HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-02-19 - Newport Balboa News Times' .ti . SAND CRAB • • -~ -~ SAM ...... ""'-' ftBOWNING8. Souw.speed· ..,~ ier .method ot getting to. boats In distress or drowning Ing people In the bay. should be devised by the city and county harbor departmeht. A case in point was the one last week-end off Harbor Island where three inexperi- enced men in a Slllllll skiff capsized close to M a r k Pierre's pier and lt·was some time before the life-saving crew hit tl\e beach and brought . up the body _with grappling hooks. Mr. Pierre had phoned both the Harbor Master and the Fire Depart- ment, the latter being on the job pronto, headed by Jan Briscoe, who made everY ef- , fort to revive the victim. Burt Norton, who happened to be at the Pierre home, saw the accident and dove lnta the icy waters in efforts ro find the body, but \vithout avail. The sad incident brought out the fact that lit- tle equipment seems avail- able to reach the scene piomptjy and 'the proper of- ficials should provide what Is needed quickly. • • • Annoyance. Talking to Bill Graham the other day and Bui has 1a gripe about snoopers. You know he and his nice Missus just built a gorgeous house overlooking the ocean at Corona del Mar and everY time he wanted to cut the grass or hammer a nail or put in a sprinkler system, somebody w o u I d phone the city hall and shortly some ~p or other of- ficial would ~me poking around to see what was go- ing on. Now Bill happens to be head of W. R. Graham Associates. a powerful public relations group with offices In Wash!.'lgton, Los Angeles and other big I cen.ters. and he can be very helpful in doing things, it you know what I mean. Bill is disgusted, wants ro sell his place and get out After all we're hu- man and moot of us are nice guyS, no matter how big or how little our businesses are! •••• Golden Boy. Most of us alway~ pictured Charley Te- Winkle as a serious· business man and civic worker. until you got under his. pleasant exterior. to discover his love for hosses. . In stables out neAr 20th street, Costa Mesa. "Golden Boy" a, 6-year-old stallion with a beautiful white mane and tail, Char- ley's pride and joy, gambols and frisks. so long as he doesn't' get too close to Mor- rie Crawley's bay, who 1ives across the fence. "Golden Boy" will shake hands with you, kneel. stretch and be as geitle as a dove, because soon he will be a pape., and the welkin will whinny with joy. • • • Register, or No Vote. This seems to be about the quiet- est city election in a,ges, and registration which soon closes, ls light If you would vote for city councilmen ·April 9. YOU newcomers MUST register before Feb. 28. Tl;!us far, according to reports, Balboa Island's can- diaate. Harold Christler, does not intend to make the race. which leaves thrre, with two to elect • • • 'Miracl es. Over on the Coast Highway, between The Arches and Bay Sh ore. Camp. land values have Jumped to dizzy prices. E. M. Smith, who has 'dragged llOOle Of the hillside down. is putting up two large stores and property adjoining, d!omed by Miracle Mile Jef- ferson, which jumped from $2250. which he paid a few years 'lgQ, to· $25,000, which M refused. An Inside lot _,. tile ·Gordon Drug store, 50 feet, reoently acild for 'f8SOO;J . •••• . \ . ~is~~! tline ~th bis legislative body • ~Warren with his JeP!a , what with vetoes ..S ve one's ears slap-,. oil and tbat. • . I ' .I ' ' ' ' .. I -. r or 38 years the betft advertitinc medium. in the neWpol't h • -• -the 'newspaper that pee home . . . ftllt.. .L ~· . .J. .. 1Cbe ktlcm • KEEP .POST.EDI 1 y.,. ....... .. · a. Os..., . • ... Oii 9fCI, ... . j • •• Oo& of - ..... Oillllll .... -tfc ., ; f Ncaor , , Newput •. ns? I 'll!t::~ ' . ' EMBRACING.. BALBOA. PENINSULA.. WEST NEWPORT. SEA SfiORE COLONY, 'LIOO ISLE. N~WPORT .HEIGHTS. BALBOA ISLAND, 'coRONA DEL MAR, COS_T A ME~ ) fOLmQ mvm 1'"EWPOJt' BEACH, CALU'OllNIA, TUESDAY, ... atJ.uiY u. I... ~' . ., ~ If firie Started in Classroom Burns Out with Little Damage Over Week End at High School Cause Believed Due to Record-Changer Left Plugged in Wall; Bookcase, Books, Pa- pers, Blackboard Consumed Fire, apparently from an overheated record-changer plugged into the wall of the journalism classroom of the New- port Harbor Union High school which became overheated during the week-end, burned itself out after causing damage in the room alone estimated at about $500 by Principal Sid- Skatinlg Rink Permit Wins; Others Denied So-Candid Camera Heiting on Streets and Beaches Banned ney Davidson yesterday. A book case, papers, books, blackboard and wood trim in the room were burned and charred by the blaze which the state forestry rangers, who were called to in· vestigate believed was caused by carelessly leaving a record chang- ing device plagg:ed into the wall Friday afternoon. As far as known no one was in the room Saturday or Sunday. The fire fortunately burned lt- self out in the one room. It might have caused serious consequences if windows had not been closed and a draft of air had caused lt to fan into a blaze which "'rould spriad along the walls into the rest of the building, the principal Applicants for various said. Live coals were st\U seen In types of business. within the the ashes on Monday morning city limits had varying de-when children Came to school, the grees of SUCc."eSS at the city first intimation that there had CCM.lllCil Monday afternoon. been a f;re in the building. several bei11g denied, but a The forestry fire department few, including a· new roller was summoned in addition to the skating rink at the old New-city de~tment because the high port theatre on Central Ave., school as outside the city jurls- next to Robins Ford agency, diction. won approval of the city fath------- ers. A previously granted permit to extend the Union Oil pier farther into the channel from Balboa Isl· and iubject to the War Depart· ment okeh was held up again due to the disapproval of the govern· ment, which· automatically voids the council action of Jast month. it was explained. Roland Thompson, city attorney, said that the com· pany must bring a new applica- tion to them.' and the matter was held over until they could com· pJy with the wishes of the War Deparunent. The zoning of C-2 on Central r..venuc .c.t th~ location o: '.~e old theatre building, \vhich has been used tor wartime stora1;e. and the granting of another permit for a roller skating rink in Balboa in a I C·2 zone were deciding factors in favor of the-combination skating Register by Feb. 28 To Vote for City Council Registration to vote m the Clty of Newport Beach cloees at mldnleht Feb. U. all(htly O\'er a week away, while ~ traUons for anyone ·planlli•C to run for .city council wUl clOMi at noon on the same day, it waa stated today by City Cle rk Frank Rinehart. The total ·number of rect .... tranta ,couJd not be e.timated by the clerk becauee the booiu hav~ br-C'n M!Dt to tbe count)' clerk's office, bot It ls• aUU pouible to rec;iate.r eltber at the city ball or at tbe ftre 1uJJ.t, R.lneb&l't said. Harbor Army Officers ;· . -Plan Airport lnCostaM~: · · . · , . · . Clubrooms, Shops, Etl· TUE MIRACLE MD.£. ...... llde of ., Cou& Mattwa1 loold.ac toward TM ~ ~ baei se1 la value Of tlda property ~ See t v· to • s• ·Wu•traU!d by ll•• J•mpert >fotel, la to..,......i. which jampod wlWD • tow 7.,.,. from • __ ., ........ fJle,-...,.nllll&' IQ Inform&· n a IC na .. tlon at Ute clty hall. The Eta-Bolda _. Galvan offlce, Toyvllle property, wlalcll la now a -.&: ......,,.. ,_.; &Dd. farther wt J11e new Tract · & M. Smith bulldlaK betac ereelted for a hlnlltme store adJoUahac t~ edatlnc Sml.tb bGlldtD&-ell of u..e properdet laa\ie Jumpfid a.mu.· tncly I.Ill value. TM N. W. comer of CoUt hlP••Y and Salt Bernardino &Ye.Due ta ·the dliltanoe, o...t by W. T. lettenoa of Ooroaa del • \ ~=:~~~-afy Sii~·f39]6-~fs~ie=;::ji~ ~~ Believed Lost $90,000,000 Appropriation 1n,county Area ~~~i~17~r~1= po~tnr~~ sl~ ~~y ~:~N::d fo c Str ct·on E ployment uc!:i::,~~o!:p~~~~us!= ~~c:1to c. H. Diggs, Jm_ John Zitar. brothers. and John r on u I . , m . atins in Unincorporated are .. of ty plann.ing consulta~t. with~ Holmgren, brother-in-law of Paul the county is under study at pres-the application waa tiled, the l&J'I'!, apparently are given up tor lost in -1 ent, according to Willis Warner, modem air center is planned W thelr 36-foot fishing boat the Amy (hairman of the county board of three former air force pilobi, Lou, which was fishing for mack-County Due to Get Over One, Million, Desig-aupervim. ' Majors G. E. Mayfield and Thomu erel until recently for the Cali-ted f u· h Publi Buildm· Under present law, all Orange L. Murphy and ~pt. M. R. Conn. fornia Marine Paclting corporaUon. na Or Jg Ways, C gs, oounty dtin have license restric-who have estabhshed a temP<Jl;lll'Y No trace has been found of the Sewers, etc.; Local Govt ·Must Go 50-50. tiono but IO far, the county has not headquarters at 705 North Main, boat even though the U. S. Coast aought revenue from unincorpor-Santa Ana.' t Guard made several trips to the at.ed buaineu sources. If a chan&:e It is proposed that the tlD'ee vidnity of Santa Rosa Island to Orange county and the cities ·1n the county can get were made, It would require all me n will lease the Capron ~ which they were reported bound $1,596,967 out of the $90,400,000 appropriation just made by buslneaes In the county to obtain erty west of Coot.a Mesa and OW for bottom fishing about the mid-the legislature with the enactment of t he 11construction and a licen1e to operate. site, which the civil aeronautics die of last month. employment act." ~li{omia Taxpayers' association sai~ to-The study ii only in its1 initia1 authority has reportedly given ~Po' Mrs. Zitar of San Pedro asked day, making public its analysis of·the provisions of the new atage :but probably would require proval, Ues between Victoria, 19th the coast guard to search for the legislation, which will take effect ninety-one days after the establishmen~ of a separate col-street, PJaa:ntia avenue and the boat when they did not conununi· lection department to operate in Santa Ana river . , cate with her last Jan. 26. Planes provide SO per cent of the actual IOtne conjunction with the county Each of the men who plan the and boats from the naval unit nder the terms of the act, the p>St of any project, except for planning oommiuion. latest in'f>rivate airports, have"h.ad searched hundreds of miles of count~ share will be $849,000 and county road and highway projects. . five years service in the army air coastline and the area in between, thf. cities-Huntington Beach, $33.· in which case the state ma,y aid baJ . . forces as pilots, held pilots cer-- but without success. 50~; Laguna Beach, $39.973; New-up to $75,000 ijl the RjtgI"egate fer A one Poaching tificates before the war an<I llince Art Hill. president of the Fish-port Beach, $39,776 ; Orange, $70.-any county. Any ·other federal, Brings $35 Fine returning from war zones and· ermen's LocaJ 36 here expressed 814; Santa Ana, $13,919; Tustin, state, or local monies availeble prior to leaving the army were an1dety over 10 days ago when ~l . may be used to meet the match-~ llnt ame of abal011e B-29 pilot instructors. they did not report back because ~ The 1\C'V legislation appropriates tng requirement. ' ' .,.,_r.td.,. to appear la justice Commwdty In Itself he knew that the skipper would $90,400,000, with $400,000 going for High"·ays, Hosplf.al9., etc.. court here for flve year• wu Plans call for the airport to not stay out longer than his cOffey state administration, $45,000,000 to Of the $45.000.000 for counties, tried by lnd"'e D. I. Dodi-e Jut practically be a community hi lt· stock would last. and it was then 1 counties, and $45,000,000 to cities. one-third is set up ror road and week and c. s. K oo of Santa 11 self with apartments for em- ttme for that to run out. The It requires that on any construe· highway purposes in uruncorporat-...._ wu fined SS5 for colJecttnc ployes: a shopping cer.ter, auto hrothers were members of the tion there m ust be a "state" in· ed territory and twe>thirds for-I alMloae oqt of eeuoa; 1 service and repair shops and .pee.. union. terest and that locaJ agencies must oonstruction of projects such as AooordiDI:' to the Judge, the I io\15 parking facilities. fhospitals and se.nita:riums. detert-• 91.at.e l"&lllfl and ft8h code states -.Fiftv, four.plane, T·shaped hlmg- 1.J 4 •. ACR£ ANNE·XATION "tion hom.,.:schools, sewage faoli-that abalooe may be cather ed ,ars will be erected and it is ex-ttes, sanitation facilities. roads, frmn M:JrCh 16 to Jan. 1._ and 'peeled that the airport will pro. highways. flood control. fire pro-provtde8 for a minimum finl" of t vide charter trips to all patta ol. 1ection and prevention fa:cifit:ies, -.-. for vfiolaUon. j the country and air ambulance d h bo f 'liti .,._ service as well as provide ad~ate •ppnoVED BY cou•c11 1·nOf ~e ~5~.~-to cities. pri-"--. -. - 1 .ervice facilities for all private M · ~ · n u. ~~~ies ,:~11~~!s~p :a~~~~:~ King Will Add fl>t:; planned is a plane assembly '6Chools. storm drains, and improve-I New $72,000 Bo~t 1 building and an aviation mechanics -I By resolution of intention of the ment of existing publicly owned · · i school, in which the state depart· S kin • Bed 1 city council Monday ~tternoon. an· "'ater works systems. -TO Fleet in April ·=:t~. education is said to be tn- ffiO g ID other annexation of approximately The main building wilt include Caused Fire· Other 14 acres to the City of Newport I Poll Memhe!i'! 'ren r"•r••r I»••· ,.,,, _., ""' control towers. airplane show ' • I Beach was initiated which will add Of M C £ C rr Kil"'P'": '.an~:,.,; this c-Jm:ng roofTI"'. offices, obseniation rooms Blazes Not Serious 72 Iota to the city tax rol\s lm-J • esa . c '• f'<hine season, rn;d Dan-ell '<ing. a colfoe shop and clubrooms. ' mediately north of the Arches. UIC0rp0r:Itl0n co-owner of King's Landi g. In ad-Name Vaux White rink and dance noor. Milo Allen '------------.....J was (he applicant. ff gge Salton Sea Also granted was an application R ol c. Stanhope for underground esort Proposed gasoline storage facilities, whJch · On T ._ • well · known 111>9rtsfish~n and Three small fires caused minor ThlS property, owned by Harbor Memben of the board of direc-, dition to the charter ts. Kinp damage in the harbor area during Investment Company, will be ton of the Costa Mc•a a ----. said that thPv will have v,., dav the week~nd , the most disastrous .,, .....ulUI::"• of which was at 303 Palm avenue, known as Harbor Heights. ot Commerce passed R rt>Sofution boats. including his new SS.foot Balboa, burning 8 mattress and The only improvement asked of Tuesday e,·cning to poll the entir'e Sport King. due to be completed To Dr. 8r:ager Post on f• P!"!'"!ng Commission · had previously secured the ap-BRA WLEY.-Approval has been proval of the fire department. i;iven by an Imperial county com· No Photo SoUclttac mittee and the Imperia.1 Irrigation Frank Owens, photographer, District for the development of a "'ho said that he would be unable $50.000,000 resort at Salton Sea. to en,age in strenuous work and etans call for hotels homesites asked a permit to take candid I an airstrip, hunting l~ges and ~ camera '"shots" on the streets and man·made island in the center of along the bay front \n the city the 15 by 35-mile lake, located in (Continued on Page Five) the he~t of the desert. Y.outh Drowned in Bay ~ B~by Saved When-Canoe OvertL,rns bedding at the home of A. J . Jones. t he city was extension of city membership of the chamber on' in Anril. u well IL:' the Valencia, -- Cause ot this blaze at.tl:4l Mon· water mains to the· tract, a ~· 1 proposed incorporation for the which is to start ,operations about By unanimous vote or the city day night "''as said by firemen to tance of about 200 feet, which community. By unanimous vote ft the tint of March. The sleek new council Mondv afternoon, Vau::a: have been caused by smoking in R. L. Patterson said would cost was decidC'd to SE"nd out a ballotj 0"1'.ft is costin'!,$72,000 King said WhJte, well known cafe man ~ bed. Smoke damage was consid· $600. It borders the city on the with new membenhip cards the 'Ibe new craft now being built Balboa, was named to succeed Dr. eral>le, but Jones was not hurt. easterly boundary of the tract latter part of this week. 1 tn W ilmington will be one of 'th11 Howard Seager on the city plan- Earty in the afternoon of the along Old County Road, and has Costa Mesa's new deputy ~) !irv::st i n the hRTbor for da.ilv "iX'f'd ning commission. Dr. Seager's ree- sa.tQe day the fire department was been a part of the Newport i!f Bill O'Brian was introduced to· runs to the fishing groundS. It is ignation had been held by the called out to quench a blaze under Heights Water company district.' th~ chamber b; President Harold '. a trip1e sc:ew• 8'25 h.p. beauty a7 ~und.l for. nearly two months a pOlice car parked at the city A~rding to Tom Henderson, K. Crauel. O'Brian told memben' Wiibttodating·60 pm;.s~ngers. It 1:i: 1 wtthout act1.on .. president ot the development com· that he "is assi'gned to' the ...