • Truth' Cl1'Y OF NEWPORT BEACH Set A .f Date m••• -~~~\~l'l~llo~n~.c~·~·'.._ __ ,~aun: ~or A~ .::-:c.: be held Ying · I RECEIPl'8 AND DISBURS : For N':i ~t w::~~-"1'.:;1-":: •JllO'l'ICll or ™ as••DIO -· ~--P! I . • ...... dlirins tloe .... tloe ,.._.. 0 '11 .llTUOATION -. ooimrno .. AL PWl1' "" by the OnDP ___...,am ,. ~ . ..uro.an I, WM TO •mu.an WM Of Sno-birds old u......,. -"' tbot IV._ NEwPollT rm:ACB lllllOl'ION c_........... ... Appllcat_lon No. av. en•m Q. acne. ToCel ,.._ -Clede ... ,.......,,'!!~6.~?;:r, .. ~iat'-'-' i __ _...,.1,211U.. .. Cl>Arter, --~ -q 0 A11'l'llOIUZATIO'lf so• cm~ PWill&D 452, "'The -Oo., ~ ...... New .... -RECE.~ -In view "' -IDCIWlnc Im-um --l t ..... -~· . • VAVANCZll Df TBS JIEOtJ. the .. uthorization ot permits. for Lail1r• ~ Gmlnl l\md: portm ot. the annual "'ni&bt ~ tbe Britidl In • specie1 . • LATIONll 9r oaDINANOS the -"' all lots"' Tract No. In hla book. "Ibe Anatom)' ol ·---ol AmorlcL • 126.03 the Snowbirda," earlY plw ai;e In the lJbrary ot Ccncr•TI1W-N ~LI Jr S NO. Ill. (LAND USE ODIN-ll40, for "-1ling -In ..,. Pea.,.,·· Mr. Rews IX<WWWla a ruJ-War DeDutment Rmt oil ~ Frmtaae-be1nc ma&. to hold the g1ttt re-tncton,, D: c. , Craft c.rd8 AN<Ja) Or OJt.Ul'Oll OOUNTY, mrdance with the provislmm ol tatlc appralul of tqii.ys polltic:al South Cliut Oo. Rent m O!ntral Ave. and pttt for the llDall crift qa1n j' 8~111 • CALD'OllNIA, A.8 AJIENDl:D. Subdivision 2 ol laid -and situation. He proceeds on the -DontI>tt .:."f:.~ ~t.;, ilk. and cha&e ~ um oominc summer .. Walter K. -----~----+-~ --· • . ordinance. Each of laid Iota hive of -analysis to draw up the ISLOO Lewis ;oester'doy IUl1lOUl1<:ed •i>- Broo Variety s.!"ttl::~9.~~i;:r.: ~tare~o!ai~t~:Sc!~·':,.~ :.=ro~;:.u.;:: ... ~ ~=·~~g~~-":::::-.::::::: :noo r,;'~~~~ of A,..,.t' Bol.1na11. l--~~~~~!_!--~·~,~-~-~·.,.~·~-~,~-11 \ 3:11, (Land Use Ordinance) of Or· the oouth sldr ot Coast Highway "one-world" tedmologlcal develop-Lot'· Bile. 31, ht Add. Npt. HL-~--:I0.28 Lut lllDnmer's race, even In ange County, Ce.llfomla, u amend-about one-quarter mile~ of the ments. Peace must be built upon Lot 17, Blk. 442, C. D. Mar.-----·-· 395.00 wartime. brought thousands to the ii;;;;;;;;;;;;;j;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ bridge over upper N..._t Bay. the sacrifice of. nationalistic Joy-Lot 22, Blk. 733, C. D . Mar------·-------· 196.96 harbor and was widely publicized. /C.mplete Fountain Senice at HANSEN'S . t . 1100 0-. Frollt NewjlOl"t NOW OPEN EVENINGS Said pubUc hearing on the above alty to un!vena!lun!ty. Lot ' and PIJr. 6, Blk. 236, C. D. Mar__ 9.74 In view ol 'the 135 entries under application will be held at 3:00 We 8P'!" whOleheartedly wt · Lot 6. B1k. 59, 0.-0 Frot!t.----------~ 58.30 restricted oondjtions, it Is felt that P .M .. February 21st, 1946; in the Mr. Reves. n>la highly ......,,. 1.ot 27, Blk. 29, N~ lleecb Tr ... -... 127.05 1!50 might enter this oom1nc !"en hearing and mee~ rooon 0:..::: mended and W<Jrth-whlle book re-~ il, ~ ~. ~ D. :!~:'.:::::::=::::.:. ... .:.: ~l! gatta. A oommittee on arrange;- Orange County g minds us of words that we hive Lota 7, 9, ll, Blk. 431, C. D. Mar.~--155.93 menta will probablY be named be- slon, Room 328. Court House An-perhtpo forgotten In oor seardl s. M. Padles, rmt, one-quarter popcorn crop 362.25 fett long. Mr. Lewis, who was n&. Sarita Ana, CalHomla. at for the "anatomy of ~-· They W. E. Dyoon, .-.dlator un!L___;_ .. ____ :____ 35.00 chairman of the last >"!ar'1 event which time and_ place all _,. ,;,.. th ... : "There Is neither Greek Plor permits No. 234 and 235-----·--50.00 volunteeftd to help any eroup interested therein will be heard nor Jew, c:ircunkiaion nor undr· So. Oillf. Telephone Co .• paJ" stations. ___ ...... 12.83 1elected to carry out the program The above application, together cumdslon, barbarian. Scytblan, Karl F . Hoet. .,.,,,.... to stt.!et light. ..... -.. : 10.00 for 1946, which will be tbe 11th • llAi.n ·• with such maps, plam, and other bond nor free. but Olrlst Is all,1 J . A. Beek. 2" groa Qeacon Bay and 5% annual ''flight." accompanying "1aterlal. are posted and In all." (Saint Paul) R. l,a~tt= SO-r S\iiit., ~-C<iii':.:'.:: ~:g: J . S. Barrett, newly elected in the said hearing and meeting The dynamic of Olrlstianity lies P . G. Palmer, mit u per Jeue on Par. No. 7 200.00 president of the chamber of com- C'f'-I Bolu.o-. e-lf•"' room for publl~ ~-In Ila unlvenal application-to all Robert Ganliner, pollce jl>dp fines collected 1 ~.50.00 . merce, will probablY appoint a Jtn.ES W. MARKEL, ~tary natlom of people ; to all classes d. R.. R.. Hodak:imOn. llceme ciollectQr, Bui. Uc. ,,.._ joint committee a~ an early date. · 901 <=--BWI..., -2)11 s • EAKS ·-- OUR SPECIALTY GENUINE HOT • BUTTERMILK CAKES • Complete Luncheon-55e • Open 7 to 7 -Sundays 8 to 5 • Kids' Cafe • 51 Newport Blvd. Coeta Meu Ji.rit and Rae K eller, Props. flu rescent Light' Fixtures - - ' Orange County Plannmg men, regard.lea or coloi .or pollti-A. M. Nefion, Bide. ~ · Commission. cal creed. The story of the church Building pennl~ ·--·-·r ·----------------· l ,0'70.00 Pub.-Feb. 14, 1~. Is the conquest of the bounfls of ~~~~ &:::J:: .. :=::::::~:::~==~~-===::~.:::. ~:~ ' national distinction and racial seg-Plastering pennlts ·-·--· .. ------·-·--·---28.50 CERTIFICATE OF BUSINESS regation to unite humanity 'in the Tile permits ····-··-····-············--··-··--········· 5.25 Fictitious Firm Name bonds-ot universal brotherhood Ollmney pennits ···--------·-··········-··-···-· 4-.50 through common f&ith in the ·One Removal perm.its ..................... ·--·····-·····--·-2.00 The undersigned does hereby certify that he is conducting a busin e$S a t 1750 Ne\llport BlVd .• City of Costa Mesa, County of Oran ge, State or Calif'orn ia. und~r the fictitious firm name of CAR- VER CRAFT and that said firm is com posed of the following persons, whose names and addresses are as follo\\"S, to wit : Lord and God or all. Her mission Sale copies zoning . ordinance.:-.............. ·-··· 8.00 has been and continues to be: George Vanderbilt, rent on Dk. 2 and. Gar. 111.~.· 7.170.27 "Preach the Gospel to all people!" R. ~· Jocigki·MO;:;:··ta;t··couector=··~--·-·······-··· Joseph L. Carver, 648 Cliff Drive. Newport Beach. California. WITNESS my hand this 12th day of February, 1946. JOSEPH L. CARVER. State of California ) CountY of Orange ) ss. On this 12th day 'of Februru:Y A.O., 1946, before me Nor a S. Margi.varth a Notary Public in and for said County and State, re- siding therein duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared Joseph L. Carver known to me to be the person whose name is sub- scribed to the within Instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have her eunto set my hand and af- fixed my official seal the day and year in this certificate first Bbove \vritten. NORA S. MARGWARTII. Here is the "anatomy of peace." Taxes and Asmts., currenL·-················-··· Universal applicatiorr of the Law Ta..'l:es and Asmts., redemptions ... ----·····-··· of God as the highest code hu-1915 act, full pflid Asmts ....... -·--·--····-·--··· manlty knows; universal faith in F . L. RJneh&rt. assessor, unattached personal the love ot Jesus Christ and life P. E. and Laguna Bus Lines, rent on pa.rk- that ls empowered by its divine ing space ···-·········r:······-··················--··--····· initiative can conquer nationalistic Police Dept. receipts from parking lo~······-· Robert Gardiner. police judge, traffic (ines .... and social self-centeredness. The Thomas Conners, teceipts camp grounds for church is the only; agency on earth December .............. : ............. ·--······-··-····-····· that Is empowered to transmit E. Sickler, receipts, camp grounds. for J~····· this force that welds man to man Dorothea Wilson, librarian, rents: and fmes in common understanding 8.nd Sale of city lots .................. ·-···················-·······-· good will. R. L. Patte rson, Supt., revenue water De~. We have round that our princi- C. A. Marcy. sewer payment on Bile. 2 • ples \\'ere not a mere absolute or C. D. Mar ........ ·-············································· an ideal. They are. something that TOTAL .... t ...•.................. : ......•....•..••.• must be worked for; fought for, DISBURSEMENTS and if necessary, died for. So it is SpecialO.lrrent expense fund ........................... $23,861.85 with universal good-will and its Park fund ............................................ :.·-···-·····-······· 398.93 ulti.riiate end, world peace. In Water exJX>nse fund ................ ·······-····-·····:·............ 7,404.59 Christianity 1.tes the divine initia-Advertising fund ·································-··················· 1,071.40 tive that ma kes it possible. The Lib~ fund ························;··········-············-··········· 3 m·n church alorie is doing business in Special ~d ···-·························-········-··-·····-·········· ' · this field. It is u to ou and to U~pp«>rtJoned fund ······························-·-·-;·-······· 26·82 P Y Retirement ································-············· ... ·········· 1,206.29 me to promote that work. I t is Property .... :::::~ ................................................ -.......... 310.03 something we .must work for ; fight General bond redemption ............ , ................ -......... 7,750.00 . 30.00 for, and sacrifice for . Its alter· M. I . D. No. l ...... ~·······················-··-··-····················· 418.04 native is the a tomic bomb! 1915 Act. Asmt .......................................................... . 100.30 17b.9l lGa.91 4,420.00 7,409.15 138.66 -----'--A. & I . No. l .. ·-····-····················································· 97.38 Camp ................................................ '. .... ---------··----·----. 215.61-$ 47,513.04 Invitation to Visit C. S. Reading Room Total FUnds J)fr Clerk .... ·················-······-·· Outstanding WarnuilS ·········-··-·-··············· • $567,848.00 85.18 Francis J. Horvath INOOME TAX SEBVIOE ~eral and State 118 Slltb St. Ph. J9H·R .... :1119 ' I , s 0 ENEoiCT The Sign Man o BOAT IEITERING A SPECIALTY , 24-Hour Radi~, Servic~ HOME, AUTO, MARINJI RADIOS REPAIB1'D I I Burt R. Norton 915 CoUt B1wa7 PIMme U11 Newiiort _., Callf. -Notary Public in and for Said County and State. (My Commission EXpires January 29. 1950.) First Church of christ, Scie ntist, Total Funds per Treasurer .. ·-····-····:·····-··· Newport Beach: extends 8 cordial Respectfully submitted, $567,933.18 1 -~----,--------------­.. Modernize Your Store Office, Shop or Residence with New Fluorescent Fixtures (SEAL) Pub.-Feb. 14. 21, 28: Mch. 7, 1946. Invitation to all to visit the read· ________________ J_. _A._G_ANT __ ._Tre __ as_ure_r_._ ing room at its new location, 111 cERTIF•c ATE oF n us1m:ss. ~~~-::.ee~it~gsOO:i M;;;r~a~~ Jobs As Insurance Clajms Examiner Fictitious Firm Name · d O h " A ii Eddy and other author ized Christ-0 t v t an t ers ID pr . The u d · ed d h b Ian Science literature may be read. pen 0 e S . . . n ersign O' ere Y ccr-borrowed or purchased and sub-Opportunity for a career servi . tify . that they are conducting a scrlptlons placed for the Christian with the state government opened 711 Ge~-10 Tons ' rurr;;~urae b~siness at 822 Coast Science perlodica3. The reading today when S. H. Fisher , Depart-U5 • Hlg y, City of Newport Beach, roo mis open from 1 to 5 p.m. ment of Employment representa· Of y ellowtad Co~ty of Orange, ~tate .or Cah-room is open from 1 to 5' p.m. tive in the public employment of- forrua, under the fictitious firm nationally observed · and on fice at 501 West .Fifth str~t. Returning from the West coast name or NEWPOR~ FURN!TlffiE Wednesdays \vhen it i.s open from Santa Ana annowu:ed forms are or Mexico With 10 tons of yellow- MART and that said ftrm lS com-1 :30 to 5 p.m. available for filing to take the tail, the 711 from Earl's Land- Racing Skippers:- Sail Boat Hardware Sail Track and Slides Stop Watches Yacht Timers Newport Mari~ Supply Co. A vallable Now at posed ot the follo-wtng persons, · · ti' J whose names and addresses are as forthcoming servtce exanuna ons ing, came in r ·th a full load ast 814 Coast Blgbway Phone 278()...J follows, to wit : Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Spencer, r o r Unemployment Insurance week, creatin considerable m-L------------------------''--...1 former owners or the Little Brick Oaims Examiners. • lnent among local fishermen. · HOKIN & GALVAN Daniel v . Hayes, 2137 Dorland cate on Main street, i.os· Angeles, Examinations in two classes or The 711 is owned by Earl Tib-Drive, Whittier, California. .--------------------------. Lester M. Blakesley, 4427 Rut-have taken over the hamburger examine r will be held, Grade 1, betts; but was taken out by Capl. ' Lo concession at Al Anderson's Fun paying $180 per month, and Gr~e Stewart on the Mexican run to gen, ng Beach, California. zone. They are making their home 2, at $210 per month. Final ~te fish for the yellowtail. While she WITNESS our hands this 13th day in one of Anderson's bungalows on for filing ls March 21, and the had to pu· t into port a couple of of February, 1946. d pril 6 DANIEL V. HAYES Central avenue. , examinations will be hel A : times because or stonna, the 711 LESTER M: BLAKESLEY Mr. and Mrs. Norman L Bar-lo all parts or the state where the was.gone 28 days and avoided any State or Ca.Iilorni~ ) bre, Los Angeles, were Sunday number ot candidates warrant. 1 trouble. The fish were taken to Count f 0 ) guest& at the home of Mr. and Tile examination&, Fiaher said, the Fishermen's Cooperative for y o range ss. ..,,,_ C G 'Port jr -'-uld •s of pedal Int t t On this 13th day of Febn••~ uu~. • . er " 4lst street. ~N ~ I eret o re-shipment. __ ,, turning veterans, in view or the --------A.D., 1946, before m e Nora S. p N , fact that many types of army 'ex· Margwarth a Notary Public lniand UBLIC OTICE perlence would fit Into the requite- for laid CoWlty and State, rftld· . -~ ing: therein duly commissioned ·and sworn, personally appeared Darnel mentl for holding the jUU1t, par-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'.'.:::'.:".:.'.'.~~'.'.'.'.'.~~~~ V. Hayes and Lester M. Blakesley ticularly personnel work. Veter- known to me to be the persons ans, or course, may apply for vet- whoce names are subscribed to the erans, preference when filing for Corporation Permits 32 Percent Higher Than December I . GEORGE D. BASSETT General Accounting Fishermen's Bookkeeping INOOME TAX SERVWE 2602 W. Central Ave. I Ph. UI05:J Newpwt ...... -' ' within Instrument. and acknowl-the examinations. SACRAMENTO. -For the sec-_ _ .. ___ ------ edged to me that they e xecuted The Departmen t of Employment ond succeuive month all record.a 1.------------------------...., Watchmaker and jeweler Balboa Island ' the same. has unemployment insurance were broken in the formation or IN WITNESS WHEREOF I claims e:i:aminer jobs in virtually new California corporations, it was have hereunto set my hand ~d any of its 118 offices throughout annowlced today by Frank M. affixed my official seal the daY' the state, ·and from the two lists. Jordan, Secretary of State. and year In this certificate first a large group will be appointed, During the month of January abo\•e written. Fisher said. 884 new corporations qualified to NORA s. MARGWARTH, ''The examina tions," it·\Yas stat-· conduct business in. California, 32 Notary Public in and For ed, "are on a permanent basis , and per cent higher than December, Said County and State. offe r a key to a life-time career a record breaker with 668 and 625 fMy Commission Expires In s tate work. more than the 259 for January Ja nuar)' 29, 1950.) · "Annual salary increases, air 1945, an increase of 241 per cent . (SEAL) portunity for' promotion. ~ 'fiV(>------------- L:===t:::================================::'.!•~Pu~b:::. ::F~e~b:-~1~4:.:. 2~1::_,~28~;~~~I~ch~-~7f:_.~194~6. day, for ty-hour \\·or k WC'ek , a state !•-----------• _ r etirement system and other ad-, R O S S I ' S I ~antages are some of the induce-· • ment• for joining the state seni ce. Liquor . s· tor.e /I ~'~ ~ J /. ,,,,,,, Protection in the job by civil serv-N '414NllUI u.,-ice, and the OPPort uhity to do a l!M!JI Coast m-y 1 good job. a nd a needed job should ~ Hiie Soatli. ot u.e Arclael ""• ?' • A~/.J!!~-attract many qualified individuals I ----..... " V l(CJ0_ ... 4oun. to the examinations... ' 1 :~~~~~-~~-~~·~-·~·~~"1~~~1 ~ _ I Pel-sons who ha\·e had exper-l?CJ.t•"'4 er. Malt. ience In personnel. business admin- istrations, labor or industrial re- lAUOllS, public or private employ- ment service or welfare work should be able to qualify for the • ' I announce my candidacy for Councilman of the City of Newport Beach at the forthcoming Municipal Election to be held on April 9, 1946. ' • . f!J. 3. R~ifll, • examinations. A twelfth grade education Is 1'!Quired for filing. Applications may be filed at the local publ}c employment . of.(ice. and further lnfonnation ~b­ ing the jobo may be obtalned there on Inquiry, Flshtt laid. Mea LIQUOR SHOP U.~N ............ Plenty of Whiskey . 'II•-·-., ----- . . Beer Wines Liquers Whiskey ...... lraT .. J5 2 l'llliii ... ...,., ..._ • . · ftnse Ill · . ' SAl=ETY_of Heh "'count INSURED, up to $.5,000v by the Federal Savings and Loan lnsur1n~• Corpciratioft II savers and investors I save here ••. where • saving PAYS I Resources $4,906,000.00 Laguna federal . Savings : I and loan· AsSociafion 1 1egm .... Olllf. -I'll. - • • r -I• ' ,, I·' ,, . '· ~-!, ... • :'< .. : o·• -.. •:t __ -, •-. •1 ... 1 ,;\-~t ~ ·-•'"' • • • . I I I .. '" -. ~ • ' -• -. NEWS~TIMF;S CLASSIS ED . ' ~Ytwi P1 • .• HELP WANTED Wmt rdbd woman I<> I •w••I. mother of 2 dillcnn. Rl>om. board and W-ary. Pb: NJ a 2210. 6-tfc W ~ktive woman. prac-- · · Rad _Them for · Profit • 1 • • U1e ·foe Jle"'"8 · .· ---If-· don't find what you are Jool!'•c for alhaUeed ID tbla-. Alone Bn* llorll'Udpa..e,.__.edwrt', ...,_....__ ,_ I . . tl'ca! mine· and light bouleke<p---. -~ ...W N tnc.canG<or&eGlbbl,Newpcrt ::::;:=:::::::::=::==::::::=:::::::::=;:;r:::::::-=;:-::::::::::::::::r~:;;:~;;;;;:;;=::::::::::::=;;:;:;:;~ ...... ~:;:;:.;;:;:=t:::::::::::::::;;:t;:;:;~;;;;;';;;;::::::=:=::::::~~~;"';;;:;;;;;;':::::::::::='::!::::;; re.. ...... ' b me ..... 746-J after' 6 eveninp. l.2-4tp W.&li'i&D TU SVI' II 8PMJIAI. Al'fllfOtnfcmdNft • -~~·~··~-~'l~.&ft~!._----~':!.'~·~·~·:.· ~~!!:~-~...!.----~"~, •• ,, mAn .. ,, MAJ. ~ • ,,... dz sped aoh.... ' -~~-------~·--------'.-------~ W AN'I'ED--Olrl for smeraJ office WANTED -Nloe '->e .., Lido Stully at Homo-Real EaL Lice.-I:- p IN ....,..k 1n bulldlnc contractor'• ot-IaJe. wm pay cub. Write Box Guarantee-208 Sec:uricy Bide. UBLIC. OTICm !Ice. can Ntwpott 83. o . z. "M" c/o N.,....'nlmL 13-ttc Puodeno, Call!. 11-lOtc Jtobet toon. ls.tic wiu. PIA y CA8ll tw JGU' tur· K""' y S C&ltl'D'IO•n: OP Bt18Dfl:88 1* PllolM: J!J ~. Firm Name WANTED--Younc man I<> drive -ar wttat ",...... · -Wldle TOii Walt truck and work u appttntlcc N..;t, -· O. IL OS~. Tllo VOGJ:L'S ' 1be -hereby c:upenter. App!J< 0 . z. Robert· hM Bl I I, WJ N••pcrt 100 .... at.. Balboa · Mtlty that ~are conductlnc at oon. smeraJ ·contract<Jr. l'1lol>e aft,, Oollla M-. -'°8 lbrine. Balboa JolaDd 216 20th s •• C..ta M-. Call· Newport 83. ls.tfc "1alUftlU .-ua. a M-Uc fcmla. un< .. the 11ctui-t1rm FOR SALE-Tawm Table with washing Machines ......, o1 a -OPERATIVE ROOF· Restaurant Help two 11oo-. 0on R. Durant. _ ., ___ 1_,. ING 00., • nd that oald !!rm II Both Men and Women 428 Orchid Ave., Corona clel • .......... ~ compooed 0 the following penonl lfar. l ·tfC l'uto -All Mair• wt.-nameo and -are u ~ Mr. Silver FOR SALE Plano Sl50· ••-• Plok ... -Do1t"Ho7. follawo to-.'1t· ' -• • ,_., llClltJLER'B CEciL~ ffimT. :m 0e1mar Electric Grul chair, Ta)'Jor Tot. day bed. up-• w• ·-. v_,_...,.. • Ave., C..ta Mooa. Balboa Js.3tc ~!."'"4211 ~·A~-~-lfllNowpott-.OootaMw ELLI T B'""' 216 -• u~~. ~.-ve., -----i.Uc ' St. C..ta ,...;._ u•:t" ~u• WANTED-Local man 22-35, draft land. Phone 628. U.tfc GE!'!E \'I WAGGONER. 2513 aempL Neat appeuanoe. High J'RE.WARDAVENPORTAO>alr, ~ a Elden, ~~. -acbool edocatlon. Perm. Poo!L fair cmidltlon. club chair and WlLL SHARE APARTlllENTwlth a:¢n. S. HUNT, · LHm "'tall mttehandlllnc and ottoman, rocker, chwr and oc-two clrlL 129\i ""'I Ave., Bal· ELl:.tOTI' T BURR. ~ Glw quall!lcatlolll ca ...... I tablel. 519 35tb St. boa blaJM! ls.ltc GEl!IE W. WAGGONER. 338,and ;as-~ wr1~e;: NewpcrL Pb: 1527-R. u.2tP WAJl"iiii'ii'iiiiii • State ot Cl lfomla ewpx ~·~iiii);;--;;;p;Miiiii;--iN;: County of • . ~KAID. -n I FOR SAIF $150 ptt-War match-WANISD a.y ..... dbk ~ On thl> tb day of Februuy, tm.. -MG. M* Inc couch and chair. Exe. cond., .... ..,..,_,I.• l ,._.lrol•I A. D. 1946, l>efore me, s. c. Mac-clown fllled, tull 1teel ll)lrinl COD----- Kelzle, a otary Public In and HELP WANTED-Male er fmwk. 1tructlon. c.u 1ns.w. or -at Ana 51129. , 11).tfc far the sal~ county and 1tate, re-Local or travellnc In .,._._ 2133 Ocean Blvd., Balboa. . • THIS ONE STANDS • --1:-- Multiple Dwelli~g Lot _,. 10th Street. $2750 --1-- >UT (R-3) .woo COAST PROPERTIES CO. • REALTOR • lalboe: . I HARBOR INVESTMENT COMPANYj - -Realtors ;j , Busi~ess Locations f~r Lea~ or-Rent'f -FOR LEASE-100 feet on watafront on Newport Bay In Bus!ni as 7.one. A·l location. FOR RENT-Shop Building In Ml 7.one. $100 DIG.- FOR u;AS&-Comer location In Newport. Site . for service station. • $ 6,500. $ 6,500. Facing on Canal, Newport -1-bedroom house. Completely fllmlshed. Immediate pclSl?Sion. . Nice 2-bedroom hOU11e. aoae In. with doW2 garage, partly furn. Immediate poa esslon. Terms. BALBOA ISLAND 2 Bedroom home, Pali(. Ave. Completely tumlsbed. Immediate pJ S 5 E 1&5'on. . • I .. • ' ) • mmn& therein-duly commllsioned for youne)f. No money «quired. ls.2tc WANTED TO RENT-2 bechocm. · and norn.1 perW1ally appeared Good tnoome. You are ywr own aoAn. .,...._. a dNn Noot~ .. tc:r w~:!'-':J. -:: 703 E. Central t~· • -· Phone 683 I 1[ $15,000 • • ' Oedl s. Hunt, Elliott T. Burr and ..... Apply Mr. Van Deren, -. -_,. . . Gene W. W iuooer. known w me 508\i No. Main St., Santa Ana. WANT TO Btn-Snlpo or Snow· Lawrence, 12811' S. °"')'m"I"• to be the -namn are lll-ltc bird In A-1 condition. Write t.:r.J L. A. 11:5. WA. 5102. . lll-ltc IUbocribed lo the within lnstru-. Roanoke lid., San Marino °" w ANTED TO RENT in. ment. and aclo1ow1ec1cec1 to me INTER EST IN G phone s~ 6-8357. 9-ttc tumlahecl '-· ~ 11151).~." • 13-ltc that thoy e ecuted the aame. W O R K FOR·SALE-22·ft. Cabin erui-, 5-tfc ------,,-----...,...------+----- IN ·-~ WHEREOF, I . Star marine motor. Will sell to -• have hettui to set my hand and highest bidder. Charles Hepner, WANTED TO RENT OR LEASE J. E . Bar es & Son . afftsed my o!fldal oeal the day Pleasant Working 1205 Macllion Ave., Whittler. -Furnilhed ho111e In NeW!>ort F 0 R SALE 18'le N• Blvd. and year I< this Certificate tint Conditions 12-4tp Beach, Balboa or Balboa IJiland. One :ZOO.Amp. Portable Guollne & Coot& w.... Pbcae Dll ' above wrltt~ > Permanent couple, employed by Electric Combination Welding -- • DUN C. MacKJNZIE. Learn Marine Radios So. Calif. Telephone Co. No chil· ··Machine. V-4 Wisconain enclne. 2 Bedro1 m Home · Notary blic in and for saJd • Available immediate delivery, com-dren. Call 1440, Mn. Barr, bft. Good trailer and tires-On % acre land, ~ast side of New- Coun and State. My com· TELEP H 0 NE piete ;range of sizes. Your In· 9 a.m_ and 5 p.m., Mon. through $5 00.00 . part Blvd. Fnlt trees, chicken mlssiT expires Feb. 11. 0 E, spection welcomed. HIGGINS Friday. 12-4tc & rabbit equi1 nent, double gar-· 1947. P R A T I N G PLEASURE .CRAFT, 810 Coast age, fruit hous . $3,000 down. <Notarial Stal.