-_ .. l to be added to the fleet later in Vaux White 1s one of the two yard. A small poqt of gasoline '8--under the car cause<l insigniJicant pa~y . the. tract will be ready for for night duty but woul4 be avail-I April. ~ the sporttisherman ~-/ WhJte brothers who c;>wn and oper· damag(' before it 'A'as extin· hu1ld1 ng in about 60 da.vs and the able duri.ng the day also. He ex-J lieves thll will prove to be one of ate the three cafC'S 1n the ha~bor guished~ company itself will construct soroe ' pects to be equJpped with 8 radio the greatest aeuom in the his· area, fnclud.ing White's Balboa, A ri l"f' o! more serious po.ssibili· houses. Smeltzer avenue will be ~r in the near future. 1 tory of fishing at the local bar-I \Vhite's Park Avenue Ca.fe on BaJ.. ,;,.!' ~t •h'." A'luatic Center on th(' extended through the property,! Thf' chamber also heard from bor. · boa Island, and Vaux Cafe. also ·in nonh channC'l WRS confined to 8 "';hich forms a knoll abutting on Bertttn Smith who told of com-Plans for their enlarp;ed nM.to I Balboa. He lives ~t 409 M sr:-et.. storage room at one of the build· Newport boulevard on the west.J pleting arrangements for many ad-restaurant were postponed untJl on the Balboa peninsula. -_: in~ in the group which originally A few busJness lots are to be made ditions to wa ter facilities fer fire fall. due to the •hortage of solJ I I ""'" occuoied by the Office of a\•ailable on the highway. I protection. The p-esent worry of pipe and otfler materials. 1bey Mrs. William Smith, 508 36th Strategic Servicec. now the Sat1t1t The council action in approving the fire department, accordlng to did not want ~ be dela~ With street, was given a birthday 1Qr- Ana Anny Air Base recreatioD of the resolution of intention this Smith are the-new subdivisions construction difficulties during the 1 prise Iuricheon recently by a group On~ of three occ;upants of a ' time of th~ disaster, jun1ped off headquarters in the harbor. It is week se~ a date for hearing on east ~f ·Santa Ana ln"enue wller"r .. ~ight of the seuon. it was said. for friends and neighbors. ' canoe drowned when the craft I the pier of Mark Pierce in a vain located on city property. • ot>jections to the annexation for no fire facilitles an! as yet pio.. turned over ~ln front of Harbor effort to save the victim when no An oil stove wa5 said to hsvf" the first meeting in March vided . D k c I ~t;:a~:!i~? ~~~r;.~, ::E~ S=th;%~:~~~ ~~~ .. b~z::~~*;,~:~~ Four H.S. Speakers ~=:. f:.r1:~ynn'3~t~ run . enneSS aSeS ncreaSe; could· not swim, according to ln-1 sent an inhalator squad. Dr. Ger-mated. ___ , . Compete in Lions' I the parking areas In the contcr ofl Ni Fi ed ·· T h• c ·md ~~~~~':,, g~~~ ~~~~st~~~ :, ~· w~t~ :e .:::rt1::. 19 Cases Measles Annual Contest I ~-:,:;y ~=:i ~~t=-~ ne n 1n owns IP OU1.1 son, 19. who re-nted the small boat \\·hen they arrived. Grappling 1 will need much addltional parkinc · . • rescued little Vincent Sweetser. hooks .were finally rushed to the In Costa Mesa ' r•paee withi'\the next few ..... -Nine perm have ~-be-John E.. Mackintoah, Coota-. 2* yean old when the frail craft island and the body brought to the ---Harbor Hich IChool afudent -"'"' "'*'" D. l . Dodp foe drunk-fined $15 turned over. n.. child WU Shae-surface """""" It was found that Past Two Weeks apeakera will -In the Lion'• New Subcliviainn enca .. far tbla ,month and ,.c-· CUrtll it Goehrin& Santa Ana. fer'a couoln. the victim """' beyond resUldta-dub annual public apealdng c:cntest • --r· c:onllng to the ~. the numi-fined $15 ' The U'lo were staying at Bay-tion. He wu pronounced dead by tonl&bt ('l'ue9day), a\ the l'<lular Of 20 Lofs PJOtted <I -ot oouaty crilna-· ahore Camj> and rented the canoe Dr. Rauaa and the body taken to Nineteen cues of meuleO wee ..-t1zic ol the dub, acconllnc to ' • 2l7, lune -~·Iner 'llrC llonlca Goehrlns. Santa Ana. fer a ride ID the ~-When theY the Baltz Mortuary. reported la tho Ooata Meta -Prftident HOWU'd Gerrlsh. At 18th and Ahaheua. lri Ills --'-1llc ID eourt -$15. llOl off Harb<ii' laland. the rough _Shae!~ had come to the beach foe the put two ....a alone with Students -will apeak on the I 1 --·• PH -. ........ , 0........ E. Kelby ._ed 'on .,.. ... .,.. lnexperlenoed handling ot wtth hia coualn, Mn. Harold three euea of mumps and -ot aubject "My Raponolbillty u a · r-+n Sd>•eltM oa.t& .._ • eharse of ncrancy --..,._ the small boal apparently cauaed SWfftaer and ~ child fell' a ahort chicken-. accorclln& to the coun-Young AJmricul IQ 1-tiQc World Encln<erq w tlcea ot ..... A wh I to JO...,. j,. eOunty jd. t......i to five do1" In _17,JOll,, it to overturn; and the OC<Upanta vacation when the tnce<IY hap. ty l)ealth omce. wbo ..iv.-no Paoe" ttt Clm'lotte Prial, J-. Raub have been .-tr.:ted ·i.,. Bor•<-Domcu. cQ,u Msa. --pei.sed on ...,.._ -.. thrown Into the ~-Mark pened_ • further lnfonna-on the bJsh ca-, MoP7 -·--Stan-Bertrm Smith aDcr WIPfmD -SU. · ).____ that he loaw the <OU11ty bel- Plereo, well tnown Loo Angelea n.. remains of the Y<l'lth"""'" rate of-· lq Ownben. fera ...... .-...on the-l ceorr.....,.Hap> .. nn.i~ ....... . ID*'tidan who ....ides at 24 Hu-forwarded to hla home In Hoven. Onl7 two_.,, __ wwe The •-· wbo -IO to --cm-·ce.--B I ' -.-~a.-. )(-V-wz L.. ~11" !:i.i:and phoneil poliee bt the -South Dakota Monday night by ...,.,.....i -Noa,..t Br .... llllt ~ ._ -'""'•-•l~I la 0ilot4 ,-• R P c·-SU. · plnlrl -~al Pettt -i,.; I Burt~.:...-_ well -1oea1 the Bala Mortuary. Services will = .,,"":,,:, :*::-"" -....,1y mb•.., wm he..,.; ro "7 .t::=·'--""';'=!I?;'-.;-..=--.c. ~ Colla -. =-.:. ~ .:;:. ~ U.: =-...., ~ ~ :::Id at St. AnlhooYa Cburd> _ .... --,... tbe -= ,:;":: ts' ...... -••. pd':'*"' a: ... 7 .:;.s.ir. n . o.ea.-. --Ill!:-· I I ......... -on at . -~ 1 .1.11<4. •--~' r ·•rna .. -t:P ··'-~ -.. . .. • I ' • \ " . \ . '! ' • ' • • • I I . . . ' ---. .. et's IFish' -A. ,_II. Siegel & Raub GINEERS and SURVEYORS 1811 Newpert llaGll•ard ~ 1111-J c..ta ·-I ,,, G.N.Wells Real Estate ...._. Newpwl 111 luw N_.t ~ .._ Olllf. ''' Dr. Robert A. Crawford I OPI'OMETRIST 1.,. 1'1-" ~ -Olllf. --''' Curt H. Bowman The Bohman Company 1 , T1l11llase1 !tBll ... SW WI Cwt mpw.,.-N-rt ll•ell, Ollllf. ''' ' o. z. Robertson General Contractor Ull Cnut BIP'"'l'-Coroaa del ~. Ollllf. 1 Newport 81 ' ''' Harold K. Grauel CHAPEL t 10 Broadway Cotta Mesa. Callfornla ''' A. E. Groty -J . A. Groty Groty Appliance Co. Frtclclalre and Maytac Dealer-Phone 15'74 11 '791 Newport Blvd.-COSta Meta, CaUf, ''' John E. Sadleir . Real Estate -Insurance Ottloe Phone: 20M S02 Malll 8-t-llal-callt. F . B. Owen Newport Souvenir & Gift· Shop GIFl'S OF ALL KINDS Phone %1S%·1 %10! ~ Front-Nowport Booch, qoru. ' ' ' L . H. Ewen -Proprietor Mesa Radio & Electronics Cb. Phone~ , 179'. N owport e:;-;;ta M..., o.nt.1 HUBBARD HOWE Pres. Hubbard's · 1 1 South Coast Company nu· W. Contnl-Nowport -,., ' HEINZ KAISER, Owner ·Bay Shore Camp 1 . and Boat Landing 1\'.Dl ... Clout ll!pWll)'-Plloae: Nwpt. 1ll8 ''' Lew H. Wallace· Real Estate and Insurance ·Broker Piia••: omoe I Pee lMI 1111 W., Cieatnl ATe.-Newpon ll:Mc:ll, Cam. ''' COYE. WATI'S Balboa Liquor Store 'IM &. O.lnl A-. llal-c.111.' ft. 1479-J -n:. -or Cordlalltr' -o. u. ......,., Jllcr. ' . ''' Louis Verwey, Prop. <:mno Cafe & Cocktail Lounge I -..._ Streft Bal-...PIL ~­ £ £ ;t J.M. Miller REAL ESTATE BROKER .-ISU 1llllt a& -Oelllrd-N-" - "On Tour WO¥ to Bo1-" ''' . I. Walter J. Gerhardt Our Photographer -......., ..... Oorw. .... II», Qllll. I N-rwt ---w . I ''' J Newport Engineering Associates I FREDERIC J. SINGER, ~t \ .. .,.,..., ............ ,.,. I uu eo..& ......,...__ -. '~' · Otto Boyd Boyd's Service Station ~ W. Olatlal Jlf6W ... t B11da " SJ - ''' Wallace C. Matooo Mattoon's Shoe Sf.ore . . F_...., for Al !tho Family •• 1 UN N-pwt ~ - • Our Briney Aquatic Front. Ya~~ , · _ Orkin'sn:-~ntStore Where Y ~chtsmen ,a~d D~¢p Sea . . ~=:""f:~1:-=· .. 1 · Fishermen! Disport · ~or Thr,lls · · ~~~.,,:.!'-.. ». 1 . ~ BRADEN FINCH . , , , .1 • •I , ( I I •.. ·1 ' . -------=~----... -~··--·--·~·~·--~-·~ J.B. McNally --J~_-:B~·McNally, dean ot Newport Harbor's sportsfisher- men, came from Toronto, Cana<19-, when he was 1 ~ years old. First living in San Fernando, the family later mov«I to Pasa- dena where James atttended school for three yesrs. Finding it necessary to go to the mOW1tains for his heslth, be spent much time on Mt. Wilson and liked it so well he started Orchard Camp on the Mt Wilson trail and ran it tor seven yesrs. His heslth improved, he returned to Pasadena and entered the electrical business with his brother. First COJl1ing to Balboa Island in 1912, he latesr built a home and came here to live in 1922. First fishing for pleas- ure and to again regain his health, he began taking friends on fishing trips Md-tli!!!' started a tull·tlme business ol game and sportsfishing. At present he keeps only one boat but his son, Beman!, has ·his own business in the McNally Boat Llvery. I -~. Considered an authority on all types ol fishing, McNally Is a charter member and vice-president ol the Balboa Angling club and weighs in all marlin brought in, the club presenting the lucky fisherman with an official certificate regarding his take. ., . J . ' ' . ' . I t ' .. ' I ' ' I; I • has quickly · to the top in the ing business and Pa~=· native son and a ewcomer in the area, Is the ·dent of the Spo rmen's Association of Newport Harbor. Starting with one y ~t, the Crescent, he aCquired Al Forgit's Balboa ~v!li interests, giving him four other boats and Scottie's e. · the Crescent will pull out ot Se&I Beach. J Bom in San JOBe, he attended LS. where he was on the football te&m for three years.· Aftl!I'J college he went to the Santa Fe for three years as ~r echanic and then went to France with General Pershlnf s 8th Engineers. After the war he opened an ice cream ~ bottling plane In Glen- dale, Ariz., and then went tb BJkf5H d aS chief enifneer for Kern County hospital. . l Ten years later he built and · ted the famous French Village at Bakersflel<\. which hU· his name known up 8nd down the coast, and it was wben ~ of this tbat he came to Balboa Islahd whet'e lie Ii with bis wife, F.dna, who was a Red Cross nurse ' · the first World War. Lorentzen has a son, Patil jr., of V and a daughter, Jean, who Is a dental hygenlst • · · Former commander ~ the AIJleri Legion post in Bak- ersfield, Lorentzen Is alsd. a member f the Veterans ol For· eign Wars, a Mason, Elk and Ej&gle. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~_;.~-'-+-4---~~~~~ Paul Lorentr.en Balboa Sportfishing Fleet .-111 ___ ... _ _, £' ANITA SEXTON • Prop. Balboa Market and Delicatessen -.. O.lnl-ft. ,,. ''' DON NORMAN Nonnan's Meat Market .. o.tnl Aft. ft111 - £££ 'Howard J. Gerrish ~Fla JNIR1JL&NCS 00. .-111. U. Nl.,www_po ... rt ----. OIM. JOSEPH L. MARSHALL .................. Christian's Hut ..... ££t Thomas F. Norton Prop. BAY SHORE CAFE --· l'l••~ ........ '41ERVING 12 NOON TILL 9 P. K. t£t Geo. W.eiss & Dick Othmer Plastic Watercraft fu --• ... 0 ....... . ''' Bob Allen COUNCILMAN Prop. M 1 BOA mAD Y.&&i:WII ftCW . . . • ( SPORTLAND--BOWUNG~ PAVILION BALBOA ~ 2402 • -. ~ ' • Burt It NOrton RADIO ELECTRICIAN -KIT 1111 a.-& ~wpwt; Prsea.,..CllmL ''' ' AL ANDERSON · Fmi 7Ane ..... -· tt£ Bob Callis . Dltill.... '· • we••r, Rn (ft.nKO BOW**FOWA) m-. at.-Sewtwt n111 ,., ''~ · ROBERT H. REED ' I I' Harbor Cold Storage "'-"" . I . UI ,.. 8t.-Newport Benda, c..tlf.. ,,, Capt. B. J. McNally MoNollT• Balboa Boat Livery 'JOG E. ~ Ave-Phone 608 ''' Drr Conrad Richter ' . OoataM- Pbone: OUlce lSS __ ,,_,' ''' Herbert F. Kenny POSTMASTER · BALBOA c.111. ' ''' Geo. Wela L . E1alne Wela Coast Properties Co. Realtors 70IS.O.~- ''' W. B. Rowe Starck's Cafe z'tet: Plaee-Newport ''' FritZ Goos!lel)S • Gus Vandet' I Jnde • Balboa Market l'lloaeN_rt_lMalDA ''' Jack Hamilton Beacon Sea Foods • . .-tGN•W . Ult Cwt mp.way-Newport B•cla, Oii!.. ''t ALLAN DARTFORD The Blue Sails ...... 8ta'4 7 TF1 ~ Art ........ ---._St. llal--.ft. N-.ort I'll £~£ Robert E. Arvin's lewden uad Wa.fehmplgerp 111 rwed7 -...i •-• New,.n ••oh. eam. ''' ' WlDlam MacCurdy W. H. {Skip) Calk!m MacCnrdy & Calkins,. Inc. . NAVAL ARCHITECTS ')(. E. N!edecker, Sec . .l '!nu. , · UU ~ llwJ'.-N-•t --ft. Nwp&; - .ttt Stanley James Barden MASI'ER MARINER _ ............. -·-T-• ... -.. I w -~ llwJ'.-ft. -· . ~'' C.F.Dennison •s1selated wHlll .&. -a&XD_r nwww:ca -••"-•()Wit .... ..., ... _ 11'71 ''' . MAC PELLETIER Newport ·.Pharmacy 11110-"Plat ft I ££t ANTON HERSHEY ~:t'Si;ot n..1111 •• , ..... , 't' I Donald J. Hannon . BALBOA HORSE RACES ........................... .t-t£ . Demiis HM'fand .' · PLYMOiJt~ ' ... 1 lllllliel• c •.•=-........ ..... • ... I • • ~~~~.~~-"--'-~~~~~r - ,-I -I ,_ • ' (' t • SJ E .KS - -I OUR SPECIALTY .. OE ~UINE :UTTSBMILK BOT CAKES • c-plete LaDeheo• Me • • ()pm 7 lo' 7 -SUnda,ys 8 to 5 ' 1Kids' Cate· _ l!f_,_..... ~ - I Jim -It» Keller, p.._ . . ' • . . Study TB .Wards In County Hospital ~ appoinlmebt ol a.,- EWott. Hun~ 'BNdl; Rev. Fred W. Nledrln&bauo -Ralph c. Clnedley, Santa Ana, to ....,. .. on a commlttft wllll Dl'I. F.dwa.rd Lee Ruaell -Ellttt E. Lunde. gun!, oounty health oHlcer - medical director of the tubercu- lOl:ia pavilion respitetively, wu ap.. provedbytheboordotdlrecton of the Orange County Tuberculoola and Health usodation In recuJar monthly meetiog bold at YWCA Bldg., Santa Ana, Monday after- noon, accordin& to an announce. ment by William R. Hynds, presi- dent of the Ouiatmu Seal or-. ganlza lion. Doctor Russell tt~ed to the ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!board of direct.on that the com-mittee, together with .an engineer, X _,._ employed by the 'county, Is •tart- H H inc by making a atudy of the • Need Money present building to determine what can and should be done with them and the COit, to recommend. poll- tlve plans to correct what ts wrong and to call attention to some angles of care and personnel, taking into conajderatlon · every I phase of the program. For Vour Ranch? An-vear .c1~bSenc1s , , f 13-Fl Geranium East .. SCOUTING FoR Al.I. BOYS , * •:•am . . THE AIR SCOUT Dan Pate W\thNa I Back Release Dan Patch. 313, USNR. son of Mr. and . L. L . Patch, ~Modena a nue, Newport Hei ts, receiv hi.I honorable · arge Sa y at Rooeevelt , Terminal land. He hu had 32 mo~lhs' ervice, most of it on the airqraft er Suwanee and 1was in tall e major c palgns from i.he ilbert Islands to O~wa an<tl ~e ously saw serv- ice in"'the Aleut! . He ii entlUed to wear four -~b and nine bat- tle ·stars. 1-\, On bis 1Ut le ve at home lo , County Grand Jury Finds County November, Mr. atch waa mar-ried to Mlsii tye Po...,.. of Buildings in Need of Repair·, Has Balboa Ialan<!, d they .... ,_ making their ·h e at 212 Onyx Praise for Two County Officials avenue, Balboa and. Mr. Patch ~ plan.a to enter an pprentloelbip u "-'Ytleatill c-.i.-MOil asa. TIAL ~ ••er IMfore. Doll't let lecl et N•dy cnlt llRd ... yelSr W4'J • • • !M -WllCO•I to . ...ii Jl•rMff of Dr. C.WH•a Ulleral Credit "-WHliMt 0.. '-•Y _AddltloHI Cost. Al of p11r IMC"..-Y ·-r1i w• be cemplehd ll~MT NOW •. : • pay kiter 11 ••• . w9'tlly or •Htltly •-•llh. -. ' Dr; Cowen'• prlem ...... ~ at the same low level for .n brUicllM of weai ...,..._ --ied deetal work. ~llded to Right Now ....f • f No Advance Ap.. pointment ~ quired. Come in Any Time at Your Convenience. Day , or Evening. If you need greater working capital to 'keep your ranch at maximum production see us about a low-interest Joan today. The First National Bank has established a policy of understanding the problems of randters of this community and have given individual attention to every case, yeer after year. Those who have dealt with us in the past recommend our services most highly. Ask them a!>out our friendly interest. • Epgineers Organize Refrigeration Service Oraii.ge county grand Jury this the grand jury: woodworker ·~d ~nter. week submJtted their report and 11!• grand jury foond the court l======:t1===== 'l......'.=•~===~--~F.~ll~.f.~'f~/IA~R~H~//f~G~••~2~19~loc~us~U~w.:_ _ _'.j recommendations to the board of house, hall ot records and court I· Wt;dnesday evening, F~b. 13, a supervisors and in it found that house annex buildings in a bad ' C meeting was cai1tc1 of refrigeration several county buildings a.re in • state °' repair, and recommend • ases I • Coq1lete Loan Service • t l l~SI' \\'fl()~\·{. B\NI\ "4 Swt~v. 1..,•:i.. ...... ~ ~ o u R r H c, rvi /\1 N men of Oraiwe county for the pur-bad state ot repair but praised the they be painted and renovated. lm-C b • ts pose of forrrt.ing a local chapter of work of the county auditor and mediately. No general renowting '." ,me the Refrigeration Service Engin-the county purchasing &.eent has been done to the buildings for eei:-5' Society. It was held at Lee's Following is the report ~gned rnott than 13 years. ' Drive-In banquet room, Santa Ana, by Elmer Crawford foreman ot In . 'y --· the -•-~--,_ with 36 men in the refrigeration · man ·-·-.,._u:-,-ill business present, most of them tun of, holes, and In several ln- bringing their wiv... Eleven Licenses •lances large portions. have fallen The m~tlng was conducted by oft, leavin& the lath exposed. Scme Wllllam Allison of Los Angelea. Issued in First of thl.t damage WU done by the stafe president of the society. A eart.hquak~ of 1933. petition WU made for a charter Fifteen Days The court house annex shoold and election or officers was corn-be painted immediately, as the I pleted with the following named: --condition of this buildJng is very 1 president, Merle A. Soden, A#la-Ele~n individuals and business bad, heim ; first vice.president, Harry firms ~were ~iv en licenses during More fi~e extinguishers should Fox, Anaheim; second vice-pres!