> Increased wage rates Highway. Ph: 1104. 9-ttc REAL ESTATE " -Full pri e; $6750 1M5 now in effect. FIRE EQUIPMENT TESTS -EV A F. RHODEN One 105 cu. ft. Portable AJr Com-- -TID T ABLEs C·O.Two, l')'Tene It Foo.m "'t\ll.e. -pressor. Dodge engine. Nearly Two Bedr >Om Home RUABY Apply COa fiJl:e'd 8}'5t~ and Portables N rt H · hts new. with garage atta hed on Magnolia. DOW available. E'TS HOKIN It ewpO e1g $800 00 part I y !UIT ~heel. Hardwood H Low High Low Southern .California GALVAN, 1000 C:C.U.t Higbw~. 50xl27·!t. lot "1th sewer. In a • ~ 2 20 •• s 2! -~ · floors in ·.Uvin room &. dining F 15 8: : 9:~ : TeleRJione Company Phone 1384. 73.uc block with nice new homes. -3 1.6 4.3 -1.4 $9 00 -room. Enclose< patio. An attrac- S 16 9 : 2 :59 10:18 8:65 1 E. Bay Ave., 36-Ft. CABIN CRUISER. Sleeps 4. tive home for small fa:mily. 4 4 11 ' Ba!OO. M -Eight 20().Amp. horizontal l.Jncoln $7 50 ·l 1.4, . -. arine motor. A bargain. G. E. N rt H • ht Su 17 9: O 3:37 10:46 4:26 or MlMey, 201 Onyx. Phone New-ewpO e1g S Welding Machines on dolllet __ $.7 1.2 4.4 -0.7 ~l.f'l'I: North Main Street port 2760. 1Q..4tc New 3-bedrm. homes, now com-with tongues. Excellent shape. M 18 10:17 4:19 11:19 4:11S ' pleted in Heights. Ready for oc-$150.00 each ~.2 l.2 4.4 -0.2 Santa. Ana Marine Insurance cupancy. These homes have large 1 Tu 19 10 :~ 5:01 u :n 5:ZO or G E Minney rooma, lots of tile work, pull. _ .6 l.2 4.4 0.4 Aak the Operator for the • ·-man lavatories, many cupboards , TM• .,. -•·· ed tn or..s. o1 ~ . '""1_ n--•~r and linen storage apace, etc. One 200-Amp. Portable Guollne -~-~.-·-~ 201 Onyx ,A.ve., Balboa bland. N ! •--ti Lfcbt a.ar-._ .... : UN ~ P. 17> 86-t!c ow open or uuipec on. Welding Machine. Good t1reL ------+-.~---- Phone Newport Beach 2;~tc $8500 -..,-Terms Excellent ahapo. H . M. Lane Real Estate PAJN'l'INO CONTSA.croa SAU: IDBCllLLANJ:OUS 10 $4 00 OO 2006 Court Ave , ·Opp. City Hall -===+--=-==-===! ----------MUlllCAL a LU>10 • u Va-c-ant · · Pho·~ 343 PAINTING -PAPSR HANGING BLACK Coci(er Spaniel. 4 months ------------I "' and DECORATING old. Phone 11!1>2 days, 2017 eves. BEAUTIFUL Spinet type mirror 3 bedroom house. Extra large llv· -L-r-ts. . ' _,_ J. E . Bar: es & Son 1808 Newtiort Blvd. Coeta Mesa. Phone '518 13-ltc r • 2-STORY, 4-BEDRM. HOME. Built-In- bar, lovely patio; fireplace. Ccmpletely fumlshed Inc. 2 elec refrigs. . $27,000 OCEAN FRONT HOME 4-Bedroom near Balboe: 1n A·l location. Nicely furnished. Immediate poss. . $13,500 . BA J BOA ISLAND BAY FRONT HOME 4-Bedroom; pier and float. FUily furn. 'Double garage. Immediate poss. An Excellent Value, $15,000 dn. BEAUTIFUL PENINSULA HOME 3-Bedroom; fireplace; hardwood f!OC>r$. On two lots. Furnished. Open for in· spection. Immediate poss. $12,500 dn . ' SEE US FOR BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES HARBOR INVESTMENT COMPANY Realtors • 30th at Control Ave., Telejlhone 1800 • 13·ltc ' H. E . McDooald . 13.-2tp pJano, a bargain. Terms. Danz-Ing room, newly decorated. nle 414 Old ~ty Rd., Pb: IM·W Schmidt Plano Co., 520 No. Main alnk. Large lot. Close In. C..ta One S.gal. Pressure Paint Pot. Newport Helghtl view 88-fL front. Balboa Coiita Kea &-t1'c FOR SALE -Wardrobe trunk, Santa Ana. 8-tfc Mesa. Compelte wtth hose and gun. $2000.00. View corner 50xl43.46, . BROSE REALTY I kerosene cook stove. dirtlng room $7500-T $2000.00. Good lOC!ation . Near Bay Front. - atllllNC8llOUD>J: lt table', chairs.' crocheted bed· GOOD used pianos. Some .. low erms $85.00 'Corona del Mar high corner 30x 2 bedroom .home. ~car garage. s p E c I AL • FOR A T. -LE Paint Job on spread, hal\d-made qwlt , misc. as $89. Fine for practice. Easy C -d ] M 118, $2500.00; also 75 feet on Partly furmshed. Good level 3().ft. Jot on Larkspur. ~)me, all N. rt l047 Shown Sunday thru Thurs. 313 terms. Or will rent. Danz-Orona e ar -Ocean Blvd ( $7,500.00 North of Highway. Lovely vtew your 0 ' c ewpo lQ:..tfc E. 18th St., Cos ta Mesa. 13-ltp SchmJ,dt Piano Co., 520 No. Main 2 loll, both have fine view above Ocean Front Jot, 1 blk. from -of hills. after 4 '~ p.m. Santa Ana. S.t!c ocean. Apply Newport pier, $3000.00. , Ocean Front $1300 "'.XCAVATJ ~G. GRADING. Jot Adjustable Crutches -----------$4500 each 2616 West Central Ocean Front Jo• 10 blks. west of 4.bedroom home. Small apt. In _ ploughing cement welks. drives Newport Pharmacy Arvin & Emerson -Phone 1564..J Newport pier, .00. rear. Partly furnished. 45-ft. lot. BROSE REALTY ~~-~tractinfoungdatiCo·ollll., ·P~so: 2108 Ocean Front-Phone 5 RAD I 0 S ' See This • l'ltc GoodCoasbtullBdinl.vd.g le oooon ()()ocean aide of $13,500,00 1307 Coast Hlgbw•v ~ ~· S,:9t 13-ltc 24-Hour Radio Service New 4-room house. Well built. ~ • · · - Newport FJ. P -----------Short Cir cuit Radio plutered. Complete within 2 Lot In El Ba_Y_<!. zoned !or mul. Bal,b Isl d C<rona de! Mar ' n •[' CYCLES FOR SALE-Patio furniture, rugs, 305 P~. Balboa weeia. On 1 acre of land. ===:-::Tra:--:il:-~p;::-~k;----82SOtiple, $f700ft. ·""itm h al 2 rur-•·•ec1 Apartmeoa tsanN Ba Phone 2048 ls.l~ o drapes. doll buga. paint com· Phone 1638-W • lS.t!c • "4950 -Terms er ar oq. . ·~ ent ouae te, ·~· o . ear y. llOJmT 'l'O·LO&!I • Sold. R ... ted or Repalred. pre.sor and various toys. 314 -----------"' One of the finest in So. Calif. 1 blk. from Ni wport pier, $lkl00. $5,700.00 Down !VOGEL'S O>ral Ave. Balboa Island. STEINWAY Grand, like new, one EVA .F. RHODEN Locate4 n•ar Newport H!"bor. . Houses $13,500.00 100 11&1n st.. BalOO. JZ.2tc of the world's great .. t pianos. Everything new and mOdem. 2.bedroom bowie and garace on 206 M:&riu. Balboa 19Wl4. HEA=-L='l'=R:-:LAMPS,..,..,==-.-=m=tr-a·"'V"io"'J....,.et, Gorceoils tone. Beautiful cue. Broker Sch"'!uled Income $1280 per mo. clOOe-in cprneif, 1 blk. from ocean Corona de! Mar I M-tfc 'Inbra·Red. Verdl·Ray. Batteries Tht. is an Instrument for the 470 Newport Blvd., C..ta M... Price $5850-Tenns -with 2 ailjol$g vacant lots, ' all Lovely, new 2·bedroom home. Near H art Alds d Portabl discriminating buyer. Danz· ELTON D. BARNE'IT, Salesman _ for ~.oo. I a lchool. • DANllPO~A'l'ION ·-11 fO< e ng an • Schmidt Plano Co., 520 No. Main Ph. Newport, 1965-M •·-liOUle Raclloe. MESA RADIO & ELEC· Santa AnL 11-tfc IS.2tc Lido Isle Brand new OM bedroom $8,500.00 WANT RII E to Long 1 Beach six dayo weel from Corona dei Mar. Call Kati eon Edson Npt. ~R. 12-4tc TRONICS CO.. 1749 Newport -----------·I ------------Bay FronL 2 J().ft. Iota on north near l.Jdo Theatre and -I.er - Blvd. g.uc Radio Repairin11: At Beautiful Corona de! Mar ahore. front. $6900.00. Costa Mesa HOUSE TRAILER. 8 x 28. hot House calls dally except sat. and New 2 Bedroom Home Reasonably Priced Subltantially built S.bedrm. houae Improved 5 acres. Near 17th and water heater, built-in bath, Sl.ttl. Complete stock of tubes &: $5500 -· on ocean front east of Newport Santa Ana. · NAVAL 0 '"'CER wishes to join toilet, Inlaid linoleum floor. facto~ replacement ~·ts. Ph: •· B Jb IsJ · d pier, Sl7.000:00. $8 500 00 L .. I • ;I ........ -a oa an 3-bedrOOm ' house on Santa 'Ana , • LO.AJl8 TO Bllll.D, WJ, ..... ow. ma lll'lllm w a n Newpo.'t --•Fa011,..,.._ ~~Amr~ aw Via Ullo TelcJhollo uor LOANS Sl00.00 and Up I<> Sl0,000.00 See US If you need money · Payments to Flt Your ~ daily dri tng pool to T erminR Sleei:w 4. Completely furnished. 345. MESA RADIO &: ELEC-W J H I b Modem stucco. Best location. Near Ave. Lot 100xll7.5, fine avocado ' -• , Island o Long Beach. Call Call at 441 NewpO,t Blvd. Phone TRONICS CO.. i794 Newport . . 0 com shopping center. Priced at only and other !nlit treeo, $7500.00. See ua for Choice Lots and ' 1463-J. lS.ltc 75().J. • ll-4tp Blvd. 9-t!c 1517 Coast Highway · Oth Fl H Loam on Can Trucla and Trallen Corona de! Mar $10,000 -See -er ne omes. llJ:A'll'n' AID8 ~ 1I CIRCULATING Electric Heaters, RADIO HOUSE CALLS -Now "Where the FJaca Fly" 12-2tc Ff'ed Briggs or ' - COLD ;!d-M:ACllI.'<llLESll only $7.95. Health Lampa. tntr•· tb&t additional competent tech· JOHN E. SADLEIR ,., bl J . M. MILLER Danny Head n .a1tor "'AVES Violet, Infra-Red. Verdi-Ray. olctano are available, we are a e Gertrude ·A. Waldron Real Estate Broker with ~ Tlntlnt and M:anlcuriDC Batteriea for Hearing AJds 4 I<> make ffrvice calla on large Wm. W. Sanford lSth arid Central H M La 302 Main Street. Balboa EYen!Dg AipolntmenU Pb. t7•W P ortable Radios. MESA RADIO conaole9. All work 1uar~.teed. BROKER . Newport Beach • • ne Phone 203' 13-ltc V ., Bea:rt&, Sh 4 ELECTRONICS CO., 1794 HAROLD I.. HAMM., S. O. S. )'On y w t BaJOO." 2006 Gourt Ave. -Phone 343 I S Op Newport IDvd. S.t!c Radio, 300 Mar,lne Ave. Ph: m . 308 Marine Balboa Island our ay o lS.ltc BROSE REALTY Over 22 Years in Santa Ana Federal g;aance Co, 429 No. Sycamore Phone 6200. Santa Ana. Oillf. ll-18tc 1103 Cout Btway, naa ckl Kar 11-tfc Phone 234-R Phone 1242 13-ltc 18-tfc Fir<> Place and KlndJlng -__ B_R_O_S_E_R_E_AL--T-Y-c.,-- ~~~~i!Jw~AN~~·'IM>~~~ll W 0 0 D Radio Repairs Corona de! Mar · Lot On Peninsula • • £O'IOliOlffW • llW • Corona de! Mar Special ~ Delivered AD mU.•: tube., etc. Ph. 2417. Small 2 bedroom home and garae;e, Zoned for Duplex ·WILL DO ~ork by the hour. H . W. WRIGHT-Ph. 2030 Burt Norton, 915 Cout HJway, rear of Jot. good location, IOUtb $2750 _Phone Nfi""" 1843. 11-4tc 1784 Newport Blvd. S.tfc Newport Boocb llll-tfc of highway. CARP~ WORK by hour or O~GE 09UNI"l ~ ~Om«Wlfft 11 $6800 day. Tele~ 1805-W. ll-trc UPHOLST"'RING CO. -• r::= "' No Delay New 2 bedrm. home on good caner Bay Front LotS Several Choice Oneo Corona de! Mar Lots 40-ft. Jot aouth of Highway. 120 feet ~ ocean front. Beautiful view. can· bulld 2 units. $4500 wiu. T~ CARE of dillcnn. Manutacru....n --$7500 2 Houses on 1 Lot Corm.a· de! Mar. Phone N. B. Of Upholster«! F'1miture Reflnllh your kitchen ,bathroom At Conma del Mar ro.rt: lot aouth of HJchway on Iril Beautiful 45-!t. Jot '!II Martcold St. FOR SALE-Two 6!10xl6 .-re- South of Highway. Cloae I<> new cap tll'ft. No petchel. Phone bualneM center block. ·Half blk. Newport 1752-R. , 13·2tc I<> ocean front. An Ideal h<Jme.1------------ aite. A.U'l'Oli WAN'IED . • ' $3250 BROSE REALTY WlLL PAY CASH for '38-''2 - in good condition. Give detaOo. P. 0 . Box 21, Conma del Mar. U.2tp 5S0-14. I . 2·tfc . '~a~th.!:'·s=.:::-with new We bo&rd. Excellent Lots of good valueo. $18,500 ' Ave. Sewer In. 1307 CoUt Hlabway ~CED PAINTING-504'West Center St., Anaheim F p -W-aJdr --$2 l00 Conma del Mar nag..,.. ' ll Houses, pen and barges. By the Phone Anaheim 4TI4 collect ' • • on Balboa Islaml Home On Peninsula SO.ft. lot on Po-ppy-SL Soutb of Phone 2048 · Js.ltc FOR SALE _ 1lMO Sclwlt bo\we hour or dfy· Call Orange 1~2tp·W , 12·1fc Telepllorle 23'W. 3-4tc 2 bechooro home, tum., and Income 5 Bedroomo. 2 Baths. Fireplace. Hlcf>way. FOR SAl.F 4 room, 2 bech-.. tralleT. Sleepa 4. Good ...... tlon, or Full""JOft 31&-W. • ____ CO_R_O_N_ADO _____ ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES and Apt. 1.Jttle Island. $H~,ooo ' $6000 -· MWly deconted. -extra tire, electric -8850 REPAIR 8nd REPAINT your El · Ra $l7 8 -MOTORS~ according t9 $15,500-Teflris..-I _ OCMD or bay --4111 cub. Private pct7. Qipt. S-. lhlncle root. For immediate ectric nge, factory opedflcatlono by Dl'.8' -W L. JORDAN 40-ft. lot .., Naret.us. ·North ot Goldenrod. can Newpcrt 281-K. ner, Newpcrt Munldpal c.mp IEl'VIC<! cln Newport 178!hJ. Immediate Delivery AID.ED VETERANS. Work Fine Lots at $4550 & up-'700 ;_ __ t ~-tral, n-~-lllcltwBY. l11011edlote po• kin. 12-4tc ~. 13-ltp I 12-4tc A Batte . cuaranteed. A«ent: MESA U.tfc ~ ~ --. uto nes RADIO 6 ELECl'RONICS co.. . Phone 153 is.ttc -$2000 """"""'°'" ~ J.8.month -$6.45 Ex. ~ ~~r.CED otfloe clerk 1974 Newport Blvd. S.tfc FOR SA.LE-In N~t Beocb, Open Fo• 1_..........,0 1 I nne '30-ft. Iota •-ether..; Nor'._ wn> NEED LATE MODEL ,..., .,ftol' -:tk In .... a1 .. tate off!C<!. Pennsylvania Oil SlS,000. Income $100 pe!' month. • ~I""-"" n ..... w JC ~ General, ce work. Ph: -.w.. i:;.uon. 10c Ca1'penters Available · New moc1em 1tuccO. furnished. Sunday • 1 -. North "' Hllbway. Be-1 · u.2tc _ ror ..-matni-ce 2-un1t court. Tile 11nk1. dollble Beautlflll . 2 --eqe q.1 Rimi at .,.. ..... $4.lOO uad Will Pay Top Prioea · ;;;;;;;;~~IT;;::-:;;;;,;;_,:;;;;;;;n-.;;; ·w-... -rn Auto Supply -~ garage, bu wir!nc and plumhina -... 11eoo1Y"' ....... 1nto 1a llD 1 _ ....... _ DIPl.O · OI'~ ~uthoriJoed Dee1er 0 . Z. ROBERTSON ...,ady I<> canplete tblrd unit. ~ Haw It flnllhed to IUlt -\1 • 4VUl1o CAR .,..,,.. HELP W · tuatlon _... eon N..,.po<t 83 Pb: Newport 1oos.w. Js.2tc >Wrowntutea.Tllefkxra,olnk. Listing& W~ted -W 11 Pltware'llP , ~ O>eril'o, 322 Marine Ave., Bal-1836 Newport Blvd., C..ta M:-~ •2-tf< bath. Yard feooed and Jlmd. -... llll ~ -.... -. .:._.. , • . I l -'J 11.tfc 1 • ~tfc LOTBARGAIN -L.up'80xl2T!I KapedL.uploLAl'Mlbuyat 'BROS"'::--_f _TY . ft+lZ! · -•• •••z• -----1 -. CUSTOM ~ WORK-Re-ft., factnc 15th St. at caner ol the priee 'ukecl 365 -ly. D ~ wl lzl )1119 1 • 'q OP• ,.,di OW 1 .... C • ' ~!"' =-=--Jllllt Arrived • pair work and iemodelloa ol all Qruie AYO. B<no..., .._ A C..ta ~ Pbcme 502. ll-4tc . 1307· c-t Hlllbway pwlam and -.• I" 4&" " I ·1 •· 12-4tp . ..,_ Bearins Al4 kinds. Custom bullt·ln !uml· C..ta M-. Tbrft lob fer $3000 c«ona clel Mar ru• D'CD'l'GnN CH~n'>OL""" <jX> bf-Stndy .iiiEi:P-ViJ~rEi)::-Ji;;;ii;;;;::C:;ii BA"ITERIF.S rur.. DOUGLAS ·BOAT a orwill llell _...t<q. Ratrtded LOT FOR SAI.E lDoc:k G, pc-n' · Phone :.ioai -U.ltc ,· ~n0.1 '7V. , 1 -; ·~, ~'-., · ·•··, HELP w -Janitor. can -Oras Oo. CANOE co .. 2819 w. Central uolllentlal. Hub -.... apnt -Bml.. 13.000. by ·-. E. L.. ---.,.,,--~·-.,,-----.,-! -' • • --••• ._ = ~ u.:n.c . to-ttc S.tfc pert ~w. Ue2tle ~. Calif. • '·"~'l2-4tc -~ I miiiiii.~ _ - ' ·,-· · -41 · '" .. . • -! .·1..,.. ,, • • -. ,,J . • I '~I"- • .. . . l.Jdo'l'battt,··M•-Sller,2114. 111Mainl!lt.Pb.816 Ave. Phone Newpxt 2SM. atJ.A.Beekolllee._N_ NElmal>er; 195 ~ -.... Fer amoe llCll>lleo, ~ tbe --0 b.a.1'11 1 t• C 'a ·g t ··· ' . -~~~ ------... ~~! ........ -· -· --_ .... -~ -,-. •..t -·'"'·~~~-• -~ .... b~· ..... ~:.-_Y .. ir.· ...... ·-···"'-~~ .~ ... _,_:..?...-.~ .• ~,11'-_:,~· .:.-:u . -~:1,-1--::-./:-..:~ .. ~ • "J • - • 1. , • • . .· • ' • · A.. · • 1 • .-Hi~h School Parent-Teac:lier 'Association ~ li .1ne . . ct1~.1t1es ~~;::~r;;~~;un;;;;r~;r;~ "onitred Barbft • ~ Rrd'!nm Pbone 1637-R Harbor Union Bish -Pweat--~ t11e .,_to a CT - ' 'l'Hdlill" Ml Miltian at the mual of the bi&b 8Cbool bud. tJ'ld8 ... Harbor F · rs. Arthur A. Kcmpei; C.Clebrate - Silver ~eddtng·Annlvers4rr Sunday . o-of ~· ..-t cleJJ&btful ol-ir.Jr.. cut and mued tbe ftnt fain of tbe .... held Sun-pletje of the! cake, which -- day, Feb. 1l= Mr. and Mn. -+s by Mn. John Sadlier,..,,.. Ph'nn 13 end I08 =..t" ~ciei-:..?": :;: ~ ':1anJ.: ~ ~ Carol Drake to Be • .. . , . I apon -111 oe1e11<ation of their -1n n.i. Head of Safeway's ·.a-_.. .....mnary -Mn. Kem_.• mother, Mn. • 200 .-ia ~-· · Am!-Pember, and 111n. Loul9' Home Economics c I · Portraits PT A !Plans Founders .-ounc1on· ~ ,....,_ -TUoo-t11e 11nt -the 11oys !'-4 ~ Day PrC~ram Silver day eYenlnc •t t11e -oo-~ s.. nearly nve ,,_,. 1iat . • • of~ electft far tbe 19111-37 U,.,. had made an -._.. Tea ~t M School term ...... :11ta. Jerm1c1 s.,ancJer, ance that .....inc •• , the · u- The bome~u·"'beautifully d@c.. Dehhnan. Anaheim, poured. 'Ibey orated ~th peach bioaotm and woi;e purpW crepe' and blldl: and CID'OI Drake will be the new bouquet. -t by friends. Early white, respectively, and cardenla name of the Dittctor or Safeway In tbe <la)' . and Mn. Kemper coriageo •. Serving the ioe cream, SlOl'el, Inc., home economics de- bod ttce!ved American Beauty mot,tlded In lvhlte with pink hearts, portment according to an an- rooes ...,t tram Ast«ia, Wuh., by ,..... Mn. 0. Z. llobertoon, who nouncement today by the retail their 80ll. Lt. (Jc) Wllllam A. W'Oft white jeney, trimmed in red. crocery concem. The new direc-, Kemper and In the ai-noon he and Mn. JOhn Mea-In formal tor's serviceo will be offered to railed them OD· the telepbooe with b~ velvel the public through The Home- • rnelAC'! of congratulation and Mia Eloile Roquet. dauchter of makers' Bureau which has been ft&ftla that he could not be Mr. and Mn. Arthur Roquet of Sa!eway's cle-t for t01ting pre.ent. Many of the gunts took AM.helm played the glano throuch· commodities and developing menus the OA>Ql"'tlinity of t-1kin&: to him out1 the afternoon, and othen u-ror use ln the home ror 15 years. 'at that time. •istin&: were Miss Kathleen Sadlier, Carol Drake's homr economics Mn. Kilnper wore a draped charming iri. American Beauty red. advlc, offered through The Home-eown of tee "blue silk jersey and and Miu Shirley Haan, who wore makers' Buttau. will result from a white ~ oonage, gift of her black crepe with lace. testing and experimenting by 15 husband, u ilhe stood with him Among the l[UeSts were 25 who professional home economics au- • . v1ce-,.eoldent: Mn. s...,. Bur-club at~· care, 'lbeyiplq- For tJie ,llnt time tbe N..,._i dick, ~; Mn. Georp (4y, ed 1\101\Y· l'<queot numbers ali - Beach (;rammar Sdlool PllftDt· !reuur<r; Mn. R. A. J-, bis-u an orl&llLll compoo1t::.,tgj!ac1t. Te.-.! 1 aaoc:latlon will bold a torlan; Mn. Murray Rabbitt, par. At the \:!-of the ft- meetJnc, In the new' CcroU de! llalilentarlan,' .and John . Jobmon, freshmento _,.,, -at ta- Mar scbo:ol. the date beinc Monday, .auditor. ln!ltallatlon will be at beautifully decorated witlt no-1 Feb. 18 at.2 p.m. It Wm be bold the ·April meeting . .' In the P.-T. A. colon, bNO - In the cafeteria. which bu •tart-Mn. Gunning Butler ,....ided. &old. 'Mn. Spuk .. ai>d ..,._ ·Mar- ed operationo recmtl,y and will be -Introduced put lftlldenll, shall (ll'ftided at the tea ..-.1ee a silver'-proceeds to &o toward who were honor"'1 guesll .. They and Mn. R. A. J&D>M aJ>\I ..._ l the ~ of supplleo for the were.Mn. Edward S . ~It ... Mn. ben frun the Corona del -- cafeteria. O . Z. RoberUon. Mn. Hellen Dixon Balboa dlltrlcts ~ - It will be a Founders' Doy pro-and Mn. HUii> Manhall. Each JP'&DI boncrl!'C Mn. Ellqbeth Bir-wu presented with a lovely 1ar- ney and Mn. Phoebe Hearst. with clenla and stephanotls oonage, Mn. Alice K. Andrews. dlnc:tor while Mn. Manhall also recei-1 of ·nursinc seT'Vices for Oranee the paSt-president's pin. DDF Members Two Affairs Enjoy to welcome the guests. had attended the wedding and thoritles under the direction ot • A "three-tiered wedding cake in-many of th~, together wtth other Julia P. HindJey, Manager of this .crtbed with silver leaves centered intimate friends and relatives, re-Safeway department. cOunty u •~aker ~ a procram Mrs. Robertson gave a brief of harp mUllc arrailpd by 1 Mrs. sketch of the origin, founding and Lola Tozier. growth of the National Congreu Mrs. Ra.y Craig entert-auied membersJ of the DDF Friday1 eve- nlng at Her home. 127 27th atreet, bridge being followed by a m!O- night IUPptT. Mn. S...,. ~ had high 'SCOre and Mrs. Walter . Nollar SO-honor. ' the Jarge tab~e. which was covered ma.lned for a buffet supper and to "Safeway plans to create for with a love·Jy lace cloth. and at spend the evening. Many lovely Carol Drake a. personality which each end were tall white tapers in gifts were 1 received by M~. and will stamp her as an authority on silver candlestJcks. Adorning the Mn. Kemper and they Wlll re-all the things which a housewife buffet were peach blossoms and member the occasion as one of the wants to know in her job as a silver candlesticks. Mr. and Mrs. most memorable events of their homemake?"," stated Mrs. Hindley. Mrs. Dutch Heacock was ap-of Parents and Teachers from pointed publicity chairman by the 1897 to the present c!aY. She ~dent, Mrs. Edgar Hill, l9"take stated that the California Con- the place of Mrs. Maxine Schrepel. cress was organized in 1902 and who expects to leave when her hus· has grown until it now has 8 mem- band retuma trom India. bership of 474,979. • Parent! of eighth grade st udents were present as special guests to hear the . talk by Vire-principal Joseph Hamblet on the pro~lems of fitting the school .program to the needs of students. Vocational training is offered st udents, as well .as higher academic courses. he said, and ~military advisor is on duty as consultant for boys entering the armed forces as well as returned veterans who may wish to resume their education. M~m~\present were the :Jrl9.. dames Ed ·Edick, Harry Baker. R<lger Barrow, Sheldon Smith, Josephine Oqu.ist, Elmei-Pat:ter'ICWI. · Roy Page, _Walter Nollar, · i.ewia Cock anl! Ray 'Craig. 'The next meeting will 'be held on March 8 at the home o( Mrs. Sheldon Smith, 127 25th streeL lives. "Our experienced staff is familia.r wi th every branch of home ~ RELEASED THIS WEEK"'\, nomics. Carol Drake will person- Released 'from Fort MacArthur ity the best in style of clothes during the past few d ays w('re which Mrs. Homemaker wants to T/S Clifford E. [..oy,·ery, 3210 Mar-"'ear in her home, during her cus street. Newport. and ~t . ·shopping, and e ntertaining at par- Charles F. Thompson, 620 W . Surf ties and teas. S~ will be an street, Balboa. authority to whom the housewif<' Dan~ Grace Ingraham To Present Students- In Monday Recital ~::::::;::;::;::;:::;:::;:::::::::::;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::;::;::::f can bring questions on home dec- oration. table service and P8f'JY menus. She will know the func- Dan Ingraham .and his wife, Grace Shattuck Bail Ingraham, who teach music at the Davis-Gay Music studio and also take pupils at their home. 105 18th street, Newport Beach, will present \heir pupils in a recital l\1 ond ay eve- ning. Feb. 18 at 7 :30 p.m. at the Costa Mesa Community church. Another affair held recentiy by the DDF was a pot-luck dinner and auction at the home oti Mn. J osephine Oquist, Newport OOule- v.ard, as a means of raising funds for the club. On sale were ,hard- to-get articles, antiques. home- made things and cooked "food, "something ~ of eviryuung," .Each · member bt;ought a neichbor" u guest, and 25 or more were rire.- ent for the~fun. J WELCOME CAFE %560 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa Phone43S-M Finest Place. to Dine Famous Complete Dinner SPECIAL Open 11 a. m. to 2 a. m. ARRANGEMENT ·FOR PARTIES ' OUK KITCllEN OPEN FOK IN8Pl'lt/rlON WM. E. LUDEWIG, Prop. Layette and Toy Chest Coptbination Sturdily built with washable which provides seat. Decorated· with kiddie patterns so 'it can be cushion top • used later on for chil- dren's toys. Very Special at- ORKIN'S DEPARTMENT STORE l '79S Newport Blvd. ' I • c Steaks • Chicken • Spare Ribs • Lobster • • • cooked. 'to pttrfection COCKTAIL WUNGE OPEN 12 NOON-;1:1 ~llDNIQrr D~ SqlVED ~11 P. M. I a-.111....._ Visit Our Besutifull Dining !;loom SOfO'I I REST~URANT ••• ttlaS&.