-the ftnt half of the month to 1 be placed m the court house and dent, Tom Markham, Santa Ana; operate in the city. They cover I hall ot .records, as there is only secretary-treasurer, Jim Rof11mon a variety of businesses from pro-one available at present. of Fullerton; assistant secretary.-fessiooal lines to realty and yacht It is hoped tha~ some effort will tre.uurer. Virgil A. Payan, Santa brokerage. 1 be ~de imm~ately to remedy Ana. W. L. Nichols secured a license the ~1tuation. Any long range -------.-for a donut and waffle ahop at pl~mg by the board for new Since 1898 WOF\1"HINGTON Since 1886 R'EF...,,.,""''RIGERATION ud Air Conditioning Fifty per cent more highway can ~ Marine avenue, ~boa Ialand, bwldings. sh~d not b~nd It to the 1 and at 312 Marl aJ t need for building rep&J.rs. At pres-~~ FEDqtAL_ DEPOSIT INSURANCE OORl'On •TION be built with asphaltic concrete 1· ne a re es ate ent the condition of the buildin-~ ~ 1ceme was iuued to Ernest Lyn-. --a~ i!!!!!!!!!!!!!i!'!!i!!i!!!!!!!!!!~i!!i!!!!~~~~~~~Gt~h~an~Wl~·~th~ce=m=en:t~cona=::tru:cli:on:,.:•t wood Vick. Also on the isJand is anything but a credit to Orange equaJ COit. Dr. F. E . Keltor was licensed to county. ~ . P1"actice dentistry at 226 Onyx We f~nd the office of county avenue. purch8.Sl.n& agent In capable hands ' I • * During chose long months of fighting we all had dttams, ambitions and plans fo~ the post war ~riod; and with V ·J l;)t.y. looked confidently ahead co those plans becoming realities-"' some of them have-but others. well-they have bttft delayed. * WJth rhe ,folding of Japan, we of Pacific Electric anticipattd. along wic h others. that badly needed new motor coac:hts would shortly bt available, as would materials for the improvement of rail passenger tquipmenr. Such has nor Men the cue:. Although ·bURs have be-rn on order for many months. some for delivery late lase year, no new pa!ffnger equ~pmenr has btt-n rttei"Yed since V ·J Day; and because of prevailing condi.rioni. probtbly ..,-on'r be deliveftd for some rime yet. * Hardly a day pUSH that our cars and bustt att DOt ins~ mili~ry urvi« for ttNrnctt., many of ..,hom are battle c:asu.alun. Thac heroct wli'o gave freely for their country are OM Ol OW' lint considnations.. We know you would noc "wanc ic adterwisc. * Complicatioo o( the Joca.I rnasponarion problem follo~ gcnttal abaadoame-ac o( an.ggcred houn of e-mploymHt. ~ bu ttllillced in coaguting tnve-1 inco a much st.oner period aa rush houn. The ine-vitable rnulc bu bed: bea-ritr &oedin.a • .on: mnd..., .. tb<tt bu beeo no additio6al .,.u.,-1 anilabk. * w,collidendyaoridpowaodattplaaoiog(o,nrlleatpooPhle ieprowd tnlllporution MrYitt.. In tbc: _.sMime. we ue _..... 1fticaU7 1"0tkiag c:o pnmcie maximam M wb1 pa-i'* ~ prHm.t cooclic::ioos. JOIN 111£ MAI04 OIF DIMES f"'l!ht -PcacAyala ' . Ernest Butterworth will operate and wish to compliment ~· an optometry store at 3114 Cenb'al Gladys Bower on the effJoent avenue. R. F. Gallagher secured a handling of he~ office. licenae to operate a phonograph We have checked the fair funds machine In the PaviJJon restaurant. and they appear to be ln order, In Balboa also, She's Apparel store handled as are all county tunds by waa Uceru:ed to sell lad.Jes' ready-Mr. Eckel. / Since there has n t<rwear at 305 Main tr t been a county fair recently all Shaw's Upholstery ~ p~ to that was pald out of the f\Jnda locate at 811 Coast hi hw ~re adjustments durini' this la.st . g aY-fiscal year Within a blodt. at TI7 Coast high-We hav~ checked the~ way, Bob Cunningham wu given ing funds and they appear to ln a pe:nnJt to operate as n yacht order. The county has · broker. A cabinet shop is plan-the budget for the fiscal year We ned by Guy Nolte at 1513 Coast do not have any recommenda.Lons highway. f chan r In Corona del Mar pre-fabrt-_or ___ &e_· _______ _ cated houses will be sold by Olas.1 .-------------. W. Masten at 729 Begonia. A garage was licensed at New- port Harbor MOtors at 2616 W. Francis J. Horvath,, CentraJ avenue. INCOME TAX SERVIOE Federal and State 11115th SL n. um-a Mrs. P . A. Olamberlin and daughter Nancy, 1866 Newport boulevard, Costa Mesa. went to Desert Hot Sprii:igs F'ridfly for two weeks. Dr. Chamberlin took tqem up. returning home Suoday eve- ning. · I'-----------'---' . ONCE AGAIN SAM'S -SEA FOOD SPA ~ Otten Y oa tbe Fl"""* Place to DIM la .Orup Comity: ,. All New· -- Even ~ Location . •. One-Halt Mlle Eut ~ Old Location (lll Coast IJl&bway. . ' Beautiful New Cocktail BU' -~!~'~:.------~cw=-=~·~·~'~•:::•:>~ • ..... -. ...... a c • • • ' • • ' . A T T E N T I 0 N .! ! I The Orange County A. F . Cif L. Unions concerned wish to~ their appreciation ·of the 'triendly attitude shown by Jewett Brothers, general con-. '- tractors, Fullerton, as eviderced by their signa- ture on the labor agreement used by tte Building Contractors Association of Cali(ornia. ·~ ' " " Buildi~g and Construction Trades Coune~ of Orange County, A. F. L. · . • Central Labor Council of Orange County, A. F. L. - • • J • . " ' .I - I \ • • -. '· • • •• 1 ' • "-. ...,_ ... \1.UOA 1'o£\ .. Navy Air Reserve of 28,700 f1~\o~=~ Prbgra of Adm· Mitscher ~~~from thei ·~-~~....:!:!!~!iL.~!!!:!!!7::~:.!!!!!.~-::1--~~ ..... ~-:::-s;-~---;·~~~.:..~~.::.....;.~--:~~-+~~.:.::·~::.~~· tAtUurata.-: &Iii _ ·, mpany "Re)lort Shows Larg~ City Re· ts Bid Increase in War-Years' 'Phone Traffit Of $87 'fo: Howie EJ 9 8 13 · 8 . . --At Ciamp Growid c+-ne_c1 ond operated Harbor High Tars .0no lonel7 bid ... ~ _ ..,.Dll"ini c.!lfomla Tele-Finish• D D ·Seaso taker's -·at the 18th 1tnet . Navy's Electronics school a.re sut~ : The Navy p a ready air ~ with the ~ that the reterYee at ftdently trained in radio, radar eerve <II 28,700 )iaval and marlno j all times will maintain fleet Ill"<>-and aJlled subjecta to command tm-Penonnel In ln~ctive duty status ficiency. -medla!d:Y large salaries In pnvite to be trained In la.j'.1-ly ln\ep-at-1 The reacly reserveo will be com-Industry.• aald Otlef A. W. Beem. ~ program wt~e recuiar navy. posed of 6,100 naval and marine recruiter In charge of the Navy .. rrom l,9CS,062 In, u.u. n entrance to the dty camp p-ound. ~.to the "'omorr· o·w -.... --rcr -"' to --~'."'olden J.' the. city If the pun:huer-would ley. pn!Sldent or move It out of ~ munk;U>allQI · This program been develop-aviaton, 2.800 ground ottioen and Recruiting station in Santa Anai -.rnp1"'3f. ephone and Tele-Harbor· High Tars and Tar turned out to be a rather IW.Wei'. " Babies engage Orange H~h school come filrure. The dQI councilmen <d unda the · on _or Admltal i 19.!llJO enlisted naval and marlno "'The radio and televlllon lnduo-: Marc A. Mil, U.S.N., fonne< personnel. They will be o<11anlzed tries, the telephone and teJ.ecr•pb arl Harbor days, ley continued. "our grown by ™"' po;~ •. "' n per cent. deputy chief naval operations. into air groui-, ~ and systems. just to mention a few, for air. units trained to man tn. an emer-are eaa:erly 'seeking ex-navy elec- A total <II 15 naval air 1tallono gency the ·oiilpolald up In the In-Ironies englneenl for their tech- In the United" Sl-tes Including Ulo active fleet. or to supplement n1ca1 1taffs. Alamitoe. hu been designated for squadrons of the active and re-He estimated that a aim.Du the excluolve -"' tralnlnc serve fl ...... Reserw marine 1quad-coune ol lnstnlctioo In private air raervllta. An additional """"i rons will be Cl<llanlzed _.-.tely lnotitutions would coot $15,000. alr ·~-"Ill train 1 1' . -bo-l 1n order to complement carrlen Men p>IJIC to the navy ICbool, In t that at the end 51.2112 penionnel, ,\ <II the ~n and e women 1>8d had ~ .. of 3el'Vice. · lidcs M'!"'ns' _. assigned to the Marines ond to od:lition to free tulljon and oqulp.. "1'11ae. st.a~ wHl ta• •~' train operation with the Fleet ment,. receive regular navy pay, tine Q)ls ....... ,000,000. an ill- than 299,000,000 Toll and Ione dls- on a comparable .. ' I ablt the ~ me " fa oircratt.' Marine Force. clothing. food and lodging. medical equipment and ,tedmlqueo as they! Planl have been ,,_ to start and dental care and In fact all or are developed ..by naval aviation. a thorough trainlnc procram for the privileges of a rqular navy , totaled more than an IDCrMtl<! ill cent ewer the !ft"' on 1ncreue of 169 per cent ov 1939. The longer haul can.. orliJnattnc In ond des- tined beyond four territory, were ' OuT sincclrttt than~• and ' r eserves about July l , llM6. lt will mon. In odditlon to privlleees consist of 48 drill perloda • ,...,., eranted to 1~ 1tudenu, It with approximately 100 houn of waa ap!alned. appreciation t 0 a II OUT flying a year far pilot.a, and an -------- annual two week period of tra1n-Jewett Brothers fmn.4 wh~ have h«n so tng at sea atx>ard curlers ol the • reserve fleet. Of Fullerton Sign r • .,;.,i;• . / more than 1~.000. an tncrease ~ind to uJ during and since ' . , AU personnel --1n the With AFL Co cil ...-of 52 per ~t -. the record Leono.rd't 4Ccident. ready reserve will receive pay for. un. ~AVE YOU!l BRE/fT#, -SA,/~, IM HEA!JN; ::~ ~~~an:::,n~= th°! G~ Fi ll!ONARD llw:H PAINTING U y..,. -la N-ri BartoorAna HARRY HALL P.ulf'TnCO CO~C'l'8 .,., ........ PILN...._A'74W attending the required drill per-iods and for the tw~week training N~otlations have been com- pleted between Orange CO<\flll' du!.>'. standby reserve will also be building and construct.ion . trades organized, to be compoeed of ot-and Jewett Brothen, general oon- ficers and enlisted penonneJ who tract.on of Fullerton. Thia agree-- cannot regularly attend the drills ment signed ls the basic building or otherwise qualify for the-train-and construction trades' agree- ing to be given the ready reserves. ment 'which 95 per cent of the The standby reserve will fly and building contractors in California attend such drills as they can on have signed. a voluntary basis, for which they It pertains to hours, wages and _ FCJI? 711E BIJTCJIER/;. TJl/5 R:Jillf} OF lJ5Efl year 1939. , ' FAr 15 Waml FOtJfC PO/Nr5.r ~:_.. 1 '. 01 ·~~~~!:.~lllth~ •==-==""'=======~!!!!!';;;;;!~!!!!~!;;!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~L )-etll'S of its war effort to estab--.=. lish 'service proriiptly for all BP"' Improvements . HA1ugSah nMPcMedilrl 0 a_n ::£.+.~:?i:E ·. sequent to December 31. 1939; to will oot receiVe pay. other conditions of employmenL -;======;;;=========;;;======;;;!Negotiations were carried on in ~ a friendly and cooperative spirit At B h re . For Discharge :::e r:~e 0~.:!': /~; :::;:;~ ays 0 handled new "installations, discon- Hugh McMillan, one of the five· tinuances and moves due to Camp Costly grandsons of pioneer J ohn Mc-changes in customers• addresses Radio Service I . J • At ~asonable Prices Pa lmer Radio & Electric ZM8 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa ALLMARK Greeting Cards Di stinctive Costume, Ind ia n and Shell Jewelry LAMPS • VASES • FIGURINES Newport Souvenir and Gift Shop We W-llltb I %102 Ocean Froet between all parties concerned. Those present from the AFL at the meeting, held in Fullerton, were Ralph Conzelman, secretary or the Orange County BuJJding Ttades Council; C. I. Bartholomew, representing the carpenters; C. A. Chriss of the cement finishers and plasterers; C. A. Devine of Orange County Central Labor Council; Leo Vie. representing Los An- geles Building Trades Council, and C. J . Hyans, representing the Cali- fornia State Federation of Labor, also the two contractors, William and Richard Jewett. Former Brain Surgeon In Army Opens Office In Santa Ana Mill.Rn of Newport who were in totaling 7.297,029 telephones, or various branches of the I service, almost fou r times as many tele- retumed last week from Saipan. phones fts it ... had in Servi~ at the \ "I am glad to get back to the Old beginni.ng of the period. Although Pavin of the entire area of C.Ountry," said the te~hnlcaJ ser-this .hu.ge telep~one movement re- Ba h g c · ae sin the geant as he arrived at San Pedro. suited in a net increase of 754.624 . ys for~, tamallp, 1.",,_ a dgl d Mac who spent a little over a telephones. or 39 per cent. our si ze o J .s r er s1 es an an -• . . 1'I: 'red t t I r h I ' t dollar on the 5200 mile trip from com ~· was requ1 o connec ~capbenig 0 t ed portpaltu ar rebsor Harelnea Saipan in the Marianas Islands, and disconnect, and incur the 1s ngune en Y z • . 'hf ttlfl t Kaiser, welJ known harbor busi-formerly wr~tc fishing news .for costs. t1 ehre or, a o ~ o a m111os h · di th the News-Tihl~ as the Flymg, ten te ep ones to gain one. e nessds ~fandwll o is. s~n ng ous-Scotsman. He also v..TOtc a column number of owned and operated an o o a.rs in improvements ed S II Wh" d , telephones in servtce at the end of f h h · 'JI ,_ b tit! eagu 1spers. an O\Vll-I or w a t e expects W1 u.:' a an-ed d ~ r· h. t kl the year, "'as at a record high of ner seuon at the beach for the an operat~~ a 1s 1ng ac e . . . store in New'port which he sold in 2.702.686, a net increase 1.n 1945 of past decade. 938 114.401 telephones. or whi~h in- Wh th ti 1 · 7 ""'"' I en e presen mprovements About three days out from Cali-crease more than 0,""""'1),. te e- are completed, which Ki¥ser "has fornia. our ship, the USS Drew, phones, or 62 per cent. we~ added had .under· way for nearly a ye·ar AP'A 162. was greeted by the first in t~e four months followt.ng V-J. and 1nclud":5 ~ number of new per-seagulls and they Were a welcome. day. manent buil~ngs, the c:c>lorfu1 re-sJght," Hugh explained. ''Th'e fish- sort o~er Wlll hav~ an investment ing is good around Saipan in t he M Eff" H exceeding $100.000 lll the property. warm waters thett. and the Jap rs. Je armon SANTA ANA. Mllltary hospitals The one-time immigrant ·boy fishermen supplied us with fish, Qf Newport Hurt such as the one at the Santa Ana who has become one of the most' including tuna. J Jiope the native J H A "d t Army Air Base where specian.t.s successful business rnen in the Chamorro people of the Marianas n Orne CCI en pooled their knowledge and serv-harbor area bought the simple lit-Islands are eventually allowed to ices, have impressed millions of tie camp in 1929 which had no govern themselves and will be able vet~raiu ~ith the values of ~u-electricity and few facilities.· He to buJld up their own industry and per1or medJcal attention, according gradually built it ~from a camp culture." - to Dr. Samuel W. Weaver. form~r ground to a permanent residencel Hugh is being discharged from chief of neurosurgery at the air of 54 families. They have a "ca-the army at Fort MacArlhur.1 He base. paclty of 200 families which 1s al-first left for overseas fTom San Dr. Weaver , who served at the ways filled during the season. Francisco, traveled south of the Catching her heel in a corner of the!µvin(-room rug with force enoug .. to thro\v her across the room, Mrs.'Effie Harmon, 115 27th street, fell Saturday at her home and was later taken to St. Joseph hospital It is belieVed she sus- tained a broken hip, but no report h'as yet been received on X-ray pictures taken. base for t~o and .a halt years, is In addition to 10 cabins, the equator to stop in the.New Hebre- currently In practice at 311 West trailer park has 30 hot and cold dies. From there he went south to ~th street, S~ta Ana, wh~re he showers in two new buildings. New Caledonia, came back across Intends to .speci~ze in braJn s~-They boast two new community the equator.._o Guam. and then to ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~jg:.CSry and diagnosis of nervo05 dis-ldtchens, and 16 stoves accessible Saipan. He expecU to settle down •por COM lyl-.'ow'Harril -0 ers. for the guests. All of the utilities in the harbor district with his wife. are under ground. (i!., .... -... ~-• of this Clean, Family Newspaper nm OUUsnAN 5aENi::E MONITOR l'ntframa'-wl I L 71 ....... frw .... ra''dc' -· .. -~zw . ..r ""'···-.. .a_ ·--______ .,_ • • , ...... "'9_ ... .,._ ..... ...t•zs·•••,_ _.._i-·...._. ___ illodwl6...,,oo11·•1 m .......... . r;=~=;-:;.:-d~'k·:· ;:;-;-;--o-r-"'n.-.-~·-:--.---. ,-.- --·-··-·-·-··························----........ ---·······-··········· ..... &··················· ..... ······· ..... ····· '--~~~~------~~----------~ Navy Dischargee To Enter Commercial Fishing Industry Harry R. Duncan. whoae wife residea at 310 Diamond street. Bal· bda Island, was discharged from the navy Feb. 13 after 8 months service In Samu and Cavlie In the Philippines. Mr. Duncan. a graduate or Po-. mona High school. pl.am to return to the harbor area and enter into oommerdal fW>lng. Boat Rontoh Handel's 'Largo' Ka.Iser has improved his beach T B S and put in two marine railways. 0 e ung These lead into a new machine ahop where marine moton are re- paired. He hu a sizeable boat rental business which Paul New- burn cares for, even including a An adaptation of Handel's "Largo", will be sung as a solo by R<ibert Hall Collins op. >he Chriltlan Science transcribed pro- feature the kiddies claim as their gram which will be broadcast on special interest. That iJ: a water Sunday, Feb. 24, over Station bicycle which a boy can paddle KFMB (1450 kc), San Diego, at along at three or four miles per 9 a.m.. and over Station KMPC hour as his pedalJ turn .8 propeller (TIO kc),·Los Angeles, at 6:15 p.m. instead of a wheel, mounted on Mr. Collins will be 'accompanied pontons. This was built in the shop by Ruth Barrett Arno on the organ VFW Renews Plea at the camp. and 1s 1n great :1e-of Th~ First aiurch of Christ •. mand, Kaiser said. Scientist, in Boston, ~!ass. This • For Vets' Housing Since arriving at the harbor the organ comprises 76 stopo and more SAN FRANCISCO.