--s..ta.ba T'• I I 0 -1L•1-.i11-* ... me 1, lip'. tions of home operations and y,;l} 1 be able to advise on the type of • • -.,_ equipment needed to perform .. --~ .... these functions. We expect Carol (Photo by ~rts Studio, Santa Ana) Drake to be of great help to house-Thi• cuddly bundle or Joy ll Laura Lee Byer&. amall dau«hter . wives. in answering specific ques-of T /Sg'l. aad Mn. E. c. Byen, "'ho Uve at the boualnc unit ai lions on home problems." El Toro. S he has blC eyes. a rtMebucf mouth and wrinkles ber DOlffl' , "Carol Drake's suggestions and "·hen she amUes , -d all.e lovet1 her father, very, very mocb. ideas will result from a complete _I home t01ting service," continued De Polo-Smith Wedding First Helo Mrs. Hindley. "We will have five kitchens and various home testing In Corona de! Mar Community Church r ooms to try out ideas or to seek ' On. the program will be about 45 stu~ts. Mrs. Ingraham's fea- turing piano and violin. while Mr. lngraham's students will give se- lections on the trumpet, clarinet and saxophone. ' Bonnie Lynn Cottle Born Tuesday ~lutions for home problems. Carol First 'o be held in the new paratrooper in the Anzio, Salerno Drake will also have the advan-Corona del Mar Community and Holland battles. He we~ A daughter arrived Tuesday, tage of a complete research serv-church, the wedding of Miss Lu-several battle stars and is soon Feb. S ~at Santa Ana Conimuntty ice. Safeway has the 18.rgest Ii-die Bristol Smith. daughter of ~tr. to r eceive a foreign deCoration. hospital, born to Cpl and Mrs. brary of cook books and home and Mrs. J . H . Smith, 229 Or-A former platoon sergeant, he has Harris Cottle jr., 1529 West Cen- economics material in the United chid avenue. Corona del Mar. and received his honorable discharge tral avenue. She weighed six States outside of the Library of Anthony J . de Polo, son of htr. and and will resume his business as pounds,' 1~ ounces and has been Congress." Mn. Nichols de Pol.<>. North Ber-contractor at Palo Alto, where the named 1Bohnie Lynn. The baby's The Homemakers' Bureau, un-gen, N. J ., \Vas held Saturday, Feb. couple will make their home. grandJ:nother, Mrs. A. J . Willams der Carol Drake, will continue to 2 at 11 a.m. The Rev. Perry Guests a-t t he wedding included and brother Torrimy, four years ans"•er direct questions on protr Schrock, pastor of the churctl, of-the Messrs. and Mesdames Gustav old, are waiting at home to wel- lems which are faced by house-fi ciated and the service was pre-Grupe, Jay Dutter, Corona del come her. ~ and home economics teach-ceeded by an organ recital by Miss Mar ; Chester .Whitten. Placentia; Cpl. Cottle-, son of Mr. and Mrs. tts. This has been one of the most Margaret Scharle. E .. c. Carroll. Pasadena; Roy Seng-Harris Cottle sr., Newport Heights, 1 important services The Home-The bride wore a gown of white ston, La Mesa; Charles Graves, So. and' a former member ot the local j makers' Bureau flas offered in the satin with a waist-leitgth veil· and Pasadena; Robert Bridges, North police force, is stationed iri Manila. past, and the.-company plans to carried a bouquet of gardenias and Hollywood ; Rev. and Mrs. Perry .extend this ttr'Vice through the use white sweet peas. Mrs. Donald Sctirock. Santa Ana; Misses Mary Briscoe Family of new facllltl.es and equipment Weber, •1ster of the bride, was KJ.tz, Seattle; Mary Hoff, Lyn- now being inttallcd. matrop or honor. She \Vore pink wood; Laura Jean LOng, Santa HOnors Parents on Prior to the announcement of \ marquisette and carried pin:i and Ana; Alice Ann Graves, So. Pasa-W dd · A · the new name ·or Carol Drake n white camatJons. dena; Priscilla Annlngham, Balboa \ e tng nn1versary Veterans who Y.i.sh to complete high school training and receive their dipldmas may do so at Santa Ana · Junior college in half the time it would·take to complete the regular high school course, the speaker stated. New subjects which it is expected will be of. fered in the near future include plastics. &griculture and academic subjects. A plea ~or all kinds of books to replace books destroyed by the Japanese in the Philippines was made by Mrs. Jerrold Spangler. She stated the city of Manila alone White Hoae cate lost all but 35.opo of their 100.000 Ir------,,------, text books. BoOks should be given to Mrs. Spangler or left at the Long Beaeh boei'd of educ8tion of- fice, 726J Locust avenue. Long Beach. A pleasant treat was the musical program, arranged by Mrs. Wes- ley Fowler , program chairman who introduced Dude, -Jack ·and Bill Skiles, well known musicians and sons of Mr. and Mn. Bob Skiles, Placentia avenue. Jack and Dude have recently received · their discharges after four yean in military service. Both are former members of Fred Waring's If It's a Book We Hawe It Or WD1 O~er It for Yoa. ~ ESTREIJ,JTA'S BOOKS I SU Nortla Mala 8&. Boom • Arc:ade Jllds. S..ta .... Pia. .... the Director of The Homemakers' Chester Whitten of Placentia Island; June and Jo Bengston, La ; Bureau, Saflf"ay's home economics [ was best man and Gustave Grupe Mesa; Sally Greea, Santa Monica; Two -occulons were celebyated .Gr•tlna Car'de Mt1 • Gf'Nt V•riety of unueual Gtfta operation wt6 conducted under t~ """' usher, Virginia Smith, Corona del Mar; by the Briscoe family when fthey "WE] INVITI: YOU TO BROWSE AROUND'" name of Julia Lee Wright, a name After the ceremony a wedding Harict Goodman, Long Beach; gathered Sunday at the home of C. E. LOUCKS . which was uaecl jointly with Fam· luncheon was served at the Hurley Teresa Mitchell and Elaine Carroll, Mr. and Mrs. Charles McArtor, JEWELlt'I' and •TATIONEllY Uy Circle m8g"''--JuJJa Lee Bell to members of the wedding Pasadena: Pat Wilde, Vallejo; CUiver City, for a buffet luncheon. ---um McAr · h d h f Dl•mondm • tiatoteu • Fine R---lrlng Wright .will continue as f<X>ds party and 40 guests,. Allee Cook, Redtandl; Jean Acker-i..-u-~. tor lS t e aug ter o ~ -,.- editor of Family Circle. Mrs. De Polo l• a graduate man, ~an Fr-ancisco; Rose Moody, Mr. and Mn. R . J . Briscoe sr., ...._Newport. 1~8 A horsepower tax of 80 cents for each horsepower generated by an industry for its own use. nets the state of LoUisiana some $5,- 000,000 annually. nune of Dibble General hospital, Woodland; Lillian Sather, Peta-Santa· Isabel street, _Costa Mesa, j'------'-79_7_-_n_N_-'-. ..:"°';.:...rt.;__:ll:_l_vd:_·:..· _;Coota;,:....;:_.;;M:.."";::':_• .:Ca.:;,;llf:..· _____ J Palo Alto, acting as cadet nurse luma; Jane Carlson, Oakland; Fay and i( was their 40th wedding an-1--------------------------- during the last year of the war. Swan, No. Hollywood; Margaret niveraary. It was there she met her husband, Scharte, Corona del Mar; Mrs. A second cause for rejoicing was who wu a patient on his return Stanley Long, Santa Ana, and the retura of theft son, Bob Bris- from oveneu, where he served u -Michael Kantor, Pasadena. coe, former machinist's mate first Residents Invited To Hear Dr. Chen At F AC F(.iday Mrs. Covert Honored At Birthday Party Mr. and Mn. Charle. Gorton, 217 20th street, Newport Beacll, were holts at a birthday diMer Thursday evenin&' honoring their daughter, Mrs. Lawrence W. Co- vert, Ne"""'1"t Helchto. clau, USN, and hit wife, who was also ,in the navy. "They were mar-· ried in Memphis, Tenn.; and at present are making their home with the McArton in CUiver City. Mr. and Mrs. Briscoe were mar- ried in -Miuouri but have lived in Costa Mesa and Newport Beach for ~ ,Yean, r.xceptlng two spent in Oregon. They were pre.enled with a pair of beautiful matched lamps for the Uvtng-rool'n. BEAUTY Balboa w .... , -PhoDll Im Open Saturda)'I UnW MIQ' lot Cl-"' Monday HELEN FULLER / ·Swedish Museuse Also Specialist In Facial and Scalp Trft.tments NEW MEMBER OF OUR STAFF HEA.D TO TOE BEAUTY SERVICE A special invitation to all resi- dents of the dlotrlct has been II· sued by the Friday Afternoon club to come to the club meeting Fri- day afternoon, Feb. 15 to hear the noted Otinese educator and au- thor, Dr. 'Theodore Hsi-En Chen, former dean ·of Fukien university, Oi.ina, and now head of the de- partment ot Asiatic studies at the University ot Southern California. The birthday cake which com- pleted the delicious turkey din- ner was baked by Mn. Jim Woods. After dinner the evening was spent playing games. Mrs. Covert re- ceived many lovely gifts. n>me present on the happy oc-1 ~-----------~--------------' E. were Mr. and Mn. R. J. I r;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Teachen of the high school and members or the PTA have been in- vited., and anyone interested will be welcomed. Balbod Orcle of Christ Oiurch Bv the Sea wiU meet \Vednesday, O••rf•••••• t•• or••• Fe b. 20 at 2 ,p. m. at the home of 1,. • • • • t If• 1 l • • • • • Mrs. E . A. Barnet~ 210 East L----------~._.I Ocean Front, Balboa. CHRISTIAN'S HUT 1-nl Manhall, Manqer llzlhne, Cdfanla DELICIOUS FOOD ... COCXTAll. BAR·. DINNERS ... BAN<XJE;I'S . ·. Present to share the festive evening were Mr. and Mn. A. E . Dixon, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Woods, Mr. and Mn. Kenneth Gor\on, Art h'ur Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Co~ert and Larry and the host and hos- tess. I Easterner Expected; Will Make Home Here riscof? sr ., Mr. and Mrs. Jan 11 nscoe, Mr. and Mn. Charles Mc- Artor and son1 Marvin and Nor- man, Mr. and Mn. Bud· Briscoe and daughfer Georgia of Newport Beach. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Heller and st>ns Davy and LaJTy of San Diego and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bris- roe. ' Mattinas to Leave Balboa Island When Major J ohn C. Mattina. 2110pal aven_ue, Balboa Island. left ·here in December after temporary Alber:t .Oarriclough.. LaY.Tence, duty in this area. ht> expected to htass., father of ~lrs. Evelyn Joyce, be ient to India but word has is expected to leave shortly by be;en ,received by his wife that he plane for Balboa. where he ,will is. in New York and r ather ex- make his home with his daulihter pects he will be as.signed to duty and son·in-law, Al Joyce. atl the in that city. Balboa Pc&nt House. It is the lI'St , The major is in the regular army trip to California for the re · and Mrs. Mattina and their small shop o•Tler. sofi are planning to join him. 1 Ex rt . pe Beautici n .. s for · Milady • Permanento, Cold Wa Hair Styling. Hair Tinting • • • each· ing, Cold Wave. RUTH • ~ • <;:ARMEN -1-, .._., ...... ..... . .. ........,.,,_ .. , ..... .,. " Balboa Inn Beauty 'Salon ····~~ • ' o.. ........ ""' I • • In Memory of Henry_J. Siler It is with genuine sadness that the staff and workers of the L\dri and Balboa Theaters witneS&ed the passing of Henry J. Siler, friend, counsellor and employer.· Mr. Siler was always ready. to aid ~d guide to us in our efforts, tO offer sourid and homely, ad~ vice and to help us in our troubles, sicknesses and financial pt,Qb-· le ms. His passing Jeayes an aching void in the lives of all of us and. we extend our deepest sympathy to the bereaved widow-, Art.a Siler and son, Mason E. Siler. ' • ' . } l j 11 SAN CRA ., SA \ .. • • • • • • ' ( for 38 years the best medium in . the newport 'harbor distri · · · ·. u.e· newipaper: that goes. . . 1 4: ' \ . ..... • ' .NEWP.012T OA . KF.F.P POSTEDI News l lYar ..•..• -• Pint .. .. 01 ... .( • Alhwtw.g i •• -., a w' .... -.. _) • Pint~ .... <JlillS ... , ...... EMBRACING BALBOA PEN 1 INSULA.. WEST NEWPQRT. SEA SHORE COLONY, LIDO ISLE, NEWPORT HEIGHTS, BAI 111().A ISL.AND, CORONA DEL =1~ n ~~::·::~ VOLClll: mvm . I NEWl'OllT DACH. CALIPOANJA, THOJISDAY, •&iliUJ.t.aY H , l9U I I ~ , -. Nu••FI!, ... Costa Engineer Develops Compact Unit to Distill Salt Water; Will Manufacture It Here Device Size of Small Trunk Distills 100 GaL Pure Water in 24 Hours; Fishing Fleet Owners Interested; Also Smaller' One ' • • • • State · Official Recommends New Mesa School; ·r rustees Ask Addition to B th Plants All Rooms Filled in: Both eoSta' Mesa Grammar Schools; State Survey ln<licates Need ·of New School; Additions Will Aid - I ' • ' • ' • • i ••• ..... NSZSU · ., • On'Vc& l - NEW .. CRT-ALBCA •• I RISE TO REMARK . --,-CHURCH OF CHR IST Santa An.a B~1.1; __ 1-1 E W S - T I M E S N E W S Churdl M411 Wa&nut Street• u.uuu .. ~ND: NEWPOllT I! -u HON . JOHN l'HILLIPa 11uailL...:n; L'le Go._t oo L. Du-. C-by, M••-r. Expansion JJmited, I , • • • Tiie public --·---to the -the -118111' --lnotAIW. i;8jjj;j~li;;/;7"i ,, wm eo fast:ft'. -ni~ dittction..wm of the Set ric<M: BuDday. 10 L Ill .• mMe L A. M ....... _, __ 'h •~•,Y.~.~~ v ..... v~ °" MJlow :;:•:=town ol Santa ~~ter."Quotedfroai~ CHURCHES SbJd7;-11 a.m.. Momin& WOl"lhtp. an~ lat nrl . I "s ••1•F· i.~,.;,;,~~i;;=:;;;;:~blo In AdYm:-$2.!IO per ...;-In-°'-ColatJ": 0. ... l ndl•na (popllatlon M ) M FIRaT FOU-UARE CHURCH --· AllD ·1 '1111D•• • '2.15 pw .... to 4th""""' $3.00 per )'ear to 8th ..... the~ -t of the UNO!" Fint fmv'-re OF ce>aTA Ml:&A DecJarinc -t Sante Ana lo PAW..,.,.. *Hi Som a ~ttlnclll. fOl merl)r e IUIUI Rw. W Mro. G. Wiiiard --N"buntinc~! ~--:-0" Pblllp M. Eltiste & Co.. J& .. -u metier at the Pootof&e In New"°"' !lllee11·dl:ta.,I llemMofCqicr-from!MI-, St Pl 1---d CHRll~ CHUl9Cff llY THE KA PMo.... <rton. ~ ~u U. ~ ' , Callfonlio, -the Act of Man:!! 3, 1879 wbo -wt1ti.8 synclleated _.. ore 80.I· , C.....W It)-• II I -2171 subdivider md builder told Ro-•a.-ft... 01,! ,lit(a .. A.. ~-·"~-paper column. o· Coast. Hlw 1--Cl .... "'-Bunde• SC-8:30 ....;_ tariam In the county -t yester-IU-L.£.k .... - llAM D. PO ~ 'N:; Spnklnc ol the UNO hood-;/I ay Rov. I:. D. Qn*ll. -·• Monllq -p Mnioe lO:Oll. clay -t "onnco IP.,... ..,,,,.,t be L B. ~---Edlitar quart.en. I think the c.ancremnen . Ollln* 1rtn1I. 1:11 La Clwd6" eenlce 1:00 p.m.. divided into·economic sites and the ROOP·S W. F. DIXO • • • • • """"rtlolnc. y...._ ,...... u:nonc the -auririled N ... part _ .. -fUmlture M• 1 S W-.. ·11 La. --l :IO p..m. price of ".:" Imel II ttacbinc tho fttiadlls t , ~11 W. Ce~';"1 A-ue. Newpon Bftdl. Collfomia poople when a silo In C<lmlectlcut ato"" end one to be p:'OUd of, T-r't I 2 9. I p.a. J:'reoW>c nanp1lotlc emrtoe at llmlt . . . He f..--w • brake ~ 09 -- Offic I Paper of the City of Newport Beach wu oelected by the .UNO Com-lh<y d<clatt, ~be _,E :4.,~th :;..:;:.. "~ !;,..., .. -. ?::::;:...:..._ •-•----• -'-· :'.=~~~ .. of :Set!::'. nw --• >• '1ee A Local t.tltatl t °"" 11 J mlttee.. We were .. IW'l*ikd .. cor:ipletion or u ie new • Ip ... ~ ---~ ... __.. __ ,,,_ -... wbil be did w ' • .._ j •• or _.. the Po<>Ple "'1o llw. In !hot area. building at 822 Cout hlch""'Y by neMQ: eo••M --· t :• Ice et 7:30 p..m. . • not llaY "°• the P<l8· • • 4 I W • I onc1 --Uld landa will be L. M. m akealey, ....,..,Uy -p..-. .,blllty of bll!lcllng •laewl>ett 1n the .cri 11arc:oa .A. ....._ J8IN Actm Member taken. ProctJcally' _,..,... heft charged pilot of the A.Af, oncl D . C06TA MEaA COMMUNITY ooaty. '---------....;;..,.,.J thought~ Park would be cbCJo. Vail ~ of Whittler. who hllve llALllOA l&LAND CffAl'llL CHURCH Norton wvned "If _,. pro-r---------'-.., en. and -t thia wu ~ <hoSen the boulevard kilotion far lt1I ,,_.. A-C:.rl II. ......,_ Mini-&rom ill not ll!Ade effective, h<lme Have you thoucht -many the 'lito. The bullcling II now un-124 L ZOtll at. Pt>. 14.,._R bulldlnc In thia ccmmunlty will Sml ROV. H...,. W. W-. ltop • ••· new problems wU1 be created by c1er1constructioo by th, and will A••• , 0• P•••r Onarcb .cbool. 1:'25 a. m.. ,or UJe very reuon the home havlnc -bNdquar1an In the be the ~ unit a! bll _1.rp <>o * ... ,,., e:ll L ._ Momin& Wonblp.. 11 o"eloclt. ... kers will not be •ble to buy United Steta! Notblns -dei/!l!lojluOHlt ..--on the --·s ......... 11 .. .. T--RIP -· ln· the -beca-t..ncllnc ecm· IDOUllbbie, bat -to thla .....,.. ~ ot the hlchtn.Y, .......nnc to -.., AdUlt. I :IO p. m. dee will not be •ble to make loom try. It will be • ..,..u--t"Flthln ~ lhakey, ..... t far the Su I .. ...nc.. 7 :80 o·-. IUfflclently hl&b to ualat ln home OU1' ~ oyel' wbkb We" ban manufacturer. aT. IAMU & .. IKOPAL. ; MW Wl llll f'eDow.hlp ud ~. ownenhlp which ii the very key- no -tral. All -ty _...... "-Bed of -Dftlonolly CHURCH W-ai. T:IO •. m. atone of .the nation." of , CORRAL DUST . "l e' ftOt how CIT wluu you say ... ic's tuh4i you ~now obowt luu yoa"re .. ying."0-}Acr lrNDsL!Y. O.LCUU.Y a a 0 ·c ... 'de .... -1w w ,... Your p;llb sp .W ..... ' ., .... _,. __ •·a •• ~ by the UNO wlD be ~ from llnown -of ~ and .,. WOil c ..... ...... 11 L m., Pn7V --Nona continued: ·~ II . taxation. Stete pallet wll1 hllw no houoellold It-. the two YoUllS (~ -•-> 1111811 lnoontl"" for a ~el eateto • W. • -~- JwUillctlan. U e obnliwl, for OX·rmcft are p!um!nc lo -to the -· __. T. pt :.: y':'° FIRaT Ml:THODl&T CHUIU;H men to buy thla lond --be "-==========+=: 'l'~·-e ompW, _.. to enter the .,..,.-~-for the -t ot their u-. 1"' .. a. 11817 ° a. Uwho -· ,._ II not pormitted to pay an ._ • • , . . or blll)cllnp, µ.e Stet. -.Id ..... Tiiey -un-1ly I fartumto, ~~~-.. ~ ··r ·~~ -.... .., •• .,...,_ --tex of 25 -cent on • copltel p 11: :a • n L, I . . to t-1 1luouch tile F-.I1 Har NJ<!, In -. -of -..... II s. ·-. l:JO ..... Clmn:b -tw all Pin. He hu to consider hla lond =JV . 1be stonn of protests agamst radio borTOQ( plays aowmment. lllld lmtltate extra· mqdltndlM w!W:h will be well .. = lft'll -•JJ9: , .,_ 1nV..tment aa cooda on htnl! Uld Pl 1 lc • n 1 IDgh whkhbaabeenbrewlngforsomemonths,Jast .week-......, clltlon--"-""rthehowlnctoen-'---'etlw ',__ Irr> u :oo Liii. -= w ......... , -"tou-·--·-~~--•1111 I> ·~ ,_........._ -=-----,.._ u~ -•~• -• I 7 aj' • p DIF • a u""'°"' that all but drowned out the most reallatlc noi8eS The UNO community could .. t cllcn\"1• 1uch u ve bulldlns M • .,, "We Tbult ~·· tebuloted up to 91 per cent." the sound effect men ba been ab! to coct. Parent· up Ito """ court, ....... -In home& In thla HCtlon. They will : ... _.. .... or GOD 11:00 LIL N"'-Y '"' 811 cldl· "I• ···-:r-ff~" ve . . . e con . the international wttlemitnt at have turnlture for eYf'!rY room. ._,. _. Ma••••• ....._. *-dm1Dc .anSoe.. . • II , •~ • -AJ n teacher , educators. physioaru; and others Interested Shanghai; It could nwnteln Ito from living.room to --.i, kit· -0-ll'reat, Nw,_. 6 :00 p.m : --Toutb ...., Qop poato Uld plant clloeaae In • _._..... In child !fare joined forces tb ask ffie radio Industry to pre-own ~i.. It. own rollroed tor· chcn end even oOtdoar tumlture to _,. 8dlool. 10 e.m. l -... Youns Aclalt N-.iilp. the United Stetes cause louee .. t1. • 1 m • 'l:iJ · grea r uca ue lnlp Olla world-wide adlo tatl ' Righ t now the ne wcomers are Evm1DC evanceUatlc HrYice ~at 11-..: "Come Te U•e." 000 a year. ' ' .._. ...._ _, 8ellt p~ of te ed tional val to · ressi ble mlnela. ond .. t up -. pawlrlUI lure th• ......-l·~ Moraine aervleo, 11 e.m. T:OO p..m. EYenbls Wonlllp:-"'8ted to total more than $3000· ", M2 •:··· : .. ,iii"'aill'e youth less murderen; and uiminals stalking the air lanes In th ~ ' of on. busy running down rumon of • 7:30 p.m. to· the panime nt of squeaking hinges, bloodsCUrdling "1nt ..... t:'ona1 ia':: the=" co::.~ ho'1Se or apartment motel, and Mld-Wftk aervlco, Thunday et FIR8T CHU .. CH OF CHRl&T, PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY aaeamsg;vlctims and spine.tingling situations that leave munlty could ha~• Ito own cur· arranging 'to hav• •vorything In 7:30 .p.m. • &CIENTIST • 11_.__ • • rency 1aue lta own •tam or order for operating the '50 by 1()().. AOCO wt~at::rS ting for the next episode. Im~ ttl tuea..J: rile ps, foot itott about May 1. OUR LADY OP' MT. CA .. MKL Lido TheaW, central Av•u. UNTANT PBYSIOIAN8a811aOJllONa.ILD. _.;!la ~ ~~;.!ui:;-:!:;~~~vi:e ~!:'!'. :::;\i.'!':~~1:' ~~ ~ ~: Veterans' Insurance su1:.1 ~":: ~;~:':'':... ~ '==" ~E =~: !..;,,,...8 ;,..,. w~?'~ Q:. R. Hall, M. D. bust. In ts t . list peal . h "ed all of the West Coast. , Ch Ad ted Conte.Ion.: BaturdaYI tmm --·~-In Bo~· " ob Aulb.ori-ed b:J I.be Oiu'-"d !Ua&el -----._._. __ eagerness 0 gam ener ap It as bi . anges VOC3 •.·OO to •·.SO and --T'.•• to -~ -•· -•-uoetta. ·-• ..,,--liars-. ' . No, se»i.ous~ tt lhould have ,. u "'"""""' ~ SUAda School t 9 SO tu7 Depvtmeat "° re~t cliect.ta tn types of •but always Wlth an eager ear for JUSt such gone to the W est C.oaat, for the fu. By AdministratiQn S:30 p.m. day s.rill!e at ll•L ~ :.:=; eonnecu~~:! 1.0co~ m.atw.. Hours: 2·5. by Appointment Telephone 2620 of public sentimept as was voiced recently by tun;_dpro?l~ms ~d ~ of the Millions of holders of veterans' IT. JOHN VIANNEY CHURCH Teatimoulal Meetinl' at 12 o'clock MOI&ESPINo RaTICS med with child welfare. In the past a few out-wor potn to e ent. When insurance can look for some broad Reading Room located at 111 Otr* =·~~~ .... . . John Steven McGroarty wrote his h · ?" · f th · · •alboa Island lSl B......_y (Joela II- ge and screen figures hav~ been barred perma· charm1·ng and !•-"• poem. about c anges in provisions o elr in-Palm street, Balboa, is open daily """'"'...., sura nce according to pending bills Sunday ..._: l :SO LDL ._ 1 t 5 s the air lanes because they could not forego an California, "down the middle ot coo.teMiom: Saturdava trQru ,,-om p.m. 0 p.m . except un-• th Id" I now ln Congress to amend the na-7·,•A to a·.ao P... .,,-days and holidays nationally ob-1 .-------------1 .-----------~ ouch to their lines. Federal restrictions on radio e wor , he li tie thought that Uonal service life Insurance act. ~ -ed Armand Monaco Gord M. ""Ogl'atrlsj h beco • . "d beca . . almost before he had left us Call· Among chang(s advocated by servT · OIL Grundy, M, D. P• a ve me very ngi use radio reaches into fomia would •---me the edg. e 01 OOBON• n--•a be public Le cordially U.lted tt1 ·•n~nm D1.-..1c1an. -..,d a..-' '-""'.." -the veterans' administration are ft ----at•-·d th •·· ·• le "'""'.._. • .....,. • -.,--•- the home and is most likely to offend the sense of decency of the new world. the following : · COMMUNITT CHURCH. ~ • c.~r~ ...... and ""' 814 W. Bay Ave., Balboa Ninth and Central Ave. the rank d file of listeners. . • • • "Butter will not return to 1. Allow death settlement in a CON'G&EGATIONAL the Read:tnr Room. Newport I TU Raclio programs be" comm "all red b' American tables under present lump sum. Instead of monthly Pen')' Frederick Sclarock. Mlal9ter Christian Science 21!1 !Mewood Ave. • 1ng ero y sponso • no ig price policy. The wholesale price payments over long periods. The 111 Heliotrope. Coroaa del Mar 'S ul' Loa Anc9le. NOrman4;y 6loa mant:"...'n.f 'er would. dare tum a deaf ear to the protests ceiling on butter is still forty-six Gl's have hollered for this. Sunday, February 17, 1946 Topic O against 0 which tend to in"crease juvenile crime by cents a pound. aJthough the cream 2. Let anyone be named a bene-Church school 1n two sessions. "Soul:. will be the Sunday Leuon- glorif · criminals or encouraging murder. Newspapers used costs sixty to aev~nty-two fidary, instead of only close rela-All above primary department Sermon aubJect tn all brancbe11 or cents Under this policy ~ tlvea. meet at 9:30 a.m. Beginners and The Mother Church, The Flnit long ago forsook ~ed ")rellow journalism" in favor of butt~ v.-. .. m""''-e ••-mor' • momorn•eY Cbul"t'b of Cbriat. Scientist. in Boe--· d th ta . f .,,.,,... al\ , un: --3. Pennit conversion of the .primary departments meet at l l ton. The Golden Text I• from conserva ve ne\\'S repoJ. .. mg an e presen tion o many you lose." Owen M. RJchards, policy to an endowment plan. a.m. and are 1n session during Isaiah : ''The Sun aha.ti be no more pleasing eatures which the reader may enjoy or ignore, as it M~er of the American Dairy 4. Allow total disability bene-church hour. thy light by day; neither ror bright· suits his individual tasteS. One can attend a movie, or not, Association. nu.. · 11 a.m. Morning won.hip. Ser-net1s shall tbe moon give Ugbt unto Qvilian supplies of butter Gen. Omar N . Bradley, veterans' mo!' by Mr. Schrock: '"The One thee: but the Lord shall be unto de upon his interest in a certain picture o r star. But (which Includes the current but-administrator h as said the ad-Thing Needful-A sense ot What thee an E've rla.stlng light, a.nd thJ radio is mass assault upon the public ' consciousness, and ter production plus butter in s tor-ministration 'aims at provisions Is Vital." G~ t:~ ~~~~n on the Mount. u whether or not its popularity will" survive, depends on how age) for the first QuarteT of 1946 "more closely matching commer-7 p.m. Youth meeting. glve.n tn ~tatthew, Jeaus aald. ATTOkNEl'S ROBERT GARDNER --and- DONALD D. HARWOOD A'ITORNEYS AT LAW '718 N. Ma19 M., a.a. .&.-. O.Ut. -TSLSP'lfO,._ a-ta .&aa •t•; Jill' ............ 