-Richard H. former restaurant man· hu never than 5,000 pipes. The Honorable N hall Calif · ne..----.t Mrs. Hay (Violet Spiller) of Lon-ew , orrua _... __...... stopped building on the lease he don England wrote the words or c.ommander of the Veoteram of took over in l~ or;i the Irvine the' solo, entitled "Oh May My Foreign Wars. today called upon property. He bwlt and leased the Voice ,. m&nagement a nd labor to cooper-Standard OU station, then the cafe · are in providing emergency hous-and grocery store and gradually -------- Ing facilities for war veterans. Improved his camp until It is be-Gus Clark Opens Newhall a~d that . the aame 'type comlng one of the most famous of cooperation which enabled In· along · the entitt coast. Kaiser is New Electric Shop duatry and labor to "/'arts" the Installing hundreds of dollan In Newport ' war ls necessary if etijiili:gency worth of playground equipment to , housing' ii to be provided enhance tta appeal to the better ~·•w~11:11ut11111111•"•J•1a1u"111111111--.it11111'"! class of residents, and when the i E G 1 G s ~ entire four acres afe paved. land· ! ; scaping and things are lh order as i ; only Kalser would inaist they be, Gus Clark, former city e)ec- triclan and veteran of \Vorld War I, .opened his new Harbor Radio and Electric shop over the past weekend at 260'l Central av~ue. ~ i his investment will approximate i F R E $ H s that of a fair siui! hotel Clark, a member of, the American, ~ 1 ~ Heinz still ...,,_. tes ~ Legion, has lived here for the put, • ~ v~a grocery~~an f: & V S & 'I " D .& T ! ston where he has ,thousands or Gus ~l handle radioa elee. • J clollan worth of merchandise for . • i I )\ii amp on sale. He is handling trtcaJ devices ·~ as stoves, re-! CIDER ~ frozen chlcken obtained from !rigeraton. wuhing machines and ~ I Coota Mesa. Many of the actlvitieo many ~ or electrical kltd>en ;; ! ol the camp led b opplianceo when they become ~ G R 0 c E R I [ s i othen. but he ':'Ju :_, wb:. available. He Is 1tarttns off with, ! . ! is going on In ~ery deparlmenL repair and aervlcin& of electrical . Cold Meats . Moybe aomeday h Heinz ·ppll-ond .. ell .. .-. in.ta11-i ! hotel will stand on at op U::·the bill in&: the~ lhort lterm u they • JPralla ..,j V-z' Mii I and apttad out along the be become avo able ' · i -. i whore his camp lands Y Oark wu a trawllng.tlectridan ! ()pea-. .. Oasrl ........_ I tribute to the now s . ._'!_• for the Santa Fe rallroed and hal i ! MYer ceumg lDU_. had wide eJq>erience as a trouble ~Button's iftrooerv• try and ~fulneu of the in.. shooter in Vllriowi lines. His -. , ..... IF1tea 1'T""" .. """"" to -WCth.. ft don't take mKCA ..onq to .. Jlatc !'17t clt?a.r ovt af "9ht. .YoarN-, 8-lgltlses Qaallty , ~ ... -........... a..,., .. ' 1 .US. Ille baww -. ...----. .._ ......... __ .......... OtdJ' UiM, II t11t ... ,. ............... .. ----r .. nprnompt_ .. --"" ..... bilnc ,... ,._iv ---i . .. "I i mlltrant boy of 1914. • RQnnle, will have cllarse <II bicycle ! --JIJa ; ~ at the same locotlon. _ Newport Pharmacy buketeers tomorrow (Wednelday) knew the -wasn't worth afternoon at 3 p.m. in a pair of. much, but dedlled that It~ contests That w1ll determine just wu worth l'IKS'e than $87 ·offered where the 1Quads will Wind up In by R. W. McClellan ond Sons. final league ·atandinp. The -ought to be worth ·The-A' tam, with a win over more than that for hnber Wii· the drance quintet will cap a sue-the eomment or one councilman ceut\il aeason in a llOOODCl-place tie when the bid wu -The with Anaheim and the B outfit hit.do was R. L Pat-Mid. with a -will emer&• with a that It m.;.t be -""'1 ot Wa, three-way tie f« !Int Place with ciQI u an onlinanoe ~ Huntington Beach and Anabelm. moving a building of !ta -lion Huntington Beach Ollen cinched to another lot Within tll" dQI the flnt place berth Monday after-Movin& oaots w...., placed at about noon by decisively waxing the $200. .: Santa Ana Salnu and will ~ The ,matter wu held ater to al· aent Sunoet Leacuen In CIF play-low otben to llld "" the edlfloe. offl to be htld -. The alngle bid wu rejected Althougb tbe locals are favored over a team they have already Ir----------''"-"' beaten, many look for an improved Orange tMm ·that Jut week cave the champiOn Oilers quite a 9Care before bo1rlng, and the Sailors may have qUlte a battle on thelt hands to Wind up the season tn seoond place. Orange at present is . bringing up the rear lh league •!8J>dinp. Boat Bailding Shop Approved In Costa Mesa County board of supervisors last week approved a land use permit application for Woodford Royce of Costa Mesa to build a boat building shop iii that community. The plant wlll be established .on Santa Ana avenue, south of l~th street and will be constructed by enlarging f',nother building· into one to be -i2:J40 feet. He will not employ more lthan two .persons in his shop. Ro~'s application said. ~Machine Tool . Reballdlna • Cylinder Head Grinding · -lEllclM-Daplleated Am ud Aeety-w-.,. General Machirie Work Modem Equipment • SAMPSON Machine Works 1804 Newport Blvd. For office News-Times. see the Phone UU COST A MES.& OFFICE SUPPLIES For All · Business Requirements ••• Let Us Supply Your leeds . . Add. Machine Rolls, assid, sizes 1~ Availability Certitlcates Binder, 3-ring 8'h x 11 sheets $1.25 Cash Register Rolls, all makes Celudex %-Inch' clear Index.tabs Cllp and Arch Boards, all slzei 90c and up Cllpl, B\l]ldog .and paper, aasUI sizes · Columnar and Accounting Pads, all sizes Counter Checks Credit and Debit Pads 250 •Different ' Ledger Sheets and Forms • I Suitable for Every Business and Income Tax -Requirement Dally Analysis Sheets, 500 for $5.50 De.Uy Cash Sheets, 500 for $4.25 Estimating Sheets Desk Flies, letters or legal size Envelopes I Columbia Clailp, all sl7.es. to 10 x 15 Manila, white, all sizes, plain or printed Blllhi!ads, Ruled-pJaln or prin!!d 8 'h x 7 to 14 Daters, 75c - File Folders, manila, all cuts, letter l!Dd legal . SIZeS, $3.00 to $4.00 per 100 Eruers-Art Gum, Typewriter Ink and Pencil File Guides, prestboard, letter size, $2.25 FllleJ's, notebook, P.UDched, ruled or pJaJn , I SCOTCH TAPE ' Large-and Small Sizes Glaastne Bags Gummed Labels Indexes, all sizes Index Cards, ruled, all sizes Index Signals -" ' Int-· Writing, bottles or quarts , ' Quink&: Sbeaffenl stendl. lndeUble, India, •mb&. Inventory Sheets : I . ' .Sales Tax Not lnduded ' ~11M.Mcaw:rt .... Olillla ._j For office supplies, 1ee the n• Oew ..,.._ ..._ 1 .-........ • 0 •;<-..,. .. ,_, •= =-News-'111nes.. .~M~a:•:l~lo~·~!olderl~~~at~N~e~w~1-:Tlmeo.~=~===========~·~ Newport~ ·1 114 W. 4111 St' I Pb. 6688 .. A.S . ENA -LCNG BEACH :U 'i. Er.lid ..._ 11~. 2-24111··""3 ri.o Ave. I. B. .U-111 , Newport-Balboa Tourist Bureau All ModeB ol Trawl to lllrope, MexlcO, Bawall. Round-the-World Trips In the near ~ See Mn. Roy Kem1 ft: 391. !01 him. a.~ llllmat •• ~ ..... "" M. • • KLINE CONCBl:'lE PRODUCl'S OOMPANY BOU.OW BUIU>INO TILE AND BUCll.. 6 -8 md.12 Inch bloclcl , • . ~ 1oo All '17.-o1 • r=ys -.... •-w AL TEil L KLINE. Propc leW ' -~t 1-...i •t-u.···••" ...... (>aiala ... • • ' - ' New~'DmeS ' - I ~ I I ' • r Skating Rink Permit AJ,p~ved; Others ~nied • ·1 I • Y' l'u• 1 .,,, r•c£rz !!a UM • I Peacetime Bond ·BaJing Continues ·At 70°A> of January,-1~ Rate; Shows Investment Demand, Treasury Notes Unable to F.inish Homes Because of New Priority Rule . J. was dmled the vlleze due ac-Peacetime ~ ot' _..,,. achieYe a c<>ml>irultkin ot f'llll P">' ~ -..i -· .•Wld (Continued=Onel At the end· ol Iii> ~Y leave, cordiJ1g to the . tb, oi the ment AVlfllP bonds la oontinuinc ductioll and a bAlanc:ed federal unflnllbed First Ueut. J'otmj Upeon. who re--dty at1omey, to an ordinance at a gratityinc pece ift Southem b~ the pn:iti1em ol infladoa ~In the LOI Angeles an-a turned home ,._,uy ¥""" oervmg which -"bits , solidttna. It ls California. without the aid ot bal· will be as acute as tt ..,;. dllrlac --a new ~t priority 33 mcnthl.overseas, hopes to apm all . hV.""""t k th ..,~-bu lyh<io or any ot the promottona1 the i"8' period. 'lbettfore, the ruling bu -materlail needed ;o; the Newport !Bead> Poll de-ng t to a ., e ..-·-~. t fanfare used durinc the war. lmpattance ol continued ,syphon· to complete them. Edward SW., ...;'tmen~ after rt.porting ;: re-~~";?u.:i.:::i lai• of them, This was revealed this ..-by ing qr Surplus -Into savlnp "°""'tary of the Bulldlna Cona-asai~ Of dJty. He lives at ~aaiboa ~vuion will ha·-a Frid H.·Johnlon, this area's dlrec-bonds cannot be mlnlmW!d." ton Asaodatlon of Callfomla. 1425 n... u ~ "' tor of the U. S. Sa.nn-Bonds di· In l -'te ot oonverilon _.....,_, cllarp!The toda)o, "'""'lave~ e. skee-.ball concesSlon as a result of ·--~ .,._,........_ t ~-"'"'-~ u~ served with the 12th vision Of the treasury department, Johnoon pointed out. people --gownunen "'."""'•-~·-a ~·· I . council approval of Bernard Coats' wben he announced the January eraii¥ are holding the bondo they priorltiel on b\llldlng mat.nats, Tactical ~Jr Forca Group in Eng-request for an amusement arcade , ~ total of $26030949 in Series· E F bou&ht durin&: the war In dollar haia atopped. construction cold, Sills ~'."'~=Ytn .. 7~u~ In Atheoo:-on1":'!"'~~1n,· . 9011 ~~":':'.~ ~ ~E ~ ~ ~i,.-= :'~ and (; bC7nd saies. Thlli fl~ ls vaiu,, 75.33 per cent o1 'a11 E bonds &aid. Appeals to Wilson. Wyatt, gaged In air force admlnatratlve 1 drinks In the 'ty -·-'• Calif.,.;,-\a, the first four-motored airline plane to bt manufac:tuM 70 per cent ot the total for Janu· eves-. issued still are In the h~ houalng ex))editor In Washington, l\'"Ork. Before leavtna: for hmnt the which ls des~ to~"';d~ since P,1arl Harbor 11 shown above on its maldcm tllaht. TM huge ff.. a.ry, 1945, when the war spirit wu ot their owners. he said national have been 1~ he charged well known otncu spent oome Iuu trailer ~•k, ~ ~ Invest!· Pl!IRnlU Skymaster ts the 1'lt word In Pl'O"ftl Ptrf"""*"<e and Piii• l\igh and war production was In flgur.es reveal. The construction was begun be- time In command of guan1 ~ w~ ~ senior eomfort. Westem Air Lines. which nnlvtd dtllwry ot the full blast. he laid. E·Bond pur-1 !Ott the priority order became et- a gated by Oolonel Sailors, uslstant plane a fro< ~ as<>. hu on .-r '15.000.000lworth of ,th-sky· chues by Individuals 1n the 11 • fectlve lut January 15. Silla ea- squadron. to the dty engineer. lianb-twen~-<!lah.t In all. The Skymute111 ""''..taedllled tojo Into southern countiel Jut month Wills w amer Asks plained. Lelt In varied states of Another veteran'• ftq\leOt for. Immediate 1ervlce on the Wat Cout and be-Lao~ -reeched $17~.$11. which' WU Saru"tary Study of · partial ·-pl•tlon. the ""'-Annual Meeting hot d<>g stand at the end ot the Denver. 1 close to the """"P monthly total atand uoel"" while .oontracton Of Community Newport pter was held over for g, of Series E sa1a during non-drive Entire County await 10me nllet ·rrom the ma. Chest Thursday =.:e wt~ the t~ve ~~ Emergency Hous·1n Chi .,.,d pe~fi~~ very gratify· • Chairman WIJlls Warner of ~ ::.i..:. ~ ~ = materials "· IL 0..... -b 7. • . whether the !de,a .would confilct Ing to the tttuury department county board of suporvlsorl dll-• Wyatt wu ask~ to obtain =-:: :!:'a:!..:. ~~ Please note that the annual with the public fad)itiel tor eat-I and should_ be heartenlnc to every· cloled lut week that he hu Mk-'hardahip priorities, which would ,,_ rteea ttleeted . "*-ltft:lfd!P.M : ~~~~~: ~~~~vi::i:; ~~~~h::rt~ts~!,~~~N~ -~= Care Gets State Appr' op·r·1at1·on =d ~::::. J!:m:::::. :i t~u:'e~~ oo!oelthe ~: =~e :~ ~~ea:e t::=: =-~ ......... MM•UIMn,.,. ; the by-lafS. will ~ held on Thurs-was taken. "It js proof that thousands who can finance a atud,y of a ~ but the requests were ignored. Sill.I -----------....,;~ day afternoon, Feb. 21, 1946, at Water Tu:J to Avaloa 1 btJan buyinc bonds for patriotic county-wide sinitation system. u.id. lllLll CAN Gl:&lll "D.1J_,....,_ · 4 p.m. 8!t the American Legion Likewise a request for a land-reasons during the war have The chairman said that the , Insuring oontamination -tree Hut .. lSth street and Bay. lng permit for the planned water Bills appropriating money far vetetana only, at a rate to cover fon_ned the habtt of systematic' study would lean toward a master Col Shattuck milk, an ultraviolet S ttrUamp Can All members.and. othen are in-taxi service between the dty and emergency housing for veteran.a of the convenion C'Olt. savml' and that the rank and file pl t . . d 1 f • reduce the bacteria count in wait,.. vited to·attend Avalen was not forthcomln& ~ the state and tor operation.of child 1be senate meantime concurred of <?tizens reallu that gove~t th:" a:m:;:.~;':=.!...: Rallies 300 GOP ed mllk cans 96 per cent tn one P . A. PALMER. cause no information was avail-care centers received firial ·~ ln minor amendment& to a $3,500,-savings bon4& are a superior particularly the west county area . minute, Wettin&;hot.mt Lamp Dl- Acttni Oialnnan. able on the applicant•·, quallflca-proval of the state legislature lut 000 bill to continue child care peacetime investment, too. Where·the situation is moat acute. Members viaion teats &how. Spraying invta.-· tiorui:. prices or other data. Ht week. centers in -operation ~til March "At leut until such time as we Ible bactericidal rays, the new -------------I urged the council to give him a The assembly sent a $7,.500,000 of 1947. The appropriation WU Challengin&..that the adminlstra-lamp i;' bent U-shape to obtain .-------------,1definlte landlng location to help emel'!lency bUI to the· governor neceaoary to replace federal aid Vi"ctOry Clothing Major Hafenfeld, tion's polideo are In "confusion" maximum radlatlon of ail exposed Aanoa.eea..t: with his application before the concuning in a senate amendment funds which expire ~next month. 30 M th. • Attu not only on· the domestic front areu ln the can and conaumes llill state railroad commission within a for use or some of the hinds in At the same \ime', the senate Off1"c1"ally Over, on 8 ID ' but in international affairs as nOW electricity than a 25-watt electric..' Ml8S IENKINS few days. The council handed over rural areas. The measure would education cornmlttee r~nded Opens Balboa Office focused In the United Nations Or-light bulb,· ' " Lovely Hair Stylist the disposition of this matter to finance up to 90 percent of the cost a resolution calling for a legisla-Dr. Pease Says 1 • ganiza.tion, Col. Edward Shattuck Experienced in all lines of a committee of Earl Stanley, Col-of converting some 15,000 war tive study of all aspects of child la.st week spoke 1to 3oo men and P J E R S 0 L t S :C~--; beauty work · · · has joined onel Sailon and Ru~ll Craig. housing units to peacetime use. care center problema, including B. N. Ha!enfeld, former major women at a Lincoln ·oay dinner ~ :~.ST~. for Permanents harbor muter . They will have the The remainder of the costs would whether the centers should be The Victory Clothing Drive of-~pe~ an~u~ng ~~:=~t ~ rally at Santa Ana Ebell clti.b--Prof~ Pharmacy power of decision folloYling their be borne by citle! and counties. made a permanent part of the tidally ended in the Newport Har-Palm avenue, Balboa and will lbe house under sponsorship Of tfte %8% FOREST AVENUE ' Fraaces Beauty Shop investigation. The units would be r ented to school system. bor area on Jan. 31 , Dr. G. N. available· for income tax service, county's Republican Central Com-Lacuna Beach t8U Barbor Bl..t... Costa Me.a Local school districts operate the Pease, drive chairman said today, audits a nd installation and servic-mittee. "In Bu.sint'ss foT TouT Het1lth" Operi Mondays-Ph. 2428 Upholsterer Opens Power·of-Attomey centers which were se• up during putting at rest rumors that the Ing or bookkeeping accounts. The rally, first general assembly _,,, .. o. ..._, • ._ the war to care for the children collection woultl continue through Mr. Hafenfeld was service 0~ of GOP men and women arid sig-OOM~~~~0•~•CA.L Shop On Highway Needed by Wives of working mothers. this month. Word from national erattons officer with an air de-nillling the start of the political ... 111 'ffEADACKI · ••·•ucM A BIG unu11C•NG oa.ri• Anti-Pain PRls wuall1 re11... ~ onI;, a .... act.e. bot St.pie 1' evalcl&. •-nlar ralna ... P•actlona) 1i10111tlll1 Palu. Do 7oa -Dr. )Ill• .laUsl'Ua P Dlaf If not •hf not.f Yoa can set Dr. ll!ileo Anti-Pam Pilla et 700r ~ atoro la U.. nsulu pock-.. for ..U, a pem>y api.. &nd la the 9COAO!!\J' .J!!C~ ..W. cbieaper. WhJ "°" '9t • pecb .. ~"!d' y-dnp_lot .... i-. dlrtttiOna ~ ~ oal7 M dlnclod. Your mono1 beck If,.. an not aat.WleJ.~ T SN OODLES C. J. Shaw has opened an UP- holstery shop a t 811 Coast H igh- way, over \Ving Sang Boat Repair and. will sP<'(:i'aJize in marine up. hol.stery, nooks and booths, as well aS in the tufting and restoring or fine antique furn\turs. Mr. Shav.' had 18 years' exper- ie nc-e in the upholstery business in Long B<>ach prior to the wa r. Dur- ing the war he was a civilian em- ployee or the army as general shop forema n of maintc-nance at the Army Air F orce field , Victor ville. He and his wife have their own home at Midway City but plan to live here." Of (Jverse .. a v~•s The harbor area's center is lo-headquarters of the drive quoted tense wing and served 30 months wars, .was termed by Gordon x. Elut1:1~,.;p,8c:1 =t:-~ C6-catcd in Costa Mesa. It is under· Henry J . Kaiser. director said that Richmond, chairman, as "ihe..start R •an: •. e Pb-: e stood tha t the nursery school there it had been decided to extend the a1 Attu in ~he Aleutian Islands. of the swing of the pendulum for lip;;;;;;;;•;;•;•;r•;•~b<7~;;·-~;;·;;n;.e~u;;;;;;:; Wl'll "-mru'ntru'ned by the state II cti' through February Before entering the army he was '48" when nati'onal J t ' Wives of scn icemen still over-· """'" co e · on · a . public-; and n.