11 ... DAY SCHOOL closely I keeps' its collective ear tuned to the tastes of the wUJ be thirty million pounds le11 cial policies." "When thou prayeat. enter Into thy than for the last quarter ot 1944; 8EVENTH DAY ADVENTl8TS clos et. and "'hen thou hut abut I · public. dlo can become a great force for good or it can go down an average or about s per Its foreign mall more than trip. Corner W•lnut ••d Cl>urd> lta. thy door. pray to thy Father whlcb Mortimer School the way f the dime el f ti cen t. A worse shortage ls ahead of led during the na•t year, the Vet. , c..ta M... is In secret ; and thy Father IOZ Coral Balboa •-•--• nov O a genera on ago. t---Sabbath 9Cbool S..turda which aeeth In t1ecret shall reward .__ us. Butter (r(lduction ls decreuing erana Adminlatration now muat ID&', l :IO o'clock.• Y morn-thee openly." He contlnuea, "But Gradea: Collece, P?ep&ra&ol'J' rapidly. The December output waz cope with 42 languages including when' ye-pray, use not vain repe-DAY SCHOOL N- Subsi ized Peasantry Not Enough the lowest since 1920. Japanese. It handles more than Prudtlne •rvlct:, 11 a. m. tltlons. aa the heathen do : for they ~ · • • • ''President Tnnnan is 300 letters dally. think that they shall be bea rd for ~~,orUmer, M . ~!~ 1:::=:::=::::::::::;:;:;:;:;:;;::;::::::::::::;:::;:::;::;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;::::;::;:;-FULL oOl,-RL CHURCH their much apeaklng. Be not ye .---~ §fif§§.~~~ L ~~~~~-ORD p~~:~u;--:J ~~~~ ~~~~~~{~~i ,.-D-r-.-~-~-N_ms_TS_L_u_cas ____ 1 and ~ d that, between nations as. is provided for in the ,,_. .-opl•'• ..,.....U.tk: aervtce ter thJa manner therefore pray ye,' • DENTIST UNO ch AC&088 .. ,."--i.. ••n ...... on l'rida7, 7:.e P. m . a.nd then be gave that prayer whtcb Whll ~~.ft..u"'I' the eed f coTen all h uman need•." "The •~V!io•u..&.U1& 0 Of cooperation between gov-1 Resorts NE.WPOllT HA.1180R ' Lord.'a Pr&yer la the prayer or Soul, ftO!I] W . Centnl Ph.1'80 NEWPORT BEACH emmen fanning and industry, Mr. Brinkley was outspoken 5 Pile LUTHERAN CHU,.,CH not of material 1enae:"' "In order In opposjtlon to the subSidy racket. He ••'d·. 9 lnatruct Q,..uef Ch•_., r~. M-to· pray a right, ..,.e must enter into I :..-----------.JI -w----~---~~-has developed at various times in the pa.st a in tbe desert llev. H~ "Mtt, Put.or mu.at cla.e the lips and allence the I .-----IN_s_URAN __ m:_..._ __ ~ though t in some circles to the effect that the place '"fBl'r.!" -= lluDllay, lO:lSO a.m. metorlol , ........ of the f er In our modem economy is one of unlimited p~ lS Va)uo duction pt food and fiber at low prices, with subsldles making :: ::'.::'~.,,..., up the <lfference between those prices and what someone be: 17 8oclJ' ot sahn water lleves f~ _.ers should have.In the way of total Income .... Un-11 Toi• der 4 a condltion farmers will inevitably become depend· : ~'! .. bouao ents of 1ovemment. Such a precedent of subsldiza~on estal>-" Girdle llshes a principle of government that bodes ill for all of us. :n ~~nc••"· ... It is the very antithesis of free enterprise, anFlt totally truiu c!isrega,lds the fact that the .,.___.._ of a nation · In direct 211 Uodttcrow>d l"'t-i!nn ~ ...... ~'6 .... • plant . propo.1 : to Its agricultural strength. Subsidized try si Tiny is not a 'cultural strength, but fatal weakness. : = mooth "In e immediate future we must fight inflatiw and !JI. S5 One• more fla · 1 S'1 Mexican tiona forces u vigorously as we fought the Wl""• recog. . prwd ... t nizing at full production is the best weapon agalnst infla· 40cFlnt oote tlon. · e m.Jt produ.,.,.......U of us, and not just some of us. '1 ~!~el• We m t battle the forces of inflation wherever we find '4 To mw YOld 41 Stan them. armers have as m uch to lose as any other group 41 ....... ....,. from s dread man-made disease." dum book • t8 Cocoa-plum I Socia T Lar1est cont!Mot ICloooH N•. a • Droop In the middle JO Va H ....... , ........ ,. .• ,., • Before Yoa ,Bulld or Remodel villt oar latereltlq _,. ud ~ rooma. Color guides, planning aids, COOl· prehenslw stock ot rugs, carpet& and linoleum. . Qe=·st. ._..... LUDLUM C81'1iLet Works lat - -llL ---An8 -llAJITA AKA New York Life Insurance C()mpany DON B. DUltANT 428 Orchid Ave. CORONA DEL MAR MOltTICIAN8 Harold K. Grauel Chapel "We Ourselves the Better Serve by Serving Others Best" Pbooe Newport Ml ~-' Collfonla OPTOMETIUllTS Robert A. Crawford Opt., D. OPTOMJ:TBlllT . Office Hrs.: ll>-12 a.m.: a-5 p.m. Telephone 37 CONRAD WCHTEB, M. D. ftJ!lclta ..... ~ 120 E . 18th St. COSTA MESA Hours : l!>-12 a.m.; 3-5 p.m. Phone 133 Dr. G. E. Tohill Pll,_... ..... 8- 2209 Coast Blvd. NEWPORT BEACH -PHONES- Office 286-W Res. 286-R . It no answer, call Newport 5 Gerald Rausa, M. D. 2830 West Central Ave. NEWPORT BEACH Ph. lOOS-No answer call 30l·M X·Ray Service Milton M. Maxwe ll, M. D. ieo1 eout m....,. ()orona del Mor Office Hoon; l l>-12; 2·5 -...N ewport 108! S. R. Monaco; M. D. 814 'eay Ave., Balbo9 Newport ITU '41 S. BID St., Loo ~ TUcller Tfl! By Appointment T. P. Reeder, M. D. Ph,.... ud Swpoa 1611 Weet Boy A.,. Virgil Smith, 135 ' Eut 18th "shalt.down·· trip. Y ourJEenda and Mine his parents" new "4§ Ford on uu. (Sp. Am.) IO Toward the lee 51 Wallrina: a ti ct I Mandarin ... 11 Observe llGodcleu f S3 Not aood SS SkJ'-blue 38 'J'7pe ot a rcbltectu.re S7 F •ther 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:1 1 Eyes Examined· Glasses Fitted. l I I I la••••••Al lll I IUIUI e•1a11•11111111•111•11JIJ19nl I I I l 'lllllHIMllllllll9119dllll I I 11 l'Jll Ne.port Boa-... i ' -UM COllTA ID&& 11•----------...J • Modem and Up-toi.Date 81JSVllTou Telepbollf! Newpon eoz street, ta Mesa. and his father Mrs. Vi Wells, wife of Lloyd and n:tO are expected back Wells, owner of the Palm ca.fe, Th~ trom Lu c:ruces. N . M., Balboa, is leaving for a visit with whett t ey have been on a ten-1 her mother in Indiana. Mrs. Wella da.y va tlon.. Former head me-has appointed Al Joycr as offtdal chanic the Ford Motor com-. chaperone 1o her husbancj during peny in LU Crucu. Smith c!row her a1->ce (•cardinc to AU. 315 NORTH .MAIN _ST. • • DOWN 1 PreMtl\17 J Gone b7 I m p.st canf t Stem~a r...- • Jump ofdawa 11 Obeene 19 Decay 20 er.,. ot . ...... 21 Malt bevue,. ZIEn...., HFetllb J5 IA7er •"- SI B wnPt oa the bead • A.oalolQUI (abbr.) 41 Ruaaian naler .............. .. Flftll sip "'zodl.I• .. ~ .., Tuber <So. Am.I -- MODEll MllllE SEIVICE SHELL DOCK BALBOA ISLAND • .. i I Blue Printing · Facilities ' Photostattng J p to 18 in. by 22 in . Pick-Up and Delivery Service W.atch for Opening Announcement BllieprlJd & . Pllotostat Sllop Cr I Ilea • Siegel & Raub .....,..,.,. ..... ..,.... Ulll Nwpod-()o.a - 'l'c:IItll 1•1' lllil-J A. V. Andrews, M. D. PBT8ICIAN -8UJIOSON Te'1pt • n.., MJ.7 W. Oe8inl N-'-11 .. ----------' TdiJ) I!• di PIANO TEACHER G.V.LlNSENBARJ> Gnduato ..,..._ C ••• J, ' 's Cs Pb.1252-W J.526 w. OcMn FnJnt TOO LAD NOW" Sen Frandlco ham wlwe · ... ' . ...-to. -lD"tbe prtce "of butter, nm tbou&h it will lacr1Mr ·""--nwy fa-ed nlzlnc tblt price al -t, be ss ewa. tD Wepsr .,.., b rt , Dr. WWm 0: '11'- Chlropndic, Dletetlca, Ph)'lllo " OlkJnlc n.a iPi ,..~-­~---. ' .7.0NE~· CLINIC '· . I .. ..., ...... r·zsr= .. ! 1 Ts [0 I .. a ... ·=•_ .. t --betW euta a.-9 Ne l'------------..1 ' • •. I I · I .• • ' ' ' . I ' Sunshi lures Yachtsmen; Group Enters Mid· Winter Race 'Spider' ,y-..-1 ... y 1·s "Candidate i::.'?' ~:: t*:-= .rr~ ~i:i =.:::: s:.::i"'"" ::s. ·otl a!!:' CJllJIC m In the !Int are r-JWc -~tula-.., dlaln' wltll hll Pa!I llioD .. For All Sou. Cal. B. B. , T earn. ~:~·:~::~m~~~=-~-~~~1M5~dlcl~~ 'p"::"""::-;;;cl!.;;;t~;.;~ . .:.~~~;~~~.,_~·:~ .. ;::.;F~~;;·elii~!; ... ;·~b:;;;·~;;;llp;;; ... ;;;~;;;:;;;:·;;;W1--;;;bu~~~-~=~~~t~~~,~, . Lut !?~ tho PC'1 ......, Farland; thil group. together with racing for; tho Bill Banp MalQlo Spangler. Ament and tho Jooeaj perpetual y at Balboa Yacht brothers, will start Sunday on the club, Bob1 He y 1alllng Ba:np' race to san Pedro and will Joinl boat. FinishJ in order named in the Mid-Winter Regatta at Loa Wen! Lan')I ler. who won for .t.ngeles Yacht club February 22. the third ,Hlllman. Wilkin-23 and 24. Herb Riley. chairman aon.. Haines, G iddings, Henley, of the Small Boat.a division of the ' Erick.son, SmaI , H e nderson. ~fac· Southern California Yacht auo- ------+----·---elation, was down Sunday to brini entry blanks. Also down was Bob r------,r-------,1 Kyle of San· Marino ancl' a friend. • Om' .&ore .....,...... eol4 • • • Small boats in the regatta will .. TB Yi ., O..W race at Cabrillo Beach Yacht club _......, la 1-blodl. New-and the Snipes and Pacific 14-ft. port lllTd. dinghies will enter. Among the OPEN Snipe entrants will be Alan An· Abo A ril drewl, captain of the Snipe UIO-Ul-P 1st Ciat10n,.and Jim Lewll Jr .. who ii Jl'.'lLLllR PAINTS lecretary. Bob White, champion. A...tnjDc a ...... iii coming down from the unlver- LINOLEUM Sity and Bill Lawhorn, Jack C&sh aM and Bob Davis will aJso enter. VENE'l'IAN BLINDS -·- REMOVAL SALE • --BURTON PAINT I STORE Mapiolia a W•--ier Coo&& M- NOT OVEB YET The u\huanian Partisan radio had r ecently repbrted that men an<J women by the thousands had swarmed into the nation's wood· lands. to join organized guerrilla forces. The move, the rad.lo re- ported, was in opposition to what the Lithuanians consider a soviet ~paign of tyranny. 0......, IL (Spidor} Yardley III, runninc for tho champlomhlp tie. lanky pivot man far Newport Har-Yardlq, who •tandl 6 t .. t 2 bor • buket"-ll five. ~ currmtlll IDchel and II a ""'1or. bu been leadinc all SUmet t.easue iiCOleft consistent u a h{g:h ~in mm:t and proYlne to be the malmtay o1. of the Tar simH· and In Jeque a Sailor quintet that wu expected contests. hu ~eq, a bacUeat to to wind up In the cellar . and in-no one In any dQrUnent of th< 1tead 11 mathematically In the pme. He II beln& boomed by many Doctor Asks Parents Help MedicalService Stop Rheumatif Fever SUnaet Leque followen u a po: tentlal member of the CIF All- Soothern Calllornla team which is picked annually by the Helms foondatlon, and ii almoot a cincl> for a tint tnm berth on tbe all· league quintet to be chosen at the "The medical profealon cannot end of tho oeuon. 1ucceufully oontrol rheumatic 14 PCllate Per Game fever 11 It must wtrk alone. 1be In the first 15 g~ this aea- need tor early dlagncoll demandl -.. Gallopin' George hu plunked that cues be searched for by thole 219 Points into opposition r.oopa who auodate with children every for a nifty 14 plus points per day," 1tated Dr. John J. Mo~tan111 pme. This scorins ability placed in an interview recenUy with Mrs. him on the all-tournament 9e:1uad Cal M. Gilbert, health ctl8irman at Huntington Beadi held early in· of the Fourth District Parent· the season Ln the Oilers' lnVita· Teacher Association, over KVOE tional tourney and in which New· at 10 :10 o'clock. port copped the consolation title. Doctor ,Montanlll, who is 1946 On the evidence, it would appear president of the Orange County that Yardley IJI. going to make Medical Association, said, "Par-some college happy because George i ents, teachers and public health is a good scholar as well as a ( nurses must be aware of e arly handy man to have around a bas. I ifestatiom of rheumatic fever ketball court. ~ in order to refer them for proper Young Yardley is the son or l\tr.1 medical attention. The s~al and Mrs. George H. Yardley Jr. of skills required in arriving at a Balboa Island Mr. Yardley is man- ' P.&l' .ArrzB y- WOB& la (]1 pn"ttel ---1.oW' ~ ' " CE . diagnosis make it necessary that ager of Lido Isle eomm;~uru~·~t:y:_:asso-:J~~~:~~~f-~=;;;~:=~~~~~~~~:=s~~~~~~~~""""~~~ we provide expert diagnostic and ciation. consultative services, laboratory --'·----- equipment, hospital beds and con- valescent beds. In addition, we cannot over emphasize the import· ance of a school heal th program in providing protection from t h e dar\ger to the child from upper respiratory infectioM and unregu- lated a ctivity if he is a rheumatic . ' P.A.PALMER LIDO ISLB PPOPBRIO:S • W. 0. BUCK-Insw-ance Counselor ~ 1500 .~&..{ 3333 VIA LIDO CALIFORNIA tange Counfy Trucking Co. TRUCKS FOR HIRE f:eneraJ · Trucking, Hauling, Long and Short Hauls Transfer :229 W. Wilson St. -Costa MM& PdONES NwpC. 200, Day...-<>r-Nwpt. 512-M, Nlgblll / Newport Engineering Associates Deelplnc, Mannlacturing and Sales Eagin"""' --§i-- Marine and Industrial Machinery . Instruments Material Handling Equipment ---§'--- Newport Beach' Charter & Preston GAS FURNACES /' S~ Difficult to Obtain We have a few In .toCk for immediate lnstallatlm 'Ellmlnate llWellting windows and moisture on walls .. -,_---~ 0........,..... bowlel&'I & ...... ol '8 7Mn ..... Heating and Ventilating Field ~ NO CJl&llOI: FOB IHJBVl:l' AND ESTDIATI: CHARIER & PRESTON BeaUAC 1mi.11au ... Malte Warm FrleDds • 11· be. PboDe MM 280 Forest Ave. -Laguna Bead. ONCE AGAIN I SAM'S SEA FOOD SPA ' Otten y.,. * r 111 ~ ........ On·p ea-I;': All New .- - - ETen Che Locatian ... One-Half Ml1.i Eut al Old Location OD Cout ~· Beautiful N.w Cocktail Bar • GEORGE V~\RDLEY IU .what All Drivers Should Know Directions: These questions are official and the same you are asked when you apply for your driver 's license. T est your knowl· edge by marking yes or no in the space at the end of the line. Correct a nswers printed below . 1. If ·you have an accident that causes property damage· or per· sonaJ injury and you fail to stop, may you be charged with hit·and· run? ............... . ''susceptible.'' Gibson Services Wednesday at Baltz Mortuary Mrs. Maude C. Gibson, 73, for ma ny years a resident of 507 Car- nation avenue, Corona de l Mar. died Sunday in a Santa Ana hos- pital after an extended illness. She is survived by her widoy.•er , Hugh G. Gibson, and a sister, Mrs. Julia Allis of Indiana. Funeral services were conducted 2. M ay you legally stop at a red curb long enough to get out and mail a letter'?' ............. . 3. Must your·car have two head· lights' and one tail light lighted wheneve r you drive at night? ......... . 4. ~fay you cross to the left side of the highway to pass an- other car if there is plenty of clear 5traight road ahead and no double line divides the high- a t 1 p.m. Wednesday in the Baltz chapel, Corona del Mar, with Rev. ......... Perry Schrock, pastor of the Co- rona del Mar Con~ational church, officiating. Interment was private. way? ............... . V.F.W. Leader Warns Of Red Plot 5. Must you signal your turnJ even when there are no cars be-SAN FRANCISCO.-V. R. Mor- hind you, if cars are coming gan, of Bakersfield, California Oe- toward you from the sides or in partme nt Patriotic Instructor and front? .. ~............ Chairman of the Americanism 6. Are you breaking the law C:omm1ttee of the Veterans of For-I and making an accident possible e1gn Wars of the U .. S., charged I if you cut the corners on your today ·that Communists are plot- lefl turns?................ ting a revolutio n in the United I ANSWERS States. . 1. Yes. The driver of any ve-Morgan. in a signed ar~cle in hicle involved in such accident the current issue of the "CI:alifor-1 m ust stop immediately at the nia Veteran." official VFW publi- scene of the accident and fulftll cation, Identified communist lead- the requirements of Section 482 ers, schools and newspapers by by giving full Information and n.ame. a nd warned war veterans rendering aJd if necessary. FaJlure that the Reds are "plottir,g; a ~O­ to do ao Is a serious violation of -lent class struggle, revolutibn and law punishable by severe penal-seizure of power In the !United tie!. (Seetion 480, 481 Vehicle States." Code). ----------- 2. No. This is governed by local nearest the center line and after parking regulations and red in· entering the lntenection you may dicates no stopping, standing or proceed to turn u direct~ and parking 'Wtlether the velllcle ii at-required by markers, buttons'\or . teonded or unattended. <Section llgns. (Section 540 Vehlcle}Code). 472 (a) Veblcle Code). l 3. Yes. AJao the same regulation applies at any other time when there is not sufficient light to clearly see any person or vehicle on the highway at a distance of 200 t .. t. (Section 618, 619, 621 Vehicle Code). . 4. Yes. But in even• event you m ust return to the right·hand side of t~e roadway before coming withm 100 feet of any ve hicle ap- proaching from the opposite di- rection. <Section 528, 530 Vehicle Code). 5. Y(.'8. You must alwafS sJgnal your turns during the last SO feet before turning. in the event any oth<'r vehicle may be affected by such turn. (Section 544 Ve- hicle Code). 6. Yes. Approach for a left turn must be made in that portion of -~- Lady Attendant 410 CoaSt BIYd. CORONA DEL MAR <J.J.pl.o-.t:z DAY AND NIGHT the right half ot the roadway '---- • KLINE CONCRETE PBODUCl'S COllPANY ROLLOW BtJILDINO TILE AND IUUCK Flme for All 1)poe of ~ --Wollo WALTER L. Kf.Im:. Propietcr ' -Plant Located at-- U. N-..n -.~- Radio Service At Reuonable Prices Palmer Radio & Elecb le Oada._ • .. c TYPIW WIWAY SAVINGS Cherub Mille z:::.1 .. f ¥GPOI ot«I. 4 lfndl CO!', I le. Libby's Pickles __ ..,... c Sweet Potatoes T.,.. Ting 0t 1"-Plot• ~- Mackerel Fillets '"" .... ZI• ,::: ... ,_, ....... '~·::·:·:· ............ ..... ,_, ... .... . . ,.. ...... , .... . '*" lfond. .. Natural Sardines ·~. •• T,_,,.lrond. Spaghetti SC:tuce ~ 10- Chef Boy Iv 0.. lnm.•Mu*oom ftoYottd. Canterbury Tea ·~ • ... v.~ poctaoe, nc.. ~-111. PGrkool. 4f<. ) slb. P«tote. l5c. Black Tea Bags ::-0:.119 c~ 8rand. Poc*ote °' "' boos. J&.. Orange Marmalade•:• T ..... lwy ...... tt 7 ........... -.... T-- XnOJt Gelatin ~ l• PR IME. YOUN G HEN or TCM Pancake Flour "::' 1• • iuaon11a lrcwl. lOoft. padtofe, 9c. TURKEYS C!ampbel1'1 Soup 1•!.,-. .It-°""*' Noocllf 'll'Gl'iety. , ,...., ....... ,, ........ ,_ ...... .., ......... -r. ................ , ...... __ ' ... ...... --· Gain• Dog Meal !.! _. Dog F~ '""::'~"" ~ .. e!omplete Dog Food ::: 17'" OIDllS FOi Timm SllOU K9l'ldolllrond. : • PLACID AT UAST 1WO DAn • ADYAllCE. -:;> . UTAH TYPE .CRERY S...eele., otalka, _..;t wltlo ei.-. n..,.•reclel!a-.. HUD LEnUCE Pmee1..i..i.,+c'•w-(9-...i-•,,,Te) Offr9- JUl(J &IAPEFIUIT 5-ftsre: tr .. elpqefrllll ... t 'o!:i,fnell.._... .. D'AIJOU. PEARS ..._...,_...wu .. wldtc1tt I lllrr11 .. SOUD -.CAllllE . C ' I 1£ ........ r ,,_....._.,,. .. • -' • C· STEWING • 0 HENS •• ~.{ !'=.. ·:~S'."'"'~GE .. 39- ~~ .. !BT.:._ ............. ···-.... .. .,.,- COD flllm ....... u.,. CM. ,,,. ... .......................... SAFEWAY SAVIN8S Joy Popover Mile •:;· ZI • Pancake Flour -:,;:-ZS• ...,,.., Jemimo lnwld . .ZO..Oa. pack.ooie, 1 Jc. 100% Bran ":':: :;;-.. 16-oLpodl09S, 16c. Quaker Muffets 9 •::._-. r -"TN Round Stw I • ited wt*Jt."' . Flapjack Flour -:,;:-22- Aft*s ltoNt. ICake T""'* fr .. .._, boa ,_It MOis.d to,.._., s.otm, W~Cft­ no morwr.I HonerComMufmix ::.-• HoneyBranMnhnix'~ • Rice Feast -·"'" ·~--· .. . --~M......_ • Imtcmt Coffee · ·~-.. · ~....... . Instant Coffee ': 129. .,..,..,,, ....... 11bi-mo.... -co::- 1 I"::_. ~ CJec11 ... ·:.: • --Ocriil• ..:....:. -:.:--... a. Ii s• c:::-a'.:: .. \. --d JluiflWt .. --~ 18 ii • --1,jrdt ....... c. ';;: .. ' L. • 1 • , . ' t Ii ~lllL!~S!!l!!!!!!!---...!l!!!!S.~m..H-U!!! ______ __:_ __ .--_:_ ______ L_..:..__ __ ~· ~ l ._ .._ • NWWtv!iT i..a:: 97 ' n· t' s. P•-:t U.. D11 ~ ' PuaL1c. NoT1cE . Puauc NoTICE PuauJ NoTicu Puauc NoTicE ' High School Stu~t.s Wflte Letten • JCODCS OF SALE OF •EU. ber Ltt. 19"; and ~ -;i_ aald Deed al 'Ihllt. m.....a expb.. Sept. .17, To Foreip C'Atuntries Receiving Clothes sopIETY NOTES ~~~~1:,1' 0~~;; in ~U: u!1.~:!..~ oc:-= ::,::1 ~or au:-:~ <N_:SeoI:> .,/ C'Atlleded in V'Idory Clothing Drive Interesting· Collection of Letters .Display~d , note on January 1.tt. 19'5 .... -money al the Uni~ Sta18, Oil the Pub. Feb. 7, 14, 21. 28, 1946. Incl-In the ._t . A H bo s . a b M ~No.II% beenpaid·andJun _cloy.olFetirwory,1916atthe 'Cl!lttDIOAUOFBUlUNE811 drlvofor~Europo-t 8f f tan:ip U eeting . W H E P.E A S. ANTHONY F. WHEREAS, , . tb ~~n7, da)' at the South fraot door ;,. by many lt:Udenla to -let-S'-ing ot a rve collection ot Santa Ana, and Mrs. Holen Co!tiw, . • ' hcur ot <ieYm o'cloc:k A. IL. al Fldltloua Firm Name b IUrbcir hlsh -wu a pro-25 YEARS AGO . ' . CHACKSr!ELD and BETI'YE J. owner and holclj!r ot --1e rthe Crance County Court Houoe TIIE UNDERSIGNED doe a -.,. tl>eJ' -letters owned by Mn. 'Frank 514 Eut Wasbingtu> aW..oe . CHACKSFIELD, husband and heretofon! demanded that laid In the Qty of Santa Ana, Call-horeby certify that she is f""d'>ct· ::":"'be red~~ them ot Ufe In -F'ROM OUR F'ILEB -...,. of Newport Beach high-Santa· Ana. • ' ' wife by Deed of Trust da~ 0c-I Trustee sell aald -ty and Oil -. an ot the lni.....t oonv~ Ing a Real Esta"' i. .. =e .. at !507 Ch . unit and the Uni~ li&hted the program at the meet-Next """'tine of the •tamp dub t~ 5th, 19<i4' recorded Novem-' October l9tti, l945 dul7 r"f':'"cled to It by lllid Deed ot Trust in E. Central Ave., Qty of ri•..,..t ~ ... """"" Y The _., news """ beot"lned Ing of 11\e Horbor Stamp dub held will be held at the w ... J!a<llo ber 3rd, 1944 in Book 1273, -In the otfloe of the °""'''"Re-and to all the follotring -bed Beach/Balboa, County oli Or--. The· foll-..C letter by Allee with buildinc permits issued llnoe Thunda,y ewftlna at the M ... shop. 1bunda,y evening, Feb. 21 595 of Oflld al Records of Orange corder of oald County, In Book .,..,....., situated 1n· the County State of Callfbrnia, undel' the Ile-Kluuman, l6, or Coota Mesa is Jan.1 29, ~ve ot them, and to-Radio &hop. Coata M-. wltb at 7 :30,p.m. and the Junlot'. stamp County, California, did grant and 1364. ·page 15 of Ottldal ~.,:i ot 0nnq, State ot Callfoml&. do-tltlOU> firm name ot BEVERLEY typical of the many -... that tallng $ll075. Vice-pral •. Vernon On-p&"elid-club will meet at the wne pla .. convey the property therein and thereof. a notice ot aald oerll>ed u follows to-wit: . REALTY CO .. and that aald·!lrm acxompanled the clothlnc In the At the Sinnott home In N.,... Ing. $4turclay, Feb. 23 at 12:30 p.m. hereinafter <!escrtbed. to the Or-j and of Its -ie: .:S ca-= Lot Fhe Hundred Plfty-nlne 11 conrpooed of the !~ per-1 national drive: port -a family~'.!";: The letters were mostly ad- ange County TI tie Company, u property to be ""'"' (559) and the Southwesterly son, whole name and •-is u · '"Dev Friend, lleld with membenl ·-• dreued to Mn. Perew's an ... tor. G f M ". Trustee, to ...,....., among othel'. three months haw -el._.t one-half ol Lot Five Hundttd follows, t<>-wit: I "I hope you and your family re-far and,,.,... . . Major Jt>oeph Wheaton, who held uests rom extco obligations the pavment of ooe &Ince the reardatlon al laid ""' Sixty (SWly\i 560) of ~ad Glaclys Beverley, !507 E . Central celve and enjoy the clothlna In the A. ~trick gave his N~ a pooltlon equivalent to that of the At Roy Keene Home no"' dated 0 Oct-r ·5th. 1944 pay-1 tlce. The Nm of $1~5!! prind-No. 907, u per map recorded Ave., Balboa, Callforma. bundle. I know how welcome the portot _:;:-[•-store a new """ present secretary ot the treasury. able to Griffith Company, a cor-, pal and ln""8t ..