-ivate accountant foremost. e ec ions are S('aS were warned today by Collec-under the new pro~isions of the Dr. P ease stated. however, that \\'1th 12-years' t'' pe . . . Los t or of Internal Revenue Harry c. state la,v. the many residents who have extra An 1 d Tu ex rt~~ inH 1 ! Col. Shattuck's dynamic talk Westover that th<'Y must have and unused clothing to dona~e may ·Jivi~ ~nanBalbo~~iand z~th e hi: loudly. appl&utled at the concJusjo~ notar ized power of at torney to V • t p "ti• tak~ them to La~unah Bed acht if thchy wife and small son. Mrs. H afen-arf;pl duspundct~1..~ spont~eous a~ sign their husbands' names to 1945 ' ar1e y OSI «?"~ desire. as tha t c;1ty a no reac -f ld . th f B b Cr i a e ur1ng Ill:> recounting of the rede.ral income t a."< re turns. Open m· State Civil ed its quota. Newport Beach pack-d~u~~t e ~r;~ ~8:ra B ~i:· national ~litical SCf'ne's "muddle," Without such power of attorney, ed. and shipped 6000 pounds, the ch er 0 ier, a . a "'On audience praise by his tn- no person is permitted to sign a Sem"ce Exams · doctor said. and prai$ed the many Y~ tr broker32.f1~1 M~. Crosier, sistence that the United States tax r eturn for another. Unfortun-helpers of the Red Cross and Larry '\: 0 ive at. an avenue: '"change its international policies a tely, no exception can be made· Bro'":" who helped ~ck the goods O I A . immediately." He held . that the for members or the aPmed rorces. . SACRAMENTO. _ S tate_ wide at his Balboa Mar1!1e Hardware g e DSWefS U~O delegates are muffling Amer- Westover said. c iv i I service examinations on! store. Grand Jury's Charge leas . pea,cern:_aker role and not ;r she act ually received $1200 March 14 and March 16 have been j Barrels have been removed from woperly supporting this nation's or more, last year. the wife of ~ announced by the State PersoMel the postof~ices 1n which r.es\denta In Santa Ana unc~allenged leade~hip in world Wanted: Two " ~ Fishing Chaiq; Any Condition Acceptable P . 0 . Box 691 Balboa serviceman overseas is required Board for the following positions: placed thell' castoff 1nater1als. tl~c ~af;;f;•;;•rs;;. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Lengths of runways at Army to file a return by the regular due March 14--Assistant Safety En-ch.airman explained, and for this County Counsel Joel Ogle. abol· air.fields ar e determined in exact dat e of Marc}} 15. She may file her ginecr, $255; Placement Officer , 1 reaso'.1 no facilities exist here for ishment of whose office the county ratio to the altitude of the airfield. own separate return declaring one-Grade 1, Youth Authority, $230; 1 handl1ng. any more. HEt thanked grand~jury recommended last week The highC'r the airfifld a bove sea half of the total community incom~ Institution Stationary Engineer, the public res~nse as to. t~e re-l~ a repo~t to the board of super-1. level. the more rarefied becomes and taking credit for one-half of $220; and OU G8.uger . $190. quest f?r donal1o!'s·. and said it had • visors, said that the. jury might the air wi th lessen~ lifting pow<'r the total Withholdings, or she may March 16--Assistant Estimator been highly grat1fy1ng to him. and! have acted differently if it had fo r planes. ' fil e a joint re turn provided she has or Building Construction. $270; othe'r members of t.!"'e comrrutteel more facts at hand. . !he proper power or attorney. Assis tant Forestry Engineer, SZ70 ; as well. . He continued that increase in •Those who file separate returns Junior FOrestry Engineer. S220; • • • population. multiplication. or gov- OCCIDENTAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. Ray Nielsen BaJboa have the right to change to joint Institution Machinist, $220; Su--Divorce Sutt Asks er!lmentaJ off!ces ~d bwi:mess at- returns when their husbands re-pervisor of Instruction, School for C tod f S .fairs, all make for 1ncrcas1ng work turn from overseas. Girl~pen to women only, $240: US · Y 0 OD in, bis office and that the t.asks Those members of the armed Warden-Pilot, Division of Fish and are mounting daily. forces outside the continental Game, $240: Assistant District Deman41~tody of his fiv~ He is, he explained, legal adviser Gas ·Heating Ventilation 1 5{ CHARTER & PRESTON State Licensed Contractor lleatiD« lnatallatlons Make Wum Frtenda Bmlnets Phone MM Residence Pbona 9482 or %993 RHEUMATISM limits or the United States whose Manager or Tax Deeded Lands. year....ota-son a.nO-a-di'-'.o.tce from for every county officer, every wives do not file joint returns for $21 0; Jntermediate File Clerk, the boy's mother, Mrs. Frii'ncM. T. school district and all special dis- them must/file not later than the $150: Intermediate Clerk, $150; Brooks. Kenneth T. Brooks or tricts. His office handles all civil ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 15th day o the sixth month after and Junior Clerk. $130. • Newport ~ach sued this week in Jaw. - and ARTHRITIS I suffered ror years and am so thankful that I can walk and work again without pain. that I will gla d- ly answer anyone writing me f or information. MRS. EMMA fVES, P .O. Box 189. Los Angeles 52. Cali f. they reach these shores, \Vestover All applicants must be United superior court in Long Beach, ac- declared. States Citizens and must have been COl"ding to re}X>rts in that dty. CAPT. 'ACKSON RELEASED Reletased from Fort MacArthur last Friday was Capt. Harry P. Jackson of 123 E . Bay avenue, Balboa. r esideo*' o( Califomla for at least Brooks charged infidelity be- one ~e.y prior to the date of the I tween last May and last Novem- exanunation. Applications should ber at the Brooks home, 25 Beacon be rued with the Board's offices j Bay, and at Palm Springs. The at Sacramento, Los Angeles, or I COU.Ple Were married in 1940 and San Francisco 15 days before the 1 parted last Nov. 17 on his return dat<' of the examination. from the armed service. Packed in cottonseed oil. with tomato or mustard sauce, fresh water carp from Minnesota's 1ake9 is being. canned for the first time. The original P!!Cks were made for the Army. So Satisfactory ~ the product that It may soon appear generally on the dvillan market. L -;, • By Cy Hungerford (Seven out of 10 people rad News-~ Cl••fled Ada.) t'CS ~~-'Ii:> 1 ~s't\Gl'<"t& -nose llt'IS'AAIO'.>S , GO~S ~ liN ~ ,.,,v.,... o~ '-.r.l:l 'RooNI ' • Bookkeeping Serv ice • Audits INCOME TAX RETURNS .. .. B.N.llAFl:NFELD Public Accountant son: Palm Ave. Hours 1 • 9:30 p. m. Phone 158 • L·E G .A ·L F 0 R M S FOR EVERY .TRANSACTION DOR0TllY DARNIT (A p·ce provee the leadenhlp qf the News-'l'lmos) By Charles McManus 'YpU YOUNG q'\~AL .l0 Ll '!' EAC ~ YOV o'\ l ESSCN IN "'ANNlRS. IF I GET YOu ' YOU RE ALL O\JT Of' 6REATl1 W>il'IT io.RE ._,.OU l\\JNl,llM0 f'OR? io. YOV'-IG RowovTOLO l"IE ToJu>-tP !~ ''"'~ Rl\IEll .... T EIC11T O'CLOCI( . -, WELL llltRf.0 '!> MO NEW Tb 13E 1N SUCH A ttl)RRY • .... ,., ..... • - , ~.,4 .. ·' We have made It CCIM!lllent tor' you to Insure ettnpUaMe with aD ~ 1 of the law by carcylng a ~ *JC1c ot all forms and papera needed· for . ._ oompleticn ot "MY traDACllon. I r ' ' ~ 1 l r, ...,._. ...... s' ,._II ,_,. .. ---... 1 .. -,........ ,..,,._ ,,_ ........ ,...... _..........,...,........,,,..blu1 .. - p1-hlg _. ,..a11•"" 1e the . -......_wt,_.. ..-u 'ne ,.. ... i1• wtlt ~ ·•" ..... ,.... ,._.. .. ,... ....... •.. ... ....... ' I I I . !. • . . • I l .Ews.:.. Tl M E;S ' . • ' • • ' ~ • ' • I • , . t • J ! JllWWIWJ Ol••••k. OQl .... Jin!. Lolsh-Darin, n.....a.t~ l d-.J....l-1 Ullli ~I.·-· -c n:uK.-ut iln ........ !::"~ ~im;: ~·~ Lead fortCalifornia-Aua~oriuml Unnecessa;, · - Here, Writes -Pioneer Citizen ,..,., 15 •t SL Jooepb'a -, ' PtaL !He ' eJat>t ~ . -......... f CallfanWI b<&n .. the --f ~ · • Inc lnduatriai at&te ol. the nation. "-... u.. a tn.cs <>*' " K. T. Norris. pesldent ot the new· I 1Y tea-cautoml& MAnufact'ar-' I .,. AAodatibn. -toc!q. N..,.purt-Balboa News Tlmel, mt to """'"'4 25 -cent In the -1f SW LINS 'Ibo aooodatlon wu cqanlzod N..,.port Beach. Callfornl&. ......,._ 11Cboo1 Craft G-:....t--Carda to promote atai..-wlde lnduotriol Gentlemen: I :llilt ....,t to bdas ~ atten-1; 7--unity and build a eooperatlve oplrlt I am afraid If I do -atop t1on to the war. cry "Tu and tu -1 • 1. be._ Northern and Southern taJdnc the other aide o1. !IO many and apend and apend'' u mon-BtooJdnP V arieb' California tol defeat induatrW .u. questions that arise In our city, ti-.! -~ be.-.C "Lido , ...... ._ 1 o.-.. ~ that you will have to bead your Ille AJ/IJJ:ammta. • ._ -., m., w..--orpnlzation I hich In the -t bu column In ..,.,,. other way, cuttlnc I am ~ for the develoi>ment ---r---~-------tt_tarded __ _:_-_::_--·=------out tbe ''Sand" and !••vine "Cnb" of Newport Beach and Newbort U.Hoar I Radio· Service --.tnoo ...... UDIQ9_.,4 w Burt ll Norton __ , tar me. So many of tbe .-tel-Hart>or, but not to ..a.ocate l1ri« 1.,... wboae toes I step on have to deftnlte. dnelopment by the coY· reached tbe point ot resentment tt1u_,t or_ tbe U-Bay, Ul7 · -I.a.. • whenever I try to cive the aide ot money or f'!el\ tilft&Y towardi di-Tiie 1MC G 1r1I• ~Ila 111111111•111':"• Jliir 1 3 tm, the qwollon that. In my opinion. vmlna' the trattlc. from Hlcbway nto· 1 :n; v ... ~'"'"'., M ~ llyl11, repreoenta the aide of the people No. .101 to tbe ~ area ______ _: _ _; _ _;-:-+----------- and tbe 1-Y<n-In what .. -Coat& )(-teni-' . Th• main Wnc I want .to draw taryan<!redud.nc tbe• .. bllltyand Gect;Vu ,..... Farnum Denies to your attention la -tbe taXAblllty ot -"Miracle Mlle" In · . '°'., . heading "Where to w .. 1. .. When ordtt to tadlltate tratt1c by the Resident 28 Yrs. $! ! "!R for Sale· you advocate the expenditure of comtnJctlon of a hi&h bridge over -!'.':..::.!""" ' tens of thousands or dollan to be the Upper Bay. For the -or Dies at Balboa . MK1U11g lnv·entory added to our oew Oty Hall --whom? I ram, I just want to call the at-Of ooune, If the communltl" or I SANT A ANA.-'lbe ''For Sale" tentlon ot yau and your readen c.o.ta Mesa and Newport Beam Geo. H. Van ~t. 65. a 'tftldent sign ·1s not out for the Santa Ana to the fact that tbett are no more were conaolldated under. the ooe of Balboa_ for 28 yean. elf~ Fl'i-ArmY Air Bue or any of Ila ma- than four meetings In· the year city adminlatration called Newport day momlnc at Oruce County jqr properli~t least, not u yet. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; J when a larger accommodation than Harbor, we mla:ht be justified in hoepltal. He wu Well known 'Jbe announcement wu made is now obtainabJe, LI needed or diverting the traffic from that ~ among boatmen, having been em-late last week by Col William C could be of any service whatsoever tJon of' the Highway No. 101 ployed by Rou Greeley, Roger Fam.um in reply t~ num~ Fountain Senice at :noo 0eeaq Froat Newporl llALT8 • NOW OPEN EVJ:NING8 • SANDWICHES. • BAMBUBGIJB8 Ice Cream to TUe Oat Newport Engineering Associates I --~Ing. lfanafadurlng and SalN Englneen ---§--- Marine and Industrial Machinery Instruments Material Handling Equipment --§i-- t<? the community inumuch as the known u the "Miracle Mlle" which Brothen and othen aa a boat inea queries from Individuals organi- achool auditoriums now always ls_ probably and probably will al-chanlc during h1a long residence in zatlons and corporations 'concern- availabJe, are scarcely ever used ways be one of the moat tax pro--the city. He also wu employed inc purcl\ue of rtles declared for pubJJc pw-poees and When tJled. dudna areas insJde -.of our ci,ty by the city at one time in the surplus at this~ scheduled t as far as I know, have as yet to limits U access th~to is not de-water department. He resided at be inactivated on ltfar'clt 31 ° be used to full capacity in l the stroyed by the cl~g of what is the Pavilion. Ever since the public ann~unce- high school and very frequently now the bridge end: The deceased la survived by a ment of the inactivation date re- Youn very truly, son, George E. Van Pelt, Ball:ba, quests have been addre-.ed ~ the New Type Bldg. LEW H. W ALI.ACE. who recently _ returned _ ·from the bue for purclia5e of fixed and service and jo~ed the fire de~-movable prOperties. WI.th Open Dec· k Patterson Reli.·e.v.ed ment:-two ... ters, .Mr:t · -·we are not in a position to 01-uoreland. Santa' Monica, and Mrs. fer anything for sale at present" For Malt Shop ' ()CD RespoDSibilit~ May Ables, Redondo, .WO one stated Col Farnum, "beyond wh~t granddaughter. · is and· always has been normally Crocker Appom• te Funeral se.rvtces will be held dispased of .through salvage." A new gunlt..-type concrete Wednesday at 1 p.m. at the Harold ' The air bue is, at present, mak- bullding to house a de luxe malted K. Grauel chapel, Costa Mesa, ing a complete inventory of Its milk shop facing on the Bay Front Relief from responsibility of ~th Rev. ~-D. Goodell officiat-properties and is refeni.ng the in Balboa is being built by J. B. local ~todian of property U:J1der Ing. Interment will be In Fair-aame to higher headquarters and McNally pioneer sportafiaherman the Office or Ovilian Defense was haven cemetery. to supply depots. · t McNall boa given R. L. Pattersbn, retiring "Bef ythi be and .,,ow.ner o y'1 t city engineer upon his request to ore an ng can offered llv~ry next to the Fun Zone. The the city counctJ Monday afternoon, Error in Amount for sale," ,explained Farnum, "It building, which will be> 30 by 110 because 88 he explained it he w G Req . ed , lnust be a edared excess to the feet will have two frontages, one under $IO 000 bond t .,.,;,,,,,t 1 u Of D. . UU' needs of the station and surplus on Bay ave~ue _not yet being property 1;..ned the cio; during,;:~ For Camp Ground -~;:.:: .. re;<1"1!'-ments of the armed leased, acco~ng to the owner· war and this emergency had been ' · McNally is er~tin~ the rein-wound up. ------- forced ooncret~ buildlng for Frank The office IS bein II uidated The first bid oh decomposed Mesan Wins Medal Linnell pro1111nent attorney and and whll th city fi gdeq • gr:an1te for the trailer park lots •••E ,,___~ Hlgh ... y Ne__.. .. __ ... ..... ___ fl.ttt4 • . e e U'e partment 1n' th ci d callin For lwo JIDl. a Action ~+-' '1'98" "".r"• • ~ .ruumc V'S'f.Jlil property owner, who p~ans several has made an invento of most of e ' ty . camp groun · g L----------------------~--' I unique features in the 30 by 48-the materials 1 ed ry f i for 5CX>O cubic yards of this crush- --'------------------------1 foot malt shop facin~ on the walk caMot be acco:ed fo":':e ito h~ ~ rock was a i:mstake, it was de--Presentation o_f the Bronze Star Orange County Trucking Co. -' ' , -' P.APALMBR LIDO lSt.2 PMHJ:IIBS • W. Q BUCX-11181U'ance Coun...Jar Ao.. 1500 t?J.-t.,. 3333 Vli LIDO cALi""~ Only a Few Cl;loice Ones Left ' ' • 'tour Locker ~ J4sure YOU of ' Good Supply of Meat. LOCKER HOURS 9:00 A. M. to 5:SO P. II. -Harbor Cold Stor~ge 426 30th St Phone 448 ROBERT H.REED I I TRUCKS IOB RIBB' • Trucking, Hauling, Transfer opposite McNally's pier. The room apparently been ed from the oded by the city engineer when to Jack R. Iverson of Costa Mesa will contain a firie counter and city. This, 81 :.f:0 buef Frank bl~ were opened !or the first item wu made recently according to lunch equ1pment on !he ground Crocker said included gas m ks in lmproving the city property on word from Lt. (jg) Lowell E. Mil- floor with a deck roof for patrons hel e•· d ' t th 1° • the south channel. The work en-ler, his commanding officer who . m .... an a ew o er terns tailed f · Uk --' ' who wish to sit and watch the bay which the government babl a coat o something e made the a~ard. . -========================~ while they eat. would not e pro Y $7000, It was discovered. The ~ wu given to Iver. _ Downstairs also will be an lee Patt-An:'l'"°'itbemti to recover . Realizing that the bids should son, a pham:iadlt mate 2/c for ,-------------------------..., ~· _,. 1 res gna on waa ac-h ked t 2000 bi --~-"h i ·' ' cream making machine in one cor-cepted u th clty h d pa.id t ave as or cu c Yarua ero c aervi~ ln connection With ' Long and Short Hauls ner of the store and a hot dog his oo'nd. an~ Crock! voted ~~ instead ot 5000, the matter was operations against the enemy as a I l .-ender in the other. Box lunches replace him even thou h the job held over for another meet1n1 un-member of a beach party during m W. WU.O. 8': -Ca.ta 11-are to be put up In the rear. It wu not palatable to th: fire chief til the bidden be given an oppor-February and March ~9'5. durlne PHONES is expected to havec the buildift& The city has asked to purch~ tunlty to figure on the amaller the uaault on Iwo JimA." ready by the Euter vacation. A. part of the equipment iuued her quantity. The entire improvement J Nwpt. 280, Da,._..,r-Nwpt. 51!-11, NJchla buildlng permit for 115,000 wu he •aid. but had received no wor':i at the camp grounds was not to Shep's Cafe MoYes ·----....:.·--------------------'I taken out for the building. on the matter. coat over $6()()(). · To .New Locatio~ U. S. Engineer Requests Map Of Mooring Areas Five Gf s Solve · Housing Problem At Fullerton J.C. L. Shepard,\ who operated Shep's Cafe at 113§ Coast Highway, closed his former loc8tion and f1¥Wed to the former Rawson Cafe, and }J:u re.named it Shep's at 1015 Racing Skipper$:- • Sail Boat Hardware Sail Track and Slides · Stop Watches Yacht Timers Newport Marine SlllJPly Co. - ' The U. S. Army District Engi. neer has requested a map of the FULLERTON.-Five World War Coast highway. I Jl-------------------------1 • Watchmaker and jeweler Balboa Island I . ·cLEARANCE SALE b. '.Moving Our W....,b......, Stock We Are Forced to Beduee Our l Stock. Our Lo• b Your Gain. Sale Ends nunday, February 21st Hours 9 a. m. to 7:30 p. m. Daily 1 -. MINKLER FURNITURE CO. 1211 South Main Street -Santa Ana The FoUowing &sultnt.!8 Some of Our Reduced Prices: A Large Stook to Select From Living Room Sets , I I ·~ 1-2-pc. Ji)avenport Set ... _ .... 134 .50 1--2-pc. tpavenport Set .......... 139.50 1--2-pc. Bed C..venport SeL .. -.134.50 BednJ,m Sets I 1-3-pc. ~t -----------------·-·---79.50 1-4-pc. 11<• _____ .. ___________________ 88.50 1-S-pc. Set _________________________ 109.50 109.M 119.M Box Springs Beplu , Prl<e F\111 and TWin Sizes ···········-····· 26.50 Twin Staples ................. _______ 34.:;q Oc<:asional Tables .................... 7.95 Good Selection Reduqed from S! to Throw Rugs ' H to l9'J(o off Olenille, Rae .. All ~ .. ea. ~nal Chairs Cricket Chain -----------------· 17.75 lf.INI Shadow Boxes ------------'----9.50 7M Natural ~ Cl1aini ----------14.50 ltM Metal Kitchen Stools ---~---3.25 I.a Sei""ral Reduced S! to '6 -Metal Kitcheo ladden ----,-6.95 6.75 Mattresses New Heaters ... --------· 23.tO .t1M I ~ ~ Olilclren'• High O>atn..--------1.so 1.,. :1 ll:· ~ t!j co ··-------------fr~ UM Olilclren's Cribs ---------------26.50 , -llM !IO tb: F•l;ed eoU::: :::::::~.::~::.1s.!IO tUO ~ MJrTOn ----l5. 75 u.a 60 lb. Felted Cotton --------23.50 -Blocked Mirrors ------------23.50 1..,. !IO lb, Sta&:i,------------34.50 119.M !.arze Selection Reduced H to~ TWin and Full .U.S , Oilld's car S..ta -------2.25 LU Pla\form Roclters -----59.50 -Metal ~ ---------8.95 UI ~ ~-==----1r~ ru: Oilld's o..Une nble & a.air. nso tut °'"" 1..pip. 9Jl5 ue P1cturea __ • to u" oa ...J..: llidal allove are 411117 ll few of tlul -Y -'I r1lral Hio '. We nllo ' · ~_,, ...... ,..........-.t11at.,.eetlw-*#:7*•tors U... I I • • • bay ahowing the mooring areu, n comba' veterans have been SRANGU-LA ON Fill.I: which wu briefiy discussed by the fighting a tough "battle of the Newport hu it's Shangra-la, too. dty council Monday1 afternoon. brooms," but at the completion ~e small fiahina boat ciaug:ht on Oiances ln aome ot the moorinp o! their campaign they now have fire Thursday in the 1alley when from the original map prepared adequate housing facllltlee for the gaa stove caught on fire. 'No were noted in the neighborhood themselves and other former aerv-appreciable damage wu ~ of the Balboa Yacht club and other icemen attending Fullerton Junior to police. ~ sectors. The matter wu laid on ·college under the GI BUI of Rights. -· the table unW the next meeting They are pioneering an Idea before 1ubmittina: the map to the which t"ftOU?'Ceful dtizenl" of the 1overnment. community originated nearly a .,. ~ 11,l ·• ... year ago In planninr thf Fuller- s ton Veterans' boltel for junior 1 r11'1"11:1l-•r=c--\-I colleee men. Site of tbe hoatel which tbeae ~terins now hav6 in reaame.. i. the i old" B&atanchury ranch house._ once headquarters of the blQest citrus enterpriae in the world. Throuih the veterans' oound.l, composed of representatives of vet,,- e.rans organizations and created by a city onlinanoe pa.aed last April, the house has been leased for a two-year period. r--11 It has adequate space for eventU· ally housing and feeding upwarcb: of sixty war veterans enrolled in college here. It is run and man- aged as a cooperative by t he vet- erans themselves. Function of the t ' di Is I I N.-7W caa take the aa wbef.. ve erans coun str ct y that eftl' ,... C• and n matter what the Tiu --tor -°"" -..... -..... ,....._ Na11cr• ..... . ROSSI'S Liouor Store loOs (leMl lllway ~--·., .... - . - of a service and advisory capacity, wea&ilitt, with this 9eW' ,-rtable •un Any vetera n is eligible for mem-iam. .. N9'1: macll larrer than a fold- bershJp. t:.. Camera. Ullll-dner Item. com.-- Llke anyone else seeking liVing w.m. tfltra.Vlold &Ill&' lafr ... Red quarten in this area, veterans go--.era&ell • AC. w DC altd tans ing to school are feeling the pinch .-.,,. II is~~ -pad f the h-••••• ... --.,ecioMIL o -... &hortage. More It..;, .. ...._. -• -. ....i important than that, they report )of -or ait •Ma -. the monthly stipend of $65 from ~·;;;,,_iiiii ________ _ the government does not ~ cur-Iii rent living coats. · 'Ibe veter&N:' hoatel prombes to aolve this prob. ltto alao. Beer -W• Liquers · -·Whiskey FreJa -Daily • as. ••a 'rte .... , ant. _,.._to_ --"ORMEN ASH MARKET ON c:1un;1tAL AV.NUS. NEWl'QltT HACH > -• • • ~··ml~ Y Ill .rza. ........ . amz1 .. -- I J GEORGE D. BASSF:rr General Accounting - Fishermen's Bookkeeping INOOD TAX SIBVIVI!: 2602 W. Central Ave. ---~----- SAFETY of each account INSURED, up to t5,ooo. by the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Coi;poration savers-and investors save h·ere· _where · • 11v1ng PAYS! I • Resources $4,906,000.00 ll<l!q1c:ma Budi; CrW ..-_ft. - . . -. ,_ • ..,_ I· ~ f I • • ' •&IQlll>mSO OLO~ Mere tllan 2113,000 p.ln ol. -te cotton &)oo<s. --" b! -tbe hands of eYt!r)'Olle )n SL Paul, Minn-. last --:~ time, .,..... boucht )Mt u !or the W8t:m&)>oUie Lam P I>Malon'I plant In Bloomllelcl. N. J . Known .. "T<?Yenll>les." the ,_ ftt either ri&bt or left ~ IO tbf:re Is no problem of matdllng fttshly- Jaun4ered pelrs. Gloiles cuard eleo- trll lamp 8nd eJectn>tllc tube puta from the band mo ture o! aa- semblen. Ex d pa . Shoe Repr:.:g Wld1e Y °" Wait ••• Ray Pagan 515 F.ut Bay Front Jftd -.. -Colo 9LIL1Dlp.a ' F. C. VENN UAL~ N-,. ,,_ . 1117 'COM.._ ()orma ... II.-, Oallf. I • THOMPSON'S Richfield Station 11'1Newpw& ......... --Wei.a-a~ mechanic to .. ..,. )'OU in all Aaiomollile BiepUrlq Labrtealloa ..... Th'9 ._utnc ' . Bowling J the Green Wanda Will._. (18), WIJID1ac· tea, ln said.de note -"I decided that if something didn't happen in 1945 to make life worth living I 'd quit living. It didn't. I quit." · p~ VENETIAN BLINDS WOOD • STEEL • ALUMINuM ._,..T.__c)W"I t :1-....... -~-rr-s..-.... ' Shaw's Upholstery· Taftlnl',I FUmlture Upbolsterlnc and 8-lrlDc Pickup and Delivery Service • Free Estimates <Mir Wtoe Sane Boat Repair ' 811 COMt mcta..f.1 .. 101" Our rao New Army Mechanics Helped Us Win Peace and1 F'r'eedom. They Can Help Yoo Keep Your Car First ' Class Phone 1!811 NATIONAL AUTO CLUB EMERGENCY' STATION Newport Auto Works Earl Mltebem, Prop. ....,. <4-Y or nlcllt) lUO :Lookiing for a-Home or a Vacant Lot? • e Read the offer- ings of the Harbor's Leading Realtors ad- vertised in the News -Times Ne~s -Times Want Ads 1 Will Solve Your Problems READ I ,THEM USE 1tHEM FOR FOR · PROFIT RESULTS NewPort Harbor Publishing .::.. wf Company =: i . \ • MZAl-OWI .... ,..,. Invite Famous Composer to CIO Fishermen's Party Laguna Meeting on Labor-Management ISLAND LINKING U current plans of the New England TetephQDe & Telegraph Co., are carried out, eight Jon& distance, micro-wave' radio tele- phone circuiU will be set up be- tween Nantucket and Cape Cod The system is sim.Uar to that used by the Army and Navy in the war. • IS.•a ... ~ -. ,.... .. , .. ;--' °""' ,.... ..... ,..., ... .... ----..... ..... ~hit of oaGI' ._ fOC dllr1ed. • • FOil IN8UllANCE au Howard W. Geniah aw 1'wport • .. , ... ebR.& ... -111 Aatomobile • F"- Accidmt • µle Ucen .. and Coatnet -- ' . FAT SALVAGE WJ:IGHTY More than ~ tons ot .- t&ta have been Mlvqed at the Westinchouae Lamp DIY!aion caf· eterta in Bl~ld, N. J., 111nce the fat conservation started durini the war. The <ollection Is .con- CLOTHES FOR MEN AND BOYS M • tit Aw. ......... _,,. • tinulnc. /&...------------------~ 11'5 YOUR GLANDS! . ........ ...,. ~-••• t ............... ..., .... ·~· and pat., an-1 ................ 11 hi' la 1.-el vu.11'7 _,..Ahn.>' "'.t:lftlir teehs P;u'c ... Glwwllc Olil ......., yoar titre. "'""' • .... _. t..W ...,... Pa a •-·· ' AR!ama.-FJcze1.,. ........ I K\lap,. ... ileut 0rall'l31111 ~ l pGM, ·~Jt7 .. ev ~N 0-... Tl' '•• .. , ... ,,,. tllnl 1.8 yoe...~•. npetl!lce N'O PAIN-NO DRJOS-HO --..-o· IHniCDONll. CON80L:rATION r-·n .&l'POINTllEllT. ftlONJ:' lU& Dr. ~F.M~D.~~ . ll'f 111111 8l. wpwl •• *-o.mt.. ...... , ·-.. ,. •rs I .... n s •• AYlat:lcm ndl-•, Wrd. ea..,· -ot llr .• -lln. -Pettit, lle'f -8&., N-pri ••da. Callt ... •etel• ,,,,-•. __ ... wltai tile e ••1t:atseu ..__, o1. Ullll'7 ~ .... .. lllowa .. lae ....... ...... to flJ to -bl-... f• a1<pm•t to tlae aom- Mt la~ -tor ot Uoo --t•-(U. 8. NaVJ' phto). Newport Harbor Post 291 AHERIOAN LEGION Carr's Feed Store Hay and Grain Quality Feeds '--§-_ oauy DeUVery-Pbone n1 11121 Newport Blvd. COSTA MESA , ., L-, . .... ...... ~ i -9,000 -'lben an T /JOO eloc\- _, -.111 D.all'UC BILL trlc· -ta olme In the 11& ~ The montbq ekctrlo: -bill 1.-.tary, wbere ~ -.W. at tbe Weottnetico-Lamp Div»-lnlnll' tubeo .,.. -...,._ Ion'• bNdquamn plant in --in --fteJd. N. J , •--oxfu..ate-Mciatbq cu bllla for the plant ly $30,000, equlnlent to aupplyinc ·-about '6.000 ---tbe eJeetrlc -requirementa ol pbone &e1vice COiia $5,000. I ' . - OLDSMOBILE OWIER·S ... ' F.quipPed we · Are to Give You Factory Senice on All Models Genuiite Factory Parts I FACTORY TRAINED MECHANICS i· Lowest Prices Possible Consistent with Good Work --BUDGET TERMS IF DE.SIRED • Culb 'ertson Chevrolet Co., Inc. Autborbed • CHEVROLET AND OLDSMOBILE DEALER 3011 Central Ave. Newport Beach PhoaeliU HARDWARE J. Ii. ESTUS : . l'LUlllllNG GENERAL ELECTR.IC MNGSS • UFIUOl:BATOU e w•-a DJ8JIWAJ!llll:lll! e UDl.08 • - Pbone 118 -UGI Cl-* llhd.. , I Jho'i I& ... is the_ ooe safe thing to use when J.Oll fly your kite. If . ming gers wee elearicity aii. tmeJ amg it just M Jr will Oftl\wire, dll!il'I~ or .mibruc ...;~ Plq m , -• ~ ...;J for your kite, and Wllftt -1. Ply km in Ul open field, ..,,., &ml · j>Q'.WU lines and ocber 014 ;lfed dwuaa- ticaa, Z. Nc•a•aie·witt,-~ « mealllc Mri"I 1 . ' . a. :ae ...e die -.11 p,mcdJ .u,~- -:.. lf die Jr;iee ~I in • powa u..· Jee IP !i ... .,.r Ip. Qaq't--.pilll Alm z lbe 1m11..q oioiz&c tlle lile, llDll a.Iii» J the~ odJtr ·~ nales ol be !r- m, allo. lJmo •' c:t am . -.,.ai-., ,.,.. ..... Jml ...,. nU,.,.U"r. n. 6-i1'11t M• : (11 . l:DISO• oo .. m . . • ' • • J. ' ' ' s "Dig deep in· anyone's mind 4nd heaTt J .. you'll be TC' wa•ckd and h11 'pay·din'"-]ACI: LINDSLEY. ' I t 1-. . ' I I l Capital and Labor I I 'The current wave ol strikes throughout the Nation la often referre<l to as a struii:le between capital and labor. But, the fact1 is that in America it is a pretty difficult thing to draw a line between, the two since, in many respects, they are identical. I 'The man who spends less than he "":"'51 and puts his sav- ings into U. S. Savings Bonds or a bank 5'1-vings account, or a share of Stock, creates capital. So, while he may be a laborer he is also a capitalist. Obviously, then, capital is not composed exclusively of wealthy or well-to-do investors who do no~ have to WJ1rk for a living. True, there are many wealthy 'individuaIS in the capitalistic group, but m it there are. many more persons of modest means. ~ If there is.a stigma attached to capital or'to being a capi- Wist~d it would seem that some elements in the c;ountry seek to ere$! that impression-then that stigma is on the great mass of Americans who are wise and careful enough with their Incomes to keep ahead financially. 'The American econoµlic system is a capitalistic system and there is no reason to be apologetic because it is. In the higher wages, better products, lower prices and generally superior li'?ng conditions it has created, it is without parallel in the """'1<1: ' . What America needs is r!ot fewer, but more capitalists- more individuals should practice saving regularly and putting their surplus funds in Government bonds, bank savings or in other fo= of investment which will provide safety along with a reasonable return. Capital is liot a curse, it's a benefit And in the final analysis. tJte interests of capital and labor are not divergent, they'are very much the same. · Wives Overseas In announcing that wives and, other <)ependent relatives can soon· join the soldiers overseas, where conditions permit, the war dePartment undoubtedly hoped to ease the terrific pressure put on it by servicemen and their families for speed- ier return and demobilization. . But so many ''ifs" and ''bu~" have been attached to this new plan that already there are rumblings of dissatisfaction which indicate more trouble tbr the war department when the plan has been fully analyzed by the ~ and their fami- lies. :for instance, the provision that relatives can go to Ger- many or Jaj>ari ooly when there is adequate housing, food and medical care available in the area where they would live auto- matically puts a severe <;rlmp In the whole scheme. If no effort were made by the army to provide these facilities-and lt isn't clear' at the moment )f the army will--Oependents ,coold be barred from occupied countries ~ost indepnitely. 1 • Then, tdo, the traditional army systen\ which In this case requires all rmen below the top three gradeS of sergeant to pay the cost of !heir dependents' transportatiop while the families ot those of 1 higher rank will have their fares paid by Uncle Sam simply doesn't set well. And it will (feep many w!V"5 at home unlesj; congress changes this arrangement. Added to all this is tpe regulation that sol~. In order to get prior- ity transJlel'tation·for their families, must agree to stay over-' seas for at least two more years. • So it looks like wiVJ?S and other dependents In large mnn- bers "(ill be -staying home. And our gl!f!SS is that the war . department will hear from them -aiid not In happy tones. To Test Strength 'The CIO is flexing its political muscles and going through ' SQme warm-up calisthenics in prepa.ration for a test of its slrength at tl\e congressional primary elections this spring. 'The first test will come on April 9 in Dlinbis. Later the CIO will try ltsl wallop at the ballot box in Indiana and Ohio on May 7, Oregon May 17, Pennsylvania May 21 and California on June 7. 1 n.e union will seek to defeat Candicates unfavor- able to it and to elect those who will support labor legisla- tion. ~ the present attitude of cQngress toward the unions it looks like the CIO will have pll!nty of incumbents to work ai/ainst. I ' . •• llORTH..MAIN. s . I • I f • ~ - • • ' NWWFi•T ....... ' . I .. l They. ,Say'•• T· Co. . JUJ Pro~ m1ditfe,we ca.t 8= .:J:. ...., Of on H~tal ·Cionditions C':1 i:' ,;,::,:-=rt I I . . ~ N. J. will o,1111111 I ft"1d'nt......,. & r.a s ,,_ ,,...,.:ritMldo:w1w•m&eeuoeafOaa1D: Pl•llP•.,.._.~ "Fr<lm the lt&Ddpolnt o1. ee ... .,' = Jibf Ooun!7 . ftCijilO 1 .. u... .-Mid Ille .....,ti ol. a 10,llC&tm;.!E u a -tbt larp a-al tbe .....,'!!...,. Ito lllaot at GraDd JW7 dornod iqaathe for .ba~ -:iu.ot. 1avilaP ID tbt r-al bodhlduol __ ...,.. ol. tbt tbe bonellt ol. laid bolpltal In tbe l>oldl _,.,. 11*1 ti 1111 - •00 TBiifo a lot.,~... to......_ A lePJ oollllls oe -aavtmp -caa haft a 11abillao ::: tbt:::i::i;·:-=· • and fall-tutu.. and the~ o1. tbt peo-lillll •-it bulb&. A __. fll ...., la .Wtor. "' ho-prica~t~-to~ Ins-= .. upon _tu,....... l toftP!y to 1Mo1.an-...... .,., ... w.......,. -\lntert -la ........... lodMhs maariala ..., .... ,._ Iii a -tlieriiatloal ..n; di-and .,... Mlp to ...,_t .se.) their cbup, oftldal action on laid r-onnri<lao llde tbe .bUniit to -...... ....., ~ ltDJed -aft..,.. btot Ito --W 'be bU. It Da"--f.,._ la -..._ . -. and &aid Grand Jmy -•tlou al bundac ,,_II, -~-to mab ........ 1iJ1oat tlla woalll toad to _,_ -~.:..i.-~ 'traaoib WHEREAS,, J~ 15, 1916, imanlmoualy fed that - -Ins kipcei lul'll m;:--r •· --••:lltr •:•"¥~a lioD _, --JOITJ.-_. to -bu floen "'°"''-• ~~ 0ranp , 17 Grand Jury may not b@ In -tllY''l'ftb 1m-I---'''----.:.----...-- • II la.., o+Wl7 "'7 • ••11tJ, t.!o-........ ~ ·~o ., .. • . ' -a , to Ibo boud of P!'OYlnc the --exia"-at • • 1 ~-"" '-to .... a=,. i. ----~... ----'-certain......,,.. aald ......... , or •--·~··-I na#rzz' =a oat• ---.-..... Ura-& ....... of ..... Iota -~ G• I •= &d et ............. ~·~ r: --a-"-t ~""':1&4& ~ :"..= ~:.r~ ... "' ~ 111:,.i.t .:·::.='rt~~ .. ~ U:~tst...,..i.;'i.a~ 4:"'"1111j11n' +a ... 1 t ... ~t11e"": ::--"'<ODductlnc --~lit'=U''W~' _lber, "' 111t1 wm I • • I kill moch pnclou tlaio. s.ntoa of membenblp In tbt United Na-:t!'.. ol. and' condlactlnc of tbt NOW, 'l'HEREFORE,' ,.., tho )L ==t a. Co.. ._._ ilboltor llleJ ..... ord. .... are cinahls -· • ...._ 110t -la ~ the oelnob Oranp Coun lfalPtal, and at Oranae County Grand Juey fs -• ~ t eo--ptopHlll loaldtl~ attn .n ,.ar. '111o7waat--ol......., 11&"14!&1 In~ tbAt'tlme nq ted.Nld boud to 1945-46,-., to expi-OID' illo-•m• ... -L • ...... !._l~J .\:.•.= to prot.oct ho-........... ~ lo u .. ; .. later Qiaa llio7 -pt IM!t -to the wljole -1 ~ al Mid~-apPrOV&! of the lndlff~ of the --•• r- 'bllilderl ''°'" lnllatlon,_,llf.loi'· •i!• and i.bJ ""*"' tllo la-laW&'. Uy ol. na-.• . : . ..--. 1 ore F-'-··-14, board of ~·-•-ot '--·-r---.:...,. _____ .._ .... ta! -1ra1a. ~-·~ -"'· TlleJ an ..,$1111 to --r . ...,..._. --•• ~ nllllp --. ~ • home ..,. -i>t to -ft • 1948;' &Dd Inell te wllat action laid COUDl;f u to aald matter. 