__ from In Book 28, pag8 25 to 36 In-WITNESS .my hand thla 28th da)' clo"'A• will be. Everyone In .::::_"' n~"'= ~--~ ot ~-The letters lnoluded -~ invitation ~tlon oro order, for the principal January l.tt, 19'5 II row clue, ow-~" ~ f J 1~• u-... .,_ ·~ -~· ~ to -t DoUy Ma•~ ... Mia Alioe Malley and Senor ~--m· g and Wl-'d on aald te and clualve ot ~--•po, o anuary, ~ . • • IChool II wri.....,. let!at with their, "llOIU met W-Y and dis-~ ~ m u~ year Armando Mendigacha ot Mexico sum of $1850.00, with interest at there Is ;~ by .':i Deed ,_,,. ol ~· County, GLADYS BEVERLEY bundlel . • oussed the need ot a~ buln, 1797, a letter Crom.Lal-tie about Qty ~ cumts !or two -at the rate of 6 per cent per onnum; of Trust the Trustee'• fee and es-o.nr.oula, . STATE OF CALIFORNIA, l "I live In Coata lleoa, California, a central ac-Y !or handllnir IUm-a loan ot . money to the Uni~ the home of Mr. and Mrs. RQJ' principal and lni.....t due In nses of sale estimated at $1l!O.OO or ., DNCb of aid 111-t:i' • COUNTY OF ORANGE ) a. a omall town near the Podflc mer adwrtls!n& and plans for a Stal8, three letten. Crom Jamea Keene, 301 Palm aln!et, Balboe. monlhly lnstajlmenla of ~ ~ ther wttll anY auma paid and lhall be necn1ary to be sold to On thla 28th da)' of January couL 1 am a pr! 16 and a llOllh<>-. pier to extend 800 feet Into the Monroe, a letter trom Monticello Senor Mendia:acha is connected each, on the i.t day of .. ch and adv~ced by the owner ot aald note provide a sum auflldent to .,_y the A.D.. 1946, before me Nora S. mott at Newport · Horbor Hilb oceen. •lened by 1bolnu Jefferson and with 'the Mexico Qty ol!lce ot . every month, beginning on Novem-. ccordance with the ~ total amount ~ by aald Deed Marparth a Notary Public In and achool. I baV1! brown hair and dark Prof Garcel of Santa Ana dated Jan. 26, 1812. the Southern California Tourist Late Class. Ads :,'; :.Ud Deed of Trull, with Inter-al Trust. for Aid County and State, l'ft!d-brown eyea. I would like very gave ~ piano .:dta1 at the Coata Another dated 1841 wu ligned bureau of which Mn. Keene'• of· est on said iut mentioned oumo. Dated thla 26th day of January, Ing thaeln .duly alllllnisaloned and much to .have you u Dl7 pen-pal, M-Methodist church and the by President Van Buren and there fice II allo a branch. NOW TI!EREFORE Notice is 1lM6. SWlll'n, penonally appeared Gla<lys IO II you can; pleue write to me Fricla1 Aftemoon club gave a Val· were .pine letters Crom hll IODI. Mia Malley .will· make a 1-, • ORANGE COUNTY T1'n.E lleve<ley m-n to me to be the and tell me what YoU look like tine llOdaI at the home ot Mrs. Another lnterestlns letter wu 1tay In Callforni., vtaltlng a aister WANTED -High school boy to Hereby Given that the llalcl Oranp COMPANY, person whole name is aubacribed and what you do. · en W ' written by ''Lllht-Hone Harry" In Hollywoocl and other· ffiaU- w<J<I< In reotaurant week ends.i County '!1tle Compan~ 't ~ By GEO. A. PARKER,-to the within lnltrwnmt. and ''What aubjectl do you take In C.John ~and John J<llles Wftlt Lee In 1&'12, In which he mention-In San Frandloo. Durlfta their : =Phon==•=2268==·======12-=2tc=·:::o:::f:th:::e=au:tlwri==ty= ... ======jl · PrealdenL acknolweclced to me that she exe-llCbool! I take typlne. bloloey, hunting and came home with the ed the capture of the 'f!nt Brit-stay tlle vlafton from below Ille (Corporate Seal) cuted the aame. Spanllh, EnaJllh, physical' educa-biggest wildcat ev.,.-seen In Or-llh lhlp In 1T15. Two other i.... border have enjoyed maey alsbt.- By C. W. BAXTER, In wit.nets whereof, I have herea tlon and 1eornetr)'. My best friend.I ange county it.erestina: Items in this collection .eelng trips but like Balboa belt. . . JUNIOR DANCE C~~ 1!egirua1n« Tuelday, February 19t.b a& '7 p. m. Costa Mesa Women's Club "Fox Trot" -''Balboa" -"New Yorker"! and Swing Combinations 15 Lessons $10.00 . SpeCia l attention given to ballroom deportment No Enrollment after Tuesday, February 26th For Information ~ Santa Ana 2840 Grace Shipman School Santa Ana Secretary. unto set my hand and affixed my and I have all our claues tA>-i • were two pieces· of paper money, Special d1nnen: were arranpd for 1.tt publication, Jan. 31~t, 1 otndal seal the day and year In ... -. s· . I ·nc1 R b one valued at two-thirds of a dol-them at Oaiatlan'1 Hut, - 2nd publication, Feb. th this certificate !Int above written. "Lut night our school bunt-19«8 8 IU lar and dated 1776 and one a $4 Sea Foods and Wedneod&y ovminc 3rd publication, Feb. , 1946 NORA S. MARGWARTH. ball team .p!ayed qainat another Add Two Top bill dated 1772. they vlaltm Mr. Keene at Palm c&&IUICATE OF PAB'l'NEB- 8BIP 'l'BANSACTINO BUSI· Nl!:88 mmn normous N.UO:.. Notary Public in and for said school team. We won and are now Mn. Carol Ewen announced that Springs. Mr. Keene bu been <;:aunty and State. My com-second from the top of the league. fli...W 1:'.....an,.ers her shop would soon have for we enJoyln& the deos't sun for two mlu1on expires Jan. 28, Our school is very· outstanding in 51•• ~'51 ni the new Franklin Delano Roose-weeks, bur returned Sunday .. 1946. sport.. ! velt albums which are being print- {SEAL.) ''The other five girls in our ''How we grow," can be no be\-ed for Gimbel's department store Pub. Jan. 31 ; Feb. 7, 14, 21. 1946. ~d and I have lot.I of fun tA>-ter Wuatrated thal) the firm of ln pNew York ·City. Quite a few No. 12575 , ' NOTICE OF GUARDIAN'S SALE OF REAL PROPER.TY AT PRIVATE SALE gethe!'. ln the sununer time most Siegel and Raub, engineers and countries are issuing stamps in of us have jobs and go to the surveyors, who in the few months honor of the late president, Greece beach to swim during our spare they have been esta~Ushed at and Llberia being the latest. The time. We also like to go to the Costa f\fesa, are doing thousands set from Llberia consists of three movies, as do all boys and girls of dollars worth of busine_ss with stamps, two regular and one air in the United States. 20 employes. mail. The three-cent re gular ''When I was in grammar school, They have just added two fine stamp is purple and black and pic- WHEN 18 AN 1COO RJ:&J.J.Y FB.l:SRT -·----- ROY WINDELL and RALPH WEST. do hettby certify that they are conducting an airplane service and any business incidental there- to or in connection therewith, with its lrlJlcipal place of business at 1905 Fullerton avenue, Costa Mesa, County of Orange, State of California under the fictitious name of In the Superior Court of the State of California I.n and For the Courlty of Orance. 1 imagined boys and girls in other echnical workers. Fred. V. Ben-tures R006evelt in an army jeep coqntries, dressed in Jong, fancy, ett. y,rho has been placed in reviewing , troops_ in Liberia in colorful costumes, living in strange charge of the offiees, 'Was senior 1943. I t was printed -by E . A. houses. But, no\v, through movies engineer and general superintend-Wright Banknote company of U there's any doubt about the freshness o! an egg, Westin&house home economists say the texture will invariably give it away. The white of a fresh egg is thJck and viscous, and the membrane SUI'· rounding the yalk is tough. Both become thinner with time. While this change does not interfere with the fpod properties of the egg, some dishes-notably .angel food cake and omelet-require perfectly fresh eggs. I .. ; d. ., · ifF in the put few yeara :roar houae has become Wlll'wom and rwHlown, here'! juat the treatment it n-is: Repair and modernize with an FHA-~ ,.,. loen arranpd A Rank of America. With thia ~ . CCDV811ient flnandng y~ can .... roo~ repamt, redecon.te, repair. You can give your houoe evary attention it needa to reetore it to P""W&r 1-lth and conect all the thinp now "'1'0llll wlt.h It. ir The lint etep? Get an ee-• ~te OD the ...t of doins the wed. ' 'lbm -Bank of America! •Ha~7ir,,.'sra.-.... .-.. Npmlr.-••••mbs a. ........ ,., .......... ..... ilunk of Amtricu NATIONAL J!~51'N•,n ASSOCIATION •11111• AlltiL llNllf llllauA:I &Dll>Dtirlll • •l•IU RlllA&. tUUft rrnftl IHVllT IH VICTOIY IONDS AND HOLD THIM UNTIL MATUlln WILL PAY YOU H,ighest Tdp Cash Price For Your Used TYPEWRITER, ADDING MACHINE and other needed o/fia equip,,,ent If you haw any offlCle. equil'"*", Mpedolly a l)pe11tritw# that you don~~, cash It In at top -h ~ today, and which wiU gr90tly ...ii.-ti.. preo 1 nt criola In ll<Ol'Clty of type- wri....., oddlng "'°'hi-, dupllcaton. cMclc writen and ...... UftllL Pt-743 'fl-~ ~ P..&.1-,-· . . Phone743 ' . PIONEER PACIFIC AIR LINE and that said firm ls composed of the following persons, \\'hose na!Jles and addresses are as follows: ROY WINDELL. Partner 1905 E'ullerton A\.'enue Costa Mesa. California. RALPH WEST 4543 East 58th Street Maywood, California. WITNESS our hands thi5 29th day of J anuary, 1946. ROY WINDELL. RALPH WEST. STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF ORANGE:--.... On this the 29th day of January, 1946. before me, FRED J . DUD- LEY, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared ROY WINDELL, known to me to be the person whose name ls subscribed to the within instru- ment, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same. WITNESS my hand and official seal FRED J . DUDLEY. Notary Public in and for. said County and S tate. My com- mission expires June 4, 1949. !Notarial Seal.) . STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF WS ANGELES ss. On this the 4th day of F ebruary, 1946, before me M. D. ShC<ets, a Notary Public in and for said Countt and State, personally air pearedl RALPH WEST, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within ln.stru- ment, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same. WITNESS my hand and otfidal seal. M. D. SHEETS, Notary Public ln and for aaJd County and State. My com- Machine Tool Rebuilding • Cylinder Head Grinding Mart.... EncfDo Paria Dupllea ..... A1'l aed AcetJI-Wol<llq General Machine Work Modem Equipment • SAMPSON Machine Works 1-N-n 111..a. P1ta.e MU C08'1'A llUA ' In the Matter of th~ Estate and Guardianship of BLANCHE H. HARRISON, Incompetent. and ne\vsreels and actual.,.photo-ent at the Santa Ana Army Air Philadelphia . graphs, I kno\v that you are no BaSe for t hree years a nd prior to different, except, per haps, in Ian-, that was connected with l!1f U. S . guage, than the boys and girls here Army engineers office in Lps An- in t he United States. I s incerely geles in charge of the Santa Maria hope tha t all of us, the future men district. He graduated as a sani- and women of the world, can . tary engineer from the University make it a better place in which to of Minnesota and lives on Lo\\'Cll NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, tha t E. D. Goodell , guardian of the person a nd estate of Blanche H . Harrison, incompetent, will sell at private sale to the highest bidder upon the tenns and conditions hereina fter mentioned and subject to confirmation by said Superior Court. on March nth. 1946, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock I\· M .. or thereafter wit hin the time allo,ved by law, all that certain real proir erty belonging to and owned by said incompetent and her said es- tate, being the house and lot lo- cated at No. 3208 West Ocean Front, in the Qty or Newport live. street, Santa Ana. ''I wish you lots of happinesS Ellias B. Hillyard, nephew of and good luck in the future. Cap. W. K. Hillyard, county en- "Sincerely, gineer. is now associated \vith "ALICE KLUSSMAN." Siegel and Raub. He was assistant Son Born Saturday To Daren McGavrens Beach, Orange County, California, Mr. and ai1rs. Leo McGavren, 613 and more particularly described as West Bay avenue, are proud grand- parents for the second time. a Son follows : LOT 5 In BLOCK 32, NEW-having been born Saturday to Mr. PORT BEACH, 85 per ~tap and Mrs. Daren McGavren, Ana- thereof r ecorded ih Book 3. heim. The youngster arrived .at page 8, Mi scellaneous Maps, St. Joseph hospital arid weighed Records of Orange County, six pounds, twelve and a half California. ounces. TERMS AND CONDmONS H e h~ been named Michael OF SALE: Cash, in lawful money John. His material grandmother, superintende'1_t in charge of build· ings, plumbing and electrical work at the air base, and the firm is proud to announce the addition of th~se two tC?irnight engineers. The first Gree,k letter sorority, Kappa Alpha Theta, was founded at De Pauw university in Janu· ar y, 1870. The Oregon Short Llne raJlroad does not enter Oregon. /:, NOTES of the Balboa Yacht Club As this was a uction night, quite a few stamps were for sale, includ- ing t.hose of the United States, China, the Straits Se ttlements, a nd Mozambique company, which is now discpntinued.. In March the club will cele- brate its first anniversary. In less than a year it has listed 31 members. half the numbe:r of that of Orange County Philatelic so- ciety. Election of officers will take place at the next meeting and a nominating committee was air pointed, members being M rs. Ed- gar Hill, chaJrman; Mrs. ?\taxine Schrepel and James Howard. Eighteen members were present and . two guests, Mrs. James Howard, Balboa. and W. E. Hall of Ba100a, the latter becoming a new. member. New memben; en- r olled during the month of Janu- ary include William Reed of La- guna Beach, Herman W. Toedtcr of Costa Mesa, Capt. Ernest Ev- erett of the Lighter-Than-Air base, 11111<9101111111100 •1,.l •tl Ot .. <1!11JlltllUlt1lltl Ultlwt9111H., E G. G S I • -.". FRESH .I EVERY DAY i :.=. ~ ~ CIDER · ? I --. I I GROCERIESi ~ Cold Meats I i Fruita ud v...... I i Open ---rn-nm.. I • • t Button's Groceryl ! P11oae ma I !nsa N-,....t lll'ftl. --~ •11r1•11><11t1,,1u1111oltl d 11t1-&lflw11-..i"'9u1;;;,a of the United StateS: at least te n Pttrs. M. K . Parker , Columbm , 0 ., VALE1''"TINE DANCE percen t (10% l or bid to be paid JS expected Thursday to stay a few With wonderful woather entic-Newport_ Balboa Tourist Bureau on or before time of sale, ai)d bal-mo~ths, .and it is her first trip to ing everyone to the beach, the ance thereof to be paid upon con-California. Mr. McGavrei:i me t his Vale!l tine dance held Sa!urday All Modes of Travel tp Europe, Mexico, HawaH flrmatlon of sale by the Court. wife while he was ~tationed at cverung a t Balboa Yacht club was Round-the-\Vorld Ttjps in th~ DP!8.r ~-See Bids and offers are invited for _Columbus as an athlet1c lruitructor 1 one of the best yet and drew an ~In. Boy Keene.. Pia. S9l. SOI Pam, f said property and must be in and she a student at Ohio State I attendance of eighty or more writing ' and will be received by college. couplC's. Dean Bradford, chairman Bou.n: 10 a. m. te I p. a the saJd E . D. Goodell. at his home The McGa~ns ~ave another of the. entertainment committee, l fi.========;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;j; at 3000 West Ocean Front, New-grandson, Patr1~k, fifteen months f had arranged gay decorations of port Beach, California, (which -ad· o~d. and living ln New Jersey \\'ith 1 red, white and . blue streamers 1 dress Is hereby designated as the hos parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lynaugh. center od by a b•g red heart and WING SANG BOAT & REP AIR Y\ARD place of said sale) or may be filed 1 interlaced, across the ceiling to with the Clerk of ihe above-named Two Costa Mesa Boys end In streamers on which were Sll Cqut Hiclnvay 101 Superior Court, or delivered to W • H hearts and valentines, and the Frank L. Bowman. 210 Spurgeon ere In 8 urry music was super. Pb-Newport 1118 Bid Sant • --Calif -• t -· Door prizes were won by Mrs. g., a ~~. o1.ua, 8 • RI ~~~ tomey for saJd guard:lan, at any Two Costa Mesa boys tried to chard Fenton. Mrs. Fred Haiber, ""•"" time after the first publication ot imitate members of the fl eet last Airs. Jack ~yd, Mrs. Byron Os- this notice and before the making Sat urday but Navy shore patrol lx>rne, guest of Mr. and Mrs. M. of said sale. officers took the pair into custody J. Carlton, and Dr. Castlema in Dated: February 11, 1946. on charge of illegally wearing uni-Smith. E. D. GOODELL. forms of the U. S. Navy. Among the guests were noted Guardian of the person The boys were picked up at Commodore and Mrs. ·Don Kemp and estate of BJanche K Third and Main streets in Santa and son Jimmie ; Vice-=Commcxlore Harriso,ri, i~petent. Ana and were held for lnvestiga-and Mn. Bob &yd with their son b 12 14 ....., tion by the FBI. J ack &yd and his wife Elwanda ; Pub.-Fe . , , 19, , •o, 1946. R .l<OTIOE oF PUBLIC HEAJUNo PueL1c No•1cEs ,The Newport Beach a ty Plan- ning Commission will hold a Public Hearing Thursday, February 21, NOTICE OF PUBLIC REARINO 1946 at 7 :30 P. M .. ln the Council The Newport Beach City Plan- Chambers, City Hall, Newport ning CommlSIJon will hold a · Pub- Beach, California. lie hearing Thursday, F ebruary 21, PUBLIC HEARING upon the 1946 at 7:30 P . M., in the Council application o~.J n F . Vogel, Bal-Chambers, City Hall. Newport boa. Califomi for change of %.One Beach, California. from R-1 to -1 for Lots 2 and 3. PUBLIC HEARING upon the Block P.. Balboa Tract, in the City application of H. Robe-rt Adams, of Newport Beach, California. Balboa, Ca!ltorn14, requesting a By order of the O.airman of the change of 10 reet to 5 feet rear N~ Beach Qty Pia,nniri& yard setback for Lot 6, Block A, Commission. Tract 518, Balboa, California. JOHN M. ALLEN, By order of lhe OWnnan of the PHILMER J . ELLERBROEK, Newport Beach Qty Planning Secretary. I Commlalon. Pub.-Feb. 14, 1946. JOHN M. ALLEN. PlllLMER J . ELLERBROEK. Secmar'y Pub.-Fe~. 14, 1946. ear Commodore and Mrs. Dick Fenton and Secretary-Treasurer and fflrs. Ray Loom.is. Port Cap.. tain Angus Richardson was there. and Mrs. Richardson. as were Di- rector and Mrs. Oyde Kemp and daughter Lois, and Director and ~. Gerald McF8rlin. ' Others present included Messrs. and Mesdames C. Lewis· Baltz Dick Stern,.Jack Greene, Jaek Sul~ Uvan, Bob White, George Strom, Larry Wheeler, Russ Hardcastle, R. R. Hansen and their (IUelts, Dr. and Mn. H. S . Winkler and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Liberty. Miu Barbara Metcalf was present, Paul Bennett and a guest, and Heber Erickson and Miu Donitnus. Others among the younger set were ROOert M. Duntley and LL J . w . Babcock. . All kinds typewrjttt rtbbom in s1ock at the News-'nmes. • • Moodap lllld ......, awllable for 6oata for Sale Paddle BoaJ'da fer R.111t by the ....., .. or month. • ~ BEER. • • ...,,., ... Repeal ACME hu bnal"8 largat·,.Uiag 11't1ttt11 beoq ' each ytu.bJ aa _........._ --· oll .. "mhip. of this Clean, Family Newspaper THE OIR1mAN 5aENCE. MoNrroR DIEsEL INJECTION SERVICE . . . ,,_,,_ _ _. -...... ._ ... -. .. . ~ ..... •. Jtlit ·':-.,} W '1 I S .-I .. • •: ... • .U,.. .. _.._ -a.-wWw•-e1-., I I W..t.W_.............. ...,_ ... ,.................... ...,,. I • ......... . - -·---·-·-·~-----...... ______ ................ _ 0 ----.'l"G ' t ...... ·a ..... ---·-• -·-_,. Free Nozzle Tests Clnn~ · &dja.t•n& .ud llepalrtma; ---i Harbor Eagipe & Eqmipn1e1t Co. ft. lnt-1 .......... • ~the beer . I with the high leQJ•'Q.,.tMJ,,, · . . . . \ • , ) se•c-• a .-• ., ' H.B. BRJNKEKHOFJI' •&."'IMl-•a IE I Am I J ' • • J '· • l "' ~ """"'1. • ta ''-!:all!!!!!•~.._!!!!!!:._,!n:!-!!;*"l!!!!!.L.i .!•~*!!!!:!*!!l•WJl4-tMI -~-t . -Forrest f - Active in Civic Li f,, ~ (Continued frnm ~::f" 1 Harbor High had-a alight in the race w'itti ......... -• · .~ .... • Tuesday afternoon on their 0""11 H •ta} Fund llclpatlon In It. the c>Wner of the court when a' Fl. .. "10n five went 08PJ Newport Sotn•eni .. 11ri<1 r.•r~ c-• ,,- over their headl and started a.ink-Re h $93 000• iJ; • plannJng a nE"W business tor Ing shot.I trom all <1Vf!r the court. ac es 9 ' Costa Mesa, tho communltv In but Yardley and Co. omnbined G See s·t wl:atch he resides and In whose' fu- thelr collect!•• etrorts :tust 1ong rOUD S · I e ture tie ts firmly entrenched .. enough to win 40-36. · cecotfuued tram Page One> secretary of the chambeT of com· By virtue of this win and .be--~ for the third straight year. ca.use the leading Oilers from ·Of Community Prelbyterian church Mr. Owen currently expects to Huntington Beach were knocked of Laguna. and campaign chair-erect a "drlvr--ln" on the Mesa <>If by Anaheim, the Tan ott iiill man for that city. Dr. Brahams which will probably be known u very much In the title race and .emphasized the ·serious need for The Gables, with special food can only hope that the OOen take more hospital beds, calling atten-items, a juice bar:· novelties and another Ucldng from either Santa tlon to the danger to restdenta of souvenirs. This building, of strtk- Ana or Fullerton, ln which event. the county if pretent condJtionl lng architectural design, ts plan- the crown will be shared by Runt-are not corrected. In which 1--ned foo an ~foot frontap on lngton Beach, Anahe1m and New'-pltall -tn the county att \o over-Newport boulevard. port Har-. crowded Getting back to the Individual Coach Ralph Reed of the Tan SerioWI Need Told and leaving hla plana for the mo- hu announced that tbe locals will ~ard Lee Ruuell. M. D.. ment. F. B. Owen WU born In play Orange ln the final game of health officer oi Oringe county, Champaign county, Ohio, a little the regular 1euon next Tueaday told of federal -government l\D'• more than 72 yea.rs ago on a day on the netchbortng dty'a court. veys which indicate that the mini-that all Americana celebrated-the Although Fullorton never com-mum itandard II 4\0 /beck for 1000 Fourth of July. Mrs. .Ruel Hoffard Mesa Resident, Pisses Wedn~y Mrs. Ruel Vista Hoffanl 50, 250 Macnolla a~ue. Coot& 111-. Erstwhi1e R~dent 1 of Ci I' Is Center of Political Storm ~~ ·died W<dneoday at F\>llerton Gen· Edwin W •. Pauley, r-t of point under President 'In-. era! bospit&J. She was a nail"" Bevttly Rills and often times To fUrther ~te the - al PomOiw, Wuh., and bad llwd temporary resident of Newport ter, 1ta1wart Democrats uy ....,.. ln Coot& Mesa for nine yean. Beed!. la the center of a Polillcal bu been no admlniatratloo , ae.-. N. ~~:;ts~e"'".wscsmber. ofal :~of the tint waltt in Wub-tempt to,llne up votes foo Pauley, --..-• -.-. The storm apperently II which they might expect In 'View Christ Olurch By-the-Sea and of not ~t over with the resignation of the Pauley-Ickes -~-~~ ~ the Ladles' •·~"--·. ~--iline of H Id L. !ck _ .. _ -~,. vu.m aro ~ . es u ~ta.Ty or fore the Senate. How Will it CDIDI! ~ 3536. Vete~ ol .Farel&n the interioi' earlier t:hiS week. out? Ho-bum; you guess! The nomination of the Call- She Is swvi-S by ber wldOwer, fornlan. previously natlooal -. Floyd Hollard, Costa Mesa; two urer of the Den-.itic party and sona. Ivan Lee •al Costa Mesa and mono _,.,,tly member al the Chari.,, U. S. Navy, and one Rl!paratlooa Commimon from thts ~ugbter, Mn. Doroll\y Jaclmon. country in ua=ina the ability ~• ~ta Kesa. both ...... ""' . . "'i Funeral .services will be held ._,..r enemies of the Allied Sa~ at 1 P. m. at the Harold Natlona to pay war dam•& ... · K. Grauel Chapel with the Rev cau.ed a furor In Political life at E. D. Goodell otlldatlna. Mern: the nallon•1 capital. ben of the VFW Awdllary will be Pi;esl&nt Truman wanted pall beottrs. Interment w111· be 1n Pa~r too .Aalatant Secretary of Westmlnater Memorial park. the Navy. Many think thts wu Maude Howard manded a lead in Tunday'a con-population. In early manhood, younc Owen tnt, thtte Wft'e timel when th,ey ''On this buts of an absolute worked 81 a farmer in his native tbtt~tened to Uptet the Tars, who minimum for public aatety," Dr. state and in woolen mllla before were havtna trouble wtth aet-ups Russell said. •'0ranle county· he took up the study of lhorthand and cla.e-ln shots. Y&rdley con-1hq_uld have 765 general ~cal and Qualified u a publlc aten- ttnued his ICOrlng parade with 14 and surgical be&." ographer with manufacturing and potnU for tu?nors, bllt he w'u ably ''"The total nwhber of dvtllan law offices u his main cllentele. aulstt'd In thJ11 department by hospital beds tn Orange, county ii ' bto Ballr....t Bname. Weston Jay Placed on Executive . Dies at.Balboa Ciommittee Of Ciounty Scout Leaders; Mrs. Maude Howard. resident al but a step to hia elevation to head the f)epartment. But the nomina- tion Lbrouaht hnmediate charges that he had agreed to ralle $300,- 000 among California oil men to fight Ickes' tidelands suit. Pauley denied he had laid thla. Icbo claims he did. President Truman backed the oil man. lckee then offered hJo reojpatlon, -Una it wu a question. of no-confidence Ip him. And this resignation wu aCC'epted. Your Nurse R . ecogmzea Ward. who collect~ 11 and Fret-467. This establlahes the fact that The n.llroad businea wu the tag With 9. oui area needs at least 298 more next venttae for Mr. Owen and he The Baby TaR collected another hospital beds before the situation served in various capadties u win by taking the preliminary can be considered anything but traveling freight and puaena:er from the junior Fullertons, 32-25, dangerously critical," according to agent and chief clerk for aueh Unet and with one more wtn will share Dr. Russell. as the Missouri Pacific, Chicago the league B title with the Oilen Braden Finch, county vice-chair-Nort~western and the ~uthem and Colonlats, who also must wtn man for raising funds for the non-Pa.cific. All in all he ~rved m rail- their remaining games. profit organization which will be road pasitlons in various parts of open to all faiths. thanked the the country for approximately 20 chamber ot commerce officers yean. F. C. VENN REALTOR Notary Publlc throughout the cpunty for their . Du_ring the foregoing period of general and able support. his life, as today, Mr. Owen was Mrs. G. L. Andrews. county a member of the Fraternal Order chair'man of the pUbllc information-of Eagles and held many tiUes in 81'7 Cout Hl«hway committee, lauded publishers and ~e org~zatlon, culminating in <Corona del Mar, Calli. C'ditors for Important service in his election as state president in '--~--·--------J I making the public aware of the 1920-21. It was at this . lime that ,--------------,I s~rious $'hort age of hospital racili · ~e became .