'I> O ri F S · . clelat, ..., -dola;. ~-J• faat u their local 'balldu eu 11..-14 ~ s.,, !I•• f-9af-~ "'!Uld ., to aid boo-!'--.! unanbnouoly thJo 14th . ~ V ~-. --~ •--'-, -~ -........ -t thel> l>eado. ...... of --outa ''HowlpJ ~ -'~, •'""~ day of F..,-··-·. 1~• . •----• --, -•'* one of key <Cm!Ollllc and oOdaJ '"~ boafd of au'per-·--• ~ ~--~ttur;;.=~ ~n •01,..~'!.~(lta--~-~!f .,...-of tbt .poot-wv doer tr. vi..-. bu no """-!._.. tt-EI.MER L. CRA~~n. Fna .. ~·--6 f . I ~'!. e ..ainat Wlatlon thu •-, i_, &a .n ...._.. fll ilJ''" It can be a -·'--In the --,.-_,.-..,...+-------< T • • ' ce~-iDIJ aa atard1 wallt will ~a) Jl&T ~ ...... *im· ~.... ..._ ~~l. ' ' · '----~------...:..._ '•·I• • · I · ·-_,.than ... tape ~·· ~tural com"1itloi! "I ·~~of,...., -1 p e· p I e r-:::::::--:-::--11 11.:·~IXl~M~a= .... ~-A~·~·~..pt.~~J.CllN~!J -keep o11t more ~ r . buildtra would 1nv-ii&: ii . omy-or It be OM' of. the Bi• f• STllATEGY now lo to could. ... -imaw. a atumbllns bl~ t ..W trip us ~it,' Lumw I" - Powor ft• ·..utloc pr!,.. • no!-~re-mluaof &i .... ~ 1'_.!. Into a tubae dep.-ioo, aft..r the deotlal pro~rtJ. ...,. " ._ ~• .! . !!"•,.. urgent poat-war general consumer • apd I a..i old, lo allocate buildJDS -te-matter ... ~ ta till! ·J!F~ demand ia meL" • Walter , executlw--ol. O L CTTT T V new real .. tate. Allocati .. ma· iJ ~0-. bl!ill cl>ipllf1 to Chad .. W. 11aac1!, J>rOt_. of has been ed to his home for Ool-'ll'u 0 Al lit rial• and resulate the lraiiafer of robbery" •• are~ iii the Weatern~ of N""'1'9<t. Buildlns Material. • U ~I. terialt means civinc 10mebOdJ :• · Ynde:r • Ceilbic. ' s u 'E al •··· t ch f fl • --... :&.•-•• •~d · ria:ht to ••J who can bu.lid arid o..-o tate lilvenltJ"-' nough sever UA..7"' a ou o u .. .,.... - _ _ who can't. A craftJ •....-, Govtninwrt'• moral obllp~ food ia wuted annually in the and initatfun jlltinl from the COST A u.,., .. ,.,_,.,,....., • .., Iii<._ Tu nator" with auch authority could to bome-aeeklna Mnice men AH United Sta~ to feed t},ie f1ve New removal of a . ~ 81nce he re-. ~ --.__..,...... i soon have a gTeat 1nanr fellow three: (I) Help buUdtn pt sood En1land 1tatetl or to feed the hun-turned from, ~ p to New York 'LUMBER CO. Your ~~ ~ citizen• doiag his biddins. Amari· bulldin1 materla:la · qu~J to ger-.ridden countries of Belgium.· and Atlantic . He was un-• I ca nteda a V-B Dar on bmuaa. make iuftable. amaU bom.es. (%) Hblland., G....._ and· .....__L....._ able to attend th · oftlcen' meet· "· £. HOITIJ"LEft _m '*'...,_,9 ·at C '. Besln no public worb to buaJ • '"" ~·--41 Ceilinc pJ1ces on old rafdln· the buildin1 trade• until the hon1e 1Jovakfa." ing of the ch of commerce IOI W. •• ~ ~, tilll property is an absurd idea. need 11 reUPed, (S) See th•t Monday, to w c he was elected. I ~==iii~~~~~~~ii~!.:=~~~~~~~~~;:: There is nobody In my state able mortpp money is not caretesal,y Captain. JI'. 8. Forlmer, Army lut week. "- to umpire the tr•r:'afer of o\d lhro:-n around. Bank loans ought ~ m Mulla-"l ask every J . B.1 McN y who hu con· PROFESSIONAL' DIREC~ORi)" homes in niy town, much less lo be easy on we:IJ-bullt hou~• party contemplating a GI-Filipino ducted tport · · d ame fishing ex-. I' . I I roun. Soch law1 an only made 'and impouible on poor onea. marriage to know that a Filipino peditiol"ll out harbor for the , -------------------------l oom1ng to the United States wjth put 25 years, Is t present wlth-1,... ___ •_oco __ UNT __ ANT ____ ~ PllYBICIAN&•SUJIG-NS.ILD. Nothing to Live for? her American husband will not be out either a. r or game fishing I accepted socially: Her children will boat. Yet he .. boats of other !.o.-S r.u WJ.!.?',~ H. B. Hall, M. -D. Wh Child Be tif I W ld f be looked down up:>n by other .descriptions, t including row .A.a\lt.orUed ~ u.. u.s.,, Sla&eil ~ · y, ' 30 ll Of • children. Such discrimination is to boats. Heh J added two new W7 Departme1:1it io .rePl'Mll'.li cUati. ta Pll.J'*Ua aad a.,._.. be condemned. But since it is a Dolphins fo~e coming season, coDDeCUoo With 1.Doo11:1ie iu: mar.ten. Hours: 2-5, by Appoln~t .. fact, it must be taken into account which he e ta o be the largest ~iNo•~i;:. TelephOne 2620 , by Filipino girls planning to marry ln years, at ay Front pier otn. ..... .,._. 91....._ o.... ._ , WANDA WILLIAMS (18), taller, stately eucalyptus fringing Grs." and boat rent ncy. n... News-& ....... Ul BNMlwq Oona •- a 1kyline with green, deod.ars W ilmington, In suJcide note- "l decided that If something didn't happen ln 1945 \o make life worth living I!d quit liv· ing. It didn't . I qui\." spreading straight to heaven and Rabbi St~pben 8. Wlae, Co--chair- palms bravely withstanding the man of tbe American Zlonitit hardships of city streets. Violets Emerceacy CouncU -'The JeW'I and lilies scented. the spring air have virtually iiven up all hope and roses bloomed in unutterable of ever llving again in eastern • • • And yet all during that loveliness; aweet stocks were fol· Europe. The gates of Palestine year the sun rose in the· cool hush towed by fiamJng zinnias ot hot must be opened to European Jews of early morning, gilding distaht mid-summer, pink and yellow and now or never ." ' hills, flooding the windowg of mll· rust chrysanthemums of fall by lions of homes with light and the red berries of Christmas-a waking people to a new day. Some-never -ending panoply of beauty. times the wind blew and the rain Great musicians played wonder - fell, answering the need of thirsty ful music and oth~en caught it growing things. ' on records so that all the world Jamee N. Botterly, former chief appral~ ln New York State for the HOLC-''Honorably discharged veteranB deserve something better than a return to lite in barracks even if such barracks ate labeled emergency housing. u • All that year babies were be-might hear. Artists dreamed. lov~ ing born, brin~ne joy tO weloom-ly lines and colon and put them ing homes, and little animah were on canvas for all to behold. Books being born, cudly kittens and pup.. and magazines were filled with • Darryl Zanuck, RoUywoocr-"We pies for children's playmates, colta poetey, stories and ar't.icles on_ cannot keep putting whiskers on llaucbter-' and calves and lambs to frisk in everything under the sun, familiar all Russians an~ bWJlooses on all the field5, little birdl to tumble and near, far away and strange Arabs. Our audience of the future State. Next Y ar from their nests in experimental for people to read and enjoy and know better." ~ children." filght and to grow up and fill the learn of something new." air with song. And. sometimes. a The world wu full of life and green tuMJe. or a wild duck with love, happineu and sorrow, two a .broken wmg. would seek sane· wars ended. peace and liberty came tuary . in ~ aty garden· where back to the little people of the humrrung birds ret~ed year after world, and yet 1n it all there was year to sip at twihght from the "nothing to make life worth liv· ever-blooming trumpet vines. All that year trees grew a little ing." W.B. CROSSWORD PU%%1E AC.OU I Slacka S Broken spl.te o1 sratn 9 Licit 10 Cbaot llRuued mountain "'"' 13 Uvtna If PenntylvanJa (abbr.) 15 Dt.patched 17 Performed 11 Greek letter 20 KetUcs 22 Natrlu.m (qm.) 23 O.parted 23Anlm&J valued for lta Im 27 Portion of curved line Z9 Narrow inlet 30 Streaa 33 Barrier against water 36 Ell:clamatioo 37 Precise 39 Fresh 40 Mischievous sprite '2 Ornament «Norse 1od 45 A \\'Ord f,7 Serious 49 Shqp .... u.. ............. . 3 C una falan1> 28 Revolve1 t Slu!mber around .__., ........ . N• ... tlS 5 Talk 30 Wfile.rcratt 6 Boy's niclc~ 31 Fr'uit name 32 Nothing DEFEND YOUR HEAl. ORAJIGE OWll Lmnber 'and BuildiDg Bay District Lumbe -Ull Ml OOA8I' BIS W~ ' • BefOre YOll B9fld - LUDLUM Carpet ·--... --..... - Modem '8d Up-to-J}a WITH Armand Monaco ARCHITECT 814 W. &¥ Ave., Balboa Newport nu 272~ Lakew~ Ave.· Loo ~ NOrmandy .- DENTISTS I Dr. Obed Lucas DENTIST Pb. Hio . NEWPORT BEACH INB1J&ANCE Ne1" York Life Insurance Company DON B. DUKANT . 428 On:hld Ave. CORONA DEL MAR MOBTICIAN!t ..Harold K. Grauel . Chapel ''We Ourselves the Better Serve· by Seiving Othon Best" Phone Newport 5411 Gonion !If-Grandy, 111. D. Pla7lkUa ~ Swaeomi Ninth and Oentnl A~ Office Hrs.: lC>-12 a.m.; 3-5 P.m. Telephon• 37 Dr. G. E. Tohill ~ ... 8-raew 2209 Coast Blvd. NEWPORT BEACH -PHONES-- Office 28&-W · Res. 288-R If no answer, call Newport 5 ' Gerald Rauaa, M. D. '2830 West Centnl Ave. NEWPORT BEACH Ph. 1023-No anawer call 301-M X·Ray SeNlce MDton M. MuweD, 11. D. 1101 eo..i llhraJ eo-... .., Office Hours' ·lC>-12; W · • ! -N-rtUO ·-Calllonda 11·----------.,.....l ·- OPTOllETIWIT8 Robert A. Crawford Opt., D. OPTOMETllll!T Eyes Examined -Glasses Fitted 1'181 Newport lloulenrd Plloae UIO COST,!. ME8A 8UBVEYOllUI S. R. Monaco, M. i>. 814S.yA-,.n,o. Nowpwt ITU 1 «I Li-Bill St., I.-· •spl11 TUcker7nt • By Appointment I Siegel & Raub T. P. Reeder, M. µ. .,,,,.,_ .. -_,... Physician tlDd Bar~ lllOIJ Newport BIV<L, Coot& M-1001 w .. , ~ A- Tolepboae iasa·l _ ......... _,I ..... m_._· _'_"'_·_~..:.-tral--N--_ua_'° __ rt_-__ .. .__T_e1e_p11ooe ___ N_e_JU_pw&,;,•_...·..;'!:1.•.:.: ...J i PIANO T&ACllD ' .. 50 hrlplements SI ls indebted lo U Mineral 1prin11 7 Greek poet Sf Strooc delta I a Oxillte <naut.) 9 Part 0( coat 35 Pitchers 11 Thee SI Fo11 19 He.ad {I.la~) 41 Bow ot a Blue Printing ·f aci ties · -11.----. --,--.... A. v.!':W!M.D. • PIANO TEACHER I ! G. V. UNSENBARD ~~ft--Graduate ou.u-.,.,. • llo)'al <Jomeiftloey, JApa!c ii Ph. l252·W ~e;' ... Illa-I DOWN 19 At a distance vessel 1} Spoke I t,S Deck laaut.) l~d 24 Snare 41 Metallic: rodr: 2 Grow old • Self-ceatered •Sba.t• GORDON B. FilliDLA ~-·11P--02 CABINET SHOP SERVICE O•MNIJIS W MD.l.WOBll T. c. JI' , . ._... • Photostating up to 18 in. by Watch for ~pe~Lg Ann~ 2 in. ment Sllop ' 1 1 .._ __ l526_-'-_w_._0cean ___ Fron __ t_~ .. '·~-~..-------..:.J...,a WIDE AWAJD: w~ ·Drqhn I u1 · It _1While tboulandl of workers In Dr. ,w-o. .,_ , -nation moved for aalary ID-I c::bhWractlc. ~ ' .....-wltb tho 40-hoUJ; -u Ph~ a: Cnlmk: ""---• ~ -.ratloa. Brook--..., 1:: -,--,.1 Uno,-.. attempted to establish ·/ Hift ~ ...... .._1 11. 'ro-baur week ts t1nmen. '11-J f J.!14~~~-~· :!~.:.'--!-"~~·~·!!l!!J have been on ... 84-baur Sc:beclule. r oomo 1ll' • Tiie pop.ilation of. the United1t--;:;;,;:;\;;-;;;;;:;:;:::?~"1 Stals, - -139,l)OO,OqO -II Z()WV 111DA "-Inc:r111,1 bf. a.000.000. ...... ...,. ... ~.,. &u=ilCa..-a -In tbt orm!d -. Ille I CI..181C. ---ft.1 Ill .,0-.. am-a at WOllbinSlon. D. C., W _.,.. tllla -1'119 -..._. attdbutet tbe •es1•e .ID ~ j a.w-rtoelndooa...n _______ ,__""'!"",_-;----s }lnll nto. . . ''--+--,,.__;_.::;:;:,a, .. l ' • • ' • -• • \.. J · Residents Declare «<o'Da I M•r l · NEWS-TIMES.· Beach Filled with Debris, en Glass In an opm kl.tel' to Ille ll&1W peCJl!le...,. tlje bekll -- of NewjUt-. a -:of rai-a . clm!nalned_I etfort to keep lt denta, ~ of Orona dol .;lean. 'The inaJ!tta'""-of a c:loan. -have prou.ml tl\at tbe·-bealll>Y beadlj-sd be an - _,th of U.,. ~ lo ID a deplar--to the Cty of ¥ewport Bead! l'n>-, able --Imel !lbould be cieu-vkliDI ~.!.:?~ ~ lMI PAJJ<'l'ING OOlftUCl'Oa . ._ MU a -ed up .,.i ~ cieai>. 1nfor _!!le ___ ·• __ Yfllltothbe~ mpd~ TIDE TARI.ES ™Pl.Ona:NT W#***" • -B ....... ·--.'---_t_I'•~·~•:_· !'.113~·~·~"~•:_ ___ ~·'~'..!"~-·~·:_· ~sn',An~~:_ ___ ...;·~'ff~ "The puup callllw. for proper ~~ ...... ._,, •-~ PAINTING -PAPal JLUIG1NG WANTl:D--HOTELKAID. -..-~ -I· - ·~-o1 f-~ I wceC11Ain' _ &-.. -i.... ~""" .supe11>'..... ~ ...... • I aad DIXJORATINQ Ina. -"!I· ...,. M-;-;war · 1!11....-. J-M. MILLE~ tSS on the atrand. 1ftft U.ied u S~y Hieb Low H1lh Low e. s. MeDoMM --;peldl: 5*8-Se 7 1Mre Drtw, l Frft Bobino~· P1>Wp Jemen. FRED ROBINS Jr. W 20 n:1f 5:47 --1141 l414 Old ~ 114., I'll: lM-W WAN'l'ED--Elqwrt -t mocban-~ ~ fllme 2374-R. A"""-t Al &ad n-. H. PHmIP JENSON 3.9 1.4 --o.9 c:iaota 11-86-d• lcs, &loo ~ -t repair · j · 14-2tp BamDton. 'l1Miy ulud'ln their let-AI>tjBERT J . ALPERT Th 21 12:18 6:'3 U:M 1111 I • man. -lllr. -\t Bay • 15th tmd Cmtrlll' ter If, tile beai::ll has to be fenced 11iOiB. H. HAllILTON 4.3 1.5 6..1 1.5 ·----11 Sh<re C&mp. 14-tfc . SALE T Plano, Sl!IO: !dab ~1_>e ran. n,e ktter ,.,,__ ·-.i F 22 12~ 8~ l:~ •: ~AREi'.JldD.EPalnt ,-;hem iin.P WANTED ~Want refined =....i~~~.:: Balboa Ma,.:w: ~ N rullLl<O Nonca s 23 1 ,42 9~ ·. , l/OUI' -.. call Newplio;t 1047 W<Jm&n to· -t motbor of 2 d>IDo. 2i1 Opi1 Aoe .. -i. Newpoot Be-CDtDJCA. or ----4.1 1.f" ----after f:JO p.Jb. • 10.tfC --11-.., boon! -NI-land. "'--1'-tfe Comer Lot, Central Ave. Dev Sir: U lo our undentan!S-Flctl~ F1rm Name Su :N 2:'8 n:24 '"'JCCAVA'nNG, GRADING, ~ ary. Pb: N. B. 2210. f.tfe It SAI.E $150 pH-wm matd>- mc· that the beadl In C<roaa !Id ~ U 1.0 --111oU1111nc. ._t,~ cbiyeo WANm>-.A.ctlve waman, .,._ 1nc ewd! -c:balr. ER. ecmd., 75x100 ,Best 1..oc.tlon for Income Propert;y $6,000 " -la undo!-the care ol the Oty n. do Jmeby .... ,_ --• -.. 1 ----· See uca1 _... -Jlsht ...,,.,.._ -flDed. ,fllll ateeJ IP'lns _,_ of Newport Beach! The tlty that are ooncluctlns a ._ -..... , - -... • I -Oantrw:lllc eo.. pboo< tns. can Geoqe Glllba, NewjUt -can l~W .... -at ,... mw to "I tbe beach _,th of 1.......i """tradlns '"•h "' at 3ZI New™'lt 23111-J. f.9tp 7-lf.J_ after a oven1np. U..tp 2133 Ocean llhtd.. Ballloe tbe bftakwater. Reemt17 we bad c.nJ Aw .. -Tt!-, Callfor-~ :IS-2tc occaalm to visit that bel<h and a1a, -t1>e t1ct1ua.. nrm Pu•uc NoT1c1: ..._ BICYCLES Restaurant Help _,_ found It In a il<plorab)f condition. """"'of OonoO and 1IA1' Com-plam of raid aalel. or may be filed ' llcld. Rated .-Ra..-, ft....._ • Jt war filled with bottloa, brolrpl and that aold;, ftrm lo -•.P"" wltb tbe Cerlt of tbe ahpYe--. VOGllL'S Botb Men and W-SALE--20 t>:p. ltlarlne D !1111, Balboa Island A cute little stucco Costa Mesa On Broadway. aCBli In ~ room pre-war stucco. · sJw, and other debris. To avoid of the f~ --SQpwW Court. or 11<\llvettd to 100 Kain 11t., ·-· See Mr. SU-• like new. Half orlslnal coot. Gall Injury, -had to be ver; careful. .....,.. In fllll lft P'-ot ral-Frank L. --210 s~ --·-Pil',, 1r11nc1 Newport 22M-w. 14-tfc with 2 pine trees. .A.i.o, the condition ot the ocmfort denoe are aa oww. to-wit: Bids Santa Ana. Callfcmla at· ~-~ .&-E_lectric Grill ---~-rtatlon war one of aad nes!ect. DAVID <:.PmLE CORSON, tor~ for raid iiuan11ano at' .&DY Ba-lWtc WANT TQ BUY-'blpe er _, w. ttallie ~t durlna tho ..... nan~ North _Bay Front, Bal--after the tint publlcatlon ol AL H bin! ID A-1--Wtlta 1272 h.:lp ,.. .. unobtainabl•, and your Irlrncl, C&llf~ thla notice and before the maldnl HELP w ANTED-Male or f-. . --· J!4.. Sa ,,._ or . tmd a-patio for only Calta Mees 10 acres on Newport BML A b8l'galn a._ • -_,. ~ However now JAMES DAVID RAY, 325 c.nJ of raid aale WE WISH to ~our many Local or trawlins Jn '"•k= ,._ ~ ..a57. ,_tfe that tblr 'WCrk 'lhortqe ~ been Avonue, Balboa :Wand, C&llfomla. Dated· F~bruary n 1Na. -for tbelr -and fw -If. No-.....-. R I . $10,000 $1500 per acre _,_ .....,•bat re¥nod, ,... feel that WlTNESS +.a handr tblr 11th E. D. GOODDJL. deedr durtnc our reeent -· Good lnmm. You are,.,........,. ~ SAI.E-fl2-tl. Cabin cruloer, tbe l'ftplll!lltiruty u.. wltb )IOU. doy ol FelJrurirr, 19MI. a-.. of tlle -Floyd E. Hottard -Family. -AIJIJly Kr. Van Deren, tar -motor. WDI roll to l:lther ilirwlt> l/OUI' .....,.._ of DAVJ;D C. CORSON, -estate of m!:he H. l4-ltp 50816 No. Main St., Santa .A.a&. ·=-::A~~::=-· J. M. MILLER the sltuatlcln. or """ nesU..,..:e, JAMES D. RAT. Harriaon, ti.codipetent. ~-a• 10-ftc .. . -1:1111 the bead> ~ In a rorry rtate. ~~~~ -Pub.-F<b. 12, 14, 19, 21. ~ 1946. U.f!.J> "On _Your Way to Bal-" U-tlc 15th -Cm~ • Newport-e Coron& det 11ar 1a one ot tbe 0n tb1r nit> day of February WANT RIDE to Lone Beach r1x INT E RESTING Marine Radi08 I ~~~~~~~~~~l(};~!dtJ\~~Fi~ =~-pu~ '::.~a~~"": A. D: 1946, bet-me, Nora s'. ~=J! :-11 ~~~~:~ W 0 R K "'"tablolmmedlatedellver;,..,.,._l~'°'l·A!IJfO'll!U••••U• Gertrude A. Waldto~ prifttelY O'W1led -fenced In to Margwartb, 4 No,tary Public 1n ,,.. undenlcned cloeo hereby 12-ttc •te 1'&111!' of .mos. Your In-W ·h' Maoh' Wm. W. Sanford be kept clean! If the beoch ,..ere = ~~inecundulty and-=~~· oertl(y that ... are conductlnc an WANTED RJDE-Ber:w.en Balboa Pleasant Working =~~ :i~ [ 88 ~'!!.;-'! m.-sJi Marine BRO~ :wmi _siven a rood l'l•anlnr and enouah c -·-,· • Y ·~···~-Wanta' wur --at 1211 and Condit' o ,.,.,.......__ ' ·~t'1"'"'"".' ,._al unlts provided, we !ttl the atoned and rwom, pononally •I>' 1213 Gout Hl&hway Corona clel 8and30 Lor Angeles5. ·30Arrlve L. A. I na ,.....,.....,. Ph: 1104. 9-tfc -f'Or' All •1>11 fllme 234-R po.-David C. Conon and Jamee ' · a.m.. depart · p.m. Inter· P'IRE EQIJIPllENT TIC8T8 -Ptall: ap -1>1Dnl7. D. Ray, kno'f'I to me 'to be th• :~ :i::,1~ ~ th~:i{ ested In drivln& alternate wttks. Learn C-O-Tw-o, Pyrene • 111e.m renn.. · llCllULE'• Corona del Mar penons whOMf names are subocrlb-PENTHOUSE and that rald firm 1217 Eut Ocean Front, Balboa T E L E p H 0 N E 00• .tbted Qr.em ud Portable& w--, ll•bblwe llbap Small 2 bedr'OOm home and-· ed to the wijhin Instrument, and Is compised of the following per-l4-Ztp now .-s&l>le. ETS HOICIN • >71111'.f-porl Bbd. co.ta -rear of lot, good location, -.~cknowledged to me that they ex-sonr, wbooe names and· addresses ll&At!W AlDll 11 · Op ER AT ING GALVAN, 1000 eo.at Highway. Pbono ntlll -of hlchway. -· • ecuted tbe s'l"'e· are aa follows, to-wit:. , ' COLD and MACHINELESS Phone 1S84. 