~epresentative of t~e ties. "·hkh if not corrected. will be gra.nd area fo~ the stale of Ca11- Announeement: r esponsible for deaths tha t could ~orn1a a nd ."'a~ in charge of audit- MISS JENK(NS and should be avoided 1ng. organ1zat1on and general su- Halr Stylist · pervision for the order . Experienced in all lines of . -------In 1921. the Eagles initiated a beauty work ... has join ed Business has pl~ked up so much mov('ment ror ol d age pension!, our staff. recently on the hlghway that the social security and stabilization of Evening appointments, Ph. 2428 Bayshor e care, owned and oper-. employment with the expressed Fraaces Beauty Shop a ted by Tom Nor~on.....tt._as decided purpose of preventing depression, JIU Ba.rbo1' Blvd., Colta Mesa to stay open until 9 p.m . every and submitted legislation to con- Open Mondays day extept Mon~ay. srud the res-gress. portions of which are now taurant man over on Coast high-embraced in our social reform laws '-------------!I Y.'ay at. the edgetof the upper bay. and benefits. Sees Coa.8tal Mesa After coming to Costa Mesa in 1934, Mr. Owen soon became in- terested In the harbor's develop- ment and after watching the growth of California in general fo~ the past 40 years, believes that this area should embrace a popu- lation of 75,000 within the next te.n years and with its facilities, be- come a coastal mecca. Mrs. Owen. bt>t ter known as Johanna, is quite acti'-' With 1'-{r: en in their stor e in Newport. rs. Owen's son. 1st Lieut. J ohn \Vhite and his family have re- .ided with the couple while the eutenant, a B-17 pilot, has been the service. In addition to beiftg secretary f the Costa Mesa Chamber of mmerce. Mr. Owen is president f the board of Fairview Farms Vater Co., SE'CJ'etary of the Costa Mesa Sanitary district. a member of the Eagles, Elk!i, Modern Wood- men of the World, Lions Inter- national, and during the war, serv- ed on the war price and ration board. Harbor and Mesa Groups Meet Monday /~~~';'~~:.,~~~ T. Weston Jay, chairman of the enth street, Balboa. after a Un· district committee for Boy SCout ger!i>g Illness. She WU a member troopm of the harbcr area. was of the firm ol M . H. Simons, fun- n.amed u a member of the execu· eral directors. of RJven.ldeo, where tive committee of the Orange EJn.. she had lived for 30 years. She pire Area Coundl at the annual was a native of Indla.na, and wu banquet held Wt'dnesday ~vening well known lo Balboa. at Santa Ana Country club. Always' interested In civic at- Nearly 300 youth leaders were fairs, Mrs. Howard was also ac- present to hear Oscar Kirkham, tive in the F1rst Methodist church national council officer, noted Jtnd in the PEO and Zonta club. leader in church work, who has She is survived by her brother. represented the Boy Scouts of M . H . Simons. and his family. In- Amerlca at fotir of the great terment v.'ill be in Riverside. World Jamborees in Europe and has been active in Scout work since Jts inception in 1910. ~1000 FishinJ? Nets Go Up in Smoke But that was not all. Other party membeo in the Senate de-- dare· that they were not consult- ed on the nomination-a. usual procedure. They do not believe the Senate will pass Pauley for the ~b the President pickfd out for hun. And Ickes is out-one of the first. "~w Dealers," and the only one to Ckrry through to this . Quality W.... ...... OU 1IMDe -• med' ._ boUle ~ lmowl -----11.-_,,.,.., 11ud1all1u &ttmtloll. o.ly tile fne' I 1t --.... -....... ---Forpnmpt ............. -brtnr :roar 1"WWWlp- -ID llL Newport Beach Pharmacy neeo-n ...... t -· WATCH No Delays REPAIRING . . • ,Prompt Service Hugh M . Wilcox, Scout exeeu- tive. reported that Cub and Scout membership is at a new all~time high a nd that 37 nc\v troops have been formed, including the Senior 1 Scout program of Sea and Air Scouting. Membership is now over I 2500 19Cally, he said. Arnc'.ftlg local r epresentati\·cs was John Abell, new scoutmas ter of Troop 17 of Approximately $1000 in com· L 0 u·c K s Balboa Island. T. WESTON .JAY '>-Qn Monday evening, Feb. 18. a ------------- mercial flshin'? nets \vent up tn 1797 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa • smoke yeslef<!ay morning I before "==========================~ firemen quelled a ·blaze near the _ Neville-Croft landing on Newport r--------------------------Fisherrnen's if.nchorage. The nets, \Vhich belonged to Wally Yergan of Costa Mesa and Darrell F orman of Long Beach. 'vere being dipped in a solution of copper naQthana te when a care- lessly thrown cigarette, It is be- lieved, ignited , the solutionJsoaked Marine Uphplstery Nooks and Booths A SPECIALTY Shaw's Upholstery meeting will be held at 7 :30 in the Newport Beach American Legion hall for Scout leaden of Costa f\.fesa and Newport Beach, accord- ing to T. Weston Jay. Troop com- mitteemen, members of the organ- ization extension, camping activ- ities. advanceme nt, health and safety, leadership training and, fi- nance commit tees are asked to be present to make plans for the com· Annual Sea Sca.ut Rendezvous May Attract 1000 Boys . nets. Taftlnc, FUmlture Uphollterhlc' aad Repa1riac Pickup and Delivery ServiCe -Free Estimates Over Wine Sane Boat Repoolr ing year. AMVETS Ask 250,000 Low Cost Homes in State SACRAMENTO.-Establishment of a State Housing Authority with the power and resources to bUild a nd sell a minimum of 250,000 low cost. single-family dwellings Ln California within the next two years was proposed to Gov. Earl Warren here today by the Amer- ican Veterans of World War Il, Department of California. The governor was requested to refer the proposal to the Legisla- ture ror consideration and action. In presenting it, Warren Olney m . Word has been received at the NeWport Harbor Chamber of Commerce that the Annual Sea Srout Rendezvous may be held at Newport Harbor. provided facili- ties at the camp ground are avail- able and an invitation is extend- ed jointly on behalf of the city and the chamber of commerce. A request to the citY will be addressed by the chamber in the next few days with a · view to . ascertaining lf the camp ground will be available. The attendance in 1946 prom~ ises to reach well over 1000 Sea Scouts, who will come from the fi ve southwestern states which are included Jn the a rc>a served by the rendezvous. Local Scout officials will play a pr ominent part in cooperating with the officials appointed by the Na· tional Scout body to handle the event. The nets w~e not insured. ' 811_ Coaet JDcb.way "'101" Phone 8841 Annual Election of Com~unity. Chest On Februaey 21 NOTfCE OF ANNUAL MEETfNG ~=======================~ The annual meeting of the New- port Harbor Community Chest will be held on Thursday afternoon, February 21, at 4 p.m. at the Am- erican Legion Hut. 15th street and Bay . All members and othrrs Inter- ested are invited to attend· This is the on~y and the offic;ial notice. · I NEWPORT HARBOR COM- MUNITY CREST Cine.) P . A. Ralmer, ActiD.g Chairman. Harry Welch, Acting Secretary. The sp-ength of a nation, espec- BUILD NOW WE CAN OBTAIN NECESSARY MATERIALS A COMPLETE BUILDING llERVICE For over ZO yean our busiDese hu been ''BUILDING BE';lTEB CONSTRUC'l!ED BO~" DUTCH HEACOCK .. P. 0. Box 42 Newport Beaeh • ·--'718 ially of a republican nation, ii in the intelligent a nd weU -orderEd homes of the people1 -Mrs. S~ourney '-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.....l Pier Application From Balboa Glad to get ,home from 10 days chairman of the AMVE'l'S legi!:- ln the east, during whJch he latlve committee, told the gover- visited N ew York on business, T. nor that "this proposal seeks io Weston Jay said Newport Beach solve the basic housing problem never looked better to him. Jay of the California veteran as well TO WHOM IT MAY OONCERN: ·\\'as in the big city just as the as the citizenry at large." Application has been made h¥ "'brown-out" started. due to the The homes would be sold as Mrs. J . P . Greeley and Alma 1'. fuel shortage. "And it \\'as plenty they are completed. at an average Greeley, 901 East Bay avenue, cold, too," the well · known resi-cost or SS,000, to veterans and the Balboa. for War Department per- dent of Lido decJared. ' citizenry at large, under standard mit to construct a pier and land· FOR YOUR EALTli ''S SAKE BOWL AUSTIN STU.DIOS I Wearefulfyeqvlppedtotab I _ portNlltS "' Ho .... or Cllwdt _ ' Al Studios •••• 12 .. 6 ..... ~ .... .., . . -"' two ...................... k ~ N. lllala St. Pb.e 1463 Su.ta .ha DAILY HOURs: 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. Friday .l Saturdays 'ti! 9 p. m. N'l' 12-H Lido Theatre ..-nu -.._ l'uldaa' Now Sbowtnc Uuu s.-.,. Ro!Jen Walker la "WJIAT NEXT CORPORAL llABOBOVE• --Iii~ Beu. DaTla ... "THE CORN 18 OUEN" ,_..,._W_y -~­lloltut Hatton ln "TOO YOUNG TO KNOW" Balboa Tbeatr ...... Now 8-Uuu _..,. ~--.........., __ w..,..1a -481HilY WDZ EXPENDABLE" --M.-ay ... "". 11 Mid Lee ......... Ill "SHE WOULDN'T • KAY Vl:8" Tata' 7 ... Webetla.Y Clilarte. Boyer ... Lallf"ell Baea1J .. "CO""l'1Dr.NTL'L AO.EN'I"' 8tarta TM:rrlay ..... n __ ... "SA.'i' A..VION'IO" • government or private financing ing float, the float to extend 24 proceedures. Actual COll9tructlon feet bayward of the U.S. Pierhead would be by private industry to Line and moored to concrete the fullest possible extent under anchor piles at the bayward end contract with the housing author-The structure will be located ln ity. front of Lot 1, BloCk "I", Eutalde Under the AMVETS proposal, Addition to the Balboa Tract, the housing authority would be Newport Beach. S ORTLAND · BOWLlNG ALLEYS Foot of Main St. -Balboa For 8-rvaUom Phone 2402 10 M-.a -A1Jero AL JOYCE ROY KEENE vested with broad powers, lnclud-Drawing showing location. of the Ing the tight of eminent domain propased work Ls on file at the "for securing building sites at the U. S . En&ineer'a offloe. Interested right places," the power to assert persons are invited to inspect this the highest priorities in the ac--drawing and to submit in writing., quis.itlon of materials, the power in triplicate, on or before 11 a.m.,/Jiiiii~~~i~i~~i~~i~~ii~~~~i~~~~~i~~~~~~~~ Monday, Feb. 18, any objections '-baled on navigation interests that 1 .. , 11 u u 11 u , >. Balboa they may have to said work. Meat Market and Delicatessen '708 E. Ceatnl I'll. !'7n • •LAMB . •PORK •BEEF .JACK 11oND:8 Marltet ...... • U l'OO can't ~ fcme YoW' order to Jack. • J1oan 10 L m. lo 8 p. & OPEN stJNDAD In busineu and In wook. U you let Ouiatianlty 1top u you eo out al the dwrdl door, lllere lo lltue rlghteousneu In you -1beocldt-e Roosevelt. • ~ to maintain adequate admlnls1· . llve flnancln& throucb ..,,._ · bonds and the authority of • dental ..W...maJdnc to effect fldent --tlm.. Expert Shoe Repairing While y OU Wait ••• Ray Pagan 515 East Bay Front !fat -.. -°"" ·srL ... "' s p.-. BALBOA'S . .. I . RENDEZV·OUS • BALLRO.OM "I ~ Pl I .. FRAIKIE .ST.All • AND ms ORC'H»JTRA Saturday, _Febnw,y 16th Dandn& -9 until l ' • OOlllNG W edne.eday Night -. HARRY JAMES I I • I • • ' ' • r 11a MWWIWI M''O' pp!•fiM •• **" z * SS s = . lg ...... CWJ l f, 1111 • Pumi.Jc Nanas ' Pu-..c: Ncmc:a . Puauc None:• 'LiYl·ng Truth-· ·' ~~=~~ or Tiii: 1111111ANCS or A ed. a publlc '-rlns will be' beld •ones or PIJllUC REAm!fO ON AN .&Pl'LWAftON U.. qtJWilMO A1J'DIOIUZ&'DOK OONDftJONAL -IN by the Oranae Count;y ~ • I AN17AllT I. -TO ···•uAilr I. -w.._,.,ron wca 1DX11'10 lf Oinmlllloa oa Application o. av. en•«•r c.-. Total 1'm,m per Clerti.., 1~.}z,?.9M .... ,,....., roa csn&Df .-e•••t&D 452, ot "lbe Irvine Co., requeetinC . ._...,!few .. , BMhr' . RIXZ:~ ~ v.aa.urcr.a or nu::. WV. the autp:rb.ation ot permlta for lstt 2-• a-~ General Fund: .. LATION8 0 r OllDUfANCS the -of all Iota of Tnct No. In bis book, '-rile Anatomy o1 e.Jbao -Balllr ol AmoUa $ I • W LI N S ~ Ul, (LAND mu: OlUllN-1140, for clwdling .,.,,_, In ..,. Pe~' Mr. ReYiio Ii uen,. a real-War ~t Rent .., llq ,._tap._ Ciaft Gfoeelina' Carda ANCE) or OaANO& OOIDITY. cordana! with the ~ of latlc appraloal ol today's political South o.ut O>. Rent ... CeatnJ Aft. and CALIP'O&NIA, A8 AMENDED. SUbdlvtslon 2 ol &aid ...Uon and i!lllatlon. He pi'.-.ds on !be bula ~.::"~LJl.ent OD Dk. and Guap 1: tit• V'1ariet,-N tl •-•--~· gi tbat .ordlnanceof. Eatcllleouf t~.OOOlo,.IQ~: of wioe anaJyals to draw "I' the No~ 1 _______________________ :__ o ce ... •l'C.I~,. ven pur· an area a .. -~ ~•-that nation.allsm baa been Plannin2 Qxm-"-1--HeminP---.·'- - -.... -.,. -suant to Section 19. Ordinance No. feet. The said Tract la located on ;;;.t;;;;;d..s by ...,. -toward F. L. ~'.'Q:dt' aaJm ~----· L..!~~c_·~-~· ~Jl~a~a""'~=~~~~~ 351, <Land Ute Ordinance) of Or-the south aide of Coast Highway "one-world" teChnotocical devel~ Lot 4. 8lk. 31, 1st Add. Npt.. HL.---·--· ange County, Callfom.Ja. as amend-about one--quarter mile west bl the ments. Peace must be built upon Lot J.7, Blk. 442. C. D. Mar------·--· -;:=======================;;;; bride• over upper Newprt Bay. the sacrifice of natioQal.latlc loy-Lot 22. Blk. 733. C. D. Mar---··--·---"' Said public hearing on the obove 'alcy to univenal unlcy. Lot 4 and Pw. 6, Blk..236, C. D. Mar-- application will be held at 3:00 We agrff wholeheartedly with Lot 6, Blk. 59, Oceen FronL---------- P.M., February fut, 1946, in the Mr. Reves. ·This hl&hly ~ Lot 27, Blk. 29. Newport Bead> Tr. __ _ heanng and meeting room of the --•~ and Worth-wlille book re-Lot 7. Blk. 733, C. D. Mar·---~--Oran Coon Plannl Co . u~ Lot 11, Blk. 729, C. D. Mar---------------ge cy ng lllIJU&n minds us of ....-.rds tbat we ha.., Lots 7, 9,.11, Blk. m, C. D . Mar -L--··· slon, Room 328. Court House An, perhapa forgotten• in our Ran:h S. M. Padies, .-i. one-quarter PolJCOrD crop nex, Santa Ana, Callfomla, at for the "anatomy of peace." They w. E. Dyson. radiatcr unit. ____________________ _ which time and place all penom are thele: .. There ls neither Greek Pier permits No. 234 and 235----·-----·····---······ tnterested therein will be-heard. nor Jew clrcwncbton nor ·uncir-So. Callt. TdeplltWle O> .• pay stations ____ ..... . The above application. together cwndsl~ barbarian, Scythlan, Karl F. Hoet. dama&e to ltTeet light .......... .. with such mapa, plans. and other bond nor free, but Christ la all,, J. A. Beek, 2% gTOllS lle<lC<\ft Bay and 5% accompanying material, are posted and in all" (Saint Paul) Yacht Buin ···---·---···---·-----·------··--· artn R. L. Patterson, sewer.Supt., sewer O:>n's .... in. the aald he g and meeting a'be dynamic of Oiristianity lies P . G. Palmer, rent as per Jeue on Par. No. 7 room for public Inspection. in iu unlvenal application-to all ll<lbert Gudiner, police Judge fines collected JULES W. MARKEL. Secretary nations of people: to all c1._ of R. R. Hodgkinson, Uceme ocillector, llus( Uc. Orange c;:ounty Planning men, regard.Jess of color or Politi-A. M. Nelson. Bldg. lnspectcr- Commluion. cal creed. The story of tbe church Building pennlu ······-····-·-··-----···---··----· Pub.-Feb. 14, l946. is the conquest of the bounds of Plumb~ permits ·--··-··············--··············· national distlnctlon a.Dd racial sea-ElPlectrit ~na pemUnnltst ·-·-·····.-· .. ······-------------· CERTIFICATE OF BUSINESS • 85 e--~ pe 8 .......................... -......... . Firm regation to unite humanity In the n.Je permits ········--········-··· .. ·················--······ Fictitious Name · I b h hood nnl bonds of· uruversa rot er O.imney pe ta -·-········-········-·····-····-····· throu11h common f altb In the One Removal pennits ........................................... . Lord and God of a.ll . Her mission Sale copies zoning ordinance ..................... . C.mplete Fountain Set +ice at ' HANSEN'S -' 1100 'be• Front Ne wpcwt NOW OPEN l:VENJNG8 JUI.ft • STEAKS -- O U R S PE C I A LT Y 126.fll S00.00 I 332.50 ISl.00 ·20.00 20.28 395.00 196.96 9.74 58.30 12'7.IX; 68.n 27.84 155.9.'I 362.25 3:1.00 50.00 12.83 10.00 361.00 285.00 200.00 535.50 1,502.00 1,070.00 255.20 152.90 28.50 5.25 4.50 2.00 8.00 GENU I NE H OT •• BUTTERMILK The undersigned does hereby certify that he ls conducting a business at 1750 Ne'4rport Blvd., aty of Costa Mesa, County of Orange, State of Canfornla, under the fictitious t.irm name ot CAR- VER CRAIT a.nd that said firm is composed of the following persons. whose names and addr6seS are as follows. to wit : has been and continues to be: George Vanderbilt, rent ~ Dk. 2 and Gar. "Preach the Goopel to all people!" R. l~'."J~;··1;;x--rolj;;cto;:.::::···-·····--·"··· 111.~ 7,170.27 Here is tbe "anatomy ot peace." Taxes and Asmts .. current .............. ·-········· CAKES • Complete Luncheon-55c • Open 7 to 7 -Sundllys 8 to 5 • Kids' Cafe ft51 Newport Blvd. Costa Mooa Jim and Rae Keller, Props. J oseph L. Carver. 648 Cliff Drive. Newport Beach, California. WITNESS my band this 12th d ay of February, 1946. JOSEPH L. CARVER. · State of California ) County of Orange ) sa. Universal application of the Law Taxes and A.smts., redemP.tions ____ ........... . of Cod as the highest code hu-1915 act. full paid Asmts .............................. . manity kno'N'I; universal faith ln F . L. Rinehart, assessor, unattached personal the love of Jesus Christ and life P. E. and Laguna Bus Lines, rent on pa.rk- that la empowered by its divine ing space ····························-···························· initiative can conquer nationalistic Police Dept. receipts from parking tot ......... . d 'al If· edn Th Robert Gardiner, JX)llce jud~. traffic fines. __ _ an soo se --center ess. e Thomas Conners. receipts c&mp grounds ror :~~sis e~~:1:~ge~~ ~~~1n E. ~~~~~ipt·s·:·camp·g:roundS·ror·J~:~::: this force that welds man to man Dorothea Wilson. Ubranan, rents and !mes in common understanding and Sale of city lots .............................•...... 1 .••...•..•..•.• good will. R. L. Patterson, Supt., revenue W<)ter Dept. We have found that our princi-C. A. Marcy, sewer payment on Blk. 235, pies we.re not a mere al)solute or C D. Mar ....................................................... . 199.30 170.91 168.91 4.420.00 7,409.15 138.66 I Set-Aug •. 4 Date a::r'r-. ::: ~ 'Dor' Next 'li"G-ht Wedd i'liir at N-r -__ .,,._ .I' ' .•: .ug ~ durUlc tbe WV, tbe 1'11'Jilll'" Of Snowbirds' . old u~ ._, ot tbe M-I _ Chorter, jhad boen lblppod' -r In view' ot the IDc:rftlblc Im-tbll -. It ---ID ~' ot the annual "Fllsbt ot tbe Britllll In a oiiedaJ --- the Snowblrda," evly plona att In the Ubnry of <::oaP-. W .... being made to hOld the rreet re-1ngton, D. c. , pita for tbe small ·cntt &pin -· this coming summer. Walter K. Lewis yesterday announced ·~ pr-oval bf the elate of August 4 for the next event.\ Last sulnmer's r.ace. t'Ven in wartime, brought thousands to the Bo1'n1a1f.· harbor and wu widely publicized. · In View of the 135 entries under ••-WAD re1tricted condition&. it LI felt that 4*'1· Ul'Alll8 ISO mlcht enter thia coming re-~-ptta. A committee on &n'1lnge... men,. will probably be named be- fore Ione. Mr. Lewis, Who was . -·~ chairman of the last year'• event 1 volunteered to help any croup l selttted to carry out the Procram ¥ for 19t6, which will be the Uth annual ''flight." J . S. Barrett, newly elected president of the 'chamber ot com- """""· will probably ~ppaint a joint committee at an early date. • • Francis J. Horvath FOR SIGN S BENEDICT INCOME TAX SZBVICE Federal and State • Fluorescent ) Light Fixtures On this 12th day or February A.O.. 1946, before me Nora S. Margwarth a Notary Public in 1 and for said County and State, re- siding therein duly commissioned an ideal. They ·are something that TOTAL ..................................................... . must be worked for; fought for, _ DISBURSE?tfENTS and if necessary, died for. So it is SpeclalCurrent expense fund ............................ $23,861.85 with universal good-will and its Park rund .............. ·-·····-··········-···-·················-·······-·· 7,404398:~ $615.361.04 1 ~~==================;~ Modernize Your Store O ffice, Shop or Residence with New Fluorescent Fixtures Available Now at - ETS • HOKIN & GALVAN SINCE :~ 191 0 1000 Coast Hlway PhOBe Newport 1584 ,.&IN m 8"11 ........._..Wllmlnctoa·8-·8u Dlep-OM!Md E LECTRICJANS I and sworn, personally appeared Joseph L. Carver known to me to be the person whose~e Is sulr scribed to the with! strument, and ackno"·ledged me that he • executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and af- fixed my official seal the day and year in this CC>rtificate first above written. • NORA S. MARGW ARTit. !SEALl Notary. Public in and for SaJd County and State. fMy Commission Expires January 29. 1950. > Pub.-Feb. 14 . 21. 28: Mch. 7. 1946. CERTIFICATE OF BUSINESS Flcti tious Firm Name . • The undersigned do hereby cer- tify that they are conducting a furniture business at 82'2 Coast Highway, City of Newport Beach, County of Orange, State of Cali- fornia, under the fictitious firm name of NEWPORT FURNITURE MART and that said firm Is com- posed of the following persons, whose names and addresses are as folloW!, to wit: Daniel V. Hayes, 2137 Dorland Drive, Whittier, California. Lester M. Blakesley, 4427 Rut- gers, Long Beach, Cali!omJa. WITNESS our hands thb 13th. day of February, 1946. · DANIEL V. HAYES LESTER M. BLAKESLEY State of California ) County of Orange } ss. On this 13th day of February ultimate end, world peace. In Water expense fund ................ -·-·················-···-·····-··· Chri!'ltianity lies the divine initia-Advertising fund .................. ···-·····-·····-···---~---·····--·· 1,071 .40 tive that makes it possible. The Lib~ fund ····--····-·····--···········-····-····;···-··············-·· 904.79 church alone is doing business in Special fynd4" ··············-··················-···-·-···-·-··············· 3(817.31 thiS field. It is up to you and to Un~pportioned fund ··--····-·····--··············'-·--·--········· 26·82 Ret1rement ··························-·····-····-·····-··-··-····--······ 1,206.29 me 1o _promote that work. I~ ls Property .... ::: .................. _............................................. 310.03 something we must work for; fight General bond redemption........................................ 7,750.00 tor, atid sacrifice for. I ts alter-M. I . D. No. 1.............................................................. 30.00 native is the atomic bomb~ 1915 Act. Asmt........................................................... 418.04 A. & I. No. L ... .......................................................... 97.38 Camp ........................................................................... 215.61~ 47.513.04 Invitation to Visit Total Funds per Oerk ...... ·-·····-····--··········--·· Outstanding Warrants ·········-······················ • C. S. Reading Room $567.848.00 85.18 24-Hour Radio Service ROMJ:, AUTO, MABllOI RADIOS UPAIRW!Q Burt R. Norton H5 c-i mwar PlloM 1&17 Newport: fts•dl, Oallf. First "Church of Christ, Scientist, Total Funds per Tre.asurer ... _ ... ,L\ .. ___ .. _ -$567--.933-.1-8 '-------------------- Newport Beach, exten~ a cordial Respectfully submitted, invitation to· all to vtsil the r ead· ________________ J._A. __ G_ANT __ ._Tre __ as~_ure_r_._ ing room at its new location. 111 Palm street, Balboa. There the Bible. the writings of Mary Baker Eddy and other authorized Christ- ian Science literature may be read. borrowed or purchased and sub- sctiptions placed for the Christian ~ence periOdicals. The reading roo mis open from 1 to 5 p.m. room is open from 1 to 5 p.m. nationally bbserved, and on Wednesdays \vhen ,it is open from \ Racing Skippers:- 1 :30 to 5 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Spencer. former owners of the Little Brick cafe on Main street, Los Angeles, have taken over the hamburger concession at Al Anderson's Fun zone. They are making their home in one of Anderson's bungalows on Central avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Norman L. Bar- bre, Los Angeles, were Sunday guests at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Porter jr .• 411t street. Jobs As Insurance Claims Examiner Open to Vets and _ Others in April Opportunity for a career servt , with the state gover~ent opened 711 Gets 10 Tons today when S. H. Ftsher , Depart-· •1 ment of Employment representa-Of Yellowta1 Sail Boat Hardware Sail Track and Sli des Stop Watches .J Yacht T imers , Newport Marine Supply Co. tive in the public employment of- fice at 501 West Fifth street. Santa Ana announced forms are available for filing to take the forthcoming service examinations for Unemployment Insurance Returning from the west coast of Mexico with 10 tons of yellow- tail the 711 from Earl's Land- ing: came in with a lull load last 81t Coast mghway Phoae !7116:J week, creating considerable corn--;=======================~ Claims Examiners. Examinations in two classes of examiner will be held, Grade 1, paying $180 per month. and Grade 2. at $210 per month. Fiilal date for filing iJ March 21, and the examinations will be held April 6 In all parts of the state where the number of candidates W8JT8nt. ment among local fishermen. The 711 1s owned by· Earl Tib- betts, but was, ta.ken out by Capt. Stewart on the Mexican run to fish for the yellowtail. While she had to put into port a couple of times. because 9f storms, the 711 was gone 28 days and avoided any trouble. The fish were taken to the Fishermen's Cooperative c for shipment. GEORGE ' D. BASSKIT · General Accounting F.'ishermen~s Bookkeeping - v · A.O.. 1946, before me Nora S. p N Margwarth a Notary Public In and UBLIC OTICE The examinations, rt.sher said, should be of special interest to re- turning veterans, in view ·of the fact that many types of army ex-C ti p '•-perlence would fit into the require-orpora on erm1 ... INOOJllE.; TAX 81JBVIOIJ C-0-Two Fire "'-ul--m for said County and Sta~. resld-_ . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.,,.~~r~~~~~~~~~~:!,_'.'.in~g~th~e~re~in'.'._"d~ul~y~oo~mnllSll~·~1~on~ed~a~n'.'.'.'d sworn. persona.Uy appeared Daruel _ V.,Hayes and Lester M. Blakesley men .. for holding the Jobs. par-32 Percent Higher tlcularly personnel work. Veter-Th D be anJI, of course, may apply for. vet-an ecem r 2602 W. Central ,Ave. Pb. 1805-J Newporl BeMll Watchmaker and Jeweler Balboa Island known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within Instrument. and acknowl· edged to me that they executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year in t:hi$ certificate first above written. NORA S. MARGWARTH. !SEAL) Notary PubUc in and For Said County and· State. (My Commission Expires J anuarz· 1950.) L.--------"----------------------------~;, Pub.-F eb. 14 . • 28; Mch. 7, 1946. ' 11 Stat.,.,,.,,J ~ (J. J. RoJ,.,,14o;. l?otMO JJ MaJI • • I announce my cand idacy fo r Councilman of t he City of Newport Beach a t t he forthcoming Munici pa l Election to be held on April 9, 1946. . • • fl. J. Ro1Jtllll4oM. I • erans preference when filing for " the examinations. SACRAMENTO. -For the sec--· -'-------------The Department of Employmen t ond succeulve month all records .------------------------~ has unemployment insurance were broken in the formation ot claims examiner jobs in virtually new California corporations, it :Was any of Its 118 offices throughout announced today by Frank M. the state, and from the two lists, Jordan, Secretary of State. a large group "'ill be appOinted, During the month of January Fisher said. 884 new corporatiOns quali!ie-P to ''The examinations," it was stat-conduct business in California, 32 ed, "are on a permanent basis. a nd per cent higher than December, offer a key to a tife-ume career a record breaker with 668 and 625 in state work. more than the 259 for January "AnnuaJ salary increases, o~ 1945, an increase of 241 per cent. JX)rtunit.y for promotion. a five------------- day, forty-hour work week. a state .------------ retirement system and other ad-R' 0 S S I ' S vantages arr som~ of the induce- ments ror joining £he •tate service. L 1• q u 0 r St 0 re·_ Protection in the job by civU serv- ice, and the oppor,unity to do a 1003 Co.st m way good Job. and a needed Job should ~ attract many qualified individuals Ible 8oatll of Ille Ansllee to the examinations." l l~~~-Cl<~~-~~t~oa~~~~~~~ Persons who have had eXJ>4;r- ience in personnel, business admin- istrations. labor or industrial re-1 _ latJons. public or private employ~ Beer 1 ment service or welfare work ~ abould be able to qualify for the w· 8 examinations. A twelfth grade education la required for· fllinc. . Li Applications may be med at the qUefS local public employment offl~. wms· ke' y . and furtbe!' information describ- lna the joba 1DOJ'. be obtained there on inquiry, Flaber aa1cL Mea LIQUOR SHOP . lm~ N-r=&-. Plenty of Whiskey lf• ___ .. ~· a a COll'I'.& ... 041.ir • ........ ;.. ... Boota ud 1lo7 g,, 7 I J ....... ud ..,,, •••• . . ... , Ill SAFETY ol ei ch 1~co11nt INSUR~D, up to ,,,ooo, by the Feclerol S.vings and Loan ln111ran.ce Corporal:ioti savers and investors save here ".where • saving PAYS ! Resources $4,006,000.00 • I Laguna Federal Savings · and -1loa~ Asstjciafion i..c-la..• <Wlf. -..... f • ••• -. ~· . ,. _,..,.~ • • , .. , ) • -·-.1• -... -(: . • ' ' i ..... • ~ -. . . -' . ' • i ,. -_, .. .. . -' • P A I I'll T ,I N G II r .... I tllw ~ JC'swpeut .... Ana HARRY HALL J'ar "'-* 1-1» -N"'9" T&w ..ez !:n.t cuhma& - P u aL1c NoTica SMl'LOIWY.CMi *'• • HELP WANTED,-WOlll - woman to -motlier ot 2 dilldrftL Room, boud and NI· OTY· fl'' N. B. 2210. • 6-tfc . • t • ' . I ,, . . -I I '. . p&!!!9!1 941ftA "fffi · pww Mscpt ! p 9 = , p 1£9 W. 7 1te 1W -• ' -• pp· 3 NEWS-TIMES .CLASSIPIED~..A'~ Rad Them for Profit • • • lfme Them for Remits · . ' . , · ,..,,, --- ' ·~ • WAN'l'ED-Actlw woman. ~ I tlc&I mne and light --I tns.canGewpG!bbo,Nowpurt ::::::::::::!::::::::='.::::::::::=-~~'.:T:::::::::-::-:::::::=:::=::::=:::::'=-;::::::==:;::::::=:::==========::;>C:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::========"""T~======:=+==~====:;:======-~=======·==:::::. 746-Jlatter 6 eveninp. 12-4tp ":U',.... TU BOY al 9.PWJIU. A1fM'Omf1¥*CNfi a ~-~·~··~-~J~A~ft~----'--~·!!T~"~1~1'.._-~-~··~-~-----_:::·&~7 ••1. lall'An f . •t M*'· ml"An ., • W A.NTED---Gir1 fer aenenJ office WANTED -Nioe borne m Udo Study at Home--.Real Est. ·I.lc::eme ~ 1 ' work 1n bul1dlnc contractor'• of-lale.I wm pay cub. Writ< Box Guanntee -208 Security Bide. -• / flee. Call l'lt-W-1 83, o . z. "M''lc!o N.,.._nm.s. lMtc Pvoc!ma. c.J.if. U:-lOtc HARBOR INVESTMENT COMPANY c-1111c&n: or auslNE88 ~ 13-ttc WiLi. PAY cAstt "'' '""' .... KE y S Realtors I I . i Fictitious Firm Name WAN'l'ED-Youne ·man to drive =:;,;iat0~••c;;.,"';..,.;";:~ llf-Wlll1e You Watt, 1 . THIS ONE STANDS OUT ' truck and wtrk· as apprentice rood Baaket. Ill? .~~""'JM •rt VOGEL"S 'The undenlped does hereby c.arpmter. Apply· 0 . Z. RObcrt-100 Main at., Ball><* Cl!'rtify that they are conduct:lng at son. general contractor. Phone aw!. co.ta Mea. QP.lf• 208 K&rlne., Balboa 1lland 216 20th St., Coote Mesa, Call-NewpurJ 83. 13-tfc "1aNi'l'Uli& POil flAU a M-Ue --1 fornla, under the ftctltious firm -FOR $ALE-Tavern Table with name. of CO-OPERATIVE ROOF-Restaurant Help -~~-Don R. Durant. Washing Machines Business Locations for Lease or Rent ,a FOR LEASE--100 feet on -tmfnmt on NewjlOlt Bay In Busl• • 7.ofte. A·l location. ' ; :1 ING CO., ancl that uld firm la · •~v ~~-Repaired -'Both Men .one! Women 428 Orchid Ave., Corona clel compmecl at-the fo~ PIT"°"' Mar. , t-tfc Parta ,.o, All MU. whoM' names and addreae.-an u See Kr. Silver Pick up ud Dellv18r7. followo. t<>-wlt: FOR SALE -Plano, $1!!0; bia'b llCHULllR'll CECIL s. mmr. m Delmar Electric Grill ~. Tayler Tot, day bed. up-w-1' Moc-....., · Ave., O>ote M-. Balboa 13-3tc --chair, wuhlnc ma-17 .. N..,poo-t-. ~-- ELUOTI' T. BURR, 216 20th clllM. 211 (lp&l Ave., Balboa la-,.,_ DIS a.-Uc St. Coote M-. WANTED-Local man 22-15, draft land. Phone 826. 12-lfe ;;:;;.-;;m:;;;;-------.li ·GEN£ W. WAGGONER. 2573 oumpt. Neat appeanntie. Hlsh PRE-WAR DAVENPORT• Oia1r POii mT &l . Eldea, O>ote Ila&. acbool education. Perm. Pool!. fair eonditlon, club chair and WlU. SHARE APARno:NT with . CECIL S. Him!', Leom retall -.. and ottoman, rocker, cir-and oe-two pis. 12911. Pearl Ave., Bal- Multiple Dwelling Lot neer 10th stieet. $2750 , __ ,, __ (R-3) 31x100 FOR'RENT-sbop Bufld!ng In Kl Zone. $100 mo. FOR t.EASE Comer location In Newport Site for aervlce station. $ 6,500. $ 6,500. Facing on Cami, NewjlOlt -1-bedroc!in houm. Canpletely tumbbed. Immediate posseJSlci1. L • ELLIOTI' T. BURR, -refr!ce"atlon. Give qualillcatlona c:ul.inal tebl.._ 519 35th SL boa lalan<l 13-lte GENE w w AGGONER. and wac .. expected. Writ< Box N Pb ll527 R. 12-• . Nice 2-bedrottn houm. Oolle In. With double garqe, partly film. Immediate pc!a nlon. Telma. . . State of California. ' 338. Newport Beach. J2..2te ewport. : • 2tp W.&NIW 'IO ml a . County ol. Oranae--ee.. W.Alft'D>-HO'l'WL MA.in. Balbr.a FOR SALE-$150 pre-war match· WA.li'i'&D lt1 r ., ,....... ,...._ On this 13th day of February, -. ftO..-. ..... Inc ~chair. Exe. cond., ~ _.....,_, 2 ... , _,, A. D. 19'8; before me, s . c. llfac-down filled; •IHI aprlns con--~ -- 'Item!< r Notary Public In and HELP WANTED-Male or female. •tnlctlon. 1n3-W, Oi' -at Ana 58211 . 80-tfc tor ~ aafd eounty ancl state, re-Local or traveHnc In -2133 Ocean Blvd., Balboa. ----·--------~ thn'eln, dll)y canmluloned for .....,...U. No money nqulred. 13-2tc WANTED TO RENT~ -... ancl .....,.,,, •pononally appeared Good in<:cme. You are'}'OW" awn BOA'""' __ clean l'Oltaae for summer -- Cecil S. Hunt. Elliott T. Burr and b<u. Apply Mr. VOil Deren. ·-•u~~-• aon. N-bay. Write Mr. M. Gene W. Wagoner, known to me 50811. No. Main St., Sante Ana. WANT TO BUY-Snipe or Snow-La'""'""'· 128114 S. DunaiJ>ulr, to be the' perlOOO -names ""' 10-4te bird In A-1 condition. Writ• 1To2 L. A. 35. WA. 5102. . 1Q--4te COAST PROPERTIES CO. e REALtOR 703 E . O!ntral Ave. • ' • • Phone 683 • Balboa • IAlhocrlbed to tile within lnstru-· • Roanoke Rd, San Marino or ment. ancl acknowl<dsed to me INTER.EST ING pholle Sycamore~-!1-tfc WANTED TO RENT<-: I•-· un-••·t ••• 1~ ••• . furnlahed house. Phone 185().R. ,. lt urn ~I~~ ~F I w 0 R K FOR SALE---22-ft. Cabin Cruiser, S-tfc ~------------------.,..;..·_c ____ I have hereunto set my hand ~ Star marine motor. Will sell to ----------- affixed my offidal 1eal the day Pleasant Working hlghest bidder. 0>ar1 ... Hapner, WANTED TO RENT OR LEASE FOR SALE ancl Y"&r 1n thll Ctttlflcete tint Conditions 1205 Madllon Ave., Whittier. -Furnlahed house In Newport above written. . 12-4tp Beach, Balboa or Balboa Island. One 2()0...Amp. Portable Gasoline A: DUNCAN C. MacKINZIE, L M · R Permanent couple, employed by Electric Comblriation Welding Notary Public in and for said earn anne adiOS So. Calif. Telephone Co. No ehil· Machine. V-4 Wisconsin engine. County and State. My com· , T E E Avallable immediate delivery, com· dren. Call 1440, Mrs. Barr, bet. Good trailer and tires- . 1 Ir F b 11 L PH 0 NE plete range of si%es. Your In-9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Mon. through ~500 OO min on exp es e · t • 0 apectton welcomed. HIGGINS Friday. 12-4tc ~ • 1947. • p ER A TIN G . PLEASURE CRAFI', 810 Cout (Notarial Seal.), Jn d Highway. Ph: ll04. 9-tfc KEAL ESTATE '1 crease wage rates ---------- 11145 . ff t FIRE EQUIPMENT TESTS -EVA F RH:C D!EW TIDE TABLES now 1n e ec . · C-0-Two, Pyrene .i. Foam refW•. ' FEBRUABV High Low High Low , F 15 8:22 2:20 9:50 S:2! 6-3 1.6 4.3 -1.4 S 16 9:02 2:59 10:18 S:M 6:1 1.4 4.4 -1.1 Su 17 9:40 3:37 10:48 4:U 5.7 1.2 4.4 --0.7 'M 18 10:17 4:19 11 :18 4:113 5.2 1.2, 4.4 --0.2 Tu 19 10:!14 5:01 11 :47 5:!0 -4.6 ' 1.2 4.4 0.4 Apply Southern California Telephone Company Ibo, E . Bay Ave., Balboa or 5141,i N orth MaJn Street San~ Ana or COa tllced ·~·s~em and Portable• - now available. ETS HOKIN .i. Newport Hei •hts GALVAN, 1000 COB.st HJgbwsy. 50x127·fl. lot with s ~er. In a Phone. 1384. . 73-tlc block with nice nev. homes. 36-Ft. CABIN CRUISER Sleeps 4. $900 Marine motor. A bargain. G. E. Minney, 201 Onyx. Phone New, Newport Hei •hts port 2760. 10-4tc New 3--bedrm. homes, ndw com- pleted In Height>. R ady for oc- Marine Insurance cupancy. These home have large G E Minney rooms, Jou of tile \vork, pull-• ·_ man lavatories, many cupboards One 105 cu. ft. Portable Air Com· pressor. Dodge engine. Nearly new. $800.00 i ' Eight 200-Amp. horizontal ~In Welding Machines on «$:>llles with tongues. Excellent atlape. $150.00 each J. E. Barnes & Son 1808 Newport Blvd. ec.ta lleaa.. Phone 511 2 Bedroom Home On II. acre land, East aide of New- port Blvd. Fi-ult trees, chicken &: rabbit equipment, double gar. age, fruit house. $3,000 down. Full price, $6750 Two Bedroom Home with garage attached on Magnolia P a r t I y furnished. Hardwood floors In living room & dining room. Enclosed patio. An attrac- tive home for,a small family. $7650 . ' J. E , Barnes & Son 1808 Newport Blvd. Coeta :Ueea. Ph<me 511S 13--ltc Tld• art placed ln order ol. ~ Ll,sllt fllW'M ... --: 4u1l n.-w-P-.,. Aak Ule Operator tor the Chlet Operator 86-tfc 201 Onyx Ave., Balboa Island. Phone Newport Beach Z760. and linen 1torage St CP., etc. One· ~Amp. ~rtable Guollne NO. open for in.I ectlon. Welding Machine. Good t:1res. I-~---------- $8600 -Te ms Excellent shape. H. M. Lane Real Estate =·.,."-="":-::'=! "'=0:-00-::NTSA-:-::=CT0,.-;;7a==::: SALi: lllllCELLANSOUIJ • __________ 1_0-4_tc ~400.00 2006 Court Ave., Opp. Oty Hall ~ Phone 343 BALBOA ISLAND 2 Bedroom borne, Parle Ave. Campletely · ttJmlshed Immediate IJCl 11 ulon. $15,000 2-STORY, 4-BEDRM. HOME.. Built-In- bar, lovely patio; fireplace. Campletely turnlsbed Inc. 2 elec refrlgs. $27,000 OCEAN FRONT HOME 4-Bedroom near Balboa In A-1 location. Nicely turnlsbed. Immediate poss. $13,500 " BALBOA ISLAND BAY FRONT HOME 4-Bedroom; pier and float. Fully tum. Double g!lrage. Immediate poss. An Excellent· Value, $15,000 dn. BEAUTIFUL PENINSULA HOME 3-Bedroom; fireplace; hardwood floors. On two lots. Furnished. Open for in- spectiOn. Immediate poss. $12,500 dn. SEE US FOR BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES HARBOR INVESTMENT COMPANY Realtors 80th at C...tr.i Aw. Telephone 1IOO • Lots - Newport Height> Vtew 88-ft. front,l-----B-a_l_bo_a-----,---------==- Px.G -PAPER HANGING B_LA_CK ___ Coc_k_e_r _S_pan_i-el-.-4-m_o_n_th_s MUSICAL a llADIO " Vacant I i and DECORATING old. Phone 1802 days, 2017 eves. BEAUTIFUL Spinet type mirror 3 bedroom house. Extr large llv· H. E. McDonald 13-2tp piano, a bargain. Terms. Danz~ Ing room, newly dee rated. '11le 41\ Id Cowl~-R.'! .. Pb: 1~;";'; FOR SALE _ W drobe tru k Schmidt Plano Co., 520 No. Main sink. Large lot. Cloo . In. Costa: One 8-gal. · Pressure Paint Pot. 13-ltc . ..... ... ~ -eea o.r c ar . . n · Santa Ana. S.tfc Mesa. Compelte with hose and gun. =======-----;::;, kerosene cook stove. dining room ~7500--T S2000.00. View com er 50xl43.46. · BROSE REALTY • $2000.00. Good location. Near Bay Front. Corona deJ Mar, high corner 30x 2 bedroom home. 2.car garage. 118, $2500.00; also 75 feet on Partly furnished Ocean Blvd. .$7,500.00 A Ocean Fl-oht lot, 1 blk. from _ pply Newport pier, $3000.00. Ocean Front $4500 ea.c n , 2616 West Central Ocean Front lot. 10 bllcs. west or 4-bedroom home. Small apt. 1n Phone 1564-J Newport_ pier, $2500.00. rear. Partly furnished. 45-ft. lot. avliiffi8 01'1DS te table, chairs, crocheted bed· GOOD Wied pianos. Some u low "' el ns $85.00 FOR A RELIABLE Paint Job on spread. hand·made quilt. misc. as $89. Fine for practice. Easy -•• ' Your home, call Newport t047 Shown Sunday thru Thun. 313 terms. Ot will renL Danz-Corona del Yiar ..__ after 4:30 p.m. lQ...tfc E . 18th St.. Costa Mesa. 13--ltp Schmidt Piano Co .. 520 No. Main 2 lots, both have •fine VieW above Santa Ana. S.tfc ocean. -.XCAVATING. GRADING. lot Adjustable Crutches ploushlnr. cement w•ltu. c1rives •Newport Phann· acy Arvin & Emerson . and house foundations. See RAD I 0 S SPECIAL Good level ~ft. lot on Lark.spur. "'l. North of Highway, Lovely view · of hills. $1300 BROSE REALTY ~--Contracting Co., ""hl>ne 2108 Ocean Front-Phone 5 ~ ~ l'l 24-Hour Radio Service N.,.,_t 2353-J. 8-9tp ~ le See Thi1 Good bwldlng lot on ocean side of ~13 500 OO New 4-room house. Well built. 13-ltc Coast Blvd., $1000.00. . "' ' • 1307 P>ut Highway plutered. Complel• within 2 Lot In El Bayo, zoned for mu!--Om'ona de! Mar ....,1ca. 0n 1 acre ot and. I===--=--:::---=--::---ttple, $2700.00. Balboa Island . Phone2°4!1 13-ltc ' $4950 -T rms Trailer Park 8250 sq. rt. apartment house lite, 2·furnllhed Apartment>. Near Bay. llOJmr -Mm Short Cir cuit Radio BICYCLES FOR SALE-Patio furniture, rugs, 305 Palm, Balboa drapes, doll buggy, paint com· Phone 1638-W 13-tfc Seid. Rent<d or Rep&lrod. ' VOGEL'S 100 lllaln st.. --:ll08 Marine, Bal-lllaDd. pressor and various toys. 314 ----------- 0.U"al Ave., Balboa Island. STEINWAY Grand, like new, one J2.2tc of the world's greatest pianoe. HEA~LTH=~LAMPS~=~.-Ul~tr-a--Vl~o-1-et. Gorgeous tone. Beautiful cue. One or the finest In So. c.J.if. 1 blk. from Newport pier, $8:)00. $5, 700.00 Down Locat<d near Newport Harbor. Houses $13,500.00 LOAX• •I-'-· Everything new and modern. 2-bedroom ·-and -ace on --. • · EV A F. RH< DEN Broker •• M-ttc Inbra·Red, Verot·Ray. Batteries Th.111 i.3 an hut.nunent for the ft.ANllPOllTAftON 11 for Hearing Aids. and Portabl.? discriminating buyer. Danz- 470 Newport Blvd., 4 cote M8a EL TON D. B , Salesman Ph. Newport 1 '5-M Sch«!uled Income $1280 per mo. c1-.1n """1ltt, l blk ~ocean Corona de! Mar . Nowpwt .. a,a, .. •:"' •• *• Price $5850--Tenns , with 2 adjoining vac...t lot», aJi Lovely, new 2-bedroom home. Near ud 1-a , ~-, _/or ~.IX>. school. 1111 'fta ~ '•· n • ~ • ------------Radios. MESA RADIO & ELEC· Schmidt Plano Co., 520 No. Maln WANT RIDE to Long Beach six TRONlCS co .. 1749 Newpo•l Sante Ana. 8-tfc days week, trom Corona del Mar. eau Kathleen-Edson Npt. ss.R. Blvd. 9-tfc Radio Repairing 12-4tc HOUSE TRAILER, 8 x 28, hot House calls dtjly except Sat. and water heater, built·in bath, Sun. Complete stock of tubes & NAVAL O FFICER wishes to join toilet, inlaid linoleum floor. factory replacement parts. Ph: dally dri\1fll: pool to Terminal Sleeps 4. Completely furni.3hed. 345. MESA RADIO & ELEC· Island or .Leng Beach.1,Ca11 I Call at 441 Newport Blvd. Phone TRONICS CO., 1794: Newport 1463-J . ~ tc 750-J. · ll-4tp Blvd. 9-tfc 8&.Atr"r.r AID8 ll CIRCULATING El~tric Heaters, RADIO HOUSE CALLS -Now l COLD and M..ACHr"'El..ESS only $7.95. Health Lampi;. Ultra· that additional competent tech· WAVES VioJet, Infra·Reil, Verd.J-Ray. ntct&n11 are available, we are able '11J1Ul'I& and Man.le.wing Batteries for HeRTing Aids cl to make 1ervice calla on large .l:'f'8:lJ.nl' Appol.ntment.. Ph. 179-W Portable Radios. MESA RADIO con.eolea. All work guaranteed.. Vi's Beauty Shop & ELECT'l\ONICS co.. 1794 HAROLD L HAllfllf.. s. o . s. U03 Oout Hlw_,. Corena de1 Kar Newport Blvd. 3-+tfc Radio. 300 Marine Ave. Ph: 180. T6-ttc Flre Place and Kindllnc ll·tfc -mll'LO=-=-'l'llZNT==_ =-=w"'u"'~=~ .. =-=---:;.11 .W 0 0 D Delivered H. W . }VRIGHT-Ph. 2030 . 1784 Newport Blvd 3--tfc · WILL DO housework by the hour. Phone Newport 1843. tl-4tc Radio Repairs All m&kee; tubM, e.tc. Ph. 2417. Burt Norton, 9U Cout Hlway, Ntwport Beacb. tla-Uc CARPEN'l'ER ~ORK by hour or ORANGE COUNTY ~ ANJf01JN'l""f:t•D 11 13-2tc A f Beautiful Coron New 2 Bedroo1 $5500 del Mar Home W . J. Holc1 mb 1517 Coast Hi~hway Corona del ar "Where the f1ags F y" 12,2tc 'Gertrude A. V aldron Wm. W. Sa ford BROKE! 308 Marine Baj~ lalancl Phone 234- Corona de! . ar Small 2 bedroom home 8ri4 garqe, rear of lot, good tocaUOo, south of highway. $6800 Lido Isle Bri'pd new ~'bedroom ruiuJ $8,500.00 Bay Front. 2 30--ft. lots on north near Udo ,Theatre and water _ shore. front. $6900.00. . C-,..-Mesa R bl Pri d SubolOlltlally built S-bedrm house ......., easona y ce on ocean front eut or Newport Improved 5 ·acres. Near 17th ancl -pier, $17,000.00. Santa Ana. Balboa Island 3-bedroom house on Sante Ana $8,500,00 . Modern stucco. Best location. Near Ave. Lot 100x117.S I fine avocado -' shopping center. Priced at only and other fruit ~. ~.00. See us for Choice Lou and l $10,000 • -See~ Other.Fine 'Homes. . Fred Brig or ' - J. M. MILLER Danny H ad JOHN E. SADLEIR Real Estate Broker '!Ith I . Realtor 15th and Central H M L ' 302 Main Street, Balboa Newport Beach · • ne Phone 2034 13-lte • "On Your Way to Balboa" 2006 Court Ave. -Phone 343 Phone 1242 U. ltc U.1 tc BROSE REALTY LOA,NS $100.00 and Up to Sl.0,000.00 . See usu you -_,, Payments to Flt Your looome · I Lo&na on Can Trucb -Trallen Over 22 Vean In S...ta Ana Federal Finance Co. INC. 429 No. s_.,_. Phone 6200. Santa "-Callf. 8-18tc Lot On Peninsula Zoned for Duplex BROSE RE U,TY . - C d IM S . 1 -r 1 at•• • orona e ar pec1a $2750 Bay Front Lots Several O>olce Ones Corona de! : ar Lots 40-rt. lot JOUth ot chway. 120 feet fl'or:i1 ocean tJ ont. Beautiful v1 ......... build 2 111111». Beautiful 45-ft. lot on Marigold St. FOR SALE-Two 6.50X1fl -re- South of Highway. Cloae to new cap tlttl. No pe-. Phone bualneu center block. Half blk. N~11752-R. 13-2tc to ocean front. An Ideal home-I-======-----::: site. AUT08 WANT&D • day. Telephone tsos-w. ll-ttc UPHOLSTERING CO. No Delay -New 2 bedrm. home on pod corner - WILL TAKE CARE ot children. Manufacturers -$7500 2 Houses on 1 Lot COrona clel Mer. Phon• N-B. Of J.Jpholstered ·Furnltur.. Reftnlah your kitchen ,bathn>om 61}.ft. lot south Of $450 way on Iril $3250 BROSE REALTY WILL PAY CASH for '38-'G car hi good condition. Glve dotalla..' P. 0 . Box Zl, Corona del Kar. • 5:11).M. 2-tfc 413 W. 4th St .. S...te Ana with new tile board -Al Corona de! Mar Ave. s.