73.tfc C te A ail bl $6800 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I Dee Boyd, 1211 Coast HJ hway w AVES Increased wage rates arpen rs v a e have hereunto set my hand and Co d l M Calif g ' TIOW in effect. .. WANTED-Snowbird mast,· boom for ~neral maintenance affixed my official .seal the da}' ;:;:a H~nde~n n_3 Jasmine nntlng and M&nlcurtng and sail, sail racing duck, not and repair and year in ,this Certificate first Co d 1 M , C allf ' iqveot.ng Appolntmenta Ph. 179-W Apply out of shape. W. B. Power, Mari-o. Z. ROBERT&ON bo ~ Wrttt rona e ar, , Vi's Beauty Shop posa Drive. Redlands, -Calif. Call Newport sa New 2 bedrm. home on good CXll"MI' $7500 . Ex~llent Lots of good,,nlues. a v NORAei;>S MARGW ARTH d Wltnr essJ their 1h946ands this 2Sth 1103 Coast Hlway, Corona del Mar Southern California ' 14-ttp '2-tfc N t Publi In d f Or ay 0 anuary, · T J h 0 ary c an or . DEE BOYD . 76-tfc e eor one Company ALL PLASTIC 12-ft. 110-lb. TOP-CUSTOM CABINET WORK-Ro-·• B lb I I ange County, State or Cali· JANICE BARR HENDERSON. L08T ANY> ll'Omll> a 100 E. Bay Ave., CJ.CAR BOAT and CARRIER. pair work and remodellug of all ~ oa B and ?ornia. State of Callfomla Balboa now on display. Other models kinds. CUstom built-in furni. 2 bedroom ihome. furn., and l.noome Pub. Feb. l2,119. 26 ; March 5, 1946. County of Orange.~.· LpST-Bunch of keys on South M soon -dinghies. sailboat:S, run-ture. DOUGLAS BOAT I: Apt. Uttle I&land. On this 28th day of January, Bay Front, Balboa Wand. Please abouts, cruisers & paddleboards. CANOE CO., 2819 W . Central $15,500-Terms NOTI ~0-12575 • A. D. 1946, before me, Nora S. . re turn to Joe Beek's office at ~14i,i North M:&ln Street Plastic Water.craft Co., 703 E. Ave. Phone Newport 2634. a OF OUARDIAN S SALE Margwarth a Notary Public In ·Ferry Landing. • 14-Uc ~IA Ana Central, Balboa. Phone 683. 98-tfc Fine Lots at $4550 & Up OF REALPRIV~,!!'P8. ~ AT and for ..dd County and State, _._..,.,..._._,._ w•----or 14-ltc. -----------~·~ ~ personally appeared Dee Boyd and ~~·~• -·-¥ 11 KEYS · 12-tfc Jan Hendenon, known to me to be WD...L DO housework by the hour. Mk the Operator for e FOR SAI,&-One 10-h.p. Outboard Made Wbile You Watt In tbe Superior Court of tlle State the persona whose names are sub-·Phone Newport lMl. ll-4tc Chief Operator motor, $150; One 10-ft. water-VOGEL'S of Callforqta In aad For tbe scribed to the within ·'.Instrument 88-tfc proof verieer punt, ~in. beam, 100 Kain st., Balboa Comity of Oraaa"e. and acknowledged to me tbat they CARPENTER WORK by hour or BALE KlllOELLANEO $75, witb oan; One 1-in. centri-208 Karin•, Balbpa I.rland l executed the Kl1V' day. Telephone 1805-W. 11-ifc 11 fugal water pump, $45 ; 760 feet M--Uc In ttie Matter of the Estate and · • DILLE • McGUIRE La M ~ m' t I bl $76 2807 v G ardi hl ' I BLANCHE H In witn... whereof, J hav• WILL TAKE CARE of chlldre « wn ower, ,.. . s tt ca e. . Ula H~N~ i:competent. · hereun!o aet my hand and attlxed ,Cori>na del Mar. Phone N. ~: $8.75. Comer Acada and Paclflc Way, Newport Beach. Ph: 458-W ELECI'RICAL APPUANCES and NOTICE ,.,, HEREBY GIVEN my offidal seal the d~y and year 550-M. 2.tfc Drive, Coron~ de! Mar. 14-ttc after 4:30 p.m. 14-Uc MOTOR!! repaired according to tb ..., di • In this certificate first abov• KUSIC.&L a KADI factory apedficatlona by \)IS-at E. D.~el!,guar an of the written. REPAIR and REPAINT your FORSALE-Largecapadtywater . O '! ABLED VETERANS. W,!Jrk peno_n and estate ot Blanche H. Pub. Jan. 29 ; Feb. 5, U, 19, l9'6. ahlngle root. For lmmedJate softener, almost new. Phone BEAUTIFUL Spinet type mirror guaranteed. Agent:, MES A Hamson, inoompeten~. will sell at service call Newport l789-J·. N. B. 199f...W evenings. 14-4tc piano, a l?argain. Terms. Dana-RADIO &: ELECTRONICS CO., private tale lo the highest bidder -'-. l2.ft FOR SALE--4-hol d !ree Sclunldt Pian Co s2o N Main 1974 Newport Blvd. 3-tfc upon the t1'rms and conditions CERTIFICATE u..-BUSINESS c e eep zer, Sant 0 ·• 0· hereinafter mentioned and subject Fictitious Firm Name DIPLOTMENT OP'FCBCD 18 $325. Phone 119-:iJ. 14-2tp · 8 AnL 8-tfc FQll .-.T " Cl to confirmation by said Superior The undenigned does hereby EXPERIENCED CARPENTER---FOR SALE-Girl's bicycle. Good GOOD used pianos. Some u low WILL EXCHANGE 2-bedroom un- Court, on Mrll:ch ,11th. 1946, at the certlfy that he is conducting a Steady work. Phone 2007-M cond. 709 w: Bay Ave., Balboa. u $89. Fine tor practice. Euy furnished Apt. in Long Beach, · Lot On Peninsula Zoned for Duplex $2750 . Bay Front Lots Several Choice Ones 2 Houses on 1 Lot At Corona do! Mar $18,500 Home On Peninsula 5 Bedrooms. 2 Baths. Flreplace. $16,000 hour of 10:00 o clock A. M., or Diesel repair and sa.l~ business at 12~ Phone 2317-W. 14-2tc terma. Or will rent. Danz.. Belmont Shores district 1 block tb...,aft., within the time allowed 1301 Coast Hlghway, Cty of New-tp Schmidt Piano Co., 520 No. Main from bay !or unturnish~ hoW!e W. L. JORDAN by law, all that certain real prop-part t¥ach, County of Orange, ~TAURANT HELP WANTED BLACK Cocker Spaniel, 4 months Santa Ana. 8-tfc or apt. in Newport area. Phone 700 Eut Central, Balboa erty belonging to and owned by State o't Calltornia, under the fie--Apply Electric Grill Balboa. old. Phone 1802 days, 2017 eves. N B 2560 l4-4tc Phone 153 18-tfc:.. said Incompetent and her said es-tlUo~ firm name of DIESEL · ' 14-ltc 13-2tp Z!!nith Portable Radio · · · --'--------- tate, being tbe house and lot lo-SERVICE and that rald firm Ir -. W.&N'nm TO W a VACANT -QORONA DEL MAR cated at No. 3208 West Ocean compared of the foU-..c perron1, WAITRESSES WANTED -Bay HOUSE TRAILER. 8 x 28· hot All wave. Batter; and AC-DC. w ANTED-Small house or apart· Partially completed -oo Front, tn the Oty of Newport whole names and addreues are u Shore Cate, 17th & Coast High-~::::. ~~:'" ubu:it-in ~th. Playa on boats, auto bus, trains. ment Newport or Coeta Mesa. eut aide .ot Jumine, south of. Beach, Orange County, Callfomla, follows, to wit: way. Ph: Newport 2344. 14-tfc S~ 4 Compl n~ e~ MESA RADIO & ELECTRONICS Call :if4s.w after 5 p.m. 14-Ztp Fourth. Price $2600. Holt, 4015 --------=----1andmoreparticularlydescrlbedaa Frank B. Lewis, 1010 Coutw·~~ Hlh··• Ibo' ~-~t.~lN eteyBlvd.----1749 N,.. tBI"' _,_.A.ve.,LorAnge!eo.Pb: follows : HJchway. Newport Beach. Call· ~"~ -g ~·00 Y to ~a ~ ewport n~~ I .,_ •~ ROOM OR APARTMENT wanted N0-26162. 14-1tc -------- LOTS In BLOCK 32. NEW-!ornla. ,work In restaurant week ends. 750-.1. 11.ftp Coota Mesa 14-tfc by 2 employed girls. 1'1.-l------------ PORT BEACH, u per Map WITNESS my hand this 4tb doJ' of · Phon• 2268. U.2tc Fltt Place and Klndllnc CryStal, Receiving Sets 1763-W after 4 p.m. lMtc FOR SALE-In New.port 5-cb. thereOI recorded In Book 3, February. 1946. . w o· 0 D . $15,000. Income $100 per month. pace 8, Miscellaneous Maps, , FRANK B. LEWIS. F'uBLIC NOTICE Delivered Bakelite cue. Whlle they lut WANTED l>Y ~ Toi&-New modem rtucco, furnlrlted, R«>ords 61 Orange County, State of Callfcmla ). ~ "2.98 --ployee, 2 or a -2-unlt court. Tile rinks. &><ible Call!ornla. County of <>ranp l a. . H. w. WRIGHT-Ph. ~ "' bou•. p_,,.,1, PbGDe -carace. has wiring and plumblnc TERMS ~ CONDITIONS On this 4tb doy of February llcen>ed !or the rale o! alcoholic 1784 Newport IDvd. 3-tfc MESA RADIO & ELECI'RONICS Ana 5829. 80-tte rea<\y to complete third unit. OF SALZ: pull, In lawtul money A.D .. 1946, before me Nora S. beverages. 1749 Newport Blvd. Ph: Newport 1003-W. U.2tc of tbe Unlte\i States: at least ten Margwarth a Notary.Public in and ' CARL H •RAY MeCULLAH. Coot& Mera 14-ltc WANTED TO RENT or l•are. UD-u;;;;;;~;'i~~;i----...;;;;..;,:: percent (10~) of bid to .be paid for rald County and State, rerld-PUb.-Feb. 19. 1946. Light Bulbs • --"-& E · turnl¢ed house. Phono Ul50-R. --• llllJiUf • cm or before U-of rale, and bal· Ing therein duly commisaioned and Cords E .acv UI merson · 5-tfc LG.U. tiD "W n ..... El .... ance thereof to be paid Upon con-sworn, pononally •We.-Frank CEBTIPICATE or BUSINESS Extenslon ' Iron Cords, tc. RAD I 0 S · mokeatw or Nib.a-. flrmatlon ,,; sale by tbe O>urt. B. Lewlr known tom• to the per-FictJUous Finn Name . Newport Pharmacy 24-Haur Radio Service WANTED TO RENT OR LEASE lfewpwt Bn'toa ,,_ llaftlp Bids and ioffen are inolted for 11011 -name la subocrlbed to 2108 ~---Front Phone 5. Short Circuit Radio -Fumlrhed houre In Newport &lld Loaa Mr1l 11.._ raJd ~ and -t be In tho within Jnatroment, and ..,_ THE UNDERSIGNED do here-~=• ~ Palm, Bal-Beach, Balboa or Balboa :Wand. -'Vl!l Lido Tolql _. writing, an~ will be received by knowledged to me tbat he ~ by certify that th•Y are conducting 14-ltc -.. 163S-W 13-tfc Permanent couple, employe4 llJ' the uJd E. b. Goodell. at his home cuted the aame. • . a Yacht BROKERAGE, Sales of • .,...-So. Calif. Telephone Co. No dill· at 3000 Wst Ocean Front, New-IN WITNESS WHEREOF I New Boats and Marine Supplies OR.ANGE COUNTlr S'I'EINW Ali Grand, 'like new, one dren. Gall 1440, Mn. Barr, bet. LOANS port Beach.! California, (wblcll ad-haw hereunto set m:} hand and' af· and equipment of every klhd and UPHOLSTERING CO. of the ~Jd'r greeteot pianoo. 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Mon. throush -Is he!eby deslgneted u the fixed my offidal seal the day and character buslnea at 625 Coast Manufactunn Goraeowi tone. Beeuti!ul care. Friday. 12-ttc $100.cio and Up to $10.000.00 -+-• ~ar Ip this certlllcate first above Highway, Newport Beach, Call· Of Upholstered l'umlture 'lbla la ~ Instrument !cir ,the 111&.&L ll:llTAft If · wrlttm. fornla, under the fictltlOW! firm '13 w. ftb St., Santa Aila dlrcrtmbiating bizyo:r. Danz------------ SftUS If you.-d aioney· Payme1lbl to flt Your tn.,,... NORA S. MARGWARTH, name of ROBERT V. STAATS ·Factory and Sbowroum Sdunldt!J'lanO Co .. 520 No. Main LOT FOR SALE-Block G, Ocean Notlll')' Public In and For Said <;QMPANY and that said firm Is 50t West Center St., ~ S&l\I& AjlL f.tfc Blvd., $3,000, by owner. E . L. County and State. My Com-cpmpooed of the following penons, Phone Anaheim tn• collect Radi. , Re • • Neunaber, 195 North Shaffer, mlallon Expires. Jan. 29, l!leO . .,.hooe names In full and places Of 12-tfc . o pamna: Orenge, C&llf. 12-ttc Loans on~ Trucks and 1'ra!len <Notarial Seal) reold•nce are as 1onow., to-wit: Houle callr dally except Siit. ------------ Pub.-Fob. 5, 12, 19, 28, 1946. ROBERT v. STAATS. 625 Coast ?ORON.ADO . Stlb. ~te rtock ot tubeo • FOR SAIE 4 room, 2 bedroom Federal Finance Co. • ' ~::'.ay, Newport Beach, Cell-Electric Range, $178 factorY !replacement parts. Pb: ""'-· newly decorated, near INC. NOTICE OF INTENTION RACHEL C. STAATS, 625 Coaot lnmledlate Dellvfty , 345· JQ:SA RADIO It EI.EC-ocean or bay and rt.ores. 435 '29 No. 5,.._ HJ Auto Ba .. _ _, TRONICS 00, l'IM Nwp:wt Goldenrod. can Newport 281-'11. Phone 62Xl. Santa Ana. Qlllf. TO ENGAGE IN THE ,:.ay, Newport Bea<i>. Call· a.-tb· -u~ -I ' 9-tfc Immediate poaeuJon. lz.6tc S.Ule ' ~~~~~OllOL· ~~~this 1sth 41y Pel1D8Ylnn~ Oil Rti:o ~ ::::.,;-::::.. Open For Inspection -"rs1u+a • n · • ROBERTv.STAATS Gillon.·~ --a..-a•.-anat1• Sunday · roaSJliOO;Two6.50xls-.... February 13, 1946 RACHEL C STAATS to.._. wtlw -cm larp Beauutul· 2 bedroom Cope Cod cap tlrer. No patcbm. - TO WHOM rr MAY CONCERN: Stat• of Callfcmla l W estem Auto Supply o ,='• AD -~ -.. Ready to move -In 30 Newi><1" l~R. ' · ·U·21e NoUce Is benby given Uiat flt-County of, Orange ) a. ..,._ DNJor t ' ~ L. BAJOI, 8.0.8. ~ Have It !lnlahed to IUlt A'jn'Oll lWDIW • e =~ ~ r.,"~ µ~~~:.~~ii~ 1811 Nowpmt-.. a.ta= ll..ilo.f'>~-'-Pbh~~ =-~~...:i-~= WILL ~AY~for'll-'G_. akahollc be,·.,.ager at thooe prem-k.,., a Notary Public In -tali n L .>:O Ren•ira ocapod Large lot. A real buy at In roOcl C<llldltlc& Gtoe -.. • lros. ~ u follows: the uJcl Ccunty and State. r<Sld-Jmt .AniTed .lWIUi ,.-_.. tile poler -. 385 Broedway, P. O. Box 21. Orona dol ...... I' FlSHING BARGE "GANDER." lnl therein, cluly ODll1llllaloned -~-._.. .. Aid All m•ir: tubeo. etc. Pb. %U7. Ooota Ma&. -502. 11.ftc \ 'U-2tp ~=~=~=:~~=~~g~~~~~~~~~~~ 11 11. ml. SW of NEWPORT PIER. ~ pereouaUy -eel J10B.. Bart N~ 916 Ocul BhtQ, • NEWPORT BEACH (out) OR. ERT V. STAATS and RACHEL C. ~TTKIUBI Newpm1 Bn-b , • 13-tfc --iWAW' ' ANGE COUNTlr. • STAATS known to me to.be the Dloe' ~ I I " I . . Purruant to ouch Intent! .... the .,....,.,. -na-os are subocrlb-nT .... IL ft. WMJIAI· A!llromt~ Ill • . " ME"BD LA Tl! .MOe p,ai. ~G SANG BOAT & I :AIR y ARD undenlped la •PPlYlnc to tbe Id to the within lnrtniment. -,•• s~· Real Eot. ~ ' -ft Pay Top I Cea, " ' 811 II"~_. DI--•~ 1,., ~~.:• ... 'lloard .,...°!, ... ~tlaa f« admowledg<d to me Uiat they WAllWWW 90 MJr ;& -218 Securt!Y Bids. • ~ ..._u"-1 V.& -·er on-.. ~ •P!>llcatlaa of fX«Uted •tho same. 1N WJTNESS · · , hwleDI, callf. 11-20tp ' .I I, ~Qi,& ' llllPI N,•,w,wt 1 an alcohollc beverace llcteme (or ~OF'. I have hen!unto .. t WANTED TO BUY -AlbatnlL IN n...i.-W •. .. ......... 1 r-llctemft) for -pt-u my hand and affixed my otf!riAJ ~ Newport 110l. 14-lq> . 0 -~ • _ .. !ollowl: . real tho doy and -In tblr Ger-~· . :r:~~ oN SALE BEER. "~te ·-t ··-·-~...-.. WANTED -N1oe -... D~ ~ -~ ,___ n .. _ w , • . •cal P , Anyone dalrinc to .Jli'Oteot ~ ~ ~e. M:''iioiKER: lrle. wm pa7-'!-\:VrlW llj>o< --. 1';;J·-;;_, ""="..=.i'.'" • _l,1Ls >;a l · •• CJ!= , . " = C ( • Ml 0;: atl Ill• ..... m.lllle 1sruance of rucb llcomo(r) may I Notary Public In -for "II" clo ,, __ ,,__ ~ """ e ' • far. far... files a ~ofprotott 'With the Orange County, State of ;ny: N.T CA• - -... . F P. Waldron ' a• _ _., !nFLEal~ ~ -:. • .... •in..... tat.e uu.rn F.q\Wbatioa at , c.antcnda. lf1' OM'"'._ ..... _.. .... ,_. ,.... Ts'! rr 211W. \ ._. ~..._,.. y'""!.W.,-.... s.cr.mento, Callfomia, rtatlnc I ilcm opine Jl.udl 4, J.9tl. ~ -. o_ L 0 9 5, -• ' 0 • l .. w•f ----' . ..,........... ~ f« denim• p-o•idod by (SEAL) ,_ Br 7 I. 78U ·••Hot All~ l)pew1-1111l>i• ~ --7 7 7 as 97 • - T 1 7 T 0 1.-""------------•·,------J ....... Tlw --are ---Fob. 19, 28, llch. 5, 12, 19M. Bh'd., eo..a --. 1 ~~ ~ ... -'n n , • J I ' L S i • ' ' s • • • If It's a Book I l\'e Dave It Or Will I Order It for You. , ESTRELLITA'S BOOKS 115 N ortll Mala. 8L ao.,.. JI Attado Bid&'· • i I 1· • ..... ·-·--......... thio.. • • c..-....... J ..... CmJcl. primed ia bite; Ml cbalkJ 1•!111 , OD J.-c w.d, •.. m.a.ou.t,. pu1togetherwith,_.._.8'a •w. .W1 ewi*si .......,,. and .ki..i...aaa .;dn4: lt'a ..,.. "'"I!" ...i "".._ • .._, -·_ss.••l Edythe Davidson N. Broadway Santora Bldg. Phone 1486 SANTAANA • ' ..:.'?fliltT " , .. "' ' ' ' "1i A marriage license was lS.!ued last v.•eek to Clarence Mitchell, 26, Newport Beach, and Role Bonacci, 29. Mt. Ven:ion. Steaks • Chicken • Spare Ribs • Lobster . • . cooked to perfec,tion ' CXX:KTAIL WUNGE OPEN 12 NOON-12 MIDNlGHT DINNER SERVED 5-11 P. M. a11i1 ••t' t- Visit OUr Beautttul Dining Room <11._ Saoo'I: '"w .... st T1' 1t.F1 - ' RESrAURANT I JI ............ L .... . -I Rev. Sande Attends · Church Confere ~ce · 1 Eas ern Guest at The Rev. Ida w. Sande.-pastor Cor ' na de! Mar Horne of the local Aaemblies of God church, West Ocean Front, attend-_/ ed the recent Southern California Mr. crHrs. H. E . Ruggles, 504 District counciJ of the Assemblies Golde'fl"OO avenue, Corona del Mar, of God churches which convened in have r..s house guest Miu Jane Pasadena. ·Dr. Charles S. Price, F?edefick of Rochester, N . Y. Miss noted world travder, Wutspeaker Fr-ed~ck ls a-niece of her hostess at the evening sesaion. ... and 1s1 in the medical department Rev. Sande, who has been ill of th~ Eastman Kodak company. for some time at her home, has She ~II be here for three months. again resumed her duties as pastoi. Mr· ~uggles is a cou.sin of the During her absence the pulpit has sc:reelcom~an. Charles Rug.gles. been occupied by the Rev. Loraine Rodes or Pasadena. Pac I 05 Den\ Mothers Harbor Stamp Clubs M.eet This Week To l'yteet Thursday ~ Mothers of PacJ 100 will ~t _Thursday, Feb. 21 at 10 a . m. Newport Harbor Stamp club will at ~~ home Of Mrs. H. o . Boyvey, meet Thursday evening, Feb. 21 11139 Ji\Vest Central avenue and at the Mesa· Ra~o shop, Costa other mothers i,t'lterested in' CUb- Mesa. and .the Junior Stamp club bing B also given a cordial invi- will meet Saturday, Feb. 23 at talion to attend. 12 :30 p.m . • . • Mn ·Eu~ ToJn. wife of the ?ttiss Ellen Ann Potter, daugh-forme capt.a.in of the Port slipped ttt of Mr. and Mn. Angus Potter, On a tter rug at her h~. 1610 Pearl avenue, Balboa Island, has Park avenue, Friday and wu returned home from St. Joseph taken to the hospital for a check- hospital, where she underwent an pj. he is expected home this emergency appendectomy. Miss week. Potter ill a senJor at Harbor m ' Mn L. E. Lounsbery 2125 and her unfoneen illness forced Ocean boulevard. Balboa. h;.. gone her to rn1ss taking a schoJUship to Springs where she will ex.am1nation. "" stay th friends. • ® ATIENTIO MOTHERS! ~ Let Us Wash DUl. pe. rs ~ Your Baby's Picked up 8nd delivered l~ weekly $1.50 per eek - ,;:; ;::;~~q~:; _-. tl, .. _ -;i -- , . • - Swedish Masseuse Also Specialist in Facial and! ScaJp Treatments -NEW MEMBER OF QUR STAFF HEAD TO TOE BEAUrY . SERVICE .qooct.~.qood 1 SALEI ~ ' EMULSIFIED CLEANSING TWO wonderful clanaing ---to help keep your lldn lilky.amootb ! Twoy Erpgl.j&ed Clunaing Cnam . ' for dry, 8aky okm ••• T1118J Pink O..ming Cream for normal or oily lldn ••• ON SALE! U/lllRO JIMI OHLY'f •_.,Ir. $1.JI ~ 122 ' "" • P1ne Tolletrieo . Sln!et Floor. I I I CREAM r , ..... . [PINK CLEANSING , CREAM ' --~-.. ....... f t • , \ , •