-r In. Factory and Showroom _ Excellent Lota of rood val-. , $18,500 $21 1307 Cout Blcbway • · EllPEl\IENCED PAINTING--504 West Center St., Anaheim -, Corona c1e1 Mar n•n-il Hooaes. plen and barges. BY. th• Phone Anaheim 4714 Collect F. P. Waldron M Balboa Island Home On Peninsula 80-tt. ·lot "" Poppy St. South ot Phone 2048 13-lte fuR SALE _ 1940 Sc:INlt -- hour or day. Call 0.-ange 1132-W 12-tfc Telepbone 234W. tc 2 bedroom home, turn., and Income 5 a~ 2 Ba·~ "'-'·-. "'•" FOR Ot Fullerton 316-W. 12-2tp -----------A t. Uttl ···H· ~~ u-• u~ ._..woy. SAIE 'room. 2 -..... --~ 4. Goocl-. U-2tp CORONADO ELECl'IUCAL APPLIANCES Olld P e ~~ ~16 000 •----'-~ n~·~ --· D~A!NT ~-M<7I'ORS _,_. """""6n• tq ~15,500-Tenns .. -' • ......... ~ ... wwwted, ..... extra-· olect11c --..., r ~~ ~ ~ ,_ Electric Range, $178 .. ..-~ • "' ..._.. er bay and -4111 c:uh. Private puty.-c.pt. Boio- llbln&l• roof. For Immediate Immedlau Dellvery ~t'.rii ~-b~~;; -. w. L. JORDAN ~ft. lot ... Narc~ .. Ncrth ot Gol<len•od. can NewjUt 2111-M. ...... N ....... )(unldi-J· ~ oervtce call Newport 1789-JU..tc Auto Batteries guannteed. Agent: ME s A Fine Lots at $4550 & up 700 Eut Central, Balboa 11lc1rn7. D1•1'"4late po11 Im 12-4tc Grounm. Ja.ltp ~EIUENCED office clerk de-18-month -$6.'5 Ex. RADIO" ELECT'l\ONICS CO, 12-Uc .Phone 153 U.tfc $2 -1l.HIIW .• ·-w .. iiO .i 1974 Newport Blvd. 3-tfc FOR SALE-In Newport Beedl. • -I -work in ... a1 estau ott1ce. Pennsylvania Oil • $15,ooo. rnoome s100 per month. Open For lnllpection ~ 30-tt. Iota t<+tber .., N.,.. ._., NEED LATE MODEL ,.. "n• Genttalofflcework.Ph:-.w.. GaDon. 'IOc Carpenters Available New modem stucco, furnished, Sunday c:d • ·· w.:~ ot HJcbw&7. Be-we ~ · l2-2tc -tor , .... ..i matn-2-unit court. Tile 1lnlca.,-'!c•ble Beautiful 2 -..... Ooc1 llnl at --. amt \VW Pay Top Jtrtcea ~'l'A&WT wt e• • West.em Auto S\lpply -~ Pl'&e•. hu wmnc and . -· R<*b' to,_ 111 m IO ' $41( I _ .... I ' r , HELP WANTED--Sltuttlon _.. Autb(lrbed Dealer o. z. R08ERTSON -dy to compleu --\put. ~ Have It -llO -' • -m,1; YOUR ...... ~ a...yr,. 322 llfarlne Ave.. Bal-1836 N-.... Blvd., Coata llf... c.n N-purt 81 Pb: N ...... t 1003-W. l~tc ,..,..,. own tuta. 'nle flalin. allik. t.istings i •anted jfl 'a Ptial8 -.... \ 42-tfc bath. Yen! r..---_ • · I c . boa Ialtnd. 11-tfc • 3-tfc -----------LOT BARGAlN Laree acap<d ~ . -• Pllw ~ _. 122--tea .. w11.-_. ,l ~· -----------CUSTOM CABINET WORK-~ ft.. facing 15th St. at car,_ ot the £.~.!: ~ ":-.:,~ BROSE R &, T ·TY .. 1w ,.. q • Tq ~· S' S T ~~ ~ Just Arrived pelr --..... -""II ot all Orance Aw. &tween -" O>ote '.Phone 502. ll-ttc . 1307 o.-t ~!""Q' .. ,--...... a 1 a 7 I ' -. ' -12-4tp ~ Beutoc Al4 kinda. CU.tom bunt-In fUml, Coot& M-. Thtte Iota for l3000 CtJr-. di t" Kar BA 'l'TERIES ture. DOUGLAS BOAT " or will ae11 _.,1e17, -LOT FOR SAIE -G, 0-. U-ltc aJLBERTION QfEVROLB'f 00., ... HELP WANTED -Janitor. can -0..,. Co. CANOE CO.. :IBI9 W.• Oontnl r 1l-.11tlal Hub l'\>waa, -t Bhd. t3.000. ..,. _,,.,. .E. L. )l'llmR.,;;-:;iii20tllii>,;:0~;&i:"'"•liiiiel C111 1 !'..-Cl p· 11 p . -12-2tc , eo.ttc .. tfc port 412-W. • U-.21C a..-. cant. lMtc ""-"'I\.. r I WJ'· . _ , , -\j. Lldd 'Ibeattt, y_, Siler, 2114. UT -8t. AL 51& Ave. Phone N-port X'l4. at J . A. Beek atrloe. PbmR -N.,..ber, 1!11 --· •. ,._ -' -tM --'C I -. .. 5 17 ¢L • rr p -· I -~ . f • • ' ' ; ' ' ., '-I , • ... --.j·.;:r l • I ~ • • • I I •, \ . .. , . ' " < I lo, ' • ·,, . I .; 1 • • l ! • . ' I, '• • . . • Mr. and ~r:s. Arthur A. Kemper Celebrate Silver Wedding Al)niversafY Sunday * . ll!!!l;JIBl~!!!!il!!!..!!~.!!!!!!!!!!L..,....-,....---,,....-.!!!!!!!!!L....!~!!!!Z.~·~· ... ~,....-~~;;;.:..,....-~~~~~~~~~...J....:.~~~~.:...- • High School J>Jrent-Teachf: Association : ·ties Elects Officers at Founde~· Day Program Har bo r F eminine • A l.J l \ One of the moot dellllltful af· Kempor cut and -tbe llrot fain of Ibo ""aaon wu held Sun. ploce af the c:aR, wblcb wu tbon day. FOi>. 10 when Mr. and Mn. served by Mn. John Sadlier, who L.!Pb~!;OF!!!!l~tJ13~and!!!!!J~!!lll!! ______ ~+:_ ___ _!B~y~Wlnlfred~ ~ Arthur A. Kempor, 900 ~ """' a bouffant aklrt or black laco I • Mn. 1lfalry R. Fowler -~, ...... 57 -1'·,........ •lected p-t af -Newport au, -_.,.. at tbie trio. H.,,..0.-n<."' l'h~ 1637-R HMbor UnioD Hieb -Pinnt· wbo ~ the *-11 a"'"''._ PT. A Pia ---Tea<her -i>dallan at tbe an.W at Uie hlcb --. TbS --.rd. eorona c1e1 11ar, held with a white joTwy .-.. tr1m-p.rol Drake to Be _.. -1n cdelnt1oo of their mec11n not. Head of Safeway's Childre·n's Port -• .{ s Founders Foundon' 0ay '"--bold,_. .Ibo Iii-at t1me t11e bo1s l!ad 111.,,..r ' Day Pro am, Silver day .....u.ic at t11e 11Cba!>1-Otber tllsethor 1n -'Y 11 .. war>< but tUwr -. annlvenarJ, ...,. Mn. Kemper'• mother, Mn. • 200 cuea .. attendina:. Anna Pember, an11 11n. ~ Home Economics ' afllcea olocted for tho 19'6-37 they bad made an ~~ Tea af C School mm"""' Mn. Jorrold Spanclor, ..,.. tbat ~ at tho ~ The home wu beautiful)y dtt· Dwblnwn, .Anabelm, poured. · 'Ibey l · orated with peach bloaoms and wore purple crepe and black and CUol' Drake wUJ. be the new boUque .. 9ent by friends. Early 'll!blte, rspectlv•ly. and sardenla ante of the Director or Sa(eway In the day Mr. and Mn. Keniper con8gea. Sorvinc the Ice cream. ,Stcroa, Ilic., home oconomlca ell.- had recltlved American Beauty moulded in white wtth ~ hearts, 'partment acccrd1ng to an an- rooes sent from Astoria, Wuh, by were Mn. 0. Z. llobertlGa. who noonoomont today by the retall their aon, Lt. (Jc) WIIllant A. '"°"' wblte jftwy, trimmod In rod. ~y concern. The new dlrec· Kemper and In tho afternoon ho and Mn. John Meodor In formal ~er• aorvlcea will be oU.,...Yto called them on Ibo ~ with black v~Jvet. the public through The Home- .• meaago of concnatulallan and MllO Eloiae Roquet, dauahter of male..... Bureau which has been ....,..,. that ho a>Uld not be Mr. and Mn. Arthur Roquet of Safeway'• department for testing present. Many of the guesta took Anaheim played the.ipiano thrOQlh. commodities and developlne menus the opportunity of talking to him out tho attemoon, and others u-for 111e In the home for 15 yoara. • vlce-pnslclont; Mn. Harry 8'lrs club at ~· cafo. 'Ibey plQ' For the fin time U.. Ne.._t dick, secretary; Mn. Goorp Gay, od many ttqust numbora M well Beach Gramm School Pvont· ln!uuror; Mn. R. A. Jomoa, Im-u an oriClnal cunj>ooitlcm by Jadt. Teacher lion will bold a torian; Mn. Murny Rabbitt, par-At tho clooe or the moetlnc ~ meeting In new Olrona clol llament&rian, and John J"""->, _n,. ....,.,. .......i at tabla Mar lj:hool, date belnc Monday, 'udltcr. lnstallaticn will be 'at boau11fuUY cio<o<atecl with 0-.... Feb. 18 at 2 m. It will be hold Ibo April meottnc. In the P .·T . A. colon. blue and in I the cafe • wblch hu •tart· Mn.. Gunning Butler P9ldod. gold. Mn. s-as 81"' Mn. Mu- < d operationa ntly and will be and Introduced put proalclenta, lhall preaided at the t .. aorYloe ~ n.. silver tea, to co WWard who were honored guests. They and Mn. Jl A. James and man-. ,. ,,, ',.the purehase auppllea foe the were Mn. Edwards. S-lra, Mn. bora from tbe-Oorona'dol llar and ':' cafeteria. · O. z. Robertaon. Mn. Hellen Dlxcn Balboa dlatrle)a ""ft ""-- at that time. sistlng were Min Kathleen Sadlier. Carol Drake's home eoooomics . •' It will be a oundera' Day pro. and Mn. Huch Manhall. Each --'.' ----- gram hono · Mn. Elizabeth Bir-wu praentecl with a 1nvo1.y pr. DDF Members :rwo Affairs Enjoy Mrs. Kempel' ....,.., a draped charming In American Beauty rod. advlc, offered tbrough Tbe Home- gown • of Ice blu. silk jeney and and MllO Sblrloy Haan. who wore maken' Bureau. will result from • whit• orchid coraago, gift or her black crepe with laco. testing and experimentins by 15 ney and Mn. be Hearst, with denia and 1tepilanot11 araqe, •. .rs. Alice AndttWW, -while Mn. Marlhall alao ftCO!vod of nursing · cea for Orange the -t-ires!denl'1 pin. husband. u oho stood with him Among the guea,. wett 25 who p-ofesstonal borne economics au· county as spe er and a proe:ram Mrs. Robertson pve a brief of harp musi &rra.Jl&ed by Mn.. sketch of the origin, foundin& and Lola fozier. growth ot the National Qmgreu Mn. Ray Ctaiir entertained members of the DDF Friday eve- ning at her home, 127 27th street, bridge l>Oing followed by a mid- night supper. Mra. HUT')' Baker had high score and ~frs. Walter Nollar 80 honor. to welcome the guesU. had attended the wedding and thorltles under the dittction of A tJiree..tiered wedding cake in-many or them. together with other llulla P. Hlndley, Manager of this ICrlbed wtth silver leaves centered intimate friends and relatives, re-Safeway department. 1-'lrs. Dutch Heacock was ap-of Parents and Tea.chers, from pointed publi ty chairman by the 1897 to the present day. She president, Mrs1 Edgar Hill, to take stated that the Califonlla Con- the place of Mrs. Maxine Schrepel. gress was ocganized in 1902 a nd \\'ho expects to!Jeave When her hus· has grown until it now has a mem- the large table, which wu covered mained for a buffet supper and to "Safeway plans to create for with a lovely lace cloth, and at spend the. evening. Many lovely Carol Drake a personality which each end were tall white tape7'S in gifts were n-ceived by Mr. and will stamp her as an authority on silver candlesticks. Adorning the Mrs. Kemper and they will re-all the things which a houSeWi.fe bu!fet were peach blossoms and member the occasion u one of the wants to know in her job as a &ilver carldlesticks. Mr. and Mrs. most memorable events of their homemaker," stated Mrs. Hindley. band returns from India. hen.hip of 474,979. • Dall. G·r~lce lngraha·m Parents of eighth grade students Members present were the Mee- dames Ed Edick, Harry Baker. i!oeer B&1TOw, Sheldon Smith, Josephine Oquist, Elmer Pattenon. Roy Page, Walter Nollll, Lewis Cock and Ray Craig. The next meeting will be held ·on Atarch 8 liVH. "Our experienced staff is ram.lliar With ever y branch of home eco-a. were present as special guests to To Present Students hear the Wk by Vice-principal RELEASED TRIS WEEK nomics. Carol Drake will person-J oseph Hamblet on the problems Released from Fort N'lacArthur lfy the best in style of <!lothes during the past few days wer e which Mrs. Homemaker wants to T/5 Oifford E. Lo"·ery, 3210 Mar-wear in her home, during her cus street, Newport, and Pvt. shopping, and entertaining at par- Charles F . Thompson, 620 W. Surf ties and teas. She will be an street, Ballx>a.. authority to whom the housewife ~::::::==::::::::::::::::::::::::;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::; J can bring quet1tions on home dec- In Monday Recital or fitting the school program to ---th e needs of students. Vocational aining is offered students. as Dan Ingraham and his Wife, tr Grace Shattuck Bail Ingraham, we \\'ho teach music at the Davis-Gay h ll as higher academic courses, 1 l\lusic studio a nd also take pupils o at their home, 105 18th. street. e Newport Beach, will present their as pµpils in a recital Monday eve-WlS nlng, Feb. 18 at 7:30 p.m. at the e said, and a military advisor is n duty as consultant for boys at the home of Mn. Sheldon Smith. 127 25th street. Another affair held recently by the DDF was a .pot-luck dinner and auction at the home ....rsM!'S. WELCOME CAFE Z560 Newport Blvd., Costa Me8& Phone 433-M Finest Place to Dine Famous Complete Dinner Open 11 L m. to 2 L DI. SPECI.AJ,, ARRANGEMENT FOR PARTIES OUR KITCHEN OPEN FOB INllPECTJON WM. E. LUDEWIG, Prop. Layette · and Toy Chest Co mbination Sturdily built with washable which . provides seat. Decorated with kiddie patterns . so it can be cushion top used later on for chil- dren's toys. Very Special at- ORKIN'S DEPARTMENT . STO.RE l '191 Newport Blvd. Steaks • Chicken • Spare Ribs • Lobster • • . coo ked to perfection COCKTAii. LOUNGE OPEN 12 NOON-12 MIDNIGHT DINNER SERVED 5-11 P. M. Cl-111_,.. Visit Our Beautiful Dining Room R~TAURANT , .. r. .......... ·-· -Lei ... WU.... ..... . ' • ntering the armed forces as well returned veterans who may · h to r esume their education. oration, table service and party menus. She will know the func- tions of home operatiorn and will be able to advise on the type of equipment needed to perform these functions. We expect Carol Drake to be of great help to house- 'fives in answering specific ques- tions on home problems." ----~ ·, Costa MeSa Community church. h Veterans who \\.ish to complete igh school training and receive .(Photo by Roberts Studio, Santa Anal "Carol Drake's suggestions and Thi• cuddly bundle of joy Is Laur~ Lee Byer!l, small daughter of T /Sgt.-and Mn. E. C. Dyen, y,•ho Uve at the housing unit ~t El Toro. S he bu big eyes, a rosebud mouth and y,•riakles her nese y,·hen she smUe.--e.nd she loves her father, very, very much. ideU will result from a complete --------------------------- eir diplomas may do so at Santa On the program will be about th .45 students, Mrs. Ingraham's fea-An turing piano and violin, while l\tr. tun Ingraham's students will give se-r lections on the trumpet, cJarinet s aad saxophone. w a Junior college in half the e it \vOuld take to complete the egular hi gh school course, the peak er stated. New subjects hJch it is expected will be of· home testing service," continued De Polo-Smith Wedding First Held Mrs. Hindley. "We will have five Bonnie Lynn Cottle ered in the near future include I p lastics, agriculture and academic s ubjects. kitchens and various home testing In Coror!a del Mar Community Church Born Tuesday rooms to try out ideas or to aeek solutions for home problems. Carot. First to be held in the new paratrooper in the Anzio, Salemo r Drake will also have the advan-Corona del Mar Commuhity and Holland battles. He wears A daughter arrived Tuesday, J A plea for all. kinds Of books to eplace books destroyed by the tage of a complete research serv-church, the wedding of Miss Lu-several battle stars and is soon Feb. 5 at Santa Ana Community ice. Safeway has the largest li-cile Bristol Smith, daughter of Mr. to receive a foreign decoration. hospital, born to Cpl. an"d Mrs. brary of cook books and home and Mrs. J . H . Smith, 229 Or-A former platoon sergeant. h~.h as Harris Cottle jr., 1529 West Cen- economics material in the Unit 'd avenue, Corona del Mar, and received his honorable discharge tral avenue. She weighed six States qutside of the Library of Anthony J . de Polo, son of Mr. and and will resume his business as pounds, 12 ounces and has been Congresi." Mrs. Nichols de Polo, North Ber-contractor at Palo Alto, where the named Bonnie Lyhn. The baby's apanese in the Philippines was ade by Mrs. Jerrold Sf'tt.ngler. he stated the city of Mani alone m s I ost all but 35,000 of their 700,000 e~. Books should be given o . Spangler or left at the ng Beach board or education or- t The fJomemakers' BUreau.. un-gen, N. J., was held Saturday, F eb. couple will make their home. grandmother , Mrs. A. J. Willams ce, 726 Locust avenue, Long t Lo fi Ile der Car(>l Drake. wtJI continue to 2 at 11 a.m. The Rev. Perry Guests at the wedding included and brother Tonuny, four years answer ~ect questions on prob-Schrock, pastor of the church. of-the Messrs. and Mesdames Gustav old. are waiting at home to wel· lems which are faced by house. ficiated and the ·service was pre-Grupe, Jay DU:tter, Corona de} come her. ! P Wives at1d home economics teach· ceeded by an organ recital by Miss Mar; Chester Whitten, Placen,tia; Cpl. Cottle, son of Mr. and Mrs. I ach. A pleasant treat was the musical rogram, arranged by Mrs. Wes- ey 1 ~rs. ~ has bee:n one of the most Margaret Scharte. , E. C. Carroll, Pasadena : Roy Beng-Harris COttle sr., Newport Heights, w J important services The Home-The bride wore a gown of white 1ton, La Mesa: Charles Graves, So. and a former member of the local B Fowler, program chairman, I ' rhakers' ·Bureau has offered in the satin with a waist-length veil and Puadena; Robert Bridges, North police force, is stationed in Manila. an pa.st. and the company plans to carried a bouquet of gardenias and Hollywood; Rev. and Mrs. Perry s extend this service through the use white sweet peas. Mrs. Donald Schrock, Santa Ana: Misses ~ary Briscoe Family an of new facilities and equipment Weber, sister of the bride, wp.s Kutz, Seattle; Mary Hoff, !Lyn-r1 ow being installed. matron of honor. She \\.'Or e pink wood: Laura Jean Long, Santa H onors P arents on Prior .,0 the announcement or marquisette and carried pin'< and Ana; Alice Ann Graves, So. Pasa· Wedding Anniversary e nevi: name of Carol Drake as white carnations. dena; Prisdlla Anningham, Balboa ho introdtlced Dude, Jack and ill Skiles, well known musicians d sons of Mr. iind Mn. Bob kllea. Placentia avenue. Jack d Dude have recently received their discharges after four years in mllltary service. Both are former inembers of Fred Waring's Josephine Oquist, Newport boule- vard. ·as a mearis of raising g::.: for the cJub. On sale were ani· to-get articles, antiques, home- made things and cooked ,/ood, "something ot everything." Each member bro\!llht • neighbor .. guest, and 25 or more were ptta- ent for the fun. White Ho•se Cafe . ..._ 11111 i.c-..... c.at. If It's a Book We Have It Or WD1 Order It tor Yoa.. ESTREI.IJTA'S BOO.KS 7 115 N orlti lKalll 8&. Boom 8 7 A.-lll<lir· Banta A......a. NU 7 the Dir~tor of The Homemakers' I Chester Whitten of Placentia Island: June and Jo Bengston. La : . Bureau,;Safeway's home economics was best man •and Gustave Grupe Mesa; Sally Greeg, Santa Mofilca; · Two ~ions were celebrated G,...tJng C•rda a114 a GrMt Vart.ty of Unu...1al Gtfte operatio!i was conducted under the was usher. Virginia Smith, Corona del Mar; by thf! Bnscoe family when they ''WE INVlTI: YOU TO BROWSE A.ROUNJ>" name of Julia Lee Wright, a name After the ceremony a •wedding Harlee ~an. Long Bet-ch; gathered Sunday at the home of C. L LOUCKS which ~as used jointly with Fam-luncheon was served at the Hurley Teresa Mitchell and Elaine ~11, Mr. and. Mrs. Charles McArtor, JE\ELR:V and I T ATI ONERY Uy OrcJe magazine. Julia Lee Bell to members of the wedding Pasadena: Pat . Wilde, Vallejo ; CUiver City, fo~ a buffet luncheon. Dlamon ... W•tohee • Fine Aep11lrtn11 Wright will continue as foods party and 40 guests. Allee Cook, Redlands; J ean Acker-Mrs. McArtor IS the da~ghter of .,._. Newpert .... • editor of Family QrcJe. Mn. De Polo is a graduate man, San Frl;Ulclsco; Rose Moody, Mr. and Mrs. R. _J . Briscoe sr., ""' -,- nurse of Dibble General hospital, Woodland ; Lillian Sather, Peta-Santa Isabel street, Costa Mesa, ·------'-"'-"--..:"..:..N..:.:.-~po1:..rt..:_•~1vd.:::.,_Coota:.:;;,;:. _;M:::-=:.•..:Co=l::lf:..· -----l A ho~power tax or 80 cents Palo Alto, acting as cadet nune luma; Jane Carlson, Oakland ; Fay .8!1d it was their 40th wedding an· --------------------------- for eac~ horsepower generated by during the last )'ear of the war. Swan, No. Hollywood; Margaret ruversary. . an induitry fot its own use-;>\.,.nets It was there she rilet her husband, Scharte, Corona del Mar; Mn:. A second cause for rejoicing was the state of Louisiana some $5,-who was a patient on his return Stanley Long, Santa Ana. and the return of their so~, Bob Bris-, 000 000 ally from overseas, where he served u Michael Kantor, Pasadena. coe. former machlnlst s mate tint • ~u · USN dhls ~-------,.,-----1 class, , an wife, who wu Mrs. Covert Honored At Birthday Party Residents Invited Tp Hear Dr. Chen At FAC Friday Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gort.on, A special Jnvitation to all resi· 217 20th street, Newport Beach, dents of the district has been ls-were hosts at a birthday dinner Thursday . even.in& honoring their sued by the Friday Afternoon club daughter, Mrs. Lawrence w . e.cr to come to the club meeting Fri-day afternoon, Feb. 15 to hear the vert, Newport Het&hta. noted Otineae educator and au-The birthday cake which com- also in the navy. They were mar- ried in Memphis, Tenn.. and at present are making their home with the McArtors in CUiver Qty. Mr. and Mrs. Briscoe were mar- riec;I In Missouri but have lived in Costa Mesa and Newport Beach for 25 -years, excepting two spent in Oi"egon. They were presented with a pair of beautiful mat.ch#!d lamps for the living-room. Thole prnent on the happy oc- USE ...,__, o ·,. 8EAUTY • 90& Mvjae A ... • Balboa hhM -Pbone 11!'1 Open Saturdaya UnW May lot ClMod an Monday HELEN FULLER SwedishMasaeuJo Also Specialist in Facial and Scalp Treatments NEW MEMBER OF OUR STAFF HEAD TO TOE BEAUTY SERVICE. pleted the delicious turkey din- thor, Dr. Theodore Hsi·En OK!n, ner was baked by Mrs. Jim Woods. former dean of Fukien university, Ottna, and now head of the de--After dinner the evening,)Ya& spent partment of Asiatic stndies at the playing games. Mrs. Covert re- casion were Mr. and Mrs. R. J. jj;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Briscoe sr., Mr. and Mrs. Jan ' Briscoe, Mr. and Mn. Charles Mes u . ceived many lovely gifts. ntvers.ity of Southern California. Present to share the festive Artor and sons Marvin and Nor- "'i"'• Mr. and Mn. Bud Briscoe and daughter ~rgia o( Newport Beach, Mr. and Mrs. W . S . Heller and sons Davy and Larry of San Diego and Mr. and Mn. Bob Bria- Teachers of the high school a nd members of the PTA have been in-e".ening were Mr. and ~· A. E. vited. and anyone interested will Dixon, Mr. and Mn;. Jun Woods, be. welcomed. Ml'\ and Mrs. Kenneth Gorton, I Arthur Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Covert and Larry and the host and hos- tess. Balboa Circle to Meet Wednesday Balboa Circle of Olrist Oiurch 1 Rv the Sea will meet \VC'dnesday, ~ Feb. 20 at 2 p. m. at the home of '•• • "• Mrs. E . A. Barnett, 210 'East r......:.;:...;:.:.;;...:..:..:.;..._.._.;:--.-..J 1 Ocean Front, B.'llboa. --------- CHRISTIAN'S H T Leooanl Marshall. Mana&er Bal._ Callfontla DELICIOUS FOOD ... COCKTAIL BJlR DINNERS ... BANQUETS coe. Easterner Expected ; Will Make Home Here Mattinas to Leave Balboa Island When Major John C. Mattina, 2110pal avenue, Balboa·Island, left here in December after temporary , Albert Oarriclough, La\\Tence, duty. in this area, he expected to Mass., father of !\In. Evelyn Joyce, be sent to India but \\'Ord has is expected to leave shortly by been received 'by. his wife that he plane for Balboa. \Vhere he wil.l_ is in New York and rather ex- make his home \vith his daughter 1 pects he will be assigned to dut y and son-in-la'''· AJ J O}'ce, at the in thaLcit}'. Balboa Point House. It is the first The major is In the regular army trip to California for the retired and Mrs. l\tattina and their small shop owner. son are planning to join him. Expert Bea utician s for Milady • Permanents, Cold Wave., fuir Styling. fuir Tinting --• !!leach· ing, Cold W ave. : RU'TH • Al'(N • CARME1>! -§- ........... Aa .... ~ ......... ,.... . ...... .., . Balboa Inn lieauty Salon ................ • .. o-....a: ......... In Memory of Henry J. Siler ft is with genuine sadness that the staff and workers of the Lido and Balboa Theater> witnessed the passing of Henry J. Siler, friend, counsellor·and e~ployer. Mr. Siler was always ready to aid and guide to us in our efforts, to offer sound and homely ad· vic.e and tO hel p us in our_ troubles. sichlesses and financial prob- lems'. • His pas.sing leaves an aching void in the lives of all of w and we extend our deepeit sympathy to the bereaved w;dow, Art.a Siler and oon. Mason E. Siler. (Signed) • EM!. GAYNOR ]ANl!T GAYNOR R UBY GEN£ GAllDNl!R WILLlAM GARDNER CHRISTI GAllDNl!R .ELAINI! QUARllY "}ACKJI!" tUPl!R EvEL YN BEEKMAN Beul.AH RORICK JDiYY Roo.ii:K . Rx:ttAllD fuNL£Y ttuRvN~.Y Jlu1NETr 'RHool!I ' <J ROcEll Golu.iAN ( ""Bucx" B E.AN JeRRY Bure J?tCK FERGUSON QoN EDMAND PAUL McELYU Russett: WJUeN RJCHAllD }OINl!Jl llo881£ On . IU.PHONl!I! Poanu.o1 Usttn w<:JALi.t tlLUAM IL AuolJ> '